HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-10-29 - Newport Balboa News Times• THE .. SAND CRAB ~ SAM 9'E&CllEK CRISIS. ~ the I -political campaign nerus Its finale, opposition to Pro- position No. 3 -to vote a minimum of $2400 yearly for BChooi teachers -becomes less and less. When one realizes that the U. S. gained Its ascendancy in national and world affain; via our democratic educational sys- tem, and not by accident, one must appreciate that educa- , tion has paid off in huge div- -ldends. This country, with . Its enonnous wealth spends about 2 pct. of its income on education and in the world· wide struggle between com- munism and democracy, its outcome will be determined by education, not by force; the victor will be the teacher. not the soldier. The exo du s fr om the teacher profession since 1939 h as been terrific. An esti- mated 350.000 teachers have quit since then to go into bet· ter paying jobs. while 60,000 positions are sllll unfilled. the work being distributed among the remaining st affs. already overburdened. The same ratio applies to \\'Omen. the colleges reporting a big drop in graduates. A start In the right direction can be made by favoring No. 3 on your ballot next Tuesday- and anyway the election is important enough from top to bottom for all you back- ward, indifferent folks to go to the polls and VOTE. Out in Force. Nearly 150 Democrats and friends gath· ered last Thursday to wel· come Speaker Alben Bark- ley. \Vil! Rogers, Jr .. Ray Ad- kinson and oth ers at the Newport Harbor Yacht club. It was supposed to be a "tea" In the afternoon followed by a good steak dinner. Mr. Barkley, who is a bland, un- hurried gentleman from Kentucky. pledged his sup- port to Mr. Adkinson. if the people send him to congress; ditto for Mr. Rogers. High- lights were renewing old ac- quaintances whom Mr. Bark- ley knew in Kentucky, such as Noel Berry of Santa Ana. B."'"'Z. McKinney of Corona del Mar, and others. Inci- dentally a boost was given Jim Farquhar running for state senate on the Repub- llcan ticket, with J im mak· Ing a few remarks. Grant Dllngworth. Har- borites, g e n e r a 11 y, w i 11 mourn the passing of Grant Dllngworth, 73, who man- aged and built the Alpha Beta store at Costa Mesa over a period of 18 years. One thing for which he will always be remembered, was ltls kindness to the needy during the last depression. Time and again people lim- ited in funds were given their groceries and told to forget about it-which they never have. Deceased had been ailing for the last few years and son Jim has oper- ated the store in the usual Dllngworth efficient manner. Who Is to Bhune. Note that Dr. Charles Vickery, president of a non~secta rian Institute and Rev. J . Camp- bell White. pastor of an Ohio church. in speeches in Los Angeles, blal)le the falling off ID church income to public greed. All of which may be true. but it seems that con- structive criitcism would ac- complish more. \Vhy can't the chuches operate their ftnances like the Red Cross. the Community Chest and ot her like organizations? 'Ibey can just as well meet on common ground and hold cme big money-raising rally -')'l!larly. May one suggest that some religious denomi- nations are a bit self-cen- tere<I and should stand at a distance and review them• .tws! JIMldays.. Getting that time or year, folks-referr- ing to Thanksgiving and Cbrlslmas. President Tru- JDUI has wisely put the Tur- Jueoy Day of Thanks back to the last Thursday in the -th-this year. Nov. 28. He alllo has fixed Nov. 11 as Annlstice Day. KFEJ> POSTED! 1 Year •.•••• '3.50 la Ooeo'7 SJ.110.t .. ~~ .. :tO °"' .. --~l'Q.alete Newa r s ,)'f'ewpwl ._.. ' . .NEWPODT • • BOA o.ly 0,.. Oooaty ' WeM!y N ew1pape r llNDber 4.adH J1o. nu of. Qro;•J tlca EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST 'NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT IGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COST A MESA NEWPOBT BEACH, CALIFOllNJA, TUESDAY, OCTOBEB %9, ~ 1 NUMBER M Federal Aid Is Seen For H rbor Jr. College Costa Mesa Mechanic tteld After Admission of Local Burglaries, Reports Police Twenty.four hours alkr be wu picked up by Newport Beach po- licemen on M1Splclon of bursla.ry, Max Covey, 26.year...old mechanic of %%06 Vz Newport boule\-ard, Costa Mesa, Is said to ha\·e admitted to unla"'ful entry of three 'Newport Beach e1tabllshments, one within the put 26 hours. The suspect •• now oonfJned to the S e"1port Beach city Ja.11, w here he 1~ beln& questioned with reference to other outbreab of burglariH In this city. Chief of PoUoe R. R. Hodgkin.ton NJd today that Covey was picked up by Pa · trolman Harry Lace and Ray ' 0 • y ts Johnson and RRscrve Officer Larey rgan1ze e Goddard, as the three police o!fi. 1 c "tt t ~ers wei:-e. ~n.s"·ering a nothe r can I omm1 ee o 1n the v1c1n1t\' of Qc('an Front, a t • 2 o30 o'clock Monday morning. . Re-elect Elhott 5 1.'archN:I 1n the usual routine m11 nncr at policc rcadquarters. J . . , Covey \\'(IS round in lh(' JX>SSCSsion Org~n1zat 1on o f a Vc t.crans of a gun and con!'id<'rable cash. Committee for the re·clect1on ot The "·papon \Vas idt·ntified as one Sheriff Jess L. Ellio't t "'as . ~n­ slolf'n fronl the NC\\-port Auto nounCT"d in Or ange county c1t1cs Supply co1npany store of 2514 West and cornmunities this \\'Cck. CC'n!ral a\·rnu(', Nc\~1>Qrl Beach, Its nlcmb<>rship includes many the mornin~ of Oct. 12. lc>aders o f S('f\'icc men's orga niza· Confronted \\·lth this informa-l ions nnd they strongly urged El· tion. Covey. police said, admitted liott's re turn to office by the the buglary. He is said to have vote rs at the ('!cction ne xt Tues- conf('ssC>d also to burglarizing the day. C IO fishcrmC'n's uni on office of "\Ve f('('i that Elliott is a tried '"'O dollars after !C>aving the auto and proven puhlic servant, exper · supply store. The sus~ct is also iC'ncC'd and ablt-. and that Oran.e;e said to have admitted burgla rizi ng county today is a clean and de· Loy's Ne\\·port market on Ocean sirable place in v.·hich to live and Fron!. ear ly ~·londay morning. Po-r('at a famil)1:· the committee de· \ice said $14.7 reportedly stolen clared in a statement it issuC'd. from tht" Ocean Front store was "He is a long time resident ot also found o n the suspect's person. the county, kno\\'S the people and Police repor ted tha t the auspt.--ct the requir ements of law enforce· served a 30 day sentence in the ment. and "'e are convinced that it county jail for commission of theft would be folly to expt>riment with in O live Ja11t July. a new s hrriff rathe r than to re- The suspect, however . de nied tain the efficient executive we entering the Cox shoe store on now hive at our service."' 22nd street, Newport Beach, early Included in the representative Monday. About $50 was stolen Vetera ns ' Committee are : from there. police said. Ivy L. Belote jr., former air for ce Rep. Phillips Talks Over GOP Plans l\iore than a score of enthusias· tic supporters turned out I as t Thursday to the Globe Herald newspaper office in Costa Mesa to hear Congressman J ohn Phil· lips of Ba nning, Republican nom- inee for re·election, discuu recent legislative issues. adopted or de· fe ated by the Congress. Phillips told the gathering that he was opposed to the continu· ance of OPA controls, except on rents, a(ter June 30, the date that the restrictive legislation is to e nd. .. He also said that a numbPr or experts forecast a Republican House, with a one-vote-majority in t he Senate, after the November 5th election. A Republican victory would in· •crease the importance and value of Republican Congressml'n and Senators because the various con· greslonal committees would be automatically rrorganized, \II,' it h Republicans as chairmen, and as m ajority members o f each com· mittee. he said The next session of the Con· grl'S!I:, Phillips add€'d. \\'ill be of utmost importanCt' to the future course of the United States. "be- cause the coming Congress >A'ill de· termine to what extent vast war· time powers. given to the Presi· dl'nt . are to be returned to thr IPgislati\'f' branch of the govern- ment." Congressman Rnd J\lrs. Phillips expr('SS('(f thl.'i r sincere apprecia· tion ror the cordial welcome l'X- tended to them while in Costa Mesa. The reception 1J1.'as arranged by R. N. Ludi. editor and pub- lisher of the Costa Mesa ne"''S~ papt>r. Ex-Service Men May Now Enlist in Army At Their Old Grade i •I pilot. frequently cited for bravery, now a Cos ta Mesa business man; R. "Dick" Hasler. World War I veteran and well known Garden Grove ra ncher ; Dal Nash, former non-com with the 8Sth IBlue Devil) division, now back at his business 1n Buena Park: Eddie Hernandez. former boatswain mate USN. no\\' operating his Laguna Beach business again. Robert L. J ones, fought in the Battle of the Bulge and later in the Pacific "''it h the 86th division, now returned lo Santa Ana; Dan Nugent. veteran with 21 years' service in the U. S . Marines. now Jiving in Santa Ana ; Bill Steel, former a.29 pilot in attacks on the Jap mainland and Dr. Joseph Saylin, Orange ph~ician who served in World War I and II and was recently discharged from the Army Medical corps as a colonel. Civilians Observe Navy Day Program Here and Elsewhere ln spite of overcast ak:ies thou· sands of civiliaru1 motored to navi!t.I installations in the Orange county ar ea on Sunday, Navy Day. Guided by alert, rourteous Navy and Marine men. the civilian guests w ere t"Scorted through the Navy blimp base. Santa Ana ; the Naval Air station at Los Alamitos, and the Marine Air station at El T oro. TOOay, Newport Harbor will ob. serve its phase of Navy Day with a lunchron at the Ne"-'J)Ort Har· bor Yacht club. Scheduled to spt>ak is Capt. 1·1. F . Agne"-". USN. a \'ete ran of th(' amphibious forces in the Pacific \\'ar theater. Presiding at the luncheon w ill be Capt. C. \". McCarty, USN tRet:), chairman of the Naval Affairs ron1mittee of the N e\\'· port Harbor Chamber of Com· merce_ --' URGES ADlllNSON EL!':CTIOS. l\nlle V. S. Sen. Alben "'-Barkley. senate ~jo rtt y leader. (cen- te r ). Ustenis ln a penAlve mood, \\111 ft.oc'en .Jr .. D emocratic nominee for the U. . senate, makes an urxent plea ror the election of Kay Adk.ID.90n , Dernocratk) nominee for conl(f'e&5 f m the 22nd dlatrlct., at the rally gi\·en In the Newport Barbor Yacht c lub. Seated, left to rtgltt. Ray Adkinson, Sen. Barkley, Don Deerbls, Adld11son'11o cun~p manarer; a.n unidentified woman ; rry Wllllamson and Mrs. W'llUarmon of Rewp>rt a..ch. -'--News-TI oto b Beckner . Sen.· Barkle Pl~ges Aid to Adk nson I Voren ."Elect Him to . Congress "No matter what happens to congress in the November election . the Presidl'nt is going to be a Democrat and the cabinet is go-. ing to be Democratic." U. S. Sena- tor Alben W . Barkley ot ·Ken: tuck}'. senate majority ~leader, told 150 enthusiastic persons who attended the dinner given Thurs· day in the Ne"'port Harbor Yacht club In ho nor of Ray Adkinson . Laguna Beach nom inee for con- gress. "You send Adkinson and Will Rogers to congress and I will see that 'they are given every con- 3ideration. I will do everything within m y po"'·er to see that any measure they propose Is given careful and considerate attention," the K entuckian promised. ''I want the United States senate to remain Democratic. I want it to make no m istakes that wou1d interfere with th~ progress of the United States," the senator went on, expressing the hope that Democrat!: .... 1u also support will R.ogers jr., the candidate seek· ing e lection to the United States senate. The senator referred to his visit to.~&r-torn European ci~ies where there was nothing left of homes and merchant buil~ings e>c:cept rubble. and where thousand!!! of homeless and hungry people stalk· ed the high.,.,•ays, carrying their . belongings in g0+carts. He cited the diffrrence here in prosperous America, where the people seem to forget the horrors a nd r avages of the war. He t hen spoke of the war veteran and said the Democratic party administra· lion has done much to a.id the \'eteran since his return to civilian life. "We have done more for the vet· erans of World War 11 than at any timE' in history," the Rnator said. "but 1J1.•e have not done rnough." At the moment. he said, there are three a n a half million veteram seeking a university education and more than 1.~.000 such veterans • u·. S. ·EdUcatioMI Officer Confers With Davidson on . Use of Army Air Base Site Cross Will Typify Spirit Of Christmas • t • . . N&WAJaJ' BAIAM)A "Rewlezvous ol the -· White's Balboa Island Cafe AND OOCK'l'AIL BAB Corner Mariae A Park AT&. Balboa, Hub.of Newport Qty, Newport Harbor ·bing . News Is Goal of Business Group ·~s~:__y HU-=-G:..:...:m-~=-Assn.;__:__~..:....,: ~:...:.:...:~::...:..::. ~..::...reJI. H~k::::;..::~..:..::.:l ...... enty • Before Yoa Build Villt Oar ...... IAag Sample Remodel Display Roomii r guides, plan- alds, comprehens- stock of Clllllets f!313alboa rket More 'nlu M y..,. of .... tke to tM llartlor'a IOl MAIN F1wt ~-BALBOA. ()AID', Unanimously agreeing with their officers that this progreuivr sec- tion of Newport Beach "justly de- servH recognition as tM Hub City of Newport Harbor," the 165 mem- bers of the Ba1boa Improvement usociatlon in a gener al meeting here 1et in motion a program 1.o make it an actual fact. ' ;=========================;:;I Initiating the program was I Clyde R. Johnson, president, man- ager of J ohnson's restaurant. Bal- OUR NEW HOlYRS boa. He appointed John F. Vogel ot BaJboa Peninsula. proprietor of a house furnishing store here, u 'chairman of a committee to work toward that goal Vogel also ls chairman of the GI housing com- mittee which ls trying to initiate the financin g ot a home for a homeless World War ll veteran. 7a.m.to 7 p. m. Johnson said that Balboa is now the site of scv~ral public utility .companies, naming among these the Southern California Edi.son company, \Vhich maintain!: a branch office here; the Southern California Telephone confpany, which ls erecting a new and larger telephone exchange building here; and the association head added that Balboa has the only hotel of any consequence in lhe entire Harbor area. SOS MARINE A VENUE BALBOA ISLAND One of the first things that the association plans to do under the new program, Johnson said, "''BS the removal of the ruined lava- tory building \\'hich now stands at the end or Balboa pier and which because of its depreciated condi- I Kenny Nlctaol.9 -Georp Sterl.lac Trusts Help Small Estates, Too I It doesn't take a large fortune to take advantage of th e ben efi ts of a Trust. Many of the Trusts we handle are of a moderate size. A Trust may be practical for you , too -come and talk it over with our Trust o fficers, today. TRUST DEPT. SECOND FLOOR Al.90 IN POMONA; 362 WFSI' SEX:OND lion has Jong been an eyesore and A southeast wind hurt live bait a thorn in the side of municipal boat fishing over the weekend with officials. It was the latter body bait hard to get. Fishing has been which asked the improvement as-fairly good on days wht>n the ocean sodation to get rid of the \\1.ndov.•· wasn't too rough for fishing and less building. the boats could get out. Por:t of ood tackle trying to horse the in. T ns and tons of mackerel are in the waters oft Newport Har- bor ! and fishermen after these po\\' ar fish are making big hauls th days. Sea squirts tn the fish closed the canneries for a few days. They are back hard at know with the boats coming in awash with loads of Ive an ')LUDLUM Carpe~ linoleum. Works llZS-Mala8L ---A.ma- , It was recalled at the meeting Orange reports albacore a mile or of the lmprovement group that so out. King's Landing r epnrts several montM ago a deputation white sea bass averaging from 25 of fishermen sent a fepresentative to 8) pounds, the Sport King get- to a session of the city council to ting eight or ten a day, plus hP-li- ask that body to make improve-but, bau and a fe"'' barracuda. ments to the la\'atory building. The ~lusic from Earl's Landing has pointing out that someone had been catching calico and rock bass, broken out the windows and had halibut. barracuda, albacore and Indecently marked up the waJls on even one blue f_in tuna. the inside of the structure. Fishil\g in Newport Bay has ma~kettl. One day recently a big boaJ. started to sink at the docks It fas loaded so heavily and only a Q "ck unloading job saved it from ~;;~~;;;~~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;;~t~~~~;;~~~~ go· g to the bottom right there .• 'pf trnaster Given WING SANG BOAT & REP AIR YARD At the .time members_ of t~e city really been good. Bob Logan of council discu.s.sed the situation ex-Costa Mesa, caught six bass fTon1 isling there, bu~ took no ~egal 1 2 ~ to 3 pounds on r azor clams action ~o authonze the repall' of 'near Bay Shore Camp. H arold th~ bwlding. '1'!1e matter 3':13t Graham of Newport, caught 15 dri!t~ along until recent~y a city smelt in 15 minutes at Earl's in for Five Years I Perfect Attendance · 811 ~ !i1~:f~ 101 official approached the improve- ment as90Ciation and suggested that it might be a nice civic ges- ..a.ure if the assoc.ia lion would re· move the building from the pier, an association member 6aid. Landing one evening on razor clams. M.rs. Harold Graham re- ports a 14-pound spotfin being caught in the channel off the Balboa Pavilion, a r ecord fish, with six other spotfin none Jess than 8 pounds. C. L. He nning, 764 G St .. Ontario, a nd D . A. Callo\\·ay, 303 G St., Ontario, had three big spolfin and over a dozen smelt they caught Saturday afternoon from the Port Orange Fishing Hole. Pier fishing ror smelt is good along with the good mackerel ive-minute talks by me mbers I of e club featured the luncheon £i£ of he Newport Harbor Kiwanis clu Fr;day. . e Moorlllp Uld .. a.,..n.Nr ose making speeches \Vere fm-BcMa. for SAie Ea 1 W . Coppersmith, who dis- cu ed aviation; Harold Fink. who • Paddle Bo&rdl fOI' 8-t tal ed about precision instruments by the ...,.. 01' ...,.&b. It "''as pointed out that one pro- gressive move by the association, which "''BS first frowned upon by Mayor 0 . B. Reed, has proven a in machine shop. a nd Art Rem-,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ pel . who spoke on his 75-foot tuna bo and the ere\\' and the O\\ners very proritable source or income for the cit)'. This '"'as the pro- posed and improved and enlarged parkling lot adjacent to the Ren- dezvous ballroom. The enlarge- ment of the space has increased run. city parking funds tremendously. Cliff \'on Kennel. fishing maes- Mayor O. B . Reed has since agreed tro or Ne.,..·port Harbof' for lo these that his first opinion '''as ill-many years, is burned up about considered. the fickleness of sport fishermen One other plan of operation during these fall months. "The in the ne\v program agreed upon OC<'an is calmer, the boats aren't by the association members is to crowded and fishing is good. Why advocate the erection of a lodge ar en't sport fish~rmen ~oing out? building in Balboa, .,..·here all The ?°at~ are sttll runn1n~ .. Co~­ groups may hold their monthly ~erc1al fishermen i:tre br1ng1ng 1n meetings. I fish to make sport fishermen green \.\"ith envy, if they could only see the fish. There Is no sense let-Farquhar Grateful Hng down just when schools start." Truer words '"ere never spoken. For Loya) Support The Missawi<. from P or t or-ange. goes out scouting for alba- Jim Farquhar. State Senate can- didate. issued the following state- ' n1ent to th{' press today: I "Heartening reports from all rore and watches for the bii-ds or fish after bait. When they round up a school. the excitement be-- gins. Many big albacore are be- ing lost these days by fishermen with no understanding of how to fish for them. These albacore are running up to over 30 pounds and wh sha.re in the profits derived fro their catches. / i tmastcr Herbert F . Kenny \\' prt>sentcd with a five-year pin, te (ying to five years of perfect at ndance in the club. e club \\'ill hold a ladies' night ; pc:ram at the \Velcomc cafc next Fr!ay night. · over Orange County, pouring into our headquarters. mark the clos- ing days of "''hat has been a stren· uous but clean campaign. "I would indeed be lacking in I---------------------------- gratitude if I did not ackno.,..•ledge the debt I owe to the members of my O\\Tl neW'Spapcr craft, who have Universall.Y treated my candidacy with a response for in excess of any merit I possess. by "To them and all the loyal friends who have so generously given or their time and effort I pledge my best efforts in beh~lf of Orange County, if it be the \vill of the voters on November 5:• -Look for the Br e Mailbox - WILLEY'r REFRIGERnTIDO ~-JERVICE comPnnv s.J .. -Enct-rb>c -s.me. 920 Coaat Blvd., Oorona del Mu Phone Barbor 2'784 Nlgbt, Lacuna llJCl M II• • • i:miusTRIAL eta 1z1ng-TWs. keels, rudden, deck fit- Welding- ti~gs. hardware. e 0Rt1AMENTAL ~ objects. doors, signs, store ff1:>nt decorations. I e ALL TYPES sP.ecialists in.steel, cast iron , al minum. brass, bronze. -ALL WORK G RANTEED. - NEl\'PORT BEACH 506 Soth t Harbor 2609 . truly fine shirts for California living Made for easy or active living ... supe soft fabrics ... super comfortable tai oring ... styled to a Cali fornian's taste. For either ~ress or infonnal wear ... a ~atisfying selection of colors $3.95 to $16.95 • 387 Coast Boule a·rd Soul)a _..,CB Need Your Cabin Rebuilt? · · · or Altered? We Can Do Guarantee the Sides or bottom painted? "'" the Job for You Finest Workmanship "'~"' Sterling Boat Works 615 Coast Highway Newport Beach The Record Tells Why·· ''It's Time for a Change'' You11 agree the 22nd District nffda a new Coa- gro11SZ11an whon you look at tho incumbent'• stand on vital iasuea. Theae are typical examples. taken &om the records ol the last Congress: ~ H. •oted aga:inat the Vetermu. Emergency Houalng Proqram , , , the only Ccr.lifomicr Congreumcm -BapuWiccm or Democrcr.t -to oppoH thia w9ent lecp.latioa. W"' He •oted agcWu;t the Atomic Enerqy Control Bill. ad- •ocat.d by Gen. E.iaenhower and other nation.al lecr.der1. .... H• voted against in.temation.al cooperation.. and ••- panded foreign marlr:et1 !or ow farm product. • • , br oppoeing UNRRA. exteriai.on oJ Bedprocal Trade Agreement-. and aimilar meaaurea. _.. He failed to •ote when Cong-re .. decided the on-the-Job training proviaiom of the GI BilL • Elect RAY ADKINSON to CONGRESS The Record Tells Why·· Ray Adkinson Is Qualified * An able public ollicial Ray Adkinaon ,_.od Im 14 years as Superintendent of Schools lor Orange ' County. Here he dearly demonstrated hia execuliH ability -made a sterling record for honest. b11En1• like administration. * A Yeteran ol World War L father of a Yelorcm of World War D. Ray Adlri....,,, will cut tluough red tape to aol•e •etenms' problems. He will fight to conect unjuot pro'fisioila ol the on-the-Job training Bill He will demand a _.,!-up ol Yetenm.· homing. * A natiYe ol the 22nd District, Ray AdlrinOO!l ia a rancher cmd widely uper:iw.c:I GD water probl""& He mows wbal leqialati<m the a9ricultand and arbcm -need. He will gin the Dioldct fall.time rep .. · wlatiaa ia W-'···.gton. ••11:1•••• c ..... , •• -- \ ' \ On Your Way to Santa Ana Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at· - - CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10a.m.to2 p.m. 1818 Newport Blvd. CURB SERVICE Announcing the Opening ••• New Service for the Bay Area Contractors Equipment & Supply %SSS% Newport A,·e., 1 Blk. West of Newport Blvd. Sooth of 16th St., CMta Mesa. Phone Beacon 5099 We Have Brand New Equipment For Rental CEMENT MIXERS • POWER SAWS 10~ C.F.~f. PORT . .\BLE AIR COMPRESSORS r\.IR TOOLS • \\'HEELBARRO\\"S P:SEIDIATIC TlRED TR1\CTORS "'lTH ALSO BL;\DES H&WFOiil •••aoA ' •. • i:: . FOR NINE HOURS Dh'hlott of ForMtry ... Costa Meu. volW1teer llremen foacllt before tbeJ" eoakl extinphb. Ulla rsclac en-ft.re on tae-ll"'f'tae property, ooe mile eout ot Corona del Mar and • half mile lnAlde the •tate laJ.cbway, Satu.rd&y. 'l1te Ore broke out at 11 a. m. and luted unUI I p. m. Nore than 100 &el'H ~·ere ln''Ol\-ed and It took !5 ftreme.n to npt It. Some of tbe 11.rftnen were ts!led from as rar u Yorba Unda and Oranp. -News-nmes photo by Beckner. UM Landlo Strikes Have ttle Effett Here, ogel Says out strikes against prospective ants have had lit- tle effect her'F· although they have been in ~tence for IOn'letime, John F . V~l, Balboa merchant and income perty 0\1VT\er, wired the Nation Home and Property •Owners F dation of Washing- ton, D. C., turday. Vogel was jadvising the national real estate ~ that it is pos- sible that th~ strike begun in Seat- Ue and San~ancisco against rent control by e O PA would be. of short dura · fl and prove as fruit- less as has e unpubUcised lock- out here. : J Vogel's let~er contained the fol- lowing message: "Being ~ber No. 24876 of your group taking the liberty of ¥.Ti ting y "Our a tment and Income property o ers have experie nced for some y ars with a lockout strike here th little effect. "We have wired seve ral sena- Marine Children Will Participate In Tustin Carnival tors and co en that if all Sen. Ba·rkley Frowns on :~~E::1:::::~~:~: Fr.1end's G 0 P Forecast ~~~~d t~~sn· o;ur':'ha;a~~~e~.;~ E L TORO, Oct. 29.-Children of taxes. Mar ine families or the U.S. Marine "Our area is 50 percent vacant Corps Air station a nd of the Navy and even lh meagre ceilings al· Blimp base are to participate in Kentuckian Scoffs at Prediction That Lower lowed us ar <lifficult to get and a Hallowe'en carnival at the Tustin Chamber of Congress W1'll be Republican our property badly run do"n . still EIC'mentary school Thursday, Oct. OPA refuses relief. Neither will 31. • After Nov. 5th. Asks if Newport Harbor they recogni our resort status. Marines a re aiding the school I f N • ti W Id R t• d L" "The \\.-Titer firmly believes that teachers and students in setting S or aviga On. OU e Ire an IVe re nt ceiling lwill run a 15 year up display booths for the fc te. in California course, five y~ars of '''hlch 'vc have Lt. J o hn Pratt, public informa--e-already stru gled through." CONCRETE BREAKING AND tion omcer for the air. station. _rc-1 United States Se nator Alben yes. HE is still in Washington." • SANDBLASTING SERVICE ports that . the corps is providing Barkley. senate majority kadcr , The scna1or has met so many Marin s Donate to Chest l..:======================::..J an .roucat1onal d_is_play, cutaway d()('sn·1 have much faith in the pre-people in his cross-country jaunt e n ~1n~ and r t'cru1tlng poster for dictions o f his close pt>rsonal during the present campaign tha t I $5 -;;=======================~ the C\C nt. friend, Emile Hurja, \Vashington,I for t he Time being he had for-• ,-------------, 1 D. C., publisher of The P a th-i::ot tf'n th!"' name of one of his • EL TOR Oct. 29.-F inal re- findC'r magazine. I most inf!u('ntial \\"On1an campaign-por:.t.s arc t be made today by VEN ·ETIAN BLINDS SAL~ and SERVICE Pan· Coast .Venetian Blind Co. 814 Coast Highway Beacon 5881-J •l_jALLMARK 1 CA RDS For Birthdays ·wedding Anniversaries and Etc. Vases >: F1gnri.oes Lamps :: Costume Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop 2102 Ocean Front We Wrap Gifts MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE F1rd Clau Mechanlcal Work MOTOR8 REBUILT • 1501 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE HARBOR 2125 • Fenders Fb:ed • Wheels Straightened • Body Repairing I nformed th;it 1-lurja, \\'ho is a crs in Alabama. Lt. Col. Art! r J.f. Adams, USMC, formC'r m('mbC'r of th(' Democratic During the dinner ~i vcn in honor chairnlan. i~ the u. s. 1'1ar ine N a t ional committN-, has predicted of Ray Adki nson of Laguna Beach. c ~! s that the house \\'ill be Re publican Democra tic nomin{'(' for congress. orps phase, of the anta Ana-Tustin Community Chest can1-a ft£>r No,·embcr 5. the senator U. S. Sena tor Barklev r cn1arked paign. i blunt!)' told t he editor of Th. e that h e haS met so ma.ny old Ke n-Up to las Friday, the Marines NC\\'S-T im<'s that "I have little tucky fr ie nd& in California that had donat<'d S500 to the prcsc-nt faith in his for l'casts." he has decidc-d to live to be 100, campaign fu d. I nten tiC\\'ed at the NC\\lX>rt retire at 90, and "come out to --+-l----- Harhor Yacht club last Thursday I California to spend t h£' remainder Sell thaJ unwanted arttcle . evening. the Kentuckian said, un-' of my life." $ • through Ne -nmes ada smilingly, '"Emile is a close per-That should pl<'ase ma ny Ken-__ sonal frirnd of mint:'. a nd I \\-uuld tuckiRns \'"ho nO\\' Ii\'(' in this state. -----, not do a thing lo hurt him. but he c L T H E s has made n1any predictions. and D h T k most or th£'m have pro\·en false. eat a es ~as~:~~ little faith in his fore- Leaving ooli1ica1 prognostica-C. Q. FranC.IS lions for the moment, the senator from K£'ntucky. \\"horn the late PrC'side nt Roosevelt often kindly ref('rrcd to as Dear Alben, was asked 1,vhat he thought of Ne\\'-Funeral ser\'iCC's 1,vere h e Id port Ha rbor. Thursday at t 1 a.m. at Grauel POR EN AND OYS "I saw some thing of it on a I chaJ>E>I for Charles Oscar Francis. brief tour this aft£'rnoon," rcpLied i 53, who died Tuesday at his home, Si~' Sen. B~r kl~y, .~dding. "Is It one \ 1907 Orange avenu£', Costa l\1:esa. S.'plrd s.~ for nav1gation ? He was born in Brooklyn and That question \\'a s referred to had lived here for a year and a Harry Welch. executive secretary half, coming from l\1ississippi. He !~--~--A- of the Newport arbor Chamber of was employed with the U. S . .in.a.1.._ ·- CommcrC<', who was present as l Treasury department for 23 years. boa laland reprcscn tati,·e of the chamber to He was a member of the l\1asonic P'bcj9e Barbor Gil \\·eloome the senator to Newport lodge of l\1:£'mphis. TC'nn. and of '--------!-I ________ , Beach. Costa Mesa Community church. I ~~~~*~~~~~~ \Vhen asked if Buckner Black-Surviving arc his "''ife. Lillian : 1: I erby. fdrmcr head of the personnel t\\'O brothers, Herbert a i:id ~tilton GI LL 'S department of the OPA was still Francis of New York . in \Vashington, D. C .. the Ken-Rev. Carl Johnson officiated at SPECIAL 2 PROOFS SHOWN STUDIO HOURS 10 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Daily OTHER TIME BY APPOINTMENT SANTA ANA SANDY'S DRIVE-.-1N • Yfl8! We Have HAM • BACON • BEEF e PORK • Dagwood Hamburgers - Have this 4-Point Check • Auto Painting $50 tuckian who obtained her a ppoint-cllapel services and graveside ser-I 832 <Jout BJ.cbWQ" Oa tile Mlracle MUe ment for that post, hesitated for vices at Fairhaven ceme tery were DELICATESSEN ''------------------------~ a moment as if trying to recall by the Silver Cord Masonic lodge 1• e •OTOa CHSC&·UP e YALT• _. c.uaDN . ...... OIQCUD a ION1TION U.&YICS Citizens of California and Up P ;·oposition # 11 is an UN fair Employment Practices Act. UNfalr because it denies the right to a trial by jury. UNfolr because a political cammissian af five mem- bers has pawer to threaten and p..olish yaAJ. They are investigators, witnesses, prosecutors, judges, jury and executioners. UNfalr <>"Cause it compels you, 'fO'K wife, 'fO'K daughter or y<JAJr sister ta wortc with people regard· less of their color, race or nationality. &ery fair-minded American is tolerant. &ery American,.. senls a criminal law whKfl plriihes you for refusing ta hire or WCfi< willl a penmi forced on you by a political -issioA. VOTE NO Proposition #II the name, and then he said, "Oh, of Santa Ana . FOB VETERANS' WELFARE I VOTE "YES" ON PBOPOSmON 2J I The Veterans of Foreign Wars and che Disabled American Veterans urge you to vQte "YES" oo Proposicion 2 on cbe November ballot. This measure will legalize greyhound racing in Califom.ia -under suict Stace supervision -and cum over 4 per cent of all uack wagers ro a Vet· erans Fund administered by cbe Stare Depanmenr o f Veterans' Affain. It will perfonn a distinct service for California veterans. It will guannree ADEQUATE PINANC. / ING of Srare-spoiuored welfare and tthabilicarioo • activicies, including support of cbe Veterans' Home ac Y ounrville. It will relieve che caxpayer of che burden of paying for these services; g reyhound racing will pay the bill insre9d. California veterans ask you ro supr~n chis campaign. tJ~cm in -Vote "RS" oa 21 __ ; Of fOll1Gll WAIS DIUll 19 AmlKAll niR•IS• • DDAITMlllT Of ~ SHOP Have That Glass Installed BEFORE SHOP AT GILL'S RAINY SEASON HARBOR GLASS co~ For %811 l.afayeete ' AutoGlasB Ph.-Harbor 866 e Boat Glass -s a.& Lettaiag • • ••• • • LISTEN -KNICKERBOCKER SAYS - PARTS, MEN, EQUIPMENT all sene to giw: J011 a better lob qaickt!I'. and chaper. Alk About Oar No Dawn Payment Plan I Year to Pay KNICKERBOCKER'S Y-o.ly Aadwoizuf t• I I' 1111N.M I St. IWft&AlU. ..... 7171 • • .. • • - H A N S E N ' S noo o..a Froat Confectionery A lnda .. NOW OPEN ZVJ:NINGS ' • • • Malts • Sandwiches • Hamburgers • B.,.udry'• Bo:1 Candy • c.t..rhlg lee Crum See The ''CENTRALINER ' ' 46-ft. All-Steel Fishennan CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Barbor 1580 '. ---!'tKWIW~ I \ ~rsnJ!:!!:h. Bicycle Rider, 66, Seriously Xt k::ic:J:~a1 LA u N o 1 v Former Store Manager 1 . ed . B le d c h W"th D • d on w:u;;a: SEBVICE ,:~t y~s:~~ ~~~ n JUr 1n OU var ras ~· Qmtln!'!n 8!!!! l) Broadway Cleaners Beta store in . Coota M..._ dled Fall""' tA1 loalt u a -. 11p at "'° -of --N-rt pro N~t Harbor Junior 1!l Brooadway Ccisa .._ I'll. a.. .... &'IU Saturday ev~n1ng ln Santa Ana boulM'ard. Newport •e1e~ _,.,,,. ~ e~"ftalac. ca•ed ._,.r ta-coll e building. By doing this, BETl'EB QUALITY OP DRY CLEANING where he resided at 602 West Se--tAI Fnuall i.a--. 16, or ns 8oa ...-•-N-rt the ftderal representatives told the & DAY SEBVI~ DEiiVEBY He was born in Lanark, DJ, and •m-. police .... bf Benbaa w. T-ter of 571 Weo& , ... -""" I principal the school boards I ~-----·-o_PSN __ llA_rtJ_•_D_A_Y_Al'TEllN ____ oo_K_s_• ____ _, cond street. BelP-bt who .... ridlac Ml blcycle wlllee ti wu ldt "1" • .. tc.caeWle Ne~.. Beach-Costa Mesa high bad lived in California for 59 Costa II-. . . . . will be in ~ position to obtain years, 30 or them being spent in The motonst wu drivmg north . Santa An H U'red ( ... :.. on the boulevard v.·hen the bicycle a t in the amount of mo~ey a . e re rom iu..> • • • • • to ase that ruon three yean ago because of illness. shot out of the sharp and hilly o 51.te. H Ii( o( BP 0 E decline of Bolu. avenue, directly Mr. Davidson told a representa-e was a e member . . . . . tiw ThP News-'Ilimes that the No. 794, Santa Ana. and of the Suo.11et ~ Hlc'b School GaaHlli across .the path o( the ma~. 250 cres which will be a lied First Ouistian church of that city. Santa Aaa l~Fullertoa. I Toedter attempted to avoid strik-t . th ly nded · PJ . Swvivtng are his wtfe. Blanche. ,This was a hard fought contest Ing the cyde by swervin&: sharply or e new ame . pe ~on . GORDON a~ FINDLAY OON'l'SAOl'OM AND BDIU>l!:ll ~: au•~ m.._ -.._ '" CABINET SHOP SERVICE OABINEl'S AND MUJ.WORK T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. of Santa Ana; three sons, James that 5aw the Saints earn their win-to the left. but the bicycle stniek to tlie .war Assets Adminis~a~on, of Costa Mesa, Jack.' Azusa, and ning margin in the last few min-the car's right front fender with com~ several usable buildings. Robert of Santa Ana ; two daugh-utes of the game after the Indiana such force that its rider was ~these are a motion picture ten, Mrs. James Marigold and had scared the champs plenty. thrown forward so that his head the er, a library, 8 cbapel, .a Mn. Eugene Wood. both of Santa Quar~b.ack J ohriny F~uci) a nd rammed into and . shattered the· h1u recrea~. hall. a ~== ~NJ.. and eight grandchildren. FullbMk Baker made ~ SA tal-·right front wtndsh.leld of the auti>-c buil~din~ 1~ ~ uld Funeral service5 were held lies and ~ offensive 1tandouts mobile. ~~ be US::-for h:~ ~t:ent "7 _. Binet ~: ...,.._....., Tuesday at the G«-auel chapel for th~ Wlnners.. ~ Fullerton This unexpected iinpact forced d f h g ~l~~~i~ii~~~~~~~~i;;;;;;~~~~~i~ Costa Mesa', with the Rev. Gerald line outcharxed the' Sa.int forward the automobile to shoot across the ans a.nf t': ome•t 1 h 1 Ba.sh , pastor of the First Olris-wall for a co~~·d nible part of the road, wheH" it came to a stop di-pell 0 00• trout bea dassc hooed ----tian hhh ffi ". T\v ot . , were au o c u c , o 1c1atJng. o eve ning and m e three successful rectly below the stone steps lead-last week when they were !!!"---------------------------~I the favorite M>ngs of 'the deceased goal line sta nds. The Saints meet i .. g to the olli'ce of the M-.. Boat .... ~..... inf ed that the California State w ere sung b:r G. \Villard Bassett. the Newport H arbor Tars this Works, operated by Camille Beat1-d 5. ·you' 11 find the shoe for eve[y occasion ••••••• including the "the y ge t around " at ' 305 MARINE A VE. BALBOA ISLAND {Political Adver tisement) $53,262 • - That figure above is quite a lot of money H Is the Sheriff's own estimate of ONE YEAR'S IN- CREAsE In the operating cost of hM office. ($219,981.'18 for 1945-46 and $"21S.24S for 1946-47. Incidentally, it is YOUR not the Sheriff's money, The $53,262 Increase for one year i11n't all. WM $120.000 or i8 per cent for four yeani. expenditure was $15S,Sl5.14. • The increue The 1942-43 THIS IS YOUR }10~EY. Can )·ou ataad tlae.e annual~ DOW runnlq-5".!~ for just one year! b the prellreDt Sbertfr• ee.nice worth that n1uch to you ?' Some of tbe llDlacorporated dbtrict:s •"' uklac ••'"·hat MJnioe!" They complain of not ret-- Unc aJPt protection.. Tht!y ue to&d tbat more deputy lhcrUfa. and. tbettfo~ MORE 1'lONEY, woald be needed for that.. I CA."'iNOT AGREE... The !oheritra ot'f\ce CA..." be operated eco- llObllcally, and It CA:."'i be operated etndenUy. .lmt a lot of ez- ~ b rnearun,leM. ~rr baa to be exMUtl\"'e and oT'&"Ul-bia.K abi.llty. ~ d.J~trlt'"l.s C A."'J pt the prottttlon due them. wtU.OUt more money. I wu ln the crimlna.I d.lvlaloa. or the Sller- lff'• orrlce 11\'e yran m)-wlf and I Inlow It caa be dODe. TIMMe cle.paties "·ho oongrepte l.n the Sheriff"• offlce durlac die ct..., oould Mo ft\~D Jpt duly. The thine Is tt&al lllmple. JAMES A. MUSICK \'ete.ran of Wortd War D Candidate for SHERIFF P Ube I B dd DeP.Utment of Finance ha .no w J JI' I " r ar fund available fo r dis-a arers were L oyd ra y, "'eekend in the feature match o f rnont and whic" ,.· located on a ~ . . Jns ey, John J . Jones. Ken-the league. sharp angle from the 5top street th H k C \v T W . kl d pos for the operation of the base ne ouc . · · e in · e a n on Newport boulevard. J M -11-H ... ~. Huntlngton lkM"h 7-An&hebn O. as 4 junior college. ames 1 1gan. onorary ~ • Lawson was thrown clear of the .rs W re E I B rdsaJJ ~-k This "'as considered the upset of . conference between James e ar u -• _. 'ru' machine and he lay in the r oad-Boone Ralph Bra dt C Ell. tt the week in Sunset ci..,..L-al-De n , state direcor of finance, and , · n · onn JO · .... "'"' "'ay Ii.ear the Mesa Boat Works A L Pinkl w ·11· Sh' I tho ugh the Oiler s have given prcr Pri cipal S. H . Davidson and Ray · · ey, ' ia m 1r ey. until the arrival of a private am- J 0 ~•1 d \V B w ·11· m1"se all se•--n of be1'ng o e of El tl, Newport Beacti and Hunt-. · 'o.i ma n an · · 1.1ams. · ......., · n bulance which took him to St . Graveside rites were in charge of the powers of the cirCuit. The in on Beach educators. at Sacra- 8.P.0 .E. No. 794 of Santa Ana. in-game, which was a bruiser, was Joseph's hospital. Physicians de· me to, disclosed this fact, and t he tennent being in Fairhaven ceme-a scoreless tie until 53 seconds termined tha t the injured man suf-ed ators wer e very much dis- tery. \\'ere left in the game and the fered multiple co.nstusio.n~ a nd co~ged over prospects for the Oiler s made the only score. Bill so~e fractur~. His condition was co ge until the appearance•f t he M L-h. F \Vi5e and Ed Dowdy \Vere the srud to be fa.t r . fed raJ authority here Friday emtn:rS tp avors standouts in the J.luntington Beach Riding \\'ith the Costa Me.sa I " e're a little more hopeful Ba I b 0 a as s j t e offensive and "'ere mainly r espon-motorist at the lime of the mJS· novf." said Mr. Davidson, as he an- For Veteran's Horne sible for t he Colonists' downfall. hap. \\'hich occurred. according to noi.tnced plans for re-applying to Anaheim had been considered as the Ne"l)()rt Beach police report. thw}Var Assets Adn1inistration on No. 2 team behind Santa Ana in at about 5 :14 p.m ., \\·as Mrs. Her-the amended application. "Maybe The Balboa Impro\'ement asso-pre-season dope. man W. 'focdter a nd her mothtr-so e th1ng v.'ill come out or this ap. ciation on Thursday night in a in-law and two children. pli lion. At least, "'e hope so." gC'neraJ meeting held at the Do"'Df'f 25---0ran.re 0. Rendezvous ballroom gave blanket Too many scampering backs that approval to !he plan 10 finance the .advanced the ball "'ith great gus- building of a house for a homeless to \\"as the cause of the dOY.'nfall w ar vetera n in Ralboa. of the Orangemen as t he OoY.rncy ed (rom \V. H. Bannister, Vett:rans Service Councjlor , that since its opening October l, the Center has given positive, direct aid to 115 veterans. This aid has con~isted of fi r.d- r CfHF Alli MAil IS HEllEI SEE OUR SMART 'j AIR MAIL Si'ATIONnY It was th£' <'Xpression of the squad madr their first \\'inning membership that the lot should league game a sparkling one. Do\\'. be purchased in Balboa. although ncy's league r ecord now stands at the association receivM offers one \vin and one tie. ha\'ing broken from persons \vho O\\'n available C\'Cn last WC'ek \vith Huntington ing employment ror some fifty-~=~~·~~~~~~~~~"~'-l-2-~c~~~ five veterans, locating r oo ms, . apartments. and in a few cases, houses for needy veterans. medi- cal aid and helping to :lr:·a nge hardship loans through other re- la nd in Costa 1\1esa and "'ho of· Beach, O~O. fer ed to SC'll t\••o lots, l>0th at Gamf"S this F riday $1000 each. Clyde R. Johnson. president of the group, reportC'd that Balboa landlords ha d offerC'd to sell tv.'o lots, both at $2000 C'ach a nd above, a nd one or tht•se \\'as located on the peninsula, and incidentally \vas the m ost favored location to date. Santa Ana at Nc\vport, 2 :45 p.m. <This game has been changed to the Santa Ana Bo\\'I on Saturday night. DownC'y at Fullerton, 7 :30 p.m. Anaheim at Orange, 7:30 p .m. Huntington Beach. Bye. lif'f agencies. In addition to those direct serv- ices numerous veter ans have re- cei,·cd advice on the "G.I. Bill of Ri ghts", on the Job Training Pro- grams. G. I. Loans a nd legal mat- ters. A great deal of assistance I ta f G• · '• ~ has been given in filling out forms rnpor nee 0 IVIDg for term;nal leave pay, notar;zin, Stressed by Kenny, papers etc. Expert Radio Service Phone Beacon 5004-W Palmer Radio A.ND ELECTRIC IMS Newport Bl.._ 008TA MESA I However. the association m ade no dcci5ion for the purchase of any one of the Balboa lots. the expressed thought being to give the whole matter of thc ..financing pla n morC' investigation and study bcfor C' actually buying the lot and C • T Banniste>r slated also t hat as arnpa1gn reasqt"er the veterans 1earn of the serv;ce I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;~ l center, the denuind for assistance; l With the Comn1unity Chest drive {?rows. A gr<:'a tcr number of calls to raise $14,450 two weeks undc-r· !or assistance come in earh day. \vay only 23'/f of the quota has "Knowing that the Vetera ns be<'n raised, said 1-i. F . Kenny. Service Center, one of the most Balboa Postmaster and ·rrcaslirer .. ••orthy causes getting support ot the Community Chest. as he from the Communit y Chest, is do- strf'ssC'd the need for gon~rous ing such a splendid job in aiding contributions. He s tated tha t our veterans, only serves to further OC'a rly 10 1>er-cent of this y~ars emphasize the need for generous quota "rill .go directly '? the Har--! gi\ring to the Community Ch<"St on bor Area Veterans Service Ct.~111 cr. th<' part of the good citizens of I FINEST TASTING .IZZLING HAMBURGERS TEAKS (wbene•er he pt.I ); HOME B AKED UMMY BERRY AND APPLE PIES starting construction. The membership seemed to agree that somelhing should be done for the horiieless VC'l e ran and that the associalion should be the fi rst to initiate aid in that drC'Ction. But t he m<'nlhership [C'lt !hat it would be wisC'r to in\'C'S ligatC' more fully the cost of financing the house O\'Cr a 20-yC'ar µt>riod. SHEP'S Th(' local \'eterans Servirl· C'C"n·• ;-i('\\·port Harbor'', said ~1r. Ke nny. "You Must Order Now ~-For the Holidays" s9~! .. Fomow otbesto• lnwloOon P'•"9nb Spoh • Stain• • 'lleml1he• • CV--"" l urn1 • Dl1tolorotion • Sc:roltht• AS~t'tt • O.nh ond Morr.d Tobie Topi. l•.-•r1 ibS. IHWLAlloN for 9c:Hl'MI. W1 0 110 rnok1 GQ.1 Top• and MirrCN"s.. __ J Alao Buutilul WOOD GRAINS 501 E. Centnl ROYAL TAlll PAD CO., Harbor S8 .. ____ •_•_•_-W• =-~U:._ 5Mw ~ ..._ ~ ci-.. CONTROLLED BY NO GROUP OR CU9UE - FARQUHAR STANDS FOR • Frtt enrttptiJ~ fint, lut and always. • No compromUe with Communism. • Arbitration of 1trika. • Fewer laws and leu d~ ~ndtttcy on legislation.. • Preaervation of a free pr .... • Neither organized labor nor orpn.ized caiptal, but Mr. and Mrs. U.S. Citizm. Jim Farquhar " ca ndidate fo r the offict of STATE SENATOR ftom Orange County VOTE NOV. 5 Dress Suit Stolen tcr, located in th~ Amrrican Lcg-1 1015 COAST WGBWAY ion hut at 191 \\'. Bay, Nc\.1port. John K. F:ll iot1 of Balboa ce}e-u:O:"it°N!c. Eat." Tbl• "' SP<in~rea 111. 1.., .... t.u1,,..,~ is sponsored by th<' Comm unity brated his birthday recently, he ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=:'.========================= • The continued develop- ment of Oran&e County. Charles TuffrC'C' of 1101 E ast ChC'st. the _An1l'r1can Legion. and/ nnd ~lrs. Elliott bC'i ng guest~ at a - Centr a l avenue, Balboa. r eported the Chan1ber of Commerce. dinner at the home of Mr. and ~1rs. to Newport Beach polic<! the theft l!pon invC'stigation, It ,,.as lt•a.rn-Eugene DeBra. Inglev.·ood. of a dress suit, studs, links and a -;;;;=========================~ cane some time during the night r. of Oct. ~l. from a rar JXl rk('d out- side hi5 home. WE NEED the th1ncw you no loncer need -·-Ph. l '37 or 706 For Plck-gp NOTICE DR. BELL'S OFF1CES WW Be CIOlled Temporarily on account of death in the family. Watch papers for re-opening. INSURANCE • PROTECTS • Have You Out-of-Use Office Machines and Equipment Lying Around Gathering Dust? Tiern~n~s Will Pay You Higliest Top Cash P1i.ce · /01'" Your Used • TYPEWRITERS • ADDING MACHINES • DUPLICATORS • SAFES • DESKS etc. Phone 743 f'i OUI for full parficuLua • FILES PHONE ;·43 ET 'EM TAP the tap that says H<YT as olua as they like, wbi~ you sail through dJbes, laundry, and deaning plott: with nary a bot rer ... orry. There's always plenty fot everything when an adequately· zed. •.Uo•alic gAl u•ater IH.,w is on the job. Oday dx ave.rage family calls fot bot waccr 1•0 times daily. Tomor- ' with automatic dishwa.shcn., with wubiog machines, aod od>u r-tavinc appliances H.Sily available; W oced ~ll be even peate:r. · adcquatcly-si.zcd. •Nltnfl•l ic ~ u·111w ,,_,. ;s aa CCODOm}' for now ,. f•lllr'· ~ see your dea.lcr or merchant plumber now. find out h'"" J!ame. rfttt ••ter hearing can give you a iunocxbu tunning bocnc -and save ou JDOGC'1' iA chc Jong nan. $0:.>J •• a..di ,_ ...,, •••• , ••• .... W.._ l14uh1111t1 STOIAGl·TANK CAPACITY GUIDI -· ···-I 1 • • • .... ...... ''""' ... c..,. . ... _ ... _ 1 ... 00 . .. . .. ... , ... 4 er J .. • .. .... 7S --· Plenty of Hat Water with -&AS - " • M&WHWI 841..WOA a n Oetat I ----------=----o.Sailor-Saint Grune PfetuWUI /da,,,,J Moved to S. A "Ibe Newport Harbor-Santa Ana PLAY QCHOOL hi&h school football game, origi-~ nally scheduled !or Davidson Field in Newport on Friday afternoon, N~ICE OF IN~TION T O S£t...L N ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN punu- Ant to the pron.ion..-of Secttoa 1440 of Ci'f'll Code of lbe State of Calif· B that G«lrp E.. Opp. .scn Eut Street. Santa Ana. Calif .. Grant w. Good.lcUen. Route 1. ~ 1n. 0 ~p. Calif .. Vendor. Intend to 1ell to &LllER B. SKTTH &nd KART E. SOLVES PROBLEMS FOR BUSY MOTIIBRS. • • • Transcript of Sen. Barkley's Address Here Last Thursday hu been changed to Saturday lb=======================""' ~H. Ve:MM. of P . 0 . Box 962. K id· way City Callromla. all that certain pe aal propertr con.el•tlng ge_nerally A FULLY EQUIPPED, SUPERVISED, FENCED-IN PLAY YARD AND ROOM FOR YOUR CHILDREN W1IlLE YOU . ~ night and the contest will take place at the Municipal Bowl in Santa Ana, according to local of- ficials. Chairman. Ladies and Gentle-said it could not affect us O!" our of all atod: Ln trade, nxturu. equlp-ramlli t that -•••-'•a m<n~and good will of a certain bml· men: · es-ye "'el'Y __ .,., ~ nMa known u Seeood Hand F'urnJture I am sorry that I am in Newport lion lit the torch that start<• and nlware. &ad located at 1912 Har- STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "'SPDO ROWl!, Manag..--'}OSl!l'HJNl! OQuisT, o.....,. SHOP, WORK OR PLAY. • • • INDIVIDUAL ATrENTION. SPECIAL MORNING SESSION FOR 2-AND 3-YEAR-OLDS Open Monday Through S&iu rda y Newport Harbor, which will still be the home school, will garner tw<rthirds of the gate and tt is expected that close to 8000 fans ••bo• on 1 .... 8 bn"ef ·"·i·t, 81 I World War L bokiulenrd. Co.ta. Ilea. hC&Ufornla. aa ., uu' \'la • and hat the purch&.!e price t ef'@Of wtll would like to spend quite a ~·hile We \\·gn that war-and said we be d at IO o'clock Lm. on the ttb :~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ had made the world safe for J)e.. day t NoTember. l!M6. at lhe otnce ot out here. 0 GE COUNTY TITLE COll:PANY ~-. 0 ....... _ (Will Rogen, Jr.} mocracy so that all people e .. •ery· tn t ... e City or Sa.nta Ana. County ot • • , .. u ·~'""'"' where could enjoy Dett'MX!l"ae)'. We 1 · State of CaJrfomJa. w d"& H • gto L 1..x Co 107 %19& n.ce NewjlClii lleaall wUI attend. a few minutes ago ga\'e away my Withdrew into our shell and said Oat . Octo~QJ~~· i.94~pp ar arrJD 0 UJDut:f ~-. age. Well,. l am planning o n Uv-never again We began to erect Vendor L1JWID* AND BUILDDfG 111.A.ftR'•tJI, 9 ... m. ro 5 p. m. • • • • FoD Day fJS.OO Vi Announces Beauty Shop Now Remodeled ing to be 100, and I am going to bani . d tr Be-ELM.ER 8 . SMITH ~ Dlitc .. 'I'.. J retire at 90 and come to Calif or-fore ~~i ~~~ n::-on~~oui'ht we Put>jf Oct. 29. 1:.~~de-e. .._. B,n u. rm ' Hourly and "'eekl7 B.at ea t WEST END OF PARK AVENUE. BALBOA ISLAND For Information Call Barbor 8S8 Vi's Beauty Shop at ll03 Coast highway, Corona del Mar, has been remodeled wtth booths ltidded ror prJvaq and a new water sottening system installed for better sham- nla to stay. I have seen a lo~ or h ad an airtight compartment . . I ;~;;~ll~l~OO~aln~~JllOllW~~~~~A~Y~~~~~~A~T~T~a~c~~~~~;;~ old Kentucky friends of mine since around us. hi5 memory and h11 fanuly and I I have been in California. very dear am j concerned. or course. about friends, life-long friend! of mine:i In l933 Adolph Hitler. ~ to wh comes to the Senate. It may I am very honOl"ed and pleased Power in Gttmanr,. We 18.J.d . Just be one of my business, except we that they have come here to ~t another dictator. We though~ it are n \he middle of a Democratic me t his evening. could not &!feet ua, ~ seol!"ty, a · · tration. No matter what .,.., .................... ..,.., .............. .., .......... I pooing. Kitty Busby, formerly or Chi- cago and Balboa, has ~n secured to assist Vi and is skilled in hair styKng and cutting, tinting, perm- anent waves of au types. as well as othf.r lines or beautification. -Balboa Central Market 708 E. Central, Balboa Ph.: Harl>or 2729 Again We Have CHOICE MEATS Reasonably Priced (Cot to Your Speclal Order. Satisfaction Guar&11&eed ) Garden Fresh Vegetables Bird's Eye FROZEN FOODS f GROCERY AND It ancy DELICATESSEN ems FOR YOUR CONVE~"IENCE WE RE~fAIN OPES FRIDAY la SATURDAY E\o"'ENlNGS 'TILL 9 • • • A.."°D ALL DA\' SUNDAY Quality Lumber and Building Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER no..ee-sou Carr's Feed Store . Hay and Grain Quality Feeds -§- Dall7 DeUnq-Beacon 024.'l 18!'7 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA ..... We are all lnterE"Sted in thia ~ ~nom~. ye:t the rise orHitler hap ns to Congress for the next election i-ega.rd.Jess or our politl-lit mother 1~ whJch started 2i,s years. the Msident ts going cal affiliation. We believe in ceT-\Vorld Way II. to be a Democrat and the cabinet tain things, certain theories of We raised an army ~r .13 million is ~ing to be Democratic. government, politically. 1 have al-men. \Ve spent 350 billion dolars. I 1am sure you will forgive me ways attributed to the rank and That was only our share of the if I Express an interest iQ the Sen- file of the Republican party t he 1000 billion dollars ~d out b~ the ate~of the United States. I ''·ant right to be regarded as honest and tr easury of the Uruted Nations. it t remain Democratic, of coune. sincere. [ am a Democrat becaUS(' So however comfortable we may I• ant t.o remain part of the I think it means doing the great-seem we must remember l hat tea ·which is responsible for the est good for the greatest number whatever drags down mankind tear:' work in this great American of people. . . . an}'Wht:'re in the \vorld. whatever era in which we live. I want us .. So \\'t:' have before us an elec· endan_g<'rs his security, endangers not to Interrupt the \\·ork \\'(' are tion. I do not know \\'hether it is mankind cver}"'•here. \Vhatever doiq_g. the most important election in the elevates manki n~ anywhere in the I jb<'lie\'e that objective can tx-st country or not. But it seems to world elevates It all O\'er the be p;erved in the Senate or the me, in vit'w of the si tuation which ,,·o r\d. United States if \Vt> get a clean C'Xists in the \\'Orld today and in So, th1~ election which \o\'e are br~fih of fresh air that \Vill Rog· view of our O\\'Tl economic situa-approaching has two aspects. One ers Will bring us. I think that from tion at home. that the consequen· is intE'rnational. It may affect our \\•hJt I have found out in Ca.lifor· res of this election may be one or relations \\ti th ot~er n_a~ions of the 1 nia,that is "'hat is going to take the most important of any we ha\'C ~·orld. I have twice v1s1ted Europe! place in California this election. held in this country in a long time. since ,,.e defeated the Germans. I \\'ill make \Viii Ro~ers the I I had not intended to outline my I have S('(>n 160 of the largest sa e pledge I have made Ray Ad· reasons for saying tha t-but we cities i~ Europe laid \vaste The1 kin on. You s<'nd him up there as j sit in our homes here in America, only thing thE'y have done to\vard 1 you s<'nator and J ,,·ill lay myself \\'e ride in our automobiles when reconst ruction is to t'lear off the out to the extent to help him make the day's work is over, we turn sidc,,·a lks. I have seen millions of the best Senator California has a dial a nd bring the music of the peo~J e crowded into bas<"menls and ever had. ,,·orld to our living room. W e have cellars for placC'S to stay. l\jy five n1inutes are up. Thank such a feeling of security and com-I have come back to m y own youj \'ery much for this ,,·ondcrful fort that ,,.e cannot imagine other country and r thank Almighty God pa r y and reception. things in the "·orld making a dif-that I live in America a nd t hat ference. no bomb has hit any city or farm anila folders at News-Times I A student assassinated the Arch-in the United States. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;~~d~u~k~c~o~r~A~us~tr~i~•;;•~n~d~h~is~wi~·r~e~-~\~ll;e 1 There "'as a reason for that. A great American had lhe courage to fort's('<' this danger and to pre· TTENTION! lfome Owners! 1 These Add ~laximum Comfort and Good Looks ' Do Your Christmas Shopping 1 Early and Save Too . . . Gift Glassware Dishes -Gl asses Vases -Sets • . ' • ' PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE in Our Gift Department AT GREATL1' REDUCED PRICES DOLLS Child Furniture Bears and Doll Teddy Jig-Saw PUZZLES Water Color Sets pare us for it. I refer to Franklin D. Roose\'elt. \Ve raised the lar gest army in the "·orld. unless it was the Rus- sians. \Ve demobli zed that army faster tha n any similar army has been demoblized . If you \\·ill ex- a mine \\'hat Congress has done in the histor y or warfar e. you will ask has any governm<>nt ever triE'd to protect the \o\'ar veteran as '"e .have? W e have provided for schooling a t the expense or the United States plus S60 a month for single men o r S90 for married mt'n. There are 3 %: million l•e terans going to school now. More t han 11.:, mil- lion a re now in college completing their education "'here they left Off \VhCn \Var !; la rted. \Ve have more mone}' than ~e ever had in the history of the Uni t('(f StatC'S. A lot of people are no! .(?oing to vote because they are indiffcrenl. \\.hcnc>ver thc>y have not been prosperous and ne<'d.NI !o be rescuM proplC' ha ve al\\'ays turned to thr Den1ocr atic party. I am asking you as an Amt'ri- can. not as a Kentuckian or a major ity leader . I am asking that you ovcrv.·helmingly send to the Congr C"ss thi.s upstanding man of "'horn I ha\'e heard so much. Ray Ad.kinson. If }'OU send him there I \\·ill tell you this. I , as major ity leader, 1,1,:ill do evC'rything in my po"'er to sec that his bills are given proJX'r consideration in the U. S. S<>nate. S peaking for \\'ill Rogers, Jr. I knew his talher, a gre at Ameri- can. I ha ve a dttp affection for I ro Your Home: ~--::::; Slats-0-Wood AWNINGS and CANOPIES • 1 , are permanent and offP.r .t4Jtisfactlon not ga.lned from .. Y aubstltutlon. . .. Comult ~th those that ha,·e them. ... e ha\·e the ·ans~·er for every II:" or canopy _problem. Also: Quick Delivery on Quality Venetian Blinds ood --Allum --Steel For Free Estimates Call: ILATS·D .. NDDD AWNING CO. 115 So. Phlladelpbla SL Anaheim Pb.. 5''70 o 800 No. Drake St., Fallertoa. Pia. llSS..,J. Revene Toll IL I D 0 L~z~.!..i!.!I WED1"E8DAl', OCT. SO-MARS~ llU1"T -IOIDI CARROLL in M-G-M's "A LETFER FOR EVIE" I 'l'B VKSDAl' -FRIDAY • SA l' Oct. SI • Nov. 1 -:I . Nlfhtly at f!:43 & 9:00 • Junior Matinee Sit:: at 145 Mirrors ·Stuffed Animals Dogs -t! Cats -t! Rabbits -t! Ducks .. ~ fStory Books Bar Sets Serving Trays DART GAMES I Archery Sets WHEEL GOODS Telephone Sets Games of All Kinds Blackboards Baseball Bats & Balls Sewing Sets Six-in-One Boat Sets SOUTK COAST ·coMPANY 2212 West Central A venue Newport Beach b •ia .. MloO... 11"-ic .. --~ "'_ ...... ,.,., .. ,,,,..,.. "'S ........... ..._,.. ~ ........ ~ ..,.._ .......... .... "'Ga ..... .... -. ...,.., .. ~ -~ -w- J ne Hater Georg Montgomery Ylt ID Blalne Ce este Holm Y ra-Ell11 \ Fr1 k Latimore • . ' The Sign of a • good , mens store Kuppenheimer Clothes A.II~~ ,GQ,9.11 ,A~ I Kuppenheimer isn't siatisfied with merely manufacturing fire men's clothing they make sure these clothes reach buyers through the outstanding dealer in each community. When you see the famous Kuppenheimer sign in our store, you know our business policies ... our standards of quality and service . . . have been heartily end0~by Kuppenheim er. We're the home of m~y ~ther distinguished brands, too . ·JACK PRICE Store for Men Macie Patio Laguna Beacl> •90 Co ut Blvd. Soutlt Al90 La..4 Vega!' HOME OF KUPPENHEIMER CLOTHES We Don't L.ike It Either We regrer che crowding and inconven ience you have been subjc:ccc:d to on our cransporcacio n lines during recent mo nths. Ancicipaced delivery of a large number of new motor coaches o rdered long 2go has been del2yed time airer rifl)c due co labor diffirultics in chc bus industry. The manu"fac· rurcrs now advise that there will ht further delay in d eliveiy di.Jc tq conrinucd labor difficuliies and thac it will be btc: this ycac before new coaches arc available:. By every means possi ble we arc cntic:avoring to ta.kc care of prc:~n c hc;1vy. volume of rush-hour tn.vel, but until ad· dicional equipment is available: o r a pl.an devised to spread pcaii hour loads, there v.·ill be very heavy loading during m orning and evening .rush hoi.;;s. Your conri nued coopcrati\'C unde rstanding of rhcse conditions is ;;pprcciatc:d. • ' .. ELLIS BROS. NURSERY W i 11 Be 0 pen Nov. l 5 Landscaping •.• Flowers and Shrubs ~1208 COAST WGBWAY-CORONA DEL MAR ·ClaT PJl's Pia. a-t. Bwh '804.. loe EIIU-PIL Barbor tew Simpson Urges Proposition 13 Be Defeated •.. .,, . NeWport School Bonds Bought F our hwu:Lred thousand dollars worth of bonds were sold by the LOS ANGELES, Oct. 28.-Roy Orange county board of supervi.s- Simpson, state superintendent ol ors, along wit.h a $50,000 issue at public in3tructlon, visiting here to-tax-anticipation notes. day, expressed grave concern that Southern County bank of Ana- Proposition 13 on the November heim bought $250,000 of the $350,- general election ballot might be 000 worth of bonds from Garde.n enacte\i into law by enthusiastic Grove Union High school district, voters contusing it with Proposi-bidding 2 per cent and offering L...--------------------------'l uon 3. premium of $2647.50. Net cost He urged a "NO" vote on Propo-to the cilstrict for the lS-year sition 13. and a "YES" vote on borrowing will be $44.512.50. There 3. wer e four other bidders, the high- • • CONTRACTORS' . RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment "The two measures are diamet-est figure calling for $52,170 in r ically opposed to each other," interest. Simpson said. "Proposition 13, if N<'"''l><>rt Beach Elementary it becomes law, will reduce state School district's issue of s1so,ooo appropriations to local school dis-in bonds was sold to \Veeden & tricts. This will throw an added co. tor 2~ per cent interest and strain on local taxpayers, while premium of $77, making total in- at the same time intensifying the terest charge $37,048. Three other present crisis in our schools. bidders submitted figure5. Highest •·Profl(l6ition 3. on the other Interest charge would be $40,- hand, will increase state support 444 .50. of the schools. thus helping to r e-Fuller ton District Junior col- lieve the present crisis and to , lege borrowed $50,000 in tax an- • ticipation warrants from First National bank of Orange, for one per cent interest. Bank of Am· erica asked 1.30 per cent interest. Od ••• Plans-for Four New Homes Listed In Bldg. Permits M Man Cash Victim Approximately $40,700 worth of 1 building ~ti were issued by Rather\ than take a seat on a Chief Building Inspector A. M . Naval q-ansport plane from a Nelson of the Newport Beach city lower-ra~, crippled serviceman building office from lut Wednes-at Pensa la, Fla., Chief Pbarma- day to Monday. cist Mat Roy Jackson Woody, 25, Included were permits calling for son of ~ and Mn. Alby Woody home constructions \'a1Ued at $32,-or C~ta Mesa. elected to await a 500; miscellaneous home additions later pJa , which carried him to and ·aJterations or $660 and gar-his dea th in a flaming crash lf d ay age constructions totaling $1600. later a t~rpus Christi, Texas, ac- Home construction plans were cording o word received by h.iJ filed by the following persons: parents ere. John L. Murphy of Alhambra, Wood ·was en route to a new "''ho will erect a one-story duplex assi~t ir'I California, having dwelling at 612-14 Jasmine street, left No lk, Va., in a Navy plane. Corona del Mar, to cost Sll,500. Upan re ching Pensacola, he wu c . D. Bennett or Glendale, who told th he had prionty for a "'111 erect a two-story frame and seat on another plane over a lesser a N ·o-story duplex with double ranking !serviceman. He refused garage at 3603 Finlay avenue, to take~;a·dvantage of his priority Canal section. NeW"pOrt, to cost 1 . because the sailor was crippled. Sl0.000. Woody ose to take a later plane K . G. Graham or South Pasa:.. which s1:bsequently was forced to dena. who will construct a $6COO land at \Corpus Christi to repair house at 110 Sonora street and a blown t~es of the Undercarriage. S45CX> house at 110~ Sonora street, While ,\,eying over there. Woody Seashore colony, Newport Beach. wro~e;r,a Jett.er to his wife t elling Miscellaneous construction plans of his tr vel1ng delays. Accerd.ing were issued to: to re , ts, the Na val transix>r t Fresh Daily Dell---Or, com-oqulpment wbe:n you want to catcb :rour ....... HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTRAL AVENUE, NEWPORT BEACH MEREDITH'S Ven e t·i an Brin d Co. Now Open llanlll'adaren ol Clmtom BoDt BUnds Complete Repair -and Renovating Service Free Estimates il2 SOlh Street Newport Beech Telephone Barbor %001 Everything for the Building Contractor overcome a serious teacher short-Louis Verwey of 421 Harding caught fire soon after taking oft age in the state." I street. Balboa. \~:ho will construct from th airfield. and fell flaming Simpson pointed out that Propo-a foundation as well as treatment into ·ttt bay. It was not de-1 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~; sit ion 3 has won universal accept-for termjte at his address to cost termine whether he met death in- a nre by the voting public as a $1800. stantly n the crash or died later Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W 17th and Santa An& Ave. -Costa Meu nner t;~~~4/11 ·~ .. 1 .. ct. co•., .. ,.,.,, .. DL"S:EM DA.ILY l!.a~pt TGl!6d-.r Opea 4 '° 10 p . m. Sunda7 It -• .. 1e P. -. • "Better Schools l\feasure," and E. B. Chase of 1040 \Vest Cen-in the pital. that it has the support of hun-tral avenue, "''ho ..,.i ll make a l\\'O-In a~ ition to his parents here dre<h of state-wide organizations. s tory addition to and install a kit-he is su vi\'ed by his "idow, Mrs. Public enthusiasm for Proposi-chen to his present d\\·elllng at a 1-farjori Woody, and t\\'O children, tion 3, he said. might sweep along cost of Sl500. Roy .jr.,la nd \Villiam of Virginia : Y.i.th it a well-intentioned but fatal Frank 1'f. Malone or 248 16th '"'o sist.rs, Betty L. \Voody of majority for Proposition 13. stt('('t. Costa l\lesa , who \\ill erect Costa ~ esa and J\1rs. Velma Ehle "Prol)O!'i tion 13," Simpson assert-a quonset hut at 413 30 th street, of Ne\v ork, and a brother. Ray {'d, "\\·ou \d be extremely unlucky NC'''"JlOrt Beach, costing SlOOO. or Sant Ana. for California schools." General Petroleum company or l\fr. d l\1 rs. \\o.oody returned Los AngC'les. which will construct Sunday jfrom Norfolk, \'a. "-'1ere a wood and stucco r est room build· the you?g officrr \\·as buried \\ith All k.inds t}rpewriter ribbons ill f II 'I n h 'I \Vood ing at 503 Edge'''atf'r pla('(', Ba lboa u mi 1.ary onors. " rs. y stock at the Ne\\'S-Times. · h' Th Ar h f d hayside, to cost $800. is ~as 1~ at c c es ca e, an ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~! CS_m_rn~l a&-n=~~~-·~thre-~ Slr('("t, Ne\\'port Heights, conn{'ct-her on hf!§" birthday. , • KEEP THIS BLOT OFF OUR STATE! • WOMEN • • • I • Dog racing i......,HS juv..,ile delinquency l(ffl' THIS MOI our I - VETERANS ..• DON'T If fOOUD by the radceteen wha -nt you to front for dog gambling. Veterans will get a pittance -promoten will get milllana I MEN ..• • farmers and ~" au ICly ' von NO on #21 - PROPOllTIOll #2 " II OPPOllD •Y1 t s-k9 i....., Dq z •wot * (•Ii'-"'-t ~ y...,_ .f W..M W• U fAlll'WTSI 1 ~ ,_..._, ... •••1 eor·o~•• ... ••"'w-·,a•1 ~ ........ a......,C" w 1 o-d .... ••• .. LM I .l>!M 1 ( a M 0. "' t. "-'-1 D4¥ZISA AlllRc.~ .. a-,_._, Dez•:=.... t t11 d•• el i... ........ , tw~ ~"' c a. ._... OM-..1 ....... ,, Ill L...,. "' .... ,......, ............ a-.. .. c ., "- ........ 0...-"' C w, w-•• IM.W..1 \.-......... hcWy tw .. Pie .. fllf Ow1!r .. .... l lKA.11 ............ _ ... ,, .... ...__., .. ,........a.-.."' c •• •T• A 1f 'lknfll ~1 · kaa..__.. ••-1 ...... ~el .. ;'I LA. N 0 O_N, #~2,!1-.Cj[M-M I TT I I t . --...._ ..... --------...._ - ing hi!> prC'sen1 d\\'ell ing and gar- age rind installing a kilchcn, $500. 1-1. !'c lson of 409 Iris avenue, Corona del J\1 ar. plans the addi- tion to his present building to rost SSOO. I Ernl"st Strong of 3701 Coast boulevard. Ne,,·port Beach, plans I an additioii of a bay ,,·indow to his prcsl"nt d\\"elling, the cost to be $300. 1 Garag<>s ''ill be erectro by Eric Lan1bert of Los Angeles a t 6001 I Oce~n Front. Seashore colony, cost1n~ S.~. a nd C. \V. J\1asters I of 411 Jris avenue, Corona del 11\·Iar, \vho ,,·ill add a partition to· his present garage for a sho\ver a nd laundr y room to cost SSOO. Beautiful New Neighboor : "Little boy, I need a loaf of bread fro m the store, Do you t hink you could go for me?" Kid : "No, but I heord my old man say he could." FOB INSURANCE SEE Howard W. Gerri1b UI08 1'"""l>Ort BoaleTUd OOSTA llU:8A Pbone Beaoon 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Ucense and Contract llon<b Written I ~frigeration ~ON AMMONIA S ton to 10 ton Air Conditioning ( S t.on to 50 ton P~essure Pumps Ce~trifug~I Pumps F:f. All~ and 1' Uqold• ID Stock Ca ll j . I I 'au 8. r Anc1>ieo St., Anallolm _Phone 48%5 "For J/111111/e ~nd me .,;;. ~ ~­<. •· ·~· Vote 'Ye1' 011J'1 Proposition 3 will rdieve the teacrer fam ine in Calif- fornia by guaranteeing public school fcachcrs a minimum salary_ of $2400 a year. Local tares 'J,111 not be increased by 1h11 measure. Stale fund1 are availi ble for 1hi1 purpoie. Two hundred California organizations, including the following, urge you to vote "YES" oJ 3-Republican and Democratic Parties, American LcgiJ n, Veteraru of For- eign Wars, Disabled American V!terans, AFL, CIO, , Native Daughters and Native Sons, f d P-T A. Arsd rememhcr-wnen you vdle "Yer' on J, be "'" k> v~ "No" on 11, wlrich wo#Jd fllrln<r red..a presntl inatleqllllk 1t:hooJ 11ppro/,,;tttions. · I rot. "YEr ~· J/ • CAUFORJllA COUJICIL of EDUCATIOJI I DI TOUNG IUUtlll, SAN ... HClllOO .. Announcing the New Vibrapac Building Units AIL SIZES BUILDING UNITS Brick and Cesspool Blocks Now In ProdncUon Look for Sip on X"e"-port Boulevard Walter Kline Concrete Products Co.· 1560 Newport Ave. Costa H- Stewart -Warner This Panel-. Now Available • 1n Chrome Flexible Shafts Engine Drive Joi~ts ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN ' SINCE -Elli 1 9 % 0 1000 s.-t Jllway Phone Beacon M0'7 A.loo Ill !loa ............... Wllmlnctoa-!ltoclrton-!loa ~ ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two F1re F.qnlpment for FACl'OBY, PLANT, STORE, OFFICE, FABM, HOME VOT.E FOR Veterans Homes Provides $100,000,000 in Self-liqui- dating Bonds for Continued low-Cost financing of Homes and Farms for Veter· ans. Similar Bond Issues Approved by the People in Five Pievious Elections During the Past 25 Years. "WIH Not Coif tllo Taxpayers a Red Cont" VOTE ''YES-'' PBOPOSMOI ,NO. I GINERM EUCTION -NOVIMla 5 I tplllW ,.._. Msrt• ·n1 .. .., y...,_ ...._ -,.,_ C-. .... ------ --- \ • ' AOOOUNTANT GWRGE D . BAMr.:M' Bookkeeplft&' ud Tu Se"1ce 2801 W. Central Ph. lll06-J Ne....-port :S.C.b ACCOUNTANT BOOKXEEPING BEJ\Vl'CE Colin F . Brown (H&rbor l &M > Ill K&rioe A.ff.. ACCOUNTANTS 4.. C. HOJTllAN Accountant and Income Tu. "'"'"" 1102 L£tayette Barbor 718 Newport Bea.cb Accom.'TANT 11• Ill. OcMn Front Harbor 726 Balboa. Calltorui& AOOOUNTANTS Accounting -Auditing BOOKKEEPING Sl:RVlCE Tu: CoDlllUltant Jamee O. Pierce 1781 Newport Bl•d. Coat.a lileaa Phone Beacon 53M-J ACCOUNTANT J . s. •w-a-1-·1-e Income Tut Conirultant-Autbortsed by the U. S. Treuury Dept. to rep- rellflnt client.I In connection with ID· come tu ma.ttera. Audl!i • Sy1tvn.a • Boofl.keepiq Serf\Ce ornc-e 1840 Hubor B l•d .• coeu Kesa AIBPORTS flo"EWPORT BAY SKY HARBOR One mtle •emt of eo.t.a Ke-. on 19th 1tniet. ca.ta Me.sa -rt.T- lnstructlon -&lu Charter Serrioe tlNTIQUES BOB 'N DICK Antlque111 Bou,:ht and Sold P orcela.i n.1 . G\a.811, Sliver. Lampe and FUrnlture &(KU, W . Centr&I Harbor 2770 Ne"l)Ort Beach GOSLING APARTllENTS lllectr1c RefriseraUon Prt .. ate B&thll 411 E . Bay A•enue Harbor 497-R &lb<>& APABTME....~TS MRS. ARLINE E . JASPER Cotta&•. Apartmeni.. and Roomli 106 24th ~rMt Harbor 2IO Newport Beach. O&llL APAR~'TS Kl!:E."fE"S BUNGALOW COURT Kitchen !:quipped Harbor W.W ,..,_ AUTO DEALERS J'O!: NlCKERTZ Studeballe.r Bale• and semce Guulne PIU"ll a.ad AOCU80riM Come ln and tell ua )"OW': Automobile 'l"roubl• :Ml:i W . Centnl A•e .• Newpt. Beech AUTO REJ'Allt a SJl!:BVICE CA.RRJ:Ll..'S GA.JU.OE Body and Fender won. -AllllD Pa111.Uns -Motor O...e.rbaullq- TuM-up .and Cettenl Repa1r\ll,I - Wbeela B•'• ...... M2ll W. Central An. .• Newp't ~ Pboae 11.ut>or 141.i AUTO RJ:PAD COSTA )(ESA. BODY worucs Auto Pai.Dtins Complete BodJ' Rep&lr1.DC -At Nueoe•hl• Priom9 Newport Bl't'd. at Walnut St. _... ....... • !be Ba8iaii• ud Prof-....i Ph-Listed Below ..., lllemhen by AppolaU.-t of the B1ae R1bboa B>e'•• leaden or the Barbor District llDd..., llledKed to reader to their patni. tbe Very Beet Nnlble ba 8erv1ee ud M~•'"'lee, ud to eoopenUi .for CMi~t llDd National Prosperity. PATB01. 1110!~ F1RM8. Their Pledge is Your Assurance of Trustworthy Ser~ice and Merchandise Auro SUPPLll'..8 NEWPORT · BALBOA AUTO SUPPLY Scbwtna Bicycle• Glenn W. Con.Ill• .... w. Con1nl ,,. ... Newport Beach, C&llt 2112 • BEAUTY SALONS CB.ARLO'I'TES BEAUTY SHOP (..ob Ott Permanent Wa•u a 8ped&lty 809 St.a.le W1hw1.7 Corona dal Kar Pbone Ha.rbor 1638 BICYCLES BICYCLES Sold. Rented or RepaJred VOGEL'S 100 Kain St .. Balboa 208 Karlne Balboa Wand BOAT BUILDERS It BZPAIRS Sterllnc Boat W ortu All Type• of Boat Buildlca: and Repairs Palntlnl' and Motor Work Suh and Doon lilade to Order 615 Cout H1a:bway Bea.con 5363 r ,, BOAT BUILDERS YORK BOAT CO. Now bulldlng a complete line of 1tock and cu1tom crulHrw and com· men:lal boa.Ii 23' to ss·. Harbor Bl,.d. a.ad Wll9on stttel Coit.a Mesa nea.con fl3"2 BOAT REPAIR & MAINTEN"CI: THE BOHKA.i.", CO. Karlne Way.-General Rep&ln &nd Mainten&nee '°1 Colt.st Hwy. Phone Bea.con &4Sl BOAT DEALERS DOUGLAS BOAT .I: CANOE CO. Manufacturers and Dtstributon o r Sklfts. Paddle Boa.rd•. Yacht Tenden 2819 W. Central Ave.·Ph. Har. 2634 Newport Beach.. Calif. BUILDERS CONTRACTOR'S R ENTAL EQPT. Everythlna: In Kachlner-y for the Building {;qntractor Building and Cabinet sentce DUTCH HEACOCK Ph. Harbor 502 or Beacon 5M)(I. W 17th & Santa Ana A vll! .• Co1ta Y.eaa CABINET SHOP GORDAN B. l'D"lDLA Y CABINET SHOP Custom )fade Cabinet• 407 30th St. Harbor 3388-J Newport Beach CHILDREN'S APPAREL THE BOBBY NIOP Bob and Sally Browo 711 E . C~nlral Ave. Harbor 1158· W CJULDREN'S APPAREL JR. JACK A JI.LL Children'• a.ad l!lfant '• Clolhlns Up to 8 ror Bo,.. a.ad 14 for Glrla 176111 Newport Bl•d. Coat.a life-. CHIROPRACTOR DR. P. A. CHAM.BERLAlN Palmer-Caner T ecbntque -ElectrotheraRy- HOKE CALLS IN HARBOR AREA 194-4 Newport Blvd. Co.ta M~ Beacon MS.! CHIROPRACTOR DR. E1iLIL 1'". B~LL. D. C., Pb. C. SpedalW .. l.o Glud Dbof'de~Male &nd J"enale Proal1'te Trouble Gutro--Intelllln.al CondttloM Hla:ll Blood Preaure FrM CoDMlltatlora Phone for AMtt. 107 22nd St. Harboor UM CLEAND8 THE LfDO CLE.L"VERS Albert Katthe ..... , O.Ur Quality Cleaatna aemce You Can 'l"'ri.wl U• Wlth Tour nn• c.nnata -Dellft.ry S.ntee---m Newport Bl,.d. BsMron 5798-J' . ' . OONTBACTOR CORSON A RA. T CO, GeMr&l Contracton Vete:ram, ~ for VetMUW m Co..J An. Uubor Jt.47-R ,..,..,. WLod OONTJl.ACl'OBS, JUdc. a 0-1 Gl\EENLEA.7 A WOLOENBBRO General Canu.ct.on zsx w. Central A,..., N . Bar. =ro Newport-Balboa. C&ll1•rula CONTBA.Cl'OBS, Bide. A Oea'l W . P. KEALEY General Contract.or 461 Newport. Bl .. d . Beacon 6831 Colt.a Meu • CONTRACTORS, Bide-a 0 ... 1 CONRAD SHOOK Contractor a: Builder :Zl2 Marlne A... Balboa I•le Harbor lOM-J ' CONTRACTORS, J.odaa. 41: Oea'l SOUTH COAST CONST. CO. Industrial a: General Co119trucUO'D Veteran HoU91nl'. WALTER B. MELLOTI' 615 Cout Blvd. Harbor T76 Conma d-1 Kar OONTRACTORS-PAINTINO LEE C. BE.AN Patntlna: Con tractors Ph. Harbor 2645 3(1() Haael Drt•a Coron& del Mu, ca.lit. CONTRACTORS-PAINTING H . E . MC'DONALD Pa.in unc-Paperh.&nKtna: Bruah or Spray W-ork State Llceoaed 414 Old County Rd .. Beacon 5037-11 C:Oeta Mesa CONTRACTOR-PL;\STEBINO CHARLES C. FIPPS Pluter1,.g, Cement Contractor In the HArbor Area Co r 22 Ye&rs Sant& Ana -0689-ll Beacon 5180-J 600 Seal"lew Corona del Mar, Ca.JI[. DENTIST CLINTON CAMPBELL EKERSON 1601 Cout Hlcbway Harbor 2220 Corona del Kar DOUGHNUTS COTTAGE DO-NUT A.ND WAFFLE SH OP Donui.. and Warne.a .. Specialty Complete Fou.nt&Jn Set"'t'"lce 305 Karine A•e. Balbo& Isle Harbor 2672 DRUG STORES HAMPTON'S HARBOR DRUG Corona del Mar. CaJU'onJ.a M.AC PELLETIER'S !'l.'EWPORT BEACH PllA.JUIACY LONNIE V"r.'lCENT'S BALBOA PRARllACY 715 E. Central Telephone 105 iu:crBICAL DLBS. It SERV. BAY EL!X:rRIC Rewtndlns and RebuJldlns Moton A Genera.ton Moton and Generators for Sal• 2818 W . Omtral Ave., Har. 178l·W FISH BAT SIDE FISH llAR.KXT Dally Dellnry of J"reab n.h Shell n.b &. Sea Food Specl&ltJea 28lh flt. A La.ferete. Newport BMc:b ...,,,., ru FISH lllABKETS Bua. Phone 925 a... Pboae 2119 FRANK SUTTORA Whole-.le u d Retail Flab Jlalket Beer, Wine &Dd LlqUOn 21.st PIM* Newport Beach. Calif. FUNZaAL DIJU!lCTOa BALTZ 11.0RTUA.RT Cb&pel bJ' lb9 Sea a..tas lbe B.ubor .... LMb A.ttud«M at COrw. N Jl&r eoro-dial Ku Bubor a ' FUBN1T1lllE NEEDLES FURNITURIO Furniture of ~A Economy Romo --Newport Bl•d. c-a ·-...... .... GAUGE a MAClllNI: SHOP VIRG"S GA.RAGE Complete Auto A Boat Re~ TEXACO PRODUCTS -Weldtns- 2408 w. Central Harbor 11..._w Newport 8Ncb COTTL.1:"8 EAST NEWPORT llLUU<ET Complete Food Market Ol"Qeeriu-Me.-1-Vecet.ablN 508 W. Central Ba.I.boa Harbor ll:i OBOCEJUES AND MARKETS NEWPORT PUBLIC KAR.KET Fre•ll P"rult>-Ve,retablea Quality Grocerlea a.nd lleaU C. F. LOT, PTop. Phone 113 2116 Ocun Front Newport Beach GROCERIES AND MARKETS THE WAVES GROCERY Open Sunday--CloMd Thu19day 9 a .m. to 7 p.m . Complete Ll.ne of GrocerleAJ Plenty of Beer 6600 Cout Rwy. -Harbor 2252.J HOTELS ISLA.ND ROOKS .U.L> AP A.RTJdENTS E. C. and Grace Nuh U7 Apte Ave. Balboa tale Harbor 23!· W HOTELS PALISADES HOTEL Room.a and Apart.rnen ta A ~nJc Vie., Overlooking Harbor A Ocean. Open All Year Located at We•tern. End of se&Yt.ew A•e .. Corona del Har Ha.rbor 1456 HOUSE CLEANERS AL'S R OUSE I: WINOOW CLEANING Complete Hou.e Cleaning Se"1ce Includlnl' Wlndo•1. Floorw, Kitchen Spl"ay Palntlng, Roof•. Etc. 300 The RJalto Harbor m-J Newport Bach ICE COMPANIES BAY VIEW ICE CO. Cubes -Bloc.ks Crn.ahed lee 1732 Newport Bl•d. Beacon 5177 C~& Mesa INSURANCE HARRY FREDERICK INSURANCE Protect that Mortgage W ith Insurance 1213 CO&!lt Blvd .. Harbor U47.) Corona de! Mar INSURA,'ICE RABUN INSURANCE AGENCY -Flre- Aut1>-lilar1ne-Ll&blllt}' Compenutlon-Bondl 17fil Newport Bl•d. Beacon ~J , Coet.a 11..._ Calif. INTERIOR DECORATORS JASPER VALE Interior De1la:n Furniture Sl!lecllon A K&lntenanct Venetian Blinds-Select Wallpapu"9 cu.tom Kiii.de Dn.per1ea Tailored Slip-Coven S-C-43 Vla Oporto Harbor Jtlfi Newport Bea.ch. Callf. R . E . ARVIS Dtarnond9. Watc:bu. J'ewdry Expert Watcll J: J e11re.lry Repalrtn.& 111 Jlnd St. Newport s.cb Phone 2127-J Q.RIO SHOPPE Watch~lerltq: SU..v.!-GlfU or All Kllld.9 '°"Kola -·--~. """ -- LIQUOR S'l'OJU:S XKSA. LIQUOR SHOP !"electlon ol (.."bolce t.lqQOd wi-. ... -.. DALLA.8 PAI.JQ;R. OwW' 11'14 N~..!!.Td...16lJOlllta .._ LUJIBJl!:B WARD A.ND HARRINGTON LUKBER CO. Lumber A Bulldlns Katert.ai. B&J' Dt•lrict Tard Ph. Beaoon 5l.1l 51.3 Cout Hit:b.,...y, At the A.rcbt8 MAClllNI: SHOPS SA.XPSON lliCBTh"B WORXS , U«!:it a.ad BNO" JUcblM Work Speelalblll& l.n lt&rtne 6. Boat SUpplleti llCM NeW"POrt Bl..t. BMoon 5801 MARINE ENGINES SEA FLUSH A cleantna: Hnlce tor all aalt W'&tU c()Olecl ena:lnn. Reaew• the ooolLD& e fficiency. Call for utlm&t•. THE SEA.BOARD EQUIP. CO. UOC5 Cout Highway Be&ca11. 684.1 RepreMnttnc Gray Kartne-GenentJ ldntors Dluel-Mercury MEJICHANT PATROL SJl!:BVICE BEACH ClTY KERCRA.l'.,.T PATROL 2304 Ocean Front Newport Beac) Phone Harbor l.Ul·R METALLIZING CLARK A BATES IndWltrlal and Decoratl•e Metallslng Welding Spectallirt• 506 30th St. Harbor 2609 Newport Be&ch MOORING SERVICE C. R. STAFJ' Koorinp In.tailed and Repaired Bou,.. P&Jnted and Lettered Beacon 5546 or Harbor 1898-R F or Prompt Servtoe MOTELS BALBOA lfOTEL Rea.onable Rate......ctean Room. Hand)' to Bu•lneu Dl111trict Open tlle Year "Round" 315 E. Central Ave. Barbor S28 MOVING It STORAGE BALBOA TRANSFER 00. Packlng--Cratlog-Shlppln6 BOAT MOVING 1501 W . Central Ph. H. 21l6 NURSERY SCHOOLS BAL-ISLE NURSERY SCHOOL 317 KariDe A•e. Harbor 7'4-R P . 0 . Box 689~ Balboa Iala.nd OPTOMETBISTS Eyee E:umlned-GlueM Repaired ERNEST T. BUTTERWORTH, O. D . Optometrist !llf W. Centn.I Newport Beach Harbor 2511 PAINTING It DECORATING R . E.. •ANDERSON CONTRACTOR PUaUD& A WaterprooQq CALL B!lA.CON 5T8()..J PET FOOD a SUPPLIEll DO<!Griu:LS Dos&:ere.ls too 11rent on a .aeatloa But the Pet Pa.nt.ry'a .Ull at the ll&me locaUon On Balboa hl&nd, 011.e--thlrt.MA Agate Street. We'll proTide your pet with Inapected meat. PHOTOOBAPllEBS K!1NT HITCHCOCK Establlshed at Newport Harbor lJ3t Kaater KarLn.e Pboto&T&Pber Tbe WHt"a .,ne9l StudJo of llarl.ne &Del Oxrunerct.&1 PbolOCJ'&pbT T~lepbone • Barbor 28'7 PBOTOOBAPBD8 RICllilU> Bl:SLT. PHO'I'OO:RA.PBSR Dl.uacUTtl Portra!ture 208 llar1.Dlll A.Te. B&JbOa tale Barbor QI PBYSWIANS a llUJIOll';()l<ll .A.. V. ANDJUIWB.. 11. D. w Col.ti. lllP"trQ Bartlcll' -""'-... ..... ~c.11a---.. I . ' _L P i:CIANS It SUBGEONS HN K. C. CHUNG. Ill. D. 1 Pbyelclan and Su.rpon ~ 7-8:90 Ud by~tntmat I .....,.. 13) J:. 18th St. Co.u. Meea.. caw. ' ' P1JCIANS It SURGEONS• 4.. G. HUGHES. II. D. 178&j Newport Bl't'd. -· .... Reeldence -517'1 eo.u Keaa ' I P HYr l CIANS It SURGEONS I DR. W . T. M 001'"'1:T X Ray Servtce I Ninth a.ad Centnl Ne'W;>Ort Bea.ch, cal .. C&ll Har. .. . ' I ' PHYSICIANS It SURGEONS I G. N. PEASE. II. D. I Con.aultaUon Dja&1109ls Soun by Appointment 18111 Paclftc Dr. Corona del ..... Harbor 2191·J' PHYr lCIANS It SURGEONS i GERALD RAUSA. 11. 0 . 2830; W . Central Ave. Newport Bch. I Phone Harbor 1028 ·----;.~~~~~~~~~~~-/ I ' P IAlfO TEACHER LG. V. LINSENBAR T er of Pl&no &. Harmoney ~ Ocean Front H.a.rbor ~W Newport Buch ING It HEATING H. H . HOLBROOK S200 CO&At Bl•d. Newport Beach j Phone Harbor 1'18-W POUf-TRY PRODUCTS TW}:N CITY POULTJ\T KARXET / Live P oultry a.ad Rabblta 2011 W. Centr&I Ave .. Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 1106 '--+---------~/ RABBITRY 'llA.P" LONG'S lUBBITRY Rabblta DreNed Dally -P er Your Order-- Phone Orders Accepted Cor. of 16th and Tuatin, Beacon 5611 R 10 SALES It SERVICE Immediate Delivery on Karine Radlotelepbones &nd Rece!Ter. :t J . K. BROWN COMPANY Beacon 5263·W l.2J..9 Cout Bl·Way . 10 SALES It SERVICE 1 8.0 .S. RA.D~ELECTRIC ISLAND RECORD SHOP Po~ular 11a.lr.M Home A Auto RadJa. Complete Line or Reeorlb IOO llarlne A..._ Harbor 780 I Balboa Isla.ad iilO SEBVl<J!:...-MABINI! llARINJ: RADIO SERVICE I JL HERTS • Technlcla.a Radio Monitoring Senlce uency check9 A Callbra.t.lorw o-Way Cab Rad.lo SerTloe 114 :m .15th St. Ne.-port JIOl..W Cost.a Kesa. 10 SALES It SJl!:BVICE TRONART Inc. Radto-Electronlca----Soun4 Sale. a.ad Servtce Kartne a.ad I>ome.Uc H. 125J..ll 2901 W . CUtral Newport Beach. Ca.LIL -- ll:llTATE P. G. :BAL.I.TON JUl.lLTOR ~~~= SM.ooo I Newport BIYd. 11.llOO 6 M Bouee C-ornl. SlablM U ,000 Newport Bl-.d.. c.o.ta ._ Beaeon 6.20J..w - r BEAL ESTATE H4RBOR INVESTJONT co. "-1- S»«:la.liat lzl Harber ~ su.i-and 8-ldental IOtb at W . Omtral, N~rt ~ Phou Harbor 1 ltol fu:Ai. ESTATE . B. IL LANJ: RXALTOR Income ~~et. P50 per mo. Rome, s-nns. 4.. Ian~ 6.600 6() ft. OD ()oean nt 0.600 lA.rge Kap of City For Sale _15.00 2006 0:Nrt ATe. Hui>orMI llM, ESTATE J. lil. KILLER Rl<ALTOR 16th ... O.atnl Harbor U<2 Ne11rJ)Ol"l n.cb ' BEAL ESTATE WILLIAJ( W. SANn>RD Realtor and ~neral rn...urance GERTRUDE A. WALJ?RON 808 Jlarfne Ave. Balboa -Harbor JM-R REFRIGERATION REFRIGERATION &Jes .t &rvlce Domeeltc Commercial NEWPORT ELEC. APPLIANCE -Ra.dl<>- 23()fj Coast Blvd. Pb. 2138 Ne..-port Buch, Calif. RESTAURANTS It CAFES BLUE ROOK Ch.arco&l Broiled Ste.aka, nne Foodll Cockt&lla "RUSS" SWEETSER at the Orpll 306 Palm, Balboa -Harbor 2224 ' SERVICE STATIONS BOTDS BSRVICll BT.A.TION WutdDa-Poli.bJD&"""'-0,...._ Lubriealka N .. nr.-Tu~a.tttidee -·· .. -~-~ ... ... Dell ..... 1600 w Oaatral A.ft. Bar, - SEaVICE STATIONS ISLAND SHELL 91'.A.TION ,,,..._Lubrie&lion-~ WUhl~eel ni:_i'!!:"PID.I' 227 K&rtne A ff. II.arbor mt-W Balboo ,..... ' SHErl' METAL GJ!lNJCRAL SHE.ET KllTAL WXS. Sheet Iron-~ B&nd.I lnduatrl&l-dine Gutter and Do11rn Spoub 2807 VUla W3, Ne11rJ>Ort Beach. ~ SIGNS BENEDICT THE SIGN 1U.N XI Tear. In the Harbor ~ ~lalllinc in Gold Leaf IAttertD.c all Lelle~ Window LetteriJIC 'Pertee on or E1-" 4.27 N &l'cl.Nwi An. Barboi-B7 Corona. del Kar ' SIGNS L. W . PIERCE EverytbJnc ln Bl.cu 15 Ye&rw In Oranp County Llcen.ted State Contractor Beacon 5184-J Coet.& x- SIGNS 'I'Oll RUNKL&--SIGNS Slsna-Bboe&rd&-Boab Lettered. Harbor 2222 1111 Palm Balboa. C&lUornia ,,----------~ ,,------------~ RESTAURANTS SPORTSWEAR THE DOLL HOUSE of Balboa Open the Year A.round 415 E . Central Ave. Harbor 2110 RESTAURANTS It CAFES KINGS LANDING &. CAFE Speclallzlng In all .,Kind• of &!!a Food 611 3lst Newport Bea.ch Harbor 1934 LA POSTA Dellctowi Mex ican Fooda 2688 Newport Blvd. Beacon 5641 Costa Me.a RESTAURANTS It CAFES NEWPORT CAFJ!l· Spectallzlnc In Family Trade. Good Old Home Cooldnc 110 Mc.J'addn Pl. Harbor IS«)-W Br:STAURANTS a CAFES Speclallzlna: In Sea Food.I A Steab NORTON'S BAY SHORE CA.1'l:l 17th st. and Coaat a....,.. BeL 57'5 Nelt'POrt Beaeb, C&lllornia Br:STAURANTS WELCOllO: CAFE Home cooked Keal 6. Home Kade Pi..._..Tbe Beat In the Country T1ll'tl Prl•ate Din.ins Roomll for Family and Club Grou:i- 2560 Newport Bl•d. Bea. 6lll-R Coeta ,._ Br:STAURANT & CAFE WHITE'S PARK A VZ CA.J'S Banquet Room An.tl&ble Barbor 4& -:· Balboa Iale SAND It GRAVEL Ofnc, Phone HV'bor 1JI Rea. Be.aeon 6217 or 6281-W R. W . KC'CT·f:IJ.AN A SONS TM>cld••-Eua--Gradln< Peat Soll-~~ Gran.Ile Jnll Jrlatel1&1 Jteck-Gra..i· 2617 Otntnl Aft .. Nnrport :e.c.11 SEA FOODS PALA.DINI SE.A. n>OD 00. ~T nSBll:B. • Wboie..le rt.b llERVIOI: STATl01'8 ALLD' 6 ,,.PIJllfG .A.ato ~ .... Poll* Tbw B&ttwlcs 'Cl 7 NIM IOO W. o.a.1. .a..... ..._ -llft SA WYER SPORT SHOP Ken and Boy'• ~ Complete Line of H&he.d•ebry I\ JI.YI Karine A Te. Balbo& Ia.I• Harbor 578 S'l'OCKS It BONDS LESTER I: CO Member Lo. Atigele. Stock i::z~ 200t W . Central A ''e., Newport · Tel. Harbor l174·J' ' DEAN W. CAllPBJ:LL COLIN W. TRAVERS Bead o rr1oe, 621 s. SMq St. Lo. An,.e.le. 11 TACKLE STORES NEWPORT TACKLE BTORI: K enn J1Uma 105 McFadden Place Pb. NB. 97 Ne11rport Be&c~. Calilon:Ua TAXI SERVICE BALBOA CIRCLE TAXI Sen-Ing lhe Ne11rport Harbor ~ 24-Hour Re!Jable Sen-tea 1501 W . Central Ave. Har. 1:10 Newport Beacb TAXI Phone Bea.t;On 6136 NEWPORT • COSTA. Kr.SA TAXI CO. Agent Banta re Trail.,...,.. 60t Cout Hl11'b11r&7 UPHOLSTERING CLAUDE A. J'OHNSON Ta.llonird Upbol•tery Your Pereonal BaUa!a.c:Uon Guanntoed 487 Newport Blvd. Be.a.. 5117-W VENETIAN BLINDS MEREDITH'S VENETIAN BLIND 00. Ka.nutacturer. of cu.t.MD B u 11 t Bllnd.....complete Rep&lr IUad Raao-- T&Unc Sen1ce. tlJ 18th St. New-port a.cit VENETIAN BLINDS THE SHADE SHOP Aero VeneUa.n Bl1Dd9 Wood or ..lluailia11m 211 20th St. Harbor ~w Ne"'POrt :s.cb Wm.Dmo ILUIDT ilDT 1BOP .t.. T. JOBN&Jii ·-·-..::..'=--'\• ~-.... l r • ---- Nl!:WPORT 841 BOA• NEWS-TIMES PRONaJ. llADOa lJ _. 11 e I RiSE TO REMARK • • • BOK. IORN PIDLLIP8 LETl'ERS TO THE NEWS.TIMES rAD' Jl~Tl'TI '"f ... n la~ARuc T v.-.mvm o.ta. 11eea W... Plibti t '~Wit ' ; v.-.. D When last week's\. letter ap-.1 '------------- peared in print, I noticed that a The Editor Subecriptloo Parable in Advanoe:-12::50 per year in OraDae County short paragraph had been left out. Newport Balboa News-Times $2.75 per year to 4th zone; 13.00 per year to 8th moe 1 said that unemployment was NeY.'J)Ort Beach. California D!t«ed a's Secood..cJ.ass matter at the Postottice tn Ncwpcrt Belch, around the 3 million figure. which Dear Sir: California. under the Act al March 3, 1879 i.s about what we have any time. The West Coast Chapter of the ----------------------------1 J had intended to say also that this Amphibian Engi neer Association. SAM D. PORTER Publisher meant a present e mployment of composed of formC'r members of ~.GF.~gfcfN Advertlsln& ?tt=~ about 60 millions, the figure !et the six (6) Engineer Special Bri· Printin&: Plant, 3011 w. Central Avenue. Newport Beach, cautomia. by some or our cloudiest thinkers; gades that were activated and those whose thoughts are general-served during \Vorld \Var II. is ly in the clouds. \Vithout the help requesting the tielp of your fine of any law passE'd. by Congress publication to locate ex-"'Amphibs"' I for the-much diluted job-making y,:ho hav<' not been re a ch e d bills are not yet operative) this through normal mailing channels. nation goes ahead and people go I t would be deply appreciated if to "'-'Ork, to t he extent of the fig-your publication would run a small ure set up as the one it will re-story requesting all former mem· quire \Vashington help to reach. bers of any or the 6 Engineer Spec· Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A l>epelllable Local lmUt.tioll tor 0... 11 YW"I Active Member of "Better Schools" Measure • Proposition 3, which increases the minimum salary of California public school teachers to $2400 yearly is the only sound proposal yet advanced to halt the alamling drain of teachers from schoolrooms and teaching talent from teacher- training schools. I rise to r emark that it is so me- thing to think about. There is still no substitute, in laws made in \'\1ashington nor in Sacramento, for the self-reliance. for the inia- tive. and for the inherent strength, all characteristic of Americit. The people are thinking about these things. I can testify to that. It is· good to get around again and meet '''ith you. I ha"e talked to you a nd you to me. and "'e have a I I asked questions. Invar ibly, some of the questions touch on labor legislation. on strikes, a nd on production in the face of t he inflationary trends now increas· ingly evtdcnt. iat Brigades who live on the \Vest Coast a nd dt>sire t o become mem· hers or our W~t Coast Chapter. and who also wish to attend our next mC'eting on 14 December 1946. to notify 1st Lieutenant J oseph E . Boylt!. Headquarters, Second GR..\.SS t~IRES can be d:.uigerous when tbeiapproach wt~hln reach Engineer Special Brigade, F ort or property u ma)· be gleaned from the mpaill'inlt pbotocTaph Ord. California. "·h.lch -.·all ta.ken by the l'\ey,•a-Tl.mes pho crapher recently. The This "ill ena blc us to adequately hou!ie 1ho"A-n threatened by fire is located C.Orona del Mar. For~ inrorm all former Army "Am· tunately qtdck arri,•al or rlrentt"n exttngub the flames. phibs". \vho up to no\1,· have been -----------------;11--'-ph_o_t_o_b-';'-• _Ge_r_ha_rd...:..:tc.... una\•/a.re of our Association . The very qualifications of intelligence and education that teachers must ha ve qualifies them for vocations in private industrial e mployment tha t are far more lucrative than teach- ing. Tha t is the simple reason why our schools a.re so \.\'oe- fully understaffed. Teachers are quitting to take better jobs--and will t-ontinue to do so unless granted at least the modest guarantee of a living competence. Both the Republican and Democratic parties-and more than 2000 organizations in every responsible civic. busines.;.;, fraternal, labor a nd veteran category-have given Proposi- tion 3 unqualified endorsement. By an odd quirk of political circumstance, the ballot also includes a school p1-oposition-No. 13--which virtually nulli- fi es the progn•ssive educational safeguards of Proposition 3. \Ve earnestly recommend, for better schools in California. a yes vote on P roposition 3, coupled \\i th a no vote on Propo- sition 13. On behalf of all members. I de· sire to thank you for your serv· ice in . publish in£" this story. JOSEPH E . BOYLE 1st Lieut. CE Public Relatio ns Officer The situation it in\·ol v~ m;iny __ ·- factors. I cannot spc'a k for 435 papers; \\'hctt you didn't read ,,·as me mbers of the CongrC'Ss. The a tclegram I sa"" frnm the na tio- productive strength of this nation nAI h<'ad of lh<.' union. saying that can dcreat inOation . or that. plus if lhC' situation ,,.as as described th" dC't ermination of th£> pN!p\e not 1 to him. disciplinary act ion 'vould lo lct infla tion dC'stroy us. Pro-!:)(' taken ai::-ainst thC' local. duct ion nc<'ds {_•mploy<'rs. a nd The inlC'f:rity of a cont ract is \\'O rkcr s. a nd huyers. and Pf'Oplc ha<:ic 1n th1• Unit<'d StalC'S. I a groc to di.strihutC": ,,.!' are all in the "·i1 h you. a nd you \\·ith me : 1hcn san1(' boat. An y 1~ini:; tOO :iy, "'hich \\'{' "'r ilc it du"·n. to a\·oid errors. \\·ould includt~ strikc·s. stoppai;:es. \\'t• both i::o to \\'Ork with ronfi- OP,\ or CPA restrictio n!-1, \\1yatt df'nce. That is H <."on tract. An \' agC"ncy confusinns. 01· \VA ,\ incom-idf'a that lhC' cnnt r<u"' can he-tos'. pctcncy, invit(' .inrlation ;i nd dis· sl'd aside like a sC'rRp of p~!')('r 1:1.stcr. l\Tost st r1k('s arf' thcr C'fore, stri kes al the sou! or the Arni•ri· at such a time sclf·dC'structivC". can systC'm J a m satlsfiro tllr If the unions thf'mSPlv<•s do not unions agree. Does Need * Your House Painting? j No waiting .. Work done i edlately by highly skilled Journermen Painters f Ing the most mod- <rn equipment and fmest mat rials. * I Owned a nd operated by Wofld \Var D Veteran seeking your permanent good! will and patronage. * ~ For Free l'jstimates- . Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee cJ Bean :.-~~~~~~~~-...~~~~~· Among other nc\\'Spapcr s \\1hich also agree on the m e rits outla,\· jurisdictional strikes. I be· Thc CasE" bill \1,·as not a bnd hill of Proposition No. 3 a re, the Los Angeles Daily Ne\VS and tl1e lil·,·e the Congress '''ill do it. The <\nd \\'ill be rC"·('naC'tf'd. in bC"t tt'r -----------------!---------~ sound ll~adcrs of the unions h~\"L form. It snid thC'r(' should })(' a rL_~ f4 H Oakland Tribune. Their comme nts follO\V: had their O\Vn trouh\('S. l fnion "cooling-off pc'rind" b('forc strik· ~ ~·< -our Daily Ne\\1S, L os Angeles: mc1nbt'rships are cross sections of ing: tha t ('\"t'll .[!rC'atC'r f'fforts; ~1 • " - --If California is to get the 40.0<X> teachers it needs !he com~unity, or the country. should he> rnart(' lo 11rC"VC"nt strikc>s \ . v\ ~-Radio Service sal . . . . 11. . 'I Just as in any ~roup of J)('Ople a~ain.st the h··;~Jth <l nd safety of ~· \;'; ·, 1. .. "•' , ~ anes mus t Ile p..:11d which \\'il 1ft t eaching to the le \•e l of a \Vc·ve had troubles '''ith some or thl· proplc>. IT prnvidC'd ror nrhi-~ V respecta ble proression. It's jus t as simple as that. So simple, th£" mcmhC'rs of Congress : why not tr;i.t ion. ,_\II thi'sc th i n~s art" con•· ~-~ • ··. no. . AUTO. MARC'JE in fact. that the Califo rnia Taxpayers' argument tha t 'there f'X})f'ct unions to havt' th€.• s;unl~ inJ.: in ,\f'\IC"rica. including rC'!'pon-r-= ,,,,,.-' . · 08 REP.URED . . . probh.~11is '..' sihility for !he unions: the r emoval ::._.......-" are other fac t ors. besides lack of fmance. \\'h1ch de ter ,young I hU \"{' compit'lf' faith that th('S(' or raCkPIC'C'ri n~ IC'ad('rs; and lhn!'l' r people from e ntering educational proressions.' doesn't \\'3Sh problt•ms \\"ill be \\'Orkrd out. 11nd rhan~C'S \\"hich accon1pany the ma· -_._ Burfi R. Norton \vit.h facts. It doesn't \Vas h \\.ith the fact . fo r e x a mple. tha t h} 1 n1ployC"C'S, employers and hi\\'-turity of any <1ri::-a n1z C"d movC'nt<'nt ITT ~ I "1 at recent con1men cement e xercises last June a t Berkeley anc1 mn ~t'rs. '"·,rkini:: to~cth\·r. not ThC'se thini::s should come out of l7 G _ 91."5 Cout mway Beacon 6761 . at:a1nst •«u.:h o thf'r . The oThPr day thC' unions thr1nsPl\1•s. They ha\"C' '--•-•.:.•~•-.b) N rt BM.eh, C&Uf. UCLA a t o t a l of only 45 g raduates came fonvard to rece1vp I \\'C'nl to Los Ang£>lc>s and hit the had 1c1 rontC'nd \\·ith some employ· ~- credentia ls to the teaching profession. \Vhile thousands \vent ho;C'J !'trikP. l\I y so n had n1adt• lhC" ers. as \\"ell as \\;th opportunit iC's into better paying jobs. beds .. bC"fo1·C" I got back from n1y insidl' their r anks. and sub,·ersi,·e " , . . appo1ntm{'nl, i1nd I found a notr, cl€.'n1rn:s. again lik{' all other o r· !Political AdvC'rtis<'me t ) Getting-teach ers ts purel.).1 a matter of p..:,y1ng the money rrading: "If ynu don't lil·a· tht.· ganizations. ·rhc~ ,t.·111 I~· hclpl'd . r----------------~---------• to get them. If, instead. \\'(' sit a r ounll \Vaiting ror another \\'ay lht:'Sl' l:>t"d.S art• llHld•'. \\l'l!l' \\'h{·n n(•('('~a~·. by th(' CongrC'sS. depressio n to make t eaching look like a luc r;1tivc career. \\'C yo11r Con~rrs~man." ·r.hf•y \,. c re nnd if zh+ chan~C"s do not {'Omr h II r. d Cal' . . • d d .. made up al l r1~ht : tha t s \\·hut tht.'I promptly rnou,.:h. I ha,·p an idt•n s a in 1fo m1a s sons .m aughters so poorly edu cated Arni~ doc's ror you '. I they ,,·ill hf' stimulated by thf' they \\·on't be able to cope \Vith the de pression.. . . ·rill· c:on1rae1 l'W::·l\\'t'•t•n lh{' hntt•I c·oni::rr s!'. "CaJiro1ilia can 't afrord to Je t its schools go fro m bad to o,,.nt'r!i nnd lhl· ~n ion snid tht'rr • . . . . . '''(Hild l>t• no str1kC"S, during the \\·orse. It cant arford the rr1g hten1ng cr1s1s nO\\' cle \1elop1ng. lif•' of thr-c·ontrac-t . nn<t that dir· a crisi~ in \\'hic h ll1e more than 1.000.000 childre n born in ft·rent.:t•s \\'Ould tw settled by arbi- Catiromia sinct? 1D...JO a re racin g sch ool da:o's \\·ithout sch ool 1rar 1un .. and thttt th•· findin){s of h .. lfH· a1·h1 1r:1f1)rS \\'OUld h.:-JlCCl"pft'd teac c rs. b~ both :-.idt"'s. l nstl'itd, thC' s1r1kt• Oakla nd Tribu11e, Oakla nd: \\'a" t·~dlrcL "i1h food left conking .. - - -Gro \\1.h o r tl1e st :1te and o thc>r contribt1tin g ract ors a.side. the re is little> d ot1bt as to the n1ain ,cau.sc o r the ~ca rc ity of trainC'rl teac hing pcrsont1C'L These men a nr1 \\·omf'rl. \\·h o on t hC' !iltl\('S, rlishrs lrfl Url<:C'r\C'd on lhc trays. cords pullt.'<.I 1n thl· 1Jnt1ne roon1. ;ind the C'lt•\'ators stopf)('d. \·ou rrad all lhio;; 1n th(' must pos..~t>ss c·oll~e eclt1cation and post-g r adt1atC" tra ining as ,--------------------------~ \\'ell. are n o t l'{'('('i\'ing remt1ne ratio n comrx:1rable to tha t \Vhic h the~· cot~lcl t•a rn in busin~ or Ott1er prorcssions . En· tn.Js tcd \\'ith }lil!h N'Spons ibilit y. t hC'y ;)..('(' o rtl'n paicl Jt>SS t}J;ln t h e n1rn c h ar-gt'Cl \\'ith m ainta ining t11e bt1ildin gs in \\·hic h th<'y operate ... E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CONTRACTOR CEMENT WORK F1at· \\'ork or Foundatlon11 CALL I 5? 2 -.1 FOR 12\T0&\1.ATIOS "A s t n tc that hc1s a l\\'a)rs b<>C'n prot1cl that its C'dt1cationa l system a nd p r ogram c njo )'S the hig h est position in the na - tion will not allow the condition to endure. On the Novem- ber ballot its people will have before them a salary increase proposal which a>ks no mort' tha n the minimum salary for teachers in C,Iifornia s hall be 82400 .... ''I t \\·as J)Lll on tl1e ballo t \\i th n1any thousands o f s igna-·==:=====================::::=== t ures nio rc tl1;1n \\·er'C' required ... a nd o ffers an o pporttmity to meet ,,;tl1 reason and fairness a s it11ation o f \\·hic h \\'C' can- not be proud." Bitter Sweet It L1.; 11o t likeL'I tJ1at tl1e recent announcement of an im- pending increase i11 the cost o f tctndy bars fro1n fi\'e to six cents \\i ll bring a protest march on \\"ashington by the jun-r------------------------. !or consumers of Amctica, but there can be no doubt that the j . c.'s are \'Cry muc h r1istl-es.scd at the ne\VS. \\tith weekly allowances a lready strained by higher movie admissions. and with increased prices on \irtually everything else on the jLJ\'l't1ile budget. this 20 per cent hike in the cost of filli ng one's sweet tooth ";u have a bitter taste to young America. . ·or \\ill their e lders be happy if a new wave of "strikes'" for higher allowances is set off by this increase. Looks like we·n-approaching another domestic crisis. P.APALMER LIDO ISI£ PJt.OPERI U::S • W. Q BUCK-h.surance Counselor ~1500 ~.I..( 3333 Vt.A L1DO CALIFORNIA AGAIN Off en Yoo tlle 1'1Dest. Place to Dine In Orange County: All New - - - Even the Location ... One-Half Mlle East ~ Old Locatioo on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We Lead Southern Calltomla In the Serving of -SEA FOODS -- ALSO l'OUB klacl of STEAKS -VISIT OuR KITCHEN - Sa111's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market Ull ~ ~ (Xw a.I -) I "There Is No Substitute fpr Experience" Retain Your Present Veteran Legislator I Ei L E C T ~LYDE A. W/ATSON : to the . . ST ATE S·ENATE \'our c.andldale ror election lo the State Senate, has had 10 years of ,·uluable experi- ence 8!-l a oonselentlouA and capable .-\."semblyman from the 14th District. During recool'erslon so rn&n)· "·ar- tlme la\\'S mu...,t be c hanged that it 11' lmperatl,·e to h&\'e a man of experience In the State l1:;:islature.. CLYDE WATSON is . Chair1nan of the Interim Committee on FISH and GAME which prepart>S legislation affeding California's sporbl- mt>n and 01Jr ,·a.,;,;t commercia;I fi.~hing industr)·~cond to none In the t:nited Statee. CLYDE WATSON has PROVED ' thnn1ghout his yesni In the Legislature t.hat hit attitude on &IJ mt'asu.res I" non·partlun, guided ont.r by the lnterestA or t:hb Olstric't and tbe welf.3..te of the State of Calllornl.&. He ha1' a.lwayw championed fa.Ir laY.1' a.net equa.J justloe lo all cla.811eS of cltb..ens. PAST ACHIEVEMENTS are more to be relied uwn than FUTURE PROMISES Let us retain the man who has proven his knowledge and fairness in handling Sport and Commercial Fishing Problems. , PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BROWN (Barborl ... ) llS llllarlDe A-Balboa bl. 1. 8-<WHYTE INOO•& TAX COHSULTA.NT 4UU.Orlsed b:r tbe United 8tMN 'rr- IUT ~artmeo\ to repr8elll clJezii. In ~I.loo .ntb llDcorne 1u: ma1-.. .A.trD'ITS • 91'~9 BOOKS&D'INO 8&&TICll .-UM .....,_ alri.. t'ena •-n-~ Mn-.t Armand l\Ionaco ARCHITECT 814 W. Bay A""-• Balboa Barbor 1124 !'7!1 L&ke\\·ood Ave. Loo Anl;<oleo . NOrmandy NOS R. L. HOLFORD Landscape Designer Costa l\lesa Phone Santa Ana 1575 cmROPRACTORS Wagner Drugless Insutnte Dr. "1.lbur C. Wape.r Chiropractic, Dietetics, Physio & Colonic Therapy 1920 Coast Blvd., Sootb ~ Beach Phone 20!3 ' DAY SCHOOL Mortimer School S02 Coral Balboa bland DAY SCHOOL OPENS OCT 1 Grades: Coll. Prep., Army 0. A. Mortltner. M. A., Oxford Prtnclpal Phone Harbor MZ DENTISTS Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST !%02 ~ W. Central. Harbor 1480 1'"E\\TORT BEACH DR. GORDON E. RAPP DENTIST t833 \Ve1t Cent.Tai Phone Barbor 4.%1·.J l"liewport 1'<8URANCE Lincoln National Life Insurance Co. "111 Name lndl.ca.U.. ILi Characttt .. DON IER."10Ai'l Phone Harbor 2M-R SOI Marine A~ Balboa hi. OCCIDENTAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Ray Nielsen .._ _ _, .A.tt:Weai relldN • Plklae H..,_ "89-1 •111 E.. B&,r A.-. ..,.. . HORTICL"-'1S Harold K. Grauel Chapel ''We Ourselves the Better Serve by Servin&'. Othen Best" ftooe Bee C10D 5110 Co.ta Meu Call.fond.a OPTOMETBlllT8 E. T. Bntterwortll, 0. D. Optome-t EYES ElLUDNED Ll:N81E8 DUPLICATED ....................... •• ,. "· ei...r.t .a .... ft. ...,.. .,. !l&WIV&T Tl&&CIT Robert A. Crawford °"'"' D. OPTOXJ:TSl8T Eya Examfn<d -Gia-. Fitted Ilea U. Newpon Bodle•.,. , .... _ .... ~ ... PBY81C1AN8 • 8UBGEON8, D.O. Dr. W. T. Mooney Plcywldan and ~ PBYSIC1AN8 & SURGEONS. M.D A. V. Andrews, M. D. PHYSICIAN ..... 8URGEON Ul Cout BJctaway. Barbor 114' Corona del Mar Jolin K-C. Chung, M-D. ~-su..- 2 - 4 7 -8:30 and by appointment Beecon 5075 120 East 18th Stree& Coeta Meea. Calllornla Laurence H. Dorcy, M. D. Physician & Surgeon 821 Marine A\'e-, Balboa loland Phone Barbor zae Gordon M. Gl'!IDdy, M-D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade Office Hrs. : 10-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m.. Phone Harbor 37 1'· R. Hall, M. D. ~claD and 8~ Hours: 2-5. ~y Appointlllent Telephone Beeeon 5848 ISi Broadway Oot;ta ~ Hilton M. Maxwell, M. D. 1601 Cout WWaJ C.Oron.a del Mar Office llours: 10-12: 2·5 Phone Harbor 108? S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay Ave., Ba lboa Barbor 172.f, 4.JS 8 . BUI S t., Lo!t An~lee TUcker 761% By Appointment Gerald Raulla, M. D. 2830 W~t Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Phone Bart.Gr 10!8 lfo A.DIWef'; c.U Beaco1:1 60f8 ft X ·Ray SeIVice T. P. Reeder, M. D. \Vm. L. Sph·ey, M. D. Ph)'!ilclans and Surgeons 8409 '\V. ~otral Orn~: llarbor 602 Residence Harbor 1179-\\' G. N. PfASE, M. D. Co~tati n -Dlacnosla Hours b Appointment Phone rbor %191..J sv4VEYOR8 ' Raub & Ben11ett ' Sarveyo"1' and .Engl.been 11108 Newport Bl'"'-. Ooo&a- Tel"'*--a 580a-W Ul1W.Cemtnl Newport- ~-• I.JI PIANO TEACRER PIANO TEACHER G. V. LINSENBARD Graduate Boyal ColnenaloJT, tMP91e Ph. Harbor 1252-W 1526 w. Ocean Front Veda 'Thompeon Teacher ot Plano and Organ l'IM•l llm woa iuo:..J • • • • -1 {. _, • ' t'--1' ' . . . . ...... J!P!s:£!111:.J~~ .. =-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JN~A!11!~PO&~!!T~ai!!•~•~!(!!2::!:~N!!!e~w~ .. !!::!'fl~!!•W8!i.!lf~ow=:ipell:=!'JP!1== ... !!r,,~Oz!=!i•!tw=:=!'t;.,,..l~!;:::!!!li•~Oc~~·~•!•: .. l.J!!,i!i.!l!ll~I!..,~~~~~~~~~~~~--'!"''""""'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ~~~ Southern District Director Speaks to F • • A • • • Herbetfi Johnson of Balboa Island Chosen Harbor Business & Professional Women Harbor em1n1ne . ct1.v1t1es Ch'arm ''Gitt 'of Redlands Universin' Campus large of Southern District, Busi· not be crowded out or the import· genuine -.ppeaJ of her own gracious at Red.Ian& she was elected sea'E'-- ~ Eleanor J . McClaslcy. director"'4t standard of efficiency so they \\111 NOf Synthetic beauty but the \Soon after entering the university -and Pro!ealonal Women's ant positions which they achieved Phones 13 and 20! + By'Wlnltred Barbre • R...i.lence l'hmM 1637-R penonalltywon for a Newport girl, tary ol the freshman dass. eJubs, was speaker at the dinner during the war years. -------------·-------------·.---------------~------------Miss Herberta J ohnson of Balboa 1 . meettng of locat business women, Mrs. lt1cClasky was introduced B lb C I Pl F N rt Co t CJ b B ·d N t H · hts c· 1 ~ held ThUrsday evening at White's by Betty Barstad, membership a oa ire e ans ormer ewpo er un ry u rt ge p . etg trc e lsl~covoted title of Campus /I 111 care. Balboa Island. chairman. as was Mr. McClasky, For Church Dinner Honored at Draws Players • Makes Tour of Charai"Cli! of l!<dlandsuniverslty N1 ••• T lli t "'--. "chauffeur-at-large". F last week. . e ng 0 ·~ own expenence Bt'rthday ete Goodwt'll Industry A :' •.:...L_~ ot'Le. n Ju soror1'ty, when she entered business life in Dorothy Sutherland. vioe-presi-The October social program at IDtnKJel[" San Francisco with a salary of dent, was chairman In the ab-With Mn. Stephen Weatherford. Santa Ana Country club drew she was sponsored by her sorority $3.50 a week, she outlined the ad-sence of the president, A. Ger-president of Balboa circle. \V.S.C.S. A birthday party plus a SW'· closer to the Hallowe'en festivity . Newport Heights circle, \V.S .C.S . listers u their candidate for vancement made by women and trude Collver. Carolyn Weber, in St. Joseph hospital where she prise for the hostess was the story when decorations for the Thurs-\\ith U members present, made a Charm Girl, in competition with urced that they strive for 8 higher president of Oran&e County coun-is recovering from a~ operation. when r.tn. R. R. l\tcDonald enter -day bridge luncheon featured bowls tour or' the Goodwill Industries at some 20 ol the prettiest girl& on White House Cafe Pti.e sm ~-1hcb, Calif. • 114W.4th St PASADENA H N. Eaclld Pb. SJ. %-U98 • Fourth Street Sycarn<>no Ln Santa Ana and - a la Byron • eil. was presented with a s;>icture Mn.. Sy Heyman presided at the tained Friday evening at her home, of fall fruit and trailing vines for Santa Ana for their Octobei"meet-· the campus. .many of them upper of installation ceremo nies at New-meeting hekl at the home of ltlrs. 216 M~oUa avenue. Costa Mesa. the tables. and in the entrance hall ing, discovering the enormous classwomen. , port Harbor Yac ht club a nd thank-1 Minnie Bak~ A.nad~ street. :;.our-honoring the birthday anniversary glowing golden chrysanthemums. amount of good done by the or-The cc:mteat wU held Wednesday ed for the many times she has teen mem were n atten nee. ot her mother, Mrs. C. Laurich In the directors' room a corn-ganization both in aiding handi-eveninc with each candidate re- graciously officiated as installing Airs. Jack Elliott It'd In de~ of Santa Barbara. 1. Id ··"th kl d cappec1=·nd.ividuala and in provic:i-quired to mount •"'--ste~ of ·•-officer. tions, her subject being ···Nature:s Mrs. Lazarich, a former New-ie scene _, pump ns an 8 ing articles at a low cost. u.n::-.-uM: Marie HieMch of the high school Mantle of Beauty." Most 01 the port Beach ~dent. bad come straw man continued the theme. Me took sack lunches with administration buildina: and give session \lli'&S given to plan5 far the from Stockton.. where she wu Decorations v.'ere arranged by the them ind aJterward held their a ddt ~'-performance of some staff talked on those issues on the Five Dollar •·-uet of ,...._-:.t hostesses, Mrs. Tom Henderson sort. _... J:olii•••L, demure in November ballot which affect tea-ua.i~ ...,.,uu. visiting a daughter , Mrs.. Barbara _ _. ~-• -Phllll d Mrs busineD meetlne \lli'ith Mrs.. Fred . t ..J.-Ui ·•-t.f.-.._ Church. by the Sea. which will be McDonald and a new :er.and-CUIU nu-a;. &...C3 ps, an . w~---~r th presiding, and enjoy-a QU&l.D ........... ~eta eown -..A...,.. SANTA Ana Ph. 6688 WNGBEACH 5-13 Pt.De Ate. ..... 8 . 824-0'7 held Novem•-21 wi'th a --~~--d h Sh Is ~-..c ... ,,.... Jack Parke, social chairman for ed med ln~black velvet. we.a.ring .black 1....:..-... _ r• .-=: aug ter. . ~ vDJ~ .. ,. ,.~ h th. rvlsed dge an temoon program. I mtt•· and · entertainment program. daughter, Mn. Ed ~'ich of ft e mon supe the bri f~~t-----'.. carrymg an old· Christmas wrappings and cards Costa :P..teu. and the two sisten:: or 11 tables. _l _ -.uvr.~ nosegay, gave a rendi- are being sold by members, u well invited many or their motl1er·~ Prizes v.·ere won by Mrs. Blanche Gorzµchovski-DuRall tionode. of Littlle Red Ridinghood., in as boxes of note paper, and they old t ime friends to the party. JAndrOgews, Mrs. Parke and Mrs. Engagement Told m rn atye. ar c expecting a shipment of those ~ Mrs. McDonald has just oe le, the scores going toward I She could scvCely believe it handy hangers, so USf'ful and "'hich moved i.nto her new home, the their tournament play. when 1he-wu chosen to the covet-With! Mrs. Frank Keenan, Mrs. ed it' b th so many people are wanting. guests took this opportunity to 5ur-Carl Ou Rall and Mrs. Stella pos ion, ut e prest!ntation of -------------I prise their hostess with a house~ New Daughter in Chone host(>SS: at a birthday a ~uquetd or boflowers, a big box of chers. A gene ral discussion was warming and there was a tabl ~ H H party or Wilma Keenan 'at the can Y an a x of nylons helped held on the question of members piled full of gifts for each of the igginS Orne • K convince her it was true. with permanent dinner r('S('rva-een home, 1119 Busp. street, H be t . th da women. Santa .na, it was not until re-er r a l! e · ughter of Mr. tions "''ho do not cance-1 thE'm "''hen Da hlias a nd chrysanth<'mums in ~lrs. Donald Higins is now at freshm nts were served that the and Mrs. Heorbert Johnson, 1111 not pl anning to attend. a nd it was bright colors a nd orange candles home a t 926 \VC'st Central avenue discov · ,,·as made that it ,,..,85 North Bay Front. She graduated dt'cided that if such rt'servatio ns d I t. 1 · k with her daughter, Sandra Louise. this year f-m N---~ t H bo ma e a C'S 1ve no e 1n eepi"lg also a announcement party. · • .., "'"'¥'-'r ar r are not cancelled by \Vednesday '>''ith· tht' S!'ason. Games v.·E're who '>''as born Oct. 14 at St. Jo-The uests, some 50 young peo-Union, High school, where she v.·as evening of ·tha t week the me mber played, '''ith l\·lrs. Louise Speridianl seph's hospital. She '>''eighed six pie of purgeon l\iemorial church, not only among the highest in wijl be charged for the dinne r. takipg tv.·o first prizes and Mrs. pounds ev<'n. had s nt an evening of games. scholastic S\a,ndin&. but a popular Genevit've Sylvester of the Press .,. k La · h h l\1'rs. liiggins was the forme r leader in •11 campu t. ·t · •ran zar 1c a not er first . music and songs, a nd "''hen re· .., 1 s ac iv1 1es. and Winifr!'d Barbr e of the News· Boob · l\.t iss \Vinona l\1'ason of Por tland, Y prizes v.•e re "'·on by l\1:rs. freshrrEnts "''ere served. napkins .. ..~... . \V v.·ere u ol ed to r eveal the coming ~ "!i "Cap'n" Don s e~,a (]l.u/,. "Moo& tlalqae and Arlbtlo ~ Inc Place OD t.be Wed OeMr" ~ ' Dellclom Combination Dinners New and Unusual Seafood Specialties Times '''ert' appointc-d co-chairmC'n Hulda Youn.. a.nd "'-. Harr·, Oregon a nd "''as for t\VO years a ~ d of publicity. Pe~gy Ege a nd Kath-Cottle sr. aac in the U. S . Army. Mr. "''eddi g on Decemlx>r 15 of El-~~e-Beacon 5824 erine Brewer '''<'re named as a Gu-sts 1·n-lud-• "!-. P-te An-Higgins was a ship fitter on the · 11 ~ ... 11.--u 1• • ., ..._ ea nor u Ra ll to Stanley Gorzu-NemMri & Costa Mesa •l. committee to select a plaCC' for the nich. M-. Sadi·e Ir--•n and "!rs. USS Samaar a nd '''as last station-h r .. ,... •" .... , •• c ovs . son o !\1:rs. l\1:ar~· Gorzu-l · r· For Reeervatlona mC'l'ting of the county counc il in CottlC', Newport Beach; l\1rs. Eliza-ed at Shanghai China. chovsldi of Balboa. i CAB ' C Q, November. beth Rclmont. Or ange; Mrs. Mar· ThE' two m et a nd "''ere married The. t"•o me t \a.then the young BE AC 0 N Lily Thompson, secretary Rt garC't Blue, Goleta; l\lrs. Robert after r<'ceiving th<'ir discharges vetc ra returned to his s tudies a t 24-~our Service 5 4 6 5 Nc,,·port B<'ach Gramma r school, Dohlc. El Segundo; l\lrs. Dan Mc-and resided at Exter, Calif. until Santa Ana Junior college. He is ,__ ___ ,,__,.,:. _____ _, . -------------' '"US .''·innl'r or the dra"·ing prize. l\·Jillan. Mrs. Ve ra Braddy, Mrl . coming to Ne,.vport Beach to make now 1 d \Vh --a s u ent a t · ittier college. a pair of nylons. donatC'd by Coun-Young, M_rs. Elizabeth Lazarich their home. cilman Bob 1\llen. Mrs. R. L. Shafer a nd daughte~ GuC'sls introduced includC'd !\Ir. Mary Lou, J\.trs . l-lC'len P c>rkins. and r.·trs. ~cClasky, l\·trs. \V elX'r . I and from Santa· Barbara, l\1'ts . Doro! hy RC'1chert of Laguna Beach Speridiani a nd l\.trs. Frank Lazar: Violet Caldwell of Cost a l\.1 esa. ich. Elsit-C. Stone of Balboa, r.1arie Catholic Women Meet Wednesday l\lr.' a nd l\·lrs. Rufus Longmire of Ho olulu "'·ere recent guests for severa days a t t hC' home of Mr. and ~rs. Hugh Haley of Haley's Yacht Basin, l\lr. Longmire is con- S. \Villiams of Los AngelC's. Fra n- e<>s Sherri£fs of l-larbor Island, Ma rie Heffern. principal of Nl'w- port Beach Grammar school, and Li \y Thompson. HARBOR LIGHTS Balboans Visit Future R esident Thc> Altar society o r l\1t. Carmel nect v.·ith Le'\.\•crs and c 0 0 k Catholic church "'iii hold their ~um~· company of Honolulu and regular monthly meeting Wednes-is on 1s '''ay to Canada tQ buy day, Nov. 6 at 2 p.m . a t the home Iumbe . This was the first visit of ]\frs. Arthur Taylor. 113 Via of th¥£e landers to the mainland in :P..1r. and l\.1rs . J. E. \'an Wig, Quitp, Lido Isle. seven r eight years and they ex- 207 Edgewater, Balboa, are back press delighted appreciation of from a trip nor t h. having spent Mrs. R. R. McDonald and Mrs. Ne rt Harbor. two weeks in Oreg-oh and two in f:d Mirkovich of C.OSta ~lesa, and Mrs;kC. D. Shaw, who was for by Molly Redmond northern California . Mrs. Ruth Tarnowsk1 or Newport t 'd . In San Francisco they visil eights, attended a performance wo ~ ars a r esi ent of Balboa PIGSKL~ PARADE Wesley Bryson. who is secretar of Verdi·s opera. Rigoletto, at Los while Major Shaw "'as stationed With a blare of the bass drum for a yacht club, and found him Angeles Sunday. On the same day at S ta Ana Army Air base, was and a fanfare of trumpets Harbor a subscriber to the News-Times Mrs. Mirkovich's house guest, Mrs. a gueit for the past week of Mrs . High's nev.' 40-piece band undt'r and planning to make tl'Us Louise Speridian o! Santa Bar-L. L. Isbell, l305 East Central the direction of Lee Sawin is add-future home when he retires so~ bara, e njoyed a visit from her son, _•_ve·n·u+·--------- ing rhythm and spiri~ to the Har-six years from now. Charles Vucich, San Diego. bor football games. Our boy.s ure \;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, playing better than thC'y havt' for a year and the coming game with Santa Ana promises to br. a thrtller. Harborites out-do them- selves singing school songs and giving out with some terrific yclli. T anya Seely and Judy Chapn'tan "''ith Walt Spicer and Fred Hope are again yell leaders, and vef}' energetic ones, too! Also h<'re in the pep line Harbor presenu Pat Glass. Verna Nielson and Donna Ring as song leaders de luxr. Golly, what a group of cuties they are. I have nt-ver ·seen anything • of "Anchors Away." swtnc and Sway When in LAGUNA BEACH Come to THE SNACK BAR "WHERE A SNACK IS AS GOOD AS A MEAL" For REAL FRENCH ONION SOUP ORIGINAL GRILLS YUMMY HOME-MADE DESSERTS Opea Dally ll:SO "' O (CIC>Md Fri~) Sltllday We Serve a Spedal BRUNCH 10 t.o 4 149! (}out Blvd. Soutb-Pboae 5!'71 IN TiiE ART CENTER • '"'*119. ' ~v -µ s Beauty Shop 1108 Coast.Jliway _ Corona del Mar An n cfil'. _n c i n g ..• Remodeling of her beauty shop with booths which give you more privacy. NEW WATER SOFTENER SYSTEM FOR MORE BEAUTIFUL HAIR Hair Styling • Hair cUtting Tlntlllg • Manicuring • • • Permanent Waves of all Types &lll"llT B USBl", formerly of Ohle.ago and Balbea wtn be uatstinc VI In Mllady';t BeauUftcaUon FOB APPOINTMENTS -PHONE BARBOR 1'79-W ' Individualily f01' the "Mother·to·be • • • If Wt' do not have it, wt mal(t it, yo u sec! 'Donna.-e%arie Shoppe We Are 11app7 to Serve YC!G ID Z Loca.Uom 015 N. MAID St. Areare Bide. S-la Alla Pbone - 46!0 WhltUer Blvd., llut Loe AnpJee With dancing and romancinR be· ing of all time importance on any bobby-sax agenda. Harbor will cer- tainly be the scene of quite a bit of swinging and clinging at our first night dance this Friday. Looking Corward t o a groovy jive· COLOR PRINTS A YSIDE PLATING CO. day this Friday. Gone Bat Not ForpUlt~ Alumnus Herberta Johnson ha.s been elected secretary of the Frnhman class at Redlands uni- versity. She was chosen out of a class totaling over 300 students. We are naturally very proud of Berta. "Small town gal makes good,·· as ye ole saying goes. Ardelle Kenne l, Lols Strunk Cook and hubby are also tot'en the books to Redlands. Pw the Bacon. Pleeee.e Verna Nielson ga\."e a hum- dinger of a party a few days ago. Bill Simms and Georgia Briscoe. Jimmy Ashen and ?i.tary Gurley \\'('re a few of the many characters who managed to consumC' four lbs. of bacon and e nter into an egg tossing contest. One thought pro- voking incident of the evening was Bill l\1'at tingly's hiding two pounds of bacon in the ironing board ... maybe he considered It a prksing matter. 30 M~n OD a llonM" Another shin-dig "'"as unde r way at Annette Shirley's with the able assistance of such Harborites as Bill \VeatheJ"'.'BX, Alice Klussman, Stew Gillett and Lou Ann Samp- son. 1 t seems there was one poor horse who gave piggy-back rides to the whole tribe of thirty. (There's a crack in the back ot who's sacro- iliac). s1111w .... "um--S11118olll"um I saw Peggy Bushin& today In a real snazzy sea I.bell pink car- From Your Favorite Transparencies Blondell Camera Supply Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA 3IJ7 Palm Ave. WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30. 60. 90 Da;rs) . Marb:ro'a bwlte "°" to come Ill and open a charp aa:ounL Our st+cb are ~ with the lo-11yles ol lAdloo' Fine Apparel N•Gn 'y Advertlaed Rl!ADY-TO·Wl!AB • We ~laim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths - -All Work Guaranteed Estimates on Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD Changeable ... brilliant duroy short coat. The tone sleeves were tightened at the wrilt with the same big bright silver buttons that decorate the front of the coat. Sally Towle bu a darllnc one. too, only her's is .Jn ooft powder blue. When uked where they pun:hued their clad rap. the ~ cbonJOed. ''SHE, natur- ... a COB t very Lord Byron with its poetic collar. cinched-in waist and glittering buttons. One from Swansdown's dramatic ned collection . . . exclusively Otll'S! Tailored in pure wool suede by Milliken. Sizes 10 to 18. 53.25 ally." That's all DOW, until the Har- • 111 WWI GB ft . -.. 8-s: Dd7 .. I I .I ......, •M An IL t.1:11 P, IL Tea Services • Antique F1nlshlng • Trophies • Jewelry , Candelabra Rerlecton; • Bathroom Ji1xtures Baby Shoes Ceramics Marine Pia~ · Badges and Souvenirs .._ 511S, Da:rs; c. -aruat" W1R11i aw· 5!58-B. Nlglll• COSTA MESA 1914 ......,_ llhd.. C. IL "BOB" BAIG> l bor Lla:bt swlnp around oealn • ~~~~~~~~~~""'.""~~~~........; nut...S. ' !--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--11"""+-------------...... ------------------------------..J , I ·j I