HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-02 - Newport Harbor News Pressco Vohune 'J-NamlM!rU STATE CLAIMS NEWPORT Heart Attack WELLS TAP TIDELANDS . Claims Boyd , Robert L. Boyd. M, put com- With the State Landa Commlalon cJafmtnr Newport modoH oft.be Ballloa Yee.bl Club I Ud put commander ot th• Bal~ Beach tidelanda drilling la tapping the atate'a underwater Power squadron. died Sund•y I black gold pre.ervee, a legal free-for-all now looma in at Oxnard. Boyd wu tn tJI• 'north· wake of the commiuion'a bearing. Thul'llday the commiuion •m city tor the weddJac annlvtr· .ary of family trt.nda. Be had beard pro and con arguments on offshore oil well drilling. been entert.amtq wtth hi. banjo 1 Monterey Oil Co.'a wella from when he 11Uddenly WU atr1cken N ewport Beach 11ltea allecedly are Whether dralnage or •late oU 111 with a heart aeizure. threat.eninf atate Interest. where being done 1• a matter for ceol~ Boyd wu born In Malvern, Ark., they bot tom at aea n..,. the, mouth girt• lo decide, h• •lated. June 2, 1899. He had been a re•I· ot the Sant& Ana RJver. Thia, ac-DBll.LING HALTED • dent of the Newport Harbor area cording to comrnaslon at.atemenll!, Ge.llleMe pointed out an lnjunc-since 1932. The family borne LI force11 the atate to protect at.ate Uon halted ott-ehore drilling Dec. at :120 Jumlne Ave .. Corona del lntereat.a. 17, 1954 at Rincon, a am&ll aea-Mar. -When lb• St.ate Park Com.ml•· I cout town near Sant& Barbara. Boyd, hie wife Edreah, and their, .ion urged •t rongly that no "I•· CiUu In the area brought action, eona, Robert L . Jr .. and Jack. are l.a.nd" oil well ope~tlona be conteet.1n1 an opinion ot the State one of the best known yac.btlnf launched off Huntington Be&cll, Attorney General. ramlllu on the Weal Cout. Only the nate tanda comml.Mton appar-Gall lenne Mid a rHOluUon ot recently Boyd and hi• wife return- ently went to OrangP c ounty RunUngton Beach Ch&nlbel' of ed from N ew York where he wu Board or Supervleora, ofterlnr Ule Commerce, p~nted Thurlld.ay to lnat&Jled u commander of U. 8. oounty a ehare tn recovered Udt· the atu e land9 commlaslon, con-Power Squadron. Dlatr1ct 13. He Janda oil where the county ow n11 a tended on-11\ore drilling for Ude-he.d aJao Hrved u commodore of 1.4&-acrt! parcel around the river Janda oU ahould be uU!Ued at Ute Newport Oceaa 8allln&' AMO· mout h. Thia piece reportedly la Huntington Beach "to aategua.rd elation and rue committee chair· weet.erly of Newport city limit.I to h&.r.llU'd of any li tigation which man for the annual Newport-En· thu river bndr:e pa.rtly underv.'IL· m.y arlae." It wu brought out aenada ~. ter, partly uho;.., that law eulll could be filed by One of Balboa Power Sqlad· oil firm.. It Udelanda petroleum u ron'a foundera, Boyd held lb• most OrP'SET WELL8 J10ught trom on-•hore weU. while merit ma.rka pom file to receive The Janda commlHlon nporledly l drlJllnr goe1 ahead offshore, the from the gTOUP• He beld a Junior plane to aee oil production o!feet City of Hun tington Beach and naviptor raunc. Mont,.r.-y well• boltomed llnder pnnte dttze~ could Cilf'Olrlvably the river mouth atta. ee.award. file action.a to halt proceedlnga. The 11tate hu l.ncluded a .int.ell "P'll.LED" OB NOT from 2 to 3 mllea In length or Ude· land11 -ward from Huntington Beach Slate Pa~k. rouirhly from the river to 8th St, Hl.''ltlncton B4'ach. "I think It would be pretty dlt - n cult tor thl' State L&nd9 Com- m 11111lon to ehow their lldelanda are ~Ins lhrtatenl'd In front of the atatl' park," WIUlam Call.lenne, txtcullvl' 11N·r .. tary of Huntl.nit- ton B"•rh Chamber of Commucf', •t•ted. "I •m not •urprtaed the at.ate thin k• Monten y la dralnlnc the lldel&nda In the vicinity ot the 8 11nta A n9 Rlvcr." Ctty M&11a(l'r J ohn Sel lora a1ud. "It the ti.ate al, lows a well to bol d rilled near tht clly tldf'l&11da, Montl'rl'y lmml'lll· a tcly will have to drill &11 olteet wl'll," he added. vi:plainlnl' ll la a prov1alon of the l:Ulott Cont rect.. T. F. Morton to Visit Elks at Own Lodge St•te law reportedly aaya when oU dr.lnage la fcund, the •late landa commlulon ahall drill f rom on-ahore "filled" la.Ilda. Qu .. u on i. wheUll'r thla phrase appllea to d rlli..ttea from the ahore or the eteel "laland" ba~l-llke atruc,. lures 11uch u puL In the ocean ott Seal Beach. Opponent. ot otf- 1hore d r1Wng cla.lm lt'a the f orm- er. oil flrma cklm ll'• tbe Jat tu. Pa t Brown, at.ate ettom ey iruer- e.I, cave II./\ oplJllon condonlnr Monterey 0 11 Co.'1 "laland" off Seal Beach u "fLUed" I.Inda, Gal· Uenne 1tattd. He uked how oan the at.ate prove draJ~e 6000 feet wtater'1 of the Hun tington Beach St.&te Park atta. He Mid two dry wella were IW\X at Newland St. betwffn UunUnlr\-Oll B...:Jl and Sant.a Ana JUver. fornia m&Jnt.&IJI tor t.be c&l'tl ot ~ dlau&oad da1Mbwl. D\lrtnr the ltM Lod,. Tear aJ. moet 1100.000 wu ral8ed for the cam pa lp to rtilew the dllllr'fU of cerebnJ pala*! ch1.ldttn by lh• Ent. Of California. _. ...... lllllllleudta. aaru.ce broil• Md .......... Dem '° Ooloema ... Mar. lie , ... .... , bed oftkle9 -Man.IMr'• .... In add.IUon to 11.i. Witt and tlMtr two llOU, Boyd I.I llW'Yi...ct b7 l- brot.hent, a .., ud tour pand- SODt. B• wu a charter member ot tM N-i>art Harbor Lodce ot l':Ula. Funeral aen1ce• were held at a p.m. today ln Balta Coron.a deJ Kar Chapel. wtlb Newport Barbor .Elle.a LodK• otnclaung. IDt.erment WU pr1n.le. Richard EllplaMS for New York City RESCUED AFl'EB CBA811-G«>rge Franklin Smith, 30, Manhattan Beach te.t pilot tor North American Al'iation C.O., reoel,,• tint aJd on stretcher from attend.anti and Mal Fink, aboard Nora Kate, 35-ft. cabin crut.er, which brought pilot to Newport Har· bor Cout Guard'aock Saturday ~r F-100 exploded l'h milea ott Dana Polnl Crvi.er wu on rouUD tn.lntnl' trip~be&-Fin.k. Je• K&pl&A,-owuer ol the boat an<l_J.Kk. Wi·_ ley cha.npd their Cout Guard Awdllary tr &i.ning miuion to reecue operation. -Staff Photo JET PILOT RECOVERING AFTER HIGH BAIL ·OUT Local Mell Save Flier • Engine Falls Im Sea °'* Dcma Point cran, Judy J -4, owned by Harold vocht. Loa Ancel•; Marworlh. owned by Worthington Lee. Balboa Laland; Patay F em. Newport, V1"ed Hudeon. elclpper and Ttu·-Wlnlu, Newport. K.l'n Dlckeraon, •kipper; rushed to the NISCUe .c-• to offl'r ... i.tance, Ftnk eald. The 13-tt. Cout Guard autter a1ao at.ood by to lm d &Id. OperaUod bepn today to re· cover the rtmaln' oc the Super &abce Jet t.b&l exploded and 111\k Into the ocean Saturday to"noon oppoalto TbrM Arch Bay. A crTw of dlnra la work.inc to locate tbe w~llooally fut abip tha t "ntpped" •nd bit the water. Ir tt rem on th• a&ndy ledge th•l u taidll 10me dllt&.oc• otf· 1hore, .ah•&&'• wtU be companUY"t- t7 euy, IAcw-police ..... told. a___., tf It la ta deep -i.r It Wiii be a.arcs.r to locale AD4 mon ~ t9 Mftl' to UM ..,..._, Police wwe t.okl a U. I . Na.., &Np wtU M~ u ~base of oper· attona tor lb« .. 1va1e proje<L North American AYlaUon, de.,._ loper ot t.M auJ>«r modern Sabre Jet. bopu to eJl.&tnlne the wreck· ace of tbe plane to ascertain tb• c&UM ot th• cruh, It WU a&ld. • c1rcu1a11on· 1a.ooo Dllt& lbwtecl .. Newport._...._...._ ........ CorMa del ...... o.ea 11-.Lacaaudlo.~ ......... 1. ---- SANITONl tit.,.,~ "Q"' ~l We are Pleased to Announce { UDO CLEANERS } 1'78% Newport Bhd., Coeta .._ Liberty 8-4-0H his ••t oar rl1trtH ' standards for cltanlnr senict, plait f1cllltlts aid t~1lp•t1t. •. b1s IHtlfltd S111lto11 •ttbods 11d , .. hua -l"l'tu IS II 11t,orlztd ~ANITON£ Dry Clt111tr, IHra1t11l11 spotless, tdorltss cl111l11. t111r pr11sl11, 1re1ttr . cart 11 tb1 b11dlf11 tf all 1ar•11t1 11d f1~rrc1~ llllY. llHSTlllS.111. It will be a hom~omlnc c1ay Thurlld•y a t lht Nl'wport Harbor Lodu of .Elk• when Thomu F. Norton. v1re·prt'1ldl'nt of the Call· fom ra F.lk• A1111oc1•llon ma.kn hJa ortlc11'1 v1tt1 t to hi• own Lodge. Norton "'•~ lhl' third Exalted Rulrr of lhl' Nl'wport Harbor LoJiel' 11n'1 w u 1tlven the hljth i t.ate &11110elallon lut yeer HI' I• prnprlPtor of Cafll' Cod Hou!ll', BaJ. boio l1!1nd. C"on1plrlt0n nC h11 u.mpalgn on brh1tl! nf ~tatt-project.a •mong thr !;011thrm Cahfon 11a lol'litH will bl' markl'd by hi• oftlclal vii i· t alion I•' ~eWJ>Or1. Harbor Elka Loditl' N.,rton ha.a worktd dill· grnlly on bl'halr of the fUnd1 tor thr C""rr br11cl pal1led chlldnon and th"r"PY unlt.o tllal Elles of Call· O. W. "Dick" Richard, owner ot ft.lchard'a Lido Market. enplaaed from Loe A.llP• latemallon&l Airport to Ntw York CU.J 1'audtY to attend the BIW\d Name Ret.all· er-<>f·lhe-Year aw&rda tudfinr. He la one ol 23 Judi'• who wtD detennlne winner&. fUchard wtU return here on Marcb 7, Im forty· nlnlh birthday and aewnt.h a.nni· vert&.r)' of th• bwry aupermark:et be f ounded here, Becauae ot put awards hJa mart hM won. It II not elll'lble for UILI year'• prtw. WILMINGTON BOAT FIRM BUYS LIDO SHIPYARDS SPRING CURTAINS THOMAS F . NORTON Cops Nab 6 in Burglary of Broering's Service · Station F"ur youl.Ja Wl're nabbed Sat· admitted ht took •bout Sl.:l-0 from u rday by Newport poUc-e bl'fore lht c•lh regbtr r. u did one or lht' hur.:lary of which they are two otht ra. Ht 1ald two of tht youth• took t he tlru and put them ln t hr ba ck of the car. 11\JSr N'll'd WILi dl8COVt'ttd by the local ortlN•rs. Two more ll\JllptC"t.A 1''hO unprd whl'n the first tour were •n-r~trd wtrl' 11pprl'hf'ndl'd Sunday et th" B l'll tlo we r homrs i nd bo<lkea ror burglary uni.Ir r the j uvt'nlle CO<lt'. Polirr brought the Ont four, J ohn Charle• Martini'. 20. of Lake· 1''ood, Ron Clayton ?l:lchol1, Ill. of Arte11I•. a 17-year-old boy from Downry and 17-yl'•r-old from Ar· tu la. to lhe 11tatlon tor quuUon· tnr on p<>lllK'l lllon of alcohol. ln,•u llgatlon C1t lht1 youtha' car rTvu ll'd two nl'w Urn In tbe trunk CC)mpa.rtml'nt hidden under a bla.nkeL Nichol• flnl said they found the tires alonp lde a road. A cht ck of local Mrvlce etatlon.1 revea.led Councilman Hana Breu - 1nl'• elation a t Marine An. and Bayalde An. wu bu~I~. Under further tnvuuca uon. Mart.Jn• aa.Jd the •Ill were end•· ~I lbe a rea wben they decided t o brl'•l< Into Broering'• ataUon. He Clipper Plans Tour Tank" Cllp~r Joe OIJot&«g'IO · Both • Marline and Nichol• a d· mitt ~. while ndlnr to the polirt 1t.auon, thty threw away aome of the monl'y thl'y took. D.alvery Guaralltffcl Delivery of t.he Newport HMbor Newa-Preu It fU&I'" ant.efl!. AO a.reu _of t.be Com- munity are rapidly Mtng placed on ca.rrter delJvery. CUrler boya w!U delJvu t.helr papen before e p.m. on Mon· day and Tburllday. It your pa per b not delivered by that hour pleu e call Harbor 1818 and a 1~clal route man will Immediately r • 1 pond with your c:opy of your Newi:ort Harbor Newa-P rue. t. maklnf ~an. to lOW' Italy alt.er Ulla year'• World 8er1ea with 2.) ball playera of It.al.Ian de~nt. Amer1e&n diamond ltar• u ptttrd to makl' t.b• t.oUr tnclude Joe'a brothl'ra, V~ and Dom : TOf1 ~rn. R&lph Branca. Phil RJz:zu to. Fnnk Cn»etll, 8&J Ma1the. Carl JWWo aad John AntoOeuL I RELAX ON &A.IL-Joe Guthrie. Jett, and 0eorse Ar· tbur, both Balboa Ia1and. talk Oftr D.UTOW eqaeak the schooner Goodwill had on her beaching at Cedroa i.. land They went alon& u deck b&Dda. -Staff Pboto GOODWILL RETURtlS SAFELY Blowll aallol-e " MwUac '°" Dot wtllda Olllo ~ 1IMM, Ge 111-ft. ad>ooner Ooodwill ~ 102 E. Fourth~ Cor. Main S..la A• Kl 2·9611 OPEN FIUDAYI "DL 1:00 P.M. v ....... ..._hllml .... ..,.. 0.-.S-_.... .. 8t7"' eelon , wicltJlill. a.,ui. ... ,~._ ....... , ........ _ ,..,_. ...,._ for -.,._ c-'1 ....... ~~ at 1.• a ,_a, ...... at H .H tor owr tri,M ..WU. •1'-pn.dU... Wlu.t. t.w. prb ,...," --.._ , .. eYf'r • ..._.. .. ,,_. .. ...,., atyl .... N>lore a.d -- t.rta!1t. ~t -... , , .... )'OIU' -N'll f~ tfMI ,.,.,eft f!W!Ulolae ''" ,_, ........ • • . we bow Jcnt'U ,.., " aiett. \ PAG! 2-COASTAt:SHOPPER-MARCH 2, 1955 IT'S THE BEDRAGGLED DRAGON, over at the right, who fives his name to the benefit play to be presented Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, 2:30 p.m. in Harbor View School auditorium under aponsorahip of the Har· bor View and Corona del Mar School P-TA'a. Jock Mc- Sevney apd Billy Callie will ahare fun of occupying D~ gon'a green rude. Tommy Smith, as Tatters, left, ia not lo kill poor creature, uys Urtha (Katia Hope). center. -Folaom Photo The Dragon is Bedraggled Young th4111Pia.na and equally younc musicians will be In the limelight thia week when The Bedraggled Draeon i.8 1 preecnted Friday at 7 :30 p.m. and Saturday at 2 :30 p.m. in j Harbor View School auditorium by the Parent-Teacher As-1 aociallons of t.hia and Corona del Mar Elementa ry School. Mu.1Jlca.J •elecUON wm be by Ruth I Paddock (Mn. Arthur) Clbb11' Dalbo& wand v 1011.n Choir. n in-Semple Heads <'ludea John Beall, Robert Schu- mc.nn, Imrie Beall. Jimmy Graln-1 N I R &er and ram"la StoclrweU. ava eserve M.&rt.bella IMra. J . H .) Randall wm dt~l The Be<1r.,.e11<1 Dr•-Di·v1•11•0n 11 28 i on. 1'-TA chalrmlll are Mni. Joel • Beall and .Mra. Cordon McMahon, Lcdr. Gardner E. Semple or Cor- with Mra. J u ae Haln11 &114 Ml'9. del Ma r Will teke command ot Na. .Rnbert Hartley .. co-chairmen. vat RtHrve Surface Division J t- C:haracters tn lhl" colorfully Cot· 28, Santa An a , tonlr ht a.t 1 tumtd play Lre • Very Younr Au-Change of Command ctremon-t~or, T&.mla Rope; Queen of lhe t11a to take pla.ce at 9:30 o'clock < nravM, l!luaan Nealy; Pom-Pom, on the parade (l"Ound1 of Nav~ t;rant McCall; Abro&, lao4)' Wat-~rv• Cent.er located on the • 1n, varloua Dull ancl Doll, kn· former laata Ana U t htu ThAD ~" Oochrill, ... Ila.A. .... ta.. ..,. ..... Odil'. ....,pie wUI ,._ / .. nbNK, 1-111 Oetae, Martt .,.. Ueve Le-ctr. Hal c. Polity or Pla- l>yk!', Kalhy Wat.ca, XNUe cuUa who haa complete<i the max-I Jltm8lrMt, lonllee 15t&llmut.,Sliot lmum three 1,.,.1 11 comme.ndlns Burton, CalJ anti 9n&ce Ola.oder. otncu of a .Naval Relt'n·e d lvl- ORt:t:S DRAGON •on. I Lcdr. T. ll. Barret, Surtace J>ro-Tlle Dr&«on, Jock McS!'vney a nd pa.m Officer of lhP Elevrnth Na- B11ly Callie; Bk>NOm, J anice Wild-val 0 1.at.rlcl 'A111 repruenl lhe Dl11- ft, -r.tte", Tommy Smith: Ur-lrtct Commandant a t t he C'tr-6- tha, Katia Hope; Tubby Queen, monlu. 1 Ka.lie Oe&enbtlrf, Tubby P rtnceu, Cdr Semple, World War ti vtl- Lynn T!w>mpaon : Tubblu. Holly rran or tour y"8r11 In lhl! Pa r ifle Jngnun, Alln Humaaon. Tina Brun-arra., haa b .... n a. memtH-r ot Sur- lng. Lorne M091holder. Linda l'ur-race 0 1\'ll'lon 11 -28 at\'f'n yu ... ~ell an4 ac..,. a.1>.eon. I 11rn•ln11: hrat u lnatrur lor, lhtn Prime M.llliater Crackll', Kenny Ju dl••lalon ol ncrr, and rr>r Ule Newi.nct: n.reeTM"ker f' a' e B, • ~ k M d Ro ~--u I Jut lhr~ Ytan a. exl'cullve of-.-.ae organ an grr a.at" •y: tlc .. r. Kine George Forge I. Stuart. A• comm&11dlog oftlcPr or 0 1\'I· Coo~r · Spuklr. Carol Crum:' •Ion J 1·21. Cdr. Semplr w111 direct Bt.arA-, J anice Bunf!y, Klmberly a R-rve o,v~ion With" comple- Ku•t.tr. Sherry Martjn, Diane ment ot Jt offlcera and 11:i enllat-' H emlnKW&Y; Donna Marlin, ~thy ~ men, all engagl'd In a tratn1111 ' Ooodman, Crace Buttermore, Nie-program ddlf ntd to tA.kr the raw I k y LtppHl, Sherry BeaU, Chrta-recruit · a.nd lta.d h.lm 10 terhnlcaJ tJna HeN, 81\err)• Thomu. Susan r Oml>f'tency In one ot lhe follow- Vt er.B~rg, Jam Oooclman and rat-fnl{ 11pec1aJt1 .. s: ml't&li!mlth. en-)' .... urne; I Flame. Lorena JC.Uy; llllcelte, lt1'"'t mC",cha nt ic.hnqluartl er mutl'r or 'rtrry Fl&n.eftn; Fl&m•U•, Patty e tt ron f'I "<' c a.n. O'Bnan. Terry Ann Mcl..&u6hlln., NtUlry i..n. Jac1tt0n. Jan11 Broe•-Schroff Probation le. Bonny Morp.n, l<&Uly HarU~. J"aU Antle Roy a.nd J r nlce Ed· H I R t "'ard11. Maribelle. Ca..rollne Kffler ear ftCJ ... and Fumbo, We11dy I>Nenbarf. I SANTA AN A (0CNCJ-Leo O. THEY llCPER\'ISE Sehrotl, 2t. formerly of Newport Wiiiiam Tobllt I• l!Ound t n(1-Beach. Sa nta Ana., "'ho admlll~ neer, M l11ll <..'Lara Spelman wlU dl·j prrJury, Friday uw 8uperiot' l"eCt l!>Ong11, Mrs. Sue Marlin and Court Jud1a ~rt Oerdn., COfl• )fl'I. Roy 8 re In rhl\rge ot dances, I unue .. I• probtluon hearln1 to and Mr• Hngrr Ho~ ot ro1tumt11. I Mar~h t, Scenery ch&lr mt'D are Mr&. o. w. Ri hrort prtvlou.aly admllt.d JH Corman and M~. w. H. Yan lAnd· lltJ at a lriel in Newport BMdl tnrham, Ju1111·f! Court. He wu arruteit on Mmea. K.Jlly Bunon and B. N. a. chus e ot n cl<h•M drlvtng oe De.enbers ue In cbarae ot pro· f!Alboa BIYJ . b('(Wten lala nd Ave. cnuna. while ttcket.e a.re aupen•l11-an~ 22nit St, July 9, 19!'l4. ed by Mmea. 8l•Jnl'y Oaynor, ou. Srhrott •·u convictt>d of Ule I l.r Jee~. R&lpb Troutman and r hArg ... J ohn YounJ. Hou1e committee 111 ;==============, Mn. RQftr tJArrJ11 cre IUlll Mrs. \VATER HJ!:ARR8 Robert Olantlrr, with Mrs. P'Hd $Al U. IUYICf ..... ., ...... Ku.t..r and ... ,... Elber t Smith ar-(} n I I I nnc1n1 puhltcttr. (/O' r~[!'u/o[d -Your Adwrtlalng Dollar• av f arther. do mon.. 9l'U tnott, "hen l1h1$ tO 'ft CftO OOWH ,,,_ H-k. N.JO Phone Harbor 1•ie. ~:====;;;:;;=;;;:;;=~ HATI'RF.SSES eoar-uom-r....oe" lr~pla~Sbapft U~rt)' tf· ISOS COllta M,... Matt~• Oo. 1104> Nell'porl Blvd. Call DAN'S TV ......................... UMrty 1-2221 ~OBNSTONJC'I M ... A.,. Wrecllen u ........... Md A_...._ _,I Placeatla An • ......... ,. •• a.ea ..... I BE SURE . INSURE ...... -"t;RICE tjT~~'I .... ...._. Oaty "9oflt! Harber 147' U1~ F.. "'*9t Rlrtiway CoroM ftl lllu PARllES • RIDLEY MORTUARY · rorwerlJ GllAl'f:L CRAPn lit llroed-1 -Colla .. _ l.Allrty._...., ...... .,. Oilers Defeat 1oet1 aad S..ckles I -L Clllt Sllow S.dclJ La..-la&ln C1alef1 of au di.... In tbe ONta x.. Boote and Saddlt MldW ..... ,,._ 8umet lAaf\ae RwlUqtae local Ct...U ~flft.M orpnlu t1on clult wtll bol4 a llelr. •haw and haff bffn 1zll'lted to a HUion al 8eacb oo .. op.Id thlir pl'MCJOI 7:30 p .m. today In city ball Playday °" lund&y, K&rcll t , track --..on acaAmt Laruna Beach council cbambeni by Ed'gar R. trom 10 .a.m. to 4 p.m. at Ult la.at _...k wtlh var1lty, B and C Hill., Udo I.lie, ....i..t&nt director. Buffalo A&Qch above Corona del victories. The acorn : Vanity, 68-He wu appointed recenUy by the 46; B. 7:1-17, and C, 02-23. councU to take charge ot coordl- Jn vanity competition, Arevaloe naUnr work oC volunteer &Toupe, ot L&runa ~ch captuN'd the pole city department. and block war- vault with a 12 ft. leap ror a new dens. achoo! ttcord. 1 HJll announced U11 mMtlnr will Woodington of the Ollera won He dlacuulon of preunt atatua Ma~ • .A.U horaemu &Ad 11oraewo- mea &11 1nYit~. All ewnll are open and include ,.-eetern and English cluau. EYenta are - tablahed by popul&r dl!mand. lh• hundred and 220 cS&Me.t. He and ltepa to take to rMcUYat.e Hol.. Tools .... 1ped the 100 In 10.0, th• 220 ln local CtvU Detll\.M planL A dem- 23.:!. Other OUeni wlnn•r• were OMlraUon 0( ~. YariOIU divtatOAI Burslan removed toola ftlued Penhall, UO, 63.9; Bttlder, mile, of ClvU Derenae will be pruenled at i1a trorn a home under oon· 15:111: 120 low hurdlea, Hanl•, 13.9; by chlet• of each unit. They wW struction "t 161 Via Udo loud, 80 hl&h hurdle•, J onu , 9.2; hlfh 1peak brlefiy on the minion •of Ralph Holden, 308 Vla Udo loud, Jump, Ule•, O fl. T In.; brot.4 Jump, ).heir particular l'fOUpe, ahould a reported t.o pollc. Thunda,)' after· J one1, 20 f t. 4 ln.; 880 relay, 1:36.2. red alert be e1lled. nOOIJ. IA(Un& Bea~h vanity wlnnera ---------==:::::::::::::::::;:::::;:;:::=::::::::::::= were 880, Watkin•, 2:08; ahort-Democrat Talk Set put, Boka. 45 ft. lln., and dlacua, Stoner, 11' tt. 10 In. .Emen Crain. tn.1tructor of poU- IQ It With Ml H11tfll• ~· ..." &11 ___:_ __ .. ................ •1r ..... o.tr ..... _ IODY lllt Mii let ...... .,.. = 't. 'r:' ~ rt:. -.49" .................. __ . NI MIAt ..... "-f ...... ..................... ,... '4.'5 .... '5.95 :tl'\'"f'; \i r,· Ucal ac:Jence at Sant& An~ Collep will addf'UI the ca.ta K11a Demo- craUc Club Thur8day at 8 p.m., · I I I I • • . Theft o! a 12~-rt. fiber 11111 Main School C&teterla. Subject of ,:...,.,. boat from Ill moorin1 at Colltn. hla t.alk will be ''Development of •r Wt•• Ave. and North Bay Front wu re-th• Co1U1Ututlon and P'orma4.P ot Part7 Beatal It.le ported to poilce Thur.day after· Democratic PhUoaophy." All reli-840.t 11. OOMt Hv., Corc>M fl.l llar noon by .A. Lff Buri es•. 222 Col· denla or the Harbor area ant In· Barbor 6071 Una. He nlu.d Jt at f•OO. vfted to attend. High Quality Printing Ph. Har~ 1616 •. 'PAYLESS ,. '. . ; Mft.lJ. Waste lasket :::· 3f.,nc I 1...-dy Fair P1utle Household Gloves ,,.,.sec 47 C ~ Clothes Pins ~ 3 Doan 17C =~=~--- Import.a Haail BloW9 .._.Cvl Uquer Gla11es n,osr; our IOc each ~~-=-.::. CEREAL BOWLS Jadiw or Ivory 2°::'1Sc -FASHION IASKETS Auort.ed lhu1 and lbape1, Sl.98 Value 97c • COFFEE MUGS J adite or lnry 2•w 1Sc Tea tor Twe Tea Kettle 'PAYLESS LIDO DRUGS "Oee .t ... LWo Dope• Mel Via Udo, Newport Beacb HARIOR DRUGS 8301 E. C..t 11,J ., Oorou del Mar BAUOA DRUGS 'f19 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa SOAPS DRIFT LG&. 28c n . 68c Tl DE ~ 28c Ga': 68c PALMOLIVI 7cun l()c AJAX QU..NSIR lOC WWW DOG FOOD 1:-16'.Sl ROUND TAIU I TOILETRIES I u •• ft IN Sf ANT LATHER lllllA' WllUamt Only 2uR198C Listerine Toothpastf .&JitilylJle Half Price 't. 4~ l'rlee, J1e1 J3o £"0 ' 7- CU TEX Oily Poli&b ~mover Olly Cuticle ~mover He Value TUSS y -::-Reg. $2.00 Valnet IDlf LOTIOK ····-·······-·-· $1.00 D&Y 8JUJf F&18H1fll ·----... $1.00 -Foundation Lotfon DuB&rry $2.26 Valut s1so Hand & lody Lotion DuBarry s100 $2.90 Value Yr''"PAYLESS . , 1 ·' ( ,,. . . - I ~! ~-'I ' . .-..... ,. --r . • , • .,. ,,.,.., .•. . . -.__. 1·•sn • • --. -. ~"~ ,_..-_ .... j 11''~1/ T. V. TAllES Reciar Sl. a '139 •tr1an L Door Mats ~6:t. 39c Pat1tn1 ·:· I 3 Piece IOWl sn PAYLESS . Twin t IPAULI.1'0 GUii Oaks Bottled bl l oad 100 hoof 7 yn. Ohl nrTB 33c Shady Grove llencl 80 .,.., nm 4 • . ·~~ • C-batt ~ 114 d,.,_a • ~w1.a '°"'"""till • Ilia...., Oll1,.. tD .i.11 I T ted1 • f..i. ..,f.a cllst0lomlol • H.i,. beW.C. oila •"" IOOllflllt • t..e..,n <OCDplcsioe lrtt~cr. 1"ntf' loolt1,,. ~6 ~ Pot • 1pteial dlrill Ill ""'"' can, try chit Wfl•rtOMI ,,_ fonHt.I fttl. -ct.. 4tltf< eece.l,,....h fwaa•y •~U. cuo.,i .. -. s.., .. ChwlH• Cans ~ 99c llLYD DSOln mn.a ·Gin . ....., nm nm s2•1 $2'7 SPECIALS For Thun., Fri., Sat. March 3, 4 & 5 . PAYLESS . .ZEE WAX PAPER i2~ 17c J'T. D&-IANDWIOB laCJS 30 Le Coon\. 1J IEI LUNCH IAGS ~o Oouo\ 6C Many Other Household Usu SCOTT TISSUE 3 ror 25c -WI.He Shelf Paper ls x 11 ta. l3c .. ,.1tc r DRUGS ~ Orai11 Squat \o 1 tapn. lupr 1..01 ... ,. 8Dc ]§c 100 Cascara Tablets vn a e>r&lJI 29c Citrate of Maqnesia- 12 oz. 12c 20 V 01-:-Peroxlde 4 oz. 9c ----------leefWlne&lron TOJOO 18 OZ. 79c White-Petroleum J&LLY -4 OL &e,. 12C lsopr.Yt Compound- 1e oz. 14c GLTCIJLfNZ S..,osfforles Mal\ or Obild,.ft lJC •ttle of 12 VINCENT'S 22 Flavors i GAL; 79 Pin JOc .... Mbd QVilT .... P..ad Mc Otu\ Sc 0-. Lido Cub Pack Charter Given Sponsor Group 1Jce Ties 111 4th MARCH 2, 1955-COASTAC SHOPPER-PAGI I a~ ;r'" -::;..°"; Juniors Seize Varsity Win ,._ Wltlt o .. Nf., Woll <J ..... .... ..... ...... .., H_, ..... _ .... - 000 ~ UM t1nt a cut.. ·· Cb&rtM Nee ot Ntwpon Barbor capt\.U"9d nnt pAa.t• and wW rep-ODd and Lynn KOCS.OO. ~ allow*1 but OU COmptaa nm. In Ha•-· Interclass Meet Blp lc,bool OG reb. n Ued ro~nt th• COWlty 111 th• P'\.tlh Grove, "''LI third. RJ~ Ued for TU.t came ln UM towtb on• tra1.k IJNI. t fourt!l p&aee ln ~ Or&111• .,,_ Oollt..t March e. Oallt.tt 1a tourtb wtth Donaq Ma7. Aaallt&m Md a double by nn& 8'wner . ~ epeech Conteet ID ruu.r. l'pOl\llOred by t.be 4mer1caa Le-a nd Mary Utt». 11\&a~ ~~ ~~UM~llllow~~;~~~~~~~=~~~~~B=~~L~N=~=~~~~~--~·~=====~=====~~~~ WAD'w: WILD W .. .....,., llltarclw tn.ck meet kln: 1UO, JIWlard1 Ibo\ put. Jle. _ al Newport Bartlor W.h lchool rotin; bl"oed Jump. C-J!eben< ')ale W&)'De Coup~ °;:' ~ Oft! to ~ the ...,.ty UUe. Th• ..Wt, N~ alMl BJclrm1n. U.; duU.. tor the .-iJora lllUaC9d to com• u;p wtth and reaq, eopaaomor.. -.nth and b&d troubi. = a B ftc\ory wblle the aophomone 0 wtluMn: 100, J'lemu: eeo. the d1ah. Attn UU'M · mag9d the C crown. At l ... t. Hood; Jow hurdJ.M. Bur1Mi; lbot atrolll ca.roe a hit batt«, topped accb~ to the w.t anilable pdt McK.aaaM; brc.4 jump, Y .. ; Bl d Gold Dl·nner on by a.a1Dcle by 0u1er. but two ........ Jump. tied amoq ~ · · Ue an \......., mar1Len wwe ~ CompCGD oould apr... m:=meon. Mceboae and WU· A . manac-. VAIUllTI' WllQfEU 1.1ama· pole ftult, Pott.11 nlay, Notes Scout nn1versary non · w.r.dith, Joe r•t.on. ~iw. C S I c:::hu'll. Berr7 and Bruce Kalpp ----------Lido Iale'a Cub Paclr 37 celebrat.d the •:>tli anniversary ops e ze ~ tint place wtnnera lll var· l.atllllCI Marine 111• of &:outing with approximately m Cube and thei.r gueata r ~ =~!:. ~ -=~ ia-c1 ,. ___ _ buy your attendins the Blue and Gold dinner on Feb. 17 at Villa ~r-Bo Escapees pol• vault with a l•p of t tt.. e Poet-wirv ~ lna. Pr'Mentation of the cha.!Ur was a feature of the evening. J tn. Fent.on n,urect tint ID th• QUANnOO, VA.. (rlfTNC> - Pack Committee Cha.tnnan M. A. Anc\e~n introduced ~~ ~tn lh~~=tt~ ;:: Amonc the M&rtne ot&en &Tadu· lrom NEW PO ·NTIAC the su.u. Hia Pat'k committ.ff Troo membera Chuck Remle1, >..ft er a toot CU. Maada.7 tured tu UO tn 2:11 and Ued wtth at.cf Jan. 2t from the ftnt Polt· ED CLANCY PONTI AC 1acluded Herb Riley, CUbmUter, Jtin ~• and Al Von Hoff. throusb ~and hip &'1'SM ad· KnJpp lll t:be hJ&'b jump al & ft. Graduate AdmlnSatnUn Courie A Jem McCl&jre. auiat&llt CUbma. m&a walcomed tum t.nto Troop 11. jacent to Cout 11\shway belaW e IA. Kll!pp nabbed the low hur· here WU 3nd LL r.dWud J. Nor- 14 02 $. c-t lhcl. ter. r>.v• ~. John Boyd. !lntert.alnment wu prov1ded by the elltt1 ot Clltf Haven, N.wpor\ dlel ID 1' flat. du, eclD Of Mn. Na.om! 0. IU~ - Jim M.artuuSale, 8p&ld1nc Eut.-Cherokee ln&an, Pualunat.aha. police otncera lleLhd tw? 18-year-Other ftl'ldty wt.llD.. ...,.. dan ot Del Hlp Ort"' [Acuna La..-leach m&J\, Nat Sal. Mack Horn and mtm~r ot the me<ttdn. me.n'• old uc:a,,._ from 8o)'1I Republic 4UCS-o.trowu:1. unoppoeecS ID tJw Be&eh. Jehn 8htt lda. ~n Mothers Who re-family. Puahm&t&ha. wb.lcll 111 at Ob1no. mu. nm at •:DU: Ed Mll'koVSch >.. cnduate ot 8taistord uni._. SEE CLANCY TODAY FOR 8JOBE8T TRADE-JN VALUE ee1vt11 lh•lr rertatr&Uon c:arda EncliMI meazw Ruey Tree, llhow. Otncen WlWam TalbOtt and ID the wt put; Bob Deal. bro&d .tty, ti. wu tranden-ed to C&nlp ~rl' Mnm Eaabnan. tl&l'l'y ed lndlan war weapon• and CQI· Cheater Curry 1&W t.be youtha jump. 1J ft. '~ tn. and the jun· Pendleton. . CALL CLANCY COLLECT _O.tea. Ward Lff. William GlbBon. tume.w and told of Indian We and .tandlnf aloaplde a traUer In a ton ID the nla,y. The f<>UMllNU COW'M at the For Pontiac Demonlltratlon G. M. 8hucbter, Albert Donohoe. tr&Jn!ng snd the wan ot th• ated-parld.na lot It ' a..zn, Wban tha oroa M&r1.M Corp& ldlool.I bare .. d.. --•--1 I..__.._ 8-t889 Jerry KcOalrf. J11y Pn110n &ad ldn. man. H• a.nawered the boya' pair •w t.be otnc.ra, they ran LIOllTWEIOBT V1 up.ed to tamW&rtM,ome.n wtth ~·....-.• --. .. ~ ~~~ ~~~~ed~th •~-th~~a~ueu~~~~~B~~~~~~=~-~h~h~~~-~s;~~~~~~c~M~m~i~~~~~E"~~~.~~~~~~-~~1iiji~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~ John 8tllelda, lneUl.uUoml repn. kee prayer. tall -..41 at the b&ee Of the IDOllo 100, Itel.My; 8e0, Port.er; procedUl'M of tu Madlie -..-i-9111t,at1v.. IAt.roducAd R. ft. But, Oen 2 clCMd the ZMeUDa IUlC· attt.. ,_ wtao pr.eanted th• eharter to inc "Good M«ht C\lb 8cwt.." Newport poU.O. called tor Ulilt- Mn. lt41ph TandawUi, prwidat SNOW T1llP uce and .two mor• Newport aquad ct the Lido lei• Woaien'e ctub. c&r1, a eoeta w... cu &lid Can· 'tltltct) l)IOl\IOT'J th• pie.ck Snow Valley aad the IDOW beck-at.able J'rank Vaupn arrtved to t..,...u.n wtl1dl..,. canduct.ed oud the Pa.ck on Saturday, Feb. enc:troM the area.. The bo1'I ,...,. " DWtnct• Coaunt.utoaer Art 19, and ln&llY or th• bo71 ud their found lytnJ ln tha WMda. it.snlltr &a4 Button. wu won for r.uiera ha.d a won.dwtul ttrna __ .;...__ ______ _ u.. UUld Urn. by Dt!n l. thro~ 1nowbal.J11 and tobor p n· "Jeny McC:latn prese11t.ed uw 1ng dowD the 11lopee. awarda te u.e Cube u toll-'nla monthly Pack commill4e ACRIEVEMZ?n'S l'lt*ltl.nf wae held at the home ot Nat Beal on Feb. 21 where the Den l : Lerry OlbllOn, bear March meeUJ1p W1th the therne bads•. K1m t ltdler. bear ba.dse; ot "Knlr:ht& nr Ynre," were plan-~-Treff. wolf elver arrow. ned Om J: Bruce MoCl&Uw, lJon ----------bedp aad Cold a.now; Da.W 8ch- ntedez-, bur lllver llJTOW: lllchard IAT IARRA GE Hom. ~ fold arrow &Ad &MU~ ------ant deMer; Milu Mu.cu. denMI': Jury Adam11. wolf bedp and Cold &rfl)\I". Dl'n 3 La.rry Elman, bear .ilver arrow. Pete Mkhaud. Uon ba.d,e. ,old e.rrow and two y-.r Nl'Yloe pln; LuTy Lee. bear badie. Cold arrow and denne.r; Jim.my Cadwlll· ad,.r. -••tant denner. Bua Knock . Compton Over For 11-3 Win Ctn •: 8&.ncty Eutswl. lion bel1ce s old and ~er ~and rtru1lng bat.Unc •Y• &11 ln a d«rine~; I<• n t Andertoft. l1oG bunch. Coach WelldUI PS.c.lul:a' bad,. U\d pld &ITOW: Rlcky Plrate nln• pulverll.ed Compt.on M .Ja clc.lon. wolt be41'e, ""lrt •JTOIW llMI cx:x; diamond. 10·3, F r1de.y and UllUlt&llt dcner. a.ttemoon Th6 ,,Clary marked Den ~ • Jtm cwuuncb&m. llOD · Mdse .nd Webeloe; Vemon Ed-the 8eCorw:I "'111 ot the pr~lloe Je.r. uon b&d&'e. eold and tour Ill· MUOD tor the Buca, both ot th"m ver anowe; Jabn Pt.rtur. Webe-aYer Comptoa. Weft.en\ Stat.ft Joe : aeo,.... Vandervort.. Uon ba.dr• Confveno. cA&mpe Tomorrow, aad ~d arrow, OCC luh9 'llVtth Herbor Jr-1 Om e: Bu.ay Penon. beer c ~·· soW Ud &I._ .,.....,.,. aM l\lDe OD the W-. denAer; Oeorc• KeOllJey, ...ut-A.NPL& l'OUJlTB ant ct.mw: Kill• IUluc.bt.r, wolf >.. .,.. tour1.b frame •llled ~ .tlver l.rJ'OW: JIW U.deu, wol! laau• wben th• MM&men unl.aal\· wn\f eold anow. ed th.Cr plM.e poww ..-wt th• Deft T: ..,._ OIAooa. wolf '-dp ottenn,. ot rlva.I chucltuw Ed u d rold arrow: Steve Broy! ... Landherr a.nd am Outer Mixed wolt bad&e; ClttJ Van Holtman. IUnOl'tf fOW' aln8'1u tor the Buce ~t ~. ltocn1e Bodman. """1'• t:nplee by Third Sa.cker "" .. " JohJUl7 Eatrada &l1d Second u..... Charlu J\&J\)(ln wu weleomfld man Buddy P1erce &Gd • doublf Into the Pa.ck U a lk>b<'al and .. by 8hortal.op Bob WetMI TM 111rned to Oen '· uvm hlta emt n.lne nma ('la tl#r· Ollo"E WEMl-0. tns ~the pl&tt.er. An. ltemley, dtatnct comaj.. The oa1,1 ot.W Ptrat.. l.aUy •onu , ~a W•belol pad-~tram third tnnlDg a.cuvt- uau on ceremoaiy tiw Bob Horll. S. --------:--- told a. atory of bra•ery and 1-4- f'rshlp tn Hlectl.Dc a new clUd amllnf: UM 1Adiana who once ln• hab11..&1Ad Cat a.Una 1alaN1. Bob w&A prewnted W\th a Scout knit• "" beJlall ot th• pack commJttee. 8t'f\Ul~ter Wllll&m ff. Olbeon. P•t rol ~edet O.Y1d Olbeon and EA.BLY AMERICAN ..... anellamOft ... IUOAI LOAP ••• 21'-. C08TA MEU l10I N~rt ..._ COIWSA Dt:L MA& eos Cout a~. ACORD'8 IAOVNA 8&£()11 UJ B,_,_y BALBOA ISLA."1> %00 M&rtlM A ... NEWPOaT BL408 uo c:ic..a •~· CAPTAIN'S CHAIR Rieb Salem Finish on Select Imported Hardwood Newport Furniture Co. · .. 2620 West Coast Hifhway Newport leada ,.... u 8-1113 CRISCO v ... toble Shortening SPIC1AL VALU" 3.t\,. Can ROYAL S&Tll s101m111 S-lb. 69i <•ft SALAD DRESSING MIRACLI WHIP or DUCHESS BRAND ~~ ~ 39c .SUGAR FANCY SKINNED , :.:U'°' IM'ancla ~ Ham 45C ... lilflii .... ~ tf If 4 9• ~ ,ult ,; lb. Silo'* Half .... ROUND STEAK Ut,!_A. c"'7' ::! 69° lea, lb. 7 5 In ,., RUMP ROASJu~tiir; ~ 69° SLICED GROUNDBEEF ~~~ .. 19; BACON CORNED BEEF ~= .. w BOILING BEEF ~! ~ .. 9' ••MIU. ,..... SHORT RIBS U.S.O.A OfOI I WIUOI 00111 1111 Ane '° W. .. c:,:' ... 15' !•_, 3& CHICKEN THIGHS = ~~ 79- -... '::"_ 7· HAlllUT STEAKS ~AJICENS ,., .. ~· ~43c '~· 85« ---, .. 49' ,.,_ wr ...... --llAHD .... : SWORDFISH STEAKS ~ U·tL 39; L..:===========-.:.:.:.:::::..:::::..:=~=~~·k~~~ PENNANT COFFEE E' ~· &9c CHERUB MILK ~ : 1 oc BunER DA11Y OUN, GRADE Act l·I .. '· 59c Fnt Quality, Ouo"9red FROZEN PEAS = 2 =: 29° TIDE DETERGENT ·~ 59° PmS UMJM lllll.. '°' UT~ Ula J. 4. S. - Al.._ comn WtWAY STOii.i mn s.. 11 ... ..-s.J ........ --. ...................... ~ ...... ... COFFEE CAllPBILL'S SOUPS Cream Chicken, Chicken Gumbo Chldcen Noodle, ChlckMI Ric=-. Yovr 2 101,1--. 29c Chotc. Cant con AGE CHEESE BLOSSOM TIMI HAND Fruit Salad, Chive ,int 17C Former or Cream Ca"°" (C'""' .., '•'-· h.tf ~"' 11 <) Solid Pode ~ 33' STORI HOURS Dally 8 a. m. kt 8 P• m. ( l'rtda1 tm • p. m.) ..... , ......... .. 1722 Newport Blvd., COsta Mesa PLINTY OP PARKING ON LARGI PAVID LOT PA6E 4-COASTAL: SHOPPER -MARCH 2, r955 HARBOR/ HIGH WATER FLEAS NAB WHlmER RELAYS WIN Tllree Man C Medley Team Off Record ly Two-tenths Second Newport Barbor ffich School'• three man medley C wa- ter tleu apluhed their way to a aenaational victory in the ' Whittier relaya Friday. Winning the aqua race by four body Jenctha. the local lada came within two-tentha of a 11eeond ot the Southern California record. Jerrt Wbitaka-, Ten-y Dallu aad Guy Cook of the defendlnr 8-l Le-cue wat.r ch&mpton.a Cound °'-dlatance ln 68.t ~ made UI• .. c:Wry e11pecla.lly a~ llns ..... the tact the Harbor _1p1Ube,.. llllc:ed two aeconda ott their fourt.b •pot qu&lltyln.s po•I· \Ion ln lh• WednNday prellmln· ariu. In overa.11 Wh.ltUer Relaya com· petJtlon, the Newport c·. WOWld lip fourth, the B'1 tilth an" the Tar varaity ln ninth poeltlon. Win· n era were Lone Bea.ch Wlllon, A ; Lons lkach J ordan, B. arid Whlt- Uer, C. Harbor Boys' Five Wins F Championship Th• Harbor Area Boya' Club defeated Hunlln(ton Beach In a Lhrilllnr 26·2' tray In Coata Mesa Friday night to win the elxlh (tade champlonahlp In F compe· lltlon oC the tourlh annual KJ. , wanla Invitational buketball tour-8unaet lAA&"Ue c:ompellllon for the Tar awlm 1quadl opene Wed-needay In the Hunlln(ton Beach namenl. The tourney tor Orange I. lulk with Coach Al Irwin'• mer-County boys la apon80red by the men favored t o -eep the dll&I Coela Meaa KJwa.ni. Club together evrnt. with the Harbor Boya' Club. In other C reaull.I from the Whllller Relaya, the four man In other cha mpionship bracket., baclutroke t•arn of Orin Wade, Anaheim defeated Buena Park, Steve &•cf', Chip Fitzwa ter a nd 211-13, In E while the D title went J t rry Whitaker flnlahed third u lo Buena Puk with a 32-17 t rl· dlrl thf' 11!:11 man freutyle group umph over Anaheim. 1n c:onaola· of Joe Bullh, Don Waldron, How- NEW HOSPITAL WJNG-Archit.eet'a conception of new $1 million wing propoeed for Hoag Memorial Hoepital, Presbyterian, above sbowa four .tory modem edifice at • rd Peter&0n, Gary Cook. reyton tlon g-amea, H untington Beach Reed and Whitaker. -The four m1rn downed L&i"una Be&.cb. j &-16. E.. free.tyle of Buah, Waldron, Peter· and Santa Alla won the F fray by WINNING TIAM NEEDED NM eon and Cook wound up illlth dtfa ull and the 0 w1th a 32·21 a lonjl' with the four man bre1U1t· win over HunUngton Beach. atroktu, Btrry Von Hemert. ~t· T rophlf'a were a warded to all en nn. l!on t.:relMer and OallM champlonllhlp quintet.a. Touma· The two varsity team• plared In ment d1rer tor wa1 Gordon l mltr, the flnall<. Ktn Bodenhofrr. Chu<'k • ;\ftlea Eaton wu chairman or the Kotvl11to. Lsrry Buck and Don offlc111la' rommlttl'fl and 8111 John· Lush New Pirate Football Stadium Ready This Fall Rtdrtlngton nf the Sa ilor awlm· .son of rnnceulon11. Tom de For· W ork on lhe Juab n.ew football meu took fifth 1n the rour man ,.~t h1 prHl<lent or the Klwanl• stadium at Orange Coast College freet1tyle. Thl1 d place 1n the mt<!· I <"lul> ".e.llnr can be expanded to a potential of 20.000 peraon1." Actually, the new OCC 1tadlum I• con1Lructed more t or the apec:· Lalor than the player. With a •unken field and a 1llrbt curvfld concrete ble&Chf'r arranceme:nt on both aldH or the field, a ~rtect view I• provided from each -t. ley relay "''&ll l•k"n by Pete Schul-------------- btrg. Jtrry rarquher and Bod•n· R t B 1• hofcr . ecen ow lftCJ Tht Harbor B fou r m&11 back · . 1troke tum or John Loener, Paul Green Resulh · Bre1th111pt. l>enny Hf'nderaon and I Jim Willia.ma took 1econt1. Wll· A total or ltl player• rntered the llam1, Dick Cartf'r and Bob John· weekly Au1traJja.n 81nglu touma. .on -geed third In the medley ment at the Newport Beach Lawn nilay. The four man fne11ylt 1 Bowling Greene Ill.At Tuead&y, Dr. combo ot Johnaon. Henry Hill, Tr<! W. A. W iiiard won bl place 1'1th Von Hemert a.nd Dave Alltn took 11 1-t plus 1e·orr. Walter Prar.an flflh. The aame tnur, aided by Bob wu 8Pcond with 10 plu1. For third Haw1rl.h and J ohn L~ffer plaC:f'd thrre were three lied wit h 9 plua. •llllh In the 11lx man frf'elrtylf'. In lht play-off Roland Balley won Irwin r.a1d, "Con.a1derin ,lf l8 trnm )tra. Brim.I and Hra. Pear. 1c:hoola ente~d their but ..wtm-&0n. mer,. In the rt l11y11. I'd H Y w .. did Wednuday Long Buch Lawn fair " B<lwlln1t Club vl111lPd the N-port 8-ch Or~u for an allemool\ of bowltnir. 8 tx matchu we,.. played. la proceed ing on 1r heduJe, It .,.., .. announced today by D r. Bull ,JI. PetPraon, OCC preeldent a.nd dl9· tnct 1up~mntendent. He aald the flrld would deflnltely be ~ady for Lhe 11nnua1 LloM ' Club game agaln•l Eaal Contra Coal& which wUI dedica te the new home of tbe Pira te eleven come Sept. 23. The atadlum ll 1hapln1 up u the bul football firld In Orange County a.nd the Eutern Conl er· enc!', Peterl!On felt conlldent. Poa- seaaed w ith romplete field house rac!lltlea fOT the Buca a.nd villlUng- tea.m11, the 1tadlum wm !Ital 715()() peraona ln comfort th.la fall. "Evl'ntually." Petl'raon reponed. HUMP I N II.IDOL&': Th• field ltadf ta bumped tn the middle to provide th• beet ~bl• drain&g'e, while culvert.a &Jons the edgM ot the rridlron Will carry raJn water qutc:kly f rom tb• •ta· dlum. Peleraon predlci.. tti. tleJd llghUne w ill be the heal poulble while the prtu bo• will rate MC· ond to none ln this a rea . .. All Wll ned to J O with It. .. ob- 1erved Peteraon. "LI a Winn~ team." OCC Nabs Narrow Triumph in Fint Cinder Session Newport Beach Club won four s~n.... Sales Up ma tc:hu . tied one a.nd I011t one. ,.._.. '' ~ Otto In Exft S ACRA.\tENTO (CNSI -The Otto Graham, one of the top lhrre-way lie for the high jump •tale derartment ot fish and g-ame p.-ra and team JN.dera LA N .. at 6 ft_ 7 i,. In reporttt1 revenue from anrlins u. llon&l Football League ht.tory, hu "' :Sl\ET t'IHOT R~('ORD cenH 1aJea In 195• hit $3.683,HO, announNd hl.9 reUnmmt alter Orani;e ,.,..,., ('<•11,.g• t1arllm,.n •'l•'f'f'"'d bv F:I C om.no on tt1,. 1 \'~I cw11 1 lo 11•h1v A(t,.rnN'n to "-'In \hl'1r t 1t~I oq\1nl' uf th,. "'""~"n 111 • 1 tu ti•'' 'J nmorrow, L'OAl'h ll11,.•t<111 I! 11 p• r • 11r1ke 11111111d 1 .,., "I • t11 ! •111 lx'ir J(' tor 11 t'lntlf'f '"'·""'' 1-ll l hur11" lll1•t \\Ill h~ t h .. •-'•~tc-1 n <"••llf<'I• n " 1...-11~1t npenrf' h• r f' w1I h H1w•1 •lrl .. ~ r1tl"'' A l<t.\ Atcl~ l\ll• Cd ;'\ • r"•I .\11•\1111•"'· lr l'~/in111n up fl'•Ml U.i;11na llrA<'h, ".111 lh" blS: nu•n t t 1 h,. I 'lfD ,. • 1 "' '" hr 1'11'\l._, .. 1 ' •I •" n I II I h" 1'1111' , ll"ol f\\•r •rnlr 11 :'IP Ill'''"""'' In I 11 llnl" • r • !17 .l In lh• 0111• ancl 11 •lt .'} tn 1t.r '"'" llth"t f 1 •t 1•t .. 1 1 • n I• r 11<.'C .... , .. , .. " "'. "· ~~ .. :! 1.: Jlft\·t I r 11dha in 1..:0 h11:n 11" :1. 1e 4. t; 11 V J1•hn"""· ~/i"I ,.,,. 4 I ll 111 M JI• tt l\lrll'1•'1 I oll•• "' 117 tt. l r, In , Bill Laml ('< 1• I 1uJI 11 fl. anl1 NII" \ a1 ""' r r 1 ... 1 up In a P 1 l•lham and \'arnry a re N_.. port Be1v·h boya. Johnaon, from (lranirt' lllith SC'hool. holt111 lhf' Sunul f,f'ftltU" 11hnt put ri>C'ortl Wllh a hrtl\ i' Cit !14 ft I I In Jn l•l/•rr rratl,,t n1('t'I~ ln\'<llY• In~ t-:uall'l 11 C'untnr nr " undl'r 11q1111d~. S11nla Ana ln~t lo H1'rtxlr. 82-&n. '' hlle ;\It. Ran A ntonao euf • tt r"'1 11 611·6:\ ll,.f,.11t t>y the Occl· cl .. n •Ill I-ro1h !1'', _lr.· \' .. , ·.·.'-.. . . YOU SAYE 10% •• \"our PltESCR•PTION ., Prlngles t U1 a ftroad~ Saata Au BALTZ MORTUARIES CU8TA \li'::.A CHAPE L 1741 ~11p<>no>1 Avenue Co1ta ~l<"SA, CaJIJ Phon• 1,1 t><orty 11·2121 CHAPEL av THE SEA 3620 E Cou1 a1"<1 Corona drl Mu. Cllllf. Phone Harbor 43 I I I •I I #CJoc:x:x:J::o=rc::x::c I I Bruce Martin FOR A.LL '1 •\'R L"SL'RA:-ICE N'Elt.DS -AlltO-Tnick .... Fire-Life LOCAL AO~"T P rt t ·ca Ot.fkle Llbert7 M06S Uberty U5M rt Ave .. Co.ta Ila& RESIO-eNTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL a.n lncrte~ or • e per cent over leadln&' lh• Cleveland Beown. to 1953. •IX league cha.mp1on.hlpa and nine The d•Jlllrtment aa1d hunUng JI. d1vtalon tlUe-s ln nine yeera. G«>rce cen-•alu tor the current ftecal Rattrrma.n, the league'• highest yur 10 fat tnla.J $1.620,598. a bout raid aub1t1tut.e. I• expected to re- 2 2 J)f'rcrnt ahead ot I.he prtv1oua place Ora.ham a t the Cleveland year. ! quar~rback alot nriit 1tuon. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 l't MJ-llLOOIJ. OOHP~ -U 20 S. Ma.IJI St.., S-ta "- l'UMJ<:E -t;L'IDER A..' D OO~CKt.Tt: BLOCKS K£L"iFORCL'\'O STC.!:L and 8UPPUE8 Repelra e Mala~ e wtaUatto• II AFFORD & ION "NELS and DOC" 1:1.EC.'TRIC.:AL G4.>NTKAO'l'OK8 Phooe J.lbertJ 1-1'69 118 &lve rsjde AVHM N-.on ~ LUlllCAllO" -CAI POll,HIN• ACIW88 F'llOM 8.r.AJl8 SANTA ANA 114 7 .9i ~ 1tt#•,,1r-i1••N~W ... / R-U-£ lENPER 't1 GARDEN CLUB TOOLS • AiE LIGHTWEIGHT, •UGGEO, HANDSOME Cwtolft • bvllt fOf hon!• "'' ltllt gr.at 11ew lirte of toola Ill- ~-the ...... ,.. ""41.. C.0..11\ ........... .. ....... ,eot\lr •. e Mf.HMOeoffO HAHDUS e SMMT, DUIAlll ,,..,,,_ e '01010 STfft HIAOI AHO llAOfS e UfCIM lAO,.. M00aJ NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 11 UO IOtll St.. Newport ..._.. Harbor WI -------: "'=~-------~ AIDWAIE • HOUSEW ARIS 1802 Newport, CMta M..S. L~rty ~-MU right. It will be connected to existing atructur. and double 75-bed patient accommodationa, aooordinc to present plana. FULL· TIME MESA CHAMBER OFFICE SEEN POSSIBILITY A full-time chamber ot commerce office i. a poeliblUty for Costa ).teaa In the nrar Culu~. I . UN ot the aecond floor offlc:e · at lOCI E. 18th SL by the Downtown Mercha.nt.3 A.8110ClaUon cauaed the chambw board of director• t o 1ubmlt a propoaal to the UloclaUon durtn1 an adjourned board 11eeslon 'Mluraday noon. 'Jlhe propoaaJ I• for the DoWllt.own Merchant. to .,_Y DO per cent or the cost or maintaining an office ud Mel'et&r')' wtth Intention of kttplng the offl<'t open oo a tul.l·Ume bUi&. At pretient, lhe chamber office ln Co«& Mea ta open tour houn per day. Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -IACK BOYER - !301 W. Balboa Boulevard • U.oleum • Rubber TUe • Cork • A..pbaJt 'He • Clarpet e Formica e Yadlt e IM*ttl'edom tt.bor 5319 Newport leach FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARIOR AREA CAU LEHIGH 9· 1634 MOTORCl'Cl..E ESOOllT • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Oivi1ion of ST ATE PRIVATE DEl'ECTIVE AGENCY HOUSEHOLD CRISIS 7 WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura ~&Vlt..°E "11'KlN HOVK8 -WllL'I N"Ul>&D"' C-OMPLETE l.AVND!'&EU ud ClLEANE88 lllAlll.vr.:a·a 10LS Hll'1n'UaT KACll LA TEST HAIR STY LIN& FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA TIRA.TU BLDG. BALBOA ()pea 'l'Ufoed&J !bra ....,..., A'ITENTION BOAT OWNERS! SURPLUS BAIGAINS .J•t opMlar. A llAv• for itc.tew-rs. ~lea, ..._ B-4re4 upon bandnlda marl• 1'-at • lhdlCMa •f -'- Gray Marine 8altwat.er Pumps U-11 Voll o. II. IMMe1 Stmien 0-ta.,.. bro- Hudrlo• lanMr O.ut Sbafls !6 Fool ~-Cables GENERATORS GENERATORS II Volt M Amp. •35oo ai V9't .. A.mp. '2250 2541 So. Main St. 8AN!IA A>lA- MESA PET SHOP naa EA8TltlU' Hone Meat Walter Kenclaa Fives & Stwcfy Dot Poocl Kitty Utter • Sanls.tl La,.. Selection of llrcl c., •• It St•• Small Anlmah • lfrds •Tropical & Gold Flsll «"1 Newpo~ Bh·d., betwem Npt. Ilda. a eo.ta .... Uberty 8-1264 What ! No Pocket Money Pockets often ere be re before pey-dey. Pl•n to Hve BEFORE you spend. Depotit • AXED AMOUNT in your 11vin9s eecount Heh pey 0.y. Stop in to see us TODAY. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ..,l .,IH JIOlUl OIP-0\IT IN\UU NCI COl N>U TlOM Ruutlfy ynur iwo~ wlU. a llowerinl' tree- .. ,.,,., A h••• Waalr ll•rell 1~ . °"'' "" electric ""'6S •••••n•••••• .. IM really~ IOlc/.t• are allt~I 0>0k witla accwra" measMrtd Mal that assura perfect mults ftJery ti mt Ill YO Ull DIALla • , -·- COLONEL WILLIAM CABELL CHAPTER of lhe DAR honored ita firat bride Mrs. B. M. (Lucy Pinkley) Adr ian, lovely daughter of Mr. and M('B. A. L. Pinkley of Costa Mesa with a bridal shower and luncheon Wednesday. Feb. 23, in tM Chart Room of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Mrs. Adrian, former student of Newport Harbor High ~hool, the University of Southern California and the University of Amona at Tuc- aon, and the groom, Captain B. M. Adrian, a Naval Aviator stationed at El Toro Ma- rine Base are now making their home in Laguna Beach. From left to right are Mrs. Carl Hanna, !iret vice regent of the chapter; Ute honoree, Mrw. Adria~; Mra. A. E . Stockton, regent; Mrs, A. L. Pinkley, second vice regent and mother of the bride. -Staff Photo . , LAST 10 DAYS ~ --FOR FREE GIFTS Y-. .,111 11111 r9Cel•• ..,. ef .......... ,_. t lftt 1111 .. " .. 10th, .., ... ,. yev ·~ ... ..,, "-l"1vre4 MYI .... •-flt ....... ~ .... ~-"· ......... "' .... ; .... lleciric ..... c .... ~ ..... r•v .,.,.. ,... • •• --.. ,, .. ., --.... ,_ ..... ................ ..-.w--···· •"•• ,. ...... , .. , .. . ~--'uoo•-· ~ ....... ...,, ... _ .. ........ GET YOUR GIFT NOWI ANNOUNCING ,,..,.,.,, pold Quorterly on Pull P'ald Certificate Savi,..~ Acco1111t• More~ 31. J1111e 30, S.pt••"' 30 011d Dec•"''-' 20 (1" 11 .... f~ Chn19-1). Coast Faculty Wives View · Navajo Films ~ Orange Cout College Jl'arulty Wlvu Club met rec:enUy on t.he collece c&mpua. Hosteasea were Mmu. Correllan Thompton, J amea Pltton, Tboma1 Oabome, Wlllitun Ackerma.n and Gerald !:1111. Mn . Wllll&m K1mu gave the pror ram. a 1lld• lecture on 1.be ~onwnent Vallty Navajo lndlalla. In plcture.1 and In worda ah• 1how- rd many upecll of the Ufe of Ulla group of Indiana and the wor k that la being don• &mong Uum by m.Wlonartea and olhtr volun- teera. Pla.na wore made for a pqUuclc .eupptr and equan dance tor Ul• faculty wlvu and their huabanda ln lhe sprln(. Mn. Hu.,ton R&rp- er and Mra. Elp Hall were. ap- polnted •• lh• committee for lhl• entertainment . Othtr membera pruent bealde• lhe ho•teuea and apeaker were Mm1. Roberl Kut, Jame• Love, J amea Wylie, Robert Oabome, ~Y Boyce, "8111 Prlut. John OWeu. BuU Peter-, ~ Hall. Norman Wat.a.on, BaM'On KnechtA.l, Euatace Roja.a and Don&Jd BrldJ- man. The llUt meeUJI& w1ll be beld al the Cu.tt Hah n home of Mrs. Ba· 1111 Petenlbft on M&rcll 8. ESA Chapter Is Entertained at Lido Home Las Amigas Plans Tea and Fashion Show fte February mNt.l.nJ of the J.u Am1pa Clrde WU hald la tho '-ne of Mra. Wa.rren Kolloc, u :is w..i Balboa Blvd., w1th )(ra. Ralpb Wat.qn d co-host .... Thtre -re 1' member• preaent. and two ,....u. ElolH Burk, and Mn. L. W. Kello(. Kra. Cecil Powell led the devo- tional and )lra. William McDon- ald the treuUrer'a repe>rl. Mr•. Earl 8t4Doti.ck outlined acUv1Uu ot th• WSCS. The sroup hu aak- ed tor donaUon• toward the pur· cllue of a mlmtO&T&Pb machine. There -. a ca.ll tor voluntee1·a to work on a m ack 11Upper and to help clean cupboarda ln the kitchen ot Goodell Hall. There WU a IUl'C•Uon to In· vutlcate buyinr new drapea for the 1ta1e of Goodell Hall. • ~malnder of lbe meellns wu 1pe11t rnald nJ pli&na for the April Tea and r u hlon Show to be held April 20 ln Goodell Hall under the IU~rvlalon of Mra. Jolin K hnbt .. 'ncketa wW be a vailable after March 15th. Mn . Ann Htyman and Mn. Al O~rg will be hOet~u and co-ho1t- ea1 tor the M arch meeUng, to t>e held In the home of Mn . Heyman, 921 Eut Balboa Blvd. Local People See Mexico By Caravan Wlndln&' up one of the mo!t exc!Ung of vacaUon trtpa thl• week are ute Richard N . Cunnlng- ba.m• of Balboa l.8land and the Henl'Y-.I... Mty.cra._Z02 l S,.contl Ave .. Corona del Mar, now on th• lut la p of a 3000-mil• tra.ller t o1 : down lb• weat cout ot Mexico :u members of the biggest trailer caravan ever to t ake to th• open road. Dubbed by one naUonal ma1a- z:lne u a "CltJ' on Wheelt," five Umea larger than any p revlout Byam Cara van. th• rioo traJ.Jer1 took oCf trom Noga.IN, ArlL on J an. 1 and reaclled Mex!co City five wre.~ later alter a Jou.mey whleb many had wam.S "coUld not be m -.de." Tl\oy ai.o Yialted A.lama., Aa&- pulco, Guaymaa. many acenle and b11tor1 0 spell, wer'9 l'TMted by l'ovemon and mayora and particl- p&t.d ln many tetee. Takes Trip to Death Valley Mn. rra.nk Per9W 8r. of N-· port Beach rttently accompulled her -and h'-WUe .. a -a&'e trip t.o Death Valley. returnin&' Ul1I wMk . Tb• party nopped at Fumac• Crffk and t.ook llldo ll'IJlll to not.cl 1tpol.a. The weather wu WOD4erf'Ul, with mow on the Panamlnll and warm IJUn.ahlne ln th• va lJey, the Newport woman nported • The late .Mr. P~ Sr. wu a mll\J.nr- matl, and hit 110T1 arr an r ed the trt p Cor hi• mother, who had never lff1I the hllllorte territory. Bridge Luncheon at Country Club MARCH 2, 1955 .-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAS! I Pirate Rve Ends Season With Losses iGAW llKI SHOP Cl. •;. A RBOOA.lllT 11 • • , • •• lo \•ocl-1 COW•llll llll la'flQ UIUllOUf~. U •Alll... AU ..,... 1 ~'71 0 ,...1,.. ""'·'· u .. ., .. t 'OAt& ..... GENERAL SHEET METAL WORKS MI.SS P ATRICIA ANN BERGERON ---£>oft Buah P hoto Watts-Bergeron Wedding Slated For Summer Young Balboa Couple Engagement Announce The announcement ia being made of the engagement and f orthcomin1 marriage of Miu Patricia Ann Bergeron, daugb. t.er of Mril. Arthur Bergeron and the late Mr. Bergeron of 1711 Plua del Sur, ·Balboa, to Mr. Frank Edward Watt•, eon of Mr. and Mn. Coy E. Watt.a, 21« Ocean Blvd., Balboa. BoUa younr people are p aduat.e ------------ ot Newport Harbor Union Hlg'h School Mr. Walla a tUJ!ded Or· &11(• Cout Jimlor Colleg•. the laCJuna Cadet Molen West Poh1t HOMn University ot aou~un C&llfornia WEST POrNT, N. Y. _ Cadet and aerve4 two yeara ot active duty with the Medlcal Co~ oC th• 6th !Wctmenl&l Comba t team ln KoreL He i. employed u • cheml1t with the OUddt n Co. In Butna Park. The br1de~le<:t 11 em· ployed at the Or~ County TIU• Co. In Santa Ana. A late au.mmv wed<n.aa u plan· John B. Clayton Ill, 23, whoee father Uvu at 120 Rockledre Ter- n.co. Lacuna Beach. wu rec.nu, ll&med to the OeaA'• Utt for the rfnrt aemuler or the 19~-~~ aca- demiO year a t the U. 8. KW tar')' AC'ademy Ln Wu \ POlnl, N . Y. cadet Clayton'• e.c.ade.mlc i t.and· tnr placed b1m on lbo top to pn- cent ot hla clUI. ned. SC Sp•• c---IM Claytola ..... appollltad t.o UM -r•-academy by Rep. l:lubbert e. \\'llh Ron Wlnterbum 1uf· fertng an off-night, lhe Oran1e Cout <"ollf'ge buketball quintet endf'd t hi' Eaalem Conff'rence -- .on Friday nlrht "''Ith • 6-0-3t ..-t- bark at the handa of Santa Ana . Wlnterbum, OCC'• leading buC'ke- tetr, collf'cted only 10 point•. Coach Mllu Eaton l"l'poned the 1eaaon'1 ttnale wu bat.II ~plM.1· In( and dlaappoCntlnf." He aald the Pirates played one ot the bf'1l ~a.mu oC the 1eaaon. oul.llcot1n1t Santa Ana by two tltlJ goala. The lou rame at the foul line whtre the Mva\ five ronnec"ted on 20 of :7 attc.ompts 1\lhlle OC'C hit on 8 of 20 t>tforlll. Wf'dne~day night. the B ue• IOlll lo Su.n Rrrnardlno 70·1\e In IUI· o~her IOOJl <'ontesl. Wlntt>rhum rollecled hig h ll<'Orlng honol"l'I w•th 22 r otnts. Mrmh4'r11 ot the Bue bukelb..tll t eam ht>ld their annual dinner Sat-I ur-day nlg'ht In Long Bea.ch a..nd I attl'ndf'd th• ...cond fray between UCLA and tll'C c-auba tcarne In Long a .. arh City <"olleg-e gymnas· lum. Mesa Cops Seek 'Till Tapper' Who Took $28 cOsla Mesa police began •H'arch for lwo t uspocla Tue111.luy follow· In&' a t1aring dayUme ull t11p al the Golden Jeatl• Gu Sl.atlon at 1600 Newport Blvd., COsta MemL Tallen were bill• amoU11tln1; lo $28, a cc.ordln( t.o lt&Uoa o"''T\er James Henry Lockwood of 213 f; 211t St. lnv,.11llrat1~ otf1cera obta!neJ dNICTlpl Iona of two different mt'n rcporle<I In the vtclnlt)" a t lh,. time t he lhefl allt(edly occurre<l at JI 30 o m The thief report- edly Jl'parll'd the preml-tn a dull g r<'y 194 t 11t>dan. Lo1•kwood "!U•I he was working lnalde an autQ on the 11.&Uoo park- ing lol fJt10r to 1llM'overtng the tll.tL OCClcu• uld ll)e 1uapt>Cl must have enteff'\J thr open front door of the 1t"ll°" a.nit o~oed the caeh reft8Vr by using' lhP no l&le key. Ashwood 'Caps Gone Wayne Aahwood ot Archea Molel told pollco J•C11terday four hub c:apa were 1lolrn from hi• car while It wu parked Ln front. ot the mot ... t 'ndn !\'l'W M.......-•• ou:~:"i sr1Kt:R, Maaacer 405-JOth Street ~EWl'ORT 81'.:.M 'll Phone HAR.BOB 2210 FOR t'IU".(. F.MIMA'ID • SHEET METAL HEATING VENTILATING WELDING Fly lites Safely \, Fly kittt in an~ 6.111. aw1y Imm tlttt11c po.-ll .. MJ .-.dwt owrbc-ell ~ I . J\e IUIT !he ecrq .. pcor( <'Cll y dry. s.~-wift.~­ -u.c IU..,_., .. 11tt.t kie ~·· row'ff l~ k1 p I §.wtf. [)oa I pull! Pboae b cmasitllf own•~ dw h• aed • Ii 11Cmat1 •JI ~ J'CMl lie for you. Southern Califomla lcll10n Colftpany w~·re celebrating our 3rd Birthday with a hatrt of terrific val uea! It'• our. way of saying "Thank You" f or your put patron~e ! ....... ..., , ..... w ....... c.... .... s..t.pi 1. Yevr MYl"91 ""' -.1 31')~ h•te••"' o ~ 2. y._, ....,1 ... , -... e l loch 9tt0Vf" la "-"41 le SI0.000 ~ ~ , .. , •• So•1"9t""' Mn. Robert Philbrick, prffldent ot the n-ly orpn!Md Eta Itta cbaptu of llpailoa Stima Alpha 10rortty ent.n.a.J.ned memt>en at her home on Lido hie. wtth their first proJtct the aale of a atola. Tbe 1only •hlt.e a.cceaao'rtea, do· nated by Mra. Joeeph Stroup, went to Kn. WUUam O. Kennerly of 8anta ArlL Pn>ceedl were marked tor t.h• chapter'• pbllan- lhroplc project, the Harbor .Ana Olrla' Club. Flower decorallona s ave a note ot 1prtn1 to the table at Banta Ana Country C I u b memben' luncht0n Thuraday, F • b. 24. Bridge and can.a.ala followed lunch· eon. PrUu ot beauutul vanity cuea and coatume jewelry r e,- warded_~'1nn_en. Hoateuee for lb• day were Mmet. Clark Dye, O e o r r e Prtble and WUlJam ffoward Bupee, He.nnoaa 1'ucb Scudder or Calltomla'" 11\ Con· 1print.er and Du Koch. dlacua thrower, W'IU capl&ln l.h• 1965 USC ;.CT;;esal;;;;;°";;;&l:;;;;Dil:;;;;trt:;;;;ct;;.:;;;;;.;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;:~ track te&m. s29•s loon l11111ro,.co Co~ 3. Yeu' •"'-et ere .,.., ... 11r1tl Yov .... ., '°"by •oll l>O motter ~. ,.., ti.. ., .... ... ~Y potto90 both ~ 4. Yeur -flt~ lry ,._. '°"' of the _ ...... .... 111 ..... 1 ,,_ .... ht OHN YOUtl ACCOUNT NOW I ACterward a aocla.l evminc of bndite and canuta wu enjoyed by Mmta. i;verett Brace . WUIJam Barr, Kully J ordan, Stroup, 0.ar(e BubGlan. Rk hard 8 I m p 1 o n , Ph II brl ck, and a ep«:Jal l'Ufft. Mn. Beverly J ohn.an, charter membu of an Alukan chapter. Skelton Paintings in Paeadena Show Summer Nlldellt P hlULI Hepler Skr llon, Who hUllJ htr -ten:olor pa.lnllnfls lut. 11Ummer at Ule Cl'ackr r Barrel, o~nf'd a new showtnc ol her worlu Friday at P &Mdena Art. Mu~1m. Th• allow- lnr wW coaU.ue ~ March 27, She "9ldee on B&lbO& I.eland dunnr UM awnmer1. ........ ,... ....... .,.. -... ,.... c..--s..1.,. ..... LoooJ .,... b&Ye pnrrlded bw with naucb of ber IAlplr&Uon for her work whJcb .h&I drawn eauld- erable comment trom PMN!e"- Howdy Folks I LETS GO OUT TO EAT THIS SUNDAY at the Seasport Coffee Shop Prime Ribs of Beef 51.75 TOP QUAUl'Y EA8'JT.&lf 8£U Also Serving the Beat in Seafood Every day Try Our FrocJlecJ·Seafoocl Colllltlnatlon Plate $1.50 (SEA.SPORT -Oppowlte AD-~ llartlf't oa Martanw' ~) Jerome. ~~ ~=~~Del Mar ~ieii.m, ~~ A\·e. turned ln a .22 rl!lt Wedo ... day which w .. dropped ln hla yard AVA"Ae'-I by a younr &irl. Costa )(N& city AU. QaNKI en. poUce reported. Gockley • a I d the girl crou"d hi• yard, dropped what lookf'd Uke a 1Ucll and Jett on a bicycle. The •Uclc turned out. to be the rlfte. FRIDAY NITI AT 8 P.M. llG FASHION PARTY EllterWnlMllt e Duns e BMatlfal Models DOUGH, DAMS'El8 and DAIQUIRIS" a ~ ..... e"°19 lfG ........ f SURJI' AND SADDLE CARLA CASUALS RULE'S OF CALIFORNIA W ALTAH CLARKE'S HAW AiiAN HAZEL CR.A wroao LIDO FASffiONS OF LIDO ISLI: ·~!L REI NERT 'S NEWPORT $1.98 .. ::. ......... SJ.SO FJ:!,r..:,", te ......, ... ...... . .....-........... .. .. ,.. ... _ .... ......, We GIY• S&H Gr... Stamps Nta/ltMI D~ST'OM nac1 a aic.. rro.t Netrpart BNcb IWw;. ts7.15 Full alu. •Ill year crib. Dralt proof panell, adjlU\a.ble •prlll&. Non Toxic r t n I 1 h.. Automatic M.fety lock• KEO. •u.ot CIUB 11A T'J'RE!S~ s7ts~ FUJI llM, beaY)' duty 80 colJ lnnenprin&'. Extra hN\'Y paddl~·---- ~ •. ll'U 5 PLAY YARD •131s Heavy duly, ee.rf C o l d I n g . Plated hardware. Non toxic flnl11h Jl'uU •tu. Bott.om 6 ·~ lnchH oft lh• floor. llLFJO, •tt.N Al.iTO t"OLD Pl.A\' \' AllD s16'5 P'oldt automatically by •tt!J!fllnf an rubber foot pe<la.l. Re«J. 12.95 HIGH CHAIRS Alt h&rdWood. D e C' a I ~rat~. Six poelllon M!Juatablt , 1hock re- ll•t&nt plu t lc 1ray. 191s l;l" tttGH CHAIR n rt late • play or '1511.) ~~· - Pride Batb~tf', apec. Sl ~.9~ Fold.a Swlni;, & car seat $8.95 F olcla Stl'Ola. wit h Market Ba11kd Sl 1.95 ID 1-6'1' . .. 1 . . :; . I \ PA6E 6 -COAST At: SHOPPER -~ARCH 2, ·1955 ~y ENSIGN P-T A Presen t a ti on -to Richard Bon~ Enalgn P&rent·Teacher 4Moclallon preaented O. W. ~lck I Rl~h.ard with IU\ honorary lft• membership on their 8'tcond .. lveraary of F0UJ1dera' Day, ••b. 23 at 7:30 p.m. He waa 10 lionored becauae hi.a good work• •emputy ao much the aplrlt or 1'rolherhood ILlld P·TA poUcleL lln. Porter Sincl&Jr ma.de the pn- e111t.atlon. )In, N onno.n Wat.on, Foundera' J)ay chaJrman, preaented Jhree for· •in atudenlll In an Interesting panel 4J11eu1111lon of educational ao-atems and living h&blta In t~elr •apecllve countries: Ayodi.'11 Tan- bnowo, pre-mc<Jic atudent Al Chap-1nan Colleg'e, Orange, who l'Ornl.'111 tram Nigeria, A!rtdl; 8;·1~1tta 1-tm&4 and Inge Grundman at Orange Coaat College, both f rom Germany. A general que11tion and ~r dlacuulon followed. omot:R suTt: 'J'h• n ominating committee prt- 11Dted th• tollowmg al1tl' or olfl- ... for the next ye.ar; for pre.!- ... t, Mra. JC>al'ph Carver; 'firat 1f&O.-preaide11t, Mn. P orter Sin· l!talr; aecond vlce-pttaldent, Mra. .ieltn Hau; akrel&ry. Mnl. 0 . W. ascn..rd; hiatorl&11. Mra. A. Burr WJUte. Elecetlon wlU be at the Jlarcb 81eeUng. Now l8 the Time to have your FURS RESTYLED Tour outmoded fur coat ri>· atyled to a 11mart 11tole or dutch cape. ThW. Is the alack J>l'rlod and to keep our work· room bu.ay we are offer:tnr VERY SPECIAL "Off · Season .. PRICES The memlMn ot tbe P ·TA ~­ ed to purcbMe a world slo~ tor the nt'W ec~ Ubrary now under conatructlon. WUUam Ritter, prln· clpa!. will m&U th• MlecUon. Mra. Dan H•-.Jter, Civilian De- fenae chairman,. announced th• tonnaUon of a new Red CrON fl.rat aid COUr88 with G.omie bomb llUp- plement •tartlng ~ay, March l from 9 to 11 Lm. at the Tar Ptt. Four Boy Scout. from Troop 81., George H&WM!r, Bob .A.ndenon, BtU Ferry and Joha B~rnan, under the lea.derehlp of Scoutmuter Matthew WaideUch, prwented the c&li to colors with Amer1e&n Creed and Thought tor Brotherhood ln a very tmprelllllve cerem(Wly. The Invocation wu by "-der C.arice Ward from the Cbrl.tlan Science Church of Newport Beach. PAMT PB l!:llll>ENT Mnr. HLrVey Somer•, the only put pre1ldent, wu preaented with a P-TA key ch&ln and emblem cor- aace t or her work In utabll.I~ the Horace En.lirn P·TA. Hoatt'lllM'a for the evenlns from Mra. Chapman'• Nvtnth grade room mothva weNI the Mmea. Karen Margret.a Bruning, M. A. Berry and Fred Wood"°rth. Trophy for the m011t parent& present went. to Mr . Dean'• alXlh gNdt' room. SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY S08 North Broadway :.STOCK REDU.CTION y SALE BEAUTIFUL HALL-MACK and DURA • STEEL MEDICINE CAllNm to be 901d at t het1e drutically redueed prleee DURA-STEEi. CABINETS !S In. 111 st I.It. Wood Pr&mf'd - ~udltlir m-0oo,. Reg. $17.95 tJpec. SI0.95 "1u. ..... , .. rn .... Reg. $21.95 MPf'C. ~· S.9!; 28 ln. x 34 lo. All M.-tAI Cllrom# Framtd fi!Udlnit PLATE GLASS DOORS R~. $105. flJK'C. $63.00 HAUAllACK CABlNETS .. In. x !8 la. All Mf'~,...__. HJacf'Cl rta&e oa-Doo,. Reg. $18.50 apee. $1L~ WIUI AdJ1111table 81aelvee Reg. $21.00 spee. SIS.M 25 la. x f2 la. AU MPtal - C.."llrome Franwd 811d19c PLATE OTA.88 DOORS Reg. $125 .. Jpee. $74.95 ' Shoe Outlet THIS FOREGROUND FOURSOME ia dancing at the 8 to 9 p.m. clue of the Cotillion in Newport Barbor Yacht Club. Left to right are Jelfrey Smith. Chri8tianne KEYED TO CHILDREN M ayor J ains Drive For Dental H ealth "' Mayor Dora Hill toda1 jolned healthy developmwt of the chlld.'J th• council of Dental Health In Children'• Dental Health Week la designed to combat the prob-urg'inl' "greater awareneu of the lt-m of dental di•e ... ln children growing problem of denW dis· of pre-achool and achool age. Ila eu e among e.hlldren and gTe&Ler particula.r objective la to promote attention to a program for pre-a better under1tandlng of the u.n- venUon." derlytng ceuae of dental di~ The atatt'ment wu made ln con-and tocua attention on the lm- necllon with the lauance of a port.ance of s'OOd oral health proclamation du lgnaunr the hablla In p,..vtntlnf t ooth d11e&y week of March 7-12 u Chlldren'1 and other mouth dlae&le1. Dental Health Week In Newport In lb.la reepect, maximum effort Beach. Referring to a recent 1111r-WUl ~ made to brinJ forth to vey the mayor added that. on the every pannt. educator and child, average, dental ~ alt.acb 9 bluRc recommend&Uona on mouth out of ten children. Alld, ahe .. 1d, nutrition. Featured ln lhla pro- tbe percentage la 1ncreuln£'. hygiene, early preventive care and 'Thla 1ltuaUon w.tlng in any gram will be the dlatr1butlon of community abowd alert every 26,000 pamphleta to acbool ohll· pa.rent, educator 1U1d ciYlo lelldc' dren and p&nlll.I, and 1peclal Lo the nature of the problem and dent.al he&ll.b project.I ill 8Choola to a r-.ll.&atJon that dental health u a vital meuure. ln the overall play• a vttal part tJt th• nOl"lllal. ,health protection of the chUd. Hovises Fete Son and Wife Mr. and Mn. Ray Hovis, 709, Iria Ave., Corona del Mar, entertained informally at a barbecue on the afternoon of Sunday, Feb. 20 b9noring their son, Richard Hovia and hia bride, the former Miu Janet Thompson of Beverly Hills. The couple wu married in Reno, Nevada on Feb. 12 eur. prlslnf their n&aUvn and fr1enda. Ouul.I p~t lo of!t:r felldta· Uon.l lncluded, Mr. and Mn. Jamea Renne-y, Mr. and MrL Cha.rle1 Allan. Mrw. Karry Johna, ~nd· motheT of th• benedJ.ct: Don H ov1a, brother Of the new benedlct and h1a !lance. Mi• Mimi Moorhead; the honor duo and the boat and ho.tea1. The new Mre. Hoyt 1 11 the d&qbtar of the Ellwood Henry• Of 8eftl'ly Hilla, Who m t.ertal.ned for UM couple With a l&T .. cock· tau party. Hu huaband hu a W1Ce ad....-tlalnc ftnn In SUI l'r&ncMlco. wbel'e tb., wt11 make the.Ir f\lt\ln Jiome. -JO tolODa7 .Cbarp &cc 1atc Loweat Prlcee ln Newport Police Nab Woodland Hills loys Two teen-aire bop from Paclllc Lodae. Woodland Billi. were pldt· ed up by Newport pollce at 2 :30 Wedneaday momJnc and releued to Orange County Juvenile Hall AuthortUea. The boye reportedly admitted to police they atole the C&l' they were dnvmr In front ot the Redondo Beach Edi.Ion Co. Ndther yoUlJl, 13 and 14 ynn old, could produce a driv.rw Ucenu. The car wu rqiatered to Vellce OaryJe Mar- t in of TorT&noe.. Eaflel• ...... Tiie Carlton Dln.lda of BaJbo& laland returned borne Thund&y from a t:rtp to tM Oolondc> RJwr aboft Parker, Al'f.L wi..n Uw7 •m·nyed eome ~ U., par- chUed ncentJy UMN. Orange County 411 W. Fourth, Santa Ana Kl 7-3863 FABULOUS NEW SHIPMENT !FAMOUS ~~ SHOESI • DE USO DEBS Re1. 16.96 to H .95 • RED CROSS Beg. 11.16 to H.95 • MADEMOISELLE • NATURALIZE RS 699 • JOHANSEN 899 • AIR ffiP • CUSTOMCRAFT • RICE O'NEIL • AMANO TO • VALLEY • NATURAL BRIDGE • DELMANITTE • MIRACLE TREAD 899 • PARADISE TO • VITALITY • PALIZZJO • JE~ltO • TWEE DIES • HILL I DRAKE ... 17.11 to M.95 • KJMEL • I. MILLER Carver. Diana Fieber and George Hoag. Latter are child- ren of Patronesaea Mrs. William Fisher and Mn. George Hoag II. -Beckner Photo Church Receives Cha rter . For Cub· Scout P ack 187 The February meeting of Cub .Brian Campbell, denne'r,,1 at ripe; Scout Pack 187 of CUit Haven I J ohn Macy, uaiatant denner ltrlpe. and Bayahorea wu a gala Blue and Gold banquet he.Id a t the Horace En.algn achool celebrating the t.llth annlveraa.ry of the Boy Scoute or Amerle&. The decora· Uona were all made by the Cub•. ea.ch table bavtnr blue and gold pla.ce-mata, place-card& and n ow- eni and the Scouta and their fam· Uie9 ('Jljoyed a tremendoua blue and r old decorated cake whlcb bouted '6 candleti and which wu donated by St. Jam• Epllcopal Clturch, 1ponaor of the Pack. Openlnc ceremony wu conduc- ted by Den ' Cubl, Denn1-Bonda, Sam and Bill Downinf. Donald Mra. Randolph Oeddee' Den 10; J amle Chrl1tenaen, wolf S' o l d arrow , wolf 11lver arrow; Ji(ll(e Pella. bt'ar badge; Ralph Skinner, wolf badge; Randy Geddu ; bear b&dse. bear sold arrow. Out.ltandlng entertainment wu ottered with a coloNld moviq pie· n.u-e ot the Boy Soout Jamboree ot 1903 on the Irvin• Ranch. It wu announced that the enUre Pack la pla.nJtlnc a trip tq the 0ceanll('1um on March 12. Luncheon Meeting of Starbright Club Grupe. Bruce Trotter, Allan Gray, Some 216 membera ud au .. ta RJcllard Holmer and Steven Shedd. attended the mont.hly luncheon Cub Scout 1<>ngs, led by H. H. meeUnc or Starbrlght Club at the Burnett, atarted the feaUvlUea. Muonic lodge hall In Coata Me• The new ST&nt charte.r wu pre-Wedneeday, Feb. 18. The commlt- aenled by ff. H. Bumett of St. tee 1D dual'&• of the luncheon ln· JamH Ch\&l'Cb to carry on tbe cluct.4 Xra. Clyde R. Joim-, CUb Scout procn.m. chatrman; Mra. Kanoy I>el1ter, R4isUtr&Uoo carda were pre-Mra. LeRoy Alldenon. Mn. Frank aented lo Bob campbeU, CU~ Clendenen and M,.. EmerllOll RID. M .. ter; Robert Olander, uailtant An aJternoon of card• followed the Cu~Muter: Randolph Oeddea, luncheon and bualneaa meeunc. committeeman; Vivian J ohmon, ------------- co-ord.lnator and Den -Mother., Mmee. Lawrence Bl"OWD, Sam ~. Georc• Curt.la. Alberta Smith, Robert Crowner, Randolph Oeddea. The Bob-Cat ceramon,y wu con- ducted f or Stenn Shedd, Gary Bolte, Dourtu Conllner, an d Timll\1 Wiiiiama. Award.9 Included .Mn. LaWTimN Brown'1 Dea 3: Flit.a Kott. three Bear aJlve.r arrow1; Rlch&rd Daw· eon. bear badg-e, bear Sold arrow, HBI Chief Mentor use head coacb JUI HU.1 11.u ~n named chief mentor for t.M next Eut-Wut Shrtne tootbe.U f&llle. achedulfd for~-31 In Sari Fra.nc.i.co·a Kdat Stadlwn. ~ORT~~~ .. r , two bear aUver UTOWI, cteruwr r-------------. stripe; Tim Brown, two bear sllnr .. . ·.' arroWI; MAC Renfro. wolf aUftr arrow, uallltant denner 1tr1pe; Bobby Olander: wolf ba~e. Mn. Sam Down!JIC'a Den •: Donald Crupe. wolf gold arrow, .-..;lf 11lver a.rrow; Bruce Trotter. t ...... , ... ,, , .. ,, •, -· _ _,,_ t .... _ . ......_ __ _ uailtant denner 1tr1J)(': Ala.n ____________ _. Gray, denner atrlpe; Dennia Bondi. -Aho - wotr Cold arrow: Mra. C.arse Curt.la' Deft &: Rick Steel•'• lJon M G•M'i---... ti.dge. .,_MUDOUI Mn. Alberta Smith'• Den T: Tl•·ITAlt WllAI Randy SpapoletU, •olf ~e: IJiJ;JUJE llJIE Chari. Hofmann. dl'llner lltr1pe; Alan Gonion, ualatant denneT 1tJ1pe. X.:.. Robert Crowner'• Den S; Ga.ry Packer, bMr ti.dee: . . "" . . .. . . ' THI PIRATI we're t.be cuteet pla.ce ln to••n 28t1a St. a& Newpori llbrd. TU llEm il nu; FIKE8IDE BOT DOGS -SOABT 'Ell YOUll8ELP 1099 • TONI DRAKE • Mei meny othen • DICKERSON • RHYTHM STEP 1·299 CA.111.TI..S'9 roa.rruu otl.,. ~JUL 8ftl TO FIT "7 purM -nwy ,_..,... -"W7 .... problem Iisdlvtchal .,.... -c11w--. llieedboudl la twin. hre twta. Qu.-Md JDnc lllM • • • alJlo ucepUonally ft.De .. u,..... tn all m. at ...U.y W'Ollder1Ul pt1eea. All et UN above ou be b&d wdlniaht!d • tlltMr ._...k woM or nn. Mil it 10U '""9Jd bite to ... a.a aa.-..aa~...._ - CARLYLE'S FURNITURE, 1990 Harbor Blv.d .• Costa Mesa Ebell ·Members to Sa mple I English Bra nd of H u n1o r A tea honorlnr new membe.rs. \o\'C'bb S1 h«w'll, Claremont, a n r.nir-la ellhlbit or antique•. a •pC'akPr, 1 ushmrrn who cnme to lhia c·<>111)try and a prosram by the music 1ec· to atu,f\• a pplkutl<'n of ml'tcor- Uoo will fMture the Thur11lay ology to motion pk tllres, and meeUnc or Ebell Club. Speakt'r whoa" 1.11,w111lon Is 10 pro\'e that will ~ John PetU.y, lnatl'uclor at th11 h!nitll"h rt'ally have a ttnM JOHN PE'ITLEY L I D 0 7'rl"~.:tr.:. . . . or hun111r. Mu. M11n11y Rabbitt. <"h11lrman or the 1m llq11<,. Sl't'lhm. 111 IQ t'h&I');" o! the "puta anti 1•111•.hera .. exhll.11t. Thl11 Is f1rsl llPJlt'Rranre of tht m11s1~ lit't'lhrn. wlllC'h will bt• di• rect t",I bv Mn• Leslt'r Vi1•rh nr with ~1,,;, WHHum Trilt as ace compnnlst. The many n .. 11· member• will be int1111hlC't'<I by lh<'ir 11po~aor11. T\\ O HW o.s t:S J llDfl \\)"nlllD H11C'k Huct,.on ''!\I AH S I .-1ct:ST OBl' F.S~ION" Audy Murphy "("IMAltRO:S KID .. Adult" l\lkl Conttnoou• ~un. From % :It E\·e Showa 8t&rt t :U NOW GOING INTO THE 2nd BIG WEEK THE SCORCHINGLY PERSONAL BEST SELLER COMES TO THE SCREEN __ ~HUfT[D I Y WARNER BROS. IN • CIN•MASc:oPE: WARNERCOLOR ·STEREOPHONIC SOUND - HEf ll N . RAY. f RUMAN . OlSON . WHITMORf . MASSEY TAB DOROTHY ANNE HUNTtR· MAlONt' fAANCIS Ad;t:~.::r ~::. ~.:P~~=::'zo~ Kid'• Mat. Sat.. 1:&.'i "MIGtrrv .JOE YOUNG" LAAT T IMT. f'AT. I:\•~ !"bow !Cl art.e 'J:OO RolMlrt Taylor, F..IP1U1or Park.-r "MANY Rl\"ER-!'< TO CROSS" a.d ~-FkUINI Tbrtll~r "TA&JOET EARTH" START~ 8 l'X. 11 DA\"H O!\"L\' Au. TMK llOAltlNG, ltAllCOUS. ROWDY DCITSMENT Of' THE C&AUIC OFFSHORE OIL DEAL HIT BY-HARBORITES Harbor and South Cout ott- .,,.. oil weU drilllnlf opponent. l.M the rllfhl -CW!al "Wand" type ocean' petroleum recovery al 'l'hWlld&y'• hearinir ~fore the Bt&U Landa ComM!Jtlon. Alter llat.en1n' to arsu mti'l ll for and qa&.n.lt Oftabore oU drtlllnlf ln the oce&11 al Hunlinfton Beach the eonuniaalonera, alttll\1 ln Loa An- 1e1el, took th• matter &&nder aub- mtalon While m&Jot' oU t1nna claimed In preaentaUona that th• •tale would recelve more than a bllllon clollan ln royalt.I•, Herbert I'. Kenny, B&lbo&. eecNtary ot Or- &nl'• ~ty Cout AuoclatJon. and other South Cout men oppQe- ed their project. Kenn7 Aid: "EPIDl:JUO" FEAllED "We fear uu. operaUon not Ol\ly for lllelf, but for the fact tbal It would open the flood irai .. tor an epidemic ot •lmilar operatlona that could be effected alone a.I I ot our cout wtierever oil might be available." Other South Couten Jolnlng Kenny In opposiUon to "laland" oil operaUorui Included John Snet - a1n1er, La(\lna Beach Chamber of Commerce manacer; Selim H. FrankUn. Costa Jdeaa. represen- Un1 .A..Aoclated Cbambera of Com- merce ot Oran.re County, Inc.; William Oalllenne, HunUnlflon Beach Chambf>r ot Commerce ex· Probation Given John Stevens in Marijuana Use SANTA. A.N A. (0CN8J -While Illa parente bruahed ltar• I rom their eyes John I:. Stevena. 18. 2 19 20th 81. today WU l'r&nttd three yeera' 1tral«hl probation on a narcotic• poaae11lon charre. Stev,.u wu arrultd by Ntw· port Beach police Jan. 4 a l his home. They ttpor1ed lhe flndlng of t. brown pipe cMtalnlng marl· Juana In th• poeHUion of the dtf,ndant. Srevua, a commercial flaher· rnan. la ter pleaded g'Ullly to the accuaaUon and •Id he. ua~ mart- J1111na u an "tac•!>' from emotion· al dlftlculllu." JutlBe J ohn Shu told Steven• °'f'Vtr7thlnr; ln the probaUOn Otclce r tporl la favorable exrtpl tht of· tenM. Your aaeoclatlon w ith your felltlW men ha1 bffn extremely r;ooo. Thty a.ll apeak hltbly of you. Your ability to make trlendJI and y<>ur attitude have lmpreMed •ll who ht.Ye worked wtt.h you. "Your tonduct U• .cr-17 Oft ecuuve secretary: G. H. UndMy, treuurd'; o . W. Ce.rrtck. 8aA a. mente, Cout.a.l Area Protective ShOreltne Planning .A.uociaUon League v1ce·prealdent. Mervyn Phelan, COWi.Ml for Rlcbtleld Oil Corp.. replied to Kenny'• protut.a t.hua: "DrJ.lllnr could be e&rried on Crom only two lala.nda, one about a h&ll-mtle otf 8ore, UM other about a mile, ""1th 100 w.U. from -.ch, tanning out like i.pokee ta a wheel Th-lllanda could 'be landacaped and llrhted at nlghtJI, adding to the .cenio bef.ut,Y o! lhe oc.an front. We need to develop thll oil l'fl9UTe, It la nec--.ry to the .Ute'• ~omy and to our natJonal det-.·· Spokeamflll tor Superior Oil Co .. Union Oil Co. ot Ca.lilorn.la. Contl- nenla.I OU Co. and Shell Oil Co. presented ainp.lar argument. on behalf of ottahore drilling. E.stlmatu on the oil value po- tentJaJ ranged from $8 to '10 bllUon of which the atate would get from 2() to 35 percent In royalties, depending upon aw&rd of a competitive bid. Opponent.a to the offabore op- eration• contended auch drllllng would destroy natural acenlc beauty, deter Southland tourtata from enjoytng South Cout recre- a tional opport unltlN and reduce property valuea. your 11houldera. Don't try to ahlft the load off a 14-year-old r lrl. You can't blame It on comp&n!onahlp." Attorney Robert Hurwll% pre· vtoualy explained Stevena' involve· ment with the girt. The probation department re- commended a jail aentence. but Judge Shea ~.ued tll4 ~geA· Uon. He decl.attd: "It'a up to you. JI you ever come In here 11g&ln, it wlll mean the penltenuary. You CIUl go out ot htre thinking yo11 pulled one over on me or that you have ~n (tvtn a lucky break." DEATH NOTICE llAV MEXNES Funeral .erv1cea tor Ray H M,.flnee. 39. ot 20U Harbor Blvc:I • Costa Mell&, are pt ndtng al Park- u -R1dl<'y , Cotll• Mesa. He dled •uddenly yeat"d11y ln TWenty Nine P11lro11. Mr. Mtnnn I.a aurv1vM by hla mother, brother and •Isler ot Co1- ta Mtaa. He wu a charter membfr or thf' Newport Harbor Elkll Lodge 11'7. Mr. Mennu wu an tnaura.nee brok•. NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS.PRIM Z.917 Koodq Uld ,,.._., COASTAL SBOPPEB-Wedneedays .. ' u.ee 1 Paper ' • '71 4 U.. -1 Papen UI 4 u... a ·Papen s.• 411a Ooutal SMpper ~Ada --Im la tM ---er '.n111nda7 PubbeadOll HlNDIUM AD 18 ' LI.NU A.I.I C'IUlllfted Ada m•t be ,.,d for C..lt la adyuoe el pa~ NEWPORT KAllBOR PUBLl8Hl.fP..~"O. IHI ...,.,_ Blvd., N-,ort Beee1'. <JWf•naJ&. ~--------DEAD LINES tor Plac\nlf or canctlllils ada are: For Monday Publlcallon -Monday 9 Ltn. F or Wednelday PubllcaUOn -Tund.ay 2 p.m. F or Tlluraday PubllcaUon -WednNday l p.m. The publlahtr• wlU not be reaponalble for more than one 1.ncornct lnaerUon o! an ad, rutrve the rig"bt to correcUy d&Mlty any and all ada and to reject any ad not conforming to rule. and resW&Uona. Spedal Notices Spedal Notlcea CONTRACT BRWCE GAMES. Leuona daily. 2025 Anaheim, Costa Mesa. The boat Apache, official No. 251.947, is being aold. Pre- eent all bills to Frank Sim· on Associates, Berth 205A or P. 0 . Bex 834, Wilming- ton, Calif., prior to 10 a.m., March 4, 1955. 19c21 Llberty 8·1530 16p18 12-BuUdln~ Servlaee 12-BaUd.lng 8el'\'1cee • WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL CONTRACTORS • Garages, 18 x 20 STUCOO-OR SIDING -COMPLETE $695 Uncluding slab) SPECIALISTS in room additiona and remodeling for over 8 yn. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Llberty 8-5763 -Kimberly 3-827t 87plH General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA term.. RealdenU&J and Commercial Free E1tirnate1 and Plan Service C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-7576 OF THE JtST rtOfdM •' POST Offael ALL FUNDS REC~fVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTM EARN FROM TME FIRST OfJice Mours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9: 30 a. m. to 8 p. m. .. ... , .. ,. Nnport Banor B. P. 0. & 1787 !! ! •::1 .. •tt.. HOLLISTER BROS. NURSERY New lawn, re&1e>nable or DO rr TOUl\SICLF-~ m.L • ORA.Dll roUR 8SJIID AND ROLL UNDER OUR OUlD- ANCE. -LI 8-115112. 10cUH U 8 •!!I .. f1 II FOR RENT 111:111 ........ DnDll. PDUIMn. &ll~ftl ........ ~ ,.... .. BOYD'S HDWE. 1UO W. ocuaT mGllWAT UIMnr ~ "..,en ... ..,. PAINTING Pabatmc A Paper llustDc "The 8ellt Mane1 Cu Bu.J'' ~Y,':e~~~~~r PBOQ IUABOI\ HCM Uo II 81 11'1 I W..W RESPONSIBLE couple will inanap apartment bouae tn return for rent. Refer- ence. turn1abed. Bood 1f reqllired. WRITE Box P·2e th» paper. 4tf IO "'Mc' .. I'll,_ ... FIREWOOD FftnDl:LIVDT Dry wood, .... -,. .. leq'tA Call B. ll. aTAOO Pbone Hartlcw J 01, llnnlnp Hanor a.st1 19tt OOMPANlON-1.a.t.ary -lomt ~ 0,.,. on BoyMll J*nta and practical nUJ111nc. Have muna-81llel"ll tnamel While auppl1 &uta. aerlpt exparience. Mtddle aced. &rptna In \teed bruahN. •11 • treie to t.na¥el, ba-.. OW11 car. Hnd at .. Newport Bsdl. Pllone a.at or reterepcea. U 8-70'71 or Hu. 2'31. / ltcJ'TH P. o. BOil oe. Newport s.&cb. ---.-=----------- JOpH AlcohoUce Anollymou9 %9-Belf Waated Fresh Hearing Aid BA'l'TEJUJ:8 We Olv. BAH OrMll 8tampe ASPHALT TILE Wnc. P. o. Boa Pl OIJUA -Gunderson. Drug Co. LINOLEUM N~ ~ ,c;:t Good News Main St. at B&J~ Bl¥d., Balboa harbor ~u. MUo I In.Ital! the above cheaper than. tie Oood joba - mOltt. Alao MU TU• • Uooleum. -------------Good aalary -• Non-unJon, 25 yeara .Xpertence. Comp&re and aee -· BILL COKER LI 8~2ot 7ttc CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. r our Home Need 1Upa1Jina or lkanockllnc T Call Frank. Liberty 1-tt&t Al.I Work Ouarut.eed Ht.fc COMPLETE P ,.mTING_ & Paper Hanging Service llUGENl!J 0 SAUND~R8 '>00 lSht tttrttt. Newport Bead! Harbof' 297S•J. 41~4 CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats o. Homtr Har,.rove, U 8-11770 12c26h Exp. Gardener Yard Clean up -ReplanUnc Lawn M1lnlenance Ph. LI 8-3e89 or LI 1-f~H 19p21 PAINTING PA.PER HANGING RuldentHll It Commercial Work U cen.ted Contract-Ore c.J.I Lulnrton e-o•• coUecl. 18pp30 General Contracting R.£P A.IR.S. rem~llnS and aJtera· tJoa work. Realdenlla.I and com- mercial bU1ldlnsa. Quality Work Guaranteed Har 3161 daya. Har. 2480..J evea. tttfc PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 27* Palmer BL, eo.tA Me• Phone L.lberty 11-2921. 171.fc l'alntin~ Is Pa~ We do the work ounelvea. 30 yean •Jll>flrlence 1..Jcenaed 6: l.rulurtd. Batla!acllon l"l&r't.ntttd. UJmatu trH . Call Johnlile. Ll 8-2687 le Ll 8-5289 81Uc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanginc GEO. BURKHARDT LICICNSED CONTR.A<...9I'OR Oll l<IUI SL. Newport Bftcb Har. 2Ul-W or U l-t632 ttc House Plans UBERTY 1-e2~1 lOttc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AlR WORK NO JOB 'J"<XJ SMALL H, 0 . Ani:eraon LI 1-toeo Coat& MM& "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come to your home, take down your venetian bllnda. take them to our la undl'}'. Launder the &l&tt. tapea. CO\ ... l'p&rkllni clean with our n'w machine process m!'lhod. R!'tum your bllnda and 1'11-1.natall them In 24 hours. Prlce v,.ry re&aon•blt. The avn· •ie 2 ta~ ru1dentl•I blind- Only $1.00 We al.a repair and rebuild v'M· Uon blinds. All work lfon' by Ap- pointment. Phone now l.lber-ty 8·6701 or Klmt>erly 3·827~. ppttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prom pt R.pa.1r Semce Maintained Phone: Harbor 44124 UOI BIU bu• Blvd., ;'\;r Wfl<•rt Beach p#r1) HAULING ANY KJND-TRASH OR ? Anythlnl'. Anywhere Scratch Remo'ting and P'urniture Refiniahing Mione Uberty 8-21'4 Pbone Ubf'rty 8-2l4S PPTJ' Experienc'd.Jardener LANDSC. ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1650 10c21H -P'or a dependable u..-cl car, ... your local dealer wM will be hen TOMOIUWW to ~clr up what lie •lla TODAY I Check t.Jle UHd , ~~ty_AJda Superfluous Hair wtU\ frequent lncre&R• - Opportunity tor advancement. - Som• openlng"a now ror YOWi& wom~n In Newport Beach oUlce: THERM.ADOJ\ port. e&ee. room heater. '8. Uprtctit Hoover fte- \l)lm, M. Radiant iru baat.er. flO 11 .. r. 37~1 -R evtt. A wk•ita. 11cJo PennaoenUy removeo fro&:Q race a.nna. 1eca .Eyebrow• Mid bair line ahape..i-No more twen1n1. TJ:l.ZPHONlt OPERA T 0 R 8 , ------------- CLER.JC.AL WORKERS fwitb MANLEY POPCORN MA· EU..£.N l.. BR YA.NT R. L Wdo'a Salon ot Beauly Har. ia1e t.tc typing ablllty1. CHINE. Very Reuonable. Apply llU ·~ N. Main St., Hubor 728. 20c22 c ~oom 211 1 Santa Ana Monday thru Friday, 9_. p.m. 22-.Loet &ad Fouad PACIFIC TELEPHONE SO·B-AP.e_~.!'!9 7tk -----~--~-------------~ LOST -Male red Cocker Spaniel, --A t t• W h 10 yn.. old. Family pet Corona WOMEN wanted. temporary, aax u oma IC as ers _ _. H M9e months. MaJI poatcarda. Good RECONDmONED det Mar, rt1w ... ". ar. handwrttinr or l"""'Wriler. Box 18c20 n·-FULLY CUAR.AN'TmllD 47, Watertown. Mau. 18p23 U-&hools, bttrueUon --------China Painting Day and Ev.ntnir CJ .... Ord.re Taken Now Phone Liberty 8-M-48 ttt.fc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN A WOM.ICN prepare ln apani Ume tor unlimited opportunltlee In Real E9tate. New rtaue1 WHlcJy. Al Tyler lnttructl.nl'. Al· tend ttrat n ·ell1n1 tree and learn abuut u111 ..,eat neld. cau or write now Cor Information. Bual· n .. a lll~tltute. O~"' N. Syca- more. Kl !-17r>3. 74tfc POTI'ERY Beg1nnlnc clue Mon. A Wed. 10·12 a m. Calif. Cert. ln.atructor. t87 So. Cout Blvd., La(una Buch. 19p21 23-Sltuat1oM Wut.ed -------*--------· ------ .A.PPLlCA TrONS being" taken tor part A tull time dlah-.tiers. ALSO nl!4Kt p&rt time bu• boy. 2306 E . Coaat Hlfhway, Corona del kar. 18c21) EXPERIENCED mar1ne palnten A. marine enrtne mechanlt'a. Do not apply unlua experienced 6: recenUy emplo7.d. Re!. rtq. The Boat.walD'• Loclter. 2431 WNl Cout. Htpwa.y. Nnvport ~ach. Apply to ~ Mellton. 18<:20 DESIRE middle &led ... dy or pen- 111ontr to cook for •ml-tnvalld lady, In exchanc• for comfor- table home, board A amatl waiea. Har. 1877-W. ltp2l YOUNG MAN tor alock work - Harbor PaJ.nt Center, 02 !lnd St., Nf'Wp<>rl. ltdl -------------NURSERY SCHOOL Tl:ACKER wanted, part Ume, exper1enctd only. W rttten a.ppllca llona con· atdned. Write to ltO Jtul lMh St .• c.o.tt& Meaa. 20c22 ABC-0-MA TIC ... ..--···' It' GENERAL ELECTIUO ---· .. Kl!NMORID ....................... --Tt BENDIX ..... ., ..... -.......... --·· 19 l!ICONOMA T ........................ -... ft THOR ., .............. -........... -.• llt a.nd 3~ othera trom wtllela lo chooae LOW MONTHLY TD.au JESSEE APPUANCll: OOMPAHT 1013 S. Waln, ll&nt& A.a o~ 'lll • p m. IOela lt~ O'KEErll: It MDNTJ' rans•. Tb• bl< CP all autoala.- llc. clock. lamp, chrome f4P 6 &'1'1ddle. Alao hu Un lop • fTW broiler. Uaed 1 mo.. pd. dJI. to JlM. No dn. p)'mt., JU•l par °'9 pymtA. of St.~ Jl9' mo. BH Baushna A • 1 w.,..Jlouff, %20 8, Malo. ll&nta Ana <>pea 9 •• Kt 3·7201. R 1 M • t TYPIST • 1teno., ateno -b1''kpr. REJ"IUOll:R.ATOR apt. •LM. • cu. Oy $ aln enance bookkeeplnc ma.ch. opr : male fL Xl11 t. cond. MO. """"' -ter House cleanlar-Floor waxlnr m.Untenance; mar1nt pa.lnter·a; .attentr. Nearly llf'W. LI •·•HO. Wall waahlns-wlndow cl!!anlns Electronlc'a technician; Stveral JtpU Venettan bllnda. Upbolettty live-In hOUMkeeper9. cooka. lt!M HOTPOINT refrlr-tor. Bir l.naured. Free E•UmatH F A Liberty 4-1332. llfc June arrar gency 11 cu. It. ~. aat.omatlc ------------JDCPLOTMENT detra.Ons. ~ .. 41oor. It'• Expe~ci1ener and CLEAN UPS 402~ • Hnd., Newport 1teMt. _. Wt pd. dlt. '-.... fr'Om CAc.,_ ,._ 9°ll7 ..... llOO. a.ll ett pq Ge ,,....._ ot 1u...-- MAJNTENANCE MAN to h-.d So Bausbne A •• WtnllOUM, Llberty 8·1M9 departmtnL E:xperitnced. Good U0 S. Kaill. lanta 4aa 0,,.. lk:rtR pay. t . t Kl a.7201. ------------BALBOA BAT CLUB. Pbone LI -------------LICENSED, eapenmced Nclpper 8-221 I, uk for Mr. R-. w h" .. -' h• anlla.bl,., Ph Har. 112t·W aft<'r 20c22h aS ·~.::·C me • p.m. __ 1_9P_21 BOAT pa.Int.er or painl•ra Mlpe.r. 1-.,..., lf'&U'a8'--.'°'9 .... \.\'ASKJNO t.nd tronlnJ do11e a: Apply •t S&RVICE A.Jl'LOAT. and oc ued ........ a.M" homf'. Wiii t'&ll for A de,llvn. Harbor 0771. 20tlc (rear) ltewpott ~ CllllU M.._ u 11-8412. 1_8_P2_0 REAL F;ITATE aaleam&A. Ml.I.Wt Liberty ~ or Liberty have Ca.lltom la Ucenae . .ApplJ 8-4327. MUo Alterations RESTYLJNO Kim of California 212 Marini' Harbor 301 B&lboa bland 18p30H Three baby slllfn available for evenln11a Phone Llbfrty 8-2722. 20p21h MAN • WOMAN will do gfnrt•I houHWork, noor Wlllltng. win· dow cleaning. Fut workttl, wh1tt. 194 E 20th St.. Colla Mua.. U 8-2683. ppU PAINTER WA:'l:TS WORK. l:'J yt!ara f'Xpl!ri· ence. Non union Hourly ~lberty 8-2722, 20p2lh Yard Maintenance Clet.n up Joba. F'TM EsUrnate Liberty 1-37 5t. IOpll ll In peraon 10 • 4 al Ot i:.at BaJ- boa Blvd . B&lboL 20c22 S..-Mb1oellueoua for 8-le ANTIQUES, uaed t\imllurt, bric· a -brae, powtr to<>I•. old cloch . latnp•, pl<'turu. old chlna. cut glue, \.by turn.. mlac. BUY, SEl..L 6: TR.ADE. Visit Charlie Davia' (larse new atorel 180~ £. Anaheim BL, Lons Bcl\. Phone S* 139. 20c22 WESTINGHOUSE dee. atoYe, fut unJta 1100. Keh1natof' r.tnc .. t cu. f~ wtth tnaar compartmmt '175., Teny Rambler 17 tt. trlr. on Newport lot. n~llent cond. Ph. Klmberly 2-9~ daya or Harbor on-w nu. 20c22 TWO new qullt-s aeat roptn• aad- dl-. 1 Ror R-01era aaddlt, red A yellow ear br1dlea. brt'aat col· lal"ll, t.an bo~t A wolf aklna, 100 burlap t.p. 3M E. JStl\ Sl., Coaa Meaa. l8c20 MARTIN 80: 7 hp. outboard, U~. HOUSEV.'ORX and cookln&. llvt Wlard 12' boat with oar11, J l75 In, -lA'xlnlflon •·MU. 20p22 Chrta Crall 8' dinghy, ttber&la.<a ROTOTILUNG, l'Wlonunr . f#rlll· on bottom, 17~, Tra1ltr, U u l:ilng 6: 11eneral yard clean up. Paddltboard, J:'J. Webster wire Ntw lawna. Rarbor 2791-J . recordtr, port modf'I. l~O. Are EARL COl'NORS. 20p22 welder, CT1lfllun&11, 76 amp. JM Wbf'rty 8-2632. J8lrc WANT mmdlnc • mtnor alt.er ... ------------- tlon1 on mtn'e clolhl.nl'. 128 . 1000 43rd 8t.. Newpo'l't ~ach 20p22 Ef>'FICIENT cloO\ea mtndlnir; any and au kind.a. M y home or youra. U .25 per hour, t -.m. to I p.m. LI WOOi. 20p22 Buainee11 cards $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. WRITE U M OU I Evea. U a-61~) pptlC! The More You TELL, the more you SELL! .._ .......... .,..., .. .,. ""'117 .. 1" .,._ low 4 U.. fw a 111111.bft-daiMllW aid T" We kl&eft -of Ille ,_.. N_P,_ f'laaiafftM ... .,.. c.a'-rlly _,.. ...... -.. ., -.1"&4re UM .ct\'prt.l•r ... stH C'Ont- ptet. 111.form&UOll la Illa ... "l"M a f-adjeett.._ --- "Bl! nplt4-tt • -• "S..a. pric!e -• - "Ot .. ._.._ --• ~MUI ... ,_ a ,._., We ....,_ ...-, &•,...._.. .._ Pl9t'N ""nae llM'& 1" TEU.. U.. -rt1 ,_ 8ELL!" 8o .n.. yoa an .._,_,. ... roar aid. Ii"" ...... 11110-..... , .. -UllM w11I attn.ct ......... Oii If ,_ -• ._.. .. wrttaac 7oar ad. 19)4 NOROS ...-.,, automaUe puah button, IMS tab, -ctr.tor, overtlow rtNlt. Uead l _. Pd. dn. lo $lM.N. Hoda. J7"1t.. Juat pay Ule pymta. Cl( SI.at per mo. Bee Beupna A A I W~ 220 8. MaJ.n, ll&nt& AM ()pea 9 • 9 KI 3-7201. BENDtx •ulltr, .ao phamMn• connect.lone neeeta&r)'. cutora ... allabJ., lbceU.nt coed. Ao. Harbor 0481-J. IOdl 0000 U fll'.::O REnUO. Med . ._., new motor Wilt SJ6. -11' a.- gonla. Corona d#l Mar. Har1">f' 3974-J. ~ U~ O'KUR A KDIU1"l' ranee. H ip brolJar, chl'OIN top. Pct dn. to Sllt.M. No dn. PJ111l. Bee Bau11\na A A I W&l'UclUf. 220 8. M.Un, 8&.nta .A.Ba Opae • -9 Kl 1-7201. WESTINOHOU&m a u le a a t I o wu h,r. brand n .. ; wicrat.ad b\ll nun dellfft'td. fl .. ~ or take payment. of only ft.~ month; P•1 onl7 aaJee taa dow"1 we wm ln11lall aad ,.i-.. 1.,...,. JUar&nlH P"ftll:JC. JESSEE .APPWANCI: COMPAHT JOllJ 8. Maln, llMI& A.a.a Open 'tll t p.m. 20cll SO-A 8!!f! WA.NT ~ t"1ler. 8WAP ror plaa<l, wuMr, rtfric., ete. Ph. HTatt •·1611. 1k20 T'Wll"t BIZI: 1nMnprlns mat'"n and boa apr1q, Holl~ fr Vuy reaaonable. no. Broad Bt , Newport Htll'hu . LI a-is~ »:22 MOVING, MUST IEU... ~ m•l, f"rtJ'ld&.lr•, O'Kuta • Mer r1ll at.on , dble. bed. ri\att.n• • bot apnni•. blonde head.board R.altari "t lncludln.t 30" a 10' cl&.M top brtdr• rble. • ... ~h&JNI and pa.da. vpbo~ rh&Jr, nonr lamp. CaJ1 Harbor 2403. 20c22 -OAV~ORT, turquo1ae A 9'.lnt' upholatered, like new '100. Harbor a813·J JOp21 can la Ult claNlfled Hct.100 ~ CAU. II.A~ Hit.-. Mil for UM AD-TA&EJL 1 -=x:x=aa::icoooaaaaaacaac1CDCxxxxx:x:1C1CX~·a:d COl1U'ORTABLJC o Y • r • t • U t d .i.u, a20. ,.._ u •na aocu dq, I ..... I J . PA&! I-COASTAL: SHOmR-MAICH 2, l 955 _u ao.a.. !!rr'!- H 11.aeeJ.a.dlo.aTV -----.---.. SPINET PUHO. Lowl)-tone Al>4 ._ oa)y PIT. Tenn.a. Ot.hu W'Oftdin tuJ llerpilla la Nltal ,..,.. tuna, trade ln OD Of'l'UUI, eta. a...n.a merely .upt.ty .uatcli· ed lD ablpmct. ""CHECK THESE USED CARS Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN HERE'S . A VALUE! FREE INSTALLATION on atf new CHRYSLER m.trine engines DANZ.SC!DaD1' 520 No. Main, 8anta Ana Honest TV Service STEVENS Ir SONS 1179 Butlor, Coeta Meaa Buy from a locel dealer who will b• here TOMORROW to beck up whet he sells TODAY ! * with this ad * 6 Cyla. -$4&.&a I Cyla. ----$61.U l'b U..ty 1·1'01 T7pp-tlc THEODORE ROBINS Miller Chevrolet's Pre· Spring Sale llh luo.io Doi h labor Uld ,.,.l& New 11rtCI, WriM pllu, ftJ"O r rin11. r11unp or maan and rod beartnce. Expert motor tu"• up. 90-uay or 4,000 mile ClJaratlle-. pw-chaaed from Feb. 2111t th.n& Mucla 7th iaehaaive FROM Industrial Marine Engines Inc. 1 ,i SPECIAL M~rch Spinet Buys BIO 11.AYlNOS lnc1"41n• Ktmball. THIS Includes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials, Crowns, Crown Special! & Imperials. Oulbran11&11., Leiter and Wurlltz· er 1111lnet pl&noe, Liberal trade. Convenient l•nn• at.- SHAFER'S Mu.elc Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Byeam~. Santa Ana Phone KJ.m~rly 2·0672 EXAMPLE-BRAND NEW Chrysler Ace seJls for $109:5 (plus sales tax) F .0.B. your boat. This is the total cost to you placed in your boat ready to enjoy. This special off er includes: l . Preparin& engine bed.a, ? Aligning and bolting down engine, 3. Connecting and furnishinr all part.a !or wa- ter 11yste.ro. t Connecting and tumishing all ~ngine wiring, 5. C<mnecllng throttle and clutch control. F.n ginr and inatallation carries 1-yr. guarantee, AH work done at our shop Berth 205A Cerrito~ Channel Engine show r~m and newest. finest, ael! service marine hard ware 1tore in thi. area. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington AU engine type. & modela in 1toclc. Financing available. AU jnstallatlona subject to approval ot our marine engineer, A. M. ''Gus" Walku tndustrial Marine Engines, Inc. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington, Calif. 2•-hour Phone Service TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 16p21 .::;.IZ::;__;-Fu::_::.iatat,:;.:.:hh:;::.:_=-:::fo;.::.r..;;:S.:::::h..__...., H !!!',. !'!ft!- Thrifty Buys at Bay New 25 RP 'M l:vtnnade, elec. •t&rler, run l hr. cart • 2 W!Jta. U.60. for eqwly. Har. fH. llc20 INT. U , comp. recooc11Uoned. Two Bar •loolll, hdw . .S•ltm fin .. 24" auit.1 .all•. nylon aptn•ktr. cov· . $~. 88 er. •pray thit'ld, aa.nd dolly. Har &r •l•N\I~, ht!w S•l,.rn fill JO 3761·R e\'U. It wlcmda. llc:ZO $69:1 • 30·FT.CRUlZON EllprtN c~r. f w fir lamp, plll11llc lhldt' $7 9!'> 14:1 Nordlx'rit wlth N!duc. Fiber· Cndt•t chair. 1olld ma ple 1 1~ :io gl.e.llat'd.. Sip.. '· Aull. «"'· TV chulr ... tric-zc-cnvc-r .. $1:>.:iO dtn$;hy, ball tank. 83-watt radio. 6 pc btl•ll:t' ~ti. n11l"l Jrg1 $19 !1:1 ClelUI, uklng 1:1000. Hn.rbor Swh·el vm 1<Kkc1• • 121111.', 2SM·W. Kl 8-0$37. l9C'24 )lo\I. dok. l1ma oak or dark ttnl~h. $<111 ll:, SNOWBIRD :> re. c-hr din. N I, fo1rn 1 Ubbcr F:xcrlltnl lhrouf houL New Dae· l •<&l chalu $:\7 00 r11n 31111, U11'12 twlct', $1:)(), Her 3 po rnnpl•• h,.111~111111 IP unp, 8 dr 484~·1. 2~21 dbl• t1 ru'°"1, m u 1 nr bookrlltoe • BEAUTIFUL SPINET PIA.NOS. Rent to buy. All of tenn rent allowed. Practice piano• u low a1 $~per m o. OANZ·8CHMIDT Blf Plano It.ore, :>20 No. Main, 8a11ta Ana A MUSICIAN'S l?\STRUMENTI Lovf'ly buJtKalow uprf~ht pllUIO In fine condition $295. Term• '30. down and Sll.70 ~r mo. at SHUER'S Muelc Co. (Since 1907) t21-423 N. Sycamore, Santa An• Phone Klmberly 2-0672 HA VE beauUtul Be.ldwln acroeonJc Spinet, ' yn. old. WANT TO SWAP for &T&nd piano !'hone Harbor 1098·M. 4l!o TWO Webetl'r 3 1~ed rteord r llanc-er•. w11.h cartr1dcn. Good condition, $10. each. Har. 463. 20c22 STJQNWAY GRAND, Like new. Big 1&vlng11. AIS<> Kna~. K!m· bal, Fl1eh1'r, Muon A Hamlln. Many other3. Practice piano• 11 low •• SM. DANZ·8CHM1DT 81~ Pl1no 8torf', :120 No. Mein, 8&nta Ana PRACTICl!l piano, '30. t06 Victoria. eo.t& Mu.a Llbut7 1-7071. lk20 RENT an orran or piano w1lh nnt&l lo apply on Cuturt pur· cb .... at- SHAFER'S Mutlc Co. (Sine:!' 1907) '421.,..25 N . Syca.mor ... 8 1U1ta Ana Phone Klmberly 2·0tl72 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PLANO CO. 1311 Cout Blvd., Corona del Mu (Thaden lnterlor Bid&,> tlar. 3.38.2 M lfo GMC Trip le Checked Used Truc~s '•8 DODGE •.-. T ... ICKU'P ••• CHEV. I .. T. PJCKUP 'O CHEV. h T PICKUP ·~o DODGE 1~ T. PANEL 'ill FORD F-5 J 1; T. Flatbetl '48 OMC 2 T . COE. 2 8pC'ed H tt. Body, f :211 Uru. s.-e lhl lar(t'lt volwnt truck deal· er in Oranre County for but MlteUon or u•«>d t rucu . Wti carry our own contraci... W. W. WOODS h,.orlb!•llt•I $fl7 :,o \\'A:i\'TED Tr&lltr to haul H ft mot<lr tlo1t. 312 Carnation, C'o· OMC DEAL'l!:R 4 •II • h• ,.1,. "' •lnut. 11tArlt · blvnclt' ronl\ dt>l Mar. Har 372:1. 20p22 619·19 E . tlh St. Santa Ana tlnl•h "6.llt> Opel\ 8unday a m. 2 pc. •r• t with l 111 luble $1JV.:10 S?-FurnitUl'e for s..le Truck beadquarten ror Oran1e Co 2 P\ br<! d1 VAn ~<'la $81.00 _......., _________ _ a r<' llhhl I •'OJ 1irm, Prc1vtnc11I 11v1ni 11)\)111 ,r1<1up $130 :;o S11lll·be1l With full ••ll<I 1.nnf'np1 lnit 111altrt'H. JHlr,. 1ua m nibber CUI" hcon $1 87 uo BAY FURNITURE Oi E. 17th ..,, l.' 111ta Meaa 1betv.,.1'n I u~l n • lrv1n,.1 Ft" Stou»JOl<k J'.Hk1ni: Tf'rms Op•" r''""· 'tll 8 Mesa Woodcraft New items just re<:eh·cJ - All h emJock It &emi·hardw'ds. Drop llrt de..-k. fine~( Mn~t $21 p·, Wardrobr. :16x12x::t 34 :in Comr r rupboanJ. Z9 x 76, ~ltl.3ll door11 27 ~10 19:H NORGE retrlsvator, blf J 1 1' cu. It. 90·lb. freezer chtet, automatlo de!roet. The "n'Y but one. SMlvu in door, roll out ~htlvu. two vet. cr\.tpen . Jt'• bru\d new, but pd. dn. lo 12ill 23 from orle. $-4 29. No cub dn .. Ju.tt pay Ut..21 per mo. Stt Bau1hn1 A • 8 W&rd'IOUff, 220 8 . Ma.ln. Sant.a Ana Open II· 9 Kl 3· 7201. MA HOC TABLES. c.b u t., dreu· er. dm. bookc:uea, bed. bo• •prlnr macrre• .. maple drut1tr. flat attrllnr. c:hlna, mlrrora. wicker ~t. all r•111onable. - H Yall •·71U. ltc21 lli~ WEDGEWOOD ran&'•· The b11r deluxe CP all automaUc:. chrome top. piddle 6 I.hat rfa.I nice grlll broiler. Pd. dn. to $168.7'. No ca.ell 'dn., juat pey the pymla. of Sll.10 per mo. 1950 Buick Special • door 9dn. FULL ~QUJP~'T. $895. T~~·~c~~}~ ~l'Wport Bh·d . Npt.. Buch R.arbor ~21 MOV1~G-mu1t M ii ll\11 Wffk' J9!}2 Bulek Super Rh1era dyna· now. R • H. Tiii~ glau.. L&Je· ruard Uru. Very clun ou. One own•r. $U.2lt Har. t84:1-J. 19c21 BY O't\"ND\; 111~ Buick Special, c:onv. 7•00 act\J&J mllu. Every· lhlnr b1.1t tlectrlc unlta, UillO. Bob Feeney, 26117 N , M&ln. 8Ull4 Ana. l9p2l CA.Dn.t..AC '112~2 '4dr.. J>OWf'O etee11nr. Bydn., R It H, 2 \l.)M ~ty. Clean. YOUR FORD DEALER A-1 Used Cars Low, Low Prices Quality Dependability New Car Trade -ins Bank Terms 153 Chev BelaJre 4-door WSW -Heater $1395 '52 Ford Hi Pickup $895 '52 Ford V-8 Cu.tom.line 2 dr Htr .• Fordo. $1295 '51 Chev F1eetline Dlx 2-dr. R Ii H Powerglide $1045 '48 Ford %-Panel Truck $295 '53 Ford V-3 Bua. Cpe $1275 '51 Ford Victoria R & H, Fordo. $1095 '49 Chev Conv, new top R&H $645 '47 Ford . V-8 4-dr. Sedan -$295 '49 Ford 6-cyl. 4-dr. Sedan $395 '51 Mere Club Coupe R Ir H, Fordo. $1095 '46 Plymouth 4-dr. Sedan $195 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER 3100 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach "ON THE JalAR.INER'S MILE"• LIBERTY 8-34 71 JOHNSON & SON Gives a 2 way Protection Plan on all has Safe Buy Used Cars 1.-3 day money back guarantee 2.-30 day written guarantee THIS GIVES YOU ADDED PllOTECTlON 49 Chev. St&tioo Wagon 4 door. never seen a. cleanl'r one . 53 Mere. Hardtop Coupe 17,000 MUea, a beaut • 53 Ford Club Coupe. One owner s 799 $1799 17.000 MUes ...... -.... _ .. ·------·-··--... '1499 53 Che\". Bel Air Co upe 16.000 Mil~. looks like new ----~--S1699 52 F ord Victoria. See thi.s - it's extra, extra sharp ····-···-···-··---.... Sl499 53 Lincoln Capri Coupe 13,000 miles fully loaded Looking !or the cleaneet one in Calif.? This ia it . _ .. ·-··-.. ·· -· . S2899 We give S It H Green Stamps At JOHNSON & SON UNCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 9()0 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. LT 8-554:5 We are giving such liberal trade allowances 1No M uNEY oowN1. on new Chevrolets & Oldsmobiles that WE -ui~~81~~N~c~T­ MUST MOVE 60 used cars IMMEDIATELY! Built In our OW11 factory by 81Llllcd 1 niaclllntata. Oon't coolend wllJI the middle iruuL Duy dlrecit. REBUILT and lNSTAJ..J...ED 1953 Ford Conv. 1953 Chev R & H, Fordo., WSW Tirea $1695 t -dr. &da.n. fl & H, EZ f'ye glasa. WSW li~a. 2-tone paint. 15,000 act. mi. IHORT Bl...OCJl P'OftD -··-··· .. .,,.-··--·•1n &i> CHl:VROLI:T _..... .flt9 0 t l'LYM. A DODGE -· .$1~J 1952 Cad Fleetwood 4-dr. An Cad. access., new tubeleu tirea $2495 1952 Chev Styleline 2-dr., R & H $995 1952 Plymouth 2-dr., R & O'd. $845 1953 Mere Sport cpe. R It. H, O'D. WSW Tire1 $1695 -. 1949 Chrysler Win<bor 4-dr. Sedan $495 . 1950 Chev Conv., R Ir H. WSW Tlru $645 1949 Buick Super Sedanettc R & H, WSW $545 1951 Dodge Coron.et Club Coupe. R & H Auto. Drive, new motor, new paint job $845 1949 Ford VS Cwrt. 4-dr., R " H, O'O All ortgi.nal $545 $1345 195l Olds 98 4-dr.. R Ir H, Hydra $1195 1953 Chev Station Wagon, R cir H EZ eye glaas $1695 1952 Buick Super Rivera 4-dr .. R & H DynL, WSW Tlrea $1195 1951 Plymouth Cranbrook 4'-dr. Sedan RAH $795 1951 Hillman Minx (-dr. Sedan $495 1952 Ford 1/2-ton Piclcup, Htr., 1poUight $845 1950 Chev 1 '.: ton pickup, R & H $645 1949 Jeep ~ ton Pickup, "'"'bffl drive Comp. motor overhaul $545 19'40 Chev Panel $95 These and 40 more outstanding bargains MUST GO this week! Miller Chevrolet Co. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Llberty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Llberty 8-5633 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH WEEK END SPECIALS 1049 FORD 2-door 5<-dRn. Light f?'*Y, radio, heater, overdri\'e, new scat covers. A good dependable family ca.r ............. --· $ 59:5 1950 De.sOTO Sportaman -Crum colored. Radio, heater, WSW .......... ·-. _ S 990 1950 MERCURY 4-door Sedan. Dark rreen. A really fine car. In perfect condJtJon at a very low price . ···-·-··-· ........... S 64-5 1951 MERCURY Station Wagon. Overdriv~. ra.d io, wood ill in excellent condition. A very good buy ·---·-·-··---.. --... -.. $1195 See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot ''Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 ~HRY8. 6 DE »OTO -Jl;O ITUOlC~AJOl:R •• -..... f l 7\t OLDS 6 PONTIAC I -fl70 BUICK __ 11 1, H UDSON •111 Lovt Cu l'1'M Tow1os N l:W C.U. OAJU.N'I'Ell BICX'k muat ml'et our llt&ndarde Plua taaM, ruketa a11Cl oU Open Sunday JO a.m. to 2 p.M. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opm Dally I to T 8tate Bolldtd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8A.NTA ANA n-Wanted to Keet Rentals Wanted We need apta and houwa In all MctloM tor bolh wt.nter aad year'• ltuc. rum. or untum. 11 you have a •acucy, phoae loda, The Vogel Co. 3201 W Cat.. Hwy .. NeW1)Qrt 15r.b. Pilon• Ll~rty t ·3'81 108 Mutnt, Bal~a llla.nd Pbone Harbor tu 1101 Cout Hlw1y. Corona deJ Mer Ptlone Harbor ITU 100 Main St .• U.lboa Mione Harhnr H:l Zltto l'llt:8PON8lBLIC FAMILY wanl~ 4 bdrm. tl om,., turn. or unf\Jrn , wlll raY up l'> t t'IOO mu tor y •111 ' leAM. Ph. OX.to"' 9·3175. llfp J.'I ----------- l BDIUL FUllN. DUPLP w llh tl"'!>l&<'f. I TO mo. OQ leue. Ulll· ltln Utl"L !·ROOM COTTACID In l'l•Y•l•lr Tr&Jl~r Park Wiii Ir _.. tnr yr. at m p.r montJL W. E. Fisher, Realtor 303t '!: Coti11t Hy., <'or•>na di'\ J.hr H a1bnr 2H~ ------------2!\.f"T LlVINO tOOll\. l bdrn • tllf' at.tll aht•"'«'r, "'Ith nut>" .. enlNUl<'I' l)elhrm. 18x:l!'t 1·l • 6 BBQ. ruml'ltt,.lv turn M .•l be -n t.o ~ •pprrrl.al"•l H 1. 23~.w. ui. .:1 BAY SHORE PARK HF:AC'll Jo fl():-O'T tum, kn .. rr y I"' • r"1t111:e $60. month. M"" h I '" Jun• I. m , mo, )'Mr 1~11..r. C: t 6 wa ur lr1cl Sh.....,n by •rt • only. -Harbor 4~~ lll• J 1 RENTAL •1 SPECIALISTS Cell Edna Cr1t1 Blanche Gates, Rlt r. !ll I Marine AVI' Balboa lalan<I, llar. 1671 12tfn <'O~fA MENA :i bdmi home 11n· fum \'~ftY :"JCT. H O in11n'11 1982 S""''T"'rt Blvd., Co.ia )l,.~11 Phonf' l.Jboortv ~1t72 21)('21 ~-----------O:-.: LI DO 1~1. .. ; !l b--ttm1 t urn . Y••r·~ t.11-$..'>('I mn t'ORONA HICH LA :-'f'~ J bt lrm unfurn howi,., yrar • l"'IP', SJ'l:I mnnth A LS() flll'n • \Ult\lrll •r t.I. • iO to $1M <; K l.ATHROr St&, r;, r ~• H\\ ,. c•nron• •let '-'"r K•r. M12 y,,,' H ar ~~I l ·J Balboa Island Choict :yn rly anc1 •11mmrr rnl•I•. nnw 1H9ll11blr DORIH ARA'\', R,.•llor IJt )h1rtn11 A V• • R•ltlt.11 l •l11n I K&rbor 20 fl:,1ft: -CHARMINO r..~•rly n•w l'r<J\'ln · He&dbn•rd". C'olona.1. m n d f' r n. wit.ii 1hd1J\f door. 13 60 It up t drawn 28" rheell. lop drawtr dlvlclrd . ...... . 21 00 Sr~ B•u1h11.1 A A i Wanbou.ae, 220 8. M&ln, 8a.nta Ana O~n 9 • 9 KI 3«7201. MUST 8ELL QUlCX UOM. Owner H'Yatt , .. JlJ. IC•U 61111.l 40--Aatoe for Sa.le <ID-A ot.os and TrucJc1 40-A-Til'fl'I Ii Parta r l11I •h1pJt.,c tu.l 1rn I h•lltn JI ' vA t" IC"r """ r lwa• h"I•, 11hop111ni.: <'nl•I A.'"'~ Har 6211 ·.l •r f.1 R-1:.112 20tr UUlity cht11 l& It curbou·ct11. for 20c21 1>11th ronm A ktl<'htn 8.95 6 up 34-'Muakal, Radio, a T_V CADJLLAC 5l·f2 b1-ck • door. M&ny s 11. .. 10 t""hoo .. .From. lllootno w1ndOW1 It Mat.a. ~ 21 :1 Hl\rbor Blvd . Cn~ta MtSll Bl!:AtmF\.."'l.. El~rontc O rl'an, tom Seat c:nven . \\'SW, n<'W Llbf , 8-lf.4:1 blonil t u~. a lmo1t nP... Mwit car -dltlon. S..t '151 In Or1U1p:e rt) 11acrlflc~. Ont only. Bir aav· COW'lty, $1"5. flu. •927. 20c22 FtH:EZF:R, deep f~tu, tl'• lhe ln.:6· h1,i: 13 •,, cu. Ct. color lntu1or. DA :"~·SCH 1'UDT Grt&t 8&Je, hvldt 520 lbt. food. It'• brand :IJO ~o. M•ln. Santa Ana new 6 ll'a rMUy a bl.I,)'. J'd. dn. I LOVELY Later tptnet piano tn to U41,32 from tt'O. Caah or I fin• C'Onditlon. $•9:1. Ttrm.e. •~ pay Uie pymt.t. of Sll.11 pt'r mo c1t>wn Ir u 8 month. 8ft Baughlla A Ir B Warehou-.. 1SHAF'ER'S Mu.le: Co. (81.Dce 1907) 220 S; MA_!n. Santa Ana Opt>n 421-4 23 r-;. Sy~amo~. Si.nt.a Ana I>· 8 Kl a.• 201. J'hone Klmberly 2--0072. KAMMON'D organ1. AU model!!. 111111 CADILLAC 62 t dr. 11edlltl. Leu than 16.000 ml. Powder blue. ~ eqv.lpt. T\nt«S glaaa, power~ wtndow lift.I, II.Jr cond1Uoned. premjurn Urt'&. We· (U&J'd tubM. Call H&r. • 6. l lk:2• 19~~ CHE'Vl\OLET Bel Altf, C'onv. hydra., radio A btr. W. W. tub&- le• lU.. fleta, terrna. Liberty 8-1.21•. J9e2• ·~4 F ORD CU.tom Ranc:h Wagnn. 19M roRD V-8 Victoria.. Radio. Fordom auc, R It H. '208:1. Wiii h'aler. Forrto. P11w,., 11l!'f'r1ng lrlld" dov.'TI. 421 M'nm lng C:l\n· Pi>\\,..r bra.Ice~. one ownrr, $224:'.>. yan Rd .. c. D. M. Hu. 3624-J .IH k M I 2oc22 aus en otors, nc. ------------1932 Harbor Blvd . Coata J.tea" GOOD WORK CAR, 11139 FORD. Phone Wbnly 8-SO:ll 20c22 R • L. Auto CUnlc, 3100 Npl Blvd. 2()(21 '51 J.fOC c:l1.1b coupe, 1700. 1901 C'"ou t R lrllway. Corona del Mu ·~ FORD V·S eu.tom 2-door. R •l Kay '1Jlcll Cera.mica. Aak for f'rf'O rte. llc20 6 H A O'D, spolllcht. Vlotor rt· condltJon~ Good rubber. Ortgl- naJ owner. 121 Martgnld, Corona d el Mar. Mornlnga or after 6:30 J>.m. 19e21 19~3 MORRIS o..tord ataUon wagon. OM owner. Low mU.a1•. SlrlcUy a cam!*"• dellt;htl 10 mlltt t.o the pllolll 1139:1. Wo~k Specials '41 Bt,"lCK S•<l11n . ·n OLDS. e SffiLn ··-I 60 'H PLYMOUTH S"rlan _. '180 '48 PO~"TlAC ISh111j1) . $49:1 Terry' 1 Buick 0 . K A. c. Tenn• 2eu Newport Bl•d . N'pL ••ch Hubor 6021 194t PON'n.AC • COllVtrt. coupe. Radio, blr., H1dra. w.a.w. t i t " Ol'le owner .. ,_.. -··-.. ··· __ ~. Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. I tiour Rn1c• ,.,.., Pick up 6 dt'llv•ry Courtney & Lester PMO~J: Lll!EftTY l ·IJOI P1t r CJll:STS, bed. d.1ndte •t. ll•. rm. c-ha.lr, etc. -621 ~ C&mt Uon AYe .• Corona del Mar. Harbor tl.,.._R, ltdl One only ellgbUy 1~ almoel like nt'•'. Thi• I• a spectLI. 'CIO CHEV. COl\Yert., RAH. Poweor ·47 FORD CONVERTIBLE. Re- fUde. Rood and deck filled. Hausken Motors, Inc. Hliusken Motors, I:;c. U-Tnllsn DA1'Z·SCHMIDT H&mmond Headqua.rtere tor Or· Mi• County, 6aO No. Ma.la. a. A. AL80 WSW, top A 1ioat covet• all n"' bl JU11. Harbor •tOl>. 20C21 UM PllILCO r.MJ .. tits two-door, .......uo ddroet. ... .,... In .........._ t ... .. .. .,_ .. _ • "VEL"' a.,..,..,,.,. -...... ~·-lNt DOOOIJ-1'ew nbullt motor, -· W'O "CS· c ... ~ni. -...,,-A.IV • OM~--............ ..uir ~.. ..... LI 8-467' ( blo llbel"9, ·~· Pd. dll.. •hall •ltetrolllo orran. like MW fvvu wo,,. car. .., 8 tu to UH.TL Mo cub dn,. Juat p&¥ Save '200. LlberaJ tradt. Con· a p.m . l7p21 tlle PJ'l9ta of f1S.. per mo. \'MJtnt tmnt a t-MOVINQ -MUST BELL. 1941 ... Bllupn. A • 8 Wa.te.bouM. IBAl'l:R'S Xualc Co. (81Ace 1907) Doqe club cp., .Almo1t new 220 8. Kain. Baata AM 0,.. U1-d3 N. 8;rtamor-.. Sant& Ana tlnw, a c:ell c:oad. U ill. Harbor •·t .ll ... 7JOL ~ m.-., J.OITJ ........ llc21 built motor. Will eac:rt11ce, $26:\. 6H • lllh St., Huntington Bn.h 1'11. Lex. f·38~2. Up20 J95t FORD Count.ry Sedan. tu~e. Ford.omatlc, llnted 11.aM, b••ter, f..ply Uru. Ll!e(UU'd tube.I, loy, rnua~. ~r1ect condition. Prt· •at• party. u.aen. NoM11an o. Oran l. 30 Fntnori t St., Lido Pa.di. ~ewport Bee.u. IOpU ) 1932 ll&rbor BJYd.. eo.ta x.. !!_!!__Barbor ~.;.:. OoetaL .. ...;;.._.... .. -.-..;;.:;;... _____ _ , ........... ..,.. ........... ---i..n.rt.r.......... NAVTIJ"U'L &aWnt b\lllt ao-n. Phone -.... ••;, -1 ....,.. ------------IMM.IM lf~er. Uaber1a, wllll prl•. ' m9 PONTIAC • eonnrt. coupe. '52 Singer Sport Car Radio, Mr., HydrL WA.W'. tht1 0 ..,12 0 .....,... -.,_ ,._ one OW1t.et' --·-"---a&e!l. "' ~ "~ -•.-_..., Hausken Motors, Inc. Hausken Moton, Inc . 1932 Harbor Blvd . Coat.a Mua 193J Harbor Blvd., Cotta .w. ... no.. Llbery ·-~~l 20c.n .... LDerV ..-i. \. - beUt, Orance Cou t ·rr1t1u J•k. 1114 WhltU•r, Lot I. C. Mua 17pJ2 Ate you having troubl.e! Let a Want Ad help you solve tbeml c·11Hfl"A I WI. MAI'\ •·u1n. "'''· ''" Y'•rly b11~•• 11r m11n1 h t 11 ''" $".Cl t •ll T •""" <All f'111m .. 1c 1~. JIHll><•r 21!•<' 2ftf 11 ON HALHUA IS t.ANl> 81::& \ • d ror 1~rl7 and ••-.-.! rcnLa.&a NEl.OA GIBSON, KeaJtor lot M&rlne An. ll&Rot W2 BAL.80A l8~ 1Uo ON~ gr:-:ot.~ 1pt. rum. ••~· "''' It a I Wdrt'll 1pl tum. i :tt1 Ill'•· 1 l3 I 'Ith, N twport B-ac I' llnroor Mlf7·J. 211• 21 -~------------~-2 llE l•J:()OM ... t:R:-.'I SHt~D J1I · 1•1. .. :>. c .. p.n11 d•I M .. r .... 111h • r '""';,' S~• munth Incl. 111t1. Mil~ KAT, l111r. ai.'J·J Mrc · Choice Wlnt.r Rent.ala on BaJboa I.land A Udo !Ale &m•ll A eoa1 ur l•rr• • ~lwt• 17~ to IMO monur' VOGEL CO. 2ot JiCartM A•t. 9altaio. lala11it l'h H•rtlnr • H •1r H•rbnr 21 ~I R ... HAI. UM-U or Loi t-62tT ...,.. II 11 II .I ,: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Gitt Shoppe in new ahopping area.. Rent $85 mo. Modem attnctive home furniahinp. A comfort.able Uvtns for a one pueon operation. Full price $4500. Bu le Restaurant -Groeeing $H-O,OOO. Well estatr llabed. Owner bu made money and wanta to enjoy lt. Will aaiftce for ~000. Rent $450 mo. ~turea Ub new. W• bave othen. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport 'Bea.ch Llberty 8·3481 Ena. Liberty 8-3&0 '8.\-Apta. for Bent 01.armiq Harbor Haven Apartment.I • Patloe fRB-HoUAH for Beat WILL U:ASE BY YEAR Rl!:A· SONABLE. New W\tllrn. tront duplvt. 2 bdnna.. U'l'fng room, Jr.11.clWD. bath, ...,._.e. Will ~U 128 • 48th St., Newport. Key. atone 6-4870. 19c21 / ST-Real !Atat.e Wu t.ea WANT TO BUY V&a.11l Lot. or pe.rUaJ a.cre, &t 1-..t 70' front, 121r deep M·l. Apicultural or Comma'dal son .• ln&. Pl--. quot. total price, tarma and locatioa. Print. par- ty. Write Box Y ~ thJe p.per. t UNIT8 ln SANT A ANA., New 1 bedroom. ti 8 UNITB No.. Roil:rwood. UOOO 'Yf· lnoome. Submit tn.d-. BUSIJ\"ESS PR.OP., a.nd J apt.a .. ne.at to Port Theatre, ·c .D.M. ~•t ofter with •t&,000 do'tm taJ<u It! TR.A.lLER PARK. 40 apac.ee. 8 tum. apt.. a bednn. home $1,800 month lbcome. TRAILER PARK 60 unit.a. HU· bor area. 11.~ month lllcome. W AJ\'T EXCHANGES, Iota, - tnat deeds, liquor atore. READY SOON -IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS On Palmer between Santa Ana 6 Ora.np SEVEN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes S895 Down $11,450 Full Price Balance li ke rent. Check theee q,uality featuree 1 Sewers in and p&id Enclosed garagea Colored rock roofs Garbage dlspou.l.e Kitchen !ans / I Street will be curbed and paved W. A .. TOBIAS SANDY STEINER and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR Real Eatate and .. you'll like our friendly aervice" Buidnua Opportunity BrokH 2912 w. Coaat Hlshway. Npt. Bch. 393 E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa Llberty 8·1139 FHA Approved CLOSE L'll Eutalde location. lm· maculate two bedroom home BeauutuJ aekcted hdwd. tloon. Hu a dlnlns room plua a largce kitchen with dinette area.. There 11 a eeni<'e rooru. ~ma are tarre. Thia hOme just paintl'd. Separat~ garage and a b&clt- yard you'll Uke. S7•00. F'. H. A. commitment with St8. per mo. payments, E XCEPTI 0 N A L BUY AT Ol'LY- $10,250 .JVery Nice -1 B.R. ~HICRE ts, A LARGI!: one bedroom ~ home wlth a l11ri:11 llvtni:: room, fireplarf'. vPry nlrr kllchrn anc1 11ervlre room Bath hu a t 11b pluit a IM'par•te a!All showrr. Thf're 111 ll two c11r .:11rage •l· tachf'd. Thr ho1111e 111 wtll c!t t<lgn· f'c! and attrarllv' 0 \\'Tlf'r l• &nXI0\11! to 11el1 llnd W111 makr II goo<I deal to a buy .. r Can he handlrd tor a 12 000 down. l n· MARCH 2, 1955 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -PA&E 9 VIEW HOME Newport Heights Area (not a lea.eehold) 3 Bedrooms - 2 Ba ths $23,&>0. IF A VIEW ia what you are looking for don't fall t o see this lovely home. It I.JI one 'year old . lmma.cu· late in and QUt &Jld widf it'• floor to ceiling win· dowa, leading to a vera.oda, the ocean view la vil- lb1e from the muli~ you enter the front door. Thil extremely livable home comee equipped with a garbage disposal, diahmuter, Thcrmador rii.oge, forced air heat and beautiful new drap<'ri<'l!I and wall to wall carpeting. The owner stat.H her view kitchf'n lt! a marvel of efficiency a.nd her home with it'1 conaiderable view area ii!! ideal for entert.aifilng. )lEW ' J\.OOM, weet 1eveL Nur acboola. ahopplnc dlltrlct. Qw•t. p&Mullt. uclualve. Garbas-• dl•· ~ la&mdry, .i.c>rac• rooma. san.e. IU.&o up. oecuple• en· t.ln air.et. OOod ~· WILL RENT brand n~w 3 bednn. 2 baUl,-WI~ l\ome In IRVINE TE.RR.ACE a.t J lOO. per month w1lh l yr. luaa. Call Harbor «48 !or turthn detail•. 88tlc L~ty 8-1 ~21. 20<:22 --------"'----------------- ve11ugal~ thf'se two attractive bu~. Roy · Greenleaf Jr. & Associates NcT·· 1301 Haven Plaee 1 Block South of Hieb 8cbool AUK> J'ORNJASJCD A.PTS. Wl'NTZR RA TE8 3ltc FU'ltN. 3 BDaK. APT., $65. to THREE BDRMS., 111. b&tha, un- !urn. modPrn, aome vtew, on Avoudo St. in Corona c!el .Mer. Yearly on leue al $1~. month. ca.u Rarbor 1&00. l 7Uc BALBOA INCOME S UNITS-Older property c.ntnl· ly loc., 1, blk.t. to be&rt of BaJ. boa. Ut.il. nn. Juat reduced to '23.:IOO tor quick ...ta. $.'lOOO dn. Owner Barbor 1188. 76t1o July lit. AUK> ~ti.Jor a.pt.. ------------ yee;rJ.y. '9-.Booma for Bent 61-Real E8tate EIChanJ! __ 110-rr. BEACH froni..g,, M&Ubu &a.c:h. Trade on Income. Balboa. :-;,.wporl u.n1Ui, duplex. Phone Los Angeles Ariz.. tl-8828. 19p21 3708 Cb&n.nal Plau, NpL l.i.nd K.arbor 1217-J. 10c21 SlNCU: ROOM with hot A: cold water 1n the room. Good bed. UPPER 2 bdrm. untum. a pt. 2 ha.Ula, 1ar. diap., ·~ • retnr. 4uto. wuher • 4J'1er avail., car aro-ce. 1100 rno. utll tnrJ. 1..-. iM Eut Ba.Ibo& Blvd. 17c22 'MODl:Pl.111 one ~rm apt with ~•~ pnrt A: pnv. patio. Ra111e a. r-rtl8 l.rlrl AvaU. Marr)! I Jnq A pt C-2820 Avon, '!"pt Bch er lilu'bol' -4410.J. 1 Tlf ftl"A~0:'\4BLY prl(H\. d u n 1 • ~ tlMrm. rurn apt• UllL pd. l.aundr)' room Pla~nd f (lr Private entra.nce. S6. week. ALSO doubi. room et $7 week. 1Z3·28t.h SL, Newport Bea.c.h. 80c.81h 2n LOTS. KIJ'\6m&n. An.on.a. a , NICELY furn. room • prlvat ... 1m· I m1.n. W11IJ<1r1g dJal&nc-e trorn City tran~ 4' pnvate bll.tb n&ar P~t Hall. Aa down ~ym.ent., Balboa. Cl!flce. bank. bu.a & atorH, v'ry 1' uni t.a nr Nl'W]'lOrt.. Arla. 9·88:?8. c!"ITeble. '19 Pomllll'ttia.. Ha.r. Loe A.nplea. 19p21 88112-W. 20c2t l 62-Rnl E8tatfl LARGE well turn. room. prtYat. ------------ entnince • bA.th LI tHIUO I 20.-22 OPEN f;fOUSE ---~~~~------ children Blue Top Apt• 403 53--.Stone &: OtrW. SaL & Su.n~ 12-5 p.m. 328 POINSETTIA Corona del Mar "'""'°rt Blvd . )'.',.,..,..,rt BHch. ------------A~ th• A1Thu Jottc New Luxury Medical Cen~r C'OST A M !:SA, nl'ar golf duh. romfort.ablt turn11hl'd I bdrm c!up.lax Only U 2 M m" Phon• KlinMrly 2·9418 llk21 to be ronstn.icterf. Ample private parking. centrally located. Lay<'Ut tn ten.antA order. For Information, OCl':A.N' SIDE or hlghWlly, 6 rm home wtth CUt9t apt. over 2 c;ar 1:11 "ge. 42 !t. fenced lot. priced to MU. TERMS. G. H LA TIIROP. 34a6 E Cout Hlgb-y, Coron.a del Mar H11r. ~H2, !:w••. Ra.r. 3.'511-J 2tl<'21 !\TUl)JO a pt. C",ond l~on. new- ly f\l.rn. A..ut.o waaber. tcltV\&lon By own.n, luv1.,. for ..,t. ~­ •nnabl~ l•u~ '" T1fhl ra.rtv u 3-4~2 1~21 LIDO REALTY AMociatet1 WATER FRONT PROPERTIES. 3400 Via Lido Har. 4444 2 belmt. ,t.uoc.o. pier • no&t. --------------no~·T l'llt•a Uu• 01a : 163 ~arl)' t bdrm. unturn duptrx. Ba.r •l,.,.,11. retnr. .tr 1t.ov• tum. n ..... n ,.,!'.!~ or .Hlr hway. 11()7•., Y•ml•at <'"rnfl• 1'-1 t-f•r Her ~:, llk'21 15tfc ~.IW)O down. 3 OFn CE •J>Ac" for leue. Ap· prolt. 1 T:d5' M ch. lD U do Shnp- plDS .,...._ I)()() VI& Jo(al&p. Kar. ~327. 1auc • LEAS!:, unturn i bdrm. Upiilllni ------------ lfupJvt Nt. beet. 11&7 A OCUJ\ BALBOA [SL.I.ND -ld-1 loca· bo l'h 8un .,"rl< W iii tltcoratt tlon on Martne Aw., nft\ce OT llubnr 11 411..J lllp21 ahnp. PLUS 2 bdnn ~l AIJ tor II~ mo. Har. 204%. llttc Ft'R=' sn :mo APTS 0c~a.n Ylll'W 5&0 mo Utll pd. AVl.11 f'el! Z7 Llbertv &.JUT. 17rlt t f\Of\M turn •Pl. hnpl.. con- ''""1"1\l lo 1hopp1ng. u oi, ffll'lan- IM~ Col'OAA Ori Nat. 169 yrly A "all. Marth I al Ubu'ly H 8.J4 •fl"r !'I nr wkl'n111 ?OUc l' lr!:L Y fTR.,,SH ED, one bdnn. •rt ttn b•y trnnt. LMo lalt y,.u ly reo "'' f'lnly C-aU Hubor ~~!-\' 1Tp22 ?\OW LEASING. av&tlable bu.•1· ne• office ·~ C.nter ot Co• rona del M&r. •Wt.ab~ for CPA. c!!'ntJst nr" C-all At lH24 Coul H•·r. 18lfc LOANS for Homes 3?(, -20 TT. Lo&na Construc ti on Loans SEE BOB S.ATTL£R %~1~ EAST COAST BLVD. 60 P'l!ll':T WATER F'ROJl."T. Pier .. flnAt 2 hdi'm. •tllU..O, '27,.1100. 82 nET WATER l'IWNT. Pier • n-t. duple. u .ano. SH.A FER. 1 <>& M.en.dden P1&oa, Newport Bch. la\ the ~er Har. H O. 30cJ2 O\\~ Ml.lu)r modem a bdrm .. 2 t>.rll hom• a t top ot Corona c!,.J Mar Mortgage pa)1n1 tum. ..:ar apt.. a11to. dish wuher. uraahtnK macJUnit, n-ato<re, re-rri.-. drape. • nooT coVUUtp Incl~ Man, bul It l.n.I, lotA of tnom for k ld9 "'-'~ dlata.nce to sr hQOI. S~.000 Her. 2~-M 17t!r N"EWPORT HEIGHTS -2 bdnn. • de.n home. Excal.. loca.uOll.. 1 yr old. Jiu 2 baUu1, !lreplac-.. H'IUt oall floora. A rca.dJa lllid· In~ gl.Au doora, ta.rce 1wahlny ktlehM, l&r'~ clO&oel.&. 100 yda. W CHINA COVE Exciting View of Harbor E ntrance 50 YARDS FROM BEACH. Attractive mod. home designed !or week-end fun or year-round comfort. 2 bdrms., den, unfiniaherl guest room. Sun deck. hobby !!!hop, 1~2 tiled baths. colored fixtures, mir- ror doort1. 2·car garage. Delightful kitchen. diaposal. disbmaster. Colored J:>!lge ha..s double oven; double broiler; Servel. Covelinoleum, Formica, ventilating fan, &lent ewitche!I, central gravity beat with ther- moetat. Unique diM.l>peai;ng bar. Completely and nicely furnished. In thi11 SUPE RB location, truly an unusual value at $28,500. KEYS at 2&47 Eaet Cout Hwy., Corona del Mu. STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor Corona del Mar Vogel Value BEAUTl.FUL EARLY AMERICAN 2 bdrm. 13~ hath VIEW home. plus luge garage penthouse !or gueste or servant.I. on 45-tt. lot neu ocean.. Entry hall Panelled living rm., rai9ed brick fireplace., for- ced air tumace. dining alcove. Tile eink and kitchen walla. Service porch. 11 utomat..ic laundry. Large bed· TOOUl.11, tile bat.lul , covered glua patio opens t.o lovely walled ya.rd. Double garage and parking a.re.a. Qua.l· tty and cha.rm throughout. Only $30.500. Good Te.rm&. THE VOGEL CO • 2687 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de1M.a.rHar.17'1·1471 BA YFRONT OR OCEAN FRONT CHARMING Lido bayfl'Ont at a reaUl!lt.Jc prlce of S42,SOO. 5 bedrooma, 2 batn., and many nice features. No pier and float, but perm.ltted in lbia area. SMA.l. :..ER ocean front home on Balboa Peni.n.aula. Only two bedrooma, but priced right at $23.500 Including 8to\'e and refrigerator. To see either ot above UAtings or many othe"· call Ot 8ee LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor il4 E. Balboa Blvd., Bll.lboa Harbor 80 C-ORO="A Ot:L. MAR l'F.At:TIF1.'I. rum IJlUdln apt '1r,.rl1n l>.lr. On• bl()(')( trom ...-.. ~., c~· 11111 l"1 Hl\r !\.'\llO 20c.22 Coron.a Oel •! ar Harl)ot 3888 Rep. POJRJ!:R Jt40RTGAO& CO Metro Uie lb. Ji'unde Kl. 8-~1~ to w ra.Jll«Uns J19.~ Ca.n be ----------------------'--nu <l.nan<:i9d. Elton a..rn.tt. 48Uc BALBOA modern furn. apt.a. $30 m<' • up. t.'111 pc! LOA.."\S TU B Lil..UJ. lMJ'RUVI!: ALSO da.il\' & Wffkh• tiltea., BUY, MODERNIZE. OR :-•ear bU:.. inoru •·bay , R.&F'D'ANCE JM Eut Ba' Av, Wbo& We Bu.y 1'nut O...S. J'hooa Harbor M u ' l7ttc ~WPOR1 BA.LBOA SAV lNGS ~P.:GU: APT !or l.ad.J or ~ctlt­ M&n $,.!'! mo, ulll pd. =-:o pelt lnq Ill rtaz 134 E. 19UI St.. COllt.& !lolea• aft.l'r & p m llttc 8ALBOA t\Jrn. apta.. SM. mo. • Up WIW JUM. l.Aundry nu. Wll.h maclUnt. 917 E. Ba.lboa Blvd.. Balboa. Harbor JB.51'4 U c20 FOR L.EASE • Srn&U u P't&ln &iit. Avail n<M". a'-'> 3·room down- •t&ln apt , llVA.11 Mattb lS. P'Um.., 1•11 per mo plut ah&N of utU. Sl 7 CoroA&do, Bal~ Call nr WT1te owner, HTaU 4-4a7'7. Veda L. Ma.nt.n. ~ Un4e A ft., ~ &uh llk20 NEW I bdrm. unturu. Jloma for ~ f~. Only' &loll. 11\0llth. nn 1-. ~r LJ &-~~7 evea 20ttc NEW I bdnn. ~ bome. I071 ~ °'9ta M-.. K t.J11tone ...... ltal NEW I bdnD. \UltUnlilh.s Frw-- doa bome. See It at 980 Arbor 8L, Ool&a M.... S70, water pd. a.&akm 7..aMl c.ollecL 18(20 NSW ' Wn:i.. J bath unluni. 1n .,,_ K...,ort' ill& ..abd9n., ai. ....... pl1). ~ •t.c. S.100 mo.. 0..-LJberV M78T. lk21 f llDllM. ~ OoroM ~I Mar ..,.. • IC1,r. tum. PO. mo. ~ MllO. 20oc22 &LI: HOW tor • & •r. • dee .... --.,. bolM9 wtth pool, .... .w.. Ma.de t« clilldl'9ft 8· lO ...... r.tal tNr'll JU:ne 1a. --u-...J. 20pM COSTA MESA A WAN ASSOCIATION aaM Via Udo. Ph.. Har . .zoo llo LOANS PROMPT SERVICE ll';e (trst lrual de~ 20 yH rl Orange Coast Propert.Jes l~i 1'tv-1>0n A\•f . Ci sta ~IPl'lll LI 8·1832. LJ "-·HOO E"ve. 9~t!c NO COMMlSSION No Appral.IW Fee ~ALES REFl='A."'C'E ro :">STI\ l.:C'TIO :-; Ca.Jl f()r f'r,.e Fast (',,om.mlt.mentA on Rf'•ld4'nCl't a.nrt 1:nn.-nnly Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th ~t.. COST A MESA LI 1-6641 U 8-6582 WOliU> wee to bu.y tat ano 200 Trwt ~ (',&JI ffar. 2326 48tlc REAL ESTA TE LOANS lntere.t Rate ~ ~ % Lo&na qwckJJ' made ln t..be Bay Ana and Coel& Mea&. ~le or mulUpJ• Uil!Jta. N-or old. ~ .n,. and ••• by re-flzl&l:lc:ing your pre.-ent IO&n. Mln.lmum o · paM. No chars• for Prelim1· n&ry •ppr&.IM.I. Pboo. Banta Ana KlmM rly 3~933 or trTtt.. ARTHUR A. M.A Y Mort.Ja•e Lo&n Conupond~t Occident&J LU• ln.tura.nce Co. NI 8ovUI Maul Santa All& PP I lll:XllUI. llOKm, un.tlln. Dbl~ FOR 8ALZ-1'1n: Tn111t Dll'rd, ........_ ITO. Ko9tll. local prop.rty, •ell ~ured $32 • MAND N1:W a lN!drm. home, un· 000 at e-;., P4')'•bl~ $3~ f'<'T mn nlnl~ MO. Mo.. LI t-SMS. 20c21 Lll>frt)' 8-2~2. l~ltc Rwtor. Ll 8·2772: or evoe. Ll 3.;15&. 19c-32H CORONA Of:t. MAR. Ocun View • uruta r~ 1"' a R., 2 b&.., 1·2 8 R . 2·1 8 . R. Klra lga. IJv. rm. Oa.rb dtlp. :I pt. Xlce pauo. tu11 deck, nr. bc.b.. P otenU&.J Ille. lo~· $10 000 w111 M.ndl!', COD• lac:t own1r, U O AVQC&do. li&r- bot 0 102 10c22 CO Ru:-. A KlOJ:U..AN'D LOTS - OIC\fCe Sliett Ava.Jl.t>le Call Rarbor 2320 Uttc Bay Front Income I t; DJ t..-2 A I DedrOoma, hlnl· llhed P1er, noat &lid pnvat. NEW PRICE! Open House Daily THIS BEA UTIF'UL 2 bdrm. & den bome located in exclusive Shore Cliffs ha.a been druticall.y re- du.ced for & quick w e. Be certain to see t.b1e and aak our courteous repreaentatlve f ot full detaila. 280 Evening Canyon Road p. a. palmer, inc. bMc.h. 1000 c 8-lboa Bl•d.. -----------------------B&Jboa.. er.t'f1-l S&fll eow-. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-~73 t M7 t.n bro ti er & t St:tc BY OWNER Corona Klchland1 -3 bdnn.. 2 bath ta.rmhm.••· rRA N>rlUllll· me.nt. Ph. Ha.rbor 78-J . 99Uc 3 BDRM hoUM, trwd. 000'9, pr. I 10,000. 4 Tl Flown St., Coeta ~[ML Libtrty 8-8M0. lk.21 What a View ! ! ! l"'rom W1 A TTRACTIVll BAY An:. HOME. Upft&ln A down Colortul. ~o wa!Jpaper de· ror INTERIOR BAR-u..QUE, CHEF'S D EUOHT. 8 u ll n y br1cked PaUo •1t..b CTMnery and vinl'.8. Owner Rlllll6 916 W. 8-.)• AYL See anytime, 13c2& 1 Acre of Ground "1t..b two &ar.-. boaae. now rut· "1&· I blllta. trom Oat.boUc .abool. I bill. rrom baclt bay. I blb trom 1 'Tth SL, l bllt. trom r-:--iiort ;...._ Mutt 11e11. ~01.n« J:ut. Wr1t. Bair z S&. thia p&per. l&c.21 Ow:i.'JCR &El.J...ING mod. I bdrm. a t\'d. ranf:• built to conftrt to addn'L bdrm. • bath. 11 itl aq. tl.. du.al heater. abo,..r, au~ WL!lher, eltt. ranie. .i.e. R-4 lot to pand ...Uey nur hl-ecbool A .toru.. •7.900. c.oo.tct. tel'ftl• ~ a.aaea. 10p21 Do you want the best buy in Newport He ights 1 ... HERE IT IS! OPEN HOUSE l~ P.M. 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUll.T home wtth 3 bdnns., 2 bat.ha. F. A. beat.. Diahm.uter. garb. di.a.. pou.I, elec. f an. Touch latch system on cupboards. Mercury s\\·itches. 4-car garages fitted with 220 volt wiring. Etitirely surrounded by concrete block walll!I. Carpeu & drapes included. AU tor $19,950. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport BeAcb Phone LI 8-2664 Evee. LI 8-70:56 A Phone Call Will give you furt.ber in!ormation ~ t.hia property. Triplex Eliofptlonal.Jy well Jrept. nJoely tw'!Wlhed t:1le Jdt. chem 6 It.all ahowera, 3 garage.. Good rental area. Showa good profiL $21.~. Only $MOO down. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W. Balboa BITd.., Newport Bach Har. '5188or1983 • Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 !'f'wp<>Tt Blvd., Co11ta Mu a (&c.rO.P from COtla Mea Bank I Pltone LI 8~761 Evu. Har. •~8 Libert)' 1-2103 BILL'S BEST BUYS OPEN DAI LY 4 BDRM., 2 BA T H HOME 415 HOLLY LANE ~,.ar N11wport Ktgh Srhnol FIREPLACE. !nrced &Jr furn11~. 2 car gllr8ge. 11ewua. curb• 11.nd street In and paid. full prtoe. S1 ~.8.'1(1., TERMS RANCHO Near Country Club HALI'" ACRE, fenl'#d. lot.a c>f now· Pr•. •hrub11 • 18 bunni:: fTult trll'f's. 2 bdnn & dtn horn ... Out building for horae or abop. Sl;'( ~. renn11 ran ~ al"Tll1l,;1''1 SMALi. RO.MF: Larg~ Int. l\8x222 Good .ut 1ld41 close to loc&Uon. $~ 0()0 full rrtre Submit down EXCEPTIONAL Income Buy Dl?'J>L~~ & "l~,.ptng mom d c>11e In Prfftlllt lnrom!' S 13r, monthly Only $9~ v.,th mall dov.-n & $8~. monthly. Rcltt r HlllT\'1 W . A. TOBIAS 111<1 A SSOCJ A TES ' REALTOR "you'll UJce our fr1,.nc!ly ll('rvko" 391 I!: Hiii St.. <"Mi il M"n ~rty 8-1139 Best Buy in Newport • BR. rumt~hNt, n,.11r1v n~w ,,,,. flr\CI' 111 niithl. $111 ~Tll'"1111 M'L •llM ='EAR :>-~'PORT PrER • f'llm lllUl'rll untO . 8<'~t Tf'Jlllll f()('I!· t1on $1!1 ()(I() -T .. nn .. 2 BR untw n 1turcc>, pnced nght Il l t 9MO, with u tra Int, $12()()(1 Homer E. Shafer Jtl!ALTOR 106 McF'&<l\lrn Ptac,. I At lhf' l'ewport J>lrr) Har HO l':Vt'!I. Jlar 11 !\7-M A1k tor Herald O. Splr• 2~22 Newport Hts. M ODER..'\ 2 ~m holll, Sl3.9M OCEA:" FRO:\'T 2 UNlTS. t\Jmbh~d. tllr Pll"nt buy SH.000 !:1.JjQA.'-l' 2 bec!room homr. ll&!t beach, only S t7 "IOO CO}tMER.ClAL PROPERTI.!:8 Sever&J good bUY'I in gt>OI! loc1- tlon1 A 1k ahout them N. B. C. REAL TY !2:nd 6c l'\twporl BIYd,. ='PL Dell Pballe Harbor H O!\ Cliff Haven Duplex TWO 8PAC. 2 bdrm a pt.I for home ... tnr $711 r,3 mn. f>ll r~ P'RA lc>M. ln~ c!r lll.Xl'I'. Olht>r 11tcJf' rcntr•l $87.~0 mo F P $19,000. tnul leuthnldl. At" lhl11 4' let'• Wk IA-rm• Muriel M. Pinover REA.I.TOR 26CM Xewpnrt Dl\•d, Xrv.'fl'lrl Br h F'ree P11rl<lng Harbor 4610 20\.22 Leaving State 8 U':l(JT COURT In C'<J1la M'M E~cellut Income. Sm...U aown payment handlf'B ALSO OC'EAI" F RO="T RESTAC· RA~ In ="ewport Rorh Sta· 90D Just 1tart.1n1. Good mnnl'} ma.lter. CALL Lll>6rty 8-UU. owner 1 lcZ4h 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach H ar. 255t LOOKING FOR THESE 1 BALBOA ISLAND- 'LittJe Island', 3 bdrm., l~i b3.t.hl!I, hwti. noora, f'in.. place, and apt. ···"----· .. ·-····· ... _,_.$26,500 Beautiful little 2 bdrm. home. Perft<-t remodel· f'd Provincial .. . . ... . _,,_,_...... .. _ .. _._$19,500 Bay view from th.is 3 bdrm., 1 l~ bath home. New- ly redecorated. carpetA &nd Ht'lnlPy 11hutteN., t.erm.1 -------·---·-··-----$24.500 CLIFF HAVEN Drive by 402 KinJ:t1 Road and see the quality con· atruction, and outJltanding f eatureA o! thla 8 bdrm .• 2 bath, plus den-dining room homt-. Ful- ly landscaped and De&utiful pool tor only S34 .~ Tt>rm11. A lBO on Kings R.oa.d, with view, with lotJI of plnt- pan.elling, 3 bdrm., 1 ~, baths .. . .. .... $24,250 WALDRON Realty 308 Marine Ave., Balboa la.land Har. 02M BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unlta, 2 bdrma. each, & REAL buy at $37,500, $10,000 down.. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm., 2 hath home with view from ftvery room. Completely tu.rnlahed. ~ $4.5, 750 and ONLY $l5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely fumiahed and in excellent condition. Full price $36,500, t.enna. 2 bdrm. furnished and tn good condJtion, to be 90ld aa h1 for only $17,950 and get tba, $~ down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Ba.lbo& laJA.nd Harbor U4 (Eves. Harbor 1786-R) ~-----~-~~---~ -~-------~ BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD , ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm., 13, bath homea on exclusive Kings Rd. Charming design and A.II room11 are well arranged, light and spacious. Large !!!lid· ing doors from dining room t o outdoor patio. W to W carpeting, forced air healing, indoor plant('r, dbl. garage, attractively landscaped and 1prinkler eyfl· tPm. This home will please the most discriminating buyer. Priced at only 522.750. with very attra.ct.Jve terms. Multiple Llstlng No. 5390. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Russ. Wm. G. Schmidt, AAM>Ciatca 312 Manne Ave .. Balboa IRiand Harbor 204.l Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 units, new duplex and 5-room house on :? lou. Choice r~t.al d121trict. J uat 100 feet fr<>m ocean. 2 uniU! arc furnished and r('ntt'd on yearly bM111. Own- n's home avails ble no.w. Thre<.' garages on aUey. Present income can be substantially increased. S5.000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 N('wport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 1013 ------------------------- FOR QUICK RESULTS! LIST YOLlt PROPERTY for 11ale with a MultJple Ustmg Bro ker. Did you know this immediately pul.8 2()() expert.I to wor k on your prollf>rty ! ALSO. for your protect ion. alway1 buy t.hru & "RealWr " tn'::.;=:!:i8:f::i i$ Newport Harbor Board of Realtor~ atone floora. 2 balhJI. 2 pa-oo. 32nd St., Newpo rt. Beach tio1. $25,000. 461 Ea.at 20th St., Costa Me.a. LI 8· 71 48 Ulfc Just Phon• HARJOR 1616 to Pt.c.e Y04ll AA on n. P•9• ' - c 11 ' I J I PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER-MARCH 2,1955 COSTA MESA OFFICE 1 COSTA MESA Nearly new 3 bdrm. home with f~place, breeze- way, on a quiet atreet in excellent neighborhood close In to town -All for just $10,950. $1000 dn. will buy thi11 property If you act quickly. We have the ke)f. CLIFF HAVEN Open Houses -Sat. & Sun. 600 Cliff Drive Large 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home on beautifully land· .caped corner lot. Priced reduced to $26,950. 1001 Cliff Dr ive Nearly new S bdrm., 211..i bath home with Panoramic View. Wall to wall carpeting -$29,750. 417 Snug Harbor Immaculat~ 2 bdrm. home built around patio and lanai. Wall to wall carpeting. c!'.)mer fireplace. Xlnt. buy at $14.850 .with FHA financing, 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1161 roR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. F . Geddes -LI 8-3158 A. Tietz -J u 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 v Best Values in Ocean View Homes CORONA DEL MAR 1. OCEAN FRONT THIS QUALITY BUTI...T HOME hu 2 bdrms. plus large den, 2 baths, hardwood floors and carpeted wall to wall. Forced air heat, Mercury switrh<"s. Garbage dispo8111 , wired for electric range. Sprink- ler ll)'lJ~m . automatic garage door. Sun p.roof glua ir living room. Many other fine featuru and out· standing vlt"W ot ocean, ~ch and breaken. BuJlt on rear or ocnn front lot. Priced at $32.750. 2. VIEW OF HILLS and CANYON T~is deluxe 2 bdrm. and df'n home. reduced from $23.500 to i19.950 for immediate sale. Home is only 1 year old and owner has moved. Hu built-in stove and O\'en . G. E. dishwasher and garbage di11poMI. Large comer fireplac('. Lots of wood panelling in living room. Oversized double garage. Brid<t'd patio and fenced yd, Built on 40-rt. lot. This is a bargain, BE I l'ER HURRY! EW!y terms. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING RF~TOR 3447 E . Coast Hwy , Corona del Mar Harbor 47 IOffire locatt'fi nP'<t rloor to Corona del Mar Bank) HARBOR VIEW * "The only av11ilable hC'lme In its class." Panoramic \'lew of the entire Harbor Area from this new 4 bf'<lroom plus d<'n. 3 bathroom, <'Xceed· ingly chet'rfol. easily maintained Cliff home. Two balconicfl, a f"e rtnanent \;ew frnm f'\'ery room. Plate glass windows and shrlmg rt"°rs Carpel1'. drapes. workshop Extra larg<' gara~<'. 2 fireplaces. RC"ad~, t n mo\·(' rn. Ask in~ pncC" ~40,000. This lo\'P)y hnmr must sc-11. To a qualif1ro buyer WE' will also finance with a reaJ lnw do~'n. Call J ohn Ma<'n::ib. Harbor 1ii6 or 53.'l!l anytime. EARL W. STANLEY , Rea ltor 225 Marine Ave . Rn\boa Island BALBOA ISLAND Beautiful No. Bay Front Colonial 4 b<frma .. 2 bathA - CHARM:! PERSONALITY!! Well furnished. Unit h<'at. Spc<'ially priced $44. 750. D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor P hone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer Cbd Salisbury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa bland SEE THESE FOR REAL VALUE! 1. Exceptionally nice 3 bdrm .. G.t. Reule. Ea.st Co.rt& Meas. Oak firs. fple. & patio. Low down. 2. BARGAIN Small 1 bdrm. cottage on East 15th St. naptone patio. BBQ. Price $5500, terms. 3. C-2 dntn. Co.ta MeM . Rtal buy at $17,950, trms. GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY Member or Multiple Llating 136 S. 1 Ttla St.. Oo.u. MM&. LI 8-7781, eva. 8-3186 f 82--BMJ Eatale ----~-- U-8-1 FAtate ft-RMI 1'Atate 411-.... P.w. --------------;;..;;;~;::;;... ___ _ BAY AND BEACH REALTY with three off ices to serve you NEWPORT. BALBOA OFFICE REALTORS BALBOA OCEAN FRONT EXC LUSIVE LISTING -BA YFRONT 4 bdrme., 2 living room.a -.tifft.Uti!l.fi~ Conservatory Patio. Excellent terms /ffQualifVed Buyer. 60 Ft. on Ba y Ave. -Pier & Slip Be aure to LOOK AT THIS ONE! Com er lot -Walled for prtvaey. Nicely JandJICaped in tropical plantings and fruit treee. Thia 3 bdrm. one-story home wu designed by R. J . Neutra and la one of the finest homes in the Harbor Area. Living room ii epacloua with Jota of glua and an unu.ual fireplace that also adds to the charm of the dining room. The kitchen ia all electric with a brick BBQ &nd elec. spit. In addition to the 3 bdrm.a. I: 2 bath• there are servant's quarter. with a aeparate patio. Thia 111 indeed a home for a diecriminatlng buyer who want.a the best. Shown by appointment to quali- Waterfront Lot -$8500. Room for large boat. Nice View Beautiful modern home on Balboa Peninsula. lllneq in family neceseitates sale at sacrifice price or will trade !or smaller house. Owner must move u eoon as possible to l~atory home, Will conaider all offers . fied buyera.. Partially furnished. -$1~.000. Nice 3 bdrm. den home on 111~ Iota. Newly decorated. Wonderful large patio. Full price -$24,500. Open Houses dail y 1-4 P. M. 2000 E . OCEAN BLVD. 2 bdl'm., large patio -$19,500 ALSO Exclusive Listing BALBOA PENINSULA 1701 E. BALBOA BLVD., 3 bdrm., 2 batb, dJnlng room. -$12,7:50. Xlnt. financing on both. 2 bdrm. home comfortably turn. Cloee to J etty. Full price $13,750. $3750 down. $100 mo. Why pay rent! 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa HARBOR 126-4 FQR..EVENING .. INFORMA TJON .. CALL: T. Cox -Ll 8-7237 N. Martin -LT 8-1774 W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E . B. Chue -Har. 2762-J Yes sir - New & Clean RICGF:ST BALBOA ISW !l:D val. In c11mCut1able l111tnK In wl'll 1>!1111n,.t1 2 br, homf , w tlh com· r>lfttly rumt•hf'd apt. OVH dbl. prap t..M'111 Of wudroM •J"lce. aunny pa1lo, wall ·to walJ carprt, rum11ce heat a.nd tlrepl It looking In tt1f JUi,000 to UO.· 000 r11n,;.-. be 1nm1 to ~• lhl• hortur and Income. Contact K11b Pow•n- J. A. BEEK , Realtor M3 Ptrk Ave B11lbo11 t.lanlf REAL VALUES SACRIFICE! THIS 2 BF:DR~f HOME h1 trnlv a buy' Hdwd. rlnnr"' Ttle kit· ,.h,n 11.niJ b>llh O<>ftl"• or b111ll· 1011 <"le11n u a pin E11c,.llent F.11 •t 11111• hK'lltlCln ,. pr1r•d t o .... 11 11t thfl lnw, ltw,· prlre M . Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 CENTRAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT 85-FT. FRONTAGE ON SUPERIOR near 17th St. Large 3 bdrm. home for living & '~ acre for ahopa It building. M-1 on .ewer. $12,900 with term•. Eve. information PETIITE Lt 8-M87 BACK BAY ACREAGE 4 acres rolling land fa.clng mt11. Beautiful unob· structed view. Will make beautiful estate or can be divided. $20,000 with 1~ down. 2 So. acrea can be bought eep. for $8000 with $300 down. Evea. Information SEYMOUR Har. 5298-W 2 BDRM. FURNlSHED HOYE Centrally located. Newly decorated, lovely maple furn. A really nice home ready to move In. Only S8~ -TerttUI. Eve. information BENNER Har. 1611 COSTA MESA DOWNTOWN AREA 1 yr, old, 2 bdrm.11 .. hwd. !Ira., sewer, gar .. curb9 It paving. Owner moving t o Glendale. Sac. al S9950. onJy $1500 dn. Hurry. E\'e. information PETITIE LI 8-5487 FOUR UNIT APT. CHOICE N . E . COSTA MESA New three 1 bdrm. & one 2 bdnn. a rts. N r. college, tran.ep.. 11hopping. 3 apt.s. nnted. 2 on yr's lease. Exe. invest. $10,000 or lcaa will handle. Eve. Information SEYMOUR Ha r. 5298-W CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL WonderfuJ home for chUdren. Beautiful 3 bdrm. home with big rumpus le hobby room. Lovely en- cloaed yard. At $19.050 asking price. NOT LEASE- HOLD. $5000 with bandk Shown by appl. only. For eve. infonnation, LYTLE Ll 8-2542 HOUSTON REAL TY & Associates 509 Center SL. Cotrta Me8&. Ltberty 8-6911 18.150. --------------------- E Z TERMS ON THIS 3 B EDRM HOME. l yr nld W11ll to "·all r•r}W'llng Lii;!' l<ltrhm w11h dlnlns: llr"" frn<'f'd v•nl :"tr"t~ l11nt1'<"aP"'1 F\JU prlr" Jfl 800 Submit your own ''""'"11 B. A. NERESON REALTOR LIDO WATERFRONT SO~IETHING TO BE PROUD OF! Thia home bas 4 bdnna., 2 baths, living rm. and den, lounge, bar, dining rm .. all electric kitchen a.r:rd breakfast room. Laundry with wuber & dry<.>r. 3 fireplaces. PIER & ~LIP. Fully furniabed. A beauty for only $53,000. $20.000 down. CALL Lila B. McFr.rren at O ne of t he last REMAINING COMMERCIAL Iott on Balboa h land. JMOO, lerm.1. Move in WlTH NO DOWN PAYMENT! Lovely new horn" In COl!l& MteL Mo.ny utru. Landacaped. Excellent income property doing $225 per month dur- ini winter. Triplex Cln"41 lo the oc-n. Shake roof Nearly n""'. Built by preaent nwnt'r. CalJ Mr. Pa.ttlllOfl. Wllh - W. E. Fishe r, Realtor IUld ASSOCIA TE.8 3034 E .. t Cout Highway Coron. del Mar Phone Harbor 20.J BALBOA Bay Front Duplex Fuml.ithf'd ant1 wllhln walltlnf d1a. 1.&1\09 of the 11\irary In Ba.I~ 131.500, TIIRM8. 2 B. R. & Den Home Nur md of Penll'Ulula. Unf\lrn. \Ahf'd. Glau le.n&I, nrepl•c• anJ Barbeque. C'l\annel vll!'W «'tf el- Jmt. TERMS. SH,600. Coast Propertie s Rl "TH JA YRED, Reallor·M(f. K.Lilenne Ol1111n, M1ldrfll Rt~s•. GP<>rge R.aban, Auocl&IH 301 E. 8&.lbo& Blvd , &Ibo& Harbor 2658 6 Har. 4400 18U MOTEL -.. LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE LIDO 2 bdrm., lup Uvb\s room. Thi.a home wm be ftOl.lllt rtrbt after .chool la out. F •JI Price -$19,99t5. ' bdnn., peMIJed lh1nc room. 215-tt. lot. 8tNlt .. street. St f>,900, wtth a low down pe.ymeat. New 3 bdrm. and den. 2 bath. ProvtnetaJ StJle • a very nice street. Can't be cklpUoated at $26,750. Here ia one of the bNt bu19 In a rood .,_ liot. Approx. M x 88 tt. on Centro $15,500. Furn. Bayfront with lge. pier 6 allp. S bdnu., I batha. Lge. parking area.. $49,500. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach· Harbor 3&43 FOR EVENING INFORM A TJON CALL t R. C. Greer -Har. 2999 J . Kimble -Har. 1081·1t R. Norton -Har. f-035-W P. Terry -Har. 4933 MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES G. 1. Reaa.le nr. Country Club. Out of atate owner hu authoriud sale price of $11.500 with only $1750 dwn. $86 mo. pymts. Incl. taxes, lna., lntua.t and prin!pal. 3 bdnns., fireplace, hwd. fin, 2-car de· t hed garage. 66 x 120 Jot . See thia today! NE RT HEIGHTS -Need Elbow Room! - Let UJJ •how you this 4 bdrm .. 1 :it bath home with F . A. heat, fireplace, garbage diap. Large 2-car p r. 63 x 110 lot. Full price $13,860 with only S.00 dn. LIDO ISLE -Nr. Clubhouae! S5000 down will buy this thm~ year old 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Parquet flooni, warm wood panelling. firepla.oe, built-bl book- ca8", open beamed ceilinga, 11eparate dining room with louvred doors. Garage atreued for 2nd atory or aundeck with bay view. Full prioe S27,500. Another Vogel Co. excluatve u.tlngl VOGEL CO. Main Office, 3201 Cout Highway, Newport BM.eh Liberty 8-3481 CORONA DEL MAR Art! you looking for a home and eon>• tDoome ! Here are two u ceUeot buyw $13,500 SmaJI home, beautifully decorated. feooed )"ll"d. patio, complete privacy. plua small apartment. Hu G. l. Loan. Apartment turn.laMd. $12,250 Gange apartment. with bachelor apt.. below, w a view. carpeted. On corner lot With room 1D fl"Clllt to build your home. G. L Loan. $13,350 Two 30' lot.I!. corner of Orchid a.nd S.vlew, la bee.rt of R-1 distri<'t. Priced t.o aelL SEE I082 Nrwport ntvd , C03ta Mt'llA Phone Ll 8-1672 Evt't. L.l 8-M87 20r21 Balboa Bay Properties 9 stucco wtits, unencumbered on Highway in Culver City. Air conc:Utioned. Fine park- ing lot . loada of neon aigru1. RAY REAL TY CO. COSTA MESA 2 11.c. R11ck Blly WILh 419 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 3786 or 2:>17-M rentnl11 .. $14.000 --------------------- 1 ar. rhlr.lcM ra.nch. tully l'QUlpp!'l1 Aftklng prlrt $40,000 2 br. l"llnch h OUllt', l RC 122.~0 BAYSHORES Ru11tlc 3 bdrm t bat h .... $23,600 Cute 2 hdrm A ll'\ltll rm Ul.~ Xlnl cor. on Herbor l !\() II 19-0 . . .. -.$45 ()()() 00 II ·~ on C11t. Hwy ... $22.000 I ('O(ld Iota on Wt'lll .Sde. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 1731 W. C(IUl Hwy. U 1-4277 1/2 Ac .-Newport Hts THRElll LOTS 6 TWo HOUSES, all Wllh p.-rmtUlf!nl OCC'M ''l~w a.nd t11JJarf'nl to City Ptuk. Ont hrnu1e m od!'m. two hdrm. 11nc1 hllth ,.'1th addttlOl'lfll rm. and •, bath C)n t'.IC11Jble jnlr&C'"· B~am t~llrtl!'ll. \'lfW Soln window11, CIAglltone flrer>t.t'~ i10.-211~ CIJff Drive. lnchaatve. 19000 dwn, F P. su,ooo. WUI acctpt f"ood F'lr11t Tr.-o..11 "1 tnd«' l.J -.m1 18U• Hear Ye! Hear Ye ! ON KINGS PLACE EGAD. we have a beauty, 2 bdrm. & den and bath & 1 :!· Time & space wiU not perm.it us to tell you au the nice tbing11 about thill beautiful home. Hurry for tltill. $26.500 fuU price, temu1. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1666 N.?9.1JOr1. Blvd., Costa Meea Llberty 8·3792 SPECIAL SALE MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE! Old walnut plantation desk. old walnut kitchen cup- board. old walnut drop leaf table, f po&ter bed, car- pets, davenport & chaira. wicker fum1ture, old abut· ters, marble top table, cut glau, fa.rm beU, bn.u .tr copper, mirron. lamp ahadee, chest ot draweni, trunli. pgintingtt. cooking uteneiJe. odda It en~. REA..R G.A.R.AGE.. i"8 No .Cout Blvd .. ~guna Sch. 20c22 Well established busioes11, 7 (ACROSS FROM THE BANJO yrs. old. ln tip top 11hape. 3H4 E. Coast 81\'d, Corona de! Mar Ha rbor•2288 All furn .. incl. plenty llnene --------------------- Income well over $8000. EJt· peruaea $2000 include ~5-40 tuea. ~55.000. Owner re- tiring. Will trade for clear income property with pier I: floaL Thia will bear full lnvestiga- Uoo. Owner, Erneet ZJm. merman, 2907 So. Cochran Ave., Lo. Angele. 16. CORONA DEL MAR Fumlshf'd ..house idcaJ for one per.on or eouple. Full Price $9~. Have you a finit Truat Deed for 1&le T If 110, pie~ let u. know. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtor• Bwiineu Broker 3135 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2W Whitney 5961. Courteey to -------------------- broken . 17c30H SELF SUPPOR'nNG Home anr! lnrome. Top Jl)catlon Coron.a del Mu. 80 rt. front. 2 R·2 loU. WeU built I bedroom hOl.I• to f?oont. I unlta • ~ar. ln reu . Room ttw ftll unit Thl• I• a hot b&rpin at l i.1.&00. With Sl0.000 down. UnttF. wttl pey 1ou • taa .. •. cau ront V«rtJJ~ du. Hu. '*· ..,.. a.,, 14TT, ll de BALBOA ISLAND A ttractJve 2 bdrm. cottage, 2-ear garage. EJroel· lent location near North Bey & Ahopping center. Price SlR,500 -Low down payment WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auoclatet Park at M&rme. Balboa Ialud -11.u'W Mill ,, -I .I . , ' . ·~· ·' / i ' I !r~~ _'18_~!-! ___ H •••• • .~~ -~~~ ----• 0 • 0 --1_n-__ Re.J __ bta __ tti _____ et-__ RMl __ l"A __ ta_te ______ &_i-_ ... __ FAta __ tti _____ a.-__ ... __ r.a_tatti ____ _ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MDIBERS or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND Attrac. 2 bdrm. tum. home, $17,050. ~down. BAY SHORES PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP deecribM thia deluxe 2 . bdrm., 1 :1~ bith home in one ot the fine.rt loca· tiona in thi1 exclualve aref:' Charming living room, beautiful kitchen, dining' la.nal opening onto •· clud~ aunny patio. A buy at $24,750. 81iown by appo!ntment only. CORONA DEL MAR New 3 bdrm., 131' baths, spaciou.e room.1, family rm, din. rm .• garb. dfap., Western-Holly 2·unJt •tot'e, Bendix waaher, hwd. tloon, F. A. heat. open beam ceilings. Theae and many other features. Sw~p- ing view of ocean. room for swimming pool. Price $29,500. lllnt. terma. Don't fall to let ua ahow you thUI. t We KNOW- Where the real &'ood Buys are on Lido! We KNOW all the property owners . WE KNOW true values on Lido. WE KNOW v_alues are going up each day. WE KNOW we have juat the home you are looking tor. WE KNOW we can sell your home if you already live on Lido. WE KNOW if you will drive into our tree parking lot that we can do a real job for you. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' WE KNOW the Harbor Area ... $950 DOWN. 2 bdrm. home. Dbl. gar. Cute u a pin. $8750 full price. NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm. older home It gueat bouae (fumlahed). Lot 50' x 127'. Peek-a-boo-view. SlMO down .. $7500 full price. WORKSROP 20' x 53' and 2 bdrm. home. Cloae to Alpha Beta. $10,850 with reuon&ble terma. M' FRONTAGE ON NEWPORT BLVD. Right In town. Small bldg. with an alley in rear. $15,750. tm.I. INCOME. New 2 bdrm. home plua 6 unit.I, all fur. nlthed renting for $390 per month. Near traupor· taUon and markets. $39,950, term.a. WELL BUILT & NEWLY DECORATED 2 bdrm. home on corner lot, $6500, with $1500 down and balance $55 per month. A-1 agriculture, 2 '-era ---· .. $6500 M·l industrial, 60' x 126' ----·······-······-·······$2950 7~' x 90' on Orange Ave., near Alpha Bet.a ·~$3000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., • ea.ta Mesa. LI 8-1601 The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lido Values - Delightful 3 bdrm. P\ bath ranch type. 2 yean old. Panelled liv. rm., large used brick fireplace. Ex~lknt location. nr. beach. Vacant.. Reduced to $24.950 for quick sale. $20,500 FURNISHED • A nearly new 2 bedrm. h ome u a ttractive as can be, bolh inside uid out.. Thia bom e haa had reaJ good care and is priced to .ell. BAYFRONT • On Lido Nord with pier & slip • 4 bednn11. • Den· Maid'• Rm. Extra large lot. A very nice home with large master Br. & Sitting Room. Facing the Bay · Home IB a value at a price that will aurpri11e you. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office &U6 Via Lido, Newport. Beach Har. •971 or +972 EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See thia beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrms., 2 batha, Thermador kitchen, dishwasher, garbage dispont. Many other exceUent featurea. 1 yr. old. A real value et $23,950. COSTA MESA U You are loolcJnr for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we bave it. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price $12.950 Call Liberty 8-2664. (E\·es. Llberty 8-7056)) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor a t 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Beach CURT DOSH announces his association with JOHN B. PRENDERGAST Realtor -Since 1924 223 Marine Avenue, Balboa lsl9nd Office Harl>or 1331 Retrldence Harbor 2373-J CORONA DEL MAR TO SE'ITLE EST A TE, Widow will sell nice 2 bdrm. home, 1 ~2 block11 from 1hoppl.ng center. He.a lots of tlle. beamed ceilinp, tu.mace heat. beautiful flag- stone fireplace &nd garage i• 1treast"d for apt. ow.r. A ~~ insurance Co. loan with payment.a ot S:S3.39 per month. Wm eeU furnished, if deaired. Only $12.500. • Eltcluaive Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD'' 334.2 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1862 WE ~W we are members of Multiple Listing Service and WE KNOW for your Safety-Deal. with a Realtor! YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT WE HANDLE only property that is priced at fair market or . below. YOU SHOULD KNOW we have a fine group of homes on Lido for sale from $19,000 up to $250,000. . YOU SHOULD KNOW -'Tom Payne' and 'Joe Stawicki' are associated with: DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd.,, Newport Beach . California Phone Harbor 4 718 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS LIDO ISLE Swimming Pool EXCJ:PTIONAL. UI lhl• lO¥elJ II bdrm. 6 nunpu.a room home on a lge. ~21., IL 1treel lo 1lrul cor lot on WOO NORD. Ap· peallnir frnm both wllhln and v.1thout Ulla home offua lh• M03T tor ru.J IJvtnf All la.rp room1, l~x.28 IJv. room. I\. ballu. altracUve kJlchen v.1th lllspow. dlsh"""hrr 6: 220 w1r· lni;. only 21, yn•. old. complt'Le· l.v wall~ paUo, w lo w cAT}>«l· Ing. J&d7 ~ fL Anthony swim· m ing pool -IMAOJNI;! Al.L THlS ror •o .GOO-Tum1 CLIFF HAVEN -Only $2,000. Down Ul'fflELatVllABLEl ll'I true that lhl• I bdrm. home on on• ot the 1>6t 1lreet.. In Clltf Baven can be bouKhf tor only '2.000 down GO tt. lot. compleWy fanced and nlcel>" l&Adacaped. hdwd. neon. w to w carpeting. drapn lnc:lud- ~ Near eehoola. IMMWtA TE P06S!:.SSJONI •To-da)"I BEST V ALU!:• Corona del Mar lots 10 rt. So. of KJway ~2 __ J3M>Q et. tt. ao. of J(Jway ft..2 --18860 CHECK WlTH US FOR GOOD BA YSHORE PROPERnES "C" THOMAS U..U.TOR 224 W, Oout HJ..ar. Npt. Sch. J...Iberty l-M2T "C"' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS COSTA MESA FURN. DtTPLllX Oil Broadway. 2 bdnna. e&. l.lnlt.. ,,,.,1. Bdwd. noora. aubrnl\ 13000 down. • • • 17&'x300' l••eJ lot. on NW•ra. acned tor bualn"U. nut to oorner of ltth 6 P lac.llUL • • • $600 DOWN ~'EARL T NEW I b9drm. borne. L&ndllC&ped. Good Jooetto-Oii • • • 11000 dcrtna. ~ ....... 1*!rm. 1 ~ kO. bome .. ...,._ ooner lan~~ JOL • • • Sea Breeze Realty Oor. Jtua 6 Plaomtsa, C. M"• o.,.. • ..,.., a Ll'tlerty 1-3ee3 20c21 PRIZES for Cub to Loan A UTOlll'J"TE .tr "1RNl8RL"'0S With IWUIT J bdrm. llorae. l:n- dOHd BBQ, 1,.. p r. Wl.Ued ~Uo. Lot &o • toe. Fenced. S.t water. NMJ" Ha.rbor BlYd. mlcL and bua, Tol&l pt'toe ll~.000 LJbertJ 1·'81a. ZOclJ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST LOTS -Re.sidenUaJ corner. 1 blk. to storca le Newport Blvd. ___ ... .... ....... . .. ·····-_____ $2500 70xl30 E . side, watar 6 fruit treee on lot $2260 50x200 on Elden Ave. Build 3 unit.a here S2000 Dntn. Costa Mesa 150-fl., all C-3 zone at $95 ft. Harbor Blvd. 60x300 ripe to de\'dop . $12,500 Placentia Ave. M·l front.age 127' \'ariPd depth at ·····-.. ... .. . . . .. .. S70 rt. 60x.HO ~tricted R-1, all improvements S2750 A CRES-M-1 & R-4 zoning, 2 l 5 A. h1lls1dt-~4!">00 Clo~ in 5 acre plot. best investment. ... $1~.000 10 acres corner near new project.I ..... _.$35,000 H0~1 ES -Furnished 1 bdrm. trailer house with bath and cabana added • J..ocatcd on close-in Elden A ,·e. J .! acre. Out ol town owner must cash out S4750 only. Has everything. Ranch •tyle, 2 bdrm., den, 2 bath home, st' lie & oven built-in, fan, garbage disposal, forced beat, Wied bric k fircplaoe and log lighter. Hwd. floon, heavy ah.ake roof. Lots of t.iJe & panel.ling. Att&clled dbl. garage. Brand new and only SH.~ with $3000 down. ----- Klnga Road panorama view borne. Adorable 2 bdrm., hwd. floors. Pullman bath, Formica kitchen. diniDg room. fireplace, forced air heat, lanai, l>•tio, quick poe.seealon. J u.st $5000 down. Leasehold $250 year. BUSINESS LOCATIONS -Beautiful. delightful home. 2 bdnns., den, d1.n.1ng room. fireplace, hwd. floora, dbl. garage. Bua1l?eu location and home at aa.me addreae. Euy to buy, $5000 dn., no fin&Dce charges. 8eller will cany baJa.n ce to 1uil I....uge lot., 75' front, paved alley, aewers in and paid. Groae income $375 month. 2 lrtOl"M and 2 bdrm. apt. Located acrou 1t.reet from large new build· 1ng program. Thia inve.tment now paying bet· ter than H % . Room for 2 UDlta Oil dbl front· age lot. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE-SALES-LOA.NS-Bun.DERS 18.'57 Newport Ave·, Costa Meu Liberty 8-1832 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. OCEAN BL VD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2"°' bath1, large living room. M"parate dining room, J&rge knotty pine den With built-in bar, lounge, 2 fittplacee, buement with l~,000 BTU 'furnace. Expen.iveJy carpeted wall to wall tbru-oul Garbage disposal and dJsh· washer. House 5 yrs. old. Largo double garage "''Ith laundry, radio-controlled door. Lot 50 x H 2'. Well landscaped. One of th• moet erpen1ively buJ.Jt homes on the front, located at 3312 Oce&ll Blvd. (formerly 610.) OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Sho"'11 by appointment only Phone Ow?le~, Harbor 343:) Three Balboa Peninsula Duprexes r ~O I. fl()TJI APARTMJl»olT8 HA\"1-: 3 IJEf\RO<>~t~. 2 ~ATHS :'\11 riv f•trtu•h• J ~1 t11&t!'d on IUP•' '" I H• r lttl Sr.11c•tn11" hi Un· • tt1v •n•I i;.Jrai;e. $W":!'>O, $6~00 •.!t1~t-tl Xn %. LOVltt~ Y 8Tl'CCO anl! f'llUl"t"J. 2 ''<1r\ b11l11lln1; Wllh ,I I><' It• •f ~ 1111 •n•I 2 f)uwn Jo'11r· n111u1• 11n 1 r••••peny ln .A -J con- cJill·>n ~I• •t tif dr•J>"•. rar~\lnsr '""'' f1x·u1ri1 •r• new Pandy tor hnme Willi tnw me or tor rwntal tinly U7,:\00. ,(onthJir P•1"1ent1 lnd ude lntrrrtt.. t.&aH and In· l llnlllf .. ~" 3, O~LY 8 TEARS OLD. OQ Mira.mu nr1ve .. 2 bedroom rear apartmbt and l bedroom fNnst ... Otll °"' lenl. l'Uml1hed or courae end 11•1 '2 car P"'r;~ Ciood lnrnmt1 prnPf'rl,y, 120 000. .Peninsula Homes! TWO BEDROOM STUCCO HOMJ:. But VAiue on t.1'111 "point" Din· et~. rtreplace. double pt'llK• and 1 .. ,,. patio Only e yeare old Bt"at ll It )'Ou c..n tor •u.ooo, S•.000 down. HERE a ~<>'I'HER OUTST AM>- '-'"0 VALUE on lht Pmlnl\IJL 2 bedroom• and dm • ..,..._ -..II· ed p&Uo. and rttently npa&n~ ed. ~pUon&lly weU buut pto~ erty The prlee Is only lH,000 6 f't.n be bouitht for $~.* dOWll and Mf 10 monthly. VVJI HA V1!: 8JrV!:RAL O'MDIR NlCE HOMES ON 11m PENINSULA. AND ALL GOOD VALUD. l!ll!l'PJ u 8 n:Rft. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoelte 8&n.k ot """mca) M•mt>tra. MuJUple U1tJn1 ROiie Or.eley IDd LM Jµk Plttkham J~phJ111 WIMI TOO !:. Balbo& BJYd .• 8&.lboa Phone Harbor 321T. ~.000 llMA.U. ROUsr;. UJtalll LOT Good Cott.a Mue Location. Tenna. ~. Thief CALL Ula B. McP'arren at Balboa Bay Properties · '19 E. Rlllboa Blvd., Dalbo& Harbor ll18f or J_,17·M Costa Mesa . I BED.JU(. ROUSE. WUOd tloor9. I car prage. 11000 dD. P'1JDU. .... Nat. llalaedlat.e ,, ..... n. Locator of Ca.l1t. 18M Harbor Bl .• ea.ta Mesa ~rty 8-1$61 20e22 MARCH 2, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 11' UDO ISLE BAY FRONT-Pier 6 llip. Only 1 yr. old. S bectrma., 3 bath.a, elec. kit., bWJt..in dlabwuher, 1arb&ge di. poql. W to W O&J1*a, drape. 6 new 20' Century motorboat tnc. ill price. Tb.la la a boaey J ·Price $70,000. . BAlBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH-Pier It allp privileree. S yearw old. 2 bdrm., 1'4 bath, Iota of tile. Parquet fira., dbl. gar .• F. A. beat. Now ia the time to buy for next 11wnmer or yearly occupancy. A real value at thU. price. $26,250 NEWPORT Duplex funUahed • rood rental diatricl Ocean and Bay both cloae by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1011 two fine family homes Both on Lido -Both on Via Koron No. 1 Wonderful brand new home with I bdnm., 2 .,. full size and the muter 1.a extnl Jarre. 2 tiled bathl. master bedroom cupeted and alldins door opeq from it onto a magnificent aundeclc. ~ulifW klt.ci... en with buHt·in oven and range, d.ispoe&1 aad dilb- waaher. Separate dining area. Ueed brick flnplue. paneling, fine wallpapera, and 1peclal Ucbt ftxtv. throughout. lt's extra nice and 6Xclualve with \LI far $29,500 full price with excellent ~ •nUebll No. 2 Ju.t •tep inside thia cheerful home and you'll want to move right in, Provincial interior throucbou' with panelling and a uMd brick fireplace tn both If"" ing room and muter bedroom. 4 bdrma. or I pd den, ~ baths, perfect. tiled kitch en. Street to ~ lot a step from the befit beach. $28,!500. "CONSULT US roR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3.WO Via Udo Harbor 4444 CACROSS FROM RICHARD'S M.AJUG7J' ENTRA.NCii) p. a. palmer incorporated developers of lido isle, offer: Ort a ~91,.: x bS foot corner, a tit.one'• t.bl'ow from the c.iub, a home with "Old World" charm -even has • bcanng olive t.ne Jn the lovely p&tlo. 2 bdrma. o..nd bath plus maid'• room and :1~ bath plua "1 bath ror bath~rs. 830.000 and $10,000 d.own will bandla. On a ~ x 88 street-to-1treet lot, ' bdrm... 2 bath, dining room, hardwood floora, nice patio, an attrac- tive large oldrr home that invite• you to relax Sn an eaay way. $.29. 750. USED BRICK fireplace, papered dinin1 room. plant. ed patio and forced air furnace ln lhll NEW ' bdrm., 2 bath home that ta ready to move Into. Thia 1s a fine home and the price la un~Uevabi. at $.26,i50. We don't know of any betterl FOR LEAS E -New beautiful BAYJ'RONT APTS. ~led, draperiea, Cireplacee, funliahed or un.tur- ni11hed, 3 bdrm., 2 bath or 2 bdrm.. 1 be.th. There are none finer. Pler A alipe. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1333 via lido harbor 1!500 THE MOST FOR THE LEAST On Margucri te, near everything, 2 bdnn. pl\LI dm., newly dee .. liv. rm., din. ana It. ball carp. W to W. Lovely patio, overwia dbl. gar. 8e9t of term.a. Only $16,600. 2 bcfrm .. bwd. firs., dbl car. Built for apt. ,,.,_, So. of HJwy. Couldn't duplicate for the price of Sl•.ooo. 2 bdrm., 2 bath, hwd. fln .• F A heat. prb. d.t.p. 4().ft. lot., brand new, only bllt. to beach. Prloed r1gbt l:xcluatvea wtth R. L STRICKLER. Realtor M22 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Ma.r Bu Z776 . BALBOA ISLAND "SPACIOUS and charming'' delcribe8 tlWI yea.r- round or excellent income home. 3 Larae bdrm• .. 2 baUtA, dinJng rm-pine panelled and fully car· peted. Furnace beat, fl.rcpl.a.ce, d.i.poeal. Lota of cloaet and 1torage space. AND th~re 1• room to add a complete room on the rear. A corner location nr. South Bay. And the financins can be arnn,.cS ....., than rent. .i"umilhed. -$26,500. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Pbon.t Harbor 002 • ICY• ~R . I I I . , -.. -.t I I : ! . ' I ! j • -.. ~~~· .. l e t o a A I I I 1 WITH . SALLIE March 3, 1965 Newport BNch, o.nt. "B" day .. SuaM.y, 11.ueb JS . • • The beibmlnl of R&chard'• 1-day 7th Blrill- day Celebratlo• • . • Clrde Sunday, March 1S oa your calendar ..• Brtai the ldde and let them ride to tbelJ' hearta content. bl '11n.ke!'- town • • The reet of the week ;,m brta1 fprtb She- riff Jou •.• two Bill Welch Star Shopper TelevWon 1bow1 •.• a daJ of oreblds • for the ladiea ••• A ehaDee t.o wbt a 500 mllll plane trtp any place you ch009fJ • • • Ounes and prtr.e. every hour and at the end of every day • • • • ill Coincident wtth our 7th Birthday ia Lido Toyland'a and Williama S t a t I o n er 1 Birthday . . .' Jack Bidwell'• ~:.mt Birthday actually isn't until April, but he pus hed his cele-~~ bration up so he could cele- brate too and Dick Macker who already had bis ~irthday la having another one, just t o ~-I get in on the fun . . . In fact all the Lido Shope, Vincent'• Druga, Lido Electric, plus 20 more are hopping on the Birthday Bandwagon to bring ,~; you a block-load of birthday ~ value. and fun .•. Watch ! OllXJ~ Dental Health Week ln ~e County be~l.aa ned 11 y, March 7th •• Why a dental bf'.&lth week! What a. It for'! What dOfl9 It mfJ8ll ! Do you know that the •UmafM rat.e of decay la ehDdre•'• UJeth la three Umee .. KJ"Mt u wla&t eoGld be reat.ored It all the deetista Ill the tJ D I t e d Stat.ea worked a full 8 ....,. a day flllblg teeth ••• Tbere la no Ooverameat gnat In ileeeArob J>eDu.t. ry and the output of deat- W. ma't be LDcrMaed ,... DldlY enousb to pt all u.e Cleeiilyw ...... C*lb'ol at Geae, 90 tbe Deattat. thetn- Mlvee have deddecl tbe beet way t.o ft~ht tooth decay t. to educ.at# the part"llte on proper autrttlon to &top tooth decay ..• Sqar! That'• the baby that eau.ea all the damage ... In th.la country we conaume 10 time. the augar per pereon u our ~at-grand!athera did 100 yeara ago. We uae about 3 tlmea u much aa we need for energy requirements ... Let 'em have their canday, Mom, on Sunday .. and make them brush their teeth after- wards ... You'll f ind your dentist bills cut by ~~ if you do and your lcide wiU have ~tter teeth . . . I See that they get their mUk too ••• a&. leMt three ~ a day ••. It ls det· I battely nffdrd lD thf' forma- tive periodi. from hlrth to tbe ~n" ... A~r tHD• milk al90 plays an bnport.. Mt part bl maJnta.lnlD~ tile boay 11tructu'1"8 of the teeth ••• You adults! Ralf of yow teeth utnctiou &t'e eaaeect by ~ of the boay 11tnlct1lre8 • • • How about tlm denta.I ~o '! rve Sot a frif'nd •·ho'" a dHttMtl Attended the finlt meeting ot the Todd's Marketing Corp- oration which conaist.a of aome twenty marketJI, lnclud- 111 lng your& truly. who put Todd's Milk in their Dairy cuea thr first or t he yea r ... ,. The head of each market made a report on how their cuatoqien were reacting to I Todd's milk ... I have never beard such an enthuaiaaUc croup of grocers . . . Eaeh I and every one said they were 1eUJng more milk than they bad over the same ~riod Jut )'Mr ..• Each had a UtUe l .tory to tell about the people who took time ~o tell them bow much they enjoyed the I quality of the milk ... Try Todd's eottace cbee8e • • • At tbe .,..,...., of a.& tbey C8llMI oat .tu. n.ter cartolaa • • • llOlbe wlUI ~ 9CMDe wtth .... wttla llO llllhertWai • t.bem ••• Tky eTtm bave a UUle bole pGDCbed Ill tbe ..._ wbicla wftll tM aid of a .. deuer for a handle war inak~ t11e r.ttt Bane1 p oat t>f ht8 ..,..,. to nn It vp ... . You can tute Todd'• milk ~~ thi1 WN'k·<'nd at Richard'• ... one of t hP Licfo ~hopa at New- port &-nch , Calif. f • Farm Fresh Goodness Jmported FLVNA.."i 5nc: HADDIE --·--·lb. 1- ~ lledt-. CllEDDAB 4ae CHEESE .......... -..... Jb. 1- httlu ......, '° Bake 2 23c BISCUITS tubf! for ()Qr Owa Bulk ()!Upped ~ DRIED IEEF ...... o'...£1- RltlUrcl'• Own Fn.M Fnal& l"ELLO 1 fte SALAD .................... ,... 1- ...,...,,..... CU:AM 33c CHEESE __ . ___ .._ Rieb Flavor, Fuerte Varlfty Avocados Luge, Comp.ct, No.rtllern Grown DRINKING TODD'S DAIRY MILK, Is lust like own- 1119 ,_. own cow., Todds Is practlcally In your own back yard-it's 10 near and always so fresh. The mAk has everythinCJ your own milk wollld have -pl• the ·care. of IMn who really bow. : Actually, Toclcl's leaves more in their m• tflcl• most farmen. That's why people who *hlk ;Todd's enfoy a finer flavor-a healthier MYeftlCJ•· Shop for Todd's prod u ct s , at Richard's, this weekend. Observe Dental Health Week-March 7-12 Richard'• Oreea Clartoll Raacb Fre8h LGE AA EGGS dozen 55c · Darigold AA 59c BUTTER lb. Chkke. ot Se. Orem Label CHUNK TUNA 1ize 1-2 tin 27c Gold Medal Eluiched FLOUR CAMPBELL'S SOUP A8puagu. -Pea or Vegetarian Vegetable 19c 5 lb. 49c M. J. I. RICE 9uick CookinCJ _ z~oz. 35f Brown Rice -··--··· zB-oL 29f Lon-i Grain \\'ltJte .JB-oL 35 ( THL"R~OA\' Butter Flake DL .... XER Rolls . . ...... 6for17c YRJOA \' IA'lnt .. n l"pN"lal ! HOT ('ROSS 6 'tfte Buns .. . . ... -.... . ror 1.1- Artichokes 3 lor 27c 8ATT'ROA\" Dan•·" 4 23c Butterhorns tor U. 8. No. 1 Sw• Spuhh Onions 3 13c Iba. P'ana ,.,.... Todcl'e ROMOOENlZED 2011-C MILK .:_··-··-·-·-·-··-.. ······Cl'· 12 Fann •• ,_.. Todd'• HOMOGENJZl:D 41 C MILK ..... ----··-·-·---···-·--•.:.:u~ iUlti:V1TAMIN :. 22YJc RH.I MUk f'\Hor Todd'• 1 l\c: NON-F lT MILk -----~ .. ,i. u- Flftll Cllurat!d Todd'• 14C BUTTERMILK _________ .... Cf. c~ii6ciLiTE DRINK, •. 19c BNt bl' C'Offee t.r.t -Todd'• 21\c: HALF & HAlf-·-·~ ........ ,,.. u- /rozen /oocl ... S\\ M U10 tl'• C hl<'kl'D HlZZARO~ or HEARTS .··- ~-._,.._rd,.n Lars .. Gf'N'n SHRIMP 1b. 29c Jlkf:. u• 55c oL. Anllr ""n'• lepllt 11 ·olf. 2 29c Pea Soup . ,,,,. Mlnut" Malit 10-n~. 2 29c Grapefruit '"' ftlnt~y.· ComhlD&tlon -Ma\,. I l ei 1 pk(. •·"'n~h •·rt"",. 1 pk ic. 47c Fish Sticks tto•h ,,,,. t :njoy ft t.:.~I. QuaJl1,· Kl,.h1.r<l'11 t ln•"•I """'""' nr 79c Ice Cream , , ·1tal1on Dole ea...._ auoro 2 35 PINEAPPLE -'~,!.?i for c richarJ~ choice meal:J .. o v.-Vep..,._ .JUie& 2 23 . COCKTAIL _:_ for c Olo.W&. .il'aJOOT 2 23 NECTAR .. !!. fnr c Bt.oll.e.IJ' Cut 1 fte GREEN BEANS -"·~~ 1- Krat& M-.1 2 29 DINNER --~· •cw c w.1 ... ~-Lftt: SALMON __ . ___ ... "'- .... <».Mii 'Mk SYRUP----~LJ- iEANSEl--·-··-2 for23c ;gREX ..L2fc iiiioLD'S WRAP_: 25c • "TtMil'r mtd l"wU of l"lt11'()r" EMlf-111 Grain Fed PORK STEAKS ,,, fl> ii lb. lll'rro or ''"'!1"," FreAb FAAfAorn SPARERIBS "EUltrr ,...a 11.-;,,,., F,_h EufAorn PORK ROAST 1b.49c , lb. 43c lb. 49c "l"rom t1ut Jattd of CfJn\" i'i.lclD BACON lb. 59c a~ULK' SAUSAGE pka. 39c '·