HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-06 - Newport Harbor News Press'YOLUME 1 -NVllBIB '8 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1955 Publltlbed at !211 West llelboa 81\'d., Newport Beach. Calll. BIG INDUSTRIAL PLANT FOR HARBOR DISTRICT A d D• at Makin, and wtlh the flrat field n rews les hoapltal at Leyte, 1ei\11n1 all 'through the Leyte campaign. He alllO had the tlret field h<Mlpltal at Wh.lle Jry•ing Okinawa. He conunued there un-tu the. day of eurNnder. By that time h e held rank of major. COUNTY CHAMBERS MAP MAJOR HIGHWAY . PLAN t S S If Alter 41 monlha of active duty PlalUI for the building of a Sl,!500,000 sclentifio instru-0 ave e he returned home. He ha4 k ept SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -The planning and develon.. up bl.a active membenhip In the r ment manufacturing center on 15 acre• of the former Cag-AttendlnJ a meeting of the Reserves and wu wt year elevat.-merit committee of the Orange County Aasociated Chambers ney property adjacent t o the Newport Beach City Yards American Academy of General ed to ~a.nk or lteutenf.llt colonel. of C"6mmerce drew a bead on one of the county's biggest between Newport Blvd. and Superior Ave., have been re-Practice at tbe Shrine Auditorium I Dunng the National Boy Scout problems Thursday -mapping of a general overall high- 1 d Th rt h bee U ha---' by the Beckman which he WM attending for the Jamboree at Coro116 del Mar ill I wa pl ' vea c . e prope y 8.8 n p re IM'U week, Dr. A. v. Andrew•. 9H Cliff 1:193 he wu one ot two ln charg~ y an. . . ln11trument Company aubllldlary, tor. The company hu been aearch-Drive, die-d Thursday afternoon of or g8Jllzlng the medical staft tor Under the cha1rmansh1p of vete.ran engineer Nat Neff Ht'llpot Corporlllt.in nt S"uth Pua-Ing for lhe rl&'ht alte tor more t.ha.n while attempting lo give tumaelf tho Jamboree, being a11Slgned to of Carden Grove, an all out dls-1 dena. .11lx montha. r!nrt a.Id. Suffering 6 audden aever·e the duly by the Army. cu11sl11n-style sesalon on highwllyll ThuM far, It wu a1111erted. only H ellpot CorporaUon I~ prc.>senlly According t o t.he but Inform&-I Id 1 c d c lht> \\'l'l!tern county s£•cllon hu a open.ting manufacturlnf plant.II In Uon obtainable, there will be em-coronary, he W«'nt to the tln1l aid He was a memb"r o! lhe ata!fs w11..1 '" n ar en rove. h1i;hway prog-mm setup for lhe Boulh Pasatl1•1111. Pa.sudena. San ployed some 1000 technicians and room and attempted to give him-01 St. Jo.eph, Santa Ana Com-More lh&n 200 were on hand to future. It will oept.n11 on "evPryone I Oabrld a.nd Alhambra. Beckman the lant will be abulldin for 1elt oxygen, but died before he mumty Hoap1taJs, had been active-hear C'?unty Plannn Harry Bngh, p h g I eucceeded. 1 ly lnterestl"d In Hoag Hosplt..al and Road Commluloner Al Koch, San· ~citing together" If the county I• lnBtrumentl has just oecupled a more t 11.n 11. year. H bo 1 N alk 0 t1 wu one or the first members of 1 ta Ana City Manager Carl Thorn-to be prepart-d for the vut Influx multl-milllon dollar plant !n Ful· Presently the property l• not ln· e wu rn n orw • ·· an its staff. H I! had his prtvate prac-I ton. Anaheim City Admlnllltnltor of the next d<'C·11dt>, a ccording to lerton. Pre111dent If Dr. A. O. Beck-corporated Into the Clty of N.ew-1 W&.11 educated at Hollywood H igh lice al Coron del Mar I Kellh Murdoch ar\\I Newport Brach I the ro11.d commisswner. man. General ma nai.:.,r or the or-port Bea.ch although it l• contain-School. Pn.mona College and Um-\I. • Cl l I ganlu tion 111 Don Duncan. ed within the Shoestring St rip that venllty o( Coloredo Medll'sl I His family, which lncludt>ll his I ty A dmin stralor John S11.llors • Bergh \•Oluntt'l'red all the torc1•11 Cont rary to Information car· the city anneitrd to unite the cor-School. H e held a reserve commis-\l.1fe, Elli& M. Md two daughteNl, I dellver key talks. at his commlUld to work with the 1 rfed fn another paper that th• pora.tion yard, water workll and 11lon. wu called Into active duty M eg and Becky, lived here whlle Koch pol.nted out his office la chamberll (1( commerce develop· company had .:hanged 1111 plar.11 sewer plant lnlo the city llmlt.4. with the 40th Division the spring he was over.1ea.s. They came here moving forward In planning on the ment committee. I and were to build elsewhere, Hell· 1l Is Pxpected that Hehpot wUI before Purl Hubor and w11..~ ata-from Livingston, where Dr. An-<Lssumpllon Orange County even-I AlllO appointed lo the committee pot clOAl'd It" deal with the Cag-petition tor annexation In order I lioned at San Luis Obispo. <lrews had been ln practice for j tually i3 going to be all residential, Thursday were Vice.. Chairman ney1 lut WC't'k. 1t la under11tood to take adva.ntage or muni<'lpal He wenl nverst>:is with the d1vu1lon. seven years, lo be near hla broth-commerl'ial and lndWllriaJ. I Herman Hiicher of Fullerton, Mni. I that sale of the propC!rty waa ha.n-1 water, 11ewer and fire protection with rank of oeptaln and eerved er, the late ~rge L. Andrt'ws I He explain<'d It Is nece.saa.ry to Ora Heine ot Santa Ana and WaJ- dled by OUver Cl'Qrge, Me11a Real-facillt1e11. 37 months In the S outh Pacific a.~ wid fa.mily. act f ut In mapping &n over-a.II ter Weimer of Coeta Mesa. Tht'y Chief of Surgical Servicq ln the I Full mWtary aervtcee were held plan acceptable to c1Ue11 end unln-; are to help coordinate ldeu for I Mesa Permits Youths Booked Over Million in Boat Theft Curt Phinney and Ray J ohnson, D M h Harb<>r patrol oftlcera. arrested Ur.Ing arc H t>nry Cook. 18, ot La Habra and • a HI-year-old Fulltrton boy In the north Bay Channel Fr1da y when For the f1rlll time, conatructlon the youth• could not explain own· tn Coftta Mua e.xreeded one mil-erahlp of the rowboat they wel"!' lion doU1m1 dur1ng a one-month In. They eaid they borrowrd It but period, Building Orth'kll A. J. did not k:11ow from whom. Petition• Vol& revealed today. Total tebula-wn e flied a11:alnal them with ju· Uon b-d on vaJu.: or penmtll is-\'enlle a uthor1t1e1. aut'd during March hit the $1 .014.-l ·rwo Lo• Angdu DOyll and a 421 mark. Vnlz: reported. Thi" 11hot Montebello boy were booked fo r the year 11 totc1I t 11 $1,97&.327. vr olatlon and poueM1on under the Bre11k.towt1 .. 1 t he lot.al !l11owa 1 alrohol and beverage acL PolkP that $621,l ld "'"4 IMU!!d for tlln· 111ald Lawrence Eugene H1.n11 .. n. lll. I g it-t.Jw••lltnit"· '~7.7H f11r mulllple and Jerry Dwayne Miller. 19. both , hrm11ir1K. $1 tl l.l2:\ tor r<1mmerclal or Leis Angelu . and Ronnie W. •1nwl1111•,. •Uhl S181 .~3i for lndUll· Chamber11. 18. Monte.hello, all ail· t11111 •·•rnMt 1111 llt•n. Of lh' $621.J 18 mltted owneral\Jp of 11everaJ qu&rta v11hrnt11111 ~rl 1111 houl!lng P<"rmlta ot brl'r found by otflcera In their 1,.~u .. .i. HJIJ•I t1'1111111t1•ly h11IC a mtl-c&r. Two teen-a.a-• &'ll'lll &t.o in the Jh1n •l!lll•u .• 1·,.111" from Mes. 1.1ar were 1'9clMNd by otffcer1 who ~111kt.•1" which took out 40 per-had •topped tbe car tor lllepl ri11tM fll1 •·nnstr11rt1on of dwdltnge muttleni. Han.a wu held tor the v&llw•l 110111 S12.80-0 to Ill~. l!bore patTOI due to ~on ol T he 111111~•·11 ""'' b"tng built In tbe a poulbl• forg-ed Anny ldenunca- •OV bl<x.k uC Cabnllo St. llC>n card, poUce Mid. T11rp11.11 lh1• multtple dwllilllnf I P . W. Cah1U'ter11 of VUl& M.artna &<'\IVtly Wrl<' '"" pt"rmll8 for C.,lohl police yel!ll'rda)' he JOit tWO \\'. Tl11111111~ tn h•llltl d11pl••>11·11 In t hr hub raps from hl1 rer whi le It 1000 111 ... K .. 1 Mf'y1·r 1'1'1cc. holh WIUI puked In tront of 210L~ Apo- ,.,, $1 I..,; t M ~; Kn((11rr1 Jr t•tOk l11n1< Av~. m11 1111 t 1x110" 1••·11ttll (nr " t hl"f',.. John McOowt>n. lndulltrial art• j \lltll 1<1>:11 !11•111 "l l)llR \\'. ll!th St. tf'l1dwr nt New port H&.rbor Union field hospital. . I Monday at .Fairhaven Mausoleum. I corporatt•d a reu alike to avoid ex-m eeting hl(hway problem• II\ the He went In With the Ht&dquar-followed by Interment Lil Falrha-pensive condemnauon proceedings northern county, Santa A.na.-cen- tera Olvlalon or the flrat 1nvaaio11 ven Cemetery. after the buildup occu::-s. trill and c-outal reg1on1. Here comes (dwards Leading the . Easter Shoe Parade One of the biggest tr•ots for children ot Eost•r is b rand new C-n Shoes. Mariners Bank Has Rush for Finl Half Day An eetJmated 200 JM!'"'°n• open- ed accountl by noon Monday wtth the Mariners 81.nk In Mar1ner'11 MtlP, E<tga r Hiil. pre11(tJPnl, re- ported. Monday wa.e th,. fl nil day of I buainrss tor lhe new bank. '"V\'eo a re having a very bu11y and gTMlf)"lnlf rec,.ptlon t o our new bu.tlneM thl• morning on It• t1111t I I.lay of o~ratton," Hill aa.ltl. f'lve re.l"llOIUI were kept buay all day dolnr noOllnr but opentnar n,w I aecounta and the bank execullvn w~re un•bl• to ret out to lunch u ntil l•te. An eeUmated 1600 Harbor friend• attended the Saturday o~n boUM ot UHi Mnk. Rill ..ad. Recruiti-. hcJlns n.. United 8talee Air rorce oJ"'ned t h• Hoepllalily Mou .. a t the end of Waahlngton St. In Ba.lb<>& for rt"<:rultlnf from April I lhl'1.lugh EAJ!tPr vacation, from 9 Quality and Style Combined for Beau- ty a.nd Loni Wear Children'• S b o e a expertly fltt4"(! t,u l n11 u re proper ll'01'1h and comfort ft ROWS 81ue 1!!•1 to • Clrculatlon 21 ,000 Dllltrlbated ha Nrwport BMcb. ..,.,_, .,.,_ l1dand, Coroaa clel Jiu , <loeta Mf'a_ Lquna. South LAIUa and HuAUn~a Beach. II.arbor 1818 $ LEE'S Shoes 1776 So. Mal11 la An'.ade ftf't•'- 84-eA aad May1alr Plenty of Free Pa.rkl9c A 11 s ~112~111111t111.1r11•l l><>o111L Cl\me Hqch Sd1ool, and a fr1Pnd. Don ! fr 1111 •0 111,.n nn M1" tun~ \\'urk10 V\••lnhatJt. brought a dnmkPn l&·' l•• • ,,.,,.11 II• t a m11t•hm<' 11hup and Vt'llr-old Harb<>r Hlgh 1tudent to l•CI•· 111 :11:. \\' JUlh :-:1 • .tn .. C'llr· lh .. pohl'P 1tatlon Wh•'Te tht'y l lj{ll· ,.,., "k uiit ,. $.11 .~1111 1wr1111t t11 1 e•I a C'ltizen'• arreal on the Jatl ""' ,1111· t ~ '""'" • 11 1111 ..,.1•11roo111 • 1·h11ri:lng lntox.kation. Thty 1ald nn.t ·h•·P .. 1 1!•!•' ll>trhor Hlv1l. h•· "'"-" drunk at a 11cbool da.nce. u .. 111H• 11 .. 1:1111111 ,tl,11 tl••k <•Ut a 1'111\~ sa,id the boy ws.11 t.oo drunk •'rt"1lll•·f • '·" r• •"111 lh1~ ''"e Cor l tu b .. ok. He WU l"f'l"lllled to hi~ $'11 "'"' • """l nwt1nn tu t"ke pls.ce part'nt• And you can bet th• youngst•rs will be tickled pink with our many 1mort styles. Of cours•, mothers will •specia lly o pptecio te our '" nt to 6 pm. T/Sgt Sam M. haac tu.n1 the main St1t1on In Santa I An11 w lll b<' a vailable to ll:ive in· form11t1on con t nll11tm,.nt and the I •1r11o 1on cadC'l pro11:r1UT1 "----------------------------' 111 171i!'> ~"" 1111rt A' 1• 3 Men Saved From Ocean Sailboat • 1n Birthday Party Celebrants Hear Cries for Help A ll11 \hdav J'>H\)' 11l ~··A S11n1lay 1l1Jlhl rv111fl\!'•I ltt \hrre mf''il<'BI 11tu.itnt" f1 "''' !.."'" An1v·ll'• b"lng ,...,,, u"•I rr"m thl'lr w .11 .. rr111 .. c1 •otlh<lRt 2 111ilt'1J off Nl'wp«rt r'll'r A lit tie '"'"r"" f rorn whO<'k and •xvo1111r .. but q111t·k to r11lly w ith h ot f00<1 111111 Fhnwl'n W f'rP 03vf<l Ow1w.11, l>anr11d ~r1·1-rmt1 J 11(k Shum,.·ay Thf'y &re atudent 11 a t t ·mven<lty ot !'mtlhf'rn C'"litorntK Tht1• lrrt ~11n Ped10 Sunday In t h,.;r 10· .-q, tl'lrl•r sa1ll)(11•t. aooul th1• llltr- C>f 8 rullpl', 1n•1 Wl're 1lil•mll~lr•.I J\tf>r hnf'. \\'sttr l'Ullhtd ur thn•u.:h thl' ('l'nt~rboertl wrll, fill· r lnic lhr rraft Th,. )'OUlh!l werr 1 13arldhng fl't"bly Sun.Jay at 1' 30 o'rlo<'k whrn the 40-Ct. ('n t111tr Al· t unl rs.me to l he1r rl'KUf'. Delivery Guarantffd Delivery ot th• N~port Harbor :"ew1-PreM I• ruar· antttd. Carrier boy• wUI dt· llvf'r their papers before e p.m. on Monday and Tbure- <11y. If yuur papt>r la not dr· 11,·ered by that hour plea.ft call Harbor 1616 and a e~clal route man will !mmoedlately rupond with your ropy or your Newport Harbor NtW•· Pre11. c.,.i-,...w , _ ~ ...... ,j.,, SANTA ANA Kimberl,. !-Mel JIU& N. Maln •<'Ml hom »•ra a.-,,_,,..,._,,. _ ............. ,.. TWO LOCATJO~S thoroughness in fitting g rowing fHt. COSTA MF.SA ut...ny "-n 111 M-C'ent,.r-17th 16 ONnre b-n • Al~ .... ••d Tllrf,_I BOTH 8TORC8 OPP::'ti YRIDA T ~ORTS 'T1L t :OO Terrific Trunks PIOM I Sktpprr Von Car1tf'Clt, Dow'lley. n nl he •ml 1!\ ir-ueat..8 had Ju"t left the Harbor to celebrat•• lhe blrthd1w of Reginald Fostrr . M11n· hatlan Bn ch. and wne not fu 011\ I o< port when two mton. 11e"t~ on I tll• bow hf'ard Ulr thN'I students I _,,ouung In lht dark. They pro·, Ct"f'ded to the waterlogi:td rrafl ' and took th• trio aboud Altura. I Back at th• Harbor Maater'11 "'· flee. the thr" youtM. all In their twf'nUf'll. ruponded to rubdown•! an<I othf'r warm-up mea11ure .. , T ht>lr wivea were wll.IUntt for them a l Swales Landing, a prl'·arTILllgf'd ,...ndnvout, and the trio wu rt· I lt>L•"J without being ho11pitaJiuil Thn had bHn In the watl'r11UN1 ~i a bout five hour•. they est1-I rn11ll'd bef<>r. belnit found. 1 ·~:l~~hot~-pre,..1 ~· &G~e On tlle Ck-. J"roat M !twd St. 0.. :=:u::.:,.. 8 t. told police Frida~' a fir,. ,.xlln· 1 ul•her wu t•kf'n from th• out-j G ...... $taMBI ~NEWPORT IEACH aide et the hou.ae. '----------------------------·--·-r ______________________________________________________________ ................... .., ' ••• If We Don't Keep T1tis Promise I ~a l 10 n n ' ,'o ~ 2 I • • 7 s • .. " ' •o ~ I • I I • QJ:L! al 5 7 • I Cash and Carry ONLY _,. ••• and It's That Sensational, On e-and-Only IANITONE DRY CLEANING • More Dirt Remevecl •Ne Dry Cleanht9 Odor T ake ad .. otagc of o., lis hrnin~-fa,t caah-a nd-ca rry n rvicc. You nor only H•• time but you f«t out complete Sanitone Service .•• che fineH dry d taoi.DJ Ua IOWD. • Spoh Gone • l e tter Pre n lash l o nger Orop-()f( your 1earmenu ~fort In A M. and cHty'll ~ready a t~ P. M. rht ume day or you pay oothHlR •..... tit11 yo• nted dry cltaniog 1n a hurr y un out 1.1gh1ning Service-. U~htnln~ Sf.n·lr~ COf'tA SO more than n11r JW~ular C'a'lh-n.ncl-C arry· ~n·lN- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO CLEANERS 1712 NeWIHM' llvd. Cotta MeM Uberty 1-4014 , ' Indian JV Champs IH b HI.a. JV' 1oth<'r mi.rue by the terondary 14-c -Cash Buf n c arrlMnt \\"H a dtf«-dlve fo0t l'lhn '"'"· th,.n, t'Omp1etil\i an ar or llj91 s 8.tln\11 &Cl'C•llnltd tor lhe t in ar r (et'd 'almoat p.rltC~ cll"CJt , Vo'l>\&PQ up PAGE 2 -COASTAL 5HOPPER -APRIL 6, 1955 Boys' Training as Citizen Aid Told Kiwanian1 Make Re_. lid D 8 § C t t 1.rnrker1 on 11 111nrle blnf le. N I I j d ApJlftrtntly the r .... t '"l'd 1tuck almo.t at Ill 1t.art1111 poU!t ~ at3 le reformatory u the only an•· r--· rop • on es MA11ntlmt'. Santa All'll ltnl In one one I n ure In All aut.1 di l\'('n h~· t:ayl• Eva 1Lrlktn1 a third veh1C'l1. wer, Votaw H id. He qu1>led •t~tl•· FULLERTON (OCNS) -Ful· In lh• H cond frame on thr'M SL . t ~~ r 26~6 Elcl A , I lnvolvtd w•rt a utoe dnvea ">' Uc• lo 1how Or•ng11 County hu Jerton Hieb School'• defendlnf Scorlnf In mort rlusl<'ra, the 8trolla and 11n Infield out, three In A wild accident at th• lnttr!lt'c· t'\\&r · · 0 • "n '-' l:IH J oy ltanly. 2T. llTI 'l\latla one of the h1ghul Juvenll• dellnqu-I -eo.ta Mtsl\, u :<he 1tll<'mpttd a A c t J.C · ,... &Ila I . th bl h Sunut League JV bueball champs S&nt& Ana J unior Varalty nint' the third Ina.In~ on a pair or bue lion of Newport Blvd. and IC. I , th Vt., "' a eaa. &nMI • ~:c~a~t:~p~as1:edco~n:r~~.: t~r an maki.nc a atrong bh1 of rl'peut· dtalt out a th1rc.J st r:ui;ht aetbat'k knocks a nd a 1 ouple of walks, two • St. at 3.411 p.m Wedneaday ln\'QIV· llert. ~ulnm ~:11~h !· ~t~. ,~1· "8 1 11:dle 0belh HNaltleld, !~· h•o& dC;:.t.alll\& 1 m the fourth on two more 111ni:-1 .. a raH · C 8 u " " I rt \ · rive. •wport -•e an .... pne such a boya' ranch. ng ott their tine perfum1anct' to the Ha1bor HICh JV'a here t'd rour nrs but res"lled In no The drl\'tr lo:st 1·ontrol. the vehicle Thomu Colian. H , et <>ranp. Thursday, Thul'*Jay i ·!>. Coach RunJy Han· uni! a few more frNi tkketa, and lnJUrlt>~. C•ll!la Mtsa r11y !"<'II~ re· Jumped t he trartlc lalMhl, at ruck I Only th• ltewart aut.. had to "9 Car Skirts Snatched Played on the Huntington Brat'h tklll'• hOn!t'hldf'n ha"• yl'l to win slnale talltt>a In the tltlh and sixth. port NI. Blamed for the wem.I t raf. a car, ronUnued aouth, at ruck •n· taken lo • .aara,e, NpoN -.w. Hli.th c&nlpUa, the Jnd1am1 blanked I Nttd for aame rnrm of tralntn11; for dt Unquent bu)t wa.a atrtaaeJ M arch 2~ a t " 11 •'Cling of t i:<' J<1wanLI Club. Hdn1 Ka.t.er ot t he Oranre <:11111.t)' Board ot Bu· pervl11ora w~ gu• ::.t. Thdt of fender 1ktr11 from hi• the Ollere, IJ-O. lnJians· 1 huck· their first Sunstt L• ngue Jooptr 1----------------------. t"ar parked on lD'..ltH! An . at New· er Tom Henry held th• 0th rs 10 of the season. Bill Spurireon Md B1U Votaw I J'Okt In favor or the c1ub apon- 1orlnr a boy11' rehlbllatloa ranch ln 'frabuco Canynn 1tnd detailed auc· c.-111 ot 111rh bov1' hnmr1 In other c-ounllea. Spurg~on Mid the Twln J>inee Ranch 111f<lnt111nrd by River- aide a nd San Bem111 1hno counUaa had a record or u ho blllt.atlng 88 p l'r cent ot the bnya t raln"d there while the atate 1rhoots at Whit· tJer and Preston 1aved lri1a than 1~ per cent. Mul'h ot tha co•l tor running th• ranch would be returned to Orange County by the 1tate for dolnr lh• Job locally, h" aald. 8ucceaarul work done with de- linquent boy1 by the Or1n11e Coun· t y Youth Counrll was outlined by Votaw. Thia la 11 ,.roup or bual Mllll· men donallnr m urh of their um,. to <"Ounaeltn1t with the boys and working wllh juvrmle otftl'H ll They have btf'n 1uccr11aru1 many tlmu In ~tral&htenlni: out boy• a fltr parenlA anll officer~ wrr11 re· 11gned to 11end1ng lhe boys to the port Harbor Umnn High School I a mere flva hit.a and ga\'e up nn Troublt' wu. the Tar Junior• put wu reporte4 t o pollre March c fl 1 B 11 :ta by IArFY 8eel of 1911 New-runs. enter e der Kenny I! all their •·1a;s In one babket. Th1•y part Blvd. connected !or two homeruns. I talll«-d tin runs In thP !ou~h I frame. Ii.rid that WL'I the end ot1~t. Hornets Loi• Golf Tar Netters Lose Oddly enou~h. only one hit WIUI J'ULLE.RTON 1 OC:'\S) _coach Newport Harbor H1gl: School's d1•1lvered during the bl( Inning f<Jr I Ivan Malrn'a J C 11olf team loat to tennis teame droppt•d dasl\l's a· 1 Newport. Carl Bergeron ovalked, ML llan Antonio ~'rlday 9·8 In an 1;alnBt Santa Ana Sainte on t he r te Hl'lku was s.L!e on an error l:utem Conference match plt1yed lol·al rampua courts Thur~d11y in e ' 1 In Ctlino. Sunset League competition. The Chuck Vanderwoort lllrOll!'.J, Bob T11r v11n11ty loat 7·2 \\ hlle the Jun-WhltP \\'8 S !'lt1fe on & fleldtr'll twice 81 fast• llplrtn ! I ..... t •..-t ,.., •-.elll Gunderson DntCJ Co. 117 Main Balboa lor vanity~• ~eftated 8·1. ~~ob_~-~~ ~d a.11·1 Coastline Floor Covering e FINE CARPETING e LINOLEUM WALL TILE Vinyl Coric & Asphalt Tiles FREE ESTIMATES 541 Center Costa Mesa Liberty 8-4481 -· ====-=· Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon introducing MR. FORD Hair Stylist We Clean STROOCK ·& CASHMERE COATS by hand! Your co&& wW be u beautiful .,. ,.,.Pr, after our apecl&Jlau .-ompJete tlllelr lll&Dd-"·ork ! We Pickup and DeUver Uptown Cleaners 19'28 Weet Balboa Blvd -Newport Beach We aptt.l.alla.e a. Cleaot•c and llADd Preaalq of LA41ft' aad GeatJ-ae' flDe \.-earl•« apparel LIDO DRUGS ANTHONY'S MARKET * Hom&-made ITAl.IAN SAl'SAGE * IMPORTED ITAUAN Dl':l.ICATESSEN Fruh Made· UA \'IOU -Mut or Cbffllle BEER and IMPORTED WINE F.ASTY.R WF.F.K SPECIAL * Made to order IT AUAN MEAT ROW * Willon Certified Ham1 (whole) lb. 59f * Ricotta Chffse * Mcmarello Cheese * Provolone ChHSe lb. 79~ * Italian Salame lb. $1.10 N..s. lo ordu ITAUAS M'EAT ROLLS 579 E. 17th St., Com tor of Tustin Costa Mesa Opt'n 1 Daya a \\'Kk -1 :30 a. m. to 10:00 p..111. WI!: CATt:R TO Kl'ORT nsmso BOATS "One of the l.ldo 8bop11" M61 \'la Udo, Newport Beub Easter Specials HARBOR DRUGS 3301 E. Cout Hy., Corona dtl Mar BALBOA DRUGS '718 E. Balboa Bh·d., Ba.Ibo& For Apr. 7, 8, 9, Thurs., Fri., Sat. who ioins our staff with Beverley Dorothy Marilyn Susan lllSTER CllN1JY TREATS FOR ALL , 'PAY LESS . ., . Easler Paper Ph&teR IN THE BIRTCHER BLDG. 2515 E. Co~ut Hwy. Corona del Mar Harbor LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES take s pleasure in ennounc1n9 the eppointment of JOSEPH H. GROHMAN as Director of Sales LIDO REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 444"4 From the start. make your wedding an OC<'I· aion or long remembt-red ~ood t.ute and dis- tinction. Invitations !'et t he tone of formal perfection. Conault ua on any probll'm you may have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 lalltoa Blvd. Har. 1616 ATTENTION URANINUM PROSPECTORS Complete Snake Bite Kit Protect. your hie s200 on the deaer\ Griswold Skillet $)29 No, t Reg Sl.76 Scott Toilet Thume 2 Rolll 19C KLEE:\ EX 300 FOR )7C ZN~ Lunch llaJfs Pet or Carnation ~lilk Tall C'ln1 CAL DAK LAUNDRY CART "r nrt•l>l11·· R#I'. e.H 349 Vacuum Jug Ref.3·98 s219 1 Oal ~·i th ~p~o;.;1..;.1 t __________ _ ~~:~~~.~!~!~~~+ 2 01. SCJC Epsom Salts For Batbrng Tirrd FHt . '·PAY {!SS Choe. RabhitR Peter Oouonu.il 39 BoUow mold. Rer 49<: C Bos of 12 MAltSBllALLOW EGGS 23c JELLY BIRD EGGS ' lb •••••• 39( 13--· wav ... lotiols! f\UGAR PA:-O:OR AMA EASTER EGGS From 29\' l'p Butter Cr eam Eggs -~-o~ .... •P.,.J>t_d ____ 3 roz 21 C Complc\.e .electlon of &Mt.er Ba.aketa. 0 r a a•, Ohaoolai.., Egr• and Anlm11l1 for 7ov Buke\a. s 111 11.ae. 12C Re( 150 Easter Table Covtrl' ~:O~e 18c SAND PAIL ~'"'"" •Ith J;A~Tl':K ooouu:H llf'1t. lie 29, Uoa. .,, 1:: JELLY IEAN EGGS In •·<I' f rel,. Plush Rabbits ITANDIMO Rec SI.ii $)39 J>Ll SH H.\ BRIT~ F oam R ubber ) 79 Wu habl• Brown A H 11 .. v 49c • lff G.euw.,lr e He 1ed Curl• e H• Cloe• Wofclll1tf Easter Baskets tc and up $1~.?­ ~~ ~:+' ~1( to.a '" •NO su out V'tCIAL DIS'l.4T u .. -Wlo~• lolll tloo,.,_ •o~ltll• -lo- ••',.. to"' ~_., .,,n M lvl\tM,.. -..,.i.11 30c 60t SJ sr5 w ... • I /(),,t ('()MPLF.T'I': I' f: I. F.C"TJ 0 :•» R#' Buzza • Cardoza ··- :s EASTER CARDS • • NOW! PREVENT SUN·DRIED SKIN b.ftz Easter Grass Rec. 11; 01 Hi-1..ular in Easter Baskets R and Packed Ice Cream Qt 59 c Pt 30c J• •1 ~ St vie d,:1 79c 3 -GAL Oontio.lneT Any rJavor S3 96 lOc 7c 7c 39c Spuntex .:\ylon Hmte 111.10 89C pair ..... 11.09 llOC..t.O W Mr(..1< CH.OCOLATlt SITTING RABBIT . . . . Liquor Department Specials .... SUt PARAUZT CAOU PARAKEET SEED tc~c. ?90 hn11: Auorted Color YOUNG PAR.AJU:ETS Drobny Vodlc Fit\h •er.a-" ~67 Shady Early Grove nmes llencl ~ 80 Proof 4 fn. Old rtn'B se Proof ... 1.39 1"1.1\h 4 Tn. Old s211 s4•11 Pride of TUllY Af'TER BATH LOnOM Indiana SI 7~ Valot s1.oo· lltn\a'bt TUSSY COLOO!fll BET M Proof M1d.n1ght . Conmbra.nd sz.oo• Bngb\ l ?ent 6Yn.Old HOllMOO ~ED Fifth Colr,n11l Da.mt1 $1.75' $3 ~ Va.J ut ~, 369 s329 &UBBL& BATH 3 Bo:sea -iw,. 9& 79c A.laid. Fn,nncn •r•-4'-ra.J T•w ......_ ., t SIDEWALK CONTRAOTOBS -Groupa of old.at.era gather daily to •·auperviae" dril· li~g operations on riga in the downtown oil boom now in progreea in Huntington Beach. 'One ot the oldtimen resting OD the ltepa ot a residence acroes the street from one ot the well• OD Fifth St. greeted a buddy with, "Have they started work at your place yet?" -SW r P hoto OIL DRILLING DESTRUCTION GAINS ON BEACH NEIGHBOR Allen New Head of Tpastmasten Verne Allen. math and 8Clence By BERT BRINTSAU. A wt U brought In a t the Orange teacher at Harbor Hlgb School, Lua lhnn two ·LJorks now aep-t nd i>r the llreilt 11 reportedly IQ was t"lt'cted prr~ldrnt ot Lido Mu · a rnte thr 1nrady m arch of dc-.struc· rich that drlllet"I wanted the own· ter.1 Club for a i lll·month term t111n th&l hM bt'Sl'l Hunt lni ton er to move h l1 house »<> they could wht'n thc group met TuMd&y a t Beuh 111nr<' the pr• sent Oil 1><1om put down another well on the sa.mt Ha rbor How;e bur1t on thr t:ll)' a nd the ulab· loL The po111dble oil 11cros:1 t ht' J.' Jl•h•d r1aJd •·11 th,. fl Qt north•uat 111r~1 d th h I I t b rnt ViC'~presldmt lll R&y L ' · r ~ • y < ••• un <'I' e c urc 1• s 0 ,. Ed u11e With Bub Pcrri.n .. Mcond or tO\\ 11 \\,II• t hr• w N•k wr r1> r<•11cl.t'1I by wh1p1tocl< drtll1ng. vk•··pre1ldt>nt; :-.eal Lo<-i1er 11 llfC· 1puddeCI In L• yund llth SI. Dl~TRIC'T E.SUASGf;Jlf;D 1r t11 ry and Al Cwlollto le trea.wur· ·1 hi• d<w11 11ot mtan Lhlll all the The first well 1n the ntw drilling .. r EJ Soule la 8ergc1U1t·a t·a n1111. ll'r n tory ulready prtlui;ed hlla •~~n to be 1tart~ on the ocean &Ji.le vl T a ble topic• muter Otto Cotl· the lt111l or the derncks. New w ella Highway l OIA 11 being put down hcl 1ubmltted the Umely and con· arc b<-111.: dr llkd In t~rrltory where on the beach a.l about 10th Sl. trov1•rslal queallon, "Should th" It would '"'""1 thl'rtt are enou1tb Thi• 11 towa.rd Long Bt'ach from Unlt~rt Stat~11 11:0 11.ll out In dtfrntl· W"llll to lakt• care of the 1111pply. the publtc beach, but bustnu s m• n Ing the t wo l.!rla.nda oft th• China ~urUtlE!'IT Allf:A fear that rr this WPll blows In 1•11 1 t'11u t !" A ~plritrCI urbute follow· t::lghth S t . arountl Orange, 11 resutung 011 may be e&n1td by \'d. p11 h11p11 the 1>nrr1ut part or town I t ide to dn ve away ti o l'1t111111l-I O~all for lha ev('ning wtrt an<I l hl.' \11n•hl1vra lhrre .,.cm not tro.,.J o r bathcra R.alpb Thompeon. \\ rtn VIUl Bus· twl1• .. •I "l•,,n 11n 011 tn1rk l;rok<' The u•uaJ compla1nu continue to kcrk. ?\e:11t mecunir ... ,n be April e rr " ru,. try Jr ant. 'J he atrtet wu come In to bother the police. Ma· ~ at the ume plac4!. bad • n .. ui;h 11,.( .. rr wllh duirt blow · chine wu betn' run at 319 Eli;hU1 tng I rPm th\ •htrh Umt had ht ••n St., lllll\11 mu!11er, the nolM t~r­ CIU,:" 1111 1°11,;h the pavtni1·nl to r11r· 1nir 11'141 eardrum11 ot nolghbon ry ••II t''i"'"• hut the flood trom thr from thrlr moonng•. At :12:1 1-;1r hth brnk• n hydrl\nt m&<I" a mu,lhol,. S t , Harold Spindle rE"portrd th11! of 1t Thr enu1hwt•11t 1111le ot &l\ oil man hMI broken a window 1'.:lglllh SL lwtwf'cn Ohv"' 11.n•J Or-ot h it home and Mn. Jame. R•n · &nfole Sls, hu a rig for nrarly ner. 318 Second SL, aald the nol.e #V+'r \ IM had bttnm• unbearable. Andree Home's Bur9lars Take Liquor and Mix Ill 11.;!111 \' nC hi.I honir al :!01 G11111. l /In. ancl remuvul 1 C •rv- erAI hot Lll·~ or ltqunr, '"'"'' or p1tn• 1kC1 t11 1\ 11n•I II c ,,_a n II<' ltl;ht· ,r \\IU lt'l••I. I Ill pvll!t' f n1ll\Y b\' 1 · l" \n•lrcr Ill' ~•11·1 lhr enl r · 01 eur r f'•I •••mrt 1111•• tn the Jll~""' ft1 n•h I t .. £'( "4;f l-,..,. I 11 \ .. ~ ! 1..: .\ t 1 '1 I •• ll•! ... d th" t• n .: l1H • I • , •• t I • r"•<'hlf'j; h • 1111 m "' •• ~ b • ~ ~ .. 0 ·~ ~, " ' ,. • " t hr \I I\ II Wht're mUlc lll )Ir pt. The n , 1 ,,... tnto • riirtJo 11 I 1h••r 11"'• tu tt~ l\OU,•• \J•~r. offh ~fA ..,.. Grand Jury Names B. W. Hill Chairman :.: \:"1 A ;\);A, 1 0<·:-0:~1 Or · an ~r t'rount \ A n,....ly "rl·<Hnltd l l J I , • I~ h• i.1 I'll f11'$I ~f'll•tnn In •urf'r,,.r r nurt Thu,.,..111) rurpote or th• 11eu1on waa to ... :, • " • · 1 • u}·. chn.1rma n pro trm .1n I ·. mttlf'{'t, &C'C'nrdlng to <:<> ,• I 1 • ton r t JOf' Ogie Ht• 111• \\ l lttl c-f Lag1111a Br :r. h l1o11 ,,., n n~m.-.J r h111rma.n ut th " lll·mtm ~~u~---- ------------ Mother Claims Victim's Estate SA:-.TA A :-.A. {QC:'\SI -Let· It t A or adrnlnl11traUon In the es· 1a1e cor a C'u~tl\ Mrn court~ Whlr h ro 1 l•h••tl tn a plane rru h w~ri> UJ'k• •J In Supt n or Cou rt Thurllda)' Mr1 Hurl \'an Womier, San111 Arui.. tuk• the lrtt~re She I• thf' mulh1 r or ~Ira. :St.tnlry Jl~lll) :Ill .,. ho "'u ktUt>d w11.h her h usband Thi'lr ll&bt plane plungt><I tu Ulr ~round nr11r l.Akt ~falhrw1 ~ferch :?O • The couple left no chlldr"n The lle&l)a Uved &L l 19 '~ San· IAAb··I Ave. Per110nAl propc•r:y WU ll"te1I at 51 !()CJ, v.·101 an Htl· mated l llGO yru lv mcume. A do· pltx at ll!t-119 '• ~a.nta Isabel"'"' tn~ludtd In the ,.~tlllt Mira de Kamps 4'.}(A. i ....,,. SPECIALS Aprif 7, a, 9 NotCt'Oll IUN5 ...... ,..,, D .,.m,_, • ..... Honey BUNNIES ••••• 2 fw 151 r~• ~ lastw CUP CAICES •••• $' ... ( ... _ .... _ ......... ) ...._,...._.,a .... .. laster PASTRllS ••••• 151 - (.., ..,_ .._ . .,.. ...,._.,. ... ) ,_,..._.,, ... .. 2.1.cryer IASTR CAKI ...... .... -+f)~····· .. ·· ~ .. ~~.t~(~~-~~ .. COSTA MJ:tl.\ noe S""POrt Bhct. COKO~ .\ Of;L MAR tos C:oMt B"'Y. AC'ORD'-. LAUVSA BF.Af'W !!II~ llf'Olldv.·ay , ll \ l ..84)A I St.ASD t~ar-ln'" AY,.. SF.\\ roRT llF,ACH ll'ffl < o~•t fhry. Santa Ana Tent and Awning I Save Dollan on COLORED OR NATURAL BAMBOO DRAPES New Low Prices ! MATCH-STICK BAMBOO DRAPES Ma.11 lo &rdf'r ln oe.r oww llhop NATURAL .. 21 t ~· e A-'1 SIZE, BRINO IN \'Ot-R KEMURF.~:'\l'S IU'9('b Tran,... C'u.rtala lloOct1I ("nm lr" lk>'I" l8 Ally 81• ll<t"" St11 Ju to ~-""°"' PAT I 0 FURNITURE * R#dwoM * Aluminum *White M..tal * rm bl"llllaa All 1'ypM of ._...,,. made b> o N'I,. r on~ nuDAT AXn MOXIHV x rrr..."I 'Tll •• 'Santa Ana Tettt & Awnln9 e f"fO:P. M:t.n?.RT 1626 ~-Mala 8t. 11 I Architectura '1 Control · for HALEY BOGUS ADMITS CHECK APRIL 6, 195S -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE l , Mesa Need J old Planners Fire SchOQI Report 1t&ll' tire traJnl11g ....-hool \I\ Rft. rrs flt'ld ovt'r lhe W<'~kt>nd. lAe re- portl'd •:'IO rt•jll~lered fc>r th& counr, repN!al'ntlng H ll to"''lla. 8 ~t11tt1 and one ror1•!,1tn <'Ountty, Un.I-Cmt.& Me .. want1 to conUnue being "lhe b11ck door to Netrpart Bea.ch." &.rehltecturll.I cootroJ bad bet tar be ln1t1g11ted. Mra. June O. TutUe warned MeM cltJ planninf commlal!lon Monday ru.bL Mn. TutUe a ppeared with her buaband to prot u t loc1.tlon of a lltr\lcture, a.lltged to be unatghl· IJ , next to their lnclu11trlat lot near the comer or Pomona a nd 17tb St., C<>at& MeeL Ing code requJremonla. "C-01ta Mesa has no a rcllltt'<'lural rontrol ordinance," Commlalrioner Bamtv Francque 1111ld. · SA!'\/. A ="A m c:-;s1 - Edward C Hele\', 33 wh1•s11 l11i<l ad1lre.u w11a ·f!lvtn n.!I LB· g·una Bcudr. Ft hley rt, e.ietl gu1lly to pa Mrni; A St!\ WcJrt h· ks<1 l'hl'dt 11t th1· C'mt>l Suprr ~lnrktt ~;317 1; 1 o:u t ll1i;:h· W Ry, (.\11 l'nl\ •lt•I ~11\r, M.1rd1 H. Rnlph l.A'e, fire pr< ''"ntlon ofCI· <'Cr or Cott& MN& lut Munda\' 1·r · turnf'd f rom •ttl'ndm~ • lhre~-day "We don't tee.I our lnvcatmcnt In Costa Meaa la bllAg protected," lha TutUea notified the ptanne r11. They were advl.Jled to carry their proteat be.fore city council n ext Monday night. "Then <lon'l you think we should do aomething ~" asked M u Tuttle. "We want indwrlry," agreed F ranrque. New City Census to Cost $2825 HAlr y 1h1•n n qul'slf"1 pro· b8\hln hl'.tlln>: <tll ! J d11,\ t'n pleatltni; tu a :rnn1ler <'• 11111 :Su11f'r1or l'<tt11 t J ulli;e J••hn Sht-a !It t 11.il"Y :1 ll"un ni; and 8t'n teni:ing lolr 9 3U u.m A p1 il 15 ond c111111n111•1I ttt rnl~11w111 City Manage.r John Sailors Mon· '1n t'ounl two. 1111uthl'r alli-~··.I $20 bllcl cho•ck, to th11t t111w day night waa tnatructed by city Haley la In cust ody. i.· I 111"1. Tullio Mid the aback, ldanWled by Bwldlng O fficial A. J . Vols u a "small carpenter'• llhop," faced on Pomona a t the rear end or a lot adjacrnt to the Tuttlea' lnduatrlal alle t or produc· ing ftre protect ion eprlnklers. CO\;J\Ctl to arrnngtt tor the ctty'11 -------------next !pedal federal ct-nsu1 with the Bureau ~t the Censu1 at a cost Paddle Board Theft DELUXE LUNCH It :IO a. m. -I :00 p. Ill. estimated a t $282:>. Theft o r a p11dclle bcl11rd anti City otC1ci11.l1 believe present damai:e t o th!' mot of her home population Is nearer 19.000 lhan CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES the 17,000 number fuund In Novem· wu rt>ported 10 pollce S unday by l :N p. m. -l :Ot a. m.. "I haven't aren the building," commented CommlMloner Bob WI Lion. M r, 1953 epecl&J CCNIUI here. Cer· ~~:: Edna 1Jav1a of 216 A~alont- lllln gu tax monlta wlU be adcled ------------- to city cotffl"ll with additional populallon , ma.king tbt cen1U1 economically advt11abl1. Jones Car Damaged FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Pricee the l'eu Aroaad "Don't," ad vl.led Mre. Tuttle. "It'll apoll your duy.'' The Tuttlee were advt.ed not.h· tnr CIOuJd bl done otber tha.n re· -WANT Acl1 1ell homee, boau. quire th• 8tructure to meet build· cars, t'umlture, a ppllancee, etc. H it And run danrage LO hi.a c.'Br etrurk w hllt1 pRrhPd behind 261 2 Nt-wport Blv<I wu reported to polfce Wedne111lay by Myrra Jone1. CHINESE CASINO 111 MaJa St., Balboa ---••-•mum11111HWSU_M_HlllUWWWG....,m11w-1111id-mntw.,nm11a1_n_,_..,,,~1munn'""'1ftn1M1u1111unun1•WUW111•11mnmnrun111nm....,1m•11111t_ ... ______ ... _________ _ ORE SAFEWAY LOW PRICES WILSON ~ TENDERMADE 1 c..ai .. ,........_ ....... ....... .,.., SefW with f ............. PlftHfpll. g 6~ DUBUQUE IN'Mll 1°!: 6.79 MIDGET TURKEYS;~! ~4t UIOA CMQtCl.AOID 7 3 BEEF RIB ROAST SLICED BACON:..~ 5 7' 7• Staftdl"9 cvt. • ( PWtt S rlbe.. • ,,.....,. Boue CHICKEN r~ ~19 FRYR gnc BREASTS~ 7 FIYER 3nc WINGS ;.-:: 7 ~ ...... , 11 I 'teat& er lwlfl'a ,,._..,_ ~ode A Qu.llty-tt.ot -1 pock.. GROUND BEEF •. 3~ ,.._, VWitne '-<k. State •"'fl'IC'M. COINED BEEF .. 4~ ~ lrt1lret, wtth '"'Id cvrt. C•p,..IR'• Cllelee Fillet Ocean Perch:.: 39' Whole Whiting 1~ 39' COLDBROOK GOLDEN YELLOW DALEWOOD MARGARINE CRANBERRY SAUCE PINEAPPLE CHUNKS ~i:,.~ '4:.:;l 5 1 con AGE CHEESE ·~mT~~N;.~ lk>-Time, Crtom Of formet, holf pint cortO"', 11&. '6: 19' -:23• '!: 11· BISCUIT MIX 11.=~ ~ 35' ".:i ~32' t=l9' :; 27• TOMATO KETCHUP SLICED CHEESE c 'on wrapped. Golden cub. .. '!: 19' aOUIJJIY laatwC.aclw ••••• OocoWeC.. ''.: 29' ~';29' Spd*1 Jelly ·=2• Pllil Jelly ~ 29' ,,.,, ..... , Manh ... llowa T111der whlte pde.. 1 ... 'ocked 111 poly boe. liliet24Jc FRESH. EGGS · =~~tc::. ._ 49c Ult-Ill W1ll .._ ~·9· ~~§c Creom 0' The Crop, Medium Siu, Grade AA. doien 45c MAYONNAISE IEE NAPKINS (legufor sin ''""' peech, white or yellow.) Pine juicy, sweet grape~rult ... ""' l8T FOODS ........ DlmSID.40's lf6llAI Sill IO' s :1oc c~O: 89 LA YEI CAif UClf "--·lop -.... .._ ........ ............ ,, ... __ .__ ...... ,.....,. .... _ t .. ...,~ , .... HOT CROSS IUNS Bokecl by Cvrhy '!.'i 27' sk .. ·l•rk e .... d 100"'·1r--.J .... 23' ~vner etl9 a..f Porlttr HovM ROLLS t,•; 25' fnrith•d White Of •hMt BR£AD ::!f 28' lift Crtc .. n 34, NBC. 1 ·1~ ....... CHH·DP '-: 21• ·~ •I' NEWI Ol~er"'t d'>HM tpr90d. M BUNS ~ ·~ 17' R£YNOlDS WRAP -: 23' EDWARDS COFFIE ....... ,. ............ '!; 93c NOi Hll COffll , .... M-4.. , .. . a...... .... --.. .. . AIRWAY COFFEE ................ 1-ttt. gro w" coffeee. plr1. PANCAKE & WAmE MIX !vronno l rond 1 ~.11t. 19' 211..aa.35c '6r•· ... TU GARDEN SYRUP DRIPS :!:~22' =37' CAMAY SOAP 3:!23' 2·::23• Nm lffKTM tMs.. flt. SAt. Ull J, I. f, ttsS. If MWAY Siem• lllS MU. ........ ---. ................................. ..... STORE HOURS Da.ily 9 a.. m. Lo 8 p. m. <Frida~ tiU 9 p. m.) Su11day 9 a.. m. to 6 p. m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PUNTY OF PARKING ON LARGE PAYED LOT I PAGE '4 -COASTAL SHOPPER -APRIL 6, 1955 UNDERWATER AT PORT THEATRE J 1tr.• H ' ~· ll 11nil Al'l11r Ru n111e1 J<:i:11n llrl' ~h11WTI fr<1m hrr l>Jl<'lll •«ur 11c 1 • · "'' whwh Opt>O!I t"'l.1y 11t l'n rt ThrAlrr in ('ntona d• I·'''''· 1;tum11rou:; Russt'll Is ph11toi:111ph"I 1n nun1bi>r or under· " •'•·r ,.,, ,, n• ,.,. 13kl'n In Florida filled w ith purple k • cttam t oppt>d I wllh tiny Eutt>r egg•. Say It With Bon Voyage Party Fetes Lido Matron A ttenclmg Wfre Mmea. Be.mea, Ralph Ahrt'lls , Floyd E. Buell, Wll-I ltAh1 Ma<'kt'nue Bro"''ll, Rlplt>y I &~·lets, Robtrt Hetfnrr, Chult'll 1.-&mb, Holtll'n. Charita KJeru!f, ~ ..... ,, Thornaa Lt'tto, M. J . Lockney, M. ~, w ... C' MsnsPlla. Clinton Cr~e. Marton I Party !Wnt.al Ite m• OIM"n, Joe £. Prelnlna-u. Gene W. J 6(1.t fJ. Coo.it l/y., Corolt4 dtl Mar k "-'S. Ct<>rt;l' E S1lnr, L. H. 8Utt· a:n la, f'h1lhp Stumbaugh. Robert Harbor ""71 :-.; WllttrhOU-'C'. Tt-mplPl•>n, Jn ·ing W, AlC'ht>r, E. 1 Srndtng bt•lll w iahea t o th• hon--rt pay1 t o read the want ads • uree were M ml'a. Har-ry Ha.rt., --------- Ht'lwllr<.I Wlllls. Ralph Ta.ndow&ky r;-==========~ Mrs. of Lee Barnes Guest Honor at Gay Affair i.n1I K t'nnl'th c. Klnp ley, who fat hers w i-r" unable to attend, To Compe~e at One of the most delightful of bon voyage e\'ents was Headdress Ball . that hostessed on Thursday by Mrs. Vincent SalmaC'ia, 2151 Morrl Molho. propr1l'tor of Flow- Vfa Lido Soud. for Mrs. Lee Barnes, also of Lido Isle. Mrs. mi b_v Morrt. hu been choaen to . . . . . p&rt1c1pat" tn the "Hu.ddreaa I Barnes left on Apnl 1 with Mrs. George W1lhams of Arcadia l:htll" at the Ambauador Hotd tn I tor ll pl!1.ne tnp to Europe. ot rt'il u id whale camlltlt'lns tit>d Los Angl'lt• on April 22. Morrt A color theme nt puq Jte, ytllow with blllt nbbon and l!t&ndinb w1U contribute a centrrpl~"· Tht 11.nd whtlf' Wlt!I C'ht>~<'n for cl•'Nll a -guard wa.. a white dovt>. I compelll1on la entrr'd by lnvita• t1on only. tint111. At lht' entranre WM a large The thnlng teble Wll."I centeret1 The "H eadreu Ball" 11 ~ an· i.:lu.M lablt un whll'h 11lood a ri·pla · with nower11 in a hu~t! purple 1 nual affair conducll'd by the LIU 'a <>t lht' United :o.;ut1nns bu11thng. atraw hat. fla.nkl'd by purple C'llll· F'lortst.aa, Jumor Flower Club. It.a lit IUI top 11 world glnb~. and Its dlrs adornl'd with gnpti.. Ev•n the proceeJ s are used tor ch&ritabl~ mother's day is • month away 9ive "HER" a well-deserv~ vacation week-end $25 'round the world $2.500 a trtp IS 11. ~l(t luting a 11r .. 11me Son for Garcias r~n:1. O~tabte was •~P'"Y l 11rrt bring edible Eaatrr basktt• "La Prlmtere du cirque". cdm travel service ~42 1., E. Caul Hwy. CORON A DEL MAR Harbor IU8 (Mutu.i Theatre T icket•) Bruce Martin FOR f..LL \'OL'R l~SL'}tANCE l't:i::us l..ol'AL J\til:ST B-'drnce Otnce Liberty ~;)068 lJl>f'rty 8-5.);rl • WI .i::; ~~Wf2~1 i~\t1i:}'~~=~··~:: ti IM I IMM MM I I I I SOFT W.•TU t Wlllt• Side W •II• CIM•td LUllrC AlrON -CAii P0ltS>11MCi Al:ROSS t'KO!\I SF:A.KS SANTA A..'IA Panhellenic Revelations l tuc kony bf'a.nng tiny flai;a of aJJ dessert carn~ out the themt', dts· 1 purpoau . The theme thi. year l• li•11 n 1n S11Jllli A 11u Co111m11r11ty ,JO II NS T 0 NE• S i:::::::::=::=::===:===~--_:~ H()!fp1tul to ~Ir .1.n.t Mrs. l't>lt' the C L A S S I F I E D Ga11 1t1. 1111 •, A s 1. HW1tmi:t11n I Mesa Auto Wrecken 'flatbor· l'1111h1•ll.,1111· ts 11n t 1t I· Hl'1u·h. wa~ fl l>ny. 1 lb~. ,14 m: l '!Of'd Auto l'ar1a pHllOJ.: 11n 111u1 .. 1111I ant.I f'Mt<'rl111n1n.i: I on Ma1 t•h 27 and Ac~"""orlM f'"'l:""l1 "'h•·n 11 ml'~t" Ap11 1 20 -2075 Placentia Ave. a t rhr• "'''"'" 11( Mr" v~I• r A Llbf'rty 8-101ll ('o•ta M-~111l1h. :.ill S11nta A nn A w M 1~:< BE SURE • INSURE ll lJ'f'V Kini;. h1rnolw nl 1n~ itnul\ •I Y.111 I.JI • ho\1 111 I• rl:<llt" uf nwni· b .. r,. IHI l t•VPAl ... t1 Ill lhl" w n 11n i; ;\ b•1•1n1·~11 nw1•11n~ will 1 .. 11,."' '"''"'''' will h" ~· rvi··I l\L 1 ;so r 111 hv ~Ir'< :.m11 h 11nd" I ....... . tn..: ht~ft'A"ftft \ti I f ''ti• tltttr\ f:11111h , lt.tl1 •h M ,, h· l•on \\"1llHtth J '"nH 11nd H•·NI Jl11n11"n l~••I" -,.,,,,,.., -1 r~l lr•r" lrrri:uh•r 'hapt· .. IJIM·rt.~· .11-1:m:i < o..;T \ ~n:-.A !\I \ TTH t:-. ... C O. '!l.\O :'\1'\\Jlotrl 8ht.I. 1\llh ~Al RU. ~TASLt:\• lm•uranc•f' Onlv l'hun" llllrtw1r ?·.a'J4 11:1111 t:. ('ow.I ffllt'h"ay C"11rutu• iJ,.I !\l1&r HOU)£ TltAll..Elt IN~URANC£ ANYWHCIH. £.A l •l••I• ~060 f'll••pert 8ht4 . Cott• M•t• \\ \T t.I( llt.>\Tt:Ks \•LB SUVIC( ••d lfPAIU PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY Formf'rly GRAl't~L CRAPEL 110 ftrNMfw•Y ,-<.:O.ta MN& Ubt-rty a.sus anc1 a-uu fl:;wers "'1 ;:, -,,, I I . ' / 1 :1 . II 1 ·u,rt OPEN EVERY DAY (Including Sunday) Special •1995 THE FINEST AND LOWEST PRICED FArly Atnf'riran MAPLE FURNITURE • ••. an'J'where Ope" Fridays until 9 ~~~!l f~lr;~~ 1 rl. !!!!'I Call DAN'S TV; 8'n11'f' • Rf'nl.al• • Sal ... ALUMINUM CHAISE WILL NOT RUST 100°/o ALUMINUM Permanents Liberty 8-2228 MATCHING COLORS JOI WlllS-4 WOOOWOH ODORLESSI Mt>OonsaM r nint ~tor .. 1ic;o If art .... llh 11., 1 "'' , 'I• ... Lltwrt' it !'1 t' •illJ~IJ :~-PAINTS lor r vr1 y pvrpos~ LID ~t . t; NOW SHOWING 2 WEEK RUN llCIN DIVI• ACTION! AOUA·LUNG THRILLlf r-.: -· ·...:.. · ~ALB OA?lfu,t~c \\tfl , TIH R~ .. nu .. "~T. '' orlln and ,.,.,. •~ "3 RING CIRCUS" "RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND" "'' ' . '"'' Tl I ., t ,.,II,. <Aron "LILI" "HER TWELVE MEN" -.TAl<T' \\ t.U Hn...,rt T io\ lor "Valley •. ~~ !~~ Kings" I "Singing In The Raitt" Now 2nd WHk Danny Kaye ''ASSIGNMENT CHILDR!N" Kids' Mat. Sat. 1 :45 "HONEY CHILE" 'LONG JOHN SILVER' FRAME & WHEELS NO STEEL e AVAILABLE IN BLUE e GREEN e TERRA COTT A IU'ld "Hunten of The DHp" DOTH I~ C'Of..OR Kl<I• Mat. !Cat. t . p. m. "BORNEO" ~TART~ ~t·snA\' TI\ 0 BUI O'\t:S ~XiiW YORK COllRDElllll[ OROLITE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS HDWR. PLUMBING SUPPLIES GARDENING TOOLS FULLER PAINTS MASONRY SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL NEEDS CABINET HDWR. _ ___, ___ ...,....,.._ .. ~ --·llllla ___ ... _. ' Open Daily Monday Through Sunday 8 •· m. -6 p. m. Phont' l~llW'rt)' 8-78M 222 \'ll't-0ria St. (nr.ar Nf'\\J)Ort Blvd.) ~ta Mf'M EASTER EVEN -APRIL 9 J 00 P.M. Holy Baptiam and Children's Mite Box Pret1ent.ation Ser•ire. Music -The Cht'nib Choir. QUldren'a &!nnon -Tbe Curate EASTER DAY -APRIL I 0 6:30 A.M. Holy {'l"\mmuni11n 7:30 A.M. Hoh· C:ommun111n and :::1•rm11n ~tu~1r -Thr ~' ni11r ('Jt•Hr ~l'rmnn -T h.-t 'ur,i te- g 30 A M. Hr1I\' Cnmmun1<1n trnd .C:rrm11n ~l u~tC' ~ The Junior Ln111r Sermon -Chaplain Le1~h-Pmlc ChHdttn'11 Serv1 re in the Church ~chool Chapel 11 :00 A.M. Fe!\t1val ~forning Prayer and Sermon Music -The Senior Choir Sermcin -The Curate 12: 15 P .M. Holy Communion SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL Vfl LM6 &t fJdo Lii~ BnJ&e ~T.WPORT l\r.Ar R KAL'S SHOE OUTLET 411 West Fourtlt St. Santa Ana Kl 7-3863 . Children's Shoes •ftmt.>T Bl'ft~ n •J>W.d ..,.,..r •t:dwarda 0 41tf'-pmaatH •t~ BclnN •A..,..r1r-,,.., •JtoMll llood !"b,pe 1111 to II \\ lt1t h' A. to t: Men's Shoes •n-11111m •"'1tillll \\'alk"r 8" ""-"-' •-...u.. ('11erf'lll .,..,... .,, r.. "9inttlll • ._. •Pall llaU to SH.99 &Me M.00 to Sl8.00 per pair _.....,. ... _ _.,,._ to set off your Easter bonnet for the Entire F amlly ! High Fash ions •fllll Ii O&lti> •c......i <'1,... .. 1r 8'?o 11)" 0'f"'1rm~ ... •f'M'M'aft •r)oo, ~ .. 110 •f. Mlllt1>r •r 11etnm rratt •rn•frftt• "RIH O'Sf'll • At,...t.,, ___________ ......... ,. • • -..... __ .._11'".,-Tl1t RE\·. RALPH Bl'JU,f:l(.11 rf:ASE, C'orat~ l APRIL 6, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGES N ,. M b s· t h D I I dtmnnslrn!lon tndud~! 11oni;11. "an· I whll~ Mn B<'ct~l'hf't Is ll cont ralto I Cut .... , ... 1111 M h. D I ew em ers oet C er UO Ct'S B.n<I folklore With t>mph"•I& al tl!lt .ind Is par lll'Ularly noted for 1 • :····-rw p1t••,.••l roforecaco ...... : att 1as UO . . , I on 1111• hopes IUl•f Ideal• of tll<· in· !ulk mu •.<' lnttrpretutlon. ' I t s.rv· Exchan e : • -------------------for Pilot Class on Program of d1vt1l11al 1n a new communltl n•·I T he progr&m w1U be precrde,1,: oa IC• 9 : Home From Trip ----------~-~~~---- tJun. Mr. Borttcher I~ rhalrman 1 by a pol ltwk 11upper to which each ! n .. ,. h•lp on r our boot 1 ' I s h • NEW 'l."he P ilot Cius• of Chrll't Ch11rr h A A u w f of thf' dtvl~l•tn of fine aniJ 11pph«d mrmb .. r Will rontrlbua her (~vor-: IN THE WATUI o " ON THE WAY.5 : Mr. 811 ! Mrs. C.,.•wls M11t1hirll'. om et 1nrl ~ • the Sta met Friday at Gode II • • • om eri lit l.:1 or Urnr.1'(e l 'M!lt Coll ... ge. lte cll~h. I: : Ealb011 C11ves, Hlllrnrrl Mn rrh :i I 6 • • • ...-11 with M mu. Jame• TayJr,r ... , . .. -: w. ,.o •vorrthln• I ••••-•blo r i from l \\ n we,•ks l'(IC'nl In Flo11d11 Has Been Added and Ma rlon St••·lv M.•r\'rn): f•~ hn~t· I fhe. H"urtheat of a Nation • , enJ the J::ahamus. Th.-v stuppPJ at ... t'I F our n r l!.' m• 11.t,t'rl! w .. n• will l)e p re111·nted bv Mr . 1rnd. Mrs 1 LATEST HAIR STYLING ! 8T lh• hour •2·50 10 •3 tor mo•I : M1:11111 tht'n WPn t to !\11~!\att w hPrl' Lad!,.. lr1H•"'ne a hair tlr,nr \\'JTHOUT . I' h Bo • t •h • h I ' •••~. -0 " WE'LL CONTRACT. • . . • • • ,... amonir thf' 22 pr1>1<•·nt Thty \\'I'll' \ennet 1 t < er ot \ e regu ar • , Mr Matthf;i~ ll tlt•ndt•<l lhP -"atinn·' HF:,\1' :-1••'"'" 1111pn>1s1hlc'. lnrt It's truP •.. Mr. and Mrs. H ar<Jltl Arthur 11nct I gene1al pr;~gram me. tm~ .at Santa FOR HOLJE : al c .. nw tn y A1<soC'latlnn• ronf1tb and w 1• .. re 1he 11r~1 In lilt' 1!11rbnr Area to .Mr. a nd Mre. Kenrth n ickln>1on. Ana hranc or l hl' Am•t k an Ae· 1 IV1 : On the wav home thi•y atoppt>d a l h11\'t1 thl~ l'>llllll·:HN MIRAt"Lb:. Dr tu \Vllllam Lcndts pr"<'lded Ill lh<' "°"'"'tnn ()( l"nlver-~1\y \\'om en, : Pato1 w.·11 ov•n provide !\~w Orlean!. hiur All=-'l1Lt'Tb:LY Cu\JJ. lJ1t&Jelne i urh bwilneu 1c11111on. Cout i whist fol· I A pnl H 81 8 p.n1. Bl the Ebell PERMANENTS : Var•toh • ,,.,.. Tho jaunt was thoroughly di'-I l"llmf,,i: ! lowed, with Mn. L:iru.11.'l and Ralph n ub B"u•e in Santa Ana. I ; Corp••••• llghlful. the rottple r.-porlR, 11nd 5 • Sfyl 5 I Wat.on holrllng high .,., IJl'o!d; .Mrs. I A realistic: a pproach to the peo· D A N • s : Mui Wor~ Ancl on<• In . whll• !\l rs . .Mnllh1as ho' tt'l\lrTit>cl with usan s e a on .Arthur and H arol1! <~!Hsa hl\Cl lu\\'. pl« of Yug1shw l1J, th1s h•c:ture· BARBER SHOP , : Rin ln• ~:;5v8:1:rr~~hP11 or C'olorrut bit.s or1 li4 E. 16th St., CoMta JU~ U 8-7528 : MHhant<a.I t __ '------------------~-- BALTZ MORTUARIES BAL~A THEATRE B~~ :A~~~ ~~VlaO~rt•: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BALBOA : ("llunolnoulto") tLlclo Whorl) o ' : o I COSTA M ESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avenue Co1ta Mesa. Calif. CHAPEi~ RY THE SEA 3:120 E . Coast Blvd. Corona dj<) Mar. Calif. : Har. 1301 A1lt for 'Co•-••dou• 8 08 ' --2:;;;;:;;;;~~~~~~~~~~:;;;;~~~~~~· ' p;. ··--------·--······--····----~-··' Closing Out Sale Phone Llberty 8·2121 Phone Harbor 42 Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -JACK BOYER - 2801 W. Balboa Boulevard • Linoleum • Ruhber Tile • Cork • Asphalt Tile • Carpet • Formica • Yacht • lnst.allation Harbor 5389 Newport Beach HO USE HOLD WARDROB E CR I S I.S? CRIS I S? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "Sk:lt\'H 'I--: \\'!Ti ii~ H o 1·1ts -\\'H F.!'f NEEUEO" C0'9PLY.Tt: l..Al '~IH.:1urng and CLEA..~t:RS ~EWl'OliT llt:A<.:H ~ /1£1if IOW[R COST B J_ PACKAGE BUILDINGS AtelD tllaAM& GLUtO LAMINAT!O M!.MBERS, GIVf CLEAR S~N. AFFORDING GQEAT STQE.NGTH AT LOWER COST. COMPl.lT[ e>UILOING -VTU.ITV DELIV[REO TO JO~ 51Tf FROM t 1u PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERf.CllO, INCLUDING 3LA.e>, FROM 61 • P[R. SQ. FT. ~ PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER ~-.7~ • YOtJ GET MORE THAN FOUR when you add TWO DOLLARS plus TWO DOL- LARS ... in a savings account. The difference is m your favor, for the interest is added. as earned, to vour original deposit. and compounded regular- ly.· ~1ay we help you start yow· sa\'lnga account next payday? COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1867 ~cwvort Blvd. l.fbnt)' 11-~•1'1 ~~~--~~-~ ~-------.. TV 5pECIAL • • • Stevens and Sons GIANT 21-INCH SCREEN Compare these features! • )•I Turll1>9 Otii9n-Con•eni•ntly ploc•d "'O•n con•rol1. HHldmowoy" Pow .. Cord o•«f "P'vll-Oul" UH, 'VH' e1ttenno conooled in "Jet Tuni11g cylind•,,." • ~ Speciol "T" chonlt-Z.nlth r•••ol'Ched, e119I~ tetl.d olld pro••d lo• cHP•lldobl• perfoMnon<•I • C."u•nm Co1<,od• l uM r-omo:in9 obrllty to amplify lnco,.,1119 TV tl9nolt lo• b•tte1 rttepi.on. • ~l'lctvre-lo<l1'' S>obilite• Circu1l-13•.,..• yo.. t>.tt .. -•ptco1t i11 "proble,.," locoliont., • loc'Ol.Oi1tonu Swftclt-H •\litlvity-clton;e twitch for bett -..ptiool of loc.ol °' ditto•• tlotro..._ STEVENS ,and SONS WE SEIVICI ALL MAKES TILIYISION AND RADIO 1879 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Phone Liberty 8-23_01 Many a big deal hu been ma4P throu~h a lll'Tlall d aUlfled ad. I Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL I 40°!0 off ON ALL STOCK including NORCROSS GREETING CARDS GIFT WRAPPINGS BONE CHINA NAPKINS RIBBOl\IS PARTY FAVORS NOVELTIES CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL a ' I Kl (J'ean .1 • 1 I 2·7027 · 2721 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar ~===;;;--=;;=-;;;~.iii~_ ~-ii;~~~-~iji--i;;i-jiii~~~-==~~ . WOODMAN MEATS rn BUDD'S MARKET 18[>81 So. Main !"&nil\ Anl\ lU S-8711 Featuring U. S. Gov'L gradfd, Mlltct StaU Fed Steer Beet "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE" So. Main & Newport Blvd. al dle julleUoe Spt•cla19 For Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday GRADE "A" COLORED EVISCERATED DUBU(i)U! ~STERN FULLY COOKED FRYING CHICKENS READY TO COOK EASTERN HICKORY SMOKED SLICED BACON Full Center Slices -1 lb. Layen 29¢ lb. loftelns CANNED HAM READY TO EAT c lb. RIB STEAK 39~. SWISS 45 STEAK ~. SHORT RIBS 12•. TENDER JUICY CLUB STEAK STEW BEEF [ STANDING CHUCK ROAST 19~. j PRIME RIB ROAST I GROUNo 51b •• 99c 0-BONE 3 9c rJ E E F lb. R 0 A s l lb. CENTER CUT I 7-BONE ROAST EASTER~ ORA~ f'F.O LEA.N ll:MITltllH BOILING BEEF !llt:~IJ 80NJ.:U;!ll~ 45 r; N 4; L I ~ II C c 1· T R 0 AST lb. LEG OF PORK AF.SR RAM Fresh Sicle 3 s~b. PORK Specials In tit• Grocery Depar IRiWnt SUGAR O AR 10 lb. laCJ 83c EGGI DOZ. 39c CRISCO IHOllTEN' I'S 0 J lb. ca .. J9c • I _, Poore, Harris ~~~11 1~1;~~~·~~::~~1'::~~u:~~~~~::~~~ NEW GRAND JURY SELECTS BIG JULY 4 FESTIVITIES to Join OCC r.~~:: ... ::·~·:: .. :: .. "".::1cHAIRMAN: To MEET MONTHLY 1 PAtE ' -COAST Ar SHOPPER -APRIL: 6, I 955 SET BY HUNTINGTON BEACH 55-56 Faculty ~:2!t~~~~~~f.:~~:; Qlamber of Commen·e member• -to feature the futuriatlc and Belich State Collegt'. He haa .. Bunting1cm n.-ach have been atom ic •Ke, ot which many (11111.t• The Board of Truatee.a ot Orange l•ught carpentry at Fullerton J un. lh9I an early l'reefl h11ht by city may catch their theme from th• Cout College at their ~gul1&r lor Collrge a nd ml'tal tradea at etllcJale to prttpa re tor the 61al .. atom,. m~unr March 28. appuanted Lwo Card~n Grove High School. He 15 a Aaaual Fourth ot J uly Parade and A queen I.I to be lt'lected from new ln1truclora tor U~ 190:\·06 Joumeyma.n ca rpenter a.nd hll.S eeleM'allon. On.nre County H igh School con· year. Appolntmt'nUI l.ncludl'd Wll-compl~ted a pprentice tre.lnlnJ aa Wheel• were ~t sn motion la.at lestant1. Selection ot 1 girl to r e-Imm M. Poore, lnatructor In t.e~h· I a m achln1St. Week In prrpar&t1on fnr the pruenl l'&ch high 1chool must be nology and chemlatry and u s1st· 1 •.,_t.e1t and bt11gut c1·l~brallon", completed by Saturday, Jun ... •· ant !ootba.11 coach ; and Kenneth E. W1aleh more than a quartrr-mllllon Shortly after, final Judgmg w ill Harris, lnatruct or In building con-New Car Cloufed per.ona are u pe<'t<'•I tn attt nd. take plac. In Huntington Beach. 1truct1on. Ttle four·•liw .. v .. nt n rh year r.....t year, moYie actor Jamf'I Cag· For two ye•re Poore hu aerved tauowa a ,· 1111on al't In .1904 ney eerved u g:rand marshall In as lruslructor In malhematlca and 'WMn Pa•,: F:l1•rtnr Railway the puade. Numerous famous e.as1st.&nl coach at H untmgl on ._ f1r~t 1.-1u h1·tl Huntington 11tar1 and namu alway1 appear as Beach H igh Si:hool He 11 a grad. Ba.ch anJ 1(1u1d\'"'i8nrPr11 ceolebrat· partlclpanu In thl' annual evl'nt. uate or Whittler College and F111. ed the event Willi 1un1esng and William H. Gallienne, Secreta ry· ler ton J unlor Cull»ge where he A spare wheel and tire, lug wrenC'h a nd jack all \•a.tued at $f>ll were r emo,• .. d from the unh1rk .. d t runk of a 19:>0 car ln the re&r ot 43:.!3 W. Coaat Hfghway, Lou Reed, car df'lller, told police Mar. 26. SANTA ANA, (OCNS I -The new Orange County grand jury has sel('('ted it.a chairman pro tem. secretary and auditing committee. Foreman Bromley W. Hill aelected Mrs. Lucille Pinkley of Fullerton a.s secretary. Henry Read ot San Clemente was elected chairman pro tern. Picked to serve on the auditing committee were Chairman Bert M. Wells of Buena Park, Fritz Gooe- scns of Garden Grove. Mrs. J . R. Fletcher of San Clemente and Nolan Doss of Laguna Beach. The jurors decided t o hold regular meetings the second Tuesday of every month during their tour of duty. Sessions will be held in the planning com- mission conference room at Sixth and Birch Sts., Santa Ana. RROADMOOR TRAll.F.R llO~IF.S [11 204!0 .S""fl"'' Hhd .. (',·~•• ~ ....... ('allt .. mla 30·t 0 • M toot Iota. l'111·atf' ll'l!'pho1neo l\n1I natur al JIU a\'ILiiabh' t'lueeo to 1<n•l'rl•lr11 hua •HVh r '' '" EXCf'lll'nt telf'\i l lOn rl'('f'J•llun. A1lults 11nl\ n c> r••I.> \ "IDl:Al. \'t:AR·'KOl'~U l'l.l\I ·\Tt:·· , FOAM RUBBER Save 50°/o ROAT Rt '~KS n 'RSITt 'Rt; PIUA)WS l.SSt tLATION' WAR SURPLUS COSTA MF ... ~A l'<imf'r SI'" 1•ort ai llarbor Kl\(b. dancing In this ~BC'h l'lty. Manaitl:'r ot the HuntlnW'l Beach waa out.tandl~ In tootbalL P oore Oftir1ah1 aa1tl Huntington Beach Cha.mber of Commerce. beu 11 the ---------------------------------------------------------------------------~tA will "" cltaned and tlUe t~h year ot El ~eral~~n10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ADVERTISING IS THE BEST MEDIUM-Phone Harbor 16r6 •traJghl~n.,ft ur t,.•fore th~ big day and ta on,. ot the key figure• bf!· :=..:,._,;. amvr~ hind the llUCCt'llBfUI MOW. The pro· LIDO sHoPs The prng:ram 11 to bf'gin July gram lht11 year w ill ft>ature a car· I . wlth t h,. l'<'ronatloo ball and nlva l. a kld'11 parade, a n open air ceremr1nar8. :-;,.xt tlay will be aet concert In thl' a.mphtthutrr on the u lde !or t he 1U1nual bathin~ beau-1hore front, •l!lnclng In thf' Pav· ty pagf'ant 1 nrnr,,. than 1111 gtrl11 a-Ion to 11 big name orr hl'lllra, participa ted l11~t yearl. llnd Mon· an<t, on the n.1ght nt J uly t , a day, t he Fourth, will launrh thl' huge tm~worlu dl•play. tr11mtndoua p11trlotlc paratle In which more than 2000 mf'n and woml'n In mllit11ry 11nfnrm are I'll· pect.ed to participate. IUG PAR.ADE Th• parade artol"d.I an opportun· tty to wlt neu the gTf'llleet array of military 11trtngth to bf' lll'f"n aJoar the we1tern 1eabo11rd whf'n top military brua from San Fran· f'l.CO to 8an Diego r eview troop11 trc.t aa many aa eight military ,.._.ya1Jon1 and tour branc·hea et Ula military lt'rvice ,,oata. too. will be h1ghhghtN! dUrtng tha Cl'l1bra Uon aa wlll horml4!M c:&JTlagu fm m all or 8ouUlem c.lltomta. Work nn noata In HunUnfton Bt'ach hu alrMdy bel'Jll. T!leme of Ow Ooldrn J ubilH• Mlebratlon laat year waa "Our Golden Harttagt." Thi• yeu I h" th-wtll be "Out ot th111 World'' Cellar Dwellers Take Oiler Meet ORANGE (OCNS ) -Orange's crllar dwelling tra.rk men pullt>d one out or the fire Friday aa Otey downrd Huntington Buc h In a leagi1e met t M to M Ro<I • Jones, all around Orange aprtntrr a nd flPld man. won the JOO, 220 and broad Jump to pull lh f' Panther11 within rour points ot thf' Bf'Achml'n w ith only U1e mtll' 11nd the 880 relay remaining. Bnb Schw1'1ke won the mile and IJf't the 11taJCI' for J onf'a to an~hor thu mtrl deciding relAy. Al Flr1111f' ran the first lap, fol· low.-<1 by Jo" Holm1U1 an.I Al<!JC 1.t>pl'Z 11s J onu bl"f'f'Zf'I hom .. b.v I:> yll rd• wllh 11n Orange vlrtory. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 Pt1Ml·BU><'K C'OMl'A.~\' -U ZO ~. M.Un Wt., t'a11la Ar111 rt'MlC"E -CISOt:R A:'\'D f'O.SCRt:Tt: BLOCKS RP:r.-IPORC'I SG ~TIEt:I~ and 8 1. PPLl1':2' ', • 4' ~-t.I ~,, I .-4! • \.ti IJ :': ' .1'1 *I 'r J, -. -:-:--:--_ -:-:--:----. . ~ ~ l ... J rouo, Cii<oc. •.• , .,. -· ~-·· · "'"'" ,~ a 11 • ---------- NOW Opn Evt-ry Day ln the w~k a.,.u. • ......~ • l.Mta.UllU- • t AFFORD Ir. ION "NEL.8 and DOC .. DZl"TRJCA L C'ONTRAOl'OIUI ...... Ube.rtJ ....... 110 .,.,..... Anaae Newpffl lk6c'b BUil T ON YOUR LOT CARDINAL HOMES 1t9 E. 23rd St. ln Cotta M~ OpMI EvM. by Appt. !2! rttri"" an am"'"' ch«lt four 1ima a )'UI on )'OW full P..td U tllfic-. ( ~.., muh1pln ol SIOO.l ~ ACC'OUO( CUM INTERIST M lM aar~nt r11< ol ~~a yea1. ~ sninp 11t ult• Each~ is imuttod t0 S10,000 by an Agtncy oft~ Uo1.d Sc.wt Go9'fmmmt IAVW ACCOUNTS OPINID IY THI 1ont Of 1MI MONTH ....... '"''"· ..._.,.. ..... ,_..M'-'4c ........... .__ • CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HoUAehold Parll -Dealer -Service LIDO Eti:C'TRIC SU4 Vla Udo -Harbor '79T AUTOMOBILE DEALERS 1' ew and 11attl Car11 l\ I CKEKT'/, l'\Tl'Ot:BAKER S&IH Sf>rvtce l'arle SU~ !'\ewport Bh'd. -Har. 610 BANKS Bulk of Am"rka NT a RA UH \'la Udo -Harbor "S5 BARBt;R SHOPS U DO SHAYl:\G MUO la llJch.-eU'• Mo"9 for Mil& Ut~ \ la Udo -Harbor IZSI BEAUT\' PARLORS LIOO t-iU..OS Ot' BEAUTY .U4U' 1 \la OporlO-HA.r. %071 BOOKS HOOh CA."t: 3'16 \'la Udo -Harbor '40& CAM ERAS &! SuppUH \ l .S('t:~T l.IUO OKLG~ 3 1111 \la 1.ltlu -Harbor 300!1 CA.Rl'J~"OS ,. DRAPERIES DUK MAt KU< H l!O \'la. 1.ldo-Harbor UH CATERINO tUC'll.UCU'IO LIJ)() MARKt,T !IHI \la IJdo -Harlll.tr l!ll'l ll Cl.oTlll~G -Men'• Retall IUD\\ t:LL'l'I ~HOP f'Otc .Mt"-' ll4!l ll \ la Lido -lurlJl>r 06•11 CLOTHL~G-Womta'• 84>tall UUO l'AbHJO.S:-4 IUO \'la Uporltt -Hal1Hlr Mil "'tlADOO<.'K 'l'i .Ml l \la Udo -llalb@r MTl \'AllABO~O HOUSE 1J11p.>rted Sport.wear 1'-21 \'la Udo -~r 10CH URUO STOUES \'I.Slit.~ Tl'i UOQ UK COS ,.., \ la Udo -HartM!r .WI t::LECI'RICJ CO~CTORS LlOO t:UCTRIC UH \'la Udo -ll&Tber OtT FOUNTAIN. GRILL 'a~t .,;.srr-1.11>0 mu.:os U6l \la Udo -Harbor 1003 t'RAMES 0 " Aun;~IS t;t;RHAIUJT "Tl'DIOt- 1~ 18 \la Udo -Harbor U 06 FUR~""ilTURt; Ull K ~ • .\C'Kt:R lM.!O \'la l.ido -Harbor OU OUT SHOP KICHAKD'l'i LIUO M \RKt:T '"" \la Udo -Harbor 211211 11'SUR~~Ct; AGt:.'iTS \\, O. RI < K. L,.<. 1.00 \ la U do -Harbor «U INTERIOR DECORATORS Bl-A"l lJ.£ t l'UU:RSO.S A.J.11 Ull \la Udo -Harbor 6SN Dl<:K M.At.'KER IUO \ IA Udo -11.art>or 4&11 MAJUU."TS RICHAtuY~ UDO MARKET UU \la U do -Barb<1r 11128 NURSt:JUES Rlt,;HARD's UDO MARKET Co~e-Table Arran1~mtnt1 I.US \ ia Udo -Harbor %3!11 PHOTOGRAPH STt:DIOS CIEllHAJU>T ST l.'DIOl'i S411 \'la Udo -Halbor 640I REAL ESTATE LIDO ll£ALT\' AS80C'IATl:K l.rdo 8aJ• A RenlaU ll4()0 \'la Udo -Harbor "" p. L palml'r, lncorporate4 ole bullMMa co,. aall'e mpt. UH \'ta lid• -harbor I SGt \'OOJ:I, COMPA.~l· Hll \Alt Uct. -Harllior U'TI SAVINGS II LOAN ASSOCIATIONS ?\'EWPORT llALBOA l'A\'lN08 A WA.~ A8'SOCIATIO~ A Savlq1 lNIUluUon Loni Term Home IA&n• IMI \'le Ude -Harbor 6100 iEBVICE STATIONS UDO RICRFJJ;LD Ull .N~ Bl"-ff.Ar. tltl 5HOE8-Mm'1 JllDWEU.'lil HTOU f'OR MT.' H U na I .kk -Ha.rbor 08"3 DIEATRES LIDO THl:A TRI: CoruuJl lh•• paper for pro~ \'la Ltdo at .S .-port Bh'd. Bart>or llU lOl'S UDO TOFl.A..''1> MU \'18 U. -HartKtr 1N6 l"PB01.8TER~G DIC'K MAC'KP:R IUO \'la Udo -Rartior •!1!8 From ~ny Ang\e LOOKING'S GOOD IN LIDO LIDO . ... ~ 1~,k 1nd t Hey Kids! Enter the Roy Rogers Bullet Contest. Now! · 510 .FREE PRIZES • SF.t: THEM IN 011R WlNOOW. Guess how many Roy Ro9ers bullets there are in the pl.stic: c:ont•iner in our window. (Official Headquarters for Roy Ro9ers ContHt!) Complete New Line of VOGUE DOLLS and Accessories . . . DAVY CROCKET IOOKS ••. EASTER RAlllTS from $1.00 up Hey Parents! Sign up for the Birthd•y Club for Chitdren ••• Surprise! Surprise! 3442 Via Udo Harbor 2954 ALWAYS THE FIRST with G.E's Newest! Introducing the New LIBERATOR Ran9e FINEST G.E. TWO-OVEN RANGE ever made * Calrod automatic: top burner -can be set any tem perature you want .. , Automatic oven Timer ... Calrod coo~ing units throughout ... Focused Heat Broiler .•• 3424 Via Lido * EXCEPTIONALLY LIBERAL TRADE -IN Harbor 4797 Dick Macker l I D 100°/o WOOL-EXTRA HEAVY Japanese Braided Carpet 3 COLO RS, BEIGE, GREY AND GREEN •1095 12 foot widths for wall to wall carpeting -yd. Complete Installed ~ complete with padding, taclcleu 1trip1 end door metal. 3420 Via Lido Harbor 4328 France's LIDO DRUGI FINEST PERFUMES for • • your EASTER GIFTS • • and Cosmetics Choose from these World Famous Perfumers CHANEL e WORTH e GERMAINE MONTEil LANVIN e ELIZABETH ARDEN e GUERLAIN CARON e DANA e FABERGE Traclltlonally Yours this 0 M A R K I T G~ler SunJa'I . . • HAM AND EGGS TRADmONALLY RICHARD'S •... Menh.tt1n Hams with th. O ld Fuhioned, Down· on-th.F•rm fl•vor. Eastern raised pork! The le9s shipped to Lon9 Beech to be cured and smoked especielly for us. You 'll notiu th. difference in flavor with the ertre 2'4 hour smoke. Eech •nd everyone 9uarantMd. TRADmONALLY RICHARD'S •..• Our own GrMn C.rton R•nch E991 .•• Personefty selected from on• rench end brought in fr•h Mch momin9. So herd to fincfl btre Large Eggs! For • memoreble Eester BreeUastl .. McCormack Now on Atomic Test Ground Mission CAMP DESERT ROCK. Nev. (FHTNC) -Now a t the A tomic Energy Commluion I' r o v I n g round• here tor the lalt'l!l 1erln a tomic tetil• 11 Marine Pfc. J'loelan P. Mccornack, ion ot Mr. and Mr1. Lacy Field ot Sandy'• '1'rallu Park, Hwy. 101. Newport I of vertlcat envelopment bJ hell-I 84.-ach. a.nd husband or the Cormn copter. Training ln phyalcal pro- Ml811 Edith G. l.Ja\ la ot Baldwin tt-r uon meuuN>a and lndO<"trina- Purk. lloi. In the etftct• of atomic Befor• entering the aervlce In upJoalona on equipment a.re oUler Dtcember, 1963, ht attended Bald-1m,,.,rtant phaaee of the exerc:iae. win P ark H igh School a.nd wu He l4 a member of Ole Srd Ma- employed In Downf'y rlM Corpa Provl.elonal Atomic Ex- \Vhll• here h• wilt participate .,.. .. Brigade which .., .. flown to in an air-ground tl<t l'('IH during t119 desert. alt• to parUclpate 1D which an a tomic explo11lon wUI be th. a tomic a tta ck problems. employed a 1aI n1 t hypothetical enemy forces. The Marlnea will teat u aauJt tactic. rela.Ung lo a tomic warfare, lncludUtg the art OCC Staff to Attend Junior College Meet Faculty membera from Orang• Cout Colle~ w1U attend th• 1pr!J\1 meetlnr or the Southern Callfomla Junior College A &llO<:l&· 1 Uon April :io at Fullerton. accord- tng t.o Or. BMll H. Peter.ion, prE"Al- dent. ·SOUTH GOflST Or~ T. R . McConnell, pro!eaeor ot edurollon at t he UnJvenity of C&llfom la, w\11 addrua lnstructora a.nd admlnlstr&tora on the aubjcct, "The Re-Study or the Ne!'da ot Higher Educa tion In California" before adjoumlng to 28 lt'Cl ionaJ mettlngs tor Mmlnar dlSCWl.!lion1. _[0 n STR u CTI D n CD. Hub Cap Theft Told ._... . ., .. , J oyce Anderson oC H untington RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIA(-COMMERCIAL Beach toltl Newport police Satur· No JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO eou,,. r y day two hub cap1 we re remov~d FffiST COMMERCIAL -President Edgar Hill of the new Mariners Bank ia shown as he took in his first commercial account from the institution's neighbor Hannath Electri~ and MJg. Co. Left to right, Hill, Plant Manager Robert W. Baker and C. A. Knowlton ot Harmath. -Staff Photo ~ from her car while parked acroBA 230 30th St., Newport 8eaell Barbor 2533 the 1treet from the Lido Theatre ~============================::_:1>4.'twf'Pn 7 and 10 p.m. March 2~. PAY-LESS °"" fl90lff & DAY & NOUDAYS AC'IOU MtGtfWAT HOM MOAG NOWITAl NEWPORT->GI NIWPOln 11.w.-COSTA MESA Ml,.mafrbl'd tuU ah.e mattr,... ....... ~tl•matl'hf'd ,..,, ~prtnc• fr.om t•ut1 "'"· Only • ff'W al ROD\' RF.KT Twin l'W-t. ~at· lrM111. Box Sprlnr; and '"'"" KISO ~t. Yull •Iv-, i Pt'. Rox Mpnnc and Maltl't'» h'ftl Ht;AD 1\41.rd•. ff_,.,. l'ilVf're l11 d1nl...-of eolof'll. Twta '4.95 1900 So. Main •2500 •1100 •49" '49" pl ... lk SANTA ANA Kl 7-1150 Open Fri. & Mon. 'tfl 9 SprinCJ Sale PRICES! TRIPLE PLAY BY BUCS KILLS OFF VICTORY HOPES OF CHAFFEY NINE Defen~ing C~mps Re~in Atop County Firm to Stan~1ngs With Four Tr1umphs Handle Awnin 1 Unleashing a sensational defensive triple play to choke g oft a potential rival rally, Coa~h Wendell P ickt'ns defending Aluma-Roal awnln11 -.re now p· t h d --> Ch ff 6 1 h M ->: d 1 ava.ilablf' to Newport Be11ch butld-. 1ra e c amps own ... -u Ii ey · on t e esa wamon .. ra through the Home E ngint>tr· Friday. It gave the Bur nine a four victory, no l<>t1a r ecord Ing cQmpany ot Santa Ana.. Or· atop Eas tern Conference standings. M g• county J ohn1-Manv1lle dul- Tomorrow. lhtt Or1ng,. Co1111t ' t·ri. C't>llcj?P crr w hll ll the rcm t1 for " P ierre to11M1I io Cl'orgf' Bishop at Thi• awning hu been In UH on !ray with RlvC'rllide IUld ll ThurK· t1r1<t U111hup lfll'pped on the bait Macy'• dl!'partmf'nt atore In Loe <lsy contl'11t at Fulll'rton R ivl'r· 1 for the l<t'cond out a nd h11 toaa An~elu •Ince 11136, but 11 now on 11ldl' is ali;o 11ndf'(l'lllt'd tn Jn"P plsy lo Sh,.r li.tnp Bnb Wttzd a l let'· the marke t for geonl'ra l dl•lritrJ· w11h 1 2-0 m ark. Thf' Hornrt~ ha\•e on1I 1•nn1p1 .. 1,.d U\P thr-••·way kill-tlon throughout lhl' weal. Thi• 11u!r"r"d 11 pMr or 11,.tblt'k• v.hllr tn~ In r nrt th .. tnn1n~ Jt endt<I aluminum produc t rotla up out ot copptni;; two 1t1Lml's. <'hllfff'\' ho1w11 ton the w11y (OT perff'tt v1r.ab1hty when rt.O!'lf: Tll.T ''r.T ~lf:l'll'I o t• Mll'!C'l"F.S nol In u11e an<! I• a complete pro- \\"ilh th" 111·ore 1lrll llj(hl 111 2-1, Pltkl'M' 1.ok.-n jump"d Int o a t1>ctlon igalnst sun and &tonni favcmni: t heo Rur~. \hicft,.y 1111rt· two run lf&t1 in bollom of the first Thi' metal I• aJodizrd l o protect f'•t bu1lrlin1t lip tor th,. boic lvl 11tanz1 on a lr11r!off atngle by Ro-ll from .!l&lt air i nd olh..r rav&(f'I tlnwn Jo'ntl1ty \\"aynf' Couithtree la.nd tl1ll and a r111h of thrtt er-ot time and hu an .8 of a mtll wukene<I mom!'ntanlv on thf' roni. Scnn ng nn thl' mt11Cuu wtl'"I! baked "n&mt'I coating mound by w11lk111K ChAtrry bllllf'n Hill u 11I w .. tvl. 1'o bolts or 1truts a re used to Clark Goodwin and Oarr;oll n11u· l..nn" Chaff"'Y tlllly oct"urnd In 1rt up the new 1wn1ng11 and their ghtC"rty to op,.n thr tourth rramr the third n intu. RJval Chur krr Vic 1tttpn pitch ketp11 out more glart Th"n F u •rl 1-•t mandn tePd off on I A'll>f'Z tripl"d am ! croMf'll lht dlllh a.nd bll'nd• w ith lhe l'Xtl'rlor ot t..ht a CouithtrH 1la.nL on 11n 1n flrl1J out Ca llforn111 homl'. dt'llrr• l"l•lm. The line dnve 11am1nl'd rlaht In· 1'hk1nl( up a r omplete pitcher•' to 8tcond 8M'ker Buddy Pierce'• union !or°'" tray. Cousblree aln«· 5'-ns to Protect Kl• glov~ with Ooodwln hlft'hllllltnir ll It'd homt' a pair or marker• tor 1 ~ tor J14!'<'.:ond i nd oaui;htrty for third OCC In the .. 1ghth to wlnrt up lht I Coeta M r H C'lly Council ,.._ ==~-----:=~==========================~=====~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~ ll<'Orlng f'n\lglll,...., w-.. ll&hl In I nnlly irranled .,-r ant.a a lonl th• d utthr., J>t'rmtlllnc thr aln· LA Ptarl Pi.cc. Rural Place a nd gle run 011 '"""" hlU n.ural La.ne pcrm1ulon to poat ,. JUST NORTH ,, '°'T Offtef ,. MAKE THIS YOUR OF THI ALL FUNDS RECEIVED J': ON OR BEFORE TME 11 10th OF TME MONTl-4 /// EARN FROM TH/. , OW.Ce Mours . For Your Conve nience We ere open every Fri. 9 :30 a .m. to 8 p.m. l\te.ntlme, th" r 1ratu J10t full "•IO"'' chllllrf'n 1t pl•y" 1J.c;na "ltt .. ai: .. from All .. qual nwnbf'r of l'<>llr,. Chl~f 'Art Mrl<'"~'' r"port· knl"l'k" Oulf1('ltlrr Ha nk r»Casu I'd thl' peN'ntl woul•I p urr hu .. lh" lrAd t he "h1j(gtnir With 1 lrlplt I alKO~ thtmftf>h•u •l • coal of $3 llnd 11ln2l11 In thrl'l!I a ttf'mptJI I r rr t!lgn Supervison to Consider New Department of Public Works 8A1'TA A':'\A. t0<1NSI -Or· r nglntl'r, ~urvt>ynr a nd rtght-ol· ange C'ounty 8<1ar•l of SuJ)l!rv1111.>ni "'""Y a~tnl Ii• l'XJ""('l,.•I tn '" t Ill" 11 n"w rounty ,..,. ,.f\" 1u•r t ton11 wnultJ t>.. untln ~trtwn th,. •l"P"' tmtnt of pub· tht' J•111..cl1r11nn (If thto road com· hr-w urk• 111l..-111ner . JO un•ln t he nood C'On· Ht11ltt1 br • c11rf'r tor yt'l to bf' t• ol r n1:1nf'f't 1\&n1•d, \hr 1\~1,11r1mtnl wm11<1 cul 1<11~• r 1<a••I lhl' rr-<1cg1u11u llon AWAY rt'd tllf"" 1111.1 , .. ",. onrl11p· 1 will i:o tnto f'fff'Ct rwon. IC llpprnv.,•I r in1r. a1·rnr.llni: to Surtn'l.fl(lf I by lh .. b<1•r<I "' •HPH ... laor• Hrins K11vr Rne•I ("t\mm111~1on .. r Al Kr><h t•f Approx1mAttly 32 11 1v I I I 0 n 11 An•ht 1m prubablv "oultJ ~ ...,.t .. t· woul I I>-, Arn .. d in tht ""w dt'· •"I d1r~ 1..,r r r thf' d"fl•rtrnc rll partm,.nt "hH·h "111 !:)(' pAtlf'rn,.•I I dtH \II,. Rt11t,. llf'pll1tm,.nt o{ Jow•·11h l'rf'lghton, Onn I•. p ro Public Work' Working' t11reclly St•lf r u1111i: UUI' "T hH• nevf'r und"r the dl~ctor would bC' \h" '"" ho-dPlr\ polltlr .. 11nt1I pl'Oplf' Matf C'ummtMlclnrf. nood l"Onlrol j whn "11nt It J1tl Into It .. MIGHTY MIKE MAKES OFF WITH COUNTY'S TOP CASABA CHOICE ~·pl'• tac1 ... 1 M1k" 8 f'A1 h ot the Sun~t L.t•f\I• A.n&hl'1m roh)n1J1t qoa.,l"I h .. ~ b• rn n11mM PrMJ?e <.:nunty B&lketbaJJ Pl•Y"'r or I II' Yr1;r hv (){";\"S •port-.. r111or eo Mighty Mike .... , .. ""ltllf'd fror th,. li••nnr 'J'"'r ~11rh ~l,.rhni: nppoelUon u ROI\ W lnl,.r burn M 0111n1:,. C'ollf'it• . .l,.•t•ly Young of 8un1et League rhAm1•1on H11nt111i:t• n Bf'arh 0 1l"I" Ii J SchA!fer ot T111tln 11nr! I hll<k t:rr•r nr thl' ~·uur1t"" J(" Homru """' h nl\bh<•d \ ntr maJnrlly <in I h" bA11t• of hll phl'nom- ~n•l ,hncilll\J( rnct n tai:•• Whit h ffl un.I him l'Onnl'<'lln1t on 43 p• r ~nt of altf'mplrcl 111\•lll! Th• rlrM"Y" rarkl'd up a 22 pt11nt """'r•1:~ to 11'1111 lrnop •""'l"'llt1un 11nd a 21 3 po1nt1 ptr gttmr "" "' "' "ll ~•'A1uinel pl11) M1k• r"placl'• 1'1N''" HAii of Fulltrton Jt.:, lu t Y"•r'• '""It" r lH\l'r r.( th .. ~ ... ,.' hn1r .. Thi/I 1Utl)m1t1cally put• Bt•ch If\ \hr ninn1n1 fnr <>rtnit" I "ounty Athlete of the T tar 1ward rnrr,.nth· hl'l•I I>\ 8 111 Sw i"l'h<"lm Sunset· Loop Dual Meet Title Goes To Santa Ana Spikemen F l"LLER'T'O:"' roc:-.-s I -Al•I~! I In \hr \Oil. h' <ltftattd Mtyff b\" .'lllb·pAt ... Ulltr ton r"rlorman <'"S by II yu rt. "''ith F'IJlltrton't A llln 111 mn.'lt 1 t lh• nrnn nj( """"t"· f'an-H,.nry third 'Wlnnln1 l1m1 w u \8 An11 F'nh\' "'"" thf' tlUAI m..-t 10 2 tr .. r k rh11n.1•t' 11•h1p !•f lh• Sltn.'l•t 1 .... 111<11" !ly t nrr 1ni: th" lndtan11. ~:, ·~ ·•, 1, In lhf' m•"l t.t'M 111 Sllnta Alla, •h,. !'111nta "Q111ill• I mu,.t of their t>->11t r• rt.irn 11nc,., ,,..h It P'Uller- lnn ,.,.m,. up w•• h .,,m• ot the """·•nn • Ji'>'lrl'r m1rk11 AU .E S ~l'RPIUl'IF: A lltn t"tlme bllck lo f'tljle H~nry In th• 220, caplunn1 Uie ~v,11l ln 22 e. "'1itJe Meyer had llN:tn upected to Win ~ JOO, he h\ltf'ad r a.mt t.hrou(b wtU\ a WUI ln th,. brO&d Jump and a dead hnt tor flnl in lhe 190 low hurcllu. Hl11 "'"n· LI'• llnir tt1e Saint all.\• k ""·~rt nlAJ »ap m-rC'ld 20 tt .. I in. Rilnni" Mtyl'r and ;, hnn.\ A ll~n. Allhoucb tb• Yietory pull tht who ll<'Orerl 23 p<•lnl" lwt'IA•n n Saint• ln the d r1•1'r 1 iteat '°" the th"m '' 11,.n ..-s • th,. r~•I '1rr r1• .. , 1,.•~1• uu ... the champhm11hlp '111111 nC I'll• mttt u h" c 111 t 11 ~d txilh not be d~ennl.Md unW \be AU· duhe1. ~ mMt April 2t. .. APRIL 6. 1955 -COAST Al SH$PPER -PAGE 1 Edison Co. Offers Plan to Aid Transformer Area An oftf'r t o bi'11utiry tu trans-· ot tht chaJn link renc• It the plan• fo.nner i tal.Jon on B.Jlboa Blvd · J nlng comn111111ion eo de11lru. bf'tween l!lth antl 16th St.s., In Recently a permit wu r.tllMd Newport 8f'll{'h hAJI b••t>n C•'nV•'Y<'il the utility to expand U\e uae of lo the Pla.nn111~ ~mnus.•iun 1•t thr the traN1!ormt r •talion uni ... It. City or Nrwport Bra.-h bv th.., 11n1!.-rtook an Improvement pro· Southem Callfom\& E:dt1'\ln · c,1111• Rrom thert. Shf'denhelm Mid that pany. 1111t rt....on nothln~ had ~n don• Undtr dale of March ~~. C'. n. before Wal bf'cauae or other alnlc· Sht'denhelm. ctu1trirt mana~u ror tun-11 In the a r.a with whk h th• Ole utility conveyed a lett«r l'OV· l4tatlon wu In keepln1 both In type erlng the tollowlng btauun.·~ltlon &n<I color\llc progTam. ,~--------------------- 1. Replace pruent n cllon oC 5• i h Los '--- wooden ff'nCC' With chain lJnk ftnc·C' flft C ft vwar 6 f~t high. 2. Srt back MW ch11111 I Walttr Srmlch ot 219 8%71• 9'. link ftnce ~ ft'lf'l from front 11111•'-! told' pohct> Wttlnt•day he Jett hJ1 w~k 11lC1ng Delbna Blvd. 3. Paint fishing t M'klt'I box on the jelly the small bu1h11ni:-housing PQUIJ'· 1 off Ba lboa icn<1 now It 11 rone. H! ment a da.rk gray-1tretn color. ~. ~aid tht 11h1minum colored box Pkllll aufflcll'nt ivy planl.8 alnnR I <'Ontalnl'·I &n a1190rtment ot ft•h· the front a.nd •lflt11 ot Ult prop-11111 gPar. erty to usure ••IC"qu ate covl'r. 1 -------------------- 6. Plant grranium pl&nts f\111 Ma l •k T • W\dlh Of lot bttW<'en fr<lnl l!Ldt'· nCJ I • a ... wa.lk and thl' frnce to be in11111ll-I Thdt ot ht11 1-~ngllsh raclnl' bl· ect. Plant four hnx f'lder lreu In ryrl<' w1111 rt'JWlrlf'd on March 25 the 6-rt. 1etb11r k. 6 The comp1rny 1 to polk r by Mike Ma.nr. 121 Via h1111 al80 •irttr .. d to ere.-t a run-I Zura<"h. lit• "aid It wu lallen from Cn!tf blOC"k dtc•orall\"I' !t nrt along in front nf 200 \Ila Dijon that lhl' Balboa Blvd. f rontage In Ut>u I rvf'mni:-. 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2 and it will run in all 3 issues A Minimum ad is 4 lin es. Phone Harbor 1616 Nr wport Harhor Nr"'tt·Pff'M Monda~· and Thuf'IJClay f"dltton"• Phltl thr Coa8tal ShopJM'r, W~f'tld•y• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday and Thuraday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 U1IM l Paper $1.08 4 UnH % Papen J .~ 4 Uae. S Papen !.00 Cout.a.I Shop~r c-1 .... an .. d Ad• mu.t ,,,. In t .. MotMlaJ o r Thu"4&7 t'ub"caU011 ML~IMl'M AO IR t LIN£8 All C'1....ahf'd Ada ma•l be paid f or <.=--bl ad.-.t ,_ ...... ...._ DEAULlNE S for placlng or u net1Un1 ad& artl For .MC1nt111y Pubhr11t1nn -Saturda y Noon F••r W1"1nf':.1lay Publlr 11t1on -Tuuday 2 p.m. 1-·or Thun d sy f'ubllc11t ron -Wedntl'lla y 1 p m. The pubhllh~r• "tit not be rr•p•m•lble for mo re than one t.nc:orTttt 1nar r t1on o( llf\ aJ , rr.ervf' lhC' riithl to corrtttlv C'l&Mlly any a.nd all ,..,.., antl to r•J"' t any a t! n• t rl)nfnrn11n~ to rulr11 anti re(Ul•UOM. !\t.Wl'ORT II \HKllR l'I "l.IMllr-.O ('O. U 11 f\a ltwa f\h 11 .. ' .. " po•M IS..ed 1, (.'allforw.IL Classified Index I t unr ral '1ttln•• t C •rd tH Th11nk" • .-unrral Olr"'"'""' IU Bu•ln""" 1.11lcl" 11 bullt1fo11 ,\lat,.tlal• I? Rull•llt11t ~·t\ tr"• It 1•,.rM>nal" 1.\ 1-harr \ uur ('•r 18 Tran•porle t,lua ll Kooflo& I ll 8 .. a u17 A.ld• 20 Healtb Alda n ,....,, and t·ound U Krboolll. IDAlruC'llna U 1'41tuatlon11 \\ a.otfll tt llf'lp \\ an\1-d 10 M~l.IJIDf'Ull• JO-A l!(•&P" a~R AppltaneM ~I "anu-d to J\u' I t Furnlhare for !'alt1 ll'?·A An\.lqu" u l'k>•l•. Suppu ... H Mu,lc:al. tlMllu. T \' !J.~ Onr;•. (au. Prl' Speclal Notltt1t ------ " Newport Harb<lr B. I'. 0 E. Ji67 Mt'f'l.I t Vl'l"V 11'l•n ••l8\ 11 pm \'la Oporto c ·rnr 1 cl A vf' ':'\Pl.l f'Cll t li"'l\!h Elwood Shttll, E11n lted Ruli-r 12-BaJldln~ Srn·irM House Plans LIBERTY 8-62~1 10lfc Rem'odel & Repair C ARPENTRY. Cf",.MF.NT SLABS, p11lntln11. plut,r1ng. Dependable A "xp..rlrnC'f'<! In all bulldtng trad~l! C-a ll F'OSTER RROS t~J 8-21}32 nr Har. 39i6·R. 2:tp36h Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT Wt..~SED L'O~IRAL'"T'CIR 878 W. 13th St.. Co!ta J.ff',a Liberty 3-811'28 CEMENT le BUlLDl NG All K1ntl11 FREE ESTlMATES Llberty 8-6109 Ml Pnultry 111 1,1 \'""'>cl& llM l"prd al Annoao~•t II~ Auto. \\ anlA'od 40 Autr .. tor ,__,. CO-A ,,, .... " Pana U Auto l'l'n1re 4 ! Trait .. ,,. t :i Alrplan,.. 4 '? \\an\~ lo R.tnt ~ l\p1 ... • Hou-for Aent 4111\-Apta. for R.tnt f.116-ltou-for ll,.nt 4tl(~TraAl#r ~~ C8 ~m• tor ff,.nl 49-A Rf'•l ffMnr• 48-R Kuom ~ Hoard C.IJ l<f'OI. ~t ..... "Ill Mor..., A Ufn«1 r,.,.-\ 8 11•ln-K"'ntal" Al ftu•1n.,. .. Oppor1ualtlN A.\ Mn11,.v to Loan r.g Mnn,.y \\anh>d r,1 Ill-al P:atat.-\\a.n~ flll '"""'"" ,.,.,,,..rt·y t i Kral t.•tat., t.:sr1'&11,.. fl'! t(,.,.1 f:•latr 1 2-R_u_!~~~ -~"1cee __ _ ASPHALT TlLF. LINOLEUM II •'1dl th" Ahtl\'" rh"•l""r Ulfl'I "'""' Aliw1 ""II Tll,. ct 1.111r•l•11m :'\"<in·1m1 .. n, "l!'> > """ ,.~ J•t'rl"nc•. t •1nf•h ",. hOJ ~,,. ltJLI, l 't11-(~:1t LI k-112"4 Ttfc ------------- P;11nltnJ; & Paperh1rng1ng We do the work our11rlv~ 30 Y"•r11 l!Xp<"rtr nc• Llct'n.ed • 1n"'1r~t1 Satlsfacllon l1Ju11nt,.~d. E11tlm1tu Jrl'e Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 It: Ll 8-5289 81 tit Paperhanging Painting Klmberly 7·1121 l lptt CARPENTRY MINOR REP A1R WORK NO J OA TO<J SMALL H 0 AnC .. rt!On l Ol • I': Jlalln& fllvtl • Ban.. Hu oor 2t •,I) lltte PAINTING PAl'Ell HANnll'IO P.,.11111 .. nll•I It C'nmm•rtlal Wo.tr Llr"n"'" \'>l'ltrl<'tor• r 111 vx.nr;•on 6-t~6 coUMl. Hun Un(t.Oft Bu.ch { ) PAM I -COASTAL SHOPPER -APRIL 6 • 1955 "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND 'bAUNDRY Will tome to your home, take down your vt'nttlan blinds, take thtm to our laun dry. J...aundtr the 1lat1. ta~s. t ord•. 11p11rkl1J1g t le&n w'lth O\lr ntw m11chlne proce111 method. lttturn your blind• &11d rt'·ln.etall them In 14 houn . Price very rea.onablt'. The aver- age J tape residential blind- Only $1.00 Wt also r tpalr and rebuild ven ... llun bltn J11. A II work done by ap- pu1ntmt'nt. Phone now Uberty 8-~i<ll or Klmberly 3·&274. ppUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING .A Prompt Repair Service Maintain.cl Phone: lhrbOr ta2' 1801 B&Jboa Bh•d., Ne11o'J)tlrt Beach p6 JI FOR RENT h1J1 9awJ, &lee. Drill•, Polilhera, all tnQ ot Suder•, WhHlb&r . JOWll, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. ~ W. COilT WCHWA.T l.Jbtrty S.343!1, Newport Bch 28lt c h c COYPLETE P AINTlNG &. Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS !'l<lO 31st Str<',t. Newport Beac Harbor 29:'8 or Har. H48. l f GENERAL CONTRACTING Fr a..ming .tr Founda tion• Fri'" Esttmatl'a lo: Plan Sf'rvlce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-757 6 !lltf c C AR PEN TE R Repair Work l>oee Your Hom• Need Repalnn1, or Remodelin& T Call 1-rank. Uberty S·UM All Work Ouan.nteed i4tfo PAINTING Paintin~ Ii Paper Hanging '"The ae.t Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar ~12 33t.h SL, Newport Bf'&cla PHONE HARBOR 2f04 PAINTING I=-<TERJOR -EXTERIOR l.tCENSP:D -J~SURED Glenn Johnston Uc 601 • 3 1•l Sl. Newport BMCb Harbor ll 78 12t.tc l -1--f#enoaa.19 --------AJ cob o li ca Anooymoua Write P o. Boll all Nrwporl Beach, \:rLllt. Phone Harbor 479~ ~Beauty Alda Superfluous Hair tto f''rn.arcently rc~nlO\'C'd trom race a nne. 1,g11 Eycbrowa &nd /lair Unr 1t1•pe\l :-;o murt' twtt~I"'· P.:u..£N l. BRT ANT R £. L!c1o 1 Salon or Beauty Har. ~76 Uc J..O~T ROl.l,f.:tFLEX r:1mcra. \'I·, r 1n1:y or '\c\\'p<•rt I (3C'h or Cu· 1 rona •lrl M.H $~0. irwar\I (;oil A11.•n' r 7-66..,:?. 3\pJG , 2Z-Lo8t and Foaad FOUND, March 29th, lltUa bit.ck male puppy, 2 front paw, art while. In Newport Hd ctiu. Ph. LI 8-6170. 34c3~ -F OUND: \\'M.-t watch near on&n. Owner may cla1rn by Identity- Ing A: paying thl• 11.d. Cnnta.ct Newp.>rt Police DepL Mp39 U-&hoola, lnstructtoa Real Estate Sohool • Santa Ana 1n MEN It WOMl!N prepare In rpare time for Wlll mlted oppartunltlell In Real !:;state. New clauu weekly. Al Tyler tr11tructlng. Al· tend first evenJng tree e.n d lf'am about thl• gnat field. r..1111 or write now for lnform&tlon. eu11I· 11es1 lnst.ltute. 0 6\ili N. Sy ca· niore. Kl 3-1753. 7ttlc China Pa inting Day and Ev1nln1 Clt. .. u Order1 Takton Now Phone Liberty 8·6948 114Uc PIANO TEACHER PRlSClLLA. MATTHEWS Formerly ot Ch1<"•ro and Loa An11lea. u 8-3961'1. 26c39 ltuat1on11 Wanted Three baby 111lter1 aval1ebl1 for evenlnr• Phone Llberty 8-2122. 35p36H Bookkeeping OMPLETll SERVICE tor c sma.11 bua1n .. 11!I inrlutltnJ( 11\1\lemt'nt & tall !orm/5. t'omfltltnl, fl.'8 80n· able, conf1dtntl11I. Har. 3461-W. 23c36h 3 0 YRS. EXPERJENCE ln mnln· tenance cl operation nt comm!'r· <"l&l sport fishing boa ts or yarhts Know JOl'al watt'r1 11lso. S. F'. to Panama. Phone San 1'~1lro TErmlnal 2·6165. Jlp36 Roy's Mainte nance Hou.se clcanlng-Floor wulng W all washing-w indow <"lran1ng V~di&n ~nd1. Uphol1lery lnaured. ree E1Umat111 Liberty 6-1332. llCc xperienc'd Fardener LANOSCA ING E and CLEAN UPS ~rty 8·1659 30ttc .R ' Ol"ING DONE ID my home al 3:\e \\'. Wilson. Costa Mrsa L. Hunter. il'lc hour. 3 1p36 TY PlNO, my home. Rcuonablc, fut • accvrat..e. Manu.sc:ript..e . e\c. Phone Long Beach 708-072 or write Beatrice Joh.naon. 469 w . J7th St., Apt. 2, Lone 8!'6<'h. 28pp39 PAINTER \ v ANTS WORK. 15 )'f&rl cxptr1· ence. Jl:on u nion. Hourly Uberty 8-2722. 3~p38H s •XRETARY or public rc111tlon•. p Thoroughly U J><'rlf'nced C"l'p· 11hl~ of uiru.mlnc r"•J>Orutlblllly. HYatt 4·2673. a~rJ6 AJ:-;Tt:"C by lhf' hour or day Smell job11 ok . L.lbnty 8·2137 35c37 Mexico Bound? 'ILL t'AftE FOi\ school a ge chll· 1!r• n tn >·m1r t:nmr. Wetk,.ndi< r r ll"" r11l W<'l'kl'I. ~lhl<tll' 81;~ I t -er w .. men l...o<"'l.I uf. • < 11r 1,11 ... rty i.;. ;o;J 3:,p36 W--llelp Want.eel SALESMAN -ASSOCIATE in lht> outldmg ~pcr•nlly f1 rl<t. An opportunity for a man with csllibltshc:t.l contractor foll1.1wtng in door!!, mt>taJ s;1i<h or 111mil<1r llnt>s t o p:trtlc1pate in profile and managl"m!'nt of a new local <l1~tnbulor!!hip. H you reside in Orange C'ounty a nd are mtt'restcd m joining fol'{'t'!4 1rnd 1-1hnrin~ ma.nagcml'nt and finan- cial rcspoo!tib1hty, e~mtl a brief resume to Box <,J53, Clis pe.per. 33p35 5-Relp Wu~ j ~~-f!elp \\~~!_f'd ____ _ DABY TE!lrDA. met.al • plaall<'. leg utenalon, ltke nl'w, II~. Bicycle. 2 Whl'<'I, COUltr hrllkt'. H ", g-ood 1hape. $12. FOLOI:-:C plt.y pen It car aeat, $3. Ubeny 8-3~80. 34c36 GIRL'S s r HWJN:-< bicycle. Hom. he&dllghl It tlre11 all In good condition, $30. 112 E . Oc,an Front, Bt.lboa, H11rbor 3993-W 34c36 Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We GIYI SAH G reen Stamp1 Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balbua Blvd., Bel!Joa Harbor Olli. 98t!c FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Dry wood, 16" • 2t" length. Ct.II 8 . R. STAGG Phone Harbor 101' J:venlngs Harbor ~3!ll KATEY DOANP. 19\t Nt'w lo: nurly new 1111partl for wumen &: chlltlrl'n, Kinclrll's P8t10. 2721 Coast Blvd., Curona d•'I ~lar. 28c4 '.l W OOL> BORING c1rllls, counter· :iink~. mulllsp11r blL•, augrrii Pl C'IOl!e·OUt prl<'t'!I. Harbor Pa.Int <.'Cnler, •112 • 32nd St., NPW(lOrt DNirh. H8r. 28:18. 3 lr:lOH R~:l•'RIG. I F'riglde1re J. 9 cu. fl'tl. S!l5.-C11mcra IC1ro Fl~x), 8~· mm. F 3.1'>. WollenMl< lens, $40. C'noll'r Ev11porat I 1'<'. ut 1ht.v, S:lf1. 9:!0 Marg"\Jl'rltc>, C1irona d<'I Mar 32l(c Sl\'ARPl n RtlM nn1I mBIP C:t'rmun ShPpherlf. J ~·,•. 111\1. pNl 11::1 •·ed. \'ILL SELL OR TftAl tE FOH? ' l.Exlnitton 9-~:ll!ll. !l:tr:i~ HESTAURANT EQUIP. -~· "' SZ-Furuiture for Sale 8Z-Fan liture for Sale . ---------~....;..-.;._~~--- We must move immediately THIS GOOD Colonial Used Furniture SOLID MAPLE 3 bed dinns, each . . ......................... $20 2 iounge chairs with ottomans, each ........... , ........ 20 5 end tables, each .................................................... 10 2 occasional chairs, eo.ch ........................ : ............ 10 3 upholstered foo t stoola, each ..... _..................... 5 Cof.fee table .................................. --........ -............. 10 Twin beds, each ................ _....................................... 15 Night stand .............................................................. 10 Large 4-drawer chest .................................... _._ ....... 25 2 round mirrors, framed, each ................. --········· 5 2 rectangular mirrors, bevelled, each ................. . 5 Droplcaf dining table, 2 chaira ... --.. ········---···· 27.50 Free Delivery NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 26~0 W Coast Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-1113 35c37 ~~J~.P~~~s~~~~­ W ash in q Machine SERVICC J-year guarantee on lobll done and on u'ed wUhl'rS 2•8814 <rear) Newport Bl. l'osta. Meaa. Liberty 8··1503 or L!bcrty 8·4327. 64Uc J!l.1~ \\'F.DnP:\\'OOD mnge. !ht bl• Cf' sll &utumauc clock, lamp, 11mnwr bum,rll. grlll &nd ht 1.11ll'r. 11 '1' brand n• w. buL pd. ctri. to SH ll.13. No cln. pymt 1f yo1u pay t ho.' f'}'mts. vr :>8. l :l per nwnlh. !'<'~ Bnu,1thn'1 A&S \\'erf'h0•1se 220 So. Milin Sl. 6 blkio. Sot 4th S l. Santa An11. -Op,•n 11a1ly 9-U S11n ll·!'l or J'hnn<' Kl 3-7201 32-Furnitur~ for ~le O'KEEFE olt MERRITT table top 11tove. $15. 9x7•w fl'l'<'n rug. is. Plat turm rocker. $10. Bunk brds, $:>. 11 mattre1111 I. Refl,ctor l11mp, !lnr 11h8d~. 14. End table, $4 50. -605 Carnllllon. Corona del ]'.far. 36c3e 1954 O'KEE F F."' MERRITT n nre The lattst CJ' 11.ll a utomatic-. hft lop. stmmtr bumtr8, g-rlddl~ In middle .tr n ice grill broiler. 11·11 nt'W but pd. dn. tt> S118.87. No cut\ nl'l'ded It you pay lhe pymt11. of $7.79 J)f'r month. ~"" H11ughn'1 A&S Warrhouse 220 !'o. Main St. 6 blks. S of Uh St. Renla Ana. -Optn d&lly 9.9 51111. 11·!'> or Phone Kl 3•7201 by prlv8ll' p11rly. 80 •·u fl. rPf1 li:- 27" ll 311" t:rl.hlll'. 6 fL bot lie box. Ma,.:lc Chet 1nnf.'•'. hc.11lhll. ta bl··~ 1111•1· l'h 111\r 11111!\n 11 ni.182-Fumlturf' for Sale ANY RF:A SO=-'ABLI-: uftl'r t11k r" --~-------• - Bir.ST OFFF.R · Vlrtorl1111 !1ble. b<'t1, coll •prlnit~. boll mat\. A Victorian <lr,ucr, m arble top. Roekrr -7JO Avocado, CoronB dcl Mar. 3~p36 all or part. 3~,.11\ MflOF:R:-1 RED F'Rll':ZE COUC H mnkrs bl'<l. n111trh1n.: rlub c•h111r. finru1 r••n•llltdn, $1!'). t\111 \'lrtona. C'"11ln l\1"~11. l'h. Ll 8·MPO TRAILER· 2 wh<'l'I, 11\"•'I trl\mr. Chl"•p. 2924 1.. Newp111 t 111\'•I rear •pt. 8 I r>-36 33c35 l TV COMBfSATlON 21 In .. Blont1e tx1rm. t\1rn .. clble. bed, glrl11 Ice 11l<atc-11, m~n·a 1ulls, m!J!c. llar 1783-M. 3~37 000 EM80Sl:IED bualnc>"" 1·111J1<, \\°f;IJGE\.\'001) AlO\'~. 4 bumtr, l-------------- $3.91>-3 line r ubbf'r 11lamp $1 llO IH lll high broiltr neuly ""w MAPt..!o; FU HNlTURE, e ronms 4 line rullb<'r 1<t amr wclh t ul $I :l.>: 011 \'l'llJ>flrl, 'blue mHahr: full. \VJll 11ell by pltC'«' nr 11 II $2 00 188-' ruts >. Hook mntl h<• $;o. Mo•IE"rn bl4<"k plullc •nd c_ell Haroor 3409-R or 4 10 l ,l(ln '-\\°. \\'HIT!-; ~ I ::-; d L"d I I 3'A37 tal>ka, $2:, C&eh. l...llrge !ormlca • or • I O g e. "'-l.I 8-iOll eve». Ll 8-ai:,n ppttc __ ___ cuftc11 t11bll', $35; S1n1;le bf'd 11.nd HOSE Davrnport. xlnt. condition, STJQUES _ Old tum1ture, cut chut, $35. lJaby • hij:h chair, S9. 1 s4o. H&rbor 1039.M. 31k38 ,, TRADE Be.lut 1ful 71).ft. a11 -c l<'hO\~ner Fully roun.t. go anywhrn .. \\Ill 1.#ke eqully In propuly or 1m11l- ltr b01l. 1220 W Balboa tilvJ . Newpcirl. Har. su:.:2. ZH :lllH ('llHYSL1'.H lt.11111<' •·n~111~. '1, l<> l rt'Juct1~ n I;• .ir. Rl:Fl~IGr'.H \hll~. \10 volt D. C !>t:E J AC'K H.\RPFR at J,IJo Shtr>·arJ. tn.t o( 3 1st SI 1 rcl l'twport n.&ch. :lOttr P'LOAT RF.NTAL tor any 111u boat -37~ C'hannrl Pfarr, Ntwport l1l11nd. Harb<lr J21 i·J . • :\Otte 31, HP. J.fERCUllY nutlJ-01&/.I 6 elt l'\rtc C\11\hu11rd AIA'-'t• onr float a\'allablt. C11..ll atler !\ 11111 Harbor 342!1. !H139 SPECIAL Accordian Buys ! Four used 120 b11~ a<'cnr.lw n.1 In fine cnn11ltlon. I '1u1~ lnrlui,,.11. Your ehnkl', $76, T~rmR Siil 1tn. anrl $11 ptr month al SHA l"EH'S M11~lc c•o. ( ~1nr" l ll07 I 421-423 N. Ry~nmorr, ~nl& Ana Phone Klrnbtrly 2-C>e72. HAMMOND l'hor<1 Mitln, mahoit Like new. Uuy .. r m11y httvr t>y ruumlnr paymenl1. LI 8-i~itl 34r36 CONNSONATA Eltctrlc Organ, •lightly u~d. SAVO $400 on this beautiful orgw . DANZ-SCHJ\UOT B ig Plano Store. 520 No. Main, S anta Ana BEAUTlF'lJL blond• oal< Spinet piano, like nc.-w. Save 1280. Con- venient tenn1 at SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since 19071 421-423 N . Sycamon. 8anLa A1111 Phone Kimberly 2-oei2. GUITAR, blonde. Vt~a model 166. l l8!'J, lncludt't C&AI'. Harbor 1773-\\', 34<'39 STUDIO P IANO. A h11rd 111 1wt plMO. l'trf«t condition, $39~ term•. OANZ·SCH~fJOT Bl1t Pie.no • Or&AJ\ Co., :i2o No. Mt.lo, 811.nta Ana f>O USED J>IA N08 wanted bad I}' fof' our rent.t dl'pt. Hlghut cuh allowance In trade on new p la.nl) or orgt.n. D ANZ-8CHVIDT Pia.no It Crean Cn, !'>20 No. Ma.J.n. 8a.nta .Ana SPECIAL gla~~. 1tunr11. oltl p1<'t11re~. rlcx k.~ f'l\110 furnltllrl' &: wnbn•Ua , $25. ru. nergnln!\ gnlnrl' Bis:-0111-40 Uulooa <:vves. 3t c36 l9:'>G HOTPOrNT retn~rat.or. The Af ril Spinet But l'OUnta t,o dtlllt'r!I. ('h11rl10 Devl11. -big 101.;, cu. rt. 60.lb. fn:u;er \8~ E: Anaht'im St. l;·ni: :\IUVI NU Mahog. dining lltl, 9 chtit. ahelvu ln door. i pece tor BIO AVlNOS lncludlnf Kim It, Url\C'h. 6~1o.t '1!l. ' 2!lti. ! c l!"tr• ~:!:\ l'rPl<surr tooker, $10 I \'cg .. <'\'trythln~ Jl"a new, but OulbrtUU,n. Luter and Wurllu· ::;, ''t'flll r111~c. ltem8 2128 Mire-pd. dn. to $l88.07 trom ovn er IJ>lnt't pla.no.1. U~ral tradt'. [)f-tA l'ES. $1 & up p!'r l'•"f mar, Balb1l&. I.far. 3518-J. 3tv36 I 1310. No dn. pymt• .. Juat p&y CoftnoJent terma a t- Porta ble bar • drcnnl<>111. 13 t>O. the ·mti ot l lO 20 r .mo I 8H.Arl:R'S Mualc Co. (Slnce 19071 Ralta.n chr. • rot \lib!,. J l!. "" AT"T. SIZE llldt·•·b<'fl. Slmmorui, I'> · · ~ · 4%1_.U N . Syomon . S &llla Ana •1 Check these Used Cars J:111y trum 11 IM al o.!fal..r "'"' '' 111 tw her<' TOMORROW lo b&< k 111' whal 111• ~··It• Tl 11 IA \'! 40--Auto" And Tr uc-k11 40--Auto" and Truc-b ___,_, _______ ~~-..-~----------------·~~~- SEE THESE TIP -TOP. CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1053 DI-: SOTO Sportitman, light rrt>am <'OI· ored, Radio, Heater wet W~W t1rea .... $ 795 1953 BUICK Su~r Rivera, radio, heater, pow· er 1teerlng, power brake1. Look1 & run1 like new ..................................................... $1995 1953 PONTIAC 8 Chieftian Dix., Radio, Heat· er, hydr&ml\tic, dual ran,e, 2 tone green SPECIAL ... . ..... .. .... ... .. .... $149~ 1953 FORD •·dr. 1edan. 2-tone green. Over· drive, Radio, heater, tubeleaa Urea, dual pipes, only 18,000 mllc1 ........................ $149~ See Our Many Low Priced Cars available at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank t erms on the balance if credit approved. LOU REED Used Car Lot "Acr oss from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2561 G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '47 l"ORD 11 T. Pickup '48 FORD '-. Ton Fanfl '49 STUlJEUAKEJ\ '~ T Pl<'kup ':,\ CHEVRO L!:T •. T rtckup ·o.o GMC '" TOii r 1c kllp 'U FORD l •1 T c: • r· F'or the larct11t anti 1 lr111 n .. 11t 1tn1 k ot unt1 trur k• In ()111n11e C:1;unty b<l .. 1r11 &ntl ~e what wn ha ''II \o off~r. W.W. WOODS OMC OF.ALER 919-19 E . 4\h St S1tnt1 An11 Open 81111Jay a 111 Truck headquartnti tor <lr•ni;t Co 18!!2 BUICK Roa<lmL•t~r ha.rd tnr Fully ~uJpt. Har. 32~3. 3~<'36 11150 CHJ;VROLET 1, tnn p lcl1111 RAH. txctllt nl tlro I!! • ~·•:. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W . Co&at Hwy. Nf wport Boch Llbf'rt v 8-2261 I~ JJ11roor CoalA Mr~n Llbe>rt:V S·'.ll~l Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. I hour H rv1 ce Yree Pick up 6 delivery Courtney & Lester 41-Au&o &n1t'le _ ...... ____ ....... Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 8 CylB. 8 Cyla. _____ .$t8.88 ----'58.b8 tn~tudu bolb la bor and p.a1t•, N~w nn1t1. wn n plAa, \ahn r nnil, tuUnJ e or sna!Jl al\1:1 rvd btaruip . £xpert m otor tunt "I'· t\J..d.ay or •.000 rnUe (Ua.rt.111•~· \NU MUNltf DOWN I. JJlack sr.a.u cur corr-t•b> .. $2~ 1 111> bed w111tt1. i 1:.. 209 On)."X, Stf' Haughn • AAS \\ •rf'hou" Phone KJmberly 2.oe12 Blonde 1111. rorr"e t lJbll', ~1 2 ~.o Unlboa J•lonll. 3lc36 220 Sn 1-fatn St. 6 blk4 ~ ot 4th St. · ,52 CHEVROLET. ''f'I")' 11,.,111 Maroe>n Aiunn. 9i1H rui; $i7 :.o I RAnt11. Ana. -Open o.!ally 0-9 80 B ASS ACCORDION. "SodAI"-_.. Ll 2 l •cU REBUILT ENGINES -Vl1 lo I~ t.W NTIUI TU l'AT - Built ln our own factory by e1t.1ll•l1 mach1nist.&. Oon't cont.tnd with t he middle man. Ouy dlr"<t Pad. 9xl2, $2 :\0 \\'l lJRLl'O<lL Autom11l1c wMht'r. Sun. ll-6 or P hnnt Kl 3-7201 wlt.'1 CUI'. Juat l ik' n,w, $'2(1(1 r.dlo, l'I. a-ea _· ___ _ w 11111ut • 1hf'lt tx>ok <'ll"e $12 :.1.1 bra11d nrw. l\Slt&tor. O\'t'rllow H11 tbor 3U6·:\t. 3:><"'.IT Mahog. 3 llh<'lf book u 6c $12.:10 11nst'. bcl( tub. Jt'a bt"n pd dn, I 32--A-AntlquH Po~t hole J l.:1trr . SI M tu $128 17 Whtie 1tnrN1. :-\o rMh ---·-----16" HOP'FMAN TV, $80. '52 FORD RANCH WAGON J ,, J t h •-r 251 1 Seavlew. Coron& del M11r Pl.ullc IH1!•'. Ille prr f•'Vt _11r1 •· •. u~ l'"Y l O 11ym .... o BEAl'.TlF\;L A1'1"1QUI!: Engllah Rain bird.I SJ 00 1 arh ti !I f"'t mr.nlh. WAinut ~I & drf'•:if'r w1th mar· after e p.m. 3:X-38 F'nROOMATJC'. R-'H I.Ille nf'"W 3 ~ hp. c1utb0arol niolor. $10 Is .. ,. linui;hn :i A&S \\'11r<'house hie lop. S200. Un11111&.I Wflch ST r::INWA y GRA'.'1:"0 Jn wondH· l'n ,11t" pArly Klmb-'rl\' 3-1l4'117 llnr. 1361-\V &flf'r ~ pm. 3:Jl•J7 12211 S o Main St. 6 hlk11. S of H h St. 1lr··~!ll!r. $3~•. Antique bran l11mr rul r on•I lltin !:Ire• a ncJ hr-r 1h1l .:nrl'• RF -0-~-, Bl ,.-.-f-lt --.-1-1 !'\ 1n'I\ Ann -01~11 <llllly 9·11 with cu~1om mat1e lhade. S6~ tmmor tJ\J 111&11um4'nl. A ll .. rtltn· ·~ p;~c;1.1i:t1 •'ORD Cl•n•ul ,....,.,,, .AS · A • '• -to '""" '' !-' 1n JI:, 1•r l'I • nr Kl ::-7ZOI 1-:Rrly Am"rt<"lln n11r. 9x1:, $10 al 1 n11l tlon an 1 m•l"n"I '1°'111, •lllV"npor!, I imps. i;as hrat• r-11. 3 mat<'hlng 11mt1llrr rug1. S3 to 111 no rebuilt pll\no. Al•o Kn;,~ 11 flt O "' nal m"tll 1 0" .,. • t :n1vcr1111l ~rm\ a ut oml\lll' wl\><h· TWO pr. Potcllonl'l.I S!I~. Walnut Twin b<>ll 11pnn~11 8t ma•t U:\. Mo on & Jlallllin, 1 ....... i .. r an•I :-;r ir """" rnn 11""" SI>•:\ •r. kltchf'n lllhll' & .. 1h111r'I o.. l ... 111 ~Ill. With nrw ~autyre5l &"l 2 91\lllJllC ""'' t11blM. SI:> u . ma.ny oth~rl at grnt ~U\'lni:• TT a usken 1'.1otors. lnc. c11,1onal ch1111 2 ocrn"111nal lnb· mnll f"'~ • •prin,1r11. SIOO :.-re. 4 11nllqur platcJt $.'), ta. Oth"r Ru.J,yl 100 pl&11o• trorn "'di 1 .. 11. lmlnry ~r ·'P" I '"nll:v drr~ii· trrl<' ~<'I, :nz. 'plwl. dtn rh111r, 1 n· •· 11«·m11 to cho<'l~e. er, i:oseip bl'nrh. !h.12 \\.111 tc•nt. Str1 H x U n1i;. Sl2 with p11d. H·rhanl.~nn'io ''i\• l\t Anchonc11 DANZ SCl .. l\rJDT B p 2 Jantern11. 'J. <"nl1 &. Colrruun JI "" .. 016 J .. 3 .. 1 • .. lg lllnn Slol\ Hvur ., • .. tr u l'.cll J1 11r. 41:•6 01 tlar. 389 '20 N •t I S •-A 111ov~. LI 8-iGH. :J~1cJ7 ... ' ' 84<'311 " 0 "• n, ~a11... 1111 !.J\ l'\1; 1 :\111~1 >Prrt'la ry dc11k S B Id . p O R--A U 1 1~1. Twu ~t s lnnnspnn~ mitt A:O.IJQ(JES, twin hlg'h bulteu. ee a Win ianO _._ ~y_a_n_<!8 tthl<' b"''· '"'x ~prmi:•. ii~ •. r:'l<'h l ·: 1 p'~<" .. ~· '11ni;:• '" Alh·l'r e.n!1 & Organ Di splay Aprl.I Clearance "At :: 111 \'• •·I"'" 1i L ~ra11 .. hut ,·a11ou1 a rt p1nr,. t.1 s-:-212. n• r t t • \'1·~1r ~ ~~ 1•8. "'or· I 3:'>rJj WOODWORTH PL\!\:() ('() i::F.R\'E t.. rl'frti;. 6 cu. tt, , '<lrA ,.,,, 1 1.1!1l1. ~11 :O.r· ~I ".r1.u . 1318 <.:n1u t Blvd , CorvTll\ dt l MIU l•l<"e . i~:. I~· ,, ...... r•, •Ir•'•. ,.,,, c-11·1 r.J Sl-B t s r !Th•drn lnlttlor Oldg ' EAS Y SPIN .1t1• r, r •"" I" 1.-c l fl ~:!·,ri 34r16 -oa ~r_!!" H11r. 33~2 :ie let ri, an ~c.!t 011 , • -1 I 0 Jo' lllT 1 un-a-b<Ju· ' f hl'r i.;leSll· -O l~EEFE " ~1r.nn1rr rin;.• :.1 '1'1•1'1' II( T \\ill '"11 mc4l of • I b< •t. :. hp, J ohn.nn ••ulll<111rtl. lf.4,~tMO'l> (IRl;A.:"'~ rnrr11 •••• ~ I'': lt•1'<1r !Owl . \oata 1'1• 11 I t"'' l ilo•rlv ~··1""1I 3'w1i II '"" \'rr v J:""I r u1,,Jltll'n Full t•tto !! Sit>'• Ha uskrn Motor8. Jnr . 1"11 lhtlo r 111\ ! 1·~.rn" 1.11., rr, fl·"' I " ,. ·'11 H1 t·n\ ,,, ~ ''"'· ., ,,.,. ,., , tn'l'h 1• II" I· -t•·t \\' \\' t irtt I :-;,..,. !• p "' j'.11 ... , ... r.... llllt 17'-1·.M :l',rJ~ f11m\tUf•' ft•Hn • ronm h1ruae I I l n ... •3!\,.. 1~111111 \our IJ 1 h\f', ('Q\'~r. !=rhl J.o ~ l'I r,(I 1•'011l1 Ht et' ring JiJ••il f(lr y11uth, 1 ~ ~ •-' I , 1' )'I 1 Ol'F:F.FE k .\IERl!ITT ran,.-:1' I : 7 I: v11\, I• ="<"'l"""t H0·1~ht11 I ~Z••v R·~r ii ~Ol'fll lto\c•r, .._,.w. lllken cn l'llf hans:a Irv 11 .. r ,.. !'"" :-;As ll flt11l ·~111•n Rtl'lu h11 m 1 Ir"" t 1 ·.c Lib•·' / i,.:; .. 1a•. ".c.'11 port H ar ltinfl-\\'. J~cJi > u bu\ I' I• e '"' n.a hl'I • t r flll1llo A-o ii: 1.-r >'1111 pr1V $4(1' I BF.Nl"IX r rn:-<o:-.tAT WA~•H tt 1 '="1 t<JlT 1 .~ r· ••r b,.,, ti<>x -I prt1r llr1'. Hausken Motors. Inc . nlnw at n •w $-n , ,, ' · · 1, · ,1 • ~.II I' :-:r:1·n·-.;i-: ",•1><1ard rno11nr DA. ·z.sc1nt1 0T B •i:r l'lftn'l l''• 1• 1 11,3., H!lrb r l!',v 1. < ,. ••• ''""' ( .. ,. I •.:. I ... t. " ,,11 I . l I I ,. • 211 ~ 1'' I • A • ~ ,. BF:'\LllX 111-ro \\ \'lll::lt l1'r Ol'W l '.'•\I 1 h I s•o '' \'T~ 'l•I, n•·w '"11'1l'ln, "11·" ___ ._n_. __ '8_ri_._!"_"_"_1" __ n_a ___ l'l\nnr L1~11.v 8·~,n~.1 :i· ... 17 , . • '· -, , • '· • ' '"n .r 1 a r. " :?lll S111·' 1r1 1:.11~ 'l h ind ll)U~'"l I • I ' < t •• ' \" I I •I a \,I I(•! I t'l\ ,. t• I' !'-·• vr f "' MA \TAG \\ Ht :-;l,J I< \\ \,llf I' • . . ll11rbo•r I 11 '·'f • • ' ~11 , ,.,.~ ru \ -.·r" 11»1· b.-t. ni~t.• _ TV SERVICE REBUILT and lNl:>'TALL~D liHUftT BLOCK FORD --·-· -$129 • j t:H•.VRUL£T -$14!• I rL.YM It UODCE .•. f l , Cl'RY::S 6 DJ-: SOTO $I .o1 NTl'l.H.UAKltP • ---f l 1 IJl.IJS • NJNTJ.AC . ---f l ,, Hl ll'K II· I HI' ()S I IN -------· -· ' ··"' ' Loa.ti 1 ·,.r P"rf'e Towl"lt' ~1'.:\V CA R OARAJllTEf: Bl°' IC mu•t mr'\ oo r •l~C1art1~ r hu tu,~. 1:11J1k"ll a11<t oil Op~n Sunot11y JO a m to 2 pm BELLES ENGIN E REBUILDERS .!\l E\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. HANTA AN A. A TTJ-:~TTON Nash -Hud son owners rl1111n \' j\f'l T:\t s..:::1 ·.n . ,., ' I •• r ... 'I ,,.r1ni:. ml\t• ~·J 11\''T"ROAl:!I nc• I•'" ~lllH1n· l•·<•I Nltl:lfl\1 ~Inn S1'> It up :• 1 I p M 411 rp I 1 $ "' WP, RF::-;T f'<1rlabJ, 1•~ .i I r !,l\or A: a rt1pl1t ''"· 11ltv> I' A. ~\•l~rn' 1•,11; f>O:'.Tl.At' 8 t'\I .... J .. di~ ~ 1111 r rt• .. SM 1 Haus ken Motors . I nc. Rioh Hahn's Cara}!c ~; · n -• 111 -.o, '' \ 1•1 1: 11 r ,,1iir~ rottr,. 111hl" F:vf'r)"\.Mn1• (;11111.11>1 •••1 l'l.·I m.1h r 1·r1,.,. I.-•· hllll"''•k Tl HMH r11 t1 \11 llllll'l~c r •'1111•1 ;1.,•·w l rl'f' D<'llv,,1 y nnJ lntl..il11l1t n · :1 .. •r l1ntl 1 l.>1,• "' ln.Il\p 1111 •• :·1 Roo·r3 llJ.,.c. l I• u>• \\ur1 ~ 11. n,. ,.1 .. 1111111. 1111~~. 1111 \" ry lb02 :"rw11(•1l 1:i..1 1·11, .1p 1.\br1 Iv 8-:11211 ('•'Ill:\!• ~a 3; :15 1 ~; f.. 7:-,:!1 Kl -~tORE •t•"1•. 4.:' hlli: 1 hr<-I· 1!1'o l l'HJl,('O_r_"_fr-11:-~"-nl-t<-·r-l hl' Dave Spies i .. 111 \\' C•1a..t H .. -y ·°"' 'l"'rt l11'h ll1t1 l..1·r ;; ; .. .,J " A="' I z I I I • , , !\ lw "I IJ I HI r. I 'I" u1. 1•\,.l 1•1>r1 tr ·, .• -,.,,, nrt11r Ii p 11 • r \\ r1tr 11:.~~ Sl8~1! ~I "'•' I '• ' l tt e .... ~"'' \ • S l'E \ ,..::-;s "n 1 !'l<1xs I 1.,·2 H11 r1 r 1 , • 1 •t• :-1 .. ·~ \f.~"I ll•ul>nr l 'l\'1, · !\a J.1 4',.3 l't n• J.tt .. 1tv 11 •.n:oi, 2•1 .I 1 •""• t, I 1 ,. n • t r '-·" , 1.111 .. ny &-z1111 :i2tr. rr -- -I :-;r--w 11•:1·, 1:1 \'\11.r ·"" p.,. 1 s;.tJll l'H'.~l(C r1t\q:w•·t 1·u~ I IM't.1 •1•11 I $Iii) Auto l~ad10 Hepa1r ptil l>fl Tl'ml r• nt ";•J•lt• ! It :.• 1 H k ~1 t I E h S br .. ''· I l~~f;Ha~l~r ·,,"~ ~r~~ ~ .. ~~. 4()9 • 29t ' .·· t . Conti pr11rl1!'8 plAflu~ '"''' 11<1 lll'o I 111• I 11 I, ·, I 2'•1 •• :--:.wp .. rt ,. II" :i··r'l llA;\"/,-~ 'lf;\111'1 II~ I'•"' :-• 11• ;,zr.:, .. ,\l•'l.!-'"1 ' \ntl 1 1•1,-;'lt.A X ~ l'l:\tl'lf'-111 .. ck I 'Z-T raJI,.,... •J"l!I • • ,.. • "'rllrtll "''' luuur AI ------· ------- W OMA:". a.Itel tn pr<'paratlon ot WA='T woman tor general homl!I'· rood ror ct.le full nr pan tmw I wnrk In home w1lh all modern A.I.lo c0unter rtrl. Hftt 0311 MK 11 rr1111nC'I'.:!. !111!ly nnnn to 7 pm. • , • lg~ o' "n. cl.>111.1(1• 1nutl1 I $ 1'•1 :,II J\l\'8.ff\\11 l 'l.1 J!tlhu&. llP' I !•GI ·)I. 3:11 :, 7 II re I ~·~··l"P lrl'l'Zt r C'h• Sl '" 1. <I, l·I He fnr hul'I""· hull• r. '' t: & 111• 11• II••• f>"'· ll a \)<>(In 11~. •I •·:11_,. l 11 •• 1. I'.! ol11 1 .. $1 l!l 1'< :'\., • ~h d n J./ ~ II J'A)' th~ p u.• .._ 1 ~ $' 15 1" r nu ;\" flO,f\\I J J 4r36 ' •n ''' '"" c '"lY 2:t ()<\() !1'111~. Ir (' '~11 .·Tl-I! '17 ~1 Ll/ot;H 'o :t t•G ,., ,1 f. t 1 V• 'Y I • I • SI .' SPECIAL :ll<"31i 1 "' n tr3nsport:it1on, no chtldrrn 11!• • l 'HH..<O H•'r i: .. ,. •r. 11 --------------J lf:ulic~ l3 J:;.w t H 8, or J-11irbor t> ~ 10 ft. w 'h I i.: , r •• ..,..: I' W A NTED-LADY to 1tay 'II.1t h :!l :7 1l<ly~ 3 1r:l:\ (Cl'r7.er Ch~t 111\lr\' ba r. Mll'1\"" rhlldreD trom 3:30 to ~·JO d111h door. Olt:lll <lull ~r trB), t .ol Call alter t p.m. Harbor :,1 ~1 Gm!.·-''!: <"rl•r-'r. H.• 11•' l•ut rl • n !Hc36 Jt'ST 1, s 1t11i-11 1,-.w1 ~,.... -..: , , ~ .:, ,. 1: .• ui::in ~ ,\&: \\ar,,housc> .:::n !''I ~h n Sl 6 blk• s "' ~1'1 SI ~"n 11 An8 -Or• 11 .1, ly 1• '• ~·in '1·~ nr P hon,. h ( .•• ;~ol ---------1.'.°·I <.l.1\!'-. l',\R 1;11prr l1to JO fl ,hnCl V. t n \ tr k mt\n\• PXt T'a.!' AC.~<• 1!•~1 1 E\'l '\l<I f>E: i•, h I' lo '· n\ ,, i!IY•·IT•I )! :n 41) hn11r~ .-''Al'letr M1:C:t. ~12-.. liar ·~l: .• A'l• !1 ;)1• Jh~6 --------------A )•\'ll•l , ju .. l I•" l h~ f''ITl l ~. '( 1 ONE P"ULL Tna! Ol'RL & Cl n ~ , , )i~::c.o:::T.::::la::Cx::::::.:X::::=::X:c::=:::::ic=.=.:~o;:o::XX:oCJ\ part Um• (lrl Fountain l'X flN:· $hl .)3 J'('r m11ntlL llli ::;)l • c: :::i= ::x:J ...:-:::::c: 2 98.. J I J' J OB? s .. 11 Baughn -< AAS Warih'l•1sr enee. Kl ·H c •' t.tORE THA:-.' 1 HAT-An nppor· 22'1 So Mrun St 6 hlk~ 1--< f llh ~· CE:'li~ tor pert time -.·ork lUn1:y 10 W• r k ln an lntrr,•.atmi: l"anta Ann C>pr11 If 11 ~ '• !• u l'lotf'l dtak clerk. Expentnrr lnolu•lr_v "'htr h IJ <'xpt.ndtni.: ancl Sun. ll·~ or Ph•m' I< I :,.; ~11\ n,it nee~'. D el. poae1bclltl•"• offtrs r.<1vftnc4'mf'J1l opportwuty BAiboa 11\R Bo\el. B&Jboe.. 3:11:37 to quaJ1r1,,1 younr •·omen. C"OLDSPOT rf'trtr~ runs i:oo.i s·~11 f\EPC\"DA.BL£ LADY for "'''" work. 40 b.r. wttlt wttl'I ltht'r:tJ bton.tllll. Apply in per90n BIROOTS Hc!we. • HouH<warH 1802 Newport Bl'Pll., Colt.& )tr-n i:>t.t<" "'A.NT l\BAL ll:8T .. TS -*'11M ' Local .xpeneace pmlln'ed. Ph LIMrV M2'77. ~7 f.irm REAL IBTATS 8a&ee!!W\ or ~ t• MUn Udo Otflce. M\Yt -.. ....,....... cau lf&r. 11.S. Kr. are. . .A.11 ....... h•ld ..... a1·•1a1 ~t 1oo1'D8J'VZ UAL D'T la TS 8ALlt8llA.M tar -u tocat.cl of· nc.. a..-ft«ll. ftealty. Barbor 11M--Bar. tl7. aoue • ()!'ENI:\\.~ l"(')W AS: llarbor 0 07-J. • ·, ·•'• TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -APT'LY- !1 14l~ N. Mnln SI. Rm. Zl I -S11nta Ana M"n lhroui;l\ F ri. 9 00 to 4 :00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22lfc 1'1!'\E SEA.MITRE.SS WANTED. CALL AFTER 6, Harbor 1161. 33c35 WA:-.'TJ:D part Urn• 1tenorraphlc help. Ct.U Hubor 3379. 33c35 SEVERAL GIRLS to addrur.. maJI p<>•tcard~ Spare Um!' (\'tr\' week. \\'rite Box 181, Bttrnnn: M&M. 3t "42 WA~lll:'\0 MACHINE. &IJtPn •I l 'ffd twice aln<"e C'llmp!rlc 11\'l'I • haul S:iO, Can bi' ln~I'·' tr,I f t.1H1 1\prll 2 to l\llh 1t 316 l.'ori\I. Ba.I boa IalrLnd. ;.J<". • M.AYTAO wa.aht t, $30. 315 l 'trstr ltd., Cliff Hoven. :111 .. I) lif>5 GAFFERS Md ~AT'TI..l:R ~. the nice CP a.lJ a utC11nl\- Uc on n tlrnfr. (T1dc1Je In 1ntd· die. el.mmtr burntn an1j ttnll broiler. Pd. dn. 1.4 S1:;; &6, no cuh d.n., JUil J"Y the pymla ot $&.U per monlh. Ste Baui;hn's A&S Wa.rehou11c 2:'0 Sn. Ma.n St. 8 blk11. S of Hh St !<11n:a AM -Op"n c.Jai:y 11·11 Sun. 11 ·I> or Phone KJ 3· i :'01 The t he More more You you TELL, SELL! ~11m..i 1ni .... '"' 11rr ""'-rd "\'111 llo ''no al· I""' .a lln"' f1•r " mlnlmu111 •""''"NI ad !" \\11 l:ll'Jlr\I' nne o f th,. r••11J1on• :Sfw-a.-l"rl"fl& 1 lt"'IJl1·1I ••I' art• ru,lomcHih "urM>..aful i. IM-· {'111"1' I\ 1• ~Ill Hltrl&ll' 1111' &•l\f•rll,rr to Sh'e <'0"1• J•lr l1• lntonnntli•n In hi• A "I .-e • fe" M!jr('lh 'H • • • "flcol r.apllrlt • • • ''lo-tale ptire -• • ''C•h,. lor.allnn • • - "IMlude bcltb add,_ A ,._.. ",. 111wa)"I ad\ l•r. l:xper1r-.... ProYM "Th,. ~lore you Tl:l.L, the more 1oa SELL:" ~ "'bf'• you a.re rompoeln1 )'Our ad. a1•8 all lh<' lntorm.aUo• yoa caa that will at1'1K't the reeclt r. OR If ,.ou wuit ti.Ip In WT111~ 7oor ad. CALL n AKROR llllt and a•lc tnr Ute AD-T.tllJ:JL 1~ ' April Organ Buys :J,1-Mui.ir1tl, Radio, " T ,. '· • .. · . • · 1 ' O;'\°F; (1'.'l.Y r11:1 ~ :1.1n 1 ~1 l ·1·1 ;1;.-,~-,~,;~-;_,·-.~;,;,~;;1.-~-.~;; 1 .!.i_-:-~~~~~,~~_t~·-!~·.!'~---- J:. "' ll •:'>, 7 •unAta , I, •"' t t•t "•tn. I kr I \ ii' ht 1 • , n r .-• • f :'l•W :o;&\t $IOI> • ,. 1~111 I I .~ •I• 4 •1 1\1· 11 Rental~ \\'anted O~>f: Q;'\l.Y 1 .. 01111 •111 .\l 111•h1t I $11 l''t n t0nfl1 .o ' l\11 r, .. I "II• 1tn•I h•rll••·• In 111 11 ~r .• n. • 111.c .. n. Ii<" ro , !'-11\•' 5 ;11° .!'llA .. v1: s ~Iii•• 1 1 • :·· ,; · "" 11111111 Cur t>vtll "''ntrr 1uv1 O:"'E ();>;LY 111r~lr 11 ,,. .~I 'I r l ~I 1., ~ ' 1 ,. '• .\1" )' 111• 8 •~~ .. ~ .. \nn • r u11turn. ~h11ll or~nn, 111<r "'" :-,.,., ~011 l'I '~ l.ln1l-· 1 \ 2 "' • It } 1 '"'~ 11 'a1an1 y, C1)n\·• n ,r 11 • lrr111~ 111 II\ \1 \JI o\ I• I II• •HI ' ' • t. • ' pl .r,., tci<lay ~llAH:Hs \11.o•t· 1· .. '~'""' 1!111-;-, Th " I C 421-423 :-:. Sycamor,., l';antll An" ~·i 1t•ut, "llh n• "' •"••1 ~1·11 • J, II C '°Oge 0, Phone KJmberly :Z·00i2 •11v111ir 3201 W C•L flwy • "'"..,,Ort Br h. BALD\\'l:O-: Aer~11nlr Splnl't 1'1a.n1• Ju.at Ilk,. """" Yc.11 can aavr Ctn thle. BuuUful Art Model Splnt'l only $385. Another Splnt l M•h. cue. l..covely t'lne only $4P7 Al· Wl )'I lot.a O( WOCdf'rful barp lnl &t -- DANZ-SCHMIDT BIJ P ia.no Store. ~20 No. Ma.1.n. Bani. Alta 100 Pt.anoe t.o choobe from. i:&ar tl1'1l\&. {)pm WVJ J'r1day IYt. YOIUlSHIR9 1'IJUUD PUPPY. J mo. •ld. male t.oJ. AXC rer. b ceUent bl"MdlJIJ. 21oe Ber· rano, B&Jbo&. Rat'bo? 2'88&-J 15cl7 fl>\;'l.'7.-Sl'IJMJOT H1g I' Aton ~I ·• I Ph11ne Llbut7 t-3481 !.to l'\o. Mn n. R1nt11 An11 21111 Manne. Balboa lal&l\cl f'hnre Hu bor 444 HF.:"T . n '!I{ in , r I'" I y 'h ~67 f: r'oll•I Hy. c·,,rnna ct.J M~r r~nl11I lo 11rply Con t11111t" r i.t· I 1•1·rt1 " ll•rt.nr > o I l lhU,. ai-l, 111 flrt1• ~ 3• 111 \'.a U<'o SHAF'l-H~M 101rro •!'llr •,.lfltl1 )l o•bo r 0 ;1' 1 , 421-42:1 :0: ~' .. mor• Sar a An• 2 to Phone Klmb, rly 2-0672 BA \" > L 1:'\T HO ME v..-tlh ~ar ~ 16-Do~-~~-~!!e __ -I FAWN BOXER, AKC nc .. 6 mo. nld. 639 H1m!lton, COila M,. ... : Ph. u 8·3176. 34,3g fri ntA1·~ tor mi.nth r1f July, Aui:-. 6 l(I i:; .. pt 1:1. ll bdnu. A: aal 1• nn , If P<>•lblt . but of care .,.. 11 b,. 11:lvt n own"" horn~. C... !l>r· r:leh ttn!'llt ot IC>cal r1fne.nr•11. E P 0 1.t nh1mln. HO A•Ofll'Jal'I n -..a11 ~an Manno. or caU >l11 r 11:.s.1. PEKl:.iESE Male doit. J9 monlh• I old. Pedlrrt""d ldul tor br,~11· lnr;. watch <lnll( cir pt t ft,,.11.M'ln· -------------- ably pri'"" 103-ISth St . :-;t\, · -<:all Harbor te ie to place )'Ciur port Beach. J4p38 1 Ad on uua ,.... l ft-R-.1 r..tat.e -------APRIL 61 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA&E 9 ---~-----------~~~· Cabanas Marinas SUMMER RENT~ • • • • Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch .. Baytront avallabla now bJ month or aea.aon. ' bdma. 2 bdrm., 'private beach patio ' bdrm., near Bay, July '800 2 bdrm., near Bay, $100. week 4 bdrm.. near Bay, July ~ BAY SHORES (2) TW 0 (2) COSTA MESA Watch Your Wif e This home provides many opportunities OFTERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht allp accomodatJou. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc t'7-Waated t.o Beat WANT TENANTS 1 WE ARE B~NO SWAMPED w1lh ln<iufrlc1 tor aummior moa. and tenn leuee. U1t your prop- iorty w ith ua and get reault& Our r epruentatlva will e&1l at your requeet. A1k For Bobbe TUmer The Beaumont Co. •3•·32nd St., Newport Beach >!arbor 4!99. 33c4:1 '8A-Apta. for Kent Charming Harbor Haven Apartmenta • Patioa NEW ' ROOM, atreet level Near achooia, &11opp1nr di.tr1ct. Quiet. pleasant. e.xclualvl'. Oarbllge di.· poeal, laundry, atora ga room1. rarare. '8%.00 up. ()c)cuplea ell• Ure 1tre.l. Good 1111pervi.ton. Jofgr.. l:SOl Haven Place 1 Block South ot Hlgb School ALSO VUIU-.t.SHED APTS \V'r.\'TER RA TES 3tlc Bayahorea I It I bdrma., aeaaonal renl&la. Balboa Bay Properties 1~06 W. Balboa Bl., Newi>ort Bcb. Phone Hu. IU88 '8C-Traller Sp!f?! Trailer Space STATE APPROVED for c..bana, large ·iut s. space tor cu.atom lot.a Swim.ming pool by June Jrt. Adulta It children onr H 1.100 VlLLAGE, 700 8l1t St. N•wport Buch. 34c•8 49-Room.t to Bent Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. e Bay Shores' Clevereet Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raJeed uaed brick nrepla.ce, diabwa.aher, dUlpoeal. CJwmlng!y decorated. Cruehed rock lawt1. Full price $23,SOO, terma. AND • Corner Marino Dr. & Vista Dr. • MODERN TYPE HOME 2 bdrm., 2 bath, exquisite kitchen, built-in range It oven, wall to wall carpeting and drapea. Large aun· ny patio. Expemlvely landacaped. Full price $29.~. tenm. For preview ahowinp. call Harbor l600- (Eve11. Uberty 8·5386) 43-AJ?l•. & lloDIM for Bent NEW DELUXI: 2 bdrm. duplex. •L'n!urn. htlwd. !lra .. tlrepl., garb. dt,.,p. Sun d.cka. Laundry rooms. Oaragu, TV antenn.u. Adults, 110 pt'LI. 700A-7008 Acacia, Co- rona dal Jdar. Ownu 702 A cacia. (Uppf'r apt.) r hone Har. 1736-J. CA:"<AL FRONTAGE, lgl'. 1 bdrm. furn. &pL. aun d«k It prtvall! beach, utll . .pd. $65 per month until July 1. Har. 3547-W &flu SMALL elngle room ror workillf man. Comfortable l>fil. hot and cold wett r, $7 wk. Pr1v entr 123·28th S t., Newport Beach 32pp33 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO.,' REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach 33ttc I BDRM. Wlfurn. dupl.x, 614 Ju· mine, Corona del Mar. Phone Har .. 2919·R attc>r 8 p.m. 32p37 ON BALBOA ISLAND 8D ms for JMrl7 and ' aeuooal rcJ\tala. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 809 Martna Ave. Harbor IW'2 SAL.BOA ISLAND 7tlc Lt:ASt:, yearly, rn.aonablf'. New unlurn. rrunt duplrx. 2 bdnn , n\• rm , kll<'h , balh, and gar. 126 · 46lh. Newpurt Bea.ch.. Key· atone O· tGiO 3'cU Balboa Island Choice yu.rly and awnmu l"ftlt&IA, now •vallable. DOHIS ARA Y, Realtor 215 Manne Ave., B&Jboa laland Harbor 20 115ttc Choice Wint.er Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Lele 6.30 p.m. 35c37 NICELY FUR:"\,SHED PRIVATl'l ----------- -room A fa<"llllle1, $27.50 monlb NEW VERY ATTRACTIVE tum. 304 • 32ntl S~ .• NpL Har. 1226 apL Garb&4fe dlspoul. $70 Incl. 80))40 uUUUea In center ot Corona Ile! Mu. Kar. 0803-R. I Otte : .. ~tore. /; Otrlcee ----YEARLY un!urn. 1 b<lnn 11pl .. 3 OFJl'lCl!l apacu tor 1-. Ap- w1th garagt'. Balboa Island. prox. 17'1'3:'>' each. In Udo Shop- Har. 2655·W or Uberty 8-'438. pin& areL 000 Via Malara. Har. 3Mfc 3327. llStfc ---~~~~~~~~~ $50. rt decorated 11nfurn. 1 btlrm. OP'FJCI: SPACE l'OR RENT. 1luplex. includin g retrtg. Water 770 w. lTlh., Coal& i.teu. 35c37 , pd. 222 Costa Mc1a SL, C. M. Liberty 8-123•. 35c37 lST J UNEl TO 30 SEPT. Lovtly v1ew a pt., furn. WW rent to rc•Uabl• people. '800 for f'nllre per1od. O~r 1ummer rl'nlala av&llable al Wt'ekly nr.tea. LOUISE APTS., Olrnatlon Ave., near Se&v1ew, Corona dtl Mar ll&rbor t 015. 33C'38 COSTA MES A, s rm. apt .. rurn. or IUll\u'n., lncludu utlllllM. C&U HYatt •-4~7. 28tfc A'M'RACTIVJC turnlAbed modem aludlo apt.a. UWIUu paid. 8UloOlER or YltARL T ratH. 3.u• Coe.at Hwy., Corona <let Mar Ku. 086.l·R or LI S.-7177. 27c40 LADY maklns loca! ph4l11• .urveJ. Uka Ulla ot phone • hrL daily. P ay phon e blll for -.me. WRJTJ!J 801 S·5:1 t.ll1a paper or Liberty &-1111 o evu.-Cabl.D 11. S:k3e AV A.lLA.JJJ..E -A.bout IOOO aq. tt. ll(bt lndu.tzy llP&C• OD lat It 2nd. n oor. U. 8. RIJ'hwa7 101 and Bay Fror:IUo&"a. WW l-all or any part It remodd to au.It telWlnt. Vogel Co., 3n9 Vla Udo. Harbor 4971 21ttc AVAILABLE BmalJ A cozy or larJ• It deluxa HARBOR APTS. NEW 8TORID Bl.DO. UOO 9q. t\. oppoalte S&Jboa Bay Club. Ample parkJng. Ph. l..I 8-1371. 83cUll 17~ to '300 monlh Modern turniahed apta. '.'OGEL CO. day, week or month 5&8-IDdaatrlal Beata.le 208 M&rllle Ave., Balbua l1land Nur bus, at.ore• It bay. Ru.t<>nable Vh. Harbor 444 ur Harbor 2101 ratu . 104 IC. S.y Ave., BALBOA LEASE -L&rse 2 •lOl'J' boua IU1 Hu 17!Ml·l'tK or W 8·0297 Harbor 63H . 1TLtc and buemenl oo Harbor Divel. ""o .soiled tor buainea. and U!A ~. ------------CN CORONA om. M.AR.-2 bdrm. (00.t& M-) eo • 110 d.Np, 2 BEDROOM F UR:-llSH EO OU· unfurn. apL R-nable rent. dl'iv-ay, trooU..• on two 8ta. l't.£JC, Corona del MAJ', .ouUI ot °"II J'Uamorne ~\)' Co., Har All or part. C&1l OW'llU , Llbert7 ANNOUNCEMENT: Roy Greenleaf Jr. and Gordon Severts announce the consolidation of their respective real estate businesses under the new name of GREENLEAF -SEVERTS, INC. with offices at 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 Mc36 DUPLEX Best Coeta Meu Location 431-33 Eut 19th St.net $1'.l>OO $5500 down Monthly paymmta only $75. One aide furniabed Ir rented at $85. Uve rent tree. Property oomp. fmoed W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOC1A TES "You'U Like Our~ s.-.ioe'' 393 E. 17th St.. Co.ta Me.a. Liberty 8-1138 Hlway J IOO montll lncL ulll. 2l02. 29<:42b &.M72. 33p36 MRS. KA y • Kar. 3779-J ISLtc MOO&aN 1 bdnl\. -.i&a... l tum. It M rr. rftONTAOll ON W. l1t.IL 56--M-z to Lout BAt.BOA ISLAND • 2 bdnna. .l untu.nL wtlh Ntna. 6 lllOV., t.onc 1 ..... T70 W, 17\h., Ooeta WOULD U.-.. to DU.1 lit &Del 2ao ~a..sonablt yrsy ~nL 807 F<rn· w-. ~1 ,,__ __ f"lt..-A -..-. ... u 0 ___ .... ., 11n1u rJl lo'1r;o~1lat e. •ncll'HI~ paUo. In.I. Corona <HI Jofar. 34r3t .. ~ ~ ......, UAI" --TRADE you Ber e)'e• will U:ht up w~ ab.ow ber Ull1 brand ntw 1he root fantily home -A real ru.e tic charmer with 2 ulltd br1 tlreplace1 -bulll·tn d ee: kitchen -knolly pine and na ural wood . . . Lou ot room an ldt'al location! Only 139~0 and $80 per month on FHA t k• . <'k l ric t· In dn ms. * * * Charm -Personality and comfort were uppermoat mind when lhl• modt'm atyla bdnn., l \<, bath home wu bu It hea a gr&p<'alake ff'nred pa natural wood burning flrt'plac bar kitchen, rorct'd air htot Unequaled vaJue at $12,000!1 In 3 llL t10, e, - * * * Tip-Top Quality Bu y th N•arly new 3 bdrm. home v.1 wall to wall carpet.a, 220·VOll kltchen-landJ1<:aped lllld ft'nc lot -all tor ju.al $10.~ w low down and balance 163. p mo., Incl. ta.xu .I: lnS\Jranc• 4 1;,•:, FHA loan. Wher•, w ask, can you heal thla? ln r d llh tr on • * * * If You're Tired • looklnl at tnnat.ed prlc•. mall• date wllh ua and ace v.•h IU,000 will buy-1.n Newpo Helg-hll, loo Three bdnn.a brt«llt and a.try, 1 ~ '*tll1 GOm pletely fenced back yard &11 pat.lo. !ounda l'OOd and i. rood at rt ., . d ! * * * Bay & Beach Realty 189t Newport Blvd., Colt& Meaa Liberty 8·1191. J:vea. LI 8-3158 BAYSHORES . CH.ARXlNO 2 br., lmollJ ptne In ter1or, Isa. Uv. room. compac kit. wjbkt1L Mr. PLUS lge. g9t rm. over pr. 2 p&Uoa. $21.600 t 3 BB.. I llalh. ru.uc. w/w carpet. dJ.ahwaabar, etc., nice paUo u uoo. BACK BAY BTFUt.. • br. w/den. 2 tlnpla(' .. v1-. Aaklnir price, t 32,6()() RUSTIC RANCH hOUM on 1-1 acre w/'ftew. 3 br .. u11c<t br. fireplace din. rm , patio. room tor hbr ... • '22.~. 2 1 ACRll chicken ranch w/xlnL br. .._,.. Oood loc.U-. ..... t&bllilhed roui.. Claire Van Horn REAL.TOR ., 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 1-427 - to really enioy life- Want a privat. beach! Need a place to keep your cntl8er ! Prefer cJoee ln location near Udo Sho~. etc. f Buy t.hia Jdeal 2 bdrm. home ln Balboa Bay CovM right on th~ waterfront, only 3 yra. old. Lota of tile, parquet floon, F. A. beat, dbl. garage. Dice features. Pier It allp privilepll. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex turni&hed. rood rental diltriot. Ocean and Bay both cloee by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor· 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1011 If you can 1ee th1a print you ahould be able to see the value in t.h1a home. Just two blocb from Lldo ahopping oenter, two bdrnul., and a nice den, large fenced yard for the cbUdren and the bouae i9 completely furnJabed. We a.re bold· tnr th.ia at $12,500, with $2500 down. and We a1ao have two unJta on two tote ju.t otf the ocean at $17,SOO, Wa la the bellt. buy we haw Ileen thla ,ear. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2111 NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Bdroom home OQ 7~ foot lot wtth ti.replace. bwd.. !loon , large kitchen with l'ub. cliap. dbl pr. $13,5001'. P. $3000 down. NEWPORT BEACH BMch Cottage on al.ma.t three Iota. Cl, °"* '° Newport Pier. no.6001'. P. Tsma. J. M. MILLER COMPANY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Harbor at Near the Newport Pier -Plenty of ~ CORONA HIGHLANDS Here'• the home big enough to raiM that fUD.lly -plu.e view of Ocean and billa. 5~ in.a. loan. Three bdrm., bath and half upft&Jn, one bdrm. or den with ~ down, hwd. tloora, dbl. p.rage. Xlnt. neigh- borhood. Only $28,~ Two .0.tt. Jot. .outh ol Hwy. ~ ~ • .-ch. 1b .. won't Jut. Act DOW". RAY REALTY CO. 5 rnvnlha lo Y""r l•ue. 112:. mo 6lth Fl \~K JA i\tP~. Har~r 2042 C>Cl"~N FRONT month t.o month. ~ °11.!!rtuaJUM ' i.o..iy unit.. a ,_ at.epl f rQm lnt.erest ed m a Lovely Hom e 3U4 E. Cout Blvd·, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 l lr311H Anllable 2 bdrm.. SM. OU July. Rl<~NTA L •1 S P ECIALISTS UUI pd. Ellcloatd paUQ 8ff al i 304 w. 0<-f'an FTI>nt, :O:twporl. 34ttc 8PORT1NO OOOD• lllon and Uoat • Kol.or A1rency loca1.ed la ci-rt. near nven It tu-Good opportunity tor oulboard motof'o r~11 F'<ln1 Crala WOOF:RN 1 bdrm. •PL. tum. OT man. W W aell tor lnYat.oT)' Blanche Gate8 , Rltr. u.ntum carport and pnv11e pnc• du• lo ot.b.er bl.wltnu. 1nter- a11 Marlt1• AY• I patio Su mer. In Aj>L c. 2820 .. tA. Wn~ Boll R-1'>4, Ulia pa.per. J\•111(.a l•l•n . llar_1_a_11 1_2uc Avon ISL, N""Jl<lrt Bf>ll<ll. Har. a.p47 -----4fHO-J. 34Uc COFF!:E SHOP, LAOlTNA SCH. For Yearly Lease u alDOll For Kl• n-uonable. Vr 1 v 1 ll'an tu1 n 2 bdrm tlom•, yearly a pt• Oood local busin~ l'h. owne.r, !'•Ml lc><"tJ..,11. $1Z01 ma. <"•LI or matt t ·m :i. lllc40 ,. " t ;ffl1 ~f' I. 11.t-'f'rl. llr.lboa Rny I'rtlpcrt1rs l~1h • \\ lh lb JJI Cl :'\'~wpnll 8 t'h Jll\•bor 6J88 ~~37 Choke BAYSHORES 11umnwr rcnlalll. on Ocean front llE;\ t:TIY L'I.. VIE'.\·. 2 l>--droom•. M--llo~ t.o ~---- rum or untum ., utu P81cl LOANS Harbor •0:.1 34tfc PROMPT 8&R VlCll .-~u~-Uot111H for Beet AL.SO I '~''"' t.l•llle. J.:ut .111dt Co~t -.\11 "" Rt" n1bll' F'OR LEASE CLAl1U-; ,. AN HORN. RJtr. nvo BEAUTIFt:t. n1 v. lrvtn• 5~ ttnl t.roat deoec!A 20 , ..... ON.nge Cout Properuea U61 Ne-wport A ve., Ooeta Mna u •-1932, u .. t 400 ev ... ~tic 2i .ll \\ l-, ~ •: II \'\ N •Wl)Qr\ Och. l.tbf'r' ' 1;,7 J!\(-37 Summer Rentals on U Jo 1.#lr a nd 111 hn rine Har1)or home .. F iRNISH ED LIDO HOME 2 Mrm1 . 2 balh• tur 8 monUY, •l•rtln~ A rnl ht S:l~l mo. VnCurn. 2 bdrm. apt. Top Balboa Location 8tn''' .I: rTfr1a'. t tOO mo. on IPM. l':oUllnr nker on the r ,.nlnwl11 Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 Via Lldo H arbor OH Jk31 St1mmer Rentals • E:xc1118lve Bay Front.a + Ter-r11t t' \11\fUrn Vlt'W homn 3 SORllS , 2 balht an•I 2 e•:t>RMS. 2 balh. <.'aJI H ulM\r 17i~ or Harbor 4448 EARi.. W STA.."41..ET. RoJtar I r'\1n' Tf'"11C# Office Corona drt Mar. 33tJc l BDRM untum , ,..Ar llOU.f'. yard t"t>upif' A thlld ok•). S-40 mo 121 ·i.'lrd.. C-0-tla Mf'• HAit :l~M 32f'l) ---~---~~--&. X CE t'Tl ON ALL\. ~lCE 2 "' 3 tw-droom hou,.... modem rum~ SM. mo, .S04·32nd ~t , Nr .. •port Harbor 1225 33c38 t~OR Y.A STER WEEK. •nappy nrw 2 or 3 btJr m. hoiao , J:>l\ Al80 ava.11, nlC'fly •Um. room. l \'M 32nd Sl. Nf'wpc:>rL H3r, 1725. 3Jc:3e Nli:W 3 BDRM.. llou11e, unrum. $70 V.'1ller pd.~rffdom TracL 6('C at 980 Arbor. C<>4t& Mu &. Phont CUDfon 7-59.U CollecL 34c3e LOANS for Homes 6"-30 JT. ~ Construction Loans &EE BOB 8Arn.J:R 261~ &AST OOA.81' BLVt>. l:orc.na 0,.1 Mat Ha.roor ~ ~p PUllU£R MCJ RTOAOIC 00 Metro Ula ~ f'\u:>d8 IQ. J.6115 41Vc REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate ~ 'i'l" Lo&na qulcJll.7 macs• 1.o Ole a..y Area and Coat& Mt~ 8ln('l• or mul1,1ple WIJLI. New cw old. Be wt.. and ••• by r~o.naodna your pr,ae.nt loa.n. MlAtmwn U · ~OM. No cl1ar1• for pr'ellml· n•ry a pprtil&L. Pbone Sula ~na K.lnibtrl7 1..-933 °' tvrlte ARTHUR f... MAY Mort.c•c• Lou Oonupondellt Occidental UJa lnwrance Co. 1113 South Main lallta AN RA VIC ~nt ouUet. tor pr1· Yat. IDOMY oo a t 6: 2:nd TNA Deeda, c.aJJ • DON 1. BlJDOLE8TON RMI r..ta t. Loana BAy, lot 60 • tO, llCl!Oed c.1 All in Garden Grove ? t'l.&rftJ.aM4. ltnlT\4C\IJ.at. Coal1d I Uon. Not • cnt lo ap.ncl. JnQOtrle Heated Pool U M . Tr.de '°' a rood hOUM 4 BEDROOMR. 2 bat.ha, IJ:I" actl dGM 111 Newport u down P'J• .tt7 room, pauo. w to w e•11>fl ment.. ~· lol landkapro II r11nctid . Paul C. Jones . '2t,:,OO. Mr• LorPnlun, LI II 1171 or Ll:hlfb .. 1333. 22d t 173 E li'lb., eo.ta w .. l..Ibert.7 ~1 .,.tlo 2to2 NPWJ>Ort BlYd., Newport Bell .. ll&rtlor 2313 -Your own pathway to Business Location With Res. Income Wll.J.. 'nU01D UPI P'oT N""J)Ort Ard. I br. home ln 8&n Cl .. mente. l ~yn. old. Hur• dOl.lbl• pr ratio. br1ck Ba.r-1>-q. Coal· plai.l,J' feMed .. W lo W c:upela, drapta. ..creena. B«.t v&Jue 011 8o, COM t N n.r Solt count) Kl'adnUI 2·17M. 34e38 "Little Corona" Beub HILUUI>rr: VllCW srr.-:. 2 tar1 e bdrm.a.. tr.mtndov.a Vll'w, uv1nr room, 1, ~lti._ hW..I~ JH'UO Aa1Wir pnc. t26.600. Oall Barbor 1176, ~v... liar, 03:19 Earl W. St.nnley. Realtor 22:1 M.a.rlne Ave., Ba.Ibo& IJiland 33c.'l5 FOUR BUS!NDI LOTI untnll7 loeat~ 111 Newport &&di. P&rt o rprop.prty lmpnrred "1t!I °"' v.D--tB1111eall!9f m.tai. BY OW~E.R 3 br~ 2 M tb a pt. 2-1 br. • bat.b apt&. plua 2 colt.ac" w1t.h M U&. All ~ furn V cry ncal and Oean. 6 pr~• llAd at.Ta la.re• tMYem,nt l'f'cr11auoa nn. Pr-nt lnoom• plu. tutun dneklpmmt ma.kn lnvutment In lht• prop- art}' nry a t t.rac:t.1 vi. $30.000 on ..., leTm• Ralph P. Mas~ey Rultor 1411 Newport Blvd , Npt. Bch.. Barbor 402 For Sale by Owner CORON A OEL J.I AR --2 ~tory oombl.llaUoa. OIU'. A 1, IMlt.h. ht Ooor, 2nd floor hu lari.11 llv. room, bea.rnl'd cetllnll''· l>MJroom. •howtr, dclu•e lcllclltn. Snack bar, .,rl.IDed In 1111n rorch. i.-e. JllUo tnt'L wilh 8·tt. hr1tk ....U 113 000. Temu to wit Room t.o built on tronL. 702 Aca- cia, Corona df'l Msr or ph1Jne Klmball ll2M. Hunungton F'11rk. Utrc NICE LOTS EAIT am&. COST A KESA. C'lo8e IA. Oood aotl water, •twtr '2.ltO oub. CH.AD 'MVICHEt..L. ll&rtaor 3976 (E'YM I Bar. 1311·J I. 32c3Th Bay Front Income I Umt.-S •• ~ run 11i111ecs ....,. no.a &DO pnva.&AI Mee.a. lOCIO &. Hal1M>e BJvd~ Ba.Ibo&. et-tY'lf'W 11&49. Cour U., tn °"*"• ISttc 85' View CtJTJiC I bdrTA. h0\.191, ntti r ~ It d ·.annd BBQ In rl•l•l•>n~ peUo, brick waU1 lbrt•u~hO\lt Sacriflc• fr•r S 11.!l".O or lkrice boet zoe · 4 l•L l'«:"Vo r<>rl ~•ch Harbor •~l. 29pl3 COSTA MESA rurtL 2 bdrm llom• wall lo ••II carpet. hwd n,.. <'f'ml'nt pat111. fenC'ed Jard lll'WU'I In P"\tll rnce $9$00. 5;r;zi0 down. lJ ll·Zi:.l2 3:.C41\H COSTA M"F-4'A -Ocun V1nr 3 bdrm. hom~ w t.o w carpet, bulll·ln bookah,lve-". dra~•. Vt>h· eUJIJI bllnw. and rurt&Jna, carb. dlapoaal and e.ltc lrlc r&nl1' In kllr t\en. N tc:l'ly land.lcapc1I and pal.lo •t• a, S 11 ()O(J S.:.,QU •I""' n Call owntr. W S·lf>i2 3Jp3~ CLIFF HAVEN $7950. BEA UTlFUI.. CUAtom built 1 nn<"h homt', ovulnolunit llarb.,r • b< J. rm11 .. 3 bllh•. !lrn. 2 ""' rlal'r 1 flo'EW a bedroom. lldwd. noon on ALSO 2 bdrm •PL. With r nv•I" lot UxHO' -283 Avocado St.. patio. 149.500. C~ll ownt'r, CORO NA HIGH.LANDS nf!w , J bdnn. % balh, flUTltly room l C'a r JU8K~ If ra.r port t.gr . lol IAnd11r11.p• I &r rcnrf'd Ov.'11U •Gt C.brlllo T t'ITIC•, Co"'n• U11tU&ndA. 28p40 BALBOA ISLAND Just a Step From North Bay Spaciou.e, comfort.able year round home. a bednna. Ir den, 3 batba, 3 !ittplacea. PL.US altmctive cum apL Ex.oelleat locaUon. Mu.t be eeen to be a ppffi:lated I $15,000 will handle Multiple lbtlng Ml2 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaocl\tctl Park at Marine, Balboa l.aland -Harbor 2462 OPEN HOUSE Bill's Best Buys 191 S3t. & ~un., l to 5 p.m. DUPLEX 3 Court St., Newport Sch 2 bdrm• u .ch aid.. 0n11 t YTH T he oltt B<lth al 11'~ rrnll'd lnc•rrn• I H6 mn !'l"'ll tn <-au ioho Perfect Beach H hool. cloM '" t""1•1'",."'11>1\ ouse, and •hoppln ... F\111 pr1<e J l1 11,,,, AT A rRKT. you can &ltord ~ o cl04t'I 10 U1a tw'A.c-11 Ul*"l th,. n I h 111 t• w•vn lull you lo •1•11> ~wry 11;tll )'"l hui·h• to •tor~• aJld o lhe h11>· Tho• htll" bu uty a.w 2 bdr1T11 . II Itel • n. balh and rr~ lt'lina: room 1'11t}I • l"h• "r· 11 fltl'J'llll'" tor C"OOI tvtnlnll'• The PriC'e ls JWit 13,750 · xlnt. t <'rmll FISHER and CO. 21i0l Ntwport Blv•I Npt. Be•• h Horbor 4429 OPEN HOUSE 183 Roc hester St. on I 7 '23:.-0 d ()Vo n NEW 3 BDRMS. 1111 ~ tn. und,.r coNJt.rw: 11 n. r.,.. •1''-"h•n ft ~·,.1>)(.o ("h,,lrt ~ tlnt>r plan and i 11lurt J"ull pr• .. J!l<OCI(). ll60 d -n aJ1c1 $70 J>f'f' monlJ\. FOUR BDRMS. l~ !>At.ha rf'lldy Mey 1·11h ?'(,.,.. pllV<·d •lrttt, lf'W"r• In lroptr&t rrmh , guaic• • PttA tlnanrlnc, 1-~ull rn"" Jll760 14'!'>0 t1nwn, l<>W pyml.11 lndut!e lAJ!u 6 1". e11mnr1-. 3 BDHMS. 1.1 1 RAni8 nearly nl'W. 1111111 In llnllv Atlfa a nti r.vf'n, 1 I•••" 101 1•11'•11•., Prle· ~·I 111 J 11 -.no 1111hr11lt a. Low u 132:.o u"wn. other choice p?'Opertiea Harbor bland, Bay 8ho~a. Bea· con a..,. qual.ltled cJJent.a onl7. AV A.ll.A..81..E NOW -ldtlll Ltrlo I.ale location. SUp a vallable. ~ lllJ[• m obUe home. rum. Show<'r toilet. 8leep1 4 Wt1ekly or mo rate&. Pbon. EXJnont t-63.'H or l':Onnandy 4-62i2 l 4 p36 pp • _N_O_C_O_MMISS ___ IO_N_ 1~~tate. ~mu~•. OHta Mua. LJ 1-7807. 29tJ LI 11·3221. 21lc t2h Drive by ~ Ma&nolia :-.T "T 2 r.OR-'f . JI~ yu h 1w11 Owner-moving lo Sao P"nln. Harbol' lnveatment Co. Har~ 1100 (~ U 1-6*) 21ttc '8~ for lleat ' -------TEA.RL Tl bdrm. rura. ctup&u apt. 0...., ..., ocean. Auto. _....,_ 6 dryer. H ll. mo. Har. ~7-W a fter e .30 p.m. 3.'kai OCEAN FRONT. n•r Newport p1•r, 111aci. apt. with ldtchl'nctt• It bath. Ma.Id at>~. utU. pd TV. IJS. ~r week. Har. 6158 or l'l&nor 987. l!Jtlc FURN. A.PT., )'t'arly on leua. U•. rm .. bdrm.., kitchen. dinette. beUI w1lh tub .I: ahower. C1011C1 ln d<>'A-ntown 8Albo11. on {)('f'an P"ronL JM. mo . uW pd Cell Harbor ITH ~ Ha.r l :\li·M 36Uc UNTURNI8Hl:D I badnn. Corona Hl~bla.ndl family home. W w carpet.lq. dnpea. coq \Ued br1dl tlreplac:e. r~ hurth blttb paneled ldtclwn. <>cean view, ~ yard. Stove. Nfrla~ aut.omaUc: wuber lncluded ll de.Ired. 81141 now 10. Seaward Road. Corona dd Mar. Ph. H"f•lt 4-Mtll . 17tlc ?iP Appraiaa.I Fee IALF.I -REnNANCll CONSTRUCTION c.J.I tor rr... Fut CommJtmenta • RMdenoee and UnllA onJ1 Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. CLIFF HA VEN, PO. UAturn. 2 OOST A M.l:SA t bdml. hou.e. Newly paint~. U 1-61Ml U I~ llnp~ Bar. 61M or Jl&r. 987. 36ttc BALBOA, $~ monUl Jear\1 ;,;-. IUrnlahed c:ot~l'. Uv. rm .• din. rm . kltrhf'nrlt<!. 2 bdrmJ1, hot allower. p.i. • ,..ater paid. J()jl Ada.ma., Balbo&. Hu. 1924·.'I ~:.c:n AA>A1'41 ru ., Lll uu h vva BlJT, MOIJ£R.lll lZJ:, OR ltErlXAHC9 Wt BvJ TNM O.- Nl:Wh tlt1 llA l.Ot > \ HAVIN08 .. 111\, A~:"I l.\Tl•·~ QM Vie Udo PA. Bat. UGO TWO bed.room. 6 yr. o Id t'\J ru. bOUM Monro,1a 'l'rad• fq\lll7 ot $2000 tor 101 or •ma11 Im· prov~ la CoeU Mao or vtc:lnlly CORllN A HIGHl.ANt> WT8 - <.."holrf' s11 .. ,. A n llabla CaU Harbor %329 41lJc :~t~11~ :~~-n~0:,ar"ri,!,2! 1 Corona Highlands Elllott 1--JaU. Mp47 I lJ.ltCS LOT, ~ Y1-. 6 rm , _ part.Jy !um. hom~. 118.:,oo E~:CHANOI. EXCLUSTVW with G. H Let.hrop, I bdrm., 1" batM, r . A. tlMt, 3636 E. Cout Rwy . Corona d•I 11'1UI 6 IU1J borae barn, ta.ell 1'111, Mar. Bar. 6442. ll'P-. ~ 8ep. I mi. a pt. on 2~ &C'9 ~11~. l4elt teo«<I 6 c:rOP fenced. C.ch. ror 3 bdnn. bome In Hatbor an a Sy 01flMlr, Pb. OX T-1327 24~Th BALBOA ISLAND, 116 No. Bay Front. Yr. old moden, $65.000 ; ta.Ice Pua.den& or Palm Spring• fOf' part. NORM WHITE. 850 N, Bill. Pua"eoa ST J..llta. 27c40 LA.ROii LOT. View of Bade Bay 6 IDOUDtai-. lnqYira 423 81~ V'9ta, Coeta Wea. 0oun., to llroken. LI .... T. ~pST For sale by owner OU'Pt.llOC oa R·2 lot.a. tl2 6 tH Jumtne. Coran& 4-1 Mar Pnced r1i llit. C.IJ .. ..,. »U-A alter I ,.... • .__,.., 12pt~ """" rw,.·~ <"'tr~ ~1tbm1t c.l"C'n. Mu1l ~u lmmedl.ltely ' Costa Mesa 51 Ot'lo iln ~ • Uil• bvi;•'" I Mrm• 2 b"ltt.~ NEWPORT Cul• II COi}' home -2 bdrm II lli'IGllT:· r/(• UJM•I only 6 mo& 1•:-.:t;A'l'6 SL'~.IOam~p m ;,.,,;-:, 1t11-h :rh•it>I p.ln • 1;• n "' .h fir , ()l'E!'i I 1 , 4 "° ~11 e&.rl"'t. v ery c: .... 111 f-'ouston Re.a'ty I'" Hnnv LRn· ,i,. lW•'"" -ru.u. 113 O. r'hc.n• l.Jbl' 1} ,. 2.J•• 1 ..,. • ll"\'lfll' 1 1' ull pr1re only I U.J6<) wC anti A,_•C"'ll l"I • -LARGL I.OT on Clift 1Jt .•• IJl ~9 Ccnl-., Cos~ 1:c.a.. U 83::;~ W. A. TOBIAS· Cllrr Ha~ A.LIO I and >.:<;OCJATEI 4o t\. "'"' \.() .:r«t '°'on Om!'A Owner's. Sacrifice .. l:l:Al.T<m Udo l&la and C.2 lot on Newport yt1\J 11 Ilk• 011r trlml11y •f'rt14W' 111,,._ Mn. Ahr-. Kai. 01 91. I. .. C:: 2 b~rm hou~e. '• b!udc 3~•3 K 17th ~l . C'1111La .. .._ 2.:lUc 10 Uoy 2 b:oc ':a t.o bu.s1nr a• U ft· U t>•rl" 11.11 39 OCJ:A.N VIEW eon 110. cuu 0r1 ..... run pr1c4 111.000, term• 11000 .,..._ OwMr, u •w a. 23tfc •.aoo. N'SWL T P A.DITED I Mii- room •tuooo bo.,,. CG conMJr, 4 ,,... old lmall •doMd paUo ll&r,._ llM • ll&r. N1. ~tlo t tr U 00 a t 6lt ·lGt.b 8trett, i\cwport Beach. Ph. owner SY'cuno re l ·:l957. • J2p46h SPACIOUS ROMt &lld rum or lncome apt. 2 tll• bat.hi. •l•ll lbowen_ Hdwd. noora, I fumn<'· fl, carb c11rrp. OU, • ,,... old Owner, '°' ,,_ ...... ~ ,., Mu. aa.aP Need Larger Home Ml;fJT St:LL nearly n-I Wnn. hOUAf', llU'r,f' rorner lot. ffwd. nor.r1 lllruoul, ftreplaae. Patio I• rnr "'""'" 3 •td"•· DRIVE OY n 21 &ani.. Ana Av~ . Coel.& M-f'h.. owneT LI Lf LM. llftiH "I I PAGE 10 -COASTAL SHOPPER -APRIL 6, 1955 ON LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun.-1 to 4 P. M. 339 Lido Soud -Bayfront, Slip- Well located 3 Bdrm ..• 2 bath. Fumlahed, Lge. Lot, Landacaped. BETTER SEE THIS ONE ! Coey 2 Bdrm .. houae. $18,000 COME FOR A VISIT Stay a lifetime. Tb.is beautiful home ia keyed to har- monize with It's surroundings. 3 bdrm., 2 bath on Comer Lot. Near the Club House with features you won't find anywhere elae. It's Provincial. with carp- ets And drapes. Nicely landacaped with a minimum ot work. Let us show you this as it is priced right. Need a 50' Lot 1 W~ have one at a sacrifice price. Sorry, DO phone information. FOR RENT ON LIDO 3 Bdrm. Fur. J une 15 to Sept. 15. $1.500. 4 Bdnn. Unfum. Yeara lease. $200 mo. 3 Bdrm. Fur. July & August. $1 ,200. BAY & BEACH REALTY 8112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. 3643. Har. 2999 Eve. Jwit to the right of Lido Bridge Entrance. BEFORE YOU BUY -See these homes in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN ANO S76 MONTHLY Only 4 le~ Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move In &•et• ta ud paid Carb&Je Diapoeal Encloetd r~ Kitchen f&.M Colored rock roof• Birch Cabinet. Total Price.. $11 . .:M> S.. OWDet' lWlA.J at ~2 Palmer St. Ott Santa AA& Ave. Bc-•Wf'f"ft t~ St. and 16tb St. Ll-8-7976 Two Stcwy . lewport Heights lltfMACl'L.ATE 2·~ory boaw tbt WI a DREAM! Larit'' l.J\ t.nJ room Wlth a m.uai\·~ fi~place. plitnty nf ,,, .. m for runo and Jot. or rumJture. Entrance h•ll •1lh a llnu"LIVr atJt1rway. ~ M"parate dinlng ,.,,.,m A ~1tc-hrn ~•th d1nettt-apace Ir al.90 111'l1°ed for r 11'( t t 1r r-.&nJ."t'. ~n I<'<' llOl"C'h. Top floor ha.a a in.• l• r t>.lrm. f\lua 2 otht'r bt.lrm". aml 8 1JmaJI room. ::.. r ~MIJt~ with aun df'(k arc-a. nit he.t. What a b,, I< ) urd-' Ha" unWlu&I brtt'lc fen~ with a bar- l>t"JU•· .ind an out,.ult hn•place. You'll n>ally go c r1<11y ov .. r thl11 flnl" home'.!! The price I• only Sl6.000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson l~ N<>Wport Blvd .. Co .. ta Me11a 1 AcruM from CQ6ta M<'9a Bank I Phl'ne l..J bc'rty -6i61 Ews. Hu . 4366 ·LI 8·2103 CORONA DEL MAR 1. Naef' 2 blrm h•)mt-nn Onh11l AVC'. hu doublt- ~ara~e. (1rr)'lnce and t1k Only t 12.500 with S 150<1 dn'K'n na Inner hkf' r'\'nt 2. \'elj' n1c-<' :! b.lnn . cloM> in H 13 ex:poseod tM'anlll. forct"d air h1•nt rlig'Stont-ftn'place and str-el!8f'd ~ra~e f\111 1·rn<' .. 1 L500. 3. Lug<' new 3 bdrm. and playroom. I I Pf)() gq . rt l Has l)(-aut 1ful 'tl w Wond shake ro<1f. 2 baths and all attrnct1"dY finished. Open daily. 509 OF: A~ZA. C'ORONA HlGHLANDS EXCLUSl'YE With BEN J . WHITMAN & Assoc. 3:)42 E. CoBBt Hwy .. Corona d€'l :Mar Harbor 1 62 OPEN HOUSE 54.tu.rday & Sunday, 1 to 5 1576 East Ocean Blvd., Balboa The Vogel Company 3201 W. Cout Hwy., NpL Bch. Llberty 8-3481 \ C-8t!al &We 82-Real FAWe ------ EASTER GREETINGS We are really busy, what with selling Real Estate and remodeling our offices - We hope to have the finest Real Estate office in the area when completed. Carpets and Drapes, New Metal Furniture, etc. and a Large Paved Parking Area for o'ur customers Drop in and see ~hat we 're doing! Incidentally we have a real fine choice of Listings all over the Harbor Area. Philip Terry Joe Stawicki Tom Payne DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Phone Harbor 4718 CORONA DEL MAR Magnificent view of entrance channel & entire bay area. MODERN 3 b d rm., 2112 bath home. Garage. Enclosed patio. Unfinished studio 18x23 with view. Reduced to $47,000 for quick sale . Newport Heights Home! I BJ:DROOM lltucco and pluured home. with (UHl room and b&lh. U 11 11 Uvtq room. Floor tur- n&ce, patio. A pod Yalu• al 113,toO w1th term•. Peninsula Home! I BEDROOM and den homa w1th luge open bum ulllng• In Uvtnr room. 8paclOW1 napton• n~­ paace, nice p1LU0. A home lbat '8 "dltfe.R11t" and completely tum1a11ec1. 1111.!M>t. 1•000 down. Peninsula Bayf ront! a BEDROOM and 3~ b&l.b.a. A·l condJl!on. 84-auWul vitw of Bay and mounl&lna. Pr1o• cul from $41.bOO to 144,600 for quick -.le. Term&. too. Bay Front Duplex! GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to Inspect these model homes, built by Macco1 CoJ"P.. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. When you inspect these model homM, you will llCllte they include every comfort and convealence for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that reRJted la thia remarkable communJty will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvloe Terrace tamWM for many yean. Permanent reatrictioll8 guarantee you will &l1ft1'8 be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wtabea to p~ In the $22,000 to $35,000 clw we sinoerely reoommmd tbe Irvine Estates overlookinl' Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout HJgbway o~ the ·new Irvine C'4aat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For R~ommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Eat.ate ln Irvine Terrace. 100°/o INCREASE IN SALES I More than a Million Dollan lo MultJple u.t1ns Sa* during the month of Ma.rcb 1 $1 ,147,061.00 Compared to ~78.305.00 for March of 1ut ,...,.. In BUYING or SELLING .ee your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Member of NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS ... Owner at Liberty 8-4982 ARE YOU lNTERJr:STl!D JN A ---------------------BAT FRONT BAR.GAIN. SN You can choose well here- ?'\EA RLY Nrw 8&Jbo4l lal&nd. 2 unllJI wll.h aU thoae t,.aturu Ula\ adJ ch"<'r to your llv1na A mod· ~rn klld~~n. f\ll'"n•cr ~L, n .... ptare. lnlld11 ot .-.rdrobe l!p&Ct. moe1 llY•bl~ i>-tlo • 2 car pr~ Coune.y to Broken. 35c37 thl• 4 b4!droom i!pf:Clal wtUI a private beM:b and pier n 1ht•. NMd.9 f\JC'ln but prtc• cut lo com~l\Mt4. 129.7~. ~nna. Balboa Trip lex! Situated on Eaa\ S.y Annu~ and 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' ct~ 10 *' -1mmtnr Mach. l:&eh unit h... 2 bfodroom.. d&n· CLOSE IN -2 bdrm. homt, dtn, gan.ge. Sewer ln 6 paid. $7850 with $1500 dwn. 6 baJ. $60 per month. SWDIMING POOL -4 bdnns., 2 batb, pa.tio, r1rtplace. !unuahed. Obt. garage. Ont or the be9t. Corner locatio11.. $17,000 with terma. 1 1/8 ACRES -2 1mall bome9 • varltty of tru.lt trees. -$8750. Tenn•. d7 r ent.&J pro~rt)' 118.~ ~down eom. ln Whf'll )'O\I a !"f a t l..,. bank ~ the •tff~\ and 11•1 your propert7 with WI. W• nHd Ual· lnl'a. Balboa Realty Co. (Oppoelte Bani! of Amf'r1ta I R.ou or .. ~lf)' Al Q>mellWI ltd 1- JM'k P\nkham Jowphln• W•bb TOO E.. B&Jboa Blvd , O&lboa Phon• Harbor 3217. LIDO BA YFRONT HOMES BAYFRONT HOME ENVIRONMENT that ap. proa.chta the Ideal -3 lovely bdnns., 1 % beth•. eeparate dining rm.. double garage and Mp&nle laundry room. Graceful li ving ill the key no~with pier and float. A 6 yr. old home Mth today'• al· mosphere throughout. Carpet, drapH, stove It ,... fng. included. Full price $49.500. We have the key. IF YOU ARE THINKJNG of a Larger Baytront hom~ that offen1 100 pennies ui value for tvery dol· lRr you spend. why not look al tbia 4 bednn. a.nd d.-n with maid'i. qu•rtPra. NE>w wa.U to wall carpet.a and partly rt>dccoratl'd. on a lot and a half, ln bMt Lido Nord location. Pier a nd t'ingt r allp plua a large aw1mming noal. Excellent financing avallab&e. J\tJl price $89,500. A ONE flTOf\Y, 2 bl« bdnn. home with th• 2nd unll onr the dble. rarare-A J bdnn complele.l,J tum apt. Prlt • na.7~.. t•rm• (.'aU Powera or I.Ake 2 bdrm. home 6 1 bdrm. rent.al. $12.500. Take lot u part of down paymenl 11.000 ~~ ...;;; t!!~. ct...i. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office eoauo lot JUJl JSC>-rL ort :\•w-___ 3_4_16_V_ia_L_i_do_._N_e_w_po_rt_Be_a_ch_. __ H_u_._•_9_7_l_o_r_497_2 __ J. A. BEEK, Realtor tlarbor 83. 603 rarlt Ave U&lboa 1Jlant1 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Me-.. LI 8-1&01 VOGEL VALUE port 81.,,d. A r ut bona/Ide oN,.r 3 Bdrm.. OD 1.~ ac,.. M-1 Lot BEST M·l k>cal.lty, C"t>nltr of tOW'll only U .&00 dn. 112 too tull pnc~ BALBOA BAYFRONT WITH INCOME aN:~.Nb:t-~~:;: ~~~!r 0 F D I • d!sp, ~le K lllt.h )()(" 113 P!'.O Cean ront Up ex Lovely (urniahed 5 bdrm, 2 bath home. Walk from CZ tenM r..-~ lllf u 11-2•jn 2 un1a.. 2 bdma. u ch. chot.ce your eunny pallo ngbt down to your OW'D private L)'lle ~:;;~t = :"~7 ~~ct. beach. which Lt soDed for pier 6 alip. Beautiful muter bdrm. overlooking Bay, and DO fooling, one back bdrm. is large enough for & people. Don't atop Dow -In the rear la the nicNt ttntal wtit you've ever .eeo ! 2 bdnn. -lge. living rm. - e''en a aeparat.e dining room. • A Lido Isle ROR.M hou.~. """" and a ttrac· live S13.:M L.'~O 2 bdnn. home. 121 .500 N. B. C. Realty Co. 3 2nll • N,.wpt>rt Blvd , NpL Bch. Open for Inspection We honeftUy believe thla to be the beet buy on Bay. front property in the entire Harbor &nL at $«,500. The Voqel Co. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Npt. Bch. Liberty 8~~1 1321 W. Bay Ave. ----------------- Sat., April 9, 1 to o r .m. Via Undine -Lido Isle M 'RN. DUPLEX. I bdnn up It 1 fin , with ,.xtra llf"· d~t&ched nampu• rm .. wtlb tlr.-pl It Bu• S-Q Double u r ~· Pr1 c. 120 MIO~ wl th lf'rma. Houston Realty and AllllXilllH ~ Centu . CCll!ta )( __ U 8-fiJ t l:k-37 Spacioua 3 bath home, on 4~fL lot. 2 king alze bdnns .. enclOl'led lan•i. Carpeted 0 001"8. diabwuh· er, d1apo8er. extra large 2-<:ar garage. The price la more than right - S25.500. excellent tenn•. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY MUL TJPLE LISTING REAL TORS 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor B2 2532 Santa Ana Ave., C. M. 2 Bl!:Atn'Y9' on nn" !\Alt arr,. Pr 113.800. EZ 11mu r or Inf an"r 6 p m. U 8-2.'W2 L7tl, Houston Realty &nd ANt>tlat"I :lot Ct"nt,.r, Co'la Mtu LI 1-4111 J bt, lnfonn. Lyth~ t.t 8·2642 Ptlllle l.l 8-6487 84'n ne.r RA Hll 1 8,.ymour f.f A t>2S18-W. Ocean View '' BLK TO B P:AC'H. • br fl.Im Uk~ n .. w. 2 lolJI, 3 ,arai ,• Slll.:M>O., tenna. II FURN. tr.'JlTS, ntar bl>a ch and bay 2 lot• n,.u N .. wporl pier 130 000, It 000 !town ' Homer E. Shafer ft f:A.L TOR 108 Mcf'adden Pia~ Har. UO l:vu. Hu. Jllt7-M EXCLUSIVE LISTING FIRST TIME OFFERED Charming 2 bdrms ., Colonial at 223 Apolena Ave ., Balboa Island $21 ,500 furnished !'F.E MRS. BRn.:ER at PRENDERGA~T'S OFTJCE 223 Mnnn<' AH. Balboa b land Harbor 1331 Mc37 Outstanding Ocean View TWO STORY.~ b<lrm . 21 i bl\lh11. lge. Uvtng room, 8Pparatc d1nlng r0<1m , lnq.~c knotty pine den wlth built·ln bar, lounge, 2 fir<'pla('l'l!, ba11ement with J !'>0,000 BTU furnace. F.xpen1~1vcly carpeted wall to wall thru-oul. ( ;arbagc di11poRAI Md <lifllhwuher. House 6 yrs. old. Large doubl<' garAge with laun- dry. radlo-<:ontrolled door. Lot 50 x 142'. Well l&nd- 11Caped. ThtA home must be attn to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Coron.a d.el Mar OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OP'FER Slrown by -appointment only BEFORE YOU BUY_ Corona del Mar cEvea. ~rty 8-3186> TUCK ED AW AT on a quN't ltr.t Be sure to see these NEW HOMES-~n:.;0 ,~°'!_ ~=. ~k: VOGEL VALUE * INCOME $9,480 * Phone Owner, Jla.rbor 34~ 32cM OCL\.N VIEW m~nl 2 Mdnn. ---------------------)lom• wtt.h utn room and '4 MUI on double pnf"· Price I U ,llOO. Low d<7W11 s-yment or will t&lle nr.t Tru.t De~ In ON LIDO ISLE 3 bdnns .. 1 1 ~ bath home1 Close to ev€'rything. . Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES. with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty 8· i9i6 33l!c ' a11y deeof'&tA!ts. f\NlJla~. Loftl7 O Unfum. Deluxe Apt.a. All oD leuea. Only 15 J'•tlo. Doub&.a ~ Reaaon-month• old .. And locattd ln Balboa'• .trat.e"""• reatal ably prtced. .... P'OR !Al.II BT owNJ:R area. Operator can 1Ubet&ntia.lly Inc,..... the ln- OaJ1 META Jljl;t.a()I(, Ru. ~*-comt. TaJtee $21,000 C!Ub -balance OD ,,, k>an. '9tlc ... OR SALE OR TR.ADE -MOUll· t1'1n ranch. 2 hom ... 1J!r1nr. and 2 w~u" · Lartre dam. awtmmtnr pool l..1 1·3179. 13c3G The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty a..ul1 Evea1Dp Pbone Liberty 8-16'8 trade. tTlJ Cliff DrtY• (adJa.etmt ncant kit nUlaMe) ~ OWllU, LI 1-~32 23t.tc BY OWNER Ooroea Rlpl&nd.I -I bdr111~ 2 bath tann.boUM. J"ffA ~mJt· ment. P1t.. JluMI' Tt-J. ttttc We w\ah you could aee this charming S bdrm. l"' bath Ranch type home that la only 2 yn. old -pan- eUed living room, beamed ceiling, separa~ dlnlni room -natic and oh. eo retiUul. R.tduced to $24 ,9{)() We lllte lt a.nd believe YOU will. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office klS Via Udo, Newport 8"ch. Har. •971 or WTJ Bay & Bea.ch Realty -Realtors BALBOA PENINSULA Close to J etty -Beat buy on Penimula. 31 ~ yea.ra old. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, hwd. Parquet floors thru- out. Nice fireplace, attractively decorated. Low down payment will handle. Fall price $_19,:SOO. 'year old 2 bdrm. home -1100 sq. ft. Attractive- ly landscaped, plua additional 35' vacant lot. Near Jetty. $21,500, terme. NEWPORT Neat u a pin! One bdrm. Beach House partly furn. Large front patio, close to Ocean. AU for $8500, terms. SUMMER RENTALS Baytront -Ocean Front -And In Between! BAY & BEACH REALTY 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 12M Eve. Harbor 1856 Definitely the l;>est buy in Newport Heights Thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath home LI owner built. Circum- lltance11 make quick aale necessary. It. hu forced air heat, dishmuter, garbage disposal and many other feature• not usually found in ordinary homes. Birch panelling addl tone to living rm. There is a ' car rarage and property ia entirely enclosed with concrete block wall and situated on lot 75 x 127. We believe tbla ia positively the be.et buy in New-' port Height• at $19,950. Cliff Haven Steal only $1500 down 3 bdmui. with partially completed den. All for $13,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & lrvme, Newport Beach Phone LI 8·266'1 E ve1. LI 8--6300 CORONA DEL MAR You owe 1t to yourself to 8Ce this -For leisure living or ret1rc·ment -2 bdrm., 3 bath home-triple guage--nn Haul Ur. overlooking Shore CILffs, just above the IM>arh. 1'ror1C'a l Jand11Caping, hug& view windows from nlmost ev<'ry room. Space for large pool if d<.>elrN I. Will rompnre with any home in Newport Harbor -bar none. Call for Appointment. This is just about finished -and a beauty to behold! 3 bdrm . I 1 bath. hr~h 1n t hr Jl1ghland1t-'ncxcel- lt-tt, 11w'r11r1-.1n nnd 1 1.11111~ h1lh1 T hi11 rlt)('>.n·l need l'<'lhn\!. ""t 11howmg. l'rll't' . :!0 700 ('all for nrr't. CAI,1 . ~.tr. Patt111on or Mr. H11l,1u J . W. E. FISHER , Realtor anJ ASSOCIATES Har. 2443 FIRST TIME OFFERED THREE l '1'\ITS. compl. furn. on 60 ft. lot Thtfi 1J1 trulv a bar'!am 10 hnme anrt incomf' F'ront unit nm!4111t~ 11(:? bJrms.. "1th large linng room w1 th nfl~Al11ne tar« pl!\CC. 8<'pl\rlllc> 1hning room. hwl.i. flrll. throu,::h•111t. I '_ bntha and built around " large beautiful bnr kf'cl p'll10 with b111lt·in barb<'qut'. Two JO<'"m<' unit~ are I ~Inn. l'arh-alf.11 C'Om · pletf"ly fum1i;h<'fl. Thrr~· Prpnr:llc gsni::r.. This prop<'T1 y I~ !M>ang O(ferf'd by Mt nf I nwn f'IWnt'r at f:ir bf-low rcplacem<'nt r11~t ~h•\U(rl l'Wll qmcl< at $20.500. Immt"Jtale po~JCJn an•I \I.,. hi\'I' kry. PRICE T. McCUISTION ~IULTIPf.E LJSTINC RF:ALTOR 3447 E. Coal'lt Hwy., Corona d<'I Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to <·nrona dtl Mar Bank) Sl 2,000 First Time Offered ' EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTI\.E 2 bdrm home. "Cl~M as a whisUe." Panelled lwmj! r('(im nnd 11maU dhJini; room. <'n.rpetcd wall ltl wall. &nod k1tchrn, breakfast spnC'l" nnd scn ·1ce porch. Amplr l'upbonrds la ltorage spnr<' On•rsizC'd :!-<n r ~:i rag<'. N!rc ('n· cloS<'d pat1n ~lost com· nirnt corn<'r locntion. 2 blk11. from City H.ill, l'\r \\'port &aC'h. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd .. 1'<'wport Beach H:tr. 1013 FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES Tb• rent from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. will more than pay the taxes. ins. &. upkerp while YOU lh·e comfortably in the 2 bdrm. & den house. Hwd. firs., 2 fireplace., BBQ. garb. disp .. good beat &. many extru make thl11 a real HOME and a pleuure to ahow. It'• • llultJple Li.lting -pleaae phone R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3422 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 Bi-Rea.I Estate ft-Real Elltate ---·-------·---------- p. a. palmer LIDO RANCH STYLE incorporated """ FOUR HITS, NO MISSES !! wow !! More for your comfort. convenience and money. Wool carpeting, drapes. electric therm. oven and range, open beam ceilings, uaed brick fireplace, full The ocean for a front yard, lots of sand to lie on all summer. A 2 bdrm. house and an npt. tor guesta or Income. WOW! f urnace, large double garage. 2 nJce bdrml. and 2 baths. $23, 750. Call me, Dave Osburn ULTRA-SMART Typical of Udo I.ale's ultra.smart, modem homee LI this striking 3 bdrtn., 2 bath home. The Uvtnr room featun!9 a ban4aome slump-stone fireplace and beamed ceiling. Terrific storage area in the kitchen with its natural oak and matching formlcL Sliding glasa door1 from both the dining area and the den- ... bdrm. to the sheltered patio. $27,500. COMPARE! Newt bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, therm. oven and range, comer lot, landscaped, patio, 35 x 23, BAY· VIEW aundeck. Lido living at Its best. $37,.00. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 An Unusual Buy Newport Heights Open Hou.e, Sat. &\ Sun, 12-5 400 Klnp Place 3 bdrm. home In a rtne locaUon ln the Broadway eectlOft ot Coll· WE HA VE • beauty, 1 br .• and ta MN!a. ThJa la a wtU·bu.llt den with 1 % bath•, time and howia only 5 yra. old. However, •1>•c• will not permit WI to teU the yard 11 nie,.i.cted and the you all the nice thtn11 about hol!A9 needa clea.nlng and patnt· tbta buuUtul home. Ing. lt you a,,. r ood at "ttJrln~ FULL PRJCE 128.~. TERMS up" OU. "1U lllterul you.. The Costa Mesa owner needa money now. $10.~ pr1ce. -12000 down. CORONA DEL MAR 60' lot, corner Marguerite &. Seaview. R·3 zone. The only one available for 6 units. Only $14,950. Aak for H arold Osborne, Eves. Phone Harbor 4923-J NEAT AS A PIN You'll atop looking when you see thla 2 bdrm, 1% bath beauty. Huge living room la only one of many features. 45' lot and ready to add 2 bdrma. over the garage. Priced right at $25,500. Ask for Bill Fanmrorth WORTH EVERY PENNY Vital mu.t.Jca. Location: Newport Height.I two bdrm .. dining room, large kitchen. patio. barbeque, beautiful planing. Full price $13,500. Ask for Hod~kinson p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -Uberty 8-M73 Eves. Harbor t923-J Close to Stores Elton Barnett Realtor I bdrm. home onl7 1 blk troa downtown ea.ta w-. ,..l lft a Cood nelJbborbOOd Of bOmea. Thia a ttnt.(tlve but 9n1aD home la 1... Ulan I ,...,.. old • h.u lo¥~y hwd. tloona, lot. ot doe eta, i. -U-dulet1ed and -0.. bUllt. Nice fuoed yard 6 pallet. . '""· 2 BDRM. home, a mo. old. Oood N H • h residential uu. w to w carpet· ewport e19 ts tM No. Newport Bl•d. 1.5 Acres with Ocean View (1 blk abon H~ Ho.plt.aJ) H ere'• ..,, lnter9Un1 bu}' for lao lng, garb dll!'p. FULL PRJCE $9.~00-$2,000 DN. Choice locatJon. 2 bd.nN. 6 den t.lberty a-2111 Ll 1-Tl&e ""' veatmenl. Beauutul apot on t.M elltr wtOI a.n ocean Yif'W, It'• out on lb• outakJrta of tow1a now but be.tore lone W1U be la \he middle of lmportant MW project.&. Could malt• t nloa lot& Country Home 2 Bf:DROOM. DE.'-:, 1" BA m s. 1.03 A" trult trtu completely renct"d Cloi.t to County Club and Back Bay. Owneni li&ld to etll. Rt!ducr\I from 122.~ to low pnce or Sl9.000, ex. tema. Only One Le~ $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. It Su.n. 12. 5 21st A Or&11Je A Vt . :. bdnn • 1 \4 bath11. brn k fut •nd d1n1n1 •rr• F'ull price SI 0 't'OO LOT. NEWPORT Hl':lOHTB U .l'>OO M·l Lnt 130•tH -113.:.00 C. 2 Lot on :-; ewport . _ • II 0.500 C·2 Lol on lilh St ,. $12:'!00 3 R_. t.01111 In C09ta fltl'N $~ 200 How Can You Miss 1 5 unll.11 It tll(f' <in C·l lnte. Jnl"nme a pproxlm•l•I.\' $400 •'ull praet. '311 ·.oo Ex_ T"rma. "ART" ADAIR REAi.TOR home w ll.J\ 2 bat.ha. tlttpla.ce, w- lecl oak n ooni. Arca.clla alidinc rlue doon , large IU1Ulhllley kitchen. many ~t.a. lndl.Mka dnt.pea .ta carpeUnr . Ut,500. LOOKING FOR THESE 1 BALBOA ISLAND - 'l.Jttle bland', 3 bdrm.. l •,4 bath.a, hwd. !loors. tt,.. place and apL ......$21,DOO &autiful little 2 bdrm. home. Perfect remodeled Provincial .... . ... ·······-··-·--·-----··~S19,l500 THREE BDRM. BEACH HOUSE - turniilbed with attractive 1 bdrm. apt.. good l.ncome ~Ord, 2 paUoe, 2-car garage, $6000 dn. Uf,l5()() CLIFF HA VEN - Drive by 402 Kinia Road and 1ee the quaJJty con· atroction, and out.ltandlng features of thill 3 bdrm .• 2 bath. plua den-dlnlng room bome. Fully landscaped and beautiful 18 x 36 pool. Lgc patio, and abeltered paUo ott pool. 65 x 140 lot, with Al· ley park:inr to 20 x 2e garage. Terma $34.600 A LSO on Kings Road, with viev.•, w1tb lot.1 of pine p&Mlllng. 3. bdrm., 1 " b~lh. . . -···-···· $24.250 WALDRON REAL TY 308 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd Harbor 0234 ~S:r~~;;~2~h·d .. Co•t• Mr~ Corona del Mar Vogel Value Here's a Beach Home • , n:-rf: • <'LEA:>: u lh• pro· wrb1•I b•1r • "ar' 1 Mrm . llv\n11 rm, 1!1trh1 n, r r-Uv turn • 111.ric fmnl r ndo!N'J patio. Dble • ., an<l only S .6/lO. Balboa Triplex ' Ofll\ '' 11m ·sl: 2 t.-lrm utd a I b<lrm. art. all rum Ju .. t • r~w ''"JM' frmn the Bil)' On!' of th,. 1>-11t """''"I ~--ruo,,, tn 81!Jt>na Now Available - TWO VERY 1'EAUT1JiTl. build· lntr; •ltet <m the PotnL Coast Properties Co. 301 F. Flnlbn11 n1vd., Hnlhna H&rbo 1r 26~8. 2~97 Md 11\00 Ctass \\'ill Tell OCF:A:-. \"JEW. 3 h.Jnn. & Jrn. JllM llf."tni: rurnl~hcd. 127 :>00 WOO JH.E :l h Inn. 2 b&lh• ~·~ r 11t10. Out.et.at1dmr. Pt~ DA YFRONT. 4 bdr?l\., pier and float. IM.000. Charm 6 u ... bll· Hy! For Ult " and ot.hu A·l propntles- BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES uo~ w. ea1~ e1¥12.. Npt. Bdl. Harbor 0188 l•clS BACK BAY Corner of }.fr" Drtve la Cyprua, 6 yn old. beautiful ricw. 88 3 :a u~· lot. 3 bdrma._ t,-. H • :io ltlldlen, wall to wall cari>et. 8o&Jd Pwnl bloc con.atr\lct.lon, walled patio. Lota ot room for t.ncome addlUon W'llb k)' -n-. Pr1vatt" party t t:S.900. Ph U 1·680 lot appolntm•L Uptl Exclusive Shorecliffs New. modern 4 bedroo~ P~ bath.8 bome. Olt'Ck these features -Lovely living rm. open.a lo patJo. cantilever fireplace. orient.aJ uh paneling. m· direct lighting. Dining rm. with !lreplace, Kitchen h&-8 ash cabinet.I, diap., bu.ilt-ln copper st-0,·e and oven. Tile r>alh8, F . A. furnace, W lo W C8J'pE'llng, drapea, many clOt1et.8, acoustic pluter, frtt noat· Ing t1ta1rway to ocean view bedroom with f1ttplarc. F<'nccd yard. lge. garage & laundry. A drum home priced und~ $10.000. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741·H77 MONEY IN YOUR POCKET J 2 units fumit1hcd. Oce&D !ront., nicely located on 3 lot11. cenler of B&lboa. 1 block from BBy. Always n-ntc<t. Shows top income. $48.000 full price. fl<'asonable terms. ' SEE THJS NOW al the beginning or the aeuont Set Lila B. Mcfarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 41 9 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 378e or 251i·M This Is NOT A Misprint For $100 down you can buy a lot ln a new subdi· vision in Victorville. Thie i.a an opportunity to in- vest in a fut crowing area. CORONA otl MAR. Owner aays: "Get me a.n pf. fer!" 2 unita aoulb ot Hwy. with $2000 down. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtor Buaint:e1 Broken 8135 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de1 Mar Harbor 2152 • ~ fU1J pr1a.. SPEC ULA TORS! Here's a sleeper ZONED C·2-A cute 2 Mdroclal bou.. on lot 6C>Jll 12, llooed t« ~ ... and ~. run ...... only Jt0.000 wtlh u.~ down 17~. mo. BJD'ITER HURAT ' Bay Shores l RF:O P.00.M, l 'Ir. beth. ror onl)' I 110..:IOO Cliff Haven . . REASO~·s llt:lrr UUV 01t u ch1a ~ .. >\1n11:• I~ 3 ~11)(10l I •. bftlh, w lll w CAJ P"l• L&M- KAJ>"•I, r Lt . St2, Te.cl Xlnl t.rma. ALSO Vl':Jt Y A"M"RAC'M" INCOME l'ftoPF.RTY THJ\T.J'! 2 ~rm un1t.t, rn~ to M1l ru t With on I y $1 :,()C) 60'IO'l\. Corona del Mar IJL"8T U..~ RA Tt!l\DA Tl \'ery ll' ra<-U.-. 2 bdrm. °" l..Ark•rur 12 11()1) ~ Builders Special TWO l.LVEL R-1 LOTS Olf RA\'~ PLACE.11000 L\CH Frank James Linwood Vick ltt.-:Al.TORS C R RUNI \\ m 0 6ctunMt, A~ 312 lfann.-AYe , Oa.lboa Uilan d Hubot ICM:? REAL VALUES Little Rancho 1 httrm. A t11"n home on ~ acan In llark Day DIAl Thi.a "' f "Al cnuntry l1v1n~ WLlJ trade ro lot A h~ll clo..e ln Co~t.a Me1&. r Attention Builders la Wo ha•·r ,...,me nke bulldlnc In A •Ul>dlVl.Slotl Pf'OP"rty ~ U ll t"""'Y· B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1'!&2 Nrwpnr' 81 Yd roet. ).f- 1 'hn.ne 1.1 8· J 6 72 r:v .. a. Ll 8·~8 1 Put Pep ln the Pocketrook by Putting Protltable Want Adi to Work LIDO ISLE •• - BT OWNJ:R -~n. lot -mtlWt to alradL • llldrm.. 2 ~ aw... W&ll to wall c:&rpeUq. M.taral b4 rch kitchen, built-In llln tan A p rb dlap. h11 pr1c. IH,000. Hat. 611t. lwt APRIL 6, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 11 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST ACREAGE 10 acres. com er. Good inve1tment. $3200, termt. SO acres. celery, lettuce, ynms or apinach land. Dld:;s. wd l, ready to plant now. $3000 l\C. 29% dD l :SO acres. Fa1·m, celery, tomato -0r bean land. Bldga. aheds, well. Suitable tenM. S2000 acre. 161 acres. Well, older bldg. Bean or celery land. Surveyed with tentative subdivillon map. Bargain priC'e of S3750 acre. Terms. EXCELLENT LISTINGS Commercial or buaineas location. 2 bdrm., den home on E. 18th St. Sewers, alley. 75' front. $5000 dn. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Landacaped. Newport Height.a view home. Appointment.I at peak ot planning. Ve'f'1 lovely, $26,500. TentlA. 2 store bldga.. 2 bdrm. apt. Lea8C8 a vilable. Build· lng area. $32,000 full price. WIU show grou 1'%. 60 s 300 Harbor Btvd. $12.000 with liberal term.a. Mfr. area, Placentia north 19lb St. 127-ft. frontage. $70 foot. BACK BAY RANCH STYLE Prompt action allow1 choice ot colors, wall paper, tile. Complete Hotpoint kjtcben, built-in ran1e and ovtn. Ready soon. Excitinc ~ bdrm. with Mr. A Mn. cloaeta, den, 2 Wed le healed bath•. forced air heat, fireplace, natural uh cablnet, hwd. noor9, ce- ment patio, 20 x 20 attached gara,e. Good al.zed lot.. Priced at $24.~. auitable tenna. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUll.Ol'lRS 1857 Newport Ave-, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Liber1y 8-1400 En.. BEAUTIFUL C~l LOCATION On Chapman An. west of Orange. (Oty). ruD block 260 x 152'h with frontage on 3 Sta. $49,ftOO. Owner will conlllder tr&de tor clear Udo or ot.ber Harbor Area property. Exclusive with us - A WONDERFUL BRAND NEW HOME with three bdrma. 2 are full ala a.nd the muter ia extra ...,.... 2 Wed bat.ha, muter bedroom carpeted and alldlng doora o~n from lt onto a magnltlcent aundeclt.. BeautJfuJ kitchen with b\lilt·ln oven and range, dJ.a. poaal and dlahwuher. Separate dining are&. Used brick fireplace, paneling, flne waUpaper11 &nd apeclal light flXtW'e9 throughout. It'a extra nJce ~nd exclu· alve with ua for $29.:500 ruu price with excellftit tenrui avallable. R!:lf!!31BER, ~ baYe fine inunmeT ?'t'nta\a LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office SUSLNESS PROPERTY -m .ooo lnvt11tmnit buy11 a grou income of $,Si()() )'<'arly. BOAT ANCHOR.AG E -Fully equlpt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME .,'1th t0me vf<"R of bay. Comple~ly fumumed. ~ handles. F or evtf.Llng inlorm.aUon phone Harbor 3009·M. SEE US ror eeveral extra •ptdally tine BA YFRONT Rr:NT ALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Ba.rboa lAl&nd Harbor H• Are you far -sighted 1 lF SO you ";u quJcllly recogniu the potenUaUt In in thlJt quaUty rncome pr1>perty l0<attd in choice rrntal dultrict. Ju.et 100 fL f rtJm <>ce&n. Thr~ are '3 unit.a -a new duplu Wld a 5-room hnuee oo :Z Iota. 2 Wlita are tumlahed &11d reoW on yearly bua. Owner's home available now. Three garage. on alley. Prrl'cnt locome can bo eub6t.AnUAJJy lncN'&«<i. $5000 will handle. FOR INS PF..cTION CALI. HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport ~ach Ha rbor 1013 NEW on the market Downtown Il<Llboa bUAine88 bid~.. 2 large nfflcn , 11uitable for Doctor or Denti11t. A 2 btJrm. lnvely rum. apL with \'iew or OC<.'an & bay. Room {r1r C:X· p&ruJ1on. Approx. 8 yean. old. Full pric.e $25.75-0. with ONLY $5000 do,,.-n. SEE Lila 8 . McFarren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150~ W. BaJboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har. 5 1&~ or 1383 HAPPY EASTER and welcome to you all - sEE US for Choice Properties in the Ne~rt Harbor Area. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer and Chet Salisbury, Aasociate8 218 Karine A.ve.. BaLboa la1u.d ~bor JO • ~------------------------------..-....---------=--==~- f , ll•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE Aprtl 7, 1955 What•• to do a b o a i them! •.. the army of bard· bolled e11• that malt ta. vade your three aquaree via ........ aandwlche. ud ..... tero&ee ••• You may a la 1oldenl'Od them. devil them • . • Mne them with fr.la creamed uparagua oa tout .... bmmm that I mun have real llOOD • • • Now the way to be ... urec1 of hard-bolled eKgs that wW atay fre..h for the k>Dge.t leadb of time. la to •ta.rt wltll t b e freebeat egp avallab&e to hep. with ••• All together DOW 1 Rkb- ud'• Own Orem <Artoll e111 • • . Mon.lq Freab ! · Penoully Mlected from one ranch. are the aut be&t thblg to baYlag chlckeaa la your owa IM.ck yard ••• Look for U.e AA OD the cartoa • • • Y oar ... W'IUlce that the egp therein are oa1y U boun old at the date they were gnded • • • The date la atamped .rtght oa tM C!U'toa ••• Onde A ~p are all over M boon old ••• Egg blowing • . . I highly recommend for thoee who wiah to eliminate the poet Euter hard-boiled egg diet ,!ti • . . or for thoee who go to i. great lengtha to decorate their egp and wiall to aav~ them for a •pell . . . All egg can be blown thusly ••. With an lee pick poke a amall hole Ill bl the end of each egg, place the t!lff over a 1&ucer, place your lipa over one hole and ll&ow ••• Ot coune acrambled egp mu.at follow . . . or an oinlet OI' a aunabine cake ... But blowing ecga •.. I pre-9mli diet will definitely add a gay Dole to any Euter Ege color. Lng pe.rty • • • •• CLOSE D U8TDl SUNDAY Ham I Euter'e tradJtioll• al favoritfol Ob, tltoee .... hattan ..,_ •.. with the old f'&1i1hlo8'1d dowa-oe-t~ fann flarnr ... wtU. thf' U hou"' ut ra amoke • . f".ut. f'm 1tro11n1 pork. ahlpped oul t.n IAD~ &.M-h ud lllDOkf'd ,.,.pNiall~' for our llNt Ofopart:me•t. • , . ()aie ud Harrif't hnt1 &akMI t.o our Maahatua ff11m9 • • • Boa•ht OIM' for the flnt U... durtn,; our birthday tta..hnUon \'la a frWtld who totf'd It hM'k up Uwre to t hf'm . . . Twn "ttkA latn thf'\' M"nt ha.ck for two morf. . . . "'hf'o you "'tA-h I h.-lr t,.ar,·Ulon ahow t 'riday altf'tt at X, IM'f' if you aaa't "pot that .. ..,.,..,l.k ... Muhatt&n ·Ham -lnnk" la ...,., .. ,.I'S ... ,Ii Canned ham11: We've got 1 I thoee too ... Our Joe m&Jn- tain• hia dt"hcateM<'n hu thel large.at vanety in Orange 1 County . . . Count'em . . . >'llai Beland.la from I) e n m a r k ~ oomea fir11t becaUM>. I got it araight from J oe. 1t 1s the 1 leaneat canned ham svailable . . . come. m various aiu9 from l 1. lbs -111 lb11 .... Europa from CMada., Unox from Holland. Oscar Mayf'rl Ill Picnic•. Cudahy. Rath, \Vil. •<>n. Hormel. Armour •.. See you can have your canned 1 bam any r:iationa.lity you wish. I Gtvl" a look &t the "hilt-l ~~ elfiphanl Ml.-la our Park· ~ lot thiA Saturday. Any- tbJag yoo buy wW io to.- wards the procurHMnt of t.ta and camplDit f'QUlp- mftlt for Sc-out Troop 1~2 •.• This particular troop Is oaJ)' a J'MI' old and . thf'lr drive ud eae~· la c-olk-cl • lag. t.bfMo ltemtt for this 1111 White fltopbut llMl .hould h~ ••. l 'oucan J do It ••• boy eotMthln,; ~~ from •f'm ... Our Greenhowie H a r r y want. you to come in and bargain with him ... YOU llH hlJI greenboUM ie COing to become a glu8 ho~ right I around the corner at the tn. ~~ formation 08k entrance . . . He hu Iota of odda and end.I he doesn't want to move, ex. eept to the t.dr Mat of your car Come in and take your . . . with pick • . • be'll barp.ln you... ,. 11w-Mene1• 8llone .. the place for Eute.r'. T~ ... hne at Rlcbard'e- Royal l"rtnre YAMS . ... Hoppin' Good Eatin '! Eas~r Hams -lust the way you I like 'em and priced extra low for .-,al pleasant eating. •Ti.. Bo"' toitll IM 014 ,.,MoMI rlavor" Whole or Shank End Freeh Smoked Ham MANHATTAN Batt Elld • • • • lb. Me .. B0tteZ.H 4 Bid"*• "'611l Bo\olllc Removed" Whole Ham ba Natural JWce. HORMEL "PMM!opple a*' ,.,...., Oa""-" ~ AU Meat· Boneleee Teader Ham CUDAHY . .. .._,,,, to •Ill l'tcttto B..,. .. 1b.49c 6 3-4 lb. tin 6.49 4 lb. tin 3.69 .., ...... Cookt!CI Pork Shoulder by OSCAR MA YER ·lb. tin 2.•9 For Holiday Eating ,.Serve U /rflll °" Bom. a"4 Bolod1• F...-b., IUpe., Hawallaa PINEAPPLE 1b.12c iiiC:ADOS 2 10·29c GRiiNPEAS 2 Iba. 25c Choice Meats Delicatessen YMllC'• k&AC'll ~~ 151 HEN TURKEYS -·------·· Ill. o.c.r ....,, .. , 53¢ SMOKIE LINKS ~ 1t -0L ('ut ., -p-.._.., 59; FRYING RAlllTS ····--~ Kratt'• !WN4 A1114'r1Nm 29t CHEESE -· -··--·-··-..... s.oL • tJ. ~ (,~ 79t PRIME RIIS .. --.. ·-··--1.,, Tut1 ~ P<prNd 39¢ "TWANG" -···--··-··· 8-oL U.._J 88.,..t lll'PE 2 35c OLIVES.. s:~ for lla&ll'1 Blad&llawk 59( SLICED IACON ....... ·-··---··· 111. iULi< SAUSAGE --· .Jb. 39t PlllJadelpllla •• ' CREAM CHEESE ...... .3-ot. H 51-1C£0.oRESs1NG --···· ,~L 49• UMt)"e PkkJe 8 \\T.l:T 33c GHERKINS·····--·---~~ Mbutte II.aid t.ltAl'D'lll.IT 2 25c JUICE ----.-0~ for Co«ajr• Qmdl aNMtut 2 23c WAFFLES _ :.._ '°' Sii:.EiRIES __ : 25c .!! 2 .. ,~ ~" Ollf':P:"\ PEAS __ faster Flowers for .. Perftt:f Jor B o!Moy 111,...1¥" l'ubaa 8"t Quality COFFEE -RICHARD'S WILL BE CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY Fresh Baked THURSDAY iiNG CAKES __ _ __ _. 52c o.c. c ...... 11 24c BREAD ···---·--··-······-·-···-··loaf FRIDAY H11t CROSS BUNS r-t«>r CUP CAKES .. SATURDAY D'itiER ROLLS 6 ... 16c DAFfODIL EASTD CAKES EASTER IASKETS AND NESTS 1b89c • cHicKEN _ 1 '~' 119 "',..,.,,.. MIXT.0 2 'Me VEG.. ~~ '"'£1- Rk-lilard'• ~,....l .,, 7ac ICE CREAM .. ~~ 1- your Easter Table and Flowers for Giving Richard's FLOWER SHOPPE MEDIUM EGGS doz. 4 7 C 9 M'ixED'NuTs . ~ 53c MiJSTARD _ !2 f~ ltc ~ 33c APPLE JUICE .-!! Ken '• aTKAWUa&1' 35c PRESERVES _······-: ._.. 1nc: MINT JELLY ·-·······!!. 1- ~·· 25 ALUM. FOIL .. ·-·····-:_ c NAPii'Ns ___ •. 10C You'll find a Udo Shop "9J 1trorr '"'"" • Tiii' ''""-''" D&rl-Oold 1b. 59c AA BUTTER MAYONNAISE quart 49c • • • • • • to flt your every need . P'OC'f' ry 1tore antOlll the ' IJdo 1&hopt1t at the eatnac."e ~_!~~o Isle, N e " p 0 rt SPr.ctA.L8 l'O& &PIUL 7, 8 Md e, 1156 ' ,.1 ' .,,. \ " .. •