HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-16 - Newport Harbor News PressCirculation 18.000 c.o Dt.triHted .. Newport 8-cb. Balboa. IWboa ltlMd. Ooro• del MU', Vo.ta ..... Lqaa aad So. ....... COUNCIL ORDERS LEGAL ~CTION FOR P. E. LAND Harbor 1118 pate wllJ' the wtll ot tbe COWICll NEWPORT FREEWAY JOB OouncU action for the hlpwaJ' a t all ex1.at.1nr •tT"Hta. It I•,. four--.......-S ID&l\7 montha &CO Chan(e from freew&y to divided lane roadway divided. lllould not be c&rrlecl out." highway. Nearly $1 mi Won hu ~en 11pcnt .A.ppnla&la Of th• property have for propHty rtrhta on the propoa- be.n provided UM ell)' by • trio A aauaractory eoluUon. all pro-e<S Sim Dleg-o ~way, •<'cording of Jocal J-1..ute m .. appolnte<S POSTPONED FOR YEAR teat.anu claJm. would be lo develop to the State Highway En&"lnrer'• by the Re&lty Bovd, from a com-. Newport Blvd., In precl.ely lhe otrlce. RJcht-of-'t'ay acqulaltlon• -•-• tl ~ .. __ ._ .. --·-d 1ame manner that Hl&hway 3fl 0 _ tal I"~ ID~ rm ....... _,_ -· • _. constructed inland from the have been •tepped up thl1 yur. Party neD ....... Say Jt Wllll l1tt ol LentatJ pricea by tM r.11-.. C H C ~-1 JI wa comp.n Coaat Hichway. Tha route pro-H&rdlng Mid. to clc&r the f~cway J•O.J ... on~ 71., o,.o_ ..., • 111 BEN REDDICK Y y. 00 k Continued Collta Keu. protests ag&inlt conatru~tlon of vldca accua and left. tum lanes route thl'Qugh Orange County. Hubor M71 Co~~~~~~~~~~H~~·p~~~~~;~~~rt~~~m ·~~~S.M&inkin~~~===============================~ Electric Railway lying between Newport and Balboa Blvda. pt of th• etty of Newport Beach. Ana may be having effect on the State Highway Commiasion, and 30th St. and McFadden Place in Central Newport Beach h•=~to°::. ~;a:ndU:..!:; it waa le&rned Monday. area wu ordered by N~rt Beach City Council Monday. to be unloaded lhel rt .... t-The I.o. Anpl .. Oft1ce of P&ul qu.lred to tuml.lh tire and police -~r-UpOG r •" O. Hudinr, uat.tant .tat• h1eh-protec:Uon wll.)lout expenalve du-Lef&I document. aulhorlainc the of.wa-, acorea of load.I oC lumber way encm .. r, -14 MoDday f\and.I pUcaUon of facUIUea. flllnc ot the M:llon ha4 been p,... with mape baYe been prepe.red bJ d•tlned for out-ot-ctty bulldlnp. tor conatruclinc th• M-fre-ay OOLLEOES CUT OFF Cl .,._.,~ J B. w .... Soma of th• lumber ta for con-. panel'>' City .Attorney Kart Lynn ty _ ... •er · euu. atruc:Uon project. ae tar ,.,,...1 u oouldn t be expect.eel before. lh• I:. O. Hat\llOJI, deatp eng1neer Da'Yia. ~I ~t&ila and de-Aceordtne to Kayor Dora Hill. Gvden Grove. 190e-67 n.ca1 bUdpt. There are no for the hlfhway dlvillon, told the ~-...... ot the --•-... __ ,...,.. __ ,_ . 1 Uct --"'-tunda available In the cunent or New•Preu at Oiat Ume that It r-PC'Or-..., ._e .. .-• ·~ .. no r-..oe can &D · -EXAOODA~ V Al.VE cominC ft..cal bude•t.. • -.,oke• prot.eet. had not been torUtcom- Lease Expires Accordlne to rood autborlty, man for the State DtYUion of ~ from the Meaa Councu &nd th• utWty comp.ny ._ tryUie 10 Hieh.,,aya reported. 9Chool dlatrtcu that agents would create an oaceerated value of Altboueb Do actJon bu bem taJt.. haY9 aarted acqwrtne rleht..-of- thelr loe&l property tor purpoeu en by th• d1Yialoa or the commla-way. Tb• propoaed hlshway would of the conckmnaUon !lfbt. aloo on a ~l Cost& Me-. City cut ott 01'&Jlfe Cout Coller\>, th!' Council rNOlutkla requeetJ.nc the Sout.bern Callfom.ta BJble College AU th• l&ndil U.ted for cocdem-freeway ~on be ch&n&'ed to and a&.18. eo.ta M.ea School D11- naUon an to permit. th• wldeAlng a dlvtded blfhw&y with limited trtct in two. I JAPANESE DEEP FRY Buulltul and decorative wllh built-in dra.ln rack &11d handy pe.rforated I ad I e. PorUble, light and euy to uae. You'll love It from Uw be(lnnln1. Bee It ta U.. ••• MEZZANINE SHOPPE IUCBUD'8 UDO llAUET LAST FEW JAYS ot Newport and Balboa Blv.U., and ct'OUinp and DO .en1ce ro&da, in-To date, no .oluUon hu been tqm• ot the 1-r cro• .treeta In d1caUon I.a the ahitt a. under 8lUdy. advanced .bY the •~I• dlvl.llon of the area. Pr-nt plana call tor ni. w. .. council .,.a.ecS t.M ,.. hlfbwaya for aolving-&cceaa tor the evacuatJon of t.he rtcbt of way aolution at the recommendation ot croeit-town trat!ic, and to the ~t~~~onu~lt ot~~r~~~~~~~-m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ buUdinp now tronune on New· who told lh• body. "Unlll t11e rr..-OCC c&mpu!-Coffey'• original P. • DRESSES •SLACKS " • SUITS • BLOUSES Price • SWEATERS -TERRIFIC REDUC110NS ON ALL FINE UNGERIE ofa (}race S/wp • 413 No. Sycamore, ..... A. '•* Ne~ .t WyHm ID 1-1- la ... •111MH .... dl1 We Clean STIOOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! I ,, _ _. 11111 -.. ......uhll M ."-er· an. -r .,. I Meta _ _. .. tWr ....._,.k l s3'° Uptown Cleaners 1m w~ IWboa Blvd -Newport 11McJa 1"e ..-...... a. a..a.s ... HAllld .. ,_,.. el i....• ... a.. ...... · ,._ _..... ..,..w LI D 0 -;-.~. -~ .. llEl-0 0\%& T&at1 a.u. Tlw Or'MI M~ ~·· No ~ Uke Sbow Boehne" .,._,.. 0'('-or, Martlya MoahW', Out Da&Jey ,,..._.. 8-7· JIJt&t GtlTl"r, t:tW M- The suspense story of lt\e yw •bout• town thtt ftid tts WIN bl I mm of tlm>f ! ........ SPENCER TRACY ROBERT RYAN ... 8ADOAV AT 8lACK ROCie •Fm·Dm·llJll ...... PLUS IU111 •• O'&tn .. SRJELD POil ~ ... &N'a JIU. .... 11'6 -nit.eoll -"X01lTBEllN' PATROL• , 'l1lla IDd'a Dow II ~ by tbe II.art J\&Dd port B~. th• atrMt would way dNSsi&Uo11 la CMal*t. tt contmmon "thn compl9Uon ol the be widened from 12'nd Bt. to a can't be anyWne .i.e." 8&n Dtcro rr.eway alone with proper lnt.enectJon with Balboa nDWAY llArn.& uae ot WriSbt Road would divert Blvd., aom-bare nor Mcl'&dden much Newport Blvd. tr&Utc illli Place. X.-u have baw.d acam.t U.. bolda JOOd, SA Yiew ot the .Meaa &.&SLY TlllAL BDf f~y ldnce iAcorpontlaa ot Uw ii!ijjjjijiiiiiiiiiiiiii city. 'the couaty bow4 ot _,,.... It la prMWDed the condeaulaUon Yiaora approved ate ~ would be ~t to trial at the p1w SA a~ acr••mt a..-..,.u .. t poelilhl• date and that r°" COllta w-became a ~. c:ocqplet!Oll or th• project would PlanDad from IOUl at. DOl'Ul ... Lall• u lOlll' ae two )'Mn. ID•IAM ~ wttll ao ~. No procna for tM nfoaelkn moes>t ,_ ..-a& WU.. Bt. ud ct th• utility la bel.n1 propoaed by Briat.ol ao.d. t.be Clty ot Nnrport Bee.ch. lacluded IA tM frMwa7 plau ,...._,. Tracy wi..t.her the raUwa,y would enab-tr-om 2oth Bt. an two-iu. traai-~ a.d llike" I.Lab a treJrht yard at mm• other ac• ro.4a oo eltber a.s.. Ooft•J ~~~~ .. ~.,..~~M~-~t.~~~ polDt alone lta rtPt of ••'1 or warned the »-Ooad1 la 8ep- ,...._. U.. operaUone entirely ap-tember, 1tol, Ud9 wuuld aipl1t tbe p&nmt.17 baa llO i&lun.t to the city IA twe "1 pnd\lcUDs a-.. d\J' ln ita prtlllCDt ..S-.or. lnp W!lScll Ilia~ ... Sprinc woolem 80 lnche8 wide.. 8Ub. 8ilb ls VilooM, a.. 1 ea et ..,.._.. H,-. • tmhtit y .. o,'9Cl Ta.ttau. ~ Tan.tu C-t 10 ~ ed or Stab!JI...,_ Cotton 80 Squaru, ~ etc. Sall Clotm. Deni.ma, Une.na, and many other typtL Prices r•n9• from 490 to ... 95 yd. IARTINE'S CALICO SHOP Mesa~/ La8T Tiii& UT. Tw• r...._ T.-, C.U. ... BlllDOD TO cao88• ~ ... ~ "lmft TBS DY8TONll KOPP _ ........ II ... .. it SIFll ~ ........ ... ...... ~ ._ ........ ...... Wiil •. •·1'+-· I. A I. IOaallt Tb.a Worid'a l'in•t Fabrlca 11111 .Hewpert ~ID lsltll fl W-. ,.._ ef L A. c:-y l'l••I BANTA ANA . --. ---............. STOP DIEAMING 00111: Df TOllO&BOW .. ·. " .. _, .. " ...... _ .. , ... . -... """ .. . tucthe -· Tai!• IDchee off bJps. talnmJ', thJgha • • • ln WEEKS Pboo• for & PnUm.inary Fl~re An&l¥s1a Hcnor 1742 PL-,.~ Ill '7 E. CoMt Blvd. C-0-del ..... SAVE $100 On A New NORGE • Was 299.95 SEE JAKE 10 IA YI • Jake's Price Now 5.19995• hll Sile '36" RallCJft llCLISIYll .........,... . .....,. -...... .,. ...... .._., .. Uulfty, ecc1,,wte ceelih11 ·~••1h . S~ulwl 4e1l111 ........... , .. c .......... .. ..-etie.te.,,wy""'91K.., yevr llftc"-•-'-· .... DCLISIYll , ............. ....... Devtlle <•~•city hw"41•• .... ~._in,.,... ... et ••te• ... '""" evf the lvkl• ..... ...._.che,tt9""' .,...., yeu evw .......... .,.,.. yew •~ Aevw wlttl lft4eer ce11v"le"c•I Jake's Appliances ODJy N orie Dealer la tbe Barbor A.- LOW DOWN PA YllENT • EASY TEIUIS •'YO'lf' llui>ot Area Appliance Seniee o.ter"' SALES -Liberty~ -SERVICE 1937 Harbor llvd. Costa Meta • We Otter Comp~te Refrigeration s.vb • •Only a" electric ran~ CtJOlts with acatrate nwsurtd heat that tJ$$1'rts per/tel resultt ~ti#W ,,,, .. ,, .. •••••n•••••• .. tJu re.ally mot/mt kitdtnal art all elec1rit! Sii YOUR D!AL!R 111111 ...._ lle&.l ... a ~ W'mJlfaDA'r lpMllil m.. ..... Wa¢h5 .... '• .,., -I p. a :ma unui ncmmr • IOUlllHll CALllOalllA IDllOll COMPAllY . , .. . -\ =PA&E 2 -COAST AL SHOPPER -FEB. 16, 1955 ~ponsors ~on test ~or Youth -: At the Feb. 10 meellns ot th• Oo9la .M•• Onzige, pruided over ' :by Muur Donald Stearn•, an- nouncement was made that the NaUonal Crani:e and the Ameri- can Plant Food CouncU 11 •pon- MID-WINTER SPECIAL Feb. I st to M•rch I Ith Regul.r S1QOO PEIMANINTS s7so A NetJ 8peeialtf • 80ring an euay c<ontut on "Oaln- lns GroUJld With J'ertUlty." It 11 open to any bO.y or firl under 21 yean or age, an American cll-u.n and a reJ1ident ot ttie atata ill which the usay ll aubmltted. I "Patti-Nail" A total ot i~oo will be award- ed. The euay mu.at be Im than IOO worda and muat be •ubmllled prior to March 31. Any one wilh- lns turther details may call Mr1. rrank Phl1Up1, Liberty 8-1820, or laobert Perrin, agTlcultural In· ltructor at Newport Harbor Hiiia kbool. . l •iadY•rtlM4! .. ur • ....-.. All Work Oaaru&eed IAUOA INN BEAUTY SALON BALBOA INN ARCADE-PRONE BARBOR 81'7 V&riou• commllleu reported l.:.iiii...iiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-..iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;.I Our eye examination lnclu&i. retlnucoplc e:u.ml· nation in which the ey~ are checked !or refrac· tive errora which cauae _poor vialon and •J:b'!!; comfort auch u headache. and b~, or waterins eyee. We render prot...a eye care at reuonable coat. Opea AD Day Warday Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST -315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- PlloM Kl 3·7833 ~ --"·-e..,.. ... ~------·­-.... _. .__.. ... pro,nte belnf made oa projecta ---------------------~===================~ \&Dder taken, lncludln&' work t.o = Jhlprove Mid beauutuJy the arc>undl al the hall, ch&ritabla work beln1 done tor patlenta at Oruse County Hoaplta.1 and the ritual and defTH work to be put .. IA Kay • .t. re11rnaUon wu read tn>m Le.ter Glab asking to be relieved of hla dullu u uaUlt.a.nt al-ud, Clue to a chance in oc:cupaUoa. Huro Belau wu elected to th• ottlce. The local Orang'& Will be hoat l'f'OUP to the Pomona Grange •Ille.la '-made up of the nlne aub- GC'd1nat• Orance• tn Oru1• eoun- -I)' ..OD £eb. lt. At th• con~ of the bull- "-rnMtlnc Bl'adle7 BushN 9bowed co&ored alldM, lncludlnf Tim ot the Pall'lted o .. ert, Grand C&n,yon, Bryce Canyon and potnta of int.er.et on t.ha Eut Co.at via- li.d by 'hlmHlt and Mn. Hushu laat MllDIMr. Betty Parrish Returns from . Nurse Conclave MS.-Betty ParTt.111, aufl1c&J irup- •rv190r, Roar Ha.pltal, hu JUlt ret~ to her duUH, alter b&v- inl att.e,nded the NaUODal Cccl· nntJGa ol UM ~aUon ot Oper- a Uni Room Nun. at IL Louta. Mo .. w1Ucb ooat'&Ded ID ~ Jet- terMm Hotel, Jan. 2'·21. She ri.uad mudl ftlll&Wo ID· formation from talk• and p&oel dlecuulona J'nn by ~tAl&Dd1rll doctort and nu~. •h• reported. Deleptea ca.ma from au 4' atat.a. and aocne,.....,. ~ ,.,.._ .. nU.. JMiapttaa. Mtll ....,.. a nd DOn-eectartan. An ewF&JI at tm.danca of approa- tmately l 700 weN reJ1ater.d nun- u . 28 attendillc hula Calllonda. MIU lldltb Weat. Operatlnf Sup- ervlaor, Mauiocu.t KoqttaJ. Loe An,.Jea. llpOU on "lt.alflnr UM • OperalJDS Aoom of UM J\lture .. " TM .u.od&Ucm of Oper-.Unc R'°'*l Manet wu touDded in 1848 by tM ~ nunaa for fUrthn atucf7 of 9UrfW7 problem• u thl• arc>llP i. uaSq\le la the nunlnr pror.-cia. Lido Matron Elected by CYR Mn.~ libnhaU. Lido Ialt, wu eleete4 aecNtary of the CalJ- fonal& YOQS RepubUcuui at UM!r .. ..u. In ... DlelO Jut wMk -4. De bM been aeUn I.a ~ Oould.J'• T~ OOP for aoma .... Progreuors to Attend L. A. Theatre 'lb• PJ'OcT91laor11. a aectJon of ~u aub. trW t.ranl TI& cb&r- tend liaa te Loe Aqalea reb. lt tor ru me.Ult,. -unr a.ad ban luncta there and a ttend the Biil· More~twalwtr. Woman Loses Purse Mn. Letter HabD of H6 E. lllth It.. Colt& M-., told Newp<>!l po-.._ .... lolit • bladt purff ~ ._tq at an AU-Amertc&n Market. De ald the purM contained JO, HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 1 WARDROIE CRISIS 1 _p_.rhePJ we hey• th~ answer Because we do everything here casa pura "U:&Vlt.'ID Wl'IBUI BOVU -WlllUI HUDED" COMPLETE IAVNDEREBS ud CLEANm llA.&UQ.&'a lllL& N'S'WPU&'r KACB ..,to.tt--~ .... 23%. ,.., .. , II .._ ••"'Y 21 • All New Spring Shades SALE PRICE THllLL 60 -12 $1.50 pr. Box of 3 •.. $4.35 AIRLINER 60-I 5 1.32 pr. Box of 3 • • 3.80 #723-51-30 l.20pr. Boxofl ••• l.45 #414-51-40 1.08 pr. Box of 3 ••. l .10 Barbor 1S08 f7S7 E. Cout Hl~hway Corona del Mar ....,... plat.el &ad peraonal papen. ..._ ____________________ • ••••••••• BUILD •, oe your IEACH LOT NOW!! and have reatal lacome this 1uamer • • •' •I :1 I ., •' • • THIS IEAUTIFUL OOKPLED • TWO IEDROOM DUPLIX rater; . • • • , . . '11,95000. IDdadla& &beM llbUbag fMhuM • • Attl"IW!dn ~"'ood SkUnr • ~ 1>1a,_,a • lladll-. n...etar • • ~ C.ucwl \\'I ... •• • ..... ..._ llu • ..._ ~- • fiftp~ ta '-"r t"alt • BeMI Clf'U.lq • ..... Mt!Wr ('......._ • e 8 ..... G.._ PaMo Door e O..llle o.n..e e 'l1W ~·-C..~ • • CARDINAL HOMES • • • • • • Opea '7 Da19 U9 E. llrd a .. Coeta ._ U MCU • ························~ Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 .......... = tMU" ....... ~ . .,...... . ..... .... ... ::=,...... . --... 17' =-57' .. , ... ~NOMI fJtl CllAMS .~-· ..... ... .... --•CM ....... • .. ~ ..... . ...-- r,; 7 7 '.,,. --- .. ., .. ... tsc SUi naa sn, ............ c.-. ................. .,. ... lllA ..... -. ................................ l.17 • co.-... .................................. 1•'79 ••llOI. ........................................ 11t ...... llOO .......................................... 17• UNAll ........................................... Ul 1k~,,_..-............... ,.n, ., .. sou..-................ :;~·~ ... ~, •"'°..,,._.,..................... n..-tCl .. ...... P UICI llT ~• ,-..-. · .. "........ .-U1 ...... t!A --""'1 •..... ... .. ... . ... .. .... J7t -........ . ...... __.............. .,, • (ITlllSm ....... ., ----~-1 ............. .. "COMET" GOlDflSH 11 AQU-,......,...,....."',,... ,._ ..-. ...... -....... -....... , ............ , UDO DRUGS "'Olla .................... 1411 Via Ullo, Newport 8-ell HARIOR DRUGS Ult IC. v..t 111' .. Oona w ..., IAUOA DRUGS 7 Jt E. Balbo. Blvd., Balbo9 "COMEr' GOLDFISH 11 AQUAllUM 1 Prelcrtpttons Ow . Specialty NfWI la ta.. 'l'llM ........ 1'0lflr FURS RESTYLED • Yow crutmoded tur coat ,.. lt1'*I to a lft\&l't .tole or dUtda c:&PL 1111. b the lllack pedod Md to a., our work-room buq we an otttriq I 'Ur~.~ I SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY Arizona Cl1b C11cel1 Plan .._._.,.,_8'tla.__ .... __ ..... , __ ... _A.aa ___ u;;&;;;mueu _ _. to T rai11 Here Prices Slashed ON Tu IAJIODD' SEUX7.l'ION OF NAllE BB.&ND A.PPUANOD IN l!JOVIBE&N OALD'OBNIAI 'nl• OJo.,..laamS a.. 0 baD olDI> trom Art.on& wtll aot 8Pl'lac traJa GD Liona JWd Ill ec.tA W-. lt wu dlwcSOMd KaadQ b7 lld Lue. bUaMM m..,. °' the ~M ... ~UI. Lue reported Ra7 8t.Ml.t of 'l'\»-ua. owner ot tM prot...i.ciMI M-. ball i.m. bad lll1ttad ~ tnbl· tnc lllte to Compt.cm. ·~ CClnp- ton at;J CoWldl acned to tmaWi a park and ma.tntenance ~." Lane eald. c D M :::.N TIAYIL 3$421/2 L Coad Hlway oaw ..s ,.. tt.w 1246 Ool!De Olbbom • Dorotll1VcKmna • ~ H~U. lpr±N•1 t. ~ ~ toan. ..... ee • • • AD pbaw ol fONlp tnvel u4 l'Wlft ftl'lld - COLI NE DOROTHY MARGUERITE 1 lrom 10 CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llvcl. ........... u SD OIANCY TODAY FO& BIGBl'Br 'J'llAl\&-IN V .&LUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pontiac Demoutration ~= Libert, Ml8I The club or1~ wu 8C'.Md· uled to bold trammc tn Coat.a H ... March 20 to April 10. Lue eald proteatafrom Bar~r Are&"=::::::============================~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Boys' Club to the x.. park boud - sn ..._today • l'ORGID -f:t 01:ND.AL EL&C'J'll!C 'ft. WS8TJNGBOUll: • PllILOO 1r KAGIC CBD' -tr ~.llf'f -tr XUNft • O.uTllU 6 UTLD '/l WHIRLPOOL <fl BDIDIX -l:t £BC -l:t Dlf1TB *RC.A 1f A.Dlall4L <fl MOTOROLA. .. SJGP.eaN * ICATZ RU.mmt'I' ,...... •• ca.. ,. __ ........ r.ctAe .... =-=·6· :.=::-1 ""1.9 - 1707 So. Main all 4 for •4990 llttO 1 1* ... Lep E'rtra ,.,_ .,.,., -z. • "'-- .,..., • ~ llL to • p. •• Hoa. A Flt. .,._ tU t nOMJ4 ~ Higlt Quality lrinting-Plt. Har. 1616 c&u.ed lteele to Melt ..... tmla· tnc •te. Cb&Jnnan Artlmr B. Mq- en ot t.be park boUd aid At.aaliltlc Dtrector Rod )fv)('ID!n of tbe Bo19' a-ib told d.lrecton al their lut meeuns he wanted I.Jolla J'teld tor archery p-act.ice. "No .w:UOD _... Ullun b7 tlle boud,'' Keyenald. Contractors' School I IXPIRT INSTRUCTORS ...... ,.._.,,._... •. mw II trlll'• .. Al I . TJW, ~ I ?Rs ~ wtt.11 M ,_,.. 41 ,,.81,,._, ............... . .................. •' .... .. ,,,. Jr•.,.... ............ ........................... ....... •n&lllMll ~"'· • Attend First Session FREE! NOW, FOi THI SECOND TIMI ..................... ... .,.,tl _,., ,,,,_,... ................. ..... 01•t....,.. ... ~ ........ all ... .................. c-. 12·WEEK EVENING COURSE Sterta Feb. 18 et 8 p.m. .._..~s '1• ATTEND FIRST SESSION FREE ... t ION THE I/NEST IN MEATS AT LOW PNIClS ... SHOP SAFEWAY ROUI ~Craft. ......... white ,., •• ~.1c1,. ~· 89' 1181 .......... LG ... ti-, ........ .., ~ 49' COllAll FIODI FOODS w..tr~ ,,... .... ....., LAMB IRWT .. r ~B SHANKS •. 35' CllUI llunm n.... ,,.,.. s.w, a.... ~Of ..... Qoice "' c.e c:.rw. Mln4 v ..... .. RIB Ro. AST STANDtNG 7N CUT 73 fROM USOA CHOICE C IEEf. AGED & TRIMMED 9'. :: 1·tc ... ...... ...... ......... !!l!~ ::o PUIUT 2 ...... nc TUllA -----Sped•I• -s .. JcM lffeflU -----1um1 !!~'!.,ED __ ~ ':;_45; ~~~~UARES levetfy bland Chunlr or crea"" Spedal priee PIECE BACON SAFEWllY'S the BEST Place in Town to Buy PNODIJCl AVOCADOS s~­ TOMA TOES ~::~~;.. ·:::· 151 POTATOES ANJOU PEARS~~ •. IOc GUPEFRUIT E:~8k29c ~49' PINIAPPLI Lalanl SIMld, Howolian ~· 25c 3 ::'-29- TOMA TO .IUICI Ul*y laroncl 4::1. 23c PIE CHERRllS Supreme H..,t.lrd 20-o1. 25c 20..01. 23c con can Ill NAPKINS ;;. 10- ..... &ra'TM Tlla.. PL Ul .. ......, 11, 1, 11, 1• At OU. cown WIWAY mm (ftn ...... _ .. lllJ ............ _.... .................... _ ....... _._...._. ~,.SAFEWAY STOU HOURS o.8y la.a. to I p.m. ( J'lida1 .. • p. m.) / ~ PLINTY OP ....., ........... .. 1722 Newport Blwcl., Costa Mesa PAIKING ON LAICil PAYED LOT \ ' l ' . • PAGE .. -COAST AL .SHOPPER -FEI.' I 6, 1955 .. -Wright-Walker LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS ; Engagement,is : Told at Supper • DAN'S IARIB SHOP B.U.llOA TllEATa& BLDO. MJ..llOA 0,.. ~ Ulnl ..........,. UC Stutlent Duo Plans Christmastide Wedding Bidden to a .upper at the home of Mn. Pearl Walker, 1803 North ,,ower St., Santa Ana, 10me tO young frienda of the couple learned of the engagement of Miaa Alexandra (Sandy) Walker to Mr. James Howard Wright, 80n of Mn. Whitney Braymer Wright, MO Hue! Drive, Corona del Mar and the lat. Kr. wrtcht. 'lb• ----·· ------- Auxiliary Plans VA Party Tonite a .. ce Martin l'OR . ALL YOUR CNSt.7RANCID NDD8 ~ AlllO-Tn1ek ~Fire-Life LOCAL AGENT R•dew Ottloe Liberty 8-3063 Liberty 8-55M l '193 N Ave., eo.ta lle9a brtd ... i.et I.II d&U&hter Of Mr-. Pearl Walker, llOa North P'lower St.. and Mr. Vl.ctor Walker, 611 Wul Third St., Santa Ana. Table decoratlooa of ll&lnr Jieart.8 and red ant.hurlwn1 w ere Jltl of Miu Walller'e rrandmother. Mn. Cbariea E. Walker. Mn. Wright poure4. ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM -Ph Harbor 1616 The American Lerton AuxWary -=====================~ Unit 291, Newport Beach will '."' Both younr people an 1tudenll al U~nralty of eawonua, Berk· eley campua. where tlr91. an- nouncement of the anpgemant mttl at el(hl o'clock tonight ln American Lefion hall, l !Slb SL and w. Bay Ave .. to make plan.I tor the next monthly hoapltal party for the vet.erana ot Lone Be&cb Veterana Admla!atraUon H011pltal. All membera and rueat are invited to attend. wu the tn.41Uonat puatnc of -----------cbocolat.ea by Mia Walker to ~ rority 1laten1 a t the Alpba Delta Cbi houae. She la a Junior at the SANTA ANA COCNS>-Coy ll. unlveratty. majortns ln p1ycholo-Watt.1, uecutor of 21U Ocean, p . Her prevtoua education wu re-Balboa, Friday ulced Superior celved In Santa Ana Khool1. Court here tor prob&te ot the will A &'raduate of P&Md.ena City of Leeter L. "Snap" Kauffman, Coll-re. Mr. Wncht eerved two who died J'eb. e. yeara on Quam, waa gTaduated ----------- from UC llChOOI of buelnN• ad· B tl H ii So Rer1oc ... rr1A•1a...Jf'\.l~U!'TRLi,J~A~ Jlllnillrat!on &Ad le MW etuctyhtg-U ers a iil ,. Ct"t-l;9 ~ Jl"U.•'-'VMl'Yll;n.'-'l"L. electronic enJineering. Tbe Jamee BuUera of M5 Ful· NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL Tbe couple la planning• Chrlat· lerton An. became parent. of a 230 SOtll St.. Newport &e.clt llu1>or %531 maa wedding. ~'°=n~o=n~F~e~b~. ~5 ;al~H~oa~c~H~o~ap~l~t.al.~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;~~ St. James Aux. Sets July Party Date The Jl'ebruaty meeting ot the Woman'• Auailiary, St. Jamee Zpl8cop&l Cburch, WU held Feb. I at U1e Pan.II Hall, with m1111- bera Of S L D1abeth'a Oulld u ~athmcJ>-.. A abort wa-m.Uq wu premlded Oftl' by Mre. J . H. Rlep, pl'Mldent. After open.Inc prayera. by Mn. Jack PtAkb&m, Mra. fl4p aaJled OuUd cba1rm&n for brief nporta of their a.cUYiUa. Otber r~pona .,.,. ,tnn by Mm•. Harold Beck. UaJted Tb&nk Ottertn(; Arthur Aune, church perlodlcaJa: n.n Patuaon, ""lal ._lpmet and M&rataa11 Kealu on ~ aaauat 1DeeUq Of the Wo- man'• Awdliary ot UM Loe Aa· r-lu Dklceae, held the l&Uer part of January at St. hul'a Cathed· ral. Loe An ..... Jt wu announced that the an· 111.ial bene.nt party of St. Jame• Church will be held nnt July 20. A dd1pU'l.ll prorram wu pre- HntAcs by Mra. Horace B. BenJ•· rnlJl of Balboa, tn her oompreb.an· at,,. a.ad 1Urrtn1 book ""1ew ot ln Kta Handt, by Edward B&lmer. Le1g1e of Cities in Off-S~ore Oil Drilling Fight SANTA .ANA COCNS) -Tbe Oraas• Oowlty i-rue o1 Cttlu 1bureday made a declalon to op- poae the State Land CommLMkm'• propo9&1 to 1-.~ i.&aod drUUnr mt.ee ln t.b1a county. Tbe Jearue wW enter a formal prot•t at a 8acram1nto heart.ft.I Feb. 24. The leq\le leaped lnt.o acuon when It lumed the comm!Aton allepdly bad by·p&8Md It.a recon> madatlona OD the leutng of the I otf • illtof'e lltt• Jt al80 .... poUIUd out the lea.cue re<ltived no ot.ftclal nouce ef t.be P'eb. 24 meeUfll. Cit.lee around the COUllly a.ho W1JI protut the o ff .. hore leulng. tt wu report.ci. WMen Adopt Soft IAiADd °WUder, ~ pubUclaL toc1a1 bad aomethtnr to ahout •· ~Uoa ol Jolul PM.ti Wild· v , ...... l'tb. 4. Wel&'blnr 7 Iba.. 11 OL, Uie Infant an1ftd at the Wlld9n' 8b«e cutte bom• Tuea· .sq. Be .. thelr oot, child. STIVINS 6 SONI HAS ITI Nl!W 1958 :Emerson I v ... IT'S DELUXE-POWERED IT'S ONLY 1499! .... ......._ ... ,,..!JIM:••• ~""' ............. cont !!!!t aa IMKll ,. -..... M 9'1'11 n ant I """' ._ ., ,. lt DM ...... , ........ nll .._"'· ~ ... , "-· .. <,_ -· • Tiit fiont II 1R·tc1ee11 I •O....~- lun'"&! ........ anhnllal e F.a.~ IOIMld system! • r......,... catwt • ridl -* finishes! DOlllMCLIU ...... ~. (i) STEVENS & SONS .. . . ~. ... : '"" ,......_, ........ ·---... .. ,....,_ ......... --·-•-•'11M9•0... ---29.95 Emerson ... D¥lf' 15,000,800 Satisfief' Owm ••• Mftl's lest luyl Televlsion ancl -Radio WE SERVICE ALL MAKES 1879 Hm bot llvd. Costa Mesa LI 8-2301 for relaxing o o o or work ,.... •• MayY ... or lroWll Canvas Top Shoe •2•• Ned to ~way Costa Mesa • ALSO OTHO MEN'S SHOES 8PIUNG 8l'1DOIA.L OllAISE ~ =--~~~~~:; Tllo ..._ __ 8helia of 0 •a a I a o "'-1, Jif•Y7· Marl•• Air r-...,... ......... .,_, ,, ... SLSOTaONIO •WlrollE8 '~o9S 11. 8. NAVY SHFS llLL ~· .... w. complel• wtt.b el')'9t&I and cat'• wbiaker t\ID• ......... -.. -................ 1 .. ll:arplt I• Mio wt U\ l'Cllft• tort.able headpoee; a muat for Cub11lJ\r aM Telerrapll llq tor Moree code pracUce • .. ............ _ .. _ .. _, ....... ! .. lellWlre lleM NMa, ... t11 Uc conred, UMd 2 cooductor Plu· 1 C eiaa1' rtac. for by 8i(1W Corp.. ........ ,...... .,..,n. LOUNGE PADS Mal&leolor .-¥Me atrtpad1 ll"'•TS": .... r ,......,: ..... ..,... Abruin Slip Stone, U . 8 . 1urplua; n-; "Wi.con.ln"; Sl.10 vallM •... -......... -....... lee c-.,... ... -·········-··· ........ .. IOm• «l9l U. 8. Gover- ment u bl(b u Sll.00 I y OUJ' Cllole• H~for LE\'1'8 a WRA.'liGLER8 8-Pala&en' Md ~ o..r.Da. mitt .t ta. 1-Umdenlillrta ... ............_ Aa.o T- 81ttrt .. 8-Umd4orwf!M'. '8-95 :!:!:-" ... ~ ... ~ ... ~ 39c each Q91tty BUN'nNG IDIU"S lie ........... Pl-* •teel ..... wt&ll lea&be' ......... Hew ........ BMr OU. J'9S. tic. ~Vl:aYTlllNO A.LWA\'8 801.D wrnl A.'f llOY 800UT llND1C • • • lie "°" ..... -.................. -............ lk Feot P-der ..................... -... lie ._. ......_ db edS-, I fw lie 1aaeet ..... r .................... k Unconditional = Guarantee 81UNNJNG llND'll • , • 11.lt baporW St-. ....... WIUa JeMllu ....... Jlf..,, II-power ........,,.. oa-, Jet thla today ............................... .. llapllJ1llc oa-. .uper IP8d&l .... : ............ -............ -........... 1•- See Graat'• for complete aelec- Uoa of opUcal lnltrwnenta. SWIM FINS A...._ __ .. _T <J'lllWa. ___ 1 N Coveralls (USED) 2.49 ... lw ll1•llle1tia. CM ......... : Balbo-Wat e r Partftcatloa Tablee, bottle of 100 .............. le 0.. L <lllapeUc*, MW, aurplua .............................................. .le- $19 95 Claaaed ee.t; onJ.)' ,,000 cana; Ute welpt cook- ln( tuel; 1moke- 1..., clean ftame ac Ua"•t Lubrt--tia&' o..- llo )b. 4h'plaell Budtel 8eata, l&Jnlnated wood, body tor• med: llcht It 1tronr ; for hot rod ra.cera, •port can and boat. 13.N <>ra.-D&- partnl8& o-00. 2·o&. can lie .... qt. ate 01111 o,_ I fer k Cutloatet ..... daloride nre Extin· rulaher F!uld •uopa ._..,.r 'l'lloq1I. ext,,.. ~. beat quality . . .......... -... lh Revolver,.,.._...., ao•a. varlou.a •l••; apt'dal cklee- 011t price •. . ... . ....... _ RUie Bore n...er, can be uMd tor penetraUns oil ...................................... '- ....... ,. ........... plY&lllt· ed; can be u.eed for Mab or outbo&ro boat conlrola lie STEEL ...... CMYM Proelietl- Oeftnt Ua11 wllea •P~ •r for,,......, now.. ••• 1--c tro•• ,,_ fl'o•t Meuu~, 72" W A T r; B aut.omauc re-8 u 0 " l.l 1 wind ....... .Jlc 1--qL l9c HACl ll 8AW BladN, IOc val. I fw 10c 89c OANTEEN, aluminum, n-: .. pluUc cap; 1-ql. e&• paclty 81.4t wo .... -°'~r- tJUD •511 RUCKSACK ---·--.... ,...... ................... ..... au.,.; -..... taia& .. llU&en, ..... ... 9•1rt..,...ter ._,acb Paillt o.e.w. •llhe. ...._. ea ...._ u.aw '1 "pa -..b'· Wertai _, UmM ~re tMa -···· l~ ............ , .... , .. ... ., .......... Ml ,........ .... OANN'ON um&'l'9 • • • • . £ ........................... 89' a. ......... MDAL DANGER FLAG ---.. 10c P'l'lll& of ... L11• Mw• •1• llAl'fDll&&CJll . • I ._ s39s lo.._ Watdl ___ $3.95 ....... .._... ................. ................... ; elaoek ,....._ u&; ,__._. I JeUI rec. llt. 8ld 8oclD. beaY7 and warm: rray It white; wool etc pr. "'8ll&M .... 8oeb leepelr ('ottoa w.n 8ot!b I tor I.Lii D,_ ~. rec. ll6c now -·-··----....... -...... .1 for llM Red, Pink, Lavender, ~· ''Real Gone-Cruy Colors' AJAPLA."iE 8AFl:TY BELT tor car. hot-rod. racln( r OT aklndlviD( .................. -.... - HIAT PAD --··-···-·--·-..... 49c Q 1111;.,.., ..... ., .... wUI lkoep llaia ,_.,..,... 1111 -I A fa.....tt.e wt~ ,.-.. -. ..................... &ltt,_. ... -·"· <Pm llb ~ lllllttf'd. ~ ... OANVU WASH IASIN ·-·-................ 19c One of UI• world'• nne.t a nd beet known m ak e 1 -IAVE'IWX. Buy Buy now whJl1 our 1t.ocu are complete. B. a II t I f u I hand- made plpkllf ~ wtl.h pluah Un1n1 . 2 at.rap (Blnoculant aold only with cue. aa.oo and se.oo>. bl.I o-w: •n.ao ni-........ .t11..11 bJe <JoaW: 166.00 Yalue _ ..... _,_ 15.Ja , .. ~ ................... ·--··-··--.. .... ldl Clea&M ----··· ··--16.16 hit ~ ---.. --·-·· "·-··· l•.N , ... <loe&lld ........ -...... -···-···· ............ .. All blnoculan ani aold wtt.11 1-yeu writ· tm and atc"ned ruarantee. Do not con- tuae wtlh btnocularl HULnc fM a few doUan 1-. Th-are 1enuJne 1upor- poww with clamped-In prlama -not (l..S or plndled. M.any other popular elu.. loxllttCMowes 98c pr. All .............. _, ....... .....-...wu.... 111,,...w.1: ...,. _,...., aaN ~ ... ,. .. ·-· • type, wttll .__,...., .. ....... ,_~ la-law ll'HtWI l!a&a Bl( i-.ue LoutmUe Bluner -Nair)' Burpl ...... .._ __ =y ~ .. ~~ .. ~~· .~-~··----. 3• 0 .1. An. u lUu.t.rated; OU•• drab paJnt.ed: wit.II e&nYU ~ ryinf cue. Ftne for family .,.. Jlum•nta .......... --.. ······· .. _... Pint AW llH. tor car, boat. home or plane; compltte _ .. IMp CM ~ notblo at.oel lhaft. wtUI guoltn• .ua.t.Mr .. O.L PLA8TIO &Al'ONET8 ••rl'f'll J.!~tr G. I. Flashllght ··~··--··--·59c NnON PARACHUTE CORD ·-· .. --·--·--Jc ft. A..... ....._ 1-clllll. Wt cllp, ~r. •-eerredlaJ plMtte; ,.,., for _,. ...... ~r-. 3-color Ftcnhllgllt ..... ---·S2.19 .... wlltt.e ... c-: wt~ Wlall•; • 111..t fel' ......... or -11111•; f. ... , ....... !MM; ....... _..,_.._; wenai -.y U.. lq low een! ................. 2for1Sc o. J.; -·,.... ..... ,._.._ ......... feet. .............. u. bM Army; brand n-; wer• S9; t.be W'Orid'I flnell WOl'k ...... ; made far tAe MrdilK ot -.tee; .a .... W.uirprooat .a cl :C ... T SHOE PACS • • • • • $2.95 pr. 1 ". 8. Anny avpl1111; leeUMJT ...._ -terpNOf .-. bfJr bott.me; .a-1, I, •, ft. 11, 11, U. H ..... VA.I.VS Slncldecl Foam I~ 39c lb • M ~ ~; 1/11" ..._.._r. IUllD IANDS ......... -----·····--·---· ... 1-f k % ... I 8ftl' l,MO por lloa G. L U... bralc*I Halyard lope -·-···-··----·· 1 lc ft. ....._ ,,.., • ........,,. -l ,10l-ft. roll, NUO. TENTS ,.,.... $4.95 D .... e hp Tat _$1.95 W'ltll lloor; ....... Midi • ., l ·lft&a Mo•••• '"' _$14.95 8eWa-lll floor, ... f'-t ... T, ~r!MeetM&·ld U ...... la Tnt __ .$29.95 TANKll JACKD N,to.. ..OW: wool .... , .... -~r; ID1ttW..,,. _. aHk. U M241 COINER NIWPORT •cl HARIOR ILYDS. COSTA MISA High Quality ·Printing-Pit. Har. 1616Hioh Quality Printing-Ph. Hai. '''' • ... Cpl. Dft•Rp•rt D• How fNll\. l<ONG , Corporal n.ve11port. • tntn Local ._. Hurt lla1'oa. Uld V1J'l1J J)M.a amlth. • U , ot 1~ I:. 11th BL, Co.ta Mea FEI. 16. 1951-COASTAL SHOPflEA-PA&E I commander wttla t.h wllt.. enter-~-r ed lbe ArmJ In May. 116S and ar· In 2 ,. _ ,._L Smith waa treated by a doctor a uto drtYU DOrtJl oa Newport COAST PROTECTIVE LEAGUE HEARS LEGISLATORS ON OIL Stanley, Murdy Explain 11111 to ReCJUlafe Coast Oil Drllllng U. a. l'orc., Korea -Cpl. Ro- bert w. D&-..nport, IOR of Mr. and Mr .. Robert R. Davenport. 27U Bayahore Drive. Newport s..ch, ill achedultd to return to Unlled Statea from Korn, wbeH h• ~• a member ot the 3d Traiw- por\.&Uon R&ilw&,J Command. .rived tD Korea lb• lollowtnf Dec· ~ ~ wHhile HMra.1.Yf.oodt 1 ••aa taken to Bl"-by l:arl L. W»Oda. M, .truck ember. • Two penona lacurred minor tn-O&f oap ._ or treatment, ,... bi. Wblcle. Smith wu thrown out Thrf'\ of two hub cape ~ j..... ln ._ tratao oc:l porta abow. ot ~~onto the pa..inent. gold eenler. wu rtpOlt.ed ~ l Th• corporal I.JI a 1951 lftdU&ta ~·ea a ... o-ca.r a • 8mJU.. traftlliAc ....i on HUI Woode told ., ... ottJcen tile Of Pomoaa Colleee when he re-dot at 111~ tBll~ ud 1;:: SL, nport.ed be ltopped at lM trt.op otMr oar• pulled ott Jlth It. ln :~. ;,,. pol~J :! = cd wd ha bachelor ot art.a deffH Bt., Coe\& -a : a.m. · • lip Mio,.. Sota• onto N_..,ort ,._t ot him and he wu uoable Sunday nl1llt tY'Ola hla ear wta1J9 -NYLON VISCOSE and a 19~3 (r&duat.e ot t.be Un.I· daJ . Injured ._.. Mn. Earl L. BJTd. Tbe oat UW.C be kntw UM to..., off In Ume. ln n-ont ot hla bome, be aid. yeralty ot Calltornl& When he tee W~ OD, Of 1002 E. Ocean Frollt. --------------------------- cdved hi• muter ot art.a clepee. ;;.====::=::::==::::; By DOROTHY Dt:M ROCHES ltA ot San Clemente. The Banta An overflow crowd o\. the"Cout· Barbara bill embodlea the A me al Protective ~•(Utt ineel in!( Ju t prohibitory Ceaturea, h• .. Id. M:Ollday night rot lltllo h•Jpc from "1'11 uphold the Sant.a Barbara t heir lec l•laUve rcpresentatl\•ca a t bill," S.nator Murdy told l.e&flle Sacramento for prohibitory oil members, adding he arr.ea per- drillinf leglalatlon for the La(Ull•· lonally wil.h Its MnUmenl.I. San Clemente areu. "H Santa Barbara can do It, II\ an open forum dilu;usKlun at t..htre l.ta't a.ny reaaon why u y the hl(h achoo! au1lltor1un1, Stale other &re& &long the coa.at ~nnol Senator John A. Murdy, of Hunt· do It." he commrnted. tnrton Beach, and State Assembly· "'Jt Ward does &et Illa Santa m an Eal'l W. St..nlry, ot NPwporl Barbara bill paned, I expect to Beach, wltbalood ••. tu th' best walk r ight In hi• shadow ~d ~t ot tbelr ablltllu ... ll banage of U1e same biU pa~ed tor Oranre queallona rrom • c11padty crowd·of County," Murdy promlled. arouaed homl' owne111. WJL L PKO\'E WO&Tll BOOED AT POl~TS Auemblymon Stanley, hOWever, At po!nt.a durtnf the meeting doubttd Ward would be a ble to Stanley waa boo<'•I a nol i;ruana i H hi• btU out ot commlltae. For followed many of his 11tall'mf'nta that r~ason, the bills a lready In· Hlchll&ht of th.-ev!'nlng w1111 troJuc,J -.nd capable of moditlca· the oommenl by Senator M urdy I tlun w11l prove their worth, he on Bill 336, Introduced by Senator thoucbt. Ward ot Santa Barbara, pri·1111Jent l aolaterlnc thla opinion, Stanley pro·lem of t he Senate. 11a1J Ward'• bill would t>. terrred Thia meaaure, Murdy salJ, Ill clu~ lepJ.aUoo tor the reaaon eimctly whot 11 rfoK1r.,1I by the that communltlea alone Ole coa.i. Coastal Area Protective League, from Santa Mollie.a to Sao Diego, which eeek1 to prohibit oil drllJlng would demand the aame lefl1ta.- commencln1 one mile north of lion. Emerald Bay to t he 80Ulht'rn lim· lr the W&rd BlU could be pau· RELIANCE ~ AlllVERSARY Charter City May Undertake Areo's Recle.velopment SACJlAMJl!NTO. (CNS) -char- tered clUH onl7 are empowered to undertake community redevelop- m ent •a•ncy. Attorney Cen•ral EJ· mund 0 . Brown haa held. Thi• would apply to Newport Beach Br01m ruled that counUea and non·cha rured cllll'• an conduct •Uch project.I only ln M'cordance with \tie Community Redevelop- men•. L&w. The 1 ttorney general uld a rhan.ered city may rl'denlop open u eu •• well u elurn• If ther• i. "compt"llln& economic need." Hr polnl~ out that a city'• power ot eminent domain In open area re· ed. Stanley aald. thl• coaatal area would have to tight every two yt'l\ra tor rt·atnnnauon ot the ball, u the oil companl• would ma1te every effort to get It re· pealed. Tht'rdore, Sta.Aley •.Id, be W· 1ieved hi8 blU. llew a tlel.tff cha.rice ot pusage. MEASU.E INOOMPLETIC Quer ied re1ardlnc ht. Bill 1709, Stanley expi..tned the meuure la Incomplete and not In Ila final slagra. Unu 17 and 18, he aald, resutat. Ing oil drUllnr until 191~. a re the Important aectlon or the bill. "Any of theae blUs c:&11 be ~n­ tlrl'ly rewrltt.en."' h• told home ownen wbo are tlghUnf to n~ their lnveetmenb from the en· "1opln1 coaatal bllfhl. Stanley'a Bill 2'7'8 reql&ine oil coapantta to comply wtth clt.1 or· di.nanc.e. developemnt la not u broad &a ltl p:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;;::;;;;::;;;::;;;;:;;;; alum cl•arance projecta. Five Real Estate Men Get Licenses SACR AMENTO, <CNSl -The etate rea.l utate commlutoner hU announced IHuance ot ltYe r...i ui.te aaleaman ll«nae• In Nl'w- port Beach. 'nle llceneea were 1 .. •ued to Albert 0 . 8ubt. 8112 W. Newport Bl•d.: M. W ort.h.lnsto• Le•. 224 w. Cout tllchway; John P. Butler and Oonalll C. Tbomr- BE SURE -INSURE ~ MAU&IOS !fr4NLl:l' (Ma.-Oll.l;t Pllo.e Harbor U1• IS t 5 I:.. 0-.t IDpW&J' Coro-dd llu .......... · IUDLEI' llORTUAR\' ,._., ULU1D. oaArSI. ll·~-o.la-­a.rwn,11-uu ... .....u .on. 3201 Coaat Hlahw&)', and MJ·. ~;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ lo L. A lnsworth, 2!10 SOU\ SL • Teacher to Rnic)n The ru1cnallon or )11.u Lonlla Vincent. t~ch•r In thr Corona dtl Mar S<:hool, waa ac-cepted wltll recnt on F'eb. l by the New· port Buch Elt:mrntary ~hool Board ot Tnattu The board ap- pro•ed Uu1 employmtnl of Mra. Paula T odd to replace Miu Vin· unl, errecuve March 1. MA'ITRE88E8 ~ .. _,......... an.pu .... ~ ... ·-o.ta .... ~C.. tlM N..-p.rt ..... WA TEM ll.£ATIUL9 lAl U Ul¥IQI ..... llPAIU Jatl B.J.10/J ltLUllUtlNU FREE Buy • Motorola TV and receive a velu· able anniversary gi~ plus our Special Servi~• Guarantee 1r'f .... 1V ............. MOGIL 1n.-N.. W.-bt • 1 Alm lT·ia. t.bt. D .. a.a_ 8elecior Strite~. c...,.n ....._, ..... •"' ..._ N• _. lllMe TV bu .... -... ... --.v.e I '17 .w-c.upu,.--. Moot ......... ,_ .__, lecoe•t1011d TY'1 IOIO LDm NSW AU. OVAMNTIZD Prlined .. low .. 11.16 1955 llODJ:l..8 1 'r' Table llodel9 Sl '9.95 !1" Table .... 189.95 11" Couolee -·-199.15 14" Table II~ W.15 [~~~-I We Rent Televlslons in. ........ ---,... ................ ...._ _, •1' TV er _,., .._ "''" " APPUANCI SPECIALS THOR Automalk Wasllen SPECIALS K Melt.M-.N wtU. ~ TrMe-ta SALi PllCI '19995· Call DAN'S TV ormr IUJlflJA'l'I .AlfD ZVD'I' ~o UN11L t :Jt JOHNSTON E'S • 2075 Plac_. Ave. UilerV a. TOii Cleete .... YOU SAVI ....... PllSCll'TION .. .......... RELIANCE Sitt N. _... 8t. VITAMllS IY KALASH <Since 1t24J VITAMIN IP&C:1Al.ll'Tl 1 C ....... cUnc "'"ch <>I th• 0•111-I ,._,ch lft ¥11All>ltte, Ital_. Let..rel .. W. .._, Gflwed lu -~•cl• l•r t.11• u" of tll• doctor. Ole llo•l'll<ll a..t th• l'•ltllc lo, ••• %• ,-...-•• 9\1Y D&a£CT ,ult> SAVE t'llUHNUS -P'OTVKY -l.OWU P'IUCU , , . AKO TIMI:. ro1t ~AL ATTUITIO". THUi: AAS TME IH .. U <>f'IS ltAl..AI H VITAJlllllU AA& SOU> <>"LY 11'1 litALUH 1Yl.A1'1CH ST~. ft MTAll. fl9'f.S De CAU,01UOA TO H .llVS "rOU Unor, i.... ... &-lJ H11h ta troo I•~ --of ,,.... tlJ!c~ a..t red b loocl boil Id lac. 100-1.'11 •-s.u ~ 0 (MeOrWc! !add) l•KO~IOIUt IOI I .Ta ...... ., ................ u.a.A. AU..._ ..... c.. ..... KALASH LAIORATORIES l>tu.CT u.uecKU Ml k. M.-. a .. 1. Aa6. IU~ a.MIT 11"7 L Ttll It. at P'I-. 1-t a...11 70.llTI HOME APPUANCE SDYICE CO. m a.noo XI 1-ld De ........ _ ......... . &llOTIOftAU. Y l>~f l'IUVOUS7 ALWAYS TillD>T ICWSWUX lllAGA.IDfl. (ha. n. , ... _, .. .,._.., .._ W.Wr -· •-"" .....it. el XUHTlFIC TUTa GOffDUCT&.O ay It.OU.CH DOC- TOIU OP TWO LAJlCL &.OS AMC2LU U"1VUSITTES USU.C TMI. un"1a&.L Y MW PnTnmOl'IAI. llSP'l.ACDl&HT' Pealftll..A ll.... I U P' P L I C D 8Y lt.U.ASH VTT AM1N coaP. T'Wa .. --.. ~~ "' -·· •• • .. .n1i...1 ""'--·· v-· "-••• _, ••••• ... i.. ., ,.,. ...ip..i ... -.-ci. ,,. _ _.. ....... .. .a.. 1-.....i •' P'•r•••lon fO.t. IM4) ,,_ ... . FOltMUU ll·M -................. •-ND CC>MlftllCtAL !II.IP"-&· lllEHl' ON THr. MAIUtrT, llECAJIO. li!IS OP P'IUCI. •-••l•ed tlle "'II •-"1--• ol alJ ,... 1-4 ••"-•••" ...... ____ .., ........ .-th •• t ...... .. .. 1'0W w4tlla ,_ -•• -"'.. ,... ~, ...... ... ••lf--MtJ.-,_,. •• llo.•lslvl lia tll• rlfak'•I .......... ~ ... i. ,. ................ .u... ·-.............. "" "-flt• ... ..... "r .......... ...,.__lo, It le ...i1 -.Q ...,_., Y-... ,.. POllMVLA .... cu ••. ""Tf.lfT P'E.HDllfe) ,,... .. ......_. ,.r_ri,tl-. STOP Ul, P'HO!a Oil S I." I> COU'f'Off lw ,..., .,.,.....,,,_ _, ....,.... ...,,..tf'lt-.1 lt-.lec-h .---------UK nut co""°" J(aJ .. 11 Vlt..i.a '°' I. M• I t. ... ,. A.a .. Calif. ......~---~~~------- . . . AnlNTION • ALL MEN carpeting .... 40 ... PadclllMJ Installed Compl!'te • • • Fii.EE UTDIATD CIDCKU'UU.Y on'El'f COASnlNE FLOOR COVERINGS 541 c ...... FRIDAY and SATURDAY _February 18 & 19 l.lbmyl-4481 COLLIER'S SIGNAL SERVICE STATION J2ncl & Newaert ,_,._Gip-... ,-- NEWPORT IEACH Free Gifts for Everyone SPECIAL GIFTS TO BE GIVEN-SATURDAY -4 P. M. 1. Wrist Watdl fl.aclln or Meftl) 6. 0.. ,,_ Lllbe Job 2. 25 ..... s ..... Gcnoll• 3. 20 hllw SICJllCll GcnollM 4. 15 ..... Sltnal .......... I. 10 G .. w Sit•al GnollH 7. 0.. "" a.-. Job I . 011e PrM Wcnll Jolt '· 0... ,,.. w ... Jolt 10· 15 (ea.JS Chi. 5....., Gnollwe . FREE with the P•chase of 10 Gals. Gasoline S# SUGAR or 2 Pkgs. CIGARlftll FOR THE KIDS s.den and Soct. Pop -Cottoa Caady -Satwclay 1 to 5 P. "'· -- FREE PICK· UP AND DEUYERY SERVICE Phone Hart.or 5550 .,., SIGNAL GAS ""' c ....... a. k,..._ A totally MW type of IOfOline . Stops stallftt -...... '-- end Miieage -...,_, SlllOOftt Idling. loth .. ,...,._ .. -4 Ethyl dHft (~.,.,, kMp thefll deon to o!Ye bet• perlonftortW Ofld ........ ......... "' Wt hfMt.CW '"" LUii Joa ,_,.. P"'"9••9llrl1rl l*~plusow~ "'btow-how" llftd S!Oftor1 ~s,._ ..... "°""cot of~ .... ...... kind of tubflcM .. .... .... ~. '-I • le 41 IXTRA MILD ,., ,_.,., tf Ca Siena! 1 0.30 HO MolCW Ofl ~ .. ~ .. effed1....ty, It helpa can atart .....,, 1Mr90Mt ~ ...... o0 Ofld ......... 40.mmm per faflk'fwl ii~ ---.0, ""Y COf, MW Of old. s.n...., • ,., •. ,,,, ACCDIOR• \ - • . . -, . SftCll'-' FOi TIVIS., FRt. I SAT., ..... , 8 -, ' .... -~ -FUilHRY 11 ·II· II . ,.f:\ \q ~\ f9 7'J -~, !"tt "41t d I;~: ,u. "' . . . . U. S. &RADE CHOICE & &000 SHOULDER • ~ utAtt l .• "211 -·~~ • >. cl\··· 4 ftBAI,. SAID, UFFEE HAG ~~~ 99~ i.AMBCKiSR . 49~ ~ . ~.-\ . ~ ~EACHES c~~s FRESH, LEAN LAMB 29~ PATIIES .. l~ID:J~i!111~@ID~' ~ SNOWiiiiFT ~tN~ 79·. .iiiWFilKEs 23· erJsooCROCKER'SICK LGE. 37! FREE NR.l.ICn'' aunY WAFERS 31 c t I PKG. 1.ll. PKG. OI£0~~:19· • Fii IEWTOIS • OREG • SWISS CREIES EASTERN-CORN-FED BONELESS PORK BUTT ROAST EASTERN CORN-FED, BEST CUTS SHOULDER PORK STEAKS CUOAHY'S wtOC&.OW EASTE«N Ow Own Foem~Me•• c-...,.Style sue• 39-BACOI~~: PUlt• POltl< 29' SAUS'GE .. 33~ AU..AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF . HALIBUT STEAKS 39:. FRUITS and VEGETABLES FROZEN FOODS llTU.-JANCY, WASHINGTON DILICIOUS APPLES ~=, SIMPLE SI MON 'PIE FOR FOUi' • APPLE • PEACH 3 9' • CHERRY •PINEAPPLE • BOYSENBERRY ea IXTIA..1 AKI HNIST HA01 FUllTI 1~ 4-0Z. SID AVOCADOS I•. NICI ••. tfc U . OR BOLOGNA --SALAMI ~~: .. ~:N 49~ HORMQ. SUCED ' Cii11 45:. Hii ~~ 49• BIRDSEYE • ftlOCGl.I SPEARS • Flftllll LlllS • llUllB. SPROUTS ~STATE • IAIY .UllS IX'ftA-FAHCY, llPI, swm NAYa 2PMs.39c ORANGES . ••.1ous .... 7'c • * IEWPORT BEACH * COIOIA del IAR 2MO COAST H .. HWAT IMt COAST 11 .. HWAT ~ .......... * SAi CLEIEITE .. a CAMINO 11M IMfl'C»TED ITALIAN CHIANTI . FIFTH 99' iiiir w11Es AFrn 69-' . iciLliZQUAU CANS 6fors1 " flO.,._OOf FIFTH ,. Y!~~·!!!•!•!!111 .. ~•!'•!r!...--!! er :1.""'-FEI. It. 1955-COASTAl SHOPPER-ftAGE 7 SMALL INGINE R•Aa GINI SALB P'or P~r Mowen • ...,... • Ce111tl'9dotw ...,,_.., _,: "A's" CUSTOM VENETIAN BLIND Builder of Homes LAUNDRY and Boats Ensign P-TA Aids Clinic Al'-la f•r Mere. . 8trat• CU.a.a. ~ ......_ ....... • Wm eome to JOV bome. take down o . Homer B&l'JT'Oft, LI MT'FO HARllATB ELECl'RIC & llFO~ 00. 11M p•t"¢PM wUI not be ,..,,,.., ... f« _.. tau .. aoorreat JOW' .aetiaa llU.D4I, t.alre Uaem 1Jdlb 11.a W. ~ 111Pwa7 N...,.n 11w11 ft. U Ml&l LDMrUoD at an ad. ,_... U..rt!lat to colftlltq ....,, UJ UMI aU to our 1amdr7. LAUDllw Uae alata, ----------::~:;;;;;;;;;;;;=:=:=::=;:;;::==::=:=::;;;::=::;:;;;;;:;~ ad9 ud to Nject ~ ad 9°' e..-ili '• to 1\1119 u4 ~ ta,... OClC'da, 9PU'klUla c1eaD Raa11aln1 th• UJ'lent Med to The mone1 wtn ro to t11e lt.oMrt wttll our ...., machtv-~ ~H!::::P~•!!!• !0 !.!!!"~---- prcmcte dental care for 8Cbool chU· H. Olander cl.lnSc ill Uae i.e.cue U a.u&1 8'11.._ 8pedal N.._ metJwd. Ketura JOW' ,,llDda and drell wtlo would not olherwiM Cent.er, and wu accepted by tM re-lnlt&ll them bl 2t tloura. have It, !i0 race J:nalp khool UL Tbe money waa part ot the ewpo 8P i tape rellldellual blind-s• t P·TA., Mre. Richard UUenthaJ. profit trom the wcceatul P·TA. bill ..... Slee. Drt1l9, PoUlben. B. P. 0. E. 1gn Up ti OnCe BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MDlA CBAPllL lTtl Bupertor Annue ea.ta at.... Calif ftalle ~ 1-2121 CBAPCL er TlllF a. 8620 C. Oout Blvd. Corooa 4kl Mar, Ca.UL Pboae llartlor d clinic chairman. Mn. a.or,.. H091' FOR RENT y N rt Barbor Price 'ftrf ~ble. ni. ner- praid.at; Mr•. Joeep!l Caner, carnhal, u annual tlmd·~ aU tn-at~ Wll~ 1787 -, Only $1.00 "' treuurer and Kn. 0 . W. Richard, event. Mn. Boar tben took the row., etc. we al80 rep&ir and rebuild Wile· . ~===::=::==::;;;::;::;:;::;::::;::==::::;:;;,:;;,:=:=::==:; welfare cb&irman, on Thunday delepUon to the clialc to Me It BOYD'S HDWE. Meet. •YVJ 'l'lnlnd'1 1 p.m. uon bUnda. AU work done by ap-Filt-0-Sott water eohen.r to ;-- prMenled a check for SJ.50 to th• in opera uon. Next year Uw Par· Via Oporto -Central AYL polntment. Ph6ne now Liberty . A..i.tance Learue of Newport. ent·Teacher poup bopu to rtn a 2630 W. COA.ST HJORWAY Newport Beicb 1-6701 or Klmberly l-127t. pptlc be given ABSOLUTELY Bekh. tarcer 8UDI. Ubert7 a.MU, Newport Bcb llUc lltwOod BbeU. J:u1t.cS RW.r Pa1se Appeals Loa of Job, tn ur. ~ at liquor llc.JIM9. ,, • 8a ,, • a.a. He t. twlee Indicted and l'oe1I oa £N-Udlal 8entc. ~a-~1 l!lenteee trtal ber. toda7 OD oae ot Ule -------------------- true bllla. J'rtday wae U.. lut day tor ftl. llll' of appu.i. oa ....,....°" no-Hearin• Slated ~~".i; ~~-=e~4:":~; & chJef under iraapetullon. wun•t SANTA ANA (~). -Her· avaUable for cemmenL Neither man Pause, •u.spe.nd~d Orange WM hi• attomey Otto Jacoba. County Uquor Control Ottlcer h.. However. Hurwitz u.ld he un-' deratood appeal papera were to be appealed hi• firing by Malcom tiled on behalt of MacKenzie who Ha1Tt., actlng director of the new ti.. been l.ndlcted here and In Riv· Department ot AlcohoUc Beverage er11lde CoUDty. Control. The inwpenmon order• acatnat Pauae'e attorney, Max Hurwitz, P&uee and MacKenzti;> were filed WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL OONTRACTORS Garages, 18 x 20 STUCCO OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 (including $lab) SPECIALlSTS in room addition.a and remodeling for over 8 yrs. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Liberty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3--827• 87plH told th• OCNS Ul6t hi.a office drew Jan. 31. up the appeal papers lut week -------------------------------- and 1enl tbem lo Sacramento. -For a ckpeadabill U9f'd e,ar, aee ti--Baildla• Sel'Vlce9 House Plans 10t!c PAINTING Pa.inting I: Paper Hanging 'The Beat Money Can Buy" ~r,~e~~~~~r PHONIC HARBOR 2'°' tlc FREB (Installation includ· ed) to lucky 1tub holder by BALBOA HOWE. 711 E. Balboa Blvd., B&lboa (No PurchaH Neceaa&ry) 12c17h AJcohollca :&.oonyuio11a Wrtte P . O. Boa ~II Newport S..dl, L'allt. Pbone Barbor t7" You don't have to know bow to read. Come Hear Edna Steam Dayton. . The attorney u ld he baa re· your local dealer wlao wtJI be ltere 51 celved confirmation the matter TOMORROW tot.ck ap what'"' Painting Decorating CARPENTER CARPENTRY will be till down tor a hearln• by wU1 TODAY! Olleck ur., ulM!d "" , R . w k • MINOR REPAIR WORK Lido Theatre, February 24, 10 :30 a.m. Hcl 7 the new Uquor bo9rd. Pauae haa .-an la U1e d.-&ne4 aeetloa to-raper Hanging epall" Or been accu.ed of unJawtuJ action• clay. GEO. BURKHARDT Dou ro:r ~~=,R-pall'tq NO i~~. ~.~ ~Beauty Aid._• ___ _ LICENSED CONTRACTOR Call l'ran.k. Liberty 1-etM LI I-~ Co8ta Meaa 13Uc • • ---1 Ma I C h 611 30t.b St.. Newpol't a-ch All work Guaranteed 1u.rc • , Superfluous H8.lr ~ II II ral Bar. t~W or LI _a.MU Uc ~ Exper.JeDC d ~ardener Penna0 e0 U)' re.moved trom taca SANTA ANA (OCN8)-A two-LANDSCAPING arma. tep. Eyebrowe and ba1r car collt.lon at Fourth and Fl.ow-Painting & Paperhanging PAINTING and CLEAN UPS llne 8baped-No more tw...sn1. er St&, Santa An.a, recenUy We do the work ourselves. INTERIOR -ICXTl:IUOR Libe ELL.EN L. BRYANT R.. E. brought mlnor injurtu to a moth· LICENSICD -INSURl:D rty 8-1659 Udo'• Balon ot Beaut7 Bar. 267• 30 yean experience Glenn Johnston 10c23H Uc er and hfr IOn. Ll~naed It lntured. -::;;;:x;CCCCaiiiXiccocaXXXiXiccccaXXiiOQ Geraldine l.JtUe, 37, of Santa SaUafactlon ruaranteed. ~1 • Slat SL N"'l'Ort Beach tr Aoo and her 13-year·old 10n, Ron-EiUmatH free. Call J ohnnie, Barbor S17t Utlc aid, were hurt when the car In LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc . TALK AB 0 UT RESULTS- whlch Mra. LltUe WU dnvlnc WU General Contracting llMJck from the rear While maklnr ASPHALT TILE RJ!:PAIRS, remodellnl and altera· a turn. Driver of the other car tlon work. RuJdenUal ud com· Involved wu Gene Buah, 38, 100 LINOLEUM mercfal buUdtnp. IC. Balboa Blvd., police eald. 1 lnitall the a bove cheaper than Quallty Work Guaranteed .Stam S.11clay "SABRINA" Bwnphl'ey Jlocarl Wllllana BoldH -1'11111- This one backfired ! 'The Golden Masll' lreftha t Son lorn Vaa llelUll • up momt. Al80 llf'11 TU• It l.Jnoleum. Har n :u ~. Har. 2teo..1 n u. Non-unJon, 23 yeara expertence. ttttc Compare and aee - BILL COKER LI 8·8204 1tfc H. H. HOLBROOK Every now and then we run a pa&'e promot~ claNlned adl. Frt.quently It'• been a typical c1 ... 1tied ad p-.e with a larr• middle ~lion blocked out and a mu.ace tn.erted that informa our HI.den about our clauifled ad.I. The Bud Brlethaupll of ~2 Sea.shore Drive became paredt• of ----------a aon on Feb. 7 at Hoag Hospital. 88~ SPRING . VALUES PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. Prompt Repair Service Malnt.alned PbOlle: Barbor ttH 273 Palmer St.. Colla Me• 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beacb Phone Llberty 8·21>28. 87tlc pA HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY HAULING ANY KIND-TR.ASH OR ! New lawn~r reuonable All~I. .....,..,_.. DO IT YOUJ\8£Ll'-WS: TILL Scratch Removing It GR.ADE YOUR Sl!EI> AND a.nd Furniture Refinlahing ROLL UNDER OUR CUlD-Phone Llber\y l -2U :I ANCE. -~ 1-1:1112. t4p9 Phone LJ~rty 1·21H Pl'TF Jt 8ffmed platn to ua people would TMll&e this wun't the current clautfled eectJon but to rnak1 doubly 1ure, m01\ addreuea and pbone numben v.·ue obliter11.ted. However even llO our poor •wltchb<>ard operator wu flooded with calla from people wanUnl' to an11Wer theN ad• and uklnf tor lbe phone numben1. Tbe advertWnf manarer juat beau hla brow and •)'• .. ...,er beard fl 9Udl a Ulln1 tn my Ufe I" I WM&enr ,,,,., --. aa ad lJI .., Uvd1 ~ .ec:Uoa wW ~rta1 :ro11 1'N111ia, too • Cal Hattlor Hit aad ulc for the ad taller. •• I • I •• -••• I I ••• I • I •• I • I •• I I I • 8 • •:• ' 4', ~· /, .._. #> ~ • .. ._ . I ... ,.. . .-, :' # I • Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -IACK BOYER - 2!01 W. Balboa Boulfward • Llaoleum • Rubber Tile • Cork • Aapbalt Tie • Oarpet • Formkla • Yacht • lattallatloa Harbor 5J89 Newport leadt FOR MDCHANTS PROTECTIVE SllYICI IN NEWPORT HAllOI AIEA CALL LEHIGH 9· 1634 llVTUROt'OL& ESCU&T • • • STA TE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of _ STATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY STOP SUNGLARE Door Hood• Window AW1llnp Patio Cown Cu Porte Caaopift llercbaata We 8peclalbe la 8tore Awwlap Protect Furniture, c.p.ts. Dra, •• SAVE-luy Direct from Facforr ALUMI ·AWNINGS OF HASTINGS 941 \\'. l1Ut St.. ~·oe1a M-C'&ltt. For Free htllllClte Cal U 1-3351 rankin's doll·a r day s,,._. Onl' or Aala Trf11 c-k tkillft-'• diaa u .... well d.condola. toe>. Ptcmaci&1 l8Cf lonJ dnip-2 for ....... co,,_ S"11.t Tlwt•N•.,.,. loa ....... l AcrmwM ......... ~ pcM««. ~·. 4YJ·. .......... C'Ol't'ff • • • • • • • • .... o.wr ,,...,. a.A Ne ....... cw ..... --. ...... ,.,..., rack. ff~ ' ,...... .... ....ar ......... ·-~·············- 5 ....... ., .. w.-.......... .., ...... ._.. ..... J1 111 Nt• ......................... MorJMtk M°'° P.l Plaacic -ped bold.t ..... Mf.iaed. qiap IO _,... Lroa ot ec..t. Holdl ,,_ or ~ Set of). ............ ... o...c.~ Col• Jl-- A1-ieum ~-.... -a.. ru~ pou.r --din I a.lllhc .--.-..sds,la-.cwl ...... C.,._. B6,_...., T,..... ..... icti.w-..,__. ,_~_. ... ,,_ ......... , ...... ~ .. aJ• .•••••••••• • ...... CROWN HARDWARE ·3107 E. CMlt Hwy. Cora•• .. Mar 4th & Sycamore, Santa Ana .•• super -values storewide ••. free parking at 5th & broadway ACCESSORIES 1.50 reg. value, "ranldMtte" hosiery, first quality, new spring shades ••. ] pr. for 3.00 spec:iall beact.d ropes, spring colors .• 1.00• special! assorted leather and plastic: b•· folds, pass case, coin purse • 1.00• .. special! handbaCJS, spring colors, styles, sim· ulated leathers and patents . . • 2.98* values to 5.00, costvrne rhtCJS • • • 1.00* strMt floor •phi.a 101J1, red. tu TOILETRIES valuu to 3.00, nylon hairbrnhes, Mohawk "tynex," professional. half· round or club styles, pink, blue or white . • • · 1.39 values to 3.00, lucite ha11d-mirTon, two sides, individually boxed 1.49 4.25 Schiaparelll special, 2-oz. bottle of dou- ble-strength "shocking" cologne, with free purse.size perfume . 2.75* 1.50 nylon batt. brush and nail bnnh set, clear-tex handles, pink, blue, white ••• 1.00 strMt floor •plu1 10~ fed. t.u SPORTSWEAR 5.98 Lee Mar nylon blouse, 40 denier; button front, white, apricot, avocado, pink, 32. 38 • . • • . . • • . • . • l.98 specie I! 2-pc. pedal pnher set, tapered pants end italian-styled jacket, turquoise, orang• or pink, washable cotton, I 0-1 b . 5.98 values to 14.95, wool flannel skirts, tailored by loubella, slim skirt with fly front, flare skirt, charcoal, blue, light grey, beige 10-18 •.••••••••.• 11.00 5.98 caprl pcultl. poplin in turquoise, navy, pink, black. sizes I 0-18 • • • . . ].98 sp~ial! pedal pm•1rs, tapered legs, black or navy poP.lin, wf1ite-stitching, I 0-20 2. 98 street ~ .. • DRESSES 12.95 nylon prints, famous -name: nylon tri- cot, slightly irregular, 12-20 & 14 ~-22 ! 8.98 special! Kay Whitney cottons, 26" zipper front: prints, stripes, plaids in assorted col- ors. sizes 12 -20 and 121-22 ! 5.95 -second floor LINGERIE 5.95 sllp1 and petticoats; white nylon tricot lace-trimmed slips, 32-"40, nylon net bouffant pettic oats in white, pink or blue, nylon taf- feta 4-t iered petticoats in white only ee. 4.00 2.00 to 3.95 bras, nylons end cottons, 32-38, a , b end c cups each 1.00 1.69 nylon tricot briefs, 40-denier weight in white only, sizes 4 end 7, on sale each 1.00 second floor YOUTH WORLD 6.95, 7 .95 "wear-a·blaftket", I 00°/0 estron; non-allergic; full-length xipper, quilted foot covering reduces soiling, blue, green, yellow or pink, smell, med., lge., extra l9e. 1.00 off special! seersucker crawl•n, for boys or girls, ladder style, checlcs or stripes 99f special! girls' straw pwses, basket, box or barrel, flower-bouquet topped . 1.79* I .00 girts' fewelry, auorted •.. 2 for 1.00* 8.95 to 17.95 1-lor ...._, auortment of styles & fabrics, broken sizes 6.00 to-10.00 79f girts' cottoll palltles, auorted colors, bro· ken ~izH, special . • • • • • • 2 for 1.00 third floor NOTIONS & NEEDLEWORK 2.98 shoe racks. "mr. and mra." style; two rows hold six pr. women's shoes, two rows hold four pr. men 's shoes 1.99 1.59 aprons, floral or novelty prinh . 1.00 1.00 plastic bluket bats with zippers, each holds two blankets or one comforter 79• I .59 llnitting box, plastic cylinder, IO" 1.00 90t petite knitting wonted, I 00°/0 wool yarn for malcing stoles, sweaters, 30 colors to choose from, 2-oz. slcein . • 69' lower~evel FABRICS I .'45, 2.45 mlrac.. fabrics, orlons, rayons, silks, solids and prints, washable .• yd. 1.00 1.98 MalliMOft 'piping rock.' crease-resistant washable rayon in spring colors, '45" yd.1.00 59' to 79t cottons, SO-square percales, color- fast. anorted prinh, )b" .•.• ] ych. 1.00 I .00 cotton c;henille, color-fast .• 2 yds. 1.00 89' to I. I 9 ·cotton fabrics. solids and prints, (some do not require ironin9) •. 2 yds. 1.00 lower-level BEDDING & LINENS 1.29 Mattex dacrott-edge towels, speeia!lr reinforced dacron edge for longer wear 1.00 Lady,.,,.,.. sheets, superfine muslin, type I '40, bleached white, specially priced: 2.89 72x I 08 or reversible bottom twin 2.29 3.09 8 Ix I 08 reversible snugfit double bed bottom size, on sale • • 2.49 b9 f p•wCCIMI, 42x36 • • • • each 59• lower-level DRAPERIES 1.69 to 9.95, sllower aM wbclow c_..IM. ell plastic: prints, stripes, plaids in grjj l.o9 to 1.95 values • . • eac• 1 3.95 to 4.95 values • . each 5.25 to 9.95 valuei • • MCll ~~ ... l , I I • PA6E I -COASTAL: SHOPPER -FEI. '" ·1tll . !! !'"!! ,, ..... L<>8T -o..._ Pa.rakaat Damed Sales ..._ .... ---· ·-'.!! ~ 1114 PBILOO -.....r. H~ eu. ft. PC. dL to P6Ut 1l'Oal f"O, .,..... ...... .............. w.,.. ..... no L ...... lea&& Au Open t ·t ID 1-TIOI. 'nle .Place to Save la at Bay BAY FURNITURE IAL ~· Rubber prden hoee $1.29 N&yY pMJocU ----·-··--·· 1.115 8-volt Licht bulba (l)>eCial) e&.. J5c '1'1Check These Used Cars ''WMN Prtot9 ... Selcl at Bay" f Bq tl'Olll a local deaJeio who will be here TOKORROW to back up what he aella TObA Y ! .. Pnt'T BoY· In Coet.a ...... Jte-women ward. l.J &-t827 or l.J 1·1031. NEW U cH Fresh Hearing Aid BA 1"l'll:Rm8 TV chain, ft1eaa covert 811ACK:Ll:ll, 1/1"' plT, lptC1al Uc Jr'bhtn~ cbalr -·-·· ............. -Sii. LOST. Tan Navy Jacket bet,,,_n New;ort Yacht lAndtnr and Rlchard.on'a. Reward. Harbor 1017·J. 1'016 LOST-L&dlM white Sold D&1n Wrilt watch on a.turcsay, Feb. ~ Reward. ff.arbor 1860-J. 12c14 Ready· to· wear Lingerie MUST BE EXPER- IENCED IN SELL- We 01,.. 86.B a.-ltampe •n.50 val at BaJ ....•. s1uo G d D C Tub cbaln, upholat•red &rm• UD erson rui? 0. ISUD nlue. al Bay ·-U'7.e>O Ka&n It. at Balboa Blvd. Balboa TV swtvel arm roclcer• Harbor 611). tattc • 5'3.50 val at Bay ···-·-•H.95 12·.-ott D.C. t.lec. bite-pump sa. NJ:W K&rtne Toilet .• oni, -·· ~. Uaed Marine ToUel ··-···-•5. IS hp. Wlac:. pe •S· 6 clUtcll 18. 5 !Ip. WIR. 3 to l NdtlcUon 38. 8-12 or 14-YOlt eleo. winch -ff.DO 1 pr. l'loppentoppera ·······~··· It.ISO ta pl. 1t&inle• .teel durm 11. No. 4 Panron revene ,...,. ti. Mercu'7 -t•r lle'hta --··--· 2.115 Dlr.aUon F1nder. new ···-·-112. Ma.nu&! 01>4~ted air borne .. 18.95 February Clearance Looking LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS U-8choolil, a.•traet1oa I N G F A S HI 0 N Chi,,a painting ' MERCHANDISE. 1>a1 an11 1:vantna cs..... WRITE G I V I N G Order• TUan N-FULL DETAILS, _Ph_o_n•_LOMrtJ __ .. _*_1 ___ .. _u. EXPERIENC~ & Real Estate School REFERENCES. JEWllLRT 8110WCASR_ plate Wrou(bt Iron arm ~ourh 911f&, ' .._, 2t"Jt2'"•42" hlrh with ·~·· pure foam rubber revera. cu.hlon. atorare apa.ce. Cost 136., now • .,. 1 1 '77 UT.DO. u .. t.uv Y&. c OM out.I ........ ' . PtJSKMAN'S, 1755 ll Cout Hwy 2 pc. bed divan Mt.I, plutlc arm1. Oorona clel Kar. Ha.r. 120. colorful pe.ttem H ele flttl.ISO val. cloae outa ······-au. Hideaway bed aota. full al&a Inner· 1J>l1nl' mattreea, 4.%" pure toarn rubber revera. cuahlona. 46 .. U.M'OMATIC with hollter. two cupe, I~ rrtpe, •4o. • fl.lhlnc rod. hand made, Karlin, '20. Harbor 6292·J. HplG COLE'S PORT 3108 L&tayette, Newport Beach for an Unusuall:v. Clean Ueed Car 1 1DG3 CHRYSLER Wlndaor Cl"b cpe. Ugbt men, radJo 6 heater. Power ateertnr IN TIP TOP SHAPE ll>M PONTIAC 8 dlx.. 2-door sedan. R Ir H, Hydra. AN EXCEPI'IONALLY CLEAN CAR SALARY OPEN. in Santa Ana WRITE U-31 THIS IOIN la W0k£N pr9PV1 la tp&re $2C9.ISO val. at Bay ···-··· St1'7. 9ll.12 Aiunlnater rur ··-·····-· S~.60 lOxll AJUnlnster ruf -...... Hl.~O RU'RlO., ru1a. che1t.a of drawer1, 12xl5 .AJtminater rug. end of roll .. tit. ladder. beat•r. dl~H, ma tchea 10xl2 ... -··-.. '99.60 wuhlnr machine, drapu It ml1e. IS pc. chrome dinette aet•. 30d 0" JOHNSON & SON 1962 PLYMOUTH deluu 4-dr. sed. Lt. green, very clean --···----·-·················-···········--·$ 996 TRADE Bt'uutui Te>-n. &Wt. ~. Ume for unllmltfd opportunlll• PAPER. 13c18 1n Real E.ttate. N-duMe weekly. Al Tyler t.nalnloUnr. At-GlRl.8 - t.end nm •YUi.ina free and ieam Good about thle ,,_t field. C&ll or wrtt. now f or &ntonnatlun. Bual· Good Joba - a-ln1Utut., 41.D~ N. Syca· Cood aalary - News men. Kl 1-1761. 7tttc wllh frequent lncr.&Mll - Ilana. l.J .. 1681 .,.... II Bat-Sun. ext. table. t toam rubber acal 14cl6 chairs, $112.50 val, 2 only cloat ------------out..s 1117. a •et SALAD MASTER. Binocular, pore. Modem de,e:ts, w&.lnul or limed l&undry tray. portable aawlng oaJc f inish machine, camera, tut lena and red chroma bre&ktut aet. 143·50 val. at B4Y •······· '29.95 Liberty 1-7210. H ele Bunk bed.I, all hc1wd. comp. With ladder. &11ard raU, 1pr1ng1 6 2 Fully found, ro U\T#hft'9. Waat 130,000 equity ln property. 1220 W Ht Balboa. BlYd., Newport. Uarbor 3032. lcl&b M-MD81cal, Badl!J a T V HAMMOND orra.n.a. AU naodm One only alJgbtl)' UMd almoat like new. Thia u a spect&L DANZ-SCIDUDT Invite. You To eee, drive and Buy From The rtneet Selection ot Ueed Canin O~County. 1962 FORD Cuatomline 2-door sedan. Radio It bater, Fordomatk. One owner • in excellent oondition ·····-·--·-··--··--······ 124 5 See These Cars at In 8-poue to Popular Demand Opportunity tor advancement. - Some opentnga now tor youne women tn Newport Beach office: lnner1pr. m att.. Natural or Sal- em flnlah. 1139.50 val. at Bay ....... Sia.ISO Hamrrond Beadquart•n tor Or- &11fe County, 520 No. Ka.in, a. A.. YES! They are on a 3 Day sold LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2661 " llA VII IUlCJllMTL Y enl&J'f99 our f&cllttlta to accommodate 1nora chlldrtn. nua an a few pl&cu available. PREP A.IUD your cblld tor klnder- p.rt.an ln- ~ OLUEN ORD:N'I . HAPPYLAND PRESCHOOL • &. o.a Mar, o.ca ,. .. Aa-M l..IlMrty a.~771 A tNJ7 na. NW'Mf7 k!lool 2cl5b HAVVOND ORGAN IN8TRUCl'ION Barbor a&ll-w. 13c15 • •'•ff-Wuted ---GARDENING nw LA wxa. ruonUq or roto-uw... T&N upk .. y by the mp Free Mtlm&t.. ltarl Ooo.Dors. Barti. 1791..J. Uplt Tml.IDPHONJ: OPmR A T 0 R I , CLllR.ICAL WORKJCR8 (lypinf raqulrad). Apply 15U ~ N. Main St., (Room 211 1 Santa Ana Monday lhru Friday, 9-t p.m. PACIP'IC TELEPHONE 7tfc JOBS OPEN NOW FOR Bk'kpra .• ateno·a, aecretar1u. bkkp A po.t. mach. operaton, hoUH· keepen A cooka. BIC SURE TO CHECK WITH - June Farrar Agency EMPLOTM~NT tot"' 82nd It., Npt. Bell. H cl• CORSETtERE Mu.at be experienced ln titting all better name foundation garments. Write 1 iving de· wi., experience & refer· ence.. Salary open. Box X-34, this paper. H c18 &XPERJENCED powtr machlH o~ratcr. AllO womllll for hand Hwlnr . t11mm1n1, etc. WJCSTINCHOUSI: rebullt auto. e pc. bedrm. aeta, comp. with t dr. waaher .......... _ ........ -......... 119.60 double dreeur, mlrTOr, bk'cue SQUARE tub May~. reblt. fet.110 headboard, metal bt-d frame and USED ~a.ranlMd retrl1erator1. cuar. lnnenipr. matt. • boa llJlr. from ...... ... . ............ $39.110 up 1199.50 val. at Bay ........ $1'9. Hl!JW Norge ranee trom 184.95 up ApL •lie 11.1 ra.nee, oven hett We rt'nt ranre1, wa111era and control, broiler rttr1reratora. 1108.M val. at Bay -······ '78. CaU ua tor repair anvlce on re-Philco retrsr. 7 cu. ft. croM lop frtieratora, too. ltffzer .............................. 8189. Jake's Appliances 1811 Harbor Blvd.. C:O.ta Mua Liberty 1-6841. U c16 -19M O'~EF'E .ti: Ml:RRITI' r&nre. H•rh broiler, chrome l op. Pd. dn. to f lell.68. No dn. pymt. Se. Daufhna A A. S Wart'houae, 220 S. Ml.In. 8&J1la Ana Open 9 -9 Kl 3-7201. DEl!:P FREEZE freuu, 13~ cu tt. Pd. dn. to 1227.M from 1'70. Pymta. or cuh. See Bau(tln1 A It 8 Warehouat, :no 8. Ml.In. Santa Ana Open 9.9 Kl 3·7201. 10~., HOTrOINT Re!nrer1tor. 12 r u. !t., 2 door. Pd. dn. to 12M 92 rrom 1600. r y mt1. or cuh. BAY--FURNITURE 427 !:. 17th St .. Co1ta Ml'aa lbetween TuaUn It Irvine) Free Store-aide park.1nr-Tl'rm1 ~n Ew-1, 'lll I SALE FLOOR SAMPLES 10 Piece Set Rattan, Wrought Iron, Modem AIRFOA.M CUSH10NS ' ZIPPER COVERS HA Vil ba&uutul Baldw!JI acroaonic Spinet.. t yra. old. WANT TO SWAP for cnnd Pia.Do Phone Harbor lON-K. 4Uc 2 ONLY Bpllltt t.Jpa, uprtpt pl•· noa ln parteot OOCldlUon, 1 maple A: 1 blonde. Terna _.O down, au. per mo. at.- SHAll'ER'8 Mualc CO. (8111C9 1907) 421...ui N ... 8yOUMN, Saa&&-. Phone Klmberl7 2--0872 WURLJTZER Sptnet. nn. mahor. flnlah. 8U1hUy u-1.. Top oond. HUbor oeu-K. u c1e See Baldwin Piano & Organ Dilsplay WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1111 Cout BlYd., Oorona de.I Ku (T'b&daa IA&enor Blq.J Rar. 1382 It Uc 1 ONLY beauutul ain&"I• muual MINSHALL elect.roclc ori:11.n, lll<e new: San fJOO. Converoent terma a~ RHAVER'S Mualc Co. (Stnoe 1to7) Ul-OJ N. 8yeamOR, Suta AAA P hon• Klmberly 2-0872 Money Back Guarantee You mu.st be aatldted! 81 Mll:ltC. 4 door. ftadSo, heat., oftrdrift. New baked enamel ftnlm-Whtt• walla. r.bruary lale Prtoa -··-··--.. -··· ftt9 52 CBEY. Bal All' oou,., 18.000 mu-Oat owner. 8wl Ootd ftn· lah. Wh1Le wall t.lrti9. beater r.e.-.ry 8a1e 1"11~ -•t•tt 50 STUDEBAXJ.'J\ Land CrulMr Radio, M.al«, automatic. 2 new Urta. Urht blue nnt.h. (Orte· lnal), • ra&1 bu)'. 4 rtal •harp one. February Sale Price J!)99 GMC Triple Checked Used Truc~s 'ti DODGE. ~ T. PICKUP 'M DODGE. ~ T. P AN1tL 'ti CHEV. a,l T. PJCKIJP '63 GM'C 4' T. PICKUP, }(yd~· m aUc Trana. ''8 GMC 2 T. COE. I :" Uru. 2 IJ)Md u.le We haYe the l&rfHt and clM.neat .tock of uaed t.roeka In Orang• County. Tou wtU aave time anCS money by aeelnr ua flrat. a3 roRD vietorta. tt.dio, .,.._., W. W. WOODS J'ordom&UO. 0... O'lrDtr, low mUup. I tori• 1rMft ltnlah J'tbruary Ba.le Prioa -•tm 63 FORD 4 door. RAdM>, beat• overdrt... White wa.lb, vtnyl OMC DEA.LER 81t-1t E. 4th St. Sant& Ana Open Sunday Lm. T'nldl baadquart.ra tor Ora.nit Co. ltcH Station Wagon Headquarters ! 50 BuJck Eatate Wagon $1095 Radio • Heal~r • Dynaflow 53 Plymoulb Suburban $1595 Htr., tinted glus, Hy-Dr. 52 Ford Ranch Wagon $H95 Radio • Heater . Overdrive 47 Chev. Station Wagon $345 Spotlight • Foglitta -Radio Theodore Robins l'OsrrJON ~ u combtni&Uon BuU., ODoll., Hou.Mm&4 6 Chat· feur. Capable of complete m&n· ~menl lt dealNd. Ten yean rsldenue hen. 8pilendJd loaal ra· leAnc-.. Tot&I alMt.&lnv. Oood man. Uva In or out. Phone Har. bor llTf•W, Upll Lrll SKil"LET OPU01N A t..S 012 • 29UJ •t.. Newporl Beai-h Ike Baurhna A A: 8 Warehouae 220 S. M&ln, Santa Ana O~n 9 • 9 KI 3-7201. 1-Magwne Table ····-·· $21.5-0 1-Arm Chair --·········-$72.5-0 l -Ottoman ···············-··· $26.5-0 l.COfCee Table --·--$21.50 2-Eod Table• ··-··---· $46.00 I-Com~ Table ---'29.98 Sf'fNET PIANO. Lovel.y tone and oua only '387. Terma. OUMr wonderful barraJn• In rent&! re· t~na.a. trade &A oa orra.111. etc. 8enral manly aU&nll>' Kratch· ad In lblpment. ... t cOYVI, c1-A and ruru u:tr• ------------ Your Ford Dealer 8100 W. Cont Highway Newport Beach. LI. 8-3471 RESPONSIBLE coupi. wtll m&nqe apart.mat bou.e in Ntura tor rmt. .Rafer. encea furnlahed. Bond ll required. - WRITE Box p.215 th1I paper. •u Roy's Maintenance Houaie clffJl1Qf-f'1oor wuJ.nr wa.11 WMlllnr-wtndow c1-n1nf Ven11UM MlaclA. Upbollll.e17 1Mun4. ...... &.umac.. Liberty .. llll. 1Uc l\£9PON8JBLm eouple wtD lllUI• ar• Income ,..oput7 Ill ach.. for rut. Rde,...,c.a f\lmlabed. JVIUTll Boa 1\-21, uu.. pe.p.r. 10p16UC l>A T WOJUE WM&ecl b1 _,.,.. H plt W A.nR.1188 W .A.l'fTED for a snack ahop In Corona del Mu. PboM lt.&nor U TO tor tnt.rv1ew H elf MAPt.11 d1JIJns al. table and t cbalre. leatber Mata It backa; ...,,...,.... ~lamp; re~­ lator A humldWtr for OJl:11en tank. Har. IT23·M Mfore 9 &.m. or &tl•r f p.m. or all day Sun· da.1· 10<1• PATI'fm pudalr F. A. beater. eo,ooo B'n.1, ,.t Ila.le a1moat new. Tbermoatat control, 40~ &.coat. l.J 1·7"°. l2cl4 l tM PHILCO TV coiaole. Pd. dn. lOM C AP'YltRS It S ATTLER r&111e. CP. Pd. dn. to 1128.94 No cln. pymt. lee Baurbn• A • 8 Warebol&M, 120 8. Ma.In. 8&n t.a An.a Opell •·I Kl l ·TI01. Washing Machine SERVICE 1·,,_, (U&l'&llte. on JOIM dOM and on II.led ~,. 1t•'4 l l"Hl'J Ntwport 81, CalLa Me.. Ubuty 8-i~ or Wbuty M.327. MUc 1'64 O S Rdrtrerat()r. 12 cu. ft. auto cl«fl'oal. f d. dn. to UM.H from Stto. Cuti or pay pymt.a. See Ba\lfbna A A S Warettoute 220 8. Ma!n, Ballta Ana Open •• 9 Kl 3-7201. D.A.NZ-.9CIDIJDT UO M .. Maa, ... \&A.a& 3-Plece Sectional ___ $1&9.9:5 BEAUTIFUL aPINrr Pl.ANOS. ~t to b\Q'. All Of term A11l Regular Price ·----·-$386.90 alloW'ed. PncUce pla.noa u low 'AVE $,.. 90 u 15 per "'°' ~ -·--·---·· '"'· DANZ-SCHMIDT 81f PlAllO Store, 620 No. Ka1n, Sula An& SPECIAL ··-·--·--·-$290.00 ---------- Th Li h h Honest TV Service e g t ouse STEVENS " soNs !515 E . Balboa. Blvd., Balboa ~·~ 11att1or1· .. :.,~ ~-::..Uc Harbor 1807 13cl5 8TICINWAY GR.ANO. Like 11-. to UH.91 trom •i10. Pymta. or ------------Mesa Woodcraft Bl( aaYi.np. Ahlo Kn•be. Kim- bal, n.cber, Muon A Ramll.n. ~ otJ\era. Prac1Joa panoa u cull. SM Ba\lfbna A A 8 WarehoUM, 220 8. Ma.In, Banta Ana o,.n )954 WJD.JU.POOL auto wa.aller Jow aa SI~. Pd. dn. t,o f l27.66. No dn: pymt SPECIAt. CLOS!!: OUT PRJCll:S, OANZ.SCHKIDT BIJ Plano 8ton, IN Baupna A It 8 Wa rrhoulff', CHILDS' wardrobe 44" high, I) ~20 No. Ma.ln, 8anta .A.J\a rood. rebruary Bale Prict •1499 51 IO:R0\13Y Hudtop. Radio tinter, eccmomJcal, onrdr1n 17,000 m.1lea. One owrwir and hu rM1 eye ...,_i. ,r.llirua.ry 8&1• Prtce ... -.... -· _......... .._ 11891 61 rol\D Vlct.ona, 20,000 mua. • loob ..,.. 1.-a. We want yov t.o -tb.19 oat. Rad.lo, baalar l'ordomatlc. T\JMI-w aa I t e w&Jl&. Feb.. &&le Prtce •utt 111 CllJ:V. t door locally owned A purchued new here (oat owner t.oo) 1"'o tone (Teal f ~ wb t. wa11a. February 8&1t Pr1ee lat. ti HUI>t!ION, r&dlo, b .. ter, new nnta, ODl7 t0.000 mU... New car tn.de In. Ona owner. J'ebnaary aale Price ··-·-$.4ff. It'• J'eb~ry Cleuanoe Time at JOHNSON & SON Work Car Specials ltt7 OLDSMOBILE 98 Sedan.- food mechanic.ally. R and H . ff.}'dra. -· ... .. • S UIG. lt4T CHXV1~0Lrr deluu t door lltdM. ci..a -· .. ··-· .... -·-fltl). 1131 P'LTMOtrnl Md&n. Very clean ·-·-·--··-···-~·· -·--SIG. '52 Singer Sport Car O~ll: OWNER, MOO ir>llt1 $111:) Hauaken Motors, Inc. ltU llal1)Qr Bl'ld., Coat.& W- PIMllM Llbert.1 l-6001 1 t cl. '61 DODOS. Ooroeet conv .. wtlh OyromaUo Drt• .. w 1 ·w, radio.. Ona-OWMr car. •10e&. Bt.rtlor 0217. 1lc13 1'cl5 LOOK Terry's Buick Brln1a YOU your transportation car AT WHOLESALE lHI Nuh Amit. Oct., MH. '"' IHI H Udaoft •. ~ ···-··-822t UM 7 Ch17aler t , ftltff ... . . U20 1H1 BuJck llP"·· ~·· Rlt.H ueo 11M7 Pl)'lllOUtb ectn., MR ...• Sl at 1941 Bulclc Md&a . .• .. HO 2812 Newport BIYd .. Npt. lkt\. Harbor 6021. H elt RentaJs Wanted ••• Kl l-7t0l. encad rtrl. ~ ,. '1\1..oa,.. -----------220 8. Main, Banta Ana OJ*! dnwtr It hMging apa.ce, Reg. ------------ • • 9 Kl 8· 1201. Ut .9!) . Spt'etaJ 12•.95 BEA UTD'UL Electrcmlc Orpn, l.Jncoln Mercury '53 J'ORD 8 Ranch Wqon Radio, heat.. direeUc.W elf" nal.I, ~ w&llber. Spot· UJht, e ply uru. Urht blue oolor. We net!d apt. and llou-Ill al a.ctk>n.a tor both wt.nter and ~.,.. ltut 9'lm. or un.turn. ...,... Al.80 ....,,. Mt WMll.-da. ~ T·1111 alter t p.m. ltplt HOME CANNING I WILL QAH )'0\11' chldrm mnt A ti& ALSO eoupa .. at.we. 1r'T!e._ 1-lfU.. ltell ~ AaD WOIUt WANTED- '!"-lnamed or n mond- AD Tard M&J11tenance. OA1L Libert)' 8-l NI. 12pH Painting -6ar or B our. -.& ot W~ui.ab.lp. -..A ,... oJL. Lilian, 1-tllT. u cn 'r ard Maintenance a.a~ ........ u:i..v NTN. PAINTER "A.HTll WOii&. U 1-.n aper1· -. Nca union. Dourly. LDlert.1 8-.27'22. IOp21b aiAN 6 WOMAN wW dlO l'eft•ra.I ~ Ooor ...sq, wUl- dow cleanln~. l"Mt workera, w1att&. lH K. ~ It., CoM& M-. LI a.*S. pplf nree be.by mtten a...uui. for nmtnp .._. c.n.rv 1-2111. JOpllll ~ANT man apenanced la wtni ~. t>.ndlni • spot ....... ,. THlNL.lNI: CO. 01 lllt IL, Newport Bch. l kl 5 Draftsman (Male) 1'or worll lD beach aru wtUll I JT'& pncUcal axparlaac. &n ...... dnttlac &Dd I J1"L ~ .... or eqwnlent. Writ.a P. o. Baa 10ll1. AJlwnbn, callL, •· ~ amp&e CIC worlL 18Uc flREWOOD l"ltD Dw:Ln'DY 1>17 ...-. ir · ,. .. &enitJl. DESK. 11 drawer, 42" RtJ. 29.9:i. blonde C9M, &lmoat n-. Muat 118$ PHILCO TV 21 " Pd. dn. lo ~ . -.. .. .•...... Special HUl5 -wee. One only. BIS' MY· uaa. 78 from 1320. Pymt.. 0 ln cufL CHEST, 6 d~wer, 3'", IWruJar o.u!':.tc'HXIDT Or•t Sal•, See Bauft\111 A It 8 WarthoUH $2.3 9;S . .. Speclal 119 96 620 No.. Ma.In, S&ftta AU 2JO I . Ma.ln, Santa An.a Open COMPLETE LI.NE ot other un- 9. t KI a. 7201. pain ted tumlturt, aort 6: hard-BALDWIN AcroacaJo Splnet pl&no go() W, OOAST HIGHWAY Newport Bea.ch, Ll t-M45. H el o 1953 Buick $1995. Super Call a. A. IT AOO ..... ..,.. 1014 Enninp Barbor Ntl &ell n-hn..ltare for s.le ----------------Wood, maltof&ny. ,,1'11t claaa CODdltiOD. 2111 ){arbor Bh•d , Cott.a W.a W~rty 8-1 6•5. H ele Phone Liberty 8-31KIO Cezcept "'1day ucl Saturday). Hel e IUVIJ:R.A ooupe, RAH. Dyna11ow. °"" ~ ma.t IO\lf'bt aft er model on Ult road tod&J'. a M PHILCO ~r. Bot- t.le .,,._ p~ ... t.o .......... Meda. '711lt. 8M &QSU. A la 8 Wartbo\a., 2IO L Mala. 8aat& AM Opell t -I KI J-7201. tOOO COLOM a~W. la.,..,. la&' uunel or lac:quiel' t~ auto- mobUM, ~ra or aJ~ •~ l'Wll tor NDt. B&r11or Pamt 0.ter. IAe 411 Und SL, N..pon. Har. 2111 Baade the C\ly Hall. 1 O<l:lb JIM WllDOEWOOD ... drytr. Pd. c1n. to nn .. 4 """° taoo.. Ho dn. p)'IDt. 8" &upu A. It 8 WarehOUM, 220 I . Ji1a1n. laa\& An& Ope I .9 la,1-7201. h.12 rur • pad.. like new, '~ 5d NJ ST. H.ar. 3016-J. 13cU MAHOGA~'Y bedrm. aet., 4 poatu ltM PKILCO .,.!n gerator·frMMr t'IA'in beet... HI-boy. druaer, UOO. Pd d 3 0 Mn. Abrtna. Harbor 0191, t n a. combo. . "· lo 119 .41. N l4cl6 dA. p)'Dlt. ... a..u.1u11 4 • s WarthoUM, 220 8 . lh.ln, Santa Ana ~ •·•la .. 7301. 116' l'fORQI: auto wuller Pd. dn to IHI.~ !t'om U P<>. No c1n pymt. 8" B&Ufhn1 A It S WarthoUAe 220 8. Jil&ln, l&nta Ana O~n •. I Kl 3·7201. FREUEJ\, Cr0«ley, 19~4. 1~ ft Pd. dn. to •2a11.r.e Crom t600 Pymta. or cuh. 8" 8a1.&lhM A la 8 WarthoUM li:l...&CT'RJC r&nge. C'l'Ollley. Deep- wel! Pel. dn.. to 1127.811 from »111. No dn. pymt. .>N Bau&hn• A la 8 WarthOUllf', 2.20 S. Ma.In. Santa Alla Ope,n 9. I Kl 3·7201. lt:it NORGE 111.) cu. ft. re.trlf· tralor. Auto def'ro.tl. rd. dn. tc> 1 194.:18 Crom StOO. No dn. pyrnt. Bee Baug'h.na A It S Wart houae. 220 S. Ma.In, Sa.al& An& Open 9 . 9 Kl 3·7201. 220 8. M&lri, S&nta Ana Optn SS-Boats, S•_pnla. A.. ~ C. II.ALI: DaclMldnmd. 115. Liberty I-7091. Uct~ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * I Cyla. $48.88 8 Cyla. ~.88 TERRY'S BUICK O.K .A.C. Tenn. 1812 Newport Blvd., Npt. Bc.h. Harbor 6021 H c16 1951 BUlCK-4 dr. deluu Mlda.n. l>Jnallow. R.a.B. WSW, %7,000 milel -RmA.LLT NICE. BJ:8T OJ"P'l:R -1511 Rlveralde A ft., N t11rpOrt Baacl\. LI 1··!07 0. 12clt 1955 Buicks lnc.tud• boUI lallor aad ,.,u. TRY the MILLION DOLLAR Hew rtap. W11lt ..... .....,.. RIDE srtnd. ftlU.Op ot mal.D Uld rod rUI th -' beartllp. l:llpert motor tune up. Tb to anoo au. a•Df per· LJ1Cll NICW • $1796 't'>S FORD I Country 8 t<lan Radio. heat.r. dlrectJonaJ atr· na.I&. FoNc>matle. Qood Urea. TU To .. paint. 1 OWDar car. 11195 ·~1 FORD I Tudor R.a41() 6 II.aw. N-Ur-. ••ts Cotton Goff Volbwapn·Ponche Dir. 21 ll Npt. BlYd.., Newport Beaell Pb. Ra.rbor I. l l cl3 llri:J FON> V-1 Cowitry aadan. Radio, Mat.er, J"ordoma.Uc, one ownu, low mtlur•. 11"(). Hausken Motors, Inc. 193J Harbor BlY4., Oolta M.aaa Phona Liberty l-60ll.. Holl 19'7 J'ORD 8t&UOa Wason, rood u...., pod motor. 1175. Hatbor tH·W. Uclt It JOll t\a Ye & fac&DC)', pbOll• tod&J The Vogel Co. UOl W Cat. ff"Y~ Ne~t1 lk1'. Pbcu Labe.n., 14.aJ IOI M&rlne, ~ &a&aocl Piion• R&rt>or 444 1301 COUt HJw1.1. Corona oaJ Ma.r Piion• H.ullor 11t1 100 M.atn It .• 8alb0a Pbcee 8-tww , •5 lltl• HA VE YOU a Udo Bay r ront home to Nnl for 1Nrrune,., P'&m· Uy ot I -.nt.1 2 bedrni. and blllh wtth maJCS'a quutera. P hone Harbor 5111. WA.NT TO RENT, MAY lat to OCT. lit. 14c ll FUrn. ho1111e fnr man .. moU.rr. Prefer .om" B•Y vi"-" M1ia& ha'ff I bathe 6: I bdnna. BALBOA BAT PROPERTl'l:I Barbor Dla&. 14clf A Phone Call 1000 Bualneu ca.rd.I $8.D:s BOOK MA 'l'CH'a 1-W. WRlTI! • • • Kl 3·1201. _..._ ____ _ 26-Fl. ALL MAHOO. cabin Crul· Mr, tlectrlc bait tank. head, etc. Will lt&nd survty. 12.tOO callh tr&de or le~. Huntington lkh IAxln&ton M 327. U~IO ~or &.000 mu.,..,....._. tormance . (NO MONrt DOWN). JIM J'OIU> V-1 Vktor1&. B.adlo, WILL Orr YOU quick raau1t11. ti ....... IWdo. .._... ~,. LI '-'OU (S... LI 1·~150) pptlc Et.J:CnUC ranre. Pt\llco. DoubJa ~ Pd. dn. to •tn.~ t1'00I a.sao. No dD.. pymt. s.. BaUl'?\ftl A A S War.bou.11, 220 8. M&.ln, luta AA& Open 9 • 9 KI 3-7201. 11~ O. E. auto ...tier. Pel. dll. to U38.N from AIO. Pymt.1. or ca.ah. he Ba~ A 6: 8 W&rf'houe, 2to I . Main, kn\& Ana Open 9 •• Kl 3-7201. 1114 TAPPAN r&nr•· Pd. dn.. to $151. 7• trom P 70, No dn. pymt ... B&Uftule A A S Warehouee, no s . Main. Santa All& <>pa ••• IQ !·7201. You don't have to know bow to .!'Nd. Come Hur Edna SteAnl Dayton, _ ~ Theatre, l'ebrury 2', ' 10:.JO..... lkl.7 1960 HOTPOINT auto wa1her. Pd dn. to 1227 .tS. rymta. or caah. lee Baurhna A It 8 War,.hou111 no 8 . Main, Sa11ta Ana Open t ·I KI 1·7201. WE'NC REDl:COl\A TINO-Ma hop.ny Duncan Phyfe din. u blt' t ch&lra UC> .• Oaftera II 8at tier ru r&n(t, ~. -218 Via DIJon U do lllt. Har. 2249-J. 12ct DE3K8 Clolllnf out !11ctory -.&mplu beauutul conttmporary deak11 for horn• or ottlct . t.e,aa lhan whol-le. 418 Slit 8t. Ntw port ~ath. • 1kl~ OUTBOARD MOTOR, l11t.e Mark XX Mercury, Uke new. 1226. lila.rbor 0380. U c 16 28 PT. <.:RtnSER. 4 ytan old. Sll'rps 4, Uncoln 1!12 hp. motor. Hull 111>rayed wllh fiber 1lue. a to a radio, n1bbtr life boat. 2-tO 1aJ. fuel t.&n.k,., 40..1al. wa· ter tank and •O 111. •laJnlea• 1tHI ball ta.nJt. Mull .. u naw. $:'>500. St>e It at 1014 I:. Balboa BIYcl., Balboa. Har. 24&0. l2cl4 2 S~ONAL C!OucihN U :i. each 10-5"'1". 8KDT. w ith ~"· ('OOd 4 chrome bnekfut chalni wtth condition, 140. Har. 0829-J. red pluUc upholaterlng, l :i ea 1 .ucu trpbol. badrm. chair. H . P'-oo loc.lru f\&11 of drapd and cur taJ"' 810. Call Mn. Hayea. H&l'bor '291. HcJ :I 116' O'XDFll 6: MERRITT ....,... CP. Pd. dn. to •nt.51. No d.n. pymt. ... S.lffhn• A A I Wanl!OUR, uo 8. Maia, 8ant& Au Open l·I ID a.fl& WILL SWAP labor tor 1.2 ft. or lea •klff. AllO wtll worlc tor out· boan!. Phone LI. l-4HO between t It I p.m. l3JlllS KOHL.ER t cyL 12 Yolt-1 \.t, K.W . lel'Wl"lltOr. ?\O lime 1ln(t' t'Om • pteta overhaul. Har. •HO aner 6 pm. 2 10 Via ara.aa.na. Udo I.II& 1kl.I TERRY'S BUICK Poww ~ .,. owner, ttW. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to JI MO.HTBa TO PAY- BuUt lD OW' own factory 117 .W.CS m&ehl.n1.at&. Don't oootend wtUI the middle -8'1/ ~ REBUILT and INST A II m o.w.A.c. Tenn• Hausken Motors, Inc. Je1J N.-port ~Yd., Npt. Bell. 1932 Sanor BJyd.. Ccat& W... B&rtlor 8021. U c 18 Phone LlbertJ t -5061. 1 tell SHORT llLOCK roR.D ut.ao 2T·r!'. PA.Jf AJOlllUOAM trailer, Cll&VROL&T Hl.60 n1«111dlUoaed ln1lda A out ~ PLYM. .. DODOS 1161) ducad to f 700 for quick ala. l.'JU\TS ... Oil 801'0 eno 1'1 &. 17U. It.. eo.ta .. ~ w ITVOICB..A.ltEll -·-tl'7t .....S. 1Scl8 OL.Oa 6 1-0NTLAC I •110 BUH~ 17& HlJDS<>M -tm~ Loan Ca.r rr... Towtna NZW CAR OAA.UITD Blocil m u.11t !:>Mt our etu4ude Phu t.a.au. rulileta and oU Open Sund_, 10 L&. lo I p.m. BEL:LES ENGINE REBUILDERS Ope 0.UJ I to T 8t.ate 8rlllo.ct NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. aAHT .& Al'CA THI COASTAL SHOP .. R 0..1CJ9 County's C la11 If led Adv• ll•lllCJ Media "M J'ON> Country Sedan. O'dr~ Mll. 11Dted rlaaa. f moa. old. Top ooodJU011. Pr1vat. party. Hancw ot'1·K. ucu ltcW llONUI Caa""1bl.. OM OWMr. MOO ao.& SJQ raduo- Uoa. Hauaken Motors, Inc. JNI 11..-r m.d..., Oolta w ... PbOM LDlll1J a..oeL 14cll 1901 OLDe.MOm:l.11 N BoUda.1. VflY daM. Ab atra.a. IM at 11114 Kewport Jlhid., Npt. llcb. llu1lor 4111.. • llp1' I J49 PONTJAC I eonYert. oeupe.. Radio, htr., ff7d.ra. w..a.w. Una ona aw11er -·-·---·-'*· Hausken Motors, Inc. JH2 ff.not BlYd., 0oet.a Me• ...... LDM1V ...-i. 1w1 WS NIZD ~ and apta. Furn. or Wlt\lnl. ror wmmer rental or ,_..11 leaeu. We han cllenl• wa.tUnr. PL&A.81!: PHONlC. write, or ... ua. BALBOA BAY PROPERTTER 1~ W. BALBOA BLVD PHONI: ff.ARBOR 5118 131·!1 IT'S DIFFICULT BUT W'S K.&EP TRYING. Want l OI' J br. fUrn. ilouM w1t.b prtV• K7· lllP ntanna.a aa pt1r• rn&Mllt oo.JP'., No cblJdr•n ur p«a. What h&Yt )'OQ T Wrlle 8-t.15, W. pe.1>4r. tJ TOUNQ bu&A ... W'Oll\&11. flnan• cl&lly ln.depeftdmt. 2 chUdr11n. 2 yn. la 8 )'rt. (b&W batkprl de• alree 2 or a bdrm. apt. or houae. J'e&r a.round. rum. or unfurn - To UT& month. w111 pay more lf o.trable. Muet ha•• atmo11· phere 6 privacy• U t um111h.,d muat be nieely dOrlt . t':llCr "ll,.nt retcrancH. Pbone day11 fiarita MonJca EXbrook '4·8'143. Cv'• .Altbon. l·Ttto. collect, Roh)' KarclL. 12pl 7 I 11 I I j I I ' - Oufstanding YEARL "i LEASE CLEAN • MODERN 2 BEDROOM DUPLEX l"URNJ8HED 180-tt. to BATHING BEACH BAY VIEW FROM PORCH 323 ANA.DE, BALBOA Ll!!ASE ······-············ $8:S, Mo. Newport Harbor Realty ~15 E. Balbot. Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1807 13c115 Choice Winter Rentai. on Balboa Iala.Dd 6 Lido ble 8ID&ll Is cosy or Jars• • d.WU ITI to S800 tnonlh VOGEL CO. IOI Ma.rtne Ave., B&lbo& h.laAd Pb. Ba.rbor "' or Ba.rboi 21~1 AM. Bar. lTM-IUt or LI 1-~'7 Mtto I Bl:DIWOX rt1RNISHED DtT· PLlllX. Corolla dal Mu; eouth of BJ_..y, $110 mont.ll, 11lcL uW. MRS. KAT, Har. 1502 or Har. Jm.J, Oil Mr-. WUUam .. Har. •1-w. ntto VDT NICll, ._ 1n 2 ?NM!rm untum. Btm• • retris. ou floorm. tile ftMt1&n b!JJ\da. Gv. General Sheet Metal Shop A real going business! Sales 1954 over $90,000 a.nd growing each year. ,Due to death, widow must sell! This is a real opportunity for some lucky person! • DUNCAN HARDEStv, Realtor Licensed BW1inea11 Opportunity Broker P. S. Jewelry Store for Sale. Good Location 2602 ~port Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718. 14cl6 MO mo. Yearly f'715. LI M726. ------------------------- l&cl!I Balboa Island O,Oke )'MJ'ly Md .ummer rental.I, now anllable. DOIUa BllA T, Itealtor 211 Mutne. ..... ~ lal&nd R&l'bor 20 95Uc TWO or tlu'ee bdrm. duplu I.In• tumahed. ~ blk. from Hi.ti S chool ~. Red~ rent for yard C&N. Ll 1-16'3. 8tlc ON BALBOA !SL.AND u:m ua tw Jearl1 UMS ,_ __ ., r.Dt&la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI Manzie A.n. ~ 602 IULB04 181.A.ND 7tto ' ROOM l1Nf'URN. DUPLEX. sar. ~. Hdwd. floors, tile bath • alnk. farb. dlap.. Clo11e In. 2~7 E. Bro~way. C:O.ta w .. a. U~ny &-1921. tzcU '8A-Apta. for Rent Charming Harbor Haven, Apart.menu. • Patios :\"'EW t ROOM. atreet levoL ?'t>ar tclloole, 1hopplng dl5lrlct. Quaf't, ~t. nrtu.ive. Gu'bage d1~­ pouJ. la.undry, etorac• rooms. r~•· 182..50 up. Occuplu t'O· Ure 1treet. Good auperv1aton, M6f., lSOt Rav~ Place 1 Bloclt 8outh of High Sc-h<>0l AL60 F URNISHED A PTS. \Yn."TER JUTES 3lfc UNFURN. 2 bCTm. apt. at l -;'63 Anaheim. IN owner, 17~ Ana- heim Costa Me.&. Ph Ub«ort.,y a.1m n1rc ~ONABLY pnced, de&n I • 2 bedrm. tur'-~ QUL pd. lAwadry room. Ptayrround for ~ Blue Top Apt&. -403 Newport Blvd.. N~wport & h. Abow the .A r(:Jle.. 10lfc NEWPORT ISLAND -P'urn. one FUTtN bache.lor apt. Ytarly, bdr m, p~e apt.. AduJu only. w.ainc dJ.at&Dce l-0 bua arit1 Harbor 02i'3·W. 9c:H buatn.e diaL Har. 1217.J 10<-21 VNFURN l bedrm duplfJll • 2 8 . R. p.1qe apt, t'A-$76. 439 Goldenrod, COM. l.lclO P'OR 0000 8\JJOO:l\ or yearly rentale, Coron& del ){&r or ! 8-f'e P'ttsrnorrl.a Realty Co. Phone Hl\rbor 2~2 2c-UI rtTR.N. NEW l bdrm. apL nf'~r Udo aboppin&, $70 mo yrly. 303 S3rd SL, l'lewport •a.ch. U ct• A'rmA.crIVE 1 bdn'D. a pt... pa.rt· ly tunUab.ed, O'>"UIOOIU.n( Cou.n- U)' 01.ub. Adult& only. l"o pt'l.11. 145 Meaa Dr., Coat& Me&&. 13pl~ M-BualnfltMI Opfel't1mltlee PARTNER ACTIVE Cir not IJ yoo h&ve '3~ C&ah, good character rdenncu 6' ability to recop!A opportun· Jty wbt"n It knod<a. ht're 1a your chance to become aaeocla ted v.1th a brand new bWl.l.nMa t hat coffers aecunty 4: pe~nce. Should euily net $40,000 W1 yur. Dra'lf'tJ1¥ at".COunt tt acUve. Will it.and r1g1d tnvwU.-tlon. Above 1t&tementa proven at f1rat llltf'rvatw. Absolutely no phone tnformaUon. No Ume to pacify cur1<>11Jty aeekera. For penonal app'L phone JO 2-42M 10 Lin. lO t p.m. Oil 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. dally. Uc14 48B-BoOMe for Rent Newport Beach YEARLY RENTAL.8 2 BDRM. Untum. home l bl1rm., uncum. hoin• CH>.RLEa £. Ii.ART, Hu. lUI 84.20 W. Balboa BlYd.. .N.wport &&ch. lcltib Corona del Mar WlLL RE.NT brand MW 8 bednn. 2 batll, unturn. home ln rRVINll T!:RJlACPJ at •200. pe:r montA "',lh l yr. leue.. C&ll Ha.rbor FURN. l bfldrm. &pl. H O. lt&rAgt. ~08 for turther det.aila. 68\fc Oo4llUl .Sew. -l:far. 02&'>-R. '------------ lJcU LEASE brand uw 3 bednn. hOIPol. J 8EDR~t J"UR.N. APT .• "' blJc. ------------new tract. Small family o.n.ly. ti' ~ach, $7~. ml). Ulll paid. F'UR.N. b&c.helor Lpt., '4:1 mo. 719 $80. mo. 0..'lltr LJberty W297 W•t Balboa Blvd.. For key1 arul Eventngs. Ucl8 Z"EAT stud110 apt downala1r1, $411. 11\formaUon Mo. Utll. Incl See .88y • 8e&c.h JW&Jty, HM W. 2 B!:ORM. furn •rt 1., blk trnm B&Jbo& Blvd. Ph.. Ha.r. 12114. l>t'at'll. $11~. mri. Utll !:'Aid. ~Uc W. E. Fisher, Realtor ~4 E C~3t Hy . ('(\rona del Mar Hubor 2H3 ~-M04 yearly. F'Unu•b~ Uv- lng nn , ~t~. kltcheJ\. bdrm .. bAUI with llhov.•"r & tub l'UI pd. Ocean froo1. dowtit.own B&lboa. Har. 2.'\17-M. 12C'14 H.AR.BOR HLVO. untum. bunp· l(\w. <"hJldren o..k., lmr rent - 19911 Hubor. C~t.a MAaL J..j buty 8-33ii3. U e111 2 BDR~L furn. houLM:, C'&J'. Phone Llberty "· l1llO. 1«111 SMALL nJR..'\. hous .. nr1r ocean. BRA:-rD :..'EW unf\arn. 2 t>Mrm. BR.A.NI"' ~E\\' 3 bed.rm. bomti, untumJ11h4'1J, $80. month. PhM& L~rty 8·39&3. y Parly. t.nwny 8-21~2 Hetti apt.. Very Jowl,y. 346 C.t&l1nA 8MALL HOC~E. nl'W decorattd. J tMidrm . m11plf' rurnlt\IJ"e 167.&0 ynr rouni'J 412 F"mll'll!. Jiar· ~r 32.21. 14c 15 CLEA."'l 2 bedrm. Ul'\lum.. ~2.:w>. P'Um. $58.9~ Oance. Adult.. 141\0 N9WJ!Ort Bl-.d. C~o. 11 \. eo.ta MeML 14t!c: RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call J:dna Crair Blanche Gates, Rltr. au Martn• ... .,.. Balboa r..&aa4. Bu. J871 Tttte WJLL LEAB!: by yea.r. nuona.bl.a. neow un:tu.rn. tront duplu. 2 bed· ,_,., ltvtnr nn ... Jdt.Gb9u. bet.'1 and pr. Or wtJJ ..U-1.Jjt ~th ~( . Nltt. Be.it. ~ ..... 70.. 13cl& 2 BPltM. DUPLllX. ~ to town !:&at side. ~ mOlftt.h. C&ll - ~y 8-41791 or LI 8-2103. Hele Ort~. L.Ibuty 8-!198.'\. l 2r14 FLAGSTONE APARTMENTS JUST REDUCED T O J~~ MO tncl. all uulium. Studlo a put· ment beauutully lurnJ&l:led, autD wuher It dr1u. ~ lll4U\aJl:U, 18.,7 Jrvtne A<vl'. <"081.3 MN1a. 13ttr CH.A NNEL front gara.ge ap~. 1 bile. to bUa .t Udo 11hopa. t;p~r It~.~ .t a:io. mo. 81&-36th St.. Newport Bch., ApL 2. H pl6 NLUU.Y 1\"EW 2 bdnn. un!urn. apt , Cliff R11\'en Garb. d1ap .. ..,...... L&undz7 room. RMuc • ti n lor lawn care. Ll 8·2Ufl. Hclfl Bomrs for Bat ClJJT JU \'!;::I: 2 ~ m0'1~rn untum. tlouw. ~rat,. 111 WU~-1100 monUI. ~arty ba· alt ok. Ml. Hu. 2894-W. or Ra.r 1187, 13U1 TWO bdnD.. bOUM ll r~ Oarb. 49-Booma for Heat :\'lCEt. Y fW"lllMed room. Pr1Y&te entr"'1ce, pn,·au baz.h. Ve:ry de- mr&bl.. '4 1 P Poln8etUa A Yt' , C-orona del M.a r. Har. 3692-W. llcH:h SJNQLI!'; ROOM With bot .. cold w11H r In lhe room. Oood bed. Pnvate eontrance. Sii. week. ALSO double room at J7 week. 123·28lll SL. Newport Be&cl!. 8-0c8lb GR.ADU A TE XlJRSE v.111 taJce on .. Lowly private borne, Ji11r- brlr are&. ,.,o other gueeta. Fin· e:<t fOOd Md ca.ro.. Pbone H&rbor '7711 ,,, Harbnr 4091, &alt t or Hunt.er. 13cHI HORSE CORR.AL FOR RENT .ArCOMODATES a HORSES 2~7 Tu11t1n Ave, ('()Sta Mea... LI M826. lOcJll dUJI , newly dt~t6d T t&rly -00-R.R.A.L---.-15-T-ABL!'..S--low-----Nn-t. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See th1a beautitul home on Clitt Drl'V'9 3 bednna., 2 bat.ha, Tbermador kltchea. diabwuh•, garbage d.lspoAL Many oth• eccellent featur... l yr. old. A ....i nlue at $23,9:50. COSTA MESA It you are lookiqg for a good a bdrm. tamny home, we bave lt. Situated oc F.ut 19th St., Price $12,960 Call Liberty 8-28M.. (EvM. Liberty 8-70M) ) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor at 16th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach Will Trade -For Bayfront Home, or? Tropical Modern, Deluxe 20 unit.a • with beautiful filtered. heated pool • approx. 90x250 lot, located 10 minutea to Downtown Loa Angelea • Income approx. $26,500.00. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy.. Npt. Bch. L.Iberty 8-3481 BALBOA ISLAND Only $4000 down Two bedroom home. PLUS atudio apt. Soundly con- Btructed and very well located. Full price $16,500 COSTA MESA $500 DOWN ?\'LUU. Y NEW a b9dnn. !w>me. L&ndllcaped. Good loceUoa OD ......... • • • CORNl:lt LOT eoxll3, 6 adJaoent lot 50xl$0. Both for l&OOO. IUhmlt Terma. • • • flOOO down, aeut:r new 4 bednn. l ~ b&Ua bome on W'S• conar l&n~ped loL • • • NEAR.LY NEW 2 badnn. ranch 1tyle home, tbake root. hdwd. n oora. P'lrepla.ce. Landac&ped A: ft'nced. Very cloae to allopplnl' • tran11p. Submit $2000 down. • • • FUR!'o:. DL'PLEX on Broadway. 2 bdrma. ea. unit. F'lreopL H4wd. tlonrs. Submit S3000 down. . . . 17!1'x30Q' level lot, on atwera, zoned tor buatnus, nt xt to corntr o! Jllth .tr Pl11rrntla. Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 19lh 6 Placenl!a., C. MI'S& D11y1 Ac l'Vf'S . Ph. Ubtrly 8·3&63 H cl O KINGS Road (just listed) 0:0..'E OS' THE FL'IEST 3 ~ .. J ':. bath homes on excluatvr Klnr• Rd. Charmlng dealgn and FEB. 16, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 9 MR. FIXIT An old timer near th• pier and beach. S unit.a that need p.J.nt and patty, $7,:500 and $2000 down. VACATIONERS Cbeclr th1a cute little bou.e at only $6,900 &: $1,500 down.. Clomp. turnJahed and just ~ bl.k. to the water, HAR BO RITES Look at tbJa wry nice 2 bdrm. and den home just two blocb t?Qm Richard._, comp. turniahed and in beet condition. $13,SOO full price. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor ~20 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 2313 14<'16 CORONA DEL MAR Home with income, tha h.u cbantcter eticktng out all over. Color, color, color throughout. If you want a small home with a rental to help, eee thi.a exclualv• $13,SOO. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Here ie that byd to find 3 br., in the right prtc. bracket, plWI a G.I. loan with everything included In the payment.II. Plenty of yard apace, near .:boo.la. $16,200. # RAY REAL TY CO. (ACROSS FROM 'M:IE BANK) 3444 E . Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mu Barbor 2288 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor •ll roome are v.•el.l arranged,------------------------- And .Aasocta.tM Park at Marine, Balboa lllland -Harbor 2462 DISTJUBUTORSHIP EXCLUAIVJD Exciting new SS Money-maker SS Six Bdcb Terrtt.oriu Open. C-Real Est.ate -------- IT IS~'T WORTH IT , Ptter'a Crlenl!s told him when he bought Manha ti an lllla.nd fur M>mt (14'1! bl'ada &lid $2-4, BUT the.)' ran't MY at about thl• loveoly home on BALBOA lSLA?"D- 3 larce bedroom•. a gue•t room. 3 i., bat.ha. lp&CI0\18 hvin( room wltb Clreplaet. J UST A STEP TO THE RAY 11nd WO~DER· P'UL BUY al $20.SOO ••• betlt"r hurry! I ! I ltcbt and •pacloua. 1..a.r¥e altd· Lnr doora rrom d.lrun.c room to out.donr patio. \\' 10 W carpet· 1ng, forced air heaUn1. lndnor 'J'lantf'r, cfbleo caragt, a ttractlvf'· ly i&ndtcaped and 1pnnkler •:''II· tt'm. Thla home wall pleuf' the moil dlacr1m1nating buyer. Pnc· ed a l only $22,760. wllll very attrarllve ttrms TR.IPL!:X, homt' • income for onl)' $3,000 down. Full rrt~ s21 .~oo. Jo'ront apt. hu ruct llreplect . BA YSHORES Two ht-droom on Bay11hore Dr , $l8,i!10, "'"\ti\ $5,000 down, Make $1000-$3000 per month. Jl'ull or pa.rt u--no .wnr- 1\0 experlence -No onrbe&d. Work Crom your home. We tn1n lnvutment 111 mercband!M and MARINERS ISLE REALTY Frank James & Linwood Vick 311 Marine Ave., B11lbo& Jeland R.ealton adver U 1 Ul ( mat.utaJ required. WRITE a.bout your.elf. Olva pb. No. -Wr1l• Box ~7312 P"l.lnl BIAUon, Loe ~el• 07. Hell! LOA.Na TO BUU.O. Da'ROVZ BUT.~OR R&FINANCI: We Buy Ttu.t o..4- NCWPORT BALBOA SAVI.Noa 6 L.OAN ASSOClA TION l38e V\a Udo.. Pb. Kar. UOO t.t• LOANS PROMPT SICRvtCl!I I'>~ r1r1t t.ruat dwd.a 20 ,,..,.. Orange Coast Propertiea lM7 Newport An , Ooata Mt• U 8-18'3, W 8--HOO ll)yn, ~t!<' Harbor 4781 -~~~--~~--~- Leaving State I UNIT COURT ln Coet1 Meaa. IC.xc:eUl'nt Income. Small down paym41nt handlea. ALSO OCEAX FRO~T Rp;STAU· RA.NT ln :'\ewport Bf!a('h Se&· -Juet 1tartJA11. Oood mont'y maker. CAW.. Llberty 8·3U8, OWO!'I, l tr2<h HONEST BARGAlN SE!! H.ARBOR &11d \'1Ut y vltw- but level. 2 btdrm11 , 2 bath11, family roorn. 2~ ft. hV1n.1t ro(\m. Owner 111 ltAvl.n~ th" Stat"•· 1111<'1 Uu1 it hottut buy. COM 115 f~J\J FOR A PPT ll'l M'' t"AJI - FORD VER.JU S'OER Hu. 4211J t.EvM. Har. 3477 1 M fr LOANS for Homes 57_ ... FAtat~ Wanted ~" -20 yr. Lo&na - Construction Loans Sl!:IC BOB SA TTl..ER 251l EA.ST COAST BLVD. Corooa del Mar B&.rbor aall Rep, PO,tRJZR MORTOAQ& CO. Metro Ute I.a.. J\uJ4la Kl. ~1'6 UUc WOUL.0 W<e to buy l•t and ZDd Ttult Deed& Call Har. 2324 '8ttc REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-5 ~ ~ Loana qwckl1 made tn I.be HQ Atta and Coe!A Me.M. Sincl• or multiple unltA. New-or old.. Se v.1.-and • •• b7 re-nnanctna your prucnl loan.. MUWnum es· pcae. No c~e for preUml· nary appralH .1. Phooe Santa A.na ltlmberty 3·61133 or WTtte ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Corre.pendent Occtdet1t&.1 Ute 1.Murance Co. llU South NaJn Banta Ana pp A Phone Call w A~ to l'lu) 2 or 3 lldrm houae wtlb ga.rart Prf'ftr (•nrn- na dtl Mar. ="""P"rt H'41aila or Back Bay. Not nvl'.r $1 0,:SOO. 1 ~o hroktr). C&U efttr II M rm Bar. 2819-R. J.lpl~ BALBOA INCOME 5 UNlTS--Oldu property eentTal· ly Joe., Hi blu . to heart of BaJ. boa. UtU. rm. Jual reducet1 to $21,000 tor qulck ""'" $:ll'IM tfn. Owner Harbor 1898. ~.)Uc 80-A • CommerdaJ. lodui-trial INVESTORS A TI'ENTlON ! STORE BLDG., t>-sl rA>rr>na ,,el Ma.r 1oe. ~eta lO'"t altar t.u"ll. XLNT ~~JdenUal l!lrnm" unit• O. R . L.A THFI JP. 3~~ P: Co11•t H l(h11'1V. C,,mnl'I dl'I Mar. Har· bor &4•2. Evta. Har. ~11 ·J l2rU 61-&eal &~te E~chu1e TRADE Desert Motel C B Ruaa Wm. O. Schmidt. An oe 312 l11<nnt". Bolboa l i.Je Har 2042 Newport Heights ! Furnished -$10,500 $2500 Dn. -$70. Mo. U~USUALLY Coed buy In a nice- ly f~m1a.nec1 2 bedroom h01ne ot· f"r1nK-Ht7Wd. n oor11, 11utt). lll'llt. Hxl6 b<otlrm All b""'lllfully rlt'r Ot•tf'd lll pl1111a1111: C'olori., nlr,.ly f('ni 1•t1 .\ l1n11,.•eprt1 anti •Hu• '"ti 1n rh .. chOIC'f'"l p111t ot 111 .. H l'IJtllll' FOR THF: B fo:ST DEAL an lhl• lrt'a r11n1ac t - Roy Greenleaf Jr. & AS!-\OC1ATES 3112 N..wrvirt Blvd . N~·JV>rt R<'h Harbor 2:~')2. l It l f\ BA Y::-HORES-new h11tmg11 ~ hr 1 batll ~h11 Jct' r<"'t sn :.no 2 br PL.1 '8 a:ar a pt. .. UI.~ BACK BAY 2 acru w re.nt4115--n"Ar I \\'1!1 Splll I , F"T'L t Y EQl.rPT d11tk ro1cnr h nn et In '' ,.,.rr rh.tx ni hhltll rhinrh 1..nlt of mom /nr ""'l'Ul· •1-m PL.l:f' atu 2 t>r 11turro liou~. t2blf' .u. . M O.OM LOTS COAST HlOHW4Y. C·2·Jf. M x •M 122 000 3 Acree. c·oel& Mf'M 4 unlta ocea,, front . -Sll,000 ·-·~230 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2~31 \V, Coa.11t Hwy. LI l-4217 Costa Mesa LARGE, "'"ell built older boma. 3 block1 to center ot town. 3 ~­ roome. ll" lJv. rm., Ule kHc.b4'11. llln . nn , brea.k.ful rm , ""'"''II"" porch, pllllo v.•1Ul flnplac-e, lgl' g11.rage. hardwood floor11, wall tn waJI carpet.. tile kltr.hen and "'"°' Yl'lu ahoult1 J()Ok th.h ovn A •kln1t rnl'" S14.00o 12 !\M dn "LITTLE" BALBOA ISLAND 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. $28.!500. CORONA DEL MAR A food clean Z bedroom home, complet.el.J' tam. $1 ,500 down, balance Uke rent, IU,600. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer -Chet Sallabwy -Curt Doe 216 Marine Ave.. Balboa lala.Dd Barbor JO OCEAN VIEW Corona del HOME Mar Fine f oT a couple who WW. to ..:ape JVd ~ All room.a in thia nnrbedroom home are la.rs• and each bu an oce&n view. Quality feature. include dJa.. poql. di.ah.muter, llilent mWi... forced air beat. For a mode.at home U1 the higher price ra.op. II& M ahow you t.h1a unuual ftlue. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hich~J Barbor m Corona del Mu CORONA DEL KAR On 45-ft.. lot, large living room and l&IP bedroom. Very well bullt ~ S.l.S,SOO. Cute houae for one perwon or co~ room. dining room. one bedroom. GIJ'bap d18poeaL Lup aingle pnp. Ul.900. Motel in Redondo 8Mc.b for_.. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors -BU8fneM Broker :llJ..~ E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Barbor t1aJ 409 Columbus Circle Corona Highlands QUALin HOME, stucco and redwood. wttb P~ ORA Mrc VIEW of ocean and canyan. C-entra.I ball plh. 2 bedrme., ~ruuon room. l Ir~ bat.ht. 3 hap fireplaces. Lots of cupboard 1pace.. Separate dlb.1ng rm. Hardwood floora. Tbttmollla.t gu f\ll"1W:le. Gv· bage dapo.W. D!Ahwuber. 2 car garqe. Priced nghL rr()()d temu1. Aak Dern. Don Cameron, Licensed Real Estate Broker 310 M11..nne A\'~.. Balbo11 Ii!lsnli. H.ubr>r 2093 Corona del Mar 2 ti-drm natJe ly~ home wtUI f1rrpJ1u r flouble l&~llt~ R .. 11 . wo<>d f~r1<·"11 on S.-ronla, 1 1~ bll<11 11bov,. Carnation. U7w dD. E.uy f L1111.nrl n I!. TRIPLEX .,,.,th 11t.ea.d7 rant.a.I tnoome Ulat "Il l mt.Jee lhl! paym .. nts CltlM t(\ th" bu.ch. lteuon.ebly pnred Lovely 3 br. home LAGUNA BEACH CRAJl.MP:O Art111tlc 2 br. Col~ ldMI l~atlon nn ocean, ~ luS'• Jt)t. ranvat.e ii-ved ''"'""- no .Upa, eedUd@d yet clo11e to t>11111rv.-d.l.!ltrlC't. 2 pa.Uot otter c11mplrlf' PT1""C")'· 'IR1J l&M• ,.,-a~<I • complt'tf l1 ~ ronm tn uit-.rire. 8N Or. Al!81'1"11 1llouM at ~l&H 8ea.clllt Orlvt, lo. ~ RundAy 11 to I ~l k"Y trom M&rty it.y, UI~ 0)'1l11y 8!>101 t!a)'I' HT 4UM e.--. Hpl.t nt1taJ u.ntum. l n . 211th s t.. N-iion 8-ch. l l rl7 1999 Harbor, C<i8ta M-. WILL GET YOU qulc-k t'eSUlla. Uberty 8-&133. 1'418 7 unit.a 2 mi. eut or Bantow on Vegas hwy. Lot 162 x t OO. Propo&ed Freeway may make tht. property very valuable. Price - $37,500 Haa Joan o! $14,300 R. W. BA.RTJNE, Broker 111 E. 18th. C ~t Ph. Ll i-2011 l2t"14 In Shore C1Uf1. =-'earing comple· llr.>n Cb11nc11 to 11Ull plck eolon1. \.\'onrl,.rful •14'w Two tlr"JlllM'"il. 2 b3Wl1 R~1111onably pnced. Newport Furnished apartment 1 BJJDJU( TE.UU.Y. IM plWI UUJ. Cor. l8UI BL • Balboa Bh'd. Meal f ar couplf'. CRA.1tLE8 E. BART, Realtor BMbar lU. :\"P.:WL T D!'.OOR.A. TED -r-;1c• 2 ------------ badnn. fUl1I.. or unrurn. hot18t! • ,.uar._ in. lllOfllh 4:ul R.-Uotrope. Qlrnn• d•l M.a.r Harb« un-w. lfJ>H TlaJU.T-2 bedrm-.., ~ti. Wa- ur pd.. 1 chi.Id o.JL ~. month. LI1*'tJ' ~ or l..l 8-3340. Bt:STNESS rm., l ':'37~ Sup.Mor A. ve.., Colla ){eaa. 1'30 llQ. n. equipped UO 4k 220 alee. power. SXyl..lj'h~ rood par~. Ba.r. 2617·R. eoun-y to~ icl~ MJO W. Ba.1110e BJ\'4... N..-pot'\ 12t.tc BALBOA ISLAND -ldeM loca· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ uoo oc }~ A.._, ottJo. or ruaNISBED $40 mo .. 1 bdrm.. apt., ~nt.. till June. ~ mo .. 1 bdrm. apt., fDcl. gar., till June. eo mo., 1 bdrm. apt.. .me. pi-., ooe&.n tnt., t.lD June T5 JDO.. 2 bdrm. apt.. iDc. pr., ooean fnt... till June 85 mo., 1 bdrm. apt... J'9U'ly. UNl'URNJSBiiD 185 mo.r-3 bdrm. bou8e 95 mo .. -2 bdrm. apt. ROBERT V. BROSE, Real Estate 1~ W. Balboa BlVd., Newport Be.a.ch Har. 4012 l 2cH &hop. PLt:S 2 bdrm. e.pt. All for '12~ mo. J<N. JOU. Uttc Bt.:Sl:'llESS OFnCJC ... callent lo- catJon acroee the ttreet troni Col'ODA dd Mar Poat ~­ Jc1foa.l for loe.n repr-t&tltt, contra.clDr, MIUUstnal, art or j-elry t>~nua. t:w. pd. On.ly 140. mon\J\. CALL Ben Wtutm&n, H&r. 1882 . EVM. Harbor 1t6~ MUc ~OW t..E.A.SL'\G. ava.uable bu.11· nffll ome. 11Jl4"'4'"-r Hlte.r ot Co· rona Ml Mv , •nlt.tblt for CPA. denlll'l or~ ~-11 •t a•2~ C>ut Rwy. 16tlc Wll HA VE CASH BUYERS tor boUM.1, 1ooom11 property, ap~ .• tr\plea, v..cant lot. o r a°"a,.. PLmA.Slt PBO!';E, \\lite or -ua. BALBOA BAY PROPERTI:EI lSO:'> W. BALBOA BLVD. PllO:-O'E HARBOR ~l~. ~cl8 WANT TO BUY Va.cant lot, or partial a.ere, Lt leut 70' tront. l~' deep K ·l , AJTlcUltuTa.J c>r comm~rcia.I zon. Ing Ples.e... qaote total pnce, terme and loc.aUon. Pr1vat.e par· ty. Write &JC Y 3:'> th.111 pape:r. ti \'\"A.NT to b~ duplu1. TMplu or unit. tor ca&h rrom pn~ ta par- ty. Harbor ..,..... WnlA Boll V32 th.a paper. 13pl7 PR.IV A TE P A RT'\" -WMt• to buy r?•ltlen<'e Jot tor cash-~tWlt bt rlf>Sf' In. Xt>\\'pt'lrt, Ba.lboa. a.rt&, Kl"" loca unn anti p&rtl<"UJan Wrtte Boll QJT, tha paper. ~p18 Submit your trade tor my equity of $23,200. Will M · eume on income property. Wnte WELCOME TRAVEL- ER MOTEL, Rt. lA, Bar· 1tow, Calif. 2p15fl HA VE 8 unit mot.el • I bednn home tn Lon~ Beuh. WW trade for corona d.d J.l&r part lncomt 4k home. 9.1-ite Box W-33 th.I.I paper, or pllona Lon& Beach 906- 843. 13cte ft.A VE I i..t"ge 2 bedrm. b omH . dbl praca. 1 kl't 60ll.100. Clo .. In. san f'enl&ndo. 11& ooo. \\1LI. TR.ADE down tor Hart>or aru or C'oltA M~sa nom,., ow:-.·icR. c. 8 Lord. Rtt. t. Box IN, JUfftSlde.. C&Ut. 14pl~h O!.-U Mr. Pllttltnn. "'11.'1- What a View ! ! ! W. E. Fisher, Realtor J'rom l.h1a A TTJUCTI VE BAY A VI!:.. HOME. t:p1t.alra ll down and ASSOCl.ATES 3034 E:ut Coaal. RltthW•Y rorona dd J.1ar P hone Har\x.r 2H3 BARGAIN Co IDrl\IJ. a rt.Jallc 11· all pa pt r df' • cor. JNTEIUOR BAR-B-Qt:E "' CH.Er! D.ELJOHT. 8 u n n \ br1ck6d Pa.Uo w1Ul (T'teery a n•. \1n1-11. Owner 11e!llng. 9l:l W. BA.\ Aw. Bee anyttm.. U c2:1h F'l Vl: R.OOK. 2 bednn... dlnhll mom, brukt.ut rm., full ~ Betti>r ...-th.I• "'"Y tlloe DU- PLEX ... 2 bf'llmrim1 uch "1th Mm,.r tlrt>pl&Ot'9 IUld herdW()t)d floora up ID Cl.I Fr RA ~s Df •clloola. ~OT A utA,SJCHOU> 6 PRl CEO TO fl E:Ll. at U4,ti()() I MARINERS ISLE REALTY 118 Mann• Ave., B&lbM laland Rarbor 4781 m .. nt furnllhtd. Lot 30lt1()(1 to ------------CORONA DEL MAR. Ocean view • untta turn.,_. a IL. 2 bL. 1·2 B. R . 2-1 B. R. irtra lge.. liv. r m Garb. a.i.p. I'> 1ar. ~ice i-Uo. MUI d.c.k, ar. bt'h. PotviU&l lnc l&OOO. SI O,DOO will ba!ld.k et>n· !Act OW'llU, •30 Avocado. Har· bar 0102. 10c22 CA.SR Otrr 3 bed rm. flame. Oii a.; ellf'y F°T'ofttJt to ocean at 24241 Manhat ULn Blvl!, H•rmoaa Bel\. X~<'IJI rleantag an1 palnUn1t Pull pr1c. u uoo. o.mu. 46.5 l't'awa.rd ao.d. ~rona d•I Mar. Phone Harbor &40 or l~SJ-J, tlcU BY OWNER •r i? ~MM Eltlen Ave .• C.O.u Corona ~da _ a bdrm., 2 Mua. Call own•r Plymm.it.ll ba~ fuomboQea. "'-ftuttor n.J &-eot•. 10-U L m. Up1t lt\tO .~ "Let U1 Locate tor You'" For ff.arbor pro~rty, ba)' &Dd t>Ooarta, Co•t • Mull Corona de.I M•r, Rant.a ~. «LC. ' Tbe LOCATOR of Calff. Branf'h oft1c-. ISM Harbor 8 l•d. Ooeu M-, Phont l..l 1-lMl. I'll.lo .. -II l ' . PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER -;ea. 16, 1955 HEAVEN? Well, almost! It's LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT with pier and large alip. Designed by Ellerbroeck, built by Hall. A truly outstanding 2 bed· room, 2 bath home. Everything possible tor your enjoyment and euy living. Even a disposal in the service yard aink for vegetable and fish cleaning. Built-in Thennador kitchen, also dishwasher. White ahingle tile root. Terrific cloeeta and built-in fea· ture1. Lovely carpeting and draperies. The full price for this gorgeoua home is only $55,000. 54 FEET of Beautiful BA YFRONT, this also has a pier and large slip, terrific family room with built·in barbecue and bar. New forced air furnace, exquisite / dining room, 5 bedrma.. and a nice den. :i baths, lovely terrace overlooking the bay. Full price- $85,500. Thi11 home hu to be eeen to be appreciated. New FRENCH REGENCY style, 4 bedrtn., 3 bath home now under construction. Designed by Lacy, built by Vi88Cher. Go<>d BAYVIEW, massive used brick fireplace, .also fireplace in oversized master bed.rm. Built-in Thermador oven and range, carpet- ed downstairs, hardwood floors upstairs. Oversized double garage, enclosed patio with built-in barbecue. Close to the Club with il8 guarded awimming beach and tennis court. This fine luxury home is only $37,000, and by buying now, you can stiU pick your colors in tile, formiea, e:tterior and interior walls. Remember we are the developers of Lido Isle.- We know the property. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales manag-ement 3333 via lido ' harbor 1500 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THUMA BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY 1- 2580 Crestview Drive Bermuda Ranch Style Home Beautiful cuatom built 3 bedrm. 2 bath home on ex- tra lge. attractively landscaped cor . lot. Liv. rm. with raised hearth fireplace, paneled wall, beamed celling. eliding glau doon1 onto oversized walled in patio. full din. room. PRIZE winning natural kitchen with built-lo Thennador oven & ra.nge. breakfut bar, natural wood thru-out, all large rootn8, laundry room, parkay floors, w to w c.,-petlng. All \ndivid- uaUy taJlo"-'Ci draf*I included In tba loveJ)' home for those who want the frnest. A Real Value at $38,250 "C " THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast H.ighway, Newport Beach Liberty 8·5527 s 5 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C'' THUM.AS HARBOR VIEW * "The only avl\lhible home in It.a cl&M!." Pa.noram1c \'iew of the enlU'e Harbor Area Crom thh1 nrw 4 bedroom plua dc.n, 3 bathroom. uc~­ tn~ly t'hC'e>rful, eiudly mitlntaine<l Clift home. Two bakoniu , a permanent \'1ew from ev~ry room. Plate glas11 windowa le ahdmg doors. Carpet.a, d rapes. workshop. Extra large garage. 2 !!nplacH. Ready to move in. AM1ng rrlce $40.000. Thu~ lovely home must ~II. To a qualtfic-d buyl'r we will also fmance "'ith a real low down. ' C&Jl John Mat'nab, Harbor 17i6 or 53!;9 anytime. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland TO SETTLE ESTATE 1'wu lovely horn~ on Lido Isle l .--3 bromut. 2 tile baths. lge liv. rm. Youngatown kitchen w ith snack bar. Fo~ed a.fr heat. Extra large double garage. $31.500. Approx. $8500 dn. 2.--4 bednrut and rlen. 3 t ile baths, large living rm. with fireplace, dining area. N1('r kitrhen and mack bnr. Laundry room. Lots of clolk't 1pace. A rnl buy at. $35,000. Sho1"D by appointmeot only. ~rge L. Stnvert BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l:w>O W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beacb Phone Har. 5188 or Har. 1983 Speculator -Builder -Investor N. E. oor. lru 6 4th., CORONA DEL MAR 150' on lril (5 lot.I) 2 cor. lot.I vacant 4 furn. bun- plowa on a k>CA. Income will exceed S3000. s:K>00 DOWN HARBOR BL VD: COMlLERCIAL 2 leued lltoree plua bungalow, lnc, $3180. Out ot to'"1 owner wanta quick .. 1e. McMANUS REALTY CO. 1909 Harbor Bl'Yd.. C.O.ta We.a LI 8-3333 (anytime) Corona del Mar .. RUSTIC TYPE S bedrm. horn •tone tlrepi.ce, Panel ray bea Early Amtr1can decor. Doub garare. Patio. Redwood fenc back y1rd. l 1,~ blocks to Cam lion beach. Low down paymen t. le ed ·-t. Reaaonably priced. ' TRIPLEX Above China Cove . e. TWO 2 BEDROOMS and a 1 bed room unit. Redwood and abak Excellent lnv1111tment, 2 year old. 3 car 1arage. Full prlc I fl, $27,1100. ALSO d "' th Y· 2 BEDRM. H OME ON POPPY- Woodert'ul view ot ocul an hill• from upatalra. Nice yard patio. Full pnce $12,000 wl easy terma. SmaU down pa 111ent. Newport Island 2 BF.ORM. residence with 1 bedrm a.pt.. over dbl. garage, f 18,1100 BALBOA t d 8 UNITS comer lot. eJtccl. lncom record. Ralf blk. from Bay an parklng tac. Clean. $10,000 w Ill ll&ndle. ALSO BUSINESS bldg.. PLUS 1 apt.a ONLY 14000 DOWN Triplex, furn ished t Bl!:DRM. houat>, PLUS 2 apt.I A few lttp1 from the bay, FULL PRICE $20.000. Coast Properties 301 P.: Balboa Blvd .. Baloba Harbor 26~8 • H&r. •eoo Ill c NEW & MODERN BETIER LIVING II . I. l . BlOCEST BALBOA 181..A!'ll> val ln comron.able Uvtnc tn we planned 2 br. home. w1th oom pletely tumlalwd apL over db pragt IAada of wardrobe apact Sunny pallo, wall lo w~ carpe\, turn&cf' heat and n rep lt looking 111 the u~.000 lo $30 000 r"lll&t, be 1Ur• lo Me U\UI home a.nd Income. J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor 83 Baltic>. JJllllllld REAL VALUES Sacrifice a ,. t l TH18 two bdrm homl!. i. lnl11 urrltlc~ H•rdwood rloor• tll kJlch11n i nd b•lh oodlu <> b\Jlll•tna. !"Iran u • pin E"Jt<' n11. "'''" loollon. Jlrl<'f'd to w l •t lhl' low, low prl('e of U ,t:>O Term•. • • • Attention Builders .n.:sT LISTED 'l'w;.nly Joa, plut two acr·e-e O<W'ld t-Ul •ltS. loca Uon. ltf'WtT di L H UM')' on UllJI. . 8. A. NERESON R.ltALTOR J 9'2 ~_..,ort BJYd . Coeta Mea Pbon• Ll 8-1872 ~ •. U S-M87 Dividend P ayin9 REAL ESTATE , C'ORONA O&L MAR (Sou~ n h11ihway ) Lulllury duplt'JC 2 atudlo. 2 bl!dnn apl~ Mutmum prl\•&f Y ror home and lnrome OR can be f bdrm,, 2 b•lh home \'ill'w OWTl~r t~•vln1. Q11lt"k ' 118.1~ price. '23.~. TWIN DUPLEXES UNITS. I b«Sno.. each. Hctwd floora, fu\opla e.. Oa rac P Sc:M<t rn>• l l!HO. <>wtwr MYI ~sir:LL· S27.&oo tor bothl CLIFF HAVEN TWO 8PACJOUl!I I b4ldnn. unJU QuJet ~On. .. d. DOW &YI.II· able tlrwt UITI• tor owiwr. Live RENT PIU!lll, tncome ... c~• lo-J11U. rara-u I Tt ~ mo ruu pc1oe l lt.000. Low l'lown Muriel M. Pinover UA..LTOll 18()6 Jt.wport m.4., H.-pmt '8ch. """ hrtrtns Rartlor 6810 l4ct8 CORONA DEL MAR 2 9DIUI. HOME, ' ,_,.. old LolrelJ Y1ew oc tn • bey, lll• r9oed pa. o. dbl cane•. ~n· ~ ed for 2nd noor. R·I lot. l\.e4'uted $1000 ace l alckne• 0 wner, 506 Avocado '4:11 C-~•I Estate 8!-8-1 r..tate 8i-ae.I FAtate SI-Real r..tate ft-RNI r.tatil ----. ___ . __________ .;.-.... __________ _.._____ _ _________ _...;;_._ ________ _ v Check these for best values CORONA DEL MAR 1. A TrENTION Builders, Speculators We have a neat 2 bdrm. home built on rur of ~ lot on Marguerite Street , with double garage, fenced yard, brick patio and room to build add'l unit on front of lot. Thia is a good buy. Priced at $11,5()(). Only $3000 down. 2. SHORE CLIFFS 3 bdrm.. home. Hwd. floora, carpeted W to W, bu separate dining room, 2 paved patios. Nice yard, beautifully landscaped. Drapea ir.c. and only $27,000 Shown by Appointment. • 3. THREE UNIT INCOME Ocean View This choice income property leu than 1 block to ocean and beach, owner 2 bdrm. home PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. PLUS large 1 bdrm. apt. with ocean view. All unit.8 furnished complete. Located on t~ x 118' Jot. Better hurry on tbia one. Priced at $40,000 &: $12,000 dn. will handle 4. A SCARCE ITEM! VERY attractive 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, carpet· ed wall to wall. Nice dining area, overlooking large paved patio. Completely fenced. G. I. loan. REDUCED from $16,000 to $14,5()() for quick aale. E.XCLUSIVE wrra US ' PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ANNOUNCING the new location of Paul C. Jones, Realtor Member ol Multiple Ll1ting BOB J ONF.S, Salee Manager NOW at 2620 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach (formerly at 2307 W. Be.Jbo& Blvd.) ALSO featuring au typee of lnaurance Automobile, Fire, Life, etc. WM.V.CAYWOOD,AGENT tor Aetna Lite ln.aurance Phone Harbor 2313 LIDO ISLE 12cU U DO SOUD BAY FRONT-Pier & slip. Only 1 yr. old. 3 br., 3 batb, elec . .kitch. Built-w diah wubu. Garb. di11p. W to W carpela. Drapes and new 20' Century mot.or boat, lnc:l. in price. Thi• ia a honey I P r ice $70,000. ALSO You seldom find 1ucb a good buy on Lido! Older home. 4 bdrm. and den. Beautiful 60' Jot. Thia prop- erty bu xlnL poaalbllitlee. Be 1ure to aee it. A.king price $24, 750. BALBOA ·BAY COVES Select location. on the waterfront, 3 yeara old. Lot8 of tile, F. A. heat. 2 bdrm., 1:1. batha. Xln t. f i.n&ncing. $26,5()() f urni.s bed. ALL are ex.clu.aive lialin1a with EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 101 3 (Was $10,500) NOW $8950 Corona del Mar cozy 3 BDRJ.i. HOME on good at.reel, c\()lle to 1hopping center. Hu fenced yard, paUo 6 double garage. Owner leaving, h.u reduced pric. for Jmmediate aale to $89~. ExclusiTt Agent BEN J. Whitman & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD" ~ E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar ( Evee. Harbor 1461) Har. 1862 VOGEL VALUE -Draw to this pair Top location · Low Down Payinent. 3 bdrm&. • val- uable lot with patio Iii fenced yard -~ tt or not • only $1500 down I $13, 7~ full price. _/ VOGEL VALUE Cute 3 bed.rm. home with fireptu. • hardwood noo,.. -nicely fenced and landscaped yard • OD.ly $3000 down· G. l lou. Pno. SH,:500. Ow1MI' mtpt trade up. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy ... Newport Bea.ch U ~M81 I View Home! "TOtf CAN'T RARI>t.Y orr TH!:81l NO MORE." Charmtnr I bedJ'oOm home on Klnr• Rd .. Clift Haven. Vlt'w of Bay and Ocean. Attractively landKaJM'(I. II' A.. heat, ftnplace. ruturu you want in a lovely home. 124.600. Balboa Dupt&x! 0000 BAY AND OCEAN LOCA· TION. 2 br, up and 1 down. Low· er apt. modeml&ed. Controlled heat. dlspola.I, etc. A·l condl· uon and room tor 1 mon unit. $18,600, rood lenn1. Balboa Trip lex! WITH 1 BEDROOM ltACH. Moll· ly new furniture. cut from $18.· 000 to $18,600 for quick action. Cloee to Bay. Only $4000 down. Peninsula Homes! ACTUALLY THE BEST VA.LUE ON THE PENINSVLA. 2 bed· room 1tU()('O home. 8 yea,. old Large 2 Cir rarage, ~tlO. Din- ette, flrt'place. $14,1100, $4000 dn, ANOTHl'.."R SUPER.VALUE ON THE PE~INSULA. CUle 2 bdrm and den ·home. E1tc.,ptlonally well built. Lllrge wall.-d patio. Repainted. $H .000, 1~500 down. Balboa Realt y Co (Oppo1ltt Bank of Amtr1ca) M embera, Multiple Ll•llnr Roa. Greeley Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Joaephlne Webb TOO E. Balbo& Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277. Holmwood Drive A Street of BemrtifuJ Homes U1,8GO buy• an uoepUonally nice large th,_ ~room. two bath home leM than lhree ytan old ln UM cboleeet aeeUbn ot the Htl«hU. 'nlERIC 11 over to fHl front.ace on Holmwood tn.unnr mut· mum privacy. The cround1 a rt prott'ulonally landeca~d and lhe rear •~• I.I completely fenced. TI:IE CRITICAL BUYER will ap· preclate tbe top gnde o&k noor· 1nr. Ult very k•l In torced aJr htatlng and the g'enerou1 amount of t ine cu1tom cablnel work. OTHER FEii. TURES an Iara• amoWlta or rtau tnclud!n1 alldlng 11au waJJ on lo lhe loY•· ly pat.Jo. Ult'd bathe, tlrtpl~e an<t a luse cheerful kltchtin wlUI lovely view of lh11 oc11111 • There la alao a lauadry room and an Wtwrua.I dlnlllc room. TKI8 HOME rt pruenu U1e top dollar Yalue In t.M HarbOr aru., M•er1 are In and pa!d tor and lhe proptrty la located lnalde lhe Nc~port Ci ty llmlta. Your ln.epecllon 11 tnvlll'd. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr 2117 W. Balboa Blvd .. Ottlce Har. 14. RuJd4!nce U 8-~90 TWO Terrific buys ! THE GREAT ORANGE COAST GRAND HOME WITH GRAND VIEW Holmwood Drive, Newport Htll. Outatandins ~ home, lovely 3 bdnns .. 2 tiled baths. Thermo gnvtty heating. Carpeting W to W. Cuatom drapee. Be.t appointments. Tinted glus windowa. Flaptone tt.... pla.ce. Ove~ dble. guage, $26,500, full price. Good Terma. OPTOMETRl~. MEDICAL. DENTAL Home Ir ottlce for practice in Medical C.enter. Eiaa 18th St. Beautiful 2 bdrm., den. dining room, Ip. living room yith f.p., hdwd. Ooora. Attached double garage. Paved alley, 1ewers, 75 ft. front. A bualn- buy at residential priee. $5000 down Ir -1ler wtll carry balance. No finance cbarp. PHYSIOTHERAPISTS -PEDIATRICS -CLINIO 4 bdrma .. 2 baths, earpeted W to W. Drapea, newly developed area. Comer location. No profeuionaJ aervices near. Ideal setup. $14,250 -Terma to Milt. $53. A MONTH -4% INTERFSl' Good neighborhood. Near Country Club. Ba.nit ap- praisal makes this 2 brm., home rare bargain. $91M full price, $2450 down. Let ua submit lower down to owners. PLACEN'MA St. M-1 FRONTAGE. 127 ft. just north of 19th. Depth vartee trom JO' to 290' to alley -$70. foot . HARD TO LOCATE ACRES Close to achool, Back Bay, New Development.. 8 acres at $3000 acre. Wonderful lnveatmeat. T.-... MANUFACTURING or BUSINESS Arch truued bldg. 60'x108'. Harbor Blvd. Plenty aru for open storage or parking. Suitable for ...,.._ bouae, lumber yard, plumbing. boat b uilding. Re- tail or wholeule 1ite. Betide above have income of $~ a month from rent It Jeue. At quoted price of $69,500 cannot be t>e.t. $22,500 down. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURA.NCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS .1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu Llberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-H OO Eve.. ONLY 7 LEFT be sure to see these before you buy a nywhere. all 4 bedrm, 2 bath homes Complete with laMl & ahrube. Large Iota. Priced $10,950 to $11 ,550 Open Daily 10 a .m. to 5 p.m. DRIVE to Ramona Place, oU Sa.ntA Ana A,., between 15th Ir 16Ul Sta .. Coeta Meaa BEAUTIFUL (2 bedrm ~a. elde DUPl.EX. Top eut •ld .. IOCA&Jon, DIKE & COLEGROVE, Owne r-Sunders doM to town Very cleverly laid ou1,.. Pfoo~rt7 only 1 yMn old. 2 car ga.rac• ln center Ju.t MtUec! utat. and thlll t.e a HOT BUY a Only $12,500 3 Bedrm. Home l'UST OPT ot Harbor Blvd.. .. a very n~ 3 bedrm. home, plus a t>MuUlul MWlnJ room. Thll pro~y 11 Unmaculate. l:Jl<'tp- UonaJly larfe um1 room tu1d dln~ room. J'laptone nrepl You'll love ~ kitchen wllh plenty ot cupbeard ~·· I.A rre prare a.nd aao a tarr-lot. Taite a look at ttl1a &ood bu1 Only $8850 Phil Sullivan & George Everson JIN Newport Blvd . Oo9tA Meea I A tl'OM from C.O.U M... Bulk) Phone U•ty M781 llnL Rar. 438'-U 8-lllOI 1-BR. STUOCO fumiahed. on good lltreel, 1 bllt. to ~ 2 Yf'A,.. oh1, SllOOO. OCEANFRONT INCOME II WlltA. ' (U"l~N. I lot.a. S-1 klc&Uoa.. IM,600-Euy Temw. 3-BR. It DEN. Dble. Garage Newport ff.ejlhl.t. A real f ood b1&y. Tcni mwit Me Ulla, 111.&00 ltnnl. &e.t Buy in West Newport. 4 bT . (u.rni•bed. ba&rlJ' HW The Pfice I• right, llll,l'>OO, AM fOf' HeraJd O. lplM, OR Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McP'adden Place 'Al the Newport P1w'' Har. HO i:-Bar. 11.IT·M nR8T TIME OFFERED! BY OWNJI\ CLaT RA VEN I bdrm. ltom~. nrepl.M'e. dbl pr.. aa.rs• Jot.. tl4,ll00-4~ 0 . L loan. M4.30 ptr mo. !Alli.. t.&11 A lllt. U .000 dowa. -~ ~'1. UCt'l l600 DOWN mo... )'OU l.a&o n•w I bedrm.. FrHdorft Home. Ccwtt.a M.-. Ctl°'" tocaUaa. I.And· ec&f*l. Tit.cl. t HOO. JU 1·2'2l. a olt 419 Ea.st 17th St. Phone Liberty S.1159. 3416 Via Lido The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values ..:.. $20.500 FURNISHED· A nP.arly new 2 bf-drm. home u attractive aa can be. both in.side and Qul Thia home hu had reaJ good care and i1 priced to wll 60' ST. TO ST. LOT . and a home with 2100 9Q. fL of Living area all on one noor. Well located oo wide at. Would you •pend a few manute. -ng tbia. to aav~ • few thouaa.nd dol.Jan. Full pOc. m .ooo and the terma (out.rt.anding). BA YVRONT • On Udo, Nord with pi8' Ii .Up • f bednna. -Den -Mald'1 Rm. Extra large lot. A very nice home with large masler Br. It Silting Room. Facing the Bay · Home ui a vaJue at a price thal ~ll 1urprl1e you. The Vogel Co. -Lido Offic e 341 & Via Lido. Newport Beach A Phone Call Will give you information on the fo llowing properties-- CLIENT HAS 2 bednn. hoUM! in Com M811&. WW tell tor $6950 witb $1500 down and fl.Dance ha.lance -OR-will trade on hOW1e in Newport Heighta or CoBta Meu.. Thi• property i11 nest and attractne. Fumlture ia available. OCEAN FRONT bouae ln good •pot tor ..tmmmc and fiAhing. Attractive hoUM with 2 b@drma .. nice Uvmg nn,, Bar type kitchen, l>i1.1poaal. Patio. Plumb- ing in for additional bath in gtr'Ce. All walled. ~ awnmer or year round home. $17.~. Balboa Bay Properties 1~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach PHo~ Barbor ~188 « Harbor 1881 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MDIBERS O~ MULTIPLE USTING Sll Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING 5 Suites-All Leased Much Better Than Average lrtcome! LOCATION IS IMPORTANT! Where finer than thle choice corner on Newport Blvd. one block from City Hall and two block.a !rom Lido ahopa ! We OFFER YOU thia quality constructed 2 1tory, 6 year old building, approximately 3700 aq. ft. for only $42,500. Paved Parking Area. Terms may be arranged. Come in and let's talk over the DOLLAR PROFITS ON THIS INVESTMENT. CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE Check all 12 features of this . Exceptional Buy 1-Com!ortable 3 BRe., 1:i 1 baths home. 2-Nice, corner lot on ocean side of Hwy, 8-Mstr. BR, has lg. eliding glass window with view of hilla &: connecting full bath with tile over tub. 4--Thermostat furnace. 5--Large handy kitchen with tile sink. ~No. 2 BR. with very large closets, No. 3 BR. with a_. bath. 7-Laundry and work room. ~li'enced patio uut BBQ. 9-1140 square feet of living area. 10-Room to buihl second home. 11-Some furniture included. ll-Price only Sll.500.-$2500 w1U handlr. Attn : Mulltple L1sttng Brokers THE VOGEL CO. 2867 E. Coast H\ilty., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 LIDO ISLE Extra large 2 h<'droom, 2 bath and den by promlot nt u chitcct with many buill·in11. Single story on 50' lot. $35,000 Very roomy 2 bedroom. 2 bath single story on a fine 4~' lot. S2~.500 2 lx-droom. 2 b1\th t>n a bc•1rntiful 37' corner Str11da Jot. Big patio. $24 ,050 3 b<-droom. 2 bnt h home on a 35' lot at less than artual co11l o! replac,'menl. S24,i50 We hnve a lar~1: numt>.'r of f111c:-listinga All ovtr the Harbor Arca. !Jr t\'t' tn to our free parking lot an•! let us show you around. TOM PAYNE JOE RTAWICKJ DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Nt•Wt)(lrt Blvd, Newport Bttcb 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' M ' FRONTAG F. ON N. P. A VE. t ight in town small bid~. ~·Jth an nllcy ln t.he rear S 15,i50. NE\\'PORT HTS. 3 BR. older home-dble. garage. Large Jot -a real buy -SS500. with $1000 do~ N. P Hts. lrit w1tb dblc. gar:igc, S4250 w1t.h reason· able tf'rms. 2 B.R. hl'>mt.'-1 yr. old-fireplact"--dble. garage-- clo~ in location-partrnlly furn1she<l -S9550 v.1th $1550 down-B;ilnnce on f'HA loan S6i. 0 per mo. including taX~ and insurance-. 1 1 aC're~1 br. home, work ahor-dble. gara~ in rew<'r dist., $13,500. with terms. 1 BR. CLOSE IN S5500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mt'aa. LI 8-1601 NEWPORT VISTA RESALE 4 BDRM. HOME. 2 bat.ha. landscaped, w to w car- pet, uphalt til<' It other xtra11. LOW DOWN Fumil'hed or un!umiehC'd. BALBOA INCOME 3 units. furnished. Heart of Balboa. B<'h. grou $3200 ech. net $2900. ConcL foundation. xlnt. condition. ONLY ~16,000, ~.000 WILL HANDLE. FISHER and COMPANY 2803 Ne~'J')()rt Blvd.. Newport Beach Harbor 44.29 THIS IS THE BEST nnt Umo offered. 2 bdrm home, hdwd. floors. fire- place. dble. gar. W1lh extra sbowt'r. South or High- way Corona del Mar. Only 4 ye/U"8 old. One ownrr during that lime ha.& Mt'pt it apotlcaa. SEE IT TODAY, O~l.Y $14,000. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor 382.2 &. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2ii4 { , . a-a.1r..w. ----4· _, __ , .. ____ _ AND BEACH REALTY - COST A MESA OFFICE CLIFF HAVEN with three ·off ices to serve you NEWPORT-BA[BOA OFFICE BALBOA OCEAN FRONT Open Houses-Sat. & Sun.1-5 p.m. 600 Cliff Drive Beauµtul patio, 7 bdmul., 5 ~~ baths. l...a.rie living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry, eervice porch. F . A. heat. Thl1 l1 a wonderful home for a lge family Full price $32,500 -Terms. Beautiful 2 yr, old large 3 bdrm .• 2 bath home on comer lot with breezeway, covered lanai -An ex- ceptionally well built and arranged holJle, S26,950 full price. Ocean Front-Seashore Colony Attractive home, nice living room wj.S<h high ceiling, flagstone fireplace, 211:! bdrma., 2 baths. lge rumpus room, double garage. $24,000. AND 1001 Cliff Drive Panon.mic view from thil nearly new 1hake roof 3 bdrm., 2 ~~ bath home. Thcrmador kitchen, 2 used brick fireplaces, large din. rm .. wall to wall carpet- ing. A custom built home of 2400 sq. ft. for $29,750. BEACON BAY~NCOME $5,000 Down Nicely tuntlabed 3 bdrm. home wltb attractive 1 bdrm. apt. Neat u a pin -newly decorated. Haa ez.cellent rental record. A real buy (not leasehold) BALBOA PENINSULA CLIFF HA~EN Ju.rt J.i.lted -3 bdrm., l % bat.ha, l&'e. u~ rm., nice patio, walled tor privacy. Built-in BBQ, First wne listed -Thia immaculate 2 bdrm. and bath home with large living room. dining a rea open- ing onto a beautifully lttndacapt'd fenced ba.clc yard and awnirig covered patio. Wall to wall carpeting throughout, corner fireplace, disposal -a really 1, all tor $18,~. Buut.1ful View Lot -Comer. ''N(jt-IAUelfota. $10,MO. fine home and the price ia right at $14,860 with a 4 ~'°';?% FHA loan. Open Houses Daily 1-5 p. m. 200 E. Ocean Blvd. 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Lrberty 8·1161 1701 E. Balboa Blvd. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 126t FOR EVENING INFOHMA TION CALL; R. F. Geddes -LI 8-3158 FOR EVENING IN1'0RMATION CALL: A. Tietz -U 8-3010 B. DeFir -Lt 8-7221 T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Ma.rtin -LI 8-1774 W. Brad.ford· Bar. 02§.J E. B. Chue ·Har. 2762-J Gloden Fay -Har. 18M BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS CLlFF HAVEN Priced to aell, Wldtr 520,000. $6000 dn., buy• • deed to l.hl1 unuaua.J 3 bdrl\l . .\: playroom home. 0-00 Stp&J IW. Shown l>y app't only. 1.yU .. ltfta. U 1-134%, OCEAN VIEW 'tl,600 • seooo buy• e yr. old s bdrm., 1 ~ bath. H x 30 rat•g~ A lhop. Cor. lot at end ot 1'.latJn overlooklng Pac. Ocran. Shown by app'l. Ly\le Eve. W 8-2~42 C.:LOSE TO DOWNTOWN ON RO- Cli.ESTER. 2 BDRM. NEARLY NEW. Hwd. tll"I .• MWer, curb!! It pavlnK In A: pald. P'uU pr1ct' I 9995, on I y I UIOO dJ\. Hurry. PetUl !:vr. W 8·5487. BUSINESS • INCOME on Balboa lal&nd. BAY FRONT NEAR FER.RY t.AND INO. Hamtxircer .u.nd. i-ddl• bnan, 3 ap\. ni:n· tali!. A r~I money ma.kt'r. Room ror t'lrlJ&Mlon. Hurry btfon .ea-"°" .uru. U 0,000 or It• han· di ... Seymour E've. Har. 0298-W. M·I ON SUPERIOR. l..&rJ• hOUM on mrr. lot, heart ot town. On H•er. R.oom ror we. bu1ldt.n.p Thia prop, wlll lna..M In ••Jut' Havt' home And bualneftl at only '12 000 "1th low tf'rtl'UI. 2 NEWER DUPU:X U1'tl'T8 In \·l . ntM ntw l!lhopplnit C't'nltr. F'ront a pt. ~ bt eutly con• \'trted to bu.in1• oT ottleu. A. real ~rgaln A: tnm Eves. phon" Df'nnf'r Her 1811 \\,OE SEL.EC'TION Eut • Wut Side. Ruaonably pr1ced. Houston Realty • .A..980Cl.A TE.S ~SI Center St. roeu Me .. U 8-6911 ICYH. Har. 11298·\\' Cheapies ! SMALL DOWN 2 bedrm. home. nfoll' beach, moo. F'lnt time off,.rtd. $\&00 da"'-n A Rp;AL BUY! S bednn. home. cloee to City Ha.II. anoo. P.:Z t~rm•. SmtUJ h<1mt on 29UI SL. only 19000 Bldg. l.ot near th• Park, U630. (Only one an.liable!) N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd " Newport BJYd.. Np\. Bch. SMART PEOPLE ARE TRADING Will trade Pasadena income for Harbor aru inoome or commercial property~ Pw dra property conalata of one 3 bedroom and de bome and a 2 bedlooaa house. All on a large corner lot. Prtoe '19,tJOO. Trade up to U0,000. Will trade Lido Isle new 4 bedroom home for home or income property in Weal L. A. Value $33,000. Will trade 4 bedroom Arcadia boUM for Udo lale 4 bedroom. Price S~,900. Everybody fa trading now. Let u.a ahow you how we can trade your present property for what you really want. WIS E PEOPLE WILL TR.APE p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales ma nagement 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unlta, 2 bdrma. eact.. a REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down. No. Bay front modern S bdrm.., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furni11hed. Asking $45, 750 and ONLY S:SOOO down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely furni.ahed and in ucellent condition. Full price $36,600, tenm. 2 bdrm. furnished e.nd In sood condition, to be sold u 11 for only Sl 7,950 and get this, $1~ down. VOGEL: CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 4H (Eves. LI 8-5297 • Har. 1786-RK) 17 Units -17 Garages, South Gate Room to build more -Businesa building -MULTIPLE What Do We Mean BILL'S BEST BUYS? Aa we are memt>en ot M'ULTIPLIC LISTlNO SERVJCE we c•t all ot the mvlUple 11.ttrtire tn>m more than 200 Droker• and e3lu mPn. We then ticrecn lht'm a.net •elect the onet v.·e conahler out· alandlni; buy• and thoae that qualify an BILL'S BEST BUYS Ot courM we e1ru1ot adverU•t> them all IO why not drop In or phone a.nd ee. If -. can ehow you the buy lh•l tit.a your needa. Here are a fe.,, that we recommend this week; JN COSTA MESA One bdrm. home h.aa larJ'I llv. rm., tlle klt(hen A belll. M r- vt« porch a..nd O<>ltl~7 fl tot tor gardm A pet.e. Prlc. ~~ 1300 doWn. I bdrm., hdwct noora. J'onnlca a..nd car. dlsp. In kit.. on curti.d and paved SL on ~t aide. Prtce U 0.9!'>0 -Tenn• 2 Duplnu lNt'W) OPEN SAT 10 to • Buy one or both. lidwd. noon . Dl.'lpo .. la, flreptacu . Clo-e In lncat1on. S.E. (Or . 19t.b a Or- ange. CaJI for app'L to eee a..ny lime VACA NT C!Or1llr. II. 81dL 11 Tallt tor 2 large Iota. Owner wuita cuh. Ll•ted at 14.000. NEWPORT HEIGHTS lncome property-Two •~ yn old h.omu on tars• (OrMr lo\. F'uU prlt'e ,9,&00-$2,000 dOWl\. • BDRM. NEARLY Nrw. Forced air htaL ttreptace. dltp., toa20 ~a.rage. !\'!'tr Rlg11 8ebool. Pav~d A: curbtd SL, IU.M0.- 8m11l dOW'IL W. A. TOBIAS anl1 A SSOCiJATES REALTOR "you'U like our friendly. euvtce" 393 E: 17th St, Costa Mua u btrt}' 8-lllt Cliff Haven Home fEB. 16, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE IC REALTORS LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE Open Houses Daily 1-5 p. m. 339 Lido Soud-Bayfront Pier and Slip -3 Bdrm -Furn. $49,MO. Also-215 Mentone 2 Bdrm. on 36 ft. lot. $21,760. 3 Bdrm., 2 Bath, Lanai M' lot, lge. livinr room, wool carpeted wall to nl, drapes. One of the niceet houaea on Lido. Shown by appointment. l 3 Bdrm., 2 Baths, Lge. Uv. Rm. On 2 Strada.s, $3,!500 dowa, Full pr1oe S2T ,600. 4 Bdrm. - 1 ~ Batbtt on 85' Lot $19,900. Several Good Lots from 30' to 88' 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL 1 R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J. Kimble -Har, 108?-R R. Norton -Hu. 4035-W P. Terry-Har. '811 LISTING BROKERS r What Every Mother Knows ia that Lido I.ti a wonderful community for their chil· dren to grow up ln and that tod.ay'a larger fam.m,. really need 4 bedroom.1 &11d 2 balh.........SO here a.re eome Jonly lup ltom• ALL ON LIDO -ALL WlTH 4 BEDROOMS AND 2 BATHS.' r Over · 2500 Square Feet! 2537 to be exact of !lne Uvinr apace, ~ paneled living room with fl.replace and 9ep&l'ate dinl.n1 are& large encloaed lan&i ott the cbild"1l.I bedroom.a. AD outstanding famlly home on a large lot for $29,500. r On One Floor - la this band new aboWplace on a fine 1t.reet to Btreet location. The interior iJI modem with that expuuuve feeling and feature. cypreea wormwood panellnr and a maulve atone fireplace. The built-in kitchen is a dream. Carpeted, landmcaped, waUed, '33,600 full price with Sl0,000 down. r Cheerful! ju.It the right word for thla one wblcb ha.a a prcMn· clal Interior throughout. The muter bedroom bu It '1 own used bricJc flrtplace. Paneling and nne paper. P erfect Wed kitchen, 1t.reet to atrert lot. a step to the belRt beach, $28.~. r Like Green Grass 7 then see t.hia new home whJch bu a patio ptua a lawn--all walled, pleuant Interior with u.ed brick fireplace and nice woodwork. careful planning and sound construction make thie a moet linble home Indeed. $31 ,750. LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARK.1ln' ENTR.ANCZ) FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY !or e&le with a MuJUplt Llstlng Broker. Did you know lhi• lrnmedi"tely put.JI 200 gperta to work on your property? ALSO, tor your protection, ahiray1 buy thru a ''RP.&ltor ." .. Phone Harbor 14Qa. Hc18 Open House Full price $95,000. Grose income $141•30 yr. 1 ~ Down )f1.11onry construction -Brokers welcome "RING" Geo. W. Bell, Re altor Kl 3-5035 Bt;RE IS ON!! or tbo99 hard to gel thru bf'droom hom• wlUI flnpla.c• and CllnlnJ room. ,.,.uhly r.d~nted tbrou1bout and w .. t.herwt:rlpped. BteuUM oa.k nooni and loYe,ly 1•""1• en· hance tht> nlu• '1f Ult• nni family home. NeY(J>Ort Harbo~ Board of Realtors l!lut aldt; Jar,.. 1 bdrm., beUi, Might ta.ke good paper u pert full length llvtnc a..nd dlnlng ---------=-------------- room comblaaUon; w·w car·~t· Ing; tlftel«t )ot, to-n. front by uo. lh>k It O\•er ..nd call Harbor 3838 for pt1rtlcul&ra 37t La Pt>rlt>. CcwtA Mr8'1. Prlc:e 'il'>OO; (Uh t'OU.nla CORONA maBLA.HD LOTI - Cho60I Sita A.a1Jable Cf!l Hart.or U.31 Uttc "We're in the money WITH THIS ONE -" BUSINESS BLOO. dowu- town Balboa location. E.rtra parking lot. Lfued for s~ month. Price '35.000, tenna. CALL Lila B. McF&rftll at Balboa Bay Properties .a f19 E. Balboa Blvd., BaJboa Har. 3786 or 251 ·M PRlCED J'OR DOCICDl.A.TI) ..... at $13.960. 8u7er1 can UNm• I MOO 4~ loU. Pa1111ent. ot If' • monUI Include t&xM ud lna. W. Stua rt Foote, Rltr. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., NpL BctL H.vbor :a. or t..rberty 1-6490 Bay front income I Umt.-1 6 I ... , -.. ....... ... Goe( Md pr'I ...... Meeb. 1000 &. Hal... Blft, Ba.I~ er.tYlft J.IMt. Ooar· t.-, to ...... llUll 410. 32nd St., Newport &ach LOOK WHAT WE FOUND 3 br. well located houe, living room 1!b18, Hard- wood noon . Covered patio. laundry and guest room with garage, ~000. tt>nna C-2 BUS~ lOO'xlOO' Newport Blvd. $10,500. "ART" ADAIR Realtor leM N.-port Blvd., Costa Meaa Uberty 8-37Q2 , ••• MAlll1 WITH . SALLIE February 1'1, 1955 Newport Beach, Calif. "So I shook all the l poancl cau of coffee and did.D't find a .tagle gurgle!" FalUllest f oodecdote to have happened since the oae about the ir;al who tier· ved her ~ta a raw too· gue and told the butcher It wu tou~h. wu the one last week whtl"fl the custonM>r eomplalned that 11he bouir;ht a pound of coffee here and when 8be opened It up foWld It full of waU-r • • • "Why!" she uked our Olarence Dodd, who u you ._ know Is OW' Grocery Man- a,ter on thfl floor and the proper penM>n to uk 1mch ~rtlnent ~tlons • • • Clarence couldn't thlnk or a lllngle ttuon, f'nept per- haps maybe the he-n y rains down Vennuf'la way had 8()1Dethlng to do with It •.• .. But I madf' Cf'rta.in nobody elae toted homf' a ,·acuum a-eked pound of watf'r ••• " I ~~~ The big switch is about to ~~§ begin ... I've heard tell nf I coral produce cases and pale green frozen food cases ... Or wu it pale green produce and conl frozen foods ? ... 1 ~~~ Ya got me ... Then t here's t o be a wing added on the I back . . . or was it on t he I ~~f. front! J've seen blueprints of ateam tablea where one could ~~~ select ready-cooked foods and , ,I~ a rotiMerie for buying the ~ n oble bird right off of t he I apit . . . Brand new check Ill eta.nda to make for easier and faater aervice • . . Complete I new · ahow cases t o display mea ta and de.lioateue.n • • • I I 4IOC!Ml<I aay I've heard ... From what! I've gleaned through the gro-,~I cery vine there isn't going t o J be a single counter. gondola. I display section in the same 00~~ place or directien lt was be- fore ... And think of the can ~~~ joggling that will pe involv-1 ~ ed! Look what y o u go ~~~ through when you unload $~0 worth of groceries from the back of your car! Bt oth<'rs I ~~,,; and aiateni we've got some can mo\ring l o do, but we·~ ~-I amart ... we're going to kt you move' em . for us ... ri)?ht 1 out the front dnor . . . Hig remodeling food Rill<' next week-end ... Hundreds and I ~~~. bundreda of foodR from nil depar1.ment11 ... Jf you have not already rccC'1vecJ n ropy of our w~k-end 11)1<'Cials through t ~~~ the mail ask for It when you 1 >Ot\IY""1l..., come in ... 1 Thf' blp: swit<-h •i ll all he over b~· o tll' M'\'Pnth annl· verMry Marrh t !l, 110 If you want t o l/:f't ln on the tua of trippintt o,·r r u r· pntua. electr1clan10, paint· en and MJCh • • • thh~ ti. your "~ . . . ~no )'e&n 1,. a long Umf' •.. What " h a n 1:t f' !I It hu brou11:ht shout in tht' t,nM~ of food "'" f'&t • • • l..ook- lag b&C'k O\'rr thc>..e pal'lt &e\'f'D years 1'111<'4' our OJ•Pn· log la 194", thf' mo~t \"h ltl new food lnddf'nt I rN"ol· l«:t. •·q my first t.Mte of frosen oranJtt juief' • . • Ill Can you bn&f,tint' not hnlng fromea orut(f' JulN"! That's I what I mnu by "hangr~ .. Whoa you there in front of the packa~ed cookies ... This is the time of yea r )'nu'rt> aupposed to buy thl'm frnm the Girl Scouts ... Girl Scout cookies arc good ... ticber than reguJar cookies. they are baked by a special rormuJa by our Own Lang<'n- dorf and We8ton Bak('ri<'s and will be in the girl's band.8 within a few d nv" of bak ing . . . This rooklt' ll&le is a National affair all over the United SlAtee and is tht one money rnismg cam. ~p of the veu to maintaJn and develop the Gi rl Scout or· ,.nlsation .•. VII.It Ulf' bitt swlk h at Rk-hard's Udo M&rkd, onf' of tht Udo Shop!'. loc-atf'd at tM f'ntntn<'fl to Udo IAk. . " . . . . . . .. OO&STAL SHOPPER -FEB. 16, 19M foffEE ·-·-···-··--························--·········-·Jb· 83c BUY TODAY! ' IUda&rd'• G l'ffD Cuioa 55c LARGE AA EGGS ............................ do •• Dutco•d 59C AA BUTTER ... -... --.. ·-·-·-......... __ ............ A Bakery Fresh THl:AADA Y SPlJCIAL For !M'bool hmC'bf'tl aad 1u\a.rk• OATMEAL COOKIES F1UDA \' 8PECIAL A114 ay11 a f•''ortto! FRENCH APPLE PIE RA Tl"RDA v srt:ClAJ..8 M urnlnir Tl"t'al! PINEAPPLE SNAILS J~rar· .,~ '! IAy.-r LAYERd1CAKE 11~ ... _, __ , ....................... N t'h Delicatessen SMll "'" ,. All FIMs alt -tM{Q Aft~~! 10 ,. ••••• 11, ...... ,.,,, .... , _,, ...... tt....i.i-4 ..... .. s,.i,.. .•• ~....., on \'OU• CW\' TONY l.uf'r'11 AU Mo•a t 45c FRANKFURTERS .... ---·-----·---·....,· ln1rodu<'ln~ '"rT'! Mnon"" 53c SALAD DRESSING -···-.. --.. ·-·----....... -.. -o! Kratt'" ~f'w Pt"""'ln '»ftc CHEESE WHIZ ... ---·--· .. -·-·--·--·--___! 1.1- Kauk•u:na ciu11 AaM>rtrd 35c CHEESE LINK5 ........... -... -... ···-···-··· ............ -·-·-.. -·! 11· .. Mc-k ln at-O('k : ]Ge: TWANG CHEESE SPREAD ........ ·--·---·-0~ 1- Clean and Fresh · For your Ml&d-. Fuerte Variety AVOCADOS Fresh. Faacy, Rot Bou.ae MUSHROOMS pk,. Bud~t Pack -Medlmn Size PRUNES 2 lb. cello ba1 each Sc 29c 39c ''BEST BUY DAYS'' N AT I 0 N ALL l' ADV ER TIS E D S ALE DA \' S --~--at'£.~ Save up to 20°/o of your 8ud4)et Dollars during otar fint Spring liCJ lrand Event. Fill your purse with earty sprinCJ savings aad stock up your cupboard with favorite National Brand Foods. Select from this complete variety then •nioy the supfrb flavor of expertly picked and expertly packed Libby Brand Foods. luy Libby's today ••• at Richard's I . ---------. '"' ~lltlo1111 for 1&lM111, ltf'Mf'rt Md 11ftM'k• 5 ~FRUIT COCKTAIL .............................. ~:. '°' 5100 ........ , ..... ~:. 6 for 51 ~ Yor Brf'akfaat and Tangy ~ala<la ~ GRAPEFRUIT ............... _ .. coo1 ud ,,,,,.....bin, $4 00 ~ PEARS .... -..... .. .... ..... ...... ~~ 4 tor I ~ PiNEiPPLfNjiJiCE ............ -::. 4 for51 00 ~ TOMATO"'JU1cE __ ...... . ... ! 4 ... 51 00 e For B,,_..fut or Dtnnn II 4 s100 ~ CORN BEEF HASH -·····--0~ fur n:. 6 fnr5100 ~rvfl on a ioothpl('lc ~ VIENNA SAUSAGE Mld·wf'f'k tr1>at ! l'IPACllU-:Tfl and 4 s 100 ~ MEAT BALLS ....... _ ........... -. ;: for "-Ir .. -_, lo&I •1Uli 4~ ~ PINK SALMON : ... -.............. _.: Or wrv .. a "Id dWll with 6~ ~ RED SALMON ......... ___ ...... _ ...................... ;! e i;lplN'd and n'llM1T to .-at ~ STEWED TOMATOES 1Yn ·11 '11111h ""'"""'"' IUld -.lad ~ DEEP BROWM BEAMS ~unny 11•·ert aol<S.n ~ CREME CORN .............. . Anotber 'lll"'~r ! ~ SAUERKRAUT Tender Tasty Meats "'tr" k"l)tr 111111'1t l>e plro.vd'' t'. s. C'llol~ 8t-'c PORTERHOUSE "E:r trn T11~t11 a11d 1"1'11 of l'lnt•OT"" 1'. !". C "bolC'f' T-BONE STEAK •·Matt, trll11t n dMll" 1·. S. Olok f! SIRLOIN STEAK "Tlv' Baco11 ""''" 111.-8"'olt"11 l"ln1•0,.- 8W'lft '11 Prl'mlum SLICED BACON "J11o11t R,.n t tJ"d Ent" 8w1tt '• Bnn n ud 8f'ne ~! 6 tor51 00 .!:. 9 "'' s1 oo !~ 7 fnr51 00 ~~ 7 for51 00 lb. 89c lb. 89c lb. 98c lb. 59c SAUSAGE 8 oz. 49c OYSTERS 12 oz. jar 59c ~~wport lkec'h, Calif. 1 ~Pf'.AL-\LS FO& Ft:B. l ;, 18 and 19, ~ We ,_,,e the rt,bt to lmlt quutitiel