HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-12 - Newport Balboa News Times• .. • Tl SAND CRAB .. SAM S -'V!!_. B ttroHl:R8. Talking to a tanner local meat cutter on the p,_,,.,t tie-lip of mar- kets, be remarked that most ol the strike trouble was in the top moguls in the Union. Said be bad been persuaded to attend several union meetings and found that the organization was run by a few men; that if a member tried to put in hla oar from the floor he was disregarded. Everything, he said, was "cut and dried" and run with machine-like precision, and if a member insisted, he was either ousted or "beat up". So he quit. The present sit- uation v .. rifies the foregoing, as witness the final revolt of acme 600 butchers in the area against Union Chief Krasnasky's stiike edict, as they want a secret ballot to vote on what the member- ship wants to do instead of an order from the "boss". + + + After 20 l' ean. Tuesday marked the anniversary of t he Co a s t Association's Chrls1mas Party and "Forty Miles of Christmas Smiles". It was Harry Welch who formed that organization in efforts to secure recognition for the problems facing Or- ange county's shore towns- recognltlon which was nig- gardly in coming. The pass- ing of those two decades and the work accomplished by that Coast group is reflected oo l!'Vl!ry hand a& a tour of the coastal cities today will reveal Dr. Slaybaugh, for- mer county purc h asing agent, was its early presi- dent and his widow was given a "hand" when in~ duced by Prl!llident Herb. Kenny. Walt Longmoor, bead of the ~ted. gave a talk, while forthright Jim Irvine, assisted b y Mrs. Ep. threw th .. switch that lighted up the trees. It was quite a party that Bill Oall!enne ar- ranged at Huntington Beach Memorial balL Mrs. George Wheat decorated the tables. + + + CJuistmas Lighting. This year as never before wit- nesses much holiday appeal by the business interests of Newport Harbor. F ormation of business men's association in Balboa, Newport. Balboa Is 1 a n d and Miracle Mile, brings with them lovely out- dOor trees and decorative ef- fects in the entire district. Newport has a large tree, as bas the Island and Balboa, while Miracle Mile presents a shining white cro5S. Best effects are the street lights along Marine avenue on Bal- boa Island. Costa Mesa has a beautiful silver tree at its main intersection. + + + "Red" Slmberit. One1>f the most ;:Jorful cfiaracters to enllvenTthe early days of Newport Beach was M. (Red) Simberg. who came here In 1911 and who passed away at 75 In San Diego county. 1'Red" was a pho- tographer and then an elec- trician and was In business with Ben Lobnow. ''Curly" Tripp and Felix Modjeska at different times. Simberg was electrical inspector under Oty Electrician Cordy Rodg- er and was a foreeful and en- et11etlc civic worker. He left here more than 10 years ago to ranch in the mowitains ot Mariposa county, selling out • a few years ago to retire to San Diego county, where Mrs. Simberg bad lived for Kll"KP POSTED! 1 y_. ....... ... ~ O• "' .... ,. °"' .. '" ., "*°"'"'-.... ClllMlll ... th .. Nc«o r .. JfwjWt ..... • ' • .NEWPOtrr ~0-P 0 1 \. w1 znl,) Ne .. paper . ... ..., .. • -al Q:c 7 ... . . . ~ -EMBRACING .~A PFJiflNSULA, WEST NEWPORT, SEA SHORE COLONY, UDO ISLE, NEWPORT HEIGHTS, Ml.BOA ISLAND, CORONA DEL MAR, COSTA Ml'A f OUJllS mvm NEWPORT BEAOR, CALIFORNIA. 'rRUltSDAY, Dl'<J'M!ID u. l9H ~ 1 ~ .. Bob O'Neill -Rescued by Coast Guard Plane ASK FOR Investment Company Officer CIT·Y BLDG~ former Co: Scout . Executive CRUISER COLLEGE Heads Harbor .Realty Board -HITS F~UR Will Run S. 0.-Youth Bureau . MOORED · DISJRICJ New Directors and AdmiJPstrative Officers · MILLIOll RussCampbellofSantaAna,GeneralManager II DIEGO Are Installed by State President Gairaud of Coast Freight Lines Firm, Who Boosted A request for state aulhoriza· at Ceremonies Held in Anaheim Elks Up to the clooe of November Scouting Activities When Leader, Takes SAN DIEGO. Dec. 11.~ tion to include Huntington Beach Club; State Rent Control Opposed building valuations for the City New Post on January 1 what worn after spending nevly and Newport Harbor in a propos-of Ne'WpOrt Beach in the 11 30 hours in the drifting 4l·foot ed new junior college and school 8 7 LYLE E. DAIGH • months of this year reached a Jtw Campbell of Santa Ana, pneral m•mcea fer -eo..t apart fishlhg cruiser. the Pamela. district was placed before the Attorney Thomu W. Heaclenon of !80 Vla San Bemoi, Ud.o ble, peak of $3,987,766. Chief Build-S tale f'relcllt Una aad a Jonc-Ume leader tn. Boy 8aliiBI: ~ Robert O'Neill, 22, of Balboa. WU California Board ot Education in wbo Is preMdent of tbe Barbor Jnvmtment company, lllbdl""41en. NMr· lng Inspector A M. Nelson stated will a..u.me the daUes of chief of Juveafle tiepu'CWmi Im tlle ~ a happier man today when a Coast Sacramento today. port Beach, wsa lD9talled u preeldeat of the NeW)IOrt Barbor Baity on Wednesday. county Merttrs ofllce on .January 1. Guard plane appeared over the Bo--• al a ••---r -Unc hekl ID ... ~ A.nabelm Elks clah oo -·-' . An.aounorment of tbe ... _.., .. ,.__,t wu ~ bJ" IP ! lft-Eleet "---'~n !iv rru"les south f Point The request came from the mem-am u.u;uac -..._.., _,., ... ____,,. March with a valuation of $907,-1.,.. Mmlck, who dttcloaed ~pbell, a naUve of PwJ'I._... , ...... ""' • · e 0 bers ot the Newport Harbor Board e~~r offleen Installed by L Louis Galraud of San .Joee. •tat.e 883 and January with a valuation .... educated ta Erle, Pa.. and at Caraecle Tecll. Be laller ._ Loma, and sighted the boat. of Education and was the result pl'Mkk!nt of the California Real Estate U80cl•tion lncladed. J:lhahetlt of $519,l:m was top for that per-gr8.duated from the national training school for Scout executives The rescue was consumated by of a conference he-Id in the New-c. Beck, .ocretary and treuunr; .Jack Sadlelr, nni vtee pre9l~t and iod.. May was in third place with and then took speci.a.I Y. M.. C. A the Coast Guard plane pilot at port Harbor Union High school William \V. Sanford, second vice S435,997. July came up in fourth 0 . Bad training. 3:30 p.m. Tuesday. about 30 m.in- on Monday. 0 R president, all of the Newport Hai-place with a valuation ot $322,-pen I s He was with the u. S. army alr utE;S after the Coast Guard opera· At that time the board voted to wen uns bor district. 785, Nelson reported. corps for seve n years and served tions base at Long Beach received ask the state board !or the au-Among the other state office.rs ~e head of the city building three years in the army-navy word from the S . S. Barbara 01· thorization to call for an election · of the real estate association who d~tment also reported that 0 H b .branch of the Y. M. C. A. in the son. a cargo steamer out of San on the proposal by vote of the f · c t attended the installation cere· ·ding valuations for the first . n ar or Philip.pines. He was emplo~ at ~edro, nashed word th~t they had people of the l\\"O school districts. or OS a monies were Louis A. Lattemer. 11 of December have reached one time as a field executive in sighted the vessel adrt(t at sea. In their report to the state edu-state treasurer and Walter R. $72i975 which when added to the the Southern California and Ari-The Coast Guard had four cut· cational board the harbor educa-Romm. \\'ho is state vice presi-11 'mo~ths' fjgure makes a total Boulevard zona offices of the Union Oil ten and a plane searctting for tors expla ined that Ne¥1J)Ort Har-M p . t dent for the 12th real estate dis-to date of $4 060 741 company. the missing boat and her pa.uen- bor school dlstrict has a valuation esa OS trict, of \\'hich N~'PQt't Harbor ' . . He came to Santa Ana as assist-ger since Monday night when the of $20,000.000 and Huntington is a part. The following persons ti 1 e d a nt Scout executive f« the Or-Newport harbormaster 's office re- Beach has a valuation of $40,000,-Also installed as newly elected plans for new building work dur-ange Empire Boy Scout-council PJrted the Pamela missing. 000. members of the board of directors ing the past week: Bids for the paving of H arbor in 1942. In nearJy four J"Nl'I be O'Neill told the Coast Guard Between them the total valu-Forrest B. Owen of Costa Mesa of the Newport Harbor Realty F . W. Terwilliger of 706 Nar-boulevard from Costa Mesa to was instrumental in tbe experwlon rescue pilot that he experienced ation of $60 million is beUeved by and well-known curio shop pro-board were Ralph P. Maskey, cissus avenue. Corona ·del Mar, Manchester . boulevard w i 11 be of the county council from Z1 engine trouble and could not get the coastal educators to be suf-prietor on C>ct!an Front, Newport Thomas \V. Henderson, John E. who will make an addition to hta opened at a meeting of the Cali-cubbing and Scouting unlta to 78 the apParatus to work. ficient as a foundation for the set-Beach, is one of the five candi-Sadleir. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Beck. present residence and convert a units. He also headed up the He said he left Ne¥1p0rt Harbor d !es for the posts On the bo-~ t t •-•---and dd fomia State highway commission ting up of the new district and a o.ru George B. Weiss and Fred W. garage o wo unu·uums a cubbing program. lhortly before noon Monday and fOT the utilization of property of directors for the new Faintiew Briggs. a Uvtng room at a cost of $3000. in Sacramento today. He resigned hia Scout plBition had expected to be home betore needed for the proposed junior County Water district. These directors were elected at F1 W . Kuster of ll39 Gaviota The project, which mQ" cost several months ago to beoortlt!' a nightfall when the engine save college. Five candJdates are to be chos-a board meeting held November ~t Santa An •• who will erect $300.000, is designed to make Har-top official with the freicbt lines. him trouble. Educators stated that state au-en !or the five places on the board. 12 and they appainted the new a oft atory dweJllne with detach-bar boulevard one of the major Campbell has been actift In · 'lbe Balboan was expected: to thorization, if granted, does not The election will be held on Mol)-officers for the administrative ed 'tlirage at 6C)l Mutaold ave-Santa Ana aa a boys' work mm-return With the 00.t, as soon u d ~--be 30 t th Cost three-lane ..,.,.hway routes of the mean that new taxes will be added ay, ~~m r • a . e a CCo J ed p S) (Cl a I flw --..!.... 1) ... mitteeman for the I.Som dab. on the engine 11 repaired. The cruJler to the district school tax bill. It Mesa Elementarry School. accord-nt nu on aae r..-county. the Scout committee ot. the Elim ii now moored at a repair dock 1n simply means that a collqe dis· ing to information released by I The road was planned several club, program chafnnan for the Smt Diego. trlct can be authorized and the County Clerk B. J . smith on ne lnqu••g Photographer yean ago .. a !arm-to-market men's brother-at SL Peter'a (Cmtlnued oa Pare Stz) Wednesday. -n ... rou te but work on lnc:reuina: tta Lutheran church, ue••e al tile D s •t Sq . d be~~ 1;:;,~d6~del~to~~ By w+ Gerhardt capadty WU held up dwinc the ~alde:~::..r:edtilebJ>~ . ugan . UI Ua ron Mesa whooe boundaries make up Qwtioa: Wbat do youtlaf!lill.~dellbrlleM9most! la te war. . Globe, and a frequo;nt !lpNker the new district. ~· ISABEL .A.NDREWS, Ci.VII:) all projlcta. &nd p-oblems Ulat are Payment for the work will be on juvenile and YoUth P"Oblata. c t• ed · Candidates certified on the bal-leader. 315 J&mllne A.,.., Corala a matter of common Interest and with state and federal funds. The He is a 32nd degree --a on m· u U • M t lot by the board of supervisors on del Mar• concern to all of us. oounty com pleted acquisition of bowling enthwdat. nit ee S Tuesday were Harry M. Aldrich, "Fir at to ·-nu.a will result in a gi:and feel-rights-of-way several months ago Campbell lives at ':iJn Cypraa. John o . Jeanes. Norral c . Lam-have the fe I l· lng of dvic uslty and community according to A. A. Beard, consult-Santa Ana, wfth Mrs.. C+•cftD S ANTA ANA, Dec. 12 _ The berton. Albert O. Nelson and F or-co-operation' of Identification and will benefit all ing engineer for the county high-and their three chOdn!n. ease of Dugan vs. the Qty of t B O everyt -one tn of us individually and collectively. way department. Musick said' Ile would llDt llMke An ora:anization meeting for the es ' wen. the Hmbor, not I would al.lo like to see more at-He said the county will talce further plans for setting up the Newport Beach has been con- United S tates Power Squadron Start Work On only Corona del te.ntion beJQC• paJd to the aesthetic bl<b Dec. 24 for moving pipelines juvenile department of bta office tinued by Justice Kenneth W. Mor- was held at the home of Dr. HOW-Mar, to a a v.e values of our business buildings on ranches and homesites along ·until after the California youth rilol\, to the Jtnuary term of the ard D. Baker at 320 Sapphire ave-Ch h M d the beaches and surroundings". Harbor Blvd That work, to be authority survey here to at.art ~u:cror court. The case will be nue, Balboa Island, Monday even-urc on ay and bluffs as JOHN E. SADLEIR, realtor, paid for by the county, is" esti· January 14 .. Report of this our-e . on January l4. · they are now. Balboa and Corona del Mar: mated to cost about $4000. vey will show juvenUe needs. Plaintiffs, Mr. and Mn. 'J'ho.. tng. The Newport Harbor Lutheran while there ls '"'There are a rew things wrong Paving will be of asphaltic ma-Musick said mu Dugan of the ~lboa Inn. Those attending were Dr. Bak-church announces a ground-break· cadam, and completion of the 1 Ba1boa. through their attorney er, Commander: Bartlett Hender-ing service to be held Sundai·. still time to keep it's identity as with this ''Par-hlghWay will give considerable im-H 8 finds Otto A. Jacobs of Santa Ana, .,re I son. Lieutenan t Commander: Ford a real "Crown of the Sea" in its adi.se of the Pa-oney ear I seeking" to rest ai t h C't t December 15th, 1946 at 4 :00 p.m. present unspoiled condition 50 all dfic." I'd like provement in the handling of traf-r n e 1 Y . 0 Pierson, Lieutenant and Dixon The service wil be held on the may bene fit to witness fie from inland parts of the county f Z l • h l Newport. Beach from transferribg Smith, Secretary-Tt'easurer . Pier-church property at the end of "Second, to assure the new hos-some of this to the beach cities. un one II ts beach land an the Corona del Mar son and Smith were appointed co-El Modena street on Cliff Drive. Awf II T t• bluffs to the State for state park chairmen of admissions and in· pital for the Harbor. Highway traffic U y I 88111 lllg purpooes structors were chosen to conduct Newport Heights. ''Third, a unified a nd strict plan be i n g slowed Yuletide Lights I The ~tate's attorney-general'• th I t I · .1 · Th e ground-breaking service for highway building so it IA'ill be d h ffi h · t ed · h e e emen ary c asses 1n pt ot1ng will m a rk the beginning of con-attractive. own to t . e Are Turned On Attracted by the gay lights of :00 ce ~~nt er;;en in t ~ cue which wUI start Monday evening, struction on the !lrst unit of the ''Fourth the elimination of all point where the Fun Zone acroa the bey. Pico,, e .... _ ......... o ave counse pres- J anuary 13. 1947. Lutheran church to be built here. unsightly billboard! from the ... some residents th e unique honey.bear, •tr'Qt.d ent when the •case is called on These classes are for sailboat f \ won't be mar-HUNTINGTON BEACH, Dec. a1A•ay from the W. C. RichardMJn J anuary 14. The city is represent- owners and powerboatmen alike The unit to be built will be a town limits. I ' ooned. on one 11.-More than 200 men and worn-yard at 33 Poinsetta avenue Caro-ed. by Defense Atty. Rowland and cover Equipment, Rules of chapel on which construction is "Fifth, more and better plant-side of wht t is our business street, en of Orange County witnessed na del Mar, Wednet:dey lli&bL Thompaon. the Road at Sea, Seamanship. scheduled t o begin Monday. Dec. ing and this planting to enhance for more than an hour at most. ceremonies conducted by the How Pico got acre. the bay to -------- Safl'ty at Sea, The Mariners Com-16th, with ajoining parsonage. the community's lovely outlook "Seal Beach and other com· Orange County Coast Association the 200 block of Eut Bay awnue. Palmer Radio Open pass, Aids to Navigation, Charts The chapel is designed tc seat over the sea." munities have done this success-here Tuesday night when the "40 nobody knows but the pn.tle ud· and Piloting and Yachting Eti-125 people and will be used for KAY FINCH, ceramics, 121 fully and I see no reason, if we Miles of Christmas Smiles" were mal was seen walkfnc pDy up Ben Palmer , owner-manager of quette. All persons are cordially church wonhip until adequate Coast Hlghy.•ay. Corona del Mar: all work together, why we can't officially turned on for the holi-toward the Fun Zone when ....... _. Palmer Radio and Electric at 2348 supply ot matl'rials makes pas-"I think our most immediate d th d I do 't d b .....,.. invited to attend and anyone wish-sible the construction ot th e a nd pressing o e same an n mean ay season. y Paul Castle of 205 Eat Sq Newport Blvd, Costa Mesa ha&, ing further information may con -church's second unit. obi is th next year. A scintillating program fol-avenue, Balboa. ~ the stocking of a corn-. tact Dixon Smith at Harbor pr em e "~ext I think we could stand lowed a dinner service to nearly She called police and ~ they re-plete line of new radios and radio-- 1757-W or Ford Pierson at Har-It is hoped that the educational use 0 f a 11 a little attention from . ~e city 200 men and wome!l prominent in turned the honeybear to lta mm-phonograph combination sets for- bor 617. and social hall may be built as means to slow street depa.rtr:nent in eliminating the bus.Jness and civic life of the tq. The animal waa brought to N ewport Harbor area Christmas A membership dinner meeting soon as the chapel-parsonage ls the murderous some of the sunulated bomb c:rat-county and its 13 cities. H . F . Balboa by Rarold Bunum. News.--aboppen. Palmer also hu an- Cor the Power Squadrons will be co~!e~~~:port Harbor Lutheran traffic on our ~1!.v~ s'::::..a de l Mar's much =n~, preafil~e?t edof the Coast As-nmes advertising man. from Ma-nounoed that he will remain open held at the Balboa Yacht club 00 church celebrated the first year main business a on, o iciat as m aster ot ico who presented 11 to lUcbanl-evenings until 9 p.m. untU 01.riat- Monday, Januan 6. All members of its organization on No\•ember artery, the "'I'd also .like to suggest that ceremonies, while W. M. Gal-~. mu for ahoppers' convenience. are invited to turn out and bring 3rd Coast Hla:hwa.y. the re-covering of the streets after Uenne, secretary or the Hunting- their Wives. Services are temporarily being This has been the forthcoming sewer install•· ton Beach Chamber of Commerce. Hospi·tal Contriibutor u .:-e Rent p .. ;d accomplished tlon, be watched more closely than served as chairman of arrange--.,.._A ..... held in the Grauel Chapel. no in communities it has been done in the past. ments. Suggests a Memorial Oty TreuUttr Gant reported to. City Fund Boosted The Oty of Newport Beat'h wu reimbursed to the extent of $4_98) as its share of the tees collected by the state liquor coa.trol board fot" beverage license to June 30, a~ng to a reR91"t made by Qty Treuurer 'J. A. Gant to the city coonc:ll Monday. Broadway, Costa Mesa. that are much smaller and where "I guess that's about all except RANCHER OFFICIATES the city council Monday that the It is expected that the unit on the residents are far lea depend-that I am In accord "'1th the idea L. A. IDanl Patch, Sunset For Fred C. Brewer 1lkCullah Brothen firm had peJd which construction lta.s now be-ent on this be.ing done than they of 1tticttt supervision and plan· Beach chairman of the Chrllt-$267.30 on a pier conoe.ioa fer gun wlll be finished within the are in our town. ning al the Hi-way b•mineu oon-tnu Ughtlna' uaiated James Irv· Paying tribute In a ••••"wv both the la.odinc of one of their bUaea.. next four months. "Second. the increasing interest 1tructkm. ln the future. We have lne, r ancher and extensive coastal beautiful and practlcaJ to tbe late 'The completion of this unit will and activity on the port of the a lovely spot up here, lets not area landowner. to olftclally Wu· Frederick c.otB~ -tar South Coast Pays Rent make it possible for the church residents of Coraoa de! Mar In Joie IU beauty by sheer lulMa." mlnate the boll•·-kalei..__ many Y•ars -~ Yadlt <!Db'• to carry out a more complete pro-f shrines UAJ ---.-race committee. a J110U11C ndlls ~ dty received a check for gJ"am of worship and M!llgious 0 and yule Ines of the ski-this -....el< -la a -SlO from the South Cout ...,._ years. education. D II G• B t D • coutal area by pulling the muter for $15 t o the Pl....,..,.., ea. paay u Nove"'ber rent on their Its Church school now limited 0 ar . 1vers oos rive awi,tch for pawer. as photograph· pital fund, uklng -It be -C...tnl avenue property, C it7 Lifeguard Fees Told to children between the ages of en flub bulba ezplocled. to start a memorial -far tile Treaw1!f Gant aaid. + + • eight to fifteen ,will be immediate-• Rev. ·Robert A BJUJDC!. local noted yachtsman.. No Batt.erlee. F ound out County Auditor L. H. Eckel .... ly expanded to include all age For New Hosp1·tal. Bu·11ding mlnlater -.'The Holy Cty''; The yooth explained It -hi& ported to the city of Newprt groups. Dr. Ralph Hawes' Glrla' 0..... own money "'1ilob be ---the other day why auto bat-Beach that $37M for llfoguard Although only a year old, the -oeuonal oelectlona; 14-.-by worklnC durinc tile ~ are scarce. In Theo--lrom June I to Sept. 30, IConUnued on Pace TJ Ted Bartlett -Iba clty'a and that ~ ,,_ to sift ""'it"i: &>re Robin's emporium ot •ccordina: to a ttpOrt made by l "'The time may eam.:-tile tllll ~ -ctvtnc qolD, to-be ;::= ~ w:,:_:;.s!,i":":'i:; ca-IN! thouCbt •.-et llr . • empty new can, ran Into Cty Treu~ J . A. Gant to the City T....am•-H hospital will be very ~t to paid In the tuturo. AW>Cialed Ownben of Com-Brewer and ~ be -_.... VentPn Orr and 'Ibeo., and city on Monday. "• .....,.,.. ::r 88 my boy and that Is bis Clrla1mU 'The ttm. Ito '= .-i In which merce, 1'8ponded. ed. so much from him et the llae both •• told about batteries.. $696,908.36 After present." aald one Y<>WlC father Newport ~-can raJee he r o.ncen from Anaheim and vi· PolDU of uDhq:. OPA'got the blame, because Beek Pays Bill M thly Bills p 'd of the che<k for $250 whl<h be quota of S75,000 to wblch abe can clnlty p -nled a half hour of ------· 'ct refusal to permit lead to on aI gave for the children'• wine of point "'1th pride. TO'date $57,000 numben by &rrallltftJJOllt "'1th the Mesa Chamber Offer COJiie in from South America 'The city ol Newport Beach re-Cly Treuum-1 A. Gant ,... the propcaed Pr<abytman hoapi-bu been received, with $15.000 Rlcharm-Martin Studio of Ana-A -...1-~ Di ...__ alOYe ceilings. Result: N.o W \"ed $760 from Joseph •· Book ported to the Newpcrt Beach Cty tal in wwer to one of the"$1" needed and with the COW>ty -. belm. Santa a... &trlbuted W'ilOUll .1G1'4ia18 leed for batteries. hence n-> of Balboa Ialand u ttnt on ..,..,_ Council Monday that city receipts Jetton. ~ appoalmately $30,000 to .,._. llifla to all attend!.. Merchants - -the method with which to start aae loued by him durinc NOftm. for November totaled $744,505.68. 'I'bese letten, Wltlch lncloae a plete their quota. 8pede! mmpII-_,, paid Coata Mae . Cw•,,., et Oom- cars and both men said tbat ber. while diabunemenl:I totaled 149,-dollar bill and ult that it be re-~ evenlne th• Rotary SeC%etary Harry Wekb -.t the merce will P"-Sifts to - tbolnands ol autoa _,, 1akl Grad Ren T Jd 886.27. This loft a baJanoo ot tur!led with another. have broucht -baned owr to Dr.;_~ c-t A-~-.~ Gel-_, ... In the ., • ..., - f that lack ...._.said ef t 0 -· 619.61 In the treaaurer'a cull In to date '1219, an avenp of Pew and the Rev . .-.~ 11mne (I( tbe AW>Cialed Ctiom-c11ap1q the ---·; f -vP or . •~r box. S3 for; NCh Jett« aent ouL -(I( 1-Bn -h, who ._ R. G. (llootty) HI...., who ~ durllls Ille-~k? -a few more l'OUlher ttitnp a1y Tre.._, J. A. ~ u.,_...-, ootstandlnc wvnnta 1t baa :not been deub ,__ P" detailed ._ta et I*-ur8np,s tile ~ ~. and oon. abol!t bureaucratic lnterfer-. ports the l'ec:lpt ot ~ 0--lhe _,.,tine to $2,288.'15 ,_.i tile otood that lll<d&es. to be paid nat Dr. -~where tbo _, Jira. Geol'se Wheat, W_.a Senlns • )-' -= p -with the law ot aipply R. w. McCellan • &ilia tirm•rar total balm to -.-as. 111a ,.... and 1n I!Nll an ~. -come froiD la -""''••!•di!> Ouh alDdal, who -·-..._ Calla ~. ,.,:;, •• -JM. .-1 dpmand rent on the ._ ot city pader. statement -ed. and 1DU1J who haw st--(Clon.._-4 ,. Pqt T) • Ille r.r Illa .--·-lie Br' , · • ' - ·' ONLr· 10 MOllB SHOPPING DAY& UNTIL CllBl8TMAs ' ..,._ • • • What a happy man you'll malie him on Christmas if you shop for his gifta here. There isn't anything hia woa- derful old or young heart desires that you can't find among our priceless gift suggestions. Just don your bonnet and start choosing today. ., Coast loul1vcrcl Soulli · 1.AGUNA BEACH • STOBB l.OB MEM. • - -rt• ....... "h .. 11 ..CW!JllF?s --• • - t1r !!, tMa HanCl.Omely designed ties In smart conservative eoloro. $2.50 Full cut, superbly tailored ahirts in colon and white. '3.50 • $5.95 Fine quality cotton hand- kerchiefs with colored borders. 6Sc Compact leather toilet kit completely equipped. $12.50 Well made leather wallet \Vith several size pockets. • $5.00-$22.00 Hand sewn gloves made from quality pig skin. $7.50 Attractive hand knit muf- fler in smart pattern. $3.50 Good looking all wool robe $14.00.$20.00 All wool, heavy knit ski sweaters $8.95 Well tailored pajama in beautiful paisley patterns $9.95 • LClflmCI leacli-P01110na • ' • I '.MAKES. m$TORYLf,OR1 WOMEN~ r THE ftNt wonu~o eYt'f to r"4.:elve, war ell'on; aa a 'fke.presldent ot tht: Mt-dal tor Mt'rll. bl.lbeat 1 the USO atnce March. lttl. abe bad Ptt"111ldt-11th11I awriu-d ,granted to t.lvt1-I 1t•en •tatetmu.Jlke le&denblp to Inna. t1 Mn. ltt>nry A l ngrllh&m or 1 tbe formation of policies &JfecUq New Yo1·k Ctty. war-time ·preside-lit 11ervtce1 to war production •otken. or the N11.tlunal Board of tbe Young their ramllle1 and tbe ram.tu .. ot \\'umen1· Chrlattan Aasoclatton1 and membert or the Armed P'orceti, aa a Ytce-pre1lde111 of USO The Medal a ruember or the Womeri'a AdYlaor, for Merit wu Cl"t!aled by Geor&e Committee, Bureau of Public Rel&· Wa1hln1ton tn 178!. Shown above Uona or the War ·Oepanment. u.d 11 Rear Admiral Felix L. Johnson. •• a member or the committee USN. con&ratulatloc Mra. Ingraham which selected I.he a..-t rroup ot at a recent luncheon at the Wal· women to be trained a.a Wac oa. dorf-Aa<orla, New York City, when cera, 1he gave •&Juable a"tatanc•. the award wa.a presented to her. to the Armed Forcu ln matters Id· President T'l"umao·1 citation which tectlD£ service women; that ab• accompanied lbe Meda'l (or Merit gave great aaatatance and leade.r- atreaaed tbeae reaaoo1 tor Mn. lo-ship In t.be aolutton or tnterraaal grab&m'a ttttlvln1 to algnal &D probletna aud tbe rurtbera.nce of • honor : A• war president or the N•; better underatandln& unooa r&e:ee tlonaJ Board of the Young Womens Cbrlatlar. A:.,,octal Iona, Mra. Ingra-tbua cootrlbutlng mater1a.U.7 to lb• ham was reiponalllle ror the auc· unlt.J o( the counttJ. MrL lqra· ceaatul moblllu.tlon or the total r• ham II toda,y worklDc actlff17 la IOUtcea O( the YWCA ID &ll a.11-0Ul tbe USO f'U.nd camp.a.lgo for •• ...,.. I/a NOTES of the Balboa Yacht Club Balboa Theatre ~BarborH Box ornoe ~ Da117, e:ao Skippers of Bal~ Yacht club PC fleet wiJl hold their annual No;..:b= t~~~y:ln business meeting Sunday et 10 "A Nt"ght t"n a.m . at the club and afterward will hold their second race 01 the Casablanca" winter series. .Jamea Cap.ey -Ann Sheridan Saturday evening will be the annual election of officers and di-"City for rectors of the club. Last Saturday the PC neet had Conquest" a dinner at the Woman's club-& Chap. lS. "HOP HARRIGAN" house, Laguna BeaCh, for . them· --'"'--------------- selves. tl,eir crews a nd members of their families. While the prime rib roasts were done to a tum by a caterer, they were served by Mrs. Lee Shipley, Mrs. Sid Wilk- inson and Mrs. Fred Smales, while Fred Smales served as "mix- master." Afterward there was horse racing and keeno and everyone had a wonderful tune, according to Velma Barber, publicity di- rector. Present were Ed Gid- Sunday -Monday -Dec. 15 -111 • Denn.la Morpn -lack C&noa Jean LelJJe ti: .Jania Palce ~wo Guys from Milwaukee" Aloo: ~ LaqfonJ "The Bamboo Blonde" dings, fleet captain; Mrs. Lee TUM. _ Wed. -Dec. 11 • 18: Shipley, Mr. and Mrs. Sid Wilk-z ReqUMt Featurea! inson. Mr. and Mrs. Smales, Mr. Merle Oberon -LaUJ'fJbCe OUYler and Mn. Bob Henley and Diane, ilRlluthert"ng the Larry Wheelf!rs, Dr. and Mrs. -H Gayle Suess, daughters Doran and He"tghts" Ann, and Ann Wells ; Bob and Richard Jordan ; the Burt Rus-a Olivia DeRaftl.land In sells, Harold Cowards and Bob "Raffles" PlaWlnce and his wife. Hebe Eric kson, Nell Dominis, Both Samuel OoldwJn m.ta! Delmar Hickey and Mr. and Mrs. ----------'---- Ed Frazer : Sally Short. Saint Tbun.-Fri.-Sat. -Dec. 19-%0-%1: Cicero, Bill Nielson ,Fred Schenck, Brl&n Donlevy .. Gall Rq'M'll ~):~ti;;.,.~~ Viroinia Rnvce and "Our Hearts Were SUPPLY THEFT Theft of building supplies, con- sisting of two door jambs and a one-gallon keg of plastic glue, from the Chinese Cove, where Roy Greenleaf Jr., contractor, is doing a · job, was reported to police Wednesday. .IL I D O Growing Up" JamN Stewart -8oMllndl B1111ell "No Time for .Comedy" & Chap. 14, "HOP llABRIGAN" Note: For your convenience, Box Office now opens at 8:15 lllPUJ' NlcbUy tJuou Sa-y at 8''5 and 9,0G, .....,..,. •• _..,. -Tw:1f1;r -Dece tea 15 -tt · 17: eo.u---.,. ,,_ %:1~ ... & rw. at 1:611 & •=- ..... W tr ' r: D•a-llLG .. Ill -m.&. 'lllS DD CW tild"' ... • I I & ,., 7 • • • • •A "'-. ~ JIULa1 •• MMlf' CTARCl'S CAFE Beer Mked Drtnb -Short Orden "'8PaD Bain. M<IMgcr-}ourluNB ()quwT, 0- Newpan B 11 eh CHRISTIAN'S HUT Leman! Ma1\:3&. MAnaaer JWlioA, onla DELICIOUS FOOD ... COCKTAIL BAJI DINNERS ... BANOUEl'S • • 11..,y people atb .. t.d ID Ule ---.._ -ID MANSE .N'S~ C.•l•ctli••n & • -·-al the --the -pi... ~-... the OoMt ~ In H<Jnc K..,. be -tbe Mlnde Mlle ..-..i the Teel< Ah KillC Sllplny. a Oh= ~ Lady a m.-..n pleu 10 ...,...i II ,.M that -led 14 WQS. - 'the cn.ft'I ~ But to .... ffij«tij1"tft""d bJ', JDUQ' nota• .-ata T. F . Kl!kfnny, J-ble Enclilh yocb-• a de- lloqan -F. Robel't Vaustm. llirable pl-to build hil :ra<ht. the Teak Lady, a "mlmture After the yocbt WU uncler .,..y. Mallll .• Hambmaa1 yacht'" is their baby. he bad built on 18 foot mlnlture euni in Honx Kon& i,y Ollnete or his teakwood pr1Joe produetd u craftsmen. the "'Jacly" is 18 feet a i--nt ta his nephew In San Ion& and Is built of ~ Francll<o. Tiie -t. inddentally planking, includin& decks, erec-was doslgned by Ah Yeunc. Clll· • tions and trim. The little -ts nese Naval architect, auodilted have a proverbial air about them with the Ah Kine SU-. !or they the embellilbed with Building of the Teak Ladift ,... band-carved decorations. IUSpended Immediately when the About 30 of the 1nug craft ..-Jap Blitz broke <M!t' llClllC Kone. llhipped to Cali!ornla owners be-But the eonquest of the colony fore the war but proc!uctloll oe_. was so quick that 11~ damqe ed during the confllct. Their pop-wu done to the comtnlctln& allp- ulJrity waa not lor&olten -"'!" way and It wu able to .,.ume extended to a present &harp 1 aperation& 9000 after :Jtln& mand. had eewd. The "1ady'' will aleep line , A number of Teak haft .... ,, .... C.717 .• Expert Beauticians for Milav • Pmlion...ta, Oolcl 'ii.... Bolr StyUnc. Bolr Tlnllllc -• -B'z 6. in&. Faclall. Soft water -a -clualvely. NO WAll'INU Ou.-udlMlf '2iC5 -........ •• •I -0 ,_ lw . --· 0 • a forward cabin. and is powenid been llhipped ta the Pacl!le Ila· with a powerful small engine. Her rine Aaodat .. alnee the !Int of seaworthiness is· undaunted. One the year which have been unc:rat· Teak Lady aome time ago po<>Ved ed. lml!fOVed. painted .and placed I i:,,P~:'::' ~F!.::a™:": !Feakflni..:a:..=on ,r: :f: = = = !~ ..;.':, -~&::: ~w= ... *..ill*..ia•!.i*.Jil*..i*.Jil*..ilt*..iii*..iii lulu without m.l.shap. ilhing touches m the boata have· T. F . •••lreeQ" ud r. •••1:rl v....., maaactac 41.rfJctors of the #. - The building of the Teak Lady been made by Tam Woodbury, • .._ Marllle •H•ole-ea Ge 0-t lllctnnif• Mlnde lllle. .. B'DOMES is a atory that goes back to 1931 finlahed boat artlsaa a nd a 11· -Walter Gerhardt Photo. #.. Cocktails when Mr. Kilkenny was ln Hong around·boat·mechanic, who ha• 1------------------------1 •. Fine , Drinks • Before You Build or Remodel Kong. At that time Kilkenny had made some ot the more particular Li M I ' decided he wanted a yacht built finishing improvements on .many N r· . •t on a1· ·1ng . . FEATURING-~eyte=~·~~ttl.:~c:~ =~s -;~:.d this harbor for the 0 lme. ml #., Hot. Co•.-d Beef Sanclw1"ches , can yard would tackle the job Mr. Kilkenny h 11.1 announced c c d 0 ,. • ----- ot' importing the wood from Odna that he wilJ return to Hong Kong hr sf mas ar s verseas f for the boats construction. An al· about January 1. where he will I . . ·: T-BONES mm 81GNON Sample Md Dl8play Bocilm Color guides, pUn- nlng aids, COOlprebens- lve stock of carpets and 1lnoleum. most endless search tor a builder WQJ'k with the Ah King Slipway TOP SIRLOINS of his "'teakwood dream" took him tor the purpose or expediting more #. BY to E ngland, Scotland, Scandi-Teakwood Ladies to his waiting It is s till permissable to send r ela tives and friends at hol!1e. .: ''DEE'' ROBINSON ·Clef of the Kitchen navia, Malaya and then to China, associates in Newport Harbor. Ouiatmas greeting cards to mem· While Ouistmas cards sent by f ' bers of the a rmed forces in the Air Mall after December 1 prob-' : occupation are .. overseas; Major ably will be delivered in the most f Newport Beach Ocean Front General Edward F . W1tseU .. The remote areas before Christmas, • : Army's Adjutant General, said to-General Witsell today urged all "SALI:;Y" REES, Proprietor / day. those who contemplate sending :L· Even though the thirty day per· Christmas cards to take prompt ~· """"*""'"""•1't•"**"•* ........ 'Nie'Mt~·'liliil·· ~ . . . • • • fod tor mailing gilt packages tor action. .. ~~ ...... ...,, ] .. ...,, y,., >""" _ ~ . . .. .. .. Army personnel sta tioned in dis-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~==~~~ tant posts all over the globe ended r, November 15, there is no restriC9 tion or time limit set on the mail- ing of Christmas cards, General Wit.ell pointed out. These cards muat be aent in sealed envelopes as first-class mall and tt ii sug- gested that cards mailed after December 1 be sent by Air Mall LUDLUM Carpet Works 1m -llala llt. ._-la Aa -UNTA ANA Frotti . LIDD ISLE • • • W ll: D P'P'll:" A N UNU8UALLY P'I N ll:-COM .. LETll.LY P'UllllN l aHlr.D l"GU • •&D .. OQM HOMll. ON LAR:CIC •ITL THll: ..... c a DP' I ... 7 ,&DQ •• I M ATll:llllALLY I UHOll:llll I 111111: .. llllOOUCTIDN I caeT. I •HDWN av I ~ .. DINTMCHT. ...,I... p, G . palmet" •NCOOOIATIO realtan llll ... l••o. ~•••o•t II••<~. ••Ill, l•l••~o•• ~·••o" lleoc-. '"'""' !jQQ • BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the people of the Harbor Area and wish to thank·our customers for past patronage. SILVER and GOLD PLATlNG . " --· ·or ··,,.,. ... ,.=• ... ,,_ C. C. (Chuck) Wirth C.R. (Bob) Hand ftszs: Br• llU J:liQ9; BnEIE 511111 a ~ 1914 Harbor Blvd. .CGsta Mesa -·-LOS ANGILIS -·-LOHGllAOI .......... -''"""°' ....... -SAN'fAIM>NK.A LESTER & Co. M-'>.. I.tu ;IJopl.1 S_ l!s.._,_ 2004 WEST CENnAL An., Nrnorr Bum HAuoe 137'J INVESTMENT SfCUllTIES TO MEET THI INYISTOIS' NEEDS using the new SC pastage rate. ~~====~=~~~==============-==============~;=~ With the receipt of mail from Ne. "'' ... po4 ......... ttJ .. ... ........ crWi. He .._.,.. ~ .......... .... ...... Cll ........... "" chh• '"- ........ lfltto!K9 .. •wll • 40 .,. JD p«GM Mb .. MOW.So!fM'e•flwt ,._.._ -ct.em ""' ~-brei-. Titey wiU W, ._.... ...... ...w ........ 1c •• ,.... home playing a vital part in the morale of ~erican troope in the occupation areas oveneu, Gen- eral Witsell said today that the send.Ing of Christmas greet:in& car<is affords an ex'l"llent means of maintaining t he vital holiday bonda between sold.Jen and their ""The educational focus must be redirected on the Individual. We mUSt have a special prooeu for developlng each student."-Dr. Ly.doa. o . Browa president Knox College. Galesburg. ru. SHAW'S UPHOLS I £RING A Complete Upholstering Service We speda1IU In marine up- boktery, canvas b reak fa 1 t nooks and bar booths. Ftte estimates pick up and delivery service. BAY VIEW CAFE Under Same Mani!gftnent ••• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wells At Feny Landiag, Balboa e (lmnpl I teiy Jlodlindad • STEAKS -CHOPS -. SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 8 a. BL to:! a. BL aGHil Twwliay Fountain Service Inspection of Our Kiidien-Welcomed DIESEL SERVICE I . New 225 H.P. Diesels Oii Halid We?Ndllklaul D'r1ell oa ._. wltlt ell:al ~e el . ~ , .. e WS .AU w.nnt'G oe•• •• CJlf ma ,._ .&lf1' ' i- 11.&ND aoTAftolf DIP••• fta IWIK DfftAt.l.a. 'DON& ~ -mOOBON 11Nn11. 0.R•zd: l•B.P.G1z 1 zr ... "-·. See us for lnfcrmatkm Oil Venn Se\iah:I. D'r1ell "' • ~ IWe Ill Al Kats na&Jlfll .. IZWil (is ?1 .,...., Owwww y W•tdl for tile of 0.. New loc•tla• a • \ r,,wt ,.,. • ., ,... Diced Carrots --. ,. I' ---.Shoestring Beets .... .. .. ~-F'W.Flake1 , .... _n---TomatoSoup White Com Honey Ve!Yeeta ----,.. ...... °:::::: 1.12 tcme Beer I::, ... C..flfll....,._, .. ,....__ ... ..... ' ....... , ...... --...-. .... ... .... ---. ......... -.... . ,...,.,"*' Gloa Slan:h ~-": .. Pura Bleach I=. II" !! ........ ll<. .-.-.... ""' White Magic Bleach ,.11• _ .... CHUCK ROISIS s..wy,_.....,,__s......_ .............. T·IOIE STEllS AltoPw•l d -~~ ..................... BEEF RIB ROAST ' .. NOTICE! SG1 j, the butmer.- lltrlb Oftl' lfmday ..,.,..,. , bu domed our IDCil -1 lllE1'lret. We ..., J'&Gpm .. iioon • ... -proolde JOU ·--*"ice. • • • • . GIVE BOOKS •11M s a...., I' M 1, 0 1 2 Wr 55' .. -.-n...-. EStrelffta 's · .... -ft.llU !L&lftA Alf.& 24-Ho•r Radio Service HOME - - -AUTO MARINE RADIOS REP AIRED Bart R. Norton 915 Coast· Highway .,._: B•~ IMS N'ewpod - I SANTA c·LAUS WILL BE HERE 1·5 P.M. Sunday, Dec. 22 GIFTS FOR CHILDREN SAVE, UP TO· 50% on Xmas Gills for Every Member of lhe Family 0 .• 0 THE WGt:St' SEU'CnON OF POi IERY ON THE COASI' Over 100 brands of Califomia'• finest~ in ~,, and select.eel "nconds'' that you will be proud to gIVe u Christmaa preeenta 0 • 0 Dlnzerwar •-D-.rwar • -Dfzaerwar• Fr•clsc• War• JD the Apple, Desert Roee, Coronado and El Patio Pattenll l••r -Meffox Poppy_Tral-C 4hl1azo . cailfonla -Rustlc-Wlnfleld Ckllla Chrllltmaa Shopping Ia Fwi • • T~~ POTT~~y SUACK lll2 Swtli c...t llhtL Plnat llln, Lac a Brei. • '"rli. ....... , a .. ..._., ... hcifico.e .... -& ...... ·-----·---..,, --,, -~ -,--.. -.... ----.. --• ..,.... , -e .r _, .. ~ ' - • - t li•~llv~ 1,._.v1EJTM1E,_.T Cv. ~IEALTV~S :J()n. ITllr.r.T AT W. Cr. .. TllAL Avr.. Cl.t.pf.o.u dlo..t-16oo 16o1 • The Home of Good F'ANt-------, Penons interested in rellgtous dice; The Olapter in Your ute booka will be glad to know that Entitled San Franciaoo; Finletter they cah obtain a copy -Of Grave's -From the Top of the Sta.in; new book, "King Jesus" at the Green-Car Owner'• "Handbook; Newport Beach Public Ubrary. GREEN HAW'S ---~>DRIVE-IN••-• FORMERLY SANDY 'S DRIVE • IN Waffles -Dagwood Hamburgers -Steab Ham n- m c-t lllghway On U.e 'Mlnde Mlle The library also lists the fol-Klock-The Complete ff orn@-onec: lowing new books on display in orator; Liebman-P eace of Mind , BALn MORTUARY 1------~--Watch Us Grow•- their stalls: McPhee-A House In Ball; Mal- 11ctloa Iowan-Come, Tell Me How You BalJ-.Pull Down to New Or-Uve; Murray-Fun at Sea; Neb-_ d; _ leans· Baum-Mortgage on Life; lette-Careen in Photography; De La Roche-Return to Jalna; Reynoitt.-7o.ooo to l: Rooeevelt L dy Attendant Frank-Mr. Adam; Freuchen --Al He Saw It; Severelcl-Not a Whlte Man; Grave&-Klng Jesus; So Wild A Dream; Sitwell-Lett Jackson-The Fall of Valor; Kim· Hand, Right Hand; Van Valken: -d; - brough-Night Fire; Marquand-burg -P eace Atlas of Euroi"', 410 Coast Blvd. B. F.'1 Daughter; Maye>-Loom al Willor>--Plkes Peek or Bust; Zim-""RONA DEL MAR the Land; O'Hara~reen Grau merman-Where the People Sing. '-"""' of Wyoming· Sinclatr-The Jun-' T ) h H bo •2 Pia& Worlr: or ....__ gle; Slaught~r-ln A Dark Gar-If you like scrambled <llP and e ep One ar r '* E. J. (Bud) OONTBA.Cl'OB Jacklin CEMENT WORK Flagstone Work -Cement Block Fences .. den ; Warren-All the King's Men; bralno ... You furnish the eggo I DAY AND NIGRI' CALL 1111·1 FOB DIFOBK&TlON White-MJ.atreu M&lham's Rf!.-i:ha=ve::_::the:.:_scr:.:_am:.:_b:led~b~ralns~'.:.· __ J_!,==========~~==============;======= pooe; Williams-Fortune, Smile -Lindsley. Once More; Wood-The Devil is a Lonely Man. Bailey -~~e Sentence; Daly-The Wrong W a y Down: Dewey-As Good as Dead ; Eber- hart-The Whlte 0.-; Inn- What Happened at Hazelwood?; Ryan-Death Never Weepg: Tho-. ma.s -Prominent Among t h e Mourners. Altrov-The Wlnpd Sotpent; Baruch-Glass House of Preju- MEN-WOMEN Prostate -- -Pelvis ......... , ...... -___ .... .,...., ... ~ •M>'·-r-. we , • t .. -·· .....,, ... ..,.. ,.. _,.,, ......... . -4 IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0----· ,,,,..,_ ... ~ ~--.... _.. ..... __ , ...... .... .. •• ... .. c.. n.c..·1eT ....... ,. ............. ..... ..._UM r.. -:r ....... ,,,, ....... 9-1 9:1e A.. IL .. ·-P ... • t , .... 'l'Lw 0 ,. How's Your m:_:_ , .1.u1w1g. --0- Yoor car may need this !our-point cbect:" • MeClnr <Jkdlap • Vllhea Md <lllrboa • B-' M <llf ....,, ....... 8& ...... --0- llO'l'OU U8tJDll' .--<>- Midway Alto · Senlce J . ''l.llUW.O lillA- ft1•1 B d• -1w 'Dz ,,, Bain DIOJ' be IOOd newa for farme'rw-but not for unprepued motoriata. An ornery windshield wiper or faul17 brake!i make wet-weather driYinc unp'-nt ••. and cla11gor01'I. But 7ou can get the drop on the drip by ..• I I I ., ·. ••• driving In at our Ford service sign, You'll get courteous treatment ind prompt attentio n to your needs. We want to keep ><Our Ford in top shape ... oo 7our driving will be safe and pleasant always . I I I I I I I I I I I I --.------------------------------. ' I ' t_.je•ot\ft I rowtot\ll ll•1 I Co•tJ WllU .,_Ford needa to mab It ,,~ will be done hr f..:torf-tralnecl awlynlo ... ua1ns Fon! -Od ~ Y-. _..sift,.,... car a new llue.., life- and wHboat pattlq a~.., 7<JV ~ Oar -•lee dlarsw are __..ble. ftM .. -IJW.lY Me IHI - I I I I I I I I I I I I I You'll mJor lhe PMC1 fll mind u.at -f.-i.-tnc .,_ Ford II ~for the wont. Aad JOU'll .,_ "Tllll'e'a Jfo Pi-1Jke H_.. · fllff Ford 8en1oe. ................... IWC·-Y ~ WY•l2 NOON · ..7orct DlfrWf 8tClill • QI WWII t>AY ..... P.M. ------For,,..,,,,.,,, s.r-nc. FG#rfy P.1cec1, sH------ --.. c --. • ·- THEODORE ROBINS • • -·· 0 ........... 'II • I r I' • 'II • ' • . I VWt ••• • The LAMP LIGHJ Shop OJstom-made lamps and shades made-from your own treasured objects. Or, cbooal: from our large selection of an- tique bases and "planted" lamps. Antiques Now is the time to Oloose your Xmas gift to the discriminating col- lector of antique silver, china, glass, and furni- ture. . . . YOU will find our stock large and varied. Afternoon Tea Daily 2 - 4 1507 (;oast Highway Corona del Mar Are You Planning to Remodel? Let Us Help. We carry a nice !tock ot Arlzona Ji1.aptone for that wa1k or P9'.tio. U you need a small supply of rock or sand for that patch job and a cement miar to nux it, we have It, too. BEACON l!099 USED LUMBER BEAOON ll089 I Gift CHEN YU #: ~~~~ J· .. .. Bill Fold Sets f GREETING CARDS de Suit Cases J #, Ties Overnight Bags 'I •. Wrapping Paper Fitted and Unfitted f Seals. etc. C I R Q EYERS/I.ARP Travel Sets : . f J f 81:Vt= ~!E K=i:'us ~cti~~R T~y1ooH~ J f O.ubby Ted<ly Bun Famous Horsman and LUC IE N Ash 1\v Sets Bibles J f Pandas Patsy Dolls Radios Silex J #: Dogicap·: .. __ GAim! LELONG Picnic Jugs Pl&)"in& CUd Sets :J .. ~ • -811••-RADIO KBOOBD OOlllllN&DONS f Dishes. Pots and Pans c...h Resist•n LUCITZ DISH A880ln'lllENT8 ' ' J f J f These Items are Only a Few of the Many Appropriate Articles We Have f f VISIT TD~E ~RES FOR YOUR GIFIB J f . • ,, ViDC'a't'• •alboa Pbar•nacy • Mac Pelleder'• Newport 1 : • Hampton•• Harbor · ~11p, Corona del .._ .. .. •• ' , : : • • ' ' ' ,,·u,· .... Here's Wishing You a • JADE TREE LAGUNA BEACH SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS soc up MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS CHIN&SE -JASMINE TEA SSc up 58c MEN'S ROBES LADIES' PAJAMAS JADE TREE $17.SC>v \ $20.00 Laguna Beach ' FROM THE BOBBY SHOP 0 s at Cost For Children of All Ages *** FREE . I South Coast's Complete SU,Ck of Toys • AfOid: • v City Crowds v Traffic Jams v Dented Fen~ GIFT Moved to Tiie Bobby Shop's New Toy Stare WRA ·PPIN6 ~· •• • Fwbk<ly Van dc Kamp'• Bike Shop Nen Door to Tiie Bobby Sllop 711 F.aat Central ...... BUY FOR LESS WITH LEISU-RE IN BALBOA • PLENTY OP Paa• P.&SltlNG SP.ACS -. ' 111-n••• Cen1n1 I 0pen·1oa.m. to9.p.m. Pi: 1JliwL Jll8-W, flalboa . I l . ' Do Your Clrir1•• SlaclMOc at Home • • SELECT YOUR Giit IS NOW Our J,.ay-Away Plan Will Sa,,.,, Yru '1bne BUY NOW wen~ ova 8'l'OClt 18 CJOllPLEl'E RINGS NEWPORT BALBOA FEDERAL SAYINGS """ LOAN ASSOCIATION P. A . Palme-r. PYesidntt aaaa VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH, CALIF"CRNIA ·. 'SH'Alf q~ , New Super fliiclc Aluminum -for Sealed-In Cooking ~ .... Quenannn aot ooJy loo!s bttttt but ic coolu bec.r-and ai.,. JOU years ud yc::a.n of molc.ia1 wisftic.tiool S.per thick boaom. Iida and CO"tttt lot nm bacitta ol chc ntite uwnlil. "'PiJoc lame"' waw._ cooki~ uva 50 to 60% oa. fuel,rtd'IK'tS oonna.I ahrinbp.rcuiu more beallh-aiv.iol •iwnim and m.inen.lsJ Bur cite complete &oral Sc.nette sin for futl cooking elfiaco<y I Rcuils U9.9S -plcte I tot. oom.- . COY111• ........... , .... ../ c.l .....,mslsl• • '21 v ..... Y .. -1.tl c-s ,/Sci .... ... , di # ,, ... fy~ ........ • • I • ~Is 'O •" .. '"' .., ........... ........... vWllJI..._ A Special Gift to Each Person ... ~WbQ.Brings This Ad to ;;,. . -•. ~ Open Evenings Until Christmas 0... ~Ilea. 5ll05 Nw ..... 8-ell • • • I i JJllllUJ!lll~ . -. . Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, Inc. .Jefferson -Travis (ConHnued from ~· 1 ) machinery placed in motion. oVEK'TJD: RAIL ftat'• what "Frenelly" Ot!IQ. (abo"") •peod kine of tbe turf, did. to avold a c rackup with a.not.a.er racer whlcll t talled on the north end of the BanUngtoR ne.ch apeedway durlac tlle tblrd lap ID tbe %0-lap """' In the beocll clty on Sunday. Geils aad hia racer struck the pant rail and went 10 feet lato the air aad then hit t he turf 'tlf'tth a bounce. Geltz eecaped injury. -photo by Lyle E . Haigh. .J. K. Brown Co. , They said that the caJitomla board of education will meet Jan- uary 10th and if thev act favor- ably on the harbor district pro-- posal, an election may be called in the latter part of the month. .====================== 1219 Coast Highway Beacon 5263-W If the voters approved of the plans, the machinery wouJd be underway in time for the opening ot the new fiscal year on July 1. I '===========: The proposal calls for the utili-Lt zatlon of approximately 300 acres ''Rendezvoua ot the Mariners" White's Balboa Island Cafe AND COCKTAIL BAR an the Santa Ana.. Army airbase and the buildings now standing on '---------------------......., the land, ~:hich is expected as an . • While They Last! • •BICYCLES •TRICYCLES •SCOOTERS •Ronnie Chairs •S TROLLERS •Skate s •.J ee ps •Hot-Rod s Theee Items Umlted -· Whbzer Bike Moton MESA CYCLE Shop 1929 Harbor Blvd. Ph.: Beaoon 5152-M CostaM- outright grant from W.A.A. All loCal branches federal agen- clea concerned with the disposal of the government-owned portion of the base and of the barracks and other buildings on it havto given approval to the plans of educators In b o th Huntington Beach and Newport Harbot-. These plans are now up for ap- proval by the headquarters of the various federal agencies tn Washington, D. C., and a single decision is anticipated early next year. , ~~~~~~-41, Mrs. Ross Hostess to Speakers' Forum • Six reindeer hitched to a silver. sleigh centered the lovely tea table Tuesday when Mrs. Robert E. Rou, East Central avenue, en· tertalned members of the Oranite County Speakers' forum. · Wr eaths ot Christmas greens, holly and white candles decor- ated the rooms. Mrs.CA. Neigh- bors was assisting hostess and aid- ing in serving wer-e_ Mrs. E. E. Smith and Mn. Beaty Neighbors ot Anaheim. During the program Mrs. Edith CJoyes read Ouistmu poems and told how Cement Carke Moore happened to write '"The Night Be- tor• Christmas." Mn. Diana Newkirk read a short story, 'The Uttle Mixer.'' A letter from a girl in Finland telling ot Christmas customs there was read by Mrs. H. G. Carlin ot Anaheim, who also displayed Finnish Otristmas cards, pictures and dolls. Sewer Payment Told Newport Heights property own- ers pa.id $Z75 for their sewers for the month of Nowmber. -rt h -M ~ ..f!<·~ ~ DON'T FORGET YOUR PETS AT CHRISTMAS! GIFT STOCKINGS of toys and for Cats, Dogs , and Birds. ' ••• LEADS, COLLARS, and COATS -- - Animal Playthings Galore - --Beds and Cedar Bedding . ••• ALSO, FOR YOU- DOG BOOKS; • CHARCOAL BROILERS GIFT PACKAGE,.S of Colorful - -- Germain's Bulbs and Cacti. ••• 113 Agate Ave. Bell!oa Island Qioe HIM atk he will wear Beautiful Patterns by Hollyvogue and Creyline Rayons - Silks Satins Wools Knits • The M·AN Downtown Costa Mesa 1799 Newport Wvd. Ph. Beaoon 5821...J XMAS SALE I . -·-POT.TERY , Cigarette· Sets ...... : ........... 5.00 ~nimals .,......................... .25 5-lnch Roses ........ : ........... 2.00 Cookie 1 are ...... ~ ............... 3.00 GLASSWARE PERFUMED CANDLES Red "Cherrytone" KITCHENWARE · DINNE}lWAAE *--0-<I •I LI SOLlll POTIEIY SIOP 964 South Coast Blvd. ~Beach • ,. Seil; • Gleaming Chrome ' • Mellow Maple • Beautiful · Mon_serey Ideal for Kitchen, Breakfast Boom or Small Dining Boom Extensions Hairpin Legs Pedestals $5495 Up • • -. • FURNITURE 822 Coast ·Highway Next Door to G~ter All-American Market Open Friday Eve 1111 9 Phone: Beacon 5164--W Santa Says: ''HAVE YOU SEEN ALL THOSE TOY -· · -AT THE WHEELER SHOPt', Yes, we have the LARGEST ASSORT-'· MENT of TOYS in all Southern California Toys, Toys, Toys for Girls and Boys! . • A SAll'I:, STURDY TRICYCLE CUDDLY DOLLS ••• that that llM real roller beartnp little "'"'• ..._. love tllat lift tonger wear, KDOOther &'-".., .,.., .. rtdln&'· ' • IU8T TIO: THING FOB BOYS -..... --teleat. Wltfl -... t~..Wllndbounol ~ve ·peemre. TEA PARTY TDm! lmt -mot.bei'a. Oh, eo muell fa for tlle little onea. The Grandest TOYS and GAMES _ .. , . , . . for ChDdrell ol All Apa • • .. I. • :,. Toy Stem. DoD "'""'* Golfbtg 8eCit ·.& Wide Variety ol Play Yard F.iia1po1 1a& .i .Baby Furniture ='~=.aR- ·~i:.o. ---1 ~ Clothes for Girl8 :.• - o.--~ ........ ~-~-....... ! The tW Shop .............. --. ... ---. • __. &fDI W .a&T ..,_"Ill.'* 'I sn • • • ftMIWIWG tT.W.• • VISIT SAN1'A U' '1118 •••• ,. -... .....,.,1.5_,_, ' I , • • ' . -' • . • f , _____________ ....;. ___ ..;.;;..._~-=---=:""'"-•!•~•!!SH!~l!.i·1·!!'~!0&!!~·!!•m•~t~•--= ••• • r• e= • , ...... , ~· o-, • u, UM • ·=-Start. Work on Clairch M011d1y Nellon ~pcwta Fees City Blllldlllg Pa lilts. Siiplss FOii' Mlllloll M•k i , Pastor of the cm.ob la 'tile Re¥. T•ken in November (~ ... Pllp Tl ol. "'5000. houJe with attached -at I · <Con--~ 11 Herbort c. Roth. Uil2 J:. -Chief BnlJdlns Jmpectar /!.. M. """·Corona del Mar, at a coot ol. B. L CDJHm ol.1590 South o-t 4508 Octu Front, Newport ~ Lutl>enn anirai bu crown with Maa. N.._ reported to the dt;y ....,.. '8:125. -boulennl, Lacuna Beach, who la Beach. at a coot ol. $'1500. ~ tJie rapid sr-th ol. the commun-street, Coote ell on Monday the fOllowin& rev· Delbert Umlt ol. 320 HaJeoworth bulJd!nc a one 1tory dwelllnc with Ralph Johnlon of n7 Marcue-~ Members of the building com-..,.,. -by bla doputment atreet, Santa Ana, who la to build attached gar-at !501 1"lne a..-rite avenue Corona del Mar who ;; lty. It bu been located In New-mitt .. are: R. H-Newpu<t for permlta -In N-: a two 1tory bulldlll!I'. w It b an nue, Newport Helgbta, at a coot II adding a 014 x 20 addition io b1a i m part Heigbta beca,_ of a lnng-Beach; K. QuurY, Coote Me.a; J31J!Jdln& pemdta 13(11; plumb-._-t abaft and a cloooble of '5600. • prfteht building at that addr-i 1tandJnc-f01"achurcbiDthll H. Facxou Corma del Mar; E.JncpennitaS2C9.SO;electricalper--below at 2121' Gunet Keith Colllm or 1590 South atacootor$500. • communlcy. Schultz, New-t Beach; D. Wed-mill $18L15; pluterln& permlta street, ~ Island, at a COit Coast boulevard, Lacuna Beacb. Gustave D. Grupe or 701 Marl-~ ' 'The location la well cenlettd eking, Coota Mesa; Mra. R. Hub-$33; ch""""Y permlta $UC>; tile who will build a one •WIY houJe gold avenue Corona del Mar who l< this area and is eaaily acceulble Costa llllfta; T. Haber, Santa Ana; Ums SZ5; plumbina oamlmtlons avenue Newport Helshts, at a shop and Cara&e at 1301~ Coast i to people Jn Ourroundlng aim-M. Lourie, Newport Beach; and $7.SO and aa1e of IO!lln& ordln· Cty Treuun!r J. A. Gant -coot of ~. boulevard Corona del Mar at a t accmlln& to th• papu1at1on of bell, N..._t Beaob; E. Grochow, permits $1.SO; electrical ---Police Collect $500 with attached 1ar-at 525 Allao 1a building ~ cement block O:binet ~ I munltlea. Thia will make It _. E. Willcu~ Coote -· ances $4. • port«! to the dty oounc11 oo Moo-v . L. M00tt of 21n z.cie ave-coot or $8000. ' i llble roe ·the church to serve the Mr. -· 5j1-7 Eighteenth clay that be~ from tbe Pl>-nue, Huntin&k>n Park, who la aiJer Bul1cllng Inspector Nelloo. I . poopJe of each community wbo street Coota Msa. will aupervlae All ldnm typowrlm ,.,..,. la lice doputment $500 from park: erect.Ing a one-and-a-half •lmY released the followlng valuatlonl ! May We Sagest As a Cllristmas Gift Any of the Followlag: desire lta aid and care. construction. atod< at the N .... ~ . :: meter ~ In Novem by months "for the 11th month i a R~ports Li~ Fees Doll:H:spPt:8~rive l;~-=:::::=:::::=:=:::::=:::$5~::: J -g • FOR THE HOME -This Chriatmas License Collector R. R. Hoclg-One> Marcll ··---···-·····--··-·· 90'7,883 • klnson reported to Qty Treuurer (Continued frun Page April ·-·-·--·--··---------·--JOO.TIS • s Philco Radio . . Genq, ~c Radio Hot Water Heaters Giwe Her a Lovely · FUR COAT The Wonderful, -Luxurious Gift That Every Woman Desires • LARGE SELECTION REASONABLY PRICED SCARFS, JACKETS AND COATS • THE Olive M. Duling LABEL Is Your All8urance of Quality and Style J. A. Gant the sum ot l&2S col-and of the llpiendld N!OpOme from May -··-·-····-.. ·······---------·-· 435,997 ~ Iected tor 1Jcen1e9 issued during doctors, many of whcMn are open-June ------·--·----·-------.. -261,170 ! November. tng new offices and establishing July· ...... : ... ·-···---~·~---······-···· 322,"l!E ~ Craig Reports Sales homes and a practice. Within the August -----···········--·-··--·····-··· 279.176 5 Harbormaster R E. CraJa re-fund, establishing a ~rd w~ich November ·····-········-----------136,917 ~ put week seven doctors and a September :.--··-·--···--···-m,350 ~ i dentist have given $5200 to the October ······---···········-····-····· 253,755 ~ ported lo Oty Treasurer 'J. A.. .their patients should emulate. ii Gant the sum ot $446.90 U re-. Rotarians have given generous· Total -············--------------------3.987,766 ! ceipts on sale ot moorings and per-ly and many are pledging for the ~ mits for November. coming years. It is hoped that · i other organiz.atlO!.'" will have boo-WORTHINGTON ' N Book Rents Told p1tal programs this week and any ~ individual who wishes to mail a ~ Harriet Martin. city librarian, check or a pledge may send it i reported that book rents and to the Presbyterian Hos P i t al Ref • • ~ fines tor N 0 v . m be r totaled fund, P . o. Box 718, Balboa, or ngeration • A $173.15. write them for pledge blanks. ~ FREON AIDIONI& ! S ton to 100 ton ~ • Air Conditioning f •-toeo- Pressure Pumps Centrifugal Pumps • ~i • ~ i • • • Household Electrical Fixtures Electric Refrigeration Electric Ranges ~ ~ ~ .----..-:-OR THE SKIPPER--. Searchli'thts Ship-Shore· Radio Kirsten . Photo-Electric Pilot New Lighting Fixtures Batteries -Motors -Generators Fire Fighting Equipment For A.II Pl I WW ad AUL!q-m8- Call ... , ; I ETS • HOKIN & .GALVAN • ; • ~ • • SINCE 1920 - 1000 ec-t lllway , ~ AloolDSoaFraadaco-Wllmlllctoa-8---~ • ~ • ~ -• • • ; • ELECTRICIANS CJ-0.. Two Fire Equipment for FAO'l'OBY, PLANT, 8TOU:, OFFICIZ, FAJUI, BOIDI • . Sterling Silver ~1•111r11111111111111111111111111r.1r11111111111111r11!11111r&111111111111111n1u1111111111111n1111111111u1111u101111u1111111•111nlU9. • Buy Now on Our Lay Away Plan A ~mall Deposit Will Hold Your Purchase Until Christmas FURS 218 No. Broadway Santa -Ana Phone 373 ORANGE COUNTY 'S FOREMOST FURRIER ATTENTION! J. F. Thompson Has Leased the ,, ASSOCIATED STATION • • at . • 1936 Harbor Boalevard .. l'l!:&TCJBING. ., . ., . ; -. ,. Expert -Lubricaflon;"" .. Best Quality Gas & Oil • Washing and :. Rolishing • Batteries and · A~ries .. -•·- Pl<lKUP A.ND DJ!:LIVEBY -·- , .. <lllll • • Beacon 5652 -1936 Harbor Blvd. 008'1'& llS8A • • Diamond Rings A. Good Seledlon Sugar and Creamer Pin and Earring Sets Beaatuul 8elecUon Gold Filled on Sterling Men's & Women's KINGSTON WATCHES 17-,Jewel, 14-k Gold Also with ' Diamonds Comb. Brush and Mirror Sets Sterling Silver, Gold Fiiied, Enamel Dinner Rings Topoa.~t, Aqna Mar!De ' and other stones Q-Rio Shoppe 205 Main St. Balboa • • • THI: TW&NTIETH CQN•&CUTIVI: OIVIOl:ND AT THIE llATC D,. ' T'H•CI: ~·· Cl:NT 1aft• "" ANNUM l"O .. THlt 81'.Mf._NNUAL ~IE .. 100 !ENDING OllC&.M•aa 81•T, 194•, HA• •IE&N DI:• CLAlll:IED SY THI: Dllll&'CTOJ118 D,. TH18 A88QCIATIQN AND WILL al: ~AtD D&C&Ma&a •1n0 , ..... AaaDLUT& aAP'ST"t P'G• YDUA PUHDa KACH ACqpl.INI' INaua&o u~ TQ •&.ODO ., .. .; J ' TOTAL •••DUJllOD IN uck•• DI" ••.aoo.oa• ,, NEWPORT . BA..LBOA FEDERAL SAYINGS """ J.OAN ASSOCIATIO P. A p.J_,., l'Tmdmt MAll•D• 1aao • NEWPORT BEACH, CALl,.ORNIA DIJllSOTD•a .1. A. eC&tt a. A. MSYSa w • ._ MtaAM• ~ A. ~AL.Mii:• ' WALTS• •· 8~1C&a C. W. TSWINk.LS W. A. WIL.8Ua • - • - See OUr Fine Selections , , " • . .. . •I • . ' . Table Models __ ..... $241!>up ' Radio-'Phono Comb. 8295 up Portables ·········-······· 56101JP At Old OPA Prices •• I , ' DOllJIHATJIJ DEUVl:BY OB WILL BOLD l'OR Uf.\8 Yoa'l1 give a gift that wlll loag be remembered ud 1ISed with pie• me wbm yu. give uy -ol om ,._ -nidias. Oar ..... ....... flt UjWlwael . . .... _ ' ' \ ~PEN 'TIL 9 P. M. 'TILL XMAS- Palmer . Radio !3 -Electric : -........ ,. • • c11 ·._ L • - ~, W §!y+4''''?'~11~F~1~9~9'~3~~~,.~-~~·~,~·~D~1~~·;·~1!,~~l!I!~~~~!!:::::::~~~~~~~:::::::::::~::;~~~~:;::::::::~::~ .... II GiJID& .,.... I -.emm lllUl.8 ••• , .. ...,.,. •JWWWWWW ~ um -•• ..,.., UJICMJM UIW. WANiW TO_.. a 1 ~u:~·:!:'·~-~·~·~-~..:.-____ ~&~1_;·!·~·~··~-~~·~-~-----~·! Cf:S."'rt:)OI . ftnd :O"P 'c titnk ~'Ork. NR A REI.lABLE l""ount. Job U1 FOO S!-.W:-I:ic)'cle, brand M"A" FOR SALE-Twin bedll wttb ~ Avail•ble W~1bscc bedroom. bo • I'-S;u,1.a All& 601&-R. 80-Uc )U"" -""" ll<o"'V' r.aao: -SUper ....,.. 1 Fldly ...-1ap ...S -tti 1111; --far !nl ·-I ,_ far -la' mto1 or cme Y•- - •·-• • ...._.._ -·•--' .w n..w Aft double bed With box --'-...S & ----can be siwn-FORllJ:D W1•¢' .. ldo " -,_ _ --· ... -....... ~ ---~ .• . ---'""* Coll, oolled, atru. 331131. ~tfc ~-coardli' Allol'IDo ~lf , 11 Coot& M-. ~1tc mattrw, -~. ~ o. a. -BPl'lllOJf ~· ' ..._ ...S mi.c:en-I-. WANTED TO RENT~ Islam " LDdte A!•"'• .. •'la*" tar -BICYCLES FOUR-ft. Ktiv!nator electric re-Harbor 1196-J. 98'2fp CID -.. -.,,_ f next sum-Nu-WarN PrGduota o"'P'h1 friaerator; 1 llDAll tricycle -~ nev ~ or 303 '1blrd St., llaatlastaD Be cl' -. . -"' ~ 1 Royal vacuum dMner; 1 uW-llOA'l9, ~ D K 'E Y S mer. l'Olchln, 1..23( Alma St., P!Joae BOntlDirtoa Ber O 111. vtJQa..'8 lty Slmmona double bed. Har-·W ~~ 12 ft. ,.. 14 Glendele. 9&-:ltc ---------_;~.;....:trc;.;.1 lOO KAID .. a.i;:_ lxr 1861..J. ~:ltc ft., -ot new. Phone, col· -WMlo 'I'm Wol& HOUSE ot Apartment In New· FIREWOOD-il&OO cord. --lladDo, Bl~ -Auto Batteries lect L&Kuna -1026. 96-ltp 100 :=:~-port ot'Cloot& Mesa. No child· Sant& Ana 607S-R. . ~tfc -·~ ·~ 11' Rubber Seponten W~p for :15 ft. sloop. I08 lladDo, Balboa ll:land nn. Phone HarlJor 193. ask for -~·· ~ •• --th ---Ex. ..... Mr. Hevia. 95-Ztp TAMPA CIGARS-Clear Hanna. ~ -·• Bonus. P.O. """ 531 , Balboa. -'!!::!!------~--,,..\·:;;';:;:;:;:;~;;;;;:;:;:-:;;::;-;-;:~ panetela shape, reKUiar 2 for MACHINE -M.ACHINELESS Compounded Motor Oil 96-Ztp All kinds typewriter.-In WANT TO RENT.....;z or 3 -... 15c, box of 50, $2.50. Herman Permanent Waves Go!!on, 'IOc SALE-Boa . ~~ t ·~-N ---· untumilbed -· Will 1-. FOR t moonng ac-•~ • -..,.., ~ Call Sam Porter at Harlxr 7f11 ~e.,Bre~.;23, ~: Cha()pen~ .._.~~Ph.~-bot l19-W A S l ccmodate o15 ft. boat. ExceDent For office supplies, ..,. the or 13 3!>-tfc • ~·..,..._ ....,,~ Western Uto Upp y ccnditlon, South side Udo lsl· News-'nmes. a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturday to 10 Vi's Beautl,.~_?.01> AuthorU>ed Dealer and. Owner Los Angeles OL. i:ro=a....::...JU:NT---------<11~ 1 API' or SMALL HOUSE ,.'Ulted p.m. 96-4tc U03 Coast Hteay, ' de! Mar 1836 N"""llO't Blvd., Coot& Mesa 6878. ~tc. by man and wife. We do not 15-tfc ' '1-tfc ROOM FOR RENT-Prefer work-drink or smoke, no children or Mechanical To------------SNOWBIRD to trade fer a i;ew-Ing oouple. Harbor 1S51-W. 'peta. !'bone Sant& Ana 0991-W ~-DIPLOTIIDT WANTED Z8 . ~dinghy or IC dinghy. Must 96-2tp or write Box "X'' Newport Bal· Electric and M~anlcal Traina, WANTED-Hand ironing to take I Immediate Delivery be in good shape. Phone Harbor boa N..,....Ttme.. 37-tfc Doll Bugglea, uulla, Telecrapb 211l-R 95-2tc FOR RENT-New Deluxe Hotel J _.:..:;:_:_..::....:....::..::........::...-----Seu, Volocipedea, Toys, St.eel in. Mrs. Smith 305 3olth St. Western Holly room and private bath. tile Wagona. · 96-4tc Gas Ranges .................. $166.00 BARGAIN - 2 • cycJe, 2-cylinder shower stall. Twin or double HOUSING NEEDED FOR THE TO y SH Op GARDENER -Tall, personable, Philcc Freezer Callie. like new, $1!15. 3311 Fin-beds, box spring and innter- 208 M.arine Balboa I&land middle aged, white. Expert on 5 cu. f t. .-.. ----........... -.... $209.50 ley Ave., Newport Beach. S>tfc SJring mattresses. Unit heat. Harber ~W ~tfc lawn, nowen, trees, ahrut.. Duo-Therm SACRIFICE -Red Wing Marine Special rates for perm.anent List Your Vacancies With VETERANS • • PAINTING greenhouse, lath house and ex-Oil Heaten .................. $ 79.95 Engine. Excellent condition, 4 guesta, as low as $2 per day. AMERICAN LEGION pert i:ropa,a:ator. Good. dean Otrome Dinette Sets cylinder built in reverse $395. No kitchens. Miracle Mile Mo-Harbor '52 ~tfc 12 y..,. Seivlc:e In Newprt Hl:rl>arAra Harrv Hall work. Rates $1.25 hour. Write Red, Blue, Tan ............ $ 66.95 Includes t&c:bometer prop. sha!t tel, 7U6 Coast Highway, New- Box "V" c/o News-Tlmel. 93-0tp bearings. Rear Hans DickmAD port Beach, Ph. Beacon 522S-J. WANT TO RENT-Furnlahed ot P AIN'riNG -OON'lltACTOR EllPLOYMENT OFFEJlED n Santa Ana Furniture Ways. 95Uc 96-Uc unfurnlshed house. 2 or 3 bed· 426 \Vest 4th Santa Ana roma will leue. Phone Harbor -Pbonee Beacon 5413 274 E. 19th llt>ttt CARPENTER and jobbing want4 ed; inside or outside, if you have material&. Jacob Geldux, 117 46th St., Newport Beach. 96-Gtp ~tc 30' SLIP ft>r rent in Newport WANTED TO UNT &I 70'7 81-tfc Bay. L. A. phones, PL 14028, WANTED TO BUY-Up-t<Hlate COMPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE MU. 8425. 93-4.tc bouse near Bay. Three bed-lmAL l!:STATI!: '1 FOR SAl..E-Qlrona de1 Mar, e.- tt. lot. 1 block from ICbool, llOl.lth of Blvd., good location for In- come. awn ... Ph. H-2139-W. FOR YOUR NEW Hicks' Marine rooms. not inflated. Poschin, Order Now! WANTED-General help fo r Cor- ona del Mar Grammar School Cafeteria. Phone Harbor 2100. 96-4tc engine or partf, see "Jim" Van 1234 Alma St., Glendale. 96-2tc FRUIT TREES Fleet, factory distributor, 3311 RESPONSIBLE executive desires Finley Ave., Newport Beach. turnished home or apartment -FOR-- Winter Planting Free Estimates Order now !or mid-wftlter de-until June 1. Rent no object. livery as prices are sure to O. L. Richard. La Jolla Beach ~tfc WOMAN for houaework full or part time.. Uve in or ouL Good wages. Harbor 1992. 93-tfc Kitchen and Wall Washing F1oor Cleaning and Waxing advance. 89-tfc and TeMis O ub, La Jolla, Calif. OWNER will sell equity in lot near high school, 50 by 127 ft. Phone Harbor 1805-R 95-2tc Hollister Bros. NURSERY Landscaping Window Cleaning Qlulldng Painting All Work Guaranteed PUMPS WORTHINGTON PRESSURE · CENTRIBUGAL 1-~or All Pressure Phone Glencove 5-4557. 95-4tp BRIGGS' ••• BEST ••• BUYS 1909 Harbor Boulevard WELL PAID JOBS with Harbor 379-J Soden Refrigeration . 1\vo bedrooms, living room, dinette, kitchen and bath; two 623 So. Los Angeles St., Anaheim years ol d· fully furnished ; hardwood floors ; ocean view; guest Coot&Mesa BM<:on 5200 ~tfc Al's House & Window Cleaning Service Phone 4652 95-ltc apartme,;t; garage and laundry down stairs; lot 40xll8, in Balboa Canvas Shop I Corona del Mar, zoned for multiple family. ~ed1ate pos-Real Futures CESS POOLS and , CEPTIC TANKS • sau. -Boat Coven session. Open for inspection Sunday, Dec. 15. Pnce. $15,000. for Young Women as Telephone Operators 86-Uc Marine Upholstering Terms. Installed Anywhere · m Orange C.OU.Oty Harbor 207 -22414: 21.tt St. . New;>ort Beach n-ttc Corona del Mar; six months old; pre-war matenal; 1000 sq. Contract Drilling Sewer Connection (All Work Guaranteed) Full Insurance Carried J . R. McCORMICK SAO Victoria St. Coota Mesa Beacon 506g...J 93-tfc MET· CLAD PRODUc:l'S -by- CLARK It BATES lletalllzinc Weldin& Spedallat:I l506 30th St. -Harbor 2:5<l9 [n most communities beginners re- ceive base pay of $30 for a ftve day week, with extra pay for over- time or duty at cerWn houn ot ttie day. Seven wage increases the first two yean-paid vacations. Learn thl.I interesting work at llood pay in your own ccnununlty. You work with friendly people In pleuant oftlceo. Excellent promotion poUlbWtl ... TIRES Recapping MODERN All Electric Equipment NO SIDEWALL HEAT OR D1S'l'ORTION COMPLETE SET IN ONE DAY SECTION WORK TUBE REPAIRS LESTER'S 0. K. Rubber Welders 2900 West Central NEWPORT BEACH Dyer "D" Dinghies Colored Ratsey Sails Nine Ft. Dyer Dhows Dyer Dhow Midget -Now Available- Immediate Delivery SOUTH COAST CO. 23rd at Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Harbor 2600 96-4tc 94-tfc APPLY 96-ltc KU8IOAL • llADJO Newport ~ach AL LACHMEYER SIGNS Southern California w ANTED 'l'O BUT ll FOR SALE-Steinway plano, 54-- ------------in., perfect cond. $400. See at Trucks, Boabl, Walli, Windows, etc. Beacon 5178-W MS E . 18th St .. Coota Meaa 96-Uc Telephone Company Will Pay Cash For your furniture or what have you. Phone Beacon 5656. Crawley Furniture Co. 100 E. Bay Avenue, Balboa 1812 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa RADIO SALES a. SERVICE 51414: No. !:lain Stfte~ S&nt& Ana 92-tfc Spedallzin& In repalrlns. er Call 01ief Operator TO EXCHANGE SLA . TRONART, INC. ~tfc TRADE -Has bicycle excellent Radio, electronlca, aound-Sale1 --------,---.-.:.::._.,, condition, large basket. What and wrvtce-marlne and domestic. 8ALI: Kl8CEl...L.&NEOU8 II have you? Can use furniture. Ph. H. 1252-M ELECTRIC TRAIN. complete appliance, etc. Harbor 1223-J. 1205 Cypres.s Ave., Santa Ana or phone Beacon 5712. 94-tfc A few Radio Phonograph com- binations available for Xmas. Harbor 447 Harbor Radio & Appliance Shop, 2602 W. Central Ave., Newport Beach.. 96-ltc DANZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. 520 No. Main st: Santa Ana 2901 W . Central, Newport Beach. track layout with dredge, tun-96-2tc 79-tfc nels, automotive uncoupler, au-FURNIT1JRE FOR SALE I! ZENITit console, 7 tubes, attrac- ------------tomotive sWitches, etc. 130 Via tlve cabinet. Perfect oond. Low ft. stucco home. Living room wall to wall carpet; two bed· rooms, dining room; all hardwood floors; tile bath and kit- chen; fireplace ; 200 ft. of 6 ft. high tongued and grooved fence. Immediate possession. Price $15,000. Terms. Fred -BRIGGS -Tressa 634 Coast Highway A "Sandy" Steiner Offices Phone Beacon 5173 or Res. Har. 2476 WE WRITE FIRE AND AlITO INSURANCE 96-ltc -BUSINESS BUYS'-- -o-- TRAILER COURT, Restaurant and Home. RESTAURANTS, several to chooae from. $3,200 up. HAMBURGHER SI'ANDS, year around spots. SMALL MALT SHOP, ideal for couple. Bargain. GIFr SHOP, novelties, resort spot, big money maker. GAS SI'ATION, comer location, 2-bedrm. home, 3 lots. MOTELS, new, several good income 'properties. -0-- When Selling or Buying a Business, See "Sandy" -0-- A. "SANDY" STEINER, Realtor Busine>!s Broker -Insurance 634CoastHighway101-Beacon 5173 PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT oron. U do Isle. Sunday only. FOR SALE-Davenport and chair, price. 928 w. Myrtle. 96-ltc $45. 138 Topaz. Balboa Island. BABY gr-and. High grade make. -----------------------.-=:-:±:=--:-:-:::---:,,--;--,---..,, ___________ 96-_2t_p Used. Now only -.~. Terms. 96-ltc -Hamilton 21-jewel, rail-~ ase ; 16-jewel ladies' Swiss FOR SALE-100 lb. c;a.p. ice box. STEINWAY p-and, style B . The 3 \4x4\4 Graltex 2.5 Cooke lens .............. $225.00 watc white gold; water heater, $25.00. 354 Avocado St .• Costa world's mo1t wonderful piano. Prtntex Enlarger 4x5 ·-··-·$115.00 10-gal., gas ; electric current Mesa Phone Beacon 5520-J. Used. Save one-third now from Roto Dryer 24"28 ,_ .. ,_ ... _$ 20.00 box, 110. Beacon 5877-W. 96-ltp 95-2tc new today's price. Reis Jr. Tripod ....... _ ... _ .... $ 30.00 VACUUM CLEANER-Tank tYPO FOR SALE-100 lb. ice retrigera· GOOD uoed practice piano. Only Other ltemS includinc tank 1, excellent condition; all acces-tor in good condition, $35.00. .$69. Or will rent. trays, hangers, lights, etc. 440 sories, $40.00. Call Harbor 92 11951 Sunset Road. Costa Mesa. GRAND pianos. Weber, Stein- Camation Ave .• Corona del Mar, or Beacon 5615. 95-2tc Between 17th and 18th off mon-way, Kimball, Raworth, Mehlin Harbor 1175-J, after 6 :00p.m. FOR SALE_ Pair of silver tip rovia. 95-4tc and many others. Priced from _______ __,, __ 95-_2_tc foxes. almost new. Phone Har-MONTEREY style bed divan, 2 $585 up. Z 0 R I C bor 21139-W. 95-2tc chairs, 1 table, 1 large O'Keefe REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr- & Merritt heater. Complete ror piano. A beauty. Full rich DRY CLEANING lo Our OWn PWlt PICKUP AND DELIVER FOR SALE-Camera, brand new. A Busch Pressman 2\0 X3 \0 with slash unit. 1925 Orange Ave., Costa ~1esa. 96-ltc $100. Call Harbor 2767-J. after tone. Now only $295. Terms. 5 :30 p.m. 92--Uc GORGEOUS new styled upbolst- C H RIST MAS GIIT HEAD-ered piano with mirl'or spinet QUARTERS! McMAHAN'S in-t;ype p8tent. Was exchanged P!Joae BEACON 57'98-J 50 Bicycles for Sale from England, France and Amer- ica -New aod Used. vite you to shop for your gifts for large crand. Will sell for here and suggest card tables, bal $288. bridge sets, table and floor DA.NZ-SCHMIDT PIANO CO. lamps. mirrors. pictures, hami> ~ No. Main, Santa Ana 86-tfc ers. bed spreads, pillows ,has- s.icks, rocken, boudoli-chairs, chaise longues, bookcases. living room tables and many other items useful and appreciated at Yuletide. McMahan Fumltu.tt Co., Second and Broadway, Santa Ana. 96-ltc Lido · Cleaners '56 Newport Bini. VOGEL'S, 100 Main St, Balboa Phone Harbor 145 95-4'tc 7&-tfc -VENETIAN--==BLINDS-..:,..,=,,,...-Al.,.,...umin-'--- ----HARB......,=::-0=R::----'--ltleel. wocx1. ean ua f~ rr.. .. u. mAte. Renovation a. rellnlahing Plumbing Service Sc. Coast Venetian Blllld eo. 1-New""<t Blvd., Be"'V' 50'llW Wm 18th and New?rl Ave., ·-~ Coat& Mao. Ph: Beaccn 5762-W. REPAIRING OUR SPECIALTY 38-tf< Oootractlns ...S Supplleo 9'1Ue --Flre--~--and--Klndllq--.....:::::...;.;. JAMES E. McKEE -w 0 0 D . Delivered Genefal Contra<ctor H. w. WRIGHT 620 Marsuerite Ave. Ph. Beacon 5665 Corona del 1141' 1'181 Newpcrt Blvd. ).tft 8&-tfc Under New Managemen\ aearance on Uving Room Suites Harbor Furniture 1962 Harbor Blvd., Coot& Mesa E. B. Smith 95-tfc COOPERATIVE ROOFING CO. New and Repair· Portable Heavy Duty Flood Lights Phone Be1 cm 5280-R DI It. 1Dtb St.. Ooota -ID'lft ROOFS W . J. BENBOW Phone Harbor 1012 J ID-tfc • • • : Ideal for Beach Homes, Marine Type Course Correctors for Yachts Azimuth Circles Yacht Cannons and Lyle Guns Rosewood Lumber Very lle6utlful for Yacht Trimming and Plaques AJ.o cme llDAll YACH!' D1NGHY and two RUBBER LIFE RAFI'S, new, $S0 """" SAMPSON MACHINE WORKS 1604 Newport Blvd Qista Mala, Ph. Beacon 5801 !K>-2tc RADIO HOUSE ~ Now that addlttooal compe- tent technldana are available. we arr able to make lervice calla on larie ccnso!es. All work suaranteed. HENRY W. BRAINERD New awn.. s.o.s. Radio 300 Marine Ave. Harbor 780 81-tfc Electric and Fire Equipment Tests All Quallfled Penonnel CO-Two, P)rme A: Fomn reftDa, CX)o --ul4 Port&ble:! DOW available. ETS HOKIN A GALVAN 1000 c:-t Hlshway Pb. Beaccn 5407 91-tfc Radio Re · All maw; ~tc. Beacon 5768 BURT NORTON 915 Coat ~. Nl•ew-par.-t -D008, OATll • Pl:'l'll • FOR SALE -Metz pediareed roller canuy and _.,, full Sol! song. Barsaln. Private party. Phone Harbor 1.51&.J. 96-ltp BALBOA ISLAND A choice of good listings for your home by the sea. Call Hub Powers at Harbor 62-W J. A. Beek Office, Balboa Ferry Landing 96-ltc Balboa Island- NEWLY DECORATED two-bedroom home with two-car garage near North Bay. Quick Po&- !;l!SSion. Worth investigating. Let us show it to you. -0--. . Newport Heights Special- NEW, MODERN two-bedroom home on 50xl27 ft. comer. Designed for comfortable living. Enclosed patio with llarbecue. Lots of room for garden. Will take lot in beach area as part paymenl At- tractively priced at- $10,500 v ---Q--! Corona de! Mar- G. I. A 'ITENTION! Two-bedroom stucco. Re- decorated and landscaped. aose to stores and school and south of the hi&hway. This can be 100% financed under G. L BUI ot Rights for- $8483 -0-- EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR COVPRIRG GREA'l'ER NEWPORT. HARBOR as eo.t Rlldnr-.i siu w. O!ldn1 m Mmtne A.._ ~~~ ""S:.;;:!f::" ~';";,.t:;1Tll ~ltc DO YOU WANT TO SELL? -. • All right-we have serious buyers for the following: 1. Lido Isle, south Bay Front home; three or four bedrooms. Must have. pier. Will pay up to $50,000. 2. Peninsula lot, Miramar or north. About $2600 cash. 3. Modem duplex up to seven years old. Price to $20,000. Balboa. Balboa Island, El Bayo or Corona de! Mar locations desired 4. Lot on \Central between 15th and Mahl; zoned fot multi•e dwelling. Price, $3000. --Courtesy to Brokers OOAST PROPERTIES co. • "Serving Newport Harbor Area" 703 E . Central -Balboa -Harbor 2658 96-ltc wiu11.1111TATI!: 67 AUTOlllOTIVK • TIJUC8 a G. I . LOOK-Immediate -NEW TIRE-Firestone 6!i0xl6. sion. F or sale by owner, four Mr. Becker, Harbor 1723-W. rooms just decorated. Can put 96-ltc on extra bedroom on 50x150 lot. Close in ea.st side, Costa Mesa. Vey reasonable, alsQ terms. Ph. Habor 1243-R. 95-2tc FOR SALE-1939 Mercury club coupe. Radio heater, good shape. $1200. Can be seen at 1206 East Central or Phone Harbor 1395-R 95-4tp EDNA ROUSH BROKER 210 22nd St.. Costa Mesa Bea. 5275-M BEST BUYS OF THE WEEK $2700 One acre-nice location. $6000 QUICK SALE-1940 Hudson Vic- toria Coupe. Immaculate thru out. Original mileage. See to appreciate $1200. Cash or will trade for late model Sedan. Call Harbor 1475-W. 95-Ztp • FOR SALE -International 1 % ton fiat bed truck. 158 in. W .B. Duals over load. Springs 12tt. bed. Good condition. Phone Har- bor 2447-R. 95-:ltc One acre. three rooms with large enclosed porch. Some furniture. Chickens and equipment includ- ed. fOR SALE-1933 Graham coupe as is, $175. 546 15th St., New- port Helghbl: ~2tP- $5500 Three rooms, garage on small lot. $11,000 "" acre, two-bedrm. modern, plast· erecl. COMPLETELY FURN- ISHED. Garage. Near bus and store. nns you will have to see to appreciate. Will Not Be Open Sat., Dec. 14 96-ltp ---------- Balboa Well located ~Orne in excellent condition; four t:M!drooms, fire- place, garage- $15, 750 Ocean front home, cJose to busi- ness; five bedrooms, two sleep- ing porches. Good income pas- sibilities- $20,000 Balboa Island Duplex, furnished ; excellent lo-- cation. Near bay- $16,500 Corona del Mar Modern two4 bedroom home; place, patio- fire- Hereafter U we recap )"OUF TIRES We euarantee our "Ceps" to lut 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE CO~ OFT Reprdl.. at Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOUJIS. for a complete aet we will caD for your car in the nxrnlnc and deliver same day. A1lo a $2.00 MobU.t&tlc baJ8nce Job when we recap your ttres, for $1.00. No lead we!Chta or "extru.'' Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rev At 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. Beacon 5743 .Uk for Al ar Hank. • $11, 750 AUTO 8ICRV109 • Nice two-bedroom home; liv, rm., D. rm., kitchen, serv. porch, patio, two-car garage- $8625 $3500 Down NOWHERE Your authorized Cllryaler- Plymouth Dealer. CHOICE LOTS in all locations of the Harbor Area. Authorized parts JOHN E. SADLEffi REALTOR 302 Main St., Balboa Phone Harbor 2034 1505 Coast Hiway, Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 741 • 96-ltc RI!4 L DITA.Tm WAMTZD It WILL TRADE=lirta on Lido lale also Jots on Peninl'ula on pur- Complete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mechanla Kendall and Quaker State oUa NEWPORT HARBOR MOTORS • 2616 W. Central Ave. Phone Harbor 631 chue of 2 Or 3 bedroom bouM -~ In Harbor dlotrlct. Phone Harbor --7f1'/ • 81-tfc -TLULEllS-----------. •.&VIOi WAHID WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Pri,ces SEIJ, YOUR CAR NOW ~Prices are mp. Pbane for our ww lllioul b1J1W who will c:aD llDll iidvlw you 1'lllUdlas OP.A. ft&liladcm, """'w ·pr-aw and utciea al.,. •. a.JLBERTSON CHEVROLET CO., Inc. O ii:allt .. Ole? •• Dm'J I • --Cl 'INl,Noa,..tB *' 11110 ,= r • a a ~ .. • 0 • •• • • BEST WISHES to the ••• Desert Sweet Sllop -D•tdl Heacock General Contractor BUILDING ud CABINft SllBVICll Contractors' Rental Equipment •••>?'' s la ... It 1 for ... C5z Ooatncliet Pb. HARBOR 502 or BEACON :515Cl8-W 17111 -ILUITA ANA AVE-<lOllTA J08A CONGRATULATIONS DESERT SWEET SHOP -*- BALBOA WILL BENEFIT FROM YOUR NEW BUSINES8 Newport Builders Supply Co. SllK W. Cenlnl Ave. Newport lle&ch Phone: Barbor 429 SUCCESS and Best Wishes to the Desert Sweet Shop -- -*- Edgar B. Musick 143 E. 18th Street Costa Mesa -*- PAINTING CONTRACTOR Phone: Beacon 5703 11£A(THFUL.:--------- Fresh • Delicious • Live and Cooked LOBSTERS Fresh Fish and Seafood •&rrs• WHOI.ES.AI..S and RETAIL BAYSIDE FISH MARKET ....... ,?. 11 JS 2 Ri:wtoat ft:Rs*wlU - • The Clam Bake· Condadecl by the Clam Diner - CONGRATULATIO.NS Desert -- to the Sweet Shop On Your Unique New Shop ETS • HOKIN & -4•?1• 108081.t...., 1'111-B•n• IWJ • Mdzi'sh -s1ml ..... te pl lad ....... ... ..._._ • .,. ... ns•1 telnektlilm ..... .... ,,.,.,•ts! I ••• ~ • 7 7 • -- and 01'ZDAY ONLY I ' j • BEST "WISHES • for Success to the DESERT SWEET SHOP • .from A. .C. Hoffman Accountant • Tax Keeper Harbor '718 co ·NGRATULATIONS " . --to the Desert Sweet Shop -*- SHEET METAL WORK by Viele Plumbing and Sheet Metal Work 1829 Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Beacon 510'7 Complete Line of Candies OPENING SPECIAL 1 Lb. to Each Owtcwner and Chocolates CANDIES ONIJDAY ONLY Chocolate Hand-Dipped ·PEANUT CLUSTERS 6~ • • -. . • • -• : -• • • ~ ... 'S 8s ·1 I I s -RS I ·$1.llV ... 813 E. Cenbal Ave. Phoae Harbor 8 7' • -- • • I • • ..... eeawa p•p.!?' ptt•s•• •• & • a Ill E w s -r.•JIM_E .. s . U:NBWSifi'EllSTT-0.IM~HE .new) I rMMr•• "-. ,,, P.l!P ___ , "~ Uift)laHit •tURlll ... II • $I\ 0.-... ............... p 11 iwt' I •I 'J, le:ll a.& S&WPOA• ..... 9C>A I I . ~-.. -of the =; I -. • _.. ft ..... - . OUR LADY"' llT. CAllM•L 95Ylllft'l&WD'IBIBDd ••• ·=· • • -• -• a -• ..... • ™....... 1411 w..e C••trel • ...._ ,...__,_ ...__ ... ~ 01 t•, M. ....-es .~,,. ·~·? ,, ....... a I_, •• 11:1 ... JeUL ---:~Omta.... IT.IOMJivtAJINSYCHURH n I· Call 211•11' 1•1 J far • ••1*) ftlO!m "*fUUOI I . • I J ' , .. , • _. .. ~•••f, ••an, ~ is \Uw._aft ••• •• ••llirtwiraOI ro v ~·=""~.--.at. Oad •-· ~ rr.a IWlllau._,.......,_ . 11 ,,..._. Sl.Splir-•'111-.aAJOpor-tDllll-caJlfomla. ~I nt.m our llln-4:GO to .1:a ....i -T:llO to Inc. 9:30 o'dod<. I 'I)-.., l:ab UL !'::::=======================-' • ~ -a B ~ -a--'ft"-•-~ft Mlppart l:IO p.m. • . l"lwdi ... Mike, 'll UL Od IITT<I: -~ -1· law• I L?sz -t&w at tbl fl••-.... Nsapwt a" ... ~... .......~~ , ..... UK' ._,. ~ Ol!"'*ala, mdor tile Mt at. -a, 18'111 at. your -.paper ln \the ......,t T:IO ID l:IO p.a. • ~ ..._111" for Pr-apoo1-ClOmO!fA -. JU& OOllTA MMa CIRlWB fW 80D aaM D. PORJ.&R PutM !• don 3 on-the' November bUlot. ClQMMOftffi .... 6 P. lluUlwww, Pul11 I'. G. l'R08'1' • • • • • • • • • • -"'1lcll eatabllshod a $2400 mini-Cll1lJllCll, OOJIQPBQU'l')JIAL 1 .. <Wr• II&., -._ "'IRll nimrDLr OllNftAL "· I'. DIXON • • • • • • """*IWlc Me 'IV' mum annual oa1ary for the --P9Ty F>-ldl 8dln>cl<, --Somd'Q' 10 L .... 1:30 Bml.11! CllUIMlll l'ltDtlllls Plant, JOll W •. O..tnl·A-Newport Bm-h, Olllf..nla borl at. the te..,..•-· -'eaolon In 111 He11otrope A-lie p. m. and 7 :30 p. m. GI~ -~...f-1 p 4th City 4 N_,.,._. Beach this State ..;;f~ far Jn-Corona de! Mar .... Dwlpl ••• • _.... VJ.J.~ &per OJ. e OJ. ""I"'&• .... -.S~te support of our pul>-Sunclay, ~15, 1946 DD: IOIWl"Ul&T HA._ •• Meeting t-arly In the Sev- • Dtl tNe l..a b UFJ'• fllr ~ 11 y-Uc IChooJ l)'ltem. 9:30 Lb. Olurdl ecbool. LOfilD*M CllUS<B enth Aday Adventist church. Active Member of 11:00 Lm. llomlnc Wonblp. Sere (To be located on Clltr Ilrtft, comer ot Old County road and One of the happiest U)lects of mon by Mr. Schrock: ''I Have Balsa Ave., Coata Mesa. the campelcn .,... the fact that Seen O!rlstlanl Live." Newport He!sbtl l Sunday 1Cbool--S:45 L m. mon! than 500 of the 100 ....,,,_ "A OianreJ-Cbrilt far A W-h•--"-11:00 L m. ~-"' W Id•" --.... ~·~ . papers of California gave a warm ""' .. n.,.nc or · Y~ people's le1'V1ce -6 :30 editorial and news support to FIRST CHURCH OF CHRleT, 9 :30 a.m., churda ldlool; 10:30 p. m. Propoaltlon 3, and the overwhelm· SCIENT!IT Lm., divine wonhlp. Ev~ evangeliotlc oervtce- ing public ~dorsement of the Lido Thu...-, c.traf AY9flue -Senrk::a at Praent-7:30 p. m. measun. was due, in very consld· • and Via Lido Grauel ~ ii!._llrc...twq, Preyer meetlng-7:45 p. m. Frl- IJ'll.. Eye Hav It enble measutt, to cenerouo -A -of ,,,. lllother Cbur<b, Rev. Herbert c. Roth. --. day, home of Mn. Hume. J.11e 8 e slstance from the ir-. ,,,. l'lnt CbW'ch ot Cbriot. SCI· ~· ~-~--... _ D.O~ r.,.-nd. A cordial --to all. ' i • Ill IORT•.MAUI IT, In human beings and In many animals the color· of the The pauace of Propooltton 3, ~ lM _..., vi=ft.,,_ -~--. ~ ---- eyes changes In Infancy. Eyes of all newborn h1unan beings, I am confident. wil be of immeu-_,. lie-at t :SO L m. Bun· ~c:mi..Harbc>i-0nce-~1i ~-ifdlfr IP01lm!QV.&ma ~ ----------------------- blue •-· t devel urable aid in strengthening our day llon1ce at 11 L m. W-eod&y •-•-•." ~ OP OOllTA MS8A Including Indians and Negroes, are • ...., pigmen • California public school system--THt!monlal MeeUnc at 12 o'clock --· T_.,y A-1am ops In the Iris the eye darkens. The eyes of youngli lnh ~·the and we are hopeful that It will P~t.~00..~i.d at~ FULL GO&PEL CHURCH i.e:::~ largest of the lemur family, are green, becomlngn g t rown lay the basis for a teacher rP-m 1 open 12nd ... d El-, c:.ota M-.... -.... 0. -P = upon reaching adu!Uiood. Cats are born with blue eyes, with crdltment program which w 111 from ~~A~.!"'" except Sun-&mAft--•-• t :'CI·, men•·-Pa I " . . . cl th gradually rel!eve the acute short-clays _,. natlanally ob-~ --. --1n1 the pigmentation deepmg Wlth age. Eyes of gra es, on e age of teaching penonnel. """"-•onblp, U; EftnplloUc ~ ~ 8d>ool 9:30 L m. other hand, which are brown at birth, grow lighter. Again, many thanks for your The publlc lo cCJ<dl&ll:,-Invited to ?:ao P· m.; Ml4-WMI< prayv --llGmlnc ~ .... 1c1 10:«1. Eyes of some creatures change color with the see.sons. ~~ ::;-~'::;'~~ for better :•i;:.;:~.;i=.,-•-< -~OD~=-~~ ~ .,::-8&~:: ~ The rockhopper penguin bas yellow eyes part of the year, Sina.rely, · on Friday, T:'Ci p. m. EYmlnc ~ """"" at and red eyes the rest of the time. The mating season also ROY W. CLOUD IT. JAMES EPISCOPAL 7:30 o'dodL may cause changes In eye COior. In one OTW'ies of blackbird Nov. 30. CHURCH .......... Jl:ll OP GOD ~ evenJnc --·Ice ... a---.. 511 WM central, BalbM llwy Md Ida S··ee. ...._. at 7:30 ~~~ at the mating season the male bas a pele yellow Iris, and the !Ebsn clubhou•) -J.es1Ga Ball, ua _u_~ ____ _ female a light brown eye. It's easy to tell when those birds They Say Rev. Anlyo T. Dean, Vicar -C..tnl An. In 1 • • • 8 :ao L m... Holy CommUDl.on. Sunday ICbool, 10 Lm. are ove. t:'Ci a.m., Sunday 8cbool. Mornlllll aervtce, 11 Lm. CHll!ST CHURCH BY THE aEA C-"'Ul!!ty Methodlot Rapid changt!S In eye colors are said to take place In some n:oo L m., Morulq PraJ'c ...,4 Evenlnc evanaeJlsttc oerv1oe at hwnans, cats and other creatures under stress of anger or When women get a run In those Bonnon. (!Mnt Sundays: Ho11 7:30 p.m. 1420 WMt C41ntral Av.nue Rev. I!. o. Goodell, Put.or Cb!U"Ch -~ f :80 L m. Komlllg Wonl>!p, 11 L m. Youth F'elloWlblp, I p. m. Evening Worahlp 7:30 p. m. Mld-Weelt prayer oervlce, Wecl- other emotion. The European eagle-owl normally has a ye!-new synthetic stockings mad e Communion.) 7·.30Mldp.m.·week oervlce, Thunda1 at from coal, wood and rubber, they low iris, but it changes to red when the bird is angry. In ap-won·t know whether they have a proaching a horse troi.n the front, why does it look you clinker , a splinter or a blowout." straight In the eye until you are three or four feet from it, -Anon. and then turn its head and look at you with one eye? Be-"If a man en tered a woman·s cause horses' eyes are not suited for close binocular vision. house with the intention or mur~ The lens In the eyes of a horse are relatively large, and dering her , he would not be able the cillary muscle is weak, unable to bring about accommoda-t o do 50 if •he wore • Hght pink dress." -Prof. H . B. p._.t. tion of the lense for near and far vision. Also the eye muscles are unable to converge the two eyes for close focusing. Ac- cordingly, the horse sees objects at a <listance binocularly (with two eyes), but must use one eye for focusing objects dose by. M~. !h!e !!~J8!°~. "Is the Indispensable multiplies of. our natural ~." The oil Industry pro- "Were we to direct from Wash- ington when to sow and when to r eap, we shall soon be without bread."-Thomu J~lfenoa.. "The proposition of the Con- gress of Nations ls undoubtedly that at which the present fabric of our society and the present course of events do point."-&alpll Waldo Emenoa. vides a fine example of that truth. In 1918 there were "God grant that not only the ' . love of liberty but a thorough fewer than 200 technical men engaged In research within the-knowledge of the rights of man Industry. Now there are about"tQ,000. Their efforts are de-may pervade all the nations of voted tO Improving existing oil products, to developing new the earth, ao that a philosopher · d may set his foot anywhere on lta products, and to incree.smg the return from our cru e re-surface, and say. '"That i. my !lel'ftS. In 1918, a new cracking process was discovered country.''-BeriJambi ,.,. .. klla. which made it possible to obtain a yield of 25.3 per cent of _ __,......, from de This ---'--ted t ... L-t time "A day will come when war .. ~~ cru · was \lllP'"'""""" a uui • wtll appear as absurd. and be as Cootinued progress in research brought the yield to 45 per Impossible, between Paris and cent In 1941. That has since been increased, and yields of. as London, betwen St. Petenburg high 57 cent are forecast for the near future and Berlin, as It would be now as per . . between Rouen and Amlens, be- Improved fuels and lubricants have also contributed to tween Booton and Philadelphia. A f-rogre&S In other, related fields. The modem airplane engine, day will come when you, France-- for Instance, Is about ten times as powerful and weighs only YoU, Russia-you, England-you. • Germany-all of you . . . will be o~ as much per horsepower as that used ID World blended Into 8 superior unity, just War L These-gains would not have been possible without as Normandy, Brittany. Burgundy better gas and oil. And the modem automobile engine has a Alsace .~ave been blended int 0 50 t · ti than •ts __.____ France. -Victor Buco. addoess per cent grea er cornp~1on ra o l P1~rs. at t he First Inernational Peace BALBOA ISLAND CHAPEL 211 Agate Annue Rev. Harry W. White, A..aclate Pastor Church School. ·9:30 a. m. Komlng Wonblp, 11 &. m. which is largely responsible for its high standards of perform-Congress, 1894. FIRST METHODlaT CHURCH ance. 'n>ese are a few of the jobs the laboratory men have --C. Edwin Oellff, P.- '"The common sense of mankind Euolld •t ltaf'lford, Gardeft Grove. accomplished. They contribute to better, more comfortable demands that law shall not stop t :IO LID. Clnucb ICbool tor au n~y; covered d1ah dlnner, e :se p.m. Sam's Sea Food Spa and .Fish Market and m~clent living for us all. with the punishment of petty - crimes by little people. lt must U :OO Llil. M'..orninl' Worlblp: I ~~~~!"!! also reach men who PoQeSS them-M-..: .. We Ttumk Thee.,. selves of great pawer and make 11:00 a.m. Nunery tor all chtt- deJlberate and concerted use of It dnn durms •rrlce. Does Yoar House Need Painting? • • A No ...aa.c. .won 4-'"'•.........,. 11y blidllY dd"nl lowwywww Palldea.._ the mew& Diod- .. eqal~ szt ud llcelt m--terw. .. _...,_z. A Owwl ud opel'ated lly Wodll Wiii' D Vetena aed !zc JOU pe111-t good wlll ud paQooElg& A I'm Pree .,,, •• Phone HARBOR 2 64 5 Lee c.:-aea. 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE *** Balboa Cleanm -But ('Antral Baha to set in motion evils which leave 8:00 p.m.. lletllodl8t Youth hi.- no home in the world untouched." lowlbtp. Youns Adult NlowabJ.p. -From Justice Jackson's Nuem-1:00 p.m. Ena!n&' Wonhlp:- beTg opening. V,ss• .. : -om..e Y• UTL" MODEll MAlllE SERVICE SHELL DOCK BALBOA ISLAND •Household Appliances •Washing Machines ' • O'Keefe and •Heating Lamps • :ttadios • Broilmasters • Plugmasters Merritt Stoves • -·- ISLAND APPLIANCE SHOP LetaW rt Omc ... I1th1 Urlaa llCctl• -•-I . I I Padt&MF i IAWJ. ...... ··-•Ult Ml,ll()A lillA1fD WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR ' GLASS co~ We Are B•lkll1g 1llose Hard-to-Get SASH AND DOORS to order AD Types of Boat Repairs ft * * bft su ranee p ••• pal Mer IMCOtPOtet•• .... b«I:.. .... roact Clad 11t01 3333 via Udo, newpor! beach, collf. • telephone newport beach, harbor 1500 * * PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 4RIJBiiliiOT Armand Monaco ABCllll'EClT BU W. Bay Ave., Balboe --1-mt l•lr woad A.._ 1M ~ N01n sectr llOI DAI' BCBOOL Mortimer School -Oonl ., .......... DAI' !!MlBOOL OPENS 00'1' 1 _, OoU. Ptep., .._ O.A.K-,11.A,~ ........... --- DSNTlllTI Dr. Obed Lucas Ji)IJN'D8T -~ W.o..tnL-Hiii NEWPC>Rr ... ,,. Dir. OOBDON S. RAPP DENTl8T -WoatO.lnl --&11-1 !few,,.... CU.ta 0..ef di Emenoll Deaa.t 19il CJ1111"81pwq -•zne ()or.-del - Baroid K. Grauel th•Pel "'W• OWwlu• U.. Blttlr S.W •••·l"!Olllewlilll" "•••1 ... ... ._ em s l'IAXO"''•** v eda Thonipecm 'hldler °' Plano and~ ftne Bn1• 5111111 A. V, Andrews, M. D, PBllllOIAN -. 111!SOlllON Ul OMol .... Wl\f • .._ -()or.-... .., ;Jallli JL 0. a.. .. .. D. ftJ:•t?· ... las• 2 • • 7 • 8:30 and~tam>t Sl75 . 1tl .... lM .... Olota-~ Gordon IL Grardy. ¥. D. PHYSICIAN and SIJRGillOH Balboa Inn Arcade Ofllce Hrs.: 10-12 Lm.; 3-6 p.a. ~ Harl>or "¥7 H, R, Hall, M, D, 1"1*'-......... Houn: ~-5. lly ~­ Telephone Ben1m 58fi8 u1-....,. ~- llllton IL MuweD, ¥. D. 1•1 CoMt •• ., OoNM& del -Ofllce Houn: 10-11; H --·- S. R, Monaco, M, D. 81t Bay Ave.. .• ._ .. --. ITU ' Ml B. an 1Jt.. Lea •sp'st ' T°"'-Ml 9::; By Appoln- T. P. Berilel', ¥. D. Wm. L. ilplftT, .. D. ~'d1m_.8iu • ~ .. -W.Olal om..1 ...... -8811'•te ......_ IT.a.a aaamua B1ahA Ba·eea I :4wwwimll .... f ' ~•=r=•mc.-­t' 'ii? h1 ·a I 1 W •'J;if,2 ftQ1 11l1 • , WIOWWI IW .. 1' .......... 0. D. OSI 1&111 .... -····-! ~ ..... _.'•II ....................... -~·-·•·•••air,..o. IL--.!~~~-~,-~--_J ' Dr. W. T. Mt1z1r · ... ., .... .JO a• ...... 0 I ft _ .......... Bob:.',s~- ....... , artne a-...rp l&IR ft LI -----...- • t • ' T I TO CATAIJNA & HARBOll AREA Saturday & Sunday December 14th & 15th TAKE THE FAMILY 2-Engine Airplanes - - - 5 Passengers FO& &ESEKV A'DON8 CALL: Harbor 2145-J or Huntington Beach 1833 NEWPORT BAY SKYHARBOR 1 Mlle Weat of OoMa Mesa oa lttll Street f -, t• I!, lMI Frost· Bites '-'NM4 57 .... .-!!-fer YGUa .... They Say··· Watch Re~ ua-..... w.tli•• w.w w ........ Spirl·"lJ' •• I IOIDf IL. 8CBICll "October: 'lblo lo -"' tbe ..... -= ---:;;; Hw te ....... NII _!Uf f/11 ,_. k 9 W ,_.,. • e..., ............. .,... .....,__ .,_,.. ... ....,...., •....., Nw ,._ -Clllarly ~ montba to opoo-ulate In ltodm. '1be Othon are Ull'Oi.oa Jlw7. eo-... ---.. ,.....,.._ ... ,,_ .......... ., ...... . ............. ,.......... ~ .... .. G1-booda are w!llnc at $:50 • July, Ju\IAl'Y, September, April, I-;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::; pound ln the San Blu lllanda, an November, May, -JW>e. ~ 11 lnllatlonary condition which 'ft csnber, Aucuat and Fe!Jruary."-TM GmllTIM a: I ICll 'tll It• ,..... ....................... _ .... .., - .............. ,.. ............ p?ttl .... ...., .......... ,.. ...... -----------------... _ _ · -~-....... -., ,., ,.. ... I o.. ....._ a..t • ...._ 1~Mmrl e:s =·• ... ::' t I ..._ .._ • ::W ... ' , ~.._•J\llM • I -h ~ n.aw......~,...._ 5 ..... uu--.> ... 11 J .. ___ • -I ........... .,.,_, -.. =======;;;;:::=== ar• °"'-I J'-I ._ ..... ,, . --·· ·------------ Seager Estate Set at $140,000 have w!oely avoided bett In the llaril - U. S. A. We dofl't have any clua • • • beHs.-St. l..oula Poot-l>lapatch ". I I (the -=-t>• """' · experimdng what private ow1N!'ft ot coal mines and othe' prupt!l!I• l"rom tM Rone"a Moatll have experienced for yffn. .. _ MILWAUKEE, Wis. -PQUce Wllllam IL 1-Preddent, Ueut. ~ Dahl. cot 0 tip U.S. Clamber of C<><nrnor<e com- Friday -ri&:ht out of • hone'1 mentlnc ot John L. Lewis' actlonL • • • mouth .. No tree-man shall be taken. or A telephone operator called ex-Imprisoned, or outlawed. or ban.- 8K!P>r BOLIDU !GIFTS BOOQ ..... _ BTAftONDY PAllU CllOOOL&'D:8 ClllUllTllA8 o•- The .... Salls --.. ·- • Property worth more than the court to terminate joint ten-citedly to report a receiver off the l&hed. or anyways destroyed nor $140,000 wu Uated in a joint-ten-ancy by the two 1n a variety of hook at a downtown address "and will we pus upoo him except by I============ ancy termination poceding in the penonaJ propeity tncludin&: an heavy breathing like someone in lawful ju~t ot his equall."- Orange County court Wednesday • . .. From the Maena Carta. ln the estate of the late Dr. How-$80,000 deed ot trust. $41.191.66 distress. • • • ln erdal bank t Ueutenant Dahl dispatched of. ard W. Seager, proprietor of the a comm ~ccoun • flcen and alerted the rescue Villa Marin~ motel and anchor-$20,000 in two bank savinp ac-squad age al Newport Beach. Dr. Sea-counts, $7500 in tumlture and -...:. ft·-turned t •-----------------------------------died · . J;ne o 1 .... """'" re - o re-ger last June 14. . good will at the Villa Marina. and port the receiver unhooked was In " . . . and still we grope in the &battered darkness, And the SUD• light of brotherhood await.I us.'" -From the Cantata based on the 1936 New York Herald-TribW'le Theme '"nle Struggle for Justice as a World Force" by Millard Lampell and Alex North. • • Mrs. Lulu S. Seager petitioned a S500 car. a barn and the heavy breathing Local eat arkets Over onday Closing • • THIS · IS A DANGEROUS DEMAND The demand of Butchers' Union No. 551 that all local meat counters close on Mondays is dangerous and should be opposed by all the people in this area. Market employers are willing to negotiate proper wages and hours. We have ollered greatly Increased pay and a shorter, 40-hour 5-day work week. But the union insists upon the right to control the days of the business week. The only reason local meat counters are closed today is because the union insists on the power to say: "No Meat May Be Bought or Sold on Mondays" This demand is an effort by the union to take upon itself the power to control the days these meat counters may serve you. II the union is allowed the power to say that YOU CANNOT BUY MEAT ON MONDAY, they will be able to select a day or days on which they can close down any business REGARDLESS OF PUBLIC INTEREST OR NECESSITY. Closing of this area's meat counters by the union is· directly CONTRARY TO PUBLIC HEALTH. PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE CONVENIENCE OF THE COMMUNITY. Market owners insist upon the right lo operate all six days of the business week. We do not object to our butchers HAVING A FIVE-DAY, 40-HOUR WEEK. But the public wants and should have si:r-day service. We want to keep our meat counters open six days in your interest. We are prepared lo hire additional butchers or to pay overtime rates to provide six days service to you. . YOUR MEAT MARKET OPERATORS repn-ted by fOOD INDUSTRIES EMPLOYEBS LABOB IEl,ADONS COUNCD.. Inc. Meat Dealen A•sodcdl-ol Soathem CaWondcr (Bepre1e• .. 1Ddepe•1mt. LomJ M•t OwMH) Employen Have Ofkred a S.Day Work Week With Increased Pay During the past year the wage rate for journey· man butchers has been $60 for a 4B·hour work ·week ($1.25 per hour) an 80% increase over hourly rates paid in 1941. In a sincere effort lo negotiate a new, workable contract, market operators have ollered $66 pay for a 5-day, 40·hour work ~k ($1.65 per hour) with time and a half CS2.471f1 per hourl for all hours worked over 40. Thia is an increase of 32 % over wage rates in the 1945-46 contract which expired last week. Si:r other Southern California Butchers' Unions (covering Redondo Beach, Inglewood, South Gate, Whittier. Loa Angeles and all cities west and north to San Lui• Obispo) accepted this oUer last month and are now receiving the higher waget1 and are keeping the meat mar- ket. open 6 days a week. . '¥e Wll Reopen as Soon as tile Union M-ndolls its D~~ hmcmcl for Monday Closillg -----·-··-... ----· .. • that of a horse munching oats be- side It. No. 419"1S-!I SUMMONS la the Superior Court of the State ot California lD and For the County of Onace PUBLIC NOTICE of said lot; thence Southeast- erly 70.13 feet to the point of beginning. And you are hereby notified that unless you appear and an- HERBERT L. SHOEMAKER S\.ver as above required, the said and MARIAN L. SHOEMAKER. plaintiff will take judgement for his wife. Plaintiffs, vs . 1. W. PAT-any money or damage demanded ! TON, R. Q . PA'M'ON. T. A. PAT-in the comp~aint, as arising upon TON, c. P. PATI"ON, c. P. PAT-contract, or will apply to the TON, trustee, J . A. PATI'ON, Court for any other relief de- 1 MAGGIE B. CLIFTON, T . M. manded in the complaint. PATI'ON, MILTON A. T . MIL-Given under my hand and the LER. WILLIAM L. MILLER. EM-seal of the Superior Court of MA E . LAIR: MAGGIE HUM-the County of Orange, State of PHREYS, and also all other per-Californ ia, this 8th day of Octo- sons unknown claiming any right, ber, 1946. See Our Unusual Arrangement of Pine Cones and Christmas Greens title, estate, lien or interest in B. J . SMITH the real property described in Clerk For Gifts of Quality and Distinction O&DJ:& EARLY Plaintiffs' Complaint adverse to Deputy Clerk Plaintiffs' ownership, or any cloud Sy L. B. W ALLA<;E. upon Plaintiffs' title thereto, De-Max Horwitz atty. for Plaintiff rendants. 2611 W. Central Ave. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE Newport Beach, Calif. Phone: Harbor 590 lSlS Coast lliii:hway Coron& del Mar OF CALIFORNIA SEND Pub. Dec. 12, 19, 26; Jan. 2, 1947 . GREETINGS' To: J . W. Patton, R. 0 . Patton, IT. A. Patton, C. P . Patton, C. P. Patton, Trustee, J. A. Patton Maggie B. Clifton, T. M. Patton, Milton A. T. Miller, William L . Miller. Emma E. Lair, Maggie Humphreys (and to all other per- sons unknown claiming any right, title. estate, lien or interest in the real property described in the complaint to plaintiffs' owner- ship, or any cloud upon plaintiffs' title thereto): You are hereby directed to ap.. pear and answer the complaint on en action entitled as above, brought against you in the Super- lor Court of the said County of Orange, State of California, with- in 10 days after service on -you of this summons, if served on you within said County; or within 30 days, if served els~where. Thb action is brought to· de- tennine the adverse claims to and clouds upon the title to the real property described in the Com- plaint 'herein and hereinafter de- scribed by the said plaintiffs who claim that by themselvet, or by themselves and their predecessors tn. interest, have for a long time been owners of certain real prop-, erty situated in the County of Orange, State of California, and described. as follows. to wit : That portion of Lot 63 of New- port Heights, as per map there- of recorded in Book 4, at page 83, of miscellaneous Maps, rec- ords of said Orange County, de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the most Southerly corner or said Lot 63, and run- ning thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly line of said lot a distance of 157.57 feet ; thence Northwesterly parallel with the South\\.•esterly line o( said Jot a dis tance of 70.13 feet ; AiTENtiON VETS What Is Your -MOS -Number? Fill out this coupon and Mail now to U.S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION 202~ W. Srd st., Santa Ana, Calif. N rune : ......... --· ... __ ........ -............ -----·-· .... _,, ... --... -.... --- Address : I ti_,, I I I I ......... I ...... ti I I_,_,,,, ____ S t I •••• '"" 2 I. ti" I •• I I I --· City or Town: -·---·-:-------.. ··---.. -----.. ···--·· Telephone Number:· ... -....... --.--.. ----··-.. -......... -..... -... Date Discharged: ... ,, .... -..... _,,_, .......................... -......... .. Race: I tltltll IQtltl ti I I Qttttltltlt_t_ llltl tt••ttt •tit! I 'I I I .......... __ ,,,, $1ttll • Grade Held When Discharged: ............... _ ....................... .. -··-·-·--·-··-····------··--·------·--········-----·---···----- M. 0. S. Number and Length of Time Each M. 0. S. Held : ti ................... I ____ ,, .......................... ,_ ..... -......... -- ······-----···········-·········--·---·-·-·-······------·-·····-·--·-···-·-·----- ·-····-·-··-············-···········-·-------·--·-··---·-·-·--·-··--·-·--·--·----· ---------------M. 0 . S. Numbet and Length of Time Held is Listed Un- der "¥ilitary Occupational Assignments" on Your WD AGO Form 100 (Separation Qualification Record). Re- enlistment Grades are Permanent Warrants. Act at once. AR's Subject to Change. This AdvertUement Published In the Interest of . N atlonal Defense and Sponsored Locally by WESTERN CANNERS CO. 1thence Southwesterly parallel 3000 Lll,fayette St. with the Southeasterly line of said · lot a distance of 157.57 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA feet to the Southwesterly .'.:Un~-'.:_e ..'.!~~~~ BOB WARE AND HAROLD MATHEWSON PRESENT: AUTO RACES SUNDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1:30 P. M. (Races Every Sunday) at Hunting~on a·ea~h SpeecJw-ay • LomW 6il lfictafiy It, ~ ... K .. lllglaway 111, at B•0 &*• Beeda Seatiq fol 11,680 Popnl1r Price1 Anr•e Pll'ldDf • • • , . . • • • ' • Candy for Ebell Book Section .tdcets at C.D.M. Harbor • -• • D11 '• U. == &• L. ·--== . . Feminine· Activities Nelly., Reries and Frank Dore Jr, Marrtd.in c.ercmony at Church of St. John Vianney One of the -t of recent wltb matdllnc hat b low +I .. ==d In In thetbe ~llrdl -:r-: Cold i:~li=-~ =..~~': _.!Ph!!•!!!Dll!!!•!!·J13!!_!1U!d!!!!J!_;:ll!C!ll~-----•~--..:.·_!!l8YjWll!lnlfl!!!~ed~llu~~tire!!. ___ _:•~---_!R!!<~,.,!!!!•!!JP11~-!!!!!!ll~6l!!!!:l·:!_R_ I ,. Yl.nney, -. r.1anc1, Unlwnilty ot sout1>em ~ Civic Affairs and Musleal C.Omedy'. ~ :,~ ~ ~::::;, -·a -al Delta ... _ -Section 1 ot tbe Ebell club -t. toda)o wllll Ifft. _,. Blaclcbeard, Con>na deJ Mar; Mn. John MNdcr and Mn. C. Lewis Bala acting .. ~ -Ebell Cub Presents Christmas Musicale ; Interest Bus iness and Professional Women 1uo.South 11ay Front. and Frank Jolm 'Dare' jr., .... ot Mr. and TaJdn& advanlq<! of Ebell from Norman """"""· A proeram wblcb f .. turm Alma Gorton. le<ftlary, and Na-Mn. Frank John Dore sr. of BaJ. Mn. Harry M. Welab --... N ed F Baza Inglla FJeu:her'• ...... -. Toll Announce ..,1172 ett rom ar al the Brave. Memben ....,.., par- .CHRISTMAS ticularly inrerested because the club'• c"-"open house" for Beth Rabbitt, c:oloci>e from Bal-civic nttds u • told by Coundl· thslie Micbsud, lft-=r. It wu boa t.laad -.. united in mar- author formerly lived here wblle their Olrlstmu mllllc festival boa Pharmacy; Mn. E. H . Doane, man O. Z. Robertson and City decided to donate another $100 .to rlap b)I' the ·Rev. James Mui· writing Raleigh'• Eden. over 300 -pie attended the box of Imported «>Oldes from Bal· Treasurer J . A. Gant. wu bal· the Presbyterian boopltal drive cahy befatt an audience which Also on the proeram and in year's outstanding program' which boa Market; Lorraine Jaclcoon. anced by a hilarlooa musical and $10 to the _tuberculooia seal overflowed tbe little •chapel keeping with the seaon was the was held last Thunday at the pyrex: boWl set from Te Winkle's ; comedy program when B1ainea campaign.. Virginia Shirley an-It wu an all-white settin& With Oiristmu -try read by Mn. C. auditorium al the Corona deJ Mar Ma;Y Chamberlin. lhtll necklace and Protealonal Women'• club nouncecl a Christmas party to be white velvet on the sanctuary ~ l>eakinL school. and' earrings from Vagabond Shop; met at White's cafe with 45 mem-beid Dec. 19 at the Balboa Yacht rails, white <$rysanthemums and • GIFTS Be Sure You Get nompson's Ultra -Quality Chocolates Harbori tes Open New Shop at Mesa Qfficers of other county clubs Dr. F. E. Kelter, two lobster din-bers present. club. altar candlea. Satin streamen were present and were high in iien from Sea Shell cafe; Francis City representatives spoke of New members introduced to the decorated the pews and. ·at int,er. their praises of th e afternoon Wei.s:muller, nail enamel set from the urgent need of a proeram to group and presented with corsages va.11 were tall candelabra, en- Pruented were the California Charlotte's Beauty Shop; Forrest insure the cleanliness and beauty of autumn flowers were: Margaret twined with ftowen. Preceding Sin&ers, an octette of mixed Henzle, Chrlstnlas candle 1 e t of city beacheo. To provide for Heidenrich, Kay Nesbit~ Sally the -Miss Jeanne Reeves, Out on Harbor boulevard, Costa voices ln a four-part program of cure from Vt's Beauty Shop. this it will be necessary to create Newland and Kathleen Crandall. a sorority slater of the bride. Mesa, Ed and Marie Ehlen of madrigals, spntuals, popular Edna Johnson, $3 merchandi<e a special fund through raisinc the 4lso glveo a conace wu Marie sane tbe _..loftly A.ve Maria. r:iewport Island recently aa~ a numbtts and t.ocluding the Persian order t.rom the lleiody Shop; Ora tax rate a small amount. they Hamilton in honor ol her birth-'lbei bdile wore white brocade little shop and instantly an .idea garden JUlte, all interspened with H olmes. cologne from Janet'• stated. day that evening. Recipient of witl:i a swwtbeut•neckllne and an was bom. which has "no• become humorous songs. Beauty Shop: Lou M. Wilson. hos-The guest speakers stayed t o the club prize of a bottle of. hllrtaclm' necklace. Her veil wu a lusty infant. 'Ibe IJ'OUP included Ruby Gear-tess cover set from Ida Nay-enjoy a PART of the "impromptu" ·~~ burcundY donated by of white-net with a little cap and Within the space of a few hardt and Irene Wal.lil aopranoe ; lor's; James Cowie cologne from program with Mlich memben oc-Whites Park Avenue cafe wu ,abe carried a spray of white or· "'·eeks they had got the shop, pur-Alice Teegarden and Beverly Nlna'a; K. Story, stationery from cupled the interval while await· Dorothy Sutherland. ct:Uda. · chased • stock and were open_ for Sheets. altoa; Edwin Belbrldge and Allen's Variety Statt; M. M. Ing their tanly entertainer, ''Miu Ralph S. Holden and Glad)'s Mia Shirley· Reeves, sister of bus.mesa. ~ one side where li~tle Steve Eggliston, tenors, and Doug-Groch, box of candy from George's Addie Lib." Wrigtlt were presented With the bride, was maid of honor and wh1t~ained . windows blink laa Wallb and Byrne Gearhardt, Super Market; H. B. Kirk, ~ The series of musical numb-blankets by Elaine WeJ.ss, chair~ bridesmaids were Bett y Rollins of welcoming eyes in the cheery red basses. The clostng nwnber was logne from Nina's: Mrs. Gladyl era started with a melody of man of the blanket club, after Balboa. ailter of the bridegroom, face of the wall, Marie has her a carol in which the audience Gardner, cologne tram Hampton's "Cracker" ballads sung by Meta which · Betty Nollar lnand Eleanor and Nancy Grant and Marjorie store of antiqu~ and next ~~ joined. The singers made a prett.Y Harbor Drug st~. Plants and Bachman Natalie Michaud, and Linke, guests, Were troduced to Houston of Pasadena. All were ~ £,:thu ~ own :pa.ce i 0 picture as t.h/Y sat about a table llipe were donated by C:ardoza Irene M~nil. with Agnes Blom· the members. gowned alike in blue net over thi hi ~e. t;ys t an b var~ after the fashion of Old English Gardens. qui.st at the piano. Switching the satin, the latter two wearing pink ngs w c • ac • rOWSIJI chorallsts. A Christmas lfte on the stage program to a melodramatic mood. Girl Scouts Plan hats of net aDd flowers and carry. man. Mrs. Bruce McBride presided dominated the decorative theme Edith Llppencott then sang "Li!:-ing old fuhioned bouquets to Whlle there are many fine an· at the business session where r e-. and there were sprays of greens ten to the M--JH-... Bird,'' and Childr en's Party match, while the hat and nowen tiques to be found in the little . d · I ~ bo t At ~-. f th ports of the r ecent bazaar wer e an pine cones Pa ... ~ a u · drifted into "Doing What Comes o e maid of honor were blue. place, it is also a point of the th tt t t bl •-f Girl ~-ts f Troo 6 d Litt! M oWl}ers to carry things which will given and which netted the club e pre. Y ea a e mem.....:1-. 0 Naturally." Evelyn Rider then ~u o P an . e art.ha Jo~on, fl~er appeal to those who rrwst limit an impressive total of $1172. the Juruor. secUo~, who Wen? in played and ·sang a song entitled. their leader , Mrs. W. E . Cole, gu"I, was gowned like the bride their expenditures. \Vinning prizes donated by local charge of aecorati~ns and refr~h-"Uhuh!" followed by an old time are planning a party for nearly and carried a basket or blossoms. ~ -v; "Cap'n:" Don s ' e~,, et..' -.... 'll'lllll• .... ..--Ille Plw •Ute W-* ,C 1ntr I>. Del:d•• Combination Dinners I>. New aad Uamual people and merchants were Mrs. ments. s~rved tru1t cake Christ· style presentation of a r eading 50 children of the city's trailer Robert Dore was best man and • :=.===========;!Hannah Gillis, $100 merchandise mas cookies and punch. called, "When Do We Eat?" camps and which will be held ushers were John Dore, Walter Desert Confections order from Mrs .Bruce McBride ; Climax of the program was th• Tuesday, Dec. 17 from 3 to 4 p.m. Johnson and Freeman Fowler. Seafood Specialties I>. Ruth Palmer. pnddleboard from Daniels-Metcalf drama or the red flannels present-in the kindergarten of the New-After the ceremony a reception T ff ~ UA,~,a Plasuc Watercraft; Mrs. Victor W dd A d d b eel by two of the members, atrik· port Beach sehool. was held at the home of the 0 ee ,, ., TVW~. Hatcher, flower bowl from Kay e ing tten e y ingly costumed. Other members Members of the Llons club have bride's parents and later the new Fot_---B-E AOO N 5465 Finch: Larry Spencer , nower bowl Local People drawing enthusiBSjic applawi:e for given money to be used for gifts Air. and Mrs .. Dore left for a OPEN SEVEN NIGID'8 Nut Roll l~#U~ from Kay Finch; l\.1rs. J . A. Bod· their son~ and liumorous inter· and goodies a nd Heinz Kaiser \\ill honeymoon et B1g Bear. For the S to l2 ~, 4 r&tl man, compact from Keith's jew. Looking never lovelier than ln Judes were Elaine Weill and :ass;;;is;t;wi;;·thii;th;;;•;iitr;ans~part;;;;;a;ti;'o;n;. ;;;i;"!;;;:;P;;;;;Mrsii;i;.;Dore~-~;w;;;ore~;a;b~ro~wn~;·~w~·1;;\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;~~ Cream Fudges . " I -ON , elry; ~trs. H. S . Underwood, chop her formal wedding gown of bridaJ Marie H iebsch. Lydia Summers ~ plate from the Islande.rs; Cameron white. Miss Barbara Metcalf was played the part of the mysterious Mints Shop; \Valter S. Hart, $10 money 30 In Oneonta Congregational Preceding the evening's enter· ) '/.raf11t1,.• Thom, jewel case from Q-Rio married at 4 p.m. Saturday, Nov. Miss Addie Lib. order from Surf and Sand. church, South Pasadena, to Rich· tainment. the club held a busi· ' Etc. Available on the South Coast at Mary 1'ompso11's The . FREE!! Eddy Howard Bracelets One handsome silver fin. lsh bracelet with EDDY Boward'• personal sig- nature on it to the first 25 purchasers of Eddy Boward . .records, com- mencing Friday, mom- . ing, Dec. 13, 1946. ....... 1..,.1 A. B. Rouselle lube and car ard Hampton Daniel5 of Corona. ness m~ting , with President wash from Bob Jayred's Richfield She was given in marriage by Dorothy Sutherland in charge. At station; ~frs. H. E. Kendall, her brother , Darby Metcalf of th.is time, repiorts were give n by sweater from Fitzpatrick's; Mrs. Corona del Mar. Elise and Joe P. J . WUson, basket of fruit from Bolio were matron of honor and the Hal Will Smith family; Frank best man and bridesmaids were Finster, cigarette box and ash Mn. Darby Metcalf and Mrs. tray from Lanai Shop; Mn. F. E . Bartlett Henderson. Ushers were Reinhold, ceramic hone from Mr. Henderson, Jimmy Hodges of Corona del Mar piottery; Forrest Long Beach and Mr. Ferri.a iM~ Helnzie, Clv'istmas candle set Mr. Toolin of Corona. Harbo r Art Gro up To Meet Tuesday Several hundred cuesta attend· eel the ceremony and the reception at the church, with more intimate friends gathering for a more In· formal reception at the South The Newport Harbor Art voup, Puadena home of the bri~;, which is being 1ponaored by the mother, Mn. L. G. Metc-U ... Class Parties to Be Held Friday On Friday evening of this week two Sunday school classes of Christ Cburcb by the Sea will hold their annual ChrUtmas par-1 ties, tl\e' Pilot clau holding thein at the home ot Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Goodell, 3000 West Ocean Front, and the FellowshJp clua meeting with Mrs. George Gold~ ner, 217 33rd 1treeL Ebell club, will hold its• first meet-The dense log kept several local Ing on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at the friends !rom att•ndlng but arno~ Fri. A fternoon Club club from 9 to 12 a.m. Everyone thote present, other than meril- lnterested b invited to attend. bttt of the wedding party wt!ie Mn. F. E. Reinhold is leader Jack and Grace Greene, Dean arid and will direct work of those 'Micky Bradford and Louise and using oils while Mrs. Tressa Stein Archie Bish. will .coach the water colorista. The new Mr. and Mn. Dan~ Mn. Othmer and Mn. Deakins are making their home It\ Corona. are othe rmembers of the com· They were down Sunday at BaibOa mittee. which met last week at Yacht club, receiving belated coil· the home of Mrs. Reinhold to com· gratulations from those unable to plete plans. attend the wedding. The class will meet regularly each Tuesday mornin&. By the soft light of candles, luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. When the regular meeting of the Friday Afternoon club ii held in Legion hall Friday, Dec. 20. Members and guests wishing res;. ervations for the luncheon are asked to make them with Miss Alice P lumer, phone Beacon 5085 not later than Wednesday, Dec. 18. The afternoon's program ~111 feature well known Costa Mesa The Lamp Light Shop OPENS ' , Friday, December 13111 WE INVITE you TO BE OUR GUEST FOR AFTERNOON TEA FROM 2 TO 5 Anflques . . . Custom Made Lamps and Shades ... Decorating 1507 Coast Highway, Corona del Mar "Where Highways Santa Ana and Coast Meet" Bonnie Gough Gladys Hughes CANDY House 113 22nd Street Newport Beach TIIATCHER WARREN Junior Ebell The organization meeting of the Junior section of the.Ebel) club will be held at the home of their advisor, Mrs. Obed Lucas. 311 Coral avenue Balboa IsJand, on Tuesday, Dec. 17 at 1 p.m. Christmas Party for Balboa Circle musical artists. These include 1 1 1 ~:;:~:;::;::;::;::;::;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:=:;::;=:;=:;=:;::;=:;;::=:;;:::;:;;::;;::;;::;;:~ • Marlcom Reid, tenor, accomp. Balboa Circle of Christ Church anted by Corene Boettcher; Wilma by the Sea Will hold their annual Seever, violinist, and lmalda An· Chrlstmaa party Wednesday, Dec. ton, pianist. 1513 Coast Highway Corona del Mar or at our own stores at the Desert Inn Gate • ID Palm Springs and 33 ,s. San Gorgonio ' Ave. Ba1ni111 -tr Careful gift wrap- pin g of your Mail Or- der. Thompson's Desert iConf ections • Sprlllp JUST A REMlNDER T HAT THE FAMOUS KAY FINCH CERAMICS MAKE AN I DEAL Luxury Gift Purchases gift wrapped and mailed anywhere In the U.S. Retail shop open dail y 9:30 to 5:00 • 121 C.Oast Hwy. Co rona del Mar 18 at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. -------- John K. Elliott, 900 East Ocean Front. Balboa. Members are reminded to bring wrapped gifts for girls of the Frances DePaw home and also gifts for exchange. Film P rogram Sunday Evening ~1en of the Church, who are planning Sunday evening pro- grams at Christ Church by the Sea, have arranged for a film, The &be of Bethlehem, to be shown lh1I coming Sunday at 7 :30 p.m. as a subject in keeping with the O\Tistmas season. Church Groups Join · In Party Wednesday Capilla Orcle of Corona del Mar Community church will meet in ijle social hall at 2 p.m. Wed· nesday, Dec. 18 for their Christ- mas party and program, which is in charge of Mn. Frances Cox and Mrs. Arthur A. Kemper. Members are reminded to bring wrapped gifts for the boys in the Naval hospital. Hostesses for the day a r e t h e Mesdames 0 . M . Campbell, Wendell Hoyt an d Frank Baetz.. MR. STORE OWNER: Keep a photographic record of you'r Christmas Window Display. • MR. HOME OWNER: Have a p hotog raph of your Christmas Tree and Decorations. • --SPECIAL RATES FOR THE HOIJDAYS-- OOMMERCIAL AND INDUSI'IUAL PH01'0GRAPHY • Phone 1Jarbor 1 '123-W • BAYSIDE PLATING CO. We Claim to Have All 'the Silver in California Expert Silversmiths • • • All Work Guaranteed ./ SILVER AND GOLD · ' . Antique .,,.......... • Trophies • Jewelry Candp!alft • Bathroom Fixtures Baby Sbos • Oeramlcs Marine Pllllhc • Badga and Souvmln , ftae: l!Blan .. 1111an 1111, DaJ9; Beil~' ..... Ntp1i1 ""...... . -~A MERA Uli"n •• ..._ • I • • .1 ' •