HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-05 - Newport Balboa News Times11 SAND CRAB ., SAM VOTE WATER! Election . next Tuesday on joining the OJastal Municipal Water District of MWD, should see every person interested in the future welfare of his or her community at the polls. If you are in doubt where to cast your ballot study the le- gal notice else)Vhere in this issue and find your consoli- dated precinct; it will give the address of your polling place. The main issue thus far is not over adequacy of water but how much it will cost_ When such heavy tax payers as Steve Griffith, members of the OtizenS Committee, composed of business leaders and other prominent men endorse the proposed annexation_ then most of us little fry should not be too greatly concerned over what we will have to pay over a perlod of years. The report of the mayor's Citizens Committee, a s i de -f rom showing how our wells have dropped, reveals that a house and lot assessed by the county at $2,000, which would probably sell for $10,- 000, would be taxed $4.60 for back assessments and $9.60 for the current rate, an annual total of $14.20 or an average of $1.17 per month. Engineers estimate a permanent population of 35,500 in 40 years, with 52,- 000 in summer. I'll bet them a last year's hat that our population will reach 35,000 inside of 20 years, based on present-day lncrellses, but who am I to dispute the su- penor wisdom or . a flock of pencil experts. By the same token our need for fresh wa- ter will be greeter than tbey estimate. + + • Elchty-Seveo Yean. Next Tuesday one ot the loveliest pioneer women .of the Har- bor Distrlct will ol:Jaerve her 87th natal day. In the days when Millie Crosier, widow of Will Crosier, was active here, she took a leading part in the develwment or the area. Twice" president of Ebell and member of the Li- brary Board for years - these were just a few of the many undertakings in which she was identified for the well-being of the community. Of late her health has not been so good. her weight having dropped to 84 lbs. but today she tips the scales at 117. And always near her mother are Mildred and F1orence Crosier, while her companion. Miss Alice Stan- ton is close by. It would be nice for old friends to drop In next Tuesday between 5 and 7 p. m. + • • .I urgen Lol'ftltzea Those newcomers who do not know the woi;k of Jurgen Lorent- zen dunng the war years as head of tbe Red Cross, should realize that he gave much of his valuable time in keeping wheels of Newport Beach branch r u n n i n g smoothly. And if you de> not know U1e t rials and tribula- tions of that worth-wMle or- ganization. especially in this area, then you should under- stand that it required a dii:>- lomat. a rapid thinker and a genius to satisfy the endless rounds of complaints. a dvice and effe>rt. Iha t daily poured Into headquarters. Lorent- zen did a swell job and is certainly entitled to one vote or thanks whose only stipend was a task w-ell done. + + + hul Mutz. Balboa Isl- anders are thrilled "~th the feats of F1yer Paul Mantz in the Bendix Races. But Bal- boans take their thrills with pardonable pride because the Island and other sections ot· the harbor lln'8 are lilied with notables ot ooe kind and ·another, who have achieved stardom in ftlms, books, bnalnow or Industry. ,,_ folka live here becaU!le they have dlscoven!d a ~ llghttul canblnatloo ot bay, oaoen and dlmate, and once Rttled in their oozy domi- ciles you couldn't pull •em away with a giant tractor. • Use Your R.i·ght of Citizenship--·v ote Next 'Tuesday ' . KEEP POSTED! 1 Year • • • • .. • $1..51 Ill~ Sl.15 oat"' () &b ""' °"* ., --~...,... ... Netn-"l"lmee, Newpwt a-. • .NEWPORT o.l.J On•r 0o ts w_.., l!fe .... paper . .. her A.a Ba- -al anhu.. EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA VOLmD: mvJD NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, SEPll'MBER S. lNI ..... 'J NV .. D • Lion's Club En rses Ci 's Water Plan Buccaneers Block Harbor, Capture Balboa Service Organization Sees Benefits Accruing to Three Harbor District Communities Pros and Cons Engage in Final Preparations to Get Voters to Polls for Special Election on Water Referendum Here Next Tuesday -Opponent Lew Wallace Fires Parting Shot at Proposition. Clo.ely followlnc the recent favorable acUon taken by the New- port Harbor Rotary club, the Oona Meu.-Newport Barbor Uou dub on Tueeday nJgtit e-ndoned membership for t.be ctf;J' ot Newport ae.clli ln the MetropoUtan Water District &)'tem. Meetfnc In the Welcome Cale at Ooeta M~ the Lions dub ex- pl'fflled. the tboupt that It would be beneftclal to Newport BMcb .. well aa to Cotita Mesa and Newport JldChtl U tbe harbor cltJ' would Join tlMI hie w.U.nhed. TALENTED HORSEBACK RIDERS are not aJwaya adult eqUMtrlnnN u may be shown by the above poup of chlldJ'ea. of tbe Newport llarttor cUatnct, who ex:aelled In tbe recent hone abow for yo~n wlalcb wu beld at Banh BkUDc Medmnf, Coroaa del Mar. Lett t.o rtp.t (moanted), ue laae Nortoi&, Suale Royce. Bobby Helfety, 'anet mn, Katrina Lantz, loume Saafon.I. Stella Stem. N....,. Walt.en., Barban. Farwell, Donna Zubl, Nancy Farwell, V1rsfn1a Boyce, Buban Babcock oad Lomllne CrudalL ~led (ID o..ier) ....., U.-Barria, pnprletor of Barrto Stal>leo; CIU')'! M-.Donald of La- cuna; Mn. Sandy Maellay of --bland and M ... J. S. Babcodt of.....,.... the latter are Judireo- Pirate Days' Celebration Begins With Big Parade; Will Crown Queen Tonight Pirate Boat Landing and Invasion Takes Place at 7 p. m., Followed by Queen Contest 30 Minutes Later at Fun Zone-Parade and Street Dance Set for Friday Night, With G)ronation Costume Ball on Sunday The (T&lld pirate --II& SI"-.~._.,.--·· ftnt ...._ war Pin~ Day. calebaeM l'lnae--. ww aad rtJ'la .. f'llil c.. tume and carryl::ac caUw ha 1 m I Deir n.e of mardt from ltMi Centn.I aft!llU& at o .tree1 • ...._ •-....e. BalbM, aad were sr•W by applame Doa ... r ... o.n.. 6el liar, ......... ,7 .... . Plrate Dfln eatereamer ............... ) I Be .... .........,..... ..,. R.armey A.rnMr., 82; 2 H, m. ...... wlto ..... cwt for ...eral ..,.. Leslie Miller, president of the Lions club, confirmed the report of the club's endorsement today. The Lions club is the second service or ganization to endorse the city's program. The first club to endorse the project was the Ro- tary club. The only other service club which has not discussed the propasition i.s the Kiwanis club. -Walter Gerhardt photo. Ki !I an i ans Young Riders Show Talent in Riding Holdup Thrill Pick McE~roy As They Carry Off Horse Show Prizes Lands Youths Two motorcycle escorts, 16 aux- iliary policemen. a color cuard from the American Legion, aome hundred IChool children and twae- !ul bonds followed by ICOl'<9 ol plrata led by their pirate chief, Capt. Robert Kidd Brown and Illa mtouroce ol Queen oontat&nta In beautiful array and rldlnc ... tholr 1P•-n' automobllee fallowed -ly behind. • • • THE CITY'S REFERENDUM propoaing membenhlp with the MWD system will be voted upon by the enro1Jed registered voters of the Newport Harbor district at a special election to be held here next Tuesday. SepL 10. As President More than a ooore of children • 1-Jumpen fifth, Bobby Heifety on ''Tony." In County Ja1·1 from homes ln Newport ·Harbor First, Janet Hill on "Toby"·; IV-Ruater ·Back participated u contestants ln the second, Bobby Heifetz on ''Tony'"; First, Katrina Lantz on .. Four children's horse show which wu Wrd. S usan Royce on "Oonmel" Sox''; second. Barbara Babcock on given at the Lionel Harris Rldinc and fourth, Katrina Lantz on "Lady Bayberry''; third. Sua.n T. S. McElroy, Main street. Bal- boa, merchant, was elected presi- dent of the N ewport Harbor Ki- wanis club Friday. He l1JCOPedai Fay Blower, manager of the Bal- boa Safeway grocery ktore. Among the band of pirates par- tldpo.tlnc In the parade were llhl'rltt Cliff Petty of the pirate academy in Cornn& del Mar Fri-"Four Sox.'' Royce on "Oonmell" and fourth, day. JJ-ElqlWt 81.ake lleDdiq Jane Norton on "Gremlin." The show was ananpd by a ·'1nt. Ja.ne Norton on "Crem-V-Barebaclt BldlD.g commlttee including Virginia lin" and aecond, Janet Hill on First, Virginia Royce on Royce, Katrina Lantz and Joan "Toby." "Bucky"; second, Barbara Farwell Sanford and the judges committee m Seat aad Ha.mds on "Silver''; third, Mary Farwell A would-be robber, ----and his Stinker' Wagln; Mel to pull a hold-up "!or tbe t1wi11 ol Ford. Bamboo Room orchestra it," wu In county jail ...,.. .rta _.; Pat Pod!leld, Art Ber..,.. being foiled ~in .tm. buigtwy at-on. Gordon Weevil, Don Harmon, tempt by his intended! Yidiim Clyde R Joru.>n, Theo. McElroy, Tuesday evening on Balboa blend .Judge Jesae Black. Pm:tmuter Both those favoring the proposal and those apposing it were today making last-minute efforts to arouse all voting citizens to the importance of voting on the pre>- posal next Tuesday. If the voters should cast a majority vote in favor of city an- nexation to the Coastal Municipal Water district, three communities in the harbor art>a "'ill benefit by the union. These are Newport Beach. Newport H eights and New- port Mesa Irrigation districts. Other new officers elected, who with McElroy wUI be installed Into office next January l, are Fred J . Dudley, Costa Mesa1attomey, vice president; Dr. E. L. Butterworth, Ne""'POrt Beach optometrist. secre-. tary, and Don Durant, Balboa in- surance broker. treasurer. included Mrs. J . E . Babcock and First, Janet Hill on "Boundleta on "Princess" a nd fourth, Susan Miu Caryl MacDonald of Laguna Deep"; second . .Jane Norton Ol'.li Royce on "Clonmell." M o--d MacK f Bal F Vl-Wmtera Stak.~ Bendbac and rs. ~· y ay o -" ire Hawk"; third, Stella Stein First. Barbara Farwell on boa. on ''Playboy": fourth. Susan "Silver" and second. Virginia Awaitingarraigmnent~dw&d Herbert Kenny, Oarence Ore, A .. o( attempted robbtty is !~ A. Silver, Oia.rlle Mallard, Fr'f!d Charles Frazier, who P"W,J*. ~ Buckley, Harry Ashen, Pir~te dress as the USO dcrmilm'y in Pmae Capt. Ernie Waltz Balboa and also held cm stapk:ioo scores of others. The communities will then be placed in the position of obtainine an increased supply of softened and filtered water through the Orange county fe<'der line if and when the necessity demands it. ' • • • A PAJllTING SHCYT against in· clusion o f the Oty of Newport Beach into the Metropolitan Wate r District system was deliV· e.red by Lew \Vallace. veteran Newport real estate and insurance broker, Wednesday afternoon. "lf I could make myself believe that we need or even might need Metropolitan water within 25 or 30 years, I would vote for annexation tomorrov.', providing that by so doing, I would get what I was pay~ ing for ," said Mr. \Vallace. Rescue Man From Ocean LAGUNA llEACH. S<pt. 5.-The ere"' or the Sf'a Srout ship South~ em Cross or Ne"1>0r t Harbor, skippered by Frank Bacon. was official!\' t'T'l'ditM tod:a)' with SB\'· ing thl'.-life of John ~1cTague, 31. of Los Angeles. whose inert body \\'as discovered noating 150 yards Off .shore here alter McTague lapsed into a coma after a hardy swim in the waters. Sunday. Confirmation of these latiu de- tails of the rescue were madt" by Commodore ~fol er, commande1" of the Sea Scout patrol in this area. Afoler said that the official log: of the Southern Cro&s carries an accurate account of the rHCUe, which was made by the CttW. It was the crew or the Southern Cross which asked the Laguna life- guards to send a boat to carry McTqt1e to lhott, Mol.,. added. In the election for members of I he board of directors, three were tied in the voting for two places. A runoff vote will now have to be made for the trio. They are Dr. \V. T. Mooney, Earl W . Copper. smith and Stewart Price. Other members elected to the directors board are Robert Brown, Gera1d Llberty, Dr. E . L. Butter· worth and S . T. Dunlap. • • • DURING THE BUSINESS ses- sion which preceded the election, K.iwanian Russ Bartine made a plea tor cooperation by fellow Ki- wanians "'"ilh the Los Ange les Ki- wanis club in getting every Ki- wani• club member in Southern California to rl'gister and vote in elections in the fall. Retiring St'CTetary J an Briscoe "'as appointed a commJttee of one to ascertain ho"' many Kiwanlans plan to attend "'ilh their \.\'ives the Ladil'S. Night progran1 of the La- guna Beach-Newport Harbor Ki- v.·anis clubs ""'hich is to be given in the Sand Piper care. 1218 South Coast boulevard. Laguna, Friday ltomorro"') night. Mary Ella Coons, County Pioneer, CaJled by Death Funeral scn'iCH "''ere ht'ld Sat- urday in Anahf'im for Mrs. Mary Ella Coons, 68, one of Orange county's pioneers and mother of Dr. Arthur G. Coons, president of Occidental college and resident of Udo Isle. She "·as born in Ana· helm, daughter of Dr. and Mrs James S . Gardiner and served as assistant postmistress at Anaheim for many yean, her father and mother having been poetmasten during the tint and second Grover ae~land administrations mpec- tively. Besldes 0.. Cooas she is sur- vtwed by another son, Rtttor Coons ot Anaheim: two daughters. Mn.. Robert Gregg and Mn. Ralph Seward. both of Anaheim. and four grandchildn:n. WATEll llD'OllT R. R. Hodgldmon. tax oollec:Jor, Recoipts from the•water cloport- •tated to the dty aiundl n-ment fi~ $9997.28 laat month. day ~t that taxes, HJIM»»enb: John D. McMillan uplaioed at and """'1ptiono tlurt!ll the month the dty coundl meeuns "'-:r ot Aucuat amounted' to $819.19. ni&hL Winners were: Royce on "La~ Bayberry" and Royce on "Jack Taylor ." of attempted robbery is Fi:az:iel"a alleged accompfice. Rex Incram. also of the USO domlitary. Even the Children Are Asking Mama According to Newport Beach police records, Harold L. Goodr shall and Richard H. DilYta, both of Los Angeles, were littlnc in .their parked car on Zaiboa ~· Park avenue ~a:r ('dlim when two men came to the drWe"a side of· the automobile and one de- manded that they hand over their To Explain Reason for Daddy's Beard By R . L BARNUM "Mama, why does Daddy look like a bum?" This and other provocative ques- tions are usually the order-or- the-day for Balboa children lately. The startled mother. a bit ruf- fled, blurts forth with a ruffled snort. "Your Daddy's a pirate!" And the oace perplexed child is usually satisfied wtth the an- swer. For he has seen pictures of swarthy pirates with colorful vid exciting rostumes and bearded faces, a dagger clen ched In their flashing v.'hite teeth. The dreamy thought represl'nt.s ad\1entur e. _ But t o Balboa men, the beards are protection against a fling in the brink-and a five dollar fine. The hirsute faces and plratr paraphernalia, in short, are for L. A. Engineer Fined $100 Pirate Days, scheduled September 5, 6, 7, and 8, in celebration of legendary. lf not actual. blood- thirsty pirates 't''ho once sailed our peaceful coast. It has been said that these buccaneers buried many a fabulous treasure in the sands and watery coves ol New· port harbor. Found any lately:' Interest. laughter and delight are not the only things created ~) our .. bea\•er" infeste<I friends. The girl friend or spcu.se jumps lik .. "ol' Nellie" when she gets kisscrl Furthermore. Balboa is beginning to look like a boogieman';; hang- out. Listed are a few of the un- sha\'en, and the types, syrnbols, or characters they represent: Herb Kenny, pastmaster-tnys- ses S. Grant; Jack Fie1d, Field's Barber ShoP-The Bowery; An money. thony Basso, 405 Central o.venu~ Davis is said to have tli1Ae'J, Blackbeard; John Donhoft, News "If you can get any m••y out Times. "Don Juan" (of course) of me, yoU~ good."' ~ Russell Dietrich, Beachcomber-the defendant thrust his band into short-clipped goatee; Robert Scott his shirt and simulated a weapon. Balboa Cleaners-Snowman ; J ohn Davis alleged. Clarkson, Knight Apartments-Davis and GoodshaII leaped out Arsenic and O ld Lace; Bob Brown of the car and jumped on the al- Bobby ShoP-Ebony Baby Brush leged robbt>r and held him down. Art Scott, Scotsman's Cafe, Bal but the other man escaped. 1be boa Island-Movie Villian; Hank two intended vktims thm dragged Vezina, Casino Cafe -Potential the struggling defendant to the Champion (see it!); Fire Chief Phil Baum residenee at 106 Col- Frank Crocker, Firehouse-Banks Jins avenue where they obtained Fisherma n : John F . Vogel. Vogel's help and the ~ were called. Bike Shop -Pioneer Merchant Newport Beach police offic:eJ"g J . C. Lefevre, 107 l\fain-Belly arrived and took Fhrzin' into am-- Beaver ; John Sadleir, Rea ltor tody ancf Frazier named Ingram Dangerous Dan McGrey,•; and T as his accomplice. Pciioe lat« ar· Lefevre, French.ie's Barbecue--rested Ingram at the USO dormi- Nebr aska Farme r . tory. Robertson Asks Better Protection Police records reveal that Fra- zier admitted that he h.t attempt- ed the robbery and that be .. got the idea of holding sanec:ne up for the thn11 of it mid bad de- cided to do so after a few cJrinb_ .. For Shoppers on Dangerous Highway As Police Prowl Road for Speeders Advocating stricter enforcement said that the police will continue b)' local motorcycle Policemen of to enforce the spee(i limitation, \VUllam T . West, Douglas air-Coast highway state speedway but he pointed out that the real era.ft engineer of Los AnieJes, who ff'Om The Arches to the city limits. need there wu curbs and s.lde- ls engaged in buildina: 'activities 0 . Z. Robertson of Corona del waJka for the protection of all con in Nrwport Harbor on Balboa and Mar. councilman, declared TUesd.ay cemed. • 48 Beauties ·Enter Pirate Udo lsJes, was fined $100 and that both merchants and ~ Two councilmen conq.irre<l that given a tw\>yean suspended aen-trians in that area should have there was neglect of duty on the tence ln the county jail in city more P'Otectlon than they are part of the 1tate higb••ay patrol court Saturday mornlric by Judee DOW' cettina:. ln policing the highway, and an- Robe Gardner Mr_ R.obertaon addressed his re-other councilman pointed out that Queen Show A complete day-by-day program will be followed by the pirates from now to Sunday. There will be brief sessions of pir ate court. with many new surpriaea for the spectators. Courts wi.11 be in ses-- sion at 2 p.m .. 4 p.m., and 9 p.m dally. At 7 p.m. tonight (Thursday), the annual pirate boat landing and invasion will take place at the Fun Zone, Palm to Central to Main streets. Then at 7:30 p.m ., the Pirate Queen judging will take place at the Ocean Pier. For th.is event. there will be three out-of- town judges who will select a Queen for the celebration. • • • FRIDAY'S EVENTS will begin with a magic show at t he Fun Zone at 11 a.m ., and this wi)J be followed at 1 p.m. by a session of Pirate Court. Then the re wi!'l be another pirate parade. this one at 1:30 p.m., from the pier to the Fun Zone. The parade will be re- peated In the evening at 7:30 p.m. from the pier to the Fun Z.One. and back. The n there will be a big street dance from 8 p.m. to mid- night. On Saturday there will be two sessions of pirate court, one at l 1 a.m., the other at 1 p.m. Then at 2 p.m. there will be a Pirate Kiddies' Parade. with lovely Sally Brown of Balboa in charge, a'l'ld the procession will start at the Balboa pier and will proceed to the Fun Zone and back. At 3 p.m. the Kiddie Cootume Judcfng and awards wilt take place on the ocean pier 1n Balbo.. Pirate court will convene again at 4 p.m. and at 8 p.m. Sa~a tlnale MU include a dance at 9 p.m_ ID the Rendezvous Ballroom. to the music of Anson Hill and hil orm..tra. • • • w:: .. -.. ~ found cullty or marks to the dty coundl which the trouble .... th~t the state violating the dty"s zonin& O<dln-previously dlsclmod a petltlon patrol olfk:e wu lltifting lta pa- ance 00 Balboa ll1and ID a trial slped by 57 merchant. and prop-trol• to various other roads. • The held last Tu.oday mornlnc, wu erty .,,.,...... Who ""'l.,..ted the dty ~ttorney corroborated this in- g!ven the suspeoded oentence on dty coundl tb ....iue. the ped formation. ' SUND A Y'S FESTIVITIES will Include the uaual ~ of pirate court at 11 a_m. and 1 p.m., fol- Forty-ellflt l>Nutlhl llrls --"7 a pirate --at 2 p.m. <'1tered the Pirate Qooem Coalml tram the Rendezwua BallnJom to of the Pirate Da,ys c:ddaa--Palm and CentnJ. to Main atreet w>de1 way llttf. and the pier. oonditlon that he not violate any limit from ll5 to 25 mDee m -No other octloa wu taken by proviaion of the dty bulldin& and alone the highwa,y. the dty ooundl on the merchants' mnt1111 codes In !llture bulldi1111. Both City Atlomo)' Roland petition. Thornpoon and -Cblof R. R. ------- (f ETS HEARING Bod&Idmon ...-t11e ---Ra;mond p Hermo ot Balboa _,. that Coat ~ II a It.ate given ·a beerlnC 1n pa11ce bleli-.Y, IUbject only to It.ate ~ 9 cm a cbarp o1 nculatlon. H~ adclod that WI& a clriV<r'• --be .,.. --eyde ...... ---111111 -lh~ Pllll'OlllDI: that ~ -...... II)' -Jut F11dQ' tatllta ... --for -".f; . . . • eoedlioc tbo _.. ---He WOIUJll' a uar IN p ALL Mn. Mercecloo Hamilton of 4314 Bumi avenue. Los Angeles, wu Injured 1a1t Jloaday when oho fell tbrolish • -..... the Balbool druc ltoft at Main -Cmtnl ·-· e.-. police repartecl. nu. and other 1n1..._t1on rel-'lben at 2:30 p.m. will occur tbo ati.. to the P'OI' ea fll -cele, prtt.ed attraction ol all-tbe Pirate bratlon which beg!m ._,. -,..,_.,.. Hunt-Which all - reported lo tbe Pirate DQo -11"'7 partld1J&te. Thie will talie mlttoe II tholr J-Rt '!IC = :' ~ ~ ~ '°U:: In the Balbooi Im 'l' , ' > · '1000 worth ol vai.1ableo-have Thm. ~ ~ fll 1be been· -In tbe undo f« thlo contest cn1u••ltttt, _. •• ..., tbat papw. the oonteotants w1D -la t11it Tbm at 3 f':tt, tbe pints -USO dub at 7 p.m_ ......,... JllW "PO<talan will ~ 11or u. - to Jeavtac for tbe f 'WIC (~ ... p._. T) / , I , I / ae-......n , • .,..., 1 ..... ----------. JOK-s HLt Is ,_, f\Qllll~·-...,_ Nl!WPORI u• .,... I I • ._ -or 0081'& ,.... .. N E w s -T I M E s LETl'ERS TO THE N E w s -T..m~ loc.tlcn. Amorlcu ftlOJra• u• .. u ... u ,.TDn~S.TIMES Ah rt Tn1r•• Leaton Hall . ~ .. .1:.1"' The -nUJroed worker -of the -· -...... G. "'-- fiill ......... Sl1-ll,_ • 7 5 7 IS9817'h I 0 17 ... T •• AtleaMT v.awmvm fuclnaled by the many COlltriV-.....,,. ~-.:··-... ··a ·-w D', 7 V-0 Editor, News.Times ancesln theeng!Mcab.,fletouch-c Hu R c HES -zm Bookkeeping 9'd•riptim Payable in Adftnoe:~:!IO per _..1n ~ eou..17 Newport &&ch. Calif. edonel....,.and tho engine started Sunday~ 9:30 a. m. Service Dr. W. T. Mooney 12.75 per year to 4tb -; $3.IJO per yar to 8tb ....., Dear Sir: to puff forward; he toudlOd an-Morning wonhlp ~0 :45. • ...,...... a..t 8w&H• -;;t;;;;i-.~;;;~:a;;;--;;:;;u;-;;-;t"u;;;pp~.,.;;.,,.;;ijml;oce;-Jt;;lN;;;p;rt')B;;(;~b; Att -·-~·· r Ho-·~ other and It •tarted to -... OUll LADY DF MT. CARMEL Crusader service 6:00 p. m. ()OJ.IN P. llllOWN F.bteftd • 86illt~ ~tel' U: 1: ~ Karch 3,tnJ:r'p;rtm-.v, rm.rines~e ~~au.:rhan=~ ll; Failln& .. ~ .. find ~~waky to -~t.1~ 1423 West c.ntr•I Awen...e Bereen Service 6 :30 p. m.. (..,..... ltlt) ~ ... o.tnil ~--bed ..,.__ ,. ea.cine uR' worti.ci ept aL1Ut~ 9'mday M•11•: a &Dd 10 Lm. Evening evancelistic .ervb at ••• -A _a •·• SAM D. PORTER Pub1Wwr uac ·win al J.cu•wa Atoll. It back and forth into the train o.f""'cma: S.turdaya frf'llD 7:30 o'clock. -.....nea w. .._ ~._...._) _.., M Editor Next November, voters wllJ Vote ailed. Fmally a f~ witnt•rr:d •:OO to O·ao and &om. '1'· 'T'\Jesday even.inc prayer aervicel~------------' ~-.....----------~ ~.GF.'Mo'N ------- ----AdYertlsUic v._ on Senate Conatltull"!>lll Amend-tho pr_.iU:. and yelled· 8:30 p.m. . .30 to at 7 :30 o'clock- . PP'l~ID~ttn~1~Plan~~t,~30~ll~W~.~Cen~~traJ~~A~wo~~·~·':..· .!.N~e~w~po1~rt~B~e~sc:b~,_'Ol~l~1r~..,~nla~l ment No. 17. Thll Amendment la "Stop tt! What are >~ trytna · --------designed to alttngthen tbe Allen ta do!" Land Act .to preve~t alie!' Jap-"Stop it!" shouted the bewilder· eT. JOHN VIANNEV CHURCH COSTA MESA CRUROH OP' OOD Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach I. 8. WBYTI: Dtll'mTAS~ A ll'IJI I faMt i..-1 kt U ..... for 0rw 17 y..,. Active Member of anese owru.ng land 1n California. ed -·ker. ·~en whv -·t 1.tftl• ••Ibo.I l•l .. ncl &e. . .l'amee P. McGraw, Putor Th found of di the --'" ' ,__ Sunday Kua: 8:30, a.m. lff CabrlDo St-, Coo'4 ·-ey ways eva ng help by shutting tht doors. I've ,.._._ .... _._ --.:.-_..,.,.._,_ Sun•-y 10 a. m., 6·.30 la w. They bought land. for ex· had It In the abed t.tfree times."' ~ on.: ~tu.n.-)'8 Llv"1 .:x.. .......... u.a ample. ln the names of minor dill· 1:30 to S :SO p .m. p. m. and 7:30 p. m.. dren. The real owners were alien Ott.ervattoei Japanese. Other tricks have been A grizzled mountaineer came OORONA DEL MAB 00111· used. S .C.A. No-, 17 is written to down from the hills one day to JIUNITI' VONGllEGATIONAL stop such practices. see a.n automobile for hil first CRUacR '"l'llE FRIENDLY" OJ<NTJtAL BIBLE CH1JBCB of ea.ta Meea ..... ..._. I tiir di. thllt9d ...._ '1'1-w- _,.~ .. , ........ .. ----... ._ ._ ... ....... AtrMl'I • 8111 *I Ill I UN-.... ___ ..._ .......... ._ __ _,, A&CMl1M1J' A. V. Andrews, M.D. PB111i1"AJ( -~N w~1111••"'·-• o.-... ·- The reference to Tarawa Atoll time PerTy Frederick Schrock, Minister -------------------------1 abov~ ii made because of the ~ it whizzed past, he said: eliotrope Ave., Corona de1 Mar &mazing propaganda agi.lmt tht. ''Well sir them boAes must 'a 611 Heliotrope Avenue &eY. Dwlc"llt .-....... put.or lolm IL (l .... M. D Meetlq tempararily In tbe Wo-Armand Monaco · .,..ng. • men~ Club house Aace:rraJT ...... , ' _, l!luaat•• ' Back to School 1be Jong, lazy days of vacatioo are fast slipping away for the younger generation. Soon the clang of the school bell will start their trek back to clallsrooms and textbooks. ' Quite understandably' mo6t roungsters don't relish the return ID their studies aft.er months of "freedom", but they soon get back into the swing of things and then school "isn't so bad'.' The training of our children was never more important than it is today. On that training will largely depend their capacity as citizens of tomorrow ID meet the great issues, both national and international, which they will have to face. It is vital then that they be well educated. Partial or hap- hazard learning will not be adequate for future· years. But ID give children a complete education is not easy for many families. It's a matter of fmances , for a good educa- tion costs money. Yet, not a few families in moderate cir- cumstances are seeing to it that their youngsters get to rol- lege. In many homes a strict household budget is necessary to make th.is possible. A close check on expenses is kept by paying bilJs through a bank checking account, and a certain amount is regularly saved from each pay envelope for the education fund. But whatever sacrifices are made to give the rising gener- ation adequate schooling will be well repaid in the fact that they'll be better equipped to succeed both as individuals and as a nation. Education is a great bulwark protecting us against the to- Witarian idealogies still rampant in the world. Let us keep that bulwark strong. We need is very much today. We probably will need it even more tomorrow. September-War and Peace On September 1, 1939 the Nazies invaded Poland and World War II was under way. Six yearn lat.er almost ID the day the surrender document was signed which brought the conflict to a close. The ·war started along the Polish-Gennan border but it ended half way across the world in Tokyo Bay. Now we have had a year of what we call peace. But it hasn't been peaceful. There was a small-sized war in Indo- nesia shortly after the iiJ:1 of Japan. In Fl'l!!ICh lndo-China the civil war has gone~th but brief, occasional pauses. In India there has been recent heavy bloodshed. Ditto in Pal- estine. There was considerable "fireworks" in Greece not many months ago. Two American planes have been shot down by the Yugoslavs. History shows that big wars are often followed by a series ot little wars. It happened after 1918 just as it is today. U the present conflicts were of the variety that wear themselves out before long it wouldn't be so bad. But some of them. like China's civil strife. threaten to draw the world back inlD the whirlpool of wat once again. In these days the only course open for de mocratic nations Is lo·work for peace while they keep their powder dry. Very di-y. What's the Hurry? The Indianapolis speedway is in Indianapolis. 'lbat is--Or should be--Obvious. But some motorists don'.1 seem to know it. They act as if every street and highway is the lndanapolis track. And they want to break the speed rerord. Some of them break their necks. instead-and the necks of other l""'Ple. A lot of the c-drs-most of the cars-<>n the fOlld today are old. They can't stand the gaff at high speeds. Neither can their tires. . Why risk your lif,..__,.,,d the other fellow's-ID save a few minutes? It just isn't worth it. But, tr you must drive fast buy a racing car. And go ID Inltianapolis. At least, let the other fellow live. Getting Tired? 'lbat tall bird which brings the "bundles from heaven" bas been awfully busy in the last few years. In spite ot the lack of adequate transportation facilities for the large mun- ber ot "passengers" he has been called upon to handle he has maintained good 5ef'Vice and has established several new vol- ume records. But he's weakening a little now. In the first six lllOllths ot 1946 he delivered 187,575 newcomers in Califoml&-1bat was about 500 less than in the same period of 1945. Maybe he needs a vacation. N~~Balboa Tourist Bare.a All ot Travel to D.uope, Mexico, Hawd • ,R-s-tb&-World Trips In the neu future. S. lln.lloJ57!1M Pla.BartlorS9L •tPlllilt,•'• ~ie .......... .. ' measure. It is openly boasted that bin g~in' ~t 8 goodly speed when Corona del Mar Sµnday school-10:00 a. m. 2 -• 7 -8:30 Wonhip servict'-11 :()() a. m. 81' W. Bay A-. Bllllaa aid bJ' appaln-t if S.C.A ~o. 17 can. be defeat~. they broke loose from that thing." Sunday, Sept. 8. 1946. such negative vote Wlll bully legij--Wall Street J<M.tt'n.1.1. 9 :30 a.rn. Church school. .. _._ lTI& B -Young peorle's service -6:30e•P•• """''"' m.1 •-41111 ...... l...-J~~~·;-~-~1-~~~~;_j la ton into actually repealing the 11 :00 a.m. Morning worship. Alien Land Law Act. These even Sermon by Mr. Schrock: "Seeing p. m. E\•enlng evangelistic service-Lee ~ lfOa ~ W a.ta llw. ,,...,_ ' 7:30 p. m. 1~-----------' declared judges. fearing next elec-Christian Scienc:e The lnvtalble." tlons, will shift decisions, the trend ~ --------of which at !ll'<'"'nl Is to uphold Lesson Sub,iect 'l\lan' FIRaT. CHURCH OF CHRlaT, ICIENTllT Prayer meeting-8:00 p. m. Fri-ORIJlOPR&CrOU !:-------------, day, home of Mrs. Hume. the act. The end of white owner· '"Lo. tbJa only ha,.e I round, that ship of California'& rich farm lands God bath made man uprtgbt.'"Thla wUI folJow. declaration from Ecclfflaales will Sincerely. be the Golden Test ot tbe S nday CAUFORNIA JOINT Le1aon·Sermon on "Man" In all brancbea of Tbe Mother Cburch, IMMIGRATION COMMITrEE Tbe Firal Cbu.cb or Cbrlat, Sclen- By H . J . McClatchy, tlat. In Doaton. Executive Sea-etart. The Leaaon-Sermon lacludea thew San FranciMx>. Aug. 31. Bible af'lec:ttons tram Isaiah: "l ui . THE WATER PROBLEM Editor.' Newport Balboa News.Times. By mutual agreement I am not recording a minor ity report on the study of the committee of thirteen appointed by Mayor Reed; rather I am stating my personal opinio regarding one of the main rea.so~ why I think it is a serious mis- take for the ml"mbers or the com- mittee to allow their better judg- ment to be influenced by the 16 years of propaganda by the Me tro- politan Wa te r District to instill into the minds of the people of Nev.1>0rt Beach the fear of a w ater shortage. Sixteen years ago, (and many. the Lord. and tbere Is none er.e. • • . J ba,·e made the earth, and crea ted man upon Jt : I. e•en my bands, baTe 1tretcbed out the he.a•· ena, and all !befr boat have l com- manded. I b&\'e raised b.Jm up In r1gbteou1nes1. and I •Ill direct all bla waya." "I baYe created him tor my glory, I lave formed him; yea, J b&ve made b1m .... Ye are mJ wttne1111e1, 11altb the Lord, and my aerv&nt whom I ba\""e chosen." Mary Baker Eddy wrttes ln .. Sci- ence and Health with Key to tbe Scriptures:" "The Scriptures tn.- torm u11 tha.l man Is made In tbe Image and llkeneaa of God. Matter ls not that likeness. Tbe likeness o( Spirit cannot be so unlike Spirit. ~Jan 111 ~plrltunl and perfect; and because be Is splrttual and perfect, he must be 110 understood In Chrt• tlan ~f'IPnre." many times since), I was first ap. ------------ proached by employed men of the M.W .D. v.•hose purpose it was to educate me to the point of favor- ing the real need for our join ing with the M.W.D. thing might ha ppen" and not con- sidering or expressing any advan- tage to our people excepting "in- surance." Lido Theater, C.ntr•I Avenue •nd VI• Lido A bn.nc~ ol '?be Mother Chu.rch, The Flnt Church ot Chrlnt, Sci· entilt, la Bost.on. M•••chutetll. SWlday Scbool at 9 :30 a. m. Sun· day Servlc~ at 11 L m . Wedneeday Tutt.m.on1n.l M.ut.tnc •t 12 o'clock Reodlna: Room located at 111 Palm 1treet, llillboa. la open dail)' frcm l p.m. to 5 p.m. ex<ept Sun· dayw and holldayw nil tlonally ob--The public ill CordiallJ ln'Ytted lo attend the church 8el'Vlcec and me the Read.J.nl" Room. IT. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH &15 WMt Centr•I, B•lboa (Eblll ClubhOUM) Rev. Arcty1 T. Dean, Vicar 8 :30 L m .. Holy Communion. 9:46 a .m., Sunday School. 11 :00 L m., Morning Prayer and Sermon. ( Ftnt Sunday•: Holy COmmunJOD.) BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 218 Ag•te Avenue Rev. Harry W. Whl&:, A910elat& Pa1tor Cb.urcb School, 9 :SO a . m. !rlornl..n.g Worahlp, 11 L m . A contiaJ welcome to all. THE -WPORT HAKBOR LUTHERAN CHUROH (To be located on Cliff Drive, Newport Hei&hts ) "A Olangeless Christ for a Changing World!" 9 :30 a.m .. church school; 10:30 a.m ., divine worship . -Services at Present.- Grauel Olapel, 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa Rev. H erbert C. Roth, pastor, 324 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 2185--J. "Come Once-You'll Come Again!" FULL GOSPEL CHURCH !2nd and Elden, Cod.a Meu w_. DncJe• IN•ute Dr.-c.w- Chlropractic, Dletellcs, Physlo &: Colonic Therapy l.neOoutllh«..-.__ -- DAY 90BOOL Mortimer Schoo] .. Ooral DAY SCHOOL OPENS ocr 1 Gradoo: Coll Prop,. &my G. A. •-. M. A., Osford ~ --- DENTIST!! Sunday achool, 9 :<~; morning .-----------~ worabip, 11 ; Evangell1tlc eervlce, 7 :30 p. m .; Mid-week prayer meet- ing on Wedneeaay, 7:45 p. m.; young people'n evangell1tlc 1ervtce on Friday, 7 :•~ p. m . CHURCH OF CHRIST Church and Walnut Strieta L. Duane Canby, Mlnlnter. Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST - ftO! Y, W. CoutnJ. Barbor 1480 NEWPORT BEACH Sen1cea: Sunday, J O a .m ., Bible r-------------,1 Study ; 11 a. m .. Morntng worsblp. DR. GORDON E. RAPP COSTA MESA COMMUNITY DENTJST CHURCH t8aS WMt 00..tral 1-ee B. Dercy, II. D. Physician "' Surgeon Sil llartM Ave-, ..... blMfl. --- Gordoll 111. Gnmdy, 111. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGl!!ON Balboa Inn A"'8de Office Hn.: lG-12 a.m.; 3-s p.m. Phooe H..-:r1 H. R. Hall, M. D. Pll1*du. ud 8aaaeou. Houn: 2-5, ~y Appointment T8leph Bee.con 511'8 Ooola 111- Milton Ill. Maxwell, Ill. D. Ho1 o...t m..., Oorona def" HAI' Office Houn: ll>-12; 2-5 • ftone Barbo!' ... The result of their efforts caus- ed me to spend many hours of study that finally convinced me that chiefly the M.W.D., originally organized in Los Angeles City only. had need of an expanded territory but in order that the $2'20,000,000 bond issue voted by Los Angeles tor the purpose of developing their own industrial area.s-thwi making Los Angeles one of the largest cities in the United StateS,-lt was necessary for them to include additional areas. thus helping them to pay Lloyds y,·ould probably insure us against disaster tor an annual premium of $20,000 or .less, and laugh at us for being afraid. NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHERAN CHURCH Grauel Chapel, Coetn Mesa Rev. Het'bert Roth, Paftor Berv!c .. : Sunday, 10:80 a.m. Carl B. Johnson, Minister S R. M M D 1:. E. 20th at. Ph. 2475-R ..._ -· u1-J • onaco, -• the cosu. One of the major arguments given me was that unless we joined with them we never could expand lnduatrlally without an unlim!ted supply of water. I never wanted our city to ex- pand industrially, and am rure that 75% of our people join me in this, as has been demonstrated by vote of the people. every time we have had the matter injected into other public matters. My m lnd was made up at that time that the base of their propa- ganda was built upan the sands and our interests y,·ere definitely In op~ition to theirs, and that additional y,•ater for Newport Beach was entirely selfish on the side of the M.W.D. The matter of additional taxes does not affect my judgment In the least as regards the coming election. The donating to the M.W.D .. the legitimate child of the City of Los Angeles. the amount of $652,000, payable In 20-year annual install- ments. plus the payment of Sll,- 589.35 to the Coastal l\funicipal W ater District fund accumulated over the past four years, plus 1946-47 tax in the amount o f $69,- 795.07 and annually thereafter based upon the county assessed valuation of 48c per SlOO, appears to me to be a terrible burden for us to even consider placing upon our children and grandchildren, because of fear alonl' that "some- LEW H. WALLACE. Cbureh ochool, a :u a. at. Newport 814 Bay A•e~ Be._ Morning Wonb.Jp, 11 o'clock.. Bart»or ITU Dear Editor: "I have been P eglerized," stated Charles McLauchlan. busiiless manager of the Fishermen's Union of Newport Hilrbor, Saturday aft- ernoon Aug. 24 a libelous state- ment by George Graham, secretary of the Associated Farmers appear· Youth gTOUpe, H igh .cbool, In· US S. IDD II&., Loe A¥''11 termediate, Adult, 6 :30 p . m. IN8URANOE TUabr 'lfU SEVENTH DAY ADVDITISTS Corner Bolsa IUld Old Country Rd., Costa Mesa Evening aervlce, 7 :30 o'c\CX'k. By Appoiatmmt Mid-week tellowab.lp and prayer, Ir------------, •------------• Sabbath school, Saturday morn· Ing, 9:30 o'clock. Wedneaday, 7 :30 p. m. Lincoln National Ufe 11 L m.. Prayer and Sermon. lmrorance Co. Preaching-service, 11 a.m. ed in four Orange county daily pa-CHRIST CHURCH BY TH£ SEA piers, attacking my chll!'acter. by Comrnuntty Methodlet asserting that I have a "criminal 1QO WMt Central Avenu• record." He manufactured an Rev. E. 0. Goodell, Paator "alias" ror me by changing one Cb.U'Ch School, 9 :~ a. m.. letter of my name. He insinuated K~ WOl"llbt,, 11 a. m. that I am unstable by charging Youtb. P'e.llowlhip, e p. m. that I have been "dodging in and No evening ""·onhlp during Sep- out of Orange County for a doz.en tember. • ASSEMBLIES OF GOD Be1ll'J aad Ida Sande, PMton American Leston Rall, 15th aad Ceatral Ave. Sundlty acnool, 10 a.m. Morn.in& service, 11 a.m. Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 p.m. Mid-week service, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. years", and "suddenly reappeared" K.ld-weell pityv. •rvlce. Wed· ------.------- a short time ago." ne.sa.7; covered d1ab dinner, 1 :30 ''Simple traffic violations. and a p. m. ' small fine for selling newspapers without a Ucense ten years ago, FIRST METHOOllT CHURCH and two dismissed charges consti-G.. 54-wln Other, Paet.or tute my entire "crime wave." Euefld at etanforct, Garden Grove. "The alias he gave me was very 9:30 a.m. Church echool tor au clever , but certainly not very eth· ..-. !cal. 11:00 a.m. Ko~ Worablp: ''I am a solid citizen, having ar-M-ce: "We ThaDll Thee." rived In Orange County fifteen 11:00 &.m.. Nunery for all chll· yean ago, married here ten years dreii. ctuni,. eervtce. ago. my wife, Eleanor, and I have 4:00 p.m. Metkod.1.t Youtb. J"el. had a home in this county for the lowllb.lp. Younr Adult P'ellowahlp. past ten years, and we are now 7:00 p.m. ·Evening Wonhtp:- home-owners in suburban Santa 1·~-~-~l&'!•~::_:"Oom~~e~Y~•~U~•~e.~·:_ _ _'.~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ana. "1&1 !fame IDdkscM Ila ~" DON n:RNIGAN ----· .. llutae A""' ...... t.l. OCCIDENTAL un: INSUBAN<JB 00. Ray Nielsen "h _,A OE,...._ ---.. uaa.asr.a.._ ..._ MORTICIANS HaroJd K. Graue] ChapeJ - "We Ouraelves tbe Better Serve by SeTVlnc Others Best"' ..._Bmr-.Mto Ooola -Oillllonda OPTOMBTB18T8 .. I may disagree with Mr. Gra-!;-------------. ham and the Associated Farmers 24-Hour l!J. T. Butterworth, O. D. and the four Orange County dailies , Optometrllt palltically but that is my privilege Radio Se~ce -DAlllNEn as an American citizen. 1, .,. • LENSES DUPLIOATSD "I presented a statement of cor-...._ ,..,..,_. _. UJ e 1 rection to the four dailies. The 111& w. o.&r.I •-ft. ..._ NU Santa Ana Register would not BOIDC, AUTO, JIABINE lf&Wf'OaT e&&m print the correction. The other 1tADI08 ILEPAplED dailies, Orange Daily News, Fuller-'\""" ton News Tribune, and Anaheim Bulletin were sorry they had not Burt R. Norton called me for a check on the facta and have printed my statement." CHARLES McLAUCHLAN Ill Cwt: m....,. Bes l:"Jll ITll Newpoft B1cela. Olllf. Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOMl:TllUT Eyes Examined -Glaaoel Fitted 1711N_rt_ Gerald Rausa, M. D. :l83() Wert Central Aw. NEWPORT BBACH nia.. Kart.er lOll !fo ..--: .a.._ ........ X-Ray Service T. P. REEDl:R, 11. D. and WM. S. IBl:TON, K. D. ~ ... laaat -w.oe..-~--' Nfch-1894-W PUBUO 8Tl!:NOORAPlll:B M. D. Keesling 1808-A N-rt llhd. COota 111- 8'0BVEYOR8 Raub & Bennett .,.,.,on ud DrafPe1rr UM N-rtllh«.. Ooola- Tlllt,..._ Bt•!!Oll 1111--W' Ul.7W.O.tral N-port- Ts' > .. llarbo1' U1 Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited C.mplete Fountain Service at HANSEN'S ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA -at--NEWS-TIMES • NOW on:N EVENINGS MAl.'1'8 • SANDWJCHU • RAllll()!WBP8 •ERi MllllE SEIVICE SHELL •I BALBOA ISUND ·I O!hn YGG tile I' 1 d Plaee to l*9 "' Onlllp <loaaty: All New· • • Even the LOcation .•• Om-Half .. Eut al Old Locslkln 1111 Coat ~- Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lwl Southem c.Jlfomla In the Set •In& ot -SEAFOODS-•rm vooa 11111111111 ns•u -vw.oua KtlCBEN -. Sam's Sea Food. Spa andFlllt Market ~-·all) Bob Jayred's RICHFIELD SERVICE ' Waoblng • Pollsblng • Lubrication Con Pldred Up and Dell1lend. ~ Had>or t97-M . . '16 East Central Ave., Downtown Balboa • • Co1pare our home loan plan with all others, and qou11 choose our plan ' • • p&WfWi r:re NWW•I'..,, !ta I rl. ' pm Sall Boats ·-Oldti Ne~ Ma t• L IMI , F1s•er•1's Craft me fttN' I St• I• Val•es · Stowed i• Cllest Five -ts of the rportaftah1nc fleet Wett rammed into Labor Day by 1&11-ts. while onlttln& Newport Harbor . Will Be. Honored pt. 18 ~~~,~~~ "A sail on one nearly swiped a Put ma.yon of Newport Beach passenger overboard from my will be weolromed by present ofti- boat," said C. E. Lane, skipper of Cl.all on Wednesday. September the live bait charter boat Olal-18th. 11\e &alhering will mark Jenger from Port Udo. "At an-the 40th milestone i_n the city'& other time the ChaUenger was hJ1tory. Incorporated m 1906 New- rammed into from astern." port Beach actually began busi- The speed limit in the bay is ness much ~a;Uer. In 1865 the first five miles an hour and a faster harbor &CUVIty took place at old moving sailboat hit the stern of Ne'N}>Ort Landing. Here the 1~ the Challenger, which was travel· foot stem wheele~. th~ "Vaquero," Ing at the speed limit. came trom San Diego 1n May, 1865 The livebait boat Lucky Strike and continued in operation bc- was hit three times Labor Day tween the two ports for several and suffered damage. One hired-y~ars. tor-root motor boat hit the Lucky John King was first mayor of Strike plus t\\'O sailboats ln the the city. On the first city council Very crowded cltannel which was were C. L. Lancaster. A. A. Les- duttered with swimmers, pedalos. ter, A. N. Smit h and George T . paddleboards. rowboats', sailboats, Peabody. Peabody was last heard yachts, swordfish boats, charter from in Mindanao. Philippine Isl- boats, and live bait boats. ands, where the JaJf& \\'ere offering ------------worth of values which have been Park Land Plans Sent State Board stO'i\'ed away in the pirate's treas- ure chest and hidden in the Bal- boa sands for the big treasure hunt in Ba.1008. on Sunday are in- vitations entitling the lucky finder to six dinners free at the Balboa Inn. The invitations \\'ere con- cealed in the &ands by Clifford Petty, leader of the Pirate Sher- iffs passe. Hear BalbOa Debate On Water Situation City council on Tuesday ap- proved the city engineer's plans for erection of t\\'O dressing rooms I OnJy 30 of the more than sev- costing $113,000 on the land PT<r eral ~usand property 0¥.'Tlers of posed for a state memorial '"park ~he City heard the lively debate at Corona del Mar. in the ~endeZVdus ballroom Tues- I P.A.B\I,MER LIDO ISllB JllUC uanz w. 0 J)U(X-1-..-:e COuneelor ~ 1500 IJJ.-.t.""" 3333 VU. LIDO cAi:IRJR..NIA FreJa Daily ~-­OT, .....,~ equipment •lien J011 want to catctr ........ ~OWL HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE. NEWPORT BEACH • NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION SPEEDERS CITED a reward for his capture, dead or alive, during what some refer to as the recent unpleasantness. Motorists who were cited to ap-A special committee of past Members of the city body also day night on the question of ai:>Proved a resolution directing whether or not the city should join City Clerk Frank Rinehart to sub-the Metropolitan Water District. mit these plans to the State The mass meeting was called by Bea~s and Park commission im-th~ Balboa Improvement Associ-I L!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J mediately. at1on and the Balboa Island Asso- On the advise of Oty Atty. ciation .. ~HONE HA.11180R 1•00 aaaa VIA LIDO pear in police court September 9. mayors and long time residents on charges of speeding in this will help plan the anniversary af- city are, Melva Jo Caster of Or-fair. George P. Wilson, a former .. _______________________ ..&! ange; Harrison Persons of Po-mayor. Mark Johnson. another who NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA Roland Thompson, the city council Favoring membership w c re directed Mr. Rinehart to append a Postmaster Herbert Kenny of Bal-I 1-----------------------~ letter to the improvement sketch boa. \\'ho spoke as an bfficial of pointing out that the city submit~ the Coast Association ; .Dion Gard- the land now in escrow for state ner, secretary of the Orange park purposes, and if, for any County Water District. and George reason. the state does not take Raymer of Santa Ana, sl'Ct'etary ~he land for that "purpose, the land of th~ ~range County Taxpayers 1s to revert back to the city and assoc1at1on. mona and Guy Roland Kline of has served the city in that dis- Newport Beach. tinguished office, Dr. Conrad Rich-_________________________ :..__:.._ _________ teP, who served as mayor for some WE WELCOME YOU CLIMA.~G OUR BUSINESS CAREER IN COSTA Mi8A WITH STARTLING JEWELRY VALUES FOR EVERYBODY C. E. LOUCKS COSTA MESA DIAMONDS -JEWELRY -STATIONERY -GIFl'S & TOYS IT'S OUR LAST DAYS IN BUSINESS -POSITIVELY EVERYTHING GOES! Saturday, Sept 14, Last Day • 1n Business Buy Now We are making frantic efforts to sell out the balance of this stock by Saturday, September 14. It's The FINISH! OKv NE;VER The quality of the stock, combined with these sensational saving prices makes· this sale the buying time su- preme -Remember this is our "last days" in business and your final op- portunity for tremendous savings. The WINDUP! The END!! e SALE PRICES INCLUDE FEDERAL TAX e It'!! O.Br 'Last Days' in Business, All Remaining Stock Ordered Sold Ladies Ensembles WEDDING, ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING BING, DIAMOND SET Engagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set. Solid Gold ~$5:~CE ... . .. '3745 Solid Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring Set. Diamond Set. ~:CE ........ '44'" Solid Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set l ~~a6:CE ···-·· •47u Solid Gold Engae:ement and Wedding Ring, Diamond Set =:.t:~~:~ .... '4915 Solid White Gold Engagement and Wedding Ring, Diamond &l -· $1"6.00 '89tl0 SA-i.I: PRICE ............... . Solid Gold Eng8;geme!'t and Wedding Ring. with Diamonds ---- 00 •19500 I SA.LI!: PRICE. Both Solid Gold Engagement and \Vedding Ring. Set \\i th Diamonds --$«%.OO '29500 SALE PRICE. Both Solid Gold Engagement and \V eddlni;: Ring. Set \\rith Diamonds a.c. $970.00 '62500 ! SALE PRICE. Both LADIES' \Vedding Bands Solid Gold Plain Band Ring. ae1r. a1s s49~ SALt: PRJC'E ············ ····· . Solid Gold Engraved Band Ring Ike· s10.10 s5 e5 SALE PRIC E .. ·········· ··· Solid Gold Band rung Engraved Top I s7 95 Ike· Slll.00 SALE PRICE ... --- Spray Pin and Earring Set Spra,· Pin -and Ear Ring Sets. vaiiou.s Styles and Stones. ?.1any to QlooSe From- R<c· .... ,. tgN SALE PRICE----··············· Pearl Necklaces NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS ae.-. $7.00 •3 •• SALE PRICE·····-··-····-· S ingle Strand Pearl Necklace. ~·~~CE ... ____ •s e• Two Strand Peart Beg. $M.OO SALE PRICE ........... . LADIES' Necklace. '18'5 Spray Pins Sterling Silver Spray Pins, Various De5igns. ~-$18.75 '8 95 SALE PKJCE .. ·····-·········· Spray Pins in Various Designs a nd Several Different Stone Sets to Choose From. ...... $17.5-0 '9" SA.Ji PR1CE ............ -.... -.. Ladies' Bracelets A l...aljge Group of Bracelets- Gold l'i.lled with Various Stone Sets Va1Ufl8 to Sts..60 s7 "5 SALE PRICE ... _ .•...........• Turquoise &-t Rea'· $9.oo s 4 u I SALE PRICE ... _ ... ........... I lndian. SilvC"r Bra('("ICt$. Turc1uoise Set. ~s~::'cE . . . ....... s 5 00 I Gold FiUed E.xpansion Bracelet. 1-leart ~ign. ~-SU.tlO $8 !5 r S...\Lf: PRICE ......... -··· Sterllng Sil\."Cr Indian Bract>lt'I and Ring Sc i. Large Stene. I ~1~R~·E_ .. -······-~l l 50 Ladies' Stone Rings I Solid Gold Rings in Various Stone Sets. Solid Gold Ring SelS with Amethyst. a.c. $!!.00 s 13"° SALE PRICE. .. -.. : ....... . Solid Gold Ring. Set with Emerald Cluster. ~CE .. -........ '16'5 Solid Gold Ring with Opal and 10 Rubles. ~~CE ........ -. !3346 Solid Gold Rinl<. Amethyst and Four kubies. ~..:cz __________ •sr Stationery Dept. FINAL PRICE SMASH! Boxed Stationery. ~w·~·Ol0> .. _ .................... 49" Brief Cases. ~c~~-···-···-·· '1 49 Pocket Size Popular Games. ~~\,~.~ .. ~~-~~·-·······--···········39e 17-Pc. Otild's Glass Tea Set. ~W~~.~~.~ ....................... : ... 79a Table Lamp-Colorful Pot(ery Base, with Shade . ~·~~CE .... __ 'l l 95 Silver Pla1ed Photo Frames. ...... $S.OO s 109 NOW ................................... . SheU Paper. ::. ~~LL...... ... . ... _ 1 o· One Lot Assorted Games. !~." ... ~~-~:~ .......... .'-......... 79a Airline Models Rec-Jl.00 49• SO\\' ....... ---··-····-······-········ Airplane ?-todels. ~\v SO._ ··-___19• Col.lier's Photographic History ol \Vorld War II. liq. ~.15 •3•• X0\\1 ••••••• ---··-····················· Pull Toys. ~;,. ~-~!~ . . .. . s 169 All Lea ther Brief Cases. Ker. "'"'" s4 S9 NOW ..... -·-······-················· All \Vool AmericanF1ag, Size 3x5 Foot, for Outdoors. Re(. $S.75 ·-NO\''-·············--···········-· ~ O\ild's Cane Rocker Bee· $7.60 •3• NO\\"·-·····--··-··--···-··----- \\'riting Portfolios with Insignia. Jlec:. ..... 98" NOW ..... ---······--········-··· Boxed Stationery. Fine White Quality. ~--··~·-·--·-·-····-···99• Handlpak Air Mail -StationeTy. ::.;~---·-·-··-·-24 • Otlld" Barbocue 'I'llb!A!. ;~w -~ .. --·-·--····· ... -'2" All Steel RA!d Woaoo with Rubber nres. ~"'-·~--.. -···---· . .,. C. E. LOUCKS FIN AL· DAYS - IN COSTA MFSA BUSINESS years. Harry Williamson. another 'TO OPEN A who has served as mayor, Lew H. Wallace, who was city treasurer for many years. alt Will serve on the committee for the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce. any present action of the city Opposing membership "'ere At-CHAR'GE ACCOUNT Past officials wiJJ be the guests ?f the present city council at an informal luncheon on Wedn-..a '"-~ay, ~ptember 18th. at the. Newport Harbol-Yacht Club. Island Improvement Job Contract Given To Sully-Miller Co. council is to be rescinded. torney Ed"·ard Allen , a large Bal- Among those present at the boa property O\\·ncr ; J ohn F . meeting Tuesday were Assembly-Vogel, also of Balboa. and Lew man-elect Earl W. Stanley and K. Wallace, Ne\\')lOrt Beach real es- E. Burton, the latter of Corona tate and insurance broker . del Mar. Both made eloquent ------------ p~eas for immediate action by the city council in order that the city might get a share of the SS-mil- lion now available from the state for improvement purposes. LOSES MATTRESS ~lrs. NeJson Henger of Balboa Island reported to police the thef of a water mat tress from her fron porch at 908 South Bay Front. • VET'' . PHO~: Taxi Company CLOTHES City council on Tuesday award- ed the. contract for making alley, curb, sidewalk and sewer improve- ments on Balboa Island to the Sully-Miller company of Orange. I;-------· ----- Its bid of $104,818.82 was the lowest of three bids submitted. BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- POR (Owned and Operated by Veterans) (30 -80 -91 Daya) Marbro's trwft~ )'11:.a to c:une in and open a cbmo: ~t. Our stocks .,.. complete with the la test-styl<s d Ladi ... Fine Appaiel. Nationally AdverUoed READY-TO-WEAR mARBROS c/ania OAa- PRONK lut Also bidding were the Griffith company or Los Angeles which of- fered to do the job for $130,733.17 and the Cox BJ-others Contracting company of Stanton which sub- mitted a bid of $141.360.54. M"E N AND 1011 BROADWAV Costa Meu• Stare a_, Dllll1' lsdwDag Saturday 9:90 A. X. to 5:30 P. Jll. Scotch tape, various 11zes. ori sale at the N~1lmel . - IUlllEYr REFRIGERQTIDn BOYS S<U4vrtd. JERVICE comPnnY ..... -'lcl=!ldq -aemo. -o...& Bl ...... 0o ............. 'n!mporary Phon•, Day 654 La· JIUll& Beach; Phone Nigh~ ll36l SpMJ Slu,p Lquna Beech l IO'I Marino A- Bolboe ~ Pbone Barbor ne CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leonard Marshall, ~r BalOO., Callfornla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAil.. SAP DINNERS •.. BANQUETS • Portraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harl>or 1033 BALBOA Palm 307 Ave. Ill IORTll.JWN ST. .. .,,,,., ""'" Meat Balla """'..., -....... _ .... IVGAISTAMPSPAll ... ._._ , ~ ••l .... S1,r1 ••rJO, I,..._ -~-------- lao~-...... c.- Top gooeuw .,.i. ·e1 lleef, "'"' lamb and -i ........ the pe.k ef e.ting • f I §do. ..., pt.rurteel them -..;m.::,. .. 13• ~· .. s-~-""': .. .,. ~..!!· .. u-t!'.!ly~ .• .. ... Fl1' ......................... ___ ., lllfff MIC .... --.. ................... ••g --.. ..... ...... m711 nw_ ... ;~~ ':"Pe - ~-a••t••••&.'1•• ..... .. • ' I ' • • • • • ;"";:~:Wl:w=======================;il"j'_":"_~·'""!;;·;·~E!llNll ,, . ..,. hWWtft"" ···e• • ....... ·09 5 ° Mayor's · Otizens Committee Reports 'l· 1wt1;S 'r lMI .~ ~ -ter llUlllllY problem ,,_ __ at tbe Qty-of N"'port Beech ore Ward & Harrington Lumber C-0. un-••• AND 1111JLDDfG MA .... r&r.a -Dblalll&, y ... ..._., -1111 DI OOAST BIQllW.il' Ar THE A1ICllZ8 GORDOI a~ FllDLAY oatco: MlO ~ lllhd. Recent · Study on Newport Harbor's . Domestic Water Supply Problems Summary Discloses Present Capacity of Artesian Wells Are Insuffi- cient for Future Development of City Areas-Revenues Received From Sale of Fresh Water to Consumers and Current Tax Assess- ments Believed Sufficient to Dehay Maximum Cost of Munici- convinced that the LoWtt Santa Ana Rl'W!r Buln can.not ~ re- garded aa a depondabl• source of water and is endang~ by the probable intrusion of salt wat~. The only other source of an ade--- quate water supply ii to impart water. llridly, U.. Colldltloe of Water 8"111117 ftat Prompb - September lttll Electloa The great bulk of the water used in Orange county ts pumped from wells. These wells draw their supply from the large underground water basin !¥ing beneath the coastal plain. Most of the develop- 1 6 CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINE'l'S AND MU,I,WORK pality's Investment in MWD System. ment of Orange county gets water I ,,,,....... , from this basin. 1nc1udlng the aty .......__ ._ ... _ ....... _ 118 Y T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' It's the HARDWARE 2 3 rd & Ph. Central 2600 of Newport Beach. ~ • ...,. ... ...., ><.-. oa Would Prepare It Some weeks ago the City Council authoriz.ed Mayor 0 . B . Laguna Beach are only a short Last year, the State Engineer S07 lllABINE AVE. BAIJIOA ISLAND Reed to appoint a Citizens Conunittee to make a summary of distance from the ocean and are completed an Investigation Which .. _,,;;;;;,,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;.-.;.;;;;.. ____ ,::=::::..::;:::;;:,:::_.J the many reports and investigations on the Domestic Water pmnploe from belGw -leYd. showed that mort water Is belng p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Situation. The Mayor appointed on this Committee Braden nts ,.._ b ~ • critical -pumped from this basin than i. '1 Finch, J. A. Barrett, J. A . Beek, Mrs. Helen Grace, Mrs. coed.lt1oa.",~!>1nce this was written received by it in iU average sup- Edgar Hill, Hubbard C . Howe, W. M. Longmoor, Ralph P. ..veral "'•~ have gone bad.) ply. That the only reason disaster Maskey, P . A. Palmer, A. B . Rousselle, Lew H . Wallace, capt. <l I . e. Llpplmcott, Consulting has not overtaken the county is C. V. Mt'Carty and Walter S. Spicer. Engineer of Los Angeles, in a re-the great reserve o~ water natu:- Several rru:etmgs have been l:iekl . Reports \\'e.re fyllY and · ~~~e!-0 ~~~f"1:at~8~~unJ. ~m ~=~:~~:~e ~ere~~ carefully studied. A sub-committee of three which mcluded 1939 : ·'Where wells are near the any pumping. H~bbard C. Howe, Walter S. ocean the.re l.! al••aya the poulbU-The overdraft on the basin, Spicer and P. A . Palmer was piled to inform citizens on thiJ lty of latrulon or tM water. however, has used up a consider- asked to. prepare a review for important water question. I Possibility of intrusion increases able part of the stOred waler and the benefit of the public in Pre.eat Water Source as ground wa ter is pumped below this use is increasing yearly and general and taxpayers in par-The city now secures water from sea level ... with the return to water levels In the basin havt- ticular. five shallow wells less than 200 dry years, wa ter levels will prob. dropped accordingly. This report was presented to 8 feet deep on a 93-acre tract, two ably recede to the 1936 level and Cost meet ing of the committee and and three-fourths miles inland on more probably drop still lower in What it will cost the average a pproved for printing . The report the west side of the Santa Ana I the fut ure, as thte draft on the taxpayer for joining the M.W.D.: of tthe committee is given here-R iver . At present, these wells are Santa Ana Valley has been stead-On a H ouse and Lot with county v•ith : pumped constantly a t absolute ily increasing." assessed valuation of $!,000.00, Water Supply For capacity of the equipment. l d ) u. s. Geoloeical Survey-1'·hich would probably sell for City or Ne"'JM)rt Beach, CallfornJ.a The oMginal v.'ater supply was Five year study of ground water around $10,000.00, the tax would MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Manufacturel'!I of Cast.om Bnllt Blinds Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates 412 SOth Street Newport Beach Telephmie Bllrbor 2001 A special election has been call-from wells on a five-acre tract Jo-along the Coastal Plain-Report be, for back assessments $4.60, and cd for Tuesday, September 10, cated one mile from the ocean. No. 4, re: Santa Ana Gap. "During for current tax $9.60, a total ot 1946, to determine whether the Wells on this site were aban-period of heavy withdrawal, the $14.20 a year or an average of Oty of Newport Beach shall join doned in 1934 due to salt water I ground "'.'Bter head is repeatedly $1.11 a month. 'I_"his. is for Water-1 r-------------------------... the Coastal Municipal Water Di.s-intrusion. so low throughout the Gap that Health and Sarutat1on Insurance. trict. a mcmhE'r of the Metropoli-The city also O""'llS 35 acres of 1 .... if the low head were sus-O~ Future. Water N~ tan \Veter District. I land located 514 miles from the I tained indefinitely .... ocean .Engineers est1n_iate. that. 1n less The following statements, data, ocean on the east side or the river \\•ater could ultimately move in-than 40 years t.his city ~II h ave facts and figures have been com·J which has not yet proved to be a land through the entire J~ngth of water co~umptton resulting_ from satisfactory \vat('r source at a the Gap and go substantially be-a .population of abo~t 33,500 1n the I depth of 600 to 800 feet. yond the structural zone. It a p-~t~r and 52,000 1n the sununer, . f>('ars probable that the front of w1th1n the present city limits. • Expert Radio Service Phqne Beacon 5004-\V An ab~ndant suppl)'. of \Valer is l the area of contaminated ground This population will require a ? nec{'Ss1ty to any city. Gro\vth, 'vater is moving inland" summer load of 5,050,000 gallons 1nc~eased property values. pros-1 · of \va t er per day. pPr1ty cannot be ours \\'ithout a e) A. L. Sonderen er , Cons u1t- dcpendable a nd adequate supply of ing Engineer of 1".°5 Angeles, in a (Continued on Page Sixl Announcing the New Vib apac Building Units ALL SIZF8 BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products C-0. 1560 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Palmer Radio AND ELECTRIO \\·atcr. Ne\\'port Harbor is the out· rC'port to the City of Newport ~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;; standing recreational harbor on Beach. dated September 29, 1944, ~ the Pacific Coast. \Ve have been rcp;arding the S5-a r r e lrat>t 51.4 GILL'S --------------------------.1 exceed.ingly suC'CC'ssful in popula-1 miles from the ocean: "A.-source tion gro\Vth, boats, ne\v business, or supply at ... 600 to 800 foot -~ ~ increasOO values a nd recreation levels ... ,,·ould dra\\' from larger -------------2348 Newport Blvd. COSTA MMA INVESTMENT advantages. I storage than ''•ells on the river We can continue to develop bottom and the effect of depletion .DELICATESSEN rapidly because of proximity to l "'ou ~d . ~ mor~ r.emot~. As to the ---.----------- Los Angeles. Our grO\\'th \vill be poss1b1ilty of 1nf1llrat1on of more FOOD SHOP •nhanced by; the construction of sea,,·a1er. the locality is about 3 1,i • Fresh Apple Sauce l OS AHGlllS HOllTWOOD l ONG MACH PASAD!NA ,.,__, the Santa ~a-Los Angeles Free-miles from upper Newport Bay \\'BY and the development of Upper v.•here gravel str ata outcrop, which M..Ow Loi A•r•lis Stoc.6 bchl.i• TO MEET THl Newport Bay. A ll point to tremen-may .lead to this parcel. But per- 200( WmT ctNl-aAJ. AVE., NEWPORT BEACH dous development within the next oolat1on from the bay to points LESTER· & Co. SECU•ITIES • Fancy Crab Meat • Salad D.-lngs alVl'ISIDI INVESTOIS' decade. inland through geological as well • Plckle8 -0Uve8 HARBOR 1374-J NllDS LlmJtatlon• of Present Sour ce as hydraulic ground is probable ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;~~;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~ ! The question of securing a more during a future drought period." permanent and certain wa ter sup-In conclusion Sonderegger said, ply has been studjed by civic lead-"The permancy of the water su~ ers, engineers and citizens for ply of Newport Bcach is in jeoir SANTA ANA • Cheese Meats • Sardines -Anchovies • Crackers -Blscnlts • French Rolls "DEARBORN" IADIANT TYPE GAS HEATER $24.95 • 18,000 B r.u. c..pacity • . front pro- tected wit"' wire gr ill ... 'chrome re- flect« Dl•Tes. 10p and bottom • • • lwet ~•te<t •nt louv•es et top ... cool C.bi~I . . w ith pilo!. "DEARBORN " RADIANT TYPE GAS HEATER $18.95 12.000 B TU. reliflll! , .. toniV.~ ;" l'l.lmrr.ettd bronze effe<"t ... l double rad1.wit1 ••• A C A .ll"Ot:>~ • , • cool r •"•nel . . wolh pi.or "'DEARBORN " CllCULATlNC GAS HEATER $%1.9§ Full cin:ulet.n' .. 25.000 8.T.U. ~ pac1ty ... flame entirely l't'IClosed ••• front louvrn ot deflect twet downward •• c1'0I r•bi~t ... witMut pilot. "SAMCO" CllCULATINC IA.OIATIHC GAS HEATER $18.95 C-ornbHvttcrl d raA.tlns·rdatlftl l'IMt· « ... 1ad1anti .... .,..,w...,. 9"Cbied in "'" type m.t ..... buitt low .-'Id -~ for mo.~ eff•cier.cy . . . finllhed •n ~ enamel •.. 20.000 l .T.U. ,~ ....... "COLE HOT ILAST" CllCULATINC CAS HEATER $4S.9S Ven11 i.1ed citcWti"I ,. hNter •• , r.iooo a.1.u ... A.c:.A. llPPowd ... Jill type front s'lt top • • • nac.ty intv.d ... with pilot. l I •I m3 ~I LESS It'• scN"I to cost .... ,. to hut , .. r ltotlte tlai1 year IP you ... t t~• precautio111 11ow. Male ••r• that you pt •••ry therMal u111t of IM~t that yo. are payl111 t.r •1 lettiRI 11one of it ucape •fMI lloy ha.-111111 your he1tl11111 plant i• tip-tOf cotulitM11. Don't wait •11til wht"r hat Mt J• to 4o the Job,-tako ca,. of it MW 111114 pt Ill the equi,Me11t you ... 4 at TIWINKLIS. SUPERFLAME OIL BURNING HEATER 30,000 B.T.U. capac ity ... efficient he1tin1 ... convenient light ing ..• brown er..meled finish .,. comp lete with o!I tank , ••.. , •..• ALLEN OIL BURNING HEATER 55,000 B.T.U. capKity ... brown b.Jked eNmel finish ... front li1htin1 ... complete with oll tank ..•. , .•• , , ••••••• , , ..•... FLOOR FURNACE $69.ff 30,000 8 . T .U. r1tin1 , . . dwil register • • , manua l control. "C. E. SUNIOWL" ELECTRIC HEATER Refl9('f0f fypw ..... I 000 wa11' r:f:l~~.bi. -I ICtew type; .,,...,,. ••••• "EVERHOT Ray·V-" EUCTRIC HEAnR l 320 watt ~ 1'ypl' •""""'"' . • • ldiu:stinc _,tii..tor .. IJAU '1rf crackle !«~ v-- finilh .•......•... "AIRTITI" WOOD HEATU Al tt-t lMhl tun-... ,. dNttion ••• S-inth ~~a FLOOR FURNACE $57.SO 37,000 B.T.U. capacity • , • flat ~1~ter • . , manu•I control. FlllEPLACE EQUIPMENT ~~'Dll.~~5 .. $14.95 ~~·-~···· $10 9S ~-5C~~~~. $11. 9S Two-Tone Met1I 991111 STOVI IOAID . . . . .. HU.TD• IANCI CONNECTORS 18" 6 24·: ond ~ ft. 6 4 ft. CAS HOSE IAnsths 3 ft .... 8 ft. i....,.,. ...,..i. mado ... -·· years. ardy because of the overdraft on ------------- Engineers fa miliar with the the ground water sources of the SHOP AT GILL'S water problem have come to the Santa Ana Valley a nd a threat- conclusion that the City of New-ened intrusion of salt water. Im-------------- port Beach can only secure a per-portation of water is the only manent "'ater supply by import-pt>rmanenl 1olutlon of the water ing Colorado River \Yater. problem of the growing commun- For Fresher Vegetablee Better Meat.. Many surveys and reports have ity." been made of the Ne"'PQrt water f ) Ecl\\•atd H yatt. State Engin- supply and the underground suir eer , Division of Water Resources, ply of the lower Santa Ana River State of Calirornia, in a report Basin from \\'hich we quote, in dated June, 1945. says: "Estimated part: annual overdraft of the under- Fancy Groceries 245 Forest Ave. LAGUNA BEACH a) R. L. Patterson, City E ngin-ground wat'er of the Coastal Plain eer, in a report under date of of O ra nge County, exclusive of t he r-------------11 July 12 th, 1930 : predicted that the La 1-l abra Basin, under present Newport Beach original wells conditions or s upply and demand, '''ould be afrcct~ by salt \Valer is 12,190 acre feet." and recomm e nded against the de-"The progressive lowering ot V<'lopment of the 93-acre tract the water tab!!:' in the non-pres- where the present wells are l<r sure area resuJts in gradually in- cated as not adequate for a per-creasing pump heads. In Or ange manent water supply. ) county, hO'vever, a reverse grade b ) Gerald C. Flt.qerald, Con-line sloping inland from the ocean suJting Engineer ot Los Angeles. a nd reduction of pressure iii the in a letter to Newp0rt Beach O ty! deeper strata is more serious be-- Council, dated N ovember 30, 1934, cause of possible contamination said: "The "·ells at the mouth of by salt \vater:· the Santa Ana River "'hich serve F rom the foregoing it can be Newpor t Beach, Costa Mesa, and SC('n that engineers ,1,.ho have 114·w. 4tll SL .-..--· • PASADENA LONG BRACH • JI. D F! ft.-. llHI ---...... _ JUST WHAT IT SAYS HERE After 7 Montb!I Waiting ••• a Telephone!! Beacon 5183 • Battery Service for: •Your Cu • Your Boat • Your Mechanical Eqnlpment ·u ,..,.. ..... come .., """' to .. ..,.... telepMiM --=-Beaeoa 518S UTTER\' SERVICE --STOREY'S Battery W1'>t8&.. (l I .... a •=11-....... 008TAMIP.& ' • • •. ·'if_ MAK.El THE DIFFERENCE It rabl """" !ban modem design to maU • bowe truly modem 'Jbe !hia&J tbat contribute to the ease aod COD· -imrr ci modern U.iog-elcctrical 1ppliances, ligbW>& air madirinniog, md ochor elearial :iervias J.pnul •t- #fOp. ,.;,;,,g, -' tlnl1 of """'11 1114 nililch11. Adeqaue wiria& odds little to buildiog CXlla, but it odd.t ...... ••W..ioo md to Ibo .-ie -.oJoe of the boosc.. 'l1ae lldiooa OlmJlODT mm. J'Ol1 ia cionYuic wiriog .. ....,. .. ,ica without ~ge or obligariocl Phooe ot ... ,_ ........ Nisoo o8ia. ftr11U • - J H ESTU, $ RARDW.Aa • • GENERAL EIJl'Cl'RIC uww•w ...... " lll!fllls•x•: mt •n dt .-uo-• .... • • • • .. ·=· .,, .. , ...... ... SurpriSes Face Spectators -tbeptilc--tM1--GD tbe .. ,,,,. _ ..,. s·a.o E-s L08T WAIA.ft l"OIJlfD Poll<f report that Stanley W . Oxenbaugll ol -loot • wallet and Dwain Ak-xarMltt of 106 ':i&th 1trftt , Newport Beach, ..... W11De y .,. Walt found IL • Ray Pagan GET -BA••EIS OP OIL Kirk and Meeker ha·ve ftniahed 515 East Bay Front Deeble No. s in Section 13-0-11 in lfat . .._ .. .....,.. V'8w Care the West Newport Beach oil area. I a.. a M t p. m. floYling more than 500 barrels of L.------------' / 24 gravity oil from 3830 feet. @Balboa 1lf et !01 NOW-'Round the Island Ferry t:SO A. Ill. TO U P. Ill. Sooth Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's. EVans'. VIila Marina. Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin, Beacon Bay, Harbor Ialand and Sooth Bay: Hall lrom any dock or Ooat. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY B ARBOR 1%-W THIS QIDCK·ACrtON SHOT of Paul Manta. Balboa bland air. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ii I"" man, was made by a Cl~\·el.-d Plain Deale r new!I photograpber, just u Mantz la nded hl!I ho1lJ>ed·up ~tu!llanR plane on Cle,·eland Allport,. On You r Way to Santa Ana When in Costa Stop at ' CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches-Fountain Service 10 ~ m. to! p. m. 1118 Newport Blvd. (Curb Sen1ce) after he M!t, a new averace speed record by &Ir of 436.9 f rom Van Nuys. Callt .. to Cle,·ela nd. OhJo, last •Ttday. • • -Cleveland Pia.in Dealer Photo. BALBOA ISLAND AIRMAN WINS BENDIX, $10,000 to close up. but Ma ntz pulled his plane up into a tight loop at 20.000 feet a nd shook the gear loose and prOCt'E'd<"d on his winning way. A t t he completion of the race. Paul Mantz. world f amous V('t- eran pilot from Ne,,·port l-t arbor, who is claimed by half a dozE'n other Southland cit ies but \Vho resides at 32'2 Apolena. Balboa Island. zoomed to a record-break- ing victory in the f11,mous Bendix Trophy r ace last Friday as he flew his bright-red ronvcrled Mus-;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; I tang from Van Nuys to Cleveland in 4 hrs. 42 min. and collected $1 0.000 in prize money. Mantz' Mustang still had 75 gal- lons of his 700 gallons of fuel aboard a nd he figurep that he had the help o f a 20-mph tail wind most o f the way. Ju.st before take- off. Mantz sltid that he calculated he should make the trip in 4 hn:. and 42 mins. and official time re- veals that he missed hi& predic- tion by only 10 seconds. SILVER PLATING We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!! e For tile ftnt time since the war, you CUl have yom ~.,. and fine tea services reall- wred wtth - PURE 1003 FINI: SILVER OOMMERCIAL. TRIPLE OR QUADRUPLE PLATE • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS ALL WOU GUABANT!:ED • • ileedllpt -tors. All 8lw. (Comm..rd&I Plate) " B•~!~.!~"!"! Co. I ~ I .... · COSTA MESA ~ Phone Beacon 5358-R Doing her best to serve you promptly .R.i&f>t oow. our board.s ue bwjer thao they have ntt btto before ... so busy it i1 not always P°"'"' uDle fo.r OW' ope.neon to a.o.swe.r your call u promptly u they would like. The reuoa is that we are se niog more ci»- romen ..• who are making more alls ... th&D evea at the WU· time peak. New-eqaipmeot is on the way ... milliom of clolian WO<da up ..... down me Cout •.. to cake are al ou.r waiting appliaou and to IUrnish a bettr• l<nice dw> ett• to all ~epboae _... .. -you mat ""' openton ..... cloOag nuydaiog tbcy an to fumish you tbe P"""pt Md COGneOal sa'ice you haft beoa•s ~ ~10 ... T'-6,_ Seellatn CelifMWfe Ttle ... w Ce•pe•J . . W-8&. Tdc11•~ ........ lU1 Q , ... I ~ , '· . •' ,. Mantz. who is known as Holly- wood's Air Cabby, ma de his fourth try at the trophy a victorious one after finishing third in the 1938 and '39 races. His souped up P-51 St't a new aver age speed record of 435.6 which boosted the old record set by F'l'ank Fuller ln the 1939 d .. h by 153 mph. Shor tly after Mantz' take-off, it was feared that> the H ollywood stunt pilot would have to drop out of the race because ot a de- fective landing gear that refused Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an a thletic coach. Sold on a money back guarantee. At your local druggist -·-THE MO REY CO. Second place, In official cor- rected standings, went to the only woman contestant, Jaqueline Coch- ran, the 1938 Bendix Winner and wartime head of t he . Wasps, who won $5500 for place money and an extra $1000 for being the tint female finisher. Pacing the entire field, but not .entered in competition with the conventionally powered starters. was a P-80 from March Field nown by Cot Leon Gray, whose elapsed time. including a fuel stop at Garden Q ty, KAns., was 4 hrs. and 9 mins. an average speed of 494 mph. • Ha t• on a Campus! "l'ttiss J ones." said the proprie- tor of Ye College Hat Shoppe to one of his assistants, "I guess the girls are looking forward to the arrival of the new professor next week. Does an)·one know what he looks like !" "Y<"s." ~plied the girl, "f've seen his picture. He's t a ll and good- looking and about twenty-eight. And I understand he's not mar- ried." 11 ! W. tth. SL Loo Ansel.. 15 "Splendid !" said rhe proprietor. I "Th('n we'll put all the ne"' hat.5 '-------------' in the front \\'indo"· r ight a"'ay." • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our Inte"'8tlng Sample and Display Rooim LUDLUM us:: Soalll Mala St. Color guides, plan- ning aids, romprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. Rugs & Carpets Cl~, Repaired SANTA ANA IMIDWA Y AUTO SERVICE , • • 1 • 1501 West Central • • Aato Paining $50 up lllld Body and . Fender Work • FIRST CLASS MECHANICAL WORK Motor Tune-Upe a Specialty • Prices Reasonable No' Delay Of Pirate Court -Sessions If you have 1\eYel' attended a they rem&Md until their cues -ol the Bal-Pirate Court. were called by the <ourL ..,...ve mioled somethlnc. 11,.y are Standing on the rostrum-the filled With iurprues and one ot court's bench -~re the judge "'°"" Jut Saturday night -the , .... mack: the prosecuting ··-tossing ol two weJJ known public torney, Herbert Ke nny, Balboa figures into Balboa Bay, Pos~ter ; the public defender • • 1laey were thrown into tW! bay Art Bargeron: the court crier, Lee by the Pir&tt> S heriff poae only D_ay, and court attendant, Louie after court decisions to that ef-Sunon. feet were rendered by the Pirate First ~ involved the defend- Judge Jesse Black erstwhile Main ant, the wtfe of one of the pro-. street photographer. They were prietors of a Balboa restaurant in 'dunked' Mmply because tJ\ey were Balboa and. she w~s ch~rged with not in costume nor wore a beard appearing m public \\'tth.o~ . her which is thl! custom for the Pirate costume. She pleaded not ·guilty Days' celebntion. Defender Bargeron explained the reason for her laek or raim en t reminiscent or pirate days and asked the mercy of the court Ho"•ever. an elegant speech by Kenny, the prosecutor. caused her to be fined t\VO dollars by the judge. Second case involved Dorothy Lea.oder. who. the public defender said. was a soda clerk in Gunder - son's dru~ Store. Wolf cries went ~ enli-the .,..-.. -pr-.tm, ....... 1d. Inc ... w 11111p m.m ·nppe<1 ,,.. tlMt-. . E. J. ·(Bud) Jacklin .~ CEMEIT WORK Flaa: Werk w P'I f s llw CALL 1 a !! -~ lll'O& INFORMATION C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE • ' ;t ;t . Moori!lgs Installed and Repaired. -Buoys Painted and Lettered. . ' ' ;t Phone: Haroor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R for l'nmpl 8erWie . · Anyone \\•ho does b usiness in Balboa should take the advise of Duke Dukette. Balboa apartment house O\vner. Md P a ul Wallace, Santa Ana representative of the State Board' of Equalization, that the proper attire for Balboans these four days is a pirate cos- tume, a ring in the ear or the nose, a sash around the waist or do"'" the chest, o r a beard or some· thing that looks like a cross be- tween a beard and a chin whisker . up from the spect~tors, for the ,---------------------------; Yes, thai's one reason that male members of ·the advertising and editoriaJ staffs of The Ncws- Times a nd The Press have beards or something that looks like them today. They don't want to be fined $15 or be drenched in the bay be- cause they have neither costume nor might no t have a beard. A lot of mama's cold cream and vaseline have been used the past week to keep their groy,-n beards in trim. But to gel back to the story- Pirate Court opened at 8 p.m . last Saturday after the Pirate Sheriffs Posse headed by Capt. Ernie \Veltz and t heir Stinker' Wagin had corralled any n umber of Balboans for infractions of the pirate code. In the posse "'·ere. Mel Ford. Clarence Ore, A. A. Silver , Qiff Petty, Charlie Mol· lard, F red Buckley, Bob Padfield, Harry Ashen and Louie Simon. All wore pirate costume and makeup and the sheriff \\'Ore a huge sta.r badge. Clang--clang-clang sounded the alarm on the Stinger Wagin' as the four.wheeled hoosegow rolled into the court plaza or Main street near the Balboa pier. The back door was opened and out bounced the culprits, and one by one, male and female alike, they were tossed into the 'can'-beg pardon-the brig, or aa the com- moner would say, the jail. 'Ibere young woman is something to look at-attractive and all that sor t of thing. She was accused of charg- ing the sherifrs posse for a ch·oc- ola te malted milk.· Horseplay, be- EMPLOYERS! DEVOTE YOUR ENTIRE TIM E TO OPEAA.TINQ YOU R BUSI- NESS. PROF IT BY PLACIN G ALL YOUR LABOR RELATIONS ~ROBLEM S IN E XPERT HANDS -AT REAS ONABLE FEES. • • • Have more tnowteds:e of and a ctual ei:perlence ln labor relatton1 In Los Angele•. Orange and :S other So. CaJlf. count1e1 than any other pen<"n or orranlr.atlon. Since 19:S9, consu lt1'11t1 to 4i employer ...aoclatlon1 In lh·· counties rompr lslng O\'l"t 900 f'mplo>·- ers tn pract lca.J.ty e\•ery llne of bual-n..,. SPECIALIST IN Labor relatlona con1ult a t io na, labor contract neootlat lon.-c.ollect lv• bar - gaining, reprehntatlon before gov - •rnmenta l labor •o•nclea, media t ion of l•bor d l1pute1, lndu1trial Nlation1 polic)I' 1urv1ya. p.9'9ortn11 admln l1tra. t1on, • • • lnquirl .. Invited. No obligation • • • Wm. H. Carter SITS ........... &ft,, WI .......... o.a. n. Ol.nlllk ... w T ll'ftn .... A1 Clole to YoM aa WM:r telephoftc!J c-.r ••• faithful on vacation I I . t I I I I I I I I I I I I Faithlul ill right! She took you there and brought you back safe and sound. It waa no vacation fo r yo ur F ord. It waa IDOf'k/ . I I I CONTRACTORS' . RENTAL EQUIPMENT J aeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Wo r king Eq uipment Eveeything for the Building Contractor Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th lllld s-ta .ba Ave. -C..ta llMa Now Its •-IY iolnts are achl•' A tough aomQW' behind -a tougher 1lilatiil: ahead ! Yeo, it'a hiah ~ for a visit to om: department of prompt ud low"""8t service. • --------------------------------' I Brakes are loose and front end's shakin~ Of course, those are Th1/171ing .ailments. Your particular car may have others. But whatever it needs in the way of repair or upkeep - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Our Service saves the sltuatio11 Our mechanica ....., trained in Ford eervice methOO. ... ,_genuine Ford parta_ .. know: your Ford like the 1-i.: of their own hands. Drop in_ THEODORE ROBINS l1B ... 0 "HI, ... ,..& • * • ... 0.,.. B 1 at •• "r± • I • • ' • • l • l . . 11 S U R E the F U T U R E of I E W P 0 R T H A R B O·R and its WAT E R S U P P LY • Tiie Followiag Taxpayers and Property Owners of Newport Harbor Endorse Joining the Metropolitan Water District: J . S. BARRETT J. A. BEEK CAPT .C. V.McCARTY BRADEN FINCH MRS . HELEN GRACE MRS . EDGAR HILL HUBBARD C. HOWE W. M. LONGMOOR PAUL A. PALMER A.B.ROUSSELLE WALTER S. SPICER RUSSELL BARTINE LEWIS BALTZ ' S. M. GRIFFITH HARRY GARTLER JOHN ALLEN EARL. COPPERSMITH JOHN VILELLE HEINZ KAISER MRS . DIANA HILLMAN R. L. PATTERSON JOHN C. ABELL H. E. KENDALL CHAS. A. BEECHER NELSON ST AFFORD ANTON HERSHEY T. WESTON JAY A. H. FITZPATRICK RUSSELL HAMPTON H. F.KENNY J. S. HOGAN FRANK RINEHART REV. ARDYS T. DEAN EARL W· STANLlff W. H. HITCHMAN ROLAND VALLELY THEODORE ROBINS ST AN LEY P. SA WYER MARION DODD SAM PORTER S. A. MEYER • J . LESLIE STEFFENSEN DON A~ GUNDERSON IRVIN GEORGE 'GORDON CLYDE ASHEN H. R. RING CLYAN HALL HAL WILL SMITH DON DURANT FRANK WISHON HORACE ENSIGN A. J. TWIST JOHN D. BURNHAM R. S. BRIGGS GERALD RITCHIE L. H. NORMAN H. M. HOLKER · MRS. DOROTHY YARDLEY M. P. KLICK MRS . ISABEL ANDREWS H. J . FORSYTHE MRS. GRETHA TUBBS · HOW ARD W. GERRISH MRS. JAMES C. NEWLIN EMMA V. HUGHES S. T. DUNLAP · PAUL LORENTZEN WALTER FRANZ MRS. R. S. BRIGGS -REV. T. B. NOONAN G. M. GRUNDY , M. D ~~· MI.LL~R..._ ___ _ TOM W. HENDERSON : - -and many others Read VOTE ENJOY T~E ADVANTAGES! ID: Window Awnl•p, Door Roods - Pordl " PaUo Caaoplm • -om ••• upt i..: • .... ()a'& - - -BJ'efSe Ill; e Pwmaaeat - - -No M'(Jpa • Dowm"; i e SU...t···NoBattleo; I • -_,_ Deolp • • • OaHom Ballt; • (J*i~lll7 ---ute, N Bepb1emrmta. 111-1 ·qa.nty v .... u.a Blhods (Either Wood or Metal) ~-.... F"8 Z.th• stee Call ReYene Olarges Sl.An+~OOD Awablg Oo. al <mnge Co. 'l1ll ... ftlledel)lllla SL .......... c:.m.. -l"1ll.L&&TON t-..i Carr's Feed Store Hay and Grain Quallty Feeds -§- DallJ Dell""'7---lli'3 Ul!'I N-et 111...t. 008TA MESA • ~-&J.,,,a,, e_,,_,,, IOl Clout~ PboDe II• !lm Mil PHONE llABBOS 11'1 FOR SIGNS BENEDICT 'lbe Sip Man • BOAT LETI"ERING A SPf)::IALTr . . . Balboa's RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM ANSEL HILL and His Orcheetra SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7th Comlllg I Saturday, September 14th '----Woody • • the Citizens Committee Report on Page 4 of this Paper for Facts TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Quality Lumber and Building Mate"!ala ' M I at· c ·n Current taxes based on PUBLIC NOTICES ayor s I 1zens omm1 ee ~1~0~!!~~-CorM~~t ~~o~ar f~: .~~~ J:~~:;fe~~~~oi:'er~ • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER PIM::me B•c• SOU +I ALLMARK CARDS For Birthdays Wedding AlullftnariM and Ete. v->: FlgariDes Lamp& :: Outltame .Jewelry • Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 21102 0-Front We Wrap Gifts POil IN8tJJlANOE U:S Howard W. Ceniah l_N_lt_ 008TA IOSA ..... BNtO• 1151 Automobile • Fin Accident • Life ~ and Oontnct -Written R t W t -p bl $100.00 (current rate) .69,795.07 1018 OoMt JDcltwa7 by made to said Resolution o( Jn-epor s on a er ro _ ems Total ---------------$103.205.07 • ~: =~t ';;!0 te~:~ ~ty ~undl has delcr- H ow May The.e ObUcattom mined and declared that serial (Continued from Page 4) The present outstanding bonded Be Paid! bonds bearing interest at the r ate indebtedness is $180,434,000.00. In We have t he choice of paying of six C6%) per cent per annum WA~i~':'~~C~OB ~:1tii!~~:c~s t~eb~~eth:u~~ ~~r ::'fter:r:e!';~7;e t:esaan!~: PUBLIC NOTICE ~~:ee~e)nd~=~v~:-0~':1 =~: Local Sources Further la.land of Pasadena, over a period of blnation of both. Some cities are day of January next succeedinc Ground-water storage further years, $i,124,000.00. ThiJ: covers paying district .costs from water NOTICE OF AWARD the next October 15th following inland has been suggested u a the U'npa.id balance on the cost revenue and no t axes are levied OF CONTRACT their date. will be issued here- source ot future supply. It is of the Morris Dam and reservoir. tor this p\ll"?)Se. Others pay part under in the manner provided by pointed out that overdraft will The Metroix>litan Water District frorii water revenue and part from Pursuant t o the statute herein the "Improvement Act of 1911," also apply to this part of the basin constructed the Orange County taxes. mentioned and Resolution or being Part 5, Division 7 of the and at best would be only a tern-Freder Pipe Line in 1943 which The most feasible way of pay-Award of Contract No. 3379, of Streets and Highways Code of porary expedient. Such a source has storage above the Corona del ing appears to be to pay back tax the City Council of the City of the State of California, to repre-. of supply would have an initial Mar reservoir adjoining the Oty installments ~ugh water rev-Newport Beach , California, adopt-sent each assessment of Twenty- cost of at least $300,000.00. of Newport Beach. enue and current assessments ed. on the 3rd day of Septembe:-, five ($25.00) Dollan or more re- Colorado Kher Water Supply The district has agreed to con-through taxes. The required in-1946, directing this notice. maining unpaid for thirty (JO) A permanent water aupply of struct at lU own. UpeilMI a feeder crease in water rate to conform NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVr::N, days after the date of the war- sottened and filtered Colorado pipe line along Newport Boule-with the above would average that the said City Council in open rant . River water can be secured from vard. from the existing trunk line about 50c for each consumer per session on the 3rd day of Septem-All ot the work herein ordered the Metropalltan Water District north of the Santa Ana Country month. Future increase in the ber, 1946, opened, examined and shall be done and carried through through annexation to the Coastal club, to 23rd Street ln Costa Mesa number of consumers will reduce publicly declared all sealed p~ in pursuance of an act of the Municipal Water District. at a cost of approximately $140,-this figure. posals or bids, offered fc-r doing Legislature of the State of CaU- CoutaJ MUll.ldpa) Water District 000.00, ln the event Newport Beach Coat the following descrtbcd woY.k, t<r fornia, designated the "lmprove- The District. organized in 1942, elects to join the Coastal Mun.id-A&aln, "''hat It "'1ll COAt the wit: ment Act of 1911," being Parts 1 • comprises the following com-pa.1 Water District. average t.axpa.yer for Jol.n.lq: tbe The grading and .pa•"ng with 2 and 3 of Division 7 of the S treet. munitles: This proposed feeder pipe line M.W.D.: asphaltic concrete pavement \vith and Highways Code. Laguna Beach. will serve the harbor area west-On a HOUM an• Lot wttb county a decomposed granite base, cc.. The said Oty Council did by South Coast County Water Dis-ez:ly of Upper Newport Bay and .. ,~ vaJuaUoa of $1.0IO.OO, ment concrete alley approaches, said Resolution of Award of Con- trict. ~ eventually be exten~ed to the "''b.lda woald probably llell for vitrified clay pipe house sewer tract No. 3379, award the contract Newport-Mesa Irrigation Dis-main reservoir of ~e city. aruand 110.000.00, tbe tax woaJd connections, water service connec-for the doing' of the aaJd work to trict, The district reqwres that all be for back u1eMmeat. fl..80. and tions, ca.st iron pipe \\·ater mains, the lowest, regular, responsible Newport Heights Irrigation Dis-new territory annexed pay their for CWTflllt tas. '8.IO, • total of fire hydrants, fittings &.nd a1-pur-bidder, to-wit: T o Sully-Miller trlct, share of back ~es based on coun-St•.to a ,.ear OI' .. •VM"aCe Of tenances and appurtenant work in Contracting Company, at the A partion of Irvine Ranch along ty valuations since 1929--30, which Sl.l 'f a month. Ttall .. for Water-connection there:wfth in &lieya llllnd prices named ln ita bid on tile in the coast. ~aunts to $668,200.00, in ad-Health aad 8anl.taUoa Iuu.raaoe. streets 1n Sectlona 1 to 5 inclusive, the office of the Qty Clerk of The DtJ;trict is governed by five dition to the CUITent taxes comln& of Balboa Island and Tract No saJd City. directon. The Oty of Newport with the tilcal year 1947-48. ~a ~~n~~w: F1c:!: 742 1 all aa more particularly ~ Dated this 3rd day of Septern- Beach, if annexed. would have at These back taxes will be paid M -Bowro hla scribed in ReSolutlon of Intention .ber. 1946 . least one Director. off in 20 equal annual installment&, mentator, ayor n gave No 3279 paned and ado ted b FRANK L RINEHART A municipal wattt district ia without interest. views on the development of Lea th~ Oty , Council of said f:,, o~ Q ty Clerk of the Oty of empowered. to acquire wa ter, The CUITeDt tax rate of the An.Jieles as follows : M Bow the 4th day of February• ~~6 Newport Beach Calltornia. water rights, water works, etc., MWD ls 48 cents per $100.00 of een::' t;,wt.on: ~rte ~ and on file in the offl~ 'of ~ Pub.-5ept. 5, 10, 19'&. and to operate systema. county asaeaed valuatiom... ron, to t you a u 0.ty Oerk of &aid Qty In the c:a.ae of the Coastal Mu-The charge for IOftened and sreat growth. the remarkable . C€RTIFICATE. OP' BUSINESS <t nldpal Water District lt wu or-filtered Colorado River water de-crowth ~ Loi AnseJes! For further putt~ refer-n cuuou. nnn Nune 1aniud for the purpoee of secur--livered to the Corona del Mar Mayor Bowron: A number of ence ii hereby made to Nld Reso-Tbe uoderwl.cnei;l do be.Nby oerttt Inc Metropolitan Water District reservoir will be 115:00 per acre years qo we went down to the lutlon of Intention No. 3:.'79 and ~ tbe7i are coDduc.~ a bO&t buu:l water for the coutal section ot. foot. <r 31iiic per 100 cub1c feet. ocean. We took lmDI! mud flata to laid plana, pr:ofiles. and le·~ona ~buaN~ ~h . rl::' :,.t ~ '------------' o..anae county 'lbe cllstric:t II"" ~ a1 c-o. and th<ft we built the nne.t man-No. 409 llheea 1 to 25 Inclusive, rornl&'. ..... 11>e acuU.... """ .....; r-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-:; cbua water~ the M.W.D. and (a) Local supply(-~): made harbor m the ,....Id. With-and Standard Plana N"". 1016 and ~':'m==., !,"it~~ BALn MORTUARY -£- Lady Attendant -t- 410 a.wt Blvd. ClORONA DEL MAR Telephone Barbor 42 ii.r -'ND NJGllt tn tum re--een. the water to the New-wells. aen.tioa out the harbor, Loi Ancelet: would 1061 on file in the office of the ..., whom um. Ud ~ .,.. varlom oommunlties at ooet. tanb, pumplnc at.a-be just another tn1and city. Oty Engineer of said Oty ot. ~ew---~ 'ti.wt~~Cbaaaol 'lbe opentlnc --of the tlon and force main $300,000.00 Fleetwood La-: What other port Beacb, and to the ipedflca-....... N..._, -· diatrict are nominal not o.Cftdinc lnteftlt fer 2G-7ftl' important drveJopmmt brJped tlonl· for the Kid work tliefttofOff' po~· ~· ::i:,.;::.nw1 Hew- $2:50.00 por month.. por1oc1 at'"----120,000.00 mob Lao Anpla -! adopted by the oald. Oty Council NR. s. 10.... .:r,.':'1:-- 'lbe Oty o( Newpoi t Beoch ln .._ -•cm: We ...,,t out to and CD !lie In the <Jttloe a(, the \;r,::,, ~ -..,. ..,. "' jolnlnc -the Caut D1otrict will be Total coot. "20.000.00 pt -tel". We ,...11zw1 tbat with-Oty Cieri< ot oald Oty, and aD ct --· ,_ req-to pey la lbare o( the (bl CoutaJ M•mldpal out water -could -de9e!op oald piano. pro(Ueo, --and w . ._ ot _.mmic the dlatrlct Water Dtotrtct· ln -1-tton. lndultry or oJcms lpedftcatlona hetttofore OIJlll'OYed B. &. 1 at the .... ie ct 10 emu pe-$100.00 Tua to o-iaJ MY -. We ~ --al by the Oty Coundl ot .. Id Oty ~o~P o county asirlHCI valuation l!Ml-42 Munldpal water m11Jime al dollan In bi'bclna ta are lnccap:wa~ herein. and made i:I/. ~ ...,. ot ~ D .• or a total o( $ll,589.35. Tua for Dlotrlct <-,....> water. 'l1ie -and the•-a put -aad ~er-Is ,. ...... ~~,l!'.,. -~ this amount will be leYled for the to be paid. out ~ made Lm AmceleL hereby IDllde tbl!ttto for a me ::_. p w .~·.:. rt filcal ,.... UMT-411. Thia Item will General Flmd ll.518.15 pu1icuJar cltet>lptlon o( oald-. l«*a..-. to a to 1'o .'IP.I"::: ~bly be taken. care at out ol Ba ta.w to "OIW AXD TAD'.&Tm1 Said Qty <Dmd.J Im ~ _ ;l;t:' = 18a, =~ the General F\md or Water Fund. llWD a*-Z.1'NI' ~ _. ..... ,._ • tu. _., mined and declared that-the caD-to -Gal lbt7 'c 1111 ... 11etr1, 1DO s W.._ ._. let: period ------818.DOO aim D • ..... • _. 0. L templated wmk and bicaou 11t -.:" w11 ii= c. 1 11"!.e ...... nie Mell"l)Cllltml Water Dlolllct V• -• .. lUra -. ..... beie""'*"' ---la tbe --:..rr.. ": .= dZ -tine ot U Sautben Call-Total coot. ___ .M'19,'lllll.ll5 le 1111.._ 14•-ct N1d OlJ' .-_ o( ::t!I!.;: 11nt -~ fornJa dtla, -fm-Jn 1929 4 I ._. JID Allmf, ---or._, ....... Jr!-rr:::. - for the pa-ot lmp&U.. AlmUa1 -ti for -t -tbe -OCJ' O; d' --O>Jando Rt9w' water \o SautberD Z..,.r perlOd. tar Siil tMt WWwW aUd -..... tile WI I d "'4 . t. caut&111L bM:k -----' 31,410.00 tbniiCll -TL a. --· 5H--a -let. .... -u. It. a -. • ' ,- . ' I I . I . Cocker AKC Puppies PHONE BEACON 5SOS-J U%8 Nowport Bl.._ NO PLACE IN TOWN • Hamburgers Malts Sundaes SERVES . LIKE THE • Coffee and Donuts Waffles DO llUTc&w'At=l=LE SHOP ll05 llABINE AVENUE BALBOA ISLAND • 8-Nldoelo -Georp Sterlla&' 0pm l!TaalDp UaW 10 o'Clock ~OMd oa WeOr?1f17 WHEREVER you may be- if you're in California, the chances are you're near a Bank of America branch. For Bank of America's unique system of statewide operation has brought complete banking service to almost every city and town in the state. 1Suuk nf Amtrlrn NATIONAL I!~YN•~; ASSOCIATION •tllll• r1DtlAl ll"Ollf t•lllUCI 51UllAIUI• Ml•lll l l•C .... L lllllfl ''''"' ·"' You gel regular raises as a Telephone Operator I Y o u're p~id : whilc yuu kam ; to be a cele-I I pbooe open· t 10f'--4 full sa.l- ary-ud you gee se•eral raiMS the 6nt yea.r alone. Altuwvds .,.,. ... loolo. ,.,,. ...... "' ...,.i.r i-r ~ Work is intu- estiog, pleas· &Dt. And ygy'll like the girl• .)OU work with, chc good ""'"'· im~ iag cooditiOIUI ud chc lrimd- ly atmosphere. A telepboae o6a is • me. place llO 1ll"Oft. -------------------------------------------- Wbar"1 more. roa"!I la••• a --u,. .... .-. A.a.t•_,jalt : often a pod ! alW. widl 9M1 ..Jc I .... : C-lo ___ .ay, I lhrt'• .. , ~ lili1 I lll1pli111 -- • Good ,., wtaile JOG mm • Good wodcia1 a.dicier • lteplar,... • V..00. ..... ..., •A.._.,,...- ~ --------------• ----------------- '"''It S..tlltn C .. lft~• Tll.,ho11 Co•pny __,_ - aoa•+••• CAJDOmfl&. 'lm.a'llOD OOllP4lf'I' -o.11 Gllll --·-... ,, - •• • ... I • t • le 0 , .......... .. .... Services Friday For Bessie Colby Hold Coroatloll VOTSllS: • B Keep -~ • TAXES -all Oft S.llday Vote -• 1111 OH! mto ~ (Con-frcm Pap 1) 11a7, Sept. la. ED ALLEN. tume competition, in which oJl cont<Stanta will vie for the hon-Drtno CllrdUD,y-8pore • ....,._ on far belt ro&tume or belt bran!. for which prizes will br awardod. From s p.m. to midnleht the Pirate Queen Coronation ball will be held in the Rendezvous Ball- room. This is the biggest affair or all And at 10 p.m. th...., will be a big surprise in which many people are expected to brnefit. The surprise wUI be made known at that time. Cementaad~ C-tndor PLAT WOU ~ l'001fD.&._TIOl!fS ............. Barbor 257t-W OW'* .-.Im: ... b.a'f'9 ... ~ ROOFS APPLmD oa JUCP••m Free --.. lnopo<1lm W. I. Bm'- 3802 Yarcuo Ph. Hbr. 1012-J HOW IS YOlJI~ INSURA~(E? DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH OllAllGI OJlll -People - Proud of Their Clothes Smart ,.,.. people ...,.. towa Ila.,. 1-.11 1 I .._ t. _. ..... keep tWr pod .....,.... kllCW. 0... Upien 411' dn•tas pookmp .-nt, .-oo1or, -vwr lite a1 J'O'll' CllotMe? ... ale·r • too •.. A.lao, m.111re ..._t ,.,...,..t.e..,. de1nell ta tile ltltlne. Newport Cleaners UU ~ ~ Newport --161H RE-ORGANIZATION e S-A-L-E e Mn. Beule T. Colby, 68, died suddenly at her home, 911 South ;:.-:_-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,-:,=--------- Bay Front, Balboa Wand and services will be held Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Oiurch of the Re- cessional, ,Forest Lawn, Glendale with entombment in the maus- Entire Stock ot H. R. TROTI leweby Store 424 NOBTJ.l SYCAllOKE, Conler Fifth, SANTA ANA WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTBACTOB Residential and Commercial Building TOBE SOLD AT oleum. Jlaltz Mortuary of Corona ---.· -·-·-N d M -" ·---· -rt- 25°10 TO 50°10 SAVINGS el ar in 1.~uarge. BMooa UM-W VoMa II She had been a local resident I '-------------------___J for 16 yean and ls survived by -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; her husband, Frank K. Colby of r Men's Metal Watch $195 Bands Ladloa' ~ Men'll 8t«llllg Slmr IDENID1CATION $1)95 the home address; one son, Dr, Albert D. Colby of Los Angeles, and one grandson. Watch the Class1lled columns. P(.UIC()Qd VENETIAN BLINDS WOOD • STEEL • ALUMINUM 814 Coast Blgbway Phone Beacon ?881.J ' BRING YOUR RADIO TO US One Da.y -We'll Repair It and You Can Have It the Nert. Factory Part.a. "'ork Guaranteed.. Fa.atory TralDed Erperta. Radio SOS Electric IL.\.ROLD L ~f , Pbone ,80 SOO Marine A..,., Bol-hlaM PIRATE DAYS September 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Tell Your Friends to Meet You at the CASINO CAFE and REFRESHMENT LOUNGE LOUIS VERWEY, Proprietor Comer of Main St.. and Central Ave., &!boa Cocktails A GOOD PLACE TO ENJOY YOURSELF Photo-Craft Studio Just Opened iil Costa Mesa Special for 1 Week: One 8x10 Oiled Portrait AB80UJ'J'l'.LY ng Wltll l'.lldl Oraer PORTRAITS WEDDINGS BANQUETS l'laoqraplay Day or Mpt By AppN-tr r•t Baby Picturee a Specialty Ba 7 Photo-Craft Studio Illll Newpmt 11m1. 01.n ... ....... ... ....... , .. • BRACELETS ......... . .-J eate For Delicious STEAKS BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER -on- Balboa Island ...... ,. ... LiUWE SELECTION $39.50 to $1000.00 Wedding Ring Sets at SPECIAL Discount rb!ii= 9_5~ Cigarette g·c sterl. snv. Lighters $4.95 val. Replar 85c (Jp .. ·-, .... Ladies' and Men's + Wrist Watches + --Big Savings -- • Pan Sea e Co.atume ~lry e Men'• Tie S.-ta e "°'~ e Loelr:f'b e Cb-.rm. e Ll&bkn e Cot\tune ala.p e N.elLIMM e r.antqw • Pl«•re Fn.mot • c-pm.et. e Cru.f'lfl.:I: e ll'allet1 S: BINSTOCK '~:~~r ~ Block from Ferry 113Yz Agate We ~ &M 'l'lab& $0 ltllllt ....tltr--All .n&dm MT. an FM.. Tiu 1..i.-. I CLARK and BATES( now Open For Business <: -look for the copper door on 30th street - METALLIZING - - • Industrial Tanks, Keels, Rudders, . Shafts, Refrigeration Trays, etc. • Ornamental Art Objects, Doors, Signs, Hardware, etc. WELDING - • All Types • Specialists in steei Cast Iron, Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. · -All Work Guaranteed- 506 30tll Sbeet Newpo; t Bea1:ll .............. 2509 ' f' I • • • : .. • • ~· , • •g _.. °n?, + 7 • n !sf ti ,, D II., UM -ID -pallllan, wl--to bo levlecl by -'J1» Met--9 al -<JV al Newpwt -pr-In -OomtJ' al -with -·-b -al Mid Coant)<, canbn!a; '70 dQI ofter the dfectlw -al ropollWI Water District ol Soutl>-Beoab, M aid pr--at ~State al Calltanla, -Omtnl A-Mid pliDt al ID-tbenoo South 39• 48' EMt U.. aaJd ---tine aa1d pet!-em C&Jlfomii; (2) Tbe --te forth and -ID a r-tlua aa1d --p1111d and~ ""-a)lo 11e1ns ID t11o -the Nici on11naey bi1b --·a 'P'4 '· lfO'l'ICll t1on. at wblch olectlcn the propuol-amount lo be ao raJoed by IUCb and on1er 9'aN-nc aldd ire-by the Board al &46 •-•al tbe q pro..,. .. llcm al the ,_1y -al 33U7 feet lo a point. N<YnCE AND PROCLAMA-t1on ot 1UCb aannatlon al aa1d 1j>OC1a1 tun sba11 be ~; clDcta . as eloetlon precincts In the Counly W Orance. State al Call-line ot the Coant)' Hlsh'n7. 110 wb1cb ia the most westerly cm nor TION OF THE CALLING AND part al aaJd --ate aru to (3) 'lbe number of yoan prdCril>-Count)' of <>ranee. State al Call-fornla, the 8th day at Jan11U7. ftet In w14t11. u --In the of a parcel al land -ID BOLDING OF A SPECIAL COUtaJ Municipal Water D1atr1et. ed for ralsln& llUCh °"'""'te aum fomla. whld1 aa1d onler WU _. 19t6, and la -forth In Book 4', petition for puNlc ldpway, New-Deed to the 017 of Newport -~·-Girts . O•tnfiil Field • BeadlSwlmlleet ELECnON IN 'IHA T PART OF subject to the terma and cmdl-sba11 be twenty yeara, ccwnmentl-ed and adoptecl by the Board of P"&O 473, et aeq., of the Sloper• ~ llwh !!GM. and recorded In Beach. aa1d Deed boinc recorded N°"4>ort Harbor's two swim THE CORPORATE AREA OF tlonl IO fixed by the Board al DI-Ing with the fiscal year 19f7-l.9'8; Supenlaon al the County al vbon' Minute Book at aa1d Book 2:50, pa&e 73, lk<mda of aa1d In Book 249, pa&e m al Offlc:la1 queens, Sarah Belt and Joan 1-. "THE CITY OF NEWPORT rectors of aa!d Coastal Municipal (4) SubaWltlally equal annual Oranp, State al Califomla. the County. 0rance County; RecO<ds ot aald County; pn>\1ed to be the rnaimta)'s ot a BEACH NOT NOW INCLUDED Water Dbtrlet and subject to the levies will bo made for the pur-8th day ot January, l9f6, and II Tbe po11inc place for this Pre-thence ~ along the aa1d thence North 23• 57' 30• East victorious Loo Angeles Athletlc WITHIN THE CORPORATE term! and conditions '° fixed by poae of raising said sum ovtt the aet forth In Book 44._ pag.e 473, et elnt i. Stanley's Real Estate Of-ooutberly proloncatlon al the east-along the northwesterly line of Oub junior swimming team lut AREA OF COASTAL. MUNICI-the Board of Dlttcton of The period so prescribed: -. .• ol the Supermon Minute fiee, 617 Coast Highway, Corona erly line and the eutttly line of said parcel al land a dlsa-o1 Saturday at Long Beach when the PAL WATER DISTRICT ON Metropolitan Water Dbtrlet or (d) That as prescribed by the Book or aald COWlty. del Mar, California. said County H ighway, and u aald 317.57 feet· two local lasses reOOrded three TUESDAY, THE lOTH DAY OF Southern California, should be Board of Directors of said The The polling place for this pre. The election officers for thl& County Highway is shown on Tract thence ~th 71• 54, East along wins, t\\·o meet records and a win· SEPTEMBER. 1946. ~.OR TIIE submitted to the vote of the elec-Metropolitan Water District of cl.net is the Fire Station at 2817 Precinct and their addresses and No. '¥1, Boulevard Addition to the northerly line of · said parcel ning relay stint. 1 PURPOSE OF SUBMI l I lNG TO tors in said part of said corporate Southern California by its afore-_West Central Avenue, Newport the offices to be held by each are: Ne\\,,ort ffei.iJht:s, bein& part of of land a distance of 29().24 feet; Sarah, senior at Harbor high THE ~UALIFIED ELE~~ area; and, said resolution and order passed Beach, California.. Ins t . F D Benedict 427 Lot 169, Block 2, ll"\ine Subdivi-school and the daughter of Mr. and OF THAT PART OF nIE \VHEREAS said election was and adopted the 12th day of July, The election officers for this N~~: ... ayCoro. na de! 'Mar sion, as recorded in Misce. llaneous thence continuing along the ~trs. A. L Bes_ I of_ Conora del Alar, • PORATE AREA OF TIIE CITY ' r ch cu.~...... • 26 northerly line of said parcel of hi h f th t 1 NEWPORT BEACH NCYr called and ordered to be held at 1946, in the event o su annexa-precinct and their addresses and California. ltfaps, Book 9, page • records ol land South 85• 43, East a distance "'M . g point wanner o e mee OF THE and within said part of the cor-tion to said C.OUtal Municipal the office to be held by each are: Judge: Harriett c. Ruggles, 504 said County, to an intersection of l,37S.l6. feet to the northeast and "'as ~"·~ed. a gold ~phy 'NO\V INCLUD~ \~OAST-porate area of the Qty of Ney,·. \Valer Distr~ct of the corporate Inspector: Mrs. Arline C. Jasper, Goldenrod. Corona del ?ttar, Y.ith the center line of the Old corner of said parcel of land; for her Victorious efforts tn the ~~~'gPAL ~ATER DIS-port Beach not now included with-area of the Oty of Ne\\i)Ort Beach 106-24th Street, Newport Calif . County Road, as shown on Tract t 50-meter freestyle. 100-mcter back· TRICT TiiE PROPOSmON OF in the corporate 8:1'ea. of Coastal not now ~uded within uJd Beach, California. Oerk: ~.!'ces D . Graham, 510 No. Tl, :Boule\"ard Addition to thence South along the east line s~·roke and anchor lap on the \\in. ANNEXING SAID PART OF ~funicipal Water I>Uitrict on Tues-Coastal Muruopal W:ater District, Judge: Lucille Deitrich, 51g_ Acacia. Corona det Mar, Call-Ne\\'IJOl'l Heights, being part of and the southerly prolongation n1ng relay te~ CORPORATE AREA TO day, the 10th day of September, pursuant to said petition for such 35th Street, Newport Beach. fornia. Lot 169, Block 2. Irvine Subdi-thereof of said parcel of land a Sarah established two meet r-ec- SAID WATER 1946, by Ordinance No. 6 passed annexation so filed on May 2, Ca.llforni Clerk: Essie D. Kyte, 312 Qr. \ision, as recorded In ~lisce:llan· distance of 567.01 feet to an inter-ords for the 50 and . 100 meter COASTAL ?t~il,-TcrAL TO THE and adopted by said Board of Di-1946, \\ith said Secretary of said Clerk: Elsi:· G. Newland, ~D chid. Corona del Mar, Cali-eous Maps, Book 9, page 26, rec--section with a line 200 feet north-events at the meet, whi?' 'f"3S con-DISTRI~ CONDITIONS FIX· r ectors of Coastal ?t1unicipa} Wa-Coastal ?tiunicipal \Valer Distrtcl Coast Boulevard, Newport f m1 ords of said County; erly of and parallel with the afore-ducted under the auspices of the TERMS THE BOA.Rn OF Om.EC-ter District, and there was also and subject to the _tenns and con· Be ch California. 0 a. \thence North 56 .. 59' East aJong said bulkhead line extending from Southern Pacific.A.s:soc::iation of the ED BY MU-included in said Ordinance pro-ditions fixed by S&Jd Board of Di-Oer:: Ru M Gerrish 201 The compensation for each elec-ttie said center line of the Old U. S . Bulkhead Station No. 151 Am:9-teur Athletic Uruon. Qnn-TO~AOLF SWAIDATECOR ~FsTRICT visions ror the holding of said elec-recton of said The Metropolitan 29th Str~l. Newport Beach, tion officer so serving will be the :t.t Road 783 9'l f t . to u . s. Bulkhead Station No. 152; petitors "'ere entered from cluba NI THE TERMS tion, establishin&: consolidated Water District of Southern Call· Calif . sunl of $8.00. y • · ee ' thence due east along a line, from various So. California cities. AND SCUBJEONDg;~S FIXED BY election precincts, designating the fornia by said resolution and order. CO~~·-MUNICIPAL \VA· Sectlon 5: The said polling ence North 70• 6' Eaat 496.06 which line is 200 feet northerly Joan Dodd, sophomore at flar. ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS polling places, appointing the said The 1'fetropolitan Water Dis· TER DISTRlCT -NE\VPORT places have been established as f ' along the said center line of of and parallel with the afcresald bor high school and daughter of ,.1.~ UTAN WA· Boards of Election, fixing com· trlct of Southern California will AREA SPECIAL ELEC-the polling: places where the polls the Old County Road; bulkhead line extending from U.S. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Dodd of Bal· OTEF R ~~001;,? SOUTI-1.ER.1'1 pensation of election off,cers and provide a feeder pipe line from the BEACH NSOUDATED PRE· will be open on the day of said thence North 35• 18' East 440.43 Bulkhead Station No. 151 to U. S. boa Island, also set a new meet ORNIA DES CR 1 B 1 NG providing for the counting and point where the Orange County TION CO 2 shall consist of a E4ection from the ho~ of 7:00 feet along the center line of the Bulkhead Station No. 152 a dis· record when ~he S\\'am to victory CALIFCONSO.UDATED ELEC-canvassing of ballots and the tak· feede r extens.ion line of said last CINCT N.O. of Precincts 3, 8 and o'clock A. M., on said day, to 7:00 Old County Road; tance of 1.287.29 feet to a point; in the \()().meter freestyle. THE crs AND TIIE ing of all steps necessary to com-named District crosses Newport consolidationty of NewPort Beach, o·clock P. M. on said day, when thence North 12° 30' West 521.66 thence due north a distance of Both Joan and Sarah performf'd TIPOOLLINN PGRECINPLACES nIEREIN plete said annexation; now, there-Avenu~, in .the vicinity of Costa 11 of the Ci nets are set forth and the polls will be closed, except as feet along the said center line of 300 feet lo a point; exhibition S\\'imm.ing at the Aqua E BL IS HED FOR SAID fore, Mesa m S8ld County of Orange, ~s sa~~~ a r esolution and order provided by Section 5734 of the the Old County Road, to an inter-thence due east a distance of Ballet held in the Los An&e1"9 ELES TCTIA ON, ST AT 1 NG THE NOTICE AND PROCLMfA· theri:ce south~esterty to the inter-escri. . said Precincts as Elections Code of the State of section with the center line of 250 feet to a point; Coliseum Wednesday and Thurs- t f aid Newport Avenue esta~hshing California. Westminster Avenue, as shown on thence due south a distance of day evening of this week . N • .. ~. OF THE MEMBERS OF TION are hereby made and given se_c ion ° s . election precincts in the County c---tJ·on 6·. The appropn"ate name ~U,L.i;) th 'J\\• ty third Street in the ~ a map of FiMt Addition to New-· THE BOARDS OF ELECTION by the Board of Directors of ":. 't efn ru.'d Costa Mesa. and of Orang. e, State of California, and words of identification given port Heights. as r~-•-• i·n Book 300 !eet to a pomt; ells ol •=n FOR SUCH POLLING P LACES Coastal Municipal W_ater _Distric_t vic_ini Y 0 s . hlch d order was ........... ~ and ...... ,,.l\M."U thence due east a lance .,..,,.., d Th M tropol1tan Water Dis-v.• saJ ~ said part of said corporate area of Miscellaneous r.tap 4, page 94, TIDE TABLES AND THE COMPENSATION OF that, in accordance \\'1th S8ld Ordi· 58;! e e adopted by the Board of Super-by the Board of Directors of feet to a point; . SAID ELECTION OFFICERS nances No. 5 and No. 6, passed tr1ct of Southern California, in the vi f the County of Orange, Coastal Munlc1"pal Water DIS. ~ct records of said County; thence easterly in a direct line d t f uch annexation, will pro-sors 0 . ... 1 thence North 39° 50' Ea.st along 75 f p t t boun AND STATING THE PROCED-and adopted by said Board at sai e~~n tf: s ary shut-off valves, State of California, the 8th day of for the purpose of Identifying said the center line of said Westminster to Station No. o a en -F URE i'OR CANVASSING THE meeting held the 26th day of July, Vlchek ealneces~eter and vaults to January, 1946, aiid is set forth in part of said corporate area for said Avenue 707.03 feet to a point of daries of the Rancho San Joaquin, B ALLOTS CAST AT SAID 1946: ee v ve, Book 44 ~•e 473 et seq of the I · · "Th t p t r th Co as ~· map recorded in Book 1, s SEPTEMBER, High Low 6 7:27 12 :36 3.9 0.5 bl t to be delivered fron1 ' r-e ' ·• e ecuon is a ar 0 e r· lntersection with the cen ter line r--f EL.EcnON Section 1: A special election ha.s e na e wa er Supervisors' Minute Book of said porate Area of the City of New-page 47 of Patent Records o Los . been called and ordered to be held said Orange County feech;r exten-County. port Beach Not Now Included of Fifteenth Street, as shown on Angeles County. California; Su 8 al f 'ed sion line through said feeder pipe g place for •••-Pre-aforesaid map of First Addition to thence southeasterly along said WHEREAS, certain qu i 1 and notice and proclamation there-.d Coastal M · ·pal The pollin uu:i; Within the Corporate Area of N H . his 7 7 :47 1:10 4.1 0.1 8 007 1.40 4.3 --0.2 8 :27 2:08 4.5 --0.3 Bo d line to sa1 unici Ci H II N t ewport e1g ; Rancho boundary line to Station M 9 electors residing within that part of hereby are given by the ar D" . t th · t u cinct is the ty a . ewpor Coastal Municipal Water District", th S th 49• 30• E t 3240 Water 1str1ct a e 1.n ersec on ence ou as , 78 of S&l.d Rancho boundary·, said of the corporate area of the City of Directors of Coastal Municipal d N A with aid Beech, California. and the boundaries of said part of r 1 th t lln f "d . al of sai ewport venue s ff' r thl eet a ong e cen er e o sai Stati·on bem· g South 68' 43• 40" T 10 of Newport Beach not now in· Water District, which speci The election o 1cers or s said corporate area in the County Twenty-third Street, but said The ddr d Fifteenth Street to a point of ln· east 220.55 feet from United States 8 :51 2o35 4.7 --0.4 19'6 High Low 5:50 l%:M 5.1 2.9 8<:13 1%<.0 5.5 2.6 1:10 l :lS 5.8 2.2 1:4' ...... 1:'6 6.0 1.8 8:"5 !<%0 6.0 1.4 eluded wtthln the corporate area election is to be held at and within M 1. W t DI tr! t f Precinct and their a esses an of Orange, State of California, as . 'th th t 1. 1 . r etropo 1tan a er s c o d b ch tersecuon wi e cen er 1ne o Bulkhead Stahon No. 104 in the o1' Coastal Municipal \Veter Dis· that part of the corporate area o 'f . .11 t the offices to be hel Yea are: the same are set forth and describ-h r ... n4-.,.. plaee4 La orcsar of~ f aid Be ch t Southern Cali orn1a wt no pro-H ah M Gillis" 214 Irvine Avenue, as s own on a ore-bulkhead line, as said bulkhead trict, which saJd part o s cor· the City of Newport a no d gu1 "' Uip-Inspeelor: ann . • ed. in said petition praying for said .d f ~-t Addi . N L.tsb.t ftPN9 L a: d.vtl a.ur-P. • porate area lies wholly within the now included within the corporate vi e pressure-re a ... ngth eqt aid 21st Street, Newport Beach, annexation and as set forth and sai map 0 c"::. bon to ew-line and bulkhead stations are laid ----~-------- r Call W ment; that ln the event a s port Heights; out and shown upon the map of County of Orange, State o -area of Coastal Municipal ater f aid City f Callforrtia. described in Ordinance No. 5 pass-So • 30' W al 1 ti aff In ·~-tlu ed Coastal Co r Or S t corporate area. o s o d •--M w--•-2()7 thence ulh 40 est ong Newport Bay, Califomi'a, sho·*..i-.... e ec on or ect anyway ~ f ornia, have pe on District, unty o ange, ta e 1 cl ded Ju ge: .ut:ne . ~. -ed and adopted by the Board of "'"16 tba · · · da lOth. Newport Beach not now n u N rt Be h the said center line of Irvine Ave-Harbor lines, approved by the War legality of any annexation t Munidpal \Vater District prayma: of California, on Tues y, the said Coastal M lcipal w 20th Street, ewpo ac · Directors of Coastal Municipal th 1 1 __ ., be approved -----t. ~-'d . r 'd t f Se be 1946 said t within un a-California. nue and the sou wester Y pro on· Department January 18th, 1917·, •.• _,. UJCI~ oi>&I for the annexina: o SBl par o day of ptem r, , par ~-tr! t ,_ t ann xed to Water District granting the prayer ti r th t lln f Jrvln •--t r aald ~-tr! t •--•-Coastal bet th ler u1a c .. no so e Clerk: Julia Mae Eggert, 1608 ga on ° e cen er e 0 e thence South 45" 45' East 990 .::x:u"t: ary 0 u.. c a ...., aald corporate area to of said corporate area ng e 18.id Coastal Municipal Water Dis· of said petition for annexation and Avenue 2,495 feet, more or less, feet·, authorized and directed to make Munidpal Water District, under area, the boundaries of which are t aid tit! f West Ocean Front, Newport which also constitute the boun-, 1 o1A•--~ •&..-"Municipal Water District set forth and described in said trlct, pursuan to s pe on or Be ch Callrornla. to the northeast corner of Lot 'H , thence South 29 0 {)()' East 330 arrangements or the h ......_.,. - U .l'C' such annexation and subject to a ·' daries of That Part of the Cor~ Tract 919, as recorded In Miscel· feet·, conducting of the lpedal election •ct of 1911", BJ amended, and petition for annexation and ln said ed Oerk: Ubby C. Bolton. ~ t Area of the City of New and aald special el~--~" ~ ,.. aaid terms and conditions so fix pora e -Janeous Marw, Book 29, pages 31 .. . 1::'-'LM.JQ wu..a Wiii' thereby anne:Jdng, including and Ordinance No. 5 granting said ed. a ..... -" or 20th Street, Newport Beach, port Beach Not Now Included r-thence South 64 30' East to an addin&: N.ld part of said corporate petition for said annexation and in by said last meption ~u Caifornia. Within the Corporate Area ot to 34 inclusive, records of said intersection with the southwes~ conducted and the vote thereat area to The Metropolitan Water this Notice and Proclamation. Directors, then ....aidctThoreSouMtehtro-ern COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA· Coastal Municipal Water Diltrict, County, which point is also the ly prolongation of the northwest-counted. posted, received and~ Diatrict ol Southern California, u polilan Water Distrl T southwest comer of the 80 foot erly line of Twenty-Seventh Ave-vuaed, and the results tberecl p-ovtded by the Metropolitan Wa-tio~~;:ie ~t~s:!~~alt:l~; California will not prodvlwllde I any ~CHD=-~PE~C-f:~!:-;~ ~8f:lb ~~e~c:!i strip of the State Highway ri&ht nue, as Twenty-Seventh Avenue is ucertalned, determined and de. ter Diltrlct Act <Statutes 1977, qualified electors residing within auch feeder pipe line an . not NSOLIDATED PRE-a.s follows: of way, as deeded by deed, reooro. shown on a map of Corona del dared in the manner provtded bJ n.17e 694, u amended), which peti· provide any auch shut-off valves, TION CO 3 -•aJJ consist of a ta! al perty ed. in Deed Book 506, page 334, Mar recorded in Miscellaneoua law. -said part of said corporate area, check valve, meter or vaults for CINCT NO. •11 All the cer n re pro ttcords of said County; Ma • Book 3 pages 41 and 42 Section 8: The canvuslng ol the tlon wu filed with the Secretary in accordance with the "Municipal delivering water from said Orana:e consolidation of Precincts 4 and 5 situate In the County of Orange, fence along the State Highway ~rds' of said' County·, ' votes cast at laid apecial electkn of Coutal Municipal Water Dls-Water District Act of 1911", as c feede u f aJd 1 t of the Oty of Newport Beach, u State of California, and more ''""'""' ed trict on the 2nd day of May, lS46; amended, the pro.-ition whether ounty r ne 0 1 a.s said Precincta are set forth and particularly described a.s rollowa, t of way 81 deeded by deed thence northeasterly along the wU1 be made and conduct by the and. that part of ihe ~porate area of mentioned District. described in a resolution and order to-wit: rded in Deed Book 338• page 'atoreaaid southwesterly prolongs-Board ofDlrecton of Coutal Mu-. WHEREAS, the SecretarY of the Qty of Newport Beach ni:>t Section 3: The name "That Part establilhlng said Precincts as Beginning at the point of inter-official records of said Coun-Uon of the northwesterly llne of nlcipal Water District at 8 meet- Coaatal Municipal Water District now included within the corporate of the Corporate Area of the Qty election predncta in the County of section of the northeasterly pro--southeasterly on the arc of 8 Twenly-$eventh Avenue and the tng to be held for that purpo.e on mmpleted his examination of said area of Coastal Municipal Water of Newport Beach Not Now In-Orange, State of Callfomla. whJch longaiton of the southeasterly line cUrve concave to the northeast northwesterly line of Twenty-Sev-Thursday, the l2t.h day ot Sept.em.. petition and attached his certifi· District shall be annexed to Coast-eluded Within the Corporate Area said order was passed and adopted of Summit Street, as said street having 8 radius of 906·33 feet (a nth Avenue and it.I northeaaterly ber, l946, at 8:30 o'clock P . M. cate thereto showing said petition al Municipal Water District and of Coastal Municipal Water Dis-by the Board of Supervisors of the ts laid out and shown on a map radial line at the point of begin· ~rolongation to a point where the (but subject to the prov1liooa ol to be sufficient. and said petition thereby be and become annexed, trlct" has been designated and de-County of 'orange, State of Cali· of the Seuhore Colony Tract. as ning bear~g North 470 33' 25• aforesaid northeasterly prolonga-Section 780l ~f said Electiom wu duly and regularly set for added to and included in The Met-clared by the Board of Directors fornia, the 8th day of January, r ecorded in Map Book 7, page 25, East) a distance of 504.85 feet; tion of the northwestertY line of Code) at the off1ce of Coutal Mu. bearing before the Board of Di-ropolitan Water District ot South· of Coastal Municipal Water Dis· 1946, and is set forth In Book 44, records of Orange County, Cali-lhe_nce continuing along the last Twenty-Seventh Avenue intersects ,nicipal Water District, ln the La- rrctors of said Coastal Municipal ern California, subject to the fol-trict to be the appropriate name page 473, et seq., of the SUper-fornia, with the north bank of the mention~ south~rly line of said the northwesterly prolongation of guna Beach C.ounty Water District Water District at its regular place lowing terms and conditions fixed and y,.•ords of identification by visors' Minute Book of said Santa Ana River; State Highway right of way, tan-the northeasterly line of Corona Building, In the Oty ot I..a.cuna Df meeting on the 26th day of July, by the Board of Directors of said which said part of said corporate County. thence easterly and southeaster-gent South 74• 21' 30" East del Mar, as shown on the above ·Beach, County of Orange, State 1946, at the hour of 8 :30 o'clock Coastal ~funicipal Water District area proposed to be l~;e~~h~ The polling plaee for this Pre-ly along the north bank of said 1,252.22 feet; mentioned map thereof· of California, and lf it is deter· P . M., and said petition was heard and subject to the terms and con-be designated in clnct is the Fire Station at 703 river 5.400 feet, more or less, to an thence continuing along the last th . thea.sterly' along the mined upcn the canvauing of the by said Board of Directo .. at that ditions fixed by the Board of Di· AND PROCLAMATION of the East Bay A\•enue, BaJboa, Cali-intenection with the former south-mentioned right of way line along nort~~':st!~~ prolongation of the vote cast at said election that the time and place and said petition rectors of said The Metropolitan calling and holding ot said ape· fornia. erly line of the California State ~ curve ~ncave to the north hB:V· northeasterly line of Corona del laid pro~tion ~ submitted at wu granted a.s prayed by an or· Water District of Southern Cali-dal election and upon the ballot The election officers (or this Highway having a width of 80 mg a radius of 1,550 feet, a dis-Mar and along the northeasterly said special election to the elec- dlnance of said Board of Directors fomia, \\'hich terms and conditions used at sald~i~l election. There Precinct and their addresses and feel. Sald point of Intersection lance of 379.64 feet; line of Corona del Mar and its tors of That Part of the Corporate then and there passed and adopted, are by said Ordinance No. 5 of also shall printed upon said the offices to be held by each are: bears south 5•55•18• east 1,113.01 thence continuing along the last th t l I g ti to its Area of the City of Newport Beach being Ordinance No. 5 in the r ec-said Board of Directors of Coastal ballot the foUo"·ing: Inspector: Harold c. Ahrendt, feet from .the northwest corner of mentioned ~ight of way line tan· ~~ easti er y ~~o ~~ea C:nt ll Not Now Included Within the ords of said Board of Dir~tors; Municipal \Valer District made the P R 0 P 0 S I T 1 0 N 2050 Ocean Avenue, Balboa, t.he southeast one-quarter ( %. ) of gent South 88° 23' 30• East a dis-1~ e~sec ~n Wl urse of tha~ ~rt;~ Corporate Area of Coastal Mu- and. terms and conditions upon which Shall TllAT PART California. Section 291 Township 6 South, tance of 201.35 feet to a paint in ~y~nw~y~~gcoimmediately south-nlcipal Water District has received WHEREAS. the corporate area said annexation can take place, POOFRATT~E ... <;.~&-A . Judge: John M . ~1. Leonard, 301 Range 10 West. S.B.B. & M.; said ~l:~tha~as~:1fJnt~ o:h~h"c:Fty~~ easte 1 rtyk of co .. ronBauckdelGMUiarl .. com-:;;et~!f~::;:;•~'!s~o~ ~.~Ji::. ot said Coastal 1\-tunicipal \Vater namely: . JC., ~ Alvarado Place, Balboa, Cali· point of Intersection also being 40 mon y nown y - dded OF THE cm • OF fornia. f En · • S Newport Beach by deed recorded h . al th' t then the President and Seaetary District ha.s heretofore been a (a) Thal there shall be levied N E W p 0 R T feet southerly o gtneer s ta-in Deed Book 249, page 423, rec· t cn.ce •i: a gener_ sou wes · of the said Board of Directors of and a.sinexed to and is included in for the fiscal year 1947-1948 by 8 EACH N 0 T Oerk : Mollie Fenelon, 1121 tion 683 + 40.95 on the center line ords of said County; erly dir~tion following along the Coastal Municipal Water District, and is a part of The l\·tc tropolitan the said Coastal ?.1unicipal Water NOW ~cLU D•D Miramar Drive, Balboa, Cali· of said highway; said point also thence South 290 \Vest along the ce.nter lme ~f the water course of upon the completion of the can- Water District of Southern Cali-District sp<>eial ta."<<'5 upon the u:~ .... fornia. being the westerly terntinus of the the afores81d Buck Gully to Its rornl·a and the 1·nclusion and add.i-bl · h. ·d \\' l T n IS Tll_E Ocrk: Dolly R. Spear, 323 Al-ordinary high tide line of the Pa· last mentioned southeasterly line . . .th th din hi h vass &f the result of the vote at taxa e propt-rty \\'It in 5a1 cor-C 0 R p 0 R . .\TE and the south"'esterly prolonga-ii:ters~tion Wl e. ~r ary g said election by said Board of DI· tlon of that part of the corporate poratc area of the Ci ty ot Newpor t varado Place, Balboa, Cali-cific Ocean In Newport Bay and • th f d' f tide line of the Pacific Ocean; . . area of the City of Newport Beach hereinaftC"r described and AREA OF COAST-fornia. designated ''North Llne" and north tion . ereo a 1stanee o 970.81 th S th 20• W t thr (3) rectors, will certify that fact to Beach not no"' included \vithin the "'hich is not now a part of Coastal AL l\fU!'lll,Cll"AL J COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA· bank of the Santa Ana River, as feet to an intersection with a line ·1 en.eel ~ p ·1· e~ eeto the Secretary of State and to the -rpora'te area of Coastal }.ottmi-"-! · · 1 w D" · I ddi \\" AT E R D I S • TER DISTIUCT _ ·~·~RT established by a decree in Court 350 feet northeasterly of and mi. es. in ° e aci .1c cean 8 County Recorder of the County of ...., , .. urucipa ater istrict , n a · TRJCT k annf'~ed ~~ , .. .;.n ·rv parallel with the bulkhead extend-point, Orange, Stale of California, and dpal Water District to the cor-lion to the taxes C"lMwhere In the 10 C•••tal M· u-'cl· BEACH AREA SPECIAL ELEC-Case No. 23686 of the Superior ing from U. S. Bulkhead Station . thence northwesterly along_ a will promptly do all acts and take porate area of said Coastal 1'tu-"l\tunicipal \\'ater District Act of -..... __ __ TION CONSOLIDATED PRE· Court in and for Orange County, l all I to and three (3) miles nicipal \\rat('r District \\'ill thert'.'by 1911", as amended, authorized to pal \\'atf'r Olat:rict.. CINCT NO. 4 sha11 consist of a California, a certilied copy of No. 170 to U.S. Bulkhead Station ~~e par f-e th ordin h' h all procec..-dings required by law to ipnC'x and add that part of said be h:·\·icd by Coastal 1t1unicipal •ub~t to the NO consolidation of Precincts 6, 10 \\'hich decree "'85 recorded Sctr No. 175, as said bulkhead line .ista~t ram e . ary ig complete such annexation and to d>rporate area to The l\1etropoli· \\'atC'r District a nd the aggregate t.-rnu and condJ· 1 and 12 of the City of Newport tember 19th. 1928 in Book 201, and bulkhead stations are laid out ud.e hne ~~ :te P.a~~ ~an to~ render such annexation fully effec .. tan \\'ater District of Southern amount to be so r aised by such tion.1 fixed by tbe Beach. as said Pr<'Cincts are set page 253. Qffidal Records of and shown upon a map of Newport point, \V · ic poin is e. mos live for all purposes. Call'forn1·a ·, and, Board of Dirttton forth and descri·bed 1·0 a r-•lu-Orange County, California·, Bay, California, sho,ving harbor 5?utherly corner of the City .of 1 o ·ated this 26th day of July, special taxes sh11.ll be Sl t .589.35: of said District .. .-. lines, approved by the War De-Ne,vport Beach, a.s th~ exterior 1946. ~i::::1!f;_~e t~l~tr~;i~~f \~~: ~% ~atDi~~~::cr~~ai~y ~~ and !lubjN't to t.b~ ~;cl ~~t~ :d~~ec~~~b~:~~;c~a:~ lh:::a81~! S::~e;otr~o~;~k~! partrnent January 18th, 1917, and bounda~y of th~ Cit}: of N~\\'port THE BOARD O F DIRECTORS ter District o( South£'rn California. 1\fetropolitan \\latrr District of Crrm.., and cond.I· the County of Orange. State of (ollov.ing courws and distances: on file in the office of the U. S. ~ach is described in. Ord1nanc_c OF COASTAL MUNICIPAL by re~olution and ordC'r duly p.ass-Southern California by its afore· lion~ ft~t-d by the California, v.hich said order "1as South 00• 19' 50"' East 577.07 feeL District Engineer, Los Angeles, No. 1 ad~pted by t~e City Council WATER DISTRICT, ed and adopted on Ju.ly 12. 19-16. said r esolution and order passed Boa.rd of ()lrecton pasS{'d and adopted by the Board South 66• 44 ' 18 .. East 584.64 feet. California; of the City of Ne\\port Beach on By E. l-1. BEAVER, a ccrtifit.~ copy thereof having of Thtt ~l f'tropoU· of Supervisors of the County of South ss• 28" 28• East 1,085.28 thence southeasterly along a the 11th day of Septem ber, 1906; Secrt'tary of Said Coastal ~-n f"1led "1.th the Board of Di· and adopted on the 12th day of ta.a \\'atf'r Obtrtct Ora nge, Stale of Cal"orru·a. the line, which line is 350 feet north-thence north~esterly parallel to Municipal Water Distriet. Ut:O;;'. Jul)'. 1946. such annexation to said u feet. and three (3) miles from the shore rectors of Coastal ~tunicipal \\i"a · Coastal l\Junicipal \Vater District or Southrm Call· 8th day of J anuary, 1946, and is South 74 • 17' u · East 881.85 feet. easterly of and parallel with the . . . (Seal ) ter District prior to the granting of said corporate area of said Cit'-' fora.la! set forth in Book 44, page 473, et South 37• 15' 30· East 21535 feet. aforesaid bulkhead line extending of t~e Pac:ific Ocean to an inter-Attest: by •·'d last mentioned Board of " F h f S ' Mi South 73• 34· 20· ~--t· ·1,099.·50 ,bet\\•een Bulkhead Stations Nos. section ':"1th the IOUthwesterly E. H. BEAVER, -.... of Ne"1>0rt 8':-ach, dC"'Scribcd in Section 4 : or l e purpose 0 seq .. of the upcn,.isors ·nute f .<;;,a.It 170 and 175 a distance of 1 WV\ prolongation of the southeasterly Seer t r S 'd Coastal aaid petition for annexation, has said petition and which is not OO\\" holding and conducting saJd ape-Book of said County. eet. • ;<J\JV 1' f th afr 'd S . e ary o ai conse nt{'(f to said annexation and included within said Coastal !\lu-cial election. said part of said cor· The polling place for this Pre-South M• Z1' East 168.41 feet. feet to a point, which bears South ine 0 e oesai ummit Municipal Water District. bas ruted. declared. SC't forth and rticipal \Veter District, shall be porate area. to \\it, That Pa.rt of cinct ls the Fire Station at 327 South 88• 46' s.t• East 491.03 feet,,_ 29° West 3.50 feet from U.S. Bulk· Street; Pub.: Aug. 15, 22, 29 and 8ept. 5, determined the tenllS and condi-completed. and all neces.san· cer-the Corporate Area of ~ Cty of rtlarine A\o·enue, Balboa Wand. North &<1• 54• 01'" East 546.15 feet; head Station No. 130, as said sta-thence northeasterly along the Uons upon which that part of the tificates. a!fida\'its, statem<'nts Newport Beach Not Now Included Callfornia. to a point in the westerly line of tioo is laid out and shown upon southwesterly prolongation of the CE A~1':;,i't9:u~Er:?::n B:faS~Ess corporate area of the Oty of New-and maps required to be filed to \Vithin the Corporate Area of The election officers for this Central Avenue, 60 feet in ";dtb. .aaid map of, Newport Bay showing southeasterly line, the southeast· Tbe uaden111oea do bereb,. oertltJ' port Beach not now included with-complete such annexation a nd to Coastal Municipal Wattt Diltrict, J>rtdnct and their addresses and which point is North 47• 47• 55• harbor lines; erly line and the northeasterly Ulf they an cond1.u:Un,g a water .otl- tn the corporate area of Coastal N'nder such annexa tion fully effcc-"ill be and constitute five special the offices to be held by each a.re: West a distance of 3 509 34 feet thence North 75' U' 44• East prolongation or the southeasterly ~r:ft. ~G'1~t ~~ ~bu~ llunidpal \\'ater District may be tlvt> for all purpos.cs, shall be filed election precincts, which said spe-Inspector: Hugh B. Springer, 212 trom the common co~ ·of Sec-l.40L60 feet to a point. which line of the aforesaid Swnmit S treet ~~ O~~k>~t&tfi,; ~~ ~ tncluded in and annexed and added in the respective offices required cial eltttim pred.ncta have been Pearl Street, Balboa hland. tions Z7, 28,. 33 and 34, Township t;leen South 35• 28' 18" West to the point of beginning. floma Sott Water aeme. .... that. to Coastal Municipal \Vater Dis-by law. on or before October l , desiil\aled and establlsbed as the California. 6 South, Range 10 Wes·t. S.BA l'"-43 feet from U. S. Bulkhead Section 7 : 'The Secretary of :'!,~~ :b:n~ot.:;ir !~ trlct and thereby included in and 1946; voting pttcincts In said part of Ju<lge : B<ttye A-Fink, 203 Dia-jl M.; i;: No. 135, u aald Bulkhead Coastal Municipal Water Dbtrlet ..,. u tollowo, to "'" annexed and added to and become Cc) That, as prescribed by the said corporate area for the pur· mond Avenue, Balboa Island. thence North 18'" 37' 40· East t&tion ia ahown upon a map en-ls authorized and directed by the i.!J:riz ~~~ 1'14 Vfrlr1.ala A ..... a pllt of The Metropolitan Water Bo4rd of Dil::ecton or said The pme of holding and conducting California. along the l&ld westerly line of .Ued "Barbor Unea, Newpuct Bay Board of DirecUrl of Coutal Mu-Pat llraA.lo, Rt. 1. Ba aia, 'cM••• DLttrict of Soiathe rn California; Metropolitan Water District of aald spedal annexation election. O.erk: Doril M. Powen, 319 Ce.ntral Avenue., 278.70 feet. more • California", approved by nlcipal .water District to mall to ~our Ju.ad.a Wa -.U. .., ~ ud. Southern Cali!ornJa by its afor('oo. Each of said special election pre-Diamond Avenue, Ba 1 boa or le.a. to an lntttsection with the ~War Department May 2nd, each recl.stered elector fn aaid Auawit, 1'". WHEREAS, aald Board ol DI-said "'90iutlon and order passed elnctl shall be known .a Coastal Island, California. westerly proloncatlon of that oor-ii:'i and on Ille In the olflc:e of That Part of the Corporate Atta . ~lJm.BONKICLt.. • rectnn of Coastal Munldpal Wa-and adopted the 12th day of Ju!y, Municipal Water District-New-Oerk: Kate MeCann, 200 Emer-ta1n courae m the United States U. S . Dbtrlct En&lneer. Loo of the pty o! New~· Beach Not = otOt""!Wlnla. ta' Diatrlet. by aald Ordinance 1946: (1) n...... sball be levied by ~ llNdl Atta Special Election aid A'·enue, Balboa Island. Bu1ltbea4 Lino eztmdlnc from .,..!es, California; Now Included Within the Corpe>-o. r.,: .~ ~ No. 5, fixed the terms and ooodl-the aa1d The Metropolitan Water Comolldated Precinct and sball be Callfomla. Statlona U. S. 217 to U. S. 128, u thence Soath TI• 54' -EiS\ rate Atta of Coastal Municipal !°:' bet~ -. .._ W. -·~ -upon which aa1d annexation Diatrlet or Southern California numbered conaecutlvely from 1 to COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA· aa1d 8""""' Line II ahown upon a 1.01000 feet to &'! ansJe point In Water District a aample al tlM -:,."':.Z.. ~ ~':..~~ ~ occur and declared and or-special taxes upon taxable -5, lncluslw, and the ,,._ and TER DISTRICT -NEWPORT map entitled ''llarbor Unea, New-~ m4lnary bl&h tide 11i1e al the ballot lo bo llled In aa1d _.ial :......-~ "i:'"'}.." - -that an election be called by ertY Within said corpora!A! area of territory canstltvtlng each of aald BEACH AREA SPECIAL Et.EC ~Bay Harbor" approved by the Padflc Ocean In Newport Bay, eleetlon and sball _..._ lil the --to -.. 'f.~b-';:: 8ld Board ot DlftCton and held said Cty ol N-' s..ch de-pndncta sball bo aa follawa: TION CONSOLIDATED PR&-War ~t MAY 2nd, 1936, ~ -N""""I by Decree In Court envelope al each al aa1d aamiM = -.,. lo ... wltl>ln that part al the CUI-ate scribed In aald petition and ao an-COASTAL MUNICIPAL WA-CINCT NO. 5 sba11 oumiat of a and en Ille In the ollloe al tbe ~ No. 3talll al -Superior ballots a card lt&tinc the loc:a-1o.,.-::::-.. '££~~ -al the Oty of Newpuot Beach nexed to aa1d Coastal Municipal TER DISTJtlCT -NEWPORT conaolldatlon of Pt<dncta 7 and U U. S. Dllblet .,,,.,._., Loo An, ~ ID and fnr 0notse County, tlon al the prednct polUnc p1w "" .:":::. ud' I ""'9-~ mot -....._ wttltln tlw ....,. Wa..,. Dll1lltt. In addition lo the BEACH AREA SPECIAL D,ln of the 017 ol 1'awpcat Beacb. M plea, cautanda; 1 '.f:~onda, a oatlflotl c:q,y al of ndl eleetcJr. pravltled, -.,.,, =i.'.i•"!Fm.•-~ parate area al OoMtal MUlllclpal tun.-,..., In the 11<"->ll-TION CONSOLIDATED PRE-aald ~ are •t forth -tbenoo Saatb 11" 00' ~ U..1 T~ -ee -rw6ed Sop that -falltrft on the imt al an " •M Water Diab~ belnc that part al WI Water Dlatrlct Act {Stats. CINCT NO. 1 mall c:omlst al a -In a_1_wul'f..lk!D and --Uld -tab' pr•.._llcm al. 19, 19211, In Book IJl9, -elOctor lo recel_,, IUab aroipe bal-, ~~· 'lo*iijf:"u ...,. cmpaaa D'ft aot fctrtb -1927. p. 994, u ..,..,4,ll autlmr-(!•-tloa al Pltducta 1, 2 eot•-lllc -Pt....,..• eiao. -bulttoed -to an m-1 :fl5, OllldaJ ~ al ~ lot ar....,. ll!d l!Clt----., -· ""~. C:. t. • 0 AWlllGS • All Sizes ~to-Order .__able Prices • Increase the value as well as the looks of your property -NOTICE - We aloo have r. wide selflctlon of TRAILER CANOPIES :-FR EE ESTIMA T E ON ANY JOB• DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates (In the Miracle Mlle) Stewart -Warner Dis Panel Available Chrome Now • 1n Flexible Shafts Engine Drive .Joints ETS · HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 I 9 2 0 -1000 ~ Jliway Phone Beaoon 5407 Al9o la 8aD Fnndooo-\\11mlncton-Stoek1on-S... J>lop-Oakland ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Fire Equipment for FACIOBY, PLANT, STOBI:, OFFICE. FARM, ROlllE • WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Phone ee.-11414 ttt • lloodqs ud apaee ........... far Sor.ta for a.le • Paddle Bor.rcll for Bal by the WMll or moa&IL Does Your House Need Palllting? tl 1 Owwl ud operated by World War D Veller= Ht! 'NC yoar piii" -zm1podwtll11114 ~ tl ll'ar .._Im!' ... Phone ilARBOR 2645 Bea• 8lld Holmu • r a fe l flf 3 , • JW --~ QIJJD& • M lltlllDfm OOllM ;::.::::~CLARK==.:.._;;~A,...:..BA,,.-TE~ES~:---•I • llAJ.a -.1,AM-a llOA'lil. llOrl'UD II 1rt11110AL a •·•-11 Metallizing Welding Sped&listl 506 30th St.-Harbor 2509 N.wport Beach 69-9tc SPECIAL NOTICES- Housewtver, Hold the Line ag&Uu:t inflation; V<Yn: NO on increased TAXES Tuesday, Sept, 10. Ray Allen. SS-1 tc CORSON & RAY Building Contractors Phone Harbor 2447·R Phone Harbor 1520-W 69-ltc FOR SALE MOTORS -GENERATOR:; LIGHT PLANTS The P. A F. Light Plant Sales & Service Storeys Batte.ry Service Westmlnlter Ave. (Between 18th and Magnolia Phone Beacon 5183, ea.ta Mes.a SS.ltc Cqncrete Products FOR SALE-A ~ oaJIJnc dlnk, BABY~ -WAITRESS WANTED Div. ot F-Sand A Gravel Oo. """ month old. 226 Via Udo only $485. 'Ibis la a -t bar-Jib. Fllllerton 28S-W Nord. Phone H-1194-J. pin. Danz.Schmidt P1uo Co., $37..SO Per Week and _Meoll Good Hours Also FRY COOK I 1015 s. Spadra 63-ttc Santa Ana. 55-tfc Bulldb>li tie, bulldlnc bridls, face NEW SPEED BbAT VENTNOR. ANOTHER maplncent Stein...,. bricks, P.Otlo tile in oolon. Seo our 1946. PERFECT OONDITION, Modi.um s!Je. Boeutltul mahoc~ c1Jspl1y. 62-lltt FULLY EQUIPPED, CANVAS \lily cex. 'Ibo piano ot tbe COVERS, E'l'C., PRICE $2.250. Maston. Danz.sdmtldt Piano P A I N T I N G ----See--· BLINDS-Aluminum. PHONE HARBOR 520. 69-4tc Co., 520 N. Main, Santa Ana. 12 Yu.rt ServlC<! In Ne.._i MR. EARLY (momlnp only) lteol, Clll ,. for !Ne ..u. ·roR SALE-1 C.D. No. 4. excel-55-tfc a.bor Arft King , _ _.,__ mate. R<novatlon A _roflnlahln& Jent condition, new paint. rea-WORLD f""'!"'" Spinet type Harry Hall ....._ So. t Venetl&n Bllarl Co, sonable. 66 Beacon Bay, New-milTor piano. Repoaeaed. N- PAINTING CONTRACTOR Newport Beach w .. t 18th and N..._, Avt1, port. Pho°" Harbor 1521-J. reduced fo $29!5. Torma. Su-b Phone Beacon !525&-J ___________ 61_-tt_c Coota esa. Ph: Bcecon 5762-W. 69-ltc tone. Mahopny cex. Designed 274 E. 1llth StrHt ~tff 38-tf< FOR SALE -20-ft. Fisherman's for style and Jong oervico. Danz- Placr IJld Klndllnc dory, 2-cylinder Red Wing gas Schmidt Plano Oo.. 520 N . Main. Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON Frff Eltlmatln& f'hone Beacon 5780-.J 47-tfr .ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS W 0 0 D Inboard engine. Good condition, Senta Ana. 55-tfc Dollv..r<!d $395. Call Harbor 813. 69-2tp RADIO HOUSE CAl.lS- W. WRIGHT NE\V PADDLE BbARDS Now tblt lddltlonll omnpoteat . Beacon 5665 14-12 ft. 32-8 n. 9-!4 ft. Also 46 technldans .... 1van11>1e."" ere 118' mvd. 3--tfc padd1es. Will sacrifice. a.bte to ~ 9er"Vice calla oa I.TUR Arri PLASTIC WATERCRAT CO. 1--conooleo. AD wwk cuar- 1595 Newport Blvd., Costa ?1.leu. 69-ltp tQR A RELIABLE Paint Job OI )'O<JI' home, call Beacon 53311 ... when, you get a job as a telephone operator. ~ Ved 407 E. Central-Harbor 2613 anteed. HAROLD L. HAMM, IB H~ Aid S9-ltc S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Aoe. ATI'ERIES Ph. H-'!80. M-tfc t, r1enon Drue 0o. ALBAmos Bayside Plating Co. after 4:30 p.m. tG-tf< 1943 Newport Avenue FA1NTING -PAPER HANGING Good pay from the 1tart •.. yes, even while you are !earning. 117 M St. Ph. Rorbor 515 Oass •ailboat, excellent condi tion, Radio Repairs 9()-.tfc $2500.00: also Watson Sailing AD makes: tubes. etc.· ---+.,,.---:---::-::------Dinghy. $150.oo. 708 Via Lido Beacon 5763 Order Your Nord. Harbor 1107-M. 69-4tc BURT NORTON COSTA MESA. CALIF. and Dl!lCORATING Phone Beacon 5358-R 414 Old 8c.!t,. ~~ta - (Refer to djsplay Ad Page 51 Phone Beacon 5013-J ~tft Raises a t regular intervals ... and a chance to advance. Servel MOVING-Must sell 22 ft. cabin 91S Cout Jllahway, Newpo<t Gas Refrigerator boat, 7 rt. 8 in. beam, 6 cylinder 23-tl\:: 66-8tc ~~----------IPEllSONAL 14 Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant sur- roundinp . . . friendly fel, low-workers. Needs work. Sacrifice $350. GOOD used piano. for practice. l Now converted motor, reverse gear. COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M :l1f £. :lllth St.. Coota M- 26-tf< SIGN PAINTING Boats, Trucb, Window. Walls aRd Bulletins. Raloed Metal. Wood and Plut1c Letten A·L LACHMEYER l'raS WHt Central Harbor 1243-M 38tfr BLAZE DOUSED Firemen cxtinguishffi a blaze in the MC'rmald malt shop in New# port Beach last Frida,>·. A gcner· ator \\·as said to have backfired. WORTHINGTO Refrigeration FBl:ON AMJllONIA S ton to 10 ton Air Conditioning S ton to 50 ton Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For All Pl'e9urt!9 and All Liquids ln Stock Call .... --- 8!! 8. Loo Anl"leo St., A11a11e1m Pbone 416! Don't let yODJ' ov suffer deterioration by neglect- ing body dents and in- juries! Lower its depn>- clatlon by having m re- pair It. • PAINTING and WELDING • FENDERS FIXED • BODY REPAIRING at LOW COST Central Garage & Collision Shop Ber.con 51Sl...J !!81 Newport BJ..i. COSTA HE8A DESmE to collaborate with screen story writer . Have several stories completed, material for others. For interview, write: Wm. I. Sin,dorf, Bay Shore Camp. Ne\\'J>Ort Beach. 69--2tp DESIRE to collaborate with screen story writer. Have ~veral stories completed.. material for others. For interview, write: Wm. I . Sindorf, Bay Shore Camp, Newport Beach. 68-2tp l'RAN8P08TATION U COST A MESA school teacher wants ride from Corona del Mar. Avocado Ave. to Costa ~fesa or the Arches. to arrive at Costa f\.fesa 8 a .m. school days. Pr. Harbor 1736-W. 69-2tc BICYCLES Sold. Rented or Repa.lred. VOGEL'S 100 Matn St., Balboa 208 Marine, Balboa Island. 94,tfc Paid vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, work in neighboring central office near )'Our home. One of these interesting, well-paid jobs is waiting for you, too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514 ~ No. Main St., Santa Ana or Call Chic>£ Operator SS.tic at Vogel's 1813 West Central Ave .. New-So .. u low u $S7 and S'l9 "" 100 Main St. Harbor 145 port Beach. Har. 1Q68..J. 69-4tc rent a piano for S5 per mo. Let I •• tbl chlldren loam. D&M-Schmldt ~-ttr BOAT FOR SALE-Only genuine Piano Co., 520 N. Main, Santa I te akwood lady In Callf. Built In Ana. 55-tfc Steel Kitchens Hongkong In 1940. Completely GRAND PIANOS-You w111 be GLASS TUB ENCLOSURES gone over at great expense a astounded a tDur gre•t bi&' S OWER DOORS month ago. 226 Via Lido Nord. tock Kimball. g In Sob-Phone Harbor 1194-J. 68-tfc s . te way. me!', Hallet and Davia, Story So hern Co unties EXCHANGE for cabin cruiser. and Clark. One gorgeouo OUck- Ph. Supply Co. Chrysler CUstom lmperial se-ering and It Is the real Chlcker- dan, perfect condition. Write or Ing, too. Many others to choose Coast Blvd., N. call 635 W. Garvy Blvd., Bald-from. Priced to start at $395. 2 Laguna Beach win Park, Calif. Reno Neon T erms .. Or rent. Danz Schmidt I 69-!tc Co. 67-4tp Plano Co.. ExclU1ive!y pianos. F OR SALE--40 ft. cabin cruiser ; Nothing else. 520 N. Main, steeps six; galley, dinette, head, Santa Ana. 55-tfc 1arge wheel house and cockpit, Radio and Electric oompJetely reconditioned, bow to stern: Chrysler marine engine. REPAIRS See owner, 133 Agate Ave., Bal-24-HOUR SERVICE boa Island. 67-tfc All Makes -Pick Up & Delivery 15,ft. Thompson hull with 22 h.p. PERRY HARDWARE Evinrude and accessories wit.h 1305 Coast Blvd. Harbor 232 trailer, $250 ; 28-ft . Monterey CORONA DEL MAR double ender. Chrysler engine, 54-Uc _'_.o_s_T_AN_rn_F_o_UNl> __ ~~--!1 SALr: MISCELLANEOUS F OUND-Bic)tcle, Aug. 25. Phone $20 .00 completl' commercial fishing rig, :------------- excell ent. shape>. $1550. Must selt 1 _00_o_s:_'_c_A_TS_:_..c&:__P..cr;..c'l:_'S:__ __ _:Sll= Harbor 2140. 69-2tp LOST-Brindle mongrC'I n1ale dog. Ans\vers to Duffy. Children's rompanion. Re\vard. 1-Iarbor 1059. 69-ltc LOST-Ring. lady's plat. dia. con- taining c-enter stone wt. 2.05K. 6 baguC't tes. 6 rnd. stones in mountg. Reward. Marburger. VAnd)·ke 4704. 69--ltc LOST-Army discharge papen. FOR SALE-Air cotnpresser, $100. 7311 S('ashore Dr., Newport Beach. SS.-t:!c F OR SALE-Good high oven gas range. S1 5.00. Odd chairs, In- valid walker. 504 Orange Ave., Costa f\1 csa. 69-2tc lF l ::l:s~= 0 TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. NEW portable washing machine, for a mplete set we \vill call Phone Harbor 2653,J. 67-4tc FOR SAL&-New Marine Kohlei Generator. 1500 watts. 32 volt D. C., retail price for this po¥1eJ plant is $516. We have 10 le tt for clearance sale, S374. Yeokel Bros., 225 So. Vermont, Los An· geJes. Phone EX. 0882. ·45--tft ·~ oo 2725 Cyp s tor yo car in t.he morning .;w;c. . ress A\•e .. anta d d p U M p Ana. Not home evenings or Sat. an el er same day. Als~ S , 6g....2tp $2.00 obilstatic balance job WORTHINGTON when ''-le recap your tires, for PRESSURE, CENTRIFUGAL FOR SALE-New Hite 4-burner $1.00. I No lead weights or F or All Pressure FOR SALE--Coc.ker puppies. rea- sonable. H . J . Shaffer. 2004 Meyers Road, bet\veen 19th & Hamilton, Costa Mesa. 69-4tp DOGS-All breeds, stripped, clip- ped, and bathed by A.KC. li- censed handler. Free plck~up and delivery service. Send card. Russell L. K etcham. 421 Poin- settia Ave. Corona del Mar. 52-tfc POULTRY & RABBITS Liberal r~\vard for return to Irvin Gordon, 1111 W. Central, Newport. This document is range. $55.00. High oven white "extras.' Soden RefrlgeratlO. n •10 00 415 N t Bl FOR SALE-25 \\'C'll bred rabbits range, ~ · · ewpor v., 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anah·e-1m C t M 69-lt from pedigree stock. 10 hutches os a esa. c Phone 4652 69-ltc priceless to ownC'r. 68-2tc DIPLOYMl:NT WANTED !8 Included. Will sell very cheap. FOR SALE-Westinghouse Elec-Cos Mesa Tire Co. Fi E · t T sts 711 Narcissus. Corona del Mar. tric rltttge, A-1 condition. 575 In Rear at r e QUlpmen e· 69-ltc TAILOR.-Experienced: all kinds repairing, remodeling and re-- lining. Call Beacon 5423. 64-6tp Mesa Drive. Santa Ana Heights. 176 N wport Blvd C-0-Two. Pyrene & Foam refills. --===,.,.-,------...:::....:.= Santa Ana 8716-J-3. 69-2tp e . CO. fixed system and P ortablet _L_IVES __ T_O_C_K _________ n !COSTA MESA now available. EMPLOYMENT OFTr;RED II TWO MAIDS for hotel work. Bal- boa Inn. Harbor 660. 67-tfc FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal-f.h. Beacon 5743 ETS HOKIN culator, $150. 1840 Harbor 1 k for Al or Hank. & CALV AN Blvd., Costa Mesa. Beacon 1000 Coast .Highway 5892,J. 61.uc • 64-tfc Ph. Beacon 5522 73-U( FOR SALE -Washing machine ~w"'ANTEb==±--,,TO,.,..-,,B,,UY=-----c-11 NEW AND USED WANTED-Laundress one day a -+ El t ' ] A J week . Phone Harbor 598. 66-tfc and two now steel cots with CASH FOR USED FURNITURE . ec nca PP iances mattresses, as a unit, SSS. 221 PH01 BEACON 5538-J. Of All Kinds HELP WANTED--Girl to work in Santa Isabel. Costa Mesa. 68tft cleaning shop. I 13 Palm St.. Bal-23-tfc Newport Electric Appliance Co. FOR SALE-Man's pre-war b!cy. 2309 C Bl d Ph boa. 69-2tc 1 J Uk H d WiJI Pay Cash oast " . . Harbor 2138 c e; ust e new. eavy ut) .,.~ WAITRESS WANTED six days tires. 512 28th St., Newport. For YO\lt furniture or what have 68-8tp "'·eek . Norton"s Bay Shore Cate, 52-ffc yO\I. one Beacon 5656. Craw· 32-FT. CABIN CRUTSER, launch, 17th and Coast Highway. 59-tfc ley iture, 1812 Newport ed ~1ay 1945. Ne"· Chrysler FOR SALE-Llvtng,room set, n~w Blvd., ta Mesa. 48-t!c Cro"'" engine. Ri~ged for char- HELP WANTED-Lady wanted electric water heater, tabte,top ~~~~~~~~~~~~"~'·~"=~~ ter, Jive bait stand. ice box. 14, for general housc,vork. One or electric range 5 hp outboard • · · ~ foot skiff (new), complete alba-t\VO days WC'C'kly. Phone Har-motor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. bor 1244. 68-2tc 61 ,tfc FOR ALE--Antique Chi nese core and mackerel gear. $5525. __________ __:_:..c.:_ carved teakwood table and chair~ Inquire 202-B 20th St., Newport. HELP WANTED-Woman or girl DRILL PRESS -Shop type, Phone arbor 598. 66-t.fc 69stfc for general housework: good Cha mpion Blower and Forge Co. -------'-------- \\'11.ges; live in or out. Harbor make: excellent condition: also FOR S L-Dining table and 6 S M .A L L B 0 A T S 1992. 56-tfc 14 ft. skiff. Harbor 203l. 68-2tc chairs oak library table, chest of dra ers, Tan,fluff rug, 18x12, -Of tough, light marine pl)'\\-'ood. \VANTED--Experienced ""·oman FOR SAI.E-Girl's 24-inch bicycle, etc. 1 Apolena Balboa Island -Molded hulls or Oat,bottom. ror gener al house work and good condition; extra set tires. ' 69-4~ -Skiffs. Dinghies. Sailboats. rooking. live in. Apply 1128 W . $25. Call at 208 36th St., New--:CmSiti~:N,:;;-a:j);e<:;-~~ MARTIN OUTBOARD MOTORS OC'C'an Front , Ne,~rport or phone port. 68-4tp FOR S New 3--piece Myrtle "Flcxidrivc" Shafts for Inboards Harbor 396-1.1 . 69-ltc wood ""' anity. May be used as· WATSON NEW 12-ft. plywood boat; new desk .. II or part. Mornings or -BOATS \VANTED-Capable house keeper 3 h·.p. and 5 h.p. motors; maple eveni s only, 616 Larkspur, "Small Boat H eadquarters" FOR SALE-Gentle saddle horse, sorrel color, $125. See at 1656 Tustin Ave .. Costa Mesa. 69--tfc 8PEOIAL ANNOUN<Jl!:M:ENTS 18 Carpenters Available for general maintenance and repair O. Z. BOBERT!!ON Call Harbor 83 34-tfo KEYS Made WhJle You Waft VOGEL'S 100 Main St., Balboa ios Me.rtne, Balboa Ialand H-tle BUSCl>'ESS OPPORTUNITIES 40 FOR SALE-Cleaning and press shop. Priced !or quick sale. Ph. Laguna 8033. 69s3tp FOB BENT U FOR RENT-Small cottage and garage. Adults. ltX>9 East Cen- tral, Balboa. 69-1 le tor country home. close in. No t"\vin bedroom set; Oriental rug Coron del Mar. 69-4tp 611 Coast Hiway Beacon 5Z77 heavy cleaning. Good salary. 10 ft. 6 in. by '14 ft. 6 tn.: tea rMAJ..13.N . 69,tfc FOR RENT-Newport Beach 4- Call collect Beacon 5809-W. 393 wa,gon : 8 room house. Beacon M::.:.:::...-:.·t s::'S are celebrating the.tr room apartment. Availa ble in Del f\-1ar, Costa lwlcsa. 69--2tc 5482-R. 69--ltp 27TH ANNIVERSARY, 27 years ALL-PLASTIC 12,ft. 110-lb. TOP-October. Address Box D. Ne\\'S- of grd,.vth through value giving O·CAR. BOA1: and CARRIER. Times. 69,Jtp HELP WANTED -Cashiers, for VENETI.AN BUNDS -Steel or and f~ dealing. You will find Immediate delivery. Other mod-. Sat. nights. fast and accurate. a luminum made to measure and worth hile savings in all de-els ·soon -dinghJes, sailboats, FOR RENT-;--Furn1shed 2-bedroom Excellent pay. Call Harbor 1842 installed. Bayview Builders Sup-partm nts: living-room groups in runa bouts. cruisers and paddle-house ~nt1l June 1, $75.00 month. between 10 ana 4. Also Foun, ply, 818 Coast High\"\'ay. Phone harm ·ous ensembles, a )'lide boards. '3413 Finley, Newport Beach. tain girls wa nted. 69-ltc Beacon 5007. • 69-4tc selecti~in our bed.room depart, PLA§TIC WATERCRAFT CO. 69--4tp GCX>D SALARY and opportunity GLASS SHOWER DOORS made ment, dlning,room and dinette :(07 E . Central, Balboa FOR RENT -Bay front apart- for quick advancement with to measure and installed. Good sets-hile in limited selection Phone arbor 2673. 69--ltc ment. Furnished, $75.00 per mo. growing business. Must be young, deliveries. Ba,)'View Builders -are "ced to aave you dollars. M O T O R Also for sale saddle horse. Phone willing to work. Apply 410 32nd Supply, 818 Coast Highway. Ph. You c furnish one room or an B 0 A T S Beacon 588-R. 69-ltp St., Newport. 69-2tp Beacon 5007. 69-4tc en tire household during this R E A D Y T 0 G 0 FOR RENT-Garage and storage Bm AY SALE and pocket HELP WANTED -Woman for WANT A HOMET Eastern house the vlngs. Lowest Terms-Taite away-just a few da}'11 aft.er room, with 400 sq. ft. New build- cleaning. Mon .. Wed.. and Friday, trailer and cabana. butane gas. Free livery. McMahan Fur· YoU order-ing, at 29th and Lafayette SU., from 9 to 1. Apply P alisades running water and Jots ot e.xtru. niture c.ompany SecoM and 1-Your choice of any of «)lll' boat.I 125.00 per month. Zoned for Apartments, 1414 Sea View Ave., Can sleep 6 people. On nice lot Broa ay, Santa' Ana. 68-4itc (8 to 14 ft.). made of light. busineu. Phone Harbor 1600. Corona de) Mar. 69-ttc on Bay with low rent year tough, wata1»'00f plywood *tth 69-tfc !~~~~~~~~~~~~I HELP WANTED-Girl or woman round. Priced rl&ht for quick llOA1'8, llt1PPLIE8 II 2-An extra eftldent l" h.p. In-DELUXE APl'S. FOR RENT- for general office work and ~ aale. See owner, lot 99, Newpor1 board motor l:mtalled and S inglet or double1. Completely Ing 3 days a w.elt, Mon., Wed.. Beach Trailer Park. ~tfc "'M.1"'412560:-::"tar or ix:!:ite ~ 3-A patented "Floxldrive" llf!Jd-~ated; ~U mattress. MEN-WOMEN Prostate - - -Pelvis .. ,.. ..... ,,,, ...... ._,, .... -..... "" ...., Al9 "'9 -..... ,_.,. -·· t' ... -,,, ........ ..,.. ,._ _, ., .............. -_, IT'S YOUR GLANDS .... t ·:=. ...... :::r: ..... WWW-I-;.•: Jar ... a•· .... a o.. ft.A..., ...................... _._ lJ!lt.M • r-~·· ...... _,. 9&89 &. .... T• ., S. • 7 ,, ... and Fri. Steady work. Apply BARGAINS!, hie lh&tt-propeller unit (prO-You furnlsh bod lillftl A towels. N ~-t. 2, Puente. 67-4tp pen.,. •teen boat. JJft8 up In Prloo --"'R8 from $10..SO to ows-.... es office, 3011 West 1-1 _._ In 'fllmlh-la -~ ..... ,_ L--t) ·---. ~-~• A -u .-~ ~· ~ nowblrd and dolly, ~-~>a -· $15..SO -w.ek. Will take chD-~uu~ ve. -c motto. I '-R• rl..,t. I oell rl..,t Comple --...., "" ..,. t condition. Watts racing · · · to, ,._,, to lhavo oft, dJ'en, -12 ar mott. Prlv1te WAN'l'ED-Weekmd Mlp. -I &llo buy fllmlture. offer. 107 Sapphitt at theoo typical p:icoo: llhowors. THIS WEEK ONLY . :i~g and cooklnc roe Sat. Neeqle's Furniture s~A~ve~.,£~;5Isl~and.~~:u~6'#-~2t;c1 10 It. .... ,, -·· ·1282 Adrln!oo: 1007 E. Centnl, Bal-W>d&y. Good wqeo and ~Newport Bml. a.ta Ilea 12 It. llldfL.. ___ ._c.$2N boa. Phone 236().M-69-2tc car rare. Steady employment. 57-tf< SNO FOR SALE-Com-("11ile our llodt lutll &nan family. Phone Harbor plete-tca:!, trailer, aalla, canvu W .&M iZD TO mt a 1(119.M. .ss.ttc Auto Batteries """."'J ~Pood condition. 1564 WATSON-BOATS WANTED TO BENT-- -8-aten CklHcnj B!vd., Balboa. 66-4tc "SmlD Bolt H4qro." teecbor, wife IDd child - Bookkeeper and General a.-th -11.'IS EL w TO BUY-Snipe typo m Coat Hhray Beacxm !l2T1 nl<lo. -or ept. Clll Santa Office Worker Compounded llotor Oil boat. fully rla<d. ,., .. ,..hie eo.ttc Ana 5671..J. -.21c . AdvllnCemObt ~--p1e9-Oollao!, 'l'Oc <Didi -•te!J priced. lllJliliC&I, a ••mo II WANTEO-Winter rent.I. Oct. 15 Int ............._, -in Bcm c/o N ... Tlmes. 66-4tp J'OR SAJ • tfoallt>t --.,all to Ka7 15 orT 'Mil, DO pda; Newpat. sood stertlnc M1u7. Western Auto Supply w9n~J·~~ lllO ft. ollp.ID ..-11an, DJO_ -Pu., --ept. er -n AP1J11 1840 Harllor Phd., a.ta -·-.'.' far -ID --Sll2, or ..n D 'Wwh•• I& -on n.n.aa ltlaed T. 'W. 11-llr. W11Jte--PH--No•,_'t ...... a.ta --~ -l'lll:w Aw;, Ne•pat Belllill llftor laldt, ~ Oclmtli' 'fttle. SIB'.l..J. ~ Q;de -. r· D.u. S:IO p. a . -.. Pl-. Santa AM S100. es:aie • • • W.&Jil'W» 'IO D!CT .. FRANK P. JOHNSON WANTED TO RENT -Balboo Realtor -.. man &Dd -• .....,t fUr. AND ASSOCIATES nlabod ""'-or apartmenL No pets. No children. Harbor 2'129: 1664 New...,.-t Blvd. Beacon 5434-W 68-4tp -""w_ANTED ___ IMMED==""IA""1=·E"'L-::Y~Fur=-1 New 6-Rooni'Home · nlahed apartment by permanet 3-bodroom In nlcoot n!Sldontial ros!dent of Corona de! Mar. Ref· aoctlon 'of C<>ota Mesa. Lars• ......... turnWied. Adults only. flttplaco, bdw noon, lo!S of Call Harbor 487 daytime, Harbor tile In bath and kitchen. Oooet . '2, ~enlngs. 66--tfc apace galore, double &"arage. WANTED TO LEASE-1 or 2 Vacant move right ln yean, furnished or unturn. house $12 260 or apt. Any place ln Newport ' or Colta Mesa district. Will fix - up at own expense. Pli. Santa Overlooking Ocean Ana 7048. 66-8tp ~-acre, 4-room house in very WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. clean condition plus 1-room apt unfurnished home. WW leaae. in rear with bath and kitchen, Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7(17 barbecue and cement walled or 13. 35-tfc patio, gardeil and chix equip. REFINED COUPLE urgently need $9450 living accommodatioM, Sept. _ through May. P. o . Box 609, 11 L A 0 c Balboa Island. eau Harbor 72 ere n omer 2179--W. 65-4tc S..room house plus dbl. garage APT or SMALL H OUSE wanted with guest room. On west aide by man and wife. We do not with ocean view. Vacant, move drink <*. smoke, no children or right in. pets. Plll>ne Santa Ana 0991-W $8750 or writ• Box "X" Newport Bal-- boo N.-.Times. 37-ttc 3-Bedroom Home WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3-bed· Eut side lot,~-Clooe ln. -rm. house. Will furnish lmmed-$8450 late prio rity on new Chevrolet as bonus. Phone Laguna Beach 4422. 69-4tp WANTED-One or two bedroom home for winter months, by conservative couple, no children, no pets ; in Balboa, Newport, or Corona del Mar. Will take, if possible for longer term. Phone • Laguna 359. sg...2tc Three-Bedroom Home Furnished % acre, garage in rear that could be made into guest house. Terms. $6950 - • ~·~··~·~m~rA~n:~~----'=..'.1 21/2-Acre Industrial Site Two New Homes Ready for occupancy. Stall lhowen. Glass doors. Rugs. Call 1622-J 63-ttc WANT A HOME? Eastorn hcule trailer and cabana. butane cu. On Wilson avenue. Terms- -J$4950 Harbor Blvd. Frontage A dandy business or motel site-- $6750 running water and lots of extras. - Can aleop 6 people. On nice lot FOR RANCHES, l to 10 ACRES on Bay with low rent year See Us Today. 'round. Prices right for quick Two Specials Priced to Sell. sale. See Owner, Lot 99, New- _. Beach Trailer Park. 63-tfc - MANY MORE ... COME IN AND Want Income '"TALK rr OVER" $100 a month and a place to livo. -Open Sundays- 7 stucco bou.es. partly tumish- ed, 6 1arages. Lot 150x300 pn FRANK P. JOHNSON Major Hl&'hway. Dick Rocen. Realtor 600 Oubhouao Avo., N~Ltp 1664 Newport blvd. Beacon 5434-W 69-ltc FOR SALE-Balboa lo!Uld, con------------tractoc'a former home, ~ block from So. Bay, beautiful atr .. t, well constructed, income prop- erty. See owner 107 Sapphire Ave. 69-2tc F OR SA~room pebble-dash- l'd 6tucco: 2-car garage, extra rooms; 1 acre and small rental $16,000. Owner, Rt. 3, Box 55 N. Placentia Ave., Anahelm. Phone • 4788. 69-4tc LIDO ISLE HOME on corner lot 2 BD up--1 BO down Fireplace-Double Garage \Valled Patio-Barbecue A very liveable home $25.000.00 -Terms Ralph P . l'vlaskey 3411 \V. Central-Ph. 1-Jarbor 40-2 69-tfc FOR SALE-Good 5-room plast- ered house \Yith apartment. Cabin r ental in rear . Fi.nc lo- cation. Close to bus. stores and high school. °"-ner, 504 Or- ange Ave. \south end), $9500. Costa ~less. Beacon 5143-\V. 69-2tc Two -Bedroo m . Furnished Double garage, % acre Comer 16th and Placentia Costa Mesa 6g...1tc AT CORONA DEL MAR One-Bedroo m Home South of Highway $6760 New 2-B ed roo m Home North of Highway $8750 Unfinished Home North of Highway $6000 Beautiful Lots South of H ighv.·ay. Near Bay $1750 ~--~·~·~· -~ft~·~-~-=:-:--:;-,=-:~ft~D~A~l,~-~~.l.~'111~----__!.ft! I "'L mA.n B~~ ~D BALBOA BAY~ HORES Well-built all redwood three-bedroom home; two baths. FINEST HOUSE DEAL IN • . • -RT HARBOR: Beautiful living-room. twc><:ar garage. Excellent Joca. We Invite you to inspect 1 le new homes now t1on. Good bay view. Immediate poaession-under coostruction in Bays.bores. Prices $21 000 Furnished (Tenns) range ffOD1 $11 ,600 to $35,IX . Location of prop-NEAR SOUI'H BAY erty is 17th and Coo.st· · y. FUll informa- Attractive three-bedroom, completely furnished; patio tioo may be obtained by · Harbor 1776 and garage. Priced to sell. Immediate possession-or Harbor 1646. $16,500 North· Bay Lot; good tw<>-Car garage·--··-··-....... $15,000 Comer Lot on North Bay ........ -................... _ ........ $15,500 Other good lots frorn. ___ ........................... _. _______ .$1,000 CORONA DEL MAR Beautifully furnished modern home close to ocean on 45 ft. lot. Excellent .view. Two bedrooms, two baths, large living-room, dining-room, patio, lighted badmin- ton court. Immediate possession-- Price $29,500 New twe>-bedroom, large living-room, well designed on corner lot in good location. Immediate possession- $11,500 ~ our selection of choice Corona de! Mar ~ding sites. Fairly priced. GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W . SANFORD REALTORS 308 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland Harbor 234-W 69-3tc SEAVIEW HEIGHTS .ESTATES Large Restricted Building Lots Unobstructed View of Oceen and Harbor Adjacent to F~ Growing Shopping Cent.er Paved Streets-All Utilities in and Paid For Terms ot Sale-Cash or 1-3 Down Easy Monthly Payments -· New Subdivision Selling Fast -Act Now For O!oke Location -0-- RALPH P . MASKEY, Realtor • 3411 • w. Central, Opposite Lido on-ter (Courtesy to Reel tors) BALBOA ISLAND Bay front lot. Has newly built garage on rear ot lot. Water piped in. Building permit and a $500 set of plans. In nice loca· tion on North Bay Front. A dandy homesite for your future beach home . For full particulELrS _., LlNWOOD VICK Broker 31 2 l\•t a.r lne Ave. Harbor 548-M 69-1 tC' ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 69-tfc Twe>-apartrnent unit on rear Twe>-Apartment Unit on of lotEI'AOINUNUNU Rear of Lot 513,750 CORONA DE MAR ON OCEAN BOULEVARD: Li t us show you this . beautiful large home-8 • , 3 bedrooms, plus maid's apartment. Must b• seen to be appre- ciated- 542,500 and terms if ou want it. CLOSE TO SCHOOL: This four-cottage is com- pletely furnished, nice living room with fireplace, large kitchen, lots of built-in . Arranged to sleep six- $8500 cash a nd balanc easy tentlS. HONEYMOON SPECIAL: Only me bedroom, asphalt tile floor, tile drain and• spia h . Reitdy to move in Only $7000 and el y tentlS. · MODERN STUCCO: Fireplao and floor ftlmace, hardwood floors, tile in ki1 ~en and bath, rugs and venetian blin~ Unfurnished at 16,800. LOTS 25 ft. business lot, $5000; teITilS if desired. 90 ft. adjoining business · trlct, $6000. NEWPORT I EACH THREE-ROOM HOME: Comp etely furnished, on Central Ave .. in R-3 zone. Room for two mqre income units. Immediate ·oo. Priced to seU quickly at.. ............ -................. -............. $7500 OCEAN FI ONT A REDWOOD HOME of unusual character and sturdy construction. Attractively lurnished. Will sleep eight people. Fireplace, tw baU!s, glass enclosed barbecue. Service patio. and shop space $20,000 -T• Inns. · OCEAN FRONT COTTAGE THREE ROOMS, FURNISHID Only $2500 down. Price ...................................... _ .. _ ................ -... $5250 'BALBOA IS c.AND BAY FRONT: Two bedrooms, ~_,~.,ctively furnished, excellent location on Nort Bay- Prlce $40,C lO TWO NEW, modem houses beU! built on well located corner lot. Both units hav two bedrooms, one bath, large living-room wil n fireplace- Price $29,o(lo SMALL HOMES priced.from .... j-.... -.. -........... $10,500 I RF.cENTL~A~'ftifr~ !;1!!~ mooern stucco, double garage. Lot I has 66 tt. frontage with depth exceeding 250 ffet. Venetian blinds and oak block floors-I • $13,000 -· Tenns EARL W. ST !\NLEY REALTOI COVERING GREATER N 61.5 Coot Highway Corona del Mar Pbone: Harbor 1646 WPORT. HARBOR 225 Marine Ave. 3113 w. =~ Newport I Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1776 69-ltc FOUR-BEDROOM HOME, ne ir ocean; completely and very artistically • · ed. Electric refrig- erator, el~c washer,~e .. New outdoor furniture m large com . This home is l<>- c:ated on three lots, all zo for income-- $6000 DoWn Ba.lance, $100 P 1 Month RALPH P . MAS:r EY, Realtor J. E. lfames &: Son 1806 Newport Blvd. Costa 1.1esa Ph: Beacon 5320 \~or~n."~:ic~:B ISLAND REAL TY COMPANY 3411 West Central Phone Har~r 402 Newport Beach • 6S-tfc "Where the Flags Fly" 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 377-W One-Bedroom Home Harbor 2766 69-2tc ____________________ 6_9-_l_tc ------------+--------- P arllv furnish<d: one acre of land, ---------LIDO ISLE I ISLAND REAL T~ , COMPANY ncru-Country club. Lots of fruit BALBOA El Bayo Tract """'· garage. Priced at only-Ha\•e out-of-to~-n cash buyer for Lot on 's.,y Avenue Two good buys on Ba boa Island for-$6250 Cash F I VE-BEDROOM HOME !our-bedroom home on Udo Isle, • $ -";th firepla°" Balboa Island or Balboa Bay $4760 15,QOO I ach -<"Ompletcly furnished Front. If your property is 3·Bdrrn. Home , Furnished -near to shopping district FOR SALE. \Ve can sell it. Call One acre of land, nC'ar country -owner <Ai li give immt'diate BEACON 5225. club. Large living-room \\o'ith ftrt'place. Furniture includes elc-ctric refrigerator, consolt! radio and '''ashing machine. Otlclc:en equipment and lll)ing hens. Priced to sell at- $13 ,600-Terms Ne w Home on Broadway Completely furnished; !WO bed- rooms. hant...."OOd noon, tub and shower. Double garage- $1 a,950-Terms Two-Bedroom Home Well built, with' two acres of land. possession- $12 ,000 Pen in sula Lots -as )O\\" as- $2750 JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 ~lain St., Balboa 'Phone Har. 2034 69-ltc PRICED TO SELL-Srna.li home; Two-Bed r oom Homes Nt.'"-" two-bed.room home ... good district. East side ... better hurry on thi5 one ... it "'on't last long. Priced to sell at only $6500. FoW' -month - old tv.'o -bedroom home, east side. Nice level loL A REAL BUY- , $6850 Three Bedrooms owner occupied. $6750. lmme--~'Iler leaving town-must sac- diate possession. Space for 3 rifice--three bedrooms ... riice-- unlts. Near school and shopping ly landscaped. Very clean in- Large Corner Lot On Penlnsu)a. with viow. $6760 • Business Lot with two small hOUlel $10,600 Se"""81 good s.,y Front Loto LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. $3000 W . L. JORDAN 700 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 163 58-tfc Choice Bay i=ront Lot . . . with large stucco g~. Call us · for other interesting details. __j__ Well Built St cco Unit . . . on rear of lot; has three-oom furnished apart- ment with lovely tile kitchen rnd bath upstairs and small apartment down; walle; brick patio with bar- becue. ISLAND REAL T' 201 Agate, Balboa Island-Ph .COMPANY m-w. BUY GOOD RE. lL EST ATE Double garaie. chicken equi~ mrnt., aviary and garden. Priced at-district.. 1813 West Central Ave., side and out. T'Wo-<:ar garage. -----------FOR an investment that t from 1'overproductjoo. •• practic:ally foolproot $10 ,600 New 3-Bedroom Home Best locatlon: hardwood !Join: !Joor turnaco; double II:ar&&e- $12 ,200 Nowport Beach. Harbor 1:'4;'~ ;1,::. •ln~ :.:~~be~~ Newport Heights FOR ~a cW Mar, 45- fL lot. 1 block from school, south of Blvd., l'QOd location tor in- come. Owner. Ph. R·21~W. one. Priced to .. u al oo1y-TiiRE£ BEDROOM ROME; hard- $7960 SS.tfc WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU wood Doors, We alnk, furnace t • beat. Lawn and aprlnklor ~ tem. Built lea than one year. Owner forced to move. Priced for. lmm<diato aalo. FOR a Community where rentals pay a regular, ample, bonus dividend. WE REXDMMEND an invesltnent in Balboa Island. ' --FOR ·YOUR G--Terms. SAN FRANCISCO -2-bodroom homo &Dd 2 apartmonto for h>- ...,,., will ..n or tndo , for N...,1«t Harbor propert;y. Bar- -1600. 57-lfc B. A. NERF.SON REAL ESTATE 1-lrMCe""' Call HUB POWERS at Harbor ~w QI' 794-R Evenlnp J.E. Barnes & Son 1llOIS Newport Blvd. Ooota ,._ Ph. Beaoon mi Sell lllat ,,,,._led 5-ltc~N-~-•tide . Bl•'" me OppJc tuntt.la 19'72 Newport ~. Cclota - Ph. Beacon 5225 15-ltc JOHN E. SADI.EIR 302 Main St., Bo1boo Phone Har. 2034 . 118-ltc I j. A. Beek Office, . FerTY Landing Island 69-ltc • HARBOR INVESTMENT OOMPANY • Rcaltdrs .t .t .t 4: SMALL BOAT SALES AND Bun.DING-Now building dlnks, skiffs, paddleboards, etc. Fine show- room in excellent location for sales. Complete equipment plus good inventory. Favorable lease and terms on purchase price. .t .t .t .t BALBOA ISLAND CONFECTIONERY -Imme- diate possession on a good moneymaker for a man and wife. Good year-'round trade. Tenn lease in- cludes living quarters. Present owner will start you out. Should go fast at $5000. We have P&L state- ment in our office showing last 12 monU!s operation. .t .t .t .t OTIIER MONEY MAKING OPPORTIJNITIE.S in • Appliance and Radio, Antiques, Beauty Salons, In- come Apartments, Boat and Wood Shops, Cates, Gift Shops, Grocery and others. Money to be made in all. BUD...DING wrs -Rl!sidentlal, Cnmmercial, or lllanufacturing. Any zoning you require. Zale M-1 Newport "Bee.ch lot 150x93. Nice Newport Beach residential lot, well located, $1100 for quick: sale. Waterfront lots including M-1 available. .t.tt.t CANAL FRONT HOME-Neat as a pin. Compact and very livable. Nicely furnished and only $7500. Interesting development possibilities for cautious buyers. BALBOA BAYSHORE HOME-Magazine "picture homes" are often only far-away dreams; you know "Some day-somewhere-maybe-but, golly, we could never afford one!" You can stop your wish- ful dreaming now, because just such a twe>-bedroom home is available at a price most can afford. Newly decorated inside· and out, new drapes, new floor coverings, new· slip covers-all in excellent taste-- create liveable and practical charm. Of course there is a patio and a fireplace and a double garage and a beach shower and just about anything else you want and you'd better act quickly, because this $14,500 dream won't last forever! FOR TRADE-Beautiful home in WES'lWOOD, near UCLA campus for be.yfront h0111e with pier, or Lido lsle. .tt.t.t BALBOA COVES Pre-announcement selections now available. .t .t .t .t HARBOR INVESTMENT COMPANY . Realtors 30th at Central Ph. Harbor 1600 .l 1601 69-ltc A. "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone Beacon 5173 j • ' " I Income Properties -Homes -Business Five acres of land with twe>-bedroom house. Motel site -five acres on Newport Boulevard. l SPECIAL Downtown Costa Mesa, twe>-bedroom home, 60x125 fL lot .................................................................... $5000 .---- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES New motel-beautifully furnished, 101 Hi way. Frozen food store. Only one in town. Gift shop-big money maker. Vegetable, fruit stand, groceries-twe>-year lease. Very gobd Hiway spot-$1650. -MANY OTHER&-- BUSINESS LISTINGS WANTED A . "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor . and Associates 634 Coast Highway 101 Phone Beacon 5173 aAV'l'08 W.&:Ntw> WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SETJ. YOUR CAR NOW ·Whlle Prtc. are Rllb 69-ltc • ' ~ for our cam1ll!olll buJ'er trbo will call and adv• ~ nprdlns OPA Jllllllatialll, """'"' jMka Ulll arnnp-all deCidJa . ClJLB£RTSON CHEVROLET 00.., lnc. J.. o ,, ....... as *" 0..'1 , -••C ,,.i.••,..t'B s6, imo 1, a r I' • • .... ,, • , By HUOR llldfD.1.&N Ninety-four swonltlah, caught ott Newport Harbor ha\·e been wetthed in at the Newport Har- bor Muter dock up to late Sunday nl&ht. - Movie producer Hal Wallli had two •!rands of hb 24-thttad line put before landing hb 151-pound marlin on the Hoa.Joa, skippered by Pepi.to Perez. The line started to part 60 yards from the fish where a rubber band was placed to mark it. after one hour 15 m1n- utes of struggle. \Vith eight threads of line secure, another hour of fighting to k~p the fish from U5ing the more than 60 yards of good line was needed to land the fish. Sunday Ann Scthem and Ray Milland had no luck in ftahing for marlin from abc.ard the Bonito. Seven marlin were landed Sun- day, nine Saturday. one Fritlay, and five Thursday. Sunday's catch included a 124%-pound marlin by A.. R Loud, 1197 Loma Vista. Po- mona. on medium tackle from aboard the Jobaby skippered by J . A. Needham. A 16911-pound marlin by L B. Culver and Paul D. J enkins, 3044 E . Gainsborough, P asadena. from the Patute skip. pered by Fred B. Jenkins. A 131- pound marlin by J . Don Pieper, TIO S . Ross, Santa Ana in 1 hour 10 minutes on heavy tackle from the Maurine B ID skippered by lZ-year-old "Admiral'" J ohn Muc- henthal. A 96-pound marlin by Whyte Womack. Flintridge, Calif , in 2 hours 25 minutes on heavy tackle from the Cherokee skip. pered by Col. Wm. H. Mead. A 108%-pound marlin by Keith Lee, Balboa Island , in 1 hour 30 min- u tes. using light tackle 9-thread llne from the Sport skiri~:-:::1 by , Herman Fink. A 14r1~-pound mar-1 lll\ by A. G_ Bartell. 1~1 5 N. Ros.c;. Santa Ana, on heavy tackJe in 55 minutes from the One-o:one skippered by 1-\. Bartell. A 14311.'"'_ pound marlin by Carl Hillgren, 3042 Grand Ave .. Walnut Park, in 2 hours 14 minutes from the Jatca skippered by Carl C. Killgren jr. Saturday's catch included a 1151i4-pound marlin by H . G. Fer- guson in 25 minutt'S on heavy tackle from the Trojan skippered by Edna H . F e rguson. A 77-pound marlin by E . Roy Davidson ir. 36 minutes on light tackle from the )1akeira skippered by MN . Donna Davidson_ A 155-pound marlin by S . J . Ashton in 45 minutes on heavy tackle from the Amiga skip- ~red by Ralph E. Larrabee. A 163%-pound marlin by J . L. ShPr- wold in 3 hours 30 minutes on heavy tackle from the Miss Bar- ttara skippered by Ivan L. f;JJ. ri\ore. A 114 ~-pound marlin by Fred Gray in 2 hours 15 minutes on heavy tackle from the F'ish Tales ID skippered by Dr. 0 . R. Dietrich. A 111%-pound marlin by H. C. Rms In 30 minutes on heavy tackle from the Marie R oss skippered by K. S. Ross. A 135 ~­ pound marlin caught by T nm in 45 minutes on heavy tac:-kle &om the Earl H Skippered by Earl H urst. A 131-pound marlin caught by John M. Scribner in 1 hour 30 minutes on heavy tackle from the Bonito skippered by J. B. McN!llly. A 151 ':4-pound marlin by George G. McGill in 40 minutes on heavy tackle from the Tight Lines skip- pered by M . L . DeGrasse. Friday's one fish was a 118~­ pound marlin caugh tby Tom Franco in 35 minutes on heavy 21-thread tackle from the Gee Gett, sk ippered by William B. Weber. A tremendous school of skip. jack has appeared in the ¥.'aters trom Salt Creek to Seal Beach. They haven't started to bite yet, but are expected to at any time. Surf fishing continues tair with oorbina and yellowfin croaker be- ing caught on sand crabs. Spot fin croaker continue to be caught in the bay. Barge fishermen are go- ing to town on mackerel. and live bait boats continue their catches of barracuda, bass, with an oc- casional "·hite sl'.'a bass or yel- lo\.\'taiJ. L"MBR.ELLA STOLEN Stanley Allen. 212 E. Ocean Front. Balboa. reported to police the theft of a blue a nd white um- brella. LOCATE MESA AUTO Automobile stolen from L. T. SaW)·tt or Costa ~tesa Tuesday night was found by Newport police in San Dipgo, It was taken from 30th a.nd Lafayette streets, New· port Beach. • . - -- Costa Mesa --Retail ·Shoes -L. Shorey-Recmdine Enc'DHr Davis & Gay Music Ce. 1111" Newport ............o.t .._, Bx -111'1 u' wamm at. e=u.at-......_ / G.N.Wells Real Estate ~ 8ecl)ft 5111 lTM N-e•-... -rt .. lllft.....-Oooa •-OollL 0 . C. HARR • • • C. C. CYM'O Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Barr's Jewelry Twin Locations 1811 llAIUIO& BLVD. Coda Mein lie. 1116-J Arthur Silver -Bob Padneld New Blue Room (W•Eleebto Grill) EA'l'8, DRINKS AND ROllANCZ I'll. -. nu "' .._ BurtR.Norlon RADIO ELECTRICIAN ftone llMcoD 5111 llll VoeR mp.way-Newport Jlw=h, o.llf. 0 . R. (Popi Crawley-N. M. (Morrie) Crawley Distinctive Home Fuml.sb1np Crawley's Furniture UU Newport Blvd._..,,., BMoon IMMll CoBta Mesa-"in the Heart of Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station '"Y<lU Otto BUY from Boyd" 1500 W. Centrai-Newport--Pb... Barbor 915 AL ANDERSON Fun Zone Balboa G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES ... ~tone ..• 1711 Newport Blvd.. Co.ta Mesa. BMcoa 5US·W "Home and Auto Supply Stores .. RE-ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -Incumbent- SHERJFF TUESDAY. NOV. 5tll Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Pb.. BM.oon 5810 009ta Mesa. Caltfonda A. E. Groty -] . A. Groty Groty Appliance Ce. 1"ftcWaln and Maytac Dealei-........ 511111 1711 Newpo1t Bl-.d . .....()osta M-. Oallf. John E. Sadleir . Real Estate -Insurance omoe Ph. Barbor %084 --8-t --Callf. F.B.Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFI'S OF ALL KINDS Ph. Barbor ! l .f.8. W 110! Ooeu ""'nt-Newport 8-11, c.111. HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Ceast Cempany Hl! W. Central-Pb.. Barbor !Ml HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing 1 Ttlr. a Cout Wpy-Phoae BeaDOD. 5'50 Lew H. Wallace Ree.I Estate and Insurance Broker PIM>aea: Offtee., Barbor S Res. Barbor lW 1!02 W. Central ATe.-Newport Beach, c.nt. COY E. WA TT!; Balboa Liquor Store '°" E. Cll!Dtnl A~ Balboa. Pia. Barbor U~ -ne e-or CordlalttT" -o. e. B.-.. lllcT· .J. M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER PIL. Barbor lUZ 1-at Central-Newport _. ''On Your Way to Balboa .. Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign ot the "'FLYING a.ED BOllSE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE -ll'T!·J ()out Blvd. at 101 mp.., NewportEngineering ABsociatee FREDERIC J. SINGER. ~t •u•...,...wa a a.. =rats ••• UU c..t J!w!r=ft= II• e• 5111 Wallace C Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store •• P'ootwesr for All Ibo Funlly . . 1-N .. "'"~­.._. ••Na sa..w ' Has Wholesale Shoe Manufactu er and Exclusive etail Store By ROBERT E. ARVIN The "doable or not!llq'' qwtioa bu hem eolved by the ~ of ~ of Caeta K.o for amo1ig GUier maaufadnrlng eaterp ..... ~ DOW baWl uwboloaale lllloe factory ..i ue tile proud of the oaly full-lled re shoe .tore that town. A madlly wdod wt ~heretofore oar worn ~" had to "heel" foot needs la w _.by tndlng center. • • •The dollar doMn't boomerang when~ _..i It •:;r tr... b-. Keep baying lo<ally . . , your .._ehanta are pe..-.1 for yoa yonr --.. They M yoa and your pocketbook. HE "SHOES CHICKENS" -• , • • Wallace C. Mattoon WALLACE C. MA1TOON, proprietor of the Mattoon &hoe store of 1'193' Newport boulevvd, C09Ca Meu, wu born. ID Weal Sprincfleld, M .... Feb. to, 1800. lie went tbro~ CJ'"UPID&r and hip. ~ tlaere and t:beD. padaated from Coburn Cle•'cal lnatltut;e. Waten1lle. Me.. After uia be comple&ed a .,...a e9 admln•traUon. cour9e at Boeton university. For die tollowl.n&" two ,,_... be d.ayed prote.lonal buet.11. • • • For the nest eApt yean he wu Jn. tbe Nnktnl" baMwa at 8prlnJfleld.-~c from tbe cround up and lncludlnc payllll" t.eller, forel.p ex.chance, dboount and loan department. orked. for tbe Union Tntlt company and for tlae Cbloopee NaUonal bank, both of Sprtn«f\dd, MUL • • • Two yean were next epmt wt.tit. tlle tamoas Coward Shoe oompan,y, the old line •t.ore of Bofton. In 1931 came to Lone Beadl and was acUve ln tbe retall aboe .,.,.,.._.. and &190 for a 9ll ort time wu attlllated tb the Bank of Amertca of tlLa& dty. i.ter on be went to the General 'l1re oom pmy and. wu with for three yean, UDW tile dart of tM war. For a :feat he became aJpt. ¥1pervl9or of production eon for nou,tM AlrcraR, tbm. IMt ,.utoUe&Uy jolaecl the navy, volan.teertnc, aad wa• detalled u bo&IAwal.n'• te, 9ervlnc for four yean and Uuoee monta Be wu a.IN a veteran of World Wu I, bavl:nc 11erved with the !1st New York Cavalry. • • • Alter h19 dl9cbara'e from tlae navy be took a complete cow wttb Dr. Ile, foot apedalltt. Addiq Ulh to Im prevtom 9hoe tralnblc, be opened lab .tore at Co.ta Meu. • • • b a member of tlM!I Coe&& Meea Uona clob aacl Chamber of Commerce. and a. a Muon. Bl9 favorite .po are bm.....i, football aad ftohlnc. Rh family .......... of !do ..Uo, --• reoentty-adopted baby bo r Pblllp Bay. 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor Ult Cout lllP~--Oorooa del Mer. Calll. Pb. ll.al'bor 83 Curt H . Bohman • The Bohman Cempany Te111pMw Bea ro• SUI aact ~ Ml eo..t matawaz-Newport Boo,., Callf. ROBERT H . REED Harbor Celd Storage PIL Barbor "8 UI -St.-N-...rt -· Calll. A. "Sandy'' Steiner REALTOR C . F . DENNISON, AAsoclate 1H eout m~---..... 5ns "Oiuck" Smith & Homer Smith, Proprietors Balboa Central Market (Wu BaJbgelfe-t Market. a Dencat'W•) 1oe z. c-tra1-n. -· zm Thomas F. Norton 1'1"1><>. BAY SHORE CAFE --5'746--11"' .. ()out lllway SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P . M. Al· and .Jim'• MEATS Awda&ed wttla Ootile'• -<JoootraJ--. - .Joluaay Abell Balboa Island Sporting Goods "EYerytblng for Ibo Sportsman" -~ ...-"---· 18'1 __ - MAC PELLETIER Newport Pharmacy ll•oee. .. ..t ft....._I CIL.&DD ll&VDUl:Y ._......Br' Beverley Realty Cempany .., &. O.llal ft. ....... 1111 ..... llUGld L •·• Radio S 0 S Electric _...._ ... ,.-;·n.. ...... • M"te. 0. 'BM • *? 'NI. °D9I' .......... , ........... Cs•• , \ tribator OENEaAL PETE FLYING BOBllEPOWJ:ll) %!1 !Otb St.-N rt-Pb. -r 19'1 RO '' p nn Newport 1v.i.--0oota •-eaw. Paul Balboa S PIL-r Beaoon 5811 rentzen rtfishing Fleet I-Balboa Pa.W011 Brad n L. Finch Donal BALBOA Mgr. Ceramics J.Harmon ORSE RACES w-. Wa., W• Mala 8t»ee& ft:D I & ANTO* HERSHEY . Henhey's et Spot PIL 1111 Pa'ea ...._. NEL90N ST'Al'l'"\C ary's Beauty Shoppe and Konlcurinc ,.. s. .. ,..... u.-1 °Din& Barl>erSbop Louis erwey, Prop. C..idno Cafe & W Lounge -..... Pcr'sz ,,... EARL W. STANLEY -.. c:::::: =~ ,t;·-~M-~1'11 111 OIM* ~ ... Mar Rn.._ 1161 1111 O.tn.I An..-Ne.pen ._. Wal~u&;w 'pe' Merchant Patrol Am Deteollw ~ --no.'"-Newpo-.a, -l&ll·a Theodore Robins FORD DEALER 1111 w. o..tnl ..... ...... ,. Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER ---Y-t -Dip .. D Ill OMd lllWQ-PIL Bx ro. Ml' C.F.Dennison ·-w -D A. "!IANDY'" l!l"l1mll:B - -• -()out mp~-l'IL -11111 Jack S. Fr.cl V. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS J..,a Newport - Plloae BML*l AOl·W. 0oeta ~ JOSEPH L. MARSHALL Ch"risii8n-:;But ~ T.LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen 10'7 Mahl SL-Balboa Hotel Aroo4e BICllARD L PATl'ERSON avn D1«1-n Patterson & Boyle S--Bldc~PIL 5915 -Sllnta Aaa U4I Cout Blvd. Nortb-1'11. 51.H-Locuna Capt. B. ]. McNally McNa117'0 Balboa Boat Livery 105 E. ~ Aft.-l'IL -r tel E. C. ''POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE LarEesl Number Dart c;.mes on Cbut Play Ball with Dolls B.B.alfte __ _ Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Callt. Geo. Wela L. Elaine W- Ceast Properties Ce. Realtors 108 E. Central-Bal--PIL -r - W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe !ht ~Newport Fritz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market Pb. Barbor M-l!Ol lllalD St. jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEW SPOT 11115 eo..t Blchwaz-Newport 8-11, Callt. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails Boob. 8t.tlGiiMIJ', C&rda. Art 8appllel IOI Main SL Balboa-Pb. -· I'll Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelen and Watclom•lrers 118 Twwt,o--•-Newport 89'1oh, Oallf. William MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calldna MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCHITECTS M. !!:. Nlededl:er. Sec. & Treu. uu eo.i m .. 1··Newport: Beb..-Beaeioa Mt.I Lee • • • BEAN &: HOLMAN -• -Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS 191 Buel Drt.......earbor ZM&--Oo...a clel - J. E. Ragsdale (Owner! Balboa Motel and Windsor au a. o..tn1 • •n a. ow.a.a ........ llartaor na .... a •• o.m. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN BAUIO.& lllL.Ufll~.&Wi 8'l'Oa VOLNE'I' L. HAY Sea-Esta Motel "Sleep by the Sea" 1111 Newpwt: ...._ -a.ea ._ CllAJILZY cox. 'II'--'Tm DO 'loeel'-<l)l "ooltitf In tbls b ........ E_"_ Mooern :shoe Repairing ~--ILW.-pwt&- Dutch Heamck _, ___ 111 a~ ra , "' sr •stw • -tu =s••• .._. . 'I . (, • • ft •••• - :Nw;ut a Ca la._ CAB CO. HS--8ostlw Expert Beauticians for Milady • Pmnanents, Cold "\\ave, Hair St;ylln&. Hair Tintlng • --Bleacll- lng, .Facials. NO WAJTJNU Carmen and Su.ff ......... Cafe ft ..... Le ..... c.m. v -A~ .,.,.. ....,.u, Ml Uli,7. ........, q,.? ... , .......... _ ....... ............. ll'f \ Balboa Inn Beauty Salon a.i.c.111a.&....se • ;D 0 RA LEE'S we have now lncloded Venetian Blinds to our stock. Custom Slip Covers -Draperies SJ 1 Marine Avenue Balboa Island 5HUR·1\1l San Franctacan Guest at NHY aub ·Mrs. &tty Wallooo ot S... Bett~ Rogers Weds in Saturday <Aemony At St. Michael's Episcopal Oiurch, Anaheim . Aidya Dean Attend Npt. Httgbts Circle Meets at liart Home n.-. '""""" l'ftldont o1 11a1-s.rore tbe a11ar o1 si. ........., .• Ga1lmd Tllbll1. 11r. Hai8b a1ao eral Convocation -Ialand. ill • sueot w. -~ ... -.Ana ....... at 4 ·-N<Wp«t Harbor Union I New ... t Hoi&hb drde nwt ... at Newport Harbor Yacht dub p.m. S.turdoy, Aue. ~~ Hieb-· then ea-the navy. 'Il>e Rev. Ar.Ira Dean. vicar ot oeat!Jr with Mn. Edwvd Hart. -vtaltlng hor aon, John A. "°"" were rTpeated by Bette Ann He studied at Notre n.me -at St. !'~ Epl..,.,.,.i church. left 1912 Olun:b •treet. Cmta .._ Wallaoe. real eatate broke-ot Rogen, claushter of Mr. qd Mn. Northweatern unlwnltlea, where fir tMoe -on the with 13 membon and -pmt· Balboa. Edward A. Regen, 20t Collina be wu commlaaloned enatcri He eaa cout. He will ottend the pr-nt. During hor stay Mn. Wallace avenue, Bal-blaAd, and Robert recent!Jr returned from Bainbridge, g convocation of the Eplaco. Mn. Fttd Wooclwwth pr...icled Is being entertained by many of W\Wam Halgll. aon of Mra. Adele Md., wberT he wu bamu:ks off!-pal urdl at Philadelphia, where ~-~ J · A. Bodman. supply her friends. 1\lelday evmln& ahe HaJgh, 222 Collins avenue. D!T at the preparatory school for the Archbishop of Canterbury will ~-man for the WSCS, gave a was dinner guest at the home of White lilles on the altar, baskets AM•polis students. He plam to be red cuest. and thm go on report for her departure. Mn. J.udge and Mn. Harry Westover of gladiolus at the side and tapen continue hil education at Loyola to ·1 in New York. where he Henry Hanis, tttasurer. reported and she was a guest of Mr. and made or lovely setting: ror the college. but until they can locate t ly held • rectonhip. $70 paid on the church pledse. ?tin. Fred Newcomb sr. at their ceremony which was read by the near the school will cootinue to Rev. Dean's absence the After the business meeti Balboa ~land home ror the ?tton-Rev. ArdYt Dean, pastor of St. make their home on Balboa Island Re R: A. Griesser of Corona del bers worked ng mem. day holiday. James Episcopal church. The wed-and Mn. HaJgh will continue with M will be in charge of services. . on scrapbooks for \Vednesday evening Mrs. Vernon ding marches were played by the her work. This week they are children in the hospitals. 1be Wroolle entertained with cocktail! church organist. honeymooning at Lake Arrowhead. B~boan Finds No next meeting will be with Mn. and dinner; a~d this evening The bride wore a dressmaker The date of the wedding was de-Charles Hand, D'lurch street. (Thursday), a dinner at the Hur-suit of winter white with match-cided on suddenly, and there was Gil mour in East ley Bell, Corona del Mar, is being , ing hat adorned wt th gold sequins little time for entertaining the hostessed by Mrs: Ne\VCOmb and I and a brown \"eil, while her acces-bride-ele-ct. Last week Airs. Robert Mrs. Oaren~ NLSSen of Santa sories were or brown baby alli· 1'1oore was hostess at a miscel- ~a. l\irs. King of Balboa ~sland gator. She wore a corsage or or-laneous sho"·er and others are in is also planning to entert8111 ror chld.s in dusty rose and gr~n. the offing. Mrs. ~allace, who returns to San The matron of honor, Mrs. Robert ------- FranclSCO Tuesday. Moore, wo~ a coral suit with !lavy ii=iCixiCixiCixXiiXXiiXXi~ i accessories and a co~ge of white COM Church Observes Second Anniversary THIS WEEK G. E. Automatic BlaU.ola orchid&. Kenneth ffajgh ter\'ed his brother aa best man. Mrs. John Vogel or Balboa has retUrned from her home town or Ricfunond, Va., which she had not see~ for 18 years. She visited a bro her in Florida and stopped at Ne Orleans on t he way home. Going east, she visited in Las V~as and Estes Park, Colo., whrre she attended an i.naurance CO'l''entjon with her brother . . Vogel confessed the east loo ed. old and dirty, was not to be mpared with California and th she intended to stay this side of he Mississippi in the future. ' . -~lb I r'S ........ ...., ... --~ After the ceremony was held at the tv;>me of the bride's p.annts where ?dh. Rogers, wearing ,,. gray print dress with black fea ther hat, presided over the serving of the wedding cake and champagne at a buffet table decorated with dahlias and white tapers. Later, a wed· ding supper was served at the Hurley BeU. The bride went through local schools from kindergarten to high school, . where she was Girl,. League president. then trained at Seaside Memorial hospital a.nd for On S unday, Sept. 8. Corona del ~1ar Community church. Congre- gational, \\'ill observe the second anniversary or its organization and the Rev. Perry Schrock will preach an anniversary sermon on the sub- ject "Seeing the Invisible." This might weU apply to the handfull ot women who banded together only a fe\v years ago in the Cailla Circle, and through whose efforts the church was established. L~cture on India Friiday Evening • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends· in short hairdos. Newport- 8-l•!lentoo General 0 J:lectl'lc Boa1 ~· i:rild Appl1ueee two years has been nune for Dr. VOTERS ' Read yOtW b.Uot, then vote NO. H old the line acatut lallattoa. Sept. 10, 11M6. ED ALLEN. Deliciously Prepared • + + + + Balboa Pioneer Honored on Eightieth Birthday One of Balboa's pioneers, Mrs. Friday evening, Sept. 6 at 7:30 P·rrl· A. E. N('ISOn , evangelical w~ker in India, will appear at the Seventh Day Adventist church. 01 County r oad and Bolsa street, C IC Mesa, giving a talk on con· ~'ti ns in that country. Mr. Nelson an members of his family will be in ative Indian costume and he · also show motion pictures "'h h he took "'hil<' there. Jda Humason, "''ho used to be known as "Mother Shilling," was honored by a surprise party Wednesday on her eighteenth l birthday when MM!. Clifford Von BH'~W President Kenne] entertained with a lunch-H n Off' eon at her home, 252 East 19th OrS ICe rs street. Costa 1\lesa. l Guests filed in singing "Happy 1\(rs. A. Gertrude Collver, presi- • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold waves -also machlneless pennanents. Virginia Bell's MARISKA House of Beauty 304 ~ Ave. Balboa &had Phone .. Harbor _ l8S'J .. NEWPORT CAFE -24Hour~ + Birthday'' and bearing many de~ of the Business and Prores- pretty gifts. Rooms were gay with sio9al Women's club, entertained zinnju and carnations, and seated offJFrs and chairmen at luncheon before a pre tty buffe t table, the recently at the Welcome cafe, ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! honoree served luncheon to her old ,Pltbeing presented for the new friends. clu year and many new ideas n o McFaddoD Ptace Newport ae.dl. Souvenir Present were Mrs. Emma Jen-pr nted and discussed. nings of Santa Ana; Mrs. Marg-. Dorothy Sutherland was .uerite Yoepper, Mra. B. G. Pat-pr~nted v.i th a gift, a remem- tenon and Mrs. John Vogel, Bal-brar.c::e for having served as the boa; Mrs. Ollie McNett and Mrs. lovly golden goddess, the "Winged Irene Smith, Costa Mesa; Mrs. VI ory or Samothrace." figure- Jennie Zimmerman of Fresno he ot the club emblem on the daughter of the honoree and he~ fl t entert'd in the Tomament of guest for two weeks. and the LI t.s. host.est. PIRATE PICTURES FAC Club Notes S~ Jose Editor Vikits Friends Mrs. w. B. Mellott will open her · 1 home on Westmlnater •treet to ?.t· and Mrs. Ben Hitt of San members and guestJ: of the arts J08e Vi.sited old friendl in town and crafts section of the Friday Wednesday, while on their way Afternoon club Sept. 10. to ~allbr~k. "'here they will .A• Seen in VO(;UE Now on Sale Mrs. J . M . Shearer or Magnolia spe d their vacation with Mr. avenue was hostess at the Jut Hit s. parents, Mr. and Mn. Ben meeting of the section. Following H .. fiitt, former Newport Beach a patio luncheon plans "'ere dis· ~14ents. Mr. Hitt is one or the cussed for the bazaar to be staged edit rs on the San Jose Mercury. • ' ~narc/ December 14. Her Jd. The first sign of fall ... your new bag. Graciously draped in capeskin in black or brown ... or dtoose a &cintillating black plastic patent to round out your present wardrobe. 5oo plus tax Street F1oor • Special Discount for "Pirate Week" • oar Bal.boa Studio now open d&ll7 frem 10 &. m. &o '1 p.. m. BALBOA INN ARCADE Phone: Barbor 1048 Scotch tape, various sJus. 1ale at the News-Times . VOTERS, Prot4"'t &Dd }'OUT TAXES. Sept. 10. your homes, boat acatn•t VOTE NO fW"nJture lncreued Tueoclay. ED ALLEN. ·'!'!mes •dvertlaementa an. l\llde to eltldent opendlng. ~rved, s...fa . $2.40 II $1.80 Tu Incl. Gryphon Productions ::.~· P LA Y~OUS~ :i ;o Last 1lmM -< .,.Ul'S., Fri. & Saturday ; ~ "Allyn Joslyn ~ *NEWPORT H.\RBOR MOVIE GUIDE * ~ ~The Bobby Shop .. BOBBY" Bob and Sally Brown Cost CLEARANCE SALE Infants' and Children's APPAREL m East Central, Balboa "Pirate Days" -September 5, 6, 7 and 8 Lido Theatre Balboa Theatre ~ -SE\\' ""INTE R POLICY- Doors open nightly 6 :30; first show starts a t 6 :4·5 ; last compl('te shov.• a t 9; conti nuous S unday from 2:15; junior ma tin('(' Saturday at l :45. So\\· SbO\,'lnK Thru Saturday: A M~morabl t' Scr f"f'D Atlra<'tion "The Searching Wind" Starring Robert l 'oung, Syl,1a Slcl.n11y and Ann Richards Sunday Thru Tur-s., Sept. 8., 9, to: Olivia de lla'\ilf.lld iD "To Each His Own" \VedaeoMlay Only, Sept. 11 : &<-tty Flf'ld, Z..Cb.a.ry Scott la ''The Southerner" Aho x .. Cm-tla and 1dJ Doa.nell "Throw a Saddle on a Star'' --NE\\' \\'INTER POLI CV-U: Doors open nightly at 6:30; first :z show starts at 6 :45 ; last comple te c show at 9. Now S ho\\1nC Thru Saturda)': -Pirates Ahoy! ; Here la YOW' S"al• SC"r~n prOKram c for thr Balboa Pirate Days \\'eek! c:! Charles t.uchton u ll- "CAPT AJN KIDD" \'i tb Randolph Soott aod Barbara :Z Brt~ton C :i: --e.ad Secoad BJ.c AttrM'tlon- Alaa Ladd, Veronica Lake and C. "'llllam Bead.ls la. "The Blue Dahlia" "Road to Utopia" --"They Made Me a Killer" c A meny-mad ........i,.: A bMft1 of Start. ~. Sept. U' A:~~l:orn:-:: wbole funlly Rod ~ ... 1:1Ja •a•am t. ur earls Were "The Runaround" Growing Up" A1oo "-o. ... _ ,_ o.i.ie i. starrtac o.u ._.., -. ~ "She Wrote the Book" --no.i...,. N w Nenw_, on ... , "CLVN'l' BROWN'" "Centennial Summer" F • ...,...._, "PA&DON llY PAln" lllllC c.o.y, "SINO YOU llDllO:lllF' In OY MEETS ~ GIRL' ~ 1'1tb --Marc Lawrence '1 and -i Joyce Arling 0 <: &!served Seats ,, BLUE SAILS BOOKSHOP -. PboDe Barbor 1'18 Or Lagllna 191 nln~ Tneoday, Sept. 10th > n.ru Sept. 15tb · SIGNE BASSO In "GEORGE" an OJ'lcbull play by .lob:D Men:tdj~ Larae wlthl-N-....i and O-e.csertY S=by ~ ~~ Edythe Davidson Zll North Broadway r • AITftJLLY TOUCHED WITH GllTTfl DRESSES Sltlrfa....a triumph of sl.ill- hl -mlntl. Tops deli. catelytr-with beada, -ins, nallhencla. lt'a the Madame lenauld eenius ,.,. etnpftaaizin9 0 WOlna•'• best linesl ;•