HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-07 - Newport Balboa News Times• -11r SAID C,1A B · ., • ..... 1 Ta.r •••••• -... i:..:~t 2 ..,._., ..... ..... -*' '97 .. •zar ,•xa1 , .... -. • • , • .NEWPORT ~ BAP BOA PF.NINSUl.A, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SH COLONY, IJOO ISl.S. • • ...., •• 01 .. •••'\' ........ .. r '11 • • .... -.. Qr 5 ••• SAM rounmmwm 0 41UG&lllA. *WMDU Mt1••sS IT -• SIC()()ND GU!l)!lQNG E\'ell v'zwid tbrougb the ex· b••M"ly youtbfu1 optlca ot tills Interim Crabber, aome Interesting facts pertaining to the recent slam-barn eJec. tlon stick out like the chin In unofficial Vau n Elected · Harry's lap and need very little of this oolumn's usual CA Mesan' s Over · Kanagy Eslirrfated at . 218 Bttle doubt In this JnRllhle Upwudo ol 3100 dlbeno in the wa-. Or a a 1 • cme•s mind, that the vets had Muaick Led EllloU in 10 Coata Meea t'!J !!;~~ ~ m:; th a u..o.n maJao::lv, I.atter Rollecl Up C.rfartUle ~ in 11 ~tytosay1nanc1~ Plaeesad.BeldMarainainllofN d'-mmed -· u . .s. F~ ~i:;: Newport Bead: Pr&Jnefa Until Vaasha • ...., aquabble ............... »-.-L 13 v · • · s-tor WWlam F.-~ tor rrom the <>nnae F.cJiPeed Ilia Comat ia AD Nine c.o.ta Meaa to the retams, they IBld It.· uw:at T Olin&' C.enten in Sarprue Race OaldaNI Rajubllcoa, CODllnlled hlo -·-vt ~Y-28,S57 to PrecindB, ...._.._.._..._.Showa . -· .JusthowmuchwMiethevet-U1J&•HPotwlnninsvoteo.,.....hll "-----Leads _ --•--·-had In ., __ , -.., 11 •-. -.a-,.... "l•w -,.._ llloltaolb opponent, WW~ lr ee. .. ir """'5a-• ~tbeib:;'_,.naand""'!'."~~ .,., IP aOlnn"ll•P ·-.-11o1:aOoa1a _ _. HlllsDomocraL • .0ppon·ent·Almoet lS,520. -1' ...... , 5 --u--,.-· •-uN~z: uuw .le&'-uuw ~ lfw,..1 ..... p t & Ill Mt a , hll rw for De etnce of •' lff _,.-..,i_ al voten in the ea.ta --,.. ~ ol ~---• C' -___: " d&t ouJd -· .. 0 . m -.. StatewSl:Sf! Cl'K ..... retwm pft · "'--to On F• a •• y1 -...- ....,., W carry~--• p e1 aq a 9, -.1. ,.0 e ~ .. d ~~~rFI:~ -"°'-.. n .. •,_s rlL =: !.!f,• . .,, •°" -=· •!!:°•m _ .. -Olf -a inoot point tlJH!d about TMonlJ'.two..-..U ..... -wAR HERO ~~'"=-and R<icen . • ca ~· •u• ---n --.. -.. ---.. tiefore the elections by the to hlo .,., •wnt, Sba11tf J-L Both .-....., -are ,.._, ~ .. Jobn PhlllJpo, J!annl111 Res qu~ 1980 votes. • -pw Vauctm 1219 politlcal obeervers and anal-Elliott, --Predn.."l No. papa-~ la .... pabllcan, UC<ll'ed a trhmlplwlt Vic>-10 predncto &aft PLAI . MEET .-~t --blm'12D ,.m. I ~ that point la 4 and Newport Bftdl PNi:mCt No. poblloher ol Tho O&ldud ™-f«Y .,..... Ray Adkin...,. Lacuna Wa and Furqubar 685, lor a _..,., 2512 - mettled and the qulcki!r that ~t'• ~171n-~ --IS PA I A I E and R<icen fa ~ ol Tho -Democrat, l.w reselection to w Beam and ito .... . -Coot&N ·~-~~ Kanqy 174 ~realizes that the re-,.._, -_, •v-Bevttly Hlllo Qtben-<nay haft c:oncrea on lolondoy. Watson l51S and -~•port~ cave blm l&:IO tumlng war veteran Is a h1o ... in the -precinct run a cl-race throuctoout the Phllllpo polled 29,718 ballot. .. uhar 1275. FOR BRIDLE lorv!::' ~ 2!" ~ ~ ~P ~wtehai°tcieesthase~ :M;-ck~theaN~H~_::_~~ct! MARSHAL f;j·_;,;:=~;.:'5 :1E~~:n:= fa 1?~~!.: ' ' · ~ = ... »:-~ ;::n!: ~ ... ~ the • ....,,.,quiclcer·--, ....... ~--u· one of the 23 predncto. over his opp>neat in the June prls PATH ' TALI ~~~~in~~ this cowrtry will emerge majorlcy of 875 over his opponent. Tile' Oakland Republican cap-~po held a oommandlns lead ·--... .._ from th& post,war lethargy vof:"':.:~~!"~ck v~~ Carence B. (Whitey) Craft, the ~ :!~ch ball.:u: .::" ii.: in 22 Newport Harbor dfatrtct> STA llE8A · ~.:... ~ ~ tbe In which It has fallen. Nowport Beach cave Muolck 1655 fireball "hero of Hen Hill" in Old, M.... polltna pl,,_, whtle his opponent Fwq..-w-'Ibe YOte by predncts followo: He (the veteran) eYfdent-votes and Elliott earnered 1396 nawa'a blttereot battle, and the n.e Beverly Hiiia Domocrat led in only one other precinct, this Pre. 1 .... .. ........ _ ... 60 11!1 WESl'MlNSTER. N~ 7 -A OOllTA .aa Jy wun't satistled with the voteo. country's only ConCttU!onal MOdal scooped up 1615 votes, 891 in Couta the Paularlno school vottna-~rea, Per. 2 -----------· 82 121 campalgntr'"' ,._!~ ~~ ~ V-•aaa17 coontry to which~ returned 'lbelr votes by predncto: ' ot Honor winner in this war, will ~:;4 and 724 in Newport Beech ~';: 1~~ :~!t~":.; :::::· ! ·-· ·--·-·-·-· '10 ~~· bo I.~;t ';~.,I..;::: Pre. 1 ..'.._. ___ . ____ ~ 92 and the way !ta affairs OOSTA lo:8A be grand manhal of the county'o · in the hubor dlstrtct in N..........., ~· • ·-· ----·------· 8392 mmie meet;n• at 8 p.m. b•o;t Pre. 2 --------· 116 111 (mainly domestic) were be--•utd< ~~:a~ance parade ~Dougl~e:.'" r::; Angeles Beach dty and 1Uburbu whld;;.;~ ~: 6 :::: :::::::::::::: 52 ~~ in the El...,;;;;.,.,, School_.;_ Pre. 3 --·-· 140 '15 ~~~y nurturedabout ... ~!.-.~ Pre. 1 ---------------· 10 121 Such wu the announcement to-Prohibition party nominee and for-~to~_•! 2300hlkedv"...~· iurali~· Pre. 7 .... .. ............. 78 . 114347 !um, President E. L. Whltoon &aid. :::::: : --·-·------· = 1: -~ ""'""'~ Pre. 2 ----------·--·-97 145 day of Commandet-Earl w Cop-mer resident of Balboa, M!Celwd 91 with ther-1255 •~ P " Pre. 8 --.............. TI A. R. (Jack Frenzel, vice prNI-·-··--------·----cracy, and voted for a Pre. 3 -···-····-····-80 140 ml · b votes in the harbor •'-trtct '"ea, ano counters. Pre. 9 _ ... : .... -., 51 79 dent of the ch•mher ud ,... 1't'-t Pft. 8 --·-'-··--133 53 pers th ot Newport Har or · ~ .. Adk:inlon captured 869 votes ln n...... 10-·· -Pre 7 1'13 70 change Pre. 4 -·-·-----------106 170 erl t friends in Colla Mesa cave him 53 r~. -·-----··-46 140 of the Tri-Qty Wranalen, bsl . ---~-------- It was. also 'd t that h Pre 5 102 173 Am can Legion post. sponsors o d f i ., in N n, -• Newport Beach and added 938 coo, rl"'--dub will bo in~-ol the Pre.. 8 ---------· ll8 '15 evJ en e · ··------·-----the c1ay,Jong obuervance which ls !"_,_,'.'~~38 ewport ~a... trtbuted by Couta Mesa voten, ~0 ..._ ' .. -.~ Pre 9 102 43 W8S not in favor Of a leftist Pre. 6 ---------·---··-77 62 126 llrut auch event 1ince before World ·~·~ · T ~· (Con~--·-• · p • .;. •J • ............... &85 1322 bridle tran. portion . cl the -. ------·-- polltical phll-"y and l'l!s Pre. 1 ----------------· 173 War II. 008 A ~A ~ on --• gram. He hu invited WllJlo H. --,_,.,., Pre 8 81 144 "-' BT BEAOB Warner, chairman ot the Boerd Total ----------·..12'!9 jected (almost without ex, . ------------· ~ "General Chairman Maurie Stan, Kn'lod -• Oar'-• One pn;;:inct ~ oeption) those t candldates Pre. 9 ··--·--·-·---·-~ 97 ley, meanwhtle, reported addltlo-Pre. 1 ........... 115 92 3 B Co ty V ted I ~ Wa-of Supervloon, Rtm C.-. _. . who curried the favor and Pre. lO ----------63 121 nal detalla of the celebration which Pre. 2 ----------· 155 89 7 ow un 0 PrePre 21 ·---, !............. 9998 158 rcetary of the Oranae Cham1-al lO:wron -...oe backed by Jett _.ft~ la will dr 25 000 Pre 3 151 62 1 El ti D ...... ............. 130 ommera" and othen inte1<sted were ""u.,. • Total -------·--· 79t 1410 .t N aw t , n .. orb morel theperwod na Pre. 4 -·----·---190 80 7 On ec 0n ay Pre 3 --· '............. 74 . 90 in the project to ·attmd the -t. v_.. •aa&17 bor and political _ft..,•, o ewpor =ac or ay. · ............ Pre 1 111 1•0 tlons. ~ .. -He said that arrangements are Pre. 5 ---·-----160 104 10 Pre 4 ..... ---------· 121 105 Ing. • -----·-··---· - NEWl'OaT BEAOH virtually complete for the enter--Pre. 6 ----------· 90 93 3 (Zill Oat of 111 .._... Pre 5 ·-------------101 126 More than a )'ear ..;. Caldwell Pre. 2 r·-------·· 89 46 The overwhelming major-IClllott •-talnment of the visitors and that Pre. 7 -----·---· 151 101 4 OGmplete) Pre 6 ·--------------·-· 111 142 requeuted and got tram the -Pre. ll ----·-----49 '15 tty of the rest of the roun-Pre. 1 ................... _ 122 152 'the week hu aeen registration of Pre. 8 ............ 121 98 8 GOVEllNOK Pre 7 ..... ' ............. 115 158 · of the Orange eounv Pia ....... Pre. 4 ____ ............. l02 l04 try's solid dtf2iena evidently Pre. 2 -----------126 128 odditlonal floats and marching Pre. 9 _ .. ,,..... 79 74 O Warren --------·---·-···-----46.2'10 Pre 8 --·-·· 1 ............. 143 132 CommloaloD a c:oun(J> --Prel're. 65 --·------· ~ ~2!! felt the same DY but the Pre. 3 -------at 55 units tor the parade, which the Pre. 10 --·-... 94 98 4 Sc$1nldt ... ---··--·----........... 3.306 9 --i -------116 123 1111 ·bridle tnl1a nud c 11m1s ~ 1 --··----.. lU la veteran's vote repte9eDted a Pre. 4 ------l28 11 champlonuhlp Santa Ana Amert, LDJUTENANT GOVllBNOK lO .... .......... 81 l23 the Santa Ana Rloft -Ha --------... •·-~•---ol. . .......,,.,. that Pre. 5 ----------·--121 126 can • .... on drum and bugle ~ Total ...... -... 1326 891 53 Kn! ht •• ~ 11 --· ---·----53 57 mouth to the vldnlt7 ot pr...,. Pre. 8 -·-·----·--108 167 -.. ~ ............., ,... .. -Pre 6 110 153 ~•· -~ g ---------------·--·--------·--·~ ·12 87 -. -. II ------146 lo.1 was tested and not found . -----·---------· will lead , Shell 15.301 ·-· --·------~ and hence into the --. Pre.-7 _m ............... 127 177 The . de 6 30 h els ~':.t B:,:.CB ~ y __ ,, ___ ,,, ____ ,,, ____ .. __ , 13 .... r ----------· 76 111 The map fa expected to bo en.-Pre. 10 ---.. ·----· 8' 129 wan · I fel that Pre. s ,, ................... 151 147 para , at : p.m., ea u -8EOBJ:TABY OF 8_TATE played &t the d>a-wlhc Pre. 11 ____ .. ______ 44 16 , t was t Pre. g ..................... lo&-l53 down Central Ave. from McFboaad, Pre. 1 ---·---· 1!16 95 4 Jordan ..................................... 42,900 To ............. 1275 1575 here . Pre. 12 --~---·-62 145 the veteran of World War ll Pre. lO .................... 105 127 den St .. Newport. to G SL, Bal . Pre. 2 ............ 156 102 5 OONTIWLLEB whltaon Hid the pooject to add Pre. 13 -·---.. ----87 101 vote was In a measure, large-Pre. ll -----------60 61 The grand ball, at Rendezvous Pre. 3 ---·---· 131 59 3 Kuchel -----------··--uuuuuuu .. 43.629 D . the eastern portion ol Wtsbub>- Jy responsible for the upset, Pre. 12 -··-·--··---·-95 119 Ballroom, will be at 9 P. M. with Pre. 4 ............ 166 88 4 Hlnlhaw -------------------· 4,101 . f rive ster to Orange County Wat 0 r Total -·--------1:133 1620 ting of Sheriff Elliott and Pre. 13 -------··-62 140 a new car to be given away at Pre. 5 ............ 197 45 2 Tlll:AllUBEB Works Dlotrlct' No. 5, the -., the emergence of Jim Musick this dance. DonatlofUI to the new Pre. 6 m•·--m 219 93 7 Johnson ........................... -..... 42,&:19 bolpidary of which -lo GoLlen 0 G p as the _, top law-·~~ Total -----··--·-----.1396 1655 holpital fund, to which the Legitl'tlon Pre. 7 ............ 233 70 3 ATTO-~ o-·· L $6601 West Ave will ~? cc ~1 .~ ·1erson .....:;-..... ou._~ has pledged its receiptl, en e Pre. 8 --------· 172 9 5 ~.... -..nwa.. •• ~ +:awv '~ =ty. org~d i':e~ Orange Seek fund =~:~·::,eingl~ ceremony of :::: ~o --.:::::::: ~ ~ ~ =..--::::~;=::=:::::~::::~~~::~.:::J!:~ e ps v1~t:"a~ "";.: =---: . . + + • 1 th , 12 Pre 11 192 28 2 Wataon ..................................... 3,575 Ana Boerd of Realton last -· Hea v • Gridiron stars o e county s · ·····-·-· rt • t Crystal .Bllll. u the Gal-high schools, to club at 2 p.m. at Pre. 12 ,,,,,_,,, 161 45 0 BOAllD OF EQUAJJZATION $6,601.00 or 45% of the by Atty. Jobn Harvey ol Sli!lta -. IC 1m •lup pall romes out next week f s the Newport Harbor Union High --Bonelli ............ _, __ ,,, ________ .. .38,957 $1 · ta aet by the Newport Ana, who sbewd the -for _ and tells me tllat l will SOOD . rom fate School field, will be divided north Total ......... _ .. 2382 724 38 U.8. SENATE H . unity Cheu! bu been doveloponent of _. '0 ran a: e be shaving with toothpaste, llll_d south it was announced. Brea· Knowland ·;----··-----------------.32.511 1 col of Wedneoday, Novein-Col!_nty. rn belieYe them. They took Olinda will play C.plstrano In the Great American Corrigan ............................ -.... 1,0 4 t Headquarten ans ------Word WU ..-lwd by Charlts a quick squint , Into their flrut period, Orange will play La· Rogen ------------------------16,148 US() CJ b Closes Del•n-. loca\ realtor in - crystal ball last r week and Every membor of the Orange guna in the second period, and Market Opening U.S. SENATE (!!Hrt Tena) request. far support U ..om., death bad •truck twice withs caJDe up with the prediction County Unit of the California then the following in order: Gar· Knowland ---------·----··-------···10,438 Y agencies Included NOV ' 16, Citbeils In the week, al a third lea when ot a Republican landslide Highway Patrol will be gJ~n fifty ~.=ve.,.va.H~~ Hi:;!:;; Draws Hundreds Corrigan -·-·------------88 in, ~~~..;,989t: ~~ k Building =~~· ~-~ ~~ three da~ before fh4l J>0PU-rounds of pistol ammunition each Valencia vs. Santa =Junior var, Coast hl&hw!Q" from Arches to Ragon ~NO-;;,;;;;-.u;;---· 241 m Olel. ~ a boart allmenL lace went O the polls and hit month for target practice if the sity; and Fullerton vu . Santa Ana. the city llmlts was Jammed thlo Ph!lllpo ·---·-··-----·------.29.718 collected thuo far · · Kr. Plenon fa the father al the1 nallN rlghtton theknowcranl, comlne -., of the Leglalatun! v Ga• afternoon with more than the Adkinlon ......................... -..... 19,426 doorsto-door collect!~ A i:'~mLttee of tliree ·WM ap-a.aria DennJ1on Plenon, -um. 0 twle, 0 my , _ approves a request by the J:>eput, te ns uuual atream of automobiles and STATE llENATOK by volun worken and fundu poin Y ~·preoenta-ol New, wu -by his a;randparftto, edge, has ever seen a Gallup ment of ·Motor Vehicles for fundu 0 I pedestrians for the grand ~ F uh ..16 -d> in .....,... to port Harbor dfatrlct c:l1rle ---blo -bavln& c&d at his birth. pollster at work-but the for this purpooe. of Newport Bach's flnt Gttater urq ar ---------------· ..,.., 4 le ·•,. of a uome fare &r<>UJJU W.m-kr nlclrt ID Funeral oerv1cs w1J bo held in &ood I>o<;tor evidently has A _....,;.., that a own approx!, f s I All American Market. Wataon -----------28,557 ,· ol e cam= cent at the .-fer with 'the---for Ille Puotena . at .the Reynolds and --of seeing into the ..o.. ~-...--t Located at 820 Cout highway, A881:MBLYKAN (1'a ~) ~ ol the ·USO Cub-""" Elleriy chanel but the date bu mt -a,. ..blch-, -.u· mattng $10,000 a year for the pur-or an ey the market. the larpot cl Ito ldnd Stanley -----~~,431 Ith campaign 3 weeku at Main strttt and c.ntral • ._ -eot. ~ ~f~ch ~ ~!!~ = ;!. a;;;;,""1U:: ~ ~ ever to bo bullt in the Newport All8mLYllAN <11• !*&.) ve ~""'" .:!1 ~ Bal-. · A - -w.a-iay Mr. Deft. ... -.--_o -·-'· list (with -•-t of M t v hi-'-rA. E. T ,_ H4rl>or district .... thron&ed with Collini ----·---·--··--·--.17,520 E ··-The iDOn! tllan .511 ... -. ---blo wife -on the An• DeiJl """"er UUKO -0 or e ~ .,_ar -. ..-eouta M-and Newport Beach cuutomen from early mornlna-UJ>s l!IUPaEIOl oomrr HJllTIOJ: ~ ti! ••-"'!". .. drive will attended the ..-tine -ID Ille al i-"-'al llll~ 'brother .;;;[. ed Jkeletons) to posse1s. :,C:-~~ .;.,tateme:: = dl:1 and llllburbl contributed 4328 ti! 2 p.m. Carter _.--29,175 Ye1 ; 2,798 No -·-quota fa dub'• rooma -Pwt1 -1ftlb blm at the home m Wat Wish he aiuld tell me if w trobnen :' to votel u their lhatt of the more M the .,..... 11J1ttad of the opens Seba.__ --211.'132 Te1; 3,075 No _ Herbert Kenny. Cbdo · ,111 · " Ol!Dtnl a-are bfa -. Tbo- Army Is goin gto lick Notre =. :' ·~t quick and =ht than 25,000 compllment"!l' ballota ing of the new store, more crowdo Spence -·--27,8 Y-.: 2,7115 No ' aucl n...... John Vogel and n.oa. lkElrar • -. blo pandoon. Charle, and Army Is ~.to lfck Notre to protect your u-acalnlt 1he caut in fawr ol "-"blyman-ol curlouu customers were expected APPllLL&TS ooun nJ1ITl(Jll e ..... ,....,n the cammlttee ID -----Del•11-·a -: - dangerouo '--'"'" who are Elect Earl w. Stanley of Newport to vlolt the eutabllahnwtt wcnjMarkll --_.29,114 Yes; 2.7115 No Meaa Home McCullough, -la -la l'lib . ' ' 1111..,. Well, It ftnally tlocldn& to Calilortll&" Beach. nlehtfalL 11HS••tt -Sprlnp, and wbo lo -w al. 1be Joolal •Uke this COsag1l!n. otf. captain H c. M~ .,..._d Couta M ..... 10 prednctl came Headed by Blayne H~ Elliott ...18JK1 Maude D7aon. 71, bulJdlna. . . ' FAlwanl St.ephen .. · again Constable's race Is fin. the 1-~ Pl-1 wlJ1 bo ap-throu&h with Ul98 votes and New, president of the market M-------28,2111 ltreet, Oouta-. Prqp~ -IS tfle paoul uo ally over with Vaughn, the proved u local oftlcen !law 1-port Beach'• 13 preclnctl rolled the Newport Beec:b and ntOl'Olll'l'IO:Nll -In the USO building e1a!i S.b111lo1, lfo. Enrolls at 1"-U-e ")lea's cherce." emerging without tarpt &mlllllnltlon for up 2632 ""tes in the .-nhb', Harbor dlatrlet Var1et7 -(-) prclen at vember 16. The ''"l•il--.., '-'V&n;g' Ylctorlous ewer Inctm6ent -al ,..... .,..,.pt that paid man'• lap. balding a tJuee day..-., Y• by ber -o.... part the!! find!• to d!' -1 · 'KaMllJI. Vaughn pOlled aJ. ,,,.. out ot their "'"'· poc:1<e11. For Sutt.or& Girl Hurt all C:: ::':: ;:,.~ai:;-N~•-aa.w .-.._ -.,.. a .,_tine ID --Neu •• u. A -t wbo lo a r 11l5eat d most twic:e as many wlls on ........, ru·-.,::ai: Pl!' A ~ -to be s1-...i wm bo the ll9llc -No. 2 <0.C Redic> 11,148 11,131 ,, ' ' ~t; ~ Y -1:---Off •or' ...._ II -it °""Llental . _ the V-as_ his opponent but :::S !:: = .,,,,;, mll'l1 tbfa anu-to •-the -. lldls&lzed blade crayon No. 2 (lld>ool w • ....._ .l..ICIUWJ a• °"'""' for lbe fall -•· • tbe Newf"'!!l vote PY! Ka-Patrol Chief E. ~ cato t1on o1 111o1 Anna suttora. 19, ot 11y the noted wwboy ar-. 'J"eedwnl 21,sa:> . • •tlft "'-_N•aa Havana Y add Rerai a-e111 ~ -Pb-M. nau a illght plurality-wm ._a~ wblc:ll will :Bit wat 0mtra1 awn .... New--~ ot 11\e Ne•por No. 4 cve1aw t, -1n ..,._Dia . . s.:'•11"':"::;. c..t _ · · -lllh to lteep tbe islue In ..,..it Jl&l'D>Olll ot travellzc ·e:u:· port Bnc:b, erltlc:ally hurt in &a N.,..nm-, • No.";j'-TuA-"l ':•!!! 71 • -fwwb rullled lnMaafwaanlto-1 A I -.,,_.._~II. ... ~·;:. doubt WIUI late Wedlll!9day. per ,. 8ncf reslltratlon f-for autoonoblle accident in Santa Ana. J . W. lkFulud lo to --. Newpwt Bach. ~ ----· ,!_""'*__!: GO - -l.Jtl ie. • _..._ .. It ll!ftled ntbl!r curious to -· af-..C eompetltlw p.s ha phyolclan'o olftee ~at ,... al the -marbt -No. I~ --_1 ._ ---·-..... ..._that,_ .... _...., -alreaC)r..-a-ar s "1iw>-.JUM • ""---.. ll•,w"s .. __ .,,...,.,.,_s.;~11!1118 .. oal. . ....... Jq>Ol'U!I' ........... tol IL .-.. in Ne--.t Baell He No. 1 <~-• .., ~ al. H -a~... •.• -.... ..__ --the poet la llJllllOll!d to entail Pro f·-"--.!:;;'. _ ~ • v -----....<' ' -ed ---.._ a ~--· -.. -.... ..._In tbe . State v te .,,_.,;+;ODS ---_,. B•••l 11.o«I 14,Cn a.la"'--"'" I. om. lkmq •J '' I .. ~-=-.. II t ... ,..._ wbdit ol. New: 0 00 _ lft'D&W • a -lo .,..n " .._ I COa "' 11<:t 11' , • -ti 1'11----11·~ ~ .. 1-ti:. .. I t II Be -partbnf°!~l*'~ll~'-~--..•LalWV" -~ II -111-s ·~ ,.. -' .. _.__:...._ ...,, .._ --........ --'-' -, Beem-•_.,....,..,..,,_. 11y'Dle4wdatedr~ •-.-,-:: qla) -·~lt,.192 :•-•-•a.&..dlllD--·W"* -1a•Ml1r. U-m":."":r~ ...-0--.r..:r; DB NO ::->....::=-~-~~-7,741 w_,.::::.= .. ~;;. :;= ... ;s.-~\::_~· Al Oi;.r.,.1111. Uil::..la..: boa Hand wDd way points, l-Veta ... Blmd Ad ll.191 l,aZl.'Dll 30,INll All--P' No. 10 <Gena-a 11 ~m. la U. Go .... Dae. I. la I •• I la I 5 1 d'lf. Be 11 -~ for a 0M1Ne ~ Radas 11,M5 ~ 1,31111,211 --om..a -'al J) ~ 22,31' die .... I;. D Cloed-1 • ti .... I A efS.A1119'hll0°~ .. tllat tbe.Y __. baw ~ S-__. 8alar!oi. ,_ _ u:. 1.*811 M2,080 H.....,....., .. 11trt; No. 11 (Fair . -... • cwm t. .mt v ... .., ...._ ~-;: a r .,, ... 1a w r a rw ..f... • with. 111e· o•wtahle's ~--1-J0,2'12 =~= ~ Sclllllldt, -.. 1~1: r ;,,wt -ll,J8l -.-• cw WI '' .,._, . Otllor 0 n 1 · -_. t ?St .--lie -Inly In a.ta t"!-!f•t•l:,'i'"t. s rtW' '1: .._,_ Dadlat. ~ No.12 <•-, rt Offl 'tll•w ,.. ._..., a a 111 wbldl ha no l'f!lllllar 1---0...ml; a..u., a1. m: •• CIOP ~ :::= = :'';'!;;:;.~ "'w-21.-14.lM ~• Plu '-ft c 1 • -n E 1 Owl law mfaroenwt•t force at !ta ~ ,,,.,,. 11411 tJ54 m..n.1 ...,~ ~ ~.-b ~ u.•,-• _ __ a-1 ·An--.ia-. * ahn _.Ml ns ; G '. _ _.. It ...... t 9--lltllla .._ llptL J0.215 llS.1,-lllJNO ~ _, B W; Ff,_, --gp --....... ft111a ff ... ':•' .. • ,-~-:!..... ~appew!!._ ":., 10 -'7 al. Gu1•w 1,111 m5M3 lltl,TH rail r..-. _ _,_ MIL M ~at >: , _ , ' ... ". '!:,._~~;-;; lbould .,.... -11--ftll>.» ,1_ , 1 --.. 11.0ll 1a11e i.1...., -..._ -..,.. Ge www> •• .... 'w• " -= ••= 1a+ • 1 ·--.. d'flce emnhef7. u •m ••liot----.. JOafJ ... _ •m ..,__ .. .__ 11o.uc.u..;..--' -v.a. ..-.. ..:iii'-.. -.. u ••• - ot -tbll II -·· l> -·· I I"" -10,llll W.lU ....., -It -1-) , .. Fl ,,... ..-~-.. IE I IF -· •• :a., D ·= -:-~:~:.:e.:gA~ ! !e~!IE'"""'*'ti ·ii :ta SI =~, :.,'.!a.-:S :i~·" ·,~., ::-e:-::--..:: ..... rd:1··"' -· •-·-'V· _ lllr:.!J• .. ,1 .... ::.i .. ; • .. ..... m:--~a:ru:-.•.:. 0 •;;-• .--:.:-.:1•: :=? ; , 674 • ' ' I ·1 I I I • ELLIS BIOS. NU .ISERY Wiii a.-O_pe• Now. IS Jpdsnping ••• • Flowen and .Shrubs Ull U. OOAft lllQHWil~CO•ON.A. Da. MU ...,. ..._ ...... , +tllL ai. :ft.F l11 'JPFI NOW AVAILABLE Klrstell Photo-Electric Pilot Automatic Steering f.or Commercial and Pleasure Craft -ALL VOLTAGES • Sol·E-Na1d Reverse Gear Control • • ETS · HOKll & GALVAN SINCE 1931 1000 CoMt lllway Almla-~WllmlaP 8taltl~•-~ . . ARMISTICE DAY FQOTBALL CARNIVAL (Sponsored by Newprt Harbor Poot 291 American Lesion) Davidaon Field. Nov. 11, 2 p. m. (lfew;;wt .. Mr U... lllP ae..I) I p. m. ,,. p. .. l:tep.m. ----A••)' ......... a. ........... V•'eaela 1:11 .. m. -.a A.ma I . v. ll'llllortoa l:te p. m. -Alla Vonlty Proceeds are contributed to the buildlnl< fund fir the """'°'"" Oranae County "-!>yterian hoopltal Which will ~ ettcted 1n Associated Five Stiu's on T~ m Basketball Loop . 'Ibe Newport Aosoclotal :nw •'-Yed .rilbt ... top ol the ...... munlty ~ 1oap ~ ~.....UCwlthaCl<lmlnl> Inc Win over the 10UthfuJ C..sbo Klub, 44 to 29 on the hllh ICbool JD'1Dhudboudo. Nlna"a and llynhn'a .......- In the running however u the Nina outfit rolled up a 33 to 25 win over the formerly oecond· place Outlaws and M)'!'Ohn Md an euy time with the American Le- sion squad 33-12. Newport Beach. I'---------------------~ . Ralph Reed, who ii In chorse . \ of the night achool recrtttlon de- Federal Engineers' Revised Report ~ =::~ ~ = Interests All Harbor Developers ~n=~thet:=, ~ -~ . • Costa Mesa post of the American Report, Though Concentrating on Deep South Lesion baa a1ttady announcec1 Po~ Is Prepared to }feet Needs of All ;::nt1ona of entering • team and De I f P rt, Terminal F . . . umpomored squad will alao ve opers o o acilities light for the cbamplonablp at Newport Harbor. The board of encf.,neen far needs of teder&l, state, municipal Llneups: riven and harbon. War Depart-and port q:endes and others In--odsted (44) Owba (It) ment, and the United States t<rftted In the development of Manhall (8) F Ward (7) Maritlm~ commlaslon announce the harbon and the establishment of Barnes (14) F Neuman (8) PUblicatlon of a reviled report on port and terminal facilities. Kennell (4) C Muon ET F.CTRICIANS the -to of Savannah and Bruns-'Ibe publication treato of the Harbeson (6) G Pinckley (2) • wick, Ga., which II !slued aa No. technical phases of -t opera-McMillian _G Sailors (2) .., ~ 14 of the port aeries. tlon and admlniltratlon, port Scoring au-Aosoclated: Rob-~rwo l'lre Equip• Mt 'Ibe re-to In this aeries are facilities and -""· nature and Inion (12). Casaba: Heuton (10). fGir l'ACrOBY, PLANT, BTO-, Ol'l"IOS, FABM, BOllll lftP&l"ed and publllbed Jcintly by extent of hinterland. volwne and Nlaa'o (U) OaU.ws (II) ~===================~~the~~tw~o~go~vernmen~~~t~ac~~-~ .. ~un. now of commerce, the ea:wanic Hamon (5) Stanley (8) • der authority of law to meet the factors of operating and trans-Harvey (4) Rima (5) portatlon oooto ...i oommunlca-Ogara (17) Heu tlon facllitlel such u steamship Ogara Durbe llnea, railroads and air lines, u Step Sheflin well as severaI other aubjecto of In-Scorlna ou-Nlna'a: llrough- tereat to transportation and marl· ta> (7). Outlaws: Woody (8), How "Winterproofing· makes your car time endeavor. Moffitt (4). The port of Savannah ii located ~·· (U) Am. Lostoo (U) In the eastern part of the state of Attridge (15) Coppenmlth (3) Georgia on the aouth bank of the BoUe (10) Statz (3) Savannah river, a cliltance of ap-Spink (4) Kelly proximately 24 miles from deep Smith CotUe, F. water beyond the lier In the At· Myrehn Farnsworth I I ' l ,I 1,1 j I I I ,J Ii ,I I • . New F,qaipaaent for Rental ( JJ MB • iOW . U.W8. ~ W aepg D'W8 .... -..mo.r&-l•R,S.&laOO& IOM ~NS11••.., ,,_. TZ'"NM WWW ••[•. I Coab'acton · ~·a Sllpply . . -.. ::.-.· .... -........ ,-. ----~--··'' -. . Hew t= c!eTelcp a cclcriul p~r•cn.ality • Tbe ...,d_ ... .bcwe l........t the IU't of cb 111iq from hio ..... clfatber. Jn bat. ..... prob.b~ -rine hio ....,.U.tber'o ouit. But a DAW world io -ia• for bim. He io dioooveriq lbat Hlor -iatollipndy han•llecl-cui do much for a mm'• --Uld penonality. And oiaoe the Scroook mill bu "-f.....;;,. for almoot a om· lur)' for the pniuo with which Ibey blmd oolon. the moral· ohould be obvioua to ..,,. mmi. ,with a deoin to appeU al hio beet al all ~ ••••• Stroock•FrwnUl Suite $60.00 -~-. .. . --..... ....... ~l'llEEHM· ''il ,· n . CJY~ 1/ {P/~ t :;...,.--.. • safer to drive ••• Iantlc oce&n-'Ibe harbor entrance Scoring 1u-Myrehn'a: Wal- ls 75 mllea south of the Savannah lace (4). Legion: CotUe, IL (4), . I harbor. F-(2). 387 Cout Boulenrd South 1.-gm Beacli. Probably your car has been driven all summer with WQm_!fUt ~ls;~'tth£ spark plugs~ haven't been . -ckaned; th£ battery's. thirsty S•and , th tires are IJound ro have lost SOTM rubber on that wcatWn~ So .. ~ MOBIL ·winterproofin( wiJZ. get juur air remiy for safer winter~ driving with fres~ gear oils; ~ ckcked battery that uxm't gc dtaJ. on chilly ~-tires that grip~and new light bulbs i~' that will tJirow light right . through winter's darkest night. Prrt:,... ..... _c:i.,...., .... __ ., ..... ..... .._.....,_. ...... _ ...... __ 2 t' t i! r.. i1f _,.....,....._,,oo .1:00.-.Nr,NIC- .... " l\r .......... -............. G I ~ 1111-_...__ --. O' •Tiit"• ............. ,. ........ _, ..... ..-- ' II l p1sil" ,_ w -........... .....,. -·-· 111 ... , ....... , ... _ .. ., ..... , .. ,,,.., ..... , ... .,,._ --.._ .,, 7 ..... ..... ~ _...,,,,,...., ,, __ --- • • 'Ibe main part of the harbor of ----------I Brunawlck extends from the 3G-are 23 piers, wharves and docks ALSO IN POMONA, 362 WEST SECOND foot contour In the ocean to at Brunsklck, five of which are I Brunawlck via Eaat Rixer a dJa. used for handling petroleum prod· I ~i9F~;;;;;;~~~~;;;;;;::::::::::~:=:~:~;;;;;;;;~~ tance of •about 17 mil~. and ucta which comprise the major from the Z!G-foot contour in the portion of the tro!flc of the port. ocean to the Atlantic Ref1nin1 During the ten-year period 1936- Co. terminal via TUrtle rtyer, a '45 the waterborne commerce av- cliltance of 20.4 miles. Channel erq:ed 193,442 .lo!ll per year, widths vary ranatnc tro.D 300 to 91.2 per cent of which wu coaat- !I()() feet. ' -and Internal traffic and 8.8 • The tennlnal facllitleo at Bruns-per cent foreign•lmi-ta and ei· wick stt located mainly on Eaat porta. river. Shlpo do not bunker oil at this pert nor stt tbett mecbanlcal All kinds typewr!Wr rl-.. coal bunkerlnc facllltlel. 'lbere stock at the News-nu.. \ . ' . ' On Your Way to Sada Aa Or When in Costa Mesa Stop at-·· CHUCK'S DRIVE· II Barbeeaed S-ndwl.cMB • Foantaln Seniee 10 L 11L tD 2 p. llL Ulll!fcw;c& .... OOUlllSYJCS Oak._ MET / CLAD P-RODUCTS by CLARI & BITES -Look fer t11e Brew• MaDhox- llebllzla&- WWI? 1 · We can Winterproo,f . Your Car Now 'f . -......... ¥ __ _,_ .... :...: !~::~~-=;~:--·.::-:~ '• .... ,., 7 ---- ........ , J ·a••lmllfr .,_. ... ,..es ... I •·-.-... -olo.sO 1 ·-·- 1 -.-11*••,__•CDMr .............. .... fllS'l~~ ... dld....... 5'111 ..me.. .... ____ ._ ............... ... -z· ··----·--•~ . 2 • ·~ ................ ... , .. , .. Boyd's S1ntce Statlai uaiac .... "Our Wintipraofiag" means al tlis: .,,,,. .......... ... ... ,. ....... .. ,,_ ""'"'' ...... .. f'A,J, d••••r ll'Oll fillM ,... .. _,. ....., ..... l"W111zll'1W w\I 1r _..,...., • lsslse lll!09ll 'DULIR ••1111 "".,. .... r----· ~ =:s:~· . ·r~ •. ,., ...... ~ ....... ---.... , .. , -. - • Tiie lltp e of Goqd"l'ailld-~""."."::""--, I r---:=:~~~-~-:----_;;...._-:::".....,......, __ _, . a R 'E E 1.H 1. w ' s There Ii.re Two. Seas } ... D R I v E· • I N . ··~ ' · ,~ ·L._.: atabli L. . ) . l•o••••Lt' 8AND·Y·8 D 81V S -1.N " (ACoffi!rwnityWe1-·C~P _e.,,B!"C98arton ~ ERE .,.. two -ia p.w.;.,, 0... ii ,..... md ~ -.ia it. Sp'rl• ol -...._ aff1ee • l)qwood Hambwprs.• Steaks 1111onb. T""".-lthoir..._ • .,_.lt,_..,..,ed_-dmrdintf ....iamiiPol ia , Ram • ..._ ' healiD1 n m. Alq i11 ...... dot cloiLlna play. • . • . -OoMt Blp••J Oii tile ,lllnde .. -. The River Jord.n tMbs iliis -wi .. ipart!q _,.. frml die liilJL So it lau ... locdlt F +w . .... ----------Watch Us Grow e And men build their .....__, ir,..,. """'.i..u -•and -kioc1 -o11i1t ii.....,_,....._ 'it is there. • . • ·, .~ ... <. * " ...... _. . . . ' . . ··. JJ_ l l l' • ~ ~ .. _ .. _._. •••Ices We IQ!ld ready to-advise ·you cerrectly on 1ny hoflle. fi11111Cing PfOhfetn, witfl no oblioation. Phone or _. la, aod let's tlllc it over. iNBWPOR T BALBOA. FEDER.AL 'SAYINGS 11ril LOAN ASSOCIATION . . I P. A. Palmer, Prelldelt 88aa VIA L100 ~HDNll: HAJll•D• ••oo NEWPORT BEACH, CALIP'DltNIA •WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD 811 Coast Highway 101 Pllw B•1 • Kl& The Rinr Jorc!An no.. .......... into ~ -H.....-........ ol fioh, DO nu-ui. leaf, no oonc of bircb, .., children'• laupeer. Truden <'-anodicr routt, IUllm oo 1P'l'Dt "-'rzr "(be ai r banp above ill wama and neithtr men -beat oor fowl will drink. Wbat ...a. diia mi&htJ difttttne0 in theoe neiclibor -1 Nu( ti. Rl1tt Jordan. It empties the lllDt pd - into both. Not the aoil in which th<y ~; -thc<ountry nlWld abooit. . . Thia is the difference. The Sea of G.t.1ee nui ... kt "-DOt btp dlt Jordan. For <ft'Y ...;,.. that flows into it another drop flows ~t. The p.iac md ,_;,,;.., F cm In equal -.re. The other ,.. ia sh.-der, hoardmc its i,_,,. jalously. It will oot he ~ into -..,,.. .... ~ .• Every cin)p it rm, it keeps. The Sea of Galilee.ipva and liva. Tbio otbtr -ciftl ~ It io oamedtheDead. . . . "You Must ~clar How i. for the Helldsp'! , 'I SC]'! .. ; ' -,_ ....... h I ... F ••• Spots ....... ,, •Os .... ..,_ •, I •11 e k ?, ·~ -~ .......... •••'h .... ...... w • .._ .... .._i.,._.,.., •• LESTER & ·co . M-1Hr Los A.<lpln~·· , a 2004 WIST CE>rBA1. AVJL, NWKill Bw•ra ILuJIOa 1374J .. ..... •1 'Diii ........ -SICUllTIU TO Mat 1'111 · INVISTOIS' _, Do You Christmas Shopping 1Early I ' t I ' ' i 'CANNED ·dOODI TOMATO SAICE ...... .,,...... Ewl .............. "]-. -TOMATO JUICE &c .,_ 220 Ln.'1 MuL P'91111 fna ripe--. f 10 '*'.... - SAUalUUT 6RBIEllS 11 : 15° '!: 14c Ill M# ,.,. --Frenc:hDn inq;::',:11" SAFEWAY QUALITY MEATS ---Sweet lWilh ~ !"" .. Cb-Spread 9:~ .. ou .. Butts --;..~ ... Linlt Slan:h --••• Aprioola --.. ---; --I Aprioola ---=----Juloe lll nld -·=•• .............. l .~Juice=•• ----· . 8plp••• ~,_~I·, .,_.._.,111. - 1t••oi1 .....,. ::.,~II' . PROD UCE . JOIA'lllllS .... 1' ,,, ........... ~-~ ~ !'.!!!!! .~ lt0 · !!!...... .. .. !!!!!! ... s- f!!!!!, ~ .. l!!.8--..... . l*bfJllte A h "' IP a --->h t 08 -..:::• - ' White ·Hoase Cafe ............. <llllf. ¥/.RIPAllED II '1'11111 Rs11 I I. .. 'I'• PhOne Bea. 1131.J -BODY WOUS ... PAINTJNG ...... ____ .. _,, ... ~ .... ktaawa 1 • ...,. =-···••? v · -·,z2n ..._. 2 .... ~ -·-·-----ff •• , .... OllU£ "fOOlf IUl-6 .. - Cen~~ wlC«rf•A11 ........ ..-4 ...... _. • -... ,. '·C·& O(l81A. • ·-. • ' I Gift Glassware ~ • G•r·es Vues ·Seta Mll1on Bar ·Sets . -• SuthcTn71 J>ART GAMllJ . . .Al'C••rr Sell .. . r I .. . and Save Too . . . • • PRE-CHRISTM.AS ·SALE * in Our Gift Department AT GREATLY REDUCED PRlCES tc • DOL.LS . Child and Doll Furniture Te«Jdy Bean StUffed Animak Dop *eat.* Rabbltll * Daeb .... . I Jig-Saw PUZZLES Wat.el;' f.-Olor • Seta . stsr ·ao.111 ·e1se,_.. • I WHEEL GOODS • Jelephone Seta 'Bats & Salls • fJarltes of All ·Kinds Su~~ I I mzw.aOzl ilAiYl. ·•••. r . I I ' \ ·' I • . - ' ' • • • Thank You It ... GUI' pl • ta tac' ... ....,. . . -I '1-taoltMNc.,_t~Jlma -llC ti. .. ... -Cllll' .... --Sa~. Yaar lntamt --eclated. ·- We JiWtte -to ---joWWlry ...... '!I............ 0Ur linF-aq ud t.wtc t ~are at J'Gar ow u '1 •· • I / ·Tit ID • 1'19'1Newpunmft. . CO!n'A VllSA J . C. Humpbrlel, -- ' Plillps W-m District Vote (0 a ._._I) lh111ir11111'*""'111 .... tbe J)e!•wntlc -to 11111. Pllllllpo marstnaJ -ID tbo N-port -dt7 wl -""" predncta ... 1341. -be led Ae•1*0D in the ea.ta Ilsa ~ llllS -"" 317 -• The -b)' preclnda: OOllTA_. . n-,, a•· ,. Pre. 1 _,,_____ 101 88 Pre. 2 ---·-153 90 Pre. 3 ----148 86 • Pre. 4. ---···-··· 194 • 81 Pre. 5 __ ,, __ 153 119 Pre. I -·-·-.. 83 103 Pre. 7 -·-130 ' "' Pre. I ----127 ·• !M Pre. 9 ___ ,,_,,__ 83 17 . Pre. 10 :_____ 38 111 ' Total ---·-·--·l.255 938 M&WPOllT MA.CB .......... Its• Pre. 1 -·-··--··--197 aa Pre. 2 --·····-··-~ l!IO 98 Pre. 3 --····-'-···-· 131 86 Gt. Americil1 ~et()pens '(o.t.-Plpl) . . - tD Ullo --,,_IL ...... ._ ol ....... .. to ... --.,, ti. -'7 merctw• M ,c depuu bdtDt. He JI I .. -'""""" ~--­tar ...S imtD ...-tlJ be_ .... Im -fGr tbo Newport -Plllt ar o1 ti. ....-I.ePm · ~*--t-and ---.sun~ . pooeey and ...-wat to lld'V-... ......-; ,,,,__ Statfmoc1. --;·Lee O'cllm. war wtwu. fruit wl veptal>lm; El- -Wattl, 111HNG. -Lee Sdmddt, ¥Ice Ill ·-t ol. tbo ~ ®!""'"~>'· meat mutret. -, Dr. --.,, B-Dloa h'•"" held --. at 1io -CJ!'l JmPI')' .,,,,..... at 711 Weot 17th -Santa Ana. ...-tlJ. with nearly 200 p,ie atlMJCl!q A fOl'llltt major In the arm;y den- tal depuUlm>t. Dr. -· bla wife and their -. J-and Allen. haw llwd OD the Island for ••qal yeuw: =--------------------...; Pre. 4 -··--··-···-149 10C5 _;,_;,=__;•__; ________________ Pre. 5 --··---200 42 Good Friends • ....;...;,;,.. _________________ Pre-.6 -.. -..... _ .... -236 47 Pre. 7 _____ .. _ 212 9'l Pre. 8 -·-.. -·····--217 86 STARCK'S 'CAFE Beer Mixed DrinkB -Short Orders '"Snu> Rowz, Mmagtr-,JonPtum OQtllsT, Owner 10'7 IJ.R 1'laftl N-poci 8-elt Pre. 9 -·--··-· 173 89 Pre. 10 ··-·-··-·····-19'l 44 Pre. 11 -·----·-117 13 Pre. 12 _,,_ ........... 187 3!5 Pre. 13 ___ ,,___ 139 64 Total -·-···-·-.. .2300 869 Your Friends and Mine A """ was born Oct. 29 In St. -;Jooopils hoopital to Mr. and Mrs. ._ ___________ • ._ _______ _. Elwood Hernlenon, 848 18th street Colta Mesa. He wel&hed 8"eD Community Chest Is Insurance pounds, 1S ounces. r-;;;;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Mr. and Mrs. Bertrand O>omes, When asked about the Com-g-ca\lleS which the Oieat aup. 50f, East Ocean avenue, Balboa, munlty Oiest, Nehon Stafford, porta. No undeserving agency or are parents ot a daU&flter, born well known local business man racket receivea aid. li•~11v~ I NVIUTMr:NT ·cv. ~IALT()l:?S t t ' . 1-tVMl:J CLOSE TO OCEAN -Clever 2-bedroom home with glassed-In sunroom. Built for the beach, but very comfortable and In good condition. $6,995 on terms. Good value. BRAND NEW -An Interesting blend of rancho and modem style. Will appeal to • buyers who appreciate fine construction detail. Oumnlng slab fireplace In beam- celllng living room. Neer Corona del Mar school. Sewer ~. Two bedrooms and a dandy kitchen. $10,900 with tenns. OANAL PBONT Wll'B PIER & FLOAT- Eve~ I nthis modem home Is In excel- lent Condition. Concrete bulkhead, charm- ing patio with a view; living room and den make a huge room; 2 large bedrooms with unusual closet space; a dream of a kitchen with scads of tile, mahogany woodwork everywhere plus a garage quickly converti- ble to a bunkroom with an extra bath out there, fenced ; comer location and what else can you think of. Complete furnishings In- clude a Norge refrigerator. $20,000 and terms If yru want them. LIDO ISLAND BARGAIN -Two bed- room, bath and a half home with double gar- .age well located on Lldo Isle. Stove and re- frigerator Included. A roomy house on a roomy lot. Today's best buy on Lido at $22,500 with terms and quick pQSSeSSion. 13UJI ~1:.1 Jl:J -. - & & & . li•l)ll()E lllWUT.-&~NT Cc. ~Ui.ITC>U ~lntt I.-A'I' w. ~ ·-- I Oct. 28 In St. Jooepm hoopital. and President of the Rotary Club, "I feel also, that the Cooununlty She weighed el&ht pounds and an said that the Community Oiest Oiest Is a convenience for the ounce. , is in a aenae, insurance. people. MOit harbarites can re- It was a daughter for Mr. and "Before an agency rece1.,,. aid call the days be!c>n! the War Cheot 'l'lle Gui Scoall, already h11S1 will! a &IJriad of aetlriU.. ba .. takea .. a aew one-the proper eare of )Ids. n..-and cat care now rate. oAe of tbe prolclene1 bade• wl!lcb Girl Scouts prlae hlP!r and work hard lo obtain • Mrs. FAward Weimilller, 332 from the Community Cheot" Stat-and Cooununlty Ciesla were In Buena Vista street, Balboa, born fonl stated, ·~t Is !int ~ -ration. Then we were solicited Oct. 29 at St. Josephs hoepltal and to submit a request to the Com-by a dozen or more organizatlona. weijiblng' seven pounds, four munlty Oiest Board of D!recton. We gave to many, we ignored ounces. , nus, along with other a1mllar re-others, but we were always being ---------~ Using the Hallowe'en motif in quests, ls thoroughly investigated asked for aid Now with all ap- decorstions, Mrs. Bob Haworth ot and If approved, It i. Included In peals combined under the Com- 41st street entertained with a chop the overall quota for the Chest munity Chest we give once a year suey dinner honoring the birthday campaign. · and all receive their pro-rated ~ ann1venary ot her lilt.er, Mn. "In the event the organization share of the quota. Paul Jackson. Other guests were has previously received funds from I . "I know," Stafford concf'uded, Mrs. Mary Freer and Mrs. Caro-the War Oiest, then It must ac-"that when Newport Harbor peo. 1Yn Gn,y. count as to how the funds donated ple are solicited, they will give Notice to were used. Thia report must be generously. They wl} bear in mind Patients -- 5mtr ____ , approved before a new requeat ii that the workers who. ring door- considered. · "" bellt are not only donating monex ' "I have stated the Cooununlty to the Community Oiest, but ailO ·moua SMAU All MA& STAJIONRY Cheot b Insurance," Stafford oon-their valuable time." tinued, ''It LI Insurance to the ' Monday, Nov. 11th people who support the Cormnunlty Geora:e and Elaine Welsa and 1 1~~~~~~~~-~~~~0i~es~t~th~at~dona~~ti~ons~will~~&o~togth~•I the Robert Jayreds ot Balboa are Our Vacation Is Over - We Are Baek OD the .Job lllld Dobie Jluol-U U..W NO OALL OB DELIVERY llEBVIOJ: Anyone soliciting business at your door Is not authorized by us. Mesa Cleaners last Newport BmL Congratulations TAR of the WEEK • DOD D'S MAL'J' SHOP 's'1a I',, We Are-B•lkl"lg ·_. -Tllose ' Hn-to-Qet--· -s~A-SH A~D DO\)RS ~- 0 I ~Repairs I Steliing Boat Wms I . . • m0ir•r11J11·.., . q Wsa;utBn• · _ ·l!'nr&Fna- back fnxn a !oor-day trip to En· senada. Mesa LIQUOR SHOP 1-Newpcd-- Plenty of Whiskey No -I to U7 ol Gm'MJ'r' .... OOllTA MMA, QAt:ir. ...,_ BM~• IOll and 9"11'1 MOl!day -'l'llan- tlay --l:JO '° ,_ Pa-ti .... _ ... to come for Treatmmt at tM.r reca1ar----u1. Olllon pl.-plooooe for ap- pola-1. Dr. Emil F. Jlell, D.O., ft.Cl. 18' Hiid BL. N-rt - -.e-.UM ·CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Builders of All·Steel C'li'!NT • DElllONEJlll -BtJILDICll8 I YACHTS COMMERCIAL Power or S.O ftllllmc ._. or Pa.rV Or ' 1 a ·a---. .A A.. I IJN!ns' Xaftl Ardd.teat • • Li. ~ oa.ui-l!IEllVICJS ro.& et llA M. ..._: •z.. UM Xwjilllrt ._. 24-B.-r 'Radio Service .:JFE, &VIO,•• IS ............ ,-. Bart R. Norton ---··· -__ ... •7zsrat R 8b Cllml.. ; • l • Wl-ID_OW .l~A -S. ' ~·· ..i~: ~ (Sni'.b s ~ ·'!.. ' ·._ Auto G ... • Beat ,GJw ' . -~~~·--, 1111• 0 • rs ~ ' f II CLOTH • .. • ; A T8ilar • Made Salt hr Groamed Per(edion • S~p Where Parkfilg Ja Ftee > • ONE BLOCK NOln11 OF SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLVB 199&2 Nl!:li\IPOJ'tT BLVD.-PHONE SANTA ANA ll1J3..J1 . -·•MDT DOOB TO llfANDm: OLE.Ulm . . .... °"9 ~ t .. .._ '° e •· m-BTa. '7 '° ' P.. .... KZINll4 .. , .. .., . ' . -II~. • • The . Opening of White's Real · Estate Office BALBOA INN ARCADE BAl.JIOA, OALIF. --a- PHONE: HARBOR 2202 --0- LIS'l'INGS WANTED --0- LA'U N lrRY on WW SJ:BVIOE Broadway Cleaners U1 ,e.-hray Oo8f.a M-Ph. Beaeon 5'1ts 8Efi'Ell QUALITY OF DRY OLEA.NINO 5 DAY SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY • OPEN BATUIIDAY AFD:RNOONB e • Before You Build or Remodel Vlllt Oar Jnterestmg. Sunple and Display Rooa. Color guides, plan- ning aids, comprehem- 1ve stock ol carpets and linoleum. Rap& Carpet. Cle.tent, ,. 8eplllnd • . ~LUDLUM Ca11Mtt Works ·----. __ ..__ llAlftAoUIA . .;: .. WESTER I BEER .. l lle!'f4lt · ... \3 •·? C 4 SS 12" Oz. (e11eof2') -----~----srs :n:..:.:;.. ·~·. ' \JU(JI I) (CIJe of.12) ·-------~ '~~ . .... ~Bey .Now _Befc>re Prices Rise ". ~ .. 181 .. • - ' . . Jq ·~ ... 0.. e1'1c lh;:a111J ~,.., . ~· , ........ ~ ............... • GE£0. • • ' • • ' Pr ·ls • -oms au ....,,_ ····---.... , .. -••• nu • a 5" ,. la £.jl, 1 1a .,....BllSl11p" ~4, C !1 :• I "t • .. •• tr • ., • ----·· !'-...... -amo.••81Jlli.t.~ -... Ille .. ,,,: r _. port B ct '" ..,_ ......... e b-at ll -lt&tlp -.. caledat .itd --'"'"-.. --............ -.. B. -. =-..... ...i ........ ---• 9 '1 Pme C ctnt ~ -.,.,47'* fll .-.I atata .......... Ill'. Banatb ~-•ntr11r~ ... s.,,__,...._ Ida -_ ......... ··--ol.tbelltPnh ...... -In -to .. -_ ... 1-., °"""" be wlD -t!mie -Ids ....... . --------. !IWRPUlt-~ fcrtbe-'--~ bclarell .,.a. A - He -Ida .......... ., Ju-,. --aUp -- Ara 0osrw -IDie u,.1••11' """' ·-Jo7 to -,..,.,,. el Pltbburll>. -I* -..-oe l1Hzr1r= II -wltb ... __ .._. -tbe W-Riii N Lllw -IDtbe-~~. IC 6 1 p llt idpJl. Durjnc U., J9't: 1 three the ....... distributed wttb aat -~ t, .... • ,.._.. -,..a, be baa been •DC!*d with ~Laa ADI-Eu-. -. --lf«. lt, 11! II ~ i...rmw · ,.... Gu° IC .. "l1le Posbna1 Always RlllP Twice" IL ID 0 NJPtly tm. ........ ,. at ..... •.15 1-W ~r ' e •• 1697 at 1:'5 . • . . .... • • • 4lm: p;en•_ e 0-W •Z''IBM "S1U' DUNLAP - ~•• ••u•+ Jli1P WA!ftSD. ••tz i.e.1. • 11au>1 Wt 21• lnl' ,.,...... No ,. .,. , ...... GaDI tee• I Y• .. Jll5llr ""-' AILllb ·-81 a o 111111' No. -St.. a.ta Am. 8'- , -TIRES Recapping ~ EXPERIENCED MEN All Eledric Bqulpmenl' .,, --... ,, IS ! On Yachl Topside . .l!alnteance· DIJSIORDON I ,..,w I OOllPlEIZ Sl:T JN ONE D£r • -· •www u Call Harbor 15~ 6 p.m. SIX:l'lON WoRllt ''""'° ........ A llEElTICB SERVICE···AFLOT -~··-·-· •. AL J.ACHllll&R SIQN PAIN'l'DfG. srTit~.\RT,*iN'C. .' ~ l'l-ltc L ;; Tg.;: tf ·, · .....,. :zlsa--, -11 ,_ AUTO '"""u 1 YTC 0. K. Rubber Weld-· -------ILZIOfw----· zrtk .-_,UAR£ -• a.ta -ft. R. ..... EQ& .... oea Fcri-_ .... -.2IOO Wiit 0..tnl , . ~«:. '!-Nwaber,.., -au w. o.at.r. ••pat~~ ferrell. 11ut wm nw ...... a VI.I NiMfORT ••ca · -~-=-~-~a=·= .. ·=·= .. ·==~:!!~iii1iiiiii~ii ,_..,. --ILZIOfpwl'ord~ 8'-UI I· nJM•ti• W IP['• A -~---1111t ·o1--CAllBPOltUllD>~ "11:11.'. No I 0.-:lmlltloark.AllO._ ltzC 1 -Allllb' at -• J19J1S R•OON w, r µa.JC "'(hW " ( _.....a -Ladte m.wea iJr ...._ -.. ...s' men -11,.,+llat.17. ......... · c:a&1l!!a-a1" "" VUZWZI -·-.Pl ...... Owsc ;, ·THEO' . ""'·. -RqBINS ' wm -:.. ,.., __ .. IMll ·-... .._,_,J 4~ I DTl!it'Cl'st...mws · •••• uvAD ~ . .., \JtlDD 'nlll U"ZWIWMD .. .......,._ ' PILltpa BIJll!itllltm t.... J'll. J'enl Dealor ir lfarllal' Dlablct f'w ,_-flat .. I_ ... -t ~ ~ ....... ~~-· I ... I _..,. • DontlaJ' lleGtllN Pr.Ca~dw WY8'1£1C Ripe DEMI> .. fis~la=:' :r a.17 Jfw. 11 ~.ft f-:'':f ---~M1V , • tie Zl!lllf md Oentlafo. Nawpxt Bw:b . ~ ~ Bl I ~l!iii SB.. 0.... ~ ._::~ or = .._. JIE'l"·CUD' FIUJfAJCIS ""'-Harbal> 28 l&tfc ~ .anltme.. l8J.2 Nawpuft_ ... .,.._ -tM --! llP -.. Otota.... ._ w ··--11-.l'"F ......... u ·Goes Ho11e" ·-"lllat Texas Jamboree" "CLAUDIA and "STRANGE DAVID" TRIANGLE" !lozwk7 -M•da7 -Tnerlla7 • N.,....,_ 10, 1l. U <Joau.-Saa. 1rom z:l.5-llCTL a~ at 1:&11 a 9:00 -., l"JL, a.&. ' Nn. IC, U, 11 .a.a -m -Oeorp •..,z,r "Up Goes Maisie" -..c.nw _,_ r.tua e ----"'-"The Hoodlum Saint" GLENN FORD·DANE CLARK -<Jllap. I --a.,. Biofttsu• Jf->-"BOLIDAY IN MEXICO" WALTER BlElllAM·CllARllE IWdGLfS • ... ~:~:~· -,.,..·--·-·-----·-·-&.-· ... ·---· I I I Yea We Have Rim and Bacon NOWI! Yea We Have Sea!OC>ds Stea.kl Turkey 24 ·HOUR SERVICE BRI:AKF AST -LUNCH -DINNER Complete Dinners, 95c to $2.50 O'REILLY'S 1740 South Coast Bl•d. LAGUNA UE&CB Phone 8981-X • --·-----· ·- ' You're Invited • • • Orange County's obtervance of Arm11rice Day -fl,.t olnce end of World War U will be at Newport Beach this year. The public Is Invited IO partklpote ln any and all of the evenb tchedut.d to make this a memorable day. The prooram hen been developed to appeal to everyone. You11 find something of Interest rotery hour of the day he"' at Newport Beach. The Program You'll Like • • GoW Star Me~ • Mlf1•j1a *-, ._. C1s:hM Aft.. I P.M.,.. ...... 1 C•rahal. wfll: 12 Meh 'tdu11I t111M p•stld0 • t' a. .t ..._p11t ._,.,, ....._ .... fii .lch11I flralll. . ' W P.M., Tw&lllle .. ""n••• .-,: • ......... ••••• 111• .. 111 .... •• ?ti 11sk'1 , ...... Nar~art I •••o.. t P.M., • t W. .._ _.. .. tlli9 f*~4 • l••~•ne• ¥ ' I I .... I I.. . . • "*'••• ..-, Dewll C1;Ar.r Aft.,,_ Md•ll••• PL .. e ... * c. •• ..,,, -s..,.,..,. ... Eajoy 'dw o.r. ; . ' • ..... -., ...... pdil1 .. I • .... llf. Alm1rf I t1t111 ..... ~ ·c.21111 a 1•11 ... din el .. , ... ..,, . -• .... °' .... _, ... ~ • . • , • • ' • 1 POS1 NO. 191 • ., • ' ,,..._, • . fe ..... la •I I I ti• saUJli a11•1t t111JI , ....... El 1&1 - a-. rr ........ ,,,_ •• ,,.,,, ,.- • • - Frnak Vauclm. Harbor Pupils Sane Then, too, Halloween came and went during the last week. With stories ot wanton destruction of ~~R CLAl!lll .OOlll'&:llr" ~ 6 lf.ITIS .111'.JtJS£KEEPEK _. Hl&h 8<'+oal . ' ... um ..... ar. ... c Ir • F' I °' f JletaDb:lns strl 'lcr llKAber"• llelper. to amllt .... ,.._ ~ -w-.. ~ In home. 'lbree -... .... -~ ~ nr"'N~ g ·-SL --·B»t S. Ralf or fllll dll7.-ID at OllL =-' ~ -· .._, """' lll'<t•l"*'l -... '1llp .my. -. It. B. Harp 307 RBoelter It, --,ii.Ii ' TIRES . J•:r.:· ,:;:_wa; m c:-=-.wtoww . Saphire St.. Balboa !eJerw! Jim WITNm ..,. :::..' ..,. nlli • Hams-W efdfug· Shov 5'1.. Phew -a. lll-4te *'• -·• _ "Cailo" to 1aot o< ~. t-, COMBINATION' PORTEILE" J"DRT w. BROWN. WELDING AND' GENmL DIOALD T . WAJCDDO[d)~ ITATI! or ~. REPAIR' WORK" COUNTY or OR.&NOS-.. o. u... Htti ·""7 "' <>ctotier' "-n: nor Bay view· eourt INI, before me N'Oll4 a. ~ p•~ D =nn~· ~ WARTH, • Notary Pu.title In UM! fOI' .ft.UM • ~ •. '-""U'lll:T eald County and 8tatll; ,..adJq mer. 87:.ttc ln duly oomai.tOned' _..·sworn~l*'-l~--------.:.:.:..::::1 sooalr. -Dersld T . w-................. 1 and e1T7 W. Brow.: lalowD, to .. ............... __ _ .wbecrlbed to' Uie· wtttila1 I*iltiW aad lt.Cknowledpct to 1D1 that tlf91' a.ecuted tbe ..aw: IN WITNESS WHERZOr t haft benu,nto •t my baD4 and" iirbi.4 my omctal ...i UM daJ' and" y.,,q lb tbJll oert.tncat.e tlr9t aboff• writ~ NORA. s: JllllGW ARTH. RO·OFS W. J: BENBOW Plinne· H81'11or 101~' J li2-'ttc WELL PAID JO~ Real~ for Young Women as Telephone· OpePBtors Notuy PubUe In and for -.Id County ... St&te. ..,._.,....... alon _espln119 Jan. 28, llljl). <NoWial lleol.l Pub. Oct. 17: 24, 11; No.-. T. 1'H. NOTICE. TO ~- PIANO TUNING' and· repalitiic. In moot cmmnurilU.. '1<sluoaa re- J. B: Bruwn. Wtlte Bax 8311, celve baze pay at S30 fa&<· a !he Rt. 1; 388 Broad.....,, eceta day week, wlth>extra !18Tfat .,...._ -. 'l&-tfc time or dilly at cm1:alD> -= at ----.,,,..,-.,...,...-=---..:..:...= J the clay. Notlte 1'-Mettby elven th a-t SOUTHERN CA: LIT 0 R NT A: COOPERATIVE. · SeYen woce tncnues t11e·t1nt-.. R00FING CO: ynn-paid·vacatlou' New ~d Repair TELEPHONE COMPANY, a cor· paraUon, has plilced one (1}' sub- aqueous telephone and tel~sph cable In Newport Bay, Orange ~ !le_,,, · 5211G-1t' County. Call!Omla. The termini of 2JJ 1!. · llQtb SL. Coota - the cable are 1a entlfled by alcn· -----~----=26-:....:::tf• boards set on poou In plain view end bearing· the words. "CABU: CR<j\SSING -SOO'IllERN CAL CORSON' &" R'A'.Y-co. Leom thla· lnterez~ -at sood ' l*Y. in )'0\11" own oua1111••"'Q". You W<Jl'k; with friendJl<· po.pi. ID ple1111511t om ... , Elooellent promotion· ~ ' . 20,000 Mil.ES -tbat'a not aB- WE WILL .GIVE~ $20.00 IF ONE COMES OPT lteprdl-"' Speed. -ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. fer a ~ zet -wlll ..n r.r ,_ car In the mornbc ,!_,I delSwr -day. Allo a .... Gii ----jab --..... ~--.rcr Sl.00. No Jeed w.lchta at --b•" Costa Mesa Tire Co. Jn -at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Se'aecm 5743 AU far Al ,.. Hank. IFORNlA TELEPHOl'IE C 0 M • -j1 M-tf'e PANY!' The location of tliil cable •on,..__ - 1s cleocril:Jed'u follows: General C0ntractor11 "'•~L llmNE"nAN BLINDS-Aluminum, On the Balboa Illland In· New· -~ wood. Oill ,. fer free - port Bay. caurorn1a. near t!ie Complete· Buildli:tg-Soutllem €idlf'omia mate. --" reftnlzbln& Union Off C<lmpany Pier. ap-So. Coast Venetian Bibo! Co,. prox1mate1Y nlhety feet <90 Service-Telephone• Comp.....,. Wm 18th and New-t Aoe... fL ) northwesterly of t be _,, CCeta M .... ~: Beacon 5'l82-W. northwesterly lllte or Opal -PHONES-. 18-tft Avemae; onc1 ·u.o on·.the penln-Hartlor·Z447·R Harbor·1520-W Fire Pl_. and KlnclJJng 1ula of Newport Beach: on 100· E. Bay· A11111ue,. Bal-W 0 0 D P&lm Street extencled; ap-87 tf proximately 6. f .. t north· • c 5H~ Ko. lllaln·~t. Santa AM Dolhaecl 1 property emerging from Los A,n... -.terly ot the IOUth-terly PAINTING -PAPICR HANGINO or. can· C>ld @per-R W. WRIGHT line of.Mid Paltn Street, Bal-. and DBOORATING Ph. Beacon 6665 geles, it was sattsfying to learn that 95% of Harbor's pupils atnUI· ed themselves sanely, wit hout hurting their neighbors. With ma· teriala to repair damage so hard to get these days; it is difficult to understand" the kind of mind that gets plearure from causing unha~ piness to others; be i t on Hallowe-o en, S t. P atrick's· Day or the Fourth of July. We like to believe that education helps-boys a nd girls to see the value ih tr ea ting othen the way tl\ey; themselves, would like to be treated: PueL1c NoTICE bi>a. two monumenu. namely H. E . -11).lfe 11'8t New-t !11..t $.tft 11enboardl· 1n plain· View and 414 Old Coaty Rd., Goota -;•~&~•·~•~: -~~~"'~--~~m~1~•~11~~~-!1 ___ 40rd~-~f1Yo~urur_...::.= bearing the words. ''CABLE -Beaoon 5013'.J lllS-tft ~ CROSSING -SOUTHERN FOR' S:.\ll.E-{)ne. navy dMnc ,,.. Servel CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE· P · A I N: T f. M: G met, 100 fL Mone z1r '-Gas Refrigerator COMPANY." wblcb sald"llerlll· 12 Yean Service In New'"*'t . tell!!Jllaneo;,,.,.. ttgUJatar nlw, ' Now mark tlie landing places on·the Hzrbor .V.. new zafety va!Ve, $1!11)>. Doolll- 1ald shores 1n Newport Bay of· H'llITY H'all · R<>bertl, ltl62' Newiut -.. · at Vogel's one (1) oubaqU<!OWL telepllone PA:IN'nNG OONTRACI'OR Sea, Esta· ¥\rte!; o.ta Mea. 100 Main SL Harbor 145 and telegraph cable, approx!--Phnn• . 87...ftp $2.tft mately 1370 feet In· length· B••Daa s=· Beaoon 5413 FOR' S.41.E-Gar r_., eleclrlcl-----------'-.;;..; which .,,_... wd· Newport 714 E. 19th Street ~ u.u. train, portable p111g 1n nd!o. Order Now! Bay In a general northe01terly slrl'o bicycle, boy's blcyde. Call """UIT ant1 zouthw..terly direction· Sheet Meta! Work BeacQD· 5380,-W-.., Sl8 weatm1n-"n TREES :;-.:_ the termini above Gutten· Inotallod• and Repaired Itel'. Ave.,. N..._i Helcb!s. &g.2tp -FOR.- Tbll notice Is publlahed· for the Regan• Bros:, Sheet Metal Just Anived Winter Planting NOTICE or PUBLIC HEAIUNO purpose of Informing-all nav!gaton 3'1· E : 2bt, Otata Mesa ll'reoh Hearins Aid of the dezcrlptloa-and·purpou of -. -• 81.tf , BATTERIES Hollister Bro& The Newport Beach Oty Plan-the monuments aforeaaJd· and· of c 1 '>m' Dnrs Co. NURSER y nlng Comm!Jsion will" hold" a Pub-the general oourae. landlnp, and FGR A JID,l!AtBl,J: Paint .Job .. ! uir--.m St. I'll. -515 lie Hearing· Thursday, November-tennlnl of the cables aforftald. "°"" lw, ..ii -· 15831 IO'ttc I.anclleaplng 21st. 1946. a t 7:30 p.m .. In the SOUTHERN CKI:.IFORNik ---JG.Ill ··------------19119 Harbor lloulnvd Council Olamben. Oty Hkll; New· TELEPHONE" COMPANY· HARBOR a.ta 111-Bnooa ~ port Bead>, California, w. E. I:.A1'lRENCE' B 0 A T Phanbin"' Sel'Vl"ce • 80-ttc PUBLIC HEilltIKG upon--Superintelldent ot I a awllcatlon ot 'I'h\U'lbe J: Stnley otructlon, and Plant Encl. , and Stella 0 . Straley. owners of nerlnl!. . the SOatllwnterly SO ht of Lots Pub. Nov. 5. 7 •. lll,. 14, 19, 21:, 1. 2. 3. and 4", -33'1'. CMal -28; 1948: Section' er the Ot)'· of Nl!Wpcwt ----------- Beach. Callf"ornl&. fOr • cbange "' E v ER. T TH I N 6 sell>acl< var!-.-fir -Jots from SOfeette3" ___ _ .... terly """"' l;ji a.. --3 feet te 30 -en 11ie Nmtl>- euterly P<_. t:J' -. ... .,. REFltlGER.A'l10N MANUFACTURElt l'leNewpat BML. Beaoon 50C8W ltEPADtlNG OUR SPECIALTY COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE 117..,,,.. ol -Ozttbw el I the mwpa t -CZ1;J Plan- AltC ..... .. • 1 5 nln&' OCasta....._ ! JOHN M. All.BN, I PHlLllER J. D.LSllBllOJ:K, ' I Seaet.wJ. PUb. Ntw. T. i..,.. . ...... I O.:L CUU. y_ -- n •' C f" ow-..~o I' , lllCOmeTU ,, al• nm • a e T ..... p 'ii 2 2 I I ........... ....... --_,. . . . , . •.& s. • a a a. •••t,.P• --- Deir.ins I; l"Npueil +++-,+ - NE1VPORT C:Al'E BICYCLES lild.R• ... rtir•1 ,..._ -WUM.W I ~ ............ . ., H ZORIC DU. a.zAXING ID oar °"" Plat ··PICKUP • .um D5:UVl:a ' ••• , ...... '$ , ...... ., . Harbor 879-J -. Al's House 4: Window Cleaning Service ll-t6t ==,,_,::::,--...:..J..'-..:";;;..:;::• , .. DAOON Sl'IW P U .I! p 8 -Vii .mi. ~ WOJt1HiHl7NN I iuiii~:<iiiiit'·i.,iii.ii"'iviii&•c21iii•Niiici:1 nsiiil Udo CJeanen· ---CCi'n'aD'UG,U. Permanent Waft9 F• AD Pl=- 'TI -~ -I .__ • ... "'"pwt --... ...._ --. ---• --.... GI lo. la ·-· I I .. trrt I Jls tc .AAtt. I'll. &lttar l'l't-'W' -......,=-,-~.....,....,,.......;..;;..;;;; ..., Vi's ~, ~ · · :Vech8ftfal T~ · · PPiw -a-ttc ··-....__ m ......._~ "t bte' _. Ms+ 'm' 'ft<lh eewwwwww was u•• • &M-9~ .... --· :i. --. ' .~ -. • ~ PVir pona. T, Sa' IDll''EU> flai1ltwz ~ ..... 1-•-w • 'WI-F l'CS.S' ,. ._ .lflr Bd t ... -.,.,. .. -• --•-•-· ~ .-• N t a~'· n UJBT~ •s ·-• .., _, 1'BB TOY SHOP ;a•ca, * _-_,_-Ida la' adzt • llawia •M Iv ••s1· IPOa Ski' 1"tr a' .,... ·-· p .... -H tde -. -T 2 ., -al !"1111a ._ ~"::; P M ,281-'W' ... -a.a ft .e IA" blot Ca. ~ -..... -· 4. ,_,_ B I .... -• .!!-=·~t;'"::".:S-a= ' '!tt' ;~tt,.~ JPOa ,;;: :· .. • .·i:Z -••I ,., •• !!....'-•.~ OI 'sW -· UJz sul C, .. -.. ,.,. •• --* $ n "'4l41>D''kMI ~ ... 1 2 II ...... " J J-.. • • l • ....... m In sprn + --=· 75 ~ azu 11 n a I :::.:~ 4'n ' 2 • a_·,..!... ~ J"Q.1:nsz! • .:! _,., • •• ~ •.. WI J311a WO? 11.r 7""*ii •• . ·.:r-...ii1nsti -·· 0 ,\z1lf•;· · ul&l~m.:W• •• 5 -~~-· • • • W"j"arl~;f~~~~it--~·~•!m;"~·!.a;:llH~~~~~-~B~;!!:;~~~~~~;;"ji';;i;;'ljf;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~·--~=·~f'!I!'. u~1:..._.31!1~w~B:el:i."4~:1:;.~~··~~·~•==.~====·~~··~!!•1!w~::~~~ - Ww 11:• w.a • 'a' 'sl' 201• ~1·-. I? ·a JI' ;'• ft e;p;;;era > ft'!''"'8 It l-.... .. ... .. • .. I\ __ ·-....... , ---LISTINGS WANTJID..,-~ 11e .... a.. Pnnrr ~ ~ •. .__ ~ ~ roa.~ •• '•·, H • ..aw. ~•-a 1 • ~.•: •1;1•.=. ,1~1!""'"-,_ -Oil"!' frcm, ........ pep p -Mt 3 bo 8'2Jl 'rt p' , . --~ .-W KWll •• :: n • n -~ .... ••• -••I~ lm . . . !,f • ., .. 'a ..... l'OB 1••• :aa ... w .. .......,,"*"1L 121 Alm. ..._ a.t _;. IL& I''~* '9tll ~ t~ -· ftJUlftJU ._ _ ..._ d a 11n1a. w .,. , · a -, r %'? Prieed at $1SJiO()-Tenm J'OB RDIT-111111 lfs*M plo-fw .... · ..._ -P '• Pl 1 , -J8M a.ii ·-.._ TWO --. -jprlnp tin PrQJoctan llo'wl ar ~ P<!lnt. 1-llfllc •OOID. wllll AT 00110NA DEL 11AR -1f1J :r ..... • -matb•n; -~ 'll'itb ar wltbout _....._ ~......_ ..... a ,.tlo. -B11 4; A ._, 0.-J. JI., ,.,n -er wltl! -lllrilll -· mMS REHD:D -Y-_,. Ilm't -tldl •1 '11,l!Of. • Beautiful Lot.a ,_ tlel -· ,_ _. REAL l:STATS'l!ROKER ma-; -f--~ Jiiietwe-·t ·-,,_-Ofllceal.J-D.--.:IOIJl JSS:ll. •Mc _ -Bartiar 1312 - "OOUG" AND LOUISE WHffE Licensed Real · Estate Brokers 'j .. Balboa Inn Arcade -llloW; -. --. bl-_... mn•lril!o, f<lr pstiol, 0-.. BhJL. ·-81-lfc $1350 and $1460 ALJ!IO IDr ..... -St. bl21. 15tb -Omtral, Ntwjd't ~ Phone Harbor 2202 :!:i_ 211 .t.poiena, Balboa87-~ clubl, -llu'bor ~FOR SAl,E-B)' --· ~-2 W. J . HOLCOMB -~ 811'"'' -It, ~: "On y..., w.p, to ~-ltc ---·-"----------·---,,,,..---87--l_tc ·-• -··~ ,.,..._ fUmiture• , __ loto,-lnNewjMllJel&l!tL O.Wdollbr FOR ~ calJillet, a..k B1l8DIW OPl'OftOlOS -Immediate Jl'll '""' Temm. "Wbore the.,_ J'IT' dlek, c:haln· al8o lllDCle w .ANn:D-Man or W<llliaD to own Inquire HO CtbrlJlo St. ,Ooobl 116-2tc Jamp, =. new .'Call Harbor and operate a route al. _.:ban-Ms&., 874tcj __________ ,; • ::;r,e · • 87-ltc -m•mt-. _., bein& located Twe · Unit&--- 1n Newport BHcb and Ba1-. Acres Upper Bay JJOATB. IRJPrl,ll:ll II Cub required '625.00. Hl&b View; Sand11-m 20 ft. keel boat, lttnt cleslp, weekJ¥ income to P.Jl!MM lllle cltM· modern trailer in-and effldent operator. Give od-$2600' Oil liq Aw. In ---$18,500 ~ N-..., nmat ~and ..US. -It plioDe to Box 'I"' c/o Must oee to appn!Ciate. N....,. News-'lbms. 86:2tc • • -· 1n ......... Priced belaW .roa Ull'I' '1 60-Foot Lot Three-Bedroom Home-_.!-~'.!;t.~':;' ~IS.~H~ar:,:ber===J.559-J:;.:=:-':87::;;-2tc:;:: ~bedroom -· llloo loea: El Rn~ Tr-. Fmnilbed-. LARGE llleeplns -private ~ , • .._ FOR SALE-'IYo •t.erlinl marine entrance, OOllllOCtlnc bath. _,, -=-' $26 000 ISLAND REALTY COMPANY - ~ Apte, Belboa 1"9"!1 Pbmm :m-W ·. Balboa Island •• • Two milt., mmpk tely fumlsbed, both vaaurt. On ~ lot. New $:16,000 FOR SOLID COMFORT • • . . \ __ Vacant lot far sale, cloae lttnL-------'$7500 . ens l ne•, excenent condition. toWD c.ta lllsL Pboae Bea, $6960 ' ISLAND REALTY COMPANY Large Ocean Front Home Near School JUsbt It left rotation. Ccmplete """ 535!>sW, Jdcr. 1761, New-• . .,.re ports 900 H.P .• 2100 RPM. port Blvd. 87-ltp Small Home-301 Apte; Balboa l"•LM! Harbor :m-w Spad«wJ8 Romm * Best Oil'Mndicm * maMdetlt ~-="' ~~ FOR RENT-New, modesn _.i-Busineae Buildings · OD o-n Front at s.a Slxn frl·ltc -1.J 86:2tp . mmt, turnllbed, JIS. No peb GOOD LOCATION. Nice. bouJe-C<*m7-. BRIGGS,' ••• BEST ••• BUYS 4 B. R.'I!. 2~ batha, larp Uv; Rm,, l1UV D BeM"ll · be Uled or cblldren. Veteran only. 713 van! frontap. Boe 1& $6260 l dln"w·room, ldtdlen and IJervioe pordl planned for 22-::=$'15o~att.er ~~;!• a.8'ii. = ~ ~; J C AYNE B k -Gooclo::. ~ ~ ~u=o18° 0ranp St.. ~ ~ ~ ~8*Y=ln ~= • pm., Harbor i49W. 83-tt~ Arlinlton. c.nt. 87·1tp m' L isl St. • oaof:. ~ Ocean Front Lo 50xl.27.li m 1'lltln Newpo.'t Hts., S. Clay ... ..,.,., tmtures. FOR SA•E tO ft. callln mmer. FOR RENT-°"Y or -. a~-Pb. Beooan 52U-K See Sbare ~ 50id37 Oil 16th Place, Oosta Ilea; good leYel Jot.__$1500 Pr! Qu ted Af I ~ llx; p11ey, ci::iue.:.=: ment and hotel romna. Coup!• $3l60 Newport Blvd BuL lots, Bet. Newpcrt ud Oosta :Msa: ce O ter nspection luse --~ -to w:ltb c:bllclren welcome, 1007 E. R, W, BARTINE 5& ft. frmt · , $ 5,!!00 nwnp!etel7 ~~-' ___..,. Central, Bal-. Pboae Harbor •-ocia•.e Baoka 55 ft. comer fronL_. $ 6,000 stem; ~ ~---:l360sll. 116-:.otc Ra. Pb. Be 5271.J I Lo· 110 ~ .__. $11,000 See -133 Apte Ave. Bal-""°" 4().Ft, Bulin-...--, -~ •n•u . 2-•-..,,,.. _,• 67-~ FOR RENT-New Dul-room 87-ltc Iii cl.-:.~ town Costa Mesa BuL zone, ..--~ boa l•l•pq -Cent.er al. Balho. 1250 ft. $1"""' ~ .. ~ -~ __._ and private bo.tb, tile -.. houae con · 8Q.l , uuu ,..,...., ... ........... """""'• Fire Equipment Testa •tall. 1Wln or double-. boa East Newport $18,500 lot 75x1 will ~ndle, bal terms. CO.'IYo: P>•-" Foun rellll& ~ and lnlenilriDI: mat.,_ l'lw --2\i batbo. Fur-Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa ~ -Q.tem and Port.obloo -. Unt l!Mt. Spedal rate& far ,,___ -... ,..,,.. pmnanent a-ta. l4lracle Mlle 12 600 W, L JORDAN 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy'' Steiner Offices -HOION " GALVAN Motel, 708 Cout HJcbwa:y, N--$ • '100 E. een-· Balboa Phone Beaoon 5173 OC' Rs, Har. 2476 COAST PROPERTIES CO, "Saving Newport Harbor Ara" 703 E. Central AYI!. Balboa Barbar 88 ··m c:-1 Hlcb'W'&7 pri Beem Pb. seacoa $Mhl. ~-. · 87-ltc Pb. Be•>•• !11122 . 13-11< 'lllttc J. M, MU.I.ER Phone Harbor 163 8'-ttc REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone Harber 153 Balboa Canva8 Shop WaNTED ro BENT a Phone Harbor 1242 Salla -Boat Coven ROOM WANTED -Slri&le man, 15th and Central, Newpwt Beomj-----------I JhriDe Upbolat.erln& S employee of Newa-Timea. Phone -on Your Wa:y to S..::boa" 8'-Uc Barbor 207 -:i:l4\i 2lat t. Harbor 13. 87,tf 87-ltc Newport Beach n-Uc Well located, clooe to tr...._, Newport Beach llt18WAL a MDJO M tatlaa and ID walldn& dia~ Retired Army Officer AT CORONA DEL llAR of ·-Completely redecor- 25 and 50 Watt Harvey Wells Radio Telephones dellll'. es two or three-~..-.t ~~-to move Into. Three Lot.a $2660 C<~ _, bedroom house or $66/VI '"2300 Down apartment , • , Near Ocean and J1a:y v..-. For Jmmedlate Delivery ·tor Willter month&« perm- anent arrancement. W. J. HOLCOMB J, M, MUJ,ER TRONART, INC. 1517 Cout Hichwa:y REAL ESTATE BROKER CORONA DEL MAR 1"°"" Harber 12'2 Autbor!Zed Acceptable local rderenceo uaure owner delirable ten- 11&-:ltc 15tl! and Central, Newport BNd> ________ _....;;_:,:;,;; ·''On Your Wa:y to Balboa" United Motor Radio Service ant with ucellent care of Radio. Electronics, Sound-Sales property. -Service-Marine and ~tic Write or call: Ph. H. 121ZsM 2901 W. Central, Newport Betc:b 874tc Radio Re.Paire All mekn; tubee. etc: OOL. M1TCHELL University Club Lol.Anleks TR 86:11 ll&-2tp J, E, Barnee & Son J80S Newport Jlhd. a.ta Mm& Pb: B•em SP> One.Bedroom House Double &arap; SoOd location; - aide ot town. Price rmuced to 87-ltc Beautiful Beach Lot.a NOT CORONA DEL MAR Price $690 SEE W. J, HOLCOMB $4600 Beacon 6763 BURT NORTON ~L =~:1tm!'t1": .~~FIT' 815 Cout mpa:y, N-.mt· rent for winter or permanent. Large Residence Lot , 86:2tc . 23:tfc call Harber 261 or write Box Near N..._t Blvd. Good Joca-1----------=~ DANZ-SCHMIDT ' 786, Balboa Ialanci. 86:ttc tion. Price only- PIANO CO. MARINE capteln and wife clelllre $1250 Santa Ana fUmllllled P>ouae. EJ<cellent care Slll No. Main St. 11\W"&nteed. Leue or rent. ZENITH <»NOie, 7 tubeo, attraCs Santa Ana 4601, Ext. 780, Capt. FURNISHED ttve cabinet. Perfect conc1. Low Jones. 8Mtp Two-Bedroom Home price. m ' W. Myrtle. WANr TO RENT-Furnlabed or Laree lot. Refr!aerator table-top BABY crand. Hlgb erode make. unfumiahed houae, 2 or 3 -stove flttplt<e and i-'tto ~ Beverley Realty Co1 -We Need Li.stings- HA VE two clienta waltln& for Jla:y Front -Must have • pier. Beverly Realty Co. Uaed. N-only $t85. Terms. roma w:111 leue. Phone Harber WW handl•. · STEINWAY crand. style B. Tbe 7ITI 81-tfc · ~ -~. Jack C. Ford, COS.ONA DEL MAR $15,000 Furnished IN A CHOICE LOCATION, close to school, beach and stores. TWo bolas on 80 ft. front, One house has two bedrooms, the other has one bedroom, Stucro; QOMtQry, landscaped and fenced yard Immediate p sedan. This Is the bargain you have been. Jooklng fOC'. .$28,500 -Complc;tely: Furnished VIEW OF OCEAN AND HARBOR, two bedrooms and den, 1 ~ bathL Best locatioo. Fenced, landscaped yard Venetian blinds. Carpeted wall to wall. liome and fUn•Whmp new In 1946. U yoo want the . best tide 11 It. &lme terms, BALBOA ISLAND BAYFRONT HOME with pier and float for sale. oWner will consider hllllde home !IS part payment, LIDO ISLE 1WO-BEDROOM HOME-Two stories. aose to.South Bay. Patio and sun deck. On l 'h lots- Only $22,500 REAL VALUES HOMES -INOOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNl'I'Q:s INSURANCE Buy Her a Home for Christmas Now Two-bedroom home In a fine residential district. near Newport Helght:s. Hardwood tloors. A real buy at- $8350 • • Two-bedroom home with approx. 1800 square feet. Wide frontage lot overlooking country club, Beal!- tlfUlly land8caped with an Ackerman fence 1111'- roundlng baclc; yald A very nice patio with an out- door bamboo bar house. Twl>Oll' garage. · One year old .Must sell at once at.a sa~ • $13,500 ~- New two-bedroom home ... completely fumlahed .•. one block off-Newport Blvd •.. east aide. Larae lot 115x135 with family fruit, YOU must -thla one ... a real good buy at- J 13, 75o ' I B. A, NERESON , REAL ESTATE' BROKER ANI> ASSOCIA'ID Phil D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Bmdnl world'• moot wonderfUl piano. $100 REW AJW-F or rent for un-Retlton Uaed. Saw one-third DOW from fllrnlAbed 2 or 3sbedroom -New 2-Bedroom Home Jam .. Howard Bill Lewellyn new today'• price. at C<J<Ona de! Illar, or Jla:y dla-Hardwood noon· tll•· lot ll5x75 Broker Saleamo" NEWPO,RT . BEACH ON-BEDROOM HOME -In first class condltioo.· Fenced yard, bricked patio. aoee to ocean and shopping- Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd Costa llfe8a 871 lte GOOD uaed practice piano. Only trlct until June 1. a. .. 1,,.. on comer .. Pri-· · 507 E. Central Harbor 17111 169. Or WW rent. man, former lat Lt. Infantry. Balboe 87,ltc $6500-Terms •g•1. DTAD ~Ani&D I& .a.tno mm WILL TRADE-Lob on Lido Ja1e NOW HERE al8o lob on Penlmula on pur-GRAND planoa. Weber, Stein-Care Jl\W". Phone San,. Ant Only $9000 wa:y, Kimball, Rtworth, Meblln l~M llOstfc $tOOO WW handle. and many othen. Priced from A.PT or SKALL HOUSE Wllllted ~ up. bjl man and wife, We do not REPOSSESSED aplnet type n\h'-drlU or -·· no dJlldnn or J, E, Barnee & Son ror piano. A beauty. Full rich , pets. Pboae SU.ta Alla 0881-W lll09 Newpo.1 Bl'fd. tone. Now only $295. Tenm. ar 1rrtte Sta .. X"' Newpcll't Bal· ODlta Mw Pb. 811 caa m> GORGEOUS new styled upholat-boa N-.nm.. 37-tlc ---------87--1-tc end piano with mlrrc< spinet WANTED TO RENT-By local type patent. Wu excbtnsed ptwmaclat, two--oom bome for ltr&• srand. WW iell far or apartment, fllrnlAbed or un- bal. $288. I fumltbed. Call Allen'& Pbar- DAffZ..SCHMIDT PIANO 00. maey, Harber l1l-W or leet-W. 520 No. 11a1n, Santa Ana 11&-Uc 8Mtp aADIO HOUSE CALlS--WANT TO RENT-.2 or a -m. --ww-Naw that addltlontl c:mnpe-Call Sam -at ~ 'lllf =~ '::--:' ~ or U. l&:lfc oa ltrp ronaolea. All work WANTED TO RENT-Gerap, ......... -. Jlftlerabi¥ ID Bal'-~ .._. HENRY W. BRAINERD mable offer c:oallldeftd. 323 BALBOA F<JUl':bedxoom -. Two--oom A~pper. One--0001 Apt.-Lower. Tw<><:ar 1arqe, On Corner Lot In HEART OF BAJJIOA 2-for Jbw!- $36,000 ~ El Bayo "Duplex'' BeauU!ully fllmlabed and In the beat location. --pa:y-ment and move 1D. J. M. MllJ.ER EARL W. STANLEY ..,_ of 2 or a -oom -In Harber dlatrkt. Pbone•a.rbar 7ITI 81-Uc Youraut.borbecl~ l'l1mollth De.ier. REALTOR -'IO WK . ·It Autliomed ~ COVERING G Rl:A TER NEWPORT. BARBOR LOA.Na TO BlllLD, '"9, "£ an, , 115 o-t BllllW81 l11J W. Omtnl Z15 .,_ Aft. .,,......_or --Ownp!ete Lubrlcatlaa and a.-do! liar New-----rt -...... _ --llhln'-•nce REAL ESTATE BROKER -·· ~.~ .. -~ lOU -: Baltlcr 11'11 . ~-... ,. -·-.w_.-~ aD4 Lama A-ad1dm c---_ _._ __ 1_ • l'bcl>e Harbor 12'2 • frl-ltc .. Via Lido Pb. Jlubar 1900 ....-• ~ 15th and Central, Newport ----------------------~n and Qo..ic.r State .a. "OD Y-Wa:y to Balboa" AvrGllOHfl: a Tmm U 87-ltc -BUSINESS BUYS'--F. JACK SUWVAN , --0-- FOR SALE -1937 0-. -1 truck. Boe Mr. Sanden at IAs- laQ Hut. ~IC 1939 CMQ!ac -... model eo. c---J . c. Kirt<. NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 19U w. Centnl, Newport lll16 w. Omtnl Aft. Be1dL BT·ltp Alone· Harbor as • New 0--S.O.S. Radio li'lower St., CO.ta -or ..U llOO llarlne Aw. Hartiar 780 ' Be&COll 5118W. . 87-ltp BALBOA ISLAND -THE JIG5T BUYS-- In Corona de! Mar i'6i S.UE B. P. ~. . I ..... --. $1'15 'f'!' wU1 I . . a.1111 81-Uc TWO 111oo boo••• on IOxllll, be- --------=---=I mT, ~ '6 TWO.BEDROOllllOKE and P" -blllnrlo'. botb - DOOll, QAD a l'STll • qe, llmoape,_.Or well llallt coo•llllJ· Nici .. tlo. 1'11111 'l'BOROUGHBRED -· ftll9: Desk Space for Rent and 1n ""'""Wt cmi:11oa. i. ~ -fenoe4. -r.r-. -"AXC".llqbe-at..Dr. WHl'I'E REAL ESTATE orna: bPoclt...,. __ '15,000. Act,._,, ' I_,.-., 1lll So. Kain. Saab! $16 760 AaL ~ Balboa Inn Arcade • '- MIDCI•&. Al1Jf911JH 11:-n • l'bcl>e Barbor Zlll2 Lot Mow, JiiPWQ ========'"87==-1=tcl CORONA DEL 1:1AR OM j, ""9 e:d '1, w 1• Ill _.., 77" FOR RENT-Gerap, lltb -TWO-IIEDROOK H()ln .Ila I'" A ._.. "'°' Jla:y, N••IMt Buch. -ed. .,.._, ~ -...... 0. ..... l"IOll cana.tiar• .llu'bor H'n-ll. 87-_. ................ ... -··· ....,. ., $6000 Cub ' IMfe: FOR BAT. Lot -cmtral A" Wiii Pv. _____ ,,;, __ _....;;_=.: I' "llNla l'Qlnt, -a. -· $11,000 - "-~ -rtpt. Call -1111. Culhman oeoooer Ofllce a1. JobD D. llunb-. - Ropolr Wen 0.-. Bl'ld., Bii-ID:Uc rrft Eliumata P0a BA'• ODrw. dll lls, 6 On S.wb .......... ft.IDt,1--•! I 12,- al. __ Piil __ lor JD. ·- LIS'JJNGll APl'lmlCl.l.'1111> --· I - ~ 0ww. Pb. H-11•~ JOHN E. SADil!IR I'. JACX SUWVAN Mall""· & Wycmtt DALD -J POil S•l "--0-• 4 - l -· JQllN R. llCSllCK, .... ,., -• _. 1td& M M &w•uw roma ..... Naab r1l1L'G!ottl -llill St.. •mi i'IL -l2D o..t ~ • ~ ... ., -. mi..w U1C1 W1Pom, w * ._.. um~ m1 .,, c dll -CXllOftA 'IJC. ~ Ma•pmt ._. .Au ...... Coot.a -. ... "-Bod• 'Ml . ft. UIT..J sr- .. ... • SJ-I• • • ' • • -0--. • HOT DOG, llAJ:IBURGERS, ICE CREAM, E'IC-Year lll'OUlld .... . $4000 ....,. "-dldbw ud an, --0-..-- 00NOtEl'E BRICK FA.Cl'ORY with booJ• 1111 one ai:l9 fll. ........ ..... 'ftda proilllet II Iii pat .......... •""~ m. a,..._ 1&1est 1J1111:4a to lniure pro. ~1'2.~ .. .. ~ ..... _. GIF1' SHOP, llfs LDC1111!7 --· Miiii'* for prrtneil, about $80()0 wu1b Roel:: rnd am-. Prlmd ,.. quick ale at '8000. " ' --0'-;-·--"s = c er . ..,._ a B:: ' , See """"'""'' .• --0-----A, "SANDY ST~ Realtor \ B ' I 2 .... -11:•--•rt • • 6M 011st ......... JOI 81 us l1'1S • tnde tar avtomohUe ar pick--·•-• up tnil:*. Pbcne It! ICIOll 5i:ll~ . • Lm. to 5:30 p:m. ar-J.tc ILACIUft<Z -~ ia n. ·• tr.a. (3t811J.). 8a Bl Ill 911-HJI'= ::I'.::: ;.._ ~ ._ ·-..... Bndl •Iii .... .. -., ..._ la'·" ft•D CT9 Im llDfl'-U. Jiliii . . 87-Ctc -t I I -_... .All __ , 1,-~­ .,.. •• .. llw I 2 ...... --••1114!11¥1111•-.. -1111! .,.. D ..... I ·i;..e;; ... ,, ............. 5 rt ~ ·O. I.,,...;·~-:.....,,.=-~~~·~= ._ iiii\li W&W' .;AUIW WA ,;· . ) ' . ft .NEED LATE MODBL·CARS ,,mclWWPayTopPtic• l • ., • CHRISTIAN'S BUT 1-nl lfanball. Vanqpr ......... Olllf .. - or. Oal7 • -·'-· "' _...... olilL "TI ' ...... -11111 far Wmld wv n ---"Jmss , ....... ..,_.,, __ ..,.,UC.tlm for the ooda1 _ _, -If It lo ,_ lllat lllo,---ta pnnldod by the """'t be -to • ---t -veteran.' • .,....,,.,..,.t to the So--... tbe ........ t thaa u., lft c1o1 -IY Ad, J-G. --reoehtas er haw -..<! --. --., the 1-.. the -., ooda1 -ty -oftlce ., tbe Social Se-protectlml llullt ap ~ Illa .. curlty Admlnlotralloft. 423 Jerk-oeued wtenn, they will - . !no TTuot Bkfc., reported ~ tbe !arser benellt. In urslna the Immediate llllna ., '"lbe --lo -·~ rucb appllca-by Ill IUl'1llv-at the -ca• GI -- on -may be e!lsDW. left DO llUlvi ... I -in Ndcim-wi.te Cdehratlon Of -. ~Week -. DELICIOUS FOOD .•. COCKTAIL BAil DINNERS ••. BANQUETS "Whl1e It ..,.. not expoc:Ud that the okl-qe and -dvoH lnaur- there would be any tarp n.-once _,...., -""""'°"" - ot beneflclarleo wbo mlcbt quollfy have not clalnwl --tboy at once for the protectlan ~ -111 have been olfclble to ~ ed by the -RCtlon ot the --Tbe1 _,. me dalm tor law, I feel confident that there an beneftto under 0the unendmont. a number of penmo -1n the Lons autijtct to certain Qll81Jfl!:a- Beach area who have not ~ be<n the wteran muot have bad! Both In to -m and wbo ohou1d do groupo have until mldnllll>t IO u IOOll U pmlble." Mr. Dre-February. 10, l!M7, to come to DlllERWARE BY VDNOM '*'-<>-* MONTEREY EARLY CALIFOIUUA ' BROWN-EYED SUSAN *"-C)-11> CALIFORNIA RUSTIC PATIO WARE *-<>-""* DEVILED EGG PLATES ~ LA SOLAll POTTERY SHOP 954 South Coast Blvd. Laguna Beach therton laid ...... -and file ·~-The office ..,..,...,.. exp1a1nec1 tor monthly benoftta. If tl1ey are that there are two groupo ot aur-to be oure to ._tve benefits vtvon etl&lble to me bmdlt ... -... to the month In which claims at once on the aooounts the veteran died. I 1troncfy oug- of qualified veterans who died cest that they take care o1. this between the time or their lb-matter u IOOll u pmtble." charae from World War n lttV• Survivon who are now receiv· Ice and the effect!ve elate ot the Ing Veteran Admlnlstra!=fon pay- amendment. mento cannot quality tor benefits ""In the ftnt place, there ore under the Social Security Act the tamllles of deceued veterans amendment. Mr. Bretherton warn- who are now receivin& monthl)" If> ed. NationaJ Service We lnlur· da1 security benefJt.s or have re--ance ii not conaidered u such ceived lump sums," Mr. Bretherton a payment. General requirement. that a World War n veteran must meet in order for hla survivon to qualify tor -llOdal security bene- fits under the provisions or the amendment are: .... ~ T' .. ... .,... ... 1• .. .. ~u--•1e.,-. • That the veteran was discharged trom the armed forces under dr- cumatances other than dishonor· able within tour yean and a day alter the u-yet officially uniro- claimed end of World War U ; that the veteran had at leut 90 days ot active duty between Sep- tember 16, 1940, and the end or the war. or.~ wu diacharged be-- cause of disability or injUry In- curred or aggravated in service in line of duty; and that the veteran died within three yean of the elate of hlo dlacharge. Marines to Appear In Dress Blues Now Children'• Book Week. to be belcl dren wbo ban nner read a book from NoT. 10.lt, la IOin& to be &D "for pleuure." tor the tan ot 4Jld- all-ou.t &ftal:rthia year. The theme, iq" out 10methln1 or dileoTerllll' .. BoOka a.re Bridget," conve1• the a new 1tory or same. importance ot boqka u brldge1 to Llbrariea, ecb.ooli, booUtoree lnternatJonal acqu&l.ntance; to and ciylc groupa o•er the country 11Clentlftc dlacoTery; to nature; to wtll work tocether tn a tremendoua the realm ot the tmagfn&Uon; tun campaJsn to awaken the natton to and entertainment; to an apprecla· the importance ot bookl to chit· ti.on of tbe arta; hYtory, put and dren. With book nb..lblta, llTelJ preaent, and to tbe development of ta.JU by authon and arUeta plap, the kind ol undentandinl' or the &a.d pageant.I, parades and book· world that can crow Into "peace projecta in wll.lch the childre». par- on earth.• ticlpate, they wtll make th11 week In America and in thJrty-nlne a gala celebration a week of en- countriea a.round the globe, Book tertalnment tha.t ' wUJ Introduce Week celebra.Uou will focut_ a Cb.tJdren to year1 of entertainment •PGUlsht on the need tor ''more throup. reading. book:a for more children." Already, aeTeral countrl.611 tnclud.Jng Eng-Th.Hie local O'OUPI are tbe m&ln land, Scotland, Belgium and the •Prine ot Book Weell: celebraUou, United states, are engaged In a and theJ', a.re backed aoltdl7 b7 the prognm of ezcbange of chUdren'• Children a Book Council, sponsored books, 80 that the children of one b7 the Auoc.latlon of Children'• , naUou ID"T read the boob of &n· Book ·Editors, and bJ the twentr· other. Tb91 also uchan1e scrap seven national orcanlzattona which books made bJ' school children who cooperate wtth the 'Council. SeTeral tell about eTeryday life tn their of theH a.re, Boys' Cluba of Amert· school and comm.unit,' tn their own ca, Inc., Bureau for Intercultural words and· drawtnp. Education, Eut and Weal A.uocla- MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE Fifteen hundred sets of dress blu.. will be laued to the Ma- rines of the El Toro Air atatlon immediately, acoordl.ng to a re-- port made today by Capt. Willis R. Ludus of the Marine Corps' Quartermuter department. Amerlca ii acUTe Jn sending Uon 4-H Clubs National Confer-book:a to Europe u gift.I under the ' ' direction of the Treasure Che:it e?ce of Christiana and Jewa, Na- CampaJpi. Europe ta eager for l •onal Council of Teacbera of En«- booka to replace thoee deatrored, llsh, Pan American Union. nm Oluo Mech••lcal Work llOTOB8 lll:BUJLT 1501 WEST CENTRAL A VENUE PHONE B.&BBOB 21211. • l'-sen 1lhed • WbeeD stnip._.. • Bod7 Repairing - TIDE TABLES and to m&Jce up for the man1 that The Children's Book Council 12 could not be prlnted during" the Weat 45th St., N. Y. c. 19, ~ WV yean. But America need.I prol'ide upon request a free man- boob, too. Surve11 ind.teat& that tlal of 1ucgestiona which U1t.a there a.re over a million children cUspJay mater;a11 for Book Week lD _thl1 country for whom ''boob" programs. Tble1 have auppltea or NOVEMBER. 1941 and school tuta are the same posters, book marll:a, phonog'f'aph F 8 7:52 1 :39 8 :f.I !.II th.lng-. They neTer aee other aorta record.a, wall maps, diaplay cap. 6.4 0.7 4.7 ---'> 7 of boob. TbJ1 means that there tlona and other Book Week atda s 9 8:25 2 :11 1:11 a:io ..a•e hundrW ot thousand.a of chil· diltrlbut.ed at coet price. • 6.6 1.1 4.4 -1.1 __________________ c..:_ ___ _ Su 10 9:02 2:46 10:11 4:09 6.8 1.4 4.1 -1.2 M 11 9 :42 3 :23 .... 11:40 6:0% 6.6 1.9 °3.8 -1.0 Have this 4-Point Check • Auto Painting $50 T 12 10:28 4 :08 ......... l :M 6.3 2.3 --0.8 031Jalboa rket .e •OTO• C!BSC:&·UP e 1'ALl ....... na•MJ!f • ....... CJllU•D a IO.Nn10M IUYIC8 and Up • - w 13 1 :01 5:00 11:!! 1:14 3.6 2.8 5.8 --0.S 116-.,.. p&.....s lll oro.r Of oomrr-. LJ.aht npr,. .... : .... a.--p. • llore n-It Yww ol llenloe to IM Bartlor'• ... llA1N -. Olea-llAl.B()A, ()Al.IF. You don't have to be rich io be happyJ t::1' DAY'S work well done-the old house slippers, an easy chair-and a glass of cool, sparkling Eastside. A million dollars wouldn't buy more contentment-or bdtw b«r. • Eastside· ~~-mild GARDB AND PATIO WALL • w .. P. MBAl.BY I G 7 1111 c.tradar n a n 1 -. .... -ltAlTlfll ...... ;,; • Fresh • Live and Cooked · LOBSTERS Fr ... 0. •"'- Fresh Fish and Seafood \ WBOLF.sAIS and RETAIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET Z8lla 8&. llDd l.afaJeUe NliWfOBT ' I Ph: Barbor 8U You Will Enjoy Eating at AUCE GENTLE'S Tr 'es Wbeie Real - Ga i Old Fashioned Meals • -• Are Served • Luncheon 12 • 2:30 • Dinner 5:30 •. 8 :30 Cafe Ju our space Is limlted for the whiter months we suggest our ~Irons make reservations to~ either 5:30, 6:30 or 7:30. -PHONE 6S21- 17 45 Coast Boulevard South LAGUNA llEAOR ' ., --CLOSED WEDNESDAY- Balboa Central Market ' 708 E. Central, Balboa Ph.: Barbor 2729 · Again We Have CHOICE MEATS . Reaso•ably Priced (Cat to Yoar Spe..W Order. Wadioa ~) Garden Fresh Vegetables Bird's Eye FROZEN FOODS · Fa . . GROCERY AND It ncy . Dtl.ICATESSEN . ems Jl'OI& Ya Oo:NVJ:ND:!fCI: WE KJ:llAlN OPZN RIDA1' a ~AY l:VmQNGll 'TJLL I ···AND ALL DAY•8l1NDAY DIESEL SERVICE ' . e "W.&:IW IOEI no: .&NNOONCMLNT 01' 01Jll NM 1.00AnON • • -· Wit-.:: !i ...... I .. --'I ,. -. ..-1 I •atlll(lr•mpw6,J,Clle I 0..-~.1·-···· -We ... _ .. 0 • .. .. • 11 11 II ........ ~ ....... 1a·11111' 111 -.....,.. a • •0.r • I ...... _ ... _ .. ...,.._ ti ... ti I ' 1111• r5 --T ·e • __ ..... ! ~ .. a I alt.l Lia ---_ ... _ .. - • • ·-· • • . • I RIBB P'IMY ::•=•~•:1111::•::-:-=~· l~Blxbill~a~•;iY~m~---r.:;;::~;:~i::;;::=l t&WFGWI .,,,,.,. -a •m• .......... a --o 'min ans i~~~~~N~E~W~~S~·~-~T~l~M~~E~s~-~~~~ TO REMARK - - -. .N I w s Tr_... ... D• 7 JI ,,, -· I •• I &Id 01.U.• ' a 2 la• •=--·•• •llmlll - --·-I zk11:I bf.• .. -.--. Sis rrk&llla ... cblll • , __ _ . ™ ·~ · . of the -a II' u • 11S 'II W?SF t•mT , .. D ,gar 1'2 WWW l. 0 ..--• -•• 1 ' a.-. .... rt 0 llir tll9 ~ 81 a.... --5™ .-•. n I~ w a tu " 9 D on. .. 'br letter. llJre tbl uW. ~ -.... • w • •• .... ........ die TN 9 ""· E •• ~--·-lbi ID llliulo'• ~.'Die CB U R,C BES v pt "Wa 'ft tr._,. ,..__. .......... _a..... '""-· Taldtoic• • -e(JOJlollp •, ..,.._ .. ''t ta -.Sc .~,_,_.a O •Cs Si Admtl"abl&Oktltaa.**ldbemn.. u:ee &JL 1'WU&J ._ .. ....., ............... JC!llmee aMl''6 .,. o...-. .,_. eltltlw w .... _.. •'-"" .. _ a•-•toe-.p.mw-IDllll-' .. a 'TW1 •le" It lo writta ID . *wa l•llc •d1 'Adam' -~""an-.. __ , -. -s.· -~ ~·~----------t:tl p.a. lllO? A11 Yoe~ ·.. 111111 r; uca 1U1111 .. .--,... -... ........ 81:a· s-ass _,_ .-............ ID Ncapwt •• *· -die lti..-'~ al. die ........ OUR LADY 01' ltT.. 'CAllll•L kw·,.., y;-Amit.... ab Para 8'at••t .. u.. •• FEM tk:au: .... Aullurn Rabal& of ~ ....... -die""' o6 -a. 11111 --·-la the -148.,... Cllllb91 A-... • -.. wm ... die Ooldea Tnt"' IM -Na-(JO; .1-.1. ~ . ... jult alter tire eJeetlaD. It ftlll'eo-•e 'Sf' M m11: I ...s JO a.& v':OO ..... -!:.._ y •.!_";_*P>-., I ·a;•S...O -...... wl ol Sa Die&o: Ridmd w ....... &lll D. l'ORTICR •<I-• • _,._ -lo die -period. be-O&' '-: _..,. hte p: -• ---llaa" la all 11n..-•w Ill TH o6 -Gate;' Wi111mn .J-r. Q. J1I08T -• • • • • • • • • -fore tile n.uito are -a. •:GO to li:IO --T:llO to · ·-C1111•'*· Tllo nm l:llmcll Om< at '-Beadl --W:.._~l)JXOM • • • • • " Al!Ntllobc Mn·1• F that I wm14 like to 8CVU'!B DA'I' .&Dllliliii&iii ' Ill Clu1at. Selmtlat. IA -: "U Nlc:hol DobruUy o6 Sout1i Gate., .. ...... Plant, JOU w. Oldnl "-New .... 't Brz"\ QmmDla .. _ ... ulclo r••oo. -· l:IO ...... . oar-Bolla -Old CloaDlrJ 114. ., ODO mu .. ottenca 4•tb -od Oiff&J P~per Of the Ci~ of Newport Beach : ::::~=.: ~. JOHN.:.::.N:::. CHURCH Sabbath =· =-_,.. ::r:;~=~i-:1.;: 4 D11 'aMe i...1 b Ill '•" lw O.W 11 'l'wa and •o•w•+mt on a Utue ('l'll'd I ...,.,. Kw: l:.IO a.a. Ina. 9:30 O'clock. ute b7 ooe. l•m Chrbt. .. .... ctven the other day In Hunt· Omt r.-.: ------tron Prfterh'DI .. Y1ce. u LID. Tb• L-on 8ermon lllclud.• Ulla V'IM. Adi ·----Of tlan----Bibi•-...... rro ... Oen-: "la Ibo . Ve i',;;wUhlJll'tm ~me o6 T:llO to l:llO p.m. . l'ULL -IL CHURCH .... ••lag God e..,....i Ibo be ..... Memz.-·-~ ~ . t that d-. --....... --and ... outlL •.• An4 God Aid. "'"' .,.,.-~•m ~a 1>•1•1-on .,. -. · 111 mah mu Ill our -._ after of He aald If be -bad to &o cruJ, ~·.:..~ -., -. 1:'6; ----: and lot tll-ba•• Sallar: "I love JOU darllna; I adore JOU... ~ Wave: "Ate JOU &Olal:· to IDl1T1 ,.. . I me Salkr: -D...•t ebanp the - ject." ~ PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY . ----------_:_-------~~~'.:..-be hoped be would be In W-OIRlJllllll, OC>Jl-ATIOK.AL -aldp, ll; ......-MllOE, "-"''"" ••• °'"' all tllo oartli. lacton at the um., for tbet .,. _ l"ridorldt Scbrodr. -7:80 p. m.; -'"* --and «!'er ...,., ·--Wna tbat the place It -.Jd be 1eut notlcod: ~-·•SU~ A-1I1C • W-11hf, 7:'6 p.m.; _.. 1IPflll the outlL Bo Oocl aocomnA!l'r rBl'MJl'"lll·.-.,D.O. •• .. •-=-· ·------.. ,.----""""11 ~ little -~ -...._ me al ~, ~ ·-,..._,. ,..... ~ wtloi erw.ted man fD llll oWD. lmaae.1D. the 1.------------il ·-~ .. ~ . ~ -I cm ..........,, '*' ., m. -or Oocl enato4 11o 111m; ••• CORRAL DUST a Rotary Club luncheon. I ... a ~, NOY<mber 10, 19t8 . But tbere -•D a -rrom tll• B 0 0 k keeping • ·-· -~t there, and the -aker. Tbe 9:30 a.b. Onlrdl adiool outlL and --tho wbolo faeo S • IDLIOY WAS HERE·:: -for the Democrats I prealclent o6 the Club poe a cud ll:OOa.m. Morn1a&-e-s.. OOBTA MDA ~01' GOD or ... srowul. AD4 Ibo Loni Oocl erv1ce -J,;::;x, UNDllUY to each member. It -titled, ,_ by llr. Sdlrock. . ._. ~-P. -· Pwtor formed m&a Ill Ille 4aot Ill tllo 00UH I', WWN . J '"I1le Four Wa:y Tat." and ap-IM O*tDo II&. Ooola -.....,.4, and broatliod lllto bla .... · (•,._ t•l .. _______ ,.•1•1 ·------·--' ••••11•••••-•• parently repesenta a CUlde to Servlca SUDdQr 10 ._ m.. 8:30 trfla the brMlh of ltfe; and mu Dr. W. T. Mooaey ·ptqlH ....... &. ..., ~ ... 0&21111 -----buainea pal.icy at:abllahed by l'IRST CHUftGH OP' CHRltt, p. m. and ?:30 p. m. becam.eaU.tq80QL• Ill Mete.&-.... P@D'1a llL Ode•~ i. .. _ man, Mr a.:_l ec1al(l'I8T la "Sc!eneo 11114 Hoallb wltb ltey 1:~~~~~~~~~~~ --• Lkl9 ,.......,. Ceiftttll1 Avenue to the Seripturea .. KU7 Baker J:dcly , ~---------....., Ill•-a e~--bert J . Tayler. He and Illa ...,. -Via Lida CHiii~ CHURCH •v TH• ••A WT!teo, ,"BD!rltuallr foll°"ed, tho " .....,_ "• _,.., An analytical survey of the nationwide results ol the e1ec-latta apply tbla four-way teit to A -o6 TM _Mr Qlurdl, C-lly •-llt -kotlle••I• fl tbo lll1torrot Ibo 1 . s ; WHYTZ tkln clearly Indicate that the majority of voters felt there was =.., buainea tranaactlona and de-'1'lle J"lnt Cllurela o6 ·~ 8Dl-~-=-:":=~·A"= g~~,t."!-..::i,~':8';'!.~ "!:: •• .'•: ,m.., '!:' ..:::="'-A. V. Andrews, M. D. On the Election t -__.f "-• in the political_,,.._,_ 'Jbemajorlty mtllit, ta Bc#an. M·-cht11ltt& .-1-... all -•-t d .. DI:' O\ .. '* , ....... l&Jii1(11A11f pea: Dl:ICU or a UJADge .-.11.u.&..-. . The.e are the tats: 1. Ia It the thmdl7 8c1'ool at t:IO L m.. ..... Olarcta ~ t :IO LIL -.u. I. auau an Co'f'lll'llmeDt to ;. -wttlt. -.-, ... ......._ ... vote also reveals that many thousands ot registered Demo-truth T 2. II It !alt to all w ..i ~ Wonldp, ll L m. God. and ondcnn m&a °"t 111 God'• _n __ COD--8onlee at U L m. --Ywtb roDow*lp. 1 p. IL perfec:tloa and J)OWOr.• "Tlllo oecoad •u-:::. and~~a~'!: ~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ rwm'"l: ~...:: :.:r.,:~ =~~ No ovenln& -p durlaa Sep-:~~tla a1>1etmeororrw i:..------------'ll Ill ~~.:·&:r ._ - be benelldal to all ooncemedf Palm street. Balboa, lo -dallJ tenber. no: ll&WPUllT a&p-c>'& · In the outcome. Two of the most lnftuential factors were re-What struck me wu that this fr'nm 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. -=ept Sul>-~~ Jlft:JW w •IOE, WG-uaer• AN ~ ••mllMit .._...,. oveneas war veterans and women who placed ccn-la not Just a buainea code rcw one 4a:yw and bolldaya no~;r • P..._, ""'---· I:• (To be •-tee! cm aur Drl-1.------------,111 _....,.. m.. -·-1olm IL 0. Cbaeg. .. D. r1ft>ce 83: faith to rout the Democrats out of many man or one bus!..... Think what aorwd. Newporl Hel&bto l Armand Monaco , n •• 1 • -Im ... political the Four Wa:y Teat would moan If Tllo public la •OF<llall;r lmltad to "A ~ Oiriat far a ~ applied to the affairs of govern-•-tho clmn:h ---411* *<J!l,Dlll or GOD Cianclnc w ... ld!" ABtlJirnxlT 2 • 4 7 -8:30 Then agairi must not forget to mention that there was menu 1. II It the Truth! u that tho Row!!,.. Room. ~ -Ida ~ ._ 9:30 a.m.. church ICbool; 10:30 8U W. Bay A-. &!bee -by appoln- a hllge surge by all who could caSt a ballot to rid the nation simple test bad been applied to ~:,:::.A ... Ill• a.m., 41W>e wonblp. -l'IM HI :0:.""'..:15.., cl of a situation which has been almost unbearable all along the the publidty and the propaganda 8T. JAE4EI EPl8COPAL S•-'·-achnol. 10 a.m. -&nicea at PrP,re...., .... t-nil , .. __ A-Ooala -. Oo·'w I Pouring out of the Wultlngton CHURCH Jll.__,, Grauel Clapel. UO ~. Lm Amctln NO. •1'1-'-----------' line: regimentation and restriction of Constitutional rights. agencies In the put few years, 515 Wool Control, .. ,..... omlac oenlee, ll a.m. OJota Meoa I'------------' 1 People regardless of party affiliations. were hard hit by the bow _!IWIY bright and lnexperienc· (llbOll Club-) 7,~ evanaellatlc -at Rev. Herbert C. Roth. pastor, r-----------. varloull controls that were fostered by the New Deal crowd ed young men_ and women would llow. A"'Y9 T. Doan, vi..r Ml~k -.ice, 'Ibuncla;r at ~-~~~-~--Ialond R. L HOLFORD 1amace H. o.cy, .. D. have had to give up soft ..,.,_ and e·ao L m Roly OmnTn.UJdon. c'---= p.&1;--. 6~ P"'uolnl·-&: ~·-In Washington. Another Influential factor was the vote by apply themsel-to h. and ,;'6 ..,,;,·, sum&., 8d.c.i. 7 :30 p.m. . -ccme Once-You'll Coma ....,_ ~ .. ~ Iencluape Deellgrer -1 ...... , A bns!nessmen, who regarµIess of· party affiliation, voted Re-more constructive workT U the U :OO L m., Komllllr ~ u4 1"Dlll'1' l'OttllllQUAa Clllu.B A&oln!" -__.,. -. publican because they knew that was the only way to get late a.ester Bowles bad been ...,. lkrmon. (ll'lnt Bunda:ra: Ho11 OP OOBTA MD& Ooala -Bollloa - ' · . quired to apply It to the clever COmmunloa..J • tlan, • NEWPORT HAll801l ._ ---money drculatlng Into business channels for busmess devel-but deliberately Inaccurate ma-~ loca -LUTJ.IERAN CHURCH --Au 111'15 \opnenL ~ enterprise could not go ahead Wider the tn~ ""troth ~::'OthPeAcounffltry Wth&I BALBOA t8LAND CHAPEL -· -~-=.. .. -Gnuel Cllapol, -.. _ N-Deel setup. There were other factors, too, which will -c-'t m ·~ 0 ceo, e 211 A-ta A...,.. Pll ~ Row. H-.t lloth, -'"""'" -. natlon would have saved millions •-ii..... _._, be~ In a future ISSUI!. of dollan; we would have been a Row. Hatty w. Wh • .., ._Mn Sen1-: Bunclay, 10:80 a.m. A-lata Paotor ~ Sobool 9:30 L m. year ~~d ondthhoe••~lermand or Chun:!> ll<hool. t :ao Lm. Momin& -1p www•lce 10:45. "TB& rao:NDLY" ™ Armistice Day reconv~~on an -16• we KonaJDc Wonblp. u LID. ~ -8:00 p. m. BIBI.& OHUllVll would have been able to correct -., -8:30 p. m. Ill CGsla - '1be obaervance ot Armistice Day creates a rather awk-the iniquities of that. and other ttlotlons, will It be beneficial to Ew!nlnc ennpllatlc -•Ice at lleY. Dwlcllt ... _z, putar qencleo, months 1&0. all concerned: the law maker may 7:30 o'clock. Meetins temporaril;r la the W<> ward situation. This was the day marking the end of the war 2. II It fair to all concerned? well uk, In the broader field. will ~ ovenln& Jn1'll' wwwvlce men'• Club - that was to end wars. But war came again. Now, Armistice Can you find me a simpler and yet It be u benefldal u It can be at 7:30 o'clodL Sunday ocbool 9:45 L m. Day Is a reminder of the hopes that were not fllfllled after n-.. complete test to apply to maclo, and to the sreatest number Wonhlp WWW'Vlce-ll:OO L m. the problems of labor relations; to of dUzena, when he makes laws COITA MUA COMMUNITY YOUDC people'• aervtce -6:30 w...,.. Dncl'-betftut.e Dr. WUiw 0. w...- Oilropractlc, Dletet!Cs, Physlo & c.olonlc Therapy ·-~BmL.- Lllc ·--- DA'I' ICBOOL Gordoa IL Grtmdy, M. D. PHYSICL\N -SURGEIQN Balboa Inn Ar<ade Of!lce Hn!.: lG-12 a.m.; 3-5 p.m. Phone Harbor ~ H. R. Hall, M. D. World War L the making of laww, or to the activ-In Sacramento or la Wuhington. CHURCH p. m. On November 11, 1918 the world seemed confident--&> ltleo of low-making bod! .. ? I rise to remark again, u I C.rl ._ JohoHn, Mini-Eventar evanaeUatlc "'1'Vlce-I :----------....., blindly contldent-that International armed conflict, by some 3. wm It build ro..i wtD and bet-have before In this column, that 124 a. 20th et. Ph. 1147l't-ll 7:30 p. m. Mortimer School ....,.... ... kz12•• Hours: 2-5, lly Appoln- Talepbcme Baa 'Id 5fNI ' ter relatlonshlpo. You can uy It. Uiere seems to be a feeling, with Qlmdl ocboal. t:ta L m. Prayer meet!DK-7:45 p. m. Fri- magic newt before demonstrated by man, had vanished from In more words, or In Treaties, or a om e people, that complicated JlornlDr Worablp, u o'olock. day, home of Jll.n. Hume. the earth. Yet, even then the fires ot small conflicts COO· In International Agreements. You problems require complicated solu-Yoatll poupo, mp acbool, In-A cordial welcome to all. tlnued to bum In Europe and at Intervals In the succeeding can argue It In Paris, or In London, Uona. I have never thought IO. U t..mecl!at., Adult. &:SO p. m. ' or ln Wuhington, or in New York. we can resolve the problerm into ~ 1J1rv1ce., T:IO o'doclt. decades the flames ol war flared up here and there through-but can you really uy It any the prlndples Involved In them. Kld-wMk fellowwblp -pr&1V, out the globe until a worldwide conflagration burst forth once better! the answers may be found In the w-..,. 7 :30 p. m. All kinda typewriter rlbbom In 1t.ock at the Newa--'I'lmea. -Oonl ·--DA'I' llCROOL OPl:NB om' 1 -· OoD. ..... AnDF G. A.·-· M.A., o.t- Pllwfral --- UlB-..r ~-- llllton M. Mu-a, M. D. llOl Ooaot Bhnr ~del-more with Increased fury and Intensity. 4. wm It be bMeftd.ol to all rlmple precepts of .: nation found· n L m.. Pra;ror 8114 Bormoa. · . concerned! Here agoln la the oolu-ed on Integrity and honesty and -;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;; D&NTlllTB On this Armistice Day of 1946 the world Is again seeking tlon of labor relations, the oolu-freedom. I am more convinced --· .-----------, Ott!ee Hours: lG-12; 2-5 to establish a spirit ot cooperation and understanding among Um of domeatlc lauoii, the goal than ever, after reading tile little Does y H the nations which will eliminate the use of anns In the set-of la.,. maJdnc, Mr. Toylor may card liven me at the Rotary meet· Olll' 0U5e t1lng ol disputes. 'Ibis time the world is not confident of en-uk, In his more llmlted -..... int: In Huntington Beach. Need Painting? during peace. Quite the contrary. But the hope for peace never greeter. '1be Atomic Age has thrust upon us problems '-ti. lives ~ hope fired by the 1'1!8llzatlon that civilization of enormous magnitude. Only through an enlightened con- could hardly survive another gigantic upheaval. cept ot these problems and of the most Intelligent means of No wa1tbig. _won c1cme ..._..,Wy by hlldllY MJ!!ecl low D6jW l'lllDtm. mlDI: Ule molI& mod-Somehow, the dream which the nations thought had come approaching them can we hope to solve them. _.. eql14-t ud ....__t.Wit true on that November day nearly 30 years ago may yet-The United States played a highly important part In de-'-ti. · must yet--be real12ed. Out ol the ashes of the old League ol feating the Axis because, among other things, we gave our • Natloos has arisen the new United Nations. Out ot the fall· young men the best possible training In the grim art ot war-Oww ud opaeted by World Wiii' D Vefau ure ot the old league may come the secret ot swxesa for the fare. We must beequallYthoroughln preparing our youth to 'MM11C JOU P411 z•mtgood wlD ud,...... ~ • _ new one. Out of the dream of yesterday must come the fight and win the greet battle flll' peaae. '-ti. reellty of tomorrow • • • lasting peace. But to do this we cannot treat the needs of the American school system as If they were of little COfl\le<luence. Every Phone HARBOR 2 6'4 5 American Education week American, whether or not he Is a parent, should take an ac-Lee c. Beaa tive, earnest lnten!st In our achools. -- . With "Education fir the Atomic Age' as Its theme the It this be done we shall certainly have better. schools _11:==================::'.' 26th annual ob1erYance ot .American Education Week will be schools turning out better dttm>s to build that long-sought I· held tram November 10 to 16. better worid. The idea for such a week first took form bad< In 1921 as the 1'SJlt ot the recognition ot the need for better achoollng tor the yruth ol our nation. In Worid War I approximately 25 peroent of the men examined for .military service were flllmd to be llllterate. Great progi-bas been made In raising educational stan- dards In .America In the past quarter century and In cutting dawn Illiteracy, but In tbeae days the need for education was , I -~··-~ • , -·. SHELL •1 • aa1 ROA ·ISLAND ONCB AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Ollza• Y• .. i" I T n ...... On an C1 17: I All New··· Etea the Locatlmt I •• Qm.BzY ... Jllslt ol. <Ill I.ondklll cm Oilldlt llllll•IJ· Belalifal New CoekjaD Bar • We IAd it-112 a QriW+ws;k ..... lw*c al -SEAFOODS- A•«> tOOil .... ., nw•n -fatt oua &iJi fi H - Sm's Sea food Spa. Dd"1'11arbt ---· c ~-·'I For MARINE HARDWARE PAINTS & VARNISHES HOUSE & BUILDERS' , It's the -· lllrd A Ceiatral r ·~ lfM .· " Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST -~ w. (leatnl. .-. 1- NSWP<>ln' u•ce DB. OOBDON I:. RAPP I>ENl'IST -Weoto-tnl -----dl:J N-~ "'119Jrwt•s b9C:a 1 - DOM l&KMIOAN ---· -llart.e A"" llllD1a w, . • · OC , ENTAL LIJ'I: IN8tJBANCB 00. Ray N"teblen __ .... I', ...... -----............ . ..... Baroid K. Grauel ~· ..... Otiliilftl ... Better .... ·11r1 ·-~--...... 7 .. a..... ors , . .--1- S. R. Monaco, M. D. 814 Bay An., Bal'- --1nt . "' a. mu at... Loa ass1r11 ~'181S By Appolntnwit ' Gerald RaU88, M. D. 2830 West Central A.._ NEWPORT BEACH ............ lOle ......... :-.0 ............ X-Ra:y Sen1ce . T, P. Be&der, X, D. Wm. L liphey, X, D. .., .. , ........... -w. o-tnl . -~·-­••••• ,. .. ,,_ n•w ... IHlllVS'l'OD • Raub . & Bennett L•8'WWW ... hats•• IMNw_t....._~­ T ,,, a1 "ts I 1151 W tllTW.Cmls ... Jlcwpwt8 • · Tai 1' 1 ----m S. T. B1lluw.w ... O. D. Ost• blzl --..... , .• l&Jll ·------... ·w a aww.-..-.. .... -.....a WM -- PIAllO ~··· .. 111•11•·~ .. PIANO TKACH BK Robeat A. <iawfcri 0. v. LDNI n•rr -CIPI== r-I iR6ol! ._. ' 1.t•0 ner I ........ I llL•~s~zl~G~~;·~~·;·~g~Jl .__.••a'*• lz1al _, h i ft.R .. ,, W ' __ _. ... _ W9 W. 0. I ra-'"'"----------' • v• '1'111111111 .... 1 ••••• .. " 111 .. • • • B&Wjllt 8n'I& lfcWC" FT 12 -Teams - Sailors Seek first League Win Against Do~ Friday CURT'S . DELICATESSEN· STORE • You are this new , invited wrdially Food Shop - - to visit -- OPENING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9 At 813 E. Central Ave., Balboa A REAL NEW YORK STYLE FOOD STORE Modern, Compact, Complete Foods Ready NATION.ALLY ; ., AND Prepared by for Your Expert Dinner Cooks Table ADVERTISED QUALITY PACKAGED FROZEN FOOD PRODUCl'S I WINES AND BEERj ' • CURT'S DEUCA EN STORE 813 E. central Aft. Pllane Jhrbalo 911 • ' • ' ' . ' Our Sincere Congratulat~ons to I CURT SCHMIDT • Proprietor of CURT'S DELICA TE·SSEN STORE FRESHN Sold • m This New &tablislunent Will Be Supp6ed by • Harbor Food Distributors sJ j sa.ch v..-w.111 ' .. Fnlts Foods • New,..& - -- , • • • • • • • ·L B. T ARDA GB Cub "PacJc 110 To Hold Meet Friday Evening Harbor . Feminine Acti:vitieS F5 ....... ii~-~ll FOR SI NS . BEN CT + \ + pd' --~·· 1117-R JiM1 p1am far the -ran ,_tlasatCub-UOatoa.----------------------------------------------::; :i..=-eeO!:'&':.= Charles Gortons \Costa MCoesa Copng.c ess Parenf;s-.and Teachers Boy and Girl Sc:Outs ICbool Coicl-<11. Ponnto -Celebrate 44tb Hears unty hysiotberapist on Polio Enjoy Hallowe'en · ,,. .... -~ _.. -al. --Weddin A j Costwn o....... .• llO.f.T U!iiiiLRJHl.i Or -·n1ttee -·· -nm g nn versary o.t. -~-hll to Nllbt tsr -18 at the . e • ... , .... IPD''"l"f ..• Kothln beld wem: 1iq eu1 '"Cea N p -~·-·~ • --.._ ________ _ at tbe -.. at tbe 0011nqttee Mr. -lln. Ouorleo Gorton, and Tte<:twn -In tbe wdltar-ewpart -...__ ~..,.. Girl -of~ 6 -Bay • '-----------' -Georp Guthrie, ll5 217 20th -t, --honored with tum d. the Kain -bulJd!• -wlll ffttan ...... __.... -to .. ~ 5 ~ • PJ' ----'--------~. ....,... a -at tbe Welcome c.fe, Tlmda .ntb _. ,.d .~ nw:y .. --·Hor oabjoet will ~ e-~ H I;::::;::::::::::::::::; I • ..,.... • · C..ta M ~ ~ In-• ~ •-be "Tffdi•nc tbe Deal" aqd she .-Vat -~· ut cm ~I; Fri°%":"' thio-=: ~ ~= oolebra~ tbelr 44th .....idln/I UI -to -Miao P.ull. wtll tell of ber J-~ ciimc evmlnc. with. !Jrisbt -- tbe auditorium of tbe Corona de! annlwnary. county~ llw a wry for deaf ~ cut--_..... CUTYlnc --n. ---• A If C a &!:1JDIO ~· ... ,,. - Mar IChool. with tbe new Cub-Guetta .,.....nt Wett their 110n lntereottns lectun on polio, IM> Arter the wwwtlas -wu _,,... out tbe HalJow!e'.., -. muter, Les Perry of Corona de! and blo wife, Mr. -Mn. Ken-~ ber talk with motion aL a table -•ted wltb fall Ganw, aPllle cllmlrfnt -danc>- Mar, 1n <hazile. Tbott will be a neth Gort<n: tbelr clall&hter, Mn. Far the mc•icml pncram Clinton naw.rw end ca.-. ~ 1::; Ins entertained tbe -pecple. handlc:nft eochlblt and ac1Vance-L. Wll1lun COvert. ber bmt>and s.wm pr-ted tbe bip ichooJ Inc the llll..,a_ Al --J Not tbe -al tbe 1'1111 -the ment awuds ir-oted. wbllo far and """ Larry, all at N-pcrt strtns ·--In a P'OUP al cnrt. Marlon Via-~ Bill """"-far wblcb ·~ were the -am there wtD be a Weal-Beach; Mr. Garton'• nopbeW, ,,.-.. • . ~ • Graham and J-~--*" to -;ludawcl tbe - ern !DOYie. Frank Gortoo and Mn.' ~ Mn. Kmnetb, SW.art pralded -_,. bir Aldon Da'lla, Jane Bob Eastman -plans n!Cellt arrivals from Utica. N. Y •• at ... llF'<MI Mn. Durward cart-Balboa Island CiJ1:le ~.Bob --Tcm Ho7t. '110 --· ••• tor a tralntns courae for Den who .... spmdlnc the -in wr!pt; chairman of adult -Plans Bazaar . At the -t -fall Jua-. -1111, Motben. to-be beld -ttme be-Lone Beach. ape! Miao MMpret -. awd that .-me t1ce -done to...---. •• L=••=""=•;;;;•,;.,.=':;;.;ca"-.;,...-....;..'--"'-'l lare Ocrtstmu. Robel tam al N-Har1fcnl. N. Y, •a In ....,.,. --• llnt aid cloqlmuto ani1 pmch. • ;.l • bed • th liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii who la a f.,...,_ sir-c:hum and " " --.... ~~ Plw for tbelr CMJin& be•aar -w,e10' ID e -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-t -s-t of Mn. Covert. would be opeNd tr •"""Sh lntereat were made by memben of Balboa ,_ a~ ._ Nucey -e 1 • _.. -shown In roslatn~ Island Clrde of Olrlat Clcurc:h by Cale, Joan 'lbatdcer, Jane l!Uc!r, • Mn. Emeal McClell_., ... the Sea when tbey -Tc-.,r Ele&IU V....-Jonlce Lane, Balance-wlll.f(r REFRIGERnTIDD JBMCE CllllPAllY I I ..... _ .... __ .... .. -~-0.-... -LIDO ISLE • • • CQM Residents -a membenhlp at GU, lars· •• Mar CUa. Helm Le Valley, Aldon _Davia, Return from Trip eat the orpnlzatlon hu ever bacl. The ....... 1a to be held~ Pat Craft, Elltelle Berry.-EWbn A rue 1a needed tor the Jdncler. . Woodworth. En-1-Pat carten and ._ h&Vinc one nine end Satmd&)', Nov. U.l6, llJ'Otl!in SwEEDey F.d Blown. Ted 1">1-• c!::;. and cleJMn. Marllrthur~,.: by twelve ar larpr, wblc:h la -~ ~~ c:a;:'"'-~ Henry Hin. Lee ~. Bob Smlu.; "' en -may eaJJ Mn. 8}'?'0n Fen-· Paul White, Donald Baumea, Da'fld Wffk from a Dd>th'1 trip which ley &aooa 5654 for -11culan. ner wUl be oerwd on Friday trom Soowden. Tom Perldnl, Toin took them to Paducah, Ky., At· j.,, Invitation wu nocelftd from 11 :30 a.m. to 2 p.m. On ~ Will White, Jack Smith. Ronald Tborp ----u.s1 8111•11 ... pcital"• -.. alwio:Ja .. "a' ta LW)t ......... -••< h ., .... ,..! ~ ......... .,.._ pts~•• I • - ""°"''' '¥; "Cap'n" . DoD !I ead~~ ·OJ.I • -v·--·....----·-.. -o, r .I:.. Dll .. II ~ Combination Dbmen I:.. 'New ... ",._ ... Seafood Speclaltiee I:.. . I I I I I I ~ta.Bi~~· •~•-tbruSL the Newport Bead> Grammar ::U.""'::"by' ~~~ ... lne ~'~ and Roy Watldno. . un:: C ..x1...-.;1 mounii..u• "" IChool Concrea of Parents and ' acug ........... "" "" Troop cnmmltte tmemben pres-. ll&laOA: paABMAOY P9r a1 I t M • Auguotlne, Fla., and Miami, whore Teachen, to attend tho Fathen' 'f~ ~~~~~tac ~ ent were Mr. and Mn. Leon Fersu-••llPl'ON P'U-DatlG BB & (l 0 N they spent a week. ,_,,,.em~~-~ and~ and Mr and Mn. Fred Wood- I I I I I I I I •D ,.DDT P'1110NTAelE, a1NDLC 1t&alDl:NCI: a"ll:I WSLL LOCAftD. e•aoo-oT&"Ma. From Lbere they !Jew to Havana . IL J. Rutter wtD oupervlse tbe :.U.. Otben were Walter E 'N-.oaT ftURMAOY 5 ( 6 5 tar a few cla)'I. then came back Lane Famtly ::U~!';" where t'~,; Cole, Troop Leader Mn. Cole an.ii:------------'·.:..----------· for several Ila.YI In New OrleanL Observes Birthday ,,_ 1>1e do~~" be.~~ Scoutmaater Tom Perklm. BAI.HQ& PHARMA.CY llAllPl'ON BARBOB DBUG NEWl'O&T PBABMA<lY • • • 1 1 CD111NIEll 81TC '70•Xaa• AT 1 ea7•D. TIEltM8. I I • • • I •DUTH aAY P'ltDNT I alTIE. •D• AT aaaoo. TIEllllM• I I ••• I .+ p. 0. pal-INC0t100A!IO realtan llll .1. 11<10, ...... ., .. ···~~. t •lll. 1•1•plllO•e ••-POii IMo<h, .. <ltO< \,j(IO 11ley drove around the gulf to Fort -.. ._ --.... w~ =~ · Worth and came on home with 11.nothtt table wtD be for plants. ------- a va11 to ear11bad .,.,,.,.;,. nn :u. E. Lane. who arrived recent-Mn. Leonard Harsr•v.. ire-Mrs. Charles Hansen the way ly from Ointon, Mo., with his aon aided at tbe meettns and Mn. E. D. D · · L An 1 · and <1a.ug1>ter-1n-1aw, Dwight :u. Goodell led 1n devotions. 1es in os ge es They reported a wonderful trip and Cecille Lane, oolebrated his with delightfully warm weather !15th birthday with · tbe help of L th Ch b Frlendl of Mn. Charleo Hamen, and only marred by the lllneu of his brother H. M. Lane d th U eran Ure Placmtia and 107 28th -t, ..m Mn. Kemper In Tenneaee. relatives. ' ' an ° er Missionary Society be saddened to learn· of her auddeci HARBOR LIGHTS iu;iJ;: ::i~~~th '"J! 1~ ~ Meets at Costa Mesa ~thha~ ~ ~'.!:: :"be~ ~: Lane rea1 estate omce on Court , ment a1nce June, and had spent avenue and ---" The Women 1 Miutonary Society the swnmer quietly af her home By Molly Redmond are ...,...ous to meet of N~t Harbor Lutheran ~ ~-•,-to ~--ti In d al 1 both old and new clients of this . ~. "'•-,...oa ~~" a Amld4the bowles an g es o a long-establlshed firm and will church met Tuesday everunc at early October much improved. mighty cold Santa Ana wind Sat-strive to give the aame satiafac--the home o! ~· Edward R. Will-She was • put president of Ful- urday night Harbor's football team tory service cut, 266 Victona street, C 0 1 ta lerton Ebell club and a member . Mesa. outplayed Santa Ana's In a fut Mn. Theodore Haber presided of Placentia Round Table. Bealcles and lurlous 13-13 encounter. Which Store Manager Back and Mn. Herbert Roth read tbe :""' =-~~ ~eaves a~~ means we are still ln the running Mn. Damia Loptlen, manager of. l~n toz: the evening. Nomina-~~u ':oo• Peter :ina~ Placen: Cor Orange League Championship Orkin'a departrnent store, Calta tion of off1cen for the coming year thl. and three brothers Robes for Christma·s FLUFFY CHENILLE RO.BES ' Easy to Launder In White-Aqua-C-herry Siz'es 12 to 20 $12.95 DEAUVILLE 739 So. Cl>ut Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH .... Send up a fiare. Mesa, has returned from a three--took place, election to be at the ' · Pumpklll Party weeks' buying trip to CUcago and next me..ting. All memben are :-----------, ,_ _____ ..._ _______________ ..J Jean Reed was a Hallowe'en Kansu Oty. -selling Christmas cards. orden to Virginia Bell's \ . House MAJ!ISKA. of Beauty SM lilarllle &ve. Balho& 1e1ew1 Phoae Barbor. 18%'1 ·After Thanksgiving -What? Why CHRISTMA.S, of course!. Start Your List with A TAILORED BLOUSE host ... to a lively croup og gang· be taken by Mn. D. C. Wedeklnc sten Including Dolores McGee, TRI: FIRST BAPT18T OllUBOB and Mn. Clyde Louc1a Don Ward. Bonnie Findlay and OF BtlNTDIOTON llEACB Mn. John Bacha .... a cueot Carlton Mean. We understand Cor. Sixth and Orange and members present were the there were a few over turned ear· Mnd•mes 'lbeodore -Haber, Ed- bage cans and ouch In tbe neigh-Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. ward GrowchowyLouiae RotJ>..Carl borhood ummmm. ALSO s o m e Hear REV LUTHER 11.RTIIUR Seebers, G. W. Schultz. Herbert brave llOula helped a stalled police · C. Roth. Kenneth Quarry Jr., Har- car because It wu IO much tun World Trawler, on the Theme: old Faccou, Mary Williams, Bet\)' to be chued. ''THE BIBLE SAYS RUSSIA Bonham, Clyde Loucla, E. R. Will· lr. lllho a-to Sbe WILL INVADE B " cutt. D. C. Wedeking and the pu-' UT WHEN tor, Rev. Herbert Roth. Harbor's all school play, "Jun-;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=; lor Mia" will be presented Novem-t'f ber 15 in the. High school auditor· lum ... Tickets 40c, 60c and 80c. Call Beacon 5323 fot reservations. But. and this ls what I am here for several of the outfits worn in the play are lurnlahed by She of Bal· boa. Betty Hammon aa Ellen Cur- tis wears a very smart blue wed· ding suit, while Judy and Fuffy, Helen Wlnlers and Lucy Pinkley, oavort through the three 'lccll In peddl1>--hen and plaid skirts all from SHE! Super Cars on Way " K. Petty (!)Jltvu, --- INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINER¥ TO THE DIS- CRIMINATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. 429 Glenneyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours • 10'to5 on 'l'Ues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 3604 According to report.I received by the Automobile Club of South· ern California, air-conditioned motor vehicles.. wlth heated walll, fog-proof windshields and draft· less vmtilatlon are •!~;gf j ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ realization and will be arlllq points of the "car of tomorrow." NEW1'08T • BAl.J!OA BUID1:NTll AIU: Dl800VDING TllA'1' • A ·RMJSTICE NIGHT THE SNACK BAR - la 1--.. TB&~ to Go! DELIGHTFUU..Y DIFFERENT LUNCHEONS 8mari Aner-Ta bJ O......,,t, S:SO to S -·.-lttot DANCE ' Monday, November 11th AISELL HILL AdmiSsion And His Orchestra .$100 BALBOA'S p)uaTu Rendezvous BAWIOOM Danriq from 8:30 to· 12:30 • 1J'Mer A a'-Newpwt BarllGr Pll9* 1'fe. Ill. •m d 1• '4'• ---------------------------- ·- • Opaa w-DQa 11:81 .. if (-ftllll)w) 1-OOA8T RL'\'D. IO. • IN TB& .urr ~CDI-ua- (Ors'N (Ii' Ill D' I 1 SWQ' W1 I I J ..... ..,, Olltdorable I.EATHER SPOR'IBWEAR BAND IUDR •~ JUillD 'l'OOl.o ~1a • :Wedcles • Pm-• Belts • Watdl Str.111 • wan.to o .... JfOW.., ........ . [ I SID'S SHOE SHOP HANSEN'S • • • a Lmc11 . B TJ'tltGOl;r• • .,.. . llS TwMty-Beeoad St. 1 Newport Be·+, Callf. -...,.1.,1 Expert . Beauticians for Miladi • ~ 11•tw1ta. Cold "'&ft, Hair 8tyllnl. Hmr Tinlin& • -• Blu±. Ins. Fadala. • BAYSIDE _PLATING Cd. We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths , , , All Work Guaranteed Eati11aates on Wholeia1e ·· Lots of Ceramics SILVER AND GOLD .. - Ta ..... • ...... ,,,...... • Tit1Pda • 1'••1 • o-J I tia Be-'"la:l11a .. ~ •••••w ftdlaw • Bib>'-._ • Owe••• • . v•' 7 Pll'' I : 8w1ps ad auciu 1'1 • • • ftmu a1111w11U,Jtca; an 1r -... ,, .., ..... •1. --__ .., c. c. .,.l••· wwwm • COll"'---u c. a;· ... • • • - l