HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-16 - Newport Harbor News Press( J I ,. Clrculallo9' 21.a .......... Newport llwll. .......... ..._ blud. ·CM"OU ..... c... ...... l..ac-. S..&al ........ co RE-WA PR2SS . ·~· ........ a-,..,,.•st-~ ..... ~-...... .. Wit DefMtecl: MllCK_,, HlcJbie · Stod••rd Wl11 . ~n wm lltill ... M&dam Mayor ta • Qt.T el l'fftPJIOrt Beech for tile ~ ......... lpeme \Sm. Mn. --R1D t&Wed th• w.-YOt.e la tlM T~ couadl dllltriet ra.c.. ... t.etaJ wu Jtts 111 Dlartct I ........... ~ ften le a po9ibtllt7 Of OM ...... In ftMl ltandlnp when .. , _... lllPDot.a an OOUllt.ed. A ~ till flt 66 ab I tw an eat and Ule 8lal e.aat '-tween HAM Broertn&" -.cl ~ JQple la Dlatnct 6 II, ~ lTU ead 111cb6e llOI. la Dllltrkt l, 1rtcum1lellt Oereld c. Beuett .. .....i.et*l wtth *' ...., to LuTy a.,...ron'1 18" U4 Wm. Kinder'a SllO. llae&A y HIGH I ....._ r . M11c:K&1 wu UM b!P I -.. ta Dtlitrict S and UM MCODCI 1111' ln total YUt.e cut wtUI ITU • to TM for Jay ltottl~mJN, hie ... ••t . ......, NcUamof WU .....-.ctad , .._ J>Utrtct ' wtth • total of .. wt.a C*Dpered to 916 for lln. .Jabn Nttt. l>Utrlct t •• Andy Smith p 6llwn to d•l•t tor ,....iecUon. 8mtUI totaled H 1t wtth lAlaM Wlldff tanyt.n1 113' end Gordon Walker d1'wlntr a t ot&l ot 311 ~- 1.a DWtnct 1 Jay 8t.odd&.rd n- .. .,.. • total flt 1161 YOt.e9 t.o wla ..._ W1DSam PwTow wtua lSIT. TKSft DD"&ATICD o..cuman Andy smllh bad I ...._.. ap wtth COlmct•m-ea Rana ... _.._ &M 1An'7 ... ,.on and WU11ue ...,_ In a Uclret. AD _....,.ucs: ~UOC\ 1 l" permJt Ule elt1 COUDCU ..... of It.I owa ~ ...UOll Ill appropnaUAc nmde fw Newport Hartlor Charaller ot ac-- --,_ )ocal pr'GDIOittoa. ,.. .... .... --If., .. NEWPORT ELECTION RETURNS ... ~. ad .. IU*C .... ....... ... WM d OWtfld ,_ta JM!t ... ------------------------------------.....------P11;1.m. I 1'Mllll~ _.. .......... ... .. U.. W ldliil el p E OMI ... llft .. 11& "1» m a ................... ....... u.e.....itw ... .... ..uo.i -def ... .-0 t.o .. . ....._ M&MWft'T BoUl pro11llt._. • _. 6 w.a .., a....,,~· rs err . _. ............ ....... 40 btr ,, ......... ~ .. .... c Id n ... ,_ .... Me. I ta ..... t1M -.n.r ....... o. ,. bs-·• ........ _..... ... __ .............. ..,.u M7 ............... tato•-· ....... ..,. .... wtU.OUt .-ol• lantlit_.•IT&. Tiie .a.ctMa tuaa out wu J•t ................. ··~··· .... ,_ dt.F eleeUea. Out ot • ....a ncl*llMln ft TIOI ......., ..,. ...... Dinn l.ec1Mr Jet Crmll ····-···· LAOVMA DACll -"OPl:RA· "°" """. Vi.. n. ,.,~ ....._ A...U. elulln.d tM ....... SI Ill' lato UM wa-... .,,, .u. .... tMt r-1t.d ....., ....... , ., .ual ,.w et tale r-QJOI ..... 8Un Jet tMt ....-ect and.~ lnl4 tM _.two....U.,o. 'fte........... ..,_.... ...... 166,.. ot ..... W1ll ..... .. .. t ' • "' tale rwolv- u-.r, .. ,.... .... -·--....... lt.e ,..., ,.. mtautM la tM *· PGot ot u.. .... JU'lllClnlt*l to aletJ .. .... "' .... tr• ot eout&1,............, ~ t11e ,._. -.••• u ....u..r to .. ..,... ot potter)' ---In ....., Mdl JVda. fte _.., I -.lftP ope..u-_..... u.. erron. ot tale AJr ......, Ha.,-, M~ AllMrleaa A.t&Ula ud lAPM •u.aa. ODl. A. T ....... la eMri'I ol .. ~ .... uo.. hUUelf • Jet f17W, Nlaled ,,_ u.. ~ tlaa&1 plUM crulled whi.M tnftl- tls at ..-••to epMd -._..... u.. eoopenUDa ....,,_ t.llle Air hrft ud U. ... .,. .. "fUWou. .. o ....... ,.,. ~150 .. lh 11 ... lap W&Waa rune. OtteWD ot •1a ....... a. ......... i. .. ..,........ ,.....,, ...... Mt watt ... t .... ., ... tumed .... ,.. ...,. _rt~ Md,....._ pt~ to dnlU ~· .Juqe D. '· Dodi• ftDed ll&m •100. ntdl ... tul. He ... un.t*l ,.... 21 .,, lf-.-i po&icle. Otnccn .U4 tbe7 obwww wed M8 _ ..,. eomln1 onto t.llle Balllioa laJutd "14p from tale Wud ..... ftef .ad t.llle car .--llit U.. bfMp. ..... sto,,.C at lftll at. Md C..t RJpwa1. OffeMln poeted b.'IO MA1. You are lnwltecl • to •••• dollars at Doors open 9:30 to 5:30 daily • • • Friday 9:30 to" 9 • H•... of exceptlOMI valw! • Pre-lalter Sale prices 111 fmhloft apparel! • Sauwuw YaCdtloll a1tcl tnnel ...._, • Olltstmtdlnt· Yovth World ICIYllMJll • $uper·Yal11e1 lft fabrics alld dtaperlesl • hiKtafttlal ICIYlftgs Ill holftewaresl ,- .. SH these iavtngs for yourself-shop Ranldn's 61st Annlven.y Sat.- tomorrow! I loth stores, 4111 & SyCG1110N, 5th & Main ••• free ........ at 5th & hadway RuW •••• IUI--w• .__L-ol Newport Beach .... uked la I man died J'eb. It. •vtns ,.... ....._ r-IVU9fe Superior Court March 11 by WU· eonal property ..Umated at PG.•. BANTA ANA (OCNI) -Pl"C)o Uam K. Mo-. The Newport wo-000. ' bate ot the wtU of Kllulle J. M~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;,; _____________ .... l&y ll With We Clem STIOOCI & CASHMERE COATS • by hand! You -1 wW Ille M .._.tltw .. ever, att•r Otll' ..,.,.aH•W -~le tWr r...ct-work ! We PWnap ud Dehw Uptown Cleaners 1928 Weet Balboa Blvd -Newport~ •w• apeclallu la <''-lllc..., a... Pl •*•., W &lld Oeet9-' n.. ................ WU• , .. ·-llC" .61t I I •• ftAU C.......~hh ~l Now attlM ...,_ pr1ce tD ..._,. ,_ ..... bl.C .er-JMllU RC.A VlcW TV! Nol Jut orcllMr7 TV Wt famoua RCA. Vld« ~I It'• t.M new .. .,..... It" ~ "MJt.c1c Moeltor'' -..... _. "~ ~ .. F141•Htr llOUDd I ~ M a.ft. New high-style console gives you a bigger picture in a smaller cabinet! 1516 So. Main St. wtth new OVERSIZE picture! Klfh·atyl• and ,.... pr;o.-JW J~l bolh In RCA Victor'• - HlcbJander -loweat priced TV ron11<>le In RC A Viet.or ""9t«J! You'll ~njoy RCA Vlc&or'• Onr- •lae plc lur ll '1 today'e llta· gul. flnNt plctUN la 11-lftila TV'., SlUNlin( cont.aiporuJ cablnd flt.I Into •""7 deeora· live 11<:heme! And It'• prteed to f lt your bud1 et I Act now: Don't llliaa um Ms· IC""" RCA Victor TV buJ'&la! I TELEVISION CEKTER S-ta Ana Kl J.1377 '-AMtl1• .. CleMlflect See P ... 16 !' R=lp w-..· JUST ' . A JOB? MOU THAN THAT-All oppo~ tWLlty to w«k lJI an lntereaunc lnduat.ry which ia espa.ndlnl and ortera advancement opportunity to qualified you.or wome:n. OPI!:NINOS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERAToRS CLERICAL WORKERS (Typing Requlrt•d) -APPLY- 6U~ N. Main St .. 1\m. 211 -Banta .Ana Mon. thrCKlSh rrt. 9 :00 to 4 :00 p.m . PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc WANT Foreign car •utomobU• -....man. Exputenct not entire· Jy nee~. )fuat be wllllng. ~ work. Su Jack Heuakena. l:IAUSKENS MOTORS INC. 1912 Harbor Blvd., Coeta Mua Uberty 8·~1 2tc211 Joh. Open Now Bk'kpr. pt. Urne; eleno.; rm1. otrue dental &&1't ; try cook; waltttea; bO\lMkttpu • cooke: aulo mechanic. JUNE FARRAR Emp'I. Ag1.-ncy ll02~·12nd., Newport Beach '(aero. at. ~m City Hall) 2k27 WANT upertenced Real E11tate -*man or broker. BM Lola vo.,.i. nu: VOOllL CO. 1201 w. Cout Kll(bway, Newport S.Ch. LI 8·3481 28d8 TWO WAJTRESSES wanted. l tullUmt, Ir one pan llme. Cock· tall Ir Cood u:perteace. Inquire between e p.m. and 2 a.m., 2:130 Cout Hwy., N~ &&ch. 2k27 EXPERJE'NCl!D dJnner wallrne tor Fr1., Sat. 6 Bun. eventnr•. Harbor 16M·R. 28c2a &XPERIJ!:NCED waHnu. mu.et be O\'l'r 2J yra. of &"'· l ntu· vt-9 to 11 and 2:30 to &. Rob- bert JllU'• Chet• lnn. 1201 Cout lllg'tl-y, Conma del Mar. 28c2a FIREWOOD rRUDELJVDT Dry wood. 11" -24" ~ C~ll B. R. ST AGO Phone RarbOr 101' l:vtnlncs H11rbor &391 lttl Fresh Hearing Aid BATI'i:RlES We Otn 8611 Ordn Stampe Gunderaon Dru~ Co. Main St. at Balbc)a Blvd.~ Bal~ Bt.rbor ~Iii, Ht!c HAN 1' BJ\.A WW Jllll:W ALt. WOOL. 9a12 Nf, bnl. 1Tun1 .t 1tol1t, 1330. I see at JO<W2 8 . W. Spruce. 8-cll Bay area Mc39 HA!llD K .... rT Blue I>nN. i:io. .ALSO rrttn Jacket. 120 Siu 12·14 114 Ooldenroct, Corona del Mar ~pi& 8 MITH-CORO/llA add m~h. and tuh refllller. Ariu-C-J c1U111ra eomplete 20 cu. f(. ColdJrpot f\at top. 2 eom~rtm•nt f~r. Karbot' 1 \I. 28p18 IO~• Orr on 8o7"ll pa.lnta and l'llUerw ftl.lllmtl while tupply \&at.a. Barsat11a tn Wied lmwllt•. n2. 12nd St., Nf'Wl)Ort Bf'!lt'h. Pbone llar. 28U. Jk27Jf kn'CH&N or pn,ge cupl><>6ni.. WOO<! boa or ca.rb&re can l'On· t&tner, door 24d0, 1 pr. outdoor ehuttera. waah butJI. anUque pine lamp table. •mall anUqu~ lron llon. Har. 137'-)i. Uclt Don't Fly to N .Y.! Hear Edna Stearns Dayton review Broadway Play Lido Theat"'· March. 24th - 10:30 &. m· 2!Sp29 1000 BUlltDMe card. $3.~ BOOK MATCH.ES L. W. '9'"RJTE U l-40J1 (!':vu LI 1-'1~) ppllc aot.LA.WAY t>.4. 110. Double •P"~. mattr.-A frarnr , U&. , l tove, l.W. Reh"lprator, SJOO t20 • 32nd Rt Nfwport B~l<'h Harbor 1$41·\V, 26pU ii:AYHousi. a • • tt.. ua J10 Pearl, Bal~ bland. Harbor 1173-W. 26dt Ol.J.8lf ebon,7 milll·pllllllo. S.Q tap. neordtt. Harbor 1381. 2k28 LOVELY blond• hore cb•t, JSO, mockrn brown chair, 115, O. •· Iron. llk• ""'" ~. child'• Baby Tenda. n-pla.tlo ~l. ttti, ~hild'• \raln\111 chalT. '6. LI 1--4713. 2tc21 Jl\;")tM/.OE BAU Junior l."beU Club, Newport lkach. J.t&rell 18 Ii 11, f"Tlday llll'ld S&t· urday. 11&3 N"'1JOrt Blvd. I n~ to c. )(, Ba1\k ) . 26a7 '1llTNEY baby C&rrt&(e delWte model • car cNdle, wttll p&dil. Both tor 12~. A'-o bo)'I JI" bUte, 110. Har. 041..J. Hc2I .,_ ........ ,or .... -March Clearance GREATER .VALUES UJ\va. nf111'. • cu. n. ~ at Lower Prices ~c; -;;~·~:-;;;;-.. ~ at BAY FURNITURE c .... ··-·-··---··--·--""' !! !!f=!\ ~ a TV See Baldwin Piano & Organ Dlapl&y WOODWORTH PIANO 00. Ull Oout m-., 0.0. 611 Ku ('l'b&dea llltanor BMa.J a.I:. auto. wullar. ~' When Prlcee e.n Held at llq au. UIS II di o·=!*!. 'ih;rt;~r;: ... 1~~: -NEW c°"r ,nddi. ....... -.. -... -'4t..llO 1 1\aUan ll&Cl. ~ lt7"4 BA VW bMQtlfW llUdw1a ac"9lllllo Bpla•t. 6 JT& old. OOLDSPOT refrt(., 5 cu. fl. apt. l:" -Odat&l llrown. Coppu alze. Clean ........... -... -........ nt.80 .. nuJ•, 1~ foam rubber Mat WA.NT TO 8WAP for SfUd ptuo PlloDe Barbor 10ll-M. 'tto UNDIX auto. wa.alMr, lat. mo4el Clahl eall a.a bOlt.aa deluse __ , ______ ........ __ •Tt.60 OGlt CONNSONATA 0rpa. jua tred· ad ln, .... "°° Clll Ulla aJmo9t II-OIT&n .. MAYTAG wrtnrer WulMr clean. U~:;·ftlua. at~ ~-·Slet.80 ..... _ ........ -........... _ .. _ .. _... 118.60 DA.Nz.SCIDODT Bii PSaao 8tolr9, 610 No. N~. Sant& AD& Gatten A Sattler ranp, ar ¢d· Mewi7 .t;)'lad aiui1 um ~wa1 die top conr .............. _,_: ff3.00 bed llOfL l"ul1 Ill• mat. '~" NOROJ!l retrlf., amaJJ ..... -. 129.M J'UN foam rubber CUllUona. Vu. cle&n•n. Mvaal •T.ao. ••t.60 Utt.IO -iu., at Sq -·---111100 J;verythtng JU&NAt."4 -'1'91'111J1. J pc. bed dtY&n eK, eolorfUl pal• KAlOIOND Cbord orpn. 1 .SS&tlt• !7 U.S. UM MW. TOil oaa plq witlMlut • i..on. P're. Ot'llvtry 6 lnlt&llaUon. tem. pluUo .,.._ 1121.60 ft.Ill&, at Sq ___ .. u .oo D.A.NZ-IC;IDIIDT Bis l'laao 8ton. 520 No. M&Jn, Baata Au 8TROOT8 TeWINICLll BDWll 1802 Newport Shod., eo.ta Meaa Liberty a-sue. Hd7 1955 WEDGEWOOD ranse. Th• bl&' CP all aut.omaUc, dock.. lamp, &'riddle tn middle, lilmmer burnen, all chrome top • con· trol panel. &lld tll&t nice ,.nu bl"Oller. It'• 11-but pd. dn. to 111t.n . No CUh needed, Ju.et pay Ula pymt.a. of tt.1& per mo. l ee Baurhna A It I Warehouae. 220 s. Main llt., B&llta A.Ila, & blocu eouUt ot 4th St Open ETH 'Ul t , Sun. U-6 or Phone Klmberly 3·7201 O'KEJtFJ: • MltJUU'M' pa ranse. 6 bumera antt grill. Full al.ze oven and pull out broiler. Slor· ag-e drawer. Harbor 21 J l ·R. 22Uc A.DMUlAL rttrtrerator. Tb• blr doubl• door DU&1 Temp. 90-lb. treezer cheat Ii: llhelvee 1n door. UMd 5 moa. Pd. dn. to '288.27 trom orl&1n&l t:>29. No dn. pymt.I Ju•t pay I.he pymt.a. of $14.1' pa mo. See S.u1'1na A 6 S WarehoUM, 220 S. MaJn St., Sana Ana, e block• 10uth or •lh st. Open ICvu 'UI 9. Sun. 11-& or Phone Klmberly 3-7201 BENDIX wuhlnr machlne, 3 yra. old, t•o. Hu. 3~. 211p27 ELECTROLUX refrigerator Ir Magic Chef atove. Both in rood condition. CHEAP. 1!529 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5568. 2fc26 ltM NORGll wuher. Aut.om&llc pub th• wttoo, blr tub, artta· t~ • overflow rtn.ee. lt'1 n- but pd. Cla. to $UU7. No cull dn. II you .,-, Ule pymU. ol $1.07 per mo. SM Bau1bn. A Ii 8 WarehoUae, 220 8 . MaiA 8 l, B&llta A.Ila, Ope1t SY• 'UI I, Sun. 11·5 • ~ -Ul of 4Ua 8 L or P11ona Jamberly 3-7201 Jamea Portab'9 dl1hwaaher, ,OOCS condiUon. roR QUICK SALID . . .... _ HO. Udo Ille. Barbor HU. Mc:Jt W ashina Machine sDVICll l • ytar fU&l'&I'.... CID Jollie dCllla and on U.Md waalMn. Ult '4 (rear I Newport Bl . 0-W ,..._ Uberty 8-4503 or l.Jbuty 8--4327. MUc 81-Wuted to Bur WANTED. TWo t o five n1blc n. i-apaclly el~tr1c or C1U kiln Good to con• &·con@. .04 t lect kiln co~dtrtd If •le.ml'nt1 an r,.plac-uble by hlJ'I ttmp. l'le· rntnt•. DarUng-Tt>rh 1 ... b . 101:> Wut Vlct<>r1a, C:a.ta Ml'•• LJbtrty a.!'>tM . 26p28 Dale's Furniture 18 :>' Sub Zero trtu.er Ilk!' ""'' -.. ·-· '210. w"~unghoU.e router on t1*nd. C<mlplete. with dllhea _ Ut.95 lA rJrffl cheat l.n town I, 8 dnlWH'I -.. 130. Chrome dlAette aet. Compltle IJdKtJoa l'ood m.t~ • boll 1prtn1• - Barp,ltu 1174 Harbor Bl•d., Coeta Mua 2tcJ1 ANTIQUE cherry T-<Sru nr cn..t. SIOO maple W 1ndaor Cb.Ir, St2.M . drffMr. ft~; dff.Hlnr ta· ble chtlr. 13: m 1pl1 1Aa)' 8iaan re.tire I.able, $18, 4 mabot. end tablu , 17 tach; Uer table. $10; RCA 12"'" TV table mockl and tablt. •JO; l&W1l IWtnc. I ll; ..,,. beqUI> !Able 6 bend!M, fl2~; 2 nodwood ct..ir. A table, $12.60 Hiu-bor JltO. 2kM Tl:l..P:VISIO N, li' maple oouole w1tb doon . Maple Colonial dull. UO. ~ 1721-W. Jld8 Wl:DOll:WOOD JU.NOii:. Tl>e l>lr .0" ooe. Jt'• bruld -but a year Clad model. Bu lamp, ciock. We ..V. Woller, 6 ~ o•ftl. A bMDt)' and Ula roat U1 only UJ1.U from on,ui&J IUO. H~ clL • °"'' M.u per rno Maple cricket cb&lra. 11!&1tam qual· lly. '24.60 nlua, at 1'a.1 --·-... llMO Plat.tonn TOCkel'll, tloor ampl ... 131.l!O nJua. at Ba.J -......... 122.:io Platform rockerw, .wt'AI ....._ . \l.M.•• VJJue, at Bay ......... hit.Ju 5 pc. chrome Mt. Small apt. ._ t&We. S&e.60 n.lue, at Bay .... -.... '39.91J Bunk b9da, all bwd., blond• t1niah. Complete w1th 2 \nnal'llprlnc m&tt.. apr1np, ruard ra.11 and l.&dder. n:n.60 vaJua. doN out --·•n.ao SLEEP MASTER tnnersprinr mattree. with ma~ i.nc box ssirtnca. 10 ~· ruaran· tee. J'UU or twin aaa. $99.00 n.lue, cloae out OOY•l"I S&t eel ' dr. chelt. blonde, tnJ.nut or ma- ple flnl.tb. S2t.60 value, al Bay ........... ,f15.N HOJT'JIUN 1''' table model T V. call Ila.nor OllW. McM HAJO(OND OIT&ILI. all model.I. ... t••t term., )'Our old piano accepted 1a eachanr•· rr.. prac· tlca. try befON yCKl bu)' • DA.NZ·8CIDC1DT Bir PWlo • Orran eo.. 620 No. )laJ.a, Santa Ana March S1>ecial 2 ONLY Jovely mirror type up· rttbt pl&D09, 1 maple, 1 blonde. BOTH I.Dal NEW, Temt9 sao. 4n. .. '10. ,... mo •t 8RATJ:l\'8 Mu.lie Co. (Slnc• lfOT) 421-uJ N. Sycamore, Santa An& Pbon. Jamti.rly t-otT2 13 RJCNTa rood J>neUc• pl&no or buy at MT. 181, llJ&. MlrrO lplMte •n&. DANZ-ICHMlDT BJ1 Plano at.ore. 520 No. )(&Jn, Sant.a Ana BA y FURNITURE B~u: ';i:n~ch &II~ •2T ll. l Tth St., Coe ta Mua J'Nltwood. Ub new. 8&.e 115' (BetwMn 'l\ulUn and Irvin~) Coll""'1ent tenna al ~ 1tor.tront p&rklnK-Tt'Tln• llH.A.rl:K'8 Xu.llo Co. (Since ltoT) OP~ EVJ;JJ, TILL 8 illoUa NA AJ~on,_ -8ul'6 AM -------------Pbofle KlrabnlJ t-otT2 . 19M PHILCO ret~rator with the nJc• croM-top trener cheat. tst6 BUTS lonly little Baby 9J>&C• for boWea, butter, al«> Grand; otllera S.78, i&tO, Ml6 nice var. Ii meat keeper. ll'• etc. Story .tr Clark, Knabe. Wur· new bUt pd. dn. to tU8.1T. No lit.Mr, Ktmb&ll lA 8&Jem Maple, cul\ nMded, jUlt s-1 tM pymt.. '-Ur, McPba11. .u.ra,. 100 ot $8.H per mo. planoe to cbOOM from. s.. Baurbnl A ~I WarehOUM, DANZ-8CIDODT Bir Plano •ton. .220 S. M.alA Sl, Santa Ana, 520 No. Maln, Santa An& e bloclce .,ulh of Uh St. Open EYu 'Ult, Sun. 11 ·6 LOVELY IUNGLll manuaJ Mln· or Phone Klmberly l ·T201 eh&U electronic orru, like new. 8aYe 1200. Uberal trade. C.C.· nuomAlRll, 12 cu. ft., sna: venlent t.enn• at.- twin aprinfa 6mattrua,120 per 88.AJ'l:R'8 M~ Co. <•!Me 1907) eet It l dbt; mode:nl • pc. -=· u1 .. ia N. ayc:amon, SUit.a An& Uona.1. ne&l'I)' ""'; maple table" Phone Kimberly l·GeT2 blond• oaa d~ t.abJ•. 4 capt cbaJn uphol ln red, '90; dub 60 UIJ:I> plalloa wanted for wr ch&lr, wtna cbalr, m1lc. Ubl• natal dept. n.Ae your old p&&llO • lamPL Har. aecn. 35c27 on ...., •lacttio °'YU. .,&Dal • &TSAcl piano. Jl1Put ~ l"RJ:J:ZICR, 19M Aman& 16 cu. ft. DAHZ-llCIDUDT 8!1 Ps-. atore. ,,,_ .,.., w.. .. wt~ au ~ tra .,._ ta ~ wtUl t..-.. ,. .......... -.. ... Juke, le. c~ • JIKJull'a. ll'e braDd n-"8t P'-• wtlll• ID ~. Y°" can paJ euh or pay lh• PJ111lL ot M.ta per week JL'a a beau~. tbe beat one. Bee Baucbn. A la 8 WarehouM. t.JO 8. Kain BL, l&ata Ana. I blocJu 80Utla ot '°' It.. ()pea ~ 'tll t , 8UD. 11-6 or PbOM KlmbeTly 1-7201 sor A BED, love -t 11ae, 12t1. • occa"'oN' cba1r, $1. Good condl· Uon. tol14 lllArJU«rtt<. Cot-ona dtl Kar. ~ 1t02·W. 28p21 T AJU.&8, cuckoo-dock, Bnc-a- brae. m1n'or9, uiuquu, plcturu . Katbor 20H·M. 26c:21 M.APLI: rodllnr cha.Ir and 9111all maple deall. Uke new. 521 ~ar· cU.U. Aw.. Cof'ona del J.far. 2k21 ltM O'UEn • MltJUUT1' re.nee. It'• A al n1c• cp autom•· Uc, (riddle ln mlddle, •lmmrr burn<'ra, llrt top Ii I.hat (Till broiler. f'd, dll. to 11 2':'.20. No cub dn.. Juat p..y the pymu ot 11.83 ~mo. Ste B&ughna A Ii S Warthouac. 220 s. lot.In Sl • Sant.a Ana, e block• IOUlh or Hh SL OJ>fn Evr11 'lll P. Sun. 11 ·5 or Pilon• Klm~rly 3·T201 ss-Boet.. !!fth -• XLNT. 42' DIESEL FISHING BOAT. Fully equipt. A. $14,· 000 value for $8:500. Tenn., trade. Phone owner, DIA· MOND 7-3157. 22p27 TRADE. s.uutul 70-tt. aux. khoon.,.. J'UUy found. fO ~. Wl\I tall• equJty In property or arn&J· ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., N~ Har. 3012. 2•cJ8H FOR J\ZNT, m~ tor boat ~ '90l·ft.. Htto A BOMJ:l' ,.,. eaMn c:tUIMr, bit. '&o. Twin n.pb!pe -s\3M. perfect.. sip.. t., f'll1l7 equipped. anchor, et.on. N&iona, com,..., Iota a tru . PIOC). Ll 8-HH. 2tp2t M-11~~.aT~ Honest TV Service STEVENS Ir SQNS 1879 Barbor, Coet.a Mua Ph Uber\)' 8-2301 '1Tpp-ttc SPECIAL March Spinet Buys BIO 8A Vt NOS IJ)cludlllf Klmball, Oulbr&11Mn. Lc•leT and WurUt.&-- " irplne\ pl&nOI. UberaJ trade. Conn11Je11t t•rm• at- MINSHALL O riana elKln>nJc. l rn.e.bo1 .. 1 BIOtlct. O&lc M l ) up In pod oondlUon. UMd 8olovox Orran atachment to piano 1160. DAN'Z-SCBldlDT PllUlo 6 OTpn Co • 020 r\o. Main, SaDta Ana 120 Ba.w Plano Aceordlonai fH. up. RE:\"T an organ or piano wtlh rental to a pply on future pur· I l'hlW &l - SHAJ."ER S )(wile Co. CStnce 1907) I 421 -~23 N. 8y<'&mOrl', Santa Ana Phone KJ.mberly l--04! 12 STEJXWAY Oraads 2, both In pt1r·1 reel cond lUoa. Mabor.. not n · built. 11.-onc1"1UI tone, w t action touch. lovtly Knabe sptnt l In tbony flntah, eave 1230 A 180 lofM on • lla.mltn 8p1nf'l llkf ne•• DA,.,.Z-SC"HMIDT 8 1g P iano Storr. :>20 No Main. Santa Ana Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad • 5 Cyl&. 8 Cyla. ____ ${8.88 ----SM.88 I lncludu DoUI labor and part• New nnr•. WNt plnl, ValYf frlJl4, munp ot m~ anct rod burlnp. Expert mot.or tu.ne u p. to-<Sa1 or 4,000 mUe ru&r'&Dlee. (NO MONE~ OOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTHS TO l'AT- Bullt Ln our own fact.ory b1 llktllf<I machJ.rWlt.a. Don't coa~nd Wit.II I.la• middle D'.llllL Bu7 cllrect. REBUILT aod INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD 129.&cl CB.rVROl.ZT -iu9.6J PLTM. 6 00001: 1160 CHRTI. • DID SOTO 11711 ITUDDA.Ja:A 170 OLDS 6 PONTIAC I l17U SUlCK 17~ HtJDSON -'17& Lou C.r J'rM Towilla NEW CAA OA.R.>.NTU Blodl must mMt ou..r nuidltJ'd9 Plue taa-. fUll.U Ud OU Open lu.aday l 0 Lii\. lo I p.m. ~"rt1t1d&!re reCrtr~ 7 cu. rt. 1 yn. old. J-ood cond. 1100. K~ a uto. wu1Un1 ma.cll1ne. 6 JTS. old l60 ffll'h ch•IT9. S7 :.0, Barbor 1101·\\'. '8c28 s.. ~ A • I \\'arehou-., 1171. BUTI lo....a, tull k11'-oard epAMt p&aao: rent&J ft.rn.1lll'\ s ..... nai on beauUtul ... ta ilk• •-· Wurllwr, Le•t.r. ,...._, b&be, Muoa 6 Ram· BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS MA lOICD RVOS all -..oat. hend aiade Pl! I 2 U:IO Ii "m"'ll"r onf'. HO S. M&ln St.. Banta Ana. I blocu 90UUI ot •t.b S L <>p.n S.... 'Wt. Sun. tl-6 or Ption• KJmbf'rly 3.;io1 0,.. De.Uy I . to T 8\at. Bondtd ~ HIU momln ... • •wL MAPLE bed dt"1ln ,nod C"Oftdltklft, Ila..,..,. BJonct. Oak and 8alem Me pl•. nA~9C'RMTDT Bii Piano 8ton. ~30 No. M&1n. l&nta .Aaa NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 2k28 I ·~· Ll~T &-4288. 2tclt 8AHT4 A.1(4 PAGE 2 7 .COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH "· 1955 High Qualily ~rinting-.Ph. Har. '''' • n. ...... 1u .. 11e ., "' .... Qe••••• Ar• y, M•"1 Ma- rla• A.tr Fo,_ 8qr- plua a. IM llar~er Are-. Yoes.aw ,._, .. ll:\'M7l'-t JllETAL DANGER nAG CANVAS WASH BASIN U. 8. NA''Y SHIP'S IELL . ..... .,.... ............ "~ rtar. for Mat. Plltlo er 1arct-. lntM• I Pl C I A L CHAIM LOU Me I PADI Welll..i.. u. COT 79c 9UA.RTERMASTER IARRACKS PAINT 149 -"''l'H; ,. ... ,, .. . fo~. c.a.u. a&•rd7 woe• ,,_, ~ew ••• OaWde white, Ualeed oU baN. Umlted aappq. Worth muy Umea gal. ....... ., ...... . more thM ..................................... ·-· M""4 QMlfty H U N Tl H e ltMlllt tk "-It.el 1111••• wltll I •et• It ......... M•• I ITI lOUNS 98 :.:::.r,·~'.': EVE&YTlllNO ALWAYS 801..J> \\'ITll A."lf IOY ICOUl Made by "Louhvllle 51....,·· llAMI •W II. I. IWP\119 ...... "· Ml llCllVP ltl • C•llllicltltt Wirt .:tm'J"J:u. IW'f•l .... lM 1 -n. ,_IOU • 4t VAL NOW n ....... wt •• t.' l.IYl1 l WUN .. LIU .._ ,., ... wt' •IHI c.,,_. .... o-........... et ... L-. U• .,..."111 ........... Al•, ........ H-u-..-. C flVI POW7A .. ' "."' •, .. ... le••l•rt, PlllO SHOIS. ,.,..1,.. .,...,.: .., .......... ~ ... ''; ttle wetlll'1 I I o • o I s3ts t.Mee; ,....,. fw tille ll••doot ef t«Ylu. •II ,1,.1: Wtt_,,, .. 1 u• el O..~lllloe Fall J.COLOI flASH LleHT -le•. .... ,.. .... ,.... .,;"' lllloh•; • ......... :',!.~";~ ,:,, 7.::~·.; $289 ~ ... : ...... 1 ...... , .... ., .. ; ....... _ .. ,,,_ Ill lew ,.,., • , •• '°USHd)-IHINY OINUINI U. S. IUIPlUI FIRE EXTINGUISHERS ALL llllll I QUART CTI tCa•u ,...,.., Wet AlllW.-11 ....... -·--·--............ ""'"'- JO.JO •4es VAl. ._... ............. CHOW Kn5 aNil'1C FORK SPOON 8tela1Me 8t-1 l• leatherette -51'' Wll PlllOL llU ... ~1.41w1 .. ~ .... , ... Hell! •II ., Mo. Unconditional RADIO U.I • ...._ • .,, NIW HIAVY CANVAS WAfa IUCKITI :::.,. 69c 59c UAHD NIW SO Pt. DROP CORDS c. ............ llelt•C.... ...... ... -.. L'l?~:s. 2•• NfW U. i ARNY SUIPi.U$ . ·~ """""°°' • .,_,.. POetalU ••.UV.cc "'" FISH OD GAME tCE BOX 9-1 .. , ..... ~ ..... -.. .. ::--..::--.. ~ .. , ...... :.::: U" I ... , ,,.. • • • I • • • • .,.. ,,,.,..,,, ........... ,.. 10•11 ..... j,.••. .... . .... I I.At u. '· ....... Jc ?~ .!:~ 39c I FUEL TAM CIYIUAN DIFINSI FRll INFO. ::-.. ..: ~~~ _... ' 8~b In _.k_._ .. _______________ ___ NYLON PAL\· ClltJTZ OOIU> • OM-...... •1•• .. d6-etrr ..... tt. I \IOIOllM. ltNIH l"'po•••• 11 •. . •• ,..u ............. . . ., ,._..... - l11r Str• l11r Slz11 SLlEPlll IAGS A1J Dt'" mat..riaJ 1003 l\apc)k SLEEPING IAG .. • n 14 '~I '•'-ir,,_ 1oe~• 0o .... SLEEPING IAG .... .. ~ ••l• llULf'r'e t Dt.. hll Zlp~r Brand ...... w Ix 10 ft. WALL TENT 30.00 \aNe 19.95 TARPAULINS 6 CANVAS COVERS Bl'Mld ""'" Jl-og. )-'I :\'11<11 ( .\ ;\'\ :-. l·1rt'~~tard&llt Thi• may a&\" >nu from a 1·o•lly """· W.-.r aod mtlde .. ·PN>()f f'd -<irnmm~t" a.rt around Fire Retardant n.i. lo •• .., ... -"" ..... ...;.;& .. .i.. -...... ._. ..... 0. 100% WATERPROOF TAll,AULllS HIU IS A HAI. IAIOAIN n......-.--h ..,... .. _.., .. ,._ .... ---· Sett, plletole, .............. .._.... ............... ..._._ -.. i.1 U\O ... ... ,, .. .. w .,.. .. s-;·1 "'',....•"' Jvtf ••c:• ••4 to'-w .. 1 ... ~ ..... WI.it. "• ... "• ..... , "' pt, > ,... II l ip-·· ~·' '""" .... ..., O••llft' .......... , ....... '-*"·L 14' LIT US HIV JCW Wll~ O. L Ty,,. CASTE"E.!\ Have 1 Oii lil.all4 for s149 .ca. ~' •• UM! t..Uy ..••• 1Sl...A,'Olrl'9 "'"' -8vplm. ,,_ ,.~ •ta.d·by or ~,. s4ts lq I rll"I -kef'p ae"ra.I llt.aedy • • GEIG~~Tl~~~!!TE~~s299s -s199500 0 01U-tAT0 HllS-All a ... AICMU-biOYlL-Jl>\Hl~ l lHIS-Pl\T0L)-lM01 .. UM\-A,..,,.\IHl110N Save Dollars Not Pe11nies FOAM RUBBER SAlf _Tl, ....... \I ... '" Slrn .. SJ'fln M 11 YOlll.UIP KJ.L \HAt; t ooedtae- "'' p I a I l I ~ ~n·recs. -i 111 fctrwaJ c~ Pf°' n. . . . . tloodf'd 8 ... a. ShJr1 ~·M·L-.lD.... (Tf'f , ""' • • • s31t It wlff ... , , •• ·---------------------------------•• •u t ...., ttO,.. kcl tfH ,.. Ulll ••""• • h.U .... ...... f• • ··-· MlltvfH n.,, ., •• ..,., , ..... ,.., •" .... < ........ . d•' .,., -•• Bu7 our Crl'nulrlf1 I'. fl. Na v 1 F o u I Weather I a c.1 k 11 t eold to wr· VIN'-for S.St.60 n'1•·· Oora ar" "uJW'd.. but ""t.b pl.f'nty of warm ,,.._,. I• fl at.,~ nf J•t $3.95 Yn ••• tit.la l Glo..,,..e •• ,_,,..,, T~•• ••• .... ....-.~. t l-4 • ~Mii I• ~.c,f!I .,. •• ff •• , .... , ., Shredded Foam Rubber 39c lb. For pWowe, pedcllq Md nm ...,. p&(ldq mater1&1. ...................... GRANT 'S Airplane"-'""'~ .. tor car, tlot.""9 n.clJll or llkl• dh tq • • • • _____.~g.;; .. ; WAR -·s UR PLUS...__;:'~= U M241 CORNER NEWPORT ancl HARIOR ILYDS. COSTA MESA ' ... r ~ J I, .1 t ~ 01,.£ ~"'' . • i~ ~TO)t •.. shure and won't ye be alter sharin in the Jo H N 8 r o NE • s M~RCH 16, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE l ~-----­BE SURE • INSURE l •• SHAMROCK'S St. Patrick's Day Party BUFFET 6-10 p. m. ,.....,. •• 0.,) ENTERTAINMENT FAVORS 3 piece combo THE MELODIER8 It's a Great Day ! Sha111rock CA.n It COCKTAIL LOUNQll 8 1814 Newport 8"4. ~~~,.!.!:' Co.ta .... ~ Announcing TH .I OPENING ( of the BROADWAY THEATRE ~\ Wednesday. March 16 "IATIU CRY'' In Clnemascope DOORS OPEN 5: 30 POPULAR PRICES • Completely Remodeled • e Latest L..rg• ScrHn • leg Comfort e Air Conditioned • St,reophonic Sound Best in Screen Entertainment ~BROADWAY Ct MelCI AlllO Wreckers V_. Aato ParU .... ~-..­.,~ PIMeilda Aft. ui..rt7 a-1011 Ceeta ..... ~~ ------Eve 8a.ow titan. 1:'6 Coettaaoae Baa. r,_ S :M , NOTE c-u.- 8bow 8-t. fn>m ': 11 llarpbl Pnee. SaL Adalte Ma--.fre. ~ a&e 1 Uattl l:M p.a. U..•~i "'if)U,,,. ~ Ulii!i!J NOW IN 'l'llE 81XJOND WEEK "W"n.uAM GRACE HOLDEN· KELLY SPECIALS • ---•-rct._11.;.'.;.1•;.· .;.;;19;._.,J .... , .... conn CAK• ••• nc ... (Jtt ... l ..USURIC ..iCK.EY MARCH · ROONEY ..... ~ .... -. .,..... ... ,._ ....... " .............. ' ..... OPIN W&DAY&flOUDATI ...,.. _. .. ..,. ..,.. **"'• • ~ tuttercreetm SP()NGI CAKI ft' ... ....... ) u. ..... • Shamrock COOKllS • • • • 2" "'8- ( Thvn., March 17, ~Y. J St. Patrick CUP CAKU •••• $• .. . ...... ,...,St ..... . • .._....ock PASTRllS . • • • .10' .. . ..... ,..,.. Its ..... 1 .t;~·····"~ ~~'~!com~! 1f con'A KESA t 100 Newport 8 1Yd. OORONA DEL llAJl '°' c-t e.,. AOOILD'S LAGUNA ll&ACff Ill 8roedwa7 BA.LllOA ISIAND ............. NEWPOllT u:ACll .. o...t ....,. ~lllllMWM'11C9:W'lllllny -w NIMORC •YD. -COSTA .SA MATl'BE88ES ....._H_Tnalen • lnepJM ...... Laerty ...... o.ta•-llA*"-C.. 1160 Newpert .,. .. NOW SHOWING "6 •ldges To Cross" wttta TONY cuans -Pt•- "Operation Manhunt" w1Ua ...... l llAlJalOE d TA.NU:T ,_,_ o.a,. ftlone Harlllor 141• UU r.. Oout RIP•"1' Coroaa ckl Illar I , lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. C _at llvd. ComhtCJ March 23 La9una leach E8TJD:R WILLIAJ18 BIO TECHNICOLOR St:E CLANCY TODAY FOR HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT . ..Dulprooa When Wet" MUSICAL WILi.LUi BOLDEN ••F.ecape from Fort Bravo" AduJte 50 Ceeta ' For Pontiac Demonwtration "Hit the Deck" . ~ Cid lr117 Ill• ... S.n I REDUCED PRICES ON IMPERIAL VALLEY LAMB SHOULDER, SQUARE CUT •· 35c Neck and thank removed. Cut from Imperial Valley lamb, aged to peak of ftovor and t.nderneu. LEG O~f LAMB Shonk Off lb. 57c ~----LAMB CHOPS----....... SMALL LOIN 89 c LARGE ~. LOIN LAMB SHANKS ·~ 35- Otlter Meat Section Values FRYERS-. MANO« HOUSE 2·U1. 119 GRADE A f'llf. GROUND BEEF v~S:~G lb. 39' CORNED BEEF ·~~~s 1b. 49- DRY SALT PORK lb. 29- ENRICHED FLOUR . Kitchen Croft lba().~. 93i for all baking • CORN "'•"....., O.ld•" ,,_ Sfyl. LAMB BREAST 1~. 9' Coptaitt'• Cltoice flSHWEEIC VALUES BREADED SHRIMP ·:;:~-49- WHOLE WHITING 1~~·!~-35' FILLET OF COD 1.lb. 35' pkg. FISH STICKS p!~~~!~r ·~~--39' Coldbrook yell ow. s.,.cfall Coll•• Vala•• FOL GERS 1-41J. con 79' NOB Hill Q~~TY ~ li; AIRWAY :~~o~ ~· 71• Salce an Upside Down Caire hell" ........ Mb, ..... FLEET MIX ~ 32' PINEAPPLE -.:-21- Lltl•"' Sll-4 ('20.oa. CIOft 2.5c) CURTSY CAKE .. !!~!~~ ... ~.... 39• ll99ulony .45c IPICIA1 CHUNK TUNA Chicken of the s-·::--27' ORANGE JUICI = Treat '= 10: •~klr Fresete P.-. .......... 0..-, ........... CUT COIN ~ ·~~ 10la OOCI PEAS & CAllOTS ':::' 2 27~ flfNCH RIIS ';.'t f9' ,. 5'1NACH ~"°m: 1:.~ SHORnNING ~· JELL y 1 ;.::::.: "'" 45c · lar MIRACLE WHIP ~~:::lSS CALO DOG FOOD 2 IMl.25c "" .. CATS up ~~~~NTE CINCH CAKE MIX Devil Fudge, per 29' Gold, White pkg. SILK TISSUE SAFEWAY'$ tlte BEST Place in Town to Buy PRODUCE BANANAS Golden-ripe 2 29C f irm, Lorge lk. To MATO ES Red-ripe, Firm Just Right to Sile• RED POTATOES :i~;,;: AVOCADOS LETTUCE Extra Lorge Fuertes Crisp Solid Heads Fine for Salads P'ltClS lmCTM TIUIS .. F11t., MT .. IAKll 17, 11. 11. 1• AT HMM CMTY WtWAY ST ... ~ ... II .... .,_ S..) llM 17C "· 5c llC" 10C "· 6' TOILET PAPER ,.. 5c LARGE AA EGGS Cream O' the Crop Guaranteed Fresh :::. 57c .. SLICED CHEEsr · Dutch Mill, Ameri~n. k1. 27« Swiss or Pimento pk9. .. I j$ . PARADE DOERGENT For All large 24~ giant 48~ Washing box IMnr STOii HOUIS DMIJ ........ ,. .. ( Frtday ttll • ,. .. ) I Sada7 ..... ~ ..... 1722 Ne..,Ort Blvcl., Costa Mesa PLINTY OF PAlllNG ON LAl•I PAYID LOT • I -. • I j 'A~ 4 -COAST AL SHOPPER -MARCH 16, 1955 ", ...... Ta ... BUYER IS KING · AT JOHNSON & SON LOOK and you'll mee wbt I tnean! YOU GET 1. LOW Pa.ICES OD our uMd qn. Check OUI' Pricfa aad check OW' M. 2. QUALITY CA.RS "extra clean," We wboleeale the Nit! 3. 3-DAY MONEY ~CK GU~ oa all our "We Buy" Uled Cafl ! 4. 30 DAY WRl'M'r;N GUARANTEE ao. all our "Sate Buy" Used Can! ft REPUTATION of Nl"Vinr our cuttomere after lhe sale. (over 30 ~in the Automobile Bua.) SOME VALUES TO CHOOSE P'JU)M '50 DODGE cl. cpe., radio, heat.et", 1-lred enamel ftn1ah, runa good -·-··--··' 199 ':SO MERC. cl. cpe., radio, beai.r, motor l.n ex- celll'lllt condition, new fint.h ··········~····. .. 799 '50 LINCOLN 4--dr. te<t. Radio, heater, R}"dra- near new Urea 4' l'\Ula Uk• a dream -· .. ..... 799 'A UNOOLN C&prt cpe. J'ully eqQl"*' ~ fully powered with .ttertng, b~. win· dowa • '9way ~t. <;ontineqtal ~t toe. Oiity 13,000 ~ ....................... -........ _ ..... 2199 '30 ll!LU(AN MINX. 4 Utt.le beauty 6 ruu UP a watch. A pe Mvef, ~ ~ f99 'SI FORD Victoria. R4d10, beet.er• J'ordoiu- tic. Lew mile..-• & oise OWftef. R-tueed for~~ to ....................................... 1999 '49 CHEV. Station Wagon. R4c:tio, heater. good rubber, wood i1' perfect coiulit:!on. New paint. See tl\19 all·pUfPOIM'l wqon to appreciate 799 MANY MORE "Safe Buys" TO CHOO$E FROM . NOW •.. Come on down • .nd eee our unu.ually clun stock of "Safe Buy" Ueed Can . . . you'll aave a lot of TDlE and MONEY when you du.I with JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN • MERCURY DEALER 900 W•t Cout HJchway Newport Bea.ch t.Jbmy ~ Open Ev ... Till 9 :00 .ACROSS 1'ROM 'l1IE BALBOA BA. Y CLUB SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1063 DeSOTO V .S dub cpe., 2-teae pwetl. New WaW ~ radio, beeW, peww 11t.eeriq _ . f': . ··-··--..$1T16 1NO ~~-~~---'a. 1963 PL YKOUTll club ep9.. upt llV'· Good U.... radJo, beater. tn tJp.top abape ....... -...... $1245 1953 CHRYSLER Windiaor Cub epe. Po1"f ~tttring. r&dio. heater, ~ pttfect car ... -S~ See These Ca.n at LOU REED Used Car Lot ''Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 25e1 JP!'>:l BL"lt:K Super ""'''"'" 2 ton" hhH!. FUii equip ment. $1995. TERRY'S. BUICK 2812 l"'l'wporl 8\vtl. Np\ So>•<'l'i 0 M A t• Tt nn• HarM!r ~21 '!>I r ,\D 112 CO?fV, Only 31.(l()O m1 it.II l'Xlru 1 ""'n,.r Pr1\' 1'41rty. Liberty 1-21111 -u~r & r "' oc weelttn~ ~p27 \\' ,.,. llrra $895. TERRY'S BUICK Theodore Robins your Fo~ dealer aince 1921 A-1 Used Cars ·~ Ford cut1t . 2-dr . S1295 ·~ Ford 8 bu11. cpe 1 Z75 ( (CHECK THESE USED CARS Buy from a loc•I dealer who will be here TOMORROW to beck up what he aella TODAY ! BUY AND SAVE AT MILLER CHEVROLET 1954 OLDS 98 1951 PLYMOUTH 1951 CHEVROLET Starfire. Full power. R • H EZ eye glau, W • W tirea. Hydra. Wire wheela, evecything $3395 1953 PLYMOUTH Suburban, R 4' H, 20,000.actua.l ml. Like new S1595 1952 CADILLAC P'leetwood. All Cadillac acceu. New white tubeleea ~ . S2495 ws-3 CHEVROLET 3 to c!iooee troip, fully eq"1pt. lnclud.blg radio A: heater $1345 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion .f..dr. aedan. Xlnt. mecb. Euy on gu. $545 1951 HILLMAN MINX Convertible -1an. S445 1951 OLDS 98 Deluxe f.dr. eed.. R A: H, Hydra. Spotlight. W1W ti!9. $1145 Cranbrook .(-dr. led. R Ii H Xlnt. tire9. Mechanically perlect $765 1949 CHRYSLER Wtndaor f.dr. Md. Ruu like new. $495 1949 CHEVROLET Convertible cpe. R 4' H, new t.op WeW tiretl 1952 PLYMOUTH J.dr. R It O"d. $845 1953 FORD Convert., R 4' H, cream colored with green top S1695 1953 DE SOTO eu.tom Firedom.e V-8 Cl. cpe. Jl'ull power, R & H S1745 l~ FORD cu.tom.line 2-dr., R It H Fordomatic. ~ actual milee Save S500 Styleline Dlx. '-<lr. Md. R & H. Powerrlide $795 ---- 1950 BUICK Special dlx. f-dr. eed .• R & H Dynaflow, 2-tone paint, 'JNaW tirea $725 1949 FORD Cutt.om V-8 .f..dr. eedan. R 4' H O'D. All original. 1 owner car $545 1949 MERCURY Sport aedan, R A: B; O'd. WaW tire•, mecbanic.ily perft>"t S595 1949 FORD i Ton PJclrup $495 1952 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP, t--.peed trana. Htr. Sun vtaor $895 1952 f ORD ! Ton Pickup. Htr. mpot. new motor S795 ---- 1950 CHEV i Ton r1 k11r. R & H. Xlnt. tir"" S625 Theee and 40 more MUST GO 80 that we may keep giving such tremendous over allowances on the sale of new Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles. MILLER CHEVROLET c 0. Liberty S.Dll OPEN EVENINGS Llberty 8·5633 1855 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 1000 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach ..0-Autoe and ~-1 41 PLYMOtJTK C'OnVl'r\lble. J'our n. .. ny new Utt-. l'ood paint. l&8 nr wtU trade tor What. have you 2809 Broad St. ?lrewport Rl'bt.a l,Jberty &-~I. Z&cU :12 OLDB R.e<llet Super 2-dr. crw-. Xlnt condition QUTCK 8AL!t. Hubnr 0!11·"'' "2~28 ---------- ' 52 Singer Sport Car TIME -6:30 ONE O?."'N'ft. MOO mil• I TM. "low Bridge" ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! Starts Monday, March 14th p. m. :l!l 2 Jllf"1'°r1 8 1\·'1 :>:pl Rn<'ll 0 M A C-Tl'nnl' Har~r ~l Report 'Ml o td11 Holl. cfle 1195 }'Jausken Motors, Inc. SUBJECT -Fishing 1932 Harbor Bl•d . Coit.a M-l "° FOflD Miu.a" lled&11 R.adto. oripal ~int. CnM "1"l'h11nl· caJl,r. H.:I. Hausken Motors. Inc. 1ed Harbor Bh•d . CQllta Mea Phole Llbtrlv '-~1 20d2 JM<I OMC truck. 2 ton. t•peclal dump~) P'jne ah11pe. 11600. P h Hutlor 101' or -t vea. at Bay Shore Park, l TUI • Caul HJftl· .... ,. c u.n.ea. Lot u . 24p2& 19M> HTLLM.A.N MINX Mdan. OriSlnal throupout. ~tl:f' O'"ftat~. · S.1$. Ha.usken Motors, Inc. 1HI Rubor Blvd.. c-t.a M- Pl\Onf' t.ni.rty 1-5031 2Gt-.U ••t UNCOLH 6 CS.oor eM&n. OJ>., MM. Mu.t be ..-to be appnie. $495. TERRY'S BUICK '912 Newport ~ Npt. 8udl o. M-11... c. ,.._. Kanor Mn ::~ :::.:::~a;; ·· :: :.:=, l-&OIJ. STATION -KWIZ Monday thru Friday ·~1 Chev. Fltline 2-dr. w•~ mCE 21 fL ColoruaJ HOUM ~t-ANNOUNCER-Gorden Hittenmark ·5 t Ford CU8l. 2.dr. ·50 Ford 8 2-dr. cpe ·49 Chev. CODY. '49 Ford 4·dr ...... . 89~ 695 645 395 Theodore Robins "'(our P'ord De&ler 3100 WEST COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Liberty 8-3471 eT Wilb 1&rl"• Cabana. In t.raJUr p.,-k w\\h pr\V&t4 b&th on Coe.t H11hway. Se• )(anqer. FiDanc. vranpd. Liberty 1-1621. kn· d)"1 Dti Lu119 Tra.ller Pa.rk. 2912 W. C'out Htg'h••ay, Newport Bea.ch. 21 P33H t7-Waatied to~ Rentals Wanted We n..s apte and bou.. la al eKUW. fM boU\ WUIW Uld ,._,.. 1 a.... rum. or W1f'Unl. u 1'ICI b& .,. • ftC&llClJ. pboDe t4d&1 3 I The Vogel Co. 201 W. C..t. Hwy~ r\ewport Br..h. Ph~ Uberty ~11 -acann., 8&1boa lalarid none 11anor u. 301 Oout BJW"a,J. C.orcm& ... ,.., l'llloM B.utMlr 114 l SPONSOR: LOU REED & ASSOCIATES ,. CHRYSLER -PLYMOUTH fS23 W. Cout. Highway. Harbor 40i0 or Harbor 2561 PLEASE VIE NEED RENTALS! Our clients are screaming ! Newport Beach '8-Apta. a HoUMe __ _ RENTAL ( SPECIALISTS Ca.ti !Atna Cral& Blanche Gates , Rltr. 311 Manne Ave. Ba.100. Jal&nd. Hu. 1&71 72Uc CORONA O&L MAR-Furn. apt on yurly b&9\1 or month to mo U-Apta. a Ro.-. In Corona del Mar 2 B DRM. tum a pt. by c>cMll with v\el!.'. $86 tll Junt . 1 B DRM rum . apt. below Su· ,1.w. ITO. m(lnth STUDIO rurn. a pt. $86 mo. ln<'IUd· Ina utlltU.•. 2 BDflM. unfum . houH on Orchid UIO. month .W. E. Fisher, Realtor and A!l!lOCIA TES 3034 Ea1t Cout HlghW.Y Corona df'I Mar Phone Harbor 2H3 Balboa Island Cho1c1 yearly and aummer rental.I, now avaJlable. DORIS BRAY. Ru.It.or 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Ial&nd Hubor 20 ~tic CORONA DEL MAR, 2 bdnn .. unturn. dUplex, lower floor. Pl1· vate patio a rara1e. $80. month. Harbor 3038·J 26c28 NEWLY J'UJ\N. a. decorated l bdrm. how.. Prlvat.a yud. BBQ. ALSO turn. 1 bdrm. duplex. garb. dlap. E&ch 176 mo , Ind uttl. :'!0'·604 Jumlne. CoroH del Mar. Phone OSbome 8·3723. 23c28 Channlnl Harbor Rana Apartments • Patioe NICW f ROOM. .U.t lewl l'ft.ar tK"hool1. •hop~ dlftrict. Quiet. pleuant. ucluw. Oarb&f• &.- poaal. laU11dry. •tone• ~ pra&f'. JS2.50 '-P· Occuptea en- Un 1tret't. Oood .upervlaSon. Mp.. 1~1 Hano P\ace 1 Block SOuUI ot Hl1h 6c'ha.& ALSO ~,SHED .A.PT&. WJNTID\ IU Tll8 .. A TTR.ACTIVll turnlahed modera 1tudlo &pll. UllllUH paJd. NI &nd 176 monthly. 342' Cout Hwy .. Corona dtl Mar Pb. Liberty f.7J77 day._ 2Jcle RllAION ASL 'f pnced, c1-n 1 A 2 bedrm. tum. apta. UW. pd. Laundry room. Pl•YfrOlllld few chlldrvi. Blue Top Apt.. f03 Newport Bl.ct., Newport Beacll, Above th• Archea. lOtto MODID\N 1 bdrm. apt. with 1'aDl'9 a.nd retrtf. Carport &nd prlvaw pat.lo. See m(T. In Apt. C. Je:IO Avon St., Newport Bea.ch. Bar. 487o.J. 24U• 8JNGL!! APT. tum. 13.e peir mo. YK11Y r&te uUUU. pd. 809 I!:. Bay Av._, Balboa. Pearce Api.. Hu. '766-W. 28pJT ON BAL.BOA ISLAND an U• tor ,-.,v aDd 488-llc•• for a.at MMOnal ~t&L9. FOR RENT Aprtl lit Oil i...., NELDA .GIBSON. Realtor m nnt aold by th&l datel. 308 Mum• AV._ H.art>or 60J Dulr&bla fullY tumlahed a bdrm. BA l..BOA ISL.A.ND 7ttc Corona ~luda ~, hOUM. t>ARL!NG new rd b&m •'P~ .. dee • or.tor furn. Maplt. lg .. bdrm.. ttoJ"agt. utllltlu. laundry tacW· t.iea. Bu t 1ocallon. 170 Del Mar, Cost.a M'"' $8.:S mo. Hd8 Cosy UMd brtck nNplace. bt:dl pa11eled kltdlen, wall to wa.1l caipeUnc. uaic.auo WUlh1flC m.aune. Ip. )"U'd. "'"· ldMl for children. !lee anyUme. tot 8ea-rd Rd .. Corona del )Ur, lfeNR Rental Headquarters ----------we ha•• a walting list ot pro. 2 BDRM. uturn.. U'rtAI' rm.. din. peel.I tor IWIUl\•r ~d yeart1 rm., kltdl• 6 wub na. I*). ""~ -.U onr' Battlor &l'9.. mo. lll • llrd et.,, CG9ta KllN- A.190 property rn~ent. Rubor 18()8. Mp1t THE LOCATOR OF CALIF Branch Office. &07 E. Balboa Bh•d. "1R.N1BBllD ~. larr• Lot. Balbo&. H&rbor UT8. 26tfc Y.rlY Sac> 1DC1Dth for 2 adult.a . BALBOA VERY NtCll 2 bclrm. turn. hc>me betwHJ\ ocun It bay. 1100 mo. on yearly le~. J. M. MJLl,..lll\ oo. U3 P'wnlMI, Corona Ul M.u Hp~ OORONA Dill. M..A.R.--uatum. 2 bdrm. bo\IM. 1 ~ eouth ot hl,-b-.y, n.v 9tor.9 • Oteat.re. Pbone ~Mote. lltlc 202r, W. Balboa Bl .. Newport S ch. Ma.rbor •081 Llberty 8·3378 H.A.J\B01\ BLVD., 2 bdrm. ua.t\&19. 2etJc Wnplow. 1... ~ IAYd •• Mclil.A.NU11, Lt l-llU. 24dt B.U.BOA s~. month. ye&rly un· LE4U 1 yr. 1 bclrm. brand new f\lm. cotta1e. U VU\C rm .. dbll.ftl wd'lmL !Mime. Balboa Vl•te rm.. kitchenette. 2 bdrm.. hol -.ii tam ahower. Ga1 a. water pd. ?'\o pea Very "uoaabl• for • 108 Ad&m1, Hu. 192.4-K. 28cZ1 lly. Owner, LI 1-SltT, ..,.., Utfc NlCEt..T YU~. ne&rly new du· P'URN18HED 1 bdnn. t\OuM, pt.a. onf! bdrm. apt. R dW'd. flra, adult.a. DO peta. 115 mo. Tile b&!h .tr kltchen. Oar&Jf', ALSO b9cllal0f tum. apt. U8 "'o W mo Adult. oJtly -uUl. pd. •tt .,_ PopPJ, Col'Oft& del Harbor 3&4T·W alt•r 8 30 p.m. Ma.r. C&ll Hat. JO.U-ft. JeptT Jec28 NPJWPORT JIElOJIT'l-,I bedrm. -Cb-olce--Wln--ter--R.em-ta.11-on ~ Xlot.i-~ ~· Balboa Iala.od 6 Udo 1.11• m011tL NI J'ullerte U a.TtOl' 8rnall • eA1CJ 11r &vc• • deN:A IT& to UOO moaU. VOGEL CO. art. DOCIO OI' ... md9. Jae30 F\]RNISHED LIDO HOM!: 8pa.doo• harM WiUt 6 Mdfoom•. ioe Marlll• AW1 Balbua Wand 113!1 month to Jun. 18. l'tMl'· Ph. Harbor 44' or Harbor 21~1 V&Uona betl\I l&)c•n for ttif Rea. Har. lTN-RK or LI S-!1297 IWftml'f'. --------e.uc Lido Realty trlliroitN •·nn. hOUM, l bdrm. HOO Via Udo AMoc.. KllT.UH c .. nteor ('rel& )f,..,._ Adult> U -----------8·89&1) 2~%7 BALBOA JSLAND. yearly be•I• lt::-:n·R..'1 3 bdrm Mu&e. ocean "l•w. w a_teor pd $80 mn on ,,._..,. A Tl&nu r 4 ·M!l2. 2&t 28 "8A-Apta. for Beat --S1NOLJ!! it. P't. ror tady or 1enU• m&n '46. mo. uul pd. No pet.a. lnq In rur 134 E. lllUI St.. f'oeta Mua alt#r !I p.m. llttc 2 bdrm. tum. hrtu•, flOO m,.., Oood locaUon. Coni..r1 JMAlyn Brun.er at JOHN 8. PR~~· GAST offlc., 223 MIU11le A, .... 8&1boa la1ud. Hv. Jail. M<-21 I BDRM. bo89a. .,.. A Alli&. tum, UO. monlb. &OT 0Nh1d. Cortina del Mar. LI 1-UIO Jllp27 PTS A TTENTJON I Up to 45 or 60 (1. HARBOR A • trailer. bu,. Iota. pl1\'&t4 •n· Modern furn1ahed apta \1"9J>C-.. 1~ tt. trom N"'l!Ort day. week or month 81'"1 • ~ Ol\.11 na mo. rn NHr bua. i t.ores a: bAv. R.~ablt t"h&rs• for 1 OT 2 chOdren.. Ooet" ~tu. 104 E Bey Av~. BAL.BOA __ M ____ KI_2_·1_01_4_. ____ 2•_~~ HarboT 0.344 171fl' ru rr HAVEN-t.;-:Fu Rl'. APT. 4e-aoom. '°&eat SpadOUA 2 bdrmJ Garh d11p YRONT room. pnvat.e •tnnc-•. C'C'mer ~ndowa J'lr .. pl prage nt$r bu.. Kltcl! .. n pr1¥11..-. l,f 1.Aundry room P1111"· ISS. mo 8-M37 Jec21 t.lberty S.-180 23c2S -----------NIC'.'E COMl"ORTABLC rm Lar1 • LIDO BA YFRO.NT APT . runil•h· t"lothu cloaet. Pnni. mtr&I",. "4. 3 bdnn1 . 2 berh Wiii 11ub· 1%.3 • 28th st. Jltewpor1 Bead • leue. Junf! 161.h to Oct. 28th. ia tto r •r- J42~ p•r mflnlh Phon .. Harbor ----------79 22ttc NICE: comtof'ta.bl~ room. tare• WHAT A ST EAL! :-.EWPORT B!!ACH (um to p! Ont bdrm CW.'lll'T !'II\~ Cll.• A "'8lf'r l'loth._. clOMt. Pr1....t.e entranr ... li! 28th St . H..-port Bea<ll. ' ~Uc p•p V ACANC\' tor refined eldtrly lady In IJ•oiull!ul horn.. ISCIUolllt food • r1r" 8 1.1!' 111rd•n. TV etr llYt1ll t-4326. Uplll O•ure tncluCtd S&o mo \1111 ~to~~ Off\cea Ubl'rt\· 8·Hnfl 22trr -----~-~--- t..OOKt!'JG rnr II 111'1 .. -"''"'f' Jt111t I New Luxury Medical <=.enter tor on' "r ,,.,. · t 't •H "hat • If) be conptructed. you nl'"'tl llr 1 v.111 Unow 1n utll· 1 Ample prl\'ltt.o parkm«. 1t1r... (Or J'Y\ n\ll r•11"T1tll>'"l1 11n ~lbna .Llillul'1 ,,.u l\ Hubf>r t'entrally IOC'aled. 2142 1\r 2& ltQ MO • ....UO. ~u eowr and lt~ MORJUB Olttord 1tat1on tJre cowr. All ta rood eooedltJon.' ~ on• owne.r. Low ll'illMa• HU'llclr JOlW. MpJI 8tr1cUJ a CM1per'1 dalll'bt! 30 100 MaUI it.. llaJ1M>e PhoDe a.n-t'6 ittte Be.yfront. Hou.ee Big Houaee Little Hou.ee. I~. ~lit. To -c&ll J'\U:morrU, COSTA MESA 3 r1t1 11pl .. turn Ha.rbor 2U12. 20c'3 C>r unfum. lnclud,.a ulll~l"'" Layout to tenant.a ordtr. For Information. -hr a depuidabl• uM'd car. ... JOUT lecal ct.ltr •bo will be bin TOMORAOW to back up what ht •U. TODAY! Olttk Ult ll#d mtlH to tM pllon. 11'90. Hausken Motors, Inc. lNJ Bu1IOr mK. Coat.a MN8 Phon• UW'tY 1-50&1 toci= '39 PLYMOUTH +-dt .. 8 1ooct Ul'H Run• pod. SB&. Pllona l..l1»rt;J a.uo. Mell 'EICD attncUv. J br., 2 bat.I\ rum houM. Cliff Havm. S.y ~horta or Shor• C11tr1 "" yr'e le... tor U()tptlcnally tine and ~bl• local adult family R~· Apr1J U t or l~th. :.fA~"P'8 ISLE REALTY ~ l 8 Mlu1M A ft., .a.lboa Wead ..,,_ •m Ap&rtmenta Summer and Yearly BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Bea.ch Phocw Bu. 6181 or Bu. 1983 J BEOROOW rt1RN1&BSD DU· Pt.EX. Oot'OeA del Mu, eoulll of Hlway. 1100 monUI Incl. uUI MRS. KAT, Kar. J 7Tt-J lttc -four ~ DoUan ro tartJlet, do 1110r.. 9'J1 ll'IOra. Wb.- J'O'I edftrta.e la w. ,.... - ftllM --JG&. Call HY•tl 4·43&i " 20<':!i UDO REALTY Auoc1atea 3400 \'ra Lidn Har . ._.._. l~fc OCEAr ~:~!r APT 2 bednn ... llQUl•tta "'"'"' A tur· ntah.11\p Rent turn or unrum 3 OYFlCt: apacu for ke-. Ap· UUI pd MTJ8T ,.... to 1ppr,.clt \e prox 1 i .a~,· *Kh In Udo l llop· R&r1loT 40~•1 for a ppollltm•nt. J>\1'1 a.rta. :y:)O Via Malap. Jtar. 11.aa &127. Ill.I• . ' • I • ,, 1 I l 1 I ''- ( , ~ J l I (rJ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 8DR JOINT -OwMr 81aow1 ll'Ol9 ovw p0,000 w1th 95% draft beer -sood st.M.dy clJentele all year round. R.lt Sl'TS mo., aoellent location. Good rea- 900 tor ~ tht. tor s12,ooo tun price. CAFE -well e.t.abu.hed • ahon gro. $26,000. Rftt $125. mo. Full price~. ll'or tu.e ud drlv.tu. mark.ta_• liquor .t.or-. me. .tops, etc. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport pea.ch LI 8-3'81 EYentnp Phone Liberty 8-M!O WANT TO BUY -A Going Business In Harbor area or within 15 miles. No groceries or caf es. $30,000 or ~more cash availal:>le. Smaller busi· ness with potenti.a O.K. Will con· siderJarticipation. Replies confi· denti . Private party. Write Box M-49, this paper. 26c28 llUSIME88 rm., lTIT~ Supertor Ave., Cotta w.... uao eq. tt. equipptO uo • 120 .i.e. poonr. ftyupt.I. Sood pu1rtna'. Bar. >811 ·ft. Oourte9J to ... ta. ASSOCIATE 2teMll Adtft or MC. .... ~l r..ty ----------tor marlllM. coa,w..11 t..uc • For lease up5tairs P">ftL llbouJd ..-i1 net a100 •• . COSTA MESA This W.eek' s Leader ()pportwllty lmoclu apinl JlOOO 40W1I wU1 move y<N lnt.o a ut .. time ot comtortabl• u~ tn thi. nearly new S bdrm. a.don.bl• family home in .ac.Uent cloee In llut..sde neipbomood , . Fl,.. place, puoqmt tloonl. ... _ •• , . • Pa.ea -~ ~ at 110.teO. Facts Not Fiction Tbal'• wh&t ~ want! Own.r built W. Mina Yit.h UU-t.hinp ln mlnd -low ma1Di..&noa. durabt11t1 Uld pl~ uvtn,. with s w-s-bdrm9., thennador- ldtclwl, tull d1n.lna room. panel· ed U't1.n& room uid ttNplace - onctnallt)I. qU&llty and loca11t:r · MM!bly pr1oed at $18,900. A Horse, A Boy ud tua do(. Groo.nd 82' • JU'. compkt.ely fenoed, •Jll1.llltlan. cornJ. 8t&bla, plua tb1a ,....r• model ahalt• roof RaActiy 2 bdrm. and den h~ wtUa all the trtmrnlnc• incl. ahop or play room ott '*"'e. Plu. vtew ot th• Ba.ck Bay! $22.600. Bay & Beach Realty lSIHI N"'J)Ort Blvd, Collta M .... LI S.-1181 Ena. LI 8·81M SOLD by Multiple Listing US RtflnlcS., N_,,ort Be&dl "ao.J -18.500,000 ln '86" 100 ... n. ~ for bu1Utt11, madSo fir oaic. • 11~ ~ en. JU Mu1ne .A.w .• Balboa Ia. °"1\eJ' 'lat 2'. Bay Jl"roTlt. Bal· boa Illud. 23p21 000 ftnit 1'Ml'· WU1 8t&lld n,td ID~ .A.bNlut. proof at tint l.D~. 'nls. i. a cb.ulca ot Ut.ume for J*rtY wt1Un1 to \Jlv..t moo cuh rpr ~ mtar--Facts not fiction AV All. A BLZ -About 8000 eq. tt. lichl l.ndulry ~ on i.t • Ind. noor. u. a. RJati~ 101 and S.y J'ront.ace. WW i.u. all or any part • r.nodel to .Wt tenulL Vopl Co .. sn• V!a Udo. Harbor '971. Uttc ..-.. Orawtq aceowit ti acu... · Ablaohltely no t.iepllone lator-WE PROUDLY OJTl:ft the fol-10'W'1.lls propertlH u the 110U11d· mallcm. No Um• -{_or cw1omty Ht ftluee tn Uie Harbor Ar~a. Mtk•ra. Party Ml~ mua fUmlah cbanct.er ntwec.a and Balboa Penineula ba ..., to set a1aq wtth. Tllla may -11 be tbe l.ut ad you wlU J'OR LEAS!: -Blvd. property, ••er need ~r. P'or ~ .ult.able tor ... ut7 Sllop or mi.. ~ plaone L a a-1aa1. 1 l'lEDROOM compact home on Mit'Ma&r. Cosy kMtty pUle In· ter1or, eacL patio A prace. full price only '10,TM. Top ttnandug at Jtl(). month. bu.lneu. Incl"'-l&rp livU\S Roun 10 a.ra.. to I p.m. 24dt ro0m, a bdnn .• llttcbell. alao ID· Cliff Ha Du 1 rome JU'· apt. P&rktnl tulUtle-. Ven P eX VPJ'Y r...-&ble. 2 SPACIOU'I I br. apta. for borne Bra'11~y At RT•tt 4~2. lkll • tnc. 178.68 rno. s-.ra 1'llA io.n ----------CAFE ---·---'2600 IDa. • ta-. otMr 11A4e r.Uct NT.Go mo. run prtot n•.ooo. CAFE ··-··--···---····· ~ <not 1-...11.oldl. --------DONUT SHOP ---7SOO Co del Mar M 1 2 ACRES BEER PARLOR ··--··· !SO()() 2 roft f~&ctuplolul. I tuD Iott. 17& ft. front.as• on Pla.cel\Ua Bt '· "Art" Ad • Rlt 4 aceU. 2 bdrm. apt.. -. wtth E'l{nll~nt 11Jt.atl outlet. J'orj air, r. own n1'9pl. .ti pr. RdWd. tln. l•AH or will build tor rallQ~ ltM N.-port. Shod., eo.ta M-.a ftl6. ac.bad. mo. IDeam.e. Loan ten&l\t. ~'11*' u f.C7lo or U U1*V 64792 UeJt PJ111L 1180. ao. run pdoe 8·8184. Mtlc PT.NO. ta.000 wm ....._ • MOTEL • Ta.AlLD P .A.&K oa l ~ • I l ~ Pi QUONSET HUTI. ~lx41 l.'IO. lftO. 101 c.out ~'" Ma&1nan' rvtUne IVI. 1nover Jnq Placentla Loduatrl.al • Btar· Mlle. ti WlltA. " ldt.ebeu). u •1• Ct'nler. 19U P\a.cenua. nMf tr&Uar ..-all modenl, onl.)' \~th 1 •C"oJta M••' or call MOOOO Her..,_,r 'lll·W 2~30 ' ' Pl E IT A U ~A N T ln Hunt1nf1on K&A.LTOA Je06 N..,,ort Bkod.. N...,art ~ "'-Pa1rtlls ft.not .aio l9cs28 Bead\. Ka111 8t. Chance to c-..h ---------- Balboa f ;eninsula tn on ocJ boom bu91ntH. Rerlt $7~.. Pl109 ·~ REAL £STATE LOANS lnterest Rate ~l/2~ HlOHW.A.I' to Bay t>uat11wa tro11l· 3 B&:Qt\M b,,... YiUl 1arp rum· ap tori--. J>U8 roem, I ttnplaeeil. :dnt. tam· 117 Jiom.. CIOM to M7 .ti OC4!ea. ~n• qu1cJUy ma.de la ui. Be.)' Arta a no eo.1.a MU•&. 11.t\cl.e or mulUpl" 11.rui.. N ew or old. S. SANDY STEINER 0n11 uuoo . ........ a.mi ...... "' ra-f'l.aanc:JJll fte•I ~te .. Bu.lnua Brow Excellent 8 Units yuur pr,.8t-nl loe.n MUl\mum a · 2912 W. Cout Rwy_ r-lpt. Buch p•~ No ('ba r1• aor orellnU· L!berty •1a2J 2&27 ON OCLUf P'R01'1T. Cer'Der lot flll.r')' appra u11u. P'hon.. Sant.a • ~ btocll trorn beJ'. S.. ftne IJ\· Ana Klmbtrty ll-8933 or .n-tte 6U-lD~ !!'«>~ oome l'tCOC"4. ARTHUR A. MAY s· 1 b d t )lor\aa1e Lou Corn8]IO~t BALBOA INCOME IX e rm. ap s. Occidental Ult l.nJlara.nce Co. PLUS t bdrm. reJilt1tnce ce t Iota. 0:1:1 1'1n111t-M11JI' flMta Ana & ~lde-r property C'Allltn.I· Eut S.y Aft. Unobetructed pp ly toe.. 1 ~ bllta. to heart o.f B&J. vtew of bay trom rNldenoa. --------bOa.. UtU. rm. JUI\ reduced to 116.000 cSO'WTI. LOANS na.:w>O tor qwclc .ale. a.6000 drl. Owner Hubor l8N, '-,~tic ]1/4 acres fenced PROMPT SEftVlCK ~· • flr•t truat dt'ed• 20 yun 7 VNlTS. all tum. Oo6d IDcome-lN ORANG& PAJUC ACIU:IS. Oranrre Coast Pro-rtle. Pl"lce U7.000. -H t RunUton. Only .. .MO. " t""' -COit& Mua Meta I·,~ Newport A va . Colt& Mea ----------Coast Properties 601 &. Wlloe 8lYd.. B&lboa Pbme Ra.rbor UGO Ntfc -u ·1632• u "·1400 ~ ... 9~uc Sacrifices Ga.lore ! ' woi.;w 111re to buy i.t &llO :no For sale by Owners! ! TnLJt Otf'da C.11 Riu. 2128 F1VJt PJECJ;S of \Jlc.o.ru pro~rty ----------~ from fU 600 to '11.500. Duplu. --t.rtplu. et.c.. 1'or lnfonnatJon. COSTA MESA NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fer <:.;. L. ES RJ:Fl Ill A :'llCT. OON8T1\UC"n0l'l C-&II tor P't'fJe fut Commitment. Don I. Huddleston Ubtrty ~1.ot !N o bTo"era). le tie --------~-~ 11IJ\Ell bedromn, "1lA bame, I )T8-old. Dtnllie room. ltdwr. tln dual turn . pr-... fenced yard. S.W.r In. Ooae t.o OatlloUo 91 A.NT lJdo k y J'ronL H&Ve <Ir C'llUl"C'h. 18~. lO&n $7.286. 2 bdrm~ n-Jy e&rpeted. 11.mS U .200 down. '°"' 28 ~r month ~ nice on Udo to acba.nie Incl. tu It 1n .. OUh ror d1t'fen-nce. Owner11 -- only llubmlL Wr1t • Bmc J~&. TWO BDRM. • d.e oidair hooa. Ull• pa~r. 2!1p:Z? turn. cloee to bUe It good mkU. 173 E. 17th St. CXCHANOJ; a-er ln. Lot 60x200. a~ ros'J' A MUA I bdmi.., J... b&lh8. r . A. hNt, P'ull pr1n ,tl,llOO. "' euti. IJ 8-:i~s U ~2 W1lh b •tall hone b8m. t.acll rrn, .ep. 3 rm. apt. on 2 h anew fuiced A cro• tm~ Exch. fr,r 3 bdrm. home 111 .Harbor ..,,., By cnmer. Ph. OX T·lll27. 2.4c3ih 64>-llOW\' WuW HAVE ~Uf'nl ouu.t.. tor prl· \3lf' money on ht • Ind Tnuit n.~ <a. C'a.ll DON I. IJUDD~TON Rul EAtatf' ~ \ ;;1 "E I ;u1 ("Mt.a MtN Lfb#rty 8~41 George V. Fbx DOKER l TT Z. 17th 9L. eo.ta Meea Ubert.y 1-14111 BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRIVATE BEACH -Pier Ir .Up privilegs. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm.. l~ bath, lot.a of tJle. Parquet flrs., dbl. rar., r. A. beat. Now t. the time to buy for next awn.mer or yearly occupancy. A reel value at thia price. $26:250 -Terms • NEWPORT Duplex tunUahed • good rental aJ.ttrict. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 There's Value Here OWn.er dropa hia price $2000. Thia most attractive 2 bdrm. home on Little bland PLUS 1 bdrm. guelt cottace. $10,000 down and owner will carry balance. Attractively furnlabed. $23,000. BATI'RONT-Piu &.float-• bd.mul. -$33.750. To build that dream home -we have an overaUled lot -$15,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marl.De Ave., Balboa Ialand Har. S02· eveL 2306-R LIDO ISLE U you need t bdrm., A: den, 3 bath home with a lge. living room. attra.ctive kitchen, dining area. eer- vice porch and double garage, wall to wall carpet and clrapea. we can po.itively offer you a rare oppor· twilty. SHOWN by appointment only, phone ~rge L. Stewert with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd.. Npt. Bcb. Ru. 5188 or 1983 BALBOA ISLAND 3 plua BDRllS., I batha, rumpua room. An older hoUle but clean u a whlftle! Near the North Bay. Pa.rt1ally f\anlahed. -$2e,600. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Ryer-Chet S&llabury . 218 Karine A'N., Balboa Ialand • BALBOA ISLAND XTRA t unit.a, r-.1 eata. Brtdt ftnpl.ce tn one. P'uniWled In Ge. tute. $380() dowD. Pall price -$18,.!500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor !08 J.fariD• A ft., Balboa lal&nd Harbor !502 -Ev-. Harbor ~R A REAL BUY * Corona del Mar -Ylew Dupla -2 bdnna. eeeh wtlt. on. furniabed.. !ound condition. DrutJcally r-. duoed to Sl~. Submit down. Call Harbor 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 Marine An.. s.Jboa Ialand OUTSTANDING -BALBOA INCOME 9 deluxe. near new apartmeata OD bMutitul Balboa Peninau.la. Unfumiahed income on yearly le&ee9 O"W $9600. Could be IUbet.a.ntially tncnued by ta.k· Ing llUDlJDeJ' rent.ala. ~ S76,000 -and out of town ownu will take $.2S,OOO down and carry bal· ance at 15%. Abeolntely the best lncome buy tn the entire Harbor Aft.&. • The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt.. Bch. LI 8-USl. Eva. LI 8-l~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS SCOTCHMAN'S SPECIAL -Never 110 much for ao Uttle! Just a atone"1 throw from the blulhl ott Bee· con. Thia 8-rm· home with it.I ~.U. bd.rma., oalt nooni. and lanai plu. patio, ii really a ScotMman'1 d~"m at $12,960. -UOOO down. GORDON SEVERTS REALTY MULTIPLE USTING REALTOR 1M E . 17th St., Co.ta Mea. LI 8-7781, evM. 8-31M ., a •• ,...._ MARCH 16. 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PASE I BILL'S· BEST BUYS a-~._,~!!,...!!!•!!---~12~·~.a~r...~te~-- A LlWe Paint - Ftxin&' up &NS elbow ~ will cure thla well built • Md.room home in very tl11e locaUon. Cloae t.o lr-an.aportaUon and echool-. Decorate and SA V1!l. Full price S79~ w1th terma. Shade Treee too - Older 3 bedroom. sood condlUon . Cloee to town, tr.rup<>rt.aUan, Parochial a Public School•. 'l'fw.. lilled curbed •ll'fft and .. wera an ln. Full price 179~ w1tb t erm1. If you are con!uaed - New I bedroom. bath A l.i. cloae In loaUon. IMO down and 170 monthly. Hurry for ont ot tllne. they ue about eold out. * Newport Heigh's $23,500 Beautttu1 Vlw HOllM -CUtt Lot We have j\l8t U.ted th19 q».dou.1 3 bdnn .. 2 bath hom.e. The laJp Uvtng room and dinlnc area. with lg noor to ceillns windon, enjoy. a IWeepinJ Yiew of the ocean and Catallna. nJa lovely, well arranged home, with lu many up to date featurea, tncludM new drapee and carpedns. (not a leuehold) * View Lot !Awel unobmwJted ..... lot. Price $9950 -Not a '--hold Rov Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 t.lewport Blvd., Newport ee.ch Har. 2M2 Conveniently located - AttracUve 3 bedroom near Alpha Bet.a Shopping Center. Fenced rear yard and double ~ Good condiuoo_._A•klng i10.~. ---------L-1-0-0--------- S.. ua for your requirement. We have all typea of property tor sale. "you'll Uke our friendly aemce" W. A. TOBIAS REALTOR "you'll lllce our friendly Mr'Ylct " 393 E. 17th St., CQJt.a Meaa Uberty 8-1139 SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot. w. Balboa Blivd.. Balboa ''ao.J -18,500,000 In 'M• THIS & THAT SORT THESE OVER: you may find what you want here - ~ aa., I old bldt~. C. K S8J&O 5 acre., DJ'. Joabua V--··-~ ~ ac,.., old •·nn. hOUM. a. A. llOOO TRADES I bdrm. 111,000 d1t11twn !l&lboa FOR Sant.a Ana. 3 bdrm., 111,000, Pettluula FOJ\ & or 10 .crea. a bdm> .. i1~.ooo. Paaaden& l"OR Balboa. IJ bdrm.. Slt.000. J'Ullerton rOI\ BllJboL 8D Ula B. McJ'vTe at BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES •1t E. llalboa Blvd., Balboa Rvbor aTM or a:l17·M. 26c21 TRADE f'OR HOME with pier and float and amall Income. Owner mlrlnr trom buai- ne.. WILL TRADE unencumbcttd 9 unit atuceo moul with owu.r'• quartera. All tur- niahed. In tip top 1hApe on main highway in Culver Ci- ty. Well local~ &lid est.ab. Uahed bualneaa doing over $8000 with low espenee. Your tncom. lt&rta at once. Let m• know what you have. Owner Erneat Zim· merman. 2907 South Coch· ran Ave., Loe Ange.Lea 16. Phone WBJmey 5961. Cour- teey to brobn.. 17c30b SOLD by Multiple Listing No. 152 ~~ .. Nt"WpOrt B<h "OoaJ -sa..soo.ooo tn ·e.-. .. ONLY $9500 to..i for workinr ~ ret17'ed couple 2 bdnn.. t'UllC'Uoll&l modern. flUJ to -11\t.aln M600 dOW1l. Bal. aaoe S30 mo. A. looaUo11 ot dte- Uf\CtSon.. H.a.r. 987 ~ ,.._ w l l ttc BY OWNER Corooa lll1bl&D09 -I bdrm.. 2 be.th fumbouae, l'RA c:omrnlt· menl Pb. Harbor 78-J. P9ttl' SOLD by Multiple Listing aU E. now.r 8t~ eo.t& MNa "OoeJ -iuoo.ooo 1n 'M " The very Mi udumv. u.ung on Lido Iale. Larp 2 bdrm., 2 ~ single lltory ~ome on a f~ft. lot, overaized garage with l&undry. Forced .tr beat, big living room and tl.fepl.aee. SpaciOU.11 South patio where you may re1u and llOak up the aun. You will have to naab to pl thiia one 1 Open Daffy 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo . $23,500. Bu a aew $US,OOO loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4 718 21c23 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 untta, new duplex and 5-room hou.e on 2 Iota. Choice rmtal d.19trict. Jua 100 feet from ocean. 2 unit.a are fu.rnkhed and rented on yeuly bula. Own· er'1 home available now. Three garagee on t.lley. Preeent income can be 1Ub9t.antlally i.ncrea.Md. $6,000 will hancn.. FOR INSPJOCTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Bmf .. Newport S.ch. Bar. 1013 Cb.a.rminc turniabed cottap on R-2 lot ottered tor $9600. $2000 dowu. Room t~ uotber unit. DUPLJCX -2 bdrm. apt. ud 1 bdrm. apt. jmt two blocb from th. ocean and cood b&th1.,,, be&clL $13,000. FITZMORRIS REAL TY COMPANY R.ealtora BualneM Broker 3180 E.. Cout Hwy., Corona cW Mar. Har. 21" Grandpa's Homestead SM.A.LL OLDER HOUSE, livable now, can be made Into a cute 2 bdrm. with a Uttle work and planning. Large lot, fruit trees. Good eo.ta Wea location. Only 14~. v, cub. SEE Ula B. McJ'arreoft at Balboa Bay Properties U9 It. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Har. 3786 or ~17-M VOGEL VALUE Ruatic R.alJcb Type home in top Newport Height. location. 2 lgt. bdnne. Extra large living room with fireplace & high bea.mf'd ceiling•. Nice kitchen bar. Flooring la peg hardwood th.ruout. Beautiful a.nd we do mun beautiful, tenced yard with p.tfo. Price SH.:500. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout. Highway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 LIDO TRADE ~padout1 2 bedroorrui. 2 bath. A den on a ISO' lot. r>e.igned by out.tan<hng a.rchltecl Will trade oo 4 bedrof1m , 3 bath on Lido . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvrt .. Nl'wport E<>arh Ha r. 471A 6 l!llDJW()KJI. ~ ~ 16e. a.eU· SOLD vit.Y room. p•Uo. w to w ""''"Pflt. by Multiple Listing La.rge lot laa.,aped A t•noed ua.~. Kra. i.or.u.n. u 1-I 112 ao. B&)'fl'Oflt. Balboa t.i&n4 111e. • ........ ~ DU "'QoM -IU00.000 la 'W • . \ I -. I L I ' j .. a,,.. ........ --- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BUSINE88 LOCATION, 75-tt. lot on 18th St Im· proftd with deUPtful 2 bdrm., den, dlnlns room !Mae. lcleel for llMdkal or dmtal -Alleya, 89tNn. ..,. to owa. ..0... wtl1 carry mortpge. SSOOO c!n. l:XCITING 'riew boaM, Newport Hei&'ht.s. a lovely bchm.. 2 Wed batba, carpetinc w to w. Cu.tom drape1, tJaptoae J'. P ., tinted picture windoft. Oraytty n.mo b•t. '•ndecaped California llvinr at tta bellt -ps,rsoo. eeutb1e ienna. 1' PLUS PERCSNT oa ukinc priee, 2 .toree Jeaa. ed. 2 bdrm. apt. Partly fumiahed. Income $375 mo. run prtee m ,ooo, term•. TRADE for income unit.a up or down. l!SO' fronting on Newport Ave., down town Co.ta Mea. . Buaineee zoned. $3000 ACRE Back Bay area. 5 rolling acres $15,000 () RESIDENTIAL corner lot, 1 blk. to 1tore.. 70 x 130 -$2800. M·l -127 It. front. on Placentia near 19th St . $70. foot. $260 MONTH income, • furniahed 1 bdrm. units. , Cloee in. $23,500. LEASEHOLD R-2 -Kings Road. Outstanding Harbor View -$5000. CORONA DEL MAR deluxe view home. Living room, kitchen, bdrm. Ir bath upetain. 2 bdrm•. & bath down. Beautiful aet·up. Badminton court, land· acaped, fenced, double guage. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BU1LDERS 1867 NetVpOrt Ave·, Costa Men Liberty 8-1&32 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. • Do you want the best buy \ in Newport Heights 1 . . . HERE IT IS ! OPEN HOUSE 1..:5 P.M. ~2f EL MODENA. NEWPORT HEJGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 bdrma., 2 bath•, F. A. heat. Diahmaater, garb. dia- poMl, elec. fan. Touch latch ayatem on cupbo&rd•. Mercury switches. ~r garagea fitted with 220 volt wirtnr. Entirely aurrounded by concrete block walla. Carpets & drape1 included. All tor Sl9,950. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN See th1-beauWul home on Clift Drive 3 bedrma., 2 bat.ha, Tbermador kitchen, diabwuher, p.rbage dJ•poeal. Many other excellent features. 1 yr. old. A real va.lue at $23,950. COSTA MESA U you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home, we have it. Situated on Eut 19th St .. Pl"I~ $12,950 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-266-t Eves. LI 8-7056 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. B&y two unlta. 2 bdnna. each, a REAL bu~ at $37,500. $10.000 down. No. Bay front modern 3 bdrm.. 2 bath home with view from every room. Complet~ly rumished. Asking $4!>,750 and ONLY S6000 do.,'tl. Neu new 4 bdrm. home and apartment completely f urnished and in excellent condition. Full prfce $36,500, tenna. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A \'e,, Balboa Ialand Harbor 44i I Eves. Harbor 1786-R ) LIDO ISLE It's so seldom that on Llcio you can find a practically new 2 bdnn. home completely furn. for anywhere near S20.500. that we felt you should know about it right away. A well Jcept borne W1th dining area, overlook· lll( the patio, fireplace, buiJt-inR galore &nd many other featuree. Of coune It is juet one of our many u cluaive. on Lido l11le. Term& may be arranged. Lido Bay Front 3 b<lrma. pha maid'• room, completely furnished in aplendid condition lbru-ouL 212 bat1tt1, forced air heat. On Lldo Nord In good location. Only $59.~. Cont1ider trade u part. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office SUI Vi& Udo, Newport Bea.ch Har. 4971 or 4972 HARD TO FIND ON LIDO ! But We Have it- 1. Furniahed 2 bdrm. A lan&i 2. 1 % bat.ha -2 ah owe rm I. Luge UTfnc Room '-Larp 45-tt. lot . 5. A low down payment al $25,500. See The Vogel Co. 8201 W. C.out HiJbway, Newport Beach LI 8-~81 WANT TO BUY Small Homes We have an investor who wants to buy eeveral small homes or income units in Newport Beach. Preferably near the ocean or bay. The~ must be units that will stand improving or expanding. He will buy them, fix them up ,.nd either rent or aell them at a profit-It's that simfle-Prices ahould be well under $10,000 but· if you have a rea bargain-PRFBENT IT. Quote us your lowest net price with nothing added. Our investor will pay our commission. An appraiser will look at your ~roperty and if it'1 a bargain, you have a deal! -DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., ' Newport Beach, California 530 Kings Road OPEN HOUSE Sat. A Sun., 1 to !§ Phone Harbor 4718 "C'' m o MAS ··C" moMA.S "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS MOTEL 12 completely FURNISHED wlita PLUS owner- Ope1'tor'1 3 bdrm. tumJabed bomt OD buy Hwy. 101. In fil'lt<lul condition. Good lncome PRICED at ltS5,000 • Term.a. You Can Afford a Better Home DlloJ thl 90denl UvtAc of w. -lt01'7, S bdrm. llome wtUI -p&.t.ely ~ .. 0¥# double,..,...... Corona Del Mar Best Buys 1. SHORE CLIFFS -3 BDRM. A DEN HOllll:, plua larp rumpu. room. 2 fireplace., 3 b&tba, Yi.-of oce&n, canyon A hllla. Completely furn. lebed.. A b&rp1n at $~.000. Shown by app't. 2. VIEW or CANYON la HW."'8. 2 bdrm. home phaa larp nunpua room. built-in 1tove A: oven. Attnctin tlreplaee, nicely decorated. Larp double pnp. only 1 year. old. Reduced trom $23,SOO to $19,9'50 fdr immediately Mle. Owner hu moftd. Bett#r hurry. 3. CLOSE TO OCEAN 6 BEACH.-Thil attractive modena 2 bdrm. home plwa parlor off livinr room. Suitable for a muaie room. Double garage. Fenced yard 6 only 1 b1k. to oceu front. Reduced to $18,900. Euy tuma. We have the key. f . 2 BDRM. HOKE, PLUS BLDG. SITE. 2 bdrm. home, dbl. pn&'e, built on the rear of a 50-tt. lot. Choice location. Room to buUd additional unit in front. P'all price $11,SOO. $3000 down will handle. !lxclu.tYe with WI. 5. DUPLEX BARGAIN -Front unit bu 3 bdnne., 1 % batha, fireplace, din.lnr area. Reu unit hu 2 bdrma. built over dbl prap. View from ..-r unit. Sepuat. laundry room. Needa 1101De paint A yard work, but priced to Mll al $18,MO. Euy term.a. We hue the key. e. SO. OJ' THE HIGHWAY, WaL TAKE TRADE Thia bome built on 90-ft. corner &ot baa a bdrma plua den. Larp co•ered lanai. 2 batha, fenced yard. la.rge llv. rm. with fireplace. Forced air beat. .me. pon:h, bwd. tlool'W. Owner bu mov· ed. WW st.e tmmed1ate po•e•ioa A wilh• to 11ell quickly. wm take amaU home, neant lot or trut deect. In trade. Lou commfttment of $15,000 at 5%. 20 yNr. Priced to 11ell at $2f~. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LI8TING REAL'OOR 3"7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Oftiee located nat door to Corona del Ku Bulk) Be au,.. and llff lhla out.tandln( s bdnn., 1 t. bath "home. w to w ea.rpeUnc. forced w b•Unr , &nd a J&laxy of fe.t.ur.. that Will pleue the moet d1.lcrtmlnat.- lnr buyer. W• conaJder t.hle to ~ the bwt buy oa Klnp Ro&d. a t 122.7&0 and can ~ boustit °" very attra.ctlve tenn .. BAYSHORES rllATVU9 1o .. ~ ..., modeni REA.DY NOW -iN $650 Down ' bdrm., 1 ~ baUI hom., dl•poMl. loade of cupboarda, well .,.. ranfed rooma that .,.. tlr1cht • cheerful W&lklnr d.latanc~ to Newport ffarbOr Htl'h 8 c.hooL FU ll p r1 ce I 11, 9GO w1 lb t.rma Ilk• rTnt. Beu er call riaw - 2531 Bayshore Drive BAYSHORF.S Open Sat_ 6 Sun. W • ln Y1 t. )'OUI' lnilpecU«i ot tJI •• 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. 6 d•ll, I~ b&th home. Ide&! location tor th• yacbt.mM and euy accare to lM &.!boa Bay Club. Priced to ... 11 tuml#led or untumlltled. Frank James Linwood Vick REAL'roRS C 8. RUM, Wm. 0 . lchmldl, A.->c 312 Marine An., &.Ibo& llland Harbor JOO SOLD by Multiple Lis~ing aoe. 306 ~ Coral. Balbo4l laland "Goal -'8.600.000 ln ·~" Seashore Drive 3 bdrm. home. 1Ar1t• lot nu.r wldt Ml• beach. only 110.~. which I• mul'h 1-\hall yoU W'OUJd a - r-ct to pay In thl• location. Motel 12 unit.. on 101 Htr bway. t11i.- phone tor lkt•-i.. Wtll take hnm• In lrMIOI. Chea pie 2 bJrm. near ocevi, only Jt'l600. DOW1\ pym t. 11 &00. N. 8. C. REAL TY 37:llf 6 New'J>Orl Blvd., Npt. lkb. Phone RarbOT 1'08. SOLD by Multiple Li.sting 126 vi. ZUl1cb. Udo hi. "Goal -'8.300.000 In ·15- LIDO ISLE JT1J Dl8'nNcnv. f"LlNO and well ~ floOr pla.n fe&tufta t.hl• out.undlnl' I , bdrm. home. W ith J lil• b&~ tbe larp W\.- u.uaJ UYina 6 clainc ..,..._ W1U\ a 1~111.7 llrepl-, le d.U.I\ ttut Compe.ct ldtcba ..Smack bu, paUo, lf9. dbl ...,...,... W.JI ~ PUCIO -MIOO 4loWa. ... Oeo. L. St~ w1UI - Balboa Bay Properiie1 J&Oe W . ..,._ 1IL., Newpwt &ll. ~ ll&r. &111 OWNER •lluir moci.n • bdrm .. I bath llome at top of • ""'"....., cs.& Mar. Mortpr• pa~ tum. pr. apt.. auto, dlah wuh11r, ••Ahlnc machtne, n"" atove, n -- trt1.. dr.pu A tloor co•lllrtnp lndud~ M.any built lna, k>u ol room tor lrld&. Walldnr dlfl.Allce to achooL 12~.000. Har. 2606-M. 17t1o BEST BUT tN UYBBORD TODAY! 2 bdrm. A: lanaJ. Jars-UYins room wttb finpla.ce. bu • type kitcb•, di8p., .. patio. bl~ bet°" yOQ buy. ONLY S1UOO. BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE -Sat. Ir S~. 1 · 5 2580 Crestview Drive DELUXE CUSTOM BUILT rucb ~ bome on u - tremely la.re• comer lot. Baell ~ WMdually de.iped. I larp bdrma., 2 ~ wttJa Lota of tile, attractive Uvtnc room wttll beam ~. ftnpLace. 1Udinr clua doora onto bqe pat:io. PRIZE WIN· mNG kitchen with bn&ktut bv PWS 4iniq nn. Carpetinf .. drapee inducted in LOW PRICE ~ $38,280. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 111t.dtea wti. 41.epoal. f\.lrnac. ~ud,.,.._ ... -..o1 ........ ...... • .... i. ....... n. ..,... .. u. -a aloe ._ ~ tlJOO ~ at Wa ehotet ...__ I.a.& looatto.. P\'bd W.U llndeir A0.000. ... UIM ~ ,., .... ~ ud .... 11-nq. J. A BEEK, Realtor SOLD 22f W. Cout. Birbway. Newport 8-ch Liberty ~27 by Multiple Llating "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS .. C'" THOMAS ''C" THOIU.8 1t10 Map. A...._ eo.ta x..a "Oeal -.. .MO.eot 111 ·sr p. a. palmer incorporated DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE off er A preetige bome. one of Udo'1 loveU•t. an intim.at• patio for aoUtude or gay compa.oy. 3 bedrma., 2 bath•. Furnlahed with rt.ft feeling and t.ut.e. $18.000 BA YFRONT. pier and •Ii!>. plue a wide ht.ch. u there la 54 feet of BA YJ'R.ONT. Many f•tune for grac.loua Uvinr. includJnc a n.t.a room. din1nr rootn., 6 bedrm1 .• ~ bat.ha, .tone t.rrace onriooldnc U.. bay~ In ft.cl, you juet have to Me thia bome to know It'• ll fine val~ at $8.5,500, with eacellent tenna- NEW LIDO BUSINESS AND PRO~IONAL BUILDING to be built on Via Udo Mtween the Church and Sheu.on. Hammill It Co. lAMeS now being made. Come ln and ... the model &nd floor plaDI. nit. i8 to be one of the out.tandins bu.Ud.lnp ln Southern Calitomla. REAL VALUES 3 dandy bldg. lots ........ lllWlt .. ~~ ~ 19 a._, at .. TIO. K\i1T7, U.S. -'t &Mt.. Corner Lot Dl.c•lleat Sut 8'de 8aUdtnc ltt.e uao. 1/2 ACRE 8-J\1.& Ana Hetp\I. I bdrm. and ~-w1tll M\aU .,._ hOUM In nu. A·l -.. Clll17 tlO.IOO. C·2 LOT W'IUl clAft l bdrm. hou• J.-t al! H.wpart lllVd. ta eo.t& ... _ -MIC)O. B. A. NERESON 1"2 1'--s-t Bl~~ eo.ta .... 1"MIM u .. 1172 ..... u t-&tl 'I NEWPORT HBGHTS ON PAI.JlER ST. -ott 8a:nt& Ana Aft. between ~ St. 6 18th 8t. Owner on property fl'olll 1-6 p.m· S!:VtN NEW 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes S895 Down $11,450 Full Price Bela.nee lib,...., • Qaeck th-qual11y f..wr-: &ew .. bl and paid Encloeed carac• Colored rock roof• Gart>ap dilpoeai. Kitchen f&a.1 Street wUl be curbed and s-wd W. A. TOBIAS &Dd ASSOCIATES, RJl:ALTOR "you'll like our frieodl7 •rriee" 383 E. 17th St., Coet.a Wea Liberty 8-1118 KNOWELL PLACE 2073 Maple Streat $795. Down NO CLOSING COST S bedroom. Garbap Dt8J>OM1 Plutered W.U. 2 balh. Hardwood noon1 Forced air heat 2,-cu rarac• Sewen · New St.net ONLY 8 LEFT Phil Sullivan & George Evenon ls.'5e Newport BlYd.. c.o.t.a M- l Acroea P'rom eo.t.a M-a.Dk) Phone Llberty 8-e'r&l Ev-. Bar. '3e6-l.J 8-2103 p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneon co. aa.lea mgmt. 3333 l'ia Udo. harbor IMO 2~Jt -~~~~~~~------~~--~~~~~- INCOME PROPERTY See t his for value. 4 fine unita on the Ocean Front, a truly good location. comp. furn. and in tht very bHt condition, hu an u cellent income h.iltory. $33.500 -Tenn• ALSO 2 umtt1 on 2 Iota In Newport, just '~ block l o the Oce&n, near bue linee and atore11. Only Sl0,900 ~down. PAUl C. JONES, Realtor 2820 Newport BJYd., Newport 8-ch Har. 2!11 Open Daily till Sold 245 Evening Canyon Road Shore Cliffs, Coron• de Mer Ita new. it.a under market price! Anotbw Vogel Value THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W.·Coalt Hwy., Npt. llclL L1b1rt7 I-Wt SOLD by Multiple Listing Let_ M&fCU9 A •e.. Newport lkaeh "ao.J -N,.I00,000 .... '&6" $1000. Down Newport Heights Are you JookU1c tcw an attrae1lln lllOder'll .._ •• Plct&&re W'tndow• larp ·~ ~ • nnp&ae. • ltildMll JW'U ree.lly Jlk4 • two w ...... t\a~ pllll • ...u ... ..,. . t..iarr-tw.-e&r ..,..... -a.a J'&N ,._._ ruu ,.._ •17 - tU.MO. Phil Sullivan-& George Everson l ... K..rpert -..S .. OoM.a w- ( ..... fr.a Cell.a ,._ 9&1111) "MM L1IMr'1 MTl1 ..... llw~'* U .. SJOI U' A.CIOVll llOllJI ... ,_. • ..._. ......... .... ..................... ................... ~ .... o.r... -J· 9 a.-... Kw. -- Santa Ana Heights Four Resales-for you to choose froml New development near upper Baell Bay. All 3 bedroom•. Fenced and land.acaped. Sm&U down payment. or uee your G. I. Prices $10,950 -$12,500 Come out Pallud• Road from Newport Blvd to new &re&. Follow OPEN HOUSE •IP to Rita Writer with BOLES REAL TY 110 No. Broedway, Sant.a Ana Phone Kl 2-1914 or KI 2-8327 DRAMATIC VIEW * or oce&n, e&11yon, beach, cliff a. I.Arp bdrme., 1 % beth. Hlllaide patio. Spa.cloua UTtns room. Look- inc ricbt down OD beach. Best ecenic lite la Corona del Kar. For quick l&le. $~.SOO. ~ Barbor 177!5 ~. Kart.cw alllt EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marw .._..._ ..._ lllud • 1~ [I I • I l I . I I II ll I I l I l I ) I , ... r I I I r . L ... --.------=----.. --~ - • ' . BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OP' MULTIPLE ~G 311 Marine Ave., Balboa !!land Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 CORONA DEL MAR CHA.RMJNG 2 BDRM. A DEN F. A. heat, beautiful wall to wall carpeting le drapet. Modem in every way. Lovely patio, double garage. Lees than 1 blk to ocean. A ateal at $18,950. ·$6000 down. HERE'S VALUE Look at the Features 1. In beautiful Newport Height.a 2. On a 75 x 127 ft. lot . 3. Enclosed with muonery wall. 4. Four-<:ar garage .. 5. Three spacloua bedrooma. 6. Large living room (rear). 7. Stainleaa steel kitchen. 8. Beautiful fireplace. 9. Two bat.la. 10. Forced air beat. 11. Wired for 220 volt.a. 12. Garbage diapoaal. 13. Electric fan in kitchen. 14. Carpets and drapea included. 15. Birch paneling. 16. Touch latch cle>11et.a. 17. Price ju.t reduced to $19,9M. 18. Good terms. VOGEL CO. Main Otrlce, 3201 Cout Highway, Newport Beach Lfberty 8-3481 NEW LISTING 2 yean old -3 bdrm., 2 bath, 21 lit 22 Uv. rm. Lge. nag.tone fireplace. plenty of cloaeta. All kinda of atorage apace in garage. Wired for 220. -«-ft. Jot. Nice palio. All thia for $31,500. Xlnt. terma. A.Ji opportunity to buy at a bargaln a nice 30-ft.. Jot on Jtlnt. ltttet. $8100. A NEW ' bdrm., 2 ~ bath. Ir•. livtng room, brick fireplace, drape.. W to W carpeting. 2300 eq. ft. Owner will eell for $83,500 or TR.ADE fo r lib amount In Westwood, Brentwood or Bevwlywood BAY FRONT WITH PIER 11 SLIP -2 ltol')' I bdrm., 2 bath furniabed -$(9,500. BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Ju.t to the right of the Udo B~· 1112 Lafayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3M3 (evee B. 2908) • • BAY 'SHORES • • (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Ustings • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. • Choice Farm Style Home 3 bdrma., 2 batha, wall to wall carpetinf. Separate dintnr room. Two lovely patloe for outdoor Uvinf. Full price $29,500, term.a. AND • Corner Arbor Dr. & ~ta Dr. • Bay Shoret1' Clevere9t Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raleed u.ed brick !!replace, dlshwnsher, dlapoaal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, tenna. For pri-v1ew ahowinp, call Harbor 1800 - <Evu.. Llbuty 8-5386) HARBOR INV~TMENT CO., REALTORS Nnrport Blvd. at 30tb SL, Newport Be.ach 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2 bdrm. home PLUS 1 bdrm. rent.al • Approx. 1300 eq. tt. · Beauutu1 fenced yard • paved alley • actu· ally mu.at be eeen to be appreciated. Will nch&11~ for 'lot -S12.SO<l -$5500 dn. ONE and ~" ACRES. 3 bdrm. borne -larre atonge room • dbl. garap and workshop -sewer in and paJd for -$13,500, wilh tenna. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, DMt and clean 3 bdrm. old- er home • luge lot • wonderfully quiet location. $~ "1th $1000 down. bal. $70 monlhly. WELL BUILT, NEWLY DF.ooRATED 2 BDRM. HOME on com t'r lot . $6500 with $1:>00 dn,. ~~ mo. A-1 qricuJtUtt, 2 acres ··-·----------··---~ M-1 iadUBtrlal, 60' ll 126' ·-····------·-· $2950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport BJTd.. c.o.ta Meaa. LT 8-1601 EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERiNG * 120 Colliu Ave .. Balboa Ialand. • bMroom. 1 full, 1 • ~ and 2 -Y.2 bat.ha. Strongly builL W .U malntaiJled. Good rental Ooee be9t beWI. -$28,000, w-m.. Call Harbor 1775 Eve11. Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island '· ' MARCH 16, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA511 ---------------------BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS a • ..,.._. BALBOA Ocean Front LIDO 3 bdrm. • 134 Batha -Nearly New Nicely Furnlahed -$23,500. 3 bdrma., 2 be.th home on Ip. lot. J'laptone fire- place. unusually large living room. ~ down. Monthly payment. lea than normal rent. BALBOA DUPLEX -Near Library ., Priced to ael1. 1'urniahed -$13,7t50 COSTA MESA Aak for Mr. Braatord VIEW-lh blk to Bay. Near Ubruy. ' bdrm. home. Not a tract houae. Be8t buy tn <>ran,. County. Believe It or not t.h1a 3 bdrm. home can be pur- chued for $97'50. Cow down payment too. Lar1e lot, modem kitchen -$19,SOO Aak for Tom Ooz Balboa Peninsula Privacy and charm tn this 3 bdrm., 1% bath home. Nicely carpeted, Jot.a of closets, flreplac., BBQ. All for $16,950. PERli'ECI' FAMILY HOME -on l lh lot.a. Large patio. 3 bdnns., den, 2 balh home. Very larp liv. rm., din. rm. and many extru. New 4 bdrm., 2 bat.la, comer lot. FHA built. Ex- terior .tuceo, tntertor pluter. Standard Colored plumbl{lg.f~. Total price of $10.500. Thie home 1'tgurea ~.00 per aq. ft. of improvement.a plu.a $2200 for corner lot -11' x 105', on wide paved etreets, curbe cl aewen. Real good t.erma. S24,MO -Tenna Aak for Neal Martin BAY & BEACH REALTY I ' 1~ West Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 FOR EVENING INP'ORMATION CALLt W. Bradford • Har. 0289-J E. B. Chue • Har. 2762-J T. Cox· LI 8-7237-Golden Fay. Har.18:56-N. Martin· LI 8-1774 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS Newport Heights View Homes! 3 BlllDROOM. 11' b&t.b hom .. H &O eq. tt. la th1a unusual and btau. utul property. Mahogany-atuc:c:o ut.crtor. HerdW«>d lnaide and out. 18x2S llvlnit room. Large patio ar.&. $28,7Ml, term•. H ERE'S nu: OTHDl view home OD K1np iw.d. Clltt Hann. A channinC. 2 bedroom, 1 % b& lh home, Nicety Jand.acaped. F . A. heat. tt~plac•. 12•.llOO, terma. BUT Al:l&4D or TIDD llt1lOOCR RJ:NTAL IJl!ABON. U JOU &n lnl.,..t.d la dupl•u or oUler 11\c:ome prop.rtJM , • , look thee• ov ... : OH THll PZMINSUL.\ • wilt& .... btt' ·-·· ... ,JOO. fl0,000 doW9. Duplu, a br., 6 b&tha, pe,TIO. ~ COUNTRY LIVING Nice J bdrm· home, cor-pletely furnished. Includea all tu.rntture, atove, refrigerator, wuber, dryer, freezer. All the things it normally take. a few years to &CCUmulate. A.lao included -are 3 lot.a. O>esldes the oae the houae ia on) a borae, aaddle, bridle and if all thla im't enough, It baa a awimmlng pool aur- round.t by a hlrb gn.pefiake fence for privacy. Will trade or 1ell for $18,000. LIDO ISLE S1950 ON. 2bdrm. home $20,950 ou.:::; ~ 1 balha. PT.&00. balance like rent. 0up1a, • w.. • •tM. uo.ooo. REMEMBER, you don't have to be a a:;,;: ro BAT AND OC&A.N: mil.l!onaire to live like one! T Wltt& 12 bnu.. f29,TIO, Sl0.000 do-. I . 0upiu. rm. , ... uotMr -ai. •~• p. a. pa mer, inc. '<>l. •1•.aoo. ...... ole b.anson co., sales management • Wlita. l br. each. Nie• Pl'Ol*'V· 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8~73 m .ooo. 11.eoo dow1l. 3 Costa Mesa Good Ones I NOOME It ROOM TO BUILD 2 SMALL R OMES on a beaut. &c:1"9 near ~olt coune, room for alx morel lnc:om• $110. per mo. Thi• la a buy! Only taltea fS,000 dn1, t\all price 111.llOO. Eva Phone Lfberly 1·:'1481, Petitte. NEAT CLOSE-IN $1~ d.n.., TAKJ:S THIS NlCIC t bdm1 .. 1 yr. old •• ...,.,., curbln( a.nd paved 11lH~L Jl\111 prtc. It.ff~ .. Balance on f76. 1>9r mo. Evfll Petitte LJ berly 8-1'>487. YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS J NlCE ROUSES on esic300' Jot on Sa.nla Ana A vt .. Jmairtnr - 2 bdrm. A dl'n tiome, ph11 a.n- ather nearly new 2 bdrm. ho1u1e to 1"9nL Only IU.800, U .800 dn It 112.00 ~ mo. SH th111 and make offer. Eve. Pllon4! Lfberty 8-2642 Lytle. CLIFF HAVEN OUTSTANDING VALUE FOR TUI: OJSCRJMl!'>ATJNO W onderful home tor chlMr"n 3 Ir • br. wrw earpeU. Vu~ IArite • rumpu• It tinbb)' ml. Exrha lvt s trnat Rd. Can be tiu H11f"I for J~.000 down. Evu . l 'h Llb4-rty 8·2~2 l.ytlf'. TIME TO BUILD TDlE ENOUGH TO BUILD a fine Lido home and apend nest summer ln t.b1a fine community. We can ehow you the flne.t aelecUon of the few r. maining Iota and we're liating aome of them below. SORRY, but we cannot give phone infonnatioa on these. A Piece of Lido 30' 11 the amalleet lot than can be built on on Udo lale. Here' a lhe exception-a shade under 30', 57900. Two other 30 foot.en for $8500, one'• 34.' on front. · 35' Lots which doean't sound like much but believe u1 It S.. Here'a the nlceat of the now rare 35' lota. We have three, $10,000 up. ~· Lots Thia one ht on wonderful, wide Via Genoa for $12,7~. We have pl&M for Hawaiian modern ' bdrm., 2 bath home to go on this lot. $36,500 complete. 45' Lots "Perfect" ia what one builder hu called the "5' lot. Th<'y're. rare but we can show you a fine one for $12,700 and we will 11how you the same builder'• excellent floor plan for thia lot. 4 bdrm11. and 2 bat.ha complete tor about $37,MO. Fifty -Fifty Here I• a ~ st.reet-to-atreet lot for $13,:>00 -a real buy, leu than $300 per front ft. and alao a top ~ Lido corner for $14,500. We All Agree Indeed 1'e do, that thla 57' lot ia our best at SH.MO and we have plane for a 4. bedroom, 2 bath, 3<ar rarage home to go on It tor $38,000 and we bellne a finer Lido }\ome at the price would be impoulble. Own An Income here'• one of the very few R-3 Iota left on Udo. 40' on the front and It'• an extra 30 feet deep. Slreet to at.reel location -build 3 unita oa It and Uve In 3 bedroom.a and 2 bath• whJle the other two unita pay your way. $16,000 cuh. Something Special la thla unuaual lot on a P iaua Lldo corner. 44 x 100 for $13,750. Another on the Piu:za we can't adver· tiae -it'• bluer a.nd better coats more too, ot coune. Investors look thil pack.Are owr--f top lot..-&n out..t&nd· Ing 40' corner plua 2 more 40' on at:reet to atreet lo- catlona plua 43' street t o atrada -build oo that beautiful corner and every day you can look at your fine inveatmeot In the othera. One owner wbo wanta cub. Buy them all at a aproial price. ~~~.f ~ .-.. : CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Bayshores Don't Forget-We Have Many Others Man¥ olh•r rood lncom• Pf'O'PU• tt•• . . -a. n"t. Bay Front Duplex! POSITIVE.LT A. WONDf.RJ."UL VALUE ... lt you wtll do a llt- Ue flx'ln. 2 br. up and 2 down. BalbOa loca uo1:1.. l'\1Y&l• buch M d pltr rig hla. Jma jf1ne a &y front a t 129.7~. ltrm1. Peninsula Home ! Exelusi;e Shorecliff s '\.. New,~' bdnna., l ~· bath home. Check these datura -Lovely living rm opentt to patio, cantileve-fl.replace, oriental a.sh paneling. in· direct lighting.. Dining rm. with Cirt'place. Kitt'hen ha.a ash cabineta, dlsp .. buHt-ln copper atove & oven. Ttle bat.ha, F. A. furnace, W to W carpet ing. drapes, many cloeets, accoustic plaiter, free floating 11.&fr· way to ocean view bedroom with fireplace. Fenced yard. lge. garage & laundry. A dttam home priced un~r $40,000. Wf;U.. m ·11.T PENJ:-;l\L'LA borne with :'' 1 ~mo>ma. nlte walled pa t10, 'l ca.r pngt Rtctnll)' rcpiuntcd . • . A· I condition u..ooo. compltttly t\lrnl•hed al Corona del Mar -Home & Income $H 7~. $!1 :,oo do"''Tl Balboa Realty Co. !Oppo.llt B&nk of America ) Mrrubfni. MuJUpl• U l1ni:- ~ Ore.Ir\' Et1 l.Af' J~l"k PlnlU!am Joarphlne \\'rbb 700 1'.:. Ra.Ibo& 81¥d . 8'\lboa Piion.. Harbor .'.l277 SOLD by Multiple Listing 113 0. met. 8Albo4l JJll.and "ao.I -$8,M>0,000 In '5'" BAYSHORES Charm!~ 2 bdrm., knotty pine In· lt rior, lft. Uv. rm . compact kllchm w ~ bar. PLUa Ice. pt. roc.n oYer ,..,....~. - wm complew plumbtftr • maai. aaowanee. e. ture to -2&10 C'"'"""-Dr1u . / BACK BAY 4 ~u. aloe nuapua room, fd. vt-. amt. Jocatson. nt,MIO aalt- tr.r prlc•. RUSTIC RA.NCH Ol'I ~ ~ -Lov.ty patio, I i.tnn A den, d1ldq ,_, dr9am kit· ehe. RW'&1 atmo.pben. m .ooo 2 a.cne lD l!lallnln1 on Hwy. with ~-rm. hOUM. atr ccmdllJon.r, ft'Wt u.... tull pnc. 11000. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2711 W. Cou l Hwy, U S-.277 OOIWNA IUOB:l.AND LOft - Cllafiol 81ta A nila.ble Call Harbor 2321 2 bedroom home, ocean aide or Hwy., on good 1tnet plu.a 2 bedroom gar. apt. Both furnlehed. Home l~u.­ ed at $00 per month. Apt. just redecoraled. Now a vaHable to buyer. Priced reduced to $15,9~. Easy term.&. A real buy. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E. Coast Hwy . Corona del Mar. Har. 1741-1477 THE MOST! 2 BDRM. hom•. carpeted W to W, fireplace. aer- vioe porch, dbl, gar. fenced yud. ONLY $1500 dn and under $100 per month. Comer duplex, with dbl gar. between apta. 2 bdrm. u cb, bwd. flra., fireplacee, lmmac. ground.a. Low dn.. pymt. It e.uy tenna. South of Hwy., 2 bdrm., hwd. flra., tlreplace, extra ahower in dbl. gar., which It! atreaed for apt. over. Really immacciate. ONLY $H,OOO. Exdusivea with R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor 3622 It. Cout Hwy., Corona ""1 Mar Har 2774 ON BALBOA SLAND A SPACIOUS HOME Of WWb dMip; )'OU1J lo'ft tt becaut it .. 80 Ter- Mtile, 80 comfortable II roomy, 80 1enuoua wttl} clottet 11 wardrobe 1pue -Alao a tt.ra.ctive apart· ment for gue.t.a or lnaome.. Excellent locatlon, cloee to bay with llhore moortnc lneluded. Mult. List. ~12 Price $36,000, terma. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor ' And A1111oclate11 Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 BEA\TI'H-UL • BR . 4 BATH HOME With cuea~ qtni. over dble. p r 2 t1replacr•. pa.ntll'd walls IC•· patio. A. lon ly hom,. tor lnrg-e family, nt-ar rnvatt M &c:h S39,b00 8 hOWll by •pp l Ev.. Ph. Seymour Har. ~298-W. M-1 8 LEVEL A CHES In Paularlno di.I· trtc:L Jual ott Npt. Blvd. A b&r- pl.11 al l~.000 an acre. !:ve. Ph Benner Hu b<>r 1811. Back Bay • ROLWSG ACRES l'I II vl..w One or lut pltC.H 11V11l1Able al a prlc:t. S 10.000 ha.nt11n. Houston Realtv Co. le ASSOClAm ~• CC'nlrr St. Pl\. U 8-6911 SOLD by Multiple Listing Lot. Oc:f'&.n Blvd., CorQnA del )far "Go&J -sa.~oo.ooo LD "~·· Corona Highlands ~-I bdrm., J bath hom. -wrrn A va;w: suu time to oh o o • t lnl•rlor d .. coraUon1. 8hskf' roof. torcr1I sir hf'll I. tlrt· pta.c. 6: many ut.ru. 129,600. In Corona del Mar 2 bdrm. home w1lh ftrepla«. Par- Ual view. Bhlnfl• roar. 1 ~ blk&. lo bay. Tot.al pr1c• only fli,~00. l21100 down will hA.l'ldle. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and A.SSOClA T ES 303• m. Cout t:17., Corona d•I M.ar Corona d•I Mar Phone Barbor 2443 SOLD by Multiple Listing 421 E. 18th ,l., Co.rt.a Mua .. Ooal -i8,600,000 In '&~" BALBOA.-AtU.0. mod. ham .. A.· 1 OOIML J..ca. U•. nn. Ot'Mll ~ tllru plct. wtadowl. I b9dnu., dble. (ar. Nr. tc:l'loot.. b41adln, TbW prvper"ty hu pod llloam• opportunity. Na11-rM. O'lt"Mf', Com• anyUm .. 1229 W . &Jbti. Blvcl. llpath . ... "Conaull U• for U do' 1 Fi neat" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Udo Harbor +144 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKl!:I' ENTRANCE> CORONA DEL MAR Seeing la believing and belie,·e ua lhl8 iB worth ~ ing. JkautifuUy decorate'd one bedroom home with rtntal unit. Plenty or yard tor 1ardeninir. Large pa.rtiallr covered patJo. f Pnood ~or pnvac:y. Ideal for retired couple. Only $13.500. CORONA HIGHLANDS HJgh up on the bill wttb awl'Cp1ng Oct'a.n view, New 3 bdrm. and den home, huge dbl. fir<'plact , patio. workshop. G. E. diabwu.her, Wcl'trrn-HoUy bu1lt·in etove. Lancauped and feo<'c.vi. Xlnt.. terms. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM TIIP. BANK ) 3«4 E. Cout Blvd, Corona <lt-1 Mu Hubor 2288 ----~------------ NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm home, hwd. flc)()ra, n rcvlnce, partial view I.mmaculate condition. Dlsbmutl"r, gubage dJapoul Separate dining room. large ~rv1ce pot"('h, i5-tL frontage with many nfoe Cru1t tre~. $.13.500 -Terma ALSO NICE 1 bdrm. home on M-1 lot, ,Nl'wport Beach. 2·car ga rage PLUS addJtiona1 room. Locatrd ntar P. 0 . It City Hall . -$8950. J. M. MILLER CO. 20~ Wtat Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 Newport Beiu:h Llberty 8-3378 FIRST TIME OFFERED 31 0 LARKSPUR AVE., CORONA DEL MAR One of the very chol<'e propert1e11. Own,.r'11 ht>me PLUS one 2 bdrm. t.nd two l bdrm. apts. PLUS cueat room. AU have garbage d l8poul1. 6 garag-. plum ttorar• room & laundry room. 80x118' fenced lot. Quiet street, 2 bib. from the rlne.t beach in all oC California -Shown by app't. Exclualve with G. H. LA'I11ROP ~ E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 54-4.2 -Evea. Barbor 3l)ll..I ! ' . ~ .. . ... ... , \ . 3 SALE DAYS' =:~:_ FlttDIY, • MAICH 17-11-lt ARMOUR STAR EASTERN GRAIN-FED, LOlN 39 PORK ROAST 11~.: ::t:r-~ J te 4-llt. Avt. S;AiE fAiiiSLE 4 3~ iRitCHOPS m~~:=.n· 69~ --- PORKED LIVER 25~ ARMOUR STAR FIRST QUALITY 55· SLICED BACON ~i~~~i:.TG. --SAuSiGEPw\ 35:. Liilr 19:. 1-8-0 & ROTISSERIE IDEAS! JR• TURKEYSFN•~~~.o::. •.. • 4 to 6°Un.I JR GEESE AIMOUI STAI-• Alw;,~ T~eo1t ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS, FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF ARMOUR SMOKED BEEF TONGUES ST. PATRICK'S DAY SPECIAU J ......... Averer • CORNED BEEF ROUND U.S. GRADE 'CHOICE' & 'GOOD', PROPERLY AGED TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS ARMOUR STAR SLICED (A ch•ng. from B•conl) BREAKFAST BEEF ... PACIFIC llOADllL1 WILLAPOINT llLIBIT SWORDFISH OYSTERS ITUI 39~ m1149~ 1 ~f.z. 49' WINES <ind LIQUORS ALL-AM RICAN VODKA a'OCK iUiiPoif 49' "'™ s299 BEER ,AUL MASSON s12s I-Yr. 01411 Sf'l'tlltht =-·~ 38' ~~!!.::~ 10iB01 'lllAIDALr iifs...., 89' SifiERIE72' """s398 """ """ IXT"IA-MHCY, LAMl·SID. llPI FUllTI AVOCADOS lntA-MNCT. HOOO llYR OllCION APPLES PIPPllS • ----. . • • "\ • ~-• llOCCOU CUTS • Mllll VIL lllUTE IAID ORAIGE-..--.... • PUS • CUT CORI • IUTTEI IUIS - • FIUCN Fltl£S • PUS I CAIHIOTS PllS. YHr Chtloe-11 llJ -M·I aoi.111 tOOD PICTSWEET Pl ES CHICIR, TUltlEY, DI IEIF PIGS. JUICE 7 I.OZ. $ CllS 4 IZ·OZ. CllS ' Min de Kamps 4}~ SPECIALS Morcft 17, 11, 19 lacie Track COffd CAKE· • • 23' ... (Jtc ... l • (hoeolate au-nee Ct~- SPONGI CAKI 19'-... ,.-> ... •• $hemr'Odc COOKllS • • • • 29' ... DELICATESSEN WE 01111 PIYmlEOIS! PLEITY If P-11 * IEIPOIT BEACH * •OIA del Ill 1M9 COAST H .. HWAT .., COAST MteHWAT ~....... ~~::;-.. * SAi Cl.EIEOE -& CAMINO llAL ..._ , .., ....,_ I I ) j I I r . . - • , ,#' , LOC COASTAL IHOPPllt I mllHlffW , .. 0 I - -.,_ 1' , __ .L . YARDAGE TO MADAM'S TASTE Dick Macker and Jim Walker of the Dick Macker carpet and rug •tore on Via Lido, examine some matching house furnishing materials with Miaa Nancy Wherley, secre- tary of the firm. -Staff Photo PABT OF '5(),000 ADDITION A·BUO..DING-Construction is underway at Richard's on addltiona that will help take care of aome of the rush of business which the big •tore handlee every day. Above Ja •hown the addition going up on the ea.at side of the sto~ to hduae the dellcatemen on the ground floor and offices upstairs. -Staff Photo . LIDO SHOPS, RICHARD'S PLAN BIG WEEK'S ANNIVERSARY ACTIVITY! Orr Bike Stolen Theft of her •on'• EnrUah blcy- cle wu ~ported to police Thurs- day by Mn. J ohn Orr, 430 Go!· denrod Ave. It' dlappeared trom th• 01'1'8' tront porch. Tire, Wheel Gone Rita WIWamlOn of 11 Lido An· nex. l&id a Ure and wheel were taken trom hn rarac-e 90Cnet1me durtnr the put two montlll. She aald •he noticed the lou yuterday. Television Stars. Prizes, Free Goodies to Young and Old Ready A tull week of h&pPJ acun~ la .chedw.d for Nft'p<>rt li&rbor'• btf food •tore u Richard'• Udo Market welcomee n. thoua&nda of Richard's 'Busting Out' With Remodeling Project eU8tomen to help celebrate tu MftftUI annJvn.&rJ. Every d&Jl there will be oonu1t., derno118traUon1 and entert&ID· By BILL M081.:8 ment alonr with glfla tor younr IA4 old. Each da.y ttcket.a wtu be "Spring ta here and we're bu.etinc out all over," O. W. J lVen Ylalton for the gr&nd prtse It.or. will have a Cb&nCe to get hill ''Dick" Ri b-~ 1---1 k t --id tod b ot the week. a free trip &nd week-or her nu ot th• nutty confection c acu, ILi\:&& mar e owner, .., ay U e sur- end vacaUon a t the winner'• t&· that le eomebow •pun out of au-veyed all the action at Richard's Lido Market. vorlte resort. The prize wtU be pr. Tb1a will be provided by Hot-"Actually we're celebrating our eeventh annlveraary gtven Saturday night at e o'cloek ly ltU&'V Co., whlle popcom tor • . . but during the week pro~n Wedneeday and Tbunday will be and our current $15(),000 remodelmg expanaion program all I winner• w111 have a chuc:e to prorided by IAaUe Bait co. at once," he lau(hed. "You mlrht I veyed the neatly arranred dllplaya atudy proiipectu.em ot five .u&· 'lbunday and Friday the d1statt aay we don't know lt we'" com-and the average huab&nd'a snat ' r esttd vacation spota. c:uatomen will be pr•enled with lnJ or rolnr -tboee automatic guide -thoae bur• departmental MANY OOSTE8T8 orchid& to wear .. rttt. ot c It 11-doon opmlnr ln trot1t of ua food board• which pinpoint loca- Tbere wlll be contests In every H 8U('&I' Co. it we even tblnlc about walklnr lion ot ev6rything from colt .. to department of the big •lor e all Bill Wela}I or th• Sta.r Shopper In or out or ~ .ton. But It'• a coconut.I. He spoke a(&ln: through the wetk, 10me of them TV llhoW wW be the Thursday at.-happy contuaton. Where e1M but "l guu. Oranre County• lollc1 1pontaneo u11 that will be decided traction. Richard'• "Lucky Seven" In Newport H&l'llor could a guy &re ao fond ot apace, 111e at a lela· da-lly ftJ'ld othen that wW continue cuatomera wW be 1telect.d on this parlay • dNAm of new ldeu on urely yet dflclent umpo that they lhrou~h the week. Winnen or all allow and each wtll recetve an arm food merchalldlslnr lnto what they apprecl&te ettorta m~ t.o 1ierve conl .. sl.8 will be notified. lo.d ot prlsff trom Lido Sbopa. ttll me la now a towUt'• "must" them l.n the belt envtronment we Al thf' main entrance of the Dorothy Jo d&ncera, the Newport on hta vlalt here?" Then be caa provide. They have crert&lnly atore & hosteae booth bu been Harbor UnJoa Hl(h School Or-thoul'bt a moment. proved tht.. built whl!re . "Rambllnc Round" chMtn. and Oranre Cout Coll.eg-e "Well, tn thla counl1'7, l ,,,.. aPAOIC NK&Dl:D Sallie -.nJ Adelaide Portw wW Glee Club wW a1ao antertain dur-It could be anywti.ra but let'• U;f "W 1 ..... . eerve e ver)'tJl1..-t.-llllrtbday 1..-the daJ'. the market coWd _, be ta a bet.-ben J'OU ook al thoee ...... . cu .. to <'vffee roU. all throU(h the Friday, dur1n( the eecood Bill ter, happier community. l know Uonal unJta we are &ddlnJ onto wM!k. They wtU &lao an.nrer que11-Welah ahcnr, the "Qu-of the J au ot WI .,.. flad we're bere, eee-the •tore. , th• onl,y anrwer to the u on11 tor vt111tor.e .nd b&Qd out Anni~' wU1 be ..iected from Inf the MYenth &rullftreary ot the reaeon we re buaUnJ out alJ over conte11l tickets. amoor the "Lucky Snen" and <Jay we opened our'doora." I• we have to provl<M mon •pace Throughout Ull WMk there wUJ will receive a •20 trtp to the U do I INDDD GRATEFUL to houae more product. the .follu be ba ll<x•n•, wtiaUee, lolypope and Balon of Beauty &nd an evening llke. But no matter bow much we other ent('rtalnlnJ Jlft• for the for two at the Moulin Rouse IJl He llloufht a(&ln. then aald, crow wa never want to loae touch amall try who come w1th their Hollywood. "You know, we've olt~n aald, btr• with our friend&," puenta. or other adults. SherUI J ohn will mu• a per-at Rlchard'a. how &T&leful we are And I~'• hard to )OM touch with Huntington Beach Man Gets 11 Months I.zing wI'he Mill," 81 0 Octan Ave., H untington Bearh, Jan. •l l. An· 0U11•r burglary c-n1111t in the eame SANTA ANA (OCNS)-F.lcven tuwn wu dropped. months In jail was the nntenre Jullgt Shra Informed l3eck : handt-d to Anthony Beck, 36, whose "You:.ve Just about run out ot wt addrellll WU a HunUng·ton rOpl'. BPnch Hotfl, whtn ne etood be------------ fore Superfor Court Judie John A vateful thought toward he&· Shea Friday. ven le o! Itself a prayer. Beck pleaded guilty to burrtar--Gotthold JC. Leutnr Congratulations To RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET on tfleir 7th Anniversary and to LIDO TOYLAND on their 2nd Anniversary . . . with Best Wishes for their continued Success KING'S Lido · Richfield SlltYICI STATION 3413 Newport Blvd. Har. 4827 Celetraling ST AFFORD & 50~) "N ~I -" 1t11.t 1 •ut.' t:LF.C'TICIL U I '"'fl('\l 'Ttllt!>o l'hunt• l .ltH'll) 11-U .,IJ , 11 0 l<l•rr,1111• .\11•n11,. :\'"""''' tkarh Thomas W. Doan, D. D.S. Announces the Opening of His Officrs For The General Pract ic1' of ))(•ntis~ry a l 1879 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa, Calif. Hour•. 8 to II and By Appointment PhnM Llbf'rty 8· i4!11 Congratulations to RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET on their 7th Anniversary · and to LIDO TOYLAND on their 2nd Anniversary LIDO SHA YING MUG BARiii SHOP IN BlDWELLS S428 Via Udo Ph. Har. S2S8 _ _Qur best wisbe.s t.o Richa.rcts Lido Market on their 7.th anniversary and to Lido T oyland on their 2nd. "Consult us lor Lido's Ii nest" Lido Realty Associates .. 3400 Yia Lido Harbor4444 ONE OF THE LIDO SHOPS our , The anruveniary aale aao will aonal appM.rMIC• at high noon to ou.r fellow H&tbor area rutdent. Rlchard • -upeclally when lta be a aplendld opportunity for Saturday. At 2 p.m. the Shertft and O~ County fr1enda for inventor IO often la that amtUnr hou~wlvea to gel acqu&lnted with will 1-ad lha chlldnn to a free their 1o11Li support. But. each year guy who Nelu your rrocertu, a u the product. t hat Richard'• maUnee at t.h• Udo Theatre where al a Um• Ilk• thia, the wbol•,•tar -checlu you through the atand In ca.rrtea. There w111 be u1perta trom AbboU and Coetello are tn a com· gerlng lmpact 01 our friend& con-the •&me gTOCt>r'• Jacket h1a col- the many manufacturlnr tlnna to edy a.nd will be ahown aJonr with Unual. con.llal-t a.ccept&nce ot league• weu. The c~at probat>ly demonatrate lhtlr products. cartoon&. lhll market ~Ila alJ of ua like a tit.a wtll because b~'• proud to F oUowl.ng the busy ullvlUu of The bl( week w11l be cllmu:ed ton of br1clce. wear It on your beha.11. Aa be uye, l unday, tod&y and lomorTOW , wUI Saturd&J nJrht with the l'rlUld Looking Ovtl' hla dealt to lh• "Wt hne owe all our ~ to be known u COttoa OUl47 day• prlM award. ncket holder• wW •paclou. lloor below, IUc:b&rd .ur-our frlenda, bleaa them. and everyone who com.. to the not llave t.o be oa band to w1n. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 2nJ Anniverjar'I Bruce Martin FOR Al.L YOt:R ~ Auto-TNCI& ~ ·Ft;e -Life l.Ol:AL AGENT Kealdeace om. Liberty 8-6063 Uberty 8-65M 1793 Ne rt.A\'&; Coat. 11-· NOW l9 the Time to have your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded fur coat re- 1tyled to a 11mart atole or clutch cape. Th11 I• the lllack pertod and to k~p our worll· room buay we are otter1n1 \.ERY SP,ECIAL "Off· SeuoD" PBICl'.8 SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY S08 North Broedway lutaAu ESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL..COMMERCIAL NO .108 100 L.ARGll OR '100 SMALL 110 IOUa 8~ Ntwport ae.e.b Barbor !SSS PUKl·BLOCa OOllP&NT -UM a. Ila.bl It., SUia AM rmocm -CINDU AND OONUll.ETI: BLOOD a&Df'f'QBCING ITUL ud 8UPl'LIEI BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MUA CHAPEL 1Ttl Superior Annue ea.ta ....... C&IJf. Pbon• Liberty 1-2121 CHAPEL Bt TIDD DA 1620 £. Cout HJVd. Corona del Kar, C&lJf. Pbone Harbor U Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. • -JACK BOYER - ISOl W. Balboa Boulevard • LiDol9am • RabbeY 11Je e Cork e A.pUlt Tiie e Carpet e FonnJea • Yeeht • lutallatloa Harbor 5389 Newport leach LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BAJ..BO& TBEA Tlll: BLDG. BALBOA ()pee 'l'w.eda7 ~ Sa~ p. a. palmer lnoorporatecl developen ot LIDO 181.Bl omR ~• I llifldr-'- ._.. .... for llt&0.00 ......._ Come to p. ., ,.mMr taoorper&W • ........................ ......... .....IJOI ~ ~ LIDO 3442 VIA LIDO -Across "'°"' Richard's Mark.t -HAR. 2954 Melodier Record Playen Reg. 12.95 os sALi: AT 4.95 Young Peoples Records reg. I .29-69~ 25 Needles reg . 25t 2 for 26~ DOLLI TONI -HARRIET HUBBARD AYERS HORSMAN AND MANY OTHERS SO'ro OFF -----------------BOOK I ' HARDY BOYS NANCY DREW ZANE HEY JUDY IOLTON 95c 20,000 l.ea9ue1 Under the Sea $1.00 ~----------------------- LIONEL TRAINS 1954 MODELS 25'ro OFF BIKES 26'1 GIRLS 59.95 16" CONVERTIBLE 34.95 1 only BOY'S RACER BOOKS SALE 34.50 21.50 22.50 U.S. GRANT DAVEY CROCKm GEN. CUSTER Enjoyment While learnin9 GIO. WASHINGTON THOMAS EDISON IUFFALO llLL ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE • I I I~ jl .. ... SPECIALS FOR Mon., Tues .. Wed., Thun .. Fri .. Sat •• Msch 14 to 19 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO RICHARD'S LIDO . MARKET AND LIDO TOYLAND-MAY YOU HAVE MANY MORE! SAVE ON SUNDRIES T. V. TAllES leplar •u• s119 Y<"I 'PAY LESS_ 1 • ~ • ALlilllNUM PERCOLATORS .... ' c:up .. _ 69' ... Ne ·········-·····-····-· RITZ ,SCALES Wf'l&lil N'IUlarly "''~ Ult. Up- P"Of ~ Ma1Dlf7la1 4lal 13N ~ _. na. a.es . .._ .. PlASTJO OOAftD llETAL DISH DRAINERS la ld&dl.M eolon. 69' ..... , .... ····-·· ANCHOMiLASS LUNCHEON SET H ~ aa.Mwic* .,-te-. '2" .... ,. NM .. BAILE "!'r' TAKE CAKE PAN Ceell •r Mk• Ill It. Take to cln1rd1 ,.,U... ,.tmN. llatfe&. 59t .... llh .... POT BOLDER MITTS A-rt'4. eolon. fton.I prtDt, ._"7 ---~ 19' a.c.nci .... ··-··-··· DISH CLOTHS ::~ lh 6 for 47t C"A1'\SOS BATH TOWELS Aeortf'd aolon. 59t ""'1r. 'rte-•...•.. ··-. - Aluminum Tumblers Yflllow, blue, pink. 1 tc sreea. bfOWll. ~ f'Pd. Rf-1. !k F.AC'R RliBBEJl FLOOR MATS •• ~ ....... 35' ....... -·-----··· EKCO EGG IEATER a..c. 33° ... ··-···-----·-······ OOTl'OM GARDIN GLOVES \\lt.lt ..... 1WfWe 19' ...... lte . ··········-·-····· MOOERS FllAMED PLA9UES llANIT.4.JlY APPROVED GARBAGE CANS ' , .... oape.ctt1, llMV7 plvaalud weMIMP. proef. 'lN ..... "·" .......... ·-·-·-···-···· OLASll TUMBLER lJ OS. Mff'ty fldp. llowf'r draliL a.cs. white. rreea. 9t ... ,te.-111 .......... -..... - IU.ENZO SPONGES All ~ "'lnfon-.oct 2 for 360 oeUul-. a.1. 16e -. t1TlLITY Rot·~r:HOLD IRUSH SET o-tatu ...... bru.a-. 4r OalT -······· ............ ···•···· .. m &AT rn.r.onuo HEATING PAD I ••1 ooatroL 'J8' ......... ·····---·--··--·-··· anmoL RUBIER GLOVES Satlll"Dol lak11 wlUt llH·allp ft• ren 1111cl ,U.. 39t ... t6o ······-·······--··--- ICOCT n..tSRLIORT IAnERIES s-1001 Uf~ 2 for 19' ""'s· lk ............. . WOODE" SALAD IOWLS Hardwood. •tar-clT fta. 4 for '1 M ~ o.11 ···-···-····· TRAINING PANTS "1U1 1111~11 W'al•l ......., double ,.~ 10' ~. lk .... 11 . -·--. M.ASTJO SHOWER CAPS A•'cl. ~on IA n oral de-15' elpa. Rf-•. ~ ...,.h ........... . KLEENEX 300'1 6 for s100 LlaU ef I Olll:EN PLA8TIO OARDEl"f SPRINKLER Oaaruttt'd 1111~r ep""-·-·-··-'3" H f\. Rf-I. SS.tt .. . .. . FOUNTAIN SPECIAL-Thursday Friday Saturday DOUBLE PATTY HAMBURGER and ANY FLAVOR MALTED MILK 90¢ YAWE FOR 59c LIME FREEZE SPECIAL FOR ALL WEEK , REGULAR 301 19c From 13th to 19th "WHILE SHOPPING IN THIS AREA -DROP IN FOR LUNCH" SETH THOMAS CLOCKS One of America's Oldest and Finest Clock Maken DISOO~'TINVED NVMBEU I '. J \. ~" I ~;• I .. -u:_· MA.BOGANY FIN1S1I. Ideal for IJBOVINCIAL furnisbe-d homee. R ... s25.oo S16'7 SAVI $1.33 ••• l'KAVEL ALARM la Lather ftnWL '7 jewe& R ... $15.35 1&5 SAYE $5.70 . • • ....1- I 3 0 F F GLA.NCE. KJ~ea modf'I ln copper, red. gl'ffn. siln r and black noral R... s,. 95 s4•2 SAVE $2.33 ••• l : • t{. I ! RllYH'DI MODEL In blonde uad mahopay. For the mod- Pf'D home. R ... s2t.95 s21 '3 SAVE $8.32 ••• OTHER STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM 8t:BIECI' TO EXCISE TAX FREE BALLOONS TO THE CHILDRENnr::~~:"T. •PONOE anull SEAT CUSHIONS r Well. fer erttoe -d llnme. "4lru.lar I UI ... JlfO\'"l:L n · llA.'"l>L& WHISK BROOMS $149 ....... -·····-·········-····· ........ 13c IOS~-Y Fl .. OORMAT and LID COVER PluUt', pu~ oolorw.. ldra.1 for • s197 boat Md home. Rf'(Ular 12.98 ..... BOXED STATIONERY Ste II-• of MCI!, Ill 1""'7, "''bll.e -c1 blue 11.oe •a.lue .... ·'······· . LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS llL't'D Twin Shady PRIDE FOR YOUR &IPPLS Oaks OF ~ BIRTHDAY Gin Grove INDIANA PARTY loHW 8~..\ ta Jlolld llencl ....... NAT1"RAU,1" ""llllln7 FEll~.STEO' 90 Proof too Proof 80 Proof I y,.._ OWi Pl N K 7 Jn. Old ow nJ'T1I nn. .. ....... CHAMPAGNE ""11 rD'Tll 2'7 3s1 2~' 339 21• Wide Assortment of 78 RPM RECORDS 1/2 off DC'«"&; Ct.pllal, Oorn.I. C'olunabla, MGM, -d otltrre, COSMETIC SPECIALS KOl.F."TRAL HAIR <"0.SOITIO:i..'lSO CREAM Rl'I· fl.00 2 for '1 ti f'M'b - DOROTH\' GRAY MAWS COLD CREAM ~~'.;' ~·;... ····· ... .. '100 IM'JROTH\' ORAV Qt 'IC'K CLEANER & SATURA f?.?ll . •160 , ..... ,. R1'1'11N8Tl.:11~ HAND DELIGHT ~-~~"-O.SI.\' . .. ............... 59t C' A.AA N OM.I: DEODORANT CREAM ~·~°! . . ..... . ·-·--·· .. 50' <:ARA so~ LOTJO.SS WHITE .MINK SPRING WOOD l ?.00 , .• ,.,.. •100 for C'Ol.O.SI \I. DA.Mr.~ HAND CREAM fl.U \"..Ju,. 79t O.Sl,\' tlOl"ftl<iA.!'\T 1.JQno SKIN SACHET & EAUDE TOILmE t 2.11;. \ 1th1.. f .,,I() t'OK O.S I.\. 6. HAND PAMl ICE CREAM Quu1.8 ........... ·---·--··-59' Pia..... .. ... .... .. .. JOI I ' IULK STYU I 0 1 .UOll -····--·-·-·-··--·-·····-'79' DRUG NEEDS ASCORllC ACID "\'IT. er -... -C· 109'• ····--·---- ., .. ASCORllC ACID .. VIT. er -it• ... ..... ------60' TllLUIDf HYDROCHLOIUDI "VIT. a-1" _ , .. _,. ltlO'• • '16 .. ..... ______ 'r TllLUllN HYDROCHLORIDI "\.IT. B-1" -M ma. 1009'• ____ .. ,. 100'• -·-·--··---'1" VITAMIN A SV~"Tll!:TJO -I0,000 lTNl'l'tl 1000'• ··--··--··--'1411 100'• -·-.. ······----'2" VITAMIN A 8V~'TRl':TJO -16,000 UN1TI 100·11 '1" I Stoclc Up on Hosi•ry Now/ _,, I HATIOHAUY 'AMOUS ,,..,.. , ... ; ~~NYLONS I first quality DuPont nylon - 51 gauee. IS denier. In newnt I si>nng $hades. L~ll.!~!...-~~------ SHOP HERE FOR MARCH BIRTHDAY GIFTS ONE PARAKEET AND CAGE 8'1UI onl1 '4" BRAf4tf f'l~,~R MJ;TAL GLASS TRAYS Hnlc111 •Lt 1 lai-H-•. JdMJ for boat a. r.adl rtu• 11ttur .. 17 ~kt. '6"" Sita a t an1 111111"' Kf't ---.. CARAFE With c•andl., wannf'r, Jl eepm •4~ CopP41r, plattnum ·-·· ····--·· ·- JEWELRY BOXES 19 tlt&rp lealb11rru .. 8oclM ..... ...._ \'rlwet UJM4. ~rW 1/1 off The pf'fl("i.MoD of )'OQI' ,...._ maclst.A In compoaacllq 7..- prN<'ripUoa ht .-eatlal la ~tinJ JOV plt,.W..'• kao.wled1e ud •kill bato bealtb-eMiq ...... for you. y oa Call depeM on aa fot; WWWMJ, cbeckld ud do'8ble obedf.ed. COASTAL SHOPPD WITH SALLIE Nf'"'J>Ort ~M'h, M&J'C'h J 4, 19M Birthday• are a tlmfl for funlly and friendt to set t.ogethu •.. The prnrot@o or the \\'&)' t.hey are "rap• peel doa't matter too mU<'b •••• tbey are but •ymbola of &be beut-felt warmth of the gtnr ..• Something 18 alway~ luklnit ln pr~nts that arf' brou1ht to a party br another for the one who C'Ouldn't attend ... I'll put It thlt. way ... Which "·ould you prefer! ... a Birthday Part\' with ZO friend!! and rt'latton& gathf'ttd around vou and no ptt9ent11 ! Or a Blrthda~· Party "'Ith ZO pre- &M>t8 to O(>f'n all aJonf' ! Of counc to celebrate your birthday with a friend makes 1 the event doubly enjoyable. because you can give u wcll j u recein. Which all in l'l very aimple chUd·like w:iy sums up my fttlinis about thus joint Birthday celebration of oun along with Lido Toyland'e across the street ... And look at the friends gathered about ug! ... I will not name them here ... But you take a look through the rest of thi1 paper and ace what a blg. happy family we are ... And we're l50 rlOt!e • • • All within one block ...• SammJ111 • all up • • • htoN' tn a aahlheO la what wf'I ha''• to offer • • . Not oH bot thfff d'"8 at.or-. a ahoe stott, a stltlonf'ry and of~ supf\I)' store, a hook &tol'f', a Qtf'D0 8 dothioi 11tor'f', a toy stntt, a boUM· bold appllancr •tott, a noor ~nrln1 and drapery Atott. a drug atol"fl and a ir0ttry atott ... I rt'ptat the "·ord atol"f'. bttau.-.e they all ba\•e 90llWthlnK to ~u ... Now Id's get on "ith thf' M'I'· ,·lee. ... 1· ou ca.n ~n to the abow. open a bank account or a 8Hln11;1 and Loan Ao- eoont.. take-out ROmf' ln,.ur- U(lt, ha\·e tht •n·k" nf a barbf'r 8bop, ~uty parlor or aen'W station. ~et yoor picture ta.kn. mt, huy or wll a hoUM throu9th the .en"b8 of t.hn-e Real fA.. tatf! Firms, a.ad ha\'f' the aMlsbnC'e of two Interior cleooratn~ oat nf whkh h u A.LD .... Takf' a glanN' at. oor nnr Udtt lilhops Dtr'f'<'to~, Mil It nut and put.e It lD your tfolephone ~ for qokk r.fH~nce . . • ~~ Now lf't't 1et to Ute ice ,. cl'@am anrl c&ke ! Now l'm jull j about the a W e e t e I t thing mm around hrrt, 110 I want you to be aure to come t o the Host- ... Corner and eay Hi . . . Adelaide Porter &nd I will be sfving out tree ea.ta in the front lobby every day •.. And mM aftry day we'U. be eervtDc 900\etb!ng d.lff erent. Then tf you're atill hunrry ltep on Jn. ~~ / to the atore w,bere there will be tbl"'M dltferent demonatr... tora every day giving out II~ their war. ..• A.ho free tDC!kN'I, po~ oon.. Ice lli.m OODeit aad enttoa aud.7 for ttae 11DA11 fry. For UM lloma .•• Or- dUda oa Tbunday utd Fri· .,, Sunday, M•ch 13 to Saturday, March 19 9 A. •· -7 P. M. ll'eekdaya ud 8atwda7 9 A. M. -fl P. ti Sunda7 C a R Pu,. GraaulaW C:\XE SUGAR C"oold.91 or ~&Jade WESSON OIL Wb.ll~ 1Un1 "D" DETERGENT _ . c~oice 'lua/ii'I m11a.I~ ·a~~~ .. U.8.0bob 7-BONE ROAST • T n4m s "4 1' ti II o I l'kJ l'Or'° U. 8. Cboletl II>. lb. SATURDAY UDO '1'· --· GREENHOUSJ.:- 'PECIA.I~ BIRTHDAY OFFER RED .STAR Cured Weed Free FERTILIZER FULL 2~ 5'-'' cu. ft .............. _ ............... -.. ..., ncWu '7lc ..me • . ~ ... ··- ::.. Giant TIDE 37c 59c - : HOIT fSiiGAR ... t: 45° rr· sumR -··---· sr: i:iiiJNiclUNA ~2 ... 43c HWa.,.... COFFEE ...... ---:. GRAND. PRID O·BONE ROAST "A" Er1 ro Tlt.rifty M""I" l . S. Choke 47c 17c \"our Cll°" -11.eaQ t.o Bak• 2 19C BISCUITS ... ·--......... -.... all for 1'1a u _,,_ ,.W W1 D ' \'MMIClll .. ,.., ....... ~ llOl't. r.-Jo1 I I'd a.,. _. ........... ~ ..... SHORT RIBS lb. -- .. O"r BtrtlldaJI s,.n.u .. The Same Top Quality u AJwar- GROUND BEEF lb. 27c ~~--~~~~~~~~~---~~·~ "Yo11r 1'ovorilio Hom" Manhattu Old Fashloeed Smoked WHOLE HAM lb. 47c ·--- "..t Nnt iot1n l '"''°""'' Kath's Blackhawk SLICED BACON lb. 57c •· tt~tl'fl to Heat oftd Eol" Rath'• Bl"Mld.t ~e SMOKIES IJak'"'I S,,ec;a1' MONDA\' ~ E\"EBVDAV FiEii1 BREAD -~ .. -1oa1 19c TUESDA\' CilTP COOKIES 2 '°-27c WEDI'tw~DAY CiiNAioN ROLLS6•0,17c --~ ... 8 oz.. 37c Breast or Drumstick !ilw anan11 '• t 'marn 99 t T"'ICkr ('hJrkrn Pa.r1•. Truly deUdou1 from I •tart to ftAJeb. lb. pq. THIGHS ......... _.. .._... • .... .. lb. 8lo s~w .Pllleburr n.-oa RoU -Tube %1'K' 8prtap1 Maft ....... ...... s..rr....... ... ~ .... fiffi1T SALAD . -· ,_ r•n• 12C OiDiAi "CHEESE -_ .. .. 49c , .... v..-1 ..,,.. • ..., r.. M' 0 a ..... l'llr :. Art-. .......... .. IUc:llarcl'• ca , , , t w-. --. ........ ltl .... ........... Wl--a. Ol"Me "A,. 8Uc@d NM.an.I SWISS CHEESE -·-· .. -· .... Luer'• AU Meat FRANKS ··--··-· .. ·-.. ··-··-..... Hnrmrl Bonrl- CAN NED HAM . MEAT PIES ~f -T11rilry -Mlk'krn l'\'4an...,n·• hanll y ,.,.Ady tn rat m,..1,. -f'rnun ant! ~uy In hrat. Tak,.& 9"rnnd11 ::,.,.ra~ _4 for 89; P•dm~M . -I &. _Jh. 59c ·~ 4,7c COFFEE ~· 3" 79·~~ T-V DINNERS Turkry -ChJ~lu~n -1'Mof. ~w&ll'«ln'• nrla:lnal takl'-bflllt• 4laner. r.,ffU,.nt ''' h•''" ne hand tnr ... ~~ut!'":~ .. r~=.~ 7 3 ,.~ I 11-nr.. r1a1., _ • -VIGii', .... -a.aa. ........ Te,.,.... SQ ldl ........... ,. ........ 2 ........ ,... •.... ....... Pe .... _ I l c.i ... ~ 2 37c JUICE ....... : ,.. ................ 4 100 PEARS ....... _:; .. ib°MATOES --.~~ 2 .. B iOMAi'OfS __ _,.~ 2 ... 33c Golilm ... -v.tnl •mM'lcu BANANAS .....,..mu 17c FLAKES _·--········~ ..........., .. TOJIATO 3 fNk SOUP --~!~' for 1.1- i..,u.·. Plata or ledl-S 2 23c SALT ... _ .. _ ..... :. .~ ffut'• TOMATO 4 25c SAUCE _ ..... o~. few Pll19bGrT• CAD '»Ge MIXES --····--·· .. Piie· £1- Bau.r Flavored al1'Z 31 C CRACKERS ···-Jb. Stobb' T_._ 01JT GUL~ 1 ftl: BEANS i:i 1- RICJIABD'I' Mayonnaise 49Cqt . 1•· IOc ----------------------------......---------...... lhl mf1t. M ... ua•1 l'laMt CARROTS I lb. eello p••k•1• Sc ----i------------~,_.. -. - ...,.,._., art.p. w..-p. w-..,4 3 5 APPLES lb. cello baa c • Sunday, Mmd 13 to Saturday, Msc11 ·19 •• lfdnl LotO Prw- I A. K· -'7 P. 11. Weelala,. ud IJMudaT I A. K. -I P. II 8aDdq 0-.....,... rr .... _ 33c PEACHES _ _;~ Pnre Vegetallle~ CRISCO 3 1 •· -7 Sc .. _gco.oeia6o _, ~ iiiGARINE lb ... non2 10·35c .. R klllord'" Cr,.~ C~rl0tt" LARGE AA EGGS do ... 53c .. Soft Q111JltlJI'' Scott -1000 8hef1 Boll TOILET . TISSUE "Ahoo.-• o •Bpedal T N"OI" Apple Land APPLESAUCE No . .W3 un 10c ,. --- "CrellM)f 8v-,.11I ("nrtt" GOLD CORN No. 303 ••• 2 '°' 25c •Ruby R"4 1u11I A ppl'tu•"!1"' Ubhy'I\ TOM. JUICE •a-... 2 1··45c Bale"! Special ---------; TllUBSDAY for 29; ORANGE JUICE -r,. .,,_.. ('.oldH 0raftg'P l ulff. C1twll fQD ef \'ltunJn• a Fa111I ~tarl i:.ra ·~·-2for29, STRAWBERRIES Snw 'nu ,..., ha•,. lhl'm All wlnl,., and .. umrnrr. J>rllrlnu' •lraw...,.rrl,.. for .,..,,..1, :·::::·· .. ·~'---251 I !.-------__ l 81CBA..llD'8 ICE CREAM or SHERBET Rirbanl'• Own flneat Quality IJ,..cl. l'io ('tt'AfflY 11111ooth -d mf'lt ... ly 4Pll e lo•• 79 :o ou'U nt tho wtio141 J hA.I f • ira.llon. 1' 11 Gallon ........... -- ' ifiii'R BUNS ---6'0' 17c FRIDAY .... Ndl 47c ,.,... &Ir~! APPLE PIE SATURDAY o..u. J"'Ddc• 1..ut• 'Ma -1-~r 87c LIJER CAKE -.-....... e.c• . COASTAL SHOPPU Jlfi°w'i 4 PRiss ..A._ ..... -· ... ~~ •••O AAlllt WITH SALLIE Newport a.ab. llareh U., lW IJDe ap ol Faa Fare &II ... Birthday week • • • Coat.a. .. 8'1erJ depui- -t of tbe .tore ... There wm be pm. anc1 ,,..m1 pmee everywhere ••• How maeh clCMll a turkey wel&b f Bow maa7 bl'Mll ID a Mell of pop cona f AJarm ,.cilocb wlll p oft OD tbe Mecn••ae •• , U JOU happen lo be De&J' yoa•n wtn eomethl.ng • • • The bakery bu a magic word • • • The prodaee a Wheel of Fortune. , . You might al80 have a Locky Sboppbag Cart • . • The Grud &rtbday prbe wtD be • 500 mDe airplane trip for two • • • You cbooee t wbere yoa wut to go • • • BID Webb and bis Star Shopper t.eleviaion ahow wtU be here Tbu.reday and Friday from 10 :30 • 11 :00 Lm .•.• Thursday, ~ven lucky ladi~ will be loaded with gift.a trom our Lido Shops a.crou the 8treet ... Then Friday one ot the lad.lea will be cboaen trom the le\te!l to be given a com· plet.e beauty treatment at our Udo Salon of Beaucy, plu. two ticket. to dinner and en· tert&Jnment at the Mouli.Q ~ ln Hollywood •.. Don't uk me bow they will be chooeen .. Tbat'a ~ill Welch·a put of tbe ahow ... AllO on the teJni8loD ahow will be Dorothy Jo Dance,.. trom Co- rona deJ Mu and a band ot b.lgh IChool bo}"I . • . U you can't m&.ke It. be aure to turn on your telnildon let and watch the f un ... 018.D.Ml U. KTrV, 10:30 a.m. 8Aturday, Sberlff .loha • will be here, .. penon, from 12 UO % p.m., wbea be wtU lead all b1a YOUD« fu~ OVt'r to the Lido Theatre to .,.. the frHJ Kida Show . . • It "'"1 be Bod Ahhot and Loa Cost.eUo plct u.re. The free ahow offeni two nice free hou1'8 or looking time, Mom •.. Take ln a pl~e of home made pie and a cup of coUee at the drug &Ul~. then go window ehopping acrosa the lrtrf'~ •.. Spend some ti.me m each of our un• usual Lido Sbopt1 ... Find out wh&t each htu1 to orrcr. 80 you can jot it down 1n you r mem. ory for future r rren-nce ..• In each one you'll find 80me- tblng a little unique In the way of aervice .. , Low~ly ~ bozell with gay wnpplnga tor epedaJ ~y giYing • , • In !Udd ... JOlll'D ftn4 an unanal cnDeetloo nf .....,... ••. la Vapboncl .... lmporW 9P0r1ilwe&r la featured • • • In Udo J'ublona which btddMtaUy a. acrOM the putdng lot oa Via Oporto • • . Puhlnn 11 tbe word for Udo Fa11h.lnrw ... lad BldweD'a Stn,... for ..... Dot ooJy Mill elotf1.., lae lmkee them loo • J( At tbe BooktlUe )'1>0 ca.a M80 baJ ,.Unp of '-' .,. tllltll • , • Didi Hader of. fWI tbe www•lta of a~"' a.tor aloac wtt.b aQ bb dra.- pery and nap .•• aa1,.. ........ elalldPm'1 ~ too ••. Udo Dec!el1c le the ,.... to W&e JVU 111\&.11 fl~ ..,,,,.,.. for re- pair ••• ,,,..... lt.tion· en lelll t'JlMW•l._1 Md nf. flee..,,.. ... Thia la thfl Orocny Stt>re """"'.,.,...,..,._, :unoni the Lido Sh<•J'lt' at the . entrance t.o Lido lale, Cali!. • • I • ' • • ..... PAGE I~ -CpASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 16, 1955 'SHERIFF JOHN' DUE AT LIDO SHOPS AREA • Lido Toyland, Rich1rd.'1 Join Twin Birthday Celebration • II Ri<·hard'a Udo Matkl'l on. on• n" Didtr lhl'y fTOW. th• m.in1 p"· Bide or Via Udo celtbratu It• cloua Lhl'Y becomtt. A gl'Olip ot h bl •"d , Ud Toy frl<!ndl. IOfle\.her. llk" a a-r.>u p ot IM!\'en1 r.,, ay an.. o • d\amon1ta IOll"'th•r, wJJJ lh!ne mon. lanJ •c·ro111 lhl 1treet ct'l1brw.te• 1Hond birthday h1 the aam.1 wet'k! bri(\lly, a.nd 11,,." mor• •ttjoy- m•ot to th nae who bf' hold ~m, •• On"' 1peel11I honor g..1c•t or J.!·10 j ~how In lt1 third )'t!Af over KTTV I 0 '\\.'e •T'I' thanktu1 that w a hav• ;hop• A.woclallon &nd Ru::h•rd'•1from 11:30 a.m. 10 12:30 p.m . 1n1_\ ao n1a nr r 00<1 n•1gr.b.'.lr•,'' O. W . • ldo Markt'! Saturday y,•IU be Cartoon T lmt', tour-y1ar-old t.ft111r-1'·Di<'k'' R1 t hiuJ .. 1d. 'Th• ntceat TV, Radio Stolen lht'rlft J ohn, tel.ev11lon nilebrit)', noon tt'l,-,caat. pr<•,..,.nt "'"' could otver ree't'tV11 I• Bl.Lr(lar• took a 10·1.n. tt'l9Vl.flon ••ho '"''ill make a '"'o-hour appf'ar· Sheriff John i tart•d out with a tht' fart Ulat th• re1t of the Udo Ht llnd portable radio from U11 'nee from noon lo 2 p.m. He plans slm le formal which he lho1J&hl 1 S~op• h11v~ jo!nt-d with u• to mtJie ''BEAUT! FR O M HEAD TO TO•"' PA tJ UNJ: C\1'IUV..N Own•r·Mana.trW __ ,. U.O V• Opofte N•wpor1, ...... caw ..... o CT"t friend• at the market. woJd p!t-aae the young•ler~-and thta a truly mtmorable OC"cuiori home ot Wan<11, Ruth M.oort-, 117 hen leart rhlldrcn to th'! Ll<lo tht-ir partnta, too. Th•t forniat in, th~_ Harbor IU't&. 28th SL, aha r•portl'd to pollc• fhcalr• for a ipeclal motion pie· incl11dl'!d \ht ahowtng of th re'! I ii'ii"1'1'1'"i"1'1'1'1'k1'1"1"1'1'1'~•'1"1"1·•"1'1~.·.······••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :,."" entert.a.tnmtnt t.rr&n&W for moYia cartoon• "ach day plua th" I .hem. formation of a "Fun Brt1aJe" •le· The younf 1.rUat, known ott· dica.t"'ll. to cha$lng 1\oom anLI 11..-a u J ohn Rovlck, In three cn1aUn1 happy, 1mlltn1 youngalcn I year• akyrockelffl to popularity all ower Southern Cahfornl•. Now, rrom tha work or• radio and tele· H hu anowballffl Into a auccea1· viaton •l'lnounccr to a ahow of hi• tu! prPST•m which t-njo)'I t he com· own by creatln1 the vld<'<I per· pie~ coope1'.tlori of the Loa An· 110naU1y which hi' portraya. He eel•• County Sheriff'• Oftict-, and won a coveted "Emmy'' award teaturea auch top cartoon aerie• u tor hla chlldren'• progTlm tn 19~3. "Cruaader Rabbitt," "Jim t.nd S«n twlc• d•lly, ha appear• on Judy In Teleland," 1.nd '1"tl\1. LI Sheriff John'a Lunch Brlp.da 1 tha !ltory." Lido Shops'- Background Shows Growth 1n1 et th• vartoua ahopa m"t •1aln to diacuq the reault.a of the nre Fle•tL The reaulla were r ood. All ·~ they bad made n11.ny new fri•nda. moat ol whom were de· lighted with Ola Ide• or complete one·•top ahopplnf , located wlthln • t.hort block. may we offer congratulations to Richard's Lido Market on their 7th A,nniversary Sale and to ?'iEW Pl'.BSONALD'Y -John Rovick, above, better By 8ALLll: FLDUJ\o'G Lido Shop• are a block o! lndi· "Wlly don't WI' torm • Udci ShOpe Auoclatlon 1" aald the va r· loua ownera of UI• Udo Shops. And Uiey did. A Mmlna.tUic commlttM '!VU named 11.11d tha tollowln1 oftl· cera wera Wl&lled a t an orp.ni· 1&UQ1\ dinner l&al April lt: Praal· dent. Dick Rkhard, of Rleh&rd'• Markat; Vloa-P....tdct. DuncaJI Mc>Jplne, Lido Electrte; ..co11d vt0&-prutdellt, Bob Ra.m .. y . VU.· cent'• Dnlea; Rolt.nd Wri1ht, Bu\k of America. treuu.rer; 8al· ll• l"lemlne. a-=retary. Lido ~oyland known u Sheriff John to young television enthua!uta, Yld111.Uy owned 1t orea located a t will make a per90aal appearance Satu'rday, March 19, the enlra.nca to Udo Isle. lncludffl ID R.icbard'a lJdo Market from noon to 2 p.m. In the Lldo Shop• are Rlcb•rd'• ------------------------!Market, Vlnc.nt'a .Dru,., I.he Lido Theater, P. A. P&lmar. lnc, on on• •ck of Via Udo. Directly .crou REFRESH YOUR CLOTHES Ult'th Our l!tt!!' IQnd of ~eleinin~! SPOTS VANISHi~~ All DlltT OUT \!! ~~ N1w 100K R1sro110 1 IT·s GUARANTIED 1TAKIS our PERSPIRATION Ooo.11ss rvaYT1ME .IATll PRESS 1.ASTS lcoNOMICA1 TOO ... Y011 'U be asnaud at bow much cln.net, brighter •nd (~sher your clothe1 will be when dry de•ned oar 1nirade Saniton• way. Panera1, colors aad rntu.re, look like· new again! Garmen1.s hold shape loo1•r wo. Try ua today aod lei u prove it to )'Ou.I LIDO CLEANERS 1712 tMwport llh<d. Costa Mesa Uberty 1-4014 th• atrffl •ra th• Bank of Amer· tea, Lido Toyla.nd. Wtlllarna Sta· Uon1rs, Dick Ma.cker'a, Udo Elec· t ric, Vac•bond Hou .... Sh~dock'a, Jlull'I ShOl!a. Udo Bookcaae. Fulk· 1non lntenora. Voeel Company. B1dwt-l1'1 Store for Men, Sh••· Inc Mue. Lido l ale Propertlea. w. O. Buck. Inc., Gerhudt Studloe and tha Newport Balboa sawtnga and Lo&tl. Over on VI& Oporto l;ldo Faahlone &11d tha U do Salon of Be•uly ._,. locatl<'.I. Kine'• Rich· lll'ld .hrvtce St•tlon &lid Nicker· ta Studeti.ker tac.a 11-'ewport Blvd. PLA:VNIED Dl8TIUCT The U do Shop1 a.ra • plannod ahopp1n1 d1.1tnet, For yea.ra Nlckert.1 Studebaker. lh• Rlchneld St-rvic• St•Uon and !he Udo Thf'ater have bel'n f!UTll· ll•r landmark• to rl'aldl'nt• of th• Hatbor a re• u havf lhe o ld New. port Balboa Savina• ILlld Loan and P. A. Palm.,r, Inc. L.ldo Ji'L11hlon1., ftlcllard"1 Mar· Ju~i. ~d Vlncenl'• Drue too. during th• pa.at eeven yll'.anl have mt.de their •ed11 "' tha l~dacepe. Thfn durin1 the put 1wo Y"•"· tha real ot lh<I U do Shop• have mada th.,lr app.aranee lnlo Ole 1.boppln1 wc.irld. Tho:y atartffl with the lknk of Amerlc• on the comer and con· unued to aprlnl' up lo 1'1.pld rue• te&alon Ul'll.11 they completely hnad I.be othf'r •14& of 'ii• U do. To malr1 the"\ oomplet1 Newport Ba.!tiio. S.VUlg• ~ i.c.n mowed to /~ eJorloua new buJl<ltng ruu; MAllE8 Hl~TO&V A.boul thl.a Uma la.tl yo:u, the rlnl In Vlnco:nl'a Lhlo Drue ma.de hl&lory. N1.tur1Uy a fire M le waa forlbc:omtn1. Pr1ar to lha fire a.a.I• Lennie Vlnc~nt met with tha own· 1r1 ot the variou1 Lldn Shop• to d!acuaa lho: poNlb1Ut111 or them jolntnr w ith hLm on the flT1 1&.11.. In thla way Ute pubUc rou1d know lht-r• 11 nol only a drug 1lor<1 at the cornrr of VI• U do and New. port Bh•l'I .. bul llOme 22 othrr •lor- 111. .,. wrll. The t'aSt ol lha 1.hOP" liked lJll. ldf'L Tivy )olned w11.h V1nc1nt '1 Drue foc-• F"l!'f' '"1•1ta the l made ILIL Or11.n11. Coun ty ••are ot I.ha blocil; or 2.0 10ma lridl"1du.al 1hope aoc.t- ed at lhe 1nlran~ to Udo Jalf, A.ner I.he Flt • nnu.. the J.aa.d· MARCH MOTOR MARCH • 12 l'OINT OVERHAUL 75 Poatl&c I ...... u4 Labor Re<J. l'rlce $122.72 • llG SAYINGS ON ALL MAKES• FREE ESTDIATE8 FREE COJIPRF..8810N CHECK ' • I. lo.WI S""' lllaa• t. lnatall s-l'1•f-..... a. : .. 1 .. n s .... 11.od ........ &. C-,lf.te V&J" OrtM •. 1:11.,... ,..,,_ I , Gta.ae a..1 CJ'llnllw u·au1 T. IUqe "-C,L w ... ... All,-. c..-11 .. ....,.. t . Ml•or Tmtf'.•p It . .._ Ip. r•i. 11. Repl9N ...... ,.wi ._ ... 19 . ..,._ .... ... ,... a-.. .... 12 MONTHS TO PAY GINUINI FACTORY PARTS WORK GUARANTIED -' -. O~r rnembel"it wera added to form a tot.a.I of nlna member tio..l'd of direct.ore. Thay ar. Ja.ck Bid· weU. Bldw1JI'& 8tor. for Mui: J 04' N lckerts, N'lckert.a Studeba.kar; Mal"IJ\a.11 Shaddock, Sha.ddock'•; et.rich• nilll;a..-, P'Ulkeraon l n- tenora and O\ariotte Hollln1t.head. Sa.J.11• P'lemlnc, wu declared l.ll e•· off1clo M-Crat.ary. beeauaa ah• waa not • Mlop owner. F L"&POl!IE Dl!ICL081;0 By·la.wa and boundartea were 9"t Up &lid tha purpol.I' Of th• Udo 8hopa ADQCl&Uon made cMu. "Wa warit the P"'OPl• of 0 B nle County to colllider ua u • larl'e department 1lora," leade~ aa.ld. "W1t "'ant t.o ba thought of .. • whoJr, complete ahopplq wait when every ltl'm a. I.bopper could po•lbly want la avallabM la - ahort block." l.Qne's H-lng on Thefts, ForCJ91Y Set for March 25 Prallininary htarln.1 for Oeor1• H. '1..1.n~ Mi, on n ve ehaffe• or erand th•n. and OIM or for1ary aa cont.a.ined ln • compla.lnl II.· 1ued by lll• Dt.at.rlct >.. tt.orney'a ottk e hu bffn Ml tor 2 p.m. Wanh 2.:1 In N1twport Juet.L~ cour L L&n1. operator or Bay Molon, Co1tt.a Mu.a., wa.a &rTMll'd "l\le&d&y Oil cha.rce• of bUk1nr two lo(:al Milka and prom.111 .. nt N1twport Harbot' clUM n•. A.n"Ll1tl'lml'nt took pia.c. Ill Newporl J uatlca court at II a,m. J"r1day. i....ne l• tr•• oa U-000 bail. Ch1 · r lnal ball .... ffl a t 110.000. on their 2nd Anniversary and extend best wishes for continued Success . .. we hatwe ••• I .. I Shirts by H•lh•w•y -Enro Sport Co•h by J•ckm•n Shoes by T •ylor • See -S..-90sbord Tallle of ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS I • Socks by Co•·Mooro -E•olor o" this table you will fittd • ••l.c:tton of me"' fin• items from our regular stock If you ..,. find your 1i1e and the 1Htt•rn1 you tik•, you1 ,.t some real honest • to • 9oodrtfl1 ba~ "' ~irts, Shorts, Sock1, Tiu and many other itenw.. Tiot by Lilly Do,ho -Adrion BIDWELL'S STORE FOR MEN 3428 Yla Udo Newport leach Hwbor 0648 J.Japp'f flrthJa'I RicliarJ~ oflJo martet anJ oflJo :lo'lfanJI • • • OLD WITH • • •• .. , . ROOMS CAN IE RDORN AGAIN • • NEW CARPETS -NEW DRAPERIES NEW UPHOLSTERY •••. WALTER HOLBROOK, Head of our Decorating Staff suggests ... '*Viscose Nylon *Beautiful Casement CARPETS CLOTH DRAPERIES Compl•tely Inst.a.a · $1.60 yd. R••tt W orlm....Wp -bullent Que lay $7 .95 sq. yd • Dick Macker • fine furniture • * Re-upholster Your Old Furniture Completely Rebuilt and Restyled • complete decorating • service • CARPETS • • • DRAPERIES • • • UPHOLST·ERY ~ 3420 Yla Udo Phone Ho bot 4328 , I I FROZEN FOOD VOLUME HIKE CAUSES GROWTH Figures Show Astounding Jump in Buyer Acceptance at Meri Darby Loses SS0.000 Case for Damages BANTA ANA <0CN8) -A. de· tendJng Ora11ge County Rnd)'·Ml.Jr company ~merged \l'lct~r1ou. la a ftea30D for JUchud't Ud(\ Mar· I to 30 per cent more dLlpl&y capa· $60.')00-plua per.eonal Injury 1ult ket'• new. S&0.000 remodeling f'X· ctty. We wlU hava two and one-In Superlor Court Department No. panalon LI chlen y cauMd by the half llmea more potential ln ftoz-6 !\ere Thursday aJttrnoon. r:reat popularity ot frozen fooll.s, en !oo<S. Ulan we now have, Ev"ry-D~nled damacea wu Roscoe o. W. "Dfck" Richard, mart own-one eMm1 eager to 1pend lelll lime Darby ot coita Meaa. O.rby, a er, reported today. preparinJ mea.11, more time en-carpenter, 10 uizht tlle Jud1pnent a- l AJthough ·the •tore wu opf'n joying thtm and our Harbor a.re•'• g&lnst Ralph Emenion WC'kh. Ro- two day• lea• Jut January th11n many acUvlttu. bert l:mereon Welch. Ha.rold R. In the earn• month ot 19:H, t roun MORE CUllTOaD:R8 \\'ek h. Paul OweU and Wekh'a 1 food gTOM •l•• ->iowed • 10 per CUatomer count la up 0 per cent. Ready->.Ux Co. cent lncreue. Miu up 10.211 per cent for Rich-Th• jury deliberated from 4 :11 A rrcord-breakl.ng frozen food ard'1 Lido market over the J anu-p.m. to 6 :38 p.m. aale .eaw February of thl8 year up ary-i'ebruary period W. year Duby bl&med th• defenda.nta 48 per cent over the •a.me period compved to the aame two month• !or an a.ccidMt July 2a, 111", lD In 19M. laat year. Average ulea per cua· Sant& Ana. He claimed I.he defend· I Nl!:W DEVl!:LOPMl!l'l"T tomer a.re up a bout l2 centa al· anta' truck WH operat4id negllg'- "Wlth th.le rather 1t1.rtllns new lhou1n the price averar• ill dowTI. ently and 1 piece oc Ila equip- development In the frozen food A 15 per cent red mrat aalta ment 11truck hla foot. bru.Jdnr the ulu trend,'' RJche.rd Ill.Id; "It lncreue waa noted for the month ankle. waa lmptrallve that we provtde at ptrlod thl1 year compared to lut. The defendant& contandtd u.1 lea.at double 1pace for our new ~necta • good balance In diet or plaintiff didn't exerelat due cau- ca.u which wlU ctve at least 20 market llhopptta, Richard l&ld. u on. ~ARCH 16, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE JS • nWI&., REMOVES SAND! I • REMOVES LINT!' ..,..,._ ...... NIW 1955 Automatic NEW HOME FOK 'D~-Joe Martin, manager of the delJcateNen, with Katherine Birdsall and N'll Fowler, hi. uaiat.anta, ii ahown looking into the addition being Bowman Son Honored OranCJ• Gets Squeae 0·1 The Dea.n'• Ll1l ot atudenta at ORANCE (OCNS) -Orange I Renaaelatr P olytechnic lnaUl1.1te, Hieb School bLNballera yut.erday c line leak Blaze • WAIHIR built at Richard'• for their department. -Staff Photo ' Troy, X. Y. which reco,rua.a l tU· took a dnibbln( at the handa or a uses denta for ucepUOn&l mertt In Redl&nda on th• 'rie,toni field. with tbe aew excl1111ve nLTEJt.n.o AOl'ION ••• Cle&oa &lid Recleau Wu.ti Water Continuoualy If A Waa~E-r Hasn't FILTER-FLO, lt Isn't Modt!l'll WANTED: TOP FLOOR COVERING MECHANICS In OrallCJe County • • Union WC1CJ91 lest Worldng Plus Conditions Have Contracts Totaling $500,000 MUST IE lmER THAN GOOD COASTLINE FLOOR COVERINGS COSTA MESA 541 Center St. Uberty 8-4481 SAYE! SAVI! SAVE! Floor Sample Clearance llEO. 8P UlAL O. E. 11 <'U. tL FREEZER, upri9ht n. I:. Mo_,.i.. Ma.Id ,.ORTAILE DISHWASHER o. t:. CLOTHU DRYER, Deluxe (). & II" A". RANGE. o. r:. llOND Deluxe • o. I:. 40'' Pwlh-lktao. $-419 .50 279.50 239.50 159.50 199.50 RANGE . • • • . • '4b9 .50 A t"TOMA TIO O\'EN Dt;EP -Wl:LL ('()OILER •299 219 149 119 149 299 ,.,,., c-. -n rwt ~,...... "llUe n.y 1-t 1'to lt1tn ~ for ~lln'7 A IMt:aUatl&• Califomla-Made ''Sport Wagon" Produc.cl to Sell Under $1,000 CAll!omla la Ole proud patt11t ponatlon, • said Hayward P~ll of a nt'w IOW·C'Oft rn«or car, tht' of the ~II company. "\\"e "'Spon W•ion.· plac.d on Ole •Pt"nl two )Ht• In deali:n. rool· rnukrt by Po•'fll Manufacturl.l\R Ing e nd perfecting lh• car II 11 Co, C'ompton, to •II for Jen Ulan built llkt a banln l\l;i. yet tun. '1.000. die• llJthtly, stMl'I eully 11nd Thi• Jaunty rnultl·purpoae n· rldl"S llkt a pl ruur. car. II la hk'lr •d•rt1hlt' tor uw ., a euy to pvk. 100. But most lm· commtrd a pltk·UP ll1IOf1 cw utD · pon11n1 of all. tht Spon "'"f:"n lty car hu llad 11n' exttlltnt ~· m .. 11 tht O\'trwhelmln1 n~d tor ttptlo,; ~Incl' h.1 ftrst appearanct a truly IO'l'·<'OSt vehklt for \~n· )111 Ln l~ • f'ral transportation purpowL "i"ht Powell product hu • 90 tip ttandard populu rnockl .,,. l lM and a 1ltelf·llntd •ll·wtlded 11~1 body built on a at~ud motor <'U rhaMLI, It ~1h1 2700 lbs a nd h .. a 117-IJlch wtltel· b.IN. Priced at 1888.17 ckll~ at tht factory In Compton, Ole Good Powtll Spon Waron flu ..... rum Moton perftcttd throu1h teett O\'tr UI• P•4' two )'l'ara. ITUaDIL Y lcm. T -Wt aaw the "Md for a l'OOd loot!lnr. 1turd1 l~-<'Cllt ~r lh1t fOUld ~ Wl.yltd to doubl• few ll&ht d~v r k k·up work u -11 u foe personal and apon trana· Ooeta Meea 11.Jberty 8-'78SS Eric Housden Serves · on USS Keanarge TACHEN ISLA.ND& ll'HTNC) ec:bol&raallc work durtns ~ flrat J'tndlnl the wet gn.u infield A core the Na.rmco Company ta half ot thl• e<>Uece year lncludu a fleldtnr ha.ndlcap lb• OHS manuracturlnr tor the govemment the name ot Harlan L. Bowman, Panlhera p ve up 8 elTOrt 1.11 In cauaed a $700 tlre loH at 800 W. aenlor In cl'1l anr lneertng, aon of cruclal •pota to go down on Ule Victoria St .. Oo1ta Mua. lut P'l'I· O. H. Bowman, 224 Coral A.V'L atiort end ot a 18 to 8 acore. day, ft wu Mported by Ralph Enc N. Houaden, photo cnpbe r' • p;;;;;;;;::;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;:;;;::;;;;::;:;;;;:;:::===;::::====:;;;;::;;;;::;:;:::;;==:;;;;:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;~ mate aecond CIUI, USN, Of t121 Olenncyre, Leguna Bea ch, l• aerv- lng aboard the attack a lrcra.tt car- rier USS Kearaarce. The Ke1traarge ,.,.., one ot the carTlel'll provldlJI&' a.Jr COW"&'• for the evacuaUnr force .. The ca.n1er1 operated u part f the U. 8 . Ith Flf'et under the co mand of Vice Admlra.I Alfred Prl USN. Mesa School IUfCJlary · A third burgluy In two week.I occurred a.t Main School ovu th• weekend, Co.ta Mt ... clty poUoe reportt<l Prtnclpal Goroon W. lzn· ler or %38 Monl41 Vlat.a.. ODeta 11- reporttd pr1nte drawen at the I llChool were dlaeovered ranll.Cked Monday mom lnr. app&AnUy t or money. HO U SEHOLD WARDROB E Perhaps we have t he a nswer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura "SERVICE WlTHIN HOURS -WHEN NEEDED" OOMPLETE LAUNDERERS uul CLEANERS I Do lht truth you know Md you I •haJI learn UM t.nlth )'OU need .. JIAJUN£Jl'8 llilJl'J l\"EWl'ORT 8EA CB 1 k_n~o-w~.-_eeo:.:.::~r~~e~)=f~acd=:ona.=:.:ld:___~~============~~~~~~~~~~==~==~~~ •••••••• ~. Mraa. n re prt"nUon officer. Cau .. Of the bias. WI.a a leaJtln g oil line and fa na which pU1hed the flame lnto & )&rg"e 8a:8x9 fl. O'Wln oont&!JIJns UM core. C. W. Brown, pla.at auperint.n- dent. and Dale Jewett, plant en- l'lnetr, were cndl~ wlUI • rood Job 1n utlnqulahlnr t~ blue. 1- aald they u.Nd dry cbemlcala u d water to put out Ule fire. Lee con.ducted a ~ nre ln· veatJJ"a tlon at 1 p.m. J'rtda.y, be reported.• P A&&E8 · RIDLEY llOanJAaY ............. .. ................ '---------&..-- BUILD •-=~~~;;;;;;.:;.:;~;___-J424 Vici Uclo Hart.or 4n1 IEACH LOT NOW!! and have rental lacome tble summer • • • • • • • • THIS IEAUTIFUL COKPl..tt& •11 950 : • TWO IEDROOM DUPLEX PRICE • • • • • I 00 • 1DcJDdbl1 t.beM MIUiag re.tu'" ,• e Attr.e1Jft ~ 8'clla1 e ~ °'9,_al e Ma.Um-n.-citnr • • e Al_ta_ c-.s Wledoww e Blrt'ti l!hul<'k Bat e ~~r ~.. • • ..,,....,._ IJ1 Low.r l"nlt • BeiulJ ~llln,c • Walfor lfet~r eo.-yoa • • 8U4lac Glue Patio Door • Doable Oarare • Tilf'd hll-M--Oomb. • • • CARDINAL HOMES • • • ()pea '7 Daye 119 E. 23rd St. In Coat. Me.a U 8-MM • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,---------------- Month End Clearance! on a new -SIMMONS -ENGLANDER -SERTA PRICED AS LOW Aft Fint 9•1ity UKORdltloa., Guarantffd, TRADE-IN For Your Old Spring and Malhess-No matter HOW old. • NIWPORT FURNITURE CO. P"&D DD.IVDI' 2620 West Coast Hlthway u 1-1113 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 Do you know what a Savings and Loan Association can do for your family? ,... ............... below wilJ Id) 100 bow lruured S.vinC' and Loan Aatodationi a.re DOW eerving I l lfll//Jofw o/ yovt fellow Am«icanl -and how they can llCl'Y8 yoo ud ,... famUy. Q. How do J">ll mrt to ~f A. You can .wt witb u lirtle u n to U. Q. How ,,.,c11 """""1 do 111Vf11r fltt09flr _,,, , A. YOU ~ ~ rdUrn&. Thll'I beeluJe Ole Alloc:iatiON Ulvesl tnOO of lhect f WJdl illl iound, ICClldy-payini home mortpp. Q. WMt ~ ,,,. .,,,, "' '°" ...,,,,,, A. They are protected by eood rnaaapmnt ml a1bstant1&1 rasves. And they an inlW'od up to SI 0,000 by the Fcdcn.J Savtnp &Dd Lou ~ Corpontloo -an agency ol the U. S. GoYC:nll'f*IL Q. Row l"'f"'W .._ dw lllltrrtl SaW"fl Mil Laa1t A.uoda""" IN to"" ' A. Amtric:ana are now putting more of thd.r .vtnp 8000Unt dollan tmo a... e.n _,. when elMI Q. Wl.o rwolM ~' A. Resporua"ble. eapertmacld peopll ol 109 -oommw1ty. O. Whal t11tt1 of lcott tlo dwJ ..-. 1 A. OnJy propcrtv loan•-wilb the .,.,,.... a. monpgea for boml buyfag. baildmc -S alwatiorll. Q. 8""' ,,,.,.,,_, •r dtW /obit wn4tn' A. They ve now tho nation·• l.vgm Mngf11 aource al home O'ICX1pcr klallll I They make fibenl lo&at-qWdly and at moderate ma. o. Wltof1 tJw bm f6'w "',.,,'"know ro-loMI 11Uw"1 Sa rl1tt' """ loon A»oda '""' ' A. JUpit nowl Drop In today -a.nd aec wMt • fine pr.a.c. It is to do~., al\ ~ NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS . •nd LOAN ASSOCIATION ~ P. A. Palmer, Pu:"dont $ JJ66 Vie Udo H1rbof 4200 NEWPORT IEACH CALIFORNIA _______ .... .. , ... ,ASE '6 -COAST Al SHOPPER -MARCH I 6, I 995 Adclltlollal Clanlflecl ,.... 2-4·5·6-7 .. "lllJIOVOR ftlE8S POBTAL9"-Rlch&rd'• i. to haw auton.tlc ~ cloon for cu.-t.omer C011nnlence u a put of the lmproYe· a•u bein~ bUUt at tbe •tore. Bud Kull&bn &nd Keon Fingelaten et the Channel ai-Co. at Mt\. are 9bCJl'WD putUn.~ two ot UI• Mot'9 topther. -Sllatf Photo 10 HANDS NEEDED, JUST GO TOWARD DOORS~ THEY OPEN! Start.led women are gf1tng to wonder who ill opening the new glasa doora for them at Richard'• Lido Market. Customers no longer will have to look around for help when they try to get out of the big at.ore carrying groceries in both hands. Married women will not have to look reproach- fully at husbands who stopped opening doora for them as the honeymoon waned. Richard's bu taken care of all that. The new r"'-dooni are automatic. You walk. up to them and presto, you couldn't puah them if you wanted to. Shove a full cart load of groceriea at them and they make way for you to get out to your parked car. You don't even have to be grown up to have thia courtesy ahown you. Children can get out ju.t u easily: ''Look. Ma· No bands." PLENTY OF TELEVISION . Welsh Show to Emanate From Richard's 2 Days Plenty ot televlelon wUI emanata from Ric.bard'• Udo Market Tbun- clay a.nd P'ridlly, O. W . "Dlck" Speelal Notae. Newport Harbor B. f . O. E. 17&7 Meet. •'HI')' Thuraday I p.rn. Vta Oporto -Central A.Ye. N9WJ10rt Beach lllW'OOd 8hell, balled Ruler lC. Bmhe• Guide :;.,_ __ _ Mechanical Sweeping Service p ARKING LOTS. •YP'f market.a, Dnve-lns, etc. Rate• by week or month. COAST SWEEPING SERV. 192:> Harbor BIYd., Collta Mua Liberty 8-ISMl. 21cS3 12-Bulldlng Servicela PAINTING PAPER HANGING Realdent.lal • Commercial Work UcenMd Contractor• QalJ Leid.ngton 11-4946 collect. Hunt.lnr;ton Beach tappJO Are you having troublee? Let a Want Ad help you eolve them! CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM.ALL H. O. Andenon LI 11·90&6 Coata Meaa 113tfo COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGEN JC 0 . SAUNDERS 600 U1t Street, Newport Beach Harbor 21171 or Har. •He. tto ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUll I lutall the above cheaper than moat. Al.ao aell Tll• 6 Unoleum. Non-union, 26 yean efpenence. ComJ)U'• and --BILL COKllR LI M206 Ttfe CARPENTER Repair Work Doee Tour Rome N-S ~ OI' "-aodellq ! Call f'ru1)t. Liberty 1-4166 All Work Guaranteed Htto PAINTING INTDUOR -EXTERIOR LICllNBED -INSPJU:D Glenn Johnston 501 • llllt Bt. Newport e.dl Harbor 1171 22Uc PAINTING Painting I& Paper B.angtnc '"The B.t )lon.ey Can Buy" .Svmpson & Nollar a!s ..U. at., Newport ~ PBO!O: HAllBOR 1'04 CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats R.lcbard, market owner, ~ ed today. BW Wei.ti. t.e&e'l'tlllcm pereonallly who wu here lut year. will play a return f!llia&'e· ment with bl• .. Star Shopper'' ebow. 0 . Homtr llarcT'oYe. LI l-5il"O "It wtlJ' be tA• llbow ot tu 12c2411 year." Rlch&rd ..Jd. Be added tAal Htert&lnment trom DoroUly Jo dance atud.lo, a l:lal'bor Hip School mwilcal &TOUP &nd Orup Coul Olee Club W'lll t&lt• th• Painting, Decorating Paper Bancmc GEO. BURKHARDT LlCJCNaED UONT'RACI'OR apoWg'hl. , Tbe UMlaJ BIU Welall coot.et 611 llOUI Bt.. Newpurt ~ will be fe&~ plua RJcbard'• Bar. 2Ul-W or LI ~2 ttc "Lucky Bt'ftn" con~lt a• a •h~ cttmu. PAINTING OurlJlr T1u.ireda,y·1 flrat Ibo• EARL SHEFLIN eeveo wo-wW be .. ieoted ft'om 111 Pal.mu St.. Coat.a Mua lb-. who a\tend. Tb•y wUI be l'hon• Uberty 8-21128. fl7llc a wa.rde<t Mnn priau tram thir Lid() 8bop• Aaeoclt.Uon. n. -.me H'l"UI will rell&l'1l F,ri- • day to pick lbe "&'f'Uld annlYtl'- 't -.ry q-." A JT&nd award w'\11 be a I~ paid Nil to Lido Salon of S.Ut)' plua di.ADU and entirr- talnmt11t·for two at the 8ID&rt., n•w Moulln Roure. Holl1wood. Remodel & Repair CARPENTRY, CEMENT St.ABS. palnUnJ, pt.uWlnc. Dependable 6 upn1t'nced In all bulldlnC t.radu. CalJ rosTER BROS . LI &-21132 or Ha.r. 3976-R. 23p811h Sld•llpttng bl.a appearance at Painting la Paperhanging l"lchanl'a, BW Welab wtu .,. ob-We do the work ounelves. eernnr bJa aecon d annJYu8&1)' w1lb the mark•l'• M•~lb. +- TEJ..J:V181011i 8Til -8 111 Welab, above, wlU preMDt hi• w@Ulmown "Sl&T Sllopp.r" t~leV1irlon ahow fl"Om Richard'• Udo Market Tburaday and Friday. The pubUc Ill 1n'l'1ted to ~IL Morrow 'Cap1 Gone Thr .. hubc:t.pa wue t.aJcen from a car owned by Cll.arlu Morrow, 132111 Sou lb Bay J"ront. he nt· Ported to poUc. Monday. Th• car wu parkt!d nMr ht. home when lh• theft occurred eomeUm• Fri· d: or SatW'da.)'. General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA term.a. ite.idenUal and C'anmerclal Free Eatlmatetl and Plan Servic. 30 yean expertmee Uoel\Md "' in•ured. 8at1llfacUoo cua.rui.eed.. ~tmate• frM. Call J obnnlt, LI 8-2687 &: LI 8-5289 81U~ "A's " LAUNDRY VENETIAN BLIND WIU com• lo your home, t&ke dow1 your Vf'nl'll&n bllnd11. take lhl'n lo our laundry. LA u nder the slat' lll~ll, t·ords. apark.Hnc clra ,.,llll our nn• m acblnt proce• method. R~tum your blind• &n re·IMtall lhtm In H hour PT1ct' nry ~uonable. Tb• llv,-: aire I t&P41 residential bHnr1 Only $1.00 We .i.o r•~lr and rebUUd ven• lion bllnda. AD work done by a polntmenL Phone now l..IbN 8-~101 or Klmt.rl7 1-8174. prt FOR RENT 1<1JI Bawa, Eleoc. Drllla, Potwbc. all t,.,_ of Butdera, Wheelbt\ row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2t30 W, OOA.81' HJGBWAT &..aert7 1-1411, N_,,art ~ •u House Plans LIBERTY 8~2!11 10Ue H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ~ .. mce Matnt&IMd PbOM: H&ltlor ..,. tlOl 8allloa 81~ N..-port S.ac!t 'I tl-BllM'a 8em.. _ _,___ ____ PAINTING and Real ............ _ Estate School U-SltwaU,.. -~ !! !!!!!~~--'!~-tt-11!'1 -~---­ Experienc'd gardener Experienced carpenter want. w~ ~~ ~-.~ ...... .! LANDSCAPING work. Call LI 8-2932. pmenc. • nt.r.ncea. Wrtta boll . PAPERHANGING 1n Santa Ana and CLEAN UPS 23p28 11-H. Ulla paper. Heft Good local refel'ft\CM THOMAS OOLL r or rr.. eaUmate, call KI 7-1541. 2lp34h l'-P.......- AJcohoUca Anonymoua Writ.a P. O. Boa Ill Newport 8McA, Calif. PhoDe Bans '796 .,., Don't Fly to N.Y.! Hear Edna Steanut Dayton review Broadway Play Lido Theatn, March 24th - 10:30L m. 25p29 16-~o• WANT ride i:o· L. A. from :New- port, hou.ni 8:30 to 5. De.111y Sor- eneon. N-i>ort Boat Salt>a, Seuport Landing, 2627 W. Cout Hlg-hway, Newport Beaeh LI 8·G271. 26p28 l8:-Beau!i ~· Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from faoe .,_, 11ra. EyebrOl't'• and Jl&1r line mbaped-No more tweatn1. llLLllN L. BRT ANT R. & Udo'• Balon ol Beaut)' Bar. 2576 Uc MEN 6 WOk.IC.N prepare ID llp&N time for unlimited opportunltl• In Real 11:9tate. Nrw Cl&MH weekly. AJ Tyln lnlltnactinJ. At· tend ttrat evening fl'ff aad leani a bout W1 inat field. CaU or write now tor tntormatlon. Buat· nen lnstltUtt', 41~~ N. Syca· more. Kl 3-1 7~3. 74ttc China Painting Day a.nd Eventa1 ci.... Ordera T..Xt'n Now LI 11-2827, eve& LI 8-17611. 23p27 PIANO TEACHER PRISCILLA MATTHEWS Formerly of CbJC&&'O and Lo 8 9 Angeles. LI 8-39~3. 2ec3 23--Situatlona Wanted -------------- ~rty 8-1659 T ACHT WOl\K. aktpptir lio. Deck HcttB hud. Pa&Dtm., ftrni9hlnr . .U.· H_O_U_S_EKJ: __ E_P_l!i_R ____ Oo_v_•_m_ ... -. stnr . Low monUlly rate. Uve In. Lex.al referencu. Prefer Uberty l-411M. l3p211 Udo or Balboa Jalalld. Llbt'rty l-4082. 16p27 A·l COOK, buUer, hOUMman. Handy all around mt.n. Local reterencea, Write Boa 1-4~. tbl• paper. J~p27 ' Alterations ,. RESTYLINO Kim of California 212 Marlnt' Balboa faland Harbor 3481 18p30H Tlll'ff baby 111u.-ra available for ennlllp Pbooe Liberty 8-t'fH. 16pHH Bookkeeping COMPLllTI: Sl:RVlClll for snall bualn .. lncludinr atatemenl "' tax tonne. Competent, reuon· able, confldentll.l. Har. Sttl-W. 13cHb MAN .. WOMAN will do r-neral houeework, floor waxing, win· dow cleanlnc. rut worken. whltt. 194 E . 20lb St., Collta Mell&. Ll I-Ha. pptf Roy's Maintenance ZS-Helf waatect • LICENSED 1k lp~r -April th Sev~ra House cll'anlng-Jnoor wax.tnr WA"..., t bing ru wau waahlng-wlndow C'leanlnJ ~ 1 woman or WU • t 1 Vl'netlan blinds. Uphoi.t.ery l ironing It cleaning 1 day SepL. w~kenda only. year• experience, know a loca flshing i't'Ol<nds. wlll maintain I lrumred. ~ree Estlmatea .' weekly. Must be experienc- A Liberty 11-1332. 1llc ed. Newport Beach. Har. op<·rate power bnat up to ~ Cl Phone H&1·b0r 2!l27 · W 22p2 7 TYPING, my home. Reuonablt', 5568. 24c26 PRACTICAL nurse &vallable da y 7 or rught. LI~rty 8-5637. 25p2 BlXPER T gudner bu a tew open lngw for regular cuatomera. Call 7 Hut>or ~o-w. %0p2 REMNED fMUldmother delllree Babt Sitting D&y or eves. 11-etM. U p2 fa.st "' accurate. ManuM:rlpt.a. etc. Pho,lle Long Beach 708-072 OI" WTltf~trice J(•llnllOn. 469 W. 17th St., Apt. 2, Long B.srh. 26pp311 PAINTER WANTS WORK. 16 year1 uperl· enc•. Non union. Hourly. Uberty 8-2722. Mp38H REAL ESTATE SALESMAN In w,.11 locatfd office. Pufu l!Omt'· onf' with knowlt'dge Q! Harbor arn. Write Box D-40, thla paper 23c2r1 WANT Reaponslble baby 11ltter In my homl'. Mon., Wed .. Thurs~ "' Fri. a chlldrt'n, Llberty 11-29~11. 20c27 a gfimp6e info 'Jour /a6hion /ufure . ••• * HA YMAKER'S IZOD of London golf dresses * DAVID CRYSTAL * CABANA BEACH WEAR * ANNE FOGARTY • •rrivin9 shortly to enh•nc• your summer w•rdrobe 3412 Via Udo MEZZANINE SHOPPE upstairs in Richard's Sunbeam Automatic Frypan Se+ the dial .for the CONTROLLED HEAT. ldeel for bacon, eggs and ell the foods you fryl Delicious perfection everytime. ldHI for wHkend end every- day living. was $26.50 NowS19'5 0 1.u• er Ah1mlnum Ud E1t,. CANVAS GLOVES 454' 27 RUBIER GLOVES 98~ 47<' Rllb. DISH DRAINER I . 2 9 87 1' WASTE IASKETS 69' 47 < SALT & PEPPERS ?8f 57 <' IARREL MATCHES 19<' 10<' '* Mahogany Finish Salad Bowls 4 a .. utlful m•hocJ•ny finished indi- vidual wooden wled bowl1 plus • large 4 • 6 Hrvin9 siu bowl Ideal for J aaleds, snecks, or cereel end priced extra low for this Birthday Special. WOI $4.94 NOW s2n · ..... Om'........... Ollilr .,. <fX~ Mid -term . Lunch Pails Replace your child 's worn-out or lost lunch kit with this Gene Autrey Special, thermos jncfuded, end send them to school glowingly h.ppy for the lon9 months eheed. was $2.98 NOW $1 47 t STOP THI CLOCKI u.t-for the IAoky Rlac of the •'*'1 ~· 8omeOM .-els boar ......... prbe If t.beJ . Mop tlM OlodL Visit the ........ Md It _,. .. ,.... ORA.NOii CO~'TT Dl:ALll:A ta :a top a.neral Moton lln .. NEEDS SALESMEN. W• caa otter u cellenl wt>tlllllr oundl· uona. traln1Dr pro,,..m. part.Id· paUon ID hou. deala, 6 oloeln~ help t(I as~ve man. llbould have ~tail Mllln1 erperieace la eome line. Apply to Dick Moo" WILUAMS CH"EVftOt.rr. 302 ~ Ave .. HunUnstoa Beacll. Udl HOU8mKEl:PER . companion fOf' woman convelffcent, d&19 only. call LI 8-tHl Mfore a cw L.I I-7071 atter e. l6cfT WANT WOMAN to clean Thura. In Dentt.l'• ottlc., Newport Bch. Whit. Boa K-47, U.ia pa.,.r. l~lf LIDO ,SHOPS CLASSIFIED 0.1 1 · I C T 0 R Y APPLIANCES -Jlowlellolt Parta -0.1 ler -8en1c• UDO EIZM'RIC lH?• \'I• l.ldn -~r Ulf New and UJle<I Cara SH'KF.RTZ 8TUDl:B.um& ~ .... !Yn 1rfl ...,,. 1416 Nl'"port Blvd. -Har. Ill BANKS Baak of Amerb JlfT • U HU Via Ude -....,._ - BARBER SHOPS UDO ~HAVlNO llUO la BWweU'1 8 .. ,.. for •• 1na \'la Udo -llartlN ,_ BEAUTY PAKLOB8 1..100 8ALON or BEAV'IT M.0~ Via Open.-Har ... ,. BOOKS ROOK OA8E Hlt \'la Udo -.,.._ 6tM CAMEKA8 a 8app&ie Vl NCENT LIDO oaooe MCl Via Ude -llM-.r .... CAB.PETS & DRAPntlQ DICll MACKER u •t Via Udo a.rtllw 6111 CATERINO IUOHAIU>'8 LIDO llAMft a•u v1a u. -a.,._ 1111 OLOTB..INO -II•'• B...a ftlDW~LL'8 SHOP POil ll&N uu \'la UilSo -..... - CLOTBIN'P-W-'1 ... U.DO FAUll01'e .... "'-o,.rte -..... ..,, AllADOOOll '8 Mll \'la LWo -...,._ Mn V~OABOND ftOUM lmpor1«1 Sport.wear UMV•a.u.--....,_. DBUG 8TOU:S VINC£NT'8 LIDO Dae• U.1 \'laU..-.......... EUXJl'Rro CONTMOl'OU l..lDO ELSC'l1U() UH v .. Udo -Hanw '"' FOUNTAIN,OJULL VlHOl:NT8 UDO oaoo. ttel \'la u.. -...,._ - FRAJIE8 & ALBUMS Or:IUIAJlDT 8TUDf09 Ult \'la Udo -~UM FVRNITU&E 01()& JIACllDl Mtt \'la Udo -....,._.a. OD"T SHOP IUCHAAD'8 UDO MAUft MH\'lalU.-~ ... INSU&ANCE AGENTS W. O. BUC>K, lXC. 1408 , ... Udo -~ '"' l.NTEB.IOR DIXX>Ur<>U Ill.A 7\'Cll& Y1 'LILZ1180!W A..1.D. Nit Via LWo -~ UM blc.;a lllAC'KER MIO \'la I.Me -a..-,, '818 MARKETS RJCllARD'• UDO IU ean SUl \'la Udo -.,._. sna NtJRSERIES lllll 'HARD'K I.JOO JlllAUtT C<>ru,tt•-Ta.t>le A rraniemu1t.a SUS \la IJdn -H&l'bor HM PHOTOGRAPH 8TUDI08 OF.kHAADT MTt:OI014 s"e \'la IJdn -Rwbtir UM RF.AL ESTATE UDO k£AIJTY AH~TEB Ullo f\aJf'!I • Rent.t.111 HOO \ la Ud•.• -ttal'M" '"' p. a. J>aJm"'• b1oorpor&tH oi.. hanm<•n I'~• .. ,....... mirmtt. llUI \1a Udo -harbor IMO \'<Wlt:I. <'OMPA~V :ttlfl \I• 11.ldo -llar·bor .,,. .~A VINOS I& U>AN AS..~IA TIO~S :.. t:\\ POKT ftA I.BOA MA \'~OB • LOAS A~()('IAT10S A !i11 \·1n11• ln11tllullon l.nnit T,.rm H11m11 IAana ~™ \ la Udo -llub4w uot iER \ l C.t; HT ATION8 I.JOO klC lfl'Tt'U> HIS N""'P'"t Bh•d..-ffal. tlft ;HOES-MM'• ftlOWltLL'" 8TOlll: roa 11&.'lf "'" \'la Ude -u....-. .... nlEATRES LJD() THJ:A Till: Oln11ult thl.• fl•J""r for P""I'™ \'la l,&dn •I ;\-por1 Ji19'; ..,..., tl\t l'Ol'S UOO TOTU.'ro M4t \'la Udo -~ ... UPHOL8TEIUNO C. Sherm AHen, Liberty ~7576 ,.."---r-------------------------..... ----.... ------..... ,....------------------~ Die& llAC!ll&B Mien.I.Me-----• • / ... ..