HomeMy WebLinkAbout1946-12-17 - Newport Balboa News TimesTHE . SAND CRAB 117 SAM PRESSURES. A r a the r startling, but true, state- ment was injected into a ser- mon the other day that should give pause to all of us. Rev. Perry Schrock told of a service club meeting he at- tended in which a university professor said: "Congress is no longer under a democracy but is dominated by three pressure groups -organized business, organized labor and organized farmers." In addi- tion he stated that white supremacy no longer existed; that so many methods and ideas had been given to other races that to d a y those peoples outnumbered the Caucasian race. Mr. Schrock then pointed out that this professor declared that we must place our faith in God and Christianity if we would survive. The pas- tor then pointed out we must maintain a living Christian- ity to face our probl<'ms to- day. • • • City BuildinJt. We've come a long way with building for 1946 passing the four-million mark. Can remember when we m ade quite an ado over the first time it topped a mil- lion. There used to be wide stretches of sand as you traversed the city; now many of these stretches are rapidly closing up. And back in the early thirties when we se- cured government harbor aid and pleaded with the county to meet its share. 'twas quite a battle to convince voters of the value. Assessed valua- tions have long since paid the bill. While the war gave Newport Harbor its real im- petus. yet the past post-war year reveals growth is forg- ing ahead because people like these shores. • • • Damon Runyan. As one ''who knew him when--" want to pay tribute to Da- mon Runyan, always a news- paperman. In 1908 or -9. Al- fred Damon Runyan was on the Denver Tllnes with a lotta other harurn-scarurn reporters. He was irre- pressible, carfree and happy. !lnd even then had a fl air for 11ews writing that speedily gave him a by-line. Denver ·ln those days was full of writers and papers, with the screaming. blatant Denver Post. getting most of them. Runyan, Martin Dunn. Nell Brinkley and a few others hit the trail fo r New York. All were successful, but Da- mon. who dropped his first name. Alfred. t o shorten it, llecame famous and was de- clared by Brisbane as the greatest reporter in the world. • • • "Ev" Morris. Note by the public prints that Everett M orris is OO\V commodore of the Nl'\vport Harbor Yacht club. being the second Lido Islander (Jimmy Rubel was the first) to win that honor .• During the war years Morris was in charge of publicity for the South Coast Co .. and is still active in that line as head of a couple of L. A. advertising agencies and a big print shop. He has some definite ideas on what is needed to pep up a yacht clul;j. which will gain much more than Morris in achieve- ment. • • • Shorts. Sign reads: ''Bachelor Mending." Which prompts one married gal to remark that many bachelors could mend their ways also. ... Christmas shopping get- ting more hectic and as us- ual must visit many stores to find common -every -day items .... Wonder why the government expeditor could not add the Los Angeles Smog to his housing duties! That's a joke, son. 1,411,341 in YMCA • BANANA BOAT, REPOR'I'ED ·S KFEP POSTED! 1 y.,. 5 • • -• • P.50 -~ SZ.'111 Ost a( ~1:7 '8:00 Ost a( - -a.ec:ll l'a7allle to Newo-'11Dw, N-pot· - VOLUME XXXVID NEWPO~T -. ARRIVES IN NEWPORT o.q Olup Oii \I Weeld1' Newspaper .._her ADdlt ... reaa of armlallom • NUMBER ll'I YU TREE RESCUES CREW OF HALCYON . SKIPPER . STEIN REPORTS Hapes Gives Evidence to Grand Jury CRUISER LATER SAVES VESSEL IN UNEVENTFUL In Alleged Pro Football Fix Attempt NAVY SEAME ADRIFT r TRIP UP PACIFIC OCEAN D. Thornton G~:!:~r:'k:~th Road Users OFF HUNTING ON PORT - Believed On N ~~;;:~ .. _ Out to Beat First Indication That Paragon Was Safe Came Saturday When Cargo Ship Reported Radio Conversation Between 'Skipper and Another Craft; Rumors Rife for Week A subject of \4-1ld rumor and speculation u to lta actual where~ about. du.rlng the put week. the Newport Harbor banana boat, Lost Plane ~~~~-~k~!~~·~ Gas Lev·1es aJJeced attempt to 'fl..:' la• t Peninsula Resident Tells H w His Christmas Tree Guided Halcyon to Safe Harbor During Deep Fog; Cre .Remained Over Night and Left Here S day George Bert.bonnenc\ *"3per and Crewj of the Los Ancelea callln crulser Halcyon. who liftnt f'MPOmlble tori the rescue of !l ma.rtnM and sailors In tbelr dfeaNed Uherty ~ off San Peclro, at nooll Sunday. wel't'I tbermelva •ftd by a lmas b"ee here 8atu.rda7 night. Pan.ion, ulled leisurely up Balboa unde r cove-r or dar-k:new and Marine Private Duane Thorn- moored at the home port on Coast hlcbway Monday nlC'ht.. ton, 18, who resided with Mr. and The vew.sel, according to Capt. Peter Stein, It.a aklpper, had an une "'entful trip, and he and the c~"· "'·ere au,,.ued to bear that their l\lrs. Ray Nielsen of 215 East NUp bad been reported Mink In lfexican "'ale" orr Macdaletia r olnt. Bay avenue, BaJboa, "'hile attend· Jut TUeMlay night. ing school in Santa Ana. 'vas be· "It mu.st ha\'c been some other Ann 11\M • lieved to be aboard a f.larinc boat," said the skipper. ··w e had Ua ·1arJfie Corps l\\i n-engined transport a n unevt"ntful trip." Sh J Pl which is being sought in the First indication that the ves-OW S an mountains near Eaton\'ille. Wash., set .,..·as safe came to The Ne\vs-Of LA' Boatmen today. Times on Saturday when the Private Thornton "·as planning "Dorian B," en route to l\1exican to spend th e Christmas hoHda ys . Plans for a fabulous boat show in the Ne"-nnrt i-l a rbor district. waters, r eported overhearing a ,..., C S . and ma.r ine exposition to be HO\\'ever, he \\'as shipped to Wash· conversation lk•tween apt. te1n aboard the Paragon and another staged annually in the vast Los ington in lut minufe orders after Angeles coliseum \vere completed his completion of boot can1p trRin-fi5hing boat at sea. here today by 8 group of lead-· Captain Stein was overheard to ing marine builders and distribut-an~aj. Robert v. Reilly, pilot. and sRy, "Everything is okeh. We ex-ors banded together as California Lt. Col. AJ bcn c. Robertscn, co- plet to arrive in Newport Harbor National Boat ShoY..~. Inc., a non-pilot, both of El Toro, "'ere two on Monday." profit .corporation. Charter mem-other local men aboard the plant' The "Dorian B" reported the hers include Joseph Fellows jr .. which has not definitely been lo- conversation to H. F . Sampson of l;iubbard Howe, John Rados, Geo.: cated by searching parties 0 : Ri verside. O\\'tler of the Paragon, Ketten ~urg, John Angus and I Coast Guard, Army and State by radio Saturday afternoon. Don Hill. l Patrol groups in. the snow an'd S&mpson experienced difficulty getting a flash through to the The Los Angeles Junior Cham-timbered country. ber of Commerce unanimously Coast Guard officers in charge l __ <_Con __ Un_u_ed_0_0_Pa_g_e_s_1x_i __ 1 voted to sponsor the show and of the search operation, in the planned to make it the outatand-Mt. Rainier area arrived at Eaton- Ing event of the year, empha.slz-ville today with a party to a.Mist Boyd Named Commodore ing the tact that the Pacifi c Coast In the hunt after reparts of the has become the nation's foremost sig,ht of the wreckage were made marine market, with one-fifth of by Harry Co01ber, Eatonville po- the motor craft and one-third of lice chief. all the documented yachts. Powerful searchlights are being Novel and lavish methods of sent into the area to facilitate designing and installing exhibits. ground crews thrashing their way Robert L . Boyd, sr .• steps for-impossible in an indoor show, \\'i ll through the timber. Sunday's g a m e bet""·een the Chica.co Bear11 and the Ne"' \'ork Glanta, "''hlch f'nded ln fa"·or of the Bears, 24-lt. "°"'ever , the Californian '-''BS smpended "1thout prejudice by National F ootball League Com- mlMJoo.er Bert Bell and "'U declared lneUg1ble to compete ln the cam@. Although both he an d Frank Fllcbock. st a r quarterback, \\' e r e exeron· e r a t e d , t. h e commls.8looer st at e d that llapett cut of $1296.51 (1081.n& player'• share) 'A'IW Mtnc held up pendlns fur- ther hearln1. (Special to The News-Times) NEW YORK. Dec. 17.-A New York county grand jury on Mon- day indicted Alvin Paris, alleged front man for a northern New Jer1ey gambling syndicate on two counts of attempted bribery after tw o New York Giants' pro- lea.4onaJ football players, one a Garaen Grovf', Calif., native, testi- fied agabut him. ward to th£' position of com-fill the coliseum's grN'n acres mod.ore of Balboa Yacht club and with row after row of the proud other offi cers were named at the products of the post-war marine annual meeting h c Id Saturday cra. Highli ghting the dally e\'ening 'Vi.th 130 mt'mbers pres-schc>dule of demonstrations will be ent. an evening entertainment hour The Garden Grove man, Merle Hapes, former star quarterback for the Garden Grove High school and Santa Ana Junior College footbalJ teams. and Frank Fil· chok, also of the Giants, were named in a district attorney's presentment to the grand jury as having admitted that they were I I d approached by Paris in an alleged S a n er S attempt to fix Sunday's Chicago- New York pro football game. P I F Tapped telephone '"ires led to a n et e -the _clues-tha-t bro___:ught:__inlo-lhe (Continued on Page 6) Lobbies r epresenting the power- ful oil and trucking combine v.ere pictured r-·tonday as prepared to thwart any concerted movement by cities to get the California State legislature to approve a plan to impose JeviC's on gasoline a nd motor trucks. John F. Vogel, --....-.nt, dhd today that the oldpper and crew of the Balcyoo were maroo ln the bea\'Y fog which engulfed BaJboa Bay about A p.m.. Saturday and but for an ll1umlnat.ed Chris as tree which Vogel had Orange School placed n his landing pier a t 2294 Chann r oad, Balboa peninsula, G d t Ch the · r would have run intd Issuing the warning was Her-ra Ua e 08efl trouble .bcrt F. Kenny, vice president of Pasadena Queen "I w~ sitting in the libra ry ot the Coast association and chair-my hf'c r eading the evening man of the high"·ay committee paper," said Vogel, recalling the of the Newport Harbor Chamber PASADENA, Dec. 17. -A indden . "when I heard someone of Commerce. The 'A'arning came graduate of the Orange, Calif., shout outside, "Ahoy, Santa in a report made by the Balboa High school and a former resi-Oaus!' I went outside and saw poastm aster to members of the dent of that city was chosen '----d h . board of directors of the chamber Queen of the 1947 Tom-nament of ~ UUdl-a yac t ""avmg hil at a meeting in White's cafe, Bal-Roses here Moo4ay. onnaud explained that the boa. She is Miss Norma Christopher, cruiser ad come all the way from Mr. Kenny was maki ng a re-18, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. San D go without seeing a light port to the board on the results He~ Christopher, now of 5501 anywl on the shore to guide of the meeting with the Collier Non;nch av~nue, Los Angeles. them on their way. ''Your legislative committee at Long Miss Christopher was elected Chris . as tree gave us our first Beach lut week when he remark-from a field o! Pasadena J~or sight qt land," he told Vogel. ed that the great oil and truck· college contestants. She JS a Voge1 said he aided the seamen in& companies were out to beat gossamer blonde with large gray· in fasqenlng their vessel to hlJ the communities to the punch in blue _eyes and her 118 ~ are pier ~ then invited them into the play to win the sentiment of distributed perfectly aver her ~ his ho to get warm. "They were the legislators on the levy bill. foot, four-inch he!Pt. almost 1 frozen," V<>iel added. Kenny warned that if the com· She will be crowned qoee:n at Late11 the skipper and his crew munities of Orange county are in-the queen's ball on December 26. re~ to their boat and spent ~~~~ ~:n~~esth~ythae ;~.a;~ Warner w·111 a.ThenJ:li]rtaJ:n~~ide~theedrog. pg(.~t~o· ~:J:Z share of the cost of building the r oads and improving the same, they must send a strong repre-and ra 'o reports reaching here, sentation to Sacramento to en· Res·1gn Post came n the disabled LibeftY force their demands on the tegis-boat f m the USS Cfuiser ~ lature \\'hen it meets in Jariuary. lumbwi and the 21 m3.rines and Mayor O. B. Reed and City En-sailors hortly before noon Sun- gineer J . B. Webb were present HUNTINGTON BEACH. Dec. day. h The avy ••am•n had been at t e meeting. Neither commit-17 Th al tin of the -' d h --e annu mee g maroon for 18 hours-from 6 te t emselves as to what the City Southern Empire usociation of of Nelvport Beach had in mind boards of supervisors will be held p.m. Spturday until noon Sun- about sending a representation to in . Los Angeles on Wednesday. day. '91ey were drifting aimleu- Richard Fenton ,,·ill be the ne\\" l t~at only llollY'''ood co~ld pro- vice-commodore and Dr. Castleton ,·1de. The 1947 show \\.'all open Smith "-'ill be rear rommod0!-e o:1nd 1'1ay 30 for a ten-day run. chairman or the membcrs!1ip com- mittee. Harry Blodgett \\'a." named st'Cretary-trt"asurer. the state capitol. A h h wife a~ the Halcyon, which I S -h mong t ose w 0 will attend is the scepe and went to thC'ir re.- The Rotary club's annual com· Mrs. Inez • m1t Willis H . Warner, chairman of cue, ~o miles off Huntington Ne\\' directors are J . L ~1un­ son and Ray Loomis. Holdover dirt"Ctors are A. L . Gramm. James C. Ken1p, Gerald r-.YcFarlin and Kenneth Morgan. Craig Doyle is chair'hlan of the race committee. Other appointn1ents \\·ill b~ made at the meeting of Ja n. 11 . Newport Harbor Community Chest Fund Needs $1050 munHy Christmas program is to Dies in Hemet Home,· Hospital Drive the Orange County board. Beach:{d towed them into Loo be held Saturday, Dec. 21, a t 6 :30 Warner said Saturday that he Angel harbor. p.m . at the corner of Park and was Postal Employe W1.th1·n $10,000 plans to resign as president of Exce t for hunger a nd rold the l\1ar ine avenues, Balboa Island. the association as well as presi-(Cbntinued on Page ?) mas tree r eaches to the sky at day a l her home in Hemet. She Chamber of Commerce and to de-O'H nlon Case Set There "·here the giant Christ· Inez Irene Smith, 49. died Sun~ Of Newport Goal dent of the Huntington Beach ---~+---------- the end of an avenue gay \'-'ith had lived there for 15 years but vote his full time to the office The i'e\\-port Harbor Com-colorC"d lights a nd red Christmas I spent the summers at her Ne'A'-The danger of optimism at the of supervisor in Or~ county. Do for Saturday munity Chest campai~n "'as $1050 ~lls. people of the rommunity j port Beach home, 2008 \Vest Cen-present time is stressed by Braden His new term as supervisor be--Gardner's Court short of cli maxing its 1946 drive will gather, adults and children I tral avenue. In the years from Finch. gener al chairman for this gins in January. at noon today and 1-larry \Velch. alike>. to join in the old "·ell-loved 1924 to 1930 she \\.'as employt'Cl at area of the Presbyterian hospital Oty Judge Bob Gardner hu Break Ground secrctary or the chan1her of carols. There will a1so ~ sonp J the local post office, where Mrs. fund and "·hile at present the Magazi·neS Ask continu until S aturday the case conimcr C'<', made a plea for com-by a chorus led by i1r5. A. J . Ida Naylor ...,,as postmaster. prospects are good that Newpor t of the ewpor t H arbor master's F N Ch h munit)"''ide cooperation to put Rutter and · th M E Beach 'A'ill reach her quota of Art On Harbor office tainst H. C. and Joseph Or ew Ure h r d . w 1 rs. ...valyn Mrs. Smith \vas born in Charles o~•an1 f th C di l e un O\'C'r the top before the Rider at the pia $75,000 it means that all persons C1 n, owners o e ana an • l f h n. 0 · c1·1y. Iowa and was a member ot 106 r h Dwyn W c ose o t c year . Santa ha sed t \\'ho have stated their intention 00 SC ooner, en. Ground "'as broken for the erec4 • s promz 0 come and the ~tethodist chw"11 of Bradley, Pacific Motor Boat magazine The 'Hanlons are accused of tion of the chan.oJ and parsonage "If lOOO persohs "'ould send th~re "'11 be goodies for all the South Dakota. She is survi\'ed by of filling out pledge cards mwt do and Wes~· .. '"' mag .. ""-have violatinl: ordinance 543 of Section r-one dollar each t o our campaign children It's the "Ni'ght •·~r e so to their full ability. ~--~ Or th• N· .. ~rt Harbor Lutheran Chri·stm.as·· 1 d~ _or her husband. Howard. of Hemet ·, •· ki ·~---• inf 0 H h~ l h. h .. ~-,.. r-headquarters this '''eek , I'n1 sure --or 8 most an 1 The final report will be made U\:en see ng pi .... ~ ..... .:» ILi.JU er-o-• r aws. w ic states church on c 11·rr drive at the end . · Jus three sisters Mrs. Isabel Otey motion about .........r.-••--from th t 't '· nJ Wf l f ...,.e'd be able to find one other the thing to get everyo Int .. ' ' on December Z1 and at present ~t"'· o.&.14&......_... · a 1 ui u a u or anyone to of El !\·todena avenue, NC\\-por t . . ne 0 lr:C' Ne"rport Heights:• Mrs. Doris Newpor t Harbor for presentatioo ti t · Heights at 4 o'clock on Sunday person y.·ho "'·o uld be glad to real sp1r1t of the occasion so come Powers. Balboa Island and 1'trs. there is left $10,000 to be raised. in issues in the near futun!. e u.p .a a f m:ri~g,=pt by afternoon. clinch the campaign with a $50 one, come all and make ye merry. Gail Sullivan. West Los Angeles ·. Every worker is this week making pe~on o t e ar aster-. check." said a Chest fund ¥.'orker. an extra effor t and the renewed The picture file of the Spart-Acro~ng to the> char&e filed Some 25 members including the M d H • two brother~. Burtdl Paln1er of interest is heartening, with dona-fishing Association of Newport with e Newport J-larbor diatrict R~v. Her bert Roth, pastor, and 350w ehlch ~~~d Sl~.300ed ofdt hell Stlh4·t· an ate earm~ Newport Beach and Morr i s tions coming in from o'W?lers of Harbor was examined b)' Cinton police tation. the O'Hanlons are Mrs. Roth. br .'·ed the ch•'ll•'ng as ""'"n rais an a a p -•-·r of Youn~. R Hull f ral · be 'd ed h · t be · ed · •1050 Set f M 4"'"" •-boats end swnmer homes and · or seve piCtUres to sat to ave mov into t e moor-'A'Cather to attend the cer emonies rema.ins o ralS now 15 .;o · or on ay Funeral services will be held "--~ Wl0th his -•~-on marlin k F l "Of co"-e the · 1· ·1 l non-resident property owners. ~ 51 ~ ing e~for Errol ynn's Zacca "'hich we~ held on the heights ........ • re• no imi 0 Wednesday at 1 p.m. at the Har-fl h' '< th• -t'ns· f th' · dri Doctors of the city have raised s 1ng to appear in Westwa)'I: withou first obtaining permiulon overlooking Coast high"•ay and '" e...... ion ° 18 years ,.(', SANTA ANA, Dec. 16 "u-old Grauel chan.ol, Costa Mesa, · from R II but •ve~·on• wo Id •-h ·f "--..:) ...-ap~oximately $10,000 and only magazme. , nnaster usse Cra.lc.. Ne'A·port Bay. · J ~ u I.A" appy l perior Court Judge Kenneth E. with the Rev. E . D. GoodeJI of. --------------~--+-----------..: ld l · th. ·· this week one business man came A religious service preceded the we rou c ose it is year. Morrison has continued the hear· ficiating and interment will be in in and duplicated his original gift s II p • A B t actual ceremonial program. The in~ on the petition of Robert M. I Westminster Memorial Park. of $500. In this one last effort, ma er apers es usual order •of service was fol-Alert Mesa Woman Hixson of Los Angeles until Mon-iI every man. woman and child lowl.'d w\th Mr. Roth leading and Al F • Id day. Dec. 23. M •d Art In the city would give only $1 --" the congregation responding. This most oils Ho up Hruon ;., seeking a writ" of orgn ge each we would definitely be OVl!f Ad Medi b Sa was followed with • prayer and In Santa Ana Store mandate to compel the Oty of w k n· I d the top and be absolutely usured v 1um· son then this "'as followed with the Newport Beach to Krant him a or ISP aye of the hospital which will mean ys ground-breaking program. Mrs. R. Rasmuuen of 2281 building permit for a home at so much to the county as a whole • f "We brt>ak ground for this neY.' Santa Ana avenue. Costa l!.1:esa, Corona del Mar. An art display at 214 Marine and to the Harbor area in par. CHICAGO -Small ••4""1""'• "'talk much about the circul building in the Name ot the was being complimented today for Hixo~ contends he was granted avenue, Balboa illand, Ls continu-ticular. are more thoroughly re.I tblln lion o the new.papen fn •· F ather, and of the Son. and of her alertness in foiling wh at a penrut which subsequently, on ing to attract ronsjderable atten-large me tropolitan dames m.:! are they ce their advertiling ~ the Holy Ghost," said Mr. Roth looked like an attempted holdup. Oct. y. wu revoked b}· action of tion. MiIJands Arrive therefore .mare V1daable • .twr--ot it · · as he turned the first spadetull in a Santa Ana A........ store on the oty C'OUncil. Among exhibitors for the tint tising media In t1Je •Gia..,... rl. 11 very much r U th t h _._ ~-H I·'-~ th "-'ay of --ka are ~-JOIUl o-W Ba-~ easier or an agency to bill ........ o so on e spo w ere uto::" Sunday afternoon. e c au•.K.-u e action was .....,..,.. ...... u.u11o. H f T ........ ~ . ._..... ...c:ed ~ JD012tb ..._.... 1 ....... e a ·ty - edili"" will be built. . . wrongful and unlawful. 1~ he Irving Brandt, noted fm-her Qffie rom Qllf omlst. tJwi bW 20~ new.pal><f The pastor lilted up ti\•o other . Seemg 8 man hol.ding ~ black, prevtously had complied With aug-water colon; Rex Brandt. cur-In a reoerrt jDacQ•km al .Amer-a drculatlo -to Pl spadefulls of earth and then he ~;:1 C:.~ m~'·er:.;a~in~ ~~ ~ gestions by the city engineer as renUy exhibiting his palntinp in Ray Milland. the internationally lean business trends, U.te. pre. ""' . . n. turned the spade over to a mem-. •· e a .~ in e cas to structural chanees. Riverside and showing only one famous tum star, and Mrs. Mill· dieted: "' uwst. however, U. be!' of the church council, who ~alked"· 1."°15. ,':_1·Y · · t ~ .. ~~ entry in the Balboa Island ex· and, have returned .to their rest-More emphufs en atftt•' · 4 ~ la ~,~ .. _!he adve:ru.... also dug up three spadefulls of _, ou ~~ ~--.FIDO Hu lb Da hiblt: Howard Morgridge, an dence on Lido Isle, from a two-in smalJ. newspopen. and ._ cm -~ en"""'!" .. the oa.....,._ di.rt. Five other council mem· police. Y architect With water colors 81 his months-sojourn abroad. metropolitan m aaa -di• I tlwm TWa small City ~ lnl:J be hen rei--ated the gesture, sign.i. Two squad can of armed of-LONDON <Reuters)-Devel~ hobby; Bert Proctor;"-fonner art Milland was presented with an dallies. 1PfU'th an advertiaer far ~ tytng that they, too, had some-Ocers ans"·ered the call. They ment work on FIDO-the war--director for an adVertiailJ&' agency International Fl1m Festival award Increased md-1 and "****iliie than Iarse dty paper wttb the thing to do with ~ building of found that a clerk. FTank Rawle, time system of toe dispersal at and diYidin& his fancy between at Paris for his characterization Importance foe small papa:L Fed-~ ~tion." ... Reclstered membership of l.345 their first church buiJ~. an employe of th• .,,,.... bad airdromes-llu been stopped. u deoert oils and marine water col-of the prlndple figure ID tbe erally aided ~aft•••.._ of -It Is lJetUr tar YMCAs in this country was placed The proceedings w..-. followed picked up one of the toy plstolJ ls ls unlllcely to hu-. much use on; Mrs. Mattia ~ Jones, motion picture, "The Lost w-, _.iat1cm and the " p • to dlstrlbute bla .,.::. a t l .4ll.34l, the National Council wltb the c<lilll""Ption Joinlna In and Jokingly made the remark to In peace. It wu nated ln the daughter ot 'lbeJma Paddodc end." t-dldioe up of small lntzriar -uc:D a larse nllmbor or d- ot YMCA.I ttvealed today. This ls the llnzlng of the hymn. "N"" another clerk. House of Ccmmons. Hope, who ls ~ oc:ulpture, W b 11 e abroad tbe MID-munllleo. U.. _,,trate an a., -::. =:: ~ ~ ~ n.a-r:;: ';';,..~ °"'conc1~ W!lb ~· .!:,,, -:e~ ::: ..!:di~ ~d.:~ ~::-t.: =. ~~ -~~ ~.!::r. ~:.: =~ ~ ~~ ""'J:. ~ ;":''!I -; d!· the .....n papon .. ~ ' Jn91<>ta1T. bonedl<tlon. ,.,.,tb for caualn& the trouble. tho ~ olla. oell and Stockholm ·--ertllbc • ' ,;, ( .,. ....... ) , ' • ~··•.BOA De~.,. 17 .... • The Home of Good ~WMlt-------, GREEIHAW'S :::.---..> DRIVE • I N ••-• l'OB•-EBLY SANDY'S DRIVE -IN Waffles -Dagwood Hamburgers -Steaks I ·Sing for Your .Supper I Lack of facilifies Blamed L...--=--------'--for LB Afr Shipment Loss Ham ..... 6S2 c-t High...., Oil the Jllracle Jllle Watch Us Grow e VENETIAN BLINDS SALES and SERVICE Pan-Coast Venetian Blind Co. Laguna Beach Community Players LAGUNA BUCH MR. CHARLES DICKENS' PLAY 'The Cricket on the Hearth' DIRECTED BY MR WESS DENSMDR F. December 18, 19, 20, 21 Re&erve Seate 15c a '1.00 Plus Tax CU RTAIN AT 8:30 PHO?\'"E LAGUNA 191 • Arrow Ties Unusual Patterns Others $1.00 • Gaberdine Sport Shirts $15 00 218 Mariae Avenue BAI.BOA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA $/SGT. CHARLES D. HALL, 444 NIM Stt"tet, San Francl•co, was ons ~f 437 aervlcemen who 1warmed Into the USO Club on San FtJ1ncl1c:o • Market Street for t urkey and all the flxln'1 on Thankliglvtng Day. Whll1 the turk•)'• were cooking, the gang ut around and ung old-time aonga and Hall liked It ao. well he kept on alnglng even after he had eaten' The Market Street USO la one of aeven In San Francl.co 1tJll on th~ Job, providing sp iritual, mora le and welfa re facllitle• for aervlce- men. USO wlll cont inue through 1947, supported by fund• now being collected In the national fund drive. Boyce Has Reason To Strut on Campus The regal ai r with wh ich Di- rector W . T . Boyce or F ullerton Junior College is presently grac- ing the campus scene can mean only one thing-that he h as be- come a gra nd.lather . And that. in tact, ls Y.'ha t has happened. ~iN19!!iil~S#.,Cil9!!iil#.!fiil~~~~-·#.:'iil#.:'iil~~~~~~~ I'· , . J, William Thomas Boyce Il, eight pounds and 14 ounces, was born Wednesday, December 4, in P o- mona, to Dudley and Mary Boyce. Mary is the daughter o fDr. and Mrs. Tomlinson of Ardmore, Okla- homa. Dudley, Doctor Boyce's son, is a gradua te of Fullerton Junior College, and was editor of the An- nual T orch in 1941-42. I Christmas Sale I f J f J f J f J f J Baby, mother rafher, and grand- father are doing fine. Swift Began Business At 16 With Only $20 Take Christmas Bulbs Start Your Sterling Service Now • ": ! To acquaint Laguna Beach and neighboring folks with the J I' fact that they have a Fur Store in their m idst we are happy t o J #.: present sensational offerings. Every item in our store _is :'1 •. marked down for this sale. A gi ft from the follow1ng list will "iJ: Gustavus Fran k 11 n Swift, founder o! Swift & Company. left !lchool when he was 14 years old to work for his brother. a butcher, ror $1 a week. At 16 he entered the business world with S20 bor- rowed capital. When he died a t 63. Swi.ft y,•as head of the m eat- packing firm 'A'hich had a capitali- zation or $25.000,000. F ifteen Chr istmas bulbs were t aken from a Christmas tree at t h e Newport Beach grammar school. according to a report filed with the Newport Harbor district police. for good grooming !, be a gift supreme: COATS :': a J Hore 'nMa IO Yous ot 8en1co to ll>e -· :P, 75 .• IOl M&lN Flneot Cllenlele B&LBO&, CA.LIF. a Russian Persian Lamb --·----------·-···---··$6 '4:i r""'""""'"";;;;;;;;;,...,......,.,...,......,....,....,....,..;.,;.ii;ii~iiii l :P.. Russian Persian Broadtail _________ ........... $640 J i ' American Persian Lamb --------------·---· ... $595 :. f Gray Persian Lamb ···-·-··-------------···-·----··-·$565 '# :t, Natural Russian Squirrel ..................... $565 ,~ 9· Sable Dyed Northern Muskrat ............... $300 '# {: Russian Wolf ................. -................... __ ... $225 J ,,. Rich Beaver Mouton ................................ $145 .a ,, Russian Belly Squirrel ____________________________ $191 '# f ' !ADD ~ FEDERAL TAX! J #. we will procure for you Lifetime Karakul auto .a SHAW'S UPHOLSTERING A Complete Upholstering Service We speclallu in Jnarine up- holstery, canvas break ta st nooks and bar booths. F'n!e estimates pick up and delivery 1: any avaUable FUr <not In robes and bed blankets '# I ==EE;:~ ~~:. ~~:~; for this I F~~~~~~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~ .. ~ ... ~-.r~ .. ~ ... ~~~~~~ f Fur Muffs and Purses, Jabots, Scarfs Reduced J Fresh Daily service. : . . Beautiful Lucite Lamps, fish aquarium base. cs,,_J Shop I HoR.~1°~~ ' ll43 Cout Blvd. Sonth J ON CENTllAL AVENUE, NEWPOllT •EACH • For gifts that foster the easy grace es- sential to good grooming JACK PRICE STORE FOR MEN presents an unus- ually wide variety of Sport Shirts Neckwear and Mufflers Hosiery, Sweaters Belts and Braces Robes ·(Rayon or Wool) Jewelry and Leather Shoes and Slippers Here you will find a sure fire answer to your gift problem. JACK PRICE Macre's Patio Store for Men 490 Coast Blvd. So. $25.00 LAGUNA BEACH. CiALIF. J •.••. \#.!il •. fit._iirW..ijaW..ii14!1.iir•-iirW..iir•W..iirl!.i6tW..i~il!lliW..il!.i6t#..iir#..i '-----------------...:..-I I ~-------------~-----------· AUM> LU vmu • • • ,. • • fl ID 0 Wec'znemfa7 Um& l!Uluda7 ~ a& 8:.:1 II 9:00 LAGUNA BEACH, Dec. 17"" O>vles D!d<ens' '"The Crid<et en the Hearth" opens at the play· house here . on W...._.ay. Tbe play Is to be produced by the Community Players a nd carols will be aunc by the Laguna Beach Oioral Sod•ty. SHE f....i .. semnd dml hr hlppiness ••• ill HIS nsl -r.u. ~ 6'id. °" -r----, Dorothy McGuire and Guy Madison Wess Densmore, the director, has made several changes in the script necessitated by local pro- duction problems but they in no W83 detract from Mr. Brown's adaptation or from the mood ot the novel. Clare McCUiiough man· ages stage, and the sets are de- Robert Mitchum · Bill Williams .trll ,_ full) · WUM• Go~.-· ,.._ ,_.., ..-..,. s-.11. . ..__ r.w A o-S<e:Hry ,,.tl""';oa · Ow.<'•" lior ldw..J 0.,lry6' ..... ,.,,,.. ... __ Watch for Darryl F. Zanuck's "THE RAWR'S EDGE" , . Coming Soon I I ! ! signed and executed by Barry M~ Gee. F rom BAYSIDE PLATING CO . We send CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the people of the Harbor Area and wish to thank our customers for past patronage. -----. ·····-.. SILVER and GOLD PLATING .. .. ..... -,, .. ____ .,........,._. C. C. (Chuck) Wirth Phone: Beacon 5118 Days; 1914 Harbor Blvd. • C.R. (Bob) Hand Beacon ~R Nights Costa Mesa ----·.--··-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-...-.-.-.-.-.-. ~.·~~· . .er•~~~~-·~~·~~·~·~.•~:•~•~:·~·~·~· CHRISTMAS ALBUMS MR. PICKWICK'S CHRISTMAS, told by Cha.A. Liiu1hton. TEMP<> TREASURES-Hammond Orp.n & Nov .. cbord-Pl&ytnc 8 Funou• Ca.rob BEST BELOVED CHRISTMAS MUSIC -RAY BLOCK-Hts Cbolr and Orehestra-10 Hymns and Carol• Included tn tht• Album CHIUSTM.AS at the ORGAN-& croup of 8 Cllrbt- maa B7!DAS Played on Muter CatbedraJ. Orca.n with CblmM. ·~AROLS., -JZ BeautlfuJ Carola and Hymn.a On S Reeord• -Full Choir \\1th Orp.n SHOW ALBUMS DESERT SONG Kltty CarU&le -Wilbur !:vans -Felix Kntcht. O KLAHOMA -OrFctnaJ New York Cut ON THE TOWN -(Benlateln) Robert Sb.aw, Victor <Jborale and Orcbettra or Ol'llfaal New York Cut THE RED llOLL -Wilbur EnlU and Follx Knlp• o.-A1 Goodmea•s Orcltfttra with Donald Dane ANNI]'; GET YOUB GUN -ETHEL MERMAN and Memben ol QrlstDa1 Ne\\' York: <Jut LATIN-AMERICAN XAVIER CUGAT Taal(OI -Bambu -Concu -1-!-S 1Uck MABEK lll'l'!BEB -(P1"""c TaneooJ AL SACll -(Latta Moods) "-''RIC MADIUOUERA -(Latin -Muale) CAil.LOS MOLINA -(&umbe Favorite.) SAY · · · Merry Christmas with Record Albums from TURNER'S CHILDREN 'S RECORDS PETER AND T HE WOLF -(l'TolOtfeUf) Fra.nk L utht'r and D rcca Symphony Orcbe11tra THE HAPPY P R INCE Blnc CrOAby and Orson W f'l les "GRIMM'S F AIRY T AI.1:8" "AESOP'S F ABLES" .. T UBBY THE TUBA" "RIP VAN WINKLE" "'UNCLE DON'S NURSERY RHYMES" Three V plumH PERSONALITIES MILLS BROTHERS ALBUM of Famous Barber Shop Ballads INK S POTS A.LBUM Include "'If I Didn't Care" aad Many Othu F avor ite. ANDREWS S ISTERS -(illmrny Dorsey'• Orch.) 10 Marv~oua Tune. that OrlatnaJ17 Made Tbem Famoua HAZEL SCO'M' -(A Plano Seuatloo) Playlnc a Blt of Jau aad cta..la1 ANDY RUSSELL FAVORITES Features Latta America.a Favorit • In Eqlbtl & Spanlall DANCE ALBUMS TOMMY DORSEY -("8_..) JIMMY DOR8EY -(Latta AmeriQD Favoritea") BILLY B1J'lTEllFIELD -(PlaJtac __ , TED STRAJ:TER-(Pia,.. A...,.,_-) MUSICAL BOUQUET -(•.f -S tuley) VELVET MOODS -(&I -) BLUll:S BY BA.SU: Count Bate aed Ille AD Amerl.C!Mi KIQtlua 8ecUom LIONEL llAllPTON LOUIS AJllllSTllONG BED NICHOLS IELLY ROLL lllOllTON IDNG 01.JVEa EDDIS BEIWOOD 1%" , ... Cl..iie 001.QIA.Jlf DAWKINS GEO&oE AULD IOBN IUllBY 50 lUela to ..... b'w.. Larae ·-ol _ .... Ao- wl'tM -Neelllee, a· rm. EDDIE CONDON CAPITOL Blll'IOaY OF IAZZ Foar Volame1 IAZZ AT THE PIUl.llAAMONIO (1-•> ESQUDll! ALL &lllJ:llICA.N JAZ7--(l.MI .&wvd WlaaH') c.blDota, -............ TURNER'S y_. nect.iml App'? ee DMler Sbulll ln8 · .. :S .. ~ ... ~;:. ....... _,._ •• _::.::.:. .. _ ... J1cM..••lk•i;:,;,._::._, I u. ... l 1il::'u~ ~J:g Beach City Route Are Yoa plannfnc to Remodel? IA$U. ...... Sere are the Hftll Prl"""l"I ch··-to rel.an ... the SIU. &an..i Tolll'll&lllent of Bow: Para.le &o be held tn h•dea• New Y-.r"a 1M7. One of tb-•OY<D 1 .. e17 Joane ladks wllJ alllmate!J be eh-Q-. The stria. •ho were cbwn from the ll&adeat bod.J' of P.•den•'• two J ulor ColJeceo. PJC and Mair, wllJ ride al tbe bMd of tbe ,._ nee parade and will 9CC1ZPJ the re1al boz at tbe Boee llowL Fl'om left &o rfshi are Jo,.ee Eribea and Beftrlr Lober. Center row left &.o rtP.t art Jean Boren. Barban Jo1M11 and Loabe Campbell. ID tbe boUom rrir from left to richt an Norma Chrtnoither a.ad Dawn Bu Olson Register Scribe Cited for Speed In 25-Mile Zone In tercollegiate Race on Sunday Pacific Coast universities have indicated an interest in the I nter- collegiate r aces to be held at Donald Lewis Johnson, 30, a Newport Harbor starting next reparter for the Santa Ana Regis-Sunday, according to Robert M. ter, was nabbed for exceeding the Allen of the Pacific Coast I nter- speed limit here last Thursday collegiate Racing Association . evening. The racing this year will be in J ohnson , according to Patrol-dingbya and skippers will include man McManigal of the Newport several co-eds who are known as Harbor district police, was d.riv-yachting enthusiasts in Southern ing his automobile west on Cen-California waters. tral avenue, from 12th to 18th A series of trophies is being of- street, at the rate of 45 miles an fered by the Newport Harbor hour. The area is defignated u Chamber of Commerce for the a 25-mile zone. race series. Representing the local Johnson. who gave Box 114; chamber in helping to plan the TUstin, as his adress, was cited event are Sandy MacKay, we 11 to appear befon City Judge Bob known u a former Star skipper, Gardner this Thursday to answer John R. Daniell now back from the charge. the Navy, and Robert M. Allen The newspaperman previously abo ret1.n"Tled from oversea& with to the incident was tn Balboa the Anny. soliciting subscriptions for his em-------- ployer's newspaper. LONG BEACH, Dec. 17-Resi· dents ol Garden Gn!Ye, Loo Al- mltoa, Anaheim. Fullerton and A:r- teoia. who prefer to lbop In Long Beam but are Jwnpettd by the lack of • direct bus route to this cit;y, ·ID&)' have to use the present ~ route for ·some time yet. We carry i nJoe stock ot Aa0 1 r;:• m for that waDr • patio.. JI l"l'l med a -11 ....,.., or sand for that patda JOl>&IMI• e •-tomlift._._ ..... _ BSA.CON ... iJW> UJll+±+ llUCON 4- I OQN(]BM,iW =UNG AND I ~~~~~SAND~-~Bl-AB~-*l_~_G~s-g_s_VJCE~~~~~-J Contractors Eqlllpllleat & Supply lllD NwjWt A-1 Ba. W -' et Newport Blvd. -of IM 11&.. --._-... ll09t Bill Barbee as chairman of a sub-committee of the Olamber of Commerce on auburban tranapor- tatton aervice, recently made a comprehensive report to the or- ganimtlon'• 1'-afflc and Tr-ans-*----------------------~ portatbi Oimmlttee. His S\rVey, which covered the ~M ···,,., 7 7 u s ,,, FCC ,, •• ,., zp ··-··--..:.. •• area fr o m Redondo Beach to i ~ ~~~z~ 1 ce11srMAS SPEc1aLs 1 ~~~:~tl~t=. G= ~ . Closing Oat BOX SPRINGS l Grove, Anaheim and Fullerton. ' CUU.DREN'S rn:il8 ud lmlenprlngs • Most of these cities and towns • Melt.- may be reached by more or lea SCOOTEBS ~~Ni convenient connecting services. s4111 lie& _ _._. . v-1' It b the opinion of Barbee's ~ S-PDXZ committee that while dire<:t serv· f TRICl'.CLl!:s Ice Is desirable It IA not yet fees-• $1ft9!i $1095 Chrome Ible unless It can be worked out v--and v -- ln connectlon with • bus route Table a Chair 8elll Dinette Sets to serve Anaheim, Fuller ton and ;f s.!-95 M!-~ 19 Long Beach business interests. ' .... a -V'll" Barbee's committee is making a ~ Pla#orm Bnaker further 1tucly of this matter . ' s1p Underpri\:?eged Will f Be Yule Party Guests ~ Two Ful,lerton J unior College ' groups, the Veter ans' Oub and ~ the social sorority Kappa Lambda ' S igma. are holding a toy drive to :' ~ c.-. __ ,.. Bunk Beds •'>G85 ..... ........... ll:J¥ Tables •r • O'--Top • EM . • ci.tfM • IAMp be culminated by a Chrlstmaa ' FLOOR COVERINGS Chenille Rugs 6x9 ·--·-···--·----Sl-l.00 9x12 ··-·····-----$25.00 ton Union High School gym for party. December 23, in the Fuller-1. Square J'ard _$S.10 t he underprivileged children o! IRONING BOARDS AND PADS ·-·-············--·$4.25 l l l l l ~~'!'::-1s of the college are con-1 Costa Mesa Furniture Co. . tributing toys both old and new. ~. 17th and Newport BJ-.d. o-ta Meea Bea.con~M8S Broken toys are being repaired by th~ 1tudenta in the cabinet shop. ~~~ •. :: .. • .• • J. 1 .. o ., .. ,~,,_, • • • ...,, ""'. ._.., __ .......... -.. ._c. ..... ........... ._ ............................ "If wor ld order Ls wor th strug- gling for, we do not advance the Savings Bond$ :~!:.· predl~:!~ta .::;: ::'. . Sales 5309,815 -::::=•w= .. ·---- New and Reconditioned MOTORS ONE· DAY SERVICE REPAIRS Orange county citizens invested $531.815 in U. S. Savtngs bonds during November. according to figures for the 11 Southern Cali- fornia counties released today. Of the total, $309,815 were "E" bonds. $222.000 .. F .. and .. G .. The Novemlx>r sales raised the county's t otal to da te in 1946 to $7.257.355.40 the !ourth highest county figure. Sales in the entire Southern California area in November ag- g r eg a t e d $19.816.220. Which brought the grand total since Jan. 1 to $260.442.993. DDDD'S d n war o r in peace-year in, year out -Eastside is true to its traditions. Quality fir st-always. Eastside 9Ae~mdd ON ANY MAKE OR MODEL PAY NEXT YEAR ·corner Second & Sycamore - Santa Ana Ph.6036 • _,_,_, __ ... ,., ·--· ............ • J ruo-&mpwa,. Corona del Mar 1'1MI• e JlutNw '19 Gifts of Disdnct•on * TROPICAL IMPORTS Mahogany Bowls Handblocked Prints *CERAMICS Lamps Smoke Stuff Salt and Peppers Figurines Cookie Jars, Plates, Bowls * BAR and BARBECUE GROUPS Tom and Jerry Sets Bar Boys Wrought Steel Knives SOS RADIO ELECTRIC &llSlAND RECORD SHOP WE MAKE HOME SERVICE CALLS Limited Supply of Radio Available for Christmas Immediate Delivery Now • On Radios • Radios • PHILCO e ADMIRAL • ROFFHAN e PACK.AIU> BELL • GENERAL ELECJ'RIC VISIT OUR RECORD DEPARTMENT FOR CHRISI'MAS SUGGESTIONS • WJLCJOX-GAY RECORDIO • UNIVERSAL APPLIANCES G For Your Shopping Convenlenee We will be open until 9 p. m. ry night until Christmas, except Sunday APPLIANCE AND RADIO SPECIALISTS DENBY 'IV. BRAINEBD SOO MarlDe Aft. BALBOA ISLAND Jb.rbor 780 W hen oomebody aays to you, "Good jobo arc lu&rd to find "-DON'T YOU BELIEVE IT-if you're a physically and mentally 6t young man from 18 to 34 inclusive! In your new Regular Army, 40,000 good jobs a month are opening up ..• interesting jobs that pay well ..• that offer advancement, career opportunities and training and experience in many uoeful skilla and tradco. New bi&her Army pay • -• food, clothing, quartcn, travel, at no extra coot ••. GI Bill of Rights educational benefits for thooe who enliot before the oflicial termination of the war and wrve at leaat 90 dayl ... and the oppor- tunity for eulY retinment with a life income •• ·• add up a ~ you can't afrord to miae. · A 3-year eat;.tment permits you tn cbocee any branch cj( oervfoe and "'1et-theater which atill have openinp. V Go after one of~ aood jobo now! You can &et all the facta at your neareet U.S. Army Reauitina Station and ENLIST NOW! * * ~ * * * * * * * * • * * * * • • * * * * • * '11£W, llllHEI PAY FOi AlllY 1111 __ , Ill-.~, ....... _ _. ........... _ ... Hi4 z IT .--....... - --,.;; ,.., Wit~ Al'1'mJ • lw ., ...... , .... -s.----.. F-S-.0-#16>..00 #107 .2' llll.O T..t.nQI S..--US.00 87.7S Uta Seal s.\ .. . • 115.00 ,..,, 12!1..M s---. . . . 100.00 U.00 J~ Cucponl • • • • -SL» 10~ -F-a-80.00 n.oo --..•. n.oo ...,, ..... * * * * &.-.. .. ~ t1.. ... .. ,... ,,., .. ~---,,, ~ ... .., .. el ,.. ~ ... ~ w. H.O, ..... W •• ' .. .. ,.., ....... * * YOU• .. .,._,u MMY •WI -NAllOll -M•"""1D •· WAii A41D -Cl _U.S. Postoffice Bull~, Santa An* ' Seattle Idea Picked Up to Boost Presbyterian Hospital Campaign (!lqristmas rsLIPPERS ' , \ • ' Woman Enriched As Purse Found MAKE THIS A FRAGRANT CHRISTMAS Men's .t Women's Shearlings Men's ............ $495 Women's ...... $395 I ;, .... ... 1 Rabbit Scuffs Blllle, Blad! w1 Wlalte $395 ~ RAYON HOSE 98c MAnoGN'S 11911 Newpwt Jllftl. C....llea OPEN EVENINGS • Fourth Street and Sycamore Santa Ana DOES HE LIKE YOUt 1 p1.4,,,,. '"°'"' PLAY SCHOOL SOLVES PROBl.EMS FOR BUSY MOn1ERS. • • • A FUILY EQUIPPED, SUPERVISED, FENCED-IN 1 PLAY YARD AND ROOK FOR YOUR CHUDREN WHILE YOU SHOP, WORK OR PLAY.' • • • INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION. SPECIAL MORNING S•sSrON FOR 2-AND 3-YEAR-OLDS Ope• Moaday Through Saturday 9 .. m. to 5 p. m. • • • Fall Day $LOO B•srJ7 aa4 Weekl7 Bat:ea WESr END OP PARK AVENIJJI:, BAI.BOA ISLAND For lafcu:z rt'•• o..n ...._, • 114 W. 4th St. PASADENA SffiA Ph. 6688 LONG BEACH 22 N. Eucllll Ph_-Sy. 2-%498 M8 Pine Ave. Practical Gifts for the Handy Man About Home from I Bayview Builders Supply 818 Coast Highway DISSTON D 8-pt. SAW ...................... $3.25 JA;;f PLANE .......... $5.98 BLOCK PLANE ... -... $1.95 2' OOD LEVEL ...... $1.45 HACKSAW ·----·-·-···-··· .89 DISSTON DOCKING SAW ---·--·-·---·---·---·--·-···--·$2.98 Bit Brace ................ $3.65 with rachet. Auger Bits .... $8.95 Set of 13 (in hdwd. box) Expansive Bits ...... $2.15 screw adjust. %" to 1 ~" Estwig Hatchets $2.25 Leather sheath. For the Boy Scout. Camper or Engineer. SINGLE BIT AXE -· ___________ ....$1.35 POSI' HOLE DIGGER (Gibbs) _ $2$ _,,,, •<('"o--'" ......... _ .. __ GARDEN RAKE, Ti:ue Temper ····---·$1.29 . ,, ........... _ ... _ .. ···-·-- Long Handle Shovels, light weight __ .95 Long Handle Shovels, strap shank ---·--$1.45 • Exterior Paints • Enamels • Interior Wall Painta NatimaI Paint and Vapdtb Co. ~andWeecoIJra, 1110 .... _. sq SUPPLY r ri1.:w •••*' • • • DEFEND YOUR HEALTH WITH O/WlfE on· They Say··· ''Democracy means not 'I am u good u you are•. but 'You . . are u good as I am' .-'l'lleodGre Parker. . ' 'hett'lt Dlw: a'• 11, 1Nt Wmter Mail Sdtedole N&wron a.&c11 Po«ro••a:a 8:00 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 4:50 p.m. frost Bites . 1-<> "' -Qt;y MITCHELL, S. Dak.-'lbe Jure ot the dty and--Of all placeo a fur store-brought disaster to a COYote that &trayed !nm h1a rural haunts. When discovered. the anhna) was jumping excitedly at a Mit- chell store window in which fUr HANSEN'S-1100 o.-a .., •• Collfectlo•ery & ~llCll · NOW Ol'ICN EVENINGS -..... • • Malts • s&ndwiches • Hambmgera FLORENCE BAKERY "'We f00&ht for freedom aide by side (with our allies) without re. crtmination. Can't we fight for peace side aide Without recrimi- nation?'' -Warren B.. A•tta. United States delegate to United Nttions. Cosing time for AIR MAD Santa Ana nme as aboYe for Los AnaeJes. 7:45 a.m. 5:45 a..m. 12:30 p.m. 10:40 a.m. 2 :45 p.m. I coats were display~ A bullet from policeman Art ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newman's pistol made one more - Not to Post Office -Balboa Complete Variety of Novelty Christmas Cookies Of Your Childhood Days -·-Fruit Cakes, and the Usual Line JADE 'fREE . 397 South Coast Blvd. SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS ...... 50c UP MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS ...... 55c UP CHINESE JASMINE TEA --... --------·--58c MEN 'S ROBES ................................ $17 .so LADIES ' PAJAMAS --·--·--·--···········$20.00 and a Wide Selection of CHINESE MERCHANDISE Coming in Daily "'Honest labor no longer pays. We don't want to wait until we become skeletons. We are two honest Frenchmen whom injust- ices of a directed economy have forced into gangsterism."-Note left behind by two armed train- robbers or Parts. ''No . man can be required to labor ... (but) if men desire to perform their services and to maintain their incomes they should be permitted and en- couraged to do so."-Sen. ~ man ltevercomb, R W. Va. , "The people are &e ttlng damned tired of having to tune in on the radio every mornin& to see whether or not to leave for work." -Walter B. Webenburser. execu- tive vice-president of National Manufacturers' Association. "Labor's right to bargain collec- tively must remain u a funda- mental principle or our unwrit ten rights and the corollary r ight to strike must not be infringed.''- Oswald D. Httk, Republican As- sembly Speaker New York As- sembly. Costa Mesa Balboa Island Corona del Mar Laguna Beach Balboa Huntington Beech Los Angeles 7 :45 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 5:30 a.m. 2 :30 p.m. 5 :30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. ll:""l a.m.. 8:00 a.m. 11 :30 a.m. 2:45 p.m. AIB MAD D*'9"tdt W M aboT&. 8&a.t.a An• 9HOe .. dally 9C'bed:uJe. Costa Mesa 7 :45 a.m. Balboa Island Corona del Mar 12:30 p.m. 5 :30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. ._ 11Beoc_:n,.. ..... s.. ....... .,, .... dally - Balboa 12 :30 p.m. Buntmcton Bead>-No l6n1oe on Saturda,.. .. SUNDA.Y-No 8en1ae. HOLIDAYS-Los Angeles 9:00 a.m. \ 2:45 p.m. 8:<l5 a.m. 4:45 p.m. 8:<l5 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 8:45 p.m. 3:()() p.m. 5 :40 a.m. 12:55 p.m. None 8:<l5 a.m. 12:55 p.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:()() p.m. 8:57 a.m. SCBEDUU:S---bject to ~without noUC6. Send important mail Spec. DeOvery OI" Spec. Delivery-Air Mali New Air Mall Rate-5 cents per ounce or fraction. Effective October 1st, 1946 Lido Assn. Pays Rent -----------------· City Treasurer Gant reported the recipt or a check for $750 from the Lido Isle CommunitY assn., as rent for the property it leases from the city. Water Revenue Told Newport Beach city water de- partment revenue for November reached a totaJ of $7584.38. J ohn J . McMillan, water superintend- ent, told the city council on Mon~ day. Cancer ·Project Gets Green Light The establishment of a Cancer Clinic in Orange County was as- sured today as physicians a n d health officers of this area began a surve}' of hospital racilities for such a project. Funds for a cancer cllnic were pledged by Dr. William McCarthy, the Director or the Cancer Com- mission of the California Medical Association. at the monthly meet- ing of the Orange County Medi- cal Association. Dr. I\1cCarthy, recently released from the Navy where he directed cancer research. revealed th a t there are 35,000 cases of cancer in this State. and that a 1.000 neY.• cases a month are being added to this number. ~---------------··· -.:.-.:.-.:.-.:.-.:. .. .. ,. -. ....... ~ ...... ~-................ ..~•-::...-:: .. -.: ... -::...-:: ... ~~-·---~ ,_,,.,. ·~ Funds for a social worker, nurses, derical help, and for the rental of radium, and the instal- lation of equipment for the diag- nosis and treatment of cancer will be supplied the County from the $750,000 fund recently raised in the State of California for the fight on cancer. ' ''\. f ~-9-f ~o ~ c0 0 f -e ~~o~ ~ Co~ \.~ I ~-a.~ ~~~ f ~0~ f ~ f f I ~ f 'fl!;_. ' i -#.. ' ~ . f ' I I f f f f ' ' f . . • \ • Perlee&lo• .. ,. ......... Beni u. ~ulM 10 ~ Uld reDect lb& S:U.-of ~ U,-.b.. ... drelwa ~ la J'okkiw'• rm-nu. n.700 Cftl*. Bhrd. '*1n- ~ coatr-Mt lo U. ..._ I.op. :llHTe wttk LIM ~ t:r_.,.-ot ~ ..,q1'1.J:191 au. 1•" '° It 1'i. Gay Patlan, "Exquisite Toiletries" Debussy'• conc:cno ttu11latcd into sccot ... soft, deep, and long- lasting, lilcc 1 moon-6ltered garden. T al<cs you back to the magic moment wbco you 6nt discovered each other COlo.HI JIM .. -••• IAlflUW Id.-• 0.. '#: J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J =J J J J J J It is expected that St. Joseph's Hospital will be selected to house this clinic. Dr. McCarthy will return to the county within four week!, and will a gain meet with the C.ounty Med- ical As.sociation. At that time, i ls anticipated that a complete plan for the establishment of the clinic will be submitted to him. Dr. Mildred Wehrly, the resi· dent in T"adiology at the C.ounty Hospital, together with a com~ mittee appointed by the County Medical Association, is drafting the plan for the Clinic. Diagnosis and treatme nt will be available to everyone. Eventually a separate building to house cancer patients will be erected. Park Fees Reported Merchant Patrolman Durl ni; ping reported an income of $30.50 for the parking of aut06 in the Balboa parking lot for November to the city treasurer. Court Fines Reported Oty Judge Robert Gardne r re- ported to the city hall that traffic fines for November reached $1832 while fines collected totaled $325. Speeder Given Ticket Elizabeth R. Ball of 1701 East Central avenue. Balboa. was tagged by police for doing 46 miles an hour in a 25 mile zone at 18th and Central avenue, Wednesday. Tells Tax Revenue Tax Collector R. R. Hodgkin- son reported to the city coundl on Monday that current receipts for a.s.sessments and tax.es total $129,- 266.29. :~ OPEN LAMP SHOP 'I: Mrs. Lynn Hughes and Mn. :1. Bonnie Gough have opened a lamp "# shop at 1507 Coast highway, .• Corona del Mar. '# r======;I J J J J J EVERYTHING .... QaalHy REFRIGERATION Air CcmdlllcmlMg Zq•••pi· - 0.... . 0.th II • Oau .... waa ...... ...,..,Sta ..... Bedl Ban • Bas Du ~:~~ "WACIP n;.:a. ' : Open Spturdays Till 8:30 P.M. Edythe Davidson Phone 1486 J J J J 213 NORTH BROADWAY . . .. -.. 'Elcg"J"C wilhoui .l!nr"""gance' ~~BROADWAY BUILDING- .. SANTA ANA •• .. • - : . .. •& 1-' 11111 ... 177, 0 .... ~.- fur available for the disp1-y. "A psychiatrist says t h a t by 1960 half the population of tbe world will be in insane asylums." We wonder from which side of the wall he was speaking. ''There is no excuse for a girl to say sh~ can't get married. as the woods are full of single men," asserts a Censu. Bureau ottidal. C.otne ·out of hiding in those woods, you cowards. and give the preda~ tory females a sporting chance to co Id> )'OU. , WllO IAYll XMAS •JfTJ. MllSf ff l~,IHSIVl7 JUST LOOIC . At Ted W. Brown's '· . .... ·•· r .,,. ..... ~tlo·~t""·: ...,, . . .. ~ .: ~ . .. ....... ...... ·,-; • A bi1 •ariety 0£ 1martl7 . styl ed, modern · compacts.. Prom ' Fri~ndly Crtdit s21s . ·' .. ,, ,_,, .. ~·,if' ~ ;¥~~ • -l~!'·.'.'; • • • Eltqu111tdy carved :':'"~: Cross, complete ·with· fine diain. Eur Cttd~ Diamaed· -Heart Lockiit cotuplet~ w ith. <bain, 1911. 1old. .• Frr~nd/1 Crfdit Lu.th~ Wallets:_ A A stand .. 1eci1.,. of lint qaaliry. Prbtn. ~'!'~.,,.. •au Ted Brown 171'1 N.,,pori-. ~- ., / For Christmas Jewelry Exquislb!ly Mdgrlt!d cocktail ring. Beautiful pink g o Id cocktail watcll "A ""'" When ~ Meet" STARCK'S CAFE Beer Mixed Drillka -Short Orders '°SPUD 1Wws, ~}om!PHINl! OQUJST, Ownn 10'7 !h& Plllee Newpan BeMll ' ' Furbelow fabulow fur boot with a cbunq Cold braid plat. tonn. The tu> Is I~ bwui7 tur, Jn red or black. f!0.95 plUI federal adao tu. •zc n • ..... l'de 115 I 7 .,o-• •r.i1et1a.r . . . . . . . . I • • I • - ~:r ~t= !~~ ~=1! ~Cafe Check a• .,., I.Ml Hap_es Furnishes EvideMe in Quiz (Ccntlnuod """' Poee 1) • WE WELCOME YOU ~ADE T'REE bank.a ot tog on Friday and Sat-Sldppen aa!d they would wait rrr s ed B unlQ nllh'" In the Newport Hu· hotter ..... tber. tart Y bor district oonfUsed motorlsta Despite the huudoul drlvlnc en route home. condltloos. dty and blghw..,. Police Numben reported that \hey bad reported row serious acddenb. E • Bd open tbe attempt~ bribing of the two Giant players, and also in- dicated that tbe gambling lnvestl- cation Which has been in progress for some time may spread to Cali- !ornla and F1orida. ro OPBN A LAGUNA BEACH dlfflculty trying to find the right Four Riverside yootha w...., in-xc·1se . roads and the rlg)\t turns. One Jun!d when their car was In col· motorist who thought he wu U.lon with one driven by Hugh SWISS HANDKERCHIEFS 50c up MEN 'S HANDKERCHIEFS 55c up CHINESE JASMINE TEA 58c MEN 'S ROBES $17.50 LADIES' PAJAMAS $20.00 • J~Ofi TREE 397 So. Coast Blvd. Laguna Beach making the right tum ran lnto E. Watson of U5 Rlvenlde a bank alongside the highway. avenue, Newport Beach. Another torlst plained At Westminster, five autom~ mo com biles piled up n the fog. Among that he ran tUa machine between the cars Involved WU one driven a guy-ltiw: and. a . telephone pole. b Walter w . Sanford, 21 Udo the guy-line npp1ng ott the tap ~e • of his car and doing $100 worth · or damage. Police reported that Jack Os- good ot 214 Apolena avenue. Bal- boa laland, ran his motorcycle into a house owned and occupied by Mrs. A. L. Blum of 126 Col- lins avenue. Os&ood was not hurt. One husband who wu marooned in Santa Ana because of the heavy tog engulfing the area from Deihl to the end of the Santa Ana Army Air base which was impau.ab1e, telephoned police headquarters to notify his wife that he could not get home Fri- day night. Banana Boat Arrives Here Paragon skipper earlier in the day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~J Smaller Papers ffJ1~~f3 ~<~~~~~T~~.:.ge Here in the Newport Harbor district fuhing boats continued to On Sunday, Sampson was able to reach the Paragon by radio and was told that the ship expect- ed to arrive in San Pedro for customs check Monday morning. On Monday, Capt. Stein reported. from San Pedro that they had arrived safely. Broad.cut Contused. It is believed that someone o verheard a r £>port from a radio broadcast station to the effect tha t t\.1.-'0 othe r ships were ~ ported lost in Mexican waters last Monday night, confused them v.:ilh the Paragon and spread the rumor about it. ~~z large cit y newspaper has so many 2 P • L" • Roo S "te pages tha t the reade r g oe s -tece IVJng m UI through them hurriedly. and does Cocktail Tablea. End Ta.blea t.o Match not give sufficient consider a tion In natural Onbh. to the advertisements. Beautiful Floor Lamps China 8w Table I Amps Boudoir L&m119 llEADQUABTEB8 FOK 1JNTIN18HED FUKNtTlnll: All licensed on-sale premises iD The New York district attar· Southern California. required to ney's office pttsented to the grand . jury a 40-pa.ge confession said to operate on booa tide cafes., are have been signed by Paris, who being carefully inspected and ts a 26-year-old offioer in a tay c:hecited to make certain they are company, with an interest ~ ln complying with the recent state a florist shop. supreme court decision upholding A! he was held in bail set at $28,300, New York detectives the Board of Equalization's con-started a search tor four higher· tention such premises must be ups in the alleged gambling genuine cafes, accordlng to Wm. racket. who until Monday were G. Bonelli, board member from hanging out in their haunts in the Fourth district, which in· eludes the eight southern coun- ties. A comprehensive questionnaire CO\'ering every phase o! cafe op- eration, has been prepared by the board, Bonelli explained. and is tilled out on the premises by the liquor control officer charged with the inspection. "Kitchen, dining room and bar equipment, supplies and employes are carefully checked with par- ticular attention being given to food supplies, its condition and facilit ies for preparing and serv· lng it." Bonelli said. "We are learning such details as the nwn- ber of knives, forks and spoons on hand, \lo'hether the cooking equipme nt shows regular use and the amount of the monthly fuel Hudson and Passaic counties. They have since disappeared from there. Huge Fish Caught By Costa Mesan A jew fish weighing over 350 pounds was brought into Ne'WpOrt Harbor Tuesday aboard the boat, In EEEE. The fish was caught off Point Conception by Jack Tay- lor, 224 E . 18th street, Costa Mesa, assisted &y Frank Windle, 405 Club House Ave ., Newport Beach. The huge fish was unloaded by the crane at the Va n Camp dock at the foot of 20th street in New- part, to be taken to Larry's Fish Market in Santa Ana. f?ill. "Where any deficie ncy is found, Roosevelt Statue the licensee is warned by the in-The Franklin D. Roosevelt stat- spector and give n a brief time to ue to be er£>cted in Grosvenor Sq. correct it. Failure to do so will London ,will represe nt the late l.'.a use the t;>oard to take steps President as standing, leaning on to r evoke or suspend the license." CHARGE ACCOUNT (IO -80 -80 Da;p) -.--looamt ·----...-1. e.ir -... ._..,i.w wltll tlllo la-lt1leo of ·-.,..~ Na"'ee'ly .ld>e.rtiled • Rll!ADY-ro-WE&B mARBROJ cl~ CJ,,ia, 111 Wliilt '11> ST. PHONE l&GI Stan Boan: Dally laelladlnc Satarday 9:SO A. .M. to 5:llO P • .M. WILL BE CWSED Jan. thru Feb. for Alterations Re-Open March 1st -·-Se as on' s Greetings -·-Cottage Do-Nut & Waffle Shop BALBOA ISLAND One Table of Small Qlft Items SPECIAL-Good, used, small Saxophone "Advertising agencies and news- papers have performed wonderful feats, but they ha ve not increased by one small secorid the avaliable time each day \.\'hich readen h ave. Statistics show tha t the r eader of small city papers has mor e time a nd gives more consideration to So ma ny people called the New- port Harbormaster's office and headquarte rs of the Coast Guard a nd of the Ne v.'POrt Harbor dis- tric t police and local newspapers offices t o ascertain the truth of the unfounded rumor tha t port authorities even today were try- ing to trace the source of the or· iginal rumor . The check:up applies to on-sale a cane. A committee raising $160,- 000 for the memorial said -that ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ general and on-sale beer and wine premises, but not to on-sale beer the bronze statue by Sir William premises, Bonelli said, explaining }\eir Dick would be flanked by ..- Ideal Gitt for Mmlcal Cblld A Store Full of All Klnda of - - -Whatever You W\sh ArrENTION ! BOUSE TRAILER OR HOUSEBOAT OWNDtS: S·Burner, Lo-Oven. Coleman 0.. Range A-l Sbape, 9S'Jll5 HARBOR FURNITURE 196! Barbor Blvd. IF1TzPATR1CINI Established in 1914 Newport Beach Store 2120 Ocean Front-Harbor 185 the advertisements. It was later ascertained. that "I will say that W£>ekly papers two o ther boats had been in are seven times as valuable as troubJe ln Mexican waters. These daily papers of the Simle circula-were the "Huntington" and the tion, and surely they have some ~'Piasco," but as Capt. Ste in said, advantages. No one reads a daily 'it was not the Paragon, as you paper the day after it is issued. can see." but the weeklies are read during Today it looks like a very happy seven days. Christmas for the men and their "Small town papers will become families. more and more important. Many large cities have r eached a maxi- mum in population. Whether or not the re is a World War Ill, the federal government m ust prepare for it by e ncouraging decentralize· tio n and the building up of sma ll interior communities. Boy Scouts to Cheer Disabled Veterans F eeling that public sympathy for the appreciation of the dis- a bled \.\'ar vetera.ns has lessened, Boy Scouts of Troop 6, Costa Mesa, have included in the ir pro- gr a m of spreading Christmas c heer one project that is fo re most in thl'ir enthusiasm-the role of playing "Santa" for the disabled veterans a t the Sawte lle hospital. lily ponds and flower beds. ~ the Alcoholic Beverage Control ::============; ivll ~ g·~ Act does not require food on this • (!> latter type of premises. SELECT HOLIDAY c">i Sailors Trounce Boys in Khaki Boy Scout Troop 6 of Costa Mesa is thoroughly satisfied that the Harbor Dis trict S£'a Scouts have a good football club. Last Sunday Skipper Mohler sent his squad, spa rked by l\tike Balch and Bodenhoeffer, against the lighter team of Troop 6. The "S ailors" left the high school field wit h a decisive win of 21 to 0. Bob Nettles and Dick Dodd, who generaled the boys in khaki, found their razzle-- dazzle plays complete ly ineffective against the brawn of the white- caps. GIFTS BOOKS for all agtML STATIONEBY PARIS CHOCOLATES CHRISTMAS CARDS ne Blue Sails S06 Mala St.. Balboa 701 E. Central, Balboa B&rbor 1S8 -Emma V. Hughes - ...................................... -----......................... -w ... ----..... -..... ----- SPRING ---1947 Caltex Bathing Suits AND PLAY CLOTHES ................... --...... --_........ ...... _._ ................. -------_____ ,._ ................... ,,,._ WELL KNOWN -· - MARJORIE MONTGOMERY Crome Plating M Ue Tha.t Old Car sr>a'.r1r.1e Like a BtaM New 11Hi7 )(ode}, RE· CHROME T our Bumpen, B eMI· ll•bta, t'k'. ~peda.JJet. Ln A.ttl<Kilo- U•e Mid MllriDC! Plalh11. Knowing tha t a great many or ;===========:::::; the war heroes will have no mem- ber of their family near them and that some may even be forgotten entirely, the boys are proffering their own youthful gl"atitude and Faille Silk Pedal Pushers Q9.lell: 9en.__a-•• u1e ""- National Plating Co. lMe .... lt$h M. Loac 9-dt-Pbe• 811-318 IDILLEY'r REFRIGERllTlOO JERVICE COIDPIUIY --Encl-.-~ e:zo Oout Bl'"'-. Oonma c1e1 Mar Piao.. -!"T8' l<!pt, Lapna UIC good will. Each Scout of the troop will have a Christmas package con- taining several gifts, to be deliv~ ered to the hospital on Christrttu eve. Greetings on the gifts will read "Merry Christmas, Buddy ! From your younger buddies, the Scouts." Hotel From Shelter CLOTH Es - FOR MEN AND BOYS s~ S~Sk,p !07 MarlDe Aft. Balboa laland fl'bone Barbor 1578 IN BLACK, RED AND AQUA, $7.95 ,,..-... -................. ._w-... .. ..-· .. _ _.......,....__....,.w __ , __ _ JOYCE --- Persian Garden Slippers $3 .95 ............................. .,,._.-----------......... .._._---------. w. nG-'"°" --"'.'-~·-~---. . Afa5fe1: TESTED *** Robes and Negligee Sets - - -AND OTHER GIFTS ,. .. -----------------...._..__--.. --.. ......... IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING! LONDON (Reuters)-A hotel With 40 electrica lly heated rooms has been made out of one of the large air r aid she lters built by the Nazis in the British Zone dur- ing the war. R adio Hamburg said. Thia lcientilic !natrumenl tells us what's wrong when you bring your watch In. and It tella you !t"a right when you take It away. Faster, more economical repai.n, with printed proof of accuracy. IN THE MEN'S SHOP Engagement Ring with 3 diamonds. $175 Ladles' 14-K gold Cocktail Ring with briJJlant zircon. $52.50 Budget Payments. No Extra Cost Man's Classic Dia- mond Ring in 14K gold setting. $275 A pair with 5 Dia- monds! 14K yellow gold setting. $200 • ..... ,. ... ~:~ Associated , ... ----.. ,,,_ Station at 1936 Harbor Blvd. Featu.rlng • Expert lu brication • Best quality gas and oil • \Vashing and polishing • Batteries and accessories -·-Pt.ckup and Dell~·ery --J. F. THOMPSON Call: Bes.con 6652 19SI Barbor Bl..,d. COST A MESA SHEER HOSE Nylon and Rayon · JAY'S 213 E. 4th SPORTSWEAR Santa Ana • • Ted Brown brings a watch and jewelry repair depart- ment to Costa Mesa that is the finest. We have the best workmen and equipment for expert repairing of watches, clocks and jewelry repairs. Prices are Beuonable Prompt, Courteoua Semoe Ted Brown •zwc•n 1791 Newport Blvd. C-Oota M- INSURANCE • PROTECTS • Print Shirts . .. $4.95 ,,.. .......... -_.........-w•.-..-.. .............................. .,,....,..-.___ ...... _.............. • • - Sweaters *: T-Shirts *: Woo l Soc ks and Other Gifts Too Numerous to Mention. NEWPORT BEVERAGE CO. R.. A. Ormiston, Prop. !112 Ooean Front Phone lla.rbor 6S8 Newport ee.ch, Calllornla No Better Selection Anywhere at Anytime Bottled In $7571 Bottled ln Bolld Bond. Montieello J. W. Rye. Fifth HARPER $8.34/f!rr! $3~0 . JOSE CUERVO 5195 TEQUILA FIFl'll ~~ $1951:~08 Prf. Res· ! I Stralpt n.u. Pint · Wldab7 $&~1::r=.. • GIN ' 90 proof Windward 5195 Rum P'UIB $195! (lh:-$3051 ~ $348 )(-I F-len.d I -' . nta ' Fifth ' nftll M~Aiiattan Cocktail .-. ~95 ... ..... BlJN'IU waw•• $426!=""'~ $4251=~ !:' a-rr . .w. . .. ._ fti'IB .. fta ...... W'S sn••va·nm me-TO Ullft U'" • • -0/ST!llCT!JIE ' Pen • • • Pen & Pencil Sets · Eversharp Parker "51" I IALLMARJC. / r GREETING CARDS Stationery The Very Smartest Reasonably Priced • Accent on colors. Vanity ---Pris- cilla ---Diagonal stripes ---Remein- brance ---Repillon Loucks' Stationery • Clyde R, Loucks Temporary Location + 1n Dennis Hogland Bldg. 1760 Newport Blvd. and Texaco Station . . . Watch for Our Signs ,~ ...... -.....-.....~ ..... ~.-.iL ...... ~~~t • .,._ l 1 G f S 1 1 i t uggestions 1 • FOR THE HOME I • l 1 Occasional Table J 1 Occasional Chai rs J, f Floor ·Lamp's J, ~ Table Lamps I J Hassocks , • MIRRORS 1:f PICTURES J, • l :J a complete selection awaits you l i 11 1 SflNTfl flNfl rtmNITUR£ CO. l • 426 ...... Tl< nacn {!f. SANTA AM. CALl~OlllllA l • l 1 qt/i ~ ~ ~ MakM J W I •• 22 J." .. 2 ~~~~~.,..,~~,,..,~· - SpOrifishing AssociatiQn Cracks Down On Operators , of Unlicensed Sea Craft Yule Tree Saves Crew Fly-by-Night Owner Gives Port Bad Name, They Say Something Different for Your Cbristma& Dinner PHEASANTS 876 E. 18th St. CostaM...,. ( Dr....00) Telephone Hllrbor 56Slhl {( Here's Wishing You a Merry Christmas! •• 1-ti.ss Lorna Mills, 19th street. who has been at home recuperat- ing tro.m a recent appendectomy, \\'BS honored last \Veek et the Fed- eral Savings and Loan association, Laguna Beach. in honor of her tenth year of service. Members of the staff gathered for cake and coffee and presented Miss Mills \\.ith a handsome F'rench gilt dr6ser set of morror, comb and brush. perfwne bottle and je\\'e l case .. \\ith which she was surprised and delighted. Firemen Meet; Wives Plan Party Nomination of officers featured the Tuesday evening meeting of the Firemen's club. held in Am- erican Legion hall with ele<'tion slated for the January meeting . This coming year the club will meet each month instead of every two months, with planned Pnter· tainrnent. Ladies of the Fittmen's Auxil· iary are holding their Christmas party Tuesday evening. Dec. 17 at the Newport Heights home of Mrs. F.~ther John.son. For Children of All Ages ' 1MEN-WOMEN at Cost Complete Stock to Choose From Free GIFT Wrapping Avoid: v City Crowds v 'rnlffic Jams v Dented Fenders ID~ded City Parking Lola Plenty of Free Parking The Bobby Sltop's New Toy Store 1U O..lnl Aft. Formerly Vu de Kaxnp'1 Bake Shep BUY FOR LESS WITH LEISURE IN BALBOA Clpml0a.m.to9p.m. ......... uu.:w •••••• Prostate ---Pelvis IT'S YOUR GLANDS 0. _.. •• ..-.........,. ....... _,..... .. '' .. .-.i-. 1'• .... -Ne ..,.__N• ..... r--s • ._ ,..._ Dr. a. r. .... ». o.. PLC.. tt'f .......... x ........... ......_ ...._ lLM f• .. , , . . - J'WI Ill , ...... la oa-.11. a_..: •:M ._._ • •• r ... • ......,. _, n......,.. WATERPROOFING L..t ..... , yo9f c.uu ........... ... ~. d.etn.,,.... wt\b UM .......... .,_. • • porou ·s r rr ~S.W..-tllde .• alJow -.... .,.,. ... Afpl : .... _ I I L __ ......... _ .. M«tute. Interlocking Block Co. -......... c..---.. Cllim. -- ~ ... 't = t 11 •• --~ .... ,..,ua-._, -A...-. i.t a .. 'ba. I ._ -. Puauc Nonc1: .... 801111\W OOIDS 18 TAMPA CIGARS--<:lev Ha- panetela shape, ~ "2 fir 1llc, box of 50. Sl.!50. Hermul H. Brille. 223 W. Ola-Aw., o.-ang.., Callt. Open 10 LDl. to 3 p.m.; So~ to 10 p.m. . 96,ttc Z O;R IC DRY CLEANING In Our Own Plot • PICKUP AND I .DELIVER Phone J!EACON 51118-J BEAUTY AIDS MACHINE and MACHINELESS Permanent Waves Harbor ~w 'nntlJIK and Man!~ 87-Uc Evening Appt. Ph. Harbor 179-W FORMED Wlndshlelda "' Hatch Vi's Beautv Shop Covers made to order ..... , __ Plex: 1103 Cout mway, &>rona del Mar ~ 75-tfc lgU... & Ludte Sheet.I for sale. -------------,., Nu-World Product.I Company, LOST AND FOUND n 303 Third St., Huntinaton Beach. LOST-Black patent purse in Bal· Phone Huntington Beac.h 178. boa, Saturday evening. Finder ~tf,t keep money; extra reward for FIREWOOD-$18.00 cord. Phone return of all papers. Call Har- Santa Ana 6079-R. 90-tfc bor 13. 97-ltp No. 4691S ALIAS SUMMONS In the Superior Court ot the State ot Calltornla ID and For the County or Orange HERBERT L. SHOEMAKER and MARIAN L SHOEMAKER, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. J . W. PAT· TON.R.0.PATTON,T.A.PAT- TON. C. P. PATI'ON,C.P.PAT- TON. trustee, J. A. PATTON, MAGGIE B. CLIF'J'ON, T . M. PATION. MILTON A. T. Mil.r LER, WILLIAM L MILLER, EM- MA E. LAIR, MAGGIE HUM- PHREYS. and also all other per· sons unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real property described in Plaiotiffs" Complaint adverse to Plaintiffs' O\\'Tiership. or any cloud upon Plaintiffs' title thereto, De- fendants. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA SEND GREETINGS' To: J . W. Patton, R . O. Patton, T. A. Patton. C. P. Patton, C. P . Patton, Trustee, J. A. Patton Maggie B. Clifton, T. M. Patton, Milton A. T . Miller. William L. Miller, Emma E . Lair, Maggie Humphreys (and to all other per- sons unknov•n claiming any right, PAINTING 12 Years Service 1n Newport H.rbor Area Harry Hall PAINTING CONTRACTOR -Phones-- Beacon 5413 274 E. 19th Street Order Now! FRUIT TREES -FOR.- Winter Planting Hollister Bros. NURSERY Landlcaplng 1959 Harbor Boulevard CootaMeu &aeon 5200 SG-tfc CESS POOLS and CEPTIC TANKS Installed Anywhere ln Orange County Contract Drilling Sewer C.Onnection (All Work Guaranteed) Full Insurance Carried J. R. McCORMICK 340 Victoria St. Costa Mesa Beacon 5069-J 93-tfc title, estate. lien or interest in the AL LACHMEYER real property described in the complaint to plaintiffs' owner-S I G N S ship, of any cloud upon plailltitfs' title thereto): Trucks, Boats, Walls, Windows, etc. You are hereby directed to ap-Beacon 5178-W pear and answer the complaint 348 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa llMPLOYllENT WANTD> II CARPENTER and jobbing want- ed; inside or outside. if you have materials. Jacob Geidux, 117 46th St., Newport Beach. 96-6tp WILL MAKE doll clothes any time before Xmas. Bring your O\•ln material. Also care for child ren. Phone ~R. 700 Heliotrope Ave., Corona del Mar 97-tfc WANTED-Hand ironing to take in. Mrs. Smith 305 34th St. 96-4tc JAPANESE AMERICAN wished housework by the hour. C a 11 after 7 p.m. Huntington Beach 5542, Mary. 97·2tp WOULD LIKE to do flat lronJna only, at home. Please call Bea· con 5566--J. 97·2tc GARDENER -Tall, .personable, middle aged, white. Expert on lawn, flowers, tree1, ahrut., greenhouse, lath house and U:· pert propagator. Good, clean work. Rates $1.25 hour. Write Box "V" c/o News-Times. 93-6tp , DIPLOTID:NT[ Orn:u:D D WANTED-Office assistant, male or fema1e. Must write short· hand and be good typist and have experience at bookkeeping. Permanent position, good salary. Dave Wilson, 902 Main, Hunt- ington Beach. Phone 159. 97·tfc W OMAN for housework full or part time.. Live in or out. Good wages. Harbor 1992. 93-ttc WELL PAID JOBS with Real Futures for Young Women as Telephone Operators on an action entitled as above, ____________ !J6._tt_c_ 1 [n moat communities beclnnen re-- brought against you in the Super· celve baae pay of $30 tar a ftY1 lor Court of the said County of RADIO SALES & SERVICE clay week, with extra pay for °""" Orange, State of Ca.lUornia, with· Sped&llz:lng 1n repalring. time or duty at certa.ln houn ~ tn io c1a,,. atter 1ervtce on you TRONART, INC. t11e c1ay. of this alias summons. if served on you within said County; or within Rad1o, electronics, aound--Sales Seven wage lntteaset the tint nro 30 days, if served elsewhere. and ~e and domesUc. yean.-paid vacatloDI. This action is brought to de-. Pb.. H. 1252--M tennine the adverse claims to and 2901 W. Central, Newport Beach, Learn lhll lnterestlna work at clouds upon the title to the real . '19-tfc lood pay ln your own cammuntey. property described In the Com------.-~----- plaint herein and hereinafter de-MET· CLAD PRODUCl"S soibed by the said plaibtitfs who --by- claim that by themoelves, or by CLARK a: BATES thermelves and their predecessors Metalllztnc in interest, have for a long time been owners of cer'_'lln real prop-Weldinc S~ <rty sltuaU<I In the County of 506 30th St. -Harbor 2S09 Orange/ State of California, and desaibed as follows., to wit: That Po<tton of Lot 63 of New- Port Heights, u per map there-. of recorded In Book 4, at page 83, of mllcellaneoua Mapo, ....,. ords of said Orange County, de- saibed u follows: Beginning at the moot Southerly oorner at &aid Lot 63, and run- nlna thence Northeasterly along the Southeasterly llile ot said lot a dlatance al 157.57 feet; tbeooe N-ty puaJleJ With the ~ line al -Jot a 6itaw al 'IOJJ ,_; New}ktrt Beach 9'-tfc HARBOR Plumbing Service 1768 N""pxt Blvd., Beacon 504BW REPAIRING OUR SPECIALT! Cmtndinc and Supplleo 9'1Uc ·- JAVES E. McKEE General Contractor &20 lllqoerl.te A'le. ecr...do!IKar ~ ... . . You work with friendly ~ In pleasant offices. APPLY Southern California Telephone Company 100· E. Bo7 A-, Ballloa SU!i No. llllln Street, 8oata ""' • Call a.w °'""9tor 111).a. Additional Yant AG; on Followf.ne 'Page • I • ' .......... ·W•MWS -I --- -.11• 'b •1 >• . ..__ -·~ --• •~ ,.--,. ?""11'11111.J..._~--~~~R~:i=~=!::=-t.ll-l?ir..!"!!!~!.. ...... ~-......................................... .-...... ._.-,_,;;.. ._w ....... ,"'A":""d-:IS""'."_ ---:-:uui:':':::'":~::::::-:::=:::---:.:7 ....... :::.:":::_:~ll'Oll==-=~-• :&·;; . .;, -· .. PfL ...... ' -· Cl -•i.;;;.,. ., Dtf, ..... a' •• : ... a:. • . ant MACHINE SHOP TOOLS-FOR SALE--Refripntor, »lb. RADIO _......,_ portable, S25. '2ICIOO .... -..... ta -In WANT CAR In~ paysmnt far ~~:..!!~~:..___----~~~:..!!~~:..__ ____ ~ Lathes, lhapon. weldon, band capodty, c<JOd condition. Bar-:no Nardauo Ave .• c..cna c1e1 Coota M-or Newprt llea<b. ..,._ In Newprt. "" paved FRANK P. JOHNSON, Realty Broker -. etc. Barpin. Pl..--491-M. 97-ltc )lar, 9T-2tc What bave )'OUf c. R. Wier-bicll""l'-H. M. Lane Real OWEN C. ANKING, .A"'Odate Broker ~~~~Oca~~·~-~-~,~~:!~I Barbor Ma. 91 -:itc roR SALE-Twin -with Electric arid Fire ::!_ EHndo Ttalkr, 97°":!! ~~ ~ Oaurt. N-97~1~ 1664 Newport mw. from ...... _, PIP ~-.. ttr -..... ~ -T'W..... n--c:~ .. w· "HO"""' Nigh ,.,__ 521n T WRIST WATCH. man'• Bulova: "ll"IDP ~ ""' _,., one ·Equipment Tests ~· .,.,..con __,.... -.. .....-t, ............ .,... SllllPLOTIISNT o•w• egn n ladT• cllamond rills. mllellt double bed with bOx aprin& and · values: beauWW black coat wit, matn..: one crib, powttt All Qua1llled Pe-... 1 WANTED-An acoountant capal>Je of bandllna; acoounting of aport- ln& aooda dlvlaldo ~ a plutlc CODl"8JIY In Ille Harbor area. Apply at 1015 Coat Blvd., Ccr- ona clel Mar. 97-tfc tlilver fox collar; black tur cara-p1ece1 end m1-n-ltm>L co-Two, i>).1-AF.,.... re1111o, Three-Bedroom Stuc~ cul .,.,.t. Sizes 14. San Ce-Harbor 1191N. 96-2tp a> lbed .,wtelll and Pl:lrtahioo Back Bay. Nicely tumisbed. mente 21.M. 9T-ltp DOW anO.bJe ctn500 llOATll, B1lPrUSll .. ETS HOKIN .. GALVAN R E A L v AL u E s ~ Auto Batteries 30 tt. Fe11mn "' Stewart sport iooo o-t Hllh""l' Rubber Sepuatsw fllhel' cru1ott for Nie. Racllo, Ph. Beaoon 5407 91-tfc Newport Blvd. Motel Sit~ J&.a>oath -$6.'15 El:. Oil bait tank·, .i~ four. WW take ~ OATS • PSl'8 .. five rooms; 'nx600 lot. Easy terms-W ANTED--GeneTal help far Cor- ona de-1 Mar Grammar School Cafeteria. -Phone Harb<lr 2100. 96-4tc Co111pounded Motor property 1n t;:;-c1e. 1nqu1re 345 ~ lack _._ Gallon. 70c Marine, Balboa bland, Apt. No. THOROBRED b ~"' Pill>' HOMES -INOOME -BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES $17,500 -_ ll 97_2tp pies, alx weeks old. F emales, _ INSURANCE LU.I: IDJMlSIJ.lllfEOUll • FUU.. LENG;H black skunk coat, all matched •kins; custom made; beautifully lined with lkinneT satin, antelopie strapping be- tween pelts; e:ood style and shows no wear. Call at 403 E. 19th St., Coota Mesa. 97-2tp FOR SALE-Semi console eas stove, cheap; ai.o coil springs and two rolla new chic.ken wire. Call at 1823 C..ntral Ave., Apt. 4, Newport Beach. 97-2tp FOR SAJ..E-One hand made violin, one aolld Philippine ma- hogany bedroom set. Call Har· -140i. 97-ltt IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WESTERN HOLLY GAS RANGE $166 Santa Ana Furniture Western Auto Supply $25; males, $35. 125 E. Bay Au.~~-~ DM!er FOR SALE -New champion, 4 Front. Balboa laland. Harbor ~~ b.p. outboard motor. McCallum 4502. 97-2tc 1836 Newport B~ Coota Mou and H"""'Y· 2814 Lafayette, =,--.,--.--,,,--=,---=~--,--.., 41 tfc FOR SALE-BeauWul pure bttd -------------N..._t Beach. Phone Harbor Gennan Shepheard puppies. Immediate Delivery Western Holly Gu Ranges ······-··-··-$166.00 Philco Freezer 5 CU-ft. -···-··--··-..$209.50 Duo-Therm Oil Heaten -···-·····-.$ 79.95 Oirome Dlnettr Sets Red, Blue, Tan -·---S 66.95 Santa Ana Furniture t26 w .. t 4th Santa Ana 95-.ttt VENETIAN BLINDS-Alumtrarm. a.teeJ. wood. Call .. for tne •ti- mate. Renovatbl It reftnkhtnc So. Clout Venetian Bllad Cp. Wmt 18th and Newport Ave., Coota Meaa. Ph: Be°""" 5762-W. 38-tf• 813. 97-ltp Imagine beJn& able to give u a FOR SALE-17 ft. skiff, new cedar bottom. $95. Inqulre Wm. Hanawalt, C.bln 25, Bay Shore Camp. 97-2tc WANTED-Slip !or 25 ft. sloop. Ouistmu alft a parcel of affec- tloo, companlomhlp and lite-long loyalty! 11119 W. Maple, 0.- ange, Calli. Phooe Orange 68ihl. 97-2tp Bonus. P . 0 . Box 531, Balboa. 8l'llCIAL ANNOllN<mMIDITll • !16-:ltp Carpenters A vailabhl tor 1enera1 maJ.ntm•nc- and npelr o. Z. llOllKa'!llON Call Harbor 83 FOR SALE-Boat moorlns ao- comodate '5 ft. boat. Excellent conclltlon, South &Ide Lido lal- and. Owner Loo An&<Jes 01... 68711. 95-.ttc. M-tf• BARGAIN -2 • cycle, 2-cyllnder ----=-=-=-,------ Callie, like new, $195. 3311 Fin-K E Y 8 ley Ave., Newport Beach. ~ttc -Wlllle You Watt VOOJII/8 SACRIFICE -~ Wine Marine 100 llaln St., IJolbo& Ena;lne. Excellent conclltlon, 4 :IOI! Kutne Balboa Island cylladu built tn reverse $395. ' (26 West 4th Santa Ana 1b"e PlaCI"' and JQndJtna 97-2tc W 0 0 D Includes tachometer prop. 1hatt "1Ht ~'--"'---------­bearings. ~ar Hans Dickman All kinda typewriter riblxxw In Wt.YI. 95tfc stock a t the News-'n.mes. FOR YOUR NEW Hlcks' MarW For onla! supplies, see the "Jim" V NeW"S-1lmes. MAN'S white cllamond rtns, 'SI K., Deilv- 14 K. gold mounting, $285. Can't H. W . WRIGHT be duplicated under $400 In Ph. Beacon 6666 store. Evenings, 220 Agate in 17114 N~ Blvd. 3-tf< rear, Balboa Island. 97-2tc _:~:...;..-=------- POOL TABLE % size, 36" Sin- cock batooe, hammered shaft, 1 small desk for boy's room, 1 black onyx Ma.sonic rlng with 10 point diamond never been worn. Also 2 114 h.p. outboards, new-. All in very good condition. Call at 413 Edgewater, after 4 p.m. 97-4tc Steel Kitchens GLASS ENCLOSURES SHOWER DOORS Southern Counties Supply Co. STORE CLOSED DEC. 25 to JAN. 1 INCLUSIVE CO MPLETE HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Free Estimates Kitchen and wan Wuhlns Floor Cleaning and Waxlns Window 0.anlng C.ulldna; Painting All Work Guaranteed Harbor 379-J Al's House & Window Cleaning Service R,E-OPEN JAN. 2 SS-tfc Pb. M52 Lasuna Beach ----------- 5'8 Forest Ave. 97lltc ~IV:...ANTED==:::....;'l'0:..:....:11:...UT::...:... ____ a_ Will Pay Cash 60 Bicycles for Sale F or your furnltuno or what have from EqJand, France and Amer-you. Phon< Beacon ?i6S&. lea -New and Used. Crawley Furniture Co. enPne or parts, see an ------------neet. factory distributor, 33ll FOa BENT '1 F1nJey Ave., Newport Beach. PROFESSIONAL offjces for rent. Order now for mid-winter de-345 Marine St., Balboa Ul.and. livery u prices are sure to Apt. No. 5. 97-2tp advance. ~tfc ----------- Balboa Canvas Shop Salli -Boat Covtn Marine Upholstering Harbor 207 -224 ~ 21st St. Newport Beach TI-tfc Dyer "D" Dinghies Colored Ratsey Sails Nine Ft. Dyer Dhows Dyer Dhow Midget -Now Available--- lmmediate Delivery SOUTH COAST CO. 23rd at Central Ave. NEWPORT BEACH Harbor 2600 96-4tc FOR RENT-Storage space 18 fl. by 32 ft. in Newport: Suitable for boat, equipment, etc. Write Box 896, Balboa Wand. 97-2tp ROOM FOR RENT-Prefer work- ing couple. Harbor 1551-W. !16-2tp STORE SPACE for rent-345 Ma- rine, Balboa Island. Apt. No. 5. Ideal for drug, paint store up- holstering. 97-2tp FOR RENT-3 shops fast growing community. Prefer spec. food shop; Beauty parlor, shores, children toggery, men·s access- ories. 310 El Camino Real (101 Hi.) San Oemente. Phone 411 . 97-3tp VOGEL'S , 100 Main St., Balboa 1812 Newport Blvd., Coots MMa Phone Harbor 145 95--4t.:1 __________ sz._tf_c MU!llCilA.L a RADIO N FOR RENT-N~ Deluxe Hotel room and pr1vate bath, tile shower stall. Twin or double beds, box 1prlng and innter- 1pring mattresses. Unit heat. Sped.al rates !or permanent guesta, as low u $2 per day t o r 2 people. No k1 tchens. Miracle Mile Motel, 706 Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Ph. Beacon 5229-J. !16-tfc O'Keefe -Merritt Gas Range Pl<!-War Oven Control BARKER BROS. FURNITURE SACRIFICED TO EXCHANGE SIA FOR SALE-Steinway piano, 54- -'-----------In., perfect cond. $400. See at TRADE -Has bicycle excellent 1205 Cypress Ave., Santa Ana condition, large basket. What or phone Beacon 5712. 94-tfc WANTmD TO BENT u have you? Can use furniture, DANZ-S CHMIDT ====-=---,----=-,, appliance, etc. Harbor 1223-J, WANTED-House for :i~t. Will !16-2tc PIANO CO. pay year's rent In advance. Can FUB.NlTURE FOR SALE n 520 No. Main St. Santa Ana give references. Write Box l, c/o News-Times. 97-6tp PRE-WAR HOTPOINT, 7 cu. ft. ZENn'H console, 7 tubes, attrac-RESPONSIBLE executive desires refrigerator, like new; twin live cabinet. Perfect cond Low furnished home or apartment IN EXCELLENT CONDmON beds, upholstered heads; dresser price. 928 W. Myrtle. until June 1. Rent no object. chest; co1l501e table ; mirror; BABY grand. High grade make. 0 . L. Richard, La Jolla Beach By Piece (or entitt lot subject to chairs; patio furniture; 1Wing. Used. Now only $485. Terms. and Tennis Club, La Jolla, Calif. offer I San Clemente 2134. 97-ltp STEINWAY grand, style B. The Phone Glencove 5-4557. 95-4tp Light modern dining table, buffet, FOR SALE-Electric refrigerator world's most wonderful piano. WANTED-Tkree-bedroom house chalrs, 9x9 rug and pad. three 4 ~ cu. ft. size; good condition. Used. Save one-third now from for winter ental or one year pair drapes. Also two used vacuwn cleaners new today'a price. lease. References can be given. 9X.17 rug. Servtstan mothproofed. cheap. 329 lt'larine, Balboa GOOD used practice piano. Only Call, collec::t, Otrus 33831. 95-tfc l maple lamp table. Island. 97-ltp $69. Or will rent. WANTED TO RENT-3-bedroom l wing chair. FOR SALE-Davenport and chair, GRAND pianos. Weber, Stein-house near Bay for next swn- 1 striped w . J . Sloane chair. $45. l38 Topaz, Balboa Island way, Kimball, Raworth, Mehlln mer. Posch.in, 1234 Alma St., !16-2tp and many others. Priced from Glendale. 96-Ztc 2 light blue sectional chairs or ------------'-ul bl I h $585 up. WANT TO RENT • -3 bedrm. loveseat, · s ta e or ome or FOR SALE-100 lb. ice refrigera---. ..... ti offl REPOSSESSED spinet type mlr-unturnlah-• ho .. ••. WW le·•·. recep on ce. tor in aood rondi ti on, $35.00. ~ ..-... .....:;c ID ror piano. A beauty. Full r ich Call Sam Porter at Harbor 7'fJ7 1 small desk and secretary chair, 11951 Sunset Road, Costa Mesa. tone. Now only $295. Terms. 13. .._tf adjustable back. Betw~n 17th and 18th off mon-or .-w--C 1 brass fireplace set, complete. rovia. 95-4tc GORGEOUS new ·~~~-uphoLlt-A.Pr or SMALL HOUSE wanted ered piano with mu=r 1plnet by and wit w do :Pt!onterey bedroom suite, double CHRISTMAS GIFT ~ type patent. Wu exchanged drlJJ.k man. mnok e. ~dren not bed with pre-war Beauty Rest QUARTERS! McM.AH.AN'S in-for large grand Will 1ell for or e, 00 • or mattress, chest. dreuing table. vite you to shop for your gifui bal. $288 peta. P~ Santa Ana 0991~W 2 Bailey Schmidt Mt. Vernon box here and suggest card tables, DANZ-~ PIANO 00 ::;. "';::12 ~· Newpur~- spings and mattress on legs, bridge sets. table and floor · ew.. · c NEW. lamps, mirrors, pictures, hamir 520 No.. ?.fain., Santa Ana ~tfc Patio furniture-<0vered wagon, 2 ers, bed spreads, pi.llo'W"I, has,.. RADIO HOUSE CALI..S- chairs, picnic table with 2 sicks rockers, boudoir chairs, Now that additional compe- HOUSING NEEDED FOR bencbes-Oregon pine. chaise tongues bookcases, living tent technJdans are available, room tables and many other we are able to make suvtce calla VETER A NS Ust YOW' Vacancies With AMERICAN LEGION 2 if~n bamboo ahades With roll-iterrl.1 useful and appreciated at on tara:e console&. All work en, S ft. by 7 ft. long-NEW. Yuletide. McMahan Furniture cuaranteed. Minon , odds and ends. Co., Second and Broadway, HENRY W. BRAINERD Harbor 452 90-t!c WANT TO RENT-Furnlsbed or unfurnJsbed boule. 2 or 3 bed- roma will lease. Phone Harbor 707 81-tfc 1 tuxedo. black, alze 36--beauWul Santa Ana. 97-ltc New Owner S.O.S. Racllo -<ould be tailored for woman-MONTEREY style bed divan, 2 300 MarW Ave. Harbor 780 chairs, 1 tabl•, 1 l11111e O'Keefe 81-tfc 425 Holly St., Laguna Phone 11312 96-ltp KE NT COFFEE BREWER PRESENTATION srrs $9.60 to $16:60 MODERN HO ME WARE 1763 N~ Blvd. Colla M-Coll!. 97-2tc & Merritt heater. Complete $100. Call Harbor 7167-J. alter 5:30 p.m. ~tfc Under New Manage ment Clearance on Uving Room SultH Harbor Furniture 1962 Harbor Bl...,d.., Costa Mesa E. B. Smlth ~t!c Portable Heavy Duty Flood Lights Ideel for Beach Jlgr,_ Marine T)'pe Course Correctors for Yachts Azimuth Circles Yacht Cannons and Lyle Guns Rosewood Lumber Very BeauUflJi for Yacht Trtmmin& and P\aqun Al90 aae -11 YACa' DINGHY Uc! two RUBBER Lin: RAFI'S, . -.$50 - SAMPSON !IACIDNE WORKS 1A!Oi Newport Blvd. Costa MNa, Ph. Beacon 5801 95-2tc Radio Re airs All makes; = etc. Beacon 6763 BURT NORTON 91!5 o-t 11!1hw87, N.,ew.,pcw1<1rtn :m-tfc MAL mr.&..'l'S t1 FOR SALE--Corma de! Mar, ~ ft. lot. 1 block tnim -. -~ Blvd.. c<JOd location for ln- cane. Owner. Ph. H-2139-W. BALBOA : ISLAND RecenUy r<duced In poice-two- bedlom> home, oonvenlenUy lo- cated. on corner lot. UVbl&' room with flttpla~. dinette, turnilbed. -d-ofeoaow- $13,000 LINWOOD VICK Broker 312 Marine An. IJolboa Island Harbor 548-M tJl>.tfc --- • 117-ltc SPECIAi: THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE ON If.! ACRE-- Another two-room l'l!!ltal In rear; two-car garage; lots of tile; outdoor barbecue and enclosed patio. Needs fixing, but has wonder- ful possibilities. Near country club. Full price only- $5850 B. A. NERESON REAL ESI'ATE BROKER AND .ASSOCTATES Phil D. Soleman -SALESMEN -John Bondnl Phone Beacon 5225 1972 Newport Blvd. 97-ltc • RELIANCE REAL TY & INVESTMENT CO. A. R. Ebrite and Associates J . W. Doak 1936 Newport Blvd. 1435 Coast Hlway Costa Mesa Corona del Mar Beacon 5857-W Harbor 1271 Bring Your Buying and Selling Problems to Us Corona Del Mar One-bedroom home on two lots, 30x118 each; garage. Price $6930. Terms. Vacant, move In. Corona Del Mar Special Brand new, vacant, ooe bedroom, modem, beam ceiling, corner sink, bar in kitchen , floors hd. pine can>eted to wall, lrnotty pine and plaster Interior. Priced $7250 -:rerms. Corona Del Mar Cute new, completely tumlshed home of knotty pine Interior, high beam ceiling, hd. pine floors, Callfomla fireplace, new table top stove with grill l 'f.? garages. Price $10,500 -Tenns. Corona Del Mar Ultra modem 2 bedroom, large living room with huge fireplace, modem kitchen with snack bar to dining room ; 1100 sq. feet. Price $'10,500 -Terms. RELY ON RELIANCE Corona Del Mar 2 homes on corner with dbl. garages. Brand ne\v- vacant. One Is a 2 bedroom home, other Is 1 bedroom home. Both partly newly furnished. Very modem . Ready to move Into. Fenced and landscaped. Lot 65x120 comer. Price $21,500 -Terms. Coro n~ Del Mar Lots Residential on Marguerite ---·---·---..$1800 Residential on Narcissus -·-----------$1750 2 Resldentials on Heliotrope-make offer Newport Beach Home Nearly new two-bedroom home; very modem; com- pletely furnished; four-room Apt over large double garage. Both homes being vacated immediately. Price $15,850-terms. Lot 100x240 ft. at 1833 Harbor, close to Alpha Beta Mkt., $15,000-tenns. Z.0000 for wholesale or retail business. Store now under coost:ructlon on next lot. Half Acre Ranch Near Back Bay; three-bedroom stucco home; com- pletely tumlshed; recently redecorated; hardwood floors; Jong living-room with flreplsce. Price $8950 or $8500 unfumlsbed_ Tenns. . ---- Open 7 Days Every Week, 8 L m. to 6 p. m. • RELIANCE REALTY & INVESTMENT 00. A. R. lllrite and.Aw>datel J. w. Doek 1936 Newport Blvd. 1435 Cout H1wsy Costa Mesa 0.'0lla del lfar Beacon 5857·W Harbor 1271 97-ltc Coast Site or Motel_:._ Harbor Blvd., clOSl> in down town; 60i<300. Good terms. Total prlce- $5000 10 Acres- 'lbree blocks from Newport Blvd.- $10,500 Several Five-Acre Tracts- -$2000 i;>er Acre Good Lot for G. I. Hom~ Splendid location- G. I. Home- Ready to move $1300 !n-- $10,500 O ose to heart of Costa Mesa. Well paved sbl!et. Balboa Two-Bedroom Home-- Ocean Blvd. Patio, beautiful ocean view. Tile, hardwood fl oors- $17,500 Five-Room Hom~ 1\vo bedrooms. Furnished or unfumished- $15, 750 Hardwood floors, tile, washing machine, 7 ft. Ice- box. Patio and barbecue pit FRANK P. JOHNSON , Realty Broker OWEN C. ANKING, Associate Broker 1664 Newport Blvd. •j ' • • Day, Beacon 5434-W-PHONES--Night, Beacon 521().J 96-ltc BEAL ESTATE WANTED 114 llO:NU ro LO.AN • ::...:....:::....:::....::...:...-------LO~~-~BUIU>.~,::aaJfNftl WAN'Tf:D TO BUY-Uirt<rdate mode~ w nttn•ne».. house near Bay. Three bed-N . _.boa~ 8Mtz9 roomB, not inflated. Poschin, &Dd Lo&D A.NnC•iUcm 1234 Alma St., Glendale. !16-2tc , 3333 Via Udo Pb. llariJar 1D WILL 'raADE-Lots on Udo Iali llllo lota on Penlnsula OD pur- chaae of 2 OT 3 bedroom house In Harbor dlstllct. Phone Harbor 1(11 81·tfC AUTOllOTIVE a TmJ:8 .. 1941 Cadilllc for 11ale. Radio, hea ted; excellent condition: like new. Inquire 345 Marine, Bal- boa Island, Apt. No. 5, 97·2tp FOR SALE-1941 Oldsmoblle. Radio, heater, two new tires. Good mechanical condi lion. Harbor 1027-R. 973tp FOR SALE-Motor scooter, cheap. Excellent condition. New motor. Harbor 2289-J. 97-ltc FOR SALE-1939 Mercury club coupe. Radio heater, good shape. $1200. Can be seen at 1206 .East Central or Phone Harbor 1395-R. 95-4tp Hereafter 1f we r ecap Your TIRES We guarantee our "Caps" to laat 20,000 MILES and that'• not all- WE WILL GIVE YOU $20.00 IF ONE OOMES OFF Regarclleu of Speed. ONE TIRE RECAPPED IN 5 HOURS. for a ocmplete aet we will call for your car In tbe mornln& and deliver ame day. Aho a '2-00 Mobllltatic balance job When we l<!Call your t1reo, !or Sl-00. No lead wela;hts · or '"e:rtru.H Costa Mesa Tire Co. In Rear at 1760 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Ph. ae..... 5743 ARforAlorHank. NEED MONEY? See Us for Quick, Helpful Service on Youi Flnanc:lal Needs -Loans '!" Furniture -Salary Car or Other Security Phone Ftnt tor Quicker SerYloe Hours: 10 to 1 and 3 to 5 (Closed Saturdays) ' R CD. ~- DON I. HUDDLESTON, S kipper 1814~ Newport Blvd., Coots Ma& Beacon 5220 (Across from Alpha Beta Market) l 97-ltc AUTO SEBVICB NOWHERE Your authorized Chryallr- .Plymoutb Dealer. Authorized parts COmplete Lubrication and Maintenance Expert Mecliania Kendall and Quaker State o111 NEWPORT HJ\,RBOR MOTORS 2616'W. Central AYe. Phone Harbor fl38 • a:.u.. ft.ADpe • .AOllJ9WQW •.&1'!09 Wilm • WE NEED LATE MODEL CARS and Will Pay Top Prices · Alam for -.!™ ....... biyw wbo wll c.n wt llllh<liw ~ ~ OPA uc••dl:•" ..... . pdtw and wjrp. -·· . aJLBERTSON CHEVROLET <X>., Inc. 0 Si'$ .. O'' , •• ~D=~, :. .. ..;~ mw..r 2w1.•zs tR 'L •a ,.s r:r · ~ .i.. ' • • Before Y• l•ld or Remodel YllM 0. ' 11 wit I 111117..,11 ,.. ... "'•I , 1814••• Colar 11dds, plim- nfnc aldl. a••....,... hie lltock d cupeCs and llnokQm. LUDLUM Carpet Works UD--... __ ..__ U!ID-A ROSE QUEST OF BEAUTY ANNOUN~. That Mr. Bal, fom....ty of Antom.. Salon, San Franclooo a,nd New York b&8 joined OW' lltaff Mr. Ball speciallles in Cutting, Styling and Permanent Waving. 'M.&rlska, fonnerly of Balboa bland Is beck with m to help you with yoW' beauty problmm. 537 South Coast Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH Phone: ~572 PUJJIBINO J. H. ESTUS BAJP>WAU GENERAL EI.F£1'1UC ••• • Wi&IG"*'W • w•-· m w••e••• • •• ,,.. :New111tB1 + -Os ..... • € PRECISION FBEQUENCJ. SERVICE Cd• zt1w 1•11 for , ....... Mp''·dr ta TM to a Mt ol -0.: 11 k:Nn7 R:uJa-MJW) ftlONB~ QAMJfrwM_& ma:teHe= l!lil!IJFM ...._ tar their ftnt pme. The !Int Ba-rard-Yole -Yale 1111-' to play with a~ man t-u Harvard .- -pla1'td In 18'15. lt ml&ht haw And Hamn! .eoop!ec! the Foot- talten place nm earllor bad Rlr-ball Aw>clatlon rule that the aide vud been ~ co-open.tiw.. In maldnc a tcMK+dlMn couJd not October, lB73, Yale lnVlted Har· "brine or punt the ba,!I out to be vard, Columbia. ftutstn, a D d CObftrUd Into & -1-' The rogu- Jatlcln ball dedded -W a I Princeton to a tmetlna at the leather...,.,__ ao lncbel In dr- ruth Awnue Hotd In New York cunit...-, and "!-pointed at C\7 to form an lnterco11'81ate the ends" than the ball .-4 to- Football AllOd1tlcln. The main cloy, ac:eordlnc to an --· pu11Qe wu to draw up 1tlndard The 1ame wu plll"d on Nov. ru1 .. tor ool)op football, but the 13, 1875, at Now Haven. The Yale Harvard Unlveni\7 Football Cub t..m "'°"" dark trouaen. blue would have no part of IL shlrtl, and )'Ollow capa; the Har- lhrvlJ'd'1 captain wrote: " .•. van! p1ayeh wore ~ breec11s You muat aee that lhrvard stands and O'im1oo llhlrta. It wu Har- entlrely cllotlnct by benelf In the vard'1 cloy: her IA!am ICOnd four game of football, and bu In fact toucbdowns and four goalo wblle hanlly any rules in common with Yale went polnU-. others ... You perbapa wonder The Harvard Advocate wrote: on yoor tide at our rules: but I '"'lbe overwbelmlnc defeat of assure you that we consider the Yale tJ; to be attributed ln a creat game here to admit ot much more measure to the comparative new- acience. according to our rules ... neu of the niles to them." Yale's The feeling In the collese wu "football" wu eaaentiailY nothing unanimous ln maintaining our but soccer; what she was forced rules at the expense of matches to play on that November after.. with other colleges ... " He added: noon was essentially rugby, which "l would send you a copy of our the Harvard team had learned rules but we do not have a spa.re the previous spring ln a game copy." with McGill University at Mont- The Yale football secretary re-real. An epitaph on the rugby plied: "It seems a little strange field at Oxford explains the funda- that any college priding itself on me ntal difference: football should refuse to send del-mis STONE egatea ... " COMMEMORATES THE EX- In 1875, Harvard and Yale made PLOIT OF Wil..Ll.AM WEBB peace because of what one Har-ELUS vard graduate called an "irresbt-WHO WlTii A FINE DJSRE- able (sic) desire" to play each GARD FOR 'M:IE RULES OF other. In October. two delegates FOOTBALL. AS PLAYED IN from Harvard met two from Yale HIS TIME FIRST TOOK TI-IE on the neutral ground of Spring-BALL IN HIS ARMS AND field, Mas.sachusetta, and agreed, RAN WTI1-I IT, "by making mutual concessiorui," THUS ORGINATING THE GBl 1 Ml1l\IE EIGllES & SERVICE ASK FOR • • ' LAGER BEER ........ Bottled~ THE UNITED STATES BREWING CORP. SIUI& AICAHDI \ ' ... l'Wwwl •••• ' Mia an '• I ----.. .. : Cocktails B'DOMES -FEATURING- Hot Corned Beef Salldwldles . • ' T·BONll8 ll'ILl:I' MIGNON TOP SIJ!IDINS ~ #, BY •. "DEE" ROBINSON, O>ef of. the Kltdien I ~·W)IO~~ ':.:.Front '-"' ... ., ....... .,... .. .. .. .. .. .. .v .. v .. v .. v .. .. . . - • • . . #.!ii!fi"'L# "-fi"'L# "-ANLl""-1' "-... -.t.fi"'L . .. ..,,.,. .... ...,,... ......... «... .. ............. ..,,.,.fi~ A MODERN PEGASUS, one of atx lrf•h thoroughbred• flown atf th• way from Shannon. Ireland, to Lot Angel ... Callf .. ahown being lowered from an American Alrllnea plane by portable elevator at a lflo port. H• la "Gr.at Faith,• $28,000 arWmal Imported by E. B. Johnston ot MtntOh9y Callf., who wHI ra.ce him at Santa A.n it&. It wu the flrwt .Ume In blatory that hotSM had bffn flown oveneu.. "'--.. + •--' DISTINCI'NE FEATURE OF THE RUGBY GAME. A. D. 1823. Ah! woe betide the luckless time When manly sports decay, And football, stigmatized as crime, Must sadly pass away. Later Harvard faculties have been closer to the somewhat plati- tudinous thought of Sir Walter Scott: Then strip, lads, and lo it, though sharp be the weather, And If. by mischance, you should hai>Pen to fall, There are worse things in life than a tumble on the heather, And life ls Itself but a game of football While They Last! • Bl<JY<JLES •TBIOYOLES • S (J 0 0 T.E B S •Bonnie <Jhalr1 •STROLLERS •S kate• •Jeeps •Bo t-Bode . . . . PHONE BABBOB 8'I FOR SIGNS BENEDICT Radiophone Prices Going Up! Order Now for Christmas and Save Kaar Eng. Co. Radiaphone, Inc. Jefferson, Travis J. K. Brown Co. 1219 Coast Highway Beacon 5263-W Fine Cravats by Franks. Brand ot New . York._ __ Santa Hangs His Hat on Our Peg ••• Announcing the RE-OPENING under NEW MANAGEMENT of the ISLAND PATIO TUESDAY, DEC. 17 7a.m.tol0p.m. FOOD SERVED THE WAY YOU LIKE IT 807 Marine Ave. Bilbo& lsl&ad New Owners: Bill Harvey, Dean Bower • . . And Many Other Gift ltems to Select from MESA CYCLE S•op lft9 ........ I'll.! Be1c• 519 • Cnl .._ .305 Palm · Ave. .BALBOA • OPEN · EVENINGS • ' 7 • • , ------NIOE-•Wil~-.... a-.-;;;·oiiaiiiiiiiiii-oii?-ili'Rm?-·'"?a...•n--... ~----"!""'-'''W......... I$ f $W 11!1 2 ' They Say... r • 'Jbink, 'I Can" •. ..~= .. ~=--:::::::::::::::c:;;:-:---... ~-----~~--"'."'-.;;..;.....,; ... __ ~_...;. Frost. Bites rr 7 ·~' • 5 •• • 7 "a ··m•m. -n.. -WQ' to die ...... mai ___ -;, PIEi 1-rwe •C .. dw-otlhefUemltipllllo • I , ••• Pq Ne Iii .t.dv.www>--G:llD ,_. .,.. la Qi r 0 'I -Ir to mal<r It a ....,._..,. ..... --to ftll-, f&.00 ... -to .. -atnet f or '"•h PC -main labor O,' td • SmaniJ.aw mau.r at tta. Plat•lfttw ID l'lcwpwt B *• tn th e dochO'• ... •••ut I . Calltcmla, under die M:t tit -I. 18'19 w.u, AFI:; labcr lea5or. . "As a nmn tMnfttb Ill 1119 i..rt, 80 ii be." 'lblnk -o. and omlles llbaD be· $ • ' 'lblnk do\lbt. 'and hope wm nee; 'lblnk 1ove, and 1ove wm grow; 'lblnk bate, and bate yoo'll know. 'lblnk good, and good Is here; 'lb!Pkv ke-Us jaws appear! 'lblnk joy, and joy ne'er ends; 'lblnk doom, and dusk desoeuds. 'I11lnk faith, and faith's at band; 'I11lnk Ill, It stalks the land. Thlnk peace, sublime and sweet And yoo that peace will meet Thlnk fear, with brooding mind And fallure's close behind, Think this, 'Tm going to win!" 'lbink not of what has been. Think ''Victory," think ''I can!'' , .&.._Csaw Joazophlne Hull. stage •tar, -ata-: "Di.ccntmted people don't ~ fv, •A dlscmtented orator banged an Ida eoepbox and yelled one ol&bt: "Why don't you guys revolt against the black market! You're afraid to revolt asalnst it, You're ...,...., than the Prodigal Son. All you get to eat ls t.be husks the IWlne won't tooch. But soon the husks will be gone. What'll you • do then!" " 'Why,' yelled « young work- man. 'We'll eat the awine, of course.' .. -Phila. Bulletin. United We Stand 'I1len you're a Winning Man! s--...1 "It LI clear that If the United MURRAY. Utah -Ernest Hill, Nations organization LI to be used -David V, Bush. SS-year-old blind rotlttd barber, "As citlz.ens, the miners and I stand upon the rights guar-u a forum r~ clebatln& 1«1og1. bad trout for breakfast, part of anteed In the caistltution." So said J ohn I.. Lewis, as the cal dlffettnces It will fail." -his catch of five beauties with "guilty" verdict was banded down in court. 11r111M ..,._ -u.. .&w... Howe May Attend N. Y, Marina Show ~ ~~::i;.9:6 ..:o~ ''We, the people of the United States, In order to form a ·-nie ~once of ~he put · been blind for 20 years, explained rfect uni · dOmestlc tranquility rovlde for must be taken with a serious el-The !Int Annual Marina Fo~ Al8o u Chalrman of the Small his system: "My stick locat .. the more pe on, msure ' P fort toward Improvement In pub-will be held In New York Oty, on Harbor Committee of the C&llfor-trail and the bush .. and the bank the common defense, promote the general welfare, and se-Ile understanding of the problems Wedneeday, January 15, at the nla State Oiamber of Commerce, of the creek. My ears tell me cure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do of lnduatry."--T. Weir, Shelton Hotel, In connection with Mr. Howe, hopes to lntettat that when my wonn hits deep water. ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States chalrman Na tional Steel Corpora· th • 3'!th Annual Motor Boat lmPo<tant State body In the Patience does the rest.• t Amert ,. tion. I * * • insurance p.a. palsn•r lllCOIPOtATC• w. o. b«:t. .....,_. COt111let 3 3 3 3 via Udo, 11,•rvport b•ach, callf. tel•phane newpon beoch, harbor 1500 * * ' I • • 7 ' . • t I o ca, . Show. FOnJJD with the possibility of u -Fifty years ago It took a crew So reads the preamble of the Constitution, "The uaumption that all peor An Invitation to have repreaen· ranging to hold a limllar .... ion of seven or eight men an entire ---------------------- Since •'rights guaranteed in the Consti:b.Jtion" have been ple who do not wish to return to tation r.nsent has been received on the Pad.fie Coast if it would day to install a llngle telephone. raised 1 t f t consider some of them in the the countries because the.Ir count-by the Newport Harbor Chamber prove beneficial to Marina Opera-Now one man installs a telephone • e US. or 8 mom.en • ries are now under what ls called of Commerce and Hubbard C. ton and others interested. completely in 90 minutes. light of today's situation. a democratic form of government Howe, Olairman ot the Harbor ;======================.! Coal miners, In the main, like btmdreds of thousands of does not seem to allow for oer-Committee of the Oiamber of Other WOrkers In the United States of America are unionized taln differences In the understand-Co~, is expected to reire- ' · f th d elem " sent u wi. area. · to "cl--' sh " Goin step further we find that many ing 0 e wor ocracy. -m Vt::iCU ops · g a · Mn. Eleanor Rooeevelt. ----------- industries are wholly "closed" to free and independent work· No More w o1v .. ers-not the Individual ability of a man or woman deter· "U solemn pledges amo,;g na-The dispute over the last wolf mines whether or not he may engage in radio work, automo--tions. are not to be broken and lf killed in Wyoming apparently has bile manufacture, steel production, coal ~ing-but whether =~tl': ~~n~e!,0 :; ~~~: bee.::.O~~.ed~ll u . s . F~h and or not he holds a 11card''. truce of countries, then religion Wild Life Service assistant dis· 24-Hour Radio Service HOME - - -AUTO MARINE RADIOS REP AIRED ntls is the Constitutional ''blessings of liberty'' (of ac-must play its part in prepilring trict agent In Kemmerer, reports . l hich th J hn L Lewises # th country have forced human beings ror world citiun· that the last wolf of record was Burt R. Norton 915 Coast Highway tion W · e O • Oi e sh.Ip t.oday."-Dr. Louil <J. Ger-killed in th~ state in 19Z7. So upon American workers. Withholding of union dues is the •Wn In the Spanlsh and Portu far as Is known there has been Pbone: -· 11111 Newport- type of democratic unionism that is practilled· today. guese Synagogue. New York. no wolf evidence since that time. ~~~~~iii:ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You cannot mine coal with bayonets ... a man cannot ~ be foroed to work against his will," True, Agreed But how about the equally important opposite: A man cannot be forced not to work against his will? Mr. Lewis did not men· tion that side because he knows that in his, and in many other unloos, a man can be forced into id!~ against his will. E. J. (Bud) Jacklin OONTBAO!'Oa CEMENT WORK . Flagstone Work -Cement Block Fences Slat Wolfl or .._.. ...... GORDON a~ FINDLAY OONftAOIOa .&ND B'lllU>D Otlloe: Nl• ~ llml. --'1J CABINNI' SHOP SERVICE OABINEl'8 AND IOJ.l,WOBK T, C. JOHNSON, Supt, --- PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY B.ookkeeping Service OOLIN r . llllOWN (-llH) IU_A __ JoL l'BY8JCIAN8 & 8UllOl!lON8, ILll A. V. Andrews, M. D. PBl8IOIAN .... IJUl&GiDoN m~~.-­~ ... - I. a. WHYTE lollll IL O. <Jh-, .. D. 1JMDllm ~ ....:JW.&ft -.,,.. ,., ........ -.. u .......... '"-' ..., 'dpp ....... 97 1>11. I ' .. •WWW 7 .... .. 2 .. • 1 • 8 :30 wt .. ._ ........ __ ,_ &1lmft .. DWI I ~ u~ .,.,alntJDeot •11 '£EB __ ._ B•M11 507'5 ->:--.:...--:.....--. I.II._ 18111 -j L_~o~·~-~"~·~·~·~<Je~·~w~a.~_J The mlnenl are reported to be backing up Mr. Lewis- sure they are. If they did not he would take from them that an Important union card and then these free Americans would have to leave the work in which they have always earned their living and look elsewhere for employment-for with- out that card a closed shop is really "closed". ;====================if 1 ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1r The Constitution says that American citizens will be and N G I 1 are protected against "lnvoltmtary servitude." Servitude Im-D R A f T I •wc••HKA Armand Monaco ABCJllTWI' Gonlaa ... Grwt,. .. D. PH'ISICIAN -SURGJICI( -Inn-Offtce Hn.: 10-U a,m.; 8-11 p.a plies absolute and enforoed subjugation to another-and we contend that the closed shop, as it stands today, gives to the s E R v I c E Labor Czars of America the weapons to enforce subjugation of worken. 'Ibe present coal crisis is a clear example of this -the power of one man who for years has been supreme dic- tator of a "closed shop" union to force his will upon others. There is no questioo that the events of the past year will brlng forth in the 80th Congress an insi.sWlt demand for strong labor curbs. But we must not act in anger nor in ROY M. WATKINS and Associates Barbor 111 haste. 'lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~miii--iiiiiiiiiiii~ 'Ibe folly of hasty and inappropriate action on the part of t I legislators was evident in the recent Petrillo case. All labor is not bad-all unionism Is not bad, All union leadership is not bad In fact any thinking person will agree that Mr. Lewis has materially aided the COB] miners of America and union labor as a whole. But there must be a law-and Con- gress Is determined that there will be a law. Let us hope then that at last the entire system of free en- terprise will be advanced to a point where "the blessings of liberty" will be assured to ourselves and to our posterity In the "truest" sense of such a concept. Edison f,entennial Next February 11th, the centennial of Thomas ~·s birthday will be celebrated throughout the country. Maga- zines, newspapers, radios and the motion pictures will devote space and time to the life and achievements of the man who made the electric age possible. In this country, where industrial, farm and home electri- fication have progressed far beyond the rest of the world, our debt to Thomas Edison is Immeasurable, Nothing ever de- vi91!<1 or discoYered by man has done so much for all the pe<>r 5 Day LAUNDRY SERVICE *** Balb0a Cleaners 605 East Central Balboa pie as electric power. It Is both the most efficient and the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~ ~ of servants. It has enormously Increased the pro-iii ductlvlty and the earning power ol the worker. It has re- volutionized the tedmiques ol agriculture. Thomas ElllS<W1's living monwnent Is found in the great Industry wblch his work brought into being. Courageous individuals ptooeered electrical development in the days when tnany a skeptic thought It an impractical fad They prlwided electric aervlce for every section of the country. Year In and Yl!llr out, the Industry they fow1ded gave us more and m0tt pav...,r fOI' lelS and less money. It created enormous taxable assets for all units ol government, It became a great civllla- iag agency as well as a great economic agency. And today, lnst,,ad at resting on pest laurels. It Is looking forward to new horizons. to more and greater achievements. As an example, it rtoontly announced a $300,000,000 rural electrification pro- IP'8lll designed Ix> bring practically all farms within easy reach or power llneS. The Edl8oll Centemlal Is fully deserving of the elaborate ~It Is to mieive, It memorializes the most amazing era ol. OCOO<Blc Jil\411!118 and human bettenoent In the Jon& sweep of wortd )detnry. n. ........ a ..... ,,_ m ... 2 ft .. .,.. ~ .... a t .. ' rt ... a' -~IMC. N..-If_,,. .. tr1d .. ,. 1n: ... _., ...... _.. ..... __ .. ..,._ .... .. t a 0 • R If I Oas 1 •Household Appliances •Washing Machines •Heating Lamps •Radios • Broilmasters • O'Keef e and • Plugmast.ers Merritt Stoves -·- ISLAND APPLIAllCE SHOP LomW 8* On 11114 So '• 1JJdaa ..._ -·-I hrllA•F ..,A..._ .ftrae..._ __ Ull BA.I.BOA~ Does Your House Need Painting? -A..-- Owned and operated by World W11r D Veteran .eldng ,-oar permanent good will and palzonage. * For Free J!ltlfm1tea Phone HARBOR 2645 Lee C. Bean WINDOW GLASS (Small Sizes) Auto Glass • Boat Glass Boat Lettering HARBOR GLASS co~ We Are Bulldlag Dose Hard· to· Get SASH AND DOORS , to Order All Types of Boat Repairs stem112 Boat wm llfj . tr * Otul ... 'if . SE!jK IFS Pl 11• - BU W. BaJ Ave., Balboa -l'IM 1111 JM.-oo4 .A.ftr. Loe A9c'1l11 NOm 7 =17 ~ DAY llOBOOL Mortimer School M.IOonl --DAY IKIBOOL OPENll oor 1 or..s.:OoJLP-....._ a. &, •o-... .&., Odon! Pr•M1-1 Pbooe Bubor 151 DENTlllTll Dr. Obed Lucas DENTIST -~ W. Omtnl. -HIO NEWPOaT BAOB DB. OOBDON J:. B.APP DENTlln' -Weola-tnl --rail-I Newpwt CllnM>n. OampbeD Emerson Dentist llOl ea.a JDr:bwa7 Barbor m o OolOlladol Mar Harold K. Grauel Cha tie I "We OUnelv .. the Better Ilene 117 8enlD2 Othon _.. ----· ~--- • Veda Thompeon 1"cher ol Amo and()rpn ftlae .__ 51111fl . ................ .D.O. Dr, W. T;, MOODeF ..., ... n..tkuz• --0 '~, ----- Di', Marvin 1. Beitz . . ' . ftQ:, n 7 _. lmaz• _ Gal 11 • -w.o ,., •xkmt•mo a.__ , !'bone Harllol' S7 H. R. Hall, M. D. ~ ........ Hours: 27ll, lty Appoln- Telepbone Beican - U1 lkoadwaJ' Coot. - llllton IL Maxwell, IL D. llOl OoMt ~ 7 Ooloaa dol Mar Office Houn: 10-12; M ....__rlOG S. R. Monaco, M. D,. 814 Bay An., Bal'- -. 1m "' I). '?1ue:; I& ..... ,. By Appointmmt T. P. Reeder, IL D. Wm. L Spivey, H. D. ~-liars--w. Oealnl Otlloe: --Realdeace Rwbor 11"8-I llUllvrFOllS Raub & Bennett ... ,., ..... • J' r .. 1W 1"-po.otlllft., ~ - T 1 £0 -BtPlrtl .... 1117 w. Oletnl !fswpwta O Tl' a' see 11artMr m . Z.T.~O.D. Opl zta• -D.Ulllf7D ~ D11PU«JA'IWD ..... ... ... , ............. a.a. .... .. ==·-.... Robert A. Crawfclftl ' °"" D. ~ _.."'*'*'"".a n... lla ... KeWJ&tB1lllsml ----- JUDITH BLAND OeJIWt ml TMJ"f II • SS ' a •Mu rt n s b •, "'DI ..... ...._ Oii' I M .. Newport-Balboa Tourist Bureau AD M1, °' 'l'ft"1 tie r.wvpa, ......_, llMnlll. •a · a.-wor11Trtpe1a 0ie..,. hdwe. • • • a- Jin. llo7 ._ Ph. Barl>or S91. llOl Palm, ........ a-n: ....... to 8 p. m. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO BE WITHOUT A CALCULATOR FUUY AUTOMATIC in ALL CALCULATION :SET BOTH FACTOBS AlfD TOUCH OIE IET OIL I . ~ •. thla automatically moves the carriage to position .... ears the dials ... 1!arls the calculation ... shifts the car- e .. complete• the calculation ... clears both lcey• da. During th4& time saved the operator is writinq ·~•b ... true productive high speed. -- !''°'a de•OJUlrulloa ol lJh amtul.ag Ttm•SaYID~~ ,' j_ag CobaJol~ OD ¥QUI OW'D lnM'J;, 19JepboM O#j .. Santa Anita Turf Opens On Dec. 28 Beautltul Santa Anita pork bas everythlnc In readlneu to apen its greatest winter season of racing on Sanmlay, Dec. 28. and extending 50 d4)'W through Man:h 8. It will be the tenth annivtt- sary meeting with the richest program in the 500-odd years' his- tory of the sport to be offered. The opening feature presents the California Breeden' Olampion Stakes at a mile for an estimated purse of $72.000. greatest value ever recorded for stake hpnes. The $7500 Monrovia CUp race is also billed the same day. There will be a lhJ'ee.day lay-off until Wednesday, Jan. l , when the $50.000 San Carlos Handicap will be ataged be.fore t he banner ht>ll- day crowd. Each Saturday thereafter until the Santa Anita Handicap, $100.- 000 guaranteed the winner on March 1. and the $100,00Q..added Santa Anita Derby on March 8. a n outstanding $50.000 stakes will be orfered. Racing .after the rirst week, will be on Tuesdays thru Saturdays, starting at 1 p.m Horses rrom all parts or the ""'orld are now at Santa Anita park and others are being flown in. The Santa Anita Handicap attracted 125 nominations. Included were 20 star hones imported. rrom Europe and South America; Champions Assault and Armed with the winners of 88 stakes th.ls season ; and filly queen Busher with 17 stakes-winners in 1945 and 1944. It represents a great international turf line-up. The Derby drew 96 eligibles with six British stars and American juvenile champions. Many nationally known sports- men from out of state have reser- vations along with Southern Cali- fornia sport-lovers to take in the races at Santa Anita. here's to you here's to us all n at Say ''here's lo you" to all at home, to all your friends with Merry Christmas tidings. So visit STAG UQUORS now to choose your hottdoy tr&ot, We're stodted with fine champagnes, vinlage w1-, delightful liqueun. And we have Yuletide "toasts" In every kind of blended brand, Ryes and bourbons too. For generaus giYing select from our special gift cmomnents, But whatever you dioose, you'll bring ch.. lo al~ fot \hey've seen !ft... gifts In &quint ' • • 0 • • • n • • •• . ,, ' • ••• J ... ' • n . STAG UQUORS Wee& of Free Parldq .•. Pier Area . Newport Bt111dl , • • n Ts IMe D1 !• 11, lMI .. --... - 1 S~T WAT(ft £HCftOACHM£N~ 1 MIXED ZONE O' ,fll[SH AHO SAlT WATEft . J ,fll[SH WAT(lll: ft(C[DINQ. ! EDGE OF C0"'1TAMINAT10N ~ £OGE Of tONTAMINATIOH I CftlTICAL POINT. 1131-32. 1143-44 --PROJ!LEM FACDt'G COtJHTT-SCZ.::ty contamlnatton ot wu1crg:-rciu.nd fresh miter sources along the Orange eounty coast ls a aerlotu: problem brouqbt ab~t as water s upplies haTe been used up laster th.an the-y bcne been replaC'ed. The situation I.I diagrammed Clbo" by 0 .-:mqe County Wotu District from data ln a se•en-year study just eompleted by J. F. Poland of the 11, S. C.O- loglc Suney. The lhadod area between (4) the lllle ol contaminatton 1D 1931·32 mad (S) the llDe In 19'3·4'. shows that the aea (l) pushed contamln.ated water (2) lnlm:ad m much m Mftn·tentha of a mile at one polllt in 12 years. Should the fresh water table (3) drop hutber and permit co,tam.lnatton to extend Inland beyond a crlttcaJ po!Jlt (6), mixed water wW spreed rapidly d own-dip under •alua.b1e Orange county cropland.I. Poland apoke on Ht:ulta of hla study. at a co'.!nty·wlde meethtq of water uaen in Hunllnqton Beach Oct. 21. Cr.rnict:t•e mea:tulea, HTeral of w1Ucb me now under C01lllderatton,. abould be underto.ken en SOOJl as poulble, the wa1er dlat- rlc1 f~la. Warn Ships Must Stay Out San Clemente Defense Area Operating or anchoring any ves~ sel in the te.rritoriaJ waters sur- rounding San Oemen te Island is prohibited within a distance of 300 yards from low water mark, or within that part of Pyramid Cove lying north of a line be- tween a point 1000 yards south of China Point and a point 300 yards south of \Vhitewashed Rock, or Within a distance of 100 yards from low water mark in Wilson sea area defined except as are a uthorized by the Secretary of the Navy. Violation of restricted area ord- ers subject thE-offending vessel to forfeiture and the person guilty of interference may be punished by imprisonment of not more than ten years and may, at the discretion of the court, be fined not more than $10,000. Under the provisions of Federal Law. it is the duly of the U. S. Coast Guard to enforce the pro- HANSON'S Shade and linoleum Shop A N-BnDcllng N-FadllUee Venetian Blinds Window Shades Delivery •.• Installation Free Estimates For Qnlck Serwlce <JaB Beacon 5004-l 1012 2Snl St, Costa 111- Cove. Such states a nu11etin received by the Sportfishing association of Newport Harbor , from the U. S. visions of this order and patrolling '============= vessels have been instructed to seize and bring into port any ves· sel found in violation of same. Coast Guard, 11th Coast Guard I;::===========:; district, in Long Beach. At no time shall vessels or other craft be navigated within the defensive Your friends and mine Mn. Sherrill Osborne of Balboa IJland entertained recently with a bridge luncheon honoring her daughter. Mrs. Bevin Johnson, who ls spending the winter on the Island. l'OB INSllJl.ANCS !1131: Howard W. Gerrish 1-Newpmt- OOSTA MU.A PlilclM Berooa nn Carr's F.eed Store Hay and Grain Qual!ty Feeds -t- Dall7 Delhw7~ee,.a 044 llln N-l't Bl-..L COSTA JO!lllA Quality Lumber and Buildin1 Material• • COSTA MESA LUMBER CO, Bo l_,,, .• ;.._.,-n, 1_w"'" Oll:NEBAL BICP.&Dl8 HAIN'l'ENANCS • -JI.. 8olu.a11 e-fM'"'I Ml Oou* ........ .._. llxi• 1&11 I SAM'S SEA FOOD SPA Roast TURKEY lm..n CHICKE" $150 NEW YORK CUT STEAK. ----·--·-·-$%.511 WHOLE BBOUJ!D l.OBSTER .. ___ ... ______ .. _ $%.511 with drawn butter. " BBOU.ED SWORDns& STEAi[ ... -·--· .. ------.-$1.llO FRIED COMBINATION SEA FOOD ·-··-·-.. $1 !iO FRIED SHRIMP ·---$1.50 RAINBOW TBOUT-$1.'75 Hot Mince Pie with Brandy &as- 8oup1 • Salada • »e.erta Sam's Sea Food Spa and Fish Market Pllones' Lonr; llMcll -l9, 8Q%.OO and -iso1 Coast Blgbwa7 (Near s..I 8-la) A-sug98Stion ahout Long Distance holiday calls Our long distance lines are still carrying peak load!. Even though we have been adding to our long distance facilities all year long, the huge volume of everyd•y calls keeps oat equipment working at top capacity. So delayw in completing those friendly holiday greeting calls will be unavoidable. We suggest di.t if you call, you do ao oa days ather dwi Decem- b« 24 or 25. Thtntlt :1'Jll. Sertlatra C.liforaia Tetep!'.o_nt ~P,!1'1' ' llti Palm Sis Automobile • Fire Accident • Life Ucenoo and Contract Bondi Written A. E. HOSTETLER PIMJDe 8!1111 =on &015 ::111111u1111111,111r1111tUIJlllllllll111llll1Ull/Sllllll!ll111Ullllltllllllllllllll1111ttrl119!>1UlltfltlllllllUlllll!llJlllllll!lllll!lllll~ , Suggeslions f41r holiday lra~elen ! i ~ a ! i ! i ~ -~ ! %688 Newport Boulevard. 0-ta Meu i i ()pea 5 to 10 ~~;~:y P . M. SundaJS i . . iflllllll lll l!lllllll llllllUllll ....... llHIHllllJllllllllllllllll!llilllllllllllllllllll1111111tllltDtl!l!!lll•lllllllllll"9119111~ If you have a building problem .•• ................ ............... e C.. be .... for u imp'--1 .... ,.,·1• ..a.., ..... Mp. w.at ..,.ts, kr'',.,. _....._el.._....__. -IHl"Clal ..... n-. n.. .. 1 ........... e .... ,.,.. .... .. "o--.t 24• .. ...; ......... c.a -.... -.... Sllepllerd Bootll Sllpply Corp. ... w ...... !It, ..... .&a --n ~ . . -. . ~ ---~ ~ - • &.art your haliday trip • IOClll • ix-ible to avoid the nllh durinc am-. week. .• Make~. IOClll • pollible. e Be lllre to «ac your lUCPCe wilh proper indentiliad1X1: • Clieck .n mrpl111 lugace for hnllinc via bewce~ By following thc.e friendly •uescioDI you will ildp u ...,.,,,,, • ...,_ as maay aa.ckn as poaible dU. holiday_....., aacl euble u "' do ov best co - yoa wida die eqaipmea& cba& ~ ani11 Wr. Tllallk1 foe fOV coopctariOG: ~ ~ Santa fl· ~ " n -- The Perfect Gift for the Mother-to-Be A Donna-Marie Dress With Persooality of Individuality CVonnM!5"t[arie Shoppe 515 N. MalJo 111. AJ'Cade Bide· Saata Alla .._ - WO Wldttler Blvd, Eut Loo A'.npie. Diamond Rings the gift she wants the most. * Wrist Watches * Silverware * Costume Jewelry • RINGS D inner Birthstones Cocktail Novelties * Earrings * Brooches * Pearls * Bracelets * Bracelet Charms WE MAINTAIN A COMPLETE WATt:B AND .JEWELRY BEPAIB DEPABTMENT Special Jewelry Made to Your Own Order Diamond Setting &n d Engr&vlng Jewelry Van's • M. Van Drimlen Temporary Location ~ In Dennis Hogland Bldg. 1760 Newport Blvd. and Texaco Station _. . . Watch for Our Signs ' • Tlll&Dr! '•lt,llM Harbor Feminine Activities St. James Auxiliary Hears Reports of Church in China . Watch Repairing '8 8-aa M..& WIW'rn wn.c w....._ a 9peo1a11y Pnl..._ Pbllm 1637-R ''Even more important than IOBN R. SClBICK nllroads and communlcatlcm In wa <Joeot 11w7, o.ro... o1e1 - Cub Scouts of Pack 110 Give Xmas. Program ; Sixth Grade Girls New Webelos Den to Be Led by Dr. Vierling Decorate Library Pilot Class Names ~ ~a:a'.!1~ "":r-'i!"'~:~I ;::=========::; New Officers at speaker at the meeting ot the Ch P Women's Aux!llary of St. James A new Weblelos den for 11-year-"Christmas," and skits were given Girls of Miss Butler's sixth ristmaS arty Episcopal church, held Thursday olds \tjll be Conned in OJb Scout by De:M 1 and 2, each gtvina an gn..de room at thr Newport Beach The Christmas party and annual at the home of Mrs. C. L Trom, Pack 110 according to the an-interpretation of the old ~ Grammar school ananged the Udo Isle: nouncement made by Cubmaster ,.......... ... Christmas decorations in the election and installation ot offi. Teachers in the church schools, Les Perry at the pack meeting .. The Night Before Ouiltmas." children's department at the cers ot the Pilot class of Olrist Mrs. Allen and her husband went held Friday evening in the Cor-Afterward. "Den 13"' made up ot public library and achieved re-Church by the Sea was held" Fri-by sea from east China to Burma ona deJ Mar Grammar school men of the troop committee. gave markably lovely results. day evening at the home of Rev. &nd drove for five days by truck auditorium _.Y..ith 140 present. their own venion to the hilarious They chose three books and over the Burma Road to join their Leader of the new den will be approval of the Cubs. and Mrs. E. D. Goodell With 27 5Chool. A danifi .... _nt fact '" -arranged the scenes to represent __. __ ""°' u• • ...- Dr. Vier ling, C.Or ona del Mar Den 1 received the attendance the three CO\'er pjctllr'es. For A members present. gard to the church universities GIVE BOOKS • FOR A.LL AGES • '!be Most Oimple1e Selectlnn In Onnge C<Juncy o-u.. ean.. _,,,,_,., Cbrlstmu Wnpp!np Seals, Ribbons nes, Etc. • Estrellita's dentist. award and Den 5 the handicraft Child's Story of the Nativity they Harold Glass presided at the and schools in Oiina i& that many Planned by the Scout commit-award A silver collection was chose Kay Finch's madonna and business session. New officers of them are under the joint span-115 No. M&ln. Ph. 531S tee, a new award was given out taken up, adding some $22 to the angels, with the Babe in the elected and installed were Fred sorshlp of churches of different I :~===SANT==A=AN=' A===~ for the flnt time. It consisU treThasury. p ck tin will be aadle. Wood.worth, president; Herbert denominations and countries. of a tie clip with a star. with e next a mee g c::hoir boys, blue candles and a !ttcDonald. · vice president, and The creat ·aim of the National additional st.an to be added it its January l O with the theme 'The background of green boughs illus-Genevieve Barnes, 9eCretary, Epiecopal Claurcb of Ollna la that wearer . again receives the nom-New World," and skits will be trated a 01.ild'a Book of Christ-Gifts were presented to Harold it may become lndi&enous and !nation of best all around Cub put on by Dens 4, 5 and 6. mas Caroll while a Woods S tory Gius, retiring J;ftSldent, and to already there are eight Orlneae through popular acclaim and ap-was inspiration for a little fawn the teacher, William Mawson. bi.shopl in the 14 dioceses witll the proval of the Den Mother and Island Girl Honored against a backcround of green. Afterward there was a general ex-churches hoping In the future to Chief. The librarian. Mrs.. Harriet chfllge of gifts. be aelf..supportine. These new awards were re--Miss Mary Borchsenius of BaJ-Mar~n and her irtaf·f have Games were played with Mrs. Mrs. Keller turned the meet- ceived by Ha1l Seeley, Oen 1 ; boa Island, who ls attendinJ: the arranged a Qu-istmas tree so that Ross Owen taking the prize in one ing over to Mn. Otarles Deven· Buddy Dutton. Den 3 ; Jon Bar-University of Wyoming at Lara-the holiday spirit prevails game and awards for a second lsh, who will act as president as stad, Den 4; Robert Cunningham, mie, was pledged into Phi S igma throughout the building, giving a game going to Mr. and Mrs. Maw-Jong as she 1nmiains in the area. Den 5, and Freddy Shannon, Iota. national honorary language warm greeting to vacation read-son and Mr. and Mrs. Edward The annual parish meeting will Den 6. fraternity, on December 8. ers. Fruehan. be held Jan. 6 at the Ebell club Following the pledging cere-d dlnne tick ·11 be saJ Other awards were, Den 1, Bob-• an r ets WI on e mony mem~rs and new pled&es FAC B 'd S 0 ••0 n• GUESTS b th d f cats to Bill Ring, Bill Bacon, Bill rt ge eC. D<U.4KI"' Y e en o this Week. Mrs. T . were entertained at a supper at Mabelle and Gene Debra and W ~arke H bo 1041 R · Eastman and Stroller White; Ch D · .._.., • ar r -~ gen-Denner stripe to Sonny c.oane. the home of Dr. A. J . Dickman, anges ate children of Inglewood are to be eral chairman and assisting her head of the school's de ...... -+-.ent gu ts f th · k t Mrs o · Sml h H bo Den 3. Bobcat to Ned Davis, Wolf .,..,. ..._.. es or e conung wee a are . ixon t , ar r of modem languages. A change of date has been made the home of Mr. and Mrs. J . K. 1757-W·, Mrs. Frank P . CUnning-to Alan Sawtelle. Denner stripe to i th ti f F id Aft n e mee ng o r ay er-Elliott 900 E .. t n--an Front ham, Harbor l"~M and Mrs. Mike Henshaw and keeper of the I b' b ·dg ti hi h ' \A.'1:' ' uv.r b "·k' ... k H d Your Fn'ends & M1'ne noon cu s r> e sec on, w c Balboa. Harry Welch, Harbor 388. ucruo in to ,~,1 c ey en erson. will convene this coming Satur-------------------------- Den 4. Lee Hambrook, Denner Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McMillan, day, Dec. 14 in conjunction with stripe ; Tommy Holtz. two.year who have been residing wtth Mn. the bazaar at American Legion gold star : Russell Westman, one-McMillan's parents. Mr. and Mrs. hall, Costa Mesa. Harbor Hi Parent-Teacher Association Enjoys Program of Music and Drama II~!!! ~T ' ~ -.;; "Cap'n" Don s e<UJa1da"a. e~ year gold star; Jon Barstad, Lion Oscar Moe o! Balboa. moved this There will be a dessert luncheon badge ; Bill Kelter. one-year gold week into their new home at 523 at 12:30 p.m . and hostesses are st a r a nd keeper of the buckskin ; \Vestminister avenue, Newport 1\<trs. Bertha Tillotson and Miss llicky Williams, Bobcat pi n. Heights. Fra nces Damoth. Sammy Kauffman of Den 5 ------------------------- The Christmas program of the Westerman the famous one act Newport Harbor High School Par-play, "Dust of the Road," by Ken· ent Teacher Association was given neth Sawyer Goodman was "'MoR Uldqllile and Artlatle r.&$- December 10th, at 7 ;30 p.m. in pre-lD.C Plaae on tbe Wed CloMr' received his Denner stripe. In Den 6. Bobby Diehl received a Wolf gold arrow. J ohn Vultee had second-year gold star and Bear badge "'hile second-year gold stars went to Don Thomas and Freddy Shannon. Santa Brings Gifts to Assistance Leaguers; N ew Junior Group Attends First Meeting the high sch o 0 I auditorium. sented. In the cast were Kip ··underst anding True Values" was Nicol, Joy Jane Robinson, Ted ~ the them e of the month. Lehman, and Bob Slaughter. Delld.oa. T .h e president, Mrs. Wesley The Harbor Choristers, consist-Combination Theme of thl' evening wa.s Mrs. William White of Corona del Mar "'as hostess Tuesday for the Christmas party of Newport Harbor bra nch of the Assistance LOVELY TO LOUNGE A Tanis Chenille R obe IN A soft mannered robe this, with a special talent for complimenting you. Have one to make the most of these precious hours. Lush, deep chenille, extravagant sweep-in s!Prt· Styled with finesse. Enchanting colors to ch006e from. SIZES 12 to 20 DEAUVILLE SHOPPE $12.95 739 So. Coast Blvd. LAGUNA BEACH Phon• 8313 League. Cohostesses were Mrs. E. Fowler, called the meeting to ing ot the Girl's Sextet, together Dinners M . Ha rvey, Mrs. Everett Gardi-order. The Girl Scouts of Ameri-with Barbara Bonson, Shirley Fid· ner and Mrs. Arthur Best. ca, Troop 3, Jed the flag salu..te, ler, Lincoln Clark, Brian Hanz.al, ~ to.faster Billy White, dressed 85 while the invocation which fol-Sid Davidson, LeRoy Christenson. New and Unuoal Santa Claus, brought in a big lowed was given by the Reverend F. Inman, J . Snyder, L. Lionbar-Seafood Specialties pack of gifts and others were piled Ardys T . Dean, of St. James Epis-ger. and P. Inman closed the pro-A about the Christmu tree. Mem-copal church. gram. &.lo. bers had drawn names and re~ New dishes purchased by the Refreshments were served in For BMenaUoaa ceived gilts both practical and P .T.A. for special school functions, the school cafeteria with Mrs. BE AC 0 N pretty. Donations were brought it was announced, had arrived Otis Weatherwax as chairman of 5 4 6 5 for the proposed Presbyterian hos-during the afternoon. A nominat-the social hour, assisted by mem-OPEN ~ NIGBTS pital 8 n d t h e chairman, Mrs. ing conunittee consisting of Mrs. bers from Costa Mesa and New-5 tO 12 George Yardley, urged members Virginia H . Castle, Mrs. Donald ·ripo~r~t~H~e~i~gh~ts~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g to redouble their eforts in solicit-McCallum. Mrs. Clyde Otto and ing funds for the drive, which has Mrs. 0 . Z. Robertson was ap- but a little over two weeks to go. pointed. Some of the members of the Under the direction of Mi 5 s Visit • • • The LAMP LIGHT Shop Antiques newly organized. junior section M a r i e Hiebsch, a program of were present for the tint time, in-Christmas music was given by the eluding the chairman, Mn. Jon Girl's Sextet. Members compris- Allen; others were the Milles Ing the group were Ray J ones, Dorothy Westover. Alice Best and Grace Howland, Marjorie Gibbs, Ann Osburn; the Mesdames Rob-Margaret Kipp, Margaret Nelson, ';;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! ert Gardner, Wall, George Hol-and Marlene Jacobson, with PauJa ~ stein m and Frances Sherriffs. Castle as accompanist . Members present were the Mes· A panel discussion, "Problems Open Evenings Till 9 o'Clock OlStom•made lamps and shades made from your own treasured objects. Or, choose from our large selection of an- tique bases and fjplanted" lamps. Now is the time to Oloose your Xmas gift to the discriminating col- 1ector of antique silver, china, glass, and furni- ture .... You will f'ind our stock large and varied. BAY V.IEW CAFE Under Sarne Management ••• Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wells At Feny Landing, Balboa • Complet.ely Modem.bed • STEAKS -CUOPS • SEA FOOD JUMBO SHRIMPS 6 &. m. to 2 &. m.-Closed Tneed&y Fountain Service Inspection ot Our Kitchen Welcomed of Grading Pupils" was given by :~e~.H~ H~~~~e~ ;~ ~~ ~hree members of the faculty, Henry Niemeyer, Porter Durkee, oseph Hamblet, vice principal; Florence Heifetz, E. E. Bud.inot, Mrs. Roscine Feele y, of the Eng- Polly Walker . Braden Finch, H. lish department and Ashby Powell E. Christler, Addie Haugh, Victor of the metal and electric shop. Well known Christmas carols Grace, Salvatore Monaco, Willard were sung by the audience for a Killon, Jack Hillman, Virginia few minutes at the close of the Afternoon Tea Daily 2 - 4 Cas tle, Don McCallum, Eugene discussion. 1507 Coast Highway Corona de! Mar Conser, Ed Chapman, Robert 1;:U~nd~e~r~th;e ~di~'r~ec~t~io~n~o~f~Kar~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P0"-'<'11, S ally Best, Dick Wttitson. Raymond Harvey, Lonnie Vincent, Walter Franz. Spalding Sastman, Walter Spicer, Stanley Chambers, J. Addison Gurley, Paul Palmer, Edgar Hilt Grorge Yardley, Row- land Hodgkinson, C. L. Thom, George Holstein and Dixon Smith. BAYSIDE PLATING CO. SANTA We Claim to Have All the Silver in California Expert Silvermtiths • - -All Work Guaranteed ~-~~-'·:t rf' i i "I ,,....... ' .. ,: . : '\ . . ' \ \ . . . . • . LI Tell Them of These at Department Store atu•llldii1t1l9!!9!lll!lllll!ll!ll~llllllt."9lllllll<lllfl .. lll >.'111lll!llU l lll;il \ll l•l ll .. 11!.l '<l lltllt!.l !<llllt Ullletll I I • • I I ~ I CIS:T CERTIFICATE TO -------------------- $ "1Wlll~1191i~llll----~ ' ' . SILVER AND GOLD • Tea Services -Antique Flnlsblng • Trophie9 -.Jewelry -Candelabra Reflectors -Bathroom Flxlures Baby Shoes -Cenmfal MariDe Plating Badges and Souwnlrs -' ~ ~ -51U, .u.,.; Beu• .... Mgldl uu .......... ~AMmA -. I I