HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-11-19 - Newport Balboa News Times- ' ·11 • • SAND ~ CRAB ., SAM HOllE AGAIN. Business of travelling-not always an UDalloyed blessing and •its best part Is home again where you can relax, do as you please without formality ot looking presentable, · Jiv. Ing in a small space, eating an odd assortment of grub or moving via auto from one lltate to another. .Arlzma bas been bom>ing and in the quarter century lliDCe we left Pboenix bas expanded to a dty of nearly 100,000 while the entire Salt River Valley bas grown by leaps and bounds. Must thank Bill l'lckerell. vice president of the Bartlett-Heard Co .. pio- peer developers since 1910, tor a comprehensive tour of a land Ol milk, hooey and. pm'lbine. Bill used to be ll!Cretary of the Owldler Olamber of Commeree and --bas gooe far on the road to l'JCCl!SS since the early 20's. ' It was Dr. A. J . Chandler, founder of the town bearing his name, who gave me my • KIBP POSTED! 1 "l'emr ...... .. 1114 c Is •• ••-110 Is . __ ., _ __ . .., ..... !leas r b Jlcwpwt. .... Oc,ogen~rian Hit lby Truck, Suffers Cuts - -• Santa Ana Man Pays $50,000.00 For Coast Mot.el Sale ot the,C-tllne Motd and Cafe at 6600 Cout ~· New- port Betlch. by Mr. -Mn. Fred c. WiUdnl ot that --to Bert Bentz ot Santa Ana. ror '511,· ooo. wu -bJ the l'wmer J..,,.. M. Foster, 88, ot 544 ow-• cm Satunt.7. West Bay, Balboa. 11\lfferocl -.. Mr. and Mn. Wllldno haw -· I" and cuu when, police Mid, be chaaed a -In •1-Beach. .... hit by a truck u be .... ~ they llftd two )'O&n - .,..ing at a.y and llala ltrfft, before enteriJI& the -and care Balboa, Saturday nxrnina· IM•l ·n, heft. . Police reprted that the -. Mr. Bentz. the ..... -. oold whlcb wu driven by Glenn Reed the Irvine sl<ft, which be had of Santa Ana and ia awned by the CIODducted for oowraJ yean, Jut nny Tot Laundry company or April, and lllnee that time WU 2669 North Main street, Santa living in "'tittment at Santa Ana. Ana, backed Into the pedestrian. nie octoeenarian wu treated by a local phypldan and wu able to return to his home, where he is still rece.iVin& treatment. ·------- Only 4 Pennlts Issued for Bldg. Work in Area Police Ote . 11 · Metonsts On Weekend • .NEWPORT . PENCILLED PERSONALITIES Bv ]ACX l..nrool.E'l, Cowboy Anist • • .. • Gurley to Ent.er Sloop in 194'7 Honolulu Race J. Addiaon Gurley ot '736 VIA Lido Noni, Lido Isle, llald today that he would enter his new Call- fomla 32, a 46-foot sloop, In the 19'7 Honolulu u111nc race. n.e radnc-<:ndslll& yacht ... launched at the South' c-t S-t -y&fdo Oil Saturday atter- .-i. · Named Atorrante, which ia !lpanlsll for v~ the craft waa dNigrwd by Nick S. Poltet' of Santa Monica and was built at the South Cout yards. Mn. Gurley christened t h e • ()1 ., r •• ,,.., :Ne .. paper W 'HA-Mt a. -., Cir~ I ... REIGHTER CURLEW •• GUTRIDES .HIBICAIE OFF CAPE· Sli LUCAS . - $kipper aid C...ef 91 Ft..110-TOll Cfaft ...... ~Slenlald ' Au1lves .. ~ Habcw 24 · Hoars ·Late · , ; -.. craft. fte Cmlew, tM M f11t WllT" fa~ .. 11• tiw. IWT!t ., As cruiling cht, the Call &oJ' !f. l!Wld of AW.._.. .. r. ..u 'W=1. oata1•e a ltm'rt- r-•7 a32 •• s ~... t • -111--110.,.-• , .... fN!rw 1, -Wt' ad~. ~ -~ u~mos NC<---blN-.-l-.M-~~. ce.ful boat ot it.I size on the 'fte frelc'Me:r ._ +la• mr .. .,. Qf*.. o. T. O.•••• o1 -U1 8&a P~c coast, according to Wal-lleraanUne avmue, Newpw& C V's, _. w'lleiS a Cl'MJ of....._ AD lter Franz. vice president ot the ...... ,,,l'f_..R ... u.ewont South Cout company. L J -..... .,. .... -........ Walter .Elliott of Long Beach ea-tr•1ce oy and though the craft WU battered has No. 4 In the California 32 by the violent wind and waves, dass. His boat. named the Es-lille held fut ail through the capade, won the 1941 Honolulu Has Mother ftlr7 ot the atonn. race. Crewmen said the waves reach- The Vagabond., owned by the ed. heights of 35 feet at one time tlrst job there in 1912, when PAGE ONE Gurleys, is a sister ship of Eaca-an4 there were moments when pade. Role .1n Pl they feared they and tile ship a doUar was darn sight big-Only five permits for building ger than the inflated ones of work were issued by the Newport today. The doctor built the Beach city building department lovely San Marcos resort ho-during the past foor days. tel, one of th!! finest in the R. H. Ballard of Loo Angeles Eleven motori.!ts were ticketed by Newport poJ1ce for alleged speeding over the weekend Only one was from the New- port Harbor area. He was Harry Lyons Blodgett of Balboa Island \Vho was cited for a llegitdly do- ing 50 in a 35 zone at San Ber- nardino and 101 highway. The Vagabond is equipped with ay wculd be sent to Davy Jones Grey auxiliary engines and has 'locker. The crew had great praise the finest material in boatmak· for the skipper, a .Yeteran of 35 ing. It is built from Honduras • yean experJence on the Great mahogany trim, has teakwood ''Yes, My Darling Dall?lhter'" Lakes. · • d ty th tued plans tai' a fouraroom dwell· west an as snoo as e init: and garage to be erected· at decks and teakwood. rudder. the sophisticated comedy concerq-Due to the violence of the Walter Franz owns the Arno-ing youth and k>ve, is the next 1torm. the freighter only brought rita, which is another one of the-production to be-~taged by the b&ck to Newport Harbor one- California 32 claa. C.ommunity PlayH& at the La-third its usual corgo of oocoanuts. Arizona Biltmore where they 50() Ml\!'ll\lerite avenue, Corona del ~ you $4.00 for a lunch Mar, •at a cost of $6800. 8UITOUIKled by scenery and H. o . Boyvey of ll39 w .. t Cen- Frank Lloyd Wright exotic tral avenue, Newport Beach, filed architecture. Its quiet Jt.IXUl'y' plans to liulld an addition to a Is what brings actors !)ke gva~ at tbe same adllrea '° Spencer Tracy and other cost S400: .. ' • Blodgett will be arralnged In dty court next Friday morning. Other cited were: Richard A. Oaristenson., 23, and John P . Burnham. 31, of Los An- geles; Otarles R. Jennings of Buena Park; Mrs. Ethel Haley, 26, of Hawthorne; J a m e a L . Baumgardner and Frederick M. Leon of San Diego; Norma M . Castle of Pasadena; .Frederick R Barker of Compton; Willlam B. Noll of Long Beach; and Bert .uhton of I,agUila 'Beach. 0. Z, Robertson Public 'Senant guna Playhouse pn Nowmber Baird purchased the boat from B I Cl b 20th. the American _ Fruit company of Oys U Miu Leatrice Joy of Newport Tampa. F1orlda, which uaed the wel-known and charming Star al. freighter for transporting cocoa- the silent films, playo -role nuta from Cuban porta to F1orida. notables there for rest. Cam-Stag ~. lOS.113 Twenty-first elback Inn, an&tber hoStelry place, N..._t. 'l!each, l!led plans hidden in the desert near the. foe: ,.re-roofme· th• bull~ at a la public office IDftl Nwdd be llmhlesa--Uke. TheJ" ahoald be con11tructlve and they aJlould b ea Sood. tMWVUt of tbe people. o. Z. Bobertaoa made tbt statemellt IOOll after he wu elected to offlce u a member of tlle clty eoaacll of Newpor\. Beach from Corooa. dt'l Mar. • Koberno., who la a builder UNI eNtnetor wbftl aot llttl.lll bl Off• w·11 of the mother who is faced with The CUtlew operates between leer I the problem of ·aclvtaln& b ~ r Newpclft Harbor •and · Acapulco, daughter regarding a romantic llaaUan and other Padfic Coast coof'ot $lll5. mountains ot the same~ F . s. 'UedQ.e.of Ropte l, Ful- and with cactus ~ ~ lerton, rued ,iw f« t1oe t'Hll!nl:· ltll'&ttraction, ls ~orth a villit lli,g of' his · bulldlni' at lJ6% and a meal. ' 'llllny-flnt tfl'eet. NE'Wp<J<'.t, at a the oounci1 chamben at the dty · hall, has been business-lkie, con- structive and a good servant of in charge -Of inventories foe Pig- &iy-Wlggly stores for 1 )'<ars. tN. k H =k::pli~:.i ~~~.: ·:=. . ~-~a . ere ·~~~~~ -... J .,t·:11e + + + cost ol $100 . .,..., _ · Continuing west to Denver and Colonolo sprinp-, he managed 1'holesale 'X' y a tores to~ 10 1'ars, and n he left for Lone Beac!I.· .,.,,.,.. be WU -- o( lied' 6. White 1torea for Smart and Final· for 12 years. • •• I Although, ~ 41> -• a., U1 -, Palatimo. Thlt j;ray Bart-' Johli T. S)'lblllOft ol '12 Thlrt)'· Jetts tooi( Ila (M!I'; U Mr. eiJl!lth ~· 'N.-port Beach, .3 .. w· o' men Bartlett,'C!DOWDEd western filed piam'"' build an outside per- the people. A. H. Fabrtnpr_ o( ·Loa Angeles, Joy, •h•o hu not appeereCI -e •. e t _...._. ' ~--•'"" cit" &ola to Ills .-...:e·at a """' ot .,_.., wu -~oo . .. .. ·---· Ilia creatldns to · Blnlth's. •• .' ~ · • ' · ' • ~whel'e~ ~ = · ~ew.Patfo1ma1t .· Win Prizes He has been alert to question leglslation wruch has come be- larr ~ municipal boo!y, always being on the alert to safeguard not on1y his own constituenU but regional director of Boyo' Ou6s an audience tn fifteen --. na 'S' ~er1~~~-==~=:~www-'! . . 'I f center committee meets Wednel-pleasure to hear. • Su b day, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m., In the US? Wess Densmore, who directed ccum s rooms, Balboa. the very successful "'Ki9 and :!tiy ~ ·.t"'U:.,.;;...~ · Recovers.·stolen I C ~~~am°~~ · Car, $000 Camera n Onfesf the whole population: Robertson was born in Decatur, He opened Rob's market on Balboa Island and .continued it until 1942 when he transfeITed to the Certified Wholesale Grocen in Los Angeles, as personnel Man· Ala., a railroad center of 1000 people. His father was yard- master of the L. & N. Railroad •&er. Mr. Fahringer WU ID charge of Tell" which opened the aeaoon at , Youth center work during the the Playho~. also di.recU o.y-., · war and will speak on the work My Darling Daughter''. Included SA.CRAMENTO, Nov. 19.-Fun· and its advantages for young peo-in the cut are Harinc Grias. en1 8el"Vices will be beld Wednes· pie, its_ setup and financing. Or-Dana Jones, Peggy Hakes. Gene day for Otarles J. Ulley, editor- ganizations of the Harbor area Bonfilgio, Mozelle Jenkiaa. an in-c:bief of The Sacramento Union are asked to 1end their represen-Leslie Kimmel -' tatlves to the meeting and all Tickets for lhe play, whidt Will who sucaambed to a heart ail· interested dtpens are Invited to be given November 20th throua:h ment at hla home here Monday. most fascinating array ot objects d'art. The two Phoe- nix dallies 'have been aold to a Olicago· publisher for $4,· o00,000, quite a gob of lucre trom the days when the Ga· zefte was trying to make both' ends meet and finally sold out to the Republic for a pittance. Charley Stauf. fer, former head of the Ari- zona Republic has been a fre- quent visitor here, as he had a relative living on Balboa Island. since returned to Ari· zona. Wes. Knorpff, who used to peddle advertising in Los Angeles and did the same in Phoenix, became manager of the papers and bis stock holdings netted him a tidy fortune out ot the sale. + ... +? lllgb l'rices. The Sunday Examiner, with a rehash of old news and colored supple- ments, sells for 20 cents, while the snappy Denver Post still brings only a dime. Sunday Los Angeles Times is 15 cents, but as newsy as ever. Rather difficult to get · election news of California in Phoenix; seemed to be ab. 80rbed In the foregone con- clusion that Arizona was still Democratic. .nm DeSouza, who has visited here and to whom we were Indebted for hotel reservations, has been derk ot the Maricopr county board ot · for 15 )'al& H~from tbe same angle that Joe Beek ,_..ins secretary of the state aenate-both are em. dent and both. eschew any 8CtiYe interl!Bt In politics. + • • fte•b Want to pay ap- preciation to oollaborators ol this column durirw 1J1Y ab- amce. The three who Ini- tialed their oplendld contri- hudons were Fred Frost, Winifred Barbre and John Donboft. Best oolmnn was, on ti» post election cx1111111mt and btought much dls<'t•"'n from the lntellipntsla - m ·?~. ol coune. the dear r1 tr. , A stolen ailtomobile ca.ttying photographic equipment valued at $300 >YU. recovered here Saturday by a new member of tile New· port Beach poli~ department. Acording to the Police depart· m ent ,record, the machine was stole'h from outside the Shrine building in Los Angeles a n d driven to Finley avenue and Bay Front. Newport Beach, where it w a.o; abandoned. Three women employes of the California Marine Packing com~ pany, 28th street and Late.yette avenue, Newport Beach, won the top prizes tn the suggestion con- test concluded by the company on Satui-day. Edith Mann won first prize, S25 ; Dora Gomez won second prize, $15, and Lilly Webb woa third prize, $10. STUNG! Intact. when Patrolman Jack W. Croughan found it, was a speed graphic camera and other equipment, including high power- ed lenses. The keys we re still In Robbers Find Small the ignition switch. but the.license Loot in Produce Co plates were rruss1ng. In their • place, police reported, were plates Safe stolen from another car. The car was reported stolen by the owner, Jo'T'ancis J . Grundy, a World \Var ll veteran, who lives in Los Angeles and who recently was released from a veteran's hos- pital where he wm under treat- ment tor war wounds. Grundy N!turned to Los An- geles with the machine late Satur- day night. Robbers who hauled a sale from the otice of the Beach a ties Pro- duce company build.lng at 532 Coast highway, Newport Beach, early Saturday, found only $10 in it after they broke it open in a fi eld back of the Santa Ana army air base, a police report disclosed. CDM Business Felines Spruce-Up Ass'n Planned for a lifetime. 0 . Z. u Robertson Returning here he entered gen- ii familiarly known was gradu-eral contracting business, became ated from elementary and high interested In politics and won a school. seat on the city council. He served with the Illinois 33rd As a member of the municipal division on the Texas border in body, he has bttn an outspoken attend. November 23rd, may be reserved Utley was ~ yean old 1915 and he also served a period advocate of modernization and be--M • H rt or 18 months in France in World lleves with the right type of men ar1ne u War I. tn public office Newport Beach by calling the Playhome box of. Ulley was for several years an flee, Laguna Beadl 191. Curtain editor aod writer for the Scripps· is at 8:30 p.m . Howard Newspaper AlJiance, hav- After the \Var he sold electrical can keep abreast of the times and ff bb d ff appliances !or a time, then re-go places-and as It goes, so will 0 COM R d u ar owe turned to Alabama and married o. z. be carried a1ong with it. n Oa W"ll Addr Billie Fiest. They moved to Mem-perhaps to greater heights than I ess phis, Tenn., and Robertson be-he now suspects. For Robertson· Harbor Sess1·on came a travelling auditor and was ts a great name. -------------'---=----------One man was injured in an lnc .erved u managing editor ot ita Oeveland Press and he was at one-time a top writer in their Wuhin.gton, D. C., news bureau, where he covered news of natio- nal and international importance. He wU ediior of the Houston ""'-from 1922 to 1!1'27 and at one-time was editor of the Lo9 Angelea Record and the. San Ber- nardino Index. Happy Christmas Awaits Children of Mexican Port automobile accident which oc-At the annua1 meeting of the curred during. the heavy mist California S tate O.amber of Com- which enveloped the highway in merce, to be held tn San Fran-. Corona del Mar early this morn-dsco on December 4, at the Pal- ing. ace Hotel, Hubbard C. Hmft will Mari J hnso Californla highway patrol re· talk on Harbors tor Small Qoaft On 0 n ported Lewis Harrison, 21-year-on the California Coast. A .d v· . old San Diego marine, a patient Mr. Howe ls Chairman of this CCI ent ICtlD\ at the El Toro marine hospital, Important mlttee ~·~ Walter J . Gerhardt, well known the ship and &:.livered to the par-com ..,UIUI WU news and portrait photographer of ents of the chlldren on Ouistmas as a result of the mishap. created during this year, followhc Marion Gene Johnlon, 19, h Harrison was a passenger in a conference called at the ---da•-'-ter of Mr. .and "-. Sey· ·~ F·=' at Co d 1 eve, w en the Paragon ii .. --... the drl -_.. ~ .....,, ~•ue avenue, rona e ~~.. car ven by D. M. Hau., cestion at the Newport Barbar mour Js•-··-of ~--•-· and ed to arrive at the port. ,,~ ..-UIBUll .--~ma. Mar, who is gatherin& toys for Gerhardt alao said that 8 local 22, also of San Diego. The CHP Chamber of Coumlel'Ce, wbk:b former yac.htlng resident.. of BaJ. distribution on Christmas to the boat-builder and his wife had sent reported that Haya was blinded broucht over 100_ delega~ to dis. boa Jaland, was fatally injured in children of an isolated Mexican 8 five-dollar check. wtth the ft--by the fog-light.. of an oncoming CUii Small Harbor P'rf'-1lle1w an automobile accident at Cama- pcrt, rq>orted today that numer-quest that the photographer buy machine arid took to the roadbed ~ o=en fnm tbe -. rtDo. acaxdlng to word recelv;.{ ous playthings have aJreacly been oome toys far the children. on 101 hl&flway, near Marine a'"" port Harbor area are plaH11ln& to by bor comln, Mn. Gertrude Wal· receJved. 1be phot-apher llald that be nue. attend this State Om-dron of Balboa bland. 'The photographer and Herb F . can be reached by telephone ference,. which wtll a•-.bl&h-Fllnenl oervicea were to be A Corona del Mar Business Sampoon, owner of the Paragon, (Harbor 292-W) by anyone who Orville C Se "'-· taxaUon. and a -~ beld -,. ('l'lleoday) at Turner Men's a.aociation ls now in the banana boat, are cooperaUng In desires to contribute toys for the ~ aver, of other problems ol -ill ID-and S-chapel ID Paadena.. Local felines had beot start process ot fonnaUc:m. the plan to give the Mexican Chriatmu expedition. Retired Chef Dies '-" -Johnocm wu a student at For Their Exhibit pn!<nlng themselvn It they ex· Headin& the orpnlzatlon com-children a Ouiltmu that they Pei ... in the Balboa-Newport ' . ·tbe Ud•all-ot CaJlt-•s agri· ~to .vie fo~ the trophleo and mltttt is Rex Brandt, Lou Valz. will not C.rget for many~ area who wuuJd like to donate ~•nz ~---JT'S HEREf eaJ-~atDavb.-~fam· c pnzes of ered by the Loo& Diel< Pl_.-, Les Perey, Walter Sa"'P'O'I bu delepted his skip-toys whlcb their°"" children no ~·= ~......,. Seaver, 309 • lb> fmLWJy l!Ved at 200 ......_._, -Cat Fanden at their first Gerhardt and others. per, Capl Peter Stein of Costa Ioniier have Deed of may lea Ot'Cllld Drive, Coota M-. died ~ 1 -•·- annual Cuunpionship All·Breed The aaodation is apa.'ted to M-, to play the l'O!e of Santa them at The -'I'!-. edl~ 'lbunday .-nln& at bis "9me· New 1947 Studehwker =:,-;:; llOklS a"""',!"'':'""w.~~ Cat Show oo December 14 and 15. take up two ot the fut-11owin& Oaus. rooms for Mr Gerhardt. who wtll e WU !Ill yean old. a native of Is B• D--the baW · This contest <>! cat-<loma' royal-cmimunit)"a ~ problems as '!be toys will be placed -call for U,.,,,: . Nevada; Mo. and a rethed diet. Jg, • ..........,., · ty • bein& hold urider the auspices needed public !mprov.._,ta, traf. He 18 aurvt-by '* wtfe, and Superb Job It -barely a Y<S aeo tbat of the National cai Fanciers Ao-fie and adequate sttteta, •mall)> ot Co • • ..,. -. Gecqe of ca.ta l&aa· tbe -of Ille family, P8al, !oat llOClatlon. ror -they .,.. tak-the latter c1o --have euri>I mmuruty Ch-t Still N-....1-..,. c1ausii1or Mn. Mildred ~ '* • •"empt!"" to -a in& OW!' the Lema Beach M-i., OI' aidewalks, a apoltHZMn for the ,_.. ~ • 'I1>e StudebUer -ails i! frioal be cl!t!!calQ< ID tbo ocean. 'hmple Auditorium at &!5 1-cmimittee ll&ld. $5224 to Reach Their A.Ota ~San.,!: ~ ::.. er-=: The tint ot the --=;•at ._,,,... are the publll, Mr. Aft. ~U Marie Rom! ot t:Gric -and ... twar hmlry ._. -a I ---. 11e7-and two ... All ... ~":;'~i:. .. u:=: $portftslle1buse1 m=-f~~-=~"'~~Com---to-~~thelrt·~O:: a~·~~ ot .Kr-:~:-~:-::·i.: :· ::.~= .. =·=~ be they pedicr-1 cbam "'-or Diie ~ " ~· ~-----~ • -.,. -part -Ill W ,.._.a. P' ' ~.~ ~ • "Domeat1c Short._.rr_~ :::i.-~ R.waFll-xllJ'·"-.•"' --~~o:'_~toolllct;-~ k -~ ' .-&It tnl ·-·N•• ... t • ,._._ > ,. .,.;%·!~ enoaly mlacalled "Alley Cab") --· if, "" ._ ...,. -the 11 LDL ~ at tlio ~ deQ> • • II o..._.a Tbon are dune for all 111..m; The annual c11nnor -ins of lftr for the a-t -· Seowal wm..... or at the Bank ot Am-cba&Jd. ca.ta -. wttlt In,..._ rim Jateot ud a.at ~ ~ G-ruu-p- -. and ~ wttb -.... the Spottflsbln& A-tlon al eii:!"1ec1ba:..; ;""" '::: :"" ~ltber ID Newport ot Bal-mmt ID w--.i bile • the Jo:c~·-•• .. ••& Wll Attend Meethv lrollblft and ~ otrered for Newport Har11or will be bold In -ldn& ., -Pull. -ful. " I• teb,-i.-A · • I N 29 wlwn ID Hdl claa Whit"'• aiaee Slwii•ie. ...._ ~ wi.:.u ~~Uh Mir ol.. ~ recar.., al "'9:Y -'O•eu1• tor nw1e1 ,.._ .:.."•**• OY. n.e entry r-are nondnal ,and '"'"I'd. at 6:30 p. m..11aturdo7~ a • --_,_ -..._._, ' WIH -.... It -.H ... t w&Wpart -·-be ..... fUrtbor lnfolmattoD -be oe-Frank l.lnaell l'lawport ~ -~t": ~u:.t =.the tall -bod. E-,. -II -to ·r.U4ctt oupertily ft --.. le I II' ..,. -tNl•lao at Ille -,._ ei111er the --~ ..... .,. to ll'ft -11 atW ':to be .. ~:: .. ~ ....,. --..1aae by u. A+dress • •·011 -In _,. .• , •. • .. 7'! •. i., tbel ·..-..,. tbo -· Ha9ard Wunn of 11ll'1 the -t -"" a tall< .., "Se• 81 of the clobleta -----ta -IL.. _ .. •-. a o :• "" of eom- Putr Aft.. Belltlowor, or tr.im fllNn& tran . tbo , ~W• -· to HJ;; lo but a lot ot .:: = ,...... O• swd~ o..t. , -• ~ • •» • , 1114 .. =-roe:: -~ 29. Mn.~~ s., -of the point -11 0 sel<J_ to "'4t tbe -"Ill "• •-.· K rJ --S-ls .....,.,,. al ndlo -A ' d•ler --· Y a?s .. 0. B: e!!us '::::-Pet try, ll3 Aaate A .... Bal-D-...a M . Batior -_.Ille tlDp -Ii "I -to aca1n enphsd• tMt .._ -wm be t11e --ll ••W ....,.1111, -u ... "' v · . boa 1.._, · DUUU ediac beinoip" .._ aald. ""7 doli.r twbllwled to Ille l'ar tbo I-J111bt --ot .Kr. -Vn. Mm K. Gf•wl .. _. -OllPwi 1114 Ille "Meow" the -. around 'Tbte .-euUw bOao1 ot tbo Bal-Me;_. -....U.,.. to be OMJIU -~ o.t la W -Ille Caota ~Neapa ,I -ol'IOI -81ir .ft 10 1'111 I =::'J: ~ ~ rr PR:= ~-JllCIUE' fdlmr fellw: ~an11 boa lmpuvaamt w.olttlan wm caDe4 an. la•·..._,• Ills• -i ta b.!et..._ u. •1• .. b. Ulm drllt • 1\111r.. Now. 3ltll. 1·!xil ... W r--.s &t v . --·-·-!.:~ rt ~ a "pun<-fectlY' 111.-e -at tbe ~ ~ tlllo. -P"DPe .,.. '"11 I -, -•c "'•pat -'Die mtn?hc wlll be -al IM JO ' 7 ._ ..... .._ 5 i 0 0 t cl 0 -rl&I IEj#IU etattcm fk.l>ID -_, la Ballecla '11uzdu mpt_ allF Ohi-1211. 'n.. ... -(Q ll p -.... CJ W cdz m Ooala .... Olk ha llll9L I a ' • • • ' • • • • - § "a' a .... ,,+ ,. White's Balhoa l•hnd Cafe 0 lttaa .... A-. .-•• 7 n I OUR NEW HOURS 7a.m.to 7p.m. • • '~-111 pll Ms • • A Tale of an American Ship wl it& Crew on a ,-.,.week Cnr'se &o the Land of Ban•na• Wheft They Are RoyaQJ Welcomed By a Bqble, Friendq,,People • llY 11.a.oLD .. - --.-11 ....., Homdledo ol -IP• •ta ae 'l'illtlns old Mnku thla _.. Seoreo are aolnc ~ avt-le, ~ airplane -~ rauro.ci. Perbapa olben wU1 !IDll tm. ~ o1 tnftllnc lntorestlnc - Ibey wD1 be Vloltlnc 11...ioo Clt;y and the In-Ill the llfnlcan •ta~. But to me, a cruloe to a certain part .., the Mexican cout. bM Ito fudnatloM. The port l -In mind Is aJl.,......round drumland. Fer lhll tale, It lball be known • Bananu Land. -the plataw, the ~ and the ""--rolled Into .... E:l>lllsb word mean, be.nanu, are p&enU. ful -by Art Hllbam ol -It wu clev, warm and typical· Outolde ol a "bot -· fer the ly beautiful Southern Callfcrnla "unl&o", both ....,_ ,._ kept day on October 16 when the Para-In perfect nmnln& anler • ..,.., Herb. SamPo""'I HS-fool "C.ppy" Auceburpr of Detroit, -1, l&iled away from the clod< -.....,.. a SOid piece clanallns at New-t Beach. _ from the lobe ol hla left eor, aJoo · Aboard with the happy ~ ...,.. ... In the enstne .._,,_ He Is ,._ Walter Gerhardt, N.,.._ of n...idl del<enL nme. photoerapbor. and the writ-Suballtmce and im-moa1o-a. er. We were to earn our bip by day wu turnJahed by "Chlldt" WDrklng u extra hands aboard Howell, the ahlp '• cook and a Wt· the M-ton craft. eran of many a mm:hant marine Headln& the crulae wu Captain cru1ae during the lut war. Gel-- Peter Stein of Newport Helchto, hardt -~ durin& thla bip by who ls the skipper of the Para· adding llplee and &arnlshment to gon. He hu made 17 previous the menu. trips to the 90uthern shores. You As wor1r1--•i..~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ woWd hardly expect to find a for-~... crewmen, u~~ mer unlvenity proleaor piloting were Joee Tiores. Trinidad Chava· L • ..a er ... -. but Stein former1" rin, Alphonso Cuai.lu and Alberto #EID ll'l'EIN, ecptsh el Ille ......... tg ata ta.e -." la tM -~ ., Gomez. eu17 _...... -Mo -e. ae ........ a .. ~ -.._ TURKE Y S ...... . ....... , 4444V~ GO • BBOADBBll!A8TED ,,. .... -... -.......... - Live, Dressed and Drawn Weight 17~~ A. Christen Bea::5M11 wu on the faculty of the Pua· ..a by Walter Oerllardt, New..'l'bw ,..tllp', pber, alfioat ... lloar' dena Junior College. • All ot the crew were conlden· Won -.tr... to • .... ...,..11.mdcM ,ort. -• complete s&ory Alvin Daniell the fint mate tlous, dependable and intuitive. of Ore ........,.,. trtp wm be stvea la 1111111 ... folls•la& ...._ el impressed me. He appeared Uk~ Caasllu and Gomez interested um P9P8T· I t'• a story a..& wlll mp • ~. J'Mi ~ make 8 born boataman. He kept the me most. The former proved an zoa ..... to ma.lie die trtp. Wa&clt fer lt!. , · .. _ crew busy: a little paint, a steer-artisan with the pa.int brush. I One of its many abrupt peaks before a fiah. f~•it. Strike! 'The ing watch, a hand here and there. watched him paint part ot the has an elevation of 3900 feet and seamen hauled it in. What a Work continued-work was done. wheelhouse one afternoon while much of the island 11 covered prize! I t looked like an enormous Daniels skippered the sailing at steerage andi, I wiahed that I with cedars and pines, with now· rainbow trout. It turned out to craft, Gallmer, a Swed.lib sloop, could do u well. en and shrubs in the valleys. The be a 15--pound Sierra. during the Hawailan race in 1939. Gomez was 8 prince. Not 8 island is a gold producer. In went the line again and Controlling the power w a 1 royal prince, but a friend He . • • BAY VIEW C~FE ·~Same Jk?ql me !\ -Kr. and Kn. Uo,d Wella At Ftt:t). l.a"'"ng, Balboa: • ()1 1' •• .,. Wit • t • STEAKS -CHOPS -SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS ........ , .... Cld111lTaJ111it.7 . Fountain Serriee lmpectlm. ot Our Kltcben Welcomed _ • WING SANG BOAT & REPAIR YARD s11 eo..t BIPw 101 ftms ••ne 1&1' • •s::s:-.,._ rn•th rw a lar111119 . .................. 11)' ....... m ll "A Place Wlicn Pislimncn Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed :prinks -Short Orders "SPUD -Row!!, Manapt-}ouPHINl! OQuisT, Q.....,. 10'7 -!l.R l.'la<lll Newpod Beed! Francis Snyder, chief engineer was h011Jpitable. Llkeable, rve The _BerutOllJ are three barren sec_onds late_r i th~ was another Snyder is a diesel expert and he never had a better friend HiJ rocky ialands which are famous strike. Th ls time ~e seamen ~======================~! haih from Ontario. He was u-presence made the trip 8 most for the hundreds of sea elephants ha~ed In a deep blue e1ght·pound ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---------·---pleasant one and when we ar· that find their home on their boruto. ~ WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass •. Boat Glass Boat Lettering . HARBOR 'GLASS co~ Costume Jewelry SheD and Indian .Jewelry .llALLMARK .-CARDS for Christmas v-x ll'lgmbw I.am119 :: Ouetame Jewelry Newport Souvenir and Gift Shop !lOZ Oeella Prolll We Wrap Gltta rived In banana town he took me rocky shores. The islands are sur· In another hour we sat down to to his home and made me feel rounded with beds of kelp. a fish ~fry aboard ship. Fishing like one of the family. But I will Port Bartolome is two and a and tr:f\ng in MexiCan waters la tell you more about this goodwill half miles wide and nearly circU· as simple as ~t. . gesture later on. Jar in shape and it has an entr· (Continued Next Week) On the voyaee to Bananza ance that is a mile wide. The -==========:::::;; Land, the first mate assigned me beaches are barren, but fishing 1• to the duty of standing wheel· in the bay is good. watch, something I did at first in . After Port Bartolome, the topo-- a zig.zag manner, but later I graphy, somewhat like Lower Cal· found myselt catching on. I hope tfornla, is mountainous, with high that the captain will say the plateaus reaching above ptecipt· same! ious cliffs. Also there are some Now that rou know something low, rolling plains reaching out about the ship and the crew, I'll to Magdalena Bay . eo on With my tale of the voyage. As we neared the entrance to SOFf WATER e OCEANS OF IT! e AUTOMATICALLY! ONLY $2.50 M~TH For tibe Anrage Famlly There's not1¥ng to buy. We lnlltall a sO!tmer In your home • . . We oWn it, we service. For ·ruff lnfonnlrtlon We sailed past the 1pis Corona· Magdalena Bay, Capt. Stei.R gave dOI Islands, which are located. a the order to slow the motors IO few miles south of the boundry that the Paragon crew could get line between the United ,States a view of a ship which had been and Mexico. These are four hJ.illi, hal tered against the rugged cout· bold and >;l&ied -· w h I c b line-a derelict, victim of a hur· • stand out in the water like aen-ricane. 80PT WATES SERVICE call- :;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;iii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;· I tinel tombatones guarding the sea. M we came within close range, -11.0 lhd St. Newpoft ~ The largest ls one and t.hJ'ee. we noticed that the wrecked ves. a.nor ~- ·are Soft durable fabrics expenly ta11ored co give the ma:cimum in comfort:, yet noc lac~ing in good loo,,_ Choose your slac's from our roe's today. • • • • • All -Wool Gaberdines, $17.50 & $18.50 Tweeds; $16.50 Flannels, $21.95 Coverts, $21.95 quarter miles lone and rises to a lel wu a 10.000-ton Victory ship I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ heigh th of 672 feet. The islets which was grounded during the It are dry this time of year. How· Jate war because it wu unable ever, during the rainy sea.son they to navigate through the heavy are covered with Dowen. gale common to these waten. About 20 miles south of the The aft of the ship was miu- Coronadoe we came abreast of lng. One of it's life boats rested several hundred aeall which were on a high, rocky craig aeveFal headed weetward. It wu t h e hundred feet from the abondoned larl"est school of seals the 9'JUJ\en hulk. had seen in many years and ·they It wu pJcturesqUif', but .never· were the biggest I had ever 1een the-less mindful of disuter. It in one group. made one shudder and want to Farther on we came upon Ced· turn his head away. rco Island and then the San Benl-Magdalena Bay bu the flnellt toe Ialands loomed oullide San harbor on Lower callfornia pen· Bartolome. Cedroo lo over 20 miles lnllula. It lo 17 miles long and 12 long and ts of volcanic origin. miles wide and has an area of about 80 equare miles, most of r -----------: which lo navigable. I HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop A New BaMlng New Fadlltles Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery • - -Installation Free Estimates (WI ..... liOOt-1 lOU Urcl st. v.ta .._ Fish are lncredlbly numerous, many of these attractive and dell· cate, some brilliantly colored. and mo1t of them edible. Why some enterprising Newport Harbor flab.. erman hu not 1tarted a luxwi.01.11 1portflsblng palace In Magdalena Bay is beyond comprehension! It would be a sportflsher's dream, were It not for the fact that drinking water ii a problem. Water is procured by sinking a cuk into the &and and then with· drawing It. The water obtained is milky white in appearance and must be allowed to settle for aev· era! days before it ls clear and potable for drinking purpooea. While the Paragon moved lllow- ly along, seamen dropped a lone. trolllnc rope, with l[llnnor attach- ed, Into the water. '!be line hadn't become taut ......A.VIO,••-......... .,_ 24-Boar ffelill IJ/ M05ffl TESTED Thia aclenlillc, lnatrumcl ten. uo what'• wrong when you bring your watch In. and II ten. you II'• right when you talc• II away. Fcmter, more ecoaomical r.paln. with printed pzool ol CICClll<ll:f. - Teel -brlnp a watch and jewelry ttPalr dopert,. ment to Colt& U-that ls the finest. We bave the bmt W<Clunen and eciuilment fer ._rt ~-ot watcheo, -and jewelry ._in. Ted Brown tiW* 114 Wa 4th St.-=· Ph. 6688 PASADENA LONG BEACH ' -Ill N. _.. I'll. !17. I-Mil I . PRE~HOLIDAY SAVINGS ~ -------··-'------·-----'2986 ~t!::.S:., ______ ~63" ap I :~s~ -·---·---····· •31111_ 'f:t::1'________ '611 =~ mm•••••-•••••• '21111 = -·--•m•••'l l '° PEN·Z.DAY •1·· -.-'5" INFK&·lllllD LAMPS a BEATING PADS _ ap J:LB0. TOA8TEll8 '3'° Tallie lloclel '2411 Not..._ fUI nL BADl08 ---ap AllllOllll-O-l>a -ROT '1541 .. ·-•• retrlc· odon-..-.6 PIATZ ---- IWW. AODDI '16'6 VOLOANO f319 ~--..... ----BOT PL&ft ---- ~'!'Z':OI: oow69".;. :,.3,,, _!345" .. Newport Electrlc Applla•ce Co. .._.,,z....-aia I ' iiii'. -MIDWAY AUTO SERVICEl ::""! ~ 1so1 WF.ST CENTRAL A V1NU1 I Radio Servit.e Burt R. Norton 317 Coasl BouleTard Soul) Lqana :Reach ALSO. IN POMONA, 362 W. 2nd. - Ill 01M1 ••4 • -....... 7' a... • The Home of Good F'a.· 1111-----......-i GREEIHAW'S .....,.. DRIVE· IN•~~• .roa•it•L'f 8 A!ID 'f'8 DAIV S -IN Wafflee -J)qwoocl ·Bambaase11 -: Steeb .._ -•n• -m (hut .... ...., • Oe • • _. -. ,__..-------Watdt U1 Grow • • ·-PBONS •.•••oa 11!1 -, • u••• • _.,.. •r•enua ~ ...... • I., a I • •sll.J ••• 2 2 a - • Aido~-Pa1nll4 • .. .,, ·--~------....---~-:-------~---.-----..,,; • • • • New,.t-)lelboa 1-'wt~ Buteau M •1111 _. nsoll .. • Sow K11pf1 .. •1 s n· •n . C .,.... Tlllll• a.~ I , a• • • -· .... .., 51m1 ft. &rt1r -19J.•lll_..._, >'•• . ...w .. ~&••~ .. , . .,.-'!: • • • • NOW AVAILABLE Kirsten • • Photo-Electric Pilot • • :Automatic Steering for Commercial • and Pleasure Craft -'ALL VOLTACFS • ·' Sol·E-Nucl • ' Reverse Gear Control • ETS • HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 1920 1000 COMt IDway ELECTRICIANS C-0-Two Jibe Eqalpmaa& lor •AOl'OllY, PLANT, l!ll'OllS, OFPICS, •ASK, BOID ·- • • • • ' MW!A"• ~ •t ....... ' TIC* • , DU'iCll<8RACOCK New ... t Hart>ar A-rlc:a., Le-AL~---RMiDN-.w ., ...., -Na. m thla -.... t na ~ llAJITA ~;j"ll-;., . · . • .. con.t. ._, Ito ....._ncler, Eon Ooppet-thl;:::. !·=·===~=~:;5~~==========:;~ to °"Dvmity ~ ~L , .. , _, . With & llneblp dieck. Cheat of• ~ .. I _... ~ lld.ia --very Olllftdat1V1! at : · l)dldonel;.~ -this action becauoe tbe Leclon • ·' ·; . ._ + 't ~ ... ·• ~- ~t~ :e ~-= 'NE"WPORT =.~~1ntbll_... , .. ·~4· CAF.E ·~ - In exp1atn1nc '<the action ot the -~ y -t-Poat_ <)wnm.andpr Copper-•.:'\. • r ( N v • ... •• ,. ~ •1 ..... -th ststed, -We V1!tenm at . , + . Wodd. War ll 1n New~t Harbor .~~ ; .;t-lle"Mift'P ..._ • haw a Cl'ft.t deal to u-: srateful ..._ ••-, 81 * fer. Ew.y one at 1a benoftttedl~;;;;;;;;;;;;'';;;;;;;;;';;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;··-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;z;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ in ooe way w another frClm 8a1De:l I • ._ ~ by the War Olmt, forenmnor ot the Com- F•Peltol Collec• Is NOw Sixth Largest Tw•Year SchOol I• State; 39. HartJorltes Ellrolled ID1Dllty 0-t "It la true. our LeaioD PIJSt founded and helps opera& the Vetenm Center. It la uo1st1na IDIUIY a-servicemen In a variety of ..-. It bu aided --· erw to locate Jobo and ,... .. nc. It sqppllft -iin tbe GI Bill ot Rlchto. IM"kal aervlce, "and many ou-·thlnp at s-t value to tbe ... -. Pupils Raise ~ E....!"~:r= Chest, F d causes portldpatlnc In thla 1""• . Un ~~f:;1,:a~ ~~ ""' prlvil<l'd to pn!90ftt this Fullerton Junior collep Is .,.,.. rate of reimbursement. Thia Is check to the Community a.est the sixth i..._t two-year ·Jw>ior believed to be .the blghest pereent-"Not a alngle scholar ~ on behslf of the members ot New· college in California, belnc ex-age of students ever enrolled from doing hls bit for the Community port Harbor American Lealon ceeded in enrollment only by the outside the district. Chest. Every child gave 1ame--Polt No. 291." large city junior colleges of Glen· Of the 1550 tot al enrollment In thing, and every class room con-------- dale, Long Beach, Los Angeles, . tributed to enable the school to !GOO VETS EMPLOYED Sacramento and San Francisco. the college, 470 are resulents of reach its quota," said Horace En-One major oil company already This ii brough t out in a survey the. Fullerton district, 85 follows : sign, principal of the Newport bu employed. poetwar, 2,000 re- just completed of the inunbers Fullerton, 313; Buena Park, 48; Beach grammar school Saturday, turned veterans who were not and distribution of studeli't.s en-La Habra, 82; Yorba Linda, 27. when he reported to the Com-previously employed by it. More rolled In Fullerton Junior collece. The number of students who re-m~ty Chest headquarters laden than 93 per cent of the company's The survey shows that the college side in Orange county high school with the proceeds of t he school employes who have been discliarg- has one of the highest ratios of district.a outside of the Fullerton drive. ed. from military service have re. outside-.the-district enrollments of district totals 620 and is dis-Herb Kenny, treasurer of the turned to wdrk. any junior college in California. trlbuted as folloW1: Anaheim. 293; Community Chest, in accepting -------------1 Only about 30 per cent of the Brea-Olinda, 39; Garden Grove, the school repart on behalf of dollars from the grown-ups." students enrolled at Fullerton 38; Huntington Beach 79 · Laguna the Community Chest, stated that Kenny aa.td that he felt sure Junior college reside in the Ful-Beach, 11 ; Newport ·H.;bor, 39; "it is truly a wonderful thing to when the adults of Newport Har- lerton district. About four per Orange, 80; San Juan Capistrano, see how wide the heart!i of chil-bor saw this ex.ample of the gen- cent are residents of other junior 2 ; Tustin,. 3 ; Valencia, 36. dren open to help those less for-ero&ity of the children , they too college districts. Students who are residents of tunate than themselves. would all be eager to contribute, The remainlng 66 per cent are Los An eJes count total 3S9 ( dis-''To those little ones, a few pen-and that the Community Chest ' • • WE MAD --.,.iatYICE rn,i.S Umlted '5-lJ of Radios .Avallalale for Cllrlstmas - ' 7 1'1 .. DA1a7 5-· e 0.-,.i• I e Radios VISlT otni RD:X>RD DEPARTMENT FOlt CBRlSTMAS SUGGESTIONS • PllJLOO • .&DlllJLU, e HOlll'FllAN e PAOJ[.t.RD Jll!:r.I.. • Gl!lNDAL EU:OmlO • WILCOX-GA.I' *"'OOllDIO • VNJ\I FOAL Al'l'UANCJ!J.S For Yoar Sllolidwg <laaftldouacle We will be open~ 9 p. m. every night I . except Sunday, eftectiw Dec. 2nd . APPLIANCE AID RADIO SPECIALISTS lllCNJIY W. B1LUNU1> --A-llAI,ll()A lllLAND -·-1tudenta for whom the Fullerton tribute-cf 85 follo~· Downey 46. nies or nickels given from their would IUCCeed in the current cam--=======================~dl~strl~c~t =will;·~;co~ll~ect~;;th~e;;;co;un~ty El Monte, 6; Excelador, 52; Hunt: allowance means more than many pa.lgn. ; ington Park; 2; Montebello, 28; .------------------------. San Fernando, 2; San Gabriel, l ; ' BE .PREPARED • • • ~ • For Th~ Rainy Season • let· us check your Brakes Lights Battery Cables Ignition Wiring Windshield Wipers I FIYe · Factory Trained MedlalllcS oa Daty Dally to Ser-le Y Oii BUDGE•T . Sp•clal '. •____....·- • • ' .. ... . - South Gate, 6 ; Whittier, 246. Six students reside in counties of California other than Orange or Los An1eles counties. Slxty- 1ix seudenta are residenta of other junior oolleie districts who have been admitted to Fullerton Junior college on exchange aireemtmts . Of the present 1550 enrollment in the college, 1114 1tudenta are men and 436 are women. C1aaS diltribution ts u follows: fresh- men, MS men and 297 women ; 10phomores, 139 men and 106 women; third-year, 33 men and 21 women; specials (non-high school craduates), 94 men and 12 women. There are 843 veterans enrolled in the college of whom 838 are men and five are Women. Of the men, n2 are single and 126 are married; there are four single women veterans and one married woman veteran. Veterans are regiatered under the following conditions of attend- ance: under public law 346; under public law 16, 34; under California Institute, 28; reilstered as dvll- ians, 117. Some of the chief technical- vocational curriculum under which Fullerton Junior college students are enrolled are the following: buslneu education, 211 ; trade and WE WELCOME YOU TO OPEN.& CHARGE ACCOUNT (90 -llO -90 Dap) -·-te_to_ ... --........ aCoaunt. Our 1t9dm U"a O+icJete with the lo-S!ir1eo at I_. FlDe AiiPereL NaC!meRy Adv•lked U&DY-TO-WllAB IU wm&a. ST. . PRONEHll Store Boan: DallJ' ....... llwg !Warday 9:!0 .&. IL to 11:!0 P. IL Industry, 128; coametology, 33; commercial art. 25; newspaper re- portlnc, l& !================== K•SPlMO BOUIS. ••l•I .. __ ., ..... ~-= ...w..-..tWa 1 sm -••.m:r--- IL ID 0 . WEDlO:SDAY reau llATUIWAY nnonoa KATD!a • ~ .M t:ll a t :U AY AT 11&11 • "Y-Muat Oldar Now .· II. for the Holdup" ;i I s9'~ .1J'! ,..... ..... Mlasls ... pus 7 $potl • s..a. • " I I • Oterette ....... DI I 1 ... 5 I ••• ''°' • o.m. ond MsrM T_,. ..... •••II . 811 LAllOtt ... _w.-~-.... -···· a ~ ~ ,,":;:";"::;:8 '· Ml & Cwdnl BubGr 18 : i IOTAL ~'!:~Co.,,'_ -......... -~ --·---- IT'S TURllER'S FOR PHOllOGRAPHS • • • Some of a-llne pb~ are ~w..., ... By that we DINO t9-my they play oo .&.C. powea , _Battery or Spring Molar (hand wound) •••• Smm baw automatic Heird Chanpn, and o1JEta -sl!igle record plaJl!i'&. a.,. In bancJaonr _ w:uod .,, ..... -... ot Debt and dlldl: ........ . And atbeta In I•w Carrylnc C&us - • Vidor . Cien~ Elec. Capitol Masco -· •• < ... • I ! • TERM 'S MOTOR TllE-UP .~ -......... , .... ,.... '• l ''C ••r'• We._ ..... ______ ...,. s · . •• Nothlq Down · 12 Months S~ 75 toPq ~ ' . , CULBERSB dEvROLET Co~ ~I c. ' .. ... " • - =.,-.--:•;i::;. .. , 't·.~ ,,.. __ . :.U 1•a--.1 ...... ·ll.KA·SELI JE• l ........ _.,.rs ................... ., ~-'21 .. ~ ,.-1 .... .w.·11 jt' . •n.· 'lr-I•li'· .. ........ --.. ·-IP ......... ,,. --. ... '._. flllll:&W• & ;.r&;"-:a.'T1';j me ....... !."1:1> 2 ... , I • •.•"lllZ'ltt~a ·-• -....... '* 6 • : .,. · Mcox-Oay • • ~ ~ ~ ... ·• (JA*fiiW•• • ' • • • -• TllHl'S , ~a ,. , t ; ..... , ......... . a ; •• ••-•a•· CT Im .· • • • Louis Prima's Late8t Album "'The Up" "I'll Be With You" "Angelina>-"Boogie in Chicago" "Apple Blossom Time'' "Little Boy Blew His Top" "Porgy" -From "Blackbirds of 1928" • Pbo .. Harbor 1011 What Is the Future Worth to By HARBY WELCH un.oe-newest in watchdaip; 17Jtw*.1Mi•..,... lhocbb!ubtr; ID Kt pd-filltd - . . . • • • PAnKIA -O<i~"" lleibertdesi1!1;·17 jewols. lllli_..cic, '71 .. I• Kl oclid told case. • · · · · """"""" ......., Tu / "THE" MAN DESERVES THE BEST -k Give him a beau- t iful robe for his leis- ure time at home .... . '..;/ .. -tr- TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LAY-AWAY PLA N A N D GET J"IRST CHOICE. . . ·• . -tr- Al so -•. SPORT~COATS - --·SLACKS TOILETRIES ~ - -TIES • • ••• • • ' • ·DOWNTOWN • <J08'U ·1118& ' ftnar:_B• • lllZI...i 'wlll.EV'r REFRIGERnTllll =: JERVICE CDlllPAllY ..._ -&aks1 ... -l1n1ee -C-. -.. .o.-M - .._ ......... I ...... •& 1 i.- . When Your Back Hurts- ~ . '-'*"'41 ...,...,._~-,_ YOUR .... ~.'$!$ ............ NII~ el,_. .. , ._ .;& • • • ~ ......... ~ ....... .......,.. .............. ._ . . .............. .-...................... ... -.............. a.llw ...... rlr ._, ., • -,. ~ •111a1 ,,••n• ~ .................. ....,. ... ..,.: . .-.. ....... ..._ ... ..._,.._..._,, ps••"-• ...... ..,.,_., • ,,_ _, .,_. ....,_ . . I -..... ~ .... r•-;;m;-..:..-;-rs.;;:=----' .... ---,_, ___ ,,,;·~ H .. ~CIA&. 0•=t,• · t --•=Na 1 c•ui!rt11ss:-"' 11 .. , ,,.0ii•••·----, ..... uu.._. .... I -, . ·---I l~L ....... ~loi, ,._.___·~~~~~~~~~~~~ _____ ..;;.a•..!~ ..... ---. ...:..-----= _, • • • • Strikes Caused Production Loss O..l'owJl'aded- Broadway Cleaners I S Y Oti.i l~ INS LiRANC C: ~OFQ\JATE? SEAR CAVE Specjally Priced ~ .. .. 10"12 .,, .. , 7l$...)._ .... '10s12 ' 1 .... hlO_ &M lMI •. 11M • • --.. -&.Ja ·--·. -lllll3I! -• '\ S II • - • . . • . . Rev .:.J •. U: 11.tt.en mtat~DM. Home . ' . ------- * TeYeur ---- Leve•s Treaslll'e • Make her proud ancl happy with the perfect gik of 1o .. , a Kttpsa.ke. 'GIA.MONO I I HG S --- The Jewel Shop FOR BETl'ER JEWELRY • 411 aou• mp_,. Pboae -· 111&-J c.oro .. del Mar Ce111111unif7 Ch .. t . • 1'8 s. 01···-n, 0..-.p. OaL Pboae IKG-W PRECISION FREQUENCY SERVICE Call Barbor 1247..J for RADIO PHONE FREQUENCY MEASUREJIEN'l'8 and Percentage MndulaUoa Checlm -~ Colorful Cloths Ork'in's 1793 Newport Blvd. • To Add to Your THANKSGIVING . . TABLE -·-L1r1ens always make an acceptable Onistmas Gift DEPARTMENT STORE VETERANS We Can Build You a Complete Two-Bedroom Home -la-' 60 Days We haw aD ~ • • • We ........ for yoar ~ ud -*"'!!"' ""~ ., .. ..,.. ~ wl THIS BOD :illlllGNllD:A>iD AND'M!iLT Ol'LY "ll08 YOO eosta CoiDpWe, Jvv ,_ 553.00 ,. .... -' ol lo& yaira.lre -.............. Sale's _ (&••wlwl D1 ' • ,_.B111wwl Bl iii) • • Jltew'8ft.Bhi. ~ .._ • -* -* • • ·1 • - • insurance ' - -I • - •pi -. ..... r twt,·•rOIATI• • • , -•. 1 ;;. ........ ..._. ' ft ~ ct Cl&llllDI .. 3333 ~a· ,Udo, .••w)Ort _b9acll, callf • . . ........ NWpOfl .ll•odi, llorbor l.SOO . * . . , * , •• ' -•• • . ' . -, --... • .. ~ ,,~· ··• · ~--·nit~· ,..... ; -.,. · -z ) , Cast of ·.'WhY Ctirneiftilhg'' ~=:11 ~!c: =--.: :;;.;,.;~~ ~ R ;:-~ S · .. 1i·~,.~:t:r:!: ed b Dr COih,.,., DAR .Cttiwn T~ ...-a• v ':,;:. :,.i::;:: . TRON~; JNC,· w; J-, BENBOW -•~ s..ea-. c.nr: a llP ~ _,_... -5m. An . -¥ ama · '°QIC& .... to • D~ <llCll d ..... ss •)e i • --• • --nou""I · ,_... Kmtz. VlrPda Ga?: •· W ·• .....,.. • 1a tar --~... = z?>r • •• 111 Phone Harbor 1012 J • VlllPOOL -oeP!1C -• -.... I ~ ~ ., end ,1-D .Tmka..,, .... ... ~,,.. Pl I"* 0 '4 o, Ph. B. lri II . :I .... ~ta Ana em.:a.. I04fc ~ .. ~-· • ~ > _... pr11. WWft' dw r ,..,.tlJ' .,,..~-R•ttntt8--.: 1; an w. emtn1.'••Po1t B1 di. · 8Mfc m•m ..... ._ . 11 w~w~~·•1 tb tor w.D..rs. ._ ~-"'-""' z -la In !be ic. ,.,_ ----.· '1Mfe PLU10 'l1JNING -._.....,. ' . *l'tS tu w. dQ' .......... In ,'llrl bome. tndlnc cborKUr por1s <A I»-Harold • • -~('. urt W D.A.R. Goo\t · 0-•whlp ·.._ ~Uc .. • ' J B: Br Wlt1e BG 111; W.ANTEI> -~-ii. -__. Oil Bincw llTL • • 9l>-2tp ~ -'------the cunpeptlm.. --· • -. JA--E. OS~ • ---Br~ help· -•t .... -.._ ·' •wntbe!"• ~-tml!~ ..,.u., • _ 01 ....... -~a ~v~ Piii*''' ?• tm-1 • n:a ~ pn.i&m.s P*t ~ -~~ ~ Rt. -1, ~**'• a.ta ... trip to MW Yark.~~ BZLP WANIZD VAJ'E Ioc.1 OW-~ won """' by two Due to the 11"9"v MUtm <A ~ Pio wen -cm tWe -·-. calL B .. • -General Cohtnletor • -,. · -10 to Dec. 15. G. SS-= W. or 11..-_ i;, 1Mb m for blcb ocbool -at the 117· hllh ICbool -jaimr ··c!onose -al the · ~ · pointol ~&:ID p.& 1IMft • .• Ollntrol, ~ Collt. .. 1 )'UUnllf.: Mo -· ftq!dn4. auto btl4 Mcndoy In the audl--to. "Wblr ~ <;>•"'P!' 111111.· -· k 'onldl'. patrio!lom , ~ • . 620 -...iw Aft. • 'CQRSON ._ RAY CO. """"' ;,,·-.,. -it,.a . -tr . GeDll .,_ , Y .. -7d own • me at the .,de''sila;.,.·Wtn ' be -odi&ai ..!llYI~ ( · • 0...... doi Kar "' -.-Appb> A-Slillllo, !f08llt tortum. produoed 1n Decetn.,.., ~tut-Jocqule K-1o now, ia-Al Lachm41yer •tte 1 BICYOJ.IS MG, 11o1a st.. S...ta Ana. trr.atc Walter Parb will pcctroY the ,_ far "Let . 'l'llere· ae.·· J:lcbt,'" <A Glrlo" 1-ud -ftcmor •. • · -. R Ml or a I hd. at HoJaer oma11 boy onc1 .... edledukd. tom 1a ' .-SIGNS MOVED HARBOR. . , -Gener!l Contractors Y<JiM19 ~ , a • wlulch ,.. ~ oecretary. Sbe-.llo ~ ·i• -a.-· . ---• ,_ --""' '·-"" = -• • -~ ~ ··Beacon' "178-W ' -Complete Building · ·-., · PhDDbinr SW vice · · • ••• --~,,!:'.~ ~-;:,.. ";!.:;:: = .:::; ~;.;:_ ~ dm lo tr?lr • <A 1 • -1'11111 NewJll<Wt BM. Bu :•• !OtlW ·• · -Service ' . ,_. noupetltion iii both UP!l"'I' claD-acten In the play. . • ·. • . the -cWil ud -t edl-• a&'ll'rr .&11111 II men and junior college students. Althou&h -the ~ pllQ' bod tor al U. ~ Siie lo a1oo , ', • . ~~~~·;;: • "'-l'HONES--, tic:HINK -KACIWIKI as WELL PAID JOBS • -with Real~ -• The ,..,,,..,,...... of the cut Inc only four •P<aldnil ~It • mpmber <A tbe Ille F-ancr • om... Calli Befait ·~ A.)I. ----. Hubar 2HT-R HaJj)qr 1531).W ...__,_ __ • --.-. -dudes Ncnruun s~. junior WU the plu ot -Dorothy Sdlooluwhlp-oode47. • , •• -· . • ' _ • .,.., .; •• -' • c...-DJAm:.U. " .... D i y w college, u u.., . . ; David Newton, hl&h ICbool c1rama 'Cooch. JOf/!J ·~ 1o pi 'tmi ot' '. .~ar...Mter.; 4:30' PM. • Mechaniea\' Toya · · trr·tfc TlnlllC --•lie '. w or -oung C?~D 118 ~~~~ ~ to dub In "'!'"' ch~~ •• ,, Y-~ ·di( ~ la G~ • ';.:; Goc:lrie -· M "'"""' Tnlm. · 'E\"""4~ .A(lpt. Ph. Jlllrtie.'')9' "'IN'!~ OMnt PFrl! liib..~co · '·· Tbla•-?Y',loul\._ • .....__te .·-~-.. Do1191aho,Dallo,~ PAINTING ":V1'•~-Sb.Qp '.,;: (-~~~~ra ~'! the,~\n'811t'~':: Lethen Rites ·lield to the Y:fitli coneiirenet In Ad.-•, · , . ~ .sm, Velodsoln, TOJO, s-12 Y-S.rloll In l!e•jlOrt UOSOoutHlWQ~6"iiilel_~ , r"'· ·: .. ·~u mar. Stie la a&o former lirCl'etaJY . ~ • 1-r--11-• o---t Wqam. a.tMlr-Ana •~ J. • = man. jojniar co~. oa the ooldler; Funeral services for Lutber F. of ·~-Girl -·-· •. , • --• ·~• -u• ~ ~Hall · · · ~ r• P,'hiclm1en ~ ihe -~ • THE TOY .. SHOP aau>~t WA!Ci&D-......... lliilit.Plli for • n... EvpnePyette,lelllor.u phll-Lethen, 44. com~,,_,, em-"The faculty~ prindpol wlD COSTA MEsA ~Marine ~.talon! PAINTrNG Nnl.A.CTOR HOUSE n~&---·~--.·.··~-A .. _... witb-.-·for.,.... OO<lllher: ~ c:.mn. bl&h IChool ploye at The Loo AJiielza;ninea rbo<-e one of thzR &Iris to ~ Harbor --81).tfc Pb--,........,. "~-...,. --".._ -sapbomore, as the courterler: for 23 years, wen! held S6turclay ·--Good ciu-ot ·~ .-; 9G-2tc ,.....rW -~•'" hour Phone Harbor 2461..J • time or dlrl7 at --boun <A Mary Anne Morrilon. high school at 2 p.m. at Pl<ra!' i;ir..then' come ,,'~ •~ u~ Beeooa SZJ&.J Beacon MU · · 9G-2tc tbe clq. -• sophomo, as the yoWlg girls; Bar-chapel, Loo Angeiel. Entornlimont School. · COOPERATIVE 274 E. 19th Street X-ttr ' c bara Hltja. junior college, u the followedlnlnglewood.PorkMaUIO-Sln!willlhenbeglvenapinand ia;r.Q,AD PRODUCI'S ROOFING CO. GIRL who does lhorthancl and SeWllwqelnereMntbe!lrsttwo · ~ · d certificate o1 ward. Sheet Metal Work typing wi!hes Job. Phone Hal'-~ ,....-. .p:a.adorula. oleum. He pused away at bl! an a · a , --by-• bor 2467_1. 90-2tc · ".1 \ In addition to the cast. there home at Newport Beach on Sun-Tile state will be divided Into '<:LARK 6 BATES . New _and Repair Gutters lnlta1led and ~paired . i...rn this lnlilroltlnc ,....k at will be a cathedral choir and angel day, and he leaves bis. wlcloW. Jo, cltslrlctl and ""lbe Good Citizen . ille"'lllzlnc , Re""" Bros., Sheet '•etaI VETERAN-Alert derk typist or loocl pay In ,..,... own community. choir under the direction of Earl bis parents, Mr. and Mn. AJ.,.. of Each Dlltrlct"' 'will compote for Weldin& SpedallaV Phone lloaOOll 5211().R 6-JJl • salesman. Anxious to learn and C. Nlll'Tamore, an instrumental ander Lethen, and two brothers, an award to be given by the State i!06 30th SL -Harbor 2509 2W S. llllth St.. Cotta -341 E. 21•1. Colla Mesa I; promote. car, age 26. Call You wiirk with frlend11 ~ In group under the direction ot William and Theo. Society of the D.A.R. · Newport Beach 115-tfc :IO-th Beacon ~M 81-ttc H...-1632. . 9G-2tp pl1""ant oft1ce1. • , · • = • =' • Pictures Are Mentally Pigeonholed Arthur Sl!Ver -Bob Pacllleld New Blue Room (Wu-(hll)) EATS, DRINKS AND ROllANCll: e..-nu Mhlm 0 . R. (Pop) Crawley-N. M. (Morrie! Crawle7 Dlstlnetlve Home Fllmlshlnp • Crawley's Furniture · -.. 18U Newport BmL-Pll. Be•~• IW Cblta MeR-"ln the Heart ol Town" MRnGER STORES . • . l"ll9toae • • • 1'1111 N-zt Bml., 0oota -BB•--• llUl-W "Home and Auto Supply Stores" Curt H. Bohman The Bohman Company Te1111llaa11 11111 IJfa 5'11 ... NII 111 er...t: JDaltwQ-Kewport Jirsa Ollll. Harold K. Grauel CHAPEL 11• ~It•~ 611• Ooota ·-Collfonla HUBBARD HOWE Preo. Hubbanf• South Coast Company nu w. o-tnJ-.ft. -- J.M. Miller REAL ESTATE BROKER ft.-rUd 111111 at Oealnl-N---t!Oa Your Way to lktbo&'' Bruce B. Johnstone at the Sign of Ille "FLYING -.zD BOasr' JOHNSTONE SERVICE -urn-1 Coalt llhd. at 101 lllPwa:t Newport Engineering Associates FREDERIC J . SINGER. Presldont M:anoheh:INn a 8alel Enatneen UJ5 Coalt m'""l-PIL """"°" ll06I Wallace C. Mattoon Mattoon's Shoe Store .. Footwear for All the Family •• 1'7911 N-zt Jlhd.-(Joota •-Phone BEacaa MD-W Dr. W. T. Mooney PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ni.ta. ud Oealnl ft. -• (U· ... wrtoe) ta Walter J. Gerhardt Harl>or 292-W OUR PHOTOGRAPHER -.., _, ... _...vorw ... - G. N. Wells Real Estate P"'-e"ss • 1111 1-N .. ,..t~-om_ .>' • 0 . C. HARR • --C. C. 0'1"1'0 Otto's Sporting GoodB and Stddlery Han's Jewelry TWtn Loca-llZl llAJUM>ll Ill.Vb. o.ta,M1rr h ._..., BimyW.&.aw.J Radio s 0 s Electric " ...... _ ... BnR1e TP s' ft.ft..,• T The Vibrations of Sound (Words) on the Ear Drums Do Not Register as Do Pictures Which We See Through the Photographic Lenses of Our Eyes Pictorial Matter Is Indelibly Stamped on Our Mental Film. We Forget Sound, But Not the Things We See I· l Jack Llndsley's Post-War Prosperity club roster will continue for the next 26 weeks with new members being added each week. Many of the portraits will be of older memberB of this great booster club and you will see also a great number of newcomers to 'Our district, ones that should be made known to you, our readers, so that you will know of our great advancements and ot our phenomenal growth. We coosider this series ol ~Personalities" by our cowboy artlst,<Wlth bis bio- graphical yams, his ''Corral Dust': wpbs 00 the edltOrlal page and the la)'UU$ with editorial captions and matter, the greatest continuous feature this paper baa ever ottered. • Jack has been drawin& ppr traits and cartoons for us for nigh on to 26 years. . . . -sAM PORTER, P11hllsher • ,. . ~~ &'Ga;M~'Th. .-1111 Ncwpwt ~ ll11e ••• :1• am "'1t ...... .. Z-&c1•• ..... • A. "Sandy" Steiner ~.; -· REALTOR ftel_.TarBlla"'A ..... 1M CIMR .......,._._ Boo a 111'11 ' • -. I '· ~ "WAil.IE" G. MARKSlTY •• ,P NJCll(ll,AS Sea Shen ~e en -Oeatn1 .a .-• h ... 0.... la II III -· --"*·.,_.-• - EARL W. STANLEY --Coftrinc Gruter N~ewnpo.~rtrt HartJor m 11ut.e aan.o. ....... • • .._ 1n1 llJI Oout llhd.--OoNea ... ---~ llll Oealnl A.__N_. - Braden L. Finch Gen Mer. Finch Ceramics Jack s. Fred v. Raub & Bennett ENGINEERS and SURVEYORS lM Newpo:rt ......_. .._. lll?nc• ... W. o.ta ._ BICRARD L PA'l'ft:ll80N Ot11 •atm m•• Patterson & Boyle . lluuraw -.-ft. ltll - -AM l4t Coalt 111..t: No.u....n. ~ . E. C. ''POP'S" LUDWIG FUN ZONE I.arpst Number Dart Gamei on Cout Play Ball wltb Dolls B. B. Biiie Resp-BeD1e WDBam A. ,, .. .,. ... Et eat a. wan. Beach City Merchant Patrol A.a Deteatlvw llentoe 0-. P'nat-N-n-l'IL -'1411.a Jack Hamilton Beacon Sea Foods MSW WOr 1111 CIMR mpw.T-N-" Boa .... Oolr. ~c.-p AINTING CO:NTRACTORS ... -Drl-HU--Oo-... -' J.E. Ragsdale · !Ownet-J Balboa Motel and Windsor ns z. 0oa1n1 • en z. Oeatnl -ft. llarllor SZ8 !llalboL <Jallf. HARRY J. lfORSYTHE l'onytbe'• <lui.nl 8apply ''Ewrytblng Photographic" .......-tor-· eo-a. IU llulM Aft.., ....._ itde-4. Bart.or ....... • Donald J~lllannon - BALBOA HO~E-_RACES Wli.--. W•-* aia11 •••• • • = = . ' ~t promolloa P-ibrnt1s. -Southern California .Telephone Company '100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa 514% No. Main Street. Santa Ano or Call OUef Operator ~tfc LUBRICATION MAN to take complete charge ot our~ lubrication depart. menL Excellent opportunity for a huatler. . THEODORE ROBINS Ford Dealer for Harbor Di.strict 22nd and Central, Newport Beach Phone Harbor 28 SS..tfc • MAHG. 4 POSTER BED box 1prinp mattress, twin springs and Mattreuel, drapes, bedding, ice box convertible to freezing unit, Oriental rug, nearly new toys, a:ames, boob. Brand new out-board motor, 12 IL boat. Rifie, electric razcrs. M a n y other artldes. Beacon 5482-R. 90-4tc FOR SALE -Fan type elec. Heater 220 volt, Tbeanados $50. Phone Beacon 5149-M. 90-2tc FOR SALE-Girl's pre-war bi· cycle, coaster brakee. Used once, perfect condition. Har· bor 712. 90ltc ROYAL TYPEWRITER No. 5, A-1 condition, $50. Harbor 1247.J. 9G-2tc BOY'S bicyde; Simmons Rolla· way cots with mattresses, like new. Phone Harbor 2115-M. · 88-tfc TIIEODORE -Haviland • Umogeo 12-place dinner set, $200. 2i3 E. Bay Ave., Balboa. 9G-2tc FOR S~e navy diving hel- met, 100 ft. Mone air hoee, telephones, new-regulator valve, new safety valve, $1!50. I>ouit!as Roberts, 1662 Newport Blvd., Sea Esta Motel, Colta Mesa. 87-4tp Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES. SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. Ph. ~2 Lacuna Bead. 548 Foreot Aw. • Order Your Sert el Gas~~ ~ow . 9().ltc at V ogel'a . -- 100 -l!lt. " 8-·145 1111-ttc ~ .. Wint.er :Planting Holliater ~ NURSE Rt 11111 ~ . • • ..... •' .... _ n•z•. o.. ~ B m n. ._ .. h". ....... AJI, IT OWSll--• lolluJ AW Balboa Island Sporting GoodB ··-~ a.ta-. -• -. ---· t ' J. ....... }tf..,.... * ._ 881 Ets-Hokin & Gahan ~-pwt s.m ... au J'l•N ., •• wnm:rc•• --~=,--.. ... ... ft, --1-~- ~for !be 8-tmm>" _. -~ .. , ........... ~ .. -. I ' • • -# ' • . llMto" wm rv <lb · · ;, r.r:;-llwj!IJ bw • ,.._ ....._ JW.l!llwB I .·-.o- Jrir h:idlU.. 1&12 IR1WW -. Oala ._. i· .... - • • • . . ... \..... : . • - WR ~ ..... ... .-. ··--···~· ...... , , .. • 1 •• ••• • JI •• J::i.1:!!!~: 4:i .. -• sk~ _ .... _.,--_ •i EM~u·• 7 " ,,.. llCCJlllNGt.r-aaott...n K:ZYB arll •ML J'I .,._.,.._ p · -l'dlit.-a.-.r." .._,.,.,.__,_li1...._ _ i:::;-·~-2 -tilt;.-tac .. •• . lvriiiiii .. - --Im wa1s Liit • 0 tnl'Aii; .wm. W*'"•· ltirl ··-r ~~,. ' -• -: llD'OltE ......... . • . i. llcM, -nm'roe. ~ E. -1iliia 1'• -$I I •" :. t. 1--!IPL can~ iii. lla&pwl ar Clillla .... ll;p.rl .. • r~-ta. __ ·-cm ·ea.ta-'11 lllliit • '.1--' .. {i.d> c..-..... ----9«=,......... =::.i--~ -~ Olllcol(.-J>..Ba••--· ... ...,_.m:Jlllll'f"lt.-e ._:.,P-,,..OASL~1 :-. ... S-.""!'.!--v..,9!:.~ pp ............ ~""' ....... ~ ~ POil SAJF Pew!! Brlll' It ....... am. ...... ·BallNa 1"Wb Jt ... .,_ mu. VaUeJ ii;. ..-anwatmm~ ~---..-• .....iJllWCid!a.,.... Btn_e......,_ lloe!'ICol'ana -V-rtu, .... ,. -ad RESl'ONBJW ,'CXJUPLE fnm;;_;y~ C..tir,#7.!00. ~-AO!* , . 111~ B11cmal...J. _ - '" •-~ • • Y "' del 11£ Wt Puttery, 800 aa.t .... -V,,.,t•M ,4iilie wt. attratlw BAI.BOA.-Ow+"·· --~!( 5 dr ~ 1-t 111 the vdef. 1 . • ... •u• IM'!t...,.,. • -.-~----Ol'l'Olln1JlllD • ---Jan.l51o --llleplaae.· o•erc(d~ ow..wai.. ~-.-• . • • Mar. 15. No -. 1118 ca-t1ar1.,'Hl Good -• -.... _ ...d equ1p. .a 400 a.... AJiO ':e.tteriea FIJR ™ tt. Mattbi•u lino lid. i.o. Anplea :M. Ariz. -t lo •w • -i.r. .,._ ~ 1200 tt. """7 ~ ,....,...,. Spatlfllber, ~.equip. B O.A T . 39IH9. • 9G-2ti> Torma can be .......... f'tW ....,.....1 tar a1nm and. - • D • +111> -... 15 lllr. · peel. Hu -,..,,DI -• -elderly 1p1 ll2;1l00 • Harl>or 2DM. , J .. ~ rltlo. N. R. callef. Lqaa ComJIOUl)ded Kotor OD ~-~-~~ .MANUFACTURER w~ 1n -at :ort s.dlelr,302Jlaln,Jlalbo&.91)..1ta ,-Berh . 11&-21c . 'r .. n-'IOc 90-2tc mmt or hoUlt. • Very. quiet. • • -.... .._ .... • ·• . ::::. --i,.. mid Makins 1tandud 11ne at. m hri 'Phone n .. w•• -w. -a&-ltc Graham&: ;John.on Re8Jt7'' Newport llt!ights w..-Auto Supply ~~=~ir.so.~can after Will entertain additional capital AP1' ... SMAU, HOUSE wut.ecl &: Investment-Co. :. i.;.:_.UTIFUL BUll.DINGSITE Oil ..._._ DMi.r · 6 p.m., Ha.-1493.J. IB-tfc for large expanolon procrom, bF m --. We do -., . 1....,. 1-• pat -.. Coota Kaa with large potential prolltable • -or _.... ;,o dllJdren or JJIM..Newpat llhd. • ' · Booed. 45x100 ft. lot. · -~ &l·tfc ,COMMERCIAL fisberma!' would Pr<JCl'am for 1947. ktive or In-• pota. ~ -Ana Olllll-W Day Ph. ·a ..... 5CM-W like lo leaae (on llhareaJ boa\ active partiea C<Wkliwed. Box or -Bea "X" Newpal Bal-N!pt Pb. Bu~• 521W •. PARTIAL VIEW LOT; good Jo. -.~can .. for 11ree-mite.~-• --- aultable for ott altott flshlnc. c B, c/o News-Tlmea. boa N ... n.-. 17-tfc •· · ~ ·..; ~tlon. 'r.lx127'Ai ft,.. Call or write J. L. CutelJo, ~2tc ,_ ~ 8 V·~-~~ w . ~ llJ8C'lSl1.AJDOtJll &I • • • . . House No. • --• ~ ... · • THREE-BEDROOM 11t11coo _, Costa Mesa Bo. O>aat v-uan Blbod Co.. Cehtral Ave. Balboa. a&-2tp roa asNT &J. FOR, RENT-cat c1ozer with flw ~-~ "···.. ·..,.~•-_ .. ._. , W9' l8lb -Newport A>e.. ,,,.,;:;::;,;::;::;.:;:•::::;;:;.,~~~;::'.I,:=::~:=::=:::,..-:,..,,..,~...,.--::-'"'""-. ~ Gel .. ......, ·----. a.ta 11w. Pll• -'7m-W. FOR YOUR NEW Hlclca' Marine FURNISHED ROOM in Balboa; yaidl CUT)'aiL Call at 206 Osle on b&lf acre. $1(),50ll. . • 50xl40 ft. lot eaat at. Blvd., cl- • •Uc enclne or parta, aee "Jim" Van borne prlvllecea to one or two St. CoOta-. Ralph ~ • • < • ' • ~!'?' ._ • . -K"""lcs Fleet. factory dlltrlbutir, 33ll coacenlaJ ctrll. Beacon 5435, MODERN ftwlriiam oiucm bome. A GOOD BUY In reatrlcted reai- fte ~W 0 0 D Finley Ave.. Newport ~·ch. claya. ll().2tp iiooll • 90•11P • ~ ....., -· Gowt ,__ -dlltrlct; lot 50xlto. r Order now far mld-wlnta' ~ • • ' Doll-livery u p:iceo are aure to FURNISHED ,_,. In modern YOUNG. 1ins1e nima. 30 yl& old. 8coDe tndt._ Nb -l!ol* . R. w WRIGHT advance 18-tfc bame with employM couple. wanta room or ,_,. -board • .... ....... ~ !11-150. ;:' .• . , Newport Beach Ph. Be. "'""' · Kltdien privll-. private en-In Coota -. Phone Borbor • -~aeon """" in-. Prefer one or two u. 18-tt HARBOR BLVD 1'lle 1'awl!'*l BmL S.Ue -.rn 317 ladlea. Beacon 5'26-R. ll().2tc · -30xl00 ft. lot In --clistrlct. ~ Buda 6-DTJ11n = ATTRACnVE ,._,.with private U'L _... ., · 80ll300 ft. '. COMPLETE Marine Diesel Engine entrance and bath. _.,Je_ roR ~ dol Mar. &. SPLENDID MOTEL, """". ,.. -USTINGS APPRECIA~ · HOUSE CLEANING with Oljver-Twin Disc 215 E. Bay, Balboa. Harbor tt.1ot.1bladt--.-.. ., __ ate.-a-1n-. SER.VICE 2 - 1 Reduction Gear 2289..J. 91).ltc :...._~:."Ph.~':'..';.~ =.. Coa1a -. ~r H .... Lane Real Estate NEAT, aunny furnished room. pr!-15-Uc ' • .m. vate heme. Centrolly located. · · • Dwicht and Cedlle Lane Completely overhauled and In lint clau condition. Local referencea. Harbor 822 FOR SALE-Tltree --llD--i.isnNGS WANTED-:20()6 Court Ave Newport • L BALBOA lSLAND • Theft Ott very few Iota available , -... on The IaiaDd. OWJOBe yuur lot • -and be """": ot. cettlnc the lacaticlll JOU want. canal Front Lot.·---·----:$ 6,900 N~ lmide conier lot.__ 8,500 l'f>,jlay~Front lot, with ~ Car carqe· --------15,000 85 !t. s. Bay Front lot_ .. 16,000 . LlNWOOD VICK • Broker . 312 Marine '-ve. I Balboa l'oland Harlxr 548-M. ,· ::liJWl.JWi ·. • ' ' THIS ONE STANDS OUT 91).ltc. ID-ad Woll WMl!in& :Ploor O•innc ad Wulas Wladow Onntws• Caulldliii Newpat Beach. . 9G-:ztP ~ :n.i: . .=-::: . Phone Har:· 343 9().lt Put new •ncine perform-OFFICE Bun.DING In Coat a flrepla<e Ill-. bath A patio. Open ~ •j --J-r----------1 ance In JOlll" boat at abou~ Mesa available Inquire 509 Jlat ~'t .;... 'tlilo one '17,500. . ' as•1, Ililft'ATS sx~os .. . • 1'olatlnc All Work Guaranteed HBl'bor 379..J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service a third the coot of a new Newport Beach IB-2tp omce at. John D Buntbam. 2001 hnSo R al •nclne-" . MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY ........ Ocean Blvd. eaiboa. 81.-tfc Graham & Jo n e ty LOT IN COSTA MESA vatlona for beautiful Bay Front & Investment Co. OHmotors Company renta11. Phone Pleaaant 6712. Two Units-1664 Newport Blvd. To Trade for Good Car 1021 S. E. 16th St., Coata Mesa 18-21c On llaJ' Ave., In Balboa. Fur: Day Pb. Beacon 5434-W Phone Beacon 5898-R Phone Beacon 5495 Mon. thru Fri. FOR RENT-New Dulwre room nllhed-. Nlcht Ph. Beacon 521()..J at other times phone Harvor 569-J and private bath, tile ""°""" $13,600 91-ltc IB-2tp 90-4tc atall. Twin or double beds. box _ 86-tfc ""{iR':SAi:E'.~ift:-Ci~;-(i:;;i;!; aprlng and !nteraprlnc mattrea------------FOR SAi E 40 ft. cabin cruller; aea. Unt heat. Special ratea for Three-Bedroom Hom&- aleepa lix; galley, dinette, head. permanent guests. Miracle Mlle El Bay Tract. F\trnlahed-o Hereafter It we recap JOlll" TIRES We suarantee our ~·cai:-" to 1ut 20,000 MILES ad that'a not all- . WE WILL GIVE. YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES OFF ReprdJeaa at. Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HQUJIS. b-• cwnqi!eta •t -will call for .,.,..r car In tha matam. and tWtwr ume 48,y. AllO a S2.00 JfoN!ataUc .... _ job -------SLOO. No lead w.lchta or ·-· - Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 N~rt Blvd. OOSTA MESA Pb. Beacon 5"743 Aak for Al or Hank. ~~;~~:111~!i. ~~ ~1s;:i~ :~:..ay~~ $25,000 • tern.. "--!er marine _ ... ft.. 75tfc See ~.'i33 Agate Av~------------Small Hom&- boa laland 67-tfc WANTED TO BENT U Fire Equipment Tests CO-Two, Pyrene 8t Foam reflila. CO tllaed ayatem and Portablft now available. WANT TO RENT-Furnished or unfurnlsbed houae, 2 or 3 bed- roma will lease. Phone Harbor On Ocean Front at Sea Shore Colony- ETS HOKIN 8t GALVAN 1000 Coaat Highway Ph. Beacon 5407 73-tfc Balboa Canvas Shop Salla -Boat Coven Marine Upholaterlnc 'Harbor 207 -Zl4'i!i 21at St. Newport Beach TI·tfc ll1l!llO.U. a MDIO M 25 and 50 Watt Harvey Wells Radio Telephones For Immediate Delivery TRONART, INC. Authorized United Motor Rad.lo Service Radio, Electronlca, Souncl-Salea and Service---Martne and Domestic Ph. H. 1252-M $5250 7111 81-tfc - ENGINEER, Major ou company, Ocean Front Lot.- wants three or two-bedroom, Sea Shore Colony-furnlshed houae. Lone Beach SWl. SS.2tc $3160 WANT TO RENT-2 or 3 bedrm. - unfUrnlabed --Will i.-. 40-Ft. Busine88 Lot.-ean Sam Porter at ~ 7f11 Center of B&l1"la or U. 35-tfc HOUSING NEEDED FOR VETERANS Ust Your Vacancies With AMERICAN LESION Hatbor 352 · 9().tfc $18,600 W. L. JORDAN 700 E. Central. Balboa : Phone Harbor 163 •• u••·-.r.&n &7 8'-tfc Lido Isle Lots Two adjoining lots, 30x88 .................... ____ _.$65()() RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO . A. R Ebrlte and Associates J. W. Doak Beacon 5857-W 1936 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us • $3150 Full Price Three-room home, fumlshed; garagii; lot 50xl65; east side; fruit; vacant. Move in today. Full Price $4350 One-bedroom with large living-room and kitchen; new roof;· new c!Quble garage; lot 50xl50; fenced; some furniture; east side, close In; vacant. Move In. Excitingly Different Home 'J\vo.bedroom home with studio; bedroom Over garage; sunken fireplace with fireside built-in seats; interior of entire home Is of Monterey antique pine; den, library or 9l!Wlng room; ex1ra large llving- room; master bedroom Is 20x22 with Calif. gas fire- place. Home has more closets and built-ins than customery. Price $9850-terms. M-tf 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach ~~--=~-==-==:::~--;:;;--;-;;;;. 87~k VENETIAN BLINDS -GI.ASS • • Newport Beach Home SHOWER DOORS Radio ~l!_aml cu.tom Made and lDltalled All makea; • etc. .,,_ pouabtnc and aandinc equip-Beacon 6768 ment for rent BURT NORTON Bayview Builders Supoly 915 c-t HlalnnY. Newport . Orange Grove 22 acres valencias, full bearing; Capistrano district. Good tenns. Per acre ___________ -$350() Nearly new two-bedroom home; very modem; com- pletely furnished; four-room Apt. over large double garage. Both homes being vacated Immediately . Price $15,850-tenns. ·--- • All the charm. a well planned modem home In Oclrom del Mar can ofter. Just seven years old Two bedrooms, SW1 room, den, l '12 baths. Ocean ' view from living room. 70-foot frontage. Fruit trees. Double garage. $22,500 -Partly Furnished COAST I>ROPERTIES CO. REALTORS "Serving Newport Harbot' Area,; 703 E. Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 2658 PRE-BILI HOMES COMPANY HOUSES PLUMBING GARAGES PLASTER • 89-Uc Beacon 5540-W 2258 Newport Blvd. S!Mtp agtt, lllTATl:·WANTSD · N A.lJlOMOTIVE a '1'IBl8 a WILL TRADE-Lota on Lido lale FOO SALE-'35 Old'a 4- also lots on Pen1.nsula on pur. aedan, '37 motor; &ood. tires ancl chaae of 2 or 3 bedroom house palnL Call Harbor 491-W, 701 In Hatbor dllttlct. Phone Harbor Weat Bay, Balboa. 8&-2tp 7f11 81-tfc FOR SALE-'41 Ford station KOl!ID' 'IO LOAl!f II wagon, under 50,000 mllea. New DnTr..... heavy duty tires, heater, clean. LOANS TO -~. buy, lml'l'O". $1850. No dealers. Mr. Va••••·-modernla or reftnanee. ....,-.u. Newport Balboa recs-I Ba~ Beacon 5881...J. 89-tfc ud Lima.~ CHRYSLER truck ; cheap traspor- 3333 Via Udo Pll. Harbor 1l500 talion; runa good, $150. 9'lll 818 Cout ruway Ph. Beacon SW1 23-tfc 79-tfc ~~~~~~~~~~~ Harvor Blvd. W. Central, Newport. Hatbor 109'2-.J. 00.ltc • MONEY WANTED .. ---:z=-=o-:R::-;-1 ':::'c--DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. DRY CLEANING In OUr Own Plant PICKUP AND DELIVER ' Phone BEACON 5'198-J Lido Cleaners 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana ZENITH console, 7 tubes, attrac- tive cabinet. Perfect CODl1. ~ price. 928 w. Myrtle. BABY crand. Hlch ' grade make . Uaed. Now only $485. Terma. STEINWAY crane!. atyle 1'. n.. world'• mart wonderful piano. Used. Save one-third now tram 6!56 Newport Blvd. new today'a price. ----------78---tfc GOOD uaed practice piano. Only 16$. Or will rent. ----. --Listings Wanted•-- Have customers for Balboa Island and Corona del Mar homes. "DOUG" WHITE Balboa Inn Arcade, Balboa Phone Harbor 2202 Llcensed Ree.I Estate Broker ~ Po• 8.U.S a GRAND planoo. Weber, Stein- DROP-LEAF aewinc machine. 2 way. Kimball, Rawortb. Mehlln 9G-lk dlaln, 1 needle point, baby bed, and many othen. Priced from -----------------------pad. blilh chair. play pen $1185 up. with pad. uaed once; .2 radiant REPOSSC>SED apinel type m1r-' -beaters, telephone •land. ror piano. A beauty. Full rich maoD wicltered doslt. md table, tone. Now only $:195. Tern& ~. hich oven CU ranee. ex-GORGEE>US -mled ·-· tlA hlce oven. Reuonable. -piano with -llPI""' A1oo mllc. ltftm. 9G-ltp type patent. Wu ewtaa,,...s Special Bargain Daily for Jar&• crancL wm .u &r bol. $2118. . New and Uaed Furniture !loucht ~ PIANO ,t;O. -Sold ... P,bone Beacon 55311-J ' ......: HarQo Furniture SIG No. Kain. Santa Ana a.uc 11112 Barbor r BML Coota -IUDIO HOUSE CALLS-• • ' ·S&-tfc -that additional . _. FOR SALE-Twin -with Sim- -... lap and matb'!•!I --~ 114&-.J. llG-lk • tmt tedmki•rw are ..,.u-Ne. ww are able to make Ml rice c:aDI • Jarae ~ All wen ---HENRY W. BRAINERD -°"-s.o.s. -CRRJSCRA1T, UO b.p. marine 300 J(arine Ave. Barbor 780 ......... 'lbrft bone cuoline ~~~~~~~~~Bl~·tfc-I .,.me •. .,._ Aew. Usltt akltf, -(]Aft • -• anchor. etc. Phone> BN:C'Jlm ~~?;:· ~;!.;.~=.,...-~ , • 9'7-:W. • ~ FIJR SAIF--0>....,. ~ - FOR SAi E · 12 C...tlnental Om--cap, S16.l50, ~ U.. -~ _.nM, model borlll5!h1. , - a an. 1e h.~~ twtn c1ec warm••· UXCKJM**•M'la • clatdt; on---11'-L C)onplete wltlt beat "' . --· Stfll In ,crMte. lllS>. Ram . DICl"'Nrlnc· Co., Barbar sr.J. . - ft& SAI• s ....... ™Cd &.-Jell. a.tfl: ·-.. Carpenten A~ tar awww.i ma1at • --.__. 0. .. -:::r::-OdP baa -- 16411 • • REAL VALUES HOMES -INOOME .,.... BUSINESS OPPORTUNl'l'Jli: INSURANCE. ~ GOOD nvE-~ HOME: NewlY painted b!Slde and out; vacant, riabt In; 71 feet Ql\.Newport Ave. 'Ibis Is an spot for courts or trailers. -ALSO-- GOOD nvE-ROOM: ~foot trcmtage Clll N~wpott Ave. about 4~ acres In all: • 'Ibis Is doe In and would make an Idea location for c:ourta er trallers. One In and let .. talk tbla CM!r. Can be IOld Oli 'V1!l'Y sq tenm. .8. A NERESOll{ . I JUU,I, ESl'ATE BROKER AND AS90CL\~ Pbll. D. ScJknen -SAUSllEN -.Jollll Boadra PbGne BMCIPI 5225 19'12 Newport Bhd. Lot 100x240 ft. at 1833 Harbor, close to Alpha Beta Mkt., $15,000-terms. Zoned for wholesale or retail })lu;iness.. -. • RELY RELIANCE /' On :-" er Street , New three-bedroom • 7.. of. six large roonis; hanl- wood fioors; com Y.fllmlldled.. lncludlng T. T. stove, electric J ·tor, wUNng machine, 1'1811. etc.; tile ldtcbm and bath .with shower. Vacant, m<M! In. Price S:ta.500-termL WW 81!11 unfum. . labed. . . ' On~f9adway Two-bedroom bcxne, clme to Safeway store': large living-room acroa front of. bcxne; reomtly ~ ated In and out; ~; tiack yard fmced; ~ move In. Prke '8950. at only -.third down. ·~-- Osal 7 DQs Every Week, 8 L m. to 6 p. 'DI. r ·- ' . . RELiANcE REALTY & INVESTMENT 00. A.·R. Ddtl9 Beai:t11 !5857-W - lllld ........... . 1. w. DaU: ~ ~T" Bhd., emtak NEED MONEY? See U1 for Quick. Helpful Servtee on Your Financial Needs -Loans on Furniture -Salary Car· or OtQer Security AUTO llEBVIOS • NOWHERE Your authoriud O>r)l9ler> Plymouth Dealer . Phone First for Quicker Service Authorized parta Houn: 10 to 1 and 3 t<i 5 (Oooed Salurdayal ='~rlcatlon and HARBOR FINANCE CO. Expert Mechanlca 1814'i!i New=~ Coata Meaa KeMall and Quaker State allo (Acriiu from Alpha Beta Markell • 88-ttc AIJTOllOfiYI: & fiW • 1939 Codlllac aedan. model 80; cood condition. -J. c. Kirk, 1913 W." C...tral. Newport Beach. NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2618 w. Central ..... . 9().2tp LATE •40 Pl-th de luxe aedan, radio. cbiOmo foe llChta. Phone IMle • . ; Barbcr,292-1. l 9().ltp __ ... -------- 'flE NEBO tATE MODEL CARS and. Ym_Pay Top Prfc:ea m1. mDR CAR NOW ., ... ,... ... ...,. l"raztlaip cal rak;u .... dcd ... ultL WIYJ , <m'A IC....... T ....... , a 111 • • . - ttn.BIR1'SoN OfEVROLET 00 Inc. a ,,, .. oaz ['., 7 .. ---=,',,Ill cntP ?1•0 LT•• ·11- • ( • • E. 1. Cl•d) Jackll• , ~. CEMEIT WOIK l'lqstone Wor~ -Cement Block F•eefl On Your Way to Santa Ana \ Or When in~ Stop at··· CHUCK'S DRIVE -IN Barbecued Sandwiches -Fountain Service 10a.m.to2p.m. l8l8 Ne.pprt Blvd. ClJBB SEB~CI: Do You Need Any of These? • Addl"g -hi- ' • Check Writers •Fl-Safn •Wall Sofeo 0 fl,. Ch- • Cakulcaton 0 Motal Card FllM 0 Nffa9·A-FH" • ~1 Holclon ! Dupll.-n And Supt>lleo • Flllng Supt>lleo 'Drop°°"'~ -• .,.. llaU aacl n.11. Pwle ·----.a.in·-sw1...a. etc. • r..&U ......... bber '(jg,''•• . • • · TJpcwal!"L..,,.... 444•s .. 0 t+.-lau .aa,_ ........... ............ •TJ ......... w.. ... Y.sth•M'ntr You c ... Get ,,......,.,_., D'1fwry ~ • • • • t• 1'GWP611 .......... . . . 008'r.& .... ........ , •• 1111 Automobile • Fin Accident ~ Life LleenR and Conli..t -Writtml • • 'Ibett'• a lot ot other places we want to visit OU. winter, If the old cu bu&&!' and tuma\y boldl out. 'Ibey are placa on a ape- dal Us& and lf we find them u well u they have been touted to be. wo'U pus the wmd aJona. win. platt or allow. Ai.It omen. Elt , • Lady Attendant -£- 410 Cout Bhd. CORONA DEL KAR TelepN>p~ BarbPr 4.a DAY .&ND NIGllJ! .......... ·~~~~~~~~~, e .._.°" Y• B•lkl or Remodel ft.Ill 0. I 3 I 27 I •srh ... DI ... ,. .._. Colar culdel, pim. nlncalda,o-.•.,._. Ive lltock ~ ~ and llnoleum. LUDLUM c.pet WQl'ks ._ -....... --......... -.......... -.....--- YA&D STIOK CLOTHES !'QR MEN -. AND BOYS 9a"'f""l 8~81.op ..,_ ... _ BeJ._,w_. --~ -__ ,, ~ • MEREDl1'W8 -v en et i an · Blind Co , • . . ~~ ~ ~ ..... -- Complete Repair and RenOvaq Service • Free Estl!D4t.es Appreciation .• ~ The people of Orange county have, by ballot, cammlu1oned me to Q:ecute their wiah for clean and st,-algtit-forward law en- torce~nt. . I regard this a great pivllege and an equally great relpOD- aibUity. · It will tie my constant !IDd soleinn gurpooe to IU8rd tlilo trust with care. JAMES A. MUSICK - SRlllRIPP-ELECT ONCR AG ADJ SAM'S SEA .FOOD SPA ,. ~ "'"" ._ r 6~ """ .. ~If! o=zp•uJ11 All New· • • ' ~en Ule ~tt@n . ..• <>De.Halt Mlle EMt ~ Old Loca~on OD Collllt ffllhft7. . ' . Beautiful New Cocktail Bar ........ ~ ...... ,.......,..., ...... .............. -..,,,9lf ·--~2ii~ Art M~lqt ,9! '4* . OIE-DAY SERVICE Y911 Pay "8 M-. for tile Best No Down Payment ' ., ' • • ~ . . - • • -.. ·_ !t'f N tW~-ri'ME:s TBB woRLD... frost-Bites-Letters To The ·News•Tllnes • • _.. 7 -~ • 7 • ··'·· •=-=-:.----==='llldllm, _._, 7 --· '100•'....aa. ._ • 'T, 'S4=1= :'I ·--I I WY™ ~ ' CJ!lla.-_;; • r ,_ t J _, w , n a • a •-AllD aArll'01r , , . , I am wnt!llS -1ettor to U. PaF tmi _J, •a -dolz ~~~~~~~·~•~ca~•~-~·~·~·~~o~•i11~~~1a~~=~~~! AT A GLANCE . · , · I !...----------~ "Ne 8-Editor al Neupwt -._ 1m9 a -lb eal""! tu. · ..., 1!p1 "1a ~ la Adw .... ,_.sz:l!O por -Ju~ en-tr -• , If -le -to pdlln • tbe ~al Neap:ct Jleada We want to ""••-Irate the - -• -. $2-115 --to4Ulm; '8.IJ!lpor-~ -==a _ . -A1Mri<a le '0n the ....,. to -·Ji, --0 •1qMAY to l)Slem -tat It In tbe Sllporicir l!B a&nr--;. r•;'° :'; 8 !''"~?;::["~. _... u ~ -us at Ibo --1111 Hsa,..t Bn• It le wly another "f-ecore moldnc Sodom -Gamor1ab look ...,,..,•Irate our cowrllbted .-Ooart -It -be In operation --------:-:--..:...,-----=---------ca--. _. Ibo Ad al llard> 3, 11'11 --JHR'' !Ince the Im-lift. 1D11a of ti!!!!' nlle7, because !)'Item and ..U blch duo ,,_. to set It ln4D court. ~"iia~~~F=:~~~-:::--7~:-~~lPl~Ml;:ri·i:-~I mortal Unmtn ttood on the field the ~ lbartai&'e'. apparently ch•ndiw at rnmHabl.e pdcel. The pme ii a dart came that !AM D. fOlf1'Ek •t Get~ and dellwred 1111 grow. ...,._ ~.-Man!Wltown I wlah to draw ,.,.,r otteoitlon the Suir_, Court-bU declared F. G. FROST , , . , • ' ' ' All ' ' v:::"* '"'?"" .-em. To be exact, It nme.RepabllCe. to wbat they do -to .,P.,..te eldll and not pmblinc. ~...EW:t, JOU w' ~tnl i...;.., Nowpart 'i':.::C0o11b!: wu 83 yean qo-November 19, In the dty ot Newpxt Beach. 'Ille dty bu!-m Nov. 12, n~ • · = 1863. Since t1-our country bu -0 -I 1"Jilder why! Slot iiM!Cblnee, 1946, eeemed to thlnk I wu too ~...:.1 p ' per of the Cih> of Newport Beach eeen not only the cloee ot the A!Jiric1neo ot centnl A"llatnlla punch -· wbeele, and w t old. Well, I hope 'lbat they will VJ.t.M;UU 8 ,? Ovll War. but the beclnnln& and have a conummiatlc eoc:1ety and but not i-t boo1t1 for the nc1ng be In u eo<>d physical and mental A D11 m ••* LoirNI ._.. ••• ·~ tor 0..-1"1 y.,. the end of three other wars. Since own nothinc lndMdually acept fans. Both in Newport and Bal· health as I am when they are then vast changes have taken a few weapom and utensils.. boa. 70 yean of age. Active Member of pla"" In the economic and llOdal ..Now they eureJy know or should Geo. K. Noland structure both of our Nation and A.nuD Too r..ae know that each of thcwe I have Newport Beach. the world In general. Yet, Lin, Gov Ellie .¥1lali bu I unched mentioned are a violation of the r--:=:::--:::::::;--=::==:::-; coin's words at Gettyeburg are u • drl~e to reduce • .....:.,ts in state law. WE N EF.I) applicable to our time u they Georcl• but . Gene T~e has I have been trying to open o .. ~,..-" · were to his. They are as awe. already happened. _ Arkansas aalel system to sell merdlandlle ._. inspiring, aa impelling now as Gazette and pay aales tu. M my wife • ' V _.. they were on that mid-November · and I are m the old • penmon -- ' day mono than eight decades ago. RIP 1'1Jlq anil wleb to better oune1... and ft. IU'I • 'IN el Today America. having waged a A -'-""· mountain-came eave the state. county and fecleral•;....------"'----Pl-lrtt_,_Up..:...-11 Ill MORTll u&rN 1• California voters tett little doubt as to how they f t on sueceaful war. ts ca11ed upon to .. ~ · ~ I~===;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====~;;;;~~~;;; r==;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.,..=;;;;t;=';;;'•;;;;;;;;;;;;==~ •'-A most tm' portant issueS which a-'""" on the state ballot . wage • eucceuful peace. Today, down from the bills one day to l: Intelligent Decisions un: ~~ as ln 1863, "It la for us the·llv· aeetlme.an automobile for hil l ttrst 'Their overwhelming approval .of the $2400 annual mini, ••w · l u ..... to be rededicated ... to the M it wiz2ed Pest. be eald. 'Well mum salary for school teachers was a clear acknow~ untlnllhed work which they who elr. them boaes m•t"a blu goin' ment of the danger confronting our state public school system fought · · ·.~ave thuo far 80 nobly at a goodly speed when they broke . that field "'" .____.. in .,.,,,.,,_, level advanced. Today we must vta:· 1 from th t thi " Wall due to the low pay m · i u e """"' ~, orously carry on the eternal tight s':t J ala ng. - should now attract more high-Olliber inStructors. for liberty and Justice. Only by so ourn _· __ Tiie whopping defeat of the dog racing issue showed that doing can we make certain that Uu Goeo • Haatlac th t t the "the Government of the people. the public was not fooled by e attemp to pu measure by the people. for the people shall JERSEYVILLE. m .-The meat over by attaching a provision for disabled veterans' benefits. not perish from the earth " shortage has brought a 1916 "d · Model T Ford from hibernation. . H A N S E N 'S z100 o-a FrGet • • • Confectionery & Lunch NOW OPEN EVENINGS Malts • Sandwiches • Hamburgers The :Yto-1 approval of the $100 million bond Issue to 81 Rejection• Owned by Louis L. Ruyle. the ex,seivire men in the purchase of homes and farms came as Two e,vents In 1 .. t week's elec· auto has been practically every Beaudry'• Box Oandy • CJaterbig Ice CnJl!ln 00 surprise This now makes further state aid available to tlon which didn't receive as much place except on a coon hunt. It ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:11 • . . . attention as they should have due will get Its chance at the annual them in addition to the liberal assistanre provt~ Wider the to the avalanche of news, were Jersey County fox and coon hunt G. L Bill. In turning down the proposal fo r business loans to the defeats of Andrew May. cen· this fall, sayo R uyle. vets however the people obviously felt that there was no tral figure In the war profits In· ' · ' . . . . . f vestigatlon, and Enos Axtel, the Love On a Bus nl!ed of further augmenting the ample lending facilities O hand-picked choice of President GARDEN CITY, Kan. -John California's banking system which has made loans to many Truman to replace Representative Lavore of Manhattan, Kan .. was thousands ~f veterans for a wide variety of purposes. Slaughter wfiom .he succeeded in on a bus stranded here by a The toJ>-heavy rejection of the Fair Employment Prac-~;::;~gg0~~=~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~p:~1: !!1:S~1::nThe~t;;~~~r i;;!: tises measure was quite evidently more a disapproval of the can tide that swept down into kegon, Mich., to whom Mr. Lavore way the bill was drawn than of the basic idea of non-discrim-Kent ucky or whether the voters had spoken only casually. . . felt that his failure to clear him· The first night they had a cup mation because of race or color. . . self of suspicion in connection of coffee in the mus station, then The voters also came very defirutely to the conclUSJon that with war profits Justified turning sat up and tall<ed all night. All the state legislature and the state budget should be placed on him out i. not clear. At any rate, the next day sleet and rain kept al th than b-ennial basis 'Ibis change should Mr. Moy WM certainly not d ... them Inside and they tall<ed on. an annu , ra_ er a l · serving of a vote of confidence. The following day they had talked prove beneficial As to Enos Axtel, there can be themselves into getting married. It is apparent that most CalifmT'.ians gave careful thought little doubt that the people In his A probate Judge stood at the to the issues before them. 1bat's why they arrived at such district didn't a-eciate the ma· wheel of the id.le bus to read the . . . · neuvering caJTied on by the Prest-service and fellow passengers sat intelligent declSlons. dent in cooperation with the Pen-in the seau as guesu... dergast machJne. Their votes ex- Pacific Islands cold letter of the law set aside for humanitarian considerations. Unde "Sucv" . WILLIAM S. IRETON, M. D. Announces The Removal of His Of fices for the Practice of Medicine & Surgery To Laguna Beach 1006 Coast Blvd. South -_ pressed their feeling. Incidentally, the big dty machines of Keib in Chicago, Hague in New Jersey u well u Pendergast ln Kansas Oty had a lot of sand thrown In their gears on November 5. Let's hope they're beyond repair. Our government has made it clear that the United States Intends to hold onto the Pacific islands taken from the J aps. '1be reason: they are essential to our defense. This is a much different attitude fro mthe one we held to for many years before World Wax II. In those days we even refused to fortify Guam for fear of offending the J aps. Mean, while the Japs were not hesitant about offending us as they proceeded with the construction of heavy military instaJla, tlons on mandated islands under their control. I t is hard not to &et annoyed at the attitude of foreign countries toWards us 1n regard to money. The general feeling in Europe and elsewhere 11, as always, that we Elu.laa• have more casb than we know,;~========~============~ President Truman's action in what to do with and that there-- preventing the depor tation of the fore we should play the part of • The result was that when war came Guam was quickly engulfed and it cost us the lives of thousands of our young men to regain it. Even though there is no threat against us from the west at this time we simply don't want to leave the door open for a possible future attack. We have learned our lesson through bitter experience. We are not likely to forget it-at least, not this soon. Germany; No "Whitewash" 48 Estonian refugees who braved a perpetual Santa Claus for the MET CLA 1 PRODUCTS the Atlantic in small boats, ls benefit of other natlon1. The re-I certainly to be commended. Tech-cent attempt by the budgetary nically, thi. group has no right committee of the United Nations · to remain In the United States to charge halt the operation ex-by CLARK & BATES but this one occasion when tech-pense of that organization to the nicallties were not in order. Had United States ta a good example I the Estonians been deported to of thJs attitude. The act u a 1 their homeland-now under Rm· amount involved i. not great. The -Look for the Bronze Mailbox - sian control-their fate would proposed 1947 budget for UN is probably heve been one or two less than $24 million. But even things: the firing lt'tuad or exile if it were only $24, there ls no in Siberia. There might be some sound reason why thil country feeling that the P'l"nldent has set should pay half and let the other a dangerous precl'dent, but it is 5 member nations handle the bal- unlikely that any great number ance. We have offered to assume Metallizing-e INDUSTRIAL Tanke, keels, rudden, deck flt, • o~~'Al - Art oblecte. cloon, el-. store froot decoratlooa. Welding-of displaced EW'opeans will follow 25 per cent of the expense. That's e ALL Ttl'IS the Estonians. Traveling the Al· enough. lantic in small boats is not being No hlfladoa ,, ~ 1n 1teel, cut lron, done every day. As far as the 48 An old store account .book in -ALL WORK. ou~':!';.,~c~ bronze. Brand New :Equipment for Rental •••cNT •••cu • POWD. uws • wa1.1:1.11.aseows Am TOOLS, 1011 0-F-EI. rQltTAllLE Am OOlllnllill8098 PNZmlATIO TIB&D TB&OTOB8 WITH BLADES I OONCBETE ~G AND I 8ANDBIA8'11NG SERVICE '----~--I Contractors Equipment & Supply nan Newport A-, 1 Bill. Weat df Newport Bhd. -lb of lltll 8t., OoeU M-Pbone -- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Bookkeeping Service COLIN F. BBOWN (--llU) su.a-A--W. I. 8. WHYTE IM... T£S WllMIWAJl'T ·~ ..... Oliltlll ..... TreM-....,. D&IP.C l to IWI ' .,_.. b:1 I 111•• wlG ...._ -.:: mMlllrL •179119 " 81WIWWW ••I I IMI _ ... _ ....................... --- Armand Mona~ ABOlllDO'r 8li w. !/3_11.ft.., Balboa l'IM nit, ..... ,. A.._ !.-Aap'm N01• =tr liOI R. L HOLFORD 1..;.Juapo> l>Nlper DAY IClllOOL Mortimer School -Oonl . -- PRY81CJlAN8 , 8\JKGEONll, D.O. Dr. W, T. Mooney PbyBlclan and Surpoa Nbli. -C..tnl ..... ( ....... _....) ....... PBY81CIAN8 II 81JBGEONll, M.D A, V. Andrews, M. D. PHISICJlAN -8lJBOIDON 01 Oou& B?clr"O:J'· H--Oo-. dll .... lcihn K. 0. Obmig. 11. D. l'IQIW.aa ......... 2 7 4 7 • 8 :30 and by appointment Beecon 5075 1JO llut Ultl> 8- 0oota -~ Gordon M. Grundy, II. D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Balboa Inn Arcade O!fice Hn. : 1().12 a.m. ; S-15 p.m. Phone Harbor 31 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~-8ms­ Houn: 2-5. ..,. Appointment Telephone B···eoo 58'8 The American military go\iemment in Gemiany is not.g"' Ing to put up with any general "whitewashing" of the Naz!• that is, if Lieutenant General Clay's recent criticism of the Gemian denazification courts means what it says. And apparently it does, for the general has given these courts 60 days In which to show an improvement in the handling of their assignments. But the attitude of the. Ger, man courts is hardly surprising. Hitlerism was by no means confined to a comparatively few citizens, and e<Ven most of those who were not out,andnQUt Nazis were nevertheless sym, patheic toward the alms of the party. refugees are concerned, there ls Greensburg, Pennsylvania which NEWPORT BEA.VB 60I IOUl Street Bart.or !50I no reason why they should not dates back to the 1840's reveals ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ DAY IMJBOOL Ol'SN8 oar 1 make desirable residents of OW' that egp cost only four cent! a OnM: OolL Pnp.. .AftDJ' C?untry and eventually become dozen in those days. Apparently O. &. llorllma, K. A., ~rd citizens. Anyway. it's heartwarm. the hens of that era hadn't heard l j l~·~·~-~-~·~-~-.. ~~·~·~·~R~~~-~-~-~J I m BroadwaJ' Coote 111- llUton M. lllllweU, II. D. 1101 Ooaot ~ Ool'OM del .... It's rather difficult, then, for the Gennan courts to WI, dertake the denazification work with any real enthusiasm. This situation also indicates that, contrary to some ,,,., ports, the people of Germany have not thrown off Nazism and accepted democracy. A few individuals may have, but there Is a lot of work to be done before any substantial progress in this direction can be achieve<! throughout the country as a whole, or even in the American zone of occupation. 'Ibis is good reason not only for keeping our troops In GeI"z many for many _years to come, but for making renewed ef, forts to educate the people of that country out of their dlsz torted political and moral concepts. I P.APALMEll LIDO ssm ncswa ing in • cue like this to see the about that thing called Inflation. We Are :Building 1 DIESEL SERVICE • • • • • WATCH FOK THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUK NEW UXJA'l'ION. w .. are eorry to advllfl &bat ,..., are leavtq oar .,._..t localiolt at 901 c.-t Hlgb-y. tile Bolunu Co., OD Nov. 11th or before. w .. wlob "' thank all of u... fllllployw of u... Bohn _. Co-for their opleacllcl cooperaUOD dart.g oar day. Oar -+•en f.,.,1 the -ud -all regret ..,,., eraw of 9aCb plrz=e& ...... .._ I am_.., al mllll wlD be refllmld to ae.oom 11889-W -tll GV -9qabmo .. M...__ Lucky Lewis . Does Yo•r Ho1se Need Palltiag? A 1'fo WL"' • -WR .... > I -tll;J l17 #1 ol ,_.., • P.Ww ~:: l .. --~ ..... " r-tud ...... ? .... - Those Hard-lo-Get SASH AND DOORS to Order All Types of · Boat Repairs Sterling!~**7 Works NewpOrt BIMlll Plua1 B•-Im Dr. Obed Lucas DEN'DST -~ w. Oeutnl.-1'80 N&wrosr w..ca . DIL. QOBDON J:. &APP l&NiiBt ---0.~iil ..... R='kz ... 1'.._t OCCIDENTAL 1.DZ,IN8UMNCJll <JO. Ray Nielllen . --... 71 ,....,. ---.. .. -,..._ ....... . ww•o•n Harold K. Grauel O!fice ffilun: 10-12; 2·5 --·t• S. R. Monaco, M, D. 814 Bay Av..., e...._ -ITU ... .. Bii ... Loe .... I ~'NU By Appoln,_,t T. P. Bnk, IL D. Wm. L. Splft7, 11. D • .., ... 1 171 ......... . -w. Oeullol om.: .. r'MI -•?rt' n INt un.; . "' •D'&t&IOD Raab & Bennett .. . ., ......... . -1'-... tBh&. ~- T 7 sQ Bss • 1111 W !W.C 1a7 Jlewput ...... T 7 Sf I? ... Ill Chapel &. T. Bwlluww.., O. a -..o .. 1............. °'' .... .. • • ... Odill5I -----•••1•• A Ow :I Md .,_1t1d Illy Wadlll WU' D V•• VENETIA -N B~INDS ~ /. ' ftsm• -·-·-~ 11~0~~·~·~~~---~0~S~~p~ll --. ... IU 71 as&W ................. ... =·· .. .... _,, .,... ... , ............. . ~ and SERVICE noo ,.,.,. •. o••• A • ......... " Os Phone BARBOR 2645 . Pan .· Coast -Te 1-hor at Plimo "aad<llpll Robert A. Crawfn mr~P. I ' .. Z I e 5 C J'llWO 1.ee-c.-• -~c r---&•• 7 ...... , •• ,,., .. , ._ ... ••i rtt8rlls I ........... 871!7 -- • • , ' L -. ' • • . . WWW .. •••aoa l'•ll'D&•l'-1&11 .-.. a•:cu• ···-THE SNACK BAR ~·z: .Bllellll~ftm..._ .... , .. Dl:LJGRJTULLY DinUIDIT UJNaDllOMll 1111111111-trt u.aw:-,~ .. ~ ri::1l'•" 1:11tie15 OllaOlllOINAL ..,_.. htel Bread fll CJddree SYwJ" 8•f'4J' _. Mm'v tmrt11 a, ?'' n a .,_,. ws '. , , _. .., •> Olm 1'91111; .,.,.. 11:19 ... (01111 I'll' Ji) ,U.'00.&ft BLVD. 80. • IN' Dill .&n-_..G&W,.,.,.i_• Fishermen: BRING IN MORE FISH FASTER IN The All Steel CENTRALFISHER CENTRAL BOAT WORKS Harbor1580 Fresh Daily • .Newpwl B...,_ -Nini T 7 El lllr S.-l141•htc A · L of Newpcld Barbor News .,. --,1,•1" to -the --I.it -to. u.:_~ !_b:z! ~-af---t{dl ...., the Piii CUI wiD. be ~ ·~ -,_. -to pt to floh"'c --l'elUJtea la ••&>tldlc frmn • , . MEN-WOMEN Prcllllate ••• Peltll .. ,...._,a,, ...... ..... ....... .,~-... ,~, .... .._. 7 _ ... ,..,,• _.,..,. _4M .... ,_ llllMlrMZS V -. .. ~ W ITS YOUR GLANDS. · White .... -. radt cacl. calico llave -eorly Waite --al boa, bull -. to ---"""'as -... the be9t. -a I ':::it. - -1 Ina eaactat. ' nJe smelt n.tdac' KMOll la DOW :::r: ace .. $ ~ •a, All palntad ond llblu7, tho In tun IW!nc· from the Newpat W t.terwltdl, llllppend "7 Bart ond Bo!-.,._, oncl ore o1oo .,. & •· -& 0. IMln .., RobetbicJCI, otartecl llohias radt be1nc caqpt In the ""7-A --a. aiwt -- COii an N0¥1!mber 15., lesvhc at yeDawftn aoabr are belac cauctrt t.:~.a:-a· .. ~ •. : 7 :30 a..m. from tbe Fun Zone In the turf, but not too Jfta117. • ' c ... ff I cs ,,....... Spotfln croaker CD!ltlnue to be ·~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! '!be Vt.lenda m from Kini'• cauctit In the boy oJona with t. J:0ndfnc. !lohed rac1t eoc1 tar • f"' smo11 bollbut. f-dQs. otter .. tddna wlllte .... '!be annual dinner meetlnlr al -owr-lut .-....S, oncl then the Sportflablnc Aaodotlon al went bode to flshl,. -ond New'"*t Harbor wlll ·be held In bt.rrocuda. '!be st«m durlnc port White's Caffee Shop, Balboa Jal, of the . ...it kept all the -ts t.nd, t.t 6:30 p.m., Nov. 23. Frank In. Monday the Volendo m went Linnell la slated to give the -t up off the HunuDston flats ofter open.ton t. Wk on flahlnc fnilD whlte .... -_ the ongler's viewpoint. The Mlmowlt -Port Or- ..... , --et. the Red !lorn ~low !!an ~on,&mday, ond on Monday plonned to return to the ume flablnc ofter swlnclnc on a circle turUier out ln an At· tempt to pick up on albacore school. SOFT WATER oivis YOU LuXuUOUB, LABTINO SUD8 WllB ONJl::TBDm A8 l(tJ()ll 80AP Quality l=rlw and Bailcliq Mat.iala • COSTA MESA • LUMBER CO • It. E. HOSTETLEll ....... IB 1'11 r I I I I I UDD l•ut • • • II e1~.aap auv. 4a• WA.TIE.Ill. FltDNTACIE, I • • • TWD·•l:D"OQM HDU•I: ,.OR •aa.aoa. WE.LL LDCATSO, • • • •INDLE R:E•IDl:NCE •UILDJHD •1TE ra .. e•:aaa. • • ' Dellcloua -l'oodo Or, ct>mplete equipment when you want to calch ,.... own. DlOOENE LYNN, swt artlot wllll .,._ 80.-M -... ·l'f.JLC. Ol'Cbe9tra M ta.e O.....,.e C-t.7 ~ OHlcen' a·-nt Ball at Ule Tho Music from Earl's Landing is now filhlng on Saturday and Sunday, with bau and bt.rrocuda As Low u $2.!IO per month 801'T WAD:a !llZVI(JI: no Dad 11t., N-JMNt HORMEN F•SH MARKET Bal--·-Fltdq lllC'lt. .w..... -of -i. .... _._ -•--17-•--lflllbe_ol ......,.. _ _ .. __ ., __ Olllcen'- -IHI being caught. There 1a always I~~~~~~~~~~~~ the cha.nee ot meeting up Wfth a I · school of white sea baa this time O.LCULLY Ba•lll ON CENTRAL AVENUE. NEWPORT BEACH GORDON a~ FINDLAY Ruuell Sweetser, newly ac~ qulred artist at the Balboa Inn cale, is playing the organ nightly, sans Friday, bringing newly papular and old melodies to music lovers ln the Harbor area. CONTRACTOR AND BUIUIJCR om..: MIO Cout Bl"'---&U CABINET SHOP SERVICE CABINE'l'S AND MU.J,WOU Sweetser was employed u en· tertainer at t.hU cale in 1938 and attracted audiences tor the next tour years. Then came a different tune, bugle calls and marchin1 feet-Uncle Sam. - T. C. JOHNSON, Supt. ROY . M. WATKINS I and Associates Since his discharge, old .tlmen requested his return, so be'1 back at his rythmical artistry apin, with a finer organ and with the same following be had before. SOFT WATER OIVEll YOU OLl:Allll'rO 81LVJCR ••• 8PA•lllDIO OIAllllWARI: &Dd DI..._ As l~ as $2.!IO per month 801'T WArD llJlaVICE Dtlllldllt., .N-11 -n• World's newest postwar luxury car ! NOWHERE! S.tadehakers far advanced ... ·.:new 1947 Commander DJ&•111DDddme laafew_.,lw; r ......... M11 II aad dlrill• the •'and• w111a ..,.....,,,,.. ebeol , 'r ~ a' hn·7 la• poitwar ••ltJ~ '.· 'ftll 1&1111 ... fa I S.deliehr Is 'ilia b:yvJJ111I. Wa. powedul, _. .,, 11 q -19'7 Owmn•ader moclll· I -j • ~ A-llWllll-' ... 1'1 a law; .,._. •••aingly lOOIDJ ·-Jdad ol eu-.-pedlly inWwl-at•'IJappoi• nil abnalh-Mking- 1' fJoo ol JlZllUU _.;gg Jmryl Tide dre•adcally cWhnac uew a ens a. d•-11 ,.an ol Sen.t.; ........ f!annlns; -nsh1 ud Pa! claecla ol tmc11uola ol miles ol lllliag, 8-'1 a ftllfal, ttl•xing. uew kiAd ol ride a .......iay minde o1-.- icg com'aort: Anol Smdebaker'a ado wDCld ea.gimcri.ag ••Im thia poa- wv Com••ndtt the easiest welling car roe nu olroft. AJ your deal_.• nowt Yooar d1der'1 welcome aign ia oa1. Go ac -aucl -this lalieot Saacl•beke• .m--... ill nally lmriou post· --.ing-wau:h bow fast yoa dacicle m.tthis diad,.1ite l!M7 Smde- babr Com••nder ia America'• saod: -qcalicy CU: JOE NICKERTZ -~ ,. : till:""* 0 . .. .,,., JJcw;1rt ....... ftlEll p *• llt . , Les Perry's New Hardware Store ~ttracts Scores of year. The beautiful new live bait boat Speed King, of tho firm of King and Hagen, la expected to hit the water ln about three weeks, reports Norman Hagen. The grand opening of Perry's 'Thls vessel is about .the ultimate new hardware and appliance store ~n ultimate, and the owners are In f Corona del Mar last Satur· very proud of it. The Sport King, day proved to be a much greater launched earlier this year, hu success than was expected. ac-P_rOven popular with live bait boat cording to its owner, Leslie w. fishermen. Port Orange ~ keep- Perry, who had much to do with lng h\llh hush about thell' n~w the designing of the attractive live bait boat, but It ls coming este.bllshment. along nlcely. South'en:i Calltornia Hundreds of visitors and cash anglers are going to have more comfort and satisfaction while customers came to view the store. tishln& from Newport Harbor in lom.t~ at 823 Coast boulevard. the future. and were pleased to find a wide The lack ot live bait, which UIOl'tment of vacuum cle"a.nen, drove many fishermen away from lrofw, touten, tine ~ts. radioe Newport Harbor during the 1946 and many other critical items. summer fishing, is a problem the WORTHINGT Refrigeration ll'IUCON AMMONIA llmlolllm Air Conditioning ........... Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps Fer AD Pr!I rw ud ADU.-to 8- Call •..• GllLLM 4 111•8'., 4 •' '• ftoae Mii j Mr. Perry has had a hardware boat operators &re out to lick. store at 1305 Coast boulevard They know the aportfishermen for the past year, but found it don't want to pay just to go out \ecenary to erect the new build-tor a boat ride .. Sped.al live bait Ing to take care of the recent in-receiver boaU, to· anchor off the creaae In business. jetty and supply li•e bait boats .. P erry claims "a store is known with bait, la the latest plan to by the company it keeps," and solve the problem. These boats, back& up the motto by saying that an Investment of thouoonds of dol- he"'"has "the bay area's finest Ian, Will pick up bait from the hardware." bait boats and ir,ve1 to the jet:ty!-----------.: , An Army survey reveals that re-~P.MEALEY 'Gl!lNl!:BAL OONTBACl'OB ONtuled 'l'az 0 ¥1 M Liquor Store •~rax · BooU Ul4 Boy Xeeae Palm and Bay, Bali- ~ -891 Lk1arml Pallllll ••m••tm.t ...................... ~ .... "' llPUaOJIOlll llLDG. IOIW.-8L • BulaAM LAUNDRY ONE Wlillk ',SEBVICE Broadway Cleaners 1!1 Broad-y CoMa ·-Pb. a-5'l'ZS BJl1HER QUALITY OF DRY CLEANING 5 DAY SERVl~FRD Dl!:LIVllSY • OPEN SATUICDAY Al'TICKNOON8 e. Laguna Beach Community Players . IAOUNA llEMJll • Pt !0 &: LE&'l'JSIOE IOY la IN 'Yes_, My D.arling Daughter' .•' • Dliected "7 WESS DENSMORE NOViiWFa ... 11 • n -!S .. . ·' B<oerve 8eato Tile a .l.00 Pia T"" CIJJIT:&IN AT B:A PRONE LAGUNA Hl . . l tailing and service enterprises ..,. coant for 6 out of 10 of .the types of bl'.lsln ... enterprises of serv!e&- men who now have definite plans ReCtdenttal and Oxnrnerdal &dieting a-lllUIUl.tlllfl lll !ll ll .. lllll9111ffa11111111t1 ... ,...,....,., ... ,fllll~l!l-1llllll ... l•llllllUlllll~I'" ft11111•wflfll-M'llfw;wt~ I . . -~~ for tbetr return to civilian activi- ties. FINJ:8T TAllTINO 81ZZIDIO RAIDIAAUll 19'1'EAU (rtTR!Ni ....... -); BOMI: BAlll:D YUMMY BERRY AND APPL4li Pll:ll SHEP'S _ 1011 OOA!IT moBWAY Nl:WPORT "'l'lle u-ol -- Br•1ra s.&-W o.ta ._ . i · ·· Ward & Harringron Lumber Co. -1 · LUMJlD. AND JltJILDINO IU.ft!P'AIA ! =.a:~.= .. 1 m OOABT mOBWAY AT TBll AM(MD - :,i!I UIJllUIUIUIJJll!l l!IJllJll l!lllllltlftlllllll!l lllllltrll!llllPI Ull!llllUl#lllll!IJJIUan.11111tUIUllll JlllJllJlll•l••-ll!i ~ !! . ~! ~ ~ ! ~ ~ I ~ • = Ull Newport Boulevard, Coeta Meea I I i i Open G to 10 ~r0~:y •. BL saadap I ~ w e d n e s d a y' N 0 v. 2 0 t h 5 ':;11111111111111111111n1111111n1111111nt !llltl ltlllllll llllll J1l lll Ul lll llllll lllHl lllHI UIUI UIUll!l ltl lllllllllfllltl llltlftl9llllll ... !!i ~----------~!~ i p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ~ From Denmark, Sweden ~ WELCOME HOME! Newport Barbor Poat 291 AMERICAN LEGION lntti. 1111 ' nttr D' t ... T• -.. Tillt ........ lMlr. ... ... .., ....... 1llt .... ir-.. .... .. 'HEADACHE 1• •UCHA BIG ...,,...,.., ... -.. ;: i • = : I ~ and America •• , ~ I : = • ;: ii ;: ii I : = • ;: ! ;: -;: i ;: ii I : = • ;: i ;: ii I = • • I : ~ ! • • • • • = = • ;: ii ;: ii ;: ii ! ' ;: -I • = • • = = • I : = • ! i I Karen · Margreta I PAJAMAS · at Piper · Johnson The Kind You've Been Waiting for! _, -Van Heusen • B.V.D. • Wilson Bros . Buy Now • • -for Christmas ' BALBOA INN BLDG,, at Foot ol Balboa Pier, Pb. 1095 • Hun'Y to the opening of X-llarpeta, I ~ ~ I ; Margaret Bnmlng's new shop • • . for first ;; o.lu''°" llllR'I ITIWIRI ---- ;; choice ol fine Imported and domff¢lc wares. i i ~ • Glassware, china, llllver, ceramics 0 I I 1lnem ;; ! . --many things you haven't been able to I ! ~ buy for yami! • Haun: 10:6: EY~dup' lion., Wed,, l'rl., Slit., 7 to 9 Swedlah It American stanware I I I Bn7Jll Onp-h;ga JI ...... CrJstal animals from Sweden I I I 11 '!loe band:made Cl!!'alllic dlnnaware from Denmark I I I CJ'19W II)" Bl•' pant, bendrut ••• Pel•mzlw NI 7 by IL .&. Jhdley ••• G.wting Cards 11 .. --------------.....,,~---..l::~--.' . ' from Sweden and America. ' la'7 o..t ...._ (N-Nca e'a Nw: I 7) -" ......... 1l'ISJ <ioao•A DBL ••• ' n:t1Zt11 . . BALBOA INN CAFE ~W'lrtV81111irol Steab; Cbope, Sea Food1 ud It.Hen Foc."111 --........... • AAINWWWU'I M*WAU: at .1e .. ,.. •• ..... ,..-.£ ... 2 .... •••-.o•••a oaas•• • SufAMaloSt. .... . - . - ... • • . , • • • • rw"' , -r I• t •• 1 2 lill••• ..... _..,._.._ ........ --.. ---------------------- a>M Cub Scouti flold First Pack Meeting H b •F · ... • . A'~: " • • • Miss -~ov and David Harvey Wed ~~=~~J:~;z~~::=. ar or .. emintne . net1v1t1es ·~:rl ... :n!~·:O!'ted~u:c!et ... ated N-purt -or-odlool Bili -. bob<at J'b': ~ , .....,_ 13 __. _ + • · • : + . • mediate fa..W. ud a few· 1Dt1-wttll White c:br)'aant-- Pannt·TNCbor -tian. WU DJ' M-Dennft"a --cold rn__ -...., ' BJ "'*1id lllldlN :· '..-:'It dlB• fl 9'-ll • -te flr1onll jM I. 1• .morriaP oeMW. G..u -~-. - beJd at lbe auditorlulli of the Co-at.r. • -.~ --ftll!!tlted a&-4 p.m. Sat· lfn. Robert -and Wter .,,... de! Mar IChool With the new To Den 3• Mn. Banahaw and Co Council B&PW New Members Honored, Style Sh~_·f . ..,,._y;> • .:.i .• D._;u· ist .. urdoj, NO.. ts ID ox-de! Mar . . ~. Lester l'l!!Ty, In 11n. Belen Ccmer. Den 11ou..n, M · . .,.. W&l~ ~!t o-iiol1y ctiui'di i.,, 11"'7 vo1-Blml: Mrs. R<>1>ert -Sr.: cbarp. ROOble Eutman. Denner'• eets at Npt. Beach Meeting' of Business and Professional \VOinn Tro·.a. Announ· ced ~ '""" of Laa A-1ft -David 11r. -11n. ~ ..... tt Gvdlner, Mr. Pury, Wt.o came here re-stripes, sll-arrow, sold star; ·• · ~ ~ • W. ~. ·;.,.. Ol Mt. and Jin. Mn. Paul Fomadui and mem- -.Uy from Whittler, bu had =:.Du~ :'If ~e: : Reportaand of what -i.,.. Bual-New members of Bualnesa and all oocill-fr<m llbopi.of a.ta . lfn. 1Pt71 ~.;,4111 of:;,.:· Harwy, No. 16 Harbor ben ol the W<ddlnc ~. much experience in Scouting ac· w, !JL~" • pe, . _.. Prot._km-1 Women'• Profeakmal Women's dub were-Meu and lV•purt Btrct to t~ La •51 tifa. >'wMi• '• tlle ~ , • . . Mr. Har\·ey ia ccnnected With tlvltles. He waa _Introduced by star, Sold arrow; Did< Comer, clubs ol the county ore doing bonoftd at the meeting held Frf. ~t ol • pa.; . ..;k: ,..........,., Iii olaaiPter'. EU'"n In a Mttlnc of White ~-the Bnmswick-llalke-Oillende Gear&• Guthrie, eommlttee Denner'• stripes, gold star; Mllce were made by their otrl<en, who day evenln& at White's Park a,..,_ tioaa by Ted Ander~ Betti' 'ti:Clrl ~w'.-thomuma and llght@d candles,.the compo~. his territory conoiat- c:balrman. and In turn Introduced Small, gold star; Brian lllodcott-attended t be B.&P.W. county nue care with a style &bow f . · .., ot -.. "bir\ Q. W1-_, 4J6 Rew~ l"J!<'IY Schrock; putor ol the Ina ol San Dletlo. Riwnlcle and oommlttee members. Hal Holtz, gold star; O>ucl< ~ and council meetin& held J;)iday even-local ~ u the r .. ture of'-;: Modda -both pro(..-Dahlia•,....,;,. 0..... del Mar dlUl'ch, read the lines of the serv-Laa Angeles counties secretary-treasurer; James Small, Micky Hendenon. bol>eat pins. Ing at Balboa Yacht club. even1n&. slonal and amateur: Nina H.,..,. and-the. late iiir.-Walded<. • Ice. Tbe bride wu civen In mar---''---------- Harry IDodgett and J!'cl< Mason. Den 4. Mrs. Howard Baker. Carolyn Weber of Laguna Dorothy Sutherland 'ded, :::,,..a.i..i ~~nd~~= 'The-brllkelect all-"4 the:;'-:::.. her brother, John Vol-1 ~---------..;...--. -.iant Cubmaster. . Den mother: Noel Barlow,· &old Beach presided and Dorothy Suth-and -own .,....._ Ulll~ of Wasilngton where ""· · wore a ~ of gray Iii~ ' Robert Eaatman, Scout commil-star, silver arrow; Jon Barstad, erland of Colla Mesa read the re-will be pnsldent for the hal-modeled a .,._ *-from the she aj>edaJlad ID art and wu also wool studded wtth rhinestones and / / / lloner far the harbor area, an· Denner's atri~, gold rtar; Lee Ports of se<:retary and treasurer. ance of the year, the resignation same Jlltoe. Elinor Hu:ycke ol a atudeftt at tlfe .C'.ornlills Art a hat Of. black ~vet.· H!f' ~-• • ~ nounced thst the tralnlng course Hambrook, gold star, gold arrow, After """"' di>cualon, It wu de-of A. Gei:t""cie Collver belnc ac-Fl-IJ:id<'• 5-t ahop "'aa -aM.. Olive J1a1atrom Carl sap was of p-een on;bids, m for Cub Scottt leaden which will buckskin stripe; Tommy Holtz, dded that no Christmas project ~pted "1th ~ reareta. It chsrmlnc In a ~ Cl~~ SdloOI of Art lo sattle. When cbarmlng contrut. . . begin Monday evening, Nov. 25 gold atar; Bill Kelter, wolf badp!; f0< the county hospital would be u voted to leave the position of Jouncing oet, other ....-111 ,be-attencliDs 111e·Arfomtor, l.aa ·An-Attendlna: _the bride wu Miss at 7:30 o'clock In Corona del Jimbo Small, gold star; Ricky undertaken by the council but vlce-.preaident . vacant until t be Ing modeled by -W-~ she ww=.:t--.vi. Vera Vakalionoft, who ..,,... a Mar a<hool Tbe coune will be Williama, Rcmlle Edwards and that eacll club would act · fer it-oooung year. • · ADIL Verna -~ · ' • ".'" )It. Waldecik · · ' Ida cli;ll-ee coral -and • -ol vlo- i!ven by FMd Canman ot-Udo Mike Donovan. bobcat plila. ..u. Anita HenlM!J' WU appcinted From the Vopbbnd J;lola _.. Gt Bachelor of"Azta -dlaUDlO lets. ---Paul F""*" Isle, new field encutlVI!, and will Den 5, Mrs. Bob Ca1lia and Plans~ cliaclmed for a re-ooortesy cba11man· and Vlrgiria Mn. Petennaa, JoAml Wabf!eld ...,...ty ot Callfomla)n'el!!-Y. tarl. L.Pbl_,._ Delta frater- be a moot _lnterestin& one of ..,. Mn. Ell!e Kopp, Den Mothers: cplpoclty dinner In February to Shirley WU .JlOIDod cbslrman. or and Diane )VakMleld~ Charlptte 19'5 and wu tnu•""'-""1 --nlt;J ~ ol ,a& bridecroam at tlvltlea ratller . thiu:' lectures. Sammy Kauffman, Dennar'• be held at Newport Harbor Y~cht the Chrlatn., ~· . • · Pblnmy, ¥ircella Roi)!~ and m.-an MWilD .bi !be Y: S. the ~ty ol Callfomla, Laa Every Scout wu-ker " urged to stripes, sold star, silver anvw: dub Santa Ana Country club er Ag n •• Blcipqldat Introduced o:-tte Knox pmrted •.at-~a">' and "'"ed 18 wtliia .,_._ "'= ~tjp& attend. Bruce Benedict, cold sqr; Den-auc'h place u the committee Mr. Fersi-.of·the Community.~.., -*-.•pedal P M;; -. He la a member lif•Tbeta ,... held at~•':!."":r.:w ~ Alter the presentation of n1s Richardson, buclWdn stripe, ml ht secure -t 'iaocI.atlca, who expta1n-OUun and lladt suit fran . JI fraternity .,.S wqi-aetaro to ,.-Y awards Gemp Sawtelle of Har-i<>ld star; Terry Stowers, Bobby ~nt wu made of the <\I It, m&llJ' members taklnc mem-NQ!or'a; Lillie IJodPman ~ U. c. Jn February, .to ownp!ete wlMN the -og cah WU cut bor Island, -of the Den Dads, Callla, ·Dick Kopp, Stephen Roth-"old and new" exhibit and tea benhlpo at the >ci-of the pro-ed a •trilcln&· plaid pedal pwher Illa-111&1ter'a decree ID an:heolCJllY. • presented a WHtern movie with well and Bobby CUnnlngham. which the Anaheim club 1s hold-cram. outfit fnlm Surf~ Sand..~ NO -baa u Jet -aet Assistance League llOW>d whldl wu r;reatly enjoyed bobcat pins. In& Dec. 1 and also of the next Announcement wu made of foe Doyle wore • belllioy lladt suit for the wedding. B 'd F 'd by everyone.,, Awards made were: Den 6, Mn. Stuart Diehl and mtttlng of Newport Harbor club Father's Night pro&ram of the aDil Dorla ~onythe pmted a n ge on n ay To Den 1 ol which Mn. Peg Mn. Frllll<2S Graham, Den on Nov. 21 when Julia Ann Hyde Newport Beach Grammar school Junior frock, ·Altar Guild Tea Bia<ot event ot the social See4' and Mrs. Lois Mason are Mothers: Freddie Shannon, buck-will give a travel talk on Mexico. Concreu of Parents and Teach-She "'-ol Balboa. and Colla H Id. H l · H calendar, the fall dessert bridge Den Mothen, Samm~ Coane, sll-skin stripe, gold star; Bobble Clubs repl'ftented were fr 0 m ers, lo be held Monday evening, Mesa preaented everuna. street e at 0 stein ome of Newport Harbor branch of the ver arrow, gold star• Joe Guth-Diehl, Denner'r stripes, gold star; Anaheim, Orange, Fullerton, Santa Nov. 18 with Mn. Spencer '1'racy and •port cJotbel: modeled by Seventy-five or more "l'\leBts at-Aalr:tance League, will be held :· i<>ld "'."~all g~,~· l~uck-gold itars to Dan Thomas, John Ana and Laguna Beach. From speaking on her work with deal LilSe Braly, Margie Gibbs, Lee 14'nded the silver tea given Friday Friday, Nov. 22 at 1 p.m. at New· n •tripe, oJ'C~· go ar· Vultlei bobcat pina to Leigh An-Newport Harbor club were the children, and memben were In-Arazone and Onar Goes; drM!"I afternoon by the Altar Guild of port Harbor Yacht Club. derson, Richard Pleger and Ron-president, Dorq&hy Sutherland; vited to attend from Orkin'& Department .•~ SL James Episcopal church at the Mn. WlllaM Killion is general - DANCS Tap- Ball8'- AcrobaUo- ' / 1 nle Newlin. Betty Barstad, 'l.!jldred Stanley, Another Invitation wu from wero modeled by Mary Wacers home of the _Pl"'Sl,dent, Mrs. chalrman, and _Mn. Vl.ctor Grace, • Nalalle Michaud, Genevieve SyJ. the Anaheim Business an~ Pr<>-and Marilyn Braddy while 4lreues George JJolsteiJ! Jr., Lido IBie. llY who is In dla,p of tjcket sa)es Capilla Circle vester, Agnes Blomquist, Gretha fessional Women's club whicl1 is from Polly Appar~ were tlsplay-a strange coincidence ft waa on reporti tiblea"lft a{arly sold out'. !"bbs, Alda Gorton, Ruth Ger-to hold a tea and exhibit of old ed by Mrs. Emma Cook, Mariela this day that the altar wa!; de-Decoratlona, In .~e of Mn. Meets Wednesday rish, Marguerite Way and Wini-and new things from 1 to 5 p.m. Brown and Jane Alexander. livered .to the nearly completed SalvacJor Monaco, are to be a Capilla Circle of Corona del fTed Barbre. Sunday, Dec. 1 at the Ebell club The platform used for. display· church. on Via Lido. surprise. Mar Community church will meet in that city and memben were ing the models was made by ~µie Pour~g at _the tea table, cen-.. Merchants of the district have at 2 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 20 in Episcopalims Hear askro both to attend and to enter Gordon Findlay shop and pafms tered ~th wl;rite chrysanth~mums been generous 1n donating door t he social hall of the church. Dr. exhlbJts. for the background Were through and lighted with tapers m tall prizes and these will be drawn Ro8e Beals, medical missionary to Bishop of Tokyo Announcement was made of the courtesy of Norman Nurseries., sil\'er candelabra w~ the Mes· after ~e two cash prizes of $100 India for many years, will be the Orange County CQuncil of B. & dames Frank P. Cunrungham, Bert and $50 have been awarded. speaker. Attendlng the semi.annual con~ P. W. to be held Friday evening Hall-Serbert B. Brewer, Ed Rogers, Robert 110 ..._, "· Tea hostesses will be Mrs. Sid-vocation of the Episcopal diocese or this w .. k at Balboa Yacht Hom. C. L. Thom and F . E. Harbor St Cl b 11':,o;,.~·i.hca ney Blackbeard, Mrs. Gerald Rit-of Los Angeles, held Friday at club. Three blankets were drawn, Rites Repeated Finster. • amp . u 1.;;;==;;..,,;;==....;:....-..:...:....;_J I chJe and Mrs. Arthur Kemper. Long Beach, were the Rev. Ardys I;Oing to Mrs. R. W. Mc<;lc11!in .. -------1 Newport Harbor Stamp club Dean, vicar of St. James church; Sr., Mrs. May Hansen and Mary A 6 30 Tu-A... ~ n1·. Phi' Meets will meet Thursday, Nov. 21 at ~---Yard! I : p.m. .,......, eve-11, r ' 7:30 nm .. In J . A. Beek's office, ut."(Kge ey, warden; Mrs. M. Palmer. The drawing prizc, went Nov. 12, Janet. L. Sei~rt '"of Cqr-410 sl>uth Bay Front, Balboa Isl- L. Keeler, president of the W<>-10 Carol Denton and was four vallis, Ore. and Brad!O¥ Peclcham Wednesday, Nov. 20 d ' ~ "Cap'n" Don B {/~tf' (JJ,,' -...nu,..... __ _ btc Plw• tMWeR O'lrM"' ~ Combination Dinners ~ New ud UDUSlllll Seafood Specialties W'or 8°X f fft I BEAOON 5465 men's Auxiliary and Mrs. S. H. tickets to the Lido theater, do-Hall f Mr d ~-H Ball an · New memberi. will be wel· Franklin, wile of the clerk of the nated by Mason Siler. 123 ~ 80~o~th B:;' Fr~i. Bat~ The meeting date of Orange _co_med. _____ :------..:. __________ _.__ vestry. Carda were &iven out by Elaine Island repeated marriage vows in County Pl Beta Phi has been ,'------"'-----------..;,..------~ Maternity Apparel Styled for Smartness . . . Comfort and D:onomy CJJonn~rie Shoppe . - We Aft·J1APP7 to 8erTe 'I'• la I Loca&lom 114N.-M. --.. --Aa ~- The Rt . Rev. Robert B. Gooden, Weiss, who is lrl charge of com· the &Jt>oa Island chapel or Cbrilt changed. for this month and will suffragan bishop, presided in the p)ling the club cook book and Chwth by the Sea, the service be held Wednesday of this weak absence of the Rt. Rev. W. Ber-members ar~ asked to write lt.'V-being read by Dr. Harry Whitair. at 12:3o p.m. at the home of tAe trand Stevens. At the afternoon eral of their fa'\'Or1te receJpt and pas.tor of the chapel. · _sresident. Mrs. s _tanley Otamben, session Bishop Reifsnider, Epis-mail them tO"ber as soon as ~. "'· Via ~ord, Lido '"e ~ ·The young couple stood in a .,.. •• . ~ · <opal bishap of North Tokyo who slble. •· 11ettlng of palms with the ll&h!ed • •Memben will bring ,andwlchea ia now in char1e at all non·dloc:e-New memben who were intro-crou 1n the backgro~ Witp--~ a&lad. and a;iffee wlll be .ser'v· Ian· work among Japanese Epis~ duced and praented w:ith cor-.es were the bridqroom's aiaters, ed. by Mn. Chambers and her copa.lians in the United States, &ages were Ittne Morris a put-p t Ann Hall and Mn Audrey M1ilting ho&tesses, Mrs. F . J. :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~I ...U 1peak•r, his subject being president of the club w~ hu re-at Y endou. Preaeot · t ,.,.. Parke . and Mn. John Woods. "Christianity In Japan.• turned to the city· CathrYn H.U ~ br!A~ -' ceremony were the. .._...,-.....• Pi"ewer, who tJans!erTed from the rn.;>ther and members of tbe ~ K. p·etfY .. -f?ffe,u • --- ' -- Friends Honor CDM Resident Mn. B. Z. McKinney, who is now .ettled in her new home at 1Ut'Po1nsetta avenue, Corona del Mar, was given a surprise house-- wanning Tuesday, Nov. 12. Friends c&me bearing &ifll ol towels and all the delectables tor a Potluck luncheon. Cards were the diversion of the Orange club;· Marilyn Wheelet: med! te family · transferred ftoin Utah; H e 1 e n a · Plummer, art ·supervisor of the v' _frien _____ d_ • - elementary achools; Lily Thom}>-~our . da an nnne son, secretary at t h e Newport school; Ercyl eek ol Palmer's Among those vacationing re-- office; Genevieve Sylvester, edl-cently at Hotel Lut FrontJes-, Lu tor of the Newport Balboa Praa, Vegas, N ev. were Mr. and Mn. and Sade Fox. school nurse. J. M. Allen, 215 Crystal g.venue, Emma Hughes Holt of the Surf Balboa and Mr. and Mrs. H. L and Sand shop presented models Vou, 304\0 24th street, Newport for the fashion show in styles for Beach. Pka.dwts J~--. . -" • . , ~ .. PLAY SCHOOL "SOLVES ~BI.EMS FOR BUSY MO'l'HERS. •'• • A ;FUILY: ~PED. SUPERVISED; ~ , · . PLAY YARD AND ROOM J.l'OR · .'. ..· .!:, :yOVR CHILDREN. WIDl;E YOU· SHOP, WORK OR PLAY: • • • INDIVIDU~'fTl1:NTION. -SPECIAL M G . SESSION FOR 2-3-YEAR-OLDS Ope11 Monday Throng t. rday 9 .. m. Cc! 5 p. m. . • • • FuD..di'lillai~---..j ~ Boarl7 •ad Werkl7 Ba&e• WEST ~ OJl' PARK AVQUE, BALBOA ISLAND Jl'or Jnforma.tloll oJt llubior • INDIVIDUALLY bESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIMINATING WOMAN ·OF 'THE ·HAiffiOR AREA. afternoon with Mrs. F ayette Birt-----;~;;-:;;;;;-;;;;;-;-;~:;;;;---;;;;;-;-;;;;;;;;----~~: s~:,1;,gs~~d~co~. i.gs~ CASTAWAYS' CHAI IER ranTa lllA • CllUFORlllA ' ~----------------.------------'~ ' • 429 Glenoeyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours 10 to5 on Tues., Thurs., Sat. Phone 3604 COLOGNE PLUS BY HARTNELL ••• Bright Sws Cologne it a true cologne-delicate. refretbiog. yet remark.ably long-luting. Exactly matched to the perfume. 12.75 to $16, plus tu. Tciletrlea Street 11- • Baltz third and Mrs. John Sad-By NANCY NEWPORT lie:r, COT\50lation. Olhen present included the Mesdames Clarence Und. Mary Crowell. P. V. Dilta, Ger a 1 d Ritchie, Harry Welsh, S. W. Blackbe:ard, R. Donald Hall. A. A. Kemper, 0. Z. Robertson, John Meador, C. B. McKinn~y and the honoree, P.1rs. B .Z. ?ttcKinney. Book Review Features St. James Aux. Meet -·· .,, __ WONDERFUL TRIP, WONDERFUL TIME. but ·~·RE THRILLED to be home!" practic:ally sc::rcamed the beam- ing Don and Neva Dickerman as they dined on their . quarterdeck or the Castaways' Cub last Friday night with the Jerry Johnsons wh have been pinch-bitting for them ln their absence. nIE ANCHOR IS DOWN So that we cound arrange to stay here and keel? open all winter was the main reason they gave fM . the flying tnp to their Castaways' Oub in F1or1da. SO we ~de tt a combination· ot business trip and belated honeymoon'. Btrr it's WOO· derful to be home, said Neva, EVEN from a honeymoon! And so, boys and girls, it's ROMANCE ON TiiE RIM O' THE WORLD thst inspires a guy to work 16 hours a daf a whole year and creat a place like "Casta- ways! Yes JUST roamed when they FOUND the place! Mnl. James McCracken ot Gar-WHAT A TRIP! LISTEN TO TIUS! They MUST love Newport den Grove reviewed "From the Harbor! Presented with the keys to a villa on Biscayne Bay and Top of the Stairs" by Gretchen penthouse on Hotel des Artistes by friends in Miami and New York. Find.letter. daughter of Walter Don says t,Jiey moved so fast they LOST hall of their clothes and Damrosch, at the meeting of the luggage. only bad time to say Hello and Goodbye,-have Neva's ~or-tune told by his old pirate, Peg Leg, In MlAMI.-;iet a laJ'lre piece Women's Auxiliary of St. James bJtten out of his leg and his best pants by a~ in CORAL GABi..E.S. Episcopal church, held Thursday ,.eked up 8 bushel ot ·oysters with his toes m the GULF,-looked at the home of Mrs. Dixon Smith, up, 150 OLD CHUMS,-delivered his Wustrated PIXIE stories to the Balboa hland. Aasisting boe:teaes publishers,-they slept in driftwood beds in Vero Beadl.-=t0t lost were Mn. Walter Hitchman and 60 miles out in the Everglades. ON . FOOT,-AFTD\. DARK,· ..._ia Mrs. Clark. DIDN'T get bitten by a SNATI1.ERAKE'. Mn. Ed Rogers re-1ed the THERE TODAY AND HERE TOMORROW ~ heerd Annie 1urn of $160 received from the Qakley sing OOIN WHAT COMES NATIJRALLY, and ate the exntlc bridge party held at Balboa Yacht food ol Broadway's SINGAPORE with adopted ~ Brother . ROLF club ARMSTRONG, the famous ptttty pl calendar artl8', 1ut Wedos-. day, saw the fabulous sky-scrapers and lia:hts ot .llri>adwa)',-frcml After the program tea wu the clouds -411 a plane thst ~ them to S.F. for brealdut NEXT served with Mrs. Bert IWwer and MORNINciJ WenL to a oocktail party Ii..., by an aff..,_te croup Mrs. Robert Herold pouring at a who oaJled NOY& "MOM" when sbe ran a hotel ~. talUd JJlm!I table centered with fall fruiL for a $t,OOO.OOO treesure hunt eqoeditlon with Bataan Death Mudi The next meeting will be Dec. survivor who koows its whereahoub. and HOME TO CASTAWAYS, 12 at the 1-.. of Mrs. C. L. -THAT NlGln'! . . 'Thom, Udo IBle. OLD HOT SHIRT GAY wu the ,,i-next nlaht with a _.:lty cn-1,-...c! oae of thaw llhlrt.s of Bl.INDING llltn.LlANCY cm Dem Mrs R P wbich N .... 'a cir ••ker remodela from GOWNS cootril>qted bx pis . Oy age who LOVE CASTAWA'XS' Neva ...,,... an EQUALLY ~ -Wltll D D F Hos· tess llhel1 -· and baby m 'point l'MI star-tlsb eer rlnp! ' ' • M4KES YOU HAPPY, NOT HIPPY! That's what t....trb lay ~-Roy --lakl of the Shell-Fish R<oll, -dining With her -Del. A. IC. ~~ • -· entertained W~ Wes Dewioro who Is dlroctlng her ID Y• Ny Duling members of D.D.F. club at her Dallllhter at the Lacuna PlaYhouR -Join. 0--•.,•, Barry lleGee -home, Clay atroot and Santa who 1s _...,,l dlnctor and Mn. llfc(M, X... RtUDo. 8--- Ans &ftnue, N..._t ffel&bb. ~. S. ~ Wlloan. F.d -.... -Gmm ~. all a£ 1-- Fri&oy .-Ing, Kn. Keith -JIORE'N I CAN Rnpysgt i11a1DO H--tbe Ilia D<'W' of Newpoct Island belnr .-i of IDIU'bt niao wu en~ a JlOtY of nine ID tbe Ddftwood '8-n. -Tiie Dick Rlcbarda of Newport &.di ....... dlolne the~ -Brkice wu played With Jin. ol Costa Mea, and I saw the Bob Doyles ot ._ and the .Jolm fJUma holdlog hisb At the Daniella ol Harbor l1l1nd l -tbe Fled Storeyo. t11e B1111e -ol the-...-:--.iit :-::! ~ea:r~~ ~-Al--~ supper' WU -\fed the CUf9ta. wbo I ..., Mark Pkfte al Baftot Jsl•-' th! KunlDdE M,..,.,... "'"" the -R<JSw Bar-of Bon.. Island, the Dem Halls of Cloola M-, Ow A. A. M:!>rr '* row, Harry Baker, Walter Nallar, of llolboa ldmd. Dr. and Mn. Ridlud C. Rum, Ill -N WI, Elmer ~,_ and x.lth -and, .... the ~t ~ -p&rV. • n. nest -•tine Wiil i. De-HEAJl'l'S AND n.owERS Cilp'll Daa -. ~ a -d•lol•-111 •s BAYSIDE PLATING CO .. We Claim to Have All the Silver in California . I Expert Silversmiths • • • All Work Guaranteed I • Estin1&tes on Wholesale Lots SILVER. AND . . , Tea S.tbs .. ADtlQc. .... y.. .. ~ ilefledon -BatllnlcJai,Jbllw• • Baby ~ Pllilq . ,_ l'w'tl ud 1 • ft-: ••••• 51U, n.,.; 81111• .... Mill* C C. -. :SU #6 WiRIB ·' . . . ' . • ~ , • Cwds' '••' ~Ca•"*-."" . ltMBMt• .... c .. •11Q811n-• ..., CO-. 13 at Ow -of lfn. ,.,._ _, .... at !be --""""'9 'nllllo. l.OOI( -.._ Sbelcloa Smith. 25th --a .,...,._ J: -am ID tllat _,. .= -olte.-DON°T tnmlY belnr the molal Olrtamu puV =-'-:...S~ ~~un;,.~tbe~~ -"Wllite elepllanta" -Ilk. and Join. W. -t of Ne--! Bo, I ooplsd T -,. ~&Itta will be -npl HAD to-lib a llOIF .-ti 110t 'idf-~-!""~---~-!""----"'!!'-'!"'------~ ... --!""---lllllll--p .... . ' •