HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-17 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE SAND CRAB ., SAM • WAR WASTE. Have been trying for some weeks to set down a few facts on wanton war waste that re- turned army and navy offi- cers have given me, foUow- ing the scandals now on the grill · in Washington. The first item has to do with supplies shipped to the South Pacific. Some 14 7 snow plows, worth at least $15,- 000 each, were dumped on one of the occupied islands for the navy. This island never gets colder than 70 degrees above, but the soow plows went out there just the same. And do you know what happened to them• They were all thrown over- board! At that time, too, food was scarce and the hold ot the ship could have been used to carry grub. + + + Built Oil Typewriters. A warehouse on this same isl- and has been built on a double row of boxes contain- ing typewriters. The ware- house is 30x30 and in order to avoid building a founda- tion so that the warehouse would be off the ground. the engineers picked on the thousands of boxes, full of typewriters, as the boxes were of heavy lumber and smooth. So, sometime when you feel like taking a trip to the South Pacific and are in need of a machine, tip me · · off and wiU put you in touch with the officer who can locate them for you. • + • Alrplane8. Now as to a ir- planes. Whenever a plane had something wrong with it, n o time was wasted in having it repaired, although the ground crews were idle and itching for something to do other than playing cards or mummley peg, or drop the hanky or post pinup girls. But here is. what they did with the planes: They were dumped on a pile, then p recious aviation gas was poured over them and they were burned down to the metal. When this pile got too high, another was start- ed. The point is that the big army and navy officials claimed that time was too short to salvage any of this stuff in time of war and the quickest way possible.had to be worked to get the men on the firing line. All of which is 0 . K ., but these things happened at the bases far from the battlefront. the crews there all eager for something to do besides loaf- ing. + + + Gas Engines. In the same way beautiful engines. gas and diesels, were sent out by the hundreds. As gas was short the gas engines 'vere changed to diesels and then they found they had no fuel. so ... you tell one! Had some more but misplaced the data. ·+ + + Dumping Rubbish. Pro- t ests coming in that trash and rubbish is being thrown on the highway at McArthur bouleva rd, which is about a half mile north of Corona de! Mar. Don't know if this is inside the city limits or not, but worth checking. + • + Gambllng Ship. Get quite a "kick" out of the efforts to put Cornero's gambling ship out of business. Can re- member when the legislature finally legali2ed horse rac- ing, but have never been able to see the difference be- tween gambling on the ponies and doing the same thing on a . ship at sea. 'Course Comero has an un- savory rep. and has been in trouble, but the big boys at the race tracks, or at lesst ~ ot them, hll.ve been in a nwnber ol un-nice epi- llOdes. Seems to be all right to bet on the sport of kings but when you try to transfer )'OU!'_ ~ce to a ~p. tl_te Jegali2ed gamesters nse m righteous wrath to suppress such, efforts to tak~ some of their money, with the help ot the Los Angeles press! KEEP POSTED! 1 Ymr ...... ...... la Dz ts IL D Olll: el Cs m b 81MO..ef- -~--N'ewwr 1 l'fwwwpwt._,. ' • r ';. NEWPORT W1 Pb l'fe ..... ,.r M '1r A.at .. -al ~ I ti•• EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSUL.A. WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBoA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MF.SA VOUJJOXDYW · • ~' Revamping of Ci Govt. System Advocated Kiwanians WARNS MUNl~IPALITIES U. S. Seizes STATE LEAGUE OFFICER .Modernized To Organize ON SPECIFICATIONS SET Corner o's ALSO URGES HOUSING Judiciary Laguna Club FORTH IN AIRPORT RULES Vess e I FOR VETS, CITIZENS Demanded Group Here Told of Washington Attorney, Head of National Law Plan at Movie Ses-Body, Cites Inf.erred Inequalities in New LONG BEACH. flop<. 11. - (!!pedal .. N--)-"-7 Coraero'• ........... tMfi. tile ltanlrer m1, WM ....,,. t.7 the feden.I Covet t ' ....,.. ( sion Friday Regulations Issued by Civil Aeronautical ....... - -.... 171"C U mne. off Newpor& Barbor Sound motion pictures of Santa ' F e railroad trips to the Grand Canyon and through Carlsbad Caverns highlighted the Friday noon luncheon meeting of the Newport H arbor Kiwanis Club, which was held in White's Coffee Shop, Balboa. Authority to Govern Appropriations for $500-Million Municipal Airport Program wka It .... tal&ea lty two cout c-"" cutten fJoom -Lone 8-elt cout ruard ataUoa && 10*5 o'clook t.w. mornlnc •• ~ lowed Into tbe Lonc 8-b ba-r tap early -""""'°°"- SAN DIEGO, Sept. 1 '1-Monlclpal of.ftcen la clUet and eouatlet; thro...-t Callfon>la were arpcl today to tboroupJy ............ ""' reculatlona 1'u;t IWled by tbe CJYIJ ~eronautica Authority ln W•eh•nc· toa. D. C., ln refe~nce to airport oonstroctlOb pr'Ol'H.IU. During the business session members were told the names or the newly elected officers and members of the board of directors who will assumt.. office !n Janu- ary. Tbe w.mlnc WU i.uod by Cb&rlOI S. Byu of W.....,...n, D. C., an attorney and uecutt,·e director for the Natlonal Maalclpal Eseca- Uve L&wyen aaeoclaUon, ln an addreM deU\"eft'd to tbe dth -.nual The craft .... lel&ed by the aoeat cuant under aealed orderl recellved. fl'Oftl Wullln(ton, D. C. aad the U. S. Depertment of Just.ace. whJch advleecl Uaat tbe ship be held for violation of a federal 11tatute. The jDaUQ, de- pertment further advbed. tbe coast guard to take the alllp lato port and. turn It over to the otnce of \be collector of customa In Loq Beach tor dbposlUo-. conventJon of tbe i..e.cue of Cali- fornia auea.. Ryan who successfully drafted the airports bill which was pesed the airports bill which was passed Members were also advised or attending the conference that the Wednesday's meeting at Sand-regulations issued by the federal piper cafe. Laguna, whe n a Kiwa-authority have to do with the al· nis club will be ln!:talled in that Jocation of the $500,0CX>,OOO expen. city. The dinner meeting "rill be diture for airport development. held at 6 :30 p. m. One of the phases criticised by Kiwanian Earl W. Coppersmith the speaker was that having to do ~nnounced th~t a vetera~ serv. I with the time element in the corn- ice center, w1th a councillor on pletion of airports in any com- duty every afternoon. will be in-munity. Regulations specifically augurated by the Newport Harbor state, Ryan said, that all airport Post of the American Legion at projects must be finished in one the Legion Hut. A housing and year, and communities must as- employment service for th~ veter-sure the CAA that this time limit ans will be one of the features of will be kept if they expect to the center. he said. share in the huge appropriation Nine guests. eight of them vi.sit-for the airports. ing Kiwanians, were present at the "But I know that it is a phys.i- meeting and luncheon Friday. cal impossibility to build airports FTiday's program was arranged in that time," Ryan declared. He by Harry Holker, Balboa banker, also warned that the federal air through the courtesy ot the Santa authority intends to keep full con. Fe railroad and C. B. Lindsay, tro1 over the destiny of the alr. traveling passenger agent ot that ports once they are built. road. Harry Ashen of the USO "The regulations also state that Club manipulated the sound track municipalities may charge only mo\ie machine. commercial companies for their • ' use of the airports." Ryan de- clared. pointing out that under this clause the municipality could not impose fees on non-commer· ciaJ flyers who may use the ports as landing bases for their planes. R}·an also in the course of his address told about the hospital survey and construction program made possible by the passage of the hospital survey and construc- tion act. under which $375-rnillion· is to be appropriated to ·communi- ties on a per capita income and population s tatus. Small com· munities which do not rome under th.is classification may, not bene- fit .. In., announcing-9eizll1"fl of the veuet at noon today, Com- mander Louh L. Bennett of the 11111 Gout Guard •trk!t, ll&id he ~... advlted by the justice department to make the aeb.ure at o~ on the bMla of the vio- lation. Huntington Wade Cas-_.... Host to Elks __ . Goes to .. 1A. P ty T e ht Following a preliminar y ~earing ar Onlg in the Newport township justice court on Saturday, Justice Chris P. Pann of Huntingto• Beach, or- --dercd Robert Blackburn Wade. 32 HUNTINGTON BEACH, Sept. alias Bob Cody aild Bill Cody: 17.-The Santa Ana Elks No. 794 BaJboa photo shop proprietor, held 'A-il l be hosts tonight to all Elks for trial on a charge of felonious on the Orange county coastline as assault. \\'ell as Elks rrom San Diego, The case was set down ror Fri- 1 Oceanside', Long Beach, Santa day in Orange County Superior Monica and as rar as Santa Bar-court. hara. The court dcniPd a plea of Atty, The Jamboree will be held In the C. A. Nisson of Santa Ana, counsel beautiful PavaJon ballroom . where for the defe ndant. for reduction all delegates \\'ill ·assemble. in the bail from $5000 to $1000, A big barbecue dinner will be after Chief Deputy Prosecutor given to all Elks attending the Bert West objected on the.grounds conclave which starts at 6 p.m that the charge was of a sex The famous Elks chef. A. Duffy, nature. Y"lil have charge of the barbecue, I The 'court also recorded testi- a?d t~e table~ , underneath the I mony given by the alleged victim, pier \\'tll be utilized for feasting a 20-year-old Balboa young wo. of approximately 2500 Elks who man, and a report by Patrolmen are to take over the city Tues-Harry Lace and Ray Johnson of day evening. the Newport JX>lice. _.,, Bob Jurkovich. local Elks trus- tee. will be in charge of all arrangements . Ray Ainsworths Sue Harbor Men For Craft Blast The big Elks parade will start at 7 :30 p.m. with two visiting Elks bands, who will come here for this special occasion. also Elks drum corps, marching units and chanters. Damages or $16.000 were sought A regular Elks meeting will be in a superior court complaint filed held in the Pavalon ballroom, at by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ainsworth 8 p.m . with Exalted Ruler o. \V. of Balboa on :t.1onday against Rich- Holmes in charge. Police Chief ard Dittmar and George Swain of D. !'t-1. Blossom will be master of Costa Mesa and Newport Island ceremonies, and extravaganza of respectively. Hollyv.•ood talent will entertAin The plaintiffs claim that the de- during the evening. fendants agreed to a lease dated All Elks are invited to attend March 23, wherein Dittmar and the gala affair. Swain w ere to pay 40 percent of A. J . Parker, local police or-the gross receipts less amusement ficer. will be grand marshaJI of tax deductions and keep their boat the parade assisting General seawor thy, Chairman Jurkovich, who will The speedboat, Miss Balboa. was serve on the gener al arrangement destroyed by fire August 4. The committee are: M. M. McCallen. A.insWorths claim that tile harbor D. M. Blossom. A. J . Parker. men did not keep the craft in Charles Patton, Tom Gisler. H. M. condition and did not have it ln· Hepburn, Willis Warner ADen sured. Gisler. Sam Oapp, Ray Ov~acker, Val~ of the vessel was placed Jack Robertson, Grover Pound. at $16,.500. they claimed, adding Blondy Trimble, Ernest Giller . Ray that they were willing to slice off Dolan, Les Oliver, Gene Beish•. $500 from their claim for repaJn Floyd Stock, Ray OliveT, Edwln and alterations to the boat made Jack S. Raub' Civil Engl.Deer Grate, Bill Hoppock. Robert Lam-after it was leased to the defend- bert. Walter Gisler, Rene Callens, ant.a. .Jacli S. Raub, member of the firm of Raub & Bemiett, Pete 8-. Terrill Bennett. w . J. --.,.----- survey81'!1 and dvO e•gl-rs '°""led .i 1808 Newport boale-Bristol and Chamber of ~ Canners· Open Today VU'd, eoeta •-· ~1ary wm. Galllenne. For Mackerel Season Raub ...,. bon In Denwr, Colo.. In 1903, a tne WeR-All committee members att to and t ... ........, ....... !dlool ... _ .. ...__ .._...__ ..._.. to OWnnan Jurltovldl, Thrtt local llah cannln& eom- erner, .... -.....,-...,... ..,_,,. ~--·-Monday, Sept. 16 f"' their .. ip-Ponies opened for the ckerl sehool be lligaed oa with the Colondo 8Cale hlPway ..P. ~nta. and it will be r>ecnur/ ..,. -mg deparimmt, ot.rtlac "-Ille low w .a a "--that all committee members w.. oe·-todo,y. They ..... the w .. t. --~ ........__ f 18 ..._ ,__ ·-.. ._-. . em Con_,. Co., the California maa _, .........,. or --.. the hip Boddm of the their stabons not later than 5 Marine and the w .. t Cout Pack- COllU.0.llll '8wldb. p.m. 'l'llnday evenin&, Sept. 17· inc O<ll!IPOnles ot Lafayette aft- At the ripe old -a-of Zl be mlpsted to 0...-ud . nuo, Newport Beech. STANLEY ATmlmll OOll'PAll worked for the Col>b-Mitcbell fornia .. hi> i-.. state. lnteocllns Musick l}'rires People Lumber company, • Job that_ call to oettl• here fOC' the rest ot blo To Vote m November eel for cruising timber, buildlnc railroads and 1urveyinc -days. He came. here and at once . Aaanblyman -Elect Earl W. and bounclariel and •'-Y<d with ~at~ad~ ""th ~-~ James A. Musick ot Santa Ana. Stanioy ot Ne•-t Beach Is at-lhil for'thrtt )'Mn. •--. the •tote • .,..._ candidate for lberlff, today ursod tft1dlnc the 48lh annual con_.. . m&lne<n at San Dleco. -ldnc all countiana to resister· and -lion ot tbe Leaeue ot California When 24 ~an old he ch<Jle C&ll-(001111-., np nn1 in the NO\'ember o1«t1on. Cl-In San Dieao thla -. . . Chief Justice Gibson Richard Graves, Executive Secretary, Address-Says Lower Courts ing.48th.An~~al <;Ainferen~ of League.of System Is Anti- Califom1a Cities m San Diego, W IU'Jl1I ifs quated ·Unmitigated .Madness to Ignore Acute -- Problems Facing Communities SAN DIEGO. Sept. 17 CSpecialJ-More than 1100 of the 1500 SAN DIEGO. Sept.17. (Special) re(istered delegates attending the 48th annual conference o( the -Reform by applying modern League of califomia Cities here, on Monday lauded the statement methods to the already haclmey- made by Richard Graves of Los Angeles, executive secretary of ed jucliciaJ branches in the clty the organization, that antiquated methods in city government pro. and county courts of the state cedure must be eliminated if communities are to meet the preaing WU urged by Chief Justice Ph11 problems of the future. The four.day conference opened in the 1Gibeon of the St ate Supreme California t heater, where Mr. -· --.. Court here Monday. Graves was one of several prom-gram. Graves \\'arned that failure Addressing the 48th annual COD· 1nent state speakers. to do so "'ould only result in a ference of the League of Califor- Revertion of the powers of gov-concentrated attack by elements nia Oties, the jurist declared that ernment from the federal to local "which seek to for ce govemmen-he was not demanding a reorganJ. go\'ernments was the ke}'llOte of tal operation of str ictly private zation of the lower courts in cities the convention, the first held in nature that can best be handled and township&, but that he did three years. Recent triumphs by by private e nterprise." suggest that the defects that make CaJifornia cities over both the fed· Graves said members of the these courts complicated and con· eral and state governments which league should ~ake the lead to fusing should be eliminateij. had come in conOict was stressed. challenge the a ntiquated.city gov· Justice Gibsoo urged the orgaqi- The conference opened at 10 c>mm~nt p~edu~ wh!ch the sta~ zation to lay the groundwork for a .m. with Mayor Harley Knox of has . 1nher1ted . since it was Pl"l· modem judicial systems, working San Diego, league president, pre· I manly ~n ~r1c.:ittu~ area and through the law bodies which also siding. He gave the address of change ~t. bnnging it more up.to-are members of the League of welcome, and devoted a part of it date Wlth m <Xlem-day types of California Oties and which are tO'NaJ"d a report revie wing the g~ government. holding sessions in connection with work of the organization for thl' . We are no longer a state at thl' four-day conference. three yee.rs from 1941 to 1944 s1x-and·a-q~arter million people," Citizens who have seen the hen the all.out effort to defeat he said in pa.rt. "we are a rapidly higher courts in oper ation are de-- the enemy was launched. gro~ng state of nine millim peo-slrious of seeing more of their In his inspiring address, Graves ple. . . effidenciet applied to methods in spoke of tl1'e acute housing prob-He urg~ an entire revampmg the inferior courta as the city, 1em as one of the most important of the . city ~ovemment system, county and township courts are subjects needing attention today, thl':s ehmln~~ing_ the. weaknesses called, the Jurist said. He said and he urged member cities t o which the Cltles inherited deca&;s theTe is no sound reason for any take the lead in providing homes and decades age;> ~en Callt~ dttes to fear t hat through mod· for deserving veterans and other was regarded pnmanly as an a.gn-ernizat ion of these lower courts citizens of the state. To ignore cultural state. they may lose some of the r eve-• . . this problem was simply "unmiti-nue they alr('ady collect for traffic gated madness," he declared. A-fOST COMMUNITIES in the fines and the like. Urging private enterprise to state have physical plans purposed "Quite the contrary," said the take the initiative in providing a \ to serve 200.000 people, when ac-jurist. and he added that any plan definitely assuring housing pro-I (Continued on PagiP Five) that would make these courts Harbor Hi Grid Hopefuls Prepare for '46 Opener Thlrty--elght prancing candldateA greet.eel Coach "'endell Plckeml last Tuesday aft.emoon u tile 1948 edltfon or Ne"'POrt Harbor mp 5ehool football machJne started practice on the local gridiron. Thia week'11 AeMlons. operating under a strlctly·tlmed schedule, bu emphaalud tundamentaJs or bloektng and tackling "1th condlUontnr call&tbenlcs thrown tn. Very little of Barbor'• chances against the other league t.-ma In t.he vanity dlv1Alon can be 1tazarded. at thJs tJme, but rrom the loob of t:he boys who ue trytn&' tor ftnktrfD( berths, the Tar outfit w111 dotlnluly be on -Uctit s111e, and yet. a dellnlte threat. Pickens will have hi.!1 outfit working frorn single and double wing formations a nd will al so work out of a short punt. Line-- men will have their work cut out fo r them all season in trying to move heavier opposition but Pick- ens is concentrating on using their I ~­' I ,_ . ' •• . . -. . "" . f -' speed for ·a quick charge to offset the Y.'eight of opJX>ne nts. Light Backfield The backfield shapes up as ple nty light but fast. Key man in the pony edition will be Brian Ha nzal. returning letterma n from last year's team, and Harbor sprint star. Weighing approxi- mately 180 pounds, Hanzal will <Co ntinued from Page· SJ more adequate would also make them more adequate in deriving funds from the same source. Another fear that was groundless, the jurist explained, ts the one that suggests that any improve. m ent in the judiciaJ &)"Item of the lower courts will bring about a substitute of state authority over local authority to some extent. "Courts properly arganized and presided over by competent judges can officiate and still maintain their characteristics," the jurist added. "Every community and every person in that community ; will benefit by the efficiency ot:::- these courts and the people In it will likewise hen.tit." The jurist said that in local g1>vernment as well as in state and n11tional governments the basic doctrine of separation of pawers must be preserved. Again advocating modernization of the justicet11 courts in the lower legal branches, the jurist called attention to the complicated or- ganization, the inefficient opera- tion, the confusion in jurisdiction a nd the uncertainty of decisions made by them. "These irregularities tend to hamper and impede the jurisdJc- tion of justice and tend to defeat lhe administriltion of justice In this state," he declared, pointlng- out that there are 165 of these courts now In operation in Call- fornla. He broke them down to "A" and "B" clauifications tome known u dty courts, soine ' police courts and some justice of peace courts. . '11\e jurist asserted that there are 22 cities in the state which admit that_. they do not know whether they have a c1 ..... A" or a c1 ... "B" jurlsdictlon. In Bal(. ....tield. for .. ample. he llald there are two towmbips; one hu an "A". tl:w other a "B" cl•Mlflcetlon. Juriota take the "B" eourto --IOUl!y beca... lhOy are not 1!t!re about the "A" oourt1. JM deplottd the -"' -..otthe __ _ are _.ted GDly -' at tile - by a ~ -II _. .. 111 otber biwtn 11 Cll' by lawi*I 9'° _....,...In __ '-n..r. II no jmtlfleo-Jmc tM _,,, _ OpeOf-111 c.ut-----~ 2llO at -r Rio ... ,_ ---bl• Wti&M WE PD8T &AW TRIS norus& we c._.,. o 6oe 8eeli; fll Bd1a..., WM ........ tM ...._,! ._':; ea•• --la'--"'I • ~ ~ fW)' ..,......_ " ..... u.ie ._. m ~ .._,, I.,. lie& .......... ---~'= ---.·----0·1~1. llall-......... -----~­"+lllde:u07 PM"*-all dwlt ...tl." &e •, sslle ._, b? • p __. • .. ._. fw 11118 I -· .. -----.._-.. t•--"~ '9 ~ .... ..mt. • -Neal Bai• !I ....... I • ,,. .. l -· #j ...... outa -• ..., •• n , • ID ....... tl&)W ...... , .. cc 7' ...... ,_, • ' • • • ~P:f?!::li:..!T~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"!!!*~·~PGW~!!!·t..!·~·~·~ .... !!!~·~"~·~·!!!--~'ll~!!---1..!"~-=·~e=~~'!'!!ill*~°":~z!!!i'=i=~~Ta!i:~·~r~·!B!:lpt•==:·~·~·~·~·,L···~·~ .. ~-::-~~-:::-'.:':'::"""':"'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- NEWPORT BALBoA H rbor Ch h Frost s·t Want to Buy a C-47? PROFESSIONAL D RE N E w s -T I M E s THE WORLD . • • a urc . I es Go to Ontario Field I CTORY PRONr:R• ··--u - u •• B.7Ar:DTWAA1U)GLANOIAYTOCEN I sch 0 0 I Open F#f 'si1Bftf"J''h!1d&,J' ... 'naa ',Ar.am V.._mvlll - ()oMa Mma Eddltloa h!!ll# 1 S'tW7 W R I 7 V.._. D _.ription Pa,at>le ln Advonce:-$2:50 per yar In Orance County $2.75 per year to 4th """"' 5100 per yar to 8th zmw Bad o..a .. u-. Entered u Second-OMs matter at tbe Pootottl"" In N""prl Beedt, The Missouri primary oloctloo CalifomJa. Wlder the A.ct t1 Karch 3, 1879 in which A-esident Tnnnan suc---------------------------1 ceeded ln "purging'' Representa- .t,()()()1JNTANT Four C-47 surplus aircraft are 1,.------------ Aa we •ow understand It. a to be ottered for sale at Cal-Aero bouslnc eiq>edlter.....,. .-iy ..... Field, ONTARIO, eat1rom1a. by Bookkeeping sembles the first seTge&Dt who the Wu Assets Administration, Serv1"ce hurries things up IO you'll have acording to announcement today longer to wait.-MJlwaukee Joor· by Leo R ?,fcGeehee, WAA regio-OOLIN F. BltOWN nal. nal airc:rah sales chief. (ll&rtlor IMI) The pl.ants range in price fr6m Ill lllarl89 Aft., Balboa &L Dr. W. T. Mooney Pb,..idu. ..... S....gw --<Joatnl ..... ( ..... ..;........, ....... SAK D. PORTER -· Publlaher tive Slaughter is now ancient ~ F. G. FROST Editor Jitical history. But there is one The Ne""-port Harbor Lutheran Church School opened for itJ: first session on Sunday, September 15th at 9:30 A.M. Classes will be con- ducted for children of ages 8-15. Pr~nt facilities niake it neces- sary to limit the enrollment to children of the above age groups. And wua.·'t. lt a famous Holly- wood film figure, on hearing there "''ere no taxes ln Utopia ordered a contractor to build a colossal man- sion for him somewhere in the city limit!? $15.000 to $22,500, and will be '------------,,,J am..table for certified \Vorld War -=------------,,,J n veterans' priority buying froml r------------- September 17 through October l . I. 8. WHYTE W. F . DIXON -A.dvertisina Manager phase of that affair which many Prln ___ tln_:&:....P_lan_t_. _:io_u_w_. _ee_o_tnJ __ A_..,.,_ue. __ N_ew1_..:.port __ Beacb. ___ ca __ 111_omla __ 1 Americans still are unable to swal· Official Papef of the City of Newport Beach A Desl&nhble Loe&I ._.. .. ,._ flllr 0.... 11 Yww Any unsold planes will be offered ~ Til co~ on October 2 to RFC for res.ale to Aalborbed. br u.. thalted Mam ~ small business, on 0cto~ 3 to 97 D• _.._, '° .... * ._ .. t. ut;'.1 ........ .tu. lDtCW tu: ......... state arid local governments, and A'ODITB • 11&1.m to the general public after Octo-W'* •EE +IMO m~ ber 3. Prospective buyers may --::._-::.:'~er... ._ A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBISICIAN -StlSGICON U1 CloM& Jl!PwaT. -Ill eo .... ._ ... Active Member of low-and that is the close bond It emphasized existing between the President of the United States and one of the most corrupt political machines In the country... Of course, everybody knows that-Mr. Tnnnan is a protege of that mas chine. He has never hesitated to admit it. But the President's rath- er warped sense of loyalty appar- ently prevents him from improving his political tastes and renouncing all connections with the Pender- gut crowd. He could do much to improve t h e Nation's political health if he would take an open stand against. and refuse the back- ing of, such notorious big-city machine9 as Tammany Hall in New York, Hague in New Jersey, Crump in Tennessee. Kelly in Chi- cago as well as Pendergast in Kansas City. A stand like that might win him a Jot more votes in 1948 than he would lose by washing his hands of the bosses. The school wiU center its cur- riculwn on the studY of "F'Unda- mentals of Christian Faith" in order to provide the training nece- sary to equip children for intelli- gent church membenhip and Christian li\ing. Despite a nation· wide decrease in Sunday School enrollment.a.~ Lutheran Church Schools have experienced a sub- A tlllag we m1-. but nol very much, is that occasional prt"War article on how to bring up a fam- ily of five on $18 a week, lf any- one llkes rolled oats. -Detroit NeYt'1. inspect the planes from 9 a.m. to ;,,, __ .:..;c:.:;;,,:::::::...:::=.: __ ...! 4 p.m.., Mondays through Fridays. ;,,, ___________ _,! A&C1ll'nCT Constitution Day stan tial increase. A Protestant chaplain of another denomination testified to the thoroughness of Lutheran training thusly: .. In over 45,000 interviews wtth men of every faith, I found the boys who were trained in the Lutheran Church It .,...,. Juan de Cardenas, Span- ish Ambassador to the U. S ., who said : "I carry a lady's fan whtt- ever I go in Wuhingtoo--trom early June until Labor Day. Why all men here don't do the same, r11 never understand." Takee time to break a habit. Gr:'l' OOMM1S8JONS Forty-three cadet -midshi)>lllen oI California \\'ho completed their 27-month course at the California 1\{ariti.me Academy, Vallejo, Cali- fornia, on Saturday; received com- missions as ensigns in the U. S. Maritime Service and the U. S. Naval Reserve. Captain Claude Armand Monaco ABCIDTllCT SU W. Bay Ave., BaJboa -1-!111~A- 1-.U.-NOt ·aq - lolm K. C. Chmig. 11. D. ft;r•'•= ... ..,...., 2 O 4 7 I 8:30 and by oppolntmont Beecon S075 1.M-ua- Ooota -Clo--. One hundred and fifty-nine years ago-September 17, 1787-the American Constitution came Into being. It was born of great travail. The delegates ID the Continental Con· gress had wrangled over it for months. Their disagreements at times bad been intensely bitter. Schools head and shoulders above A l~dy ot whom we've heard all othen in the understanding of humed into a candy store one their faith; hence, better equipped day recently, and without noticing for the trial of their war exper~ that there were no other custom- iences." .. ers around inquired. ''Where do B. Mayo, USN. (Ret.l, Superin· r-----------~ tendeht of the Academy delivered Lamellce B. Dorey, 11. D. Physician " Surgeon Sil llbriH Ave.. •ea........_. '] Yet, out of the tunnoil of that meeting in Philadelphia came a great masterpiece of legislation. In his "American Commonwealth'" Bryce says: excelleoce of its scheme, its adaption to the circumstances rA the people, the simplicity, brevity, and precision of its language, its judicious mixture of d efiniteness in principle with elasticity in details." But in spite of its greatness our Constitution cannot be taken for granted. The freedoms it provides must be zeal- ously guarded. Although it guarantees to every American equal tights regardless of religion, race or color, our history has been marked by continual strife between those elements ' whic h seek· to pen;ecute minorities and those who strive to protect them. Time after time in congress efforts to more effectively protect the tig hts of minotities on specific issues are blocked through filibustera. This device, which thwarts the will of the majotity, has been vigorously opposed by California's Senator Knowland. During his year in the senate he has won wide recognition as an able and sincere defender of min- ority tig hts, and he pla ns to renew his fight against the fili- buster next J a nuary if he is returned to the senate by the people o f California. Certainly this nation cannot tolerate a legislative device which enables any group to flaunt the Constitution. If the effectiveness of this great document is to be preserved then the filibuster and the bigotory which it protects must be elim- inated. For Future CIUUll• The program to be inaugurated by the U. S . Justice Department for the purpose of emphasising "the worth and meaning of Ameri- can citizenship" to those who wish to become cit izens is a mo 1 t worthwhile undertaking. But It might be well if that program were also extended to all citizens. Certainly there is an urgent need for a clearer realization on the part of Amer icans of "the worth and meaning of American citizen- ship." Abuse of minorities, apathy M. K. Laurle of 169 23rd Street, Costa Mesa, is superintendent of t he Lutheran Oi.urch School. Fur- ther information may be secured b)' calling Pastor Roth, Harbor 2185-J. The school will meet each Sunday morning at the Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, Cost a Mesa. When its. permanent build- ing is finishE'd on Cliff Drlve at the end of El Modena Street. Newport Heights, its enrollment will be extended to include child· ren of all ages. For office supplies, see the News-Times. toward vital national and inter -------------- national issues. indifference about voUng.-all these things indicate a widespread lack of understand- ing and appreciation of our democ- racy and its benefits. Suppose every American \verc required to pass the same test y,•hich ls given to applicants for citizenship? ~t ore than likely a greater interest would be aroused in the history and institutions or our country as well a.s in its major problems. In other words. we's have m o r e thinking Americans--and that's what America needs. to the United Nations. If these things come to pass they'll have a lot less empire but a lot less t rouble. too. "Cbulle Day" April 1 is April fool. but there won't be any fooling around Bi- kini on that date if present plans for the third atom bomb test go through on schedule. At present the arrangements for the de<>p- undcrwatcr experiment have YE'f to be worked out in detail. but it Is expected that Bikini bomb No. 3 \viii be set off at a depth or Sun Nevf'r !'eta 3.000 feet. About 15 or 20 ships The sun never sets on th e will be pl aced in a pattern over British Empire---and in these days the OOmb. This test will not take The unceasing scientific research for ne\V and better it never sets on the 'troubled spots pl ac:e in the lagoon where th~ things is one of the great romances at modern industrial Am· of the British Empire. Between other two explosives \\·ere set off -Tru th • th' ti bout I bo t bes the Jews and Arabs in Palestine but off the southeast corner of Romance of Research enca. e, ere s no mg roman C 8 a ra Ory tu and the Moslems and Hindus in Bikini island v.•here the water is and the stuff concocted in them. ' India most a ny nation would have as much as SJJOO feel deep. The But. for ~xampJ.e, as a direct result of research, soaps and Its hands more than full. But "Charlie Day" blast may not be skin lotions' have been created whidl help Miss and Mrs. Am-they're only part of Britain's grief. as spectacy!ar as its two predeces-Be81des them there are the prob-sors. but j scientists 8I'e looking erica to k~ their hands 11soft and lovely''. That has a ro-terns In Iran and Egypt. and from forward tb it for conclusive proof mantic touch. Then there are nylon stockings--the gift of time to time other situation5 such of the pov.•cr of the atom against research to the shapely limbs of feminine America. Ro-as the one in Indonesia last year naval armament. help to keep the British Inter-Better Crop mantle! Yes, and downright glamorous. too. national "hot seBt" hot. 0 n e A bit of good ne"-s from Europe Cosmetics, clothes. household goods-almost everything crisis follo"-s another and, occa.s· is that this. year's wheat crop will ln our d a ily lives, and many things we never come in oontact io nally, they come in pairs. But be considerably better than that the F oreign Ofi ce just k('('ps on of 1945. The prospective yield will with. have been developed or improved directly or indirectly muddling ahead. In the course of total 830 million bushels, nE'arly through resea rch. a few years. hou•e\•er . the British 200 million more than last year Indulitry today spends millions of dollars fo r this purpose. may not ha\'C so much to muddle but far under the 1935-39 average l stand for chocolate pepper- mints?"-The New Yorker. Sbe wu one of the British brides. and as the liner slowly docked, she spatted her husband on the wharf, almost hidden by the beautiful nowers he was hold- ing. At the first opportunity she rushed down the gangplank, threw her anns around him and sobbed: "My darling Her m an. you shouldn't have bought so many nowers for me." "That's enough of that, Katie," cris ply admonished Herman, "Get busy and help me sell them.." T\\•o can collided in a minor in- tE>rsection accident, but Officer Ed OJkst said the usua1 argument be- tween the drive rs failed to de- velop. 0\li'en W , K aiser, driving home to Seattle, Wash., from Minneapo- lis, Minn., got out of his car and started toward Charles A. Ive, who was driving to Spokane ft'Om Seattl<'. the sailing orders. J HOW IS YOVR INSURA~CE? They starro. shook hands and I ~~~~~~~~~~!!:~!J laughed-they were cousins. :. County Polio Cases Drop off Sharply Infantile Paralysis is definitely o nthe decline, at least In Orange County. according to a report from Dr. E. L. Russell, county health officer last week. Orange County has been very fortunate during the poliomyelitis epedemic in that it has had only 12 cases reparted since the first of the year , two cases which have been considered serious. The danger past, the patients are both resting well at the Orange County Hospital Pavilion and are responding to treatment. VET'S Taxi Company PHONE: BEACON 5659-W We are partial only to The People -OUR CUSTOMERS- (Owned and Operated by Veterans l 1011 BROADWAY The Los Angeles papers re- ported 13 new cases for th a t county during a 24 hour period.I ~~~~~~~~~~""'.~~~ last Wednesday. This number, be- ing more than all cases reported in Orange County for the entire year, befits a commendable, i! not good record for this area. indeed. about. They've agreE'd to pull out of 1,115,000,000 bushels. Th is One nationwide electrical appliance company spent fore tluin of Eg)·pt. They're trying to get m€'ans that Europe \\ill have to $41 million in 1945 to discover new pnx:Jucts and to bring th(' people of India to take over in1port large quantities of grain them to the produc tion stage. The total amount spent for the their own affa irs. And they mny if its granaries-and stbmachs-turn their Palestine mandate over a r(' lo be adequately fillE'd. ,------------~ various phases o r research by America's many thousands of ______________ ......:_...::..____ Carr's Feed Store Industrial concerns is unquestionably enonnous. Now, why is industry willing to spend so much on ...,. Hay aad Grain search? Because it knows that under our syste m of free en-Quallty Feeds terptise the company or the individua l ma king the best -§- mousetraps, on \\·hat-have--you ?, gets m o re business and e arns Dally Del.Ivery-Beacon 5t4.5 llln Newport Bl...S. a greater reward. OOSTA Mr:SA But the incentive to discover and develop new products must eventually be destroyf!(I if the rewards, or profits. are all but swallowed up by burdensome taxation, and if excess- ive government regulation tends to setiously hamper normal business activity. The romanL-e of Ame rica"s scientific research lies In the bounclless possibilities for better living which it can unfold for us if our free enterprise sys te m is kept genuinely free. A Tip to Writers If you w ant to be a s uccessful writer don't write above the sixth-grade level. That's the tip from Dr. Gerald A. Yoakam, Univer.<ilY'of Pittsburg professor. He says tha t anything wtitten beyond the understanding of a sixth-grade youngster doesn't stand much chance ot be- ing widely read. In other words, whatever you write, keep It simple. It doesn't make any difference what the subject Is, whether commonplace or unusual, the public wants It set forth In tern!S that will not "strain the brain". During the war, he points out. the army kept its instructions on the fourth-grade level just to be sure that they would be Cllm· pletely understood. So, if Ametica's 141 million writers and would be writers (total population 141 million) will "keep it simple" each one can write a "masterpiece"-and then we'll have a REAL paper shortage. DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH WITH ORANGE YS OWll • ' You're paid well while you learn to be a Telephone Operator You"ll like: the work. Ifs iotr.r-. ' est10«, plaas- aot. You·i1 Hice the girl1 you work with, 100. Good wodUng cooWcioos 11- tnn th< kind ol ptt>ple you eoiof bowiag IU'ld btlag with. Bue nui J:DOR impott&Dt ••• -------------------------------------------- You'll know that you biaw a ""1 opponua. ity to get a.bad. A relepboac ·jci, ot'as a 1irl a reaJ casur., wich maor adnntaga.. Wby doe' ,._ -., IOda1I • ----------------- Apply at Southen Califor n::- a He,.•s wlty yoa'll Ilk' a i.leplione uirwr • Good psy wb.ile you leam • Good wo.ddag coodi.boas • Regutu raUu • Vla.tloa. with P91 ' A cbiDce a:> cr.t abead ----------------- Te lephone Co•paay 24·Hour Radio Service HOME, AUTO, HABINr: RADIOS BEPAIBJ:n Burt R. Norton 915 ~ ~ lie·,.. 11U Newport BM<*, callf. - ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Offen You the 11'1-' Place t.o Dlae In Orange Ooanty: All New·-· Even the Location .. ' One-Half Mlle East rA Old Locatktft on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Soutbem Callfomla In the Servin& Cit -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUB ldnd ol 8'1'&\KS -vwr ow KnCHEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa. and Filh Market Waper Dragt-llilltftiute Dr.-o.w- Ollropracttc, Dietetics, Physlo & Coloolc Therapy ·-(lout Bhd., - 1---- DAT SCHOOL Mortimer School IOZ <Joni Bo-1a1....i DAT SCHOOL OPENS 0(1r 1 Grodeo: ColL Prep, Arm:r O • .&.. Mortimer, M. A., Oztord l'lmd.-1 --· l6Z DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST HO!~ w. Contnl. -· 1'80 NEWPORT BEACH DK. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST !SSS Weet QmtnJ. Phone Harbor UI-1 Nowport INSURANCE Lincoln NaUonal Life lmorance Co. "It& JI'.,.. l~ Ita ~" DON n:BN'IGAN Phone Barbor !M·B SOB llllarbte A-Ba1boe 1o1. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE 00. Ray Nielsen • t ...... ~-hlJeliN Piao• Harber """' U6 &, ~ .A.Ye, WbM HORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servine-Others Best" Pllone Beiaeon 5810 Co.ta Me.. Calltornla OPTOMETRI8T8 E. T . Butterworth, 0 . D. Optomotn.i r:n:s r:xAMINED LENSES DUPUCATED o...._~_....,_... 111& W. C..tnl A"" Pia. ._._. Ull N'SWPO&T 11&.lCB Robert A. Crawford Opt.. D. OPTOMETRI8T Eyes Enmlned • GJ....,, Fitted 1191 Newport Boulevard ............. u COf!IT411a& Gordon II. Gr-1y, 11. D. PHYSICIAN and SURG!ION Balboa Inn Arcade Ottlce ~: 10-12 a.m.: U p.m. Phone Harbor -:JT H. R. Hall, M. D. l'll1*iAlload~ HOW'S : 2-5, -y Appolntmont ~--58411 111~ llllton M. MuweU, 11. D. 1801 Clout m..., Corona del Mar Office Hours: 10-1.2: 2-5 • Pboae 11ar11or 11a S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Ba111oa Bart.or l"lU us 8. IDll 8&., 1-.u.- TUokOJ' 'l'CU By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 'W°est Cetotnl Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pboae Jlwbcr 1 Oii No ...._..: c:..u ae.c.a &069-& X·Ray Service T. P. REEDER, llL D. and WM. S. ffiETON, llL D. Pbnlclw a.ad 8111'p9M -w. Oeatral Telephone Barbor IO! , Nl&'ht&-169<-W PUBLIO .8Tr:NOGRAPID!:a Phone Beaooa 5803-W ' Mi D. Keesling 1808-A Newport Bl...S. Co.ta Meu 8URVETOR8 Raub.& Bennett Bane7on and ·~ 1808 Nojowport Bhd., Coot&._ Telepbaoe lle8con 5808-W Zl17 W. Certtral Newport -~-.us OTEACRER PIA~O TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Graduate Royal Ooneervatory, Lel.-ic Ph. Harbor 1252-W 1526 W. Ocean Front C.mplete Fountain Service at H-AN SEN 'S ZUMI Oceu Front Newport NOW OPEN~ llU.LTS • SANDW1Clll!8 • llAMBUBGEBS Ice c-t.o TUe Oat • • ' .. • ' 1b:t. pm n' "'-••'•fr 8e11 ·n 11 11, l.NI ... -4 Deliciously Prepared . + + + + NEWPORT CAFE -U Bour Servi- +. 110 MeF-..._ N-rt- 'Newport llarbor Fishing News 81'1 1!1 .,. Sportfishing Assn. of Newport Harbor ln two hours 11 minutes on three-- six tackle ( 18 pound teat line) One hundred nineteen marlin from boa s pi! ted by and broadbill is· now the to't-• of the 1 port 0 ~ Herman Fink. This is the second these fish weighed in at the New· three-slx marlin this seuon. Also port Harbor Master dock: up to on Saturday a 170\; pound mar· Sunday night. Sept. 8. This does lin by Stanley Arndt, 2125 Adair not give the grand total ot fish St., San 1-farino. in one hour 40 caught in the waten off Newport minutes •. on heavy tackle from ~-------------------------~1 Harbor, as some boats do not the Jig-An-Reel piloted by Ed- stop t o weigh in their fish. ward c. Fruehan. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR C E ·M E N T W 0 R K F1at won: or Foand.atlom OALL 1 6 % Z • l FOB INFOBHATION BBING YOUR RADIO TO US °"" IJa:J -We'll llepM-It ... You °"' ea ... u °"' Nert _....,. Parta. Work a--. Fodo>7 ~ ...- Radio SOS Electric HA.BOLD L RAMM SOI ll&rtne A•e., Balboa bl&Dd Cocker AKC Puppies -Stud Servtoe-- PBONE BEACON 5SOlhJ Sundar SA\\' seven marlin weigh- ed in. Saturday four, and Friday Friday a 137% pound marlin one. Sunday's fish included a 119 "'as caught by M. M. Culver, 126 Crystal, Balboa Island, in one pound marlin by Ray Regoli. 1316 hour 15 minutes oii heavy tackle S . Downey Road, L. A., in four from the Patute skippered by hours on heavy tackle from aboard L. B. CUiver. Thursday a · 119 the Kuan Yin piloted by W illie pound marlin was landed by Lyle Regoli. A 10014 pound marlin by Ivan L. Ellmore, 702 s. Los Ange--\V. Hardy, 8011 S. Denker Ave., Jes St., Anaheim. in 11 minutes 0 ,. L. A .. in one hour U minutes on hea"-y tackle from the :a.fiss Bar-heavy tackle from the Daisy ll, bara piloted by :P.farge Sloman. A piloted by Jim Stevenson. 128 1.4 pound marlin by Harry Ash-Sept. 4t h a marlin was landed ton, 509 E. Central. Balboa, in one by Bob Stevens in 38 minutes on hour 27 minutes on heavy tackle heavy 24-thread line from the from the Edna Lee, skippered by Salt Peter Too, piloted by Ed • Mrs. Lila Ashton. A 213% pound G~endyke. On the same day, m arlin by Morrie Cain. Rt. l. Box a 118 pound marlin was landed by 230, Fullerton, in 5 hours 22 min-J . B. Heckert, 1119 Geneva. St .• utes on 15-thread line from the Glendale, in 28 minutes on heavy Ro-Oar, piloted by J . T. Poston. tackJe from the Trade Wind, Skiir A 1551,4 pound marlin by H . G. pered by H. S. Graham. Ferguson, 5855 Lemp, North Hot-The albacore fishing continues lyv.•ood, in 37 minutes on he avy fairly good, but very spotty. Many tackle from a boat piloted by Her-boats co'me in with their skunked bert E. Cheek. A 136%. pound flag flying, but others have their I DRAFTING SERVICE • ROY M. WATKINS and Associates <• ... -lllle) -118 81:BVl!:8 • marlin by Al Larrabee, 2500 Calif. red and "'hitc albacore flags whi(r "SKIPPER OF THE WEEll"-OUt.tandlnC' Ill tbe local Sn.lpe claM St., Hunting Park, Calif., on heavy ping in the breeze. Wednesda)' r&ce9 tbh teUOD 19 Bob Davia. 13-year~ld Stanford sophomore tackle from the Amiga, skippered the Rocket, wit h Earl Coleman at with hi• crew, Bm Hamm. 14:, of Balboa bland. Be la lhown here by RaJph Larrabee. A 143% (Xlund the wheel, had 33 albocore weigh-u.lllnc" hlA Snipe "Shady Too." Bob ts an acUtre member or the marlin by Dick Heller, 629 S. Hill, ,ng from 24 to 31 pounds and the Newport Raritor Yacht club. '----'-=---%_62_8_N_•_WJ>O __ rt_8_1vd_. _______ eo. __ ta_M_-_ _JI I L. A., in 29 minutes on heavy next day he had 35 skipjack caught _____________ Ph_o_t_o__;by:...cBe.c:..:m.:c::ard:..::...:ofc:...:H:.:o:::l:.:IY"'..::..'ood=::.· __ tackle from the Dolphin . piloted by 4 fishermen. The skipjack. re-and reel. The next 70 minutes was Hamburgers Malts Sundaes Coffee and Donuts Waffles - ........... -.. • 1 091d1Ps flll .... •I,, Mtl . _, .. I . by Eddie Offerle. portt.'d moving in a few days ago, Saturday·s fish included a 135 are noy,· biting. The •eomet got full of fast action a nd quick think-ing from· the little bo~t. to keep pound marlin caught by Sam Bag 35. l\1 arlin rv had 7 'I).lesday. and the lines from tangling. After 40 by, 1732 Olema St., Temple City, the Sarda Sarda 6 alt1'..core 9 blue- in '.:!O minutes on heavy tackle fin tuna and one skipjack. minut£'s the first marlin, a 159 from the Phantom. skippered by Skipper Geor ge "Red.. Young pounde r , was landed by E d Gro-enendy ke. y,•ith '''hat assistance Norman Begg. A 136Y.. pound br ought his Flyer into the white-that could be tiad from Kenneth marlin by Fra nk Linnell, 26 Bay sea-bass-capital-of -NC\\')X>rt-Har-Simpson Jr .. fi g hting his OY."n fish. Shore Dr., Nev.'port, in 31 minutes bor, the 19th Street Landing. with 30 minutes later his fi sh "'as land- on hC'avy tackle from the Daisy 200 y,·hite sea bass aboard Friday, ed. a 131 pounder. on lS-thread II. piloted by Jimmy Stevenson. Sept. 6th. caught off the Hunting·· line. A 111 ~ pound marlin by George ton fla ts. . . On the same day a 18114 pound Collinge, 1805 S . Raymond Ave., S kipper Bob LeY.•1s. of the Re-, marlin "'RS la nded by Or. Paul Alhambra. in one hour 10 minutes capture out. of Port Lido h~ real-Murphy in 20 nli nutes on heavy on 15-thr('ad line from the Chi-ly been doing good the past two tackle from the Tight Lines skip- nook , piloted by Glen Soden. days. Wednesday he had the Ful-pered by ~f . L. DeGra.s.sc. ' • Hol d your hats, dear readers, lerton Ike \Valton League out and Nev.·port Pier fishermen have here is another three-six marlin. brought back 14 albacore, up to been knocking over the m ackerel A 123 pound marlin by William 39 ~u~ds. 6 yellowfin tuna, and the last few days. A school cs-~;,,,,,,""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'""'!'~;,,,,,,~~~~~~~~~p~;_!gi:_g.~1=22~W~.~C~o~l~o:'.:ra~d~o':.,~G~l~c~n~d,".al~e, 7 sk1pJack. 'J_"he day before he timated at 300 tons "'as working DO YOU HOLD ONE OF THESE had the Anaheim I ke ~Vallon LE;a-in the \\'atcr betv.·cen.,.the pier and gue out a nd brought in 208 skip-the fishing barge Gander 0 ff jack a nd 2 albacore. shore ' One hundred t\venty-five is now the total of marlin and broadbill "'eighed in at the Newport Harbor J\.faster doak at the foot of Wash- ington Street in Balboa. ' COUPONS? • -··---· --. .. --,.,,.c; •. "'to ,.oJ BRING THIS AD Jf you have an Austin Studio "Special Adverti•ing Olfer" contract-- it now and receive a sman leatherette frame (easel back) FREE and with- out Gbligat,ion; in ADDITION to the portrait offer on the coupon until SEPT. 30, 1946. Yo'" Austi" StuJio C""/JMU,,,., 111J""'1h .-l will .i.,,.,. # poJ ng•rJkss of •gt. but from now until next Sept. 30th we want to give our Ea.rly Bird Christn1aJ customers this special gift. }UJt briag dtla ad and your coupon to any Austin .Studio. No appoinanenc ii nec:e.ary. I AUSTIN STUDIOS I We aN fully equipped to tolt• ~halts In H-Of' c•idi I 8A.i.''TA A.."i'A Opl!ll • a.. llL to • p.. llL 4ally !lataPda,yo 'tll 8 p. DL Stanley C. Van Dyke, 44 N. l\.1adison Ave .. Pasad<'na, hooked a marlin at 7:30 in the morning, fought the fish all da}', and didn't land it unti l 4 :30 p.m . the same day. The marlin was hooked in the dorsal fin to creat such a struggle. The fis h was first hook- ed about thrC'<' miles off Laguna from aboard the Kay-T piloted _by Charles Eastman. They were near Catalina .. ,..hen it• \\'as landed a nd they "'"ere able to start for Newport Harbor. Ano thC'r tall, but true, talc \l,'as r epor ted by Ed Groenendyke from aboard his Salt Peter Too. On Monday h(' \Vas out after marlin with K£'nnC'th Simpson Jr .. 58 N. San Rafael Ave .. P asadena. They had t\vo lines out and marlin grabbed each. There \\·as no one to pilot the boat as each fisher· man had to fight a fish With rod , I S Scotch tape, various sizes, on sale at the News··I'imes . I THl!.~EK Pressure Cookcn 519 Stat.I mctn,.y ......... lll505 Newport BNcb You Woold Prepare It BALBOA ISLAND SILVER PLATING We Claim to Have All of the Silver in California!!! • For Ute tint time *""' tile war, you caa have your ':'r .... u11 11ne ._ -•"-l'Mll-V1'1'ed - PUBI: 1003 nNJ: SILVllB OOIDIEBCIAL, TRIPLE OB QUADRUPLE PIATE • EXPERT SILVERSMITHS AU. WOK& GUAJl.Un'l:l:D • • • • Bes·-· pe4r~L AD 8llla.. (C0.1-111,.,ma ..... ) .., ,.. Ba~~!~~ Co.@] ... 00ft4Ml:8' = Phone Beacon 5358-R HEADS 160th LIKE THE Col. Homer 0 . Eaton, Jr., a \'eteran of three years service in the Asiatic-Pacific theatre of oper- aHons, was conflrmed today as DOii UTCOe.~A-GEA FFLE commanding-officer of ttft! 160th Infantry, "Los Angeles O"'n." by Brig. Gen. Harcourt .Hervey, com-SHOP mande r of the 40th Division, Cali- fornia Nationa l Gu a rd. T h e 805 MARINE AVE.NVE BALBOA ISLAND Colonel was executive officer of K...,. ~ -Oeerp ~ the 160th regiment during much [ ~~~~O~pe;;n~E;-~;•ap;~1J'ldll;;~1;t~o'CIGS~;;;~-a;;411;-;~on;w;ec; .. ;-;•;•;Y~~~ of its fighting in the Pacific. ~ 1814 NO!l'nl MAIN SIWI Featured in the Current Issue of the "Californian" Exclusively at Malott's in Santa Ana -t,ynn Lester's newest Fall lovely of Reltex Air Brigade. Smashing. big pockets plus two heavenward diagmals ot buttons accent Ito stunning simplicity, In coral. aqua, -· maize. SiRS 10 to l& '2475 ~--......... by __ , N.T. Stpt. 17, 1!N6I1z----------------------J I"---* STORE HOURS-Dolly: 9:30 LID. to 5:311 p• = I SC 9:30 am. ID 1:30 p.a--_. , . • • . Sen. Knowland Scores Wallace Foreign Policy OAllLSllAJ>. Sept. I&. (Specbl)-U.t .... Sta ... -tor William F. llnow laad of ()akl•Dd ope.ed 1111 s.a Diep COWJty 11enat.ortal cam· p&lp for re-decdoe beni Scmda7 lllcllr& wltb an attac.k on Secre.tary of '-""' ~ A. Wallooo, -· .... ot -nniablc Ual .... !!.....,. torelp po1Jc7. ~ CaHfornla .-.ator. ~ wOI ftll&: Newport Barbor Wednesday, expr-...ed Ills Viewa at a receptlea .. -Carl9bad hotel ctvea by 100 s.a oteco COUJlly poll ..... -... ''We have the unusual spec-pier. said that he would inspect ta.et;." K.nowland said. "of one the pie.r and then telegraph his cabfbet ofCicer, Secr~tary Henry Washington office to imtitut~ im- A. Wallace, undermining American mediate action. foreign policy. In effect Wallace is Leo Carrillo, motion picture sabotaging Secreta.ry of St ate actor . who is supporting the sena- Byrnes t>ffort to put an end to our tor's campaign for re-election. appeasement program." gave a short talk, indorsing Know- He remarked that the country land's comment on the Wallace looks to thl-secretary of at.ate. speech. "and not to the secretary ot com-.--------------, merce," to enunciate foreign pol- icy. The senator called on the American public for support of the B)Tnes policy. Knowland, urged by Oceanside leaders to assist in getting cJear- a.nce from the civilian production administration lo use u.Jvaged lumber to repair the OCeanside Corona del Mar Malt Shop • 1018 Oooa& ~ Old fublooed malta We mean jult this. "Cap'n" Don's e~,a ew,. "Sets Sail!' Grand Opening Thursday Night ~ "MOST UNIQUE AND ARTI STIC EATING PLACE ON THE WEST COAST" ~ Delicious Combination Dinners ~ New and Unusual Seafood Specialties ~ BEACON 5465 For Re.en-a tlom ~ Forme-rly Mona's N(&ht Club. Ne"•port Beach .------------AUCTION NOTICE----------..... STANDARD SHIPBUILDING CO. SAN P EDRO. CALl'f'~. M.Hll-..n.,.., ,,,._ 11.arl-"tul1111H"nl • "•P&•li-. 111-t'ldlnr f'Cllllp'™"'lf, H..rtrl· ....i ... .,vi...._ lu1111bff, t'ltob""· tnol~ ... 1 ... 111 lmtl,....., .. -.....t .. ·•kh1.1; t"qul1>n""''· p lJM' ~.,.. bono-. "'"''· brvw•f'. ~ !>&I" •t..,k. ~111111IN. ., tillh•r•. OVER $.500,000 ORIGINAL VALUATION W l l.I. ftp: ,otJl.O AT Pl 'tll.lf' ~\l'MIOS 1•' Tiit; PK&."1;-;r_o;; 76 MARINA WAY, SAN PEDRO, CALIF. THURS., Sept. 19, STARTING at 10 A. M. UI KM'TIOS~: OM' hluf'k hf')Dntl y,.,,, 8141:. on 1'•n 1' ... 11 •id' l>f Hubor. MAf"lll:-0 ~ ,....II,.: tllfl .. r1I \',.r111-.•I 11..,ruui ~111 o\ ~hi• I.> 11 r '4 \JIOr Uul llU'd \'.,,-1,. 11 l\unnil" )ll il t, "'t ,..,·1n.: !'; II 1' )11 .. 1,•r 1·1···• En~"'' l,,1rh .. 11\"r · 11 ,....,,,.,,.1, .t H.u••·1 l'l\lwr !lo ;1.;+1 l•I HI' \l •••nr. II 'tto•loi·· llo·•t '.!P"Jt- t~"t A1t111· ll,•11 Tt.1•·, .. t.·r .-. HI' 'I"''" II· ot.1 ""ti .... •• .1111,\n,· .. 1 1:r11W1o·r ~, ..... Hon••UJIJll 11,.11 .... 1 .. 1·,-,-~ I•• ,..,n "'"~ 11,,,,, .. ,,1 .1 r1.•r111.· )1 111 . -:· 'f'al-'" n,.,I .1•1 , .. !<-~ 'r•-..v•·I lt.•1 1 .. H•'<I\) 11'''' .,1,,11 .. 1 t ·~ Thrn111• Pt .. 111°· t"..UI"" l :iith•, I'.! •tlll """"""" Kt'"'r•. II t.,,.,,u •'•·tllo••, 1 1 ti.,1 rt-.l<·~t'll O"'"'"'f H" k ~ .... 1•,..,, ... .,, o\,•I ra.\'~ j: ,\l"TO\tOTl\ .• ; ·~l'T . ·~ l.1nl. I~ 11 "1••·\k't {'razlf' .. •11 h ':'S H I' g_... D u11t-·• :111 kow1n1 lrlf "1~n1o .. 1 ••n '.! A\k I 11<\oto'.llTIM:">' w1lh " l'llr"11n1:r.l1<' W ...... I• '""It U.,·11 l'l'• .. h ·r \'t.U)r Wl\h .. •)hn•kt l"L ... \nf', t\';" ..... ,, .. ~ l"ut l:tlJ),. illl-"""'·'-..:n l.O:Ulll \ r.· lll;lll"'t.r ~QUll\t~t <Hl ti ¥i ho~·I · •·or.I Tr111·k •Hh 6~1 IJAll\ll> 'flu>lr, "11(10"1JK Kl.'t; t:q1•T.: ,.,,.,..._.n K• •• M t~1"1 :1\'.\I 'I'l'a>l'ht'-'I' Jll·•I l'l.u11•r 111·11h l 1tl Tr ... Ii 1'>1"f1""'1 Tll.,nl" lbnol ., ,., .... ~ lrYllUO\<l11 l'ul l)ff :':.•, :111 Hl!!.olt-. :'l1-111:111u1. l"<><-1· r <".t hl• rut Liii !' ..... l •l" •"J:l..ll t:-,4 ; ~l'T. ~ :!.\ '"'"'"'''" t:r...-trl" \\'"l~·r~. n·,r...,n n·,.·unorhnu ..... G E . llJfl '!"•II :tOIJ ·••llt ;\n111 '>'',.1,11.,.-~"-ll~f"r"'"·r .. \\\•hllno1 • •1 • .,..-1t h llu-'I'll'-• 0111u••-"ft',.klln.: H.oJ ~···ltk-1 '• ll•·l nto'I• Air 1:1•-Tl1•• \\',.l,hrur ~u1•1•Ln·• r 1rt: !lHor t:tjl'T.: H1rn;>.11 • KM"ltt PIP.. Thro'"'" r s., .. _ Por1.J>t1• I'll•" Thn-,'<..-r :<'" O•• f Sl•,.•i l)t•ndHll"' Pl.iitt"ll f''Ulf" 1'"111111oit , \'1 -Tbrr-lklf',.. t 'h111u Tuiv:• ,., ..... 1.tr.;,i.. ll'TTTl'H1' f:T('".: Alll•rv• lO<lO' Br-T'ubinr. 1'.'1-Ton Bl':uo<! Sar SIOC"il "ti.> Tun !'l..111_,.. H"•· H.ounJ S11 ... 1 Oar S&~-111 'Tbou-'"U•lt o f M a.-1>1...,, ffl'Jt . Carn.tn" S ui. • ~1.... l...u'n-(tu&1111111•1 or er--l'IPr r uunn coi.u1hn.c-•. AP- Dnl• ... T°uQ Squ..,.,_ • tt ... S ol.-11.1.000 Th"':..h>J Iron Slut!• 1"\ltno-Babhlll l!I.__.. lied ...._.lll&W : ~ l':vii>luhn•. f"lollC1Ul Hoo'll.1 Hn ..... ClanHl11 . Gal'l'an1•...J s........... R.l •tlo•f' '-'"l:m&t;>. o ... k ..... M&l""••I Shl!ot'I l/a.t Ruhl'>tor HON' G:o.1- •aai.aed r'lol"•I..,.. TUbln,a-Ca.nYM (.'1rtiu ... Air Hu-. •"lry 9 ,...,. Dr:.""' Bow r11 · Uft#'I.. lloP... t'Ol'k f'!nal11 Rwlttt• !!-upPh"': Gato-• Glob.!' \'a.h'f'". i.,,·· to l "..: ·. Jlll lW"llW! Gau.I'" ar-Mo11tb • \'ol(•. T'ut:w-.< ~,..._., YI~""· .. · 10 :io··: ~~a.o1 0.......-. ~ f'l1\1nn t'oul)linn< Pipe !"Htinrl'. ,......., EU•. ('.... Sew Gale, C'Mril. O»obro Val""· i... to lJ"• lll artnr nr..ln l'-.1"" Br-Por1 Holfol. ~. R&odl A T•""~ Pull..r. Cable Clain~ G"'h Roolu-"""""" Boob : ,.,.,.... ~"°' ..... Ton.r-.. :'!"""I G....UI' Alt llnllt, H and Dnll•. El.-Mn<! Drtll•: Clt.ippjM Tool.t Air 'ruul,, Elooruv Hand Saw!!' f\>rlalm' Grin..lo:-rY Block 411 ~ .... 0&1.ll, RllOr SQM". TOOi-": T'ra.fPlluur C'ra,_. Ro1~u Yr nl 8 ,JJniullo• rr-. 4':.: .. ·: Pown RM'k w. 10 l'lurf-l'1a1.-. Gnndirn. !I-and Stt~ ... f'n»•..f'ul Sa .... 8&Dd S..• "'.... '°""" ~ .. l (OMD ~oPot . eou.-1. Tool Hol1lo-rY End ... ~~; SW• l!ll~ f'lliN. 9t>rL~ a."'. 6rtnduw Wberl:t. Tao Wrt'~bM CIWir!t.: Alkcl ,,..,...,.._ VI.po. C"ull.••r.. Ch..,TI TGCWiO: Ctowti.n· Pift<"hban !!-~ ff-Ul\ID<'ft : llalkU. ~ """""""bN El ... '\rir Hand Drill•: Tbol 5~1 : )lllllnC" C'ut~: Atadl 4 Owe-. 1'l1H M>d S u.mtt..i.nl' !kU: T'a_pe. Dnll• and !\Pa.mer.: &...-a.ocrt. ~lk J*CJI•, ("'lu1'0f'ft (' CIMDP9; P'iJlf' ~ Mid Cllltt-"': ll<>Lon: 8Nrtan: Ri"1rw Tool•: 1'uo1 &•-. M:8C.: 'f'hoo••...,,, of t..,.t ot U:llBER 411 'TUlaQ.: STEEL .l"1'11".. Ptatr, RcMt. 'IOU DrotJ Cont lutua Thu~ of n.rt ~ CoftdU.11 aod •Lnas; Rubber C.ftftd ~ l...,,..,. """-'-AU Si-: Der-tnc-Paael Boanta: wi1tbft.: ,..._ i...-: rlo(od Lirhu. F\I• 8oSftl Gui~. ""'1.ill'" RMoep1aa-""-J\nw•uota .._, Jilulu~ .... P :..ilri tkr..nlio : ,,uon-~•H ~••; Thoo....U. of P'ffl Suel ao..: -r...,..-no.. of 1 01 r~. Slttl ,...,....! Aw-k•: Bfool:.bee: Horw._ ......... son.: a...kol. '1'>'1wwn1 ..... : ·~a.pit.: JI~: Duplicat.lrw K M'.111•. CakUbJ.nn. ('11111" AdJIDr lla.rhl.n.e: F\litllf C'ablntu. -r.~: DI-aft· .. nw.. l ............ &&. ..... ri.urn. BIJSll'fESS'ES. SQUlf)(EST PPILCBASED .N&WW a••-caa 1'&WS·H•• ItcaM 8 B:.:,:·~ ~~ Philharmonic 1n Fa11 Election Concerts Are The state, national and local government is a democracy stem A ed from the individual. The author-nnounc ity is lht> pt<>ple. and democracy may be lost il indlfference and apeth>· are the attitude of the people. I \Vith plans for the coming sea- Theu are the sen timents of son of the Philharmonic Orches- MisslLlly o . Hawkinson.~ A~-tr'~. or Loi ~geles complete, Wll· gelesl president of the CaU!orn1a hid L Oavts, manager, a nnounced Federation of Business and J>n>. ?ttonday that advance reservations fessionaJ Women's Cubs. who Is are now available for season tick· accelerating the registration and ets either for the 17 Thursday voting campaign of the scores of evenini:: or 17 Friday afternoon women's organizations comprising concerts. the California Federation. Explaining that distribution will '"The Natio nal Federation or not be made before OctobcT l, Business and Profeulonal Wom-O illvis uid, '"'There lir, a decided en'J Oubs, at its July meeting in Kdv::.n tJ111-:;e 1n being a SE>ason ticket Ohio declared that the electlona nr.tlr r. F'n"!it, Is the ~ilrantee this Fall are as important as any of tile -s,e.me choice seat £. •; each in the history or the nation and co~t.-ert . and second, th~r~ is 2 recommended that all members lina nC'1sl saving. Tickets at'C s;)- wor k agres.sively for heavy regis-l<cat~ ir. order of reeeipt." tration and voting, study the can-\"iolinlst Nathan Milstein w ill didates, a nd concentrate on edu-appPar \vi th the orchestra under eating new voters to their respon-the baton of Musical Direc!.or Al-· sibilities at the polls". Miss Haw-fred \Vallenstein on the opening kinson stated. i:air of conceTts in the PhUh11r - Registration closes September monic tt uditorium, Thursday eve- 26. P•rsons not registered by that n ing, Nev. 14, and Friday altcr- date cannot vote at the impurta.nt 1 noon, Nov. 15. November general election. The rolo roster for the :.!::ith sea- son c.f the Philharmonic Orches--TIDE TABLES tra of Loo Angeles Includes Pi- SEPl'EMBER, UM8 High Low High Low w 18 4:28 8:07 !:H 10:50 3.3 3.0 5.2 0.2 Th 19 6 :02 10:14 4 :15 11 :51 3.7 3.0 5.3 -0.2 Tkl• .,.. pl&.eed ~ order o f ~ t i.bt n.suru a. w.: d&r• nsurw o. "' - PueL1c NoTtCE NOTICE OF INTEND ED SALE KNOW ALL ME.N" BY THES'E PRESENTS : Thal Kenneth Houk and G ladye Houk. d oing bualneu under the ClctltloUll name and style of "Sar&e'11 Cafe" at 1830 r;e.-port Boule- vard. Coata Meaa. Callfom la. In.tend to MJll to J ohn A. Ryr.n. !'Hiding at 1726 "'e11t 9th Street. s.nta Ana. C.llfomln. Raymo nd Ii". Bnun. r-e· sid ing 111 403 Ea:oit 19th Street. Coat• Meaa. California, and Robert U. Smith. realdlllll'. at 201 l North Rosa ftlreet. Sant• An•. California. the bualneu. good wlll. lt()('k In trade eonal1t1ns of llquoni. winee and beeni. and fill · ture11 l'On11lstlng of flto,·e11 . kitchen utenaih1 table1. f'halni. refr11(l!ratlon equipment a nd tceneral !llOC'k In trade of "Sarge'• Cafe". loc11 ted at 1830 New· port Boulevard. Coela Mesa. Callfom la. nn the 25th d ay nr St!ptember. 1946. at the hour of 10 00 A M. of Nld day •t 1830 Newport Boule-v11rd. Coeta lie.a. ('allfornla. a nd that the aoo,·e date, time 111nt.I place Are w heN: the con· "ldeNltion fo r aid gale 19 to be paid. 01tl~ · September 13. 1946 . KS:NNETl-1 L . HOUK. GLADYS HOUK :n"'l\TF. OF CAL I FORNIA. COUNTY O F ORA~G&-u. O n thl• 14lh day uf September. 1946. twfnf'l! me, the u nd"r!!lgned , a Notary Pl1t>ll(' In and for ~nld County a nd f<lllf', per~nally nppe•red Kenne1h Houk and Glad~·s llouk . known to me to be the per90na 1le-11<'(tbed In and • \ ,. 0 Ta C&, 9 pl >• It, t• AillSwor Ill's Novel Is Epic On Mo11terey From lta opmlnc epbode, the salllnc al. Oxnmodore Stewn- ICO•s New Yoric; Volunteen for Calllomia in 1846, Eagles fly West is a dramatic and moving story. In it the .....:!er exper- iences mUtiny on shipboard; a hurricane in the Caribbean; the wild and fever-ridden jungles of Panama: the departure ol Gen- eral Keame)• from Santa Fe; the outbreak or the Mexican War; the battles o( San Pasqual and the ~tesa.; the flaming political jealousies of Commodore S tock- ton, General Kearney and John Otarles Fremont: the heroism of Kit Canon: the foul playing ot gambler-bandit Jack Po~:ers. Bowlirig 'Alley ~pens Sept. 23 Mter Repairs NEW YORK (SpedaL)-With his new novel Eagles f1y West, Ed Ainsworth. editor ol the Loo Angeles Tunes' editorial page, has written an epic of the C8lilomia of a hundred years ago. It is a story of valor v.itich will stir the pride or all California and the admiration of th06e' Americans who are not so familiar v.ith our early history. As a matter of fact, l''e know or no comparable novel Yt'hich so vividly portrf:ys the characters ED AINSWORTH /A111tfiof of "U,S.. Ry Wnt'" IMoc..;looJ • -and events leading to the raising of the first American flag in Monterey and the admission Oilifomia to the Union as a free stat~ event which precipi- anists Maltuzynski. Byron Janis. Eugene List, Leonard l'ennario, Robert Casadesus, Gilles Guilbert~ Violinists Milstein. Yehudi ~lcnu· hin. Jacques Thibaud and orches· tra's concertmaster David Frisina; Cellist Raya Garbousova ; Violinist Emmanuel Vardi : Contralto Eula Beal and T enor Set Svanholn1. Gucst conductors fo r the 19-\()..117 season will be Lukas Foss and Charles f\.1 unch. Coming from Ed Ainsworth'• facile pen, al) this makes a fas- cinating background for the ad- ventures of the young Irish hero, Shane Malone, who went Wes1 with two aims: adventure and the rediscovery of. the beautiful girl to whom he had irrevocably lost his heart. Readers who do not know Ed Ainsworth personally, or through his editorials in the "T imes," will be interested in a few details of his varied career. Though he ls considered one of California's favorite sons. Ed Ainsworth was born in Waco, Texas. /He began his newspaper work there, and. was state editor or the Atlanta (Georgia) Constitution before coming in 1824 to the Los Angeles nmes. where for the past twelve years. he-has· writ- ten a dally column or signed comment . In addition to his duties on the nmes. he is one or the spirit- ed proprietors of that spirited sheet '1lte Desert Barnacle .•· He himself says that his one claim to fame is that he first gave nation-wide publicity to the re- turn of the swallows each year to the Mission. San Juan Capis- trano. Then some-one else capi- talized on the fact and wrote a song about it. Mr. Ainsworth is also the au- thor or "Pot Luck.'.' published in 1940. Cl)-de Forsythe. "-'ell known painter of Western scenes, "''ho now has a studio in San Gabriel. has dont' a striking jacket for Eagles F1y \Vest. Sportland Bowling Alleys in Bal- boa will be cl0sed from Sept. 16 to Sept. 23. according to Prop-ie- tor Roy Keene. who has announced I the temporary closing to enable ------------- resurfadng of the alleys. Keene says ·that tne alleys are being renovated to conform with the American BoY>•ling Congress re&Wations and will be in top shape on the reopening date. CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS s"""".u SpaJ S~ H711utaeA- .Pa9 R blud --•111 WELCOME HOME! Newport Barbor Pmt 291 AMERICAN LEGION ~ .. ••••re'lb" D' , ........... ...... n.a ... .,.... u-. IL. .... .......... ht• .. ~· .... Battery sentce for: • Your Car •Your Boai •Your Mech••.., F.qnlr-t Uyaa_'&_ ....... t:o tile •11r• till11t I --- --STOREY'S Battery Wz le•! la 8'., (be-1-• ..-) COSTA MESA • 5183 @Balboa rket More Tbaa so Yean of Sentee to the llar'bor"• SOI MAIN .,_ OlleD-BALBOA. CALIF. Phone.: WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial Building wh~ llatrlff are .wb.at'.rlbe-d to the foreJ[ninii: lnatrume nt . and they ac-cisco. knOTo·ledged to me that they executed 1-------------.,---1 Two conCE'rts by the entire San Francisco Symphony. under the di- rectio n of its permane nt cnnd11c tor. Pierrt" Monteux, will be given on the regular subscription ser ies. While the San Francisco Symph· ony are performing in Los An- gcles, \\lallenstein a nd the full Philharmonic Orchestra of Los An· geles \\•ill perform in San Fra n- •l_jALLMARK , CARDS For Birthdays Wedding AnnlvenariM 1111d Etc. Cement 11.11d ;r:e Contracto ru. T woax AND ro "'noNs B7 Eiillmai. Harbor 2574-W Quick aerTlce; _.. Illa.-. llt.e cemeo' llllllEY'r REFRIGERnTJDn JERVICE comPnnY Sales -Ea.rtneerlnc -Service 9.!0 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar Phone Barbor !784 Nlr ht, J.&cuna 11362 MEN -WOMEN Prostate ---Pelvis IT'S YOUR GLANDS O•r -1.b--...Ud•lnb ear ._. ---c..te l•....ilatll! "'"Ila. N e ,U. -Ne 4nla-Ne ..,..._s. 1- l«Uo- Dr. L P. BeD, O. C ...... C.. 19'7 ~l:t1tl 8L, Nt!'W'PWt ....._ ""-B.ubeir llS• r .......... _ ........ l'NI"• 8perlalldu Im Ol&Me. HMrY e ::s. A. ILi. .. 1''39 P. •· •-41an ... n....an tbe Mme. WlT:"ESS my hand aod olflcial seal the day and year In thlfl ln1trun1ent fir.ti llbo\'t' Wr11tl!!n . l-IOWARD \\', GERRISll. :'iotary Public Jn and tor uld County a.nd State. xr '°"'-mlulon erplN:• J une I . 1""' ~ Nollu\al Seal. CERTIF ICATE OF BUSINESS F'lctltloue Firm Name The undenilgned do hereby certlfr that they are conducting a care and am\lffment entt'ryrts.e bu•lne1111 at 2114 Ocean f'Tnnt. New port Beach. Call· rom la. under the rlct ltloue tlrm name or O<'F.AN F RONT CAFE, and that q!d firm 111 compoeed o r the folio•· Inc per90na. whoa.e name• a.od ad· drtou ea are all rollowa. to-wit : ARTHC R L. LAWRENCE 2114 0ce&n Front Newport Be.uh. California LESTER CATE 2114 Ocean Front Newpart Beach. California. WTLLlAM L. D AVlS 2114 Ocean F ront !'\"ewpon Be.M'h. Call!orn!a W itnf'lll! C.u r hand1 thla 3rd day of Sepl!!!mllf'r 1946 ARTlll'R L . LAWRENCE. Wn.LI>~t L DAVIS. LESTER CATE. F'l'ATE OF CALI FORNlA. COTl!';TV OF OR.A.."l:"GE--41.9. On thla 3rd day £1! Septem~r-A. fl. I!' •fi. ))e-fnre me. ROBERT e . Pf'l\VF.T.L. a :'\ntarv Public In anli for Jl:l.:<l C'o un1v and Slate-. pe1"90nally AP· !'eared Ar.TH llR L t •• \\VRJo:'NCE, P~T:F.R CATE and \\'ILLIAM L. DA \'lg knn"'•n to me to be the per· 110na "'hoM names are 111..ibKrlhed to the .. -\thi n l nl'trument. a nd acknowl- fflt:"@d I•• rn.-Iha! they exttuled the 11aml" I n ,..,llH'9!0 ••llerf'Of. I ha\'f' hereunto ~t -~· t\n•1 d llnd affixed mr tofficlal l!PI':! the , .. O}' And f t'Rr in ltus ce r· nflr:itC' ru"": ""°'''!! •·r llten . nost-:RT B. PO\VEt.L. :-:,•tary Pub\lr In and for .u.Jd C"o unl y a.nd $t11ot,., My com · mln:lon exp ire• 1960. P\:IJ [f'Jll. 1.:1. 17. ::i: Oc·I. 1. 19-46. PueLrc NOTICES NOT ICE OF SALE IN B U L K • TO \VHOM IT Jd.A Y COS CERN: NOTICE ts HEREBY Glv-EN. pur- •ur.nt to th• provlalon11 o r Section 3440 ut the: CaJlfornla Cil'll Code, that Ade- line M. Ro8al. whose addren la 1406 lit A venue. Corona del Mar. Call· forula , Intend.I to M!ll to Ralph H . Wltll&m90n . wholle addN:N la 342' Ea&t CoJondo E'treet, Pasadena. California. a.JI ot the peraonal pl'Operty dfllllerlbed generally u follow1: All ot the atock In trade. 11up· pile•. furnllur-e. flxtur-ea. equip· ment , tnataUa1lon., tool1. utl!!n•ll• and wlU"ea. except the refrtsented beer atorage cabinet. located In the retail liquor 11to re knoa;n u Roul'a Llquor Stors. at 700 Eaat Cout H ighway. Newport Beach. Callfo r · nia. together with the Retall Pack · •se Ott-Sale General Llcenee held by the aeller In connection with :sa.Jd bu.slnese. the ~ will or said bu91neM. and the unexpired terms of the IU9e on 11&.ld premleea. The date wheo and the place where said a&Je la to be made and the con· aide-ration ur price for auch sale la to be paid are on October 8. 1946. a t 11 :00 o'rlO<"k A. M .. at the office of Frl!d A. Wilbur. 509 Fll"llt National Bllnk Building. Fourth r.nd Ma.Jn StreetA. Santa Ana. CallforniL Datt'<!: Sept!!!mber 10. 1946. ADELINE M. ROSSI. Intended Vendor. Pub. Sept. 17. 19411. Phooe Beacon 5824 Newport 6' Costa Meea CAB CO. 24-Rour Service K EEPING HOUSE, helplnc tak• care of the family-fOU would nalhe that buaineu sirll are not the only Oneil who aome- U-.,.i H .. dacbo and n...i Achinc lluados. We home Klrla often ..-)1lst .. hard and iu. .. jmt u many Bead.,..._, jmt aa m&1lJ' Stomod> .Upoeta and S9' j1>at .. Tind. ~-~-1--ALKA-sn lZER Ibdthatlt-m7~ Hood. 1abo tha ll::hib olJt of . Addiu II-and briQSo • -lha ... Add~ Tbo family .. ,.. l am a lot -to lift wllk 1inco I ha"! """"" -Alb-Seib«. . Haft_ 7"" &ried AL&A-SELT· Dll? If -... ~ don"t J'OU ... a_...., tocla ~Larae_.._,. .... 8..U ....... IJJ' 111o ..-at Soda ...... ._ T V->O FlgurinM Lamps :: Costnme .Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop %10Z Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts WORTHINGTO ' Refrigeration FREON AMMONIA s ton lo 10 loll Air Conditioning S ton to 60 ton Pressure Pumps (:entrifugal Pumps For All Preuuree and All Uqulds in Stock Call .... 62S S. Loo AJ>cd .. St. Anaheim Phone 4-625 $393 . - Plus Tax -·---• 'THREE' FEATHERS ROSSI'S Liquor Store .,. Oleo& ...... -.,_ .. Dns_ • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our Sample Color guides, plan- n!ng aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet Works 11ZZ-8t. DAVENPORT by Day BED by Night Bed Divan • •• Matching Chair • • • • . Upbollltered In TapM1ry Bed Divan • . . a • • • Wood Ann-Maple Flnlllb Oioice of Coverings -ti: EASY 'TEBMS! -ti: • • • • Santa Ana Furniture Co. ..~Ii-c:JI . ···e o/-tJ/-me tJ/-~-" ae we.&•&&. n.. a.,.-s.• .&-. .._ ns • • t • • N&Wml •••aoA Map..-•••, Jrcapw!. t o.w· 7 Ta « i, Sept ml• 11, I.Ml Modernized Judiciary Demanded (Ooatfnaod from Pop 1) judge, he said. ''but it is extremely wasteful." State League Officer Urges Vets' Housing cities in a vacuumn. We need area action and "·e must have it if we are going to improve our state and our communities.." Tells Story of Jack Raub (Continued from Page 1) on highway projects, irrigation and subdi \ision. He was made chief of a 9\ln'eY· ing party a t the start, working up until he became the chief resident engineer. In 1930 he came to work ror the city of Newport Beach, de- veloping and engineering the Lido DORALEE'S we have -llld1lded Venetian Blinds to our stock. Custom Slip Covers -Draperies SU Marine Avenue Referring to Gov. Warren's re- cent remarks that California must plan for a population of 200.000.- 000 people, the jurist declared that •·our institutions must grow with the population • • • our cour ts have not kept pace with this gro~'th. The y are outmoded and should be madernized, and we here in this conve ntion should give ut- most consideration to proposals for their reform:· (ConUnued from Pace 1 ) tually what is needed today is plans to serve more than that number or . people, the speaker said. "We musl have plam that provide for the changing ol the social a nd cultural characteristics of our cities to meet the kinds of services desired of them today." He also said that one of the things sadly amiss in the state is an adequate revenue system and he urged the convention t o lay the gl'OUJldworlt for an ideal system . He said traffic control, freew•ys and sidewalks alone \\'ill not solve all the problems of the state and cities_ \\'hat is badly needed is a map system. he said. Isle project aS d eputy dty engi· --------------------------- He said what is needed now is not the mood to accept things as they are, but the ability to make changes in methods that will result in the getting ot things done in a better way than in the past. He said sewage disposal plans now on the drafting boards of many communities are now in- adequate u they do not meet the needs or the average city of today, nor will they be feasible for the needs of the city of the future. Improvements in the public health service a nd recreational phases ol lo ca I governments. W'bkh have been ignored too long, he said, and a more painstaking attitude by officials in the field of employe relations is a I so badly needed. "We have employe unions in some city governme nts today because we have failed to meet the situation. We have not had personal relations." neer. From 1933 to 1936 he was office engineer and later resident engineer ih the U. S . engineering department in the development of Newport Harbor. From 1936 to 1944 he \\'as back at his old p::ist of deputy city engineer until -hil promotion to assistant to R . L. Patterson, chief engineer. On Your Way to Santa Ana When in Costa Stop at CHUCK'S \DRIVE -IN A proposa l will be made by t he Californ.ia State Bar association at the bar sessions of the con- ven tion this week for an entirely ne\\' set of lower courts than the Superior Courts to take the place of present justice, Municipal a nd Police Courts. The new courts would be operat - ed by the county on a '"circuit" plan. but with local treasuries still receiving the revenues from fines. The Sta te would pay the Judges salaries, all the judges would have to have five years' legal experi- e nc-e. The plan it to go befor e the next session of the S tate Legisla- ture. "For example. one city I know of in this state thought it need- ed only $26,000 for street improve- me nt" Graves said, "when on re- viewing their plans. city officials found tha t one major street of importance in their plan would cost $126,000. They hadn't view- ed their original estimate on the new term of things." In closing Mr. Graves asserted that city officials must find a way to carry people in their cities with them, and he urged the import- ance of an understanding program on mOOern city government prcr cedure. He said people have got- ten in the habit of looking to the federal and state governments for aid and now the city governments should take t he lead to interpret become more efficient and more to their J>E'O'(Me that they, too. can effective as government bodies. In the middle of 1944 Raub opened his own office here, aoon moving to Costa Mesa and affiliat- ed with John J!L . Siegel who later sold his interest in the firm to Fred V. Bennett, who is now Ra.ub's partner. and the nrm be-- came Raub and Bennett. This organization is now han- dling such activities u the new Presbyterian hospital site and ls doing all the surveying for the Irvine company in t he harbor area. They are now working on Barbecued Sandwiches-Fountain Service 114 W. 4th St PASADENA Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH City At ty. Louis H. Burke of Montebello. former counsel for the -----------------------'-------,I lileague, was given a rousing re-c R. S T A A F ~tion at the general luncheon • which was held at the U. S. Grant M 0 0 R I N G S E R y I C E hotel following the opening ses- sion in the theater. .t .t .:t The vociferous applause followed his declaration that "the people Moorings Installed and Repaired. must fight abuses of power in Buoys Painted and Lettered. government-or , God help us. we are on the way down." .t .t .t Recently returned fr om three Phone •• Harbor 1080 or Harbo' r 1698-R years service ";th the American Military Government in Germany, for Prompt Service Burke urgently pleaded for local a dministrators to look at their oy,·n y,·ork in the hope of making it better than other types of ad- ministrations which 1,•.:ere for ced NOW-'Round the Island Ferry 9:30 A. M. TO 11 P. M. South· Bay, Balboa Yacht Club, East Bay, Richardson's. Evan!l'. Villa Marlna , Shields', Balboa Yacht Basin. Beacon Bay, Harbor Island and South Bay: Hall from any dock or float. upon it in previous years. Harbor Hi Grid Team Prepared For '46 Battles He said city and county govern- ment planners must look years ahead when making sunested cha nges in their communities. "They must lay plans for the city ot 1950-1960-a.nd 1970," he add- ed. "You men who have served on city councils know what I mean . You found how shortsight- ed were the plans of your prede- cessors.'' • • • GRAVES also urged the import. ance of local governments meeting more often and more constantly on subjects of change. H e report- ed that municipal officials of Ala- meda a nd Contra Costa counties are doing just t hat. ''Th~ officials are meeting every week. and in some cases the:r are meeting twice a·week to formulate plans for the fu ture:· he said. "They are trying in every way to bring unity on one prob- lem that is now dhtided a mong numerous divisions of the local governments. "Afte r all. the city government S}"Stem was the foundation ot the American political system :· Graves was given a rousing ova 4 tion at the conclusion of his ad.- dress. more than 20 new subdivisions and I major improvement project.s·here. Raub is an ardent follower of 1 Izaak Walton, trout being his fa- vorite catch. He does a big job of aviation and gardening and for ex- tra exercise likes volley ball. He ls a member of the Kiwanis club and is the only me mber to date to have a five-year pin for perfect attendance. ... H is wife, Marjorie. is an ardent Cub Scout worker and is also a member of the Parent-Teacher association. His son , Jack, is ten years old. and the da ughter, Kath- leen. is five years old. Both are n8.tive harborites . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth OiandJer and Mrs. Bertha Hardee of Los Angeles were house guests last week of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jack F oret 606 Y.t West Central avenue. They were here for the Pirate Days, Raub and Bennett employ from 10 to 15 persons a nd they both are sold on Newport harbor's future which they found amusing. and and are making their home& hett also enjoyed rides about the bay. I permanently. CLARK & ~ATES · · · ~::;,::;!,~ Metallizing-• Industrial: Tanks, Keels, Rudders. Shafts, Refrigeration Trays, etc. • Ornamental: Art Objects, Doors, Signs, Hardware, etc. lOa.m.tolp.m. 1111 N-ri Blvd. (Curb llervlc>e) WE WELCOME YOU ro OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (90 -60 -90 Days) Marbro's hwite you to oome bi and open a c:harce account. OUr stecks are complete with the lateot styles ot Ladles' Fine Apparel. Naflolllllly-Advertloed READY-'.1'0-WEAR mARBROS cJania a/UN Ill WEST 'TH ST. PBONll: HO! BALBOA ISLAND FERRY (Continued from Page 1) ··in Los Angeles, y,·e are trying to find a way to merge the 44 or 45 cities into one great city of Los Angeles. 1·m not making a case for unification of and consolida- tion of great many cities, but somehow we must find a way to Weld1'ng-• All Types. Specialists in Steel. cast Iron, Aluminum. Brass and Bronze. probably turn out to be a break-unite on plans for the improve-Store Hours: Dally Including Saturday 9:SO A. M. to 5:80 P. M. llAllBOB C.W away threat as well as a solid ment of our streets. especially -ALL WORK GUABANTEED- conte nd('r for off4 tackle thrusts. our streets of major importance NEWPORT BEAOB 506 SOU. Street Harbor 2509 ;~~~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~;::~ Buz Chambers. up from the and with our Los Angeles Bay \=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: I classy B team of last year, will area and this is essentially one Trailer Canopies I probably handle much of the PMS· 1 great problem. I t cannot be ing chores and is no slouch at the handled efficiently by 15 or 20 running game either. Working out in one backfield, Pickens had Hanzal, Roy Ward. J im Ashen and Dick Brown with Chambers a nd Roger Hillhouse alternating. Mainstays in the line should tu.rn out to be "Bogey" Horrell, returning letterman from last year where he ...,.as used as center but this year has been shifted to end, and fill Weatherwax. '''ho sha pes up as a definjte league tack.le threat. thony of Long Beach. The pract- ice tiff will be held on the An- thony grid. Those "·ho answered the open- ing whistle last week were Asher. Balch, Brace, Brinkman. Brown, Brownie. Chambers. Clark , De- Ruff, Dodd, Franklin. Gibons, Gay- no r. 1-lanson. Hillhouse: • 'IOU Cl/N'T M/.fS! W.t.~ • HITYALU S Awnings All Sizes Free Estimates Hanzal, Harrel, He nroten, Killi- fe r . Killion. l\1e llo. Nourse. Mon- aco. Monson, Noble, Peyton. Pat- tC'rson, Roberts. Robertson, Rob- SeaM>n'• o~n'"r ins, Ror ick, J .. Rorick. R., Shafer, The rC's t of this "'eek and nC'xt 'fhompson. \Vard. \\'eatherwax, 1,vi!J be us('(f by Pickens to sharpen Corbin. l\1cCollum and Spangler. a ff'\\' rundamcntal offe nsive plays 1-I andling the 1946 managerial lo use against the Tar opener a l duties ar e Jerry Spangler and \Ve<>k rrom Frida).• against St. An-Sidny Davidson. HARBOR HI 1946 FOOTBALL SKED. Sept. 'El-Harbor vs. St. Anthony Oct. 4-Harbor vs. Riverside Oct. 11 -Ha rbor vs. Garden Grove Oct. lS-Harbor vs. Fullerton Oct. 25-Bye Nov. 1-Ha rbor vs. Santa Ana No,·. ~H arbor "·s. Do,,·ney Nm-. 15-Harbor ,·s. Anahe im Nov. 22-Ha rbor ""· Huntington Beach. Nov. 27-Harbor ,.s. Orange There Here Here 'There Here There Here There ... Here Coast Guard Rescues ~ in Disabled Boat RADIOS 'fhreC' Oran~e countians ""ere rescued by th(' Coast Guard on Saturday night a fter their 33-foot ri shing craft ran into engine trouble on the '-''ay to Long Beach. They "·ere. Douglas V. Lo"'·ell and Keith Naylor oC Santa Ana and Nick Nichols of Anaheim. Their boat was toy,·f!'d into New- port harbor. New Ones Table Models ··· Portables Radio -Phono Combinations • Electric Irons Palmer Radio & Electric Manila folders at News-Time!I URGENT For welfare or tmalJ to11 mmt l'ftlt ...-,riment or boueo. Aceou.tuit wttlt. larse commerclaJ corpo,.._ Uoa. Traulerrlnc hem la- dlaaL ~--~"' !amity PB01'"E COLLECT l :SO to 5 P. M .. ZM8 Newport Blvd. ANGELUS llM Ex-ft • WIJ'l!:IE:IKIJEl!IZ\'DS AND Phone: Beacoa liOIM-W • EVD'ING8 ATIA.'"TW llllU • HOW TO BE LATE TD THE KITCHEN q-... \~ •• " Be ;ure your kitchen plans include a @) gas range There's a gtttt day a-coming, fait lady! The day your gleaming, new CP gas ra.nge .moves into your kitchen, hustle and bustle will fty out the window. Yo~11 enJOJ . jdJttr, btlltr cooking than ever before.~ gi.nt, s~ gas burners will~ mlllutes &om cooking time with higher beat -on the JOb the ""~""' Y°". "'"' •I ~ - DO wt, DO delay. You11 get any low beat needed, tOO, fi:>r sunmcnng, wanmog. &nd wawless coolccry -with a.n infinite variety in-bttwecn, all ;,111..,11 _,.p,J. Even the omi is oo the job itu'-"'J. There's DO need to wait fi:>r pre-beating. , Yes, tbett is .. crytbin& to gitt JOU a .,.... high in ~if#J Pwf-&nd tum. meal-making into a lark wbco JOU cook OD a CP Gas ~ge. " ~ ' . _, .... It Ma daaiq tbt wbole raa1e.. SarinJ 1moo1b potcdaia mamd rc.qu.i.tel mio: ... WD -·A damp dod> doeo mall of dw "dnniq io a jiffy. .................... = with elicicPt OftQ ud atpUW broiJa unit io snanr IDCl ~lit -ond broil_,,,. .. -- DO waiti.QI or I.ta io ~ . SOUTHflH COUHTll $ GAS COM,AHY _ ......... __ ..... "' .. ,..... ...... .n.-. Yoat --will t11m it oe • ··--lo-.... fmily11.....,.- MODIR•, PRACTICAL.,. fl.A MI• PIRFICT • .. ~ • ' • ' • . I l.,.E:!l~·!!!·:..--------------~--.... ~~----"':"'~"':"'"'."~--!•!1!!1•a.'W:11&.J•l:'l'!l'P'IS~Je!!•~t~-I ... , ". $ On?' s r f ¥· .,, D. l!, Ull Veterans' Survivors Qualify ::1;::;:;; ~-~;e~t~ Paragon, Banana Boat, Docks "_p,_,,_MCOG_"_VE_N_ETIA_N_a_L_•N_o_s=- under federal Secur.,ty Act ::~~:r~ :::~~~~~With Coon family Armadillo WOOD • 81'M 1• • ---------AUJJllNml • Immediate beneficiaries of the recent veterans' amendment to the Social Security Act are the sur- vivors of World War 11 who died u the result of causes not con· nected With their military service and before the date on which the smendment became law, James G. Bretberton. manager of the Long Beach office of the Social Secur- ity Administration, said today. Mr. Bretherton explained that the new section of the act prov!clos fOI; the payment of monthly bene- fits to qualified survivors of veter- ans who die within 3 years of their diacharge un4er conditions other than dishonorable and whose de- pendents are not qualified to re- ceive compensaU~ or pensions from tl}e Veterans Administration. National Service Life lnsw'ance is . a _T_R_O_N_A_R_T_, _I n_c_._ ~ RADIO e ELECTRO NICS • SOUND _# 8ALE8 -SERVICE Marine and Domestic Repair Work Our Specialty 2901 West Central Harbor 1252-M Newport Beach Going to Yoa' probably b&ve your dream home all worked oat In your mind -or maybe your architect or eontraetor aln!sdy hM prepued planll on paper for yoa. m..etrtclty wlD haft a !up part ID -ldng dn!llml of post....,. living "°""' true_ Whm yoa go over the planll with yoar builder be """' to uk him about the newest clevelop- mmla ID homehold labor aavlng and fmlo- tlOB&I i-.,ty. Our EiperfB ID everytblng electrical will be glad to help with layout piano or problems. One soggesUon may make a lot of dltfM'tmce In the "live-ability" of that home. ETS-HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 4 l 9 ! 0 1000 CoMt lllway Phone Beacon 5407 AllO Ill SU ~Wl1aalqtoll-8tot*Soa ... -Dklp-OM'end E~CTRICIANS 0-0-Ttyo "'"' Eqalpment r.. FACl'OBY, PLAJIT, llTOBE. omcz. FABM. HOME veteran'• death If the' survlvon P. G. M<Whlnney. who. oflft 18 f ----...... aw. 111111 ... rue their benefit claims with the y•ars of service, h.u readied the nearest offlce"ll!Pf the Soda1 Secur--retirement age under the state re-The Paracon. banana boat. re-.. biliandewood and other tirruJft \ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:.! ity Administration before mid-tlrement ll)'ltem. turned last w..,k to the County ~ in boat bulldinc and ope-\ · lllt CloMt lllgllway night Feb. 10, 1947. Of <.'OlllW, OO<k, N"'po.-t Harbor, ofter a da1lzed tumlture. monthly benefits other than ,..,,_ China Bound 14-day trip to port& on the welt Some trips· ha"" oceecled roactive are payable on claims cmst ot Mexico and Central Am-their assignments and have rued at any Um• by qualified per-Arthur Roy Campbell, son of c. erica. . turned into veritable <=unions. sons. A. Campbell. 2813 Central avenue, Canying a crew of 12, the 200-when hunting aNt fishing gave In cases where survivors of vet-Ne""1>0rt .Bea~. sailed from Oak-ton. l~foot boat has a steel emphasis to routine. The last el"ans who qualify under the new land. Calif. last week aboard the flush nveted hull, propelled by trip prodUced two tajones. mem- amendment already have riled 10,0QO..ton freighter ~ Joplin Vic-t~-sc:rew engines drawing 800 ben ol the coon family that re. claim !or monthly benefits earned tory. The shJp, carrying &mlY sup-horsepower. It is owned by H. semble honey bears.. Also a pet by the veteran under the old-age plies to China and the Philippines F . Sampson ol the Sampson Ma-annadillo that has since been and survi,•ors i~urance program will return in Deeember. chine W?"<5, Costa Mesa. sv..·elling his "basket" with din- of the Social Security Adminiatra-the deaths or veterans whose sur-()per:8Ung as an owner's cargo ner table deliCacies, a far cry WINGSANGBOAT&REPAIRYARD 811 Coast B.fghway 101 ~·•-Mlf ''' • •-'-D Uld ~ .,..,..... tor Bc.aia for !We • . Paddle Board. for Reat by the.-or -&IL. Uon, it is possible that the pro-vivors were eligible for Velerans boe.t, lt was converted fl"OOl a from his native -fare. Hunting vlsions of the new measure will yacht and has made 12 "~ expeditiOflS have returned with be Administration pensions. Surviv-to the southern cllmes m the i·a~••• skins and the hi.des of! iF;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ provide greater nefiu t h a n t I all ! •-ors o on y a sm percent.age o nan year. . . --aes and the '"ant "-•--' those earned by the veteran. These h 40 000 uld be ti · _...~ ............ 'UULI Q· ............a.. .... t e , vet_era.ns wo e gt-The usual routtne of business ;.,,.,,ana. On one -..;on a va-survtvors are included ln the im-r be d -----ble or nef1ts ~ er the amend-is export and import; the export riety ol --~co1-~ ·ca1 fish mediate potential beneficiaries, ment to the Social Security Act. of machinery and fuels and the = f~~ tropl Mr. Bret her ton,. said. and should Future beneficiaries of the import of bananas. ~uts, mat-were tra'~...., rozen •. and turn.- apply to the field office of the measure, Mr. Bretherton said. will Ung and hnnber. The high grades ed over to the expenmental de-- Social Security Administration. be the survivors of qualified vet-o( wood imported are rosewood. partment of zoology at Pomona The same applies. ?i-1.r. Brether-ho ru ·uu 3 aft ton added. to survivors who have trans w · e Wl n years er Spanish cedar, mahogany, white college. ·their discharge and who are dls- filed claim for lump-sum benefits charged within 4 years and a day under the old-age and survivors after the end of the war as de- insurance program on a qualified termined by a Presidential proc- veteran's account. The new lamation or a resolution of C.On- amendment may make them eligi-gress. hie for monthly benefit payments, In all, it i.9 expected that the or it may increase the amount of survivors of from 100,000 to 150,- the lump-sum benefit. In the lat-000 veterans will receive benefits ter case, they will receive the dlf-under the amendment. fenence between the lump sum The purpose of the measure ta they received and the I a r g er to bridge the gap in survivorship amount they are eligible for under protection that is encountered by the new amendment, if they apply the ex-S('rvicemen in the 3-year at the office of the Social Secur-period following his discharge ity Administration. from service. "As ln the case of all other per-Many persons, the social secur- sons qualified for social security ity office manager said. lost the benefits. families of deceased vet-rights they had accumulated under erans to whom this new section the old-age and survivors insur- of the law has immediate applica-a nce program through the passage lion should come to our office to of tinle after they had entered the file their benerit claims as soon armed forces. The potential bene- as possible," Mr. Bretherton said. rit amounts of others were re-- "There is, of course, no action duced. Other persons, v•ho entered duty bct"·een September 16, 194:0. and the official end of the u·ar. or must have been dischargE'd or released be- cause of disability or injury incurred or aggr avated in service in line of duty. does not remarry, she may file again for benef'its at age 65. to be taken under the new amend-national ser vice \Vithout having 3. ment by veterans or dependents of had the opportunity 10 build social li ving veterans, since the amend-insurance status by m('ans of prior ment affects only survivors of vet- Died \\ilhin 3 years of the date of his discharge. Aged dependent parents of the insured veteran who leaves no Y.•idow or child under 18. After January 1, 1947, such parents may receive benefits even though the wage earner is survived by a ~idow or child under 18 if the widow or child can never become eligible for benefits. The parent's benefits continue for life or until the parent remarries. civilian employment, "·ere depriv- e rans who have me t the qualifiea-ed of their chance or doing so by tions of the new measure, including ineligibility for Veterans Ad.minis-their military service. tration payments. and who have The survivorship protC'ction ex- died." tended to qualifiC'd veter a ns by It is estima ted by the Veterans the amendment y,.·as limited at a Administration that up to June 3-year period after the date of dis- 30, 1946, approximately 4o.ooo vet-charge in the belief that by the erans of \Vorld War II had died end of that time most veterans after discharge from ser vice. This will have succeeded in establish- figure. hov.·ever, Mr. Bretherton ing or reestablishing insured sta- cautioned. is the one for all death9 tus in social security through civil- after discharge, and It lncludes ian work in employment covered by th(' Social Security Act. Survivors of \'eterans who meet these qualifications and are thus pot'ential. beneficiarit:>S of the old- age and survivors insurance pro- gram a re the same as in the case of any fully insured worker under the old-age and survivors insur- ance program, Mr. Bretherton said. He listed them as: In the absence of any person immNliately eligible for monthly benefit payments, a lump-sum pay- ment may be made to certain specified relatives or to persons \\'ho pay burial expenses. Widow, aged 65 or over. She will receive monthly benefits for life, or until she r emarries. The survivors of any veteran of Young, dependent children. They World War Il who died after dis- \.viJI receive benefits until they are charge from the service are urged 18 or until they marry. to get in touch with the nearest Does Yo'!r House Need Painting? * No waHblc--Work done lm-"'•tely by ·bla:bl.Y wld!led IOWWj'mm Pabli:::i. the mo8' mod-em equipment Uld n-t -A,--... °"8fld Uld operated by World War D Vetenu. -a.mg yoar permanent good wlD Uld ~ *,---... For Free l!lltl-tel Phone HARBOR 2645 Bean and Holman Lawn Sprinkler Systems on F. ·H~ A: TERMS -No Down Payrnent-36 Months to Pay S AVES MANY ~LLAR&-Lower water bills: a system good for a lifetime, ending frequent expenditures for sprinkling equip. ment: a decrease in ~roe.er hire ... all these saVinga enable a <;oncealed Lawn Spnnkling System to pay for itself in a short time. MAKES ~PR.INKLING EASY-The weary work of waterinr by hand 1s changed to child's play. There is no more bother fuss or muss! To sprinkle p.tst qpen the valve and leave the resi to the system. 'I\venty nunutes sprinkling twice a week is us- ually enough.- -PBONE FOR FREE ESTIMATE- GOLDEN RULE SPRINKLER CO. 105 w. Fifth Santa Ana Phone 2626 Survivors of vett-rans who died in service or from service con- nected causes are protected by the \Teterans Administration program. To close the gap between the point where Veterans Administra- tion protection leaves off and the poirft "'hert> social security pro- tection may begin, the ne\v enact- me nt gives the veteran the social security status of a fully insured worker for 3 years after his s erv- ice dischar~e. This makes his sur- vivors eligible for the various types or h<'nefits provided under the old-age and sur\'i\'ors insur- anCT' system. Wido\\'S of any age with young office of the social security ad- dependents children of the insured ministration as soon as -possible. veteran in their care. They will The address of the Long Beach receive monthly benefits until they office of the Social Security Ad- remarry or until the youngest ministration is 423 Jergins Trust child reaches 18. lf the widow Building, 100 E. Ocean Boulevard , l i ·~Lo;;;n;g;Be~•;<h~~2;·~C~:lli~·~ro;rn~ia;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ sEAVICE World's Series On the Air Soon Let ue repair your nllo AO you wlll ~t the best rece~ Uon. Newport Electric Appliance l 'o. %515 Ceaat Bh<I. Pllone 21S8 In ordC'r for _his survivors to be eligible for social security bene- fits under th£' new 1£>gislation, a veteran must meet three qualifi- cations, J\fr. Bretherton pointed out. The \'eteran must have- 1. Been discharged from the armed forces under circum- stances other than dishonor- able v.;thin 4 years and a day after the, as yet officially unproclaimed. end of \Vorld War Il . 2. Had at least 90 days or activ~ ENJOY THF.SE ADVANTAGES! IB: Window Awnlags, Door Boom Porch & Patio Canopies • -oat ---upt ta: • Bain oat ---Breese ln; • Permanent ---No "Ui-a Dowu"; • 8ilent ---N o Battis: • Barmonloua DeMp - -- Cmtom Built; • UtmMt Economy --- Lonir lire. No Replacement.. Now! Quality Venetian Blinds (Either Wood or Meta.I) Quick s.mo. For Free l'.eUmate. CUI Reverse Charges ATTENTION! BOAT OWNERS ~ ~ ~ Pleasure and Commercial &. Now Is the Time for Your Fall Work on the Ways or in ·Our Slips ~ Ii;,. Ii;,. DO YOUR OWN WORK IF YOU-WISH or "master mechanic'' WMEEL&F ALIGNMEN lLATS·U.-~DOD Awning Co-of Orange Co. U 5 So. Phlladelphla St. . HA VE OUR EXPERTS DO IT FOR YOU at a Nominal Cost /), /;;,. Ii;,. Any Make or Model Service While You Wait Terms AmilabU vORN -11 2IMI AND SYCAMORE c.t Dow. c .. DepncJatloll M Easler, S.fer C:. Coah ol ._ More TNMc w.1, •S... IKealw Th w- se., ............ 1· "•"'-T ... tel ;: I • .... I ICC,,_ ....... SANTAANA Aoabelm. Calif. Pbone FULLEBTON lm.-.1 EMPLOYERS! D EVOT E YOUR ENTI RE TIMa T O OPE"ATI NQ YOUR B Uil- NEIS. PROFIT BY PLACINQ AL L YOU" LABOR RELATIONS P"O BLE MI IN EXPERT HAHDS -AT "EAIONABLE P'•EL ••• Ka.. more lr.now1edc9 of and a.ct-.! upitrieao. In labor rtlatloM t11 Loi A.ftS'al.., On.nc• an4 I oU..r 8o. (':aJlf. coantlea lhl.n &ny other penon • orp.nbatlon. Sine. Ifft eoMultaru to I em.ptoyer u.ocl&tklft. In ,,,., , eoant\ell comprlalns oTer Mt em.plo>·- ,.... 111 practlc::all7 •T•fT UM 9t tt-1--SPECIAUST IN L•W relatlol'l a -•11ltatl1M.. l•bw Mttt .. act -•otlati9ft~,.etiw bar- .. 1"1"•• ~ntadeft Mt'-....,. . ..,.M41n tal hlbor •..-c..., lfttldlotiM .r 1•beor If~, l"d .. strial N lati.,.. "''CJ' • .........,... ,.,....,,.. admJ11letr•· ,__ • • • ••• Wm. H. Co1 fer ~·rt s C• ..... ,_ .. __ _ a w = w• &-... '-OIL ... .._.. __ ,.,__. ................. .,,.. .. • SAFE HEAVY DUTY EQUIPMENT • THOUGHTFUL HANDLING REAL YACHT PAINTERS EXPERIENCED SHIPWRIGHTS EXPERT MECHANICS • • • &. &t &t ' Low Haul Out Rates and . Lay Days ''THE YARD'' (fcawl) llMCmdy ud Oelkhw, lac.) 1215 Coast Highway Newport Baeb PHONE BEACON 5615 Slips Available for Boats for Sale ______________________________________ ....,. • • -; . ,.......- 1 ------------........ ---......... -............ ----------"!!!*:!*!l-~!!·:.!•!:•!•!:-~~·~ .. ~·?·~·~jiWW, )CQ9ipM 8113 z= P -Zsifi7. llli' llf 11,.... · I !'ri .... ··;... __________ "'I Dll'l.OnmNT o.nmu:o • SAU Ml8CELLANEOU8 • llbAn. SIJPPLIZ8 • llPlllOIAL AXNOmf• c•&NTIJ • •s•1 · mAn -,, ~"~'!:!''::·.!!•!!!•~·~-!!,_;·:_ ___ _!!a •••. mr..an ct Wanted to Buy: ==w:-:ANTED-==-=F:-ouri-t•..,.ln~G1r'""'1"'G:-w-nc1er~-• Auto Batteries FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 tt. Carpenters Available FOR SALE--3-room ~ At Corona c1e1 Mar FOR SALE--Oorona de! Mar, CS. son's Drug Storo. Call Harbor long, 4-ey!inder StarT motor. ed atucco: 2-car garqe. extra Unfinished Home rt. lot.1 block -ochool.,aoutb Rubber Seporaten fer 1eneral ma1n·---.-no·. 1 °""" and llDall rental ot lllvd. -1• locatlcn for ll>-515. 72-2tc Just pelntm. wm trade for 22 ~~ North o1 """" 13-,,_th -$6.'lll EL 01") ft. or 24 fL house trailer or will and repair $16.000. Owner, RL 3-Box 55 N. Iilgh~ come. Owner. Ph. H-213!).W. Lot, ....... h-OI' la- -pnperty In BalboL Within walking distanCe ol Balboa Peninsula BAY FRONT LOT APARTMENT. OOard "' wage to Compoun<fed Motor take cash. 7311 Seashore Dr., • o. z. KOBEBT!!ON • 4P.!!_oentla Ave .• Anaheim. ~tc $6,000 ~tic congenial woman in e xchange Gallm. 70c 93--J 70-tf 100. ~ !or light housework for one la4Y. -Newport_ Ph. H-14 . c Call Harbor 83 1 Bedroom Home Alvarado "' CentraL FUn>- ish complete de<crlption and price. = ~;10-J. 222 ~~ Western Auto Supply Balboa Canvas Shop 34-tfc Two New Hom_es South of Highway Auth<rlzed DHler Salls -Boat Covers K E y S Ready for occupancy. Stall Experienced Clerk 1.836 N-t>on Blvd., Coot& M... Har::~ Up!;~~erl;;!t SL Kade Wblle You watt ---.. Gius doors. Rugr. $6760 This lot will appeal to the pros. pectlve home builder who - a l>Ay front location in the fast growing peninsula section. "nM! Jot has a SS.foot frontage an the bay and commands a beautlful view or the harbor entrance. This ls one ot the very few bay front tocatloilS left in this atta. .. .$12,500 I . ~y-Hl W. 7- St.. Lm Anpleo S, Calltonda ~erably a mother. Good work·'==--,..,-----..,.......,41::....·tf;..:' Newport Beach n-tfc VOGEL'S Call 1522..J 2 Bedroom Home lng conditions_ Regular hours. VENETIAN BLINDS-Alumlnum. 100 Ka.in st.., Balboa 63-tfc South of Highway Permanent employmenL '!be ateel, wood. can uo fer frft est!· NEW SPEED BOAT VENTNOR, 108 Karine, Bal-r.laJlCI $10,000 Bobby Shop, 711 E. Central. mate. Renovation " rellnbhln& 1946. PERFECT CONDmON. lK-ttc Costa Mesa Home Balboa. Harbor 1153-W. n-ttc So. Cout Venetian BtlDd eo. ·FULLY EQUIPPED. CANVAS,1------------2 Grand Homes West 18th and Newport AYf... COVERS. ETC .• PRICE $2.250. BUSINESS OPPO&TUNITD'.8 40 This attractive small home ls well ROOFS WAITRESS WANTED eoo1a Mesa. Ph: Beacon 5762-W. PHONE HARBOR 520. tllMtc Business Opportunity =t~ i:;e:., ·~w~.;:i:.--= On Ocean Front !Prttc. ALBATROSS For Accountant or bookkeeper a paved st:rttt. One bedroom with For Prices See J. M. MIIJ.ER APPLllCD 0a llEf'ArpgD \Free bttmates "' IMl-w. J. Beabow $37.50 Per Week and Meals Good Hours nre PlaO'"' and KJndl"'I' Cass uJlboat. excellent condltlOO. and/or sales person, on pari. two very large c1osets and a sleep-W. J . HOLCO~ W 0 0 D $2500.00: alao Wabon Salling lime buls In going buolness. ing porcll. The house is complete-Corona de! Mar 15th and Central Harbor 1242 311()2 1llarcus Ph. Hbr. 1012-J Lido Isle Deliver<d Dinghy. $150.00. 'lU8 Via Udo Muat be able to Invest $10,000. ly furnished and ready for imme-''Where the F1ags F1y" H. W. WRIGHT Nord. Harbor 1107·1tl. 69-4tc Wll1 pay percentage of profits, diate occupancy. On a large lot Harbor 2766 72·2tc Ph B 6666 MOVING-Must sell 22 ft. cobln with rnldimum of 7 % lnt""'91 with service alley behind, and with SAN FRANCI'SCO _ 2-bedroom TWO l...OTS-O>oice locatl<>D--<L llU!lnn:BS OUJDll: 11 TYPING 4' ACCOUNTING WORK Also FRY COOK --See--• eacon boat 7 ft 8 In be 6 -••-'-guarant.M_ plua salary Write detached g•--~ ~--and 2 aft·-~ for •-real bey aL. ..... -·-··-······-······~ 1784 New'"*I Blvd. a.tft • • · am. "'w~ · · • --·---······---·--···----••~ ~ .--~ -__ __,,,....:-.,..:......,......,,---converted motor. ~ g..... glving personal and 11nanc1a1 come. will oeU at trade for J. M. MIIJ.ER · Laura G. Belden Phone Beacon 5186-R. 22172 So. EARLY (momlnp Cl<lly) King Landing Newport Beach Just Arrived Needs work. Sacrifke $350 or qualJ!lcatlom In own handwrlt-J. M. MIIJ.ER Newport Harbor property. Har-15th and Central Harbor 1242 ~ H...U.. Aid trade amall sloop or! 1813 West Ing. Address Box 1882 Santa 15th and Central Harbor 1242 -~bor~~l~600~·--__:·~--:.5'.'.7~-tf~c:._:=:::::::::::::'::======== 941 r-61-tfc J. E. Barnes & Son BATTERIES Central Ave.. Newport Beach. Ana. TI-4tp ============ Oullder-DrUC co. Har. 1068-J SlMtc ro• BENT 41 Laguna Ave .• P . 0 . Box • ~ta ------------ Mesa. Calli. 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 FOR SALE-40 ft. cobln cruiser: FOR RENT-Garage and storage ~ 90-tft sleeps six; galley. dinette. bead. room. with 400 aq. ft. New bulld-WlD Call FOi" and Deliver. 70-8tp CLARK .t BA TES Metallizing Welding Specialists AIL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS Order Your Servel large wheel houle and codqilt. Ing, at 29th and Lafayette Sb., oompl•tely recondltloned. bow to $25.00 per month. Zoned !or stem: Ou-yaler marine engine. business. Phone Harbor 1600. 5()6 30th St.-Har-2509 Gas Refrigerator Now See owner, 133 Agate Ave .• Bal-69-tfc Newport Beach 69-9tc Bayside Plating Co. 1943 Newport Avenue COSTA MESA. CALIF. Phone Beacon 5358-R (Reier to display Ad. Page 5) ~tc Storey's Battery Service \Vestminster Street fBeN,.een 18th and Magnolia) Beacon 5183 Costa Mea 72-ltc. NOW ls the time to waterproof your home-aver age S-room stucco in good condition ror re- painting as low as $175 includ- ing trim. Only the best oil paints used. References gladly turni.s)ied. G. E . Van Hall. T el. H arbor 89-\''K-72-2tp COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone 875-M 2111 E. :lllth SL. Coota Mesa 2fl-t:ff SIGN PAINTING Boats. Trucks. Windowl WaU. aRd Bulletins. R.ued Metal. Wood and Platlc Letten A·L LACHMEYER 1728 w .. t ~tral Har-1243-M PAINTING 38tft 12 Years Servi~ ln Newport H .. bor Meil Harry Hall PAINTING CON"m.ACl'OR Phone Be-aeon 525&-J 274 E. 19th Strttt 24-tft Painting -Decorating R. E . ANDERSON Free Estimating rhone Beacon S~J 47-tf< !'OR A RELIABLE P aint Job o• your home, call Beacon 533(] atter 4:30 p.m . 10-tfc ~AINTING -PAPER HANGINQ and DECOR.A TING ' H. E . McDonald ·414 Old Conly Rd .. Costa M ... ... when you get a job as a telephone operator. Good pay trom the start ... yes, even while you are learning. Raises at regular intervals ... and a chance to. advance. Good working conditions ... attractive, pleasant sur- roundings . . . friendly fel- low-workers. Paid vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, work Ln neighboring central office near your home. One of these interesting, well-pajd jobs is waiting for you. too. SOUTHERN CALIFORNlA TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E. Bay Ave., Balboa 514 %-No. Main St., Santa Ana or Call C'h.ief Operator 1-"'0R SALE-Neon Sign Cafe. Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117-~f. 70-tfc FOR SALE-3 coil bed springs. full size: 1 with roller frame. 315 Fernando St .. Balboa. 72-ltp FOR SALF.-1500 Watt ~5 Volt A. C. Plant : 600 Watt· Volts D. C. Pla nt: 150 \Vatt·6 1t- at Vogel's 100 Main St. Harbor 14S 52-tfc Hereafter lf we recap your t TIRES We guarantee our "Caps" to tut 20,000 MILES and that's not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF Regardless o! Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a complete set we will call tor your car in the morning and deliver same day. AlS<>-& $2.00 Mobilstatic balance job v.·hen we recap your tires, fqr $1.00. No lead weights or "extra!." FURN1Tt1RE FOR SALE S1 F OR SALE-~fahogany Dtmcan Phyfe extension drop-lraf table. Call at 550 1-Jazel Or .. CoronA del ?\·tar. 72-1tc boa Island. 67-tfc Docking facilities for Charter Schooner. Call Harbor 1729-W 71-2tp D. C. Plant. P & F Light Plant ------------ Sal('s and Service. 1595 N\•,:pt. F OR SALE-Junior h<'d a nd mat- Blvd .. Costa Mesa. 72-1 tp. trf'SS. waxed birch. l'Xcl. cond. RF. P 0 SS ES SE 0 l\·lirror Type $42.50. H arbor 2306-1\1. 72-2tc. Spinet Piano. Nov.• only S295. Phone Beacon 5013-J ~tft FOR SALE-16 gauJt'e double bar-A tt · F . I l'RAN8POR.TATION 11 F OR SALE-Oiesterfield set: very pre Y piano. tne one. :c.,.,-='c,.,C.-=.,..,--"-..,.,:-=:-:::-::-:--rel shotgun $10. l\fontcrey Style Danz·Schmidt Piano, 520 No. \VANTED---Rlde to U.S. C. Mon-bed davenport and chair $35.; Navajo rug. 9xl2:_ Simmons day Main. Santa Ana. 70-tfc day thru Friday. 5608 Seashore Double bed innerspring mat-bed and mattress. 513 Nar------------- Drive. Ne\\-port Bach. 72-2tp. tress. box springs $50. Call Ha.r-ci.ssm Ave .. Corona del MAr.. GOOD Grands. ~fehlin. Kurtzman, bor 1982 J. 72-2tp. 72·2tc-Story & Clark, Chue. Hallet & This is a rar(' opportunity for a BICYCLES FOR SA'~ ~mall 1_ -rn·gere-Da\i.s. Kimball. \Veber and oth-young coup}(' with initiative and G. E . vacuum-=lcancrs (1938): SO-~ "·'':; .... Prl t t «= T Sold. Rentf'd or Re-pail"ed. tor. Call at 31 Beacon Bay. en. ces star a ~· erms. imagination to acquire a \veil built VOGEL'S pound ice box, white enamel. N·"~rt . 72.ltc Danz.Schmidt, Santa Ana. 520 two-bedroom furnished home with good condition: ne"' bathinette. .. Y" N Mal 10-~ 100 ~ai-st a .. _ • ~=~-~~~-°""",..--:-c--o. n. uc tw~c•• g••age In a fest develop--. ""' .. ~ Call Harbor 1797-M. 72-4tc 1·FOR SALF. A 1 dlu· 1 bo... .,... "'"' .... . 208 Marlo•, Balboa Wand . -.-· con on. .. RADIO REPAIRING ing neighborhood or fine houses M-ttt! FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal· sprinfl : '2 mattresses--single : 2 and by minor Lmprovements and -----...,.,,,-------=! culator, $150. 1840 Harbor bro sprin~slngle. 430 Aca('iR. Experienced \vorkmcn v.·ho . know red<."COl'ating substantially increase '.OST A.ND FOUND H Blvd., Costa ?tf esa. Beacon Corona del f.far, 72-2tc how to repair YOW' set as it was the investment value. G. E . re· 5892-J. 61-tfc FOR SALE -3 iron be<h. box "'hC!'n it.left the.factory-author-frigerator and table-topped gas LOST-In post office, Costa Mesa. roin purse \\ith "Charlotte sprinuc: and mattress. excellent ized Ph.iloo senlce. Phone Santa stove. Ready for immediate occu- FOR SALE-Uving-room set. new oondi~ion, J-Jarbor 398-M. T1-2tc Ana 130. Knox Haro~are. 420 E . pancy. Absentee owner wishes irn-Dunn" engTavcd inside. Call N~'"S-T\mes. Reward. 72-2tc ele-ctric Ytater heater, table-top =co-~,.,..,=--=----=-=-.--,---:-I 4th St .. Santa Ana . 70-4tc mediate sa1c and hu set a price electric range, 5 h.p. outboard FOR SALE:--l ce re fr1g('rator in RADIO HOUSE CALLS-that makes this pr operty a real . EMPLO\'MENT OFP"EBED motor, etc. Phone Beacon 5743. good rond1tion. holds about 250 ddltl al b · $10 500 61 -tfc • •=" A 1 804 Now that 11 on competent argain ·········-· .......................... , HELP \\tANTEO-Ft"'malr. cook--~~-~==-=---=-~-~unds. Price. ~· PP Y t~hnld&n.1 are available, we att Kent>ral . for a family. ·Day or VE1'"'"ETI..AN BLINDS -Steel or \Vest Ocean Front, Balboa. Ph. Able to make ser.1ce calls on J . M. MILLER tull time position .. Ha rb 0 r aluminum made to measure and &>aeon 96-J.. 7o-4tp ta.rgr consoles. All work guar-15th and Central Harbor 1242 El Bayo Tract Home on Bay Ave. 2150-.J. . 72-2tc. installed. Bayview Builders Sup-FOR SAIL-Dining table and 6 anteed. HAROLD L HAMM. C.::..----------...:.. ply. 818 Coast Highway. Phone chain. oak library table, chest S .OS. Rad.lo. 300 Marine Ave. WOMAN for house, ... ·ork in prl-69-1 '-'&le family, two da'.\-S 8 ,veek. Beacon 5007. tc of dra\lo'E'T"S, Tan.fluff rug. 18x12. Ph. Harbor 780. 34-tfc $1.00 per hour. Call evenings GLASS SHOWER DOORS made etc. 118 Apolena, Balboa Island. Rad" R - bor -· \V 1••• So to measure and installt'd. Good 69-4tc 10 epairs onl)', Har IJ"t-· -.vt · --~-,..-~---,--""'"~-1 All makes; tubes. etc. Bay Front. Balboa Island. 72·2tp deliveries.. Bayview Builders F OR SALE-Ne"'' 3--piece Myrtle WArrnESS WANTED six days Supply. 818 Coast Highway. Ph. wood vanity. May be used u Beacon 5763 week. Norton·s &y Shore Cafe. Beacon 5007. 69-4tc desk. All or part. Morninp or BURT NORTON 17th and Coast Highway. 5~ttc FOR SALE-Air compresser, $100. evenings only. 616 Larkspur. 91.5 Coast Jngbwa.y, Newport 7311 Seashore Dr.. N.,.._t Corona del Ms.r. 69-4tp ZHfc HELP WANTED-Woman or t<!rl Beach. ~tlc I fot general hooleWork: Rood BOATS. SUPPLIES a STEINWAY GRA1'"D. Beautiful rnodttn in black and sUver. Gor- Rf'OUS tone. This ~ a n art piano. 3 Bed Rooms, 2 BathJ, on Larg Lot $25,000 Furnished Duplex $25,000 2 Bedrooms. 1 Bath Dawn 2 Bedrooms. 1 Bath Up 11 )'00 ••• furnbhlng ,-our borne w. L. JORDAN In "Modem• .. this Instrument Is ;"~~: live IP or ouL H~i:r. Steel Kitchens FOR SAL~25 rt. Seabird sl-. GLASS ENCLOSURES fully equippl'd with North Bay HELP WANTED -Woman for SHOWER DOORS mooring and fi\·e-m..1..n life raft; ~=10g"· ~~~:· ~;!i~~~ Southern Counties sleeps two: very ... worthy. · 41 Se Vl A Supply Co. $1550. Call C. F . Brown. Har-Apartments. 1 4 a t!W ve.. bor 1641. After 7 p.m.. call Corona del Mar. 69-Ctc 144 Coast Blvd.. N. Harbor 2003-R. 72-4tp WANTED-Woman or girl to stay Ph. 5852 Laguna Be~tc WILL EXCHANGE 50 ft. slip In with two little girls occasJonal ------------Wllminaton for same tn New- afternoons or evoninp. Trans. BARGAINS ! port Harbor. can Erwin Pl•""" furnished Bo."'t P , d o N~ at K1mb1e 5283. . 52st1C' perfect for ,-ou. Reuonably 700 E. Central. Balboa priced. Danz-Schmidt Plano Co.. Phone Harbor 163 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. ~tic 72-tfc. T>OOS. CATS a PETS .l ---LIDO---ISLE--H-O_ME __ _ FOR SA LE--O>cker puppies, rea- sonable. H. J. Shatter, 20<M Mey<"rs Rood. between 19th a Hamilton. Colla Mesa. 69-Ctp on comer lot nmes. 70-4tp Lowest prices Ln turniture ls m J motto. I buy rlghL I sell ri&ht LOCAL qr traveling In _,,... I also bey flanlrure. BARCAIN-Going east. mmt sac--uvMoc. 17 rlllce SUP and one-year-old 18 =..:.::.:.::.:.::=--...,.--..,.,::--:-- !L ullboat .. Gilly." onl,-$195. FOR SALE-Gentle saddle bone. 2 BD up-1 BD down Fireplac<>-Double Gllnl&O Walled Patio-Barbecue A veey liW!able borne $25.000.00 -Terms Ralpll P. Mul<ey for ,..,.,....11. No montY required. Needle's Furniture 34ll W . Central-Pb.. Harbor 4112 1806 Newport Blvd. Coota Mesa Pb: Beecoll 5Dl Furnished Four houses, one acre land, east side; -good location. One five- room and three four-room houses. Income, about $150 per month. ·Plenty of room for more hOW1es. Full price only- $16,800 One-half cash. One-Bedroom Home Partly furnished: one acre of land. LINWOOD VICK Broker Balboa Island Harbor 548-M BALBOA ISLAND Priced to sell! One bedroom home completely furnished. Fenced-in front yard. Room to build. You may have possession within ten days. $5000 down -$45 per month. $9750 near Country club. Lots of fruit 72-ltc trees, garage. Priced at only------------------------- $6250 Cash 3-Bdrm. Home, Furnished One acre of land, near country club. Large living-room with fir eplace. Furniture includes electric refrigerator, console radio and washing machine. Ollcken equipment and laying hens. Priced to sell at- $13,500-Tenns J. M. MILLER Balboa Five·bedroom home; fireplace and completely furnished; near to shopping center and library. Immediate possession- $12,000 Balboa Island Utra modern Hawaiian redwood home, ¥.a block from south bay on two lots: fi ve bedrooms, living·room 14x35 ft.: built less than year. Balboa Peninsula 60 foot frontage on bay. rights- $31,500 Pier JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St.. Balboa Phone Har. 2034 70-ltc BALBOA. ISLAND "Little Island" Three-room cottage. Good comer location. garage. Clqse to East Bay- Price $10,750 Well-built all redwood three-bedroom home; two baths. Beautiful living-room; tw<rear garage. Excellent loca- tion. Good bay view. Immediate possession- $21,000 Furnished (Tenns) Near South Bay Immediate possession. Well constructed tw<>-story year-. 'round home. Paneled living-room, maid's room and bath, shower and dressing room. Two-car garage. Three bedrooms and two baths upstairs. Nicely fumished- Price $30,000 --Balboa Island Income Investment-- Well constructed six-unit apartment building with six garages. Close to North Bay. Seventy-foot frontage on Marine Ave. Good income under OPA ceiling- Price $40,000 -Terms CORONA DEL AMR Beautiful modem home close to ocean on 45-ft. Jot. Excellent view. Two bedrooms, two baths, large llving- room, dining-room, patio, lighted badminton court. Im- m~ate possession- Price $29,500 New tw<rbedroom. large living-room, well designed on comer lot in good location. Immediate possession- $11,500 WfS--See. our selection of building sites. Fairly priced. choice Corona de! Mar GERTRUDE A. WALDRON AND WILLIAM W. SANFORD REALTORS 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-W REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE '8 TllAILEll8 11 ------------= Couple trade modern Bay Shores F OR SALE-By owner, Curtis home for place in L. A. -Glen-Wright house trailer, new : used dale area. Ph. Budlong 83().71 two months; sleeps four. See at collect. 72-2tp 244 Heliotrope, C.or. dcl M. Price Sl200; cost $1500. 72-2tp At Corona del ~far MONEY TO LOAN II I::--:=-:=::-::=-=-===-,..----'-' I FOR SALE-House trailer, steeps For a Grand LOANS TO BUILD. buy, :mpron. 2. Full price :6650. Newport Auto modernlze or reftnance. Sales lot, 2600 block on Central Ocean Front Home Newport Bal-Federal Saving• Ave. n.2m a:ad Loan. .Amoc.1At1on. :r Furnished or Unfurnished 3333 vta Udo Ph. Harbor 1500 TRAILERS FOR SALE-The best See in trailers for rent and sale. AUTOMOTIVE ... L 51 Trailers made to order. Dunlap W. J. HOLCOMB · wa-. ~ Trailer Rentals, Newport Auto Corona deJ Mar CUSHJwlAN SCCXYI'ER. J>re...war Sales lot, 2600 block on Central "Where the Flags Fly'' quality. 2* h.p. Gas Economy Avenue. 69-Stp H-~ 2766 72 2 engine. Is in good shape inside -----------_;; .... ......... -tc and out, hu had little use and TRAILERS FOR RENT-Do :JOU:r CHARMING new modem 5-room he been well maintained. $150 own haullng and mcwfna. AD home. cedar and redwood lhru-cash. Mark Healy. Har. 1416-W. new equipment. S2.2S and S2.50 out. New modem living and din· · 7l-4tc per day. We fUmllh the bttdL Ing room !urnlture 2 blocks from -:;;-:;--::--,----,...-,,..--.,.:C.: Myrtim Broe. Set ;Ice Station. school. $15,500 505 Carnation, Sell !bat unwanted article cor. 17th & Newportllhd.. Oaota Corona de! Mar. Call Harbor throuch Neon-'nmeo ..i. Meoa. - 2l~W. TI-4tc Balboa Island Front Home This maplfioent 1-)' front home with private pier and Doat can- not be duplicated today at any price. Two bedlooma, bath and living-room upstaln, bedroom. bath, kitchen. bar, entrance ball and playroom dOwnstaln. Two- car garage with extra large .-pace for storage and boat gear. Both house and pier of superb oomtnio- tion and in top condition. ... $4.5,000 J. M. MIIJ.ER WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEfJ, YOUR CAR NOW WbDe Prices are High. Phone for our c:uw lr!ous buyer who will call and iidvlli )'OU reprdlng OPA segulatlolll, ...qq 1111oea and 111T111tee an delalla Ct.Jl,BERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. CJwttullt a4 ()Jiho.....,. Dellln: • Good income. You en YtNr own bca. Apply SOB No. Main SL. 220f Newport Blvd. Coot&= Slip No. 5. Ask Mn. Pollins at ..,...,1 color. 1125. See at 16!518 \'Illa Marina. Balboa. 70-4tp TUstln Aw .• Coota M..._ 61).tfe E&-tfc 15th and Central at 'tat Omtn1. Newport B11rti.. IQZ Oe r., ••"'*iirmi .._.. ~--·-Santa Ana. 71). 7tc • - ...... Interesting Speakers Feature First Fall Meet of County Federation Women's Clubs "!be ccot al llvlnc bu -up mere than 40 per cont, usinc 19'1 u a -and in May It took a Jump of five per cent, with an- other raloe in JuJ¥," said Mrs. L . I. Sinclair, state chairman al ln- antry and ~r problems, speaking at the afternoon 5e'SSion of the first ran board meeting ot Orange County Federation of We> men's clubs, held Friday at Costa Mesa Community church with Mrs. George Wheat presiding. ''With a year ot peace. we have had anything but peace on the in- dustrial front," continued the I speaker. '-r'here Was not e\'en a alow'-Oown a!te-r V-J day and pn> duction went booming along, but there is still a disappointing am- ount ot goods on the shelves. Workers slow down when they know SlQ>plies are short; while thete is very near rull employ- ment, there is excessive absentee-- lndividuaJity fo., the ··M othn"·to-bc • · · If we do not have it, we ~e it. you see! au N.~!IL -- Blanket Club New Shipm ~n t of St Mary's and Chathams Have Arrived Can Be Purcha&ed on Our CLUB PLAN at 50c Per Week Orkin's Department Store 1798 Newport Blvd, . ' Costa Mesa . . ... The play'• the fhrng,, • ,,.. 11\lftg;;. ,,, WI"' au1vmn os a rich ••!ting DRAMA _... • luminous crimson to Ught youf hpt end ftng•rtlP'o certo"1 to star In any seoson ;. + • "1 orry wordrobei ••...ck t.eo, 1.so, MAil u.cGu-. '·" IOU.OI. 1.JI. 1JS•l1f·l "AOO, 1.11 ....... ~ ....... -,...,, ... ._ .. ,.., ... ""-·--........... , .. .... ,. ........ ....,... stacu& ... lb nrre -"- 1UllEI'RIES S'IBEET FLOOR 1 • t• I\ l!9 tion, talked on twelve amendments before the legislature and Mrs. Fn..nk Rospaw. editOT <>( Federa- tion News. brought a report rrom the national convention held in Odea.go. Another speaker was Capt. • $ • -Willis Bradley, U.S.N., governor of Guam from 19'28 to 1931. who con- tradicted a recent article written by Harold Ickes in disparagement ot U. S. rule of the island and stated that on the contrary, much good had beffi done there. par- ticularly along educational and health lines. Mrs, Corene Boettcher gave three delightful vocal numbers and an encore, and group singing was led by Mrs. Mary McBride~ president or Ne¥1p<>rt Beach Ebell club. The noon luncheon was served in the church social haJI by members of the Friday After- noon club. MIL AND MRS GLADE E . McGOWEN of Coot& M-Jmt alter u.e1r' marrl..,.e wtUcb·took plaee neea.tly at Capilla de San Anton.lo. The bride Is tbe former Vlrsfnla FernandM, dauchter of Mr. and Mna. c. w. Fernandes, 2S49 Elden Ave., ea.ta MM&. -Dboto b,-Anene Miss Barbara Hedger Weds Glendale Man Recently at Rossmoyne Christian Church Miss Barbara Lee Hedger, Mr. and Mrs. J . K . Elliott of Balboa returned last week from a trip to Kuebler's Camp. Lake Wohlford. where they enjoyed some good flSh.ing. daughter or l\1r. and Mrs. Harold Hedger of 225 Daimond avenue, Balboa. and 448 Woodbury road. Glendale, was married recently to William Weston Gregory, son of l\.1r. a nd Mrs. Clarence W. Gre- gory. 1830 Glenoak Bvld.. Glen- daJe. The wedding 'WCl..S held at the Rossmoyne Ouistian church and the ceremony was performed b)• the Rev. A. V. Havens . White House Cafe PhoD<> S182 Lagana 8-!h, Calli. Reserved Seals $2.4-0 & $1.80 Tax Incl. Gryphon Productions ~ i:::.~· PLAYWOUS~ t.: 0: < z LAST PLAY of the ""880D Kun•lnr Thra s.1 •• ""°ttt.. 13 ~ SIGNE HASSO In The bride was given in marriage FAC Opens Friday, Featuring Lecturer Ellis L. Spackman, lecturer, soldier and world traveler. will be speaker for the first ·rail meet- ing of the Friday Afternoon club which will be held Frida)· after- noon at 2 o'clock in the Amer- ican Legion hall. His subject will be ''America in Reta ti on to Eu- rope--Our Old Heritag~ and New Destiny." ··l\1r. Spackman." said Mrs. Skiles, program chairman, "is a former military intelligence offi- cer who directed the 81T'eSt of 55.- CXX> of Nazidom's elite and the set- ting up and supeivisng of all in- ::i temment camps in Gennany. He ;o will bring to the club the fruit of -< years of stud)• and travel in Eur- ,, ope, Africa. Latin America and :c the Antipodes. To the scholarly o background of an historian and z the observation of a traveler have been added the experiences of a ,, soldier fresh from the battle- fields." ,, 0 His presentations are said to be ;:I up-to-the-minute, lively, informa- 'GEORGE' tive and entertaining. Forum dU- cussions and questions from the :"> floor will be invited. <f. ~ ;z: • Instead of luncheon. tea will be c -served aftE"r the meeting. Mrs. _ A New Play by ::J H. B. McMUTtry will preside and E-John M e.red)'1h Lucas 'Z on the list of Ytrelcoming hostesses I __ c.: with .JOHN NEWLAND "J> are the Mesdames Sam Crawford, -and Harry Burdick. LeRo)· Anderson c r and M. J. Hostetler. c FRANK SUNDSTROM > 0: .. z c x .. Reserved Sea ts BLUE SAILS BOOK SHOP Pboae Harbor 818 or Lacuna 191 )o 8&A!IO:oi' itC"ll'~ POK 8UMlll.&a CC IH7 --af'all.alll... •·rt .. 01'7· C .._ .._..~ ri..,-.--'-.. -._.. ,_ ,......... ..,_ -Staged by Robert MIHon z > bp, -••• ..., Portraiture and Commercial Photography by her ' father. She was lovely in sheer white marquisette with in- serts of lace and her fingertip veil fell from a croYnl or bouvardia.. The bridal bouquet was a spray of gardenias and bouvardia with an orchid center. Miss Nancy Virginia Hedger was ma.id of honor. Her costwne a nd those or the bridesmaids were also of white marquisette. Miss Hedger wore a pink haJo in heart- shaped outline a nd carried a nose- gay ol pink amaryllis with gar- denia center. The bridesmaids, Miss Maren Marie Gregory, sister of the bridegroom. and Miss Mar- jory Ann Hedger, cousin of the bride. wore · blue halos and car- ried nosegays of blue asters and gardenias. Justin L'Amoreaux was best man and ushers were Robert Cecil George and William Donaldson. Vocal numbers sung included I Love You Truly. Because and The Lord's Prayer. Afte r the cere- mony a reception was held at the Glendale hote1. The bride attended Glendale High school and Chevy Chase, Md. The bridegroom atte-nded Glendale High school. Glendale college and Purdue universlty. He seived with the U. S. Army in Europe, re- turning in March of this year. The new Mr. and Mrs. Gregory spent their honeymoon in Yosemite National park. Balboa Circle Balboa Circle Yt>ill meet Wednes- day at 1 :30 p.m. with Mrs. H. K. Ives, 315 Anade street. Duane Dea.kins, son of Mr. and l\.trs. C. M. Deakins of Balboa, en- tered the medical school or the University of Southern California this week to begin his training. The aduslft --inl met.bod otr.n: ... ...... pleuant way to contour am- trcl -that pro11 ::ta ...._ boosts Tltalit;J. w -iood.,,.tu...No~­ trldQ", .team or aertica !flt dlsroblne. ft"• -tlo -.. thorouCI> -It's -. ll~h k ..... MTl ' • - STAUFFER SYSTEM- . . ~,,., 011 ltowt o bob1'' B&PW Holds First Meeting Thursday Business and Professional Wom- en's club will ~gin the fall sea- son with a closed meeting to be held Thursday evening, Sept. 19 at White's cafe, Balboa I sland, with dinner at 6 :45.P.m. Mildred Stan- ley, legislative chairman. will re- port on action of the state board in regard to issues to be voted on and Dorothy Sutherland, program chairman, will outline programs for the year. Longmoor to Address Harbor Kiwanis Walter Longmoor, president or the Western Canners company, will address the Newport Harbor Kiwanis club Friday on the sub- ject of "New F actors in the Se- lection of Industrial Locations" Longmoor is also president of the Associated Chamber of Commerce. KAISER PROMISES 10,000 NEW HOMES FOR SOUTHLAND I SOFTLY TA IL OIED COUVEIT CLOTH TWO PIECE SUIT 12500 SLACKS '8.95 = Construction of 10,000 n e w homes by the Kaiser Community Homes in the Southland area was promised today by Henry J . Kai- ser , industrialist president of the concern at his offices in Los An· geles. A daily output o{ 100 new homes was in the offing, he added. 129 WEST THIRD. STREET LONG BEACH PHONI: 11641 M odd.1 by Nationally Known Dcsignen: G. HOWAllD H ODCE Ol!LL DoNNI! GER.M.AJNI! everything is FEATHERED with beauty this autumn There's a new softness • • a new luxuriousness ••• a i.. new radiance about this season's hats. Exquisite feathers abound on quality telts 0to add a richness and grandeur to !all's sbapelymi"l.linery. 1 -£). 115E.5 ·ST PHONE6634 ~-............. ~ ."\..,:" . J .. •