HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-30 - Newport Harbor News Press.. Circulation 21,000 I I to 1 Dlatrfbatf'd In 1 Newport BMcll. Balboa. BaJboa ' Island, Corou df'l Mar, C..ta , Mf'9a. Laguna. South Lacua t and Huattngton &.ach. 1 1 ' Barbor 1618 NEWPORT NO. 8 WELL ,IN; 217 BARREL TEST Newport Be&eb ollJ Udelanct. broUfht tD S&tur'CS&y and bu been well No. 8 t. on ~ pump today on th• pump only 2t houn for and the tlrat 2t hOUl'I produced (aUg1nc purpo9e11. J l T bal°Hla net of olL Th• weU wae Accordln& to J:. J:. PylN, v1c• LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY pNalcknt of Mooterey OU Co., no ddlnlte eetJmatea of pt'OducUon can be made until the well hu been producing for a loncer period of time. However, the oil man ••Id, It le h1a opinion that No. 8 will be an equally good well u No. e whJch la coru1latenUy produclnr more th.an 200 barre1a daily. Tbe huge drllllnc rig on I.he city drill site juat we.at ot the Bann- .a DDW' ... vc•o -Hoaaebold tng Blu!Ca and lnl&.nd of the Cotult as_.~" EID Highway hu already started Parte -Dealer -Service drtlJlnir UdVand.t No. 9 for the UDO El..ECTRIC City of Newport Beul\. MH \'la Udo -Harbor nt'J Well No. 9 w1U follow the pat- AtJTOMOBILE DEALER8 tern of No. 8 which wu dnlled to a depth ot •llM feet an<1 bot· tome<! 1900 tHt oftahore under the ocean. New and Ul!ed Can NIOK.ERTZ !4Tl'Dt:BAKEB Ke!N f'erVtoe l"arte lt16 Newport 81\•d. -Har. 610 B~KS Ballk of Am~riea NT a 8A Hft \'S. Udo -~r 1611 BABBER SHOPS UDO 14HAVINO MUO Girl Launches New I. I. Ferry Commodore J . A. Beek, veter· an Balboa Ill.and resident and HARBOR Ff A AWARDED ST ATE CITRUS TITLE bualneuma.n., 111.w hla terry line's bo h f ~. F 11eventh a uto ferry launched Sat· The Newport Har r c apter o • uture armers of urday at south Bay Front lanrl· America received top honors again this year in the citrus Ing adJoln1111: the &lip •he ·11n ll judging final contest at the National Orange Show in San· serve. Sponaor of the new cri1ft. I Capl&ln, wu Helene Muon. 1~. Bernardino Saturday. daughter of Paul Muon, state ..ti· Robert Perrin, instructor of agriculture at Newport rector of motor vehlclu, Sacra· Harbor Union High School and I lll'd for second with 373 polnta. I mento. She ind htr family attend· coach of the wtnnmg te&m, aald DeWayne ch a m be r J a 1 n of ed lhe riles which were w1tnes;.· Orange County high &<!hoots 8Wepl Ont.J\ge wu fourth high tndlvldU6l ed by acore1. the c-onlest w1lh Orange Htgh 8~'0rer and Uon Mere<tllh of Nt>w- Beek •&id he chON her for lhl' School conung m second and Ful· port wu 11xlh. Alternates were honor because her mother, Flor· lerton third. The local achools Don Williams, J ohn ArnolJ and enc<'. aervtd st eecretary In thP competed with H high 1chool Bob Nf'wland w ith W1U11una second Beek office from 1919-1933. Tht> teams from the entire atat.e. l hlgh altemal(> tndlvldu1I families have been friend11 foo Jn the college younc farmer con-The conle'at conslaled of judging years. test Mt. San Antonio wu high oran(I', lrmon11. grapefruit and Ca ptain la the at.a.ndard •lze fer. te~· wtth Fullerton aecond and nuraery treu. The boy11 were gw- ry. 1lmllar lo Admiral, launcht•I Cha..ffey third. Newport Harbor tn 10 mlnutee to pklce t he var10113 la.st year Beek began hia fero Y Un.Ion H'C'b School Fl!'A l e&m out-cla.ue,e and two minutes for o!'1ll >k'rvlce, launching lJllander in 11cored the college te&m.1 by 38 reaaona on their placing. I 1018: Fin Fel't'y In 1920; J nk Pr, points out of a poeslble 1200 GOW TROPHY the first a uto ferry. In 192'.l, !nl.11 sq'-'"" Deal In 192•: Commodoo ~ po · . The hlrh team received a s old I In 1030. TIE FOR 81'£0ND trophy and Bath a.i.:! Waggoner I Beek aald the ferry system will H ig,h lndlvldual llf the cont.eat received medal•, a r old t rophy and uee three vesaela during the com· wu Ji m Buma of Van Nuya wjlh pen and pencU aet.a. Ribbon& were I Ing 11eaaon. A public reception f•ll· 376 point.a an'd Jim Bath and Gene given lNme and lndlvldual1 for • towed Satun:tay'• launching r lteH Waggoner, both of Newport High, the dlffert'nt cl~11. h Blclwfil'• More for M• N!I \'la Udo -Hatt>or UM BEAUTY PA.BLOBS uoo l!JALOS or BEAUTY tu-011 \ta Oporn -Hu. 16'11 BOOKS BOOK CAl'E Wlt.h No. I g~ on the pump Monterey la producing from aeven weU. from the one dnU alte. T o. ta.I production fM th• City ot Newport Beaeh la approxima tely 660 b&rrela per day and netllng approximately '4000 per month for the city t.reuury. HUOIU!!S l..ETTl:a Newport Beach City CouncU re- ceived a letter M on d a 7 nlct>t from M. Dudley Hughea, petro- leum engineer ud &dvtaor to Ct\y Man.&&'er John J. Bailon, ma.kine r.commendatlona for openllton•. Disneyland Debut EASTER WEEK MEET SLATED Bl BLOCK COUNSELLORS Date Foe lhcoming FOR Within 4 W..U ,AN.A.REIM (0CN8l -Date for Dlantyland'a p Ja opmlng wtU be Ml ln fO\lr weeks, Ed"'1n D. ~l· tln~r. dlrtttor of pubbc relation• at the $17.000.000 wondtrland. toll.I more than 2M chamber of cnm· merce member1. their W1V!'I And lf\.ltlta Thur9day nllfht at th" flr~t 19~ mteUng of the clv1c grour• A m eetiar of SO block coun1enor1 on Balboa lal&nd will be held Thursday a t T:J-0 p.m. In the Balboa bland Communlly Methodi.lt Church, It wu an.nounced today by Mayor Dorl Hill. P olice Chlet J ohn Upaon &J\d thfl Mayor will attend to aruower que1tlona conn~ted ••1th the forthcnmlng Euler \\eek acUvlllea. A counnllur hu been na.rne<I for .,ach reai· llt ntlal block on lb. I.Bland. maztle'!f!;rm's sensational .. bm dlscouc';Y-·P!§.·laibr NII \'ta U«M -..__, t-6M CAMERAS & SuppUe. ... with the .. chnlve cont•ur a.and th .. Pure g .. niu,-11 s contour bond! Curving up berween lhe CIJC)t1'JI clo"g1ng 111u enouqh to prevent sl p-up ond wnnU.ng. VINCENT UDO DRt:G!J . ltll Via U4• -llMMr .... CA.BPl!."18 & DRAPERIF..8 Hutbea recommend.a thal the clly acquire lhe aervlces of a fuU ,Urne uper1enced petroleum en(1- neer to administer proper control on t.be Monterey ltue. They have been appo111led to aJd In the atactng of a more ptaceful ~ater Week. C\lrvtt end 1eperwtH I At y•u' fGverlt• •••re __ , ToiJoy, d •ICOV"' Pre lu le, 01 shown, in I ne whrte p1mo broodcloltl wrrh cuculnr II rc!.ona, A, B. ond C cup1. Al10 on w+i1te embroidered broodcloth, or 200 Opli"1ist Club Election Set held at the l!:lka Club. -------------------------DIC& MAC'K.EK aut \'la Udo ~ 6111 CATEBING aJCllAllD'M UDO JIA&JD:T HU V\a Ude -l larkr tnl El«:Uon ot ottloerw for tlle New. CLOTHING -Mea'1 BeWI port Harbor Opllmllt Club wW be BfDWELL'8 SHOP 1'0& llEN beJd Apr11 11. accord!~ t.o Presl~ ua \'la a..... -11anor .... dent K.ay Pbetpa. Tbe ~ tor Ettinger, with Joe Reddy. c.hl~r ot public rtlationa for I.he Dlsnry enlerprtau. Nat Wtnf!Cotf, vie•" prt11<1ent or W. E. D. Enlerpn•n and C. V. Wood, vke·prH!dent and lfentral ma.nater nf Dl1111eylan1I Iru:., W!!re l'UUl1 of honor at th,. event wltn 81 new membfrt of U1r C'h.ambe,... lJI hla brief taUc, l'JlUnpr H id CLO'l'lllNO.-W-'• ..._.. ~ ._ ... __ a-se °'->'la.ad would ope:n u 8Cbf'd· UDO FAalllON• Btu111Mrdt ... v..... ......... Wed Ill mid-JUI)' --Ole Crlllc.a.I Boys Beaten by Gang; One Tossed in Bay MM \'la 0,-.. _ ...,._ M'fl 1'Wo ~ ... .. penod llu ~ r01' tbe "Pr&WI• iz... lMa • &6• 70\JUaa en.. 811ADDOC11"8 -e&ecta4 balla -.---.. Ouite, ... __......._ ~ "'-l• Mid W..ttter i.kt N~ MJI T• UM _......., M1T J:d Bnyd, W. C. Buchterlllrchen KOUna' that eftll aow appro•l· pollc• Saturday nll'ht they wer-.i VAOA..90i-"D llOUIJ& and K. l... M chol.a. &a.rt Lindley mately 10.000 J>f'OP .. a.re floc.kl111e ttr-.:sll'd from lh,.lr car and beatto n lmrorted 8portnrsr and 0 0 . a-are candid.alee for to the I>Un,.ylan11 1lt4 on wel'll by tl\'e or •lll okl,.r boy• On• ot llil \I.a Udo -~ lecK llftr1tMl'lt•L-arT1MJ. tnda. he wt! lh"l Oflf'Nn(I' dill• the Yll't lm• ,,. .•• thrown Into the ThrH membua wW be elet"led "''Ould be on a week <Ly ll) a vr1111 hav. Polle• Sl!iJ the v1ct1m11 wtr• to th• txi.rd of dlr9Ctora from tnU'flc Jarn1 until I.be h4lntJHn1t tlf UIU Jeohr1J1<1n. H1 l'u•·nte and Cay ..mong Oflorr• Burkh&nlt... l"'n.nk the thou!Olllld1 o f J'>"•llOn• C'<•llld ~ l.inrlon <.:ray+•r, l&J \\11lltl•r DRl'O STOBt;s '1sc.:r.sTM l.lDO oai;o utl \ la Udo -Hart.or MOS J onle.n. Earl Lindley, T~ RUMell u..rurNt on a.n c1rpn1&.Nt bul11 The pair toltl ottlcf'rt1 thf')' Wtl'f' ORS and LJon Smrtb. lll llln( In t.hetr car near lh• Bal EJ..XCTRIC CONTR.A(,91' l'hdpm Mld other nomtnaUona I boa run Zone ~llllf for a fr1tnt1 UOO t:l.F.A'TRU' muA be 11Ubm.llled tn wnUn1t by •dd Child Patiettt l>un&ld ~ndrr. J1. of WhHtlu UH \'la Udo -lu.rber Ut'J dub onC'mbere not later tluul to-Oary Budd, 2. of 4!'18 Flown St . •hen Ulf older boya dragged lht'm J'Ot:?-.'TAJ.S, GRILL \ 1~C'E!lw"T'8 uoo 01trns atlll \ If' Udo -HarlHlr JOOS FKAMt;S £1 ALBt;MS to t.IOlAICUT ~Tl 01014 Ulll \la Udo -tl•,,IJor •~ FUR~ITliat: DH K ;\fA( IU:K Jf '!ll \ 11, I .ldo -H..aroor UH GlfT SUOI' JUC..'llAM0'1'4 UDO MARKET JUJ \IA l.l;ln -fl&rtlor Uttl INSURAJ\CE AGE.VI'S "· O. IJt('k. L~C. 1•00 \ I• IJM -ftar ... r MU L"Tt:&IOK DECO RA TORS BL.A;\C IU: t I LKCR'O~ A.I.I>. JOf \la Udo -Harbor 61M DI< K MA<.KE!l Jfl!., \la Udo -lur1'or UU 11.AJUU."fS IUC'HAflD't' UDO MAllKF.T IUJ \ la Udo -Ka.rtHlr IHI NU R..'C ERU:.S Rl<.llAJlD'~ UDO ~MRK•.T Conoac~-Ta bl• Arr •ni: ... 11enu S.U~ \ I.a U do -ffarbor !112.tl PHOTOORAPH STl'DIOS Of:fUtA ROT MT\. lllO'C a.i• \la IJdn -llaf'bc)r U ot I R&\L l:ST AT t; UOO KEAi.TY ASS()('JATF.S LMo Salee • Rental• Stoel \ la Ude -ttat'bor UH p. a. p.hnf'r, lllcorponU#d 0'4-ban~o• oo.. ..U. mamt... QSS vla lido -i.art.or 16()0 \'OOf:I. ('OMP A.~1' U 18 \ la l.ldo -Rartter .,,. SAHNl.tS .II WAN , A8SOCLUION8 I NF.WPOKT BALBOA "A\'fSO~ 4t I.OAS AlSS<X'IATtO;\' A Sa•'lnit• lnslltullon Lonr; Term Home Loana f '.!_ I IMt \a. Udo -Jlllt'bor _vv IER\"ICE STATIONS LIDO lU('HPIT.l,D U1S Xf''"port Bl\'d.-tbr. UU IHOES-Mea'e BIDWEU.'8 ~TORT. FOR !'fF.S MH \'la Udo -Harbor U.41 DIEATRES UDO Tto;AT1Ut CoT\fl&.lt thl• paper for prorrarn \'la Udo al ~ewpen 81Y4. Ha~r llU l'OYS LIOO 1oTI..AND IU! \'le Ude -ll&rtlor 2N6 UPHOLSTERING Ol<'k MACKER MIO \'le Udo -Harllor •~tll morrow, &nd mwot t>. .S(1\ed by Coat.a ~!ta&. la a rellml al St I rrom the •uto. The 8Ul!JHoell al•• two club nambenL Jo•ph H09pltal In On111~•. •mu.ht'd two window1 In the car Opening FRIDAY April 1st • May we Cordially Invite You to get the "FIRST LOOK" at our exciting introductions of new, personally selected CASUAL FASHIONS r.atMrMf HOR.GA !\~8 OOLF CLOTllES Fl.EJSKM.":\~8 8POllT8WltAJl "ra I A MES OEOllOIA KAY l'AT PRf:MO MIX":"'A Cole of California's Sleek Cotton Swimsuit wltb Hope Skillman'• W.oven Stripes. Prt'Cislou Cut for F1gure. Flattery. AA E;ye Opener on Any Beach. the victim• nl1l. and took two l\llb capa. 1 Neither youth wa1 aer10111ly hurl, police rc-ported. Johneon I told ofCJ«1r1 he loat hla wllllet. contalnlnr hi• drh•er'a llc~nae and 116, when dumped ill the ba.v I Say ft With ....... ,. .. ...,,,. Part)' ~ntal ltf'm• I We Give S&H C.raa11 Stamps N•JII DIMATltt•I« M'Clm o.. ...... -..rn-... ,.. .... ~ NIWPOaT llACH 340.J E.. Cnt1d ll". Corona d rl Illa• Harbor 50'71 High Quality Printing Phone Harbor 1616 • ---------~~~~~- TIRES FOR ANY BU.DGET! FROM $4.00 TO $88.00 EACH GET UP Tracie in Allowance on 4 Tires for Month of April Our Own Recaps at These BargaiR Prices 600·18 -. 9.45• 670·15 -I0.'75e '710-15 -11.go. '760·15 -12.ooe R00-15 -U .8.'>e RW-15 -u.o.~e •WITH RECAPPARl.f: TIRE 1.N EXCRANCPl USE YOUR CREDIT • , NEIGHBORLY BUDGn TERMS Change-Over TUBELESS TIRES 33YJ«ro off! These Tires Traded in on GOOD/iEAA DOUBLE EAGLE TUBELESS • They're coming in every day ~ CLOSE-OUT ON GOOD/iEAR DE LUXE TIRES . 2~% TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE· ON YOUR OLD TIRES RP.:. 800-16 -2!Ull 8'70-U -2 1.9:t 710-16 -2'7.60 SJ>"<'. 17.4Xe uur.e 21.io• ""~· ';'I0-1;; -30.20 RVO-l;J -32.%0 X20-I 5 -M .80 • l'LL'g TAX ,\:-;(J RE< APl'AliL.E T UlE Spee. u .io- Zl.ooe %'7.00- Courtney &. Lester .-.OM Uberty 1-1197 1596 Newport·Blvd., Costa Mesa PAG? 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH Jo: t95S r CDM STREET LIGHT PETITION Loop 'Diamond Champs Impress With · 10-0 Win Jury Awards Godbes · $3008 Oil BACKED BY WOMEN'S LEAGUE Damages Out of $31,800 Suit SA!"TA ANA (QC~Sl -De·• ger to children ai.o wu cta.Jmed Jll>erallng two houra Md 27 mtn-1 by the p lalnU!f1. utea, a 11upHlnr r ourt jury lat' Holmu a.nd the OU WeU Service Co. moved for a directed verdict Wednuday rtturned a verdict In yest,.rda )' moi-r.mg, but t he mo- 8trMt lJpla for e<>rona del Mar are beln~ promoted by the Women'• CtYlc Leac-u• ot Ntwport Harbor and the league ii now clrcul&Un&' peUtlona to find reacuvn 10" arJ the project. Coirt ot the lmprovtmenl hll.'I bun d.-lnm1ntd a t about FULL.F.Rl'ON l OC~S I _ Jn $76 tor a 30·ft. lot, lhe amC1unt lo be prorat,.d ovtr a period of 1lrlc'tly a ttam victory, Fulll'f'tnn's ytara If the light. a re piild for by a bond u1su1', the league flnd•. Jefondlng Suna.-1 League champ- The. lugue belltvu ornamt'ntal lights ln~tullC'd at tax-lnn1 m a•le an lmp•l'Mlve deft>n>'I' Delivery Guaranteed ~ll"Hry or the Newport Harbor Newa-Pr-la f'l&r· anteed. C&rril'r boya wtll dr- llver thelr papera before • p.m . on Mo nday and Thu,... tiny. Jt yo\1r paper I.a not Je- 11\"'re I by that hOur plea se <'llil Harbor 1616 a n<I a 1p<'c111l 1 uUlti m11n will tmmt><llllt.-ly r"~J't.>n11 wlth y('.)11r rnry of your ll:ewpOrl Harbor ::->cwa- l'rru . ANTHONY'S · MARKET * H~madt1 ITAUAN SAUSAGE * Complete Stock rr AUAN GROCEIUE8 *DI.PORTED ITAUAN DEUCATE88EN F"'sh Madfl RA VIOi.i -Mnt or Chflf'tllfl tavor oC the plalntlf!a In a Hunt-tlona wtre denied by Superior lncton Beac h oil w.-11 dispute. Court J udge ltaymond Thompaon. RF.01'CP:O AWARD payera' eitpenae ""ould be p1tfe1able to t h e w hich Edison of lh• 1r 11155 oprnH Thur~.!")' Co. might lnsta.11 at their o"n eitpt>nse. Jn!urn ... ~1on llboUl the when t ht'y caplwed thdr t!rsl ----------- BEER and IMPORTED WINE THIS WEEK'S. SPECIALS leagut'a promoUon may be obtained fr11m Mrs . Karoline 1>hul-1.1Ul ut the aca:.un, a l 0-0 Droege, chalrman ot the community a.Ualr1 committee al Har-contest over Or&n~e. l"nrman F.. and J t anell11 G<>dbe Youth Hit on Ilk• of H untington Bl'ach were award-Arthur Morman Kleppinger, 8 . bor 027f-J. PlayeJ m the OrllJlge City Park, ell $3000 da11·111ge1 They eoughl of 603 Arcadia Ave., wu atruck -----------------------the ln1l11<n.i pound('d out ten hill!. ' on hla bicycle by a car Monday t JO IJOO dnmagu ag111net Walter evenlnr while In • crou walk a t Danny Schwe•ikarf other notable achlevementa. the four being extra -ba•e blow•. Us- Crawford, Jack Hiies, R. A . Brown, Cout H lfthway and Heliotrope Hornets dt•fraled San Bt'rnardino Ing lhre .. pitchers, the Tribe llm-on the loser'\ track, 76-:;5. lted the Panthers to allt h1ta. all Jack B. Crawford and the OU Well Ave .. police reported. The driver Scores Tr.pie w· ""u Bruce Roblnaon Bodell, 26. I lft S('hWtikart oot lhe Homet..1 oft amttlu. llt rvk e Co. ,.. d h Chlcago. Kleppinger wu treated to a wmnlnr start whrn he won Mike J ewett atarte on t e The jurors ltl\Ve the plalnlltta • tor m irror lnjurlea. FULLERTON (OC:-IS)-Jt took the mil<'. W inning time wu 5 .00 8, mound for t'1e Tribe a nd worked $7~0 Jlllhim en t against A. A. ;::=======:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;; another triple by the 11eM11 t1onol He captured the two mile In the f1r1t four lnntn,a. He allow~ H <>lmrs, then found for $2250 •· '"' Danny Schwelka.rt, b ut \•ifH·h 1 l :37.4. ln both rac:u , he ran Jiat 1 JUllt three hit.I. while faruung two. l'aln~l th" C'rawforda a nd Hilu . .J 0 H .., S T 0 N E ' 8 l f I Ha .. •alk• • one ~ne MarLln'a Fullerton JC track o w n. · u " "' • It WR~ d<'VI m ined by the Jury the Mesa Auto Wreckers l' b Pl k tt th .... It G Id R k d th t 0 and field team rolled to tht>lr ~" un r won e J~v" n l!ra unyon wor e e nex O•lhl'~ take nothln& from the 1'M!d Auto Parta with a toss ot 160 feet, 2 Ins.. John two frames. with Outfielder K ent Oil \\'.-II ~l'fVICe Co. -d AcrHIOrlH fourth •lralght victory Fri.illy H1gg1nbolham woo the broad Jump 1 PPmbroke finishing out the final J111·k c·ra wford fo nnerly occu-2075 Placentia Ave. alternoon. with a lt ap ot 20 ft., 10 ms .• and frame. Loui1 Magdaleno tripled In 1>1"" 11 C'hlllr In the Horace Heldt Ubuty 8-7013 Coat.a MN& H lghll(hled by Sc:hwelk11rt'11 fine I J&ek Cartwnght captured lhe di•· I the fourth 11.11d 1lngltd ln the trump .. l , ... r uon. 1:66.8 tn the ha.1/-mll• and tie\'' rul cu.a w ith a mark or 131 tt., l 1n. eeventh. He drove In two runa. Ol>ORS "l"SBt:ARABLE,. T ti" plnlntltfe contended drilling ot 1111 "II well ne11l door to their pla t •• RL I 1() Huntlng'lon' Ave. waa a ~··rt•111s 111'! 1 iml'nl. They aAserted nm .. !', rnurt, 1Jdor1 were ntllrly un- br arabl". Thi')' also claimed the w .. J( 11111:wd p1trllclf'8 t o be spray· et! u\'• r th1·1r plants and howie. Tr,.111 hr• a lll'g•·dly were dug by th" tfpf,.ndanL~ nn the plaintiff p1op••rty ~Y thl' d<'frndante. Adan· MATTRESSES Boat-llum.,.._ l'rallera l rrl'plar S llapt"e l.J~rlJ' 11· I llOS COAta M~ MaUrf'H Co. ti~ S t'\"l>ort Blvd. WATP:K NY.ATP:K8 V.l lS. IUVICl o•d IEPAIU Jo11 nll.:fs~lofJ 111..,S 10 PU Cll~I OOWN ~-· .... -~ Sundries REYSOl.D'!f ALUMINUM FOIL Hornets Prep for Swimfest of Year I-GAL.. BOS ISO . s 39 C L A· R E T ......................... _................ ..... 1 F ULJ.ERTON !OCNS I -Al· though tm1f's wrre not up M the unusually·hlt;h pu uta bllllhtd by fonnt'r P'ullerton JC swim. tra.me, Thur:1dav'11 \'er.1ton was ·able to dunk t.Acc In the Horne-ts' pool. 62-22. Bob Wrlf'!ll won two distance racu, De v11 Hukelt won two eprlnt racr11 and the at'neatlonal Jack Webb made hi• pn1aeonce felt 379 E. 17th St., Comer of TutJn Liberty 8-90-U ~taMeea • OJ>f'ft T o.,•a a WH k -7 :SO L m .. t11 10:00 p. na. WE CATER TO SPORT t"ISIU.'<G 8 0 ATt4 enough tor Fullerton t o l'Ully ----------------------- 1wlm paa l the CUba. Thl' Hornets' next mttt 11 the "mett ot the year." High Qualify Printing-Ph .. Har. 1616. LIDO DRUGS "Otle of U1e Udo Sboptl" 3461 Via Udo, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS •S301 E. Cout Hy., Corop del Mar BAUOA DRUGS '716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa IULK STYLE Yr pl. . -··-·-.. -......... 79~ EOSMETIC SPECIALS BE SURE -INSURE with MAl;RICE l'ITM'l.Z'I laauran~ Oat• Phone Ha rbor U7• SSU E. ('out Hlchwa1 C'oroaa .,l Mar 19c KLENZO Facial Tissue April Fool Specials P&R&ES • RIDLEY MORTUARY F(lnnerlJ UKAl1F.L CHAPEL 118 ft~wa7 -Coeta 11- Ui..-rty ll-1413 &lld a-MU Gunderson DFUCJ Co. I 17 Main Balboa BALTZ MORTUARIES ('Ol'TA ~IF.~A !"llA l'F:I~ ) '; 11 :-.11111•11or A \'<'0110 I "••~I ll ~11•1111, l"11llf t'h11n1t I.I h<'lt v "·:! 121 CHAl'f:I. HY Tl!T. ~f:A 3!\20 •: t'no•l Ul\11. CuronA \Jl'I Mar. Calif. Phont' Harbor 42 Re,.U. • Mala...._ • l1t11la.llatloq STAFFORD & ION "'NELB and DOC" ELECTRll'AL t l<l!\Tl<A<'TUKS l"hono Ubrrt7 l ·U :>ll 110 KJ\·er.Jde A\l'DIM Newport Bradt Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -JACK BO\.ER - 2ll0l W. Balboa Raulf'\'ard • Unolf'um • Ruhbf'r Tile • Cork • A~phall TUf' • CarfW't • •·ormlca • \'acht • las tallalloo -1 Harbor 5389 Newport leach HOUSEHOLD n· A Jl D R 0 B E CRISIS? C RISIS? Perhap1 we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "SER\ ICE \\ ITHl:-1 HOl'HS \\ llf"" :---r F:r •EO" C'O~IPl.t:Tt: L.Al'SDERERS and CLF.A:St:R..Cil 't \\PORT Rt:At H ' aoo·~ 3 for 49¢ ~~r:~.~~~~·~~ Delsey Toilet Tissue t..50 .t!Hta . . ... 2 for 19t TIDE Lee.. . 28( Sbr r.t. ·55r hlU" SKIPPY DOG FOOD 3 rane 19f J.\O f t. KITE TWINE Ro<ot JUI" 11 • ROASTER ·~ lb&. rarnr. ,...l'. t .41 Hr:A\'Y BAKED .... ou:1. lluPOtlt MOP 1'" rl'it. !.'9 Hpo~e \"an "~ \\ l .<t Tl\ff:" c"AsT iRON SKILLET r .. , 1.to 1 ~11 ,.,. Appd. Ruhh•"r t ""''"'' Tiandl" l'of'lu.,r,., C 'omh. f\111< h \ttarh.mPDI KLEEN KING N'lt. :\!Ir 28( "14ta.lnl,.... lilt-I AJtd t "rl""r t '"all""•" Alumlnum IS-o~ 19' TUMBLERS -.. ··---.. ,...,. z.-... BOOK MATCHES M~ of i\I\ 9' SPECIALS FOi MAR. 31, APRIL 1, 2, T HUIS., Fii., SAT. ~ loxed Chocolates 2.50 lb. NOW s200 EASTER PLUSH SlmNG RABBIT Sits 20" Hith All recJ. 10• EASTER EGG '-DYE MEN'S NYLON STRETCH SOX •'It" alue t to 11 DECORATED FRUIT and NUT CREAM EGG ... ,.., 9UEEN ANNE CHOC'OLA'n; Marshmallow Eggs C&An or 12 ,... lh SAND PAIL WIUI 8htwPI rn.um WITH EASTER CANDY DEFENDER FOLDING Fountain Syringe LATt:X ....... '129 WE RESERVE THE RIGHTS TO LIMIT 9UANTITIES SPECIALS LIQUOR DIPARTMINT • • • Udo Store Only • SILVER Twin PRIDE Shady OF RIPPLE Oaks IN DIANA Gin Grove ~tral1tht Bot\Jed Bourhoa hi load llencl Whlak"Y ~ 80 Proof 100 Proof IO Proof 6 , ..... 0 111 7 1"· Old Old T. V. TABLES TIFTH FinB FIJ'TB 8" Proof ' '$139 .:;r-. nrrH ••r1ta.r . 267. 2•1 339 S1.98 .. HAND CREAM .......... ,.... ............. _. ... .... _,I 1M1 i.-n!Mtdl -,., .. --...._..,, ....... ..., __... ... ,...._ ........ ... ......... ~ ........ -..._ ••• .. h:Ae4.U.. .......... .. .......,~~ ........ . ·-------· ... ..... Mel ·--4-1 Free 47 day Trial Siu Stoppette Deodorant with Pwchase 1.25 tile "FREE" 50( VALUE LENTHERIC MIRACLE a u a,. Deoderant Pads ROTH nnl.Y SHAMPOO f("I'· :! 00 1/2 PRICE SALE ~9.~-1~RIA CREAM 125 DRUG NEEDS llnlll•• 111 '.! \0 1 .1 f.ll'f~ "I{ ,,. \Ill.I :O--c .. -. RX THIRTY t\()1Tl.t; Ill' Piii T ~1\1.t T~ 94 TAFON Ht.1>1 ( l ;\11 TAI\.". 4 llf'C. ·' 9~ TlllAMI": If\ JlltUI Ill ORlllf: '-VfT 1-1"-100 MG IOO'a QUICK SWABS to0•1 n-c. t.:.o Announcing Billie fay Hair Stylist and Coloring Expert Now Auoclated with 111 Cora/ BEAUTY SALON 3732 I . Coast Hlway C"OllO~A DEL MAa Harbor 1876 .. LOCAL AG&NT ......... Ottlce Liberty ~ Liberty 8-MM 1193 Ne rt Ave., C.O.ta lhM LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP a.u.JIOA TBEATaa 111..DO. ILU.BOA Opem Tond&J &kn ......., tsll s3•s RUGS onl1 WA1'B OO'n'OJf a LO(>P DRY l!IRAG •• & led SpNadl _Djtted Dry Cleanint and Finished Laundry We W._ Your Qftllloq Work ctoUMe 0,-M-. 'l'll.ra Sat. I :GO it. m. -I :OCI p. m. Johnson's LAUNDROMAT ., ' .. ~ '' . ., ' ' ' ·, ... , ' ·~, '· . \ ' . \ ' '· .. '• . ' \ ·• . ' ·~ every day is Sun-day , \ \ \\ when f oo wear Faberge's sunshiny young-at-heart frogronc~ STJt:AW ff AT ... \' . \ 29'-the nicest gift of all ll'I. J7c -.) . ' Devil's Food ' DELUXE SQUARE Sf'-. 17Sc .... l lOiW V:..Tu;~x llAl.UllS-COHll SMO~S ;I C'O Ti\ Ml:!'A 1 7 00 Newport Btrd. COKOSA DEL MAJl 90I C-t Rwy. ACOllD'!' LAOUSA BEACH 181 Br09dwa7 BALBOA ll!ILA.~ ?00 Mu1ae ATe. st:WPOBT It.EACH 11to o-• e....,. ,.,..It. purM1 perh.me 2.SO ColotM n 1roord1no"'• 2. o..d 3.50 ''"1-•tt• lnlemWe "''n'°llH• p.,.....,, • w ith ll'IOl<htr19 Colop ~ 3 00 ,,.,. ... 1.)1¥- ~ ~~, ' .. 'I 4"\t ~(:;a t{IA'-f.oo DRUGS LD>O-MSl Vla Udo. Newport 8-ch "On,. of the Udo 8bope" RARBO&-SSOl E. Cout Hwy .. Corona deJ Hu BALBOA-716 t:. Ba.ltoa 81\·ct.. Balboa buy your NEW PONTIAC ,,. lrom ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast lhd. Lat•llCI leach I.EE CLANCY TODAY JIOB BIGllE8T TRAD'E-IN VALrE CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pontiac Demonstration • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL by hand! CALL COMMERCIAL 1' OW' ooat wW be .. beautltW aa e\·er, af1~r oar ·~ta c-ompJ~te tbfJlr balld·WOrk ! C-taa.d ~ A.afare • We Pickup and DeU\·er Glorla l'1eldillc SECURITY M ualc by PATROL Uptown Cleaners JO LANTZ and Bil..L IUOLES Q.,, .. ~ nmlnlt Kl 2-7027 19%8 West Balboa Blvd -Newport Beach We "Pld "n la ~ UICI HaAd Prft&iD&' of LadJH' ud Gea ftDe tf'MrlDC &pJl&"fl ..,, so.ne °' ~ llACN ReNrrat!ona: HYBll t·~08 Aeof" Scrfewa, bri"99 yow o Ilg W.K..-d of ~ v--.e lwfelllWt ..,._. -Alwey1 Lew ... thew Vol-. ~ttt b1r8 ........ hif Yew ....... Shop Todfll'f .•• &o-Today •.• at We•.,.. COFFEE 1108 HILL Al•WAY •lch .,.., 7 ~,..:-"'~ 7nc -~7 ( 7 Ill= ·1 HALF 6 HALF :=.NI .:.:18'.:=34' GRADE '4 BUTIER ::.,m; 59c JELL-WELL au.\".::m 5c TOMATO JUICE=:.•-:23c fO"dl>oolt Vot1•ty. CORN:: COB 2 ';;2S• BEANS ~ '="IS• PEACHES ._. ~ 17• __ , __ ......,_., FREE lea.!let: "How To c ook Sparer ibs ~ Ask tor 1t. BACON·=~=-~ .•. 57c:v,:::-~ •. 47c $roeecf a.-. .... hecrf MOlecf pod<~ VEAL ROLLS ~::".~-:~ •. 45c DRY SALT PORK ~~~ •. 25c --------Chlcllen ledlons- ~rMtttlfNlll~~~,~~ Monor Houte FroHn CRISP CARROTS ::::~~~-•· 5c ~ POTATOES 1~~~~.~"" 10 "-49c l RED APPLES w-~~,~~P· 2k.25c ; ChkJrett7ftc Chicken 83' l .. 1 lb. 7 Thighs lb. Ot•f'r Eir-ptle .. al \'allM'Cl! BEH LIVER ~~. • 45' FRANKS :::-::-~~ 451 CORNED BEH ~;-• 491 GROUND BEEF ;:;::~ • 391 S..a t•ood , .• 1.t'"\11: Capfaln'11 ('hol.-. FILLET SOLE ~": 451 FILLET COD ~ 361 BREADED SHRIMP ·~ 49< 1 "·/ RM< tin • ... , ,,,1 IOCIY IOAD CAKE =::::.~ ..... 39' , ...... ....,&Jc> &r.U.Crlden::" :: J1c WI Cr.Oen :::. !: ZSc Hi-Ill Cllden :::. !: 3~ CORN FLAKES ~·~:14'1 ~~19' LUNCH MEAT ••·· 1i..a..35c lledi~ - IOXIURY CNxolote ......_ 2fte C.0,,-4. ... .., •eal ...... , S.verw! S.lftidSpr814 =-: 35c 1a-t-21c, &rlfM ,_ =-6: tk llid Pepper ~ ~ Ile (1~...--1~ lllc•Te1 ~ S9c -= •tc ew ... .._., ,__a~~"- Ooc. Dliry DriM ~ ~ JJc DttfoM ::.. 2 '!: 2Sc Oe•••·• ll•ym TIDE Detergent ........ 25~ •"'"'59' bo• Ito• PARADE Detergent l •-oa. 2 5c .0-.a. 49c pkg. .... AJAX Cleanser '"'°"''"9 2 t-..a. 19' Art•l")r'I cott• ........ .._ ...... , .. ...., .... .-... ~ S-.'4tt ..,. ~t.~-•d o"' ~·.,.. ....._ Artichokes.":-1C> Pean :::-' • 14' i Grapefruit 8 ... •9-Tumips :: • 8 • l Pim lfRClM lM1.. "'~UT.. MUOI 31. Ulll '· 2. '9SS. "1AffWlT nom I Tl S AIU. (Thrw Sa11dly 111 ~lom .-Sundly) ..; .. o!~~m-~eu-8~~&-1 1722 _Newport Blvd., (Friday tiU 9 p. m.) I c I M Sanday 9Lm.to6p... os a esa ' PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAVED LOT • ,A&E 4 -COAST Al SHOPPER -MARCH lO, I 955 I DEMO LA y MOTHERS CLUB Mayor Praises ~~God~~d '!°!rt Mc-1r.===:=:~=;:~===:i:::;;;;~:;;;;;;;;:==m Cowan, repruentlnc Ule Uncoln l:nSineerin&' Co., Wert Monda)' M ay Day Brunch Being· Planned Barber Shop Quartr tte dolnc tw numbera each. Joaeph Hamblet. vlce-prtnctpaJ of the !'Jrwport Har- bor Union Htg'h School. explained ~ ~Pay .. you eo" pl.all of tht adlool building luue to be on the ballot Kay 20. l>f!adllne for reg· i.traUon t. Karch 27. It waa an· ANS DINNER SESSIONS Boys' Club's nlg'ht IT"&l\t.ed a YarlanC. by M-•alr:::!!!b:!: City Council to loc&te a hard I' OPL'li r&All "Kol SD ~' EM'r D4''r Plana tor t heir annum Kay Day b runch w1U be made wh• Kn.. ~orge Plckertnc eatertatu - bf>u ot l h• U on Tuner9 ohJll at hf'r home, l38 Holniwoocs Drhwi, OD Monday. April 4. Thia ta a benetlt tor U.. Lion T11.mer1' philant hropy project, lbe Carl Harvey Sc hool tor HJlrldlcap- ped Children. It wtU be Mid Ma7 3 at a local club. Ensign P-TA Nam es Officers aouaeed. nw &Late ot ottiura elected tor the tollowtnc year Include•: Pr.idat. Mn. .Jo.ph Carver: ftnt Ylce-preaident. Mn. Porter 8tacla.lr; 8leCOnd vtce-pruident. Mra. John Hau; eecretary, Mr1. 0 . W. Rlcba.rd; oornapondlnc aec· ret.ary, Kra. Cb&rl• H&MOn ; trea- lllftr, Kn.. J09t1>h NlckeN: hla· tonan. Kn. A. Bun White; audit· or, Clay lwmare.IJ. Social plana t or the year ancS appointment of two cha ir-· occupltd alttnUon of Of!Molay Mothers' Club when th• gTO p met on the evenlnf ot Much 23 at the home ot Mra. Wll &m Melcher, •08 38th St. with Mrs. Hadd Ring pre.aiding f n . Earl Gu~tkev "'a.a n11med chaJrman of the aun8hine com ttee and M,'... Charle• R. G&mmon of publlclty. lt was drctde hold four dinner meettnga durmg lhe year at local reataunint.11. Next mN'llng wu .et for April 27, 7 :30 IV"· a t the home ot Mrs. Edward L. ~edelmler, Hl ):I Modena Ave. Mra. J o T atum &Misted M rll. Melcher In serving refreMh· menta, hand plWltl'd china, hobby of the hoateaa, providing loplc tor conve~atlon. Indians, Anaheim Record Swim Wins Givens Gives Oranp Nothing But Trouble Kr. Cbriateuen'• eil'blh srad• room bad the moat parent.a pre- aenL An lrurplraUonal prayer read FULLERT0 :-1, (OC!':S) -FUI· F ULLERTON {OCNS) -T•>m St udl.!nt• ot lhe Horace J:nalp by Mra. Jobn Walp followed the ltrlon'1 clu s C metlley ri•lay team Glven.11 threw a m u terplece tor Sr hool •ntertaintd the ;narant.a "·-ceremony by Glrt Scout Troop ,,--·-ot Mike Ha rnv Richard Stewart the Indian J~ Thur&day In tht'lr wilh a program at t.he tt,w&r P -29 under lh• leaderahlp of Mra. and Don Gra);blll c11ptured first lt&'"'e opene~llh Oran•e. u he TA mt'ellnK Monday, March 21 a t Hug'h Godwtn Slllth grade room I .. -.. 7 30 p m., which a llM> ft'atu-A elec:-mot.h•n w·-· .. ~--for '"e pl1&ce in ahe .-'IF M1d·wlnters toSl!ed a no·hlt, no-run game at ·~ 1~ h ~•v d~:~cl d--' .. "' swlmn11n.ir finals Friduv n ight In lhe Panthers. tlnn ot otr1C'l'r•. Glrla of th• a1X. aoc1a our an .... u ""' ,..mu. h 8 p · I ••·ven and eighth grade• under t.he Randle All'om. Carroll Alm, James t e Lnng each oty pool. CoaC'h Vt>rn Wrighlllon'.11 horse· aupervulon ot Ml11a Jo Ann !Wcord Butl,.r, •1 th Mra. Fred Wood-' T he Indians wl'rt> t11nl'd In 41 5 h1dt'rs were a ble to run fru ly ga ve an exhibition of twnbUnf. worth u b09pitallty chairman.. They qu11 llflt'ci 8"<'nnd with a 41 6 arou.nd the ba.tlea to record their Boya from the aevtnlh and el~th ------------Graybill plaC'ed third In lht' 50 11·0 victory. g radea auperv1llt'd by :-;orman free with a 26 7. Given• led tfte Indiana.' l 3-h1t StlllweU alll-0 did tumbling. Lady Kiis See Jerry Hill copped 8''l<>nd 111 the attack when he connf'cted for a Th• t'lghth grade Harmoneer• clHs B chv1ng w11h H I! points. homer In the 11econd. That waa the lllng arveral numbt'n wtth the Ballet· Dancers Winning the B diving was A na · Inning Fullerton u plodt'd for •ix Accomplishment chrome pkllnc llhop at MO WMt l••••••••••(il£.a•ttllipilll•lllililoedil~iiyli)••••••••• 17th S t., Co.ta MffL In rt'cot;nltlon ot National Boy•' r-----------.;....--------------------------. C:-lub Wnk. J.1syor Dora O. Hill tod11y ca lled a ttention to commun- ity 11upport <>f the Harbor Are,& hloy11· Club. "'Thia t ine orpnlza· tllln dt'&t'rves the act ive partic1pa· tton ot all of our citizen•." ahe s&1J. Thf' lht'me of thl1 year'a Boya' Club Wt•ek la "O peration J uve· nlle 01'<'.ency" a.11 11.n o!f.aet to juven ile delinquency, •O publicized today. Mayor Hill added her acree· ment with a atatement 1 .. ued by J . Edg11..r H oover. director of the Federal Bureau of lnveatlgaUon I and a member of t he National J Board ot Director• of Boya' C lubl ot America 1lnce UIU: "The Boy1' Cluba or ~merlca have made a notable contribution. over the yeani. to the buUdinc o! decency amon, o~ youth. The t'Bit.hful work ot theM cluba in community alter community ha• shown t hat juvtnile deltnquency ca.n be defeated." -WA.'IT Ada aeU hOmu, boata. cara, furniture, appUanou. etc. -It pay1 to read the want ada. Spnnglime FASHIONS • Swimwear by JANTZEN COLE OF CALIFORNIA ROSE MARIE REID • •1rla' Triplv Tno and tJi. boya' helm'11 J ack Trott with 1:12 points.• hit.a and 11ax r uns. Wltll a luncheon date held with ~===================================;;;;;;; White Stag's KJwan11 hllllbanda. and a •peclal Now on Display program for their ' qwn aess1on, March waa Important for Lady K1IL There w aa ai.o a new mem· ber, Mn. Raym ond A. Danlf Pr, welcomed when the group m et at UI• home of Mra. Robert Craw- ford, 170 Weill Place. Coeta Mesa, The Most Beautiful Performers of them ell! NEW STYLF..S and COLORS for SPRING in both Men'a and Women'• wear Entertainment waa by dancers Marjorie AllltM>n and Mary Ham- mond ot the Petit Ballet Cla&111qul'. They captiva ted t he auJ!Pncc with lhelr pretty costum u and excerpu t rom Swan Lake. Le" Sylphldf'll. The Sleeping 1-uty. Coppell• anJ Don Quixote. • BEACH SANDALS TOP-SIDERS YACHTING FIAGS • * 8wlm S ult ahown I• Cole of Calltom la'1 "DAL.MA· T IAN" for 19&6 In La.II· t"X.C Smart &11d dellg'hl- ful~ ... y to wear. ln conclw11on Mra. Crawford and her &8ll1.t1Un j1: bo•teu aernd re-f~1bmenl• in the S L P.atr1ck'11 I Dey theme to Mmea. Willard Courtney. Harry Wrifht, J oaeph Deacllenu, Hal Hatfield, Danlgpr, Harry u~nour. Bert Terhune, Don H uddleatoc. • Georc• Coffey, J ef- fenon Scoville, Henry Hall. Har- ley Burnell and Thomu de Foreat. The New '55 HUDSON HORNET 14-lot Mesa Tract Gets Pl•••1r OUy Hl~heet tnde-ID .\LL()WANCE Pl• •501o E"TRA Dl!K'OUN'I 0. pure"-111 any modrL Brtnc Ulla ad M1tlt JOU. with 6 Cylinder or V-8 Engines New power, new high atyle, three • timea • better ride. body twice u atrong and aafe. See u.e. Try th.ia great c&r today! Product of A m.nco" II oton -com4', try tt 1~ v0torHl/I HORNET Super t Door SEDAN '2750 .. DllUVEUD --OPEN SUNDAYS 2930 W . COAST HWY. -101 NEWPORT BEACH LI 8-1722 I ANTA ANA, MARCH 2• (0CN8 1 -Am~ tour tentaUwe -~ lll&pe apprond Wedna .. da,y by U.. Oranc• County Plan-nmc OommlMlon W U tract "81 f« H llnsle tun.Uy Jot.II on • acre• on the eoutherly aide ot Orchard Drive a.bout eeo teoet euterly of l5Ulta Aaa AH~ aortll of COllta M-. wtUI Od'8 Ill. Clark .ub- dt~. 'ftle Ma!)"• attack eanter U U y wu YliltiOliy more 1U1 23,000 South AtHeane ~ntly tn Olpetown. SoutJI Africa. MAIN STREET GARAGE ~ • f t ve. Yes AL'S CARPET & RUG WORKS are exclusive Orange County Agents for Bigelow's Karpel Kare llhat i~ it ... developed by B I G EL 0 W, the moi-l famous namt> an carpt'lmg. after years of rP~Pa rch. t has n<'w procesa n ot only cleans. but le-a\"<'8 carpt•tlng ",lb the nap raised and much or the on gual colnr and rustre restored. 410 Main St., Hlllltingto11 leach ~~~~ Ll/(E NE I You see hat You 'U s W, ed f Yo ur rugs ay l\lhen urn ·t or Uph 1 clea ' Ure afte o .ster-ned them. r We have .. OUR MODERN PLANT Free Pickup and Delivery Service l'RO!\"S Klmberly 2-6400 is the finest Cleaning Establishment anywhere \\'e invite your tnspectlon pt our plant. You'll eee the very newest and ec1ent1fic cleaning equipment; experien<'ed workmen 11killfully and carefully u11ing the finest materials and deterg<'nli1. Our drying room ufour pride. Here your rugs are dried indoors in controlled temfM'rature. completely away from the d11m11 ging r11ys of the •'10 ~d the he.a")' dew ot our Calitornaa nights. • CALL US TODAY for • Ru9 end Cerpet Cleaning • Upholstered Furniture C leani ng • Well-to-well Carpet Cleaning Wall-to -Wall Carpet laying and Repairing a Specialty Only One Location PerlectloD In YI tu lm1taUon. Ther·• la only on• AL"S Cv· pel • R~ Worki Only one addrNe. AL'S Carpet&Rug Worlis Bii 8unl c-.11 IO,.,.._ KEIOCJCJ 8-5411 293 So. Main, Orancie Klmberly 2-6400 f • LExllN)ton 6-3025 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK To S.ne Your lulldlnCJ & Remodeling Needs ~~~e ... llUMIHI CHAISE .. .... -- MOO&•• OROUTE FIBERGLASS PANELS as low as 47c sq.~.* In 8 • I 0 • 12 foot ... len9th1 Blues -Greens -Yell ow Rose -White -Light Brown Grade "A" Corrugated 55' • 65' sq. ft . ORO LITE FIBDOIAH PA..'fY.:LS JOEAL t'Oll: AMnlno. C...._, CaaopWe. c.,,.n.. ,...._., Patloe. ,.hnwrr Dooni, 8117Uittta. •-.......... \\lnd-~ake. .t4 •ff \('TOR\. l'!f;CO~"De) WILL NOT RUST NO STEEL 100°/o Aluminum FRAME & WHEELS CHAISE Available In BLUE GREEN TERRACOTTA •1995 DIRECT PACTOIY JOllEI KWIK8ET LOCU • WES -OBROME hJ DONNE e Rl'l:R CABINET llAJU)W AD FULL UNI of FULLER PAINTS 0,.. Daly Mo•clay Tllrollth hnday I a. 111. • 6 p. 111. Sc~u/tz -.Jlu&erl ~uifchr6 Supp/';J ..... l.Aertr .. .,. 222 Victoria St. (,.... Newport llvcl.) c... .._ , 2 Mm-Ines ln)urecl In HIC)hway-Crash 14NTA ANA IOCNSI -Two Camp Pendleton ~larlnu auUered major IJ\jurlu and anoUler mlllor lnJurlee when their u r went out of cootrol and plun~ed off Cout H lihway 1~ feel liOUlh of Bay· aide Dnve, no r ~r.wport Beach, Friday. The Highway patrol n ld driver Brncl' Sandere, 18; and pau engera R ob<ort Flshl'r, 20, 8n•I nanP V. -----------Dtlp, 18, were rushed to Hoag Hti~p1tal. TWO ACADEMY AWARD PICTURES START WED. ONE WEEK (),,, ·• ' lt'*"r!••t-•U-........... U11• ___ ... _ .......... m-• -....... _ .. __ _ ----·-.. -- M•llTTMaM•N OPTM• CAIN•I ----·--- Delp and Saridt•ra rrce.\'t'd mllJOr lnjunes. The pat rol gavl' no rause tor th,. ac<'IJent. Smnder11' ,·rh1<'ll' rip· ped ott the road and O\'trtum rd a t 12:30 a .m. r!t:tH-m HELD OVER Tyrone Po"'" lKMU'MA O'Hara "THE LONG .y LINE" l!lT ARTS TUE8DAY at Replar Prt- In ....._ COLOt • IOIOT IOTM -~ Pettit-Beenfeldt M_arriage Revealed ~~-r.-.--~~· l lhe student p ro<1act1on ·1ot '"I'h'IMARCH 30, .1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 5 Man ot Ol'almy", ~orgr Bt'msrd I _ ___ _ _ _ ------ ~!rs Mnry Lee Rlrhmond, 4:!2 j ~6 In Reno. Nev. durlnr Thank•· Fullerton A ,.e .. Is announcing the g1\'ing ,·a cation. The bride, who 111arr1ngl' ot her daui;-hter. Mll'~ 15 daui:hlcr "' ~lrs. R1rll1nond and l'an•lra ll<"enfel<lt. lo M r Donal<l M r. ~orm&n Be,•nr,•ldl ot San llalton Petti!, son of ~tra. Jane Oh•go. Is a frclihman 11t11dent at l'rltlt , ~19 n1w·uh.le A\'t St11n!ord l."ruvrrslly. Her hu.abanl! Tile ",,<hJmr. a 11urprlse to tam· 1., a junior frt11llman 1tut1rnt at lly and fnl'n•IB. was htld on ~n\' j t·m,·erarly ot CaJ1fomla, to which STARTS SUNDAY A Talked-t1bout Motion Picture Brings You Three Talked-about Performanc• This drama and its acting achievements will be talked about all through 1955 ••• and for many years to come/ MRS. DONALD PE'ITIT .choot ahe eitpecta to trarufer. The couple w1U 'be at home In lkrktlty. 'Cat's Out', Engagement News Told "The Cat'• Out of lhe Bag," aa.ld attra.cUve e.nnouncemenu when members of the women'a commit- tee of the Newport Harbor Cham- ber or Commerce aat down to luncheon recently at a local club . · Mn. Delight Jaax. committee member, cleverly told the group ot htr enpgement to J. W. Church, prominent attom ry of Great Falla, Mont., when guest.a pulled the newa out of a C'&Ddy atrl~ ~. H ra. Ja.u, who ru!dea ln Cor- ona dtl Mar, ta pruenUy UllOCl- ated with tha. company ot r. A. Palmer, lnc., of Lido Isle. The weddlnr hu bffn aet for aome Ume ln the near tuture. Heannc the oewa were ltlmea. T. D. Stew. art, R&lph Ahrena, ~ul Davia, Ted Hambrook. Frank McCormick, John V. Nert and Hay L&ngen· helm. F or Arm Chair Travel Group The travel -.ict1on or Ji:bell Club ot Newport wUJ mttl at 8 pm , AprtJ 6 at the Little E bell Club· houae, tH~ Wtat Balboa J31vd ~tra. Dorothy McKenna w\11 1how her SIUP.w'a comedy &b<'llt N11polt'on at Z..rbl' !1 a IPM '"rafluatt ot l':ew. trl',!\nurn 111 I'• n••>O&. Ht ta plan- Pomona Colltgt' ~ctnlly. i port H&rb<lr H 1.,h Scllool ancl a r In.: 111 1n11 •1•r In J rama. fowr lowefy Hits, C'Hh1 tlret1a, ... N .... , IWHten •••• v.,, .. 1.,, wlll ••• , ..... , I loek Mw 1 .... , ...... SURONE ins OUT AU IHI DllTI* More garments ate discarded for looklog ·d ingy and old chao are ner w orn ouL Very ofttn, coo, chest sell-same garment• could have bttn kept io use weeks or months longer i( chey had heen regularly city cleaned the thorough Saoitone way. So why do n'1 you, too, tely oo Sanitooe co keep your lovely chiog1 looklog lovely longer? •rv1N GIOUND-IN Dllj VANISHIS • 5'0TS AU GONI • LIKl-NEW LOOK AND nu llSTOHD • lmH DIA!ltl AND PIUS LASTS LONGH • NO 'HSPllATION ODOIS • NO DIY CLIANING ODOR .................................................... ~ : 0 ....,..,Wt O lweet•~ O._.,.... : : WUDROH 0 ..,_.. ,... 0...,,.. : • CHlClt UST 0 w_.,., Wt • •• 0 , __ ... 0 Mi~ o .. ~~· -... - : ... -' .,, 0 Te,.e~ ........... : , ..... ...., Q DreH 0 ........ =••••••••••••••••••TltNlll...,..,-' lat.at plcturu ot Guatvn&.la and LI DO ,..__,__,........, ~~:'~t;;. her recent tnp t o --~· • ·. . ....... j-·· m.mui1u .... ~~n~PJ>::~c~on CLEANERS .....&IP.-· -A NllMIDUNt'~ Ailt.b.oQ)' J. Zv1le.. eon ol Mr.. Uhedv 8-4014 _ _ __ •-... "AMION'Ml:1"'T CHILDllENA--ean--l'f~ and Mra. A. L. Zerbe, t 7 BM.coo ~ ~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:;;;;;;~•~W.~M~a~~8&L~l~:~U~"~~~N~G~E~~~4~IN~TJU:~~O~U~lr~IE~LD-~;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, ~Ba=y='=N=ewpo;;;;;=rt;;;;;;Be;;;;;ac=h=,=ap=~=a=r=ed;;;;;;;;ln;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;l=7=1=2;;;;;=N=e=W='pol~;;;;;;rt;:;;;;;;=lfy;:;;;;;;d~.=';:;;;;;;C=OS;:;;;;;;ta;;;;;;=~;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::=:._.:;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; g~ ......... _.._. __ .. __ -----·----·-,...··--- l ittle Miues Mary Jane with Strap comes in white, red end blue • Nylotl Mesh WEDGES l colors -2 atyl" M low ft Ladles Hi(jh HNI PUMP For the Easter Parade. Comes in • different colo" s499 DIVIDIND NYLONS Buy l pair for onfy 2.97 (r'\'I • II.~ pr.) Get .,, eatra pair FREE I • Cef ebrating our An fl i11er~a "J 50 years of Serving California Families ~ ••• Golden Values in Shoes Ladies Sli119 PUMP French Heel and Slin9 Back. In white and black " • ' MEN'S ILUI SUEDE New.rt style -Low cut 2 •y•ltt1 Thw., FTI., Sat., March 31st & April 1st & 2nd VISTA BUYS are BmER BUYS LADIE1J -Me Rayon Panties 8lse1 a -• . '7 l'tnk or \\lllte 3 1 00 I Bar Trlrot Pair HE:'lt~fl YACHT CAPS aed BOV8 Nfloa $498 Baby Bonnets I 0 uat1UI tt"fod BOY'S4 oac SOX JW" /.) 'h' Olf:!4 SPORT CAPS ..... ·t ""'"" 79c SPECIAL! 11 ll !8 FRAMED PICTURES Aloe't 8ubJ~t MAPLl: or 139 wtun FRAMF.S \\lllt4 BABY SHOES 81r.N I I ! I Mm'• ClJp-oo BOW TIES Aft aurtt voo ha\·e aufrll'i,.11t CA MT.RA FUh\f rnr f"\"lTT.R l:?.~t n oy'• F" o•:n m.l'r. DENIM SLACKS s1.98 ,, ,,,, ... , STRAW HATS Ynr R.-al'b or Oan1r n 49c uid up Ilk-f:U Dyfs ...... IOc F..,.1,.r 2 15f Grass...... fur &;·~ 5r '" 59' <'-''' f'lllrod 39' .t Novelties ·' " Cud•tlr flnft ,.,..,,., 98' Bunnies ........ . FREE s4's FREE FREE TELEVISION NIGHT LIGHT '4'1th t'9 W orth of <'IMlh K .. itl•t .. r R4'Nllpt1 4 ...-aullful n .. •lcn•, Hand t anl'd 1'1Mtlc, fla.nd Dp <I toiT AKT ;\OW! !'A\•: \'ot'R KE('"r;~ l Easter Gifts for "HER" lft O-r. II OnJer. ~'«" ..,,., s .. utra.f Tau~. ~O~" II' ,-11. Ml'<! II l..onc . Cannon Nylons ........... -.... - Sl.25 pa.Ir Roffmaa MaJdf'ft 1.anr. Miik Mid Sl .25 fluk At1<1'I, Boxed Chocolates ..... M .... ~ ltl. Tu"•~ ·'.'flclnlth! Sl .25 Coloqne .................. 1pl11• ta•) «olnnlal fltun,. Sl OI Bath Bubbles ...... '''"" tul • M.,Jor1" Ann Costume Jewelry s100 1.AOlt:"" Sun Bras Time to Buy CKwtOuitrr EASTER CARDS "IT'S FUN TO IE NICE TO PEOPLE" BE1TER PHOTO FINISHING ONE DAY SERVICE PARK WITH EASE SHOP WITH EAS! ANY DAY-EVERY DAY COSTA MESA LIBERTY 8-3231 . ' PAGE 6 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 30, 1955 We at:e proud lo announce f~e opening • Orchids to the Ladies Each Lady Attending Our "OPEN HOUSE" Saturday APRIL 2nd hours 2 to 5 p. 111. will receive a beautiful Hawaiian Orchid Capital $200,000.00 Surplus $100,000.00 OFFICERS EDGAR R. HILL. President GERRY RI CHARDSON. Ex. Vice-Pre~. KARL LYNN OAVlS, Secy. & Trraa. KENNEY FOWLER. AAt!t. Ca11hier MERLE YAN PELT. Chl.-r Clerk ESCROW DEPARTMENT Rl'RY R. Ml~ZKO. Escrow Officer BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOHN T. BOYD JH. KARL LYNN DA\.1$ * Comme morative MARINER MEDALLION FREE to e ach' Visitor on April 2nd a nd April <4tti * • ' . .. -· ..._ . . ,·. . , .) .. ~ ·-.. OUR NEW BOllE-on the Marlnen Mlle, Newport Beach . It lncorporatem the most modern banking equipment and facilities. Designed by Architect.a, Pleger, Bluroclc a.nd Hougan, •nd con1tructed by AWJlin Sturteveit Co. Genera.I Cont.racton, lt fea- ture11 a green-gray rock waJI 11upportlng plate glus windows facing t he bwiy Cout Highway. The rear entrance from our private 50-car parking lot will function u a secondary !root door. THE employees, Directors and Stockholders of the Mariners Bank of Newport Beach , extend a sincere invit~tion to visit us on Saturday, April 2nd where we will hold "OPEN HOUSE" from 2 to 5 p. m. -As the newest Bank Enterprise in Newport Beach, we feel it our duty and privilege to dedicate our efforts to the best interests of the com - munity we serve. Our bank is owned locally and the majority of our stockholders are well known citizens and business people of this community of which the Bank will now be on integral part. Hours: 10:00 a. m. f~ 3:00 p. m. Architech: PLEGER. BLUROCK and HOUGAN Ge,neral Controctor: AUSTIN STURTEVANT CO. I LYMA!': FARWF:LL E[X;Alt K HILL GEOHCE ~I. HOLSTEIN Ill SA."\'DY F. ~lacK.A Y NEU-ON \.\', NEICE LESLIE T. PETEHSEN DICK RICHARD We Invite Commercial and Savings Accounh Sub Contractors LOUIS D. MARKEL DAVIDSON PLYWOOD CO. NEWMAN ELEC. and MASON CO. DOYI;.E and GOODMAN GERRY RICHARDSON J. LESLIE STEFFENSEN HARRY E. STICKLER. M.D. THOMAS A. THOMAS •E•BNR TEDalU£ D•P0 6TT l lflffRA.VO• ooa POJU.TION , ·r ---- • Safe Deposit Facilities • Escrt>w Service WARD. HARRINGTON LBR. CO. VANCE ROOFING CO., INC . SMITif BROS. CO. PERM.A-SEAL CO. OF CALIF. BALBOA GLAsS 00. TOUSLEY LINOLEUM BREDEHOFT PLUMBING JONES and MARTINE CO. J .B. EDMONDSON 00. STAFFORD 6 SON B1LLHEDfER 6 WALKER 1'RANIC A. KATNIK IULLT .MD JD OON'l'LlCTINO CX>. Mesa Sanitary District in Move to Avoid Trash Deal UN ot th• word "Intent• bl the I M rt B r I a ry 11anitary dl8lflt't'1 re11olutlon. "11 a u g the city retu1M•d tu handle the trash a.nd garbage coUecuoiu. thdl I p b d b c :,: :a~~'.\ have to continue," Mey-· ro e y ops The sanitary district con tracted Police are bu1ily tnvestlpllng Costa K eaa Sanitary Dlatrlct la U)'lng to get out ot the trash buaineu and concentrate on llf'W· &c• oper ation and malntenanct'. ll wu announced today by Presldtnt Arthur H . Meyt>rs. Currently, the 41.atrlct pa ya the money to the City of Costa Mt•11a, which an turn pays It to K enneth P rlct', contraet col· lector of trash and garbage. Th ia 1ltuaUon brought about mand&mua action by the city a g&iDat County Auditor Les Eckel la.at October when Eckel r etu.eed payment of $3000 In aa.nltary d111· lrlct tl1nd1 to the city on the 1".l'Ound1 of "politics" In lhl' clty- dlatrtct uwer agreement. Super- ior Court J udge John Shea de· clded E ckel 11huuld pa)' the city. PAS8 RESOLl 'TION Thuraday night, Meyers aald, the 11anltary distric,l board pau ed a resolution ')J. ..intefil to dJscon· Unue garbage and rruh collec· with P rice for the trash collection the burglary of Coa11t Super Ma.r- tion at the end of I.he dl1trlct's before the city 1ncorporat.ed. on ket .rt. 3347 Cout Hig hway which operating yeat. The bond recom-a weekly basis In Costa Mesa res1· wa.' broken Into between 7 p .m. mended to the city U1at It ta ke dentia'l aru a and with daily pick· Saturday and 8 "'m. Sunday. over full control or the ll'&Sh rol-ups tn the buslr.esa area. Jn m 1<I· Of!trers slUd t he burglar pa.11114.'rl leclion. levying neres~ary t axes October last year, councilmen vol· up S1050 in payroll and persona.I now levied by t he sanitary du1tnt·L ed to enter lnto the a gnenwnt checks a.nd S~O-O tn war bonds to "\Ve t urned the physical opera-with the sanitary d istrict which take home 11ome C>Uldy bara. They lion over to city hall in Octol>\>r." Included IMpectlon ot sewer con· 11&ld the peM!on wu appan\nUy Mtyen1 told the Newa-P ress. "We nectiona a nd addition of new 1ew-looking for a floor ll&fe In which pay the city aJld they do It. It 's er limis a nd connections both with· he hoped to rind currency. a u11eless operat ion &nd the city 1n a.nd without the c11strlct and E ntrance WM gained by boring m ay just u well do the whole o peratJo,. ot t rash and garbage six holes In the roor a nd punching thing." collection. I out l he sert1on. The 11uspect had Meyers added the district con· , sr l<lr<I lht< wall 11( t he build!ng by ~ct with Price runa through Sep· Dr. J . E. Hob.eon, Stanford Re-j cbmhlng lll1 out side prpe, police ber. "Our ~peratlng year ends search Jn11titul<' director -"Sov1et ~·h.I. ly l , but I think we have enough Ruissla lll training twice 1u 1 many 1-------------- funda to tln~nce the contract for I ecientlsU a.nd engineer1 u Amer-MONTY DL'RRETT, S. D . blind Its d11ratlon. . tea 18. There 1s danger ,or our vet, on ~et ling gui<lt'. d ug -"The City council ac tion In the mat· being helple1<11iy outstrapp<'d In Lore.I i.:a i·e me back my eyes and ter la experted to come up ln t.he technlt•al m1t.npower:· 'put the111 on lt•gli." near fut ure. since Mayor C laire -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=, Nelson is a member of the s1uu· • tary board. However, Meyera emphuil'.ed . .. ... . -... i..·c'11r11 "''"' pnl!/t't '"" ht'11/ > \ ' • • \'. , ... ~ • . ~ ·.. • .. .,, • .. • '' .. Free Lecture on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: "CHRISTIAN SCIENCE : THE OPERATION OF DIVINE PRINCIPLE IN OUR BEHALF" By RALPH F.. WAGERS, C. S. 8 . of C'h!C'a11:0, llllnola I Member uf the Board of Lectureehlp of T he Mother Church. Tl¥ F ir11t Church ot Chrt11t, Sclentl11t. In Bo11ton, Ma.tu· chuaetta MONDAY, APRIL '· U :lO (SOO~) LIDO TR.r:ATRE New port Boulevard a.nd Via Udo, New· port Bl'ach AmpJeea of Ftrst 'Cburcb ot C'hrl~t. Sc-11.'ntlat, S f'\YpOrt' Beac.h luSEilvi"o-1 I SEAT I I If Ihle iA tbe 6nt I Cbri.tiu Science f lecture you bne I I anende-d, we will I U Ye I lell for I yo11 ia lhe a.di-I I tQI iWD until -tea I -' I mlnatee before tlM I Mclure. Jut pze-1 MDI tbia coapoa I to any mbei 11 rhe door. I -------- RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL al Circus Bootery such a wide variety for your child and every one . irresistable ! • Gleaming Patents • Snow White Calf •Red Calf Prl«'d AN'ordlni to ~IV' tt1~. ti.ts t .H , 1.95 • 11.N CIRCUS LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF EDWARDS SHOES IN ORANGE OOUNTY BOOTE RY TWO LOCATJOS ll SANTA A.~A Klm..,..rl,-'!-M61 1815 "'· Maln e<r•u fr•"' S...tt COSTA M&~A l.lbf'rty 11-21711 M..-<'l'nh'r-111h ~ Oraaie .......... ,,. .•.... ft. Thtifty , OILER TRIO TEAMS UP TO DEFEAT TAR NINE Bill W ehel Bested 2· 1 in Loop Opener by lzykowski, Coopmans BeQ\'een Huntington Beach's Iuy leykowaki and the Coopman brothers, Newport Harbor's Sunset League base- ball hopes were temporarily stifled by a narrow 2·1 defeat in the loop opener here Thursday. Izy kowski chucked a tonid two-hitter, aU-ClF basketball choice Bob (Butch) Coopman (lelded his shortstop poa1Uon een- s.atlonally, and biddy buddy Bill <.:oopman clouled the vital 11ingll' which set up the wmning talJy, Coach E mil Nel'me's Tar nine Is a ttem ptlng to break Into the leag u11 thlJI a fternoon at Fullerton in 11.3 aecond luop go. Tburlldey afternoon a t 3 It'll be SIU\ta Ana on the Harbor High diamond. POTJ":ST COMJ'ETITlO~ Bill Wetzel, whose tut ouunc wa.s a no·hll job agam1t Long Beach Potv. furnished potent com- petition f<ir li:ykows kl. But Sailor 11luggers taU"'d to b.it 'em where lht'y aln'l. And even when they did, a guy named Coopman came up v.itn the ball. Perfect example Qf tht. 1ltua- t1on occurred In the fatal aeventh when the Tars made a final threat to deadJ0<·k the contest . Catcher Dick Mirkovich led off with a looping liner that appeared to be falling bet w<.>en left and center fielders. 6ut Butch Coopman turned hla back to the W ield and and ju1l kept running Ull the ball landed in h11 glove for the out. Dlf;l'4 OX 81'.lOOND Second Sacker i.e. Fiaher inan- •CC!d to work 1%ykowU.t for a tree ticket to flrn and .tn Infield out moved him to 1econd. But School Explains 'Bomb' Scare Police and echool otficlw of Newport H arbor Union HI g h School ba\'e written off the Wed· nesdav afternoon bomb l!<'&re at the .dioo1 u work of JUvenlle pr11.11lutt'r11. The echool a.lerled police tlat an unldentlfiC'd tt'lephone call w&ml'd lhem a bomb In the hill wo11ld go off at 2·4C> p. m. Ad· mlnlltraton1 and teacher• hu rried· ty a nd quietly emptied the achoo! ot· the 1600 pupils who w,.re un- aware of lhe 1ca re &nd 'l!'ft're told th,. evacuation wa• routine fire drill. W hile lhe atudent body 1tood outllde the bu lldlnc• for 10 min· there he died. H&d Mlrkovlch'a bl&11t Jallen ln, an extra Inning' chance !or the local lad.a mig ht have developed. 'n1e Tan jumped Into a quick firat inning lead. Leadotf batter F irst Bueman Paul Lorentzen sm1ulhed a long fly down the rir ht field line. lt bounced Off h&rd· runnlng Bill Coopman'• clove.. Lorentzen wound up on third .. Shortlltop D e n n I 1 Fltzpatr1ck'• 11al·rlflce •cored him. TIURD FRAME Tl.E Huntlngton Beach tied It up In the third. lzykowekl elncled, mov· ed to eecond on an Infield out and 11cored on St.erlln&"• bingle. Then the Oller8 wrapped It up In the fourth. Gary Tracy got on by an error, Bill Coopma.n'a aingle moved him to third, a.nd ne dented the dlah on an lntleld out. Sterling wu the Je&dtnr 1Ucker of the tray wtth two einglea In lhree at bat. oft Webel. Wetul Ii.lid Mirkovich did all the Tar rapplnl' wtth a 81.n&"I• apiece. Newport'• lineup looked llk• lhle: Lorentaen, tint; Dave Ta- mura. third; Fltapatrick, 8bort; Jim Newldrk, lett field ; Wetael. pitcher; Mlrkovtch. catcher; Flab· er, 1e<:ond b&M; Tbompeon. center and Bob McC1uakey, nrht. Discus Toss By Mel Visel Lone Bue First NellOn Viael toaeed hla dl•cu• for Orange Cout College'• lone t lret place he NI Friday 111 Santa Ana'• Dona downed the MeJt& t hlncl&d1 1001... to 30"•· Vlael'• toaa H llec1 138 tt. 10 In. Gary John· 110n w11 third In th' event. 230 30th St., Newport Beach Barbor !533 BOTH 8TORt:!'f OPF.S l''IUOA l ' NIORTH 'TJL l :<Wt utea. police and achool ot11ciata 1-~~~~==~~====~~~~~~~~====~==~==~==============~~~~~====~========~~================~============~r~~---~h °'~~ ,~ I the bomb. Nothing amlu wu Bill Sw1 .. helm, OCNS At helete f)f th' Y"ar In 19M u a prf'p •print 1tar, pect'd the onAl1ught 11galn1t Coach Hunto n Harper·• Plnllu. Swllllhelm oopped flr1t1 ln the 100 and 220. H• •J>C!'d the cefltury In I .II and lhl' 220 In 21 4. $M t"' ~na -!,'pt boll! ev!_l\lll. &Jonr w1lh the ll.80 a.nd low huid- lu. • ' JOST lfOtTM tf POST OFFta MAKE THIS YOUR OF THE . _. ALL J=UNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE IOt:h OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST • Office Mours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 e.m. to 8 p.m. found and the young•lera Wt're toh1 to return to their rluau. TWO MORI': OOrlU.D Jouph Hamblrt. vtr<' pn nrlpa.I . Othtr doublt' triumph• for th'" told the New1-Pr u11 lhe Incident Dona were 111ppll"'d by Bob N,.aj wu expe<"led here following the and Parkrr Oamon N""I took thr numf'r<>lUI 11lmllar t.nnonymoa" tel· high bur<llu 1n rn.o and th,. broad "phone t'a llA, r "'t'elved by ~?°~' a t 2I n 111.. In. D•m•m rnl"' In thr Loa AnK«'lf'JI area. Wf' vnultrt1 12 fl. and hurl!'tl thr j •Yl'- mll.rl• our pl&nl'," he 11ald, "•n<1 I 11n 168 ft. 9 In. wl're rl'ady to try 11.11d atall lht' Ma jority of lhr Bue po1nua raJll'r while w e h11il the t'llll t ro1ct'd <'•Ille with thf' ar<'ond lln d third and <'a.Ill'<! pnllc• The party hung pla.-u . J ohn•on. con111stenlly flrat up too quickly," he explatntd, In the •hnt put 0 1j1 IOl'Uon. hAd to ··but we notified police lmmt'dlatl'· arltl .. for ""'ond wh,•n t hi' l >on'11 Jy and ran the roullne fire <IJ11l." l.Al'Ty Holcomb(' propell .. d th,. IMn H11mblt't aa1d the mum 1ng or ba ll 47 fl. :,•, In. thr 1n cl1lent hi' u k.-c1 four t;IC'n· rt..ie M"hoot boy11 who h•tl b~n fUllll~ a •lh•lurbance to leave the ca mpus "M y thPOry Is 11lnl'e they h11d call!• of lll,.lr own flt tht>lr 11t hool," HIUl1bll't reu one<l, "th,.y l'l~<'lded to do the 11ame lhln,r to u•. &Ince "',. t old lht>m to lea\'e the l(TQUnt1& " Indians Tied for Top Spot FULLERTOI' 10CNS1 -Rill HILffr, Darrell Roberts &nc1 Lairy Arroues \\'t'dnt>a<li<y I~ the F'ul· l•rton rndlitn 1 t A< k "'111»•1 t1• a 16-21 annihllatton or At1Ah,.1m at Fullerton " No11 h F ll'lrl 8F.<'ONO~ A~D TKIR0!4 Joe Oro,rgtna was ~hlrd 1n the H O. Bra1ull 1n the two mtlt, 011 v" Pridham In th" hlirh llmb .. n . J•~k Kenne-dy In t he b1oad jump. VU."I In 1he JllV"lln and F'rl'd Varela In the milt S"coni.I" r &mf' from Var· .. 1,.. ln th" two m1lr. Guataraon 1n 1h11 bro1<d jumr. Krnn .. dy ant1 H"n W.ntrrbum throuirh a ti,. In lit" hlth jump. Krnnrdy 11n1I Bill LllmlJ tyml{ In th" pol,. vault anil Kirk· Ian.I In th" j1w ,.Jln Tar Lightweights Undefeated in Dual Competition The triumph krpt Allv,. the un-HArbor High'• llptwelght .wlm clPfeA tt><I llf'llMlllUI r,.ror<1 nf the "'1u11t111 conllnuPd undde11.tl'd In Tri~. a.m l l,.fl thf'm tll'!'I with th,. t1u.il m~l't compeUUon aga1n.t ~anta. Ana Rlllnt11 tnr t h' S1an11r t J,,..nit Be11ch Wll8on In the fir IA'l\.Kll" le11d. l&nk Monda y. but t.he N--rort \\"1th Allen H('nr\'. the l11c1iAn11' v11r11lty 11rluhen1 took a dun.k.1zi1r. ar<' ioprmt,.r n10''"" to the 8'11. Th" powerful Wlleon wa•e bre&llt· H1li<f'r wu Ahl,. to t'Nlll' thron.i:h Prll l>est'd the Sllllon ~6-19 while with hh1a ral>bon11 1n hoth apnnt«.1 thr local 8 '.11 ""on 39-38 anc1 the 1<111 tOll u m,. wn11 ,. •rarkllng 10 2 H11tbor High C"a wt r. unoplXJMd while he hit th,. 2211 tape 1n 1111 30 0 equally good 22-: C-o•ch Al I nvtn'1 chargea r em9ln R<>l>f'l'l.,.. ra.me up w 1111 hb1 usual u9(1r feated In SUll.llet Ll'ague com- r11.1r nt \'IC'lo1ie.t1 In the 180-yard ~U llon ln all th"" dlvtlrion11. low hun11rio anrl thl' l>rn1<rl Jump IEB.RT A.NO DON Roberlll "u rlocked 1n 20 2 whit!' he jumJ>"<I J 9 tt Jfl • 1 in F'~•tyle record br.uer K en The Vl'.rl<ll y 11 m11~t 1mpni,·ffi Bo<i,.nbofer ot the Tara bad w aet-- pertormlUlre wu t11m,.•l 1n by u .. for a ee<:ond place In the I)() I .Arry A rroueio the Btn' •• s 11taml-y d. c-tu h. 1..ocal n.nn. ""ere hunr nut m1lrr. JI,. ran right ht'hlnd up hy Jerry Farq\lllar, wllh a l ht! Cnlon lst· .. JO• RIY!art f' for t"-'O 1 rm 'J 100 yd. breft.llllltroke, and la ps. taking !hi' IC'8•! P&rly In the , lJon Reddington, ...;th a 2 :10.~ ZOO 1 h!rd l11p Ht t hen ~ln"'•J\· mO\'l'o1 y•l. fr.-eJOtyle rurther t1hr e<I. finllllv pu't ting "" •1ene IA 11ng copped a 8eCond A itOO't kirk •to wan by a w lt1e spot In th,. diving contellt white nHlrKln 1n 4 39 -;'11, Tom Jen~on wu third In the 100 Indians Swup Nets FT L t.ERTO:", 1OC:-.:~1-Sw~p­ uig the 11lng lt' matchu F rida y, Jack Fallon·• F\JllHlon Hlg11 tf!ll· n111 team l'M lly dr"JlP'd Do•'11f'Y High, 7·2 In • nnn-lr1~e affair In Fultt1rton. The lndlarui' JV teem w<'n their m a.tch •1th the Vikings, 9·0. V•l. an'1 Rt'dt11ngton WU third ln lhe 100 yd. free. The Sa.llor 8 '1 knocked off first. ln the medJey 1'\lay I P aul Mantz, Jim WllUam1 and Dave Al· Jen) 1n 1 :30.7; Manta ca pl&lred the 100 yd. ttte In l :l r>.9; Bob J ohll.IOCI (T&.bbed the 200 yd. free In 2:11.4; 0.•e Alldnw1 took Ule dl•lJlr; u d J lm W Wtame wound UJ> with a pUr Of trina, lpeedtJlf the JOO )'d. b&cll In 1 :JO.I &nd t.he tndt'f'ldual mtdley tn 61.1. A ~avy at.bma r1n .. , th1 t:SS 'C YIC!t.or8 tot Inna wer. Ga ry r1ck~ret. hol4• • ff"COroj for the Cook, Howard P etenoa and JerTY lonKf'H undrrwstl'r rrult11l' by Whtt&Jter pl~ lh• medley r111ay ~·rl\ml ng ~ 1° .. n11utir"I mll"" fr•1m 1Cook , WhllAJcer a.nd S teve Boice ) Hronir Kon!C 10 P euJ Hubor With· I Md t he four-man r•lay 1 Whltaller, ou' wrt&dn1. ' Don Waldron, Cook and J oe Bum) . MARCH 10, 1955 COAST AL SHOPPER -PA6E 7 BUILDERS OPEN IN MESA J ay Hulber t demonstrate• the advantage• of the Ralph J:Wott cha.lee to hi• par tnt'r. B ill Schultz, in front of th11 newly-opened Schultz-Hulb<'rt Bulldt'ra Supply, In t'o11ta Meaa. The com~y l9 direct factory jobber for Kwlksl.'l locke, Wea-Chrome b&Ulroom flxturu,J:iy.er ct1.blnct han twa rl', f'ullrr p11lnta and Orolite J'lbef"' glau Pant'la. Both n11t1vl! Co.ll forl)iari• S<'hullz a.nd Hulbert now res.Id!' In Costa ~f"aa w1lh lheir lumillrs. They plan to keep their new store open seven dRye a W('!'k In ordtor to lend gnat.er &.Id lo local reairlenlJI. -Staff P hoto Anaheim I Thinclads Score Fullerton Win FULLERTO~ IOC~S) -A VII'· Tennis Ind~ Scalp Panthen tory In tlle final event, t he tlfln OrtA:-;GE IOC':'\S t -Coach relay, gav .. the Anll.helm C'i!lon1•t11' Riii ll••mmrns· Onng" tl'nnla team 8 '1 a narrow 49-48 wan ovt'r thr lwu ... rl<111t• lt'A IC'IP matc-h Thur1- 11urpr1slngly 11t;·oni: Fullrrtnn Jn• 111\' I•) 1h r f''lllll'r ton 1nt11a.na. Win· dl&n8 \\'t•dnrl'olll\' 1Jt F\1llt'1t1111 nini: only the fourth lllnglee and Allen Ht'nry -11f t)111 lntllnll" ,.,., •11111 il<•ubled mat~hes a 11 t hey brokr Ont' 11rh11t1l '"''0111 amt n.11 · d1 ••l'fl"ol lt1,.1r 11rrnrr 6-:t. Ora nJ e rowly mi1111ed 1rn11thr r In "'inn111g "''"' I n••llt'P on lh,. fi11n11l'l 1>•· both eprtnlll I i;11o• lhlll 1h .. v •<1111<1 be the dark Jn the JOU, Hem v rdfi'"' ~tit krv l111r"'" In th" l'Rl"P Qouy<I Of thi> C<>l11n1111,., h1tt1ni:: lht• T hn J'r;nthPr J \>"11 to;il by th!' t11pe In 10 1 Thill 1•111rllNI 1 IH• !!>1111w ,.,.,,,,. Th,.y wrrr bfohlnd •-3 24c-year-olt1 l"'rllr•I ,., t h;v W1tlt w11 h l'N't•n'l A f'louhl,.11 •ttll In R aitt. wh~n ht' r "" IU 211 pr<tp •·~11 t1 nc1 ,.,.,.m.-d t'l'rt.aln of Henry 1 ""'" har k 1 .. 1 .. r to ll(Rln v1c-1m y 1 11 lh11 d"l'Hlll'\« matrh defeat Gouyd, tht. time 1J1 the 220. sloo<1 a.t a M l aplK•. A. auddm ln- He wu t'locked In 22.3. dlflll 11ur ire 4Sef l"ated th• locab . 1 WANT AD will cost you ' only s2 end it will run 1n all 3 issues A Minimum ed 11 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 !liM \ w1rt II ar bor ~f'w..-Prf'M )fon<la~· and Thuf'Mla~· f'ditlonA. PhlA tlw CoMt lll ShopJwr, Wednf'Sda~-. NE\\TORT HARBOR NE\\'S-PRESS F.Hty M11n1lay 1tn1' TtlurMla y COASTAL SllOPPE R-\\.ednesdays 4 Un.-.. l'a jlf'r $ . 7~ 4 I.Jn•'" i l'B IM''°" J .50 4 Lio•~ !~ l 'U IH''111 2.00 (".,._,., l'ihnrV"r t'ta .... 1f11•1l \•I• mu't nrn In th~ Monday "' T hur ... 1.11\ l'11bllratln11 \11~1 '11''1 \0 11'1 .. 1.1 :"\Y.~ All \lualtlWI Ad• orn~t ,.,.. r1al<I l<•r t •-h In ad\'ltnNO llf pqbHt:a"- flf:Alll.l:"J-:S f1•r rl•• 1111: •<r rMll• • llor11: ¥olll art : .. \)t ,Mn 111f11\ l ~ht.1 11 hlt••n ~1.t 1u•~h)' :.:.,on F'or \\'t .. ln•·•d 1v 1·1,tlll• ,.1 ,.,n -T11~111l11y 2 fl m. l'or Th11r..d11v hlbl111\ll!•ll -\\ rt11.~11<J11y I fl m. -------------------The rubll~h<r11 wall nnl bl' r• "l'"ns1ble fl'Jr more t h11n one lncontcl 1n11erllon of an Rd, rPserve the nght lo corrPctly rl111'.tlfy any and a ll Ada a.nd to rejpr t 11ny s1I nrit ronf•>rmmg t o nll"s ant:! reg\Jlallone. Sf:Wl'OICT llAIUUIR l'I IU .. JSHl.,O C 0 . 2211 Rall>oa fflvfl., -"""purl ""6ch, Callfonal&. 8peclaJ Notlcn ·------- Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 M~lll tvery Thund&y 8 p.m. Via 01)(.>rto -t.:entrAI Ave. Newport Beach Elwood 8.hell, E::ulled R uler Are you baviog troubles ? Let a Want Ad hel p you •olve tbem ! Painting, Decorating Paper Ha.ogtog GEO. BURKHARDT t.JL"ENSED L.'0:->TRAt:r u H 171 W. 181.h 8t., Ooe'ta ~ UbertJ .,_NU I J 0-Bmdae. Gulde -----Mechanical Sweeping Service r ARKIN<: l..OT S, lllP"' marktt.11, .- Ot1 Vl>·lns, f'lr. ftat,.1 by Wl'"k or mo nth. COAST SWEEPING SERV. J92f> Harb<lr Rlvt:I , Co11ta M!'U LJb,.rty 8-~ I 2l c.33 House Plans Ll13Y..RTT 8·62~1 Put Pep In the POCketbook by Putting Profi table Want A<S. to Work • IOtfo I i • 11 I t PAGE 8 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 30, 1955 29-:-!!~-~-•.!1!!"--~--~?-Fum~_for_~-S~~-~-s~_.,,~w. ____ .~l!_~. Ra~!.-~.!_!_ ---------------------------' WA!"T ~ll)Tl-:L MAIO. l %--8ulld101t &-rvteee 2-l-&hools. Instruction STAGE ~IOTEI. 3028 W. ·o~l Highway, F LOAT RF.~TAL tor flny 11lz~ Mesa Woodcraft b()llt :i~08 c-11a1w1 r111.· t:npainted & J u,·enile Furniture " ~''"'J>llrt l1'l11nd. Harbor 12l~·J DEA IJTIFlJL KIMBALi. bun~a­ Jow uprt11:bt piano In p«'rh-N t>On· 1 dltlon. Tnms 540.8:1 down end v' v' Check these Used Cars lluy from a local dt'aleor who will ~ hrrf! TOMORROW to back 11p what lie aell• 1'0[\A Y ! :'\ewporl Buch. 3k33 /" 30tt< SH pn month at - SHAFl!:lt'S Mu1lc Co. (Since 1907 1 Remodel & Repair CARPENTRY, CEMVIT St.ABS. paillUDr. pluter1nr. Dept>odablr • exper1Htced In all ltulldlng trade.._ Call FOSTER BROS. PIANO TEACHER PRJSCILLA MATTHEWS Fonnerly of Chlcaro and Loa Angelu. LI 8·39~. 211c39 MI DDLE ACED woman with am ln<'c.m" to prep11re mPitls fur c)- tle1 I}' coup II' In txt han~e for rrn and board for frw month». Bay Jo"~l homl'. Must not 1mnke or tl rtnk. Harbor 40~4-n. 32p34 This Week's Special! SNlrE, :->11 '433. lo i.;onJ rondl· lion. S•~ l'hone LI 8473C! 29c31 dl-423 N. Syca mort', Santa Ana '6--Autoe and TrlK'U Phone Klmberly 2-08':Z LI 8·2932 or Har. 39711·R. 23p311h CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL R. O. A.nder10n 101' I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2400 83tfo Painting Ii Paperhanging We do the work ourselve1. ao yt a r1 experlenc• Lleenlled 6 ln1ured. Batiatactlon ruararitttd. Ettlmatea free. Call Johnnl., LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 81tfc Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN • WOMlCN prepare \n spare ume for unlimited opportunlUM In Real Estate. New cl.auea weekly. AJ Tyler tn1tructlnf. At· tend nnit evening tree and team about thl1 rreat tlald. Call or write now tor lnfonnauun. Bu1l· neu JneUtute, 41~% N. Syca· more. Kl 3-l1!1S. 'Htto China Painting DaJ and ICnntn1 ClueM Order1 Taken Now Phone Liberty l-6e48 94ttc WA ~TEL> man tor par~ t1111r ••ven· Ing work in high Cl"-•ll llt}UOT store . .Must h&Vt' expl'r !fnce nnd 11,ood education. Write Box P-:>2 this paper. 32c34 SO-MlscellanPou• for Sa.le_ BOYD'S HOWE Close Out Lighting Fixtures 50 ~& & more OFF ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM J tut.all the above cheaper thu 28--Sltuattou Wanted ___ _ Complete stock Including Jl'lOft. Alto tell Tile • Linoleum. ~on-union, 211 years experience. Compare and ate - BILL COKER LI a-C!2M 7Uc PAINTING Pt.inting & Paper Hanging '9The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar tH2 38th St., Newport Beacll PHONE HARBOR 24M Three baby 1ittera available for evenings Phone Liberty 1-2722. solid brass outside !ixtun.·s S!lpSllR Bookkeeping COMPLJ!lTE SERVICE for small business Including 1tatement A tax fonn1. Competent, reuon· a ble, confldenUal. Har. 346l·W. 23c36h 2630 W Coast Ulo\·y .. :o-;ewport Bch 29t31 llC! PAlNTlNO by the holU' or day. RAT'J·A:-.: davenport 1Jble. be•ll chlLlr to match &. end lllblt'. ;t,fapl,. orm chair & enf'! tabl!'. DlonJI' dNlk, 7 dr, with bench. 2 Mcxlr11n rhaln: O•hJ~ 4' ends ot hi•u~rhold llrmtt tnrl, l!llvtr. cJ1ah!'s. h1'<li<prends, drnp<!.!1, etc. H11.rbor 21211. 3Zc34 Paperhanging Painting KJmbe,rly 7-1121 31p48 "A's .. VENETIAN BLI ND LAUNDRY Will come to your home. take down your vrnetlan blinds. tal<e them to our laumlry. Leundt r the 1lau. taprs. cords. 1perk1tni; clean with our new rn&t hlnr pro<'f'~~ m rthod. R<'tum )'Our blind! and re-Install them In Zt hour• Price "t>ry rtuonl\blt. Thi' a Vl'T· •r• 2 tape resld,ollal bllnd- Only $1 .00 We alll(I r"ralr llnd rrbulld vene· tlnn bltn•ls. All work dnn" by ar· Jl"lnttnt'nt. f 'hl1ne nt1w Liberty 8·1\70\ or Klmbt>rly 3·827~. flpllc H . H . HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Small joba ok., Liberty 1·2137. 80c32 n·PlNG, my home. Rusonablt, fut A-a ccur&te. Manul1Crlpt.o1, etc. Phone Long Buch 708-072 or write Beatrice John110n. 469 w. ITth St., Apt. 2, Lonr Beach 26pp39 Roy's Maintenance House cleaning-Floor waxtnr \\·au waah1ng-wlndow cleanlnr \'rnetlan bltnrls. e pholstery Iruiured. Frre E•llma tea Llberty 6·1332. llfc Experienc'd gar dener LANDSCAPING and CLE AN UPS Liberty 8-1659 NEW LAWNS 30tfc or old lawna ma<'.le new by rt>no· vallng &nd f<'rtlll:r.Jnjl'. Oeneiral >"6• d clea.n up. H11.r. 270 I ·J 30p32 COLORED girl, 22 yr9., experl· enced. ch1JJrtn, r ener&I cook· Inf Uv• l.n. RdeNJncea. 4ti21 Crov• Ave... R.lveralde, P hone Ovt"rla.nd S·"°'· 81p33 Fresh Hearing BAT'fERIES Aid We Give S&H Gre'n Sl11.mp1 Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balboa Blvd .. B&lboa Harbor OtS. 98trc FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Dry Wood, 16" • 24" ltnfth. <.:all B. R. ST AGO Phone Harbor JOH Evenlngt Hsrbor 6391 lllt t BASSl:"l;E'JTE, like new Harbor 06:1 l·M. :12c33 1000 EMBOSS.:0 business car.a, $3 99 3 line rubbrr •lamp $1 ()II 1 line n1bbl'r •Ulmp with cul U OO 18111 C'Ull l. Book m al<'hrt r~ W . WHITE I.I 8·4011 evts. LI 8-!l\~O pptfc KATEY OOANBI New A norly new a pJ111.rel rnr worn<'ll , •'-r hlhlrl'n. K1n1lrll'tt P11tlo. 2i2l Ce1ut Blvd., Curona dd Mar. 28c42 MmJern hemlO<'k, dbl~. lw•l1bd . 8 dr. Mr. A Mr•-· two 3 rtr. C<Jm· motles. All l'ht!!t9 with crn\l'r guides It dnve uultd drn\\e1 ~ S69 f15 Sarne In 1'1uvlnc1nl, all.;hllY higher_ Complete ~ta In llOhd maple, lol'l. 30"x-t0' pla te glMs mirror. SA i· em tlnl,ah, really to use .. $ 129.!';0 Terms can bP an 11111-:" I. 2121 H UI h(Jr t:lvd .. t;vhtA M··~n -------------STJ-:IU.I:"l;G MARl:->E E~•Gt:'\J.. I 0 hp. dlr••rt drlVI', S\00. Flag· ~hlr marlr.t 6. 2 to 1 rrductlon, SIT!). -Ste H ubbard a l Port Or1111i:e 31 p33 22 .,~r. HC BE:RT Johnson Ulillly 1"11\l' !l&l11nr.: boil l. Ma.h•1.:. lap· stake l'Pll~I rucuun. 1.:niv<'n1tl molur, tun a buut 100 hrs. Hllr 1:i:1s-J. a 1 "33 TV SERVICE WE RE:'\"T portable re•·urJ playcra A ampltrlcrs. also P . A. l!)'lltema STE'VE:NS ancJ SO!'\S 1879 Harbor Bl\•J .. C-<J5ta Mesa Liber ty 8·230\. 32ttcpp -------------. RE?\"T a n orjl:Rn or pl1100 wllh rrotlll to apply on future pur· cha11e at - SHAFER'S Mu11lc Co. 1Sln!'f 19071 FOkt:l::P TU SELL. Pracuroil)' 421·4n N. ~vrumort>. Santa A na 0 H 0 Phono Klmbl'~ly 2·0672 1 ;,r, I' ILC 1.:frlgerutor. 'l'hc ni•w u · lllrch\'ralt & 7.:> Evin· Liberty 8·161~, 31c33 big 101, cu, f t. one. U1g cro1s 1·u11e. Forwarol contrul. m&ny lup !feezer cheat !1a1ry Jl11r exlrns. call Harbor 3167·W 11hclves In door, all liteel Rhelvr11 I Mornino;s. 311'33 vegetable <'rispers. lJaed l wk. P d. dn. to $228 02 from Ol'lgmal l'A DULEl30A RD. approx. 14 fl, $320.00. !:'\o cash nreded If you long. 1'1 octu•11lly new. Asking pay tht pymt.s. of Sil Gt per mo. S50. 711 OrMKe Ave .. Huoung· Src Baughn'!! A&S Wart'hnllRt' lu11 U1:11. f'h. LExington 6·266:i 2211 So. Mam St. 8 blks. S of 1th St. 32c34 San lll /\nll. -Of"n tinily 0-9 ii 1o·r-:-;::!·c·HTFISHl:'\(J HOA'f, Sun. l l·:> or Phont• Kl 3·7:!0t :l ) 1 io uhl. Radw. Iron mlkt!. All SA LE~! n.-1rle dC'sk. like nrw, $19.riO. \\'(1\11 Chlllhll o\'lll hook- c·d rug, 6xq, $ l!l :-io. Chrome dr<Jp ka.f table for 11maU kitchen. Pa· llo rhairs. Lido l.sle. H nrbor 0279-M. 31c33 19!!!1 Gl'lrtl'rl' & Sattlc-r r11ngC', The nlt:to C'P 1111 automattr, ovC'n timer, gn<ldle In mtrhlle. 11lm· ntt'r b111 ntr~. &: big i;rlll brollH Pd. <In. to ~ 138.82 whllr 11tnrt'tl. No dn. pymnt. It you p/\y the pymts. of 18.49 ""' 1nonth pymt11. og Sil.JO pt>r month. See B11 ughn'11 AAS War,ho1111e 220 So. M111n St. II blk 11. 8 of 4lh St. S&nla An11.. -Open dally 0.9 • Sun. 11 ·6 or Phone K1 3·7:.?01 OSLE BED. box 11pr1n11s. mattrus vanity dreuer, 32 lnch mirror A bench, 4 drawr r clleal. good cond. rruonable. 408· 1 l th, Huntington Btach. LExlngton 11·2660. 3lp32 rl·, 11 1< 1!10 Ah•o Ave , Newport H"tl:hb LI 1!-4!112. 3:!1:31 S4-Muslca1, Radio, & T V STl::I :>:\\'A Y Cr a.nils 2, l>Ot.h l.n per· ft-rt eondltton. Mahol:. not re· built, wondt.'rrut tone, f1111l acUon t(lurh. lo,·ely Knabe •plnet tn t>bouy tinlah, eave $230. All'IO Ma11on & llamlln splnt't like new. DANZ·SCHMlDT Big Plano Store. 520 Nu lla ln, Santa An• MINS HALL Organe electronic, l m&hog , 1 Dlonde Oak S67:5 up In good rond1tlon. Ueed Solovox Organ 01t11d1menl lo piano 51~0 DANZ-SCHMIDT P lano It Organ Co . :J20 No. Main. Santa Ana 120 Ba8s Plano Accordions f9G. up. -10-Autos a~~~·- 191:>2 B \-'lCK Super JUvrra •·1lr. 11t'dan. RAH, Dynatlow. 2-tone paint, Unted gl&M, W1W tlrtll. ... -·-·-···· .. ··--.......................... Sllll:l Miller Chevr olet 1000 W. Coast Hwy. 18:,C> Harbor ;'l:rwport Bet1d1 <.:vsta M .. i.11 Lltw• ty 8·2:!61 Llbrrty 8<16!13 HY OW!'\F:R. 111~1 CA DILJ,AC Court ,!t' \'ill<'. S2.2~. Call llnr- lior 3024·\V S11n1lay ~!Zr3~ J!l!IO CADILLAC 62 4 dr. al'U&n In good condition. Sl6!';0, r r1va1t party. Phon'-'. Har. 2C>19-W. a1c:ia 1951 CHEVROl.ET Slyltllne 1!111 1-dr. R A H , Powergllde. 1740. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. COU5t Hwy . Newport BtAch Liberty 8-2261 1850 H nrbor Colt& M'M Liberty 8·~33 10:>3 CHEVROLET 210 •·dr. aer1&r1 2-tone palot, R.t-ll, W11W t•r• 11 ................................................ 113411 Miller Chevr olet 1000 W. Cout Hwy. =-:,wport BeaC'h Liberty 8·2261 18511 Harbor Costa Me1111 Ubt>rty 8·1'>633 1902 CHEVROLET Styltllne 2·dr. ledan., RAH .. . ...... 5841:> Miller Chevrolet TV COliffiLlllATlON, rtfr1g., 9 cu. ft. Gu range, m111c. artlclea. .Men's 11u1ts, 30-40: l1d1ca' chHh· rs. 18-20: pufect cuntllllon. Harbor 1783·M. 30c32 See Baldwin Piano & Or gan Display WOODWORTH PLANO CO. U>OO W. Coast Hwy. 1318 Uout Blvd., Coruna dtl Mat !l:ewport Beach 18611 Harbor Costa MeH Uberty 8-1)4133 BEU dh'an. $1~ Matching da"en· port. l h1Ur llJ'ttl ottoml\n, SOO. Jo~ll atU boll sprtng A lnntr· aprlng ma ltru9, gooJ condlUon, 522 ~o. ll lO Vll·tor la.. Clwla Me!lll. Liberty 8-680 • 30c32 111~.ri G E auloma Uc wuher. Its lho nt<w til ter flow model wllh big 12 lb. tub, agitator, water 11nver, lllumlnalrd dlnJ. I ll nt w but pd. dn. tu 1238 6'r from 3:?0.11:5 while 11lored No J_n, pa y· mrnt just pl\y th• pymla. of 112 3:5 JX'r month. S'o Baughn'• AcftS Wart hou.te 220 So. 1tlaJn SI.. I b!Ae. B ot 4th St. BUit.a Ana. -Open d&llJ' 9·9 Sun. 11-~ or Phone Kl 3·7201 !Thaden lnter1or Bldr.1 Uberty 8-2281 Har 33"2 IWI Uc ------------- l :Ji5. HUYS lovely full kt!)'board Spinet plM O: r ental RETtJR~S aa\'e S l~•l on btauUful 1p1neta hke new, WurUtur. Lt'ater, F'llK'htr, Knabe, Mu on It HAm· lln. some Blonde Oak a nti Salem Ma pit. DA!':Z·SCHMTDT Big Plano Stort, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana $6 RENTS gooo practice plano or buy a l 187, 191, Sl2!1. Mlrro Splnl'ta 123~. DANZ-SCHM IDT Big P lano Store, 020 !';o. Main, Santa AA& SPECIAL March Spinet Buvs SJO SA VINOS tnc:ludin8' Kim'9ll. be King this Spring 125. DOWN Buy• You Thl1 '!12 CHRTSJ...ER V·8 'all metal 1tat100 waron. ll"ully powertd 11eertnr It wlndoww. Or1(inal A rell.l utility waiton. A renulnc good buy .. .. . . 11.lltll Johnson · & Son LlNCOL..11{ • MERCURY too W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bea.ch lNO CHJC'VROl.m'r \4o 1.-plckuJI. IUUI, -n..t tlrM -...... ~M Mille r Chevrolet 1000 W. Coaat Rwy. J~ Barbor THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 A -1 USED CARS '54 F ORD Victoria . $2395 R & H, Fordomatic & white sidrwn\11 '54 F ORD Cust. Ranch \Vagon $2295 R&H, Pow. steering, Pow. bra kes, F\>rdo. '53 FORD V-8 Custom 4-dr .............. $1545 R & H, Fordomatic • '52 FORD V-8 Custom 4-dr. $129~ H .. Fordomatic '51 FORD 6 Cust om 2-dr. $ 895 R & H, Overdrive '50 F.ORD V-8 2-dr. $ 695 R&H '50 FORD 6 Bus. Coupe ........................ $ 49~ '49 FORD 6 4-dr ........................................... $ 395 '47 FORD V-8 4-dr ................. _ ................ $ 295 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 3100 We.st Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-3471 32c33 SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 195' CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Cpe. 2- tone gray, power ateerlng, radlo, but.er, power brakes, WaW lirH .................. $~9G 1953 BUICK Supe.rltivna, radlo, beater, pow· er ateering, power bnkea. Loob 6 nm• like new ··-___ .... . . ... . .... $1~ 19~3 DeSOTO V-8 Club Cpe. 2·t.one green, power ateerlng, WaW, a loaded car ··-····$1&96 1953 FORD •-ctr. ae<U.n. Z..tone green. Over• dri\'e, Radlo. heater. tubeleaa tiree, dual pipes, only 18,000 mllee ... .. .,._$1495 See Our Many Low Priced Cars av&ilable at the ~at of terma. $25. down and low bank "4pe Ir ••rvtc• .W-1.nt&tned Phon•: Harbor ••H l801 Balboa Dlvd., Nrwpurt 80"11 p.r.p ICXP!:RJ r=NCED tlbar«l&.u molder PEJUlAGl.A8 JNO. J C-ARVl:O bUffet.. mad• In AU• t rta. R1lver, at&mf"', r 11ln11, tn· 1T9Yln&•, irrandt~Uler'• t>IO<'k, etc. LI 8 -7212. 31 p33 llf.:PRIO I F't1«i ltla lrr I. 9 cu ftH. U>~ lJl:iAT S&ll, dlllt'Ue table A 4 chalni u~. lg uphol1tr red chair fllO, aolld mab()1t Duncan Plly ft! table wltb IU>'ee l \2!) LI M86t. 32c34 Gulbran11tn. IA-1lc.-r and Wurlltz· er aploet pt~oa. Ubera.I trade. «onvrnlrnt trnn11 at - ;\'.cwpcr-t Stach CO•t• Mr• Ubert1 1-22u Liberty a~:.633 terms on the balance if credit approved. FOR RENT f;ktll !'a""· )\'Irr I •nll,, Pnllllhrn. 1111 t )I"'" ul SanJer .. , Whtelbar· r O\\.' t? 1• BOYD'S HOWE. 2h;11 \\' 1'0AST lllG HWAY l.lbrrlV t'i-:11:n ;-.:l'"''P' rt fl<h 2llt1C Phone Klmberly 7-2~. U c3• O:->t: F \;LL TIME GIRL .t. 1Jnl' pllTt ume g'l rl. F'ounl&in rxrtrl· enrr>. Kl 2·14118. :l2c33 GARDENER 1•1ran up All Yar1t \\'ork (' '" •fl• r ii J• m I.I 8· \1118 IC no on:(Wf'r call LI 8-1 i08 31 p33 U~.-Can1era fCtro Fll'X I, a:;. mm. F 3 :>. WoU.naak lena ... 0. l'()Oltr EvaporaUve, uulJty, $2!1 620 M&rg\Jrrltr. Corona drl ~tar 32trc R~ft1r;·treezrr. ult ddn>et, S99 . Wt1lem ·Holly TT. rll.Jlg<'. U 9 . Tablea, ehalra, t tc. Hantly-man wllh panrl lru!'k. 219·32nd St. Newport u r11t b 32r3!1 Aotlque, oM rh1na/ cut gl11,..~. SHAFE.R'S Music Co. I Since 1907) 421·423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana PROVl~ClAL mulU-color~ 9Jlll rhone KJmbtrly 2·0lli2. nJI(' A: pad S~: twtn box 1prtn1t _ A matln.u, $4:'> pt'r eel : P aint· CO:-;~SONATA Oqi:an, JU8t trad· ed Ahclvu tor book.a or ! I :'> re.. ed In, Mv• U OO on t.bl1 a lmoet 103 Vta S&n Remo, Udo lilt H ubor 1C>l2·J 32c33 TWO PRO\'l~CJAL bl(h win( bade lo>'e 1eau, brown. Harbor ~33i. 32c31 nirw orcan. DANZ.SCH!>UDT Bir Plano llort. :'>20 No. Main, Sant.a Ana COMPLI:..1E P J\ INTI NG & f'ap<·r H:rns::in~ ~erv1cc I l 1 ... , .. : 11 ~.\l ~l>EHS !111'1 .11 r ~·11•1'1, :-; .. wr•>rt Brarh llltt ho.t 2:•~'1 or llot H IG. lfc 30 n:s EXl'Enn::-.-c l': .,, mAin· t .. n11nrt' & oprt l\llCJn "' rom111rr· clal 1por~ rt1h1ng bclal8 or )'l\~ht11 Know 111<'&1 waters alllO S. F t11 phonoJ'f'&pha .mut1c box, organ•.' MAl'LE STI.."010 C'OlJCH, m lam pt. plclUrCll. bric · a. br11e Slrtptt 2. -314 Coronado St. Vlalt my lure new al•Jre. l &lim &ll>oa. 32p33 t>uy • trllolr l'lr&•A hrlt1i.; your J:105 UUYS lovely little B&by Cra.ntl; othtr1 J47:>. ~o. H~ tlc. Story • Clark. Knabe. Wur- hlz.er, Kimball In S&lem ~plr, Ll'llt'r, McPhit.11. AlwaJI 100 pl&OCtl lo ('hOOM! from. OA:"Z·SCHMIDT 81~ P lano Store. (120 Nn, M&ln, Slllll.& An• ll .. m• In \"hlflll' l 11\VI~. 1;.11· .... IO!H A D:'>llRAJ, rtfH~e,.tor. The Panama. Phono Sa n l'cdr<• TEnnlnal 2·!1l 6:1, 31"36 GF.NERAL CONTRACTING A.nahelm St., Long 8nC'h &.'l0139 hi(; 12 ft, 11ou ble door dual t•mp 29tfr mod1>I, n" d~frnallng, 90 lb bO l!S"".0 pltu101 wanUd for our rrntAI dimpl 'l'rllde your old piano on nt>w electric or~an. •plnet or .:rand piano Hlghut ellows.nc ... F•'ltt •ni: & 1o-ru1n•lll \l"O~ F'rrr t' •t111t•\r11 _. r li\n S"r"lc• C. She rm Allen Liberty 8-7576 3 lttr l.H'E:-.li; .. :11, ('XjiiW'l,.111:1••1 '"l(lpprr avllll"hlf' Phooe Hu . llW ·W •Cler 6 pm 3lcJ3 OVERST\:F'l'"ED ch111r S:ZO, Kl'n· mor• wrtnf!'r ly]HI wuhrr JIO Llbtrty 8·2187. 3lrJ3 Cl.EA:>:I:'l:tr &. lRONl:'l:G bv the tiny. ~p. Kl 3·00116 3lp33 CARPENTER I .. ~AINTER Repair Work \\A:-o;TS woRK. 13 yeara u~n- A."'Y putt! ahade fk<t v. all l'lllQt matched, S2 :io JO?a.llon. Holltr aet41 f rom I I 19 F rre 4·1n('h ny. h>n bnJ11h "II h 2·1:&1. f'Xtenor palnl. HAJUW ft l'Al:-.& C.:E.'11- TER, i ll· J2nd St., ;-;rwport Beach. Har. 2sas. 23c33R t'nce. :-Ion union. Hourly Dof.e Yuur Home Nrtd Rtpalrtrc Llbt'rty 8·2i22. 3~J!JllH or Rtmodeollnic • Call FrlU\lc, l.lb4>r:y 8-110~ All Work OuM1111t•,. 1 H ttc ?9--lltlp Wanted 30-6-Ap...e~Uaa ___ ces~~~~- -------PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Coool local rrl~ r• n( t>A THOMAS t 'OLL fr•e r•tlmatt>. C1\1I Kl i ·l:."4 1. 21 p,14h CEMENT & BUfL[)t NG \ 11 K inda FR I:: E ESTIMATES Ub<-rty s.et09 PAINTING D."TF:RIOR -EXTERIOft LlCENSIW -INSURED Glenn Johnston 29U &01 • !list ~t :'l:ewport Btar l)• ll&rh<ir 31 i8 22lft Jf'o whom It may concern J am n,, lr-n~r &tt\1111lN1 WUh th• M•M )lercury. H"lf'ne 8 tmpeon 30c32 AlcobohcA Anonymou.e Wnle I' o Boa 311 M ewport Rt11Cb. Calif. Pboae llazbor 47113 tto JUST A JOB? MOR£ THAN 'rHAT-An r·r!'<lr· tunlly to "'·ork In an 1n1 .. r ••ting ln1lu1try "'hlch la C'Xpan•lln1-anti ottrn a!lvanr t'mt>nt ON•o1 lun1ty to qrial1rtttl young women. Ol'F::->I "°r.~ ;"1:0 \V AS TELEPHONE OPERATORS -APPLY- :>14 1t 1'. Maln St. R.rn. 211 -S•nta AnR Mon lhrou11h F ri. I! 00 to 4 00 p m, PACIFIC TELEPHONE . 1'lftt. HOIJSEKEErF.n. for l month 1 :'>la}' J after child.birth.. Abo hA\'t a 'l yr. ol(I. l't'rmantnt po- 111uon If deaired.. A we can al· !<>rd you. Har. 2299·R. 31c3! 2 EXPEJUE.'-:CED Con othJana to help owner, Wlte A: Child 1&11 40· fl ktl<'h lo Trinidad • l"avlng ~IRV l, approx .. lime 2 m ont.hll \\'nte full partlc:uJIU"tt lal lttlrr John }!. Beard. 149 • 18th St., SM S.-m anlrno. Ph. 642·1 ifl 31c33 MEDICAL 1rcty. ~ of . .ecty. bk· k pr. Machin• opr. PoaUng ma- chine. WA.ltrua. Dey hoUA- l 9~ PHU.CO r .. fnr.rtrator. Xlrl' l'n>N t.,r ft• ~:ur chf"•l mo<tel With 1~ce tor bolU"' buttn, Y"J: It m n L l"'d.. 110 ln '128 17 :'l:o dn. pymnL J111t pay thr r ymt.t. or Si 89 J>f!r month. ~8 Baughn''" AltS \\ arrt10UM 220 So. Maln l't. 8 blk~ Sot 4th St. Santa Ana. -Op1 n rla.tly !•-ll Sun. 11·0 or P hune "I 3· ':201 Washing Machine SEln'ICE l ·ytar lrlfl\r11nt1•0 on Jobs done anc:t on uuu wuhrra. 2488 ~ I rear) Newport Bl., C081.& Mell&. Lrberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc 111:14 \VHtRLPOOL au ln. Wll.Jlh!'r The bl' tub mCld el wHh 1~1111nr, ovrr11ow r1Mt, .. verythlni: N,,w but pd. r1n. lo $I :l2 i I l\"n 1ln rymnt. n~td Jlln ,,,.,. thr pymta. ot HM ~r monlh See Baujfhn'1 AAS W1rrho1J1tr Z20 So ~!A1n Sl II blks. S of •th St Santa Ana. -Open t1"1h· 11.n Sun. I J.I~ or Phone "I 3. i201 I C.:O LOSPOT rt!ng C:ll'&n A-JtO<-•I cnnd • S:;O. 8C! I "1 So. Lt'm •n. An&helm, 32c:t t 8 It. J>:ASH Kl'lvinator r .. rr1r. fr,u cr romp&rt.ment A: tull lilt" c~r. hr1Kt con<!. Rar 12<1nn 32c3·l cleuu. Halq1r .. cook, Uva In. 19:'.>4 O'Ke.r• A M•rr1tt rllllJl'P. The June F&rr&r Employment Agency bl~ CP ell automa Uc:.. grl•ldle In 402't ·32nd St.. Nelo\-port llC'l\('h mtr1dle, Utt top, elmml'r bum~r•. S perfluo H . (acrou from City Ila.Ill 32c:l3 " Uiat nice lfl"lll brollt'r. Pd (In U US atr !11 $12112'. No. dn. Jlymnt If Penn&ntllUJ remo'·~ Crom C&C't -F'or a depenhble WIC'd cu , eri• ynu pay the pyml•. ot 17 711 arm&. lep. l:}rtbrowe and hair your local draler who "illl be ht>rc 1 rier monµi. a&ne allaptd-tlo mure twt't7.lnc TOMORROW to beck up wh"t 111' ~r.. BauJbn'• A A!!I War.1'1ou11e m.L£N L. BR\'A,.._1 RE: •elll1 TODAY! Chl'ck lhe uar•I .'20 8{).M111nSt.8bllta.Sof41h ~: Udo'• 8aloa of Beauty liar ~·. '• t11 r. IJ\ the cl...Uled l teUon t o· I 8 an!• Ann -OJ)fn dl\lly 9.9 f Uc, d&.¥. l u.n. 11_. or Pboo• KJ J.7201 ' frrrur <'hCJ'!. ehrlvu In door. two vrii:rt11ble cri.fl"r" At 1111 col· or lntl'rtnr t·~ !I moa. Pd r1n. to S288 ~i trvm $"i:?ll :--;,, 11<>wn pvmn ju11t 11av lh11 p)mt... ot s1:i 19 pl'r m()nlh. !'r•• 8'\ughn'a AA:8 WuchoUM 2:!0 So. Main St. 6 blkA 8 ot 4th St. Sant.& Ana. -0 J'fn rl111ly P-11 !'11n. l \ -.) or rhc•ne KI :J. 720\ 83' SCHOONER yacht, G. )f dl.- •tl. r1~«"d fnr alb•core ftAhtnr: wlt.h Frton rtfrig .. ratlon. coppeT tublnic S111tahlf' for South SN crul.,ng-l"h. E'Xl>roolc •· rnoe FOR RE:-..,. -dock H&rbor 2903-R. TRADE fnr 27('32 boAL 26ttc Beftutitul 70.tl . a Wf . 1Whoon n . f'\Jlly tnund. co anywherr. Wiil t.Ake eqully In proJ)t'rtY or 1mal· ler boat. J 220 W, Balbol\ Blvd .. Newport. Har. 3032. 24c38H DA ~Z·SC!OOPT S lit P lano Stntt, r,zn :"n Main. Sa nta Ana HAMMO~D Olon1 or~an, 1 all r;ht· ly 11g0(1, llJce nrw. Tou can play lo\1U1out a ltuon. DA:"Z.SCHMIDT Bil Plano Store. 020 :'\o. Mam. Sant& A.na SPECIAL March Organ Buys O:-:E 01\:LY "-•II 2 manual cnnn- 1H>n11ta r leclronlc organ, like nrw. 8a vo $400 O:->E o:-:LY bt'aul1ful ~Un,hall "fll ntl nrican, h kr ntW Sav" $100 O:-:E Ol'LY "1nglr ma.n1111l Min· "ha.JI OTjtll.JI, llko nrw. S11ve 5200 C'onvrntl'nl trrm11 et- 8 HA F'F.R 8 Mu~IC Co (Slnrl' 1P07l 421·423 :-:. Syc11more. SMla An• Phone Klmber ly 2-0072 HAMMO:-.ID organa, all mode1-. CHRYSLER MaHna tnf1ne. 4'rl to t'U1ul lt'rms. your old piano 1 rf'duct lon gf'llr. llC'Ctpteo In txrhanre. Free prac- RF.F'RJOERA TOR, 110 vnlt n. C. lie ... t ry befnrr you buy SEE JACK HARPP:R at Lido DA:'l:Z·S«H MmT Blf Plano A: Shlr yllrd. end of 3ht SI tl'tt. Or t:?lln Co., 1:>20 :--o M&ln, Sent& N<'WJ.l<lrt BtaC'h. 29lf<' I Ana The More You the more you TE LL, SELL ! ~fl41m ... •• &NI U kt'd "\\")ty do )'<>U M• low ' u-for a minimum r l&Mi04'd ad ~·· "'" !>foll,.,.,. one of Ui,. ,...aaoaa :Se"",...p,_ tl&11.W ti Ml ad" a,... r m1 t.om• rll y "°"<'"' N f\IJ la M- ranlW' ... ,. f'nronnll"f' lhol ad• .. rtltotr to (1ve coat- pl,.~ lnlormatlnn la hi.a ad. ··r .. a fa• MSJf!•(th•H ••• ...... irpll<'lt ••• .. Rlate pr1« • • • H(ilve loc-atlon • • • "lnclo~ botb 11&1,_ ~ pboae .. "'" M1''aye advl!WI. l:irJlf'rlt'IHle illM p,,,._ '1'ttft !lllnre J OU TELL the more 7oa SELL!" 8o "'1Noa yoa .,.. compo11lnf )'Oar ad. Sift all the lalonn..U.. ~ou C'&IJ tbaa wW Mt,.,.. thfl r-4fr. O R It you ... , Wp I.II wrtu._. JOU MS, CAI.I. H ARJ\OR 1111 ..... aalc rnr llHI AD·TAKrlL 19!H CHEVROLET d~lux• 2 door aedan. Htr .. radio. el<. Excellent con.dJUon. Pilon• LJbtrty .. 311()4 Uc~4 1960 CH"!:VROLET Styltllnfl 1lb1 4·dr . aN!an. Nrw 2·tont Jl&lnt. R It H. f'owerelldt . Excrlltnl m tch&nlcal con<JIUon -·-1811:'> Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout H wy :\'ewport Beach Uberty 1-2261 IS.~ Harbor l:o11ta M'"" U be,rly 8-:lfl!):l CHltV.. ':51 Belatra COUp<', :\:),()00 ml!Ataare. Pr1v party Sal., <1n account of slclmeM. Hu 11172W 32p3i 19:>3 DESOTO Club~ io"lr,.dnn>I' V-8 Powtr elrertng, bntk""· R • H. EZ •Y• l'IAN. 22.noo "' 111~1 m1lu. $1 !>95. S 1 "lll:i Miller Chevrolet 1000 \\'. Coast Hwy , Newport Buch Llberty 8·2281 I~>!) Ua1b<lr Cotta Ml'•• Llbtrly S·:A\33 l lltll El"OLlSH Standard 2 11oor ltda.n. J uat rtcfntly ov1>1t.aulr·1 ~ mllu pet p.Uon. 114:). Hausken Motors, Inc. 1912 Hubor Blvd .. C-01ta Mu1t Phone Lll>trly 8-:.0!)1 20r22 19:\3 FORD CU.tom v .4 2 door Hu radio. htr.. P'ordoma tlc I ov.'l'ler N-.ir """ cond!Uon. Full price S 1311:'1 Hausken Mot ors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd , C-011la Mt~" Phnne 1.Ibnty 8-Ml:>l 2()('22 '47 FORD tl .. dan, I M\n!lportllllon C'ar. $22!) Hu 32:\i-M :itr!IJ be King this Spring $2!'1. O()W:'ll Buy• Yo11 Thi~ ·:io lf!LLMAN Ml:"X Cfnllln~ t .. •ttit r lnt .. rlM. J'>f'w Jllflrklloi: ~,.rn flnl:oh A m"n"! ••,•-r ••n gu • on lnlllftl prlr .. , nnly S~ll\l Johnson & Son Ll!l:COLX • ~n:rtrt'l\Y 900 W Cou t Hwy , :'\'cwport ~at h 1952 HUDSON Hornet Nd. H,ydn R A H. Untfd r laa1. etc:. Eicr1>f tlonally fine conr11tlon. 19' T~nn•. Kar. 2931 31r-'l be King this Sprini U !I. DOWN Bu,,. You Thi• 'llO LINCOLN ' dr. Mdan. Ra.Ill• h•ler. Hydrunau c. \\ThJte lo\ a tt,... PlUUe .. t CO•er•. I drt&m to dn .... Jr. real buy " . ·-----····--..... -..... . 17111• Johnson & Son LINCOLN • VERCURY too W. ODut HWJ,. M~ll..Q LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor ~1 GMC Triple Checked Used Trucks 'H Gt.IC '-T . PJC"KUP Easter Specials '49 OMC" '' T. 4-SP. Pt(•l<t.,-P '49 Mercury 2-dr. On. S ~20 ·49 STl'Dl'~BAKER I~ T p u '.'I I ,·m ·:VROLET ' T. PlClCl'l' '47 Forti Con\'. $ 3Ml .'>3 CHEVROl.F:T 1, 1' l'J('K l 'I ' 'H f"OHJ) l ''l T ,. 8t <: '48 F'ORl1 l'A"4 f:L H f'ORl> ~ T J'ICI< 1 'P '4 _ Pontiac. Loaded 'H Old ... 4 -dr. SM t h• luio t v,,lum t trucll d•altr 1n Ctr a_ngr County reor 111 .. • 52 Dodg<' Coronf't Red. ~ 1029 l>l'tt bu>·• in uttd tnir-u . w~ carry o~r own contr-•ct '52 Merc ury C~. $13i0 w. w. WOODS GMC DEALER •19·19 E. 4th St. Santa Ana Optn Sunday a m Truck hudqu.artru ror Oru ,,. co ~OTHlNO fnr my .-q11lty, 19~3 HUdl()n Rt'rt11n, like l'l"W Hydr11- m11llc, llnt.,ol glaM RAH. WaW T'llk• (tVl'r rrl\'m~nl. H•rbnr 1:.n .w . 31cJJ be a King for Spring wlUt lhl• (Not Your Dollars Rabbits ) Multiply at TERRY'S BUICK ·:.l t.l~COL~ Capri MU~ F\Jlly powrr•·•I 1. equlp~rt with all be th~ utr u thRt m'"k• m<:>d"rn I tlrlvlni /\ ict11uln,. plr11•1lr • j f>11r 1· tdlJ'""1 prlrf 12 ~111!1 Y"" 11 hU nnlv ll 000 mlll'• 1;rl1t King t his Spring 1111,·11 Y 1111 Thi• Johnson & Son Ll~l'f1L:--• MF.P.f T R Y 9111) w f"r.u · llw~ , N"""1>0rt Hr111 h I '.:l \ff"I<<' Jlo M~rr..1111111,, Mr. ~ I• "'" "l•t111rudly r 1 .. en 011r 'I t rw r•r I• • tu yr111 l"'tlurnl I" t•OIY SI ,4119. Johnson & Son 1.1"1;1 ot.:-.: . Mf:llCl.R \' 11'•'1 \\' <"uu t II Ny, 'Je King this Spring I ~""l'"ll t:Yarh 125 DOW!li Buyt You Thhr 19:-.0 PON'TIAC Ch\eft&Jn CS.Cu•• '::,() )(ERC" n ub C'OllJ>f' RAlllO nub C pe RltH, Hydr&m•llf. hlr., n"w hakM f1nl11h. Mot • r In W•W Urn .. _ .• l i 4Q u celJ,.nt tond on ly Si99 Johnson & Son U :"ICOl-'IJ • )(F;JtCt:RY 900 W Coul Hwy , Newport Bearh 1152 MO TD ro&cht.er. ltxctllent thniuJllwt, 11196. iaus ken Mot ors, Inc . 1932 HarboT Bl..,., Cotta ..... r11one LlbertJ 1-0061. R.-alt41 come rrom ~t •rlLCUOtl Aa ..S ....,WUly m U111 11•pel' W'W prod!* ....W&a ,_ 7GL Miller Chevrolet 1000 W Cna1t Hwy. Ntwr••rl Bt u h W lr rty 8·2281 l~~ Harl>or ('r.eta Mt •• LJb,.rty l-64J 3 19411 P<J:O.llAC", I cyl. eedamti.. F'ull price 19'> Haus ken Mot ors, Inc. 19:12 Harbor Blvd., Coit.a ,.,,._. Phun• l~lberty l-006l J8r81 N'EVf lH:'> IU!:N.AULT etd&ft. De· llve,,.d t q-ulppeCI, 11296. Hauske n Mot ol'8 Inc. 1ta2 Harllor Bl•tl., r.-.a Mua P1Mlae ~ ~ 2kJL ~ j I ! I I \ \ I I I I , I I I I I :1 • !!'!!: ...... Motor Overh•ul HO MONEY DOWN • with this ad * Summer Rentals • Escluatve Bay Front.a + e eyta. $48.88 oth11r eholc. properties -.88 BNW ?.iud. Bay Bborea, ee.-1 Cyla. SlR -8&7, qualltied ellent. only. ~-botll 1aJxw IUld put&. Harbor Investment Co. ... rtnp, W11K ptu, ftlft Barbor 1800 ( Evea. LI 8-:1386 l p1Dd, tlttlnp ot m&IJl IUld rod 27t tc ......,.. ~motor tun. up. ------------eo._, or 6.000 snn. ,...,_c.e. tNO KON&T DOWN). REBUU.T ENGINES Choice BAYSHORES 1um.µier rentals --m> to 11 KON'l"Ba TO PAT-CLAIRE VAN HORN, Rltr. Built bl our own factot'J' bf *1lled 2731 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bch. m1chtnl•t&. Don't cont.end Wit.It Lrberty 8-4277. 32c3• the middle man. Buy d1rect.. R.EBU'ILT and INSTALLED aoaTauxs roRD ·uuo CBEVROLl!T I' U.60 PLTK. • 000011 l lM CBRTS. • DJ: SOTO $170 BTUDD+'tljll S170 OLDS • PONTU.C 8 ltTO BUICK •tT& ON BALBOA ISLA.ND •• era rar ,_,.,, Ud ..... ., ,.ta.la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOI .M.ar1n• A Ye. Barbor ~ . BALBOA ISLAND 1Ua RENTALS Capital wanted - TO EXP AND unique cost reduction and design en· gineering eervice. Low open.Uonal expenae. High return. Permanent exciting bualneu. $~0.000 r&- quired. Can be budgeted approx. $10,000 quart~rly. Will consider working arrangement if qualified. Contact Box 051, thta paper. '8A-Apta. for Rent SINGLE APT. n:>r lady or 1,ziue- man $45. mo., ut.11 .. pd. No peta. Inq. In rear 13• E. 19Ul St., CO.ta Meaa &ttAlr 6 p.m. 18t!c Nl CELY tum. S rm. apt. near Alpha Beta ' 14.arllet Center. Laundry t acUIU•, sarace. 2.i E. llltb Place. Coeta Meaa. LI 1·1930 Slttc ~B~lne89 ~rtanltlee COFFEE SHOP, LAGUNA BCH. H atoolll. For aale nuonabla. Good local bu.lJI.., Pb. owner, HYatt •-2996. 29c34 ~----------~----------- ~Monel t.o Lou • REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rat.. ~112'1 1 81-WeaJ FA!!te ~chaal!_, 62-Real_F.a __ ta_:..;t..:.._ __ _ BALBOA ISLAND, 11'5 No. , Bay Front. Yr. old modern, Here s a '65,000; ~e Puadena or Beach Home Palm 'Spnnga for part. NORM WlfiTE, 650 N. Hill. Pasadena. SY 2-1148. 27c40 HA VZ: 6 rm. home a l'JHt apt. South of hwy., CDM. w AJl.'T lot or &ma.JI h OUIMI. Bell- flower or La.kewood Village . 0 , H. !..ATHROP, 36S6 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona c1el Miu-. Har. 602. (Evea. Hv. llill-J). 32c34 DUPLEX Near the ocean and the pier, two one bdrm. unita In ucellent aond!Uon jwit 19600 and 13000 down. Juat rll'ht for vacatloN or tor lncome. PAUL C. JONES, 21120 Npt. Blvd. Newport Beach. Har. 2313. AS CUTE • CLEA~ II.$ the pro· vc-rbtal bug's ur! l bdrm., living rm., kitchen, riv-tly furn .. l~ri:e tront enclosed patio, Obie 1ar. and only IS.MO. Balboa Trip lex 4 BDRM. HOt.:SE . 2 bdrm. and a 1 bdrm. a pt., aJI turn. Juat a frw stt>pll f rom th" Bay . On<' of tht' b"8l rt'ntal i1ectlon11 tn Balb<'la Now Available· - T\\'O VERY BEAL'TIFtJL build· Ing .itea on the P oint. Coast Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa H&rbor 2668, 2:197 and 4800. MARf""H 30, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 9 Want a HOME and Demand VALUE?? Drop In and we will ahow you a borne that will fill all of your qua.lificationa. A wonderful home tor t.Jie family and at the Mme time Iota of room for entertaining. This one eella itaell, the lovely view and the tine Mahogany paneling, the two la.rge fireplaces and many other very nice feature8 all add up to the buy of the year. We are enthUMd and are sure YOU will be too. The price is $27,500 and a guaranteed value. Pleue call for appointment. PAUL C,. JONES , Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 BEACON BAY $5000 down. HUDSON --1116 Lou ear rr.. Towtna HJ:..U>QU4 RTERS tor 11ummcr 48B-RoWle9 for Ben& rental• l.n the Harbor area. Loana quickly aa.9e In tbe Bay Area and Coat.a Mee&. 81nfle er mWUple unit.I. New or old. Be wt• and eave by r.ftnancing your pruent foaA. Min.lmum ex· peue. No char,. tor pNllmi· nary a ppraiaal. Phone Santa Ana Klmberly s -e933 or writ. SOLD Income $90 month 2 RENTALS on l lot. 3 yr. old 11tucoo, $8,500. Sell on Lime or exchange tor Income or home near beach, Delightful S bdrm. home with income apt. Nicely fumiahed. NEW CAR GA.RAN'l'lll> Bloclc m\.lllt meet our stucS&rd9 Plua tu.ea. gullet.a UJd oU Ope ~ 10 Lin. to I p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open DUlJ • to 1 •tat. Baoded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BA.NT.A A.NA LOTa--HOMES-ri-;c oMl!l LOCATOR or CaUfomta 607 l l. ll&lboa Blvd., Har. •• 78 LET US LOCATE FOR YOU :ultfc 2 NEW UNITS nea.r Lido 11hopp1ng diatrlrt. 311 ·33rd St., N~rt Beach. Built-In electric atovea, Lido Isle P'Urnlahed 3 bdnna. • eleeplnr porch, 2;.J bat.ha. 1 yr. leue. , 1260 per mont.h. rertect cond!- Uon on extra Wide lot. FOR LIDO RENTALS, Com• to HEADQUARTERa p. a. palmer incorporated 3333 Via Lido' Pbon.e J:l&cbor l 600 10c32 ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Corrupondent Occldental Lite !Jlwrance Co.. 933 South M&1a Sant& A.Ila pp Lot,200 Bllc.. E. 21at, Coeta Mua by Multiple Listing NJDWPORT HARBOR BOA.RD OF R!l.A..L'I'.f>RS I COSTA MF1'A NEWLY decorated modam 1 bed· rm. 1tucco home on rear of lot. Room !or add!Uoll&J unit ln tmt. Paftd alley • -•· Pr. '8600. • .., term•. ' Business property 3 LOTS ln fa:il r-rowtng manufac- t\ll'lng dls lrlcl. Partly lmpro\'t'd. Good Income, priced under to- day'• ma.rkeL Will make a quick profit on reaale. Telephone tor details. Harbor 1406. N.B.C. Realty Co. BALBOA ISLAND $3500 down. Wfive got it -that cute summer cottage • corner brick fireplace, 1 bdrm. PLUS bachelor apt., for rental -all fuml.ahed. $18,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 42-Tra.Uen garbage diapoa&La. aeparat.e laun---------------------dry room.a. Upper unit $76. yrly. FOR RENT-It' not aold by AprU Lowe.r unit 2 bedrooma, ttrepl., lat Untum. 3 bdrm. Corona WOULD Wte to bQy lat and Ind Tru6t o-sa. Call H&r. ine. '8ttcl LOAJ\18 TO BUU.V, lKPROVJC BUT, MODERNJ.Z.m. OR REJ'INA.NCE TED HAUSER 2029 Harbor Blvd.. Costa M- Llberty 8_.781. 32c3S 32nd A Newport Blvd. 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Jaland Harbor ~2 -Eves. Harbor 2308-R Newport Bea.c~ 32c34 -----------------------------------------~--~~~ ?lllCE 27 ft. ColonJal HOUM Trail· er with large Cabana, In lraJlt'r park with private bath on Cou't HIKhW9y. See M~er. Yinance -.rranred. Llberty 8·11\21. San· dy'a De Luxe TrBJler Pa.rk. 2912 forced air heat, $90, YTIY. Adult.a, H1f'hlanda family bom.. W ;W Corona del Mar This Is The Year This Is The Home • no peta. 124 W. Terrace SL, carpettnc, drape•. oozy Ulled We Buy Trust DMd9 S I b O Alt&dena. SY 7-:1338. 29r3• brick nrepl&ce, ra1Jled hea.rtb, NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINoe For a e y wner O!lt TOP OF THE WORLD - Brand new ll bdrm., 2 baU:I home, high up ln Corona. Highland•. Pa.noram lc view. Ca.n still choo1111 color ot tile, etc. • Balboa Island W. CQu t H11hway, Newport ChotC4 yearly and BUmmer re.ntAJa, Bead1. 21P33H now a vaJlu la. (~ ·h t •1 h ua. H•r 24 ,.,.. 218 J.fartne Ave., Balboa bland FOR SAL.ll -l!Mi Amerlcan Club I DORlS BRAY, Rutt.or ,,.., ra, l!r o '""' -· aru Harbor 20 96t!c YOR SAL&-40-tt. Pan .American I FURNISHED LJDO HOME DelUJfe Trs.il•r. twin bed&. LI 1-1696 or Ru. 1923· w alter 4. 12 tdrma., I b&tha tor II mont.ha, 31c33 et&rttng Apnl lt1t. 13ec> mo. 24 t.~IVER!AL houae tr.Jler. ~~wly r•buJIL Slrepe 4. 334 ll'lnwer, Coat.a MNa. &2pl4 41-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We n.ed apt.a and bou.ea In all Un!urn. 2 bdrm. apt. Top Balboa Location Stove A: rt!fr1g. $100 mo. on leue. Nothln~ nicer on the Penlru!ulA Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 Via LJdn Harbt>r H « 3ttJc M CU0111 tor both winter UJd ---------------------- y~ar'• lt'&ae l"Urn. or untum. It you have a Va.c&llQ, phone toda)' The Vogel Co. 1101 W C.L Hwy , N..-p<>Tt &-.h f"h•me Liberty W_.l :111< '.l1trint Batboe b land 'nUl't na.rbor .... I 1411\T t' l ••o t H~ , Cof'Ofl& Gel Mu '' 111 Harbnr l~~l Lillo Ort1r". 3-118 Vie Udn Harhor 19:1 ~ZHt BAY ~ RO:'\T HO~fg with b-.e<'l'I ,,., "t•r• !or nl<'lnth or Jul'" Au~ "' 111 lil'rt 1 ·, 3 bdrm &: m lLld• rM 11 1~•·•1L•l". h--11 "' r-1r" "''111 .a.t!A-Apta. for Re.at Charming Ha rbor Haven Apartment.a -PaUos NSW ' ROOM. •tr.et level. Ne&r achooti1, allopplnr dlalJ'ICL Quiet. pl~t. excluave. Ga.r~e &..- poaal, laundry. atllrage room•. rare.1e. W .00 up. O«upln .-n- Ure all'ML Good eu~rv\1ion, Mgr.. 1 ~I RavPn Pla.u 1 Block South ot High School .At.';Q F\.."Rl\,SRED APT8. Wl~"T!:R RATY:8 3t!o 11~ 111w ·r1 o..-n .. r• ht>mr C'•n tvT· t ----------------- " ., (1t ~•· ·•f 1••<'81 rf'f•l'f"nl ,.. OC'EA:-< FRONT-gl tum. knot- ,_. F' I' ,. min. !160 A\'nnlialr lY pint Prtv. pat111 l11 v .. Jy y11ro!. II ,11 1 )'.11n ;.·.,.,,,,. ur r 11ll Hu $~ yrly. ulll rt! ltJO• \\'r.st ,1 ;,.. l 32ttr Ocea.n t'ronl. !llewport 30p32 -n ;R:>:. bll('htlor 11rt. $tl~ mu. yrly 4~A J>t!l. ~ Hou~ for Rt>nt I 1111>1• 70• ~tari:u,.nt". C'nl'ona ---------lltl Miit Jl)c-32 ' In Corona del Mar I COSTA MESA, 3 nn.. apL. tum. nr ~in turn . ln<'l11d,.11 uttllttN. <'• U H\'11t~ 4•43.'>7 2&tlc 2 A.flit \I ,.,, n 11rt by nrr11n "' 'h '"•" •~ 111 Jn n• l III 'fl \I "11 r "P' t-~ll'lw t\.toa- \ #\\ >=' 11 ri•h f' I'' I •Ir• r rr •r• $6' mo tnclud-', \I • r h I II n. !~· m<'ln l.11 W. ~.Fisher, Realtor '"'I ~··· r'"'"' 111i;:hwa' I • r n• •l"I M11 r HlHb••r 2H 3 C-OHOXA 0~ L ~tAR-F'urn. •pl nn l'"•~·v t>3 •1, nr m-.nrh to mn $"4• rr-• Tri "'' r ,ll F1tzrnnrrl•. H11 rhnr 21 "I~ 11X'~3 RENTAL r SPECI ALISTS r 1111 Edna Cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 MarlJle A "'~ Ba.lboa 1&1&.tl·! Hu. 1671 72tlo ~"£\\'LY fTR .. '> 4r dtcora t.,d 1 ATIRACTl\'E fUmltthf'd modt'M1 6tud10 apt11. l.'tllltln pllld. SL'M~ER nr YEARLY nll'• SH• Cout H""Y, C'oror." d~I Mar Har ~:l·R <1r LI S-7 )7; 27c<IO >1EA SO:" AHL T pnc~d. rl""" 1 • 2 ~<1rm. t urn. epLA t;ut. J"'I. lAundrv rn< m. Pl11r1rroun11 (••r rlllldrl'n Blue T"f' Apt& •o.:J !\'°1>wporl Blvd. NC!w-port U..rh. Above thl! Arrhea. !Otte I="' BA~A. nt'erly nt'w turn. up- pn <!uplo CloM to Bay &lid tra.n. U O WIUI June 1~ or )'T\y. l«&M> at J7~. mo Cell H&rbor l317·W after 11 • m J2r3' $60. re<Secnrat.-d untum I bdrm. duplex. t.nclud.in.r rdr1,r Wat~r pd 222 C-..oetA )tf~M St. C M Llbl'rty 8-123-4 :l2C'U BACHELOR APT., turn.., Dr. Lido On•i:. Ont' J>"r&On l'anPlray heal. birch paneled kJt.che.n. Ocea.n view, Ire.. yard. Stove. retr lg., automatic wuher included lt desired.. See now &O' Suwa.rd Ro&c1. Corona d el Mar. 2•c36h A LO~"l ASSOCIATION 1201 Cllt't Dnve ISM Via J.Jdo. Ph. Hu. '200 3 BEDROOMS, 2 bat.ha, l&rge !enc• ___________________ u_a ed yard. Will take trust deed• .. oart payment or MU Oii low d.n. payment to quaW'led buyer. Harbor 1277-M. 32c34 Beautiful Irvine Terrace Owner w ill be out. ot city tor one year. Dnlrl'ii to lta.ae new horn11 with a.n oul.tit.a.ndlng vi-ot' bay e.nd ocea.n. Never occupied. Un- t'urniahed. 1275 mo. REFER- ENCES. H.vbor H~. 30tto YE AR.LY nmt&L Ocean i'ront nr. 17 t.h • NllW}><Wt. Furn. 2 bdrm. duplex, with pni.ce. SUIO mo, Har. 2(60. 3lc33 u"NFUR~. 2 bdrm. home .t: gar. $100 mailh on 1 y.r leue. 'l 8 Na.rcl..ua, Oonma dal Mar. 10p32 BALBOA ISLAND yearly baai.I, 2 Mrm. turn. ho118e, 1100 per rno. Good loc-..&Uon. Cont.a.ct J.-tyn Bruntt at John B. Pruidergut otnce, 2.23 ~ B&lllo9 lalan4. MArbor 1!31. !tcH NEW \JNVUI\. "l. a bdnn. wan l.o W1LU carpet.a. drapee. l&nd11C&ped, niC& nelftlbora. i8(). A MON'nL i!02t Republic A~ .. ea.ta M~ll&. LOANS PROMPT BER VlCll llo/.o tlrst truat deeda 20 years Orange Coast Propertiea 1867 Newport Ave., Coat& Meea LI 8-1882, LI •-UOO Ev~ 96ttc LOANS for Homes 5,. -IO Jr, Leana Construction Loans BEE BOB SA TTLIDl ~15 EAST COAST BLVD. Corooa det Mar 1:1.ubor 3888 Rep. PODUER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Llte 1-. nmis. Kl. 1-SlS:I Uttc HA VE excellent ouUeta for prt- vate money Oft lllt • Ind Truet Deeda, C&ll DON L BUDOLl:BTOM "-' m.t.ai. t-.. 1 '11 ll. 17th, cost& w- 1.Ibert;J 8~1 26tlc 111 rrffllom Tnl<'L LI 8-llMO or u • p u~rty 8-a21WI. . a.zpa3 ran1um rospector 2 BDRM. rum. home, aut.omaUa NEEDS GR l.iBST .ua;. U you have wuher, gar. $00. 412 · ll9lh SL, $100, are w011ng to 1peculat.1, Newport l'1Md. 311)33 then haa.r my atory •.• Proa- NEWPORT HEIOHTS-3 bdrm. pecla look good. bave excellent hom• w1lh l' belhA hwd. n rs., ~!er~ncea ,lt •lneerely lnt.eruted rthl g•race. 2 yaan old. t:n.turn.. wn te Box N-M>, W • paper. for u 2~. mo. u s-2n 2 °" u a-~3 _1n __ te_rvi __ ~ __ . __________ 29c34 __ 3le33 ~Trallu._8_.pece,__ ___ _ MOPERN tn.11.ent to ·~·. 160' trom Npt. Bl•d. • 8~ J2:J m<1. no XU'& ctaJye for 2 ch.11- dl'l'n. Sunny A ct'H Ttlr. Park, 114 !:Mt Wl.\.illon.. Costa M- .l 1 c32 •9-&oom. for &eat -----S~ALL 111ngl• room for w orlung man. Com.tort.Ab~ bed. hot and col 1 ,.,.tu, $7 wk. PM" ent.r. 128·2.8U\ 8 1, N •wp<>rt 8e&cll. Upp3ll REl..I.kBLE aecuuve D.-s. 110,· 000 2nd on vuy choice Dew 138.- 00() property. WIUtnr tn pay 10'%. lnlntal $11'>0 mo. A.U l111e 3 .. ,., )'Tll. Wr11A P. 0. &x 846, Bll..l· boa llland lmmf'dat.ely. -aOp3 2 WA.NT TO SEU. your proJ!ertyT Rettned lady will call at your home tor lJst.tng- Phor.e Mni. Flahbuk wtlh F. J . HORVATH, R£Al..l'OR. U~rty 8· 101 dll)"ll or I.r 1-3989 llftp r l!p.m. 80p32 :"-,CE LARCE ROOM. BA TR. Dl'U' fiG-lncome PfnR!'.rtf t.BlUf ~o drinker-a. Lt 8-1832. 8Zp~J4 3 OE'FJCE ape~• for 1--Ap· prox. 11·11.3:i· tach. 1ll Udo !bop- CHOICE INCOME 3 units -S24.7M' .,,·,, Grnsaea ~yearly i! owner managed ONLY $9500 Ideal tor work.Ing or retired couple 2 bdrm. tuneUonaJ modem, •AllY to maJnta.J.n. 14600 down. B&l· ance 160. mo. A locaUon ot di•· UllcUon. Har. IHM or E'vee.. Har. 987. 21trc BALBOA-Attrao. mod. home. A· 1 cond. J..c9. 11•. nn. Ocean v1rw thru plcL windowa. 3 bed1 ma., dbla. pr. Nr. Khoow. beacht'll. Thi.a property baa good lnromfl opportunity. Nan-rea, owner. Come anytime. 1221 W. BaJboa Blvd. 2lp34h For sale by owner DUPLEX on R-2 lota. 612 6 1114 .Tumtne. Corona del M.a.r. Priced rtrht. C&1l Ha.r. 2919-R an.er 8 p.m.. or 8undayw. 32p45h NICE LOTS EAST SlD!l, COSTA MESA. Clni111 tn. Good aoll, v.-.tttr. •"•wer. 12,190 cuh. CHAD 'n·Vt CHELL. Harbor 397:>. (~H l Hu. 1317-Jl. 32c31h t o settle estate Hom" ot Lhe lat!I M1"9. BlmJlllOn. 60G Avocado .Ave ., Coron" drl M.u. t.o be aotd to htl(beet bid- der on or u ter Aprtl l11L Home open tor IMJ>ectlon A: tntc>nna- Uon. 31 ~.33 SOLD .BualM.. 186() ?"pt. Blvd.., C. ){... by Multiple Listing Nl!l\\,,ORT HARBOR BOARD OF RJ!jU, TOR.I l'\E:WPORT HEIGHTS. Brand new t bdnn., 2 bath.s, lgt . gar w tn w earp"L Uv A: din rwm1.. Pa"~ •t.. ee--.•ua. No bonde or astea-- men t.a. Full price 111,950. 0Wnf'r Harbor 31~ or UMrty 8-i9~6. 32r33 Bay Front Income a UDJta-2 • s ~ma. rum lab*1. Pier, noat ano prtvatA bMclL 1000 £. Balboa Btva~ 8&Lboa. Ctut'lrlew 186tll. C0\1t· t.esy to tm:>llaa llltlc Call Mr. R. PatUson at- W. E. Fisher, Realtor and .ASSOClA TES 3034 JC. Coaat Hy .. Corona del ).far Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 2H3 SOLD 378 Hamilton, Co•t& Me.a by Multiple Listing 1''1!:\\'PORT HARBOR BOARD OF' REALTORS I, LIDO ISLE BY O\VN ER -40-f\ .. lot -l'trec-t t.o lrtnv!A.. 3 bdrm., 2 b3lh home. Well lo wa.ll ca.rpeUng, nlllur&J hlrrh kll<"hrn, hlllll·ln &tnvt, ffln • garb. dlap. F ull r rtre -ue.ooo. Har. 1111111. 25cae LARCE LOT on Clift Dr1vo 1n Clift HavPn A l.SO 40 fl. •lrf'~l to ~tr .. l't lot nn c .. nn11. Lldn 1,.1,. 11n4' C·2 Int nn ~l'W~·rt ~tvrt Mn AhF'f'n~. 1111.r Olflt 23ttc BEAUTLFt;L 3l 'xl2' C.abana BALBOA ISLAND. We otter exclusively M UOUI• ually desirable 4 bdrm. multl-bath home. Delighttul living room, large dining room. Maximum equare footage. Cloee to bMt beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. Call Harbor 177ts Evea. Harbor ts369 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa !Aland COSTA MESA Hard to Please 1 IF SO, this cbarmlnf home la tor you' Cl'tlar paneling over the mM ter tl~place accentuat.u the natu.nU wood b11ilt.-1n ldtchen It large dlllette ln thJ.a cloee-ln 11a.atslde larg-e 3 bdrm., 1h&ke roof home. 118,900. Feel Like Falling? In love ap.ln ! Bue l• your rhance: CMrm.J.n1 tam.U1 home nt 3 tx1rma.. l '-a ba~. Cr11P color 8"heme throughout. Mod· rm dNJ11t11l'd tor modem Uvtna with g-rap!11l&lce ten~ patio, fJrtplact', bar kitchen, totted air hl'll! ""rqutt noor1. ra.rbe.gt di• f"1A&I, 2 f'ltf g•fa g-unequalled YlllUI' a t J12,()()0! BAYSHORES CRARMINQ I br., knotty pine tn - ter1or. lge. llv. room, l".ompa.ct kit. w;bkt11t. bu. PLUS lll(fl. "1 rm. owr pr. I pa.tloe. Ul.1100. 3 BR., J bath, ruatlo. wtw c11rp•t, d llhwtl.aher, •to.. nice patio. H ll,600. BACK BAY BT'P'UL. ' br. w/den. t nl'f'plun, View. A.ak1n1 prlc., J32,Ml0. RU.8TIC RANCH bou. oa \6 ecre w/'f1-. 3 br., u.ett br ftr .. plitC'C', din. rm,. paUo. room tor horsf111, 122,50(). • :s:i· t.,..,., b'lrm tr1u1rr, c'lm· Bay & Beach Realty rlctt"ly fllml"hrd. t'ttrpot• '1, Wft -lf!!lf\ ~l'Wporl 81vti . CClata Mes• l ACRJ!J chicken nnch w/xlnt 1 br. home. Good location. ,.._,, t.abllNled rout.ea. Claire Van Horn ter!ront Int, l11•111 h, IJOat tlock l,Jh• 11,. Fl·lt 61 E v1>ll u 8-311\8 11,·n1h1hl<' Hnrk 1An1<1. l'1111)lwl, ------------------ Full pnc~ $~7:,o Lt.Jo \'iJJ,,,. .. Tr&llrr 1'11rk. iOO -3 1 •t :;1 . Newport tlt&rh., Lm l"n 31t 1'h r 1098·M. 2!1tfc SOLD 1311 Santa UA.bd, 1..'<••l4 Mt-i;" by Multiple Listing NE:WPOl'fT HARllOR BOARLJ OF kF.At:ruRS DRIVE BY ~fi7' Rl-:Ul..A:'\DS DRIVE G. I. 1 •·•111,. out Mf'~• Dr~ t blk11 •:-until An& «<11intry C"luhl ~ l11 , 1 bl\lh, flrfpl , hdwd ti , 2 rar ,_ar,,i:,. Carpi'! Uv rm. Fenc· r ol ,,J •lli1t1211 $11 ~<>O l .<>&n $' 11:1 :I.II. I ' 1 '• $72. mo. Will •Ill q · Am 2n•J COURTESY TO ALL BROKERS 70r r OF COM. The Locator of Calif. REA t. TOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-077 SOLD •06 Ham tn1t 8t 41:> .... E. Bay. BalboA by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOARn n~· RJ.:A t:roRs Builder Needs Cash $7850. OCT.A:'\ \'IE\\. modt'rn 2 hl'drm hr;me 111 .Lh extra rr.om an1l &• bAth on double g1ltaltl' ~·ri· " $23.~0 Low <!own rmymcnl r r v.111 lake P'!rsl Tru..~t Drrd 111 trade 1 ~111 HMhnr Rlvd , <'o•ta :'l·t .. ..a l l hoort\· &·1661 32r34 SELU};G thte rut~ 2 l>4''1nn. hN?n• on a r"rn"r In t brlriw Cl'••L A I· 2712 ("II N l"tr1 v11 I &dJll<'l'.nt n eant lot avellabl"I Ph 11wntr, t,J 11·2~·32 23lf, Corona del Mar SOLD 3M A-B-C" l J11.hha, Corona del ).h.r by Multiple L isting ~E\\'POHT HAJWOR BOARD OF REALTORS Real Values tnl'IH """" 1\1. n C4.r .. IHll,KC' R<><Jm !Qr 1n,.thn uni'-BuJll1rr n•'t'il.. ln1 r.n-r lJI x monry . . . •o hf'r .. ·~ • l• r fir b1tY ~r" me lmm .. 11111 ,.,.. •·n t)l ~ F"l11t pr1C• llltAlll ts on Iv $7850. ping IU~L 600 Vt& MAlap.. Rar. DRIVE BY 3327 ll'>t!c 1811 W. Balboa Blvd. ~ESTLED CLOSE to t.ha hllh 18 tht• l.ov,.Jy 2 bdrm. homt , ertl•· tlca.Jly decoratrrt. whte.h exudl".'1 chum from lte a.rt brick front OCEAN VIEW, R-2 lot lln l bright rrd dr.or I~ lovrly Corona Highlands, Har. 3864 floor pl11n aM th nowar atr• v.'ll Phil Swllivan & George Everson OFFICE SPACE F OR ~7 77(1 W, 171.b... Coat.e Me~ U c.H Deluxe •pa.clou.a i bdnn. home 32c33 pauo Ovr ru1.et1 '1bll" p Mlge Mrm h<'IUM Prln te yard, BBQ A LSO t urn 1 bdrm dupl"11 prb dl$J>. ltAt'.h Ji:> mo.. tncl util 1102·301 Jumlrit, C..irona \).-1 Mar Pbon• Har. 21114-J 29r~H .. 1.n r~tnr Xo C'ook1nir Qw rt --------------------renting to rept'at t.enante for 1treu ed for 2nd floor, $13,250, SH>O mo. In •wnmer, e.nd two OCEA.~ VIEW H OMZ:. 2704 Cliff term1. 2 RR & OF.N Ell..\t •Id". cl<>M 111 "rhl' I• 1.11 older home, but w .. 11 k rp· F'ull prl~tll only $7,850. EZ TF:HMS 18~ :'lirWJ)()rt alv 1 . <'Q~t& ~fru I Arrol<I! from \oftt11 M""" Uank l r tirin,, Ltl>l'rty 11.111111 Eves Har 4:1611 1.1 8·2108 Cho.ice Wint.er Reota.la on Balboa laland 6 Lido lsle Small • cozy or tare• It-deluxe 17!1 to 1300 rnont.h VOGEL CO. 20I M&.rtM A .... BaJboa taland Ph. ll&rbor '" or Bubor 21~1 ~ Hu, lTM-llX or U 8-.6297 64tlc I BJCDROOM ruRNI.SBED DU· PLlllX. Corona del Mar. ll(IUth of Rrw&y. UOO month lncl.. utJt JG\& It.AT, Bar. 8';79-J :StJc LOVJ:LY lure t bdrm.. untu.rn ... ..,...... ovt.ce d lepoeal. Lamdry na.. Noe la'lll'll.. YeartJ ..aa1. Cbt1 B&-. LI 8-)(26. upel•lrs. lJlq 2°'4·3Hh. :-:pt. lkh 32c3• P't."RX. downstatr• 11pL 2 bedrma. Adulu or 1 rh.lld. 128--40th St., !Ii r wpt>rt 8 1' lld1. g,.., a/tu F'r1 S2p3t MODERN 1 bdnn, apt. with "11lge and refr1(. Carport and pr1vale paUo. See mgr. In Apt. C. 2620 "'"On St.. N-rort BM.Cl-I. Har. •1170-J. 2t tlc HARBOR APTS. Modem turniabe-d apta. day, week or month NMr bl.la, etor. A bay. R-..cmable rat-. 104 I:. 8-y Aft,. BALBOA Harbor M H . l<ttc equally dMlrable 11.n.lte which Dr1ve Full price 111.000 t~nna. ,Call Meta :'\elaon ov.n.,r, Harbor hrlnr ln 1280 a.nd J:lOO month. '1~00 down. <n'Tlt-r, LI &·2~32. ll:tt>O. or ~orr.e to OPEX HCll '!'11-: :! RR HOME rlo11t1 lC> l"\,wport Ul\'1!, 11"1lr Ceiuntry ('l"b With 1 lol:I, 2 r11r i:ar111;,. Thl11 la a 1 •al buy ~k U\I• one OVl'r f'11ll pme $9.~00. AV All.ABLE -About 8000 sq. n.. \Jght llfeuatry ap&ee on i.t 4 2nd, floor. U. 8 . HJ~hway 101 llnd B&y Front.Ag•. WW leaae all or any pa.rt It remodel to .Wt ltnMt. Voiel Co~ 8418 Via U do. HarbO r •971, 26t.tc Thia prop.-rty, being cloee to 23ttc OAlLY. 707 t n 1 Av~, 211lfc town and beach, will &lwaya be ----------------- tuy to no.nt. BY OWNER See u.. to \Mpect \\'e have t.he kty, ROY GREENLEA.F'JR Coro na Highland• -ll bdrm , 2 bath farmhouae. F"HA commit· menL Ph. Ht.rb<lr 78-J lll!tfc &nd At1..'0Clat.ea CAFE-tor rant, pertly equipped. UU Newport Blvd •• Newl)Ort Beh good location. l U -22 nd St.. Npt. H&rbor 2562 " 30c32 SOLD &.uh. Kl 2.-UH. 82c3ll 00 rT. FR.ONT AOI!> ON W. I 7'lb. Lonr lea-. T70 W. 17th.. Coat.a w.-. 12c3• :S2• TuaUn Ave.. Newport Helghte BALBOA INCOME by Multiole Listing 6 CXlTS-<llder property central-NEWPORT HARBOR ly toe .. 1 ''> Diits. t.o heart ot Bal-BOARD OF RF.At..l'ORS bO& t:ttL nn Juat reduced to ua.~ for quick aa.le. J:l-000 dn. Ow·Der Harbor 1898. 10tJc BY OWNER DESIRABLE 3 bc<lrnom. ~th & h111t CURO:-\A HI Glll.A."L>~ I B A NERESON (&1nily home Cozy UPNl tinck • • ttreplact, r-.IB<'<l h• cuth rcntral RF:A LTOR hea t Ch11nn1ni:: b1rclt pflt ,.l, 1l 1982 i'•wpon Ulvd . Co!lt• Mna k.ll<"lien. 1J1apo~ol. • arprtt-<l Li;e. 1 Ph••ne LI 8· 1672 E ves. l.J &-!l48i yar1!, Yltw $18,!litO 1'1'" 1;ny---- llmr 60 l Sra~~ ko•Hl 2'lt:l3 Drive by 235 Magnolia SOLD 2162 N ational !L, Cot ta Mt'"" by Multiple Listing Costa Mesa t\Jta &. n zy hrirnt -· 2 bllrm. A J1J fit I f'lfl '\ 'h fl?'t ra \ '" ""'"" u 1rrr1 Very rloae 1n. t 1111••11 J•n, ;ll!t Wb~rt)' 8··~~ 2 23llc SOLD ann Am .. t.hyat. ftAlhna Ial1U1d by Multiple List ing !'.' E:\\' J'()H I II AJU,lf JR BUAR!' fJr fU:A I.TOH! BEAUTTFt:L C-l location on Chapman Av,. w•1t ot Or• &rlf"• I (..'tty I Full bl01:k :lllOx· l :J2•._ w ith front.a~" on 3 ate JiO.~,()('I Ownrr \\Ill ('<'lnt ld.,r 1r11rle fnr l"l""r I.Mn or •t.h~t H&rht·I' At"" r rt1prrty. Lido Realty A 11aociat "s Dj CORO?' A DEL MAR-J bdnn. ~Monei to Lou UGt\1m, a pt. ~able rmt. _ ~~.,,tmnon'le ~" eon!~ NO COMMISSION :-\EWPORT HAR.BCJR BOARD OF' Rf:Al~TOH~ Fl:-.=E!-.T I="' CORO!'A DEL MAR I 34'10 Vt11 r.11 .. H'lrt><1r .... JI m .. , J•t1•~ !f un11•. plu11 l(UHl rm. fa.er~ trorn Rtrh11.rl'.l'a mkt. citr ) lJel.t ----------------------No Appraial Fee I ALES -R.l!:FlNANCE co :'-"'!TR trc-no~ Call tor F'rM ~I-Rea.I Est.ate ~~ EXCHANGE OWNER selling moaern I bdrinn J bath home at top of Coron• del M&Jo_ Mortgage peytng tum . ,ar. a~t., auto. da b wuher, ,,,-aahlnJ machine, new •t.eve. re· trtr.. drape• .ft noor covennp tnctuded. Many bullt ln1, Iota o,. room for kid• Wa1kt.n«i dl1ta11c1 to .chooL '"·000. BM. 2608·M.. Channel Front Lot ''You can't hardly i et t.hem now" Marr ua Ave. under Ten G. a I'"~~· .. ~" r •• i; .. •lll lttundry I 211tr m.~ lh l 80 11 118, ExclwifYe --~~~----------------I llDltK. ctup1a.. bdwd. f'loora. Pmat.e t--s 7v4. aio.oe toa.-u.. ITL llMlllUL LI 8-1119 CLD'I' BA VllZf I Wm. dupla. s-t10. IV· ~ • 6 ~ -tlO Clay SL ncM t BOR.M... u.ntum. dupl•x. ftU Ju. mlne, Ccro.n.a del Mar. Phont lbw. _..... alter a p.m.. Up.37 MODERN vnturn. 1 bdrm. dupla apt. Retrtg A •t.ov• turn. 2&t Utls It., ec.t& W..... LI 8·3713.. 80c31 ~-----------------------Yearlv OC11A.N ntoN'\-A.Pr I Mdnn. uqui.lllte ¥tew 6 f'\11" nlahin~ Rant turn. or witurn. Utll pd MUST ~• w apprecl&te Harbor •O!>l tor appolntmml. Sl cU Fut Commitment. on Reeld.noe1 and Unlte onq Don I. Huddleston li3 E. 17th Sl COSTA KlllA u ~ 1.1 ~2 ~ I bdrm.. 1 \o bath•! P'. A. heat, 1111 1.b :I at.al.I horM ~m. tack rm, aep. 8 nn. &pl. on 2"" a.cna fMct!'d At Cl'O.lle fenced • .::Xc.h. tor 3 bdnn. home lJI Harbor ana. By owner, P h. OX T·lll2T. UcJTh OW:\"£R hu new home, 8&.lboa P tntnAll-Son 1olnr l.11 ""1ce. 110 w1 U t.a.ke w,.. trailer ( pretar Lido Puk l u down payment. C.all Mr11. F'ay, Harbor 1284. or l:\·a& Bar* 11:16. Uolt 17l!c CORONA HJOHL.ANO LOTS - Choice S1t.u AY'AJJab!e ca.LI Barb« 2329 R-2 LOT ao x M tn Newport n m . H.artor 4Ul·W . , J7plJ OO!'i ~OP.MA :'\DY 1·3f.l33 or 'C.01 Beuhore Dr. Weue11da. 28Ltc CLIFF HAVEN /!EA UT ITU'L cualOm built r a.nch home, ovulooklng Harbor, 4 b"ll· rm• .. a bat.ti., den. 2 rtreplacl'.- Al..80 J bdrm apt.. w1UI prlv1tl' p11Uo 149,600, call oWll~r. U l-U21. 19c0b With -I c u t.Anmo~. ae~ r; eout 85' View Hwy., lorona dtl Mer. Harbor , :IH2 !Hilt' 3~11J e\'U I 30c32 ('()Rfl:"A HIGH LA ~DS new, I SOLD b·lm'l 2 llath, ramify room. 2 rar guag., 6 cu port. Lee. lo• J,<uv1tt11p1>'1 cit t~ced. Ownn Ka.rbor 4~M--M. 28p40 ---806 e&mauon, eorooa del Mat COST A MESA EA.ST SIDE by Multiple Listing '3 BDRM hnu .. , hr.fwd. ttoora. g ou Nl'.:\'\"POJfT RARBOR I llO.DOO 47l Flower It., Co•t• BOARD Of ft&A..LTORa K-. J..tbwtr ~ Ullo l I I • PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPE R -MARCH 30, 1955 ' 6:::-~ _ _!Atate CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A new house too! One of the la.st choice Jocationa ln Corona Highland&. F isher built. 3 bdrm11., 134 bath1, 1hake roof. dbl. garage. Still a-building 80 can pick colora of formica and exteriors. Thia buy won't last. Open House 1 - 5 Every Day 448 Rivera Terrace Best in Back Bay ' Greatest vatUe -Lowest pric~ 1. One acre ot property 2. Complete a.nd 8eparate guest house, 1lp1. 4. 3. 3 bdrm. house, 4. Large rumpus room, ~. Double garage, 6. 50-ft. enclosed filtered swimming pool with separate dre1sing rooms and shower, 7. Plenty or room for st.ables and horses. Al) of the a bove can be purchased for as low aa $5000 down. Full price, $27,500. Call for Appointment. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. Fireplace, dbl. garage. Only 3 yrs. old. Can move in immediately. $3500 dn. will handle. $14.500 full price. Courtesy to brokers. Call Mr Pattison - W. E. FISHER, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3034 E. Coast Hwy., Coron!l del Mar Har. 2443 Best in Year Around Living $21 ,950 320 Holmwood Drive , HIGH ABOVE THE ARCHES (Yes --there is a view !) To thoRe quality conscious buyers seeking a larger and finer three bedroom two bath home • we sug- gest your critical inspection. This fine home i11 located among expen1'1ive resi· dt'nc<'l:s in a highly restricted neighborhood. The lot Is level a nd there is over eighty foot frontage on Hcilmwood Drive. Complete fencing makes for maxi· mum pr(\'acy. The grounds were profeSAi onaUy landscaped and are bf'aut1ful to b<'hold. Sewers in and pa.id for. Thi' hnmt' hn~ every feature one &880ciare11 with qu" lily bu11ct111g, JUllt a few are the extra large amo unt or f111c rustom cabinell, generows amount.II cir rrrnm1r tllc·. top quality hardwood flooni. sliding ~111~!1 wall ont o the> patio. wood burning fire place w ith loJ: h,i.:htl'r, ih!'posal, to say nothing of the very 11nusunl k1tdwn and din1ngroom. Why not ace it loduy" W. STUART FOOTE, Realto r ::?117 W. Balboa Hl\'d.. Newport Beach Phone• Harbor 21. Evenings Liberty 8--5490 Do you want the best buy in Ne~p o rt Hei ghts? ... HERE IT IS! OPEN HOUSE 1·5 P.M. ~·.!I El. MOlH-~N A, NEWPORT HE IGHTS AN 1-;x 'EL LE:-.IT CUSTOM BUILT home with 3 bdrms . 2 bath!!. F. A hl'at. Oitlhmaster, garb. dis- 11""'·11 . .-1.-t· fin T nu1 h i.1tch system on cupboards. ~h'llury sw1lrh1!1. l·rnr garngc•s fitted w11h 220 volt wm n~ Ent 11 rly Rurroumled by roncrete block walln. C;1r p\'l.:; & 1lrn[l('s inrluded. All for S19.950. COSTA MESA If ynu a rr look1n~ fo r a ~nod 3 bdnn. family homt>, Wl' ha\·t· 1l ~1tuat•'d on Eut 19th t .. Pnce g12,950 EARL W . STA NLEY, Realto r l~lh & In ·1ne, Nt>wport Beach P hone LI h·2Gfi-l Eves. J,f ~-7056 CORONA DEL MAR \.it>w home in Haz<'I Drive. perfrct for summer or year round. clo11<' t•) Little Corona Beach. Has two bdrint1 .. 1·'1 ba ths, ll\'ing room, fi replace. ~lassed in eun pon·h. C('lmplctely furnished & landscap<'d. Fenced for pr1vary. -$22.500. FirRt time offE:red. 3 bdrm. and den homt' in Cor· ons Highlands, qu1ct i1lrl't'l. ideal for kids. ha~ hwd. n oon1, fireplace. lar~e kitchen. extra bedroom & bath on lower level. Only two yeani old. Excellent fin1rncing. Multiple 5571. ~26.500. RAY REALTY CO. 1 (ACROSS FROM TifE BANK) 84« E. Cout Blvd I Corona del Mar ·Harbor n&~ CORONA DEL MAR 143-foot ocean view lot. in Palo1 Verde9 offered a.a down payment on 3 bdrm. hou!K' in Corona del Mar. Unlurniahed cottage on R-2 lot. 24-rt. living room. Space to build another unsL Price $8800. $2000 cln. RTZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors Busmt>ss Broker 313.'> j:. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. /iilr. 2152 l; An Unu sual Buy 3 bilrm. home In a fine l0<:11tton In the Broadway aecllon of Coa- t.a MesL T1;1111 II • weU-bulll hilme only e yra. old. Howevtr, the yard I.I neglectrd and the house nud11 rltanlng and paint- ing. If you are handy In "tlxlng up" th .. will really lntt>rest you. The owner needs munt•y now. •10.~. Pnc-S2000 down. lmmediote Possession 3 bdrm. It 1 % balh home In New- port HelghlJI, Good location near the En11lgn 1chool LOvtly hwd. !loor1, and many nice f~rea. SU.500-$3!:>00 down or tesa. THIS WEEK'S BEST $4,960. 1'ut 1 BR. HOUSE on C-2 LOT. Hi.ve home & business 80xHO j11sl off ~twport Blvd $1.000 dn. Eve. lnt. PeUlle Llberty 8-5487. TWO ADJ OINING ~'. ACRES. Each h111 1 br. hae. with rm. to build adll. units. Cllll be 1old 1ep. or togHher with exc. t1n- ance for add. bulldlnga. Prel!enl Inc. 1110. mo. Eve, Inf. Petitte l'Llberly 8-0487. M -1 ACREAGE. 8 acru In fa.al devel. arra.. ar>.000 per acre. ls dn. Eve. lnq. Benner Ha.r. 1811. ' ACRES BACK BAY with view ot mu. A hills. Rolllng land, ldf'ally 11luated for eata te homea 120.000 wllh "1 dn, Eve. lnf. Seymour Hal'l>Or 6298-W. TRADE N EAT SANTA A.NA t BR. HOM.C at S8.•00 for a to 4 br. home ln Harbor area or Kll U .000 dn. • Ur>. month. M·l ·~ACRE CENTER of TOWN. Large bo11111 It ground for ahopa. A bargain at 112,900. Terme. LOVEL.Y 2 bdrm. 6 dtn F"REE It you rent out the gunt ho11•"· Only 14,800 required. Eve. Ph Liberty 8-2542. Lytle. UNUSUAL Q UALITY tor the moMy. V,.ry modem 3 bt!nn. home. Bullt·ln ovtn It s iove, rarb. dlep., etc. E-S loc., $3,000 dn. E ve. W berly 8·260 , LyOe. NllW a BR. HOMU ln eac. 11:. aide. H<h••d. tlr•. F'.A. hUt, blL In .. 1 .. ,•1 oven • ntnce. •hake rooJ A dble. &¥.r. fll'l,2:w> wtlb low dn . Jl'.H .A tf'rm•. &&Jly 11lce !:vf'. Seymour Har. a2ill-W CALL or ('"!'.fl!: JN' to llH thfM Jood buy~ •t Houston Rea ltY Co. & A!=;SQClA TES :iot C,.nter Rt J'h LI 8·1Jfl I I SOLD 2827 Ntv.-p<>rt Blvd., Newport Bch by Multiple Listing ?\'~~\\'PORT HARBOR AOARD Of' REAL.TOR11 No Fancy Slogans Jl'ST HO:--EST VAL.l.'F"-S r11ch I• th11t h•m' to ftnt1 t.hrlft> ctinl•,. In lt'.1 ertL Balboa Island I ="COM f: \\ h11 .. value 1nn"u"11 l'r·•• 1n11~ 2 bf'1lrm. 8fll. Dblf' i:u fitlh'Al rm A. b•lh Ro<>m rcir lnvl'IV hnm,. or <1fldrfl lnt'nmr In t1,1nl i 1P 7!)0 f11m l•hf'd l!<n('I(\ "111 hnn•ll" Balboa Peninsula 2 RORM C-OMPArr HOME on MIRAMAR l'l\l \' knnlty pine lnll'nor F.ncl r11 •1n, ,,., • only $1n •M. s~ month Corona del Mar -lF YUl~vr. TRIF:i\ T O BUY a l•\'l'I 40 fl ll·2 lot In the ~ta· \·1rw 11rr11. Smith or thr Hlithw•Y 011~ !! MtTII I '• h11lh hn'1)" with 1n11rn In h111lt1 tn front '' •l\llt huy Ill the )'l'&r, 11:i.1100. Only l i ,000 t1('1Wn. Muriel M. Pinover Rf'.AI TOR 21104 Ntwpnrt Rlvtl. ~"WJIC'rt Bch. P'ne f'11rklnJ h11rllnr •1110 :12C'34 SOLD l"o. 21 a .. uon O.-y by Multiple Listing NEWPOftr H ARBOR BOARD OF REAL.TOM Int.erutt'd ln a Lovely Home ln Garden Gro\'e ~ Heated Pool 4 BEDROOMS, I balha. l~t'. ll<:ll· vlly room, p1111c1 W to W carpet.. Large lot llUlci9<'a~ It ttn<'~ $28,Mlt. Mn1. Lorentzen. Ll 'II· 8&74 or LEhl~h 11·13'.l:l. 22r'38 SOLD • 4:11 R1\·"r111il" :"twport ll~t14ht.o. by Multiple Listing ;\'F;\\ 1 •1 11( r HARB< >R BUAR.t> U i' llEALTORa Elton Barnett Realtor 468 N. Newport Blvd. 11 t.>lk. above Hoag Hollp1lal) l.Iberly 8·2772 LI 8-7168 I VU . 1.5 acres with ocean view Ht re'1 an excltlnr buy for lnveet- menl. Beaulltul apot on th• cl1tf with .aome ocean view. ll'a on t he oul1klrta of town now but wlll llOOn be tn the middle of lmport11nt nt w project&. Could make 4 'lice Iota.. Thui la red hot. $6WO tull pnce. Newport Heights Here'" a real luxury I bdrm., 2 bath home ..rid the price la rlrht. Excellent location on 76x:127 lot. Has beautiful wood paneled walta, alldln( &"la.a• doora to patio, forced air heal, .uperior conatn.icUon. 1111,960. lubmlt your tenne. INCOME-BALBOA 9 units -Show excellent return. Practically full time lOO<"c occupancy. Beautifully furniahed. Pri- vate patios, 2 garages, 11 carport.I. Al.lo ' Jot.I -Near grammar echooL Room for 4 more unit• -$74,000. .. Peninsula $2500 down. Furn.iabed 2 bdrm .. home. Large patio. Near Jett)'. Balance $125. per month. Near Jetty ' yr. old 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. floon1, F. A. beat, fireplace, nice patio. Full price $19,500. Good tenna to right buyer. 2 nice beach bousea -Cloee to Bay, near library. 1. - 3 bdrm., modem kitchen, good beat. Lge. lot -$19,500. 2. -• bdrm., ideal family beach home. $",7~ 2 bdrm., den _. aleeplng room, 1. batlu!. Modern home on corner Ocean Front lot . Real fun home for only ~•.ooo. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 14~ W, Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cali!. Harbor 126-t Eve. Harbor 1856 BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND $76 MONTHLY Only 4 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Home s Now Ready to Move In Sewera Ln and paid Garbage Dl1poAal Encloaed garage. Kitchen fans Colored rock roof• Birch Cabinet.I Sll'fft curbed and will be paved. Se. owner living at 252 Palmer St. Off Santa Ana Ave. Between l~th St. and 16th St. 252 Palmer St. LI 8-1139 BILL'S BEST BUYS · BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ - A ll'UR1'"1SHJ!:D cheaple. close In. on !12x13!) fool lot. 14!:>00 lnclud· lnc TV. Only StOOO down. PRIVACY AND QUIET - ARE ASSURED as w,lt u IN· COME from rtntal unit. Thu• two unll• are on a large clean lot. Only $68:10 on tr rma. HOW CAN YOU MISS! - VERY ATTRACTIVE 3 bdnn11, with hardwood Ooora. Drive by 412 Magnolia In Coat.a Men - then call ua for appt. t o aee. Full price 110,71'>0. TOO MUCH CITY LIFE! LlKB the wide opt>n 1pace11 1 Thtn conlider tbl1 !:>•room Rancbette. Ground• 76'x232.' Very well kept and hu 18 uAOrted bea.rlnr fruit treee. Room for a horM. Completely fenced. Jl'UU prtce, $1%,MO with $3500 down. INCOME, CLOSE IN - DUPLEX 1 yr. old. 2 bdrm• e&C'h aide. ctoae lo achoola and on city bua line, Preaent Income $14:1 mo. Let u1 ahow you thla one. l1'ul1 prtce $13,1150 w1lh only $2360 down. ... CHOICE LOTS AVAILABLE Mxl~ Sll60 and toxl~ 11~00 wilb only $300 doW'D. Ct.her• ln· cludlnr comer• $2000 to 1 29110. Choice back bay re.lrlcted lot• $31160 and up. W. A. TOBIAS RJCALTOR "you'll llke our friendly Hrvlee" IH E. 17th BL, Co.ta )( ... Liberty a.uae SOLD 2111 D.r Mar, Coet.a Meea by Multiple Listing NJ:WPORT BA.R.BOR BOA.RD or R.l!ALT?M You Can Afford a Better Home Enjoy the modem Uvtns of thl1 one lllory. 2 bdrm. home with eompletel.r turnlabed apt. over double ,..n.re. l"1tA TURES lovely bath, modem kttchen wlth dlApoMl furnace hH.t and flrfplace and loadll of w.rdrobe .,,.ce. Here I• how -• - ~ ..COnd unlt -a nice &Jil. br1np $1200 yu rly a t thl• chotce hlboe bland loc:aUon. Priced weU un.J«>r 130.000. lee lhll property for rood tum• and rood lMnl'. J. A. BEEK, Rea ltor Harbnr 83, t.Oll Park Ave, BalOO. 1alalld SOLD 801 Via Lido Nord. Udo 111• by Multiple Listing CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES -~-::ri°o-~T :.:ARB_.L~':u._ Open House M>2 W. Bay Ave. Income Properties 3 bdrm. home le furnillhtd., atudlo apt. Canyon view. 43' JoL 2 patio1, fireplace, hwd. flooni. Exceptional opportunity at Sl 3,200. · 2 bdrm. home le bachelor apt .. both furnished. Hwd. n oors, fireplace. Jwit reduced to Sl3.750. Owner going eut. Duplex, com er lot. 1 bdrm., l ~ balh. 6 2 bdrm. Both units fully rurnlllhed. Near aboppmg. euy walk t o Ute beach, beet rental location. Se. t.bia. Priced at $18.000 with cood terma. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E. Coast H9t')' .• Corona del Mar. Jiar. 17U-U77 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE WHEN INVESTED In quality income property lo· cated ln choice rental di11t. Juet 100 ft. from ocean. There Are 3 onita -· ~ new duplex a nd a ~-room house on 2 lots. 2 unita are furni11hed and rented on yearly buis. Owner'• home available now. Three garages on alley. Present Income can ~ 1ubstantially increased. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1011 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 31 13 :"olrwport. Blvd., Newport Beach . Har. 1011 BALBOA ISLANDt A 11 r:1 <11 \'t modem 2 bdrtl). furnlabed home. Good cornrr location. Room tor gut9t or income , apt. on rear of lot. Price $18, 750, term.a. WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auociate1 • Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2'Y Sa t. It sun Apr. 2 It s -1-11 pm t Jenn ~nnett I 2 BEDRQOM ol~r tiouae A etudlo a pL 1 block to BaJ. Oood tor eummn hom41. vu:w of JE'M"T--Ont of finHl homea on ocean front. a bdrm It df'ft. Illneea forctt1 a.le 6 BEDROOM oceu tront play· ..O\l ... Well located. U T,600. TRIPLEX near Bay • Ocean. 1 bdrm. eec'h. Ahnya "ni.d. w,.11 f\lmlehed, 121.600. Term• can M &IT&ftJ•d. Balboa /Jay Properties lllotl W . Bal~ BlYd., Npt. Be.rh Harbor 11188 32c!4 SOLD UO aanta Ana Ave . Npt. Ht.a. by Multiple Listing NmWPOftT RAABOR BOAJ\.D OF' R.J:A L TOM Owner's Sacrifice LARGI: I bdnn. houM. ~ block t.o Bay, 2 b\oclta to ~Ill-~· t.er, •t,600 at 1111--Mth ltr .. t. N.wport ~ PIL OW'Mr I Tcamoft a..M3T. llp4&11 $7950. !fJIW I Mdroom. hctwd. f\o«• on lot ehUO' -2U A .-ocade 8L. eo.t.a M.-. LI a. 7907. Jttl SOLD ~l Oat.al1na Dr., Newport R .. tfl\.t by Multiple Listing NPJWPOR'T HAMOR 90.AN>OF~M THE GREAT ORANGE COAST $53 A MONTH include11 ta.xeti, insurance, tntereat at 4 '} and principal. 2 large bdrm. home, 4 yrs. old. Hwd. fin., lot i5 x 100. Exct>llent buy at $9150 with $2450 dwn. DETAILED & planned for Cali!om ia Living • ~ Ii Ocean view. 2 bdrms .. den, 2 tjJed bath• • Car- peted, drapes, tinted \'lCW windows, flagatone ~ place, gravity thermo heat • Attractive appoint.. menu, 2 yn. old, landscaped. $26,500, •uitable tm& EASY TO OWN -Business location on eut 18th St. Improved with lovely 2 bdrm., den. dining rm. home. Fireplace, hwd. firs .• 75' front, alley, ........ $5000 dn., no finance charge.. BEST BACK BAY buy,~ acrea • $~,700 6 $8000 dn 127-ft. FRONTAGE. Placentia neu ll>th. M·l zone. $70 foot.. EAST or NEWPORT Blvd., 70 x 130. ~ 6 water meter in. $2260. .-- BUSINESS INCOME. 2 1torH and 2 bdrm. apt. Leaee. available to ahow groee of H 'C. Room to build additional unita. Dbl. frontap lot. $32,000 -t.enna. $1500 DOWN. New 2 bdrm., den, bullt -ln lltove 6 oven. Unit beat, ahake roof, 2 tiled batlul. Farm Style, muat be aold. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Llberty s-1632" Liberty a.uoo Ev• ON LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., April 2 & l 1 to 4 p.m. -339 Lido Soud Bayf ront -Pier & alip. Furnished 3 bdrm. In an estate. Heinl are anxious t o eell. Buy now and enjoy the 1ummer. U you can't wait u11til Sunday, we have the key. $49,500 full price. A far cry indeed from the ordinary! This two bdrm. culie has a ZIP and a FLARE that you will like. It'• detailed for comfort. $23,7~. U you need a fifty foot lot at a aac:ri!ioe prloe and have ca.ah, ltH ua. BAY & BEACH REAL TY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE "Just t o the right of lbe Lido Bridge" 3112 Lalayette, Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eve.1 H. 2900) VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUSlNESS PROPERTY-$32.000 inveBtment buy1 a gro88 incomt or $5700 yc>arly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -F'ully equipt. Tertific Opportunity. HOME AND JNCOME with some view or ~ay. Completely furnu~ht'd. $3500 handlta, For evening infonnatinn phone Ha rbor 305fl·M. SEE US for several extr& specially fme BAYFRONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave, Balboa Jsland Harbor 4'44 BUSINESS BLDG., Downtown Balboa GOOD BRICK BLDG., stressed for 2nrl story, One 1tor'8 bldg. a.nd large 3 bdrm. apt furm11he<l -C&n be con,·ertl'd mln 1 or 2 large offir NJ or 1toru. Best location. Only $22,000. 1 .: down or will tradf" for Balboa rt"nlal property. You can"t arford to m 1B11 this OM ! SEE Lila 8 . MrFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 4 Hl E. Balboa Blvd. -Ralbo& Harbor 3i G·R or 2.'H7-M• EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERING * 120 CollLne Ave .. Balboa l!1lanrl. 4 bedroom. 1 full, 1 -11 anti 2 -1 :i btlth11 Rtr-0ngly built. Well mamtainc<l r:ood n ·nlal. ClOM bMt beach. -$26.000. terms. Call Harbor 1775 E vMI. Harbor ~~ EARL W. ST AN LEY , Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa 1Jihu1d Balboa Peninsula Open House Sat., Sun., 1 to 5 April 3rd & 4th IMMACULATE 4 bedroom & den fa mily home. °" Ideal for entertaining. Large w1ndow1 &. n oor pl&A afford maximum bght & convenience throughout. Roomy kitchen & lot.II of fflorage 11pllce. CleverlJ decorated bar & rumpu11 room. Custom bUflt turn- l1hing1 optional. Don't mi1111 thi11. 1576 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa MAIN OFFICE VOGEL VALUES Keys at 3201 W. Coast Highway See these lido Isle Specials 1. A LARGE 2 bdrm., 2 bath home .Everything about It ia large except the price. A LARGE· magnificent Jiving room overlooking a LARGE 11unny patio. 2 large bdrtn8., W to W carpeting, drapes, LARGE 45' lot., beautifully landscaped. A SMALL down payment of $6500 will sell this one in a hurry! 2. This one ia almost brand new with beautiful new furnit ure, carpetillg and drapes.' Long living room with dining area, attractively decorated. Slate fireplace & sunken planter. Each bdrm. with ad· joining bath, Only $25,500, completely furn. ABSOLUTELY The Most Desirable Income Property in The Harbor Area Located on large com er Jot amongst lovely single family homes on the beautiful Balboa Peninsula 'Point'. This 15 month old deluxe cW!tom built pro- perty consist• of 5 roomy 2 bedroom aplB. and 4 large 1 bedroom apts. Plue 9 inctividual garage&, laundry room with 2 washers and drier. storage room, and a beautiful aundeck over garages. All apt.a. except ownera are on yearly unfurnished leas· ee. The present total acbeduled income ia $9480.00 • • and just look at thia! Owner will lake $21 ,000 down and carry the balance of $55,000 at $500 per month including int('rcst at 5';(-. :&xclW!ive with The Vogel Company 3201 W. Coaat Highway, Llb<-rty 8-34 1 Newport Beach Eve. Liberty 8-1646 The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spacious home of 4 bdrma. & den. Truly a home for gracious living. A panoramic view of Bay & Ocean from every room. Solex glass in living room. slid· ing doort1 t o 2 sun decks. Built -in Thermador range Ir oven. dishwuher, diaposal, large pantry, F. A. heat. 3 luxurious baths, 2 fireplaces. Beautiful car· rot and drapes included In price of $39,500. Temus can be arranged. 811 KINGS ROAD . Open Every Sat. & Sun. 11 a. m. to 6 p. m. El.ale J!'!beHag Call for Appointment to See BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. ~188 BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD Multiple Listing No. 5390 Open House Sunday 1 -5 p.m. 5~0 Kin gs Road, Cliff Haven ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm .. 1·'1 bath homes In th11 nr1~hborhoocl. Charming design and all rooma are w II nrran~t·d. ll~ht and Bpacioua. Large slid" Ing door11 fr<>m d1nin~ rnom to outdoor pallO. W to W ra11•<'l10J:, forced air ht.>nling. indoor planter, dbl. gnrn~,-. ottlllrt1v.-ly llln<isrape<l and sprinkler 11)'!1- trm Th111 home will plc>:l!I<' thE' most discnmmating buyf'r rm~cd at only S22,750 with attractivE.' term•. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK RF.AL TORS C' B Ru .. ~. Wm. G. ~rhmidt, R. W. Rayle. Assoc. 312 ~formr An!. Ralboa lJJland Harbor 2042 • • BAY SHORES • • (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. • C'hc:'>lce Farm Style Home 3 b<lnn8., 2 bnths, wall to wall carpeting. ~parate dlnlng room. Two IO\·ely patios for outdoor Jh'ing. Pull price $2tl,500, terms. AND • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shoreii' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., ral~ u~ed brick fireplace. dish.,·asher. dJapoul. Charmingly dN'orated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23.500, terms. F or preview ahowinp, call Harbor 1600 - (Evea. Liberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach "Its cute, .its lovely, its engaging.'' Wt mean a 2 bdrm. Ruatic home. ah&ke roof , used brick tirtplace and planten.' Open beam celling. carpeted wall to w\.11, fl'1red for electric range. l'mced yard. dbL garage. South or Hwy., near ocean In Corona del Mar. Priced right at $18,500, YIJ')' rood lertna. • 62-IWaJ Estate ' MARCH 30, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE Ir ~--~----~--~...-----~~~~~~~~~- p. a. palmer FRENCH QUARTEl All tbe traditional atatelineas of by-gone daya keye? throughout to modern living in this pome you will love at first eight. White cast ironwork entrance, massive r aised-hearth fireplace, carpeting of hand· loomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dishwuber, disposal. hood over range and louvred shutters to close off the pa.sR·through (o dining a.rea. SUdlng glasa doors to patio from both Jiving room and master bdrm. Located on one of Lldo'a finest corner Iota to insure )>ermanent pri· vacy. 3 nice bdrms. and 2 well appointed balha. Yotl can't build for any le88 and this is perfect. Phone for ap~tment to see this now. $33,500. ULTRA-SMART Typical of Lido Isle'a ultra-smart. modern homes la this striking 3 bdrm., 2 bath house of unique, com· pact design. The Jiving room features aa handsome slump-stone fireplace and beamed ceiling. Beyond it is the trim, tailored kitchen witb oak cupboardt in lustrous natural finish. Sliding glass doors from both the dining area and tbe den-bdrm. to the ahel· tcrcd, sunny patio. FULL PRICE $27,500. DEVELOPERS OF LIDO ISLE p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 i n c o r p o r a t e d· BAY SHORE BOAT RENTAL This is a very well established business with imme- diate income. Everything goes including 26 boats, 8 outboards, shop, 13 bait sleds, misc. tools & equip. PLU S 2 Bedroom Waterfront House ALL FOR $15,000. Strawberry Shortcake wu ne\·er better than this delicious 2 bdrm. home on Lido lale. Exposed' beam ceilings~ brick fireplace, (large). Shining bath, sunny patio. Com· pletely furnished in Early American style. Here'a a chance for you to own thl.a lmmac~late home for only $21,500 (terms) p. a. palmer, inc. • ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-6673 Eves. Harbor (923-J Bay Front Home! 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' Newport HeiCJhts ~ BEDROOM, 31~ b11lh1. Terrific Bay view. Balboa P1>nln1ula location. A ·l cond. Pier r1ghta. fU ,1'100, term a. Peninsula Duplex! SPACIOUS BEAtITJFUL BUJ.LI>. I NG. 3 bdrm11. and 2 bath• each apartment. Nicely fllrnlah~. Situated on larg"e cor. lot. Nice laundry A 2 car iarage, $29.~. 18,tlOO down. Business Building! TN THE HEART OF BALBOA BUSINESS SECTIO:'\', SultAbl~ fnr moil r,.tall bu1lnt11•. Good condition flll.000, S~.000 down Bay Front Duplex! Busine88 frontage, Newport Blvd. 132'x150' "PLUS'' 8 income unitB on the re&r 132'x150'. A real buy at $47,500, reuonable terms. 3 bdrm. home, 1torag1 room, dbl garage, work ehop, on 1 acre plus -$13,500. 2 small homea on one acre, plenty of fruit treea. $8750. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -3 bdrm. older home, neat & clean, large Jot. quiet neighborhood, $8500 with $1000 down & $70 month. WE BA VJI: a beauty, 2 br • and dcm with 1 a,. baths. lime and 9JlllC• wtU not permit ua to tell you all tbe nice thlnra M>out tbla bee.uutul borne. ruLJ.. PRlCll Ut,llOO, TllRKI Costa Mesa I BORK. home, I mo. old. Good r•ldeDU&l •&rea. w to w C&tpet• Inf, prb. di.Ip. nJLL PRJCll H .600-f2.000 DM. Is there a Wheel Chair in Your Family 7 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMA9' "C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATE 3 bdrm. & rumpu1> rm. hnm~. l.arge li\'. room, nicely landscaped, compl1'l(•ly fonc\..J yd., dt>l&ched 2-car ganii.:-''- EXCELLENT BUY al $10.500 KINGS ROAD NEW -READY TO MOVB IN -Atlrnrt1vc 8 bdrm., 2 bath RANCH STYLE home. W to W carpeting, F. A. heat, fireplarr, OCEAN \'IBW. MODERATELY PRICED al S:.?4,500. VIEW VIEW VIEW WHAT A VIEW from the Liv. room, d0n & maal<'r bdrm. in this lo\'ely owner-built 2 bdrm. & dl'!t home. 2 baths. 2 fireplaces, din. room, !)::!.ft. lot, lovely patio around kidney-shaped S\\lMMJNr: POOL. Call for appointment to see t his TODAY! Submit offer on ASKING PRICE or ~12.~00 See Us for Bayshores Summer Rcntals- "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Bench LTberty 8·M2T . "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C'' TBO~!AS ''C'' THOM.AS $24,225 FULL PRICE Threfl bedroom and 2 bath complrl('Jy furnished . Including deep freeze, washer and dryer, E.'tc. Just a step from the beach. This is a buy. The proper· ty is clear and .we can work out excellent. tenna for you. Exclusive With Us A cute bome on a •5' lot. completely furnished. Wonderful patio. Move rigbt in for the aummer. Full Price -$22.500. "Conault U• for Lido'• Finest" LIDO REAL TY Associates · 3400 Via Lido Harbor. 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) A WONDERFUL VALUE •. , If you will do a little r1.x'tn. 2 bed· room• up and 2 down. f"umlehed Be11t BalbQ& rcmW 11rra. Private beach, pier r1ghl.ll. 09.7~0. tenn• Well built.' newly decorated 2 bdrm. hom~. corner lot. $6500 with $1500 down, bal. $55. per month. COUNTRY HOME wlt.b doon. d • • ramp• • fTlp buUt Mpecla.lly for This home provi es many opportunities Balboa 2 Unit! TWO UNITS ON ONIJJ LEVEL. ._, Bay A.venue locaUon, cloee to beat Bay swimming beachu Idu.l for rent.ala. SJO.:ioo. 15.llOO down 'You wUl h&ve to hurry t o buy thta one. Peninsula Home! J BEDROOMS &lid DE:-.'. Dandy alucco home. ~Uy repainted out.aide and In. ~11t valu11 cwi the Penlnfl.Lla. $14,000, J.).~00 down lilfmbua, MuJUpl• U1tln1 Balboa Realty Co. (Qpposlte Ba.nk of Amtrle&) Ron Grl',.lty Al Comtllu1 Ed Lee Jar k r lnkham JoffphlM Webb 700 E. B&lbOa Hlv1J. Balboa r hont llorbor 3277 SOLD 2821 Ctestvltw Dr .. BayehorH by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS OPEN HOUSES 12 . :5. Sat. It Sunday 5~ De Anza On\fe Corona Highland. ~~l&lly nlc• -' 3 bdrma , 2 betrui. gub dl!!p , dlahwaahtr. F''nc(d lot . $29,000 ALSO 328 PoinaetUa 2 bdrm~ . J ·~ Iota. Ouut apt. 1t Z t~rm1. 0 H t..A THROP, 8830 E. CoMt Hwy , ("Mona dtl M&r Jhr 0442 I Evt-a, Hflr. 3~Jl.J I 30c32 SOLD Bill SE C'or. C'al Hwy. A Jumlne Coroaa del Mar by Multiple Listing NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD O F' Rl':ALTOM BT OWND CUTll I bdrm. boum, neu ocean A d .&Mtl. BBQ tn flaptone pallo. bnr k ~le lhroufbouL Sacn!lce for Ul,960. or larl" tio.t :oe • • t•L. Nnrport Beacb. 2 bdrm. home A 1 bdrm. rent.al, paved alley, beau· t.ltu.J yard fenced. Will con.aider Jot u part ot down payment. $12,500. FULL BASEMENT, ~· 2 bdrm. home, hwd. fll'll., fireplace, dining rm. $11,:mQ. Drive by 3309 Clay St., (Newport Heigbta) and phone ua for app't. A-1 Agriculture, two acree -----·-·--$6500 C-2 BusineM, 50 x 140 -····--------·-3500 R-4 Residential. 8G z 100 -------···· 28!50 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardlt 1810 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa. LI 8-1601 *VIEW HOME NEWPORT HEIGHTS -CLIFF LOT Spacious 1 yr, old home, 2 bd.rnu., convertible pan· eled den, 2 baths. Floot·t()o()elllng windowa leading to veranda. Panoramic view ot bay and Catalia.a apparent from the Uv. rm., din. rm. & model kitchen. This plea.sing home hu mu.ch attractive We, ra1aed brick fireplace, newest featuru in kitchen, forced air heat. new beaut.iful d.rapee and ca.rpet.ing. $23,500. (Not a Jeuehold) * VIEW LOT Cliff Haven Area -Leve.I Lot Unobstructed view. Not a leuehold. * 714 ST. JAMES RD. CLIFF HA VEN -11<1 Lot Exceptional home offertnr view. Large attractive living rm., 3 bdrma. Beautltul teocln11 patJo. SlG,900. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 New~ Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2M2 Sweet and love I y 1-$1000 down, 9 month• old conventional 3 bed· rm.. carpeted and Lmmaculate, F. H. A. loan. $66 mo., Coeta Meas. 2-S2000 down, R&nch ltyle 3 bedrm., 2 yean old. Fireplace, oak tloors, breueway, fenced, patio, pretty yard. A GI loan, l&L'-' mo., eo.ta Meu. GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY >.nJLTIPLE LISTING REALTOR I~ E. lith St., Colt.a Mee&. LI 8-7781, f'\'M. 8-318e ~rbor '"'· nptl -------------·-------- FOR SALE by OWNER. Bun.DER. 3 yra. old, 2 bdrm. home. 232 Magnolia, Costa Mesa. 30c32 SOLD BALBOA ISLAND Open House -228 Apolena Every Day 1 to 5 Beaut. 2 bdrm. homt comp'l furn. Stud.to Uv. rm., full dining rm., larp patJo with BBQ. Priced rt,bt With xlnt. t.erma. SEE IT TOIJAY. • wheel chslr owner. l br., den, !!iP~:::,; 1;~~c!t~ ~~"tr~~ to really enioy life- 0ount.ry Club A Baci)l Ba)'. Own· .......__"", en -.tel to eell. A.CSuced trom Want a private --... . 122.llOO to .,,_ pr1e• ot 111.000. Need a place to keep your cniliter! e11 ~. Prefer cloee in location near Lido Shop9, etc. T Only One Le# $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. Ii Sun, 12. 6 21 •t It Orange A Vt , I bdrm., 1 \9 balh.11, brt&XCaal and dJn tns area. F'Ull price $I 0. 700. LOT, NEWPO RT HEIORT8 $3.~ M·l Lol on Pi.a.c.oua _ 112.:>00 C-2 Lot on Newport __ 110,600 C-2 Lot °" 17UI l!lt., --112.llOO 3 R-4 Lott In COl!ll& Men -17,200 How Can You Miss7 I unlta It cal• on C-2 Iota, income approximately U OO. Full price, $311.~. Ell. Tenna. "ART" ADAIR R.E.A.1. TOR 18" Newport Bl'l'd., Ooeta Mu• Uberty 1-1791. SOLD JOM JiCramaT Ori va, Bal boa by Multiple Listing NZWPOJfT H.ulBOR BOAJ\.O or IUtALTOM Excellent Units N&>.J\ NWWPORT PllCft -A bout t ,._,... old. Good tnoome. All turnlahed. $19,000, terms Homer E. Shafer R&ALTOR 106 Kcradda Place (Al ui. Newport P\er) Ba.r. 140. llTK Bar. 1U7·M.. .Uk for Benld 0 . l!lpl•. 20c21 SOLD 321 Anlde. Ba.Job& by Multiple Listing Ni:WPORT HAMOR BOARD or REALToRS SPAClOUI HOIOC and C\ltal 1 tncome apt. 2 Lii• balh1 •ta• ahoweN. Hdwd. rloor1 3 fllrr.ar '' cart> ell.Ip. Only 2 Yrl <•1•1 011Vner, to2 J umJn•, c.,,..1"" th Mar. 2llp~h SOLD 1aa1 M1ruD&r on .. , B&lbM Buy thie ideal 2 bdrm. home In Balboa Bay Cov~ right on the waterfront, only 3 yra. old. Lo111 or tilt', parquet floors, F. A. heat, dbl. garagr, nice featuN"11. Pier It elip privileg<'s. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex fur!ili!hed ·good rent" I ctl11trict, Ocean and Bay both clol!f' by, $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport ~ach Har. 1013 TRADES LIOO t~LE BA YFRONT 3 bdrm. home. Will trade for income pro~rty, Harbor Area. BAYFRONT, $60,000. Will trade for small h ome or buaineu property -SUBMIT! Balboa Island home, $22,000. Will tradf' for Income un1l.8 HllUywood, Pa.aaden~ Glendale or WhitU('r up to $50,000. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 8416 \'1a Lido, Newport &-ach Har. 4971 or 4972 . v Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. SHORE CLIFFS - 3 BDRM. & DJo:N HOME. plu1 large rumpus room, 2 !1rrplacrs, 3 bstba, view or ocean, canyon & hiU1'. (;()mplrtely furn· i!lhed. A bargain at M!>.000. Property l~ated at 318 Morning Canyon Rd. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY t "NTTL ROLD! PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING RF:ALTOlt 8-U7 E. Cout Hwy., Coron& del Mar Harbor 47 COftlce located next door to CoroOll <lei Mu BMk) Outstanding Ocean View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2 1 _ bntha. lgr. hnng room. . , tl<'p;1rul" rtinl11g room, 1:1rt;e knoll) (•Inc d1•n with hn1lt·in b.1r, l1Junge, 2 f1re µl:u,1·•. b:tw·:;i,,nt with 1!"10,000 BTU furnace. J::xrens1\'1•ly r nrytete<l wl\ll lo wall lhru~ul. Garbage tllspo"al n.nd dl!'lhwin her. Hou"e e r~. tild. Largo driuhll' i;:i r .i;-e With l:\Un• dry, radio-controlled door . Lot 5() x 112'. Wl'll 'lan1t- 1C&ped. Thl• home m1at be Me<:n to be approclatcd. ·\n Located at 3312 Ot'ran Bl\·11. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 36:2 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2i i t -..oe 't Aoeda. Clorou del Mar I by Multiple Listing Bfli\Hl' (ll· R&ALTORS N""'•POR'l' li.AABOR MARINERS ISLE REAL TY S .. 18 Marlne, Balboa lalao't.1 Harbor t!81 by Multiple Listing N~"l'ORT KAR80R BOARD or R&A.LTOP .. OWNER Wll..L ACCEPT ~y HF:ASONABJ.F: OFFER Shown by appoi ntment only ~Phone Own.er, Aarbor 31~ ,,,, UcM ·-. "Df!ar Mr. Rte ; T you for the sho"·· ttttlng 11herif John, and whistle lol- Upop. We had a lot of fun~ .ilmmle ud Herbie J ohn- son, 2Cl'J9 Continf'ntal An~ .• C0!4ta MNa." \\'hih I could n-produce ht>re the ttd lin- ed pap.-r, the lrrC'gular let.- kn done l.n red pt"ncil Her· ble It M'Jf'ms \n&H the brains of the duo, him beln~ In grade onei and all, but Jlm- mJe, aged thtte, was ri~ht on hand to U-U him what to .. ,. and to be sure that he rot his name on too . . . This Saturday afternoon, April 2, the n ew Mariner's Bank down on the 101 Hiway, r ight next. door to Boyd's H ardware at 2630, will hold Open House. Next Monday, AJ?ril 4, the Mariner's Bank MU be open for business . . . June 20, 1954, a foursome at the Irvine Coast Country Club between teeing off at the first and winding up at the 18th dacu88ed the need in this area of a Home Owned Bank ~~~I • . . The foursome consisted of Kul Lynn Davis. our City Attorney, John Boyd Jr., owner of Boyd'• Hardwa~. Lonnie Vinct'nt, owner o f Vin-1 cent'• Lido Drug~ and 0 . W, "Dick" Richard, owner of I Vi:VQ(;)1'1• Ricba.rd'a Lido Market . . . The new Mariner·• Bank is th• result of that golf game.: "'1''""°c.. The fact that the State Baaldn1 CommlNlon allow- ed the pla.u for this Mari· Df'r'a Ban.le to proceed ID auch a •hort period of time ... about nJne moothtt • • • 1 ~~~ lndlcatetl the need for a Kome Owned bank ID this .......... appue~ -• Ed- ~ R.. mu. hallbuMl of oar MMIN11 ll.a>'or~la PrHident. lie hM only reoently tun- f'd thf' nPf'ratloa of hi. bu&- lnf'l'!J. thf' HUloo Company, ov .. r to hi" two boo, to t.akf" Oil thU. N-Aponitlhillt~. <if'rn · mrhard!K>n, "'ho hM an ~n,·iablf' l'f'Cord In the buaklns: bt18ln~. hu t'OrM down from thtt Dnert Bank ln Palm Sprin~ to be Vw • PmUdf'nt . . . Thi" hank 11' tallorf'd HpHlally for ~·ou ... Se"·port Har· borttn ... ~·ou ar,. C'onllaJ- ly ID\•ltf'd to comt' In and !W'f' your old frif'nd" "·Ith Df'W l"Mlp<lnMlhllltl~ . . • You knc1w there Isn't any IJUt h thing u a "ba<l bank , .. !-'.:very depn111t in a ny Bank or Building and Loan 1s insured ' -~ir by the ·. S. Go\•ernmenl up to Sl0.000 I quot e from "Sml\ll Banl<s 38 B11bson M'<'S them"' a rt>p n nt from t h e Commt-rcaal Bulletin. Sept . 24, I 1954 "The rcal Yl\luc of bank m-Ol?ilSI. 11lO(•k u<'p<'nd.8 \'('ry largely on th<' d11\ractrr, int egrity . and t>nrr~y of lhc mrn who I ~<X>;>QI operate l hr bank " With a home--0wned. home controllNi b&nk you know thf' men who o~rste your bank. lnlrodlk'ln~ M c C lf'ndon f1nf'r <"iuu11M, haad·madtt flllpN'lally f o r Rk'hard's ! Our Dirk Rk hard. "ho ill nae of thf' priDC'ir-J 1ilt0t'k· hokffrs anti a nry M'ti\·e mf'mhf'r o fthtt Board of Ill· N'Ctoni of tht Df'W Mari- 8f'T'11 BanJ(, for thf' put M'\ f'n \'f'&NI hu ~1\-f'd from Ml'lt. Laura Rc-uddn 111 al Cbritttmu tlmt a hox of t~ nn,. Mr(1,.ndon ran-I dN-tl. Rf'sidt nt.11 of Lonit Beac-h a.nd \\' Mttwood \'ll- iaJfl att familiar with thf' two Nnall 11hopia that pN>- durf' 1 tht'M' blih quality. M1J10tom madr <'and~. hut until no,.-... th"-Frida\· • . . th,.y h., ... n .. ,.n hf.ton &\-allaba. In an\· othrr ~toN' . . • Our J>kk hu hffn working on thht ,.,,.r ahttt he N't'f'h·f'd hifll fintl bn• IM''"" p•al'll a,to ud ~ nr~ proud t.o J'N'tlf'Dt MC'.'C'lf>n- don '11 for thf' n"'t tbnf'. for F..uter ud Mothf>r'a Dar. \' oo C'&D aamplf. thftlt UliA •·riday ... Vf!I') "IM'- dal! Mlmt eudwlclwe fllW wttb dtoC'olat# • • • Had to pat oa a aoaplr of poaJNla to clo ft. bat l tried eney • oae ht UM M1110"9Ml•t bos ... "Bow~ .... wfl pt!" OOUTAL SHOPPER -MAJl II. IBM MEALTIME MENU MAGIC I ¥t ~· t'-4..... 'lit -w-Oit '"' ..__.... ._..._.. .... ' ... ......,_.... ,,. .... ~ ..... ~· ....... ..., ... -4........ • ........ ........ ,..__ ___ n .w~·· I •Mc s11 W .. wr• ._.._ ... ·--~ ..... .,.... ........ Comt>ft ~beef. "" .... llM w ..... ea. wl CIWlllb. Shape into bltlh 11>'> inches in dia~ter. Brown m .tlllet to hoc WCDOll Oll. rcmo¥t from skillet. I• same skillet. coot. onioll Mid ,,_ ~ XWft"lll minuln.. Add ral o( lntnodielca.. ._.. IO botliq. Add 1M11l ball.-; c~. and .an-JO miwota. Maka 6 wrrimp. • ...... _ ....... , ·--09 fft~T"li TOMATO SAUCE 1 4 for 25c l 1 -----· FRE~('H'S WOR'STERSHIRE 5···17cj Af iUfiER .• 59c LARGE IA EGGS . dv~• 53c a.-.. 8-IM>nt IMIA.9• 89C COFFEE .... ···-:L MARGARINE ~. 23c MA Yo'MNAISE •. ~ 53c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE .'.~ 19c JE[O' ~ .... 3 .... 23c GRAPEJU1cE .'.: 35c N11.23c ,, J TMl#wl'IU HalvP4 or "11<''°4 Pf ACH~S FOR SPARKLING FRESH MENUS AND REAL MEALTIME MAGIC SERVE RICHARD"S EXTRA· FRiSH CHOICE GROUND IEEF Hundrf'ds will &J:l'tt that here Is the \ny ground beef 19 °auppoM'd to he. Rich, }'la,·orf•I •d Tasty ~calltK' lt8 ground just right and ground extra fresh. Onl)· Manning'• Qu.allty Bfff Ii. u84'd with jm1t the ri~ht amount· of fat ltrt In. Once you try It. you too, "i ll &gf't'"t.• that hue ls real Ground Bec>f! "Dr llrfot18 110 t11u11y uv1,11.<" Rkhurd'!i t:xt ra }'rf'Sh lb. 39c GROUNQ_ B_E_EF __ "Tender 1oul Full of F'/ni•or" U.S. Choice ROUND STEAK lb, 79c ·---- "Rfllllly l1111k·ea a Tl\n/ty Men/'' U.S. Ch~ lb. 79c 8tottc up Ml'ly for .•• EASTER SWISS_S=-T_E_...-.._A_K..;...__ __ 8-"eta A.rtUlelal GnMll s~,.,. a C&nd,-Ec1a Cboeolate Bu.na1re Euwr E1r Dy• Stuffed A.llln1U "W olldr r/Ml wit/\ 'ru" Vl.'gct11ble•"' U. S. ·Choice -BontleM "TM Baco•t wit I\ IM kmOkll /lal'Clr" Swift's Premium lb. 69c lb. 59c SLICED BACON Tr,-WE!'<~O~ Md SH ~ WESSON OIL quart 57c PUJ911uT'• AM•t tiaTO" n~ CAKE MIXES 1'1-or. PU.....,. W11Jte or Fud,Ja 29; FROSTING MIX ... . ptc1. aoe•a of-: 37¢ llSCi)UICK .... ~ ...... --.. -.._._ FWMra )Ir.,,.. SCONE MIX • ._ttL 2 for 23' GREEN PEAS 10-0L 21291 c'HiCKEN THIGHS 1b. 77~ 8llllkiA LEMONADE IUchard'• A-rtl'd l'lavore 2 45' ICE CREAM .. ,i.. • s ..... 33' Plam""r'• 8AIW PEANUTS 8aa.eMM s-<.~ 23' HI HO"S 1 •,-oL .,...._..a lk!'Ad aad ftuttu 19¢ SWEET PICKLES ;a•1·0L So. I 27' u.-.,. Larp RJpe PmED OUVES • Tffl'll~DA \' Ilk'• J)ollld°'-1• •·OLD 39' POUND CAKE· ,.6"11· A <Uff,.,...nt t"'•t l'.adi .. ,. RYE ROLLS 6 for 18' "" Tl'ROA \' Yor ~u.nclay MnmLnc ll!"Kkt ... t 1•1:-.-E Al'Pl.E 3 25' SNAILS for l.arre 1•• •&ay~r Ledy LAYER CAKE tM'h 87f firm lrt1h protlue1 ,_..,..,....,. .... 2 .... .... Jelie1tessen PUIMlury i15Cu1rs 2 ,.,.. 25c ",_,. MUd ('tlEDDA& CHEESE .. ·~49c .,,.i Qua&.1•1 <.'O'M'O 49c SALAMI lb. ,,,.,.r or Oacar Mayl'r 47c FRANKS lb. M..t.w-h,.Wltc MATzos n-or~ 39c \\11'f'nftJOln ·~4tc !<-lll'f"d AMF.KICAS CHEESE ..... ...., __ ........ ~-...... , .... ~ ...... ................ ~ t 0 c a " .......... ,,,........ ..... a.... ... ~ -Pll'll'f· ~ ~ ~ -"' -Ft_., Tom.aeo Sa-. l'tr• illto VMtcd ' ,1 12 a ~·1ndl bak.1111 Fa.nry, Crt11p, Tender . ROMA NE •••h Sc You'll find a Udo Shop dnh. Bate oa ..,_.. lhelf ill llloc ~ (00' F J tor LO ...._., Broi j ,.... 1oe,.. Yr'tlila ... ii oootma. CiO'llbiM ,,_,.... itlS ~to a-. 1iUPf -Woc~• llNn ....._ lrilll to I boi.. Bol .,_ ) •'"'*"-Add .,. lfriWinp. if cle*ed. C.C meet a half ~--Arr-.. ~ tutia oe pl9eMs. ~._, ... ~Md°" top o1--. ~ ~ -----· • • • ----------. G~i'iPEFRUIT 4 1o, 19c --. iiii°C:HOKES 2 1o. 19c . • . to fit your every need ! Rlchard0a l.Jdo Marlret la one of thr Lido ShoJ>9 in New· poet Beach, Cal.a!orn1L I aPECIAlS FOB )IA.a Jl. ArR. J ... I, 1965 . ' '