HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-01-26 - Newport Harbor News Pressco Volume '1 -NlllDber 18 Wedwday, ,.....,, 16, 1955 Clrculatlon 18.000 IMltrlbated la N8"pOl't lleeda. Balboa, Balboa ........ <Jo..-. deJ ...... eo.t.a ...... IAcaa ud So. fAcuu. Barbor 1118 Large New Mesa Development Told Million Dollar Project to House All-American DiJ1Cloaure of a million dollar-plus, major commercial de- velopment to be built on south aide of 19th St. between Har- bor Blvd. and Park Ave., Costa Mesa, was made today with announcement a huge, new All-American Market will bulwark the project. Joint announcement by Howard Lawson and Harve.f Somera, local C'om-i alt' ot LawllOn'• In p~vloua de- merclaJ building developera and Vl'lopm1'11ll. Bia H t hi uid l 0,. Adcl1t11mal bulldm1i:11 wlll rlae on YM u c '°"· pr eni ~ "'I Uu! ..iv•t side or Rart>or 81vd. re.neral managtr of the All·Amer· south of 19th St. There E. R. <.:arr, lean cha.In. dl'plc:ted the new mart Costa Me110, rormtr opt'rator ot aa belnJ a t the hub of t he mil· Carr'• F eed Storc-, will build a.Ill lion dollar Meaa project. The mar· atore1 totalln& t>OOO •q. rt. on the 110utheut comer of 191.h SL and ket will be principal tenant of Harbor Blvd. with entra.nco on what will be known •• Coit• Me· Harbor. aa Plaza. LAWl40N AND SOMERS ABClllTECT'S OONCEPTION-Drawing above 1how1 huge spread of million dollar eo.t.a X... P1aa and allied bulldinr• announced by developers. New, la.rie All-American Market will be ln Plua.. AJ aoon u plan•, now In pro-I Lawaon will build 8000 1q. n. c .. a. are drawn. C'Onatructlon wlll of atore apace adjacent to Carr'• l>e1ttn. 11tructul"t'. Complelln1t m feet of Harbor Blvd wlU be foul' mon Unique In SouU1Mlld commercial •toru to be built by Some,. and ALALUNGA PURCHASED BY SAN . DIEGO MEN Orange County'• largeat 1portaflablng veael crui.eed out or Newport H&rbor over the week end for a new home berth at San Diego. The JuxwioU8 6.'>tt. Alalunga bu bffn 80ld by J. S. Barrett, owner ot Port Oranre. to Lyman Mc- cloua Cledl9 bn'9 breulllt lat.o N_,,ort H&nlor tame ol alb&core, ... ..... buncada aDd otJMr aporU ft.lb "' t.be deep. Ba.nett wW malnta&a W. .._. able n..t ol oUlw ....a. • t.be MMOna1 nm out ol Port Oranp and baa ju.et aoqlllnd uiolher 100 feet of hl(hway propert)' Oii th• IJ1Jand aide Of t.be 00..t H l(h· way 0J1P09lt.e h.la AandlftC. n. new prope"'y wt1I be !n00J1'0ftoled lnto the Port 0,..... putdlls lot. Donald and James Hervey of the far 11e>utb port. YellltrOlll ... n.ft '!'tie ~l·huUed •-l la pow· 1 beeu th• a beence ot f lllh ln Nf· •Nd WiUI lf\Ull di-le which flclwt quanUUu durtnr lh• put 'nwft of a 2o.lll. r9d boy'• bl· have earned her far to au In ftiw aea110na to warrant runnln( cycle trtmmed la bl&c!k and white M&ttb ot tiny denlun.a. The craft l.he premium -.-L waa ttported t.o poUce rece11U)" by N portedly Mtted J!I0,000 lo Bar-Bulll In lV~• and ll ce!UM'd to , Mni. Carl VetUlll'Om of 606 Cam•· r·etl In the Mle which wu con-eoarry 12!1 pauengeni. the Alalunra 1 Uon Ave. She •Id the whttl wu sumated J'r1day. Reuon tor th• hu l>ffn conndc:~ the lut wonl ta.km f rom the Corona cMl Mar -.le, aeco~ t.o Banatl. ua 1n aportafl.ahlnJ v-1a. Hn apa-I s d 1ool J?OW>da. RE/NERT'S •.. ; . on the Ocean Front 40•h annual January MEN'S WOOL SLACKS SPECIAL 99ct. Tables ASST. IA THIN<i sum PLASTIC CURTAINS T SH•TS CHILDREN'S P.J.'1 llAS llLTS DOLLS SHORTS Aat. $15.95 -$18.95 socro off MEN'S NYLON SOX ~. 11.M • • • • • • 3fW. for SfOO LADIES KEDmES tc.c. 11.ts . . . . .•• MIN'S IOOSTEIS t'act.~ ..... 9 ,.,,,. .• PLAYTEX G•DLES Reg . 4.95 Reg. 5.95 DRESSES Ant.· Prices IUG YARN Rec·..,_ .. • • • . S399 ...... '3" Now $3.49 • Now SJ.ft • 1/3 .. 1/2 0 FF 11,. 99' AIOVI ITIMS WHIU THEY LAST _.__ Mally a... Auortecl NEWPORT llACH i ....... 0.. ....,. Mwll ,,_ ~_,.n ""'r Ill Al ._..._v __ "-~-~-~-~-~-~.:t::-::~=-~:....==:..._.::::==D=1=p::u::1~uw-::•,_.t•:==. --·-\ CARRIER USS WRIGHT TO ANCHOR HERE FEB. 22 The alreratt carrie1' USS Wrtpt wtll make a one-day underway cnd.M for hJ1b 1ebool and junior coUese youtba u Oranp County Na\')' LMcue su-ta. depart1ns from and retW"Dilas to N.wport Beeck • W ....... '• bUtbday, Feb. 22. Newport Pier-..,.._bl)-w1ll be med u a dock for boata talclnJ the yout.ha lo the aattop. t.be MJ8' f.U...n ud a 111-btt Not atnM 19.M wbee .,_..,. u vaJ at UM lfa-.y ~. wm be form- cratt eame to N~ ll&rtloc' In ed tor UM er\lJM by Mark Soden, cba1rm&n at th• Oran,. County. baaor of It.a dr.cl(1.nJ hu UM ar.. Navy Buddy prosn.m. bffn vi.alt~ otncl&lly. "By 11~ lb-caretully w lf!c· Prutdent Howard 8. 1.awlO.n ol led YOW\J m.n la our nel1bbor· the Oranie County CouncU. Navy ~ an opportWllty to obffrv' uaiu• of tbe United State.a, New-one branch of tha Armed SnVicee, port Beach, toda.y announc.d t.Ae -are «rtaUlly perlomuni a fine carrter hU been made avaJJable community H rvtce and a ,-~at ln· by A.dml"1 H. M. MarUn, Com· dJridlal favor for ea ch boy &lid man<Stt Air Force, P.cltlc rtfft. hla tallier who ma.ke lh• crulM, at YOUTRI INVITED a t.&me wbell \A.la aervtce la moet Senior boy• f rom all Oranr• deepentely n~." Law11011 Mld. County hl(b ecboola and J1&nlor rvTU1LE A C11\'mE8 colltCt' you~ ln the l~lt ac-• Futu n-. acUvlUu ot Ulla nature, bracket wtU be lnvlted to partk l-Law-tn.ronned Navy 1-cu• pate In the c:ruiat. Oroupe of 10-12 membeni. ~pend on the aic~ot young-•tert, together wltb ~ ot tMa lnJUaJ Pl'OJ'I""'. Crooke Becomes New Supervisor of Loca I Gas Co. I Appo1ntmV\1 ot J oe C. Crooke u local office .upervt.or wu an- nouncf'd Monday by Ju.aUn M Ken· nedy. d1vlalon mana,er of South- ern Countlea Cu Co. Crook• wtll cllrc:c:t ac:UvtUea ot Soulbern Coun- Uea Ca. Co. Oranre County Dlvl· 8'on In the HunUn('tOn Beach, Newport Beach and Laf\UI& Boch ottlcu end a.dJaccnt coutaJ com- munil1ea of Co«& Mua. San Cle- mente, San J uan Capistrano, s..aJ &ach and We•Un.lneter. He llUC· cee<U H. E. OrlfflJI Wllo t. lnna· fer1nc to the Banta Ana aa.I• of- fice. Crook• h.u served w ith South· em Cou.nUo Caa Co. al.nee 1'37 and haa !Men a member ot lh• Or- &ll(e County Oh1.llon 1talf aince Dec. l , UHi. Ht. ma.t recent u · atcnmu t wu that of a&Jea pr<>- moUOo llUper'VUor. Born ln Odon, lnd. he a ttended bolh elementary and hJ(h echoole ln Fullu ton. In lHt-37, foUcnrtn( coUep at UCLA and use. be WU a laborat~ry ln•t¥uct.or at F"UU~r· Lon JUJ1lor Colleg11. During the war be IM'TVed tbre. llnd onr·haJf Y"an ln lbe U .8. N&Y)'. Crooke b manif'd anti ha• two children. Steplml, ti and PegJ)'. 7. The tamlly Uvee In Santa Ana but anUclpau movtnc to the Harbor area. Be bu been a member of the PaC:ltlc Cout 0... A-.oclatton for 11 year. and la a.1ao ac:Uve In the Naval RMenre. de•elopment, backer• cllliJn the Lawaon on the northeut comer project embodi .. all advanuru of ot 19th St. and HJlrbor. Thue wW a.n oullyln1 ahoppln( center. yet I• r111e on land formerly I.wed by ln the heart of an w altn& t.own. Somera H a uffd-car lot.. He plan.a H t:GE M.AJlKl:T lo conatruct about 3eOO aq. ft. of All·Amerlc:an Markel WOI oc:-bu11d1n1• here. cupy 29,000 1q. fl of a 32,000 eq, WJIHam B Clark. Balboa. who ft. bulldlnf . The hug!' market. 130 dutgntd Law110n and &omen' x 180 fffl In dtm t"nllona, will ~ Fronlter Vll~e at ltt.11 Bt. and contain a meUAntne. ll wlU face P lacenUa Ave .• CGllta Meaa. I 18th 81. trom II• alt• mid-block al.ti(> de1tinlnc their lat.Ill ~­ and rlMI a bqut 17~ ftet b9ck from 1lrucUon. Ba.ckera an-.aced mod- lbe curt>. em dalin ualA• 11tWl.&rl&o lJUlo. Olber conetruc:Uon wlU -a vatl-will keynot. Ule new -.. '68t ... ft. mt.ore buildlnc nae to ~ta. ,_ wld .._ ....,. U.. w99t ol t.h• marllet INt la P">Jeel lllM ....._ 11 ........ UM aame edlflc.. Alw>lber it.rue-plan. tu~. coatalnln& about 11.UOO ... rt... wtu be built on the tM>ut.hweat ~mrr or ltth St. and Harbor Blvtt. Lt will be divided 1nt.o JO I or U ltor'•· drpeondlng on Ult tenant.a' r.qulremrnte. A lhlJ'd lllU1ld1nc "'lll rue on th• eoulh...i comer or 19th St. and Par k Ave. IL wlll cont.a.In •bout 12,000 eq. ft. ot n oor •pace and IJk .. wt.ae wlll be divided lnl.o aome ei«hl to 12 atoru. to .11ult ~n­ ant.11. Pl.Eln'Y or p A.&llL"G With a U ehape. the hure devtl· opmftll will have ort ·•tr«t.. In flU'lt par1Un1 tor 1pprox1maltl7 300 can 1'wo eotrancN wllh tw<>- _, tralfk w1U be provld"1 on ltlll St., OM Vtlendt.nc IOUth tbroug-h the block lo Cent.er St. and another IA eel for Harbor Blvd. between Bay P'Acrow Co. and Wut Auto Suppl.)'. Co•ta M-Pllll.a conal.IU ol 180,000 1q. n. of land of wn~ e<>,000 wtU be 1torw •pact, allow· Ing a two to oo• parking ratio. The Pl&a wlU have apace ror 300 cars. 110U BUILDOfOll CompllmeaUJI& c.ta Meea Pla- za wlU M t.hl"M buUdl.n,-a on lht north IMde ot ltth SL dlrf'CUy acrou from All-American Markrt, c:on.alellnC of five Lo Dint' aepu · ale alo~• with a t otal of Ii .000 aq. fl. In floor wpace. The butld- lnp will be aet back f rom the curb to allow ln front, of(·•tr~t parkin( fo?' aome 76 Clll"I. Two of t.h8e buUdinp already have beeJI •tarted w1th OeoTS• Markel and Robt-rt JenMf'I u contr11ctoni. One bulld.lng I.II owned by J . Walter Slal\Jey, Loe Anrtlce. an ueocl- Hutchison Reveals Plan on Huge Mart ........,., :.» ,, t ... ...................... crlc&JI M&IUU, ~ I laced llP-,...'-l ott lt-.n "'Oiu1" But· ....... •ftMrr et U.. c:ha1n'• n.....-llQper 8'&ltl.llt WbJch wt U -.PY a Matn.I porUon ot lb• n-CCMlt& M-~ 'nle l'U~r market la planned to open on or a!MNt July 1, be aa.ld. The -market, Ile l&Jd, Will be dMl.-ned to handle etroru-- 11 a bup •olume o4 bualn- 4uJcltlJ t.brCJQP 10 hJC'b·lpffd AU• tomauo check lllanda. GI.ANT MEAT ascJ'ION reatu.ree ot U,. 11-M-mart w1U lnclQCSe a Jiant meat depart· m m t. It w1U otfe.r both aell· .. r- vt~ and pe~ ~ meat.a. A new ty~. uJt.ra-m.odena prodlK'• dt partJnent le plaaMd tor th• market. Thia will pt'Ov1da wa.NllJI« and lrtmmlftJ fac:UIU.e IMN'd '" receive mom lnJ-tr.b produc• a_n1t place It on aa.lo within hour• oC II.a a rrival from tann and ranC'h. The {lOat.n food department Wilt c:oata.tn one ot tht larJ•t •pr•ad~ ot rdrl.«tr•ltd, •lf-wrvl<'e C'UH ever ~mb~ In a 8outhftm Callfnm la M.arlktt. Hut.c:haon M h1. It will be llUpPlemc:nted t.y ~ll<'a· l4'Men, dairy. ~venre. v1 rl .. ty and .undnl'e In l11rre. complfl• de· partmenta. L()('AL L'IPLOn:.a W ith 11om .. 110 employffl ""«'<led lo operat' thf' hu1t". r ew m•rkel, the chain prealclent t!l&ld c ..... ta Me•a rtllldtnt.a Will h.tvo tlrwt f>tl!f- ertnce ovr r P""'""n"I from our tide th<11 aru AU -Amtrlran Mukt-t under Blayn• Hutchlll<>n'• rroirre..tve leadtl'Vilr h•• bttome one nr t tvo ma.t watchf'd and lmttatl'•I ot food r h&Jna. Only 13 ytara a.co. Hutl'hlllOll with Lee fkhmto1. t.e.- NEWPORT FURNITURE CO • . ln C.ottgln, AJ Stalford Ulrf Car1 Hutchtl!On, ha11 butlt thf' All·Amf'r· lean ldi-a or 1<1lld meN'handllflnir With frlendlf , ('f,U r\fOUJI 11tmol1- phe" Into a tllX·market chain. TJ19 Chain U ll'ndll frcim l>Qwnf'y hl lf way to 8-n 01 .. go, with th,. new M"a m11rkl't •t to bf' lh,. !lf'Vl'nth link l"f'Wporl'• All · Amtr1can Markf't waa opened In l!Mfl wbil. the Corona del Mar market m~ It.a debut the next )'tar . January CLEARANCE LAST CHANCE TO SAYE •2000 O• Natio•aly Advertised SERT A HOTEL SPllNG & t.4A nlESS ..... 79.50 LAST CHANCE TO SAYE Oii FalRMI SIMMONS DEEPIEST SPRING awcl MATIIESS LAST CHANCE T 0 SAYE -12 J( 15 NYLON ..ct VISCOSI RUG ' •3000 • ret· H.50 •4000 • ..... 159.00 other sires at comparable sa'lings ,_A l.r: PlllCt: 59'5 llJALE PltJCt. 11f0 2620 .W. C-.t H ... w.y LIMrty 1-1113 ~!d N~• !!:, Center Lalhom Pleads notified CO•la Mtu poUoe at 11 :15 Guilty on Don. a.m. Saturday that P1oyd Burke, r-• 13. of 2004 Republic: SL ... bitten Asks Probation by a do( owned by Richard hr- genl of 2024 RepubUc. Dehery G••••••d o.u...,, of Ute Newport Harbor N-•Pr-la ~ an IM'd. A.U areu at. UM Cet· munlty are rap6dl.J ~ placed °'-c:&rr1tr daUftry. <.:amer boy1 w1U cleUnr Uietr paper• btfnre t p.m. Oft Mon· Jay and Thurldey. lf your .,-,,_ i. not ~It~ by that hoUJ' pln.ae ca.JI Harbor 1818 and a epedal route ma.ii wnU Immediate I)' r • • po a cl wtu. your copy ot your N.-,,ort Harbor New•l'n-. BANTA AN A (0CN8l -David R. Lalhom'7 11, IOO w. WU.Un Bt.. eo.t.a M .. a. rnda)' plead.cl f\l.llt)' to ~u1011 ot marlJwana and u ked for a probat.loll beannr. au,.nor Court JUdJ• John lbd (TIU'.ltM Latbcnl '. probatloa bear• Ill( recru-t. eat t.1aJ lt dow'll for ':10 a.m., , .... '· La lhom ... arrut.d Dec. ao. He wu "flrt-ted Ill oourt b7 public dtft ndtr Nick Meyer. n1e defendant i. In JaU 111 Ueu of $6000 bond. "-It.a come from ....i.-t pnetJce I A.a ad ""'*"' a Ut.la ,.._ WUI ~....,. .. ,_. 1 t ! PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -JAN. 26, 1955 Roland Briggs i8 Expected Home Officer Group Completed Q. JI. 8. N. Jtoluad II~ ... wbo f C la amlped to UU Kt.. Oqm.,_ or osta Mesa Grange ~00u..\,~-::::~1u. • HAS NEW OFFICERS Firewomen's Auxiliary Enjoys Social Evening Mrs. Lee l•Md ... o. .. lxplo1ioll and when ahe o~Md the O\'f'n donr I run1ulatf'd. bd.nf trntttd by a an upl~n occurred. ll Ml be-bumtr on top of the atow "''heft Lined the SU weat out a.ad ae-t.be door wu o~ed. Mn. llrtt.ola w. Lee ot 223 Poµpy r::==================:-i A.". Al l"900ftrinc at bom• trom t\rst desrM burna reoelftd over ber eatan face and um.. She WM COii&.& Mee& Orui• hald tu uw t.M club would ....-u and .W " ID laa DM,-o Jan. IL tint meettnc al the new yev Ju. w.n1.nC •t.ert&lD.mmt u.. lut m. lb.Ip wW be attacbed to Use Newport 8eac!a rtrewomen'1 were 1n chars• ot tbelr ftr1t bwif· t,...ted at Boas HCM!ptt&J lunday 10, la the 0.....,. hall CIG 'nNrtJa J'rt4&.y of -.ell =-tJI. na. pto-Tth 1'IMt oa the WMt Coaat. AUldll&r7 met at ui. bOlll• of Mra. n-. ....._. 'l'M7 included Kra. ud releued. boeplt&l aut.tiorlUu IT'S LIKE THE AIR YOU BREATHE ud Vtctona It.a. TM DeWl7 elec· ceeda wW p towvd parc:b&llq Roland wUI have a 20-d&y I.ave Harold Bebediol UT N&rdNul Doll art.coe, p~nt; Mn. L. J' . .aid. ted ottlcen wen on hand to ftll n-di.hea. one of tba club'1 pro-to 1pend With hJa parmt., Mr. A." Corcla& del Mar Oil Ju 1t ltr&ua, ~ ,.......t; IOs. llenin Kn. Lee WM lnjured whm au tlMir .catiou, tlM l1'0UP complet.-~ tor tha eua1nc year. Tiie and Mn. Robert J. Briu•. 1M2 .. • • Grehre, eecntarJ-tnuunr. which had appannUy CfOUect.ed In ed wbea Aw'•a.nt Steward LM-Jl'lbllc la eordiaily lnvit.-5 to come J'ullerton Ave., Coeta Me-. Mr. OlllUrt wb1ll ,,.. p1&yed wtdl Mn. m... memW. enj079d re-her ov.n exploded. ah~ Mid .iie tw Glab and t.611J 4-iatant st-· and join In an evenin1 of tlln. Ar· llrilP la a reUred N ayY man. ~ J&A ~ wbuWls llnl pr1lle lad tre.hment. at doM ot UM ...unc. wu ~ a CUMro&e 1D the oven al'd Mn. Glib were Wt&u.d In ranrement.a an 111 ('liars• ot Mn. land went to Harbor BJ&11 Schoel Mq. S.tty lwrunera t.alilll' aec-lfut Miit• WW be held I'• 11 ---------- their rMpecUve ottlcea by Po-Leland Cburc:hiU. and enlisted~ the Navy after tln· ond. at tha bome et Mn. WlWalla lltlt&. ..---------• mena M...ur Robert Wa.rdlow. • There wW be a pot luck .upper i.hlnc hi• 1tudlf'• there. N"' oaioen, NeeDtq .i.ctecS. TuAta A.._, N..,,on..Betpte. Otncen are, Don St.earu, ~ at 9:30 precedlns t.be lut meet· -;-------------;;;;;--------------· tfl'r; SteplMn Ta.It, overaeer; Mtw. UIS ot MCb mOllth wma tha but· • Frank PlillUpa. lecturer; X.... n.., m .. tln pl I p.a. Mn. Ila· Leu'8 a.an.u, cb.aplaiD; C-. bel Moor9.,,... stv• tile ollllpUon McG&Yl'SA, p&.elceeper; Mn. Har· u a new member ot tile order. old Bulhaell, tnuurer: Kra. Jo-Lecturer Kn. l'rank PtlWJpe had Mph Rapier, Me~t.uy; Bruce Ml• an"Ul&ed a varlecl p~ Of Mnbelmf'r. 1teward; ~it.er 01.,h, .... ~. and s.-ee ln which th• ...a.t&nt at.ward; Mn. Lf'.Ur member• participated. Olah. l&dy ...utant 1tewerd; Mra. Out-of-town vtalton were Mr. WIWam 111•. rlora; Mra. JAl&ad .ad Mre. W.1-Uucot ol BiAI· ChurdliU, O.ree: Mra. Ce.,na Mo-ham, W..., Mn. Len.a BaUey bl Gevran, Pomaaa; Mrs. Huso ~ Loe A.nplee, Mr. ud Mn. ftob. lau. jNianllt. ExecuUve commltt.ee· ert WardJow ot Wlat.nbufs. Re- mrn •~ Harold Bu•hnfll, Owen fruhmenta were Mrved by lb• A nkf'ny and Cecil Oeorst. committee. Mr. and Mr1. Harold Home l:conomJe41 Club ch&lr· Kyle, Mr. and Mr•. Ollh, Mr. and ma.n. Mr1. Ira Fo:a., announced Mn . Churchill. Bay Nursery Open House s.turclay, Jan. 29th f:OO a. a -5:00 p. m. Celebrating O\U' First Anniversary bl Our New Building With Increued Fadlltiea a.nd Larger Stock Anniversory Specials ,., _Po,..... '2'° WHITI lllCH reg. 4.00 Special ,.,.,~ 59(' MAGNOLIAS I gal. size • • Special FR!E GIFTS REFRESHMENTS ...., """•• R•dlo & TY Garden Consultant .. ,.,... JOI LITTLEFllLD 11 a .m.-"Bare Root Trees & 12 N -"Evergreen Trees" I p. m. -"Camellias 2 "A I II p. m.-nnua 1 UI B. 11Ua (MW 1"tae Ave.) Roses" GIFT OFFER EITEIDED ., .......... ,...._.,. ·-· ............. ~ AAaoe c ......... ,. .... ,. .. ... _.,., .... _ .... ,_ .. ,... ............................ _ ,, ...... , ...... , ... ·-....,.. _., ._ __ . (A ............. __,. ... _., ...-1 Gn YOUR Gin NOWI ANNOUNCING ....,... pold Ouorterty °" M 'wW C...ftaM ~ Acc•w"tl Moteh 11, Jv"• JO, &e,..•Mr >O o"tl D11u1be1 20 Cl" ""'9 few~). ...... ..,,..-.w ..... c.... ... ......... 1. , .............. -.1 ,~, ......... ,.., ..... __. .... . 2., .......................... ~ .. a10..000...,-......,...,...,.. '----.c....,.,111e .. a., ........... -... ..... , ..... ...,_..., ...... ....., ........ ,.. ..,. ,,, -'. .. "' ....... lllelh wwyl. 4 . ., .. _....~lily .. , .. ., ....... __ ........ ,.,_ !tie '•· PA·TRICIA'S ONCE.,A-SEASON SALE! BETTER DRESSES, SUITS AND COATS ALL FROM PATRICIA'S REGULAR STOCK l Draet1ca117 ..._. to Clear ~-a. to t11e u...a ..._ ca-It• .t &lie,..... .. ,... at. fered and Ute IU4lcaJoual7 Low Priale Ma&.d We II• __ ,....,,, !f• ~ ..... DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES KNITS SUITS COATS VALUES TO i9.91 VALUES TO 39.95 VALUES TO 19.91 VALUES TO ft.ti VALUES TO 65.00 VALUES TO 135.00 VALUES TO 99. 9$ 1300 .1900 2900 3900 29 00 ·4900 49 00 lfO ltJ'l'11lfD8-NG DClllAJlf8 .. AJJ Aln"1lull llercbudlle Off ... NJlc!$ te .,._ .... PATRICIA'S 312 Nortfl Sycarnore Street SANT A ANA, CAUFORNIA A_,.. Yottr 'ta.re ""'-' • Goo4 Pel/i,.. W«•-C•r~ . Enroll Now! lecome a Practical Nurse ,....., .... Q9 -4 ~ C.....t c-..iu .... ...,...._.. .,.. 11,_ .Up c~ ,_ ... _...1c .. el ,...u..a --· ,... .. ...a.. -' tw. .. ,,...,. ........ -4 ....... ..... ... ~ •ffl"-e .. ow. .....__ e.r-raaf94 •• 7'..,. c .. ....._. -......... .,. ............... .. Universal School of Practical Nursing Offen • NEW SHORT COURSE Day and Evening Cla1H1 a-. ........... ·-lM .... 9',... .. , ._. _ _.. •• -.. ... tar tTI te ti• e ...... ,."""' --......... •-.... .._ ._._ atal ..• ••" ...... -wt." ,,. ... _ .. , ,,_, ""' ·- •"4 ·-...... ,,. -...... . a..k ~ Adftlltap. of a PIAC11CAL NUISING CARIB • Hi9h lneotM C.,...r • lifefinM Security • Dignified Profession • Ple•s•nt Work • Free Diplom• -Pin -C.p end Uniform FIB PLACEMENT SERVICI Ow'!! ....... --w.. .. ........ .., .... ~ -........ ·-.. u,_ P8ft•...., ,... ,.,, • teie ,.,. ... Mn1oe ., Ml' P*:1M11• ...._ "'e flM j9'e fer 1ft. .......... , .............. .._, __ ,...__ ........ t ............ . 1>1tele. A 1 .. 1 .... ~Ur•I -rM •-t -......... ..,. ... . Piiotte Kl J.5453 for Free 1ook1et r ........ • •• •• •. • • • !'!. ~ -~'P!"!! • ~-••• • • • •. • ... • • •• •. • l tlal\WMI ~ _, PraeUoa1 N....... l , -·11 t:ut .u ''. "''" "' I : ,. ••• "-c •• ,, ... .. : .... _ ......... ., el ~ ..... .._ : ..... _ ... ~ ' ' : N.UU -··-~... ··-ACL ..... ' l ADDUSI ---·--' I I CITY ·-·-.... Ole; ___ _ j A.f'o U•1t1' 11 .. M ,._. -................... c. s, ·-----·'-· ·-·········-····················· ········-·····' NIWPolT SHOl .. A• ........ ft'llm YOU SAVI -.... PIDCllPTION .. .......... UFTl,Ltd. CUSTOM TAILOR .,...... ........ Suits Restyled .... ...,. ,....., amoa.a IUl&Aftlm MOD&La 'JOt9 0-, hra'-11. OWlltt 11111 N-.-ra 81K JU J..IMI II Mb. Ne el S "-c....+r, d _.) SANTA ~A ••• lt'1 simply there. We have II, we UM It. we &buae It ... and we think no more ot It: 8tst\L W• know that our eyN will lhow 111 th• way. They"ll UIJ ua ll'• day. or that It I• 1111'bt; ~y·u quleUy work and do their job. Well, eomtt&mff they hurt, are Und and wea.ry. But lh&t wUJ ,,._ •.• or wtll It! Don't lpor9 the wamtna •tcnalL Wben 11.nJn and !aUsue •tart to blur your vtalon ll'• nearty too late. Come In for a check-up and make IUA t.bat your eyu wUI alwaye be able Lo work tor you. ' Dr. Gordon OPTOMJ:TIUST 315 N. MAIN -AT FOURTH Plaoae IU l·Tlll (ORN ALL DAY UTt71lDAY) < '8~HardwDre n .... for •••• W eatberstripping Stop ......... _ •• Oii ...... , ... - WE HAYE ALL KINDS For door bottoms For aro1111d cloon and windows SPECIALS THIS WEEK v Coll Brome Strip I lechx 18 fMt $419 .... $1.60 roll SPECIAL I v Door Bottom Strip lr1u ind Felt .... US(), ..... 30 inch 88• 59~ 32 inch ·~93• 65f 36 inch $I.OS 79f 42 inch _ $1.23 .. , -WOODMAN MEATS INC. Fea ..... U. S. GOYT. GRADED, SELICT STALL FID STla lllF "GUARANTIED LOWUT PRICES AVAIL.AILE ANYWHIH" Steak Sgle! FULLY AGID AND TRIMMED T ·BONE STEAa< Porterhouse STEAK 590,. FILLET MIGNON Rll STE AK 390,. CLUI STEAK 45i,. 89c I TOPSIRLOIN 59c lb. STE AK D>. iAB'f"BIEF LIVER •••••• 29•. 29i.lr~R:o3;~~.55c NO • ...a ALL MEAT SKINLESS FRANKS STi f ro•~RTi A c 0 N • • • • • • • 2 '"· NOaTBEJlN MU C!:D SALMON STEAK 59il p;JltTRA LAIUo~ FRYING SHRIMP 6 LB. llOX I?. 1r. 59•. YOuNGJ;rOMT39c I vOuNci·t:HiN°y 419c TURKEYS I>. TURKEYS -9 •. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL SO. MAIN ....._. .• t·amw,.. MkL n o.,., Kl a.-8111 • • PAINTING IS FUN-Tbat'a the opinion of a group of young girls wboee work i.a cur· rently on display in the chlldren'a eectlon ot Newport Beach City Library. Young ar· tist.8. who range in age from 10 to 18, include Jean Ullman, Peggy Bu.sh, Suon Cole, J ody Frost and Susie Froat. Most of them started Jut 1ummer in a claa.s aponaored by Zonta Club, were ao interested they refuaed to atop. Says their teacher, Thelma Paddock Hope, "I juat want my children to aplash around and get the feel of oil paint. Soon they will mix colors without th.inking of it and will aay what they have t o aay freely in the medium without 1truggq against It. 1 atreaa difference. in value, the relation of one mue to another, and give them a helping hand when the whole thing aeem11 a mess, 'pulling it out of the wool' for them". -Stalf Photo Commulty Chest Meets~ Visiting Nurses Assn. to Hold Annual Dinner Date A.llDU&J ~bud.Ip ot Newpor1 B&ttlor Communlt7 CllMt wlll be held Tbunday at a :46 a.m. at Ir-own pb)l'licl.&n, on an hourly bula. ft.M Oout Country Club. The &nnaul dlruler mMUn1 of tbe Vlattin&' NurtJH .ANocWJGD of Orange County wlll be held a t Harbor HOUM ln Coeta Mae& on J.an. 31 at MVfll o'c.Joek. The Spe&l<t r of lb• eveAinl wtll be Miu Margaret Taylor, aaaoclat• proteMOr of public hMltb aur.U.. at UCLA. She will •peak on Ule pubhc llcaltll upecta ot the work ot the vlalll.ur nurM. Cohn GUbert. pruidait of ~ auoC't1tlon, will lead • 1meraJ di• CUUIOn Of vlaltina DW'M problem .. The V l'>.A. will 9t'lld a profeNion· al nu1ae Into any home to CAre tor lhf' crlllca.JJy 1U, and to work undn Lhe direction ot Ule patlent'a Harbor View P-TAHears Dean Huber PatJenta ~·Y ~ 1 .. tor UaJa A1l-donon to u.. a...~n an .ernce. Thoee uaable to pey part .u,ibla to attend. L&n Lavap.!Do. or all ot th• tee ma.y receve the Q.Mt prftldent. llald. A report of can lh'°'Alh the cooperauoa ot lut 'TMI"• campeJp w1Jl be pre· th• Commuruty Chest. .anted wttb lbe unual report. f"ew .Membera of the county board of ~. tor tai. 7ear wW be directora of the Vta1Un1 Nunea elected. .u.ocl&Uon who will lie pnMDt at -----------UM d.lnae.r wW t.ncllade, Helen Ro- bert.«>n of Fullerton: Mra. Ber. nard Muon and Alvin Holta <>f HunUngt.On Beach; Mr1, Jl:dau Slur or Laguna Beach; Mn. Ba.Ill Peteraon and Mr•. Clallen Land· ua of Newpon 8"cb: Mra. ltd· mund Ludw11 of Placenua: Mil- dred Wehr14!y, Mra. Dewitt Ch~.r. John H. GllberL Jr., l"redl1c Dun.- tan. Mra. Lynn Crawford. Jira. I:. D. Whit.a. l'nd Jo.huoo Md Mlu 'Ibelm& Patt.a ot Saata AD&; WU. ~ WUJ.I• aad MN. Lau,_ Wu-ren ot <>ranre . Gu.au will be r'eJN"'MlllaU.,.. of member orpnla&Uona ot Or- UI'• County CowM:Jl ot Comnuan· lq ~ put boe.rd IMalbara, ooaunJU.. members. and other In· tenllted cJU.... ''The tanuly 18 t.be most d)'n&ll'llc ----------- STOUP In the -rtd." .aid Fr.cl -----------Huber, d ... a ot llMl1 at Oru1• eo..t CoU.C•. ,.,... be ~ td memben 0( llarbo.r View P -TA at thf lr Jan. 11 evu.taa meeu,,.. 1n ht. •peech 00 1"amWee Ar• lmportul," Kr. Bl&Mr ~UJ.Md eome ot lb• ~ ladq tAe tamlly and tacwrs p~ ~rttal 1u«H•. A quutton and an.wer ~rtod followed. M ra. WUTCD Cllllll1\eJIC. pr•- "ded •l th• IN'aaton. which o~n­ ~ with th• na1 11&1ut• led by the fifth 1r11de Girl Scout. Patty Col- llna Barbara Bua:bea. Nllab Youns. 1...'oral Coonrod t.114 Gay n..n... NOW! THE PLACE Ann Mad JllUYTay . 'l1w7.,. me.m-t.o.. Ula.~ f'Xtra puunua anti bers of Troop •~ of wtllch Ml"I. lnc:hee -be ~y for your 'fj) Hua:nu 1a leader. 8~ lOf11. • M ra. O<>rdon Mt.Mabon,, wa1a \.:\..-~ .. ,.:· '° d ... , ___ ft •nn-W1-.... fl'• later th&n '-'OU t.hll\Jt ! : ! .At~ an mf'an• c ............ ---'--, ~, ,.,, • ,.., lb• P· TA t>ent!lt &bow 'Th• a.. Come ln and dac:uM yo ur I/ __ cl ~ dr&Uled Dra1on." ~ of F 11 u r • Pl"oblem1 wlUi ua.. 1'Qll e !!! whJ<'h will 10 ~ Harbor View and Free upl&natory tre&tmut MUllll·C.Kr 1 Coron11 dd M&r acltoola. It w1U la a.Jwaym rivm to every lady OOSTA llllSllA be •16'td Feb. 25 and 2e at Bar· ••ho can. a t our 8aJon. ni,.,.. 1190 Sewpor1 81.._ boT View auc1Jtonwn u4 la W>ck>r la no obllp tlon COBO.SA DEL MAii dJl"fcttan ot M.ni. Marlhdl& Ran· Phoae Harbor 17U Ml O..& HWJ. dall Yor muaic prntir...m. Mn. ~ for appoilltm.t ACOIU>'tl LAOtmA KAOll trt o r1u"r a.nc · Ore.nt M• o...r au, s. c-a w...,. 8~ ~w Lord L>up Pu ce or Mlad." Her c-..a Mar tOe ....-. A ... youn1 daqht.er, llilw M&r7 Lou !>.~ 111&.&Cll Gr1n11f'r accomp&nltd on the «l· OJ'!;.~ E\'l::'H~G .. 0-l - lo a nd Mr-William SchU&ttt wu ~~~~~~~~~~:~;;;;;;~~~~~-~-,~·~~~ at th~ piano. fr A ~ 1..1 I hoUr tol.JOlll•f'd the .a• •Ion With MCOlld &nd Wrd lrade room mot ber1 atrvtns; c:offee u d douc!Uluta. P· TA Council Plans Ge neral Session Wht tl lt\t f'Jle<:Ull\'C l>oard ot I Harbnr Council ot P-TAe met Uta momtnc, pta.na were oullilled for lh• 1m•r&l meeunr which will be held Feb. 1 at 9.Jo a.m. lo Ole admtnl9traUon buUdln1. Pruldena and comml!l~e rhem'Tl•n will al· tend Mr11. o..nn .. Moc land preQdecl and led di.cuaa1on on vartou.e ac- Uvll1u.. Theae Included a f'ou.nd· na Day propa.m. a_,,dlns of a life me-mberahlp and lh• CCPT convenuon ln May at Le» 4qe1-. Fur Restyling . SPECIAL! Du..r1q tau. alMll put°'ll ~,. W\U ree111e four ovteoded hit -• lat. a -n Stole or Clutch Cape s59so SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY 1HI FINEST AND LOWllT PllCID l'A"1 4-rteM MAPLE FURNITURI •..• an'lw~nv 0,... ~ .... ' ' Fuchsia Group to Hear Talk· on Camellias -----------4n., wtlo died Jan. 23 at the reld· JAN. 26, 1955 -COASTA( SHOPPER -PA&E J DIATH NOncl M.188 Ll'n4 JllAaT lttrllNILUI Funeral 11emoea tor Mi9 Litt.a Mary Burnb&m, 79, of Ile Orchltl 4-ce of aer .a.ier. Mn. Apiea Clarke, 117 Ooral Aft. wUJ bt nctat.. Interment wtU be ln Hat· held tomorrow, ll p.m. ~t . s.:tta. bor ~ MllDOl'i&l PartL Miaa B\IJ'Uam ii .untftd bJ Mortuary, Corona del Mar. 'nle -.Wra. Jira. a.n. ud Mn. Rev. Pa~ Moore Wb•ltt W1ll of-Maude Roue or Lmadoa; cme AS-.. land and oat nepnew, ~ Cl.ark Jr. of lt1MUo atJ. SM Uvecl ID tbe aanor -.... ~ ud membere ot the eo.ta Kua-Bay CltlM Bruch of UI• California National Fuch.lla loetety are lnvtted to a\tad their Dal r.plar moath17 meeting Tueaday, Feb. l, at 7 :30 p.m., 1n the l:verett Re& Scbool. corner of Hamilton and Meytr Sta., Costa Kua. ----------------------11ra. a.i. ,,...,_.. ot-..nao. i. U ,.an ud aa OaJ1londa D,..... aa.. 8'&nMm wu -. la Ton• ....,.., ........ .Arthur Wlrt.&. camellia lplCial- l•t from OraDI•· will llpeak on camel.U& bloom.a &ad camelllu srown 1111der the oalc tree1 ln the BunUng1.on Library 1arden1. Leo i.... tucbal& epeotall•t. will al.lo give a demoratratlon on the pruntnc of tuch.liaa. 'I'.No door prtzu wW be aw•..,...,....- Tbere will be a well •tocked blf tor the plant excllan1e. ReJre · mmta will be aerved. Admlu lon · i. tree and vlaltor1 are alw•Y-" welco.me. Values to$25.00 ••eutlful ,...... I , ......... y..., c.. I cao.u., 0u1 l FAMOUS um; Ba.AS -tlS No. Broach\•ay, Suta Aaa \.myy ml .. II BID SKlD ti slllrt U ....................... '1 .. lllltlfW..,.AIMt.---'~"'""".,a.JM-. "9 .... If llJt II ~ II 11111 .... 1111 ,_ WI II ...... • I 7• ad. Fleet Biscuit Mix -,; 36' Betty Crocker Bisquick -,; 39' Pure Lard :=r.,=:-'!: 19' Del Monte Catsup :: 11' Campbell's Soup := 1--:.10' Pancake.:. Mix =:-~ 19' Sleepy Hollow Syrup :: 29' SunnybMlc Margarine ~ 27• Showboat White Rice :: 16' Libby Pears = ": U• 9: 31• C & H Powdered Sugar2~21• Weuon Oil ..:= U• = 61• Mayday Oil .:= U• : 61• tines~ Money can auy\ ~~Y-4t!MP RIB ROAST 7" Cut from 1st Five libs USDA CHOICI llHf USDA groded CHOICf .... It top quollty --'· In the "8fewoy Meot Aging Plont, h goea o atep fvrtMr ..• becomlnt , ... fl,,.,, meOI money con buyl S<lentl"' 09lno brlnga out th. full i.nd.rneaa. the rid!, lulcy f1011or thot make• !hit 5tol'ldl119 •lb an epiC'll,_ mo1t.rplecel Trimming of excett bone and lot befote wel9hl"t ouurea you _.. eotlnt meat pet pound. At thlt -1caftcl'1 extr-o-low price, MN• the flnes1 lftOney con bvy .•. o "8t.-y •lb ho•tl SLICED BACON IWlfT"I (..,.,...1, Y....._ or W1hon Cwn ICI~ 1-lb. pk9. 49c) CORNED BEEF ~;:· IONBlll. ..................... VEAL ROLL GROUND BEEF FRANKFURTERS VlllUMO PACICID. ......., ..... ......... " ... •. 39' OCEAN PEICH ....._ ___ ,,......, c.,...a .. •• cw.. l'llU <WiB& 1" .u.t1al EDWAIDS Ceff• ::-·~ 91• QUAKER OATS HALF & HALF T °" 0uou,,,_ •ee .. Drip, Plne. llOI Hill COFFEE '.! 90c Lucerne. HoH mlllt, holf er""'· H-09enl1ecf, for <'9•-'• I co""· AJAX CLEAllSEI 21 ...... 17' 1~0' COft iaftl TIDE DETEIHNT PAIADE DETEIGEllT MF DmlGENT "A 1" MACARONI n..w style. Ooed ....... , .... 16;;: 19' *!; 37' '°;:: 17( ~37' -. . . . .. . -.... -e!18c =:. 35c WHIT£ lA YER CAKE COCOANUT ICID. Wftft ..... h1•1 ~H Avtty ... ..,. -..CHM IPICW w • ......,.._ .. .__ .......... ...,, 65( ...... ,, 71c. .._uc,-~l'allMNt s ...... ., =~ ::. 2Sc Miiii «• :r~ ::, 2lc ..... SllcM Mite .: 2k Fra•C..klel'.,._f Gr.._Crlders ~:' '!: l1c 111 n .. CrKkln ::-J~ me WHll Din 'e"= 27c U.S. No. 1 Idaho Ruueu APllCOTS ....WAT ca...ltty ~ 25' U"Pff'-4...._. - a.ovu HONEY ................. 121! 23' "";43< '°'8 COii -.mv_...._ 2~19' 2 ·= 27' lAINM MD. HfeMY .,, ..... ..._, tleNeotety "-••r'ffl • • • ¥ • .. ~-., . . -- "'8 EffKTM TmS .. flt~ Ul~ W.AIY 27. 21. 29. 1tSS. lf WIWAY ~ • ms AIU. (Thru Sundty 1n Storts op.-..,, 'It', 1t...I CH&-Z• ~--._...... ......................... .., .... o1 .......... .._ ~Hd•,""-. ...... '";; 2 7' 161! 49< ---------- STOli HOUIS DaUJ fLa lio 8 p,m.- ( Friday tm • p. ..... ) ........ , ..... to Ip.a 1722 Newport Blvcl., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON LAIGE PAVID LOT \ • -· , PAGE •-COASTAL: SHOPPER-:JAN. 26, ·19~5 .. Mater Dei Boosters Elect New Officers, Plan M ember Drive Bf-tore representatlvea of moat ot the 18 Catholic churchea In Orange County, the Booster11 Club ot Mater De1 High School held their annual eleclion Ult• wl'rk In the cllfeteria at lhe achool. Joe Smith takes ovu t he (&Yt>I u pre&ldent lrom Mike H11rrl1 or Costa Mesa. Smith 11 a member ot St. Joseph'~ parl~h In S<lnla Ana. Chuence B1u111 of St. Ann•''• In Santa Ana m oved up tu vice· prt'll1dent t urning hi.A 1ecretary'11 chair onr to Jack Mahoney or St. Jo.tt'ph'•. Santa Ana. Harry CrOA· by of St. Ma ry '• in Fullerton 1s the rww treuunr. Baden Powt-11. 1 'CLEMENTE NAVAL GUNFIRE WARNING San Clemtnll' l1;land will h<! ·l~erous to navigation today through S11lutJ11y und Sunday. <'out Guarcl offi<'l11I:. n•por·t· eJ. Naval i:unf1re Wiii bl&lll Castll' Ro<'k tnclay t h1 OUKh Friday trom 8 a 111 lu mid·. night and dayltKhl houn1 o( Saturday anJ Sunday Pyra- mid Covt-will ti;, rock .. u to· morrow from i a 111 lo 4 p.n1 ot St. Jo!leph'a puish, contlnun ----------- 811 dlrrctor ot public r•latloM tor Mat .. r IHI. -Live mercnants are th-whu advertise-patronize them. Plana were ct111cu1111NI tor an an- nual membt'rahlp drive tor a per· m&neN building Md scholarship 1 J fund lo aid in the t'ilptd growth or the s<•hool. Latest addition i11 the $8:1.000 gymnulum and Btu. dent l!ctivlty hall. Led by the Rev Michael Hanltm, principal of Mater Del, the booi!t- ers "'C're given s prtVIC'W or thl' new building and factllllu. The (Ym will be opened .early In Feb· ru«ry for the remainder of Mater NOW IN Tlll8 BOOK--Co1t.& MHa Building Official A. 0 .. 1·1! home baaketball 1ame1 now J . Vols abowa new clerk Mrs. George E. Dietzel Jr. the ~=l~gn~.layed at the YMCA In San- rope1 in the Meaa City Hall. Mn. Dietzel joined the de-All!() announcl'll was the flrl!t pu1.ment lut week. From Salt Lake City, U., the new "welcoming" pa rty ot the year. A All boosters were urged to bring building department clerk lives at 1991 Newport ve., two friend•. The party will be Costa Meu, with her husband and two sons, 10 and 3. held at Markd Hall, H36 s. Main, I Beta Si gma Phi G roup Studies Art of Oratory llll'rinS· Hat m•Uq wu aa- eounced for w.-....,, to ba Mad al u.. Mm• ol ...... l"orreet rv,u. aie.r. llOl Clay 8L IUlartnr b09t-cbJU• ror UM aeamon were Mn. atolM. Mrs. JamM Taylor and Mra. C. IC. Har· "The A rt of Ora tory" W.. p ro-dlJI. gnim highllght when mesnbent of I Mu Epe1lon Chapter, Beta Si,ma gpedal Nodca Phi, met at th• home of Mn. John • _____ _ Stotu, Slrnal Road. Mre. Rodn .. y y Newport Harbor Trotlf'r demonatrattd not only B. P. 0 . E . I corrl't'l uae of the voice, but prop-1787 er poaturP. Sh, wu aaalaled by A--1 Meet• every Thureday I p . .m. Mrs. J ack Qo1-11bury. Via Opurto _ Central Ave. lnJtial plana Wl're made for a I NeW11Urt Beach rummuge Hie to be held In the Elwood Shell. Exalted Ruler MA URIE STANLEY Announce• NEW LOCA TJON of THE STANLEY INSURANCE AGENC 3315 Eut C(>ast Hlfhway Corona d~I Mar OP ENJNO February 1. t9M NEW PHONE HARBOR 2474 PAY-LESS YOU ARIC CORDIALLY INVlTllO TO Tim GRAND OPENING P'ollowtnc ~modellns of the ROSSI'S CAFE THUR8DA Y, J.U:UARY 27, lMll FREE BUF FltT 2 :00 p. m. to 2:00 a. m. Buy Your NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llvd. LaCJUfta leach See U1 Today FOK HIGHEST TRADE -IN VALUE Mrt1. Dietul'a hobby i11 d rcaamaking. -Stdf Photo Santa Ana , at 8 p.rn. on Jan. 28. 1 0... Now trr ttrfif th yen, ~tu Del M D·~-1 N I H igh School 11 .. 1rown from 140 NIGHT & DAY & MOUDAYS n. 1.....-&e ew YounCJ Plea• Guilty 1ludent1 to the pruent ~-It II ACllOU NIOHWAY PIOM MOAG NOSPITAl Q I p . t• PL H 1616 D k D i • the only Catholic hllh achool ln l NEWPORT-.. ~ II.VD.-COSTA MU.A High ua ity r1n 1ng-n. or. M~Emp~yH ~~=~Y~~·0'142 ~0i~i'~e~Coiuin~cy~.~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~,~~~~~~~~~~i Mr•. Ceorge E. D1tt~el J r. or V1rgln16 Place, Co.ta Mella, plPad· I 1991 Newport Ave., Coata Mcaa. Jed (\Jiily J&n. 14 to a dnrnk dr1v-LIDO DRUGS atarted work In Co1ta M«"h Cit y Ing charse and paJd a S200 fine. Hall lut WM k 88 new building di!·: Nl'wport pollce m1t1r thl' arrest In lln alley behind 332 Polnaetua '"One of the IJdo Mope" partment clerk·typlat undrr A J t Ave when lhey u id thty ob.M>rved 3461 Via Lido, Neweart leach Vols, Mua bulldlnl ofnclal 'Youn( 1trikf' a bo11 rt! tr nre with ·r-~· A ruident ot the Mua for three hi• car. yean, Mr1. Dlelul 11 from Salt p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;w Lake City. Her hu.ba.nd la a ce- 111ent ma.on for Lybene &nd Kf'I· lar , contraclora. The DIC'l&ala have two .ona, Steven, 10. &nd Ricky, S. Residu her children, Mra. Diet• kl 1dmlh to a hobby or drea1· 1nu in1r. "l makf' all my own <lolbu," aha llo&.ld. Initiate Seven Into Bethel Call DAN'S TV Serriea . l&e•tale . 8aHtl Uberty 8-2228 MATl'RESSES ....... -~ lrrepl&r ~ I • llwrti' "-I JlUa Oea&a ..._ .....,_ (le. 11M N_.,.rt ..._ Jnllla llon of n~ ml'mbera. v1t11t / &.;;=:====;~~~=~ of th4' deputy 1nnd p&rdl&n and ~ pla nning of &n ouunc mark~ late· W.&Tl:a l:IEATEll8 •l •eullln ot Job'• l>a111thler1. MlU \HYICl -ll'AllS Co•ta Mua ~lhel l!)i J B. "~ Honored Queen J&n1c.-\\ hll" I l pru1d,.1t 11t Initia l.Ion of Mluu 06 6Ch 0 Ro~ M UI!' AnderlOn, J &net Lee PLUlltaUIU Ho!HI. Linck ~ertnr. Patty Por· r111111' 11 '" <:aNl oowN "-1. H""-PM t,.r F:Uyn tk&qUl•l . U nt1a ~t .. 11..r an•I I.Inda Wlllaey -=============: • waa otflctal vi.11 ••I Mr111. BE SURE -INSURE n. lbrlithl. deputy irand pan!· Ian "rul lhe J obin pttea1ted her wttb wttn ,. while crou df'COr&tf'd with M.A l;IU(;l. ~TAN Ll'.:'1' Ian~ 0.1> yellow flower& and dollar bllla Phone Harbor U1' All the ('lrl.I ue looklnc forward S3lll ,._ "'-' K .. tlway to lhr wet'k end In m ow rpuntry ('orotta d.-1 MM near P'orut Home 011 F eb 6 and ~====-======== 8. They wtU be accompanied by aoma of lht' m,.mbfon of th,. Moth· ars' Club R.etreahmenu co 111 11 1 r l e d thr evenln1. the table belll( decorated In the New Tear theme wtth 941r- -JIC'nUne and conf,.tU, and a t"loclr .. t at m ldnll(bL PAR~ · KWLEY MORT\l AB 't' P'ormerl1 ORA ll~L OllA.PIJL l It ero.d•&J -Coat.a ·- LAwty ... I:'" ......... In Mexico City Mr. and M.ra. Clarence R. Staal. •01 Kinn Place. are vaca ttoatnr a l Hott l Mnnr~ (".,.,.lno M~ldco Cll)'. JOHNSTONE'S Mna Allto Wreckers • Placentia Ave. OnN TT.AR ... O ftND f;vt;&Y OA 1' , ...... .,, ..... ,) NEWPORT HARBOR COMMUNITY PLAYERS SUGGEST YOU DON'T MISS Th• new hil.rious comedy . . . . ·MY 3 ANGELS' •• Bruce Martin FOil ALL TO UR INI UR.ANCll Nml:D8 ~ A11to-Tnlelc ~Fire-Ute LOCAL AOEm ..._._. Ofnc.-. Liberty ~ l.JMrty 8-~ I KITCHEN WASTE IASKOS ••s n;p • O!\'" -R..-d. }',.llow Tulip 0.-.!S'• Rrir. I.It 89c OHILD..0"1 JIG SAW i PU%nES 21c &er. 2te PAYLESS . t:u :cr1uc HEATING PAD I 8 Pftd Coalrol ""'«. ' •• 229 ·KLENZO FAC'I AL Tl"~t"lf: Whl..,. -MolUclolor.d IOO'a .... 11• l6c THU& ... out.a l'Oa TllVU., RI .. U.T . J an. 27.28,fi ' THREAD Iler . 10c l pooll 2'•1Sc Ullo& uaoanu.T or IBAPU and I TYLU R941. 99c $1 .98 I 1Wfri1erator BOTTLE 1 qt., .... ~it. I~ 121 VALET/NE SPECIALS JEWELRY CHESTS Sm•rt LHtherette Auorted Colon -Styl.s From $2.lO 2scro off CHI LOREN'S VALENTINES Pk9. of '42 with '42 Envelopes "C" Tablets ~ IDI· 3~ 1 ()() Ill(. ffc 2~ DI(. 119 39c. 4-0Z. C~MPBOILATSI> OIL nc HARBOR DRUGI 3301 .E. Cont HicJlaway, Coroea .. Mar BALBOA DRUGI 716 I . lalboa llvd., lalboa COMIS AIR Oolet'9 8lM!e , ........... 3c COSMETICS AYERS Luxuria Cream $2.50 nlue CARA NOME Hand Cream $2.50 velu• $1 .25 v•lue REVLON new superbase FREE wltll ..0 polWI both for YARDLEY English Lavender TaHet. Water nu;r; -. Ith box of l b.n ~p CHERAMY Skin Balm $2.00 v•lw DERMATICS S. A. Cleanser $1.75 v•lue $2.50 v•lue $1.SO "lue miniature bottle F1U:f: •1th larir~ bottt.o bot:: ~ ~ '1 " 63' ., .. T '1'6 '1 " RUBINSTEIN Hormone Face Cream and Raad Lotto• $5.00 v•lue for •3&a COLONIAL DAMES AD..,,_, C...... $2.SO nlue 6 B OLE FILLER PAPER FOi' I er I Reff! ...... ,.. lll:O. ·~ PLAsn c Knife and Fort& TRAYS ::::" 69c Reynold. ALUMINUM F 0 IL .... th PAYLESS . GUM 3c CANDYIARS NAJll.E ll&AND loxed Chocolates · PAYLESS . lllPO•TJU> IRIARPtNS -... 63c p.oo K. W llOWOCD.A.11 CIGARS .,-;: $2.29 ICE CREAM =Qta. gc ="'· 30C r ..4Y LESS . g •• *1 80ft ...... ,... I 1'Mn ON ....... ... cw. T nm• or IJIDUJfA ITUIGJIT • ,.8,... ow • Pr. lltll a.I. ].39 ... .. l .&t -W # C 1.71!3. :'~!"&~+ ~':'i' .c:-~ -0 5 -J :0 :i i i I I # ,_ , I \ County Parks Share State lmqrovements la th• Ital•'• nn-year pro~ far .cqulation and development of .iate parlu, Or&n&'• County will come for It.a •h•r• ot Improve· menta. The plan covera July l , 19:16 to June JO. lHO. CLOTHING STOUN FllOM IOCHI CAI BANTA ANA, (OCNB)- Dorothy A. Rodie, 260 Poppy An. told aherltf"a depuUH 1103.!IO worth oc clothinc w .. atolen from her c&r recently. Sh• aald the vehicle w ... perked ln a lot In Garden Grove. The vlcUm reported the Clove COmp<lrtment WU untouched. A leather jacket a.l8o wu by-paued by the thief. Tbe car wu Wllocked, ottlcen Aid. Under or.,,.e County beach project. approved Wider a county muter plan or propoaed are Ctty ----------- and llaA Clemente Beach, Capt.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim trano Beach. Dana P oint Beach, Anoya Salada Beach. Three Arch· ea 84&ch. Moro Canyon Beach and Bola& ChJca Beach for a total of 4t,MO beach front feet and U,• a&0.000. Beach project• ln Ula county wtth no a pproved muter plan In Ule propm are San Clemm te Beach and HunUn(ton Beach. ~In&' area• In the county Uauel under the California Stal• Park •Y•tem Include Corona dd Mar Beach State Park, Doheny 8-c.b State Park. Huntington 8-ch State Perk, Newport Beach St.at• Park and San Cltmtnle 8-c.b Stat• Park. ~O~T~~"'l?~ • ... ...,. •-r 6JI l /:.,fl Now Showing ------·------------ STARTS 8 UNDA Y Mesa Kids' Fire Training Clas1e1 legun at School A aertea of three tralniD&' clue- ea for Main School children ln Coat• Meaa tieran Thunday In fire prevention and conaervaUon. Show· lnf motion picture. on aafety mf'uurt• were Oranct County Fire P~ventlon Offlctr Carl Down•, a.ul1ted by Terrel Harper. The clu.tea a.re co-1po1UOred by 0thl' ~ta J.fl"i<a voluntel'r tlr«' dt- 1 pjj,rtment, 1'l'p1.-1ented by Jllre Pre· vt nllon Officer R&lph Lu. ''Purpc»e of the cluMll." LM ILIU\ounc.d. "la to let the boy• and pl.a Jcnow aboUt the fire preven· Uon pros-ram and how It worlu.." Check Ult of tire prevention atcp• were distributed a mong the cluldren. When they have taktn the neceuary corrective mtaJ1Uru In t.beir bomea. Orange County JunJor Ranger certlflcalt1 and b&dgea wUl be awarded. Lee addtd. ''Teacher• and their ecllool cla&lff are welcome to phone me and make arrangemrnl.9 to vl91t the local 1taUon." CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 PUHJ·BLOOK OOllPANT -IJIO 8. llalJI 8&., Suta A.Ba PUJllOll -OINDER A.ND OONCR.ETI! BLOOD B.l!INFOBOINO STE.EL aad 801'1'LIE8 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Supertor Avenue Coat& .Meaa. Calit. Phone Liberty •·2121 CHAPEL SY THI> SEA 8520 IC. Cout Blvd. Corona del Har. Callt. Phone SarbOr '2 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME Tom Sisto Hurt in Rear ..... d Collision "The SUver Chalice" PERMANENTS la Poaelble back lnjurlea were re-D A N ' S celnd by Tom Sl1to, 438 Ftmleaf Clnl'lll&.~ope & Wanier Color Ave. Saturday night when the car WIUI BARBER SHOP tn which he was riding w1111 mvolv· Vl1lOINIA. MAYO e<S ln a craah at Cout Highway BALBOA TBEATR.E BLDG. ~ ............. bataliau- llAFFORD 6 ION "Nl:LI aod oocr IU.COl'lllOAl. OONTllAO'l'Oaa ...... 1Aert7 ~ .... llt ......... A.-N_..,. .... CHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE NEWPORT HARIOR AREA LL LEHIGH 9-1634 RCl'CU:~RT .. ,. STA TE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST ATE PR IV AT~ DETECTIVE AGENCY ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM -Ph Harbor 1616 JAN. 26, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 5 HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura .. SEKVlt;E WIT~ HOVH8 -WHL'I ~'"EE.OED"" OOMPLt.'TE LAUNDERERS aad CLEANERS llA.KL'li'Ek'8 Mll.E NEWPUKT BUOll &nJ Balboa Blvd .. police reported. PlP.:R A.NGl:U BALBOA Slato WU In a car driven by IACK PAI.ANOE Opell r.Na7 &Iara.....,.., High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Horace Leonard Jr .. 22, nme ad-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!~~=========~=~==;:'.:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~:====;;~~;;~~~;;:=~=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~!_~!.!_~~~-=~~.:_~~~~~~ dreaa. ll rl'portedly was struck fro.m behind by & car drlvtn by Chari .. Crosby Turnl'r Ill, 21 ot Lo-Anrete11. TUrntt r lalmed hi• car braJ<ea failed him when he ap- proached the IAonard auto 1top- ped for a traffic light. Charles Lewis Named Mesa Kl wan Ian of Year O\ulu H. Lewi•. mathematic• wtructor and director ot th• dlvt· llk>n of nalural ac:ltncea and math· emauc. at Orange Cout Coller•. wu named Klwanlan of the Year by the Co.wt& Mt.sa Kiwanl1° Club recently. . L I D 0 '7fca..,trc £,,., 8bowa Stan 1:46 ContlnuoUll 8ua. hom I :SO Alway• Plenty Parld.Gr 8howtac PrWa7 Tbru TuHda7 Alex Guin...S1 a~:- 1. tM c-ct.r "THE DETECTIVE" Secoad FMture GEORGE MO!'w"TGOM:i:RY in "MASTERSON OF KANSAS" KJd's Mat. Sat., 1 :45 .. ARROW IN THE DUST" STARTS WEDNESDAY FOR '7 DAYS ,. ~ UfJrld's Most Beaut!fid Animal I " I Lewla wu honored by the atr· vtce club tor hi• actlvltle1 on the behalf of youth of U\e community. He hU aerved the dub u director of t.Mlr youth committee. l.Awla wu pr•~led with an electric clock to llgnallze the honor. ·when you can own a 3 bedroom home for RlDAY aad "4ATV&DAY IUcMrd Wklmarll 9T ake the High Gl'Ollnd' tloao c ,,.wfoNt "Torch So1MJ" Adal.. !Mk' AUcl"'• FREE wtUli .......... Pla111i11 t1 build a bome af yaur awn? ltehrtL SATTLER HMll« J8U ro• A LOW-COIT USY·PAYMEMT aUILDINQ LOAN eo.u .,, "'--• n.... .,., .... • ~" ,,,...~ • lflltrut ii tl&orgt4 nlr u .... f UJU .,., -'"""" • A~• ii -"' ft>r _..,. • .,. t.kr towe"4 ... ...,,,,.d ... ~' • Per-4Mh11a ,~.,_, .. , ,,_ A,...../w ~ State Mutual Savi!l!JS ~ ~ Ht UU &llllllllH ~ . . : ................. ,...,...... : : ,, ...... .....,... ,.., . : ..... ,,... .~ ...... ·.c:: : ' """' ..... tA#tr ... ; ................. ····· ......... .- ,, mlJOOT '•I ......... llfwtot., lllfPI l ""'11TESIA ~~~'.\MANKIEWICZ -~-·., TlCH"ICOl09' iiiil'lll ·• •·Ulll amA·ISSll mlll ":SEW HORIZON!)" -CARTOOS -:SE\\"~ l:\01'. MhoW• 1 p. m . rXtifl!J Contlnuou• 8wa. from I :3.0 \'Ol"R LAST TIME 8ATUBOA l' TO 8U 8upel'llOOJ)e -VERA Cff.IJZ" -Tf'ChnlC"olor rlJ'A&Y COOPl:H -BUllT LAS('At4Tt:R kJdtl' MAU-Sat. 2 p.m. -"WAGON MASTf:R• .B~1 -JEFF CHANDLER 'JACK PALANCE WDMILLA TCBERINA • RrrA GAM THE MOST AMAZING COLOR SPECTACU EVER BROUGHT TO THE SCREENI 26 $ 00 prlaclpal plos and ama.11 lDterat clO!'ln~ OOAta PER MONTH D 0 w N , MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA VETS or NON· VETS •7995 FULL PRICE I • Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE QUALITY FEATURES All &droom1 '"tw111 1bt1" ,.,.nuln,. lath &11d p1 ... 1 .. r S·bfodrm. -JUIS M!llAl'e ffft unl1n roof Th••rm1..Jor elrf"lrlr hvatn " In lmth" Amer11'an !iilandard c-olol"fd klh nitUrt''8 Marllte o•·tr tot>. •O-caJ. ,. at r r l11•et1•r I.arc,. ~pant,. 1t11r•&f' room n orn ..... , ~. ln•ula~ ffllinre Minimum lot .,,,. i :no ..qn•r" ,,.,.t J I _____ 1 ~omeJ Andes Realty-Sales Apnts -LI M565 -Open 9 to 1 Daily ... ' - ~~ , ........ , WITH SALLIE , .. ...,. 21, 1965 ~ of dolla1'9 from Httle dlmee grow • • • Keep marcldas Uttle d1meta ••• By yOGl"lelf you're oal:y • tbha dime a-Juilial{ ~ a bacJa of key• ••• Bat whm YCMI dimell iet to- ptbert Wow! Wonder how ... y dlmee we'd have If everybody ~bed In th•lr poeketa. 8iapid out the dlmett fro1:1 the rHt of the loo9'e chanie and mailf'd or took thf'm to th•lr IOt'al March of DlIQH headquar- ters •.. Now don't ~·• tht1 dlme9 wroa~ •.. th•y're not a bit fUMy ••. th•y'd jwlt u soon march with a fltty oeat plecifl or a hun- dred dollar check ... "The more the merrir.r ,.. th~y My, "For a r;reat man~· un- fortunate people." Freez:eni ! H ow to buy meat for •hem ! Now our Carl J on<'t., head or our MeAt De· partment, would iust Re soon properly age half a <'hoice Manning'• beef for you, cut and wt'ap It for your frf'f.'7Rr , according to your taste . . If that ie your usual Jl'"OC<'d· tm! .., httVing meat far y our fref!zer . . . But Carl nlso ~ants everyone to know that "be will gladly frtt1A'r wrap any cut of meat purchased at no additional cost . . Whllt I'm trying l '> s.ay, kids, IR t h is ... WRtl'h the• w 't'k·c>n•I SJH" cials ... When · u11 M-t· pot routs on fo r 39c. buy up a dozen or so . . . Carl wiU rreez.er wnp • hem for you .. Call him on th~ phont' ... He'll have .hem ready for you ... or deliver them .. lf you watcl Carl's Rll('Ciala week afur week ... you 'll have n othing but the cut.8 you pref<'r in your freer.er . . . no waste here, because you're only paying for trimmed meat .•. Wat ch Carl's Bpttials .. he rotates them . . . Lut week it wu round and ah:lol.11 11teak and ground round . . . the wc-ek befort' Pork route • • • d <"ouple of weeks t>Eofore chicl<eng ... But don't think you're buying anything infer· lor . . . When Carl runs •J>t'- c1a.la .•. 1t la the same r hoice qualitl' Manning's beef, Eut· ern Pork and Chickens from our own ranch, t hat appears week in and year nut in ou r tbow cuea ... Note.t from '"·' little "What'i. Nf!w" Book .•• C r o 11 • e ud Bladcw,.ll't1 Ooek·a.-Leelde Soup, oee of Sc.-otlud'i. oldest diAbee ... C~·a.-Lfielde IDe&U Chkken, ct.lk-atf>I~· flavor- ed rib LH-b. a aath•e Soottisb hnh ... Pn!Wth·ei- ly, but df'flnlttl)• th.-m0st ••ory chkkf'n M>Up I've ran ~ ... RNrty too, wtth big bltft of rhkkn 1 ~ the barley U'OUJtd . . . en..e & Blaclnrf'll bi u old u the hU~ ... M""t people aft faml.Har ... h ~r caaned fruit ca.lcf'1', paddbap ud htta&. ... 'l'IM-lr wbok-liDf' of l'OUIJ8 wtll aot dlA&ppolnt thO!W' who want nothlni but t~ flDeet ..• Crab a la Mary- IMd. Cl'Nm of 8hrtn.r •.. of V&ch~ (po ato with 11u1""f'lathea I ) of On· IOlla (try thk-kf'llill« It a IHtle for ut epiicureaa a.-..uce) ••• Coel!llUD- me Madri&eM ( H~at bMe for rDNt. ft8h or \'f'llt· MaMe aaladA) .•• CrOAMi -..cl BlldrweD'a llOVJ"' ..,.... aat COllCelltnUd • • . you .-ply pour In a tWlOe pan -..cl beat ..• do not dltut.-. Shady Oak Frozen mush- room.a . . . Ah ! They don't lute exactly like freah mush- rooma, but they don't taste like citnned mutihrooma either . . . They have a mUIJhroom taete nil their own ... No Ill wute here, whole rouahroorM all cleanf'd and ready to U8e In JUsl a matter of minutes! when you t haw them under1 the cold water tap . . Not new. but back aga.in . . • Tropi-Paya Fresh Frozen Pa- paya Juice. Cocoanut Ju.ice and Pineapple juice ... ~ tropical thll"llt gueoohen are the baby of a kr Koeeel of Anaheim who bu Ma own papaya gmve11 ln Hawaii and Mexico • • • Alld what ln~ esting tutea appett, when ~ blend wome of theee de- Ugbttul n avoni with other jukiee . .. THUISDA Y SPICIALS OiiN'i", ROLLS 6 ... 1~ DuiCiiCilicH.-... bf 24c FRIDAY SPECIALS ' SATURDAY SPECIALS Richard'• ia OD4' of the Udo Sbo.-, ~eel at • •truce to Udo Ille, New· "" ... U'IQAIA JO& Mil. 21,. AND .. 1866 '· ' ' COASTAL 8HOPPb -IAN. t6. 19$5 Rlchscl's Choice Meats Hf',.. """""°" Bout • • , OMOttg OU'° u. 8. Cbolce '7-BoM POT ROAST *W""'1r/"1 wU-fre•-wgetab1"" U. S. Ohokoie O·BONE· ROAST ·D~ • ~ lfOlll -lt'' Fl"flM ud Lea.a· Beat Quality GROUND BEEF •rrow. IM la!MI of cont" Rat.b'a BlMlrhawk SLICED BACON .. ,,""-of Pv.re •utent Pork" Rath'a No. 1 RO:.L SAUSAGE e lb. 39c lb. 59c lb. 39c lb. 63c lb. 39c ''TAl.K ABOUT•' FOODS • FOODS FROM RICHAllD'S •re "talked •bout" the world over. Distinctive quelity MMi1. Fresh produce •nd • mile long selection of F1mous Br•nds 9ive c:.usa for eucJt wide sprMCI ent~sm. Shop tod•y et Rid.erd's •nd you too wil lwle ....._ to "NA about" food. ~Rome or Bqsia'a Yoa.c COFFEE J>utcGld Gnde AA, ta 8eore BUTTER 3 ,_ W Om ,. , •• TOMATO SOUP ·~ ..... 2 25 CA TSUP .. -99'5...,._ ,., c TM--.U 17c MARGARINE i .. ..__ __ HEWf I t c.r... 36C CREAMED TUNA I a_tta__ , .. £9c 1 .. ~9c fOtLET. n5SUI _ 2...1fc Kic'HU~~-:;~ 4 .. at= SAua. ____ 3 .. 1tc ;R.JN1 JUICE .. _ .. _ 1fc GIVt THE YMCA "MOIE DllYI IN '55" WITH YOUR SUPPOIT ••• • • Phll94elplala 0..... 2 27C CHEESE : ~ ~ for . PEA SOUP. !! 2 tor 27c MACARONI SALAD ~23c iiLLAM001 cHEEsE ss= ~ n.e ,,..,.. $675 CANNED HAM ·~~ ~ Ha . --.. a .. """' 3c TIDBITS. -,.,·-·---·--4 8 ...... fuiIDP1E _~ 4 ... W DTtitif RS _! 5 7c ORANGE JUICE! 6 ,., 79c iCf CREAM~ 7'f . Sunny Goodness -Green and Fresh Gold• JUpe -Central Americaa BANANAS 2 1b •• 25c Fancy, Sweet, Arbona GRAPEFRUIT 8 1b. "' 39c Freeh, Criap, Local ROMAINE J • 2 Wh1 ...