HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-03 - Newport Balboa News Times., SAM pnoM OORNER -JUST in case you've been peer- ing over your bi-focals lately and haven't been able to see what your next-<loor neighbor Is doing, this is to inform you that you needn't become pan- icky and It Is not necessary to change glasses or swear off the stuff altogether. ' KFEP POSTED! l 1YMI' ...... .. la Ossats .. .,. Cl.a ., ll •tr ••a.a.,_ -~.__ .. !fowa r 11. N .. pwt - I - • NEWPODT • • • ·BALBOA I " ,_ -ti. Qr1 •••• EMBRACING BALBOA PENINSULA, WEST NEWPoRT,. SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, BALBOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA MESA fOUlllS mvm NEWPOJl't BEACH CALIPQJlNlA, TtlESD&Y, DlllllDIBEll .. UM ~ 1 ~ .. Freighter Believed Wrecked by Hurricane Pianist's Kin Hurt Enroute To New York Yule Music Will Feature Service Beverley Building . Crew' S Fate · Sold for '$35,000 , ~~M:8aso:111wi~her~n ~ tnBaJ~boaat. 507ror~~scum=:ot~e~.ooo!.. Mysf .w __ . As ~ sentatlon of the second annual u~ \I!' 1 Yuletlde Music ...... 1 .. at the Coata A.Met1ing that ............... bin. elf ....... uw•llle t6 Jll'Ome pabllc en ........ for their from Mrs. GW!ys Beveriey ftal-Boat F d BAL~OA COICESSIOIAIRE CALLS OFF RECALL OF TWO COUICILMEI ning Sunday. plan to te peUUom for the r-8 of Ooqwd!nM,n Bob Allen and Lee Isbell. Don•'d-J, announced today by Volney Hay Mesa Community church. begin-~ ..........,.. tor, also ot that address: wu oun The program will be devoted to Harmon. horoeraee COllC q 1.-elre of ·lll Mala Stnet, Balboa, said today that of 1003 East Central avenue, Bal- U you hr.TI!n't noticed or if you have figured that the weather Is merely reflecting the somewhat beclouded at- mosphere of the state of t.ru! Mlle. de Geelen Plans world, this department begs Appearance Here In Christmas m11>ic written primar-he .,.... withdrawing the ~ i' boa. Uy for the pipe organ and solo ~ Hay, who returned from an ex- voice. Participants will be Lloyd I Bannon said that he DU uke.d Attorney Barry Ashton of Balboa to cancel the tensive tour of the eastern states Holzgrafe and Cor ene Boettchtt, wr!Uag up of the peUUoa. · recently will make his hom<o in according to the Rev. Carl B. lbe Balboa con.-ioaai... ~ before the Newport Beach City CoWldl. IMt the apartment fronting the build- -Life-craft Carrying · Two Sighted Adrift In Mex. Waters to inform you that our fair January Instead Johnson, pastor. ing, he said, also adding that the~ eotmtryslde has been engulfed by a simple, three-lettered word, FoG. We h&ve i-n told that this Is not a natural reaction to the recent elections nor is it evidence of inroads of foreign meddling into our atmosphere. For your edification. fog is merely a chemical reaction caused by a layer of cold air picking up a lot of water from the ocean, or rather, a layer of cold water gathering up a bunch of hot air and striking the warmed-up land's atn10s- phere, or vice versa, which in tum convexes or-anyway, makes things wettemeU. u you must know what what makes fog, ask your 10- year-Old offspring and allow tb1s department to contioue on things of more portentous nature such as "what's going on in the world?-and why should It happen to us?" F1GBT: 0. the national acene there aeems to be quite a rukus going on betwen our 8000-~be-forgotten national leaders and a Mr. John Uew- ellyn Lewla. Mi. Lewis has decided to make things hot- ter'n blazes by allowing the eastern portion of the country to freeze to death-If you can see the connection. With one wave of his 'mighty eyebrows, Mr. L. bas merely placed a million or so people on the temporarily available list, "browned" out our largest centers of popula- tion, boosted the sale of red underwear, and ruined our Chief Executive's fishing trip. More th&t th&t, he has made our people say some mighty nasty things. M""ical numbers are be ' g pr Monday evening aad when Informed \hat the mnnlci-1 body wonld not ~-'der '"-elr ll be ch Due to a serious acdcleat .._. ._ tn e-..-• ..,.,.....UZM w.1 wt np anges made in the pared by the sever al soloists and action not to issue h.im a license operat'on f th building talned by her mother whlle •be Chi r R. R Hod k ' All Isbell d 5 ·1 1 0 e · 1---tloa --for "·-members of the ~voice choir. for a merchandising wheel, he said e · g tnson as mem-. en, an t ers voted to ..... _ GI dys Be e 1 -.:11 ~ --· ....,..-'"u en route aboard ship from be f h 1· · t ffi iTlll!i. a v r ey ... LU con-lle1111et:ll G. llcLeaa of !91 N--L. P-~-1 N y k, lb h~al-.. The entire program is being he would take his case to the Su-rs 0 t e po tee corrurut ee a.· rm the denial. tinue to conduct a real estate ---...-q o ew or . e 11C ll"U ~ ed b C Co r-mmended a lice••• r Bob • • • ..__.._ a.,.._ San ~--··•--direct y orene Boettcher, di-perior urt. "''-'"' · ·~ or 11· and ~-Anita eo----..:11 .-........ -.; ·~--~ appearance of Mlle • .Jeanaette de B f h · f HARMON S bef o . ice ... ...,. "· ~~' -LU of the "m'-bl• banana ......a-tet, G •• I.. -•1 k plaal t, rector of music for the church. He openly charged certain un-rown, or t e operation o a mer-, appearance ore continue to conduct a deUcateaen • ··~ .. I. th • w~dlt n1own y,oua1hl Cor • named members of the common cha ndising wheel at 102 Main the common council last Monday and restaurant establishment in Padftea, were dlaco,•e red lytn.I:' in e au 0 " um 0 e 00• D h T k street o Au "0 t 5 th ve 1· d · I t if aa abaadoa-• llf-~--· --·•·-d I M t council with discrimination. alleg-. n g~ . e same e n ng was ma e s1mp y o see the building ~ ~ ..._.•:r--tr. e ar tcbool oa Thunday evtr ea d th t th ·1 th · h h th · · d · ~ .. o bodl .. and d~~-1 la Mexl- 1 D a es ing that they discriminated when ay a e common counci au.. e:l{ mig t c ange . etr attitu e, "" """ ... n nr, e£. 3, hAA been caaceled. they approved a similar license for thorized the committee to investi-since there had been rumors that t'&a waters about 100 m:llm north Mademoiselle de Geelen received another Balbo!l business man and gate Harmon's request for a one councilman said he would vote H b • of Cabo Falso on the tip of IO\\'er M'Ord tron1 Ne\4' York city that her F d B disapproved one for him. similar device. for Harmon if the other council· ar or1tes California on Sunday. mother suffered tracturN of both re rewer At the time Mayor 0 . B. Reed Several w~ks passed and then men would change his attitude Word of the discovery of the lep IM>ID.ewhere betweea. Par1a and saJd that he was certain no dis-Oty Clerk Frank Rine hart an-toward the Balboa concessionaire. lifeboat reached San Pedro A-fon- New York and that It would be crimination was intended. nounced at a regular meeting of In case of a changed attitude, I • d day night when 'the Sun Beauty, necessary tor the )alter to be y ht H armon saJd later that his r~ the common council that the police Harmon's application would prob-njure •1n a San Diego fishing boat, wire- hospitalized in New York city. ac sman marks were directed to Council-committee recommended a denial ably have r eceived a unanimous lessed the findi11g of the bodies The charming young piaru.t, men Allen and Isbell, who are of the Harmon application. The "yes" vote. -of two me n who were lying in who was to have given a con-members of the council's police council then accepted thls report. When the matter came before c II it. The identification papers wer~ cert under the auspices of the committee, which investigate re-l n the rollcall vote which was the common council, the other 0 ·1s·10-ns ~f~~xi~ng au~~~~elth~~ter~~ Congregational church in the Car-At Balboa Yacht club the f1aa quests for new business licenses. taken on the matter , Mayor Reed councilmen maintained strict ona del Mar school on Thursday 1 hung at half mast over the week-• • • silence during the pr---••ngs, so . aeet mideenntwifel~tifoonun. dpalnpersthe boa! otr .. was called to New York. • end. silent tribute to Frederick and Councilman Robertson voted "'-~ • '" THE COUNCI.1..MEN and Police neeativel.y, while Coundlmen {Continued on Pqe 4) However, her managers made C. Brewer, veteran chairman of -------------_;_-,...,. _________________ _::____ other papen were for Ale- :1"~~=n~he;:~ .~: ::Iiur: ~~~ ~~rr:~~t~·11::. di::r ~~Volunteers Race ~to Ra1·se S33,000 H!t,rres:~~t.0'in::~·;; ~navi~qs:e~~:.~rL~ able to make her appearance at put few months he had lived at from C.O.ta Mesa. were ~ in lombla. the Corona del Mar school some-the home of Mrs. Craig, 118 Grand motor accidents which occurred A short time after the flndinc tlm• In Jan . Canal, Balboa Island. In Orange county during the fOtl-of the llfeboat, the Cout Guard u.ary He was a native of England and F H. •t I B f D 1 0 L• •t bound weekend period from Fri-bale at LOI Angeles issued a 1pec- Mademoilelle de Geelen WU WU 74 years old; nationally or OSPI a e ore ec. 1m1 day to Monday. !al bulletin aakln& marlnen to born in Mexico of Frmch and known u a yachtsman and marine Floyd Phillipa of 532 Balboa watch for wreckqe alone t be Dutdl parentage. AA a child architect, designer of both uil avenue, Colta Mesa. IUltained Great arcle Route betWffft Ha- pn>dlcy oho played with the at-and power boats he came here ,._,.~. -..,. -. an arm •·•·-· In ·~-hea• -· wall and Ille_ Canal Zone. chestru of Mexico Cty and ~m V••-uv-, 'a C., ~-he ••~" • .,. -,.. Onnp OOUlltJ' -J' la • -.-... effort lo ..... U.0 u~-• u~ ~ "--~"-••-N ----~ "~ --· " -"~< _, ---lo port i.. Pl • terlaa crash betw.en two Plcillc Elec----·-u~ avy ~-Guadalajara. She wu educated had been part owner ot a t>o.t'~ ll'J' .> JlolliAtal l"a8d drtTe °""tile top "7 DflC "er It. trtc raUW•v can at"-He tramport Bowditch &t B&Jboa tn ln Vienna and studied mUlic under wor~. c.mp.&p ~ .. -=··~ ed *' tlle 16 .-wm M eqreetel to ..,. la aa ._ .....,,,..,._ ·~-n.-. ""--~• _ _. ~ ~ - -.., wu a n11.-ncer -u.r;" .r•1111ma ~ zone, • .,.,...._ Emil Sau..-, Econ Petri and Ed-Many of the fine yachts of the .... ._ -""' • -be •fftdal'7 -~ · lllPU. .-arted ,...._. on ward Steuennann. Pacific Cout were desipied by 0.. of llie -• ._rt ... ..... W., ... Bl 'r -. ., -Mew,..~ Don 0 . Qoott. 11. al :ia Ill I · - -1t ~ P<Jlnt ~rt debuts in Vlmna, Ber· Mr. Brewer, amona them Louis -· •tr1ct ,_ -palp. way, Coata Mesa, driver, and bla Mex. A Cout Guanl plane Jeri Un. Paria and 11.ome """"' follow-Cw' ketch, Vacabundo; Dr. Ber· tip tD llie -of P'ltdaJ' --IM &• nal -Ip -··4--Ha ._rt fJem ,_ two ltneMle rtt!Ba, Bernice Luper, San Diego to check the rep<rt ed. by ..:veral yean of extensive tin Hall's cutter, Philadelphia; the ...... 'llU1en t. Sut:a A.a&. Ge irraM total rwll1d: WM Pl'J,.... 17• of 1515 Santa Ana avenue and Frein the Marine Tl"adla.c . A toun ln Europe, Mexico and the cutter, Edl& B.; the yawl Bril-If tM ..., • .._ ol ......... ,_.,llrt b7 ~ Tm f&J'. u.e ..._ ....., ... tGtal w111 eaUtle u.e cm-John Gregg, 16• ot 243 Avocado Shipplng company of. Loe Anceles United States. Uant, and the ketches Wayfarer eral -to Ilic* ap U.O •t-.--..,. -MMtla of -n, llar7ltDd ,.._ avenue, also of .CO.ta Mesa, were and Jaci< L. Hoolt, Jr., ~ Music critics who have wttneu--and Valhalla, 11\0lt of which were ttonally known aircraft manufac-.. · • injured when their car •kidded pr81dent and owner of the Pac:i- ed her performance have only built at South Cout company turer. 11 compased ot several prominent donated by the various dtles and into a tree, in Costa Mesa. flea, tt wu learned that the ship the highest praise for her work. . Carrying out his wt.hes u ~-Martin some time ago told the harbor people. They choee tor their estimated p:>pulations; John L. Gorman jr., of 310 left Guatemala Nov. 12 for San Reliance Opens Realty Office in Corona del Mar pressed in his will, there will be general COfM'littee that ll they their representative chairman, .Cities Dona. Pop. Broadway, Costa Mesa. suffered Pedro with 104 tons of bananu no formal funeral service but on raised $400.000 he would give Mn. E. E. Boudinot, well known Sant& Ana-Tustin $134,408 45,000 minor cuts and bruises when Im and .100,000 feet of hardwood on Sunday at l :30 p.m ., the shore them a check for $100,000 as his philanthropist and manager of the San Juan car careened off Highway 101. deck. boat, which he designed for BYC gift to the campaign. Now that Thrift Shop. Capistrano 18.205 2,500 three:-tenths of a mile north of Besides Capt. McLean, it car- will carry his ashes, and those ot the general commitiee and volun-Mrs. Boudinot and her com-Costa Mesa 6,632 8,500 Laguna Beach city limits on Sat-ried Clarence C. Stebbins, 46, o! his wife, who died some 15 years teer solicitors are within $33,000 mittee have sent out. 400 letterl Orange 26,629 8,500 urday afternoon. His car hit an 1131 South Grand avenue, San ago, out to the open sea, where of that amount they are exerting to people all over the harbor Huntington Beach 36,794 6,000 embankment and rolled over sev-Pedro, u chief e ngineer ,and a they will be sprinkled over the extra effort to reach the total. area and much is expected from Laguna Beach 46,736 9,S(X) eral times, California highway (Continued on Pap t) race course, where for so many The Newport H arbor district these in the way of cash donations Anaheim 3,140 15,000 patrol offlcen said. The Reliance Realty and In-years he supervised races of the committee headed by Braden or pledges of support to the hos-Fullerton 7,867 14,000 Harold N. Homan, 43, of 228 vestment company 0 0936 New-larger boats. Finch of Corona del Mar was pital drive. Garden Grove 6.555 Hazel drive, Corona del Mar, 1uf-Rosebrooks Are Safe in Diego port boulevard, Costa Mesa, an-Commodore Don Kemp Is invtt-making plans today to ask for Assisting Mrs. Boudinol are the Placentia 3,955 fered minor injuries when the car nounced the opening today of an ing all boat owners to join the either cash or pledges from those following committee, Mrs. J . A. Non-county 2,580 he was drivirig collided with one office at 1435 Coast highway, Cor-prOCt"ssion and pay their final re-who planned to give or who have Beek, Mrs. Kay Finch, Mrs. Ed-Newport Beach 47,905 12,500 driven by Carl R. Wallner, 18, of ona de! Mar, for the convenience spects. I t Ls asked that no n ow-not been approached to give. gar R. Hill, Mrs. Hubbard Howe, Equally as good &I cash are 1319 West Bay avenue, Newport The fate of the John Rosen- of people living in that area. ers be sent, but that those who The harbor district committee Mrs. H. S. MacKay j:r., Mrs. O. B. pledges, which may be made both Bea~, about 600 feet west of brooks, who left Newport Harbor Reliance now has five brokers would like to send them, give in-has raised nearly $50,000 of its Reed and Mrs. George H. Yardley for next year and the following Marine ave nue, Balboa I1l•nd., in October for Honolulu aboard in readiness for customer service stead a check to the Presbyterian new quota of $75.000 and with jr. year. Many people have not been early Saturday. their 31-foot cutter Pupule Too, a t all times. A. R. Ebr ite, George Hospital fund, sending it In Mr. the help of a special volunteer Also Ors. Gordon M. Grundy contacted by worke~ and are has evidently been cause for Evenson and w. c . Gabbard are Bre~·er's name to Braden Finch group they expect to raise the and W. 0 . HaJdy and Messrs W"ged to send in their donations. $ II d B b worry in the Islands where the in charge of the Costa Mesa of-chairman of the fund. ' other $25,000 before the end or J . S. Barrett and Nelson Stal~ Those who have given previously I Y an 0 boat was reparted overdue. fice. the allotted period. ford. are urged to gtve again, it Pol-O T · $ From Sam Emnies .Hollywood Quite .. llUUl, this Mr. Lewis. J. w. Doak and Clyde Doak Loses Five Bucks This special group ii known .. An lnteftltlng study ii made Bible, being reminded the sum can pen oy hop b r 0 k er and yachtsman, who will be In charge of the new of-the children's wing committee and of comparisons between amounts ~-deducted from their income brought hit new staysail schooner No one man appears to have fice at Corona del Mar. .._.. down from ~ta Barbara. Sun-Melvin L. Hudcens. 25, ot 252 done so much for one group Though in business only a year. Costa Mesa street, Costa Mesa c I p Sally and Bob Brown, co-own-day after havi g been fogbound of workers and yet evidently a member of the firm said that forfeited $5 to the Santa ~ ar ryor Navy Off 1·cer Coast at·1es en of The Bobby Shop at 7ll for thfte da • comes the conciu- d · ch t k th the period has been a very sua::ess-dty court when he-f-lled to an-East C.entra.1 avenue Balboa have slon of the story. one so mu o wea en e ful one and more busi-ii ex-CUJ ,,, announced the operun· g of a toy 'lbe Rolebrooks ----over •- th kin ..... _ pear in that court Saturday on a .._..~-illll:'n:-efforts of e wor g man pected as the harbor district con-police ~ ot having jumped R As department In the store ad,laceut fr<lln Honolulu and after purchu-:l~tywh~=t I~: 8:e:lm~ tinues to grow in ,populatlon. a traffic Iliana!. es·1gns Enters USC Chr·1stmas to Th~·~~wna who are two ot Ille ~~ =~~ ~ ~: F youna:est and mo&t enteri*iabc ned to &ail the cutter. will do some hot and heavy onner Navy Medical Of fie c buslneu couple 1n tbe --'They 1ett 11ore 1n October with legislation on the anti side of Re Prac • . 0 Depu·ty Pl R d have stocked the othe< store with their two s1&mese Ca.ts but after the labor situation wh~ It • SUineS tice ID unity Capt. Clarence S. Williams U ans ea y various types of toys which Santa a -of exceedingly foul wee-• s N R. •~ Ch 1 Pl ' · Claua will want to deliver cm Iller put about and went to San convenes next vear and many · · · -anne ace, New-Chris • Cllnwdnc pn>_.tiona ot .,_ Mar, Cou highway and Jasmine. port Island, has just received his tmu Eve. Pretty dolla and Dle&o. where u.,y have been ewr ol the gains which labor en-a year, the medical oUicel ot Dr. tt, who hu ...,.icled in Having completed his testimony terminal leave and ii now In In-little wacons and other ™-far 11Doe and It ii undoratoocl they· joyed .during the last 16 year.; Philip H. Bassett, M. D, w this 8"'a or the -t five years u an Investigator In the Bendel active service.· Lights wtU be turned on offlcal-tiny tot& have alftady appeared plan to sell the boat and return will 11'? kicked around by a opened last week at their newly-medical officer at the murder case which is now tn the A master mariner, the captain ly throughout the Oranre County In their show windawL -.e an · euier way. llllghtly piqued populace. consMrs.tructE:;;°"Lu1ndmeoronaan,c1e1 ~7_ _!.!~tr.-.~~u!: ~ = ~= : ~ta1n An~ ~~air theailclw':":.i na;;; ~~:"H~ ~~ i~ t'. --;:;=:::;;-,;;;;:;;;:;;:;:::::::;- H .. _.._ roba I •"• civilian practice which was dis· Carl Pryor ot 219 Coral avmu1; the latter part ot it wu In charge Balboa. said today. q ... .., P b_e -..,t Lido Resident, Dies continued during the war. Balboa Island. announced his ...,.: of the uss ABSD one of the Kenny, who ii cbalrman of the thoee models of labonng al>-Af~--Lo Illn Dr. Bauett, recently placed °" lsnatloll ~ 1 u a deputy lariest floattnc 11r7 docks located Christmas Llghtlnc cmunlttee for' jectlon, the coal ~ need KL ng e88 Inactive duty u a commander In ~ft the Or~ County Sherltt'a In the Western Pacific. the Newport Harllcr diatrk:t In and deserve more mooey, Funeral services were he Id the navy, served u a flight sur-o ~ has loft f Y At present Capt. Williams ii !he annual ~ Pro Ir am (and who doesn't) but what Tueoda,y trom Edwards Cokinlal ~ u'::~ ";.~~vy: In~ 200a, wheft he ii ;,.. ':.. ~ ::,,~.:!::., UnlV<'l'Sity ot South-=ty'" C::::-..::.::u!!:' :!~ hurts Is the fact that one~·" Chapel, Los •n-les, for Mrs overseas hues. • l~ac.... ranch land, which be In In In whore he Is mtJar-Asaodated CMmben ot Olm-' u-• ...._._ will cultivate and I I ternatioMI "'1ati<>rlS. A can create such havoc in a Fanny P . Ludm.an, beloved wife A graduate of Dartmouth col-ater on he ex-formtt editor and blllher ot inerce, also "'Pll'Ud that Ille of Erwin Ludman well 1mown 1 In the ci ot 930 poets to """"'-a larae herd of coun-pu Newpxt Hmbor ccmmlt-aie ooun""' which prides Itself on .' · ece aa 1 • Dr. Bu.-cattle. He ~--ts to deal tn ·•-1 ., ~pen, • well '" • .__._ __ .. _ ·~-·--" Loo An&eles durUilt. and a l'Oll-sett r«dved his Initial medical ~--awyer ·~ ii alto stuobln& <n.~ .,.....,. ~.. --<-lta system of checks and bal-<lent ot 152 via Wazlers, Udo training at Washington unlvenlty Callfarnl.a markeL He Is mar-nalllm'. ,,---· 'I'I" pilmnute,. str • d the -. Isle, for several years. in St. Louil, interned at Miw>lai ried and hu one dauellttt, J .. n--advliablUty ot people on tl>e bay Mn. Luclman died after a pro-Baptist hoopltal In St. Louis and ::"• eight. who until """"'tly wu Mrs. WUUtms and her tisttt, fnlnt and around Ille bay ot be' We certr.laly didn't elect aracted iJ1nea of more than a lattt served at the Bellevue 00. ~ In the third cr..ie of the Mill Cara! Culver, are tlto at-clnnlag to -•le their homea and had the ~ de! Mar crammar tchooL leMlag the unlvenity, Ille former with 1 .. t1ve trlnun1-He tlto this man and yet be bas more year spent llllDmer pita! In New Yorlt Cty. Follow• Durina the late war the Bal-stutlylnc far her doctor's de&ree urpd Balboa Ta!and rmidenlll to ~ than and fall heft In the hope that ~ a poet-graduate 1tud)l In med!-boa Island resident wu a lpedal In ~ and Ille latter a -•te their ..,._ ~r over us the quietneu would aid her ,.... one In Vienna, Dr. Bauett ...,.. acent with the Climlnal In>Wtl. aenlor, t1to mtJarinc tn poycltol-He roporUd that tl>e -lllrt.-~ ones we did elect. "°""ry, Deceased was born In celved a fellowship to St. Louil cation Division of the pr°"""t OtlY-de Mlle -tlon wu erectlnr Burlington, Iowa and came to Cal-university and lnrtructed In 1ur-manhaJ PDttal'• office In W-The captain's daupttt, -a cna _, Ille betum .-e llVUENDEB! IF, in your lfarnl.a a quarter of a century aco. gory. lngton, D. C., and wu on duty Enid R wm1a-""'° Is a ~ the -All Aimrlcan _, state ol fogginess, you havn't oho ~aurvi~ i;~~ved = Dr. Bawtt ii a -ot the In Italy and alto traveled throucll ate "' SL Louis Unlwnlt)', II merlret Oii a.at ....,.....,. ":.;-"" been able to repair to your Frances E. Roos. ~ E. Vest Newport Harbor Rotary dub and the Balltans far the ftderal &d.r• stu4J'IDr for her master's de&ree coatrtbutlm to Ille -1 eft11t. fa---'••_....._ of ......_,_ __ t Helen v. ,__ and ~-p '. the Balboa Yccht dub and resides ~nt. All of hia activlU.. iiib In EnsJ!ob at Stanfard UnlwnltJ; He acid a a.no--wu ft WAii ._ __ lo ....;. .. ·-....-.-t-..-.-.IO~l~llUCll _..., .. ~ .K:ai.ft'W ..,..c;o.,. <JI a~ ....... wbea the f•-"-..,.,... • •c•• a_..-_ • W ._. ( I ~ Ludman, Jr, and four crand cltlld-11Vith his wife 4nci three dauehtenl came , nal\ln -· lw __, Pill toptlwr, bein& aet llP In Crftiia• di! )fir * rt. ~ _ ~ !'!! • •sz 11t • N • ...,_ (Olllrdhl ... on Pap ti rm In Corona de! Mar. --~ UrnlloOI llDtCalnd and ..,_ -table --are NollJ' and lw .JiO --. Ntw,..1 -- -~.. -o. ~ .. ., luu.u. z.~ naaed. _,..ti» mpt• -(Qw•z l• .... 8-) ::;~ !34 o.i.--.--... flK 5~1 3 · I "!LIA -' • ... • • WILLIAM P. MEALEY oao:a.u. OON'D&01'0S Residential and 0«1•nedal B11Ddtna PftlO•ooo -: lie•-5111 Ben M llM-W 114 W. 4th St. SfilA Ph. 6688 WNG BEACH ' PASADENA %2 N . Euclid Pb. Sy. !·24.98 M8 Pine Ave. L.B. 624--07 Fresh • Delicious • Economical Live and Cooked LOBSTERS Fresh Caught • Fresh Fish and Seafood In Seuoa WHOLESALS and RETAIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET %8tll St. aad Lafayette NEWPORT Ph: Harbor 615 NOW AVAILABLE Kirsten Photo-Electric Pilot Automatic Steering for Commercial and Pleasure Craft · -ALL VOLTAGES-- • AI.80 Sol-E-Naud ' Reverse Gear Control .... ., .... ----• ETS -HOKIN & GALVAN SINCE 1820 1000 eo.t Jllway . Allota_FJ_..,.__.,. ct• It et::'1lm l••IMls...oe+1i•,. EI.ECTRICIANS ()..().ho l1te Ecpfpa-~ 1w r.&010ar, PLANT. ln08S, OnlCZ. r.&aM. BOIQ \ .. • ........ Voyagers to a Mexican Port News-Times Writer ~tinhes Narrative on Unspoiled People He Met in Isolated Mexican Town; Service Tip Returned by Cafe Proprietor Who Said, "You Paid Too Much" for Food ltJ' llAJ&OU> L. llA&N1lJ( N....s-nm.s Staff Writer (PART FOUR) Volumes have been written.--------------I about tht> Mexican people, and to mab of all types are noticed ln one who has read them all, there the main part of the dty. OUR NEW . HOURS 7a.m.to 7p.m. ':' . still would remain that · miulnc There are many burroe and link-understanding-to the per. donke)'I used to cart heavy loads son who had not ventured to that of charcoal and food staples. Then mysterious land and its lnscrut-then are animals that catch the able but loveable people. There eye U never havina leeD before. is onJy one way to find out how Yet. with all of this, the town ls the other people of the world very clean, much ~e.aner than live, and that is to visit them. many of our U.S. cities. Why! learn to talk to them. and U\le Perhaim there la more individual •• BAI.RO& ISLAND • I ~ -Oet1p 1"27ic with them. interest. And a note for our own con-Bananu are not the supreme Sumption: U a Mexican came to product of the town, only the I our country, just an everyday re-. ariltottat. To~acco piles up eight apectable Mexican, would he be .to twelve mJll1on pesos per year Invited to parties, served meals, ~r ta plantation own~. though showered with smiles humor and · e banana crop, ~o ~on pesos DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH . ' " annually are the 1ndustr1es U. S. pleasantries wherever he went. .. 1 ti .. Id Chicl th It is my doubt. But there in Ba-P 8 nos go · e, e gum nanza town the mayor the doc-~e chew, adds another two mil-• · lion lemons half m· • tor, the millionaire. the peasan t .. ·. .. . · a m ion, anu. farmC"r, will all be the same. Hl.s pocito, oil~, ~ to 11'!4':JU- 1hirt is your shirt. He will do his facture cooking otl, one million utmost to please' you. ror no mat-pesos. Hundreds of. thousands are ter how crude his existence he pockete? by local fishermen from Y.ill help you. feed you and . en-shark~il. Another half million is tertain you. His time is your time. re~zed from lwnber. . He is ne\.·er a \'ain person. But ese ~~ucts are recognized when in his country, never insult ~ the citi~ top eXJXlr ts. They him, his clothes, his manne r, 1m?<>rl practically all of their ma- speech, or his family. chinery, ca~ned goods, manufac- tured clothing and other indus- trial goods---t>xcept soap -they manufacture their O\.\'Yl, If an unsuspected duck or pig casually walkE:d through your house, \.\"OUld it frighten you? Or "'OUld it be revolting? You'd get used to i.• in Bananza town. Ever yone does. A n d why not'? The animals have surprising dili- gence there, they seem to r espect its cleanliness. Ther e is cleanli- nC'ss C'\"Cr}'''herc. thC' people, th('ir houses, their animals. It should be r emembered, filth is \V he r e filth is. There arc 1 o t s of animal! aro und the tO\\"n. some "'anderinG in and out of ho uses. or their yards, others just meandering in 1he Strt'Cts. ThC' roe~ cut loose "'ith a great lunged blast about three in the morning "'i th every- thing they've got. Domestic ani- Isolated as the town is there are few outside money interests. The ·townspeople boast of three local millionaires, the town being quite wealthy, and everyone seems to have a sufriciency. Their \\•ants are infrequen t . As Senor Alberto told me \\"hen I asked him '''here I could buy jewelry in the town. he answered "We do not need je\.\•elr y. All w~ \Vant is a shirt, a pair or pants and "zapatos" (sh~). .. • AT LEFT CENTER In -lop photo lo a elilpwrecked 10,000-toa Vlct.ol"J' abl.p broken lo half and victim of 'i.olent wind &Dd mountal:D· om waves alter aa encou.nter wttll a ''chu.buco". Picture wu mapped at clOMt ran~ from tbe Paracon Dear Macdelen.a Bay, Note tbfl rugpd •ores and rocky ten-aln. Cent.er : a beau.Utul sky 11.ft. o,·er B•n•nu town u the Paragon nean lbt port p t call. The clty lie. ln the exact center of thh photo. Below, the Paragon's desUna· tton, which "'"fl ha\'fl labeled Banam.a town. The city literally dls- sol,·es Into the jungle. 1ust rtpt of ceDt.er C&D. be wien the dome and spire or tile Catholic church. -plloto by Gerhardt. ged peaks. After about 7000 feet I Framework of Telco is smooth sailing. Discouraging, B ild• I Fi . hed isn"t it? U IDg S DIS There are plans to build a rail- r oad fr oni. Guadalajara to the isolated city.' This is unfortunate, indeed. The tO\\"tl might lose some of its pleasing individuality. But it is doubtful if the f\Iexican peo- ple of that "utopian" city will suffer the loss of charm. If you have been to Mexico ~·ou may have exper ienced an ex- cess of tipping, and may have bf-en discouraged \.\'ith yourself for paying too much for an item. But in Bananza town I \vas Workmen of the R . J . Daum Construction company have com- pleted the framewo rk for the one- story building for the new Balboa exchange of the Southern Cali- fornia T C'lephonc company on eci.st Centr al avenue n ear Coronado str eet. Balboa. The building is expected to be ready for occupancy by Ja nuary 15. ama zed at a proprietor in a cafe Sell that unwanted article who I had tipped. a "peso." He through News-llmes ads. ORAllGE OWN ALL -STEEL PLEASURE Built By Central Boat Works took tht> Mexican bill I ha d given 1 , him and returned to his cash reg-----------------------------------------. ister. . The Mexican people in Bananza Land ask so little of life and that is probably the reason for its small police force. Onl}' six of- ficers are required to patrol the popu]ace. And in the city's jail are a half -dozen prisoners. As I was told by the chief-of- police, "They are not criminals. only a few men that had too good a time, or too much 'ricea'." I Ricea is a drink similar to ie- quilla, but more potent, if that be J)OS3ible). MIDWAY AUTO SERVICE He looked at the bill, scratched I his head. then re turned to my / ~ table. smiled, then apologetically I -..<i:Y said. "Este es demasiado grande," ...... -. ,, o,_ ....... .. .. ..,. .. -...... .. Quality Lumb. and Building Materiala • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO. H. E. HOSTETLER PhODfl Beacon 0015 D's ,, • ••' i'll .,,, 74 •aw~ ... _ .... ,... ..,...,.._ .....,. hat•Na. ._. .-.-T 'a1 --Jfw1 • 8 zfsltl .. XWOIU I·--....... --.._ ...... ~=-wl•t1: I bee~ .. WW 8Dd. -Ma .... ~ ... Dr. .... ·--........ aod1ll .. tnN ... ...... '•::it ... -Df. 1111"9 •• _ _.. __ Ill ..... i:: •-ta = .. I 1Tab1- ..... I I '17 eoathtq to .. sou •nwaellt .......... ~ llOln :rou 'l'RT lT t, I ..... -.... lltore, E; , W.W. ..... 75f, . ......... _.iu.c- .. -.._. -dlncted. v.•hich in Spanish means "this is I J"'I.-. -,~"'- too much." 1 Mechanlnal Work 1501 WEST CENTRAL AVENUE PHONE H&BBOB 2126 He djdn't want to accept the I tip. The people in Bananza town , are that unspoiled. !Continued Next Issue) He also informed me that in addJtion to being well fed the prisoners are often given many privileges and leniencies. A sun Afte1 a thorough examination, bath, a visit to the wife, or per-the doctor eyed the tall and very haps an afternoon off; these are thin patient. all in the dally schedule. "W ell. doc. how do I stand?" The genuine atmosphere of asked the patient. Bananza Land has not been ! "Goodness kno\VS," r eplied the stroyed by tourisbl, not in : doctor , "it's a miracle." least. Choice of travel to the town i.s twcrfold-by ship or by pl SM. The a.Jrfleld is surrounded by Jungle and lofty mountain peaks. A short runway makes it neces- sary for a plane to make a quJclc take-off, then circle the valley for altitude. Pla ne service is daily from Guadalajara. Though the field is a precarious one, only three planes have been lost during their take-off in 11 years of service. The take~ff is like a running ~mash a t .the jungle; then when I in the air, the surprised pas-\ se.nger wonders whether his pilot will be able to raise his plane I above thou.sands of trees and rug- SOFT WATER • OCEANS OF IT? • AUTOMATIVALLYf ONLY $2,50 M~TB For tile Averac-e Famlly There's nothirig to buy. We install a softener in your home . . . We own it, we service. For full information call- SOFT WATER SERVICE '10 S!nd St. Newport II.arbor 1149 MET -CLAD PRODUCTS by CLARK & BATES See Our Barbecue Stein for Hot or Cold Liquids Metallizing- Welding- e INDUSTRIAL Tanks, keels, motor blocks, pans, pistons and shafts. e ORNAMENTAL Art objects, doon, signs, store front decoratimis. e AILTYPES Spedallita in steel, cast iron. aluminum. brass., bronze. -AU WORK GUA&ANrEEI> - :NJtWl'O&T BEACH llOI -8--· Z1101 VENETIAN BL·INDS • SAi~ and SERVICE Pan -Coast Venetian Blind <A». - l MOTOB8 • Tlm&-Upo a 8pedalt7 • • F1!lldon l'lnd •Wheels Stnlght-1 • Body &p.lrlag - ' Have this 4-Point Check • Auto Painting S50 . ' . ........ --• TALYD ... OABBOJ!f ..... ClmCSJID • '°""""" -nca aDd Up NOTICE ·' Butchers Union Local No. _551 Presents the Following: THERE ARE BENEFITS FOR ALL IN A 5-DAY WORK WEEK FOR THE MEAT-CUTTER!! FOR THE HOUSEWIFE: 1. Economy in Buying-when the housewife buys for an extra day, she can plan better. :i. A greater selection on Tuesday-carefully displayed meat from an increased stock. 3. Fresh, carefully cut meat. 4. Improved market sanitation -an opportunity to disinfect, clean, ice-boxes and cases. 5. Better service from rested personnel. FOR THE MARJlET OPERATOR AND OWNER 1. Greater sales at less cost per individual customer. 2. Opportunity to arrange stock and plan for the week's sales. 3. A great saving on shrinkage, and therefore greater profit. 4. Reduced overtime costs. 5. Improved employee morale. FOB THE lll&N IN THE wmn: APRON 11D18ELl1', there Is the opportunity to do those small errands, to -discharge thoee duties which ever"} father and husband and working man must ha've. He can go to school and talk to Johnny's or Susie's teacher ... He can buy himself a pair of shoes-or get a haircut-or go to his doctor for a check-up. 'lbese are all Important and CW!ltial ·for every American. You want film to haw this freedom! These opportullltle9! . ' 'lbe9e are the-benefits for the man who says •.. "WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU TODAY!" • l.l'BANK J[&ASNl8&1 Pr '1 •• Bifl(JHfH8 1J!lfl0l'r'loml 1fo.151 • • 0 * * • • insurance p.a. palliler IMCOIPOIATO• w. o. t.:t..' 1 -. ca Jtb 3333 Ylo IJdo, •ewport ~ch, coltf. telephone newpon beach, horb« 1500 PEl'l'Ell'S BALBOA INN CAFE Tiie WldeH Vuto&y of * * Steaks, Chops, Sea Foods and Italian Foods latbo-•A.nle ENTl:BTA.INllENT NIGBTLY--BUSSELL swu:rSEB ....... 701J7 faYOrlte --OD &be HAMMOND ELECl'BIO OBOAN Surf & Main St. Balboa . Barbor372 • • AP HEihM* i'jf ('fili1i.1111·~-il!!illlt· ·~EI.·!!mlt:~~S.I!~: •Religion, 1r s Functions On BILL OF RIGHTS 1 WEEK ans:=ie;.t= .. -~ Human Life Told in Book Dn:ftm, BllSlws Me• -.,.. lsla1d· Give SIOOO to Find di are being dropped into the Kent Cooper, executive director sary of signing of the first ten water from 'aboani the S. S. Ran-LOS ANGELES -To under-I the dvillzatlon ol the fubl!e, It Something new haa been added. of the Associated Preu, will amendments to the Constitutton..l ger, the Sea Scout Ship, to deter. stand the religions of the future. la nece1 11 1 to Ubd&stand tbl Balhoe .Islend ~ men got Tuesday, December 10, will be mine ocean curTents and wav e we must study the religions of roles that the ttHP.. al tbe topther WedM9day night and launch the l946 Bill of Rlghts devoted to freeclom of thou&bt heights it was dlscl-.i by the the -t, writes Dr. Knight Dun-put, from which the rel!pww ol raloed a tbousond doUara to put Week observance in Southern Cal-and opportunity with !he high-Orange County Sewerage Sw-vey lap, profeuor-<!meritus of psychol-the pr9e11t day haw ~ on their Ouistmu Uehling pro- iforn1a, at 8 Freedom of Speech ]Jzbt of tbe day an lmpreatve today. ogy of the Los Angeles campus of have played in the cultures' al. sram. aooording to H. J. Fc;:r-. and Press lunchT a~ the d Loi noon ceremony on the Spring: Those finding the bottles are the University of California, in which they were an fn tearal put. .. sythe,. predclet:at of the Island bus~ Angeles Ambassa or. 0 n !1 Y Street steps of the Los Angeles requested to designate the spot his new book, "ReligiQn, Its Fune-1 Dr. Dunlap declares. lnea CJ'OUP.. noon, Decembe~ ~ w1thd leading Qty Hall. Leading federal, state, and then mail the postcard to the tions in Human Life," published '7 his historical Oil' genetic '1bl9 ii of course, in addition n_ewspaper publts . rs an execu-county, and city officials will par-survey's headquarters in Santa by McGraw-Hill. method is only one put ot It: fWl to the individual plana of mem- ti'\tes of the radio industry as ticipate. City and county schools Ana. From these reports engi-Dr. Dunlap writes that the pur-com parative method that ·ta ~ hen ot~ the business assodation guests. are also staging scholastic ob-neers learn where the ocean's sur-pase of his book is to present re-sential for the complete atudy ot to decorate their own establish- Joe Crail general chairman of servances. face CWTents go. Such bottles ligion as a normal product of religion. The other put ot the IDl!'ltlt:a. , • the Bill of Rights Cmpmemora-Wednesday, December 11, has have been washed ashore off Cat-man's conscious processes, his de--comparative meu;;{ is the o::.n. Included in the Island program tion Committee, has cllosen John been llssigned to freedom of as-alina and as f"ar south as Ocean-sires, his fears and especially his parison of religions that exist wUl also be the Ouistmas Tree B. Long, general manager o_f the sembly and trial by jury and gov-side and all along Long Beach. planning for future contingencies. contemporaneous\y and w )J 1 ch annually installed by the loCal California Newspaper Publishers ernment, with every courtroom in "In order to understand the role have little, il any, genetic relatiaa Rotarians. Association, to be chairman of the Los Angeles County directing at-Bill of Rights Day with hundreds a reUgion may or may not play in to one another." A new special feature on the day. with F1oyd Maxwell, head of tention to the Bill of Rights. of organizations calling atten tion Island program is tbe .. Caro the Los An&eles Newspaper Pub-Thursday, December, U, will to its many ramilications. E G I F A d Singers", 8 groUp of-pne forty Ushers Association and Robert 0 . hail the veteran· and what the Saturday, December 14, an d pe ts t · • • residents who will tour lhe Island Reynolds. president of the South-original Bill of Rights m eans to Sunday, December 15, will both uro an ov OS er I by blla and also make the drcult ern California Broadcuters As-him. with groups from both world be consecrated to freedom of wor· around the Island on the Island sociation, as co-chairmen. wars feted at a luncheon spon-ship for all denominations and F c f M Ferry boat December 9 to 15 inclusive ob-sored by the Los Angeles Opti-faiths. or omposers 0 us•1c· "nle9e are jU1t a few of the fea-served as Bill of Rights Week, mist Club at the Biltmore. tures. planned, and also inclu~ commemorates the 155th annlver-Friday. December 13, will be Ledger 1heeta at N...,._Tlmeto, . In the irogram i. a big Oiriat-~=======================::::!.'...'.:'.'.'..::.:::'.::'.::.::::::...:::~=::...:=:.:.:~ W S ANGELES -American mu Party for the youngsters also ;.==========;;:===================================================; l com posers of serious m usic face '11...!ld B• &lW!J1 by the Newport-Balboa Ro-- • Buffums· SANTA CLAUS is in Buffum•' TOY LAND, in the Downstairs Store. Bring the children to see him 9:30to12; 1 to S:30 daily. Lon9 Beach, California .•. ...._/· Winter Fun Suits for the J.ollipop Set Snug, warm, and water-repellent togs for youngsters 6 months to 3 years old. Grand for mountain resorts or for general winter wear. Close-fitting knitted wrists and cutt1, lipper closing, and drawstring waist. Rose or blue. • , . • Poplin, wool-lined with hood Cotton corduroy and twill Matching helmet or bonnet llaby Sllop • $12.30 $6.95 $1.29 / Give Her a Wool Coat 100% all wool fleece box 1tyle, with rsglan shouJders a nd two pockets. Beige, red, or blue, with beautifully matched rayon lining. For Sirls 3 to 6 $14.95 For Sirls 7 to 12 $17.95 Cute Jumper D11ess Letti Styled by "California Mu.Id." Pinafore effect In blue chambray with ruttl• and plaid trim. 7 to 14. $1.95 Qtnpam Shirt tlO pal with Jumper DrelL Two-WQ ool- lar. lhort lleevea. 7 to ~4. $2 Ullk Sister Dress hr Letti Pinafore lll;yle, too, In C 0 t t 0 D lhantun1, with lleeves and Mlf auh tie.. W'hlte embroidery trim. PUtt lleeveo and oelt auh tie. Shrimp or blue. $3.91 Cldi.'-. • • ••• ,_ Gay· m • Q."istnhd Jacket For a boy 2 to ti. Revermble cottoa pbardlne, plaln on one lllde, pWd • tile other lllcle. Blue, IP'ftll. . brown. Knit lleeveo, patah pocbt8. Qnnd for play or dnu. Sltl Is for a Boy 4 to 14 Western style two-tone lb1rt In PY color combination. O:ltton fian•l Lons Ileen&. $2.ts Cotton pbardlne-Plain blue, ..... or yellow or plaid combinations. Two poeHta. Two-~ opo1ta col- lar. $2.IO llof9'... • ., ...... • I an up-hill battle even if their 2 '11W ren Itf.eDj tary Club. music i. good becaus. this country D Q tined ;::::.='===========:::; lacks • system of fostering new ogs uaran ~ works, according to Dr. John N . Dy~ WO k Vincent. iwoclate professor of Two children ...,... bitten by e r music on the Los Angeles campus dogs here recently. OD You PIMled Garmeatll of the University of California. Police reported Charles Baker, Broadway CJe&ners _ 1 , European governments assist in 22 months old, of 110 ,__ta) the publication of serious music or ........ ,. U aro.dwaJ' Pia.. Beacom nu avenue, Balboa Island, was bitten subsidize orchestras which play by a cocker spaniel owned by Mrs. it, and for this r eason composers such as Shostakovich and Sibelius Edna Craig of 1700 South Bay Front, Balboa Island A physician are better known in this country who treated the baby dld not give than such native WT"iters as Aaron the pare nts n ame. 8ELECI' HOLIDAY GIFTS Copland and Roy Harris. "It costs almost as much for Police also reported that IJnda an orchestra to rent a symphony Preston, age seven, of Box 113, by 8 modern American as it does Costa Mesa, was bitten by a sett.er to buy outright th e necessary owned by her grandfather IL IL score and parts for a symphony Webster of RFD Box 368-A, Wil- by Beethoven or Mozart" Dr. Vin-son street, Costa Mesa. A pbysi.· cent says. ··As a consequence, cian treated the child. BOOK8 for all..-.. STATIONERY PABlll CBOOOLATEll VIDllSTMAS CABDS T1le Blue Sails m0&t orchestras stick to the stan- dard r epertoire. If a new sym .. phony is heard only once or twice, it never becomes popular." Both animals were' pJaced under quarantine by the police .the re- part disclosed: -lllalB St.. Bal._ To provide some hearing for Americans, the University's music department is offering monthly recitals of the wor k! of native composen. Included in the sched- ule are compositions by Jacobi, Ives, MacDowell, Harris, Cowell, Sowerby, Copland, and Stringham. Finch Hospital Plea Nets Additional Sum Of $1500 from Here "We stand to lose a three quar- ter million dollar investment ln a aua A. hospital unless we get In and dig and dig deep," Thia was the message brought to the Directors of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce by Braden Finch. Jocal chairman of t he hos- pital fund at their regular meet- ing held Wednesday noon at the Newport Harbor Yacht club. AccordJng to Mr. Finch the total needed to put the drive over is about $33,000 and Newporc I Harbor folks should assume a 1 goodly portjon of rthis amount. Al- l ready S31s·,ooo has been raised in the county to date. When the county total r eaches $400,000 then the fund can count on a gift of $100,000 from Glenn Martin and his mother both of whom have expressed a keen in- terest in the hospital plan. WE WELCOME YOU 'l'O OPll:N A CHARGE ACCOUNT <•-•·•DaJ9) lilubro'1 --to -btandopmart ••c .. L 0....-......... --. Ille ·-.... ~ ....... P1ne A_..a Nadoul17 .&d1wll Ml READY-TO-WUB mARBROJ c/a~ Cl,na, - !18 WEST 4tll ST. PHONIC HO: Store Boan: DUiy IDdadlng Saturday 9:30 A. M. to 5:30 P. M. I To date about $46,000 has been I ~======================:;=~ raised in the Harbor Area and all !' of this is in cash. It is pointed out by the hospital board that pledges will be acceptable and the pay- ments may be' made over two years more, both in 1947 and in 1 1948. "I t would be a great disaster if we were to lose out on this hos- pital program. The area badly needs the~ kind of institution We are promised," Finch added "The instJtution will attract many ot the ri&h t kind of people to the area and keep here many who some time or other need the ae:rv- ices ot a first dass hospital and it'• staff." A& a result of Mr. Finch's plea for help , pledges totalllng $1500.00 were added at the meetin.c. V1n01 folden 9 t N,....._Thnea. -I r==-====~t SOF'l' WATER OIVa Y()U LVXOSIOUS. l..&8'I'IN8l .st7D8 WHB , O~'nlDW .&II llOO&. 80AP Ju 1-u $2.50 .... Udlth aorr wAn:a llDVJOI: Ut -a. l!f .. pod -11&1 MEN-WOMEN PIG!ltate : • • Pelvis .. ,.. .... r, 0 ,,~ .. -------,_ we-. Jmll!F• MT ,, _. tut...._..,...,.,_ ' =.,.•s'ct-. • • • IT'S YOUR GLANDS ... •• I ·==-. ..... ::r ·-.. --· '=·'.:.. ............................. .......... ~-..... .... ...... •mrJ. --'SJ II .-;: ... ~it. .. ·-.... r a a .. I shop Si¥_·-4 Cllll "'*4_ 6 fl.. .. . \ <::::__ SwaC...•-.-.iilViikfor cwww,_ ... Do ,.... a..:. .... -• mm,t ..., --.....,, "'-"' I I' _,, I' -' "'-*# The---~., .... ·-be-· .. 11 --bcaor .. • ., • 1 I aftilalik-bJ ........ ,.,. ... ·-·-· _..,.__. ...... I ~ --. doe_ ... ._ -Ill&& ..... p.a. -----...... 7'6 -.r.,.... -----·--.. . .? .. &ST' •• , i_ .. , ------ • ' • • • ;:!""::!~•5~:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;j";;""~~-.j9""jjp:'J'll!;•!*DtS!!!CS!!f;?~·~·~·~ao::i1•~'ll~&=•:w-;••wwe Xc=eet·1 t 0pne. ,~:·..,.;:~rr;1or~·=n::i·~~·=··;;1.~19!;11;:::;ui::::""'.;;::::---:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::~ Crew's fate . , nae Sand Crab · Remington's New ate Fatller Soll [ H A N S E N 'S noe o. 1u PJcm • . Co•fectfoaery & LlllCh • • NOW OPEN l:VllNING8 .Srnchriches • Hambmgen 1 ~d,11s_._ fJw17 • Oate . WATCHES for HOME IS A MAN'S IFHEOWNSA- CASTLE MARTIN-ALDEN HOME HE IS "KING" The largest single life time Investment that most people make is In a home, why not build a home that you will be proud to own-at a price you can afford to pay? Mass production ;iows us to deliver on your lot all basic,materials for a complete distinctive home-large or small. (Yes, the package includes plumbi{lg, wiring, fix- tures and nails at one low cost). Plans meet all building coi!es and FHA n!Quire- ments. You can have your choice of Eng- lish cottages, Monterey or the ever popular California ranch style home. Also smaller units, garage, 4 unit apartments and Dlotels are ready for delivery aJtywbere. See our plans today. Stewart-Rohner Ouk Jlem Hotel • ~OolltlDued -Pap 11 Sloop Laundted For Sip· ~ed(:f ;" , M As for the latest local gossip, we · ff yst can give you a quick once over The Kona. • 38-foot radng ' State ay I Oii the up-to-the-minute topic lloop, WU launcbod Sa1Urda7 around our bay-kjsaed shores noon at the South Oout """"'8117. 11-Patrolman Rex Allbrt&bt Boat d . and will likely -Into the ot the l'fewpcrt -pollce cle-oun . . .A somewhat disgruntled ,,_. many timel, come 1Ymmer putment -a pair In one fam- concessionalre from Balboa racing competition. 11y Sunday In bll hunt far speed- that the case then became involved ln a hanh discussion, during which time one of the councilmen aroee and sa.id the conceuionalre could not threaten him. Harmon said that he wu not threatening any one; that he merely was asking for recons1d· eration of the denial, and that lt this was not forthcoming, he would seek recourse 1n an appeal to the courts. has dropped his petition de-The i-t WU desi&1'<d by Ito erw 00 101 bill>-.Y· .......,., Wll1lam Rftnlncton. who The 1'"'tor patrol ottlcor WU mandlng the recall ol two ol hu been praminent In ~t "'-1lnc up the road -two our duly elected civic fathers. radng circles. In 1937, Remington can paged him In the oppoolte It alis-n that the unhappy sailed In the Honolulu r..,. with -._ He quickly turned bll qui•-alone In his Walter Franz. vlce-pnsi<lont elf mo!Gl'eyde about aad Jped after one was "" the South Oout company. the - opln,lon ot the honesty and "Bill." u he Is knaom around Later he overtook the madlka lnteCrlty ot our civic leaders the harbor ...... raldent of Bal-and they turned out to be drl-and:ts decided that our mis-._ for 20 ,.. ... _ 'lbou&b be Is by • father and -combination. now living In San Dieso, he hired Drlvlna •the l!nt car wu Stuart gul popula~ must carTy local craft.men of the Newport Hugh Gordon, !56, the lather, and on ,,.ithout the b!;ne{lt ot a Harbor area to build the KDna. Robort ·Stuart Gordon. 35, the cart! and ll8eless recall elec-Tom Dittmar of Balboa, who -· both ot Lone llHdi. jy hu built oome of the -nclnc Both can, aca:irdlna to the tlon, i-i. on the Pacific Cout, wu policeman, ...,.. clocl<ed at :so The Jack of support given In charlre o! _constructloa. The miles an hour at 101 -Iris to the petltionen speaks well 1para _,,.., formed by Gene Hade, avenue. Father and aon told the Coota Mesa. and the Niii were policeman they were on their way for )both the people and· the made by Kenny Watta, Newpot1 to a weddlnc-The o!flcer banded two councilmen In question, Beach. them cltatlono to appear In city Les I Isbell and Bob Allen ~-commanded a Navy court here on Satuntay to answer ;GD minesweeper during the war, In to apeedinc charges. -"ti the Okinawa campaign, Where he experlenc<d the terrifyln& exper-w~· ters Goes Where 1ence of a Jap kamikaze auac1c. . . bing Is Plentiful The yachtsman, an active mem-ber of the Newport Harbor Yacht Jack W inten of C.C.ta Mesa club and the San Diego Yacht h a s 1 equipped his fishing boat, club. plans to enter the sloop In Bonnie Jean, tor a trip to Pacific all Southern California racing Coast Mexican waters, where, he competition in the boats cla.u. "Saving Our Birds.'' A. strong plea tor hunters' cooperation in the preservation of flyinc wild· fowl. Accompanied by a full color layout of bird illustration1 by John J . Audubon, in the American Weekly, the mquine distributed with next Sunday's Loo Angeles reports, fish · are plentiful The event waa attended by 40 V<-\"ters waa formerly chief en- of Remington's friends, who were ;::============J gineer aOOard the Paragon, ba-served refreshments after the Examiner. nana. ship docking here. launching . "Great Romances-the Major a nd His Lady.'' The touching story Oty Attorney Roland Thom~ son advised the common council that he would be willing to defend the city in case of such action. • • • of the Major whose wife was The Kona will &ail to San Diego this weekend. The owner will be accompanied by his wife and Mr. and Mn. Spencer W. Richardson AFTER ANNOUNCING his stricken with leprosy, appearing in the American Weekly, the mag- of Balboa. withdrawal of plans for the re-azint distributed with next Sun-All kinds typewriter rtbbom b call, Harmon said that he would day·~ Los Angeles Examiner. stock at the News-nmet. like to answer one report that --,---~;-;~;;;-;~~a;-:;;;-;;;i~;;p;p;~;---- was being circulated about the CASTAWAYS' CHA R harbor district with reference to I I t. his manner of procedure before the municipal body. "Apparently you, too. have heard the report," Harmon be1an. ''They are saying that ·1 went about it In the wrong way. That I should have installed the wheel and had it in operation so that the police committee could have ap- proved or disapproved it. "Well, during one of the dis· cussions before the city council acted on my applicaUon, I asked the council if it was necessary for me to place the "-"heel in operation first, and they seemed to agr ee with Councilman Robertson's ron· tention that that WB.5 not neces· sary. "Robertson said that the police committee could visit Bob Brown's place, see his wheel in operation and then decide whether I should be given a similar license to op- er ate one." CLOTHES POR MEN AND BOYS By NANCY NEWPORT _,,_ COLORFUL CUSTOMERS CONTINUE to congregate on the bluff, come Fog or High Water! CERAMIC BALL PRIZE WINNERS from Laguna, Ernest and J eanne Geiennan, talking costumes with Dan and Neva (last year's winners) and wearing, as they always do, prize.winning Castaways' fashions! Jeanne had on the gayest of all shades of vennillion-which ·she had cut from a ne w deal in yani· age. It comes in a circular piece of wool tubing-you slip it over your head like a sweater and pin it, pleat it--0r thumb-tack it to your hip---and it's a dress-NO SEAMS. Deep-sea diver Ernst had on his beachcomber yummy woolens in arty colors. Their prize· winr;i.ing ceramic ball costumes would have been just as appropriate at crastaways! SHE went as TiiE SEA-with stockings of REAL fishnet-with a giant lobster for a crown (they had eaten the meat for dinner), and HE went as a TOTEM POLE-made from an old surf board, m.Jnd you-they are going to ma ke these parts of his costume into fumi· ture for their LIVING ROOM! Late Evmlrlr Harmony ';;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;;;;;;~ Arthur and Ethel Wagner of Balboa Isle were singing THE MOST Ii beautl!ul harmony I've ever heard. in front of the fire. with Dr. and Mn. Wilbur Wagner of Laguna. They had been celebrating ·a com· bina:tion of birthdays and w~ding anniversaries. Earlier I hf,d caught the Olet Loomis family, al6o of Laguna, contributing harmony to the castaways' recording of Mills Brothers' Meet Me Tonight in Dreemland. Chet wu complaining about the place-card Don had drawn o! him-there's ONE MORE HAIR on the TOP OF MY HEAD! 'l'h.aidrqtvtn,. Fos OPEN 8 A. M. TO 8 P. M. • SIZZLING STEAKS e DeUcloas llanlllwprw e Rome Baked Plea SHEP'S . . . failed to put a crimp in the turkey and home made hot mince pie. Btrr it DID get me into a thickspot. My escort poked his ear out alonf the bluff, instead of down the lane to the highway, and apparent y in a maze of NON·COMPASS MENnS--gave up all 1015 COAST HIGHWAY sense ot direction for the momen t and PROPOSED to me! NEWPORT . . . well DON'T think I didn't see to it that Cap Don threw up -n.e Rome of Oood ir.ta" a barricade, with an exit.arrow and a toreh·light to boot next day. CLOSED ON MONDAY Wlwn I decide to marry again, it will be either at the Hearts and ~~~~~~~~~~~~ F1owen T able-or on the way in or out that front door where D. : has planted all the JASMINE-with a FULL MOON TO BOOT. ------------,fl NOT in a pea·soup tog where a gal's roller skates ~ght take her only farther and farther lnl'o the WILDS! Barbor U(bta and New l'e&l"a E'fft FOR nIB YACHTING FRATERNITY-will be more attractive than the lights of. Broadway! First table lo be reseryed for the gala evening was accompanied by request for vtew of that fabulous pan .. orama. I doubt if there'll be anyone under a table that night, at Castaways'-it THATS what you want-but for MY money-rll take the colorful , spontaneous spirit whJch everyone brings, or ·finds -up on the bluff. to helf me ring out the old and ring in the ne w ! (and I'VE heani the bel and seen some of the gay plans), AND I can Just TASTE that SPECIAL LATE SUPPER! More hnonalltlee O.LCULLY Bonded Certified Tax Comaltaat Income Tax Ucoaoed Pabllc Aeoomttant Yom Patronace Appreciated Ull SPUBGEON BLDG. :08 W. tU. SL Santa Aaa ORANGE COUNTY PUBLISHERS and wives filling the boat· deck. with the channing Sam Porters officiating. Wally Gerhardt 1------------- and Big Banana.Boatman presenting a large stem of greens which Stinger Stanley added to his picturesque back-bar. A cute Mexican critter of some sort was also being promised--.sounded like a long· I nosed. long.tailed Teddy.bear. Next night I saw Erskine Johnson, who with the Mrs. was giving a party at the Dorothy Lamour table-chatting with Brick and Mom Gaines. I And from Laguna, Don Mancheste r . dining with ..his mother. The Great All American Market boys were giving another party, and so Y.'ere the Harbor Island Mackeys, and the George H. Strickers. Neptune and Rh Harem Sandy F.MacKay INSURANCE -That•s All Llt E · F"IRf ·A UTO MARl t !E, ETC. BRIGGS & MacKA Y -·.·• 1:_ c ... rq ra l, Balbo1 HOME Loa ' Our home loan plan mak~s it as easy as possible for you to carry your loan to completion NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAYINGS _._, LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A. l'l.lm6\ Prosldont 8111111 VIA LIDO .. MONE M .... a .. 1eao NEWPORT BEACH, CALIP'DRNIA Cocktails B'DOMES Fine Drinks Hot T-BONES -FEATURING- Corned Beef PORK CHOPS BY Sandwiches TOP SIRLOINS "DEE" ROBINSON, Chef of the Kitchen Newport ·Beach Ocean Front "SALLY" REES, Proprietor PRECISION FREQUENCY SERVICE Call Harbor 1690-.J for RADIO PHONE FREQUENCY MEA.!ltJREMEN'l'S and Percentage Modul&Uon Cbecka Contractors' Rental Equipment Everytbblc la Machinery for the lluildlaK Contractor BUILDING and CABINET SERVICE DUTCH HEACOCK Ph. HARBOR 502 or BEACON 5508-W 17U. IUld BANTA ANA AVE., COSTA. MESA WILLIAM S. ffiETON, M. D. Announces The Removal of IDs Of fices for the Practice of Medicine & Surgery To Laguna Beach 1006 Coast Blvd. South . . . is the title of ooe or Cap'n Don's pa.inti~ _in the Driftwood Room. SO, he introduces me to the handsome jOvial gentleman he ~~!!!!~~!!J!!!lli~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ claims POSED for it-as nIB GREAT NEPTUNE HIMSELF-&tho [ I happen to know HE IS Preside-nt ot Huyler's Candy Co., Treas. ot I the N. Y. Republican Comm. and also Pres. of the American Arbi· tration Assoclatlon-which last is probably why and how he could • handle the large and beeutifuJ HAREM he was dining-Mn. Mary Gard Jameson, Miss Joy Jansen of C D. M .. Mrs. James Rifleman, 1Woft''1.(j M'15N,, TESff,iD nm oc1e.,. 1mtrumen1 tella ua wW• wrong whn you bring your watch ID. and It teO. you lt'a right when you take II awar. Faater, mo"' ecooomlcal npaln, with prillled prool ol acx:uracy. Ted Brown brtnp a watdt and jewelry repair depa>t- IDl'nt to Costa Mesa that ls the !lnest. We have the best ""*laneD and oquipment for expert repalrln& ot -tcheo. clocl<s and jewelry ~ Ted Brown ····-11'1'1 Newpw'l ..... ~- Miss Peggy Perldns and Miss Barbara Casey. Tt.e Story of ETol'Gtloll . . . IS A DJUF"!WOOD MURAL which I overheard D. explain- ing to Artist JANA ot Laguna, who used to do lightning portraits In D.'s Pirate Costle. Miami, na. Mural shows a MERPHANT (a p~nosaur elephant), (life was all under water at that time, he explains), then comes the MERMAN (lilh spruutln!< legs), there Is the FIRST SEA-HORSE. with a DEEP-CEA GODIVA begging for a ride--there is the FlRST "BIRD that was ever GIVEN to anyone ~ the FIRST HARP-PLA~THAT was EVEN BEFORE ntEY HAD HARPS! . 8tarfhll 8r, wltll Julor • ! • oo 11 I~ THAT ONE! And Senile Sailor Blodgett, Sr. was having stag party with Brian Blockett, Jr. (no leash). Also Senile Sailor Tuppermans were thett with lriend5 in the Boat Deck. I I saw the Bali-Isle R V. Manhalls and Ronald F . Barlows, John and Della Mathews, Mr. and Mn. John R Thcmson of C. D . M., Ma/'tha Anglin and Elva Chaffer from the Island. and Dr. and Mn. GeO. Merryman, Jr., dinln& with Dr. and Mn. K. S . Erhardt ot Loluna. I That MERRY MARKEi' MAN, Dick Richards and Mn. were ent~rtainlng the Milon Reinerts. the ll.oger Barrows and the Ronald Batl~Ron hu an IntemaUonal Racer he Is sailing apinst Pirate :t, 's UtUe sailing canoe! Come on pirate? Don't )~ us down! Huntington Seach, Loni< Beach and Santa Ana ""'"' well repre-ed u U>Wll--even IN TllE FOG--oo WHO CARES! Lee Lewis (which I ~lied (.,efls last week), was entertalninr mother and father for 'IllanksCivlng dinner, and promising eut'.· •"'!Q'S' a soovm.ir ot Gallapop, whither he is sailing for a fiahlnc His ocboonet" Idalia Is still my faVOrite pirate oblp! Lee's father, uoed to !lell CARLOADS ol -beer bottles to Don !cw bot*-th.-ing plleey In the Hollywood Pirates' Den. You -a t IRON PIRATES-«olte the CLAY PIPE--ed WON i..:1Ui;ft• Now THERE"S a way to get rid ot )'OUl' Inhibitions! Too tor up on the bluff, 5-)'I' !IE---. att tttiftd pirates!-and a:s ....,.. -~omen on this -Vina ~THATS I ffQLLYWOOD, for yuu • . Nor did that pira e sail bis Senile --.! 'I1DS SUnlkY- 1 TCob FOGGY--l>e 'Cft'talnly HAS retired! The Senile Sallhic So. -----------ldriY ohCJllld -him a WOODEN cvn.ASS! ' • -i<JHMOU.HCiMff Of My Corona del Mar Office 1505 -Coast ffighway SATURDAY· DECEMBER 7th Open Home From 4 p. m.-to 10 p. m. I hope all my friends and clients will find time to . -drop In for my house wamung ~JOHN E. SADLEIR, Realtor STANLEY A. SMITH, Associate Broker . Real' Eetate and Genenl 1-.nce Phone Haibor 741 • • • • • SHAW'S UPHOLSlERING A Complete Upholstering Service .We spedallze In marine up- holatery, canvas breakfast -and -booths. Free eotlmates pick up uid delivery oeTY!ce. • • ·BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Uayd Wells At Ferry Landing, Balboa • C...pletely Moclendlied • STEAKS -CHOPS -SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS . 6 a. m. to Z a. ............ao. TUMday Fountain Service Inspection of Our Kltchen Welcomed • • A Hoss Gay Friends Present Barbor Sportsman With a Broken-down Nag on Bis Birthday-- Mare Joins in Fun as G.Y Group Lift Lido Isle Man to Back of Unromantic Steed - • ...._ .,.._ I ~1kr Del,. .... S. JNI 40 Top Bands f.-OastProgramCitiesReadiedYule. •1J!IDIW ocms 1• -.ow •••n 1'0llJIED W!ai«Ndeldl A Baldi OOLLEGE GFADU4'l'S1 -ID °"'""9 -ID crder. Allo"Pla· do rw.-dl far--. T)pilllS T C t • (Cl r , -._. 11 lslw a Loda m.11 tar ..._ and --. -..-. "W· 0 Ompe e In Beecb men:lian NQ.Wcirld ~ °"-Ill'• Y" c/o -'J1 ·.. . .. 11C LB ::i. ~~~Bol5 ::;...~siu.::.~·~~ ~~ -..:: :...~ T mon:hanta and reoldenta are busy 80-tk 1a-_, -.,. -. -. Omorrow trimmlnc "up their fronll and the FIREWOO~OO cord. Phoae SJffrJl•w, 1011> home and .,.. USO dub at Main street and Cena Sant. Ana fiO'l!l-R. ~tfc i-t ·-tar. Good, - tral avenue ii settlnc up a &brine -a.. ....,. the entrance to the forey to CESS POOLS and ~·-Rata Sl.25 boar. wrti. Approximat•IY 500,000 !ipOctaa Balboa Island. C~PTIC TANKS Bax "V'' c/o -~ aa.eQ» A. ~ ~ Mllent to lie ta. w left at tile Gtlfle7 ton will line the atreeta ot down-One of the features of the N~--, SllPl.OTM&NT OWi •• • 11MIC1 ee • i.-We • ..._ . ....._&. ._ ,._. -.,. polkl8 11ei1 town Lone Beach WecJnewdmv port Harbor OU'istmu ~ Installed Anywhere in •' Ha .. -~ -~ -"-* (Joa-._, N.W-nlaht r.r the Sixth Annual w .. i'. -be • ~ flo&tllic ~ . Orange C..U..ty pert •••• at me& em Band review which bu been ~ wt.licb will be wt up in New· WO~ for bou.tcwcak ND er put time .. u._ In or aat.-Goad -'-199'l. !IS-tk Ta. IDU'9 Jmt h!t& ......... P&tniw \'lwt C PM ttVfved in the beach dty for the port•Ba.J.boa bay. =--~ -It la---•t .a .. ._,..._•-first time lince 1941, when the The mtitt couW pr<>cram will HELP WANTED, l(,ur a.- It W<n a lot to startle Ed oolorful -wu lntemipted by be opened at Huntington Bo&ch, (All Worlc Guaranteed) er lraftllns ID be ' • r. Gurl•y. Loo Angeles and Newpcll'1 Hitchcock open.tine the shutter. the outbroak of war. next T\Jesday, .,,_ the IWltch Full lnaurUlce Curled l"Olll'OOlf. No -......... Harbor yachllman and goUor. Alterwardo the 1ay group told Forty top.Olght mUllc:al orpni· will be !brown to oet the a.aw • Good lncune. y.., are,_._ But be wu utonllhed and ut-Gurley that U..,. expected him to zatlona; preceded by mare tban dty llcbll abluf with Cbriatmu J·. R: McCORMICK boa Apply A-Stoldlo, Slll6 terly apeechlea when be .......,.. raoe the nae In the first' NM<sxwt twlco u many trim drum major-color. MO VlctGria St. Costa 11-No. Kain St., Santa Ana. IJ..., ed a rap on the door of bla home Hartxr ha.ndlc:ap. etteo will tee o!f from the "a tut a lleecon 50ll&-.J DISHWASHER WANTED, DAYS at 736 Via Lido Nord, Lido Iale, Frlenda today were hlklns Ing chute" on Cedar avenue Just Reopens Wednesday __ . _· ________ .;:.93-:,::lk -75c -hour, i-- Monday nl&ht. about Udo Nord handicap. with off °"""" Blvd. They. will pro-Cout HI Cat Sit Clout .. ~ Confronting him In the ~-Ed Gurley up, and beta were eoen , ceed eut on Ocean to American. The Hurley Bell care at 135 Z 0 R I C way C....,.,. ';i.i .._. klnn ~ t hat th• Uilo We ,_,R north on Amttlcan to Seventh Cout highway, Corona del Mar, ' Mar. Sla-4tp way wu a s y, swayback nq, "'1Uld do hla beat~;:'" .tU;; ,...t Oii S.Venth to Pine and oo...; which hu been doaed the put DRY CLEANING MOTHER'S HELPER tn -In ~~~~ ~g~-:....~dated, nag should do lta Mnt. Pine to First, uid then to 1Jn.. month. will be reopened tomor-In Olir Own Plant plouant home with "°'-" Back of the honey -·-wu In the• (ay group which lltt-coin park, which hu been aeloct-row (W-...iayJ. PICXUP AND andbor two children. Phone 11&1'- .. _, sen!A!d the hoa, with tho deed ed u the disbanding area. DELIVER 1512.J. 91-2tc 8 gay group of people, who chorus· cerllfled and .. aled by law were, Competing units wW vie for tro-,. -" -FULUI DIAUI ed as the mare let out a whlnney phJ i 1 uni ,_ Phone ''Happy birthday, d e 8 r Eddie: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Franz, Mt. es n e even dittef'e-'1t clauitica-fot ..... world fa.ow Broa., happy birthday to vn.• !" and Mrs. T. Weston Jay and Mr. tlons, and wfll cover the 20-block Br • U--.... BEA.CON 579IJ..J ,_ and Mn. J.,... Rogers. marching a rea staggered at two-" 11, ..._ Waa .d Polbli. WELL PAID JOBS Before the Udo late sportsman minute intenrala and spaced a ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~: J could collect hlmself, the group Balboan'S Ki"n block apart. This w1u auure each ".": pushed the nag aside, grabbed entry t he tun and uninterrupted I Gurley by the nape of the neck o~ Up County attention of the spectators along Lido Cleaner& ~ Ne.._t Bhd. with Real Futures Laguna Beach Community Players and rushed rum to hla garsi:e. ,,...~ the ent1re une of march and give HARBOR for Young Women 88 LAGUNA BEACH There, u the mare looked on each band entry an oppartunJty I HOME OF THE BRAVE ~':!Y aan!!T.~e~. 7~:1 g:~pei:,.~ ~m~':i~· ~-::;.!'°:,1;er ~ :n~~;;'n."nder the best passible Fer USIElt •••ch· 'us Plumbing Service Telephone Operators I put the sportsman in harness. Fernando St., Balboa, pa 5 s e d Participating bands have all re-1768 Newpcrt Blvd., Beacon sot8W ~ He was garbed from head to away at his home in' Fullerton on ceived invitations from Mayor R. F. MATBEB REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY In most oommunJtles becfnnin ~ foot in. the gay colors of a jockey Nov. 2 after a protracted illness. Herbert E. Lewis, honorary chair-121 Marleohl -Corona del. Mu Cootracttng and Supplls 9'1Uc celve base pay of $30 for • ~ December 4 -5 -6 -7 with peaked riding cap to match. Survived ~y his widow and son man of the nationally famous mu-Pbone: Barbor 18%0.B .1 .. ~. ""' A crop was placed in his hand. Robert, Mr. Goodwin also leaves steal event, and were chosen be-------------1 ~week. with extra pay far~ Directed by MAR.JORIE WILLIAM80N A Western saddle was thrown on one brother, Jesse, and one sister, caus_e of their high rating u PUBLIC NOTICE Mechanical Toys time or duty at certain houn ol the mare. ,. Mrs. Pearle 'Ranger of Fullerton. musical organizations. They re~ Electr:lc and Mechanical Traina, the day. BeMrve Seats 75c a $l.OO Pim Tax Then the stunned Gurley was Mr. Goodwin was well known res~nt high schools, colleges 81\d CERTIFICATE OF BUSINESS: Doll B\iggiea, Doll&, Telqraph Seven wage tncreues the tint two \ CURTAIN AT 8:SO PHONE LAGUNA 191 liftP.CI astride the beast and there throughout Orange county, where various othe r organizations such FICTITIOUS FIRM NAME ~!'cr'nn~.elocipedes, Toys, Steel yeara--pa.Jd vacatiooa. he posed for pictures, with Kent he spent most of his life as an as American Legion past, Salva-The undenlgned doea hereby cert.lry _ .... _ ti •. bo that he la conducting Automotive and THE TOY SHOP Le orange grower. He will be re-on ~my and ys' organizations. General Painting at 409 29th street. am th1I interesting Work at Announcing the. New Vibrapac Building Units ALL S!za& BUILDING UNITS Brick and OMspool Blocks Now In Production Look tor Sip on Newport BouJevvd Walter Kline Concrete Products Co. Liquor Store Boots and Roy Keene Palm and Bay, Balboa Pt.one Barbor 191 membered as a past master of Newport Beach. Callrornla. under the 208 Marine Balbea lal.and good pay in your own __ _.._, A ·1 rlctltloua rtrm name o( Bad Dl!!tlrct ""'"1.llluu.IV the Masonic Jodge of Fullerton sa1 or was eating chow at the Palnt Shop, and that sal tirm 18 Harbor 2292-W in-tfc .... and commander of the Knights of ~ess hall when a friend joined oomP<lftd of the rollowlng pel"!IOn -------'-~--...:;.:~ You work with friendly people In Templar and a contributor toward him. ~~~ t;:l't~ and addreaa la u fol-JAMES E . McKEE pleasant otfiOes. the building of the Masonic Terr> "Hello Bill," he said, "whatta ya John M.. Butler, m canal st .. Ple of Fullerton. f got there, tea or coffee?" , Newport Beach. eaur. General Contractor Witnesa my hand thla 30th day of I, ''They didn't say," r eplied his November. ·1946. Ch ~ E B 26 buddy JOHN JI. BUTLER. aru.-:!i • urgess, . of 118 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA East . Wilson street, Costa Mesa. COUNTY OF ORANG&-M. forfeited $10 because of his non-On thta 30th day of November. •· C D. 1946. before me, Fred W . Brtgca. appearance in the Santa Ana city arr's Feed Store a Notary Public In and for the aaJd COllrt on Saturday. county and atate. reaidlng tMreln . H d G duly eommlnloned and aworn. per-Santa Ana police records dis-ay an T2ifl 90nally appearea J ohn M. Butler. close that the young man was ac-Qual!ty 1::'1~-known to me to be the per90n whOM r ~ name Is aubsc.r:lbed to the within In· 620 Marguerite Ave. Corona del Mar COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. 89-tfc Excellent promodon poatbD!Uea. APPLY Southern California Telephone Company 1560 Newport Ave. Costa II-cused of exceeding the Santa Ana -•-•tnunent. a.nd ackno•ledged to m e ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;;~/speed limit. ~ that he ex@cutecl the same . Dally RAlt----BaCOBI •••• In wltneaa wbertof. I have . here-_._.,._:~· ~ unto Ml my hand and ..rflxed my M'erry 11%1 Newport Bhd. ofrtctal .&ea.I the day and year tn th!• New and Repair Phone &aeon 5280-R 216 E. lllllth St.. Coot& -11&-tte 008T _... --·a Certificate flrat abo-ve written. .m ~ FRED W. BRIGGS. Notary Pub!Jc In &nd !o r a&ld OUR SHOP IS EQUIPPED TO SERVICE (hrl.stmas =====;:::. =====~· Pu :;,~};., ~~~,~i;..,"t. ~~: PUBLIC NOTICES b. 0.o. '· l O. l7. "· , .... d H NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL NOTICE OF INTENDED SALE an Oppy ?~~lN&S08 BCREW HAPPY ROOFS W. J. BENBOW· Phone Harbor 1012 J Notice la hereby given pursuant to ~"'u tche provl•lon• or Sictlon 3440 of the N Yi I lvll Code of the State of C&Jtfomla 112-tfc NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN -----------'-'°' 1 that Vv·. E . Dunn intends to sell PIANO 7.JNING and repalrlnc. the Gas Screw "HAPPY LAND· J. B. Brown. Write Box 133, ew ears. g>•t Ch"'" G•ldley. Vendo•. of Bli out Hlrhway No. 101 Ne rt" :each, callrornla. Intend•' to llf!ir"to Hi ~· Barden. Vendett, of 811 Cout INGS", official number 246516 of Rt. l, 388 Broadway, Ooeta _!00 E. Bay A venue, Balboa 514\i No. Main Street, Santa Ana or ean Oilef Operator 8().tfc .. FOR SALE -Girl's Victory bi- cycle, good condition, good tires, handlebar basket. See at 416 Holly, Laguna Beach, Phone Laguna Beach 5953. 91-2tp ALL MAKES OF CARS 5 -Factory Skilled Mechanics - • Wheel Aleignment and Balancing NEW . EXPERT BRAKE SERVICE COMPLElE 5 ., (Not Rebuilt) LUBRICATION CHEVROLET SERVICE Replacement ENGINES I 37ModelsUp SHEAFFEl(S HTRIUMPH. wt..n 'r°" 9iw o Sh.off.,•• "TRSUMf'tf'' pen YO¥f gift ia OM "' ....i..rino cl..... and -""' ...._ CotM in today. Soon • --it.It lnwly -~ ... --,_·1 l<IJ "Thars IM Ted Brown .c ....... EVERYTHING .. Qaallty REFRIGERATION Air c-Dtloabig Eqn•1•1 M "'"ir11r&y No. 101. Newport B6uh Call ornla, all that certaJn pent0nai P[°':'rt'1 coruil•tlng genera.U,. or all !o~ n ~e, 1ft1:t uru, equipment ho Cl o a oert&Jn ~bJl)ll 11 P alnH.a known u .. WING SA.NG ~C~hSHOP"' ln the City of New· 811 "'-·~ , c.Jlf., and located at ~ H!Jhway No. 101, New· =rt~· C&llfom la. and that the f'C Price thereof wUI bf! P&ld ~~ 1~~k A. M ., o n the 15th day er1ca N T r · 1H6 at Bank or Am., the Ctly 0, ~e~poB,fboa Branch, In C°8:ty or Orange, State a:r~lt~' ted No,-ember 30 1941 · CHESTER ' GRi riLEV d Vendor, an /or A. J . BARDEN, Publlah O.C.. 9, 194&. V~ndee. NOTICE OF SALE OF Q SERVICE STATION ~i"xR~.::E:NO TO WHOM IT '"i.AY' CONCERN · P;:~• N~tloe or tntenllon to · aell Wl{,..: an lle"lce ata.tlon tlxturea : by ~ve~SSPETH : That Notice 1.e here-of 1 urauant to the f'rovtalons t on !440 o r tbe Clvl Code of gie G State or California, that CECIL B. ~AUGHAN. 2100 Central Newport s~~~b~aRltrornla. lntl:nds tO aell unto l'FO , D OI L COMPANY OF CA.L- taln m:f.A·k a 001 rporatJon. •II that cel"- tatl oc 0 lfV"la-e a.nd aervtee ~r : on tlxturea conalatlng generally Brick Wall Foo11nc Ce-ment CUrba ~rage and Shelving ompretaor and Tank Ge.rap and P1pe. EaaY Hotat Battery Che.re-tog: Bench Lube Shelr 9lop Bench • Metal 2 "rrene Guna Wal Cabinet 4 Locken and Shelving Wall Cabinet, Office Counter and Shelvu 3 550 U. G. T&llka ~2 50-g&llon Lube T&nb (l·l) Tl,.:~~n Lube T&nb beloft«t17 to Mid CECIL 0 . GAUG-~ ~--!hOC&ted at 2'100 Central. New-tn ~ · Ca.llfomla. ud tb&t & w'rtina{:' ,::: aulcnment ot lbe aa.me lh f e , aad the pun:hue prtce ereo will be ~d on rrid&T De-cember 6. t94S, at 2'100 Centn.I 0New-pofh..~· Callfom la. at 10:00 A.II.. 2100 CenttaJ ad~reea bf .td ttndor I• 1 · ewport Beach. Califor-~ •s and the add,.... of -.Jd ttnd• nl& tand.&rd otl Comp&o,. of Calltol'-sul ~~Uoa. 225 BuQ Street DA.TED · No·~1_forn,.I&. , ST • T .......... r o 1941. A.11.'DARD OIL COMPANY OF CALl'J"ORNU. B7 J . L SJ*elh ..u.t 'to the Dl9t. llp. GPT /by VENDl!I: Pub. Dec. J. 1141. NOTICE OF" IN"T"ENTION TO CHATTEL MO~TClAGE Newport Beach, California. Mesa. ~ttc Please present all bills, liens against said boat, at the oUice ot WINTHROP 0 . GORDON. 10 BANK OF AMERICA BUILD- ING, SANTA ANA, CALIFOR- NIA before the 6th day of Decem· ber, 1946. W. E. DUNN, Owner. Pub: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 5, 1946. NOTICE TO BIDDERS CORSON & RAY CO. General Contractors· Complete Building Service -PHONES- Harbor 2447-R Harbor 1520-W The Board of Trustees ot the Newport Harbor UnJon H 1 g h ___ _._ ______ ,:ln:.:.,:·tf:.:c School requests bids on the fol-p A I N T I N G lowing equipmen t: Two school buses, capacity 12 Yean Service 1n Newport Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLO.SURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. Ph. 5852 Laguna Beach 548 Forest Ave. 93-ltc MAHt1 4 POSTER BED JxDC aprlnp mattreu, twin aprtnp and .Matb .._, drapes, bedding, Ice box oonvertlbJe to freezlnc unit, Orte.ntal rug, nearly new IDYI. &'ames. books. Brand new out·board motor, 12 ft. boat. Rifle, electric razon:. Many other articles. Beacon 5482-R. 9().4tc 42 to 10. Harbor Area o ne suburban passenger ve-Harry Hall MODERN FENCES hicle or sedan. PAINTING CONTRACTOR Complete description and speci--Phoneo-White Picket ficatlons mu.I accompany bids. Beaoon 5259-J Beacon 5413 Solid Board Bids will be received at the Z14 E. 19th Street 24-tft Concrete Block Walls office of the Newport Harbor Union High School on or before Sheet Metal Work All New Material -Erected or Dece P,....Fab mber 6, 1946. The Board re-Gutters Installed and Repaired -Free Estimates- serves the right to reject any and a11 bids. Regan _Bros., Sheet Metal PAUL W. ANDERS A.H. Fll"ZPATRICK, 341 E. 21.st, Costa Mesa Mfr. and Builder Clerk. Beacon fi608.M 81-tfc Modem Fences Pub: Nov. 26, Dec. 3, 1946. 166 Cecil Plaoe COSTA MESA .... _ ..... -.. ................ -· -.. BUSINESS GUIDE 10 f'OR A REI IAB1.E Paint Job oo Jl<l<ll' home, call Beacon 5330 after 4 :30 p.m. 1(). tf• AL LACHMEYER SIGNS MOVED BEACON 517S.W Pleue Call Bef«e 8:30 A.M. or After 4 :30 P .M. 1691 East 18th · Street COSTA MESA 92-tfc CESSPOOL and septic tank work. Phone Sant.a Ana 6079-R. 90-ttc 91-4te Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR.- Winter Planting Hollister Bros. NURSERY 1•ndlcepina 1ll!59 Harbor ~ a.ta Ilea Ba·»1 ~ 11).tfc T&&lflll'OJIT&TIOK 11 BICYCLF.S llold, -"' ~ VOCll:IJll XMAS TREE STANDS Inch crou type $10.00 per 100 16-lnch cro.. type Sl.2.00 -100 Umlteci Supply~ Now PAUL W. ANDERS Mfr. and BuDder Modem Fences 166 c.ceu Place COSTA KESA 91..ftc Order Your Servel Gas Refrigerator Now at Vogel's 100 Kain St. HartJcr le llsUe MET-CLAD PRODUCl'S 100 J4'alD et.. --·~ ; Notice la hereby g-IYeD IJUl"9U&ll.t to """• w _. ............ ~~ , .. ~A v-....::.&&AJ.-.. BLINDS-A1cl!p4 - lbtt: proYlalona ot Section 5440 ot the --ur----, -_ _.. ~ woo4. CaD • ._ --~ Civil Code or lbe State or Calif,...-•. --...._ .-- , 3 Easy Ter111S. By Week or Month. No Money Down CULBERTSON CHEVROLET Co~ Chevrolet -Oldsmobile Sales & Senice 8001 Wcwt Central Otto Calbert8on Barbor 513, Newport Inc. ~t ~01.r.HB&nten. or 111 eout. ii1Sb: CLARK A BA.TES mat.a. Renofttian A rwft 'p, & of 'tli..t · ......... ~.po!',!_!l:!ae1 .. •. Callt •• o.aer Metalllzlnc B&&trlT A1D8 11 So. Cwt Vmettm 1111111111 """' known U'~GSAN~ bual!ML9e Wesl'lltb · ......,. SROP... and localed ot ~~ Weldinc Spedalltnl MACHINE and llAaDNELElll a.ta~--Pb BNawprt 4-. ru,. •• , '°'· N...,..,.. -.. c:w' l506 30th St. -Harbor Z!OI Perman· ent Wa:" • -:·-1111-w. 111tuicb J.o Pla.oe a eb&tte.r ~ . ..-ea .... .... ""'" .... · equ1_,.. _ _......... NMWPAt Bo&ch e.ttc Tlnlloc ond-•bc ·-ni9Ji!~::-~~iiiiiiiif= =-~~"'= at ""' .-,_ E•amc Appt. Pb. Bartxr 1,._W lb PIM>-._. 13 R I The ......._ •• ""' ...... -RADio SALES ,, SERVICE v·· ~Sh woo n .. Baak ol .lmertc:a N T • 8 A:~ 1 8 OD D port 8-J> ........_ N...,..,.. -. llpedollzlDc ID repalrlns. UOI o..t mwaar. L &I _., ... °'1.IL The .w ~wm • ~ aw. wnwa ~'r ::" ~ .. ..., ,.. ~ TRON.ART, INC. Pb. Beacon U«r --· ,..., "' ""' -al ., a-. d' '11-. :-:::;;:•:•:11iaiffir*-1~~-~~-r·1•;·~·~:AJI'~~..,~~ .. ·~ i-" .._ o'clodt :L JI.. U. a.u ot. .,. • ... «UZpat .... .... N T • a .&.. ....... c.au. * ka ud W tkc -rtpe ... +rzz tic. WD..L CARE for ddJdMl ID 111J Du.ad Ho..-t1r • nM. • "Pia. R. ~II lllml .. 4 0 ad wtll do Ire-Ad,,1,.:;,,:::.:1 w,r ' 0 Li. llA~=lf: ao1 w. lW, NewjlW\ B"O, -._ -lQ'JW. \lHIUlllll wllllt Ada ---~IP 'M, Doc. L ,_ rl-r. --., .. a -.am ,Oil followlac .,... \ • .. • C fe Dip t• L 1W Want AdS lioAnl, ~ D l'Oa WT 41 U••._ -&I 'I. ll'... -« w•a 'l'O .... • HEAVY o•m10'1<W t1ob1nc FOR RENT--Ottloe ar its. 2 ADULTS ...i 1 ICbool sir! ap 1'0R SAt~ dol Mar, 46-LOAJlll 'l'O 111JD.D. ....... z H4 ok1tt, new bottan. $100. cabin --318 llluine Ave., Bal-want to ftllt -ar UDfUt-ft. lot.1 lilodt ~ ~ -"°ii ,.,_ or ,_, so 25, Baylbor1! Camp, Newport boa hi11"4 ~ltc ollbed --WUI slve nfer-RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT CO al BmL, IOOd --far ID-Jlfcapwt ~ .. , .Ill lat? I ~...!~JO~iJD;ll~··~-;5~~~-1 Be•cb. 92-2tp WAJlllJW TO mT .a ence&. Write Boz '"H" c/o . . • cmne. Owner. Ph. H-~w. ud. Lima .... a .. • from ~ul!ng pap FOR SAL&-411 ft. eabb1 -: WANT TO RENT~ ar 3 bedrm. N.,..rtn-. !l:>lt<: A. R. lllrile and AW!Clllm ·1. W. Doak 85-Uc -Via Udo Pb. --:lllOO lleePI m : plley, dinette, -. ---Will -Bea-""""-W 1936 Newnnrt ....... Costa Mesa IMMEilIATE -Ion attroc-UUI ~1lll • Jarse wheel -...i eodqlit. can Sam Porter at Harbor HOUSING NEEDED FOR ~ "°"' . ....-.,.,..., tlve 2 bedroom house and gor-NEED MONEYT FOR SALE-Fireside set and -caaq>letdy l«Olldlttooed. ._ to ar u. z.ttc V E T E R A N S Harbor 1271 1435 Ol8St Hlway, Orana Del Mar -. Iarse enclosed patio, real beater. Beaoon 5785-J. 91-2tc Item; Oiryller marine enctne. fire place, completely tum!ahed See Us for Quid<, Belpt\11 Service on Your Jln•ndal Needs -Loans OD See """"'· 133 qata Ave, Bal-LIVlNG QUARTERS -1 large Ust Your Vacancies With lnCluclin& Westingboooe ranee GIRL'S bicycle, excellent oondl· boe llland. 67-ttc room. kitchenette and bath or AMERICAN LEGION Bring Your :Beying and Selling Problems to Us $8700. ~ will bandle. can don. Harbor 484. 9:>2tc what have you. For lady who Harbor 452 9().tfc owner. Harbor 245&-M. !l:>ltp Auto Batteries 1ro11IOAL a BADIO M has resided here 14 years. Pres-Furniture Salary Electn·c and Fire ent rented cottage sold. s.o.s. WANT 2 to 3 bedroom house or Rubber Separaters Harbor 462. 93-ltc apartment for three months. J.S.month -'6.75 Ez. Equipment Tests APT or SMALL HOUSE ..,...ted C&pt. v . J . Smith, Phone Har-Compounded Motor Oil All Qualified Personnel by man ...i wile. We-do not bor l!fm..J. 92-2tp <18noa. 70c C-0-TWo, PyreneAFoam re1lll& drink or smoke. no children or WANT TO RENT-Furnished er CQo n..i syft.em and Portablet peta. Phone Santa Ana 0991-W unfurnished house, 2 or 3 bed-W est.em Auto Supply """' avallable. or write Box "X" Newport Bal· roms will lease. Phone Harbor Authorized Dealer ETS HOKIN. GALVAN boa News-nmes. 37-tfc 707 81-tfc 1836 Newport Blvd., Colla -., 1000 Coast ~y -----·'------------------ 41-tf< Ph. Beacon 54-07 91-tfc ltSAL ESTATE 4'11.EAL ESTATE '1 -~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates Kitchen and Wall Waahlnil Floor Oeanlng and Waxin& Window Oeanlng C&ulldn& Palntlna All Work Guaranteed Harbor 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service RADIO HOUSE CALLS- Now that additional compe- tent technicians are available, we are able to make service calls on large consoles. All work !llW"&nteed. HENRY W. BRAINERD New Owner S.O.S. Radio 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 780 81-tfc DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana ZENITH console, 7 tubet, attrac· tive cabinet. Perfect cond Low price. 928 W. Myrtle. BABY grand High grade make. 86-tfc Used. Now only $485. Terms. -----------STEINWAY grand, style B. The WANTED TO BUY 11 world's most wonderful piano. TRADE -Has bicycle excellent Used. Save one-third now from condition, Jarge basket. What new today's price. have you? Can use furniture, GOOD used practice piano. Only appliance, etc.. Harbor 1223-J. $69. Or will r ent. __________ 93-_2_t_c 1 GRAND pianos. Weber, Stein~ Will P C h way, Kimball, Raworth. Mehlln ay as and many others. Priced from For your furniture or what have $585 up. you. Phone Beacon 56!56. REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr~ Crawley Furniture Co . ror piano. A beauty. Full rich 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa tone. N ow only $295. Tenm. 92-tfc GORGEOUS new 1tyled upholst- FUllNITUIU'J-----F-0-8-8-A-,.-,,--0-I ered piano with mirror 1pinet OVERSTUFFED chair good con- dition, reasonable. 407 E. 19th Costa Mesa. Beacon 5603 93-2tp Special Bargain Daily New and Used Furniture llou&ht type patent Was exchanged for laree grand Will sell for bal. $288. and Sold ... Phone Beacon 5538-.J 8Pl'.ClAL ANNOUNOEllENT8 II Harbor Furniture 1962 Harbor Blvd., ea.ta Mesa NOTICE ====,...---:---:--:--:,.--89-_tf-:;c Having sold all Interest in the MONTEREY style bed divan,. 2 Harbor Radio & Appliance Co. chain. 1 table, 1 large O'Keefe at 2602 Central, Newport Beach &: Merritt heater. Complete Calif. I am no longer respon- $100. Call Harbor Z767-J. after sible for any past, present or 5:30 p .rn. 92-tfc future indebtedness of that com- lll()&T8, 81lPPLDl:ll II pany. 93-ltp GUS CLARK ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 3TT-W BALBOA ISLAND Beach cottage on full-sized lot, fumlshed -;--immediate possession . $9;000 ISLAND REALTY COMPANY 201 Agate, Balboa Island Phone 3TT-W 84-2tc REAL VALUES HOMES -INCOME -BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES INSURANCE ONLY $1 ,000 DOWN! PAYMENT 1 bedroom home -East side -nice large lot 2 car garage -close in. Full price only $4,750.00 ONLY $1 ,500 DOW:N PAYMENT 2 bedroom home -tjose to Newport Blvd. Lot 50 feet by 243 feet -1 car garage -Must sell at once for only $6,500.00 B. A. NERESON REAL ESI'ATE BROKER AND ASSOCIATES Phil D. Soloman -SALESMEN -John Boodra Phone Beacon 5225 19'72 Newport Blvd. Costjl Mesa !12-lt<: LOOK! Corner lot near high school, 50xl27. Priced right for Immediate sale. Immediate Occupancy • Four-room home newly re-decora'ted and remodeled, to- gether with adjoining comer lot 50x150 ... .$6400-Terms. FRANCIS ]. HORVATH BROKER Harbor 1805-R --OFFICE -328 28th St. Harbor 1922-R -RESIDENCE -116 35th St. NEWPORT BEACH ! N --::------.,---:-::--0-.,---93-ltc 30' SLIP for rent n ewport Carpenters Available ----------~-----------Bay. L. A. phones, Pl. 14028, MU. 8425. 93-4tc for l"eneral maintenance FOR SALE-New Evinrude out-and repair board motor. 2~ H .P . Never O. Z.. ROBERTSON used. Phone Beacon 5618-R. m Call Harbor 83 34-tfo Broadway, Costa Mesa 93-2tc FOR SALE--23-fl Chrysler pow-K E Y S ered commercial fi..$hing boat. Made While You Wait Priced for quick sale. Z76 E . VOGEL'S 19th St. Costa Mesa. Call after 100· Main SL, Balboa 6 week days or all daY. Sat and 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand Sun. ? 91-4tc M-ttc FOR SALE--12 Continental Com-FOii. II.ENT U mando marine enKifles, model NICE furnjshed room in private ft...6602. 165 h.p., twin di&c home. Centrally located New- clutch; Oliver red~cUon 1ear port Beach. Harbor 622 93-ltp W-1. Complete with beat ex-==-==-,..-...,-----'-chan&er. Still ln create, $950. FOR RENT-Single room with Ram ~ Co., Harbor ajoining bath. private entrance. ~-J. 90-41<: 311 Island Ave., Balboa. 93-2tc FOR SAt,.E-Snowblrd. $215. Call WILL LET for business only four Barber 1476. 89-tfc room house, on NewpoT't Blvd., FOR YOUR NEW Hicks' Marine Cos ta Mesa. Phone Harbor _ _._ "Jim" v 1341-J. 93-2tp ~or parts, see anl===--=====-=----,~...,-..,.,­.F!Ht. foctory distributor, 3311 FOR RENT-Room with double FIDJey Ave.. Newport Bead>. bed. Panel Radiant heater, prl- Order now fcir mid-winter de-vate entrance, hot water. 106 Uvery u pices are aure to 31st St., Newport Btacb. advance 89-tfc 93-ltp Buda 6-DTMR • 317 Marine Dieeel Engine with Oliver-Twin Disc 2 - 1 Reduction Gear Completely overhauled and 1n tint clus oondltlon. Put -enclne perform-ance In your boat at olJout a third the COit flt . a new ens!J>e. Oilmotors Company 1021 S. E. 16th St., Colta M ... ADie Be...,., 5495 Mlle-thru Fri. at other tlmeo phone Harvor 511&-J 90-41<: Balboa Canvaa Shop --Boat Ooftn -Upbolltoolnc -io'1 -ZM\li 2lat St. N1t•po1t -n-ttc FOR RENT-3 shops fut &TOW· Ing community. Pr-efer 1pec. food shop, beauty parlor, shOK, chJldren rorgery, men's acces- sories. 310 El Camino Real (101 Hi) San Clemente. Phene 41L 93-Jtp LARGE, sunny, attractive room with bath 1n prlvste home.. With unit beat. quiet surround1np. . Far ladles er married couple. 2000 Miramar Drive. &boa Pminslj1a. !12-2tc FOR RENT-Ne-w Duluxe roam ...i private bath. tile .- litall. Twin ar double beda, box aprbc ...i lntanprlnc mattre- -Unt beat. Special rate! far -t S-ta. MincJe Mlle Motel. 70S Oout Hl&hwoy, New- -I BNcb. Pb. Be!can 5211&-.1 . 75tfc MAKE Relervatlons now for your bolidaY cuerta. Delux rooms. Homa like alDuphere. Rai.s $1.JO to $3.00 Ccots Mesa Hotel --5'U-J. 9S-3tp -BUSINESS BUYS>-- --0- Business Opportunities DINNER RESTAURANT, three-bedroom home, on major highway. RESTAURANT in Newport, near beach and pier. RESTAURANT AND TRAILER COURT, beautiful home; lease or sell. BEAUTY PARLOR, new equipment, suitable for part- ners. HAMBURGERS, HCYr IXXi ST ANDS: Two year-around spots. CARMEL CORN CANDY, ETC. concession; good beach location. FROZEN FOOD MARKEi', living quarters; good in-come. FRUIT, VEGETABLES, GROCERIES on highway· small Investment. • SMOKED FISH MARKEI', A-1 ltighway home and bait acre land. I SMALL RESTAURANT, giocerles, living quarters; low price. BOWLING ALLEYS, pool hall, lunch counter; no com- petition. ' . GIFI' SHOP, novelties; big money maker; resort spot. MOTEL, NEW; 24 units; best iktiway location; worth money. MOl'EL IN MISSOURI, 16 new u,nlts, $46,000; take trade . CONCRETE BLOCK FACJ'ORY, one acre land, home and truck. GAS STATION, comer locatlop; two.bedroom h<me; room to expllild. ---0-- Fb••1w• Broker -Insurance 634 Coast Highway 101-BeaOOll 5173 • . Corona Del Mar 1 Bedroom home on Arcada sreet -fruit trees Price $6500 Corona Del Mar Special Brand new, vacant, one bedroom, modem, beam delings, comor sink, bar in kitchen, !loors-hd pine aupeted to wall, knotty pine and plaster Interior. Priced $7000 Terms Corona Del Mar cute new, completely furnished home of knotty pine interior, high beam ceiling, hd. pine floors, California fireplace, new table top stove with grill 1 'h garages. Price $10,500 Terms • Corona Del Mar Ultra modern 2 bedroom, large living room with huge fireplace , modem kitchen with snack bar to dining room. 1100 sq. feet. Price $11,950 Terms Corona Del Mar 2 homes on comer with dbl. garages. Brand new- vacant. One Is a 2 bedroom home, other Is 1 bedroom home. Both pertly newly tumlshed. Very modem. Ready to move Into. Fenced and landscaped. Lot 65 X 120 comer. Price $23,000 Terms Corona Del Mar Lots Residential on Marguerite .... _: __ ·············---..$1800 Residential on Narci= --··----·-··-·····-$1750 2 Resldentials on Heliotrope-make offer Full Price $4350 One-bedroom with large living-room and kitchen; new roof; new double garage; Jot 50x150; fenced ; some furniture; east side, close in; vacant. Move in. Newport Beach Home Nearly new two-bedroom home; very modem; com- pletely furnished; four-room Apt. over large double garage. Both homes being vacated Immediately. Price $15,~tenns. Harvor Blvd. Lot 100x240 ft. at 1833 Harbor, close to Alpha Bet.a Mkt., $15,000-tenns. Zoned for wholesale or retail business. Store now under construction. Next lot. • RELY ON RELIANCE Half Acre Ranch Near Back Bay; three-bedroom stucco home; com- pletely turnlshed; recently redecorated; hardwood tloars; loog llv!ng-room. with ~. Price $95()0 ti!nns. Reduced this week from $10,750. Open 7 Days Every Week, 8 L m. to 6 p. m. RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT ·co. and Aaocllllm J. W. Doak 1936 Newport Bhd., a.ta lfl.9a 1435 Coast Hiway, Corona Del Mar • Bay Front Lot- In El Ba)'O Tract- $13,500 Two Units- On Bay Ave., in Balboa- Furn!shed- $13,500. Three-Bedroom Home- El Bay Tract. Furnished- $25,000 40-Ft. Busines8 Lot- Center of Balboa- $18,500 W. L. JORDAN 700 E . Central, Balboa Phone Harbor 153 91-tfc EDNA ROUSH, Broker 210 22nd St., Costa Mesa, Calif. BEACON 5275-M $17,000 Business Lot In Heart of Costa Mesa $30 Mo. Income. .... $6750 Lot 50x150 2 Bdrm. Frame. Very net .Gar- age. Nice yard. lnuned poss. $10,600 1 Acre 2-Bdrm. Stucco. Some fur. Garage. Large bldg. Qould be used for llKht manuf. 'immed. poss. $6000 Lot 45x114 1 bdrm. frame. partly furn. Gar- age. Poueuion. Car or Other Security Phone First for Quicker Service Hours: 10 to 1 ...i 3 to 5 COOied Saturd&)'sl DON I. HUDDLESTON, Skipper . 1814\0 Newport Blvd., Colta M6a Beacon 5220 (Across from Alpha Beta Market) 92-tfc AUTOMOTIVE a TIBU • 1937 PACKARD, condition like new $950.00. 409 29th St. New- port Beach. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. 93-2tp FOR SALE -32 coupe •37 V-8 motor and trarwniss.ion. Good condition. 518 Fernleaf, Corona de! Mar. 93-2tp FOR SALE--1944 CUshman mo- tor scooter , side car and wind- shield A·l condition. 38l3 Marcus St .• Newport l&land 92-2tp ----------FOR SALE--1936 Dodge ~ sedan under as is ceilin& p:ioe. 3803 Marcus St., Newport Isl- and. 92-2tp Hereafter lt we recap )'Otlr' TIRES We lf\l&raDIA!e our "C&po" to 1""t 20,000 MILES -tUt'I -all- WE Wll..L GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE COMES on" Reprdl-of Speed. - ONE TIRE RECAPPED JN 5 HOURS. 5 Acre Corner Ripe for subdivision. East .Alao 1eme nice lot.I. lllde. far a OOll1piN Mt -will ed 93-ltc far YoUr c:or la the ~ ~----------. -dell--day. .. ... a Graham & J9hnson Realty & Investment Co. 1864 Newport Blvd. Day Ph. Beacon 5434-W Nl&ht Ph. Beacon 521().J THREE-BEDROOM stucco near Bsck Bay. Nicely furnished, on half acre, $10,500. s:l.00 Mobllstatlc bala-,_ when we recap yuur tln!a, lllr P.00. No lead wellbta or •ext:ru.." Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 Ask for Al or Haolt. MODERN five-room stucco home, 86--tfa ~ acre corner. Guest rooIIL ----------- Some fruJt. Nice chJcken house AUTO S:EBVJOS and barn. Price $11,750. HARBOR BLVD. 60x300 rt. SPLENDID MOTEL, court or business site. Close in down.- town Costa Mesa. Price $4750. Terms. -USTINGS WANTED-- Open Sundays aw:•r. DTAD WANTl:D NOWHERE Your authorized Oiryaler- Plymouth Dealer. Authorized parts Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanlca NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 836 • Wll..L TRADE-Lota on Udo Jale _________ .;;.D-~tfe aloo Iota on Penlnsula on _. chue of 2 or 3 bedroom bou.e '!'SAR DP • 1n Harbor district. Phone Harbor FOR SALE -American Eastern 707 . 81-tf• made trailer, 1946· model 22 rt. Now on Hand Scotch Tape -at- long. Hot water, shower. awn- ing many built in features.. Prl-- vat.. party 208 Amethyat. Bal· boa llland. 9:>2tc TRAllZRS FOR RENT-Do-,- -. hznhs -......... -aqnlp1wwt, S2.25 --por llllJ. We tu ' ' Ille -. ll7nlm Bra&. ............ .. NEWS-n•m Su Limited o:r. l'llllltKewpurt-.,0.. --... ••wmwa&o \VE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices SEii, YOUR CAR NOW Wbll9 PrlDm -Riii' Plladeo for osr _..._ bcQa -who wll c:.11 Dll .twlw yoa 1911',. OPA 1¥•ttcww. ..... prtca and az1r al dlfB'h . • CULBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. 0 allot..iW ••D ' 1 • -Wiiie I ...... , ... 1 "•o •• r .. S • . .. • • • cmoaaa D ••• MWI ( a M 1lq u4 Tu .. ,s.o. Im w. o.tn.l Pb. Jall..-1 ........ - BOO* • ••rmo aaam AOOOUNTA.!lft .A. C. HOJTllAN .t.CO"'D'tul and bc:c:lme Tu. -nm lA!aTelta Barbar TU N...,..n - JOHN T. c.urTLll B.N.~ • ·~-Al>d!U.. BOO ING BRVICJI TU CODM>ltaat J..-. o. PMrce 1711 Newport Bl~ eo.ta 1'99& Pbooe B-.coa 1116-J AoooUNTANT J . 8. WHtl& Iaoome .Tu Couulta.t-Au~ b7 the 3A:' TrwU1'7 J>.pt. ..\°u. "1r ,_,.t ~ Ill CClllMCUoD -come tax matt ..... AudJC. -8)'Stmu -Jloott,elpl ... -omot 1ltO Barbor BlYd... ea.ta x- IUJIPOSl'll l'IWWPOllT BAT 8JCT B.U\B()I\ One mil• ....t ol Oailta V-oa 11th eitnet.. O::>lita .._. -rt.1'-----"""""' - Al'fTIQ1llCll BOB 'l'f DICK A..aUques Bousbt and Sold PoretWaa. 01 ..... 911"1", LuDPll and ¥\lrrtltun I04~ w. UAJlftlEl'IT!I KEEl"1Z0 S BUNGALOW COURT IDl<Ma -pped .......... A'DTO DJ:Al.Q8 JOI: NIC'KKRTS Studeb&br W. an4 e.n"IOI oeau.1-PuU an4 Aec 11 ~n. ec... ta Ul4 teH u JOQ.r! A.utomobU. TrcNbln 1111 W. O...tnl A"-. Newpt.. .... Atl'rO u:PAlll COBTA ...... BODY WORKB .&.a.to PUaU.,. o.p'de..,~ ~ Br aabh Prl.., If~ Bl'fd. u: Walmd. a. _GMO-... Mn'JIOltT • B+I.8()4 £IJ'l'O SJPPL1' I twSi? _,., •• _ ... __ ·' .. w. OIMftl, ..... 1111 ••tm' ...... Ollll. • • • I /fteB ' ...tPNI ' 'l!'h 11zt1lltelowue M 'la•,:i.•':'"7' ,., .. _......_. · r en Su a et .. Bullar Dklord -1 ue ~~tow nkr to tllelr .. v91,~';;.,.0le Ill S&vlw wt -..: .. s .. ., ..i to eoopm11*e l/OI' Chle:w & ..a N•Mi 21 PJwpwl&J. P. '••181: ftBH& . np- Their Pledge • ,. Your Assurance ol Trustworthy Service anclMerclaandiae lm&1ln SALONS CIUllLO'Tl'S8 BU.UTT BBOP Lolo OU ,... .-t w.... • lpecu.lty -.... BlP9"' eon.. ... Jiu' ,,__,... BICJ'CLSll BICYt:l.a lold. RmlM or ~ voo•L"I 100 Ka1D St., Balboa .. lllartM Balboa Waa4 W , P . MW''.ft ~ANDMAam& ~M~MAB~ rnu~v~ ~ ....... C. r. LOT, PTop. ..... Z11t ac.a rroat Newport , :a.ell llOAT lltlJLDEllS A u:PAIBll OO!CTllACl'OB8, bcha A 0-1 ' OllOOJ:IUJ:S AND lllAJUlm at.rltq a.t Worb .l.ll TJ'P99 or Boat BuU41q .... ,._,,. PainUac aod Motor Wad 8Mh and Doon llaM to ()fds ru eout ll1Pw&7 ~ ._ llOAT BUILDEllS TORX BOAT CO. Now buildlq .. complete ltm of noell: &ad cuatom cniliien • com-merdal bO&t.e 21' to ... B&rt>or Bl'fd. ud WtlMm ~t ea.ta Kea lleAGoD ua THE BOIDU.N CO. Karl.JM W~neral Repaln and JlaJntu.uce 001 Cout Hwy. PhOIM ~ MSl BOAT DEAI.VlS DOUGLA.8 BOAT A CANOC 00. Kanutacturen &nd Dlllt'ibuton of Sk1ft.I. Paddl• Bo&rds, Tacbt Tander9 ml W . CUtral .._ ... Pb. Bar. MN Newport. BeKh. Ca.Ill. CABINET SHOP GORD.l?f B. J"llrffiU.T CABINET SHOP C'U;atom Ihde Ca.blMta .,,, IOlh Bt. Barbar mw Newport~ Oim.nu:ws UPABEL THll BOBBY NI.OP Bob l&D4 8&117 Biowa CHILDD:N'S UPA•J:I. .JR. JACK. 6 JILL ChlldN.u'• and WUll!• Clothl.DC Up to I tor BoJ'm ud 14 tor Glra. 1781"' N•YPOrt BITd. eo.ta Kem CHIBOPllACTOB DR.. P. A. Cl:U.KB!!RLAIN Palmer-cantlr TkhnlQ1M -Ele<:tl'oUaen.py- HOJl.E c.u...LS IN HARBOR A.llti. 1M4. N.wport Bl•d. Coeta lie-. Be&con Mii CLEANER8 THI: LIDO CLEJ.NIR8 Al~rt )latlhtwe. OwMr Quality O.n•q a.ntce You Cu 'T'TuM. U• Wtlll Your ....__ .. -Del11"U"Y 811rt1<*-* N•wport BlTd. B..co9I rrll-J CONTRACl'OR, BLDG. a OEN. DUTCH BB4COCK. General Co11.tnctor ud ~Oii Cabinet did 8boO Ru.tal l:qulpmli11.t Phone SX1 Balboa 1.a-4 5lO Balboa St.. ODeta -- OONTllACl'OK CX>R.801'1' a BAT CO. _ .... _ v-...... Jtu,Odl:q' tor ....... .. Oxal Aft. ll&rbor Mff·R Bal .......... BOUT& 00..t.ST CON8J'. CO. ""'......, ·-~ Veteru ftme4 ... W ALT'&R B. Km..LO'M' 111 Oout Bl Td. llal1)op Tri Con>aa d.a Kar Ph. Bart>or J666 IOO B...a t>rln Corona del Kar, CallL ~ WAVU GROC&RT -" llw>d&J-Cl-4 Tb""""7 I I LaL to 7 p.m. eolnp1ei. LlM or o~ PJent7 ot Beer llOO QJuC. HWT. -BatbOt ms-.J ' l8L&.ND ROOKS AND I AP.t.Rno:NTS E. C. and Grace Null m A.p.te A"-Balboa r.I• H&rbor 211-W I ~-----------bOTEL8 OONTBA.Cl'O~PAINTINO I PALI.SADES HOTEL IL S. JIC'DONALD /Rborru and Aoutmeata PatnUq-hperban.tu A ~c View O.er1ooklq B&rbot-Bruab or SPr&y W"ork ~ ~ OiMn All Te&r State lJee.iiled Locattd at Wutern End of SM.Yin f.lt Old Count)' Rdil BMcoD aT·M A••·· Corona del Kar co.ta .. Harbor 1UI CONTllACTOB.-PLA.8TEJIINO CR4RLU C. FIPPS Plut.9r1DS1._ _ Cement Coatnctm ID lbe Haroor Ana for 22 Y.n Sa.De.a A.DA -0889--lf ....... 5lJl)..1 SOO Sea......., Corona del liar, Ot.llf. DJ:NTl!IT DOUOmrnTll COTI'._Gm DO-NUT AND W Arft..m BBOP Doauta Ut4 wam.. a 8"cialt7 ColDpleta FoQat&in 8enioe IOI llu1De An. Balboa i..le Kubo•..,. DKUO STOU:S BAJIPTON'S BARBOR DRUG Corona del Xu. cautor-.i& KAC PELLETISR'B N"l:"'W.,...P<>'<iRT BEA.CB PB..UUl&.CT LONNIE VINCENT'S BALBO._ PB.A.Riii.ACT 715 J!. Calltf'&l Nepbo .. 106 EUXJTIUCAL DI.118. A SUV. BAT ELECTRIC • Rewlndln& and Rebutldills Jlotor11 It Qfineraton K otora a11.d Ge.Deaton for 8&1• ZS1I w. c.ntra1 A ..... Hal'. im.w FISH BAT SIDE J"ISB lU1UCST D&Uy Dallftt'J' ot Frmb rl* Shell Fl9b A SM. rood 9p9d.a1Ur J8th !It. A IA.t•,..te. N~ s.cll .....,.,.,. Bua. ........... 1'RANlt st1TI'ORA • Wbol..U. azid n.tail Plab. Jlarbt Beer, W\M and L&quan n.t P1act N.-port a.ch. Olllt. omci: SUPPLO:S COKMEllCIAL PRINTING Nl:WPORT BARBOR PUBLlSBING OOJIPANY toll w. Cent:nl ........ PbOM B&rt>or 11 l"UlU<1TUJtJ: NSSDLl:S J"'01U(ITUB& rw..tture or Qu&JJty • :l:.c:olMJmy B-hnl.Ob1op DK N9'W'PQrt Bl.-d. ea.ta. ._ _ .... OAUQI: A lllAOBINK llllOP Vllt0'8 OAU(J8 ComrpWe A-uto A Bc.t ............ TUACO PRODOCTI _,. __ • OUR OLJ:ANJ:B8 .A.L'S BOOSE A. wtNDOW CLEANING Complete ROUM Cleanlzls Senice lDcludtns WlridoW'9. nooni. JOtcba. 8»1'7 Palntius. Roota. &\.c.. 100 TM Rlal to ll&rboT lfl-..J Newport Be&ch ICE OOlllPANIES ' . BAT VIEW IC'B! CO. CUbee -Bloeb ~, .. 1112 Newport Bl•d. BeMloD 151T1 Ooeta Kua BA.RJlY rREDSRICK INS01t.ANCS ProtKt that KortcaP Wlth~ 1211 COUt BIYd .• Harbor U&1..J Corona d.i 1'&r INSUBANOJ: RABUN INSURANCE AGENCY -n,._ A.uto--lllarla.-Ll&blllty Compen-.Uo-o-Bonda 1711 """°" BlYd. BMCOll IW..J, Costa x ..... OallL INTJ:IUOB Dl!)(]()JlAT0118 JASPER VA.Lt: , Interior Dtaln hnllture S.lec:Oon a "llalntena!IHI Venetlan Bllnd.-aelect W~ cu.tom II.ad• ~ Tailored SIJp-Coftn M41 Vta Oporto Harbol' Mll N•wport BMch. Ot.llL ·- R. E. ARVIN Dta:moada, Wa.l..Che9. J....ity_ Expert Watch It Jewel.f'J' IWp&1r'lltS 111 J2n4 st. Newport Brcll ....... .,,, .... •EWW:'·EBS Q-:RlO BBOPPS .. Watcb• at, .. ~~ ........ LIQUOK STOU:S J08A LIQUOR SHOP 6eltd1oo oC Cbotce 1 I I '" W1-ud-. l>AI.l·AS PAl.JISR. 0...- l'IM Nnopcft:e..c:."-t6uo.ta ._ Lmmn. WARD A.ND IU.JUlIMOT01' LUKBD CO, ..,... ..... 8'dl4lllc -- Bq !IMM.ttct Tud ft. a.oae 1111 m Cout lllctl~ . ...i a. ...,._ iE ,, 8BOP8 . QltHIN& "WOllD __ _ u4 1lsu7 D t tr Wodr ~ •f'U..:.,11'; a-w ! JIETAIJ.JZJNQ a...RJC A ll&.TIB lDdu.trla.1 &ad DecoralJWWi lhtallslAs W.tdJ.n.s ~ DR. W. T. llOOlfllT >:--.......... ~ NN.re<w*'IM-t llrdL. Cal.. CUI. 1181'. M , PIRllJCIANIJ .. suatDIONll G. N. PUa. K. D . CDmaltadoa. D'epod• Boanby-- ' tm PM:l!lc Dr. c-o.a del 11.ar -llll1..J PBYSICIANB a 8tlBOJ:ONll QDAX.D lt.~.'O&l ... D. IOI Xlth St. ll&rttor llC9 L-N-.port :a..cta MOOIUNO SICBVICJ: C. R. STAJ'T ' 11.oorln.p hwtMled. and ~ Boun Palnted and Letltftd a.con 1541 or Barbor 1-.R l'or Pru:npt ~ MOTELS BALBOA MOTJ!IL RM.lloaabte Rat......clean R.ooma Bandy to But.la.a. Dtstrlct Opea the Tear "Round" 115 &. o.n.tra1 Awe. """'°' ... MOVING 6 STOaAOJ: BAl,BOA TRAN&rER co. ~--e........-. ..... BOAT MOVING 1501 w. C.Utr&l PIL H. llJI NUJl8J:BY 80BOOL8 117 KarlDt An. Barbor 7U.R P. O. Bos -· B&lbo. 1llaD4 OPTOllJ:'l'IUllTll C,... b1ml'M4--LJ1-Rep&ln4 __ _.l:RNWl";;; T. BO l l&RWORTB. O. D. -Ill• W. OeDtra1 N~ .,_. ,,_au PAINTING a DICOOa&rllfO R. m. AHDERBON C'ONTIU.CTOll ....._.w....,,_ CALL BliCON lll0--.1 PET JO'OOD A SUPPLIJ:ll See Our Complete LlM ot SUpplle. for Tour CA TS AND DOGS E•erythlna' for th• Pet PET PANTRY 11! Ap,te Balbo6 r.tand PBOTOOaAPBZllll RlCllA.RD BZLT PBGTOOllAPllD Dlolblctl .. - ,. llartM ........ Balboa Ille --- Pll'YlllCLUl8 a suatDIONS A.V.~RSWB.K.D. illOout----...... N'tllat cau. -llartNlr llU-.1 PBl"SIOIANll a IA!moD>NS JOHN I. C. CBUKO. K. D. Pbl"8ldu utd .. aw M. 1..a:ao w1 ""~"* ---t ... Cl. 1111'"9• .. D. 1111 *•JOit .... -r ''g .... ,_,."" • PIANO TJ:ACBSa 0 . V. LINSl!:NBAJtD Teacher or Plano A: Harmony 1U8 Oceui Front Barbor UD-W Newport~ PLUMBING A HEATING H. B. HOLBROOK POULTllY Pl&ODUOTIJ TW'IN ctTT POULTRY llABlCST u ... Poultry' an4 Rabbit.I JOlO W. Central Aw., Ne.part Bcb. PboM Harbor 1106 BABBITllY "lliP'' LONG'S ~T RabbJU I>...-d DallT -Per YOQ1' Order-: Pbooe Ord .. Aocsp&ed, Oor. of 1-.b &Dd T\alltla. 8esOOD Nll RADIO s••n • SSllVIOS Immediate Del.1..-y oa ~ llartDe ~epbam •• and~"'* • J , lt. BROWN COlll'AKT Beeton &al--W mt Caul Bl·W'q B.ADIO SALES A SICBVIOI: ao.s. R.&.Dmom.D:TIUC IBL4ND RllCOR.D BBOP Popular MakM llOIM A Auto Rad.109 Cmnplete LI.De ot Recorde IOO Jila.r1M A 'ft. Harbor 710 Balboa 1Alu4 B.ADIO llJ:BVICE-llABINJ: KillINB R.u>IO BZRVICS J.. Ji. BERTS • TachnW•• Radio ll01lltorfn.s Benice .. ,,.,. .......... DCJ' cbecka • C!allbTatlollll Two-WaT Ot.b Jta&o lmTSce 17t Ill .Wb 8t. Newport 21C11-W Coota .. _ IL&DIO SALES a SIEllVIOI: TRONART lac. Radlo-GectroaJcc 8...,,, 8ale9 aa4 a.ntc. • ll&rtDe &D4 t>iooM.llO ft. H. ~)f -w. o.tnJ .. ..._.-. ColU. •. v•1. m,a,n .. RABJIOB IHfWIW co. ----=::.: :rron:.a. .... ..... ___ ,_ Plloe9 JIU'bor i.-Mm n••.m.a,n H. ~ LARS JllWhO& e>oe.. ftOSI& I Wr. Pt1 1 I to 8111 lfJlt:. Iba. Jo& n• Joe. .,.. ............ _ - .. w . .,..,... ....... 'hi. .... 9JO ................... ~. ,_ W . o-tn1 ..,._ J:lM.:W ··~--Jtaapwt -..&., z .. I '-·-----~-------...:.'--' ~-... - -Wo-t.&... ·rw .. J . K. MU.I ft R&t.LTOlt --~ llartJor 1111 Hecpwt .._.. v••. m.tn WUJJ&• W. &tJQ'OJlD ...... ... a-.ir..ru. GmlTRVDm ~ WALDBON •11utaaAft.. Balboalllil _ _,. Bl:llTAU&UIT8 a OAFEll BL'OW ROOK Cbarcoa.I Broiled 8teab. .,._ l'oo4a CocJrt•!l.e "RUSS" S:WUI"S&R at tb9 Orpn a Palm. Baioo. -Harbor me THE DOLL BOUIQI ol Bal- Open tbe Y-.r Anlwld '11 1::. c9ntra1 ....... Bl:llTAU&UIT8 a CAFSll KINGS LANDING A Cil'll Rptd•llstns m an IDIM1I: al. _ ..... tu 11.t N~ Brott --- LA P08TA Delldou llalCSD l'oodll .. Newport 8194. a.ooa MU Coota ·- KUTAU&UIT8 a OAFEll Ni:WPORT CAft 8pHit"slns tn J'amil7 Trade. Good Old Home C))c*lq UO llcJ'a44a PL ll&rttor ~W Bl:llTAU&UIT8 A OAFEll NORTON'S BAT BHO!m CAn 17th et. &Dd Cout Hwy. Bm. 11"6 Newport Beiach. C&Wora.la U:STAUll.ANT a OAFS W&i'S'8 PAltJC .6:Q CAn ---- AIAWf AM 1• ..__....,.. ... _.,_ Tb& 81 ...... 'I ,.._ .. w. o.&:NI. ...... -• '*nn SIGNS L. W . PillRCS _ ... _ 11 Y9an tn. Oranp Ooaaq I.Joans.d State 00.tnctor SIGNS TOK RUNKL9--81.0NI Bl~Bo&ts 1Attsn4 Barbor 2222 I0'7 P8!a Balboa, C-Wonda SPOBTSWJ:Aa BA WTim. SPORT BBOP Ken and Bo7'• lipcNtllwwr Olm,plete Lim Of B.beA .. rJ' 8TOOKll " llOND8 LSITSR A CO. __ Loo..._. __ _ .... w. C.tnll l. .... ""'""' ..... ~'ht. Barbw D7W DIW<W.~ BM400~ Wli1.Tf"'&Dnaa a. Loo-11 - TAOllLJ: STOISJ:ll AD SIEllVIOIC MI.11(),A, CDtC1.9 T.lXJ _tho..__ ..... ... Bovllollal>lo~ UGl w. Cu.tral ....... Bar. -lfr#port BMcb TAXI Phom BMcoa IDf Nl:WPORT -COSTA ...... T£X:J CO. A.,pn_t 8&nta ... ~ IOICout- UPBOL8TUDIO I CL .. &:on• .A.. JOBNSON ~u--.. Tour PermDaI &t•'1rvttm -fin Newport BITd. Bes. 5117,W' TIO SILUl9 llBOP MmV•st'M llUmdl WOOll • Ahd ... -~ _,_,, •Poll ... ,.--~~~~~~----r-~~-~~~~--......... ll.UIDr--.&a T. ...... •.... ,. ,,. --·1=z·~·~ • • x.tered u Seecnd..Qua aiatter at the Pmt.olftce tn Newpcat B•d'. .-~C11111a. under the Act al. -3, lBl9 SAM D. PORTER puN!l!'.111 ...... I'. G. FROST s s s s s s s s !Gr 'IV. F . DIXON s s s s s s AdRrtlslnc .... .._. Prtntlnc Plant. JOU w. Central Avmue, Newpcat es=, C!allfCJmia Official Paper of the City of Newport Beach A DeslB t•ble Loc&l llilUla ... for Oftr 11 Yww • • .... • • I .. ve f'"9d It tnp r1 .. Me to CIU'l'7 Ud9 ~YJ' Na•eD of ._,....wt,-ud te -----M Jllllc u I -"'1oll t.o do w1~ U. .. aM mppol'\ of tlle w I •m I lo"Ye • • " This was in part a portion of the endear,ing message which was broadcast to the world from LondOfl. ~~ on December ll, 1936. the date of the abdkatlon of Edwanl the vm .. King of Gn!tit Britatn and Emperor of all it surveys. ·11 was the last words of ae---~1---- young man who rose to worldwide tradition of my father , I should popularity as the Prince of Wales never have allowed any such is- and who finally cro\vned the king. sues to arise. It \vas the words or a man who "Ever aince I was Prince ot cherished the love of an American I Wal~. and later on when I oc-. Active woman more than all the pomp cupied th~ throne, I have ~n Member and wealth of kjngshlp. treated with the greatest kind- As Wednesday, December 11th, ness by all classe:i of the ~pie, Of is the 10th aniversary of the ab-wherever I have lived or journey- _-------------------~~~~:_-1 dication by Edward the VIII. later ed throughout the empire. For privately known as subject David th~t I am ve?' gratefy.I. . Highway Pedestrians Last year, close to a third Ot the 17,000 deeths along rural roods were pedestrians run down by motor vehicles. This appalling figure suggests the sweet reasonableness of sides walks along roads that have pedestrian traffic. There are still many times in the country when people want to go from place to place on foot, but the edge of a road with cars whizzing by at high speeds does not offer an attractive pa th way to the cautious. Sid~lks generally stop at the city limits, but many municipalities are built up for several miles beyond the side walk end. Here are residences, stores. bus stops. roadside stands. motion picture houses all fairly close together. Cons sequently a n-ip to the community market, a neighborly visit, or the walk of a few yards "to take the bus" places thousands in jeopardy daily as "highway pedestrians." Windsor and then titled Duke of 'I now qwt a1together public Windsor. by royal eo"mmission. affairs, and I lay down my bur- The News-nmes today reprints den. It may be some time before the text of Edward's farewell I return to my native land, but I broadcast to the empire. The text follows : ··At long last I am able to say a few words of my own. I have never wanted to wi tho Id anything, but until now it has not been constitutionall.>• possib1e for me to speak. .. A tew hours ago, I discharged my last duty as King and Em· pcror, and no": that I have been succeeded by my brother, the Duke or York. my fi~t words must be to declare my allegiance to him. This I do with all my heart. shall always roUow the fortunes of the British race and empire with profound interest and i! at any time in the future' I can be o! service to His 1'1ajesty in a private station. I shall not !ail. .. And now, we all have a new King. I 1,vish him and you, his people. happiness and proSperity with all my heart. God bless you all! God save the King!" Frost·· Bites "You all kno\v the reasons '-'============!! Some Authorities Say Some authorities say that sui- cide is more prevalent among edu- cated than illiterate groups. ' • - Believing Pll!RRI! L CSUINAHD, A SWISS GLASS MAJ<E~ WAS~ FIRST TO MAKI!. CSOOO QUALIT" OPTICAL GI .ASS, ACCORD- ING 00 THI!. 81!.TTER VISION INSTITUTE. AMERICA ()NCI!. IM- PORTED AL.L ITS OPTICAL. GLASS, BUT NOW 'MAKES EXCELLENT (51..ASS IN AMPLE. AMOUNTS TO Marr ITS NEEDS. OPTICAL IU:USIOl'f,.,, TWO PARA• I e• CINES MAY ee NVtDE TO APPeAR ro c~e OR DtVER1GE eY A SERIES OF SHORT LINES CROSSING THE ~AT AN· ACUTE AN~. CtHCKl!NS HAVE EYES WHICH ARE UNABU' "TO SEE VERY Wl!!LL IN PIM LIGHl; WHICH IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE P.CASONS WHY THEY GO "TO SLEEP B!"FORE DARK. MORE -n-tAN HALF OF ALL SUNDNESS IS PREVENTABLE 6Y PROPER EYE CARE INC>USTRIAl- SAFEGUARDS AND OTHER PRECAUTIONARY METHODS, ,.------------,I was undoubtedly one of the most Then too many school children could dispense with the school bus for short distances if it were safe for them to walk to and from classes. v.·hich ha.)o'e impelled me to re- nounce the throne. But l want you to understand that in making up my mind, I do not forget the country or the empire "vhich as Prince of Wales. and lately as King, I have for 25 years tried Sam Schofield of East Wey-~.I. .I. .l:.t~ public interest and action . • to serve. .... 'fta • 1'..,. ............ ~ .. al llADf " ?rt Olm.We llAI.BQA, OAID• MEREDITH'S Ve net i a n Bl i n d C o . Now Open Ma111dadurera of Custom Ba11t Bllnda Complete Repair and Renovating Service Free Estimates W SOth Street Newport BMCh Telepb...., Barbor 861 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY .PllYSICIANll s 8UBGEONll, D.O. Oregon has developed an economical type of rural sides walk to serve residents of t hese small suburban communities who are condemned to use the highway some of the time. It is an asphaltic mix two inches thick on a light gravel base and can be put down for $2,000 to $3,000 a mile. It offers an excellent year round surface. "But you must believe m e when I tell you that I have found it impossible to carry this heavy burden or responsibility and to discharge my du 1 ies as King as I would wish to do \~:ithout the help and support of the \voman I love. And I "''ant you to know that the decision I have made has been mine, a nd mine alone. 1881 Soap No''' Surplus I T ~" TO THE important forces in bringing about mouth, Mass.. ordered s 0 me NEWS TIMES This is by no means a routine World War II Army surplus com-J. • acknowledgement, but an expres· I .------------71 modi ties-and reports he received ston ot my personal and most sin-Book k.e e Ping Dr, W, T. Mooney l'bJ81dan ud 8wg«m 64 bars of soap made for use in Editor. News.Times: • cere thanks for the assistance you the Civil war. 1 want to tell you that all of re ndered a Very worthy cause. Service On the label of each piece· was us who have been in some \\'&Y as-Cordially yours COLIN F. BBOWN the slogan, "save soap to win the sociated "oith the Salvation Army Russell Smirl (Jlazbor 18") war," and the stamped signatuie, Salvage Week program are very Chairman, Newspaper Naturally such sidewalks must be financed by the corns munities themselves as there are no appropriations, federal or otherwise, for the purpose. However with the · rapidly mounting highway death toll, any move that will save lives Is worth serious consideration. Co "ttee IU llarlDo &-_._bl. "Commander -in -Chief. Abraham pleased. with the splendid news-· nuru .• -. Lincoln." paper cooperation that made the Salvation Army Salvage An American Tradition "This was a thing I had to judge entirely for myself. The other persons, those nearly con- cerned, have tried to the last to persuade me to take a different course. I have made this most s~'H:t Holiday BOSTON -Policemen Herbert L . Smith and Joseph Snyder answered a call from a man who round a skllnk in his cellar "1th its head caught in a jar. After that the two police were given the rest o! the day off. sad decision of my life only upon the single thought of"what would in the end be best for all. Christmas Seals have become an American Tradition. Have "This decision has been made they become a tradition because I.hey are bright and at· less difficult for me by the sure tractive? Or because we like to decorate our holiday packs knowledge that my brother. with his long training in the public ages? aJfain of this country. and with Borlng from Within LONIX>N -The Moscow f'adio r eports that Russlan geography- scisu have drilled a hole 20 miles into the earth ""th an electric drill. "The successful experiments near Leningrad show that elec- tric drilling down to 30 to 40 kilo- meters (19 to 25 miles) can be achieved in two days." the radio said. No. American traditions have deeper roots than the appeal his fine qualities, will be able to ot a pretty piece of paper. Christmas Seals, distributed each take my place forthwith with· out interruption or injury to the year around Thanksgiving time by our tuberculosis associa~ life and progress of the empire. tton, have become an American tradition because they are And he has one matchless bless- the symbol of an intelligent battle being waged in this ing. enjoyed by so many of you and not bestowed on me, a happy Banditry by BlcyC'le country against a disease a nd because it is an American home with his wife and children. CHICAGO -The shortage of custom to stand back of efforts to improve the \Velfare of our .. During these hard days, I have automobiles in this city was em- people. • • -been comforted by Her Majesty, phasized, by the fact that even my mother, and my family. The the bandits are forced to seek Christmas Seals are a little thing in themselves. We can ministers of the crown and in par-other means of escape after oom- buy a whole sheet of them for a dollar. But the thing for ticular· 1'1r . Baldwin. the Prime mission of their crime. Recently \Vhich Christmas Seals stand is big--as big as the health of l\1inister, have al\vays treated me a banditi pointed a pistol at David with all consideration. There has M. Lev)t, took $125 and his badge every man, \VOman and child in our country. When \\'e buy ne\'er been any constitutional dif-as a state department of conser- Christmas SeaJs we are giving our s upport to a campaign rel-ence between me and ParU-vation employee and fled on a to oontrol tuberculosis, a disease '''hich causes m ore deaths l:m~en;t;. ;B;r;e;;;;d;;in;o;;;t;;;he;;co;;n;;;;st;;;;it;u;";;;;·o;;;;n;al;i;;;b;icy;;cl;;;;e;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, among young people between 15 and 35 than any other disease. a disease which kills people of all ages at the rate of one pernon every ten minutes. The campaign against tuberculosis has been supported by the sale of Christmas Seals for nearly 40 years. During that time, tremendous strides have been made in conquering the disease, but the final victory has not yet been won. It will be won if the American people continue to support the ass sociations directing the battle by buying and using Christs mas Seals. which provide the ammunition for the battle. It is an American tradition, a good American tradition. to buy and use the Christmas Seals. • Brand New Equipment for Rental ()SME1''T MlXEIUl e POWER SAWS • WHE£IB48RO'WS AJB TOOLS s 106 <J.F .M. PORTABLE AJB COMPBJ:880B8 PNEUMAn C'l TIRED TBACTOB8 Wfi'H BIA.DU ----· ---~:'ko CONCRETE B~EA.KING AND SANDBLASTING SERVICE I Contractors Equipment & Supply 1311: Newport A-. l !Ilk. w..a ol Nwpoo.1 lllN. ao.tll el lllll St.. c..aa 11-. ..._ 8''~ S.. Does Your House Need . Pailltlng? ti. Ow&Jd Md open&ed .,. World War D V..._ 111' l'C ,_pet" ?rent good wm ... pairi••&& ti. ll'w l'l9e NP tu P~~R2&45 Lee C. Bea1 GORDON B~ FINDLAY I CONTR&CTOB AND BtJILDEB Ottlce: 11410 c-t 111..i. I ~ -· ru CABINET SHOP ~ERVICE CABINETS AND MU.I.WORK T. C. JOHNSON, SUpt. DRAFTING SE 1RVICE • ROY M. WATKINS and Associates (la tlle .,_ llllle) D I ESE L S E 1·v I C E • • • • • WA1'Cll FOB THE ANNOUNCEllENT OF OUB NEW LOCA'DON. We U'OM? to lldvlle Iha& -are leavlnir our ~ lom-a& 901 c...i lllglnray, Uae ...._ l:lo., oa Nov. 17th or bet°"" We wilb to U.yk aD ol tbe m1fioYeM ol Uae Boll- -Co. for their epleedld eoopentloa dwln& our .,.. 0ar .._.. •• ,.. tee! u.e w uo1 '"' an recaet -- -"" al IUdl pl! I 'lft r-httone ' I am ..e .. enllt wllP be referred to Ben r• 1111119:1' amtll OU _,., ag;pl-Ill MW! ed. Lucky .Lewis drive probably the most succes-Week. s!ul one yet undertaken here. Nov. 25, 1946. I was asked to seek press sup. port, and the whole-hearted re-The public's memory is never sponse in printing news of the as long as a congressional lnves- importance of this undertaking ligation. -Minneapolis Star. ONCE AGAIN SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Often Yoa Uae ~ Plaee to Dine .. Ornnge Coantf: All New· • • Even the Location . •• ()ne..Half Mlle East <1 Old Location on Coast Highway. Beautiful New Cocktail Bar We'Lead Southern California In the Serving ot -SEAFOODS- ALSO YOUB lllDd ol STEAKS -VISIT OUR KITCHEN - Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Mar.ket WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~ We Are Bulldlng -nose Hard-to-Get , SASH AND DOORS to Order All Types of Boat Repairs , Sterling Boat Works , m o..t RIP•~ Nw; ut lleMlr. _ · ,....., B1rem llm I I. 8 . WHYTE DNO-t'.&X OOlmlJ'WAlft' ··~ 6cr a. thlttlld ..... ~ 'GIT Diiler'-" '° ... 1 ..... .. OOllm9tloa wSUt. iDell:iallt &all ~ •t11J1'19 • •••t ... ....... PiffG _..._ _ ........................ --- Armand Monaco ABClllTllCT 81.& W. Bay Ave., BaR.. -1114 1111 I •"re-ood. .&ft, Loo~ NO~- R, L. HOLFORD landscape Designer Ooeta Meta Pllone Sonia A.Ila ll575 DAY 8CBOOL Mortimer School llOZ Oonl -hlud DAY SCHOOL OPEN& OOI' l Or..teo: ColL Prep, .......... O. A. Mortimer, M. A., Osford Pl1Ddpal Pllone -11111 · DENTl!ITll Dr. Obed Lucas '.DENTIST -~ W. ClmtnL --HIO NZWPOBT BEACH DK.. GORDON Ill. KAPP DENTIST -Weoto.tnl ---at-I Newpwt OCCIDENTAL. un: IMRJBANCB 00. - RA7_ Niel8eo -----a.a-.... ..._ Baroid K. Grauel Chapel "We~lbellelter- 1>,-Sel •Ins Othon -- ...... I .. o-la .._ Qal'a , PUlfOBAopre Veda Tlliompeon Teecber <1 Plano llDdOrpn ftm1 an 1 m1a --elm-..... ( ............ ) ...... A. V, Andrews, M, D, PID'7WIAN -llUBGEON '11 ~ lllcl>wiq. -1111 ON-. ... - lolm K. O. Clnmg. I'-D. ..., 7 1. md lwi 2 7 ' 7 -8:30 and bJ' oppolntment Beacon 5075 U0-1--0oola-~ Gordoa M. Grandy, II. D. PHYSICIAN.and SURGECfi BoJboa Inn Arcade Ottlce Hn.: 1().12 un.; s..5 p.m. Pbooe Hart>or :rr 8, R, Ball, M, D, ~-~ Houro: 2'5. 1'y Appointment Talepbme Beacon - Ul a.--Ooota - llllton M. Maxwell, 11. D. 1901 c-& lllwq CJonma ... Mar Office Hoon: l !>-12; 2-5 Pllone-rl- S, R, Monaco, M. D, 814 Bay Ave., &!bee -.1TU "8 8. BDl 8&.. Lm •-p'sr TU-'11111 By Appointment T. P. Bee&ir, JI. D. Wm. L. Spivey, JI. D. ftJi*'s=udlaapw -w. O.tnl onloo: --B'lfden ... Bal'tMNr ll~W 8tlllVEYOllll R&ub & Bennett I eqwa _. =satz a• 11111-pon-. ~- 'mr' 37 • 81 fl I W 11171'.C 'NI !fcapwt._. T I ,, I a.tior .. ·--II:. T. llutlaww ... 0. D. O;t t• DD -a•••MD .__ IK1ft.IOA'lllD -. .. , ...... ,, ...... -.. ..... -..-.i .......... Robert A. Cnwford ' . . -D. •1cilUN•i I .... g '&'t4il • e I J'lUld .-~ ... , 1rt •11120 I -----.-._ _______________________________ .... ________________________________ ._ ________________________________ ,,~·~~~,..,,.,.~...,,,,-.:-,,,_-~~::--~~~ I I a Ylllt 0.. .... ts" I e. fh ud DllJh1 Saa Color Slddm, pllm- nlng &Ida, CQID~ lw stock '1 carpets and llnoleum. .... ~ Ocu11ll, llepalNd LUDLUM Carpet Works Jal --II&. --.... -U1IT.A /!MA E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OO!OS&orG& / CEMENT WORK Flagstone Work • Cement Block Fences Pia& W-00' F-- OALL 1111-1 .-0& INFO-.&TION "You Must OJ'der Now o... For the Holidays" ~ ·$9~! •• 'aMOUI cnbettot lmvlotfon P"'9""" Spotl • StofN • llemi•N. • Cfgor9tfill lvrn• • Ohwkwodon • Scrotd!es • °""" and Marred labS. Tope.. a.vwtibl. feir Fl""" We •b.o _.. G'-• lope. __. "'1fron. .~ 1'fjfil ASlmot INSULAllOM AIH B ... 111.i lt'OO D G/l.AJNS 501 E. Cena-al Barbor S8 • IOY AL TAii.i PAD CO., , _, •• c.a. ..... • , .... --... - . - this year alo1e, we have added 129,000 telephones They're going In a:s fast as we arc able to in:t:1.ll them ••• the telephones needed on the Pnci.'ic Co::i..st. In 1 !:~6 alone, we have already added more than 129.CCO ;-r.d thousands more go inro scrvic~ every moach. But tl:.crc is still a bjg job ahead. c..np11 .. 1ed 1wltc..._,nk, ables, dial equipment and oveo new buildings have ro be builr before everyone who waors a ttkpbone an ~ one, This will !lb time beawe our progress is baodiapped by sbo.rtllgts of ma- ieriili and by the discwbed rooditloos throughour the country affecting maaufacturcn' output and our roo- struaioo projtttS. Afea.owhile you may be certain due -will do ovaydiiog we can, For jr is our purpose io our huge expansion prognm to provide service for everyone who "raor:s it jwt u ropidly as possible ••• better servke rhao ever before .•• a mott nJ:uable suvice to every use.t. We are spending diis year for gross plaat additiom ao aggttgore of $)(,000,000 "'hich excttd:s by $24,000,000, or 80 per ceot, our p=ious highest yearly planr apendirures io 1941 of $30,000,000. /lut ewr-!111prevlng telopltone _,,Ice "' th• I•- . 'ost '"mistml wilb 1ooJ u-•ges~ad v."OrJUas 'or.ditio• fO? otn e•plo7e~s •tl ti ruso,,11ble rtlMtW"' IM tl>o#- .-.ls of P•ople "'"° MH ilnak";,, 1/w '-i1uss. S1cdx:ra Califoi:llia Tel1pho• c. ... , .... H&l . . ' ' ' - Ten Srnaf0:;;,""20-6, ''f Dr1 , ... , ... n • In Final Grid Encounter Newport Harbor Fishing News •••.r-11 -Sportfiahinc A11111. of Newport Harbor lloclt cod and pleat)' ot them fore, oo da1S ot heavy toe. the '!be New'"*t Harbor h l 1 h Uevanoo' attempt fer the c:onwr-la the catch on the live i.Jt -to -to have not been lob!& out, od>ool Tar devm ""'1nC1 up Ito alon point wu no sood: -da1S out ot Newpcn Ha!' Flahermon are aclvloed to cbock u~ football oeuon Jut The Sanon OOOl'td apln near bor. Barbor polo and .,.,,.. aft the weather 1ep(il-to before plan- WedneJl<lay afternoon with a ...,, the end ot th• game -BOO the -that detaihe -pop: ill.nc a trip. u It II ...... to he aoundln& victory over the hapleoa Robina .--vettd an Orange tum-•Y<d rod fish, 'Ibo rod and white r~. er a OUJni17 ~. don't plan Oran~ Paothen oo the local field ble on the Tar 48 and with Mel, olrlpes on the barbtt polo roc:lr. an loinc flahh>c. by tho ..,.,..., or ~ lo reeling ott long pJm on the cod r-ve thorn that oome. Cow Pier ~ ve otDl !mod<· It wu an lntttestiOI, offensive ~ play, the SaJlcn mowd sized rocl< cod aft hard to belleW. Inc over the unell In IOOdlY contest that aaw the Tan start down once again tor a marker. ctually. thtle f:iah aren't u bl& numben. Smelt are not cmJy tun lat• but pin momennun u the Mello _,,, o-ftom the Orange u """'· but look a krt like them, to catch but IOOd to eat, same ~. and under the 2 )'an! line but ...u-.i the oon-Tho Valencia· m ftom Kins'• With strtnp of omall boob sparking of Halfback Louie Mello, v~on. Landb>c, bu been clolnc IOOd on baited with oalred bonito, hearty run up thrft touchclawna In Int-Tar standouto In the game '""' the Dago benk off H1mtlnctOt1 lliilelt !lshennen lit on the end ot i:r-Jve falhlon. althoulh out-Olamben. Mello and Ward In the Beach on rock eod, 'Ibo Water-'the Newport and Balboa plen fint downed and outaalned by the bacldleld and Robins, Hanson and witch, ftom the Fun Zone Landa fishing clay aftor !IAY· The mack- acrappy men lr<><n Oraose. Weathe.wax In the l!M. -r-1"" Ing, In Balboa. has also been ettl, halibut and yellowfln croaker The Panthen completely dom-.. n1on made their lalt appear-brlngin&' In IOOd catches. Fisher, are not around theae da1S. oo the lnated the fint p..-lod and, capl-ance for Wendy Plckena'1 eleven men ha"" been averacln& 40 ...... u provide the main catch for t•llzlng on Sailor tumbls, moved and made their final came before paundl at more ot tlah. pier tlatiermen- Pl.uwu. JUmuJ PLAY SCH00L SOLVES PROBLEMS FOR BUSY MUlRERS. • • • A FULLY EQUIPPED, SUPmVISE:I >, FDlCED-IN . PLAY YARD AND ROOK FOR i YOUR CHD..DREN WlDLE YOU SHOP, WORK 9R PLAY. • • • INDlVIDUAL ATl'ENTION. SPECIAL MORNING SJ!$$10N FOR 2-AND 3-YE4&-0LDS Open llonday Throa1h 8atarday 9a.m.tollp.m. ••• JIWIDIQ-SS.00 ••••17 •••••••• ,. ••••• Wl!:S'l' END 01' PARK AVENtll:, BAI.II()& ISLAND ..... ..,.. ..... ~....._ ... down to th• Tar 7 yanl line at rans an auspidoua one. Wheft ~ a rain 1torm Spottln croaker, ye)Jowflnf,.:=======================:::;; the betclnnlng of the aerond quar-The Pan then, who ohowed will pt'<'mtt l!lhing, the last few croaker and halibut are belna ter, but there the attack fizzled plenty ot IO"&P and fluhel of de.ys have teat a _reaird •vy foe caught in the bay, but are not when Paul Robert.on Intercepted good offe111e, gained 13 fint <!lamp down on the boats eolnc loo dependable. Tho 1pottlo& are an attempted lateral and nan the dowm in the game to the Tan' out. The toe bu been IO tlllck tricky, and a fisherman bu to porker back to the Tar 35. 11 and outga!Md the Sailon, 250 that many boats have got loet have patience and plenty of ability .... -~~-i1111r------­-~~ -~· .ll••...1.••'-••· Freala Daily Delloblo-- Fr-om there, with Buz Ch.amb-net yards to 215. when caught out ln it. n>ere-. to land them. Fishing · for them Or. cnmplete ..... , ... .m eN, Roger Hlllhouso and Bogey On Wedneoclay evening, the la belt on an lnoomlni tide. Horrell pacing the attack, the Huntington Beach Olien cinched y OU Can Mail your Frank Hart and Mac Cook of S&llors rambled to the Orange first place In the Sunset league Check to Commum•ty Newport did good on yellowfln goal line where Horrell punched race by trimming Santa Ana 7~ croaker and smelt in the t>ay at over left guard for the neeesaary In a hard,fought game. The Oil, Chest, Says Kenny the foot of 28th street on Mon- s.ix inches and the touchdown.. era, representing the league tn day. 'Each had two yellowfin Horrell converted from placement CIF plaYoffs .met and defeated All Community Olest worken that weighed nearly three pounds and the Tan led 7-0. the Chaffey Tigers in Ontario ate busy cleaning up their dis-apiece, plus about a dozen smelt. -70ll ..... ttocalicll :roar """' ,HORMEN FISH MARKET ON CENTllAL A)fENUE, NEWPOllT BEACH The score remained the same Friday night and will now move tricts in order that the official These fish were caught on salted tor the remainder of the first half t4!JU quota ma,y soon be reached anchovies. l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ijiiliii but in the third quarter the Tan <'lJpf.Y: SJ1.0 uaAata v10..<o, tnJ Several districts have raised the Another croaker fisherman Ii took the kickoff and started ano--.IaMod at.fl !up<>aw ·~v.i drqwo1d sums assigned, but are continuing from way back, Earl Graham of ,. ther scoring drive that carried ·ura4:J 31.{l u1 SfVU!J·fWas al.{l OlUJ the drive in order to help some of Newport has been fishing at them from their own 35 to pay YARD STICK the districts which are having dlf· Earl's Landing and Port Orange, dirt. Mello cashed in from the Ne•1>0rt Oran(e ficulty in making their total. All and can't see how croaker can four Y'ftTd line on an off.guard Total first downs ........ 11 13 are assured of sucrcess with a little be caught up to six pounds on hand·off play and then converted Yards gained rushing .. 208 191 more effort. one trip, and absolutely nothing for the extra paint. Yards gained passing 16 32 Newport Harbor has never fal· the next time he goes out. Earl The Panthers came back in the Yds. gained penalties 39 10 Jen dOIA'Tl on any assignment and specializes on big gobs of mack· early seconds of the fourth per· Yards lost rushing .... 16 7 will not fall down on this accord· erel chum on his hooks for bait. lod to score with Junior Pentecost Yards lost penalties .. 15 5 ing to H. F . Kenny, treasurer, who • rambling on a reverse from the Net yards gained. ....... 215 250 is directing the Cornmtlnity Otest ' Disabled vet Moves Tar 17 yard line for the TD. ~:!!: :;::.;:,';: .. :::: ~ ig drive in the· absence or P. A. Pal, To $8000 Bike Shop mer. Interceptions ·············· 1 0 The various organJzations \ In· At Mesa on Dec. 15 FOB IN81JllANOE !ID: Howard W . Cerriab PIM>ae 8• Mil 5151 Automobile • Fire Accident • Life License and Contract BcodlWrt~ Fumbles ·······--············· 4 1 eluded in the local Community MAULING the MAPLES Chest fund have been assured Ute Gordon P . Maloche, Costa Mesa, quota will be reached and the who had a rough time ot it.Over· aid of the Chest counted upon seas during the war as a supply of .. for the coming year. ficer in a tank destroyer corps for . Some ~ple hav.e delayed send· the army, and was finally with .. 1ng in thez.r donat1ons. They may drawn from the service because ot Monday EvenJnc Leacue be sent in at any time according injury, found that he had to ap- at Sportla.nd to Mr. Kenny. It is not too late ply himself to a new occupation League Standing as o! 11_25-46 and every dollar received may be after his misfortune. Won Lost counted on to do a good job. Mechanically inclined, a handy Keene's Korner 11 7 The area is noted !or its in-man, and familiar with mo.st gadg. R icky's Men's Shop 11 7 terest in welfare and civic work, ets that made wheels go around 1 ';::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::=~ Balboa Inn Cafe 10 8 and is al"'ays ready and willing he started a temparary bike re: 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE Balboa Cleaners 605 East Central Balboa I j Narmco 9 9 to do its share of the world's pair shop at 416 Hamilton street, Starcks Cafe 7 11 work. Costa Mesa. liF~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~ SOFT WATER GIVES YOU GLEAMING SILVl:B • , • 8PABKl.JNO GLA!ISWABE and DISHES As low as $2.50 . per month Logans Good Eggs 6 12 Donations should be mailed to Maloche Will move into a new The innocent bystanders were the Community Chest Box 718, $8.100 building at 1929 Harbor treated to a battle ot the king Ba1boa or may be left at the Blvd. about Dec. 15. Until then sos RADIO llICTRIC & ISLAND pins las! Monday nlte. Ricky's chamber or commerce rooms at he is loaded down with O>ristmas Men's Shop tied the boys from 702 E . Central Ave .. Balboa. surprises. scooters, bicycles. Whiz. Keene's Korner for first place by . zer motors, at his temporary loca· taking two out of three from Nar· what hit them. Starcks Cafe ft-Both he and his wife are native mco. The Balboa Inn Cafe man· !!OPT WATEB SEBVI<JE UO 11Za4 II&.. N-rt kn~ twice before they knew tion. RECORD SHOP nally opened up with all guns to Californians. They knew their aged to stay in thlrd place by shoot the shells off of LOgans way around. Fortune smiles, the ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!_'_'kn~oc~kin~·~g~K~ee~n~e·~s~K~o~r'.'.:n".'er~t~o~th~eir~ I Good Eggs three times. (anybody business expanded, appliances were llartoorlld 1it11..at11.1111U1111•11u111U11111111i1w.11111111111111111111tlll1111u1u1n1111111111u1111n1111u1111u1u1111111111111111111111u1~ care for a slightly used omelete?) added and a variety ot joy.ride i -..... i B. Hillhouse of Starcks Cafe equipment was purchased. ; ; and G. Humphry of Keene's Kor· !I !' ner battled it out for high score • • •~ ._~ th Hwnphry winning with a 245 against Hillhouse's 222. {Does ~ ~ anybody know where Humphry i ~ found that 129 last Thurs. in the i ~ ~ ~ mixed doubles?) •~ -~ Speaking of outstanding events, you should have seen J . Llnkie • ;_; • ·_i_-of Ricky's Men's Shop shoot a turkey Mon . nite. We had to ~ I " +.. ~ argue with him for an hour be-~ ... ,~ ~ fore we could convince him that ~ %511 Newport Boulevard. Colt& H eu ! he couldn't eat that kind for ii · BEACON 5&lJ. i Thanksgiving. :.~_= Open 6 to 10 P. M. Dally, t to 9 P. M. Sunda,J"I i Sportland's weekly high score OLOSED MONDAY ~ prize of $5.00 was won last week ~ .i11"11111111111trr1111111111111111111111n11111111111111111111111111r1111111u1111111111111111111u1~1111111111111111111111r11111n1111111u~ by Gail Humphry for the m en with 247 and E. Burton nosed ()pea ~ ERl8p& llon&t.., June Vogers 210 out with her 24-Hour Radio Service HOME -··AUTO MARINE RADIOS REPAIRED Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Highway ftoae: -· 5711 Newport - "A Pldcc Whne l'isftnm<n Mut" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drinks -Short OrderB "SPEl!D ilowE, Mmag..-JOSEPHINI! ()QUIST, 0........ lO"I Zlst Pbwle Newpon a.ell • 215 to Win for the ladies. -Bob ?.rlau All kinds typewriter ribbons ln stock at the News-nmes. HANSON'S Shade and Linoleum Shop A New Building New FBcllltie8 Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery ---Installation Free Estimates . hd ...-·sn'7 I dt_...._. ...... '"l ...................... ) Aj;ln1dm --•"- CWI •---........ Interloekinir Block Co. -~ ..... o....--.--. ,.... .. ..... WE MAKE HOME SERVICE CALLS Limited Supply of Radios Available for Christmas lmmedlat.e Delivery Now • On BadJOA • Radios • PHILCO e ADMIRAL e HOFFMAN e PACKABD BELL e GJCNERAL ELECTRIC e Wll£0X-OAY BECORDIO VISlT OUR RllX:ORD DEPARTMENT FOR CHRISTlllAS SUGGESTIONS -. • UNIVERSAL APPUANCES For Your Shop~ Convenience e will ~ o!)l!n until 9 p. m. every night except Sunday, effective Dec. 2nd APPLIANCf AND RADIO SPECIALISTS -- HENBY W. BJlAINEIU> SOO Marine Aft. BALBOA ISLAND Hartlor780 While They Last! • Bicycles • Tr icycles • Scooters • ·Ronnie Chalra • Strollers • Skates • Jeeps • Hot -.Roda 1bMie Jto • lh!W • • ' Mesa CYCLE SHOP -T ,....,-1-h '11 IUJllL'lON 8**'!*:1• Phw1: Bw IDlll.t K • 008'.U JlllU. --Olll" ....... .a I I 11 VE I • ' • ~ "Cap'n" Don s e~,i (JI,,/, -~-.-­_ ............. 0rs-- A ......... Combination ·Dinners A NewudUamaal Seafood Specialties A For--. BEA<JON 5465 OPEN SEVEN N1GHT8 5 to 12 H. S. P-T A to Aid Student Activities Bryan Lewi s Daniell Christened Sunday Bryan Lewis Daniell, six-weeks old son of Mr. and Mrs. John R . Daniell, No. 8 Bay I.stand, was christened Sunday at Mt. Car- mel Catholic church. Mn. Rob- ert Lee Watson of Los Angeles was the baby's godmother and Ralph RichJey stood as godfather, WELCOME HOME! ~:;"du:. his brother Melvin, now ' • . Mrs. 0 . T. Johnson Luncheon Hostess N~l't Barbor Post 291 After the ceremony a reception ~C O was held at the Daniell home, Mr. and Mn. Wiiia.rd w. Bertulfllt. P,t after tbelr marrtace at ~~-AN LEGI N those present being the grand-the F1nt Baptbt church, Lone Beach. Mr.. Bertulelt wu tbe for· Second of a series of luncheons =-• •,...:•.!.,.~.:11;&.a 'it= parents, Mrs. S. S . Wold of Pasa-rner MIN Ma.rpret (Pqgie) Nlel1eD of Newport BeaclL. for those who are interested in ... .A..-. i.. Aw ~. 1 .. -. dcna and Mr. and Mrs. John H . Pboto by .rac11 Haddon forwarding the movement of "============:i i Decids of Los Angeles: a great--------------------------[ world peace and unity was given r aunt, Miss Lillian Daniell: Dr. and Be rtuleit-N ielsen Marriage Solemnize9 in last week by Mrs. o. T . Johnson White House Mrs. J. R. Lacayo and Melvin F B C L ~ with 21 present. Richley, Los Angeles and Mrs. irSt aptis t hurch, Ong each Telling the aims of the Baha'is Cafe Jennie Smallwood of Balboa. The and their founder and prophet, group also lunched at Newport A lovely November wedding honor, gowned in pale pink lace Baha'u'llah, were Vera Scott and ~ sm 11 Harbor Yacht club. WU that held in the First Baptist and ne;,t and carrying a ·Colonial Mr. and Mrs. Steinhauser of Es-church, Long Beach, when Miss bouquet. Bridesmaids were Miss condido. ~;;;;;;lapm;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;BMch;;;;;;;';Cla!lt;;;;;;";;;;;;~~D~r!~v~e~Caretull~~~y~a~pare~~a~Llt~•~-:0 Marg a re t Nielson, daughter of Di an f Margwarth of Newport Nearly 8 century ago Baha'u' _ Julius Nielsen, 111 29th street, Heights and Miss Joey Steinbaugh llah conceived the idea of 8 world became the bride of Willard Ber-ot Arc&dia, wearing pink and blue feder ation and warned of 8 com- tuleit, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Wal-taffeta, respectively, and each Jng ch&OI out ot which would ter A. Bertuleit, Balboa Island carrying quaint Colonial t>c?uquetS. grow 8 spiritual ciVilization on K. Petty f!Jl{,elu.-__ The double ring ceremony was Bill Stahler ot Venice was best earth. Looking forward to this read by Dr. Winfield Edson. man and ushers were William time, he established social laws The bride, who was given in Nielson, brother of the bride, and and institutions, Inseparable from marriage by her father, wore Bill Van Ripper. his mor al precept. and spiritual white satin inset with bands of Miss) Jeanne Ann Gerrish sang principals which are to fuse the· lace and with a flowing tra.ln. "Becadse" and "Ah, Sweet nation1, races, o-eedl and claues Her fingertip veil was caught in· Mysteey of U te", accompanied by in to one Wor ld Order. to a crown of orange blossoms and Victor I Neely of Long Bee.ch. After welcoming her guest.a to she carried a white Bible on whidt After the ceremony the recep-th be tlfully I ed I ch were white orchids and a shower tlon was held in the dturch narlon e au appo nt un . r-'°n, Mrs. Johnson preMnted Mr. ot bouvardia. where-the three-tiered weddin1 Jiarold Ahrendt in violin aelec- Miu Verna Nielsen, younser sis· cake cut and served, those Uona from Handel with Mn. Ah· Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau AD II-al Traftl to Jr:mepe, llodao, Ba-. &oa I SK Wedd Tl'lfi9 la tile .... tatme. • • • 1!1ee Mn. S.,y ~ Ph. Barbor S91, 301 Palm, Bal'- Boan: 19 a. m. to I ,po m. .._,.al the~· White's Balboa Island Cafe AND OO<JKT&IL BAB LAUNDRY ONE Wn:& SJ:RVI<JE Broadway Cleaners Ul nro.dway Clo8ta M-Ph. .._ 6'J2S lsM'l:EB QUALITY 011' DRY <JLEANING 5 DAY SERVI<JE-ll'BEE DELIVERY • OPl:N llATCllllAY AFl'EBNOONll e ' • ~'".e -~-e:, #J)J_~ "*' ~!(*~; 1& r.;ee,- ; -.. • LINGERIE . . . the gift she longs for. CIS:T CERTIFICATE Department Store 1'1'9S Newport BmL INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED MILLINERY TO THE DIS- CRIMINATING WOMAN OF THE HARBOR AREA. ter ol the bride, wu maid of uis~ll: bolllll: Mrs. Johnnie Boyd. ~t playln1: the accompalnment. Mlssla jVlvian VaUjl!m and Mn. ~iiiii~:;;;~~~~~~;;~~i;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ San Oementans Wed ~~B=gs a nd Lake Tahoe At Chapel by the Sea were Included In the honeymoon trip ut the young couple att 429 Glameyre St. LAGUNA BEACH Hours 10to5 on 'J\les., Thurs., Sat- Phone 3604 now a t home at 58)0 Sea.shore A pretty wedding ceremony Orlvei ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!held at 1 p.m . Saturday, Nov. 23 -.~-,,,-,,,-,, .. ~.,-,,,-,,,-,.,-,.,-,,,-,.,-,,-,,,-.,,-.,.-,-,,,-.,,-.,,-.,,-.,,-.,-,,,-,u1 i in the Chapel by the Sea, Corona ~ ~ d0e1 Mar, united two 1po~.'.':.'"eoSan =.:;• ALLMARK _,~:: • .. There's ADVENTURE in Fascinating, Glamorous MEXICO -Jo&- Julia Ann Hyde's PERSONALLY CONDUCl'ED 12th ANNUAL . CHRISTMAS TOUR PARTY! J.. J .'-r .,,·~ .• 18 Fleala Fiiied Da~Dee. 14 to Dee. SI Write, Phone or Come in for Details . J~ Ann Hyde Travel Service ; • qommercial National Bank, Fourth at Bush Santa Ana, Calif. Phone 4910 "Onac<> eoa.~·· -Tram _.. TED BROWN, Jeweler ·--W•HM--1 ••PPOM O.NLT OOllPL&ft B'W'EL&Y 8TOAE Our -lo ftlled with . . tbl' neurat ID jt:wdry. watdift and ~ • ,..,._ .. _Giia __ l11T.JCw;1rt ..._ emente young peop e. u1.q.3 n-_ stance Elizabeth Chappelle, dau-• ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. ~ C ARDS ~ Chappelle and Reed Ford A.mes, -. • :,';n t~!t M~iyand Mrs. J . w . Ames I for Christmas i The cer emony was performed ! i by Judge D. J . Dodge of Costa ; Costume Jewelry I Mesa in a setting of white chry-• santhemums. pink gladolias and :.~," ~ Shell ·.~~ lighted tapen. Music was by Mrs. Florence Anderson, ""'ho played I ~ , and ! Love You Truly and Star Dust, • - as well as the wedding marches. i Indian ~ The bride wore a go<A'fl of white ~ ~ eyelet embroidery with organdy ~ Jewelry ~ jacket and her fingertip veil was i • held with a crown of irridescent iii ; sequins, fashioned by her mate r· ~ Vues X Jl"tgwhwe ~ nal grandmother. She carried a ~-1..-m.,.. :: Oml••••M!J 1.--1-·.~ sheaf of American Beauty roses. r-~-_..J ;: ii Mn. James Decking of Dana !' N rt Sou • ~ Point WU matron of honor and ~ ewpo VeJlll' i her gown qt blµe tatfeta was com-! and Gift Shop ~-- pltmented by her bouquet of sweet ~ ., peas. R..x Ames acted as host • !102 0.-. l'rollt • man for his brother and ushers ; W W ,..,...._ ~ ; e rap..,...., • were Jim Bill Ames. Pvt. Edward i ~ M. Chappell jr. and William R. ·.11•1~u111.,ren1111111n•u1111111u1111111111111ne11tn11••11•ll1•: . Barrett. cousin ot the bride . The reception was held In the Community Club house at San Clemente where 75 guests were served cake and punch. Afterward the new Mr. and Mrs. Olappelle tert for a honeymoon at Rancho CUltu. I • • LIDO ISLE • • • CXCIE""IONALLY . A TTlllACTI VIE TMflllEIE •ED•OON HONIE. ••• ,.U.NACI: HltAT. Cl .. CULATINa H 0 T WATS•. TWO 9ATHe. LDVll:LY flllAT t O . LA••IE LANAI. •C•T CON•T .. UCTION. I flllll:•Fll:CT C 0 N 0 I• TlOH. I "••cs •••·•oo t ••• ~ p. .. pal-""'""""'"" rec II on lJlJ ,.,. 11<1-. ••·-••" i. .. ,, cc1 1Lt. ,,,.,.._ -~ .. ~ ...._.. la -. -- -- '' •• • ••• C:HEIRIO FROM c. c. "Chuck" w I R T H BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We Claim to Have AB the Silver in C81ifomia Expert Sih"erliiiitha ---AD Work Guaranteed SILVER AND GOLD . . Tea Servka • Antique Flnkhlna • Trophies • Jewelry • Clndelahra Reftec:ton • BaU.-Flxturee Baby SbO. • Onmlal • Marine PlaUDC • ~ and Sowentn l'lrsz: Bru • 5lU, Da1lll B•e• 11111-a. lll1lldz OOSTA MBBA • c. R. "Bob" H A N D • •• •