HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-08-29 - Newport Balboa News TimesTl SAND CRA ·B ., SAM L JFE FLUID. Just can't stay away from the water problem, as it worries me to think that a nwnber of our influential citizens still feel we can do without Colorado river water. That might have been true 20 years ago or eYeD ten years, but much water has spilled over the dam of development since then. As Abraham Lincoln said "more often than not, rruu{ mistakes · change for progl'ess." Some of us feel that the changes in our wells would indicate a definite supply, just as a lush winter of rainfall would replenish the undeground stratas, but do not let a temporary in- crease lull you into a sense of false security. . All the objections oppon- ents can fmd in the ·report of expert 4ngineers about our wells, does not alter the fact that our wells have been get- ting lower and lower and our demands greater and great- er. Most of us do not realize that the barrier between the fresh water and ocean in- trusion is sd small that a break can happen to New- port Beaeh just as it has al- ready happened in some other wells. You skeptics should visit one or two of the Mesa irrigation districts and talk to the men in charge and find out how im- portant they believe Col<>- rado river water is, and how sad the story on their wells. All the talks and all the statements made by both sides must be measured by the facts, and investigation alone can prove them. Get the truth! I + • • Shore Cllffa. Ray Dom bas been doing some mighty nice work In perfecting the bluffs overlooking the harbor at the e8St end of P,rona del Mar and his Shore Cliffs will furnish lovely homes to many people. Drive there sometime and get a glimpse of the expanse of ocean and rocks as the waves spray the abutments. In the distance Is Laguna Beacb and to your right looms Balboa and a skyline that has become more and more outlined with homes. • + + Laguna Besdl. And speak- ing of Laguna Beach. drop- ped in the other day on Tog Erickson at The South Coast News and he let me inspect his nifty plant. Tog has made oodles of improve- ments in the paper and built It into some real lineage, which makes the mare go and the cash register ring. Then over to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eason of the Village Press. Ed wa nts to quit; not so well or as chipPfr as in the days when he ran the Brea Progress. although the Missus is as spry as ever. Watched the oldsters push the shuffleboard around and trip the lig ht fantastic with the balls in lawn bowling, but am not yet ready to hi- bernate on that class of poetic sports. + + + Seaslckn-. Speaking of going d O\\·n to the sea on a ll fours. just talked to Tycoon Bob Callis of the General Pete Co. and he says that Wife Dorothy ad,;ses me the best cure for seasickness is to take Mother Sills' Sea- sick Pills; that she always felt badly offshore and !hat the last time she went to Catalina, she took the pills and has been happy ever since. If you ever get me on the briny again. ru be sure to take Mother Sills' stuff with me. + + • Trlllfte <lllees. City Judge Bob Gardner reports that for week of August 19-24, out of 60 criminal com- plaints 27 were for speeding, paying an average fine of $17.00 each. None were go- ing over 50 miles, thus pre- venting jail sentences, but Boll remarked that while he believed the publicity . CQU)d yet have any effect, be ~ dared "this Is the safest Wl!ek yet an the stteeta d. Newport Beach." • Citizens' Committee Says Fresh Water Necessary Klt?KP POSTED! 1 Ttllll' •••••• SIM 111 ·O &J Sl.UO"'*alC:-- ...... Ood al - -~~ .. N_,._ N ... jiOd - ) tlTOa'I' ON PAQ& I .NEWPODT BALBOA o.l;r o.7 .., Cluaty We ''J :Newspaper 111 'll!o-A.-a. ..... ol Clrc 'ptlp I EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA \ VOLUIO: mvm NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFOll.NIA, 'l'BV&SDAY, AUGUST n, .... ~ 7 ~ • Paul Mantz Flies In Big Bendix Speed Race Army Base Water Supply Said fit for 10,000 Folk Only Over 5 Year Period ''The five wells used by the S an- ta Ana Army Air Base can sup.. ply sufricient water for a popula- tion of about 10,000 people for three or fo ur years and while there is plenty of water at present it is high in organic material and sul- Maiority of City Council Concurs On Water Needs phite." A majority of members o( the I • • ' Hopped-Up Mustang ·chosen By Balboa Island Airman . For Flight to Cleveland Port Delegates I .By WINIFRED BABBllE When entries in the first Bendix T h r " I I e d Ove speed r ace since 1939 take off rrom I . r the runways of Metropalitan Alr- Harbor Journey port, Van Nuys, ~hortly after 6 :30 . a.m. Friday morning, among the 23 contestants "'ill be Col. Paul Sixty-nine delegates and their Mantz, H olly\\·ood·s m.ilion~llar wives attending the annual meet-air-taxi driver and owner of the ing of the Pacific Coast Associa-world's sevent h greatest air force, tion of Port Authorities visited who resides a t ·Apolt'n& aven~. NeW}X>rt Harbor. Wednesday and Balboa Island. This statement was made today Ne"•port Beach City council poll- by Fred Bennett. chief civil engin-ed by a News-Times reporter Wed- eE-r on th<" Army Air base during nesday gave a unanimity of opin- its use by the Anny in training ion favorable to the idea that the cadet flyers , a nd now a mem ber city as a whole should become of the firm of Ra ub & Bennett, mem bers of the Metropolitan W a- surveyors and engineers at Costa ter District system as investment Mesa. insurance against a futurl? short- Mr. Bennett stated that the U.S. age or domestic water in the har-1 Army district e ngineers, with head-bor area. quarters in Los Angeles. installed Opinions expressed by the coun- were thrill~ with a delightful Mantz, owner or Air Services. tour of the bay. Visiton were en-Ltd., is a veteran Oyer, having tertained at luncheon as guests ot.. served in both World Wars 1 and the Orange County Harbor Com-2. He started flying at the age mission at the Newport Harbor of 16 and received his wings with Yacht club. the fint class of Army air cadets Delegates came all the way r Fl d the wells tn the early part or I cilmen follow: Wor ld Wax II. Three of them are MAYOR O. B. REED : "I have located in the vicinity ~f the pump aJways felt tha t we would need an and ta nk near the m8..ln entrance outside source of water supply in on Newport boulevard, while one this area at some time, and this is located to the west of the base appears to be the time. We have and another on water bearing always had cheap water in this grounds dose by. area at our clisposal, but that It wu_ stated by Mr. Bennett source ts failing. that while . the wat~r could be .. Although it appears that joln- aerated, which was done at the Ing the MWD is expensive, it it: Base, that it the water wu per-my conclusion that turning down milted to now through the regular the chance of water insurance to pipes of a city, they (the pipes) augment our present IOUl"Cn would corode in 18 months, and would be far more cocUy than join: would have to be replaced. Re Ing the water dlatrict. said that the peak UR ot the water "Joining the MWD wtll tum out on the Base supplied Z7,000 peo-to be the most economical solu- ple, but that continuous use would tion to our water problem." soon lower the supply. RO BERT ALLEN: '"Tilere ta no -~-------doubt in my mind that we must Balboan Clinches (Continued on Page 7) Ch~mpionship in DOVE HUNTERS Snipe Fleet Race Dodge Costa Mesa in That handsome perpetual trophy of the International Snipe Asso- ciation which has been one of the chier ornaments of Balboa Yacht club since last year y,·hen it was brought back from Chicago by Bob and Betty White, is destined to re- turn for the S{'C'()nd year for the new international champion is Bob Davis, local champion and junior member of BYC. Sept. or Dodge Will Get You A friendly little warning to dove hunlers '-''ho intend to do some shooting around the Costa Mesa ar t> a when the dove S{"ason opens on Sept. l . comes from Judge D. J . Dodge, or Newport Beach tO'-''n· ship. "Don't." says the Judge. Since last hunting season. when Costa Mesa residc-nts wer e sur- rounded by hunters and lived in a state of seige. a county ordinance has been passed prohibiting the u.se of firearms in the e ntire !\f<"Sa area. This goes for .22 rifles, too, the Judge stated. So, if you must. go ahead a:-i d hunt for dove. but don't do it around Costa l\1 esa----or be pr t'par- cd to meet H.izzonC'r . Merchants Ask PIRATES PLOT PLUNDER. PllOORAH-Balboa Pirates looktq over tbe ortelnal map of Ne~·port Bay are pl&1U1lnc where to bury .their treuu.re, •et up their plank. make their boat laadblc and other meaos of devtlmeat for Balboa ""tfl Day., Sept. 5--3.. Le.ft to rtcht .,-e .J'u.a.e Voeel, Sally aa.d Bob Browa aad loan Palmer. -Bernard of Hollywood CLERGYM N SUCCEEDS LORENTZEN AS Nl!W HEAD. OF RED CROSS Fol1owing the resignation of Red Crou canteen service furnish-Chairman Lorentzen, who had Jurgen Lorentzen as chairman of Ing meals, while six are being completed his third term, present- the Newport Beach branch or the entertain~ each Sunda,y. ed his resignation which was ac- Southern Orange County chapter The Red Crou alone cannot do cepted with sincere regrets. He of the American Red O-OS., the the whole project and the com-was tendered a rising vote of Rev. Ardys Dean. vicar ot St. munlty is asked to aid by opening thanks for his invaluable aid. Mrs. James Episcopal church, was elect-their homes to the boys. He also Calkins, chairman of the nominat- ed to the position. stated that the local Red Cross b i.ng committee presented the names Mr. Lorent>en pr<"Sentcd his res-now working in conjunction with of new officers, who were elected ignation at the annual meeting, the Orange County Medical asso-by unanimous vote. They are: held Friday evening, Aug. 23 at the ciation and when called on for Chairman, Rev. Ardys Dean ; Ebell clubhouse. As presiding of-blood plasma is prepared to do vice ch airman. Stewart Dunlap; fi cer. he gave a summary of what their bit. secretary, A . J . Twist . who is serv- had been accomplished during the Mrs. J ane Calk ins, r eporting for ing for the 12th year; treasurer, past year which was gratifying to the Home Service department. Colin Brown. Board members are. all concerned. I said, "The Home Service is still chairma n, Jurgen Lorentzen ; Mrs. Emphasis for the future is on functioning and doing mor e than Ada Alford, Mrs. G. L. Andre'-''S, aid to returned veteraRs and chief it has ever done. Volunteers are Mrs. Stedman· H oar , Mrs. Victor points made were : First, we must needed very badly. There are still Grace, Mrs. L . L . Loveland, T. give all help possible to returned a number of cases on the books Weston Jay, Dr. G. N. P ease. Mrs. service men and their families. a nd more are coming in all the Emma Devenish, Mrs. Clayton Second, always be pre pared to step time... Thompson, Mrs. Jurgen Lorentzen. in and help in case ol any disaster. Colin Brown, treasurer, was not ·L. L. Loveland: Third, keep on the job all the time present but turned in a ve ry sat-Mrs. \V. Young, 11frs. Helen Ran- so that we are ready whenever isfacto ry report. Mrs. Redmond del, Mrs. R. K. \\talker, Dr. A. V. called upon. of Santa Ana, publicity chairman. Andrev.'S. the Rev. Father Noon- L . L. Loveland. blood donor reported in regard to disaster re-an, 0 . B. Reed, C. K. Priest, Nel- chairman. was emphatic in his plea lier that in a couple of months we son Stafford, Mrs. ~1ary Ellsworth, t hat a success be made of the new would be much better prepared, for Miss Ruth Simpson, Mrs. Gretha plan for ente rtaining as 1nany of a lot of ne w equipment is now on Tubbs Mr Har Jd p · k L w • s. o in , . . the wounded veterans as possible. order . Fire Chief Frank Crocker The plan is still in the experi-gave a fine report on the Red Briggs. Mrs. W. H. Calkins, Mrs. mental stage and at present 16 Cross sv.·im campaign with 230 cer-Ruth Jones. Mrs. Dick Whitson. of the veterans are being enter-tified S\\-immers having r eceived Col. J . J . Sailors, Mrs. F . Finster from Vancouver, British Columbia., at amous Kelly el to San Diego, and w~ more than After the tar he came to Hol- pleased with the splendid picture lywood. becorhing sky king or the they got of Newport Harbor as movie capital and achieving tame well as with the mtertaimnmt u pilot ot the "honeymoon ex.- provided: presa," flying moton picture st.an A special '"Snowbird" race-wu to Yuma and Lu Vecas to be ~ ~ by the Newpcat Harbor ried or to Reno for a divorce. He Yacht club in honer ot. the auesta. has recently authored a book ot. The ra.oe started at 1 :30, juot IJeo. his lnte...,.tlng experlencft In tblo fatt the visitors beean their trip oonnectlon. over the harbor. and .... • 5 n He suprrvtaes all airplane ICtDS uled to finish when the bubar for the movies and 1uppliel ewry tour was completed.. ~ de! &•tis type and style of plane that can were assembled on the yacht dub be uked for, and also acts u deck to see an exdtJnc ...i Inter-1tunt pilot. Only °"""· he saya. esting finlslt ot the .._, wbldl hal he cracked up a piane -It was won by Barbera o...im ot .,.._•t In the script a.nd at that Riverside In Sl92. time he wu doullllnc f« F\'ed Jlk.. Coming from ootsido al On,... Murray. Recently he bad a 1tralcht county were Brig. Gen. J-J . acting part In "Juncle Fllcht." Meads and Mrs. Me-al Long filmed In Norlhem California. Not Bea.ch, Alex D. Stewart, Editor, u a Oyer, hc>we'Yer, but u ma& The Log. Edmonds, W~. agu of an airport. Roche. Commi'8ioner al Pllbllc (Continued .., ~ Sbtl and Mrs. Stewart. Goaqe La- Works, Portland, Oregon and Mn. Mrs. Averill, W. R. Martin, Pren.- dent or Long Beach Harbor Com- mission, and Mrs. Martin.. Alvin K. Maddy, secretary, Lang Beach Harbor CommiaiOn., and Mrs. Maddy; Joe Brennan. Port Di.rector, San Diego, and Mn. Brennan; Roben. R. Shoemaker, Chief Engineer, Port al Long Beach. and Mrs. Shoemaker; Allen H . J ones of San Francisco, and Mrs. Jones: E. J. Amar, Port Ma nager, Long Bea.ch; R 0. Wahlgren, Port Angeles, Waahing- (ConUnued on.Page Sb.) Griffith Co. Pirate Court Fines 3 for Violations The kangaroo court oooducted every Saturday night in Balboa by the pinltes is get ting exciting. Scores of people turned oot for the oourt trials last Saturday night when several prominent Bal- boans were penalized for various misdemeanon of the pirate code. Crewing for Bob was his father, Ken Davis. member of Newport Harber Yacht club. The two transported their Snipe No. 3518. Shady Too. to Lakewood. N. Y. "'hf're the international races Y.'ere held at Chatougua Lake Yacht club, Aug. 22-24. Before leaving Bob "'-'SS given a farewell dinner at BYC by Bob and Betty White, v.ith best y,·ishes for t he return of the cup. packed and shipped East sevE"ral \\'eeks before, by ~·1r. White. The Davises are visiting relatives in the East before return- ing home. Merchants, Employes Plan Breakfast Meet In Mesa Inn, Sept. 5 Auto Speed Cut tained each \Vednesday with the certificates. ~~f :~f:~t~r~f.1~~t~:1~ 1 Surf ace Dykes Under Construction and Earl Coppersmith. Backs City Water Plan Pirate Ju<lge Jes.'le Black meted out the fines and stood by smiling- ly while Prosecutor Herb Kenny, .. Sheriff Cliff Petty and De.f,tnoe Attorney Art. Beigeion wnuigled over who should get the biggest share ot the 1-. Lee Day was court crier. .. : F1ned in the course of the eve--- ning were, Al Anderson, general manager of the Fun Zone, soaked $9.95 for not. having a beard, a moustache or whiskers; J~ Vogel, daughter of Mr. and Mn. John F . Vogel· ot Balboa Penin- sula. wllo .... soaked $10 roe ..... ing out ot costume; Mn. l..orDe' Huyck of Balboa, tuJd Al SQ)'deo-. both or Balboa. fjve dollars each. Costa 1\-l t-sa n1C'rc hants and em- ployes will have a br eakfast. meeting Thursday. Sept. 5 at 7 a. m . at the \V elcome cafe, Costa l\iesa. ~~:;h~~··~~~~i,:~~:cir~:~ For Santa Ana River W. ater System mobiles on 101 from 3.5 miles to 25 Observing that during the put 10 years IUs compaey bas pDcl ap- proximately $300,000 in Oty of Newport Beach and Orange coun- ty taxes, S . M. Griffith. president of The Griffith eompony, t1eYeJop. ers of Lido Isl~. today told P. A. Palmer, his genenJ .salea agent tor the harbor ~ that bis ccm- pa.ny is heartily in fa"'°" ot. the city's plan to join Ille Metropol- itan Water District systan_ Amon~ the various topics to be discussed will be, methods used by shoplifters and rubber c heck art- ists: local community chest drive. merchants patro1 service and Christmas street lighting. A short address will be made by James ~1:usic.k of Santa Ana . can· didate for sheriff of Orange coun- ty. Balboan Sentenced On Bad Check Count miles an hour. Signers to the petition were : Gro. H. Cole, A. A. Kemper, J ack Hamilton, J. Raoul La Pearle, A. E. Gibson. V. D. Quick, W . T . J efferson, John A. Boyd, jr .• Porte r B. Sinclair, Earl R. Tib- bits. George E. Butcher. Roger J . \\1a.tson, C. C. Sv.•afford, W a lter S . Spicer. T . W. Thomas, J. H . Bailey, Rob- ert J. Colomb, Bob Cunningham, R. V. Marshall, G. E. Strom, C. J . Shaw. Dale E. Watts, F. J . Vaughn, D. V. Hayes, Harry Cartier, Capt. S. J . Barden, Curt W. Bohman. ' 34 f Balboa Don B. Pedersen, L. E. Brown, 0.arles Campbell. , o . was sentenced by Superior Court Burt R . Norton. L. C. Holland. Justice Kenneth E . Morrison last John R. Foster, Sam Kauffman, Fl'iday to ooe ~ar in the county I. W. Reckman. jail. Eddie S. Tubin. Neloon Stafford. Campbell was a<ljucla<d guilty A. Sandy Steiner, R. H. Winkler. ot cuhin& bed ch«la In Nowport R. L. Boyd. J . H . Ragan. Beach. He wu ordered to i-Y O>arles A. Beechtt, Adeline ·5240 In tw o)""'" to the prob&-Rmai. Robert V. Staats. Max H. tlon deportment a.nd he WU plac<d Sd\adcner, W . E. Ni<do<:ker, J . on probation foe 10 ~an u -11. Brown a.nd L. 0 . Shepard. Construction of t":o adclitional Mearui and Etcheverry. and the spread the river satisfactorily. The stabilizers on the Santa Ana river report of Hermann, Paul, Wiley, objective of the two new ones is to near Oli\"e, to supplement the "The Bailey Report" of the Orange extend the benefit further down three previously built, will be County Flood Control District. stream and thus sink more water started about September 1, by the The stabilizer is built of rolled into the main basin. Directors of the Orange County and tamped clay and protected • • • Water District. The location and with a covering coat of black top THIS IS DEFINITELY in line general nature of these subsurface asphalt, and is placed level acroa with Policy No. 4 of the Water dYkes are indicated on the attach-the flood channel. Packed clay District whic h reads in part, "En- His Jetter to Mr. Palmer fol- lows: Mr. P. A . Palmer 3333 Via Lido, N~ Beach, Oilif. o.ar Paul: ed "\iew. Structures of this char-....... .1-three f ~ th 1 f th "'""'"'en..... eet Uoll:llOW e sur-argement o e. present opera-It is gratifying to • to know acter built in this area help to race and ls apsroxlmate1y eight lions ot the Orang"e County Water that· the citizens al MNe-ort spread the water over the entire feet wide at the top. The entire Diltrict in spreading and idnkina Beach will vote to joia die~ ~'idth or the channel and aid in re-structure ts one inch below the _underground to join the bui.n sup-politan Water Diltrict at the mat- plenishing the water in the entire bed of the river. It ls invisible ply, the controlled now of flood in& elect.ion. Sept. to. 1911. baSi.n. It is estima ted that approx-t r the ~? a1-• b t ot the San Ana r1 ,_, me. o u..u.::-, canoe eu Y wa en ta ver ~ Dori-the -10 _ - An Beraaor1 ot BaJboa. waa t"med 25 cents ror contempt ot court. P. S .-The court record also ,... vealed that a pllant Jllrate ,,_ Palm Sprinp named Rube Miller paMI the $10 fine fer Mia VopL• PP. SS.-'-We'll be oeelng you In court this Satunlay nJcbt. V endora Fined $25 tMh for Violation imately $3.000 will be &pent on n·v-_,_. or t•-~-In •• ? ty ·-,_.. ·----0 ~ lu_,_ u~ ooun on -.-Id --lely ~ each one. Completion w1l be ob-Tiie primary PurPo-e of a "Sta-which nooc1 con,t;oJ dams have in Cry ~ NewfU l Dr C _. Fred eoo.t.in and Luthw tained before the fcrthcomlng bl\zer" is to spread the low now been conotruct.ed. <>rang.. COW>ty taxes - -.... a. ..... both .,.Loo A..-,_.. rainy season. ot the ri-over the full width AJI ·rar u is known. this II the lwmtily In fa...-ol ) • • I Ibo -$'.15 W-y ,_,,... - Construction or the Prado Dam or the ch&npel and thUI ••1tabillie'' only project In the United Stats Meuopolitan Wat<r i.t.kt 1ar .,_ • 30-ay .._,_ -- and control of the flow ol water the river a.nd ~nt cbannell beo-.. ~ IJftacllng II llCOOlllplished the rwww tllat, la -1 • 1 la i:;e -11 Jli1 Oil -... ol baa made this cype ot ~ Ing CUL It ii tNll that the maxi-by IUCb ltablllion In the main It la tlle only --"' e... w,--· t .. Ne•)Nkt -- possible In the river. Thll fulfllla mum percolation ...i recbarce In channel 'Ibe ,method hu been de-tftinlr an ~ -~ • X 1• in part. earlier NUXmnt~ the forebay or in.take am t1 the vdopl!d owr the pat ten yean in the' Jftl'S at 111.. ---..ii !'-C:: Wlft appebes 4Pd wblle in rot:ard to lpreodinC of the wa· water buln o( .()ranp County is by the dlrecton ol the ~ ~ MR• -.. ttbo bOJ' - ter over the entltt channel .._, obtained. Within their aru al In-County Water Dlotrkt, tbn1Qsb QU.ttilfi <lOllPAR'I: =.. ";. ~ ,,,. ';!"" Ob' talned In the reports by Elliott. fluence the pownt 1tabllbion lo-tfn-i oe hp 1) s. M. Grimtlo, Pli •, ; ...i »lzn ti• ~-" -- We Have Our Harbor · · · Now Let's Get Water : · -: Water and Harbor -Made Los a - 7 7 , I . ' I ' • • NSWPOST aaiW).t. lfZWA • ft!!S Nwert S1 drt, NEWPORT BALBOA e I RISE TO REMARK - - - l;--------------,,.......------,IP1SllT l'011m!QCAJl8 <JIRJll(l9: NEWSo.TIMES BON. ~ORN PHILLIPS PBONr.81 BARB()& 1% ... U This is -.-.Titten in Van Buren. Ptllbltetell Eftry Tue9day aad Tkua I :J' Aftentrow. Volame mvuI Arkansas: the home tO'-''Tl of Bob Co9ta II.a l".ddJtioll Pubfl • 4 ~ WedM1da7 Volw D Burns and his bazooka. It is a de- Subscriptlon Payable in Advance :~:50 per y..,. in Orange County lightful little community. and It $2.75 per year to 4th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th zone has one of the best motor.court., the Oaks hiotel. between \Vashlng· Entered as Second~ass matter at ~ PostoffiOP in Newport Beech, ton and California. Last e\-·ening, ______ C_'allf_o_mla __ ._un_de_r _tbe __ Act __ ol_M_ar_ch_l_._1879 _______ 1we ate dinner across the road in a tha.e who have made the IJ"eat contributions to the country. Usually ••e turn at Knoxville and go through Nashville. This time the road was torn up. so \\."e "·ent on. through Chattanooga to NEWS of the CHURCHES I\1emphis. about the same diatanoe. '-------------'I \Ve found that road torn up too! OUR L.ADY OF MT. CARMEL I· must make a note to ask Olar.. 1m We.t Centnil Avenue lie Purcell why, v.•hen there are S'unday v. smi : 8 and 10 a.m.. OF()()8TA JISIUl Tcmpon1y location. -Leclon Hall .... -llln. G. Wlllanl -Put.Jn PMMH11 SUnday Schoo! 9:30 a. m. Momin& wonhlp service 10:'5. Crusad~r servtoe 6:00 p. m. Be...... aeJVlce 6:30 p. m. Evening evangellsUc service at 7:30 o'clock. • PROFJSSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service COLIN' F. BROWN (Baltlor l.U) Ill lilutDe A-, --W . Dr. W. T. Mooney l'llyaldaa wt 8wc-- Nllllll -O..&raa .... ( ................. ) ........ SAM D. PORTER F.G.rnOST Publisher :.. Editor newly opened little restaurant '-''hose owner. seeing our car tap, said they had spent 10 months. a year o r more ago, in California. \Ve asked. of course, ,,.,,.here, and she said, ''Riv£'rside." It's a small world, to coin a phrase. Stanley Batf."S had berter C:\l>lai n how a family like this. after 10 months in Ri\'erside. came back to Ar- two parallel roads. both needing ContealOIW: S&turdaya from repairs, State Engineers always f :OO to ~:30 and from ':30 to have to tear up both at once. Any-8.30 m. Tuesday evening ~ service I~------------' at 7 :30 o'clock. Ir--:------------, IPBY!llCIANS a StJBGl!lON8, 111..11 W. F. DIXON Printing Plant. 3011 --• -Advertlsing Jllana&er \V . Central Avenue. Newport Beach, cautornla Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A Depeodable Lom11-Utullaa for Over 31 Ye.n ' • As Others See Us Active Member of "'ay, we did visit the battlefields: · p. --------or Chickamauga and Shiloh. IT. JOHN VfANN&Y CHURCH LETIERS TO THE NEWS-TIMES lalboa l•land Sunday ldaaa: 8 :30 ~ COftft*f0n9: Saturo.yi. frof'Q 7 :30 to 8 :30 p.m. COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD Rew, James P . McGraw. Putor 140 CabrWo St., Costa Meg ~rvices Sunday 10 a.. m., 6 :30 p. m. and 7 :30 p. m. kansas. The ansv.•er is. that ther--------------'lcoRONA DEL MAB 0011 .. "THE FRIE.i.,'DLY" C&.'"TRA.L father has his business here. but Dear Editor: M1JNITY CONGREGATIONAL BIBLE CBUR<JH the mother and the t\\'O girb are I have been reading about going CllUBOB of eo.ta Meaa I. 8. WHYTE OKIOJD Til COl'llOL'l'.lln AQUtorlaed bJ' 0.. tl'lllled l\Um or.-. .,.,. .Dl!partlql!lllt '° ttP1•111• dlemts I.a -...tloa "1U. 1DIXllDe iu: maa-.. .&ITD1'r8 -· ·1 111m 900SmPISO Danca --.... ...._, .... c..u ·---- ARC lBfi'l:CT A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN -llUBGl!JON ill Clout mpway. -. -Corona 6el Mar evidently working on him! Into the 'Ptfetropolitan Water Dis: Perry Frederick Schrock, Minister . Rev. Dwlcbt Kl•m•a, putor We are taking the trip easily trict and have been asked it all eliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar Meeting temporarily in the Wo--Armand Monaco John K. C. Chung, M.. D. this time. a nd v.·e madP a late the other dties go into the ~t.\V.D. 611 Heliotrope Avenue men's CJub house ~ W Smieoea start. W e try to get away early in v.•on't there be enough v.•ater left Corona del Mar Sunday school-10:00 a. m. ABClllTECT 2 _ 4 1 _ S:30 the morning, but Saturday ·and so that Nev.1>0rt nee4 not go in. Sunday, September l, 1946 Worship service-11:00 a. m. SU W. Bay Ave., Balboa and by appointment The American people are always very much interested in what foreigners think about-the American people. Monday we had a number or mat· \Vou1d appreciate your com-9 :30 a.m. Chiu-ch school. Young people's service -6 :30 11.ut»or 17U Beacon 5075 ters reach the office. by mail. wire ments. CITIZEN. 11 :00 a .m . ~torning worship. Ser-p. m. lttl Lekewood. A.Te. .UO Eut lltll St:ne&: l and phone. so "'e didn't get the car Otlzcn: mon by Rev. James H. Batten. Evening evangelistic service-La. ~ N0rmulllt7 M03 Volta Ilea, Oallfonlla pac.ked a nd away until four o'clock. We believe your letter is en· 7:30 p. m . '-------------' '------------...-! Sometimes their views are pleasing to us, sometimes pain- ful; often they are start.lli)g and occasionally amusing. It ·would seem that the description or us recently given by a visiting Englishma n interviewed by Business Week Maga- zine partakes a Little or all four categories. Wha t he said is worth "'pealing-and thinking about. America. he said, "remains the only place on earth where everything can be completely screwy and almost everyone can still get along quite well. You have buyers' strikes and new sales records marching along hand in hand; you break production records while workers are breaking records for striking; greater supplies or almost everything and greater sh ortages of everything tag right along together; politically, you put in most of your time complaining tha t tha t fellow in the White House doesn't do anything while the last time I was here you were as unanimously complaining that that man in the White House would not stop doing things; al- most everyone says the Government is terrible. but almost no one scriott5ly suggests doing much of anything a bout it except complaining; a nd a long you roll irrationally. irre- levantly. and yet vastly more prosperous and cheerfully than a ny other people on earth." It is quite obvious from his s tatement tha t he cannot Wlderstand ho,\· '''e get along with a ll our inconsistencies. Neither can \\'e. Two Decade s of Sound It's had to rea lize that 20 years have passed since the "movies" bel.-ame "talkies" and a grea t fC \'Olttt ion came to Hollywood. Like ma ny other new developments the ta lkies weren't supposed to last. But like many other new developments they did--""pccially after \Varner Brothers made a couple of million dollars on the "Jazz Singer" with Al Jolson, and then doubled tha t . amount with another Jolson film "The Singini:: Fool." The Hollywood revolution saw some of the "kings" a nd "Qu<'<'ns·· of the silent clays become silent permanently when their voi c"" proved inadequate for 1""ording. Most notable victims were J ohn Gilbert and Raymond Griffith who were then favorites. t But while the talkies were tragic to some they were magic to others. Ma ny actors such as James Cagney, Spencer Tn1cy and Joan Blondell got a chance in the movies lll'cause of their stage experience and became luminaries in the Hollywood sky. Sound has added much to the entertainment value of good pictures but it has made the bad ones worse. In the "silent" days all the patron had ~o do was shut his eyes if he didn't enjoy the pi cture. Now he must eith er use ear muffs or walk out. But after 20 years one thing has become certain-the talkies are here to stay. except that nobody ever goes to the "talkies." They attend the '1movies.'' California Sets Pace "You haven't lived until you"ve lived in California!" That, in effect. L• what California is telling the world to- day. For California is developing a mode of living within the American way of life ·that is distinctly different-and bet- ter, of CQUrse-than that of any of the other 47 states, or the rest of the world. In othe r words. California is setting the pace in modem Jiving. Our California sunshine has much to do with it. The year ·round mild temperatures enjoyed by the greater part of the state encourages outdoor Jiving. Homes here are be- ing designed more and more to fit in with this outdoor eating. sleeping , playing and worldng. And styles or clothes in keeping 'vith that spirit-elothes distinctly Californian in comfort and colorfulness-have been created by California fashion designers. California movies set the pace in the entertainment world California farms head the parade in the agricul- turnl realm both in value of crops and in advanced farming methods and farm labor standards. In the field of banking California's leadership is outstanding due largely to our uo- parallelel banking system which exteods its vast resources and facilities to more than 300 califomia conununities. Thousands of persons who have come here in recent yea.rs have learned to use banks for the first time. Here aEll MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND I t ls astonishing sometimes, even tit.led to a complete an5Wfr and FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Prayer meeting--8:00 p. m. Fri- to us in thf' office. how much the "'e are glad to print same here for SCIENTIST day, home of Mrs. Hume. daily routine of a Congressman's the benefit ot others. Lido Thu.te,., Centr•I Avenue A cordial welcome to all. job involves, and \\'hat varied sub-First, 'It should be recogn ized and VI• Lido jpcts. that when all the v.•ater now Im-A brancti ot Tile Mother Cburcb, As a result, \\'e had an exper-ported a nd dt"veloped In Southern The P'tnt Church of Cb.JVt, Sci· ience we had not planned. a nd a California is utilized, It will only enU.t., In Bolton, M•-chWM!tta. very interesting one. \Ve drove to be enough for about seven and a Sunday School at 9 :30 L m.. Sun· Charlottl'Sville, Virginia, that first half million people, and by ALL day Servtce at 11 L m. Wedneeday night. ?t1 onday, and since that was the watC'r "'e mea n underground Teetimonial MeeUng at 12 o'clock the home community of Thomas sources, the M.\V.D .. the Owens Reading Room located at 111 JeffE'rson, we drove out int9 the Valley and knov.'Tl pumping areas. Palm street, ~boa, ls open dally country about 12 miles the nE'Xt Today there are over four and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. except Sun- morning, to see Monticello, his a halt million people in Southern days and holidays nationally olr estate, and thC'n to see the simple California. 'nus is a conservative served. littlc-homC' of J ames f\·1onroc, and figure. The population increased Tbe public l8 cordla.lly invited to the famous old f\1ich ie T a\'ern. all 2~ii In four years. I t is safe to attend the church eervices and U.98 associatC'd ,,·ith Revolutionary his-ll predict that it v.>i.11 inettase an· the Reading Room. to ry. olhC'r 25% in the next fi\•e }·ears This is Albemarle County, \'ir-a nd 25 "'t more In 10 years. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL 0g1 n1a. It's greatest son was or tr this estima te is correct, and CHURCH t.'Ourse JeffC'rson. but Monroe came l '''e fttl s ure that it is. the popu· 515 west Centr•I, B•lboa h<'re to li\'c, to be nC'ar him. Peter lation in ~9?5 will be not less than (Ebell Clubhou.e) J e fferson father or Thomas a nd SC'\'en m11l1on people and tha t Rev. An:ly• T. Deain. Vicar J ohn 1-IC'~ry, thC' rathC'r 0f 1he m eans that we \\'ill be approach· 8:ao a. m .• H oly Com~union. Patrick Henrv '''hOSC' ''Civr me 1 ing the limit of a ,•allable \\'i\f('r in 9 :4 ~ a .m._. Sunday Schoot liber1y, or g.ive n1e death." is l 10 years or less. 11 :00 a.. m .. Morning Prayer and known to C'\·rry school boy, \\·ere It is also probable that long be-Sermon. (First Sundays: Holy two of the C'arlie!'t Jund 0,vncrs . fore t hig 10-year period has ex-Communion. 1 Thomas \Valkcr left from hl're to pired, the draft on underground BALBOA ISLAN D CH APEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev. H.;arry W. White, A•oclate Pastor t.'burcb School, 9 :30 a. m. Morning \\'onblp, 11 a. m. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Costa Piles.a Rev. Herbert Roth, Pastor St!rvtcea: Sunday, 10:30 a.m. SE\'E.."l'l'll DA\' AD \;ENTISTS Corner Balsa and Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa THE NEWPORT BAJIBOR LlJTHERAN CB1JRCH <To be located on Cliff Drive, Newport Heights ) "A Changeless Christ for a Changing World!" 9 :30 a.m ., church school; 10:30 a.m ., divine "'orship. -Services a t Pl-esent- Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, Costa f\iesa Rev. Herbert C. Roth, pastor, 324 h1arine Ave .. Balboa Island. P hone Harbor 2185-J. "Come Once-You'll Come Again!" F ULL GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd and Elden, Costa Meaa Sunday ecbool, 9 :4.~; morning worship, 11: Evangellatic service, 7:30 p. m.: Mid-w{'('k prayer meet- ing on \Vednesaay, 7:45 p. m.: youcg people's eva.cgellstic service on i'riday, 7 :4~ p. m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church and, Walnut Streets L . Duane Canby, Mlnl•ter. Services : Sunday, JO a. m., B ible Study; 11 a. m .. .&l orn1ng ~rsblp. COSTA MESA COMMUNITY CHUR CH Carl B. Johnson, r.11nlster 124 E. 20th St. Ph. 2475-R Church school, 9 :45 a. m. Morning Worship, 11 o'clock. Youth groups, H igh school. !n· termedia.te, Adult. 6 :30 p. m . E,·en ing service, 7 :30 o'clock. Wagner DruglMa 1.asUtut.. Dr. WUbarO. W- Chiropractlc, Dietetics, Physlo &: Colonic Therapy 19!0 Cout Bl"'-. 8oatll Locaaa 8-11 Pbono ZOSS DAY 8CHOOL Mortimer School SO! Ooral Balboa bland Gndeo: OoUoee, Pl-epuatory SUMMER SCHOOL 0. A. MorUmer, M . A., Oxford Principal Phone Barbor 152 DENTISTS Dr. Obed L~cas DENTIST 220217 w. Central. -· 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST . '.?833 \Vest <JeGtral Phone Harbor U l ·J Newport INSUR.AN CE Lauren"" B. Dorcy, M. D. Physician &: Surgeon SZl Marine Ave., Balboa 1111 .... PboDo Bubor iae Gonion M. Grundy, M. D. PHYSIClAN and S URGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 1().12 a .m.: 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pbyalclan and Surreon Hours: 2-5. -Y Appointment T elephone Beacon 5848 131 Broadway <Jost& M.,.. lfllton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1801 Coast mwaJ Oorona del Mar Office Hours: 10-12; 2-5 Phone Harbor IOU S. R. Mouaco;-M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 1124 HS S-HUI St, Los Aogoleo TUcker 761! By Appointment ('Xplore lhc '''ilds or \\'hat is no,v' ,,·ater '''ill have Iner.eased to. an \\'N>t \"irginin, lx'fore Boone pass.1 e xtent t hnt underground ''"atcr ro Cumt)('rland G:lp, and Gcor~e '''ill be unsuitC'd for domestic use. Roi.:<'r s Clark and \\'illinn1 Clark, 1 d ue to salt '''atcr intrusion. brot ht'rs, bolh born hc>r<'. Jeft 1 \\1(' must fac(' this serious situ- 1-\\IX'marle. onC' to <'Xp lorc the a t ion. \Vater Is bc'ing used up North\\'C>St a nd thl' othC'r tct C'x·\ more rapidly than it is being re· plor e the Louisi:lna TC'rritory \\'Ith !>h.'nish~. C'ithC'r by . rainfall, or t-t t·ri,,euthC'r Le,,·is, anotht.•r home-1mportat1on from outside the area. town boy. Tht"' county has pro-1 The time is not far distant \Vhen vidl'd a l\ltnister to England. An-I fur!hcr devclopm<'nt \\i ll be either drew Stt'Vc>nson, and a r-tinistcr to r nt1rely pr('vented becausC' or cost, ·r urkt.')'. Dabnc·y Smith Carr. a nd / o~ acreage now under cult ivati~n it bred General John S. ~1osby '"'II not IK' uS<'d ~artse \Vate~ 1s '''hose cavalry providC'd a great not avaJ lable or 1s too exf)('ns1ve. dt•:il of a nnoyanc(' to Union forcC'S The cnpacity of the M.\V.D. sys- in thf' \\'ar bC'(\\'{'<'n thC' StatC'S. I t te rn is limited and the l\i.W .D. is nlso produced Dr. \\.Alter Rct"d, no"· care-fully r ('Vi('\\·ing its pro- who conquered ycllo\v fever as i::r a n1 . Jt is pro~able that befo rC' evc-r y movie p;:ttron no\v kno,,·s, IO~J:: no more cities or other areas and \Vi l\1i1m Cabell Rives the ~''111 be accepted for mC'nlbcrship \\Titrr. PerhAps I should orfrr a in !he sr:t~m a nd the doors closed prizc. in the schools, for lhC' l)('S t l to acquis1t 1on of I\-1,\\'.0. ,,·at('r, C"SSay on thC' historicAI bac k· f Sabbath school. Saturday morn· ing, 9 :30 o'clock. Alld·week fellov.·ship and prayer, Ir-------------, W ednesday. 7 o30 p. m. Lincoln National Llfe '------------' 1?;roun<;ts of O r.ani:::c. River sidC' or Christ iatl Science Imperial counties. I'd like to \\Tite a ,,·hole column Text 'Cl1risr J esus' on J efferson. a nd perhaps I shall, The Golden T e:r:t ot the Sunday some of thC'SC' da}'S. He ,,·as one l.e11son·Sermon on '"Chris t Jesus" of tht> mos! intc>rl'Stin~ and able In a ll br an r he s or The ~lotber m£'n this na tion has product'd. ltc Church, The J.'lrtil Church oC Christ, was a fannrr. m usiciA n. a nd a Scientist. in lloston, ls cbos(>n from most in2enious inventor. l {c '''as a John. and r e n ll s . "The Father judgeth no man, but bath com· trnveller . naturalist. a good horse-milted all Judgmt>nt unto the Son : man. and a n C'XCcllcnt a rc hitect. that all m en ebould honour the He "'as a philosopher , mathe ma· Son. even as tbl;ly honour lbe Falb· ticinn, and a linguist "'ho spoke er." or read s ix la nguagC'S, besides sev-A Les11on·Sermon selection from cral Indian la nguages. H e was a J ohn relates that "Jesus "·eot up manufacturer . builder , educator. into the temple. and taugbL And an executive, a legislator. a poll-the J (>wB marvelled. saying. flow tician. a statesman. 1-le built the knoweth this man letters, having never learned~ Jesus ansu·ered University of \'irginia and became them, and 11ald. My doctrine Is not its tint R ector. I-le \\'85 heir to mine, but bis that sent me .... He two great fortunes and died pcx>r , that epeaketh or h imself i;~keth having gi,·en the new nation the bis own glory: but he that eeeketh best of his life and h is abilities. hie glory that sent him, the same 11 It is a sad commentar y on public true, and no unrighteousness ls In s.en.1~. tha t today, as the n, sin-him .... and I am not come of my· cere and honest men sacrifice selr. but be that sent me ts true, y.·bom ye know not. Dut I know C'Verything to maintain the Re-him : Cor t 4ID trom him, and be publiC. bath sent me." George \Vnshington's estate v.•as In "Science and Health \\'lth Key exhausted shortly after his life-to the Scriptures" ~lary Baker time, and he "'ith J efferson were Edlly says, "Jesus taught the way two of the richest nien ot that of lJCe by demonstration. that we · M may understand how this divine time. onroe, having spent almost Principle heals the sick, casts out everything he h ad as Ambassador error, a nd trlumph11 over death." of the nC'"' Nation, lived in a little "\\'e must go and do likewise. else cottage o n the hillside in Albe-we are not Improving the great marle County. So it goes, from bleealop which our hfaster "·orked that day to this. dO\\'n the list ot and aultered to beslo\\-' upon us:1 they have found that banks seek to seive the ma ny instead of the few and that banking services have been developed to help even those in the lowest income groups. \Ve Californians are accused at times of being too enthus- iastic-yes, lioasttuJ-about the Golden State. But that en- thusiasm has helped to make California what it is today. And boasting jsn'l an unpardonable sin if yoo have something to boast about ---and we have. That's why we say, "You haven't lived until yoo've lived tn. Calif . , .. onna. C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ZUNI 0-.. rr-t Newpwt NOW OPEN EVENINGS ' llA.111'8 • MNJ)WJCIHQ • BAMBtJROl:ll8 bCr Preaching SC'rvice, 11 a.m. 11 a. m .. Prayer and Sermon. Insurance Co. Gerald Rausa, M. D. CHRIST CHURCH BY THE SEA Community Methodist 1420 West Central Avenue Rev. E. D. Goodell, P astor Church SchPOI. 9 :50 a. m. Aloming WorsblJt,' 11 a. m . Youth Fe1low8blp, 6 p. m . No e\'ening \1:orship during Sep- tC'mber. M.ld -week prayer service, \\'ed· needay; covered dish dinner , 6 :30 p.m. FIRST METHODIST CtfURCH G. ~w in O•her, Pa.tor E uclld a.t St.wnforct, Garden Grove. 9 :30 Lm. Church ecbool fOI' all ..... 11:00 a.m. Mornlnl' Wonhtp: Meua,ge: ··w • Thank Thee." 11 :00 Lm. Nunery for all chil- dren. during eerv1ce. 8:00 P.m.. Jlethod.Jat Youth i"el· Jowebip. Young Adult Fellowsblp. 7:00 p.m. Evening Worahlp:- Meu&l'e: "'Come y,. UYe.." . ASSEMBLIES OF GOD ftpnry and Ida Sandr, Putora • American fA,glon llu.ll, l ~th a.nd Central Ave. Sunday school, 10 a.m. ~terning ser,·ice. 11 a .m . Evening evani;;:elistlc service at 7 :30 p.m. M.id·v.•eek ser vice. Thursday at 7 :30 p.m. 24-Hour Radio Service HOHE, A1JTO, llABINIJ: RADIOS BEPADED Burt R. Norton 81.5 c.out m.W&T Bercoa 1711 Newport B'a ..... Ollll. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen Yoa &be l'bwt l'IMle to Dime .. Orup Oomlty: All . New· • • Even the Location ••. One-Half Mle Eut of Old Locatlm Cll Out Hllbway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern CaJlfomla In the Seivq of -SEAFOODS-•r.so YOOS lilM crl "'"'118 -YJBtr OUJl Kl'ICHlll'I -I S1•'s Sea Food Spa . and Fl• Mwket -~--0 .. ~-··.., • "It. N.n:ie lndJeate1 lt• Chat~" DON JERNIGAN Phone Ua.rbor !84-R SOB Martne Ave. Balboa 181. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen Nek-.. .... Aeddrc.t !"elide. PboM Bwbor hlN 1 16 It. BllJ' Aft. Ba1bM MORTICIANS . Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ourselves the Better Sene by Servin~ Others Best" PboM-nMIO Coda Meu Oallfornla OPTOMETRISTS E. T. Butterworth, O. D. Optomet:rbt EYES l':XAMINED LENSES DtJPLICATED 0 ........................... Ill' W. o.tnl AM. n. ..,.._ Nil H&WPoaT a&.&CB • Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOlll'.ETBIST Eyes Examined • Gta..ses Fitted l 791 New pod Boa.leftnl ,,.._ ..... MU 009!rA M:Z8.1. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pboae Barbor lOZS No a.n1wer: e&ll Beacou &CHI-& X-Ray S ervice T. P. REEDER, M. D. and WM. S. ffiETON, M. D. • Pbyalclans and Surpona 8409 w. Cea&ral Telephone Barbor 80% Nlght...._1694--W PlJBLIC STENOGRAPBE& Phone Bea.oon 6808-W M. D. Keesling l&M.A Newport Bl..S. Coota Mooa 8"1JBVEYOBS Raub & Bennett llurn70ra &Dd ll!:a&tMNO 1808 Newport Bl"'-. Coota - 'hleplloDe Be1C(IG ~w Ml1 W. O..tral Newport- Telepboae Barbar U1 The University of Texas plam to publJsh a ..!_hree-color geoJogieal petroleum m a p of thC' state. It ii now avaJlable from the univeralty as a black and white preprint. The petrolewn industry's ad· visory committee to the govern-- ment was M!t up and tunctioninc Within 24 hours after Pearl Har· bor. Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE Washing • Pollshlog • Lubrication Can Picked Up and Delivered. Phone Harl>or 497-111 • 416 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa • ,_ r ·E • P.APALMER LIDO 1S1£ PWl'ElUIE5 • W. Q BUCK-Insurance Counselor ~1500 ~.R.* 3333 VIA LIDO CALIFORNIA Navy Gunfire Practice Now In Full Swing Navy firing will be conducted bet"°·een 10:00 a.m. and 4;30 p.m. through Friday in an area encom- passed by a circle of 30 mil("S ra- -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:: I dius cente-red on Begg Rock and ! that area encompassed between two tangents from this circle to We Have of ' FRESH a Complete Line AND SALT WATER TACKLE • Rods • Reels • Lines • Leaders KERM BDIA • Sinkers • Hooks and all kinds of FRESH AND SALT WATER BAIT PIER AND BOAT FISHING TACKLE TO RENT , FISHING INFORMATION Newport Tackle Store 105 MacFadden Place TelJepboae JI.arbor 9'1 for ut.est Flahlng lnfo~on the point of firing at Point Mugu, near Port Hueneme, according to the U. S . Coast Guard's Notice to Mariners posted at the Harbor Master Bulletin board on the dock at the foot of Washington street . Santa A.tonica light <LL No. 166l previously reported extinguished has been relighted. The wreck previously moored approxim ately 3067 yards 159 degree true from Newport Bay West J etty Light has been apparently broken up. Preliminary search discloses no part left. Fishboat .. Beaver", 38 feet long, white with black trim. reported fishing off San Martin island, now reported overdue. Anyone having kno~·ledge notify Commander. 11th Coast Guard Dist rict. Fishboat .. Miss Sandra", length 25 feet, pr e- viously reported overdue from fish- 'ing trip to Santa Catalina Island has bee nlocated. A large vessel with upper works illuminated by colored bands of light was a nchored in the follow- iAg position on Aug. 23. 1946: 119 degr ees 15' distant 7.8 miles from Los Angeles Harbor Light. Opens Welding Shop . A. T. Johnson, welder of 20 years experience, has opened a welding shop in Costa rdesa at W. 18th St. and Newport Blvd., which has been named Handy Andy's Shop. Johnson will specialize ln re- pairing and ornamen tal welding as well as specialties. Days When Santa Ana Overflowed Recalled by McMil~an Brothers at Newport Homestead Charles McMillan. vi.·ho fint l were married ln S anta Ana . came to Ne\\'port in 1890 a nd John John McMillan can remember Mcl\.lillan. who came hert' in .1880. WhC'n a tule patch g .. ew where the are pictured above at John Mc-old street car tracks now lay at Millan's homf at 2013 \V . Central I 21st and Central avenue. The avenue. Newport &ach. bay front r eached up to Central Wayne Largen, Port Magician to Flash Tricks on Rotarians Charles McMillan now li ves in avenue ther e in those days and Corona. but is a frequent visitor John McMillan jr., present day Ne\\.')JOft Harbor Rotarians are at his brother's home here where supcri ntt~dent or the city water scheduled to be enter tained by a they talk o,·er old times and of department, first learned -to row 1 m agician and his "bag of tricks" the friends of days past. With 1 a boat where the 1\vin Cities 1 at their next regular meeting, the present critical water situation I Poultry m arkl"t now stands· at 21st I Tuesd~y evening, a t White's Park an issue before the public, John and Central. The stre t ch or prop- 1 . AvenuOi cafe. --BIG MEET CAIJJID Harbor Basketball League Starts Soon Directors of the BalOOe Im- ll<O"""""'t -ation and of the . Men:hants -•lion of Ba100a Ralph Roed. coach at N~ Ialand will bold 0 joint rmel!ng H-High school, recently ...,. in te Forsythe camera shop -build-turned i:rom the east where he ing on Ba100a Ialand Thunday vlolted his parents, hu announced night. An important· matter will that plans are formulating for a be discusoed. city-wide, community basketball .roBORS CHOSEN Jurors drawn for the September term of super ior .court for Depart- ment 2 h ave been certified to Sheriff Jesse Elliott. On the panel from the harbor locality are the following: Newport Beach-\Valter E. Cole, Henry Eggert, Edwin L. Fania, Burt R . Norton, Francis J . Parke, Mrs. E lton C. Quinn and Mrs. Mit- zi Roundtree. Corona del Mar -Newton H. Cox. Balboa Island-Mrs. Harriet S. Underwood. Balboa-Harry R. Kiger. Costa Mesa-Arthur W . Arnold. Mrs. Lina M. Hommell and Earl L. Tead. For Better Printing .call 12 or 11. I league for this fall-a resumption of put spol'tS activities in New- port Harbor. Reed !'epOl'ts that the high school gym will be open for basketball on Tucsd&l' evenings and expects the league, with teams sponsored by local business con- cerns, to g('t under way approxi- mately t"'O weeks following the opening of school. Manila folders at News-'l'Une&. UllllEY'r REFRIGERIITIDD JERVICE comPnnv --~---c-& Bhd., ()o.-a del .... 'J\!mp>rary Phone, Doy 65C IA· JlllD& Bee.ch; Phone NiEbt. l~ Laguna Beach McMillan recalls the years of 1883 erty from \vhcre the South Coast Wayne Largen, Bal~ Cafe and 1884. They were bad flood Co. now is located on down to owner and amateur magician for years. 19th s t reet landing ~·as mud Oats, the ~st 12 ~ears. who recently en-U You Wou1d Prepare it "During such a Oood. one man lute patches and shallow channels. tertained Kiwanis members a t a 1_.,;;;;;,;..;;;;;;;;;;;.;,;;.,;;,;,;;;.. ____ .,;BALBO:;;;:;:;;:~A::,.:ISLAND;:::;::~::;.-.1 rowed a skiff up the Santa Ana , Several dredging operations wer e recent meeting, has been obtained r iver from Ne\!>port to where the 1 made to.r aise this a nd other land. J for Rotary. by Don Durant. for Pro-p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:- old sugar beet factory on South 1 On April 2, 1910, John McMillan gram Chairman Bob Calhs. Main stt'eet in Santa Ana now was e lected a member of the city's Local Rotary's board of direc- stands," Mr. McMillan said. "Ar-I board of trustees. the gove rning tors and coi_nmlttee ch.airman were thur McFadde n. son of Robert body of the city which is now last.week visited by Dist. Govem or McFadden. one of the founders of I known as the city council. Earlier, Cecil Crew of Fullerton, who heard ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;~k~Drtv~~·~eare~~tull~~y;-S~~~~a~Llf~•;· ~ 1 Newport Beach was the rower I John worked for years on the r~ports from the chairman on local ~ believe," he adds. ' Newport pier, handling freight Rotary a ctivities which will be "FJoeds from the Santa Ana from ships that docked there. Be-forwarded to Rotary Interna tional. DRAFTING SERVICE CLOSING OUT THIS ENTIRE STOCK OF FINE JEWELRY AT THE MOST ASTOUNDING PRICE REDUCTIONS! COSTA MESA DIAMONDS C. E. LOUCKS JEWELRY WATCHES' Forced Out of These Premises -We Must Sell Out! QUITl1~G BUSINESS ' • POSITIVELY NOTHING RESERVED -IT'S A COMPLETE SEU OUT! Our leue on t1'e8e preml~ soon to expl~°""·e're to~ to 1Jqu1- date w. eetlre •tock or One jewel ry In t.be t.hortnt poMlble tlme -d:rtvtnc pricee, down t.o OOfl.t, near co.t. and belo"'' cost In tbb peat Jewell')' e'·ent.. Select your personal needs. Buy Xmas gllte, tbe blgMt money saving opportunity ts now betore you-don't mb8 It ! S ALE PRICES L~CLUDE FEDERAL TA.' NOW is the Time to Buy Xmas Gifts Save 50 % and more L ADIES' STONE RINGS LADIES' WEDDING RINGS GOLD Fll.t ,J;D SPRAY PINS ~1i th Earrings to Match Solid Gold Ring, Solid Gold Rings in Various Kee. 11!.85 s7 os With 3 Diamonds Stone Sets ~s:;.'.?r ···· -'9.5 :~tr.:~cE .•28'5 fiE'1;.%~ .. '3 " CLOSE OUT ............... ·-·-· Solid Gold Ring o i Gold ·ngs in a Variety &1. $24.50 s13ss \Vith 5 Diamond of S tone Sets CLOSE OUT ... ........ Reg. $69.00 14760 Rt>g. $8.715 All new designs-Stone set SALE PRICE................ SALE Pl~lf'E .. --~--~ru~~-~-~~~~ _ _;:.::;.::...::..;....;.::..:..:.........::---1 14 Dian1onds Popular Stone Sets Pearl Necklaces :.:Tu'2~%E•12sso .;;.tE•1:·::c1:. . ........ •9•3 Single and double strands Solid Gold Rin~ ,vith 6 Solid ~old Rings in a \Vide All nationally kno"'Tl lines Diamonds Variety or Stone Sets Rec. $7.00 s3 s• Reg. $220 •137so R•c. 121.00 '12"3 CWSE. OUT ·· · ...... ·· SA.LE P RICE .... SALE PRICE ....... . Reg. Sl2.00 '6 95 Solid \\:hitl' Gold Ring and Solid Gold Ring Sets \vith CLOSE OUT · ·· ········ ... 7 Diamonds An1ethyst Rec. szs.oo '12"" ""•· $225.oo s139"" R•c. sn.oo '13so CLOSE Ot:T Ike· $29.00 S 1586 SALE PRl('E ····· SALESol'dPCRICldER ... :······ c.;:·· . h CLOSE OUT .... 1 .o ing .;x-t wtt '5750 BABY JEWELRY Emerald Cluster ~s':7~T ······ ······· Solid,. G?ld Bsaby Rings ~.J12~~CE. , ............ '1675 • ar1ous ton('s Solid Gold Rlng Ex.panSIOn R••· "·50 ' s2 10 Wi th Opal and 10 Rubies Bracelets _ Sets ,.... sALE PRIC"E ··:· . .. . R..:. 51.so •33~• Gold Fllled Expansion Bracelets 'Sohd Gold. Baby Signet rungs SALE ~J~'aoid"fii.ft' with Lockets to match Rf'g. ~.76 s3-&.5 Amethyst and Four ftubies ~s'i '<f..-r . .. '1103 8~d ~~.:.E;;~;;;,;i Baby :~:::!c1:. ... -..... '5250 Bee· $%7M> '1695 Band rungs CLOSE OUT ..... -....... Reg. ~M $1%11 S • .UX PRICE ....... ·-········ Bill FOLDS All Leather Bill Folds. Varloua LADIES' Identification BRACEl.ETS Gold Filled and Solid Gold -with insignia- llee· SI.JI . 6W CLOllE OVT ....... _ ......... .... SS.25 •1• CL081: OVT ........ -.......... . ME!i"S QOLD ftl.l,&D WATCH CHAINS lles·fllM •7• CLOll& OVI' ·-----·-· -.. siue • '8• (lLo8& OVI' ·--·-----· Heavy S<llclored Linb Colors and Leal.hen Kee· ...,,. '398 SALE PIUCE. .......... -...... MEllll ... S EMBLEM RINGS Man's Solid Gold Masonic !Un& All Leather. Lady's Bill Fold with Blue Sapphire and Coln Purse Comblnotlon R'lt· P7Ml '19"" ..... -'315 SALE PIUCE. .. -......... -8ALIC PIUCIL -............ . Man's Solid Gold Masonic Ring: IADD'.S' GOLD ni.1.zn ~:.CE. ............... '3541 LOCKETS Man's Solid Gold Knicht Ith cltain Bec· •11-~emplar Rin&•AAll ~.:VI' ,,_ .............. :35: SALE PIUCE. ....... -... --C1.o811 OVI' ··-·-- Solid ~ ~ Set. ~s.:'vr .. -·-·---'8111 ~CE. .. -•. -~S'r ~:vr ·--· '181 ' - World production of petroleum In 1946 is expected to reach 252,- 000,000 gallons daily. rtver came down through New-for e the pier was built. he handled port Bay in those early days." the lead-line to determine the At the present time Newport H ar-depth or the water o n vessels bor could use all of the fresh coming into Newport H arbor over water from the Santa Ana river the bar, aboard which his older of those years. The river follow-brother, James, w&s t he pilot. Self-pity is a damper tha t ed a channel around the bluffs The ever-changing channel gave off the hea t of ambition. west of Newport, flowing put them considerable bother, and Newport Island, between the rail-such grounding difficulties finally road tracks and the state highway led to the construction of the and past the Arches into the rest Newport ocean ,pier from where of the bay. ships could be loaded and unload- Jamt'S McMillan, an older ed more converiiently. brother of Charles a nd John, pilot-Later. John McMillan was post- ed shir:;{; in and out of Newport master, and spent many years de- Harbor from 1879 to 1884 and •veloping the city's water system as lived a t Smeltzer until his 'death s uperintendent of the water de- a few years ago. John McMjlJan's partment. He is now retired. wife was born at the Mission in San Jose, Calif .. in 1861, her par-Scotch tape, various sizes, on ents being 1.1ormon settlers. They sale at the News-·rtmes . • Gorgeous -Perfect Blue Whlt.e Diamonds a t a Sacrifice in this Quitting Business Sale C.E.LOUCKS Costa Mes a Going Out of Business Sale g~~i~ DIAMONDS •BRIDAL SETS • E NGAGEMENT RINGS e WEDOUlri"G RIXGS Down ro diamond prloea In this astound.Inc Jewe lry clowe-out:.-.nd exquisite array of beautttul di&· mond wedding .et~gagement rlnp and weddlq b&l)ch--an ex· cepttonal money savlnc time tor the brlde-to-be--See theee start- llD.l' dl&mond values that. make Louck 's Q ulttln« BuslneM Sale t he logica.I place -to buy. SALE PRICES INCL UDE FEDERAL TAX • DfA:.\tO~'D e BRIDAL SETS Diamond Engagement Ring and Diamond set Wedding Ring Jlel' . ..,,,00 •3744 SALE P RICE ........................ .. Jlel'. ss1.15 •49n SALE PRICE ...................... -. Rec· Sl36.to s99so SALE P RICE ·······-···-·····--···-· Rel'· ....... oo '19500 SALE PRICE. B<lth ... _ ..... Rec· W,!.oe '29500 SALE PRICE, B<lth . ___ .. , -· '970.00 '62500 SALE PIUCE. B<lth ... _ ..... • DIAMOND s:l:T • WEDDING RINGS with3diamondl =r~ --·-··--·-····-'28N With 5 "'""""""' ::.t& ':a."cs -···-··--·--· 4 7"" two """" "' 14 -• .... -... '128"" SAL& ~~ &'-..- ~ ... _,, ___ ~137"" C. I!. LOUCKS Costa : Mesa GOING OUT OF -BU8INE88 . ' CIGARETTES ···-1.38 "''"' ,..,,,, Grapefruit ·~·-27". c.---·-Hixson'sPudding '::;"' ,. '--'~-Mustard '"··---1-,..,,. ., ..... Walnuts o.-..1 -SI.II ..... ,..__ .. - Pickles -s--"'-••• ,,_.~ ... DishCloths 11"•.!.:; .. EDWARDS COFFU , ................... . ....... ·--'"""-27• 53< DelhamSpread ,, __ Ill" ......... l ..... , ,....,. .... Luncheon Meat ~:":.: 3t9 Meat Balls · Nl,-l·--... • ._ -<illW'" Minced Turkey -h• -____ ,_ --\.,,_ ....... Grapefruit I uice 2 '!: 21" l....,,_.._ Grapefruit Juice.,_,.. It• , __ Grapefruit I uice ..._ _ 21" -(di! -·--Apricot Nectar ,.__ 1 .. c.li-------Grape Punch -= U" GreenBeana -·-1• ~ ,.__ ,_ """--........ Spnach -..:!..":: 11" n-..-.1a... Spanioh Peanuts ._ ": 1• Blanc:hed Peanuts ';:" 21' --. Mmri11'1llichSuda ':.: .. RainDropa ::::» Hy-ProBl1 wh ,._U• ROY M •. WATKINS and Associates Nm Moaday 11•doy"'..W.1o boaor tho worlloc mu for hit f..t.i91 We ooatribation IO oar eaatry"• grettneN, m ... ,... .. In time of war. w..., S..... will bo-oil doy oe M.,.Jay, s.ptnnbn 2, 1946. We up JOO• ,lu •do your ohoppb>g out, lonheloog_ ..... ROUID STEAK .. 5gc Makes excellent cube &leak.. SIRLOIN STEAi Delicious broiled or pa~lriod. (Pill bo.eSi.doi.. lh..,62.e.) .. 85° .. 89° ..59° .. 35° .. 49° T-BOIE STUI Al'° Porte~and O ubltelb. . PRIME RIB ROAST Se,·en·inch cut. Fine rib. Tnm..d .,....&... GROUND BEEF Quality boo! pad.ed in Vi&lcing. CORNED BEEF ~· . . Trimmed brisket. ExcirlJent wdhahbep ~~ ..... ~ .. a-UMlllWT ;u-To 1-ile• t.a.. LAMB llGS .. 51" JOWL .... SbortcuL Fully trimmed . .... y""' s.,11. POU SHOUlDER .. .. llYllS . lloo Y""'!lylL Aloo -.. 51" Whoie. f11lly lriau.d. PORK IUTI'S .. a-&ROAST .. a· Fre.h.. IH.1'1, pork. .._...__ SAFEWAY PRODUCE SAVINCS LmUCE .. MD.Oii$ Ripe .......... , ........ .. &IAIES --COii --- .. IS" ~ro1s11..a-­ .. 1Z9 ~!,!OESJI.. .. ,.,, JJ ..................... , .... , ...... ' ..... • ..,_ ·. AN n. p AT• o w ALL THE woRLD . . . Beach Caballeros Go Strong for Peteca ._""'_~~: ~=· ~~~.:...;_;_·~f:-:v-Gen_era_1 _~-~~-~-~__,A 1 ,___··_B::_Tw~-~~-YTO_C:_I Demonstrated Here by Brazilian Officer GARDEN *NEWPORT H...\RBOR MOVIFt GUIDE tr Udo Tlleatre Balboa 1'11eatre "I SAVED SO MUCH MONEY HAY-. ING MY DRESSES CLEANED AND REMODELED AT THE LIDO CLEAN- ERS THAT I CAN AFFORD A NEW FALL HAT-" VETS ARE.."f'T t'OOLINO \Yhen the American war veter- ans in Athens, Tennessee were forced recently to resort to armed warfare to break up the politjcal machine Yo>'hich had long domin- ated tha• area, they served not~ that the vets have entered poli- tics ~ith a "bang." Now, the ex- servicemen throughout Tennessee are organizing to break the hold or tbe 1"temphis political crowd headro by boss Crump, and to clean up politics in the state as a whole. But this t ime they're going to do it by peaceful means. At a meeting in Alamo, T e nnessee lead- ers or the movement urged mem- bers t o "form organizations.-not mobs-to preser\'e the ballot so a man can run ror office in T ennes- see without t he blessing of Ed. Crump." liaving risked their lives to protect the principles of Amer- ican democracy the veterans don't intend to stand by idly while cor- rupt politicians make a farce of el£'Ctions . The political machines of Kelly, Hague , Pendergast and Tammany Hall '''ould do \\'e ll to take not(' of this tre nd. .. lNS IDE" STORl. ••• -1 . • Fl. Elliott Roosevelt's book r elAt · ing various experiences \\'hich his father had with Prime 1'1inistl'r Winston Churchill -not all plcas- a.nt expeTie nces, either-is anothPr addition to the "inside" s tor ies of the war. In the first installme nt of its advance publication by Look Magazine (for "'hich Look is said to have paid SJ0.000. l Elliott says that Mr. Churchill accused FDR HORJZOXTAL ENTRECHAT-This isn't an Opflll·alr ballet belng performed on the unds of local bt-a<'hf"a, hut It Is the lnt:rodur tloo to these shorM or a new 1ame that Is prevalent at tbe \\'&terlnc pla••f"s of South Amt"ri<"a. according to the young fello\\' abo,,,. Pt"rformlnc one of tbe dlfncult abots r("Qulrrd l.o th" a:arne. lllmtratlnl' the game or Pett'<'&, as played ln hi• naUve country Brull, Is Riellanl A!lhlln or Rlo de Janlero, who h .. brougJ:lt the sport to Corona de l Mar '''here he l• a frequent ,·111ilnr. Thf" objf>c't of hh leap, the peteca ltSt"lf, ls 8h0\\'11 as a blur at the top of the action s hot. ~photo by Gerhardt of "tT)rin~ to do 8\\·ay \Vith the British E1npire." But in the same By JOHN OONllO•~F •eight persons on any plot of brea th , a<"oordin~ to the authcr. Uxal '"beach a lhletcs·· are in ground with only the peteca for the Prime Mi n i~ter ackno"•ledged ror some strC'nuous ('X{'rc ise if the equipment. tha t .~me:ica. \\·as B~it ~i n's "o~ly 1 game \Vhich has S\\·ept the South j Ashlin reports that the sport is hope. Elhott s s tory ~s 1nt.erest1ng I AmC'rican sC'aboard catches on at thl' favorite pastime of all the but v.•e should k('('p in mind that Southland \\"a terin~ plaCt's . IX'ach caballetos a t the famous the importa nt thing today is nnt The game is callffi "peteca" a nd 1 Copacabana a nd Arpoador beaches how well ~·tr. Roosrve lt and l\1 r. has been introduced to habi tues of near Rio and a Los Angeles sport· Churchill got along but how v.·cll China Cove by a South An1erica n ing goods sto rC' has began produc- Britain a nd Americfl can cooper-visitor, one Senor Richard Ashlin. tion or the pet£'Ca for use in this at ~ . in the postv.•ar world. The ! v.•ho. despite his English name. is country. Br1t1sh arc by no means easy for a rull -bloodC'd "Carioca" from Rio Ashlin. \\·ho is a practicing at· us to und~rst and nor arc we any dt-. Ja nie ro, Brazil. torncy, specializing in corporation less_ pu~hng . to ttiem. but the 1 The name or the game is de-Jaw for General Electric (,;orp. in basic . tTiC'ndship bet\vec-n the ,,,.o r ived from a tittle leather bag South America, is a frequent vis- counties .must not be allo,ved ~o be filled "'ith sa\\·dust and feathC'rs itor to Corona del Mar at the weaken~ by r~port s of the diff~r-(ala shuttlecock) attached to the home of Michael Cline while he e~~s whi~h existed between Brit-end. It is a court game and can is a special student at the Uni- school. Ashlin is a lieutenant in the Brazilian arm}' reserve and, dur- ing the war, was stationOO for a short time at different army cen- ters in the United Statl'S. The visitor reports that there is terrific infla tion nO\\' undenvay in his native country, just as there is in a ll states. and that he recently refused $100,000 for a piece of pro perty near the famous Copa· cabana beach that he purchased for Sll,000 in 1940. Senor Ashlin's host. i1ike Oine, is also attending law school at use since his release to inactive duty from the Naval air corp. ...... -.uu Box Office Open at u:45 Sllow$ at 7 and 9:15 Matinee Saturday at 1 :45 Continuous ~ :15 ' ....._ llartlor N llox om.. ~ at 1:15 -ISIPtlJ', 1 :38 a l:le ISowSbo ........ ...,,.!la-: • Ttau.n.., Frt.-A--Rabdolph Soott • Ana -A Veoy Racy Como4I)' ••• wltll Bo.._., Hllarlty aad. H~! "THE BRIDE WORE BOOTS" wttla Barbera St&nW)·ck Robort Cwrunlnp -Diana Lynn ---lhru Tue<da>·. Sept. I • 3: \\'ed.neMlay Only-Sept. 4 "Return of Rusty" with Ted Donaldson and "Ace" the wonder dog-a.lso-- Judy Cano,·a "Hit the Hay" "Badman's Territory" ........ _,.rowe. .. 'Charlie Cllaa• ID "Dark Alibi" Sat., Sun.,-Aue. 31. • Sept. 1 Bruce Cabot ln "AVALANCHE" -&lso Micha.el ShaJ'ne la-- "Larceny in Her Heart" Extra! Extra! Extra! MIDNIOm HORROR SHOW! LABOR DAY EVE. Swi. Sept. 1 George zucoo -Mary CariJllki "DEAD MEN WALK" -a1,,._ ''The Missing Corpse" Comedy: "Spook to Me" Doon open. 11 :'5--Sbow at midnight! Stana Monday -Tuellday Sept.. z -• Preston Foster -RJta J:ohmon "THUNDERHEAD -SON OF FLICKA" -In Technioolor-- Also Eddie Cantor-loan Davie Constance Moore-George Mu.rplQ' ~ "Show Business" \\rednesday Only-Sept. ' Tom Se.al -~lartha O'DriacoU "Blonde Alibi" -also- "Code of the Lawless" Kirby Grant -Fuzzy Knlrht ---- Thun. -Sat.-Sept.5 -6 -1 Their New ZORIC Dry Cleaning System Done in Their Own Plant Leaves Your Clothes Looking Fresh and New -They Call for and Deliver Too! run s wartime IC'adcr and ours. be played by_ either t"'O. four or versity of Southe rn California law DOWN TO EARTH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-Tbwit. -Sat.-SepL5-6-7 Robert VounK -Sylvta Sidney .-\.Ian t.dd -Veronlca Lake and Wllllam Bendix Ln ' LIDO CLEANERS Air mail rates are coming do"'TI out of the stratosphere on Oct. 1. They've been "up in the alr" far too long. The eight-cent domestic rate has retarded the normal ex- pansion of alr mall volume. At five cents an ounce the volume should increase tremendousJy. Un- der the former rate of six cents an ounce receipts were rising from 20 to 60 per cent a year. But when the higher postage was decreed· receipts remained almost at the same level. ln other words, in- creased rates don't a ppreciably in- crease the total revenue. As a Ph. Beacon 5798-J 456 Newport Blvd. • .. Coming to ---- Costa Mesa On or about October 10, Ted W. Brown, Jeweler, of Long Beach, \\ill open a modem jewelry store at 1797 Newport Boulevard. Tbl!I will not be a mer.. bnndi bmlneos, but a Ted W. Brown establlshmeod • • • ap-to-th&-mlnute and metropolitan . • • the ldmd of .to... that hM r;tven Ted W. Brown ui fJBYiahle WMt Cout repa- tatloo for hlghMt type ,,,.,....,.pdlpp and merchall- c)lllq. Whoa yoo are bl Loag BMdl -.lllt Ted W. Browa. ~ • • • two doma -• of Sean Boebadt • Amerku &ftaae. See .... ,..,....., tlle type ol ...... --lo "" Mtahl"W ... (lJ 1 ... _ .. TORRENCE, OKINAWA VET, RE:TURNS TO POST A.L JOB matter of fact, the Postoffice De- partment figures it would have taken in $20 million more in 1946 if the rate had been lower. This "When I went away nearly four "'ould also lM" just as ~ood a time years ago I knew every one in as any to r r store the two-cent do-town, but now half the people I mesUc postage rate on regular meet Bn" strangers and the town ail itself has certainly changed," said rn . Assistant Postmaster Dick Tor-POLITICAL TIT A....'li(TIC rence of 27th street, back at his The race for the governorship old job in the Newport Beach of New York which is expected to pit Republican Governor Thomas post office after some years on Okinawa, dov.n below J apan. E. Dewe y against Democratic Sen-"At first 1 was infantry platoon ator James M. Mea d next Novem- ber is likf'ly not only to be o ne of leader." said the former lieutenant, the hottest contests in 1946 but .. but I was the only one o n the also to have an important bearing island with any post office exper- on the national election in 1948. It ience and was soon at the 21st Dev.·ey wins he'll be right back base postoffice. There wer~ 150,000 in the thick of it for the GOP men on the Island and while there ·d 1· I · 1· · -1 t were only 30.000 when I left, \Ve pres1 en 1a nom1na 100, 1n sp1 e o I h d Ued . th 'I 1 r F tt his 1944 de feat. If Mead is the a ~a it e . s ~ o orgo en victor he will be boosted for the j M£'n . I never , did ftn~ out what vice-presidential spot with Harry h a ppen~ to my copies of the Truman in the next national cam-News-Times bt:it just before I left paign. Both Dewey and Mead have I got a fe';, issues, by that time large follo"'i ngs in the Empire months old. State, and the one who Wins will ------- knO\\' he's been through something "'hen it I! over. In fact, so will He is the freeman whom truth m akes free, and all slaves beside.-Cowper. the other fellow. ea,Je For Delicious STEAKS , BREAKFAST • LUNCH • -on- Balboa Island 16 Block from Ferry 113Ya Agate DINNER the are J . A. Gorley, 736 Lido Nord, r~ ported to Newport Beach police that culprits had.. ripped open ttie ''The Searching Wind" "The Blue Dahlia" top of his convertible coupe ~l e C O M I N G A T T R A C T I 0 N S e SOl'TV' time Tuescay night and ajl -------------------------- forced open a locked compart tjt Next Week: '"TO EACH HIS Next Week: ''ROAD to UTOPIA", taking registration and other al· OWN", "SOUTHERl'lli'ER", "OUR "SllE \\'ROTE THE BOOK", uable papers. 1 HEARTS WERE GROWING UP" ... THE R UNAROUND". i i • ! • '' "OLD COLONY" CREEN SHINGLE STAIN 5-GALLON CAN s7M Protect and beautify your roof. ThTs fine quality green shingle stain will add to the durability of your roof as well as greatly improvln1 the appearance, PROUD 'S ASBESTOS FIBRE ROOF COATING 5-CALLON CAN s22s Ar. asbeitos roof coatin1 of wry seocf protectlnc qwility! Take time to inspect your roof and re- pair if neeMd, before dama1e is donel SQUARE IUTT SHINGLES Squre A roof is only 11 eood 11 lh la1tin1 quaUtleo. Don't oltimp Oii the orlsfn1I -' 1t the U• penH of future protectlofl. Plain flsu- prove that quality roofln& ACTUALLY COSTS LESS per year than the other ltin<I. When you buy roofinc -buy& roofinc of quality incl remember that TlWINKLE'S will offer no ro0fin1 for sale that 11-not worthy of your confidence. IUY YOUR ROOFING NOW! 90-lb. SLATE SURFACED GREEN °' RED s22s Roll Complete with Fixtures ROOFING Oieck the prettnt condition of )"OUr roof! Thia roof- ln1 Is M'flCed with date on her.oy felt bMe and -...,;.1y .. 1ur1tec1 ond cooled .,;th Olpholt. 45.a,, DIAMOND POINT ROOFING aou SIUNQ.11 '2.. -as c-. ... -:. ... IOOS..ft. WE HAVE A COOD STOCK Of fS·l• •• M·l .. ASPHALT FIL T ' • • MiiWPOSI' Ml"CM M-S I Jfcwp&B !t O.Mn' ., • .,... .. I.NI May' Firm Official's Island Home Entered ~~~~~~t~ Mayor's Citizens Committee Reports ~~}~~~~ ~~~I~;:~~E-Recent Study on Newport Harbor's :: ~~~: .. iw:,i: .::::J::;:: ~i.~~ .. ~~~~:..~Ti~::. .i::.ck Domest·1c Water Supply Problems ply. 'lb&t the only -disuttt baa not overtaken the a>Unty ii the great re.erve of '4'"ater natur- ally accumulated in this basin from times long before there was any pumping. The overdraft on the buin, however, has used up a consider- a'ble part of the stored v.·ater and 01lalboa rlr et •• f~ ~~~U:n~:: ~~~~ Co~:~r~~~;.~~1:~.th~e°f::!~ this use is increasing yearly and --------------------------- v.•ater levels in the basin have ?"-----...... -------------------... dropped accordingly. through the back door between day affair at Corona will be cli· noon and 12:30 p. m. and left m_axed on Monday. Labor Day. Summary Discloses Present Capacity of Artesian Wells Are Insuffj. through the front entrance. with the annual half-mile cham-• t f Futur D J t f City " -Re R • ed Cost \Vhat it \vill oost the average taxpayer for joining the M.W.D.: NOW-'Ro0nd. the Island Ferry A total of $70 in cas" and papers pionships event ol the A.M.A-and CleO Or e eve Opmen 0 .tU"ea8--Venues ecelV were reported stolen. • ru11 program 01 action start ing From Sale of Fresh Water to Consumers and Current Tax Assess-On a H ouse and Lot with county assessed va1uatioh of $!,000.00. "'hich "·ould probably sell for around $10,000.00, the tax would be, for b$ck assessments $4.60, and t:9 A. •· TO 11 P. M. '. J ohn A. Wilcox. Whittier resi-•\Ju:;;:;~.. program, which will ments Believed Sufficient to Defray Maximum Cost of Munici- dent, p1eadoo guilty to charges of inciude trophy races and stunts. pality's Investment in MWD System. Sou.th Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's. Evans', Vllla Marina, Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Bee con Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hall from any dock or fioaL disturbance or the peace Wednes· "'ill be free to the public. day morning in Newport Beach city court and was fined S30 by F or office supplies, see the Judge Bob Gardner. , News.nm.es. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK Flat WoTk or Foundations CALL 1 5 Z Z -I FOB INFORMATION Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products CO. 1560 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building Contractor • Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Costa Mesa Going to Yon probably have your dream home all worked out In your mind -or maybe your arcltltect or eontractor already bu prepared plans mi paper for yon. Electrtdty wOI haft> a large pan ID making dreams of postwar Uvlng come tr-. When yon go over tile plaaa with yoar balJder be ....... lo .... him aboort the ........ dewelop- -ta ID bowhold labor avlag and flm<>- tlcwal beaaty. Oar Eqlerta la e_.,uwig eleclricll will be Pd to belp wltll ~ plaaa OI' .. ~ .. - 0.. auawtioa ~ IMlle a lot of clltter- ... tile -.,e aWty .. of Illa& b-. m~HOKll & GALVAN --Elli .••• 1080 (Jam& lllway pi.-••• -541'7 .&a. .. -111!"•-·b-· .. ••na•· ••11'•411 ... , ll't!Pllll-IRlllt-(11111' 1141'1•"' .. D ... llll'm•' t·-------------for current tax $9.60, a total of 0 B ) $14.20 a year or arl average of Some weeks ago the City Council authorized Mayor . · e A. L. S..denuer, Consult-$1.17 a month. This is for Water- Reed to appoint a Citi?.ens Committee to make a summary of ing Engineer of Los Angeles, in 8 Health &nd Sanitation Insurance. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY the many reports and investigations 00 the Domestic Water report to the Ocy of Newport Our Future Water N-. Situation. The Mayor appointed on this Committee Braden Beach, dated September 29• 1944• Engineers estimate that in less •·----------------------.....,-4 regarding the S5--acre triad 51;4 , --------------------------+--=-finch, J. A. Barrett, J . A. Beek, Mrs. Helen Grace, Mrs. miles from the ocean: "A source than 40 ·years this city will have Edgar Hill, Hubbard C. Howe, W. M. Longmoor, Ralph P. of supply at ... 600 to 800 root water consumption resulting from r--------'"!'-------------·- Maskey. P. A. Palmer, A. B. Rousselle, Lew H. Wallace, capt. levels . _ . would draw from larger a population of about 33,500 in the C. V. McCarty and Walter S. Spicer. storage than wells on the river "'inter and 52·000 in the swnmer, Several meetings have been held. Reiiorts were fully and . bot1om and the effect of depletion within the present dty llmlto. This population will require a carefully studied. A sub-committee of three which included would be more rl!mote. As to the summer load of S,050,000 gallons Hubbard C. Howe, Walter S. possibi.Uty of infiltrati.on of more of water per day. Spicer and P. A . Palmer was years. se!lwater, the locality 19 about J%: W.o\TER SOURCES FOR asked to prepare a review for Engineers familiar with the miles from upper Newport ~&)' NEWPORT BEACH the benefit of the pu!>lic in water problem have come to the :~~~e~da~~l ~~:t~~:~:~~~c: Local Souroea Further Inland general and taxpayers 1n par-conclusion that the City of Ney,.·. 1 ti 1 h b t """-' Ground.water storage further ticular port Beach can only secure a per· ~ 8 on r om t e 8~ 0 .....,trrts inland has been suggested as a Th. · ed manent water supply by import· inland thro~gh geologi~al as well source of future supply. It is 1s report was present to a Ing Colo•ado ruve-water. as _hydraulic ground lB pro_bable m-t"•ng of the ---•tt-and • • d f dro h od." pointed out that overdraft will '-"" ............ u ..:;.,;; ur1ng a uture ug t pert approved for printing. The r ep::irt l\.1any sun:eys and rep:>rts have I . . also apply to this part of the basin of tthe committee is given here· been made of the NeY.-port water In conclusJon Sonderegger said. and at best 1,1.•ould be only a tern· with: supply and tl)e underground sup--! ''The permancy of the \\'&~er sup--porary expedient. Such a source ply of the lov.•er Santa Ana River 1 ply of Newport Be.a.ch ,is in jeop-. of supply v.•ould tla\"e a n initial Wate r Supply For Basin from which \\'C quote. in ardy because of the o\erdraft on cost of at least SJ00.000.00. City of Nev.·port BeKh, California part . the ground water sources of the C 1 · I I •--II o or&do Rl\"t'r \\'ater Supply A spec1a e ection has IA."t.:n ca • · . . Santa Ana Valley and a threat· ed for Tuesday, September 10, a) _R. L Pattt"noo. City Eng1n· ened intrusion of salt wa te r . Im· A pern1anent \\'a ler supply of d d f softene>d and filtered Colorado 1946, to determine whether the eer, in a report u~ er a te o [ portation of \\'aler is the only River water can be secure>d from City of Newport Beach shall join July 12th . 1930: predJ~t~ that the pt"rmanf'nt solution of the \\'ater th!' ~fetropolit an \Vater District the Coastal Municipal \Vater Dis· Ne\\'pClrt ~ach origi nal wells ' problem of the gro\\•ing commun· through annexation 10 the Coastal trict. a member of the Metropoll· \\'Ould be affC'Cted by salt water.\ ity" tan \Vater District. and r t"COmmended against the de· · . t.1unicipal Water District. MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE • 1501 West Central Phone Barbor Zl!5 • • Auto Painting SSO up and • ·Body and Fender Work • FIRST.CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Ups a Specialty • velopment of t he 93.acre tract fl E:<'~''l_U'd llyatt, State Eng1n· Coastal ~tunl('ipal \\"ult•r Oistrlc·t. The follO\\'ing st a tements, data. "'here the present \Veils are lo-eer, D1\'1s1on ~f ~at e~ Resources. The District. organized in 1942. Prices Reasonable facts and fi gures have ~n com· cated as not adequate for a per· StatC' of Cal1forn1 a, 1~. a _reJXlrt comprises the follo\\·ing com· piled to inform citizens on this ma ncnt \\'ater supply. da ted J une, 19-15, says: Estimated munitics: No Delay imporlant '"atc r question. annual O\'Crd raft or the under· ~;;;<;C;on;t;•n;u~e~d~o~n~P~a~g~e ~E~l~gh;t~)~..!~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Prrsent \\'a ft>r Source b~ G~ral~ C. F\qf'rald, Con·1 ground \\"ater of the Coastal Plain The city no"' secures "'a ter from ~ulll ng Engin~r 01 Los Angcl_es. of Orange County, exclusive or the five shallo\v \veils Jess than 200 in a l~tter to N~\vpart Beach City La Habra Basin. under present feet det>p on a 93·acre tract. l\\'O C~u?c.1.~· dat~ l"ovember 30, 1934, condltionk of supply and demand, and thrN·fourths miles inland on !laid . fhe ''ells ~t the ~outh or is 12,190 acre f~t.'' the '''est side of the Santa Ana t~e Santa Ana Ri\'er v.•hich serve "The progressive lo,,·ering of RivC'r . At present. these \veils are / Newport Beach. Costa 1\ll'sa, and the ''"ater table in 1he non.pres· pumped consta ntly a t absolute ~guna Beach a.re only 8 short sure area results in gradually in· capacity of the equipn1ent. ctistance from the ocean and are creasing pump heads. In Orange The original "'Ster supply \\'BS pumping from bf-lo\\" Ha lev~. county, hO\\•ever, a reVC'rsc grade rrom \\·ells on a fivc·acre tract lo-Thls art-a Is approa<"hlbg a critical line sloping inland from t he ocean cated one mile from the ocean. rondJtlon." <Since this was written and reduclion of pressure in the \Veils on this si te '''e re aban· several \veils have gone bad.) . deC'per st r ata is more serious be· doned in 1934 due to salt ,,·a ter cl J . B. Upplncott, Co~sulting caUS<' or possible contamination intrusion. .... Engln<'Cr of Los Angelc..s, in a re· by salt \\'ater." The city also OY.'flS 35 acres of port to th~ ~guns Beach County • J d I ted • 11 -1 I h \Vater District dated June 12. From !he foregoi ng it can be an oca ::> ~ mi es rom t c 1939 · "Wh II h seen t hat engineers who ha\"c ocean on the C'ast side of the ri\"er · ere w e s are near t e . h" h h t d l.-ocean lhC're is al\\'&ys the ()O§sibil·I studied the \\'a ter supply problem w ,~er 1as no ytct prove to IA" a lfy of lntru!llon or sea .-..·ater uf the City of Ne"rport Beach are sa 1s ac or y "'a er source a t a . . . . . . ' [ · __ , h Lo s de th or 600 to 800 feet. Poss1b1hty of 1ntrus1on increases con\"1n'-:"" that t c wer anta ~ b d 1 f . as ground "'ater Is pumped below Ana River Basin cannot be r e· n a l;'1° a1nt supp ~1° 'c"ater his sea. level ... with the return to ~arded as a dependable source of n nC'Ces.s1 y 0 any Cl y. ro\\·t . . d . d ed b th · d 1 ' dry years, \\'ater levels \\'Ill prob· \\"atcr an is en anger y e inc~et asc pro, ~~ty va ue_s.h pros· a bly rcC<'de to the 1936 level and probable inlrusion of salt w ater. d d bl d d 1 f more probably drop still lower in e on y ot C'r source o an a e· pcr1 y canno IA" our s \Vlt out a . \Th I h r d \\~~-~c~·:rt ':..r:.i:::rt~ss~~~ ~U~· the future, as thte draft on the quate water supply is to import standing recreational harbor on ~an~a Ana_ Vn,1.ley has been stead·j \Ya ter . the Pacifi c Coast. \Ve ha\"e lx'cn 1J y increas!ng.. Briefly. thf" CondJtlon of \\'aler exceedingly successful in popula· .d ) U. S-Gt>0logi<'al Sun't'Y-S upply That f>To1npts the tion gro\\'th boats new business Frve year study of ground water Septembf>r 10th EIKtlon increased v~Iues ~nd rl'Creatlo~ along the Coastal Plain-Report The great bulk of the water advantages No. 4, re: Santa Ana Gap. "During used in O r a nge county is pumped We can. continue to develop period of heavy wit.!1drawal, the from wells. These wells draw their r apidly because of proximity to ground water head 1s repeatedly supply from the large undergrounc;\ Los Angeles. Our gro,~·th 1.1.i ll be so lo'". throughout the Gap that water basin lying beneath the enhanced by the construction or · ·. · · 1~ the_ l_ow head were SUS· coastal pl ain. Most of the develop-. the Santa Ana·Los Angeles Free· ta1ned 1ndef1n1tely .... ocean ment of Orange county gets water way and the dev('Jopment of Upper v.•ater could ultimat~ly move in~ from this basin. including the City Newport Ba.y. All point to tremen· land through the entlre l~ngth of of Newport Beach. . dous development within the next the Gap a nd go substantially be-Last year, the State Engineer decade yond the structural zone. It ap-. completed an investigation which um1lations of Pr~nt Source pear.s probable tha t the front of showed that more water is being The question of securing 8 more ~e ar~a of ':Ontaminat~ ground pumped from .t his basin than ts permane nt and certain water sup--ater is moYl.ng inland. received by It in its average sup-. ply has been studied by civic lead. ers, engineers and dtizen.s for ROSSI'S Liquor Store 700 Cout lllcllway Formerly Gordon'• One Store Open EWr)' Day MEN -WOMEN Prostate -• • Pelvis 0.-,_ ..... .,,...,.., ..... 1. ...... crela ... llMk ., Ma.IT ..,.. ,._ _....... i.. .. ,.. '""".. .... ~t O......i..-.W ..,.,... to•r ''-' su.,.., ... , u.... a. ...,. ._ •lsll&lt IT'S YOUR GLANDS Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an 'thletlc coach. Sold oo a mooey back guarantee_ At y'OUr local dnallt -·-THE MOREY CO. lllW.-8&. . I.a •zs1'11 11 • Before You Build or Remodel VWt Our lnterelltlng Sample and Dlsplay Booms Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of caJlll!ts and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m SouU. Kala SL BANTA ANA SILVER P_LATllG We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!I e . For the flnt time 9lle tbe war, yoa ma haft> yoar kee-U. and ftae tea """"""' ..U-vt11ed wtth- PUU 1003 l1NI: SD..VJ:a OOllOIEIKlLU., TIUPLE OB QUADRUPLE Pl.AD • ExPERT SILVERSMITHS ALL WOii& G11Al?.UITll:SD • • • ......... ..,.,......,, .&II ....... (01 ! ..... ftMI) ' . ' ~~~-~to.I J;.~ I ~-· -Phone Bw 5358-R • LOS ANGELES HOllYWOOO LONG llACH ,AS4D:!NA POMONA l lYllSIOIE SANTA ANA LESTER & Co. Mttr,ber Los Angel.es Stoe• '1Ecch-1e 2004 WEST CENTRAL A VE., NnvPOa.T BEACH HARBOR 1374-J NOW BEING SOLD Indicated a«eptance of this property suggests that those int.-ested should act promptly. "The Coast's Mosl Dis1n.&1iw Residenti41 Communil1" Here•s your first opportnnity co pwchue Oil the scenic cliffs south of Balboa and Corona Del Mar, where the ocean shore line cakes a pie· ruresque bend ••. natural setting -unexcelled beach, all improvements: onderground utilities, sewers -architectural rcstrictioos. large sines, each with its individual appeal. U you are ocan· minded and want somelbis8 -Ofl llu coal .. -this is it. The long.awaited opponunity to purchase one of these large (l!:e&n-Yiew homesires. See this property •.. malce your selection early. by Devel<>pers of S-u A1#hl O.Ju ~ym\)n\ A.l>arn Co. · -evelQrers )40 E. en SL u.r-. SYcalPlGl'e· 1· ljlQ\ fuaM .... Cutt.. 2,-'4 .... TUCT OJ'f!CE-Otn 0...11111 it.Jiil S.. II C..1111 ... INVfSTMfNT 5fCUllTlf5 TO MEET TMf INYESTOIS' NEEDS .. • • • ...... Paul Mantz In Big Race (CollUnued from Page ll It was the block purchase of 475 surplus airplanes from the gov- ernment recently which gave him the title of owner of the "seventh largest airforce" an9 all but about 75 were to be salvaged for the metal. In the race he is flying a ho~ ped-up Mustang equipped with a new Merlin engine and with fuse- lage tan~ installed. frank Fuller Ji~ set the last Bendix race record of 283 m.p.h. in 1939, a figure --will ---·-Dy laden lhlp down IM runwoy at predetermined intervals. Winnen must croa the finish line at the Oeveland Municipal Airport ~ tween noon and 6 p.m. Finl place will net the winner SI0.000: second place, $5500, third place, $3000, with remaining prizes scaled down to $500 for seventh place, In addition, there also will be a special $1000 prize for the woman Oyer with the fastest elapsed time between the two cities. ln a special jet division feature or the r ace, four P-80 fighters from March Field have been enter- ed in a !ervice competition.Three of the Shooting Stars will repre-- sent the First Fighter Group and the other the 12th Photo Recon- naissance Squadron. which meam nothing with air-w AI.LET LOST planes of toda)'.. Richard W . Sorague. Balboa. re-- Larry. Therkelsen, official start- 1 ported, police said, the-loss of $20 er for the National Aerona utics in a wallet. CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, Mana&er Balboa, Callfornla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAR DINNERS .•.. BANQUEI'S e DELICIOUSLY PREPARED • • • • • Newport Cafe Night and Day -24-Hour Service 110 McFadden Place Newport llMch Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM • ·- A r' -. , ,.- AID HIS OICHESTIA 'l'Misht, Tbanday, Aqut 29 I ANSEL HILL Sabriay, Aapst 31; Sanday, Sept. 1 ))pi he fn• 9 mdll 1 I • . 3 Accusations F~ in Qty Court When Prosecutor, Landlord Engage in Tiff Over Property The usual quiet and equanimity of Newport Beach's city cow1. wu shattered Tuesday morning when the trial of Williain T .. West, charged 'With violation of the city zoning ordinance, developed into a verbal battle between the de-- fendant, acting 11.5 his own defense counsel. a nd prosecuting attorney Roland Thompson. - Charges o r "untruthfulness" and "evasiveness" were . hurled back and forth between the two but it all added up to a verdict of "guil- ty as charged" from 'City Judge Robert Gardner, who 1presided at the lt'ngthy word-fHt. West, who owns property at 124 Garnet, Balboa Island, had entered rerrigerator, which lnvestigaton found ln the garage--quarten "hooked-up" and stocked with liq- uor and some articles of food. was there because he had no other place to put it. The defendant also claimed that he was being '')x'rse-cuted by an unkno"-'ll person of extreme Polit· ica1 influence" in this charge but failed to enlighten the court on this theory. Judge Gardner, in rendering the verdit, d~ that there was no doubt in }\is mind of the defend· ant's guilt and set Saturday morn- ing, August 31, as the time for passing sentence. JGD a plea or not guilty to charges .------------- that he had erected a building in a R-2 zone where three families were living or used for living quar- ters. Testimony given by lnvestigat"! ing Officer Walter Dyson revealed ttriat West \\•as Tenting two units · of the Gamet street home to two families and was using quarters over the garage for his own use, which , it was contended, is in vio- lation or the zoning ordinance. SHOES RepUred ·Wlllle Yoa Walt Ray Pagan 515 East Bay Front Ned -· .. a.r ~ Caf1I la.m.telp.pL LA.RGEST SPORTSFISHER. Tb.ls wu the 11Cene of activity at Port Lido a couple of weeks ago "''hen the Lucky Strtke. largest aport&- fhhlnl" c ruiser In Newport Harbor, prepared to dock follo"'1lll' her maiden fish.In&" cru.I~. The 12-foot craft, owned by Prentice Moo'1! and Fritz Ke mper of Port Udo Sportllflshinl' Inc., 111 fully equipped with delu.xe aceontmodatlons and galley service and Is sk.lppe~ b )· Harry Lygren. The Luc ky Strtke. twtn-ACrew and d.le!tel po'4·ered, waa built b).· the "'llmlngk>n Boat Works and lti now plyifll' her trade d&lly from the landing at Port Udo. Honor or landing the tint catch aboard the ne w boat on he r ti n t c ruise went to Gary Porter, 6V1- yeat"-Old IM>n of l\lr. and Mn. Sam P orter of Balboa. This evidence was subsantiated ..-------------. Three Rescue Yachtsman 'Port Del~gates J ~:"i'~e~~~~.:. ~1~s~u{:..!';: Acclaim Harbor ner, chainnan of the boaro: lrvm George Gordon and James A. Ba- by Offi cer-Cornecl, who followed Dyson to the st&{ld. The de fendant contended that he had merely visited the premises to conduct business and that a Drunk Charge Follows Car Crash on Wed. f D 0 CCon tinuro from Pa~e 11 ker . rom rown •1ng •1n cean ' Ion and Mrs. Wahlgren: Nels We· re~~ill~ o~;~:ro~t ge~ch~ borg. Manager, Port Everett, and Councilma n Mason Siler. A plea of not guilty to charges . I Vlashington. and Mrs. w. eborg. Orange County Hart>or commjs-of druhk driving were entered in · h d--1 city court Thursday morning bi· Tu10 girls a nd a young man r('Scucd a 45-year -old North Holly-1 Dave Burrmvs, President. Port s1on was ea \'U by Chairman Roy Edward F. Hethcock, South PasA- wood yachtsman from drowning when his 40-foot motor cruiser ~ommission, Port Angeles, WBS:h-Edwards of Orange, "'ho presided dent. who was arrested by local r d -• · h d. f ff 50 h N 1 •ngton; S. R . Burrowes. Sequin. at the luncheon and introduced ii _..a_ oun er"" 1n t e !XIUn 1ng sur o t street, ew!Xlrt Beach. late \Vashington: Capt. l-1 . J . Johnson, the local representation, E. J. po ce W10"U11esday evening follow- Tuesday. San Francisco. and Mrs. Johnson : Hughf'S of Seal Beach, L. G. ing an accident between a car said The girls, Beverly , Grace, 17, of 321 Alvarado place, Balboa, H. J . Blythe, Construction inspec-Swales or Santa Ana and Walter by police to have been driven by S S . 1 Hethcock and a vehicle driven by and Martha Mae r.1oody, 18, o r Newport Beach. and Vlilliam Moody, tor. Long Beach Harbor, and 1'1rs. . p1cer o Newport Beach. Delbert Means of Costa Mesa.. 2'2, Newport Beach yachtsman, were credited with saving the life of I Blythe: E .gar 1'1 cKee. consulting Other local representatives were A rd' Ted B. Rathbun, 45, of North Hollywood, another yachtsman. engineer. Venice ; Hans Mumm, Mrs. Hubbard C. Ho"'e. Mrs .• L . G. He~kingwa.!0 d~J:; :po~~ Noticing the Ralhbun motor j jr .. president. Port commission, Swales a nd Mrs. Walter S. Spicer, wrong side of the street and the cruiser drifting in the ocean, Miss it was about to trap the swimmer . Everett. Wash .. and Mrn. Mumm; with Hubbard C. Howe, chairman accident ensued. A doctor's re- Grace, "'ho lives at 321 Alvarado Seeing Rathbun's predicament, George La.Roche, Jr., Dock com-of the Small Harbor committee of port indicated his alleged dwtken Place. Balboa, and the Moodys, Misses Grace and Moody swam mission, Portland, Ore.; Col. B. C . the state chamber of commerce; condition. who live at 5710 Seashore drive, r a pidly to his side and pulled him Allin, consulting e ngineer, San Lew H. Wallace .a member of the Trial will be held Friday morn- Newport Beach, swam to the craft. out from the gap between the tip Francisco; J .B. Cox. World Ports, first harbor commission; Harbor ing at g o'clock. Moody boarded it and found Rath-of t he boat and the water's edge, San Francisco; Otarles A. Bland, ~taster Russell Q-a.ig, and Engtn- bun asleep below decks. just as another pounding wave port traffic manager, Long Beach; eer Morgan Noble. Guests ol George Burine of Balboa apa.rt- Advising the North Hollywood turned the veti:s~I completely over. H. B. Hart, Port of Longview, Commissioner Swales were Myr-ments reported to police .Wednes- man to swim for shore, Moody Fifteen seconds later and Rathbun Wash., and Mrs. Hart: John L. ford Irvine of the Itvine Ranch day the loss of 8 wallet containing WE NEED ... tlilnp,.. DO loapr need --Pll. IU'J OJ' 7'0I For Pld<-Up EVERYTHING In Quilty REFRIGERATION Air CondlUonleg F.qulpa•oe.Jt . ea-. Cal>lneto • OoUJilon Wlllk-lno • Foantalm • 8toolo -Dano • Bootho Oompl ... Marbto Cale, Etc. Pl•nnl•c "WEBEB". DEALEllll al 8. Loe Aaplee St., •=· '= --prepared to stand-by the vessel. would have drowned under the Kelly, Long Beach Harbor com-and Milton Romey of San Fran-$20 Rathbun jumped overboard and over-turned craft. mission. and Mrs. Kelly; Louise daco. I--·-__________ _;_:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:_-' 8ll he attempted to swim away Newport Harbor de partment and BurTOWeS. Port Angeles, Wash.; The party journeyed from Long Announcing the Reopening Of the from the craft, a pounding wave a tug sent crews to pull the motor Ca.ire Saenz, Port Angeles, ~ash. Beach in a ~ Tanner bus and drove it leeward and turned it over cruiser off the beach front, where and W. E. Jones, San Franctsco. on the trip came by way of Santa on its side, in such a manner that a later pounding roller drove it. Local guests were on hand to Ana, The Irvine Ranch and the Repairing ' Handy Andy's WELDING Shop Specialties -Ornamental W• llMl a& New,..& BIN. C08'IA .... A. T. JOHNSON famous San Joaquin orange g'roves to Newport Harbor, returning by way of the Coast route. On behalf of the local coritmit- tee Mrs. Howe presented the win- ner, Barbara CUndiff, with a spe- cial trophy donated by the cham- ber of commerce. BAMBOO POLE THEFT B. Reuss of 108 20th street, New- port Beach , told police someone stole a bamboo fish 1X1le atid 300 yards of line from his home. Es:pert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W Pabner Radio AND ELECrRIC !Ml Nowport BmL 008TA ME8A DEA L'S Famous Smoked Fish &Jwa:rs l'l ... 110 McFadden PL ........ :m--., • ., •At ...... Pn'll 'd r On Your Way t.o slnta Ana 0r:-When in Costa ' . St.op at . ' CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Bmbemed ~Fountain Satite .. .......... .. .. •2211Jt 81111L (o.$ I , ... ) -- • • • MESA LIQUOR STORE -IN OUR NEW LOCADON- 1794 Newport Boulevard FRIDAY, AUGUST 30 UNDER SAME MANAGEMENT Newest, Modern Appointments THREE. . . FEATHERS I • • • Newport Barbor Union High School Bis Sched•le for -Registration Days ---·---SENIORS will register Wednesday, September 4, 1946 ~ 9 :00 to lJ:Je LID. rnNIORS will register Wednesday, September 4, 1946 ._ __ ,fl'Oftl l :08 to s :SI p. m. SOPHOMORES will register Thursday, September 5, '46 e-h'oal 9 :00 to 1 t :SO a. m. FRESHMEN will register Thursday. September 5, '46 e from 1 :00 to S :SO P. m. REGULAR CLAllSt:S wtn be malntabood TUESDAY, St:PT. 10. (&pt. 9 Adm.1:9don Day) 12 03() 12 035 12037 12 040 12044 12'46 12050 lkttt.. No. 1 Co!,ta M~leave school.... 8 :30 18th and Placentia ............ _ ................... 8 :35 Victoria and Placentia .. ....................... 8:37 Victoria and Harbor . ..... ... ... ....... ...... 8 040 Victoria and Old Santa Ana Road ...... 8 :44 Newport Blvd. and 20th Street .. 8 :46 Newport Blvd. and Harbor Blvd 8 050 l2 o43 12047 12 049 12050 12 052 12053 Rm No. !--Newport-BalbOa Central and Miramar 8 :43 Ea.<t NO"'t>Ort ... . ........... .... ... 8 047 15th and Central ..................................... 8 049 Ford Gam•• .... .. ............................ ~. 8 050 30th and Central ......................... ........... 8:52 Lido Theatre ................................ ..... ... 8053 12 040 12042 12045 B m No. S-Corona del Mar-Balboa bl. Pacific and Coast Highway -·-··········· 8 :40 Pacific and PalL<ad"" ......... ...... . 8 042 Drug Store, Balboa Island ..... .... 8 :45 12 040 12042 12 045 12 050 12 052 e .. No. 4-Co9ta MeM Mesa Drive a nd Santa Ana-avenue.. 8 :40 Acacia and Palisades .. ... ... . . .......... 8 042 Mesa Drive and Orange Ave ........ -8 :45 Broadway and Orange . __ . ............... 8 :50 18th and Santa A.na Ave. ........ ....... 8 :52 (The bm 11ehedule for the OP ENIN'G D AV OF SCHOOL wtll be publlshed NEXT WEEK ) MOTORCYCLE RA.CES RALLY AND GYPSY TOUR AUGUST 31 -SEPTEMBER 1 Half-mile Races Labor Day, September 2 Time Trials, 11 a.m.; Races 2 p.m. CORONA FAIR GROUNDS Sponsored by Orange County Motorcycle Club Sanctioned by A. M. A. • ~~hbmu(~ -BOTH AT ONCE! Plan for a Cp Gas Ran .. Save your ob's and ab's. lady. YouU nttd tli<m, and pleory- wben you Stt .,bat's in store for you in the be-autiful. oew CP Gas JU.oges. Many have the scpo.ratc, smokeless broiler u.o.ir:s. They're 1 dttam come-uue-muvcls of conveniCDCe" a.ad d6ciency. You ca.a tum out ddiciou's baked pow:on or other wry baked trttts in one side, while you broil Steak. fish, or fowl in the other-"1 tM Jtlllll Ji1'1t. No lag in 1erving. No hwding 10 speed up broiling while baked foods cool And this "dooblc fcaNtC" u only ooc of many that will bring a """' high in Cmifi«J Ptef-. Oicck them 'lU and you'll agttt -ror arc-freedom, for «0nomy, for ~ter living you owe yourself 1 C P Gas RanB"t· • I 1~11M ..... -It "' .,.._,_. .......... _~-­... :1 ••• ....,,~~ --... .-..,;1·1 ................. ~······ ii...... ct.a. .... -""!! -..... -. --·-J9""'-' " ............ ••.a-. 10P1 IEI CCMIJJW Ml co·...., • •z a rt· rt State Highway Commission Will Inspect County Roads Tiie INQUIRING REPORTER Members ot the California State road into the desert area near the Highway commission will viait Or-embryo town of Anza. Driscoll'• talk traced early Cfli· ange county in November to in-rornla history, notably the expl~ spect the proposed Skyline drive rations by Juan Bautista de Ama. over Saddleback Peak, tt was dis-Olmsted unveiled to the audience q,-1icJ• by B. L. Banam Pbotos by w.n.r Gerllanlt NEWS-TIMES SPECIALISTS closed at a meeting or the ~ a Roads to Romance brochure Qaestloa: Do 19'1 tlalak 1111e d~ D. V. ea,_., Newport Fuml· dated Chambers of Commerce at map and 8 larger map detailing elloaW jolD e.o Metropolltaa Wa,.. ture company, "Miracle Mile", Huntington Beach Ttte"Sday night. the highway improvement projects ter Dbtilct .,......._ •Newport Beech : The commission will abo inspect his organization hopes to complete Bes Brandt,. Rex Brandt A..sscr Metropolitan othet' roads in the county which with the highway commission's date&, Corona del Mar: Water should are Included in a plan proposed by cooperation. He discussed financ-Yes! We must be had as soon the Roads to Romance association ing problems briefly. pus the Melr'\> as possible be- which is N'VV'W>rating with the M-Welcome "'85 extended by polltan Water f · --~ ~1dcnt Willis H . Warner of the ----'tlon in Ott it .15 too sociated Chamben of Commerce r•~ ..-~ . late. We never - for an improved highway progTam. Huntington Beach Ol8mber ot September. We know when our Approximately 150 persom at-Commerce and response wa.s by sh o u 1 d have present supply tended the Memorial Hall session Secretary Ernest Moeller of Ana-more consider-will give out to hear Roy Driscoll. publicity heim Chamber ot Commerte. ation in 19'4 and the steady manager for Roads to Romance, Howard Irwin of Fullerton. presi-when we had growth here a nd Dave Olmsted of Long Beach. dent of Roads to Romance, and the chance to will require the secretary-treasurer, discuss the Walter N . LongmooT of Newport nave the watft'. water in the not too distant tu- association's work and develo~ Beach, president of the Associated Now, with the ture, regardless. Joining the Me- ment program for the slx South-Chamben of Commerce, shared great increase in population. the tropolitan Water District will in- land counties composing its mem-presiding honors. project becomes a must. and if we crease, and guarantee, the value bership. Entertainment featured the Ra· don't do it nOW' the cost will be ot our entire harbor communities. Among Roads to Romance mireZ Troupe of San Gabriel. out of this world. I suppc>5e in It's better to have water securlty projects is a 101mile highway Longmoor announced that the 20 years as the atomic age devel-than t.hirst on a proverbial Mo- linking Barton Flats with Rim of associated chambers directors ops they may be able to purity jave. 1 the World Hiway, ar\d another \\'Ould meet Sept. 3 in Santa Ana. sea water, but theil i.t would be Harry Fonytbe. Forsythe Cam-:::::..::.:..::.:.:.::._:~...:::._: _____ -,--------------too late. At the present, I 'll take era Supply, Balboa Island: Metropolitan Water. It's good in-. Beneficia l '!' Most Councilmen Agree on System (Oontlllaod tn>m Pace 1) join the ?.fWD. "Engineers and water supply experts have told us that our dty faces acute water shortage if we coiitinue to use available sources at our present rate. It is clearly indicated that w e must have an ad· ditional water supply and that joining the ~1WD is the most prac· tical and inexpensive way to set· tie our water problem, once. and for all. "As a layman, I will heed the warnings of our water engineers and favor joining the MWD on Sept. 10th." MASON SILER : "Joining the J\:fWD is the only adequate solution to our water problem at present. All other means are too uncertain an<J will not insure our future. "Newport Beach, in its contin- ued growth, faces many problems not the least of which is water. Let us get . this water situation cleared up by joining the MWD- there is no question of its need. "I believe that joining the dis- trict will prove the be9t way to insure our city's growth and prog· reu."' L. L. ISBELL: "I haven't, u yet, fonned a definite personal opinion on the subject. so am un- able to give a direct statement at present. ------- The Converse Wurdemanns spent the weekend at the isthmus, Catalina Island This week they received a delayed letter from their son, Midshipman Bill Reavis, who b on a en.Ilse dO"N"n the Car· tibefln to Puerto Rico and Pan- ama, having left Aug. 17. Mr. and 'P-tn. D. T. Hebert and daughter , Mrs. George Kr ams and her son David, motored to Pacific Cro"'e la.st week for a visit with ~1r. H ebert's nephew. the Rev. D. G. Deckerd and family. Rev. Deckerd is pastor or the ~1ethodist chur ch at Pacific Grove. Cement and Flagstone Contra<:tor FL.AT WORK ANTI f'OO!'iDATION!! QJ £1Umatt four More Enter Swim Tournament Four local s"''immers have sign- ed up for the Balboa Island to Fun Zone r ace to be held Friday after- noon, Sept. 6, in the aquatic events to be held in conjunction "'ith Bal· 'boa's Pirate Days. According to Paul Gustlin. com· mittee chairman or water events, Dorothy Fowler, Donald Dicky, Jack Jones and Robert Hinds have entered the swimming race and many more are expected. Valuable prizes. inclding swim fins, diving masks \Dd fish knives and spears will go to first. sec- ond and third place winners of all events to be held throughout the afternoon in front of the Fun Zone. No Harborites lnlured in 25 Car Road Crash surance. You're right! Ellubeth W eldon, Newport I'm for it. u 0-f P. NPWTX>rt Beach: yOU'V(> got a' We should in-ranch, and wa- v i t e progress ter is short, and with progress. your Water re- lt won't be long quest is turned before th is down -you're community will stuck! Fire haz- find itself in ards too would difficulty if it b e eliminated. does not pre-Where I live I'd only get 12 lbs. pare for a pressure, and in case of fire --- water supply to poof! Furthennore, in my work me(>t the re-it is necessary to fiJter water. The quirements of the th'ousands of present water we receive will plug homes that will be bui.1t in this a filter in 10 minutes. Let's not area in the next few years. The be caught short this time. Let's increased cost to the taxpaye11i have water. would be offset by the water bene-Mary P rice. Mary's Bay and fits. F'i11it , man requires water-Surf Beauty Shop, Balboa.: then food. To tell you HEY, YOU!! If You Have a Gadget That Was Borrowed for Fete, Well - -- "Hey, where's that one missing generator ?" That's the call of Charlie Pey- ton of the Lighting Committee of the Tournament of Ughts who re-- ports that all lighting equipment borrowed from the good citizens the truth, I'm not too well ac- quainte<i w i t h the water pro- ject, but as far as my business is concern ed, joining MWD would surely be helprut. Fight- ing hard water A!J far as the News-TI.mes has of Orange county for this year's been able to ascertain, there were Tournament has been returned, no local residents Involved in the save one eenerator. available here is my problem. I t is difficult to wash soap from a cus-- tomer's hair after a shampoo; then I must use a special rinse as a softener. I'm sure other women of this community will agree with me the Metropolitan Water would save time for us all. spectacular 25-car accident 'Whi~ A total of 186 batteries and 25 occurred near Berkeley Wednes-.gener~ton were borrowed and the day committee hu accounted for every Scotch tape, various sizes, on ule at the News-'Ilmes . GILL'S E.mest Graves ot ins E . Ocean one except the missing generator. boulevard, Balboa.. called the The committee believes that News-nmes to ascertain if his ,someone has probably forgotten wife Mary Graves and her com-that he has the generator aOOard pani~, Miss Mona'. Harding, now his or ber ship or Is unaware that on an automobile trip to Vancou-one ls aOOard. Peyton aaid that ver. British Columbia, might have maw boats were borrowed, with 1------------- bttn listed as among the auto the result that an owner could travelers involved. very w~ll not know that the een· DELICATESSEN Up to press time. no other word e~ator . ts the object of an exte.n-1------------- had been received from Berkeley, s1ve search. FOOD SHOP s tating that they were among the .. ---------.---. injured. The Berkeley Gazette re-- ported that the first list ot the injured included eight people who live in the San Francisco Ba.y- Oakland area. No Newport Har- bor people were incfuded in this list. There have bttn several niquir- les from residents asking this of· fice 'fo~ information about the ac-- Taxi VET'S Company PRONE: BEACON 5659-W • Fre8h Apple Sauce ::.-r.::r~t e PlcldM • OllVM •Ch--MealB • SardinM • AnchoviM • Crackers -1119culta • French Rolls Qllkk ~: we b ,., .. ., tlw> <""Pmrnt cident because of vacationing rest- '--------------' I dents in the Berkeley area. ll&rbor 2574-W We are partial only to The People ~UR CUSTOMERS-- SHOP AT GILL'S EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL Your application for term· lnal furlough pay "'ill be notarized FREE! Bring Your Identilication.. F. C. VENN (Lieut. Col U. S. A., Retlred) Realtor -"Not&rJ Public 607 Coast Highway Corona del Mar ROOFS .APPLm> oa .... ,..., ...... -ta·~ W. I. Br!Mr 38tG ........ Ph. mir. llll>J Smoke from the Berkeley city dump. swept downward by atmos-- pheric conditions. suddenly ob- scured ~t Shore highway and there was a pileup ot 25 automo- biles. Eight persons were injured but. accordlng to Berkeley sou.rces. there "''BS no Ne'NpOl"t Harbor people involved. TIDE TABLES 'AUGUST, lNe F 30 II :22 5o05 ll:Sl 5:M 4.9 0.8 4.4 1.3 s 31 11055 5:33 .... :.... 8 :29 4.8 1.4 1.5 SEP'l't:MllEB. lNe High Low High Low Su 1 12023 6:00 U:>t 1 :'41 3.7 2.0 4-6 1.6 M 2 1048 6 :30 l:M t:tl 3.2 2.5 4.5 L6 T 3 .... o.... ......... l:U H:l1 ,4-4 L4 n11e ............... ., ___ .. '------------~I tAOI: as--.. a.:._.. ...... "'" • MEREDITH'S Venetian Blind Co . Now Open "'•*' iu. •• of0a1w .. 7 • • Complete Repair and Renovatiq Su tite m .. •21• Nsw1 •D1 ell Free Dd ...... "t' • I ·air- (Owned and Operated by Veterans) 1011 BROADWAY For Frelher VeptablM Better Meata Fancy GroceriM U5 Forst Ave. LAGUNA BEAOH WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast llighway 101 ,._B•!'CIB Mlj • • • ''' :::-:.: f: :;.• an•HI ..,., .......... "7t119-*•m • Does Yom Ho•se Need Palit1111? ' - It Ow 1 I _. t1r1 .. s 0WI "7 W ... W. D Y,ijdllr-• ..,,,,... ....... ,., •. l'W JNe a· tu Plkl11BARBOR21'1 ._ ........... • • Construct Dykes For S. A. River ( C<llltlJ\ued from Pap 1) the different members of fhe Wa- ter Sinking conunittee. Cun-ent experimental WOTk un- der the supervision of Directors Ralph J . McFadden, E. T. Watson and John W. Crill supplement prior and early \\'Ork by Wm. Mauerhan . V. C. Heil. C. E . Smith. D. R. Gard- ner, and others. During the entire period Paul Bailey h as been con- sulting engineer ·for the directors . From continuous observation and experience these men have ..,._ beconw! familiar •wt th tbe prioNen., and throucb vvloua coaatruc:tlonal details haw progreaed to this cur- f'l!ftt des1p. FUrther experimental ""'Ol"k is planned for this oominc year ln tM de"•elopment of some method of shitting low now ., that better percolaton and replen- ishment may be obtained. WELCOME HOMEl Newport Barbor Polit Z91 AMERICAN LEGION ........... .......,,, .... . ....... ............. 1tMla .. ... . .., ...... '" ... ~ ... .. I YOU WILL ''TR EA SU RE'' a portrait in pirate costume-by Special Discount for "Pirate Week" Our Balboa Studio DOW open dally from 10 L m. to '1 p. DL BALBOA INN AllOAJ>t: Phone: Barbor 1°'8 High Quality at Low Cost! M:\kL STOOLS IDEAL FOR .OFFICE OR HOIE USE 18, 20 AND 30 INCH HEIGHTS ' 3ss .. 52s Heavy rauire •led oonatruet.so..... sreen llnlmh. Beata u. perfor..ted Kaaonlt. riveted to •teel -all welded joint. -._ta mauun lt" aquare with rounded. ciornen and ede•-Feet p ro'flded with beia'Q' •tee.I cltdff an4 nbb9r bW:npeN I« protection ap.lnst llOUfrtn&. ,... Wttll eunea. l'ona· 5.25 rttU..8tacl ll&ck ...... Ir' WlUI CUned. ,._.. 4.70 ruu..•--...... 11" WIU.. ~ ._.__ • •s ... _ ..... _ ...... - .......... ..... -&.75 . 1r w:r1 ... ..,.. ...... i..ss ~ Sl•olr -B .. I d) 1-l'l:lerl ,., .s."" ..... Qr..,. • f11a1• 10 • .. ..-, AD ldndl typowril<r rlbboaa lo atod< at the N<WS-'1'1..-. C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE Moorings Buoys ;t ;t ;t Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ;t ;t ;t Phone: Harbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R • for Prompt Service For MARINE HARDWARE & PAINTS VARNISHES & HOUSE BUILDERS ' • HARDWARE Expect 75 Girls To Contest for 'Pirate Queen' Last call '°" f'ntries la the Queftl ooatn'l for Balboa'• Pl· r a te Oa)'!I bu bffn 1-ued this ,,·eek by the Pirate Queen eom- rnlt-ttt and all bUAlnf'M coneern5 are belnC remind~ th.at, If they are pl•nnlnir to sponsor a girl for Queen, lhl'y must turn la an entry blank proolo. Approximately 40 clrb have btt:n entered ln the contest at present, according to Chairman Tom Dugan of the Quoern com·· mlttf'e. and he f'..Xpe<=ta to have approxlmat~ly 15 entries Ob the ' flnaJ da te. \ ·Chairman Dugan also ''1shea to emphasize that t his It not a ' beauty contest. Contestant.a will be Judged upon three maln oon- tldf'rat1ons, \\-ith 60% of t be judgment based on "approprlat-. ne9S of c05tume," and :!Scro each on Pt'rsonaJlty and polse. P lenty of valusble prlx" are going to the "1.nnera. accordlq t o Dugan, and out-of·t0\\'1111 judges "'Il l preside. Entry blank11 can be obta.lned from Pirate Jleadquarters, USO buildlnc ln Balboa or a rrange-- m <>Dls can ~ made b)' phonlnc June Vogl'I at Harbor :?66 or Dugan at 1·1arbor 660. • • OO'Ss' T • ,,, Mp=! • !!!! M I at• c •tt CYCLEll IU.Cll IN ·OOaoNA ayor S I IZenS Omml ee Newport H~~~ .. !18hl8g News c:~=..f!= R · ports w t p bl Sportfishing Assn. of Newport 'Harbor ~~;.~ca::, at.= e on a er ro ems weekend. Aug. 31-S.pL 1-2, for the BT HUGH Mc!IOLLAN 15 . thread . line from aboard the annual nlly, gypsy tour and cham- (Continued from Page 5) Laguna Beach, South Coast County \Vater Dis- trict, . Newport-Mesa Irrigation Dis- trict. Newport Heights Irrigation Di.s- trict. A portion of Irvine Ranch a1ong the coast. Tht' District is governed by five directors. The City of Newport Beach, if annexed, would have at least one Director. A municipal \\'ater district is empowered to acquire water, \Valer rights. water works, etc., and to operate systems. rn the case of the Coastal ~fu­ nicipa.J Water District it was or - ganized tor the purpose of secur- ing Metropolitan Water District water for the coastal section ot Orange county. The district pur- chases water from the M.W.D. and in tum re-sells the water to the various communities at cost. The opera ting expenses of the district are nominal, not exceeding S250.00 per month. The City of Ne\l.1>Qrt Beach in joiriing the Coast District will be required to pay its sha re of the expense of organizing the district The current tax . rate of the Flfty·nine swordfish, hooked Chinook WI.th Skipper Glen Soden. pionships ndng program of the :P.f\VD ls 48 cents per $100.00 of in the Pacific Ocean off Newport A 172,pound m arlin was caught by A.M.A. county assessed ' valuations. Harbor ' in the current run. have Dr. Elton Rankin tn 4 hours 15 The thf-ee.da.>' festivities 1A1ll be t'he charge 'for softened and been ""-eighed in at the Harbor minutes on heavy tackle from the climaxed by a full program of filtered C.Olorado River water de-:P.taster dock in Balboa up to late Dorothy Elaine ID. \\tith skippers speed r acing open 110 the public on livered to the Corona dcl 1'lar last night. Beebe and MarplE'S. A 171.pounder Labor Day, starting at 2 p.m. reservoir \\'ill be S15.00 per acre Fi\·e marlin were landed yester· \\'as caught by C. S. Crokaw in The Orange County ~totorcy"cle toot, or 3~c pet-100 cubic feet. day, 10 on -Saturday, five on Fri-3 hours 5 minutes on heavy_ tac~Je Racing club is SPQnsoring the sow, Comparbon of costs day, \\ii.th •an average of three a from aboard the Atec JI, skippered \\'hich is expected io dra"' 10 000 (al Local supp)y (estimated): day before that .. Crowds gather by Arthur Ta)•lor. A 144-pounder spectators · New \\'ells. ·aeration at the dock to watch the big fish v•as landed by Dr. R . \V. Post in · tanks, pumping sta-being \~reighed in. 47 minutes on h('avy tackle fron1 lion and force main $300.000.00 Th(' biggest thrill of the week the Edna Lee skippered by H arry Interest for 20-r('ar came Friday when Bill Pigg land-Ashton. A 153-pound('r was landed You Can Bequeath Your Sight, period at 4')ti ............ 120,000.00 ed a 134·pound marlin on a line b}' Sam Bagby in 3 hours 15 min· The magit'..'al surgical operation by that will break with anything utes on nine thread line from the. "'hich th(' cornea. or parts of it, Total cost. ......... $420,000.00 heavier than IS.pound strain on it. Phantom, skippered by Norm can be transplanted from the d('ad Coastal Municipal He ~anded it, after careful hand· Begg. Two marlin were brought in to save the sight of a blind person Water District: ling, in 2 hours 14 minutes \\'ith on Saturday aboard the Alamo is Outlined by l.10JTis Freedman ln Taxes to Coastal r egulation three-six outfit from with Skipper Wes Fowler. A 167· The Amercian \Veekly, the maga· Municipal W ater the boat Mihoney, skippered by pounder was .caught by Pat Sulli· zine distributed \\'1th next Sun· District (one year) Bob Garcia. van on medium tackle, a 147. day's Los Angeles E.xaminer--ad''. to be paif;I out of S~day's catch included a 142· pounder \Vas caught by G. Bran· ------------- General Fund......... 11,589.35 p:>und marlin b'y Walter Mac. dow in 35 minutes on 32 thread TRANSFER SIGHT l b ) Back taxes to Intosh in one hour on heavy tackle line. Fred Sershorn caught a mar· MWD over 20-year from the Bee Mary 11, skippered Jin on nine thread line from t.he period ..... · ................. 668,200.00 by Dorothy Macintosh. · A 115-Spart skippered by H. Fink. -----1 pound m arlin was caught by Rob· Friday's fish included a 134· Total cost .......... $679,789.35 ert DeGrasse, in 1 hour 10 minutes pound marlin by Dude Robinson Annual Payment• on heavy tackle. on the boat. Care-on heavy tackle in 1 hour 45 min· Annual payments for free with 'Mrs. Robert DeGrasse utes on the Romarie skippered by 2(}...year period for skipper. A 107·pound marlin was Earl Gray. A 147·pounc;,I .marlin back taxes .................. $ 33.410.00 cau§l'tt by Dave Shade in 22 min· "'as caught by J . E. Bw:r_ell in 3 Current taxes based on utes on heavy 24 tac kle from the hours 19 minutes on light tackle ,._~ '-------------~ 1 at the rate of 10 cents per Sl00.00 $14,540,640 county val· Phantom, skippered by Norm from the Little John skippered by uation "tithih the city, Begg. A 159·pound marlin "''as L. O. W e tzel. Ed Linsenbard READ TllJS STORY A Rabbi. Tu•o Parsons and a Priest. F our \Vhole·Souled Ameri· cans, represe nting four religions, "·ith 48 cents per caught by Carl C. G'owles, in 35 caught a 227·pound marlin in one 5100.00 <current rate) 69,795.07 minutes on hca,·y 24 line from hour Oat on a 15 thread line from aboard the R Sin JI skippered by aboard the Lure skippered by Jack Total ................ $103,205.07 N. H. Necker. A 121.pound marlin Mason. A 142·pound nlArlin '''as It's the county assessed valuation 1941-42 or a total of Sll,589.35. Taxes for this a mount 'vill be levied for the fiscal year 1947.48. This item \vill probably be taken care of out of prea ched the glory of God and t he General fo~und or \Valer Fund. brotherh~ of ma n in th.c ir lives 1 i\fetropollta n \\'ater District Ito'" )fay ThPSe Obligations \vas caught by Dr. R . N. Niemeyer ca ught by E . Roy Da son in Be P aid? in 35 minutes on heavy tackle 1 hour 25 minutes on hea\y tackle and_ test1f_1ed to the c_ert1tudc.: of The l\1 etropolitan Water District their belie fs by_ lh~1r . glor10U! consisting of 12 Southern Cali· ?eaths. Rea~ their st1rr1ng story I fornia cities, '"·as formed in 1929 in .The ~m~r1can W~kly, the m ag· for the purpose of importing az1ne d1str1butcd with next Sun· Color ado River water to Southe rn day's Los Angeles Examiner.-adv. California. We have the choice of paying from the l\1akaua. skippered by E . front the Makaua skippered by all or any part•from taxes and/or Roy Davidson. Mrs. Donna Davidson. 23 rd & Ph . Central 2600 . WE HAVE DEDICATED OUR SERVICE and PARTS and ACCESSORIES ---PERSONNEL and FACILITIES to the Automobile Users of Community --- For --- Today and all of the - - - Tomorrows You can expect: • • COURTEOUS IMMEDIATE to Come. TREATMENT ATIENTION • • FULFILLED PROMISES • FAIR PRICES . • GOOD WORKMANSHIP AT YOUR CHEVROLET and OLDSMOBILE DEALERSHIP Hydramatic Specialists this No ~wn Payment Easy Bidget Tehns Front End Aligning Frame Straightening ubricatlon CilLBERTSOI CHEVROLET co~ • orro om••••.., M&ww••«ilB ..... -.... 111 • from ,,·ater reYenue or a com· Saturday's catch included a 161·1-------------_: ____________ _ bination of both. Some cities are pound marlin by J . Lee Gregg, The present outstanding bonded indebtedness is S 180.434.000.00. In addition to this debt the district has contractC'd to pay the City of Pasadena. over a period of years, $ This covers the unpaid balanct> on the cost of the 1\1orris Dam and reser\'Oir. The 1\1etJopolitan Water District constructed the Orange County Feeder Pipe Linc in 1943 which has storage above the Corona de! Mar reservoir adjoining the City of NeY.1>0rt Beach. paying district cos.ts from \\'ater landed in 40 n1inuws on heavy revenue a nd no taxes are levied tackle from aboard the Pago Pago Jor this pur{)IJse. Others pay part skippered by Floyd E. Buell. A from watC'r revenue and part fTom 148-pounder '''RS caught by Louis C. Breer in 18 minutes on heaYy tax~~ most feasible \\'RY 0 0 r pay~ tackle from the Billou, skippered ing appears to be', to pay back tax: by Louis C. BrCC'r jr. installments through ,vater rev· A 195·paund marlin "'as landed enue and current assessments by Arthur Die terich in 30 minutes through ta."es. The required in· on heavy tackle from aboard the cr ease in "·ater rate to conform Fish Talcs III, skippc-red by Fred ,,;th the aboYe would average Gray. A 159·pounder was landed about 50c for• each consu.m('r per by Frank M. Linnell in 1 hour 28 month. Future increase in the minutes on light tackle \\'ith a J ine number of consumers wilt reduce that tests 24 pounds from the this figure. Daisey II skippered by Jimmy Steyenson. A 116--pounder was Plans and Specifications • For Buil.ders, Contractors_ & .Engineers ---·'--- BERT J. MORRIS, Jr. Residential and Commercial Designer 2126 W. Central Ave. 'Newport Beach Pbone Harbor !lf7t The district has agreed to con· st.ruct at its O\\'D e.xpense a feeder pipe line along Ne\vport Boule- vard, from the existing trunk line north of the Santa Ana Country club, to 23rd Stteet in Costa Mesa at e cost of approximately S140.· Cost lan~ed by J. S. Kier in 29 minutes Again, '''hat it will cost the on heavy tackle from the Sea-Esta 1 ~ .-;;;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;_;;;;-;;-;;-;;;;-;;-;;-;;;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;;;-;;-;;;;-;;;;-;;;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;-;;;;-;;;;;;-;;-;;;..1 average ta.xpaycr for joining the skip(>ercd by A. G. ~1uench. A 185· 1 M.W .D .: . -pound marlin was caught by B. E. On a House and Lot 'A'ith county Devere in 31 minutes on mediwn assessed valuation of S!,000.00, ------------- '''hich would probably sell for \, around Sl0,000.00, the tax: would millions f dollars in bringing in be for back aS$essments $4.60, and wat('r. The Jlarbor and the Water for current tax 59.60, a total of made Los Angeles. MASS MEETING 000.00, in the event Ne,vport Beach elects to join the Coasta1 Munici~ pal Water District. This proposed feeder pipe line will serve the harbor area west· Sl(.20 a year or an average of =,~iiiiii;iii;ii;i;ii;ii;ii;ijn St.11 a mont~ This is for \Vater-T Health and SanJtation Insurance. Tuesday Evening, Sept 3rd crly of Upper Ne\\'port Bay and will eventua lly bl' extended to the main reservoir or the city. The district requires that all nc'v territory annexed pay their share of back taxes based on coun· ty valuations since 1929--30. which amounts to $668,200.00. in ad· dition to the current taxes coming "';th the fiscal year 1947..iB. These back taxes will be paid off in 20 equal annual installments, Without interest. • 901 Clout mp ... , PboDe Be&con Kil AWNINGS All Sizes Made -to -Order • ReMonallle Prloes • In a recent inter\"ie'v with Fleet-'"ood La\\'1on, noted radio com· mentator. Ma}·or Bowron gave_ his ";e"'S on the development of Los AngC'les as follo\VS : Fleet,vood LaY,.ton : Mayor Bow· ron. to "·hat do you attribute the 1 treat growth, the remarkable gro\\'th ot Los Angeles? Mayor Bo'vron: A number of .rears ago we went down to the ocean. We took some mud flats and there we built the finest man· made harbor 1n the world. With· out the harbor, Los Angeles would be just another inland city. Fleetwood Lawton : What other important development helped make Los Angeles grow? Mayor Bowron: We went out to get water. We realized that with· out water we could not develop in population, industry or along any lines. We spent hundreds of PHONE llABBOB 11'1 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT The Sign Man • BOAT LE.TI'ERING A SPElCIALTY ... .. Increase the value 88 well 88 the looks of your property . -N<mCE- We Mio have a wide ..iecao. of TRAILER CANOPIES · •FREE ESTIMATE ON ANY JOB• Costa Mesa Canas a AWillC Co. 10!1 !J.E.••* .. t .... -• 0 PI: N C.... ._ OIA>lm· SA..K. on ...,..,,;. tt IP.K. P. 0 .... 111 1 .. IS --' . Don't letJ.our car suffer deterlora on by nedeclr Ing body dents anil In- juries! Lower Its depre- ciation by having us re- pair It. • PAINTING and WELDING • FENDERS FIXED •BODY REPAIRING &tLOW COST Centtal Garage & Collision Shop Beacon 5181-J !S66 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA • Open Forum RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM All Members of the Balboa Improvement Assn. and Property Owners Are Urged to Attend ' C. R. JOHNSON, President; THOS. DUGAN, Secretary VISIT • ---For Your LABOR DAY Week End - - -• Cocktails B / D QM ES Fine Drinks Newport Beach·.·. Ocean Front A Distinguished Array of Wines and Liquors lmp<)rted • • • Domestic • S.nset Litplor Beach Store Sally's UqllOI' om. m-y, !Li n• 8eMia' • c861rth ot'Pllll omceJ • .. - --pt lltar , ~ ..... • -- • -_, ---r=---'J ·~ ...,.,·.,- • • • • l. ___ ..,._ o;;:;;;; • Ml.a~ • nraNl1"a& n• ULS a 111781~. SABIO ' I& W&hi'.&D TO'mT a11--~~·~,·~·!!!!'~A~ .... ~-----~·~,~-~·~·:·~-~·~A~n~ _____ ...:·~ aG8DOW oums ww•w• ,.,,_..., ... I· ;;..;...:....:..:....::..:.....:....:------WAN"l'ED by Sept. 10, mother'• FOR SALE -Men's all-loetbor FOR SIU.&--Antlque ·OU-GRAND PIANOS-You will be REFINED COUPLE urgmtly need CORSON & RA y helper durtnC IChool hours. No tennis llhoel, size 9: men'1 sborU carved teakwood table and <:balr. utoundod a ttJur cx-t big living acxXJ11111>oclatiom, Sept. Saturday's or Sunday work. and undenhlrta: good WO<k and Pbone 1Jar1>or 5911. 66-lfc stock. Klmball, Steinway, Sob-through May. P. 0. Box 609, BALBOA BAYSHORES Building Contractors Hoon •IJlll'OXimale4' 9:30 to sport shirtl 112a 38 and 40. i. mer, Hallet and Davis. St<ry Balboa Wand Call Harbor Phone Harbor 2447-R 3:30, $15 per week. Phone Har-Oilldttn's cloWng, si2el 5 and 7 llOA'l!I, rUPPLIEll U and Cllll"k. One eorgeous Cblck-2l~W. 65-4tc FINEST HOUSE DEAL IN NEWPORT HARBOR. We invite you to inspect the new homes now tmder co. structioo in Balboa Bayshores. Prices range from $13,250 to $15,750. Full infonnatioo may be ob- tained by phoning Harbor 1776 or Harbor 1646. Phone Harbor 1520-W 68-ltc bor 23M-W. 68-Ztc yean. Call Harbor !>50-M. FOR sALE--star boat. Call enng and It Is the real Chick.or-AP!' or SMALL HOUSE Wllllted (;8.ltc Wh.lttieT 412560 or write Box lng, too. Many others to chooee by man and wile. We do. not Bayside Plating Co. 1943 Newport Avenue COSTA MESA, CALIF. ·Phone Beacon 5358-R (Refer to di.splay Ad. P age 5) 66-Stc Painting -Decorating We use only reliable materials. applied by muter painters. GERALD E. VAN HALL 424 Heliotrope. Corona del Mar Tel. Harbor 89-WK 65-4tp COOPERATIVE ROOFWG CO. New and Repail' Phone 875-M m E.. 2Qt b St .. Costa Meea 26-tf< WAITRESS WANTED $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good Hours Also FRY COOK MR. EARLY C mornings King Landing Newport Beach onl y) 61-lf< LOCAL or traveling in business for yourself. No money required. Good income. You are your own boss. Apply Miss Bayer, Austin-Santa Ana, 5081' N. Main St. 63-Gtc Bookkeeper and General Office Worker Advancement opportuniti~. pleas- ------------248, Rt. 2, Pl.ente. 67-4tp from. Priced to start at $395. drink or smoke, no cb.Ddren or WANT A HOME! Eastern house Tenns.. 0.. n!nt. Danz Schmidt pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W trailer and cabana. butane gu, SNOWBIRD FOR S~-flano Co., Exclusively planoa. or write Box "X" N.,.port Bal- running water and Jots or extras. plete---ca.r, trailer, saib. canvu Nothlng else. 520 N. 1t1ain, boa N--~-. --ttc Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot cover. Good condition. 1564 Santa Ana. s.5-tfc ....... ......-.1.uUCll ..,, on Bay with low rent year Ocean Blvd., Balboa. 66-4tc ·~·~·~'-~1:8~T~~~-~-----~'~''. I round. Priced rloht fof' quick WORLD famous Spinet type : . • WANTED TO BUY-Snipe type mirror piano. Repaosessed Now 1ale. See owner , lot 99, Newport boat, fuUy rigged, reasonable reduced to $295. Terins. Superb Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc condition, moderately priced. tone. Mahogany cue. Designed Concrete Products Div. of Foster Sand &:: Gravel Co. Ph. Fullerton 283-W 1015 S. Spadra Building tie, building bricks, face bricks, patio tile in colors. See our display. - 62-8tt' BARGAINS! Lowest prices In turni ture is mi motto. I buy righ t. I sell right I also buy furniture. Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. C.osta Mes1 57-tfc Box ~i. c/o N ews-nmes. 66-4tp for style and long service. Danz- WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In Schmidt Plano Co., 520 N. Main, W llmlngton foT' same ln New-Santa Ana. 55-tfc port Harbor. Call Erwin Plenon at Klm61e 5283. 52-tfc FOR SALE-A Dyer 98.iling dink, one month old. 226 Via Udo Nord. Phone H arbor 1194-J . 68-lfc RADIO HOUSE CALl.S- Now that additional competent technicians ~ available, we are able to make service calls on large conaotes. All work guar-anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, FOR S • • ~15 f s . th S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. AJ..,.c.,-t.. unray \VJ Pb. Harbor 78). 34-tfc trailC'r. Good condition. Inquire 211 Saphire. Balboa bland. Radio Repairs 68-ltp All makes; tubes, etc. FOR SALE-1 C.D. No. 4, ex-Beacon 5763 Two New Homes Ready for occupancy. Stall showers. Glass doors. Ru.gs. Call 1522-J 63-tfc BALBOA ISLAND Two-bedroom cottage on rear of 45-foot Bay Front lot : excelle nt loeation and building site. Pier, Balboa bland- $27,000 NEAR SOUTH BAY CORONA DEL MAR NEARLY COMPLEI'ED-New duplex on comer lot, close to school, stores and beaches. One three- room, one-bedro6m Apt. One four-room, two-bed- room Apt. Fireplace and floor furnace. Could be made. into four-bedroom home. Double garage-- $17,500. OCEAN VIEW-Two-bedroom home with den; six years old. Hardwood floors. Fireplace and floor furnace. Badminton court and flagstone patio. ,-Double gar- age-/ '$29,500 HARBOR ISLAND ant surroundings, offices In ----,---..,,,.----,----Newport, good starting salary. Auto Batteries cellent oondltion: new paint : BURT NORTON r easonable. 66 Beacon Bay. 915 Coast Fnghway, Newport Attractive three-bedroom home, completely furnished; patio and garage-- VACANT LOT with 40 ft. frontage. $18,000 Priced at- SIGN PAINTING Apply 1840 Harbor Blvd., Costa Rubber Separaten Mesa. Mr. Whyte. Phone Beacon l~month -$6.75 Ex. Newport. Phone H arbor 1521-J . 23-tfc SS.ltc 1.,,.=-::-::----,--.,.--.,---.,.,--~----,--------GOOD used pianoe fOl' practice. $16,500 BosU, Trucks, Wlndows Walls aad Bulletins. 5892-J. 68-ttc Compounded Motor Oil BOAT F OR SALE-Only genuine Some as low as $57 and $79 or teakwood lady in Calif. Built in !"ent 8 piano for $5 per mo. Let BALBOA BAY FRONT Raised Metal, Wood and Plot1c Letten AL LACHMEYER 1m \Vst <:.enll'al Harbor 1243-M 381f< PAINTING 12 'fears Scn.1ce in Newport Hairbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone &-aeon 5259-J 774 E. 19th Street 24-tk Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Free Estimating f'hone Beaoon 5780-J i'OR A R ELlABLE P a.int Job on your home, call Beacon ~ 533() &fter 4 :30 p.m. 10..tfc FAINTING -PAPER HANGING and DECORATING H. E. McDoDald 414 O!d Coaty Rd.. Costa Mesa Phone Beacon 5013-J 85-tft PEJISONAL DESIRE to collaborate wtth screen story writer . Have several storl~ comple ted. material for others. F or interview , write: Wm. I. Sindorf, Bay Shore Camp. Newport Beach. 68-2tp l'JLANllPOllTATION 11 BICYCLES Bold. Rented or Repaired.. VOGEL'S 100 Kain SL, Balboa 208 Marmo. Balboa bW>d. 114-lfc t.oST AND FOUND LOST-Lady'1 Elgin wrbt wa tch, ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... when you get a . job as a telephone operator. Good pay from the start ... yes, even while you are learning. Raises at regular intervals ... and a chance to advance. Good v.·orking conditions ... attractive. pleasant sur- roundings ... friendly fel- low-workers. P aid vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, \\'Ork in neighOOring central office near >;our home. One of tht>Se interesting. well-paid jobs is waiting for you, too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave ., Balboa 514 ~ No. Main St., Santa Ana or Call Chief Operator 68-tfc Sunday night on No. Bay Front ONE Pair single garage doon. bet"'een Ruby and ~larine Ave ., Phone Harbor 23~J. 68.-ltc Balboa Island. Phone Harbor F OR SALE-Air compresser, $100. 312-W. 68-ltc 7311 Seashore Dr., Newport LOST-Army d ischarge papen. Beach. 65-ttc Liberal r r w ard for return to FOR SALE-Monroe electric caJ- l.rvin Gordon, 1111 \V. Central. culator, $150. 184-0 Harbor Newport.. This document ls Blvd., Costa ~fesa. Beacon priceless to O\\'ller. 68-2t.. 5892-.J. 61-tfc EllPLO~"T WANTED II FOR SALE -W ashing machine T'A.ILOR-Experienced; all kinds a nd two new steel cots with repairing. remodeling and re--m attresses. as a unit , $55. 221 lln1ng. Call Beacon 5423. 64-6tp Sa nta Isabel. Costa ~lesa. 68ttt CARETAKER. middle &&ed. re-F OR SALE-Lawn mower , 14x20 llablt", call P ennJngton. Phone sink, plumbing, pipe a nd misc. Parkway 6469. 1567'1. So. Harv-articles. 712 Beacon St. Phone ard Blvd, Loa Angeles. 65-4tp Beacon 5291-J. 68-ltp SXPLOYIC&1ill'T OF'rEJtED tt F OR SALE-Bell and Howell 16 mm. model 156-V Filmosound FOUNTAIN HELP WANTED-projector. P erfect condition. Phone Harbor Tl. 67-2tc Price, $325. For informatio1 'IWO MAIDS for hotel work, Bal-call Harbor 201. 66-2tc boa tn n. Ha rbor 660. 67-lfc FOR SALE-Man's pre-war blcy. WANTED-Laundress one day a cle: just 11lc:e new . Heavy dut) week. Phone Harbor 598. 66-tfc tires. 512 28th S t., Newport. 52-tfc WANTED -' House-keeper, part time, middle &&:e. live out. Call FOR SALE-Llving-room set, new Harbor 1916. 67-2tc electric water heater, table-top electric range. 5 h.p. outboard CO~R GIRL \VANTED m otor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743, tt bor Service Oeaners. 113 61-tf< p St .. Balboa. 67-2tc FOR SALE-High oven gas stove, WAITRESS WANTED six days odd chairs. d resser, invalid week. Norton'• Bay Shott Cafe, walker , small wheel chair. S<W 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tfc Orange Ave. (south end ), Costa KITCHEN HELP wanted. Apply Mesa. 67-2tc Clsyl'L 322 Marine Ave., Bal-FOR SALE-'ll violin with case, boa IaJ•nd 54-tfc $10: ·one large dresser, one full w AN"l'ED -Dbhwuher. Balboa set I940 Encyclopedia Britannica Inn Cale. Surf and Main St., with bookcase. Harbor 1193-J. Balboa. 67-2tc --=--..,,==,.----,,,,---67--_21_c WANTED -Experienced ood<t.all DRILL PRESS -Shop type, , and food waitrea. Balboa Inn Ol.ampion Blower and Forge Co. care, Surf and Main St., Bal-make: eio:ellent condition; also boa. 67-2tc: 14 ft. skiff. Harbor 203L fi8.2tc m:u> w ANTED--IAdy wanted STUDIO couch, bed. plus mattress for lt'Ml'al ~-One or and aprinp, and 4-h.,.,. clres- two days weekly. Pbone Har· '"'" two wicker c:halr?· Phone bor 1244. 611-21< Harbor 229().R after 6 p.m. HELP W iln"ED--Waman or cir! far ·aeneral boUIC!Wark; eood wapa; Uve_ in ,. out. Harbor ll18:1. !56-tfc 68-lk FOR SALE-Draperies, 1lx extra wide panels, Coral pattern. lined. good condition. No. 7, Beacon &y. 68-ltp HELP WANTED-Girl or ....,.... for -al otf1ce warlc and t)'t>-FOR SALE-Girl's 24-lnch bicycle, Ins 3 dAys 1 week, Mon.. Wed.. good oondiUon: extra set tires, and Fri. Steecly .....,.)<. Apply $25. caD at 208 36th St., New- C...tnl A~. 611-lfc port. 611-4tp W.urt'ED--W-help. -FOR SALE-New 12 ft. plywood dnnJns and _.....,. for Sat. boat and motor; Kiri'• bleyde ; • and S>mc113'. Goo4 -and modern patio -._.; studio mr ran. St..b .....,_t. CXIUdl; twin mop. bodnn ... t; amn funll.1. Ptime Bmt1Gr adeatal rue. 10.&tlU B1•>•1 ~Ill. . •trc MD-R. 611-ltc • f • " ,_ Gallon. 70c Western Auto Supply Authorized Dealer 1836 Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa 1 41-tfc FO R SALE -Building P.1aterial, used I-panel door 212 'xj;'5"xl % ", 1 glass door 3'x6'5''xl % '', 1 m a tching screen door , all with hardware, Some rough lwnber, $20 for all. 121 Diamond Bal. Island. 67-2tp VENETIAN BLINDS-Alwninum ateet. wood. Call u. for free ett1· mate. Renovation & refinishing So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co .. West 18th and Newport AvP., Costa Mt>Sa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. 38-lfc Flre · Pla<Y" and Kindlln&: WOOD Delivered H. W. WRIGHT Ph. Beacon 5665 1784 Newport Blvd. Just Arrived Fnoob Hearing Aid BATTERIES Gundereon Dnig Co. 3-lfc 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 5I5 94).t1c Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's Hongkong ln 1940. Comp1ete1y the children learn. Danz-Schmidt gone over at great expense a Pi Co 520 N Mal s ta 226 do rd a.no ., . n, an month ago. Via U No . Ana. 5S-tfc Phone Harbor 1194-J . 68-tfc FOR SALE-Cabin crui&er 22 rt. Radio and Electric long, 4-<!~linder Starr motor, llEPAIRS just painted. Will trade for 22 2 OUR SER~CE ft. or 24 ft. house trailer or will 4-H v"' take cash. 7311 Seashore Dr., All Makes -Pick Up & Delivery Newport. Ph. H -1493-J. 65-4tc PERRY HARDWARE 1305 Coast Bl\.'d Harbor 232 EXCH:ANGE for cabin cruiser , Chrysler OJstom Imperial se-CORONA DEL MAR dnn. perfect condition. Write or 54-Uc c.all 635 W. Garvy Blvd., Bald- \\'in Park, Calif. R('nO Neon Co. 67-4tp "GAY WJND" (Ex. Gadget Il l 37 ft. Cutter by Rhodes. built in Maine in 1938. One of the best equipped and finest small yachts on the Pacific roast. Fast and able. Price $16.000. Phone own- DOGS, CATS & PETS S5 DOGS-All breeds. stripped, clip-ped, and bathed by A.KC . li- censed handler. Free pick-up and delivery service. Send carcl. Russell L. Ketcham. 421 P oln- set tia Ave. Corona del Mar. 52-tfc er , l·larbor 2393-J . 68-ltc ------------ PRE-BILT HOMES CO . Three-Bedroom Cottage on lot zoned ror business: room for store building in front-good value at- $10,500 CORONA DEL MAR New Two-Bedroom Home South of highway: well designed; large living-room with fireplace, dining-room ...,;th floor to ceiling \vindow opening on patio; two- car garage \vith laundry tl'ays and sho\\-'et : unfurnishcd- $17 ,50 0 Well Built Home Good bay vieW: living-room with fireplace; tiled kitchen, patio and two-car garage-- $22,500 FOR SALE-40 fr. cabin cruiser ; sle<>ps six ; galley, dinette, head, large \\'heel house and cockpit. completely reconditioned. bow to stem; Chl')'Sler marine ~engine. See O\\'Tlcr . 133 Agate A'le .. Bal- boa Island. 67-tfc GARAGES -UTILITY HOUSES HOMES Other Corona de! Mar 15-ft. Thompson huU Y.'ith 22 h.p. Evinrude a nd accessories with trailer , $250; 28-ft. Monterey double ender. Chrysler engine, complete commercial fis hing rig, excellent shape, $1550. Must sell. Phone Harbor 2653-J. 67-4tc Immediate Deliver y A. M. DIXON, Dealer 201 Westminster Newport H eighta 65-4tc Carpenters Available• for general maintenance and repair two-bedroom homes from- $11,000 Gertrude A. Waldron and William W. Sanford REALTORS Harbor 234-R 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island FURNISHED TWO-STORY HOME with three-<= gar- age, six bedroomS and three baths; three guest bedrooms can·· easily be made into ~Apt. Titis is one or very few bay front 1 ti were t:Wo units on one lot are permitted. Gd side patio in addition to bay front terrace. wn by appointment- Price $65,000 BALBOA ISLAND DISTINCITVE HOME-Four bedrooms and two baths; huge fireplace; Payne furnace; oak floors; attractive patio; breakfast bar. We are proud to show this type of home: Furnished in maple- $35,000 SANTA ANA HEIGHTS REX:EN'I'L Y COMPLETED-Three-bedroom modem stucco; double garage; lot has 66 ft. frontage with depth exceeding 250 ft.; Venetian blinds and oak block floors. Terms- $13, 000 EARL W. ST AN LEY REALTOR COVERING GREATER NEWPORT. HARBOR 615 Coast Highway 225 Marine Ave. Corona del Mar 3113 W. Centnl Balboa ls1ancl Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Beach Phone~ Harbor lrnl 68-ltc 100 Main St. Harbor 145 52-tf• FOR SALE-New Marine Kohler Generator, 1500 watts, 32 volt D. C., retall price for this power plant ls $516. We have 10 left for clearance sale, $374. Yeokel Bros., 225 So. Vermont. Los An· geles. Phone EX. 0882. ~tf( O. Z. ROBERTSON Call Harbor 83 67-2tc ----------------------- H ereafter if w e recap yaur TIRES We guarantee our "Caps" to last 20,000 MILES a nd that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardless of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAi'PED IN 5 HOURS. tor a complete set we will call for your car in the morning and deliver same day. Also--a $2.00 Mobllstatic balance job when we recap your tiret,. for $1.00. No lead w eights or "extrs.s." Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Hank. • 64-lfc WANTED TO llUY 11 CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tfc Will Pay Cash For your tumltutt or what havt you. Phone Beacon 5656.. O'aw- ley Fllrnltu..., 1812 Ntwpcxt Blvd., Costa M.... 48-lf< Fire Equipment Tests C-Q... Two, Pyrene &. Foam refills. COi fixed system and Portablet now available. a-5 HOKIN & GALVAN 34-lfc KEYS Made WhlJe You Wait VOGEL'S 100 llatn St., Balboa 108 llarlne, Balboa lal&nd H-t1c w=A"'NT=-A.,....,H"'o=ME=?-=E-u-tern--h-ouse- trailer and cabana. butane gu, running w ater and lots of extru. Can sleep 6 people. O n nice lot on Bay with low rent year 'round Prices right for quick &ale. See Owner , Lot 99, New- port Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc 1000 Colut Highway RENT '1 Ph. Beacon 5522 73-tfc I ·FO=R==--:.,...,---,--.,.--.,.---1 J. E. Barnes & Son 1806 Newport mvd Costa Men Ph: Beacon 5320 PUMPS WORTHINGTON PRESSURE .-CENTRIFUGAL F or AJI Pressur e Soden Refrigeration 623 So. Los Aniil;eles St .• Anaheim Phone 46.52 68-ltc NEW AND USED Electrical Appliances Of All Kinds Ne"'1>0rt Electric Appliance Co. 2309 Coast Blvd. Ph. Harbor 2138 68-8tp MOTOR READY BOATS T 0 G 0 Take away-just a few days &fter you order- 1-Your choice of any of out" boats (8 to 14 ft. l. made of light. tough. waterproof plywood with 2-An extra efficient 1 'i4 h.p. in- board. motor installed and 3-A patented "F1exidrive" Oe:xi- bte shaft-propeller unJt (pn> peller steers boat, Wts up in beac:hlng boat). ... Complete, ready to &hove off, at these typical prices: 10 fL aklff .......•.. _, __ J.262 12 ft. sklff ......... -.. -... $:194 (while our stock lutl) 611 Coat Hlway Bea TIIREE adjoining sleeping room and bath. BaJboa. Phone Har- bor 1336-R. 68-1 tc FOR RENT-Business locat ion, 440 Heliotr ope, Corona del Mar; l6x20. Phone H a rbor 89-R. 67-2tc HOUSE FOR RENT-3 bedrooms, tile bath and kitchen, hardwood floors, unit heat ; in Costa Mesa. Two-bedroom house, tile bath and kitchen located on Bay Front. Beacon ~35 : Beacon 5888-W after 6 p.m. 67-2tc SPECIAL! Completely furnished 3-bedroom home on Orange Ave.; hardwood floors, wardrobe closets; large garage with la undry. Very nice furniture, including electric re- frigerator, table-top stove, wash- ing machine. A r eal home for only- $11,500 W .U.'TED TO RENT u 3-Bdrm. Home, Furnished w--ANTE--D-TO--RENT----~2-0-r-3 ~bed~-One acre o f land, near country room: furnished or unfurni!hed; ~~e~lace~g~:~~;oo~cl~~ one year's lease. Local business electric refrigerator, console people. Phone Beacon 5267-R. radio and washing machine. 67-2tP Chicken equipment and laying hens. -Priced to sell at-WANTED-One or mor e room house or ApL by young married couple. Call L. H . HaJvorsen, Harbor 58!hl. 67-2tp WANTED-Storage apace for fishing gear, Newport area. Write Box C, c/o News-Times. 65-4tp WANTED-Winter rental. Oct. 15 t o May 15 or? Adults, no pets; furnished garage apt. Of' small house on Balboa Island T . W. Soule, O..ance County 'ntle. Phone Santa Ana 5100. fi8.3tc WANTED TO RENT -Balboa business man and wtie want fUr. $13,500-Terms New Home on Broadway Completely furnished; two bed- rooms, hardwood floors, tub and shower. Double gara.ge-- $13,950-Terms One Acre aoee tn wtth two-bedroom houae $11,500 Two-Bedroom Home WATSON·-BOATS "Small Boat Hdqn.%' lfc a nlshed hoUle or apartment. No ll1llDOAL & &ADIO N pets. No c:hlldren. Harbor 7729. Well built, with two a<n!I of land. Double garage, c:hlcken equlp- mmt. aviary and &arden. Pri<ed at- McMAHAN'S are celebrating their 611-4tp ZTnl ANNIVERSARY, zr years BABY GRAND--Repo11e•ed. Now ------------ of srowth through value eivln& anly U85. Thll ... &:rKt lMlr-WAN"l'ED IMMEDtATELY-Fur- and fair dealing. You will !Ind pin. IJua.Scbmldt Plano Co-. nllbed apartment by -t $10,500 Income Properties, Homes, Business F1VE ACRES OF LAND with two-bedroom home. HEART OF COSTA MESA: business section, of land, two-bedroom home. See this! -MANY OTHERS-- one acre Special -Down Town Costa Mesa Two-bedroom home, 60xl25 Jot...-.................. .$5,000 Business Opportunities BEACH HOT DOG, hamburger stand (2). 101 IDGHW A Y restaurant-money maker. NEW COURT, beautiful income units. FR~ FOOD STORE. Only one in town. LEASE on restaurant, percentage basis. GIFI' SHOP-Big money inaker. BUSINESS LISTINGS WANTED A. "SANDY" STEINER, 634 Coast Highway 101-Beacon 5173 Realtor 68-ltc ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Two good buys on Balboa $15,000 each Island for- Choice Bay Front .Lot with large stucco garage: Call us for other Interesting details. Well Built Stucco Unit ... oo rear al. lot; has three-room tumlsbed apart. ment with lolrely tile kitchen and bath 1ipstaln1 and small apartment down; walled brick patio with bar- beaie. worth-while savings In all de-Santa Ana. • ll&-tfe J'elldmt of Corona del Mar. llA!f- partmonts ; Uvlng-.--n IJ'OUPI In FOR SALE-Howard uprla:bt p1-.,.._ l'urnlohed. Adults only. New 3-Bedroom Home ISLAND REAL TY COMP ANY harmonious emombles, a wide ano With bench : In very good caD Harbor 4117 daytime, Horbor Belt location; hardwood floon; selection In Olli' beclrooo\ depart-condition; the first $150 takn It. 42, ......tnp. 66-tfc floor furnace; double caraee-=,;201~.,..A&a~;t.e~, ~Ba~l'-;-::=~l~sla~nd::'.::::Ph..'.:'.one:'.:...:3~T1,,:_:-W:::._. __ _:~~~- ment, dining-room and dlnettA! Pallsedes Apartments. Corona WANTED TO LEASE-1 or 2 $12 200 FOR SALE-Good :>-room· plast.-W ,.ts-while In llmlted .. 1ect1on deal Mar, corner Seavlew and ;yean. furnllhed or unfUm. boule T..:.._ ~ -~ apartment. ant Income -<ll'O priced to save you dolJan. Carnation. Harbor 1156. 67-2tc or apt. Any -'·-In Newport Cabin -ta! In rear. Fine lo-SlOO a month and a place to lift. You can turni&h one room or an ------------.,._.., ·~ 7 1tucco bomel, partq bJndlb.. •ntitt hotllehold during this ANOTHER mapifleent Steinway. or Costa 111-district. Will fix cation. a..e to bus, atone and ed. 6 --. Lot 1MdOO • BIRTHDAY SALE and pocket Medium m.. BnutlfUI mal!<>c-'!!_•t ~ ._._. Pli. ~~ 5 Residence Lots hlsh ldlool.c--~•J504 ~ Major Hlcbw.,r. DlclP: ~ tbe savings. 1-t Ttt= any case. '!be piano ol the -----·~-------~--·• On Walnut Street. Belt bo'1 In ance Ave. ~m -• ....,.,.,. 600 Clubhome Aw., New.,....._ Frtt Delh-..ry. McMahan Fur-Muters. IJua.Scbmldt Plano WORKING MOTHER and :>-yr.-town at.-Costa M-, Beacoll 5113-W. -tp nltu... Company, Sec:nad and Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. old """ in -delre aleepin& $1000 Each =------------,_.,.,..87__,·2tc,,,.. J :::::::-:=-:==:=--:-:--:-......; aro.dway, Santa Ana. 611-4tc 56-tfc room. Hart1or 2551, between 8 FOR SALE-O>rcna del Mar 4:>-SAN FRANCISCO -~ and 4:30. «'>-ttp ft. lot, 1 block fr<lm lldlool, .:..U, hmm and 2 -low11i ....... AM LEAVING CITY -will ..U FOR SALE-Upri&bt piano, good cheap. small upricJ>t piano with ""'1dltkla, Pl(). Pllocw lie•'"• WANT TO RENT--!I or I-. bencb and writing clmk with 5712. or call Di W•--.-. wm -· <:balr, aloo -.i and cMd<m pO-.t.-, New!M*t Ba!Pta c.n s-Pea 1w at ~ 1111 Iowa. H-111. · 117.:llc s:ao P. m. ll&-lte or u. 115-tlo .. - J E. Barnes .L So ol ""-' --' location for ID-eome, wtll ..0 or -11r • ... n ....;;·o;..:;-Ph.H-21»-W New ... 18-pa-IJ.~ 1IOll !lewpert llhd. · · · eS-tte bar UllO. • If• o.ta Kw Pia. Bzz • SD •Uc -.. -• rw1 etil-•-L Is d atlltllszv-I • . ~ ' . ~ ... _r - • nz- SEA VIEW HEIGHTS ESTATES Large Restricted Bidkftng Lots Unobltructed View ol Ocean and Harbor Adjacent to Fastest Growing Shopping Center Paved ~AD Utilities In and Paid For Tenns ot SaJe.-Oish or 1-3 Down Easy Monthly Payments --'---0--. New Subdivisioo Selling Fast For Choice Locatioo RALPH P. MASKEY, Act Now Rea ltor 3411 W. Central, Opposite Lido Theater (Courtesy to Realtors) 68-ltc FO\JR..BEDROOM HOME, near ocean; completely and very artistically furnished. Electric refrig- erator, electric washer. barbecue. New outdoor furniture in large compound. This home is lo- cated on three lots, all zoned for income- $6000 Down Balance. $100 Per Month RALP H P. MASKEY, Realtor 3411 West Central Phone Harbor 402 Newport Beach 68-tfc F. JACK SUL LIVAN Corona de! Mar Harbor 1247-J .Exclusive Agent for These Two Fi ne Homes IN BALBOA- 'Ibis thrre-bedroom home has hardwood floors throughout, living room In Honduras mahogany with large fireplace and entrance hall, louvre doors Into large dining-room, beautiful all-tile kitchen with electric ventilation. Two full all- tile baths and showers with electric heaters In each; all clothes and linen closets are cedar- lined, floor fumase. All walls are sound-proof. Extra large garage with service room. Nice sun- deck over garage. Must be seen to be apprecia,ted Won't last long at.. ........ ·-·--···----···-·-··-----·$45,000 IN ())RONA DEL MAR- A tw<>-bedroom home that is different from the usual run of homes, has a large beam celling living-room with fireplace, nice all-tile kitchen with breakfast nook, the service room is inside house. Home is on a comer lot and is just com· pleted. The material and fixtures in this home are the finest money could buy. See this at once ·······--·····-···-······--··--···-··--· . -·····-----·$15,000 NEW THREE-BEDROOM HOME-- In an exclusive district; has a nice fireplace, large patio with barbecue, large double garage with extra shower, bath and service room. This won't last long at ....... ·-············-·····-······· ............... $17,500 • BEAUTIFULLY LOCATED LOT- An extra special deal can be made on this lot, 120 feet from ocean-45x118. ACT QUICK. I have lots and homes In every part of the Harbor area selling in all price brackets; if you are In the market to buy or sell, will a ppreciate your busi- ness. --Listings Wa nted-- F. JACK SU LLIVAN 1213 Coast llighway. Corona Harbor 124 7 -J de! Mar El Bayo Tract Lot on Bay A venue $4750 Large Corner Lot On Penlnsuln, with '\'iew. $5750 Business Lot with two small houses . $10,600 68-ltc AT CORONA DEL MAR Two-Bedroom Stucco $8750 Unfinished H o me $6000 Level Lot $1500 S..eral cood Bay Front Lots LOT ON OCE.AH BLVD. W . J . HOLCOMB Corona del Mar "Wb""' the Flags Fly" $3000 W. L. JORDAN '100 E. Central, Balboa Harbor 2766 67·2tc REAL V ALlIES NeY.'. one-.bedtoom home. Hard· ¥i:ood and tile. Qne.-car garage. Nice level lot. A real buy at S73:iO • •• Jfwwwif• T st:+, C>mz $ ., ... ,.m.u. ., So "~.!1~ .. County Board Passes On Ballot Proposal Merger Edmund G. Brown of San ~ cloco, Demoaat, and Oaude w ... '°"• Prohibition party ncwnln 7 1 are the candidates tor at~ cenerat HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY Realtors ;j; ;j; ;j; ;j; ''FellOW' •ssociat.es,11 began the B<l6S at the weekly Ptp .Meeting, "I have just beeo ,........._,~~ the ~y m· the SANTA ANA, Aug. 2&-The Or-didate, Vlrgll G. Hinshaw. ~ ~ ange County Board of Supern.on Gov. Earl WarTen also wlU find Secretary ot Stae Jordan. StallO Treaaurer O>arles Joh....,., ... William Bonelli, Fourih ~ Equaliu.lion board member. are -unopposed. stamp drawer." has etven blanket approval to the his only opponent in the Proh.ibi- "Y OU mean you doo't trust propooal to consolidate voting on lion pany candidate, Henry R. us J. M. ?"quavered Holly, the state and municipal propositions Sclunid t. Se\·entee.n state propositions lllD will be on the ballots.. office boy. tn the November election. Goodwin J . Knight, Republican, PADD" _ . ~BOARD T~- SMALL BOAT SALES AND· BUILDING-Now building dlnks, skiffs, paddleboords, etc. Fine show- room in excellent location for sales. Complete equipment plus good inventory. Favorable lease and temis on purchase price. "Please don't interrupt me Merger of the ~lions will Loo Angel .. 1J11perior court judge •= • with foolish questions, boys," irevent confusion and also will ex-and J'ohn F . Shelley, former Demo. Theft of ti. natural ""ood. ma- cootinued the Boss, !'what I pedite the count of votes in the cratic 5tate senator from the 14th hogany-trimmea paddlf.'board, val- was going to say ~ that general election November 5. dU;trict, are the candidates for u(>d at $75, IA'as t't'port<'d s tolen to afte ch ,,, __ th tents of Meanwhile Secretary of State lieutenant governor. Newport Beach police Tuesday r ecN.r..16 ·econ · Frank M. Jordan sent the final Dist. Atty. Fred Hov.-ser of Los afternoon. Thf' report u·as madlt BALBOA ISLAND CONFECTIONERY -Imme- diate possession on a good moneymaker for a man and wife. Good year-'round trade. Term lease In- cludes living quarters. Present owi\e,r will start you oul Should go fast at $5000. We Have P&L state- ment In our office showing last 12 months operation. the stamp drawer I was re--certlfied list of candidates to the Angeles, Republican; Dist. Atty. by ~trs. Carl Schiller of Lido lsk. minded that the Pirate Days county clerk. rmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilii!iiijj Festival starts Thursday, 'Precincts in Santa Ana will vote I September 5th in Baiboa, and on four propasltions. the new city I think ~t all of US ought to charter , retirement fund for em- enter into the spirit of the ployes, establishment of a recrea- thing." tion oommission and a $300,000 OTHER MONEY MAKING OPPORTUNITIES in Appliance and Radio, Antiques, Beauty Salons, In- come Apartments, Boat and Wood Shops, Cates, Gift Shops, Grocery and others. Money to be made in all. BUILDING LOTS -Residential, Commercial, or Manufacturing. Any zoning you require. Zone M-1 Newport Beach lot 150x93 .. Nice Newport Beach resi!lential lot, well located. $1100 for quick sale. Waterfront lots Including M-1 available. CANAL FRONT HOME-Neat as a pin. Compact and very livable. Nicely furnished and only $7500. Interesting development possibilities for cautious buyers. BALBOA BAYSHORE HOME-,-Jdagazine "picture homes" are often only far-away dreams; you know "Some day-somewhere-maybe-but, golly, we could never afford one!" You can stop your wish- ful dreaming now. because just such a two-bedroom home is available at a price most can afford. Newly decorated Inside and out, new drapes, new floor coverings, new slip covers-all In excellent taste-- create liveable and practical charm Of course there is a patio and a fireplace and a double garage and a beach shower and just about anything else you want and you'd better act quickly, because this $14,500 dream won't last forever! FOR TRADE-Beautiful home in WES'IWOOD, near UCLA campus for bayfront home with pier, or Lido Isle. ;j; ;j; ;j; ;j; BALBOA COVES Pre-anoouncement selections now available. HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 a. 1601 68-ltc FOR THE MAN WHO NE EDS A HOM E on a good sized lot, we have a two-bedroom unfurnished frame house. located near the Archest) Price $8350 Call HUB POWERS at Harbor 62-W or 794-R Evenings J . A. Beek Office, Balboa Island _.. . Ferry Landing 67-2tc "What have pirates got to bond issue for a recreation center. do with the real estate busi-Precincts tn Newport township ness?" asked J ane the offire will vote for a constable with girl who is awfully nice but a Shelby L. Kanagy, incumbent. and little unreellstic at times. Frank Vaughn as candidat es. In the 7(th Assembly di>triet "Don't Ile naive, J ane," Earl Stanley, Republican, of New- went on the B<l6S, ."I've just port Beach will be unopposed to called up several of our com-succeed Clyde Watson and in the petitors in the real estate 75th di>trict Sam Collins of Ful- business and they're all in-lerton is without conti?st to suc- tending to join the festivi-cee<1 himself. ti '' The entire county will vote on ~i "'though t it w. as just an the candidacy of James Musick, World War n ve teran, and Jesse · amateur Pirate festival,,, put Elliott, incumbent, for sheriff and in Russ tbe 'errand boy. ''You the candidacy of Jim Farquhar, m ean professionals can enter Huntington "Beach publisher , and too•." bl Assem yman Watson for Thoma.s ''Everybody in the com-Kuchel's unexpired two-year term munity is going to join in the as state senator. Kuchel resigned fun", continued J. M., 41AlJ to become state controller. you have to do is get a· pirate County voters will join With costume." Riverside and Imperial counties in "B t I h 't thing selecting between Congressman U aven a to John Phillips of Banning and Ray wear," ix>inted out J ane, w ho Adkinson of Laguna Beach, former sometimes is very realistic. county schools' superintendent, to "You don't need ve r y fiU the 22nd Congressional district much, '1 interrupted B id the Seat. assistant janitor, "judging by Orange county will join with the previews of some of the state voters in deciding federal, costumes I've seen in the state and judicial posts. newspapers. Some of those Associate Justice E. J . Marks ot ootfits really make me nerv-the District Court of Ap~als, for- ous " mer Orange couuty superior court 14Everythlng I read in the ~~· is up for re-electi~n unop- newspapers makes me nerv-Associate Justices Jesse w. Car- ous," said Russ, 11especially ter, B. Rey Schauer and Homer the ads the B<l6S writes for Spence are unopposed for re-elec- the real estate page. 'nley tion to the state supreme court. keep me awake a t night." U. S. Senator William Knowl- "I wish I could write some-and, Republican; WiU Rogers jr., thing that would keep all of Democrat, and Douglas (Wrong- you awake in the daytime" Way) Corrigan, Prohibition party, complained J . M. "It seems iis ~~a~~ candidates for the U. S. though I'm the only one that State Controller Kuchel will be rustles up any business." · • opposed in the general election "I h ad an uncle that was a only by the Proh.ibition party can- rustler," said Bid sadly, "and he did all right until that gang of ruffians lynched him in Santa Fe. Nice guy too. He was the uncle that could read and write.'' '"That's a great stunt if you can do it," admitted Holly somewhat enviously, "al- though personally I'm more the athletic type and don't go in for parlor tricks. Any- way, there's so much more writing written than there is reading read a fellow never could catch up." BALn MORTUARY -;!;- Lady Attendant -;!;- <tlO Coast Blvd. CX>RONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 Dal.Y Al'1D NIGHT "If I could catch up with the gist of this conversation I would ask you all to listen to me a minute," 1nte11l0Sed the Boss wearily. "I was talk- ing about the Pirate Festival beginning next Thursday in Balboa. That will bring PUBLIC NOTICES thousands of people into the · community. They will all see · f.IOTICE OF INTENTION Balboa Coves and realize TO ENGAGE IN THE what a marvelous commun-SALE OF ALCOHOL i ty the harbor area is. Then ' we'll sell thousands of houses IC BEVERAGES. and lots to our grateful clients." "Oh dear!"· wailed Jane, Au~1t 2&, 1916 TO \VHOM IT M.A. Y CONCER~: A. L. MATTHEWS Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXOllANOE 43 "All this business just as I MOUNTAIN CABIN at Lake Ar· was hoping to get a day off to rowhead: exchange for beach get my pirate costume. It's cottage. Phone Fullerton 1159-J. just too discouraging.'' S!Htp But don't let all this talk Notice 111 hereby g1''en that fifteen days an.er the d11ole po8ted. the under· algned propaeea to itell alcoholic be\'-eragea at theae p~ml.'!ea . described u rotlowa : BOAT .. MlSSA\\1JT... 1115 Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach. Pursuant to llU('h intention. the un- der11igned 111 applying to the State Board of Equall:t.atlon ror Issuance br. ll"llllefet ot a.a alcoholic beveral{l!! l • C't!DM for these p remis.et1 U foil@, ... a ; Nice Tra iler Court .,..-----------about pirates discourage you in Ri\'erside. Equipped for ten 11,....,,0.,NEY=:-::TO:=-=U>=AH=-=-:-----M-from dropping in at J . M . trailers. Lot 110x310. With new LOA.NS TO BUU.D. buy, :mprovt. Mille.r 's rea lestate warehouse two-bedroom r esidence and of-mOdemlze or rettn&nc.. at 15th and C.entra.I. No free fice. Plent>· room to build cab-Newport B&lbo& Federal SAvfDI~ samples but the chairs ·~ and Loan A90c:loltlan. . ~' ins. lmmedia1e poosessionn-3333 Vta Udo Ph. Harbor lS(Xi comfortable. . If you have $11,500. your own chair near a tele- ON BEER SALE. Anyo ne deslrln1r to proteat the IMU· ance or sue Ileen~ may !lie a \•ertfled proteat w ith the St.ate Board of Equal· l:uulon at Sacramento. California . .!!lat· ing groundl! for denial a.a provided by law. The preml!M!.a are now licensed fo r the .ale of alcoholic be,·eragu.. JA.MES S. BARRETT. Pub. Aug . 29. J!M6 AUTOS W.U.'TED 159 phone you could even call us ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ F o ur Acres --GOO--D-CAR--W-A!-N-·1-·&-0---Harbor 1242. CASH. LARSON, HARBOR ln Costa Mesa. ~u t side, one-half 1729-W. 67·1tp block from Newport city Umlts. WW make sixteen large lots. ~TJU;=;"~·;:"~M;_,==-:==,-,,....._:= TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do """' A. L. MATTHEWS LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER 2232 NpL Blvd. Coota M- Reo. Tel. Bubar 'JST7 67-2tc """ boullnc and -.... All ._ equl-t. S2.2S and Sl..'IO per ~-We lllrnloh tbe bitch. lllyrelm Broo. Se •toe Stadon. car. 17111 A NwpurtBhod.. OolU ..... ~ - M enlla fokleft &t ~Timm EMPLOYERS! D EVOT E YOU R E N TIRE TIMC TO OPERATING YOUR •USI· N E&S. PROFIT BV PLA.CINQ A LL Y OUR L A BOR Rl!LA.TIONS PROBLEMS IN EX PERT H AN DS -AT RE.ASONABL E 'EES. • • • .l:iaT• IDOftt Uowledc"e of and actual e~noe In labor rel&lku1.• in Loe A.ncelM. Oranse &ftd s other Bo. cant. counties lJt.&ft an,-other perwon Of' Ofb.llb&tlon. Since llSt, oonsulta111 t.f f •~oyer &aodatlons In th~i-ti count..,. comprlstns o•er tOO emplo7-en In pra.ctlc:a1)Jr eTery Una of bu.l- • • l.111Jrienced Bis Tnwelen GO GREYHOUND ---- Bus TRAVELERS "in dte know" will tell you Gttyhoaad'1 dte btJt way, all dte w&y, to 1111 dte Ean. Greyhound g;- you mon scenif routes to choose from ••. you caD go om ••y. return anotj:ler, making the whole trip on one ri<*et. You can ch oose from more schedules per day, more coo- . veo.ie nt dep arture times ... p ick your daytime en.Tel hoan to e ojoy the sce nic spots you want most co tee. Aod yoa get these "extras .. at leas cost than any ~er way co cn...a. Lee your local Greyhound agent help plan your trip. Z2 TRIPS EAST DAILY FROM~ ANGEi.VS flewYeft •••• 41.U , ..... ,.. ...... at.eo -°'" ~, p,,,.,. ct:l1aae ••• • •• ...... W ••I .... •• ... ... •••••• CltJ' ••• •.Jll .... 0..t._ .. .... ,., u s J.1,#J ... C. C. SWAFFORD, Apnt 808 Coast lllahway BNcoa 6tft GREYHOUND NOW, MORI THAii IYIR •IFORI THE ~RMY HAS A GOOD JOB FOR YOU I 11011-COMMISSIOllED GRADES llOW OFFERED TO FORMER ARMY OCCltPATIOllAL SPECIALISTS G ooo jobs in non-commissioned 1rade1 are bein« offered now by the Regular Army to qualified former servicemen 1 Veterans discharged on or after May 12, 194..5, who en]i!lt or reenlist for 3 years\ITJay be. enli!!ted in the non-commiMioned grade for which qualified, provided thi!I grade is not higher than that held at time of discharge. and provided that at least 6 months of former !E!rvice was in one of 400 designated military occupational specialties in which enlistment is now des.ired. I mportant, interesting jobs are open in hundreds of s~ll& and trades in the Arn1y, with splendid training and educational advantages ! These are in addition lo free food, housin g, cloth· ing, medica l and dental care. loM'·cost insu rance. There's ad\•enture, tra\'CI, education, a secure and profitable future in this vital, realistic pro{~ion. Get full details a.t your nearest Army Recru iting Station. * Hlahll&hts of Rerulor Anny Enlist- 1. Enlistment• for 11/i, 2 or 3 J<e•n. ( I -ye&T enli1tmimt1 permitted fOC" men now in. the Army ...-itb 6 or mon ~th• of Mrvice.) 2. Enli1tment •I• f~m 18 to 34 yean inclu1ive ( 17 with pcirenu' consent) except for men now in the Army, •ho may reenlist at •ny qa, U>d former 9ervka men depend.inc Oil lenctb of ..-vica. 3 •. A reealirtr1-1t boDUI of SSO f« .-ch year of active Hrvice 1ince 1111C:b bonu. ••• last paid, or 1ince i-t. entry Ulto Mnice, prOTidad ra.ili..unent is within 3 moatbt altar 1-'1 honor•ble ditch&r&•· 4. A furlouch for men whQ ,. -.li.t .;thia 20 daya. Full d.uil1 al othef fu.rloueh priv;lee;ee c•n be ob- tained ffom Reauitin1 Officer1. 5. M u1terini:-out pay (bawd vpoe len&th of 1~) to •II men wbo ara diilcharced to raen.J.i1t. 6. Option to rel ire at h8.lf pa"J" fOC" the rHt ol your life alur 20 y.-n' service -incre•ftnc to tb,_ quarun pay after 30 yun' _..lee. /JI pnrviou1 .aiva. fed...-aJ military ~ce count.I ta..ard fetirement. 7. GI Bill of Richt11 ba~ftc. ... wred for men who eflliat on or Wore Ortobef-5, 1946. lJ. Qotce oi brmKh of IWYice mid OY-th.eat.I" (of thoea etiU opea) OD 3-J"W -liM-ta. -· • • NEW PAY SCALI ~ 1m1B111t1 • .... ,., JNCOMI A.PTIRs ,., .,_....,..,.. .......... Ck •• 4 ..... ,,,, .................. ------Phone Harbor 163 M-ttc .A'IPW WANIW •AUT09 WAl4DID • •4 1 . 9rAft 'l"h.-.be<hoom homo. Large li\'tng -------------------------t1 -snaAUSl .. -* .. r--..... l •<>.oo ''01.25 ,..,M Techeic:al s.r.,.... l l J.00 11.7J l JlM',,. Stal s....-. . l l J.00 ,....,., ln.Ja Swu : • • • • 100.00 6J.oo 11i... SU,000 -BY OWNER INC. PROPERTY -W. Central-2 «>mp. furn. sep. mlb-,...., m<n pttmlttod. z-: Qimb. Uv. and din. rm.. 2 --ldt<ben. tile -· -"· pon:b. Upper: Comb. Uv. ad din. mi., ldtchen, I bedroom, .......... Dbl. cvage, Iara• •un rocm. Very dean. ~ acre of good &Oil. Good dlotrlct. Only $7950 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B.A.NERE.SON REAL ESTATE 1-and --()pportunti<s 1972 N..._, Blvd. Coota M ... Ph. U.ocon = 68-lt<: tod<. --· 2 dee. rm1c . ... --· 309 Alvarado PL, 8eD lllat --ta« ..,.... H&rboo-181&-M. l'<la .... H_,,,,_ -•tide ..Saf eo<IOW. - • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEJJ, YOUR CAR NOW Whll9 PrkH ant "lah Pllm. tor our www9A& bu,..-who wm call lllld --~~OPA~ ..... ...... lllld ~ al[ details CULBERTSON CHEVROLET 00., Inc. 0 saallt ... a 2 no Die' • --0 ;, DO 1.P 1• ..... • •• N ewport H eights THRE.E. BEDROOM HOME; hard- wood lloon, tile ainlt, ~ heat. Lawn and sprlnklr:r sys.. ten.. Built lea than one year .. Owner farad to -· Prleed for Immediate &ale. u..... ....... ,... oeMUftat~ ..... . ...Vkt ~t .................. ..,.. ..... ,~ ,.~ Mfwa ...,_ ...................... --latlefl flf .. ._. • ..,._, l..t...Vlal "lat'--•k>' .... w., .. ,....... ............... . ..... ••• h.,ocNe lllrit1d. Ne ••Aln41n • • • l Wm. H. C. l•r ........... ,.., ....... .....: ~ ....... "" s...tc. 0.......... ..,. ........ .. ........... er-..,,, ... ~ • ,., .... 1ac11 a,..,., ........... - Cwpoul • • • f0.00 ,._,. IOI.ZS -r-a... -S2M --. . . . ,.,...,, ...,., .... u... ............. ~re-..-.... .. "" .. ..,, ... ,,..,.,,,, W• B.a.• Jld "--''A.., .......... s..-1 ot1.· • ..,,,. ... -·---.. , .. ,, . ..,,..,..... -----... _ .. ,......,, ..... -................. 'F - -~-...... --- '· • • .. ,, ,I - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..!8!8!!ii!IOW!:!!!£'~a!!a!r~~!!!!&:,.!11~8!ii!!!S-!;:!iiiii!!!~!!,!!1,,!111~ .. ~P'tP :':'"-I~,,.,....::lt.:::..!!i;::.~1911,::::;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""!'~~~"!!'~~'!"'~"l"'~~::;:=ic::,::::: 70 clays aftA!r the effective date of em Calllomla; (2) The aarqate forth -cl<oclibocl In a -by the Board ol ~ ol the line of the County Higtrqy, t!O of a -I of land deocribed In saJd ordinance IJ'&lltlng said peti· amount to be eo ralw1 by M>cb and order estal>liahlnll aald !ft-County of Orange, State of Cali-feet In width. u described in the o...i to the Oty of Newpol't lion, at which election the propool· special taxes ahalJ be $668,:lOO; dncta aa olectlon prK!ncta In tbe fomla, tbe 8tb -day ot January, petitiqn for publlc hl&hway, Now-Beach, sald o...i bein& recorded PUBLIC NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE lion of auch annelLl!tion of said C3) The nwnber at )'Mr' preocrib-County at Orange, State of Call· 1946, and II Rt forth ln Book 44, port Beach Road, and recorded In In Book 249, page 424 of Ott!cial N<Yn.CE AND · PROCLAMA-part of said =-ate area to ed for raislng aucb aggregate sum fornla, which said order wu _. page 473, et seq., of the Super-Book 250, page 73, Records of said RKOlds of said County; COi'ene Boettcher In A~-Kent Semi-Finals TION OF THE CAI.UNG AND Coutal Municipal Water District, shall be twenty yean. ""'1UD<DC-ed and adopted by the Board ol "1san' Minute Book of sald Orange County; thence North 23• ST 30• East HOLDING O_F A SPECIAL subject to the terms and condl· Ing with the tlscaJ l"ar 1947-1948; Supervlson of the County of County. thence northerly along the sald along the northweaterly line of A young Newport Beach •-ocal· ELECTION IN TI1AT PART OF tlonx so flxed by"the lloal'd of DI-(4) Substantially equal annual Orange, Stale ot Calllornla. the The polling P1!>ce tor this Pre-southerly prolongation of the east-saJd parcel of land a distance of isl. selecter from more thAD 1400 THE CORPORATE AREA OF rectors of sald Coastal Municipal levies will be made for the pur-8th day or January, 1946, and ls dnt 15 Stanley's Real Estate Of· erly line and the easterly line ot 317.57 feet; entrants, today ttached the oeml- TRE CITY OF NEW P 0 RT \Vater Di.strict and subject to the pose of raising said swn over the set forth in Book 44, page 473. et nee, 617 Coast Highway, Corona said Count)' Highway, and u said thence South 71• 54• East along finals of \he $10,000 Atwater Kent BEACH NOT NOW INCLUDED terms and conditions so !Ixed by period "° pracrlbed; seq., of the Supon'lson' Minu~ del Mar, California. County Highway is shown~ Tra't:t the northerly line of said parcel auditions. WITH l N THE OORPORATE the Board of Di.rectors of The (d) That, as prescribed by the Book of said county. The election ~ for thls No. TT, Boulevard Addition to of 1~ 8 distance of 290.24 feet; She is Mrs. Corene Boettcher, AREA OF COASTAL MUNICI-?.-fe tropoli ta n Wate r District of Board of Directors of I.aid Th~ . The. polling place for this pre-Precin~t and . their addresses and Newport Heights, be~g part of thence continuing along the 23, of 543 F'Ullerton avenue, mu- PAL WATER DlSTRICT ON Southern Cali!omia, should be Metropolitan Water District of onct t.s the Fire Station at 2817 the offices to be held by ea~ are: Lot 169, Block 2, ~e Subdivi-northerly line of said parcel of sic director for the Costa Mea TUESDAY, THE lOTH DAY OF submitted to the vote of the elec-Southern California by ltl afore-West Central Avenue, Newport Insrt~r: Fay D . Benedict. 427 sion, as recorded in hliscellaneous land SOuth ss· 43· Eist 8 distance schools. . , SEPTEMBER. ·1946, FOR TIIE Jors in said part or said corporate said resolution and order passed Beach, California. . Nai:ossus, Corona del Mar. M~ps. Book 9, page 26, records of of 1,378.16 feet to the northeast Represen ting a ~Oft el PURPOSE OF SUBl\.lll"liNG TO area; and, and adopted the 12th day of July, The election ~1cen for this California.. satd County, to an intersection comer of said parcel of land: the ~t talented yQUDg amatf'UI" TIIE Q UAUFIED ELECTORS \VHEREAS, said election was 1946, in the event or such anriexa-precinct and thetr addresses and J udge: Hamett C. Ruggles. 504 with the center line or the Old ~nee South along the east line voca11s~s in Southern Caltf~ OF THAT PART OF THE COR-called and ordered to be held at tion to said Coastal Munidpe.1 the office to be heJd .by each are: Gol~enrod, Corona del Mar, County Road, as shown ~n. Tract and the southerly prolongation approximately · 100 seml-flnalmta PORATE AREA OF THE CITY and within said pa.rt of the cor-\Vate r District or the corporate Inspector: ?tlrs. Arline C. Jaaper, Californla.. No. 'l7. Boulevard Addition to thereof of said parcel of land a race three more hurdles in the OF . NEWPORT BEACH NOT porate area of the Oty of New-area of the a ty ot Newport Beach 106---24th St~t. Nt?wpoTt O erk : .Frances D. Graham, 510 Newport Heights., being part of distance of 567.01 feet t o an inter-cont.est. . NOW INCLUDED \vmn:N THE port Beach not now included with-not now lncluded within said Beach. Ca~orrua.. _ Aca~a, Corona del ?-tar, Cali-~~ 169, Block 2. Irvine. Subdi-section with 8 line 200 feet north-First .. there will ~ a rulH)ft CORPORATE AREA OF COAST-in the corporate area of Coastal Coastal Municipal Water District. Judge: Lucille ?e1tnch. 519--forrua. \'lSIOn, as rl"COrded in Misoellan-erly of and parallel with the afore-competition to reduce the entrant. ~L MUNICIPAL \VATER _DIS-l\lunicipa) \Valer District on Tues-pursuant to said petition for such 35t.J:t Street, tNewport Beach, Cler~: EMie D. Kyte, 312 ~-eous Maps~ Book 9, page 26, rec-said bulkhead line extending from to 32. _ From this number,_16 s!ni- TRICT TilE PROPOSrnON OF day, the 10th day of September, annexation so filed on ?ttay 2, Califo~a. chid: Corona del Mar, Cali-ords of S&Jd County; u . S. Bulkhead Station No. 151 ~rs w,ill be selected to bib part ANNEXING SAlD PART OF 1946, by Ordinance No. 6 passed 1946, ~ith said Secretary of said Clerk: El.s1e G. Newland. 3008-D forrua. . .. the nce North 56q 59' East along to U.S . .Bulkhead Station No. 152; in the final ph~ of the audllkma. SAID CORPORATE AREA TO and adopted by said Board of Di-Coastal Municipal \Valer District Coast Bo~ev~. Newport . The compensatio~ for each elec-the said center line of the Old thence di.le eas·t along 8 line, ~ght will be heard in .• flnal COASTAL ?tlUNlCIPAL WATER r ectors of Coastal ?tlunicipal Wa-and subject to the terms and con-Beach, Ca.Worn.la. . Uon officer so serving v.111 be the County Road, 783.9; feet; which line ls 200 feet northerly audition on SepL_ 14 and eight cm DISTRICT, SUBJECT TO nu: ~er District, &J?-d there was also ditions fiJl:ed by said Board of.Di-CJerk: Ruth ?.t. Gerrish. 201 sumo~ $8.00~ . theoce North 7~ 6' Ea.at ~96.06 of and parallel with the aforesaid ~pt. 21. ~ pnze money will be TERMS AND CONDm ONS FIX included tn said Ordinance pro-rectors of said Til.e Metropolitan 29th Street, Newport Beach, SecUon 5. The said polling feet along the said center line of b lkh d li kt di fro U S divided among tour men and four ED BY TIIE BOARD OF DIREC-visions for the holding of said elec-Water District of Southern Cali-California . places ~ave ~n established as the Old County Road; B:ikhea d ~e ~ e~ n~51 mu· s· women as folio\\""!: t\\'o first prizes TORS OF S~D COASTAL MU-tion, esta~lishing .co~lidated fornia by saJd r esolution and ord~r, COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-th.e pollmg places where the .po~ the nce North 36 ° 18' ~asl 440.43 Bulkh::d s:a;~~ .;~. 15i 0a dis: of ~:. tw~ ~nd prizes of NlCIPAL \\ATER DISTRICT electlon precincts, des.1gnat1ng the said The ?-1etropolitan Water Dis-TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT "ill be open on the day of said feet along the center line of the t f 1287 29 f . t · $1500. t~o third prizes of $1000, AND S UBJECT TO THE TERMS polling places apPointing the trlct of Southern California will BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC e lection from the hour of 7 :00 Old County Road · anthce o d, · Ui.ee t ~ a pain f and tv.'o fourth prizes of $500. AND CONDmO:'lS FIXED BY Boards of El~tion, fixing com-provide a reeder pipe line from the TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-o'clock A. M., on said day, to 7:00 thence North 12'0 30' West521.66 300 ~nee ue n~rt · a stance o THE BOARD OF DI.RECTORS pensation of election officers and point wher e the Orange County CINCT NO. 2 shall conslst of a o'clock P . M . ol't said day, when feet along the said center line of th eet l~ a pom t ' di OF TifE ?ttETROPOLITAN WA- providing for the counting and feeder extension line or said last consolidation of Precincts 3, 8 and the ~Us will be «:1osed, except as the Old County Road, to an inter-250 ~nee ue e~s . a stance-of TER DISTRICT OF SOlFl'HERN canvassing or ballots and the tak-named District crosses Newport 11 of the Oty of Newport Beach, provided by Section 5734 of the section with the center line of th eet t~ a potn~ di Hoarst He loved fishing so much that he thought everybody else ought to love it. In h is zeal he took a novice with him on a fishing trip, furnlsh+ ing all the tackle. The expert set· tied the ..avice in a likely spot an.d then began fishing not far away. In a little while the novice called: CALIFORNIA. DESCRIB I NG ing of all steps necessary to com-Avenue in the vicinity of Costa as said Precincts are set forth and Elections Code of the State of \Vestminster Avenue, as shown on 300 ;nee ue ~u . a stance of THE CONSOLIDATED ELEC-plete said annexatio n · nou• there-Mesa i~ said County of Orange described in a resolution and order California. a ma p of First Addition to New-th eet t~ 8 point, d. TION PRECINCTS AND THE fore , , thence southwesterly to the inter~ establishing said Precincts as Section 6 : The appropriate name port H eights as recorded in Book f ence ue. east a istance of 350 POLUNG PL.ACES THEREIN N0nCE AND PROCLAMA-section of said Newport Avenue election precincts in the County and words of identification given of Miscellan~us Map 4, page 94, eet to a point; . . . EST AB LIS HED FOR SAID TION are hereby made and given with Twenty-third Street in the of Orange, State of California, said part of said cor~rate area records of said County; thenc:e easte rly i.n a direct line ELECTION. ST AT I NG THE by the Board of Directors of vicinity of said Costa Mesa and which said order was passed and by the Board of Directors or thence North 39° 50' East along to ~tation No. 75 of Patent bo~n­ NAMES OF THE MEMBERS OF Coastal Municipal W ater District said The Metropolitan \\'ater° Dis-adopted by the Board or Super-Coastal Municipal Water District the center line of said Westminster daries of the Rancho si:rn Joaqwn. THE BOARDS OF E LECTION that, in accordance u·ith said Ordi-trict of Southern California, in the visors of the County or Orange, for the purpose or identifying s~d Avenue 707.03 feet to a JX>int of as per map r ecorded Jn Book 1. F O R ~U POLLING PLACES nances No. 5 and No. 6, passed event of such annexation. will pro-State or California, ~he 8th day ~f part ?f s~d .. corJX>rat e area for said Intersection with the center line page 47 of Patent R~rds .0 f Los AND COMPENSATION OF and adopted by said Board at said vide the necessary shut-off valves. J anuary, 1946, and is set forth in election is That Part of the Cor-of Fiftc-enth Street, as shown on Angeles County, California , . SAID ECTION OFFICERS meeting held the 26th day or July, check valve, meter and vaults to Book 44, page 473, et seq., of the porate Area of the City of NC\\'-aforesaid ma p of F irst Addition to thence southeaste.rly along s?-1d AND STATING THE PROCED-l946: enable water to be delivered front Supervisors' 1\1.inute Book of said JX>rl Beach Not No\V Included Ne\vport Heights·· Rancho .boundary line to Slftti~n "Ho\v much do those red and green things cost?" "You mean the float?" the ex· pert replied. "Oh, about a di'rne I guess." "\Vell," said the no\'ice. "J owe you a d ime: mine has sunk." URE FOR CANVASSING TI.J:E Section 1: A special election h as said Orange County feeder e.xten· County. . Within the . ~o:poratc A.rea. ~.r thence South, 49° 30' East 3,240 78 0~ said .Rancho boun~ary :, sai~ BALLOTS CAST AT SAID been cal!C'd and order ed to be held sion line through said feeder pipe The polling place for this Pre-Coastal Mun 1c1~l \Valer .D1str1ct , feet along the center line of said Station being South 68 43 40 ELECTION. and notice and proclamation there-line to said Coastal Municipal cinct is t~e a.ty H all, New)Xlrt an.d the bounda ries ~f said part or Fifteenth Street to a point or in-east 220.55 feet. from United ~tal es o r hereby are given by the Board \Valer District at the intersection Beach, Cal1forn1a. said corporate area in the County tcrsection with the center line of Bulkhead ~t alion No .. l04 tn the Drive Carefully-Spa.re a Life. WHEREAs, certain qualified electors residing \\'ithin that part of the corporate area of the City of Ne\vport Beach not now in· duded \vithin the corporate area of Coastal l\lunicipal \Vater Dis- trict, '''hich sa id part or s~id cor- porate area li<'s wholly ''i th.in the County of Orange, State of Cali- fornia , hnve petitioned Coas tal ?vt unicipal \\.'a tc-r Dist ric t p r aying for the annr xing of said part of said corporate pre a to Coas tal A-1.unicipal \Vatcf District, under the ''l\1unicipal \Vater District Act of 1911 '". ns anlt'."ndc>d, and thereby annl'xing, including and addjng said µar t of said c::orpQr ate area to 'f hC' l\lc tropol11 :1n \\.at<'r District or Sou th1'rn Ca lifornia. a~ providC'd by the ::\letropoli tan \\·a· t er District ,\r·t tStatll t('S 1927. pa~e 694, as a n1ended I, \\'hich pc ti· tion \\'as filctl \\·i1h the Sc crcti.lry of Coast nl l\lunic ipal \Y a ter Dis· trict on th<.' 2nd day of l\'l t1y. 1946 : and, of Dirl'Ctors of Coastal 1\1.unicipal of said N£'\\1>0rt Avenue \\i.th said The election officers for this of Orange. State of California. as Irvine Avenue, as shown on af ore-~ulkhead hne, as sa~d bulkhe~d i-------------- \Vater District. which special T\\·cnty-third Street, but said The Precinct and their addresses and the. sam~ are ~e.t forth ~nd descri?· said map o r First Addition 10 New-Line and bulkhead stations are laid election is to be held at and within, l\'tetropolitan \·Vater Dis trict of the offices to be held by eac~ are: cd 1n s~d pet1t1on praying for said JX>rt Heights; , .out and shown u~n t.he map. of that part of the corporate area or Southern California \Viii not pro-Inspc-ctor: Hannah ~I. Gillis. 214 anne~auo~ and . as se t forth a nd thence South 40? 30. \Vest along Ne\\'{>Ort. Bay, California, showing conducting of the special election and said special election will be conducted and the vote thereat counted. posted, received and can:- vassed. and the results thereof ascertained, determined end de- cla red in the manner provided by Jew. \Vl-LERE ,\S, the $ecr(.•tary of Coastal l\1unici pal \\'atcr District comple.tC'd his exa n1ination of said pelition and attached his certifi- cate thereto shO\\i.ng said petition to be sufficit:nt. and said petition "'as duly and regularly set for bearing before the Board of Di- rectors of said Coastal f\tlunicipal \Valer Distric' a t its r egular place of meeting on the 26th day of July, 1M6. at the hour of 8:30 o'?:lock P . l\I., and said petition \\'as heard by said Board of Directors at that time and place and said petition was granted as pra.yed by an or- dinance of said Board of Directors then and thC'r e passed and a dopted. being Ordinance No. 5 in t"e r ec- ords of said Board of Directors: the City of Ncu·port Beach not vide prt'S.sure-regulating equip-21st StrNt, Newport Beach, described in Ordinance No. 5 pass-the said center liAe of Irvine Ave· Harbor Jines, approved by the W at no\v included \\'ithin The corpor ate ment : that in the event that said California. , ~ and adopted b)' the Boa:~ of nue and the south"vcsterly prolon· Department Januar;-18,th, 1917: area or Coastal Municip..i.l \Valer cor porate area or said City of Judge: I.renc l\{. \\oods, 207-D1recto~ ~f Coast.al Mun1c1pal gation of the center line of Irvine th.ence South 45 45 East 990 District. County of Orange, State Newport Beach not no\v included 20t~ St:('et, Newport Beach, Wat~r Dis~r~ct granting the_ prayer Avenue 2,495 feet, more or less. f('et , " , or California, on Tuesday, the 10th \\i.thin said Coastal Municipal Wa-Cahforn1n. or ~wd pet1t1on fo~ annexa tion and to 01e northeast corner or Lot ·1-r. the nce South 29 00 East 330 day of September. 1946, said part ter District Is not so a nnexed to Cl<'~k : Julia ~'l ac Eggcrt, 1608 ,,·hi.ch a lso constitute the boun-Tract 919. as record<'d in Miscel· feet; o , of sa id corporate area bein~ the said Coastal Municipal \Vater Dis-\\.l's t ()c('a.n F~ont, Ne\vport dar1es of That Part ?f the ~r-la nrous ~laps. Book 29, pages 31 . thence. Sout~ 64 30 East to an area. the bounda ries or \Vhich ar c trlct . pursua nt to said petition for Beach, .California. poratc Arca of the ~1ty or Ne\\·. lo 34 inclusi\'e, records of said 1ntersecUon '."'11 t h the southwester- ct forth and describc>d in said such Annexation and subj<'Ct to Clerk : Libby C. Bolton. 209-~:t . Beach Not No\V Included Count)', \Vhi ch JX>int is also the Jy pr~lo~ga.tion of the not:thwest- petition for a nnexation and in said said terms a nd conditions so fixed 20~h S~ree t . Ne"'POft &ach, \\ 1rh1n the _ C?orporatc Ar_ea . of sout.h\vest corner of the 80 foot e:rly line of Twenty-Seventh Av: Ordinancr No. 5 ~ranting said h): said last n1ent.ion£"d Board of Ca1forn1a. Coasta~ ~lun1c1pal \Vater Distr1c~. strip of thc State H ighway right nue, as Tu·enty-Seventh Ave nue 1s pctit in n for said ll nncxa tion a nd in Directors, then said The l\1etro-COASTAL MUNlCTPi\L \VA· Cou~ty of Orange, St ate of ~al1-of way, as dreded by dl'C'd . record-sho\\·Tl on a ma? of .corona del lhis NoticC' a nd Proclamation. JX>litan \Vater District or Southern TER DISTRICT _ NE\VPORT forn1a. are set forth and descr1bf'd l'd in Deed Book 506 page 334 ~lar. recorded in 1-1.iscellaneous Sectio n 2 : At said sp~·cinl f•l <>C-California \viii not provid(' any BEACl-f ARF.,.\ SPECIAL ELEC-as rollO\\"S: . r£'cords of said Counfy · ' :\'laps. Book .3. pages 41 and 42. tion lhC'rC' \\·ill be submit ted to the such feedC'r pipe line and will not TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-. All t~e ·certain re al property thence a long the Stat~ l-Ii glnyay rC'cords of said County; qua lifiC'd elC'ctors rC'siding \\·i thin pro\'ide any such sh\1t-orr valves, CINCT NO. 3 shall consist of a situate in the . Cou1_1tY of Orange', rig:ht of ,vay as dC'Cded by deed thc n~e northeasterly along the said part of sa id corpora tC' area, <:tl rck valvP, melr r or vaults for consolidation of Precincts 4 and 5 S tate or California. and more r ecorded in Deed Book 338 page aforesaid south\vesterly prolonga- delivcring ,,·atcr frorn said Oran rr e of the ,.,.itv. of Ne\\'TV>rt Beach. as parti.cula rly described as follO\\"S, 31 .1, orf·,ci·al records of sa,·d 'coun-lion of the north\vesterly line of in act:orda ncc \\'ith the ··~tu nie1pal e. '-r-\\>'a tPr District Act of .lDl t '", as Coun_ty fC'C'd.er .llnc of said last ~aid P recin cts are set forth and to-u·1t .: . . . ly, southc>asterly on the arc or a ~"enty-Sevent~ A\'enue and ~he anlt'ndc>d. the pro position \Vhf'ther n1c nt1oned D1str1ct. dcscribN:l in a resolution and order ~g1nn1nj.! at ~he point or inte r· cur\'C concave to the northeast northu•estcrly l1n e. of Twenty-Sev- that part of the corporate ii.rc.·a of St.•ction J : The name "'rhal Pa.rt C!stablish ing said Precincts as scct10~ of the northeasterly p~o-ha\·ing a radius of 906_33 feet (a c nth A\·e~ue a nd its .northeasterly thc City of Nc''"POr l Beach not of the Corporate> Arca or thc City election precincts in the County or lon2at1on of the sout.hcast.erly line radial line at the point or bcgin4 prolong.a tion to a point where the llO\\" inC'ludC'd \vithi n the corporate of Newport B('aC:h Not NO\\. In· Or ange, State of California, \Vhich ~r S~t Str('('t, as said street ning bearing North 47~ 33· ·25 H n!'oresa1d northeasterly pro.longa- 'n r('a of Coastal :\tunicipal \Vntcr eluded \·\'!thin thC' Corporate Area said order \vas passed and a dopted is laid out and sho\\'JI on a map East} a distance of 504.85 feet: t1on of the northwestcrl;r line-of District i:hall be anncxC'd To Coast-of Coastal ~tunicipal \Yater Dis-t->y the Board of Supcr\isors of the or the Se.ashore Colony Tract, as thence continuing a long the last 'l'\,·enty-Se\•cn th Avenue inte rsects a l l\.lunicipal \Valer District a nd trict" has been designated and de-C'ounty Qf Orange. State or Cali-recorded in ~ta p Book 7· pag~ 2~· n1t•ntioncd southerly line of said the north\veste rly prolongation of t h('reby bC' and become ann£'xed, elared by the Board of Directors Cornia, !ht> 8th day of J anuary, reco:ds ~f Orange County. Cah-State Hjgh\\'ay right of \vay tan-the northeasterly line of Corona addl'd to a nd includC'd in The Mel· of Coas tRl Municipa l \Vater Dis-1946. and is set forth in Book 44, forrua. "'1t h t~e north bank of the gent South 74 ~ 21' 30~ , E ast dcl Mar, as shown on the above 'fopolitan \\..ater Distric t of South-trict to be the a ppropriate name page 473. et seq., of the Super· Santa Ana River ; 1.252.22 feet; mcntioned map thereof : crn California. subject to thP fol-a nd \\·ords of identification by visors' Minute Book of said thence easterly and southeast e~-thence continuing along the last the nce southeasterly along the lO\\"in g tC'rmS and condjtions fixed u·hlch said part of said cor porate County. 1~ along the north bank of said mentioned right of \\·ay line alon north\vesterly prolongation of the by the Board of Directors of said area proposed to be annexed shall The polling place for this Pre· ~1ver 5,4<?0 fee~. more or less, to an a curve concave to the north ha\~ northeasterly line of Corona del Coastal l\lunic:ipal \Vatcr District be deslgnatl'd in this NOTICE cinct is the Fire Station at 703 int•rs~tion with the ~orm~r south-ing a radius of 1,550 feet, a dis-Mar and along the nor theasterly a nd subjec t to the terms and con· AND PROCLAJ\.iATION of the East Bay A\'enue. Balboa, Cali-crly line of t.he Cal1f<:'rn1a Statt.• lance of 379.64 feet · line or Corona del Mar a nd its ditions fixC'd by the Board of Di-calling and holding of said spe-fornia High~·ay ha\'lng a width or 80 th t• . ~ h 1 southeasterly prolongation to its rectors of said The l\.tetro)Xllitan cial election a nd upon the ballot The. election officers for this i;:t. Saidh ~i;;'1 8o_f l n te;s~~i~~ men~i~~edco~~~~~r w~~gli~ee t:~ intersection "'ith the center line \Va ter Dis trict of Sot.thern Cali-used at said special election. There Precinct and their addresses and ars sout cast , . gent South 88" 23' 30" E t di . of the wat£'r course of that certain rornia. which terms and conditions also shall be printed UJXln said the offi ces to be held by each are: ~~et fr~~ th~ north\vcs: 00(%e~ 0~ la nce of 201.35 feet to a8~~t ~n canyon lying immediately south- are by said Ordinance No. 5 of ballot th~ follo\vi.ng: Inspector: Harold C. Ahrendt, e ~o eas one-qu~ er o the southeasterly lin'e of the parcel easterly of Corona del Mar, com- said Board of Directors of Coastal 2050 Ocean Avenue, Balboa, Sectio.n 29. To"nship 6 South, of land as deeded to the Q ty of monly known as Buck Gully; l\1unicipal \V aler District made the PR o PO S 1 T 1 O ~ California. R8:"ge :~ \Vest. ~.B.B.1 & ~:: s~g Newport Beach by deed r ecorded thence in a general southwest· terms and conditions upon which Shall 'tH . .\T PART Judge: J ohn f\1. M. Leonard, 30.1 JXlf mt l o t'hnte,rsecur oEn a .so , ingSt in Deed Book 249. page 423, r ec-erly direction following along the said annexation can take plaCC', OF TIIE OOR-Alvarado Place. Balboa, Cali-ec sou er Y o nginecr s . a-ords of said County· center line of the water course of and, namely·.· POBATE AREA fomia. lion 683 + 40.95 on the center line th So th 29• w' al . h the aforesaid Buck Gully to Its \VHEREAS, the corporate area OF THE CITY OF 1721 f ·d h" h ·d i t als ence u est ong t e or said Coastal ?t·Iunicipal \Valer (a) That there shall be levied Cler~: ?ttolUe. Fenelon, ~-·sai th ig way!; starmini po n f ho last mentioned southeasterly line intersection with the ordinary high N E W P 0 R T Miramar Dr1v e Balboa Call-"-"·:1ng e \Vester Y e us O t e d th th I tide line or the Pacific Ocean· District has herl'tofore been added for the fiscal rear 194741948 by T ' ' d . hi h t 'd I' r lh p an e sou "'ester y prolonga· · • and annexed to and rs included in the said Coastal Municipal \Valer 8 EA C 11 NO fornia. o:. inary g 1 e me 0 e a-tion thereof a distance of 970.81 thence South 20• West three (3) and Ls 8 part of The Ailetropolitan Distr ict special taxes upon the NO\\' INCLUDED Clerk: Dolly R. Spear: 323 Al-cifi~ OceAn;, in N~~~ Bay and feet to an intersection u •ith a line miles into the Pacific Ocean to a \VI T II IN THE varado Place Balboa Cali-designated North Line a nd nort h 350 t th point· Water District of Southern Cali-taxable property "·ithin said cor -C 0 R p 0 RATE . ' · ' b k f th s t An R " , eet nor easterly of and · fornia and the inclusion and addi-poratc area of the Ci ty of Newpor t fornia. atnblohedeb an ad a · i\eCor, ast parallel with the bulkhead extend· thence northwesterly along a A.REAOFOOAST-COASTAL MUN1CIPAL WA cs a 18 ya ecree in ur ·,n t '· S Bulkh · line parallel to and three (3) miles tlon of that part of the corporate Beach hereinafter described and AL MUNI<JIPAL -Case No. 23686 of the Superior g rom u. . ead Station . . . area of the Ci ty of Newport \Vhich is not now a part of Coastal ... , AT r: R D I S -TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT C t . d f Or Co t No. 170 to U. S. Bulkhead Sta tion distant from the ordinary high Beach not now included within the Municipal \V aler District, in addl-.,, YES BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-Ca~ ~ an or ifanedge un yf, No 175 as said bulkhea d line tide line of the Pacific Ocean to a corporate area or Coastal ?.1uni-lion to the ta "<es elsewher e in the ~oR~~:. -:::~ TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-whi~r1:;~e! w~t ~rd~y Se~ and bulkhead stations are laid out pointth, w1 hich paint 1 ltsh thee. most 1 dpa.1 \Vater Distric\ to the cor-''holunicipal \Vater District Act of pal \\rat"r Dl•trict, CINCT NO. 4 shall consist of a tember l9th, 1928 in Book 20l, and showi:i u~~ a map of Newport sou er Y corner o e 1ty . o porate area of said Coastal Mu-1911", as amended, authorited to "ubjttt to the consolidation of Precincts 6. 10 page 2S3, Official Records of ~ay, California, showing harbor Newport Beach, ~ the exterior nici--' \Vater District ~·ill thereby be levied by Coastal Municipal NO and 12 of the Oty or Newport 0 Co t Calif . . lines, approved by the War De-boundary of the City of Newport ..-. rerm.s and l'ond.1-Be h .d Pr . ts t range un y, . orn1a. Be h . d ibed . 0 di annex and add that part of said \Vater District and the aggregate tlou flxrd by the ac . as sat ecinc: are se thence along said north bank of par~en.t January 18th, 1917, and ac Is escr · tn . r nance corporate area to The l\letropoli· a mount to be-so r aised by such Board of Dlr«lon forth and described in a resolu-the Santa Ana RJver through the on file in the office of the U.' s. No. 1 adopted by the Oty Council tan Water District of Southern special ta."<es shall be $1 1,589.35; of u.ld Dbtrlct l ion and order establishing said following courses and-distances: Dis!Iict. Engineer , Los Angeles, of the Oty or Newport Beach on California; and, (b} Tha t. as prescribed by the Pr«incts as election precincts 1n South 600 l9' 50 .. E t 57707 f t Califorrua; the 11th day of September, 1906; WHEREAS. the Board of Di-Board of Directors of said The ~::!a, sub~t !.:n'~~ the. County o~ Orange, State of South 66 .. 44, 18 ... E::!t 584:64 f:!L . thenct; southeasterly along a thence north"':esterly parallel to rectors of The l\1ctropolitan \Va· ?i.lctropolita n \Valer District of California, which said Order WU So th ss• 28' 28• E l 1 085 28 line, "'hich line is 350 feet north-and three (3) miles from the shore ter District or Southern California, Southern California by its afore-!!::d ~~,:~t~~= .passed and adopted by the Board ~t. as ' · easterly of and parallel with the of t~e P acific Ocean to an Inter- by resolution a nd order duly pass· said resolution and order passed Df Tbe MetropoU-of Supervisors of the. County of South 74• 17, 11 .. East 8Sl.8S feet. aforesaid bulkhead line extending section ~th the southwesterly ed and adopted on July 12, 1946. and adopted on the 12th day of I.an \\'at"r District Orange, Sta te of Cahfornia, ~e South 37" 15' 30• East 215.3.5 feet. between Bulkhead Stations Nos. ~elongation or the sout¥asterl.Y a certllied copy thereof ha\i.ng July, 1946. such annexation to said of Southern Call· 8th day of J anuary. 1946. and ts South 73• 34' 20'" Ea.st 1 099.50 170 and 175, a "qi.stance of 1,800 line of the afroesald .Summit been filed "1tilh the Board of Di· Coastal l\tunicipal \Valer District rornla~ set forth In Book 44, pa~e 473, et feet. ' feet to a point, Ylhich bears Sduth Street; rectors of Coastal f\1 unicipal \V a· of said corpora te area of said Oty seq., of the Supervisors Minute South 80" 77• East 168.41 f~t. 29• West 350 feet from U.S. Bulk-thence northeasterly along the ter District prior to the granting of Ne\\'port Beach, described in Section 4: F or the purpose of Book of sB:id County. South ss• 46' 54• East 49103 feet head Station No. 130, as said sta-southweaterJy prolongation of the by Aid last mentioned Board of said petition a nd which ls not now holding and conducting said ape-The polling place for th.ii Pre-North 88" 54• 01" East 546:15 feet: tlon is laid out and shown upon southeasterly line, the southeast- l&id petition for annexation, has included "ithin sald Coastal f\iu-cial C'lection. said part of said cor-cine~ ls the Fire Station at 327 . t . the . Jy line 1 said map of Newport Bay showing erly line •and the northeasterly -nsented to Slll.d annexau·on and t t Wl't That Part of ?ttan.ne Avenue, Balboa Island, to 8 pom tn ~ester . 0 L.-• • ~ . nicipal \Valer Distric t, shall be pora e area. 0 · Calif ml CE>ntral Avenue, 60 feet in WJ.dlh, harll'Ul" lines, prolongation of the southeasterly bas fixed. declared., set forth and completed, and all necessary cer-the Corporate Area of the City of Tho ~ ffi r this which point is North 47• 47' SS" thence. North 750 11' 44 .. East line of the aforesaid Summit Street determlned the terms and cond.i· tificates, affidavits, statements Newport Beach Not Now Included ~ : d 0~~ ~~ . d West a distance of 3,509.34 feet 1,401.60 feet to a point, which to the point of beginning. Section' 8 : The C&!l_vasslng of the votes cast at said sj>ecial election \\ill be made and conducted by the Board of Dir ectors of Coastal Mu· nicipal Water District a t a meet· ing to be held for that purpose on Thursday, the 12th day of Septem- ber, 1946. a t 8 :30 o'clock P . M. {but subject lo the provisions of Section 7801 of s aid Elcctiort9 Code) at the office of Coastal Mu- nicipal \Vater District, In the La· guna Beach County \Vater District Building, in the City of Laguna Beach, County of Orange, State of Califprnia, and if it is dl'ter· mined upon the canvassj.ng Ot the vote cast at said election that the said proposition so submitted at said special election to the elec- tors of That P art of t he Corporate Area of the City of N ewport Beach Not Now Incluaed Within the Corporate Area of Coas tal Mu· nicipa.I Wa te r District has received the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast in such ell'ctlon. thi:n the President and Secretary of the said Board of Directors of Coastal Municipal Wate}\Distrlct, UJXln the completion of the can- vass of the result or the vote at said election by saJd Board of Di- rectors, will certify that fact to the Secretary of State and to the County Recorder of the County of Orange, State of California, and will promptly do all acbl and take all proceedings required by law to C complete such annexation and to render such annexation fully effec-- tlve for all purposes. · Dated this 26th day' of July 1946. . • THE BOARD OF DffiECTORS OF COASTAL MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, By E . H. BEAVER, ' Secretary of Said Coastal Municipal Water Dl..ttrlct. ISeal) Attest: E . H. BEA VER, Secretary or Said Coastal Municipal Water District. Pub.: Aug. 15, 22, 29 and Sept. 5. NOTICE INVITING BIDS The Boa.rd of &hoot 'I'ruirtH• or the Ne.,.,-port Bea.ch E\cboot District OT&D.ge County. will ~Ive blcb ai the echool ot tlce, l•lh and Central up to 8:00 p.rn. September 2. 19" tor the lruita.J latlon of a tpr1nklln& •YIJtem at the Corona del Ku School. All matertllLl• and labor to be rurnt.11bed b,. the contractor .. Plana and llpec.lfteatlona are ava.11· able at the Dl•trlct 8uper1nte:nclent'• Ofrl ce. 14th a.nd Central. The Boant of School TrwlteH of the Newport Bea.ch School l>Ultrlet rHenrea the right to reject uy OI' a.II bids or wafTe anr lnlorm&llt,. ta • bid. Cl • T . WB8TON JAY, tions upon which that part of the and mape required to be filed to Within the Corporate Area of ~ an a an from the common comer of Sec-bean South 3.5• 28' 18.. West Section 7: The Secretary of corporate area ol.the Oty of New-complete such annexation and to Coastal Municipal WJller District, the o ces to be held by each are: tib Z1 28 33 and 34 Townshl 144..'3 feet from U. S. Bulkhead Coastal Municipal Water ~-trlct port Be ch l now Included with d ch · fully ff ";u be and oonstitu~ fl"" ....,...al Inspector· Hugh B Springer 212 ns • · • P St ti N 135 __ ,. v~ a no -ren er su . annexauon e ec-.. .,_..... Pearl Street, Balboa 11ianc1, 6 Soutlf-; Range 10 West, S.B.B. a . Oil • o. • u ~ Bulk.head ii authorized and directed by the Pub. in the corporate area of Coastal tive for all purposes. shall be filed election precincts, which aaid spe-California. &: M.; Stati°? is shown upon a map en-Board of Directors of Coastal Mu- er of the Newport BMch Scbool DI.strict. Aug.. 22, 27. 29, lMI. ~~in ~~~c:O~~~ in the respective offices required ~~i~l~:o~~":t~~l~~veas~: Judge: Bettye A. Fink. 203 Dia· tbencf! North 1e· 37' 40'" East titled 'H~ ~·Newport Bay nldpal Water District to mall to NOTICE INVn'INO 1111>8 to Coaatal ?.tunidpal \Vate-r Dis· ~~~. ~·. on or be/ore October 1, voting p-eclncts ln said part of mond Avenue Balboa Isl.and. it.long the said westerly line ot Harbor, Califomla , approved by each registered elector in &aid The Board ot School Ttustl!el ol uded d f th Calllomla. ' Central Avenue, 2'18.70 feet, mott the War Department May 2nd, That Part ot the Corporate Atta the N--~,..anded an~~ and ~ (c) That, as pl'escribed by the said corporate area or~ Clttk. Doris M.. Powers 319 or lesa. to an lntenection with the 1936, and on file in the office of of the Oty of Newport Beach Not trl ewport Beach School Df.I.. -·-lloal'd of Directon of said The pose of holding and ~nd Avenue, Baj boa waterly prolongation ot that cer-the U. S. District I:nginett, Los Now Included Within the CorPo-ct, Onnge County will .--. a part of Th• Metropolltan Water Metropolitan Water District of said &pedal annexatlon election. Island, California. taln coune In tbe United States Angeles, California, rate Atta ot Coastal Mwudp.I bidl at the ochool ~. 14th an4 District .of Southern Calllornla; Southern Callfornla by Its afore-Each of aald spedal election !ft-Clerk· Kate McCann, 200 Emel'-Bulkhead Line extending from thence South 71 • !14' East Water District a sample ot lb< C..Otra! up to 8:00 p.m. 5optenber and. sald l'ftOlution and order passed ~~~palshal!W~t~~.:tec:~ ald · Awnue Balboa Island. Stations u. s. 227 to u. s. 128, as 1.010.00 feet to an angle point In ballot to be uaed In aald apeclal ,3, 1946 for furnlobll>c llJl!I lnatal- WHEREAS, aald lloal'd of Di· and adopted the 12th day of July, Californla. • said Harbor Une is ahown upon a the ordinary hl&h tide line of the election an4 ahalJ encloae In !be ling ~~~t for tlic eo. recton of Coastal Municipal Wa-1946: (1 ) Then> shall be 1.-;ed by port Beach Atta Spedal Electlon titled ''Harbor , ,_ N Padllc Ocean In Newport Bay rona -™ lkfv»I ter District, by said OrdWlnce the aald The Metropolitan Water Consolldated ~ct and ahall be COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-map en • -ew-u established by Decree In ' envelope ot each of aald sample P14D1 and opedflca~ wW be No. 5, fixed the tenns and condl· District ot Southern California numbered cOnsocutively from l to TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT port Bay Barbell' aPlll'Oved by the Caae No 24026 ot the s.= balloU a card atatlng the loca-found In the Diltrict Superb>. ti..,. upon which said annexation spedal taxes upon taxable pro!>' 5, lnclualve, an4 the name and BEACH AREA SPEClAL El.EC-:: De~~ MaJti ~l~ Court in · and ror Oranae County tion ot the precinct poWng place tendenf1 ottJce at 14th and O!!n- may occur nd declared and or-erty within aald corporate ..,.... ot territory constituting each of said TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-on ce Calllomia. a certified oi of each elector, provided, oowever, traL clered that an election be called by sald Oty of Ne~-port Beach de-precincts shall be u follows: CTNCT NO 5 shall -t ot a U. S. District Engineer, Los An· wblch dea ~ that the failure on the pert of on Tbe Board of School Trua- aald Board of Dlttcton an4 held scribed In aald petition and so an-COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-eonsolidab ot Pred.netB 7and13 geles, Calllornla; • Umber 19 ~: ~ 199 ~ elector to receive sud> umpie beJ. of the Newport lleadJ School!*- within that part of the corporate nexed to aald Coutal Municipal TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT of the City ot N ... port Beach, .. thence South 79 00' Eut alons 275, omdaJ Rearm at O.::e lot or card lhall not Invalidate ..... trlct, Orange County, .._" .. the artt of the City of Newport Beach Water District, ln addition to tbe BEACH AREA SPECIAL EI.Ee-sald Prec:lncta att oet forth and =d ~"'!i~ ~~ County Calllomla· ~~ oral affect In anyway the rllht to ttJecl any er all -er not -Included within the cor-taxes e1lewhett In the Metropoll-TION CONSOLIDATED PJIE-dncrlbed In a l"90lutloa an4 ord« on ' ; -•-ty any .,._,,_ that waive any Informality In a bid _..., area or Ooutal Municipal tan Water District Act (Stata. CINCT NO. 1 shall conalat ot a ostablllblnc aald PrednctB u eloc>-g:tr-:i~ the ... =-~t"'ot a: the u.: ~..!9 ... '!. ~ :::-~~ ·~-~t. Said T. WES1';)N JAY, Water D11trict, be1nc that pert al 1!111, p. aN. u amended) autbol'-cm•olldatloa of PtedDctl l. 2 tlon P'edncta In the County ot vmuo, ..-__ , ..._ a ....,.,,_, oL aald Diltrlct lo allo . Olrk al Ille Newpcaf, Aid ... porai. UM Ml forth -bed to be levied by aald Tho Met-and 9 of the Oty at Newport Oranp, State al c.lltornla, --..... belnc ID the --..,.,. at 334.27 ffft to a paint, -and -to --ll<hd Dlatrict. --In laid poll6oa, wltllln ropolltan Wale District al ScJutb. Beech, u l&ld ~ are Ml l&ld order -put ~ an4 aAP-1 ~ ~-ot the ~IJ' Wblcb lo Ille -~ ........ ..,.,.11•1tB fllr Ille b+'hs -Plob.-Auc. %7, 29, l.NS. I • ?Fin •••e Ba:.ti.:::=ced=::t!~~~.to Harbor Fem1·n1·ne· Act1·v1·t1·es lverson-Willcut ,Rites Solemnized Sun. at Newpwt Harbor Lutheran Church -street. Coot& -wllb to ~-W o.n ~ _.,_ Illa DcrollQr W1J1cut. doulltt.r 'n-•-wt>o .,._,.,.,., the 11op.-ot their Jn. ~ "YD!' ~ -·~ ·~..., ol Kr. -lln. Edwanl Wllkut wrM>c mardi. "f t do httt Linda Ann OD SUI>--to her D<W -at l'IUI. PIMJia 13 ud 218 + -WW 9lllllft + Pzdhl» l'la9 lGT-R ol 12481 Vldmla -. Colla Ilol'Otlll' -PIWWWted ID -;:'y ~ 1 ~t the N..,.,_t Har-Eut C-tral avmuo, ~will Msa. wu married to Kr .. Jadt rla8e by her father, Kr. E. -~ ~.,..:1'.;, 1:.: • .=! ~: ~~1!:kir'.~ :::,"\.':a: L. A. Congressman Newport Circle Meets With Mrs. E. D. Gooden, It NOTES of the ~ 523s!::~::" g-:: ~~ :"i.n"::" 3 Kr. n-s11 Belsbla will be -fat the Ing S.pL 3 from Bnu.il where he Gets Albacore Hears Reports and Plans China Relief Boxes Balboa Yacht Cub the Newpurt Harbor Luthenn Herbert Cs Roth,=~~ child Time of lef'Vice wfll be has been vislbnC his father for .,. VllLMA ...... llt.Cllt church.. ~ eeremouy took plac'e dJurcii performed the .,.,.,. .... _ .. 10:30 Friends .,.., invited. matt than a .-th. Congresm>an Carl Hlnohaw Newport Ord• met Wedneoday .....ident here, la com1ns from New . . Immediately after the church serv-The chancel ol the cha;:-"• · While in Brazil he wrote of h.av-who represents the Lo& A.nceie.,: afternoon with Mn.. E . D. Goodell, York aome time in September. She THE CO'n'ON BALL ot. Satur-ica at 11:30 a.m. and wu held in filled with buketa '1. White = ing a room just .40 feet off the Puadena congreak>nal district 3000 Ocean Front acting as bostes8 will speak at one of the church day and tM Labor Day reptta the H . K. Grauel chapel •>'hlch la lolas and atocka. equat~r and of gomg up the Ama-but who spends his summers at ln place of Mrs. D. W . Holtby, services while Rev. E. D. Goodell Aua:. 31, Sept. 1-2 to be sailed temporarily being used as the Aft the eddin zon r1ver for 375 miles. He cradu-his heme in Corona del Mar, was now in Los Angeles with her hus-is on h1a vacation, and will pack from Balboa. Yacht club with New-church chapel. er w · g. • recepticm ated recently from Harvard IMlledi-a guest of Mr. and Mn. GeorJ:e band wbo is in St. Vincent's hoe-the rellef boxes to take over with port Harbor Yacht club' asailtinz, The bride was dressed in a t~ was held in the afternoon at tbe ~-academy and has comp et Holstein of 1.Jdo Isle Tuesday on pltal. her. are the main events ot. the coming piece dress of pink trinuned with home of the bridegroom's faths, his f~t semester at the Unlvqsity board BUI Killion'• St. Louis jr., The president, Mn. W . S. Hun-Next meeting of the circle will week . end but the big news at gold sequins, with which she wore Harry Iverson. Seve~ty-five peopi9 of Cahfornla, Los Angeles carfipus. operating from Port Orange. saker. wu ill and Mrs. Goodell be at the home of Mn. J . H. Red-BYC 18, that Bob. ~vis. Jocal Snipe brown accessories. She carried a attended ~he reception and weft . They tried' for swordfish. 'n>ey acted a.s chairman, while Mn. stone, 36th street, on Sept. 25. champion and JWUOI' member ol prayer book decorated with an tre;ted with _punch and cake. 'n. MYF's Off for Camp I thought they had them, but two John U'Ren took the place of the At the close of the meeting the the club. is bringing back from orchid. Matron of honor was Mrs. :U.ly u::,'~ed couple Plan to hooK-ups proved to be two big secretary, Mrs. R H . Hill, now hostess served. refreshment.a to I...ak~ N. Y. the handsome In-Betty Anderson, who wore an aqua e ir home in ~ta Mesa. . grey sharks-after which albacore away on vacation. Mn. Redstone, Mrs. George Goeld-~emati~ Snipe trophy to rest in color dress 1A'ith brown accessories. Young people of the Methodist claimed their attention.. The re-Devotions were led by Mrs. John ner. Mrs. John Fischner, Mrs. May its familiar place for the second Sh carried a bouquet of Talisman Youth Fellowship who a.i;e leaving iult wu four large albacore a nd Fischner. Mri. J . H. Mills, treas--Deloz:jer, Miss Jane Taft, Mrs. year nmningi roses. The bride's mother wore a _Saturday for a week at ~ two skipjack, and praise from the urer, reported $61 to date paid to J . H. Mi11s, Mrs. J ohn U'Ren and The trophy came to BYC last black dress trlnuned with white ~~ Cuyamaca. ne&.: .San Diego, congressman for the fishing ~ the building fund on their pJedge Mm Elsie Newland. year when won by Bob and Betty and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. ~ include th~ preside~t. ~IY vided by Newport harbor. of $200. The Faith Jar was opened, White at Olicago. When Bob Da.-Herbert C. Roth sang "The Sweet- Trine:. Dot Wrigtlt, Lesh~ Freitag providing $12.50 which goes on Round of Parties vis won the champiONhip of the est Story Ever Told" "' the wed- and Dick Wallner, who 15 taking BIYC Trophies to Be the circle's pledge to the church fleet this sununer and headed for ding solo, accompanied by Veda a---~ II-them in his car. budgeL Honors New Yorker the ...... coast with his Shady Too, ------------Presented Sept. 6 A very interesting letter WU he was given a ferewell dinner by Balboa Sisters Methodist Pastor Plans Vacation See Our Presentation of trophies will be made at th«.I final meeting of Bal- tK>a Island Yacht club. to be held at Balboa Yacht club Friday eve- ning; Sept. 6. This year there are perpetual trophies to be awarded, the Dick Monroe Memorial trophy given in m emory of the former BIYC commodore who lost his life on Okinawa , and which will be given to the all·around champion of the club. read from an absent member, Mrs. Mr!. Verne Britton and Mrs. the twins, with instructions to J eanette Beddome, who in corns Helen King entertained Thursday "bring that trophy home", which Now in Alaska The Rev. E . D. Goodell, puttr of a.rut 0.urch by the Sea. will preach at the Sunday mominc service but for the other Sund&ya of the month the pulpit will be occupied by guest speakers while Rev. and Mrs. Goodell are on their vacation. Rev. Charles Hand ot . C.OSta Mesa will be one ~ and Mrs. Harry Worley, miuion-. ary to China and who is returninc next week from New York, will b& another. SPECIAL PORTRAIT One Carhoh Finish s1 oo 5x7 Size (Proofs Shown ) PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR There will .ll.lso be perpetual tro- phies for the dinghy and Snowbird championships. and cups for other r aces and events. , . • ~ . \ • s • • ,.;c·· ,: • • • This year BIYC has a member- s hip of 225 younger yachtsmen who meet every Friday evening at the ferry builrnng and plan events of the coming week. They carry a full sc hedule of ('Vents. This week there were paddleboard races ~1onday. as well as sailing in the afternoon. Tuesday there were S\olo'imming and diving contests, Wednesday a rowing race and Thursday the swim across the bay, a good sample-of events each we-ek during the summer. Officers of the club are Sey- mour Beek. commodore; Morgan Morgan, vice commodore; Gilbert Kraemer, rear commodore and Cynthia Platt, secretary. WCTU Meets Sept. 4 Newport Beach W.C.T .U. will meet Wednesday, Sept. 4 with Mrs. Ella Goeldner, 217 33rd street at L30 p.m. Altar Society Meet The first fall meetin1 of the Altar Society of Our Lady of Mt. Ca.nnel ha.s been postponed from Sept. 4 and will be held Sept. 11 instead. at 2 p.m. in the USO rooms. Balboa. Margaret L. Scharle WE SPECIALIZE IN WEDDING PORTRAITS Studio -Home -Church (Member Music Teachtt1' Assn. of Callfomla) Teacher of Piano Organi>t -Accompanist 8Aldlo: 801 Got4earod Aftllae Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! Corona del Mar PHONE: HARBOR lot6 White House Cafe Pboae sm Lacuna llMcli, Oallf. JO A. M:. to 1 :00 P. l\I. Dally-Other 1\me by Appolntmmt • I The Bobby Shop "BOBBY" Bob and Sally Brown Cost CLEARANCE SALE Infants' and Children's APPAREL 1 m East Central, uan- "Pirate Days" -September 5, 6, 7 and 8 pany with her daughter Adele, is at the Britton home on Udo Isle, he has obeyed. Bob's father, Ken now visiting her daughter and son-honoring Mrs. Frank Hardiman of De.vis, crewed for him in the races in-la"' in Rockville. Md. They New York who has been a guest and they will visit relatives be- drove through, and she told of for the past month at the home fore returning home. ' sightseein g at Carlsbad Caverns, of her son and daughter-in-law, · • • • in El Paso and at Juarez, Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hardiman, Lldo LAST SUNDAY, with Conuno- in Washington, D. C., and of a visit Isle. dore Don Kemp acting as master to Annapolis naval academy. Mrs. Hardiman ls leaving Mon-of ceremonies. trophies were pre- Miss Elsie Newland made a day for New York and many at-sented to winners in the Tourna- plea for used clothing. especially fairs are being given in her honor. ment of 1.Jghts. Presentations articles for men . "'ith towels and At the Britton-King party Mrs. were made by Rear Commodore yarn, to be packed for relief boxes Jay Hardiman was holder of high Dick Fenton. chairman of the for China. Harry Worley is now scor e at bridge with f..trs . C. V. trophy conunittee for the Too.ma - in China. going over in June,· and Pl as second, and the honoree tak-ment of U gh ts association. Com- 1\1-rs. \Vorley, who ,,_,,as a former ing both low and guest prize. modore of the association, Capt. Others present were the Mes-Joe Beek, introduced participe.nts. dames P . V. Parkes, Robert Ross. Conunodore Henry Grandin ot Sam Kinsfather. Harvey Bodman, Newport Harbor Yacht club. asked Otarles Mc AJary, G. V. Lin.sen-t o make a speech, remarked he bard, Eugene Fenelon, Margaret thought everyone concerned ex- Nierneyer, Trusdale, Harry Welch cept Capt. Beek had been thanked, and C. B. Rudd. and everyone responded with three Musical Treat For Local Church The Misses Dorothy and Pauline Weiner, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. I . Weiner, 205 Sixth street, Bal· boa, are vacationing for three weeks in Alaska .. They motored to Vancouver. B. C, and the n went by boat to Prince Rupert a nd Ketchikan. On their return trip they will sfay rn Seattle, then in San Francisco, before leaving for home. , l\tiss Dorothy Weiner is m an- ager or the '''orld Travel bureau or Santa Ana. 1\1.r. and Mrs. W~ner have also been on a vacation spendjng ten days in the Santa . Ynez valley. Balboa Isle Circle Postpones Meet Rev. Goodell will start his vaca- tion by attending Ministers' Week at the University of Southern Ca} .. ifomia. and will also spend IOme timl' at Banning. Corona del Mar Malt Shop 1011 Oooot Jllcltwa7 • Oldfashlcmedmalu We man just this. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord of Pasadena, son and daughter-in- law of Mr. a nd Mrs. H. J . Lord \Vho have a swnmer home at New- port Beach, will be guest musicians Sunday at the Assembly of God church which holds services at the American Legion hall, 15th and West Bay avenue, according to an announcement made by the pastor, the Rev. Ida Sande. Mrs. Rudd and Mrs. J . A. Gant chet>rs for the veteran promoter joined in entertaining last week, of the Harbor's outstanding fete. while Mrs. P . v. Parkes was hos-• • • The first meeting of the fall for Balboa Island circle has been tess for luncheon and foor tables OCEAN RACING of the Labor postponed uniil Tue~ay, Sept. 10 Ph-ee.-li8U of bridge at the Brittany Kitchen. Day regatta will be in charge of and will be held at the home of Long Beach. Anothe r hostess was Fred Brewer, assisted by Jim Newporl & ~ M- CAB co. Mrs. 0 . M. OunpbeU, who enter-Webster of NHYC, while Oscar the president, Mrs. Leonard Har- tained. Monday at the Laguna Oevidence ot NHYC will aid Craig grave, 314 Grand Canal. Members Bee.ch hotel. Mn. Heinz Kaiser Doyle with the-bay races. All will meet at 12:30 for a sack was a recent dinner hostess for classes will race, includtne" Lu-=luniichi. U-Boar .. •lee Both of the young people are ac- complished musldana. Mr. Lord, who hu recently retUJ'Tied from ovenea.s, is the pianist and Mrs. Lord plays the clarinet. Newport Girl Has School at 29 Palms Mrs. Hardiman. ders., Albatross and California 32's, ! On Friday Mrs. Jay Hardiman • • • is ent.erta.inin& for her guest as DICK DEA VER of BYC was the farewell affair. winner ot the Metcalf Memorial series in three days oC racing at Mn. Harold K Grauel and Los Angeles harbor this put daughter LaNoma returned Wed-week end and Darl>y Metcalt took netday alter •~ding three weeks second place. with relaUves at Omaha, Neb,. ''Crews as akippers" races of the Council Bluffs, Lake Preston and Rhodes 33 11 .. t on Saturday and Misa Carol Miller, daughter of Madiaon, Wisconsin. Sunday ended with Bob Raab fol· Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Miller, 109 Clingman Miller, son of Mr. and 10\\fing in the wake if not the foot- 26th 11r<e~ la at 29 Palms but Mrs. Cyrus Miller, 109 26th street, steps of his skipper and brinllln&: wtll return home tor a short vt.ait ii now out 'of the navy, where he SH.-Bee in for first place while before her school opens. She grad· wu avtation machinist's mate Henny Penny II, skippered by uated four years ago from New~ third clau, and will return to San-Frank Fneman one day and Dick port Harbor high school and this ta Ana Junior college thla fall. Edwards the next, was second. spring from th• Unlvtt1ity of Call-Mrs. Olive Grady of Quimby, Rebel was third, skippered by WU- fornia, Los Angeles campus. Ill., arrived this week to spend a liam. Langjah.r and Robert Mllll- A cla.umate of Miss Miller's, month at the home of her son and kan. Three cups will be presented Miss Rachel Thompeon of Lon&: daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mn. for the races. Beach, is also to teach at the des· Floyd Greiwe, 400'Ai Oubhouse • • • ert town and the two g1rl! are avenue. ANOTHER BYC member· who out the.re getting settled in their is racing this week is Col. Paul house. Drive C&retully-Spve a Lite. Afantz of Balboa Island, who pi--;;=======;;;:;;;==============;;. I lots airplanes instead of boats. ,. Friday morning he is taking off Expert Beauticians for Milady • Pennanenta, Cold \\ave, Hair Slyllnfl, Hair "nntlnz ---Bleaclis In&. Facials. NO WAITINU Carmen and S-.att °""" ......,., .&II u.r . .._..., q, a $ p ,_ ••. _ .. , ..._ llarMir •• ., from Van Nuys in his Merlin Mus· tang, one of 23 entries in the Bendix speed race to Cleveland. • • • ON THE CONVALESCENT list is Mrs. Bob Boyd, wife of the vice commodore, who returned home last week from Community hospital where she unde rwent an operation and is now recovering at the J ack Boyd home according to the report of Velma Bf.rbre, BYC publicity director. N~-nme. advert:laememta an. your IUide to effident ~- • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends In short hairdos. • Rllling, Lustron, · Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also machlneless pennanenlss Virginia Bell's MARISKA House of Beauty SM Marine Ave. Balbo& JNand Phone .. Harbor s_s l8Z7 • 8-rved Seats $2.40 & $1.80 Tal< Incl. ' TOWN & COUNTRY Balboa Isle Nursery School Opening September 16 at New Location - Marine Avenue Island 317 Balboa HOURS -9 to 12 Open House on September 14 and 15 from 3 to 5 SPECIAL MUSICAL TREAT ASSEMBLIES OF GOD At American Legion Hall lltlt. _. llq Ne ..... lleMa Sunday Morning, Sept. 1, 11:00 A. M. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lord ol Paaadena, aannpl!shed 1D1!Sifi8ns, wW be ilBt artilltL Mr. Edward Lord. who baa )lat retumed from wer-- -service, at the piano. Mrs. Pbyllla Lord. clarinet. REV. IDA SANDE, PuUr :t Gryphon Productions :G c; -< ~ '~:::.· P lA Y~OUS~ ~ Ill a < :z Allyn Joslyn z .. :::: In c ~ ~ ·BOY MEETS ~ ., :z 0 .. " {J ::i GIRL' ~ Marc wltll Lawrence .... Joyce Arling -I ... a :r: "' c::i r' 0 N-~ ftn1 8-0q, ~ " Sept.. ,. • ....... :z: 0 :z: 0. .. IC 0 1-Dq Nip> C: Limited Seatlnc Capadty ~ Reeem!d Seats 'Avallable at BLUE SAILS BOOKSHOP --.. .,. Or... Ill 8' rt .,. ... .,.. ¥= Ill " ,. n ll HOUSE of Three Arch Bay AH -You -Can -Eat CIDCKEN & DUMPLING Dinners every Tuesday Thiirsday Evening • During the past several weeks we have been busy ob- taining the special oookin& utensils, seuoninp and sourcea of the fre&h tneredients ....,,_ tial to the c:oncoctlni ot the we offer a New lnaova~ A CJOMPL!Il'E Chinese Dinner , finest ot. Chinese foods. We are noW ready to otter you this type of menu cooked to perfecti00s This la another ot our Alls You-Oul-Eat specialties. Friday Fish Fries • Your ov..-whelmlnc and l<indl.Y recep-tion laat Friday haa placed it on our ~­ lar propam . . • OUr specialties are offered In conjunction with our Vllrled menu al ~ 8-CIMlllO. -.._, Frocfl Lop, Do. are to be a lleplar llvelr&l Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer We Cannot Serve All the Food OD the C0ut. So We Bene On1J . = the Jl!amt = · PRIVATE BANQUET ROOllll n:LEPBONE 9«511 Haurl: 5 p.m. -12 SalmdttJ'. 5 p.m. • 2 &llls _..,.. ' p.m. • 10 C1cm4 ... .., s ' 'DIE SJ'ANTONB, DOC A .JO FO'l"AL'I' °' 'Diii a>AllT JMJ( I '