HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-05 - Newport Balboa News Times• 11 SAND CRAB · ., - SAM (During the obun<e of SAM A MEYD., ""'"'°" ntwspof><T• ""°"' ond columnist, who is now wuiioning in Amona. hu cot.. -ii being "'"""' by ...... hen of the ediU>riol suff.-Edicq,) A SDVICZ of corned beef and cabbage and pump- •m pie at the Newport cafe lboUld be outtldent to in· lplre any Yankee to tum out a fair substitute of a column, but If the column turns out poorly, as we fear It might, Clon't. blame It on the Irish dl8b. 'lbe ()n!ahans, the MUl'PhYB and the O'Brlel'ls ~never, never stand for It, If we blamed it on the Irishman's favorite food. We _. be a bit of an Irisher, llecauae we like it, too! Be- ~.yes! + + + No Taluln. Always on the night before election day . DDe nms into people who say they have loads of money . they want to bet on a · cer- tain candidate. But it Is the . ftnt time that we have run Into a man who said he had $:IOO() · in his pocket and couldn't find a gambler who wanted to contest the bet with another $5000. The man who had the $5000 said It belonged to an attorney who wanted to bet that Jim Kusick would be the next aheriff of Orange county. 'lbe wonder of It Is will the gamblers be sorry they didn't take that bet when the dock strikes 12 tonight. Or wDJ they be glad they re- tu.ed ! Time will tell. + + + A-BUZZ. Newport Har- bor's movie colony w a s a-buzz today with w~ ·eonoeming t h e rt!!08(Jtlon Klvm Ray Milland Ot Lido Ille at the premiere of the Bdtlsh fibn. "A. Matter-·of Life and Death", in the Em- !Jfre theater in London, .and the reported purchase by Er- rol Flynn, harbor yachtsman and film star, of a floating cabaret in South American waters. Howewr, both stars wDJ be back in Newport Hatbor ere long, and one of them expects to hurry home for a very good reason, if llfama Flynn has something to say about it. + + + N-1. So many people in the Newport Harbor district haw asked what Is the need for a Community Chest drive -that the nations of the worid are not now at war. 'Ibey may not be at war, though they are surely not J'l!t at i:-ce. We're still liv-lnlr under an armistice and 1he i:-ce document Is yet to be signed. Yet people when they are asked to contribute to the present drive for f\mds, ask why a Community Olest! Harry Welch, secre- tary ol. the Newport Harbor (]wunber of Commerce, has ldWn some views on what be tlllnb about the chest and tbe present drive. His views are published in today's Ne••Tlmes. Read them. + + + . l!* Not everyone who is -to vote was able to get Into the polling places to cast tlleir vote in today's election fer the simple reason that -ol the precincts pre- •ted obstacles to the voter . .And not everyone who is .. !!dlcapped reed the elec- tlall laws as published in MWIP8pl!l'S relating to ab- s •tee . ballots which they ea 1111' have Wied. Howt!Yel', • • lire handicapped peo- ~ wllo can walk with the illl Of c:rutmes but who can- Mt JIRCl)tiate four or five mm a polling place and pilCJllle could not wte . ..._ Of the canctidates who • baft lost decisive votes • w. account should write • jMIDt F¢ ·to the State Sen-... 111111 A EE embly about this. a Pill oh&hdes in the ~ ti. handicapped who • m•tch right to vote 12~?~ ~American • • • ••••t. Another boat ill~. afire In tbe .bay Mon-illlbt. but ~ wun't a fta.,.t In lildlt. aty -" afford to ~ Pt. -FJ'. KEEP POSTED! . 1 y-...... .. ~ 011111 a•o..cc ' ..... _.,_ -~ ........ News D • lfwpwt ..... .NEWP(>RT EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE CO VOUJ'llS mvm • • ,. • ._.,. I Os \ W1 ?'W .. _,.,.r· ............ - -el Cit: I ••• GHT5, BAI.BOA ~. CORONA DEL MAR. COSTA ME,U ' Highest Tributes Paid 66 osta Mesa Boys Concert Mea1ber Drive lall•c•ed At Lap• Meet Balboan Killed nAuto, '"" .... ash Bomlevard Allto . J lll)lll'les Fatal . To Boatbllllder Eagle < Scout ·won . David Fercuoon. Pacific Coat man .. er of the Commwllty Con- certa Service of Columbia Concerts Inc. offidally launched um week'• membenh.ip campai&n M o n d • y evening, 1peaklnc befott a dinner audience of 95 Newport Harbor dtlzens auembled in the Lacuna Hotel. Glen Applen Stout Is Motor's Victim Two Burned In . Boat.· Blast Ge«p FNnk1ln La-'"· 465 San Bernardino ltreet, __ i-t Helchts. ·c11oc1 Saturday at St. Jc.eph hoopltal tram lnjurlel ...... Wned Oct. 25 when he falle4 to make a boulevard atop at the ln- teroection ol Bolu street -N--i-1: boul•vard. hll bydde ......_ Inc Into a car driY1!1l "by Herman By 4 Youths He explained t h • "orsanlz>ed audlen"'\ plan" which la opaatlnir 1ucceufUlly all over the United Statea and Canod.a frun amall N..., Mexican villages to dtles the 1ize o! Spokane. and In South and Central America and South Africa. "England too la orpnU!nc her community concert auoclaUon1 thla year," he aald. and In time community concerts will be u in- ternational u Rotary or Kiwanll and because the world undentanda music Ln any language, thHe con- cert.I should be a great lmtrument of peace." He 1trelled the durability ol the plan uying, "Concert Aaaocla- tions can go on forever arowtn& a.a the commwtlty grows, ouWvina l Continued on P-4) OAKLAND, Nov. :>-Glftl Ap- plen Stout lilted by hll lclentifica· tlon pepera u livinC 1t 405 Eaat Central avenue, Balboa, wu in- stantly killed In an ·auto accident In Al~. near here. Saturday night. His mother. Mn. Dency Stout of 624 Avenue F ., Boulder City, Nevada, wu notified of h1a death. Newport Beach police dllclooed today that a1though the dead man may have lived elsewhere ln Bal- boa prevloua to his death Satur· day, he wu not living at the Eut Central avenue addttu. At this address, polJce said, Mn . Shirley Miles of Cabin 4 informed them that she had been manied to the victim until their marriage wu annuled and that now she ii not related to him legally. Asthma Attack Fatal to Child EAGLE sooUT& ~ ........ ""7 '-'" -.-....... F• he ~t awaft ln 8oouttec at De CaaJt el Boaor cer.,...._ la Is rmen Kathleen Jane AmJdon, aa:e two. Co.ta Mela. TIMly are, Leona.rd. Ball, • t ,,. Dodd, Da ... Ow ' +•. t daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson and 8taa.le7 Yoanr, all of Co.ta llML J -Neal Beckner photo. Amidon of 417 Heliotrope avenue, . Warned On ~~~=~~~'.:2 !~1:~J::; SAINTS, TARS, STRUGGLE Sea Bombs 1t~::: .:;e:· a~:::a:~ TO TIE IN w1•oy BA"l' E Gun firing and bombing will be conducted in the vicinity of San aem.ote Island betw<on 10 a.m. and 5. p.m. ;T\Jesday. Nov. 5, and durlJ>& dayUCht houn WedDft'lay throuah Friday, Nov. 8, 1946, says the Notice to Marinen, Issued by Commander, 11th Coast Guard dis- trict. The U. S. Navy advbes that on or about November 1, 1946, a pon· toon type bar&e of approximately 21 by 43 feet will be moored in the vtcin.ity of San Nlcholu Wand. The raft will project approxi- mately two feet above water and will exhibit white light required by internatonaJ rules or the road for veue.1 at anchor. A whistle buoy will be establlahed in near viciility of the barge to provide prescribed 10Und signals in thick weather. Navy firing will be conducted between 10 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday; 5 through 8 November. 1946. In an area en- compassed by a clrc.le of 30 miles radius centered on Begg Rock and that area encompassed between two tangentJ from this circle to the point of firing at Point Mugu, near Port Hueneme. Mesa Merchants To Discuss Their Christmas Event Lloyd Curtis Morris, Construction Worker, Dies in Costa Mea attack about 3 p.m . and di~ not n . . IJI .1. recover from it. She was under treatment for asthma for some tllne. her physician said. When it was first noticed by the P'&ndmother that the Youngster wu undergoing treat strain, the former summoned a neighbor who telephoned the Newport Beach fire department and uked for a re- suscitator. Fire Chtef Frank Crocker re-1 sponded, accompanying Patrolman Vincent CUswnano and Harris Cot- tle, in a police ca.r. Due to the fact that the fire department was misinformed as to the exact location of the Amidon home, the fire and police officals were sent first to a house at the conet' of Cypress and Harding and then to Heliotrope and Third street.a. By the time the firemen and policemen anived at the right I~ cation, which is at the corner of Heliotrope avenue and F irst street. Fire Oliet ~ker said, the child wu dead. Dr. E. M. Johnstone of Pasa· dena, who was vis:itng in Cqrona del Mar, WU also summonea by neighbors. But it was too late to do anything for the child. lly, 10KN OONHOW • ' Two H cllstrlct fllhermen W. Toedter, ffi West 19tb otreet, were ly burned Monday Costa M..._ Sixty-two Other Boys Are Honored. With Merit Badie& evemnc ' their tiJ.hln& craft Mr. Law.on was a naU.ve al. caust>t -cauaed a blut Gloucester, Mua. He c.me to Cal· otf Vi ·, dock at 26th street.' ifornla l6 yean aco. He had been Sbtt7~ Boy Seautl afllllatecl Newport · ch a boatbUilder In N•wprl 8-h with four lnqla In the Costa Taken th~ Oranire County for 14 ~and recent17 took.,.... U..-N-...-t HarlJcr dllbk:l iii hooplW • Harry P . Grant. 31, the old Lolvman yard the Oranp Empire 'Area coundl ol 18th j. · Monrovia streets He la •~ved by hil wtf• • .Jon-were bolKftd with merit bod&a Ooota M and Mack ~ nle; a !IOI!, Robert, -• grand. at ceremonlee wl-d by up-r.... ewport Beach boat datrougthter,-~ybro~-~~~ ~ -~~~ penom at the New-·.-t. ' were badly burned 1 ; a •wm ~. ~ ~ prl ~ Union Hich achool a~ th I and face Lawson of Newton Center, -auditorium In Costa Meaa n1c1q The en were ~king on and a second brother, Wllllam, ol ni&bt. the boat, ! toinette," a new 32· Gloucester. Tbe ceremon1ee were conctucted foot · ' of crulaer, when Fllneral services """' beld Tue9-by the Harbor Dlltrlct Scout _,,_ .... of ~ attempted to start day at 12 noon in the er.ueJ chapol ell lncludlnc T. w .. ton Jiq of the mo · A lpark from the motor Colta Mesa with en.t~t in Newpcx t Beach, cbalnnan; Sidney set fire t ' iru-filled bilges and ~ View MaWIOleum. San YiJunc, Dutch H......i.. Ollln the blo ' ed. according to ego. Biown. Harold K11e. 1'rm!k .\. police. Hartman, Harold Hall. Lewlo Dia.. Mesa ¥et 's cer. G. P. Maloche, R. 1... , ..... Its Area, Battered wind of almost hur- o rtion.s whipped ewport Harbor dis· day and carried with ' kinds, besides ram- ; harbor craft. as ao powertul that ct!"+!'! were forced to seek I e the harbor. Can· all their craft were fishet'men were re- a result of upset. the storm trick.Jed wport Beach police 1atlmn unW early Sunday n the frenzied wind de. 'ures were reported '1!>!"ni in various parts of d the Port of Seven "'l'l"'•l'·ding at 817 Coast rted a door '!"' a s the wind. W. C. Cooper and S. 0 . HollaM. ' Amlotlnir In the proceedlnp - Fred H. ea,,_,,_ -· -Req t I uiecutlw from 0r.,... EmPre ues s =-eauncll. Boy Scouts of Am- R ed An· outline of -orout activill<a eJ•ect f<W the put year WU .given by Jams A. Merigold of Santa Ana, who la pralclont ol the <>ranee --Empire Scout eo;unc:ll board ol di- A proposal aubmltted by John ~ Thompson of Costa M-, In behalf Merigold also re~ that the of the Orange County VFW poot. Scout Camp Jlo.Ki-Lflii San Ba· wu turned down by the 0raqe aardlno county will ha~ a refris· County Board of s.._.i.n u aatlml plant noxt llllllmOr, "oo we "Impractical'' and ''tmpoatble•. ·wm not have to haul tee there Thomi-on requested boud a~ next 7Nf'." proval of a plan to have the ooimty 'lbe eaunc11 president predicted authorize a housing authority of. that .there would be "an euing otf fie& which would haye PoW'8" to -If not an entire ellminatlon--of acquire aome of the barracb on the juvenile problem with a more the Santa Ana Army Air --rap6d advance In Boy Scout work." convert them into homet1 far~ 'U'-..__. __ ... th 1 udl ten veterans. .-..:: auv~ e arge a ence Formation of a county hol"nc to keep ICOU.tin& going ahead and authority would not be dlf!lcult. he urged them to find the time the supervilonl inforine<I n.np-f.w It. son, but they aaaerted that Pl'1> Wghllgbting the program wu avenue was blown vtding the shelter would be a prob-the pN!Rntation under the realm lem. ol the National Court of Honor of f 1rom a building In t. The barracka would have to be four Eagle Scout bad«n to fGUr removed· from the base and they OJota Meoa memberl of Troop Six. would have to be ..,.endeftd to At the n!QUelt of Aulatant the federal irovemment within two Soout Executive carurvm. these years after congresa or the Presl-awards tVeI"I! made by the._ mothers dent detennines that the war baa al the boys u the proud fat.hen ended, t.he board decreed. atandlng on the stage obeerved the prooeedlnp. • • ............. •' oar• ... 55 •·on ... ._, .... \-t . ' . Scouts Honored at Mesa CerelllOllY Follawlnc Is the comp&.te !kt cf the • Boy -cf c..Ota Mosa 'l'nqo 6, 1!5, IT -:10, who .,.... sinD blall •-In the Na-Court cf Honor cmduct~ Oranp bnpire Arett O>uncll aDd Harbor District Scout In the auditorium ol the N""pMt Harbor Union Hi&ll -Frido7 night: EAGLE' SCOtTl'S Troop 6, C<iota Mesa Community chureb-Stanley Youac. Leooard l!.all, Richan! Dodd and Ilo\vkl Gaajnn. STAR SCOUT Troop 6--Robert Hancock and Gene Sherman. SECOND CLASS Troop 6-J'ad< Conklin. Troop 15, Costa Mesa VFW Post No. 3536-Jack Allanach. Troop 17, Newport-Balboa Romy club----'1ohn Parks, 01ar!es fleacock. Jack Reed and Jim Smith. Troop 20, ,Costa Mesa Grange-Raymond Hartman. FIRST CLASS Troop 6--Richanl Mobley and Robert McClelland. Troop 15-Melvin Smalley, Marcus Nansen and Bobby Nor· man. Troop 17-Frank Henderson. Troop :ID-Richard Opp. LIFE scours Troop 6--Robert Louvier, Robert Nettles and Robert Wells. Troop 17-Fred Guan! and Donald cantrell I STAR AWARD Troop 6--Ralph RH.. STAR Troop 15-0nlen Monson. OTHER 'crrATIOl'fS WJY.T 18 ITT y.., tbt'o pt -L Ban-__ ...,... Troop 6--Roger Gordon, Robert McCracken. James Klzn-nporU!r for the Now..~ ( Ida -) oald, after be broo2", Raymond Louvier, ~ Carter, Oleaveo i-e, Elwood -sfvoa Ida ftnt .._, 1'0tan1 M-.:r from Coatnl De Poo -Ao "" ---'t - -to tee, James Lan&dal•. ack Turley, Stephen Kasoer, 1oun wllat t111s ..,_ lo ....... r oa a bap lot ~ tbe Charles De Punt ... Jack Conklin. Jf!rrY Lingo, Dave OWnbeno, otato b!p-y Ill <ioro-do! Illar. It'• not wllat 'JOU -It IL Ronald Engle, Marvin Johnson, Bernard Kaaaer, L. carter, Ted I l'a jmt -. -ot -poc.,Uf..j Ii'-bits" -t .., --• OUR · NEW HOURS 7p. m. DoNuTC& 'wiat=FLE -SHOP S05 llABINll A VEN1Jll BALBOA 1S1AND ~MGMia-OIKplkztt 1 Balboa Central Market Trumpeter, Harry Crosby, Leonard Hall and Romaine Cortiin. __,r for. --Walter Gerhardt Ill MORTH . .MAIN $J. Troop 11-James Hitchman and Donald s tett811l!"'1. ------.___Troop-:ID-Edward_Ra.sm_ussen. __ ___!1 Miss Sportfis~ Attends 708 E. Central, Balboa -. -Ph.: Harbor 2729 . Again We Have RADIO ELECTRO· KIT Christmas Lig~ttng Body University f California B 0 y s ! ··:0;0~." RAD I 0 ! ~~t:.~~I~ ,YI~~~!=--~'! .. ~ ~~·:r.:'.:!: CHOICE MEATS Reasonably Priced (Cut to Yoar Spedal ~· !Wlllfadlon a-teed) KIT INCLUDES: Batteries, Tube, Ear Phones, Antenna. ~ ::e~t: ~~-~!:.:·__________________ 51245 Wireless Practice Sets •.. $3.95 Crystal Sets . • • • • • • $2.95 Loto Of Fu to Ba114 Wood Burning Sets ••• $2 & $3 Beatlnc Unit Guaranteed Forever A· REAL TELEPHONE Home e Of fice • Play • 'Ready for Immediate operation • % Size standard desk telephone. • Absolutely safe. • Tune quality comparable to stand- ard equipment. 9 Automatlc dial ring signa ls. • Sturdy construction. 51495 TURNER'S Yoar Electrle Appliance Dealer Since 1926 %05 W. Fourth Phonu 1172 Santa AJla making progress. been auurect the company will co-port Harbor, ia now attendlng the l/ifl~ Ber keley recen tly and at. Nelson Stafford, member of the operate 1n every way. Univeralty of California at Berk-a football game With Miss general committee, reparts contact I t ia stated that materials for eley. S he posed with an albacore ;· . He wu surprised at the lighting and decorating will be in a two-piece bathing suit for a d. of collegians that came up, available but in limted quantities picture taken by. the Sportflshlng ' Jow, with such statements It Is further '""""ted that ~ Association'• pholof{apher this : 1 ''Miu Sportflshing, I hardly be used so that no service will be summer. . r.e you without your bath- B~'sEye 'FROZEN · FOODS overloaded. and thus cause fuses Thia picture \YU sent out ~ a suit and albacore." etc. to blow out. ' hundred newsp,.ipen over Soitthern e quarterly magazine, West-,. r.;;;-----::;~~~===-=.::::;:_:::::~=====..., ?.fembers of the district com-California and was printed in 1 outdoor Sports Guide of San f GROCERY AND It m1u ... are at work on ioca1 piano dozen• or publloatlona. 0ne was • 1s runnin11 the picture of _ ancy DELICATESSEN ems which include 8 floating tree and sent to the sportl editor o! the · Spartfishing in their fall edi- street and store decorations tor University of CaliflJmia Daily Cali-; to gve it even wider circula- Balboa: a shrine for C.orona del fomlan, tn :Qerkeley. The pJcture FOB YOVB CONVENIENOE WE BEllAIN OPEN Jl'BIDAY a Mar; decoration of the clubhouse was enlarged a c.d printed. Other I ;ou1bly the picture of Miu 8&T1JBDAY EVENINGS 'TILL I -•• AND ALL DA'f SDNDA'f on Lido. On Balboa Island there papers around the San Francisco , Will be used on the front i':--------------------...1 wW be a tree and street decor&-Bay district pir-ked up tl•e picture e Fishing Guide of Ne\4.'J)Or t J - tlons and other features and it received a wider circu1atlon, bor, which s distributed by the -==~:::::::::================~ At Newport Beach deco~atlon of thus advertising Newport HarborJit/>•4Uzands each season over South-f r the entrance to the pier will be Calltornia by the Sportfishina: MET CLA I PRODUCTS '111·11~ ... ..-r 'W I ~. coa?" Mii• can1ed out and at the big sign at to the outstandine-home decora-atlon of Newport Harbor. I the west end of the dty two trees lion I~ each di5trtct, six in all. In ctlcally every spartfishlng bnat DDflilfSU D.&n.Y will be added to the sign. The addition there will be trophies ~e harbor belongs to this if'Oup ..,::~,. ~ _ Miracle MOe area will erect a awarded by the Orange County spansor Its adver tising from by CLARK· & BATES ....._ 1• .,... • 1• ., -. large Illuminated O'OSS. Cout ~ati~n. ch they benefit, as do the land 1 !~~~;;;;~~~~2~.~~~Th~e~N~ewpo~~rt~H~ar~bor~JCh~am§ber~I Offioal opening and lighting of 1 ess firms 1n the Harbor dis-of Commerce will award 8 trophy all Chrlstm.u decorations ha.a been j scheduled for December 10 tn or- Laguna Beach Community Players LAGUNA BEACH ''Arsenic and Old Lace'' November 6, 7, 8, and 9 Directed by Marjorie Williamson RE8EBVIID 8EAT8 15" and •1.GO plus tu Phone Lacuna Beeell 191 for Beeern.Uoa MEREDITH'S Ve n et i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Manllfaetanln of Custmo Bollt BllDds Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates der to give v!slton a better op-j TIDE TABLES portunity to inspect the decora- tJons and lighting, etc. An lnvtta-1 tlon to do their Ouistmas shop-\ NOVEMBER, 1949 ping early and do It in the Harbor 6 5 :56 12:35 1:11 l :H area Is extended by the merchanfs 5.5 0.4 4.8 0.5 of the di5trtct. 7 7 :23 1 :06 1 :58 l :114 Chairman H. F . Kenny of the I 1 6.0 0.5 4.8 --0.2 general ChristmaB Lighting com-' j 8 7:52 1:39 8 :48 Z.36 mittee announces the next meeting ! j 6.4 0.7 4.7 --0.7 of the group will be held on 1 9 8:25 2:11 9:11 l :ZO Wednesday at White's CoHee Shop, I 6.6 1.1 4.4 -1.1 Main street. Balboa. at 12:15 ~ .,.. pl&oe4 .tn order ot oocu.rneo. noon. t 1 t a...,_ a. m..; du'-. n...,.. P. "' Costa Mesa : . Quali:~umber Is Given Six l: Building Material• I • New firms · • The Orange County Planning •COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. R. E. HOSTETLER .._.,, BMAOlll IOU commiy ion has approved applica-1 ":~~~~~~~~~~ ti.om for the introduction of !Jxlf new businesses in Costa Mesa. 1!1----------~ They are: , John F. Te rry, lock and key shop, Newport Blvd., near 18th St.; Oaude Kirk.le, ceramics manufacture, Harbor Blvd near HANSON'S t lZ sotb Street Teleph-19th SL; Luther C. Beebe, groceiy Shade and Linoleum Shop -Look for the Bronze Mailbox - Metallizing-e JlfflUSTBJAL ~ keels, nidderl, ded< ftt- e o~·~ ~doors, lier>&. llDre • front decor&tiona. Welding-• ALL rl'l'E'I Soedalhta in steel, cut Iran. aluminum, brass, bronze. --ALL WORK GUARANTEED - NEWPOBT BEACH 508 IOtb Street -- -CONTRACTORS' RENTAL EQUIPMENT Jaeger Compressors , Comet Saws Cement Mixers Wood Working Equipment Newport Beach -Barbor ZOOl store, Newport Blvd. and Bo!sa ~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ave.; W. L. Hanshaw, cleaning and presaing shop, Newport Blvd. near 22nd St.; Sampoon Machine Works, manufacture and &ale of new and wed machinery, Newport Blvd. A New Balldlng New FadlitlM Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery - - -Installatlm Free Estimates · Everything for the Building Contract.or • 4LllO IN POlrolU, • war lllXXllQ) " • ---------------- • I :h_ -;..-' -! __ • .,_ ., eo.11 Boalnanl Scwdli .1.qana Bach I • near 16th St. and Charleo H. See- bers, blueprinting abop, Bolaa Ave- near N""-' Blvd. GILL'S For Quick &nice Oall 8-liCIOt.J IOU !Srd St. c.ta'._ Dutch Heacock Telephone: Harbor 502 or Beacon 5508-W lTtll fllld·Suda Am A.we. -Co.ta ._ DELICATESSEN 1 '-~~~~~-l1 FOOD SHOP • Frellb Apple Saw • .._ Cftib MM& e s.a.d" Dril I s'np • l'lelrM • Olh9 •a--....... • 8udlw -.hdocRlee • Cnicn !rs -m w11a .......... SHOP AT GILL'S ._.., 1'• Vecst1t'1, .......... -im'f GNeed11 ............. LMRJIUDtCR ·-------------~--- • • MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE nn&~ v zit ! ,, ·--•OTOllli wwr ·--... ,. ... , ..... ' -·-· . . ' . Daft w. 4-Point Qw;rlr ·=·= -·u=n- 1501 ~ CENTRAL A VENUE P~ONIJ BA&BO& 2115 '• 11 11n lllDd • Wlleeli . iifnipt 11 • Boq 811 ., I - • Auto Painli•c --• mil1Jii , • On Your WaJ to 'Saata Aa Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at-·· CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN • • • Saints, Tars, S , To f1e in Windy Ba (ConL !'r<n J>-. 1) IOins Into the' rislnc wind Wbldl over center -nm Ibo PIPkln by this time wu --•nc q.. ~ ~ :.:e ~.;,.: ~ ~ay o! the loot end -Jimm7 Alben odded four ciuarter. with the Tan on their to make It thin! down ...S 11.,, on own 35-yard line, the Sallcn fllml>. the SA 15, but LoQle Mello ran led twice In a row for a cxmblned over cuud for alx to malu! II !Int loa o! 14 yards and CliamlJeq and p>aJ to go on the Saint nine. dropped back to kick Into the pie. Barbecued Sandwiches • Fountain Service. 0n • tricky, dipoy-doodle p1ay '!be kick wu blocked by Bolton. that had the tano cueainc u ""'" the Saint tackle, but Ownben ,..,. 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. u the dotendfnc Saints Mello covered the· rolling porker on tu. a-...,_.._ ... _ then ooooted aver cuud .rt.... good own eight and this time, on fourth 1S18 N-pori Bhd. OUKB ...,...VICE .,..... -"-lion and went••-nine-~ down, kicked out !rem tu. own end ooao: ON DOWN. Ill -a 1•'' m ..... Nwwwport •• -"-" ' --------------------~., u~ ~ to he T rin. enc.a,...__.._ ue ttwlliic Im .. lnlte eftll)' 1 to tM ed yard& to the aeoond Tar 8COl"e zone t ar UJ. coaa~a .&rro•ctta DaJ' 1Q 1 v •m ! at B"snlt Left • ... Mello'• try for the exb'a pomi The Saints roared down to the are: .,_,,cl"lal 9uvke CllllllW BID , V• ma·6er BMIW. WU wide and the Sallcn led 13-7 Tar 4~-yard line Oii the next Coppa ,, O•eral On'm ........ -• ..,.... a.ar- A few minutes later the T~ series of plays but the Tar ftirward Vlwt OzssrsM, Derx 0aMw D=E'·', P'ee e cm er Pktuuts . /das.J PLAY SCHOOL . SOLVES PR()B[.f!MS FOR BUSY M:OJHERS, • • • A FULLY ~UIPPED, SUPERVISE:o, FDfCEl>IN .PLAY YARD AND ROOM FOR YOUR CHILDREN WHILE YOU SHOP, WORK OR PLAY. • • • INOIVIDUAL ATl'ENTION. SPECTAL MORNING SF:s<VON FOR 2-AND 3-YEAR--OLDS ·Ope'• •oada7 Through 8atarda7 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. •.• • Fall Da7 SS.00 BoarlJ' ••• Weelll;r ••te• war END OJI' PAJfK AVENUJ:, BALBOA l8IAND .... ..,.. ,.._~ ...... - were op1n thttatemns lo~ wall stiffened and the Sallon took -Vt'Oft -_. ... Ouoolnl ..,._ .,.,_, ~ a ~Y blocked San~ Ana punt the ball away on downa on ~ ..!!!!!i.J!!!!!..!!!!!!!!!...!!lo~lll!!!!!" !.• .!!'"!!o..· ----+--------=-!!'--'!!'~-----------------=! on the Saint 45, wlltte Newpoc;t ~our-aln Oiambero had R t Cl b' H I I Split Bamboo ·Poles 9-11\. l'1y Bodi, ks. • 9-F1. l'1y Bodi, Zl:ln !'Ip u.. Casting Rods - lolated Trolling Rods Wi~ ::"° ~~~! drop ~Into tu. --: o ary u s owe en hand-off play outside tackle the kick and Col away another one ~~~~~l~ ~€;?:::: Carnival Draws·· 200 folks 'Ibo fourth canto wu the heart-not to be denied and Smith went , bnalc.er for the SaJlon who -with over for the tylns score from the Biqeat Ha11owe on party In the Jamm Harpove, akeleton; Bob the chani:• or cle!endlni PQll!lma OM-yard Une on a spinner through oounty wu that beld at the hobo, and for the "thin! •l the quarter ,_ themaelva tackle. I Rendezvous bellroom. 11o1-. erode • a opedal prize. ' '!be Saints once apJn elected to Thunclay evening, when N_,,ort Gardner wu muter of HANSEN'S z100 ~....,.. Confectionery & Lllacll NOW OPEN EVDllNG8 • • • Malts • Sandwiches • Hamburgers "S-6" Bait-Casting Rods 'IJITlll N .,. try the line for the all-Important · Harbor Rotary club enterWned ce and Bob Allen wu cen- 1"' a 1<4r.I) 1 converaton pont but were re-·•·-' offl' 1000 children of all -from era! •-~· thoae ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ a. 7" P :JW9 by the whole Tar team ~ tiny toddlera battly able to' waJlc ualatljlc In ttu. th~~-dollu • ·--occre wu tied, Ll-13' In the erand march, to etcl>th party _!"ere Dr. G. N. Peue, Jack MACKEREL EQUIPMENT Nets -Llghts SCOOll8 -Strlkers Telescope Rods ~ Fly Reels Tycoon 9-oL. and U-oL Swordfish Rods Newport Tackle Store IOii Mcl"addea l'laae Telephoae llarbor 91 "IF WE HAVEN'T GCYr IT-WE'LL GEi' IT'' _ · --Both aldn had their chance at eroden with evenfnc _.,. and Cole, 'FY Brown, Paul Rogers, J . ~ l&a'I • 1M the ball In the four remalnlnc u-pt hair. Many o! the --L.EP.non, Don Hummel, Sam .._ ""*·lip minutes but w.,.. unable to con· ents &""""1panied the children. Bob Calllo, John Abell, '::.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.':.~I nect with any aerialo or any long Pttinc nearly u much enjoyment Had , Harlan Moore, Hugh :------&&Ina, and the Tan wound up the out o! the atfalr u their fOUDC S , Connie SJ,ook, Tony C L 0 T H E S I~ with the ball on the, Saint 48. hopefuls, and bringing the attend-H~, Marion Dodd, Irwin POR MEN AND BOYS Viewing the game through the ance to neer the 120().mark. S'*'"" j statistical &lau, the game WU a]. Excitement had mounted"during --;--------- molt as even aa the score indicates the week u plana were made for with both teams making 10 !Int effective and original costumes, downs and the Tars having a alight culminating in an outbunt of edge in total net yards gained energy released through the ac-- from acrimmage, 18> to 168. tivity of various games under the The Tars rolled up a total gain I supervision of Johnny Abell from scrimmage, incuding passes, Bookl of tickets were given out of 231 yards, but Jost 51 for their whJch entitled the )'OUngltera to total, While the SaJnts made only apples, candy, ice cream bars and 192, but lost only 23. prizes Of books, games and toyt;. I . While the entire Sailor team Great bunches of colored balloons must be congratulated for their in-were bung from the ralters and spired play and heads-up football, others were tossed about. A tta1 single honors must again go to clrcua clown gave the younger chll- Louie Mello, who was really hot in dren rides in a small wagon and the second half in running the Russ Sweet.ser of Pasadena played leather and provided the offensive organ music during the evening punch for the Tars when it was and for the grand march, when needed. Mention must also go to costumes were judged. -------------------------------Buz Clambers, playing 1n his first First award went to little Nancy r-------------------------------'l laarne since the SL Anthony en-Gardner, an old-fashioned school-counter, for 8 sterling perform-marm to the life with topknot, ' I BE PREPARED • • • • For The Rainy Season let us check your Brakes Lights Battery Cables Ignition Wiring . Windshield Wipers Five Factory Trained Mechanics • on Duty Daily to Serve You BUDGET Special TE.RM s MOTOR TUNE-UP Nothing Down 12 Months . $375 ~ toPay • f. . CULB~RTSON CHEVROLET Co~ 1 • ca ' Chevrolet· Oldsmobile Sales & Sutiee SOOI West Central Otto Calbertaon llarhor 513, Newpcwt -. . ance in blocking and especially tn glasses a nd long 1kirU; tint for sgnal calling. It was in thlt de--bo)'! was aw~ John Wller, a partment that the aquad was weak natty fi~ ip • gray suit, but in the Fullerton game, but against carnr1n& his head ln the ttook of the Saints, Chambers was mixing his arm. . - the right combination or pawer· Other pnzes were award~ in that had the Saintl reeling. the following order: Billy Dixon, Defensively, with the exception hobo; Paula Conser, Uncle Sam; ----------Jean Carol Jones; Gregory Wright, ·WORTHINGTON Sherlock Holmea; wee UtUe Bar-bara Ann Brown, the Red Rider; Billy Ring, pluahy as a black cat; Roland Beach, hobo; Eleanor Thlu, tarmer girl; Joy Ann Burg ea, Fairy Godmother; P aul Gruen; Refrigeration P1U:Oli' AMMONIA I fft to 10 toa Air Conditioning I toa to M toa Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps For AD Preis arw ... ADUq-bt8- Call " " DI S. Lot Aaplel St,, •net '"' Plloae '815 AU kinda typewriter r!bbom i. .__ ________ __,11todt at the New.'11meL "A Place Whne Pilhmncn Me.," STARCK'S CAFE • Beer Mixed Drinks -Short Orders "SPl!ED R OWE, Monager-]Oll!PHIN1! OQtnsT. 0..,,..,. 10'7 ZJ.R HMe Newpul't lleadl • ·Before . YOll Balld or Remodel Villt Oar lateitwllSC .,Slfle ud DllplaJ 8oJ I Color 11Mee, plan- Ding akJa, O••qwebem- lft ltock ~ CUJll!CI and llnalelJm. .... o.r,.- ana1t, ••• Ind I • Olltdorallle LEATHER SPOR'IBWEAR BAND MADiii e 11AND TOOLlliD Sandals • Wedcios • Punes -Belts -Watch Straps • Walldl OllDEB NOW roa ClllUllTllA8-. SID'S SHOE SHOP ID NorA_OoM& ~ 1-- ELLIS BROS. NURSERY W i 11 Be 0 pen N o v. 1 5 Landscaping • • • Flowers and Shrubs 1206-1208 OOAST BIGBWAY-OOBONA DEL MAB ~ so•· PIL a..t. ~ t.W. loe rnh ft. Baator 1aw WINDO-W GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto GI~ • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~' Z811 LalayeUI! '· . • • - • - Simply Channing Tbe a.me nr.. for Konlna Tiil E\"'-nint: wear. Soft Wool c:owoll mid -Some butlon-da1'1>-lbe-tront ortyloo adorned with miarl butt.om. A frock 7ou'll wear and wear all throueli the w!nt.r. $16.95 to $22.50 GLEE GRAY GOWNS AND SPORTSWEAR 1411 SOUTH COAST BLVD. IN Tim ART CZNTD LAGUNA BEACH -ACROSS FROM COAST INN "You Must Order Now ·-For the Holidays" s9~!-., fornout a1be1to1 ln•ukJtion pn.,.ntw Spoh • Stoint • 11.mish•• • c~n. !urn1 • Obmkwotion • Scrokhn e O.nh and Morr.d Tobie Topt.. l•..-er1Ib'9 for gDfMl. We ot..o mok. Glou Tope and Mirron. Abo Be••lilul WOOD GRAINS . 501 E. Central ROYAL TAlll PAD CO.. _ Barbor S8 •• ~SMw .......... _ ....... a.. --------- ' • ~ . Big, Happy Fami~ THESE ABE THE PEOPLE WHO SERVE YOU AT CAl"!< DO!< DICKERMA!<"S Ul<IQm: CASTAWA S CLUB OVERLOOKING Balboa Bay. Tlae pet. abo plays 4 part ln the procerediap of the r•Y nlcbt spot. It I• the club's otnctal t. Tipsy Na.tion~l City nto Yielded Only t I Knqwland Motonst Fined $100 In Release of nree Americans <Continued from Page l l City Judge Bob Gardner on t b . _-r Concert Member Drive Started Monday imposed a fine of $lOO 0 0 Full credit or o tainmg the r~ Then my father wrote to Sen. • The Home of Good F'Ollld---------, the artists of today and encompas-Neil D. Kapple of National City, lease from Yugoslavia of three Kndwland. a nd it wasn't long be- G R E E N H A W ' S sing those of tomorrow, and be-fbund guilty of drunk driving American soldjers who were hid-forel we were permitted to leave." cause the memberships are sold at · · th den from Yugoslavia secret police l h b d ter arrwgnmen t m e Newport tor several mon••· was g1'ven Sun-• F 'r offl-suppl1'es, see ••-t e u get is in hand before the Beach city court. Kapp le paid the ul.3 o . '-"'" u" artisU are selected, there ls never r· day to .. u . S. Se nator William F. Ne -1lmes.. me. ;.:::j:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::, ]----~>-~ D R I y E • I N .. -<f--~K any financial risk to the-com· Knowland of Oakland. 7' ""'lllt munJty." Who pays for advertJsln&:f ~o The in!Qrmation was disclosed .. stume Jewelry He announced t h e Newport "-'··. It __ for i•--••t by Kenneth E. Schussel of San FORMERLY SANDY'S DRIVE -IN """' ~-~ ~ · f aff membership drive will terminate c 1 anc1sco, a ormer st sergeant Waffles _ Dacrurood Hamburgers _ Steaks Friday night and thal everyone tors o! the Assaciation at a meet-with the army overseas. Schussel e .... .,. who wishes to attend this year's Ing Friday night at 8 p.m.. at the revealed the information during Shell and Indian Jewelry I JUALLMARK Ham Bacon series must enroll as a member at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. a speech at the installation of the 632 C.-t Highway On the Miracle Mlle headquarters located at J. A . Mrs Geo H Yard! J Pvt. Rodger Young chapter o! the _ _ · rge · ey, r. Disabled American Veterans at Beek's real estate office 410 S . president, presided at the Monday 1-------------Watch Us Grow • Bay Front, Balboa Island, or wilh dinner meeting. Mrs. Frederick Rodger Young Village in Griffith ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ J a volunteer worker before that Schwankovsky pre!!Jdent of the ParThk. thr h d bee ed b deadline. Call 62-W for infonna-Laguna Beach Association spoke e ee ,8 n 8 ccu:" Y Uon. of their experiences in Laguna Marshall Titos secret i:w:>l1ce of , · l rt CARDS for Christmas Leather Gadget Bags * * * One Case for Everything * * * Blondell Camera Supply Phone Harbor 1033 BALBOA \ 307 Palm Ave. DRAFTING SERVICE ROY M. WATKINS and Associates (ID tbe Mlnde Mlle) E. J. (Bud) Jacklin CO!<TRACTO& CEMENT WORK Flag'lltone Work -Cement Block Fences Jll1al w-.. l'MM•do. CALL I S ! I • J P'O& ll<P'OIUIA.TIO!< • Artists for the series will be where the concert serit5 is enter-shooting. a Russian soldier and Jelected by the officers and dirK-ing its second successful year after bemg freed were proved not Vaaes >: Figurines ____________ __: _______ .:._:_::::.:_· _ to have been al the scene of the Uunpe :: eo.tome IMR!lry 0 t f Se • f shooting. I U 0 fVICe • ! ' "Ambaasador Patterson appeal-r ewport Souvenir ed to Tito to let WI out of Yugo-- • stavia," he said, "but d;dn't get and Gift Shop anywhere. The ranking u: S. j DECOMMISSI ONED! ThlA la the fire ( T) boat "'bJch the City of Newport Beacb ud the Ora.nee County Harbor Com.mission med to protect ( !) mllllon.s of doUan "'Orth o f ocean-going and pleas-- u re-rovtng craft mooftd In Bal~ Bay. The city decommhW.oned the VeMfll and la.kl off Its two men when tbey felt they could no longer oontlnue lta upkeep. Four boats ha,•e caught afire ln the past quarter, one M onday nipt. As mual the clty "''U without a Drebc>ai to fight Monday'• blut and n re. -News-T\Jnes photo. WILLEY'r REFAIGERnTJon JEAVICE camPnnv ---En,._,.. .. _ -no ()out Blvd.., Oorona del Mu l'lloae _, ITS< !<!pl, Lapaa 11- 0. LCULLY -CerWled TaJt Co...Wtaat Income Tax Ueenoed ...._ Aee.oantaat Your Pa.,,,._ Apt>redaW UI SPURGEON BLDG. - W. ttll SL !laata Aaa military officer of the Mediter· !102 Ooeea Front ranean area tried. Fiorello La-We Wrap Gifts Guardia, head of U.N.R.R.A. tried. '---+----------- • is one oS our best • terw1ces ' We st nd ready tb advise you cohectly on. any home- financ;ng problem, with no obliga ·on. Phone or come in, a d let's talk it over. -- NEWPORT BAL OA FEDERAL SAVINGS a•tl LOAN .ASSOCIATION I P. A. Palmer, ·dent LID 0. T WED~ TllURS~ FRI., SA.T. Nightly -' &:SQ ud 9:15 • ~HOHi: HAAea .. 1•0D EAT RE jro-.-llH e Flee Partdnc Nov. 8, 7, 8, 9 )llatmee Satarclay at 1:45 (!). J. Ro/,~,, ()4. ,_,,.LIWI oto>'•• _ ...... . . ._. ... -.,_. I ... ...... 11 --General Building Cootractor • Phone Harbor 83 . - • • llt'ltll llary A.tor • .-()---·"--- "51RAN~ FWIOl'f IO&WWW -.••mo ' ... • a m 1 Olillr °"-"-...... •• •e ••er • • • June Hoke .. / Ann0unce8 I the Purchase ' of - -·- • E-TL:-:-::. Ye Beauty Nook ~ .. · 125 Sixth sJ ' -tr . ;::; B ~ft..,._ :... i • June was for-un ... "6 .... n tseacft; meriy with Lu· PHONE: dle'a Be au t Y IRJNTINOTON BEACH U11 Shop, Newport Deliciously Pre~ + + + + NEWPORT CAFE --H Boar 8& wline + llOllc:Jl'addea ..... l<owpori - LAUNDRY ONE WIZK SERVICE Broadway Cleaners 121 Broadway Costa M-Ph. Bellcon ll'l'!S BEITER QUALITY·OF DRY CLEANING 5. DAY SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY • OPE!< SATUBDAY Al'TEBNOO!<S e Closed for Vacation • Open Again December 4th The Hurley Bell 185 COut Highway, Corona del Mar Announcing the Opening of a • ~ ew Service for ~he Bay Area Contractors Equipment & Supply l ism Newport Ave., 1 Blk. West of Newport Blvd. South of 18th SL, Cowta Mesa. Phone Beacon 5099 We Have Brand New Equipment For ' Rental CEMENT MIXERS • POWER SAWS JOI! C.F.M. PORT ABLE AIR COMPRESSORS AIR TOOLS .. WHEELBARROW!! PNEUMATIC TIRED TRACTORS WITH BLADES ALSO CONCRETE BREAKING AND SANDBLASTING SERVICE Need Your Cabin Rebuilt? ' · · ·'or Altered? Sides or botto"m painted? AU.. We C.. Do tbe lob for Toa Gwtee tlle F1wt Wcwln s•tp AAA ,sterRng . Boat · WorkS 11101 .... sq ~a;a&811'111 . ' • ' • • • UDO l•LE • • • A Wl:.L"-'"LGGAT&D ••NOLIE "C•IOENCE •UILO- IMO •ITE AT .4200. • • • 73 n.CT or WATER I l"JtONTADlt, PRIVATE BEACH I AT 820,000 I I • • • I A VERY HICE. II =~~:~0~ousc AT POSBE8810H AT CL09E 'or I C9CROW. I ~ p. o. palmer """'"""''° realtors llll ••• •·-• ~•·••" b•or•. r old. l •l•p~O•• •••0011 b..,r•. ~o•bo• 1.500 ......... _ '• om •Tflllf 'Ail MM RADal• IY Notice to Patients Mr -Mre .. Newporl -wUJ lie-.....-- Monday, Nov. 11th aacl e"IUJ' M...i..y ... Tllan- day *--•:JO to 5:M. Otben plMM .,.._ for "!>" polJl-t. Dr. EmU F. Bell, D.C., PILO. 101 ttnd St., Newport - Phone Barbor llM Ward & Harrington Lumber Co. LUMBl:B AND BUILDING HATEJllAUI llaJ'Dla-Yanl noee Be•C1111 51ll 118 OOABT MOBWAY AT TBS ABOIU8 ' TBS BJ:ADLD8 .. _..., UWe ................. :hl'7 God· ..u.r. ,, •lodl: ~ ... ~ prlmew• mere at: ... me wtll PM'tJ' for ddWr-. el tM area ....... at. tM &rnd11•om t.Droom by be 8olar7 elm o. !hl!awe'ea. Aa • ptti.l'tJ' It waa Mtopl" ..._ par. .... <!Jo,.,. " wrtz .. -.. ~ -Photo by Gerhardt. t. NOTES OF THE BALBOA YACHT CLUB With ao many outstanding co. tumes making BYCs Pum)lkln Slide of Saturday evening a Hal· lowe'en gay affair, judges were tied on three couples, but audi- ence applause gave the top award to Leo De Los Rios and his wife, the latter love ly ln an authentic all-white HawaUan coatume whUe his was a humorous take-off on what the well-undressed Islander lhould wear. Runner-ups were John McFar- land as the Masked Rider and his wlfe as a Witch in black vel- vet, while the Jack Boyds were applauded for their farmer cos- tumes. the late Dr. Earel. Their hus· bands won the prizes ror ID01t horrible get,ups, Bob as Pierre the Woodchopper and Dean as Gravel Gertie. In the absence of Commodore Don Kemp, Vice Commodore Bob Boyd emceed the party and judges were he and Mrs. Boyd, Rear Com- modore and Mn. Dick Fenton, Port Captain and Mn. Bob Hen- ley and Mr. and Mn:. E. S. Young. Black and orange streamers made a canopy overhead and pumpkins provided the appropriate rural atmosphere, all arranged by ' P£Ncl11 m RSONAUTIES Doable Lo• tar .m.... 8~ JMX ~ c-oo, A-New pod Realtqr S)onplt117 la boinc ---to 01ar1ea F. ,J)enn-. 1211 Welt Central &W!IUI!, OD the md-- -deatb al. bla brother, v. A. Dennlaoo) ol -llr. Den- nilai died ~ on Nw. 2 ot a bevt allmont while 0'1t -.Jldns. He ..,.. 68 )'Mn old and bad been a ~ident ol Pasadena far 20 years. It WU the aecond lOIS ln one week f<W C. F . Dennisoil, far It foll-..d IO shortly after the deatb ol his wile, who died Wednl!Sday. Huddleston Opens Mesa Loan Office • Don L Huddleston ~J that his new loan office, the Har- bor Finance Co., is now open for buaineu at 1814~ Newport Blvd. In Costa Mesa. This la the only finanoe rompariy In the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area and is a local, independent concern. Mr. Huddleston pJllhs to make I===;::===::::==== auto. salary, furniture. business ,..____, and farm loaM and f@ela that his p N ""< quick. helpful serviee will fill a =c-U-:B,..L_1...,c-:--::,.-o-T..,...1c_,E.,.s..,.....,...,,... long-felt need b~re. 15th day or No""'ber. 19". at the All kinds typewriter ribbons In •tock at the News·'Ilmel. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO MA1UNEBS Newport-Balboa Eacrow Co.. In lbe Ctty ot Ne'Wl)Ort BMch. County ot <>ran~. State or C..Ufornta. Dated: October !lat. 1M6. IR.JU MARPLES Vendor ADA BARRINGTON Vendee Pub. NOY. 5. 11H6. NOTICE OF" OISSOLUTION TO WHOM IT 1IA Y OONCERN: r--------------------------11 Sue Ficker, entertainment chair-Sue Ficker. while Benny La-NELSON ST ORD Gasse's Hollywood orchestra was ~ Notice is hereby given th a t SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CX>MPANY, a <or· poration, has placed one (1) sub-- aqueous telephone and telegraph cable . in Newport Bay, Orange County, California. The termini of the ca.hie m-e identified by sign- boards set on posts .in plain view and bearing the words, "CABLE CROSSING -SOUTHERN CAL IFORNIA TELEPHONE C 0 M - PANY." The location of this cable ls described aS follows: -, NOTICE la hereby giftn that the putnenhlp heretofore u.lstiu betwffll WI. the unden1lped, C. W McA.lua.n, der. of Huntington BMch. C&Jtfomla. and K. 0 . Rernln«ton, ot Newport Beach. C&llfornla. aotns: buatneu u SUNSET SERVICJI! STATION. bu been dluolved att.d terminated u of the 2bt day of October. 1946. by mutual C01l• ee.nt of the partJee hertito. . WILLIAM P. MEALEY GENERAL CONTRACTOR ~dentlal and Commerdal Building PIMres: Bel eon ASI lier COD AM--W voted "topo". Electrical E . neer Melvin Kaiser, professional dancer wtt.h the Grace Shipman Net.on Stalford ls one of tbe aeUve buelDeM men. In the d Newport Harbor district. Be la p t or the Newport Barbor stu io, and Elizabeth Elliott were Botuy club aod .. DOW enppd lD the development and orpalaaUoa much admired for the perfection of the Miracle Mlle ueoclaUon of men:6anta who have bmlnMIN on. of their dancing, but what really Oout hlpway, Newport Beach. man. was judged most beautiful and rightly so, for she went as Qu .. n Elizabeth In stately rutt and gown of cerise. Named moat colorful were Mrs. Bob Boyd jr. and Mn. Dean Bradford, in twtn Dutch Girl costumes brought from '---------------------------1 Holland by Mrs. Boyd's father, stopped the show was when Mel, Stafford la an affable type of peno Be mu. people and enjoyl vln and a certain petite Spanish havlnc them al'OWHI. espedal.ly when tAey are talkative and ·the senora put on a fa.st jitterbug nwn-·Subject ls of mutual int.erest. He . DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH ORANGE OWll II'• I JI I ~Wt CREAMERY PRODUCTS NEWPORT -BAIBOA RESIDENTS ABE DISCOVERING THAT THE SNACK BAR ID 1-a Beacll la THE J'1-to Go! DELlGHTfULLY DIFFERENT LUNCHEONS 8marl Atter8oon Tea by Candlelight. S:SO to 5 8wldaJ' B.._ii 10 to ' Opoa w-Da .. 11 :30 to 5 (~ Frlde .. ) Hn COAST BLVD. 80. • IN. THE ABT CENTER (Cllolce CldDetle Dlsbel E'Yer'J' WedMIMay and SaQuda7) WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Pboae s.-M14 ttt • lloorlnp and llp9oCe av11.llah!e for Bo&lll for Sale • Paddle Boards for Keat by the _ .. OI' lllOllth. DIESEL SERVICE • • • • • WATCH FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR NEW LOCATION. We ue sorry to advise that we are leavin£.::! present location at 901 Coast Highway, the Bo Co~ on Nov. 17th or before. We wish to thank all of the employees of the Boh- man Co. for their splendid cooperatkib during our stay. Oar mechanlC8 feel the same and we all regret ..,v- erance of such pleasant relations. I am~ all calls will be referred to Beaeon 61189,W until our aew 11u.mber Is llllllounced. Lucky Lewis ANNOUNCJXG A New LOAN Service for THE NEWPORT RAM'llOB AND NJ:A-Y C090CCJ?<iiTr0:8 Our ofriiee ls now open for quick, be1pful service oo your '"rnolley needs''. , O>o>enient payment·pian-loans available for every llW' PJlle on your • Ft1BNIT1JBE -CAB -SALARY or OT.HEB t!llXl1JBITY -AloO Coatnds ~ -....... , 1'trR H to 1 ... --I le I Qr''• -I .... .. , ...,. • .,_ L D cc 1 • •\1 I 1114~ Jlfc•r-t-.. ~ -,_ -.._... -) ' ; ..... arr I .. roa lNB'llBANOJ: szm Howard W. Gerriab lM~•pwtBowleuwd OOllTA 111:8A I her, this being her first attempt. ~s married, has a fine ~re. and ~e ~o during the late war. The If dancing clB.SRS start in the pro-1s the rather or four children. Hts f1r did 90 per cent o{ this work pgsed Yoµth Center it is expect-hobby ls his yard and garden. for Uncle Sam's subchasers and ed Melvin will be t~acher of the Som in Santa Ana in 1889. Staf-oth craft on the Pacific coast. adult group while Miss Shipman ford spent his boyhood there and S afford and Liberty were co- wlll have the high school classes often was seen at Newport Beach, m~gers of the electrical firm's Next party scheduled ls th~ where he learned to 9Wim. He was Nev.tPort Beach branch until No. Turkey Trot, an informal dance educated in the Santa Ana schools r 1, _when t hey mutu~y nao.e II'· C Da llst Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Lice>le and Contract Bondi Wrlttm slated for Nov. 23, according to and except for four years spent in a !-cf dissolve the partnership Velma Barber, publicity director. Alameda county, he hu been a and go mto other businesses. Both WELCOME HOME! Newport Barbor Pollt 291 -\MERICAN LEGION ~ • •= ...,, Dll I ....... -.. YWt ... ,. ...... BL. ... ..,. ... ._ ....... ~ ..... lifelong resident of Orange county. expect to announce future Stafford's father was engaged in in a few days. the banking business in Santa Ana A;:ide from his membership in for 30 years. Instead of following the Rotary club, Stafford is also a in the footsteps of his father, merilber of the Orange County young Stalford in 1910 took an EledtricaJ society, the Orange electrical apprenticeship and later Couhty. Builders Exchange and of joined the Edison company which the ftlewport Harbor Chamber of l"INE8T TA8TING lllZZLING RAllBUllOll:Bll llTUU(--pta -); ROME BAKED YUMMY BEBBY AND he served (or eight years. Con?merce. ·-------------JI The only tlme ln the 25 years ~nty-two years ago the Stat- ------------of experience in t he electrical field (or amity moved from Santa Ana that he has been out of it was in to ta Mesa. The family is now Carr's Feed Store the four years that he managed a liVitjg on Newport Heights. lwnber yard at Corona del Mar. I t was reported today that Hay and Grain Four and a half years ago. Stat-"Doc." .. Stafford is known to his APPLli Plll8 SHEP'S QuaDty Feeds ford started work with the Ets-m~y hundreds of friends and ac, Hok.in and GaJvan electrical firm. qua.1~tances jn the Newport Har--I-This wu one day earUer than the bor ~trict, is ill with the flu. We 1011 OOAllT MORWAY NEWPORT DalJJ" Dellftl7--8e• 1SOD. DU time when Gerald "Tex'' Uberty all · h him a quick recovery. lln Newport Blft.. started with the same firm, which -ftl9irwiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;A- -n.e Home of Good Eala" 008TA. MNA was sub-contractor on all eleetrical r adar and fire control installs- 301 More Tbaa SO Y-... of 8enice to the Barbor'• MAIN F\nest cu ... t..10 BALBOA, CALIF. "Rendezvous of the Mariners'' . White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAR Comer Harlae A Park Ave. Services Wed. for Asthma Victim Funeral services ·ror Kathleen Jane Arnidr.n tw..,-yea1·-0Jd daugh- ter of Mr. un:t Mrs. Nelson An1idon 417 Helitrope avenue, Core.ins de! l\1ar. will be held at 10 a .m. Wednesday in the Baltz chapel with interment in Holy Sepulcher cemetery. Sha. is survived by her parents; two brottiers, Arthur \Villiam, one. year and J ames Albert, five days old: her paternal grandmother, Mrs. Eva Amidon, Corona del Mar; her maternaJ grandparents, Mr. i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l / and Mrs. Steye Kassey who are arri\ing today from Ohio and will Fishermen Get Back to Port • "first HIGHSPEED "CENTRALINER" COMMERCIAL FISHING Central Boat Works Fresh Daily Dolld0'1o-- Or, onmpl<IAI ~pn­ wben :rou .W11Dt to cUc.b ,._ ....... BOAT Barbor 1580 HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTllAL AVENUE, NEWPOllT BEACH GORDON a~ FIJIDLA Y: 001'ftADIO& AND IAJIUID om.: IO.I o.-e:..... ..... .,,.... '11 CABINET SHOP SERVICE Cl&BINm .&Jim ... , ..... T.C.~,llapt. ., .... & .. make their home here. The child died Saturday follow- ing an attack of asthma and in- terment will be in Holy Sepulcher cemetery~ I PROCLAMATION I The Ne-..vport Community" Concert Association this week is hoJdJng a campaign for mem- bers for the purpose of assur- ing a se.ries of concerts by world famous artists here during the coming months. Every community is improved by advanta,get of sound business establishments, industries, good schools, churches and various municipal improvements. 'Ibe availability of fine mwilc pre- sented by authoritative musid- ans: is anothE>r advantage which will benefit those making their homes In NOWport Haibor. Having become interested in music through the excellent in. •tructiOll In our ochools and by our private teachers, throuah the many radio progrum brtn&- ing these treasures rr.,,Jy Into our """-· through motion pic- tures, many of us will be clad to --these lifted -to our own community for the enjoymont and cultural cle'WJop- ment ol --.m the ..iu. catlon and plHRire al. .,... cblld- ""'· THEREFORE. • ~ al NewlM*t Harber, I ..,,.,._ tbla -o1 NCI[". • to -· 9 aftldallJ> M COMMUNITY CXll'fCERT WEEK. O. II. REED, ' ....... .And Your Slftn.gtb and Energy Is Below Par It IDQ be cau.ed by .U.Orde:r o! kid· 1'£'J' funetiOll tbt periofta polaonou-..._t.e 1.o accu.ioW..1.e. For truly JD&JIY peopi. fee:l tired, •·llak a.lid mlaerable ;-ben t.be ldd11eye fall to r1n1w1 ve e.c~ •Id.I ud otb•r wut.e matter lro111 tbe lood. • You may aatfer 11.anh:i.1 baekacbe. eu111atle pala.a, bead.achea, dlu.111-, ~ttl..af up cl1bta, lee pa!Q, ••·ell!nr. metim• freque11t acd Ka.lily ur11:1a-on with amartinc acd bumtnr le an- her eip that eometblnc i. wto111 wlt!I e kidueye or bladder. i:hen 1bould be 110 doubt that pro~pt eatm.n\ la •iM!r tha11 1l~lfft.. U• ,.., PiU.. It le better to rely 011 • · ~ediei11e tha\ b.aa •cm eouatryll'ide •Jr ron.\ th.ea 01:1 1JOCMtbia1 k9 faYOl"llbly OWll. /Joa,.'1 baYe bffn trMcl a11d l4af.s lit ma111 7eera. Ar-at aU drui: etorm. '<t Doii• • tod•y. On the Balboa Island in New- port Bay, California, near the Union Oil Company Pier, ai; proximately ninety feet (90 (t. l northwesterly o f t h e northwesterly line of Opal Avenue, and also on the penin, sula of Newport Beach on Palm Street extended, a~ proximately 6 feet north • westerly of the southeasterly line of said Palm Street, Bal- boa, two monuments, namely signboards in plain view and bearing the words, "CABLE CROSSING -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMP ANY," which said signs mark the landing places on the said shOres in Newport Bay of one (1) subaqueous telephone and telegraph cable, approxi- mately 1370 feet ln length which crosse.s said Newport Bay in a general northeasterly and southwesterly direction between the termini above described. This notice is published for the purpose of~infonn.ing all navigators of the description and purpose of the monuments aforesaid and of the general course, landings, and termini of the cables aforesaid. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE CX>MPANY W. E. LAWRENCE Superintendent of Con- struction and Plant .Engi- nering. Pub. Nov. 5. 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26. 28. 1946. N10TICE OF" l . .NTENTION TO SELL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Pursuant to the provlslone of Section 3-C40 or the Clvll Code of the State of California, that Irma M01rplea, Vendor. of 219 Marine Avenue. Balbo& l!!land, Callrornla. INTENDS TO SELL to Ada Barrington. Vendee. of 43 Beacon.Bay. Balboa 11\and, California.. •II that cer-tain personaJ pn>pert)• COtl.!!!ll!Ung gen- erally or all 1tock·ln-trade, CIJ:turea. equipment and goodwill of a certain Jadle1 1port11wear buaineu kno•·n a.a V~GABOND HOUSE. in the Clly or COAta Kesa. and located at 1813 New- port Boulevard. Costa Mesa. California. and that the pul"'Cb.ue price thereof will be paid at 10 o·clock A. M .. on the -'HE!&DACHE If SUCH A !!J1M~ • The bu11lnf1811 hebetotore conducted by the partnenhlp at 7200 State HIP,way. Newport Bt!llth. C..ttrornla. and en-raged tn • gaaollne aoervtce 1taUon b\ll!lneu. will henceforth be operated .olety by C. W . Kc.A.luande..r. Dated at Ne-wport Beach. Countr ot OnmS". State or California, thle nt.b. day or October. 1946. C. W . KcALEXANDER ll. O. RJ:ll.INGTON Pl!b. Nov. 6. 1946. CERTIFICATE OF FICTITIOUS TRADE NAME We, the undenilil\ed HAROLD WOL-DEN"BERG and r . ROY GRJCENLEIJ', SR., hereby cert.tty that we are lraD· uc:ttng bualne• at 282' Weat CentnJ A..-enue. Newport Beach. C&..llfontla. u pa.rtnen1 under the ncuUoua Urm nam. or "GREENL&A.1' AND WOLDEN· BERG" and that a&Jd firm l.1 coa:ipo.Md of the followlq peraon.a. wha.e nunes and add.--a.re .. followa: HAROLD WOLDENBERG, 1!00 We.t. Central Annue. Newport Beach. CalJ- fornla and F . ROY GREENLEAF. SR. Z826 We.t · Central Avenue. Newpofi Beach, C&llfomla. WITNESS our hand.I thle 12th d&y of September. tH&. HA.ROLD WOLDEN"BERG F . ROT GREENLEAF $R. M'ATE OP' CALTP'ORNIA. 6oUNTT OP' RIVERSIDJl-..es. Oft thla 20th day of September. tMI. before me, the underal1rned a Notary Public In and ror u.ld CountY and State peNM>nally appeared F . Roy Creenleat. Sr .• known to me to be the pel'IOll wh<>M name la aubacrlbed to the fore- 1rolng ln.strument. -.od ackno•ledged to me. that he aub.crlbed to the aame. WITNESS my hand and official aesl. EDNA L. BROTT, • Notary Public In and for said County and State. Pub. Nov. 5. ll. 19. 26. 1948. BU81N11118 GUIDE 11 RADIO SALES A SERVICE Specializing In repalrlng. TRONART, INC. Radio, eJectronica, eound-Sales and service-marine and domestic, Ph. H. 1252-M 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, 79-tfc FORMED Windshields A Hatch Covers made to order . Also Plex· iglass & Lucite Sheets for saJe. Nu-World Products Company, 303 Third St., Huntington Beach. Phone Huntington Beach 178. 80-tfc MEI' -CLAD PRODUCJ'S -by- CLARK & BA TES Metallizin&' Welding Specialists 506 30th St. -Harbor 2500 Newport Beach 85-ttc ROOFS W. J. BENBOW Phone Har~r 1012 J I sz.ttc PIANO TUNING and repalrlnlf. J. B. Brown. Write Box 633, Rt. 1, 388 Broadway, Coota M.... · 78-ttc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair Phone !leacon 5280-R :n. £. :IAtb St.. Coota Mae 21).lfl SIGN PAINTJNG -· Trucks. Windon wan. Md lluJleUna. -Metal, Wood and Platlc LetUn M. LACHMEYER um.!.~:' pe>tn1 -. l'AJl'ITINQ -PAPER HANGINO ~ DllOORA'J'DfG H. II. JlcDcweld .,.. Old a.~ Rd., Coote -~ Bo 'Oil !CJa.J 115-Ull PAINTING 12 Y-L;lte In Jllawpat ---PA1N1!:!1&!\~croa Phtrw 8 •SWJ r cwlCll 2N & 11111 hwt IMlt AC(dftiOlal1 Yant Adi oa Fellowiaa Pqe • • I • I•· Ir I• • I I . .-" ._ --·' -. . -. .. . -• • • , . ~ ·I' I ~;:-::~"'jl':i:~"i~~t-;;!!!~~~~c::J~~~-!:!~~~~~~:::;!i -&~ -~~~~~~~-~~~~~~r~~~~·~~~~~~~--~~;,,~_~9112~~·~ .. ~~~::::.::::!·!:!--!!e;g~ ... !!~·~ .. ;::::::::::~.~· Mia • ..,., •iiWUIJ8 a U1a1 MWW'"s*"l90CJ9 • MOU'*'• a-•--• .. Want Ads . ·---Au&o BaUeriee R•mo HOiJlli c.or.r, *!!!~ -m? !!',-•r "--~ .. N ·--• Hef:!:ta . ZORIC N-that oddltlaml o.,.. ---., --. ·---, -kponten tent -.idw are ....n.ble, --lilllco -tm ••'4c . -·1-w CU1dnmd from pi«edlnir P9P ll Sheet Metal Work DRY CLEANING 1'-noatb -ae.15 EL we att a111e to make -calla ---ar-n-.. ----._ ._pet. ID ow °"" Piiat Compounded Motor Oil an 1up -. All wwt far -• or• • B. 7:!1111•-las. Jla1IW wltb 1" PICKUP AND DELIVER Pbone BEACON ~ r .. n..,, 'IOe su-nn!Hd. . _,., Senta Ana 5100. -batb ..,,. i---- Western Au&o Supply ::m~ ~ ~ -:!..~-= : Pri at $13,500-Terms -°"'"" 3001farineAye. HarfJar'180 --si-iy emi>lo1ed; sood • M. MIJJ.ER 18111 NewjMt Bhd., Coate -81-ttc refer--. CaJ1StnteAna1883. ESTATE BROKER U-tft 113-ttc l'l'Alttat 'l'O BUI' 11 D068, CJAft a Pm la Pt..,_ Harbor 1242 THOROUGHBRED boxer regjs-WANTED TO RENT-By local :tsth °"1-(i;.traJ, N.,.. ... 'l 11eecb FOR SOLID CX>MFORT Lido Cleaners 4:16 Newport Blvd. CASH FOR USED ruRNJTURE -"AKC" )4-.y be...;. at Dr pharmacist, ~-home "OI I Your Way to Bo-· , . '!S-ttc PHONE BEACON 51181h1._tt Ll="=-'• lru So Main. Sanu; or _.m-t, -or un-8'-ltc Large Ocean Front Home Near School -( ~I ' • fu:rnJabed. Call AileD'I Pbar- to;..,A ~ :"!,;ob~ --M-e-ch_a_ru_'_ca_l _T_o_ys__ Will Pay Caah Ana. 8'-2tc: mocy, Harbor lll-w or l'::.wtp. N ~!!,.,...~ Spadous'Rocms * Best Coostrud:lon * Immacnlate 4:JO lG-ttc For ,.,... furnltutt or what haw ~ AJl!fomfOEIO!l'l'll II and our _.m-t unltl, pra- tfter . p.m. Electric and Mechanical Traina, Phone BHcon l!&56. Craw-WANT TO RENT-:l or a -w. , .. , zoned for ,.,.._ roam 4 B. R.'s, 2'iii baths, large IJv. RlrL, party she l'ftAMQ'OlrllTION 11 = ~:;, ~ ~ Fumltutt. 1812 Nt?Wpcx1 ~ ~~~~:'i, ~":: unfumlaW -· WW --for addltlaml un1b:'S20D.oo dining-room, kitchen.and seivlce porch planned for BICYCLF.s w ' oYS. Blvd., Coate MllL 48-ttc Sen":,. Ana. ~ 4406. tor a)>-Call SUI Por .... at Harbor 1f1I monl!>Jy Income, lmmcdltte -'Wll?-Outside laUDdry room. Fine apartmen~ -. ~~~~ m TOY SHOP f'11MlTl1U roa uua 11 po1ntment. 85-2tp or u. a&-: N °~~~~944 ~=ble garage. $5000 ID tumlshlngs. 100 'MtlA et.. -:nl Marine BalbM Ialud I.lKE NEW-l.ars< dtvenport & K E Y S agar. DT.&TK _ . ~2tc. . .. Mu1m, -,..... Harbor 2292-W 81).tfc chair to match. Small teble "' -\nlle You Wall Price Quoted After Inspection • -•tendard lamp with meculne voom:a Graham & Johnson Realty LOT Mer 15th SL 50xl27. • -----------::! reek. Abo ,,.. trunk. PhoM 100 Mala at., .. _ & Investment Co. -Be...., 54l5&-R. after 6 RAWI' ADlll 11 Haeatttt If -reQlP JOllr Harbor 1274-W. 8S-ltc '°8-. -ltMnd l66t N..._t Blvd. p.m. ~ MACHINE and llACHINELESS FOR SALE-Round dinnlnr teble -Day Ph. BHcon ~w FO=Lot "" Central Ave.. Permanent Waves T I R E s ss.oo. brealdut teble '15-oo. Nl&bt Pit. Beocon 521.().J' Point, Zone 3. 35a97. nnttnr and Manlcur!nr 0ia1r ss.oo: bllffet 136.00, boolt· Cushman Scooter r1cliL Call mrt.r Sl5. Evmlnr Appt. Ph. Huber 1'19-W We su-nnttt our "c.i-" to Jut .... ~.00. Hlnred ·-chat Ottlde of John D. Burnham. 2001 Vi's Bea~hoa! $18.00, child'• -cir-. ~ Work 'IHREE-BEI>ROOM BEAUTJ' cm <>cetfi BM!., BaJboL llG-ttc CX>AST PROPERTIES 00. "Serving Newport Barbor Aza" 703 E. Central Ave. Balboa Harbor 3ll8 I -20 000 Mll·F.S oerse a:r.e> 136.00. Call Huber FHe Eatlmateo ~ llm Clout Hlw&Y. ,~ 5:18-W. 11&.ltc live ll<ftS; 11(, bttha, ......... FOR owner, -~ttc and that'• not all-• On Service and R-1f .i.e. ranee; tour ..,.... fenoed, ar lmmedlate -. 84-Ue mll'LOY11Klft WAM'ID> 18 HOUSEHOLD furniture for ltle. _ m.it "-• barn end cbldcen 3 bedroom, hardwood -----------,;------------WE WILL GIVE YOU 527 Redl.-or 535 R<dlanda, equl-t; 125 mont.bly 1_,,. fire ploce, vory nice yard. I BUILDING & Reptlr work wanted Newport Heirbta. BS-~ Malloy & Wyckoff trom o'1 Jeue tor two ,...._ = view, four bloma trom East Newport Two Unit&-=' att":rL6 Phonep.m. = $20.00 FOR SALE vacuum .~ener. Reor Balboe Marine -'lblo la• real buy far $lT.OOO. bl&h acbool 321 Allao, N ... ..-'l .n -. 2\lo baths Fur-o.. Bay Aw., ill &lloL OFF dr-"' bed divan. Phone Bea· 913 ~~ m--ft-·--w TnmL ta. 8'-2tc ~--~ . -·-·~ WANTED -lu.-work by the IF ONE COMES 5601 BS-ltc ~• ----• ~ -....- hour $1.00. Phone Htrbor 716. ReprdJ a( Speed. con · Nowpcat Bead! $12,500 81>-4tc ea FOR SALE-Weo~ .i..,_ · 118-tt THREE-BEDROOM atlJQ)O near A CORONA DEL MAR -tric atove excellent oonc11t1on. c Bock Bay. Nicely fumlahed. J M MITT F.R w.LOY11Klft onaum • ONE TIRE RECAPPED See it at U.so Electrlc·eo., 516 FOR RENT-16MM M-pie-on half ec:tt, $10.SOO. •u~e Lots $2650 JtEAi. MATE,~OKER IN 5 HOURS. Stete Highway. 8S-2tp tuft Prolecton-Sound or allent, w It b or without opereton. ·ear Ocean and Bay Phone Har'-1242 1 FOR SALE -Davenport $30.00 FIL1fS RENTED -Your own S P E C I A L :tstb and Central, N..._t Bead! Matching chair $1!1.00. 9xl2 Ax· picture allow at home, teatur9, BEAUTIFUL 3-bedroom heme, ~ •. J . HOLCOMB "On Your Way to Balooa" minister rug $1!1.00, aolld oak aporU, mualc:als, for pertleo, rtrbt neer the water. Beat buy 7 Coast HiahW&Y BS-ltc . - $13,500 AUTO MECHANIC Three-Bedroom Hom&- Experienced Ford mechanic pre- ferred. but will comlder ireneral mechanic and pve Ford traJnin&:. Good pay and the i-t al work· Ina condlUona. Apply at once u we need more men tmmedlately. fer a complete .et we wm. caD for your car In the moonlrc and den-...... day. Also a '2-00 Mol>Oatetlc bolw....., Job when we recap your t1rio, b $1.00. No· letd welcl>to or ·-· dining teble and 6 chain $40.00, clubs, c:hurchn. Harbor 25Slhl. in Balboa. $17,500. T........ iYlRONA DEL MAR FOR ~ •• ~ • ·t ... 1.cc ft., three Small Home--Ice box $15.00 1637 E. Central 7&-ttc 1 -~ ~ ~ Ave., Balboa BS-2tpl------....,...-'""",...,...-8S-2tc blocks from bual-cllatrict, On Ocean Front at Sea - Carpenters Available MODERN five.room •tucoo home, -FO-R-+-.•. _--N-ew_h_ome--, -modern--! Coate Meoa. Cleu, by owner, ColOQ)'- OOMPLETE cllnln& room set with John L. T ----1409 w n.,. · • f'I:. 0 -s chain·, 2 complete bedroom for -ol rntlntmance \lo ac:tt oorner. Guest room. outd>or, Indoor living areu. ~~. · _, • ...,25 THEODORE ROBINS and repair Some fruit. Nice chicken houle Bull in teaturea. 2 bedroom&, Ava., Newport. Harber 1140-R. Costa M ""-C aeta; 2 bunk beds; several chtln: N and barn. Price $11,750. near llchool & n ••. Immediate WW teke any reUOMble offer -Ford Dealer tor Harbor District esa ~in: o. 1' large divan and chair; large o. Caliz. ~~ -OOMaio _, be-ar trade. -113-ttc Ocean Front Lot--In Rear at kitchen table; several lam-p1, ~~ ~ ..., n. 160C 2nd Ave., 22nd and Central, Newpcrt Beach 1760 Newport Blvd. etc.; 3 marine palotlnp. Prl-M-ttc HARBOR BL VD. ~ Besonla & Amici•, Co-FOR SALE-2 new all modern 2 "t. · COSTA MESA vate sate. Phone Harbor 1268 -----------rona del Mar. Phone Harbor bedroom homes. Fire place, ~ne Harbor 28 ~tfc Pb. Beacon 57"3 tor inspection. 84-ltc B118DrE88 OPPORTUNJTIE8 4il 60x300 ft. · 1 1 M.• 86-4tc double garage, carpeted, tile. Aa1< for Al or Hank. SPLENDID MOTEL, court or ..i •• -ch l Newport Heights, owner. Har-- Sea Shore Colony- $3150 HOUSEKEEPER ar Hl&h School LIKE NEW-Large dtvenpart & WANTED-Man or woman to own bualneu ate. Close in down-FOR ~By owner,~ o c:e bor l52!1-.J lll>-4tc 4 0-Ft. B • Lo• pl tor mother'• helper, to aulst · chair to' match. Small teblo & and operate a route ot men:han· town Coate Mesa. Price $4750. lots, j Balboa penlnsula. Phone · _ USlness v-- Jn home. Three children under M-ttc standard lamp 'With 1fl8¥a.7lne dise machines. now being located Terma. Har~ 515. ~2tc Center of Balboa-6. Half ar lull day, live in or out. -VEN!:l'IAN=-=-=.,......,BLINDS-===-..,.Al::-11-:-mln-mn-, rack. Also new trunk. Phone in Newport Beach and Balboa. I Beautiful Beach Lots $l 8 , 500 Top salary. Mn. R. B. Harp 3l!I ateel, wood Call .,. far frM .. t1. Harbor 1274 ~lie Cash required $625.00. H igh MAR Stplllre St., Balboa Wand. Box mate_ Renovation & ~ GAS RANGE FOR SALE-Cheap weekly lnoome to busin~ like -LISTINGS WANTED--El Bayo "Duplex" NOT CORONA DEL - Ml. Phone Harbor 359. 85-4tc So. Cout Venetian Bllad Co.. 407 Short street, Costa Mesa. and effloent operator. '?IV~ ad-~ ....... furnlahed and Jn the Pri "690 W L JORDAN WELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures for Young Women as Telephone Operators d N -A dress & phone to Box 'T' c/o Open S .. ·•··-Beau.;....., ce ., , , Weat 18th t11 .. ....,.. oe.. 85-2tp _ _,_ best jJocatlon. Make down pay-~--al BaJ•-Coote Meoa. Pb: Beacon 576Z-W. News-nmes. 8S-2tc SEE 700 E. ~tr , -ment and move in. llS-tt• BOArll. 81JPPLIE8 u r Phone Harbor 153 --=.nre=--=PWi-=-:--and--:-;;;Kl;::....,=1ns:::--1 FOR SALE-Two sterling marine FOB BENT 411 Graham & Johnson Realty ,J. M. MIJJ,ER W. J. HOLCOMB Phone Hutxr 153 W 0 O D en 1 1 n es, uc:ellent condition. FOR RENT-Large sunny room & Investment Co. REAL ESTATE BROKER Corona del Mar Delivered Right & left roteUon. Complete with bath, in private home. La<IY 1664 Newport Blvd. ~Phone Harbor 1242 ''Where the Fl-Fly" H. w . WRIGHT spare para 900 H. P .. 2100 RPM, or married couple. 2000 Mira· al, Newport Bead! . each $5000. Captain Stephen mar Dr .. on Peninsula. BS-ltp Dey Pb. Beacon ~l"~ l!l~i dYCeourntrWay to Bal~-" 8S-2tc Newport Beach Ph. Beacon 5665 Nl&ht Ph. Beaoon ~ ~ -1784 Nowpcat Blvd. ~If< Freedman. Harbor 435-R, or FOR RENT-Day or week, apart-86-ltc 86-ltc FOR SAL~na de! .Mar, 4l>-Well located, clooe to tranapar- Beacoo 5881-J. ~2tp ment and hotel rooms. Couples ~ ft. Jot, l block trom llchool, south tetlon and in waJkini: diatencl Order your FOR SALE-Used 12 volt genera-with children welcome. 1007 E. of Bl~. IOOd location for In-of •lotta. Completely ~ Servel tor with \j, H.P. LaW>On gas c.nu-.i. Balboa. Phone Harbor oome. OWnor. Ph. H-2129-W. ated and rea<IY to mcwe Into. motor as unit or separte. Also 236().M. 8&-2tc ~ND • ~ttc Priced et only- Gas Refrigerator % h.p. Briggs & Stratton. Her-FOR RENT-Large, attractive BALBOA ISL FOR SALE-Clean 4 room l bed-$6S00-$2300 Down · ID moat cclmmunitlea beflMln re-Now bor 2115-R. BS-2tp room, private bath. Dally or ON LITI'LE ISLAND-o-atory, room home, Newly redecorated. J M MILLER oe1ve base pey of $30 tor a five at Vogel's FOR SALE-IS' Kayak hardwood weekly rates. Winter rates for three bedrooms, two baths. Com-12641 Wilson, near old Sante • . day -.k, with e>rtra pay tar <Ner· 100 Main St. Harbor 1'5 frame. Water tank 3500 gal. 4 permanent gu<et. Stage Motel pletely furnished. Fene<ld-in yard. Ant Road, Costa Mesa. $6,000. REAL ESTATE BROKER time or duty at certain hours ot1 __________ 511-_ttt_1 tower, good heavy ttmbera. atGreyboundBuaStadon.83-4.tc single garage. Caneasil)rbemade "' ~tc Phone Harbor 1242 the day. -Small alfalfa grinder. White FOR RENT-New Duluxe room into duplex. Immediate p.e..lon. 15th and Central, Newport BH.cb Order Now! enamel gasoline range. $25.00. and private bath, UJe ahower Terms. A good value Priced at: AT CORONA DEL MAR "On Your Way to Balboa" Sewn ware increUff the tint two FRUIT TREES Phone Garden Grove 5967, Rt. 1, •tall. Twin or double beds. box $ 2 0,000 j 86-ltc ,..ero--pald vacatlou. Box 506, ·Garden Grove. BS-2tc spring and intenprlnf mattres-Beautiful Lots FOR-FOR SALE-Three-bedroom ._ Learn thla int.,...tlnr work at -· 22-ft. cabin cruiser. May be used .... Unt heat. Spedal rates fot $1350 and $1450 turnlahed home on Peal- sood pay in your own community. Winter Planting for flahlnc boat, $750. Call alter permanent euests. Miracle Mlle PoinL Large living-room with 6 p.m., Harbor 1493-J. 83-tfc Motel, 7ll6 Coast Highway, New-W. J. HOLCOMB fireplace, kitchen, beth & petlo. You work with frlenclly people in Hollister Bros. FOR SALE 40 ft. cabin Cl'Ulaer; port Beach. Ph. Beacon ~~ LllfWOOD V1CK Corona de! Mar Don't m1u thla one-$17,500. pleuant otlloea. N U R S E R y llleepa ax; galley, dinette, head, Broker · ''Where the Flags Fly" Ottloe at John D. Burnham, 2001 -ent promotion poalbllltlea. larae wheel house and cockpit, WANTED 'l'O BENT 0 312 Marine 4 e. 8&-2tc Ocean Blvd., BalboL Sl·ttc Landscaping completely reconditioned, bow to -----------~9 Harbor Boulevenl a tern: Qirylller marine enatne. Balboa Ialand Har}x>r 548-M per, EllTATE DCllANOI: 48 AUTO llKBVJCK • Costa Mesa Beacon 5200 see owner, 133 Aaate Ave., Bal-Retired Army Office_ r j WANT place near Boy-WW trade NOW HERE llG-ttc boa Ialand. 67-ttc 8&-ltc duplex clooe In. 552 "H'' St., San Fire Equipment Tests • desires two or three-• Bernardino, Calif. 86-ltp APPLY Southern California Telephone Company • Tarpaulin and Waterproof Covers New Material AA Grade Water- proffed Duck Made in our Factory C0-1'-o, P)lra>e"' Fa..n ret111a. bedroom house or R E A L VA tl U E S uer, l!:llTATE WA.NTICD 114 CO> !bed ayatem and Portebla apartment • • . ~ WILL TRADE-Lota on Udo Isle Your authorized OirnJcr. now available. Plymouth Dealer. ETS HOKIN & GALVAN tor winter moot.hi or perm-HOMES _ INCOME _ BU OPPORTUNITIES also Iota on Penlnaula on pur-Authorized parto · chase of 2 or 3 bedroom hou.e Ph. =co~k Hi&h"8Y 73-ttc anent arran~ement. INSURANC ~ in Harbor district. Phone Harbor Complete Lubrlcetlon and 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa 20x30 .................... $60.00 Accepteble local reference. · ~7:;:ff1;;;;;::;;:;;:;::;;:;;::===81=-::;ttc Maintenance 514 1!< No. Main Street, Santt Ana 16x24 .................... $38.40 Balboa Canvasc!hop !:ur~::"~ce~;:!';·~~ ~; , 'Ji Drub! •oND TO LOAM ,. Expert Mechanics or Call CUef Operator 14x16 .................... $22.40 ~n-;;-~tm:-property. e ~ ~?'B~M O~~!i. ~ LOANS TO BVILD, bVJ', ""P""" Kendall and Quaker Stete olla 12x14 .................... $16.80 Harbor 207 -2241!< 21at St. Write or call: I t 'Ibis · steal t _,,,._ or ..ilnanoo. -------===--8().-=ttc 10x12 ... -............... $12.00 N.,.port Beach 71-ttc o. IS a a -' • • N-port Balboa hdenl St~ llI8CELLANl:Ous • $ 8 00 co1.. MITCHELL crogso anc1 1-11 ........... 8ALS 8x10 ................... _ • lllUBJOAL • KADIO .. ~ • !1333 Via Lido Ph. Htr!xr lSOCI FOR SAJ.~as range, electridi c 9x 9 .................... $ 8.10 Rad1'0 Rep&1'rs • U~~.'."An"lty Cll ub train, partable plug in ra o, 9 $ 6 30 ~ ge es NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS &lrl'• bicycle, boy's bicycle. Call 7x .................... • All makes; tubes, etc. TR 8651 Beacon 531lG-W or 508 W estmln-5x 7 .................... $ 3.50 Beacon 5763 1ter Ave., Newport Heights. 8&-2tp S An T t & A · BURT NORTON ant.a a en wn1ng SCHOOL TEACHER and moth<r FOR SALE - 3 ~n parakeet 915 Cout "'~-. Newm><t 86-2tp ---............... _....,. -::-desire house or apartment to birds $3..00 each. Car cover 13x 1626 So. ltfain Phone 980 23--tfc rent for winter or permanent. :n $14.00. Phone Harbor 494. BS-2tc Sante Ana BS-2tc --. -0-AN--z-_-S_C_H_MID----T--Call Harbor 261 or write Box Carpenter Tools PIANO CO. 7ll6, Balboa bland. 86-tfc Brace and Bit Seta COMPLETE 520 N Main St Stnte Ana QUIET COUPLE desires ooe bed- Hammen, Hand Saws, Etc. HOUSE CLEANING 0 · · room apartment for 2 or 3 ll1B Cout Hiway Ph. Beacon 5007 SERVICE ZENITH console, 7 tubes, attrac-mont.111 only. Starting about S I tive cabinet. Perfect cood. Low middle of November. No children Bayview Builders Ufif:lc Free Estimates pr1.,.,, 928 w . M)Ttle. or pets. Beacon 5779-W. 8$.2tc Just Arrived ..,_ He&rlnf Aid BATT~ _o,...eo. 117 Main SL Pb. Htrbor 5lll IO-t1• HARBOR Plumbing Service BABY o-and. HJgh erade make. ' ~ captain and wife desire Kitchen and Wall Wublnr Used. Now only $485. Terms. furnlahed house. Excellent care Floor Cletnlng and Wuln&' STEINWAY rrand. style B. 'The guaranteed. Leue or rent. Window Cletnlnr Caulking world'• moat wnnderful piano. Sante Ant 4601, Ext. 780. Capt. Palnttnr Used. Stve .,.,.,_thlrd now trom Jones. 84-ftp new today'a p1ce. WART TO RENT-Furnlahed or GOOD -.! practiee piano. Only unfumlahed house, 2 or 3 bed· $69. Or will rent. """" will le-. Phone Harbor GRAND pitML Weber, Stein-707 81-ttc Al's House & Window way, Kimbell, Rawwth, Mehlln $100 REW ARll-For rent for un- Harbor 379-J All Work Guaranteed • • • and many othen. Priced trom fumlahed 2 or 3-bedioom house 11911 New ... t BM!.. Beaccn :I0'8W Clearung Service $585 up. et Corona deJ Mar, or Bay clis- REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY . • REPOSSESSED opine! type mlr-trict unW June L B>ml,_ --.....,.--:-:=-,-------ttc ...,.. piano. A beeuty. Full rich _,., tonrier lat Lt. Inta.ntry Con~ end Suppllea 'ntfc Steel Kitchens tono. Now only $295. T......._ Care flltr. Phone Stnte Ana VENETIAN BLINDS -GI,tSS G1 ASS ENCLOSURES GORGEOUS .,... atyled upholat-1428-M 81).tfc SHOWER POORS SHOWER POORS eftd piano with mirror llJinel APT or SMALL HOUSE •111~ Cllltom Made and Im'4lled Southern Counties t1Po patmt. Wu ~ bl' maa -wife. We do - 0 TIIRE:E-BEDROOM HOME on h. lif acre good soil near Harbor Blvd. This Is the ''lit. v ot the week." Priced at only- $8250 THREE-BEDROOM HOME-Eal side, close to center of city. This bas been paln1 ~ inside. Very nicely landscaped. One-car gara&e Must sell this week. Full price-. $13,200 Income Pro~rty LOT 66x300 FT.-Newport -· Good two-bedroom home Guest house In J'E l.r. Two-car garage. Nicely landlicaped. This Is very good balDe and hnstnesa pniperty. Full pr i:e only- $15,000 B. A. NER 1 SON REAL ESTATE BROKER "--ASSOClATES :noar po!lahlnr and aandlnc equlJ>-for Jorp JTand. WW aell for drlalt or -. no cbOdrm nr -..t for rent Supply Co. baL $2118. pets. Pl>oae Sante Ana 0981 -W · ~~wm~~ .. s.!!.1'~ Pb.51112 1.quna Biid> DANZ-SCIDODT PIANO ro. .. -te Bom: "X" N_...,, 1111- Phil D. SoJonvtn -~·• -Jolm Bondra ~--Phone Betlcoa \ 1972 Newport Blyd. ' ~ ----· --,_ -~.tte 144 Oollt llhd., N . 8'-ltc 530 No. lblD. Sett Ana 8'-tto boa N-..-17-tfc 8'-ltc . .~ ' .. __ \,._ --.. -. -~ .. · -· -~·-·· -~ ... -..... ,-4;} At!TOllO'l'IVE a TIBE8 MOTOR SCOOTER-New Briggs & Stranwn motor. 917 E. Cen- tral. iower east flat. Until 2 p.m. After 2 call at Vaux's 2616 W. Central Ave--Phoae Harbor 636 Kitchen, Balboa. BS-ltc 83-tfe '40 BUICK super &edan SW6060 n&n.a11 a vtty tilc:e, with machinery and SACRIFICE -Lovely 1B ft. '42 equipment tar 4 seperate bull!-trailer (3411461 ). Sea ilree%e VIJ.. neuea or a workahoP, plaatlc, !age, Hunt!Qrton Bead!. 86-2tp woodworking, wall-wuhlna and TRAILl!:RS FOR RENT-Do ;roar auto repelrinr $2175. Private ...., banllnc and marlns. AD party. 526 8th SL, Huntinfton DEW ._._t. '2.21 -'2.IO Betc:h. Pbor>e HB. 4794. 8S-ltp per dQ', We -the bJta. FOR SALE -1937 Cl>ev. pene1 ~ BnJL Senlce Stallm. truck. See Mr. Sanden at Ler· oor. 11tbAN-purtBh¢.,Qilla Ion Hut. 85-3tc -_ #dt A'11Da WD"IW a AVIQ8 WAllJW> • WE NEED Ll\TE MODEL CARS and Will Pa'.y Top Prices !Erl· YOUR CAR NOW WbDt Prtcel.., Hllh A1a1ie far oar wwwllWaa bcoa wbo wll CID lilld ~•!¥, ~ npa-OP.A. f'&""Haow, ci'rs patcm ad &11•1• a(..... . aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET CX> .. lnc. · asu1111 _. 71 *' .A!il .. - _,, ,..,. n• a •o -r.---._ x...es:r n L a• •• 1• JI • . . •Ji -• I • ' .' • ' -·Ps"'11 --- Mi't"'lGq; STORES -·' la" ...... M=mpr • · ' •0 0 Pbl 0 looo 1m xr---.. -1 ._..... o.. II-.•••• ... !' "Home Md Aum SUW1Y S1'ln!9" • Curt H. Bohman The ·n:orunan C9I.I1PaBY . T •••• ·1·1 Pi •• Mll'MIJICD 111 ~ .......,,_ ............... ~ Harold K. Grauel · CHAPEL ·· 111~--· Oooca ·-Calllonda . A. E. Groty-J. A. Groty ·Groty' Appliance f,Q. ~Vfr'ra ... ...,_.,.,_._ Bzz r ... ntl..,Ncwpod ~ ..._,_a.I. • } •'f • ' . John E. Sadleir Real Estate -lilsuran~ --· ~ (lollt. om. I'll. -·-.... °"""* _,.._ 0..-..i -· -· 1'1. • ''W •• ~ F.B.Owen Ne~r:t Souvenir & Gift Shop ' ' GIF"IS OF ALL KINDS · · . J'ii.-Ht&-'w 11• 0eeu ..,_t-Newport; Bss•, <Wit. ' . • HUBaARD HOWE I Prft. ffubbud'a - · Soutb CP.ast QlllJ.PW nuw.o.~--- HEINZ KAISER. Owner ~/f_~rr: tm a 01Mt ~ Besrim Mii Lew H. Wallac:~ Real Estate arid Insurance Broker ' ft 11: Offla8t .... ._ I aen ..._. ·t.m a. w. O.lnil~A.._.Newport: Ban+, Olm. COYE. WATIS Balboa Liquor Store -ir. OOatnl .&-. -I'll. -14---of o...namr -G. B. 11..-...... J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER PILBarllorlW 111• at 0.trU-N-rt -"'On Your Way to Balboa" Broce B. Johnstone at the Sign of the "FLYING BED HORSE" JOHNSTONE SERVICE ........ lft!-J °"""* -. at ltl Ille"-" , · Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J. SINGER, Pn!olclont --·--Ull 0oaM B!Waz:PIL B!I ~ llU Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .• FootwMr for All the Family . • UllN-rt~-.,_., 11!:.cooo -.w Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Nm• -o.az.i --(U .... -)" ' Walter J .. Gerhardt Ha1bor 292-W • . OUR PHOTOGRAPHER 8' -._, A-.-Oww ..i - -L~1>11!neer Davis & Gay Music: <',o. 1111 Nwp:wt m.t.--Cltta 11• Bas r• 1'11'1 &It.._... .. ....... ...... - G. N. Wells _ Real Estate .._,,._11.n . t• 1'6•111 .. :L Olltz--. C... ---- - . , I I FRITZ GOOSSENS Fritz (;ooeppns, owner and proprietor QI the ;Balboa Market, 301 Main street, Balboa, was born ID"V(est f)mders where the tint World War broke up his educatiop and lnt1uenced him to start out on his own In tb,e democracy acrosll the -. · · Coming to Cailfom1a In 1926, he busied hlmselt bl the citrus lndu.my', and while owning property ot his own: took cb8rge of o(her groves aroUnd Anaheim and Santa-Ana. 'Jn 1940 be purdwed a ~ In Los Alamltal ·and managed ~ the 'next four ,Y!81'9 ; then, with a knowledge ol foods behind him, decided to go Into the grocery bnshV!SS. Late bl l!MJ be had purchased a home In Ge.rden prove, where he still lives, although he purchaaed and Is managing the Balboa Market. ·· , Fritz, whose iiobbli!il are his orange ranch In Whittler and growing sielect flowers, Is presl- ·dent ot the Flemish-American Club ot Southern California. Gooesenil was naturallzred In 1927, still has a father, brother and two sisters In the old cowttry. / • · He has three great loves In his llfe--bowll ng, his wife Rose, and his 10..year--Old .in, Freddie, but be has. never ceased being thankful for this country and the opportunities It offers. . I . a.·w-, N-rt -Manapr · Ets-Hokin & Galvan Newport Beach -San Frandsco -Wllmlnston San Diego -Stockton . l:l.EOTBlCIANS PIL -Ml'I 1009 Cout llhd. Beary W. Brainerd Radio S 0 S Electric IOO ~ Ja!UMJ.-l'll. ...._ TllO Pld1oo, o. I:.. u-. -..i, -Jladlo alld AJipll•soe 8enlce 85 t"N 0. Z. Robertson General -Contractor UH Ooaol Bii•""'-del ..... <Jallf. --· ROBERT H. REED Harbor <',old Storage ~ P1Laa. .. M1 GI ..... a-Newport' Ba +, a.at. A. "Sand~ Steiner REALTOR Fnd ... Tt ~ Aw1~atm W e c...t aw4 ...... a1111r llTI "Oluclr'" Smith A Homer Smith. ~ · Balboa ~ntral Market <WM ................ Dslr 0 I !Z) -ir.o..~-nn ' Thomas F. Norton Pl-. BAY SHORE CAfE ..._as ~ 11'&1-tTtll a eia..e: nm ..... ., SERVING 12 NOON TILL 9 P. M. '.1 Alud~ tfEA.TS .SS.rt ...... o.eae-. W 0.*'r' n ·-._ • . • , • -• M~ry's · Bay & Surf Beauty Shpppe Pedia= and lilanlcwing TOI &. Otmtnl e.n.oa ft. llaltMlr u.-1 ~theBarberShol) "WALLIE" G. MARKSITY ··JO NICHOLAS° Sea Shell Cafe .. 1 Eut Ooatnl •t -Ste.a ... 0.0,. la 81an• SeaFooda•tTllolr- Paul Lorentzen Balboa Sportfishing Fleet Pb. llMbor 111 ··aoe ._..._ O'LADYS llEVEllLICY BNl--Beverley Realty <',om~y SIT E. Oeatnl--ft. 11artw 1'711 PaP • Louis Verwey, Prop. Casino Cafe & Cocktail Lounge ,_ 1b1a Street hllMla ft llaftor ,,... Bob Callis . -Clll:ll'Ea&L Pm (PLYDfG llOWPOW•J 11'7 tea St..-Newpwt; I'll. p;"-m ROSS ClftEELEY ''PIK-UP''. Oumel: lqa1n--Crw --__ .,_ _~ ~ ...... -... ------• • Dr. Robert A. Crawford i)pf()MEJ'RISI' -' Ull 1'1•w_,,__.t ~-, 0am. ...... ? •811 DAMIA LOPl'IEN Mrr•r Orkin's Denartin..nt Store ~.~--Pi-~ lntui.-w...,_HrAJcl --·· ., ...... _., __ ~nald l. B"1noii ~-- ~~A_!f~S!:!Afl~ ANTON HERSHEY .. .. ~.·­-·,~~ ·. Braden L Fineh b .... ..,...., 'Oi8 Jifar{-f+t, l'' FjJ).rJf penmies I •• --.•• , I ..Jadt8. FndV. ~'.mll:a~!!M lW •-rwt ......... ..._ lf1 a•• -.w.--<Jiellla. Ji.. .. 1... •• • ' 7 JOSEPH L. MARSHALL . __.. 1w..-M'S .• C2Jristlaii's Hot llalll11-.. ~. --.. Capt. B. J :McNally Mellfallf'•'. . l Palboa ~at Live" ..,. ir. Bay .&.,.;.....n. -"' E. c. ''POP'S" LUDMG . FUN ·ZONE Lupo\ Number Dart Games Oii cm. P1eY Ball wltfl Dolls ' ~ ........ 19"7 .... Herbert F. Kenny 'POSTMASTER W. B. Rowe , Starc:k's Cafe . iht 1'1-...Newport \ ~ Fdtz Goossens -Woody Cooper Balboa Market . • 111-IH. Jack Hamilton ' Beacon Sea Foods 1'SW~ J.lJI <lout lllattwaY'-N-port ll•dt. Os8r. ALLAN DARTFORD The Blue Sails B11a... 8tatluMr1, O&rda. Art 8'ippBw .. Kala St. "-"•• ft.. llu'bor nl i . ... ~ Robert E. Arvin:s lewelen ... d w;.;;;;;r.~ 111 TwmtJ"l1c1ei • ...._ ~ Newport nzz• o.ar. Wl1llam MacCurdy W. H. (Skip) Calkhw : ' Mac:CuJ:~l ~~nS, Inc:. M. E. -· Sec. " 1'lw. Ull 0nM&: mw.,-·N6'fwrt .. Brar• llU -• Lee (J, -PAINTING CONTRACTORS • ..... Dlter a-s.... ~ ... ._ J.E.~a1-e ··- (Owfter) ~' Balboa Motel and WindBor 111 a. 0w1H11 • • .:>:' r •11,-._• oia11z1 .. ••• ft. ........ -• • •••. OIK. .._ .,. ·' .. Bob Allen COUNCILMAN • • s -- - - - -a - - - - - - - - -..... ii~ ... 1¥1&!~1''1 n--.n •.• a11a:ad·t11111--.-. ...-. w .... .,. ,,..." ... ' ....... CllllPt"• -1lillt 15 Mw* aft ... ~ • ll'I .--. Art,_. ... ml -· .... 'Dr_ ,_.P>rto ...Pt-& ., -. Q!dJ -. •"'N. ·! 8 ...... llllf , . Gcllftll. Iii'•'" .. 'lliW'li••l'paomder, -~=:;.=~~~ ---~wit, fr-. l'lii'\-or ilie'tfl''•-_ .. ' ....... -~ ..... llid -.Pt la 21. al -lllhtlns -.. 'lbe Spart Klas bu -lllen--.t11mft •••••••• them O'fW "7 ........ la a.•"---W...71 s ti ..... , wt• . .., 15 ................ . ~~ ...... ore fllh-. howe•er, • ··--... llpOt"1 -Wba -Co·aut. -·-• cllaDCe al ..U,. ptt1111f '*--or ·....uj .. ~ ... "-la:· !l1le 'live -boats. b'd!v alhaol:ft. are allo cH:ldlls .m.n bozTaeuda. IWlbut, .. ·-'N""""""*' '15tli'·atart. e&itf ........ nd ·roc11:· ... fllhtnc ...._.. ... Waterwttch. '• , a., tlllilnl bu re.lly been do-ms ~ Wlth·-ballbut, spoutn ....,._ ,lmd lliDolt beq calJlht. Pier flllhlnc -al 1m•lt and --. · Quite an argument hu. develop- ..i-· 11t -dldN ~ llW'lln ·--welched la at Newawt Harbor. The. bl& oom- Jila!nt Ii that -caueht elae-Wbere ere ~ In by the Bal- -..A""'nc CUii, thus llWdllns tho total ,,.,, caaeht hen!. '.l'his .euon several m a r l i n , welahed In et the Newport Harbor -•-dodr;......, caucl1t In Coro- nador I.olend waten.• Acco<dinc· to the ru1.. and reculet!ons of the •;:t-i; Angllhg aub. thla 1a _. ,.. perm1111b1e. · u -,,.,, ere ca\lllht lecally, the Analen are entitled to buttom and awards of the C!ub. I · • Actually. all the marlin a n d bro'ldhlll causbt by boata flol!I .. out of J:lewpart Harbor are !IQ.I ""lghed In at the Harbor Muter dock. Many boata clo not· haw their fllh ~ In. -the aklppen or lfhclen pre!errinc not to clo ao. • Thia II their prlvllere. but they rilla oulm l"ttinfr me of the bats tom from the Oub, which la a clincher In any argument they set · Into u to whether they calJlht a marlin or not, and 11-a c t u a •I welgbf. -tackle med. . Th-butt/Ins, a OOlll'tay of the Balboa Anslinc Oub, are made out and llsned by Harbor Muter R,... ..n Crala. AD the ·aiiaJer ta put out la the few mlnut .. time takell to· stop' at the dock In Balboa f<* the weighina in. ~ The Balboa Ansllne Club hu dedcled to nm two totalo of marllll broucht In. One total will be local !lsh and the other will be forelp. • But, with th• few f<ftign JDBrlln knocked off the total. one mlllt consider the unttCOl'ded fish, wblch runs the p-and total up to around 250. To get away from any Wiiil ' clalms, the Club la attempting to get all awordflshlng boats to weigh in their fllh. 'The moral of tbll story la that. when you catdt a marlin, wdlh It in at the Harbor Muter dock. ---·--· County Begins Taxing Aircraft I -• Manager Wllnam H. Nichols of the OrB!ll• County airport !"'- nounced Saturday the county's policy of charging for aircraft · pu-klng OD the field WU now eftectlve. Until Saturday no charges were levied against plane9 standing for some time on the field. It wu at the request of the board of au~ that .wayo be found by whlCb ~nue might be derived from permanent ._.. of the lllr-port. • Chairman Wlllil H . Warner of the IM>ard of aujJervlllon said that, at a dleck' Jut week; thtte _wett 93 aaft there. All of -would be subject to "tfectown•• charges, , whlch are ,_ tor openalr park- lnir on a designated section of tlle ftetd • . j Locally-owned alrcraft will pq ,... than will tnnslenta. - the achedule. Parklrig -for cntt of up to 2500 poqndo will> be 50 Clftltll -dQ, '2-50 P8) ,....k er S'l.!ID _. month. Tllli aau. endue!J. ..P..an1 to m P« month fer llianM al ap ~to "10,000 ~. Tranolent pianM Will be tu-.i et rate al '15 C!flltll -cle7. a.l10 --s or-.io -....,.._If. ,... -2500 P"'--a. w1e a1 -iw·wm;;;' 11p to as --far '-"""' erdt. ) thdJnot-"'-. wUI be ~ '5 -moalb far lbt tint- --111acr1 .... -.~'7JIO ,... -lb ,.., ... tlllnl ..... -• _... . ' l • .Does Your House Need Painting? * . No ...aUag. _won lime , ... _..,tety by bl&b1Y lldlled ,,_,_ Palaten. the moat mod- -equlpmm$ ud ftaMt amia·teri.lii&e-daol-._ * . Owued ud operated by World Warn Vetena •?''"'I yoar pEii ;;eezrri good wlll ud patrmegL * Par ~ r.•• sta1 Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Beaa Announcing ... The Appointment of J.B. WOODS As Newport Branch Manager • • We Are Now in a Position to Take ~are of Your Electrical Problems c~ with Know· How! • Exide Batteries C-0 Two Fire Eqpt. Floodlights Anch9r Winches Searchlights Kohler Light Plants KirSten Photoelectric Pilots , • Lighting Fixtures, Fittings • ETS-HOlll & GILVAll .... 4 ... ,., U. Ord~ · IPlun I Br SF Mn • r , , h -.. ._. .. ,Pt ' ' ... ?, .. _. Gl:?sas ._ m .,., r lun*n • lMlr .._ 7 • ........... I e:., .•. R 7 I 7 I • • • • . , TBB 1JORl.D ••• . :.a A~ P.APALMER LIDO ISIE PPCJPBRIIES . ·---w. Q .BUCK-kn.ranee a-.eiar ~1500 ~~ 3333 VI.A. LIDO CAµFOANIA ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA .FOOD SPA Oftnw 'l'Clll ... n ., ..... .. ,._ ... «:r•P Os &7: All New--- Even the Loea*'- • •• ()ne.BElf Jillle Ellllt al ad I.ocaHan cm COll.t BIPW81· Beautiful NeW Cocktail bu . . ,-We Lmd Solllba11 Cdb'llll 111 tlle 9u vq al -SEAFOODS-A'., tOll& ........... .. -var oua &IJC&llh -... 5-'s Sea Food $pa wl"hll.w • -owa SJ c an : w a •1 • . 24-Hour dio· Service A1!TO, 1IAm!IS IOll ... tqJ:D IMPORi ANT CH NG.ES IN ' UNI N PACIFIC 001-•l~·· .. :~.n.~:.--··-· . C.t.1dor- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY · R.LHOLFORD w....-Dnct_.....,.., br. 'WLL• C. w...- ~ml~ tm«W~- Lc --- 'D.l.Y 80BOOL Mortimer School -Oonl .. , ....... DAY llCJIOOL OPF:Nll OCl' 1 EWMKl&Jlf9 ............ D.o: A. V. Andren, M. D, ..-.m•x ~ --W«WB!Pw.,.-t•-- O.-..i- lollll IL (). aaac, .. D. ....,., ... 22121ii 2·' 1°8:30 · -117 _...tmoiot • Bx :w l5075 .111 ... l.M ..... ~-.()ol' .. ! 1-B. Deny, .. D. Phyiddan .. Surgeon' SU llar7M A-, ••11'' I , --- Gordon .. GriiMd;y, .. D. PH!SICL\N and SURGJllON Balbaol Inn Arcade Ottlce Hl'I.: 10-12 a.m.; a.a p.m. ' Phcne~lJT H. R. Hall, M. ·D. l'llJt4t ' .... La n Haun: 2-5, 117 AR>o1J1-t Tllestnw Bx 171• 5811 111 llr I IIWq CJllllia ... -: OOIL Pnp., Anny fir-----------. 0. A. --· II. A., -Ftlfi'll8' ..... ~- DliN'Dltl'll Dr. Obed IAlcas DENTIST llOl\i W. 0..-. -Hit NFiWPOllT BEiACB DB. OOBDON E. UPP DENTIST -w•.o-RU ---.J lll!tGll 11. llazwell, .. D. llll«W-.,. o.-..i- . Ottlce Houri: 10-U; 2-5 --- S. R, Monaco, M. D, 814. Ba1 A-, IWhnp; .. ,_ lTI& Ml a. BID II&., 1..-•••I I TU$mml I!)' Appoln- Gerald' Raua, M. D :2830 Wat Omtr.i Aft.. p SSENGER N-port --·-~ h-·--~ NEWPORT BEACH t TRAI s c HE Du LES 1..--,-... -co-:-8:-:-:...-an:-Llt_e--,1 .. --xs_Ray __ ~...._ _ ___, r-eB Co. T. P. ~. 11. D. -. •-leAlm• n. CMn: • -Wm. L. Splwey, IL D. DON IFiKJllGAN __ ,... .. . ----Aft. ... 1.1W. .., ... ...,, ... lm12•• ~ w: (lea- ~---9rt«z rz a-n. 11,..W EFFECTIVE 0 v e 10'. lr-=oc=· cm=ENT==AL~I L-J~80;;::••=n:1.-=---' uni>~~ oo.; Raab & Bennett • .._ J * For complete i formation, . inquire at any ~ • ion Pacif~ ticket office ••• see your lo:cal ggent. , I • ; •lllll PMZUC llCWP Oli~L .... A MIA ' ' _.....,_.. ,_.. 11..Wlq J.,ICllR:D I &NIWA .. -. .. I a • __ .... 2 7 ,....._ a-..._, __, ~. ._ Kcapu&-.il,. Ollila._ m a ~ &-..... • 21·1'11t •1 •11 w ,__...;......;.. ______ _., • ., •. c , ....... ,, • T' 2 a.Wm '.Harold K. Grauel Chapel "W• Omwlow Ille Blillm ..,. -s wbc ~-Bolt' ~· 77-~ --("'$ 0 ·, ftAJ10 'llUMllJM ... PIANO TEACHW G. v. LIM' --·-Q 3 Ii ..... 0 ° I LS A --... ="·' • ... o !• 7 a 0.ftMMI , .. . a T, B lhclwn-. 0. D. OJ' , M .... ·····-... DUIUG&W. -..za·a1 .. ·ss1 -··--·--=·· - 'Balmt A. Cnw6H .,c•ca a ... I 11,= lllt•ll .... •as ISJ 7 --- • nae RMI 11 a.a Prolt 1'i.-e• Pbw ,.._.Below an I a.ten ot tile Barbor Dl&tild ...S ..., = to r lie lllm'lis......,, ud to -.per.le for Civic-** ud Their Pledge is Your Assurance ol Trustworthy Se ice and Merchandise AOOOUNTANT GEORGE D. B.ASSE'rr Boolleeplq and Tu. 8uTice MC.a W. Ceatn.I • AOOOUNTANT BOOKKEEPING SZRVI'CB ColLo r . Brow:a (Harbor llM) o!l.OOOUNTANrS .A. C. BOl"J'1l.\N Acoount&D.l and [~ Tu. -tl02 ~t4 Harbor 7JB Ne~rt B..ch AOOOUNTANTS .JORN T. CA.S't'l..E B. N. JU.TmfrELD n4 &. Ocean nont H&rbor TJI Balboa. C&llfonUa ACCOUNTANTS ACCO\lnttnc -Aud!Unr BOOKKEEPING S!!RVlC'.m Tu Conault&D.t Jama 0 . P1erc. 1711 Newport Bl•d. ea.ta II.- Phone Beacon U&6-J AOOOUNTANT~~~ J . S. WHt11i lmc:orot Tu. Con.ulta.nt-Autlriorl9ed by the U . 9 . Treuury Dept. to "P-...-nt cll~nt.9 In eonnecUon with la-c:ome ta::s matten. Aud.JU -Sy•tem• -Bookkeeplas .. "'"' omce 1MO Barbor 'B.l•d., Costa lieu. MBPORT8 NEWPORT BAT 8XT BARBOR One mile w.i of eo.ta If-OD lJUI street. eo.ta Kea -FLT- lnatzuctloa -Salu Charter Bente. ANTIQUES BOB "ff D ICX AnUque8 eoucht and Sold Poftlela1D.,s. Glue. Sll•v. Lampe and FUmitUA &0414 W. Cenlnl Ba.tbOr mo Newport~ A7AATMENTS GOSLING AP.ilt'l:MENTS Electric Retr1gen.tloo Prl••t• B&tb.9 411 E. Bay ATenue Harbor dr·R Balboa AllTO 8tJPPLIE8 NEWPORT -BALBOA A.OTO SUPPLY 8clnrtD9 B icycle. Glen W . CODkk 21.08 W. Cetltnl Pbooe 21S2 NeWJ>Ort Beach, caw. BEAUTY SALONS CHABLO'M'E8 BEAUTY SHOP Loil Ott PermaDeat Waffll a SpedaltF IOI State Hls:hway Corona del 11.&t PbOne H&rbor 1521 BIOYOLES BICYCLES Sold, Rented or Repaired VOGEL'S 100 Ka1n St.. Balboa JOB Karin• Ba.lbO& bland BOAT BUILDEB8 a REPAIBS Bterllnc Boat Worb All Types ot :SO.t Bulldl.ac &Dd Repaif9 PaJnUq and Motor Work Saab and Doon Kade to Order 615 Cout Hl&bwaF Bueon i3ll BOAT BUll.DEH8 YORK BOAT CO. Now building a complete line ot atoclt and custom cruisers and CODl-mercl&J bO&t.I 23' to SS'. Barbor BIYd. &Ad W ilton ~! .. ea.ta llleaa Beauon ...,...... ·---··--,,,,, BOAT REPAIR & MAINTEN'OE THE BOHKAN CO. Martne Wap-General Repain and :Malqten&nce '°1 Coe.at Hwy. Phone Bea.con Mil BOAT DEALERS DOUGLAS BOAT a: CANO& CO. Kanutacturera and Dtatrtbulors of Skitta. Paddle ~. Yacht Tenden 2819 W. Central A're. Ph. Har. JIM Newport Beach. C&lU. BU1LDER8 ·CONTRACTOR'S RENTAL EQPT. E'rerytblng tn Machinery for tbe Bulldl"/ Contractor Building an Cabinet 8erTtce DUTCH HEACOCK Pb. Harbor 502 or Beacon ~-W 17th A Sula AD& A.ff .. Coala Meaa CABINET SHOP GORDAN B. :J"INDLA T CA.BINET SHOP Cuatom Made Cablneu 407 30th St. Harbor 2388-J Newport Beacb CONTBACTOB OORSON I: RAT CO. Guenl Contractors Veteran.II, Build.UC fJ>r Vetera.Oll 1215 coral An. Harbor 2447-R Bal-,.,... CONTBACTOBS, Bide· a 0..1 GREENL&.U" A WOLDl:NBERG General Contractors .. w. Central Aft., 'hi. Bar. 2570 Newport·B&Jbo&. CalllernJa CONTRACTORS, Bids. a 0..1 W . P . MJlAl.ft General Contnctor 4f7 Newport BlTd. Btaeoll 1811 "°""' .. _ CONTBACTORS, Bide'· a 0 .. 1 CONRAD SHOOK. Collt.ra.c:tor a:. Builder ID Karine An. Balboa hle Harbol' lOM-J CONTBACTOBS, lad.._ a Ooa1 SOUTH COAST CONM'. CO. lDdu.trlal & G.nen.1 CoutructJon Veteran Houalnl' WALTER B. JOLLOTr W 0out BIYd. Harbor 771 Corona del Ku CONTRACTORS-PAINTING LEE C. BUN Painttna Coatracton Pb. lhrbor 2M5 IOO llaS6I Dr1n • Coroca del Kar, Call!. ' . OONTBACTOBS-PAINTINO B. E . KC'DONALD P&Jnunc-Psper~slas Bnlah or Spray WOl'll SW• LlceMfld 414 Old County Rd.:1 Beacon. 608'1-K .Cir»ta ... CONTBACTOB-PLASTEBINO CHARJ..ZS C. J"IPPS Plutertnct . Cement Contractor lD the Haroor ~ tor 22 Years Banta Ana -0689-1( Beacon 5180-J 600 Se.aT!ew Corona del Kar. Calli. DENTIST CLINTON CAMPBELL ZKERSON 1601 Cout Blcbwa.y Harbor 2230 Corona del Kar APARTMENTS . CUD.DREN'S APPAREL DOUGHNUTS ~ llRS. ARL.t.N!! E . JASPER Cotta.I"••· .Apart.mtDta and Rooma 10l 14th Sl.rett Barbor 230 Newport Be&cb. Cal.IL APARTMENTS KEE..."",;· S BUNGALOW COURT KJtcbea EqutplJl9d ..... ...,.. Harbor~W Balboa AllTO DEALERS IOE NlCKERTI Studet.nr 8&1.. and Bente. Gftiut.ae Pvlll and Aec1•on. Came ln and t•ll u 7U11-t: AutomobU. Trouble• MU W. C..traJ A"·· N.-pt.. a.ca. o!l.llTO lllJ:PADl a !ll:BVIOS CARRELL'B GARA.GJ:l Body and l'tnMr Work -A.mtD Paltlthlc -Motor 0"1taaulhla-~up and Gemral Repalrtas - Wbeel.8 Bal••ced .. W. Ct11tnl An., Neep_'t :a.c:b. PbOM B&rbol' lil-J jl.lJTO lllJ:PADl COST.A. KBS.a. BODY WORD Auto Palntlll.I' Complete BodJ' RepeJrtnc --.At Rauou.W. ~ Newport BIYd. et Walallt IL _...._ .. Al1l'O lll:PADl lllSllVIOS MEWl'ORT AUTO wom ........ Tow len1c9 -Q .. ·--......... ' ..... ,, J:lo7, ...... ';"iiiiill: -... _____ .__ 1'0cpcrt --. W THE BOBBY SHOP Bob and Sally Brown nt E . Central A"e. Ba.lboe. Harbor 1158-W CUD.DREN'S APPAREL 1R. J A.CK a:. .1ll..L Chlldren:a and l nf&nt'• Cloth!AS Up to 8 for Bon and lt for Glrl9 17&11Ai Newport BIYd. co.ta )I- CHiltoPBACTOB DR. P. A. CJUKBERLAIN Palmer~r 'hcbnlq• -EI«trotherap,._ B OISE CA.LLB IN BARBOR A.R&l Ifft r.""eyport BJTd. ea.ta X.. BM.con llSI . (lRIJIOPBACTOB DR. DUL P'. BELL. D. C.. Pb. C. Speda•ta1.q la Gland Dtaorde,._lllale ud r..le Prolitnt• Tt'ouble Q&ltro-lllteadaal CoadlU.:-Hlcll Blood ~N rr.e Coalilul~ PlaolM tor APSll. 107 22nd St. ~ Bartlcr 11M = F ...... CO'M' AGE DO-NUT AND WAFFLE SHOP Donut. a.nd Warne. a Specl&Jt·:r Complete Fountain Se"I~ S()fj Karine AYe. Ba.lb()& Ule Harbor 2872 DRUG STORES HAXPTON'S HARBOR DRUG Coron.a del Mar. OLlltornla MAC PELLETTER'S NEWPORT B'EACH PIU.RlUCT LONNIE VINCENTS BALBOA PH.UtJUCT na m. CeatraJ Telepboa. 1111 J:IJOOTIUCAL DI.118. • sav. BAT l:LllCTRIC Rn1:ad:Jq and R.ebu.ttd.tnc llotora I: a.n.raton Moton ud GeMn.ton tor Sal• 2111 w. Outnl A .... u.r. im-w Jl'l8B BAT SIDE nsa: JUJtXllT Dally Dellft1'7 of ....... .,. llbeU .................. SOoctalU. mll a. a ~ Newport~ u.n-111 FISH ¥Aua:TS Bua. PboM .. ... PlloM - ftANl[ SU 110.R.A _,..,. .......... lrlft_ Beer. WlDe ud &aquon 2t.t Plaoe M....-port 8-da. OallL tiJMCMAJ. Dllll:Cl'Oll ....... JI.A.LT'S JIORTtUKT °""'"' ~ ... -...... tM ..._. ... 1.-b ... • 2 ... Clll<W. ...... o.w...... ttMI'. FURNlT1lllE LUMBlllJl NEEDLES l'URNlTUR& W.&..RD AND HARRINGTON LUJ<BSR jl(), l'Urnttw. ot Quaut,. • !CcoDom)' r Home P"unlablnO . Lwnbv a Bulldlq Kat...tala DU Newport BIYd. ec.t. Kw. B&7 Dtm1ct. Yan! Ph. B•EIOll D1J Beacon 5(B8 611 Cout: BJsbway. At tbe A.rdMla '-~~~~~~~~~~~~--''~~~~~~~~~~~~~..J GARAGE a MAOllINE 8HOP VlltG'S GARAGE Complete Auto It Boat lteJl&lrln.I TEXACO PRODUCTS -;W•lding- 2408 W. Central Harbor ll""W Newport Beach GBOCEaD:S AND MARID:T!I CO'M'LE'S !!A.ST NEWPOB.T IL\RKJ:'r Complete J"ood Katket Grocert.._K..U.-Veptabltis 608 w. Central Balboa ....-.w GBOCl!:RIZ8 AND MABllE'l'8 NEWP<>RT PUBLJC 1URBrr FrMh J'rul~Vegetabl• Qu.aJ.u,. Grocert• and x.u C. I'. LOT, Prop. ' Pboae lll 21115 Ocean Jl'root Newport Bea.c.b · OBOCZRIE8 AND MARJ<ETll THE WAVES GROCERY Open Sunda.y-=ctoeed Tb\U'9d.&y . 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Complete LJne of Grocvtea Plenty ot Beer S500 Cout BWT. -Harbor 2252-J OTZLS ISLAND ROOKS AND APARTllENTS E. C. and Grace Nub 12'1 Apte AH . Balboa tale Bubar m..w hOTEL8 PALISADES HOTEL Roomll &nd Aoa.rtmenU A Scenic Vlew O'rerlooldn& Harbor a: Ocee.n. Open All Year Located at We9tern End of Seariew At"e .. Corona. del Kar Harbor UM BOUSE CLZANER8 AL'S ROUSE a WINDOW CLEANING Complete House Cle&nlbl' Sernoe lncludlnc Wlndowe. J"loon. KJtchen Spra,y PaJnttnc. Roofa, Etc. IOO Tbe Rialto Barbar STt-.J Newport Beach JCZ COMPANJZS BAY VIEW lCE 00. Cubu -Blocb Crushed Joe 173.l Newport Blio~ Beacon 51TJ Costa Meu INSURANCE HARRY FREDERICK l NSURANC!l Protect that Mortgage W ith Iuura.nce 12lS Cout Bl.,d., Hubor 1247-J" Corona del Kar INS URAN CZ RA.BUN INSUR.A.NCI: AGENCY _ ... ,.,_ Auto-Kartne--LlabUlty Com.puiation-Bond.8 1711 Newport Bl't'd. Be&coD 11115-J'. ~ llML CaJlt. •:a:wc•.n ; IL JL 41lVtN DI•• ob, .. ..._ J.-117 CQei1 W•\cb a Jewelry RepUrtac 111 n.d at. Newport BllM:ll .._...,.J Q-RIO BDOPP8 .~ ... Qlfta -·-·-.. .lll -----:----- KACllINE SHOPS 8A11PSON Ju.c:e::mz WORXB Lia11t and R•YJ" JlacbllM W<rlc Sped&llalq ln 1larlne I: Boat 8u.pp1le9 lllM Newport BITd. BeM:oo U01 lllEBCBANT PATROL SJCBVIVE BE.A.CH CM'T llERCIU.NT PATROL 2ICK Ooean Front Newport Beac) Phone Harbor 1"21-R MI!:TAIJJZINO CLARK A BATll8 lnduatri&J a.nd Decorau,.. Metallalns Weldl.ns Speclaliate 508 80th St. Harbor zbe Newport Beach MOORING SlllJlVlCZ C. R. BT.ilT Koor1np lutalled and Repalnid Bou)'11 PaJnted and Lettered Bo&con M46 or Harbor 1891-R For Prompt &e.rnce MOTELS BALBOA MOTEL Reuonable Rate......cle&n Rooma HandF to BW1lne• Di.trtct Open the Year ''Round" SU B. Centnl A". Barbor 128 MOVING a 8TOBAGll: BALBOA' TRA.NSP'ER 00. Padinir-CraUq-Sb.Jppiq BOAT MOVING 1501 W . Cenlral Pb. H. ru6 NURSER!' SCHOOLS BMrISLE NURSERY SCHOOL 117 llarhie At"e. Barbor 744-R P . O. Bos 68t, Balboa r.l&nd OPTOMETRISTS Eyu Ex&mlned--GIUMI Repaired ERNEST T. BUTTER\\'ORTH. O. D. Optotoetrtat !lllf W. Central Newport Beach Harbor 2511 PAINTING a DZCOBATING , R.. E. ANDER80N CONTIU.crGR ~ A Waterprooftq CALL BEACON fl180-J ......... ....... • ...... J.1111 -- qooa lrftW .... _. ... • .,...,.. -Ll-111 lllOP ...... .um ........ I>. • ...... ., z.•:.!1111•• wtw ma..t_. • ., • .._. wr.r.y p•tMD., o.w-0.-...... 1'IO ""'I:... ..... ---QITe -a .. ..., P ECJANS • 8UllGll:ON8 JOHN K. C. CHUNQ, II. D . Pb.Y'lk1a.n and &lrpc)D r -4, 1-8ol0..:::.,:T~­ I:. 11th St. ea.ta 11.._ Callt SICIANS a 81111GZON8 A. G. HUGHES, IL D. N~rt BlTd. a.ooa 1111 :a.tdenoe Beacon 5177 Cooto .. _ P SICJANS a 8UBGll:ON8 DR. W. T. llOONZT X Ray Senice Ninth and C.tral ewport 8-c.b, Cal., Call Bar. 6" P SICJANS a SUROIOONl!I I G. N . PEASJD, I(. D. I ' Conw.lt&Uon DI~ Boura by Appointment ru Pactnc Dr. Coroca del JlaJ' B.&rbor 21511-..1 SICIANS a SUROZONS GERALD RA.USA, ·II. D. w. Central AYe. Newport Bc:h. Phooe Bubor 1028 0 TEACHER G. V. LINSE'NBAR Teacher of Pt&n.o I: Hannoney OcM.n Front Harbor llD-W Newport Beach itUMBINO a BEATING H. B. HOLBROOK aoo Cout Bliod. Newport Beach Pbooe Bubor 1'18-W Cl'IT POULTRY JURJCET u.,e Poultry and R&bblta 10 W. Centn.I A ... e., Newport Bch. Phone Harbor 1106 "HAP" LONG'S RABBITRY Rabbit.I Df'e89ed 0..111' -Per Your Order-- Phone Orden1 Accepte4 . et 16th and Ttatln.. Beacon 5611 10 SALES a SEllVIOE Immedlatfl Dell•ery on llartne Radiotelephone. a.nd Reoel•en J . K . BROWN COMPANY 5263-W UlSI Cout W-Wa.y 10 SALZS a SZRVICZ 8.0.S. RADIO ELEC"I:RIC AND I'SLAND RECORD SHOP !l>o>~u r Kakea Home a: Auto Radloe. Corr:iplele Line "or Records Marlne ATe, , Harbor '180 Bal bo& lalaad 10 SlllJlVlCZ-MABINZ JiUJUNll RADIO SDVICI: A. K. HERTS -TeclmlclUI Radio KOD.ltorblc Semce FreQUttcy cbecb A CallbraUom Two-Wa,. cab Rad.lo Semce 174' S .15th St. Newport Jll»..W "°""' - JO S.ll.1:8 a SDVICS TRON.A.RT lac. Radio-ElectroniCll 8oaA4 ..... """..,., .. Marlne and Domestk: ft. U. UU-K llOl W. O..tnl Newport ll9adl. caut. 1:8TATll: P. G. BALATON ~TOR ~ A.c:n 2 aou.. aooo ~.&ere I Baum ,........,. Bl>d. ---11.llOO I .A.crw Bou.et Ccnal. 8'abi. 11.000 -........... llhd.. 0.-. -a..ma Ul'.D·W ' •z41. ES'l'ATE HillBOR ~ 00. ...., .... SOoctallol ... -........... Bnmrw and ~tal IOtb at w .. c.ntrat. ,...,..rt -PboM ll&tbor lmG-llOl 8 E.U. ESTATE H. K . LANI: REALTOR . ln-••"'-rt.Y $2700. P50 per month u ............. ~ lan4:-=J,l.llOO IO ft. Oil Oceui at 0 1500 Jl'!M building Site ' in Corona del Mar • l .MIO 2oolS Court ......... Barbor Ml llZAL l:ST&Tll: 1. K . VUJJ!!R R&&LTOR 15th e.nd Centnl Harbor H42 Newport BMcb , UAI. ESTATE WILL14K W. SANJ'ORD Re&ltor a.nd Gene.raJ rnauranc. G&RTRODE 4.. W.ll.DRON IOI Karine Aft. Balboa We Harbor 234-R . BEFIUGERATION REJ'RIG&RATION Salem: .. Senkie Dom.Uc Commerclal NEWPORT ELEC. APPLUNCB -RadJ~ 2306 Coast Bl't'd. Ph. 21.SS Newport BMch, Calif. RZSTo!l.UBANTS a CAFl!lS BLOB ROOK Chan:oal Broiled Ste&b. J'1JM ~ .Cocktalla "RUSS" BWEETSER at the Otp.n -Palm, Balbocl. -Barbot' m4I RZSTAUBANTS THE DOLL HOOD of B&JOO. Open tbe Year Around llEllTAUBANTS .& CAFl!lS KINGS LANDING A CU"a BpedalbJ.as' ln all K1Dda ol -Food Ill n.t NeW'J)Ort n.cb. Harbor 1Q4 LA POBTA Delidoue lllu..tcan J'oo4- 2518 Newport B1Yd, Beacon IM1 "°""' .... RESTAURANTS .. CAFl!lS NEWPORT CA.Fil Speclalldng In Family Trad•. Good Old Home Coo~ 110 McFaddn Pl. Barbor 119l-W BZSTAUllANTS a CAFl!lS Speclalialns ID s,e., l'oeda A 8i.b NORTON'S BAY SH ORE Cil'll 17th BL and Cout H'WJ". :S.. ISTf.6 Newport Bea.ch. Cal.lfonala BZllTAUBANT a CAFE wmT1:·a PlelUt .A.ff ~ :&a.D.qmt Boom .&....nu .. .......,. ... ::---- llEo!l rooll8 P'.&L.U>Ilfl ~ ..x>1> 00. ~1 )"UIRft • Whd-!e 1'111111 -·~ Pit.Ber.• ,._,,... -Ooll<. Dro!l.'l'S _.. nADOn OBA••• 4JQ) JU.U..0.. ,, WI.TT .&M> IHtWIWi CD. ,,,, .. A • "'O lli.Acn .. ._ .... o __ .__..., .. .M:N I....--,_ _,.. ,__ "'II .... ,_.... j( ? ... ~ -p ~ ...... ~ • IV...... T ... 1111 ' VIOS 8To!l.TION8 ISLAND SR'l!tJ. BTA.TIOlf Th'9-Lu~Ba.t-­ W-•ns-Ttre -\ Wbeel ......... 117 Karl.De Aft. Ha.rbor au..w Balboa t.l&Dd 811A'T KE'l'AL OmND.AL BHEWr MST.l.L WU. _, ... ..-..,.. ......... lndulttrtaJ-BWldlas Ou.tter and no,,. Spouta .... Vlllo w.,., ....._._li&l.J 810NS m:NZDICT TB:S SICN JUN 20 y_,.. ln the Barbor ...,_ 8Doclollslnc 1n Gold 1-1 IA<...._ W.U Letteriq, Wllldow Letteriaj 'PerfectJoll Ol' a.·· '27 Nat'CJ..mWI 4.._ B&J1xlr 17 Corona del Kar SIGNS L. W. PIDC& ""°'Tthlnc ... 8liu la Y-.n la ~ C:OU.t;y Lloe.n.d State COntnctor -.~.J Coot& - 81GNS TOK RUNXI.a-81GN8 B1cm Sbocarde-"oet• lAtt....t Harbor 2222 ;;/Na BaJ.bo&, C&illOl'Dia 8POBT8WZAB SA. WYER SPORT SHOP lren a.nd BoJ"• Spo~ Complfte Line of Habed ... .., JOT KarlM 4n. Balboa IM Barbor m . STOCK8 a BONns .. LllBTSR 6 CO, omborLoo.t.an!•---w. Centnl JI.ft.. ,...._. ..... T.t. Barbot 111W DEAN W. CillPBSLJ.. OOL!N W. TR.A. VD.a B-Oltlce, at 8. -a, Lo. .A.apl• 11 - TAOKLll: 8TOU:S NICWP()RT T4cxt.al l'I'OBm Kenn...,.. TAXI 8ZBV1CZ B..t.LBOA. CIRCLI: TAXI Sernac the Newport Barbor ...,_ 34-Hour ReUable &erTIM lGOl W . Central A're. Har, QI) J'lfewport Beach T.&XI. Pbou :S.OOC. AM NEWPORT -COSTA 1D184 TA.XI CO. &sent Santa re Tn.t.1...,._ IOO Cout -T tJPBOLSTl:BIN'G CLAUD• .A.. 10HNBON Tollon4U~ Tom P9nona1 8aU.tactk:e --Newport BlTd. Bea. 1117-W TBB IB.U>S llllOP · £av V:rrrtkD BltD4I Woo4 or Alne1 WWW I 111 JCltJl l!lt. Bu1Jcr Jm.W' ~~ .... VEIOlTlAlr llLllmll I • ... l!Ml i?.M'6 00. Al-•-.... Weodi ass..,•= 1 r nw ...... _ Call lw .......... - -"!::-&t.t .... -~.,_ me I • • . . • Goc4 •-JlmW' I. Newpon Beach G.S. P.T .A. to Present H b' F' · • • · A • • · Des&en Bridge of Mrs. Si)encer Tracy on Evening Program ar or em1n1ne ct v· ·1t1es St. James Auxiliary· · ~-.:l"= ":i!. a1 •-Proves Gay Affair 111ot1ac wee 11n. n .... ,., -......., Jlotbnoa· al the Newpcrt held In Newpmt Bncb cGnwr d Beacts Gnmmar llCbool CuncrLW 9dlool. audfturl111m; Mn. Ftmter. A+-ta; lltw. ,,._ al Puentw and TNCben met Fri· .Mein objeetl'1e fer tbe two -t· ""'-13 and 2mj + 8y ~ed a.rtJre + Phaae 1637-R Held n.modQo at e.Iboa Yacht and Mn. Nleuw!)w, --; . I day nrnlnc. u-. al the New· !no,... fer roam motben to INm club, tbe -al a -or des-Mn. Gq, tablea -Kn.-S.C.) .. part -at the -ot Mn. their clutieo, to arnnce for -B d El A d Ebel) Cl b Sell H 1 -Osb .Bo N la d art brldau to bo Clvm durinc --Dnke, h•ond avenuo with 25 pre--a1 the vartoua CPT-1-ri e-eCt onore u s o stein um y cw n the :reor by t11e w ...... ·s .t.W!lllar71 ;-----------., ...,t and u-. of the Con>na de! 1nca c1ur1na the _. ond to p1an At Linen Shower Fruit Cakes Again Betrothal Announced Cel · brates Birthday al St. J..._ ;EpbcopaJ murc1t /Ii~-.I// Mar -at the 11crne or Mra. Ottistmu ~ and ..-n i.JJa llrOYed a ll!Olt llUOoeaflll affair. WUllaml, :!05 Ncrtb Bai Front. for the different -""""" at H•1d Friday evenlnc at the Th<loe woodetlul fruit cakes IO Dr. and Mn. John Neloon Neill An . Hallowe'en &now..'<n docmatlom of paper with 25 preaent. Otrlatmu time. home ot Mra. Uoyd Wade, West-widely -all avtt Southern Ooburn of Loo An&el .. and 19 Bay stream.rs and pumpklm made the Mn.. Edgar Hill, president, Mn. When the iucceuful membenhlp minater aW'nue Newport Heights California and which are made by Island. Balboa announce the en-more that very apedal clubroom cay, and centert.na t..M Wllburnu·~ Buck, ae<:retary and Mrs. ~= wtlu conrc1.-1100 ~~ lat a linen --•-'honored Mia peg'. Mrs. J-i>hJne OU. of Arcadia, gacenent of iheir daughter AM ~!'~ arrlof vedMr fandor ~Y MN~: ~\>!ea ==: _ _!lri..,. t_.i with J ~-. ~ Heaoock, publicity chair· .. .,.tra on ° 0~~~. gje Nielsen of Newport Beach, wlJI again be aold by Ebeli dub Neloon to William Stevena Ho!-~-aon · ~. ~a '=""' ~,-tbemums. The des-!!""'-attatde):I both aesslons or the waa reported, for the 1094 stud-Whose marriage to Willard Ber· memben, returns going to their ateln, aon of Mr. and Mn. George New d of Newpcrt Heights and sert coorae feal!Jre<I pumpkin pie kaff .. klatcli:\ Plans were made enta In the two llcltoO!o. tulelt la to be a November event. bulding fund Although making Meade Holstein of 212 Udo Nord. W afternoon he celebrat· with wh!iJped cream, salted nuta far the ''Fathers Night" program 1be next executive board meet· H the ahower w~ only a few cents 00 each cake, Newport Beach. ed eJg!ith . anmven.az:y with and col'fee. ot Nov. 18 when Mrs. Spencer Ing will be held Nov. 13 at the th °"':,,&ID! Margw th lut year they cleared $238. A la th erandd&ughl of the gues, couung m Halloween "°"" a.a,,... _,.. oold on three pairs '• Tracy wlJI talk on "Teaching the home of Mra. Hav!Lmd G. Hogen, d e t f Mn ~ de and ~ Cakes are even better tbla year !ale DDGov ._ of Callfor:J WU of nylon -· winners being Mra. Deal", telling of personal exper-Udo Isle. It wu silo announced Jaugh er~ ~: of Newport IC poalble full of nuta aod j frul.,; 11 D ~pi>ena Willi ai. .i.:; ~ games on the lawn, Arnold, Mn. Blum and Mrs. Scboy. lences ID her clinic and with her that Boy Sc:outa of Pack 105, B•::: h. Hallowe'en de<oratlom of all kinds, and will keep lndefl· ":.i..;., of the late ,;:.-George with cturea !&ken or the !tm and er, wltlle wlnDen ot three pounds own son. ~ ~.OM of the lmpor· sponsored by the CPT. will hold addlod a festive note and ga.rnb. nJtely. Orden are being taken by :eade Holstein Sr~ a.od. alao of aft arda everyone went into the of Crisco wt!r'e Mia Grace Key tant meetings al the year and ID· their next Pack meeting Friday pied th ev<nln with ftRt Mrs. Victor Graoe, Harbor 4114 and Mn. Noah C. Barnhart ot Plain-where pr ... nu were opened. and Mrs. Pbll -It. vltatl<Jbl 'are 'beln& laauod to all evenlnc. Nov. 15. at the Newpcrt = going 'io Mra. ~a Mc-by Mrs. K. v. Dilts ot 210. Onyx field. New Jeney came the bl& cake, doc>xated Door ~ ..,..t to the Ma- PTAa (or CPl'I u the new rulln& Beach adtool auditorium. Gowen and Miu Peale Mickel• avenue, Balboo Island, Harblr 669. AM la a ~le of. Var I· anln>ala or a me!T)'·&<>-round -Stella Rom, L. L. Isbell, would make It) ID the aJU11ty to wait taklnc the booby prize. The I borough and the Unlwnlty al c.J. with yellow candleo. Sidney Blackbeard, Mabel Hom, attend tbla ..-ting, -will be Ledpr -at N-nm.. door prize WU woo by Miu C&rol Buffet Luncheon for !fontla at Berkley. She Is a Kappa . _..., a1IO chocolate Ice E. L. .. _. Marlon ~ P . v. ere~ cones. Hallowe'en oookiel Pukes, Harry Burdick,, Harry "Cap'n" . Don • If we do nol MV( ic, ""' ~· ii, you ,.., We.&..8-•-Y-lal1-- llU N. -BL AJocue Jllds. -ta .ba ..._ - -WI!-111..i.. -IAo A.,.- Woldenberc. Ebell Drama Section Alpha Theta, havlnc -.. l'n!al· and or ravon, paper hats aod to Weloh. Ilonalcl Hall, Willard Kil· Th-present M!tt the Mes-~~ of her chapter '°" two years. help 00& the fun whist!" lion, Betty Watson, Kathleen dame& Howard Gen1a1t Uoyd wllllam Is a graduate or Har· l • • Wade. Virginia McGow.;., D 011 Mra. 0 · T. Johmon entertained vard Scbool and after llel'Vln& three Y guests 1nc1.-Roy and Cub Scout Pack 11 O Bertulelt Al Hadley w A. Ber· memben of the drama aectlon of. yean ID the Army la completing S Daniela, Howard Mitchel, tulelt Keeler Ba.;.,n, · Orlando the Ebell dub at a buffet lunch-Illa education al p;_,... OolJece. w e and Darlene McManl&al, To Hold First Meet Br~ and Jack Boyd· the Mlaea eon at her home on 2lat street No date hu been aet for the and Belly Hemstreet. Dlck- Shlrley Hann. Mar~e Muon, r<a!ntly with 25 present. Yellow wedding but It wl}I take place next le adfleld, SwutY and Glady& First Pack meeting of CUb Scout Carol Woldenberg, Verna Nleloen, chryaanthemwY!I and the I as t spring. Be • Gary Fields, c.Jvln, Violet, Pack 110, aponaored. by the New- Pegg:le M.icklewalt and from Ar· uten of fall made the floral deo-la and Madeline West,. Allen part Beach Grammar IChool Con· cadla, the Mluea 'Joy ond Clarie orations. ' Den Mothers of . Peyton, Robert and er-olParenta_IDdTeachen,wlll Stelnbauah. Sendinc glCta but un-Mn. Florence Morrla, aoctlon Reed. Dorla McFarland. Mar-be held Friday even1ng, Nov. 8 at able lo attend were Mra. H. w.,.. leader, presided at the meotlnc. Cub Pack 110 Nonnan, Patty Parken, Jan the auditorium of the Corona de! aell, South Puadena: Mary Lou ~ .. :!~-gave~ ~':J T 0 Meet Thursday ,BarbarTerry MlllderDI, ckyLarryM Cou-Mar achool, 'accordlnc to plans to Manhall, Stockton; Mn. Mabel a an umon, be completed at a meeting of Oen e<Uta"'°'' ~ DaM' • Combination' Dinnen Ulve, Mrs. Vaux White and Mrs. Mrs. Gooken gave a vocal IOlo, S ey and Garry Farwell, Bobby Jilothen and troop committeemen r ----------------------., I Norman Nlelaen. accompained at the piano by Mn. Den Mothen of CUb Scout Pack Hin" ens, Kenneth and Bobby New· and which will be held at 7 :30 p.m. Constance Jayred 105 will hold a meeting at 10 a.m. lan4 Wednesday evening at the hotne Newud Uam ' Fourth Street and Syeamore SANTA ANA COLOGNE PLUS BY HARTNELL .•. Gay Glitter Colope 11 a highly concentrated cologne plw. ·A true cologne aactlymatchod to the perfume. 12.75to 116,plua tas. Toiletries • • • Street Floor Up in the Air RAVI: YOU JOINED! Thunday, Nov. 7 at the home of then who helped Mra. New· of the chairman G<!orge Guthrie Mrs. R 0 . Boyvey, 1139 West I entertain the group were 115 Top.u avenu~ Balboa Island ' Seafood Specialties Chief occupation of George Con-Headquarters for the member· Central ,avenue, when plans will Beatty, Mn. Virginia Backus At thia time ~ut workers wi.ll be made for the Pack meeting to and Mn. Elaine McManlgal. ' meet · the new CUbmuter, Les PW - way, 319 Poinsettia street, Corona ship campaign tor the newly or· del Mu, lut week was borrowing ganized Newport Harbor Concert baby gear-bauinette and other association have been opened in essentials-for the expected hel:r, ih1e office of Joseph A. Beek, born Oct. 24 In St. Joseph hospital, Ferry Landing, Balbc>t bland. be held at Newport Beach Gram-Perry of Corona de! Mar, who will BE AC 0 N mar school auditorium on Nov. H b S CJ l) ealde 15 at 7 ,30 p.m. The Pack la apon· r or tamp U pr at the Pack meeting, and 5 4 6 5 sored by the school eon~ of R sumes Activities =.=.rk tor the year will be '----'--------_. Parents and Teachen. turned out to be twins, Gregory Ir-----------------------and Stephen. One weighed five pounds, fiv ounces and the other was six pounds even. Father hasn't come to earth yet, his friends say. Mama Helen and one twin came home last week, the other twin staying in the hospital for a few days longer. Book Review on Program for St. James Auxiliary Mn. James McCraken of Gar· den Grove wtll review "From the Top of the Stairs" by Gretchen F indletter, daughter of Walter Damrosch, at the next meeting of t he Women's Auxiliary of St. James Episcopal church, to be held at 2 p.m . Thursday, Nov. 14 at the home of Mrs. Dixon Smith, 1Z1 Abalone avenue, Balboa Island. Assisting hostesses will be Mn. Walter Hitchman and Mrs. Oark. Mrs. M. L. Keeler, newly elected ·Cooler w·eather Demands Woolens ... Note the push-up sleeves and the soft fullness ... then make a note to in- clude this frock in your winter wardrobe. ORKors· Department Store 1793 Newport Blvd. Costa Ill- president, wUJ be in charge ot the l :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ meeting. Mrs. Keller takes the place of Mrs. George B. Devenish, who left last week to join her hus- band in Virginia. 'Double Events I Offered Members 'Of Concert Series A last·minute anouncement has been received by the committee working for the Columbia Concert K. Petty (!)~ __ _ embers of the Harbor Stamp have been searching for some for a place in which to hold nga and Capt. J . A. Beek bu kind enough to otter the use · office at the ferry building boa Island, ao that from on meetings will be held as on tbe first and thiJ'd. Thurs· evenings of each month. Street ess of the office is 410 South Front. ith Kent Hitchcock resiginlng fro the presidency, J . 0 . Jenklna has been elected new presi&!lt. Th next meeting Will be on ThUJ'l- da of this week. White House Cate Placme 1181 LIP,Pa ....... C&llf. WE WELCOME YOU 'l'O OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT (30 • 60 • 90 Days) llubro'• mvtte ,,.,. to om:ne Ill and open a <harp account. Our -are Mll!Plete with the ill-atyla of l.adlea' nae Apparel. Na"oa"'!Jr .&clverfiaed READY. TO. Wll&B !18 WEST •th ST. PHONE IHI SM>re Boan: Dally lneludlng Sa&urday · 9:SO A. IL to 5:SO P. IL -----------------------· aeries at Newport Beach, and it is INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIM.INATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. ·YSIDE PLATING CO. WE INVITE YOU TO CX>ME IN AND SEE 'OUR DISPLAY OF DIAMONDS IN INDI· VIDUALLY DESIGNED MOUNTINGS . . ALSO OUR LARGE (X)I J :FC110N OF LOOSE S'IONES. • • . . , . ~ No. lfaln St. SANTAANA , le8.rned t h a t memben holding ticketli to the local series of con- cer ts wUJ be able to also use their membership to attend the series at Fullerton, at no extra cost. Billed on the Fullerton program are Bidu Sayao, channing Brazil- ian soprano; Rudolph Firkusny, brilliant Czech pianist; Carroll 429 Glenneyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours· 10to5 on Tues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 3604 Glenn, lovely young American ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ii:iii~ violinist and the 88J'y ensemble, with a diversified program. Member. of the committee head- ing the membership drive, wJlic.h clDaes Friday of this v.•ffk, are~ Louile Ahrendt, Mrs. J a m e s llarrett, Mrs. Joseph Beek, Mn. Arthur Best. Mrs. Blackbeard, Mn. Nado Herb Brown, Mr. Nado Herb Brown, Mr. and Mn. Boet· tcher, F. D. Blower, E. R. Cou.er, Helen Couser, Mn. Vlrclnl• Castle, Harold Ahrendt, R. R. Deaver, Sydney Davidson, H. O. Ensign, ,,,..,._ Mrs. Eutman, Mr. 0and Mn. F .. ly, Braden Finch, Mra. V. F . Grace, Ed Goodell, Mara:aret Heidenreich, Mrs. W . H. ffitcbman, E. M. Hor- vey, Mn. Florence Helletz., Mrs. Howe, Marlon Hod&klnoon, Marie Heiboch, Mrs. Rob't. J ayred Mra. • J aool>oen, Howard Lagerqulat. Mn. . How· ard Lagerqulat. Everett Moma, Mr. Mortimer, Mra. John Miller, Mrs. Bruce lldlride, Mn. Sally l'eytcn, 0 . B. Reed, llev. and Mn. Herbert C. Roth, Jay Jane Robin- -Ewntt Rea, Walter S!>i(lor, Mia Marsaret Schade, D I x I e Smith. ~ Sbenifb, James Steffeneen Jr., Mn. Jameo Stef· fenaen, Mn. Neille Shook, Mn. Dorothy Sutherland. 1.,...,.. Vbt- oent. Roland Wrlsht. Geo. Wheat. G. H. Yanllq Jr, Mn. G. H . Yardley Jr, Mn. SW!ley Otamb. ... ond Cln!Clll Sawin. Legion CaDa Meetiq A apodal meet1111i al Newport Rarbar r.t 291 "' the -IASlon will bo beld at the Hut WedneO'IQ aiPt to -!lnaJ piano fer the Ar-IlQ' parade ll4W.4t11St. ~ .... 1888 PASADENA LONG BRACH B If. D ·1 ft. .,_ I 1111 .. -.t.-' a. - Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silver&miths • • • All Work Guaranteed Esthnates on-Wholesale Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD Savka -Antique ft11W.1nc -Trqidem • .Jewelry • ~ndelabn Re&don • Blo:tbrtan ~ • e.i.y Shea • Onmlai llarine , Platims • BMpa llJld Saawealn I -' ' 81111 a 1111, ~ .......... Mel • . . '<»•• w•· WDti'B .&- mt· ...... c.a. -• ...,, , . andp ...... ~ 1 1.----------------:""~-""'~~!""--.................. 11 .... .;. ............... "'!" ..... -..... ;;;.;..;..; .......... ~ ........................ , ' • ' • •