HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-09-26 - Newport Balboa News Times• • 111 SAND CRAB 1117 SAM 40 YEARS. While a bit drawn out, ever the case where age and remini- soenses park, the observance of Newport Harbor's fortieth natal day, brought out eight veteran mayors who had a major part in the early de- velopment of the city. They started the first dredging of the bay; they inaugurated more than a million in civic improvements; they had the same battles to put over their programs that con- fronts the council of today. Those early • day endeavors took hardy detennina ti on, due to the lack of funds, the indifference of the rest of the county to become inter· ested in a beach or mud flats and the struggle to persuade uptown banks and trust com· panies to invest funds for homes here. The news stories will carry accounts of the meeting. so what is more appropriate than to tell who the men were and what they did. Dr. Conrad Richter. 86. and the oldest man present, before coming here was a surgeon on a steamship line running to the orient and \Vas sent there .to combat a disease that \vas \viping out thous- ands of nati\1es. He came to Newport Beach in 1918 a nd lived on the peninsula \vith Mrs. Richter. the for. mer widow of \Vm. Glas- sel), Los Angeles pioneer. J . J. Schnitker. 80, ran the dnig store n0\\1 kno\vn as the Newport Pharmacy, with the aid of his lovely daugh- ter, Jean, now Mrs. Wheat- on. who brougt)t her dad here from Los Angeles. + + + Ge<>rge Wllson. George was cashier in the old state bank of Newport, operated by Lew Wallace a nd for a time was city clerk. He Is now with the Bank of America at Bal- boa. Mark Johnson con- ducted a boat building plant off 19th street, which he later sold, but during the war was with the South Coast Co. Of late he has been retired and just re- turned from a trip to Seat- tle. Harry Williamson . a navy man for 40 years. was in the real estate business at Balboa. but took his stint on a navy ship during the war. 1rwin Geo. Gordon is a build- ing contractor and b e f o re coming here did some build- ing in Phoenix and aided in the construction of Roosevelt dam. He is our Fifth Dis- trict supervisor. + • • Clyan Hall Fonner May- or Hall founded Sturditoys, coming here from Pasade na, to build a plant at Corona del Mar, which he operated until the war put his wares out of business. He is again in the mfg. business to a limited extent on Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, but lives at Beacon Bay. Mayor 0 . B. Reed came here from ruv- erside '''here he \\·as in busi· ness and here was in the life insurance game. but is now with Theo. Robins' Ford agency. H. Cardoza Sloan, while not. a mayor. ,,·as one of the old councilmen. and is in the nursery business at Corona de! Mar. John Mc- Millan. connected with the city practically since its founding. while not a city dad. was a nd still is con- ~ted \vi th the '"ater \\·arks. J ohn is 90. + + • Present Council. Besides Mayor Ra!d the present offi- cial group comprises Bob Alie!\. Les Isbell, 0 . Z. Ro- bertson and Mason Siler, for whom Presiding Chairman Walt. Longmoor presented a bouquet as the heirs of the old city dads and who have as difficult problems today as ever. with the same lassi- tude of public interest. This conunent would not be com - plete if one did not mention one of the oldest servitors in tlie district. Ted Garrett, who has been here, off and on, as long as any of the oth- en. and who is as e.fficient and pleasant today as he was In the struggling days of the NewpOrt Harbor Yacht club. KF.EP POSTED! 1 y_.. --... a.a ta Os II &t.71 09I: .. Cs•tr P:tl °"' o1 --~..,_. N...-_N_pwt _ NEWPODT M, .... o.a, o-·r <l••tJ' Weelly NeW9paper M1 hp .Aedtt a.- -ol Oiru'U.. LAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA ~, NUJIBEa15 Veterans Mass For Build ng R 1.IY Tonight People Who Live in Rural CRIPPLED CPA Orders Ne Man C1 ic Leaders LEADERS Area, Best Tyr)e of Worker TAR TEAM Says Harbor Manufacturer IS READY To Halt Buil ing Work L udOldtime CALL FOR A ewport Beach business m.., I x M . EVIDEICE By JOHN DONHOFF Football season of_ the 1946 varie ty moves into high gear for Newport Harbor High school to- morrow (Friday) when its crip- pled squad travels to Long Beach to meet a favored St. Anthony high crew in the season's opener. Thirt;y-seven gridders sporting the Sail or Blue and Gold make A ne w era of industria1ism in California was envisioned by \Valte r the tre k \Vilh Coach \Vendy Pick- Longmoor. president of Wesiern Canner.;; Co., Newport Beach, in a ens to the neighboring Catholic talk before the Newport Harbor }{j,vanis club. Friday. institutjon lo inaugura te the ne\\· Longmoor said the trend of moving .small manufacturing plants stadium in Lake .... ·ood. Game timf' from the crowded cities to the spacious rura l areas or the country was is set for 3 p. nt. and a goodly even m ore severe in the east and the time is not too far distant when number of Harbor it(' fans are ex- Walter Longmoor, Head of Western Canners Company, Tells Kiwanis Club Members New Home Subdivisions Built in Spacious Sections Will Attract Industrialists Who Seek Better Sites and Want Healthful Sur- roundings ea.<;;tern manufacturers would be seekJng sitl'S for small plants in the pected. • rural areas of California . Coach Pickens has tx>en moaning lie gave credit to the Federa1 v t A k all this \\•eek about lhe Tars ~ousi ng Administr at io? in Wash-e erans s chances of copping the open ing 1ngton. D. C., for hav1ng created fracas and pre-game dope seems the idea of decentraliza tion of in-to just ify his cr ocodile tC'a r s. F ive dustry in its insured mortgage. l H I of his choices for regular starting £'asy pa yment home development ruman e p duties ar e on thf' injured shelf and plan. may see litt lC' or no action, s hoving 'rhc pl a n. Longmoor said re-the brunt of hC'avy duty on the sulled in thC' erection of ne w home I B• c • • subdivisions in rural sections and n 1g r1s1s I shoulders of !"C\'C'ra l untried re- the concentra tion of small n1anu-1 serves. I Fl\'t' lnjurffi racturing pl ants in areas \\'ilhi n First string ends "Bogey" Ho.>r- rc>ach of these hous ing dC'Velope-rel and Di Ck Br ace a nd backs Roy ments. President Harry S . Truma n re-\\'a.rd, Buz Chambers and Roger Through this new idea. \\'orkers C"eivl?d a 300-word telegra m at Hillhouse are all on the shelf \\'ere able to devote mor e time I the \Vhite House in \\'ashington but have been named as possible outdoors, in gardening and in rec-D. C .. at noon today, demanding starters in spite of their injuries. reational activities. They were n·t tha t the Santa Ana Army Air If Horrel and Brace are not hemmed in by huge apartment base be turned over to the ve ter-\Continued on Page 4) houses or smothered by lack of ans of Orange county as an emer- space in which their children could gency housing center for the 1700 play. homeless veterans. Indus'trialists who had made the The president wa." told that pe- change from the crowded cities titians signed b}.-UP''-'ards of 10,- to the rural sections began to 000 c itizens and veterans in Sou- no{ice great changes in their work· them California we-re on the way ers; they became more proficient to his executive mansion, urging in their WQt'k and took greater him to dispose of the army base inte rest in life. It was something in this manner. new to see families taking a" in-The telegram was signed by terest in the work of the Parent-Dale Heinly of the American Le- Teachers associations in the rural gion, Fred Devenney of the VFW. areas. Newell Lucas of the DAV and EastC'rn employers were quick to George Williams of the American notice the change, and when they Veterans of World War II. found that their good employes were leaving them and ,moving away from the big cities, they, too, decided it was time to aban- don the old methods and resort to the new trends. Now many of the E astern man- ufacturers are looking for indus- trial sites in the west, with em- phasis on California. They are sold on the new method v.•hich makes for better health for their employes and better efficiency in their plants. High taxation and strikes in t he big city areas also are factors in the plan to dE"C'Cntralize industry, Longmoor said. But labor troubles are the principal factor. for when the bus and streetcar men struck, ther e were instances when the plant engineer was unable to get to his work and "'ithout the pres· ence of the engineer , the genera· tors that powered the plant could not be operated and the workers could not go to work. The Eastern manufacturer who is seeking industrial sites in Cali· fornia and other parts of the west !Continued from Page 5) Badminton Sessions on At H. S. Gym Six courts are available at Har- bor High school for badminton on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 7 to 10 p. m., it was an· nounced this week, and Harbor participants are invited to attend. A nominal charge ot 35 cents for the evening is levied and the high school is furnishing the shut· tlecocks. The program is sponsored by the high school's aduJt ffiucation clas· ses and those in charge of the program have announced th a t tournaments will be held. Johnny Abell of the Balboa Island Sport- ing Goods store is instructor. Central Boat Works Plans Pleasure Craft Production cra ft specialty, the boat \vorks claim they will be able to h andJC' sales and SeTvice for local cus - tomers as \\'ell as visiting trade. Wider Road Needed for Huge Traffic Officials of the Board of Equali- zation \isited Ne .... ·port Harbor last "·eek to check on population ~nd other fi gures or interest. or special interest was the traffic count. For the information of the public th<> special count made by state and city officials in July is given here- with In Cull. Taken on July 14, 1946, traffic on Coast Highway, both directions, taken opposite County Dock, total for period of nine hours from 9 :00 a. m. to 6 :00 p. m., 18,771 cars. and for one hour peak from 4:00 to 5 :00 p. m ., 3,239 can. On the same day the count on Newport Boule\'ard near the Lldo Theater for the nine hours .,..·as 14,061. and for the one hour peak load from 4 to 5 p. m. the count was 2.244. These figures \Vere taken by the State. On July 28th a count \V&S made by the City ot Newport Beach. These figures were to show amount of travel into Balboa and the east part of the City. At Cen- tral Avenue and 15th Street from 9 :00 a. m. to 6 :00 p. m. the cars "1ere-6,223 in and 6.786 out, a total of 13.009 for the nine hour period. Onf? hour peak. 4 :00 p. m . to 5:00 p. nt., 635 in 1271 out. 1906 total. A count on the cars on Coast Boule \'ard at 42nd Street gave. in 284-1, out 2.251, a total of 5.095. For the one hour period. 4 to 5 p. m., there y..·ere 240 in and 457 out, a total of 697. A furthC'r count for a 24 hour period "'·as made -from 6 :00 p. m., July 27th, to 6:0CY p. m . July 28th. <Continued on Page 4) Death Takes Cpl. Collins, Ex-Army Dental Technician Mrs. Frances Collins. discharged WAC. "'·as found dead early Tues· day morning at 703 1,.t E. Central Ave ., Balboa. She \\'as 44. K . W. Gorton and L . V. Phebus, Ne"Arport Beach police officers an· S\\'ered an anonymous call at 12:35 a. m. reporting that the Collins \\'Oman had not been seen lea\'ing her apartment for Se\'era l days. O n investigation they found the deceased face dO\\'n on a sleep- ing diva n. Coroner G. P . Abbey said death occurcd sometime Fri· day. The apa rtmC'nt had been locked for St'Vera l days. A half-filled bottle of sl eeping pill~ ,..,as found on a table near the' body. Thirty hypnotic tablets \Ver e missing rrom its contents. An inquest \\•as not order ed. Also on the table ''-'as an enve- lope addressed to \V ilber A Shee ts. 117 Virgini a Aspen'''ell , Pgh. Pa. (Pittsburgh, P a. l. The letter \\'as mailed by Coroner Abbey. A nearby scrap of paper re- .,·ealed the intention ot death. I t read "F. Collins -God kno'''S ,.,·he re, I don·t." Mrs. Collins, a native of Pennsyl- vanict . was a corporal in the medi- cal department ot the Army Air Force during the war and was dis- charged at Camp Beale. Calif., Oct. 1945. Her civilian occupation \\'as that of a dental technician. She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Paul Donovan, 524 Middle Ave., Wilmerding. Penna. When informed of her mother's death she r eported that she had been despondent and in ill-health and that she had not been hGme for more than three years. The body was taken to Baltz Mortuary, Corona del Mar. A Pro- testant chaplain v.•ill conduct fun. era] services and she will be given a military burial in the National Cemetery, Sawtelle, Calif. Service Center For Veterans Is Begun by Legion A Veteran's Service Center will open Oct. 31 under t he auspices of American Legion Post 291, 15th and Central Ave., Newport Beach, it was announced by Earl Copper- smith, post commander, this week. The office, which will be open every day, Is being established to help all veteran's solve problems of employment, housing, compen- sation, hospitalization, a dj us t· ments and benefits. William H . Bannister has been selected by the Legion u: veter- an's councilor. Excelling in vet- eran's problems, he was adjuster and advisor tor servicemen sta- tioned at the San Bernardino Air Technical Command. Files will be kept on all vets seeking employment or housing. Employers and house and apart- ment owners are asked by the Ugion to respand and assist the or ganization in making the service center a success. These added senrices of the American Legion · extend also to the wives, and families. of veter· ans. Have YOU Registered? THE NEW DEAL MUST GO ' ' • • T he Centra l Boa t \\torks. design· ers and builders of yachts. are re- vamping their yard for full-scale production. and upon completion, will ha ve the first. a nd only, steel pleasure craft production-Line on the P acific Coast. The rompan>· has been rror· ganized. and since Sept. 1 has been under the helm of Richmond P . Hobson. formerly with the U. S . Steel Co.. San Francisco, with \Valter ~1oore as superintendent and Ray Jordan in charge of main- tenance and building constrUction. Toni Ghiloni. head of the original company. has been retained as naval architect. Robert J . Ropp, ,vho will establish home offices in Newport Beach, "Aill act as dealer and distributor. The first boat to come off the \\'ays under the new organiza tion "'as the "Streamliner", launch('(\ Sept. 21. A 46-foot sportsfishing (an Editorial) boat, it has an el('('tric v.·etded hull . "Hold the Llne on Re-nt Controls-But Get Rid of Everything Else", and is powered by t,,.0 165 H. P. is the s logan of a mass m<nrement that is gradually spreading acros.s General !\folor dies e Is. The the na!ion. The movement is sponsored by Americans: Democrats, "Streamliner" v.·as built (or C. I . ~publicans. Independents and ~ves who are utterly disgusted The yard is preparing their pro- duction and assembly line for the building and outfitting ot the Cen- t.raliner. a pleasure-craft of all- stecl comtruction and with plastic cabins. The boats "i ll be available in 36 and 46 root lengths. In addition to the new pleasure Wl ~h !he way the New Deal administration in \Vash.ington is ham-Proudx of Loi Angelt"S ~·ho has st.ringing the ~le. The sponsors aim to arouse everyone to the point regislered the boat in Newport where ~ey will.justifiably demand as one group the end ot the unjusti- Harbor. fled regt.mentat100 and restrictions which have been placed on individ- Soon to follow are t\\'O 65-Coot uaJ mO\:ements. This movement should be supported in every com. all steel s-portflshing boats for J . mun.ity in cautomia. The comatry eannot remam half tree aad b&lt ... ,.e. ~a::rrett. contr\ctor, N e'-''}>OTt ~controls on building materials a.re not only preventing the con-1 The new oroanization is accept-shtruc-uoo of veterans homes but the restriction is also interfering With ~o 1 e production of other types ol homes and structures-. 1be controls ing application!i Crom local mem-on nteftt and other food commodities are aftecting not only the stom- bers ot the harbor area. not on1y achs ot the Republicans but the Democrats as wen. _HiJz:h prices are 1 for the many boat building trades, ~dary. \Vith the end ot all these con.trots. there woufd be tempor-J but for the construction of the 81)· inflation, bu~ gradually prices would be forced to a normal level "Centraliner" assembly line. ~nsurate, Wlth everybody's ~book. But the New Deal Fede-r- With orders already on hand for alists who~ t want >'OU to know this. have done everything passible to "°"""al this know!~ by their uneoonQmic ~ If the the pleasure craft, Ge-n~~al ?ttana-~e want relief trom the t.njw:tices ot the Netv Deal administTa- ger Hobson annow><'.<!S, tun spttd uon. they wtll t..ve to go to the polll In November and cast their baJ. ahead!" lots f<>r mai wbo have tbe courage to fiabt theoe tactics. ~~:.i:, ~ct~;c~~:n th~/~!.:.~v;;ru~ I • a y 0 r S telegr-from San Fra ncisru flf- fice f the Civilian Production Admi · tratlon demanding that he making improvements on t Central avenue cor.1mer· ucture. F rmer mayors of the dty of Ne rt Beach were · guests of hont' a t a 40th anniversary birth- day .luncheoh celebrating the foun ng of the municipality which business man recei\·ed a was given in t he Newport Harbor permi from the Newport Beach Yacl'it club on Wednesday. city ilding department on April ~esiding was Walter L 0 n g- llth, uthorizing him to go ahead moo~ president or Weste rn C.an- \\'ith he proposed renova tion of neri . Inc .. \\'ho also is president his building. of he Associated Chambers ot llo~1 ·e.,.er, the busin('ss man felt Commerce of O'range ··County. tha t ince the materials he ,,·onld Jambs S. Barrett, president of the use i the reconstruct ion of the Ne\\\port Harbor Chamber of Com- build g \\·ere procurt'.'d bcfor1~ the n_1erfE', paid tributC' to the old- .... ·ar e could use th<'m in making t1m~ mayors. over he old structure ,,·ithout due 0 ,dest former mRyor in attend- proc s of obta in1ng a permit from an~ .,,·as J J Schnitker of Los t he f dertll CP,\ to n1ake the 1m-Ang Jes. He served the local mu· p'rov ment. nici ality from 1922 through 1924. So he said la te \\'ednesday that An1~g the others present was since other persons in Ne\\'p')rt Dr. Conrad Richte r, who served liar r ,,·ere also using salvaged the 1t y fron1 1932 through 1936. n1a te 1al to 1n1prove their o,.,·n ~1~ h~s remarks. Mr. Longmoor stru ures, he. too, decided to go I paid tribute to the formgr mayor.; ahea1 \\Ith the pl an to remodel .. ,.,h have m ade Ne\VJ)Ort Harbor his o vn bu1ld1ng \\'ha 1t is today··. Mr Barrett "A neighbor of mine obtained a I said! ·:we O\\"e a great debt to the city ijuilding permit in Augus t and 1 o~d tc1ty f~t~ers and to the old his s)ructure is 0 0 ,v 85 percent city councils . complete," said the di sappointed I M · Longm.cx:>r then suggested businl-ss man, "but I was told by thaa other Cl\'lC leaders present a cRA n1a n in Los Angeles on eac former mayor to the more Mon+y that if a place is two. tha 100 persons who attended the thir1 finished \\'1th priority ma-lune con. teri ; the federal government . L<iw \Vallace. Newport Beach just on't do anything a bout it." insurance and real estate broker. . intrc?<Iucro Mr. Schnitzer, and Mr. As it no~ stands with the W. Lonltmoor then introduced th e (COnunued. on Page 4) latt«t's daughter. Mrs. Wheatman. D . c ]. G. M. Grundy introdueed for er mayor George P . Wilson, Oons who served from 1924 through J 192 Sam A. Meyer, retired pub- iish~r. introduced Dr .. Conrad ·111 Head 1· :::~!\:;~ !~~. served from 19'26 we~!he~!~~mc;-0~~~~1:5 ~~u~ Occ .1dental ~~*~~~: :zi~g ~;: ~~~ present mayor. 0 . B .. Reed J . E 4ch former mayor discussed Dr A th · G C r L 'd his part 1n the civic upbuilding of r ur . oons o 1 o th Cit Isle 'fill be inaugurated as pres1-e 1 y. identf of Occidental College on I At th~ req~est of .Mr. Lon~r Thu d Oct 3 a standtng silent tribute was patd y, · · to the memory of those mayors C is the son of the late Mary \vho had passed on Ella n~ and i_s a graduate of H~rry \Vetch, ex~cutive secre~ the ~nahe1m public schools. Scores tary,' of the Newport H 8 r b 0 r of representatives of co 1 leg es Chamber of Commerce told the throqghout the country \\'ill wit-story of an earlier lea~ in New- nesslhe ceremony. portl Harbor, the late George W Th actual inauguration cere-Peabody. , · mon 'I v.'111 begin at 3 p. m., with Mt. Welch recalled the au~ an academic procession of all the stanbe of the last word sent by offici~l delegate~. the fa~ulty a_nd Mr. :Peabody from the jungles in t:usttes of Occidental into Hill-the :f>hillipines and then he said sidefieatre. a few days ago he received a S akers will include Dr. Robert mes~age from the Peabody family ~pro ~ l, pre.side~t of the Univer-to the effect that Peabody was s1ty pf Cahtorn1a; Dr. Robert G. I killed in a feudist r iot on an illand Clel,d, who v.riU i.nstall Dr. Coo~s. in t~e Phillipii;es. and r. Coons himself, who will Those present were; •pea on "The College. the Teach-Margaret Ege Balboa· Mn. er a~d Free Society." l !Continued ~ Page 4> .. ' • • ' • >; Probe Data Will Be Scanned by Federal Attorneys; Reprisals Expected Evidence outlining alleged black marketing and diversion of build~ ing materials for unauthorized construction projects was expected to be presented to feder"1 author- ities at a big mass 11¥.'e0ng of Orange County war veterans in the American Legion hall in Santa Ana tonight (Thursday). Federal Civilian Production Ad· ministration officials in Los An· geles a nd San Francisco asked the ve terans to make a survey ot the county and to r eport violations of the housing code. The veter ans have made the survey and they wert' ur~cd \Vednesday to present their evidence at tonight's big meeting. Federal aut.horiti<'s in t o rm e d Tht Ne'NS-Tim<'S tha t they "'·ilt take action immedjately against any violator of the priority law . That the feder a l authorities me a n business was indicated Wednesday when a Newport Beach business man received telegraphic notice from San Francisco rC'gio n· , al headquarters of t he Civilian Production Administration that he 1 violated the housing code when he m ade improvements to his business structure without author ization from the CPA. Fred Devenney of the Veteran of Foreign Wars and Da1e Heinly ot the American Legion, both of Santa Ana. informed the news· papers Wednesday that J oh n ) Handy, regional director of the CPA, would be on hand Thurs- d ay night to speak to the veterans Other CederaJ authorities will be present to go over the evidence submitted by the veterans com· mittee. Heinly and Devenney are mem- bers of the Veterans Organization cornmi t tee which is crusading for homes Cor the 1700 homeless war veterans in the county. A number ot the 1700 listed homeless veterans live either ln or Within reach of the Newport Harbor area. Among the two strikjng PX· arnples cited by American Legion representatives here Wednesday are the cases of Theodore Roose- velt Knowlton and Mrs. Knowlton and their six-year-old son, and of John Burnham Jr. and Mrs. Burn- ham and their young son. The Knowltons have been sep.- arated by the desperate housing situation. T . R. is living with his folks, Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Know). ton, in Newport Beach, and Mrs. Knowlton and son are living with her parents in Smith Ferry, Pa. They would be together if they could find a home. The Burnhams, John Jr., his wife, a small child, and one other soon to be expected, are living In a cabin in Sitverado Canyon. John Jr. works with his father, John D. Burnham Sr., of 2100 Ocean boulevard, Balboa Penin- sula, but m ust commute 40 miles a day from Sllverado Canyon to get to Balboa and his place or employment. He wants to live in Balboa. The American Legion b ex- pected to cite other cases that are in desperate need of help. Search for Machine Riddled by Gunshot O>unty authorities are 9e&tth- ing for an automobile which bears gunshot marks. Such a vehicle was seen in the neighborhood ot. a watermelon patch located about Olle'4Dd-a-half mn.s south Of ()). rona de! Mar on 101 ro--.. Fnday. """"'• The owner Of the ·patch reported to police that three youths ,..,... otealing a quantity of waterme1. ons when they were surpriaed by gunshots. The )'OUtiul fled In their car which was hit l)y the pellets the owner said. ' • • ,... NEWPORT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES PHONES' RARIM)& 11 ... u Pobl•ehed Every TaeedQ' and.,.._ 117 Attel.ow.. Volw mvlD o-ta lieu EcldJUon PublbW ~ Wed•~•d•7 V..._ 0 N &WPO&T BAIAC),I. M&W& • THE WORIJ> ••• .•• AT A GLANCE I By EDW1\.RD CLAYTON NEWS )l-: "W• Thank 'l1lee.. I Ca 11:00 a.m. N ,,,_,. for aD chll· <1roa durtoc .. me.. . Ra I Thieves on g~ in City 8 :00 p.m. Ketb.odilt Youth Fel- &ow*lp. Youn• Adult Fellowahip. 7:00 p.m. Evenlnc Wonblp:- M-ce: -eome Y• u ..... Car thieves are again active in the vi<pnity of Corona de! Mar and of the CHURCHES 9ubocription Payable in Advance:~:!iO per year in 0ranll'! County ~----------- $2.75 per year to 4 th zone; $3.00 per year to 8th ame Exacc~ratton '-------------'! SEVE?\'TR DAT ADVE?\"TISTS its Q\.~e v.'l"Ckend auto parkers John f . Con~· ot Los Angeles. K. C. rown of Costa 1'i esa and James E. Degenhardt of Santa Ana,. ported articles missed rrom their 91achines. P.A.PALMER Entered as Second-Class matter at the Postolfice in Newport Beach, The .. near fight" between Rus-OUR LADY OF MT. CAR MEL Comer Balsa and Old Country Rd., 3 1879 sian and American P.'lP's over the 1423 West Central Awnue Costa ?t1esa LIDO JSI:E P'PDP£RrIEs • W 0 BUCI(; -Iasurance Coo..nseior California, under the Act al MAn:h • ,~. r d ., 8 d 10 Sabbath school, Saturday mom-cus ..,.,.,· o a man an woman ar-Sunday -a.eeee: an a..m. Publisher Editor SAM D. PORTER F .G.FROST W. F. DIXON Printin& Plant, JOU ---• Advertlsin& M.ana&er w. Central Avenue, Newport Beach. cantornia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A DepeadaWe Local bAlWUoa for over l'7 Yea.n Active Member of American s Want a Square Deal More and more we become convinced that the whole pol- icy of gove rnment housing organization should be changed. More a nd more we are convinced that the federal government should have less housing agencies and less housing personnel to operate them. Multitudinous number of housing agencies taking orders from headquarters in the seat of tile national government a re! a bane on the progress of this nation. They sh ould be C!liminated and the quicker the better fo r all the American people. These agencies '''aste the public's money. It would be far better, if the federal government must keep a fin ger on the housing pulse of the American people. to have two agenciC!S. one named Civilian Housing Agency and the other callro Veterans Housing Agency, than to have the va r- ious NHA. FHA. FPHA and WAA gumming up the entire po- litical machine ry of federal, state, county. city and township government. To a n individual '''ho spent eight interesting years 1A1ith the Federal Housing Administration in \Vashi ngton. D. C .. which for C!igh t years was t l!e most efficiently operated in- sured mortgage agency in the country before it was throttled by the! 1942 housing agencies merger a nd the mob of Wash- ington-Gum-It-Up-Johns who have operated it in connection "'·ith other hot1sing agencies s ince. there is o nly one \vay to get rid of the ,·a1iotis federal hous.ing agencies in operation today a nd "that is by voting into offices in state a nd nation admini:'t1"tive officers \\'ho are not of the ilk that is "serving" us in \Vashingt.on . D. C. The time l1as come ,,·hen al.I the people rcgarclless of their party affiliations should go to the polls in November a nd fran kly state their protests against this sad state of affa irs. Our nation cannot go on in the man- ne r tha t it has for the, past.10 years! H~nry Wallace, Private Citizen He nry Wallace should be ha ppier as a private citizen than he \\•as as a member of President Tnunan's cabinet. Certainly, Secretary of State Byrnes is happier since the change t ook pl ace. And there can be no doubt tha t the great majority of t he Ame rican people are im measurably relieved. Now Mr. Wall ace can talk a ll he wants to and on any subject without embar rassing the administration or knifing Secretary BytTIC!S in the back . His resignation. of course, was the on ly logical solution to the mess which he and the president created. If Mr. Tru- ma n had not forced him t o quit it is more than likely that ,Byrnes would have stepped down in protest to the sabotag- ing of the foreign policy which. on the president's instruc- tions. he ,,·as endea\'Oring to carry out at Paris. It seems generall y agreed however. that the dismissal of Wallace has restored the posi tion of the American delegation at Paris. Since the former secretary of comme rce took a stand in opposition to that of the administration and since he has been fired because of it. the hand of Secretary Byrnes, in the final analysis. has been strengthened. As for President Truman. the affair has put him in a m ost unfavorable light. If he really knew the contenls of the Wal- lace spc<"Ch before it was mad.,-and he says he did-it is im- possible to unders tand why he let \Vallace ma ke it. He cer- tainly m tLi;;t have kno,,·n the detrimental eff('('t it '''ould have in this country a nd abroad. His guilt in the matter is ha rdly any less. ther,,for . than tha t of \Vallace. The '''hole matter \\'as most trnforttmate. but its one re- deeming feature is tha t Henry \VallaCC' is n O\\I out or the na- tion's hair. so to speak. Yes. Mr. \Vallace will be h~ppier as a private citizen. G....ood Government Raymond Mole~'. one of the nation's keenest politicai ob- servers. says that the issue of "jt1st plain good government" is becoming increasingly important in the minds of vote rs as the November ele<:tions approach . This is a hopeful sign. It indicates that the people are giv- ing less heed to the bombast t hat attends every campaign tions of those seeking office. It promises a greater clearing and are mo re carefully examining the records and qualifica- out of the political deadwood. and the ele<:tion or de-election -of capable and conscientious representatives. The nomination of Governor \Varren by both parties can be traced to the fact that he gave the state "just plain good government." Not only in his own work but in his appoint- ments he has advanced the calJS" of good government by se-- Jecting the best qualified men.ihe could find. His chaice of William F . KnO\vland. for e xaruple, who was then on army duty in France. t o succeed the late Senator Hiram Johnsai has proved a wise selection. rested in Berlin r ecen1ly, appears Conte-Utan.: Saturday• rrom ing. 9:30 o'clock. Con..-.a\· reported the theft of a ~1500 ~&....( 3333 vu. LIDO cALIPORNIA to have been greatly exagge-rated. 4:00 lo &:30 a.nd t rom 1 :30 to Preaching sen1ce, 11 a..m. v.•alletf ~d $25; Brown reported Contrary to original prt>ss report.!11 8:30 p.m. which pictur<'d the Russians a nd the Americans as coming close to "shooting it ou1 ". U. S. Army of- fi<."ef"S \\'ho Y••ere prt>Sent during the argument said that there were no threats of rorce ""h(lff>\'cr and that the affair \\'as settled a mi- cably. If the latter account is true it sho"'i; ho\v e8sily a n in- signiricant incident can be dis- torted and e nlarged until it as- sum('S M'rio us proportions. In th('S(' days o r tense relat ions between the I Soviets a nd oursclv("S ne\\·s S<'rv- icr-s should use e xtreme car e to prev('nt garbled stori("S from lx-ing sent o ut , and thc American pl'Oplc should not ~l'f r xcited about re- por ts ot Ru...,:-ia n-American friction u ntil veri[i<'d beyond quC'slion. ST. JOHN VIA NNEV CHURCH Bal ~ l1land Sunday H au: 8 :30 &JD- Confeaiom: Saturday• troro. 7 :30 to 8 :SO p.m . CORONA DEL MAR COM· >IUNITY CONGREGATI ONAL CH1JBCH Perry Frl!derick Sd\roek, Minister 611 Heliotrope Avenue Corona del Mar Sunday. Sept. W. 1~6 9 :30 a.b. Church school. 11 :00 a.m. l\forning worship. Ser- mon by ~tr. Schrock : ··Indepen- dently Religious". F I RST CHU RCH OF CHRI ST, SCI ENTIST ('olll"Jt*" "ln\·ulon " Lido Theater Cent ral A venue Califo rnia's high<'r education and Via Lido progr a m \\'ill have to be ha.ndlC'd A hranc!:I of The Mother ChW1"b, on a "mass pr1..-i<luction" basis this The First Church of Cbrt.at . Sct- year and proh:~hly for seVC'ral I entiat. ln Bo!;ton, Me•99cbuaetta. yC"ars lo cor_nC'. Th£> t hou.o;a nds of Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sun· '?'!11C'r S<'~VICC' 01('~ v.•ho \\'ant to day Sen•lce a t 11 a. m . Wednesday f1n 1s~. thl'lr schooling under th(' Testimonial Me~ljng at 12 o'clock provisions of tht• G. l . Bill rtre Reading Room located a l 111 boostin~ Mll ~ge ('nrollments rar Palm street, Balboa. is open dally IK'yond anyt tun<.: f'\'f'r seC'n ~forC'. from 1 p.m . to 5 p.m. except Sun- Th<' 2'2,5fl0 !i!Udf'n 1!i \\·ho r<'i.:1~lt'r<·d days and holidays nationally ob- at the U ni\'l'rsity of C<1.llfnrn1,1 for I 5erved. the fal.I term rlouhlf'd !he enr~IJ-1 1·he public u. cordially Lnvited to m ent fi gure of last )'~'<1r. ThC' h ne att~nd tbe church 1ervir..-........... use up nr !'!Udf'n rs "'Ai 1inl! 10 r<·gi!'ter l the Reading Room. cxtt'ndC'd rnr nin1..· hhw-ks. The U. l . "in \'a:o.il1n" i~ !)('ling d upli- C3ll'<1 up <llltl do\\·n the S tate', and virtually l"VC'r)"'>\'h('rl' in th<' conn- try ;illhoug:h nn H slightly I r!>~ colossal sc;i.!". 'fh<' lxlys \\'ho h~rd­ ly morr tha n a )'t'ar aJ;:O \\•('rf' fi !-!hling-th1-. .l:""tps cind th(' Gf'rm<1ns I "'ill nO\\! ht' \\!aging !hr hatt lC' or thC' books . Th('ir ni~''' occupation is muc h lf'!>S hnzardnu". hut n1ost o r them arl• no h•ss !'l'rious ahout it. ·rhis ,,.:'I!'. nrl<' of th1· thini;::s lh<'y Y.'<'rE' fi ji:h!inj: for. "B <1,,·li>1f .. O \•t•r 11 is not surpri!'ini:: lhat Ch<>st1.•r Boy.·IC's· fii$t VC'nfurc-into th<> poli- tical arena last(•d quick. In facl it would ha\'(' hf-p n hi~hly surpris- i n~ if C'onnN~fiC'UI Of'mocrats h ad given him lhC' noni1nafion for !hr govrrnorship of that state \''h ich he \A.'as ~unning for. l\lr. Bo\A.•lcs is one of the most controversial figures to appear on the AmC'rican scene in a long tinic. lie became prac tically synonyn1ous with O PA. He \Vas worshiJ)C'd by some people as the saviour of thC' rounlry, anrt he was damned by othC'rs as thC' man who all but succeeded in wreckin~ thC' Nation's economy through his mishandling of OPA. Apparently the Connecticut Dem- ocrats felt the re \A.'ere too many persons in thr !a lter group to risk sending him out as thC'ir standard bea rc r in tha t state. The "F orty-Sl!i:Prs" Howevet' genuint.", or otherv.•ise, t he gold strike near Crl'Sttnt City turns out to be. it has dC'mo n- ST. J A M E S EPl$COPAL CHURCH 515 W est Central. Balboa (Ebell Clubhouse) Rev. A rdys T . Dean, Vica r 8:30 a.. m .. 1-foly Communion. 9:45 a.m .. Sunday School. 11 :00 a.. m ., Morning P r ayer a nd Sermon. (First Sundays: H oly Communion.) BA LBOA ISLAND CH APEL 218 Agate Avenue Rev . H oirry W . Whit e, A..oclate Pa1tor Church School, 9 :30 a. m. Morning \.\'onbip, 11 am. N EW PORT H ARBOR LUT HERAN CHURC H Gr41uol Chapel, Cost.a Mesa Rev. Her bert Roth, Pa st.or Servtcee : Sunday, 10:30 a.m.. CH R IST CHURCH B Y THE SEA Community Methodist. 1420 W est Central A venue Rev. E. D. Goode ll, Paator Church school. 9:00 a. m. Morntng Worehlp, 11 L m. Youth Felloweblp, 6 p. m. No evening "·o rship during Sep- tember. Mid-w eek prayer aervtce, Wed- neaday; cover @d dish dinner , 6:30 p.m. FI R ST METHODIST C HURCH G. Edwin o.her, Pastor Euclid at St anford, Garden Grove. 9 :30 a.m. Church achoo\ for all agea. strated that therC' ar(' plenty of ll:OO a.m.. Mom tnc Worahlp: "Fort y-S ixf'r~" today to rC'spond ------------- to the m Agic c.Ty of "Cold!" just as thcr<' \\'C'rt• "F orty·N lnC'rs" to answC'r thC' c1tll nearly a C('ntury a~o. Th<' prf'~l'nl dny prospect- ors aren't f:u·1·d ,,·ith thl• ('norm- ous haz11rds ,,·hir-11 n1 at.1e thC' SC'a rch for gold so d a ngl'rous in Califor- care of 91.CXKl families. but appar- C'ntly there are still many thous- ands more fa mili('s \\ilhout adl'- quittc living quart{'rs. or course, \\.h at makes Britain's prOblem cv('n m ore acute than ours is that n large JX'rCcntagr of hou.s('S and nia's rarl:-o history. But thr rc-is . apa.rtn1C'nts in London a nd other calib black automatic IA'as taken T emporary location. American from glove comn.a.r-rment ot '-'on Han ~· FIB8T FOUBSQUABl':J CBlJBCll thrt'f'~b caps removed from his vehicl ·. and Deg<'nhardt said a .25 OF OOST A MESA -•· his m rune. ........ Kn. o. 'Wlllanl s-... ---t-+----------- Puton 324 l\:larine Ave .. BaJboa Island. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Pboae %111 Phon Harbor 2l~J. Sunday Schoo! 9:30 a. m. "C me Once--You'll ComP Morning wonhlp service 10:45. Crusader service 6 :00 p. m. Berean service 6 :30 p. m. - Evening evangelistic service at 7 :30 o'clock. Tuesday ovenlng prayer service at 7:30 o'clock. Again!'' ~------- FULL GOSPEL CHURCH ' !2~ and Elden, ea.ta Meaa Su ay ecbool, 9:t5; momlng wo re p, 11 : Evangell&tic eervtce:. 7 :30 m .; M ld-wH:k prayer m eet· • youc people'• ev&n.gellaUc service AOCOUNTANT Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN <-· 18 ... ) SU ~ A-. Biii-lol. Plll'SICIANS • S\JBOSONS, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Physician and Swge. Nballl ... Oealnl "'-c.......,..~> ..._ .. COSTA MESA CHURCH OF GOD ReT • .runes P . McGraw, P astol' 140 Cabrlllo S t.,. Coata Mesa Services Sund ay 10 a. m., 6 :30 Ing ~ 9ledne8'lay, 7 :45 p. m.: on day. 7 :45 p.m. '-------------' '--------------' p. m. a nd 7 :30 p. m . "Tll E F RIENDLY" CE...1"11'T RAL B IBLE OHllRCH of Costa Mesa Re v. D\\'1g ht KJnman, putor Meeting temporarily in the Wo- men's Club house Sunday sc hool-9:45 a. m . \\'orship serviCt."-11 :00 a. m. Young peorle's service -6 :30 p. m. E'·cning evangelistic ser vice--- 7 :30 p. m . Praye r ml't"t ing-7 :45 p . m. Fri- day, home of ?-.lrs. Hume. A cordial \l."Clcorne to all. CO T A M ESA COMMUNITY ,-------------; CHURCH C)l rl B. Johnsoh , Minister 124 !:. 20th St. Ph. 24 75-R CbJreh acbool. 9 :4~ a. m. M~ning Wonshlp. 11 o 'clock. Y lb groups, High ecbool, ln- term late, Adult, 6 :30 p, m . :ting service, 7 :30 o'cloek. Mi ~\\'eek fell ov.•ship and prayer, W sday. 7:30 p m . 11 f-m., Prayer and Sermon. ' +ssEl\IBLIES OF GOD e e1r 1' and Ida Sande., Puton Anfrlcan l.A>glon Hall, 16th and Central A\·e. St school, 10 a .m . I. 8. WHYTE IN'OO-T.&S CONRJLT.A.MT Autbon-d ti,-tbe United Sia-. Tre.. tll7 Department to repireeent cUenta ill com'IMUOD wt.lb IDC'Ome \aX m&&ten. AUDITS • H8TBK8 BOO&~INO 8&:1lV1ClS --u.e .............. <'•ta --~ .,__ M..._, Armand Monaco ARCHITECT SU W. Bay Ave., Balboa Barbor 17%4: 2121 L&k:ewood Al'& Loo An-NOnnand;J IMGS PllY!llCIANS A llURGEONS, 1U1 A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBYSICIAN -SUBOEON UI Oout mpway. 11ubor 11M Oorona dei Mar lobn IL C . Chong, IL D. ~clanUMISarc- 2 • 4 7 -8 :3() end b y appointment Beacon 5075 UO Eut llltll SlreM Ooata Meu.. California Chris lian Sck·n ce Lesso n Top:c 'R eali1 y' M service, 11 a.m. Ev~ning evangelistic service at '-------------' ~------------ 7:30 b.m. l\·tid'-week service. Thursday at "In God Is niy l'alvatlon a nrl my ''!'-""' _________ _ glory: the ro1·k or m:r 11trt>11~th, and II 7:30 p .m . uiy rt>rugf'. ill In Gnd." ·rh!s verse from the 1~sn ln1i; \\ !11 be the C:old E>n Text of the StJJHl:i.y J,esson-Sermon on "lteallty" In all br1tn1·ht'S of The ;\Jotber l 'hur<'h, 1'be 1-'lrst Church of Christ, S1•if'ntist. In Boston. A Bible t;e\e1·1ion from J oh n re. ports !hat "as J t'su11 passed by, be saw a n1an \\·hlc·h \\'a.8 blind from hts birth. 1\nd bis d!seiples asked him. saying. :\lastC'r, v. ho did sin, this man. or his parents. that be v.·as born blind~ Jesus ansv.·ered, !\either bath this man sinned, nor bis parPnti:1: but that the v.·orks of 1 Cod !lhould be 01alle manifest In blru .... \\"hen be had thus flllOken, he spat on the ground. and made clay or the spittle, and be anointed the eyes or the blind mao with the rlay. And said uu to h im, Go. v.·asb In the pool of Si loam .. , . He went bis v.·ay therefore, and v.·a.sbe-d, and came 8eelng." ET'S Taxi Compan)· PROSE: We are partial o ly to The People --OUR CUSTOMERS-! (Owned and Operated I by Veterans) 1011 BROADWAY Coota M ... CHIROPRACTORS ~----------~ Wagner Drugless lllstftute Dr. Wilbur C. Wapel' Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy 1920 Coast Blvd .. Soatb t.cuna Beach l'bone !03S DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School SO! C.Oral Balboa lal&nd DAY SCHOOL OPENS OO'r 1 Grades: Coll. Prep., Army 0 . A, MorUmor, M. A., Oxford Prtnelpal Phone ll&rbor 115% D ENT18T8 In "Science and l-l t>alth •tllb Ker I ~=~=========~' I I to the Scriptures" ~tary Bake r Dr. Obed Lucas DENTUIT Edd)' v.·rlte8, "~lortals will some day assert their freedom in the name or Al mighty God. Tben they ~-111 control t be Ir o ". n bodies through the unden1tandlng ot di- vine Setent:e. Dropping their pres- ent beliefs, they v.·111 recognize harmony as the splrltual realltJ and di~<'ord a.s lbe material unreal· It>··" CHURCH OF CH R I ST Church a nd Walnut Street• L Duane Canby, Minister. Services: Sunday, JO a. m .• Bible St udy; 11 a. m .. Morning wonblp. T llE NE\\'PORT lfARBOR LUT HERAN CHURCH (To be located o n Cliff Drive, NC'"·por t Heights ) "A ChangclC'ss ChrO.t for a Changing \Vor ld !" 9 :30 a.m .. church school; 10:30 a.m., divine \l.·orship. -Services at Present- Grauel Chapel, 110 Broadway, Costa Mesa Rev. J.I C'rbcrt C. Roth, pastor, :ZO!I> W. Cenl>al. Barllor HIO ~WPORT BEACH . DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST l!8SS w .. t c.n1ra1 Phone Harbor Ul-J Newport L'llS URANCE Un coin National IJfe Insurance Co. ••Jta Na.me IDdll:l.lM Jt1 Cbvac\es'" DON .JERNIGAN Phone Harbor 2M·R S08 Marine A ''e. Balboa hi. IAr.unnce H. Dorcy, M. D. P hysician & Surgeon 821 Marine Ave~ Balboa Island Phone Harbor %8:18 Gordon M_ Groody, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arca.de Office Hr.;.: 10-12 a .m.; 3--!5 p.DL Phone H arbor :n H. R. Hall, M. D. Pbyalet .. and Surceoe Hours: 2-5. loy A-intm.nt Toleplione lle6<m 5841 111 Bruwtway -- Miiton IL Maxwell, M. D. 1801 ()out 111- 0orona del liar Office Houn: l C>-12; 2-5 Pbone Barbor tea S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay A•e~ Balboa Barbor ITU "3 S. Hill Bt, Loo .&.,.- T Uoker '79U By Appointment Gerald Rausa, M. D. 2830 West Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Pboue Barbor l MS No e.n.wer: call Beacon &Oole.& X-Ray Service 11111(' rC'n~on to douht I ha I they 1 princi pa 1 cit iC's '"ere f'i 1 hrr de - \\'ou ld \\:111 1~1~1.Y f:tct• lhC' san:ie stroyC'd or r e nder ed ust•less by hazards if it ,,·f'r(' n('C('S!'ary in l Kazi boml}S. I n that rt.'spect , a t order lo I OCllt~ ~h~ ;·C'~lo'''. .'net al.! least. \\·e ha\'(' been most fortu- The ho?f;? or. slr1k1n~ it r1.ch a nd nate As to our O\\'n housing situ- thC' ~asc1nn t1on o~ search1n~ for ation. A Dov• J ones survey rc>\'eals gold 1s as s lrOnJ! 1n thC' br~ast of that prices on homes are dro pping r--------------4 -----------, thC' prospector of loday as tt \vas I C've n thou•h th shorta•e f d · 1- OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. T. P. REEDER, IL D. and WIL 8 . ffiETON, IL D. Pllyaldw and Sa raeom MOBW.Cen- Telepbone -· 10Z Nlghte-1694--W . lh "F t r-;· " T . e o ''e '~. r b or:·-dine.rs · 1m e s 1 tin~s r en1ains sC'vere. Just \\·hy c a n~~ Ut nli n on t. this is happening isn't clear , but Squal tf'ri!l Sc111f"lthffi 11 is believed to have some con· Although L o nd o n · s "s q u a I nection \41ith recen t stock markC't d own .. str ike didn't last long it 1 hrC'aks. Pro pert)· valul's are still broughl to our attC'ntion !ht' fact h1~h bu! no t as stratospheric as that Brita in as ,,·ell as t\merica • lhry "·ere some months ago. In is having ht'r ,housing problems. short. it '''Ould a ppear that houses Attle<''s Lahor Governmenl a n-can n0\4' \)(' had for "only" l\vi('e nounced tha t is has a lread)· requi· 1heir 1941 price instead or thrC'C sitioncd 57,000 propertiC'9 to take 1 times that figure. j 24-Hour dio Service 1upu;, AUTO, HABI'-~ 108 REPAIRED Ray Nielsen .... _ ........ ....... l'IMI• ......... a..... tl& ... ..,. .&-. ....... MORTICIANS Harold K. Grauel Chapel G. N. PEASE, M. D. Comu.Itatlon -DlacnoRa lions found loo often a nd in too many places in governmen t. wport -Oallf, by Servin& Others Beet" 915 1ut mwa7 &e.coa 1181 "We Ourselves the Better Serve !~::::~::::::~~~~:::::;::;:±~=========~ PboDe BertlOll 5110 Hours by Appointment Phone Barbor !191-.J Yes. "just plain good government" is one of the most vital ~ H... Oollfonda issues in the November ele<:tions. And there's only one way ~------------' 0 _PUB __ u_o_STEN ___ OG_BAPJD:a ___ _ to get it: e le<:t good men of proven ability and sincerity. ONCE AG~ OPTOMETRIST8 MODERI MARllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND SAM'S SEA ~000 SPA Often Yoa the Flam& Place to ... ()nap Couty: New··· the Location Halt Mlle Eut of Old on Coast Highway. E. T. Butterwo..U.. o_ D. M D ·K lin OplolDeirw • • et!S g ~ ~ED I-A Newport llhd. ............... SQ 17 o.ta-- 1116 w. e-a..i A-. ft. ......... •11 I I '-------.!.I -----1 ll&Wi Cl a&C!ll StJRVSIOU Robert A. Crawford Raub & Bennett .... , ............ .. Opt., D. OPl'O~ Eyes, ~<uvtts F1tted 1W New ... 't llhd., Ooola- T1' £0 s Bm'mi Gi i i W In one brief year in \Vasl).ington Sena tor Knowfand has established himself as a most able and ale rt member of con-~~~=================~~~ gress. His appointment to the all-important atomic energy - ul New Coc~'J Bar We Lead Snutbem Calif hi the Servin& OI ' 1111 N-jlOlt -.... _ 111711'.~ New,..._ T'1tn1..._UI control committee was a signal honor from senate leaders of both parties. and a recognition of his ability and fine work. His vigorous opposition to racial discrimination has marked hini as a leader in the protection of minority rights. Callfomla-and the nation as a w bole--need men ot his callbef' ID office. They need the benefit of tha t level-headed, OOlllJll()IH;el a pproach to state. national and intmatieonal problems which he expresges free from the "leftish" distor- -SEAFOODS- AI.SO ~ YOUR ldlill ofor~~:-~ -VISlT 01JR K Sa111's Sea and Fish -~ ........ Spa Scotch Tape Now on Hand Supply Limited -at- NEWS-TIMES PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Graduate ~~.'r"'81 Ph. HaJtJor 1252-W 1526 w. Oceen l"raat 'I r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--::-~~:-~~-::-~~~~..!82&~W!!!FCli&:!!!!1~&~1!!;'BO!!;~A~k&!!!*~ .. ~""!!•IW!!1~N!!! .. :!!:ir-::l"!.!B!=::!!i.!!i!!!!:::~'!i!r.,~!:::!!!ill..!!:~i!!!!!::~!!i,"':!!,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.J!'af:!:lill:.J'll~-===eo Nominee for Lt. Govern<>r Member Illustrious family Balboa Tlleabe .---Doon ()pm .. ,,.. .... al'l:46. t:OI 0. Dedie ..... w ~ OM 1'rte Dow at. Awns.. 1:19 IP'tL -S&L Oeorp Batt & ,_. Partle.r "Limehouse Blues" -&JM--Ba--Nip! B"""' "Dressed to Kill" ...a Chap. No. % "Bop llantpllw 8ma. -Mon. Sept. H -SO Claudette Colbert and .lohn Wayne ln "Without Reservations" Oct.1-% Exclusive ll&l'bor Sbowblc! llol»ert Alda a .loan LesUe "Cinderella Jones" ·= tbe JD1'alery of the year! . "My Name Is Julia Ross" Nbt.a .~ocb & Geo. Macrady 81arte Thu.nday Oct. s Barbara Sanywtck Robert Cummlnc• and Diana Lynn lo ''The Bride Wore Boots" and Chap. No. S "Hop llarrlpn"· Next. \\'eek : '1' 0 EA C H H 18 OWN" -'' S VS P E N SE'' - ""FIRED WIFE". Watch for: "Lover Come Back", "'Tbe Clim&x", "Dark Comer", ""The Time of Their U\·es" --- &nd more t.,nt Run pictures: Superior Court Judge Goodwin J . Knight-a vigorous, robust man of 49--was urged to become a can- didate for Lleutenant·Governor by a large group of Nor thern Callfor- ni8 citizens meeting in Berkeley in July of 1945. He announced his candidacy for the office in January, 1946. In the primary election of June 4, he polled 21.000 more votes on the combined Republican and Demo- cratic tickets than his CIO-PAC opponent, Jack Shelley. ln doing so, Knight ~·on the Republican nominat ion over Speaker of the Assembly, Charles W. Lyon by a margin of mor e than 243,000 votes. As.a successful lawyer, a sound business executive-and a respected jurist, Judge Knight is thoroughly LIDO THEATRE Phone lfarbor 211-l • 1-'ree ParkJng NOW ·SHOWING THRU SATURDAY S ho\\"!' 11t 6:4~ I: 8 :;\.') -Jr. '.\-laUnee SaL, I :45 e rx familiar with the problems con- fronting California- H e has served on civic commit· tees and bar association commit· tees in Southern California, and ror the past three years has been judiciary chairman of the Califor- nia March of Dimes campaign. In addition, Judge Knight is a mem- ber of the American Legion Post No. 8 of Los Angeles, United Vet- erans of the Republic. Masons, Elks. Eagles, Knights of Pythias, Alpha Delta Phi, Phi Delta law fraternity, Sigma Delta Oii Jour· nalistic fraternity, and the San Fernando Mission Society. During 11 yean on the Superior Court bench Judge Knight has heard 7 .000 cases, and only 14 of these have been reversed by the higher courts. Knight's schooling was obtained in Los Ange les and at Stanford Unlven.ity, Palo Alto. He gradu- ated from Manual Arts H i g h School in Los Angeles, a member of the "wonder class" which l~ eluded such famous Americans &$ Gene ral James H. Doolittle, Lawr'-,... _ ence Tibbett F'Tank Capra for"-WELCOME TO NEWPORT BARBOR! Prealdent .lame9 Barrett ot the Ne rt Harbor Chamber of · . . • Commerce, left. exteocla rreettnp to U. S. !Xnato r Wllllam F. Knowlaad oq occulon of bl• offlcl&I mer Los :"ngeles OlStrict Attorney vtalt Friday, when be toured the harbor. With them are Publhber ~ Fall'balrn of Oraace. Buron Fitts, Appellate Court ~us-Knowtand's committee cbalrm&n; and Mn.. Lella EMtman, also of orance. cprtrna.n of tbe county's tice Marshall McComb. MaJQr-Kepubllc&n Central committee. ,. C.eneral Paul Williams. Brigadier-I Ge al H Id H · u· gan the practice o r law in Los with his men. ner aro ams. m o on Glft.. at _ · t t Ph 11· H d Angeles. In 1925. he or ganized the Judge Knight showed an early pie ure ac r ess y IS aver, an Community Churc h Bazaar Republican national committee-la \\' partnership of K night & Reyn-enthusiasm for politics, becoming \ ' man, Raymond Haig ht. olds. He carried on his law pract-associated "~.'ith Meyer Lissner , H. :---+---------; ice until 1934. L. Carnahan and H iram Jol\nson E H e also became in terestC'd in in the Bull Moose Movement as V Knight's education at Stanford '"as interrupted by W orld \Var I . H e quit his classes and e nlisted in the Navy as an apprentice sea- m an. dra\\.'ing duty on a submarine chasC'r . After 19 months in SC'r \·- icc, he \\'SS dischargt'd as a Sca- man 2nd Class. California mining. and in 1933 a· youth in 19 10. His close associa- purchased th c Elephant-Eagle tion \vi th these political leaders RE mine on Soledad Mountain in l\1o-gre\\' durin5!; the years. He con-I in Quality IGERATION Returning to Stanford. Judge Kni~ht graduated in June. 1919. As an undergr adual(', h(' p\ayC'd Lv.·o yC'N.rs of football on the S£'C- ond varsity, \vas t"·o years on the intercollegiate dC'bating t ('am. managed the campus yearhook , nnd \VfOte for college publications. I-I t: \\·on the Stanford gold mf'dal for public speaking:. Upon his gr aduation. he r (>("('iV<'d the Telluride scholarship-an a- \\·ard granting him an additional year of residence gr adunt<' study at Corn('JI University. New York. In JuJy, 19:l0. Judge Knight be- Cement and Flagstone Contractor •'LAT WORK AND 1'0UNDATION8 IJ)' IA1imate Harbor 2574-W ja\"(', Ke rn County. As the sole tributed n1any articles lo the "Cal- ou ·ncr . hC' built a gold mill and i f o r n i a Outlook," P rogressiv<' establi shed a sn1all tO\\'n near the Party magazine. bel \,·ccn 1916 and minC'. I-le succrssfully oper a ted lhe 1924. nline properly until 1936. "'ht~n Jud£<' Knight at!('nciC'd the 1920 h<' sold one-ha lf of ii to the Lo-RC'puhlican Nalional Convention dC'st ar l'vlining Con1pany of NC\\' in Chicago as an ard('nt suppor ter York. of Hiram J ohnson for l he Presi- 1\s a min<' operator, Jud g c dency. In 192-L tog<'thcr with thC' Knight introducC'd a model plan Honorabl(' Frank P . Doherty, h<' of labor r elations. !IC' understood \\"as again acti\"C' in the prcsiden- lhe problen1s of th C' hard-rock rial campa i~n of S('nator Johnson. miners bcocausC' h(' had \\·orked a In Septe1nbcr of 193.5. he \\·as yC"ar in th<' mines hin1self to earn appoinlrd Judg<' of the Superior the money for his Stanford tuition. I Cour! of Los Angcl<'S County. In Although n£>ighboring minC'S in August . 1936. facing a fiC'ld of five the district ,,.C'rc troubled \Vi th 1 . contendrrs for h_is office,. he ~<'­ strikes and v.·ork stoppage, fC'a ted thC'm a ll 1n the pr1mar1es. Kni ~ht's property maintained con-1 l-~C' \\'.as rc-ele<'ted \\'i~hout opposi- stant production, frC'E' from fric-t1on 1n 1942 for a six-year term tion b<>t\\"('('n ''"orkers and manage-I \\'hich \\"ill not cx?ire until Janu- mcnt. ary 3, 1949. He is on a payl('SS H is ,,·orkers-unionized-bcne-leave-of-abse nce during his cam· fitted in addition by a SUCC('Ssful paign for lh<' Licutenant-Go,·er- pro(it-sharinJ!: plan \\"hich made norship of the State. <'ach workC'r a participa.nt in the ' J udge Knight represents the I Quick JOerTh:e : we b•T• tbo c.meat succ('SS of the minC'. Judge Knight third g('neratio n of a n illustrious maintainC'd close personal contact \V('St<'rn family. H is pi o n eer i ----------------g ra nd par<'nts crossed the plai ns 1 •• :,P. .. ,: ·.,·. :: lather. following graduat;on from 9· the University ·or Michigan la\\1 school in 1893. settled in Provo ' Cit y, Utah. where Judge Knight · v.•as born on December 8. 1896. In =t R E A L L y M E A N s A L 0 T .. : 19<>1. the lamHy moved to Los BAZAAR 9· .• Angeles. where Judg(' Knight lived =t T 0 T H E L I T T L E F 0 L K s '4: ever ,;nee. 9. J In 19'.15, J udge Knight married '.: :. : Miss Arvilla Cooley of Los An- geles. They ha\"C two dau}!:hteN, .• Ma rilyn, 19, and Carolyn, 13. f ~: ·r Conditioning Equipment Cases J cabinets . Counte rs \Valk-I 11 • Fountains . Stools B ·k Ba rs . Booths Complete l\larket8 C&fe, Etc. PlannlnK •'\\ BER" DEALERS ' Angelee St., A.ru1helm Phone 466! S.f•w•' Ster•• ,,._ ... , tlte Se• fN11Kbc• '' 0,.. c-=-· H.,. <1; f ~ f ~ BoJu,,, GH • f ,,, .-w..,. f . : OENEBAL BEPAIBS f J MAINTENANCE f J .. .,.,.. .. tee. •• cu, tt.11 .-..s. "411 .. .., ... ,..., re46.. LAC r.~ =~ ~' JMt Sep< 29 '"...... S.pt.30 ,, ,..,.,. .. _Oct.5 ... ........... O<t.8 '-''Di• t-• _ 22211r • 1 ' J Pete Smith Specialty-Color Cartoon-News f J ~----------.=P J • Oct. IO t ~lwlt..,Oct.15 • . ' ! -~ ~ Oct.19 ~ -.... · '-•4 for frt1, ill•str•te4 1; Sun-:Moo . TueA.-Sept.. ?9-0<-t. 1 Contlnuolll' Sunday froni Z: 13 Mon-I: Tu~s.. at 6:-13 I: 9:00 Starts \\'ednesday. Oct-Ober 2 ShO\ll'!t a l 6 :40 I: 9 :10 901 <lout mp.., PboDe B• !lOD 61.Sl PHONE llABllOB 11 P,.,. boolltt. Write ta P.O. ~1110,s. .. f~iKo,C.I. C.mplete Fountain Service HAM EN '5 Newpwt NOW OPEN EVENINOS at MAI.TS • S&NDWlllHM • How Does Chisfian Science Heal? I F you would like to know more about this scientific religion which heals hu- man ills and solves human problems, come to A FREE LECTURE entitled "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" The Way of Complete Salvation" by Earl E. Simms, C. S. of AuaUn. Texae f\1ernbt'>r of the Board of ~tureship of The 1'-tothe r Church, The First Church of Oirist .. Scien tist, in Boston, Mass. • TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1st, 8 p, m., in NEWPORT HARBOR UNION IDGHSCHOOL 15th and ln1ne StreetA, Costa Mesa First Church of Christ, Scientist, Ne~port Beach, California Cordially ll!vltee You Slice-.• ..... "'-W...,. Metia ... ~..., Nd colof,,... . ijc ;..t-rigllt,.,, n-....... _.._....,.. ..._ ot t•is to• I hwit . .....,. ......... cm9 ....... ,_ t1aehln et theit i•icy best , , . '9T' rlleprice •tit ... r..t ... "-.,...ft.. N Oltl' shift ... ,._ • I ~..,,,.,~ ....... ,....,.tis.teweytnttn••¥ttt-te111. ..... , ..... --. TOMATOES ., 12c PERSIAN MELONS Yellow-mested,aweet uidddicio-.. .. YELLOW ONIONS ' Excellent fot iaYOriag. Medi11m aiae-.. • WIA&E Solid. cl"ifP. Utah-g:ro'"'. ... ftroclwe prices•ltfectto dla II& eltw W1•211lf.,,., tW. Wffk, ll#f .,,,,., "''" Graham Crackers !;:: 22' --GreenChilis I'( OUR CHJLDRENS' GRE ATEST CriRISTMAS TIME l :p THRILL COM ES WHEN THEY FIRST SEE A BEAU· '#: 9' TIFULLY TRJMMED CHRISTMAS TREE. SUR· ' ' ROUN DED \V ITH THOSE GIFTS THAT HAVE ""TOP :. . ·: PRIORITY" ON THIS SEASON'S '"MOST \\'ANTED" : # UST OF SCARCE TOYS. J 9· THERE'S ONLY ONE \VAY WE CAN GUARANTEE .I FOR SIGNS BENEDICT FAICY FOWL . Grade-A. Nf:'W York drrMed. Nice for1tew1nc- ---.~-......... Cream of Wheat,._,.. IS' The Sien Man e BOAT lEITERING A SPECIALTY ... Use VITA-FOOT For Athletes' Foot -·-Perfected by an athletic- coach. Sold oo a mooey back guarantee. At· your local druggist -·-THE MOREY CO. 1U w, -... 1..-........ u f ;i;r~ ~g~~v~H~~D.f~t)~\i~~~~ T~~o1l~~~ '4: =#: T ake adv;lnt.l.gc of our L.i~·Awa_> Plari for Chnst · J 9· ma.5. T oys ARE 5{.rtrcc again th1i year. F"-)rtunatcly .• ~=============;;;;===========~:, we stocked up ea rly In ant1cipat100 of >·our Cnstm;is ~ ; 9· needs. S.) l.'.omc 1n NOW , if you want to be among .• Does , Your House f·· the lucky ones. W e h>Vc the large>< selection of '.# toys 1n Southern C.lifor n1;t . There ;;ire toys here J Need Pal"nting? that absolutely ci.nnot be replaced this se~son . And • :I, we bought when prie<s were clown . This low price • : + 9· is p""5<d on to you . .I H ' # ~~:::~= :::'~:! !!.. ~ .1. ~u w~~~T y~~~u ~~~GR isgH~'i1ELJ J ';' eqalpmeat wl ftnfJ8l . : ~~~.IN NO\V . SHOP \VHJLE STOCKS ARE COM· ' Owueol ud operaW by World .... D VeMirzm . ·. OPEN 9:30 TO 5 :30 -LNCLUDING SATURDAYS =J. ~your ~t good wlll ud paUoziace, ' ~Freeb"117 "« 'THE WHEELER SHOP~ Phone HARBOR 2645 ' J . : 415 NO R TH S Y C AMORE, SANTA ANA . Bean .... Holmu #.HARRY a nd FLORINE TAYL O R. Sol• O wn e rs' ............... -. .......... -.......... -.. -.-. 1 •• 41 ··" ··" .. 4l~4.44.« ... 4' ... 4a4.4aS!.4l~~ FAICY FRYERS Serte fried diKS.m more often. Gr.de A. COD FILLm ' Whitc-meat.ecl. lkinleM. bondeu. Pao-readr. LUICHEOI MUI SlJaed. Escell.ent for.udwiches. --· RomaoMeal ........ .. Toasted Rice .... '::..':: 11• Toasted Wheat ,_::-;: I' a.a MAii • U""'6 Li'rer Pate -· -'I' .__ Corned Beef Haab ·:: 2:1' . ---Cbkba RaTiolia,._., I .. --Vegetable RaTiolia ''-1:1' --.. Qilcken llaYiolia ,._ 17' .. -- ---Cl.mSpead -.:.:21· I I .- (Political Adta1iwa•)tbt) Elect JAMES A. MUSICK SHERIFF of Orange County Vetenn of. World Wu D aawwwa••WM CPA Orders Local Building Work Halted (Continued trom Pal'• t ) Leaders Praise Oldiime Mayors <Continued nun Pace ll W. L. Tubbs. c.oron. dol Mar: Mrs. John W. Tu-. Balboa Isl- and; t.tr. Stewart T . Dunlap; Bal- boa l aland : Captain &: Mn. $. J. Barden ~ A. B. Rouuelle, Balboa I.stand; H. Cardoza Sloan. Corona del Mar; C. H. Wey, Balboa; Bob Murphy, Balboa; Mr. and Mrs. Central avenue business man. he Earl Stanley, Balboa lsl&nd; Mr. was violating CPA order VHP-and P,trs. Maurice Stanley, Balboa One. which came Into being after Island; John J . Sailors, City Hall; the federal go ... ·emment authorized B ill Covert, City Hall; C. K Priest. that no oommerdal atructu.rel be Police Dept ; erected without establis hed priori-R. t.. Patterson, Newport Beach; Lies during tht> ser ious veteran Robert Gardner, Newport Beach; housing shortage. Braden Finch, Corona del Mar; A representative of the OvUJan Hubbard Howe, Corona del Mar: "A Plac. WM.:e Fishennen M<et" iSTARCK'S Beer CAFE Mixed Drinks -' Short Orders • "SPEED ROWE, MaMg<T-jOSEPHINE ()QUIST, Own<T 107 21st PbMle ' Production Agency in Loi Angeles t.tartha Howe, Corona del Mar; &..-;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;.;;.;.-;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;,;;;;;.. ___________ .,:j told the NeWJ-Times late Wednes-Clyan Hall. Beacon Bay; Irvin day that other business men tn Geo. Gordon. Newport Beach: ~ ~lrOOK 'IM OVER· ea!Je For Delicious STEAKS BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER -on - Balboa Island ~ Block from Ferry 113Yz Agate Newport Harbor area \\'ho do not Gordon B . Find.lay, Ne wp ort have the regulation yellow card Beach: \Valter S. Spicer, Newport notices designating priorities for Beach; ?.1ason E . Siler, Newport I.he matrrials they are using tor Beach; W . Holmes. Santa Ana ; construction purposes will be cited S . H . Franklin, Balboa Island ; for '-io1ations. \V. L. J ordan, Bal. Peninsula; The telegTam received by the H. R J enks. Corona del 1'1ar; \V. West Central avenue business n?an I. Beach, Los Angeles: H . L. High- reads as follo\ll'S: land, Corona del ?.la.r ; Harold K. "Investigation indicates tha t you Grauel. Costa l\·tesa: F . B. Owen. I are constructing a commer cial Costa J\'lesa: Clyde Ashen, Balboa; huildin~ • • • in apparent viola-H. F . K<'nn)", Balboa; Hugh ~1 c- I lion of CPA ord<'r VJ.IP One. Ap-Millan. Ne\\'port: \V. C. MacDon· plication for authorization to com-ald. Nev•port: J o hn f\1c~l illan. plete work may be filed as pro-Newport: J . &r t \\7ebb, Nel'>port : vided in the ord<'r. Instructions V. D. 7'-lcGuffin, Long Ik'ach Prl"'ss THIS FIREPLACE It one of the lnte tlnK 11Cenes In the. Casta"·ay• for filini:: may he secured rrom Telegram: H . T. Crocker, Fire Club, sM·anky night 5pot o,·e rlooklnir Balboa Bay. Adorning the De N Be h shelves. are fl gurt.nes and other d § formed by the arUstlc Irving Dix. Construction Di,·ision. pt. ('\\-port ac · hand" or the proprietor, Cap'n Don Dlckrm1.an. "'ho Ls sho"'n 117 West Ninth Street. Los An· Sam D. P orter . Nev.-s-Times; 8 tandln before the nuwte r ecP~ i · H" h k ph geles. R . L . Callis. Genera l Pet. Corp. . -"ent tt c cocoto "Failure t 0 discontinue i ffi· Dist.; Russ Craig. Harbor_ Master : Local Delegates Attend Fi st Meeting of media tely a ll construction ,,·hich Bob • Allen. Councilman. O.J_. D' . p T h A . . · is neilh<'r authorized nor exempt Rotx>rtson. Councilman; ~·t . J . lStftCt arent-eaC er SOCtat10n undC'r rhe order \\'ill cons titute Johnson. Ne\\'pott Beach: Ralph . , . . . deliberate a nd \\'il [u\ violation and P. 1'1askcy, Realtor ; L . L. lsbt.'ll, Call_ed ror _the purpase or i_n-[ lcd s1ng1ng \\'1th ~lrs. S. J . Sch- b . t t · · 1 Counc·olm"n · Dr ~I T ~1oot>"Y struc11on and 1nformat1on on Jcg1s-\\'an ·ousk)' at the piano. may SU Jl'C \'OU 0 S('\"('r(' cr1m1na .. . . . . 1 ,_ ' I . d I ,,., d . d . It. · ·ct d 1 1 .. Balboa· at1on an a,,-s to IA" pr1 ssc on [ !\l s, Se1rre stressed the 1n1port-p<>na JCS prO\'J <' lY a\\·. ' h.ld If h · I · I f · I · I · Th t l . . · 1 1 s A 'lci·"r Lido I sl"" Dr c c 1 \\"t~ arc, t <' conung !'g1s a-a n o coming cgii' at1on at the e (' l'~r.tm ''as s1gnC'C lY . . 1' " ' "" • • • 'I lX' h Id 0 I . r N -d . 1 J ame's J. RuddL•n. lf'gal compliance ' Richter , Costa l\lC'sa: Le\,· l-1 . \Val-tH1~·ehcounln ltof 0 ,. 2at 'thrantghc ll ~.e~ ion_ ob' ok~·-~an th~ .orgaN~t­ manager for th£' C"P1\ in San Fran-lace, Ne,,·port 8 €.'ach; J J . Schnit-ig sci~ ~ ct. . \'•, e za t1 n is ac inµ: propo.s1t 1on . o. cisco. j ker, Balboa; \\". l\t. Longmoor, s~a.t c ll'gislal1\·e chairman pre-13 ~ the ballott. , .. ·111ch r a1_ses f' us1nlSS n1d n, a c cran I · · h . f 11 1 1 N -8 9 1 ·i · N l3 • TRAILER CANOPIES Awnings Made to Order Th b · ., . v t of Newport Beach· J<'<l n B. \\"hcaton· I siding. \\"as brought strongly to sala 1cs of t rachcrs. and ra,·or1ng lhC' first \\'Orld \\'ar. has a son. 0 . B. Re!'d: J . S . Barnl.'tl : G<'o. t f'_ ::itt<'n~on ° ad doca rc~:l'Sl~n-1 Sos1r.:..~ -• '" 11 _c a.)'.:_a1nst o. . ---------------------------1 1 nani<'<i r 0 r Th('()(lore Roose\'<'lt. p _ \\'ilson and G l\t. Grundy, ~l. o. tat1,·cs ,,. o attcn C' _tti ~ 1str1ct 1 ~he.,_..,.1n_tl.'d out 1n this regru::d that The ·ou th sc>r\'Pd for l\\'O ·<'ars Parl"'nt-Teachl'r Assoc1a1 1on meet-1 (aliJprn1a nO\V has 7000 e mer-l on L~zon ;in-d \\'On thi· comb~t in-UHS GrJ.dderS Get ing hC'ld rC'crn tly "'~ l r,·ine _Pa~k.1 gen~y tcachC'rs and that ,vi thin .8 "BETWEEN Sept. 20 -29 SMALL BOAT No Sud, Priem Ap.lD. ! Ftne new lildfra. l'O"lllr boats. AtoHR- OPEN SUN. P. M. SEASONS" S A L E 2 0 °/o 0 FF WATSON BOATS 111 Oout mp.way Nowpon8-h For Your Convenience We Will Remain Open Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day. Sunday Balboa Central Market 708 East. Central, Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 Special B A T T E R Y S a I e Al IENTION, BOAT OWNERS! Here's a bargain in BA'ITERlll! you cannot afford to pass up. Bring in your old battery and we will replace it with a new 200-amp.-hr. $56 WILLARD BAfiERY, for $25. These are not repaired or rebuilt batteries. They are just as new as if they were shipped to you from the WILLARD factory. But the number is limited -SO DON'T WAIT! Storey's Battery Service W*d b'rtv 8tnJet (betw<en 18th and V.p>llal Phone: Beacon 5183 Costa.Mesa an ry :ic g<' \\ 1 on• n t.: ' • ·d ·ct d ct· · I d d S f B h• prC's1 cnt, prcs1 c a t 1str1ct le ce c . . et or eac 1tes mc<'tinj! and !\·!rs. c. l\f . Gilbert a t dt'lcgatcs attending \\"ere Ir t b I .·1h . liro ,, stnr l\lrs. Arfhur SctfrC'd. district )'('a~ 40,000 n1or1..' teachers '''ill Wider Road Need \vas program chairman. She in- 1 r.1r Kenneth Ste,,·art. president • !Cont. From Page l ) troduccd Dr. ~1cl,·in Strong. rec-of osta !\tcsa P·T. A .. and l\1rs.j r--------------------------. Seen or Traff IC able to ans\\·er the opening gun reationri.l dircctor or t he H unting-I Hacy Burdick , f\1rs . Ario 1-lay\\"ard, ton1orro\\', PickC'ns \\"ill open hos· ton Oe<'lch schools, ,,·ho \\'as thc l !\tr~ Ri chard Di1tn1ar. ICont. F rom P Rgc 1) tilities ,,·ith Richard Dodd and morning speaker and \\'ho t alked From Ne\vport Beach \vere Mrs. At Central Avenue and 15th Street Paul Robertson, hoth of ,,·horn on "Ri gh1s of \'outh", asking that ! Ed~r R . Hill. president : !\lrs. Ray 11 .437 cars in and tl.080 cars out, have shown promise in practice par<'nls try to IC'arn some of the Ha ·e)'. l\1rs. H. 0 . Boyvey and Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units a total of 22.517 cars. \Vhile the for the past v.•cek. problems of youth. '"hich they do l\tr ~'ilbur Buck. number or cars at 42nd Street and Tackle duties "'ill fall to two ' .not al\vays kno"· or understand. Coast Boulevard the count was le ttermen from last year's squad, l\1rs. F . F . lr,vin gave the \vcl- 4.282 in a nd 3,258 out. a total of Rorick and Weatherwax, w I th come and Rev. E . E. HaiU"·ood 7.540. Robins and Nourse sla ted to Sl'e the invocation. Superintendent ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Allowing an average of 3 per · action in these spots at some time Linton Simmons spoke, as did Roy sons to the car "'e get a total during the afternoon. Hale. legislativ~ chairman or the of 67,500 people in and out or the Starting at guards for Harbor Placentia PTA. Loretta Chilton T~1e~ ~~!!~!nf~:V~ ~!!!!! Brick a.nd Cesspool Blocks Now In Production Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1560 Newport Ave. Newport and Balboa sections. This I will be a dynamic duo of Monson does not take Into account the and H anson, both small but ex- traffi c In and out of Balboa Island tremely gritty. Counted on for or Corona del Mar which would relief at guards are Brownie and the navigation light on the sea- wa end of the west jetty or Bal- boa;bay. The light was extin· gui ed from 6 :42 to 9 :44 p. m. Brown, Jim Ashen and Louie :rvt cl-'.S~u~~a~y-~po~l~ice~~re~po~rt~ed~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jo, all or whom arc fast and de-.. pendable performers. Fast Backflf'ld more than double the number . The Corbin. figures are or special interest in Three men, handicapped during practice sessions !Or the past Wl'ek l''ith injuries, \Vard, Chambers and Hillhouse are slated for opening chores and the fourth mem ber of the light, Cast backfield will be Brian Hanzal, the heaviest mcm~ ber or the QUartet at 180 p:>Unds. Scrambled often with the above foursome l''ill be backs Di ck connection with studies of high- way development a.nd population increases. According to authori- ties on high"•ay matters it is time to plan a second highway near the Coast-widening the present r oad will not suffice to handle traffic. Costa Mesa CommllDlty Church SEPTEMBER !7th CLARK & BATES ---~i;,::~ Metallizing-• Industrial : Tanks, Keels, Rudders, Shafts, Refrigeration Trays, etc. • Omamental: Art Objects. Doors, Signs, Hardware, etc. Welding-· All Types. Specialists in Steel, Cast Iron, Aluminum, Brass and Bronze. WORK GUARANTEED--ALL NE\\'PORT BEACH 506 SOt.b Street lh.rbor 2509 E. J. (Bud) Jacklin COSTRACTOR CEMENT WORK Flat Work or Foundations CALL I 5 % % -I FOR INFORMATION HEAR .... FRED N. HOWSER District Ano.n•y of Loe Angela C-..ty, dikuu "RURAL POLICING" on th~ PubRc Service How FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 -6:1' P. M. S..tion KVOE -San'" Ana She1iff Jesse L ElliOtt, Moderator lndrpmdc.n t Citiun'• Committee ) , Dope from St Anthony indicates tha t the home eleven is plenty beefy, boasting t"'O tackles of over 200 pounds. Heaviest con- tender on the field ror the after- noon will be Anthony left tackle, Berberet, carrying 225 pounds, with his teammate Cheatham not far behind "'ith 210. Anthony ,,;11 probably open with !\1olschrum and Hall at ends, Ber- beret and Chl'.'atha m at tackles, Zimmerma n and R u bi d e a u x, guards, Worley at center a nd BrannC"n, Olze,,rs ki, Rogers and GrC'Cnl cc at backs. First home game of the local season "'ill be next Friday, Oct. 4, \\'hen the Tars meet the River- side Bears from the Citrus Belt leag ue in another practice en- cou.ntcr . When Yo&ir ~ Back Hurfs~ And Your Strf!ngtb a nd Energy Is Below Par It na,y bl calaf'd by di.Mlrder of kid· D•J' funcHoo that ~rmiu poleooou1 •·aatt• to att\n nul•te. For t ruly maoy ~pl• fttl tirl'd. •·rak and miNrabl• wbm tti. ll:ldo.,,, fall 10 remove U.Hm 1.r!dli and otber waate matter lrom Lb• blood. Yov. 1111.J' wlfer oa11inc b-.clrarhe, rheumatic pain1. beadal'h<"S, d [u.inl'G, pt1io1 v.p olrht•. lee pai1111, 1•"tllin1. Somort11!!.N fTC'Qlll'flt and tcanty nrina· tlon wilh a mart inr and bW'11lo1 la an· othl'r 1irn 1b1t aotn.-thirir i• WTon1 with t.be lddn.-y1 or bladd". There 1hould be 1:1<1 d oubt tb1t prompt treatment is •·iwr than ner1.-ct. U9'11 Doo•"• Pill•. It i. better to Ti'ly on a med!c:!ne that bu •on ~untrywide ap- proval lhan 011.a metlrilrir1-faYnf'&blY 1LnoW11. /Joo•'• h•"• ~ tn.d and l•l· ed. man7 years. Are at all dru1 1tonit. Get Do.a 1 today. MEN-WOMEN Prostate - - -Pelvis .. ~ ........ *' ...... .......... -...... ., ...., .Ara ~ w;-. ....,., ~IT' t h ... .-..e111't 0.--. ... ..,.. ,... _, -·-' ......... --· . IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0.. ••• a ,...., ....... __... t • ' _., JC• .... --II• .... •• ™-' .... ... a. r. ... a. o.. ft.G.. .., -.. -.. llc•wl ....., ft=- a.Mr llN t• '"'' 0. T-tu 'S ' 1 .. aa-o.. _.. •~.&.. .... , ..... .. • I ......... . LOI ..... U1 IQl-1 ..---LESTER & Co. tNWBTlllNT -fO Miii TMI ---M-.6er Loi A ... Stoc• Ex~"'-•• 2004 WEST CENTuL Aw., NllYPOaT BIAOI a..-1374-J MVUTOIS' - Another CITY-WIDE ·:::-------/ MoJVJ>al' LEARANCE SALE . 500 PARTICIPATING STORES lOr1 - One D. -~y Only/ 0 G BEAC Month~End BARGAIN FE.STIVAL Once again tlie merchants of Long Beach offer. their customers of the South Coast trading area another gigantic, history-making "parade of values" in the second of a regular monthly: series of city-wide clearance sales. All lines of ~~di11e, in every price range, repr•ented m, this great friend8hip-bt1ilding event. Come, see and_ save! Learn for yourself that yow: dollar will ac:tually buy more in Long Beach. - cil by Lo~.G BBACH RBT AILBRS, j ~tn~iAfl(I -. --. . -• -.'!,_ ' M&WFG&I a••JIOA M&WH*...!!Q~ -1 ROSSI'S Liquor Store ,.. c:-t DIP•., hm •?17 Oorlan Dnc &tore Opm EOW7 Day Just Arrived! Geologist Scheduled To Address Engineers In S. A. Friday Eve 0. E. Meinzer , Geologist in charge of the Division of Ground Water , U. S . Geological Survry, will speak to the Orange County Engineer's Society on Friday at 6 :30 p. m. at Lee's Drl\•e Inn on the 101 High-...·ay. -Fullerton Jr. College . Forums Begin Oct. 3 So Help Continue to Nov. 21 Me -Says Rural People Best Type Worker Francis R. Line. one of the "Gentlemen'', began the nation's leading oolor photograph-Boss at the regular weekly ers will open the eighth season of Pep Meeting at the J. M. Mil- discussion'• on problerru b o r h !er CUt Rate Real Estate Of- nationaJ and international, ~ fice, ''there's a tough situa- sented by the Fullerton Public tion that's come up in the Forum, on Thursday ~vening, Oc-harbor area that's got me PuaL c NoT1cE om.a& N-h.tta.ir - C..•--olllty ~ ..... , B1lllINDl8 OUIDll' 11 The of School Trusl<!el t the N Be ch School Dia ARE YOU doing your own paint-~ct. oJn&e ~.will recet~ ln.g! Why oot get )"-our ·advice bids at the school office. 14th and from the people who know how. Central pp to 811() p. m. October Bring In .your paint troubles to 1. 1946 tpr the following items of us, we love them. Service is school Nrniture: our Business. Bmton Pa l n t 96 No. . 74-14... Mosher Otain, Stott on Newport Blvd. 74-4tc IJ:llPLOY-0-• WANTED-Houoe by day, - H~ 21~. 75-2tp TEACHER offered room board. and salary for refined "-'OIDU to care for child A: help with light housewwk. Phone Be&<UI S5T1 after 6 p. m. 75-tfc NEED CHRISTMAS MONEY! Pleasant Part-time work u u Avon Representative here or Costa Mesa. will provide IL Write box 177 Fulert<>n. 74-2tp .. The speaker is a world authority on ground water problems and is actively in charge of many cur- r ent investigations throughout the United States. He will present his views on ground water and ground water i:fharge to artesian botsi ns, a.s developed through his experi- ence and many publica lions. tobcr 3, at 7:30 in the High School .ed ,, Auditorium.. This wil1 be the worn ~ sixth appearance of Mr. Une: ''You mean the beer short.- each appearance has brought out age?" inquired Holly the of- a capacity house. fice boy. ''I'm so Vr'Onied Hu "Sheep, S!an and Scll!ude" about that that I find myself was so popular and :.awe insplrirg worrying on my own time that many have request~ tf\is after office hours." repeat performance. Tilis picture. ,, , . taken in ~ntral Arlt.one, depicts No 1:1o~y' , ~d the Boss N . M. Launer of La Habra is president of the group, and John Sanke. City Engineer of La Habra, secreiar)'·lreasurer of the organi- zation. an annual trek of teM o~ thow-finnly, 'its this local bous- ands of &heep, which hM oe<ured ing shortage that's got me up- now for over tuty years. ~t. All these peopJe coming The trek follows through some into the office to buy homes of the wilde9t country in America, in the harbor area and there SHOES Jacqueline Sanson To Wed L.A. Man • across cactus deserts, Ccrrest'L'd just aren't enough t o go mo':lntains, and \\-;ld r !ve1."S and around." ravines. F or 40 days Fran~1s Line ••tt looks to me as though followed tlie sheep on their grf'at Low Cut & White tor Tennh it Badminton -eiM>- Newport Harbor HIP Letterman ~fr. and i\·frs. Thomas A San· son of Ne\\'lX)rl Beach a nnounce 1 the •engagemen t of thei r daughter Jecqueline, to Albert Marshall north<A·ard pilgrimage to th e i r there are pl~~ty ?f houses summer forage. He walked the en-around here, pomted • out tire distance, living the hard and Russ, t~e errand boy. ~e simple life or the herders and trouble lS there are too many filming as he went. TI1ere are people." Sweaters Gray Gym Pants -and- LateAt Pia.Id Sc.hool Sport Shirts --Balboa Island Sporting Goods %tt !Z 1'-l aJ'lne Balboa lllland Phone: Harbor %6-11 , I Ward, son of r.·trs. Ethel \Varner of Los Angeles. Idalia Moored in Bay The schooner ldalia from Sa n P edro ..... as anch ored off Port Lido, \Vhi're tht-F1ynn Zacca w as moored until she left for Africa. TI1is new black bottomed vessel is o\\Tied by a former navy seaman named Le\\'is. I Sl9ter Kenny's Lo\'e Story - Countll"!'s thousands know she has devoted years to serving mankind. That is h£'r life. But she ha d ll.n· other li fe known to fe\v. \Varren l-Iall tt·lls about that other, ro- mantic sidr-of this remarka ble "'oman in the American Weckly, tht' ntagazine distributed with next Sundu)'"s Los Angeles Exam- iner. Order Now for Xmas Delivery Stars -nowblrd -P-14 -Paddleboards -Dinghies Orders filled for Xmas-free storage until spring N e w Raclntr Sall~ -Boat {.'o\·en -TraJleni • • · all avail.able Thc.-.c bon1.s constnictrd of the finest dric<l t?OO~ cedar a nd boot spruce. Bronze fastenings, stainless stee-1 riggings, bronze and plastic rittingF . ,. . Open Saturda}'. Sunday and ('Ver.1ngs Me$a B:oat Co. 4.83 Newport. Blvd. Cost.a Mesa Phone Beacon 3S8l-J DavlA S. Batch, Sales ~l a.nager P & F LIGHT PLANT 8ALJ:8 AA.lo SERVI~ &rvlce and Pvts for Farm and Boat Llght Plants \\ratter Pumps COAta !tlesa sequences or night 1>11otography. "Maybe you've got some- among the first of thi~ kind evt'r thing there," admitted the attempted, studies or anin1al lite. Boss "but the fact remains or insects. of desert n ora .. o~ Indi· tha t 'a lot of people keep up- a?s enco~ntered. al l comb~n1'1~ , tCl setting the office routine by give an intensely intf>rPSt1ng pie-k-- ture of little-kno<A'Tl Arizona. as 1ng ~ to . f1~1d them some r.tr. Line characteri zC's the Ari-place to live m. zona she<'p trek as 'ln Ameriran "Couldn't \\'e get the~Charn­ epic and has stated that A kn,\\"· ber of Commerce to sponsor led.s::e of this s1 range a nd import-a movement to get all the lo- ant industry of the \Vest is es· cal residents to leave to\vn?" sential to Cull understanding of 1he asked Jane the office girl. A!11erican nation. Due to l\ir. "Then there \Vould be plenty L1n~·s popularity ~nd a n 11.ntJci· of empty houses for all the pat1on of a ca~ac1~y ho~se the ne\v peopJe t o mO\'e into and :~~~4~f the Aud11or1um \\'l ll c1"1( :i bttsiness \vould boom." S~m~ of the outstanding sf}('nl:· "That \\'OU lcl sol\1e the prob- £>rs to be present"d on th<' Forum lem all rig ht, but hO\V are \\·e arC', on Octoh~r 10th. \Vilfrcd \\"al· going to persuade people to Jock. journalist and forn1~r merr,. leave t O\\rn? Everybody that ber or British Parliment 1vho is li\'es here likes it so mucl1 no\v visiting in this country \Viii they \von't leave unless they addr£'ss the F orum on .. P o\vcr get drafted or elected to con- Politics", Octob<-r 17th, Clirfnrd J. g ress or sometl1ing like that." Kamen who h1ts \\·on an int!'r· "Why couldn't the city national reputation for his COl('rcd ·1 d th · moviC's of South AnH~ricn '"''ill pre-counct amen e zoning 01·- sent his a ll color movie "Th!' Pa ~-dlnance to make it illegal for eant of Peru". any famjly to OCC\.IPY a house October 2-tih, l\.1ajor Ivan Le· in the Ne\\'J)Ort Harbor area bfilC'ff. diplomat, soldier ."t.nd l('C· f or m ore than t\\10 ).iears?" tur('r will discuss "Russia a rd tliC' asked Bid the assistant jani- Unitc<! S tates". HC' has adrlrl'SsC'rl tor, who doesn't like people the forum on thrC'e dirferent oc· much anY\vay. ''Then \vhen casions and his talks are con· we put in the ads that the sidered the finest on Russia. O\Yners must sell because Send Christmas Pkgs. Overseas Before Oct 15 they're leaving tO\\'Tl maybe the buyers would believe us." st.....s...i Battenn 161.:5 Newport Blvd.. Olristmas parcels for all naval -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,\and marine corps personnel over. • seas a nd other rof\l.·ard areas should be mailed prior to October 151h if delivery is to be assured be!ore Christmas Day. Parcels for personnel known to !:)(' in an area permitting later mailings may be mailed at appropriate da te .se- lected by the sender. "Nobody ever believes any thing they read in a rea !es- tate edvertiseme nt," pointed out the Boss, who has been in the business for some time. "Like the ad you wrote yes- terday on the house in Costa Mesa just outside the city Iim- i ts. Being unincorporated, Costa Mesa has no city lim- its. II CENTRAL BOAT WORKS ' DESIG:-.~ and BUILDERS YACHTS Power or WI COMMERCIAL ruhlng Boat. or Party Cruisers Steel -Pl&Sttc Li T . J . Ghiloni, Naval Architect. L'. M-TOS CR . .\!\'"£ SERVICE Builders of the All-Steel CENTRALINERS Foot. of Sl•t Sl. Phone: Harbor t 580 I t is important that parcels for O\·erscas be packt.'d in exception· aUy -"l.rong containers, and that the s£'nder;; follow all postal rPg· ulation.s . <A•hich prohibit mailing perishables overseas. that the full Ne wport Beach name, seria l number. and com· • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 plt~t£' nddt"l'ss of the recipient be : u~d. and thnt all p.:1.ckai::rs con- WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL OONTRACTOR Residential and Commercial Building non-: Beeeon 68S8 Beacon 6804-\\' 467 N cwport 81-vd Cost.a Me.a NOW-'Round the Island Ferry g,so A. M. ro 11 P . M. South Bay, Balboa Yacht Oub, East Bay, Richardson's. Evans'. Villa Marina. Shields'. Balboa Yacht Basin, Bee.con Bay, Harbo< Island and South Bay' Hall from any dock or float. BALBOA ISLAND FERRY HARBOR 82-W WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast ·Highway 101 • • l'llcme Bee-Ml.4" ''' ll~ud.-an•W. for ac.iia for !We Paddle Bauda for lllat llJ Ille""* or -u.. taining valuabl es be insurt.>d. It has. bc<>n noted that poor packing in th£' pa.:ot often docs not onl.r result in th<' loss of one pi'll'k· agC'. but a lso in rlamage to sur- rounding parcels or oblitPration of t hl'i r addresses. Form Orange County Symphony Orchestra At U HS Next Tues. Tuf'o;da,y C'\'£1ning QcotoiX'r 1, ";11 ~ the fonnation of the Orange Count:.· Symphony orchl'St ra \vhich \\'i ll b..""<'Ome a PA rt or ihe adult edu('ntlon work or the Ne'-''POrt 1-larbor Union f.Ut h school. This orcht.--stra, dra"'TI from the "'hole or OrangE' count)'. <A1ll reheanl" In the auditorium of the local high schooJ und<'r the dil't'Ct ion or L. Clinton Sawin. instructor of music in the high school. This orcht'stra. sa)"-s l\tr . Sawin. is a further effon to bring appre· ciation of the cultural ad\·antages or our community and roun1y. All intert'!l:ted person.' '4'ill rece.i\•t-a great d('al of pleasure from pe.r4 ticipation in this group. Any person not regular!)• en· roll('(f in a day schooJ and who i.s over 18 Yt'8r.i of age, may be ac· repted B!ll a Mmlber of the sym4 phony. CHRISTMAS PLANS O\rlstmas lighting and Cuist- ma.s decorations programs will be "Ho\v \\1as I to know tha t. J _ M. ?" protested Bid. "I'll bet if they ever do incorpor- a te up there that house will be outside the city limits. Some of the houses we have listed up there are so far out of town the owners carry grizzly bear insurance on their livestock." 1'The \vay this area is gro,v- ing in another five years Costa Mesa property will be classed as ocean front lots," snapped the Boss. "\Vith four thousand miles of Pacific ocean ot1t in front of us there is plenty of ocean view for a million people a round here." "In other words. Boss. all tha t's lacking here is a mil- lion \\;ndows to look out of." said Holly in his l)elpful way. ''That gets us back to the housing shortage again." com- plain€<! J _ M . "Until we can get some of our schemes working to relie,·e the situa- tion we will just have to take turns worrying about it and make it ju.st as rough as pos- sible fo r prospective custom- ers to buy real estate." "Haven't we been doing that right along?' 'asked Jane diplomatically. "Yes," replied the Boss sadly, "I guess you're already doing all you can to make the supply of real estate last as long as possible. We'll just keep on here at 15th and Cen- tral in our own low pressure style, and limit sales to one house to a customer. U the phone rings be cagy. Just Ii!t the receiver and say 'This is Harbor 1242, J _ M. Miller's office'." Imo (thCon It. FromhePage 1) ed ~made o~~ardwood school-LANDSCAPE Des;"'"'"g. 2668 ws a once gets situat '6 .......... again he will not be confronted 25 n UnJversal, panel type Newport Bl\•d. Phone .Sant a with these problems. He is seek-36 .. x 72• x 241:oi H high, Ana ll~. 75-6 WANTED -Lady for general with S-compartment book r~ck le housework, 1 or 2 days a -"- ing a new type of fuel for power· on e~ch side of table, to be 1 Pftone Harbor 1.246.. 74-4tc ing his plants. and we have that, said Lon~r. "it is natural gas." ·~· can Seating Co.'s table TYPING& ACOOUNTING WORK w•~-0 •·-&•......... or eq• al . ' 1u..L~ WANTED six .....,.. Another thing that I& driving the 1 Am Univenal, panel type Laura G. Belden week. Norton's Bay Shore Cafe, Eastern manufacturer west<A•a.rd is table, 36. x 72• x 29" high, Phone Beacon 5l86-R., 22172 So. 17th and Coast Hlchway. 59-tfc the cities who are seeking new witboUt book k T ..... ,_ A p Box HELP W"'~ w .-.. sources of ...... venue wi·th '"hlch to , rac . &..G.6Ul•a ve.. . 0 . 941, Costa .rw." ... ~ ornan or ..... " " 1 Amerjan Universal, panel type • Mesa, Call!. for eeneraJ hot9ework; &cod balance their budgets, such as tf:~~e·! ~· x 48" x 29" high, Will Call For and Deliver. '1'1>-8tp wqes; Uve In or eut. Harn sales taxes. Manufacturers who withoUt book rack. 1992. ~Ue locate in the rural areas know 3 No. 3 42_F MyTtle Desk Com4 CALL BEACON ~M for tree -----------'-'-- that they can escape this type of pany, eacher's desk, 32• x 42.... estimates on your painting. serv- tax. walni finish. ice is our business. Burton Longmoor called attention to 2 No. ~ &.t2.F Myrtle Desk Com-Paint Store.. 74-4tc t<A·o recent articies which appeared pany, eacher's desk, 32"' x 42·, CLARK &: BATES in national magazines and which oak f'P,ish. Metallizing gave a repor t on the dccentrali-1 No. 3 61-F Myrtle Desk Com-Welding Specialists zation of industry. pany. principa.l's desk, 60" x 506 30th st.-Harbor 2509 "The movement is on," s a id 34", walnut finish. Newport Beach ' 69-9tc Longmoor, "and If a manufacturer 2 No. 2ts1.F l\.fyrtle Desk Com. can find a site, "'here there are panyJprinclpaJ's desk, 60" x good churches, good schools and 34 ", alnut finish. good theaters, he is going to move 4 No. _ 12 High point and Bend· COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair in. if he can, quickly." / ing ~air Co., side rotary In conclusion, the speaker cited chair walnut finish. as an exa mple, the \'iC\V of a 3 No. 7 13 High Point and Bend· Phone 875-M friend, a N.ew Yor k City resident. ing Chair Co.. straight side 2.lf:. t::.. »th S t .. Costa Mesa "'ho said, "\Valter. "'e live like chairs!. "'alnut finish. 26-tf< ra ts here. \V e shoot down into a 60 No. ia-44 American Seating ------------'-'-'- cellar (the sub\\·ayl, rush under· ComPjlnY tables, 18" x 24", STGN PAINTING ground, then out again. climb up '-";th bro<A'TI masonite top. book a ladder (subway stair<A'ay ) and comP<Jrtments and pencil out again into the open air. \Ve 1 groovts. have no leisure. \Ve're too cramp-(30 of the above t ables to be ed. \\'e n(>('d brea thing space bad-23" h(gh ), ty." (30 of the aOOve tables to be \\'orkC'rs \Vho have made the ! 24 ~-n\gh). . . move lo rural a rC':is no\v find that All rne~above furniture delivered they have mor e lt:>isure time, which i F.0 .B: school. set up, r eady for thC'y use 10 good advanlage. Lnng-use \V1th~ 5 days after a\va.rd of moor concludC>d, "and ir industrial· contract to the successful bidder. ists can find plant sites n('arby, The B ard of School Trust~es they \viii sC'ttlc thcr<'. for they of. lhc Nl!\\'J>Ort Beach School Dis· kno\v that thC>ir \vorkcrs \\·ill be , t~1ct. Or~~e County, reserv~ the Mrs. Effa Klueter ' an asset to a con1munity." r1~~t to re~ect a ny. or. a ll b1~ or ,1 , _ . . od d \Vruvc any 1nformahty 1n a bid . . r. LNnhrmoor \\as, rn lr ucc T·. \VESTON JAY. by P ostmastC'r J L F . Kenny of the I CJ k 1 th N K . · CJ b · · . er o c C'\\'J)Ort l\\'an 1~ u progran1 C'Omm1ttce. I Be h s h I o· . ac c oo 1s1r1ct Pub: Seif . 24. 26, l!M6. CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS F~Utious F i rm Name Boats. Truck!. Windows Walls a.Ad Bulletins. Raised Mt>tal. Wood and PlttStlC' Letters · A·L LA CHMEYF.R 1726 West Central Harbor 1243-f\f 38tft \VHY \VAIT months for your \•eni- tian blind, \\'e can gi\·e 7 to 10 days d<'li very, srnrice is our busi· ness. Burton Paint Store. CRT! B 5503-M. 74-4tc PATNTING 12 Years Service in Newport HMbor Area Harrv Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone Bracon 5259-J 274 E . J9th !".treet Painting -Decorating R. E. ANDERSON ALL OF THESE ADVANTAGES YOURS ... u·hen you get a job as a telephone operator. Good pay from the start ... yes, even while You are Iearnlng. Raises at regular intePrals ... and a chance to advance. Good working conditions ... a ttractive, pleasant sur- roundin2s ... friendly fel· lo\v-workers. Paid vacations, benefits, etc. sickness In many cases, v.•ork ln neighboring central office near }'our home. One of thE"se interestJng, \vell-paJd jobs Is waiting for you, too. SOUTHER N CALIFORNIA ' "TELEPHONE COMPANY 100 E . Bay Ave., Balboa 514 ¥.I No. Main St., Santa Ana • or Call Chief Operator 68-tfc 01.ristian Science services. with 1\-lrs. Fem Gale as reader. \v cre held Sa turday at Grauel chapel for ~1rs. Efra K1ueter . 69, u·ho died Thursday at St. J oseph hos· pitaL She was a native of Kear· ne}', Neb.. had lived at 1942 Orange avenui", Costa ?\-1esa, for the pas t year. and in California ror 28 }'ears. The un eN!lgned do hereby certify th&t they re conduct ing 11. boat build· Ing bu•ln u at Box 5. Foot of Slst Stf'e4!t, N POrt Bea.ch. State of Call· fom la. un er the flclltlou• firm name o f Central! Boat WorkJI and. that a.aid Clnn la coi1po11ed ~r the follow ing per· 80ns. whote names and addre.ues are as tollow.sl lo-wit: Richmond P . Hob90n , 4014 Channel Place. NeWport Beach. Calltomla. Phone Free Estimating Beacon 578()..J 47.tfc SALE MlSCELLANEOUS • She is survived b)" a son, H. Paul of Costa Mesa and a grand- daughter, Sharlene Eubank of Los Angeles. Intennent was private. Collect $18 Speeders paid an average tine of $18 in Judge Robert Gardner's court this week. None or the tick· ets issued by the Newport Beach Police department were for speeds in excess of 5 miles per hour. Shelter ror P ecoJlar GI Pet.- The USO clubs are a haven for the boys. Sometimes the bo~ bring company-strange company. But the clubs welcome them and their odd assortment of pets. Faith Bald<Ai.n t ells a fascinating stot')' of these homes away from home in the American Weekly, the m agazine distributed with next Sunday's Los Angeles Examiner. w. Moo~, -t014 Channel Place, New-port Beac. . Calltoml&. R. E . ordan, -t014 Channel Pla«i, Newport each , Callfornli. Wltne.sa our handa thie 4th day ot ~<eptembe 19-46. R~CHMOITT> P. HOBSON, W MOORE. R . E. JORDAN. STATE~ CALIFORNIA. COUNTY F OR.ANCE--158. rDR A RELIABLE Paint Job 011 Your home. -call Beacon 5330 after 4:30 p.m. 10-tft ~AINTING -PAPER HANGINO and DECORATINO H. E. McDonald ~Old Conty Rd .. Costa Meaa ne Beacon 5013-J 85-tft 8RAREYOUR CAR 15 On thl.s th day ot Septemberl A. D .. 1946, bf!! re me, H. M. Ho ker, a Notary bile In and tor said County and State, pent0nally appeared ruch· mond P .!obeon, W . Moore. and R. E. DRIVING J ordan. own to me to be the per· to New York by Oct. so1111 wh namu are •ubACrlbed to 2nd T k f h the •lthl• ..-netrument. and acknowl· · a e ew S are exp. pas. edged tp !me that they executed the sengers. '41 Sedan, heater, r adio Mfn"· wl~ss whereof, 1 have here· Ask for Larson Harbor 1729-W. unto Mt Ply band aD affixed my 75-1 tp o!flC'laJ the day aad year In thl1 ------------....!. certificate first above written. TRANSPORTATION 18 i R . M. HOLKER. Notary Public tn and tor aa.td County &nd State. My com· f. luJon expires: K arch ~. .... Pub. Sep ' 5. 12. 19. 26. t!M 6. I" BAZAAR BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Rep&ired. VOGEL'S 100 Ma.in St., Balboa. 208 Ma.rine, Balboa hJa.ad. 94-tft FOR SALE -Man's black suit, size 38 or 40, $25. Phone Beacon 53W-J _ 75-ltc FOR SALE-'IWo matched fish- ing chairs. Call Harbor 2414·W, 75-4tp 2 DOORS for single garage com- plete with hinges a nd locks, price $10. Phone Harbor 2393-J. 75-ltc F OR SALE-Thirty ft. of 6-ft. redwood grape -stake fence. Phone H·l682. 74-2tc FOR SALE-Glass Show Case 3 ft . x 9 ft. Box G. c/o News- Times. 74-2td F OR SALE -Restaurant dishes, glasses, etc. 182 Rochester St., • Costa Mesa. Beacon 5412-W. 74-2tp FOR SA.LE -Binoculars, Carl Zeiss, with carrying case $100 . Have~YOU Registered? BEAUTY AIDS I 18 131 Opal Ave,, Balboa Island . ' M-A-CHI--NE---.-.-d-otf-. A_CHINE ___ L_E_ -ss 74-2tp -INSURAN~E-Permanenf' Waves Venetian Blinds Tintin~ and Manicuring Steel or aluminum made to mea.s-• • FIRE e AUTOMOBILE f • YACHT • COMPENSATIOr "STU " DUNLf'-P 200 Marine Ave. Balboa Island fh. Harbor 200-J For MARINE Evening-Appt Ph. Harbor 179-W ure and instalJed. Vi's Beaut:v Shon Bayview Builders Supply 1103 Coast Hi\\•ay, Corona del Mar 8)8 Coast Hiway P h. Beacon 5o07 -..,..,-,---------.:.75-;:...:t::;fcl:-::::=-:c-,-:--=--o,,--~--7.:.3-4:...:.t:.:c '.OST .A1'1o"'"D FOUND 22 i'~OR SALE-Neon Sign Cate. -------------'--Reasonable. Call Beacon 5117·M. LOST-Ladies Harmon Rose gold wrist watch. Two Rubies on each -::--::-----,.------'-7().:_:tf:.:c side. ·Vicinity of Balboa fun G. E . vacuum cleaners (1938); 5()... Zone. 9-19-46. Phone Beacon pound Ice box, white t'namel. 5618-\VK. 74·2tc good condition: new bathinette. EMPLOJ'"HENT WANTED z.a Call Harbor 1797-M. 72-4tc . CAN TAKE. care of children even- ing & week ends. Mr-s. L. Pedi· go, 320 Aiarado, Balboa. 75·2tc Hereafter if we recap your TIRES We guarantee our "Caps" to tut HARDWARE PAINTS & ACCOt.rr'ANT and Office Ma nager wants position with r eliable firm. H. G. Ericson. 400 E . Centra1 Ave., Balboa. Ph. H arbor 30. I 74-\!tp WILL TAKE care of children evenfrits'. Must furnish trans- portation. Phone Beacon 556&-J. 74-2tc 20,000 MILES and that'a not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS ' HARDWARE , DIPLOl'llENT OFn:at::D LOCAL or traveling ln business for YOUl'lelf. No money requlttd. Good. income. You are YoUr own --Apply l508 No. Main S t., Santa 'Ana. 70-7tc $20.0Q IF ONE COMES OFF l\eKardlia of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS . undertaken by a special committee ===----------------------•/ rocently appointed by President J . S. Barrett ot the Newport Har- bot' Chamber ot Commerce. On thls ccmmittee are C. R. Johnson, L. H. Nonnan, fL J . Forsythe, Hennan Hans<n. Ir.in George Gordon and •L F. Kenny_ Crea- tion ol this .special commftlee WU aut.horl2ed at a meeting of the di- rectors held Monday last. Police Report Woman Missing From Mesa It's the HELP WANTED-Ex-navy radio technician. who wishes to con- tinue with technical "'dlo work u dvflla.n occupation. Refer.: onces !required. Local reoi<ltnL Write Box BU, c/o N...,._~ for a ccmplete let we wm can for your car In the motnlnC ond deliver ume day. Aho • $2-00 Mobllstatlc baluee job when we recap your tlrel, tor Sl.00. No lead wef&bto cw "oxtraL" C.R. STAAF MOORING SERVICE ' ' ' Installed and Repaired. Painted and Lettered. ' ' ' Phone: Barbor 1080 or Harbor 1698-R far Plwrp$ ...... -L--------:-. -----' . Alpha Zirkle, 29. blue -ey<d b~ young woman from the cadet Trailer camp. a.ta Mesa. wu roported to the Newpoit BNch Polk"P ~ as mi.nine from her-.... Paddl board Theft When lut ,,_, the ml"""& e _,..,, ..... ~ • .,.. lhirt, Two ~ _.. rtpOl1ed brown •lacJrs, the Polla> roport stolen from Ray M. J-al di--Sho .. n,.., feet two - J!&Jboa on Saturday. wtlll>o 112 -Mil - .23rd • Central Ph . 2600 • " - I W Afil'RESS WANTED 137.51! Per Week -lfeell ' Good Houri Also FRY COOK I llOl. EARLY (aunhci onb-l j Jans' Te... ' Hawpat Beedl - Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rnr at 1760 Newport Blvd. CXlST A llESA Pb. Br101:111 57'3 A* for Al or Jbnk. -Additional'-Want Ads on Following P.agc __ , • I w A N T A D s 90ATll, SUPPLIU II Continued I FOR SALE-Nt'W-1 dory 16' " ~lli!::!':!'"°:!!!i~AU:i'i!J&5lW!!!&-nm;l!;!!!!"-!!!;.lN!!;w=-=l't!.,!!:=:!li,,!()ol!il!!!!!'-::": .... ~=i...J:!:ft~ lNI Haye YOU Registered? /l ~-~·~1!:.·!•!!!:1"~n:~ _____ _.:•!!'i a••. mAn .,--·~u;11~a~n~=====~'!'~~·~·-~-~~··~-~=====~·~,u~~·~··~-~1~A~....,~=====~"~ I LIDO ISLE HOME I '..'. I -- from preceding gige 5' mah<lgany & cedar, well for ----....:..---'~'-"'---outboard motor aet 1n board. Col-1.a lle11& CommmUty eta~ IM.L& IOllCZLIANEOIJ8 se Mut & sail centerboard. $100.00 SEPTEMBEll nu. FOR SALE-Monroe electric cal· Phooe Dana Pl. 'l3L 74-2tp ' ouialM, $150. 1840 Harbor FOR SALE-25 ft. Seabird sloop, SPECIAL ANNOUNomlENTll II Blvd. Coota Mesa. Beacon fully equ1ppec1 with North Bay Carpenters Available 5892-J. 61-ttc --~-g and flv-man life raft, f FOR SALE-Alr oompresser, $100. 1311 · Seuhore Dr., N..._, Beach. 65-ttc 11.u.E llOIMJZLIANl'.(U8 M BARGAINS! Lowest prices In lllmlture Is m> motto. IJ>uy righL·I sell rllbt I also t>uy· tumiture. UJUU.l"Ul ... ~ °" general maintenance aleeps two; very seaworthy, and repair $1550. Call C. F . Brown, Har· 0 . Z. ROBERTSON bor 2641. After 7 p.m. call Call Harbor 83 Harbor 2003-R 72-4tp 34-ttc FOR SALE-Cabin cruiser 22 It. ----=-.,,_.=-,,------ long, 4-cylinder Starr motor, K E Y S just painted. WllJ trade for 22 Made While You Walt ft. or 24 tt. house trafler or will VOGEL'S take ca.ah. 7311 Seashore Dr.. 100 l!allJ St.. Balboa Newport. Ph. H·l493-J. 70..tfc '?OS Marin~. Balboa llland on corn~ lot 2 BD UP-l BD down ENJOY BALBOA ISLAND Fireplace-Double c.r..., 'f• Walled Patio-Barbecue ! A very liveable home Buy one ol the homes avliilable at this fine. I $25.000.00 -Terms year around residence community. Ralph P. Mukey 1---34.11 w. Central-Ph. Harbor 402 Prices range from $10.uuu to $50,000 69-ttc FOR YOUR LISTINGS CALL~ POWERS AT 62-W El Bayo Tract Home cm Bay Ave. 3 Bed Rooms. 2 Baths, on Larg Lot $25,000 ]. A. BEEK bl FFICE Balboa Ferry Landing . 75-ltc I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE 'That MRS. TRESSA BRIGGS and MR. FRED \V. BRIGGS Licensed Real E&ate Brokers ARE NOW ASSOCIATED WITH MY OFFICE to Serve You in Newport Harbor Real Estate Sales. Listings and Rentals. --0- Needle's Furniture 2204 Newport Blvd. · Coota M ... 57-tf< PU MPS WORTIIlNGTON 94-ttc Furnished Duplex $25,000 BALBOA ISLAND A. "SANDY STEINER, Realtor ~ Coost Highway 101-Beacon 5173 73-ltc BU8IN'ES8 OPPORTUNITIES &O Glass Shower Doors PRESSURE -CENTRIFUGaL FOR SALE -Concessions fully 2 Bedrooms, l Bath Down 2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Up • . . ma de to measure and in-For All Pressure equipped, ready to go. A dandy ~ stalled. Good deliveries. Soden Refrigeration set-up for man and wire. See- B • B 'Id S I 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim E. C. (Pop) Ludwig, Saturday W. L. JORDAN ay\TleW Ul ers Up~ Phone 4652 7:>-ltc or Sunday afternoon at Fun 700 E. Central. Balboa 818 Coast Hlway Ph. Beacon Zone. Balboa. Phone Harbor 153 ----.,-..,.--,=-...,--.,.--73-4-tc_ BOATS, SUPPLIES U 15-2-tp n-uc. Auto Batteries WILL PAY good bonus ror boat FOR RENT .. 1------------ Rubber Separaten slip. Ha\•e 40' custom bu i I t ~nth -$6..75 Ex:. cruiser. Write Box "S" c/o ROO~f FOR RENT--:<>cean Fron~. Compounded Motor Oil News-Times. 75-tfc double room. Tu'" beds, pr!-va te entrance. Single room. pn. Gallon. 70c FOR· SALE -12 ft. sail boat & vate entrance. References. Har- Two New Homes Ready for occt.1pancy, Stall showers. Glau doors. Rup. Call 1522.J --sail, good condition. With or bor 1848. 75-4 tc Western Auto Supply without trailer, Reasonable. Ph. ---:-:::---..,..,....,.,..._:63-::....:tl:.:c Authorized Dealer Harbor 181 after 6 p. m. 75-4tc FOR RE NT-New Duluxe room At Corona del Mar and private ba th, tile shower 11136 Newport Blvd, Coota if.": Balboa Canvas Shop stall. 1Win or double beds, box Beautiful New Home Sails -Boat Covers spring and interspring mattres-Gr-and View \'ENETIAN BUNDS-Alumlnwn. Marine Upholstering ses. Unt heat . Special rates for Nicely Fui-nlshed •teel. wood Call ua for free esti-Harbor 2(J7 _ 224%: 21st St. permanent guests. Mracle Mile $30,000 mate. Renovation It. reftnlshlng Newport Beach TI ·tfc Motel, 706 Coast High"'ay, New-See This Show Place So. Coast Venetian BUnd Co., ··~---...:.-------'-port Beach. Ph. Beacon 5299-J. w J HOLCOMB West 18th and Newport Avt., FOR SALE--40 ft. c~bin cruiser; 7Stfc · · Costa Mesa. Ph : Beacon 5762.w. sleeps six; galley, dinette. head. ------------Cor ona del Mar 3S-tt< large wheel house and cockpit, FOR RENT -De-Luxe rooms & "Whe re the Flags F1y'' ------------completely reconditioned, bow to apts. Prices range from $5. to Harbor 2766 74-2tc Fire PlaCY' anct Kindling stern; Chrysler marine engine. S17.50 per week. or monthly F OR S ALE-Corona deJ Mar, 4!>-W 0 0 D See owner , 133 Agate Ave., Ba1· ra tes as per O.P.A. ceiling. 1007 ft. lot , 1 block from school, south Delivered boa Island. 67·t fc E. Central. Balboa. Ph. 2360·1\.f . of Blvd., good location for in· H. W. WRIGHT Fi E · 74-tfc come. Owner . Ph. H·2139-W. Ph. Beacon 5665 re quipment Tests F OR RENT -ROOMS -Double. 65-tfc 1784 N~rt Blvd. 3-t!< C·O·Two, Pyre ne & Foam refills. Dally ser\"iCC'. Adults onl'-'. 421 1 :::=""".,.,.-,,.-..,,----~---, .. ~ ~ f ' ed d ;r FOR SALE-By owner. 2 bedroom ---"""--------..... '-'. ix syst em an Portable1 l l nrding. Balhoa. Catir. tfc J ust Arrived now available. home', plus glass screen porch. Freeh Hearing A1d E"'fS HOKIN & GALVAN FOR RENT-Building on Central F urnished. $1 7,500. Phone Har·1 BATTERIES 1000 Coa~t Highv.•ay Ave .. busin<'ss location, S75 per OOr 2041-R. 75·~tc Ph B 5522 73 tf month Harbor Investment Co., Cunde-""n Drug Co. · eacon • c C ]\' .-... 30th a nd Central. P hone ar-osta 1 ·1esa 117 Main St. Ph. Harbor 515 N"EW AND USED bor 1600. tfc Good Lot 50 x 135 60-tt• Electn'cal Appl1'anc es $1000.00 FOR RENT-ttooms during \Vi nter Order Your Of All Kinds season. outside en<rance. 809 l O Aci·es on W eot 0, i'rle S el N t El tr. A 11 c Bay Front. Balboa. Phone I-far-.., ,-, erv e\vpor ec IC pp ance o. bor 2669--!\.1. 74·2tc Excellent P ossibilities Gas Refrigerator 2309 Coast Blvd . P h. Har bor 2138 $10,500.00 N OW / 68-Stp c",,.' AN-..,.,=TE=D-=T=O_REN-=-T~-oc----42 at Vogel's SMALL B 0 ATS WANTED TO RENT-Garage ;n 3 Bed Roo m House vicinity of 115 . 29th St. Phont~ Furnished-Largr Lot-ClosC' in 100 Main St. Harbor 145 -Of 1' · 52.tft tough, 1ght marine plywood. Harbor '24. 75-Jtc $10,500.00 _____________ 1-Molded hulls or flat-bottom. WANTED TO BUY SJ -Skiffs. Dinghies, Sailboats. \VANTED TO TRADE -Rental 21 8 Acres =--=,,....==~~--c,.-c--MARTIN OUTBOARD MOTORS 2 bedroom house in Long BC'ach HAVE CASH for good income "Flexidrive" Shafts for Inboards for same in Balboa or viei ni ty. Close to High School property at Ne'WJ)Ort. Balboa or Call 1·1·2729 or a ft er 6 p. m . 4 Room I-louse. F ine Location surrounding area. Write · 610 WATSON -BOATS Long Beach 44876. 75-4tp $8500.00 Penn S t. EJ_ Segundo, Calif. Ph. "SmalJ Boat Headquarters" 320-J. 74-4'1> 611 Coast Hiway Beacon 5271 WANT -2 bedroom house or J . C. PAYNE BROKER apartml'nt. furnished or unfur· WANTED-New and used electr ic! __________ _:6.:.9-...::.tfc nished. Permanent couple with lll E. l Sth St. Costa Mesa motors. Highest prices paid a t MUSICAL & RADIO U baby. References. Roy Your-P h. Beacon 5213-M present. Call Harbor 2138. ------------stone 1281> No. Maple. Burbank. R. W . BARTINE 73-4tc HEADACHES? cam. Phone Charlstonc 818-45. Associate Broke r 75-4tp Res. Ph. Beacon 5276-J WANT TO BUY-1 or 2 pair army plnks; 35 waist, 31 length. Ph: Radios are Too IF They Are Not Performing Right LOCAL DENTIST and wife \Vish 75-ltc to rent furnished house or apart· ------------Harbor 1 14~R. CASH FOR USED FURNITURE PHONE BEACON 5538-J. 23-tfc Let us cure your trouble with the latest equipm<'nt and expert ment. No children, no pets. Ph. J. E . Barnes & Son Harbor 4:.!1-J . 75-4tc 1806 Newport Blvd. Repair Men EXSERVICEMA N an d wife "·ish 'II AUTHORIZED PHIL CO S HOP small hous(' or apartment for Wt Pay Cash \Ve specialize in P hilco. Zenith. permanent or "i nter re ntal. Ph. For your furniture or what have Westinghouse and Majectic Raidos 1-Iarbor 201. 75--l tc you.. Phone Beacon 5656. Craw· 420 E. 4t h Santa Ana Ph . 130 w ANT TO RENT -2-Bedroom or ~ Furniture, 1812 Newpcr1 73-4tc Blvd., Costa Mesa. 48-tfe ------------larger house, fur. Will pay up ffiGHEST price paid for your pi· to SlOO per mo. Call !\1r. Fuller , nra.N1TUR.S FOR SALE 51 ano . Danz-Schmidt Piano Co.. at Harbor 328· 74·2tP FOR SALE-Double bed and sim· San ta ,Ana, 520 N . Ma in. 70-tfc WANTED TO RENT-Small house monii; spTing $8.00. Phone Dana or Apt. by couple·. no childre n. l\lUST SELL-Complete set dr ums Point 731 . 75-ltp v.·ood block cov.·bE-ll . tuncable F or information call Harbor FOR SALF.---lce box. 100 pound tom· tom. tacked head tom-tom. 554-W between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. capacity. Good condition. Call snar e drum & stand, Hi-boy except Sat. or Sun. 72-4tp Beacon 5180-J after 8:00 a. m. sock stand. 4 z:ilgen cymbals & \VANTED TO RENT-By retired 75-Itc holders. also case & other ac-army major, two-bedroom house, FOR SALE-Beau tiful 6 pc. din~ cessories. $135. 812 1h E. Ocean furnished or unfurnished. For nlng room set one bedroom rug Front. Balboa. 75-l t p winter or permanent. Phone like new, 9 x 12. Bamboo Patio USED Pianos from $65. Or wtll Laguna Beach 2084. 72-4tp furniture, 6 chairs, 3 tables. Rt. rent. Danz-Schmidt Piano Co., WANTED TO RENT-Asst. mgr. 1, Box 12, Garden Grove. Ph. 722. 520 N. ~fain . Santa Ana. 70-ttc Met. Life, desires lease or rent 74-2tc until J an. 1 of 1 or 2 bedroom Costa Mesa Ph: Beacon 5320 Furnished F our houses, one acre land, east side: good location. One five- room a nd thrE>e four-room houses. Income, about $150 per month. Plenty of room for m ore houses. Full price only- $16,800 One-half cash. Two-Bedroom House With 2% acres land. near high school. Price only- $8500 FOR SALE-Upright piano, good FOR SALE -Plum colored rUI' condition. $200. Phone Beacon house. Car e guar · Phone S. A. J. E. Barnes & Son 11'3 .. x 14' $45.00. Dinette set 5712, or ca11 205 Westminster l 428-r-1. 71-tfc 1806 Newport Blvd.. $15.00. Phone Harbor 2669--R Ave., Newport Heights after APT or S?-1ALL HOUSE wanted Colta Mesa Ph. Beacon 5320 after 1 p. m. 74-4tc 5:30 p. m. ~tfc by man and wife. We do not '75·ltc R E p O S S ES SE D Mirror Type drink or smoke, no children or I-------------FOR SALE-Refrigerator. G. E .: pets. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W Balboa k .t h t bl d Spinet Piano. Now only $295, gas r ange: 1 c en a e an er write Box "X'' Newport Bal· ~ · di · b f f 1 f A very prett~,-piano. F ine tone. Excelcnt value 4 ren tal units & U"1airs: rung-room u e : sur boa News·llmes. 37-tfc Board and misc. articlt>s. 211 Ab· Da nz-Schmid t P iano, 520 No. 3 car garage ; 3 bdr. Apt. on close alona. Balboa. Island 7J...4t<" r.·t ain, Santa Ana. 70-tfc \\'ANTED TO RENT-One or two of escrow. Can be financed. GOOD G ds M hi. K bedroom house. Furnished or $1 8 000 9X.15 .r\m<'r ican Oriental ( Kar"s-ran ~-e 1n, urtzman, , '' S & Cl k ~ JI II & unfurnishl'd. Garden Grove 722. tan\ Kashan design. pract. ne''" lory ar · .._,.ase, a et • 2 storv. • 5 Bdr . & F ireplace. Com· · K' b u w be d th Call col\C"ct. 73-<ttc prE .. "·ar. red background. S125. Davis. 1m a · e r an o • pletely furnished v.·ith income pos· Call 1-larbor 22-11.\V. 7~tc ers. Prices start at s-\85. Terms. ~VANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bednn. sible. Dan z.Schmidt, Santa Ana, 520 unfurnished house. Will lease. FOR SALE-Fumed Oak furni-No. Main. 70.tfc Call Sam Porter at Harbor 707 ture, ideal for mountain or or 13. 35--tfc beach. 18:? Rochester St.. Costa RAD IO HOUSE CALLS- $12,000 P eninsuJa Lots F rom $2750.00 up 1'1~a. Bea<..-on 5412-\\'. f t-2tp Now tha t additional competent aw&1. ESTATE '' technlcians a.re a vailable, we are FOR SALE _;__ 12 x 15 t"isted able to make service c.a11s on SAN FRANCISCO -2-bedroom broadloom . solid blu(' prewar large consoles. All \IO'ork guar· home and 2 apartments for ln- rug. Good condition S75. Four anteed. HAROLD L. HiliM, come, will sell or trade for JOHN E. SADLEIR 302 Main St .. Balboa burner O'Keefe & 1.-ferilt table S.O.S. Radio, 300 Marine Ave. 1 Newport Harbor property. Har· top stove with gridle, perfect Ph. Harbor ~-34-ttc bor 1600. 57·tfc Phone Har. 2034 75-lte condition S75. Four pc. l\.taple bedroom se t, complete \'' i f,h spring & mattress. 209 Via Di· jon Lido I sle. Phone Harbor 591.w . 74-2tc BOATS, 8UPPLIE8 II Radie Repairs All makes; tubes. etc. Beacon 5763 BURT NORTON 915 Coast mlhwaY, Newport FOR SALE-25' L.o"man com.me.r -__________ ..:Zl..:·..:tl:..:c d al boat. Ver y good rondition, STEINWAY GRA.:'ll>. Beautitu1 all gear. Reasonable. Inquire modern in black and silver. Gor- Auo. Dock 26th St. 75-tfc gE'OU!!I tone. Thia ls an art piano. FOR SALE-Gull SllO\\. bird or If )'OU are fUrnishlng your home penguin sail boat in excellent · ln "Moderne" this instrument ls condition. read}' for immediate perfect for YOlL Reasonably ~50-J priced. Danz·Schmldt Piano Co., use: Cash. Plloru> Harbor ~2t p 520 N o. Main . Santa Ana. 7().tfc Lf\'ESTOCll S'I D G. I. V-E-T-E-R-A-N-S See For Yourselves HAYWARD HOMES Being Completed 60 DAYS I n 0 Financing on House & Lot NEWLY DECORATED-2-upit income near North Bay-2-bedroom borne in fl'Qllt-1-bedroom apart- ment in rear over 2-car garilre; ¥.. of garage fin. isbed for use as rumpus ro<lffi. Attractive brick- floored petio. House and apdrtment furnished with early American reproducti~ Immediate PoSsession Price $~1 500 CORONA D ~L MAR ' NEW ONE-BEDROOM HOME for bachelor or coo- ple. Tile in kitchen and aspbhlt tile noors through- out. Close to shopping district. . Priced at onll>' $7000 NE~V 2-BEDROOM HOME. i A beautiful flagstone fireplace, asphalt tile floors.1 Roomy kitchen and plenty of closet space makj this an outstanding value. Price $1i900 LIDO I LE ON NORTH BAY. Priced r quick sale: 3-bed- room furnished home. Walliki terrace overlooking bay. Many extras. Boat mdoring. See us for de- tails and a ttractive price. j I:.ido Isle -2 lots a t :?~~ . $3250 ea. Canal front lots from ............ t .. -........................ $6800 In side. Newport Beach. as 101 as .................... $1350 EARL W. s-•ANLEY . REAL TO COVERi'NG GREATER N!EWPORT HARBOR 615 Coast Highway 225 Marine Ave. Corona de! Mar 3113 W. Ce[ltral Balboa Island Phone: Harbor 1646 Newport Belach Phone: Harbor 1776 j 75-ltc i - HARBOR INVESTM ~NT COMPANY Realto l s d; d; d; d; CANAL FRONT HOME-Y ·u can move right in because it is fully furnished pgbt down to a half- a-pound of coffee in the lard~r. Plenty of matches too. Metal refrigerator, st ve, complete utensils and dishes. You will have to rig up your own mooring for your boat. Evetything in good condi- tion for $7500. i BEAUTIFUL HARBOR AND OCEAN VIEW HOME -Inspiring panoraqia both day or night. Channing floor plan. Attrattive fireplace. Inter- esting yard and fencing. Tw&, bedrooms. The $10,- 600 price belies con di ti on and value of this borne by several thousand dollars. 1 d;d;d;$ LIDO ISLAND BAYFRONT!HOME-Yes, it's true. A lovely 3-bedroom home, r completely furnished. 1\vo skiffs, 17' flattie, 3 surtjboards, 3 bikes and an outboard motor .... ALL f9r $35,000 on a 40' lot and you can move right in. ! ' .t :t' d; I .t Three-Bedroom HOME. BRAND NEW -Dandy Heights location on a full 5<j' lot Far better· than average construction. Nice l!"tio and barbecue with floodlighting and interesting landscaping. One of the most livable floor plans you'~e ever seen. With the price at $16.500 and that !'new" smell to tempt folks • · -well, if you are REALLY interested, better call us pronto. Favorable l<jnns. d; d; .t; d; ABOUT $3000 YEARLY imcoME -From four rental units and a sma ll caf~ near the Balboa Ferry Landing. Complete furnishings included for only $21.000. cash or tenns. FLOATING SHIP REPAIR! SERVICE-Well built barge equipped with 60 amit. charger, fuel and fast bilge pumps, glass bottom· hatch; $1500 full price for a business that bas af eraged, $350 a month profit on a part time operaqon. ' ¢'¢ ¢J ;t WATERFRONT BOATYA D ON HIGHWAY - Long lease available which \\ii !include store sized showroom and equipment; also marine railway. 60 ft. on North channel. 'bis is a quickie. This IS good. This is cheap. S. us promptly. d; ;f; d; INCOME APAR '' n.igbt now we can offer se_veral interesting income-TI ultiples of all types in a wide range of prices. Yes, we mean 2-unlt dwell- ings, rooming houses, a, _ .~ .. ts and motels. See them and make your • from the best ol the selection. ;f; d; ', t FOR SALE-26 ft. ~· mackerel boat, tv.in motors fully eqllil>" FOR SALE -Blac-k sadd1e horse S. W. Corner ped. Cheap. J . C. Ra pp 6IJ7 36th $100. Phone Beacon 5319-J. lSth and S L 15-Jtp 15-ltc I ~-==::,...=::,..- See DENNISON & McBROOM f7~ 498 Newport Blvd. ,¥. '\_ · , HARBOR IN 'ESTMENT hfl c~~aft ~~Y ~·('.\;:J FOR S.µ.E-24-fL Fishing BoaL FOR SALE-Gentle saddle hone, Santa Ana Av. 44 h. p. MarinA! Engine. Phone sorrel color, $125. See at 1656 Newport Hgts. Harbor 287~. 74-2tc TUl:tin Ave .. Costa Mesa. ~tic Costa Mesa t!-~ 75-2-tc -;,1 30th at Central Pb. lfai:txr 1600 A 1&01 .: .. 71' 7S-ltc ...... MALLARD REAL TY We have the buyern. List your property with us today. CorOna de! Mar 1435 Coast fUghway Phone Harbor 1m --Attractive · Duplex Completely furnished. Income $100 per month. Possession close of escrow. $5000 Down Home and Income Newport Heights. Furnished. Two large lots. $15,000 71-ltc BALBOA ISLAND Immediate possession. 3 room cottage, 2 car gar- age.. On good corner close to East Bay on "Little Island.'' Price-$10,750 GOOD LCYr -CLOSE TO SOtml BAY EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Price-$6500 CORONA DEL MAR Beautiful new well-built 2-bedroom home. South of highway; convenient to school and shoj>ping district. Floor to ceiling windows overlooking patio in dining room and breakfast nook. Limit height fence enclosing entire rear yard. Must be seen to be appreciated. lmmed. possession. Price-$15,0QO CHOICE CORNER HOME-SITE IN BEST LOCATION. 150' x 118' Price-$13,500 GERTRUDE A. WALDRON W. W. Sanford, Realtor W8 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 234-R E-X-C-L-U-S-1-V-E % Acre, 66' frontage on Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Modern 2-bedrooms & den. Hdwd.; modern kitchen 1 ••• service porch. Two-room house in the rear. • Two-car garage. This is at present a Kennel Busi- ness with 24 dog stalls ... but it is suitable for most any kind of business. Good buildings in rear of lot. If you want a borne and business location you can't beat this one. Shown by appointment only. $15,000 WE ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU B. A. N E R E S 0 N REAL ESTATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -Salesman John Bondra -Salesman Phone: Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa · 75-ltc BEAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 48 TRAJLZR8 11 =TRAILERS====-=FO=R=-=sALE-.,..,_.,......-Th_e_bes..=I in trailers for rent and 18.le. Trailers made to order. Dunlap Trailer Rentals, Newport Auto Sales lot, 2600 block on Central Avenue. 69-8tp 'mADE-2 bedroom home in re- stricted distr ict in P asadena. For home in Ne...vport. R. L. Mc- Cartney, 621 W. Montana S t. Pasadena. Phone 7-1 854 75-4 tp WANT Beach or Bay front ,home in exchange for two bedroom, two sleeping porch , 8 yr . old, .,stucco home in La Crecenta on 1 acre ground. Harold B. Jep- sen, 4011 Wilshire Blvd., L. A. 5. Ph. EX-1400. 74-3tc -MONEY TO LO.&.N ., LOANS TO BUILD, buy, :mprove modemiu OT rettnanc". Newport Balboa i"edera.I S&V1D11 , a.ad Loe.n AJlloclallon 3333 Via Lldo Ph. Harbor 1500 AtJTOMOTrVE a TiBSll 118 WILL SELL 1946 Ford; Delux Tu- Poor Sedan, at ceiling. To party · Who will rent me 2 or 3 bedroom house fwnilbed or. unfurnished for 1 year. Phone 234-W. 74-2tc TRAlLERS FOR RENT-Do your own hauling and mov!ns-All new equipment, $2.25 and s:l~ per day. We IUmlsh the hltdi. Myrehn Bros. Se<vlce Station, oor. 17th & Newport Blvd., Ooota Mesa. tS-dl MOU~"TAIN PROPERTY 6S LAKE ARROWHEAD -For sale, six lots (separately or a Ito- ge ther). Near lake and year- 'round hiway, heavily wooded. Owner, R. L. Power, 767 Caste- lar St., Los Angeles 12. '15-2tc Gitto at Commmalt)' Cblll'Cb B••ea• Have YOU Re~stered? •AtJTOe WANHiD • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW · While Prices are High. Pbone for our CilUIUous buyer tllbo wlD call and lldvl8t )'00 ncanllng OPA lll!gll)ations, oel!lns pnoes and arrange all deCalla CULBERT~ON CHEWQLET CO., Inc. aw+1oaet and Qleha+otJOe n.l'rn JOOlW-~HowpirtB .... 11110 ,_ ... __ _ I D 0 RA L E·E' S we have now Included Venetian Blinds · to oar stock. Custom Slip Covers·-Draperies Sll lllarille Avenue Balboa Jaland On Your Way to Santa Ana When in Stop at CHUCK'S ~·DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches-Fountain Service 10a.m.&o%p.m. (Curb Sen1co) .Harbor Motorist Experiences More Trouble Leaving States Than He Did in All of Mexico way but this time for• a short 2C garag<! and If .... can get the Clo~I e ·. Eatery miles when the new recap just perts it js only about four hours shell going oil and the hub cap <ame r day. Mld-nlcbt -Police Report Odor Only Prowler in Area bought sounded like a six-inch work. O~. -get the parts. Parts rolling bundreda of feet away. second car runnin2' but not I Oct be On goes the second spa.re and we satlafact . Third day car n 0 ·r Hearing a dog barking in the travel at 35 miles per hoUr until motor~ down and garage man I ,• alley near her home, early Friday we get to Tucson, Am and buy finds a :'.j: chankshaft, with mairi morning, Mrs.. H. C. Schofteld ol th h be · •· ls Well o N 1 700 Oreb.id avenue, Corona del ano er t"eC'ap to ave as a apare. ar1ngs, eu.;., necessary. , Between Tucson, Ariz.. and Deming did you e~·er spend 5 days in Sierra pen ov. ?wtar, called the police and said she N . M. two more blow outs on tbe Blanca-well-don't. After 5 d•V9 thought a prowler was in the vi· I. ~· cinity ol her home. same left rear v.•heel which was and $1~00 we started this time I co&ting about $1.00 a mile for for Mexiqo. You can imagine what When Patroh:nen l..any God- By FRANCIS J. HORVATH I in &larch of this Yl!&r and Just be-tires. a frame !of mind I was in, par-Hanseq's restaurant. 2100 West dard. and Ray Johnson returned Of Newport Beach fore leaving spent another $100.00 ti 1 1 h I bl · ~---Front Newport o. ch to police headqu.arte~ ... _. re-in Deming found 4-alr plane ·cu ar Y w en ~·as anung ~ . ~a , ... ...,.,. Are you planning a trip? Are In tires and motor tune up. etc. ~ •t · Trip fa ·t t f · · J ott· ported the results of their investi-tires for ~.oo w•'ch r thought eve on the n eXJcan von e ea ery or muructpa .1-you going to a foreign country? all of which was done in Newport ._-.. iu all tbls bl d ak ci·a•-d th -~· ·u be gation as follows· "n.w. eviden•1~ was a safe inv .. tment considering and 1 trou e ha t en ~ an o er _..~ ..... WI · ~ ....., WeJ, let me gi1-'e )'OU a tip-do not and caused me to feel that no . , ... _ S clooed dunng· October Mr and just kilJed a skunk by the odor; the circumstances. And away we place in u.e tales. , . no'prowlers." plan it In the negative. Plan it motor or car trouble should be Mrs. Hennan =--·-n, propn'etors, started ~·hen I found the car Wtth all this pent up ill-feeling ~ --------------with the affirmed intention of anticipated, at least or any con-.... ;d today •• ould t t t I f th over the tire and car trouble it -· having a good time and being in-sequence. "'' no 5 ar · n one 0 e was eas for me to become p~ The Hansen family coo.template for a . population of 500,000 and ter6ted and enjoying what there Sunday, Augwt 4th, found us blow outs the battery carriage was a monthls vacation. as does the now they are t:ryiq,g to make it is to be seen and had. traveling southward and making so jolted it ~'8.S pushed to the side voked at ~he Mexican Immigration chef. MrS. Venice Glass, who has \\o·ork for a population of about 3 For yean I had wanted to see good time. The following day we and one of the terminals became authoritits expecting about 40 already left with friends for the million. Homes or hotels having Mexico Oty then for some reason were beyond Yuma, Arizona, and completely burned off. Yes, sir pesos orj $8.00 for approving a mountains and a long resl The water about 9/lOths ot the time I became prejudiced and ev('n dis-the desert heat was being noticed ne"'' battery, etc., $17.85. pass port of a friend driVi.ng "'i.th Hansens .do a land office business are indeed fortunate. liked the thought of going there. when suddenly a bang trom the Isn't it a grand feeling to be us and hlving another officer pull ch d th th Mexico City is laid out 51·nu·lar!y out mon...1. from my hand in order ea year an is year ey were Yet, I had some busin~ I wanted left rear tire broke uo the smooth traveling on brand new tires, car ey rushed to the tiring point. to Paris. The horn becomes very to check thru the U. S. Embassy speeding over the highway and completely overhauled and new to pay fpr clearing the car into Mrs. QI.ass will be remembered important in driving. Just sound Office in Mexico Qty and my wife brought us to a thumpety, thump-battery. new carburetor, now to the courttry and then taking a as the former supervisor of the your horn before entering· an in- and daughter were very eager to ety, thump stop. get to Mexico Oty and enjoy the tip out of the money for which to kitchen at the Newport Harbor tersection and keep going. The go there on a vacation . So. I de--Spare Ure! Sure, so again we balance of the trip. Stayed over buy him f. beer, and gi\;ng me the Yacht club and the former chef man that sounds t.he horn fint has cided to combine business and are on our way but not tor long night at El Paso, Texas and next balance rf the change. of the Sduth Coast galley. She is the right of WR.)'. pleasure and take the trip. when another bang at the left morning by 10 o'clock we were Got into Monterrey in the even· reputed to be one of the best Although the 1\!ariachis and My preference for traveling to-rear side of the car and the spare about 85 miles aYo•ay when a knock, ing and_ '1as ~urpris~ to find such cooks in the harbor area and all their Gypsy style of music Stti'- date has been by automobile in tire wu blown out. Nice going? knock, hauntingly emanates from a hustlinF oty. spring up out. of her patrons will be glad ~'hen she nades on stTeets, in night clubs, order to better obtain the pros-Yep, &nd stopped in front of a the motor. Four miles to Sierra the dese~t. Then the mo':'ntarns returns to the Hansen 'testaurant, and b)' arrangement are tnterest- peclive of a native's lite, habits garage near Maranna, Arizot1a, Blanca, Texas. we go \'ery slowly and ~·h~I mean mountains. In November 1. ing and native it is surprising to and customs. So, in preparation Yes, he had my size tires. Two and reach the first garage tn the stat we cross them, but down hear in some out of the way corner for the trip I had my car over-of them and recaps at $20.00 each, toY.'ll. I Mexico"'' you go a long the top of customs. traditions, and learn to a little Indian boy whistling some hauled to the tune of about $230.00 ~ith tubes. AJzain we are on our Connecting rod bearing sitid the them all µie way from ?t1onterrey accept them as such and not as well known American tune he has ---------------------------to Acapu~co. bits of chiseling, begging, or cheat-heard over the music bo.". Leavin ?t1:onterrey we soo n ing you as a tourist. Remember My first reaction to paupers, \Vere in he mountains and the t?O, our. habits, cu~to~es, tradi-beggars, even t he lottery chance Indian h ts. the bana.nna trees. t1ons, prices to tourists in our re-seUers "'as very bad. Yet the lot- BEPTEMBIER-A Month 0, Out1ton'Cllng Volut1I the culti 'ated hillsides, the In-sorts. Think of the reception "''e tery is a government project and dians tr ng along side, burros would give foreigners in our re-~ good thing. Then, I would stop with bun Jes on their sides. Indian sort towns, especially those unable and think of some or our touts, girls and "'·omen carrying baskets to speak our language. our bookies, our policy racketeers Buffums' 42ND HERRINGBONE Woolens For Distinctive Tailoring Jud righl In weight ••• aropes and fallora beoullfull'y ••• consider a jo<:kel In muled blue, grey, brown or Qrff" • , , or perftcp1 a wn of I/tis !4 Inch lfnw vlrQ.i~ wool. Goea anywhere, onr. lime/ • ....... • aec: ........ ANNIVERSARY CELEBRAT.IDN -·----··- ,. -· ,. -- Sun-Charm· Fashions For Surf and Sand by ---_ .... ·· I • I a s OF HOLLYWOOD Tliey ta~e to wafer ••• tliey ta~e fo sand ••• th.ey toke fo you in tlie most C/elecroble way imag!nablel Verilable classics in beachwear, tliese one o" two p iece sul'1 tliar spell /lottery and freedom for y9ur playtime . In smari black, whire , or Royal blue; sizes 32 lo 38 . $11.95 .... u .•. "-'· 0//. ' and pott y ware on their heads, In g£>neral, the trip to M£>xioo and eventually \VOuld wind up all was i teresting. City is interesting. But, to those reeling sorry for them, and asham- I "'as ~tticularly interested to who dislike or object to mountain ed of myself and ID}' prejudice. know wh the hillsides ~·ere culti· driving I reconln1end lhe plane Or My final opinion on the trip is vated in laces 1hat S('('med inac· train. The food \vas more reason-that it \\·as worth while and that cessible. 1..ater, I learned that a ble tha n in t he States. It was the Mexican people feel kindly to- these plo S \\'E'T(' no\v O\\'Ded in-Vf'r.Y \\·elJ ·prepared. I was s u r-Yo'&rds the Americans. That while dividuall~by the Indians wh£>reas prised UJX>n returning that some many things happen in Mexico in the e rlier hi story the plots one had experienced costly food City that may be revolting to WC're devqioped and cultivatC'd for bills or:i their trip down there. In some. such things happen in every a fe\v rich people and the Indians many instances the peso became large city in the world and separ-practic~llf ke pt as slavt'S. confusing_ a nd h<'came re~arded .as :?te incidf'nts should not be used At las !\·fexico City a nd the ?-~ollar. 1n value. \Vhe~ in reality to b~nd th£> C'ntire nation rather hotel rese vation ,,·as gone because it 1s only 20 ~nts. En1oyed some only the persons involved. Such of delay !in arrival. Aftern·ards g~. food \\'h1le th~re and ~(ter persons do revolting things no other accbmodations \\'ere obtain-dividing the peso up into American matt('r \\.hC're they are. ed. Chec~ed with bell boy as to mone;r felt that it \vas c.hC'aper Xochimiloo with its flowers, garage a d was informed that 8 than in the States. Same Y.'1~h the boats. serenaders photographers, boy ,,·a te ed all thC' cars all night hotl'l rates. . . and flo\ver girls in small canoes, long that \vere parked in fTont of . Of course, the \\'ater s1tua 11on 1 e tc., appealed to me more than did hotel and' that I should leave it is ~ad there .. It seems the rcscr· the Pyramids and Cuernavaca and thC're. Fdllowing morning every vo u-and sanitary system \vas built other places visited. thing \va~taken out of the car. This real y u•as the end of my Mexican ip. t rC'portcd to desk clerk 'vhol shrugged sl:1oulders and said "I'm lsorry." By this I.time I had absolutely no good wortI for the Mexicans. l blamed~ tm for all my trouble had in th State's, I could not Set" why a d nt y,•hite person would want to me there and live. Pau· pers, beg a rs. tourist guides, ven- dors, anlthe like, bothering the tourists 1 ke flies at a picnic. All this was o provoking and yet it should n have been. For three days later.I found out that the articles t en from my car were taken an placed in the office for safe--keepihg because one of the windows bo my car could not be shut tighC .. t reoorted the loss to the day dlerk and the nite clerk forgot to ! make mentron of it or leave note! in my box. I slowtY began to change my opinion, niY outlook on the peoples that I cariie to see, although I had by this trVie spoiled the trip or at least a grl>at part of it. lt finally occurred ~o me that the habits and cust.o~ of these people were hundreds f years old. That per- haps in erica the same habit or custom did not exist but t easily found so e that did exist that were as tiad or worse than those I was condemning in Mexico. It seemf that they have several grades o~ police officers. Some are poorlbt paid and apparently have not l much to do. Which I found out! ~'hile trying to get out of Mexicd, City on trip to FoT'tin. I asked one of the blue-coated officers h£' w to get on to the main highway. He promptly jumped on my runni g board and proceeded to direct tme. After going about a block h' told me In fair English • that h~ wpuld take me out of the traffic ar*f on to the highway if Stewart -Warner This Panel Available Chrome Now • 1n Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joints ~ ,., • ETS · HOKIN & GALVAN 8INCI: -El*' l • z 0 1000 Soast lllway Phone Beaoon M07 I would J>ay his taXi fare back which \\1du1d be 3 pesos or 60 cents. Mf !int impulse was not good but !I finally realized that a police es~rt out ot the traffic was worth.60,cents. Found out the officer hat a son li\;ng in Chicago who serv in the U. S. Anny. "-:>Aloola8oa-Wllmhlcton-S--~ So. I s y to you when you plan a trip, particularly to a foreign courttry I 1 and study the habits, EI.ECTRICIANS for FACI'OBY, PIANT, STOBE, OFFICE, FAJUI, BOllJ: • MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE Me t•elre.I Worll - I 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PRONE BARBOR !1!5 .......... - e Auto Paintfns $58 ... u, • • Deer SeaSOll Given Preview By Auto Clab Sportsmen Planning to get their bucks during the coming opening, are advised by the National Auto- mobile Oub of the following re- ports on hunting pouibilitiel. PLACER coUNTY·s outlook for deer hunting is ''ery good on the west side of the Sierra in Placer, Sie rra and Nevada Counties. but bucks seem scarce on the east side. LASSEN COUNTY has a nor- mal deer population. 'Ai\h some nice large bucks 1n the vicinity of Eagle Lake and the Bogard area. TUOLUMNE COUNTY h .. dee< pJentiful. Woods are dry" and noisy. Usual Places, such u Hulls MeadO\\'S, Dodge Ridge. Dardanel- les and Clarks Fork will be good hunting . SAN DIEGO COUNTY reports that deer look good in CUyamaca and Laguna Area. ORANGE COUNT'Cs deer sea- son will be fair, with bucks in average condition. NEV ADA COUNTY has a plen- tiful deer population. M ERCED· COUNTY bucks are commencing to come out and run with the does. MODOC COUNTY outlook for deer season is for thousands of hunters ttnd bucks will be hard to find. FRF.sNO COUNTY has a scar- city of legal bucks. Season looks poor . Thieves Get Baul From Local Garage • • Thieves on Sa lurday stole a quant.ily or vaJua bles from the garage or M . Wilmot or 603 N . Ba}' F"l"ont, NeW"POrt Beach. police were told. Stolen w ere an em pty steamer trunk, a Heddon pole and Penn reel. a Light fly pol e in a cloth case, and a six-inch knife. PUBLIC NOTICES CERTIFICATE O F BUSINESS l"lc titlou11 Finn Name Thi'! undenrh::nPd do her".:by certlfv tll11.t they ~e ('vnJue llng a ro.!!'l &l'la 1UT1use.ment e nteryrl!te bu1tneas at Zt14 O.·e.a.n •·ront. ;'\r wport Beach, Call-!(lrnla. under the fictitious firm r:uune of OCEAN FRONT CAFE. and that S&td rtrm I.I comPoSM of the follow-Inc penKJna, whose name• and ad-dres~11 a.re u fnllo wl!, to-wit : ARTHUR t ... I.AWRENCE 2114 Oceui F'ront Ne..-port Beach. C&llfomla LESTER CATE 2114 Ocean f'ront Newport Beach . Ca.llfomla WTLl .. 1A¥ L. DAVIS 2114 Oce.'.1.n Front Ne•·port BeM h . C'allfo rn!; W ltneu our ha1H~ll thl!!! 3rd day September. t948. ARTHUR L . LAWRENCE, WrLL.LUI L . DAVIS, I,F.STER CATE. STATE OF CA LIFORNIA. COUNTY OF ORANGE-1111. On thlto 3rd d"y of Srptember. A. D. 19-IG, hefoN! me, ROBERT B . POWELL. a Notary Public ln and for •It! Cnunty and State, per.ooally &I>"' peal"l't'I ARTll11R L LAWRENCE. LESTER CATE and . WlLLIA.11 L '. DAvtS, known to me to be the per- !IOM . whC>ae name11 are •ubscr1bed to the •llhln l ruitrume nt. and ac.knowl· edged 10 me that they eiecut~ the """''· In •lln•111 whereof. I ha\'e hereunto w.t mv hand &nd affixed my ofnctal ••I the day and ~ar In this ce r - tificate first above •r1tten. ROBERT 8 . POV."ELL, Notary Public In and for aid County and State. Ky com-mlulon expires 1950. Pub. Sept. 10, 17, 24 : Oct . I . 114fi. STATEIU:NT OF THE O\VNERSRIP KANAGEXEN'l'. CI RCULA TI 0 N'. ETC .. Rf:QUIRED BY THE ACTS OF CONGllESS OF AUGUST 24 . 1912. AN D 11.A.RCH 3, 1933 Of Ne11rport Balboa Newa.-'nme11 pub- lished twfce weekly at Newport Beiu:h. Califo rnia for Slept. 231"\t. 1940. State of C~lfomla County or On.np-es. S.fon me. a N ot&r}' Public In and for the State IUld county a fo reu.Jd, pent0nally appeared Sam D. Porter, who, ha11injl' been duly '""om according to law . depo!!l!'I and 118-YI! that he 111 the publisher of the Newport Balboa New11-Ttme11 IUld that the following la. to the t>Mt or hi11 kno wledge and bl!llef. a true statement of the owner - ahlp. manapment (11.nd if a daHy paper. the clrculallon). etc .. of the a foreuJd publlf'allon for the date 11hown In the above caption, required bJ the Act oC Ausu111t 24. 1912. u amendNt by the Act or March 3. 1933. embodied In Jtoeet.lon 637, Pocnal Lawa and Reirul•tlona. pr1nl~ on the re- 1'erM of thl11 Co rm. to wit: t. That the namea a nd addrrsae11 or the publ111h•r. f'dllor . managing edito r . and bualneN1 man11.gen are: Publl!!her Sam 0 . Porter. 1569 llln~ mar Dr.. Ba.lbn&.. Callfornl11.: Editor ~ G. F'n•!!ll, Apt. A-611 Minter St., Santa A na. C11.llfornta : Bu1lne!'ll Man&· ~Ml Sam 0 . Porter. 1~ Mlnunar D r .. Balboa. Ca.JiromLa. 2. Tbat tbe owner 111 : •If o•·ned b)· a ~orpor•llon . lt1 nlllne 11.nd addre!MI muat ~ 1tated 11.nd al90 Immediately thereunder the nlllnea and addreUM of 11Jtockhold•ni ow lnt:: or h"ldinl!.'. one per cent or m1•1'? of to tal llffi"unl o f !lt()('k. Jf not owned by a l"Orporatlon. lhf' names and addreue111 of the individual owners mU.l!t be ttl"n . If owned by a firm . .-...,mpany, or {llher uninr<>r · panted <'oncem . It!-TIP\nlf' ""d ••ldr<>M as ·well Ill" those ('If ear h 1ndlvld•1a\ member. must be gl•en. \ Sam D. P<-rter, 1569 MIMI.mar Dr.. BaJboe., California : Non. S. Wade, 2(X). Wetit· mlnlioter Av" .. ~Pwp<>r1 Bf'artl C111l1. for nla; Di11n11. Gall '1-•ri;::war1h :?1.)6 WPJ11tmln\11te r A,·e.. Nf' .. ·port Beach. ,; Cali Corn la. S. Thal the km>wn bondholder11. rn-Or· t~ffll a n<t other !O'"t'ur1ty holden o wning o r h.._,ld ln~ I per l"CDl o r more of t otal amount of br>nds. mort~. or oth.-r lllf!C'Urlt'e• art" 1rr lh--1'\' are none. --a .1tal•.} Noni!'. 4. That the t wn r"t":\f!Tllrh!!I neJ:t abovf'. lirlvln( the niune..l! uf the O•'nen!I, lrt()('ltho:kier11 ""d !'""'"'"'"' h o'd•T"!'I. If any, rontaln ""f \)n'y thf" lil!t nf i!t~vk­ holdenr. .. d Ae("Urlty holder"9 u I.My appe;ir uPQn the booll111 of th'f' l"<lm· pany but a l90. la e.-wlM're thf' ~ti..-11:­holdPr o r ~urity hohJer ap~n UPOO the ~11:11 vC the ('OftlpahJ U trusl• nr In an)' other nduclar)' relat~n. tM name of the pereon nr eorporatloft fC>r •bom :JU('h tnurttt l• acting. Is gittn : a1J10 !hAl the aid tW\) para.l(npba ('Oft· taJD statement& e.mbrar1nlC' ~ant'll tuJI lt.DO.,·l@Clire 11.nd bellf'f u; to the l"lretun· lrt&llit'U and condition..~ under which 11Jto.rkholdf'rt1 and M<·urtty holde~ who do M•t appear upon 1tle b\"1o •Ju1 .~r thfo ('Ompany a.s tnutff•. h <\-ld J!ltol"k &nd eet'\lr1tlf>111 In a cept('l l )" other Ulan that or a bona fide ,..,wn•r: and thl• a.mant hu no re:a.#lln to t...ll•ve t.bal IUll\. other penon. UM!<l&t iot1. (•r C'Orpl'ratlon bu any l111ereet dlrtt1 o•· lndif"it("t lft the .a.Id atock. bond•. or nther M<"UrillM tba.n u ., ataled by him. 5. Tt11&t tt.. a,..ra.rt rnnuber of C'Ol)lea ot H r h lMue of thta publtcat~D ~d °" d '.-tributl'd, through the maJls or otbe-""l.H' '" p&ld sub«'r1be,.. durhlg I.be t111fll1'e months precedlnC the date tlbow'n a.~ la 2100 (Thi. l.ntonnaUo• la reql&JNd from d ally pUblkailofta 0111J ) SAll D. PORTER. P\lbllaher. Swom to a.nd .wi.:.rt.bed Mfoni me lbU Z!rd day •If Sl-Dtt•ft'lbef" 1"44. NORA S. KARGW AB.TB ( ... ) ~r cornmllak>n. espl1'9 JQ. 29. • • i • -• -• • • • • ~ Walter J. Gerhardt Harbor 292-W OUR PHOTOGRAPHER U'7 ......,_ A...,--<Joroaa del Hor ROOert L. Shorey-RecordinC En.U- Davi8 & Gay Music Cio. 111'7 New&Nl't amt.--Oe.ta lleet B• ~ 1111 41' w.-i 8~11nllqtoa - G. N. Wells Real Estate PIM>MB•~5lll 1-NM-npo~rtpt Bl..i.-coota II-Oollf. 0 . C. HARR - --C. C. GITO Otto's Sporting Goods and Saddlery Barr's Jewelry Twin Locations 1821 llABBOB BLVD. Cmta Meea-Be.. 580W • Arthur Silver -Bob Padfield New Blue Room (Wu Electrlc Orlll) EATS, DRINKS AND ROMANCE PIL Barbor %2%4 Z08 Palm Burt R. Norton RADIO ELECTRICIAN Phone Beacon S783 1111 Cout Bl~way-Newport Beach. Oallf, 0 . R. (P op) Crawley-N. M. (Morrie) Crawley Distinctive Home Furnishings Crawley's Furniture 1812 Newport Blvd.-Ph. &e.oon 6868 Costa Mesa-"in the Heart of Town" Otto Boyd Boyd's Service Station "You Otto Buy from Boyd" 1500 W. Central-Newport--Ph. Rubor 985 AL ANDERSON Fun 7A>ne Balboa G. T. Everson Manager METZGER STORES • . . F1reltone . . . 1181 Newport Blvd.. eo.ta Meta, Beacon 5Ul·W "Home and Auto Supply Stores" BJ:-ELECT Jesse L. Elliott -IDc:umbent-- SHERIFF TlJESDAY. NOV. 61il Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 110 Broadway-Ph. Beacon 5111 Coli& Meu,. Callfornla A. E. Groty -J. A. Groty Groty Appliance Cio. Frlaldalre aad ~ Dealer---8-on 6W 1'191 Newport Blvd.-Coota M-<JalU. John E. Sadleir Real Estate -Insurance ornce Ph. Barbor !OS4 sen Main s-~ .... _ caw. F. B. Owen Newport Souvenir & Gift Shop GIFTS OF ALL KINDS Ph. Harbor !1'8-W !Ult 0.-.. Front-Newport Booe-, c.llr. HUBBARD HOWE Pres. Hubbard's South Cioast Ciompany nu w. Central-ft. Bartior uoo HEINZ KAISER, Owner Bay Shore Camp and Boat Landing ITU. a Cout Wpy--Pbone -6'N Lew H. Wallace · Reel Estate and Insurance Broker P"honM: or.nee. Ra:rbor S-Rff. Barbor 1581 Ito! W. Central Ave.-Newport Beacll. Ca.Ill. COYE. WATI'S Balboa Liquor Store 1M E. Oentnl A"-, Balboa. Pb. Barbor 14,._.I "no a-or Cordl.Uty" -G. e. Brader, McT· J. 1\1. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER Ph. Harbor 1 ~! 15th at OrnbV-Newport llMCll .. On Your Way to Balboa" Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "FLYING 8ED HORSE°' JOHNSTONE SERVICE llubor lt'T!-.1 • Cout Blvd. at 101 mp~ Newport Engineering Associate! FREDERIC J . SINGER. President Ma.nllf&cturen A: 8ale9 !lDctaern UIS Coast Hlway--Ptt., a-co._ 505I Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store . . Footwear for All the Family .• l'IN Newport B~ta 11- Plu•e BEacoa sa:.w Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nbotll_Ooa_ ft. -(,%4-~.--) .. -.. The Art of Personal Adornment of 1 _ Body, Face and Hair Goes Back Ages By }ACK LINDSLEY The foaadatlon of my lady's &ttradiv-.. not only the "ervrn of glory" nor the "llldn J'O" '°""' to touch" for there must be bMlc bealth M a foundation fl>r the work of the nvidrn hair stylW and OOlllllelidaa. •.• lJke an artist's can\'U . - . thel bMutldan """ work woa- den, bringing ont hlddea charm. BEAUTY TECHNICIAN -• ~ I- • .. ·~ .. ' ·- Mary Price -from Gemarot photo I . I . . . 'l'be pencUed portrait above ls that of Mary Price. hair 1tyllst and eo91peUclan, ownei: of Mary'• Bay and Surf Be&utJ' Shoppe, 703 Eut Central A\--e., Balboa .... Mary wu born i. Roslyn, Wash. Her parenta were ploneen of that state. Father wa. once the mayor of Ro8lyu and late~ ~ at.ate eenator •••• Mary ICbooled there and cnduated Crom high lllCbool with a !!daolanhJp to th\ Univonlty of Wullln&'ton at tbe ap of 16 .••. When 1'7 she married and when around 20 became deepiy .tnterested In beauty work. wltb Aocb etftclency that abe wu 9ellt from Seattle to Ketchikan., Aluka. Later we ftnd her ln San Fran- cbico wit.II lMdlnc lbop. there and ln Oakland .... Back to San Francbco, ~ he r own beauty Mop. Later she .old and took a needed vacaUoa. 'l'ben down to Southern Callforbla and ~e man-cement of •ho~ here. ... VlMtln& tn Balboa n ve ye&n aeo •he wu ao deeply tmpreMed that Biie I~ the place ebe now op. erate.. ... Her .ucoeu ls ln givin.c persona.I attmUon to her cUentcle. . . . .,ary keeps abreut of every daange tn Hollywood'• beauty mooch by attend.Ins lee ture... . • • She lau de.lgDed coUfuree for rotocravure .ectton. of major papen. gives plaUonn lecbu'M ud has done hair dielllcm tf>r the Amerle&11 llt.l.rdreleer and Western Beauty trade joum&ls. ••• Doe. esclml\'e m&chlneleu cold wave+, and ls an expert ln Untms and dyetnc ...... Mary bad a little lamb wbOtle fleece wu l''hite u mow"-8~ Imo•·• how to keep It tllat way.' . I Baroid L Hamm Radio S 0 S Electric IOe Mariae--Balboa blut~Ph. Barbor 180 Pbllco, 0 . E., Hoffman, Admlnl, Thor Ba41o and Appl••nae Sen1oe 8peclallsta 0. Z. Robertson General Contractor llll Oou& mp:way~rona del Mar, Caltf. Pb. Barbor 8S Curt H . Bohman The Bohman Ciompany Teleploow lleeaoa Mil and 64S! 901 Cout IDPwa;J-Newport lleecb, CallL ROBERT H . REED Harbor Ciold Storage .... Barbor "8 U1 SOiia SL-Newport lleecb. Calli. A. "Sandy'' Steiner REALTOR C. F. DENNISON. Associ ate SU Cout Blway-Pbone Beacon 151'71 "Cluck" Smith & Homer Smith, Proprietors Balboa Central Market (Wu Ba.lbo&Meat Market & Delleal...en) '70I E. Ceatn.1-Pb. Harbor !7!9 Thomas F. Norton Proo. BAY SHORE CAFE PlloDe-... 67~n"' a c-t Hhray SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P . M. Al and .Jim's MEATS .......... w \\l tlt Ootue'• -Ceatn>--Hart>or - .Johnny Abell Balboa Island Sporting Goods ''E\'erything for the Sportsman" m y, !lllartme An.--r -1-llelba& hie MAC PELLETIER Newport Phannacy !101~...-~-6 GLADYS llEVEll1.EY BMl--Beverley Realty Ciompany 11'1' L 0--tral-ft. lialtor' lt• ... ,. • I ' Louis yerwey, Prop. Casino Cafe I~ Cocktail Lounge m Main street--;4lalboa-Ph. Barbor 71&-11 Mb Callis l>btrlhutor OENERAL PETE! (FLYING BOR8EPOWEB) %%'1 !Otb SL-Newport-Ph.. Harbor 191 RoSs GREELEY ''PIK-UP'' Cannel P'pco"' -Ioe c,_,,, Malted Milka _J Bl>t Dop -Cold Qaan. Z04 Main -Balboa Dr. Robe~ ~ Crawford 0PtoMETRIST nn N~ 151..i---co.ta M-Oollf. ..---6811 Paul l Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet ( Pb. 11.wbo~ '31-Balboa Pa.WOn Braden L. Finch , Gen Mgt"- Fintjh Ceramics DAMIA fuPTIEN, M .. aae< Orkin's D~partment Store Ready-to-wear.I Beach Togs. Piece Goods Infants' W,ear-Household Ware Phone Beaooll 616$-ln tile Heart or Cotta 11- Dona1d J. Hannon BALBOA HORSE RACES Woa. Woa, Woa Mala Street Ralboa ·1 ANTO;N HERSHEY M~k:tsPot Ph. ll::i 1----NELSON ST RD • GERALD LIBERTr Ets-Hokfu& ·Galvan Newport Bead> JS.,, Franclsco • Wilmlnttm San pjego • Stoclctoo zµwralCIAN8 1 ~111'"1. ary's Bay & S Beauty Shoppe Pod!Cllre and Man!curinc ,.. I!. 0-b'al I ~. ... ........ 1 ....... 'lbru --Shoo. I . Dutch Heacock BOID BUILD- UI &. Bay-~ -NII -711 --- Theodore Robins FORD DEALER !111 w. 0-tnl Phoae Barbor !8 Stanley James Barden MASTER MARINER a.I -Brokeo-Yadlt -8ldp BJ 1'• Ill Cout m~-Pll. 8-on IK14 C. F. Dennison --wtlil A. "SANDY" STEINEB -BMl&Dr 8S4 Cout ID&'bwaj-Pla. Barbor !111 Jack S. Fred v . Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS 1808 Newport Bolllevard Phone Beacon 5808-W. eo.ta M- JOSEPH' L. MARSHALL "Fl'anoolt", Manacer Christian's Hut Balboa T . LEFEVRE "Frenchie's" Barbecue & Delicatessen 10'7 Main St.-Balboa Bot.el ArcalSe RICHARD L PATTEBSON Civil Enctneen Patterson & Boyle Sparpoa Blq.-PIL 5915 -S...ta Aaa !d Cout Blvd. North-n. 61!%-1- Capt. B. J . McN ally McN.UJ"a Balboa Boat Livery 705 E. Bay A..,.-PIL Barbor '81 E. C. "POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE Largest Number Dart Games on Coast Play Ball with Dolls B. B. Rifle Bance -Bal- Herbert F. Kenny POSTMASTER BALBOA Oalll. Geo. Weiss L . Elaine Wells Cioast Properties Cio. Realtors TOS .E. ()entnl-llalboa-Ph. Barbor !1111 W. B. Rowe Starck's Cafe Un ~Newport Ftjtz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market SGl Main St. Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods NEW SPOT ll.S5 Cout lll&'hway-Newport BMclil, Oallf. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails -8tatlo.,.ry, Carda, Art 8appllea IOI Main St.-Balboa-Ph. Barbor 111 Robert E. Arvin's .Jewelen and Watcbmaken 118 TweatJ'·8econ4 8t:niet: Newport Beach, O&llf. William MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkins -MacCurdy & Calkins, Inc. NAVAL ARCH1TEC'l'S M. E . N!edecker, Sec. .l Treas. lJIG ,Oout mway-·Newport Bdl.··Beaeoa 581.! Lee ---BEAN & BOLMAN ---Bob PAINTING CONTRACTORS IOO &Mel Drt~llarbor %844--0oroaa del. JIU' J. E. Ragsdale <Owner) Balboa Motel and Windl!or llll &. 0-tnl • a-n.-ft. ll&rbor~1211=--- 81'1 E. OOBtnl -OollL Bob Allen COUNCILMAN Prop. llAUIOA lllLAND v ABIETY Aroa H. W. FOSTER llarlior Shoe Repair and Leather Shop 111 E . 0-tn' Balboa CllAlll.EY ClOX. New OwWll' "Tm no 'heel'~ 'sole's' in 'thil ...,r ; - Modem Shoe Repairing ~--11.W.lfewpert.A- \ I I • -< ' ' ~ ust Received ---Now on Display New Globe Outboard Runabout J0-0 . .\ \' DELIVERY The Seaboard Equipment Co. ,Ph: Beacon 5SI I 1:55 coa~t mp.way Newport Beecb "ANNOUNCING" A Neft· Senice to the People of the Bay Area \'our P alntlni a.nd Decorating Done by l:xpert Paint.en.. \Ve have a veteran crew of painters and paperhangers w aiting to do your job. All "·ork is giv~n a written guarantee. Ca.JI us for a free estimate. BURTON PAINT STORE "Se nnct' Is Our Bus1ntss" BEACO:o\ 5S03-)t: 1584 ~"'E\VPORT BLVD. JMMEDIA TE DELIVERY! CHROME SETTEES and CHAIRS waw:caa ON THE •••. SIDELINES WITH JOHN D01'"1JOl'F It spirit. en thusiasm and whoo}> te-do can win ball games. Harbor High ls going to come up with a corking good football team this I year. But before you long-.sutfering fans take the above statement to I mean that the Sailors a rc going to win all their games this season, I let me hasten to dampen your , pent-up enthusiasm. This )'ear's team should })(' much improved I over 18.!lt st:'i:son's outfit. but, as I material gOC!, it isn't a "·orld \ I beater. In fact. out of the 38 youngsters that ans"·ercd the call of I-lead I Coach \Vendy Pickens. only one / full team or so can be counted on for top-notch dutirs, the re-1 mainder being more or less un- t.ried and inexperiencrd. R.€-place- ments for the .lirst string arc go-1 ing to be far a nd few bel\\'cen in ' 1-~UR Of<' THE DIJlECTOHS of the Sportfts.btn.a aMOCAatton ot Newport Harbor ..,.., here pictured at m ost positions. a reeen: dlrecton' meettnc ln the Newport Barbor Chamber of Vornmerce orflce plannlnl{ wa)"!I or Ket- tlnx more spor1flAherrnen to tls h trom Se\l-port Harbor. From left to rlcbt they am .J. B. McNally, But to get bac k to the m ain skipper of lhe s"·o rdfbhlng boat Bonita; 1. R. (B ert) MlUs or the Lorna Pat; C. IA. Blc kbart. skipper theme, the remarkable thing about or the Tropic. that flshK 0111 or Klnc"• l..aitdJJ:lc, and Pepito Pt-rez. a.kipper of the ll"'ordllihin~ boat practices so far this Fall. is the T~a"4."r. \\1th morti boat'.8 than e \•er open.Unc out of Ne"-port Harbor, It ls req;ag a larcer ,-olume wonderful spirit shO\\'Tl by the of ~portflshemlt'fl to k eep them operaUnc. 'l1tl9 requ11"'e9 that fJshing-from·Ne rt-Harbor be kept grid candidates a~ they try to Mforf' the eyes of Southt'rtl Caltromla ftsbermen and these boat operatoni.. u " a.s all tbe me-mben knock each oth('r dO\\'n trying for of the S portflshJn1t •MOC.latlo n, &re .pending oon.sfel e rable sums In ad'-ertislnic mone>· to !{et the flsber- starting positions. Pickl'ns' main me n comlng be.re. Ma n)· Ne"'port II.arbor btu.lnea flml§ be.long and M.1ppor1 the ad''ertlslng pro~m o r lhJ~ flshJng-rroup which beneflQ the entire clty ~ the n.bennen CT.IDle do"'ll a.n s1M!nd money to e n-job has be<>n to try and direct _joy the ftshlng from Ne'°l·port Harbor. this enthusiasm to their blocking =""--"-='-'='--"=-"=="------·-------------i---------1 315 NORTHJIAIN ST. We Have Now Purchased A NEW BUILDING • We Claim lo Have All of the Silver in California • Our New Phone: Beaoon 5118 • SILVER AND GOLD Ideal far- HOMES OFFICES Reception Rooms Rumpus Rooms and tackling '"hcrt: it y,.·ill do sonle lcdgt:' 10 thf' ea~er youn~Sll'rs. ~ ] death had not takt:'n the prt:'tty good and to get 1hem in a fight· Tf'a"" Fron1 Pl<"k l'n.!11 Harbor Lights young \\·i fe d\\'ay from the former ing mood ag ainst all opposition. . Pickens has lX'en doing his share , North Caroli na l'C'nator last Fri· or th<' 1radi1ional t'ry1nli!: nnrl no d All pepper a nd ginger has l>f'cn bl h . .... . I By FRED f'ROST ay. •Tea Services • Reflectors J'ramea are or po!l~h'd t ub11 l,tr r hrome "teel. cart'rully ll"'"l i;n"<~ with glean1ln g w ear-reai11tln11: finf ~h. \\ l\.!'lhabl,. Jpa lh,.r- Pll" rut co1 .. r u pl'loll!ltt>ry o n ioeatio an,t b&('kio that 1 .. n .. n .!l t lrkln~-w\JI n n t 1!•)11 c:Jnthins. Ve17 cumfortable and ea.iiy to l'lean. • H igh Ut~bility • Livable • E fficient • Comfortable Combines Beauty with High Utility. Stays Bright and New Indefinitely. the cry of the day on th<' Tar ?ne ames im.. 15 .nlate~ia Thi.' dea th or th(' pret1•·. dark- practice fi eld. and the main rea· is .mcas:er and t~is '''C'C'kS scrim·( Formal opc-ning of Cap'n Don·s j ha irPd Wash ir gton d ebutantc son fo r the ne"' espirit d t• corp magc has dtspla}ed somC' glaring 1 Cri sta\va'"" <1uh un the hluff ovC'"r-marked ano1ht•r C'pisode in the is Coach \\'e ndt:'ll Pickens him-\\'C'aknC'SS('S that . ca~'t be over-1 lon king .the bay recalled vividly ch;iin of 1rai::1c e\'ents that has self. In him the mcn S('(' th<' ne\V come before Fridays opene r incidents of a gayer time six years dogged the 1o"'ners of th(' Hope J\tlessiah. Pick knoy,.·s his foo1ball, against St. ~nlhony 10 L 0 n ~ :i.~o ,,·hen th<' old ?\-1al;'stro Don Dit1:mond lo \hC'Sf' mAny yf'ars. The and what is more important. B<.'ach. Blocki_ni:: has hf't:'n \\'e.ak DickC'rman skipJ)f'r<'rl th<' P iratf'S gC'm fhere ~·c ~n again) oncC' rl'- knO\l."S hO\\' 10 dispense his kno,,·-1 n~d ba ll carriers. ha.~·,. been .1n-10.:-n. S\\'a nky n i~ht spol in Georgl•-I portc>dly bt>I ~<'d to Catherin£' the> clined t~ fall d o,,n \\Ith the r1r~t to\vn. suhurb of \Vashin~ton . D. C. I Great of R ssia. S in('f' Ed\\·ard hand laid o n lhen1 Tomorrow S 1 Proud l\1an'landers "·ill hang me> R 1\lcLean. he scion of a proud BALTZ game m~y SC't". tht'.'Se departn1C'nts for that last ren1a rk for lhc>y .r C'-"llblishing fapilly in the East , ga\'e grc>atly tmpro'~· a!ld t~ey mu~t i:::a:d Grori.:('tO\Vn ao: somC'th1ng lhC' jC'\\·el to ~is "·ifl.', 1ragC'dy upon be lx>fore t_hf' 1£'a!11 is j?"01n,g to co un1c1ue and far apart fronl th1• I tr<ig:C'rly has l ~)('fa\lf'n the fan1ily. very fnr in th('ir tough \('n~uc n:i tional capitol S('at I. But Pnou~ of sadness I th e MORTUAR sc~ed uh.•.k r h. F "d h PJR;\TES DEN \Vas thr h;ibi· 1 \\·orld is fill '''ith tragedy and -~- Y \vee rom 1 15 ri 8'..· 1. 1' talc for mt•n1bcrs of th<' proud tht• less S<1i about it here the Tars rak£' on a nothc>r p1act1ce d' 1 . . d · 1 ·h· h hott••I So \\"" \•·1v" ~-h1.nd th•J . I . h f f R ". 'd 1p on1/\f1(' dn SOC'la St't \\ IC ,-, . ..-,., '-U\_" ... TophponBen in 1 c or,m 0 r 1'ersri c. makr intC'rnarionAI history in thC', mC'mory of /he ol d Pir.a tC'S Dcn.1 t.' <'ars. a mem >t•r o the ast . . . · ' ·h c · Do d h. C. \~ 1 1 D1str1c1 of C'olun1h1 a . IT ,,·ns a\s(1 '' er e a p n n a n is n1c>rry , itrus "ct 1 ea~hu01·1 akre always[ the spul \\'hC're Publis h<'r F.IC'anor piratt:'s, Stiiiger Stan · !ah. that tough a n \\'(' s a no,,· n1ore . ood 'l ' d . · 1 t, . ,. k \V . h Patt('r·son •C"ount ('SS Patterson, 1f i; n1an . i an rc1urn ag,un tol <l)QUt t lt lll ~l'Xt \('e · e mig t \'OU Jllf'ast~l and her circle of a QUil'ter Plaee -th1.• Casta\vays add that ,,.£>II knO\\" n lot · more> · . Ct t y ·11 · d · ct·rr t Lady Attendant -~- .._ , · r od acqu;11n t:1nces ch1t-ch1wtted o ,. e r u 1. ou 1n 11 1 eren , morl:' auvut the Sailors a lf'r t ay. · -..1 th t Id p · D S h I d d thC' tt'il cups abou1 the doings o f s .. ,,a te an t ie o 1rates t'n., • Antique Finishing • Trophies • Jewelry • Candela- bras PLATING • Bathroom Fixtures • Baby Shoes • Marine Plating • Badges & Souvenirs Contract Plating by Estimate -. Expert Silversmiths All Work Guaranteed • 410 Coast Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Telephone Harbor 42 DAY AND NIGHT t. Anthony as area Y ha a . k d ·t ,. 1 ~ th ·· ·t I . d the r ac,·-or r<1 C'1C'r SC't that n1a C'S an 1 s' or morC' an one \ISl . coupe of pract1Ct' gam('S an ·. . s hould tx-Pr<'tly much snioothed the capitol S('at buzz \\'1 th r<'ports. IBAZAAR , out. \\'hile it is ex!X'Ctf'd that the I true or false.. I -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; loc<il tC':im ,,·iii be rough. 1'his 1t \vas at the Pirates Df'n 1hat ! I BAYSIDE PLATING co~ PHONE 743 I ANNOUNCING WITH ·EXTREME PLEASURE THE ARRIVAL AND PRESENTATION ( OF THE BRAND NEW 1947 ON DISPLAY AT WHITE MOTO .RS 114 So. Main Sl Santa Ana Phone 7041 is to t:x.· expected .'l t this t:'arly date th£' Evalyn \Va lsh f\.1cLean-Sen. / with only two weeks or prncticc. [ ll-Ob Reynolds comance staned. UJlllEY ~ REFPi lG ERnTIDn \Ve ha\·e a sneaking suspicion Little Eval:"l'Tl was her mothers th;i.t The squad \\ill make a credit-' guest at a SY.'ank pa~ty in the Den ERVICE comPnnv able sho,,·ing today, a nd what is 1 a nd han~some Bo_h JUSt happened _ ee _ Service more important. y,.•iU pic k up a lot j to drop 1n for a ht tie amusement. I Sales &in rill&" of valuable experience for the Bob missed seeing !\~rs. Eval_yn 920 Coast 'Ivel., Cof'O:ll& del Mar coming season. \Valsh McLean. wearing the 111-Pho:!:! Barbor 2'784 Pick ...,;11 be out to '"in, of course fa.ted Hope Qian1ond. tossed into I Ntp~ Lacuna llSC but he also Y>'i\J be experimenting the ~rig by _th.c l~sty pira~cs that \vith his men and everybody on evening. This 1nc1dent. which Mrs. the squad y,.·iJl probably see some · 1'1cLean took as the natural course action. for all prominent guests on their Costa M@sa Community Church SEPTE'.\IBER !1th first visit, occurred just before Bob stepped into the cave. It was a hilarious e,·ening for the McLeans. It "'as an evening 'vhich little Evalyn n ever forgot, Mesa LIQUOR SHOP because it brought her closer to the senator fronl North Carolina. whom she later married in a cere- mony arranged on the beautiful NlcLean esta te in the District of Colun1bia. Little Evalyn \vas to ha\"<' inherited !he Hope diamond, I thl' fabulous S2·million blue y,.•hite 1194 Newport Bl\•d. Plenty of Whiskey No Um.It to aay of our merchandJse COSTA MESA. CALIF. Phone Beacon 5011 I g"C'nl \\"hich her n1other \\"Ote the ni ght ShC' visited the P irates Den. -+ She \\"OUld ha\'£' inhC"rited, too. if @Ea/boa rkef More Tban SO Yean of Sen.ice to the Harbor'• SOI ~lAL~ t,nest Cllentf'le BALBOA. CALIF. TOWN & COUNTRY HOUSE of Three , Arch Bay Loe.at.eel One Mlle South of South Lagu.na.-Entrance to 'l'bree Arch Bay ''All-You-Can-Eat Specials'' HA VE NO W BECOME A REGULAR PART OF OUR MENU -Tuesday - DELICIOUS CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS -Thursday - THE FINEST OF CHINESE FOOD Cooked to Perfection -Friday - A DEEP SEA FISH FRY These specialties are offered in conjunction with out varied menu of choice STEAKS, CHOPS, SEA FOODS. FROG LEGS, etc. Our cold crisp salad. bowls of As- sorted Relishes and Salads wUl enhance your every meal Domestic & Imported Wines -Beer \Ve Cannot Sen•e All the Food on the Coast, So We Serve Only --the Ftnest -- PRIVATE BANQUET ROOMS TELEPHONE 9458 Hours: 5 p.m. • 10. Sundays, 4 p.m. • 10. Cosed Wedne5days THE STA."iTONS. DOC AND 10 Formerly ~ the Clout Inn 7-PIECE ATER SET Re1u~t $1 .59 51•E,;/,,IL I. s1z• Large clear g .:is.s water jug complete w ith s.ix ribbed tumblers. METAL KITCHEN STOOL Stu•l •"~~~S"oo" . Mad« for IOl"'lg :s.ervice ... Whitt legs w ith red Of btue top, LARCE W 1CKER BASKET •395 ' Stron1 and durable . . . Closely .....ovt:n ... A clothes basket of quality ... Largr size. IRONINC BOARD PAD & COVER I •is• StaqQ.rd si:te ... 'R .~ :· QUiility ..• This pad w,r, h!Wi quality cover. I .• c. c. uChuck'' Wirth 1914 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa C.R. ' "Bob" Hand Phone Beaoon .5118, 4ays; Beacon 5858-R, Nit.es We'll admit, we try hard to be popular. We scour the market to find better waluea that we can bring to you -you a I w a,,ys save when you're served at TEWINKLE'S-follow the crowd here tbday and see for yourself. "PERFEK" TABLE LAWN RAKE Rqular $6. 1S SPECIAL •495 l•1•lar $I .J9 S PECIAL An adjustable and attractive table that can be used for study ... Bed 69¢ Round flexible wire teeth ... Lons wood handle ... Specialty adapted for rak ing leaves ... Light to han- dle. serving table ... Reading table .. . Metal frame with tilting table .. . In red or green. FOLD INC Clothes Rack Replar $J.50 SPECl tfL '2" Folds in a ~mall sp«e , . . Made of clear lumber. CLASS Orange Reamer leplar 19e SPECIAL t4e Handy size ... Clear glass . . . Reams oran1es in a jiffy! METAL DESK LAMP ....... $4.29 SPECIAL •3 .. Attr..ctive . Adjus- t.tile shade ... ~u­ tifuf anttqued finish. CHINA CRILL PLATES l ... lar 79c S,.ECl.41. CHINA SALT •nd PEPPER SHAKERS 2 ,_ •••• l ... far S1.9S Pelr S PEC IAL •tzt , ... \N'hite China pb1tes of l'X>d quality . . • Buy several at this speci.i pric.e. Tall. l rKeful sNpe ... Hand- ~y decorated in f loral motif . , HOU I WOOD RECTllC BROILEI '1995 T wo·heat e-ien-it , Port.tile and ea1y to handle ... Casi alumin-um broilet" . • • Ha'ld hammered dcsl1n.. N o $mCllte -N'I "'vu -No ~U'"S ••. S :iiple 10 OO- e1:.te. Ideal for &if-ts . SHOPPING CAIT ...... $4.95 SPECIAL '3" AJl.metal body Rubber tired whttls . ... . Light and euy to Nndle. POLISHING MITT ....... J9c S PECIAL 54t Sheep sic.in mitt For polishin1 furniture and autornobUe . . . W ill last f~ , k>rt.1 flme. • ' ~~~n~:~:~::::~:v:~:~~:earPlans Harbor Fem·1·n1·ne Ac ·v1·t1·es 1be Newport Harbor Buslnela for the year, "Growth through "I-A and Profealnnal Wamen'I Cub frl•ndablp, strength and ..ma.", J Opening Program of Friday Afternoon Oub Features Worlct-Traveller Ellis Spackman APll"'OXimately 100 memben and of c.rona clel Mar. belcl Its tint ~ar cliJ¥>er meet-and "A member !rom evuy bull-__ Ph __ •_IJll_1e11_l3 __ 1_nd_2011 ____ .,--___ • _____ ay __ W1D1trec1 _ _,, __ 8arlJre _______ • _____ -:--~+-zd_r_•_.c_e_Pb _____ 1_637_-_R_ ing of the 1946-47 year oo Thurs-ness". She also introduced the IWSts of the Coota Ms& Friday At the clooe ot the •fterno'*' Afternoon club pthered In Lecion t .. ,... oervec1 from a ~ hall for the opening. fall meetlna:, table centered with a eorceoua .,... Sept. 20. Mrs. H. B. McMurtry, rall,l'eml!llt ol dahll.u: Oenkrd b7 new president, presided. Mrs. tall !vcey candles. Mrs. LerQJ' Olar!H Hand led the Pledge of Andenoo and Mrs. John F. Web- Allegiance. ster presjded at the tea and oot- dey evening, September 19th at new double card r<eord of mem-Popular Spea'ker WCTU Officers Whlte'.1 Cafe, Balboa I.stand bers' addresses, occupedons, etc. Gertrude Collver, president, call-Ruth Gerruh, emblem chairman, Slated for Ebell l Re-elected at Meet ed upon officers and committee urged each member to buy and 0 · p chairmen to tell of their plans for wear a club pin. Elaine Weiss, pen1ng rogram club activities during the year. finance chairman. outlined. in ad-. . Dorothy Sutherland, vice-president! dition to the blanket club, several To Monroe Manning, humorist and program chairman, briefly interesting and profitable plans de .luxe who has charmed local outlined program plam; one in-far increasing club funds. Nor a audiences in ~e past, goes the tnesting feature is to have ho&--Wade and Betty Handy were ap- 1 honor of ha:ving been asked to tels.es selected for each meeting, pointed to assi.st Mrs. WeW with appear as first speaker of the to welcome new members and these projects. season at the. Ebell cl ub and t.hos;e cuests. Betty Barstad, member-Oarice Brown. public r elations w~ he~d him befo.~e are antie1- ahip chairman, gave t~·o mottos chairman, presented the trophy pa.ting his tal~. ~n It. Happened :------------,-,·won by the B.P.W. float i n the in the Theater , 1.n which he tells Tournament of Lights parade, and of various unscheduled and hilar· thanked all those who helped in ious happenings to famous actors. WMte House Cafe Corona del Mar Malt Shop lOd~-..-7 • Old fuhlaned malts We mean just UU.. the planning and construction of Mrs. Bruce McBride wUJ preside ..... the entry. at the opening session at 2 p. m. Borghild Stephens, international and after the program tea will be relations chairman, described her served by Mrs. F . A. Young and plam to continue the work started her committee. last year-sending clothing to the On Tue9day, Oct. 1, Mrs. Mc- needy of Norway. Mildred Stan· Bride will entertain her board ley, legiJlative chairman, platl.S, me mbers and committee chairmen befor e the November election, to at luncheon at Newport Harbor present and discus.5 a list of the Yacht club. e ndorsed propositions supported by ------- the National F ederation. Nathalie Lutheran Picnic Michaud, music c hairman, present-Notable Success ed. a club song, which she has composed and which will be sung at each meeting following the nag salute. Announceme nt "·as made of the County Council meeting to be held in Santa Ana on Thursday, Sep- tember 26th. Ne\\·port H arbor club plans to entertain the County Council in October. The first annual picnic of New- port Harbor Lutheran church, held Sunday at Irvine Par k under the sponsorship of the Women's Missionan• Society and featured a pot luck dinner with 65 present. L.B. YARDAGE A "Suggestion Box" \\·ill be pro- vided in "·hich thC' members may place any suggestions they may ha,·e for meetings and proceedures. Memlx'rs present at this mC'e t- ing were: Mela Bachman, \\'ini- There \\·ere games suitable for evc>ryone from children to adults. and with prizes a\\'arded the win- ners. Everyone had a wonder ful time, \'Oting it a most successful affair and thanking members of the committee \\·hich included 1'1rs. Theodore Haber. Mr. and l\1rs. Kenneth Quarry Sr., l\1rs. \\:ayn<' Krueger and Mr. and l\'Irs . Rich· ard Haber. e W0olen TIM'd-.re • JlaJ"Oft Y..,...... e Coltoa \·a.r•ac~ • Trlmmln,p e Xotlun.• e f'urlaln!l e Dnt.1- • Bf'ddll\I' e Thro.,, Rop • Baby l\c'tN and Olfh• a h\tant. and t:hlldreo'• "'_, Fllmpl~Uy a.114 Mt:Call Patt.erm 1 frc-d Barbre. Ada Barrington. Eliz- abeth Bars I ad. ,\g nes Blomquist. CatherinC' Bre,,·C'r . Clarice Brown, I Gertrude Collv('r, Cnrol Denton. -------------1 Margaret Ege, Marie Ehlen. Ruth ee Sl'vier. Virgi nia Shirley, Lois ! Gerrish. Alda Gorton. l\lariC' Ham-Simmons. Alice Sll'mons. Borghild Miss Joy Jane Robln50n, daugh~ t.e r or :tlr. and ~lrs. \1• D. Rob- inson, 824 \\"est 18th st reet. Co8ta ~lesa.. "·ho was recently Installed as Honored Queen of Costa :tleM Bethel. Job's Oauih· le"· nn.t, ~laM>nJc arnuate of the Harbor area . -photo by SeelC'y Mrs. Mel Trickey Elected President Of Delta Gamma Presented by Mrs. Robert Skiles fee urns. Mrs. Estelle Harper of Garden Grove was re-elected president of the Orange County Women 's Christian Temper&nee Union at lts 57th &nnua1 convention held recently at G&rden Grove. king ahead to a new year of se to the community, New-por~ Harbor branch of the Orange Cow;aty Assistance League· met at the home of the junior program chairman, Ellis L. Spock-Hostesses were Mesdamtl Ao. ma?, wo~ld ~aveler ~d former derson, \Vebster, Harry C. Bur- mil1tary intelligence officer, spoke dick and Sam Crawford.. on "America's Old Heritage and ---------·----- The entire board of the past year were again elected to serve during this coming year. They are Mrs. Lola Grimm, vice-presi- dent: Mrs. H azel :P.tayfield, cor- resPQ.nding secretary; Mrs. Lettie Smith, """'ding Stttttal'Y: Mrs. Edith Vose, treasurer, and Mrs. Ada Teter, a.ulstant treasurer. Reports on the year's work were made at the morning session and Rev. V. C. Hayman, pastor of the Garden Grove Baptist church, gave a ta1k at the luncheon hour. Rep- resenting the county union at the national convention bein.i held this week in Minneapolis are Mrs. Flora Beatty of Balboa, for the L. T. L .. and Mrs. Nellie McAdams of Costa Mesa, for the county. airman, Mrs. \Valton Hub- , with l\lrs. George Yard- ley, I new chairman, as ass.iatina: hosths. Ne\v Destiny." - "Our forefathers migrated to America froni Europe because of a love for peace, desire of relig· . &;n ring this year as board mem-tows freedom, hope of economic ~are 'Mrs. William White, vice-gain or love of adventure. bring-- chairman; Mrs. Rowland Hodgkin-ing to the new land the qualities • sonJ secretary; Mrs. Robert . Wa1-of energy, rugged individualism ker~ corresponding seaetary; Mrs. and love of justice," the lecturer Victor Grace, treasurer ; Mrs. stated. ',t/luuf!!! Stahley Otamben, parliamentar-European nations have sought ian ~ Mrs. George Holstein, project conquest through militarism for cha).rman; Mrs. Hq.bbard, liason 1500 years, but militarism ii not offil=er; Mrs. Willard Killion. ways part of our heritage, Mr. Spack- an~ means. man declared. Mrs. Dixon Smith was appointed Discussing the destiny of Amert. putilicity chairman, Mrs. Walter ca he said that this country act-Fr~z is scholarship chairman and ually dominates the world; is in- ~· Dick Whitson is dental clinic finitely more powerful than any chairman with Mrs. Margaret Nei-other nation. Any attempted a}> t .. meyer and M~ Everett Morris as peasement program with Rusia ~....__.,. assjstants. was strongly opposed by the ·"Cap'n" ·' Don's Island Bride Shower Honoree f\'lrs. Robert Haigh, the former BE.>t te Rogers and one of the Har- bor area's most recent brides, \\.'as honored guest at a kitchen shower hostessed Thursday even- ing by Mrs. Robert Hoffman at ~tans were made to hold a rum-speaker. If the po...,,•er of our na- mage sa1e the first of the coming tion is used rightly, ~e .can make yecpr and Christmas greens will a warless world. Through our be jsold as 1:11ua.l, \\:ith Mrs. Robert : heritage of ~om· a~d courage. Powell chairman in charge. The . glo~a1 peace \\'lll ultimate!y be fa ll dessert bridge, which has been 1 achieved .. Mr. Spackman said. suCh a JX>pular affair for a number Preceding the program l\lrs. of 1years, will be held at Newport Ra:rm~nd James, hospitalit?' chair· H bor Yacht club in November. man, introduced the fol!O\\'Jng new e<U~,i the home of her mother , Mrs. 1 Howard Roberts, 325 Poinsettia First Birthday avenue, Corona del Mar. F'or John Battle Jr. ?\fost of the guests \\.'ere 1ormer I school fri£"nds of the bride and 1·111e grandest party ever" voted they came, bringing an array of s mall g uests \vho helped young articles from can openers, a prons JoJ1n A. Battle Jr. celebrate his and kitchen utensils to a fully bir~ay. John is one year old, stocked spice cabinet. the son of Mr. and l\1rs. John A. Pink and \vhite zinias provided Bcittle sr., 1705 East Central ave- the decorative theme and refresh-ntfe, and grandson of the late ments included ice cream i.n a H•rrY H . Culver. \vedding bell mould. Games were ~V ith the help of mothers, for play<'<l, \\'ith prizes going to l\iiss s~e of t he guests \Vere even (!/Ml,. "'Most Unique IUld Artistic Eat- ln& Place on the West Cou&" m em bers: Mesdames Fred Mun- son, J. B. McNally. Fred L. Storey and J . J . T aylor. Among distinguished guests \vel-i' corned at the meeting \\'ere l\·trs. A. E. ShoemakC'r , \'ice-president 1 ;/",. Dellclowi Combination Dinners A New and Unusual of Orange County Federation of Women·s clubs: Mrs. J . Van \Vag-1 goner. program ch..-'lirman of the County Federation: ~1rs. Lloyd Seafood Specialties JI. Johnson. and l\'lrs. 1\-1. l\·tilligan. For Reservations president and vice~president, rl'-BE AC 0 N spccti\•ely. of Rialto \\'omen's club. 5 4 6 5 The art display arranged by J\ Mrs. Claude Anderson, art chair· Formerly 1'1ona'" Night m a n, featured pastel t cm p e r a Newport Be&cb Club, ilton. Elizabeth Handy, Joan Her· $.tC'phC'ns. l\'l ildred Stanley. Doro- 245 E. Filth rick, ?i-Iina Jlcrshcy, Marie Hiebsch thy Sutherland. Gretha Tubbs. Long Beach I Fern I lobs. Helen Kennedy. Edy-Katharine Va ughn . Nora \Vade. the Lippincott. Nathalie l\lichaud. Marguerite \\'ay and Elaine \V<.'iss. <------------~ E\o'C'lyn Ryder. MatieRolling. Gray· The nex:t meeting. to be held on October 3rd. \\·ill be guest night. City councilmen, and the president and secretary of the Newport Har- bor Chamber of Commerce are to 1 Jackie Hill and l\1rs. Ruthellen younger than John, the gay yellow O<>lta Gamma Al umnae A&socia -; Collins. add rC'd string maze \\'BS untangl- tion of Orange county met Tues-Gul'st.s \\'ere ~rs. Ed Rogers, e~ and pretty presC'nts discovered !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiji scenes executed by Fred Murphy !-'-------------' Deliciously Prepared • + + + NEWPORT CAFE -24 Boor Service- ' ' • 110 McFadden Place Newport Beach be special guests. Herberta Johnson Attends Redlands U. Mr. and 1\-lrs. Herbert L. J ohn· son. 1111 North Bay F ront, Bal· boa Island went to Redlands Sun· day to visit their daughter Her· bcrta, \Vho is enrolled at Redlands L--------------------------'IUnlvcrsity. l\1iss Johnson has been up there for a week attending a round of r ush parties, one of which See Our was at Forest Home, and with both studies and parties schedul- ed for this week. SPECIAL PORTRAIT BAZA.A R One Carbon Finish 5x7 Size St 00 lt~l~'S (Proofs Shown) ~ PORTRAITS OF BEAUTY AND GLAMOUR - • d t h h r h . I mother of the bride: l\trs. Adele all the C'nd There ..,,,as also 8 ay a t e ome o t e pres1-JT · h th f h b · d · · _ oa1g . mo er o t e r1 egroom · dra\ving contest in \\'hich each dent. i\lrs. Jan1es Ray, 32::> Coral the 'l\1:esdames CJaudl' Ne\\1.0n t k 1 d b" thd 1 . · oo par , an 1r ay presen s avenue, Balboa Island . ...,,·ith Mrs. Connie Barnett, Joseph Gallant. I to! be ad.mired. These included a C. \V. Dutton as co·hostess at the Jack Boyd, R:o~rt ~1oore and fof:>tball. rocking horse, blocks, dessert course \Vhich preceeded the RuthellCJl Collins· t~e 1\.1: 1 s s es books a nd cute things to \Vear. Nancy Holman, Jackie Hill , P at Red and yellow streamers made Fl?nnegan. Doro~hy ~eyers and a iciever maypole of the toy usl"d Alice Best. S£1 nd1ng g1fts but un-as, a centerpiece, and favors were able to atte nd. were Mrs. Heber w~istles in the same colors. The FO\\'ler and Miss Ruth Hershey. big birthday cake was served with meeting. ?.1rs. Ray tendered her resigna- tion and t-1rs. Me l Trickey of Santa Ana v.·as elected to SE>r\·e the remainder of the term. Various philanthropies were dis· cussed and one wi ll be adopted to aid during the year. the majority being in favor of some Orange county project. Mrs. Jean Teall of Buffalo, N . Y. reriring second national vice--pres- ident, who has been a guest for much of the summer at the home of her sister , Mrs. Walter Spicer and who returns home Oct. 15, \\'as present. ?.lembers were the Mesdames Trickey, Charlotte Lee. SpiC't'r. Ray. Dutton, Helen Nowot- ny. H. ~1. Wallingford, Charles Eaton. J . 1\1 . Kennedy, Hal \Vill Smith and Cameron Thom. The next meeting will be held at the home of l\1rs. Lee, 2310 North Park boulevard, S'.anta Ana, Oct. 17. Gllta al CommunJty Chnrcb. -Ba.uar Police Auxiliary Meets at Island Newport Beach Police Auxiliary met Tuesday evening with Mrs. Mabel Jones. Balboa Island, ten members being present and two guests, Mrs. Claudia Day and l\'lrs. Mattie Poole. Hearts ~as the game of the evening with Audrey Cottle re-- ceiving first prize, Lorraine Mont- gomer y second and Elizabeth W al-· tze consoled. A desser t course was afteT"\\'ards served by the hostess. 7'-1embers present "·ere the Mes- dames Bee Lace, Alda Gor ton. La Veta Lace, Montgomery, Wa1tze, Mary Cusumano, Mildred J ohnson, Cottle. Jones and Ruth Gerrish. The next meeting will be at the home of Mn. H e len Isbell. Island Circle ice cream. and afterwards pictures o!:f' the group were taken. esent wer e Mrs. E . L. Hobel, J et a nd Kathleen: Mrs. Gene R. M,onroe, Sue and Ann; Mrs. Ray· ~nd L. Patchen and. Raymond I:!1 : ?.'lrs. Eugene R. Elliott and B bara; Mrs. George B. Weiss Eddie,~ the young host and . . Battle. ssistance League unty Board • iscusses Program j0range County A s s is tan c e league board members set into a~tion plans for activities of the lEfague and its a uxiliaries for this ming year at the luncheon meet- i g held recently a t the home of rs. James Irvine. • • ;.. ... J:uopt 11......,1 Have YOU Registered? To Note Birthdays ~ ... ··. .. . . • .... , ! ••. "Rendezvous ot the Mariners" Mrs. L. A. Chenoweth , vice-pres- i e nt of t he County league board, p esided over the session which f atured discusions on the auxil- i ·es for the ensuing year and the c cer clinic for Orange county, of which the league is the legal sponsor. t t ,, ;; ..,. •.• ~ ~ .... .,,,,. . . White's Balboa Island Cafe I • A repertoire just burst- ing with the latest trends in short hairdos . • Rilling, Lustron, Helen Curtis, Cold wave$ -also machineless permanents. Virginia Bells MARISKA House of Beauty 304 Marine Ave. Balboa Island Pbone .. Barbor _l827 -.... ' .. ~. • •• ... AND <JOCKTAJL BAR Corne.r Marine A Park A ve. Balboa Island Cir cle of Christ Church by the Sea will meet Tues· day. Oct. 1 at the Balboa Island chapel, Agate avenue, at 12 :30 p. m. for a sack lunch. There will be a birthday celebr ation for those ~--------------------------'I members ..,,·hose anniversaries oc· curr in August, September and October . Now -OPEN the· Year Around .. .. ,• ; : . ' r:. • .. .. .. \\'E SPECIALIZE IN \\'EDDING PORTRAITS Studio -Home -Church Be Sure to Inquire About Copying Old Portraits! .• Expert Beauticians for Mi1ady • Permanents, Cold \\ave, Hair Styling, Hair TinUng -.. -Bleach- ing. Facials. NO WAITIN'U Carmen and Staff ~,,$ v -~ o,_ ..,.,.,_, AD ~. SYw.llrc' Apwfl:&wcac. r. rw ·-•1 ••-e-~ ••T \ Balboa lnn Beauty Salon Balba&laaA.- I • u Yoa Woald Prepue "It BAIJIOA ISLAND Costa Mesa Community Churc h SEPTEMBER Uth Callfom.la'• Newest and Most Modern Motel Miracle Mile Motel 706 OOAST WGHWAY 1-'t '• u.. s-• mp wtu. ..... S-lacl-s Bd.I • 40 Units and Baths' • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses PH. BEA.OON 5299-J Ezperi Radio Service Ph<lM Beacoa 5004-W Palmer Radio AND l!:LEOl'Bl<l ININ__....._ 008T..& wa• 1heDOLL llOU2E ' Excellent Cuisine • Cocktails