HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-23 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE SAND CRAB ~ SAM ~ Well, last Fri- day we hied to Ontarlo where some 100 newspaper folks were guests of the State Agricultural associa- tion, just why, I dunno, and Inspected a flock of wineries In Riverside, San Bernardino and Los Angeles counties. Largest was Garrett & Com- pany, inc., which several ye&J"S ago took over the fam- ous Guasti vineyards of some 15,000 acres of grapes. Learned more about why wine is "dry" and the differ- ence between that and sweet wine, than I ever knew before. "Dry" wines contain 12 % alcohol and sweet around 20%. The grapes are brought in in iron trucks and dumped into metal vats, drawn into separators, which tosses the stems out and then carries the grapes to the presses. In order to keep the "dry'' wines just that the fermentation is "arrested", while the sweet lipuors are fortified with grape brandy and sugar. + • 0 Grape Crop. California produces 3,000,000 tons of grapes annually for which the grower ge t s S200,· 000,000, while the value of the wine processed by the in- dustry is worth a half bil- lion. There are 425 winer- ies in the state which pro- duce 125,000,000 g a 11 o n s yearly and of these only · about 10 per cent are in Sou- thern California. We visited Ellena Bros. winery at Eti- wanda and had luncheon a t the Padre Vineyard at CUca - monga. And you envious chaps who like the amber fluid, can one say there are more different kinds of stuff to sample than a ll the horses racing on a track? The Padre people ship 40 cars a month. the entire out:Put being handled by one wholesale drug firm. Pomac or "Cheese". the mass or residue left after the presses finish with t h e grapes is used for fertilizer, while the stem5 are used as cover crop in the field . Now a new by-product is to be taken from the pomac in the form of an oil to be used in cooking. A plant is now be- ing constructed to extract the oil from the residue, it was stated by one of the of- f!dals. Uncle Sam gets $9 a gallon for the alcohol taken from the grape fermentation, while the maker gets $1.50. Internal revenue agents "sit In'' at r!very winery and watch the production so dear Uncle Samuel does not lose any of the tax. Asked one of the federal where the mODey went and all he knew was .that the U. S. Treasury took it! • + • Where Is He! Mystery lleeUIS to shroud the disap- pNl'llJlCe of a publicity man In the campaign of one of the candidates for a county office. The young man. em- ployed on a Long Beach pa- per, has )leen missing; for IOO'le weeKs, but none 6C his rrtends seem especially wor- ried about the matrer. al- though it leaves the county candidate "up in the air" over getting his publicity to the press. Some intimate that he was "beat up" for trying to pry into a night club's methods. but that is just a bit of gossip. + + + Community Ch"8t. Local Community Olest is under way "~th some 514.000 to be raised. This means about a dollar for every Inhabitant In Newport Beach, which is DOt much, if it would work t way, which it doesn't. greet the leaders in your district pleasantly folks. and liVe all you can for some mighty worthy causes. + + + TMcbflr Crisis. D on ' t kDo\\> just why the Associat- _. C. of C. should single out the teachers in objection to Prop. No. 3 on the Novem- ber ballot, but believe that ~ must be done to llald our teaf!iers to their jDIJS or there won't be r ml&h to man the schools. • • ........ os a es • 0 • Newport Balboa-N~ws Times V":O~L;:m;;;_::..,::-;m;;:;;;v;;:m;;;-------008TA ma. CALll'OaNIA, WEDNESDAY, OCl'OBE& II, + Jr. College Plan Disc~ssed at State Capitol B d N ed Long Beach Man I d• Sc I Sa.I • f• f I oar am . wTh!!ot~t!:a n 1ans . a p 1 ors 1n 1rs ea~ . e for Concert Matte< of operation of sight· Game, 6-0; .Tars Have Stat1s cal Edge Association ~~~~~!4~~;z~ Bishop Lauds Governor The newly-formed Newpo?'t Petitioner Robert Hoyt of Long F H D R k The N Harbor SaDon tried to out under full oail Friday eve g to conquer a band of fighting dians from Fullerton In their firs Sunset league fracas of the year ,ibut succeeded in only scuttling th+nselves a t every tum and were Knocked down to the tune of 6-0.f ~:i:.:~!;~::~:ei~ ~~~ r~:}:·::~r0;~~ :~r:.:;~ or is og ace T al or community life, it was an-cents one way. He said the usual nounced today by Mrs. George H. gross to municipalities is five per- Yardley jr., president. cent. Bishop J am es Chamberlain Baker. Resident Bishop of t h e Methodist Church for Northern and Southern California has com- mended Governor Earl Warren for his statement of opposition to Proposition 2. the dog-race gambl- ing proposal to be voted on in the November elections. These directors, she explained, Mayor o B Reed Councilmen will ~eet ~th the officers in Robertson ~nd. AJlen · agreed that ?lannJng de ta~ls of the. forth~m-j sinc-c there may be a traffic prob- ing membcrs~ip ~an:1pai~, .setting Jem involved with the operation up th~ organ1za~on s pol1c1es and of trams that the police depart- selecting the a.rt1sts to be brought ment should look into the feasi- to Newport this winter . bility of the plan first. Plans are being discussed for lhc enrollment of members in the non-profit association. organized her e recently for the purpose of assuring an annual series of at least three major concerts by the nation's leading professional music- ians. 1"1rs. Yardley pointed out that all the membership dues will be used for the purpose of engaging the artists and defraying the small campaign expenses. Artists \vill be engaged throug h the Com- munity Concert Service, a branch of the 1,1,.•old's largest concert agcnc.y, Columbia Concerts. Inc. of New York, and selections of artists will be made at the close of the forthcoming membership cam- pajgn. Y cht Club hosen for Demo. fete Senator Alben W . Barkley of Ke ntucky, one of the na1ion's most \\'idely-kno'vn statesmen. will make one of two scheduled ap- pearances in Southetn California when he appears at a din.ner hon- oring Ray Adkinson, candidate for congress fo r this district Thursday evening at 6 p.m. in the Newport Harbor Yacht club. "In making clear the fact that the fin ancing of veterans' rehabili- tation does not in any way depend upan the passage of the dog-race gambling proposition, Governor \Varren has corrected m isleading propaganda," states Bishop Baker in a letter to the Northern Cali- fornia-Wes ter~ Ne\"ada Council of Churehes. The Ne'A-port Community Con- cert association \\i ll be affiliated ''ilh similar organizations in some 500 other cities throughout the United States a nd Canada includ-Donald Deering, Adkinson's ing Laguna, Fullerton and Corona campaign manager, said that, as among those near Newport. seating capacity at the yacht club Some of these associations have is limited to 100. persons "'ish.ing enjoyed concerts by impor tant or-to attend the dinner should tele- chestras. leading Metropolitan phone l\.irs. Claudie \Vorswick in Opera singer!'! and outstanding in-Santa Ana. The Bishop's s tatemen t con - tinues, "It is very important for California voters to r ealize that ver erans' rehabilitation activities will continue to be:>. as they are now, financed by legitimate means. and that in voting against the dog-race gambling propas.i1ion they are not depriving the veterans of any benefits. The attempt or gambling interests to present this proposition in the guise of bene- fits to veterans is clear evidence that they know that California voters would not coun tenance this gambling measure on its own mer- its." Bishop Baker's letter concludes with this statement, "A NO vote on Proposition 2 is 11 YES vote for c.ivic decency!" strumen tal soloists for a quarter There "'ill be a tea and recep- of a century. Others have been tion open to the public at 4 p_m. formed in r ecent years. All find Mr. BarkJey "111 discuss national the "organized audience" plan un-issues following the dlnner, and der which Ne1,1,.'J)Ort association will also Will tell the gathering of the operate to be the only certain abilities and background of Adkin· Vote Registration Sets New Record means of presenting widely known son, who for 14 years served as SACRAMENTO. Oct. 21-With 'artists without financial risk lo-Orange county superintendent of a total registration of 4,383,963 cally. schools. eligible voters. a new record was I ncluded on the board ar.e Mrs. Following the dinner Sena tor established today by California, Sally Peyton, Mrs. Arthur Best. Barkley and Adkinson will go to it was announced by Frank M . Sidney Davidson. Everett Rae. Riverside for e Democratic rally. Jordan, Secretary of State. l\.1ayor 0 . B. Reed, Nelson Stat-The all·time high is composed ford and l..Rs Miller . • of 2,541,720 Democrats, 1,637,246 Mrs. J . A. Beek, Mrs. Sascha C. C. Powers Rites Republicans: s.m Prohibition-Jaco~n .. ~frs. Victor Grace and ists; 192,109 who declined to state Mrs. Virg1ma Castle. Set f Or Thursday their party affiliation. and 6,117 Also Braden Finch, P~al-J mlsceUaneous registrations. mer. Mn. 1-IO\\'ard Lagerc,, Fay Fun raJ . ( Cl d The new re""'stration was 242 - Bl J S n --e services or au e C. e.· • ower . ames . DO.Ire\ ·I p 68 ·-~ h d 632 greater than the all-time high Flor H ifet "'-owers, . reU11;U ranc er an ence e z. ~er of John E. Sadleir, Balboa set for the gener al election of 1944 1 ~te broker will be held at and ZT0,355 above that of the J une Pass Ordinance •, Thursdayat F orest Lawn 1946 primary election. park. The Rev. Perry Of the total eligible to vote next On Annexation ~ c>:. minister or the Corona mon:h. s7.98 ~r cent are Dem<r ./ Community church, Con-cratic regis!rat1ons and 37.35 per Irvine Parcels 11 ..ona1. Will officiate. cent Republican. ?n.·. Powers, a resident of 2426 In the 1944 r-egistration the per- ccdar avenue' '~ Beach, " .... ., centage was Democratic. 58.41 and The Newport Beach Oty Council ~~ ~ R bl " 37 39 th h · fatally inJU· red while on a huntt"ng epu 1can · . us s o'Wlng the by a vote of 2 to 1 on ~tonday ap-De t. t h 1 I 43 trip near St. Geo-. Utah, at II mocra ic par y now as ost . proved final reading of an onli-·a-t f h ta! d th o . o'clock. Sunday mo-••-. per cen o t e to an e l"\.C"" nance providing for 1he annexation •• ......._ bl' n• t h diff f The accident .......... -.... shortly pu teen, . ..,.. per cen , t e er-' o uninhabited territory lying east ......... u11~ be. d b · a fter Mr. Powers stopped for ence tng ma e Y a n tncrease of Newport Beach, betwet>n Coast f --'•t ts d 1· · lunch. He had pla~ hi"• gun o • "&"" ran ec in1ng to state high""B}' and Newport Bay. ..~ "' t ff"I" ti against a t.ree and s tarted to eat par y a t ta on. 11\e land 'A'as recently offered to · J rd ·d th I h 8 sandwich when 8 fellow hunter o an sa1 at s nee t e regfs-the city t>y the Irvine company in tr t" f th J · I also placed his gun ftlNlins t the a ion or e une primary e ec-exchange for some se"'er an d e~ t . R bl! · tr · h d tree and some unknown manner ion, epu can regts at1on a water rights. "f\.\·o tracts are in-· _ .. _ .... 106 911 6 99 volved. Mr. Powers gun fell. the impact tncre ...... ~:u • • or · per cent , M , o -~ d C .1 0 firing a shot through his right arm and the Democratic, 147,723, or a)or ~ an ounc1 man . and ch~t. 6.17 per cent. Z. Robertson voted in favor of the s· final passage of the ordinance. 1\<l r. Pov.·ers died instantly. 1nce the last re~stration, the Bulls Beat Raiders; Prepare for Seattle 1 His dC'ath \va.s on<-of s<-ven in ..Demoeratic party ga!ned one m orr Utah's 1"'·0-<1ay-old deer hunting count?"-Glen~leaV1ng only four season. Tu•o other CaUfomians counties-Alpine. Lake. Mono and were shot accidentally and an-I Orange-to the Republicans out other djed from 8 heart attack. of R total of 58 counties in the Air. Powers was n native nf state. El Toro Bulls, fresh from their Monmouth. Illinois. and 8 Span-. Los Ange_Ies ~ty claimed the defe a t of the USS Sperry <'IC'\'en ish-American -.ra.r veteran. He re-highest regutrat1on-1.861,145--or of San Diego, 21 to 0. a_t Santa ti.red as a rancher in Denton Mon-42'.45 per cent of !-he state's total Ana bowl, last Sunday, will leav-e tana. some years ago, and ~me to Of this 1,079.836 or 58.02 per cent, ~ursday for Seattle, where t~ey California to live. He settled in is Democratic, and 672,913 or "'"II tangl~ \\'1th the Sand Point Laguna. where he married his 36.16 per cent RepubliC'aJl. naval outl1~. . wife. ?\1rs. Grace Brown Pov:ers. Th-e smallest registration in the Sand P oint will play I return the postmistress. >A'ho also survf,·cs state went to Alpble county with matc:t' at the Santa Ana bo"A'l on him. a total of 164 and compcsed of AnnlStice Day. His \\;fe Clp('ned the first post~ 126 Republicans, 36 Democrats and office in Laguna and at one time two who declined to state the1r Donate $250 Directors of the Ne'A'J>Ofl Har- bor Cllamber of Commerce con- tributed S250 to the Ne\\'Jl()rt Har- bor Post American Legion Armis- tice De.)· fund. her husband owned the South La-pttference. guna postoffice building. The ------- The coople Uved in t.aeuna. where Mariners warned they maintained their re.ideooe. On Coastal v:..:--La.t er they mewed to a house which .a: u UIA they had bought at 515 Redlands avenue, Newport Heights. Cun firing will be' CW'Wlucted In Heann· g Wedn......1-~ At the time ot his doftth. the the vicinity ot San Clemente Isl-~ couple Wl'f'O r-.cldents of Long and betwoen 9,00 L ID. and 5,00 State Senator John F . Shelley Beach. having mowd there two p. m., ~ througb Thursday, will hold a Harbor hearing at N...,-months ago. Oct. 22 to Oct. U, SI.YI the Notice port Harbor Yacht club on Su.rviving the deceued beside to lrlarinn's. Wednesday. This hearln& Is open Mrs. Powen and their "°"· John This notice, -'ed on the bun.- to the public. Senator Shelley lo E. Sadleir, att two~--tin _,.., ot tbe Now..-1 Harbor chairman of a state senate Interim Kathleen and John Keith. dlllil· Muter cloc:ll. la pabllahed by Ibo ccmmlttee lnY<Stie•tinC Harbor rm ot Mr. and Mn. John E. lllod· U. S. Ooeot Guard, 11th Naval matten on tbe California .,._L lello of Corona do! Mar. dlllbl<':. Only Two Out Of 25 Citizens Ask About Water Mayor 0 . B. Reed saw an op- por tunity l\fonday to ask some tax- payers what they thought about the domestic "·ater situation in Newport Beach. \Vilh the council chambers over- flo,ving 'vith people-an unusual sight around city hall on munici- pal meeting days-t he mayor 8\\'&ited until after City Clerk Frank Rinehart had read the water study report recently sub- mitted by Water Supt. J ohn Mc- Millan and City Engineer J . B . \Vebb. "ts there anyone present who would like to ask a question about our water situation?" The mayor began. For a long second there was complete silence. a nd then a "·oman in the rea r got up enough nerve to ask: "Is the Bell Tele- phone company paying for the wate# it is using for construction work in Balboa?" The mayor looked aplumb at Ot)' Engineer J . B. Wbb, who took the hint and said , "Yes, they are Pl)'jng a flat rate." Theri His Hor or said, "Any more questions?'' A physician said, "Wha t capacity can Newport Beach expect from Laguna in case or an emergency?" \Vebb took the words right out of the mayor's mouth. "None at present," declared. Webb and then he added offhandedly, "Laguna has a 30-inch line there." \Vhe n the mayor got no more questions:, he asked his councilmen what action they wished to take on the McMillan-Webb r epart. Councilman Robertson seconded Bob Alle n's motion that the re- port be turned over to the finance and water committees for further investigation. And the mayor add- ed his approval. Council Concurs The Har~r lads, seemingly be- wildered at he start of the ~ame at fi nding t ems:elves playing un- der the lig ts at t he Fullerton stadium, g ed plenty of yard- age throug t the evening, but were unabl to penetrate the In- dians' final arkcr line. Fumbles and more f mbles was the order of the day r the Tars, who saw four golden scoring oppor tunities fall away h mishandling of the golden-hued ~ptg!kin. On the ot er hand. the Indians took full advantage of their chances to~core and, featuring a beautiful n of 90 yards by Ful- lerton's Os rne on an inter cept- ed pass, k oeked over the Tar goal line fr m one-yard out with only t"'o seCfJnds remainjng in the first half. fhe scoring play was a quartcrba k sneak pushed over by Nielsen , ler ton fullback, who "''as helped ver the line by three Indian back "'ho were giving all the impetus he>y could t o the ball carrier. Th fact remained, how- ever, Fuller n m ade a touchdown. The conve ion attempt was no good and th Indians left the fi eld ~j !h~-Oh:~f~-e on the long end • • • That w~all the scoring but that 'A'asn't the whole ball game- by any m e . In the seCfnd half the Tars com- pletely out~ayed the Fullerton squad. but mbles and penalties marred the· chances for the tying counter. AShen and Mello ripped through th~ vaunted Indian for- ward wall tµne a nd time again to r ack up look gains for the Tars, but always within sight of the promised la d the Sailor offensive came apart t the seams and they lost the ball The Sailo completely outclass- ed. the Indi s in all statistics ex- cept the all mportant scoring one a nd racked up 11 first downs to the Tribe's two. gaining a net total from s immage of 211 yards to Fullerto s 32. The mos important factor of the game, disclosed in the sta- (Contin on Paz• FlveJ On Harbor Study Balboa s Hunt D~r; Others hare Thell'S :The Ne"'1>0rt Beach City Council on Monday voted acceptance o( a resolution sponsoring the idea of a joint county and city commission operation of Newpor t Harbor. Tu•o members from the c I t y council and two members from the harbor commission are now work- ing out a plan of cooperation. y, Cliff P etty and Doc all of Balboa are on a hunting ip to South Dakota. Qyde R. J ohnson, Balboa res- tauranteur, eturned Monday from a success! hunting trip to Kern county. He bagged one buck and friends sh ed. It at dinner. Neighborhood Mou ns Passing of Ping Gay A friend of everyone in the 1 himself a eking duck although neighborhood, adulU a nd children he had gr wn so large he was . . . sometimes "staken for a goose. alike, ?;ng Gay had been for eight He lived i the yard ·or the Gay years a pet of the George Gay home and d his own pool. household, Ruby avenue, Balboa Last win er he had r hwnatism Island. Sunday he died, and people in one leg, t that was not as bad began calling up to find if the as the time he had a sore throat, rumor wu true. for a duck a lot of throat. "He Ping wu named for the Cllinese just couldn' stand another winteT'" duck in the story book, and wu said Mn. y. llOOEa II. WADIO!f ef HI -c-a&. at .... , .......... ., .... trim .... ts-feeC. '* lb'_. 1'11111111 ... 'snr'zt ,,_ OiMI: ...,_.,, 1111$ ... I 5, 0 I l11 U. • - • , - Tango. Outlawed ·Beek !alks , In Municipality Rules City Body With Warren The council chamben ot the dty w hall were overflowinc with ~"lie on Monday who came to pot.st :~i~\.:all~=~·= On eekend in a Newport Beach establishment. However, the only three mem- bers ol the council who were p-es- ent denied the request before any one spakesman for the varioul groups represented had a chance to issue a verbal protest. The councilmen voting denial were ?-tayor 0 . B. Reed, 0 . Z. Robertson and Bob ADeIL Absent from the meeting were Council- men L. L. Isbell and Mason Silen. Isbell was said to be hunting deer in Idaho and Silers was said to be on an eastern trip. Policemen Discuss Problems County an~ State Offi- cials S~ek Fund Source for Base I ' SACRAMENjO, Oct. 22 (SJ><'<· 1al to the News·[I'.mes)-Represen- tattves of both j the S tate Depart- ment of Finanq:-and· or the State Department of fEducation were in conference hereltoday \vith Orange County school officiaJs on the sub- ject. o( disposal) of the Santa Ana Army Airbase ,_s a site for a ne'>v junior college there. The conferenfC was called l\.1on- day after the '!isit with Governor Warren here ~aturday of I-ton. Joseph A. ~~ of Balboa Island, a m ember of t!ie Newport Harbor Union High School's board of trus- tees. Mr. Beek sought the go,·C'r- nor's aid in the fnatter of a requC'st for funds to be placed at the dis- posal of school authorities in the appropriating of the former army base site for fi college building Police Chief R. R Hodgkinson, where war ve terans may study. of Newport Beach, this week at-Beek was well a \\•are before his tended the annual convention of confer ence wit.ti Gov. Warren that the California P eace Officenr' As-the state conJititution prohibits sociation in S an Diego, at which state appropri8itions of mon~y as vital problems In the work of Jaw gifts except bY legal proces s en~o~~n~e~~h;:r~~cers at-=h an actt of the state legis- tending the convention was Sher-However, sin there is not time iff J C'sse L. Elliott of Orange fum. (or the school officials to await ty. the aojouming ;of the state Jegis- Primary interest centered ln lature In January, due to the im- pending laws before the state leg-portance of procru:-tng t.he site now, islature to raise the minimum the-Balboa Isla,der discussed with standards and quaJiflcations for the governor the prospect o( find. all new peace officers; to provide Ing mome way Whereby the sta te a uniform irtate wide program /or can aid the junior college plan. schooling and training of ptmt:nt ,_., a result of the disctWion peace officers; to deal with the with the governor over the w('('k- habitual traffic law violator and end, the m..,ting scheduled for to- to impr ove state wide police earn-day with the state's board of edu- munications. Other Jaws under cation and finance department "'as consideration would simplJfy po-arranged. Mr. Beek did no t stay lice criminal investigations and aid over for this meeting as he be- in the apprehension of crimlnals. Ueved the school authorities were ~ncipal speaker at the eon-IDDft able to present the more vention was Governor Earl War-fami1ar details on tlae junior col- ren, who declared the legislative Jege proposition. program would do much to ad-· . Reached at hia otnce on Ba1boa vance the quality '1. police protec-bland, Mr. Beek confirmed the lion to the general public. report b'Oln Sacramento, and add- The program advocated was ad-ed that there wasn't even time to \'&need by the CELlifom:ia Law En-vote a bond issue which might force_m ent Advisory Committee, avail the amount of money neces- appoJnted by the Governor. • sary tar conversion of the present St. George's Ct. Changes Hands Hubbard Richter of the Hv- bor Investment company 3Cm W . army 1tte for the college buildings. "The Santa Ana army base is the ideal aite for the Junior col- lege," said Mr. Beek. "It is ap- praiaed by the federal government at about $16-mlllion. It has 900 •crN of land and 400 buildings." 30th street, Newport -. m-Grange Favors nounced today ~ lnnafer ol tbe St. George apartment povpety al Proposl1•t1"on No. 3 201 East Central Avenue, Ba1boa,. from Mr. and Mn. Earl Uetwtt. I former owners, to Mr. and Mn. SAN DIEGO~ Oct. 22-The Call- Lyex A. Hamilton, newcomen to fomia State G ange. representing Balboa lsl&nd. 32,000 Callfomia (~en: and their The consideration at the-Ale families, unani~odsly e nd o rs e d of the property was not nw:11tkned Proposition 3 a~ its convention in by the realton at the 1aicwst al San Diego. Ali the same time, it the parties amcnmd ln the tnm-vot.ed its opposition to Proposition action. 13. The new-ow11ers of the Balboa George Sehlmeyer , State Muter court were substantial prupet ty at the Grange,' complimented t he owners in Oatlan<I before tf'M!7 educational cmnmittee of th e moved to Balboa Island, follmring Grange for itsl work. in bringing a trip through the southern United the resolution to the convention States and to~ QIN. !bey flopr. Dr. Tip,on Wood of San selected the Newpcrt Harbor cee Diego ts chairinan of the C.Om- as the logical spot (or a penna-mittee_ nent residrnce. Sehlmeyer announced that nu- A• soon a ....,.. material la meroua Grang~ uni ts had prev- available (or bW.ldi.nr pw 1• ! s. ttw ioully pa.aed inl:iividual resolutions Hanu'?lons plan to ~ -f•-lnc Pr<>po0Juon 3. present holdingw by adding new The conventlbn resOlution caU- apa:rtment bailcDnp on the lot ins attention td the severe t~chtt adjacent to_ the-prta:at eoart and llhortace in eaiitorrua; painted out which was included in tbr &amt that because dr low salaries the sale-_ · tu:moYer in lhF_ teaching pro(es- The Hlll!"1tons are residing at sion is greater.~ that found in 327 Sapphire-avenue, Balboa bl-any other prof01Sion. and. J?roi-ltioo ~ would set a min- The Bennota. -· a vamt1ao lmum llllary of $2400 a year for >A'ith their aon. laloud. who i.. public K:booJ teoachera throughout just returned from four,_,..._._ t.br •tate, ina-euin& atate support ice in ~ Padtlc ,.... 0 at&. al JocaJ ICbool I dl9trictl to ruak~ plan to make ~ -ill - -p.,. ralle PJ!-ll>le. Propooltlon Newport Harbor _... -llle7 L1 --1t&t.e auppart of return. tbe iiCbuoll at1 pacacnt levels, Balboa lmpnna•w at Meeti11c h c.aiw -Inc lbe lofld ot 8l)Y lncn!UO la -Alariel upon local tax- _.. I tbroutlbOUt tbe lltato. -. A poend met!Lc "' Ille Jiii.. Old lank Boards' Bunt hoe Im&ac s 1 r -Mtfw • dilcuD piano far Ille -s Ill a -old -covftecl with -In --• .. I -lsld1etl ... lbe Irvine pr-ty -<I World W• B -bo -ol -~ N<Wporl held at tt.e Rawle WWW I , --81 7' s.tsrdq, ad weft des- Bi-, ~.... lllldlf. • • tz4iil. ~ -DO -. • Ibo ddot:k. 'op• _.. Junk .,._ • . :::,--,~ . • On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at--- CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. 1818 Newport Blvd. CURB SERVICE Costa Mesa • Announcing Opening Refrigeration Service Household Refrigerators Repaired Island Prompt ~ Calla Anywhere In tbe Barbor Area 329 Marine Ave. T. E. Rischard Balboa hla.nd Phone Harbor 867·W FOR DELIVERY NOW! Make Your Figures Show A Profit in Time SaYi1g! A X Yr •'."t•: \A:-.; 1H'T·~flAT ~: TllE MA- C JllS E t;,lo'FIL'JJ,::\'Tl.Y: !'.'o training n t'Ct'JO .. ary ~'<pt't'd rom <'" •1ui1•k l7 . Slrn- pllrie1 I k"yh<ul ,.t'I for r>U<t operation. • TOTALING CAPACITY 8 COLUMNS e D I RECT SUBTRACTION e QUICK SUB -TOTALS e RAPID MUL TIPLl- CATION e A U T O MATIC TOT ALS •COMPACT -T RULY PORTABLE An actual demonstration or your own figure-work will prove its speed and simplicity. Come in today! MISTER LIFI' P ULLS A BOAT out of the bay a.nd places It safely on the ele \·ator carrlace ln the St>a.craft, In<'., boat. ya.rd, Coast higb"·ay, Nt>\\'port Beach, so that lt may bt> mov.-d to the repair stall for inspection and r epair. Th111 Is just on e of the many types of "'or k dune by the yard. -Photo by Kent Hitchcock. S. P. Orders 20 Diesel -Powered Electric Freights 'l'\\'Cnty po'verful di €'st.'l-ell'ctric freight locomoti\'es have been or- dl'red by th(' Southern Pacific company, A. T. ~1C'rcier . president. announced yeste rday. The ne'" freight di esels a re for main line operation and are in addjtion to the recent purchase of five PD"'erful ne"' passeng('r die- sels. Together ,,·ith the company's other d iesel-electric engines, they will comprise one of the largest flC('ts or railroad dies<>l-electrics in the United States. ''This important purchase of new main line freight disels is significant as a reco~nition of t he l development of the Pacific Coast Callfomla'11 Newest and l\olo11t Modern Motel Miracle Mile Motel 706 COAST filGRWAY Loek foir U.. N•• .... wlU. u.. htqbc a.u • 40 Units and Baths • Unit Heat • Box Springs • Innerspring Mattresses PB. BEACON 5299-J MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE MISS SPORTFISmNG. After one quick took the boatmen of Newport Harbor 1eteat.ed Mi. Ro9emary LoulA, of Balboa. u their Ml• Sporttillhing of 19-16. Incidentally, the flab. tibe ls hold- ing IA an albacore, of which • good number have been landed on boatt fishin& out ot Newport Harbor thlA aeuon. F1nt a.. Meeh••'cal Work MOTORS REBUll.T • Tane-Upe • SpedaltJ' • Have this 4-Point Check e •OTO& . ClmCK-IJP ·~ • 'I.A.I..,.. ... 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PHONE HARBOR 2125 • Fenders Fhed • Wheels Straightened • Body Repairing • Auto Painting $50 udUp during recent years." said l\tr. Mercier. The new Diesels will be of 6,000 horsepo"•er , or equal to that of the Southern Pacific·s most power- ful stea m locomotives. including the huge articulated-consolidation steam engines ,,;th cab in front, an exclusive Southern Pacific de- sign. Chief: "Where have you been so fang ?" Ml"SS Cook : "Filling salt shak- ers." Chief: "Tha t took all morning?" Mess Cook: "Well, it ain't e asy ~====================================~J -getting' all that salt through _ them little holes." OAUON e IONITIOlf uaTICJa • FOR A SMOOTH RUNNING BUSINESS • As a "supplement to your own business capital, bank credit can serve many useful purposes. Among other things, it can help with heavy payrolls, sea- sonal needs, and discounting bills. You are invited to come in and talk over YOUR financial needs. . . • ' • Scores . of Disabl Vets . Aid Howse Campaign .District Attorney Hawser's can-in n , and h a ve lots of time didacy for the post of state at-on our ands, and are 100 per cent torney general has newly received Fred wser men, as we want you the endorsement of the Northern for attorney general You Calif.omia Retail Druggists asso--talk kind of la.nguage--square, elation. also members of the United honest and stand up for your con- . Brother-hood T olerance movement, viction . .. ' ISLAND PAT I 0 and the well-known Democratic at-''We don't play politics or en- tomey of Los Angeles, A. P. dorse liticians, but when we have (Tony) Entenza, as reported to-8 chan to help ourselves by hel~ day by Bernard Brennan, ~th-ing yo be elected, we are not dc:r ern California director of the How-ing y a favor but are insuring ser campaign. oursel es of the form of govern-U Yoo Would Prepare It Two hundred disabled veterans, ment e fought-for. BAI.B()A. l8L&ND mostly in \\'heel chairs, have ral-"Th k God ther e are still some ~=~~~~~~~~~====~~~~~~~~~~ lied lo the Howser campaign, me n i these United S tates who writes Raymond A. Neff, president think nough of their country to of the Veterans Assistance league, be un erpaid , misused public serv- and want J:o help mail out litera-ants. ausc they are big enough ture. to co tinue the fight we, the "'ar - Their expressive le tter received vete.r s, left like a ditch which CONTRACTORS' personally by District Attorney "'as g but never filled." Howser stated in part: "We "'ant to tell you that we are over 200 'Silver Cord' Drama Will Be Presented By Laguna Players hone Beaooa 111124 N wport & Costa Mesa RENTAL EQUIPMENT CAB CO. 24-HoUI' Service The Community Players of La- guna Beach are presenting as their ,_,.-+---------- next production of the season "The --+---- Silver Cord," opening \Vednesday, October 23 and playing nightly through October 26. The well known playi.vright Sid- ney Howard is the author of t his study of a mother's overbearing Jove for her sons. and the effect of that love on their lives affords an excellent opportunity for dra- matic characterization. The cast, headed by Dorothy Cooper Plummer as the mother, is comprised of experienced me m- bers of the Community Players, many of them having a lready ap- peared on the Playhouse stage this season . • • ..,. -•, Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Everything for the Building C«!ntractor Dutch Heacock Tickets for these performances may be obtained a t the Rubaiyat Book Shop in Laguna Beach, or by calling the Playhouse box office, Laguna Beach 191. Curtain is at Dil"i'XEU DA.11.Y ~ePP' TueMar OpeQ 4 &o 10 p . m. ~ 11 -· '° 1• p. Ill. • Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa Ana Ave. -Closta M- 8:30 p.m. - ' • - 'KEEP -·ou.T THE DOG RACltlG. - RACKET!. ' DOI' BE . FOOLED! ' ' • • YES ·on I, lut-VOTE 10 ••21 Propes ·on No. 2 Will benefit only the ~biers who are hiding IMhind the vetero In trying to bring dog roces ln~alifamia. 1 Your vale will keep out a vicious gambling rack;. that has increased crime nd juvenile delinquency where-it gal ·a foothold. Once in try and get rid of it!· · ' ,. If you gal a family fo think about, think twice and voi.. to kMp thlt rocket ~ of our Stat9. , OTI NO ON NO. 2"-CALlfOUtfA PAUi 1U1UU SO•AJION . 011 NO ON NO.,, .. ~dtifOINIA SO•AJION Of WoH•• QIJU ron NO ON N0:.2·~--CAUfOINIA STAR CHA•• 'Of CoM9!_'CI ' ' ''NO .ON . ,.. • ' MARLll SEASOI .. ASHAWAY-ZANE GREY 24 & 39 Thread LINEN LINE mv &DIA Tycoon Rods Zane Grey Teasers Swordfish Leaders Swordfis h Harnesses MACKEREL EQUIPMENT Nets Lights Scoops -Strikers Newport Tackle Store 105 McFadden l'laee Telephone Harbor 97 "If WE HAVEN'T G<Yl' IT-WE'LL GEr IT' Regimentation Of Arts Traced To Fr. Revolt • • • • •• • Postpones · n m CIO UntilNov.14 ANGEi.ES, OQL 22.-Fed- udge ~U--IK.o"Hall hu .. t 14 u the elate for bis .... ,..."" In the ~ of the United Govonunent apimt the t;Jlhetm>1.,'• Union, Local No . allegm ~ to v!G- anti-trult laws. n the cue came up Sat- utdaJI, «>Unlel for the union moved for ~ but William C DiX- ton. lt.ttomey in the Department <>I J '*tice'1 antl-tl'Ult diviaioo, op- Boa W k Bu.Id ~ u:t .~..::cu: Mesa t or s I ~o~~'. Var·1ous Types of Craft ~r;~~;~ j;:~ ~tion and therefore wu sub-- ject fedl!ral anti-trust statutes. Numbers of orders for various owner of the Beaumont Shipyard types of boats have been received at Quebec City, Que., and Camille Drtr• CUef'Ully-8p&re a Llfll by the Mesa Boat and Home Fumi-learned the tra~ from the ground I ture Co.. 485 Newport Blvd., up. F oo) office suppll... oee the Costa Mesa, since it opened its Camille came to Costa Mesa N Tlmea. new yard just over"the bridge s·ince from Buffalo, N . Y. He was owner r--1----------;I May 15. and opera tor of the l...ake Shore Camille Beaumont, owner of the Marine Sales company at Ham- BERKELEY, Oct. 21.-Regimen-boatyard, and hi.screw of 15 men, burg, N. Y. at one time. tation of the a rtist to serve the have been produci ng starboats, Beaumont said Monday that he I propaganda purposes of the gov-snowbirds. snipes. B-14's and other is equipped to build most anything ernme nt was not a developme nt of smaller craft on order from many in his yard, which is a large one. twentieth-century dictators but persons. He has a crew at work also bulld- ALLMARK can be traced back at leash as Among the most recent buyers ing a trailer, but most of the rar as the French Revolution. is Col. John Hall, 8 Los Angeles crew's lime is spent turning out CARDS For Birthdays eddlng Annlvenariell aad Etc. The study of the artist's r ole attorney, v.•ho lives_ at 519 Vio boats for the trade. as propagandist during that period Lido Soud, whose SAO'-''bird, a 12--=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ forms the dissertation which gain-footer , built at the Mesa yard, was • ·ro a doctor of philosophy degree in launched from the Seacraft yard Do Veterans Want Any of These? v-" Jltgurines Lluf Ps :: Oostume .Jewelry . NOW TO KIEP YOIJR FENCES STRONG AND HEAlTHY ·--.. •' . . . ' . .. ..... , .·· .. : : ... •. : .. · -- ... . · ... ·.. . . . ~--~=l·~ Here's a potent preservative that 6ghu the a.uses of wood dteay. le lengthens the service of your grape nakn, fence poses, mud sills, underpinning, bop poles, and 11ny wood you put in concact with damp eanh. Standard ,,.ood Preservative contains 90% «live ingr1- Jie•l1-selected for their permanency. Apply it thc- A.me a.s ordinary C!'C050te -and kttp your woodea strucrures from toppling before their Woe. history for David L . Do\lo'd on the last Sunday. Berkeley campus of the University Shortly the Mesa Boat \Vorks of California. will start the building of 27-foot d t h. t d · th Large Stocks Of \Va r SUrp)US Dr. Dow concen rates 1s s u Y cruisers. TheM> are now 1n e . . bo on J acques-Louis David, who be--paJ)E'r stage. machine shop equ1.pment, th ·rt a l "d1·c1ator or the r 1 used and unused, Wlll be offered came 8 Vl u A sample. of the better t~ 0 to certified veterans of World War ~rts" i~ the Jacobin attempt to cruisers bwlt at the yard 1s the 11 '"·hen S60 000 \Var Assets ~f wport Souvenir •and Gift Shop indoctrinate the French people. one called Neska-J , \Vhich is no'"' . . a. ' The techniques developed we re b h Th. ft Adm1n1strat1on sale opens Tuesday, '---+---------~ . . . . in the ay er e. 18 era was Oct · 29 at the W.A.A. disposal ---+---~-------helprul 1n 1nrluencmg the actions built by the Beaumont yard for · 2801 S F Los 2102 0.-.. Front We Wrap Gi fts r h th ·11·1 t es he center. a nta e avenue, o t e en 1 . 1 era e mass · Malcolm Sever ance .the Santa Ana concludes. but he observes that, dress manuJacturer. His iS' a sports Angeles. . like later governments, the J acob--Work benches, cabinets and tool cruiser. k hed led r I ins failed to recognize the limits· rac _s are sc u . or sa e ex- tjons of propaganda through art. Beaumont is a born shipbuilder . clus1vely to the veterans through CLOTHES POR His rather , Godfrey Beaumont, was November 12 . Offers Asiatic Study Degrees BERKELEY, Oct. 21.-Univer· sity of California students on the Berkeley campus ma.y now receive a doctor of philosophy degree in Asiatic studies. Also listed in the surplus stocks to be sold are galvanized iron sinks and urinals, and five-gallon capac- fty water breakers of the type kno\%TI as "jeep cans" by GI 's dur- ing the war. Orders from non-veteran prior· ity groups will be accepted on Oc· tober 29, but not filled until No-- vember 13. Thereafter, remaining equipment may be purchased by The new program has bet>n re-the general public without prior· cently approved by the university's ity. graduate council in recognition of Inspection hours are 8 a.m . to 4 the growing interest in the F ar p.m. daily. - • Small things-lip:~ far w-• t IUdii a p'vrrc ..,_, cacrinthe _ _,,.,.-.... "-... .,_ ............. and rooms gbrwidt a dituf•' II mil hoapCaliry' d..-tlllb _,.. iD&s • home ., p' .... •7<!! Good light mom ~ qestnin. no stumbling ~'ft things in cht .Wk It means cvc:nio@pl .diXd confcwt dw f'r'O\'C "tlwrr'1 ~~1 "° pl~rr lik~ hmu sM it'J "1elJ litbldr wcU lighted! SOUTHERN CAU , • FILL IMPTY SOCllnl --l;ght bvlbo aro 1-omms · ,._ifvt ..,.. again, you mn till those empty Meir.eta, or replace ...,.niud bulbs with brighter OIML 100-watt bulbs are recom· •••••• for ....-al lithti~ 150 watta for readi"I, and ftoor Or1 Dbl1 i.-,. -_.... .. IOG-200-Jiio: -light"'9 in a ointl• bulb ... ... uwl for •Wini. riocling, and ..-ral illumination. KMpl"t ~ • hw ,...,,......, on hand will OSSUN -....... af always .... ; .. - .. 1111 llnl, wel~ifhted oppeot'CMtoei IA IDllOll COMPAlll' • Eastern countries. During the -===============l==========:J ~------------------------: present semester, fi ve students will r ,r be working toward the doctorate.I MEN AND Clayton nompson BOYS WholMale Distribution s~ Spt»i Slu,p Phone l M Bes. Phone 1094 H1 Marine A.._ __ .._ A STANDARD OF CALIFORNIA PRODUCT l'1loae a.-. a11 Next time, try S•P's low-cost chair car service to Chicago \WI ... IXlrl!forl ... _,,: eqjoy all three ., your nat trip EuL Go via moclun, re- clining-oeat chair car in one of these daily Loo Angeles-Chicago trains on Southern Pacific'• famed Golden State Route: 901.111• ITATI U•ITl9-~ boun to Chicqo; the fastest, n~fare Loo ~traininhiatory-witb all -a numbered and ldk!l ved in adn.noa. lea-Loo Angeles 11:15 LDl. daily; arri ... Cbicaao l~ p. m. aecond 411 followma. '-- Tm• •MAL The new transcontinental train opuatina u.rou.ti sunny, historic Imperial Valley; a m::ent addition to our Golden State Route eervice -and juat 52'4 houn to Chicqol Leaves Loo Angeles 11:00 L m. dally; arrives Kamas City 5:40 L m., Cbicaeo 5:15 p. m. aecond clay followina:. Chair car aa::ommomtions ore also avail- able on the~ leaving Los Aqe. Jma t 8 p.m. nightly, with through servic::a to Cbicaao. Memphia and Fort Worth. ........ , ..... _. ...... '-......... ,,,,,..... .. ..., ...... ~1111.t1•1re1ta .... ~pl11 .. '11trwu11a111-. s • p ,,, ,,,,.,,, s •• ,,,,. ,,,,,,, E. B. Sharpley, District Agent -N.-11&. -Ama -- The number is expected to in- crease in the future because of the greater enrollment of undergradu- ates in the fi eld. Prerequisite to study for the Ph. D. degree is the completion of a pre$cribed undergradua te cur- riculum . including a reading knowledge of one of the Asiatic languages. Graduate studies must include research in the field and the ability to read a second Asia- tic language. TIDE TABLES OCTOBEJI, 19'6 w 23 8:01 1:49 8:U ~:%! 5.6 0.4 4.9 0.3 Th 24 8 :25 2:14 9:0% 4:156 . 5.8 0.8 4.6 0.0 F 25 8 :48 2:38 9:U S:SG 5.8 1.2 4.3 --O:l s 26 9 :10 3:00 10:!! 4:911 5.7 1.6 3.9 0.0 Su 27 9:33 3:22 11 :10 4:to 5.6 2.0 3.6 0,1 M 28 9:55 3:42 ......... a:n 5.4 2.4 0.4 n cte. .,.. placed tn oraer ot OOCU.ft'9Coo. WP t ftPNll a. m..: 4&rl: ~ P. • , The ''Centr . liner'' PLUMBING J. H. ESTUS HARDWARE GENER.AL EI.ECTRIC A New Steel Cr iser by DISBWAHp+ee e IL&DI08 Central Boat Works Harbor 1580 Phone 116 Newpca& BeMlb The B yside · Plating Co. c.c. "Chuck" Wirth 0 FERS YOU A DISCOUIT • ' If You . ......... ............. ring Dis Ad to Us WHlli• 30 D.@JS We Cl · to Have All the Silver in "California Expert Silversmiths AD Work GuantDteed Estima es on Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD •Tea Se ices •An que Fin sh ing I • Trophies • Je lry PLATING • • Reflectors •Bathroom Fixtures .• Baby Shoes • Marine Plating •Badges and Sowtait& ' I C.R. "Bob" Hand BAYSI E PLATING CO. Phone: BelleOll 5113, • . . • W~v!l'!'!!21! ~'e.~!-Co. ~=;.~~r~ts' to c·1 ET y I E w s a:~!~1~!1e ELL Is BR 0 s. N-U Rs ER y 9-7Dl,WJ'... A Wiii B 0 N 15 ._ • ,. 1111 Dakota Visitor I Sisters ct as , of the eapru. 0rc1. are e p e • O V. ~=~Sl~a~oo~MJT~~m~o~e~w~A~r~===~u~~™~~,.~·~-~~~=~I Mr. and Mrs. Raymond K. lilr· F F d God th · to 1>r1 au th•'" W!y, 1406 Seaview avenue, Corona Sees ormer rien s I mo ers 1n "' .,... oon- del Mar, attended the Call!omla Cathedral Ceremony .;:x:;.i::,., ""':et./':i"i!':;; Landscaping • • o Council of American Institute of Mn. Grare ~ of Farso. Fri , to the Wednesday meeting Fl d Shrubs When in LAGUNA BEACH Come to THE SNACK BAR "An:hit«Ui. held In ~ .... N. D. and her daughter, Ensign The Misses Gertrude and Louise of circle. 0Wef8 8D POD reemUy at San Diego in the Grace Raider of the U. $. Naval Montgomery were Godmotben for All booths are to be arranged Hou.I Coronado. The national hospital at San Dieeo. have been tiny Fl"andl• Anne Provost. t!alll!h· ThunilaY for the bazaar opens at 1206-1!08 COAST mOllWAY -ClOBONA DEL MAR presid<nt of the oriranlzatlon and the guesu ot Mr. and Mn. D. t.er of Mr. and Mn. Bion A. Pro-9 ~· -1 anct w111 ·~n open until Clq -· PIL ---. -a• ft. -™ "WHERE A SNACX IS AS GOOD AS A MEAL" For REAL FRENCH ONION SOUP ORIGINAL GRILLS members of the pn>ducen' coundl K. Blue. Newport H eights for the vait of Maywood at a ~ all des are sold Luncheon will L-----------------------...J tram Wuhington, D. C., were put week. held recently in Colwnbus chapel be at noon and tea and -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ among the speak.en. On 'Thursday the Mesd.ame9 of St. Paul's cathedral, Loa An-cooki dwing the afternoon. & 1'lere ......, 1poru for au. with Raisler, Blue, Paul Norman and ·gel.._ The will be booths for beby art!· YUMMY HOME-MADE D~ERTS nrimminc: and tenn1I for the wives Mia: Raisler motored to Palm nw christening party will be c:les nt · white elephants plants ()pa 0.07 (a.: !p& N' If) 11=-to 5:91 followed by a sportsmen'• dinner Springs, where they had luncheon held ln December when the baby's cook fo'.oct and a f"llh ~nd, .nd 8-iky, m ·'"Ur• tea la (lute. we Mrft with trophies awarded: on anot.Mr with Mrs. Marvin Sales and also paternal grandparents will be it is oped receipts will better the a Speda.l BiMwt le:te t. 4.:tO evening • cocktail party by the called on Mn. Sales' sister, Mn. present from the east. $400 ived from last year's beoo 149Z' Cwt Blvd. Sc.-. -1'11w 5211 lighted IWlmmlng pool was fol· Grare Rose a teacher In the Ban· --------------------.. 1-by • formal dinner c1anre rung tchooi.. All of the rriendl Island Cub Scouts zaar. and another attraction wu the were originally from Beach, N . D. FA -about San Diego Bay. Friday Mrs. Blue motored to Start Fall Program IUILLEY'r l'\Efl\IGERllTIOR JERVICE 1:01DPIUIY San Diego witb her guests, where Mn. Raisler visited a high school CUb S<outing fw Balboa Island classmate &he had not seen ln Z1 and Corona del Mar ls now under years, Mrs. l .ilas Bird. Mrs. Bird way with new Den Mothers se- returned with the party and spen t lected and meetings held each the weekend at the Blue residence, Wednesday at 4 p.m. Bridge Luncheon Friday Afternoon club's bridge lune eon will be held Wednesday, Oct. at 12:30 p.m. In the Am· eri~ Legion hall with Mrs. A. ~· L_fpton and Mrs. H . H . Llenau m c arge. ..._ -D alMs ... -lentce golng back to San Diego Sunday The organization meeting was .. ()Miit ......_ Oo..-... llu afternoon with Ensign Raisler, who held last week with Mrs. Helen ..._ -. nu is r .. uminc her duties alter a 3(). Conser. 806 South Bay Fl"ont. S.,.,,...,S APPROVED MEREDITH'S Ven· et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open .... ..,..._, al Om*-BlllH Jlllwlo Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates --~NllM.~~_!'~"C!~a~l~t-~--day leave. Leaders for the five Dens are, Den In company with Mrs. Robert l, Mn. Jack Muon and Mn. Con· ;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:;;~:;;;:;;;. Skiles, Mn. Blue and Mrs. Raisler ser, meeting at 119 Cr-ystal ave-a council Monday a1nfirmed UZ SOth Stnet the appointment or Heney F. Sears Newport BMell . W'OR Dl811aANCE Ba went to Los Angeles Monday, nue; Den 3. Mrs. Hanshaw and as c· member of the Beach Oty • OUTDOORABLE LEATHER SPORTSWEAR Sandals • Wedgies • PUrse5 / • Belts Watch Straps • Wallets ORDER NOW roa CBIUSTMAS SID'S SHOE SHOP 481 Nortll. Coailt Blvd.. MEN 'S SHOP 300 Palm Ave. BALBOA, CALIF. Howard W. Gerrish ..._. Bc•coa 1141 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life ~ and Olotract Bonds Written Oct . 15, 1946 Dear Customers: Just a line to let you folks know how mlioh we appreciate the very fine recepM on we have received during our f irst threamonths of operation. As a shop- ping convenience tor our year-around residents we shall remain open all winter, every day exoept Tuesday and each evening except Monday and Wednesday. May we suggest that you do your Christmas shopping early and it it's to be a Sport Shirt for Dad or a Sweater or Jacket for Sonny remember, RICKY'S have it. We also carry a complete l ine of pipes, l ighters, wallets, scarfs and other accessories. I05 Palm Ave. <-from ..... Z.-) BALBOA II.arbor 16311-J cNoel's {jalfwn ~m DANA POINT HOTEL Serving Luncheon -11 to 2 Dinner -5 to 9 SPECIAL CATERING TO DINNER PARTIIB CLUBS AND BRIDGE LUNCHEONS ENCLOSED PATIO OR ROOMS AV A.Il.ABLE RJR BRIDGE FOllOWING LUNCHEON For Reeervations Phone Dana Point 791 Closed Wednesday oVoel's Qafkon 'Room DANA POINT HOTFL-DANA POINT where the latter will vi.sit Mr. Mn. Peg Seeley, meeting at 210 and Airs. Luther Joseph, also tor-Coral avenue; Den 4, which will mer Beachites. before returning to have Mrs. Howard Baker as Den he r home in Fargo. While here Mother, now in charge of Mrs. she has also visited her sister· Sawtelle and Mrs. T. M. Ham- in-Iaw, Mn. Bes.s Wells and family, brook and meeting at No. 7 Harbor MerChant Patrol. -:::===============::====== J that unwanted tbro b News-nmes ada artlde .., .......................................... ~ former Newport Beach residents, Island: ite House now living ·in Santa Cruz. Den 5, Mrs. Bob Callis and Mn. C. D . M. Resident Honored at Surprise Lun ~heon Friends surprised Mrs. Lee Stanclift, Heliotrope avenue, Cor· ona del Ma.r, with a birthday luncheon \Vednesday. There were gifts, and cards to be read. and a pleasant afternoon ot conversa- tion aitd getting acquain ted with new neighbors. Decorations for the party were in pink a nd white. Present were lt1rs. Larsen and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cross, Mrs. Hattie Ruggles. Mrs. Marian King and daughter Carol Ann, ?.lrs. Scranton and Mrs. Stancliff. Mrs. Blari.che Wakefield, man- ager of the Balboa Island Vaga- bond shop.. is on a three-weeks va- cation in the ee.st, planning to spend a week each in New York Oty, Detroit and New Orleans. Elsie Kopp, leaders, meets at 718 Cafe Jasmine avenue, Corona del Mar: I Den 6, Mn. Stewart Diehl and Pllw SUIZ Mrs. Francis Graham, meets at 508 I' __ n--'-..,_.,, J asmine avenue, Corona del Mar. -.....-~. ~- The first Pack meeting of the '--'_!----------• sea.son will be at the Corona del .-+----------~ Mar school, Friday, Nov. 8 with the new Cubmaster In charge. (!:arr's Feed Store Kegley Pleads i I Hay and Grain for Howser L.1;.:t;~ ~ Pleadtng "1th California voters r-~ - to keep the underworld out of the 1 COSTA MESA attorney general's office, Carl S. Kegley, former Deputy Attorney· -;------------ General and independent Democrat Monday night, Oct. 21, espoused the candidacy ot Fred Howser tor the State's highest legal oflice. Kegley charged that Hawser's opponent is not enforcing the law on ga mbling. and that slot ma· chines abound throughout San Francisco County near schools, cafes. joints and clubs. W ORTHINGTON "We all know that the strong- est tie between the underworld and law enforcement Is gambling," -.. , -~ --.... ~ Refrigeration . FU:ON AloDIONIA s-to 10- Air Conditioning • •-toootoa Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AU Premw. aad All Uq-t.Stoek C8ll ...• IU 8. Loa.&.,.-St., An1Mm ~- Political Advertisement You Are Cordially Invited to Meet - -- U. S. Sen. Alben W. BARKLEY MAJORITY I.EADER OF THE SENM'll • • • oae ot u.e aadoe'• '••• 8taternm Will Rogers, Jr. Cenrate for tile U. S. SEN ATE Ray Adkinson <>n•tate for CONGRESS n..i Dloti let Admission Free .... Tea and Reception 4!11 p.. .... 1'"EWPOllT BARllO• l'ACllT CLUB TllUBSDAY, OCT. U ALSO liEiil' ~E STA.'l'n!llEN a&• eser tM&., he AD'DBU9lf- N:CWHl&i ••uoa J'.AC!lft CUJll .. , On I Ip CO.-n'l .. 1 ,., declared Kegley. "And specifically the rock upan which all this rests is the slot machine". HOW RICH ABE YOUf You are richer today than you were yesterday-if you have laughed oft en, given something, forgiven even more, made a new friend today, or made stepping· stones of stumbling blocks: if you have thought more in terms of "thysell" than "myself" or if you have managed .to be cheerful even j f you were weary. You are richer tonight than you were this morn- ing ... if you have taken time to TTENTION! ome Owners! These Add Muimwn mfort and Good Looks IA> Your Home: trace the handiwork of God in the 1--1---1 commonplace things of life, or it YoU have learned to count out the things that really do count, or it you have been a little blinder to the faults of friend and toe. You are richer if a Ii t tie child has smiled at you, and a s tray dog has licked your hand, or if you have looked tor the best in othen and given ottiers the best in you. -Dr. G. H. Ater, in "Better Busl- neu.'' Your friends and mine Mn . Richard Torrence lunched With old friends at Victor Hugo's, Laguna Beach, Friday. Honoring ~t house l\M!Sts. Mn. Grace Raisler and daughter Grare. Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Blue entertained with a chicken dinner, euests betnc Mn. Blue's mother, Mrs. Orpha Blue: his aunt, Mn. Casale Blue, and Gaylord Blue, son ot the family, and bla Wife. Slatii-0-Wood AWNINGS and I CANOPIES · l_·;_~ pennUll!lllt aacl otter 1a,.....;Uon ao1; ,.-bum ..,.-u-... ~i "' .. --..... -. ... W llaft tllie ...wv for ""'7' . ~·~~ v eneti:' 1 Bllnds . oool • • Allam --Steel Fot Free Estimates call: IlATs+'NDDI "Darling, as we lit here In the A ~o OO. romantic moonlight, there'• just ".,..,., ti rd 715 •-ft"·fatM· ,.. one qua on like to uk you." -.. -"Yeo, what II It?" ,lllalllllm. . ft. N7t "Couldn't we move over a little, • • Ne. Dnlle &. h, Maa 1~~11:•:;•;::';.· : .. :·::•:•:.;Toll~:.:~~=..: rm littlng on a nail." -- RY on wm•mCE Broadway leaners Ul era.dwaJ ea.ta Pb. .,._ ll'7ZS Mt1'l'ZB QUAUTY 01' BY CLB&NING 5 DAY llEBVI DELIVERY • On:N SATUSDAY OONS • • 1..aguna ee.c1t ~=r·ty Players LAGtJJf A Pi I!&& ''The Silve· Cord'' Directed by West Ptnomore Oct. 23, 2''°25 •tt**VZD _...,. _. '1-19 .._ '-.._. U1 ._JI!•<•. ''n MELLO FELLOW SAYS: Here's an example ot the kind of stuff we have at. Piper-Johnson's: FALL HATS Stylish, Good Lookers. You'll Love 'Em! Also a new supply of the most gorgeous slacks you've ever seen. BALBOA INN BLOO .. at Foot ot Balboa Pier. Ph. 1095 • Hours: 10-6: Evenings: Mon., Wed., Fri., Sat, 7 to 9 NOW AVAILABLE ••• the , NEW WHl'l'TAKE R '"' lfGGllT Ll 'i'TLI CAMllA . Achtel , ... t .. nrph ef M1cro-1•. C.••-...... , •• 2 lty 2~ l•..,t .,t•t• ·-··"' 2Y.. .... 1'4 "'· • e COMPACT, CONVINllNTI ~ Miao-16 ii smaller than a pack.a&e of c.iprettea ... weicbe ,._than 9 oz. You can carry it t"Verywhft'e. in pocket or P1"'< I e .. CAMllA fUTUlllf Micro-16 ii precilion. built ... all metal. Im univenal achromatic lent ii opbc:ally ground and fully color-ciotftC'tcd. • IAIT TO ... No focusirw .•. no timb:w with the Micro-16. All you do is find your ,pichn in the ._.ftnder ... snap it! ~16 taket blK:k·nd·wtlite OI' full color . e USY TO LOUI Dayli;cht inaeazint k>adin, t.u. i_. than a mi nu re .::~ no mislaket. no spoikl.m. --. • SNAPSHOT CAMERA NIW Fl LM PLAN One low price fw .... ,......., llp1)'1fotl ... de.t1 ... ... ,nn11ftSMtw9tveJK11N ~ pkt\lrnl Aft# &ail .... pldm-. 11hnply ~t ~Alai·--.. -._ ...... ~ ....... nlMe ... toYO!Dbf Ntwll ... Blondell Camera Supply P9rtraiture and Commercial Photography Phone Harl>or 1033 I BALBOA • L • • • , Order Your Gray Now for Spring Delivery ·....t Avoid Di1 ppnia,_.& Nm lie•• Gray Marine Motors ., The Seaboard Equipment Co. l.20S CoMt Blgh-y Newport Beach, Calif. • U-5841 Geaeral Moton Dlelel EDP.:11 %~!MO BP G-Mm.e z.,-15 · 190 HP Globe _.._,, I, H, %11 HP Engine Rebuilding "A Place ~< FW!<rmrn Mut" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SPEED Row•. Managc-]OSl!PHINE OQuJST, Ownn 107 21st~ Newpott BMcb Have That Glass Installed BEFORE RAINY SEASON HARBOR GLASS co~ 2811 Lafayette Phone Harbor 866 Auto Glass e Boat Glass and Boat Lettering • Before You Build or Remodel Visit Our lnterestlag Sample and Dilplay Boollt'I Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehens- ive stock of carpets and linoleum. LUDLUM Carpet ,works lm 8oaUl Mala St. -S..la Ami -BANTA A.NA THE GALLEY 507 E. Central Ave. In Bellwia Phoae Barbor I 1'788 A New I>ellcB'-Food Shop Seawllog the EDU... 11.wbor Ania Hot and Cold Foods To Take Out .................. -.. • !• •• Featartng-iWUg Good nitnp to JW Riviera Ice Cream (Sold E:l:clmlTI!ly by the Galley) • -------SPECIAL Flamingo Soya Bean SALAD OIL LlmHlqt.toCddrn-85C llmg Yoar Owll Coatalller-------··---- Qmri Most modem and up to date frozen food store In the Harbor ares catering to residents of the community who seek tantalizing value in quality Items made ready for )'l'.ltll' dinner table. ··-... ·--- ANITA SEXTON, Proprietor • I l WUN City Mut .Fint Acquire Easements For Surfacing Drive .,,.,.. DWt IAM•, !N!W'! , ... CW'f& ' ,;::;=·=7._. ~Od~~·~· t~•~ll,~~ll=Y~-;;::=:-::--;;;;;;--;-;~;;;::;;;;~~~~~~;::"'j:::· =·======= ... := .. =-=~ ,' ' Indians fo!:u!:'2!:: ~ ~·u!I Veqa Bryner Will DRIVERS BOOKEI) j •• pass 1rom ceit ... and n~ owr Ap· pear m· Opera u the gun lftllt oft for the half. N..._t Bead\ police announced Sc I T tbe try tor the •xtn point hit \ over the weekend cltatl'"'" iaaued I Radio Service a P ars the m>a bar. Ven.1 Bryner, daughter of the t --,n........ •--L dri tbe Oty or Newport Beach can ~"-E . ~--~ . and 0 ·-v --..~ . ~ ven. ' • • """~ lJ\ aa.cu.n.:nuna Booked "'-ere,· William V. Wells ol =~ ~. ~ ol ~~ In the fourth quarter the Tars former star ol t_he Russian Ught the Bo,vsh°"' Tl'"ailer camp. cited (Qmtlnued tram Page 1l were again on the mcwe and Opera theater tn Paris, who 1S Sunday, and Homer 114. Smith ol 36th strttt. as wu requested Mon-of brought the ball doWn to the Fu!-malringj ber ...,..tlonal American Balboa, cited Sa"-'· ... .,.,._, were day by A. B. Clevidence ot ~ tittles la found In the number lerton 18 after """" nice runalng debut "1 a leading singing role be gi he '.-"-! ·:~• __ mn., owner of ftw lots in the tumbJes committed by the Jocal& by Ashen. Horrell Ward and ?tfc-with I.tjgrid Bergman and Charles to ven anngs lll City ......,. .... 4000 block. The Tars fumbled llix times and Callum but loat • the ball on a Boyer ~ their new picture. "An:h Palmer Radio AND D.DJiiii\l Ma)'Or 0. B. ~ explained that Fullerton reoD\"ered five of these tumble· on the Indian 13. A f""' ot Triupiph," heads the list ot an Ir;;:::=====::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;-, nothin&" can be done in that area miscues. 11\e misplays all occur-minutes later after the Indians all-starl company of 86 top-rank--If---~....,, until the municipality acquires the red In the middle of Sallor scoring had kicked .,;,t, the Tars w..re Ing ~which la being brought '-=~=========~ necessary easements tor the pur-thttata. again knocking on the f\llJerton to the Beach Munidpa.1 au-~ poses outlined. Mr. C1evidence who • • • goal line. Taking the ball on the d.itori fof a special three-day 1 is associated with LePa&e's Inc., Newport's ftrst scoring oppor-Fullerton 44-yard line Mello made presen tion of the popular light Wh s ff ? glue manufacturen, WU not --tunlty came In the fin! period 11ix around end and .. lateral play opera m:·o Rita" on October 28, u er INSURANCE • PROTECTS • McMILLAN AWAY ent at the council meeting, where when on their first offmsi\•e play from Horrell to Ashen was good 29 and 30, under the sponsorship I y , . 0 his letter was read_ of the evening they went 38 yards for l7 yards. Ashen on a quick of the Beach Ovic Opera u- to Fullerton's 40 on a screen pass opening play through center Jug-soci.a~ Water SY£!. John D. McMlllan of Newport[_Beach ii attending the state waterworks convention in San Francisco today and Wednes- day. Puauc NoT1cE NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE completed from Ward to Mello. ged the leather to the Indian 1~ Co-E in the same prod~ Ashen then lolt six on a spread yard ~ wt-.ere it wu first down tlon is John Shafer, former lead- play, but another pus. thl5 time and goa1' to go Four oracla at Ing te . ot the San Francisco and from Ward to Kllllfer wu good the line only ~etted the Sallon New $e.ans light opera com- for 15 yards and made It third lix yards, however. and the lnctiano panies, ho will be remembered by dawn and one to go on the Indian took over on their tour--yard line Long a~ 'udiences for his 31-yard line. Two consecutive line with two minutes and to seconds stellar po~ ot the leading bucb JOi t the Ta.rs three yards remaining In the ball game. role ll:\ "Naughty ... Marietta" lut and the Indians took over on their Much to everyone's surprise the June aid who has been re-engaged own 34. Indians elected to kick on first by po#ar public demand for the Late ln the second period Ful-down and Ashen ran the paor punt male Jepd in this gay and romantic lerton had the ball, fourth down back to the Indian 29. ?tfello musi~ _drama of the Rio Grande. and seven to go on their own 34-made eight yards througfi tackJe Tick ts for "Rio Rita" are ~ow yard tine and Boaz dropped back and a pass trom Ward to Mello on sal and advance reservations to kick. Boaz dropped the baJ! was good for 8 first down on the may made either by mail or and in the ensuing melee the ball Fullerton lS..yard stripe. With 10 phone at the Humphreys Music was given an unintentional kick seconds to go, Ward missed on two com :r or. Municipal Auditorium J by a Salor and the ball went over aerials intended for Dick Brace box of ice in Long Beach, phone to the Tars on the Fullerton five-and then attempted a run as the 625-42., yard marker. First down and gun went off. ------- goal to go with one minute and Ashen, Horrell and Mello were Watdl the Oassll1ed columns. I'-----. ------., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that R. B. HUTCHINS and HUTCH'S FRYERS, INC .• located at 1968 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California, intends to sell to C. L. Howard, whose address Is 2870 Canal Avenue, Long Beach, California, all of the fixtures, equipment and stock in trade and good will of the business known as HUTCH'S FRYERS, located at 1968 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California, on the 25th day of October, 1946, at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Trust Department of the First National Bank in Santa Ana, California. The con- sideration or price is to be paid to the escro\v holder at the time and place of sale. ~=~:n: ::: ::; :: ~~~~t ~:.:~~j~~'t~~ ::_@~~~•-o!•-A--~.-:~~~~-- made three yards to the Indian performances In the Tar forward I ·-- DATED this 17th day ot Octo- ber, 1946. R. B. HUTCHINS Pub. Oct. 22, 1946. NOTICE OF INTENDED MORTGAGE YARD STICK two, but there was a 15-yard pen-wall. alty on the play for illegal use of hands on offense and the Tars Newport Barbor Fullerton found themselves on the Fullerton 20. Ward's pass to McCallum was Incomplete and then Ward faded back and tossed anothe-r aerial which Halfback Osborne of the Indians gathered on the five-yard Une and ran all the way back to the Sailor tour before being trip-!"'<\ by Bogey Horrell. 11 First Downs 2 211 Total Net Yards Gained 32 179 Yarcls Gained Running TI 34 Yards Lost RUnning 45 10 Forward Paues Attempted 8 4 Forward Passes Completed 3 66 Yards Gained Paaaing 5 l Puo. lntl!Tcepted by Opp. o 6 Number ot Fumbles 7 5 Fumbles Lost to Opp. 2 25 Yards Lost on Penalties 20 Boaz tried a pass to Chipman which was incomplete and then Osborne made three and a hall 0 Touchdowns 1 0 Conversions 0 NOTICE IS HEREBY g Ive n yards on a reverse which brought that C. L. HOW ARD, whose ad-the ball to the one-half yard stripe dress is 2870 Canal Avenue, Long with two seconds to go. Manila folders at Newa-nmea Beach, California, intends to mort-·======~===========;;;;;;;;;===;;;; gage to R. B. HUTCl-llNS, whose - address is 2437 Orange Avenue, Costa Mesa, California, all of the fixtures and equipment used ln connection with the business lo- cated at 1968 Newport Boulevard, Costa Mesa, California, at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 25th day of October, 1946. at the Trust De· partment of the First National Bank in Santa Ana, Firat National Bank Building. Santa Ana. Cali- fornia. DATED this 17th day of Octo- ber, 1946. C. L. HOWARD Pub. Oct. 22. 1941;. NOTICE INVITING BIDS The Board of School Trustees of the Newport Beach School Dis- trict, Orange County wtll receive bids a t the school office, 14th and Central up to 8 :00 p.m. Novem- ber 5, 1946 for the purchase ot one used Ford Transit School Bus of fifty.five to sixty elementary passengers capacity. Said bus to meet all requirements of the State Board of Education and the De- partment of l\1otor Vehicles. The above bus to be delivered to the school ready for use with- in five days after award of con- tract to the successful bidder. The Board of School TrW!tees ot the Newport Beach School Dis- trict, Orange County, reserves the right to reject any or all blch: or waive any informality in a bid. T. WESTON JAY. Cerk o! the NeWport Beach School District. Pub. Oct. 8, 15, 22. 1946. I er/ REPAIRED u nm 11appem to Toa Phone Bea. 5131-J BODY WORKS and PAINTING WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 • • Phone ne.-Mlf ttt Fresh Daily Dellclowi --Or, complete equipment when you want to catcb J'OUr own. HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH lut tnsvelen "in the kno.,;• will tell you Grey- hound's die bat way, all the way, to •IJ the Ease. You have more scenic routes to choose from ..• more schedules per day • , . more convenient d• parture rimes. You ClJ1 go one way, return another, aking your pick of daytime ttave! hows to enjoy die scen.ic spots you wain most to see. Your local Greyhound agent will gladly belp plan your trip. :ts DAILY 'l'BIP8 EAST IBOll LOS ANGll'.lJ18 ... ,. ........ ..... "I 1 ;1•1 •• -... 0111 IF''9 F- 01 ,, ...... ..... ·-···-····.,. ............... , . ..... o.1e-. •• M..-,_ , ,. ""'--' ... Central Garage and Collision Shop PlOllfiettr--G. B. l'Wer .. 0. (). SW An'OllD -808 V.-lltPway -I'll. Bellie • MD Zl88 Newpud Jlhi4. <JOlft'A JQ8A --GREYHOUND - ' IAN CE REAL TY & INVESTMEN.T CO. . R Ebrite con 585 7-W and Associates J. W. Doak l.936 Newport Blvd.; Costa Mesa rinir Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us Costa Mesa On Orange Street -- 'l\v~bedroom frame, 50x150 lot; newly redecorated.-One bl · from shopping center. Priced $8950. Only $4000 do · F'IV&ROOM HOME On Virginia Place, near Newport Blvd. Lot 50x150. Back yard. Very private. Priced for immediate sale. Home is vacant. Some money in escrow allows you to mo 'e in today. Price $5950. Terms. NEW HOME 'l\v~1 bedroom completely tumished home on half acre; ga e, chicken equipment. First house off Newport Blv . Immediate possession. Price $8250. Terms. BUSINESS ACRE HOME . 'l\v bedroom home on Balboa street on lot 135x330, letely fenced in, steel chain interlocking fence. Very good court site or future market development. See[ our sign on property. Price $9975. l Eastside Duplex Cl to shopping center. Both sides completely furnish- ed. I Four rooms; two bedrooms, maple and waterfall =ew Kelvlnator, new Western Holly range. Three ; one bedroom, maple set, electric refrigerator, tab top stove. All beds box spring and innerspring mar' Lot 66x135. Price $8500. Terms. Corona del Mar 'l\v~bedroom new h ome, large living-room, fireplace, floots carpeted, awnings on windows. Prlte $10,950. Te'f"- 1 Back Bay View 'l\v.,_bedroom home, very clean, ¥.!-acre, all fenced ; barn, conlal, chicken house. Quick possession, $7500. Terms. Ocean View Lot Newix>rt Heights, near Clltt Drive on Redlands sbeet, 50x~35 feet. See our sign. Price $1950 cash. J RELY ON RELIANCE Lido Isle view of both bays; two bedrooms, two baths, partly , 45-foot lot, tlreplace, walled patio and bar- r t. Newly redeeorated. Very clean. Immediate on. Price $22,500. --- On Central Street in Newport l()()ffoot 1*slness frontage of which SO feet shows lnoome of 1225, with lncree.slng lesse to $335 per month. $33r-Half down. . · On Harbor Blvd. J ~ ~dway-Newl-;:cora: Down Nice two-bedroom home; large living-roam. dinette, kit. ' has pienty ot built-In instaDatiom, service porch, • back yard all fenced in. Immediate pllSIE FOO. H Price $9850. Only $3000 down. ' Cre OD WlJsoo street_______ $1800 and one-halt acres OD Wilsoo stzeet.._~ -Both z.ooed for Indullt:ries-- • I ~ 7 Days Every Week, 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. REll.IANCE REAL TY & INVESTMENT 00. R. Ebrite J_ W.Doak 1936 NewlQ't Blvd., Cmla Jfeaa SZ-ltc Bcrtr ''• Bssfs 'ss, ..._ la --1AP a-. ot YJ&&I· ....... Ahn19 Tba.-......... LMr ..... Pl Ill le -llflllp-....---W---., a An 's 8Mn ...t ~ 11 A.Rs .. id ... , ..... ~--Si»cial" Teet 'i- "'"' ... Dwiii'lt ..... 9wa..,-or ,.,...Us• 01 II t'ee Fm -..... 2 . 1 DL It. !!'. BWJ, D.O., ft.C. 10'7 __ Newport Be'd\ Callf. Pboae Barbor 1114 -.: -· 1181 •--1 -... • n--.. ,,.. • a• .,..._ ao ... ,. A1111lsMnl PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL AND TO MORTGAGE CHATTELS IN BULK TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pursuant to the provisions of Sec- tion 3440 of the Calltornia Ovit Code that George Von Gruben and Joseph Pouliot, whoae addre$1! ~ Route 4, Box 463, Santa Ana, Cali- fornia, lntend to sell to Chas. W. Abemathy, whose address is 1815 Orange Avenue, and Wayne B. O'Neall, whose address is Route 3, Box l(;OA, Sant~ Ana, Caiifornla, all of the personal property herein- after described, and the said Chas. W. Abernathy and Wayne B. O'- eall intend to mortgage to the said George Von Gruben and Jo- seph Pouliot a11 ot said personal property, which personal property is described generally as follows: All ot the supplies, furniture, trade fixtUres, equipment and tools located In and about the home cleaning and renovation business known as " H o m e Super Service Co." and "Home Super Service," which ls locat- ed at the address known as 1018 Coast High\\'ay, in Coro- na del Mar, Orange County, California; also lncludJng one Ford 8 Sedan delivery truck, engine No. 209999, California 1946 Reg. No. 806012, and one Ford 8 Iii ton panel truck, Engine No. 54-447404., Califor- nia 1946 Reg. No. 32N291. The date \\'hen and the place where said sale is to be made, the consideration or price tor such sale is to be patd, said chattel mortgage is to be executed and the consideration therefor is to be paid on October 29, 1946, at 11:00 o'clock A. M., at 1018 Coast High- way, Corona del Mar, Orange County, California. Dated: October 21 . 1946. Cl{AS. W. ABERNATHY WAYNE B. O'NEALL Intended Vendees and Intended. Chattle Mortgagors Pub. Oct. 22, 1946. FREE FIREWOOD for the haul- ing. Phone Beacon 5411. ~\fc BUBDIUB OUIDll 11 RADIO SALES • SERVICE Specializing In repairing. TRONART, INC. Radio, e1ectronie1, aound--Sales and aervlce-mar!ne and domeatlc. Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach. 79-tfc Harris Welding Shop Combination Portable Weldin&: and General Repair Work 1101 Bay View Court PAUL D. HARRIS, Owner 82-2tc FORMED Wlndahlelds • Hatdl Coven made to order. Also Pia:· lelaa • Ludie Sheetli for Ale. Nu-World Products Company, 303 :rh1rd St., HuntfnKton BNcb. Phone Huntineton Beach 1'111. · 8().tfc ROOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Harl;>or 1012 J 82-tfc MET-CLAD PRODUCI'S -by- CLARK • BATES MetaJllilnK ,Weldina: SpeclaliaU 506 ,30th St. -Harbor 251» ·Ne..pon Beach 77-Ue Sheet Metal Work Gutten Installed and ~ Regan Bros., Sheet Metal au E. 2t.t. c..ta .._ Beaeon 5al8-M 81-tfc Additional Want Ads on Following Page ' '• ACOOUNTANT GEO.ROE D. BA8SE'IT Bookkeeptn.g and Tu. 8enioe 260:a W: Ctnt.ral Ph. 1806-J Newport. BeM:h ACOOUNTANT BOOK.Ja:EPING S&RVICE CoUn F. Brown (Harbor 1&44) 313 Martne Ave. B&1 boa I.aland ACCOUNTANTS A.. C. HOFFKA.N Accountant and Income Tax .. ,..,.,., 8102 Lalayette H&rbor 718 NeW"J>Ort BH.cb ACCOUNTANT B. N . RA.FE?<;T'ELD hbllc Accountant 714 E. Ocean Front Harbor 726 Ba.Ibo&. C&Jltornla ACCOUNTANTS • Accounting -Auditing BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Tu: COnmlta.nt Ja.mea O. Pierce 1781 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone &MOD 5356-J ACCOUNTANT J. s. WHYTE: Income Tu Con11ult.Ant-Auth0Maed by the U. B. Tr&uury Dept. to rep- "8ent client• In connectlon with ID• come IA.I: matterL Audit. -Syatem8 • Bookkeeping Sen1«> Office 1840 Harbor Blvd., Costa Ke&a AOIPORTS NEWPORT BAT SKY HARBOR One mlle we11t of ca.ta Xea on 19th 9ttfft, Coeta MY& -TLT- lnatructloo -Salee Charter Senicti ANTIQUES BOB 'N DICK Anllquea Bought and Sold Porcel&lna, Glaae. SHYU , Lam.SM and P'Umlture 504\oi W . Cent.r&l Harbor mo Newport ~ APARTMVITS COSLING A.PARTKENTS Electr1c Retrlpratlon Prl•ate Baths. .t.lS E. Ba)' AYenue Hubor t97-R Balboa APABTMENTS KRS. ARUNE E. JJ..SP!:R Cottasee, Ap&rtmeiaU and Romna lOI 2-4th strMt Newport APARTMENTS ........,....., Bea.ch, C&lU. KEENE'S BUNGALOW COURT Kllcbf!D EqWpped Harbor JJ&.. W Bal- AUTO DrALEllS JOE NICKERTZ Studf!bU.e.r 91.lM and St.m~ GenuJne Pvt.a ud Acce.orlu Come ln and tell ua TOW': AutomobUe Troub1- Ml6 W . C..tral A"9 .. Ne-.t. Beach AUTO Bl:PAIK A SEBVIOS CA.RR.ELL "S GA.RAGE Body a.rw1 rlmder Work -Aldo PaiDtlAS -Motor 0Tf!.rlw1J..iq- TUM--UJJ a.rw1 Geoua1 Rep&irlJI&" -WbMl8 •• ,.__.. .. W . Cea.tral AYe .• Newp't 8-ch PhOM Hubor 14.1..J AUTO Bl:P Am COSTA KESA BODY WORD A.uto Pa.l.atlaa Com.p1.-t• Body Repa1rl:q --At ReuoDable Frie• Newport BJt"d. at Walnut st. _.,... .. The Bmllw and Pl'OIOMloaal Firms I Med Below are Vaden of the Harbor DWrld and are pledged to rende llerchancUee, -i to CllOperate for Civic Beltetllkdt and Their Pledge • IS Your Assurance of Trustworthy Ser "ce and Merchandise ' . AUTO SUPPLIES NEWPORT -BALBOA AUTO SUPPLY Sdiwlnn Blcycle.1 Glenn W. C<.lllkle OONTRACTOR CORSON A RA. Y 00. General 'Coot.rac.ton Veterans. BuildlDI" for Veter-AU n os w. Central Phon.e 2112 12$ Coral Aft. 1 H&rbor :M-47-R B&lboa ~l&Dd Newport Buch. Calif. BEAUTY SALONS CHARLOTI'ES BEAUTY SHOP Loi• Ott Permanent Wa•u a Slpeclalty &09 State Hlgh ... ay Corona del liar Phone Harbor l~ I BICYCLES BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired V OGEL "S 100 Ma.In St., B&lboe 208 M&rtne B&lbo& t.land BOAT BUU.DERS I.: REPAIRS Sterling Boat WorU All Typea of Boat Building' and Repairs P&lntln& and Motor Work Su.b 1L11d Doors M&de to Order 615 Cout Highway Bu.con 5363 BOAT BUU.DERS YORK BOAT CO. Now buildi ng a complete line of stock and custom cruiMl"9 and com - mercial boat• 23' to 38'. Harbor Blvd. and W lleon ~reel Co.at.a Meaa Beacon 6342 BOAT REPAIR I.: MAINTllN'CE T HE BORK.AN 00. Marine Ways--General R.epaln and MaJntenance :>01 Cout Hwy. Phone Be.a.can 6431 BOAT DEALERS DOUGLAS BOAT A: CANOl!I CO. ll.anufacturer• 1L11d Dlstrlbuton or Skitt.11. Paddle Boud•, Yacht Te.ndera 2819 W. Central Ave. Ph. Har. 26.14 Newport Beach. Calif. BUILDERS CONTRACTOR'S RENTAL EQPT. E ,·erytblng In llacblnery for the Bulldln& C~ntra.ctor Building and C&blnet Servtcti DUTCH HEACOCK Pb. Harbor 502 or Beacon MOS-W 17th A Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Kua CABINET SHOP GORDAN B. FINDLAY CABINET SH OP Cu.stom Made Cabinets ,.07 SOth St. Harbor 2388-J Newport Bea.c::b CHILDREN'S APPAREL THE BOBBY SHOP Bob and S&lly Bro•n n 1 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 1158-W CHILDREN'S APPAREL J R. JACK A JILL Cbtldren '• and J..n.tant'• Clothlq Op to 8 for Boyw &nd 14 tor Glrl.11 1761'1. Newport B!Yd. eo.ta Mesa CHIROPll.ACTOR DR. P. A. CH.AJCBERL41N Palmer·C&l'Ter Tecbniqve -EleclJ"oth1.rapy- HOO CALLS Jllf HARBOR AREA 194-4 Ne"'1)0rt Bl•d. Coet& Me&a Beacon IWl:S3 CRIROPllACTOK DR. ZXIL F. BELL .. D. C .• Ph. C. Speclallttq I.a Gland DIM>rders---M&Je and l"emale Prvet.rat• Trouble Ge.lJ'o-lntellt.lnal OoDdlUona B ish Blood Pr•IU1' Free Oomultatlom PbOne for Appl. 107 22nd St. H&rbor 11M CLEANEltll TH& LIDO CL.ICA.."'fZRS A.lbert Jlattbe: ...... OWDIU" Quality CINAl.DS S.niee You C&D TrUlt U• With Tour ,,__ .. -DeUftry Slit no.-- 4.56 Newport BIYd. BMco9 &791-J CONTRACTORS, Blq. A 0.01 GREE.XLE.A.F I: WOLDENBERO General Contracton 2826 W. Cenlnll A.,-e., Tel. Har. 257U Newp(rrt.B&Jboa., Call!ernt& I CONTRACTORS, Bide. • Oen'I W . P. KEALEY General Contractor -467 Newport Blvd. Bea.con 5838 Coata lleea OONTRACTORS, Blq. I.: Oea'I C01''RAD SHOOK Contractor I; Bu.llder • 212 Marine AY'f!. Balboa I.ale Hubor 1034-J CONTRACTORS, Indus. a Gen'1 SOUTH COAST CONM'. 00. Indu.str1al A: General C.On..structlon Veteran Houalna- WALTER B. MELLOTT 61.5 Coe.at Blvd. Harbor 776 Corona de! Kar CONTRACTORS-PAINTING LEE C .. BEAN Painting Contractors Pb. Harbor 264..5 IOO Ruel Dr1•e Corona del Kar, Ca.IJ.f. OONTRACTORS-PAJNTINO H. E. K C'DONALD Palnttng-Paperbana1D&" Bruah Ot SDray W"Of'k State Llcenaed 414 Old County Rd., Bea.con 5037-K Coat& M esa OONTl\ACTOR-PLAST!:RINO CHARLES C. FIPPS Pl-ter1n&. Cement Contractor In lhe Harbor Area for l:.il Yean Santa Ana -0689--11 Beacon 5180-J 600 Seavlew Corona de! 11&.r, Calif. DENTIST CLI1"''TON CAMPBELL P:.ll!::RSON 16Ql Cout Hic hwar Harbor 2230 Corona del Ku DOUGHNUTS COTTAGE DO-NUT AND WAFFLE SHOP• Donuu and warnu a Spect&lt,. Complete J"ounla.ln Sentce I06 Marine A•e. Balboa lale Harbor 2672 DRUG STORES HAMFI'ON'S HARBOR DRUG Corona del Kar. Calltot1lla KAC PE.LLETI:ER'B 11i'"EWPORT B.EACH PHA..RMA.CT LOl'ffllE VINCENT'• BAL.BOA PHARllACT 71.5 E. Central Telephone loti ELECTRICAL DLR8. A SERV. BAY ELJllCTRJC RewlndlD.6 and RebuUdtns Moton A Generaton Motors 1U1d Ge.aeraton tor Sal• 2818 W. Central Aff .. Har. 1781-W FISH BAT SIDE J"lSH IU..RXET Dally .0.11"'7' o f P"reab nab Shell nab a; Sea P'ood. Sped&IU. 28th at.. A Late7ete. Newport ~ ........, ... Bua. ......... FRANK SU I !ORA. Wbol..ale &!'Id Retal.I Flab ll&lbt Beer. wm. a.nd Uquorw N •W'JIOl1 Be6ch. caJif. Bil.ft llOllTUillT Q,a,pe1 bJ' u. a.a ......,.. tM 11.utior M9a Ledy A.ttGMleat &t COl"Oml& w ..,. _ .. li'\lrnlture of Quality A Economy Home P'u.mhlhtap ~ Ne..-pott BIYd. Co.ta Meaa -·""" OAR.AGE I.: MACHINE SHOP Vl"RG"S GAR.AGE Complete Auto I; Boat Repe.Jrlna TEXACO PRODUCTS -Wf!.ldJns- 2406 W. Central Harbor 114-f-W Newport Beacb GROCERIES A."'D MARKETS COTTLE'S EAST NEWPORT llURKET Complete F ood Market Groc::erie..._Mea~Vegetablu 608 W. Central Harbor 115 ..., .... NEWPORT PUBUC Jrl.ARKET J'l'e.11h Jl"ru l~Vegetablet Quality Grooeriea &!'Id Kuta C. F. LOY. Prop. Phone us n1s Ocuo Front Newport Beach GROCERIES AND MARKETS THE WAVES GROCERY Open Sunday-CIOllf!d Tbunday 9 a.m. to 7 p .m. Complete Line o! Groeerlea Plenty of Beer 6600 Coast Hwy. -Harbor 22.52·J HOTELS I SLA.ND RCK>MS A."iD APARTMENTS E. C. &!'Id Grace Naab 1l7 Apte AY'f!. Balboa Ule Harbor 233· W HOTELS PALISADES HOTEL Rooma And Apartment.I A ~nlc View O\·erlooklng Harbor A O«an. Open All Yee.r Located at Western E.od ot Sea'tiew ATe., Corona del Mar Harbor 1466 HOUSE CLEANERS A.L'S HOUSE • WINDOW CLU.NING Complete Rouee Cleanlns Semtt 1ncludlnc Wtndow.11, Floors. ltltcben Spray Palnltns. Rootll. Etc. 300 The Rialto Harbor 171--J Ne...-port Bea.ch ICE COMPANIES BAY V1"EW ICE CO. Cubea -Block. Cru8hed Ice 1732 Newport Blvd. BefM:'On ~177 Co.ta Kea INS URAN OE HARJ'tT F"REDERlCK INSURANCE" Protect that Mortgage With ln.surance 1213 Cout Bl•d .. Harbor U.7-J Corona del Mar INSURANCE RABUN INSURANCE AGENCY _.,,__ Auto-lla.rtn&--Llabillty CompenaUon-Bonds 17!1. Newport Bl..-d... BM<:on 6!66-J. eo.t.a 11-. Calll INTERIOR DECORATORS JASPER V ..U.S , Interior Dealp Fu.raJture Selec:tloe A llalnt.enance VeneUILll Bllnda-&Ject Walll)ll,pU.ll cu.tom Kade D_rapert• T&l.lored. SJl~n M43 Via Oporto Barbor "18 Newport Beech, C&l1L R. E. ARVIN Dl&mondo. w...-,_ bpett Watch a. J~ R9palrtQ 111 Dad SL Newport S-0 Phone 2127-J .IEWhlrP8 Q-RIO SBOPPS Watc~erilD(,~lR.11 ot All - '°' ll&ln -:- LIQUOR 8TOllS8 lm8.I. LIQUOR SHOP fts'f'dlon Ol ~ U4W'll WbMeudBMn DtJ t •• ptt,M'CIL 0ww LUMBER WARD A.1''0 HARRINGTON LUllBER CO. Lwnbe:r A BWldin,c KaterW. Bay Dlatrict Yard Ph. S..C:On 61U .SIS Cout H.lpway, At the Archee MACHINE SHOPS &AlCPSON 11.ACBlNE WORKB Usht and a .. .,..,. Ka.cblne Wort Specl&llttng In lf&t1ne A Boat SUppUes Beacon 5801 MARINE ENGINES SEA FLUSH A cleanlnc aemce tor all aalt •ate.r cooled e.ngtne•. Ren••• the cooling eU1clency. CaJI for e•tlmatu.. "THE SEABOARD EQUIP. CO . l20fi Cout HIIh•ay Bea.con 58il Repruentlnl' Grar ll&rine--Genera.1 Motors Dluel-Mettury MERCHANT PATROL SERVICE BEACH CITY MERCH.AJ\'"T PATROL 23CM Ocean Fl"ont Newp0rt Beac.b Phone Harbor 1421-R METALLIZING CLARK &. BA TES lndwitrlal ILlld Decorative Metaltzlng Weldlnc Spectall•ta 608 30th St. Harbor 2609 Newport Beach MOORING SERVIOE C.R. STAFT Moortnc1 lnata.lled ILlld Repaired Boun Painted and Lettered Beacon Mi8 or Harbor 1698-R P"or Prompt Senlce MOTELS BALBOA MOTEL Reuonable Rate&-Cleao Rooaui Handy t o Bualne1N1 DUt.rtct Open the Year "Round" W E. Central A .,-e. Harbor S28 MOVING A STORAGE BALBOA TRANSFER CO. Packtnc---Cratln&--8ht.PPln.c BOAT MOVING 1501 W . Central Pb. H.. 2U6 NURSERY SCHOOLS BA.L-lSLE NURSERY SCHOOL J17 Marine Ave. Harbor 74'-R P. 0 . Box 68.9. Balboa Uland OPTOMETRISTS Eyu Ex.amlned--01~ Repaired ERNEST T . BUTTERWORTH, 0. D. Optometrt•t lllf W . Central Ne'Wl)Ort Beach H&rbor 25ll PAINTING A DECOllATINO R. E. .ANDERSON CONTRACl'OR h1atiAs 6 W•tuJ>rooftAs CALL B!l.&.CON ~ PET FOOD A SUPPLIES DOOOl!RXLS Doscarei. too went on a n.cauo., But the Pet Pantn•• .Ull at t1* a.me locatJoa On. Balboa lsl&nd. ooe-lhirt.eeD A.sate Street, We'll pt'OTide Four pet wt.th lmpected IQM.L RJCR•RD BICSLT PBO'l'OOLU'Blllt DIMl8d.I-.. Pol1l'alt.-. Q 1lat1A9 Aft. &l~ bM ,..,.,.,. ... PHYlll<lIA1QJ A llUaCDiOHll .A.. V. A.ND..wa, K. D. m Oout BlClawsr ~ • .,.,._ ...... MIOI o.119 -_..., ...., • PRY JCIANS .t: SUXGEONS J RN K C. CHUNG, M. D. Pbyaldan and Burgeon 2 7-8 :30 and by __ Appointment Beo<on O<m . 18th St. Coat& Meea. C&ll!. PHYSICIANS I.: SURGEONS .&... G . HUGHES, II. D. 1783 Newport Bl•d. R«lde.nce Beacon 6Tn Coeta lleM PHY ICIANS ~ SURGEONS I DR. W. T. MOONEY x Ray Service Ninth and Ce.ntral Ne rt Be.ac.b. C&I .• cau H&r. " PHY IClANS &; SURGEONS G. N. PEASE. Iii. D. Conaultatlon Dt.11guo.sUI Houra by Appolntm~nt 1611 P aci tic Dr. Corona de! Mar Harbor 2191 -J PHY ICIANS & SURGEONS ERALD RAUSA. K . D. 2830 . Central Ave. Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 1028 PIANb TEACHER I G. V. LINSENBAR T er o r Piano ol. Harmoce:r ILll Front Harbor 1.W-W Newport Beach A H!;ATINO -H. H. HOLBROOK 8200 '.Coast BIYd. teWf>(lrt Beach Phone Ha.rbo I 1U8·W . I PO mi TRY PRODUCTS • 'l'WJ. CITY POULTRY ~ ' i..lve Poultry ~ Rabbit.I 2010 ~ Central A•e., Newport Bc.b. Phone Harber 1106 - ~ RABSITRY -. flAP" LONG"S RABBITRY Rabbit.I Dre.seed D&lly -Per Your Order- Phone Orders Accepted Co•. or 16th and Tu.sun. Beacon 6611 Mn 0 SALES & SERVICE I Juat Received KAar llod.el-19 20 Watt RadJopbon• J . K.. BROWN COllP ANY -on 6263-W 1219 Coul H1-Wa7 Mn 0 SALES A SERVIOE j 8.0.8. RADIO ltL!X."I'RJC AND I'BLAND RllCORD SHOP Po la.r Mat. Rome A Auto R&dlo. j::.omplete Llae ot R.eooriD IOO An. -""' Balboa l..llluul l""t SERVIOE-HARINE RINE RADIO SERVICE ~ M. llERTS -Technician Radio Konltortnr a.me. \MIDcy cbecU I; C&llbraUon. 174 lo5tb St. Nf!WPOrt 2806-W rWay C&b Radio Serrice eo.t& Keu ""'"",f"O BALES A SERVIOE TRONillT Inc.. Radio-E!ectronfe.--Bound Salee and Semce Mart.ne and DomaeUc Ph. H. 1252-11 2IOl W. Cutral Newport ~. Call!. IEBTATE 0 . B&LA.TON JU!A.LTOR J Boo-'66.000 1a ..... ewponBl..i. 11,llOO •R-Oorral. Btablee 11.000 N.....-Bl""-, Coot& -S..CO.n um-w , .. , . .., •·~w-w REAL ESTATE HARBOR INVESTllONT CO. Ru.I ton Specialist In B&rbor Proput.i• Buainem and Re.tdental 30th at W. Central, Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600-1601 REAL ESTATE H. )I. LA.NE REALTOR Income Property Neta $350 per mo. Horne. :S-rmA. 1:i4. A.. land.___:_.$ 6.600 60 n. on Oce.an FronL----'10.600 Large Kap of City For Sale _p,_oo 2006 Court A •e. Harbor US llEAL EST A TE 1. lt. )(ILLER REALTOR 15th and Ceot.n.l Harbor ll42 Newport Be&cb REAL ESTATE W1LL1All W . SA.NroRD Realtor and General rn.urance GERTRUDE A. WALDRON 308 Marine Ave. Balboa I.ale Harbor Jst-R REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION ea.lea &. Service Domestic Commercial NEWPORT ELEC. APPLIANCE ,-Radlo- 23()6 Co&lt BIYd. Pb. 2138 Newport Beach, Ca.llt. RESTAURANTS & CAFES BLUE ROOM Charcoal Broiled Stea.b, Ftne Foodll Cockt&Ji. "RUSS" SWEETSER at the Orp.n 208 1Pa.lm, Balboa -Harbor mt RESTAURANTS THE DOLL HOUSE of Balboa Open the Year Around 415 E. Cent.n.l Ave. Harbor 2llQ RESTAURANTS & CAFES 10.NGS LANDING A CATE SpeclallzJng lo all Klr:uill ot Saa Food 611 Slst Newport Beach Harbor 193-4 LA POSTA Df!llcloua Ke.x.lcan Food.a 2588 Newport Bl.,-d. Beacon o5Hl "°"' .. _ RESTAURANTS & CAFES NEWPORT CAFE Bpectallslng lo Family Trade. Good Old H ome Cooklns 110 llcFaddn Pl. Harbor 1380-W RESTAURANTS A CAFES Speel&lWtic 1n Be& Fooda A: St.eek.I NORTON·s BAY SHORE CA.I'll 17th St. and eout Hwy. Bea. 67"6 Newport Beach, CaWonlia RESTAURANTS WELCOll!: CAPE Home Cooked KMJ A: Home lbde Ple.-Tbe But 1n the Country Two Prtnte Din.in&:" ROOUUI tor l"amtly and Clu~ Group9 2MO Newport Bl•d. Be&.. 1111-R COCll& ·- REllTAUll.ANT A CAFE WBl'I'IC'B PARK A'Vm ~ Banquet Room A"ftll&ble Harbor 411 -:- BEA POODll P.u...&.DINl SU. re>OD 00. LA.R.RT .rt8BD Wboie.M nib • .ALLEN 6 Jn I NO• Allio ~ .... Polllll ~a.u..r-w • ca ._ -.... o.tn.J. ...... .... -ll'll SERVICE STATIONS BOTDS SERVICE STATION Wublns-Poll.tlln&~l'eUhlc Lubr1caUon • Ne.w T1ree-Tube9--Bat.terS99 Recapplnc-Recharctns:-Renl&la Aocemortn--Cars c&lled f:Ol" and Dell ff.red 1600 W Cutn.I. Af'e.. Har. 1115 SERVICE STATIONS ISLAND SHJ!:I,I . STATION TU9--Lubrtcation-Batteriee Waahlng-Tlre Recapp(ng Wheel B&l&nce 22'1 M&rine Ave. Barbor 2219-W Balboa lal&nd SllEl!:T METAL GENERAL SHEET KET AL WKS. Sbeel Iron-ADJtlu-Band.11 Indu.11trt&l-frutkltng Gutter &nd Down Spout.a ZSQ7 Villa Wa7 Newport Beach, 581..J" SIGNS BENEDICT THE SIGN KAN 30 Y e&n ln the Harbor A.ree. Specl&.llaJng in G<>ld Leal Lettertns Wall Letterlu. W in dow Lettertas 'PertecUon or Et.e" m N a.t'Cl&llua A ff. Barbor 81 Corona de! Kar SIGNS L. W. PIERCE Enr)'thtng lo Si.-na 16 Ye.an In Orange County Llcenlll!ld State Contractor Beacon 513-4-J SIGNS TOM RUNK:I..E--81GNS SllU.-.sboca.rd&-BoaUI Lettered Barbor 2222 90"1 Palm Balboa. C&ll!ornl& SPORTSWEAR SAwYER SPORT SHOP Ken and Boy'• Sportswear Complete Line of Hab.114eehry -.en Marine Awe. B&lbo& I.ale Harbor 676 STOCKS & BONDS J,.ESTER A CO. lfembe"r Los Anplee Stock E:s.~(· 2004i ""°" Central A.,-e .. Newport . 1 Tel. Harbor 1S7f.-.J bEAN W . CAJIPBJ:LL .COLIN W . TRA.VJ:RB Heail OfJtoe. 621 e. Bprtu at. Loe Ansel• 14 - TAOKLE STORES NEWPORT T ACKL!l STORE Kenn Rima .. 106 lfcll'adden P1ace Ph. NB. 9'1 Newport Be&cb, Call!on.J.a TAXI SERVICE BALBOA CIRCLE TAX I Berrtn& the Newport Harbor Ana 24-Hour Rf!llable Eemce 1501 W. Central Ave. Har. PO Newport Beach TAXI Pbone BMcon 58'-6 NEWPORT -COSTA Kl!SA TAXI CO. Agent Santa Fe Trallwaya 60I Cout Hl&b•a:r UPHOLllTEBINO CL.lUDll A.. JOHNsoN Tailored Upholstery Your Per90n&l 8ati.t&ctloa Guano .... "7 Newport BI.,-d. Bea. o511J..W VENETIAN BLINDS Kl:REDITH'B VENETIAN BLIND CO. llanuf&ctuNra or cu.tom B u 11 t Blto~plete Repe.lr ud ~ nttna 8t"1ce. tU IOlh St. Newport ~ VENETIAN BLINDS THE BHA.Dll SHOP A.era v-uan BJ.Uula Wood or AJnmt•gm VEKnlAl( l!ILIND8 800TH COABT ~BLDiJ>OQ, .AJ~Woo4 ~'Ball·•··· can t« -rr. ..,,_,. WMI. 11th A Newport A..- -17U-W Oolta W- WSUJDrO B'.AlfDY .&ltD1' llllOP A. T. JOBMa)ll ... .......... ...... "'!' ... ... --=-~··-... ~ ..... NEWPoRT BALBOA NEWS-TIMES AWWfWWWI e I WSE i'o'Rl™ARK ••• Frost· Bites ~~~~~~~~·~llO~~l'ID~~·~-~·~-~~~u~~·~·~ia~~:~~!~~ I R011'. 1011!( PBJLLIPll • , •• IS9W7Tam11 ,_.nu, rAl'tlllw::• v.aw.mtm .... ,,..,._ ... ,;,1-A .. _-' --LI BROADWAY a nou o..e.--S '"'Scs p , •• I S9w'J' w tr I $ v ..... D .ft l&Ulb l.Dl~All~ h~.canr ~ii The dty coundl of Newburgh. once •• t at .,...e ave to ear N. y.. hu tnstructed Corporation ••-pilon ~ In ~:--$l:SO por ,_.. In ~ OounlJ' lur. I mo to suggest .an amend-Counsel Daniel Becker to search i~·;t;i;ifl2.u'l5's<l*';;;,_..iclaito~4;;;1b;tt;•;rxi--;1e~;:'S3tiilOO~per~tc,_..m;;;toi;;-8th"N;;;-p;;;:t1iimOdi~ I ment to lhll .. ~o make at apply to the statutes for a law against EDt8na U Seoond-OaD matter at the Pmtoflk:e In Nelrp(ll't Bx±, present conditions. I want it to roosters' ttOWing and noisy wed- callfom:l&. under the A.ct al Mardi 3, 1B1'9 read, "All we have ~o fear ii the din& motorcades. If he can't find ---------------------------!propaganda of fear. one. he ii to dra.., up an ordi- 8™ D. PORTER PubHtber A few days ai;o I was in ~e nance outlawing such d.istm'b-fr. GF.~N , · . • . · • . • . Adftrtilin& ..::= ~:~-::0 :~ % ~e~J> ances bttause residents have Pdntlna Plant, 3011 W . Cmtnl AwmJe; New..,.'t -. Cdfornla ' • · · -·· complained of being awaltmed. ';" a school ~ous.e. It was an en-But the question is: Who will Offieial Paper of the City of Newport Beach A 1>'111 m•tNe i.oe.I b& U ..... tor <h'm' n Iemn Adfve Member of City Managers Can Be Assets There can be no better type of municipal government when operated efficiently than the Plan C or Charter form of city government Modernly known as city manager gov- ernment since the superior management officer is the city manager. the charter form of municipal government is now operating efficiently in 48 cities in the United States and Canada. That is an excellent record for a new type of city government. The rising cost of local government since the war is one of the chief causes for the spread of city managership throughout the North American continent. Faced with an urgent need for economy in order to operate under inflation, cities are turning to this business form of administration. The same trend was noticeable after the first World War. Before the end of the year, several more cities a re ex- pected to join the ranks of council-manager municipalities. Chattanoog<\. Tenn.; Roseberg, Ore., and Santa Ana in our own Orange county. Each of these cities have proposals for the change on their November ballots. Hartford. Conn., will also vote in November on a council-manager charter prepared by a charter revision committee of its city council. Santa Ana's committee headed by. Bill Wray, lumber com- pany salesmanager. has given the matter serious study and they have concluded that Plan C can work efficiently for the Orange county municipality, too. With the right calibre of men in public office as councilmen, a city man- ager 'form of government can prove a great economic asset to any city. City managerships fail only when councilmen fail to live up to the tenets of good government. A 8ood city manager can onl y make economies when he has the .full support of his council. The fact that there are 697 other cities operating efficiently under city managerships speaks for itself! )Oyable meeting, followed by the cell the roosters'! usual Informal questions and answ· ers, both from the speak.er and the audien~. I had said, in my opinion, one of the most urgent requirements in this country is to return to the feelin& of self- reliance. vf independence, on which the nation was built. We must get away from the idea, carefully en· couraged over a dozen years, that we should go to Washington for the solutions of our troubles, and that the way to meet any ~ lem is for Congress or the State LegislatUJ'e to make a law, and vote an appropriation. I think this is basic. One of the younger women in the group asked me to say, in de- tail , just what I meant by meet- ing our problems by self-reliance, and inde pendence. Now to me, that is an interesting question. Have we come to a place in our national h istory where the gene· ra tion, now in its twenties. does not understa nd courage and self· r eli ance? lf so, then the propa- ganda of fear , "'ell seeded in the past decade . is starting to blos- som. Let me illustra te how it works. and what a hoax it really is. This is only one case : On J anua r y 1st. 1945, J am6 F. Byrnes, then \Var Mobilization Di· rector . and no"· Secretary of S tate, predicted a complete deflat ion im- mediately aft£'r V-J Day, "'i t h much unemployment, and with people afraid to buy, because of a fear of depression. My ques· tioner at the meeting also refer· red to a "boom and bust" prob- abili ty. On July 1st, 1945. his successor in th£' War Mllbiliza tion offi ce, Fred M. Vinson. la ter the Sec- re tary of the Treasur y. a nd no\v the Chief Justice of the S upreme Court. predicted economic distr(>S.5. \Vhat he said was. "Instead of coming out of the ,,·a r wi th an ex- panding CC'Onomy. "'e will face anoth('r depression." On August 15th, 1945. the third man to hold this job. in line, J ohn W. Snyder , now t he Secretary of the Treasury f the boys do get around. don't they~l predicted an immediate depression and very grent unemployme nt. lie said def. inltely t hat in three months (that v•ould have been November 1945l SMELLY CASE In Los Angeles, Judge Walter Gates found on his calendar a case in which a man wu charged with stealing 27,800 pounds of gar11c. "People might aay that this case smella," observed the judge. "At least the proaecu.tion has a strong case," rejoined Deputy Dis· trict Attorney Ha.JTY Johnstone. P HYSI CAL CRUEi.Tl' Maricopa county Superior Court Judge Dudley W. \Vlndes asked a man seeking divorce from his wife ln Phoenix. Ariz.. for the details. "Well, your honor," the man replied. "five times she hit me on the head with an axe. If that keeps up someone is going to get hurt." The di vorce "'as rganted. TRAVELI NG KITTENS Some 1500 American cats may soon be hunti ng P olish mice. Rob- ert L Kendall, prPSident of the> American Feline society, has re· ported that he is ready to send 1500 U. S. kittens to Poland in response to a request from that country for mouse catchers. I t's just a question no''' o ( \\'he ther the state de partment \viii authorize plane tr avel, Kendall said. Education "Colleges are places \\•here pcb· bles are polished and diamonds a re di m mcd."-Robert C. Ingersoll. .. Eucation, whetht'r of blaC'k man or \vhite man, that gives one physicAt courage to stand u p in front of a cannon and fails to give him moral courage to stand up in dcfC'nSE" or r ight and jus tice. is a failure."-Booker T . Washington. "Education makes A people easy to lead. but diffi cul t to drive : easy lo govern. but impossible to en- sla \'e."-Lord Brougham. "A parent gives life, but as par· ent gives no more. A murderer ta kes life. but his deed stops there. A Te11ichC'r affects eternity; he can never tell \\'here his influence s tops.-Hcnry Adams. '"The true test of Civilization is. not the census. nor the size of cities. nor the crops-no, but the kind of man the country turns out."-Ralph Waldo Emerson. • 0et1•11 - cJJalboa rlr et ... n...Iwwel .. tkw .... Re ... "9 -JIAJN' l'lwt Cllmtielit B41aclj,, ()Al.Ir, DEFEND YOUR HEAL TH WITH ORAJIGI OWll PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Newport Harbor Fishi g News Re-b7 Sportfishing Assn. of Newnh &COOUNTANT Bookkeeping Service OOLIN F. llllOWN' .(-114') Ill_.& __ .... sea bass l' ing we have is in I . 8. WHYTE November d December when IKflOID Til COIUCLTAlft h .la~-bJ' U. tJld&ed Blalm 'fNM. t ey run fro seven to 47 pounds:' W7 Dl!P""81m' '° """wn' ctimM ta So. all youti've bait boat fisht'r· CdDM'Uon wtth tncon» 1u: 1D&t1-. men take h . The Music, from &UDn'll • l tMm 900.....aPDl'G saaTIOS Earl's Lan ng; Missa\Vit. from ._ ..., -'*' ai~ ... e.... .._ Dr. W. T. Mooney PIQ*"' ·UMl8wp• PllYBICl&NB a 81111GlllON8, II.II A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYlllCIAN .... llUBOEON w Oou& lli&tl""'3'· -· 1111 OorGDadelllar A big run of albacore with all th£' excitement of an E'arly-season catch has kept many Newport Harbor boats busy this past week. \V ith few sportfish£'rmen on ha nd to enjoy the fishing, ma ny skip- pers of Ji\·e ba it charter boats ha\'£' pu1 10 sea to get in a little fishing of their own. J . H ... Bert .. Mills brought in 17 albacore F ri- day, from his Lorna Pa t. The r.linnetonka had 107 and the Rocke t two from King's Landing. The Espada. from P ort Orange, had 13 albacore. Port Orange~ nd Sport King, from ~ a..e.. ~ King's Lan ing, all Jeave at 7 :.. ______ ::c.::;;c;,;, __ _J a.m. and ar catching calico bass. AKCHITECl' I'--------------' barracuda, alibut. plus an oc· .-------------1 r-------------~ casional w . Armand Monaco lobn K-c. Chang, M. D. Salted bqnito and cJams are ~ &ad 8u&••• c~tahing ,jac' sm~lt from the ocean ARCll1TECT 2 • 4 7 . 8 :30 pi ers these ryiorn1ngs and eve nings. SU W. Bay Ave., Balboa and by appointment Mackerel ard y('llowfin · croaker Barbor 1'7U Beacon 5075 Al Lind. of the Ohio. sa\v three are being ~ught too. The yel· znt i.kewood. AT&. UO r.ut lldl street broadbi ll be~'On~ th~ 14-mile bank J lo"'fi':' are t~;ki~g salted ~chovies, Loe Ancelet N Onn.uid.y MOS Costa lleea, Callfonda and bent a li ly.iron 1n one> of them , morrung. e(•en1 ng, or incoming '-------------'1._ ___________ _J that ~ot' away. He saw sour r tides. Nig~t fishing for sculpin fish "'.ith albacore breaking on with salted.\ anchovies is proving !hem 1n these sa me wa1ers. C. good. Corbifta fishing in the surf H. L<:\,ne of the charter boa t Chai· has slowed down, as there are no lenger, out of Port Lido, brought soft shelled 1sand crabs for bait. in . 16 albacor~ Thursday and 6 Yello\\.'fin crtjakcr are being caught Fr1d~y, a ll thirty-pounders. Bob in the surf. [Bay fishing for spot. Le\\·ts of t he Recapture brought in [in a nd ycl wfin is continuing I R. L. HOLFORD laadsc&pe Designer 2668 NEWPORT BLVD . Cftta Mesa - Phone Santa Ana 1515 Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D. • Physician & Surgeon . 821 Marine Ave_, Balboa bluid l'lioaeBarllorZGll l\vo albacore Friday and hooked fairly good. · !...-----------_J ~-------------' eig~t oth£'rs tha t \\•er e pu.t out to Starting overn ber 15 the live · CBIBOPRACl'OB8 J>?S ure. You know, a little too . bai t Ooat \V ern·itch \viii sta rt its ~-----------~ big. 1\nd took orr: A. A. Haufrs a nnual rock cod fis hing. It will Alma brought 1n one thirty-leave from the Fun Zone Landing pounder t he. same day. . In Balhoa a( 7:W a.m. Pop.eyed .The marhn and br?Bdb1JI scor e rock cod arE{ one of the nicer fish still st.ands at 192 fish. the last to eat and S~ippcr Burt Robertson one> being the 245-pound broadbill knows his k cod fishing from landed on October 9 by H . S. "'a y back Graham. from hi s Trade \V ind. -,,---·--+-------- 145 fish \\'ere la nded during the 1945 season, the last one for that year bei ng caught on October 13. So. this fairly-well e nds the marlin season for this year. but. as a rule, a fe.,.., late ones are in the waters around San ClC'mente Isl· and. and broadbill arc still here. Sandy F. MacKay INSURANCE . That's All LlrE · FIRE· AUTO ~~.\R l t J [, ETC. Wagaer Dnir;i-InsUtute Dr. WU-C. W- Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physlo & Colonic Therapy 19ZO Ooaa& 81..L, 8oatlt ._. -Pboae ZOSS DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School IO! (Joni Balboa hlaDd DAY SCHOOL OPENS ocr 1 Gordon M-Grandy, M. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs.: 1().12 a.m.: 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor 37 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8- HOW'!I : 2-5, lty Appointment 'l'lllephone I Bee.con 5848 111 Bro.dwa7 Ooota -GORDON B~ FINDLAY OONTBAOTOR AND Bun.DER unemployment would r£'ach 5 mil- lions, and by the Spring of 1946. it "'ould reach 8 millions. On Aug- ust 30th, 1945. Arthur J . Altmeycr. the chairman of the Feder al So- cial Security Board, rnade an cs- tiina te of coming unemployment. He said lha t by De~mber 1945 there would be a possible low or 5 %: millions out of work and a probable high of 7.6 milions. He was cutting it a little finer, but it \\'as still baloney. By June 1946, he said u nemployment would be So Je t's see what happened. The .. \\'e ar e going to keep on fish· spring of 1946 has come and gone. ing t hrough the year." says D . W. There has been no depression . The King, live bait boat maestro of BRIGC.S & MacKA Y 7·4 E C(njral, Balbo:i. o....i .. : eou. Prep., Army 11•------------' G. A. Mortimer, M. A., Oxford Pltndpoil Pbone Barbor 115% Ollloe: MIO <Jou& Bl..L Plsone Barbor U ! CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINETS AND MU·J,WORK T . C. JOHNSON, Supt. Pboae: Harbor ZS88-l Going to Build nls Year? • Yoo probably bave yow dream b-aD worked out ID yoor mind -or maybe yoor ardlltie<'lt or ~ already baa prepan>cl plam oa paper for JOO- Eledrtdty w111 baft a 1arp ,.rt ID making oh a •• of poe&war living """"' &roe. Wbea you p over tbe plam with yoar ballc1er be .i'.-Ani to Ml< blm about tbe aewl!8& de~ -ta ID IMlaaebold labor •<rlag llllcl fu&. u...i i-aty. Oar Eip<l-1B la everythlllg -..Ulc&I wlD be pd to help wHll layacd plaM or prob' • ODe 1111P•tkm. ma7 r b a lot of dlft&mnn .. tbe '*II•• 11bm\7" ol tbai ,,,,._ ElS-HOlll & GALVAI lll!(CS ~ l t I t P"-a--M0'1 1000 ec-t lllway Miit • -ll'lr>••-.a ... -..0.-'9wn..11111' 11tt'--11111oo1a111--te11···~:111111i,. ... •.-.Oo11aoo1~1111o=t• 7 • El.ECTWCIANB people have not s topped buying ,Kin -;;·;;g;;';;s;;La;;;;n;;d;;i;;ng;;.;;;;';;'Th;;;;e;;;;bes;;;;t;;;;whi;;;;' t;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;f;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:::;; except when prices \\·ent higher I tha n they "'anted to pa)'. which is healthy, and a condition with which older citizt>ns are familiar. P .. tnc Hirtor ZJl)7 from 6 to 10 millions. That was the fi gure for the deprc>ssion of the thirties. On October 29. 1945, Henry Wallace looked into his always- cloudy crystal ball and predicted unemployment wouJd be seven mil· lions in 1946 ; 4 ~ to sin: millio ns in 1947 : running into 1948 and 1949. "'ith an increase of unem- ployment in 1950 r eac,hing seven 11 is caUcd the la"' of supply and demand. Unemployment, instead of in· creasing, has stayed around three millions, or below. which I remind you is normal for the United States. It was fear propaganda. I end this "'eek's le tter with a phrase which still echoes through the land. even after six years. "Only the productive will be strong; only the strong will be free." to eight millions. ;--------------: On Dec<mber 17. 1945, Dr. Isa-Cement and FlapUiae dor Lubin, the U. S . Commissioner Contractor of Labor Statistics, who is pres- ently on leave (to the United Na- tlons, I think) said unemployment \\'ould reach six to nlne millions by the spring of 1946. rt.AT WOU ~ J'OUJQ).l'ft01'1 .,,.....,. .. Barbor 2574sW • P.A.PALMER LIDO 151£ PP.oPmatEs ---'-• W 0 . BUCJC· Insurance Coun.elor ~ 1500 0-..r.f..( 3333 VIA LIDO cALIPORNIA DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and AMociates Does Your House Need Painting? '-A . I No W'SIUng. _Work doae ~fely by bldiJy lkllled loarneymea Palntas 1£. the most iiiod-ern eqalpmeat and 0.-t mate --A~- Owned and operated by World!War D Vefenm ~ yoar permanent good wUI and palronage- '-A I • For Free Es1t1. [mates.- Phone .. ...,,~,BOR 2645 Lee C. ean Radiq Service BOllO, ~IJTO, KAalNE &ADI JIEPAJBCD I Burt Norton '"~ N ONCE AG,~, SAM'S SEA FO .. D SPA Often Yoa tbe l'laod Plaee ta Dl8e la ~ Oomdy: All N ... • • • Even the Location .. -One-Halt Mlle Eut ol Old ~~fDlh-y. Beau·. New I Cocktail We Leed Southem Callfomla In J.. Sa •In& ol -· SEA FOO!:ls AI.SO YOVK liW el . -VlSIT 0'1R Kll'CHI!~ Sam•s Sea Spa udFWt DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST noli \i W. O..OtnL Barbor HIO NEWPO&T 81:.&CB DB. GORDON E. B&PP DENTIST ZllS Weo& O..O&nl Plloae Barbor di-I Newport LIDcola NaUoasl Life lmursnce Co. "I.. JIMDll I nc!!lmt• 1.. ~· DON ll:BNIOAJll' PboaeBarbor--R sel Hart.e .&.... BalMa lat OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSUBANCB 00. Ray Nielsen ms ... , ...... ..... ,.._...___, ......... ·-..... MOlllTICl&N8 Harold K. Grauel Chapel "We Ounelves the -Serve by Senh• Olben Beot" .._.Bosamllll o.e.-~ t:.T.~O.D­ Opta-taM -a.&lllNl:D LbiW D17PUCAft:D ....._to 'A_. 'M. I UJ6W.~&w. ... _._Ml1 •••••1w.m Robert A. Crawford . caiec&r..n EJw !:w• e•e! -G'snec Pitted 1"1 Jfwpwto ••••=• .._..._ ... cma-. -· MIJU>a M. Maxwell. M. D. 1901 (Jou& ll1w*1 Corou del KU' omce Houh: l<f-11!; 2-5 Pboae lfarbor lOlt ~. R. Monaco, M. D. 1 s1• nay A•e-. e.1boa Baifior UU \US S. mn .L, Loe ••pl• '--"' ~ 7911 By AW>ointmant ' ·Gerald RlaWIB, M. D. 2830 Wes~ -Central Ave. NEWPtjRT BEACH ftoD8 ~-l Oll Ko Mll'ftr: ~ ......, IOU-& X-Raf Setvlce T. P. ~er, M. D. ~ .... -- -. Omtnil -- I G. N. PEASE, M. D. o.-11aJ.. -1)1._- Houn J Appointment I ' ""°"" n91z1 Bennett ... ...... la. ~o.e.- Tc' ,, •••••••••• w MlfW. Jl'ewprt._. T , £0 i • 1Nt 111 PIAN TEACHER s'ENJwu> lleJlll e· te 'I \ h Ph. 1212-W 1526 • Oc:mn Fr-1 peon Teacnb-~ Plano ~ 1"'111 · ™ • • Deliciously Prepared + + + + NEWPORT CAFE -24 Holll' Servla&- + aaw:rowt •••-"OA NS'W&-TDIU. NttWIJOI'! a.c-t.. ''allroni1a. Four Paralyud Veterans Attend L. A. College LOS ANGELES. Oct. 21.-So you think going te> college is a tough proposition in these days or over cro"'ded campuses! • • Bu Delusion I Cure Possible .FRANCISCO. -Modem psychia holds some hope for the success ul treatment or persons with t e delusion that their skin is infes. eP "ith parasites . This the vie~· expressed in a repor tfntributed to the Arc.hives of De 1 atology and Syphllology by t\\' University of California SANDY'S DRllE-IN HAM • BACON • BEEF e PORK • Dagwood Hamburgers SU Oout BJ.cbway 110 Mchddea Ploce N-n-Consider the case or four vet- erans on the Los Angeles ca.mpus of the University or California who are determined to get a coll ege education in spite of the fact they are para plegics---pa.ralyzed from the waist d O\\T>. Medical school doctors, Dr. J.IL-------------------------....J \Valter \Vilson. now of Los An- geles, 'fho recent ly completed his /--------------------------'""! reside.n , a nd Dr. l"liram E . Miller . Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units ALL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In Production They are: J ohn Coniff, 28. ButtC'. Montana: Lester Hansen. ?7. Spo- ka n£'. Wash.: Richard Coleman . 26. \Va ka. T ex .. aJ'\d George Hohman. 2'2. Little Rock, Ark. All aft' ex- army men who "·ere "·oundf'd in combat . The quartet has been hospi!Rl- ized at the Birmingham hospital, Van Nuys, Cal. They attend classe5 on the Los Angeles campus in wheel chair s '.\'hich are rolled up and down special r a mps to the campus buildings. In cases "''here their clas.."'iE'S arC' on the upper floors. they use rreight elevators. Coni(f and Coleman ar e studyi ng to be enginC<'rs. Ila nsen is tak in~ a pre-legal cour se, "'·hil e Hohman I is majoring in psychology. • clinical professor or dermatology_ The hysicians said that the de- lusion · more v.'idespread than is indicat by the number of report- ed cas s, of which only 45 were found · 'scientific literature. Six additio al cases treated at the medic school \vere cited. The "lment is usually a symp- tom o a deep-seated mental de- nt, including several types of ps)o osis, involuntary melan- cholia. and paranoia. Pati nts v.'ith the condit ion are difficul to treat. The two physic- ians s d that such patien ts can be cured · asionally by a psychia- trist. . t onl)· rarely by a derma- talogist , la rgely because no ab- normaf skin condition exists. VENETIAN BLfNDS SAL&g and SERVICE Pan · Coast Venetian Blind eo. 814 Coast Highway Bearon 5881...J Look for SI~ on '.'l•ie \4rport Boule,·ard , Hold Private Rites For Mesa War Vet I Casr. ,,.hich a re most suscep- , tible t cure a re those suffering 1L-------------------------.. ' fron1 .a xic psychoses. mental ail· 1 =::~~;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:=:;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;;: Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. 1560 Newport A\·e. Costa Mesa Private serviet>s ,,;11 be-held '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I Thursday. Oct. 25 a t 3 p.m. a t For Your Convenience ..... J ones and Jlotcyer chapel. Van Nuys, for \Villiam Patl'rson. 60. Canadian velf'rnn of \-\'orld War I . 'vho died at Birmingham VC'terans hospital, \\'hC'rC' he had been conrined for five months. He v.•as a nat ive o f Scotland and had tx:-c-n a residf'nt or Costa l\1csa for 26 years, being in the real estate business. Survi,·ing are his I ,,·ifC'. Elizabeth Pa lt'rson; ''''0 daughters, l\1rs. Grace Fr('nch of Nc,,·port l-1 €'ights and l\1~. \\1ilma .o\SGLER RO\'{'. f'R.o\SCI S haul<"d In thl11 b l11t I G:S l f pound n1arlio durln1it u. rec:ent fishln1it trl5• a.boa.rd t he Ala n10, sklp5K!ret1 hy Capt. \\·e~ t •oM'•er. Sportfishing A!'-....:.'n photo. Iceland Historical Document Bought For U. C. Library Hennessey Orders Another Appraisal On Beach Lands n1ents IC'aused by alcohol or drug poison g: and in,·oJutional n1elan- cholia, th<' n1c ntal detl'rioration \vhich on1c1 imes occurs in middle I a nd oip age. ·HANSON'S Shade and inoleurn Shop A New Building New Facilities We Will Remain Open Gillilan of P.on1ona. and l\\'O grand-( LOS ANCF:LES.-..-\ 17-vo\ume children. S('f of JC'C'la ndic histor'' and litt•ra-1 Sta te Park 1\cquisition Officer enetian Blinds indow Shades Friday and Saturday Until 9 p. m. and All Day Sunday - Balboa Central Market Ledger sheets at News-Tl.mes. turc. conaininiz a ma n~sC"ript \\'hich John A . Hennessy has ord£'r cd a out!Lnes thl' Norse discovery or new appraisal of a pnrt of th~ De ivef)' ---Installation Amer ica. has lX'rn aequired by the 19:!00 ft't't of strand bc>t\\'('{'n Ne\v-I Free Estimates Libra ry of the Lc..s ,\n~C'les can1pus porl Bt·ach and ll unlin~ton Beach of th,. Universitv of (";:i.\ifornin. it to be a('(1uir<'d for state park beach For Quick Service \\'as a nnounced luday by Dr. La\\·-purposC's. ~ U Beaco 500 rrncC' Clark Po'''C'll . Tht· n l'\V apprHisal ,,·ill be done a D 4--J The sC"riC'S. purchasc·d by Dr. by Stanlr y GoodC'. Louis \\'. Briggs 10 2 23rd St. Costa Mesa \\'aldC'1nar \\'C'slergaard, in lopen-of Balboa and Don C. J ones of ~--+------------' haken, Dt'nmark. has lwC'n <'ditrd 1-...,ullf'r:on. 'fhC'i r appra isal '''ill by some of Scandinavia's most dis-I supplant one nlade . reCt'ntly by tinguishcd st·holars. I t is said to Ralph i\l askey. prt~s1dent of the be rss('nt ia l to any study of the Ne,,·port !-!a rbor Rt'al Estate legal institutions , pro!'e and poetic board, a nd James \Vorkman of literalurc and the linguistic hi story Sant a 1\na. of the Scandinavian North. The Mills Land a nd Water Volume 13 deals with the Arna-company rcC<'nt ly rejected a n offer J\1a gnaean manuscript "'hich out-of ~.000 for the 1620 feet. which lines the Erik s;:i,ga. It tells of it O\\'ns in the neighborhood be- i · Quality Lumber and uilding Material• • 708 East Central, Balboa Ph.: Harbor 2729 1 the voyage of Erik the Red to '"'een the t'\'o cities. The figure .L--------------------------' Open Evmlnp.. ~ MOlld.Q Greenland and th<' discovery, by \l.'as set by :\laskey a nd \Vorkman. ---------------------------'---'---'--=-'----'----his son, Li£'f, of "\"ineland" SUP- COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. . ' .. ~ Oil If 111111111• • .. _,_us 1111s.ssm .~Jitr u·o1·kiHg iN othn Jiii· tioNs for 20 1111rs, Ellis Bldnfttnship is 11ou· optr11t- i11g " 1hri1·i11g 1\fobilg11s b11si11tss of his ou·u iu Saut11 &lrb11r11, (11/if. Ht is "'"'· ritd, h11s O>lt 'hi/J. 11HJ ou·us 11 s1t111/I •rMngt 111.nch u·hich ht o~r•lts bi,,,st lj. Ht is loolttd Mpo11 111 ovt of Sa11111 &rbtir•'s highly rt g11rdtJ •11J s11c<t ssf11/ li11siNtSJ #It#. ASIC l'OUI MOl llGAS CllALll fOI A fl l f con Of ·roucK- DOWN nrs-EACH WHll. ''Sure I'm Proud! I'm One of a ••• _ _, Great Nation-wide Family of Gasoline Dealers'' It's something to be proud of ... to · have a small bu.sincss of your own and stiU Ir.now you are pan of a great nation-wide group o( friendly JC"rvicc srarion optnton .. _owning their o wn businesses .•• se lling cop-quality products and tquippcd to g ive the best sc:rvicc. That's why ir pays to drive in ac the sign of the f lJi•g Retl Htw11. Thcrc"s no seem to our method. You a.o't buy a bt-ttcr guolinc tlwi Mobilgu. _.or a bm:cr oil rban Mobiloil. As owner of my business 1 give you the kind of service I'd like co get when I drive into a service scar.ion. With independent Mobilgas dealers every· when: backing up !Op ·qualiry. Mobi.I prod· uru with high gndc scrvicc ... wc all bendit as you form the Jubic of driving in wbcnvu you see che siga of the FfJ;,,t Rt# Hom. EJU. Bt.•,,,_sb;p S..i. &r6.r•, C4HfontU. posedly some\\'hc>re on the north- east coast of North t\merica. 1\\·eJve of the volum('S have al- ready arrivC'd in the Los Angeles libra ry. and the othe rs a re expecl- l'd soon. Aud ''four S t r~ngth and Eurr~y I• 8.t'.low Par It m.ay bl a \lffd b)' dlaordf'r 1;11 llid- 0117 f11nrl1<1n that J>"'Unill pois-1no.,.1 wute to a<:Nmulati:. t•or truly m:ln)' Pf"Oplf' IHI t.r\'<'I, t1 pak and miw rtble w~n 1b11 kkl1u·:r• fall to reooo•·• l'lceA 1r!d.t aod other 1''Ute m•tlf't from thf' blood. You znay 1uft'e r 1111t:rior bac:k1rhe, rbeuma t1c pain.o. b"1d1.:hca, di,..1nt!9. p 1th14' up nicl:t1. l1•c palD.1. 1well!n1. SQrnetimn lri:q•.,•nl and 1<:1nt )' urt:ia- \Joa wilb 1rn1rt;n1:: and burai.D.1 ill 1111- other 1icn t hat ~·11n.,tbi11c Is w-roo c -itb the kidntoy. or bladde-r. Tlwre 1ho11ld be no doubt that prompt tre•tn:il'nt l1 •i1l'r tbui Dt'flfft. u .. Dooii'• l'oU.. lt ill bettc.r to re.Ir l>ll • mMil"iM that ha1 •1.1n counlty1''Jd11 •P-proval tbao on .am.,thinc 1-f,.vorably kno•o. Doa1t"1 b11Y11 bf<'n trio><! and tnt- ed znany 7nr.. Ar• at all druc 1to._ G1l DN1 1 t~odij":,·-~ .. • I . -'HEADACHE IS SUCH A BIG .. ITft,a 1MING A LL SET for a eood fall clay'a work wheo a DAl'C'inc bead· acM a>Mh up on y ou. You autrer. and .o doea your wor k. BMd7 for an n en.i.nc of relax.: ation am enjo:JtDent -• peak7 ....,..ebe interfen. with yoar fan. pst. enjoyment or nlaution. i>&.IOJM Anti-Pain POis uaoall7 relieve not only B ..... ..i.e. bat SU.pie Nevalcia. •-nlar Paina aa4 Faactioaal Mo.Wy Palu. Do you use Dr. 110.. Airtl-PUI Pilla? If no• why not? ¥oa can ce• Dr. llileo AnU-Pain Pilla at )'OW' dnJ« store in the ncaJar pack•ee for om,. a )e'IUI)' apiec:. and in the eec>l)Oll\Y puk•p erin chuper. Wby not get a _.-.,.. today? Yov c1nuia< baa -r..ead di.rectiom &1ld ua onl1' u cliH<Ud. Your m_,-~If ,_ ..... not •'isfted IJll Pete Beatty, 307 Lindo s treet. R. E . HOSTETLER Phone Beacon G016 Balboa, is recovering from an ill- ness whjch has kept him in bed for some time. 1:0-..1.---------...: WILLIAM P. l\1EALEY GENERAL CONTlfACTOR Residential and Comme ·al Building Pbonee: Beacon 58S8 Beacon 5804--l\' 461 Newport Blft. Costa Meu MET I CLAD P ODUCTS by CLARK I BATES -Look for the Bro e Mailbox- Metallizing-• ~~~~rudden, deck fit- • orJA~· hardware. Art jects, doors, signs, store front1 decorations. Welding-e ALLpPFB SpedJillsts in steel, cast iron, afumlnum. braas, bronze. -ALL NEWPORT BJl:AOR WORK OU~- li08 IOth su.r Barbor ZG09 THE RECORD SHOWS ••• S he riff I esu L . Elliott Is the B est Sh eriff Orang t County t1Jtr had! Honest! Efficient! Able! Economical! Knowledge and Experience 1- TUNE IN -n.. Pablle -Bour" ft.&nON IC.V.O.E. at l:U.....,. -......... a.w. wuc•n.n ...... _ c:r..Q-......... : ....... YOTE RE-LECT • ELLIOTT llUllC{ THI "NI WHO l#dws T~ X» ...... • • I Happy ... as a lark because h er clean, smart appearance rates admiring glances. MANDEX Cleaners and Dyers Newport Blvd. $ P aUudee Road Next Door t o l\luftl, Ltd. Santa Ana E. _J. .(Bud) Jacklin OONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK Flat Work or FoundaUou CALL l 5 ! 2 -J FOR INFORMATION NEW STREAMLINED Refrigerator Car . FOR SANTA FE -. • P.·.· . .. . --":--,.-::" WITll TlllSI IMPORTANT IMPROYIMllTS luUt of Stolnle11 Steel Sides of the cu, iocludiag doors, are cold rolled stainlet1 1tHL R.equitt1 oo paint, retains iu luster and physical properties O'l'Cr Joog period o f yean. Many pounds lightu than can now ja UH . Maximum lnllVlatlon-Mlnlmum Wall Thlckneaa Insti!ation is used in blanket and panel form in the sides, ends, roof and in the floor. This provides maximum insulation with minimum wall thickness. More UnHonn Temp-• Control A contiouou.s dac1 sy1ttm bu been Wtallcd oa eadl dd. ol lhc door-which ca.a ~ cue i.a. ot ou1 br l:DHDI of loa•as. Thus, ice-cooled air ~ be circulated IO cool load. oc Ital" lffP&IC ca.a be_ raDOTied . ' C:O..vertiWe, Uehtwe.!9hf lunlter e A new type, collapsible ice bu.nllr is built ioro the cu. LiPc ia ..a.ht. ii Gl&J be ~ by 0GC man. OuWde·radiaa canpttatuse iadicalon !ot top aod boaom air coadicioal an placied oo each 1idc of rbc car. Conffiilent -· Door A w:Uqoe aliding door with a siz. foot: opea.ing is p&aced iA poRQoca for rolliag oa a mck by ma.tu of a aiaala bat Madie Pnnides more deuuc~_aad is uftt thaa ""i.aaia6 doon. This onr. sueunlioc4 rc&ip:ratoc cat wu daiped llO fuW n- qainmnaa of thippas of perith1hln., Im a cu matt dfirieet. llP-IA ..... ...d _,. ...a, looded aod OAlooded """' eqaipmrnc DOW i.a w. * le is the fon:cu.a.aer o( a ieet ol ..,. frci&bt eqllipme:DI daipcd CO pc Suata fe JMlUOO' dM ~ io tel'Tia, 1peed ud aalny. * Yow &eitbt •hip-me\ romucl Ssata ~ an always ia Clfl!lb''" bu.ck. • - ~ ~ Santa Fe ~ ., C.D-IiNDSEY,T.P.A. SOl No. Mala St., l'i.-f88 SANTA ANA, CAUi'. -- t - • M&WPoal ••••.& , ' • Corona de! Mar Sun day School Guild -Takes Up Child Study, Works for Bazaar Harbor Feminine Act.vities ; San Bernardino Clubs !.-----"-----., Eighteen members of the Sun-,Diehl u co-boltea.. Devotions day School Guild of Corona de! wore led by Mrs. H. Lynn Hughes. Mar ComunJty church met recently The evening was spent making with Mn. Raymond Harvey, 1400 cloth8 for the baby booth which Seavtew avenue with Mrs. Lowell ls the particular charge of the Nevvlon presiding and Mrs. Stuart guild for the bazaar, wh.Jch la M- ing held Friday in the church so- cial hall Study work f or the group is t>e. ing taken from DT. Arnold Gesell's two books, The Fint Five Yean of Li.fe and the follo"'i ng one tak- ing the child from five to ten, with Mn. Harvey pTesenting ma- terial on the first book. Pbmes 13 and 208 • By Winifred 8ubft + ~ldence Phone 1637-R ~~~~~~~~ Thrift Shop Holds F inal Ml'~ting ; Presents Impressive Record of Com unity Service 'Ibe Thrift Shop has cloaed it's it wu the Thrift Shop who capab- doors as quietly and unobtrusively ly attractively furnished a u it opened them. Those who sun m in the Convalescent Bar- knew it we.ll, and that includes racks. the majority of the people in the Not only the hospital profited, community, feel as though an old but U.S.O., War Chest, P .T.A .. and trusted friend had passed from Girl Boy Soout Troops, the view. Christf'nas Boat, Home Service, Hear Orange County /I LA11 111 Federation President N~. • • Mrs.~ Wheat or Newport bland. president or the county federation of Women's clubs, was guest .apeaker Friday at the meet- ing of San Bernardino county Women's clubs, held at Fontana. Subject of her a-..S was "The American Home of the Future". Mrs. Wheat shared program hon- ors with Mrs. Frank Rospa.w of Placentia, who SPoke on the gene- ral Federation. -11-r ~ "Cap'n" Don's _, .. 1 Reports were given on member- ship. The particular aim of the group i.s aiding the Sunday School and among other things they pur- chased carpeting for the school rooms. . At the close of the evening the ~ served lemon pie and coffoe. Four years ago a tiny band or and ~ Ebell Clu~. To the an- women Jed by Marie Boudinot de-nu~ C-OSS Drives al.one they cfded that ln keeping with gene-ga\e 800.00, and ln April of 1945 ra1 war eUort:s they would collect they t in a $600.00 check for all ttems not needed or wanted by tha n~ Presbyterian hospital. In individuals in the vicinity; clean, September of this ye_ar they sent _tn sort, mark, and attractively dis-anou+-$1000.00, wtth an addltio- play them. The fUnds received nal djeck for $300.00 to the Can- would be turned over to organi-cer qinic. Thursday Mrs:" Wheat was speaker at a luncheon meeting of the Buena Park Women's club. talking on "American Humor'' and at this meeting she had as guest Mrs. William Gale, president of the Huntington Beach Women's club. Miss Conant Elected Chairman of e"""'1a't The exclusive Staufrer reduc- ing method otters the easy, pleasant way to contour con- trol -that protect.ll health. boosts vitality, encourages good posture. No drugs, elec- tricity, steam or exe rtion. No disrobing. It's gentle -it's thorough -it's tun. U Treatment& 5'15.00 U ~tmento U6.00 Telephone for an Appoinonent ()pea S EvenJnp a \\'eek By Appointment STAUFFER SYSTEM Girl Sco uts Entertain Mothers Girl Scouts of Troop 7, Corona del Mar and Balboa Uland. re- cently entertained their mothers at a tea in the k indergarten of the Newpor t Beach grammar school under the direction of their leader, omct:.KS OF Tiii:. !:BELL CLUB, who are 1ooldnc fo""·a.rd to the Mrs. Ralph Deave r and her assts-blcrest year in tbe bJstory ol the orpn1zadon. Wltb membenhlp at full <!apaclty, pl&nA are beinC made for a Junior M!CUOD. Lef t to tant, Mrs. Howard Petersen. rl&ht· Mn. C. M. DesldM. putlamentartan; Mn. Richard Othmer. .Mrs. C 'V!· Dutton. troop .:om- 1 Mereiary; Mn. Bruce McBride. president; Mn. L. L bbell, ~ioc­ nuttee chrurman, also assisted. presldent· Mn. Robert Allen. treuu.rer and Mn. H. P . Baeh, cor- Members of he r troop committee re5pondln( secretary. -photo by Gerhardt. are M"'. Arthur P Davidson. Mrs. . Elwood Snyder, Mn. Clyde White, High School Recreation Room Benefits Mrs. Josephine P e t ers-On. Honored d f PTA D B · d guests were the sixt h wade toach-From Procee s o essert n ge z.ation1 ln need of h(!p and support. YesJ ft is a wonderful record. The ne"''S spread as actively u Ev · from baby shoes to fire in dry timber. Soon every-whee chairs bought-help, where- one knew of the little shop. Thole mfort and assistance were unable to pour money into war · $10,000 worth. $10.000, a coffers u generou.sly as th ey sum at could never begin to would Jike, felt a glow of satisfac-expr in it's total of good done, tlon when they could t urn oxer ~e atitude, respect, and affec- small clean dresses, shoes, and t10.n f a community for twelve undergarments outgrown by their qwet women. own children, t hat would benefit '3 SALUTE you Mrs. E . E. other youngsters, often deprived Bou not, ~· LeW Wallace, Mrs. or needed thlnp because of war He .a n Hilmer , Mrs. Lou Seager, shortages. Purchasers in turn Atr:s. I Roger \Voods, Mrs._ Charles were not onl y grateful for the Pr1e4° lttrs. C. M. Dealc1ns, Mrs. articles. but glad to suppor t such RuSSf:l Reed. Mrs. Sam Meyer , a patriotic effort. Mrs. !Fred CaUln, Mrs. Henry Eg- Funds v.·er c handled with a di-gert and ~trs. J . R. La P erle. ers, Mrs. Butler . Aotrs. ~TcCu tcheon a nd ~-trs. Belman : the music teach- er , J\.{iss Heydenreich. a nd the prin- cipaJ. Mrs. i\larie Heff<'rn. I rectness a nd promptitude that won The American Legion hall in I lion in charge of art a nd decor a-ever lasting gratitude from organi- Costa l\fesa was bright with . tion~-~{rs. ~yde Otto acted as zations hampered by red tape and orange, bronze and golden zinnias hosp1~al1ty cha1nna~ and was re-military restrictions. Ra Nie lsens Hos ts At !Bridge P arty I . Mit. and Mrs. Ray Nielsen enter-ta in~ \Vi th a bridge party r e- F AC Arts & Crafts Because she has accepted a position which would make it lm- pouib1e for her to continue her duties as chairman of the Friday Afternoon club arts and crafts sec- tion, Mrs. Grace Wilcox tendered her resignation at last week's meeting. Her resignation was ac- cepted With regret. Miss Lyda Conant of Newport Beach suc- ceeds Mrs. Wileox and l'ttrs. Tina Small was elected as:.istant chair-man. The meeting \\'BS held jointly with the garden section of the club in American Legion hall. (J~ ... .. u ..... -..-... ~~--... -~ £. DeUala• Combination Dinners £ New and Unusual Seafood Specialties £ For -..- BEACPN 5" 6 5 "Rendezvous of the Mariners" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND OOCKTAIL BAR Phone 7•l! :47 Broadway LAGUNA BEACH Girls of the troop arC' Barbara White, Phyllis Beardsley, Mary Ann Sn}'·dC'r. Susan Davidson. Bon- n ie Kevan, Nancy Deaver, Mary Blodgett, Winston Sullivan. Mar- gar e t Marshall a nd Patsy Allen. the a fternoon or October 16th. spo_llSlble for all pnzes. She was When the hospital a t the Santa when the Newport H arbor Union assisted at the door by Mrs. R. H. Ana Army Air Base needed books High School Parent Teacher asso--~ames. ~trs. Douglas \V arel was for .i t's infant library, it \\'as the ciation gave its dessert bridge In charge of candy sales a nd Mrs. Thr1f~ Shop that sent a ch~k party for the purpos<' of raising Geor.ge Y~rctley the sale of Hal-COVC'r1ng the pu:c,hase of the f1~t rands for the ne"' recreation room !owe en cnckets. .ne\\." books for its she1ves. Again in the high school. The ha] was Mrs. Ber tha Bohannan and her it was the Thrift Shop tha t con- donated by .the Le;;ion for the oc-daughter Mrs. Har~ld Wocx:t ren-tributed funds tow a rd the pur- casion. \vhich was conceded by all dered a n . ~tstanding service to chase of needed Jibrary carts for to have been a n outstanding sue-the assoc1at1on when . they volun-"·ard \vork. cent..JY at their home, 215 East Bay <Jorne r Marine I& P ark Ave. Balboa &land avenUe. using the H a llowe'cn motif 1 ·---------'-.:..;=..._:c.;.:._;_ ______ ==::..:=-=-'-'---' in dikorations and serving a buf- Inditidual1ty foT th t "M othtr·to·bt · · · If tuc do not luJvc 1t, tuc ma~C' it, you sC'c! 'Donn a,c:J'([arie Shopp e \\·e Are Happy to Serve You In ! Locations 516 N. Main St. . .\.rcare Bldg. Santa Ana Ph.one S808 .a62o \\'hlttler Bl\·d., Eat Los An«eie9 WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30. 60 . 90 Daya) Marbro's hwlte yow. to come ln and open a chara:e account. Our stocks are ccmplete with the latest styles ol Ladies' Fino Apparel. Na!lonally Adve..u-1 READY-TO -WEAR mARBROJ clan~ {2,za, 111 WEST •T H ST. PBOm: IHI Store Houn: ir8" Including Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 5:80 P . M. 114 W. 4111 St. PASADENA Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH 11 1f, -ft. BJ'. l -Ml Ploe A-._ B. _ _., ' fet sJ.lpper after the play. r---------------------------, cess. $179.69 was c1eared. terC'd to do all the dishes for the Radios were a t a premium, and Individual pumpldn pies topped party. needed greatly by patients con- wi th whipped cream were served. Executi\'e board membci rs \\'ere fint'd to bed for long periods. Hear- whil(' table prizes coru;i.sted or os-responsible for the sals of all ing or the situation, the little shop sorted ~rt cards attractively tickets and rendered general as-immediately took care of two such wrapped in autumn colors. sista nce throughout. situations. Three rloors prizes of ''hard t o The first \var Christmas, Grey get"' items were awarded. tho Mesa Girl Scouts Ladii;s decided to help wrap pack- first going to Mrs. Roland Bernas-EnJ"oy Weekend agC'! for patients. who othel"'\o\-;Se coni, the second to Mrs. Joseph \\'O Uld have been forced to send Hamblel. and the third to Mrs. ·rroop 81 of Cost Mesa Girl things home in r outine brown but- H. M. Welsh. Scouts with 22 present, enjoyed a cher paper. No funds were avail- A large three-layer chocolate happy \\'(>('kend at Rankin's ··oude able. O ne day later, a generous cake was baked and donated by Ranch," Lemon Heights. The girLs chC<:k arrived from the Thrift Shop Mrs. Raymond K. Eastman, a nd camped out, cooked their own and that and ensuing Christmases won by Miss The lma Freed. meals and r eturned Sunday eve-v.•ere made more glowing and hap.. ·.Gtt:>sts were a group of former v o I B t s h scho.jl friends who get together 1·. s e ·a u y 0 p once I a month. and for the third time Mr. and Mrs. Nielsen took the first fprize . As$isting the host and hostess in senriflg "'ere their daughter Bar- barala nd David WC'stcott. Cri.fsts included Mr. and Mrs, J ess, J ames. Buena P ark ; ~tr. and Mrs. Ed Thurman, Fullerton ; Mr. and :ftfrs. Stanley Mattison, Comp.. ton : r . and Mrs. Harry Saunders, Whi ier . a nd Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Doyle or Buena Park. 1103 Coast IDway · Corona del Mar Announcing ... Remodeling of her beauty •shop with · booths which give you more privacy. NEW WA TER SOFTENER SYSTEM FOR MORE BEAUTIFUL HAIR • Hair Styling • Hair Cutting • Tinting • Manicuring Al acore Supper • Permanent Waves of all Types Fo l DDF Members KJTrY BUSBY, formerly of Chi._ and -i . will be ..U.ttnc VI In Milady'• BeauWk:alloo Mrs. 1\-tarvin Wilcox served as ning. Mrs. Harold Hall and Mrs. py for hundreds of grateful and tea hostess, with Mrs. Willard Kil-Glenn Van Aken were in charge. homesick G. I.'s. When wounded from overseas began to pour into the hosplta1, Mtj;.~lmer Patterson entertain-F OR APPOINTMENTS -P HONE HAR.BOB 179-W ed. rrjembers of the D. D. F. club I'----------------------------' Frid4y evening, the H allowe'en Port r a i tu r e and Commerci al P hotography Phone Harbor lo.33 BALBOA Palm Ave. 'J07 Dinn er and Dance W il l Feature Grange Ba zaar A ham dinner at 6 :30 p.m. and dancing in the evening will be a part of the Grange bazaar, to be held Thursday, Oct. 24 in the Costa Mesa Legion ha11. The bazaar opens at 1 p.m. and there will be cooked food !or sale, with booths for hand made aprons, baby clothes, pillow cases. lunch- eon sets and othe r attractive gift items, as well as one devoted to white elephants and one for potted plants. Members of the Home Economics section a re in charge. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!Mesa Cub Scouts IL ID 0 WE DNESDAY -ONI: DAY ONLY -OCTOBl:B ZS Need Leaders \Vith 200 Cub Scouts in Costa Mesa and only two Den Mothers, leaders ar e badly needed and mothers are asked to respond so the OJ.bs may get orga nized. Mrs. Ed Mirkovich and lttrs. Byron F en- ley are carrying on the work tor their Dens but so far other Dens are not meeting. I Mrs. C. M. Deakins Speaks at Orange Mrs. C. M. Deakins of Balboa was &IJ(!a.ker today a t the luncheon meeting of the garden section or the Orange Wom<'n 's club, giving an interesting talk on "Origin of Flower Names". themf beilig carried out at the m~.ht supper which leatured al :re a la King, pumpkin pie a.n ome made ice cream. Mis. Roy P age held high scor e at bridge and Mrs. Sheldon Smith was Winner or the 80-honor prize. Mrf. Guy Crozier , a former mem- ber, ..l-~est of honor and mem- bers )lr nt were the Mesdames Harrj ale er, Roger Barrow, Ray Craig{ Ed Edick. Wa1ter Nollar, Roy {Page, Sheldon Smith and Elmer ·Patterson. Thq, next meeting will be Nov. 8 at pie new home of M.ra. Roy Page, Newport Heights. ~APBARMAOY ~N HARBOR DRUG NfWPORT PHARMACY J OUR NEW HOURS aewa ai 1:s. a 1:1t PS•: Color Ouioo9 a N.,.. ..... at l :tl .. 11:'5 Next: "Strange Love of Martha Ivers" 7p. m. • , • CHEN YU c Tolietries Street F1oor DEVIL w,;J:;rv~~ ~ Who could resist It? Who could mist,.... when you wear it? Oien Yu Lodcy Deril, •• • the m°'t mischievo.,, dare.de.ii red that ...,. .., tu. to your nailt and lipo ... the merrioat match r- locqu~ 111d Ii po tick ..,.rs truck. And bet.me it'• Clieti ya. the way Lucky De-ril kw is nothing abort or . ....,,., COOD LUCI: nr-t.cquer, Jipstf~ •nd lllln!knt (irideN:ent) lacquer for daite·duzle, l l .9S• UICn Dtm. UP UD PDIC:DTJP 1rr-1.actwr · and m1tching lipttiek. •1.60• W<ZY DIYll. DV.&L-f.aequer with T"'-7So" Wttr ...... unnar. fl.00- • plus tax ft:m• ...... Ml 1a1t, ___ .., -- •