HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-02 - Newport Harbor News PressI ' J f 1 t ~o VO.... 1 -NDlber 39 COUNCIL APPROVES OIL LEASE CHANGES Co1ncil Honon 'Pete' Nelso1 on letireme1t With only two qlM9Uona ral.eed tntervenllon from May 31, 194& to A certlftcat.e or good cltl.aenahJp from the meager audience wblch the •lcntnr of Tideland• Act In wu pre-led to .A.. M. "Pete" 111~. Thia time waa lost to the NelllOn, retired buUdtnr depart-.at ln on the adjourned city coun-t lo ~ da b company ~auae of the queatlon men emp yee, -on y L m, y en meellnr Monday •.m., council of title. the Newport Beach City Council. membera approved una.nlmowaly "I am only tnte.rellled that the The certificate l'Md: 'Thia i. the am1ondmenta to the ll:lllolt 011 city not r et Into UM! aluatlon to cerWy that .A. M. Nelaon ha.a Ct>ntract. Hana Broertns wu the which now ext.ta ln Huntlna-ton rendered valuable and dl.•llnruJlh· only abaent councilman. JHaoh," Wlll.l&ma aald. I ed eervtce to the City ot New- Arthur Wllllama quelrtloned the The aecond question waa ra!Md port Be&cb u bulldlnr lnapector exten.alon of time which the by Ed ·Healy of tea-allty or not for the paat 26 year• and In due amendment gjvea to lilonlerey Oil putting th• amendmenla to the and proper recognition or thla Oo. and whether or not the city vote or the people. ex.ample of civic pride and lntereat ahould "up the ante" for the ex-'"nle City Charter provldu for and aa a sincere expreulon of our telulon period. renewai. or exten11lons or existing deep appreciation or tht. coopera· TIME L08T Jeaau," Davia explained. "Thia lion and aid and lntere.at thereof, Ctl)' Attorney Karl L)'D.11 Davi• amendment la not a teaae In the we preaent thlla certificate or good and ICmelrt Pylea ot Monte.rey Oil rlrat 1n11tance nor le It a.n extenlllon clllzenahlp." Co. uplalned the extenalon or I or rlght11, onfy an extenalon or Member• or the council and time wu brought about by fedc>ral time." those In the audience atood durlng the wave of a pplauu which tol- Can Bend Fenders SUrht render bender occurred · recently &t Goldenrod Ave. 1U1d Cout Htghw&y ~tween cars drlv· en by Frank Newrll Camp or Jqnr Beach and John Allen De Coal• lllclewood, police a&id. Camp 11&id he was atop~ at the lntt'rM!CllOn WILllJng ror lhC' trattlc alpal when the De Costa car hit hlra trom behind. L I D 0 71c,~ ... ('t, . . NOW TRRU ruE8. -r&E WORLD'S IOST BEAUTIFUL ANIMAL!" ~ - ...... llAlllJOOT Ci•:r!~sA TCCHNICOLOR AL.i;iO ~l\LJ:CTED ~HORTK KIO!'! MAT ~AT. I :411 I .tK'Ule Rall •LOOK \\ato·~ l..At:mu~<;" l'TAHTS wgo~"'E~DA\' ''There's No Business Lice Sllow Business" AU Star Cut r!tlii'!J La11t Tlmf' l'at. '"" C'h~ndlPr '•l'k Palan•'" 'The Sitn of T1te Pacian' In Nlt"ma'OC'or•· "'"0 "10001 Wonders" I l \ t'&MI In ~h1klnc 'The Son9 of The Land' l'TART8 Mf':\'. -'7 llA\'.!' Two ftlir ~flow" Freedom Homes Meet on Taxes Die Th~ Week · A meeting of all chairmen or the Freedom Taxpayera Uague In Freedom Homes tract will be held aometlme this wttk to du1cu.u new lnfonnallon obtalned In ef- rorla to 11potllght exael reaJ10n11 for a pparent lnequttlu In monthly payments tor t ract home purchas- er11, It waa announced today. Since the public proteat meeting of mor. lha.n !100 home ownera In the tract at Rell Sehool J an. 2 1, a aeven-man permanent commltt..ee haa been fonnt'd, an attorney ob- tained, Uld Incorporation or the taxpayera league waa alarted at the end of lut week. L~C'ORPORATIO~ MO\"E Th,. Incorporation acUon wu launchtd by Attorney William Adam,., wbo haa donated hla eer· vtcea u a home purcha.aer In lhe Fret'dom Homt.s tract. Other actions, membera of the leac-ue In· dlcatc>, will tal<e pace rollowlng Incorporation of the croup. T'rea.wurer Fra.nk C. Ow• ot the pumanent committee Nport· ed sun wu contrttMlted by t.be home Ru.i;_c.bUen pro~-c ln- C!l'-4 IDOftthly tall coDed.lou ln· ........ -....~--at the Rea llchoot ae9'on Jaa. n . etnc. then, the treuury a.mount ha.a r lHft to 1382. ••. Owen aald. A.KEAS DtvlDf:D The Freedom Homea tract bu ~n divided by the commltlH Into 111 acrH of ~ homea u ch A chairman ha.a bttn appointed In each ar'a to contact member11 ot t ht' lr ag11r. Tht' ~nnllntnt comm1ttu 1a composed of the rollow1ng. Prfffc.lant V. F:. MncC&rter. 930 {)()gwood, ~ccrl'lary R. S. Sar· jC't'nt, 2024 R tpubhc: Treuurer F. t:. Ov.•cn. 934 Evergreen: Nick Mard!'~IC'h, 2034 Republic; MMI. A. E. Wrl111. 979 Linden Pl11ce: J,.ue ('. Wlkox, 929 Cl"dar, and Mni. ~emlng, 909 Arbor. Swigart Files 511,915 Sail in Car Crash SANTA A't\A IOC:'l.-Sl-A Bal· boa ~ hM !tied l'Ult In SUfK'r• lor Court llet'klnit ll 0.91l:'I tJ&meg,._ In ronn.-ct 1on with " traffic ml~hap on Hli:hway 39. llO r .... t Muth of H11111r<.l Ave .. J uly 12, 19!'>4. .Jnlln J. Rwti;11rt, t1ntnK buslnt1111 IUI lht Jnhn J . Hw1~11rt <.:o .. nf OrAni;r, l>A~ lo,Si:c-•I th!' rompl11tnL ~RmP<I "'' dPf•mdant 1• J nvrh C. Vlf'rm Jr. or Buen" Puk. ldwed the preaentaUon by Mayor Dora Hill. Bloodmobile Due Here _on Friday The Red Cron Bloodmobile uni will ~ at the Amerle&11 Ltfion Hall, l~th It Bay St.a. Friday from 3 t o 7 p.m., It wu announced to- day. Local resident.a are urred by lo- cal chapter orr1c1a.i. to be donors to kc>ep an amply aupply of whole blood In the regional center to meet the lncrea.stng dtmand for blood from the four Orana-e Coun- ty ho11pltala. Many patient.a have received tranerualou due to aevere lllneu. surwery or hlgtiway a«ldenta. ln addtUon to thla, during the put ytar, 22 people In the N-port Harbor and Coet& Me• aru.a have bun given 1034 cc'a ot "ra.mma- clobulln" 11erum to pttvtnt or modify a poulble cue ot polio. lt required 147 pl.nta of whole bloo.J to make thla amoW1t ot aerum, ofllclal.w Hid. Oonor11 11hould call Ha.rbor lM~ ror an appolntmenL DellYery G•• •faed Dell.,_., ot UM New-pert Har--J(.,r~rre. .. ....... an~ .A.II -CIC UM 0-.-~ -----..... "84'9d -earrwr .... WWJ. Carner boy• will 4-UYV lllctr papuw befo'N • p.m. on Mon· day and 'J'bunda,y. U )'OUT JMl.Per la not ckUwnd by that hour pleue call Barbor HH and a sped&! route man wtU Immediately r • a p o n d with youT copy of your Newport Harbor New•Preu. Divorce Asked Vera Lucu or Coit& M-hu rlled ault In Orange County Court· houae, a.skin« divorce from Rieb· ard Lucu. MID-WINTER SPECIAL J Feb. I st to Much I 5th Re9ular $1 ()00 PERMAN-ENTS $750 Hair C'utHnc IMludf'd A N~w Specialty "Patti-Nail'' ... ..s·\Tf' rtltlfod I. IJff' Ma,iraahtf' All Work Cluarsatftd MORE TIME FOR MESA TO SOLVE DRAINAGE 4.n ..._lllt1 MD co-autMrecl ~7 Earl W. Stanley of the Harbor area haa atfOl'ded the Qty ot COila ~ more Ume on dn.ln· &g'e problem&. A-mbly Bill No. 17110t (lated Jan. 18, bu elven a two-year ex· tenaJon on &llocaUon of llt&t.t tuad.e to local arenclea for th• cca.truc· lion of public worka. Involved ror Coata Mata '8 llH,· 000. acc0n1inr to City Manqer George W. Ct>ttey. Betore Ula ex· teruJlon of Ume, Ct>ffey aal4. Coat& Meaa WH auppoaed to baY• It.a appUcaUon ror waiA&' the tu.da In by June of thU year and die pro- ject completed by June of 1961. HOPED roa FUNDe Meaa city coWlcll hoped to U\· elude the atate monlea ln Ulle llWD· brr one project facln( Ulem - adequate dralnare eolutton. City Engineer R. L. Patteraoa Uiform- ed the COUJldl an lmmedlat. drain· age project to launch aoluUon In thre-e major areu would coat $260,000. Pa.tte~ ..um.atecl Ula.l lC all avallable ...ut&nce waa obtained through county and et.at. tunda. the city would need adlllUonaUy $81,000 to launch a atomt dnlnare system that would h&lllllle M- growtlt tor Z~ yean. Howe,,..., Immediate )ro.pecta on the two-third• ap~ YOte n~ to no.ta cit~ bond l111ue mi1bt be dim 1.-uch u A11e11tio1 to Meu for v•~ Trill So1gll ~ COllta 11-Ctty ~ Mt 7 :ao p.m. ll&reh 1 u • um. of a prote« lleartnr on a ,..-11 pro- P<>Md IO-ecN ann~ t.o the city Jlmtl. .A. ~ -,....,... X-· day .._.. ti-. v~,. •ia m. a... ..... .,. ... ....... .._., ....... CO sin cent ol the popul.Uon Uvea on t.be eut side or toW!S bet wee:n lath St. and 10th St., leu than a fourth or the dty'a total ana. There la no upec1al drainare prob- lem ln tbll •~· But In the thin- ly populated northweat t1eellon of the city, the dralnact' problem i. aerlow lo pro~rly planned fu- tutt rrowt.h of the community. OBA.JN AGE HEADACHE On the norlhwMt aectlon ot town there are more than 800 acree of land rurnlahlnf M-ot- tlctala a drainage headacht'. ThJ.a ..,_ repreiwnta the l"re&letit aource of· potential rrowth In Coate Mua. Jt Uee between Har- bor Blvd. and Placentia Ave. ln- lide the dty limlta oft WU.on St, Jn the tact et lncreaaed taxa- Uon, a comiJIS .chool bond election and the tiJl&lldal aetbacka which occur at the ftnt or the year, It wu oblvoua to UM city fathen the 40 per cent of the populace not ~rtlcularly concerned with flood condlUona durinC raJna mtpt de- a.ny bond -1-ae launched too quickly. The new .-mbly blU g1vea en added two-yHr lHWay ahould the IH4,000 la atate monlu be ear- rn&rked by M-councilmen for the dral:nap project and thm the bond INUe be defeated. Jl would furnl.eh city offtdala ample time to figure out a n-dralna,.e at- tack. 2 SPECTATORS THEFT VICTIMS Two thett.a ot bub ca~ Wtr'fl reported lo ,affce Saturday by apec:t.atore at the P'rtday nipt Newport Beach~Ana­ btlm be.aketti..U game. Olenn Thomu of 2151 Ir- vine An .• Collt.a MMe, told police four hube were taken rrom hu car parked on Holly t.aaa. RQcu Sany Jr. of llM &. 1Mil k, eo.t& Me•, &a.Id U. tour Wire ..._.. ..,... takm troa .,.. .. ~--.. u.. ... Mn. Scarrone Gets 31-diy Rap on Checks SANT~ ANA (0CN8J -A pretty -year-<>ld brunette who rormerl llvt'd ln Newport ~aeh Friday waa aentenced to jail for 30 daya and placed on three yeara probation atter admitting paaalns 40 bad Cht'Cka. Victoria L. l!!carrone, whoae foT· mer addn!H wu 1201 Cllrr Drive, Informed Superlor Judge John Shea through hl'r attorney that I aht' had made rull reatltuUon. The aellinit or tht huu .. •lded In mak-I Ing the chttka cood. It WU brought out. I Total amount ot the bogus check• w .. Ml at u ~oo. Thl'y I werr cubed In Orange County. Long Beach and Loa Angeles. J.loat or thl'm were paMed In exclusive woml'n'a wear ahopa. Mr•. Scarrone waa arruted by Newport Beach pallet for Santa .Ana police. She wu divorced from her huab&nd Ma.rlo Scarrone fut July. The(fetenaan -_. ... .... -.m--. t.ktO. ANgu • l\w«I' ~ -;::;:;.:; :==;;.... a ~&SAV.W •ailriaos '(!1 pl• Gt:NI': llELl.V •• .. er.., ... w..,. .. ClraalalloR· 1UOO Dlatrtbated la Newport Beach. .... ..,_ IAlud. Ooroaa clel II•, Vona •eea.l...-.ud8o.Upa. paaMd approaJmalely 17000 bad checks on htr huab4lnd'e Ontario nrm berore their marrlace wn1t on the rocka. They bad no chll· dren. Judie Sbu told the YOWll' wo- man "You juat Uke to live hl&'h. wide and handsome." Jt. rondltlon of the probation wu that tht ddendant keep a monthly tncom• and expenae account for checkln1t by the proballon depart· ment. .... 1818 MOii COUNCl.MEN COST CITY $400 Newport Beach'• two ad· dltonal councilmen, whomever they may be, will COil the city 1200 ae<'h. City rouncll pa.ad an ap- propriation or $COO tht. mom· in& tor nece-ry remodellnf In tht <'h&mber to accommo- dalAI the addltlonal two r.p- "'8fln la ti VY. CDM FOlllGN TRAYEl: SllYICI 35421/2 E. Coast Hlway c.,_ ... IW Harl»or 408 Coline Gibbons . Dorothy McKenna • Marguerite Hugbe9 Spttla.lldn« la ladeptidnt IUaerartee. toan, crulAH • --AO pbuee of fonlp travel aad J"flllOrt vacadou. COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE FEBRUARY 8PmtAL Silclmpoo Wave_.~150 PE&M.ANENl'8 ~ llall'Cl9t .... -elMl'Ji-up, ...._pOo A _.,. •1Nlt after , .. , ,.,__, ···-··--v Ma~e Appointments Early ed by N.-port Bl'YCL. Fair »rtnl•~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~::~=~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~ Uld hlrnrtr .... Uotir u.. j ~ bo9ndary 0( Co.ta Mu&. The tlnn cl&1med to be ownen of more t.h&D ooe-balt the land tn~ volYed by ..,._ and a.eee-d va.Ju- aUon u dlown on the laat equal- ised _,,ent roll In th• coun- ty. .A.ppro'f'&l hu been aecund from t.be Oranc• County Boundary eoau.u.ton OD the lecaJ deecr1p- Uon and plat of the unJnhablt.ed a.rea, the councl1 wu Informed. InYOh'ed la Lot A or Ule .B&nn· lnr Tract ln Rancho Sanli.afo d« Sa.nla Ana.. The tract bortkn th• -t line ot Ule Southern C&li- rornJa Bib.le Collere. SWEETHEARTa1~ SALE HIT & MISS IUGS tit x .. ·~ va1- 21c LadJ8 NYLON BRIEFS 'Cll." A-4· 7. P1.nJc or "llJI.#. tlk , ... _ 49c Mto"" IUJIC \\'Mt.alerproef Cic)arette UcJhter AUl&alor' n1dellil 98c llAMllOO GRASS RAKES Eer.11 23c Olrra 1-trt.. Nyloniled Panties 8faM I -It Ptak. Mae. Yeti.-, Orfttl alld "llltf' •. . , ....... 39c Import.ct ("nunl" FIGURINES WW1r. tl!c 67c SI A-"'4 C.Uo Pq. YALINTINES ,_....I for T-ai.r 25c HJp f' ......... q..ltty EARRINGS a.a. SUMI 59c ""°r1H r ... u, Pad! IUllLI IATH to l~lllrlllful l'leUle I bn•,.. 98c ~OXF.MA SKIN CIEAM 69c $v.,1t11rt • l111ml! \-.nu'11 rar J'fOWl'd lhtOUlth hnrrtrndf'~ On Hlithway 31• 1Utrl ll\llltnP1i into a plPC't of ha~ rq11t1•m,.nt. ~wli:tt rt w <1s 11 ~ub<'•,nt rnrhlr on hljthwlly lmprnvenwnL BALBOA INN BEAUTY SALON Mn'• OetlalM ~phlll C'..ombfod f'ot'- ~o ir 11 H -llt('a..d PILLOWCASES ' Thi' rlo lntltr B~:<t't l8 thr block· lldt' Wl\M Hght('d. s ' '"~ '-~ I '; \ i ' " .. BALBOA INN AR<JADE-PBONE HARBOR 81'7 Mid Wiater • . , ) 'J . , .. with Ease Sltop witll Ease Any day Every Day tit • ARGYLE SOX Mt.am Pf'd tor Dnbrolclf'r; ,..,,. 81u. 10 -11 Keir. f 1.00 69c 98c ,..,.._ 8CRAAP'1'"1"M CHOCOLATES HMrt "°'"" ! lb '1 00 1 lb. '200 2 lb. '400 Prlcetl EffN"tlvr Thtll'L, Frt., SU. Feb. S-4-5 121 w. 19'11 St. at PIM.tla COSTA MESA Liberty 8-3231 ..• and Scores More t/ I i PA6E 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -FEB. 2. 1955 Laguna Concerts Assn. Names Officer Group Troop 19 Girl ·~Couts Hear About English Girl Guides klna will be ••r C\t o' Gold" with nunbow decor. The food pantry wtJI lie well •tocked wit h dellclou• home-cooked foocb tor a&ll' .,.nd the tver.,,opular <'oetllmt jl'wt'lry booth wUl ~ open. A ho,.t -talent procram w1U precede an afternoon Burnham, Flenstein Homes Sold to Hutsons. Mrs. Grant of carda with prts.1 and the~ Two of U do lale's flnHt wattr Members o! Girl Scout Troop 19 along with their leader , 1 girls Invited theotr mot hi'~ 10 the will be •pedal door prtMe u well. rront homl-11 have b ·c:1 eold. ac· LAGUNA OONCl:RTS -w.2-2• throush M&tth 6 with headquar- 1 Mni. Wildan Thomas and co-leadC'r Mrs. Arthur Remley, wPre annual birthday p.-1ty. B~1ul1ful 1 Pro<·e~ ot this bl'ndlt v.•111 be cordln; to Emery S. Hnnso:i. \'k e· The Community Concert. AM<>-ter• In the cbamber of commeru spellbound when their specia l guest M rs. Sidney .Sanders l"Cram1c &lft.a m&de by Lhe girls us ·d tnr 8('holart1hlp11. pruldenl of the Newport Harbor ciatlon ot L&runa Buch mtt In bulldlng. l..apna Buch. spoke of the activities of "Girl Guides in England". At a re-w<>r(' 111n n to thl'lr mothera. Thi' Prc11tnl wllh the huslcu wl'rl' re, "1 utahlleh firm of 1~· •• Abo. tPha~~er prepara.Uon for lta 1966-&e M•m Memt>torlll\.lp duea are $8 tor . M s d 'd G' G 'd Scout House ChrillmU tree was a nC'. \\' r ,..,,ru en .... ....v. ber11h lp 01 Iv• on Jan. 24 at th; adult. and $3 for .tudenta. Duu cent mc;et mg rs. an ers sat .1rl UI CS arc made up of srecl11I trl.'11t during the party be-Mmes. Clarenl'e Oodd, Alll'"' ers a.nJ st'ller.f. Rlan\'lte t larv;\', hom .. of Mra. Lawrl'nce Burtell. l'nlltle m•mben to hear the con-1 compam~ r ather than t roops, as m thC' Scouts. ln charge of caus•• th<' Mth ,rade troop• had Am)·es, Melvin BeC'ker, Byron I ataff nu mber, handlt'd oo:h aal~s and a180 .. tected otrlcera. cert aeriu at Leruna Beach a.nd the companiea !lre captains, similar to leadC'rs of the Girl mndl' the orn1ments anrl decarated Well~. C. M. Deakin•. &sit Peter· tor 11. total In uccas ot 18(),()()-0. Burnh•m and family a re on a•\ f'Xtended two yea r wn1 Id tour auJ a.ro prtsenl ly In Swll ~ti l•n·I l\11'. E. J. Grant ot 8 .one t'na· yon R oad. W Ht u u An1ele1, bo11r.ht lhf' Hllro'd li'lf'n~l,.ln houM!I 11t 6:!7 \'1n J.111.1 :-:u11tl ~11 ~ <:r11111 w ill 1lh•ldt' h1•r ttme lwlwf'rn h11r two homea. H"r fn111 ..nn~ anl1 th<'lr tamllil's a 1t' 1111thnK 1•n1I tleh• I~ -f'nlhu111ut1 and 11r" wf'll- known 111 loca.I boa tln11 <'lr\'lea, Both hnmNI ha ve pier•. --mi•••••••• Those named were. Walter r:. &1110 any In nelfhborlng cltlH Scout Troops. "Left-tena nt" (lieutenant) is title of the pe-r-I he trc•c. A l!Jlt't..lal thanks from son, Nlcholu Brettner. club pres I-M:·. 1m '1 Mr:1. Hugh Hutson o( l'arkc, pre1ldent; Mn. F . R. Wea-where •pace 11 available. son who works with the captain to head the company. The the t roop wr nl lo Sanuel HlU for clPnl; Mr1. Charle• Eaton. Mr•. "Chrr·-Inn" l'eataurant purchu· ver, tint vice prutdent ; Mre. Floyd Thoee attendlnf th11 m"t1n1 girls are then divided into patrols. lAklng pictures M the l'lrla and ~omu Smith •ml Mra. William ed the R . J . Burnham home al 1'>44 Ca.s<', 11econd vice preelden\ •ncl werl'; Ml•• Gay Sandelin. Mm11. Girl guide uniforms consist o f a light blue blouse, dark tht'lr K11t11t1 on11 then belnc 80 Ill. Via Lido Nord. Mr. and Mra, nwmbershlp c:halrmen; Mra. ~r-Lawrl'nCr Bartell, Floyd Cu e, r. blue aklrl and beret. Th11 patrol Swis.~ anng title<I "Frltmlly" ond &«'nt'ro1111 with the photoRraphs. lrudt MrC•ll. third vict pruldent R. Wea ver, Bruce Godahaw. F. P . r rut 1,. a flower t.hat is rntbrol-1 Ii Swedish da nc:e a t t he conl'lu.11lcul Girl Sl'OUI• in lht' lroop are as for Nf'wport Harbor Area: Ml&1 Mec Pheraon, Clara Berry, Herbert dered by the girls on th~lr uni-n( the mlcr<"stlng dlscua~lon. Fol· followll: •·rancl'l1 Brown . aecretary; and Young, Georg• B. Hibbard, J. O. forma. Youn1 er Culdca ere Brown lowing the mel'tlng punch Bnd TROOP 1'11.:MhER~ Mr11. L11wr l'nC'e Barft'll, treuu"r. Chllton. Ula Br«hler, MU.Ill'• Owla. Older C uldu take Ion, trips I cookies wtr." p.,.pared and ,. .. rved Ni;'key ~errlam. Helen Hill, Appointed to a.ul•t Lht member-Bla.nche Nixon. FrancH Brown. to P'ranct anJ W11lc?11. An Eni;llsh by lhl' girl~. Cyndy Jo'arnsw orlh. S&ndy Wal- •hlp chairman were: MmH. Clan. Lucilla Ood;!Jhaw, Don• Frazier, <'U3lOJll that I• ta ught to .th<> The troop hu rectntly· fulfllh!d lace. P rlMllla Brtw, E v•lyn Sor- Berry 1<nd J. 0 . Chilton. La· Mr. Walter E. Parke and Mr1. CulJo la t-0 eel w ith the fork m two U «ond d asa requlrc>mrnt11 . .-111on, l~lnrh Rygel. Suu nnt Mu- guna Beuch; O•rtrudt McCall, or Oertrudl' McCall. lhr ldl !land I The requlrenttnt11 are Jnl<'m 11tlon-tl'n, Bridget Hun1aker, Rene C&r· N..wporl Beach and Harbor Area. Th .. third concert ln t he 111114-66 LEARN DANC.1: Ill 1''ri~ndsh1p imd Homl'maklng. ~well. Marlllnll Dorcy. P<"nelope Brur,. <:-0d11h1w, San Clemen-aerlea, preatnlln' Borla and Hobe, Mra. Sandtn taught the girls a Shortly bl'fore Ch111t.1nu tht IA>Pl,rrc: S'\lly Lawaon. Joan tt': and M1.u Lur1ll' OOdahaw, of dance enHmble, will be 1lven l'l'b. Und•ltdl, r1t11cla MacDonald. C apistrano Beach. 2~ in the l...aJUna Beach Hlfh 1 Junn1t Brubaker Jo-Ann Rem- W•>1 k meellllf• were called on School •udltorium. St d • f COM A • ll'Y, 01.-<Jre Corn. Mary Elolae F tb 3 and 4 at th4' home of Mra. <'ontac~ Mra. <Hrtrude McCall, U IOS 0 rttStS ThnmR11 11nd Anita Breyer. Burfo•ll. 10 uumbl" campalfTI kJu Llbt>rty 1·4002. for a ny mtormll• fhr lh .. lnd1v1dual v.·orkera. The lion !'f'gardln, Harbor area ml'm· v1·s1·ted by Club Group c&mpa 1gn wlll b4' hf'ld l''tb. 21 i bf'rah.lpa. BUILD BEACH LOT NOW!! and h&\'fl reatal lnoome thle euauner • • • • • • • • • Brothers-Marmon Troth at Tea ThroU(;h 1uTan~f'nt<'nti1 mad!' hy Mr!'. ThomaK Baum, Pf'nny l\rt rh11 lrm11n for thl' Junior E~ll C.:lub. rnt.•1 ••11100 ml'mber11 partlclpetl'd In a flPllJ tnp Jan. 24 vts111ng 11U1d10• of weoll·knnwn srll•t1< In Cowon& d•I Mar. Ebell Club Plans Spring Festival • THIS IEAUTIFUL • : TWO BEDROOM DUPLEX "0r~~~ .... 111,95000 : • Surprise News lS \\'ht•n Mrs C'hiHIO K 8'11.rd-I during th~ flrat part of the l\<ter· mAn kn•I Mr•. l' E Wllltama en-noon. w1lh Mrs. Willitrd E. Balf'r t"' !llln•·ll 11 '"''" o•l<•llr tricn,i. from pf Ontario 1rnd M l&I Hl'll'n Porttr PF:O \.'h11pl•r :-\~ r•'l'f'nlly a l U1l' n&tl'd at the ume for the latlC'r Y\'11!111111~ ll11nw Ill Short l'lifh. I pa rt of tht day. 11 "'"' 111 h11n11r tht' furmr1 M r .. '------------- C IA•l)'• Br•Jlh••ra of 122 Port Ave an.I to n111k" the 1urpr1.. a n- n1mnn•nwn1 "' hl'r marrf•i;r l!Omt time back lo Mr. Claud P'. Mar- m!'ln of l'lanta R&rbar11 Science Lecture Scheduled Sunday Thf' nrw Mr.w M.umoa b M .. Chrl1tla.n Science a.nd th• ll:nnv.•n her hu8band for many y .. ar• Sh~ w ill ftnlah her yu r Stu dy Oa.ln of Ma.nldnd" wlll bl' a " lf'At'hrr 1n th•· \ ·nata Mf'sa the •UbJecl of a lecture lo be f('httnl,., .... 111 lhf'n "" lu a lovtly radllX'll•l over Station KFVD hmnr in S.1nlil U11 1 bnna. ~h,. hH l I 020 kc I, Sunda y a fternoon. F .. b. two d11111(hl•l"9, Mrt. Roger Ba1u I'· at 3 o'd~ll. from the t11lflr• ot Ont•11n •nd M iu Barbara ot Fo urth Chu rch of Cltrlat, Brntbl'r•. Scltntlal, Loa An1telo . A ul<e dt'ror8lrd In the bridal I The lllt'tur"r H"nry Allen Nlch· thl'lllf' .. ,.ntf'rl'(1 tht bf>autttu lly ap· l oll. (" s or Lo• Anicelu . le a I po1n1..-d In la bit. Mr•. L.. C. Sav.·m I mvnber of Tht' Cbr1•llan Science a r1d Mra Grorr" J . 0 1\'ll'I pourl'd Board of l~cltlruhlp I JOHN S. ALLEN M. D. Announrea th• o penlnJ or hie or!lce for lbt Oeneral Pra ctice ot Medicine January ao. lt66 900 W. BaJboa Boulevard Phont' Harbor 4022 It no &nawer ca.II Llbt'rty 8·22!1T GxamineJ You'll do• better job and feel better when your vision is better. Good eyesight is •n important Hset for any •ork you do. lecnonable Pricn -Convnient T Hmt 0pt'n AIJ O.~· ~turd.a) Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST -315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- Santa Ana Phone Kl J-7133 Buy Your NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llvd. LacJ"'"' leach See Us Today FOR HIGHEST TRADE· IN YAi.Ui An aftt moon was •pent for the lour wl11ch tncludc"I lhr 11udlo of R•x Br&ndt. through which lht•y wrre ahown by Joan Irvine Brandt, a prom inent arlll'll tn hrr owr: light. Butt P rocter'!! atudlo a.n d that ot Tht>lma Pno.ldock Hope. Tho"a \01ho mu<le thl' trip were 1rrelltly apprN'l&t1vu or th" c11tfrrf'nce> 1n etyle or thue artl$lS who haV•' mllde Ntwpor t Harbor thc•lr bOml' Membf1 • of the J unior EMU p&rt!cipa°llng wn,. Mr•. F retmlln Fl.wbt>r. Mrs. RuU1eollyn )tiles. Mn<. Mt11 lf•n M 1111 r.' lotra. Sterling Pana. Mr•. Jllntce H amptun •nJ Mr.1. Vera Bra.nnlpn, g'\lf•U . and J.tni. Bsum. SPECIAl..S for Thun. -Frl. -Sat. Ff'hruary S, 4 and 5 DRUG NEEDS EPSOM SALTS 6 lk 21c Aapri• TABLETS '°·aapi..ratM OIL Tr. ""nr.efn COMPOUND "°' df !00'• QUIK SWABS ,.~ .. ~ ir· 11C 100'• YOl'PAY LESS_ . ..i r ~-•,. .• -r-._ TRAIN SETS I TraUI" ""h In on,. "" "In"•" COFFEE1 .. MUGS ~n!· 2 r .. r 13t riAsr1c"WALLETs t;:.· 39c KITES rr ir !Or 7 C KITE STRING ~oo "· 7c \ Y.T-i 6 DOG FOOD1...arr .. ""n -rn..t1 C 51 JOY 68c Ot. 81.M 13~ ,Gl'lttng oft to an urly Blflrt on plnns for thl• annual FeBtival ,_.vt•nt. Mr1. Amelia C amble enter· la1ne11 lier commltlt<e or Ebell Club mrmben with lunchl'on at her home In Coron11 dtl MIH on Jan. 17. • lncludln~ thf'M' amuln~ f PaturH e Attra.rUve Redwood ~hthtlf e Clarbelfe Dtapot11al e Ma~lmum nnMtcln«i • • • Aluminum CaM"mf'nl \\'lndo"·• • Birch t111aC'k BaT • "'"" rr Con_,Uon • • F lt«'plaC'f' In Lowf'r 1·n11 • ""am Crllln1t • \\a~r Metrr Connf'ci:lon • • l!llldlq Olue l'aUo Door • Ouublf' Oarac.. • Ttlf'd Tub-,..ho"'"' Comb. • April 21 I• lhe dete aet for the lunchf'on. p1 ogr&m and cardll &!- f&Jr to be held at the Newport American l.A!g-100 Hall Tht theme aa •uggrated by Mr11. C. M. l>l'a- : CARDINAL HOMES : • ()pea 7 Da~·s ll9 E. 23rd St. la Co.ta Meaa U R-6465 • • •••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------- H EART ft()X CHOCOLATES ''To M)· \'a.kntioe I~ lb, ,.,.,, .,~ \\'e Feature a LIDO DRUGS ''OtM-of Ute Udo ~hop!I• 3461 \"la Udo, Nf'M'port Beuh HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar IAUOA DRUGS 716 E. Balboa Blvd., Bal.00. Ciro Perf ..... s •500 ,.,, " ror D&A&er, New Hortsoas. ~11tttioa11, Sorn-adfr, aad the Df'W RkoeMt Co mplete Seledion of BUZZA· CARDOZA CARDS 5c to 5100 VALENTINES VALENTINES VALENTINES VALENTINES Oblldreti ·a Patk of 26 Re(fll lar 2~c Punch Out Pack ot tO Regular ~ Ding Doll( School Box of 16 Pacls of 48 wiLh Envelope•-~ 3t J9C )9C soc 29c Valentine Party Need s Table Cloth 25c Papr r C'up~. 6'~ 19c Paper S apkins 3zts PAP!R PLATES 8-in. 6 .• Cherries 1•1b. 59c Valtntiae-Moiio Rt llr\e lag Candy ~.o•. 29c Valentine-a.ct 6 Wbtw Jelly Bean1 Bar Candy 13-0I. 29c 17c Hand acked Pint. 30c llaad Peeked Quarta 69c IW.J• Cones 6c Dbl Oon" l Oc Wt llan Cherry. Va. atlla nnor tor your VaJnt.iM Part1e1 ~Chi Balk ltyle 79c Loy away YOllr Valentine Ca11dy ~ now. We have a latte selection available. Free Gift Wrappl'"J DowolHY GRAY Super-Stay Lipslid< Duo 2 fUll Sill SUPH-STAY LIPSTICKS w«A l.A•OllN ~}!Q NO ~·ll~GI NO OfYINGI NO l.U.l•'C 01 COlOfl .. , .. ......, ~, c;:.., ~ RICHARD HUDNUT t .....,.., RI--Hair f 4'1tftltle11,.r •t ~s \ "'"" - DORSAY COLOGNE IMl ,.f J DIVINE Le DANDY INTOXICATION DOROTHY GRAY .,,,._"""'" .. p..C'lal tlulr lt ( ,.,.,,_. ,.~ ?,, \ t.lu<1 l'h1.-Kat11ra )lol•lur" t 11·&m 81lver R ip ple 80 P roof GIN &eg 267 S3 13 . '..:!!!---- Twin Oaks . 11)() Proof Bo11dtcf 7 Yeart Old •er. 3s1 S3 St I HO ---l bady O roYt BLEND 80 Proof :3~~9 211 ::.:.!t'-;._ ___ _ IMfl'&ID 'I 7 Crown 96 8 Proof Blend 411 r 11t1o We Reserve the riCJht to Umlt tf)uantftfes ,......, 1,..,-lale at 1Jct11 • aacl Balboa !'Clo"" ODI) ' , ·1Jr. Ebell Welfare Party Luck Doria." Hn11tt'~s wert' C ta U~-Cha L.-- Mmu TamowAlct>. \\'llliam Clll&rl· CK ....... m.,.... ton and Raymond M1tclleU. to Hear Yhiton FEB. 2, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 3 L. W. Allen Setback Pr<'l!t'nt wert' .Mmea. .Arthofrr I • B f• £ s h } M1ll·heU, George l1artln, ~rs~ FULU:RTON. 10CNS•-Ou,1.De DEATH NOTICE lS ene 1 t -Or ~ QO $t('\'l'ns. Charlton, Joaeph Robin-, Winters, pruldent. a nd Rudell .. \ppll<'lllh1n n( Louie w. Alll'n ~ son, Edward Fenton. Keith Runa. Brook.8, 1ecra\.ary-m11.nager. of the Wo1tl hn.. Ju•t b~n ret'elV<'d bv fl"'I 11 ro'llryan1 lf('lback ot five fffl :-=--.-· j The Jumor ICbell Club ' held Ila I third annUAI weltare puty Jan. 13 In the American lAJlon clubhouee. leuon1. and coetumed doll....w\.a. Don Ives. E mil Daum, Clyde Be.-Fullerton Chatnber or Commel't'e Rnbt'll Oh1e1 :,:'Joo•, "'""t o,.,.,.;, (Ill t h<' >'<·•·11ml ~1.i1y for " ho11a" •l J . .A. Gant clslltit>d the pBUllt:lf.1 be und Tamo'l'ske. /wtU 00 l'\IU l ipea.lt\•re Thursday I Front. ot t.hc death In Pt nli•u:ola I 117 (;. St \\All aprrc•wu on Jilli. Mr1 Ruth Vaddar thr rtatwin•• IU · M rs. Tarnow&ka prea!ded at the at a &enrral m~Un1 or thl' C<Mil& 1 of hta brother-In-law J ohn Bum · • • <> bu-•-·s11 11•--1 h ... J 19 ~t • "h b t c • 20 by thl' IS t wpurt 801 h Plan• aona ancJ Mni. J ohn Kimble won I ....,,, ·-on w tn "''' an. · '"114 '-a m ~r o ommerct'. ham. navy pilot. I , Jui tn the paat ye&rs, th• proceeds the ocll. l meeUnz wu held •t the home of I To be held at the Harbor Kouu Burnham formerly ruid~ ht re 1 ntng < omm1 ... •1011 will 10 to provide for deaf 11nd )11•. Geor&e Dauphlne. we If art Mr.. Robl.Juon. 2 Balboa Co\·ea. A ln Coat.o J.teaa. the meeUnr wtll IUld waa for thrH yrsr" a r•·Ader R ... n•nuurn1la11 .. n. rt •'""""d dtY hatd-<>f·htarlng children of Orange ch"rman. wu ho•ll••• tor thl' par-donaUon to the Mu ch of Dlmu feature Lalka on Merchanta' D1vt· U\ Fust Chun•h of Chn at. Scl,.n· ,·oun.11 "1'1"•"'""1 kl"t ~l<'nl111v. County at Fnlnklln School In San-ly and wu as1l1tl ed b;• :\tri1 FrM· 11.·u voted. • I inon acuv1t1ea, the lndwitn al pro. llll, ~'"' Jl<lrl Beach. H 11 :s au1• I _ · ta Ana. m an FtMer and lira. !,;. V. 81m· Mrs. George Marlln wu pre-17am, and the F'ulltrlon Chambn "1 ' vived all!o by hi• wife and three Ouaen wu 9trved a t l p.m. and moM. ~nted "'1th a b irthday &1ft and &eneral prorwrn for the year. children. Thi' ra.1tllly ru1du In cards were pliayed for the re.main-Tba next rna jor moncy·ra..I•· r ame prlzu went to Mra. Jve1 Jackll<lnvlll• .Fla. der of the afternoon. Opportunl· lng project will be • rummal'• l.lld ~1ra. R.lma . H11 Cathe~. the late John Bum · Uee were offered on a wa t.ercolor aale Feb. :I under the C'halrman· Re reshmenta wHe ••rved by Standard Low lidder ham. Balboa reallor. and hi• moth· paintin&" donated lly Mr1. C. M. ahlp ot Mu Je.mea White, second MTll. FUiton amt Mra. Robln110n to er. Conatanre, wert1 well known J I ..,. II those named above and to Mmes. Standard Oil Co. was low blddf'r Harbor r••ld•nl.I. u~a. Bu-"am Deakin•. compliment.&ry dancl~ vlce·i-rH !dent of un or .. t-t Frank McG In .. -"·rt Sh f or the city gl\sol!ne contracl wllh ~~ "' .,., ""' ------------......-------------u e. nvuo tppe, resl1le1 tn Soulh P1uadenR. Jack Geyer, o. D. MrMullt'n, Lu-a gallonage prtce o! .1969, City Duo Honored at Housewarming clU& SmJth, Cal Banks. Don An-Mansgtr John Sailors Informed drew". ar.d l'\IOlla Mrs. Lorralne city council Monday nti;hl. Coun- Andrews and Mra. Jamee Moore. c11 awarJed the f1m1 lhe Did which The Marine Cor pe lnt:lude1 t hree J .. IM /:>. C'or13' Uv , coro114 drl Mor • · I Puty R.•ntal Item& Driskel Home is Surprise for Mra. Dan Driakel, 227 Golden· rod Ave., enteralned 1.ut Thur•· day attemoon wtth a dellrhtfuUy appointed tea Jn honor ot Mn. Karl Pete.rameyer and her mother. 1 >.Ira. Bourne, wbo la visltin1 t rom Canada, and her huaband1 mot.h- i er. Mra. Edrar Peterameyer. Mr. and Mra. Karl Peteremeyer and their three 110n1. Bob, John and Tommy are pennanent winter realdenLI of Corona del Mu IU\d Club Member Alumnae Group Stevena College alumnu of Or· Meeting Jan. 28 at th• homa t1f ange County are forming 11 group Mni. Robert Tamow1ke, Ma Tu1,. here a nd are asked to ll•l their Un An., membani of th• High· name• and telephone number• on landere' social club went to the a post card and 11drtrus It lo Mrs. home of Mn. Carl ArU!ofer tor Michael Lawler. 702 F emlea! Ave., a 1u.rprll• houa~rmlnJ. Corona del Mar. Her telephone Thl1 waa a luncheon event &11d number la HRrbor f678·W. The I tor 4e11ert a bl~ cameWa-decc.-1 irroup plan• to do charity work, rated tray of cupcaku wu eerv· have iroclal affal,_ and keep up , ed, each be&rln1 the lerand "Good the Stevens 1pirit. called for 87 oct11 ne Ethyl 1:-asollne. Marine Olv1slon• and thrff Mar-Harbor ~071 lne Alrrratt Wln1s. PAY-LESS O'EN HfOHf & DAY & HOLIDAYS ACI OU 141GHW4'1' PIOM HOAG H0$PITAI. NEWPORT-soa NrwPOlr llVD.-COSTA MESA the Edrar Peterameyer1 1pend --------------------------------------------------------------• each winter ln LagunL Thay ba\·e sdJoinlng wheat farm• I.tr R.artnr. Saskatchewan. Among the gi1rsta ~'SAFEWAY Tea Gardea P•re Preaervee TRIUMPllA~T TOl'lt-Of the Harbor High J unior Var- sity cross country cou~ aga inst Anaheim JV harriers i1 completed by Jim Schloesser. Due to Schloesser's first place time and that of i;econd place Tar B-Ob Deal, Coach Ralph Reed. shown ha nding Schloesser his No. 1 tag a.hove. a.nno.unced the pair would run varsity in the Lea- gue Meet al Huntm~on Beach next Thursday. Jim jog- ged the 1.8 mile distance in m.50.5s. -Staff Photo were l\lrs. Ray Grigg1 of Balboa lllland and MmN . Stacy Morpn and Sidney Peck of Corona dcl M11t. Wiring Causes Fire Oefecllvt wtnng beneath U)e Edw11 rd R. Rol>M>n horn!' at J OI~ ""'· -aaltioa--elVd. -C'all~d a fire Thursday in whlch no damage or.currea, tire department 1ald CONCORD GRAPE -.:;29' RED CHERRY . • • . . . "-;.'; 2 9' PURE PLUM . • • • . • . 20-o.;; 2 9' STRAWBERRY •..•• »;;39' PURE PEACH .•.•.• :ao-ot! 3S' Tea Ganie• p.,.. lelllM ~-Nightingales Give Program for Auxiliary Al ft'<JU!'l<l ol :.11•. 0<111 Hllm· Dltl. flrt'"lll""' nr llnng lln.iOpllal .luJ111i Ary mf'mh<'r• nl t hl' ~IJthl· lnlt'lllO < 'ha ptrr pn•xenlr<I I ht' prosram ttl tho Jun Z>t mN l1n i; of the a uxiliary h,.lrt 111 St An· ctuw"• Church Open H ouse Thurs. For Girls' Club Engine No1. l and 2. the squsd C'flr 11nrl Aaai1t. Cltlef Phil H11r· •ltn ansv.,ered the> rail. Flreml'n ll~f'rt 11 1>moke l'jl'ctor to rlear 111-. r11m11latt>1l smoke from undt'r !hi' home l'hr C';1rl•" <"lub .. r th•• Harbor A rl'it Wiii hll \'I' Opt't\ h0U8(' ... , I Thursd11v Ftb. 3 a t thrtr nt-w ' Lt. Col. M. K. Morrill l USAP' · ' Rl'l I. &cto "There 111 no IUC'h 11u..1 tl'rA, l fl16 Hai brn Bl vd. 1n thing ae tpo 1<llfC a fine and u n- C'ottn Ml'l<L Huura will be 10 tn tt'nl't tor drunk <1rlver11 or tho1<f" 12 In Ult mnrnltl(. 2 :io t o •::10 who leave the 11erne of an ac:cl· '" th,. 11 fl<"rnuon 11nol 7 t1> 9 In d_•_n_t._··---------- tt" 1\rr.1111: Mt'1t1b.1io fOf the bC\ard will bt prt'•f'nt t" ji?re<'l J."UtAl!I Chaptt"r \rolunt!"'r' 11.hn '" n·• •11111 ,.xpl.11n !hf' "' tt\ltli' ll1'11I fa· on tbt' T\1mur Bn"11l hr11•h·d th,. 111111<~ of th• duh R•rn~hmtnt11 dlloCUl'olllOn and fl'• st'nlt ol their "llUll.anlA, !" H ~lunll< u 111.ol 11ury Moort . st the 'Jllf'>1llu11 11ncl !'Wrr Pt'riml LA11m1t Ch11pt,.r. u11dt'r dl111t .. .on t1f Mr• Elt .. n C Mct...lllln a.nd ..l"IU.anta M r1i 0 ~. fo'r<'t'· man a n.I M" F'r11 ntc l>11rlin1. prn- Ylded tabll! .i,., •r,.11on&. Luncbaon .... ll\!l\'ed ll\• th,. C'XN"Ult\"1 bo&rd ot Nli hl1nr a lC' rhnpter ant1 thtlr 1 uot1. Mmr11 (.)nrrold C:ul11rovc, Orval Sttwa1l. ttaiolJ Roulld.\ William Ml"'m· o-..... ('Offt'y . o. H. Crum A rthur <;niw,.11 H11J Dike e.nd A rt hur IA,.,. Ray Reeves· Retun1 From C:aribbean Mobtlf' Al.i ~lunda~ Jan '.ll .rr and Mra RAy Rt,.vu , s .. 11>< ... &eland. rf'tllmrd f\un1 11 rr•111<t t f Ole C'arlbb#11n 11r,.11 t0tla\ nr rwtn1t a t ~lobtll' ab-•bt•I 1h~ l!l 041-0 to11 lux11n· • 1111~" 1<h1r :-~ Al..- C"llppu Thr lll·<lay l1tp 1..lllendtd lhrt1u1h a IR rJlc i•rtr't < t the-Cm1t>-I ... n area an<1 1n1 lt1t11 t '""•'~ 111 llnda of man\' "1111 .. n1th111 Th4> rrut~ 1n .. k In ~w f"'• 1t • "' ·_. Gu111r11 f"urr .. r.,b,lln i<n•I :i11.11nta tall tn \,.nrzu,.1111 f"o l ,.., l!'Aln T nnl<1•11 th• rrn••r.,,..,1 .. • the \\'n111 Ktni;•l<>n J •m.,, 11 lb,. Brll •h \\'r~· lnd1t-•' "" I ••C'•n, a hit .. f Hnll,.n<1 1n lh~ •-·i tffn C-a nbhr11n l a intenance Sui t S A.'\TA A.'\A. IOC;'\SI Gr'lt • \\"hll• n< <"Mt11 ~'""" TPlur• 1"' ll'rt ll 11\Jlt In Rllf't 11 t I n111t hrl• •k1nr: fnr ~· J"IHllt• h 11 r•r~ 111 • In h111•h11" I t• \\ lll••m A \\ t•t• , :->r"l'"rt 'P"r•tor 8"1<1 h •I\ 1 • ll"llll'n Coat para Befo,. you buy Solitaire Diamond EngaCJement Rin9 IMllfl \ aim• 56950 33' ... ,,.,,.::: "~:::7 ;:k110.noJ I ~:::?r!s=. . t03 C-& 11.wy, LORENZ • 1 ~:\\ t:U:R~ 1113 \\". Ith • anta Ana • ,\("ORD'l'I L.AOC:"A KAOJ !AS nro.d ... ,, RAL80A ISL.A.SD too 111.wtne An . l'T.\VPOaT B~CR 8!0 C-t Hwy. WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE 5 ALE! FINEST QUALITY NYLON HOSIERY Next to Safeway 66 9eu9e -I 2 Denier Very Sheer Kant Runs -Bleck Heels Outline Heels 3 pair for $245 Costa Mesa 'liir~ ~~ . FRESH EGGS C.-. O' tlte er.. Tep .-tty. Three ge~otion1 of boys, g irls, and grown- ups alike hove 1preod matchle11 TEA GAR- DEN products thiclc on bread, blacuita, muf- flnsl Yea ..• since 1885-o W"tem Favor- ite! S.. for yourself how tood they •rel Stock up with a generoua variety of TEA GARDEN this week. At these low pric" ..• it'e smart to buy by the dozen. We guarantee you'll be delighted! =:::. l:54c lllAKf AST GIMS 49c Lorge GrocM A, doa. GRAPE 12 ...... BLACKBERRY ~20-. •• i- APPlE BUTIER Le ........ ._, ... , .. 0--.. O..ttty. Syrup Drips 12-::t: 1CJc (24-01. bottt.. 3Sc.) SKYLARK BRlADS Split Top White, •litff. ..... "=f30' 100'-' Whole W>t.or 23' fnriched-tlicad. 1ht. 1-f MARGARINE '-•P-"" ·~ 27c foil-wropped. ,. .... o as c 2 a e u s o 01 I CAMPIEll'S SOUPS SHOiTiNING •2• UUSQJ4 2012 OM , tr.-O' Chick ... CMdi9tt with -···· ....... c:Mdl ... ~ 10~ .... 15c - MIDNM SlZI. 3-.S-lb. °"'9• ~, maoty, select f cuterl\ porli. SpaNrills Bolling ••• , ._ 35c ._ 12' •. 19' .. 35' Short Rills G .. uncl Beef C.ffee •M Tea Val11M! lnsf1nl Coffee :::-r· 1-: S9c (4-01. ior, 1 13; 6-oz. jG:, 1.69.) C1nterblry Tu ~ '9c O.onga palioe ond pMoa. ('/)·lb. poclioga, .S9t.I "-'Tl MIAT U.S.O.A. Choice . U.S.D.A. CMOICI lllf To bolie, bro1M; leon 'aclced 111 V1ali in<J f rffhly IN1de. sw1n·s MEATS 5,... 99' &el Aor Prem ium Quoliry. Blended Juice 2 =~ 2Sc OronQ• ond Gropafntit. 6r1pefrutt Juice ~ JOc Sliced Peiches 2 ~ JSc /llffllltll!lllUlllHlllNll/lltl!lflllllmffll••-.. 11••11t.1111111m•119IL1111'1k¢llllC9lllllNllMlll!llllllltlll-lllll!lllllllll .. rmrn1111AN"'ll* ...... l.&lll•ll Dutch MUI A111erican Cheese t:;93c Highway Vacuum Pack Corn Wh;:,d"::..1 12:12' Kitchen Craft Flour f:~~::1 2.!';; 2 5 c Spry Shorte11ing f: :~:~ ';!:'.; 2 9' ~54' ~75' -:21c Mona De luxe Plams 'o<lced i" heavy •Y~ ltlch i" vlfo"''"' IOI' growi"O 1nfon1t Bib Orange Juice fluff·i-est Marshmallows Del Monte SwHt Pickle RerlSll 6!:' 49' ,,.,., 1 .: 2 9' 12i!23' lunch Box Sandwich Spread. i!59' Puss'n Boob Cat Folcl 3!:22' 2'!':'25' Ho•11elilecl Mlle ~~ C::201c ~ •1c lA1f'f'nH' pt1r,.. •ff"C'tf\~ onl3· In 10('9.I naarti~u., ..,...... ROYAL SATIN '°' t>.rfar co~et. p lff. fried fooch. ·-::. 27' ~:,;69< Chicken ..... Manor HouM. ftuh froran. .... 7&c itk•· ... , .... 11. Some<wt brond. 1... 43c No 1SliinlM.. _... Fiiiet of Cotl Captain'• Choke. 33c body for po11. tit. HalllMat lteaka C..otoln't C"'91u. .... 53c O..p -ftah. ·- SAUERKRAUT MUSHROOMS :: ..... 29« ROMAINE ~-"' IC> Ripe Bananas Nu Mode Q-llty ,.urlty S.C.I Jo:. tt •am taMr 1 Sta APPLI IAUCI RING Moltr, .. ndat-. boltN the Cvrtsy ·~ lngredlenr" ~ ~ft, Cl..,._,~> ~ICIA~7-f!"' Coffee Cite '!;; 2k C•llMIOll lolls .!!:: 29c (riders :::.:,•0 ;.! J4c So4I (riders :;:--~ 1Sc S""OOI"' 1la in Wofh c OllOOfif ~o. I '1 I 0 form, juicy meot lb. GREEN ONIONS RADISHES NIB lfK1M Mm.. fll .. i.lT .. RHUAIY ), 4. S. 19SS. Al WfWU i!Olll • 1111> UIA. (Thru Sund•y 1n Sloru open Sundl'f) IJelol ..... _... Me -.. _._.._ ""'-• "'" Mlloct-.1 .,. •••oli>lo I- STQ_RE HOUIS -J Da&.11 9 .. Ill. &o 8 p. m. ' (Friday tlU 9 p. m .) Sunday 9 a. m. CA> 6 p. m. 1722. Nawp.od Bbrcl., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PAllCTNG ON- LARGE PAVED LOT I . I I 'I ( t< ... ' .. , _,.._G_E_4_-_c_o_ ... _s_T ... _L_s_H_o_,,_e_R __ Fe_s._2_. _, 9_ss __ 1 Kinder files For Council Fourteenth c&nMd1.te to h lf' for rity councll Monday w1.1. \\'tl- h11.m C. Kinller Jr., 25, of 6908 \\'. (k-e .. n F'Tont. SEAFARING MASONS TO LAY CORNERSTONE The younge1t t!&n1htl1.te 11. v.•ork- have • 4~ 11 IJ~-f\. lodK• room, a 1ng for h ia 1n11~te1•11 tltgr .. e In bu!ll- 30 x 40·rt. dining f ()Qlf\ 1,.aung ""''' 1dn111\11.tr1.t1on •t Ult' Un lv-laatar1n1 Lodg1 703. Free and 'Accapled Maaoi.• of the Harbor Area., wlll hold cornentone·l•yinf cerernonl11 Batur~y lor 1¥ n•w Maaonlc Temple at l ~th St. and St. Andrew1 Ro.d, Cerea>on· In w1\l bl conducted by olflc111r11 of lhti Onnd Lod1t of Callrornla lac> by Wonhlpful Gral'ld Muter Ht'rry c. C\1u ... n of Ban Fran· "~ d I , rMlty of Soulhtrn CalUomi• and 126 p .. opLt': a kitchen •n ounge room~; locker rOOIT\ll and office•. 11. t'ni:ag..d 111 property TTl&r'lll(le- The building wa.a deatgnffl by rnent In t\'<·wport Bettch. Upon Paul o D avia, .. mffT!Mr of the rtteiv1ng hi~ tlegree Kinder e•· lodge. Moal or the wood came pec t1 to return t o UntverBil y of from two Army barradu pur· CaUforn1a at Loa Angel~• to com -ch~'1 by lhe loda;e, from which plete work on hlR law dt!gr .. e. 30,000 reet of lumber w•• ••l-A b.l.ch.,lur. the young c•ridl- v•ged. Cement w•• obtainl'd •t dtdate h>I.• lived permariently co-t •nd brick• at kiln Wice, Jn Newport 0,.•1.·h ,tnce 1 9~0. He LUl'(CHEON 81.A.Tt::D It I• antiCi(J9oted the itru('tUrl' will I• a fourth t:enrr•tion nst1ve Cah- Ttte ofn('\al ~y will atai:t al • CQ•t Seafaring Lodge only .Stfl.000. fornh1n_ 2 p.m. lunch111on In Irvine Coa•l Mlllmber• havl!' lonir aw•lted thlll Klntl,.r'• candidacy c••n" In a Country Ctub hoat-' by Ma•t.,r advent or their uwn building •nd head on Sund•Y niornlug at • Ray N'l1111Mn and Senior and Jun-art looklng forw•rd to ft• coni-ll<'iKhburhoo.I 1netllng at thll! L. lor Warden• O. E. !Hu1h1 White pll!'llon llOmetime in thr. tall. J . Christ111n honie, 7100 \Y. 0.:<'•n and LMter Smith and honoring the Front. when he w•• drari .. J tu Cratld Lodfe otrtcer•. ln1~ctor1 run for otf1c" in Dl•trlct So. I. •nd COll'lmltteemen, ln1·uries Claimed "Jt Ill with c·i vlc pride thllt l Al9o attendln1 wlll be mtmb4'r• •ccept thu1 numlnauon •• • ca11dl- or a .. rartnr Muonlc Bulldtn11 A•· By Woman UsinCJ 111te ror .. 1 .. ct1nn of city Counc11- 110Cl•tlon under Ralph Ma•key, n1•n. I an1 proud to ~ • re1ndenl ti•ad ot the bulldlnc program. Sen-Stepp"lnCJ Stones of thl11 con1mun1ty 11.nd it eJ,.l·tM lor Pu t Mailer II!:. I. MOON! 11.nd I \O.'lll give my IJ.o11t erforl1 to tt'· I'll• corp or five Put Muter• will pr<'!tl'nl the lntert'll• and well ilao be pte•.,nl 8nd anotht'r lnJt1rJ1>11 were r!aimed by Ml'a. being of 1t1 cit11.en1," Kinder uid. peat. A.uemblym•n Earl w. IR. R. Rll'h•rd of 2320 _Clay St. Qn Spon1>0r• arr. Joyce \\'ynani, IHlltll.,y, who Lealll!d the CUH H1· Jan. I I whrp •he ••id •he Wtill Dott>lh)' C. Roth, Hlrry H. Gant, ven ilte at 11 nominal re.... <IUmJlf'd Into aonu• watrr •I Poppy Delo• Abn1n1•. hla Ana Abram1, Robert Rule in Innocent Plea on Attack. lap SANTA A N A (0Cl\'SI -Hand-'°'"' Rob!>rt RuJ .. , 21, lfOn of • pronlinll'nt Nl'"'porl Heach bu1l· ne .. n1an. F riday plraded innoctnt lo lhrl!'P auack ch11rgl'• 1o1•1u•n he ap~ared bet or., Stip.!rlor Court Jud,;e John Sh•• tor arralrnmml. Rule e11tf'rrd hl• plt'&a throuch Atty. a"°rre Chula. He rll"que11tf'd a jury, trial. Th .. JUdl• HI the trial for 0 :30 a .n1., Mareh 21 . Rule I• l~CUIM'd ol furrln1 hla lntent!on1 on a 1$·year-<>ld Ana- heim girl la1t Ott. 31. The girl t"1t1tted at prellml· nary hearin« that Rule beat her when 1he retut.ed to 11.1bn1Lt to hi• 1dv11.nc .. a. $hll' clamled they werto in Rule'a parked auto when the att11ck1 occurr~. • Rule ia a ll<lldi .. r atalioned 11 Ft. Lrw11. "-'a•h. Cemetery Addition . -.. -. iUH ICATIOM -CAI l'OU'"tl .. ... t.laotlS nto!lll flEAJUI 8..urtA. ANA Everybody Reads the C LA S S I FI E D . . 7 I \ ; . " .. tha t 9overnment of: th1 people. by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the oerth.'.'' COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 11111 Newpon Blvd. l.Aert;J a.-atT'f MIMlll JfiOllAl Df~osn llllilJIAHCI COll'OIAT!Olll Al 3 pm. Grand M111tf!r Cl1u-A1•e. •nd Col\1! Highway 1 " ahe Ma111ne Dui;:g11n, Le111.nd Chr!11\l1n, SANTA ANA 40CNS! -En· largement of a c.,rn etery and mau- llOl,.um on the Kluthwt11l corner of Gl1ler Ave. and Harbor Blvd., north Coal• Meo arr•, w11 ap- proved \\'edn•Mh1y b'y the counly planning comrnluion. H•1·bor R1•t Cemetery plan11 lo put on a 20 by 24 -rt. add!Uon to the we1t tldf 1nd 110Uthwe1t or It• property. Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 •en will oP.,n Grand Lodg., Ln S.-1 -wu trytnr to er~ the 1trert. She Nt'llle B. Chn1llan. Phylili M. Giil __ _ tarlns'• p~11ent quarter11 ovt'r th• wu tr•a~ed for alonnt'd and bru111-And G. E. Walker. • ••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••• Coit.a Me11o1. Ba nk. AU 11-tuter Ma· ed ankll'~. JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO:,J ltOlll have been Invited to attend Mr1. Rtch•rd .. id Nit tried lo thli cl!remony and then adjourn crou lhe flooded area under ron· lo the .ite of the cer•monir.1 at •trucllon on 110me cemt'nl bloc.kt 3 :30 p.m. The new .S7:'.l,OOO tempi• which 1he 11&ld looked aa If lht'Y wtll riae oppotill• Newport Har· wt'rt placed for atepplng 11tonl!•. bor Unio n High School •nd lh• She said one 1tone llppe<I whl!n l!lt... Andrew'• Pre1hyter111n Church. the 1tepped on !l and 1pllled her N-1T· lt 11 ~Ing built hy volunt..er la-Into the water. snr-v bor l'ol!ce who lnvt•tlgated lhe area l.ARGJ: TEMPI.£ .. id thrrP I• • 2·!L drop In .amr SHOE REPAIR l''hen !lnL•had. Balfar!ng l.odi;e lot the con1u-uctlon ire• rrom the l~"!!~l~·"!!·"!!tt!od"!!!S!ftll:!"'!!rr!"'!!"'!!"'!~· will h•v• a bulldlng conl..linlnl 11idewa lk ""d down to the pre ... nt 7000 aq. rt. or floor •pace arid wlll 1trett levd . _ Hoffman Girl's Injury Action $11,• Settlement Request • In YOU SAYE .. Yow • SANTA ANA, (0CNS I -Su· perior Court htre lo'"riday w11 ••ked 10 •pproye • 110,000 .,.1. tll!'menl In conne..:Uon with • NIW• port Be1ch lr•lflc accJd .. nt. A•klnl a pproval or lhe aetllt"- mtnt It Caae A, Hoffm•n of 2381 Vl1ta Drive. Baylhore1. Hl1 da.u1htrr. Diaria Lee Hoffn1an, Ill . .-rtedly wa1 1truck by • car opar&l•d by H arry C. V•uchn on Winterburn Hot But OCC loses Ron Y.'1nterbum emphulsed thr rnorl!' lurrid pc.ruon of hl1 na.rne T'tl<k)' nl&bl ... l.n&& Sa.II S..mar- dl,.. -u.. _,....floor. -~ O""n1e CO..l Colleire dtc1pped a ... MS f:aatern Conferfnr• Irey. \\"lnterburn 11eorr.hed the n"l• 1n -11hln1 lhr<>ukh 3t o;-ount1r1 for hl1h point p<Mltlon. Afl<!r dt'fratmg <..'"halft"y JC h1>r., la.•l week to I to Into • II• ror third place In the loop. Coach Mlle• !:1ton'1 lad.. ,, .. ,, .. fa1·ored 10 lo~• K•n Ber'h•1dinn·1 qu1ntt1\ to w1lk H1e pl1.11k, H•lf!lnle M'orr. favor"O"<I the r1 v•IA, JJ-21 . The l'\ral~•· ""'l l"-•CV,,. conte11 la at Sa nta An1 tomorrow nlKbt. BE SURE . INSURE .. ·1111 MAl.kll't, .;·rA. .... UW 1-,.,. ... o.JJ rii.o-Harb<Jr !•l4 IJIJ F~ l..,_1 Hl1ll.0'8f Corona dt'I :Yl•r Call DAN'S TV .. FTlolll -Ke•iaa. · SaM Ubeny 8-2228 FAKIU.:S KWl...E\' lllORTUARV F-9.7 UK.AUEL CllAl'EL ••• ........, -ea.ta·~ I.I~ a-MP UNI ~4~1 JOHNSTON E'S Mesa Allto Wreckers e 2075 l'locetltla Ave. STID MANUIE Kl 7-2054 ' N,.., 1-a.'-lW LANDSCAl'ING j Ma rch 23. 1g~4 , al Highway 101 anrl 17th St .. Ntwport Beach PlllSClll'TION The plalnt1ff 18)'1 Vauihn haa •t:rred t.o p&y .Sl0.000. Hoffman contend• th•t la a fair .e\lle- rneni.. He •aid the x-!rl wa,. ho1- pitaJu1:ed 10 tl1y1. Hu billA were ll1tf'<I •t a total o r .S2.:.67 .~ll. ............. _ .. ._ ATTENTION l'AIENTS -ADULTS! Sit !Mck, reiu, lt't UNCLE RAU'H rondurt and aupervl-.t your own, your urranu.a\lon'• or )'OUt chllQren'a birthday, Va!t"nUne or annlvtraa.cy p11 rll11. 1'v1 had )'Mita of a11.~r\enrt Jn recr•atlonal and educ.a\lonal flrld.9 w ith adult• •nd ('h!htr•n, au a1a group•. Y.'UI aA11t1m e full r111~pon11blll ty !or ""l<!rt•ln- ment. 1uperv111on ur r.,1r.,1amM1 t <h•lr1bu1Jon, £n1ertalnn1enl nlay lnclu~lr •.., hour n1a1:1c .tinw, a-a 1T1e•, 1lW1t1. r<1nt.,1la. t1anrln1; ur whatr~ .. r may 1 ... <lulrt'd, Jn<loor or oul · ...... ~ ...... -.- CaU Uade Ralph at Harbor 4039-W FRIDAY NITE AT 8 P.M. BIG FASHION PARTY • Dancing • Rr.autlf_ul Mode .. Parade of The Valentine Girts JoilarrlAI SU RF & SADDLE FRANCJS SPORTSWEAR HOUSE OF JAY WALTAH CLARKE'S HAWAIIAN CARIBBEAN SHOP SEA WEED'S OF' LAGUNA MdlLe by JO LA N'l'Z anrt R1U. SK1LE8 A.afare '1:!m- TIME TO CHECK v Y-Gardenl119 NHds Complete Suppl~ at 801.D'S · lamboo Leaf lake• Sp. 66 < Redilite Plastic Hose ~!:;. 1) ft. !!Ip. 11.'17 Ml n.. 15p. ... l it TRUE TEMl'ER LINE IAn.( Handt.o.t Bow Rall:~ Sp&dln,; Fork 1-lln~ Cnltll·•lnr (iard~n tlot" $2.itt $2.9'1 $2.9'1 ~2.IW ·"11.('0R -1..arl'~ l'Ollo~I Hand Tro.o·el.• t'l'ril~. ('ulfh·atnra RM-. ,,._..," HAMll.TOS Sl .29 Pickup Cart 59.65 Gorden Cart Sl.49 f;a.llfornla. ~l urdy tt.11 ,....rink Wheelb·arrow 16. 95 Gorcletl Gloves 851 Can""• Gloves 501 H•dson Sprayers -I qt. size • Sl.49 Trve T....,.. Hedc)e Shean • Sl.95 s..,-Smittl "Snap Cllt'" l'wn $2.75 T ..... C---... -U.. lldow> 81-., ~ ap._ up I ·CHECK ancl ·I I DOUBLE Cf,fECK! OF THE HUNDREDS OF ADVERTISING MERCHANTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA 92C¥o RUN THEIR ADVERTISING IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS· PRESS COMPARE THE NEWS COLUMNS -NEWS PICTURES - ADVERTISING -AND COVERAGE • • • • you 11 readily unaerstanJ HY! HARBOR PRCSS 2211 Balboa Blvd. The Leading Newspaper of the Newport Harbor Area An E11peri,nced Salesman is ready to· ast11f with Your Advertising Problems. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • , SON, 00 OUT THERE AND DO YOtJR BEST-Say11 C. T. Wetsel, left, to his son Bill before the Anaheim·NE>wport High School basketball game here Friday night. It was Fathen ' Night as Coach Jules Gage had the varsity players' dads on the bench beside them u hi• guests. Bill Wetzel waa captain of the Tar quintet, Gage guys gar· nered a thrilling 57.51 triumph to retain second place spot in the Sunact League. Staff Photo HARBOR HIGH REMAINS HOT ON HEELS OF SUNSET CASABA TITLE ·~ Guys Pull All Stops as Anaheim Downed Friday, 57-51 Panting hot on the heels of thl' front-running Sunset League ba!<ketbnll Oilers from Huntington Bench, the Har- bor High Tara pulled all the Ktops in defeating lhl' strong Anaheim Colonial quintet here Friday night, 57-5 I. The apme-t inghng fray wu und<'ri ded until the final threl' min- <-al ).'\Inner r1mr on f•1111 •h1>L ... Be.1ch ~vnnt'lll'd tor H to tlve tor wonder1n1 how the car had tr-Bv· eled from the acl'ident 11eene. 8t;t·n :a s FROM SHOCK Mrs. Orr was t11ken to lhe Call· fornla. Highway Patrol o<C11 •! In Orang•' where 1ht' mana ~· I to 11 ti ortlccrll that an onc·111111n1; rar h11•I "1n·1·1I h•t otr th•· 1 uu•l near Bukvr St. aout h .. r Snn\a Ana . Th<•n the woman 1 .. po11edly rol- lllJ''4• ti Sht> w aK tnk Pn to St. J o11rph'i; HMpJt11I \\'h• ,,. h.-r 111· nr"" wo~ th•eril><>d •• t<hnt·k utf'll nt play •• lh" cre.MruJo or llJ>f'Clalor arr..am" u nd .11tump111g11 from IY1th 11ldl'll "' the court tore at th .. a1"11m• M lh" N• wrort gym. l:i11l•·<I u " 8"<'lr-ln• duel between lltht' Mike lffach of Anaheim 11nd p<J!llOJ: l'l\ul NC'umann uf Nrw· port. 1 llr 1tnnu11l .. ~ath,.n1· Night crowd wa• trNle•I to nuJ• h m"r• than that . Be11~laclrd Bu .. h irwl,ht'<\ lhT"O\lll:h 24 ptilnl !I 111:11.111~1 Ntumann. I eea.·n ~mains th• 1 .. ad1ng K "r-Coopman Paces rr In lht Sun1et League, goini >n· Ill lht' fray 81 a 2:'>.3 d ip p!!r <Oln· 1 Oilen Yidory Ila!. Ncum11nn ronunuu In aet'onll rlftrt', n r ktnir up an 1vt•rage or B ul<'h C'oopm11n a 16 polnl1 16.3 pt>r MntN•t. paced Hunllnf lon llra<.h Ullt'rt fo lhl'lr fifth 11t nilithl S11n11et v eg ue 19 for NPumann. totala aimllar to BOWLED OVER baaketba ll victory over wra.lc.·al•· t t r Ora net on t hr IQIJp ll"ndera' OCC TANK DROUGHT ENDS 17 Water Churnen Plunge Into Swim At Coast College College Ope111 Baseball Drill Diamond prac~•<"e atarled t0<h1y ot Or11ni;<-c,,._11il C'ollt"g,. 1111 Co&l'h \\"t"ndl"ll P1r ke1H1 took his rtr.!ll Lut year Orange l'oul CollPge opened ll8 first 11uaon or tnttr· look Ill bueb.ill prl'!lpecta. 'fhl' collegiate awtmmln& 11nd Wl'nt the entir e l O·mtct 11rhN1ult' with " Hl!l!I llc heJule of 23 .i;urnea gets lotaJ ot three nien. A week ago Coach J oe Kroll welC'omN 1o me l i' men to t he ftn1t tr11m pra ctk<'ll al Coat& Ml"M. The euc·a a ren·t ~1ng underw ay F• b. l!I Ill \.'ompton. ra ted Soulht•m Cal chl'lmpa or t he team to beet tor t he 1tale c~rown. ~~irst home Crin• >s •ct for Feb. • 1 2:> 11 gn1n:<t t11 .. 6!\n'l1• nln•• They dnn't h1J\11• the Mplh . But ' four-year v nd junior eollt!;'e com· 1 All 111111 will he rr,.,. to thr pub· Coach Kroll will field fuur retum· I petition. lhre" championship con. I llC'. P lckr M annnun('t"d. All homr lng atate lndlvld\l\ll champions and C al Te<-h, a nd Compton, F ul· itamu will be J>luyed on the UCC while no other junior collere In letlll lllld an IJw itatlonal rela y diamond. Tueaday contut.a w ill CalUornla will have back one for nwel. PIRATE OPPONENTS •tart at 3.30 pm. until Dayhi;ht the alale cba.mplorahlpa In tht Saving, lht>n al 4 rm. P'rlday occ pool May IH l-7. UC L A·a rru hmi:.n. Pomona· etartlnit time wlll be J pm. · • ~ Claremont, Whittler, Occident.al Plckl'na M id he la 11t11l aeekmic BE l.SHE TRIP \\ INNT.R Jerton. Lone Bea.ch, Sant" Monica to bo<lk a pair or ga mu during Bud Beltihe, a o e who and Ml. SAC Jc·a w1U be the Pl·! t.u1t<'1 Weeok. Otherwise, the home was a triple winner 1220 an~ f40 rate opponent s. OCC will al.to eLhedule Is a a followH: yard tree atylen, 1600 meter tree) compete In the Sout hern Cal Rt· Ftb. 2~. Compt o n: Ma r<'h 1. Jn the E ulern Conference, S outh-laya at La Habra H S Feb. 2• and Har bor ; Mnrrh 4. Long l:Starh em Cal &ll~ attte meets hut year the conference (a t La Habm l. I CC: Ma1 ch 8, f'alomar ; Man•h 22. ILl\d tll.'t!1-0r the Helm• Foundation Southern CaJ (at Loni Beach J or -j San Bernardino: Mard i 29, Santa hil'h-polnt trophy In each meet. dan HS1 a nd 1tale cat OCCI m<'ett Aoo: April 1. Ch.affl'y; April 19. wUI ~e the Pirate attack. And on conar cutlve week ends In lat e M t. San Antcmlo, April Z6 Fuller- J ack Bell, 1tate diving cha mpion April a nd early M11y. ton : April 28, El Camino:' Mny 6, fnr OCC back In 1949 before the Candidates to date Include Bel-R iverside. Bucs had a rormal l'IW1mmlng pro-8h., Bell Ja.ck Steinm an A lan Came. awa.y: F'eb. l S, Compton: i;rom, returned. to liCbool this year Hodgr•. Georce Lyon.. D~y Ma-F eb. 18, Long Bl'ach. Fl'l>. 21. Har· 1111 a 11ophomor<'. eon, Dick Huri.ton, Noel Barlow. hor: Murch 11. UC"l.A : \Morch 16. M t. San Antonio J C kicks orf Ftank Beall, Dave Boyle, Buddy El C'a.mino: Mar.·h 18. :\1l San ' the 1!155 Coan 11latt' when the Coane, Bill Tlnz.. Graham Clbbon11. Antonio, Ma r('h 24, f'ulomar: , Mountntneera trl\Vd lo Coala M-c11a Wayne H unler, Bob lbbol aon J ack April II, RlveMllde: Appl 8. Ful· I Tuesduy, F eb. l!'>. Fltt.een olh"r Shields, K night Sooy, Dick Stuck· lnton : April 22, S an Bl'mardlno: mE"et11 round out t he 1chedule tha t ey. &n &nj&mtn and Manq•r May 3, Chaffl'y; May 10, Santa f1t!t a coach's d~am, with both Lou J obin. Au. Indians Revenge Santa Ana Loss Fullerton·• India n• not only gained r evenge for an earlier de· fl'at but left It up to other11 to hallle tor bul'menl apot In t he S unel'-I. ~11~ue btl11ketti.JJ race 1'Tida y night by bnt tng Ssntl\ Ana lllgh Friday n ight, 46 .,. Arroues Breaks Cross M.-lc Country For Tribe FULLERTON (0CN8 ) -La1Ty Arrouea Thunday broke lhe Jrul. lerton Union Hl(h School Cl'OU• country ,_cord u he n eed over tht Jndlans' 1.8 m lle col\1'98 In l O:O:S. In dolnc IO, he led the Tribt Thr Saint• prevloUJ<ly dow ned .iw Trib<., !17·!13, In lhe c1wlna l n\'tttt· varsity Lo a 21·27 victory ovar llflnal toumameni during thl' Sa nta "'1a'11 Salnta. C hru'<l lllll!I vacn lton. l'\t>\\klrk and Stels<.in lle•I ror fn•ll1111 top 11c11rlng hono ra wllh JO marl\11 apiece. B u r I e 11 o n or Santa Ans 1<1.lnged high dlJ>ll galht'rinr honnr11 ror lhl' fra)' with II H111tt11111> ~rnrc f3\•nred Fuller· ton, 23-18 Th,. l n11tsn J 11n1ot \'a11<1ty ~lit Santa Ana. 31-:U . In the prellmlnary conleet . Coast Swim College Schedule A1Toue.11' l"ffort broke, by two eernnda. the former mark of l Om ~a set In t9M by George Bemf'11. The tra~·k r<'cord on the Fuller- ton t OUrMe 111 !Om nat. 1<et lwo w c'#k11 11.1rn by L.srry Castro ot Nl'wport Ha1bor Hl(h. ln hill ~C'ord run, AM"Olll'!I t ook 01<' I tad 11 rt tr a quarter ot a milt 1u11I hd d ll lh,. rrst or the way. Throughout the race. he v.-.. "purred Oll by lbe Salnt·a top man. Cherlff Clark. C lark thru tel\eci ireveral tlmH to pa•s Arrouu but evtntuaJly flnt..abed aome 3!) yarca behllld. to lleCOlld 1poL Fullerton Nabs Riverside Win Leacue leadln& Fullerton Junior Collece rontlnued triumphant wa~ P'rlday night OV«'r h<>11t R1vrr11lde, 87-~f>. for an eaay 1ta1lern C-On· terence victory. 1l waa t he Hor· neta' 23r4 atralg'hl win. Bob E czw<-lll'r. rt'plal.'lnli: ~~­ la r Tom Noonan for Fullert on, copped high point •pot for t hr vie· !Ortl wit h 22 points. H1• WM l'lll?t"d for g\lme honor11 by Duf ker of Ju . Vl'rllldt Wllh 23 llljt'llft. Th• Hnrnrtt have won thl'tr past 23 t•onfrrt'nce 1111nr1 wh1li> the Tl· (Pra h11 VI" lN!I 20 111r1111:h1 lnup 11lt11. H"lrtlnw 111 01e fav11rf'd .F'ul· lrrlun. ~;'i-2:1 Call Water UH lids Bltla fur 1 wal('r line lo IJto la id alon11 R1vrr A\'t., 11klrllni; thr 8 1<n· nln~ T r10C·1'11 r.outherly edj!t be· tween Balboa Bh•d. a.nd Coul ffltthway. ha.ve ~en call,.d by the clly ror return r•·b 2 t hrlr ~•aonal J>f'r ••me dlJ H do- ln,;• B ut 11 wu tt"rrlnr 111r.e f'C!f!· , .... pnt l"r11nk N11n1rrn or !hfl RAii• Mesa Alley court F rnlB\' nii;:hl, 1111.4r, \\'11lke1 CORt'h JoC' KroU'a Oranr:e Colllll ors wt111 ptO\l'<I the co--boy dunng ur OnlJlg e dropp<"•l J!) '1lf;th Coll<-lile ..Wlm leam fflr•a .. 16- lhe , Ital JilOlna:~n 1 hr<>urh Lhe hoop. mr• t tank 11chedulr be tori' the Phil Pl& led the N«>nd 1\ralghl awup acored by J"uUerton'• JV·• ae he t urned tn • Cood 10 ~ tlmf' Pia led the eecond plaC'e wtnn er. Olulee Warner, by JOO ya rds. City Eng1net'r Bert Webb Mun- day lll)lhl p1 uentrd fllana 11n d •pedfll ltllOnto r .. r the hne lo f ll)' council. Jlr r~tlmatM I HI.()()() coat was 1nvolv1•i1 Mr.Rt: JHT •U:T UAU Team Capta1·n Tt ( lllllle champlonRhlps 11!Atl'd for the 111 und" r ated Oiiers ra11 up 1. OCC plun~I' )fay 6~··7. The ff&· W1th onlv " burk"I h•ad. 38-38, 10 point mar•ln in lhe Cltllt quar-aon ~na In Costa M-,.,.b 1~ '"'"IC 11>1(> '""final u•nto. lhe Tar• In Acc1·dent ter 23-1:\ Ha1C11nu• tlllh• "lnn<l 11galn•t Ml. Sn11 Anlnnl<1. R r· of c mu-h J 111,. .. 1:-'I:" alm<Hil round 34'-27 ln (&\'or or llunllng1on m aind•,. ol e.i.. tkh-.I•: thl'mAd\"'" atruni Crom lhr yard· ~ach. i'eb. 17, a t 1-'ulJ!'rton; Frb 24, &J 1na <411111 Navarro went int o hla W hile MrL Clltf o"..i Orr la uM'd la ove""brlmlnr OT"anl(f', t ht 8oulhem Cal JC Rrl•Y• at La &•I II-i,.....,me a ball at rlre, of-tn bowllni:. ,..,. I~ df'ftn1t .. 1y nnt Olten pr"f'JW'd for nul P,·Mey >bbra H S: )fal"f'h 4. flt O<•.-ltlrn- ff'n•"' '' u11I tlrCr11"l'"h Thr """''' \11 b•'llll: 11o .. 1,.,1 "''ti. •h•• nlicht'll \'ll!ll frfim 1hr .,~(tJn•I J'll)rr ttLI . ~luro h 10. I.on~ ll•·11eh ("("anti IM Ufl\'lnl( .:••·bt•V lrol llnl\1 '""'" found 1u ruull of a tr1tr1c 11c -llnrhor High fl\'fl Th,. T1tni rroin ~-ulll"rt"n Ill 0 <·1· ~h1rch l~ Snn· ta ll\·11111 "'1lh 1h1• •· 11,.ld r nal•, c1<1 .. nl Thurltday nlr;ht while rf'· :'llewport a rf' lht only loop quintf'l 1a MonH·a IT ton· M..i• 11 1;, rnanM~•"W I•• •• 11 .. ·1 11 l'alr of nf>t-turnlnr horn,. from a Cotta "'"_. rall!tl u hav1111 a chance to k nock 81 UCLA Frl' .. tuuen. ~lart·h :n tint • ROii' 11Ulllhrr ,,, Irr~ \hrow11 bowllnit 11111,y over lhe Dtar h txirs occ al u ." AnRl'lv .. er. M11rr h by A nnh•'ll'l'I .. m1i;lllv M~k•• I A 1f'•l•1rn1 of thr Ml"•• 11nl1I 11 . Th•• llunring tr1n llrnr h Jurlur :?:>, Pt1nlflnll·l'l •• ro mont 11nol ITLA Lr•I hy l'l•rt111n U11l \\ rtul lh" month ·~" "'hrn llhf' mnVt'•I In I\ Rr~11~-"'111&•1 '11.fr1<\NI Or11ni;f'. Frrn•h at 01 T ~lure)) 2!1 \\ hll· H11rt..1 llt..:h Uu•tlf'rll took the On .ngo .\Ir• Orr 1, tlOplnln o f l3·17, >n lhe p1f'llln1nMry rr11~· l ier II\ occ·: Ml\rch :JI, a t Ml RAn n1wo1 lo ~1r11I thl'll 11tufl tnrOrf' the Mr~ll Hullol1>r11 11\llt'rl In Antonio, AJ'rll 12 C'flmr11on i<l t hrll fHlh•·1• roa('h Giii("'• g'\Jl'lll.t T hUrlk11\.\ nl)lh! ''"m•ro .. h •ndl· A--i·, .... 011 ,_,_..__ (X: •• Apul 1:1 It( C11I T<'r h Aplll ¥ FEB. 2, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE 5 GALS' SOFTBALL TOURNEY . GIVES ORAtlGE B!D GO BY LOl . IS VI Ll.l:, K Y.. 1 OC!'I,_ I -The II•!'>~ \\'omrn a Softball \\'1•r"1 To11maml'rl wlll b <' pl:w f'cl In Pnrl 111nrl Ori'., t he f'Xer u tlve comn11ttl'e ot thl' An111lfUr Sortbllll AMll\U•lll•ll announ•E'd Sa tu r- day arttr final \'Old wrre ""un\e•I. Or1tn11~. s111• "r \h•• 1!1:11 1 .. 111111<1\11 111. n'hl 1•,•orla, Jll, W<'re lh• othe1 at rung contt'ndt'r~ f<•r U1r 111:.:1 l••111 m \. whh h \\ 111 tk• )lla)'ed from St pt. 3 throui;h II 8 ttOlli <'•l urtl'r wh11:h ~wu111• lh<I •h••lu• lu Po1lllu1d waa that C'lly·a blcl or thrre meab 11 cloy for tum ml'mb•'"" plue $1000 ira- \'el t'Xp~n~ and $100 allnwan<'•' rur P11r h lt'\lnl. Orang !" bid $1-;'00 l11n el alh'lwano«•. $101\ 1111.iw&n<-f' for each telllll and one me•l o_ 1h1y. r .•01111. whl• h h11d thf' flnanrl81 support of a t ractor m1U1ufat'tur1ng Clrm 111 th11l nt~ t ... $~()()\) travel ex• pt'n11u, $100 tl'a m allowanrc· 11 n'I onr m.-al 11 1l1v Ora ng" wu pt•non11ll~ r.-prl"~nl Pll at lht A SA meetlfll! by Fr.-d \\'oslum, Oranf:I' contractor. who wo11lcl h1t\•t' htadl'd the l t ::i::i tou rn1unent comm1th'<' IC the ijft1<111 h.111 brc-11 played In Orancr. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPl':L J7•l Suprrlor Avenue Cona "' rta. CaJlt Phone W berty 8-2121 CHAPEL HY THE SCA :l~:lO !::. Coaat Blvd . Qirona del Mat, C&1lL Phun• Harbor U Boyer's Balboa Linoleum -JACK BOl.ER - Co. 2301 • Unol~um e AliphaJt TU~ e Yacht Harbor 5389 \\'. Balboa Boolf.nrd • R.ul>~r Tile • Cork e Carpet e Formica • hu1tallatJon Newport leact. HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS 7 Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura .. UIO'H.11: "'lTill.N BUUIUI -WllU lm&DEI>" COMPLETE LAUNDP:RERS ud CLEANm IU.JUNr:H•s KILi: NEWPOaT al:AOH on 111• ~1111 .. , ~n'-h Ftrl'd up Crom c11p lta1 u" 1,,. all) I ·~· ""'7 "~ --IQ, a l Pomnna-C:lar .. monl. A prtl ll • 111\<h 111 ,.•l'M I', lhf' Tan d&11h· F Ol<C f:U 0 1,.f .. ltOAll SACRAMF.::'lll'O 1C NS 1 -The 1 20.zt. E11111trrn l ·onfrrrn<e 1lmmr-~rtu1 c','~1•· .. ,• :~:::~:..t:"'11,::1~~ult•.,~o~ Santa Ant p•1h1" AAhl Mr.1 0" •lat• df'partmerit or fl.Ah a nl1 l'llme IOnl'hlps •l l.a Ila.bra H 8 Aprll rf'r•orlM a n1tl1n1C Ill .. ,.~,. 11al0 s Cnr 2.'i·21l-JCI Suulh<'m I -.11 <"ham r 1nn-,. .... h~t b«<am .. 1nvolw1I in !hf' nc<ld<'nl n• , · 0' r• 11 1o11· .•l'Un1Ann • anarp • ..,., • IJ , I '""4 t nl11lt"•f $:1 1lil.llfil. "" ,.,. 1 !lh•fl• Al l.A'•ni: B1 a1 h J ordon ~t S. OF THE Int: 1<11•1 AT ~helm tJi.~ )•lllll lht Whtie lr&Vt' ni; lll"n): Hn~IOI St. C'reaH oC 4 J pH Cf'nl OV1'1" the l'I • '"', 1 ·, 1 1 But Harbnr Htth In S&nla Ana "'""II »n on1·omln1t prl'\ hiUll }'l'&r. 1 "'I"' ck •I h~ le Int,., " 26-2 .. halt· car rorT l"d hl'r "" lh" r.t& l Th" The dt"panmt>nl abo tl'portr1t j M.ATIRESSES 1111 , 11 ui.:11 nut thin( ahr knrw .'ll r• Orr I• lh1tl hunting II• prf11,. MINI t"r thr Bna1-u11m•-• r~l1ent T ltff,.-1 \11,"f"T t ,,. TO 00 qUOIM n~ "&\Ill)., •I>" '4 flkt' u p in fir.I Al.It monlh~ uf lhC' <Uri• nt lrrl'l(lllat ~lulpN th ' ,,,.1.i II•·• '•1 •tan ,in~ I li.;tll fl 11 v,.11r '''"r t11nn n i:: :I 6 r-r l,lbrrlv H·l~llS 1 I• • ~.t '• U Hr.-"'1 ,.. ~1.Jr ti\ l\tt cra\i\h·I hruk t o ' . J • •rn111• 1 ...... l t..l"I"''" lh!' l •rthl ('1'111 ilJJ•ll'I nr II )•!It""'' f°«'• I< .1 ,.,. " Id 1t11· t.11111 lhr .. 1• mlnul• • 11"'T \ehltlr r h mtw-li '" 11"'1 ilrnv•• I''"'' rl11r1n1t lhe pt'l"IOd 9lllOUAt<!J , l'otila 1'l•·._. Ma ttreu Co. ttt:;e s-,,.·" 1u"1. lo '"" n• I• •I "''""' ... hr.. •hi' $1 ..... 9~.. I "l·•·u S t Uth o r ''1 t S •' •• ro J'• t'd I I hi~'='~="=""~=·":·=========~======::======~ .., _ I• ep un" I r• I • • II•· '• ''" ~u\ • 11' '4 ;\. 1' 1'""ol ( Hfl•, 1 • I ••II • ft• I• k I I lhr f't I th•·• I • ..... I " I t I,,, ' ll rlr\•I '"" II ,,.,,,. 71lnl•11l _. un1h11r .: ''''~''' S r \' 1~u 1 nt· J • Mhl I· ••·h tit 111,.I •h"<I 1 t 1>1111 r•·• If ,, pl 111 ... lfl 'on11 .. t ""' b•ll thr ' r~·• l .. t1h' io11 ... 1 (l\"('r ... ,. r ... I !ml'~ Col 11•· • •It""'°' 1 l:'d lh,.ir Th" u ir w1u "'"""I 1 •II\ • Jff1u r .. n.111 • nn 11 ,,,. I h" ••""'•I '""llt Wlltl I lh•i.il< lh•·ir h• ,.,i. lt.o· • ,.,.,tJ I Th,. lif(lll'"t' luOml'nt '""'' wllh I ) · "A ~K IU.A 1 tac,., ~ .. \l\ U IVICl ... UPAll~ t .... o I II Ult C !•I £1• "'!\'.I\ a.ti< h f\111· •I ·11 " I •" 'C C •ul .t1 •l" an'1 l>• 1 111• fl'll.&µulru k or lh,. Tare I n 11• I" • bf' 1ut 1~ul rr11<l11 lr hlf)('k ''' l • 1 rll\tr A•,.h• 111 lwll•lli, ~ 1lz P"'!I• k . \ll.o llC.:hl 1lm \ II p ,, n.~.r ••• n IA I 11 #1 1 .. l•v 1n th,. (111111 S11lnt t>1•kt t ,:.nr.:r 8•ht11l t ton•I· I'll th•· ... ,., I. f I h->th ~•·I~• "" thr ~Mtl••r •lh Pl• t 1rt • n . • f t\\11 Joe /],,/,/tJt/ Pl.I M8l.'C1 t\t Al fr .. 1111 "\l • 1,flf \f "'HO \I t i.OHi( A• 111otll\, N"unianu outpl1'YO'd Btll• h I• "" I hi' n 0<1r •lropplnl( lhr u11:h ••\<II ti• 11 l?•••l~ lo fl\f' f11 1111o.ll'• ~111<· 'Th" An11h11111 •t111 ~ ~" rln11 ma1 r 1n O\'H l h,. lo- ... _ .. , •O '" cr .. 1 OOWN Plt••-• He " h•• S,,)30 25°/o Off 2 E11d Tablft 1 Comer Table l •pr, RRlla11 A \\f'OllChl 1~11 f·oam 11...... s193so SECTIONAL -ipn I \I. THE LIGHTHOUSE J I)( It tlA LLY NF.WUN MAPl..E a MODERN ITr.\n'L '1tT.. ~"TE"roa n r:c·ORATtSO 515 Eut Balboa Boalenrd RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 sou. st .. Ne"'J>O" Bea.ch Harbor 2583 JUST .. ORTH • •' POST OFFICE ALL FUNDS RECEIVtD ON OR BEJ=ORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST ~· For Your Convenience W e are open every Fri. 9:30 a .m. to 8 p .m. -' ! ' . _PA_G_E_6_-_c_o_A_sr_A[_· s_H_o_PP_eR_-_Fe_a._2._19_5_5 _I Lido P ack 37 Cub Scouts Show Tahiti ~ilms to Kamaal na Klub Let Advancement Awards The January meeting of Cub Scout Pack" 37 wu held at 'the Udo Clubhouee, theme for the month belng "Railroadlnr." Den S aanr '"l'n been working on the Railroad" and Den :i 1&11g the CUb Scout song. "I Met an Eng..ne on a Hill." Cloalnf ceremony wu by Defl l . .. t • .., WOODMAN MEATS INC. Featw111t U. S. GOVT. CHADID, SEUCT STALL FED STIEi lftF "GUARANTEED LOWIST PllCIS AYAILAIU ANYWHEll" Mrt. William Whit.e. 2033 Maple Ave .. Costa Meaa, waa ho.teas Wedneaday evening to KamMlna Klub memben1. Mn. Norman Flts- Gera.ld presided for her tlr11t aeulon although the Immediate put prealdent, Mra. Robert Boyd Jr. wu unable to be present to tum over the ravel. Othel' officers al~ took up their dutiea. Old bu•lneaa wu completed and new attain dl'lw:ue- 1 Previou1 to the Kamaalna 1h1>w- aed. of particular lnt~reat l>f>ing Ing the Marples had run the films an Aloha party tor Mr. and Mrs. at the San Emmeit home, Villa Omer Darr. The couple la leaving Way where aon David _. cele- lhla 1prtng-on the.Ir achooner Vega bratln&' hi• l&lh birthday annlver- for Tahiti. The once-black hull 3ary. Mr1. Emmee I.a a Kamaalna Vaga la now belnr lllltlded for a member. Three new Bobcats were wet-Schnelder, Andy Seal. Ch&rlea Bell comPd by CUbmaeter Hcrg Riiey, and Bobby Sawyer received Den- They were Bo~ Chacon. Greg-ner 1tripe1 while Amat.ant Den- ory Von Ho!tman and WUUa.m nera were Chari.ea Treea. Jeff Welch. Olht>r award• preeented Clark, Larry Ellman, Mike Shuch-------------ter, Ronald Bodman, John Reilly, were: Wolf Badge, curt.ls Ellmore. Mike Mangan, Larry Lee, Gary Rm11t 5al•I c •• Biii Llndeb. Charles. Jetfery Magner. Charle• Bell and Billy Clark. Jonny Seal, Gordon Forgt>y, Donohoe. Service Pina weril award- Charlei Bell, and MU!e Shuchter; ed to Bruce McClalre, Jeff Clarke, Larry Glb11on, Scott Galea, Mike Wolf arrow•, Charlea ~11• Larry Kutner and Richard Vandervort. Gibson. Scott Gates, J onny Seal, 2; Charlea Bell, 3; Mike Shuc:hter. 2; John Shields, Jeff Clark, Bill On Saturday, Jan. the 22 the Pack traveled to Hollywood to He "Thia ls Cln•rama." LIAN MEATY ·CHUCK ROAST new coat of paint. She baa been Attending other than the Mar- ~verhauled completely. Inside and plea and the hoat couple were out, tor puaenger crullle aervlce Mmea. Flt%Gerald. Leo de loa Rloe. between TahlU, the amaller 111-John Fulln, Robert Rickett•, Ed- land• an,d Hawaii. W6rd Kelly, Rob41rt Chamb41rlain, After the r efreahment hour Mr. Omar Darr, Robert Smith, Lucille and Mn. Pe&rce Marple& of Bal-Smith, Roy Keene and MIA Lola boa lllJuid ehowed Tahitian mo-Lyons. Cueata were Mra. William Uon picture• with narrative. Thty Prealopaky of Newport and Mrs. were takan wh"e U1a Marple.a llv-Wendy O'Brien of Bal~ Ialand. ed In Tahiti &Ad were In color, The Feb. 1& meellng will be held mome of underwater acenea, other1 at th• Aloha Room of the Keene ot home.a. luaua and wrloua I•· residence with Mrs. Robt-rt Smith Lindeke. Bear Badge, Richard Horn. February Pack acUvlUea Include the Blue and G<lld Dinner to cele-, CIENTl:B CUT 0-BONE LEAN llONEI.1:88 7·BONE ROLLED Larry Ellman, Buzzy Person &nd J,ohn Roblnaon; Bear arrow, Larry Ellman; Lion badge, Michael Kut- ner, George Vandervort, Andy brate the -.11th birthday of Scout· Ing on Feb. 17 at Viii& Marina. A snow trip 11 acheduled tor the 19th. . S~I and J ohn Parker; Lion ar------------- rows. Mich~! Kutner,. 2, ~orge Vandc>rvort. Andy Seal, 2, and Stanley at Hoa«) ROAST ROAST ROAST 29•. 390,. 49.o,. l&nd beauty apota. aa ho11te1111. John Parker, 2. Lewie Stanley, Cliff Haven, n-•••••••••••-TENDER lUICY 49•. Investiture by Larry Glb80n, Jett Clark, Larry Ellman, Ricky Jackson, Michael Shuchter, J ohn Shields, David tered Hoar Hoepltal Wedneaday for an operation. He la expected to be releued ahortly. Miss Reding H onored at Bridal Fete Brownie Troop ~ SMALL ENGINE REPAIR and SAW Brownle ·rroop 11. under the For Powu Mowerw • 8oatJI • ContnMltoni .,qulpment IPadcrahlp of Mr11. Lewie, held a Aopnh1 for Brl1t111. l!ftrstton CIJnton, Wl!MloD&ht, LawMD Uelight!ul blrthooy attalr at the En..._ · Scout House recently with an ln· HARMATB ELECTRIC & MFG. 00. UtUa umbrella.11 and pink carna-ve11ture service and the glrh1 ~e-n.a.5 w. Coaat Hlrltw-.y Newport S.Cla Pb. LI 8-41ll t.tona were decorative theme at a ce1vlng their one year pendantll. ·=====~==~=~~=~~====~==~~~~I r9Cent mlacellaneoue bndal 1how-Th04le Invested were Mary Jane •r honoring Miss Cny Redlng. Boyd, Paula Gardner and Sarah cle.rk 111 the Newport Beach P08l Kr .. lle, Otrtca and daughl.er of Mrs. Har.el Glrl11 receiving t:heir year pen· R«'<llng, 126 31th St. Ho11t .. 11a for dant8 were u follows: SuDU!ne the pretty hoapltallty was Mrs. Brubaker, S unn Clements, Chris-iat::::!!::C: Llody Gardner ot Ohmdsle. · tlna Cot ton. Ca.role Jean Delght- M.lu Reding la to marry Vance man, Loulu Handy, Gall Ha.rrie, Roberta of 3507 F1nley Ave. lh111 Suz:r:ane Harris, Su11a.n HUI, Mary ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ !lprtnr and 1hl' received ma.ny love-~w1~. Okll1a Lewton, Patricia ly (tit& for their new llome. Mr. T1U1dy and Pa,,et Weatherby. Roberta 11 amployl'd In the 11ame Cak" and punch were eervl'<I by otttee. the g1 rh1 to their mothers with Su- Many Glendale friends attended. SAn Hiil the bOl!traa. Pre.Milt from here were MIH Red-Motht•re attending were Mnt. lnf and her future mother-In-law. Wtllla m11, Mn. Krelle, MMI. Boyd, Mn. Zelpha Robert•; Mra. Mary ~r11 HUI and Mrs. Lewton. Dmadale and Mra. Walter Rarkt'r. Mn . ~wt. WH aaeiated by her Mra. R~lng wa11 unable to be c<;·lf'n drr. Mn. Collon and by Mra prewnt. Llnd11tf'dl. troop chalrmo.n. CORONA DEL MAR PTA Exchan ge T each.er T ells About Life in Hollywood FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPOIT HARIOR AREA CALL LEHIGH 9· 1634 llOTOROYCLE ESCORT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Bruce Martin A view oC HolllUld u eeen by a er, Ml.kt Oaughon, Spence Cole and FOR A.LL YOUR lNSURANC!l NEIIDB ~rullbrlJ"t exchange teachrr wu ,John Van l>yke or ~nlor Scout preaented lo the Corona de) Mar Poat 17. Lynn Barton, leader. The a AlltO-Truck 1nsplr11t1onal meaM('e WM given Sdt0ol P ·TA on J a.n 24 by Mrs. by M rs. Robert Grtesaer who Mng fire _ Life J ohn t Ro&clnt' 1 F.-eley. Some or '"Umnt Me 0f'ar Lord Deep Puce ~ ~ war pr<>blama tacad by of M.1nd'", a.ccompanled by Mra. uit~A.L AGJ:.NT ... .,..,,..,,, _.' _.... ...... ,..... ,Tu ... --. .......... --.-=---.-·on1ee troWfed lnto an arN on&-t e11th the .4. titilef but Wry lntere.w.t 'ri- alae o! Callfort1la were dlscu.ued. •It to a fourth r:nck mualc cl._ Libert}' 8-6GIS Liberty 8-655' 8he obeen•ed that student.$ hoping wu preMnlrd by KlM Clara SpeJ-1793 Ne Ave.. Ooeta lie.a io continue their educ!ltlon beyond man with the help of a tape re-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ s r&n'lmar school must pua rtgld corder. She played an Wlttbea.rMd ~ examlnaUons &nd then face a ra-1 r~cordlng of the cl&Jlll eing1nr four Uler elrkt academic cour&e. Thl're I number11 la UtUe time for recreation In thf' Mr11. Peaae 1J1t1ounc~ that the ute of a Dutch etudent. I honorary llfe membaralUp commit· Mn. Feeley noted that th•' peo· lt>t' will be compoHd or Mrs. Al I pie of Holla.nd han a krl'n Interest Cll'mC'ncc, chairman; Mra. Kitty ln llfe In the United Slat<'ll. She al-Burton. Mr~. Art Sailabury and ao t ouched on Holland'• pre~nt Mni. Grayce Sevier. 8)ta appolntt..S d•Y In eoclal and economic 11tatw Mra. Sue J.lartln to attend with her and Uluatrated her tft.lk with beau· the meeting• of the hltth IK'hool tl!ul color elides. citizen'• committee. Th~ meeu ng wa. oswned with Ho1Jtea11e11 for the evening were lJI,. flar .. iut .. led by Honnle Keel· the s.-cond ~de room 1nother11. R~pelrw • i\talnt .. nAoee • lmtallaUoae STAFFORD 6 SON "~ELS and DOC" ELX<.-rKlt'AL t:OSTRAO'l'Oll8 l'bo'"' U~rty 8·1'69 1 110 Rlvenlde A"re nue N9"')10n llMcll LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMA NENTS DAN 'S BARIER SHOP IUl.ROA THEATRE Bl.DO. BALBOA OJ>f'n Tt-U,f thru Satu.rday VALEN·TINE DOLL JAMBOREE! "'tth Any DoO Purcha.M'd Thi8 Wf"f'k \'ou Will R('('('ln FREE Any Toy In t hf' Stof'f', \'aJuf'd from $2.95 • 16.95 Here's How This Tremendous Doll JamborH Worlls; WITH THY. P1"RC'H.\"1f: OF A ~\· OOLI. \'Al.t't:O 7. 95 \'011'11 ~"" t'RU: any toy prll'r.od 9.95 11.95 14.95 16.95 18.95 . . •• .. . . •• •• • • ,, .. .. • • • • ti .. , , •• ,, .. USE OUR LAY AWAY PLAN For lllrthclays or Sprtai aothe. lo .. .. .. AT- 2.95 3.50 3.95 4.95 S.95 6.95 V~·M·~Otf ' 1111 Hatl»or .. d. Costa Mesa , .. Coming Soon ••• Italian Dinners Pizza Fine Foods to Take Out -WATCH FOR OPENING 511 E. lalboa llvd. lalboa le Rest-Assured with a Sleep•ll Mak"" or t~ •'amnut1 8Wp-.. l•f'dle BM ~::-::,.,. a rood fl rm 1 ... ...._ Twl• NM Amf'na.'• l.aJ'I Nl FM'tory kt i·ou Mau.,.._ TWIN BED SALE ! 2 lnnerspriftCJ Mathesses and 2 lox Sprin«JS -./ QuUWd Top -Pooiturtuct .,..., ........ p. "'· JI-. a rrt. ..... U1 t ' a.....__,. ... .. llAIN ...... Aaa u , ...... CLUB STEAK RIB SWISS PRIME RIB STEAK STEAK ROAST 390,. 391,. 45•~ LEAN~TV SHORT RIBS 15•. LEAN nau GROUND BEEF BONELESS STEW BEEF P'RFJJH FILLET ROCK FISH Tlte 8talltf•r s,.a-l• hera to help •treamUne your tlgure to tM new 1prlng faahlona. Now 11 Ula time lo •lreamllne your figure th• l'UY lne.xpenatve way. CJaU t• t•ree trertmeat. 5 lb •• 99c 45~. 39i,. o., Up. ""· 8tew&ac' 25c I "..-.. 3 Sc CHICKENS --·-······· SALAMI ~u-... -.. ~ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Budd'• F&nllf!rw Mkt. Pbooe KJ 1-1111 Phone Barbor 1742 for appointment 111'7 E. C-t Hl-y Corona de.I Kar OPE~ EVENIS08 High Quality Printing Phone Harbor 161 6 'A Sportsman's Dream Come True KOM·PAK TRAILER The KOMPAK trailer is a complete boat, camp kitchen, and sleeping trail· er all in one streamlined, rug«Jed unit. ·----( I --- A beautiful 12 ~. laminated fiber«ilas boat attaches over body to form a roof. Side View Sbowing Boat Attached Kur Vlf"•' Sho•in1t Bullt-ln Gall(>y EQUJPME~'T-St.andard equipment includes combination tail light, atop lighl, and tum indicalor units mounted on earh fender seclion. Intr rior cootrolled ven- tilation poru, sidewall lamps, canvas canopy for roof when boal is in u11.-. Buill-in work table, cabinets with lndi- vidiual lock arrangements. 5.4 cu. ft. ice refrigerator, and 8.4 gallon water tank. AREOD YNAMIC DESIGN .•• a thing of heauty! THE KOM·PAK is not a utility trailer. It ia not a boat trailer. nor a house trailer. Yet, it is all of these. ROM-PAK ia a new and distinct trailer type. The KOM-P AK ls a aport.eman'a trailer designed and bllilt exclusively for the out.dooraman111 W1e by com- bining into a single compact unit, the mollt eervice- able features of all three trailer types. Whether be be an angler, a nimrod, or one who just like to get out for camping or boating -KOM-P AK ia ready lo go. The KOM-PAK will go any plate that i8 ac• ceMible to a car, and properly equipped and provi- sioned, will provide the true outdoorsman bia every need whether it be along the road, ln the camp, or afloat. A 12-foot laminated fiberglus boat of proven de- sign is attached o\•er the body &<> that the inverted hull providet1 a roof for the trailer. The design of the boat complement.a the lrail<'r with the fine bulJ lines being carried into the trailer design. The boat la euily removable, and when in separate uee, it.a protective duty is assumed by a wind-N't1i11tant wa- terproof cover that rolls wp and over the top in a jiffy. This Great Trailer Is Now On Display At -lorgil Hardware 2205 W. lalboa llvcl. OPEN SUNDAYS • NEWPORT BEACH HARBOR 116 ' 12-RulldlnJC ~n1<-ea ------------------~~~~--------------~~~~- WEST COAST BUILDERS GENF.RA L CO NTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPECIALISTS in room additions and remodeling for over 8 ,yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8-5763 KJmberly 3-8274 87plH CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORI< NO JOB TOO S MALL. H. O. Anderson U 8-906:) Coata Me11a 83UC Painting, !?ecorating Paper Ha.n grng GEO. BURKHARDT L.ICENSED C'ONTRAL'TUR 611 aulh St .. Newport Buch Har. 208-W or LI 8-6632 Uc Specialized p AINTING HOME REMODEL IN'l'ERlUR -EXTEKJOR LH.:ENRF.O -INSURED P ATIOS. r .. rprntrr. ptu 1.-rln1:. Glenn Johnston •·oncrrte work, tile Mllln~. painting-you numc-it. wr <ltt it ~I • 3lal ~l Ne"'rpurt BNtch FOSTEH UROS. I ____ H_ar_1>o_r_:i_11_6 ____ 1_:1_tt_c H1ubor 3076-K -LI 8·2932 118pt2 BUD& BARNEY l 2-Bulldln11t ~n1Hs -- FOR RENT ~kilt Sawa, Elec. Dnlla, Potbihera. aJJ typu of 8andere, Wheelltar- rowa. etc. · 'BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 W. COAST KJOHWAT Llbt'rty 8-!1436, N9W1>0rt Sch 28ttc HAULING ANY KIND-TRASH OR ? Anything, Anywhere Phone Llberty 8-2145 118c991:i HOLLJSTER BROS. NURS'l!.'RY New lawn, reasonable or DO IT YOURSELJ'-WE TILL It GRADE YOUR S'l:llD AND ROLL lJNDER OUR OUID· ANCE. -L1 8-15112. 94p9 PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging "The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar :.12 :18th St., Newport Boch PHONE HARBOR 240t Uc Experienc'd ~a rdene r PATl"Tl="G -BR\:SH or SPRAY ·~"-:...__P..;.e.;....no~·..:..•...; .. _____ _ :-:on-Union --L1cenM'd LANDSCA ING lMt> Irvin<'. Costa Mua A.Jcobolica Anonymoua and CLEAN ( PS TP1 ms -LJ 8-4394 -u 8-1515 Wni. P. o. Bo11 s11 Liberty 8-1659 97tl Newport Beach, Callt. _________ 9::._r _oh General Contracting COMPLE!..!'E PAINTING 1 HF.PA IRS, r~modellng rrnd alters· & Paper Hanging ServlC'c EUOENF, () S/\UNIJblRS 60CI :11 .. 1 SI rret. Newpor1 !lf'll<'h Harbnr :1978-J. 41cM House Plans l .IBJ.:RTY 8·62til tuin worl<. R~~1tlent1al and com- 111.-r<' 1al 1Ju1 ldmgs c.luallty W<>rk Guaranteet.I Har 31!)1 daya. Har. 2460-J eves, 9!1ttc "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY -\.\'Ill t•omt' tn your home, take down Painting & Pap('rhanging your v .. ncllrtn bhnll•. take tht'm We do the work ours<'l\'eS. to our t&untlry L.aundtr the slat11. :II) ) l'llr~ f'ltJ-"rl<'nC!' l.11"11""'1 Ir 1n~u1<c.J Pbone Harbor t796 tto INCOME TAX IC you will get a refunfl and want t o receive st eMly. Ji:"t your Income Tax form In EARLY! lt la your right to teke every allowable deduction. I.At me ht>lp you. LELAND J. FOGG for over 12 years a Deputy Collrctor ot Internal l«venue 1884 HARBOR BLVD. U 8-1861 . Evea. W $-!la~. 6c7 l~hare You Oar '!"'-Lost aad Found ----------LOST-Persian calico cat. mo1Uy wh1t1. near 1'/pt. IT&IJlm&r Khoo! A LSO FOUND -Slamue female ca!, Phone Hart>or 6Hl-R. 4d LOST-Male fox terrier, predomJ- na.ntly white. Brown b&.te. brown 1pot &t bue of white tall. yel· low eye1. Name Buster. e m o1. old. Arn :)2t R.~la.nda Ave. Tel. U 8·5237. Ed B&lee. Reward 8c5 24-Schools. lnstruetloa Accordion Lessons MR. HALL, HARBOR S002·R Milton Mann Studios 8p5 China Painting Day and' Evenlns Cl..,.. Orden Ta.ken Now Phone Llberty 8-6848 Htlo Real • In Estate School Santa Ana MEN It WOJol.ltN prepare In llJ>&1" lime tor unlimited opportwi1Uae In Real E.tate. New claalt• weekJy. Al Tyler 1n1tructtnr. Al· tend tlrat evt'nlng t ree a.rid le&nl about thJ1 ,-re&t tleld. C&JI or WTlte now for lnform&Uon. au.I· neu wUtute, Ull~ N. Bye&• more. KI 3-17113. 7•Uc In Responae to Popular Demand wi,; HA VE RECENTLY enlarced our racllltlea to accommod&t• more chlldrl'n. There are a few placee av&lJable. PREPARJD your cblld for kinder- garten 111- ALMA OLESEN GREEN'S HAPPY LAND PRESCHOOL 398 E. Del M ar, Colta Meo Agu 2·fl Uberty 8-3771 A truly tine N'uraery School 2cl~h FOR SALE TO BE MOVED New 2 yr. old buildings will be sold to highest bidder. 1 bldg. -4 units, approit. 1300 11q. fL l bldg. -2 unit.a, approx. 6:>0 eq. ft. 2 bdrm. cottage approx. 850 sq. ft. IDEAL for motel or rental unils. Completely furnished including wall to wall carpet- ing, bed.a, tables, lampe, chairs and appllancee. OPEN FOR BIDDING NOW BALBOA BAY CLUB 1221 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Mr. Reese, Liberty 8-2211. 3c5 28-SltaalloM w .. tect ----MAN 6 WO~ wW do reneraJ boUMwork, n oor wUina.. win. dow cle&ninl Falt workers. white. llM I:. 20UI St., Co.ta Me-. U 8-M83 Uttc CAPABLE younr lady des1rea tull Ume job. Experlmced gt'n'I of· flee, eecret.ary, typln(, bkkp. Harbor 236t -W. 3p6 Alterations RE8TYU.NO Kim of California 212 Merine Harbor S•Sl B&lboa X.la.nd 11spn Roy's Maintenance Houae cleanine-Ftoor waxing Wall wallhinr-wlndow clHnlnr VenetL.t.n bllnda. Upholstery Jnaured. Free Eatlmatu UMrty 1-UU. lUc Yard Maintenance Clt'an up Jobe. Free !'.attmate Ubtrty 1·37611. 80p81b GlRL WANTS BABY SITTING In Cliff Haven &.nL PHO!l:E Liberty 8-011~ :)p7 TABLE larnp.i S2 uch. 3 w11y re- flector floor tamp $3, drapes. U 4t $2 a pair, hl2 roac Ax· mtnstt>r rug SlO. Rattan chair I< coffee tablt $1:1 e&. Maroon uphol. rhair S 10. UphOI. chair Ir matching ottoman $1 2 50 Ma· hogany bedrm. tel $100 l n'•I· WOO<I chaise l<>ungut'll, nt>w pal14 117.60 U ('h. l..8wnmnwr r with (TUI catcher $1 2 :.0. C•mlen tooJ1 $1.M to $3.~ t>ach. 3 !> h. p. outboard motor $40. Har. 1361-W. Why stand in line? Ll:T TOMMY gel your 19115 llcenw. Prompt serv1rll. 21118 E. Co1~t Highway, Corona del Mu. Har. "71111. 6c7 car tlc7 BAR eq\llpmenl. lnclu<lt'I! bu. back bar. 1tool1. caa.h rt1gl•tl'r. retrlg- eraUon. Oood eonnltton, re"l!On- &ble. Pb. Har. 2726. ri>CO lJNlVERBAL ra ngt. au tomatic clock, 11.lnt. condition. &nd1x wuher, bedlttad, cheep. Ll~rty 8-7126 ti.rore 1 O or &rtt'r O. 1'><'7 :.JAN. 26, 1955 ~COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 7 Kenmore wril\(er wuher. r;ood condlUon . $-49.6-0 L&underaU •ulo waaher . ·-119.:)0 Msy~ wrln~•r cleu ........ 39. S..rvel tttrtK·· 7 cu . n. clean f>ll. COl.DSPOT r l'trtg., e cu. t\. 49. Hotpolnt c>IN~. rang•. dt'luxe, xlnt. condition . . . 99. a. E. l'icc. r1Lnge 40" brand new I WU U 69 J ... -$299.6-0 O. E. d1shwuher, brand new (waa $330) now ........ ~· 239. G. E . retr!c .• 8 cu. ft .. : .. 69.60 Wedgewood deluxe range 40" ... 69.60 O'Ket>fe Ii: Merrill ranJ't', cleun 40" 39. CRffOl'8 • Sattler wre. xlnt. cond .. top covt'r • ........ 64 6-0 V an1urn clt'flners, l!t"Vtt11I $6 to 40.~. P.verylhlng 1s i;uar1t.nletd FrN~ Ot'll\'t'f'Y -Terma · Dale's Furniture &-cretuy ... . S6~ Dra~11. .. . -···· • U rr. 6 up A&8\lr1 mtnt Of tools, N'&.ioonablr. ALSO, garden 100111, mopa. eotc. Od. uwd lnnenrrlnJr msl\N'&at-1. Break fut wt, O pc ........ Slll l\O Apt. Ilse atov.-. .. .. $24 11!'> 1874 Harbor Blv1t .. Co11ta J.ll'M !'>r& 19:14 HOTPOINT ~frlrnatur, big l01v ci1, ft. Cf OM lo>(' (rf'"&i'r che11t, ehrl\·<·• In door. rolor In· lerlor. two w•i:. crla1>ers. \Jaed 2 weeka. f'•I dn. to S 169 78 troll\ $340. SEE B.w1hn• A • s Warl'hOUN 210 s. Main St., SMla Ana e block• So. of Fourth Sl. Open evl'll. 'ti.I 9, Sun. 11·:1 Klmberly 3-720\ • SlNOER 1ewln1t marhtn<'. wuhlntr machine. m111r h•lllst'hot.1 tum. Incl. lilahu. antt1111t·~. Hat t>or 2871-W. •<'6 STROOTS TeWINKLE HOWE. 1802 Nf•Wport Blvd .. Costa Mu a BltAUTJFU~ Ol•I 7 •lltltWt'r high Liberty ~-3426. ~6 boy, $1211. l'h llllr J 7t>O. 5c7 11.1'1~ XORCE a11l om,.tlc Wllllhtr. tht• on<' thlll dot'l! everylhln)! Hu IJlg 9-lb. tub. a~iuuor ant1 "''\·r!low r1n11e. t'i<<'d I mu. P cJ. dn tu St i8 i7 rrom '280 N..i t·a,.h dn. J11a1 pay the pymt11. of $9.1 O pt>r m un lh SEE Bllughn• A 4t S Wa tt>hOUIM! 220 S. Main St. Santa An& 6 hlork11 So11th ut Hh St. Optn ''""" ·111 9. Sun. 11 ·:I KlmbNly 3-i:!OI. 40" DELlJXl,! clock • controlled d1rome t op, grtddlt>, gl11~ ov1-n door high b roiler, TapplUl nLnJre. A eteal Ill U39.9~ P'rre dc-llnry A lnatslhltlon. Jake's Appliances 1837 Harhor Blvd . Coste MtNI Wbf'rty 8-~4 1 6<'6 COWSPOT 7 cubic It retngera- tor. vt'ry Jood con<lltlon '3!'>. Apt. alu rarig t', $6. Har. 1S°'4·W 3c5 BEDRM. ll<'l, 1111 bllllk ti .. c1A, c.Jhl. ch~•l. xlnl. .... 11.1 ro·R:~onahle. Har 1374-M. . hp7 MONTEREY d1n11111 ~"t. t11hl,., t chalri • burt1·1. s.:.11 2•6 F1 .. , .... .er. C<>&tu MP111\. t.lh• t1y 8·Hli!l. 6\'7 DAVENPORT, 1I•1111 ~t1tk•·~ gu•lrt double bed, \'r1 )' r;·11,.111111bh.' I.I ~01• k7 S2-A-Ant!<J.~------ ANTJQUf.-;s l lt11n1 .. tuvr U r>. S1·1t. ~he~• $17 '•II s, h"11l1tllll!tt o•r'• o.foek $76. -11111. -111:!·1<. 3c6 lS3-Boats. S~p~~l"_!' ___ _ W A.NT TO BUY 26 tl powt'r b<>Rl. Mu.tit be top run1llttt•n. r11•l a.nd plush lnMhl~ \\'ntr J 1n1n1y li11rn1, J233 E. St.. Sun ti"' n11r.J1tn11. Cal. lp6 . TRADE Beautiful 10-11 llllit. M h11oncr. Stttl•frH, l'•n lr:U1'1 1n1t·0 ·1 F:•l 1111,.tr• f•'M! ('ult .l11hnn1t ! Ll 8-2687 & Ll -52...,!I X l l (1 t1111""· •'urdi.. 11parkl1n& clean "II h .. 111 O<'W niarh1ne prort1111 mr1ht11l Rl'lllHI your bllnl111 snrl l •"Jl\•lKll 1)1"111 tn 'J I l'lflllfll J•t I••• Vt'\' n'h'un.thlt' "thf" a\'t'r· 11 1:• :.! l11pr re«l•lt•n1111l blind - WA="T DAILY RJOF. downtown LA , houra 8..f :~.'I. Like to Join ('ar p<>ol or would ori;:anl.J.o own. Ph. Warttn. Hnr. 4016. 95lCc Accordion Lessons %9-HeJp wuted MUSIC ANO CNSTRUM'E.NT . ------- Furn.lab~, 10 wlll. Har. S002·R. BVll.D MCure ll8dy Income $300 ACRYLIC PAl?'T, ont' or the lat- eet de vetopmrnl3 In thr p1lnt ln- dU.llty, la now In 111oek 1t your Harbor Paint C~nter. l'sed for mtertor or nlt'rlor wall•. ptu - tt'r or 1tucco. 412 32nd Sl . New- port -Phone Harbor 2838 2c7h RO PE:R CP nang ... llkr new. $&. Dav nporl. $20 A feather bl'd pUlow11. Har. 30Ul·J 4c:) FRF.EZl!:R 19~4 dl't"Jl frttu. 11 •; cu fl . h•• 1111 •·olor 1nt~11 .. r 1 a1 k•, eharp rrrf'u rompart m<'nt • 3 yr Cood pto\<'Cllon plt<n Jfl>l<l• OVt>r ~ lbfo lond. Pd. dn. to $278 37 frum $•80 C•ah or 1''111ly f<Jllrl\J. ICU tHI)'\\ h!'I" \\'Anl $SH.HOO r•11111y tn p101) .. lly 1220 \.\'~i.l ·~·dbua 111\'•I ~f'Wl'IU l- CARP EN TER Repair \Vork Doe• Your llomt: ;-... "'' Kl'palnnt: or Ht•mOOrllng • Call ~·rnnk. l.lh»r'.) 11-69!)1 All Work Cu1<•«lllt<ed 74Ut" H . H. HOLBROOK DEPF:NDAGLE PU MBING A Pr11mpl R .. .,s.11 ~Nvte,. 111au1111.1ned Phon~ fl11rbor 4624 H UI Balboa Blvd .. Nrwpurt Beach p.ttp ; JUST .. ORTM •' POST OFF.Cf Only $1.00 Wf' 1111.0 tf'Jln•r t.n<! r .. b1111if Vf'ne· I lun hllno! • A II work d1tnP bv "p· J"•lnlmfnt Phonr no" l,Jb,.rtv !<.'1701 "r Klmbt"tly 3·8274. PJltfc 6p7 lo '1000 mo. within e rnoa. Part -------------or tull time. Your own buline .. : PAINTING ltY.M\C)'.':ABLF. REPERENCE~ Klml>'•rly 'l-860:1. Op7 PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 r11mer St., <'nsta Mesa rhone Llb••rty 8-211211. 67lfc --------...... _ <.'AR pool arrive downtown L. A. 8 :30 l'l.m .. luve L. A. f>:JO p.m. tS--altaadona Wuted Har 2639·J. r>c7 ·~~~~y-~l~~----- Superfluous Hair Ptrn11u1ently removeo rrom tac• ann1, 1eg1. Eyebrows a.nd balr Une ahap<'Cl-No more twHZlns. ELU!:N 1.. SR YANT R. £. Udo'• 8.ioa or Buuty Bar. 2676 ~ - 2~ Study Cuatomera 0&11 Handyman 8Um, Har. •W Yard work -paint -cleaning Artlrtlo landacapln( P'ut Work' Le• Corti 6pl EFFICIENT otolhu mending, &n1 a nd &11 kinda. cu.rtom pdtlcoata. decol'9tor pillow•. Call Llbnty WOOt betWMJ> 9 .. S. 6pT MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTM ' EARN FROM TME FIRST MoM.y tfwovgh · 1lt.nda'I 9:30 Mn. -3:30 p.ft\.. -f\·00 p.m. no In vat.mt: retlnirnent pt11.n HYatt •-7301. 4p6 WA NT EXPERIENCED woman u cook • howekeeper. ualat mother. 2 Khool-.ace children. Uve In. good aa,la.ry. Cl<>a• lo tranaportatlon. Cllll enntnp , Harbor «II. See QENltRAL ma.Id for l woman. muat be sood. pla.ln cook. Cail alter e p.m. HY•tl 4-70211. 4p6 ooaroa•a .t. a a I a 'I' 4 NT. - Are 2CMO. Call Har. 4022 or apply t.l otnc.. too w. Balboa BIYd., Newpo!'l Bell. 11'30-:1:30 )fon. thrv Ji'rt., or <.:all Harbor 619·W alter & :SO pm. for appl. 3t::> nRST CLASS m1rtne rntthantc with a.11 around .mall boat d· pet1ence Wnle P. O. Box 311&. Ba.Ibo• bland. ftvtnc complt'te qu.alltlcaUona 2e-t Draftsman (Male) r or work ln Mach &rl'a with 3 )'1"1. practJC81 e1rperlenc:e In rnech. drafUJtC 1.nd 2 yn. col· l•C• or equivalent. Write P. 0 Box 1031. A lhambra. C&ilr , fn· cJOalnf ae.mpla or work. ~Uc OIRL&- WANTED We bave ope111nca at our New• port Btacb ottlc~ Ill £. Bal· bo& 81'¥4. for Telephone Operators -Appl7 - Monday UlrouJb ~da.J ':00 a..m. to 4 :00 p.m. 51412 No. tilain St., Rm. 211 But& Ma PAetnC 1"E't.EPHONE 17Uc St~noa • bkk~. n~ed l'ew Jobe DeJly Rfc\attt Now. JUNE F>JU.R ltMPLOTXENT "6~>'· 402'.t 32nd St.., New· port Bch I 11.tt01U1 rrom city h•Ul 6CfJ KA VJ: OP::NINO for ~ l'A\Ale Broker ot 8&1etm•n. F\IJI office l'Upport. prefer one with know· Mel,. of bearh and Onnr:' COun· ty valuu. ~ J, Crosier le Auoc. 3:)30 Ea1t Coul Hwy. Oorona del Mar. Calllornl& Telepb011e Harbor 3!'>71 SO-MJenel!e·e..-ror Sale REMODELED! llELLINO CR£AP BrMltfut bar, cupbo&rdl and al.nll. 1IFuh buln A mJac. blq. mlltert&la. Har. 1374-M. llp7 WOODW01\KINO mac.hinuy, nr. nrw. Lath• ••s. aanckn. etc. lutt&bie for borne •hop. ~aon­ eble. Ph. R&r. 4%11 or Har •320• X1 BA.BT-TEND A, i11; 6 beby crib, t yr. Illa, 110, bot11 In (OOd C011· dlUOb. Ph. LI 1-1012. ~· FIREWOOD l"llD Dl:UVU T Dry Wood, Jt" • It" len(\JI. calJ 8. ft.. 8TAOO Phone Barbor l Olt l:YenlDp Harbor 53111 5cll CUITC.'" lttJlL T tO cu. ft. fl"fdet t comp&rt.ment.a, BARGA.IN. Ha.rlaor Wt. tttlc TA liLI!: Lop while e.n1tmel •111v, JlHY lht" pymla of I I z 73 per mo. S21l Porublf' -•her, 17. Bu1o< SF. .. : a11ughn" A It. s war.-h()UM' rabbit, J3 I.I 8-483f attrr ti At I 220 s Maln St • St.nl& Ana wttk tnd• 4•·11 6 hl()(.'ks South ot Hh St. Fresh Hearing Aid AA 171.:RIER ' We Otve SA~ Grun Slampa Gunderson Drui? Co. M91n St. t1l Balboa Blvd. Bilbo• Harbor ~l~. Hltc 01'>en f'vtll. 'lit II. Son. ll-6 Ktm~(;"ly 3-7201. Washing Machine S El\VICE lt111 bor 311:12 :11 t:th \\'OOU 1-'Hl-:t:.MAN: I:! \'Oil 11ut~ m•UC p1lol, t'XC'\ 11,.nt l llfl•I S200. 8•'41 at :lHti \\' l'<11ti;t lh1:hw11y, N~v,.port B!'ll<'h l'h 1.1 ~H 14 l. Jr:ih 14-Ji,. BURCll(;RA .. \. ~·, hp crutoo11nl esnd dolly, tnp cu~ uon, $2'70. Hu. 31101-W ~7 WJW.. 'fRAI)~ 18 tl. 111b<••rd bual, cabin. bait tsnk1t • tr11l1Pr tor lllle molltl p1cku1• lruck or Volk•w•a~n. t.J 8-f>7:12 6cl Firewood For Sale P'ltEE t>!:LtVEft y l•Yl'At (U&rllnlti! on )Ob• done and on uMld wuhere 2tl8 ~ I rear I Jlfewport 8 4., CO.I& M-. LJberty M503 or Liberty a.'81. ._,. M-.11~ a.d!o.. & TV WIUUHT 00. li'M Ne..,purt l!Slvd , Coeta .. ._ nll0WA.1RE ll·Ct. croe.-top r reu- Llberty 8-~ Oltc tr 1129 ~6 ------------1 Your ch•t11.P <•f 2 Cotu11pots I~ ~O ) 000 g.,,. u. l•>r UAed "'·nn1ttr a nd 1ulo- Bu.slnetu1 cardJI $3.95 mauc ..,,...htrs • rantto. \\ • rc-nt ran("•. V.1Ull'tr f'3 and BQOK MATCHES rtrnitntora. L W. WHITE LJ &-4011 1Evn W 8·!'>1~1 pptfc Washer Troubles 7 CALL LI 8-2237 Speeialiting in Automatlca AUTOMATIC Wuber EnterpriMA 83trc APT. SIZE r«tricerator It tt.ove, nice cond1Uon. ~10 ~ehld, Cu· ro:na df'I Mar 115ttc 36" TAPPAN rangt, dt'vlded lop, oven brollf'r • atM"l,Ct •fl"'" $119J~!) C.11 ua f or repair M'r'Vl<'eo on re- frtlt'l'Qtor•, t•lfl Jake's Appliances 11137 Harbor Blvt1. Cci1ta Meaa L iberty 8-:1641 llc6 I P!\4 PH ll..C'O r"fl'ljtf'Nltor. llllt'•t • r u • tnr (r...,vr <'ho\ mll<ltl. flpll<' .. for b<llll"• butt .. r, Vt'lt • mt>al lcffl"'' l"w •I nnry I rno. f'd <in. to $134 " No cuh tln. Ju•t pay tht pymt• llf $8.~'7 1>4'r month SEF: 811Ujtbl\JI A • R War<'htlue 220 8 Main 8t. Rani& Ana 6 bkx'ka South of Hb 8t OpC'n t •N.. 'll 1 ~ 1'11n 1 I·:) Kl mbf'rly 3· 1201 ~nt~ to Buy J k 1 A 1· WA~T TO B\'T' -2.'s hp John· a 9 $ pp lances "''" ulh<-..rd ""'tr,r M Wol bf 11'1 1&31 Harbor 81.ct., eo.t& Mu & I xlnt n n•llllon l.I 8-TZ94. •pl LIMrty 8-b64 I !'Jct 19M o·Ko.:n: It M£RIU'T"t' r""ic" j 32-t'urnJture for Sale the latut CP •ll automatic ip•,•, r;Af'f>"ER.q • .!IATTLER Clock. Lamp. wal•\ blgb broiler, 11 ., nia v r tatul cP All big Oftn 4t t.hOIMI Karptr tl1mm•r r nil c 1 b It I ......_ t ..,. 11111 .. m"\lr, 1CTll1dl•. 11mm .. r burn· uml"ra. • on y ...,.,n • or,... •. Pd. dn. Lo SIN 79. No ('a.ah dn l'f• th8t f)V .. n llmf'r • Kflll bru1lu Only bttn ator~I I'd. J u1t pay lhe pymla. of 110.63 d t 5138 82 x h 111 J t ~r moolh. n o . " C"t.t 1 . u• SEE Baucbna A A a W&reboUM 1'1$.Y thf' pymtA. of Sil 49 per mu. 220 8. Maln St., &ult.a Ana 81:1'~ 83U.!fhn• A .. ti War"hOUM ' blocka South ol •U. Bl. 220 8. M&1n Sl., l'llllla Ana Open nee. 'tll 9. 8un. 11 .3 !J block• .sc;>oth ot 4th 8l. Kl be I J·U OL Open cvea UI 9 Sun 11·~ m r Y KJmberly 3·1201 WJ:DOlllWOOD 1ton, oven con-lPl't<f O'KEEF'i: • ~u:ruurr rnnitt' trol. look.I nJl'e, '26. 433 Ac111rla, I c-p _,, 11utornallc-. nlCf'. 1ttlddl" Corona dcl Msr . Ph. Har I t31-M In rnfl'ft1Jr, 11tmmtr llumna lln'I • 4c6 1 lirt top llu th11l ntl'f' 11:nll C_O_LD_&POT ___ r_l'_fn-ge_r_a_t_or-1~0. f :ll-hr1t1 l1·r. f'tl. dn. lo '127 :lO • 111r I <'ellent condltlt>n. Phont Wl>t'rty I <mlv 1 mn ~" ca~h n• cllrd. Just S..7188. lk6 I pay the pyo11JO. or $'7 11:1 per mn St-:J-: BftUj!hn.1 A 4t !{ \\ ar .. hflUH SERVEL • cu. tL rtfrlg ., guar no s. M9111 St.. !(IUIUI All& l'IMllOnable. H&1. 389-W or Har., fl block11 South or Hh SL 1120-W. 131t E Balboa Blvd ()pt'n t\'U. 'ttl II Sun. 11·~ Balboll. rx-e KJmt>erty 3·1201 From $18 to a Successful Business One of our rtC'IJIAr 1dvert1.w-n 111 orr"'f by tn •Mt t.h• other d•1· "YM •tr · hf' M id. 'I\ w .. JU•l •h-•111 • V"•r a,o I etartcd In tJll• bu-1ncA• 1n 1"1nlrn11n1r ""'k' l::lt.d <>nly $18 to my nam• b<t\lllht 11 br1't<•m •n•I " mr'r &nd put an a.cl 1.n your r •r"r "You know t ill• pepeor of yount •ur.. ;:ti• arnunoJ. J'•-. &dverti.ed other pl~• 100. but .Uw11y1 grt mnr• Jnbe out ot. tbe ad In your papu than &nylhln&-el,.,. ''Ha•e 3 mfn .,,.orlclnr ror m.. n°'11.' 111d tvery "n" of Umn m&llN • d&l1ll «ood v \'IJIX -Ill Wl'll Ill myMtr' .. ,_. ... -M J.W--I 'll M f'-d le rw-.wfttn#IUI , ..... !'" ,.,._a.e.., , .. , ....._ N N ta '"'' UwlJ c-.. ,,lftf'd ~u .. •111 ..._, ,.. ,_...., t.06. Call Harbor 1111 Mtd Mk tor tiw. w lakf'r. kAMM01"> 0 1\0AN8 . All mod· tla. One anly 11ll1eh1Jy UHd, al· m0tt Ilk• new. Th111 11 a apf'clal. lJA~Z -SClllllJL>T Jllllnmond H udquartf'r~ tor Ur•n11• 'oun- ty. :i20 No. M 1un, Slllll& Ana.. $~ PER MO rtnt.e Stood pracuc-e p11100. All tum ro nt t.llov. t'1 tf you buy la t,.r. lJAl'l:Z·SCHJ.UOT Bii Plano Salt' !llO !l:o. M1tn. Gr-eat January l'tano S a111. RJ:!l:T Ill\ or1tllll or plllIIO W\t.b r.-nt.al to apply on f'uture pur- r h.,.«' at- SHAl,.ER'S Mu.a1c Co. (Slnce 19071 dl-t23 N. Sycamore, Sant.a A..na rh<7ne Klmbflrly 2-0672 150 USED planoa wanted for our r9'1UU eervlce 1'r1l1e In your old p11no on new pl•nn or elect.rono orr1Jt HlJh ca11h alJow&nce. DA.SZ •SCHMIDT Orut Janu• &ry Plano Salt, ri20 No. Mam. Santa Ana Hammond Orsan, Lelli• 8pe&ller FOR RENT FOH SPEC IA L O('('U IOn•. partln, wedd1.nga. "'\ , •t .hilml', oftlee, churc.b, w\lh or w11.hout orra.n· 11t. 1nclud1nc mov• In 4t wt. Ut>erty 8-1208. i nto O.SE ONLY-1un 1tle manual Min· •na\I or1an. Ilk~ ntW S I W 1200. ronv.._nt"llt ttrme at- 8HA t"J.:H S MUlllC Co t !Sln~ 18071 Ut-42!1. N. Hycs mof'f'. Sanl• >Jia Phone Klmberly 2~i2 Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS 1 79 H11rbor. ni11ta )1A11a l'h W~rty 8·2301 77pp-llo OUR CR~AT JASUARY .~~ $3117 b11ya Inv• ly RplnPl. Still\• dard ITI" kl' M 11 rnr t)'I"" Splntt only U:J~, U•ltJwln A1•1u~unlc only $Hl\1 PrM'll•" pl111111• rrom S~fl llp ll•by Oran•I" I mm "4116. lX>7"'"' ot oth,.r11 r"-"" ln111 ru- m .. nl11 arr trlltle·1n11 and rental- return1 MMy j1111t llk11 ntw. B"•rntlful t>le('t mnlr ori.tlln S•v• '2:'>-0. IJA:-:Z..SC.:HMlflT Big Pl· ano It Ontan Rtnrf' !'1211 ;-11>. J.talo. Santa Ana 0 E. CONSOLE 17 TV With re- roril pla.)'t'r It r"<'Urtl•. AM A n t r11<1io In tin" ron1h1 Ion, Ju .. t 1wtr1'1111IMt l\'11h1f' i•;rll 1 l'rlre t l7r1 Hu ~{JOI tor appl. 1 gvu. Har 4:.67 1 3r:> HAVE MllUlltul U .. ldwin nroetJnlo 1 Spinet, 4 yn •·"' V. A:-IT TO SWAI' f••r J.\T!Lnd JltlUll) f'h•ln' ll11rbor tllfll'l-M. 4tto MtrF:l..~F:rt-H AJ ~,.:.'4 f fl , 7" bAhy cr1u11t Jllt1nn M"h''l<""Y O<ln<I C!Ondltlon. Ph<tnr 11111 11l-J . 2c7 Pr18ciU& Mntthews Teacher of Piano ClAIUllet.I, popular hy harmon1 I f'orrnerly t;hlc1tcn. Lr11 Anitclea 211 Tu11t1n """. Newport S..ach 'l::ICICXICX:x:IOCD:X:ICXXllCIC:x:JCICXICXX:JCICXllOClCl:Xllll:ll::JCd U bert7 l·l llr.I ' f'fplJ ) U. S. GRADE GOOD OR BETTER, FANCY EASTERN GRAIN-FED STEER BEEF SWISS STEAK RUMP ROAST·~, U. S. GRADE 6000 OR BETTER, EASTERN BEEF ROUND All-AMERICAN 'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN ALL-AMERICAN FANCY, 6RA0£..A. OVEN-READY TOM HORMEL MIDWEST GRADE-A SLICED All-AMERICAN 'TIP-TOP' PURE PORK SAUSAGE 35:. 3 LIS~l FINEST NORTHERN STEAKS OF HALIBUT 39~ UOUORS ALL-AMERICAN +YR. OLD STRAIGHT $ 79 WHISKEY FIAH TRIKENA VODU :~~ s3• CHAMPAGNE v1~~EE-:1~ s3n TABLE WINE vi~~tJu~ 75c WHISKEY C1.AY MOtt&AN · Sft• 1.n. OLD -FIFTH 6J IEST CUTSI 3 SALE D~ VS! - •THURS.• NI.• SAT • .IAH. J7.Jt.Jt S I W -AU GRINDS COFFEE 1-LB. CAN WHOLE 0. HAl.Fl 21 to 21-lb. AVIU6E ~'" Tllllt Tll TDWI IY ITOIMl--.- MORTON'S • APPi.i • CHIRRY • PEACH FROZEN PIES! I O'/z-OZ. 2+0Z. PrE FOR 2! PIE FOR 4! ~ 23~ 43- . { r I' ' TE PREMIUM -VJ.GAL CTN. 2-LB. PKG. OLE SWEET I. l CURP!WM!EN PEAS Olan RtPE OLIVES .. ANT RIPE 23' I ~0.1 TALL: CAN t;fAMMOTH 27' ~UCAN •DOWNEY COINEa FIRESTONE I DOLAN 24-0Z. JAR 0.fy 'ti Mid11Jtoe, t..,. .. 10 P"I S-. • llllEI llOVE .. ~ARDEN ... CM ll VD. 16.,.._ ~.J DAJLY t:OO A.M. ro 10:00 , .M. . • IEWPOIT IEICI 2600 COAST HM;HWAY AT TUSTIN O'fN t:OO A.M. TO t:OO ,,M. DAILY ~·N ,. .. 104Y & ~TU .. OAV 'TIL tO ~.M. ARDEN COLORED •NORWALK COttNElt FllUSTONE I PIONKlt OPEN DAILY "rll MIDNllEI • COIOIA DEL MAI J049 COAST HIGHWAY AT JASM : DAILY t:OO A.M. TO 10:00 ,.M. • SAi CLEMEITE '°2 El CAMINO REA&. t:OO .. 9:00 ,.M.--sund.., t fo I ,.M. • • • • • • • • . ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ' . ~ ., .. ~ , KtJ/ser ?t"' KAISER FOIL ~ ~ ~ ::::::: ------No s.1 .. to CINl•l"I -W• It~ l\lsllt to l.Jmlt Ou•ntlllt• U.S. le. I WHITE ROSE SAVINGS UIE. THESE lftl'T PEANUTS! DeltCate.rsen DUBUQUE CANNED PICNICS :M:;f $299 4%·L85. LOWEST PRICE IN YEARS! HOFFMAN AU-MEAT &OLDEN ST A TE RINbl.ESS CHEDDAR RICH, CREAMY OREGON BLED CHEESE btn 111,., SWttf S.11lltt .. ,.,, BOLOGNA 39~ WILSON'S CERTIRED AU-MEAT SMOIC-UNK or 4 9 SSiiiSAGE ·~~~ : 1-U. PK&. IMPO«TEO FltOM DENMARK IEAUYAtS HAMS NO REFRIG. NEEDED 2·LB. s2 29 CAN ' PAG E 10 -COASTAL SHOPPER-:JAN. 26, 1955 RENTAl..S .SA-Apt•. for ~nt ----------------~~---ATTENTION EASTERNERS Newly aecorated tars• turn I BUS INESS Ol'FlCJ:, eaa.Utat lo- caUoa acrou tb• llnel from corona d<'I Mar Poet omc.. Ideal for loan repr-taUva, contractor, M&m.i.r.., art or jewelry bu.lin.-. UtU. pd.. Only s•o. niontb. 81-ReeJ r..tate_.!!.~~ n-a.J r..tae. WILL u.cha.qe ~a Beach U-Realr.We ~;..;.;;.;..o._,._.,.,_.._,..__ ~ The Very Nicest -1ERRY'S BUICK 2612 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH Opening Week Specials 1954 BUlCK Roadmaater Riviera Sedan. Ful- ly loaded including au power equipment & new U. S. RoyaJ Muter tires ......... $3195 .1 953 CHEVROLET "210" club coupe ............ 1295 1953 BUICK Special 4-door sedan, immaculae 1495 l 950 PONTIAC Chief tan Deluxe 4-door, Ra- dio, beater le Hydramatic .. . ..... 1950 OLDS "98" 4-door sedan, Fully equip. ped, new paint . 1950 BUICK Special '1-door sedan. Radio. 795 895 htr, Dynaflow, new paint & seat covers. 795 l947 OLDS 4-door sedan, Hydramatic 345 1948 HUDSON Super "6" 4-door, radio, heat- er , high compression head, a real buy 295 1947 PLYMOUTH Spl. Deluxe Sedan, R & H 295 Many more to choose from, includlng good trans. cars See and Drive t he Beau tiful New 1955 Buick TERRY'S BUICK Phone Harbor 5021 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 40-Aa&o. for Sale 6 T IRES, No. IHI, 2 whe.l• and t!-1~•. a ll cood cond. '18 Tu11tl ~ n c ORONA DEL MAR. • 123 bdrm. apt., Newport Stach. 3 ~rm. fumtahed .... ·-··-· • Panel hut, gange. 167.50 y rly. 2 bdrm. furnlahed ···--· ~ ALSO nice 2 bdrm. furn. ap\., 1ar. l bdrm. tum l1hf'd -·-·-··· ~I i '5. mo. yrly. CORONA HlOHL.AHD8 T <"nan\.a pay electrtclt)'. Uberty I bdnn .. vhrw, 1 yr. leue 1135 8-H 09. t3Uc CALL Ben Whitman, Har, 1112. P. A PALMER INC. UNFURN. l bednn. apt. Ga.race. E vea. Harbor U tl Mttc LI 8-M73 llc7 •, blk. No. of •rchu. M3. mo. NOW l..l!:A8rNG, available bual· ne1111 office •pa cea. Center of Co· rona •let Mar, auttable for CPA. denth1t 01·! LI 8-1!\28. 11Sc13 RESPONSIBLE couple will manage apartment hoUBe in return for rent . Refer- ences furnished. Bond if required. WRITE Box P-26 this paper. 4tf 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED DU- PL.EX; Corona del Mar, aouth of Hlway. 1100 month. ind . utll. MRS. K AY, Har. ~2 or Har. 11779-J , or Mra. Wtlllams, Har. 2397-W. 5Uc I BDRM. a pt., walk1n1' dls\a11ce to Rlchard'11. $42~ ~r mo. LI 8-1492 d•Y• (Har. 212 eves. I ~ CLIFF HAVEN -Newly deco· ra\ed 2 bdrm. dupl<'x , garage. Fenced yard. 1110 Ckly St. 5c7 FOR RENT, fo•UR NISHED SPEClAL UNTIL J U NE 111t 2 bdrm. hou114", $45 mo., duplex a pt., $36. 415 E. Bay SL, BAi- boa. Ph. Har. 0360-W or LI 8-3217. FISHER AND CO. IN BALBOA. nearly new turn. &pl., cloM! t o ooy ,. t r1m11por\a- tlon. Yrly lea11i-or until June 1. Apply 312 11111.lld Ave. ~7 Corona del Mar 238 Catalina Drive. Ca.JJ C. JI'. Martin, Torrey 7-3846, 3pS NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Yearly rental. l•S mo. Studio apt., ulll. paid. Ocean view. Uberty 8-1627 3cO EASTENER'S ATTENTION! Newport Beach, turn. 2 bdrm. apt . $811 mo., uUI. 6: 1 ar. !bcl .. yar,d. Available UJJ J une 20. 1.Jberty 8-Hi». IH>tfc Charming Harbor Haven Apartmenta • Patioe DELUXE hlf bWay otrlce •p&Cr, 330 11q. It. Center of Corona del Mar bu1111eira dlatrlct. f 7:1. mo. 11lll. lnl'I. .: A L.SO &4'e u1 for oUter bualneu, ot.flce 4' Jlrofualonal renlala. \ 1• J W. E. Fisher Ii Auoc. 303• E. Cout Hlfbway Corona df'l Mar Harbor 2443 :1'c1 BRANO NEW buatneu oftlce. g'd. NE\\' • ROOM, street lenl. Nea r locaUon. l blk. to cHy hall and achools, shopping district. Quiet, J>O•l otf1c<'. •30 311t Sl., Har. p leuant. exclualw. Oub&ae Ji.1-3143 or Har. 1012-J . 3c7 J>OHI, laundry,. •toras e room•. BALBOA ISL.ANO-Beat bulllneae garage, $82.30 up. Occupies en· I dletr1c~-M•nn• Ave. Ure atreet. Good aupervl•lon I OFFICE and •ho PLUS 2 bed-Mg-r.. 1601 Haven Place p, 1 Block South ot HICh School room apt. K.arbor 204.2. :klO ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATl!:S .'ltfc U NFURN. atudlo apt., with ranr r and refrigerator, newly deco- rated, clCllle to evtrything. No children, or pt>l11. $60. 613 Gold- enrod. Har. 0689-R. lr6 Desirable l &nd 2 bedroom furn. 1pt11. lncludlnl' uUhtlet1. 175. and u p, yeuly For lease upstairs 800 Sq. ft. 1ultable for buaineaa 1tudlo or oftlce 6 Uvlns quart- ers. 216 M&rlna Ave., Bal. la Owner 1311 N. Bay Front , Bal- boa lsla.nd. 911p10 G.M.C. Ave., Np\. Hlll. 4p6 2 BJ!:DRM. apt. furn., newly dec-3H E. Ocean Front. Balboa Corner ot P&JmJ Har, 2238 t&clO M-8 11..U.et1e Of~rtwaf~ _ CORONA DEL MAR needa a BAKERY. I have the loc&- tion: Call LI 8-MM. 99c5 TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '14 GMt: •• T. PICKUP ':.O DODGE 1., T P ANEL ':>Cl FORD 1, T PlCKUP -e 27·FT PAN AMKJ'UCAN Trailer rc:condltlon~d lnlfdc • out. R" duced to t 700 for quick •le. Se at 146 E. 17th St., Costa MrM Wt>erty 8~. 4<.'6 ) ·:.2 CJiE VROLET '7 T. P ICKUP ·~3 GMC ' T Hydr11 Pickup T WO-WHEl::L TRAll.ER. 14 II 0 ··e CHEVROLET 2 T 8 2:> tlrt11 8lalnlf'U steel a.xle a nd tungue l:S' VA S BOD Y. I ~H1 El Modena. .Newport Hla 'H CHl!:VROLET 2 T. 17U" \.\ B , alter 8 P. m. llbU h C.0 E. B L TRA?\S . 8:25 lir<'11 I------------ '62 INT ERNATIONAL L18!'), SCHULTZ 25 ft. hou11e tra1ln Wll Tra<'lnr 2 apt .. 11, 9 00 ti• t 8 l0x20 cabana, aluminum too f, ,_ $13M. Lot 100, MW'llr1pal Tnl ier Park. 17lh Sl. Ceo. Elh s. Harl>Qr i 426. 3pll ora ttd. Above China Co11e. 590. month ll'Uf'. W. E. FlSHER & A880C. 3034 E. Cou t Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 2443 ~7 Balboa Island Cholre yearly and •ummer n ntala, now available. DORJS BRAY, Realtor 2UI Marini" ,t>.ve .. Balboa JalanO Hatbor 20 l>:Sttc CLJF,.~ HAVEN, l yr old view horn~. 3 bt'dmui., 1 '-batha. Un· tum . u cept tor nt'w dl"llpea . S200 monlh on Ir~ 2 BEDRM turn •PL on Bay ll'ront. Winter or yearly rent&!. 6tH So. Bay Front, Balboa i.l&nd. Har. 42l. M tic UNFURN. APT. 2 lee. bdnn• .. ~r­ ner window•. aar. d1apo .. 1. rar· age 6 laundry room. Llbe.rty 8-1843 or LI 8-2426. Near achoola 118c6 GRANO CANAL, Balboa laland. M--MO'!,!Y to Lou ___ _ LOA1"8 TO BUlLl>, CM.PROVE BUY, MODl:JUl!lZI:, OR REJ'l NANCE We Buy Tn&at Det!da NJ:WPORT BAJ...BOA SA VINOS • LOAN ASSOCIATION 334'1 Via Udo. Ph. Hu. 4200 U o LOANS PROMPT SERVJCE 2 bdrm. turn. ho\llle, •10. monlh !5'# t1ral truat duds 20 yura TWO BEDROOM apt. atove a nd 1~7 Newport Avt., Coat& ,.._ -I Ora:1ge ColUlt Propertiea r•fric. only. Carbaie di1po-.1. l..l 8-1832, U 8-H OO Evu. 93Uc; bOUM, OD • lot.-(Bl\Mbtrd ()u. yoa) P •.500 . WANT laOOIN wuta or T ? ~ BYatt •·tN1 MION t a.m. or BYatl •..am. ~ TRADE Desert Motel 7 un.ita 2 mi. ea.at of Barstow on Vegu hwy. Lot 162 x f-00. Propolled Freeway may make tht. property very valuable. Price - $37,500 Hu loan of f 14,300 Submit your trade t or my equity of $23,200. Will .... aume on income property. Write WELCOME TRAVEL· ER MO'l'EL, Rt. lA, Bar- atow, Calif. 2p1:5H HA VE 2 larc• 2 bedrm. homu , dbl. prace. l lot ~100. CIOM Ill. Su J'emanao. 114.000. W ILL TRADE dow. for Harbor area or Coll& Mt• bOmf'. OWNER. C. H . Lord, Rte. 1, Box 886, Rlnnside, Catu. 14pll!h HAVI: 2 UNITS on l lot in La1una dblr. 1arage. l block to •hop• and ocean, $16.600. WILL EXCH. tor aln 1le hut>H, Corona del Mar. HYatl C-4208 . llp6h 8%-ReaJ FAta~ --·--.,. .... ------ CIRCLE THIS-- For Sale by owne r ., 3 bt'droum1 { Beamed cellln11 y' Fireplace y' Redwood 6 1tucco u.\t rlor on lovely l&ndacaped lot. 6 monU11 old. Colt& Mua'• hneat 1treel-Be.njo o\ Ideal tor children. In an "ultra" nelf hborbood, cloee to ahop- pln r and 17tb St. Hated to lean t.own-ll'a vacant. Move In Price t 11,:IOO. Submit your clown payment OPEN HOUSE Saturday Ii Sunday, 2-5 237 Rochester, Co.ta Meaa Kar. 018 Day•-Evea. Kl: 1-12•1 k 7 Channel Front .!\rl' thr lilt geat volUlll\' tru<•k lltal<'r 1n Oran11e C'111inty for \hi' ti.~l buy • In und 1ruck1. We carry our own rontracll tl-Auto &rvkie ------ BAY FRONT a pl., rum ., 2 bed· room11, I 1'o ba lh11, on Lido Soud. 517~. month lo J uly h t . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES New Ir beauutul, I~. mo .. yrly. ------------ WOULD Ilk• w ouy \•t uo ioo Open House Sun. Afternoon ONE BEDROOM nea r achoo!, bcJ\. Trua\ Oeeda. Call e.a.r. :ia~ •• ~ 3806 R·1ver Ave. W.W. WOODS OMC DEALll:R 8111 F. Hh St S ula Ana Op .. n !Cunday a,m. Truck Hl'&dquar\era !or Oran&oe Co iHliui c K t ooor Hd&n. rt.cent· ,,, •pe•l ~ on OYU'b&UL Very ~ t,_n-rttN•tloR. -U ~ '1 2~ CALL Bi::" WHITMA:-.·, Harbor 1842 or fi ut>or H61 r\l'I 2ct ·~-: M t: ·r,4 enttlne. Joo4 condl· \Ion 1.-hruuu\ S~c1al plu\lc top. U 19:J Ph Har :l:i12-J !\p() Motor Overhaul NO MONE Y DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. S48.88 • C)rla. ... lnclu<Jc. OOth laoor a.na p&r t.a. t Nvw n nc•. wrat ptna, n Jv JMnO, flt \lnp 01 main a.no rod 1>eu1nca. ~~rt motor tuna up t\Hlay or 4,000 mu, cu•rantu l N U MUJllEY OOWN /. ilEBUlLT ENGINES 111:.1 C'AOILl •. M' •cir t rt'y ~an -UP to J:> .MUNTH~ l'O PAY Xln\. t'Ondltlon l'h11nr Mn Ho• btr\ For~•. Har 3106 4c~ llA(;fU.YICfi; -'1)4 Plyrno\Jl h Bel· vedere c-onvertlhl~ Ill · drlYe U s ht blu<'. tan t up lt&ll, Whitt •ICl•walla, t u1 n •1a nab, b•c:k up haht.. Aut<J v,·rn1Ji11l1t'l•l v.•aimu . t m011. olol .. >oli rnllt'll. Wiii ·~"Ill t t•<lr ~f•k" atrn H1r 1303-M. i llUc a Built 1.n our o~·n factory 01 wu~ mactunl•t•. Don t con!A!Ad with lll• middle ma.n. Buy direct.. REBUILT and lNSTALl.ED S HURT BLOCK N Ro ··-__ .,_ .. ___ ua~.o "' r..;H.Jt:llROLET -· ··-·---11411 :i J f>LYM. a OOOCE •. llOti \.:KRYS It 01: SOTO f 17 II 8TUDEBAKEP l li " Ot.OS A PONTI.AC I t 17 II Jr,06 W. &!boa Blvd., .NpL B<-h. H.rbor 6188-Htrbvr 1983 !5c7 WEST BAY AVE, Dt1plt1x. S ~· room, 2 bath, him Yf'ILl'ly or winter. Hl9 W. 88y Ave. 6p7 UA. 1 bdrm. ~ WllW"L or p.rc... '7 turn. Adult.e only, no pets. 1824 Park Ave , Cosla Mua !X-9 RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crate Blanche Gates, Rltr. 31 1 Mar-lne Avf! Ba.Ibo& lslaml, Har. 1071 72Uc ON BALBOA l~LAND BEE Ut:t tor 1ee.r11 arid H~ ruta!a. NELDA GlBSON, Realtor aoe M~r1ne A•e. Ha.rt>or W2 RAl..BOA 18l..OIO f\lc 6 bay. I~. mo~ tncl. ullll\lu. ...... J. M. MILLER CO. LOANS for Homes 2025 W. BalbOa 81., Newport 8cJ1 Har. J 091 -Evu . Ll &-aa711 PLENTY OF FR EE P A.RK.lNO IMllfc OCEAN FRONT HOUSE, fumlah- NI, ye&r-round ren\.al 3809 tka• &ho"' Dr., Nrwport Be.aeh. 4ct BRAND NEW 1 bdrm.. 11.nturn Sliding c la.u doon to landk &J)- <'d pa\lo. UM ,;; 19UI , Co•\& M Ph 5~ UN F URi':. CO'lTAGE, $~.by th<' yu r. Liv. rm., dln. rm., kllt'htn· Ptlf!. 2 ~rm-, bot •hwr., wa~ rm 11l 108 Ad1t1n1 No pela. Ovmtr, 308 Montl'IO, }j41Jboft Harbor HIZ4-M. 6ci NICE 2 bt'J mi. 11nt11rn ho\IH with .tove It rt'f,.iit 428 Gol<l<'nr<>l1. Corona df!I MAr. Har. 3434-W ll5tfc 64)1, -20 yr. i.o.na Construction Loans aJCE llOB a.A TrJ..l:.R 281~ £A.8T COAST BLVD. Coroca Of.I Mu ilu11or .... ~p. POUllER MURTGAQ& CO Jietro Lita Ina. Fund• Kl. Ml~ .auc: REAL EST ATE LOANS lntere11t Rate ~'r.l% L.oana qu1~kly maoe ln lhe Bay Aru ano t:()ll1a Mrta. 81nr1a 01 m uluple u nrt.. Nf'w or old.. Be Wl11e a na aave by re-fln&11ctn1 your preai•nt luR.n. Minimum u P<'nff. No t•hf.r&e for p1"9l\m.I nary apl'raiaal. Phone Santa Ana l<l ml>t'rly :i-6933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mortg•&e Lnan t:orru-pondent <Kc:ldl'l\tat Ute lnwrance Co. 113:\ South Main Santa An• 2 BEDROOM home, pltr 6: n oat. 1&!5-00 down. only 120,:'IOO. ALSO sevrr .. 1 othen on \h" cha n- nel, -UI fir.I ! BUSINESS A HOMES tlOMa tn bUtrln-•11tnct wllh u tra vao nl lot, 2 to chooaa trom. ALSO am.111 hOUlll' It 11hop $7600, half down All f ood ~ulatlon buya. N. B. C. Realty Co. U!l<t A Newport Blvd. Nt'WpOrt Btach. Kar. H 05. ~7 HONEST BARGAIN SEE HARBOR and Valley Ylew- bul level 2 IM-drm1., 2 M lh1, fllmlly room, 2:& ft. ll11tnr room Owner I• lea ving tbe Sta\u , a.nd thi• la hol\e11t b\1y, COM 11:1,000. FOR A PrT. lo flf't r ail - lo'ORO VE.l\RJNDER Har. 4263 1 Eve1. Har. 3.t 77 ~ lltfc 111\1 ()LUSMU BIU.: 1111 lfollday. Yt>ry rl!'a n All t'Jt\rtk/l Srr K\ 2:1H :->twpM l Rlv1l Srl 8 ('h Hubvr Ullb '•r7 BUl C.k . . .117 ~ BDRM. fr9nt auplu -Nicely furn. Oco n 11ldc: <Jf Hwy. L"luse to tranrrpol"tauon • •hopt, Yrl)I rvit1l. 607 >•ernl<'at, Co1ona 1:11'1 Ma.r. 88tlc Newport Beach pp ~------------ 14-MWtlcal, Radio, It T \' -·-------·------ BEAIITl l-'UL SplnH pl•n11. blonde Jui.t Ilk,. """"· 11•n '20\J Ma· lh1f •ny ~pln,.I 11lij;htly rtAr.1a11rd in eh1pmrnt, U 8i . G<X>d prnct1rt r1a.nn11 from U I!. $114, Sl:l:'>, St7:i ~u thl'll(• •I thf' <.irf'Al DANZ· :-ll'llMJ l>T 1'111.no t<a,I<' Tht' t11g Stott. :,20 No M111n. S•nta llnA 100 pi•11011. We tuw,. no br11nch "tor r11 . ON!': os LY full 2 man111tl~- HU0 80 N -17 6 Loan Car l'tftl Towtn ' NEW CAR OAA.VITl:E Block must mut our lta.nc:la.rda Ph11 \uo. j!Ukoeu and ou ~n Sunday 10 a m to 2 p,m, NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA -17-Wu~ to 84-nt C. lJ. M 0.-luu 2 bdrm. unfurn, <l\1plr~ F urrl'd air hl'Af, tire· plll.<'t', ••'l'"r"t" p11t1l•, hw.J fl1 • 0.-f'•n _,,,,. ttv.·y, H11r, l~l·R 4c9 Choice Winter Rentai. on Balboa l11land & Lido ~le Small A Cl)l.)' ur latC• 6 deluxe 17) \o 1300 monUI VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave , Balbua l•llnJ Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2131 Rn Har. 1786-RK or W 8-3297 0.tlfc WAN1' TO RENT -Oaras• tor 48A-Apts. for Keat •\a l'il&r nf furnl\Urf Hu bor • 0 •• 3 ... • .. , UNFUR:-;ISH ED-Lov,.ly twn bf.rt- •'v ·" • .. p., room apartm!'Jlt wl\h all Ult' Rentals Wanted We nee<J a p\a ana nou.e• 10 all aecllona ror bOth winter ano year'1 l~A.14" li'Um. or untu.rn. lf you nav<' a vacancy, PhOne today ronVt'nltm:e11 for romfortabl• hvln11 1-~1replace. du1pou.l .. wall fumat't', plenty of clo.e\.8, wa111h- room 11nd 1tar11gt'. SN' It 11 1804 Clay Slr11e1. ="l l'WJXlrt Hl..e. llc8 2 BE.A.CH Mous a for lt'u t', 550 11)/mlh each. No l \lblrt. SYra -51-Rtal FAtate w~~ more e-3Z22 9x l0 WILL RENT t>,.nd new 3 bedrm 2 bllth, untum . hume In IRVINE: T&AAAC E at 1100. per montn 1 ,.nth l yr. leue (.;&11 Rarbo1 WANT from owner -a houa. or va.canl lo\ on Harbor. Newport or Balboa Blvd - or l i th St In Coat.a Mua. Plra.w write M Lanne1'\, Boa N24, thta paper. 4441 tor f\Jrlhtr dctAlla. 61Uc . M t!c 'l BEDRM . l"' ba\hs, coenfortably I 11154 U8TERN b\Sfn k'. 00 H alkr t umlthed hom<' In Beacon Bay I f\.111.Y t~lat~. 2 bdrma.. full A~blr .c molllh .. F•b 111 to btath, 11\&J\y ntru. For llllle or J un• J.'i s 12' mo Hu •282.w t~ on 3 bdrm home New- 3c8 pon or Vl('lnl\y. Sacriflc.. Rar P U'RN. 2 bedrm, hQmP. flrt'pl. c.r- petln,r r1 .. w1v psln\HI tnldd' • 011t $100 J'f'r rnn. 11'3·22nd .. C-os\A t.k .. a. C'l\.ht. ~ TWO bdnn hou..e • p ragt'. Oar- ba,te dlsp., newly <le<-or11.1~. Yrly. rt!nlal un/umt.Med l 22 2tlh St. Newport. 0<:7 Newport ·Beach YEARLY RENTALS 2 BDRM. Unful'h. home 972. 6-t p m. J7pl8.b 66-bacome Pro~ .... __.... __ _ BALBOA INCOME ~ UNITS-Older propert)' centrs l ly 1oc .. l % blkA. to hurt of Ba.I- bo&.. UUI. rm, Juat reduced to U S.600 for quick ule. IC.000 dn Owner Harbor 1898, 73lfc 60• A -Commercial, lndllltrlal LIGHT INDUSTRY M n&ta th>etrlc ••• gAn, tl('l'!llln· 3201 alnator modPl with 11t pAtatr lonf' cabinet ~l\'e 13:.0'\ The Vogel Co. W e 11L ""'> .. Newport Sch Phone Llberly s.3481 BAY F RONT LIDO JSLE F \."ttNJSHED, nrwly dl'C'Oratf'll 2 bdnn. a pt., ltlnf<' \"ear le&.H. Adult•. no ptl.11. Ha r. 1268. 99pUH 208 Manne, Ball>Oa lel&nd , J b(lrm., u.nfuni. home <"H AP.LES E . HART. Har. 1428 3420 W. Balboa Blvd . N~rl Beach. Jcl 3h r\JRN. bachelor a pt., 14:> mo. 719 Weal &Jboa Blvd. F or k<'Y• and lttformaUon EXt;El..l..ENT loca Uon. Will bu1ld 1:>00 to 3000 .eq. fl to 11\lJt. R.e11- 1<>nable tent. Loni' tenn lt.ue lt du 1rtd. Oonvenltn\ ttrm11 •t- f!H Af"ER'S Mu1lc Ca. !Sine<' 1~07) U l-423 s ~ycrunor. Sa nta An• PhClne KKlmberly 2·0872 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display w oonwoRTH PIANO co. 1318 ·oaat Blvd., t:orvna df'I M&1 1 l'hAdt!n Interior Blcl1 .1 Hai 3382 &e Uc Bf;;A lJTIFUL Elf'Cll tmlc Orc-&11. blonde <'I.ff. a lmo1t new. M u•l -"Crlflct Ont only. a iir 1avln11. DANZ-SCHMIDT 0r'f'Al Salf, 620 No. ~Santa AnL Phone HarbOr 04 RATTAN FURN. mod<'m •tudlo 1301 Cout Hlwlly, Corona oeJ Mar I &pta. Ct'n ter of Corona uel Mar. Phone l:larbor 11 41 I H O. ulll. pd. L.J 8-11128. 118c13 100 M&J.J1 Mt., Balboa I CLlFfi' H A VEN larse 2 bdrm. un- Phone y.,p,n .. 146 JIUc film . Private CM'&I•· t"lreplact', S~ Bay 6 Buch R.a.lty, 1<1~ \.V, Balboa m ... d. Pit. Har. J2SC. Muc I 1t&.rb. <tl1p Vfn<'ll&n bl\nds. IT'S DIFFICULT W berty 8-l&M, artrr ~ Pm k7 49-Room& for Reat Bl'T WE KEEP TRYJ~O Wan l YltARLY-I br. gar1gf! •rt rum I or 2 br furn houiw: With priv-gar•1t~. V1«-w $7:1. mnnth FURN. ROOM. nrwly decorate:<'. 11ry High N'ferenc,._ II• per· 1 7308 w. Ort &n F'ront , :Spt. B<-h I n:tra nlct , near bua , pr1,·ate l!n- mMt'l'll ('Ou pll'. :--io c:hlldrv1 or I Harbor 3002.R. 6pi trlUl<'l'. 15.t3 Or1u1ge Ave., CM. pelll. Wl'ls\ hue you ! W r1tf' Llbt.rty 8-310.. 98\fc Box 0-21\. • , J'llPf'r. lf STUDIO APT., fum.latied. Thermo W AXTED TO R.E..._"T -J t:ST ABO\I MAR.RIED: Bach!'lor n-•• rum. apt. Ptrm. l~O. mo. P lf'ue Call Har. •828. Thanka: ~pV ront roll4"11 heat. ~ dbpoe- 11. $~0 mo., uUI. p<I. 428 Oold- t nrod. Corona drl Mar. Karbor :i.a•-W · t 5Uc TWO reflnl'd jf\rle will •ha.re ne't'F home. Prt11att' room. 111rai•. Woma.n only, ltO mo. Ll~rty S.-7208, 5 :30 to 10 p.m. tee GOR.l>ON S EVERT& REALTY l 3f> &!lat 11\b Bl., Coit& Mua Ll 8-1~73 or LI a.-31M. t 6Uc 61-8-1 Eatate ~"!'!!I! .. 13 Unit Furn. Apt. JCXC£U.ENT loc.tlon ln Albam- bl"I, C.Jlf., all have Wllt hffL Jncoma 11 l .500. Prtce 18:1,000 owr.'C\ wll lt.lccept bom• in Co- OWNl!!R wlll accept home ln Co-o. H. t.A'MIROP, 383$ It. Cout Hwy .. Corona .S.l Mar. Ha.r. 6H2 k 7 WILL TRADE l2 VN1T8 1mtuml.ahed, l and J Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units For 111.600, only $•000 down .8111-nre $76 per month. l block to Bay or Ocn n l Unit R~nted a t ~ mu. CHARLES E. HART, Re.alt.or Harbor 101 3420 W Balbo& Blvd , Newport lttc LIDO ISLE Move in Today! l\'ELL BU LLT , complet.ly tum- lahed 3 bdrm., I batll homt on Jars-• lot. Cork noora ln hall 6 maater bdrm. Lcn-81)' carpeted llvtn1 room wit.b iarc• nre~c•. Pretty kitchen. SN.800 f'\lrnllh· ed, U600 down. l:uy pa.ymuita on balance. Call Har. 2170 to Me. llUc Bay Front Income • u nli.--2 • • lleCINome. tul'9• '8h«1. P\er, tloe.t M d pr1 nt.e Macia. 1000 IC. B&Jboa 81•d .. Balboa. cr.t yjew 1_.t. Qour. t•J' to llrolren. Ullc BY OWNER Corona KJ1hlaada -I bdrm., 2 bath t a.rmhouM. Ph. Harbor 78-J IH>ttc CORON A tllOHl..A.ND LOT8 - Choice S1taa AY&U•bl• Call Harbor ti,. CORONA DEL MAR -Nice ,,,_ l'urni.ned 2 bdrm.. J ~ M UI bome. U vtn1 rm.. dlninr nn .. kitchen. rarare. Ba.r. 22tt-W, Httc NlCJ: J BDR.M. bout, We M lh. bdw4. noora. '1oor f\lrna«, JMlUO ...,..,. A ftnc-4 )'U'd. By ~er. LI a-.&e09. Mc:JO NEWPORT' IS L.ANO, y.ar rental. Sl"NGL.E ROOM with hot • eold untum. 2 bdnn. a pt.. newt.y I wa ter-In th• room . Good IM<t. p•1ntel1, l1rnndry It u tra room I Private t ntr11.nce. H . wtt~ '8-Aeta. • R'!'!!_lle In l{&rAlfl', f'ftCIOAffi r atto. W•ter ALSO double rOorn Ill $7 ••k t>todrm•.. a pt Jlouae 111 bt&uttlul -..;._ ----·--------_.,..- l.RISH WATER 8PANra. wanted. Stud do}: -LI 8 .... 28. 4ct J"REJt to a KOOCf horn-WelJlh ltrrlt r typf' llJ>&)'t d femaJr. Wonrlf'r fu l Jl"I t'h. H•r 6241-J i ~T CORONA mn MAR pd 603', ~8th St., H11r. 26a:l·R. 123-28th St, New-port ~actl, UNroRK 2 b<lm1 h.oul!t', w 10 "" 6P7 I llOcllh l'.'arpet. Dra~s.. dbl. gar., <'OVl'red l UNF'UR:"J. 2 bdrm. ap\. al I i03 --Tour Advuu.auir Dol\ara au JIAUO, $100 mu. Anaheim. 8N ow nt"r, H M An•· fllrU1<'r. do muroe ... 11 m11~t'. "'h<'n F'ITZMORRJS fH:Al.T \' h1'1"1 ('tl8lll Mf!Nl f'h Lll><'ttv l you 11tl~r\IH 1n th1• P•Pcr - Phone Harbor 21:.;: 2t JS 1 11·1:122 6trc Pb(•n• Uarbor 1418. tar-rnnnnr CMl'lmlll'llly ot Lot Alll'e.IH. \VANT JNCOWI: or T ! ! la Cout&l ar~a. SEE ME-ta Nelson 2733 E C:O..t Hll"hway. Con>n& d•I Mu. Har. 6*. k7 Attractive Bay Ave. 3 Btl>ROOM HOME. Oorr eoua bey Ylew, colottul artJll'tlc 111tll· ~pt.r decor. lnterior btarbecu•. Lovely patio. Can be en n lft0m- 1nr an'1 ..,en1n1a. tl{' w. Bay Ave .. Newpon a..eti. t~b 2 B. R. Home at Balboa Ialand ITS MODERN, only 2 yn. younr with furnace heat, fireplace, diapo.al, wall to wall cvpet and covered patio. AND INCIDENTALLY, a very ~ apt. and the apt. ia tumlahed. All for $29.500. We will be pleued to ahow at your convenience. Contact Hub Powers J. A. BEEK. Realtor Harbor 63 503 Park Ave. Balboa Ialand OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2'h batha, large llvinc room, .eparate dining room. large knotty pine den wit h built-in b&r, lounge, 2 flrepl&CH. buement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expenaively C&l'pet.ed w&U to wall thru-out. Garbage dlatpo&&l and diah· wuher. Home 5 yra. old. Large double garage with laundry, radio-controlled door. Lot SO x 142'. Well J.andKaped. One of the moat expenalvely built homee on the front . located at 3312 Ocean Bl\td.. (formerly 610.) OWNER Wil.L ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor 3435 A Word to the Waves is Sufficient ! And the wivee are bound to like the hlJ&'e kit., the breakfut area, the 8er. porch, the din. rm., the 2 apaciou. bdnM., the big bath with both abwr. at tub and the lovely large livtnc rm. EVERYBODY will like the lge. dbl. gar., the 4~tt. lot, the fenced yard, the privacy and the xlnt . location, a blk to the Ocean. Phone tc tee thi• Excluaive R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 OUR GOAL IS .. EIGHT FIVE IN •55" ($8,500,000.00 that i•) REMEMBER THIS, when eelling p roperty, the 11ell - ing commiuion charge ia amall compared to the many advantage• of having the u.le ln the band• of expert.a. Con•ull your Multiple Li1ting Broker. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 • 32nd St., Newport Be&ch BUSINESS BLDG., 101 HIWAY CORONA DEL MAR -Well conat.ruct~ 12.000 llQ. ft. buUding. leaaed on low rent.ala. Showa good ret urn. Income can be improved. Price $68,000, tenna. SEE RUSS FORD, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport' Beach Liberty 8·3f81 OPEN HOUSE 1249 W. Balboa Blvd. Sat. & Sun. 12 to a p. m. 2-111tory view duplex, l bdrm. each. Income UOOO yr. Panel Ray heat, redwood fence, p&tJo A abnat.. Ni~ range & refrig. 112 blk. from oeean. 1 bUt t.o Bay, xlnt. location. Full price $17,~. term.a. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa Liberty s..3792 BALBOA ISLAND Only $5000 down lf you are looking for a good 3 bdrm., 2 bath bome. clOM' to North Bay, don't m1-thia one. The price ia so reuonable it wiU aurprile you. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMociata Park at Marine. Balboa laland -Harbor 2'62 Costa Mesa LID0-3 bdrm. ····---.$~.9M Nice 3 bdrm. home on Broad--4 bdnn. ··-······· 42,500 way. Hu large living rm., SHORECLIFFS large kitchen wilh garbage 2 & dea -.. ··--· 38.~ djap., bwd. nra .. lots of tile 3 " den -·-····· ····-··· 34.750 in k.ltchen Ii bath. Fenced CLIFF HA VEN yard, newl y ~orated in-3 bd 2 .. IU\ft aide & out. Owner leavmg rm ........ ··-·· ··· · ... JVU •tale. Thi• Wffk only $1000 Claire Van Horn dn .. bat. like rent. Harbor REALTOR 18e2 (Har . 1.f6 1 evec.) 273J w Cou t Hw1. u •-•21T 5c7 Owner in Hospital lrCUST IS.LL 2 bt-drrn . .c yr old home In Corona dt l .Ms1 Ellul- lr,nl •lnr. R-2 I,,\ Can build more. nJLL P RJCT. 111.000 0 . H. l..AT8ROP, M3:> IC. Cou t ffllfy., Corolla t'fl't Mar~ Hu . 64.:Z 11<'1 &&LL or trade for l>Oll\ -I TOO() equity, Banta Barbara. Triplex. Income Sit !!, total 118.IOO. 0-..'ll· er 2202 Clift Drtw, aa.nt.a Bar· barL 11'4 BY OWNER 0£31RA BLE 3 bi>OrTl()M, htt \h It. 1., C{)f«J!l;A HIUHLANLJR l ttm- U,. hom,. Co1ty u~ bnrk ,., ... pt1u~. r1Ulrd hl'U th (;entr11I ""*' Charm1 n1t birch f!M"l~•I 1c11ch~_n 01~poHI, cia~t,.11. 1., ... ya r<I. v1..... $1 li,ro()(). St1e &n;\'· \.Im"· eo. IJuwlll'd Roarl 6<'1~ BY OWN&fl., eMt aide Oleta M't •, t bdrm . Is· ba\h, aepar- ate l hOWf f, hWd. n r11,, flrepla< ~. <'lock l'Qnt rol"'d h .. a\, W<'ath .. r 11tnppr<1 tllru out, <'nclcni.,,I btf'UW&J'. f'T1ce l 10,MIO-l2f>(J(I down. 144,44 mo. t..a.Jte. 6 tfUlur Ind. f'HA. 4 Y, ~ lo&a. U 1-3:\2~ lol l 1,1 Ii I [1 I', II II _ .. lt-llal r..tate ft-tte.J FAtate -------------------- • Open House Sat. & Sunday 1-5 •. New Exclusive Listing CORNER ARBOR DRIVE Ii VISTA DRIVE Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., ra1aed u.ted brick fireplace, diabwasher, dlapoeal. Charmingly decorated. Cnuibed rock lawn. Full price $23.~, tenna. · i'or preview abowing, call Harbor 1600,,-- • (Eves. Llberty 8-5386 • • • LIDO ISLE • New exclusive listing Lido Nord Bayfront • Completely turnlahed 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Wall to wall carpeting. TV, Westinghouse auto, wash- er & dryer. Dlahwuber, garb. diap. Lyman 17¥.z tt. boat, new pier and slip. Full Price se3.~. terms. H ARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-5386) We off er an Exquisite Home In Exclusive Beacon Bay Open House Daily 1-5 p. m. No. 67 Ya wl Road Thia ie a beautiful redwood, glue & flagstone home for year·round living with private beach & pier priv- ileges. Sunny, large glaaa walled living room with huge flagetone fireplace, den, 4 bdrm.a., 3 baths and delighUul encloaed patio. Every built-in fea. ture, including Tbermador range le oven. Ideal for your entire family'• enjoyment, and especially good for the children. Priced amazingly low at $33,500, furnished. Liberal Tenm. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marioe, Balboa Ieland Hubor 4781 LIDO ISLE 2 Open Houses Daily 1 to 4 p.m. 119 Via YeUa Furnished 2 bedroom home 35' lot with South Patio -$19,700. 215 Via Mentone Exceptionally nice 2 bdrm. South Pat.lo Large klt.chtn, dlt1poea1 6 diahmaat.er -$21,760 EXCLUSIVE BA YFRONT With Slip To settle an estate - CompleteJy furn. 3 bdnna., 2 batha -Lge. living room. $49,500 :ltlnt. terna. 3 bdrma .. 2 bath home on '40' lol $27.500 with $3500 down, bal. like rent. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just to the right of tile Lido Bridge" 311 2 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eves H. 2999) NEWPORT HEIGHTS An Outstanding Vogel Value OPEN HOUSE Fri .. Sat.. Sun. ·28th, 29th. 30th 1 p.m. to 15 p.m. 357 Catalina (Formerly Old County Rd.) Newport Heights BeauutuJ View LocaUon, 3 bdrm. & Den . raised fi re· f)lace, partially finish~ 18 x 24 rumpus room on lower tloor. Nicely landscaped Ir f enced yard. Xtras Incl. W to W carpeting. Garbage dispnsaJ. 2 fire- places, Vcnta Pane windows. dbl. basin and dbl. Pullman. Lge. square tub in batb. Price only $22.~. Good financing. .1 SEE THE VOGEL CO. 1201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach. Llberty .8-3481 NO! NO! NO! It'• not on the waterfront, doesn't have a pier or tloat, BUT you can raise chickens, a garden, build another house le really LIVE in thi• cute one bdrm. stucco at $6850, only $550 down. Let me show you. LILA B. McF ARR EN, with Balboa B~y Properties .fl9 E. Balboa Blvd., 8&.lboa-Har. 3786 or e\·es. 2517-M EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN 8" this beautiful home on Clift Drive I bednn•., 2 bat.ha, Thennador kitchen, diabwuber, ~arbqe dispoaal. Many other excellent feature.. l yr. old. A rut n lue at $23.950. Call Liberty 8·2664. (Eve., Llbe.rty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach --~ -= -=--· --~ -_--...., -'"' --...,,.. --------.. -. ------------------- M-~ r..tat. ft-Real l'Atatie • a-Real r.t.811 ---------_____________ .....__... ------- BAYSHORES HE.RE I.I a well coo•tructed two bedroOm adobe brtcls bome. Con· wt1lenl loe&Uon, lat.eat appoint· menu. rou can practlca»y name your own tenn1. Lido Isle WOULD you like to own Lido h it '• flnHt Bay tront Rome! Thia I.I IL Three larre lovely bed· room•. 2 bath. 1epvate ataU altowen, lar&• kitchen with apac· loua cablneta. Beauutul aunken llvin• room, wall to wall carpet., expenatn drapea. Perfect ex- clualve view, plu. private pier and float. P l-don't mlu thl1 one. Submit term1 at JM.000. HERE'S a LIDO BA Y.f'RONT you muat .... Completely turnl1hed , 3 bedroom, 3 bath home, 3 yrs. old. Exce»ent con1lructlon. Don't ml11 thl• one either! Only $57,· IM>O, aultable terma arn.nsed. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa llland Har. 40 (Evee. U 8·0297 Har. 178&·RK 2lfc • BEST BUYS M·l HAL1' ACRE Center of town, HWtr In atreel. Good 3 bdnn. older home, room for bldgL 8tl' frontage. Priced nght. BAY AND BEACH BARGAINS BALBOA Income -Nicely furniahed duplex, near library. 8 years old, excellent condition. $18,950, terma. -ti * * OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1 -4 P. M. 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. Both are good values on comer lot.a. Don't miss seeing these. f: * * LIDO BA YFRONT Pier & slip. 3 bdnna., 2 baths, furnished. $49,500 -Terms. * * * $3500 down buys attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bath home on 40·ft. com~r Strada lot on Lido. Balance like rent. BAY and BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Evenings Harbor 1856 M-1 I ACRES ~ blk. to Blvd. tn boominr area. $40,000, tenn1. Two Open Hous~s Sunday, Jan. 30, 1 -5 6 ACR.!:S -R·4 Paulartno Dllltrlcl, 2 bdrm. home, J19llo, outbulldlnp .ti dttp well. A real lnvut.m.nt near new houslnc • bualneae deyelopment It Sepulveda Freeway. Don't ml.el on lhlL Low down lerma. WE HA VE A WIDE CHOICE of bulldlnr Iota on eaat • wut elde. Some u low u '200. dwu. Oall to eee. Houston Realty ~ Cen~r. Coat• Mua U 8~911. (Ena. Har. 6298-W) REAL VALUES A Doll House THIS SPACIOUS 1 btdnn. home 11 truly a doll houae. Hdwd. flr. 'rile kitchen A bath. OOdlea of bul1l·ln1! Beaulltully la.nd.Kap· f'<1 and fenced yard. paUo. Thi• It tnlly a quality built home. M111t be -n lo appNKlat.e. l"Ull price ll21W>, tenn•. Building Lot taY.lln<l OOOX> WUT 9IOl!l loca· t.lon. Brand new r.dwood dou.bJe jlllrage. Alley in ru.r. Thl1 could be matle Into 2 1ood 1l&ed build- ing Iott . Full pnce $3850. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd.. Coeta Me.ta Pbone LJ 8-J872 Evu. U 8-~87 Newport Heights $1000 down F URNJSllED HOUSE In rood location near Clift Dr. Old, but ln excellent condition. Only S i500-16~. per month. r n. Ht.rbor 4og1 Llberty 8-3378 • • • Costa Mesa 4 BEDROOM. 2 baUul, n .. rl)' ntW, Ul.200 -51000 down. • • • Newport Beach 2 Br. b<Jme, fumlllhed, Clow l o ot"tan, S79~ . ..!enn1 J. M. Miller Co. 202.'> \V. Balboa BIYd. :>:ewport Buch -Kubor 4()g l :-:~11r tht NewJ>Ort P l('f PLE~TY OP FREI} P AR.KTNO COST A MESA SPECIAL Jl:EW 4 HR., 2 balh hom•. t;ornu loL i 12~ clown. P'ull J>rlce $10,2:'i0. • • • NPT. HTS. SPECIAL 3 BR, Lu ge den with beamed ceUlng, tlreplac._ Slt,700 -Term1 CALL N!:AL MARTIN Bay & Beach Realty JOO W. Balboa Blvd. N"-'port Buc"ll, C,.Jlt. Hu. 12&• Evu. LI 8·1774 TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO 2 BEOROOM.8 &11d a 1 bed· 126 Amethyst, Balboa Island 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Fully carpeted. Furnace heat, garage. Room to build on rear of lot. Excellent lo· cation. Furnishing• Include Bendix & disposal. $26,500 AND 1608 Park Ave. (on L ittle Island) 2 bdrn:i. cottage. Quaint papers and pine. Fireplace. Nice patio, garage. $19.500. BALBOA ISLAND NOW IS THE TIME to buy that summer home, or that home for year-round living -We've several to abow. Cottage on rear of Jot ·······-··--···--·--·--·-··· .Sll ,500 Duplex -xlnt. location -----------·-14,000 Cottage, $1500 down ········-··-···--··----17,950 2 bdrm., gar .• fireplace, xlnt. buy ----18,000 2 bdrm., fireplace, gar .. very cute ·----19.~ 4 bdrm., waterfront -····-·······-·-------·-28,000 Duplex -Bayfront ..................... _______ 3:S,OOO Marine .Ave. businetia property -·-----··· 35,000 Corner lot. 4~ x 00 .... ········--·-······-··-·-····· 15,000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Ma.rin• Ave., Balboa Ialand Pbone Harbor ~2 • Evee. 230&-R 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' "A lot of house" approx. 1200 eq. ft.. lot 75 x 140. Two blocks from the center of town. Down pay. ment $3250 but full price only $82:)() (real value). $450 DOWN, 4 1 2 ~£. INT. Neat, well bujlt one bdrm. wilh laundry and garage. $6450! I Hardwood floors -fireplace -cedar shingle roo f • double garage · bar-b·q • wide lot • beautiful palm trees • newer 2 bedroom -$10.850 -$2250 down. Balance at $75 per month. L A R G E duplex on 2 lot.a in Newport Height& $12.500, enough aald ! M:l-Induslrinl. 60 x 126 . ·······-·······-···. $ 2,950 C-2 BusinC11s, approx. 2 acres ······----·--··-11,500 R~ Residential. 80 x 23·1 ····-···-··-····... 2,750 For a real deal see a Realtor G. N. WELLS , Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8·1601 CORONA DEL MAR $12,7!\0 Small 2 bdrm. home with minimum upkeep. 3 yrs. old. near stores, etc., raised hearth {jrcplace, at· tractively f inJahed, our best buy 1n lta class. $22,500 In hea rt or R-1 district. 60 ft. lot, Iota fruit trees, bwd. floo rs. This ooe la jwit a.eking for someone to pretty It up. Exclusive Corona Highlands View home, drapes & carpeting, modern design, 2 bdrm. & bath up and living-bdrm. with bath down, we are just .clling the home, the view wouJd cost too much to charge tor. RAY REALTY CO. ~ E. Coast Blvd·, Corona de! Mar Harbor 2288 room WI.IL n..hrood aAd ah&Jre. ----------------------EltcdlADl lnvtlUll•t. J 7ean old. 3 car ~·· FWJ pr1C9, H7.llOO. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and A 880CIA TES S03• Eaat Cout Htshwa.7 Ooralla dtl M.u l>tione H1rbor 24'3 5<:7 LOT8 FOR 8ALE S BltA UTlFUL LOTS, one '6 tt. oa ctm Dnn. Newport Rttfhta. Ont 10 tt. Jot Oil Dijon. Udo h ie. A180 40-fl. lot oca Vi& Ou- oa. Udo 4 le. Call ~r. Bar. Oltt or write Mn.. ~ U2 Le.rhp\lr, Corona del ...,. t 1c; - $12,500 Cash Now $12,500 IN DECEMBER, are the term. for purchpe of an outstanding large piece of buainea property, parti- ally improved. Returns $6000 per year NOW on the total price of only $53,000. Thia ~ the type of in· v~ent you have been looking for, but untU now -haven't been able to find. TH.IS IS IT! SEE ~USS FORD, THE VOGEL CO. 1201 W. Cout Hwy., Nnport Beacb Llberty 8-Mll Holmwood Drive (Newport Heights) For thoee -ldnc a beauutul home lD a qwet. hl&hlY rt11lrlct- ed nel&flbortlood we rnpeclfully aurrut an lnepe<:Uon ot one of t.lle Harbor Areta'a finer re1I· dvicea. Slluated on a wlci. (70') level lot lhla lovely home l1 built around a hure flower -atuddf'd patio bordered with many rani plant.Al and ahrube. A few or Ul• many featurM are two wood-bumtnr tlreplacu, the very but l.n waU lo wa.» car· petlnr. an extremely clever in· door out.door rumpua room, dream kitchen, PLVB a complete l'J!!llt ept.. tor your frl~nds weekend vt.lu! P. S. Oelf1)1le lhe gnat beauty of lh!1 ]>roperty and fte maximum &rrangement for privacy, the yard work 11 at an ab8olul e minimum. Prtced at 124.000 which 11 well below replacement. Ex~llent lc-rm11 lf dulred. W. Stuart Foote, Realtor 2117 W . Balboa Bl .. Newport Bch Harbor 24 or Llberty A-:>490 2c4 TerrHic Buy in Duplex CLOSID lo heart of downtown - 2 blockt t.o ahopplns center - Eallls1de. Only 3 )'t'&rll old. 2 be<lrooms each 1lde. 2 &lfagea. Well built. Cltverly l&Jd out. ll"ull prier only - $12,500 G. I. Resale $1500 Down ON EAST Jlllll STREET-Very Jtood loca tion. 3 btdroom11. H ard· WOO<I flOOrl. G1t.ra1t 4'. lol\n 1':ll<'t'pllonal buy. 1''111 flrlce - $10.500 Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1858 Newport Blvd .. Cotta MeH (acro111 from Coeta Mua Bank) Phooe U 8·67&1 Evn. Har. 43H Llberty 8-210S 10 Acres lndustria·I Z~ne SJTU.ATICD t.4j&.c.11l to laoU. Ana cllT nnuc. ta .. ..,,,,..... -· by bolh City and County e nd promtly pl&nt.N to 14 year old Valf'ncla 0~1ui~u ... 1111 11o ic•IOd yield recou l, llr• lh111 hJet.J ID· vutment. I 'rupf't I y l('bt\1 dttl'l.I by a major Blvd. an•I lht 8Q11U1· Pm P1t.clf1c RAiiroad Prlrt of JAN. 26, r955-COASTAL SHOPPER -~AGE I' BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayfront home and guest apartment 3 bdr?M. and 3 batha. Private pier & Ooal. A bargain at $68.500. So. Bay t wo unit..s, 2 bdrmB. each, a REAL buy al $37,500. $10,000 down. So. Bay older home that needs some ~pair. flxln' and paint. Hu new pier & fl oat and a million dollft r view. Only '33.750 & $7500 down. No. Bav front modern 3 bdrm., 2 blfth hom<> with view . from e\'ery room. Completely furmshrd. Asking $45,750 and ONLY ~000 down, Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartm<>nt completely furnished and in exc<'llcnt conilit1on. Full price $36,500, terms. 3 bdrm. & dE>n home furnished for year-round llv· ing on Little Island -Asking $2fl.500. 2 bdrm. furnished and in good condition, to be sold as is for only $17,950 and get t his, $1250 down. This is a "sleepe r." a little cottagP on tho N'ar ot a 30 x 85 !t. lot . $11 .500 -$4000 down. Here's news for you. Just received it. A 1 bdrm., 2 bath home in tine condition. Also fu~iillhcd. Full price $1 9.~ and $3000 c.fown. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa Jslnnd Harbor 444 (Eves. LI 8·5297 • Har. 17 6-RK) BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRJV A TE BEACH -Pier & slip privileg~. 3 years old. 2 bdnn., l I '1 bath, lolls ot tile, Pnrquay fire., dbl. gar ., F. A. heat. Now is the time to buy fo r 'next 11ummer or yearly occurancy. A Real Value at ThiJJ Price. $26,250 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BAYFRONT-Pier & slip. First time ottered, onty 1 yr. old. 3 bdnna., 3 bath11, ~Ice. kit., built-in dishwasher, garbage di!!posal, W to W car- pets, drapes &: ntw 20' Century motorboat Inc. m price. Thia ia a ho.ney I Pnce $70 ,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realto r 3113 Newport Blvd.-# N<'wport Beach. Har. 1013 SC>OO per acre la tar ~low •Ur-------------- rountllng valuu. 1, c:a11h wlll h&ndlf', lnvf'aUcate U\la at on('11. Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. 3~30 Ell•l Cout Hwy. Corona deJ J.t.u. Callfomla Ttlephone Harbor 3571 NEWPORT HTS. $2500 On., $70. Mo. FURNISH ED BEAt:T. rum111hed and lmm a('Ull\te 2 b<lnn. home #ltwat~ In tholce Hetghu •Kllon. Jiu attr kit· elle.n nook. bdwd. floor, •lectrlc contr. he&l, a H:iotUI bdnn , &lid nicely f,.nC'M ground-. i 1 o.~,()() nus IS A NEW LlSTl:-\0 and a down lo earth value. Roy Green leaf Jr. le A.SSOCl.A TES Sl 12 N<'wport Blvd., Nt\\'J>Ort Dell Harbor 2~2. 2c4 OCEAN . FRONT 2 BEDROOM A OEN DOUBLE OARAOl!l BEST BUY on the bl'ach l $16,000. NEARLY NEW 6 Br.. t\1m. tw-sC'h home. on 2 Iota. h11a a riu·acea. bullt lo hMdle apu abnv!'. .. blk. from bellC'h. SllHIOO Homer E. Shafe r REALTOR 106 McFadden Pl1ce ~"WJ>OTl ll(olll'h H•rbor 140. 1 Evu Jlt.r. 1t37·M 1 Atk tor H~1ld O. Splf'~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 BDRM HOME, 4 y~r• 0111 Lo\'ely view "' lln .I: bll)'. 11141 Fenced-pallo. dbl. san . .J!r, r Hn· for e<1 (or 2nd n oor. H·2 loL Reduced $1000 a~c t 1lcknC't1a. Owner, 506 A voe a do 4ct 8 CORONA DICL MAR 2 BDRM., 2 bath., hwd noo,... r . A.. hut. dbl. pr. t,; blk. to th• ocean. Rar. 102l daJ'll or Har aooe.I\ &tttt t p..m. kT • LIDO TRADE 130 ft. Cqrner MOST SPACIOUS CORNER on Udo Isle, Opposite finest swimm ing bPach. 2 bd~ .• 2 boths oo<l 1111.'ep- in~ clen. S.-parate large-dining room. I.nrgc kilchrn w ith breakfnst room att.nched. 2000 sq. ft. or liv- ing area. 2 walled patios and extra lar~o 2-car gar · age. s.mple parking space on 3 atrceta. Ha.a $20,000 loan payable at $160 per month. Pull Pn ce $45,()()(1. Owncr Wlll trade equity for boat or clear Harbor area property. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 26<12 1'EWPORT BLVD .. N<'vtport Beach Phone Harbor 3603 Open Houses Saturday & Sunday Ja nuary 29th & 30th, 11 a . m. to 5 p. m. 502 W . Bay Ave. Nicely rumii;hC'll 2 bdrm. hrme a.nil studl9''ipt, Nr . beach, stores, library. trnn1epe1rtnt1on. Apnrtment rents In eummc-r at MO 11r r W('<'k . Price $J 2,500. 811 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven With panoramk vif'w of-bay & ocean , B<-11.utlful yr. old ho me. 4 bdrms .. 3 bnthl!I, 2 flr<'plncca, 2 turnacct. 3200 sq. f t. Carpcu and clropes included. $40,000. Lcnsehofd. Will consider Income u part payment. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Bf\'tl , N<'wport Beach Phone Ha rbor 51 8 or Harbor 19 3 Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-round home colony. Only 1 block from the Club with it.s lovely beach and tennis court, we ha,·e an 1d<'11 l fom rly h()m('. in f'X· c<'llent tute. 3 bdrms .. 2 b:1.lht11. mu1ovc usNl bnrk f1rC!plAre. op(•n beam ceiling. lc,vely kitchen, paUo an1I separate S('rvlce yartl. You can't do b«ttrr at only $27,:lOO. IO\\'ller will comudrr takmg in ll 1,ido lot, as e\'en though he ia being tranRferrt-d, he want.II to come back.) Headquarters for ~~ne Lido ltJle •Ince 193:S. p. a. palmer incorporated ole han.on co., aalee mrmt. 8331 't1a lldo -b.v ~ I ' I I I I. ' PAGE 12 -COASTAL SHOPPER-:JAN. 26, 1955 a • .,,...... BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LI.STING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 ' BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE 1 to 5 p.m. 220 Coral -Built for graciou. living'. 60-ft. lot. Beautiful grounda. $35,000. One of mtwt charming bouae. on laland. 131 Topu -Charming home and Income. Both unite unusually well furn.iabed. Thia fa one of our very be.t buys at $27,000. ~down. 304 Ruby -Attrac. 2 bdrm. fumiehed home. $19,'500, xlnt. term.a. SHORE CLIFFS SEE THIS TODAY. ' bdrm., two-.tory ooloaial. Ma.gnificent marine view. SEE THIS TODAY. Beauti. 4 bdrm. (two up -two down) two-atory colonial home, 3 bat.ha. Magnifi- cent marine view. $42,500. Terms, of coune. NEWPORT BEACH DOLLAR PROFITS -Look into thia NOW! Bualne.s building on corner lot. 5 •Wt.ea all leased. Room for expanalon. Paved parking area. 1 abort block from City H&ll. A TRULY FINE INVEST. THE BEST FOR THE LEAST IN THE HARBOR AREA Costa Mesa 1. 2 bdrm. home, bwd. floon, fireplace, fenced yard, 2-car gar., nice garden plot. 1 blk to stores. • ~· x l:SO' lot. Only $8950. 3%. Cal Vet loa.n. only $40 per mo. Arly Veteran or non-Vet. can buy. See this. 2. Near High School. Quality 2 bdrm. Ir den home (lJM eq. (t.) Dinlog rm.. hwd. floors, F. A. heat. fenced yard. A beauty! Only $14,7~. WW tnde for houM trailer. Corona del Mar 3. Open House each day at 418 -418'h Marguerite. 3 bdrm. home It lge. unti.nlebed 1 bdrm. gar. apt. Only $19.500 with low down payment. 4. We have 2 of the fl.nest view homea in Hbr. area. A-3 bdrm., 2 fireplaces, 3 bat.hs for iM.!500. B-3 bdrm., 3 bath, 2 firepla.oee, very beautiful. ~.000 full price. Will consider am&ller homes or income -What have you 1. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coa11t Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 17U·l477 BALBOA ISLAND Thia 4 bdrm. home. and 3 bdrm. Income apt. bu excell ent income record. F'lnplace, good beating, and lovely eheltered patio. ONLY $6,500 down, pymtA. Iese than reoL Full price $2e,950. (Near N. Bay) Juat a atep to N. Bayf ront. 3 bdrm. home. 2 bathe, fully furnished, Md income apt. ONLY ~.000 do., $2l..500 full price. Have you been looking for tbia' A real all year home. with three bedrma .. two bat.M, all electric kitchen, ctiahwuher. huge p&tio. $1800 recently ~nt re-decorating. All this and top location for $24,500. Tenna. COSTA MESA l ' :· acrMI on the bluff with sweeping view ot ocean; Catalina (clear day). Ample room for 4 lot&. Buildt>n attention! MJ.500. WALDRON REALTY 101 Merine Avenue HARBOR VIEW Harbor 023'4 4c6 * "A home mu.at be a joy and not a mere uWity." Magnificent \•iew of the entire Harbor Area from this new 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom, exceedinely cheer- ful Cliff home. Two balconies, a permanent view from every room. Plate gl&N window. 6 aliding dooni. Carpet.. drapes, worlulhop. Extra large gar· age. 2 fl~places. Ready to move in. Ailkfag price $40,000 Thit1 lovely home MUST SELL! To a qualified buyt r we wilt also finance with a real low down. CalJ J ohn Macnab. Harbor 3297 or 5359 anytime. EARL W, STANLEY, Realtor THE BAYSIDE OFFICE Bayaide Drive t.t Cout Hl~hway Corona del Mar On 46-ft. lot. well conalntcted :l bdnn. bom4!. Room to build more oo lot. Many pneMhilitJee. Full Pri~ $13,500. . . . Exchan,..-T nntu ID Arcadia (JOOd lnoome) for ' home or ncaat lob Ill Oorona def 1lv or N..-port.. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY ReaUor9 -Bunneu Broker 313..5 E . Cout Hwy., Corona dd Ma.r H&.rbor 2152 Exceptional Opportunity LlTrt.l'J lSLA.ND--Out ot town owner wW trade t bedrm.. a batll turnlJlhed born• tor let w 2nd Trull Deeda. No cub Deed· ed. Better ... lhi. today .. t.o- IJIOn'OW m.lfbt M too late. Ol"J:N BOUUI SUJm.A. Y 1 to I at Wl Ba)'llbore Dr., Baylllor-. a Mdrm .. l % balh modera home. "You mwit ... thi.." mxe.tlent looe.Uon 4 ..WW. (Mr. Rum will .,. oe t.be pnmi.e.). NEW LUITINO-IA>vely Ranch home l.n Baylhoree. mxtra lar1'9 tlrepl&ce and tulty encloeecS patio. U2.tl00, tum!dltd. BUSINESS PROPERTY 1.n fut ~ 0oeta K ... W• b&Ye 2 nloe properU.. 1 'iii 11lke. froftl lhe HW 1'!lr1ft7 oa l Tth St. Let ue 1how you. INCOME PROPERTY-JWlt U... ed a nice one year old T1UPLEX. Priced low at 121.~ w1tll ocly 13000 down. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Rua, Wm. G. Scllnlidl, 4..-oc 312 Marine .A.ve., Balboa llland Harbor 2042 Excellent Income on East Bay Ave. I bdrm. bOUH 4 t .&ncJ-tun&. unli.., on 2 Iota. lbtceUent .i.w ot a.y. Older but lD Sood COil· dJUon. Wlthla waJJdal' d1llt&.nc9 ot do1mtown ~ an&. '15,000 down. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 late -$12,000 Ocean Front Income . '"C'' TBOKA.S "C" THOMAS "'C" THOM.U '4C' THOMAS CUFF HAVEN EXCEPl'IONALLY alee modern 2 bdrm. home in tip top condition. Large liv. rm. A din. area. f~ place, lovely patio, completely fenced, W to W car- petin.g A d.rapea met in ASKIN(; PRICE of $18,IOO with pymta. of $72.10 per mo.. COSTA MESA HOME and C-2 BUSINESS PROPERTY 100 ft. OD Anahelm Aft. with immaculate 2 bdrm. home, only 7 yra. old. Owner now operate. auto- motive electrical garage. Room to build additional bldp. Tim is one of the few available C-2 propert.iee. y y Check t!l1a for REAL VALUE Priced at $19,7!50, NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL One of the flDelt Kotela in the Ha.nor area, in first CW. oondition -12 oompJetely J'URNISHED unit. incl 2 doul>* PLUS ownen 2 bdrm. 4' den home, garap, la11Ddry room, patio -Showa an exoellent INOOKE and priced at ONLY $55,000 -Tenm. LIDO ISLE WATER J'KONT, pier A float. 3 bdrm., 3 bath completely ruRNI.SHED -·· ····-· .. ······--·····$58,tM>O ON LIDO NORD -1521,1 tt. lot, 8 bd.nm., rumpus room PLUS Nimla.iq pool -"2,500 BAYSHORES j ' BAYSBORE Dr. 2 bdnit., 1% b&th-view-$18,7!50 FURNI8HED a bdrm., din. rm., Attract.lve-$22,7M "C" THOMAS, Realtor m w. Cout Hlchway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Balboa Reelfy Co. A Selected list of "Best Bets" Bay Front Home! ON THll PENINS~ 5 bed· rooma. a~ baUY. lD Sood COii· dJUon. Pier n,tlta. $'7,&00, tenna. Peninsula Home ! A Nl:W LIBTING and a cute lit· U. home. 2 bedroom•. Wall-4 front yard, nice patio. Stucet> exterior and pl&lter.d. Bell ol a.11 It 19 only $1',000 with term.. Balboa Home ! NEAR BAY AND OCl!AN. 2 bedroolJUI, 2 betM. Room for 2 more unJt.t on W• ~a lot. lllOO epent lut ye&r to modem!M. clt.poaal, elc. 112.000, IS600 chi. fF YOU ARll lNTllRJ:8Tl:D IN A ROME WlTR INCOME OR FOR INCOME ONLY • . . LET US SHOW YOU THltSE DU· PL.l!:XES! J'or lut&nce: Ulla t bedroom du. pin. cloee to lbe Udo Shoppll\6 Center. S -.bowen, Iota of tile and dt.poaai.. A l"OOd •turdy etucco buUdl.nr. Cut from SH,· 500 to 120,400. 14000 down la aU. OR TBl8 DANDY PENINBUL.4 DUPLEX with a bedroo"'9 up and J clown. Redecorated wtUI new drape• and '9Glll• c:arpettnr. Will make a .weU bomt wtth lJ\· come, too. 121.500, term•. HmRE'B .A. DUPl...llX, npt °" the OoMn Front ••. Pentnaula ioc. • Uon. Ttrrtftc Ocu.n 'ti-. 81 .. pe • aboff and • down. Bu pod rental record. 1n.1100. Tenn•. ACT QUICK ON THUS ONJ:. BAY ll'RONT DUPLEX with 4 bed· ,_ .. Prtva"' beac.b and pi.r rtillt... CloM lo ebopp~. Beet pc>Mble rent.al an&. NMde Mme flJUa' Md paillllllf, but look at Ule price ••• only Ut,750, wftb tenna. Balboa Realty Co. COppoelt.. Bank of America) I UN1T8 corner lot. u cel. ln«>me ff M.embera, M\lltlpi. lbtlnl' * ltl o• t ROM Ou.Jey l:d lie re«>nf. H&U bUt. trom 8&7 &JICf s I eren Jack Plnltham JOMphlne Webb pe.rkinc r-c. Cle&11. 110,000 wW 100 JC B&Jboe Bl d aa•~-hanclle. • v ·• ....,. Did" wll.b •lore Uld I Wllt.a. Goo.I CORONA DEL MAR -those seeking that __ P_h_on_•_"_•r_bo_r_u_11_· __ buy, for au1.ooo -~000 dOWb. In the Mari o! Balboa. 'cozy atmospben' In a ma.aUe.r home with real -charm, will Uke th1I ununal offering: Nice Family Hom .. NEAR Nnrport Kubor Yacht Club. • t BEDR.M. fum. llome wtt.b ptt· rnanenl ai.7 vtew. 13600 dowa. Coast Propemes 101 I:. Balboa Blv4., Balboa Har~r 2MI • Har. 4800 lltc BILL'S BEST BUYS OWNER TRA.Nan:RED lo Japan. From the finpl&ce in the muter bedroom to the ma.bopny panieltnr and cork noon in the tute- fully decorat.d rwt room, auetuJ plannlq la re- flected in eftr)' room. Thia "larl•bome-for..a.-GD&ll-famlly" bu full din- ~ room loold.nc dowu into the beam-cellinc livtn&' room wtt.h Jta attractift ftreplaoe. Outdoor Uvtng- t.emace attord9 pmta.cy and dellcbt.tul ecKDJ.try at. moePhen on the «-ft. wooded lot. We bven't mentioned the extra half-beth: the other patio wttb lath bou.ee for ahade pl&.nu: nor deacribed dad'• fUDCt.ional dea with lt. many built- ina. Not new, but lD ezcellent c<>11dition, this home la of- f~ for the first time at a price much below what you would expect -only Sl 7 ~ ! Cliff Haven Open Houae • Sat. It Sun. 1001 Cliff Drive PANORAMJC Vl!?W from tlile nearly new •haJc• roof, I bdrm .. 2''1 t.lh home. Ttwlnnado,.. kll· chen. 2 u~ brick nnrpl-. wie atnin. room-wall to -.JI carpellntc-a c:u1lom lndlt home of 2.~00 eq. tt. fot an .no. A rMI buy !not IMMhOld). • • • Costa Mesa AS IS -NEEDS PAINT 3 BDRM , hdwd. tloore. Eaatildf' Dbl. or. Rt'dwOOd and lltU«O. Yf'nced. 0 . I. 4 ~ -llO.~. . . . 2 BORM.-Obl pr., hdwd, noore.. tlreplM'•. rood loc.-tlon. Nf'U v A 1~ BARGAIN- IS WHAT TBIS LIDO HOME IS. Not even a year old yet and it bu a pertect noorplan With s bed-> rooms and 2 batba beautifUlly done. The YoUD6 own. en added many improvement. and now a promotion takea them away_., you can buy it for $2:';,900. Ko" in tor M,900 and pay only $127.!50 monthly. LESS THAN 20o/o DOWN- THINK OF 1T-$f.~ down for tbia excellent a bedroom, 2 bath home on a large lot. FuU price fa $25,7~. Stove and oven are ·built in. A convenient tloorplan makes thia moat livable . HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS- AND YOUR HEART will be with thla home wheJ\ you see the magnificent fireplace-the out.at.anding kitchen will plee.ae you too. 3 bedrooma and two b&t.M on a large lot. New carpets, 220 power. A perfect home for $29,960. A PLACE IN THE SUN- rs YOURS with this brand new bo~uperb llUn· deck opens off the large master bedroom, 2 mo,.. bedrooms, 2 baths, carpet~. dishwasher, diapoeal. and the full price $29,500. POSTSCRIPT TWO LIDO R-3 lot., 40x118 ea.ch. Side by side, one $16,000 the other $15,000 or $29,500 for both. LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MAR.KET ENTRANCE) . THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BEST 2 BDRM. HOME BUY IN COST A MESA - G. L ~. $91~ full price -~. a mo. lncludH tan• A insurance. principal A tntereet. ~ neigh- borhood. Takea $2450 dn. with quick po••••ioD. BF.ST 2 BDRM. DEN HOME BUY IN COST A MESA -Wall to wall carpeting in living room• den. Cement patio, lathe house, aprinklen lo fronL &we,.. l.n le paid. $10.500 full price wit-h • good terms & 4 'le lnt.ereet BEST U)T BUY IN OOST A MESA -On Dtl Mu just East of Newport Blvd. 2 • ~ x 140 @ $2000 each, terma. BEST C-2 FRONTAGE BUY IN OOSTA MESA - 150 ft. OD Newport AYe., ~ht down town.. @ s~ front foot. BEST ACREAGE BUY IN CX>STA KESA -& acres close to Baclc Bay C330 x MO) only $1~.ooo. t.ernu. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE ;-SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Co.ta Me.a Liberty 8-1632 l..Jbe,rty 8-1'00 EvN. We bave HI ct.ye to wU lhl• lo"-1y 3 bclnn., 2 MUI bOtn.e oa Kut !Pde. IM'AT Ba.di S.7 de,,.. lopromt. It bu neryWJ11! Fl,._ place. atdwd. n .. dlntag It ~reak· rut l"OOllla. Service porch, .. pa.- rate tiled 1howtr, 0"1Wl.ud 2 car r•ra1e. arid I• Wind 220 ror elect. etove 6 dryer. Paved and Cllt~ it.rut. Stwe:r 1.o It paid. Steal al 113.l llO. • "'e, 110.660 10.ui. Pymt. or 177.el l11Cludw tu, tnl. a. In&. Should eell ln lhl"H da ya. R\l l'T)' t Ob yee, the two-ear garage la &.igned ed lt.reMed for an apartment above. Clift Ravm. a 1000 down. -------------------- LOW PRICE LOW DOWN N'll!AJU.Y NEW one bdrm. born.e. wtl.J\ oc:~ v1ew ror oai, aMllO. ~00 down. NO. ma. 1t you W&llt & mt&JI home,, -lhlL Now BeinJ? Built NWW ' bdnn., 2 a.iii a.om .. Mine bullt. Ruem .TOUr1I now U&O. doW'll, b&I. appl'01L. le7 &O mo. J.no.. ln t ..-eat. taJt,.. It lM. W. A. TOBIAS ltC.A.L'l'OR "you'll Wt. our rn.,dly --nee•• 3~3 I!:. 17lh ~L. Cofll& M•a LI'btrfy ~ 11311 Balboa Island Income WATERFRONT ~I N~ P'ERRY LANDlMO TRRllE F\1'lN18HED APT8., rompl,tely equ.lpf*I KAMBUR· OER A MALT STANO • PAO· DU: BOARD IU:NTAU. 81131~l loc&UOll on llland Orouitd over 112,000 In a aunmeT moa. A rMl tnv.--t A: mOfley· maker. Spe.ce tor exp&JUlon. ~t lnlo OU. be.fore Ea.ti.er Wfek f.or f\.lll -.-i 111,llOO handle&. or wlD U-.de for pod dlJple• la uea. Oil.I u. to !IN. Call own.en' ~ent for appointment to inapect or tor further detaJla. ST AN LEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy., Coron& del Mar Boat Rental and House Har. 882 Home corWat.s ot bou.e tn.i.Jer with attached build- ings. It contain.I a UviJll room. dining room. kit- chen, 2 bedrooms and bath. Bual.neu con.a~ or ahop, pier, float.a, 28 boatf, 8 outbouda, 1~ bait '1ed.e. m.i.c. t.ooi. aad equipment.. Everythiog eoea for s~.000. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanaon co .• sales management 1700 "" cout highway -Uberty 8-.M73 BALBOA ISLAND NOW is the TIME to Buy. Beautitul home. 4 bdnna., 2 baths. Large bac.lt yard Ir tu.Uy fenced. Double garage. Fully furniabed in Salem Maple. $29,500. EXCLUSIVE On• ot the cboi.ceet. propertiea lD eo.t.a Me.. - 3 bdrm.., 1 '4 bat.ha. A IMO IQ. fL jewel, ranch irtyle. abue roof, $20.tsOO with rood financing. D 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor Nona Hyer Chet Sallabury Curt Doeb 2Ie Ma.riae Ave .. Balboa l&l&nd Har. 20 or 14 aoe ~o~s.~on R~~.. VOGEL VALUE Lot LI t-ttll J:na. R&r. ant-W "Let U1 Locate • for .roa" hr BIU1lot property, hay and MeQ, eo.ta ..... COrona clel .Mar, Santa A.na, eto. The LOCATOR of Calif. Beautif~y loc.t.d eo z 330 lot oe one of Cc.ta Meu'• flne.i eut..n .ueeu. $4.250 value for $3750 S~E THE VOGEL CO. U01 W. eo..t Jllpwa1 Newport 8-eh Liberty ~1 Bl'Uldl oftlce. 1184 Bu1Jor BIYd. --------------------Cotta M ... Pboae LI 1-lMt. J , t11.10 ust Pl»n• HARIOR I 6t 6 to Plec. Y 0« Ad on This Peoe • . . A New Dandy 2 BDRM.. bctwd. 11oora. dual h•t. Lo\Jvufd win~ real ~em IUld ~fd to Mll today at Ol'llJ 18.000 with low down and U · celleftt terme. We ban the k~7. Bay & Beach Realty 18H N9W)!Oft 9oultftrd Colll.a Kua.. Oa1Uomi. LI 1-1181. ~ l.Dut7 l-'151 COSTA MESA RANCHO a-·· w1lat '°" r.t '°' acnr. euutct. of town. I BEDROOM two baUI lllodU'll home with oak Ooon. wood buni1q flnpMe, larse puM)ed din. nn. plu. lliailt·tn• OALOUI Otn'SJDIC tMn.,.. TWO douMe ,.ar.,... and OIM bu IUl eJrtra room and beth. ALL KINDS of tree. and ebrubt arid lh• pro~ tll fenced f'n>nl and rear. PRICED AT llT.000 WbJcll t11 1-1 lhllll UMt cOlt flt the lnpr'O'#e- menta a.aon.. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 2111 W. Balboa m.d., Npt. Bek. Barbot' 2t er Ll'blrtJ 1-Mto. v Check these Exclusives For Best Buys, Corona del Mar 1. Very attractive 2 bdrm. home. Finlpl&oe, car- peted !loore, nice dining area <r1erlooktng large paved patio. Dbl garage. Reduced from $16.000 to Stt,!500. G. L Loan. E Z Terma. A Scarce Item! 2. Tht. lmma.culately c!ean 3 bdrm.. home, double garage with extra room attached for storage or work ahop. Fittpl&c~. forced air heat. garbage diapoea.I, diahmuter. Only $16~ &Dd $2600 down will bandJe. Paym~ou Uke rent. Looking for a Duplex! a. nu. well located 2 bdrm. home plus large 1 bdrm. p.rage apt., built over dbl pnge, fenc- ed ya.rd, paved patio. Pri<led to MU at $17,:SOO. lmmedlat.e ~ion. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 4 7 (Of!I~ located next door to Corona del Mu Bank) RUSTIC REDWOOD OCEAN FRONT DOUBLE Completely funtiahed -Idea.Dy locoted. Terrific income J><*lbllity. Lut yeu groa .,. .. approx. S3e00. Let \&.t tho. you thla attractive beach prop- erty and you'll ~ it ia wen worth the uklog price of $23,500. Good term.a. BAY FRONT On Newporf-·tsland Exclusive 50-tt. bu1kt>.u1ec1 iot. wtt.b SEE THE VOGEL CO. pier A Ip. float. l.&rp U•· 3201 W. Cout HJghway tns room wit.b fireplace. 2 Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 nice bdrm.a. With 1% bat.ha. --------------------Extra lalp ~ area. Double ..,...., ...Uy made tripJ.e. $27.000, tenna. RALPH P. MASKEY Reattor NU N_,,.rt ..._ KJt. 9dL ~... Mtte 8DM'IZNTB8 A.en Cl_. ·I low) .... , wtth •ctilat oc-.n ...... tra.c. ud -.r. Loeat«t 8oatb ot i....,._ MIOO. U MllT .. DO~BLES FOR INVESTMENT TWIN DUPLEXD -2 tull Iott. 4 excellent 2 bdrm. apt.a. Each with own fireplace A garqe. Hwd. tloora, .Sood beaL $m per mo. income. $t5000 down, tull price $27.!5'>0. OPEN SA TUR.DAY A SUNDAY ..614 • 16 ~A.SMINE, CORONA DEL MAR MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2504 Nnport Blvd., Newport s-ch Barbor '810 ... ' Richard Get ntertiurn Hlth ~--. lut Mt. 7 New Honors sAc v1c+or1ous Panther Rve Absorbs Loss leven boQora WW. stYeD to O. W. "Dick" Richard of RlQ&rd'a Lido Market durin&' th• week ol Jan. 10, It wu learned. He wu r.-elec~ to th• board of directors of Certified Grocen of CaJJfoml&, Ule world'• ~ cooperative food dlatributors; he waa elecled chairman of the buy· lng advl.ory ~mmlti-ot ~rtl· fled Crocera. Contlrm&tlon ot reston.al dir90- torahf p for Super Market m.tJtut. waa received by Richard. the aame week. The lnaUtute la • poup of the larseat auper martcet opera- tQrw In United Slate., C&riada and Mexico. Richard waa e*t.s to Uw edu· cauon and reaearch committee of the National->JeoclaUon of Retal1 Croc.tn of AmericL n. &'l'O'IP la made up of 80,000 reta.llere throughout th• -uon. Becauee he wa1 choeen u re- tailer ot the y .. r wt year by Bra,pd Namu FoundaUon, Rlch· aro; I• Invited to New York to ae- Ject lhl1 year'• whiner. He expects to be ln New York 1JOmetl.me ln March. He wu elected to ~ executive board or the Slate Safety Coun- cil, following aervlng .-local chairman for the recent 8-o Day traffic obeervance. Richard waa forced to decline the eeventh honor, an lnvttaUon to repreaent C&JltornJa at the Swift and Co. national food con· ference to be held In J'lorlda. It conflict.cf With h.U. New York trip. Only two trbm Callfomla were aalled to attend; Colonists Romp Over Santa Ana ANAHEIK IOCNS)-The Ana- heim Colonlata bard)y even worked up a aweat Wedneeday aa they romped to a M-'2 victory over a comparatively weak Santa Ana quintet. The Coloni.ta actually >rllled two bil'da with one atone u t.hey counted lb• Ult u a 8u11- M t Le-cue g-ame, and aleo •• th• oP8J1llll' ~· ot the Beverly BUia High School TournameL The Blue and Gold aquad looked nry &'ood u Uley appeared to 119 more relaaed and amoot.her than they have t>e.n playlnc for quita 90me time. The Co'°'1tata took a eom.mand1J11 lead early ln the MCond quart.er and never r.lln- •11111hed 1 l. )(l)ce 8eada looked hU u.IU&I aelt ap.l.D aa be dropped In 11 ._uww abota out ot H attempta a t ~ buc:Jret tor a ~ •per cmt Oil floor &booting. Mike a1ao added ' poillta -,,.. ~ to end Ule ~· ac:Uvft;)' With a II pol.At total. BW rr.ch al80 p.l&Jed a u.aMndoal oneutve ,.am.. aa be poured ta l1 oouaten. JrNru:b WU contlually Mali.Ds the bell tTom the none-too-alut aatnta. and bl.a ball handlin.1 wu &lao • big a..t to UM Colonln aaUM. Tb• rett ot Uw Anaheim 9CC>r- ln1 -nt like tllJa. Lew Bushey. t, Jtoy Weaftr 2, Gary rr.dertck 2. O&ry Jonea 2, 0..119 Mata 2, and ll•ry He~ra l. Pair Jailed on Outboard Thefts Here aANTA AHA. COCN8,-8uper- IM COW'\ JUdp John 8be& J'rid&y 9'11t.oed two Buntlnctan e.ch )'Olltba to jail tor 30 d&,. and plac- ed Ulem on thf'M yan proMtlcft a fter tlley "'~' admitted 11tealing three outbovd motora and a akJtt from the N•wport 8-ch .,.._ '?'My were eentenced on on• count ot ST&'ld theft. Grant.ad lh1" years probaUM after they ee"• lbelr jail temw were Joee11h N. Grant. 19, Rlclt- ard A . Brown, JP. Ju~e 81»& 8l&Jed the -tence unUl today. A <'OftdtUon of th• pt'OktJon la thAl the detend&nta mue r,.IJUtutlon for dam.,-ea doa41 the 1~olf'n artl· du, tach paylq hali. The atolen ,..ar I• In cualocty of Newport Buch police for ,... tu.m1111 lo th• vlctl.ma. U.ted aa '11ctima were Alfred A. Amen.ult. JT08 J:. J8t.h SL, Collta Mu&. a ao l\p outboard motor, 200; JCu. SU• Kadi. 10810 Klnp Roe.cs. a '337 Mitt: ('. A . E llloil. 621 Mt.I\ Bt •. a $289 10 hp outbc:>a.rd motor .ah.Md a t 1,.23.70. Judf'e Shea denied a pla that the defendant.a ti. allowed to aerw tlMtJ' Jail Um• on week •nda and lloltda,ys "° they could kttp their Jobe. Count t~o of gnnd Ulet't .,...i.n.t the wapect.I waa diaml ... eel on a motion by the district at· toni•7' a office. Call DAN'S TV .................... u.t,a.ma llA'ITRE88D ._ .. H1mu 1'nUeft .,,..,.... ...... a..n-tJ ...... o.ta-MM•1-0.. llM N...,.,.-... WAT&& 'BSA'l'lta &Alli, 111,,lct ~"" ll'AllS Jo• B.J.10/J PLt'll.BL'IO '1 .. d •t "' CIHT 00"1'f ,,. ... H•._ &al9 Boa Wlntutlunl poured II OR.ANGii (0CNI)-~ aaap. point.a thl'OU&'b the mellb J'riday maa ~ Putbtra _.,,.., w niffit tcw Oran1• Cout Oo.Ue,.'a ue out uaotbu deleat w~ buketball quintet, bvt t.M Yictory In WJUW. aa th•· ~ tooll -nt to .Mt. Ban .A.Jat.oruo CGUes-, botb IQda o1 a doubl.e ......... P!a7· t7 ·~. In Ea.Item Conference com· tn1 OD -WlUllU&l ~ Whlt- peduon. Chuck Nlcboi. and Job.a U.r t1'ouaced C&J Paly 11 to • Hendenon tallied lt marllera and tlft mlaut. 1&t.r prooe1W apleca for Mt. 8A.C. to band <>&pmu lt.a 1'~ Jc'9 'nl• win contlnued UM Xoun· 72 to 79 to ,...tac.er a -.. _ .. ., t.aJneera IA aecond place wt~ their and an. unheard ot double wtD Ill atxth wtn tn •'ND loop at.art.. a llin&i• ntrtit'• play.• 'nMy bad to pmer th• triumph TaAlL AT llALJI' In tb• -d hall when the half. time acore wu a 21·21 deadlock wit.II OCC'I ptr&tee. Startinc • combo of aecond and ~d atr1ngera, the Poeta ata;yed Jn• th• game the entire tint half and tra.lled Chapmu by only aa- fl at the midway mark. Ill other r.utena eonr- play rrld&y, Bu Bemardtno downed Banta Ana. to.GS. At the he.lt, the ecore tavol'ed th• Ylctora, With the tnaerUOB of tlrat atrlnf forwards Jn the aecond eta.oz.a, the WhllUt1r crew pulled even and kept far enough ahead Ill the final period 80 that rut of the tlnt five were not n~<ied to hand Chapman It.a lateat ddeaL 36-30. 8BU'l'OVT INNING8 But It wun't becau.. ot Bertha. A.It.er droppln&' the cloee one to Freeno Set,wday night, ah• ft.ab· toned 14 .n'litout Inning• the next afternoon aplnat tough Phoenix to put the Llonett• Into the ahowdown. Freeno'a powerful nln• · wore her doWJI ea.rly and bagged the UUe. Softball won't be the aame when Bertha hang• them up. Neither w111 c olt. Oldrickaena, Bauera. Bers• and ?'Mt b9ware! llcycle Stolen cutt Veet ot 10Cl W. Wilaon St. re~ ha bicycle wu atolen from the He.rbor Boy•' Club at t :t• p.m. 8at.urda.y, eo.ta Meaa poUce ncorda llbow. HOPU 00 OUMMEJUNG Hanging on wltb a allm chance to pull through In the clo.Jng aec· ond•, Chapman trailed 72-74, but committed a technical foul and all hopea went glimmering u t.be Pod captaln calmly aank three charity toMn 1Jl a row "to te• th• con teat. With the aemeeter break at hand C¥pman Center Dick A.r~u bucl<etf'd nlne polnll for the Pan- ther c.auae u he played h.la final g-ame tor the colle&'e. and Coach Don Perkln1 hopes that two eec· ond aemeater ttan.lfera will be able lo pick up th• aystem In time to brtn&' the tum bac;ll to tull atrm(th. .................... STAFFORD 6 ION "Nlll..8 and DOC" m.&ol'&ICAJ.. 001"'BA.OTOU no. Ll1Mwt7 ... ,661 IJt &tYenWe ........ Newpon llaecll LATEST. HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BA.LBOA TlfiATUl BLOG. BALBOA 0,.. heedaJ ...... ~ GIFT OFFER EXTENDED ., .... , .. "" ... IS DIE•a 1'&1 WMYU.1tSS ,. .......... ,..._.,,. ... I ' s..i-f'""4I ,...,... Cled ...._,. r•• ., •• , ... -_ ... , .... -... ~ .. ,... ...................... ,_ ........ , ... , .. , ... -....... -.,,uoo--. , .................. ....,... .. _ .. ...... 1. GET YOUR Gin NOWI • ANNOUNCING ........ pold 0...-ty ... "" ,_ c:........ $crY"9 Acc."" Monti '1, ,_ )0, ~ ... ._, JO _.. D .. 11 ~li 20 C'-... t. Owl 1 I ). ...,...,,. ............ c.... .......... ,., ............ -..~~---..... .................. 2 . ., ... _...._ ................. ......, .. $10,000.., ... ,..... ~ -""' l-----~ 3 . ., ... .-¥ ..... --··, .. ti ., .. _.,_.., ........ ~ ~,,.. ............ .. '""',..... ...... ..,... 4. , _ __......,111¥ .. ................ -........ ._ ... , .. ................ ,.. .... ,..~.......,--- FLOllDA IOUND, WINDS UP HBI APt.17 -..c Q ·,_. ~.wt em.ew- d~Vtrst10...aa. .. 11, ,.._ ~. Wla. told paBM • ,,.. llltehn.tns to~te ... Mlmother. u. ... Mppe4 tr.. 1119 .. ........... plcW .. by Jo. ~ ettleen -.l'l7 ftiday morma,. Enr* .-ad -"" hll l"f'IUldtath«'• llom• 1n wi.- cora1.n oa Jae. 21 wtlh U.. In· t ent to IO t.o J1orl4& Where hla mother ltrM. 8olnehow be wound up tn California.. 'nit lad Mid ...... picked up J'eb. 1 by Loa .A.Ja&"l• po- lice but wu nleued Feb. a. He wu turned over to J\l•en· lie aut.borltlu tor &Mlatance. Nightingales Hear Report of General Meet The NlghUnple ~pter of Hoag Auxiliary met at the home ot Mr1. J. Gordon Smith, 327 C&ta· Una Drlv .. for t.helr monthly meet· Ing on Feb. lit. Aaal1UJ1g Mra. Smith wue Mme•. William Payne, I!'. N. McCollom and Jamee T. Moullrup. The g-roup waa enthual.utlc l'I their report of pruentaUon of the Tumor Board at the reg'Ular meeUnK of the H~ Awdllary, held on Jan. 28. Ticket aalea WIN announced u .. CONCRETE ILOCKS • Kl 2.0754 ~m.oca OOlll'Aln -.................. ... "1lllOa -COD&& A.ND OONC&S'l'm BLUO&a a&llOOllCING ft'IZL ... 8Ul'PLID BALTZ MORTUARIES COllT4 M:EL4 CH.APEL 11•1 ltupulor A.venu. Colt.a M.... Calif. Phou Uberty a.21!1 CR4PllL BT TRll U. 3620 ID. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Ct.UL Phone Barbor 4J &.{~--+ (Jts D710~:...-- t13H IXC. s 1 L v11 KING IATTllY · •OI ANY CAI Ouarenteecl H Menthe. "''"" ...... FEB. 9, 1955 -COAST AL: SHOPPER -PAGE 7 ---· WORLD ft.A VELOGlTE B&ILIU PUS&NT9 "PORTRAIT OF PARIS" A cOLO..ru.M <W A OLAMOllOW. HAUTITUL CITY Curtla Nace!, Narrator ti.. kl,.., ltl 11<14 ... ••f ...,._ -~~• fe I• C...C-4• -Arc fe T•I-· -llff.i I--INHIM D.., -H-D--~ clN--h lllef!H ..... -l-. -a.-,. ,,.,_ -_ ........... •le't .... , ............... . k tlH ..._ ..... Cwfl1 H•~ • .._ .... NEWPORT BIOB 8CllOOL AUD.. M-. 1111. P& H Tkuta at TM ----u.. ....... C:..••· c. D .... ,.,. ....... ~ .. .. ~h L c-c Hr. A •• ._ OHk .. IUt'lot el .... • .-. ..., ••. •M Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 Buy Your NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 . S. Coast llvd. Latuna leach See U.s Today roa HIGHEST TRADE· IN VALUE Immediate Occupancy $ For 60 Days 3 BIDROOM HOMI 26 prtncJpaJ and lnt.eres& $ 00 PER MONTH DOWN MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VlCTORIA vns or NON-VETS •7995 FULL PRICE! lmn1ecllate Occupancy CHECK THESE QUALITY FEATURES 'l'-.pt.ewa ..... Id .... ~ AapbltW.lald...._ ..... .. AOA 911preYM pe MM Ne. llt 0-,. r..f ne.....-..... a.rs• •• , ............... . ............... Ancl11 Really-Sales A11al1 -U 14565-0,.. 9to1 Dally • PAGE I -COAS'l'.Al SHOPPER -FEI. 9, 1955 Ask loblnsoll Probate ll-81dldlq .. _~--­ "A's" VENETIAN BLIND --....all•t:lom ..... -----------· -·· ------S-Rel'· ~W._;;. __ _ RESPONS.IBLIC couplt will Draftsman (Male ) tA • '!! ~!!?!'!!. . M-lflllbl. a..no. a TY _,.,,_ -_ __._...... Walhing Machin e SER VJ Cl: Mesa 81il~i1g Swells Over J1nairy, 1954 SANTA ANA (OCN.Sl -In Buparlor Court Tbuncky Reba B. H&uon aak-4 th• probate ot the wW ot her tather Walter H. .Rob- in-, who dl.ed Jan. a. Jeanne penonal property "1ued at 17000 and a beach bouae at %22 Gamet Ave. C~ild Escapes Serious Injury . LAUNDRY _ manage) apartment boue in telum for rent. Refer· encea furniahed. Bond if required. tn For work In beach ar.. wi yra. prac:Ucal uperi•llC• m.cL 4r'&Rln• UMI 2 JR. lee• or equ.ivaJent. Write P aoa lOll, A.lbulbra, caau. c1-. 1&mpl• ei wort. uu l •Yut ruar&nte. oe )Obe 4 See Baldwin Piano & Or gan Display WOODWORTH PIANO ro. January cun.atNcUon In Cotta MeA lncttued more tllaA $200.· ------------- WRITE Box P-26 thla paper. ur eol· . o. . •· • ' tn . ., 1l'J\EE ~ ol beolllelol' -.it. ~ tor pvt tJJn• car eehool ... ,Ul. Ooroaa clel Mar. and oa uaed wUMl"ll 24 treul Newport Bl., Coel• M Liberty 8~ or Ube M327 . M eaa. 1311 Coa.t R1vd, ·orun• dtl Mar rty 1Thackn lnl•rWr ~Ida 1 Uc Har. l3ti 6e tr. -1906 04TP'EUt It BA nap. CP. Pd. 4A. to $121 No da. p>'ft'C. 000 over the 114.me m onth of 19M, It waa annou111....i today by Blilld· ln6' OfUl'l&.I A. J. Volz. Lut moatll'• tlltal wu ~9.•62 com · p~d to Janu11ry, 11164'• $1M.llt8. Mesa Nny ..... Gets Achane• t. Hawaii Llltl• Tommy Newman, 7, of IOU Maple, Coeta Mua, waa &... charced trom B oa& Hospital Tburlday. Th• chlld wu lnJured Monday wbtA h• wu run over by a car driven by Mr1. MaCSel)'ll C'ro11 ot 20421 SW S.yvtew Ave. ln I.he cburcn parklnc lot at 11184 Oran&• Ave. Will come to your~ •• t.&k• down )'our nnet.l&a bUn~ take lhtm to our laun4ry. Launt1er the slat•. ta.pee, c:orda, 1parkllnc clean wit.la OW' new in.cbl.n• procua m<thoc1. Retum your bllnds and re-I nstall them In 2i houra. Prlc:e very re&11on11ble. The a\'<'r· ace 2 tape ttaJdentlaJ bliml- WILL CARm tor l or 2 arna.ll cbll· dren !JI m)' borDe, CUtt Maven. Phone Llberty a.aaaa. tpl l Har. •SOI after 0:30. 1 Oc U 8ee Baqhnl A • 8 Wareho 1 0:-.1 1,\' be&utl/\ll 1u11 lt ma.nu•I MINSHALL el.ctrunlu or1an. like ntow. Save f 20V. i\1nnnltnt t•rm• e t-- Sing!" dwelUn&11 poced the In· ('reue u 30 permits wtire lsrned bnrins a valua.Uon ot $2611.l~. A pair of multiple dwelllnJll •· rnountvd to a 129, 120 valuation. Four commerc1al etructure permits J\ll $'H.~16. Jadu111rlal and mlilc"llaneou• permlla rnt&llad U , valued al 127,· Ml. ln all. a tol&J ot 11 bulldlnJ p.rmlt11 were 11111u.-d by th'e Ml'11& bU11dlng dc!)ttrtment, Volz u lt!. 'Hot' Car Only Wash Job, Mesa Police Discover Mu a. C:lly JX>loce got fut a ction en an 11111',i:t>d rnr thtft J 1in. 29. Reportcd atolen at 9:22 "m . po- lice found the v.-ht"ll' on a ~<'rvlce 11t&Uon """~h rnrk at Rroa.dway and :-0.'cwpnrt fi lvd at 10.10 a .m. Jmmedlllt••ly lhl'• • ll!tt'r the eo&M waa marlltll clo ... .l. The cnr thatt wu report.ad by Oew&Jtl E . f"Ol'll ot 2U4 Weatmin· lltn P lt!ce. COllla .Mes.L He 1111 ld nu a..w wu ml.u!Jl& from It• partwac pi.c. a t UM ,...,. ot ltOl Nf'Wl'Ort Blvd. • At the ffn'fee .t&Uon, poUc:. IMmed a.ti.idallt Bl'OWll.IDr M. B«Wer of 23i Fairway Place, Coeta MI'S&, had drlvl'n the car lo the wash rllCk He Molt1 Mra. i,_ Cl,.nn Of 4"0 E 19th St. "" him the key1 to hf'r car A qull'Ji deduction provt'd that the car k"y" or t he Olcon ca.r ac- eldenlally flt the FocJJ car, an• al.nee the car11 wu. ot llimllar malre and rolnr. the mlataJce had *11 mail" l.ecJislative 1111 Proposed to Study OC Rapid' Transit 8ACRAME!l:TO, (C.NS) -A b lU Ht&bllahlnte a committee to audy rapid lran•ll n..S. ln Lo• All&fllU IUlt.I Qr.-nge COuntlt'I WU siropoMd rrcrntly In tha uaem· bly by AUK\llllUll F. Jiawldrui, of Loi Anirelr~ • Thi' meiuure would a ppr()prlate ~.()()() tu tJ\• commltle. tor th• ---.... Jhwkln1 aao llUbmlttH a blD .. tUng up a rapid tnuytt auUlor· lty In Loa Ani:elu to C()ndU("t a mtl9-lt•nK l'JIJ!Ulment.aJ raJI •Y•ll'm In Gntt1th Park. The blll allota $760,000 fM UI~ C'On•tnl("tlon and openatton at the '111.-1 ....U llM. l s Honor Guest Mr Md Mra. y,...~ H Joyner. 120 a111h St. enel Mr ancs Mrs. J ob.II lfl)fflaon. I~ Monte Vial&. eo.t.a. Mr•&, druvt' lo Covina .-... et>nUy whf'r. lhtoy "''HI' f'l"n• of Mr. 11nd .Mre. ~·1.1 TolancJ "n\e lloirt ··1111pl<' tonk lhe party 10 the Ta.co Kit( htn In IA Vern" to Cl'll'· brate Mr"' Jo)n•·r·~ h1rlh11&y •n· Ill ver ll&r)' Vacant Home Entrf A vAr ant bou.. at 1080 Ntw· 5'0rt Rlwl "'"' brok"n Into end •nt')' room •llrtl"d with trllllll and d•brl•. ("Mlll Mru cttv poUte lncurrll'\I m inor lnJu~e PJ:.A.RL llAABOft., T. IL aame accll.ent waa Paul Bunny, 6, (FHTNC) J amu B. Rorick Jr ., of 2083 Maple, Coat& Mua, who aon ot Mrs. Beaut& Rortc" of 669 dl<1 not have lo be ho1pltallzed. Hamllton 8t., CoMa M._ and Report.a ehow Mn . Cro.. bad husband of the former Ml.as Clea· parked In the church parktnr lot na M . PoUock of Mulberry, Kan1., to pick up h11r chlldr.~ When '1°1' hLlf ~en adv.uwed U> tor pedoman'a •tarted from U1• Jot, ahe felt a malt .econd da&1, USN, wlril• 'bump ud 1topped. The two boy• aervlll& at I.he U . 8. Naw.l Sub-cllra~d out t ro.m wider the auto. muiJI• ea.. 11-Mra. Crou aald the p&Jr waa a.tore ented~ tA9 Navy In appa«nlly lytns doW1I on the lot. November, 19111, t)e wu craduat• preftnUng hn from aeelng them. ed from Newport Harbor Union Hl(h School ln Newport Bea."h. Only $1.00 We llAIO repa.!r and rebuild vene• lion blinds. All ~ork done lly &p· polntmcnt. Phone now Llberty 8·!!701 or Klmberly 3·8274. ppt.lc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~9 CARPENTRY ll6p9h YOUNG mother will baby 81~ ev~ r1lng1. Ph. Har. 0 38-J. 9tfc Alterations RESTTLINO Kim of California 21.2 Marine Ka.rbor a481 Balboa I1Wid 118p13 YOUNO VET, •lightly d labled, 23 yra., w..nta job -Have otttce anCS aalta nperimce. Al9o tool control. Ph. Har. !>3~7. 9pl2 A Boy for Grandstaff s R£SPON81BLI: couple Yilll man· AJl,noW>ceml'nt nt I.he annual MINOR REP AlR WORK a11e lnrome property ln u ch. for 0. c . -loards to MMt meetlnr oc the Orange County NO JOB TOO S MALL r6llt. Referencu fuml&btd. School Board Auoclallon to be H. O. Anceraon WRJTl: Box R-21, Ulla peper. h'ld at Huntington B'ac:h Unlo 1 n 7 LI 8-~ Coat& Men 83Uc I lOpl~l!~ Hlfh School Thur•day, F eb. - A aun, Robert Ward. ,was bol"ll ..., .. made Tuesday night at the C A R p E N T E R WA?ff poailllon u companion. Jill\. Jt to I.he Robert Cranel11tam NeW"port Beach Elem,ntAry School hl:hl houaekeeplnc. C.S. nuralz.g of 1090 Court St. The youngster Dl1lrtc:t Bolll"d of Tnuttta meet· Repair Work If dc-1rf\1. Good referencu. Mra. arrh·ed at Hoag HOllpllal, weigh· tnr. Board membeu were author-Dou Your Homa Nff<l Repalrin& DeShong. 308 Santa Marg"Uerlta, Ing 8 Jba , e oi. lzed to •ltend. or R1modell~T San Clemente, C&llf. HYaclnth -------------------------ca.u Fn.nk. Uber.y 1-'llM 1-1842. 10pl2 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Mon4-J uid Tb.ureda1 COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays AJI Worlc Guaranteed 74tfc Specialized HOME REMODEL p A TIOS, carpentry, pluttrtns. • ooocnte work. llle eetUng. palntlng-you naml' It. we do IL FOSTER BROS. B.atbor 3878·R--U 8·29S2 81p12 FOR RENT Painting By day or Hour. But or Wortonan.,.,lp. small joba o.k. Liberty 8-21.!T. 11cl3 WIU. DO PART TilDJ cbauftar· lnif or provide elOOrt on any O<'CUIOn. ltetef'en("l!a OQ requ•t. Ph. Llb4irt7 •·1M8. llpU LADY wl8hu day work b)' th• ho11r. le SO-M"oe'haeon for Sale Firewood For Sa FREE DELIVERY WRIQliT CO. ... tTM N•WP'•r1 "1~d.. CoMa K UMrtJ 1-2006 • 7Uc 1964 PHILCO freeser. U~ cu. fl. Pd. dn. to $2tl.59 from ~ 40. Pymt.1. or cuh. "· pen See Bauahn• A • 8 Warebou 220 8. Ma.Jn, Sant& An& 0 II • II Kl 3-1201. able MIRROR TOPPED dreutnr l with •klrt, $16. Taruc t)'1>9 c!MOU • attachmeDla, vac. 11!!. hed I pain embroidered uobltae curtain• and valanc•. 111. a.Jn 3 ){vdcan ha.nd cuv9d ch "'Ith ru-11 aeat1, 13 each. lMO Klnl'I Ro.d befor-9 9 L or alter O :30. or by appolntm Llbert1 M47e. 11 m. ant. cu 19!'>t PHlLCO TV ron1<>l1. Pd. dn. Lo $128.98 from '310. Pymt. . or caah. Wit. J141n See Bauann• A • 8 Warcho 220 8. )falJl, kntA Ana 0 II· 9 Kl 3·7201. 'd Fresh Hearing Ai BATfmuE8 W• GI~ 81&.H Or"11 8&.ampe 0. boa Gunderson Dru2' C Main St. U BalbO& e1.d, Bal H&rtlor 1115. ttuc l Paper S .U % Papen 1-M Skill Saw•, El~c. Drill•. Pollaher1, &JJ l)'l)t'4 of Sandua, Wb"lbar· row•. etc. 41L ALSO ~by sit~ neninp and 111~ G. E . auto wuh•r. Pd. wee1'-cda. Ul»uty 1-7080. llpU to U 3&.N rrom pio: Pymta. I Papen 2.00 eo..w Sboppu OIMalJted Ada ••t ,... la t.be Mollda.1 er nanda1........_..• lllHDll1ll AD D t U HU .t.D ~Ada wt .. pUd I-OMii a. edvaaoe el paWlee .... Classified Index WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) SPEClALl.8T8 in room add.ilion.1 and remodeling for over 8 yrt. F HA Terms -No Down Payment U berty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3-827• 87plH BOYD'S HOWE. HJO W. COAST HJGHWAT Llbert)' a.an&. Newport Bell llltc AJcohoUca A.oooymou Wrtt.e P. O. Ba Ml Newport lleacA. Ca11I. Phone Barbor 4 TN °' <.:ARli:fi'UL IRONTNO In my home. I cuh. \VIII mend. Phone Klmberly I · ff Bt.urhlla A A: 8 WattboUm 907•. lOpU %20 8. Matn, Sant& Ana <>pm Yard Maintenance Clean up )oM. l'rM tt.tlrnate LJbert)' ....,.., PAINTER t • t KI 1-7201 . MAXX OPTl:Jl ON all tor. I STANDS or Bl:a a.nd equlpme:nt. lndudlntr -.para H!!l Tultln AYe., eo.t& MUA ll ell liM TAPP AN raDl'8-Pd. dn. w Ult WANTS WOJUL 1$ year a up ... 1· mL • •oa. 7t rrom U 70. No en. PY lee &urhN A • • WarehOUM 220 8.. M&1ll, 8&Dta Ana 0 -------------•nee. Noa ulon.. Hourly, pa l&-8bare Yov ()ar ----WANT DA.JLt RIDE cloWntown L.4., aaoun M :4~. 1.1.b to Jol.n car pool or would orp.nlM own. Ph. Warren, Har. 4016. er,uc: Superfluous Hair r.rm.aDc11U7 ranOY«I trum r- Atm8. ...... my.a-.. aad balr l1M llba,..0-Ho more tweellln&. EU..l:N L. BR 1' A.HT R. &. Udo'• 6aloa ol &tauc;y Bar. 267t tie t4--8eboolll. ~ China Painting 0&,J and £un1111 0..... Liberty l-l'Tt1. 20pl.a MAN • WOM..A.N wtll do renen.J houHworls, floor wu11t1. wto- dow t'le&bl.nc. Jl'ut worllaff, wtllte. 11>• E. 20th Sl, Ccleta Mea. U l-2W. ptU Three baby AIU.era available for nwnlnp Phon• Uberty 1-%722. 20pl,,_ i9-llelf ''-•""' WA.HT •11'!1~ m.ari.11• ~­ ank •. pennanent. OEORGE J. IU:.ACKEW. HH W. Cout Hlst1wa.7, N.-port lkb.. Uber1y 1-110. 11ell li •• )Q 1-7101. FIREWOOD 1'J\D DICLIVJ:RY Dr7 wood. lt" ............. CILIJ 8. R. tt AOO PbOn• Harbor 101' llftalDp H&rbOr Uf1 JI 0. t· ,.. & 11 KJINMORI'! a_,to, wuhcT h t ' l•lher bu or clUplay ooua u ~. 1ar1• clll.tfe.rvbc, • dr&W'- .ra 120. Com._ lamJ u4 1na l&Jll• ~. 2 "--.... 15, llal bf'I. rur uo. u a.•n. lip l · WANT dtrll·lypl.tt. Pnfu w1UI lt:K PHILCO ~ripNtor. Bo aome tll'~r1ence LD INNNDO. U. 8p&ee. P4. dn. t.o $1H. H . otrlct rouune. r or llll.1'"1-. No dn.. PYnl'- Wttt• P. 0 . Box 780, Balbo&. 8ff BaUIM • A • 8 Ward!°"" Ordera Tuai NCTW Pboci• Ube:rt;y 1-6M8 11 tic l10 8 . Mala. Santa AA& ()pm H tte -------------I · II Kl 3-TJOl. WA.HT food f"'ON'rynl&n for ~ duce, checkl1\4r or (T'OC..,,... llon~•t, 6 not afraid or worL Good worklnf <'OoOC11Uon. No Sund•y or nlthL Good piy. ror tntervltw, call ~rtJ 1·'6TI. Uk for Sam. U e.lJ Real Estate School in Santa Ana KEN A WOMJ!:N ptepw. ID span Um• for unlimited opportunlU• ln ~al l:ltat.e. N-duwa wffl!ly. AJ Tyler lnetniouris. At· t~nd flrn evening tree ancr leam about W. Cf'fft tl~ld. C&U or wrltA now for lllfonnatJo". 811111. neaa tn.Utute, H :i \; N. Ryea· mo~. K1 3·17:>3. 74tlc JOBS OPEN NOW FOR Bk'lfpn., •lt"11o'•, aecnlariu. ~ A: poet. mac.b. opentorw. bo\Me- hepera 6 coolu. 8!j 8 URE TO CH!'.CK WlT1I - J une Farrar Agency £)fPL0nCJ:NT •02 ~ Und l!IL, NpL Bell. llclJ y· •OOO OOLOM a yaU.Ul4 la 9J'f11 ~ •na.mtl "" ~u.r tor auto- rnobll.-. tra.llen or alrc:n.tt 8 pr•1,.,..... IW tt11t. Harbor Palnt Oult.er, lnc o: 'Und I t... N_,art. Har. 2.QA 8-ld• Ul9 Clt.f H&Jl. I Oc I Oh -11164 WEOOSWOOD iru dry• r. Pd. dll. to l t n.&4 from H OO. N 0 dn. pyrnt. Ike Baqbne A • s Watthou.M 220 s. MaJn, llUlta An.a o,.e 9 • t KJ a. TlOl. .,.,re notlfle.I N'l't'nllv. Thi' own· •r. Luter A. Becku ~f iMa Red- l&nde IJrtvl', Co1ta Mt9' "aJd the enlr)' lhn•uth a l>rok911 'Wlndow OCX:UrN'rt J"11n1 ,.tl111e dvrtntt tut V' WfJVt. -'1 Gu Thieves Active N..-port Harbor B. P. 0 . ·E. 1767 PAINTING Painting It Paper Hanging "The ee.t Money C&n Buy" Svmpson & Nollar Jn Response to Popular Demand WE HA VE RECENTLY enlar&'ed our faclUUu t o accommod.ate more el11.ldren. Then an a fnt p.l&Ct'e a yaUa ble. OP, WOMAN COOK form~ •lllft_ LIDO PA.RX CA1'lD 2*>1 lllt I L. at Udo n.u.r Pvlll • llpU 1000 BIWneN ca.rd.a 13.~ BOOK MATCHES 'l-w. W1UTS U MO'lt C~ Ll MHO) M"U eftry Tbund.a)' 8 p.m. vi. Oporto -c.ntraJ A"' Newport ee.cb Elwood Shell. Eu.Jtad Ruler 6{.2 18UI SL, Newport Buc.b PHONJ: H.AJ\BOft 1'06 Ue PREP ARE your dllld tor klD.;tr- prUn ln- ALMA OLE8EN OftEl:N'I oou.a - Good News "" c r· 1bt$ BElOE ltUO w lUI t -ln. bo der. Q&. -71T w . ...,.,_ _,94. Npt. -ll&T. lSU.W. 1 tel 2 -• Mr•. Mart .. Z11!1hk ot 409 Colum- 'lliua CIN'll' told police p11 t.1pbon• .,.. 1trurk a ~ond lime \n two weeka taking ga..eollne out of f•m· U)' car" Sh" AA!d the "" r ot her bro01u·ln·I•\<·, Onn Olmf'ron of !':2~==~·~!!!!1~!"!!'!fU!8e~nl!! .. ~OM~--- l l0 )411r1nl' A"" wu robbe1I ot General Contracting REPAlRS, rtm<>dellnc and aJteta· Uon work. Re.tldenUaJ and rom· HAPPYLAND PRESCHOOL OOOd joba - Oood laJ&f7 - with frequ~nt tnereaae1 - ICL&CTJUC n.nsa. PhlLoo. 00\lbl cnen. Pd. Clll. &o 11•.M ,,_ A80. No dn. nat. ... on Jan 31 while puked R EMODELING ta front of 409 Cotumbu1 CtN'le. and new con.etrucuon. Pbon• Harbor 011. lc10 COMPLETE P AlNTINO It Paper B&ngtng Semce £UQENJ: 0 . 84UNDERa 600 3ltt Street. Nnrport BeacJJ Ka.rtlor 2178...J. U c&4 House Plans LIBt:RTY &-u:u 10tlc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt merdal bu1ldtngL , Quality \\' ork 0 uaran teed Bar l l:i1 daJ9, Har. 2480-J evea. Pitfc Painting le Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 1118 E. Del ~r. Coat& Mu a Aau 2-e Uberly 8-3771 A t.ru17 tlne Nuner)' Bcl>ool 2CH!n is.-&ltaadoaa Wanted ----- ao Y...,.. elrp9ritoce Roy's M · t L•o.n-i • 1n1ur.d. a1n enance &aUtt&cUOn suaranued. Hou. cJe&Atnc-rtoor wutnc Elll.lmatea tre.. ca.u J ohnnie. W&U •aahing-wln1lov.-clM.ntna OpportW1.Jt1 for &dnnc:unent. - Somt openlnc• now for fOWll womCll\ lD M.wport Be.acb ottloe: Tl:L&PRONl! OPJ:R A T 0 I\ 8, CL&IUC.U. WORKERS ( t1Pbll r.qulred). Appl,y au~ N. Ka.ln St.., <Room 211 ) 8Mta Ana Monday thru l'r14a.J, M p.m. PACIFIC TELEPllONE Tttc LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 81tfc VeneUan bllnda. Upboletery w.u.-r upertenced 1,ra.i ~.-. Iuured. FrM ltnlmat.e1 tary for Newport Bead! a&w Painting, Decorating -=ct.lberta:xx'i ... :i1cS3c1iiXii:Xiiccc1iCuicii;"nn.cccH~•ir.:X2i1aa.XiociiiXii:i1oeeiQ11 Paper Ha.ngtq ll GEO. BURKHARDT Llcmfa:D OUNTR.ACI'OR GU lutb St.. Newport Bead! Bar. 14t•W ~ U a-te32 Uc "Results!" "Results!" "Results!" ' S.. 8Aupu 4 • a Wan!lowle no 8. Ma1n. aa.nta A.DA o,. ••• Kl 3-7201. 4 llNM 0 E Ref'r1~trat.or. 1 J C"-n... auto defro1L Pd. dn, to U•.7 from $f90. Cuh Olt pey pymt.e. ' SN Ba~h.na A • S Wareho\IM 2'0 8. JofaJn. Banta ,A,.a O,.. 9 ·II Kl 3· 7201. 11164 Yt'HlRL.fOOl. &llto ...... Pd. dn. to $121.M. No ctn; PJ"UIC. ' Bee Ball(hlu A • 8 WarthOUM JJO 8. Ma.I.ft, l .. t& Ana ()pa ••• IQ 3-7201. I 1NOS PHtLOO TV 21" Pd. 4n. t.o 11S.7t tr'Ol8 "'°· Pymt& °' CMh. SM e.urhM A A I WatthOWW ~ •!'Tice MaJDtalMcl Pbone: ffarllor &f:H ll01 kll>oa Blvd., New,>ort 11eeca pap ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I tutaD t.b9 abo•• chupw than moR.. Al.to MU Ttle A Unoleum I HOD-unlon. ~ ,...,.. D~rlMC:l' When you advt-rtlM! you wa.nt re.au.It.. There'• no 1ub- st.1tute for good re11pon~ to a Clualflcd Ad. We are thrilled to receive a con.slant strum of good report.I on our Claaclfled Sect.loo. I llO &. Main, &aata AA& ()pq ••• IQ 1-7301. 19~ O'KEEFE A Ma.RITT ~ lltsts brolW, CU-. lop PAINTING Drrauuft -CXTEIUOR • U CENUID -oraua.a> Glenn Johnst on Compar9 and ... - BILL OO¥lCR U ~ 7ttc HAULING ANY KIND-TR.A.SH OR T An)'t.btnr, Anywhere PAINTING Scratch Removing EARL SHEFLIN and Furniture Rd!D.iahinc 173 f"aJmv et.. 0oeta Mua Pbon• l.Jber\J 8-114~ Phont Uberty •2112e. &iltc ,.._. UMiV 1-11'6 PJ"TJ" -----------HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY I New luim, ~asonable l .,.. w. A. a. ., Lido ltla or / DO rr TOtm8Q.r-WIJ TILL ~ ,..,. -..., M .. la ._ U•@l7 ~ lfCdo9 • CR.ADE YOUR SEltD A!'.'D .-111 bria& 1" -i-. too. "Tou ril be lat.traW t. llal- U.. ,_.,._ WM l l'ML" • wr1lff IL IL ff. of Co,_a ~I MM' ""'• ICNnd UOP'lk-Al w.a.• t..,,,...... -"'9tal Ad ... Mn. C. A. O'lt.. of 11A1k1e 141111 • "S.W llll1 'H Cedlli.e .. -. ll.Mlt party "'"° ... ~ ... lld. .. -• ti. It-) N..,... a.ell llart.ar 117' Jatc N>L.L tnml:ft OUR Ot.m>-; c.11 H&l"w ltlt ... Mil ftt .... IM9r. AH<:m. -U 1-l&n. ttpt ICici:ICC:CC:X:X::ICICll:lllX:ICllCXXXlc:ICllX:ICllCX:XXIQCICICICllC.:a!J Pd. da. to tt•..a&. Mo a ,,_t. . See Ila~ .A. • 8 WarcbouM %20 8. Mahl, Ant.a Ana 0,. t•t Kl 1-TIOL -Dal" n&:mD ,,.._..,., lJ\t cu. ft. Pd. da. to tm.N tl'Olll '470. ..,. ....... ............... ,..w~ ' DO I. ar.aaa. llall&a AM 0,.. •·•a a.not. 11966 HOTPOu.T ~. 12 I ft. tt., J cSoor. Pd. dll. to UN.ti tftJna l500. Pym I.I. or cub. S.. ~!1PM A A A WarelllcNM, no I . Ma.tA. kaC. An& Open •·•a a.r.i. UO a. Ma.In , a&nL& An& 0 t ·II Kl S· 7101. st--11\tnattun for Sale -19°' PJllLOO rdrt.-rator-n-e.ar No conibo. N. dn. to 1193.48. dll. p)'mt. See Baurhn• A • a Wareho ""· 230 8 . Main, ll&nla An.a 0 pe,n • •• IQ 1-7201. L.AWBON T·tt. davenport, pl ald. rt.y Oel2 Good condlUon JbO. C•U Llbc l-t68t. -l 1'64 NORGE au~ wuber. Pd. t o IHI.~ from $290. No pymt."' . d11 dn. SM Ba\ll'hnt .A • 8 Wardiou 220 8 . Main. Santa Ana 0 II · t JO 3-7201. MAPLE youlh'1 Md. dbl. boll epr. w. SHAFER'S Mual..: <.:o. I Sin('~ J 91)7) 411 ·•21 1'. Syra.mor., ~llnta Ana Phone KlmlMrly :J·(lt\7:.1 -----srJNET PIANO. L<•v•ly tnn11 eJl•I a.N only 8387. 1'eorn1a. Oth•r wonder!~I bArl:tlllit In 1 ~ntaJ r•• tum1, t ra de In cm or1t•n~. Ille. Several m1relv •llChll~ 8C't elch• ed In ahlpntent DA:-:z.sntMlllT ~20 No. r.tuln. 8&11ta Ana llAVIC beautiful &t.1w1n acroeanla Spinet, • yr•. olJ. WANT Tl l ~WAP ror ,;rand p1a110 Phoue Hubor 1ooa.M. 4tla Honest TV Service STEVENS & SONS 1379 Harbor. C"o1ta Jfeea rh Liberty 1-2101 77pp·tfe • matt~n on tr&mt. like ne Belt ofttr taku. Rar. ],()6. W BEA t.mFP:t. l!:lf'<'lrnnlr Orr;a_n, ~fore 10 or after II. l ()c Dale's Furniture 12 blon1l11 ('aw. almoJt nt'w. )f\11t aarr1nc~. °"" only. Bis ••V• lnl;B Palr of bunk bed., hualcy, I 20. DAl'\Z-S(.'HllllDT Oreat 8alit, 520 No. Meln, l!anta A"na ,. - Tl• baclc curtain•, aevrra.l pa tr, ~Allt.oe aad TnlC'U a110 d,.pea. WUriut 11ttreta_ry deak, onlY I ea. Cat.ea,-ta.bl• with J>&4 and • ~ chalrt . ·-· ......... . ... '39. Good eell'Ctlon ot boa •prtD a.Ad m&ltrff&N .... llt.!)() • u ,. p. II& 12 1874 llarllor 0 1\'d. ,Co.ia. Ml' l.Jberty l ·M 1' llC ELECTIUC rana-, Croale)'. 0.. ••U Pd. dn. to l "t'Ut p- m tro 19:50 Buick Super 4 (Joor l!dn. Radio, lltater, DY'l'll • n ow, ~'hlle palnL WIW tlre .. Wa s $995 Now $895 TERRY 'S BUICK '319. No dn. prmt. JM B&uJblw A • s WILN'hOU "· HU NpL BJyd. OMAC TSRMS pen Newport Bffcb Hullor 6021 l10 a.. Main. Sant.a. An& 0 11 ·• KI a-1201. Blt.DROOM eel, 1>0a •Prlnl • m.t· 2 t~•. headboard, 2 cummodn, c:halta. BW &!Ler, a.2t Jl'uU ton AYt., Newport Bei(bt.a. lllM O'X&&J'll • RRl'M' ME 19~2 BUlCK Super l\lvlera 00\lfM!. MH. t>ynal\ow. EZ •>'• rw .. l )onl own•r $1•U~ Miller Chevrolet ru19. CP. Pd. 4A. to $11t. 1'I o cla. PJlft L &I. 1000 W. C'llt. Kwy. ltal Karllor COllta Me- Ub9rty a-6111 Sff a&qtua A • • Ware 2IO a. Ma.Jn. 8ant& Ana 0 Nt'tfport Bffc:I\ bouM, LJ~rtJ 1-2281 pee I ·I ID l-llOl. TWO plattonn rocllera. $J6 t both. 608 W. 8-,y Ave., Ba.J '1\.CU'ER, Croele7, 111!!4. N. ... to ...... ,..... P)'mt.A Of" caalL ... a.uabaa A • • Wan 220 & x.&n, ._&a Ana •. • Kl 1-no1. llc 16 ft. '60(). l~ H~lNT auto wuber. •. to 1221.u. PynaU. ~ ... llaql\Ae A A 8 Wa bO I . M.atn, IM!t.a Ana t . t IO 1-7201. ftCA t$ ~rd playtt .. comb . table model. Jdnl. cell uoe. MO. *' KoDrona.. o.. M-. Ul-HH. U r i 19M Road.mu ter Riviera • dr adn. Fully .quipped. POWl'r 8"-.c>r1... 2 ton• pa.Int. TERRY'S BUICK 2tl2 Ngt. Bl•d. CM.AC TEJ\.MS N•wport ~a(l'I tlarbor r>021 It~ BVlCX lpeiclal 4lL t d~r ll9da.n. MK. WIW lJrae Dyna• now. lmm&n1 lat• uu·O\lrhou'- iMS Miller Chevrolet lt$• NOROE 11 ... cu. fL r9fl11 "1ltor. A11lo Mfr'Mt. Pd. u. LO 1000 W , C't\, llwy. l~ Harbor t. S•wpol"t R!'arh ('oet.a 114..,.a l lH.M from l •OO. No dn. p)'m 8" 8&11fti..n. A A S Wart h ouw, Ubf'rty 1-:ne1 Uberly t-Mll n :20 8. NUn. &Mita .Alla OJ>" t • t KJ S-7101- SZ..&-.U,!!- WANT to ""y old tMlhlOMd doll A doll bMdL Cblna. Bt.caue, etc e 111~3 ("H ltVl\OLm B<-latr• 4'0rt r~. 2 t<>ne JU.It. WSW llrt r ow1rtll<le. $1746 Miller Chevrolet A.Dy ... or eondltlob. P rivet part.)'. Har. 20t-..M. I Of I 2 1000 w. C'•t. Hwy. 1~ Harbor t:o1l& M~ LJbmy l-M33 D-~f!t8•~ TRADE BffuUful 70-tt. aUJI. IChoon.er N•.,.,pol"l Bl'Al'h Lib.rty 11·228 t lNl CHSVROLrr ' dr. Mdan. UK. Powcrclld1. J •.000 actuAJ mlltL ~lly found. •o &llY"#Mre. Wan t SH95 130.000 9qU!ty lA property. 122 Y.'ut Jl&Jbo6 IUYd.., Ntwpert H.&tbor IOU 3cl~ 0 h Miller Chevro let WA.NT TO Bt.T'f pod eet of STA 80A T alb. (beap. Wnta H 1000 W. C •L Hwy, R Newport Unch Ub9rty 8·2~1 E. 1843 HAlrbl'lr C.:0.l& Mua U !Mrly 8-6'31 Cook, not CllU l>f~ ll&Dt& Bar· barL lOpll LA T'S ltlt MAAK XX Me~ry. LUI• MW, U 26. Kubor 03(10. llrl3 "-'19*al._~.-~__!.Y_ R.AMMOND orpu. AU mod,. ls. One on.I)' llllpU)' UMd almoat like .. -. Thl• la a tpel'la.l. DANZ·SCHMHYJ' Hammwwl H•ad'fu&.rteni for Or- anae County, ~:zo No. Main, I . A. Priac:illa Matthew• Teacher of Piano Quaka.I. popular by l'l•rmony J"onnerly l.:h14afQ, l..o• A nrelu 211 TU.tin Ave., J(_,art Jlf'arh UMrt1 a.1906 t 7pl2 BmAtrAT\;1. IPJNIIT PIANOS. Rent to buy, All of t..,-m r .. nt allowed. Practice planoa u low u ~ ptt m~ D4Nr ..... ec1ouDT 1t1r Pl•"" I t.or!', )20 No. Main, Sant11 Ana 2 O:'n.T 8p1Jltt l)'JJ"'. upr1A'h~ l'IO• l.n pert"ct ~n1llU•m. I m aple • l blond... Tenn• I HJ dov.-n . t H . ,_. mo. at.- IJUJ1Cft'I KUlllc Oo. {Clint• 1911';'1 •Jt-413 Jf. l ycamon. Sulta An• PtiGM 1aai ller11 1-oen ~ l pUwt.. nn. mahug ftn1*. l l11tiu1 ue4. Top cond ..,-. ONl·M. U c lfl l"l'llnt,,.. AT OftAJm fJl)!e l\!'W •K ...... A1-K11atx-. Kim· b&1. nechn. Muon 6 tlamhn Many oUler•, Pr.cue~ p l&lto08 •• low u "5. 04 ~%-8CKMIDT Bis P1•n11 II.off', 41-"'alo St.rnee -------Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with th is ad • e C)'Lt. 8 Cyla. ___ ${3,88 ----$M.88 lneluelu boUI labor ana part.I. New nn1a. WTl•l plll.I, ¥al"• 1r1no, fllllDC• ut m lllll and rod t>ear111c1. t:llJM!rl motcJr t \Ule up, tv.-<Say or •.OW m U. l'\l&r&llltt. (NU MONl:J OVWN j , REBUILT ENG!NES -UJ> t.o 1~ MONT llA TU 1'4 T- Buolt Ill our own factory by "'tlltG madUnl•l.I. L>on'\ conVnd wltll lh• mldelle man. Duy dlrec\.. REBUILT and lNSTAU..ED SHORT BLOCK FUIW • -----112i ~ CllE\'RUWi:T _ -I U V :i 1 l'LYM • L>Ul><lf: .• $1~ <.:HJ<YI! • 0£ 80TO 1 170 8TlJlJUAJU:P a 1111 OUJ::t 6 PONTlAC I $17V BUICK _ li'I Hl;DSC1N __ _,$171'> l..oan l'ar P"ree TOW1nf NEW CM\ 0 4RAJ'fl'EE Hlrl<'ll mutrt m"'l 011r •ta.ni:ttrrt• f'IU.1 tU""• l(Uk"la &l'ld Oll OPft 811ndaJ 10 a.m. '° I •. m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 0J>tD t>ally I t.o 1 tlt~t• 8ondf'd NE\\7 LOCATION 310 Ea.st 3rd St. aA.NTA A.NA I I I I • I ' '· • it it CHECK THESE USED CARS M-BOfdttf!19 ~ ~ M-Rosln.-9'P!>rtmalt1M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITlES Buy from • locel dealer who will be here TOMORROW to beck up whet he sells TODAY! FOOD CONCF.SSION -Groea $18,000 hi neL Lease 10%. Short houra. Full price $&')()(), term&. LOOK NO CASH NEEDED JUllt poc! ered!t. Oleck our pricet and cheek 1 Cllllr' can -Ow l&f• Baya an cood buys. '51 Mere. 4 door Sedan . . . . lla.dJo. h•teir. 09'll'drt'ft. N-baked enamel p&l!\t t::x- ~ Nllber, plutic -t oovau ls runa sood.. Save ~ .... ?fo dOW'S paymMlt needed. l.'Jl per mo. '53 Ford Victoria . • • $1799 R&dlo. he&ter ls J'ordomat!c. Two-ton. gTeen A-low mill'· ~e. Whtte walla too. Local oiie-owner cer. Ymus for •t T99. No dflWTI p&yment needett. '53 Chev Bel Aire Coupe . . $1699 18,000 actual blfl-. Ona owner, heaur, electronic eye. Nyl<111 &11d ~ IAtArior -" look. and rwia like nl"W Save at 51899. No dawn payment needed. '53 Mere. Hardtop 5 pass Cpe. $1899 ftadlo ·heat.er, 09'lrdnve u d on4' ha.a 17,000 actual mUea. A rMl q at only Sl.899. '48 Hudson 4 door . $499 lt&d1o • !I.Mt.er, a.ctual '°·000 milN, on~ a.nd motor la dp top CIOftdttton. A scad Mi,y a t $49e. $28 pu mo. BEST BUYS IN USED CARS BEST DEALS ON NEW '55 Mercury's Low as $2092. AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN· MERCURY 900 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beacb Ll 8-~~ to-Aulott and T rueb ?\EW lt&t CHE\'ROLET ('(lnvl.'rl· 1ble coupe. I Wu J3000. l NfNI \ar rua.ran~ now $2295 Miller Chevrolet 1000 \.\", c·tt-Hwy 1165 Kar~r Jlll'""f'Orl JiMM'ai C-0alA MeaA Lllw-1I1· 8·Z26 I L iberty 8-64\:U 1wc·HEVROLltT l\elWI" chJb i:r .. R•H :-; .. w ptllnl jnh. ~95 Miller Chevrotet <IO-Autott for Sale P'OR 5ALE-1tiUl•r Ford 18•2 or \Vllly1 ·~ plelt up• 17~. or beel otter. 3602 W. Balboa Blvd . back nt park 11r12 1~2 FORD ~ ton pick up. Htall'T, !!p0U1te. Coo<! rubber. !'\1.'w mt r. $965 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W C'at. 8¥-')' 18M Harbor :'11.wport 8-c.h C<Jata M el'& Llberty 8-2261 1.Iberty 8-MaS 1964 r oJU> v .. v~. Radio. hH!er, Jron10. !"o1l'eT lit~~ POW•r bnlkM. one OWl\M, 1224: •. ~Aotoa ud Trocb LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PLYMOUTH Suburban. Hy. drive, low mileage, heater , WSW, gold & wheat 2-tone color. Perfect utility cu for the •uburban family ····-····-··-···----~·-········$219:5 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powergllde, Radio & heater. bright red, black top. Loob A: f\1U like new. Only -···-······ .. ··--········· .... 1953 CHRYSLER Windsor Club Coupe. Light green, R & H. low mileage. A perfect car for you ··-··-·······-· .. ... . . . . .................. . 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4.ci.r. SedAn. Radio • Heat.er, power steering, medium green. A on~owner car. Looka like new See These Cars a t LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor .070 or Harbor 2561 12-Trallen 17~ 219~ SPECI A L 33 PT. PAN .ua:RJCAN. 3 ,rm. It bath. Priced tor quid< aala. 121:50_ i..a tOll caah. cau Klmberly 3·24,8. l lp13 4'7-Waated t.o Beat Rentals Wanted BOAT & TACKLE RENTAL -$8000 mo. pot.en· tial. Groea. Leue 10%. Full price $25.500. Terms. See THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 '8A-Apta. for Bent I '8B-Jloll8ea fo~ Rent_ J'URNlBHltD yearly zwit.i J bdrm TWO BE.DR.OOM a pt. atove a nd a pt.a. Very conve.nJent location, ~rt1. only. Garbage dlapu11&I. chazlnel front en Mth !t. I New ls beaulltul, $90. mo., yrly. EARL W STANLEY 0:0."E BEDROOM near •chOOI. bch. • I cft bay. J~5. mo .. Incl. Utilities. REALTOR lUU N•wport Blvd., Newport Bch J M MILLER CO Harbor 1013 llcll • • • 202!'1 W Ba.Jboa Bl., Newpurt Bch SMALL turn. &pt. One room, bath ' liar ~001 -Evt'a. LI 8-3378 • kltchenett.. lllec. re!rlg, 1 PLE=--TY OF F'RE!: P ARKl:>;G Thermo controlled h~at. Perm. 86tfc employed pe1'110n. $3!'.I. winter, -- Newport Beach ?'EARLY RKNT A Liil 5'0 by year., uUl. pd. 120 Mar· lna. Balboa ~ Har. 0761-M. 91.fc 2 BDRM. Unrurn. home NJIWPORT ISL.A.ND _ ll"Um. one 1 bdrm., unrum. home bdrm. ~e apt.. AdUlu only. CHARLES lt. HART. H•r. H28 Harlaor 0273·W. 9cU 3t20 W. Balbo& Blvd., Newport CANAL FRONTAGE deluxe two bednn.. tum. duplex apt. Auto. w~r. sarare. private be&ch. l80 m o. Incl uUL Ull .July lit. Har. 35i7-W &.tter 6:30 p. m. l Ot!c IUCASONABLY pnced, clean 1 .t. 2 bedrm. tum. apt&. Util. pd. lAWl4ry room. Playground tor cbildren. mue Top Apt.a. 403 Newport Blvd .. Newport Be&A:h. A baY• th• A..rcU&. lOttc Beach. lc15h WlLL RENT brand MW 3 bednn. 2 ball\, unturn. home In LRVlNE TERRACI!l at 5200. per mont.b wltll 1 yr. leaa.e. C&ll Barbor 0 41 tor turtb&r dAll.&l11. 68Uc TWO bedrm. house. nicely turn. SlOO mo. UJ:ltJI June 16. Cht.n.t. Cove. Corona d~I Mar, cloae to W'&ter. G. H. LATHROP Us'ed Car Values NEW CAR TR.ADE INS 1952 PON'nAC dlx. e 2-d.r. aed&n, 18,000 mt., '"l'7 clean ··--·--~ .. -... '1M5 1948 OLDS:MOBlLE •-dr. - tllUI. Ryctra t.ra.na. R ls. We Deed ape. ud bou'1l9 IA all N rt MCUona for bOth tnnt.er .nd ewpO ~ E. Cout HWJ., CPM Ha.r. MU. or 3:\ll.J (~) 10cl2 H, d ean u a plJJ . ... :I~ 1949 STUDEBA.KER Comm. 8 Repl Mdan. R ls. H '4:1 19:13 STUDEBAKER Comm. 8 4·dr., tully ~lip. ····-lo.50 Term• to Suit You JOE NICKERTZ STU DEB.AKER DB:ALER 3"'16 N~n Blvd.. Newport Bch (at Udo Entnnc.el Hu. !110 G.M.C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '48 OOOG!:, t, T. PICK-UP ·4p CH.EY'ROLEJ', " T. P!C>f·trp ·:so oobGE. ~ T. P A.Nl:L '.Sl FORD. 1.._ T. PlCIC-tn- '63 GMC, i,,, 12:> .. WB .. Pl~lt·up, RTDRAMA TIC TR..OrS. 'tU OMC, '4 T . 8TOCKJUC1t ·41 CH.l:Vl\OLl!T, l T. ST..UO:: ·~o CREVROLET. 11.; T., Ml• ,..,.. ...... """'-or untw'n. Furnished apartment U ~ ba.,. a ...-nq, 1 Bm>JU< TJ:AJlLY. SM plu.a utll phone today C«. Mtll I L A Balbc)a Blvd. The Vogel Co. ldul tor eouptr. uo1 w, c.t. Bwy~ Newport BdL. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor Pb.oil• Uberty 1-3•&1 Harbor H28 208 Manne, B&Jbo& Ja&ud W O W. Balboa Blvd . Pbon• Barbor «• 1301 Cout Blway, C4Joana cMI Mar Phone Barbor n u 100 M•t.n 8t., Balboa PboM ll&rbfw , '6 21Uc IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KJ!:EP TKTINO. Want 1 or 2 br. tum. boUM W'IU. priv- acy. H.l,:h n fel'Cl.CM u ~,... m.Ml«ll coupta. No chll4ND or pet.a. What haft )'OU! Wnt.e Boa 0.25,, t.b1a paper. tt Ne14'J>Ort roa R.E:sT-l'U:mlllbed Bay front. 2 bdrm. art. 30.ft. boat slip. 1-' lllll4. C&JJ 0 1 Edgro-wat.e.r, Balboa. 11pl2 SllCLUDED tull8MSe view •pt. SpedOUll l"OWldA rum. or un- tum. $~. month. 2919 curt Dr, Newport R•i.hta. L1 1-1748. l Jcl3 •a-Rooma t or Rent NlCB:LY tumlahtd room. Plt..U &11lranc:.e, private baU\. Vwy d•· alrabl4'. 411 PoiMettl& Aft.., CoroM. del M.u. J:far. 369Z..W. kl1H LADY WILL BRAR!: loYely h.ill- 1lde v1'w heime. Ideal tor leach· ror. &rtl111. etr. Nice ground&, lkfetrnc-t's. P. 0 . Bor 284, N.wport Bucia. Ubtrty 1-17•6. 10Cl2 aJNQU ROOM Wlth bot ls cold water In the room. Good bed. Prtvate l'ntra.nce. 16 WHk. ALSO doub!A room at J7 week 123·28th S t.. N-port Beach. 80c8Ul 11:.LDJ!lRL Y couple WU'\ ref~ want to re&L ,_ ty. unt\l.m. apt. or amall cottage With ret111. Balboa 01" ~ewpart between 11- brary and 20t.h. Ocee.n ad• pre· t.nwd. Har. l ltlO-.J. lOelJ N'CWPORT HGRTS. un!um. 011r bdrm. apt.. oa.k noon. newly deoora.ted. Adult.A. no pet.a. JM U01 J.50a IL.. LI ~. llc13 50-&nt,~------ Charm.iAg Barbor Haven Apartment.a • Pa.tioa ------------NJCW 4 ROOK. atrMl level. Nnr RE8PONl51BUD p.rt;y -.U. two .cboola. aboppl!lg dllltr'lct. Qutet. bd..nn. UDtum.. boGM cw apt. on ~t. adWll•e. OUb&fe dla- Pt-..ll!NW& wtt.b 7'W 1.t--. Call ~ lauMlr)', etorai• room1. HOftSI: COIUlAL roR JltDl'I' A.CCOMODATU 3 HORalt!l 2().57 TuaUn Ave , co.ta Mua. l..l ~-J0cl8 53-St.ore• ~ OfficN ------~-.----------Bl.:SJNESS Of'nCE. vma.Uenl lo- FEB. 9, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA&E 9 6Z-Rral fistak --,-------- BALBOA ISLAND A ~ bdrm. home with double garage in exte.lle-nt lo- cation -Could be made into a.n income property of quality. $1~000. Al.SO Choice Bay Front.a & Income Propertie& DORIS BRAY , Realtor:) Curt ~sh Har. 20 ot 64 Nona. Hyer Chet Sa lisbury 216 Marine Ave., B&lboa Ialand CORONA DEL MAR Summer rental.e an beginning. We have choice loca.tiona. Jn Corona del Mar -On 45-ft. lot a.11 fenced. 2 bdrm. home of redwood. $13,600. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors Buainesa Broker 3135 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Har. 2~2 Open House Saturday & Sunday 124 921 East Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ideal for retired equple. DUPLEX, one 2 bdrm., one 1 bdrm .• PLUS a. b&ch· dor apt. rear -All furnished. Downtown BalboL Income $175 mo. FULL PRICIC $11.~. $3000 dn. "ART" ADAIR Realtor • 1666 Newport Blvd., Coat:a Meea Liberty 8-3792 M-Money t.o Loen LOANS PROMPT SERVlC!! 6?0 flrat truat deed1 20 yMrl Orange Cout Propertiea 18:17 Newport Aw. Coet& M .. U 8-ltl.'!2, 1.1 1-14.00 ~-86ttc PRIVATE PARTY-Wu t. to bey ruldenoe lot tor C&&b-Muat M clo11e tn. r-:,wport.. Balboa.. area, g!ve toca.Uon 1U1d puticul&n. Wnte Boa Q27. \ha paper. 7p1J Newport Heights ! Furnished -$10,500 $2500 Dn. -$70. Mo.. UNUSUAL.LT Sood b~ tn a _.. Jy tumJabed 2 bed.room bome of. f•rtac-Hdw4. t1oon. auto. baa&. Hx14 IMldrm.. All buuutuny deoonted a Pltu:lnc calon, nSc.ly fen4*! A: l&ndKAped aJld aJ tuated tn lb• cllolout part at th• H~t. J'OR TIU! 81!'.lrT DlllAl. Ill ttiM WILL J:XCHANOI: n.rtt mlllt ..,... conta.et.- det'da or pay c&6h for Income Roy Greenl f Jr propt-rty chowtng 10 per oent-ee • net return. Prefer btunneaa prop-It ASSOClA TES l'rty or apartmenl houM• undtt 3112 Newport Bl't'd., Newport 8oJ\. m11.11~ement. Boa 20 Balboa Rutlor ~ llc.lJ lllM d. U p l3 BALBOA INCOME & lJNfTa-older pc • u _, ........ ly toe., 1 ~ bU1.e. to ~ ct BM- boa.. Ul 11. rm. Juat nduced t.o $21,000 t or qui<'k aale. $3000 4n.. Owner li.a.tbor 11181. 76Uc Newport Beach 1 -.& rt1RNI.8HEO, N.u beaeh 6 b&J. But locauon. J7:i()O -'2tlOO Dowa OOICAJf rftONT .,_, N'pt. Pte.r. ' br. tuntJebed. I Jou I 11&rarl'.a. nMr btiacJ\ • ti.7. 119.M>O, 1,6 dn. 1ono w <" ~t th•"Y ~f'Wf'Orl 81'~rh Ll~rt~ t-2:&1 1~M1 Karbor roata M,.,. t.,Uwort v 8-M33 Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coeta M.ua ·~t OODCl:. ,-0ron-,.t-~nv.,-,...,111 _ Phon_•_Uberty S.-:50~1. l tcl3 WB. W.W. WOODS LJ!:hlfh t -3710. 1lc12 garage. f82 ~ up. Occupies en· tJre atre.-1 Oood llU~n>alon. '3-Anta. A a.,.. tor Be8t W.C·· 1~1 Havm Place caUon &l'l"OM t.h• •~t ftO'lll ------------ Corona dl'I Jit•r Poat OU1ee. 61 Real Estate f:schu1e_ Ideal for loen repreeent.au ve, Homer E. Shafer ltLU.TOR 1•••m ma1tc t>rl9f . W a W . rattlo. 0 n"'OW1'1"' <""'· '109~. H&rbor ~i~; 1 1~13 -----·· JIH2 l.>f'SOTO 4•4r • .-dan. •ulO- 1949 FORD 4 rtr. 1Ma.n Overdrlw Mfl~ OMC DEALER ett E. 'lb St. Santa Ana Open Su.nd&y un. Truck 8 4'adquartera for Oru.c• Oo. m"rn 1n11~m1ulC1n Ttr,.11. bllt• ~ j•1tler Chevrolet l 'r7 .,.at C',..,,,N11 Jond. '100 Ph. JV1 DON 'T WALK •fin fl I'm. Har 028i ·J 9<'tl 1(\()() w C'at. Hwy J!M Harbor .. a." ••at ~· .. ,.,.port Bot'n C'osta Ml.'•11 See Our Che.ap·1es 194i liulr k oonv. . . 1266. l!Hi Plymout..ll S4'dall --266. HUI Buick Kd&n . . -$&. 1938 ~oh ~d8n --a&. 17 DE 801'0 C'll8l"m, ..._. I Ll~rty 8·2261 Llberly 8-.M33 I u ,.,,,.8(... $700 r,,.,." H.1rti11r 4:120 lklO \IH'i3 FORD V-8 Country 11e<111n ---~in. heat.er. F ..iTdom&UC', l'nr 111111. D£ &OTO \Ulllom 4 dr _.11.a.n.1 ""'nl'r. low mllug,., $100~. R•H. 1.utomat1c drwt Rims Hausken Motors. Inc. l•lt• • million ' 1~12 Hubor Blvd . °'•ta :\t~ TERRY'S BUICK 265 PhoM Lfberty 8-~I llcl3 ------------1261 2 ~pt. Blvd -~MAC TERMS M'1ller Chevrolet •100 roR EQUtTY. rPa1d in Nl!W'J>Ort Bea.eh Hubor ooa1 '18001 J953 Hud!IOn Wu.p. Uke I t O()(l W C'flt . H9...,. :-;.,...pun B~•cb l.l~rl\· ~-221\1 l i)O Harbor n«>W, ~rfect condJUon. R.adjo 111111 OLDS 98 M<!&.n, Hyd.rL , Rls..H Coata Mf'&& bcat•r. H)'dr&m&Uo, Unled glua. SpoU1tc. white ...,. •. J!:Jlu puon..Uy l.l!Yrty "·M33 white ald-.ll~ •3111, H~ho. rll'an, rooo ttru. lle3t covert 1!'4J-FORO rn~bl~. 19t8 Fnrd ,.nir1nt H--l cov11n • tn · '"""r R1v110. full bool . Xlnt. tnr. g('\o',., t1ru. nuds low ge&r I 1111\ Will ltnMr• CaU ttubor 2121 llcl 8 ~:'14 f'ORl> C"11untry 1Htl411 O'M .. R•H T1nt•«1 crl•H. 7 m OJI l'ICS Top f "nrl1t1on r tivete pa rty Harbor~ 1-M llrlll J 114 t FORD auper c1 .. 1u: .. olul> c~ Good rnnd. I TS. 1809 !:. BaJbOa Blvd., ApL C . B&lboA 10pl2 J ll~2 FORD v.~ 2 dr. ~d&ll R.a -tlo, htr ~ew ae.at OC>Vl'Tlr $1096 Miller Chevrolet trope. C"mn• drol :\111.r H11rbor $87~. -Wberty &-2692. 11pl3 U;'J.\V Prll 19~ t-ULLMA~ c:onvert .. on!' own-1949 PONTI.AC 3 conHrt. COUJHI l'r £.x.oepUonaJly d "e.n through· Ra<IH>. htt. w .a w uru onf' l\ut. 1119~ owner, .. _ -.. »9~. Ha usken Motors, Inc. Hausken Motors, Inc. JU.2 llarbor Blvd., C-o!t& ;\lf'llA 1932 li1.tbor Blvd., Costa M.a.- Phon• l.Jbertv 8-·:.0f>l 8(10 f'hon• ~lbi<rty 8-!'>0.'tl 8cl0 1~11 MERCL"R Y • dr. llPOrt 8"dllll. late l'>erlu ••Ith ratho hf'llt t>r. o·c1r1v• W .5W Ur@• $76.5 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W c ·111. Hwy ~eWJ>(1rt B*3<'h Ub~r\y 8·2281 18.~ liflrb<iT co~ta ~tt1111 Llhtrty 8-~633 1950 Pontiac 8 4 door 9dn. l:lydram.auc. ft • H $795 Coma ln a.nd dr1ve W. FI.NE CAR. TERRY 'S BUICK 191'>4 MOR.R.lS Convl'rUblt. one 2612 XpL Blvd GMAC TERMS 1000 'W. C"aL Kwy. \868 tu.rbor ownt-r. 3400 mllrL BIG r?dUt'· H&rbor ~21 Nt""'P'"" a.otl C:O.la Mesa uon. l'-"ewpo_rt_!Hacb _______ _ ut1er1y s-22e1 t.Jbt'rty s-~lJ Hausken Motors, Inc. 1861 PLYMOl!H Belvedere 11.ard ·53 FORD g Ranch Wagon 1932 Herbor Blvd, Coat.a Me&a top convert. RA.li.. L1ke new 111• P hOM Llbe.rty 8-:IO:\l llc l3 •ld.e and OU\. Radio, hro&W. &recUona.J 81«· nalJ1, 11'1ndahlf'ld wuhtr Spot· lfJbl. t ply b r ... u,21t bDle 00"-. Ula N EW. --- -S99:S a :.a MER.Cl,;RY 1port coupe. M H O'dr1". Seat COV"rl. "'S\\' tlr-u. ~1795 Miller Chevrolet ~ • 1 Block 8outb or H'fg'h Sehool CLIFF RAVJ;N-175 .. 2 bedim. f'TOnt triplex. unturn. Fir~~ J'&rb, dtsp. & fl.I\. near HS • Jr. Ht. 0v.'1l4'r. 272 8ro&1l-.y. C.M.. Uberty •·2778. Ille ON BALBOA l8LA.ND ALSO rt.J'RNIS HED A PTS. WINTER RATES 3Uc RA.Tl' A.N FURN. rnodeni atudto apla. Cent.er of Q>rou de! Mar. Ji0. UUI. pd. W $-l~'l6. 98cl3 Jl'UfL-.;. bachelor apL Yearly. NELDA GIBSON, Raltor Walt m1 '"•tu1ce 10 b•ts a.rid aoe M&rlo• Av6. B&tbor rio2 1 huatnua d.1n. l:Ja.r. 1217-J 10c21 BALBOA ULA.ND 1tlc UN'F't.'RN. 2 ba'nn. •pt. at 1763 TWO or three bdrm. dupla WI· An&h«im. St'e owner, 17!)3 An a- turnl.ahed. 1,, blk. ~in ffl(h twim, COllta M-. Ph Uberty 9cbooL <iv....._ U S-ta•3. 8U'c M.822 I lle 2 BEDROOM FL"R1'"ISHED DU- PLEX. Corona del )t&r, MIUU\ l'rf H hn y. SI 10 month. tnr..1. uUL MRS. KAY. H&r. .~2 or Ht.r. 3'Ti9-J. ~r Mr•. WUlla.nwa. Hu 2397-W. :It.le Choice Winter Rental& OD BaJboa Laland & Udo lale Sma..11 A co~7 ur l&rf• ls. del\ur.e J7:1 lo '300 m onth VOGEL CO. 208 M.artJle A\•t ., B&Jbua Lll&nd Ph. Harbor 444 Ot Kt.rbor 21M Ro. flu. 178a-RK or U 8-6297 84t!c Balboa Island Choice )"e&rcy and awnmu rent&la. n09o' &~table. DORIS BR.A Y. Ru.ltor 218 M&rtne Ave~ Ba.lboa lal.and Harbor 20 96ttc RENTAL v F\.'R..'i. bacllelor apt., Jt:> mo. 719 Wut Ba.Ibo& Blvd. r OT keya and latormauon See Bay at 8!'~h R~ty. H60 W. BalbOt Bl~ P l\. H&r. 1264. 8:il!c B.A T P'RONT LIDO ISLE rtJRNlSHJCO, uwly decor&ted 2 bdrm. apl .. 1arace. Year ll'&H Adult.a, no peta. Hu . 1268. ftpl2H Desirable 1 &11d :z bedroom him. &pt11. lncludlng uUlHl~L 175. and up, yearly !IU E. Ocean Front.. Balboa "..otDCr ot P&lm 1 Rar. am &ac10 4.88-Bouaee for Beat P'OR L!:A.SE -N ice 2 bdrm. home tn &Ibo&. Furn. or Wl· f\lm. flOO. J. M. MILLER CO. 0011traet.or. M&matrH&. &rt or HA VE 2 ll~rr;• 2 .,.dnn. born.ea. jewelry bualnua. Ullt. pd. Only '1b1. raniirt. 1 lot ()-Olll00, Clo. 108 )(cJl'a.dd~ P1aoe 'At Ule Newport Pier"' U O. month. 1n . San l>'ern.a.ndo. 116,000. Bar. 1'0 Ev• Har. llllT-M CAl..L 8'-n Whitman. l:la.r. 1862. WU..t. 'TRADE down tor H.arbor Ad tor B era.Id 0 . llpt• Ev!'s. Harbor H61 Mlle uu or Co11t.a Mu a homt . ?\OW LEASl:"C. a vtll.rlble "'-1•1· OW :'l:ER, C H 1Arl1, R t,.. l , Bos neu office ap&CM. C!'nter ot Co· 666, RlveuSde, Calif. Hpl5h Leaving State rona del M&.r , suiUlble tor CPA. del>Uat or! U 8-l l 26. 08<'13 DELUXE blg'tlway office irpace. 330 11q. CL C6\ttr of Corona d~l Msr bturtnl'u dllltrkt. 173. mn. Utll lnCI. ALSO 11ee us for otllPr buatneu . ottl~ a profemonal re11W.. W. E . FiAher A A88oc. 303• E C.oul H ighway Coron. d"I JiUr fkrb!lr )4'43 6c7 ~*EW Bl.DO., IWt. for 1tnr,.9 &nd ottlcu, 12'x24 • H t'h 1 2032 Plteenua, COl!'ta l>tN& Phone Wt>erty 8·2193. kl3 BUSINESS rm., li37 ~ SupeMQr Ave.., Coat& Mesa. 1.330 eq. tt.. equJp:pcJ 110 • 220 e.lcc. powtr. Skylights, good parlung. Hu Z617-R Courtuy to agt n!JI. !lei:> ------BALBOA l s t.-A=--0 -ldr.AI IO<'A• lion on M&.nne Ave., otttce or 1hop. PLUS 2 bdrm. a pt. All rnr JU:> mo. lia.r. 204.2. lltlc HA \'F. 2 UNIT& on I lot ln Laruna rtbl• itarage. l blork to anor• S tn-"TT C'OUJlT lit CMtA M:l'A •M 0Cf'Jl.l1, JIO:. MO. ExUUf'nt lllcom&. !mall dl7W1l Wit.I. ~XC:H. for •ln&I• huoee., pAyment b&n!'ll .... \Orol\3 tl"l M11r RYatl f_.208. :'Jp6h ALSO OCEAN YRONT Rlll8,.._ ------------AURA.VT' In l"IOWJlOrt BMdi. TRADE Desert Motel 1 unit. 2 mi. east or Barstow 8,.u on Jun .-u.run.. Good money malcer. CALL t,ftM,.rt y O'a'T\9'. ) l c2•11 on Vegu bwy. Lot 162 x ----------- 400. Propo!led Frreway NE\VPORT VI~T A RESALE may rnake t hia property • bdnn. Mm .. , :z b1n11A. hlndlt'.lap- very \'aluable. Price -"d w tn W 'HP"l u rhs.11 tile •ntl o: hu u :ra' Onl1 $11> 76fl. S37,:;c>O Has loan or $14,300 sz;i~ 11n. Submit your trade tor my AL.so a b<1rm h •mf', Sllf60 SlPOO equity o! $23.200. Will a&-dnwr Burne on mcome property. OPEN HOt:SF; SAT. &. Sl!N. Wntc WELCOME TR.A VEL-19 9 .t )f1:!l I r rllt1 .. !'ltAI A•e. ER MOTEL, Rt . 1A. Bar· '" '1' M,..,, 11tow, Cali!. 2p15H FISHER .t: CO. 62-Real Eatate ~----- 23C>e Newport l.lld :-ltwpnrt Brh HHbr•T H 20 t.J 8·3~17 lklJ LOANS for Homes BA y FRONT 6'}1. -20 1r. Lo&N "Let u. Locate Construction Loans On Newport Island for You" :>E.E BVB tiATl'LEll ~U EAST COAST BL VD. Exel usive For Harl'>or prnpnl), b11y Md SPECIALISTS 202G W. Balbo4l Bl., Newport Bch R&rbor 4091 -Evea. LI 8-3378 PLENTT OP' FREE PARKJNO U>iun.a aei Au.r H.1.10<.i1 .$~ llc l3H Koep. f'uUUER MUtll'UA t.a : UJ ----·--------_ Me tro Uf• lna. l'Undll Kl. 3-l.l !S~ OOSTA MESA -O~ bd.rm. U11· •8ttc 50-ft. bul kheaded lot, with bellch, <.~·•ta Mf"'-Cor.,oa dtl . & I fl t L l I M11r. ~11nta Anl\, flc. pier ge. oa . arge iv-1 CalJ E<111.a crat1 Blanche Gates, Rlt r . 311 M&rln• Ave. Balboa l.IJ&nd, Her. 1871 T?t!c Corona del Mar twn. ho~. newly decorated. Clean. nice fenced yd .. prlv&ry. 190 Co:1ta M~Ba St. Tenant Will •how, or c:a.ll H.a.r. 8038-J I l pl3 Wul,;1...1) ull• l.IJ bu} lat ano '"" Trust 01'e<1& I.All li&r. ~'ltl 411Uc mg room with fi~place. 2 The LOCATOR of Calif. nire bdrms. with 13, baths. I Extra large dinette area l>ouble garage, ea11ily made t riple. $27,500, terms. Bra.irn •1f!ll't', 11134 H11rbm EflYd, Coflta t.tt1111 P hone U 8-1861. 1171.l• HONEST BA..Rr;AIN $1795 OOTI'ON OOJT VoUtawagoa-Porwch.e Dlr. 2UI Npt. ·~ Jiltw'port lleAch 1'11. "*"'°r I. 1101.I Miller Chevrolet 1000 W C'lt. HWJ. Nl'wport S.adl LI buty 8-2281 1~ Harbor 2 Coit.a ){eu J.Jbvty 1-~3 BRA.-.:D :'\EW .3 bl'l1nn.-home, W~~ r u ~UU..U UU'KuVt. BEDRM.. 2 BATH unrurn. ti.e. unturn~hed. 17.'.>. month. BU Y. M.Ul.>£«.l\ll.£, OR '-t blk. to ouan 011 Jumill•. C REJ'~AN~ 19~. mo. utll. pd. Sea Breeze Realty o. w. Buy l'r\IJlt l.Jeed,a (',()Tnl'T 19th ... Plscenlla. c Men NE\\'1'1Jtt1 llAUlV A ~A VL .... 08 1~ W C"aL H11-y. 11:1:1 Harbor 'lle~rt S..ch Cost.# ,...,...,. Ubuty ~2261 Ubuty f-~3 f;;,.2--;__~~~;:.c-.;;.n:;;._ _____ _ w. E. Fisher, Realtor . Day~. evu. Lrberty 8-3643. llcl2 .. LUA~ ASSliClATIL>N 1360 Via Lido rh. H.a.r. 4.200 11M rowm ...... 8Ulllnler eonwrt- lble. JltAH. P'ordoma Uc. waw Ur.. 1.-t.h&tl 10.000 .uJM. $2366 Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. C'at. H....,.. N«Wpft a.c. Libert7 f.081 -'#'or & d~le UMd OU, ... 7our loc&J d..Zu •ho ,ftlJ b4I ~ TOMOftROW to back up wiut ht ·~4 MERCURY Mon~r'y Cou~. MerromaUc, radio, heatn , e.lect. wtnd09i"S. &eat.a. tinted ,1 .... w. w. urea. 6000 mHu. U~9:1. WW \Ue ~ 488 Cut U t.b., C. M..a. lOcl.2 1964 OLDellOB:Jl.D Super 88 • dr. eed&D. ft,Ui, H ydra. Power ~. 2 too• pajnL WSW ttl'N-lold new by ua. S2e9S Miller Chevrolet lllt11a TQOA Y' Cb~ lb• lllf'<1 1000 W c ·et. Rwy. ean Ill UI• c.1-...tll~ MCUO.n ~-~-'""J)Qrt ~-~" 18.'>f> H11roor Ce>tt11 ~1~~" U~rty l-~331 Mil· I U»wty a.nta F OR a.u.& C&bul.a .ti l:ute.ra 2;· tra.lltr In excellent cond MOV· L'>G. Mus t tl1 Cu be eold M p&ral.el,y. Cont.act H&ITJ )t. Wetu.l, LIJbUng n.sturu. '11 N. Newport BN4., U. M71J. M d• ASSOC1A TES T\\'0 bdnn. houu Olk 1ange. Garb. Uc lOc.12 W i:STCR.AFT tn.llu, \.1-tt. ~ rd'f18., heater. awnlnra. rood cond1Uon. ~I• price. Har 1817-~ CourtMy to ~.,ta 10el5 8034 !:&at Coaat H 1gh'"7 d11p., nt!Wly deconated. \"euly Corona del Mar n-,nt.al un!urn. 122 • 29Ul St.. ~boat Harbor 2441 N.-port Beacll.. llc.13 . CORON A DEL MAR u'°"Jl"UltN. 2 bdrm. bouM. • &o .- carpet. Drapea, dbl 1v~ c~ered pauo. SIOO mo. FlTZ.MORR.18 REALTY Pbone H.arbor 21~2 2c16 J'OR ur.A8E . ~IJ turn. 2 bdnn. bou... !WU'dwood floors. turnAc~ beat, balb .t. abo••. 166. mo. Ll &-«920 evu.tnp._ 11cl3 '8A-Apta. for Be.Dt 21-rr. PAN AXEIUCAJ'f tlaJler, -· ------ UNF'UR:-.. cotta.i .. UV1Df nn .. C:l11· tni nn.. klt.cbeneu.a. 2 bedrm. Hot ls oold abowu, au • water P4--$~. year\1. 103 A da.m11 Ra..rboT 1924-M. l Jcl 3 r~dltlooed lMlde • out.. 111.e-YL'R.."l?SHED ~ 1 bdnn. a pt. duc:ed to 1700 for qulclt aal• Nl'&r Udo Shoprlng S70 mo ' 3 R.\t. ROt:S.B: tum. Adult.a only. U tl ~ 1'\.b St.. Cotta MA.-. W y8Tly 303 33n1 St. Nf'W)'lOrt ~. month. -24l8 ~rt. i-&e63. Uc.13 I ~ tp.ll 1 Ooeta W.... I i leU fU:AL t::.:>'l'A'fl:. UJA.N::i l.ntere.t Rate b-5 '~% Loana quJcJlly ma.de l.D U\9 Bay Area and Cott.a Meaa. &Jngle 01 mulUpl• u.nlt.a. N•""' or ol<l. Bt wt.. aod Mn l>y re-~g yow preetUlt Loan. M1rumwn u penM. No cb&.r&• tor pra!tml Dar1 appl'IW&t PbOM Banl• 4.Da lilmbtrly a~ or wrtt• ARTHUR A. M.AY Mortca.c• Lo&n Conupondet uccldent&J U.ft W\lrlUlct Co. 9U Bouttl Mato liult& A1111 pp ·- ' I I ' -- ,, 11 l II I I ( '1 I~ .... ?AGE 10 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -P'fl. 9, l9SS v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. ATTENTION Builders, Speculators We have a neat 2 bdrm. home built on rear of 50' Jot on Marguerite Street, with double garage, fenced yard, brick patio and room to build add'l unit on front of Jot. This ia a good buy. Priced at $11 ,500. Only $3000 down. 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm. home. Hwd. floors, carpeted W to W, has separate dining room, 2 paved yatios. Nice yard, beautifully landscaped. Drapes inc. and only $27,000 Shown by Appointment. 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean View This choice income property less than 1 block to ocean and beach, owner 2 bdrm. home PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. PLUS large 1 bdrm, apt. with ocean view. AJl unita furnished complete. Located on 45 x 118' lot. Better hurry on this one. Priced at $40,000 & $12,000 dn. will handle PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR . There ace opportunities L~ THIS OCl!:AN FRONT PROP· !:RTY. At pruent there ..,.. 2 rum., 1 bdl'Tn. unlla 6: room t «' build J mor. unJte In front Lot'1 aqaar-1 toot.a1• wlll carr~ a llvlnK unit. Jl:l.600. Ownet Wfll finance It eonelder boat •• part payment. VIEW OF BAY AT "INSIDE PRICES" -at lract1v1 tumtshed hom1 tri ex clu1lv• Bay Shorea. Near B 1 Club rf'ar ,ate. ll bdnna., I · bathe, 2 pat1011. All nicely fun 127,000. Owner wfll finance VACANT LOT WITH GORGEOUS BAY ANT ocean view. C lltt Haven lea.~. hold. Only a few such location remain. Balboa Bay Properties 11100 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt.. Bead. Phone Ha r. IHU or Harbor 1118:: ._ Sell or Trade • LIDO ISLE l Do you need a l~'t 1 We now have ~o· 3-40' 2-.50' 2-70' 2-35' 2-45' 1-521:.!' 1-80' I Aa example 1-55' -$15,000 i on corner street to elreet. • (All subject lo prior sale.~ OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1-4 P. M. 2 bdrm., 119 Via Yella -$19,750 2 bdrm., 215 Via Mentone -$21,750 LOOK. what you can get for $3500 DOWN THREE bdrm., 2 bath. very large living room· on a 40' lot. On two Strada.a. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Ju.t to the right of the Lido Bridge" 3112 Lafayette, Newport°Bch. Har. 3643 (eve. H . 2999) Holmwood Drive A Street of Beautiful Homes \ 121,9&0 bUye an ucepUonally n1c1 large th,... bedroom, two ball home a-than Uu-.1 yeara ol" 111 the cholceet -'cUon of th• Helght11. THERE I• over IO feet front•~· on Holmwood ln1urinr "'"" mum privacy. The lfTOUnde 111 • profeulonally TandacaJ)f'd •n the rf'ar area I• complf'ttl• fenced. .'HE CRJTICAL BUYER will •r predate the top rraite oak tlOOt Ing. the very beet tn forced •1 heaUng and th•· IHlt'rou• amow ot fine cu.11tom cabtnrl work >T HER FEATURES are lari:· amount• of glAM lncludln· alldlng fl&H wall on to the lo\lr ly pa tlo, tiled bath•, tlrf'plac and a large cheerful lcltchtt with lovely view nt the ocean Thi"" 111 11180 a laundry room an. an unusual dining room. THIS HOME r•pre.M'nls the ltlJ dollar value In the Harbor arr" iiewen are In and paid for an the pro pf' rt y 11 located lnsld• thf' Nl'Wport City limit•. Your lnapertlon •• Invited. LIDO ISLE a smart address A few choice Lido buys 1. Newly painted 2 bedrm. home n-.r alub. Bart. cue in diningroom, fireplace, nioe patio. am.aoo. 2. Bra.nd new • bedrm. 2 bath home wttb fd ..,. nace, di1po11&l, ftreplaoe, nice ...... "°" lael ot storage. $28, 780. Remember, we are the dnelopen ol Ut1o 11111. W. have many good buya in ham.., LI* md llllP-h. a ia our amc.re deme to beip ,_. p. a. palmer Incorporated ole banaon oo., ..S. JDllDt. 333S YI& Mdo -bu 1500 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) N1CE 3 br. home on Flower Rt Hdwd. flr•. dbl. gar., Sll.700 Wtth Jll'>OO dn. or trade for a to 4 br. Santa Ana, 0 . 0 ., Anaheim vicinity. BAY SHORES w. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2117 W. BaJboa Blvd .. BALBOA ISLAND ' . VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unit., 2 bdrm.. each, a RE.AL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bf th home with view from every room. Completely furniabed. .A.king $45, 750 and ONLY $5000 down. Nev new 4 bdrm. home &Dd apartment completely furuiabed and in excellent condition. Full price $36,:500, terms. 2 bdrm. f urnished and in g<><><t condition. to be 11old u le for only Sl 7,950 and get thi.e, $1250 down. VOGEL CO. 2()8 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 4H IEvee. Ll 8-~297 ·Har. 1786-RK) FOUR UNITS Coron• del Mar SOUTH OF THE HIGHWAY Thi• I• the first offering or lhi• choi~ view property. One 4 Bedroom unit One 2 Bedroqm unjt Two 1 Bedroom un11..8 Flve garagea Tht'ff unit.a a~ fumiahed All a re occupied Beautiful yard and pla.nt1ng Add a ll th1a up and ll('e if you don't agree w1lh ua that th11 ia a mol!lt oul8tanding offering. Priced for quick ule. $34 .950 -1 ;, Down p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 <Was $10,500) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar COZY l BDRM. HO~f E ort good street. close to •hopping <'t>nler. Hn• frnced yard. patio & doublf' rar.re. Owner h '1£:, has reduced pnc. tor 1mmedwtC' sale to $8950. EJ1:clu1uve Agent BEN J. Whitman & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" 3M2 JC. Cout HW)•., Corona del Mar I Eve11. Harbor 1461) VOGEL VALUE Har. 1862 FEATURES GALORE! J BDRMS., 2 baths, forced air hrat. hwd. noor11. TMr livl.n&' room. beautiful fireplace, ind1rect light· lnr. touch-plat. awlt.chea, built-in range and oven, rarbafe di.apoMJ. Jtitchc.-n exhaust fan. Heavy shake roof. Neu .cboola, ahoP8 and tn.naportation. All t hle for only $3195 down and the balance on an J'HA IO&n at $7!5.~ per month FACTORY SITE I ACRES M·l at Sll-000 per acre 29% down. HOME lz INCOME J 81\. It DEN HOME plua I br. apt. Good I!:. •Ide loa&tlon. Le•. lot. '13.800 with term•. BACK BAY LOT with view '34&0. NEW J BR. H OME. Hdwd. nr.. Paved patio, KU . 11q. loL ao.. to lranltJI A mkt. $99:1-0. 8E8T BUT JN VACANT oa w•t •Ide. corf'lf'r 14&x330. Cut.a t Iota. um see lhla. it '*>n't taat Houston Realty I. ASSOCIATES ~ Center SL Coeta w- U 8·611H ltvN, Har. 6Hl-W (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shorea' Clevereet Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., rai.ed ueed brick fireplace, di•hwuher, di.BpoN.l. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,:500, t~nna. A N D Bay View Home • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Wall to wall carpeting. Electric kitchen. Lovely home for a couple with accommo- dation• tor viaiting frien<br and relatives. Full price $29,500, tenna. For pr.view abowinga, call Harbor 1600 - (Evea. Liberty 8-5386) Ottlce Har. 24, Ruldence U 8·M90 CORO!'\A DICL MAR RUSTIC TYPE 2 bedrm. hom1> "tone tlreplact, Panel ray heat Early American decor. Double «•rare. Patio. Redwood fenced back yard, 1 Ys block• to Ca m •· Uon beach. Low down payment. Rcaaonably priced. TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO J BEOROOM8 and a 1 bed· room unit. Redwood arid ehake. Excflltnt lnv•tm.tnt, 2 year• old. 3 car J&r•I•• Full price, u 1.eoo. ALSO J BEDRM. HOME ON PpPPT- Wonderful view ot ocean and hill• from upataJra. Nice yard It p•llo. Full price $12,000 with ...y turn1. Small down pay· ment. W. E. Fisher, Realtor $4250 FULL PRICE 1 BDRM. FURN. houM. Beautiful I:. •Id' coml'r. rt la an old clunk· n and th• tennltH so wlUI It. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30t.b St., Newport Beach 11\d ASSOCIATES 3-03~ Eaat Cout Hlchway Corona del Mar Phone Hubor UU B{TT It I• L1VABLll! Furnished Home 1h Acre VERT NJC..~ .2 bedrm. home. com· pletely f1n-nh1hed. Wood nooni. Pnia:e. Hou" 111 In vicellent CC>n<lll Ion Recently rede<:0rated. Loc-at.-d In &!ck Rey •rea. Se• lhle Jlropnty to •ppreclate T•rme can be had P'\111 pr1c• i. Oflly 110.~ Phil Sullivan & George Everson 18M Ntwpott Blvd .. C08la Mua I acroM from Co.ta M•-Bank) Phone LI 8·8761 Evu. Ha.r. UM LJber1y 8-2103 REAL VALUES Owner Transferred And mu1\ HU lhl• love.17 three bdrm home. H wd noor., e&r'p«t· t-d. flrl'plact, t ilt kitchen and bath W 1U leave drape.a, auto-• matte wuhf'r an(I dryer. Beau - tiful lan1IJ11'•~'1 y&rd. a tropl· ('llJ pa.rutlN fenc,.tl tor pr1v1cy. ~et thl-today, t'\111 prl~ U4 ~ Tl'rm• Building Lot <kind loo.a.Uon JU ll 163, elOM '° \h• Blvd Idta.J lo('tlltlon for ln· t&on,e Wilt.. 1"\111 pnct i 4\2.'IO. 8. A. NERESON Rl:AL1'0R 11182 Newport Blvd.. Coeta Mua Phone u 8-Hl72 ~Vtll. LI 8·1Ml7 Cliff Haven Home HEJ\ll IS O NlC ot thnM h~ Ml J•t lhrH brdroom homl'• wtUI rtrephM.'• and dlnlnr room. Jl'r,.~hly redtcoratl'd lhro111h0\lt ar11t "''Hth11t1tr1p~. BMuUtul O&lt n~,.. and '°""'" '"wna en· hanoe th• value ot Ult• tine r"mlly hom e PRICED FOR DO<SDL\Tll ._ie a t SU.9~ l!lu1~• ue a.um• 19t-OO 4"" k>uvPaymeu ot U. a month tnclud• tut11 aM ln• Phone Barbor 1600 (Eves. LI 8-5388) COSTA MESA EARLY AlCER.ICA.N, u.ed brick, 3 bdrm., l Y} ba., bea.rDed ceillnp1 bar kitchen, d lwmuht.er, d18poeal. Dbl. ranee. Near Back Bay. $18,500, tauna. Lovely 3 bdnn., 11,2 bath, parquet nni., lge. kitchen, on 83 x 238 R-4 lot in fut-growing area. Very clean.-$15,500, terma. FOUR view Iota &el'ON St. rroln proposed county park. Nothmg like il in area. Approx. 1.7 acru. $6500, Tenna. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 0234 Corona del Mar Vogel Value Open House Daily 12 to 5 p.m. 232 Poinsettia, Cor ona del Mar Salesman oilhc premi.aes to abow you tbii lovely 2 Bedroom and Den home. Located juat l block from ocean on one or OW' n lce.t stneta. Large room•, fittplace, ape.naive waJJ to wall carpeting, draw drape. It curtafoa thruout, dapow. 220 wiring. Jot.a ot ttorace. Priced under 120,000 with rood financ- ing. SH Thia. VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 If You're Not in a Hurry We'U aoon have new ' bdrm., 2 bath homea ava.U- able 12 Jocationa) at $9750 & Sll.450. Small down payment Ir bal. le1111 than renL We can 1how you completed bomea and you can pick your oolorw, tf you reeerve yo uni now. P. I . -We think that thty will all be aold before they ar. completed. W. A TOBIAS, & ASSOCIATES REALTOR COSTA MESA WJI: HAYE A. CLU:NT who Will pay a.ti cuh tor vacant bullnu• pro Pf f\1 11 prlced "&bl. • • • Steoo down, nearly n~w 4 bl'drm. t ~ bath home on large corner landaca~d lol. • • • NEARLT NEW 2 bl'drm. ranrh •lyle home. •hake roof. hdwd tloora. >i ttplace. lAnd.ecaped • ftnced Vtry clon t11 •llopp1na- lt tran•port&lJ'ln. Submit $2000 down. F U R.NlSH ED DUPLEX on Bm&d· way. 2 ~rma. ... ch unit f"I"· pla.ct, Hdwd. noon. S ubmit '3000 do"'n. . . . 17~'ll300' lot, ~on•d C·I for bu1l· nu•. next lo comer or ltth' It P laonu a. Sea Breeze Realty Oor. 19th 6 Placentia, C. MMe Daye a •vu Pll. Ut>.rty 8·36$3 11c12 Newport Island l BEDR.M rnldt.nce with 1 bedrm a pt. over dbl 1ar•c•. $UI.~. BALBOA I UNfTS corner lot, tJlcel lncome r.cord. Half bile from 0..y an'1 parklnf tac Cles.n. 110.000 will handle A L.80 Bl18lNUS bid( . PLU8 I apla ONL T S4000 DOWN T ripf ex, furnished ' B!:DRM. houff, P LUS 2 apt.e. A ff'W lllepe trom the b•y. Ftn.L PRrcp; uo.ooo. Coast Properties 301 IC. &lbna Blvt!. 811l11b• Harbor 26~8 • Har. 4800 l ttc BAYSHORE.S rtRST TJMI!: OP'P'E:RED Chum. The Vogel Company · W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. •you'U like our friendly Nrvice" 393 I:. 17th St.. Co.ta Meaa Liberty 8·1139 Ing •haJ<e root. I br , 2 bath, din· tnr ana. dra~1. ""/W carpet. d lehwuhH , dlltJIOll&.I, nl~ kit· chf'f\, dl11hmuter ... nclowd patio. dbl. r arare. Phone tor appl. to ae• Ul.~ 1201 W, C0Mt Hwy .• N.wport 8-eb U S.3481 BALBOA ISLAND 2 lJNITI ON nm WATERFRONT. Ne..rly new. 2 bdrm. eacb and v•ry attractive! Thia .xcellent In~ will buJld Uie equity !or you, M L 4920. REA80NABLE TERMS. PRICE $38.000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociate.. '\ Par•.t at Marine, Balboa l1land -Har~r 2462 I U T W. ~ ••d., Npt. Bel\. ...,._ N w ~ 1-t'tO BY OWNER DllJIJU..BL& I bedroom. batll 6 ·~·CORONA. HJOHt.ANDa lam- "' bOfU. Oollf \Miid bnt k f\re-plan. raJ•ed Mlirlh. Cenll'al h .. a t. Charmtnr btrr b pa.neled kltchui Dl9POMI. ca~ted. L«•. ya.rd. ,,,,,.., 118,600. a.. &l:IY· Ume, 904 S..ward !toad. 6cl8 OORONA KIGKI..AND LOTI - Choice 8ttH A n llatw. Ca1J H&.rtlor ~ M Forget About the Taxes · The rmt from t.be I bdrm. apt. ovw gar. will mo,. than pay the tu.ea, Ina.. It upkeep while YOU Uv. comlortabJy in tM 2 bdrm. It daa bou.e, Hwd.. tln., 2 t1replacae. BBQ. garb. di8p. It othw Extru make lbw a real Home. A pleuure to ahow. P'--Pbona. 0.. ._. .. .._ R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Q>ut Hwy .. Corona del Mu Har 217• J111t ~HARBOR 1616 .. ~ Yeur Ad on Thi. P1ge •. . ~ . BALBOA BA TnONT, pn .. te beach. room tor pl• and nc>at Ht.&oo. COSTA MF.SA DAltLlNG 2 br. pink tt\l(!OO lllS.-.0 A~ fOC' M· 1 f1'0Wld '- ·~· fOC' INWi'f'UIOll W'. elde. Claire Van Horn U.U.TOll tTll 1'. ao-t RWJ. U MITT OORO!U. DEL MU t llDRM., l baUI., htrd Roof's. r. A. l'I•'-dbL pr, ~ blk. te I.ht oce&n Jl&r. 3021 ci.,. et Kar JON.A aft« a p m. lcJ 0 3 Br. home, Hwd. tloorw, tlrwplaoe, DbAa.. ..,..,.. B.B.Q .. .ewer in A paid, A-1 location. 111,800 with 4".* loan ($9000.) pa.yable $70. per month lnol111111nf tax & Ina. Owner will ~11 with amall down ~ 2 Br. home and LARGE GAR.AGE It WORK BftOP (approx. 1000 Sq. Ft.) near Alpha a.a, PO,llO with term•. FURNISHED 2 Br. older home, gvap. ~ location NEWPORT HTS. $7!500. with Sl!IOO dowa. 1 1 ·8 ACRES -3 Br. home, atorag• room, Dt»le ~ age, work ahop, .ewer In It paid. $13,800 with tM'ma. 3 Br. home, 1200 Sq. Ft. • Lot 70d40. A R!:.AL BARGAIN, but wiU n~ aome cuh. Pr1oe 182M. M-1 lnduatrial lot 60x126 --·-·····-··---.ue&O C-2 Buainea lot 50x140 ...... ______ 115()() R-4 Residence lot 49x150 ............ 1960 A-1 AgricuJtu~ TWO ACRES .. &.'500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Co.ta MNL LI S.1801 Corona del Mar Good VOGEL VALUES- Check them over! l'\o, J Charming -2 BR. & den, l '12 baU.1, oeean view home. choice location. W /W ca.rpet, cwrt.om drapes. Colored bath fixturea. Fireplace. Cyclone fenced yard. beaut. lawn • flowers, lov~ly p.tio. 183' deep R-2 lot, room to build ocean It bay view apt. Tht pri('e 1s nght. Owners are mO'Vlng .oon. No 2. Lg. comfortable 2 BR. home plua dbl. praie & rm. for guest. Full dining nn., fl.replace, KW floor11. furnace, service, handy kitch. 46' lot near 11tort"S & oceitn. Priced to eell. Low down p&f1Detlt. No. 3. Attractive 2 RR. home plwa 2 BR. car. apt. M any, many feature$ too numeroua to mention. Be.t '.ocation. Looking for a nice homt' It income? CaJ1 us-you will bt> surprised at price • ~ THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-U'n LIDO OPEN HOUSE 2 bclnn. house near clubbowie. ~ doWll. Full Price $22.500. OP!'.:N Saturday & Sunday. 211 V1a Koron $1850 Down l bdrm. home, near Po11t Ofti~ Bu11ineM zone, barxam price Channel Front Home on the waterfront. onJy $19,600, $MOO .SO... N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd Ir Newport Blvd .. Newport. Bch. Pb. Har. ld "YOU JUST CAN'T HARDLY EVER" Find auch a good buy on Lu.lo. Older home, • bdrm. and den. Buutiful 60' lot. Thi11 property bu xlnt. pot111ibilitie11. Be "u~ to 11ee it. Asklnr priM U6.780. A LS9 WATER FRONT HOME ~lect locat1on. 3 yn. old. Lota of We. r . A.. Mat. 2 bdrm .. 11, batha. Xlnt. financtnc. $26,500 furni9hed. Both are exclueive liltinp with EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport. Bl vd .• Newport Beach Ru. 101I HI, POP! "Get out from in front of that Te1"1slon anlt pt a couple of gaJJona of paint a.nd a bnaab a.Dd mue a little money!" LOOK AT THIS ONE - COIOIERCI.AL 1,, acre, cu te 2 bdrm. ~ a.. · · place, well built, nee<t. redecoratiq. Only $MOO, $800 ~­ CA.LL Ula B. McF&dden with Balboa Bay Properties 419 E. Be.Ibo& !Mvd .. Balboa Harbcw J7M or Bf.at • · I ft-'tnl f.:!ltat~ m-Ru l E!llate -'*-----.-.-----------· .... -· .. ~--r-- BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Ba lboa Island P hone Harbor 1671 or 167::! Balboa lsl~nd THREE BRANO NEW LISTINGS! 62--RuJ F.state G"'..-Ru l F.sbte 62--R~I E8tate fr'-Rnl FAtah1 -------------~---------------------·--------- BAY AND BEACH BA YFRONTS EXCLUSIVE LISTING. 60' on Bay Ave. -Pier and SHp CORNER LOT -\\'a!lt·d f11r pm·acy. N il·cly lanJ- scaped in tropical plunt inp.; a n·! fruit t rcC'swThis t hret' b('(frOom , 011C-l't ory home W:lS ucsigncd R. J. Ncutra a nd is n1w of th" firH·st homes · the LIDO ISLE BA YFRONTS Exclusive Lis~ing . • Pier and Slip FEB. 9, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE fl' v JUST THE BEST! Iksl 'for fine Lido living that ls and a "bt>1.1t buy .. too.'Fou r b<'drooma and two ba ths on a large lot. An outstanding one floor s howplace with a modern interior v.i th that e>tpansi\'t' (et'llng. Wonderful built-in kit rhen. Carpeted, lanili;rnped and walled. Stone firrplacf'. Brand new for ~a:u100 a nd move in t nmor row for Sl0.000 down. One of tht' fant'sl homC's on Jsl:rnd. 220 Coral Ave., ta offered for Rale for $35.000. Open fo r inspection ~very day frvm 10 :30 to 5 J'.m. Beautiful grounds. Double lot. SC"E-th is toda~-. · Ha rbor A rca. The li\'ln~ ruom is s puc1nus, with lots C1f glass, nnd an unusual fir e11lat•c that nlso adds lo t he t:harm of the dining-room. The kitchen •;s all f'lc•ctl'ic with 11 brick BBQ and l'IN'tric snit. Ir. ad- dit ion to the thn."'t' bcdrn,1ms t111d hn~11Lh11 there a rc Sl'l'Y:,ints quarters with a !-wp:irate patio. This is indeed a home for a c!iscrimin atmg bu~',·r who wants the best , Shown by appointment Lo qualified buyers. Large living room, fir epbrl', nice kitchen, 3 bdrmP., 2 bnlhs , furnished. v HOME IS WHERE THE HEARTH IS WATERFRONT INCO!ltE'. :?-~tnry duplex on Cra.nrl CAnal n r. So. Bay. Wonderful location and WHAT A VfEW ! N ew and modern ~ b<lrm ., 1 b.ith lciwt•r, wit h 4 bdrm., 2 ba th nppc r. Xlnt. terms. rurnished. Don't m iss this! A HONE Y! On Aml'lhy:;t nr. Nu. P,ay. HOME & INCOMF:. Chnnn, 2 IJilrm .. 1 b:ith hnull' with <'Xtra guest room & bath A ~IJ a b.:autifu.l mou<'rn 1 bdnn. apt. F11rn1shC'd. Newport Hts. $2ROO down. Thl.8 lnn·ly 2 bdm1. h ome with cxlr:i. gut'st room, Jarg<.' landsraperl ,;rounds. for only Sl0,!>00. Ow11<'t sayR will be int1'rf'stt·rl in t r:l'iP on 3 o r 4 bdrm. 2 bath home• 111 llarl)or arC':i. Corona del Mar i12.500. 2 bdrm. artistic home So. of Hwy, Plus g uest room. Garnge stressed for apt. This 1s an Xlnt. buy. "C" THOMAS ''C" T HOMAS ''C" THOMAS ''C" THUMAS BAYSHORES 2 Bdrm . IClw down pa~·mf·nt 2 Bdrm . :! bnl hs. \'irw of bay •q(i 500 •. 1 '{,750 3 Bdrm11 .. :! bnths, w ti.) w ..arp<'t 3 Burm .. c11•n, 2 bathR, nwcll•ru ....... ) 9.500 ... 32.!'>m) CLIFF HAVEN 3 Bdrm, ranrh styk, low down 2 Hdrm .. m11d<'r-n, r arpl'lmt: & Jrapc·i; 3 Bdrm., :! baths, VI l·:W, new 3 Bd rm. 2 bath, vn;w, rarp<'ttn~ 3 Bdrm .. 2 baths, TERR IF IC VIEW ..... $13.750 16.500 23.500 21.500 36.500 COSTA MESA 2 B<lnn .. East~1de, GO.ft. Jot 100 ft. C-1 l'Ll !-.\ :! btlm1. homP s 9.750 19,750 2 Bdrm. ranl'll Rtyl<', Rhnk«? roof. C'X<'cllent l<X'alwn. 1 1• '• lonn, J'.Vmts ~67 90. MAKE OFFER on POWN I 'A Y}fENT. Prkt"d at ONLY Newport Beach Motel 13,700 Exrrllrnt ~l11t<'I nn Coast Highway. l 2 units Incl. 2 dbli1 Pl.l ':-; ''"' nern 2 bdnn. & 1.h•n homr. Com- p lcll'ly FUHNJSHE D and In tofJ condiUon. Ol<'n:Hl·:u lit ,55,1100 -TERMS "C " THOMAS , Realtor 221 W. C11:i.Rt H 1r:hway, Newport lkach Liberty 8-5527 "C" TH0 ~1AS "C" THO~fAS ''C" THO~fA S ••C'' THOMAS BALBOA ISLAND Hl'rC'·11 thnt rhll~htful :.? lx lt·m. 2 bath l10m(' yuu'\'C b<"<'n l1,,1hrn~ r .. r Fln11ri-fully 1·arp1•lt•d. :-\c•ar South Be~· :di c •m • 1111 nr<•11 f••r vc·ar round ll\'lng 11lu.i1 flO C'XCt•I :: bdr·m. npartm1•nt fu r 1m:om1•, b<-aut1fully .. :m.500 Th£'11•'i; a 11m:ill amnunt c.f \\"11rk tu finishing t his cut1• rut la:.:1• L:i rge II\ in~ r1111m, b1·dr11<1m drc·s..qani: room. ol11ubl<' gor agf', T he mat<'r1.1L" nrc supplied in the pr1r ,. of .. 15.750 H~r1•'11 CETlTAl:'l.,.Y A LOT f1•r yuur m1inry :'> brm. houi-\\Jlh l11~·· 1·l1\r1111m :l b.1t hs '\nd i111ubl1· ~ar· age J\X l > :i. n.d 1ut" I bdrm :&f'I \\.1• hwc .. :!.1100 ttntnlq l••r ,.umm1 r "" it. 1'\r;1r the bay, nror Phop- ring F'11m1!\li"il S:l."i ooo J..ookm~ f11r Hayfront l'r1111('rty~ ·w r hl\\'C' A I bdrm. homr ~1th 1•1• r und flu,lt S3:l,750 A ~p~u 11111~ 3 bdrm . :! hnth homl' plu" '.!bdrm a pt. thlll 1~ nlm• .;t 111•w .111,[ 11 d1"11i:h1 fol 1•~.111' t n ~r<>nd t he n •11t 111 ~· .. 11r du ya. f'1c·r and ti •. 11 . SG'\,!')()() NELDA GIBSON. Realtor Joe; M:i rin1• A \'f'. B.ll boa Island P h1111r· H.1rhPr !ill:! -Eu ~ 231)().H FOR QUICK . RESULTS! I.l ~T Yo 1 ·n r'HOPERTY for sale with a ~h~t1ple Listing Broker. Did yc>u k11 11w th1.-1mmcilialrly puts 200 !.''>J)('rti; t o \\ t•rk on your prop<-rty" A L.'-'O. f11r .\1111r protection. ruway• buy thru a "RC'Altor." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors $49,500. Part ially furni:'hl.,J. Pier and Float $125,000. One story, 2 bdrm., <lcn . :? bat ll:i. :-.;ire-Ii\ in,; room, fireplace, dining room. BA YFRONT -Near N. H. Yacht Club Partially furnished. $55,000. Only pc11plc who Ii\'<' in gla.-;s h o USl'!'i C':in fully a p- 11rc1.11tle t he \"icw from this 111w y(':tr old modern four b<-clro1.m, thrC'e bath h ornt The dt·si~n is most unugunl. There a rc two li ving 1·rn•ni~. dinin~ r or1m, tl1rc•l' I 1rcplnr<'s and a wun•h rful kil<·ht·n. T hC'r<> iB a wiue sandy bc-ad1 :in<) 111\'r pri\'ll,·g(•<;, Ownc·r wunts a large cattle rant:h 111 Orl.'g1111, 1'\c\'ada or ? Lido Nord. Neatly New • • • $68,500. BA YFRONT -Near Jetty 3 bdrms .. 3 bath home. T he unusua lly large living room is most attractive with t he war mth of wood paneling and brick fireplace. Beautifully furn. t hree bd rm .. den, 3 1 ·~ bath home. $59,500. $69,750 -E xcellent Terms. BA YFRONT -Pier & Sl ip-Bay Ave. Balboa Coves. Pier and Slip 4 bedroom. 4 bath, lari;c rumpus room. nt tract1vely d<'co rat ro. Own er transfe?Tf'd to Louisiana. Must seU modtrn 3 bdrm., 2 bat h home. Will sell rum . or un!urn. $65,000 -Firm Price All offers will be conaidered . BAY and BEACH REALTY, REALTORS 1150 W. Bnlbon Bl\ld., N ewport Beach , Calif. Harbor 1264 -Eves. Harbor l 856 BUSINESS BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Bay Front Homes! T~HHWlC \'IJ::W. II br . 31, t)ll.,, lo:""I 1111111lt1un. l 'lf'r rli;ht. $17,• 1'100 mak" offf'r :. Hit BA). Jl''ltO;\"T, w Hh 2 br. ff'lr •Pl. All Cum. F.itcf'llonl val S••.:'1()(1, ha lf d nwn. Peninsula Duplex! U'\ '/'Jlf: 'f'(Jl;\j" lll1th 3 Dr ur, 2 ,,,,,,. n ~I• f'ly f•u n. Xrw dr•P' 1 kD I Cl\rf"'ltni.; \\"II ln11lt and nnly ~. ~ r ~ c•M $27JIOO. •mall J1HIOthl)• r•yt'IH·nl!t IO('liallng lnl- \IUCt • l'.lnd ln!!uronrf'. w1!a1I~~~~ r~;Pi.!~:!n~w tum. C"ul from S 18.000 llJ $18,- bOO tor quirk a.nlr. S•OOO down. Peninsula Homes! Ot'lt. JIES r n~:TS" 1.n Uut "point" Ac-1111111\ < 11r tJr4t 'h\IV • 2 br J,.;f' 2 , nr .:11111~·· flln"ltl.• F'l~· 1•lt1• .. l 'lllHt All rum., SU ,500, S I 1'11'1(1 tltn~ n 2 RR & !S. n Z b"th~. ll<·11m,..<I rrtJ. lni;:• I.fl" l ir• pin• 1· 1•1111., \\'rll t11m1,1i,..1 $1~ \OO, $11000 ''"wn rt·TF: 2 im . and d"n homt' Y.x· l'f'pllrinalh· Wtll bulll •lU<'<'O. \\'all,.•I r111to RN r '11 Iv r<'pa.lnt· • I JI I 000, $ ·,~.110 ~ "n Ba lboa Realty Co. 1<>rrn•1t" lllnk of Ar" rr1r111 M,.mn..r~ ~hilllrlo l-1 .. '"~ R"•~ r.t,.rl• ,. r,1 '"'" Jar k Pinkham J.~~ .. ph1n" W<"bb 7('1() F' R11 lt>n11 nlvd J\lOll;na l'hun" llarb<' r 327;. Naw and Modern mr.r:f·~T O;i)h<•n l "l•nc1 vi.lu~ In <• • ' rt'\hl~ !1\•111 1: 1n w•·ll pll\n· n• •I 2 br ll11lt••· • ..,111111)' I 11t In, ''"II t" '"'" Crt TT'e l. flrrrl11re • furn11r" hl'.111 1•1 Ir i,:11rni;e With rr vnl" '"••m11r11 h· r11rt11~hf'll 11rt r '"r r~;ir 1.nn I• "' w11rdrobr •1·•·,. rr 1.v.l(,n.: n !ht $2'• Mil tt> ,,n '"'° ran,ro, be ,.,,,. to l'fr' t h:~ t,1,m t CO~TACI H t.:}) POWl:RS- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST LARGE BUSlNESS LOCA 110N Harbor Blvd. -Consiat.a of a cellent building 60'x J OB'. La rge cement patio. Blaek top drive & parking. B~ a rea for Op<!D ~,..,.. or parlUq. C-2 JIOl>ed. Suitable for contractor -woodworking • warehouae • lumber yard • clothlng mfr. BeaJde. above have 2 parcels rented & l<'a.aed with exce.a of ~ monthly income • 2 acres $69,500 f ull price. Good t ertn.9. SMALL RANCHO NEEDS PAINT 66x330 -1.: acre Wllb 'ood 2 brm. home. Extra lge. dbl. garn);r w ith hobby room or 3rd bdrm. Plumbin g rou ghl'd in to ma.ke into rental. Child'• play house, p1tt10, W«r<><l for electric stove (stove 1la}'11). Out- side n<•t'llS pamlmg. Beet ri.x U)) buy in long, long time. Sib50 -tenna. G I RESALE Bank appraisal o! S9150 makes thiA 2 brm. home "Value llan.1 lo Bclil've". $2450 dn. with $53 a month lnch.1dc·R pnnc1pal, lnt<'reat. t::.~es &: lnllW"&nce. Hwd. n oon-. Clo!:lc to golf course. See today. ACREAGE INVESTMENT :S acr e's C'lose in and Back Bay area. Steal at $1 5,000 HOUiWOOO DRJVE Rt>aut1fully planned 2 y r. old view home. 3 lovely brms. 2 baths t iled & heated. Tinted view wm dows. l:ar\'lty thermo heat. W to W carpet ln Uv. &. din. area. Ex(X'n~a\·c custo m drapes. Built in breakfa.st n r><1k. All charming appollllme.nt.. Could pleue )IOU. .. ~6.500. Good terms. M·l l Zi root frontage on Placentia jwit north 19th St . Parcel is "L" shaped & I.a 103' to 290' d~p. $70 front foot make. it 19th It P lacent.Ja'a buy of year. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES I NSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUlLDERS JS57 t'cwport rt-... e., Costa Me..a t J.fbeorty -1632 Llberty 8-1400 EVt'$. VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Feb. 12 -1 -5 SWIMMING POOL Bu1ld,..r-owm r h ·1~ pul many extr as In thl~ rxclu· s1 \r I .. .i\.1111 3 bd1 .. 1 ht'lm(', f1rC'pl&cP. 100' wide r a 1111 'II I """l llrl8 :-: .... e this nt. 436 Esther Place, C<•l'l.l ~l· i;n. F111l 11J1r1· Ctnly Sl~.600. 41 _ ', loan. CLIFF HAVEN O pen House -Sat. It Su.a. 1001 Clil'! Drive PANOR.AMJC VIEW from Ulla nevly n.-ith•ke root, I bdnn., 2 lo\ balb hom•. Th•rma.dor kla.- rJi~n. 2 111•("1 bride flrrpl•cH. lari:t' dlnlnf room-wall to -U CIHP' tini: a cu,tom built llom• ot 2AOU aq. II.. for '29,160.. A rf11I buy I n11l le-hold). • • • CLIFF HAVEN FlRST TIME l.ISTEP-lhla •Im· maculat.e 2 bdrm and bat.II home w ith lug.. llv1n~ room. d1 nln1 arf'~ op4'nln l nnUI beautltully la.ndM:'a ped fC'nc~I backya rd &11d awning c:ovutod patio •.• wall to wall c~t1n1; lhrouahout.. cornu flrrpll\Cf', dlapoaal -• rrally tllle home and th pr1« 11 right al SU,800 Wllb a 4 ,,. ""• FHA loan. • • • panoramic View ... trom W a "-uUtul, _,,acJ· ou. 4 bdrm. a.nd dtn O ltt Drift u tat,. Ju.t 2 yn. old and wtUJ o\·n 2 000 aq. n. or ll'Wtn1t UM. this ru1t1r. redwood p•n,led home la one ot lhe fln~t ln Uu1 entire arra. ll you want lh~ b"st In view, lot t.nd home rnot lru~old I make an a ppolnlJT\enl to u~ thl• hOUH now • 'TI're pnu I• 1.4 2.:IOO ILl\1 l h• le mu a r. • • • COSTA MESA 2 LARGE bdrm•. hdwd f\oo1'9, dbl f•r•r~oly 2 ·~ yean old and In A n Ice u ~l11ld1 l«a tlon. _ Only 19.1!~ tull prlc• With eK- rtll<'nt tPrmL Bay & Beach Realty Hl!ltl Nl'wl)Ort Boul•nrd C'nsb Ml'•ll. 1·.111tturn111 LI fl-11111 Evc11. Lltlf'rty 8·31!\8 Buy a Lot In Co11ta ~tPsa 6l x l ~-, U~.0 dll"*T! 170 pH mn. F1·r.c. PR ICft s 1.e-.o THE LOCATOR o! Calif. I" l fla1 bor Cl\111 , Ct"l" Mr11a l.J "·lflr.J llrl~ OC~A~ B~ VD. CORONA DEL MAR J. A. BEEK , Realtor T\\O ~Totn. 2 bdrm .. 2 1_ b.1tl11;, laq;e hnng See THE VOGEL CO. :l.!1'1 \\. t·.1.1i-t H":···· l':C'wport. Beach LTht'rty 8-3481 l lrl2 FOR SALE: J'\)()m. i-t J';ll :it• d11 111 1: tlwm. lnr~,. knotty pine den with bwJl .111 11.ar. l11t1n~'" 2 f1r C'placcs, basemf'nt .. ·ith l!°>fl.000 1n1· fu rnatr . Expr ns1 vrly carpct t'd wall to wnll t hr'1·11•:t 1::11 b:a .!l' <11!"pn:o11l 11nd d 1~h· w1uih1 r. Hou~ :i yr~. nl·l J.:ir~l' d.•llbl,• J:.u:i~~ w ith ln1inury. rnrl111-c11ntr"l1 l'il cl .... r. J,, t ;,1) x 11~·. \Vt'll lnndl\<"n p1 ·.J On1' 11f thr most r'prn~1\'rly b111it homr11 on the front, locat,J nt 3312 Ocenn Bh·d. (formerly <lt O.I Bay Front income a L; ru IJt , • 3 06/1n>nma rum O WNER wn.L AC"CEPT A:\Y REASO:'\ADLF. O FFF.R IM.l'(I Pll'r, flllftl """ l'tlVlllf' Sh own b.v a1 111 r1n:n1 n nnh· ,,, .. ,,h ilYlf1 E 11111ti."' u1 ... ., J l111Jbl1, (•r"'''"'W l~!I l our Phone U\\n,·r, ILHb..1 ;;1:tJ l'"•> t.i orv~,1 a 1Ju c ------- CORONA DEL MAR 111.:h 1111 U 1• hall with Ocean view from livin~ r oom. 2 b.!rm,;, k 1.ll-11. E ncJq&ed covered pat io, dbl. gar- 11 ,.:l' ::tr1·i:;i;, I (11r Rt<.'nnd unit. r 1rrplace In den " liv· m;.: 1uum. ~lm1mum ya rd work & upkeep. ~18.~ RAY REALTY CO. I ACHO!'S r·no~t THE BANJ<) 3 lH i-:. C.:vd.:>t Blvd, Corona del Mar Barbor 2~ --- Attrarl1\e 2 bdrm. home 1.,. r:dr·d rm P.-niru.ula, Balboa. BeaulliuJ pati.>, partially c-ovc rrd with a luminum awnrngs, com plete ly enclo11· rd, redwood llnd concrete fonc('a, lawn and bricked. flowors, ahruba, out.tide lighting, carport. 2-car gu· age. 0 . 1. Loan, payment.a r<.'u onable, lnquJre phone SunS£>t 1-28-17 or VictoriA 9-1143, Loa Angtle9, 9c ll AND YOUR H E ART will bl' with this home when you ace t he magnificent fireplace-the outatandin~ kitchen will please y ou t oo. 3 bedroom• and two bat.Qa on a large lot. N ew carpete. 220 power. A perfect home fo r $29,950. v NOT MUCH -JUST A LOT and what a lot. 50 feet running str('et to st r~l. A wonde rful place to build your nC'w home. Steal lt for $13,500 or fo r a atartt r let us ahow you a won- derful 4 bedroom, 2 bat h showplace that can be duplicated on this lot for $37,500 full price. v JUST STEP INSIDE thla chC'('rful home and you'll want to move rlpt in. Provinl'inl interior throughout with paneling and a u~td brick firC'place in both lfrinc room &nd mu- t er bedroom. 4 l>Mrooma or 3 a.nd den, 2 baths, per· feet tiled kitche.n. Street t o atreet lot a etep from the belt beach. $28,500. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET EN'l'RANCll) OPEN HOUSE BRAND NEW HOMES 306 RAMONA PLACE -A ne" at.re« bltw .. 15th and 16th off Santa Ana Ave. 9 Beauutul • bdrm., 2 bath home. le!t. $10,950-$795 Down ALSO KNOWELL PLACE 2073 MAPLE ST. -One block Wert ot Harbor between 19th ud .Hamilton. 11 lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath bomee left. $11,575 -$950 Down I! you want the nn.t featuns at a reuonabl. price eee theee nne home9 flYW'1 day 10 a.m. to D p.m. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Cotta Mtsa ( Acrosa From C.O.ta Meaa Bank) Phone Liberty 8~761 Evea. Har. •~LI 1-2103 VOGEL VALUE Open Daily 1 - 5 105 Via Waziers Lido Isle 3 bdrm.a., 2 bath• Another Vo1el Co. ExcluslYe Liberty 8·3481 VOGEL VALUE VIEW HOME The most in.spiring view or entire Bay.Jetty-Ocean In Huber Area. 3 bdrms., 3 bath•, bar, beauUtul dnpea. 24 x 20 Uvinr room with a.n "out of thw world" view. With the reinfo~ed st~l conatructlon lhia property &t $50,000 is w ay below actual oost . By appointment only. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach U S-SUl LID 0 SEE THIS NOW! 3 bdnnR . 2 baths on a quiet •trcet to ltrada. ~ft.. Jot. N ice 11out h pat io. Forced air bea t. A really tine home. Only $24.i :SO LrE.S than coRt of rr place ment ALSO 2 bdrmP .. 2 bath11, e,i;tra large ll vin~ room, r ll1'peto ed thr u·'•Ul. 45' loL Beautiful Routh pa tio. F'ull pnce $26,!)00 with exr<'llent ternu. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 NEWPORT BLVD , N~·port Beach Ph1me Harbor 3693 One La rge Bdrm. Home in East Co sta Mesa FULL LENGTH living rm • dinio e rm. comb!JlaUoa. w to W carpelinc. Large kitchen, bath &t aar~e. Stucco ou~ide, plut ered lnalde. $7~00, 1..t, cub. CALL Har. 3838 FqR A DORE."lS DAY OR NJTa I , Everybody Reeds the CLASS : f IE D •t•O MAICI' WITH SALLIE Ft>hruar,· 9, Rlddlfl: When is a gro- C.f'ry Store likt" an old moth· .. r he-n! Answf'r: When thfl Grocen· Storr hu hf-en f eatherlni.t its nl~t for M\·- e n y e a r "' waiting and walcblb1ot for it0me mor~ tlWrM t-0 hat~h aU around ..• Thl'y've bakht"d ! Somt' or them are mm.t u hlg M the Gr0<~ry !itore . . . But th.,, .. ,., onl~· <'hl<'ks ..• in yeal'!f .•. !\lu,_t. r-ay hi- hutt> t-0 thf> Grand Pas and Grand MllM who Wl'rf' tht> l'ltart of the whole• thin~ .. The Udo Theat.-r and 1•. A. Palnwr lncorporatA•d, ·IOf'I Nlckf'rh Studf'ba.kn, Udo Rll'bfW.ld Rc-n·ic•f' Station, Nf'wport BaJhoa SavlnCf4 ~ Loan. TttiK i.troup of Udo Shops hu gro\\•n 'lo fut. fo k~p track of tht>m all '" prvtlcally lmpc"4.<4lblf. un• lt'M I ii:..t a loothaMf' or *Kndhlo.: •.. tht>n I Mtart looldn~ •.. I aJway14 flnd what I need •.. Udo ShopM have t>nrytblaii:? • . . Not OOf' Mlt thf"f'f' dl"8M KhOJlfl, irirhl . • • f.)l •Aproutfn~ wtth Sprin1t! Right this weck-i?nd Dick ,~~ Macker iR giving a 15 J*r· ~ Cf>nt diRCOUnt on a.II his drap· t>ry and upholstery fabrics .. He· has R tra1nf'd d<'<.'orator t n hl'Jp with M>lections . , . Vngabond Hnusf' is Mforing ~II merrhrwrlise in the Bhop at one thin.I off . . . Va~a­ b<md Housf' has nothin~ but rasual cotton clotheR. ao It might pro"e economkal for yo u girl.8 to rhose your l'Um· mer wardrobe now . . . Lido F:lectric. your r.. E. dl'aler, ls ~h1ng ~dally high trnde· Ins on all applisncea ... rt· fngt'rtton. "tovf's, wa.sheni. driers and television Reta .. , 1 don't kno w if they will tJlkt' your old .atnlr In on a trach f nr a new C. F.. ltlt<'hen or nut ... Wouldn't hurt t o ask ... ThC8e kids have every- t hing you nl'ed In tht" way of bud~cl termfl a nd \ow rlown pnymmlJI whrn making large! p11rcha!!WB • , . MnBt fun buy of ~11; tho week ... Jilek Brdwell's white cotton unrlershorts w ith the ht>artA 'n rlarta nil ovc.>r t ht'm . Our own Ui<'k Rirhard, thf' own•r of t hi~ (j~n· Stott, hai. ju .. t .,....n aP.. polat.f'd ('hafrm•n of thfl ltoyln,; CommlttN" or t'f'rti· f\fod Orocrr.o •.. A" ~ ou know C'4"r1lfit"tl firoc~ .. ·" 1111 • thf' world .. largr-.t r<t--Opl'r- ati\'.-t 'O<MI dl.,trihutor with ~ 1 R<HI mf>mlM>rs • • • ~atorall'° Rirhard'" be oe.lv oDf' "r 1xoo Groc .. ni t""at ha\·,. hanclrtl t~itt'thn u a .tnir:lf' hu~·lnJ,t J")Wf'r to form C'f'rli0M Grnct1•rs •.• Without th i." l'lln&tlf-t>u,in.: ~er, I !"hoddn to think '"-.hat Ml"'I. lloUNPWif P 11rnuld pa~· for 'W'lmf> i .2112 ltf'm• that .,... fnun1I ''" our "hf'h·M ... Let's han• a ball . . two balh' to be exact ... Satur· day night 11t the Rrndezvou.!I Rallroom, th e Associated Boy-11' (.'h1bR of Nt>wpor1 nl't' r uttmg un the lleArt Fund b:tll . Tho~ ki1lq arl' to be pattE"{I o n th<' b:irk .. 1'wo memb('rfl Wf'rl' pl<'kl'd OU\. o( f'itch of tht' right l'lubN to 1n1l on thiR ball . . ThP)"n· ~Ill· lt>n evf'rything donRtl"d ... The Rendt>T.\'OWl Ballroom. the Rhythm King's mu11ic. the printing from Hendr1rk11 1'rlnters. c,·rn thf' d0tlr pnzrs •.. Ro that t he $1.00 ticket! purcha8Nl will b<' rle11r profit t o givt> to H<'art R\'11earrh. ~tmda\ nls:ht lti fhf' Phil· · ha.nnonlr twnf'fit rlinlH'r ctanrf' at thr RAlhoa Ra\' ('luh ... Tht" tk-kl'b srf. $10.00 pt"r Pf'""'" ... Pr11t· ~· Klnit from thf' CiM'rir;,. (tc>bc-1 "how will "ln1t . . . Chrt Farrar and IN'nf' 8cblllfor from Arthur Mnr· ray'• ..nu d&nN' • • • C.ot an ltdl to io~ M"'. Paul Roit· .,.,,... Jlarhor 2971 ~ ttw onf' to call . . . Thf' numhf'r of r'f!Wrvatioatt ls Umtf'd, hut Mtf' ttlh ""' thf't11 .,... • ff'W left . . • Chari"" Cobo.m hM hht ta.blf. M"M'lfVNI . • • Aad AJyw Flf'ld~ bu c-har- tend a plan"' to hrinJt a ~p or hf'1' frlf'nd' "" fmm T,.ia,, . . . It "ill t.- tom,. Jl&r1 ~· ! Somf' C'A llf'W' ! Rkhard·~ il' tht> c:rnrt'f'\" ~tort' RDH"n~ thf' L 1rlt1 ~hnpl' Al thr rntr~1nrr 111 l.ido J11lf' N<'••rort ~al·h. POPULAR FOODS AT POPULAR PRICES Foliter's Famoll8 COFFEE pound89c Richard'• Quality Salad DRESSING quart 39c iii&t: SOUP 3,.,29c HEARTY IDEAS BEANS 21o,35c Bunt'1t SO oz.. PORK& for Dol.-'14 l:"ancy SUN-d PINEAPPLE 30 ••. 29c Euy \\'uhday SoluUon TIDE BAKED FRESH EACH DAY THl'RSDA \' l!il'EC&ALlt 0014 POUND CAKE ······--····-·"M'h 38• SPARKLING CLEAN & FRESH 6fnr14' Pot.w DINNER ROUS A• .. ort..;l \ aJ,.ntln41 COOKIES 21-....... -.. \J dor..f'n t'Rlt>A V !'IPECI AUf Lend Your Heart To The HEART FUND iiii'iCiiOKES ... _ 2 ... 19c '°"'"'" ~llh "" <'r,.1un BOYSENBERRY PIE 51' . ·-•.. "81'h 23' ·····-.. J~t Hun .. ,v CORN BREAD Dance for a Dollar to thf' tune or the Rh~1hm KlnJ:?' ~aturday Nite at the .Raldezvow. Ballroom. AH DoUan doeatf'd to the Ht&rt Fund cou.rtay Harbor Area 8o)·11 C1aM. Mak~ tt ht~ for a Bl« Donation! . APPLES~:~·: ........... 45c 1'. S. !'\o. I Mweet, 8 piualali 3 1 ONIONS ·-.. ···---··-··--·.. ·-4 c Si\Tl.RllA\' !'"l'F.CIAI. AlmoDtl t'lllf'd l .argl' \'afrntlDfl 31' COFFEE CAKE Nl''h ~uri1'1.!M> your tam.lly "''Ith a d t'f'oratH \'alf'lltl-Cakf'l VALENTINES ON THE MEZZANINE ftf'mPmher your lo,·Nt one. oa Valeatlllft Dey, MON· DA\', .~ .. bruary 14. Gin a 11.allmark Card U you care to gtve the v~ry l>Mt. Aleo, a complete l!ldecUon of cant• to cutrout. ittrL11, and Valebtlnt> table df'Cl>ratlonll. ENJOY BRANDS YOU KNOW • • • STR~AWBERRY PRESERVES.:: 25 c • •.• -... -... ~ OL 35c ....,,.,.. S.-lldchr'• Pu.rP PEANUT BUTTER -·-····---U OL 27c I.qi <..W. SYRUP KRISPY CRAX ~23c -·"-25c [)Qlf' PINEAPPLE JUICE 7-Doubl .. "a" .. 1 WAX PAPER .. ____ 116n.19c IETIER BUYERS BUY U.S. CHOICE MEATS "8'11ri/U Cito.ct Sh0t41drr Ct1t11" Squatt Cut Neck Off • LAMB ROAST "Delld<>ti~ Brotl11d or Trittf" Swift's Shouldt>r LAMB CHOPS "Wls1l1" It /IL~t11" T&!il~· "1th tt"ndf'r cookf'd Vf'jtf'tablea LAMB STEW ''l"rnh of/ t1'e rmtrll • Pan ftfoady Cut Up S~wialt HENS .. l>lrec:t from lruliat11.1 " Kla~·1a Wiablt! Sliced BACON ORANGE COUNTY PHILHARMONIC IALL Friday E\'fllliaJlt, February 11, Balboa Bay Cluh. A wondf'rful e\'t"njnic of f'ntf'rtalnment by Pf'i.tlt)· Klnit. Chf't. •·ana,. and lff'De Schiller, and othtr not&bw celPhritlf'• awaJt• you . .J~n In thfl fu.n, enjoy a df'~ lk!lous Bay Club dlnMr ud help apon,.'.or th"J ORANOfl COl'l\"Tl' PHILHARMONIC. lb. 49c lb. 59c lb. 19c lb. 49c lb.' 59c !(.."'·" fN> ('H'11m IJJ)nnkll'd with C'andy H,..,..,. .,,. \'&J"fltln• ( ·o.,i.t ... tnr d,....,.r1. ICE CREAM • 1 1t•llnn 79c • AND QUALITY DRICATESSEN TREATS SERVE A VARlm OF FROZEN FOODS . . Won,·• Fried Rice -ECJCJ Foo Youn9 -Pqrk or ~~!:!•"Chop S~•! __ 3~ Wonit'• 8""Mf aod Sour 49c PORK u o•. l!IWMl•Oll Kraft'• PWlacWrWa CREAM CHEESE . ~ ...... 33c Hod'• S..ar <.·,...,., SALAD DRESSING .M .·"· 33c ... .,.. KJt4!" OM.U-It...., DILL PICKLES ··-· . " ~ 33c Alea C'9"Jilall TACO SNAX ___ ._._33c ... , -Turkey or ~icken ~i" ___ 4 1or 99c l t ud 12. 19:l.> • John A. Miller Weds Heiress, Ceremony Held in Las Vegas K111cjht SicJn OCWD Im by Stanley shaJl remain atla t hed to au<'h land The Balboa lslanJ ll'g111lator a mf'uure alllO provldl'• that agl'ef'· menu can be made ~tw~n dia- FEB. 2, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 7 nt rl'queet of C.iuncllman Andrt!W Smllh tit' 101,1 rounnlmtn the E.tl.on l"•' wa11 pl11cnnl11• to put p!>h·• Sum o• $1110 wall be a pent b\' "l()n& t h<' blu(f 10 11ervl<•I' hn11w1 Council Spends $150 SACRAMEl'TO (CNSI -G-Ov· tricts conrernln• tht' mattl'r for K Pol & • to Hp es ""way emor Goodwin J. Knight ha11 sign-paylnc or outatan1.hnK obhgatfons. e<l A111emblyma.n Earl W. St&Jl· ley'a bill which provHlea that ob- The mea•nre waa made nerA•sary t,, · · ~ the city rounh l lo ke .. p telephoru• brlow !he bluff, but would •l?I'\'• to t lartfy bond and a~eea~ment polea of( lhe tihiff nn Or.•ftn Blvd. to ptact thl' rolea below the blu<t Daughter of English Couple E lopes Here ligations of land traneferrt>d to obllgauons upon land acquired by The rnollf')' wu author1utl l\t ond11y If 11 roadwa.'· wae t'Jttended by Ule ritu. then gave them a cham· the lut Bermud.a racP. Sha will the Ora.nee County Wntrr Oiatn et tht OCW D. morning 1n the ad)oum "'t 1!<'881011 city 1111gne reeeplion much to their rty to H onolulu and Join her hia-----------------------------------------------------11urpn11t'. They put up at La.st b11nd. Frontier Hot el while ln La.I Ve· ------------- gu. Since their marnace they have A r omance which reac hed from Newport H arbor t o r1tblt·d Mr& Muter'• parenh In E ngland ended in m a rriage by elopement t o Lll$ Vegas, Nev. England, lnformlng them or the · · · d " d marriage. Sht hstetl Nc-wport Gift Orchid Wins Award for English h e iress J osephine Stuart H en erson, l o. a n Beach li;j htr place ut re•ldence on J ohn A. Miller, 32, Balboa Island. The newlywedR, al h om e 1 t he 111arr1Hg" llct>n11e while Milll'r A Chrntmr111 g1!l which paid a in their attractive Balbo a I sland residence Monday told how 1 ~fl\'e his 811 Balboa lsland. He ha.a Januu1·y d1vlllend In th.i torm of a I br1·n a resident here tntumlttent· Mlllt>r,, a yaeht brok('r at Rh:~· pretty, brown-cye<1, curly brown ly sine~ 1947 settling In Corona brunzc medal ls proud p1•operty o! ardson 11 went ~o England to med haired girl from marrying thP 1 Jt'l Mllr in l!H9, then recently l\lre. James Al!pln or =-:ewport hu1 bride-to-be 11 parents IL fort · 011111 11he loved. they left Eni:land moving lo the hland. Heighu. night ago. Her father. wralthy nnd tnplano•d for thl' Stat• 11 at TO HOSOLt'Lt: Mr11. Aspln. who la preaident or Birmingham, England hotel owner Shannon, Ireland. Mrs. l\11llrr Ntwport Ha • bor Zonla club. fhll· C li Hender11Un, oppo11ed lht' rnnw to Nt'Wport Beach lut Jun~ The newlyweds, very much de· playt'd at the Jo'r1day evening young couple wHl:I fell 1" love &flu lo 1·11ut rc.'loll\'t"ll. te1 mmed to make their marriage ml't-lmg of the club a pink orchid. met't mJC at Nilling raci•a h•·r•• I S L.AS \'EGAS work de6plte her parent.fl' c1oubl8, T ra11'3 End. on wh1eh were thrl't' H .. r moth .. r, Mrs. J ohn l::lur-blo,.11oms. She had uhlblte<I It at roughic or London an11 Hc1rxha111, 1""°8 \'Ing England Jan. 21 , thl' plun to go lo Honolulu In July, 111,,. urchic1 iohow in Long Beach and E nglu.nd, \\all not 1!11lhu~1s~t11: I youni.: 11.1upl., was W~•l Thur11lluy !\llllPr to "811 over on f'1•t.•r Crant's tt ro•ce!ved 11 bronze 11econd 11ward . .11bout the m .. tch they .-.Hl1L Su. in Las Vei:as where Ju1111ce uf the j 11ghl d1splarement sloop Nalu II, ------------- w h1·n English law pruh1bltell th~ l'l•111·1· J ohn Mendo:t of!1C'iall'tl al which Wtlil 11econd 1n hl'r ds~s ot i fabulous value ARA LINN L contour corrective treatment Mesa Project for Homemakers Mrs J rwPl Ort anti M rs. K. 0 D1rke1 s<1n will b•• pro1ert ltaders wh~n C'n11111 MI'S& Homemakl'rll m;o,.t F .. ll. 11 at the hom,. of Mra. J >tlk H1rtlt'r. 33~ Walnut St . (.'1J,t1t MeM. Thty Will dlspley l:'i l'UI t111n11. rlr&J')f'nr11. vslanc;oe snd 1•ornic;eo boxei; thsl r an bl' ma deo by h11mPmaken. All will hf' ava lla blf' for borrowing modtls after March l. IOUTHIR• Word gets around : Cook electrically- its cleaner, cooler, faster, easier. $« the new rlcctrir range.> The really modcn1 kitchens are a// . electric/ CALI fO••IA IDllO• COMPA•Y • , I I I I I I l I f I I I I I I I (ne A.rallnn alone ngularly cotb •s00) L.Je1UU1l Crea,,., FresMMr lo1wn, ll'orkJ.. Ja,,.ouJ Aral1nn. Almond Lotion. Today'• moat remukablt contour bouty lreatment ... Correcte! Finni! Tonct! Clears ! Brightenai Immediate Occupancy ~ Your bell youth.and·beauty insurance. t; ·"-r .. for a limited dme only at ISLAND PHARMACY 201 Marine latboa Island Harbor 0111 King Size REFRIGERATORS KING s1zE Trade • in MOOI\ lltO H•"I• Cvtf•m.tic ••fTlt .. ., ... ,,.,ser Th,. rdni;:.-r111or nr 1h .. r111 ure v.i1h • Cu•I~ m11l tt' l>"fr°'''"' 1ind T<'mrwratur" Con1tt1I • C111n1 FrrnNCht'fll -f\0 It. '"fl"rily• MoU.l ('old ('nmp11rlm1·nt-Au111m1\11c-11llv h,.1. ""'"• rnl1I nnd humidi1v • 11,,nd1dor -ond all t~ olha mu1t-u'011trJ frnlufl'•' Coming next Week WATCH for our RanCJe Specials -$99.95 A Full size RanCJe only $99. 95 Jake's Appliances Only Sorge Dealer In tht-Hubor Area LOW DOWN PA \'ME~~ e EAS\" n:RMS "\'our Harhor Aru Appllanrf' ~n·k-e Center" SALE.~· -l.Jbtrty 8-00.U -SF.R\lCE 1937 Harbor llvd. Costa MHG • We Offrr Compl.-CA-RPfr{g.-rsUon Sf.n kf. • Until April Isl 3 •IDROOM HOM• $ 26 $ 00 prfnclpal plUA and •mall lnterHt clOlflln~ oowta PER MONTH DOWN MODEL HOMES AT PLACENTIA & VICTORIA VETS or NON· VETS '•I •7995 FULL PRICE Immediate Occupancy CHECK THESE QUALITY FEATURES All Of'tll'n<>m.!t "twin abr " 1,,.nu1nr lnlh a,,,1 pl»l"r I • \merit-an Standard rolon"d l>ath fllltUrt'I A to A •rJ>rO• I'd llU hf'at Marllte ovn '""-~o. iio t'nmpo roof l'lrture "lndow• Aarl\a.11 Ulf' In klldu·n and bath Thom atet-1 "l.11dn" 1 .. Minimum lot •lu noo equar,. ,,..., -----~---~----------------· _)Jome.1 Andes Realty -Sales ~genh -LI M565-Open 9 to 7 Dally I• Hew Lehman. Devine Trial Set Feb. 14 SANTA ANA, 1oc11:a 1 -Har· 1 ,. Lrhm r1n trnd Charles E I Red I J 1..-1n" Fr11111y na w Superior C11urt J 11·I~·· John Shea S<'l " n .. w trial 11.1t•· l••r thtnr on a ··hnrg .. or con· 1 J• 1111)! lu <'omrn1t i:rand th..-rt I : ,. 1!dPn1l11nt.~ will i;o on trial h•·• • Fo h 11 A Superior Court J ,, ,. ""'" 1 .. ce11lly f'mtrs•d "hope· I ,,,1~ o1c11oll1Jt•k td" 111 r hmax a l hlt'• W••('k tl'illl Ill th• 111111 I h•• Jury round th•' parr nul i;11 II' .... ,. l'OnMptr11r y to commit 11, .. 1 llml' nf ask 1nr: or 1 f'\'t1vlng a hi ilw f11r ,. publlr otf1t•lal, They '"•"' ,. lvi.f'd by .Supu1or Judge Raymun1I T h111llp11on tu b1 tni: 1n thr lnnue•nt fm•hnJ: ••n lhf' courl. Lehman, <..:11lln11ry Union r•·pre· .... nta llve. and nrvlnt', lie• r!'t&ry· treuurer of tht Cent ral Labor Council, a re a <'cuxed uf C'Onllptr· inf to unla wfully ll1k<' $11 ,000 from Al Wedderepoon ot ;>;,·wport Reacll for obt.atnln1 11n uo-11al,. .:enerat liquor llceMe for the l.iol11 ~•la llJ"&J\ t. The detendanta w••t e 1 ~pr.,11t>nt· f'd In court by Atty•. C••or1• ('hula and J amN1 Moniot<' IA'h· man and Devin,. al1111 .trt sched· uled to 10 lo trl11I hrre in F f'bnl· a ry with Sam I. ('11lhn~. form t r Auembly ~pe1<krr 11n•t hii< 11on, S am I!!. Colhn11 of 1"11ll1•r lon on a t hrff·count JI anrl Jury lndtr lment. Croxon to Head County Group P'red Croxon, 11 .. ~1 .. tant loan of· fleer 11n1I rl!<'f'()W and tlll<' <'Xperl w lOI :\~wpwt J:julb<1a S11vlnl!li anti Loan AllllO<'lllt11111 ht<t< be,.n nhme1t pruldrnt of thr nl'wly rr·11rt 1v11t · ed Oranic,. County Ch11ptl'r or th,. .Amn1r11n l'nvtn.:11 and Lu1111 In· 1Ut111<· Rt•prrsen t1At1vc>11 from a ll 11 or ll'la <'ounty .. HV•n1t11 and loan as· eoc:latton• m l't hu t week llJ lay t tnal plan .. fur ,, c<>o~rat1vl' rt· tort tu t i>n .. w rha pttr aC'llvtty T he ln11llt11l<' ,_ 11 11ubdlvtl!111n ot lht l 'nllt tl .St1<l•·i1 Savings 1md Loan l..r11gltt T1 a 111ln1 of ,,.v1ng1 and loan P"' "onn•I •• a major part o f tn•llltt\!' o;l'llvll y C ro11t1on 111 t hl' 11nly e11ecutl\•t 1>r- f1ctr n11mNI to 1111 \t:' Olhl'rll will be 1hn••11 nt hll••r mHlln.:• ll,. annu u111 •·•I 111111 .... ,,.Jc tht O rangr Count y ( 'httpl• 1 w lll <'Ondurt " aertt11 of t r111n1ni.: r lllAJll's nir .. tlng Monllay • , ... n1n1:11 bt1t1n111ni: In J",.br1111 ' y 'l'hr•'" a11bJ~('t11 wlll bf' '"'""" ol f'\l'rfJY.11, "l'JlrKlllAIA, and 111<vt11 " 111111 '""n pr trH lpll'• t"rnxt1n -.111 t ><•h 1•nt nt th!' courJ1t'J1 <"I••• • nr1•1lrn,.nt slrradv llAla atl\rt reprt> .... nlal1VM frotn aU OOWll>° U- 90c:tall1>n• 'A6E I -COASTAL SHOPPER -FEB. ?, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NE"'S-PR ESS !:very Mon<1ay and Thuuda y COASTAL SHOPPE R-\\'ednesdays ' Llaes 4 UnH 4 Un~ 1 Pa~r 2 Papen 8 Papen $ .i~ 1 .. 10 2.1111 Classified Index I l"'wMra.I N otll'f"ll t Card of ThaAk• • t"uneral 0 1,..,..to,.. 10 Bual.n,.N OuJde 11 Bulldh•r Matnlal• 1% BuUdlnJ Sen1<"ea .. l't'nt011Ml11 I:\ Sh.are l'our Car 18 Tranap ortalloa 1'1 Kooflnc 111 lkauty 'Alda 20 HealUI AJdl 2'l Loet alld Fou.M U SQoola. lutrueUoa %11 Situation• Wu~ 29 K.tp W .. ted llO Ml-'laaeoua 30.A 8wape :Sll·B A ppU.- lll \\'uted to Buy 3'l t'uralture for Saa. S2·A Aatiq- H Boat•, SuppUee U Mualcal. Radio, TV ll:\ Oo1e11. ('at.. Pf't11 ~pecla.I NotiOCfl ------- Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mt eta evtry Thurllday II pm. Via Oporto -Central .Ave. Newport Beach Elwood Shell, Eulttd Ruler 12-BuUdlnit Servlcea :18 l'ou!lry 111 lJ\'1'8111Ck ~ 8 pectal Announc~m"nl It Autoa \\an~ •O Auto. for Sale •o·A T lrf'• ell l'arta " Auto 84-n1n Ct T rait""' •3' Alr11huu.,. . n "'ant.,d to lt.'nt '" Apta. a Hou•"• for R•nt "'A-Apta. for Rl'llt CKB--H1111,..... fur tlt•nt ~TraJI,., &va,.. •• Room • for tlf'nt 49°A K""t tlonu•" 4'·R l<oum & Bo11rd 50 ~nt, ~fl ..... ~S Mtorf'., lk OttlcN :\:J·A ts11 .. 1n .... 11 ICrntul" 6t Ru11tnl'llJ1 Uppor1unltl,.,. ~\ \fun .. , t o l.oan ~ !'lone~' \\ anll'd 67 l<l'al r.atat.f' \\•ntt•d 80 lnrom,. l'ruperty ti Real t:ataU! E:aehure It Rtllll ~tate 2-Card of Thank!'! --------------------"NINA LO I.MAI.CH nr NINA'S Fl,0\\ l·:lt SHOI'. ::1::t1 ~"'"°I'"' t 81v<l. w111h~11 to let hl'r fl 1<•nd.li an<1 patron• le now t hat her 11hop w ill he rl11~~<I for the 111•xt f1•w w~tk• Bh,. 11l110 want11 tn th11nk tht many kind trlend11 who havt do ne 10 much tor her and her hu~t111 n<I A ntlrf'W ~•n• i-th"" llUlO RI 1 lll~llt 1111 Jitrl. 16 bdl WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including slab) S PECI.AUSTS in room additions and remodeling for over 8 yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8-5763 -Klmberly 3·82i4 87plH I I IR.-~uty_ ~·----r ~f!~l_!l_~\'a'!~Pd----- Superfl uous Hair P~t·rn"''~ ntly tL1ttU \l 1l Ir .• , 1 it f> a rm •. le&•· ~;y.,Dro-.·• 1tnc 111111 llnE' shapl.'tJ-~11 m ure I\\•• ztr., EU.E:"' L. rm y A NT R 1-:. Lldo'a S&lo n of Beauty Har :!1\7!1 ttc Good t: u I J• l•' ,;, I :: •. J l) News "1th rr~1111·nt 1nu ~• .. • - 11, portu:11ty fur .. dqu1t 111ent. - ~ 1 !h t· 11J''-ntnttt• 110\\ r11r ~uu1.~ \\t11t.• n t'I :--.;, \\ l'\t: t l . .J '-~' u~f,.,.\! Tl~l.EI 'I IU ="E IJl'E i: AT 0 RS. I' l.t:l\11 ' \I. \\'u lt!\ F:RS , typini; 30-~M'f'lluM>u• for Sale WOODWORl(J:-fG ma1 hlnt r y, nr n .. w J...atb<'• AWll. n ndert< •l<' Smtt1bll' for 1'0111• •h••p H"t1•1on· 11bl.-\\'111 sell all or by pt .. u3 l'h. H\jr. •2.16 or lier. 43~0 b.;1 0 FIREWOOD F REE OF.LIVERY Chin a Painting t ••11111 ·I• Ory wood, HI" • 2•" len(lh. .\ l'I I :, 111• =" ~latn ~t • L'all II. R ST At;u Day "' •1 F''•'n1111: f ·1;.,.,,;o~ t '' •h.•I ~ TH k• I\ !"\u\\ r hnni> LI I>< t ! y i,.;,i; I' , I. •tit :.!1 1 t ::-11111a An11 P hune H11rb.ir 1 01~ \I '' '11 thru f'rtd11 )', \1·4 P m. li:vemn(lll lfubor :i:i111 :i.:18 l'At !FIL' T ELEl'HO~E -~------- R I E t t S h I i lk \\'ILTO:N' rt1&~. 0 hy 12 cl !'I by II, ea S d e C 00 II hkl' new S nrnll rug,., Sunb<'8nt . s . t A Fltt-;1·: 1: r·:-:·r vi '"" h• lur ll!•l. Ill 11\IJ<l'r & Hvtrotnl troll. t·l11rt>1•r 1n an a na I ,>.11111 11i:·· '"' r :i11 -11111,. ··nn· ,.,. :1016-J 1d 1 ~n::-i & \\'0 !\11·::\'.' pl'•'I ·'''' 111 ,.11,110 11,hn1.j.al(f' i;1rl. C"o rnn11 11~1 Mar 1 t111w l•tr i1111t111111•u "1'1'"1 111111111•• Hs1b111 :rn1;.w atter :>.av. ic:!J 30·8-A Uan~s 111 ft•al 1·-t11 t" ="•"' \'ln,.,u1 "l'f' I' 1 -,--,,.---fl! -------- k . ·" " , ... unu· " ~1pC't'. a,.;t• t•pen ".,,,.·1y Al l ylnin•t1 11111111: ,\l. :-:·i i :~•> r ri·i..-1 u oo 1rntl (fr~t ev1•11111.: Ir• 1• """ ''"" n F<.' ~0 '1l,Kr:F:P'~.R icood nbv11t INJll,l'll'·tl 11,.ld 1'.111 or lif'vl'rnl Htllllltl<•PPf'~ _ Cook• \\'lite n it\\' t 11r 1n1ut uHH !•111 1:u -,1· n1·,.~ 111 .. lllUI•' "~··· ~ s ,·1.·1 .. June Farrar Agency mot" 1.;1 :1-1;·,;1 7 tt fc l•::O.!PLO YMl'::'\T --- 1 1021,.:JZntJ , ~l'wport Bch. bcD fn Ht'spons1.• ll> -• - - p, nuh r U .. J I \\'A=-'T urw l•I twu ei.p.n1en t·ed 1 --t:nlall ~1tlob1lh n \u adl n~-. At u:1ed lBrs WE HA\;· l :J:lT:'\l'I.\' tnl••~·"I our tnC"1hl 1•-" lu ... 1 no,n:o.tat•• more d lloh •ll Th•••· nrt It h'\\' pht rl'I ii\ .111" hi,• PREP A HE ~. • r , lul 1 l•,1 kind••· gRrtPn in AL:\IA c 11,.F:~i'::O.: CRl::E.":\''S TH EO HOBINS 1-·o HI> Of:A I.ER .. 1111• \\ <"<>."! llw~, ;>;pt B• h ISl'\1 February Clearance Sale K•nmore a111.t1mallc wRt hf'r l'X· c:ellent r v11d1t1on $69.60 Gaffers & Sattler rani;~. dehlltt' H 1nr h1 s 711 :io G E. 1 l'frtg .. rn tor, ll <'II ti In tr I mMt>I 6!1.!'l<l H••lpn:nt f'll'<' '"ng l' ttel\IXI' l':l't· I l'ill'lll '"'"'' IH• V(':<la 1:r1.. 1 i.r i:r :.16 lrh h. • l.·1111 :1 1 ~11 1 ~1 a\·l,\J.! \\"rtH~•'r \\U:oioh.-r c h•a n .1!1!'11 :o.; .. 1 I:" I dt I\( II •'II fl 2~ :.11 t:a(lo f" &. Sutll• I rltlll{ 36" \'• • y 32-F'umJture for Sale Bay Furniture 3,&.-Mu.~lc-al. fl adlo. ~ T \1 _____________ ..,. ___ .. -~ ... --· 11" T\' 1 ·~1:-/~0I Ii: ne 11 '"" -. Ill •l•'k ,,. & 1r 11101r .. 1ntt~11 I' u~hi• ,u,\11r •h.t .. •1 ~ 1i ~1 :, t"r br ings you t he newest 1' "11 11• ~·:.:: ••1'..'.'. ·~ ., I'·"· i :;· .. with prices t he lowest 1 1-:i "•~ w.., ... ,. 1 ,, • ,,,, I Htt l b.t ·~:i-.J Tp!I ··on THE 1...1\'I ;>;~ l\llll~I II ,... r l . ~ A ...-. ft ·' S'lfll1 1L<f.1 ' •• 1 •Jli1tnh! 2 1><· b•··I oll\'Ull A llub c h1tr Sf'I! ••I • ya I 11!1:.t• rnl11c-al Ba ) 89.~ I \\',\:\'T 1'0 h \\'AI' for i,1111 I )•II•,, 1 '}:,tf t• tt." h If l 11'1~ \\ .. tit'" 2 P• .... ,t . •·un\t>lls into l>c•t. --~-• _ ltil' "" \'1dui• •l Bay ll19,60 I UY.Al TIF Jo.:I. 1-:1 ... •\r111.i1 '''~'"'· I hJ,,n •' ',, • ,1111 .. t 111" ~'"'t 8 pl· matt h11J w1 vugh t 11 vn i.:rv u r• itrc:e 1 ,11, 0111, 1,111 ~11,. In• I bcil <hnu 1, n111t•·h1nt; 'h1 :t rt tr bl " I 111 ~ •· lll t p 1•11 8· I t"(I f'" '" e .• JIA:\Z0Sl 'll!llll r 11, ••• , S u lr . 1abl1• lampa. 1 floor la nip. I ~20 :-;,, Milin l'lllllln \"" 2611 :iu viii. al J:jay II pr• I !lib 8 pr. m11tched Prov. erp .... h111cf' ur t1111plt•, \\'()II.I Ill 111 Ill l.>lW· ~""· lnrl. ~nfa bl'rt, cl11h rholr, plat furm 1·o<'kf'r 2 ~t "I' rnrt:<. 1 n•tf,.~ table. 2 t11 blf' tamr•. 31!'1110 v111. at Bay, 8 pr. l !l!I M YOR THE MEUROOM ----H 1i111111uno1 ( 11 i;1u 1, l.1 ~ • .,. Spe•k~r FOR RENT P'OI< SPKCIA L 01·•·1&alon~. parttu . W\"Jt1tng•. f l\'. •I l1<1n1P. 11ffll'I , <"hurrh. with "r w1tt111u1 or1 1rn· lat. tnl·l11d1na "'""" 111 A c•ut. l.lbert;v 8·1W8 74tfc 4 I'" p u11p. 11wl 6 oh 1lu11hl•• ~tl'h:l...LEH·llAJ.-.:1-;s i II 7 ' ball\" •It •'"~"'· 30>e 10 m11 rnl'. hit 1,. "" ~1 11 n1t p11rn11. ~l11hu1:1rn' c.;, •• ;t htl'httttHI llllll•I fa amt' C'OlldllhlO r ht11W 11~1 ::11 J . :11 7 139 tio vi.Jut •t R•) $1111 -------STP:l:'\\\'AY C:n A:'l:f' l.•k•• ll""'- 8 pr . bt •li m grp Ind ti •lr <1hl 1lrl'•~Pr mirror bk'r11,.., h•J ho .. rol 2 nil•' ~11111.t~. ml'tel f1H n11· 1:11111 lnll<'l •l't matt '" bo oi. "Ill 1111(, Bll( 1111\lns:• Al:<o Kn1th•· K in\• hl\I l"l•d1t>r ~''""n .t llAmlln. ~titr1\ ott t·r~ l'ttHth • 1'11'1\'~'"~ "''\ h ... $~!· DA=-'Z·!'l'MMll •T lllg 1•1111 ... :-:1 .. l .·, \!l!f 60 \'ul at Ua ~ pi• I l!J ~.o :.::n ="•I M11111 !'hilt& Alli< BAY FURNITURE t; 1-"L,\T Al.SU Sa,01•hont !'1110 r HAPP Y LAND PRESCHOOL 398 f: [ h J .\ltt1. I''"'" .\11·,..n Sl "RI" BtJAltlJ, II fl 1 la11.~ plank S t.'\. l 't<dtlh.• bounl 13 •· Uu tbva rd ~' h p M11 t1 111 $6!'.>. Lewis AtjUll Lung. 1lbl. rnnk $00. r o111plete S•ni.:lr t11nl1, l A"WlS I.uni: $6U c·urnpl•·I ~ 7 It. 3 in •klla Wllh b1nct1n1:s Sb Lad ll'll' nylon pnrkl! • h•>1n 65 I -i2i 1-: 17111 S t , (.'o!'la M .. l'B \\'~:111:~:\\'00ll r1tnJ:r , c·rt'ttlll 1b1•IWPr n T11•t 1n & 11 \'tn1·t 1 "'"r :l!l ltO 1-'1 t•e S hll e·a11lo' l'urktni: T .. 1111s l'Hl>~l·F:nlTY rlHll:'t' l"hlr• 1 .. p. Clpl'n 1-:v.-.. 'ttl ~ I c .. nn Go.Ill rund1tlo11 1116 I 'h l.llJool I\' ~ 37!'1i : !• 0:-\f~ O='I.\' rull 'l ltlHllU•I 1'"1111• Mtn•l M .-lr•t ll h ••f .,:nn. .tr1u1•n · Aje:ie ~ .. ,; J .I\,, t i \ )\.::771 A truly ftn1· ;>;111 .-1·1 y ;-;, h•n•I I :>~•". •·!•·an •Jc, -- -t'flLllSl'OT •~fTllf . 6 n 1. ft ;9,1\0 I lllM c.;A)>'n l:Rs & SATTI.1-: rM J;I' s f:l1\'!-;t, td lli:••l o1to:, 7 <II fl ll ~ l hP r'P 1111 11\tt "lll"llr, J:r1tl· ~~ 1 !1h I 12· H $6. tit tntft C 1tfntl 11111 i)or :llll\·J ScP (;uu11 rnndlllt •11 09 Iii,. 111 111ldtll •'. m·en t1nw r .tr I hll 1 i: 1111 ht tilll'r. 1'11 oln. to $1 3 7 8:>. Nu 1111<h n""''"''· just pny I he pymt11. "' $8.'l I ptr mu. K F:N.\IOHF. d,•lux~ w1ingn wn~htr 2~ituatlons \\ antc-d MAN It WU~lA!'ll Wtll do 1encral hous ... wur k, !Ivor w11it1111: w 110. <low cJ,a11111i.: l-011'1 \\ut k•'I~ whrll' l!H £ :.!0th S t , ~VIII• llx12, $:i0. 611t!J, 526. OVAL CHEN· It.LE broided rui:1. llX12 1t11ng 1111: $20 Pa•I• 1n1 I !'Ml Dog· "''""' ('ot~l ·I ~lcl»I I.I 8·1677 8c:l0 •tu11 L I a.;i&a;j 14Uc , ------------·--CHILL> S plnY alrde $1:0. Phllco 40&0 F:v<'t yth1011 1a UU&11tnh•1•1I !'>11 1'11H rl;t' for tlrllv..ry A ln~lAll. !'THOOT S Tt'WINKJ...J.: H OWi':. l't112 =-'•wp<n l Blvd . Custa ~te ... B J,ll)r't ry 8<1·1211 1 ~1!'1·, :0-:PRCF; Al.TOMATIC' wuh· 8l!lfl! Baui;chn• A " s \\'&rchOUl!C 220 s . Mttln l't . .S8 r1ta Ana 6 bluc:ka Sou l h l•f ~th St Ortn ~vu 't ll fl S un 11·6 Kln1t c'1\' 3.72111 11tra tor n1od1•I wilh •rpA,.tt1· 11""' ca l)lnel. ~.Vil $:1:11\ Convenient tl'1 11u. "' SHAFER':! Mualt' l 'u, 1 S111t <' 111071 421·03 N. Sycamo rr s 111HH An" Phone KKJm btrl.V :l·lil\7 :.1 Priscilla Mallht-wa Teacher of Piano Clualcal, popular by hannony F o r mf'rly l:hl<'aeu. Li•• An1:1·h·• 211 T uatln Avf', Nf''"'f'lltt H•·111h "' Th·· h11: t11b Ill"'"' 11 ~ th.. Dale's Furniture Ltt><orty a.311:;:; 1•ip•z Alterations I Klln RESTYLI:\(; of California l••I• "''"" & l·•bl1 $~.1 \\IAl h lng 111.u hirw $J~ c ·1 1h• !'It• ...:4 • t•en 10 1·r 2 1ru11 IJ mp· ( 'h1n1••., ru" $1!'1. S a tin lln• •I •r1.•1",. $111 ""'" .ill•a:••lt•r pur .... • $~o I ol'• S IU'lta Ana A\• 1· M ;>;um twr I ••n run11umtr '1 rtp<•rt __ It ,. unly b• rn uw•I ;1 wy-·k• Pol 1"'111111 an l'h\'I•• •linlni; •f't, Xlnt. BJ':Al.Tlf"UI. !iPl7'F:'f l'IA:'\11!' 1111 to $177 1:1 from $~1111 S n '11ncl l11 bl,. 6 • h"lra b11ftt't, 511:1 Rf'nt to buy All of 1<'1111 •··111 < iU<h nt>•'•lt'•I 11 )"" fl&\ th<• ~IAHOGA:"'Y d11na c11hrnt t, w•ry allowf'd. rra~ll<'r p111nu~ 11~ '"" 1u1yo11 • uf Sit :11 1w1 mont h nlcf' • 1116 •• 15 ptr mo 212 ~t 111nr 11.•r bor 3181 1.1111 ''' 1 ·6ll'• 8pl0 H.1lhna l.alan1I U8p l3 --1.11\i': ="~;w Ho1lly 111111 0 ... 1111 cu PAINTER '""\~r 3!1 ()Ou lfl ;:, 187.!IO n. 11• ral EIN·lr il 6 rr 1..r1 t):"rator:, '"'" '11ntllt1on SW1 Si':f: H11u~l111~ A "' :; \\n1drnU!lt' Oroadl0<1111 nJJ:, U kl2, $8:1. O ANZ·SCHMIUT Bii( 1'1110" .Stw •, i ::u s ~t1un St . Santa Ana Stven1I r 111>ol u.wd d ivan•. onf' 620 S o Main, S1;n111 Anr• t1 hlrk 11~ S1•Ull1 ot Hh S t w ith 1>11tan Ann• Op••n l'\'l'll. 't1I 11. Sun. 11·!'.1 lllH llarbur Blvd , Co~ta l\tua Sl>-Do (; 111\E!: to a c00'1 hom .. -w .. 1 h WA:"TS \\ORK 1-. \t·81t1 l''<Pf'M· .-n• •' =""" u111n n 11 .. urly LI h• t I y IJ·2722. Wp21 h ti\• 1 °t 11lred t'h1111 . S:!U 121 1 .1ta l1n11 Pr . :-, .. "I'"" t\lm'>l'• ly 3·7201. I Llbe11y s.:,4 u . kO P• 'ats, Pc>~"----~ Hta ll<O:'llRlTf: lronrr, tloor .. mpl11 El.ltC"TRIC RANGE . Cro•l•y 1964 ltrrler t ype •J>tyrd ftoiunl•. lptl rrtluct'<I lo $1 Ill. De,.p well eooker, automatic Wondrrful JH'l. Ph Har. 01~ l Thr.i,.. b..by 11111• 1 • nv111Ji1blt -----·---------Tl'"" du p tryen al cn•t. 1d1apla y l'IO<'k, btc ovrn A broil oven. :.1 i for evt'n1rti.11 1:i-:1n t A:'\ blno111li11• t111i;1nul coat I• ,.llmplt1l. Nrv .. r u11ed Pd dn. to 1181177 I.It •·rt v 8·81111" l'h,,ne l.lberty 8 :!7 4~. 20p2lb I s;,u now 1~.. Vo , 111 h thtatr.-1 (1 om 13•0. Nu r lllh dn . Ju•t pay RICC ISTERED AKC ClllntH 11111;. ------------i.:111·~· lll•·lh1' ,,, I"'"''· coat Jakes Appliances the pymta or 111.10 per mo HI month• old. 1811. Kl 3·4411!• lZ-BalJdbal s.rw. 12-8 lldl &om Roy 's Maintenance $:1·. """' s 17 ·,11 I sr:r. H"uir:hn• A., s war .. hou•"· 7•1• .u D_!: ces l'l 'Slt\I I\'~ :!i',j ~: l'•IR/ot Hwy 1837 Harbnr Blvd . Coat a Mua I 220 S Main St , Santa A na , 8 ------------·-H . H. HOLBROOK ''A's" Hou~e<lun1n1:-Fln1•l'\\t>.lni; l 'o11 t11111toJ M11 11 11 1'!1:l 8c 10 l.lhrrty 8·&e41 8cll blnt·k11 11nuth or •th St. Open W !: WA:'\T A DOXER' Wall wuhlni• wind"\\ • l•o1111111; __ evf'• tll IJ. Sun. 11·!'.I Phone KJ Wf' will s tve • ~nod home l•t " DEPENDABLE PLUMBING VENETIAN BLIND \'•n.ttan ltlm•'' t'ph,.l•t•r y MA"\t ,I 1-. ""' t ... o1. l lttvll•nd t "l'ST<IM Ul"ll.T •o cu. fl. fren u 3•720 1. Bnxtr do", havt If• teni~d , 1 I l n~nrr•t "H" l':•l1m11l•, ( 11111 1 d 1-' •' .o 1•·I " (• w piece~ 4 ll•lllJ'hrlmcnl~. BARCA IN -l.Jb•rly 1·2110, PVU ~. l•I Rep&Jr s~r!7c':°~talntalne4 LAUNDRY Lllli-rty b-1:;;1:! 111• ,,, tlloi•'I'" 1111 1111111" H.Ubflr 121111 llttc l B!':AUTIF'l'L m•plt' aer t •tuy. 6 ,.._, ...,._ .,_. WW_...&.-J'OW' .__, t.&M oo-. RESPONSlBL.E couple wiU I I ,o It·~ l11·.t111, t ·.,~111 \1 • ~ 8r l0 Fl!F.E ZEI{ 8\" Of;l':l'fo"Rf:F.U ml "1 • o ld 17:1. 220 Via ltlx>ll. L1'1n .tB-AutM and Trur k11 l'r• •t•I• nt P11ul A Palmrr o( Ne ... w •rl Halbu•l .S~v1n1:• announf'· •tt th111 ""ch "' Ill" thr" courM1 "''Ill '" att..ndeJ b\' .u1tf memb,.n fro"' th,. ltH IJ< 1~tu•n :l801 Ba.Ibo-. Blvd.. Newport Bucll your vi-ni-t11Ln blind"· IAkl' thrm 1:-.: RT \\'ll!P.: l I Th \ •r l'h. H ar i 366 6d j --------·---..& 1 , • .• h 1 manaoe apartment house · 111'· RI Ai. s • l't-:I Moor l r bllt u ~ cu tt. with nvt r 47 111-~ !'OT O "ualom, R611. it"' ..-P 111 our a11n<1ry ..... un""r I ,. •Ill" . ,.. I :Hl T••n1111 ,,l. ~'l · bru~h vs< umm r.OO lb-. food •t,,r-&Kf' color \n· I ~ ' ---------------II\~"· curd•. -pukl1n1: 'll'llo in r<'lurn for n •nt. Rcfor· n11t"n ntt•· .,. "' pla\i:round 1 .. r1nr • te>OO rack•. I\• brlU'l<I OVl<:R.;TUrFED occaalon&l l'l•I· rnv .. 11• UM FOR RENT I -.Ith f•llr n•w rnA <hln•• 1.,,,.,.. f . h ~.J 1, d k I H ., •( J I I r111111 rndtn SIO J"1uvln<'lalll1thl t-:,,~ llwtl .. 11 •:l20 jl,1•1 t OCt'S umte t"U. >On 1( r a1 '' t-: •I 'I• Al I.I\'' .,t <' nr" u~t r• • ""' • 11 .. 111 't"r I (( '-I - 8 •• 0-"· Po"·.. m etl'IO•l rtrlum )••t1r hltn•I• a r •r ' r d dll tO 1271127 lr"m ''·'nut '" ,,. t1111 r, &lit'" '"P Sklll awa .... ec. ...... .,.,,en , r"·ln~1 .. 11 lhem in :!I I " reqUtf'ed, l!IKI ... , .I\ Nd ""'" $20 ~~;o Jin >hr no1.w •1•"1!117 1-111t1• pan•I tr•i.k 51 ·•• ill typu of s..ndera, WhMlbLr· .... WJ'IT L' B r .,6 l r I . I \\ I t:a.ah or fl•\ lhl' p)ml.a -·.01 "'''"a.in , .... ,,n. 1l•I "''" "\\',. 111 1• ir:l••I '" takr r srt In act h•ll 1• • , r lh• ~ti \lnl~ a nti loa n tnat11111,. ht "'"'' Thr rulda nct a nd 1u.1n1111 -.th h II 11ffc11 hf'IJM k t'l'f' u~ 11 brt . .-1 "' \ h,. natlonal Af'tlVlllf'• 01nd th•' tn~f'lrlnir arowth of our ln•luatn 11nol mearui wr C'IU\ 1i1v,. h,.tte r •l'r\'11 " I" nur MIV· tn.I tb"""""" 111-1 .. m< r' t ht<1111tll· out 0r•nl:• CN tnl \ row•, etc. I • r l<r '"v 1ra1100 1hl• th,. 1<\ot• ' c:. OX ·-I \IS paper. "• • '"'' tt 111 •nut "f $12 7:\ l'"r nt<•nlh llnil\o•r 117•, \\ ~I " 2 t I I I 11 I I I .. I ' It I 1~ ,,. It '"'"8 J 111"11 t;fo.='1F:ltAI. F:l.F.t "TRll' T h.. .. BOYD'S HOWE. •gr "'"' re••· ,.n 111 I Ill• •1tf . . . ' • •t ... .,6;11 s ..:1-: i: .. u.:hn~ A I!. s \\ar.·n .. usf' frq •z· I ,. frtl(l'f'l"r c:on btn•twn w !!~, ~~i.~~~c==~Uc w .. al .. ~~.1.r .~.1;~.~11 1 I •.... yard Maintenance F. d F s I 22~ ~ex;~~·~.,~~~· o?a.nlt: ~~na 1' :~!::~:·1~h,1:1:!' ;~l rh1 '",7;:},;1 ": 1951 Mark VII lion l1hn '• All ""'k ol• 1" I.\ 111•· 1 treW00 or a e Open 4'Vfll 'tll ti. Sun II ·~ , ... "' '1top,.ta fur Vt(~lttble~ 1t ' Jacu.r Rnlon M•l11n t.11ht '"·• S • 1· "d po1n1111o 111 l 'hont-n• w t ltu 11 1 r'l .. ,n up Job.•. F REI-: DE LIVfo:RY K lml>f'tl~ •1 H UI I 1tt in I n"w b•11 r<I •In I•• 1276 !)oi colvr :'l:n• li1r<i P"11t•, ltrnl 1 ,. • Pecta tze 8·:'17111 l•r Klm~rl .\ .H •271 r•r•tt• Free ~;.umatr fH •l•l $'.II. ' .. h • I , ... , '"' .. , .. ,, •• "'"'' 11 I I ... t s .. ~ ... IJ '' iw:111 co W h. M h Van Every lots Re-subdivision Set Up 60 Days HOME REMODEL . •"I \ """ 8Up81h 1-,k. as tng ac 1'ne I~"·'• 'I ~D '' 1)4t m .. 11111 Sl375 PAINTING ' :\•\\JM fl t.I\ I I u.:tta Meal St:I-: f:.111i;lm• A • S \\AtrnuUl>C I PATIOS. cu~ntry. plutrrln1t. 29--llt>llt Want NI I I.It>< riv "':.!:x>6 '7lfc SERVlt'Jo: :no 8 M"ln St Sa n•" Ana EARL SHEFI I N l ·.vt ar r uar•ntee on )Ob• done • blo I< s th r h .~, concrete w ork, Ult acltln1t ,, -------··--·------Ai"d •-0 t • "ll ' H ·~ 1111lntin1-you n ame It. we do It I 273 Palmrr s t .. <"u•t 1 Mr•• 1-:xJ11-:1t1F.:"l:f'EIJ gr A L ESTA n-· Fr esh Hearing 11.ntJ on u•d '""'"r '" 2488 1. 0p,.n .. vr• ttl 1t 1'11n 11 :. • I FOSTER BROS. ' l'hnn ... l.lh• lly tl·lW2t! 117lfc ~ •ll'l'llllln "Ml.It'd '" '•tAhli•I,. I t r \ M 1-:10 r;:-; lrC'Arl NewpUrl lit . \ 'ol'lh MC'\>I I I< lm h,., '" :i j :111 llarbor 39i6·R-U 8·2&32 98p17 CARPENTRY ~~'/'.,'' 1·.i1 l:•h .J n • 11 111··· "" 1;,, •. ·"·"'' 1;ro•f'Jl l'IAmps Lltx·rty 8--15-03 or Llb('rt )'I --------- Miller Chevrolet tr>l)O \lo (."el fl ... I :0-:"WJ'<ll t 8~A(h IJ hnl \' 8·2261 r "·.;, ltnt h••r f t•t ~'· .. ~ 1 1 i.1 , r 1 11 : .. n :i Experienc'd J ardener " .... <..;ur.derson Drug Co. _·43:l7. 64lr: S2-A-·Antlquee ____ _ LANDSCA ING NO J O JI 11 i1-i I 11 I 98tft ... A I •• I -----M1NOR REPAIR WORK TELLER '1~111 ~I At R11lhn11 Rh"I RAlbon rn ·:-.-:-..1<iRI-: ••itnmallr "'•thiri•· A~TIQl ')o;S lnhll<I m,.h.,&trn,v and CLEAN UPS H O Anc er •on -t'<'• 1-: z111h ~1 C:oatA ,..,... rapt • ""'r•. m11 p1,. • l1tht •t1101t ~~A-TtrM 11_,Y__!A_rf __ ,.~---a TOt> S MALL. I ,,, .. , hl11• h11ll .1 .. wn lyp~. S.I.\ •• ror N\I "'"'"It I ...... 2 tntl[tl•· Con11n11An1,. t or &•I d•>'• wa1 1 tven Mr •n•I Mn J amee Van ltTery nn J~n 20 by lhr Ntw· p<1rt Rf'A• t l'lannln1t C<lmmlu lon on t.t."ir v1ir1ance •rph• ltlon tu re· 11Ubdtv1.ir " r arul a t :1130 8 o v1,.w .A ve Th<' t "m1111 .. lon -. 111 1 nn•ll«-r t he arphr at1un ,,, th,. M111rh 1111'"1 tni. ('nnt '"""'l ,. 1 • t''"'t "11 • m a Ir Llberty 8-1659 1...1 8·1100!'1 <011111.1 ,\111~1\ 1'311c N "I!\"! II ' 1'·'1"T •l'r ,,f tht' I.it· 111.io Wtll4!1r•I Ba n jo <'lool1 UY1tl ( '. n. 11r ba1tk1tH~ I :\l>t'l l• • I •lo \ •••1•11 • nl• 1n 11.o p11nl lll· _ _ _ 4·1~!'11 8pll Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. by Van •:, ··• 1 11:,p9h I C ARP EN T ER Repair Work Doe. Your Home S ct<l Repairing or Rf'modd tnc ~ Call F rllJl.k. J...Jt>eny ll-6ll!'J4 AU Wo rk Guarantee<! 7tUc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEU~f ( tn1ta ll th .. 8 bnY>' I h"aprr than mo~I A lll<l •<'II T tl<-&. l,1nolr 11Jl ,,, .. p•1·ol. n , •• or IPt Nn I a nd lhf' ••11th-.• t' r 11 hR lf • t 11•1· jacent I• 1 ~" 3 \ ~n I-' •ry •I•· a Ira• In t r •UI• lrvt I• th!' 11111 Into tW\I b111ld1ng 1t!f'• • n• '"'h " l!'I· ft. f ronl•lt" a n•I th• •th• 1 "1th 1 I •T·ft t rnnllllt" :->o n-union. 2:1 )'tt•r• ""rrr11 n•··· I l'nmJ'&rl" and !!'l' Tllf' (lr•l prnr<'" 11 h·I Y,l)Ul·I ha vr 11 71-tt 1., 1111, the ae<'ond __ u_1LL __ c_o_KE_R __ L_1_1_.e_2_°' ___ 1_1r_c wouJd hA\,. 11 I'• fl 1t11p1 h Thr coct. rrqulrl'• " ;.11 fl rrnnt a n J IO-fl .irrth An11 ~111~1 "" rt. l:ach of the propoa1>•I lnl • n• w 1 11ntAln• a P "f'lllng uni! Planners Propose · ... ch Lot Rezoning lh <'om mf'n•lll llnn "'"• ••nt lo th• elty r oun1:1I 11n .IAn 20 by the Newport B!'al h P llinnlnit Comm ll · 1I011 H 1 rinnf' lrw• 101111 111 th,. t n· I tranrt I•• R~n1•"n R11 y rrnm U lo COMPLl:."TE P AINTlNG le Paper Hanging Service E UOENE 0 SAIJNDKRS MlO 111•t f't,....t. N_,,ort !Ha ch Harbor 297&-J nc~• House Plans • LlBF.RTY 1-t~l -----Paintin~ & Paperhangtng We do t he work oursel"~· l\·1. .Ap pnw 11I < .. 11.t 11ft!'r the a.cond I JO Y'""" tXJ"f'Man<'t bear1nit f'n t bi-arph,a11on o ( thr LlcensPd It 1n1ured Irvin,. c.. Lou 1nvol.-d ar• N oe Sau 1ra cth n i:1111ranteed. J Ulro111:h :.. tral"I No 2177 on t ht E~timal~~ rru C'all J ohnnlr. u 1t ... 1,. flt lll'rb< r l•l11nd J\oad W 8-26 • & LI -52, 9 81tfc .,.tW<'• n Rud Irr Ro11d &nd Ha1·.i1I• Drtw C-1ty C"n11nrtl Monday ~!flit ...,.ant,.•t '"" 11 rrllrA tlon ~-------- 1 .. t Tricycle Gone 'l'Mt l .. c ht~ 11on ' t rlryclt Jan JO WM reportf'd 111 police by Smm t tl v nnan t Rt111 of 123 43r(I I t. Hf' M iii tht rr•J 11 nJ whltt .,,..Ml ""'" t11ktn f rom tht prop· •rt1. -lrf!r I. Mpt'fld&b ... UM'd C'l.I, llf'I' y._ kl«.aJ llf'alf\f' Who "t1J .,.. hl'N TOllORROW Lo llM'k u p "hat ·~ ...U. TOOi\ \': f hrc'k th" uHd ....... tM~Me ....... -· Painting, Decor ating Paper Hanging GEO . BURKHARDT U <.:E:'\SED CO:-ITRACTOR 5 11 30111 St.. l" twport Beach R3r. 2i l8-W or lJ 8·M12 Uc HAULING ANY KlND-~SH OR '? Anytlll"lt' A"nywhert Phone Llbf'rty S·ZH .-. 8lk!l!llt REMODELI NG and nrw cot1rtruct1on. Pbon• Harbor .°'177. k if) HOLl.IST l::R HHO~. I 'IH t' ll'Cllllfl"I 1 '11 t n"" 111 •I " k •I your F l\ll:JPAIRF: Iii cu tt IMI '0 Nt:RSERY l'a'n.on.d 1nl1n1o w 11111\ l 11·"1' 1 1' nl <•nt•r t""1 for Y .111 1hto1r,. •• r 2 Cold1pol9 New I bl . .• I I 'I r"'' .. ,, '41\ll•. plU · I'• II• f .. r ...... 1 '"''"K•'r l\n•J'.~::l~ 3~~~~'-"'!.-~~PY.'~-----,IC I 11 r •I \'It r awn. rcasona e ::'\1·w p1wt H;d h•• 1 !'-.I\ in~s :ind in,,, •tw ,, 1 1 ~ .l~n 1 ~t :-lrw · or I "'"'I• '""•h• 1 ~ & 111n1[•• 00 IT YOL'RSELF-WE TILL Loan A~J>.uu:il tr•n. :t:tm \1.1 I ,., 1 1 , .. 11·111"r ~'<'.\'I Sc "" r•n' ""'!:"• w1tllh,.r• ''"' It 1;rt.\l •l-: YO :-R SEED A:0-:0 L ido . l"t•W!lflrt 8'-ad 1 7d.l \\t-:1.1 •>.Rt1 ~n11'\ :?•'Kl AHD ,,.(111:11111 r• TRADE F'•~• P11 I< "I' & 1hllv.ry HM llt tl••I TO·fl au x ~hMner Courtney & Lester ROI.I. l :\'.O!:R Ql;R Gt.ID· -~,.., •trlv' r 11.iM· 111 ,.ronll , r11ll 11• t t lt'p11r "'"'' ••n rr A;>;Cf: -LJ 8-15(12 Pl p9 WA ~TEV • 2 r "w 11n'1 U"" 1-;;;. 1,,11,11,.1,. 21111 f" \\ 11fn111 St frii:rra•o•r• l•l• l .. ully I •Und f:" anvwh~l f' \\'11n1 1:\1111 ="""I'"" llh ·•f I ''" ~1• - U O.<lllU r flUll\ 1n p rUpt'll) 1220 PHlt;-.:~: 1.11'.El t lY .II Ill-I\ l"Ar l ' ""'""mf'r . F",11rn1n~· urlin.llt I I 1° ·•ta ~1,.111 7p8 s r 11111 Kru ,1,. :, _ ---Jake 's Appliances I t.01· Rf:t:-1 hry•l,.r ·l'l\'rrr>ulh ROT\RY 1 n\ftl r 1111 I••· to PAINTING \\'f~I 11111..,,..a Blv•I :0.-rwport ------ ll11rbolr JOJ2 J cl!'Jh 141-Auto Nrn·I~ -----------~-~~---~~--~-Painting & Paptr Hangin~ "The &st M oney Can Buy" ~~~~~?.n""~ro~~}~~r 1-:z-: \\ 1 , • 11 i.:'" , t 1n "'. F'TX IT ~11 11r-1;111 EA•t ='• ,, ... t! H· •• ;,r1 \"h ~t ~tt tn .Ar.t Kt ';.l16.J ----8c8 \\ '-.: r , .. 1. I l • • \ I ' ~ I• ' t 't ,...,Ill<' 1n 11 .. roor ~'"" J'h••nt 11-HE:-1.:H t•rov1nc1el rr1111 wood PBONI! H.AR BOlt 2llll I lb• rtv II· 11114 Ap'I rr>tr"~ t Abl .. , ~hirlc ("h1 t 6·bum· trc -------- -• 1 .. "' •tu\t' 11111 60' k8 BUD & BARNEY -1-?:.:~t:~~.~;1 ( .. ~~~'~'~ ~ 1--1~~,ti-~3 9-5- J"A1:-:n:-:o -nn1·s11 "r Sl'R,\Y '~• I''·"'" ii r~prnrn,. "' ( R n:-;1n1 ss ...... ('l)r R ..•. Non·t'ntnn Urrn~•·I 1r.ecl1. •lr.1tt.1.• a11o1 :.! ,,. ,,1. , RQU~' ~fATCJI ES l !'l65 Irvin ... l'n•tll M M ;\ u i.;e •r ···11111A1'·111 \\11· I' ti t. \\'IH'fJ<: Terma -L1 8·4:l!l 1 • J...I ll· 1 ·>1 -. ll•>:oi lfl.t I ,\l!t • .rnh1 11 t 'ulir ••n· 1 I <.. 11111 .v~• LI '! .i 1•101 11:11 , 1..,11ni; e3111 Ir or ""1 k' 11 •tk ppt fc General Contracting REPAffiS. rtmodt llni: 11nd 11lrr ra· Uon ••ork R l"11tli-nt11\I en ! rc>m· mtrl.'IAI bt11lt11n1:• Quality Wo rk GUArl\llt"r I Har 3151 dll)'I, Hu. 211Jfl.J ('\'P• t•fl' ft 501 PAINTI NG rNTERIUR -EXTER IOR U~8ED -IXSl "RED Gle nn J ohnston • 3ht Bl. l"tw·port 9 ,.,n Harbor ~17& IJt:. Alcoholics Aoonymoua Write I~. U. Bri11 881 Nc.,..•port Bueti. altt. Phoee lia.rboT 4 7116 11an effective me ans of advertising 11 \\\· "~rr \f'ry plr:'l~<'rl to 11·11 1\'<' thr !ollnwmg ], l ll'r t t 1111 R IH1t1· ~ ·I I l.1~:<1 ! I• d ···" t.1 t l~('f' l h1s Wt.'ek. I•'\.! l ' ti' ~I t t t •• ,. i 1 r·. 1 f I I If\ ::n, i!t•)"'t ... 1:> \\ \ •rr I 'I• r wh >i I I \ J._ ••• :.1 ',\I ••l'T J:F M 'll 2 1•11 h '' "'h U•L \•I J+••:p rll• h :"<l sublet Sy 6·12Z2 T I ' I • ... ' i . \ I 'l1 811• I• • I I .• • r 111 I ' ' : ~r' ••a .. \I~ I \ U I 1 • • r 1· ' I •' • "r I • n•,. l h~ .• 11 t If l r .:· r r.•·• t •• k ''" "' •I ,,. \•I (I thr ltM·I' l11• it ir , , \•I \•;!••• u "'"n" • rt It I 1• IJ· , I •"•~It • 1 11.h D11•111rM 111-;7 Ha rb"r Rh· I r·11•t" M ... ,. Llhrt I' 8·61;1 I !Vil C'llART £f< bc>at tor H it All tltc "'l'"Pr" 1 ~1u 3 4 by 1 o by 3 fl A I n• '' . 1Mr1a1n 1!1000 raah W tllt t11r app t E C. Carmon lllf:hft"v", Ca llr 6p8 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 10".1 () KF.Ef'f; M F:RRITT llan11.• Th. nil t' ('f' all llllfn mAll< 1 rtd· d1•· lift l••J "mmn burnf'r~ & t h •t gr•ll hr .. ll"r t ""'•t 2 mr1• l '•I oln t, $1 2 1 .11 :-;,, "''h •In J" ... '""' 11 ... 1·11111 • .. r 111 7 7 ptr :i.t-~1 11 .. iral, Radio. I; T \I 6 Cy ls. ---·---~·t8.88 nl"Al'T IJ.'l 'I. rrmn<1"1"" aplntl 8 Cyls. ··-··-···--$~.~IS 81 ~-l!aui;h'1S A lit s \\ iir•·h .. u•~ I VJ•f' ·ll 11i;nl p1•no. Ille ,. new, tn1..lu11• 1 t>ol h lul>ur an11 I'"' 111, 2:t11 s ~la111 Hl . SAnta """ <1o:, New r1111:•. "1 1~t p1na, 'Bfve ftlfl 4J nlv< k• So ,.1 ~'•ltrlh 1'-l 11 .H~I~ $ !11 ·In I/; Sl rl I""· 111• Ill , l(rtn•l. lllt•llj.:I< 111 tt\Rlfl k.ntl rr!d 11prn , ..... 111 fl , Hun 11 .;, ~llAl-l':R !i Mu••• 1 " lhtl1"' 11''1·' ll•Ar1ni:• I "I"'' nwt .. r t llr " llJ'. J<l n•twr l~ :i.;1c11 I IJl·t ".t:J =' ~y ... •niut.,, l:tll.nta Ar•• \Ju 1111y '" 4 l•IJV n11lt j.('UIHAnt .. c. ----l'1'om 1\111 •~rly ~ U67:1 I r .'\1 • 4'111:'-I EY UIJ\\';'lj I 7 ( 1 tl ~l :H\ ... L "''\"'" unit ---• ----- - ""''" • fr•! !• r IJtl. k '"'' :-ptH• lll'J'>;ltT l'IAS(I l.t•n ly ton• t<n•I ru·:~U I LT ENUINl-:s rir• 11 .• ~I J'.111••11 111 , c'll }ll "11•• ""1" S'1~7 T•r-tn• Cl'tiH l _t J 1 .. 1:,o t.!1 1.'\'lll~ llll'A Y - 1 "i IO "'·on'1•tF••I h••r111"" tn 1""'•1 ••· Ov1ll m 'ur '"'" '"""">' 11y Mklllf"d t u r n• t ~ ·• tn "" ''rf'eti•"I• • tf" I 111 .. r,,,,,"'" I u.ri t '• h l• llfl ""~ln T\\ 1:-.: (J\"Jo.=" (1 I< ~:i;:~·r ,._ ~n:K· ::-• v~u l m"r•h• •ltrtl•IV "'"''d•· 111 .. ,, 1 1111~ "'"' flvy ,111., t Hi n· i.tnv,. ~1 1 '" 1 I'_.. I• • • • •I,,.,,. , 1a :Ut.;ILT am.I lN~TALLF:O q ·1•1H1 n1: •h•lt r 1.a1 f"\';7.•f ll'f ll T II 1rh11r 3•1112 \\ 8c10 11:111 • \I ""· ~ .. nte """ ~;tvt:'I 111.AJC."J< ------------f lJRO ···-·-··. 11211 '.J 1•·-.1 1·11 1u li HF:1-·1uGE KATurt S B Id . p· ··1n.\1~u1..1::1 ·---·-s 11" 1 [•. t hf' "'"'I ,,,. .... 1th cro... ee a Win 1ano l rt..YM .. D'•IJ<,I. ···-· $1·., · •r :ro .. ,, • • .,, "t "fl'",. J • l> l . II~\':, & I •~ .. • 111 --···-·· s, .11 ,,,.. hutt•r '"r & ""'"t k f'rptr I & Organ Display j isTt.'IJEUAl\1-1· ·-···. •. 1 I'•! ,,,. I St2'1 17 N" •Mh W00lJ\\0 RTIJ Pl.A.~U co. '•I.It~"' 1·11:-.llA• 6 ___ ,,_I t v '·""11•·.J J11• r"'Y t " r·'·mta or 1 . . . -1 r.1 ·11 ·" _ _ . ·-··-.•. i 1 • l F"'' r-r IT <inlh. l;J l!j t .. •' lllvl, t o11on" l•I \!11 Ill I •~,,~ --··--.. -.. -$I.~ Sf;F: 1.Snu1[hn• A A S \\'arcl'IOUI~ •1 ha Jr n ln tr rlor (ll It. :..... 111· '"'"' f hi Fret I ,_.,, I UCJ S. Mato Al ,. ~Alita Ana lltir :n l 2 "" '. U\ CAR OAJ\ANT! 1-. -s bloch ltouUI of t UI 8 L Open evH . 'UI 8. IWI.. 11 ·0 KJmberly 3·7201. -------Honest TV Service l!I ,. k "1J•t mHt our 1ta-.•I 11•!• 1 11 t ue•. 1uktta an•l "" ''I" r1 ~11nC11y 10 a.11\. to 2 pm. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS NE\V LOCATION 310 F:a8t :Jrd St . l'IANTA ANA r - , ( ( CHEC~ THESE USED CARS luy from e loc.1 dealer who will be here TOMORROW to b•ck up whet he 1ell1 TODAY! 1'1-Wut.d to a.t . '8A-Apg. fer a.& Renta.la Wanted "• ..., apta ud ~ tn al 1 aecUo9a for ~ "1.ater and ,..,,. ...... run. CIC' UDtum.. ----·D•sireble and • ~ tura. a pta.. lDcludl.q ut.Wt.t .... FEI. J, 1955 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -PAwE 9 ............... l'a ... TERRY'S BUICK 2812 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH 1116 ~ Jliviera. FUlJy equip· peel ladQdlns all power &CeeAOries ••···· $3195 19&3 SUPER IUVIERA coupe. A low mileage, one owner t.aut;y ····--·-······· ····-·········· ... 1005 1NT PLYMOUTH CLUB Coupe Special Dix. R Ir H. new eeat co~ra -··-·····-········-····· 39:> 19'8 CAD ''82'' Conv. Xlnt. condition ............ 1295 1953 JIUIQ( 8PllCUL Sedan. Real aharp .... 1595 UGl MERC. 1port ledan, R Ii H & O'd ........ 995 GKAC Financing SOME CHEAPIES 19'7 BUICK Roadmuter conv. ········-···-·········S295 1961 HUDSON Super 6 sedan ·-··-··-··--······· 295 1941 Btmx ~oor Super ··············--·····--·-····. 95 Many More to Choose From See 6 Drive The Beautiful New 1955 Buick TERRY'S BUICK Phone Harbor ~21 2612 fll~rt Slvd. Nt-wport Beach LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1954 PL YMOtrrH Suburban. Hy -drive, low mileage, heater, WSW. gold It wheat 2-tone color. Perfect utility car for the suburban family . .. . .. .. . ... .. S219:S 1952 CHEV. conv. cpe. Powerglide, Radio Ir heater, bright red. black top. Looks & runs like new. Only .. 1245 1949 STUDEBAKER club cou~. Light green. Bought new by. owner, low mileage. ~r· feet second car 595 19'7 PLY. club cpe. Light blue.. Runa 1ood and looka well-kept in good condition by owner . ·············-······-~ ........................ -···-395 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot • "Across from Port Orange'' Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2.561 Can't Alford A New Car? Get a ·Lite Model A-1 USED CAR! ~ ~~9~1~~X~ :!~~~w. Had major owrhaul Ina UllUI 90 daya •IJO. S595 We will flna.nr11 ':'i2 FORD club cpc .. $1245 'J1 FORD 4-dr .• R " H, o ·d.. Millet Chevrolet 18.\.'l Harbor JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN· MERCURY D!!ALER Offef"I A Fine Selection of Sate ai.y Uaed Cara On AS.. Day , Money Back Guarantee You Muat Be Sau.tied or Your Money Refunded '54 MER~URY • • $2699 MONTEREY COUPE. Radio, Heater, MERC-0· MA TIC, Power brakes, tubeleaa whitewall tires. :§,000 m.ilel, one awrier. Looka new and ia a real barpin. We also have a '!54 Mercury 4--door with same equipment. '53 FORD • • • $1799 VICTORIA, Radio, beater. Fordomatic tranmnia- eion. White wall tires. Low mileage, one-owner car. Here's a real buy ••• don't miu it! '49 FORD • • • • • • $ 699 STATION WAGON. 2-door. radio, heater, new baked en&mel finiah. Wood baa ju.st been vam- iahed. Very good all-around car. You'll uve money on thUi exceptionally clean wagon. '49 PLYMOUTH • • $ 499 4-DOOR SPECIAL THIS WEEK! Save $200. R&dio, heater. RUPs good ••• looka swell!! 153 STUDE • • • • • $1399 V-8 REGAL. Hu automatic trans., beat.er, white walla. Original coral finiab, nylon inter· ior . 0ne-o9'1ler • 23,obo actual milee. Yea, it sure Js economical to run & our low prtc. wtl1 aave you money. '51 MERCURY • • • • $999 CLUB COUPE. Radio, hut.er. overdrive. Origi· nal rreen finiah. Good tires. Motor in excellent condition. Tu.med-in on l'iEW MERCURY. You Aave at thla price. Aho a '514-door MERCURY at thi.a low price. '50 . CHEVROLET • • • sm CLUB COUPE. R&dlo, beater, new blue metallic ' baked enamel finiab. Drive thi.a car and ~ve it . a complete thoroteb check. It'• unl18\lally nice from Item to stern! '52 CHEVROLET • • $1099 4-door Styleline deluu, 2-tone green, radfo, beater, PowergUde, white wall ti.ree. Showa ex· eeDent care. A real bargain! DEAL Wm1 CONFIDENCE AT JOHNSON & SON 900 W. COAST IDGHWAY Newport Beach Llberty 8-M45 AcrOM .From Balboa Bay Club power brakes 1945 1000 \\' r ·a1 Hwy. :-:11wport Buch •;,3 CHJ!:VROLET ~laire. 4-LJb«!rlv 8·2261 Cnst.a M,.,._ IO-Aotoe and Trocb t.lbrrtv 8-~33 door 1495 ---------- l9U Bt'.lCK • door 1cdan. Recent· •;lo) PL YMOUTii Suburban, Is ·~nl $200 on overhaul. Very Hy-drive 164!5 1;oorl tran~rtatton. Full price. • 112~. 52 FORD ranch wagon, over-CALL BEN WWTMAN. Harbor drive . . .. . . 1495 18.62 or H~bor H61 e \•u . Oc7 '5:? FORD Victona, R Ii H. J9!'10 CHRYSl..ER 11C!<la n, hf'later. overdrive 1M5 2 tone cr,."m t\ brown Xllll. •,1u F~ORD coovertlbt... R &H, oondlllon. Or1r lna l ow·n!'r. $896 " ~ Raroor 2889-\\'. 6c8 overdrive ...... 645 ------------ '53 FORD 3-paaa. cpe .. 1345 Theodore Robins Yov Ford Dealer OUR NEW LOCATION 3100 W. Cout Highway Newport Beach 10n the Mariner's Mile) Liberty 8-34 71 '51 FORD 6 DLX. TIJDOR R A H. Sut Coven, new llrt't. $645 . COTTON GOFF 2116 N""''l>Ort Bl. Newport lkh Ptione Harbor 8 fk-10 19~!1 ITTLl..MAS ronvtrt , one 0"'TI· n . Exe.ptlonally r.lu.n through· out. 11196. G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '4' G MC ._ T. PICKUP '4& DODGE ~ T. PICKUP ·~o DODOE 1-. T. PA.Ni:.L ·~3 CHEVROLin', T. PICKUP ·~1 CMC '6 T. STOCK RACK ·~3 G MC '~ T. 1~" WB .. PICK· UP. HYDRAM.A TIC TRA :-:s. '49 CHEVROLET Z T .. l~' VA:'\: 1953 Che·vrolet STATION W.AOON. Radio. htr. All meLa l bod~. Good Urea. V ecy 'Sfiiir Miller Chevrolet 1000 W, C"t t. Hwy. ~ewport Beach Uber17 1-'ntl J~ Harbor eo.i.. w- ~rty 1-MJ! BOOT. 8 25 TIRES. -19_S_2_M--O-TD--R-O_A_D_S_T_E'R ___ -.9&.l-a-nc· We hav• a Wfe 8electlon ot all f'd an(tne. Never ,..ced. typo IUld 11zu. you wtll !Jave P n ce ... • . 1119~. lime •nt! money by aeetnr us flnl. We C&lT)' our own con· tract.a. W.W. WOODS CMC DEAL.ER 61t.lt E. 4th St. Sant.a Ana See Jack Hausken's l92'T Harbor Blvd., coat.a Meaa Pbone Liberty 8-6001 lclO ":>4 MERCURY Monle~y Coupe. 1952 Buick Super See Jack Open Sunday a m Haus ken's Truck htadquarteni to" e>ra.np C4. MercomaUc. radio, hMur, dec:L windows. lleata. llntrd jtlua W. W. Urea. 1)()()() mllea. U:19:1. Wiii t ake Trade. Rl\'ieq coupe. R • H. Dyna· now. I tGne Jl&lnt. w.,.w, Urea. Tinted ...... on •. 1 OW!ltr car. $1565 MUler Chevrolet 1927 Hnrbnr Blw1 . C'o~l11 MPH Phone Wberty 8-SObl , 8cl 0 '48 A US Tl~ ""da.n. Blue &ook S300 Beet offer. Har. 3118..J a.fl!'r 6 8<'10 19._ NASH Amb!LM9dor •·door. ra.dlo. healer. ovtrortve. '299 Harbor ~62. epa 1953 Ford VS Cuetomllne 4 dr. IW1&n. R It H. f'ordo. EZ eye 11ua. 2 tone bJue. CAN th&11 J:l,000 actual mtlea.. $1575 w111 take trade or ·1.er-rna 486 Ea.oil l~th., Coat.a Meaa.. Tcll '49 Olds Sed.anette 88 Full Price $495 COTTON GOFF 2116 Newport Blvd., N'pt. lkh Harbor 8. lc10 1000 W. C'el. llwy. Jr~ Beacti LD>ttt,. 8-228 l l~ Harbor ·u Bt;JCK :I-door •Nian 8pecllll. eo.t.a Maa& r ood condition. R3dlo .t hta ter. ~ '"II Ch I t l~lbel1y l-M33 111:'1, b!lrl8ln 713 W. Wtl&on IVJf er evro 8 1950 Chevrolet 'i ton pick up. Rartlo, Runs llkt new. huw. ------------Coeta lltJ!Q. U 8·123;. 6<'8 1000 W . C'et. Hwy. '1~ H.artlor ,llO P'ORD Vol Chet lirl"r-f\A<11o, S695 hlr~ foJ lltu. "'SW ll~t. V"I}' ·~4 BLACK CADrt..L.AC convert!· '"W' "'•-... '89S. tile. white top w1re WhHla, 1•8· liArtlor IUT. lclO thcr Interior lo&ded with xtra"" LJberty 8·esS9 aftn ~. 6p8 ltiPlTD ja"llft ..-deter. liM •nflne A t.ranamlMlon, ':12 body. $1100. a. llUNIOH. Udo T1'lr. T'&rk. HllrW l'Bl. ~ 1954 Corvette bd~ hlr .. auto. drh·e. t·rw. 1-tJwn 4.000 Ml19l NII quick. w.a.•·. mlleL 1951 Dodge Cornet Chib coupe. Radio, htr., auto- maUc drive. Xlnt. tires. S825 Miller Chevrolet :>.; twport BMeb eo.ta Met0a Ubuty 8-JMl Llbert7 8-&eaa ltMt PO~TIAC 8 aon•ert. COUJ>9· Radio. htr . ..... Ur• onr Miller Chevrolet 0'"1eT. • "" • $39~ See Jack Hauaken 's ~C:,:..t c~!"''Y· ~ta Mawr:: 1927 Harbor Blvd .• Cost.a Meaa Ubert7 8·2241 Wbert7 8-6631 Phane UbertJ 8-60Sl lclO ------------ l~l CADILLAC ' dr. 1"7 ledaa 47-Waated to Beat XlnL COlldtUClrl. Pbooe Mn.. Ro- bert J'orbea. Har. 1108. f c9 WANTED TO RENT -JVST ABO\f f MA.RR.LED! Bacl>~lor needa f\Jm. ApL Penn. 140. mo. Pirre ea11 Har, 4828. 11\anlu! • 6p7 II JOU ba .. a ncuey. ~~ 110. &Ad \Ip, )'MJ'l)' 61( ~ Oceaa J"roo&. Balboa Corn.ar ot Pa11Q) Jla.r, 32SI tlelO The Vogel Co. Cha.nnln.c Harbor Ha"en aot W. Oil. awy .. Newport BclL ...._. U1*V wm Apartment.a • Patioa IOI a&a.nDe. 8aJ.boa laland Alone Barbor fff NZW 4 ROOM, ttrHt kvel. Ntar UOl Cout llS'"7, OoreDa dal Mar , ICboo!a, ahop!DnJ cilstrlct. Quiet. l'bou Barbar 17U pleua.nl, u chwn. Oarb&Je di•• 100 Main St., Balboa poa&l, laundry. •t.oraae room1, Phone Barhn• 1 U 28Ue sa.ra1e. i12.:io up. Occupies en· CORON A DEL MAR UNFURN. 2 bdrm. hoUH, w to.w carpet. Drapu. dbl pr .. oover~ patio, i100 mo. IT'TZ)(ORJU8 RLU.TY Phone Harbor Z16J 2c18 ON BALBOA l!:>"LAND u:a UI for ,.ar~ and eeuoaaJ ft.ftta.la. NELDA GIBSON, Raltor 309 MwtAe 4•e. ~r ~ BALBOA llLA.H!> 7lfe TWO or thret bdrm. duplex un- tum19hed, 't blk. from Ragh School. Oaragr. l.1 8-1643. 8t!o 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED DU· Pt.EX, Cof'OQ& del Mar, IOUth Of Hlwa.v. '100 month, lncl. uUI. J.lftS. KAY, Hu. !502 or Hu. l'TTt-J . 0 1" Mra. WUUUna, Har. 1391.w. rue RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crall Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 )fartne Ave. Balboa (al.ud, Bu. 1171 TNo c. D. M. O.luxe 2 bdrm. unfurn. dupln. l'or<:ed air heat, tlrt- place, !!epa~t~ patio, hwd. n n. Ocean aide Hwy. Har. le84·fl . 4c9 Ure at.rtct. Oood wpervlalon. M1r., l~l Haven Place l Block South o! Hlih School ALSO P'URNIAHl!lD A PTA. WINTICR RATES 3Uc BACHELORS A 0 AL8, yearly vacation. P'\1m . cor y bachflor apt. Sundeck. view ot bay. Ulll. Incl. 140. mo. Ll 8-1409. Tttc OCEAN FRO?\"T-2 bcdrm. gar. a pt. Very plHaant '6~. All ulll. paJd. 1108 ~ W. Oc!'an Front. Newport. 8pl0 COJ\ONA DEi.. MAR -Fum. 3 bdrm. duplu, tum . heat. wattr It 1u pd. S&S. mo. yearly on Lie . 2S26 Seavlew. ip9 SINGLE APT., tumlahed, freshly redecorated. CloM to bu1 lint. Water • ru pa,ld, a.o. month. JM Cecll Plare. Co1ta Men. Llbert7 11·2121. · 8<:10 UNJ'Ul\N. l bednn. apt.. newly deconted. St.Ml cabinet•. ••rb. dlirp .. 23'1t tt. IMng room. a.pa· rate garftge A-lftundry mom. 310 Lark1pur, Corona del M&r. 8cl0 1 BDRM. prai• apartment. - Yearly bula, CK"ean view. Now being redecorated. HO plue au. No chlldttn, no peu. ue"' 3!\th St .. Newl)Ort Beach. Har. l~~· Harbor 1428. 8pl0 At.SO nlc• Z bdrm. tum apt .. rar. $6:1 mo yrly. Tenanta pay electrlc1ty. l.lbtrt:v HOUIS AT COIU-"ER lTth and 8·U09. 93ttc . Orui1•. Mil.I' Alpha &ta Mkt. --oN' Zoned tor r .. ldenllal • buat-EASTENER'S A 1. .l CJ .. .l' • nua. $6~. mo. JAMES. Harbor WU. 7cl2 ON l!l BmDRM lower dupltx tum. Y t"'rly. Pa tlo and flrl'place, ~. Incl. utmu u . P h. afttr 6 p.m. or bl!fore SI 11 m. HarbM M93·M. klO Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM., 2 BA TH UAfUm . hM. ~ blk. to OOl&lt on Jumtne, $9:5. mo. utlt pd. t. B&DR.M. tum . apt.. cloae to ocean ITO. mo. utll. pd. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCJA TES 3034 !tut COut Highway ~ 441 Mar ~n• Rartior 2443 Balboa Island Choice yearly and •wnmu ~nl&Ja, now ava.llable. OOR.1.8 BR.A Y. Real \.or Newport Buch. rum. 2 bdrm. apt. SM mo. utll. It car. Incl . yard, Ava llabi. UU June 20. Llb«!rty 8·H09. 99tfo ---------UNFU'RN18HED-t.onl1 two bed· room apartment with a ll tll• convtnlencu tor comforta ble 1tvtn1. Fl~lact, dttpoaal, wall tumace, plenty 0ot clo.eets. w•ah· room a.nd pnge. 8u It al 1804 Cl•y Strt el. Ntw port Hts. 3c8 UNFUR.N. 2 bdrm apt, at 1783 An&he1.m. Aee ownsr. 1T61 An•· helm COit& Mt.H. Ph Uberty 1·112°2 Gllc ru~. bacbe!or •pt., U«> mo.. 710 Weat BaJboa Blvd. For key• and lnlormaUon 8" Bay 6 Beach Realty, UllO W. Balboa B1Yd. Pt!. ear. ltM. MUc f8B-Boaeee fOI a.& 2 BEDR.M unfurn n-rly ntw. g11~b. dlap .• c·u port Good loc. $76. mo .. )'"arlr . TWO BEOROO)l tpt. 1tove and Vogel Velue Belbo• 6 Units Only 311 yn. old -all turulahed • W to W carpela, garb. di.a"pocala. Very attracth'e bldg. In Hot.pot location. $!2.~ with excellent tum.a. See The Vogel Co. . 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 Drive by 176 Costa Mesa St. One yr. old. 2 bdrm .. well built home. Ceramic tile in kltchen & bath. Lot le &Ox lM. near downtown. Full price $9500. Best of tertn1. Call to aee - "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Coata Meu Liberty 8-3792 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO ~STORY, 2 bdrm., 2¥.! batha, large livtnc room, eeparate dining room. large k!'otty. p ine iten with bunt-In bar, lounre, 2 flreplacea, buement with 150,QOO BTU furnace. Expenaively carpeted 0 wall to wall thru-out. Garbaga dispou.1 and diah· washer. HoWle 8 ~ old. IArge double garwe wt th laWldry, radie><ontrolJed door. Lot &O x 1'2'. Well land.leaped. One ot the moat expo11aively buUt homes on the front, located at 3312 Ocean Blvd. (formerly 610.) OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFJ'llR Shown by appointment onlY. Phone Owner, .Harbor 343:5 M-8torea a omc. HOUAI: AT COllN&R lTtb 6 Orange nr. AJph& Beta Mkt., zoned tor realde.nUal • bu•tnru. ~ mo. JA~tES. Har. 2<M2. lcll Bus1.N1:aa omcz. .acaUait Jo. ca Uon acrou the .U.Cl from Corona del Mu Poat Ottlce. ldtal for loan rrpruent.aUve, contractor, ...unatttu, a.rt Cit' jewelry l>Ul1ae... tnU. pd. Only 140. monUI. CALL Br.I\ Whlll'ft.&A, Ru. l~. Evce. ttarbo.r 1'61 NUc NOW 1..EASlNO. na.Uable bul.1• Mu uttlee epau.. Center of Co· rona del Mar, sultabl.e for CP.A. den ll1t or ? U &-9626. 98cU BAl..BOA ISL.AND-Beal bu•tno1 dl1trtct-Maruui Av... OF"f1CE and allOfl, Pl.US 2 bed· room apl. Harbor 2042. 6cl0 Dl!lt.UXE hl(hway attic• llf'U•· 310 .q. ft . Center ot COrcira del Ma.r bulltAtae d1tltnet. ITG. mo. u.Ul. IDd. A UIO -ue tor otJwr b'._,,., oftlee 6 J'1'0f"wlon.al renl&D. W. r:. ll'l•ti.r la Aaeoc. :\034 E. Cout H.Jftiwa,y CORON A DEL KAR 2 BDRM., 2 bath., hwd noora. r. A. tl•aL dbl. pr. ·~ blk. lo ~ O<'un. Har. S021 daye ar Bar. IOM-R alter 6 p.m. 6cl I BDRM. BelUI' HOmN • Oud~ talum hoUN. Private beach, dO<'k facllltlra. M Bueon Ba7 • Do not d.laturb tenant&. R. W. Nlcol towner) P. O. Box l M, San Dlaso n. « ... brok..,..,. 6c& io: .. uu .. T NICW alt.racuve Pm- n11cla1 duplex on CWt Drive, each wtt.ll two nice bdrma..; ~· &•d h<lwd. noora. WW'd brick com er nraplaoN, na.l. wood kll , di.pou.J, Iota of elo-.\..1.. Ready to mow into, tl4.800. Martner1 !ale Rea.Jty-318 Minne. Balboa lala.nd. H&rbor fTll. klO CORONA DEL MAR -Nice n- f'\u•atahad I bdrm., 1' bath tiome. U'1tlllf rm .• dlnln~ nn., lut.cl'len. pnp. Ka.r. 2:at•W. · HUo ~· ..... •"I) a.on -Qolae 1 1&. A..U.a&e c.alJ Battlor JUe 61tto C"nrona dtl Mar Ka.Ac>r 1441 5'-ae.I !etal.e Waat.ed !)(7 211 M&rt!le Ave.. Balboa bland K&rbor 20 9SUc CUFP HAVE:" -H S . 2 bedrm. tl'ont trlpltx. unfum F1ri>plat-e, aub. d lirp. • fan near H S a Jr Iii. Owner, 272 Broadway. C M. Liberty 8·2776. 8ltc rrfr1' only Oa1 baae dl1puaaJ. 53-A-Bu.i..,._ Reat&ltl N.w • bt,llUtlfUI, 190. mo., yrly. WANT trom owntt -• hou.ae or 'l'&CUll kit CIC\ Harbor, N rwport. or &JOO. Blvd. -or l 7UI Bl. la Coet.a M-. fl1".M wrtLI M.. Lann rrt, Box N24, Ult• paper. UNJ'Ul'lN. lower 2 br., 2 bath $100. ytarly. F' A. heal. Carb. <lisp Vtew of bay. No ehlldrrn 90i '~ W. B&j .A~. Har. 3:\63. 81.lc l'!';f'UJ\N 2 bedrm. unit. clo&e In Coeta Mua locatl'V'. lmm11.cu· lat ... $6j , mn T'h. LI 8·6761 or Liberty 1·2103. 8cl0 Choice Wint.er Rentals on Balboa Wand Ir U do Isle SmaJJ a co.,., or larp A de.11.IM 17& to l300 m011t.b VOGEL CO. 208 M.a.rtne An~ Balbua• Wand Pb.. HarboT H4 or Harbor 21!)1 ftea.. Kar. 1Tlt-JUC or LJ 8-~297 64tlc f'OR R&NT, PVRNJIHED IPECIA.L UNTlL JUNE ill 2 bdrm. hou.ae. I•~ mo., 11uplrx a pt., '3~. 41:1 E. Bay St . lilll· boll Ph. Hu . 0360-W or LJ 11·3217. FISHER AND CO. @A-Apt-. for Kent BAY FRONT UDO ISLE rt.JRNJIH:J:D. newly dl"Coratrd 2 bdnn. apt .. ra.rqe. Ye8r ltue. 4dulta, no pet.a. Hat, 1318. ttpl2H RAT?AN FURN. modtrn 1tud.lo 11pLI. Ccntu of CoronA del M.11r 470. utll. pd. 1..1 1;1:128. 9Scl 3 OCUN Jl'RONT 2 bednn., rum . wa.tu 6 Utff pd. PaUo. lee al 7304 W. Ocean P"rolll. Ne,.,-port. I~ mo. tHI Jul7. L. A. )U lM&. 7c9 MODER..~ l bedrm. a pt. Wilh p11Uo and carport. Rana• and rcfn g lnC'hlded. Will br vacant March !At. s.. Mrr .. .Apt. c. M20 Avon . N-,,ort 8-t'h or C&U- 0:-:1!: BEDROOM otar IChool. bch. • bay. UO. mo. lncl utillue.a J. M. MILLER CO. 2023 W. BaJbOa. 8 1., Newpurt Sch Har 4091 -r:vea. LI 11·33711 Pt.ENT\' O•~ FREE PAR.Kl:-10 For lease upstairs 800 Sq fL •1111.Ab .. for bwlLDtU. 1tudlo or office 6 1Jvtn1 qua.rt.. tr1 :11~ Marint Avf . Bal. b . own"' ue N. Ba>· l'nlrlt. Bat· boll b larn;l. 96 pl 0 N UO Bette M-Bu81JaeM OpportulllUM ------------. . . WANTED to buy -I or J bdrm. ht)UJW' wllh l iLrll.J«' l'r~f,.r CG,... nn" 0..1 )hr, Newport Hfllh~ or 8a<'k S.y, Not over U 0.600. 1 :-<o. bl1lk411' l. C"•JI alt*t e ~o p.m., Hat. H19·Jll 7C9 ruRN. arnAll houao nur O<:tllfl. yearly, $4::0 mo. LI 8·21112. 6c~ 3 BEDRM .. 1 •1 ba 1ha, comfortably fumlahrd born<· In Bncon Bay AvallablJe t mont.ha. .F'tb. 10 10 JU11• 10. llU mo Har. 42e2·W ~8 TWO bdrm bOUN • f&rqe.. Oar- baie dup., newly decoraUKL Yrl)'. rent.al unfunuahed 122 20th SI . NewporL 8pl0 Newport Beach YEARLY RENTALS 2 BD 1'lM. Untum. home l bdrm , untum. home CHAJU..U I!:. HAJ\T, Har. 103 3420 W. B&Jlloa Blvd , Newport Buch. 1el6h MARVELOUS view of bay and ocean. Corona del )far, modem 2 bcdnn. houae. bcauUf\Jlly !urnlsh!'d, Sl16. mo. a.vi ii. unul Junt 30th. Ph. Hubor 0714 ·W 8c9 UNP'URN. CO'M' AOJt, W . by t.bt f~r. 1..lv. rm., din. rm .. kltchrn· ette. 2 bed~ .• hot ahwr •. we•h rm. 11t 108 Ac1a.mt. f':o pe111 Owner, 308 Montero, BaJboA Hubor 1924·M 8cl0 Newport Beach 2 BEACH HOUSES toT ,,.._., l &O SA t.F. OR R.£:\'T • ll:A BREEZE C:AJi'E nn hllfhw.y 101 81'111th tnd of HunUn(Um 8f'11 ch Pillo a-lots of perlctni: •pArr 1n ht&Tt l)f oil boom. B£R.'\:lE DO:'\ A LO. 308 I!:.. Bltll><>a Blvd S.lbtl• C:.-.llt Hn . 4:141\J 8pl0 • SS-Money to Loan U>Allil TO S l!U..U. LMPPlOVE BUY. MODJ:JU(IZ£. OR REYIN~C'E w. Buy Tnat D«'-ede PRIVATE PARTY-Want.t lo buy rnlden.r• lot 101" c&M Mu1t ho clOM In, Newporl. S.lboe.. area, lfl\'" lor•llnn 11 n'1 1>11rll<"uJara Writ.c 8'1& Q27, Ult. pllJ"f'T. lpl& BALBOA INCOME :I UNITi-Older propert.y omtnl• ly loc • 1 ·~ hlkl to hee.rt of Bal· ~ UUL rm Ju.t NdUced to Ul.000 !or qwcJl aala. '3000 dn.. Ownu lla.r bo r 1111>&. 7 ~ tto NEWPOftT BAJ...BOA SA VINOI 1------------ 6 LO.AN AASOCJ.A TION 3311 Via Udo. Ph. Rar. '200 Uc LOANS PRO).tP'T SERVICE ~·,• ttrat tru.t d«>ed11 20 year• Orange Coast Properties 1~7 Newport Ave .. Cott. Mf!!e LI 8·1632. W 8·HOO £\ll'I . 96~ W()Ul..D llJlt t.D l>UJ lat Uld 2nd Truat Detdl. Call Ha.r. 2338 '8l.tc LOANS for Homes ~~-SO 'JT. ~ Construction Loans 61-BeaJ t'Atale ~ . TRADE Desert Motel 7 unita 2 mi. ~SJtt ot Banrt.ow on Vegas hwy. Lot 162 Jt 400. Propo.cd Freewa,r may make th1a property verv ,,•aluabl~. Prtcc - $87:soo Ha.a !nan of 114,300 Submit your tndc for my equity of 23.200. Will u- sume on In come pro}lerty, Wrltt' WE LCOME TR.A Vf:L. mODUl eacb. l'o aublrl. SYcA SEE BOB I.A Tn..l:R ER MOTEL, Rt. J A Bar· atow, C.:aW'. 2p15H mo,. e-s2n. •~10 "u £.AaT CO.AIT BLVD. 13 U "t F A t Coron.a Oel a.tar Uatbu1 4888 nl urn, p • WtLL RENT •ruid new 3 bed.rm a baUl. ual\lni.. bome ln 1.RVll"E ~p. POIRlER MUKTGAGE CU £Xf"EU..F.:"T 1<"'9'U.Oll 111 .Albtm• Met.zo l..tte lna. Fun.di Kl. i-~l~ 1 ra. C 111!. ell tian untt bo t. TERJUCJ: at 1200. I*' moatb W1th 1 yr. 1.... Call Harllor 4l u c .Lncome '11 ·,w I 'r • $11.", 000. •• ... ••u ------------O\VSEl\ .. 111 " • 11 t ""' ,. •'1 r11r • "-tor turt.llu ... l&.lla. -c REAL ~TATE LOANS On.I Jal ~ar t.u s~.OO<I aa fl'ltl Harbor f870-J. 7t!c '9 Room. for 8-t o-5--6tLtar.. o H 1..An 1ROP . MA~ t: °'"'t Interest n.ate n"' Hw)'·· < M1.na d•l :.tar H•r. Mn -----------------· "6 MONTH. 1 bdrm. turn. apt. near Lido ahoppln( unter. Ll 11-1492 daya. Har. 212 eve. Sc9 IJNOLZ JllOOM w1th hot 6 cold water In Ula room. Good ~d Prfvat. entnnce. M . week ALSO doubla room a t " -k 1'3·23Ul At.. Newport Bffcb. Loaaa qutckJ7 111&.0e ta ~ Bay Evo II"' 3.~11 J r.rll Area a.ad C.:.O.U )t-.t>101 te or muJllple unJLe. New or old. 8r HAVE 2 1111 ~,. 2 hi dnn hOl'Tl'I, lloi M aJld aava by re·tlnanctng 11111 Kllr'lll' 1 lf'lt ~HIO <..1oM your pr,.seot loan. alinimum ... In, »an •tm an<kl 11&.000 S2535 . 1000 W. C'1t. Hwy. N"wport Beach L.rberty 8-2211 lSM Ha.rbor Coat.a Me• Wbfrty 8-M33 CAD. OONV. 1~. pWT. wlndowa, W1re wh..U. Blk_ red Jut.lier Int. Oood cond. 11118~. Call own@r Harbor 3109. 8p9 NEWPORT Be.o11 -Ye&rl)' ont Mnn. tum. apt .• ffO mo., ulJL IT'S DIFFICULT lncl, Pl'P. Kar. 0839-R.. 7p9 IOollh penM. No charra tor prellml \.\'JLJ, TRA t>f" 11ov.n fur llarbOT na17 •ppraillLI. PhOD• Sant.a 111"8 or ("Of!t.I M"·~ hr1m•. Ana IQmberty ,..n or wnt• ow~Jill\. c. J4 t.ord, JttA. J, aos Miller Chevrolet JOO(\ W. 0'1L HWJ. lMtl Harbor """•l'Ort a...,Q ao.ta Meu l.olbcrty 1-Hel l.lberty laa.3 ' '41 l'OJU> F-1 pickup. ~ llcen11e. ntw braJlt e A llru with 111"41 It plp•ood bl camper, O!'W', IJ060 rub E-. LJ 8·1829 o.,. u 1-2012. 8pl0 d-TnOen TWO-WJIDL 'l'R.A.ILl!1'. ( f II 8) &t&U11... •lMI uJe and t.oarua. Glt> r:i· Modaa.. Newport Hu., after e p. m. NU .. BUT WE KEEP TRYTNO. Want -P'or a depend.ablt used ca,r, ... 1 or 2 br. fW'l\. bouM with prlv-your 10<'&1 dealer who wW be htn acy. HlcJ1 rwtverw:u •• ~ TOMORROW t.o back up wl!At tie m~t COJplr. No chlJdnn or MU. TODAY I Check thr UM>d petA. What ha,,. you f Wnt.ot ca"' In tht t llNltleod Nellon to- Boir o.i.&. lhl• pe.per. u d.aJ. NJJW BU>O., IUI L for et.oru and ottlcu . l2'Jt24' l&Ch. 2oaa PlactllUa.. COM.a Meaa PbOe• Ubut,J 1-21oa. lcJ3 ARTHUR A. MA y &86. ftl,,ustd ... C.W'. lfplA Mortg•r• Loan Corrt1pondent Occldvit.aJ LUe ~Co. 933 &out.ll Mam 8&.Dt.a All• pp \VII.I. t :Xt"llA.'\<:t: '1upl,.x ror horfle. CtO thrtl' r (lfWI a ny mnr n tna ''''"' 3 a m. c.a.upt Tl*dl.Y.-MI~ &.. JQb.Qloo. lclO • 'A&E 10-COASTAL ~HOPPER -FEB. 2, 1'55 ............ a • .,.......,. v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. 50 FT. LOT .PLUS a 2 bdrm. home, dbl. garage . built on rear of lot and plenty of room to build another home in front and u.e the preeent home for income. Only $11,600, $3000 dwn. will handle. Exclusive with us. 2. OCEAN VIEW See tbit 3 bdnn., 2 bath home. excellent condition. carpeted wall to wall. Drapea included. Foreed a.Ir heat. Fenced and paved patio. Built-in barbeque. A.lao built-in •tove and oven. A real value for only $22,500. but you better hWTy. ·Go.od 20 yr. 5t;; money available. 3. HOME AND INCOME See thia 2 bdrm. home plu1 large 1 bdrm. apl. built over doub~ garage. Fenced yard, close in. Imme- diate pouesaion. Only $17.500. $5000 dn will handle. 4. ONLY $2500 DOWN buy. tbia immaculate 3 bdrm. home, double gar- ace plU8 extra room attached for work shop. Forced ajr heat. fenced yard. paved patio. See thia now. Full price only $15,500. Euy payments. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3"7 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Open Until Sold 280 Evening Canyon Road -Shore Cliffs We otter tbla extremely gracious home located high in Shore CliUs where you have a beautiful ocean view. Thi9 home hu 2 large bdrma .. large Jiving room with a huge brick f ireplace and a den with fireplace and ocean view. p. a. palmer, inc. ole ban.son co., sales management 1700 w. cout hl4hway -liberty 8-6573 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See thia beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bednna., 2 batha, Tbumador kitchen, dilhwuber, rarbqe diapoul. Many other excelletit features. 1 yr. old. A real value at $23.~. • Call Liberty 8·26M. (Evea. L.lberty 8-7o:5e)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Be.ch Vogel Value Builders Look ! We have 7 lot. ready to build oo • street, HWUS, etc. All in • and only $2500 per • with good t.enna. , lo rood C:O.t.a Men location. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport 'Beach Liberty 8-3481 DOUBLES FOR INVESTMENT TWIN DUPLEXES -2 full Iota. 4 excellent 2 bdrm.. apt.I. Each with own fireplace Ir garage. Rwd. noon . good beat. $295 ached. mo. Income. Loan pymt. $150 mo. Full price $27.500 OPEN SATURDAY It SUNDAY 514·16 JASMINE. CORONA DEL MAR MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2804 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 4610 COMMERCIAL INCOME One of Corona del M.ar'a prime buaine.1 cornera. fully improved. ll available to the cautiou1 inveator -four commercial unit. on ~rt. of hjghway fron· t.ace by 1~ deep on aide 1tttet. offere a 90lld op- portun.lty for excellent return•. For full pa.rticulan ~' price, lenna. tenant. and leuea, contact (Nb phone information) Fred J. Crosier & Assoc. M30 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 3571 CAN YOU AFFORD BAYSHORES HERZ la a weU ccmatruct.d two bedroom adobe brick )lome. Con· venlent loc&tlosl. lat•t appoint• menu. You can pracUcally name your own tqtNt. Lido Isle WOULD you like t o own Lido Jal•'• tlnut 1"Y tront Rome' Thil ll It. Three tarce lovely bed· rooms, 2 bath, aeparate 1taU al\owel"I, tars• kitchen with 1pac· Cliff DRIVE VIEW HOME PERSONALITY -PLUS ONE OJ' THE MOST LOVELY HOMES in New- port Hetghta. 2 bed.nna., plua 1tudy. 2 bat!w'. ~ place. Custom built ..!or ip and outdoor living for owner. Permanent view of Bay area. Lovely patio. located on a beautiful fee simple comer lot at 2816 Cliff Drive. a a.1 rate. Real Values Owner Leaving Town and mmt eell this dear two br. home. TUe kltcb.n. and bath. Hardwood· noor1. Fenced yard. N .. t u a pill. Jdea.117 &ocated to 9bopplnc 1&11d tranaportaUon. Come In and let us 1bcw you lh\1 home today. Full price, 18.1~. Tt'rms. • • • Home & Income Unit loua cablnelf. Beauutul IWlkeo llYUlffOOlll· wall to wall carpeu. THIS HOME expensive drape1. Perteet tx· elusive view, plus private pier BEING SACRIFICED $32,500 AT nns JS TRUL T • reat value. Lats• two bdrm. home, hard· wood lll\d carpeted floora, uled and float Pl•H don't mw thl• one. Submit t1rm1 at JM,000. HERE'S a LIDO BA YFRONT you muit Mt. Completely flll"1lllbed. 3 bedroom, 3 bath home, 3 yr1. old. Excellent contrucUon. Don't mlu thl1 one either! Only 107.-r.oo, awtable term1 arranctd. VOGEL CO. 208 Mllrlne Ave .. Blllboa h ht.nd Har. tU ( Evu. LI 8-0~7 Har. 1786·RK 2ttc Newport Island 2 BEDRM. resld~ce with 1 bedrm. apt. over dbl. prage, s1e.&oo. BALBOA a UNITS comer k>l. u cH l.ncome r~ord. Ha.tf blk. from Bay and parking (Ile. Clean. 110.000 will handle. AL.BO BUSINli:SS blrts.. PLUS 2 aptt. ONLY Ul>OO DOWN Trip lex, furnished 4 BEDRM. llou11t, PLU~ 2 apt.a. A tew 1tep1 from the bay, FULL P RICE $20.000. Coast Properties 301 E. Bal"<>& Blvd,. Bak>b& Harbor 2808 .t Har. 4a()() Ille TRIPLEX Above China Cove TWO 2 BCDROOM8 and a 1 bed· room u11ll. Redwood and ahake. l!x«llent ln~•lmuit. 2 yea.rt old. 3 car saraae. P\ill pr1ce. S27~ A L.SO 2 BE:ORM . .ffON IC ON POPPY- Wondertul vtew or ocean lllld hfll• from up•la lr1. Nice yllrd .t l)llllo. Full price $12.000 wtth euy lerm•. Smalt down pay. ment. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and A.880C1A TES ~-a......--, Corona deJ Kar Pho~ Hll~T 244S Costa Mesa 4 bdrm... 2 1-th. n..w $10.&00 Sl.260 Down. Newport Heights S brtrm. 6 den. r .. a1 cl~ao $\4,700 Good Tt rm• 7 FURN unlt.t 6 2 bdrm furn. hume. lncomt H.~O yr I U .000 down lncl11cll'• SI0.000 tunilture. C.11 NF'..AL J . MARTIN Bay & Beach Realty 14~ W, Balboa Blvd Nt,.,"J>Ort Beach, CaJlr- Har 126-t l!:Yu. U 1-1174 Newport Best Buy 2 Furnished Units F'or Sl 1,000, nnly 14000 down Balance Ii~ pu monlb. I block to Bay or Ocun I Unll Rt'nted •l ~ mo CHARLES E. HART. Realtor Mart>or 14 23 lH20 W . Balboll Blvd . Nc.,11•port ll!c HONEST BARGAIN SEE HARBOR and Valley vtew- but levfl 2 btonna , 2 batl\t, rsmlly N)Om, 2~ ft. llv1nr room Owner Ja ltavint th~ Stalea. and this la hottest buy. COM I U .000 P'OR APPT. lo Mt call - FORD VERJUNDER INCLUDING CARPETS AND DRAPES Owner moving from Harbor area. Low down pay- ment to qualified btJyer. Owner will carry balance with 5% interest. PHONE HARBOR 5226 4 FURNISHED UNITS -BALBOA A REAL MONEY MAKER on Eut Bay Ave .. and can be purchued at a real bargain. $5000 down. Bal. $UO. mo. Full price $16,850. PHONE HARBOR 5226 3 BEDRM. FURN. R 3 LOT 1 door from ocean, acrou St. from bay. Only 2~ yra. old. Fine view of bay from u1>9taira living room and deck. -1521 W. Balboa Blvd. PHONE HA.ltBOR ~226 FURN. DUPLEX ON C 1 LOT 282• Newport Blvd. Outat&nding buy with only $115()() down. Bal. $80. mo. Full price $9500. PHONE HARBOR 5226 OR COME IN 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach ART C. KISTLER CO. FEBRUARY SPECIALS Balboa Pier and Slip Nearly New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home Private Beach, large patio Full Price • $32.500 * * 'k Open House Daily 1 -4 p. m. 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. and 2000 E. Ocean Blvd. * .:r * I.Arp Comer Lot -BeauUful V\e'llf Not I..8aehold -$10,&:iO ti * '{} LIDO Bayf ront • Pier Ii Slip 3 bdrma .• 2 bat.hi, fumiahed -$4-9,500 -tr * \'r Large Comer Strada Lot 3 bdnna., 2 bath.. $3000 down. BAY and BEACH REALTY l 4!SO W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1264 -Eveninp Harbor 18:56 BALBOA PENINSULA Bargain -Outstanding Home NOW VACANT -M0 \18 RIGHT JN! Ex.ceptiotaUy well built home overlooking park and ':: block from bay bathing beach. on be-autiful cot· her loc:aU on. Lota of individuality. Jumbo shake ?J>Of. Expenaively carpeted and draped throughout. Oulltanding featuree 11uch u uh paneling m Uv. room and ub cabinet. in a moat deUghtful kitchen. Large fireplace, 2 lar-g~ bcinna.. eeparate service room. Ove~ 2-ar gan,ge on a wide alley. Only 4 monlb1 old. Thie home a. out.standing and la priced to seU at only $21 .500. Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1&'56 Newport Blvd.. Costa Meaa CAcrou From Costa Mesa Bank) Phone Liberty 8~6761 Evea. Hu. •366-Ll 8-2103 brlC!k fireplace, lua-e plctu,.. window. lar1e kitchen. au tile, oodlH of cupboard 1paee. Pull· man type tile bath with double batlH. L-arge .ervlce pordl with buJlt·lnl• Plu1 one bdrm. rental unit. Almoat new. Don't mill thla. l'ull price SHl.300, .term•. 8. A. NERESON RJ:.ALTOR 1982 Newport Bl.cf.. eo.t& Mua Phone LI 1·1872 EvH, LI 1-~87 2 B. R. Home and Income al Balboa l1land IT'S MODERN, &11d nearly new. with tumace heat. fireplace, di•· poaal, wall to wall carpet and covered patio. Double rarace. AND INCIDENTALLY. a very nice apr_ and the apt. i. tumt.h· ed. All for 129,0GO. We wlll be plealed to lhow at your con· venlence. Conte.ct Hub Poweu J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 83, 503 P1rk Ave. Balboa l1land BILL'S BEST BUYS Back Bay Vl~w Home BROWNELL deelpect lhlt lhakt roofed conumporary l bdrm. A dt'n home. ff-. radiant heat. Qua.rry Ute floor1. Redwood u · ter1or. Patio dellcned !or pool. n-.da •l1&11d-plnc fl fenclna . Becau.e ot 1epanallon ln tam· lly miat be ~Id. Priced al Uf.500. We wlU arnnre t111&11c· In(. W. A. TOBIAS RE A LTOR uyou•tt 111ce our frlendl)' MMCe" SN JC. l 7t.b 8 t.. CO.ta w ... Ut>ert1 a. use Lots 2 LOTS In buslne.. sone. near civic ~nter. 17SOO ALSO R-2 lot near ch&nnt'I. Beach Homes 2 BEDROOM home near bocb. $MOO. MODICRN 2 bedrm. home, fl~pl . ltuceo. J block to beach, 111,260. Channel Fronts HOME with dock -.... U 0.000, At..80 duplex with boat. N. B. C. Realtv Co. 32nd St. It Newpo~ ~len"' Nrwpc>rt Beach. Har. 14~. lclO "Let u. Locate for You" f'or Hartlor property. bay and beach, Coat.a Meea, Corona del M.a.r, Santa Ana, etc. The LOCATOR of Ca.JJ!. Branen office, 1114 HarbOr Blvd. Collt& M-.. Pbon. LI ... lMl. t7ttc CORONA DEL MAR 2 BDRM. HOM_I:, ' y-r1 old. Lovely view oc '11 .t bay. Ul• Fenced patio. dbL P"C'· ~In· ror ed for 2nd noor. R-2 lot. Reduced 11000 a ec't •lcknea -to pay more !"hen you can get a nearly new Cape C.od bou.e. knotty pine, fireplace, elaborate barbe· que and patio. Beautiful permanent ocean view. Pri· nte beach. 2 bdnna .. 1 1 ~ baths. tile. W to W car· p.t.lna', drapes. PartJy furniahed. A BEAUTY at ~ Q8'1&1 pri~ for •ucb a home. Only $18.~ tnu. H•r 42&3 1 Ena. Har. 34771 ~trc ---------------------Owner, 506 Avocado BY OWNltR, eut 11lde C:O.,ta LI DO I SL E 4cl8 Mt •, 3 bdrm , lJ. bath, 11e,ar• ate •howrr. h•d. fin .. nreplace. BEAUTIFUL BA YFRONT HOME. pier and 1lip. clock controllfll hrat. wuUler Lovely furniture. waJI to wall carpets and drapes. •tripped lhru out, encl<>Hd breuway. F'rice u o.500-125-00 Lot.A of 6tru. Shown by a ppointment. Ex.elusive l.Aguna Ocea.n Front Location. Balboa Bay Properties 419 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa-Har. ~786 or evea. 2517-M OUR GOAL IS "EIGHT FJVE IN '55" <S8.~.ooo.oo that a.> RQIDIBICR THIS, when Ml.ling property. the eeU- ln.r mmm•eeton cbarp i8 mlall com~ to the IDAA1 adnnt.ac• ol haYinc the •le In the hands ol expert&. Comult )'OV MultfJ>'e Li.stfnr Broker. down. H4.44 mo. l!Ule.. a. ln11U. tnC'I. FHA, 4 ·~ ~ loan. L1 s..3328 &ell Bay Front Income I UDlt.-1 A I ~ tu;m. llbed. Piaf, float and pr1nC. ~ 1000 .. Balboa Bl..O~ e.l~ er.tTlew 1814& Oour'- '-7 to Wollwa. 11Uc Attractive Bay Ave. I BEDROOM HOM.I:. Goty«>UI blt.y 'ri-. colorl\ll llJ'U.Uc waU· paper decor. loterlor b&rbecue. Lonty 119Uo. Cao be -mom· ~ and •-lop. 913 w. Bay An., Newport Beac.b. tSdll Newnn.+ Harbor Board of . Realtors B~~l~;::.~~Jlh~uh~ n JNI I er, prb. dl.p . ., bkflt. be.r. din. rm.. patio. tumac., cpta. and UO • S2Dd St .. Newport Beach :::.--sJ.~~ to ~h. 111 •Int. ---------------Marlnen talc A.NJty-Harbor 4711 Everybody Read1 the C LA S S I F I ED i11 Mu1ne) B&lllM I.a..ad 1o10 I I ALSO WATERFRONT HOME. select IOCAtion . 3 yean old. Loll of tile. forced air heat. 2 bdrms.. 11 , bathe. excellent financing. S26,500 faml1hed. Both are elltclueive listings with EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach Har. 10\.3 WE HA VE two beautiful Iota in Corona Highland• -about the heart that are now for 1&le. Ea.ch nm~ from •lnet t.o •.t:ree1. and each hu a wonderful view. On 45-ft. R-2 lot in Corona del Mar -Sublrt&ntJally built h<N8e with living room 16 x 13. Many Special Features. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Reelt.on Bumne. Broker 3135 & Coe.at Wchwa.y Corona de.I M.ar Hu. 21&2 Owner in Hospital M'\JBT SELL 2 ~drm., 4 yr. old llome In Corona dtl .Mar. E•cel· lent view. R-2 lot. Can bulld F'ULL PRJCIC 114.000 0 H. LATHROP. 31135 E. Coa•t Hwy_ Corona del Mar. Har. :MO £vts. Har. 361l·J . &c7 LIDO ISLE Move in Today ! WELL BUILT. eompl«Uly turn· llhed I bdrm .. 2 bath home on lar(e lot. Cork noor1 Ill l\a.U 6 rnutn bdrm. LoveJ1 urpeted uno, room wtt.11 aarr• Dnp!a<l•. ~ty ldtcbm. $21.IOO f\ln>ial't· ed, M&oo down. s:a., J19ymefttl ce balan~ Call Ru. U70 tA> .... llttc CLIJT B~ ~w~~-~su.900 I bdrm • Low dOWft • 4 ~ kie11 n. u ... ,..17 ror app'l. lp10 • -. . -\ a ._.1.~ ... !~te!---.:....~a~~·!•!ll!..!m.e.!!! .. !!.---- BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS Beautiful So. Bayfront home and pest apartma'- 3 bdrma. and 3 batha. Private p6eJ' 6 float. >. bupin at $88,600. So. Bay two unita, 2 bdrm.a. each, a llEAL 1liu.)' al $37,600, $10,000 down. So. Bay older home that needa 90me .,....a, ft11a• and paint. Hu new pier 6 float and a I mfWon dollar view. OnJy $33,7!50 • $7500 down. No. Bay front modem 3 bdrm., 2 bath bome .,. view from every room. Completely twm.bed. Aaldng $45,7:50 a.nd ONLY $GOOO dowa.. Near ~w 4 bdrm. home and aputinent con•JI__,, " furnished and in excellent condttioo. Full prioe $36,!500. tenDll. 3 bdrm. Ii den home f\lrn1.lhed tor year-1•0llD4 ... ing on Little Ialand -A.aJdDc $29,500. 2 bdrm. fumiahed and in good condition. to be ..a u Ls for only $17.~ and get thi., $12:50 down. Thia ia a "sleeper," a little cottage on the...-ol a 30 x 85 ft. lot. fll,:500 -$4000 down. • Here'•· news !or you. Ju.at receiftd lt. A. ' bdrm.. 2 bath borne in fine condition. A.tao turn.llbed. Full price i19,l500 and $3000 dOW'D. VOGEL CO. ~08 Marine Ave., Balboa X.land Harbor 6'4 (Eves. LI 8--5297 • Har. 1788-RK) Lido Isle is Newport's finest year-round home colony. Only 1 block from the Club with it.a lovely beach and tennia court, we have an ideal family home, in U • cellent tute. 3 bdnna., 2 batli., maaive uMd brick fireplace. open beam ceUlng, lovely kitchen, patio and aepa.rate service yard. You can't do better at only $27,500. (Owner wlll consider taking in a Udo lot. u even t'bough · he Ls being t.n.uf ernd, he want.a to come back.) Headquarters for serene Lido Iale ainoe 193:5 . p. a. palmer incorporated • ole h&UOD CO., ulea Jlll1Dl. 3333 via Udo -har 1l500 LIDO ISLE "' Open Daily 1to4 P . M. -119 Via Yella 35' Lot • South Pallo. 2 bdnm., completely furni..ahed. Full price $19,7:50. Tenna.. Also Open : 215 Via Mentone Exceptionally fine 2 bedroom home. KJtchen bu dispoaal plu.a diahmuter. -$21,7!50, t.erma. Eltclusive -Bayfront with Pier 6 SUp. S bdrm., 2 balb1. completely fumiahed. $49,:500, xlnt. t.enna. We aleo have eome excellent buy. in lob on Lido. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE On"JCE "JU8t to the right of the Udo Bridae• 311~ Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. Md (evee B. 2999) BALBOA ISLAND Plenty of room for all 6 bdrma.. 3 b&tha, l&JTe fireplace and b&rbeq•. Sliding glua wall dining room adjotu .,.UO. ,....... c~ectly located. Thie . att ractive, well-built home bu ID&DJ atru which will pleue you. A value we are proud to ahow. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Amoe.lat. Park at M.a.rine, Balboa la1and -Barbor 2'U Do You Want A beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home! Wood P1MIJe4 living room looking onto a tree-ehaded petJo - Separate dining room. glueed-in lanai, double ,.,... age -Choice Little hland. AU-year 1"in1 for ~.000. A 2 bdrm. home with double garage In excellent lo- cation -Could be made into an income propert.1 or quality. $18,000. D 0 R I S 8 R A Y , Realtor Nona Hyer Chet Saliabury Curt DoG 216 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 20 or 8' New Back Bay Subdivision Highly Restricted 10 Lots Sold this month ONLY 4 LEFT .2 CORNERS 72Jr101 ...... -.$39GO -.eh 2 INSIDE 72x101 ............ .....$S460 -.eh HURRY, These Won't L.1t I PHONE Liberty 8-1781 ...._ ,. ' n-.... Eatat. ._ .... r..tate -------------------- "C'' THUMA~ "C'' THOJ4A.8 "C'' TBOJUB ''C'' THUM.AS HOME la INCOME J BOUID 01'1 BJ:AU. ~ A. 2 NEWPORT BEACH MOTEL ::U:t.! !-:.:u;":~ ·~ One or the BF.ST mot.ell In the Harbor area -only 7 yrs. old -12 unlll incl. 2 dbla. PLUS owners 3 bdrm. home -Patio -utility room • completely FURNISHED -$515,000 -Terma. LOTS AND ACREAGE .S fl. lot on Udo lale .......... ~·-··-········· .............. $13.~ 60 ft. lot in Newport Hetgbta ··--·--········-···-··· 3,800 VIEW lot on IQJ\p Road ........... ·-·-·--·····-··· 5,500 206' X 200' M-1, Co.ta Meaa .. -···--······· .. ······· 18,500 2.86 acre. aoned R-4 ... ···········-········-·····-·-· .. 13,500 LIDO ISLE LIDO NORD BAY FRONT -Brand new 2 bdrm. 6 den, W to W carpeting throuchout, F. A. heat. built-in ranee 6 oven, diabwuher in attractive col· orful kitcbe.n -Pier le float -$59.500. LIDO NORD -621,i.! ft. cor. Jot -Lovely 3 bdrm. rumpus room, din. room, 15 x 28 !iv. rm. with fire- place, 1 a11 batha, garb. disposal & dishwasher, W lo W carpeting 6 ,drapea. All large room1, nice patio PLUS 15 x 37 ft. filtered swimming pool. Priced at $4.2,500. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22' W. Coast HJ1bway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 bdrm. houM rent.al at $~. mo. Room for anoU1t-r unit. Exe. buy at 113.800. Both houaea ln Lip-lop condlUon, only I yn. old Ena. Pb. LI 8·26tl TRADE Ownn will trade 3 bdrm. P'rtt- dom home with beauw. w.w carp., vent. bllnd1, 1arb. dlsp. A lawn In, for larger I 0r 7 room houae up to $18,000. llvea. Ph. Har. G298· W 11·1 "".ft!lART OF INDUSTRJAL aec. M' on Superior. Hu lg. 3 bdrm. h11e. Exe. Ol'polnlJIJty tor anal! mfg. enterprt.e with apace tor bldf. abope • bav. Uvtnc qln. too. Only 112,900 with term11. On uwera. -EvH. Ph., U 8·6•87. 3 Acree to Subdivide HE ART OF DOWNTOWN area. Nr ldlool1. churchea, tr&Mp. and ahopp. Will cut 16 to 23 totL lewer ln. WUI trade tor local Inc. or sell on t enna. Be au~ lo aee lhl•. BALBOA ISLAND BAYP'RONT RUS. A INC. PRO P. "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS ,.C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS A money ma ker. Hamburger atand, p&lidl• board r.ntala A a apt.a. Oroaaed over Sl2.000 1n a aummt'r month11. Can ex-patid • double lncome. A real lnve11t. at S31!,000, with terma. Hurry before Jta•t•r Week , l!:vea. Ph. Har. l'l298·W * It's Different C9RONA DEL MAR -t hose seeking that 'coey atmoaphere' in a smaller home with real charm, will like thla unu•ual offering: From the fireplace in the master bedroom to the mahogany panelinc and cork floors in the t.ute- (uJly decorated gueat room, careful planning ia re- tleoted in every room. Thie "large-home-tor.a-amall-fa~ily" has full din- inr room looking down Into the beam-ceiling living room with Its attractive fireplace. Outdoor Uving- ternce affords privacy and delightful country at· mo.phere on the 4'-!t. wooded loL . We haven't mentioned the extra half-bath: the other patio with lath house for s hade planll: nor deacnbed dad's functional den with its many built· Im. Not new, but in excellent condition, this home is oC- fere<I for the tinrt time at a price much below what YoU would expect -only $17,500! Oh yt>a, the two-car pra&'e t. de.aigned and atreued tor an apartment above. C.U owners' agent for appolnt.m.nt to iM~t or for further detail.a, M·l ACREAGE 8 acres . rut growing lndu11t. •""'- This la a buy. t•0.000 wlt.b 2t•,4 down. Eve,1.. Har. HU I BUILDING LOTS A wide 11ele lion or E .. t A WMl aide lot,., AlllO choice Back S.y hOml' allc8 Houston Realty Ir ASSOCIATES ~09 Center SI. C0&la MM& Phone W 8-fl9 1 I Tc9 CLIFF HAVEN Open House -Sat . It Sun. 1001 Cliff Drive PANOl'\AltlJC VlEW from UU1 nearly new ,!lhakl' root, 3 bdrm., 2~ blllh home. Thermador k it· chen, 2 u111•d brick tlrt'place•. larre dtnlnJ room -wall to W&1l c&rpt•tlna a cu.111om buut hnm11 ot 2.•00 IQ. rt. for SZ9,76() A r.-1 b1~ (nut leueholdJ. • • • Roomy & Nice 3 Bedroom S!-Ral Eetate ---~.-...------------------- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST PROKINENT comer locaUon tor doetor, clinle or emergency hospital. New 4 bdrm., 2 bath home. Living room, balls le bdnna. carpeted, drapes, land- acaped. Area for otf-atreet parking. No medical 11ervice1 near. Full price SU,250. terma. DEN, 2 bdrms. $10,000 on Magnolia. Cement patio lathe houae ln fenced rear ya.rd. Carpeting W to W in liv. room It den. 0 . I. Reale. Very good buy. You 1ubmlt your down payment. 330' x 660' Area of Back Bay. Beat~ acres in Costa Meaa at $3000 per ac~. Terma. VIEW • HARBOR 6 OCEAN view home we are plea..eed to ahow. 3 l&Jp bdnne., 1 % tiled bat.ht, gravity heat, flaptone F. P ., Sola view windowa. Carpeta W lo W in Uv. rm. drapea 1tay. Thia abow place la 2 yni. old &11d aituated on beautiful Holm· wood Dr. J ust $26,500, excellent temut. COM~CIAL zone on Newport Ave. downtown Co.ta Mesa -150 ft. at bargain price ~r $9S ft. tiu. HEAVY shake roof, built-in atove '"-oven. Ueed brick F. P ., forced beat. 3 lovely bdnna., H~ tiled baths. Attached dbl. r arage. Brand new and ju.at $14,000 with $3000 dwn. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1807 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. BAY SHORES (2) T W 0 (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 • 5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Sbonie' C1everet1t Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., rabed used brick fireplace, dishwasher, diaposal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, term11. A ND Bay View Home • 2601 Bay Shore Drive e 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Wall to wall carpeting. Electric kitchen. Lovely home for a couple with Rccommo- dationa tor visiting friends and relalivee. Full price $29,500, t erms. For preview ahow~•. call Ha.rbor 1600 - (Eva. Liberty 8-6386) Balboa Realty Co. o~~E ~~tu~~'!'!! .. :St,, btlt.h4. ln good ("(lndltlon. Plu rlfbta. t47.~. tenna. Peninsula Home ! NEW LlSTINO. 2 bedroom• and a cul• home. Nice walled front yard and a dandy pat io. a lao "noloaed. J:xcepllon11lly wt-II built. BNl of au ll 11 only tu.ooo and ~ood tuma. Balboa Home! NlllAR BAT A ND OCEAN. 2 bed· roonu, 2 bathe. Room ror two more un.lt.a on Oil• R-3 lot. 51300 NC9nUy 1J14nl to bring It up-lo· dau. 112.000. t l600 down. Duplex! CLOIJ: TO Uoo SHOPPING DllTIUCT. ' btdrooma, 3 ahow· era. Onl,y 2 ye&ra old • . . hu many utru. C\ll from U2.~ to HO,•OO. f'OOO down. Ocean Front Duplex ON THZ PWNINIULA and only ll!O r .. t to th• Bay. Ttrrlrlc Ocean or Bay view. Good home Wlt.b Income or a 1ood rl'nter UI.~. wlt.b term1. . - Bav Front! DUPLEX WITH 2 BEDROOMS UP A ND TWO DOWN. P riva te beach and pier r11ht1. Bt'at rent •l area. Need• aome fl.Jl'ln up but owner baa •l price t~ com pe111ate. Onl1 Ht,T60, terma. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoalle Bank ot America) 'Membera, Multlple Uat1n1 Rou OrHley Sd lAe Jaok Pinkham Jo•phln• Webb TOO It S.lboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1217. BARGAIN! BARGAIN! Duplex CLOll: TO Hll.U\T OF TOWN on J:aat 1lde. A lovely 2 bednn J:aat •Ide dupleit. 2 c.ar pra1• betwHn unlta. 4ttracllvely laid ouL Only 3 yra. old. Thia 11 un doubtedly the beet buy ln town . Priced at only 112,000. Furnished Home % Acre . t • • VJ:~Y NICI: 2 bedrm. home, com pletely turnl.ahed. Wood n oora. ,.,..,.. Hou.. ta In eJICllleJI COlldlUOD. RecenUy r.d-rat.ct Located In B11ck Be.)' area. le dlta ,,...,..~ ta •~t• Tenna can be h••I P'\llJ prtce t STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor BEIT ICASTSrnF: VALUE -2 yn. old. s.-11·ct hdwr1. nooni. bar kltc.hf'n, 10 xlO'•• 111ntn&-14"x· io· llvln.: room wit.I\ r'\'d t>T1ck flrepl•CI'. O\eT.lllXed dbl. &'&r., P rMl l' dl.-poul lAnly nel«h· Mrh•>M ~ •. '. l11An. run prkt 111.700. Only 12 ooo down. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS 011ly 110.:100. Phil Sullivan & 26'7 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 882 ·coST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' NEWPORT HTS : 3 bdrm. older home. dbl. garage, large k>t, good locaHon, $8500 with $1000 down and balance S70 per month. 3 bdrm. horn<', hwd. floors, (2 yrs. old) near Catho- lic rhurch. $9500 with $1000 down and FHA loan $7250 Rt $60 per month. including taxes It Ins. Owner will carry smalJ loan tor bal. of $1250. 1 1,8 acres with 3 bdrm. home, dbl. garage & large work 1hop. East aide location and within sewer djstrict. $13.500 with tennt. 1 bdrm. older home, itervfoe porch. garage, ANO right in tnwn. S5500 with only $500 down. M-1 Jndustr1sl lot. 60x126 C 2 Bustne88, 50x 140 R-4 Residential, 49x150 • ··········-············ $2950 ........... ·---············ 3500 . . .. .... ....• . .. . 1950 G. N. WE LLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa LI 8·1601 HARBOR VIEW * Shake Roof Beamed Ceiling LOVELY RA NCH TYPE built-In klll'11m II br1rm .. J, balh, r•I•· td bi lck tlrrpl.&(o", expen1dvl' cArpl'tlnit. hdwl), floor11. 1la111'e<I In dlnlnit area. patio, aeparntl' 11h11 ke roof dbl, pra«•· NN1r Back Bny Only S ltl.!>00 Ownrr will ron•H.ll'r a1 Uttle u U . .WO dn. You'll ran In lhvt' with thl11 buuurul home. Bay & Beach Realty 1696 ll=l'wport B<lulevard Costa Mraa, C'allfornla LJ 8·1161. Evu. Liberty 8-31~ CO TA MESA 3 BR. l'IUll61dr, largr lot. allry ltUllJ:C', be•t ludlllOll $11.000 M UST SF:LL' A L.$0 • br . rompletely tum rHdy to move 1.n, almoat new. RE- DUCE D to . .. 112.000. Rock Bottom Low DoWT1 CRARMl:-10 2 bf' .. ea11Lllde, l\\'411' •verylhtnr l!IS.'IO Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach Phofte" Harbor leoo <Ev.. LI 8-5386) BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier 6 1Up privilege. 3 years old. 2 bdrm .. i 1 , bath, Iota of tile. Parquay flrs., dbl. gar., F. A. heat. Now la the time to buy· !or next summer or yearly occupancy. A Real Value at Th.la Price. $26,2~0 LIDO ISLE LIDO SOUD BA YFRONT-Pier & slip. Flnt time offered. only 1 yr. old. 3 bd.rms., 3 batba, elec. kit., built-in diahwuhn, ~arbage d lspoaal, W to W car- pets, dra~s & new 20' Century motorboat inc. in price. This ls a honey! Price $70,000 ALL EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~\13 NeWP,Ort Blvd .. Newport Beach. Har. 1013 Have You Been Looking for This 7 George Everson I e l ~ New port Dlvd , Co.st.a Mf'!la lacroe11 trnm t:u•la Mua Bank Phone LI 8-9791 Evr11. Har. 436 Liberty 8·2103 2 Choice Properties rt11 Cl~1.11- 11.-Atlracllvt' It• nl'llr BeM<·h. Storr11- 11nd 11'11n~por 1111111n ll• u1 ld.-AI hornt-wllh Income. 2 bdm'8. In h OUH. 2 bt'drm11. I p rage apt ""lly fumlllh!'c'I a n t 120.000 one of the finest bomu on the Pan!Juula r . . . . WITH M.ANY un114ua.J ft-1tur,.• Mr>d"m In d~c:or IOeaJ hom1 ro yriu end your tnen!l.., I 1>4-drmL drn t1nd l11rs:f! rumpua N t<lm Y.1UI bu . 3 eun tfe<'k•. Ru11tlt11I car petlng and 1lr•~ liulll In 11love l•bl• and I cha in bar. back bar and ~tools lnt'luded lft un fu m J1hrd prire or f S4.000. CU.t~m mad\' fUmlturt-•vallablt I • Balboa Bay · Properties h FEB. 2. 1955 -COAS TAL SHOPPER -PAGE Ir ................. v DENNIS -HE'S NO MENAC'E NOT In this Lido bone -A large f'ncl<Mled lanai off ot the cbildrena' bedrooma keeps him happy and yet from underfoot. 4 bedrooms, 2 batha with a pan. eled 18 x 26 livinr room with fi l't'plart and IM'parate dining al'Q. A buy at $29.500. v NOT MUCH -JUST A LOT and what • lot. 60 feet running street to atrl'<'t. A wonderful place to build your new hom~. Steal It for $13,500 or !or a atarter Jet ua 1how you a won· derful 4 bedroom, 2 bath ahowplace that <'an be duplicated on thl1 Jot for $37,500 full price. v JUST STEP INSIDE thi1 cheerful home and you'U want to move rigbt In. Provincial interior throughout wtth paneling &11d a used brick fireplace in both Uvtng room and mu- ter bedroom. 4 bedroona or 3 and den, 2 bath1, pel'9 feet tiled kitchen. Street lo 1treet lot a 1tep from the t>e.t beach. S28,500. v YEARN FOR A YARD euy to keeop up that ii -here'• a nn Lido hom .. with a patio plu1 a lawn -all walled. Pteuant In· terior with used brick fireplace and tine woodwork. 4 bedroom and 2 batlul for $31.TW. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINICST'' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTftANCl!l) BAL:BOA ISLAND Open House Sunday, F ebruary 6th-12 t o 5 320 Diamond Ave. Delightful 2 bdrm. home with Income apt. over gar- age and gueat room !umlahed. $2•,500. Spaciou11 3 bdrm., 2 bath home • pine panelled, car· petcd, disposal, furnace beat and room t o add In· come on the rear of lot a delightful year round home or excel. income. $26,000. Do you like provincial papers and wood panellnr T We have a delightful 2 bdrm. home · Iota oC cloeet.. a nice patio, fireplace. prage &nd the financlnr ia good. $19,600. On Lltt.Je laland complftely daarmJfts 2 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm". cottare tutefully furniahed shows $3300 focome. $215,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 MU1ne Av~ .. Balboa I1tand Phone Harbor 502 • E\lea. 2300.ft BILL'S BEST BUYS 4 Bedroom Home One block Ea.~t of Newport Blvd. Wood floors, Youngstown Kit., floor furn., garb. dlap., 2-car gar. $8950 . .......... . . . ................ ·----SlOOO dn. One Bedroom Eastside 118 x H O lot. Room for another home. Five yrs. old. A little fudng will (ive you a n'al nice home. $30:50 . . . .. . . . . .. . .. Tenn.a 117 x 139 CORNER LOT Eaat of Harbor Blvd. Lge. enough for two loll ........... ···········-_ F. P. $-tOOO W. A. TOBIAS , & ASSOCIATES REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" S93 E. 17th &t., Coata Men Liberty S.ll39 Corona del Mar Vogel Value "The only available home in its claBS." Panoramic vtew of the entire Harbor Area from thl11 oew 4 bedroom plu1 den, 3 bathroom, exceed- ingly chttrful, e&1ily maintained Cliff home. Two balconies, " permanent ''iew from every room. P late gla.sa windows & eliding doors. Carpets. drapes. worklhop. FArtra large garage. 2 fireplaces. NEWPORT HEJGHTS 3 BR . 2 bath, view, on l>f'•t •lreel. tep. dlnln« room., holwd, n oora. beet buy t1 l .. -12:1,:100, terma- BALBOA ISLAND: Small "Fixerupper.'' with am- ple rm to build In f ront, only $5000 dn .. $11 ,500 F. P. l~O:i W llnlbo11 Blvd .. Npt. Bta~ P!lon• Hnr. &Ill or Kar1>or ltll 3 BDRM. and 2 bath, dining room, income apt. with BAY FRONT Home AND Separate Apt. with Bay View Ready t n move In. · A.Ming prire $40,000. Thia lovely home must aell. To a qualift<'d buyer we will also finance with a real low do1'•n . Call J ohn Macnab, Harbor 3297 or 5359 anytime. EA~L W. STANLEY, Realto r VOGEL VALUE Two .New Duplexes SlS,750 tach -only $31 00 down. Nictly landscaped and fenced. Rented at $76 per month. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W, Cout Hwy., Newport Beach Lllx·rty S-3481 BAYSHORES Ch1rmln1t :I br., 2 bath, 2 patio•, sn.600. NEWPORT Vacant lot nur beach ... .. $3000. Claire Van Horn R.l!!ALTOR 2731 W Cout H wy. LI M217 Costa Mesa Nice 3 bdrm. home on Broad- way. Has large Uvtng rm., large kitchen with garbag-e dlap., bwd. fln., lot.a of tile ln kitchen It bath. Fenced yard, newly decorated In· 11ide & out. Owner lca,·mg state. This W{'('k only SlOOO dn., bat. like rent. Harbor 1862 (Har. H&l twee, I 5c7 NTCI: I BDRM. l\ouae. til1 bath, hOwd, floor e. n oor rumace, pat.lo ~arllit It f('nCt•J ) a;d, P1 u\l.'TIU U S.M-09. IHl<'IO •• sheltt>red patJo can be your home and apl will On New.port Island help pay all expenses. h Exclusive CLIFF HAVEN: Drive by 403 Kinqs Road 50-~t. bulkheaded lot. wit and sec new home, under construction. S &inns., pier 8r lge. float , Large Uv . 2 baths and den-dining room. View of Bay, Ocean ing room with fireplace. 2 and 16' a 30' pool. Price of $34,500 will include nice bdnns. with P l baths e land.lcaplnr and many eJttru. Extra Jar~e dinette attA Double gara1e, euily mad w ALDRON REAL TY triple. $27,500, urms. 3-08 Marinr A\•e., Balboa Island Har. 0234 CORONA DEL MAR $12,750 Small 2 bdrm. homt with minimum upkeep. 3 yrs. old, near store., etc., raised hearth fireplace, at- tractively tinlabed, our best buy in lu due. Exclusive Corona Highlands View home, drapes & carpetinJ, modern design, 2 bdrm. 6 bath up and Uving-bd.rm. with bath down. we are ju.t aelUng the home, the Yiew would coat too much to cbarp for. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANK) 3444 E. Coast Blvd, Corona del llfar Harbor 2188 .,> RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3411 Newport Blvt1 , Npt. ~h Harbor •02. ll:itt c B Y OWNER - I d •• . I DESI.RA BL& J bMn<>m, baU. A 1, CORO:-: A H ICHl,..ANDS r11rn lly homr Cozy u11er1 hrlrk tirr plare, r111j~l'tl hl'lrlh. Ctnt r11 htol\t, Ch11rmtnR birch pan~le kltrhrn. D111pollal, !'arp,.tf'<I. Lit yard. view. 118.1100. Sff 1.11y Ume. 6°' Sea ward Road. Ocl BY OWNER 2 c Corona HlghlAnrl1 -3 bdrm .. bath r11rmh0113 Ph Harbor Ta..J ott.I Total price $19,500 THI!': 1 BDRM. HOME In front hu lgc. tooD:\8, ii ('Omplctely furnished le very attractive. The lge. 1 bd rm. 11pt. (with new rnnge le refrt~.) over the garage ha., f)('rmanent Bay Vin,., lot• of wood pan- eliog & is only 2 yn. old. Then lbcre Is another bdrm. & ·11 bath below the avt. The uni te could not ht' duµlicated at current buildJng coeta. Excellent financing & low down payment can be arranged. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 LID 0 SEE THIS NOW ! 3 bdrm11 .. 2 baths on a quiet 1trf!et to irtrada M-CL lot. Nice south pat io. Foreed aJr htat. A really fine home. Ody $2-4,7:50 Leea than co.t. of replacement DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 NEWPORT BL VD., Newport Bead Phone Barbor 3693 WITH SALLIE Have a cookie • • • tM =t.._.....e. .. ..,., to better beeltla. Ylgor ... .-ra .. ·Bo•f.e like doilWe tall ••• U I 1"N to •J tMM tlOOll'-were wbippM ., •'from tile beet of die ....,. ucl .. f... the befit of t1ae eea" or 1~ w1to1e •MM no.r. et.II ,.. MllU'· _,,.oa,._~.,......_ fJl'8la from die .-•.• 1• ..-. ~ rarlab* over tO ov 1-brJ .._ _..,.. ap the _,..,. browme to _. tile ....... •rllll 11owa Jou .pa.e · · • Bo 1 w.'t w wbo wut ll llollllO eooklee are _,. of, or that they ~ lllMr-llut 1 albecl Coolde9 • • • wlD •1· 19\ie tried al fou flavon ••• Carob, O.m ••I. r..it ... JIO .. MN •• • ... flad Meh -*-9 ud well wOl't.b a • y b o 'd-y'• maelat.g ••• Bealtlay T Mo ::Ju. .S-'t tute a bit n :::l;. ":..~ ~: lea are aatrtdoully eor- rect • • • became tlaey are made of whole pallH. 111ow ~ to retala tbelr ut- an.I 'Yaluee • • • beel- tbey aoataba • reftlled ... pr,., layd.rolm•W t• ao •yathetlc eJaendrala • • • It ,,_ eat thne of tlleM cooklea a day yw wm take la 11 ta.e. u.. .... - dally ~t of food lodlM aad 8~ of tM lroa nqabemeat .•• pa. 1! otiMJI' aJaenlil aei E F rf to be talu!e lato the bcNty dalJy • • • Yoa 9tOI ._'t believe they tute pod T Come .. ud try --tlall week.-d ... ftey wDI be demoatnted .•. Search your Heart for Heart re9eal'Ch . . . February la Heart Raearch month ••• Dig deep in your jeana . . . You can pt alolw ~ other tblnga ... Bul the tick· . er bu got to keep ticking regularly •.. Reeearch ia ex· penaive ... Let'• hear your change tinkle loud and long when you eee a little pl.utic heart ... Now you caa keep Fraeb Putne. oa halld. J"MiCly to werve for 45 mllt- •tea defroM:lllK .•• What a. there left to treeae T '.l"heee ..,.., ca8ed 1'1earettee ~ /1H1MU Simply Wontlerlul !'ENDER SPIUNO GROWN VEGm'ABLE8 eelel!W from tM "t.c9" of tM en,. Ooat- pue • n.e ~ rich color Mid exqaWte flavor of s a w food8 ..s 1oa11 cn.- eover 7.ar ....ta& tlM n.e.t JUelllucl•• .... to off•, .... at •nap )'OD Clall't afford to ...._ WGell ey• lcltt ap ud eac-' .,,.._ "'°" w1t1a Mela t1a roa .,,_. Tab .... home teday •. ,,_. .... .,., Mid ave • llmpl;r .......... w ..... FRENCH FRIES UhbT• ,.,_ ,.,_ !4,.r59c ~or I-' SPINACH Ubbf'• ,.,... ,.,_ :4.5~ MELON BALLS Llbbf'• ....... ..,.,. l'llU8SDA ow ....... ,4 COASTAL 8BOPPD -1"D. 1. !9$5 ., .• ~....... . 2 35c s;, CREME CORN ... _ ... _ ..... ~:a:~ hr s;, iii BEANS -·-··-···!.::-2..; 4~ ....., H&W'ED 2 35c s;, TOMA TOES --··-·---~ ..... ~::-... . s;, iioNEY BEANS ._._ .. ::-2 ... 25c . . 'TMeiJ... . 2 35c ~ SAUERKRAUT ... -.. -...... _.~:.-•er · -..na..... 3 23c .s;, TOMA TO SAUCE .... -~ •er ·~ iiifo · BEANS ---·------....-27c m.hm..... 1~ .s. TOMA TO-CA TSUP __ ......... ~ ..... ,. 25c s. BROWN BREAD .... -.. -........... ~.~ CHECK THESI FOi f.OW LOW PRICES! ....... _er....._Y.., sac COFFEE -·-.. ·---··-··-.. ·-·-: 7 · · ...,.._en rt• 47c SUGAR ·-·--·---·····---··-.. --.~ .. •• , a.tall•• 4ec Fl.OUR ·-·--· .... ·---.. ~ ., irURi EGGS-51c MiYiii1SE _. ___ 4~ if iiifiER ___ • 5~ SiioRTENING _ ~: 1~ a.a .... o-....sracn 1ac JUICE ···-. ·--······: ..., W....., ~ DSTEJWl:~"T 25C T I D E --... -...... ... .....-:: z... ._. ~tr PAl'Ell 2 zac TOWELS ...... -............. ,.0 ,. ..., FBIDAY SATURDAY ........ ~.a.a, .... • • • 8cMae ant roaad. 90llMI are .qaare Md tome are obloll& ••• Eaeh .. etleued la tt. owa HWe paper dolly ••. Melt • a dlffen.t tute tlelb:lat. deconted clalnUy, eom~ with ~bopPf'd mate ud . powdend aup.r . . • Ah!"'.,.. n~ht warm them up la t1'e ow. for 8 ml8· •tea ... What fa to tterve I wttb b cream! FANCY FRESH· THE BEST FOR YOU ••• APPL& 8.tVCE 41C CAKE _. __ _. C'OoKIES 2'"· 3~ DuWI BlJ'M'U... 3 ~ HORNS . '0 ' u- TbMe Fleurettea com e l from the deft fin gen of the I Camellia C.tering Service in We8t Loe Anpleta ... Prob-, ably you've enjoyed their I bot hor1 d'oeuvrH ... entic· Ing concoctions or chtt8e9, avocado or anc.bovy all fro- llen and ready to 11erve hot for a. apu.r of the moment cock· tail party ... 8o tbe Oroad Bo« ,..... .. f')'f'brow -the Jl1rM of February .•. AO Valeatlae'a Day spl"Mds thoa1'hta of lo\•e throa1h· oat tht1 •tioa for at lrMt . Umle Wf'eU prior to thfo 14th ••. Heart. &ft roch 11111 to decorat. with . • • Tbey M>Ot~ the •vace beut Ill aayOIM' that .,.._ holde thml ... T1M'y an ao happy ... UMJ thf'm """"'"" I evu you ran ... But nat- 11ra1Jy our Me 11 a• I• "I Shoppe luMJ ValMU.f'tl •.. R.um.rtt Valeatlaes ... Valenttne. to make your· Mir . . . Small fry V aJen- tllle8 .•• Pta aD thfo fb. lap for a V._tbte party ••. P&IM'r napldu. plat.- ud table clotr.. ... (Ju. d.1e8 • • • If yoa're pracll· al-~. but atm wut to pt 18 the 9Dhtt ••. Why llOt a reel coif.. pot. uh tray or cook Moll , •• l 'oa will,..... ecmplete .... of red «tit ......_ · • • Don't wait till Valentine'• l>ay to eat your SWeetheut eake ... Order one now from our Bakery which la rtcht · here on the premlaee at R.ICh· ard"ll Merkrl. one of the Udo OiAi&t .. ~_:_::_~··-10 _ 4~ r..,. c....,. u~ TTPo 10 CELERY-·---·-----··.. . ..... -........... MC'h c POiATOfs~~ .. ~-._.10.~ 25c LUNCH AND BRUNCH DEPT. Lee,... Al.... 45c FRANKS ........ ·-·-··-·---····· .. lb. .... I~ 49c ..._,... ,,,,.. q..lltf SLICED BOLOGNA . ...... -..... IU4 lltk• 8rui4 CANNED HAM l ·llt. 229 Un ,.,.._,. ., ......... BISCUITS __ '"~2 .. ,25c .~.SF. ~--... AGED CHEDDAR -·· Shops located at then ea· SPECIALS roa Fr.a. • t ud 1t lW-trapce lo Lldo Iale. -. ~ t t .. ......... .., an 23c IREAD .. -.... -..... ...,.., a..-lA na 97c CAKE __ _. THE TENDEREST EVER .. • • • "TIM ie-.t ldt'-&eol ,IAoor'' u. 8. Cllob 81Udh1 79c RIB ROAST ... "Oatt H ~ °" frie4" V. 8. OhoKe 79c RIB STEAKS lb. "1ld,. -n:'f' ca fAri/1t1 _,., v. 8. Chclb 19c SHORT RIBS lb. "7'~ JJcaCOlt .mfA f'*e -'rt/ fkn"W'' 8wtft'• Pnmhn 8hd . 63c BACGN lb. .. .,rut~' ...... , .. Swtft'• 11nwa a &ene a°"· 49c SAUSAGE .... cu CIOlleded -........... 1 ~ I . f I -- .. • ................... --···· • c .. ( I ., I • • t ' • I • - No. 2v, CAN , ... -- • ., -. . COi ad • 8t op a er " he bl Sii "' t.t 111 • ORJ-~POTATO 111111 n.oi. 29' . PIC6 . OP 41 \ . • ' . I , I · I , llWDALI ~ft. OLD ICINTUCKY $ STRAIGHT mu .... BEER. : SStlNADf c.ALl'OANIA $ BURGUMD~ \. HORMIL 'S FUSH UVEIWURST iiEiiiU:-~ M.L M•C~ ' , St 19 ., ... ~~"1 ·_ ..... ·-~ WINES • • ..... h • -• 1-., • u ...... c...lt~ • ,. Dry ...., • ,..,.. "!' ~ ··~·-~~ ., ··-·~-........ ~ ... ,.. ... ' ••••••"•I• .N••~/Jll>#A"""'1>t.#ltiM~.,. ..... ,,, • •• ••••• , •••••••• , .... ,,... ,,,, ••• , • .1 ... • • •••• ...... •