HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-27 - Newport Harbor News Press.... s . . c.o Clraulatlon 21,000 J>ldrtbat.ecl .. Newport~Bela.o.,..,_ ....... (Joroaa de& Illar, ~ ...... tac-a. 8oath ~ tllJLd B•ttqtoli 8-dl. RE-W,S/~.PRESS , Velume 1-H..._ 61 Wed:n rh1, Aa-t111, 1955 PabUa~ at 2211 Wen B'Slboa Blvd., Newport Bacb, Calif. Barbor 1118 MORE NEW SUBDIVISIONS PLANNED FOR DEVELOPMENT IN COSTA MESA AREA many 11.-.ubdt'IWIOll.ll undenn.y llefore the end Off 19M. I.an Murray ol lM Via Mentone, Lido Ial•, announced completion ot pkne by tlla Oran ... County build- _. for 350 lus• t.hr" and four bedroom lwrury bomee on the tnct between the previously announced 11~.000,000 Allleon Honer Com. p&ny Mee& tract of 1300 .,_ home. and Ol"Lllr• CoUl Collece. Plane for a •hopp1n& C6\ter In the Murray-8&11de111 tTacl we.a &190 an. nounctd. ANNEXATION TO f'QLLOW Th• Elka lnaugural ball will be held ln the Newport H arbor Elke' Lodir• Sa turday night . Membera and their wlvu wtll dance t o the mWllc nt Max I.Awrence Trio. Jt commemo ratu the ln11tallatlon of l!lkall· ed Rultr Al Ma'tthewa lllld hie cor pe of otttr er11. Ann•JtaUon ot the tra ct.. lnclUd· En"'-r . 11·f1e M--"' Inc Orangtt COUt Colle1e. lnto TW _. Coat.a J.fua city limits I• u~ted to tollow In the near future. Both Murray u 11I Honer &nnounced, ••we nope to enter Coeta M'• Bob B&lltncer. 110n ot Mr. and Mn. T. D. Ste-rt, 183 Bhoreclltf Road, and K&rl Slal. eon ot Mr. eventually." Capron. former own· &nd Mra. Lan St&J. ~19 M&Msold er of lh• 2M &CT'U north oC Coat& Meaa boundary. wu one ot the St .. both Corona del Mar. h ave cbl'f proleat.anl8 1n the def,al~d entued the Junior Ref'lmenl Rlflt' anneJU1tJon attempt whtrh lnclud. Meet Saturday at Loe An~lee ed much of lhle a m• &TN eeveral Both boy1 aH mftll'lb.r-1 ot l.he m onlha ago. ' South Cout Rtne and Pl1tol Club. One of the flnu t ot the devel· opment11 w11\ b« a 11.2~.ooo deo· •elopment creaUn1 113 new home.. Macken Have Boy at the northwul comer of Meyn I Place and 19th St. Developera ot A .. in wu born April 23 In Ole 23·acre e1te wlU be Dike e nd Hoar HoapltaJ to Mr. &11d Mrw Colec-r<>Y&. AccorcUfll' lO Ray DUte Richard Macker of 21& Via Ken· hla fi rm wtll develop the property tont'. He wu n•med J ohn .and W1lh e treell. aldewallu and curbe well'hf'd 7 Jbl., 1 os.. NEW OWNERS SERVICE FROZEN FOOD. LOCKERS Now Available at a Special • Price ONLY s71s YEARLY T •king edv•ntege of our 1erviee1, diserimin•te 1hoppe" are auur- ed top-quality meah cut, quick-froien, packaged and dortd for convenience and savings in our modem· frottn food dor19e plant. Many owners of home-frHzing units hne availed them1elves of our mHt cutting, packaging •nd frHting service . finding it thrifty and convenient. Rent Your Locker Now Before the Summer Rush Phone Harbor 0718 G r 0 at WHOLESALE Harbor FROZEN FOOD .LOCKERS 411 lOtll St. Newport hach w ith all eanJtary..wen to be~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:...:..;:.. .-alJed. n. Mmee to 11e buUt wiu .. th• 11$,000 to uo.ooo cJa.ae ..id W111 ~ of thhe and tour IMdrooln .ue. KALE L"i CrrY Cotll& Meea Clly LI ~ted lo complete Ila &AJ1aat.lon of the H.i. Company t nl('l north of BakH e11d eoul of Harbor Blvd., tbla month. Th~ a.creage will ~ dlvldt'd lnlo 8-0-0 home.1lu Mure than $I 0.000.000 wtll be lnvolnd in lhe project by Lhe llm e ll 1.e eom· plet~. The Hal,. Compllll)' proJ· ect la Lllland of lhe OTAnge Cout College eampua a.nd run• up to Lht1 prvpo.M'd r1(ht or wa.y tor Uie San Dlt'fO I Sepulveda I Frt"e-y that w ill !urm a nalural boundary for t he 1nl11nd upan.uon r>t the City of Co.la Meae. R~acuvallon of lh• prosx-<S College Ma.nor eubdivlJil<m on 200 ia.<'l"f'• or thf' Capron J'roperty ~ t w .... n F&Jrvlew A v", H~bOr Blvd, lnl11nd or Wll80n St •nrl ('nn. Uiuowr lo the Murr11y·S11ndn11 t l"&<-t W&I rt'Vt.&J4'd lhla Wtl'k Mor. lhan a year a,ro lhe V1ller· Kalam"n Comp&11y of &vu ly Hilla fought • aub<llvialon rn11p lhrou&h l.he OrlUlf f County f'tanntns Com. m 1N11on pow1dln.r; tor Ute denJop- m eol of thal property Int.a 1300 llWldlnit 11lf't conl&lnlni; 6000 11q. tt. of land. l .\PROS P&OPEJlTT Accordlnc Lo lntonnaUoa a t Jl&11d now lhe property hu bet'o 901d by Capron to Alli.Ion Hoon Comp.ny of Sa.nt& Ana and thftt eoll'IJ>IUIY pl.an• lo devd op il at 411'.lCe. MOT'e Ulan Sl:J,000,000 will be a~nl In I.be bom~bu1ldtnf prOJ· ~t. A bueneN d"vrlc..pml'nt •·Ill a'-be created by HnnH a long the Barbor Blvd. frontage. The Col- lfltre Manor deve.lopment wlll t.<'• the Sout.hem C&Jlforn1a Blble Cot. • on th• u.at and the F&Jf'Tlew Blatt Menta.I Hoepll.&l on lhe we.at. 8 ewtr f&<'lllllt11 already t'1th1t on the proJX'T'tY lllld It ie In lhl' 11rea « the former Santa A n11 Army ~Ir S..e ,..hlch wu lnr lu•lt I 1n ~ M etropollta.n W11ter Dlatnrt THUE-l'EAA PKOORA.'f When the DiUer -Kalaman Com· pany propoad deveiopment of the trut they pl&Jul~ to leave two lotm for an additional Coet.& MeN. fire .lt•Uon and a •t• for a n..,., elementary Khoo\ Ill lhf'lr wbd1- •1Mon. Whether the enUre commll - 1ne11ta o( lb• tonner f'njftnttrlnl propoeala wUl be carr1 f!d OU t !JJ Hocier haa not been announced. HoM r ea.Id h.le whole pro~t wUJ M apread O¥er a thr.e-yur d• n lopment pr!ICT1lm. Motel Uws Taken Beddl"' and towel• \·-.Juf!d a t UO wf'ra reported taken from lh• Bt-c-• Motel Tueeday a l 30H COUt HJ«bW&y. __,. l:dwt.D Mun.ey to&d N..pori poUc.. Otft· ee,. aald ftllra.nc• wu i;ained by t..artni a lie",_ and ra.leUls 1o11 W\locbd wtndow. On European Trip Th• Art 8&11-'u.rya or B&Jbc>• IA&and &nd their h1·0 chfldrt>n n · peel to re tum In J uly from th•lr l:Uropea.n trip. Tlley Jett Newport 1 Jlarbor la.It WMk. I We Gift S&H G'"" Stamp1 NIWPORT IEACH Qw T'lw81 llRI Qrcw ef .C.efaM .... , I ""-f'f· tt.Ny, ..,,.ry tO OUf '°" """"' of.Affoa-Ne~ bv Cor1.-'t. They are ~ for 'fO¥l world of r~oodlt oorobolL No binding. No d'Oflno. S-... without Ironing. And their gre>w1 r0Qf9 ao.ts. v .. s1, ... , Coner'• caltOfta ore Cor1•r·Set ••• thy wlll not thrlnl( out.oU~ ~----.....-,..~ ..... O..• .. ...,... .. ,.. .. a ~ 16<- .................... 2 Y"'-..... • . ,.,..~'· ... ,.,. .. ,..... .... .,.. f/I ......... ' ... ~ l&e ..... .. c.r .......... s... ....... s.,... ... _ .. ,1 .......... 2~ ... ,. boards ot the Newport Harbor d11· trlct found one w omen anll 12 men announce their candidacy tor thr May 20 elet'tlon. Seats a re ~Ill' filled In the boan:la of truettH of Orange CoH t Colleg'e. Newport an run11lnJ tor lha h!p tchool board. Ttley rhclude lncumbenta J. LNUe Statfallffl\ and Juda• Donald J. ~. and new entrlH Robert L. Allen, tfO RepubUcan It., Coeta Meaa. a purcbut"' .. ent; Edward W. Kllu.m, n.1 Clrd • Drive and f'ra.nk L. Wood· land, 391 Tuetln A••·· lnVHtment broker. J'or tbe N.-.vport Beach .Elemen- tary Dllll'ict. Incumbent Harvey I). •-wm nm e&&lMt candi- date WUl&ln H. Spurs-111 for th• on• vacancy. 111 the Coet.a ,,. .... dletrict. ill· Thoae flllnf tor the roll81• -ta eumbeata Chlebolm Bl'OWft an d ..,... Incumbent. Loui• Conna.dy Albert <>I'd• wtU 9qU&re .U and Horace Parker and ne,_, can· acatut Mra. Robert M. wn.... dldate Robert H. Olander, 600 Bt. , .. J'Jower It~ eo.ta M-. "°'*9 Andrew• Road. Five candldat• wtte. MARTIN FURNITURE of COSTA MISA ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENT GI NORGE DEALER For the Hmbor Area Special Introductory Offer F R E E WITH PURCHASE OF 1955 NORGE MODEL CSl060 For a Umited time only A 5 PllCI DINEnE sn To Acquaint Y oU ~ith MARTIN FURNrTURE'S Complete New Une of 1955 Nor9e Appliances YOURS AT NO New ......... DINETT.E SIT &t .. ..i. r.w. a • a..,. f'.ormi•• Top T eW. fltastic ~erecl CMJn Reg. S6f'5 val• IXTRA COIT NEW 1955 NORGE "CUSTOMATIC" REFRIGERATOR·FRWEI COMBINATION! • .....,...kiliffy ........... .,,.....,.,,,...,...,,,, .... ,_ ..... ,. .. , •.. -' ..,...,._ .. ..,._ .......... 'llJSI c ... ,, ... " .......... ~ ... --..11 ...... ,,.._. H .... ...... ....... c ... ,. '1 ..... ,., ..~ .. ..... PAYMENTS AS LOW AS •3.85 ::a 0,.. Priclay . ....... , 'ti 9:00 p. "'· •• • I PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPElt-APRIL 27. 1955 · CONEY ISLAND OWNERS PETITION FOR ~ ·NEWPORT BEACH ANNEXATION Naval Academy Defends Crown The UJI Na val Academy elrM oared crew wtll bl OD band lo de- dcnd Its Ju t· year a wi1\ In th• \\' es t e r n Sprint Championship races ll<'hl'dUled for :->orth Lido L'hannt l 1n l'\cwpm t Harbor Sat· urday, ~luy 28. Stnmri compcU- t1on will b .. ortered by Ca htorma, l 'mvers1ty of Brll1sh Columbia, Orrgon State, SlMford, USC, UCL.A and Washington. Petition. a.eking for the annexation ot Coney bland in Uppe11 Newport Bay were pre~nted to the Newport Beach City Council Monday. The petition.. bear seven signa- ture1 ot ownera ot 94 of the Iota on the small island which la inland of the Cout Highway and easterly oC the earlier Upper Bay Annexation. 8 lf11Atur.1 attlaed to UI• peu: Uona are tlloN of Eugene Atwa- ter, Orr\1 Hed~1. Olen Croft. A. N. Mlller. Maurice Zublrano, Er· nut R. John.Ion and Lena V. Hop· klrul. The1'9 l• a total of U4 par· eel• ot land In lh• ar.a of Coney l1land and the 1even penona own tt of th• parcela. . In the OrlJlnal dratt for annexa- tion ot the Upper Bay to I.he City ot Newport Beach till.I area and the portion of the Upper B·ay which the county had proposed to include In a water park were ln· eluded. All of the porUona ot land, lncludlng Coney bland wue de- laud a t the refjueat of the counry. Many months ago the Board ot Supervlaora indicated they were Intendi ng to use portions or Coney J11land In their development. They directed the county coun1el to Fullerton Tops Las V99as Nine FULLERTO:-f (OCNSI -Thf Jndlan nine downed Liia Vegaa High 8-2 Friday at Amf'r\~e Park. H1ltlni; 11l11r tor Fullerton was Joc-1 Newkirk, who collected three hllJI Ill three Al bats. Carl Pennington start c<>ndemnatlon proC'cf'dlngl!. but . a .-corc11ng to th• • pruiwrty owner1. th~v have never h•d a communll'at;on or any lonc1 from the county. A 1tho11i;h t hi' rount_y hu thrriit · cnt'd 3 l.iw1<1Jll to stop annrxat1on or the l 'J>J'H Bay to t he <'lly of N'ewporl Ueach. no uapera had bl'tn ~rvtc1 on th•• cttv C'Ollnl'll or its •cent• al a late hour Monday. The council .... -..s 1•xprctf'd tu take 1111 finol 1;1n11.·x11t it1n ar'tlon tontl:hl on the 1800 ll r're rarcl'I which the county proler<t!t. Waahlngl<tn's •hell 11 fntared for the rlnt lime 111 thr Newport Har- lh•r rowing rega tta. The Bnllah Cnlumb11;1 oar1men won lh• Brit· lsh Empire champlonah1p In Van- r1111ver last year. Any ot the Crl'Wll rould <'OJ' the Helms Trophy which \{ftll tnstrument11J In the vlrtory It at atakP. with 1tnr play 11l third. Now In lt11 fifth year. the loca.I In the 11econ.1 Ira.me, tht' tl~t rti;atta has taken Its place bf'· two balltrs tor Nl'vac1a homf'red !Ide the rl\stem 11prlnts a nd the over the 1c-rtr1eld tence. The Jn-national rci:atta at Syracuae. Re- d1a.ns ~ouii:ht bl\ck w11h ten bln~lrs. g11tta Director Hay Ltu\gtnhelm marking lhe fifth 11tralght 11ame 1 a membt•r of the US Olympic the Tn be ho11 cnlltctl'd O\'Cr nanP Rowing L'omm11tee, has •Kam 11•· blows 111•r ron\l'~t. 'fh<' wan f)l!ll'l'd I "urNJ s1u-v1t·e~ ot Chttord T. Goes lhe team's wtln·IO~s mark for the or New York, chairman M the 111•uon al !3·4. l!S Olympic f\ow1n• Cornmiltl'e, to a.ct u nferee of t?I• n cu , Don Grant of Seattle will .. IJIL A total of n lM racu i. khld· uled ~tween l l a m. an4 2:30 p.m .. lnl'ludlng van11ty •lfhte, Jun· lor vanity elJ'hb . tour wtth oax· awa!n -d ~IN. Th• Wf'lltm Sprlnt1 are 1ponaoreJ by the Soulhweat Rowtn1 Anoclatlon. Jl)dwtn r.... Harblch ot ta AnrelM i. p rl'tddenl. Paint Contract Goes lo Sargent Contract for palntlnc addttlons to the Ho~e• Enlll'ft an,1 Harbor View 8cliod'ti wu a wan!,.d to J . R. Sargent, San!a Ana P"lntlng contractor at a prti·e ot $10,1;!> 1 t an adJoumed l'flHtln• of th,. !'l:l'wporl Beach t h•mtntary achool board, accordlnr to Roy 0. Allder· lll'n, 11upulntendrnt. Sargent's ~'U the loweat ot five bld1. Th• board thtn a•ljoumed to bold a private mu ting to dtKUH 11chool pr rsonnrl, their f1nd1ng1 to be acted on 1t 111,. nnt rf'gular boarJ mttliJIJ. May ll. US Ion~• Up for Or11tge Co11ty orani-1 county reetdenta lnYMt· l'<I mor1 mooey ln l/. 8 . M.~ bonda In Much than In any moaUI 11ne1 th• war. a.ccorcUnc to Roland A. Wri1tit. t'ommuftity •vtAp bond cha irman ot Newport ~- St-rl"" F. and H bond purch .. « for the montll a111 011nte<I to tSIMI.· 8:?1. an Iner..-.. ot 82.8 per c.nt, or more than a qua rter of 6 mil- l.Ion doll&n ovl'r th• prev1owi Marl'h. Thi• w1ta ne!arl7 elpl llllH'R ITUl•r th&n th• naUon&l a\'eract'. Thia brourl\l th• flr1t ciuartw et the year 1aJ1'1 to t J.111,tlt, "" l'Ordlng to W rtghl. or m(lre than $700,000 aho,·e the 1ame per10l1 Ju t. yea r. Serl .. H bond• hav1 AhOWJI lnrl"t&af'd f"lp11Jllr1l)•, IUma amo11nllnc to $1\86.000 for th• tint quarter, up 114. 7 per cent over 191\4. March senrA H aa.IH were uu.eoo. up t l20,000. To prtvent child accident.. put ptc1 al the lop and bottom ot 8l&lrway1 and 11cretn all w1ndowa to prn~nt fa 111. LIDO DRUGS Natlonal RICHFIELD STARTS CM WELL Spudding in of the new Richfield well just north of the Costa Mesa city limits started early Thursday morning when Dick Reed and E. Coffman, both of Long Bea.ch set up a drilling machine to erect the service pipe. They are shown above takinr out the !int dirt ol the oil weU. -Sta.It Photo Spud in Oil ,Well Outside Mesa Limits R lchflelrl'e No. 1 ('01ta Mf'l!A _.ell waa 11pudtlf'd In Thursd&y Ju1t rinrth ot the l'lly llmlta an1I eut of Plac.,ntlll St. The al'rvlre pl~ wu drilled In a nd l t't hy wnrlmwn ot Mt'Mllllf'n Cc>n•lrurl tun Co. nt Long BeaC'h. In & '" l•I v. hll h h l•I ht'•·ll rttenll)' b11ll•lo~ ... 1 l\n•I levt .. d oft fo~ con· etru~·Uon f'Urpnll!'ll, Thi• Ill I h,. Wf'll frir whlrh th,. OIL BAN BILL BY ASSEMBLY; ON TO SENATE I ACR.UflCNTO -The .A. umbly Tuc.!!day approved a bill which would prohibit oil dnlllng from ottahoi-. 1'1land1 alonf th• aouthem halt of Orange Count)''• co..Ulne tor the nut 20 yeani. The mra1- ure'1 author, AMemblym&n l:arl W. Stanley or Ba.Ibo& h · land uya tho blll would a p- ply from Ule mouth of the 8anl& .Ana ftlvc-r aoulh. Tha bill would •llow d..,aJ. ornif nl or 011 In Ule lldrlandl o(t the 90uthf'rn halt ot the co unty cmly l'tom a •IAnt drlll- lnit mtlhrwl. The Stnate muat 1pprcwe the mt&~N'. R u hll• l•I 1·11 '' 1·,.ntly oh1alnf'd a c• .. 1int ,. "" 11tnr• on r.,·ommendll· I tnr1 "' 111 .. •-. ••! 1 :.fl'•u 1'lan.n1ni: ('111111111-.1 .. n '11 •• C'Ol!l(lllny look ttw 1•11\r rww • 11 rnt.au·n· 10 Lon11 R.•.trh I•• 1.11\· 1tn•1 11liow!'l't plr· turr~ nr h11w 11\\•II1·>1n be uparatrd w 1ll\ot111 1•1 • ""' "• ~ n11l1ance to tit" n• •i:hh rhood 1lonr w11h t'ptra- tl •n 't "u' h "fllllJ 111.-nt ''" the l'11n1pnny'11 l...nn~ l!• th h W• till. Fr11in th1" v.•ell •It .. ttir compAny t110 l'-•ltl It 111 n wh1r•I• r k unlf• r 9..n)' U( lt1' f"lh'!ltt n t h•.\'• ill ON STAGE-· I Mikado Tunes 1 McKenzie Hosts 100 Policemen to be Given by St. James <'•1.•ta -''""" p ,.11,." c•111 .. r A r 81'1• rt11.n11 from lhe Cllbert &nd , , 111 K• nzlr 1411, h• •I '" 111,1,1,,111 ~11lll\1U1 • prr• tt& Mikado will h,. '. mat• Iv 11111 n11•mh.r" c•r ll ani;" Cl\'!'n \\'•·•In• "'"Y for 1'tutl.-nts nf C'11un1 11 ""·•O<I Oftict'n Aa•o• .~uon !'It. Jarnu Day Srhool hv 1tudfflll d urint: n111nthlv m"•tlnr In Har· or the •f ifth, 11lxt~. 81'\f'nth and bnr 11 .. 1,~ \\',..'n"••1.l\' nlrht HllrT' f'IJhlh irr••lf'io t.tayn•n. "'"h ••1.r""ntn•J FDl j C"Ur&I'' t <) be wng 11.re Ml-Ya ~ •('('•Ill! 11i:•r' "Ith ,.rf ,r 111 x.1n ~"·.\fa..JtYou W&nttol<tlow \Vho l>lf'~oJ "'""' l11tr r>IUrf'd f:nt~rtiun-"'"A rt•. Tht Flowen Ulat Bloom D\<'nl "I'S r t"' l•INI by f\1< ~ A••rr~--11n fhl' ~print Md ~fl'y AU Good m&n ,., 11 I ;,uy J.lnl'h,.rr)' M l111r· For I Un<' ~·r H11:h ~. h•" I tl!'n< <'r~ from lh" I Dick St.abler w11t tall• the part Dornth\ ;., ~I 11•ho anJ 11n~,r • f\f Kallah11., d•uirbter-tn-1.&w elect Ct-rio Thun4trom of thr Mlka1lo who la to ~ 1u,,.r· Carlisle Becomes Kappa Alpha Head 11ld~ by Yum-Yum. =--&r-rators will be CharlH BPll and Knlsht B«k, I ).ifmbus nt the chorua •·tU be K.nlght s .. c-k, Jam~ Brol.Vll, C&r)' t 'ouch, Tlm Gore, VlnC'fnl Healy, IUchar<t ln("<lld. Manuel J1 rrt tt. J11v r u ll.'"" 21 Hubor Isl•od. 1 Pamela l.f·mc-r. Marty !Ark.nry. a Junlt>r m11JMln1 In fore•rn tra de .John Mackf'y, Jon MA.rt.In, Jtnnltn 1 a t lhr l 'ntvn,.lly &•f ~outhfm I Roach. Jc•hn Rab1nf00n, Oail S11.h1·, Cl'lll••mla., lbU rccf'nUy ~"" In· bury, Mark Sruddt r. Lllrry ~meta. aLAllPtl u p~•ldtnt oJ Kapra AJ· Tott> Tilorklld•l'n. Biii W&kf'man phs '"" 1al rratrrnlly. a nd Dick Stahltr ....,,. • MAlll~ • huta.ll•llo .. STAFFORD 6 SON "NEUJ a.oo ooc..~· EL.ECTklCAL COSTRAC'TOIUI ...... Ukrty 1-1~ l 10 llh>e,..... A.-.. :\ewport ~ 1[~11 -.. ~-:-~ ---:--\ .. --.-.l •. '::"-a.t ~. .. .J \, # •• ' I I J Ull(l.(,IJ1 llo . • ' ~"''" '1', ·------... _____ ------ sow Oi>f'D Every DaJ .. tb9 Week . Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYD - 2301 W. BaJboa 8091eva1'4 • Unoltum • Robbe.r TUe • Oort& • Aapbalt Tu.. • Carpet • J'ormlc!a •Vee.ht • IMtallaUoa Harbor 5389 .Ne.,1rt lead , aEDOLl>'I ALUMINUM FOIL llmll 19c ICE TEA TUMBLERS 10~ O'"°a. IS oa. VINEGAR CRUET Gia,.. with etopper H•~Y rn.,."' 8q~ ASH TRAYS Only 6~ PICNIC JUGS l pl. li•9ll W'°'lht-KHpe l\ot Of' ce>ld Scott Toilet Tissue 3 ~u. 25~ WASTE BASKETS . hf'41•~ _,_, In .. Jit'd roln,... WASH CLOTHS K~IT 11 ll ll A~~TO. COi.OR~ Rr.c .. ! FOR ~:.O ALUMINUM TUMBLERS In brir ht rnlnrw WOOD CS CLOTHES PINS PORTA Ill.£ LAUNDRY CARTS 9~~ pyc~~~ .c! .. ~~ BOWL ~r~.~ $249 ff~~~~.112~~'?.~ ... "' .... $ 4 79 • PARAKEETS BEArTIF'l"L COLOR<.& 111..t"'E • C'HARTREn~r; WHIT£ and \ t:Ll..O\\ $198 PARAKEET CAGES Req. $4.19 $295 ' "One of tbe Udo Sbopa" 3461 Vla Lido, Newport Beaeb Baby Week HARBOR DRUGS SSOI E. Coast Hy., Corona del Mar May 1 • 7 -Visit ._. laby Dept. BALBOA DRUGS W ... ·end Specials '116 E.. Balboa Bh·d .. Balboa . For AprtJ 28. 29 A SO Thon., Fri. & Sat. Your Favorite RCA Dealer RCA VICTOR Quincy • H r re'& a 11mt1rl radio for ~mart li•iugl Nf'w JtCA \ il'l()I' Quinc-y rombin" fine pt'rforu1· anr't' anal up·tO·lhc-mioute atylin&. at a low, low prier! • Esrlu~ive .. Go!Jr n Thro•t" toae ayatem brio~" ~ ou ri<'h. ru hnic t0und foe ln·~reoa li~t,.ning pl<·Hutt. • Automatic Volu,.,. Control maintaine uni· fonn l'Olume 00 both wen and t trong t\t tfona. •Trim. ("(lmpart <'•hinet comee la brown plaa· tic ..• "ith ~nl•l.('t')lor 1wW:i, ,21 ,S Jia.I. lle •we to tee h 1odayl Save on first quality hosiery fun fashioned, closely lnit to &ive you Iona. flatttrlnc ""'· Newest shldu. 51 Gauie. 15 Otnier, dar• or plain sum VALUE ( l.29 99 SPECIAL P'· . VINCENTS ICE CREAM DOUllU DlP CODI . ._ ... _ ... _ JlilD P.lODD 1mTI .......... . B.AtlD P .lOUD QUllTI ·-..... ·-··· BULK ITYU ~ Oat. Premium Quality . AJfY FLA VO& COSMETICS DOIWTllY GILA Y BOT \\'l:A TSE.& 10C 3()c 59c 79c COLOGNE u ....... ~~v rnc: CREAM DEODERANT ~· ..... .,.,- Tti88Y STICK DEODERANT ttr. 11.00 SOC Ht:LESA lffl\t.~l'Tl:I~ HAND DF.U(1 ll-i' \\ Hll'l't.O HAND CREAM rf'f· ••. u Ste T\.88\' AFTER BATH LOTION l>OROTH\. t.RA \' DustinCJ Powder & Soap In matr llloc l111U1C nuu'"' "' r.• s12s Cleanser BEAUTIFUL ~,. •u• DRUGS :~~ ~~ Bathing Epsom Salts 5 lb. size 19c Ascorbic Acid -Vitamin "C" 250 mg 100's 60c PAYLESS IPICIALI LIQUOR DIPARTMINT Udo Store Only IILVSll Drolmy Shady IIPPL• Vodka Grove Gin "°Proof llencl ~ 80 Procf P'il\li 90 Proof rl1'TJl nns Ivory or Jadlte Cereal Bowls Ivory or J.dit. Coffee Mugs PRIDE Anchor Hockin9 Of INDIANA 11/4 fflr.Arht Shot Glasses Boarbna "lda.k•.r I Yn. OW ....... '"·-Bott- OWi . ,.,_, ll#«. '"" ...... ... r1 $267 2•1 ---8 cto. oaeh """ Now 2tor15c 319 I Scout Duo . Tells Of Zoo Trip Su.tan P'rott e.nd Jan Bobbitt ,.._ port.a tor Clrl Scout Troop 3~. Ulelr trtp to the San Dler o zoo. On Saturday our troop went to the San Olt'g-o zoo w ith Troop 87. We ldt tor lhe place we were to meet at around 7:30 a.m. By lh• Ume w e a rrived al the depot and ct.lltd lh• roU 1o1."8 dlacovued that Valtrie Poptjoy _,. mlaatng. We ru•hed to lbe ldephone and ln a bout ttn mlnule. alter we ca11ed her. ahe 1.rrlved at the rtaUon. We ha.J to Wlllt for the t rain about haH an hour. When It arrived Y.•e got on and tllacover~ there ~·•• no reiitf'\,ed car tor ua u we had planned. 1 0 we doubled up with .-om• paaaengeni and were on our way. A man wu Kllln& candy bau &nd most or the g1rla bou(ht .-ome. When we arrived al Su Dltgo we all r ot on a bu• and left for the zoo. We ate our lunch and looked around. We dlvided Into croupa or rive and each (TOUp want their own ·W•Y· The f1.m "rda"" uoUced were th• beauWUl pink ~o. Tbe tun.Dy loo~ ant .ar caupt our •1• &Leo. We u w trtclr bear• pwfonnlDC and 90 maaay blrda '" couldn't count them. Alt.er & Wtui. we a&t CID the bJeacbera and -~ the trtck monkey• &rid -.la perform. The Mala abot tor bukeu Yery w.it Lat• we went wad1Ac tn a polld. ~ ot u..e (TOU.pe took th• blJ9 l'ide uound U.. 900. At a J>..Dl. we met at the pt. an4 Wft tor Ule train. . Oil UJe r14e m.ck we U4 our ewn car. ni. nci. ~ .iboTtar -~ becauM ,.,. ·-tired &nd boL We had eo much candy and 9QC&I' OD the tnJa that prob- abl J """r.w ot ua ate d11uier that n11bL W e arrtnd lD Suta A.Ila al 1:1& &Dd wen 11&4 to ... our motllen walU. tor u. We all had • r-.l aoocS tlm.. It ... \Ji. tlnt tn.111 r1de tor a Jot ot the OJ1&. Buffet Honors Pasadena Guest Bnva1 Ooet.a x.. b1eDda pu...d at a buttet supper at th• A !belt JD. J obuoe bome., •OO W..t Wl1-8l.. eo.ta W-. 811114ay alten.oclll to m"t lira. Job.ucm'• 111otbel'. Kn. Oeors• w. Bl'Uldal "' ......... .... ,,,.. a.ccompull· .. '7 Mr. ud Mra. lldwv4 Allq, a190 ot ....... . '"'-l ..... Kn. Lero1 A.Ad ... 900. K1M ~ Jlospera. Kn. LA.,.._~ Mn. aldwvcl ~ ..a. Oarloti. lada· ..... » .... Mn. Al.le,., Mn. .,__ de& .... tM a.o.ta. )() .... ~ J oai-. Newport Island Women to Elect Mn. Ca.tJMrll\• n.tiw wu ho.t· ... on Apnl 21 lo the wome_n'• eom.milt.M ot Newport lal&nd, 1nc... a-t bar hom~. 381~ Cb&a.notl P1K6. .Appolllted to MJ«t A ,,.... Nale Oil ofncna were M.mu. r. P'. Ferna.n., J im .Edward# and Jl. P. R,,.-.,.._ Ottlcen w\U bot el~c~ at Ula 1M9tJaC ot Kay l t, to 1-M&d at I p.m. lJI Ula horoe of Ml"ll. Ed· WIU'dl. aooo ~1 Pi-AJJ wamm who are ,,_.d41Dt.I ot H.-. port i..a.ncs .... \n.yl\ed t~ •u.4. Mesan Heads Camp Fire Leaders' Group ~ o•u hu tlAal -'Cl! .. cha1.nnall ol the ~ Count1 Camp Fire Olrl8 Lead~,..·~ Uoa. ~f"' V.'Wtam Borland of San- ta An& handed the p v•I t.o Ula •-IY·•lf'<'l~d cha.irm&n. l1n &rn- • A. tAunn. •26 nut 181.h St.. o.ta MML luta&laUon ... bald Ill ~ on W~y monuq. ~ ornc. With Mn. lA1u1n ..... liln raw Rost\, 123 l:.ut 9aJboa Blvd . "Ice d\&lrm&n, .MML lA.land Plymn11er. &Mita Ana. •o- tft&t'Y; &lid Mn. P'redttlc o--. W..unllllttt, ~uurer. Rfotlrtn.r elftc:ien are MmM. Bori&Dd. 1. T. Clt-.1\kamp, Co1ta Mt•: Mel\'1n ManeU, Ora.nae and T. H. Hamp· ton, w .. ~r. Plan• were completed for Ule comln1 annual Camp 1'ln Olru Peanut ll&le, to be held frona Kay 1 to le. 8pec.l&I CUMt.8 lndudtld XS.. PE. METRO~ ON DAYLIGHT SAYINGS TIME Qweu Harper ot Loe A.npJN, ' O&mp nr. field a.dvt9or, Uld the 11ew Bluebird leadft', Mra. .A.IJoe Ba.rtcb.ard, ot Anahl!Un. K ell'opolll&.ll CO&c!I 11n9 and Paclno Grayboun4 lln• a l"e DOW Oil dayllcbt •vtn( Um• and all ot t.betr ~ .. will be the 1&11le u Wider 1tandard Ume, ott1clal9 of t.bOM compenl• announce. Spring Shift of Vacation Time Advised Proposal Made To Easter w ... Committee Meet Elimln&ta lb• dep.u41Ace of "Sprl.ns VacaUon" on J!lu ter and take UI• hoUday at the cloM or llChooll third quart.er, ...u Ule re· commendation of Jo. H&mblett, Ylce prtnclp&l of Newport Barbor Union Hilfb School Hambll'tt made h1a propoal before a paclred Ma· 910ll ot the Mayor'• r..ter Wffk committee lUt ni(tlt l.n the New· port BMdl City Hall. More than a b&lt hundred rul- denta of the Harbor an& pthered t4 report and bear ruuJt.. ot the Euler week vacation period In Newport Bea.ch. Practically all bu.tneu men reported that bwl- nHt waa off 1eaer&ll.y. PraeUc- ally all echool ottlclala and parent. lA alt.en.d&nc.e reported the period batore U.. loc&I 9Cbool Yae&Uon aad 4\lrinr lt wu tbe m09t omrly llut.er Wffk on recor d. R.oy O . .Andel'Mll, w pe11.Dtendenl or the Newport Be&eb J:lament.ary School DlsUict, ttported th.et It wu wttb (l'&Ye trepld&Uon t.bat h t. or,.,UUUon ventured lnto Jl:ul(lr Week. He reported, bowever, that achool b~ rot tbroul'h on Ume and Ulat no untoward lncldenta were .uttered. TIUJANOY DOWN Hamblelt, 1p99klnlf tor UM high llCbool, reported actual trua.oc1 at the echool wu at • lower level Uwi ordln&rily. The ecbool otficiaJ reported lWI amaMment that there were acW&lly f-tt "Yialtol'll" on Ula ac.bool campWI a.nd In Che bu1.14iol8 than ordinartly '\WOWd ~ e.xpect.ed. JlfT1 Tbompaclll. pr-'dent of tbe llludent ~ al OrMl(e Cout Coli.If' reported abNJlcea at the OOU.p ,.,.,.. a t a.n unexpcted low dw1Jlc the early &ut.er ~ of oUler 8ICJMlol&. c.. A. w~ prvpe'Mtor of ~ and ~ta at Bal~ reported lWI i.u.u.-,.,.. lfr.&t.1.Y ott durin( the Mllday. tc. further 9l&ted that ID 20 Je&nl Lb.al ~ ha.I .._ 1a ~ m \M coauawut1 ..... _e&lWpo~~ ot 4WordwJ.)' 10W'I l*>P'-· WHt· pbal Mid that ID ha opinion Euter ._II t.roublea were eau.ed l>y "adult dot-Unq~cy·· rather that mi.conduct of Juvculee, W1etpb&J and olhu t>ua1nu1 i:n.n Jed by OrvlU. 8c.hlu•Ur urged a p~ of arn~m,nl a.n<l A · c:naUoo be worked nul tor the etll•l'\.alnment or v1111un1 y<Nng ~nplt lkhlueter A id Ull• would •DOOura.c• lb• propu type of 10W'lf people at1d t.b&t hoodlum• woullt not be 1nlP1?1l"'1 B U81NU8 ATFF.Cl'l:D K.iuieUl Nlchola of B&lboa 1JI. land report.., hla ~ -..i.tter· ~ (T'll&t.ly dunftS w. Cutu WffL Ke Mld dwinlf hla 10 ,_,.. ot o~llona ta.re I\• haa e.i.ct.ed Crom hi• Ml&bll•hment doun1 nl a.dull.A but Olll7 • b&1t dOMD young· -u-ra. ;\ trhol.t decried U'I• feet U'lal I.he city prop-am h&d cauaed a lot of ~t people lo fttl unw~t tn Newport &Mch. Mayor Dora Hill'• cOll'IJlltu .. on &a.tt.e-r week wUJ ~port to a mttt· 1.nc or ~ Oranc• Cowity ~ool ot!lcl&la la Ute DUt few da,,. tbat UMn wu a 1UCCuatul handllll.c of "'hat formerly .,... CQUldwed by tbem • major problem of Ule com· numlly. .A<'f'Ordln( LO Mn. MI U by lhlt tllne MJtt yo.r N'wporl e.a.c.b will nave a proftNlonaJ u c reaUoo di· net« on \be p&JT'Oll who w11l work out detalla for 'nt~rtaJnmenl and r-ecr,.auon t or younr V11fton dur- lnf llprtn.f VacatJon. A.rrtval9 &Dd deperturw and th• number ot. tripe wtlJ re· main the 8&tlte aa before th• time chans• and doclla 1n dqiot.. wW be &dvanc.d 90 that the pubUo lr\&T check echedulee u betore. Oxy Alumni Sets Friday Club MHt The Occidental CoUege AIWUlll Club of Orange County, plwi win• a.nd huaband.I, will hold It. &nnual dlllner meeting tn the l'tnt Pru· bytertau <.."hurch or Orange, Fri· day, April n at 7 p.m., accordlnlf to Donald Spencer ot PlaeenUa, chairman of the uecutJYe eornp11t- tee. "Occidental Today" l9 th• topic ot the pro,-ram to be preaented by Dr. Melvin ~ell, d.lnctor or ad· m!Mlona. and Dr. Robert Fenl.a, comptroller. • Flemings Have Gilt Mr. and Mrs. <>eorre Ji1~. 280 Wut Victoria St., Costa Meea. became parOlte of an I lb .. 21,s 0£., (irl, April 20, In SL Joe- epli'1 boepltal at Oraqe. Party Night At Grange Hall Ooel.a Mee& Clu.ge IWd ·a Whoopee Partly on Satwd&y. April 23, a l 8 p. m, M uaual, the Orange Hall. cor-ner of Victoria and Thur1n SU-1.9, ,.,.. the 11eene ot f..UvlUea. Wo!Nlll of the Home ICoonomlca Club b&•• parUally completed the year'• project at th• Countr Hu1- plt&.l. C'urta1n9 have be~ made and hung al the window• o.t tht •un room connected with Geriatric Ward 40. At lb• w t mae~ of lhe Orange, Ralph Lee.. co.ta Mu a ~·~ _ ..... SPEC I At ............ ,... ...... a .. ltOt.lS •••••••••• ,... u.~ .... _.,. ......,hNf conn CAKI ••. 25•. ,...,..._, .... MUfflNS •••••• 4"'.,. _... ....... Cl 17- SUGM LOAF ••• 23' • ..... ~ .,_ MUmte •••••. 4 ... 17• ,.... .... _ U.,-MA 0 11 l•a CAKI •••••••••• J'tl. ,... ... ..,, ..... 4'~ ...... . Y?!!.~.~~wn!'!.'!! ~ COSTA 11E4A noe s_,,." 11hc. COW!llA DEL IU.& IOI C-• BWf. ACOIW'f' LAGUNA BE.ACB lU Br_,..., 8AJ..80A IAl.A...'"D HO lilartM AY ... l'o~aT KACB no<:-* Bwr. South Coast Mortgage Co., Inc. • A NEW LOCATION et 1600 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT BEACH n t.phont: Liberty 9.7791 LOAN CORRESPONDENT FOR Benken Netlonel Ufe lnaurence Compeny LOAN REPRESENTATIVE OF Wirtter Mort9e9• Compenys Correspondent for New York t Life lnsurence Compeny Construction el'ICI Rtfinenct loens n re J7T'l!\'tntlon nrnt"tr. ga,·e a lte· 1 SPECIAL lure on avoldinr ttrt'I In the hOnw. He aJao preaenl1.>d two lhort f1lnu, · ,f, one of which explained how to MESA, NB CENSUS START SOON APRIL 27, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PA61 J cal worltera to canvua the City ot Y.'illhtnr t o arpty for the t.e.mporary Cotta Md&. Retuma wru Uurn be Jobe ot un.8U.W rnum..-.ton may analyud and tabuk\ed wtth a new contact Nr. Murray tn b1a oMoe. ctrtl!ted C'ffl.IWI to follow. renon• Coffey aatd. fig'bt pouible flru ln cue ot an enemy attack and the othu etrec- Unly told the tmporta.nce or a modern nre departwent to the oommWllty. ~ Nut meeHnlf ot ranr• will be bald at th• oranr Ha.1l. Ap ril 28. Ebell Garden Sect ion Outing Home and OIU'den •erllon of !!:bell Club will meet al l 0 a .m. Wedneaday a t the clubhouee on B&lbo6 Blvd, t or &11 oulln.(. The croup wtll 10 to lrvlne Pult for lunch ILtld then vt.lt Padden'• lrla and Day U llu p rden. Mr1. Byron Welll 11 In cha..,. of tranaport.a- Uon. Thursday F ish Fr y Aiiother beA&ttt l1ah try tor the chl!dren'• camp tund ot St. James Church will be held Thurllday at the Pariah HoU1e, :5:30 to 7:30 p..m. Flab !ry Chet• Tom Norton a.nd Harvey 8omel'8 will pr .. 111e, ticket. may be obt&iJled at the door. New Counh Ordered for State Fund Aids: Expect Increases What la the size o! the new City of Costa. Meaa ? That is a question that soon can be answered accurately. Actu· ally the growing, newest city of Orange County has had ra"ther an indefinite population. ~ fact its boundaries have even been questionable pentiihg outcome of the Superior Court cue to detennln• whether I the E11tu. parcel or Sn.qulat &n· A new t"enio;';'-' hu a lso l><'en au· nexatlon «re part.a or Newport lhNit.<·d for :o.;ewport Bearh. City Beach or Costa Meaa. j Manager John Sallora hq an· nouncc-0 rt<'elpl of a letter from PopulaUon however will be a the Bureau of C trlBUI aaytng the de.nnlte thing when a new cenaua Los AJ'lgelta ottire will contact the a bOut to be •tarted, I• completed. dty ln the> near future. City Manag<'r George Coffey Is When the 1950 cf'nru1 wu t&k- endea vorlng-to rttru1t half a hun-en Costa. Mua had 11.300 popu· dred able e.nd willing workef'9 lo Jatlon : when the city wu lncor· epend two weeka wtth !:IJjah B. PQ1'ated the IJl&te credited the Lewt. of the Bureau or the Cen-Mesa with 16.836 population on a au1 ln tabu\11.Ung the town. basis of utilit y l.3bulallons. Wr.gtrt T~• apeclal censua hu been au-ere now being taken on the MNI& thomed by the COii.a Meaa City that th<' n•w cenaua will bit &I· Council in order to reap tull bent-most 26,000. I'HURSOAT AT I P.M. "Haven't even had breakfast yet I" UID ftlU 4.DVS&Tla&&. ......_ .... • -., -.U. I _. .. 41tt M1Uallilf Mt ......... -,._. Md llM ... P. r-.. al- ,.., .... Mftnl ...... NH• u,11••• ._. -- Mm.i Na ..... r' • a:s:u•a • oon or m .&Dr .._.._.. ......... ,°' .. R&AAIONABLE, Roll a,ir&J bed davenpan,. lampe, ru ••t•N. UnlYen&J' MJDJ automatlo wub· er, Jdtdlen t.al>l• • ' chalre. Oo-cu6onal chair, 2 occutonal t&- bl-. ld4My • ah.aped V&nlt.1 ~. eo-IP bench, ~•12 W.U tent. I lallcan., I oota • c:oJ• man 1tove. LI 6- ,.........,, ............. _ _..., ............ wtU •rtas 7oe ...., ... too-QUA.LITT ..aaa. I Oii.ii Barbor lilt Md Mil tor SM ad Wiler. tit• from fU tax a.nd other atate .According to City Man&4rer Cot· apporUoament tund.t. tey, Lewi• w1U train a corp• ot lo-U::=======================:::!I 18 OLDSMOBILES ~IVEll _AWAY FREE/ 400 Westinghouse Appliance Prizes =:..·:~~.1 ... oamarHOUDAn .,..,....~,.,., ra s .~__,- -•"'Y 1noy OW1' -of ....._ powerful -_.. .. Slrytart(a -•,..tu ..... ...._.. 25 ~-leu-why you llu 5lcytorit ~ -wllll ~ ................. ._'.,, 400 w 1 .__ .. ~ swl...i C......,......., ,,,,., • eftM •,........, • INn\' WI Ne llAll AT IDlAM lmAD 8CnC* • Ml I • U.n .,. IUt•tYDAWN SIO'UJll[ a•U• t' AUTD TOMATO JUICE •11& Wllll• w.AJ -··" '°"' .. -· ":lie -: 23c .......... !1'1i YAN CAIJD'S e 2ac~2sc~z3c= 23• 75' PORK& BEANS 2 '!: 23c »:I~ SHASTA BRAND PURE FRUIT 21 ..... -.11c. GRAPE PRESERVES 11r JELLY _· ~ .. ··.--..... flreeh..plcbd, tendef, --'· FllENCH FRIES ........ rid! ...... ~ 2·29' .._ .... UM ON ADE 2:: 19' is: 1•· • OL\NGI ANGB. llNG .. 39' GARDINSIDI UAND TOllATOIS '6:; 12c U: 16c .. .,~ cw, ....................... ... . . ......... ... ...................... ~.... •114M.... ... Sit PEANUT aunu :=.!;,~ 35• ,._49' SALAD DRESSlllCi~":.~r!29' :49' CHUNK TUNA :'.: ·~27'.:.. 6:23• SPAM WIKHEON MEAT •-: 33• SHORTENING =!t.= '!;29' ~69' WESSON Oil ~=· .: 29' ~ ss· CAMA Y SOAP.:::,.,. 3 : 23' 2 ':! 23' PARADE DETERGENT ·~:25• ~49' ZEE TISSUE ~~·1~·~~· 4 ~ 29' HIGHWAY CO• ~ '' ..... 12c IC-t.. - IDWAIDI INSTAllT z ... COffll "' """"'" ......., ,..,_. _.. wllt\ ....., Mr· ,.., .. Good-~oteaed b-, Sof-oy't - "'°"9d reffigeretlofll 9'ICW PMC8 51c ONIONS ""-C:,..,.Yeftow ..._ ...._.,, Wh,.. c~ w •• ., St-do'~ ........ .. 5c GRAPEFRUIT CUCUMBERS lm-~·--'· lvicy ,jl\rlrono•. 8~3~ Loree o.,d aitpl ,,...,., """·-Olflt. .... PEARS 17' TOMATOES 25' In cello tvbe .... I\ ~ - ' , • •• · • ', 1 1 • i NIB 8'K1M 1mS., .. ~ .. 11. 19. JO. tfSS. Al WIWAY Am • ms All&. CTllf1 .., 111 S~ei ope1 S..,) ........ _.... ................. -..a..tM ... ••""'-....... STORE HOURS Daily I Liii. to 8 p..m. (Friday tiJ 9 p.m.) Sancla7 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1722 Newp"rt Blvd., Costa Mesa · IUNTY OP PARKIN& ON LAR'il PAVED LOT • PAGE 4-COASTAL SHOPPER-APRIL 27, 1955 Mmpany 11lnrr 1927 and h1111 urv-' c t M Fi h Fr s • t'U 113 11111n11i;:1·r In such 1:1anl s1ur1>.. OS a esa IS y wings j!1net>r n>port«'d. "But the Improve· 1 G I Chqn...c ' menlb must be dt'alre-1 by lhe ~· r mes ~- u Stamto1d and Men dan. C'•mn . . Grants to Open New Santa Ana Store; Complete Services Told so1'·1n1 ot dralnac• and lltttl ame 0 tee pie th<'msel\·u ." Soulhw(lrth .. Id I N f Off• problt>ms In th11t way wouJd alllO eradicate traffic h1u>.ard1 In Lhe SOuth C'na11t Rt'11l\y It lnn smrnl Spokane, \.\'ashtniton and Lyn· brook. ?-:ew York. He and M" I t G r. Name Comm•ttees Madd1gan a re now mak1n1 \heir n 0 ea I I homr In Santa ~na. •·lly. I Co. I• tht ntw na m<' 1•( Mont(' John Ackerman and J amu Ciol· mtr, who have bffn Wllh the Grant organization In varlou1 ca· pac1\1ta for a numbt>r ot yean. are a~ail1tant ")ap111(f'r1 ot the new ChaJrmen o! 20 comm1ttcr• 11nd I J •llt.I ~uthcrlltnd, Art MC'Kenz:t ~layor C'la irr :'\t.'lliOn ad~~d city Gnmrs ''""'" 111 302 !\la111 St. h«' I , <f1c1\tls "vutd b<> a;la"d to meet I 1 1 l •ub-eommntees for the trnlh un· an1l litll Middlt<l<>n "111 bf' sn d " 1 " "I r1 11 a NI t'ri. .ad Sat. ~tal'OOS.\LD C'AILEI' \I \\'Rt:t:S O'H4'RA "Fire Over Africa" T. V. Kadd1pa. m&nal'W· bM announced oompletloe ot ptan. for th• o~nlnr ot a blJ, new 01'9.ftt .iore In lanta AJMt. oa Ttlunday, A prtl 28. Thi• will be UM etpi-- th G~ 1tort ta Calltorni&. Located at th• eol'MI' of ~ Fourth and BUib ltl., the MW Grant will lJICOf1IOl'le rtWJ de- vice known to modera retallilll ft>r quick,· connnlmt ebopplDJ. Selling will be done 011 two "-..Y• to·gPt·around" atrMt and dowa- •talre tloora. The l&t .. t la ..,..,. tlflc dl•pla7 count.era and ttxtune Will 1po\111ht the t...-nendov,8 ... 90rtmenta ot new 8J)rins and Nm· mer merchandl ... WELL LIT Daybrtrht tluoreacent llgb~ will reveal tru• colora. Th• n-Ht a lr-condJUonlnf will tilter air throq hout th• 1tor• at all Umee. Wide. ~ a l1IH will permit an euy now of cuatomn tratnc, Maddtpn aaJd. Grant'• credit eervlc• wlU be Introduced, be aaJd. PartJclpanta tn thi. plan UM credit coupoN like Lido Couple file · Breach of Contract Carmarata1 Name Lneres; $1350 Dama9es Asked 9ANTA ANA (OCNSJ-A Lido h i• couple TUuday med a breach of conlNcl 1ult In Superior-Court llert araJn•t a nother couple who a.aeertedly madf' a du."I for prop- erty at 12t Via Quinto, Lido lale. The plaintift. are Joseph Ce- t illa H . Ca.rmarata. :Samed deten. I danta u-e Chu lu and Mary Le· •ere. The plaJntltt• a llege lht'Y enter· •d Into a contract with the det«'n· danta March 29. Th• det«>ndanta I aaae-rtedJy werw to pa.y U7 .000 for Ult 1:u Via Quinto property. Accordlnf t o th• compl-.lnt, the defend&nla aJl!O we,.., to a.Muma tlrat and .. cond truat deed• and pa.y 12600 into ekrow. Tht pl&Jn. lift• claim th• defendant.a ha•• bre&clled t..he contract and retuaed to enter Into ...:row. The plt.lntlft• uk $1~ dam· a&r• u reaaonable rental on the place and commU.lon owed by the plalnlltf to Bay and Beach Realt1 Co. of Newport. S..ch. $1296 Permit GlvH Arl•n 0 , Af'nlae,.:itr 1-• lakfn C\Ut an SS2!HI bulldln1t pt'nnlt in t"o,.111 Mf'"a for con.ttru<'UC>n ot a rf'•l<1rr.-.. 1<n<1 attaC'hf'd r;araf" at 26111 f'l·1"11 ,\\ .. NOW AT OUI STOii • IT 'S PORT lilt! We19"9 .,.1., 4$ P011nd• It'' only u ....... h19h, 20•. Ill. •id•. 16' !ft. dfftl. Hot NO UGt Y I ULGE _.. bed! of Mii llilft·I" corryi"I ._,,.,._ BETTER PICTURES 1Mlttt .... ide C_, ..,._ ond ""'· lwftl t.a• s..Mtl .. , Clrc11it pl11t ,....... .,.1-. '°""'""'-'"" ... -"¥»" cllo.la. llAUTIFUL STYllNC .. -''-"' Jtt ,.,,.,,., 4e1it11 '""''" cottetelt4 PUll·OUT ........ ~ telA'WAY ~ .... AND BE ST Of All ZENITH OUAllTY THRO UG HOUT! 'l'elMtl... ... ..... 111'79 RarttM ...... "_..,._ ~ ...... , T. V.~DIGAN To Head Grant Store c111h for anything they wlUlt, any- where ln the atore. There 1• no down paymtnt lnvolvtd. LUNCH SEJWICE Another feature ot the new Gl'1lnla will be the Installation oC a luncheonette where meals and anacka will be aerved. Maddlgan also said Grants will celebrate the opening of thla new atore with a three·day opening sale during which 11peclals wm be offered In every department. Door prizes will be given away tnclud· lng a 21" TV 11tt. many olher valuable prlzu . Maddlga.n has been w1lh the ~tt>rt Phillips Given Suspended Term SANTA. A'NA tOCNSt-Lloyd Alvin Phillip", 33. BrrR garai:r keeper, Wednellday ""''given a &lX· month11 1u11pemte<l Jllll """t"nt•r after his conviction o! recel\'lni; 100<11 atolrn in the Paul Mantz Balboa lBland home burglary. Superior Court J udge Kenneth E. MorrilOn denied a plea for a new trlal. He also tumtd down a proballon plea. While P hilhp11 wu nol placrd on formal probation, he w1ll be under lhe pro bation dt partmtnt'1 super· '1llllon tor three yeara. He was or· dered to report &!lY change of ad· drt~e to the probation ofrlcrrs. A superior court Jury round Phllllpa guilty ot receiving guns 1tolen In the St~.000 burgl.ary of th•' home. Phillipe wu tried here lut tall on another receiving 11tolea prop· erty charge and acquit.led by a jury In the court ot Judge Robert Oardner. Four other• linked lo the r.tant% burglary have been (lven jail Im· tencee. "·1th lntr rt";,tt> 1 II uns an., t 11 • . ,..1 ... nuaJ Costa .Mr sa I.Jons Club F1~'1 ch!trg.-of pun:has1ng while Bn1cr r f 1 J 111111•11 B (lwl'n will b«' an 111'•0· OOKOTH\ M..C .. ...., J fy ~·r"•'eMrs ''r orn\ rt( lmprO\<'• H T It.... '' F 'ry anti Carnl\al w,.re ann1111n,., • )t111 11n untl B"b S.e,·pns will b<' 1 • • I~ I · i·slltl' 1n th~ 1'<'1:11 e-•IKI" 11i'pa rt· "Make aste 0 WY. lhla wt<ek bv \\all M1lltr, 1•1.:J11· rha rc t 11( lhl' pa11111,. ~larttn and l.h nt t 1· Ir ' It<. drnt nf the · L&on:i Club ll!. t gt>n· S l•'' t•ns "Ill be u .. 1,.ted on march· nwnt. This C\fft•'" 1~ a llll'l\ltwr of eral l'halrme.n o< the c•omm11nll\' lnJ; and bands b~· J t>M LukP l'LA:'\S U\\ ELl.l :\to the Newpurt H 111 hor mull spit' list· I lt r n,·s to re111I th• "'an\ ~ celebration slat Pd for June 4 .. ml P en LJ11ngan an1l ,\ r l Meyers Emil Hor\'Blh tuvk t>iH 11 S 14 1160 Ing 1ef\"tCI'. -~. n1u I:\ C'hllr~e of tJllbllrlty 1:1nd I Codtu ;11,•J1a bt11lollnjr ve1 mn fC'lr a Thi• year Custa ~frsa park "111 lhl' qur,·11 C•Jnt e3t ia un<lcr Hay l re.1idt'111'o> enol 11tt111·he1\ j!Brage al be u_,esJ to allow t he pcovle l•' lla1 t:r.ler. Leo Lee. Arlie Swnrtz, I l'il \\'1tluut l'lar,. April 12. follow the 11tage eveont1 without I Al Holl111Lcr and 13111 MC' Menus: r;:;-:;-;....;;-.;;-;..._....;;;;,;;::;::;;;;;;;;;:::;; the di1comfort of 1t1111dlng 1111 d11r· srwi-1111 ev,.nt~. Lc11 llflll«-r anrl Bob sng pre\'1011s y1•ais. I Gronluntl : ptt parade. Bill Brown: J llST UPf:N t Proceeda from the tlnn11al tl11h bl'1tuty conle.11l. l'ernJ Rima; baby I rry will be u~d sn 1rnpporl or contest. liuo.l Mcur:i . mrus.er or youth ac11villes in t hl' Harbor I,.,., fmonh-11. Vii Miller. eh'ctncaJ, area, prime objeclivl' of the Llona 1 J,•rry Lc1Vl.'JOy : ,.m•nd equipment Club, .Miller aa1d. He pomt<'d to Uoh Shun·~· $8000 which h .. bttn dlslrtl>Ull'd I llf'lnz K11laer. v<'renn1al fish Cry to \'arloua youth mo\'ementa 10 the chef. will ht>ad cooking and dining area In lhe nme months follow·' arr1111gemenl• again thl1 year. ll'lg the lul carnival I --- Serving with WaJt Miller ln l M D • 1 plannJng lhe carnival and dinner esa ra1nage are: Forrest Foster, admln1-tra· Uon; Frank Hruza, construcUon: s I • T Id set-up and clean-up, FrlLllk Blasrll, 0 ut1on 0 Don Butta. and Rick Thunstrum: new equipment, Frank Hruz.a : u- curtty. AJ't McKenzle. Underground dralnace 1yatem• are ~ulrf'd In three major ~nua ot Costa Mt>sa. City Engtneer Don Al Ogden and Berl Smith will be In charge of the carnl\'al with Southworth ad\'lscd c1tlz~11 at· the following sub. committtts , tending Wednuday n!ght'• annual banner aatu, Paul Parkea; booth I Mua progreM dinner In 1-'riday aalea Arlie Swartz and Bert Afternoon Clubhouse. Smith; location of atanda and "Fonnatlon ot Improvement di~­ booth5, Art Mtyera; atand per· 1 trklt t.re the m0&l equitable WRY &0nnel. Aubrt>y Oliger and Jack to 1*1!dlt drainage ftJI we'/ aa Hlrtler; 1torekeeper, Arlle Swartz. 11ti:ct Improvements." the cit)' en- MONTH END F l1RNITl'RE RE•~L"HSH ING SHOP Opn 1111g 8111 C'VI/ f>allo t 'Umltur" ~flnl•hf'd Fm .. at Svnthcttc, Enamtl \'anit~h 11r :'tarn 5 pl~ $15.00 :\:'\TIQL'E .t 7.0LATO~r. , ·1101111 Fur Est1mlil<'~ & P lrk·llp Servlr,. AUBREY EU.SWORTH 2l1Sl! l'IAN'ntla Ubl'rty 8-78111 lbrbor 13711 Last Time Sat. L l ·D--07/ud;~ .. . '" .. . ,. ". . ... • -.. ~ 3. Two liCJ Features Kirk DouCJlas-"THE RACERS" "LAND OF FURY" Kid" ~··· )'lat. I :~.'\ ··1•1uot: (.)I' ~t.\IH'l.ASH" Starb Sun.__. ontlnuou11 :-un. rrom t :St\ T hr brillt1111 ( ,\'Olin/:: star:1 orMag111{iN'nl Obsession .. _ _.rom bring to the srreen all the passion and dromo of WR. Bum('tt's lfT\"'01 best·s('ll('r f E PEmCOATS ••t:n.u-s59s NOW SHOWING IOXER TRUNKS Pumuwot Pia Pleat• -tlllft St &o •o .. d M•ll'hln&' s398 I ~r .•. 9$ HPECIAL 1'HIRT 81a.et s -•• '4" mRL'1' Brunch Coats & Dusten LASTEX SUITS 1 AHt. Cotwn Fabriol ... N \'al-.:-.8PECIAL $398 i (N~ "° lrollillC) AU f'Olorw HA D~·~L"E' ·Y·S·~ I rm F•• ~--.... 1~7~~:~:.~~~aM-1 Mn oc: .,·s: PRrZt:": T1MI':: WY:ATHT.R! I OKES: co.-rr.r.:: PIPE 011 l'Ul ltftg'tllll 16 """ tumlah lool• C )'OU mt It lhl"f'ad. ft. M Ga.Doe a .... ,.,. Du t,. HOT WATER HEATER !:,...: =:)s49•s 8PJ'..C'IAL ...... SN.ti 11te HARBOR ciets up early every day, 1 to 10 A.M. with Hal Davis on Radio 1480 on the radio dial lrass SPRINKLER HEADS 36c 9L SO.ft. Plastic GARDEN HOSE s3"· IYeerO-'" I FIBERGLASS PANELS .. :::-47•: OPWW DAil.\. MO:'.\"DA \' THROl"OH flll':'lo"OA T' A L m. -I p. fft, S~" ft z-fii, lt,,,.1 B,, i lif ~rJS"rPl'J n·~nl• •ol"' d R· r "' ~utld• n Rnrdw~trt Phont' U~rtJ' S-7855 t22 \"i<'torla ~t. (Df"Ar ~"'Port Blvd.) C'-0tat• Mr• Cout HiKh"'&Y Now SCwi.19 Ends T..sday 1945-Tllf ATOM IClll ... _-........ -. 1952· THE HYDROIEI IOMB .•. -· . --- imPM.· mQIHtEfiU Plll-Mitn••llma1*1'UTll -... -.. 91lll9llal•llll111l ,,_~ "MM MAY TUVEl TO EARTH'S SATEWU !'' _,., ....... ,. CUI n TECHNICOLOR ----- ...... - HAYDEi ·1Raiz · THOM'PSoN -- Aitult• 116~unlore ~UdN'tl tftll KW'11 Met.'"' 'l r .m ... \'Al.I.I.\. Of' THP: HP:AO~IUI" ~tart" \\1'•1 -'' 'C \rT TO 1'1 R"A"-"IH.\('K Tt'F~"DA\"' C'OMI'•' i-oo 'Strancie Lady in Town' ('h1r1n .. .., UP" \\ a rnrr C'olnr c;RJ:Ell GAR..'40S DA~ A A!\bRP:\\" -l'lu• - Pio• ~<>eel ,...,."' n ~A A.~DRF.\H4 -Plnll IAV&IS "SMOKE SIGNAL" TED at once 20 OLDSMOllLES CHEYROLETS PLYMOUTHS BON.US ALLOWANCE UP TO $850 OYER BOOK AUOWANCE A GUARANTEED MINIMUM OF •• • ON ANY USED CAR. DRIVE IT IN, OR TOW IT IN BUT TRADE IT IN ON A NEW 1955 PONTIAC v.e AND ONLY • • • • • • •2686 20 •-iU buy a br.od ..,.., Po•U-11 r) llndf'r _,_, ~,...d In l'&nl• An• ~ e R ydramatle e C'hrome ftumP"r fiuard• e f:IHlrfo "'~* e Radin e ntf'N'11oaaJ ~lr~ai. I l1ht•r e -r-1• fllWI \'hlnre e (11rom. Trunk f_,1i.rd• e ,._._ Tra1 (front-,..,.) e OU-. GnaVl!I Uuarde e Amt R"t• (P'rnet-ll•lll'I We Mean Business I TELLS OF TRIP NATIONAL STUDENTS' ART SHOW AT HIGH SCHOOL APRIL 27, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 5 Bruce Martin FOR A.LL l'OUll INSU'lU.NCE NE'l:.DS English Guest Speaks At Zonta Luncheon Miu DoMthv Flnrtnn I)( J<tJdH· I Trut ter, 1'11 s. \\'111111111 f l. J nh11S< rn 'llll111tu , \\ont'M ~rsh1re County. 1111<1 ~11•,. ,Wne ci,•,a n•l••r. a "Zonta &nglancl, w1:1:< ,i:urH ~rw11krr 111 lhl' C:lrl of the month" t rnm :\t'wport luncheon n1,·•1 1ni: of \I.I' Z.•11\a Horbor High Srhool. A national collectlon of 31 dra.wtng-1 111\d palntlnr• by • 1111 ll Pn throui;h elementary and high t<'hOO I gt1de11 will w "" d ~l'lay on Thur .. day only t!~rlng t l hool hours m the new 11111111• 111 tis t>uildmg at t he high l.l<'hool, room 117. a Allto -T111Clc ...... . . Fere -Lafe Margie Webb JtM !!lo. C'oul Bhd. ~ lk-&d1 Club ot :-; .. wr" 1 t H111 l»1 r l11sl ll«len n ubnt!I• n. prol(f"&tn chtrn · Tllureday 11t lhP \·11111 Marina. 1 hr• 11111n. 11•po11ed pl11n1 y.·.ar complt'tl' a ltractlvt Mrn•in nf .\tr~. J . W. tor talong thr "Ga lloping-Gaw·I'' Reinert. ::l:c·wpnr t fl,.ach. l'nltr· l t1 Loni: 0Uf h April 21 wh1>re talned t hl' gro1111 "'·1\h a rl's11mr :Stwport Znntlans put on the pro- of her v nyage 11 board lhl' [)on11e· f'ram 11t Victor Hugo tor th~ Zonta d yke. Hollunct Am"rtcon Line. lf'i.V· Club of Long Bt ach. E:;h1 h1t • Bl e from Hawaii a.oi well /J.• continental United Stat•, ltl\.t h11 \•e brl"n sel .. Clt'd and C'&nluUy acrt't neJ by the A nw11t:in ./unlor Re>! Cro~• and ="allonal .Art Educa tion As· 11 .. , ... 11o1n tu tllustr ale community hf!. and \ntet'eals. Th"Y "'111 he 11l'nt O\'<•ratu as a method of communlcaUo{I between 11l'hool chllrlren of the wo1 Id. BMldl'oce ofn~ Uberty 8-5063 U~rty 8-MM 179-3,. Ne"' rt An., Costa Mf'M Lag u n a'1 n11.tlona.lly known •lt'SIJ:"1wr . ma.nu- facturf'r of h1gh·ll}'l1 HJ'IU'1t.\l'll and dreHH tm ·1tea you to ctrop In· lo hu nrv. I)' o~nrd retail 11hop. On Frnlay the coll~ctlon will be displayed In the art room at Horace Ensign School. for the Haircut YOU want. tns England :'l!rtrf h 19 11nd arn \.. Announrt>ml'nt wa.s m11Je 11t lhP tnc In .Amt'rirll Apnl 12 via the inllt&Jl11tlon rtinn,.r. Thur~day, April Panama. r11nal. H.-r vl1ltor '• prr· 28 at t he Villa Ml\rlna. Aq1111n um Jnlt w ill ,.nnble :'lti~s F lnrton lime F«>om, 11oc1at h1J11r 6 .30 to 7.30 wllh to att and t nJoy C11htom la b"torr d1nnl'r at 8 p.m. Consultants Talk to P-TA •JI• returns ln P:nglan•I by pllllle The door pr11e wu won by Mra The Harbor View P ·TA meeting WIL!I held In lhP A('hool auJltor1um on April 19. The fin~ aalute waa lr d by Cub f'ack 8, Den 3, whoae Dtn Mother 111 Mr11. J f'llllfl Hnrnu . t)le lut nf J uly Carlton )lt'an. Mra. Brtt.v P11ge nf The Brat ------------ Bhop, Co11ta M t•ll8, un•Jrr the <'llllllll• G1"rl s' Club flcatlon of ml'rrhanctl?,lnR. Infants a nd chlldr,.n's riot h•nl:', was lnltiat· •d 111\d WtlrOmf'cl llS a Ol'W me-m· ~r. Othf'r i-uuta lnclutlrd Helen Natal Fete For Mesa Y o~ngster The Ollvl'r O,lt'lle home a.t 883 Arbor Bt. Costa Mu a., wu the kelle ot a birthday celebraUon Saturday when 10 children and ala motheni honored llUle Billy Odette on his fourth birthday. The center of a ttraction was a hur;e blr!Jlday cake with a. Cl\rouael and 10 candy hor11n on IL Pruit punC'h and lee C'rt&m were "lao atrved. Ouut. were Vickie Lynn. Biiiy J\f'ld., Davia Corso and T onja Cink from Long Br a rh: Linda Colb11m from Midway Crly 1u1t1 Patrkla a.nd Bradley Bourg~o111, BfJbby Gor- don, J rllny end J immy Mello anrt Br1an Ntltnn. Cn~ta Me:111. g;;~ INTERLOCKING llNCH ~-~~Y LORENZ • U.\\ t LI K~ I ~ \\ Hh. '·'"'• Ana ()f'•rl f ' 'I ''• 'J SI ,,, ,. I I I I I ., , 11111 I ,, llr --r ,.... • ~--1••····---·············-, I ' : T•I• '' •• ,., : : ,., .~' '.,,,,. . I I I • • I I I : i I I • I I I GOING ABROAD? : You can ' • I · , r .n I : ""' Ill' '' n 1 '1>111 o• n , 1 I ·1 ., : : \l1n~ (, r. I 1 h<'~ IJ>: : 1 lat 1n I .,. I • II "" 1 sr : : hut\ rhc -. un•t n f"n• , ., "rt'"'•"t 1 : kao1cs Chtr'<u l > l•••rr Plan : 1 ~orks. : • • HILLMAN MINX : H ant') M&)n ~loton • I I • I 21 !11 H •rbnr Rh'd. : ( o"ta M,... 1 """lUH·Trlumph I l>M t!'l\l·H lllm.. : '•·····················-J ................ , fwWALLl-4 WOODWOllK •OW ODOaLlll ......... , ...... , •·.IJ~l .I• PAINTS ' r>' 1 • t1 1• r v I' u r po \£" H N Cubs partrclpollng wrri~; Rnger as ew Craft Crable, Cha.rles T'eck , Lee M1tr- , ston, Todd H t 11s. Lowry Thomp.•on, Changes Hours 1 i.11ke Ha1nea, Pa t Toole ~d Mike Greene. The ln11plratlonal reatllng (m e or the n.•w craft g ro11 rs w1111 g1vrn by fourth grade tend1er, tormeJ al t h<' 01rla' <.:lub ot t he Mr!!. J udith Pl'nny. Harbor Arfa. It WM announcl'c! at Pres1Jenl Mrs. Warren Clemence the execuUve board meeting Mc.n-raJlc.>d thu 11hort busineM mcet111g day evening at the clubhouac, l.s , to order 11nd It waa voted to poSl· the new plastercraft cla11s. ~ne pon6 t he lnst.allaUon of new otfl· Srhleg<'l. atudrnt a.t Harbor High c:ere unlit the rci;ular May aP11111on. school. l!I lnstrut'ting the group Guest speakers !or the evening'a whenever possible. Some of the program werl'; Ml!l.S Edith Hol-1 flgiircs 11re p1oducl'd from molrls singer, coMultant-elementary Niu. that ha \'e bern g1vl'n to the club. c11t1on, Mr.•. Verna Brelnholt. rnn- otheni ar11 original. 11ulltu1t·spl'ech t'duca.llon. a.nd \\'II. A decl11lon to close the Glrl11' lard H. SaucerlTl<ln, director or In· Club on Sa.tun:iaya, M d remain 11lmc:Uon. Their topic wu "How open on T\readay even.Inga from Wf' Learn T o Read." 7 to 9 lnatead, luu been deei111·d HOf!te~se11 tor tile meetln&' wer e l\dvlsable. The u11111J 7 to 9 tioura afternoon scstllon ktnderrarten on J.'rrda v evening wlll be ron· room mothel"3 Mmea. John Brough· tlnue\S. A check for IM for t he trn. Kenneth Hickman, Robert r lub from Richard'• Mnrkl"t \\'IUJ Frailey and Georp Crupe. ~rr.ivf'd by the board. Plana Wl'l"P dlacus~et'I for a tll10· pl11y at the Harper ~('ht><JI PTA New Grandson tnl'etlng on J.hy 10. ~!rs F rank j U1ucll w ..... appointed C'ha.lnnan ot 1 u rornn11 11re to &rrange tor a In Owen Home I c;1r1~· t.:l11b 1•nlry In the flsh Jo~rv · pnrittle in .l unr. lll rs. Wrlllnm ':\ew arr;\·el Al lhe Roes Owe-n ~l'Hr ten. C'harmuin, .!\I r~. arl l'lp"r hcime. 3~· Balbo& t:OH•. 11 Brad· and Mr11 JQhn Nuzum Wl"re ap-~inted a~ a nommalin~ cornmlt-ford Edwln Greiner. grand.lion ot 1 l•'t lo r"P'>rt at t he board mef'tlnr the Owens. who was born April in M&y. 14 tn Corona Na val Ho11plt1&I. He BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A M ESA CHAPF:t JH I Su~rlor Av1>nue Costa Me ... C11hf P hnne Llbe'ny l\·2121 L"llAPJ::I. BY THE SEA 3~20 E. Cout Blvd. Corona. Jrl Mar , c ·a1tt . Phone Harbor 42 Heating-Ventilating Air Conditioning Quality Installation & Service 20 Years Serving Orange County W • are 9lad to announce that Y • r n S h re w s b u r y, HeatiftC) Designer and Estimator, I formerly with Smith Bros. Co.) Is now associated with our company • "Louie" Schmetzer Co. I 55 W . 3rd St., Tustin, Calif. Kimberly 7·1 609 EXTRA Repeat Sale! A c-omplr te Sf'U-out i' hen offert'd two wrelut ~o I S ow a """" "lhlpmt>nt arrh es at the 88.rTlt' low prtet' I Ro),. and (1lrl"• TENNIS OXFORDS Thurs .• t •rt .• ~iat. OnlJ e Rt'lf, II.ff • :s.,, • Red e t•adf'd R.IUI' • Sl'M 6 to I For School and f'lay. Sponge 111· .ole, 1JUppor1e<S arch, cUAhlon h«l. In A N"a.tl,. bf't"""" ~".,. and ~ayfalr. Lll'I IHOll 177 6 So. Main Santa Ana HO USE HOLD \VARDROBE 1'k1111 Of f'l"M Parldac OBISIS! CRISIS! Perhaps we have the answer BecauH we do everything her• casa pura •aavte11 "1TR1M ROUR8 -WJmllf NU.Dim'" OOllPLl:Tll IAUNDEU!U ... OLEANm nWPC>llT UACll weighed 8 Iba. and 1 01. The baby la son of Mr. and Mra. Henry Gn>lner. flnt <'hlld for the couple a nd flrel g rand.on for the srand· pattnt•. K. A . T . Alumnae Now -Two Master Berbers HAROLD Wll.HEUrV BOB l:LLIOHMAN J.lany e x c I t I n g bar- calna a vailable In 1111- conllnul'd n mplu a.nd model 1lzn for 1pr1~ and aummet Wl'U.r. The Orange County Kappa Al- pha. Thl'tll Alttmnu Club will meet t omorTOW, Tuesday, at I p.m. at the h ome or Mn1. RuaaeU E. Craig, 112 Dahll& Ave., Co rcna del Mar. All Thela.s are cordially In· vtted a.nd are N"qursted to call the hoate1111, Harbor 1941. LIDO BARBER SHOP 432 -32ad Street (Next door to Poat Otflcf') LADIES TRJlf!!i A SPE<'IALTY ,.. - Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL .tl({b~/;; ~~1 ' Landscaping is an Investment ... lnvut Wisely Galdf'n 1-..cl-.iolnw JU'O~rly d.-..lpf'd _. plantA"d by • profo:ulon&A 1ard .. nn. Patio Plannlnl' a ISfM"<'l&.lly !'\o J ob too 1.ari• o r too "'mall South Coast Landscape Garden Service CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL PARISH HOUSE ST. JAMES CHURCH Thursday, April 28 ' . Kl 2-7027 5:30 p. m. to 7:)0 p. m. Children 75f -AduJts $1 .00 1 . Tltursday, Jlpril 28 11111111111 111p1l'111111"'1•.... 4th and now buy famous Grant values known coast to coast . . • . • Pack the family in the family car and ride In to Santa Ana. '1th and lnh is the address and "magnificent" is the best Hfinltlon of Santo ~-~t aftd most exciting store! As you step tfwou9h the stafnlns stffl doon, your eyn wm be greeted with a sea of color and light ••• over 30,800 square feet of Mllin9 area °" two huC)e floors. And ba'1)Clin buyl 1111 Find 'em by the thousand! I Visit TM CHveyor left U.11eh•a•tte Bush Streets GRAND OPENING HOURS 9:SO a.m. t•> 9:00 p.m. Th~. t •rt ~ &t.. Find '-9Clins Lias •·sr~:.'~. 1tos>~ e These by Hie Hundreds SI .lfMf:R JIA."D ... 3 ~w. '' II BAGS, oolort I 2 FahuJ • . -uJ OOUec:-Uoo ''"'· OU'I ~t'W ~· 1 __ • tt.-i . 11.,11 • °"-ua J>aeron DREoo ~ ··-·----1 •• StrNcl1y 1'. I -=-·,f;.'J · "-'r 3ec·~? .SOCJ<s, Childn-n· --··-·6 Nt Utt1,. Olra.• st·~ "-Mt414'f'ft' Jfrns• - 'G ""•· 11.19 • svrrs, 'Short-An"· 2 Pnt.. $1 .,'ant .\f&Jd• p • 72 • IOI .. d r,,r('.....i" SRI:.,.._, -··-·-94 c ~ I -' IOll ~""•I\ .. ··-····-~;. ~ ClJRTAms 11 ·" -·-. ----1 09 Foldm --~~.!:A M'N-ClfA ,..,, ··· ··-··-··--· J o. ,... 8~ P-'-•no, -...... _. .,., 1ff'n' 'D •or" ----···-" ao Rh·rr' SPO .. .. J 1 ~. f l ae RT Sii~ . ·-·····-··-.. tnr J 77 ftri. $6() \f A ,.,,V a,.._,~:_ ll Cl.£.tNQ ··--·---·· -··---_ 167 ...... ~.. -·-----. ~ ·~--.-...;-··--~-·---·-·----·· J~7:.9~ • ,. I . I ... 'IDO aAlllT WITH SALLIE Sometlmea I tblnk I'm df'feating my porpoee ••. Any ttttembluee between thlit and a typical column for a Grocery Store I• pUtt- ly lncldtntal , , • ThlA being National Baby WHk ••• April SO th"1 May 7 ••• I'd Uke to try out mr culinary talent. to eeU a hoUAe for $1500 lncludla1 a double ~race with u additional 10 x %0 room IM'~ll the be.ck ••. It .. a vrry nk-fl lltUe whJ~ ranchy type houtMt with a lllllni;INI roof ud broad pottb uroM the back and troet •.. l-ocat4'd aear the Back Ba~· ..• It hM to be moved to make room for a Dt'W stl't't't that'll gobag In ..• Call mfl llarhor 2828 for more Information. National Baby Week t1hould · be cogitated upon by all of ua •.. Because that' a the way we all started, isn't it? Now lend ~~~ an ear 1! you're ekpeeling ,II around April 30 or know of ·~ anyone who la' To the first baby born at t he Hoag ~~~ Hospital during National Ba· by Week ... Commencing Saturday mo mmg at 12 :01 A..M. April 30 throui:h the 1 next Saturday night at mid· night, May 7 ... will go the following ... Slx mont"3' 1mpply of eanned milk of thf' mothn'1t cftolce from U• ••• Rich- ard'• .•• A bJ.ch chair from tht' Brat Shop In Costa MP~ ... A complete lay- ••ltf" from Rt-lnrrt'• ln Colf- ta ~ff'g ••• The at'~8MJ"Y amount or dlapcon. from Keln~rt'• .F\t•patl'ick la N t'Wport Bc--.cb • • • A. baby nr M'Bt from Prlde'a.Joy, ('oi.I• ~INOA ••. A fnot" pho· to~na11h r r o m Cinhardt Shulloi. ... A lari:,. ho~ of *'-.orfrd baby J{atlgrtt. and to~ .. rrom Udo TO) land •.. A Form·u·layl"tt.. ( hoUS..., ni11ptr ... bru"h"", •IC'.) plm• a .. tt•rillur front \'ln<'f"nt'!l Uru~" ... All of thNW"" lt.-m" wlU tW' db1pla) "'' In 011 r front k>bb~· ••• I might add thal thr fl rRt ahop and the laxt thn'•' afure· ment1onl'<l are nll I rvm our gTOU p or Lluo Shops Whl'rt'tn there is no baby shop ... Aren't we lucky to h1wo '° many nice friend• with baby Khops cloM> by? To all ~·ou f'qM'{'tant molhf',,_ "ho "n.nt to haw your hair pi'muuu•ntffi up and \'Our na.ih flxrd bf-fort> you iak,. to th.-hooopital ..• ~ nott' th,. nt'w Ill<'•· Uon of l .lclo Salon of l\Mlu• t y, cUr'f'C'tly M:'n'9<11 from our Pa.rklnit 1.ot ... ll 11 ;, 'S .-" • port Bout.-nrd ••. Bookleli:: of mlcN.>st b<-mg given away dunnfi! National Baby We1·k • "You and your Content<'l l Rnbv" from Car. natJon ~t1lk "BAbv's Book," "Rtc'<'lpl'S for Ttld· dlent." "F1)(l(Jtv fo r Baby and Mealtime P'wr hotoi::y." ''Rf'· c1~.8 for Spt't 1.11 f lt('t s" from G<'r~r Pm liJrt-. ( ·om pnny .. This ml~ht l"M" -..~ ..:ood a time M &n\' to r lHr up Caan•d Miik ! Thi' dlff«'r· •~ bt'hl·N'n t:nporat~ and Condt>n'Wfl • , • t:,·apo- rated hu fUI Jll'fl'('nt of the wa&er t.akf'n out • . • C'on· d"'1!tf'd has the watt'r tak· en out and M•~ar addNI •.• Baby Foods ~ St.ra.nge as it may seem. wc',·e had them 1ince bsck in t 92';' w~~in Gertx-r and Clapr l'ltartro ma.Jong them a\'auable in drug stores ... Vegetables aold for 15c and anytbing ' with mclll in It. sold for :?5c I Xiii:~~ ... l"ow those of you who t'&n remember th• pnoe of tbinga in 1927 can realiu I that they were de.fin.Italy a luxury ... Now &ook a t them y ,()!2QI"' ... Everything from eoup to ~~§ teetlung biscuit.a for th• mere ~ paaing of the palm with a ? ew cent.a . . . C.ompaNd t o the other food. and their pric. ratio to ya.r 1977 . . . I'd aa1 Baby Fooda are M.om'a be9t in..t.mmt for bepin( the budget wbttl balanced . . Rk-hanl'1 now 1tay1 opH uu 1 p.m. n...n.. FrL a Sat. . . . fffll"fl UDOll« to. Udn Shal)fl at the .tnace to Udo ....... I RICHARD'S has the bl99est, bestest, and yummiest foods .in all the whole wide world. They're better than all the rest because tfley'r• the freshest and the finest anywhere. Everyone--brillCJ your wa9on1 to Richard's this w ... end-Their treats are the best. NATIONAL BABY WEEK APRIL· 30 -May 7 Open ,.II 7 :00 p. m. Tht1rsdays. Fridays & Saturdays f'-UO. -For 1at .. t lf-s!.q' EVAPORATED MILK...... ~~ 2 for 23c: ........... ~~~ 6 tor 45c CHOPPED .... FOOD. . -.-!~ 6 ... 65c ("..,~r'• Food for Wulf! STRAINED FOOD ... _ .. ~rtler'• •r llW'ttt'• -Stratn~d or Ollopped BABY MEATS ..... ·-·-··--·-····~~ 2 for 37c: • o.ricold AA 5ac: BUTTER --·----·--.Jb. 1- I.All.In. ScMdtor MAYONNAISE Laura ~r PEANUT BUrrER ...,. 55c: .• 55c: oz. l'erfed H~l&)• ~r -i...crr 77 COFFEE _. __ J.,. c: Krall'• -~rt • . • ... 27c: ~ SALAD OIL .·-···-···-··Pla• / iiifi CRACKERS ... lb. 33c: / APPLE BUTTER -·-!~27c: ~ltJ Cf'Oj'J4,., -Twlft p.,.1c 8 pecia.I m~or.a1ut£AO MIX. '~· 2 for 4tc: 2 lbe. • Fresh Baked Sweets TllU"8DA Y ----F&IDAY --------llA.TntDAY ------- F,_.. ROLLS ~"" PIE Lare• ·~-o.n.. ~ CAKE _···-··-e.c: .. 1.1- LO'AFCAKE-· BREAD . 0.-lllalW Illa i..,_ 97c: CAKE ... _. __ _. You'll find a Lido Shop • • • • OOA.n'AL SROPPER -A.PltlL 17, 1951 SURPRISE SHOWER for tile ftnt ~ Week.. lllUJ bon1 .a Roec )C...,w Bo.pttel r..-7ou llAb)' N_.. Rapplkn .t UM Newport· C-. M-81lopptq Dhltrldll. RICHARD'S LIDO MARKET VINCENT'S . LIDO DRUGS LIDO TOYLAND GERHARDT'S STUDIO REINERT'S FITZPATRICK !\"E\\'POl'tT DEPT. 8TORI': THE BRAT SHOP J. W. REINERT'S COKTA MESA DEPT. ~TOKE PRIDE AND JOY ... ~ GUt'• o. Dleplay a& U.. Above lltorM Frozen For Later uw.r.• ..,_ .... 25c Rmpbenies .. -···-·· " -.......,.. ...._ Gr~en Pem 11-2 tor 2fc: uw.,'• ~ppecl er LMI 2 'Mk Spinach ·~ ... ·-· It -fw 1.1-~ . W~11 .. _._ • .-.2 ,.. 23c: ....... -.w~~ 27c Ora1199 Juice :.1. ,_ ~ID ~ ....... 12 47c Chlaen ..... _ .. ~·~-7ae Ice Cream -M ,... 1- Fancy Goodies HAM~ &be cHEiSE'CHua ___ ~ 45c: A.ad &M s-o.c., Ma,Jw DINNER BOLOGNA CHUI . ....,45c: .....,... ......... TAPIOCA PUDDING ____ 1~2fc: l1111porW Nell OJWll • ORANGE MARMALADE .. ",:3fc PtlWKu7 o...-a..ca, 1 Ge CINNAMON ROLLS -~~ .. ·: 7- cOfrAGECHEESE __ ,._.23c Bone Building Treats "T....,.tt 11"4 T..t11 '°"r. Rtc1' 8row.. C1N\.y" IUchard'• u. 8. Cboioe 7-BONE ROAST lb. 43c "Sn-v• """' potofOflt olld frH1' ",_..,_ .. Rkhard's U. 8. Choice O·BONE ROAST lb. 5 ·3c lb. 59c .. ,..,. .. ~ -.....,... ... t'IMoJr'" iLiCED BACON lb. 59c "'C_,....,_......,. ......... a.·. llh±hwk SAUSAGE • •• l·lb. roll 39. to flt your every need ! .... ............ mb .. ... • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday and Tburlday COASTAL SHOPPE R-Wednesdays y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Mtttll every Tbunday I p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Newport BMcll 12--Boildlng 8en1cea lntroducYory SPECIAL PATIO FURNlTURE retlnlahed, finest aynlheUc enamel Va.ml.ah or 1taln. Aa low u - l!-_!_D!~' ~~~----- Paperhanging Painting Klmberly T·ll21 PAINTING PAPER HANOINC Re1ldenllal A Commercial Work Ucented Contractora Ca.II Lexlncton 6-411'4 collect. Huntington Beach AJcobolica AnonymoUI Wrtte P. O. Boa 111 Newport 8ucA. CaJ.11. Pbou Barbor 4it6 !!::lleaulJ Aw. Superfluous Hair Perma.nently removed from f act anna, lep. Eyebrow• and MJr line lbaped-No more tweu1nc. Eu.EN L. BRT ANT ft. &. Udo'1 S&loo ot Beaut7 Bar. 2678 tie 32pp4~ 22--Lott and Foancl ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A's" _...... " w .. --COMPLJ::TI: Hptrt bOUM clean· lft6. &ped aJJ.ll 111 floor waxtnc. Modem methodm, modern equtp., and moderate pricea. l'ree eatJ. mates. C&U I.J I-lilt. '3p4~ PAINTING Experienced pa.inter by the day or hour. Exterior or Interior. Small Jobe ok. LI 8-2131 u ct8 OFP'lCE WORKER, expertenced In perll<lnntl. Serretarlal It ulea work. Call Shannon, Ha.r. 3:1:1:.l-J 43p4:1 Thrn baby 1ltterw a.vallable tor evenlngw Phone Liberty 8-2722. 3:1p3eEI MAN It WOMAN will do ceneral houstwork, noor wa.xlng, win· New Camera Bargains! GRAFLEX C1ro a&mm W/C... • nuh ...... _ ... r.-1'. U .60. now 14~ DITTO 3~mm rapld eequenct t2.8 lena w,cue &11d t1ub rec. 120 now te6 KODAK duanex flaah outfit re1. '21.9~. Spl'cla.J 110.H white they last * USED SPEC IALS * POLAROID with fluh 17!'1 ARGUS Cl W l ('&le. nuh ••2.~ KODAK 36 w/CU!e .. . .... 1 ••• 30 J KOJo'LEX 3.6 Te81ar W /Cl.H -·· llO ANSCO Rtflex .Automatic APRIL 27, 1955 ..:_COASTAL SHOPPER-PA6E 7 W ashina Machine SERVICE 1-y.a.r ru•rant.-e on Jobe done and on &&Md wa.bere 2W'4 (rear) Newport Bl., Coeta Mea. Llberty 8~ or Liberty 8-4327. '4t1c FULL SIZE Norge electr1c ranp, timer It well. 180. Pbone Har. 3686-W. Uc44 EASY Sptndrier wu.her With agi· tator a ction, very dean a.nd In excellent C'ondlUon, Se!). 703 Nar- cl11au1, Corona dl'l Mar. Harbor !837-W. 42p44 &O UUD PIANOS wanted Mdl7 tor our renW depL H lpMt eu!l allowa.nce In Lrada on n-sN&no or oraa_n. DANZ·8CHMIDT Plano 6 Orpa Co., Oto No. Maln. 8ulta A.Ba SPECIAL Accordian Buys ! Four Uled 120 bu9 accordlona In nne condlUon. CAM lncludttd. Your choice, '711. Terna SlO dn. a.nd '6 per month a t SHAFER'S Muelo Co. (Since ltOT) 01·'23 N. Sycamol"t, Santa Alla Phone Kimberly 2·0t72. >.!ti.rt H. Matthew1, J:lt&lted Ruler $3 50 5 $15 ()() VENETIAN BLIND . pcs-. · LAUNDRY FOU~O-t..adJH wrlat watch In Corona dfol Mar. Owner may claim by Identification It pay- ment or lhll ad. Box C-65, this paper. t3p4~ dow cleaning. Fut white. 194 E. 20th Mua. LI 8-2883. workua. St .. Coat& pptf w/CA~ .............. · ··· 8:1 KEYSTONE t8mm A·l2 w/2 96 Sl-W.anted to Bal. len1 nn turret •.. . .... . _ U .00 PICR MO. rent. CoOd pneUoe piano. Tl'rm rt'llt a ppllt1 lt you PAINTING Painting Ir Paper Hanging •The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38th St., Ne..-port Beach PHONI: HARBOR 2t0t PAINTING INTERJOR -EXTERJOR LJCENS.ED -INSURED Glenn J ohnston tte IOl • 3lat St. Newport Buch Harbor 3178 22uc House Plans LIBERTY 8·6261 lOtle We epecia.llze In a.nUque Zolatone flnlahH. a.nd Phone for EaUmatee It Pickup Serv1ee Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Pla.centia. Coat& Meaa. LI 8·79111 Har 1378 •Op46 COMPLETE PAINTING le Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SAl:NDERS :100 31sl Street, Newport Beach Ha.rbor 2978 or Har. 4446. He Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT I..ICENSED CONTRACT(lR 878 W. 18th St.. Coela Meaa. Llberty 8·8628 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM CARP EN TE R Repair Work &>o.. '!'our Rome Need Rap&lrtnc I or Ramodellll& T ln.ata.U the a bove cheaper than moat. Aleo eell Tilt 6: Linoleum. Non-union, 26 year1 experience. Compare Md 1ee - Can rra.nk. Liberty Mt54 All Work Guarant"d Ht.to GENERAL CONTRACTING Jl'ramtnr 6 Foul'lda.Unna Free Eettma tee 6: Plan Serv1c• BILL COKER Ll 8-8204 Ttfc PAINTING ICXTl!!RJOR TNTERIOR r . It S. MELLO Ltcenlltd lM:i Jrvme Ave. Wiil come to your home, take down your venetla_n blinds, take them to our laundry. Launder Ult alata. ta pea, cord•. apa.rkltng clea_n with our new machine process method Return your blinds a_nd re-Install them In 24 houra. Price very reaaonable. The aver- age 2 tape realdentl8-l blind- Onl y $1.00 We also repair and r ebuild vene· lton bllnd11. AU work don" by ap- polntmt'nt. Phone now Llberty 8·:1701 or Klmberly 3·8274. pptlc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUM.BlNG A PrompP Repair Service Maintained Phone: Harbor 482• 2801 Balboa Blvd., Newport Bea ch pA-p General Contractor LJCENSf;D New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 44p57h Elec. Tool Repair t!'lkll Sawa, Or1lls. Bandera Qt.1CK SF.RVH·r. LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN Ir WOMEN prepare tn epare time for unlimited opportunltl• In Rea.J Ellate. New cl•~• wel'kly. AJ Tyler ln1trucUn(. At- tend tlr11t evening free and learn about tbl1 gnat tield. Call or v..-rlte now for lnformatlon. Buel· ness l nstltute, 41514 N. Syca· more. Kl a-1753. T•lfc China Painting Day and Evenlllc ClueH Ordfrll Taken Now Phone Uberly 8-68.f8 9Hfc 28-Sltuatfona Wanted • P OMONA COLLEGE JUNIOR dealre11 poaltlon cu ing for chll· dren from June l~ to Sept. 1. Experienced. Uve out but avail· able night• whtn netdt'd. Han own tran1porta Uon. A d d re 'a Rarbara Brainard, 127 Bla lll<lrll Hall, Cl.aremonl. Ca_llf. Up48 RELIABLE COUPLE to ma.nattt apa.rlmtnl• or rtnta le In exch tnr apt. In th11 art& RPff'r~nC'u. Hubor 3879 momlntta. even1nr-11 nr werl<rnd11 H P46 ' Roy's Maintenance· ... .. ~ KODAK mag. 16mm fl.II Jena 6:1 REVERE 99 8mm turrtl w n. 9 HoUH clea_ntnc-Floor waxing Wall waahlng-wlndow cle&11ln& V'neUan bllnda. Upholltery Insured. Free· EatlmatH Liberty e-t332. lUc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1659 30tfc YOU!'\G LADY, 18, dealru gen'!. office poattlon -typtn1. flllng. etc\-or P3X. Llberty 8-7610 Up-H REAL ESTATE BROKER wanted u 1ponsor for lady wlahlng tu take rPal ratate weema.n'a exa.m. Call Harbor 429C·W •tl•r 6 p.m. 42c44 ~Help Wanted -- GIRLS- JUST A JOB! MORE THAN T HAT An oppor· tunlty to •·ork tr: an lntcrut.lng tnduatry wh1t h 111 expanding a.nd offtra "dva ncrmtnt opportunity to qualified younr women. * PROTECTORS * KEYSTONE 8mm ...... ...... .. 3~ ARGUS ~mm .................. 9 M KODAK Ml'Ml 3!\mm ..... 17.60 Xew TDC Showpak S!'lmm. JOOW, blOWl'r . * REI\'TALS * 8mm mov1e tllm1, pr0Jct·tor1<. acr1"en1. 16mm projecton , tape recordl'r, Carner-., 3:'.lmm pro- jector1, 2 ~. x214 pr-0jt"C'tor. Harbor Photo Lab Harbor 1408 3121 Eut Cout Hl(hway Corona del Mar BROADLOOM RUO l7d, metal telephone cha_tr. door, a.on che.t, covered gra.n,te kettle, 1quare mirror. etc. I..I 8·4738. 43c4~ CORNER breakfut booth • table, matchlng what-not ahelvea. old Aewtng machine. drape.1. 1preada, Bluel aweeper. 13x8 green Mo-- hawk rug-~uonable. Harbor 32{11-23 Bea.con Bay, Newport. 43p0 • r\O ROOM In Ult wtndow for tht"M 1horta • pedal pu.aheni, to a1M o . a t 12 98 It '3 411. DQnald1on'1 Flv« • Ten WAl:\TT TO B UY-lor will trade! buy. fqrl Small 1hlpa dock. Bolt ('~~. Good practloe pla.noe Ht. JJO, 111. thla paper. 43p4!'1 I DANZ·SCHJ.l lDT Bl& P lano l ton, · 020 No. Main, Sa.nta Ana WANT TO BUY PRJVATI: PARTY lnteroted In buyinr-equity In bna t to 40 fe.oL Call Tracy a t POplar 8-t321. 1'orth Holl)"ll<'ood t 3c40 !2--Furnltu.re for Salft Wanted to Buy UPRIGHT PIANOS not OYer &0" 1n hl'lrht for our "nlal dept. Hltt"hul t r11de allowa.ncee •r <' ... h prlc• at - Dale 's Furniture SHAF"ER·s M11a1c Co IStnre 1907) U l-423 N. Sycamore. 8anta Ana 19:'11 9 cu. ft. llnvtl rd rlg, 5100. Phon" Klmbrrly 2-0672 19~2 Frigidaire 8 <'U. fL ldt hand CONNSONATA ""I r1 Or door 1129.60 • ""ert c ran. I allghtly u..ed. Save 1400 on Ull• Large Salem maple drop lt11f beauUful orjlao. table .. . t49.~ OANZ-SCHMlflT Bis Pla no ltore. Ma.hog'. breakfront duk lype china 620 No. Ma in, ~ant.a. Ana cabinet . t09.:'.IO 1874 Hubnr Blvd., Coata Mua H ct O 80 1..ID maple bunk bed•, C'Om· See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display plet,.: plua maple ••cretuy a1:i. WOODWORTH Pl.ANO CO. Harbor 4 192. U p46 1318 Coaft Blvd., Corona del Mu TV comblnllllon 21 .. dbl box I IThadrn lntertor Bide .I tprlng It matt rue,' t yr. nld Har. 3382 N tie Mlec artlrl,.., very r .... ~nable. ,HAMMOl\'O CHORD t>r.a_n dtmon- Phone Har 1783-M. H c48 ll-lor ~·tth 8 · ~ . -ntw sua rantu. 11 TWI!' BDRM. SET. ruga, dtak, .. v1n11:. chr1t. bookcue, rnrnH cebln,.t. DA!\"Z·SC'HMIDT Bir Plano ltore. clrue,.r. C'ha1r1, lamps. t lC'. ~2 020 ?"o Main. Sen1a Ana Staward Rd . Hu 348.., 441"4!1 April Spinet S~iala! BEDROOM FUR~. 2 Mr A Mrro C.11Hla, 2 commodu 11 hf'll I· 1 BEA UTI FT t.. 41 ' K tmba 11 arlntt bo&l'd. S:.l!I Biii &k,.r-. 1'126 riann. Ilk• n,..,. .... .,,. 1202 C. Sherm Allen liberty 8-7576 Call evea. Llbuty 8-4394. 43\fc 4M No. Nf'wport Blvd, Npt. Bch CAHOF::-:F:R wa_nu ptrmanent jl)b. F:11perlenrtd. Phone KElloi;a: OPEN1='1CS r.ow AS: 8·4708. UpH TELEPHONE OPERATORS 300 Ma.ln 8t.. Balboa P"\Jllert<>n AvtJ , :'\C'Wport H .. 1ght11 , P'A"10l'5 MAKY. ~.1 .. m mapl" --1 •rand P••no only 4 mo'a, old, 3ttfc TIME TO PAINT M. W. Ross P aintln1t 6 DeeoraUnir UbeTty 1·3321 cw Ha.rbor 3089-M 290 AYOCa.do, Coeta M ... Uoe8ed 6 Nil luur.d Upel CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK 1'10 J OB TOO 8JoU.LL H. o. Aad- Paint.mg & Paperhanging We do the work ounielvee. 3~e&.rl ·~r11'Dt'e Ll~aed 6 lnaured. 8a tJ1Jfactlon ruaranteed, l:1Umate1 tree. Call J ohnnie, LI 8-2687 It LI 8-5289 81tfc FOR RE NT SldJ! 1a-. JIUee. Drill•, Pollabere, a.JJ t7pe. ot 8 andere, Wh"lbar· ........ . .... BOYD'S HOWE. 1411' IS. Balboa Jlhod.. lla.Jboa JQO W. COAST HJQH WAT Harbor MIO Ullo L.D.rty a.MU, N..,,011. Bea 21t.tc / Liberty 9·9383. 44 tfc CEMENT & BUILDING A ll J<1n1Ja FREE E STIMATES Llberty 8·6109 HANO lronmit In my hom,. at 3~8 \\'. \\111'-on, Co111.& Mua. I Brtng han.:era. 1 43pU PAINTER 291f WANTS WOJtK. 1~ year1 exput· -------------eMe. Jl."on unlol\. Hourly. EVERYBODY LOVES a good Book Review. Don't ml .. Edna Stum• Dayton. Lido Theater, April 28-10:30&.m. f2c44 l..lb<'rty 8-2722. 47p49h YOUNG LADY. 24, dtelrH CuU time, ye,.r-mund ortlce work. Very &l'CUr&l• With flpnt•, b<lokkf'eplng It l'•n. omce work 8 ye.ra bookkeepln1t 6: c&lbler'a experience. Repl7 Boa A_.,, Ull• pa~r. 43p411 -APr l.Y- :llt •, !". ~ta in St Rrn. 21 I -Santa Ana t.tnn. throurh F ri. 9 00 to 4 .00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 22tfc 43c48 A BARGAIN AT S~. ~ 9 tt. jtl&.U •hqw cHe • 211 Marlne Av~. Balboa lalll-nd. Phone Har. 261 43('44 WANTED-:)()(} PlllOPt..E to come blanks a t RA y FIELDS, tn br!'ll-ktul Saturday, April 30th trom 7 oo to ll :00 a..m. Lido Watch Repa.ir Ooodt"tl Hall. <:hrtat Church By Vlnc..nl Drue•. 3481 Via Udo th• IS•a. lUO w ... t Ba.Ibo& Blvd. 4Zct4H l'lerved by lM Men.' C1ub. Tlc· BICY<.:LES, table 7Anilh radio, keu 76c. 40p4~ 1 tln<lnwood lyp<!'Wrtln. Remtnc WANT auto a-.lrama.n t.o ~ll new I tun elec. ahaver. Ford body, dbl. r ,,rd• and UMd c•"· bper1enc-aolld ro<'k maple ~. eu ir.a.t fld man prer,rnd j O<'r M Fronl. cornn or ralm. THEODORE ROBl:-JS, ,.~nrd Dir , Balboa l'h. Hat 32311 :l&<-40 3100 W. r nairt Hwy., NpL Buch , LJbffty 8·3471 •le.SH CANVAS lraJIM l'Abart&. (I IC 20. Machinists wallA. w1nt1ow1. dQ(lr atul eup.. f"lr!JI, a&:i 4 Ramaon meta.J ch"'"'· U ""' h. An ru'1, 22 An· """'· Lldl) f'ar\I, s .. wpnn Buch 43p4~ llAIE THIS YOUR Moat have instrument or clo1e hydraulic expenence. Want men who want to make top wagea and are not laey. 11TRNIT\'RE REFJNISHERS . -- lal'quet ••ndonr eealer nat, eem l Cl'-A hl·Sll'lAll l•u·qut r Hla:h· ,.~t quwllty lowut rrtrff Hu· bor l'11tnt C" .. nt~r 41 2 32nd St, N"wr•"rt But'h. H111 2431< I OF THE All ruNOS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTM ~RN FROM 11-IE FIRST For Your C onvenience W e a re open eve ry Fri. 9:30 •· m. to 8 p. m. 1729 Superior St .. Coeta Mesa l U< t~H Aak for Bob. 4.2c44 EVERYBODY LOVE." a good OllU. fQr put tlm~ for amall of· '1 flee. O@n'I office ""P· requi red. Apply b#tWf'Pn 12 30 A 2 p rn I !104-Zllth . N•WJWlrl 42y>H Book Re\'1ew. Don't miss Edna Stellmtt Dnyton. Lido Theater, April 28· 10.30&.m. 42cH W A.N1'ED· C"omprta.nt. u~nenc· N1 bnat.rno&.n tor ll)('aJ rlub for wmmer f>'r1nd Wnte &x E-8i thl• peJW"r 4ttrc WVE IN J'lf'ua.nt bayfront l'anm,. a_mjtj nlC'41! Airroundln(• n .... 9')nable u.la rv ror ktrp1n11 h"IJ'" • C'artnr for my •"m1.1nval1tl mnthtr, 4 c111ya a ,,..,. .. k :>o ( hol· dren.. Prlvat" room • ba'h Priva te entranre. Hu. t!'i&2·J t\'tn1n~a U c46 Rf.;GISTRRl':D !\"t.:RSE far di)('· tnr'• l)!ft,.,., v.·1 •h l'horth•nd •n 1 typ1nr w,.tt .. q•1•llt1r11t1nns, ac" expntr nce IQ r1t111 r ·n . thta papPr. H c46 WA~T FRY COOK 1remalcl fl)r cnnr,.~lon work a t Lonit SlMd Cortona dtl Mn, t.111ln ~'" h 906 Shore Ave H t46 COUPl.lt TO HELr care fnr burh rl'nt,.111 unttl on I M11n mH h""" 1>ut1ud" rmplnymt nl. Ftt~ rrnt •n•I ""1ary <"all Hiit 30i H r •& LA OY WITH CAR lor Avon Pro· --~~--~-~~~~~ YOl':'\GSTOW :-." .'> ti kltChl'n. •cl 111nk "'It/I 'J11ay 4 •loore an1t 2 <lr1'wrr1 Xlnl <'t>nJltlon • n~w S I~·• ~ 1 only 17~ 2828 o. '"" Rh·•1, f"orun& •lrl M•r trr1m ,.r • t f'•mt .. ar 1 Ha1 41 OT 4tr48 >.:-.'Tl t •cs -Old rumtturf' rut ~laA<t ~mpr., old p1cturr.. d..,..it. '''° Bariain• l'alore 0 11 di• ruunl~ to d•a.Jera Cllarhe Oavl•, 180:. E Anahelm St., t..on1 a ... , 11. s~o-139 211lff DE WALT SAW I h p . 1111cte rh•~. ~ blad"•· 2 w lJl ot Dado h,.11'1•, 2 cuar<IA, U .'>Q -283 ~I Ma r. Co.st.a M,-. Liberty t-~123 11 tter 3 30 pm O cU Fresh Hearing Aid BATTER.JES We C!ve SA.ff Oreen Slemp• Gunderson Drug Co. Milin SL at Bal~ Blvd., Belboa Hubor 6H1. Ht.tc I ()11() F:MBOSS ED bUlln•H cud•, $3 99-3 Une rubber 1tamp t l.00 4 11..nt rubbf-r at.amp wllh cut d11rtio In :-;,..,..po, t llr"ll EK< •I· S2 00 (tM cuul. Book ma tch,.• lr nt prom' C11ll for a.pp t Kl 1.. W . WHITE 3-113111 44ri6 U 8·4011 •?M. LI 1·01~. pptlc AITENTIO~ ALL BOYS -I ~ Nt'WW·Prue earner rout e are now ----- OJl"n In eome nf lithborhooda -A t t• B&Jbna., Wut Nr ... ·porl. Balboa u oma ICS llla.nd. ="""''P<>rt Hetc hu and f?9 50 t SM 50 1/y':~a.~:'72.15 yn old. h ... , a IJ • 0 77. b1cyclf, a pply 10·12 a..m. or 4·6 p m, only at Clrrola Uon O.pt., Newport Harbor :'>Jtw1-Prea, I 7211 Balboa Bh·'1, NfWJ>Ort Bea_ch. Hubor 161\ 19Uc 90-Mlecell•o~ for ... Wl:UlH b&by buco. con.-erw to bu.lnette. car i.d 6 atr'OIJ•r. OnJ7 a moa. old. t 111. 301 • Uth S L, Newport 84!ach. Op44 7 BJXJt8 ln A·l c:ondtllon. 2 (1rl1 blku 6 I boY1 btk~~ a t 129 6-0 I'll-ch 2 boya llr hl.,..,.,a:ht blkt• '32 \n '"•rh A II Ilk.. new 1~;"1 Ora.n1• Avt , <.:wla N,.aa. '3c0 Dellvtr-d lnelalled. rua.rut~ed No e11tre c~c• We Service All AppUancee Speci&ll%fng tn A utomaUC8 Auto. Wuber Ent.erprl8et 2641 NfWl>Ort BITI!. Cotta Mt SJ' W befV 8-Ttoe (N•r Golt Courar pp41 11 C'UJUC J"OO'l' ch•·type frtt· aer. cood condition... lt13 .Hick· ory I t.. lant.a Ana. Ca.11 Klm· bert7 2·"82. 4()p46 GArrER.S It SATTLER r a1 nin1t• • P'rtlfltl•lr• &th tnr 180 • l>f!S1 orr .. r Phon11 1.1 9-71109. af te.rnoone '1 .,..., •nt11. 42<:U WA L.Nt..'T ven!'l'r dinette M't • 4 u "" S 12\ rha1r1, Mllld m•ht>g Dunr a.n 1.C1\'•;1.y 311" t"h•Jll"'ntlal• walnut Phyfe dlntnit ta hie 11 '""-"Pll, up. I KlmbAll ap1ntt, ltk• n,.v., N V• hnU.tt ,....d rhulr an aatin a_otuiut U PI. r1ttVf'd mahfljo; fri•m" l.nv,. """! I IJNl.Y full k"'hn" 11 1 Wtlh Pr1lvlncl•I r11tttm In ~r .... n I an1nr1 I tr "'"1"r Wbt 8 88 ,. in '"" 'ow 1t1nn ••~ ___ r_•_Y_-~ H t 46 ('on•·rnl,.nt t'lm~ at NEARLY new ltarly A mu-1r 1111 l'IHArll:R'li Mu•IC'l"o ll'linr• 19Clit ..ofa 4 rhatr, antique pine Ml· 421-423 ~ 8yram1>,..., Santa. Ana ll"A. ladct.r b•rk rhelr• • ){ .. n. Phona KlmbPrly 2·0612 more auto. wu her. t..J lHl~if>. 4'c41 BABY. c:rlh, matlroa and baby burp. a.II for S II). Obl bnx •rr1n1 It matt"•· 110. Phnne Har. 3N I. 42,.44 A BARCA!:-: >"OR SOM£ 0!\"E ' 6 rm 1 of •:•rly Amrrtca_n tuml· lUr,. ln•·l11J1na: •tnvr A retrt11r 11000 Call H l&ll or 41:16 42cH PAil! or f"Tml'h Pmvln<'lal Ion •"""' h1a:h y,1nr back ru•t<lrn mat1" Harbor ~3• u .. H A l.MOST n .. w m •lll"f .. fnr doubl• btJ. H Phone W~rty 8 -7987 H c44 M-W Phllrn R C A TV Service Otnf'ra l ~eclrtc ll)•lvan1a Kaye Helti.t I Admiral ONE DAY SERVICE r hon• C-ollfcl H J lAVerne (Curly! 322 M1111, H unUnctoa a.u11 H p4' SPECIAL 1w1t ;-.;~:w H<1Mf; ,. ,.,r .. t"'1 ~ A .1 Q v. .. ha\ .. ,.,., .. ,., '"'Ir'" ••1« JOit" pr1 rgan Buys • 11 r "'' 1111: • • u I .,.,.,., .1 arn11 II· ,.. " nro,.n\111 1h1 oow " 1unn"'' U:"E Ol"LY' full 2 manual cnnn• r .. r '"''" Al,."<11 I'"" 1"1r RRc.,l i nue ~ltttl"(lnlc or,.a.n. ltke Mt•• c h••r • r.rn1tm~n1• ,. I'''· n""'' Sav• h OO 1111.. I o~~; 0:"1.Y b<oa ut1ru1 Mln•h•ll ~., ... AT :l:ltll V" l,1 In, ·1, lrph••ll" ap111•t ora:an. like new l'la ve SllJO llAll1•11 UH J Ht4i OJ\"Y. ONl,Y •ln~lt manual Min· •hall "'¥1111. Uk• nfw, 8av• U OO, l 'onv""'""t t•rm• at R >-.f"Rll;~~RA TOlt < uld.apot. <'l .. a n. ltr ,.,. kt.1 •t "'' t> plccu . l 'h11ne l.lhrrtv 8 1311i 42r H RC1t·~o O ·tn drop leaf natul"lll .un .. tte &rt, 4 cha lr1, good con· dllton SJ!), Har 29H ·R. U r 4:i TRADE 0-.u 1t'UI •~rt. au11 hoonl'r RH A 1-"T.l l 8 t.l uaoc L"o t ~lnr, l 90i I 421-423 t-:. !'l)'l'amnr•. 8a.nt4 Ana J'hnna Klmt>erly 2:oe12 HAMMO:>n ORn A:-:S omp1"t'" II"" n•y l"rm~ Ynur nlil piano taktn tn ~•rh•n11-,. Tr) lw-f nr,. y .. u buy Yr~e rnoma ""'' fl)r p r •<tic" DA="Z·Sl'HMICl'T 8 11 P l•nn 8tnr•. !i20 :-lo. Mao n. Santa A"• t'lllly found, 10 anywhn~ WIU RF'~'I an ori•n {If" plllnt> with lll-111' f'f)UllT In rroperty or •mal-1 r'"n'-•I l'> ai•r l> ••n future pur· ltr boet. 1220 W Belboa Bl•d <U-•I Nt•·porL Har 3032 J!lllr ~HA PF.tt fl M 11a1r ("o 11'1nr • U Qi I CHRY~Ll':R Ma rin• rni;•nt . 41 tn U l·42:t " ~\"'"'"'" Santa An• 1 r"ducllon g•11t ' l'h"n" Klml,.-rl> 2·•"1i 1 R E FRIGERATnK llO v .. 11 T• I' j ----.--------- SEE JA("'I{ 11ARl' .. R al J.11lu B~l.l •Y.1:-> Arrnrt<•nlr 8ptnr t l'l•n•• J11" ltkr n,.,.._ You r Al'I .. ,,., nn R.hlryartl, "nil nf 31 •I ::;, rn I. 1 l-1. JI• 1ut1f11I A rt M del f\ I • i-;,.wport A"arh 29' tr o I' n I ut1h 1111'1. An' lh"r l'IJ'llnl't Mah, BOAT tniilr r. S&'\ C"hr1• Craf\ 11· ft. Ocni:h)", ltl'>Ngl~M hr1t lt1lh, "'Ith "~'"· H~ l'hnn• Llb.,rl y 8-2:,:12 3Gtrc Sl"IPt:, :-;,. H33~1,:;-;;;otl ron1lt· llr>n S400. r hon• L.Jb,.rty 8·t •.1e 3tlJ>44 ll·F'T. BOAT and 2 hp. motor, wted I hn . Llberty 8-61:19. 42p47 14.rr Gl..AS8 boat • 10 hp Mer· rury outboer•I nrat cl.a• condl· Uon.. Ha.r. 2t0... 41 ttt ZE NITH MEIUDJAN PORT "Bl.L m ort wa..,.. r.«lnr. 3 blulda. Uh new tdea.l f~ EN8ENADA RACE., t 70. Hart>or '04. U c4t ~...ac.&. a.d.lo, a T v iT EINWAT GRA:-00 Jn wonMr· f\11 condition See and hear thll Immortal lnatrumenl All or1ctn· a_I Mnd1t Ion and mat.tt1al. Thl1 11 no rebuilt piano. Ai.a Kna be, MU<in 6 Ha.rnlln. LNter a.nd many Olh .. r• at ve•l aa.nn .. 11. R.,allyl 100 pl&llot fmm whl~h to ChOot<'. DA l"Z.SCHM.IDT 81( Plano ltort . .20 l"o. Ma.in, Sant& Ana JTtiDIO PIANO. A hard to ret pta.no. J>erlect condlUon, tn~. l~nn•. IA:-.'Z·llCHMJOT Bl& Plano 6 1r1raa Co.. 620 N o. M&ta. l&nl.a Ana r ur 1..nvf'I\' trin .. only 1•117 A I· "'">• 1 .. 1. "r "nnf!,.rf11I b•rr•ln• 11t llA ~Z-Snt Mll.JT H 11 Planl) IH'>r•. :1211 :"11 M111n, H•nta An• 100 Pia.no• lo chO<Mf trom l'A~1 terma Op•n evr r y t'tlrlay •v~. TV SERVICE WE RENT port.able record playtrw 6 ampWier1, a_teo P. A. 11et.eme. BTE'Vl'.:'NI I.Ad 80 N8 117t Ha.rbor Blvd.. Ooet& Me.aa Liberty 1-:uo1. Uttcn ~~Pe!' __ IJAM:EaE Kl'M'1DNI. c.r .A. ... S16, to Sood ~•e. Har J4n-R 42cH PUJU: BRZD lrtati -let ap&nl~lll for aalt. nn-. run das•. ~­ ~rlul peta f M U\.lldre:n. Phone I.Jberty ..... u . Uc41 FftD to Sood home Ma le Peldn· -. •try frtandly Ha.r. Uto. "4c411 l&-3pedal A~!.~'!!!!!_ W A..NTED-600 Pl:Of'LE to come to bnakfut Saturday, AprtJ aoui from 7:00 to 11 00 a.m. Ooodell Ha.JI, <"11r11t CllW'Cll BJ the A-. JO O WMt 9alboa BlYd. 8er'"4 . .,, Ullil x.u' ~ Tie· .... ,.. -"' 1 ' +' r I I ~, !ti • t I il'J I , PAGE 1-COASTAL SHOPPER -APRIL 27, 1955 .. v v Check these Used Cars Bu y from a loca.J dtlJer who will be here TOMORROW to bar k up what ne aella T ODAY! G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 40-Autoe and Truclca ''7 P'ORD ~ T . PICKUP '41 CHEV. I~ T. PA'.\""f:L 'O ISTUDE. '" T. PICK1JP NOTICE! Are you Thinking About Buying Another Car 1 ·u WHITE 2 T . COE, 2 Speed axlt, 8:2!) tlru . 'M FORD P'·ll, 2 T . 12' Body. 2 S peed, 8 .2!) Un.-1. Bee Ole l&rcHt volume truck dealtr ln O range County tor the bub buy1 In uud truclu. Wt carry our own contracta. '52 Cadillac Jl'leetwood. One-owner, fully equipped $2699 J OHNSON & SON '53 Stude. V-8 Hardtop· Real clean Automatic, R & H ~1699 J OHNSON & SON -----'50 Pontiac 2-dr .. H ydramatic RJ11dio & Ht'ater $699 JOHNSON & SON '49 Olds. <t-dr. Rocket 8 S:wc (l n t hlA one· at $609 JOHNSON & SON 'r>4' Jaguar C'oupt--Locally ownr·d ~hows ~ood t'are $2599 JOHN~ON ~ SON IF YOU ARE, would you like to be able to drive that car, check it anyway you see fit (price, condition, etc.) and it It doesn't meuure up to W.W. WOODS CMC DEALER t111·1' E . 4lh St. · Sa.nt& Ana Open Sunday a m. your expectations • Bring Truck headquarter• for Oranre Co it back & get au your mon-1953 Plymouth ey refunded? Yes, l'm sure you would and JOHNSON ?, CL UB COUPr.. Ra\llo, o'drlvf', & SON. Lincoln· fercury r ond t1r1>11. E:xcl'llf'nt condition. Dealer, offers you that pro- lectlon with their 3-day MONEY BACK GUARAN- TEE. Clyde says: "We've he-en sell- ing our used car8 on that S995 '4 7 FORD 8 station wngon, with rndlu & hrntl'r $215. CO TI ON GOFF basis fnr ovrr 30 y.-a~. W~ Volks wng'<'ll IX-n.l<'r 21 lft NrWflM I fllv•I . N•,.1•1•u1 l \frh want our cuslomt>rs t o be 11.,roor ~. 4 1• 111 . si'\Ufi'fil'tl "'1lth tht'lr pur· .,7 <'Alllf.LA, •• --;,,,,,. re ~ " MAkt1 urrn l'h1111r llNt 11~;111 ,1 '53 Ford C'omr on clown and look ovrr 10112 ll'C\Hll ••Ir '""'"'"""" ... ,, ? d C t R & H 11 A 11. "'' t1111lr• 11v I''"'"'" •• r . us om, ' 011r 1•lean 11nl,.,··t1'0 11 of u~·~J 48-Apb:. ~-!f_o~ _____ 48-Apf,, ~_H_n_u_.-____ _ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.·Cabanas. l'liliti<>s paict With Yacht allp acC"omodations. Daily, weekly, monthly, yeatly. For appt. nr rf'llf'rvl\tion, Call Har. 2992. 3-llfc 47-Wanted to Rent ~~~~~ ~ Rentals Wanted W• need apt. and hOU&H In IUI aaetlona tor bolh winter and year'a 1 ... e. ll'urn. or unt urn. If you ha11a a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 W, C.:.tt. Hwy., NeW1>0rt 8".h. Yhone Ubnty 8-3481 208 Martnr. llalbOll laland Phone llutmr 444 2667 F:. I 'o111~1 llv. C'fmtna d~I \hr 1'1'111"' llurh111 t 111 Lido llfftr,., :14111 Via U 1ln J111rlJ1•r 411~1 :121 r, Hl'1'1Nl!:SS \\'ltM l\N will "~' h a. .. <•kk«""l'ln~. I \'J•lnic "r "'h"'' • 11~11111 ""n'I• r 1" •l'PlV 1111 I "Ill ft'lr 11m l\ll Rpl ur ••"•·•! II"""" Kim~rly 2 nl\:t~. 411°411 ATTltNTl<•N 11WN ~:!t .. w .. h11ve a v.rrnl 1111111\' "1'1111"" 1 Ion• r11r "''''' .,,,.,. 1 ,..,,, n '"' f'f,l':Al'lr. ('1\1.1 . 11111• 1otrlr~ 111111 11•1 ~·u111·~ 1111yllli1" NtlY rl"'" • 1111y rrt•· ... Cl tf LA '1'11 rtr >J', ;111:1~ Jr. """"' tlwv , t'on•nn ''"' M•" ""''lo"' r•H 1 11··\' .. ~ ""' a:o11 11 "'' 111 \\'AN'l'li:I• hv I•" nl fo1o11ty, twu ltr1lr1•"ll". ~"•1111•1 fl1o11r, foll Jl,il· l•"I\ l•ln11°t J ttlv .Ill In A111: I I Ah.,ul $~:, l'"l \lo k llNf. 111117 It. Mt ,., .. ,I' 4 1plll ~8-Apts. &l Houses --------.. ·----- BEACON BAY 3 bdrms., 2 ba. view home. Summer only. BALBOA r l':Nl:'\SULA 2 bdrm!!., l 1, ba. 1'"'\lrn. apt YR. LEASE. . . . THESF. PROl'ERTIEg are just a a11111rle o! the wide rllnlt'f' i>t prlr•'. 101 at1on A arcon'lud1111.,m1 we have lfr;ted. The Beaumont Co. 4:l 1 .::~nJ ~I , ~cwpnrt De1<rh H 111 bur 4411111. :S:Jd !) N t•:W ftP:t.t XY. 2 Mrm. duplrx, 1 'nf11111. hrlwrl. fir~. flN"pl.. garb 1ll•p Hun cll'rk~ l..11untlry room~ f :"'"I'•"· -'!'\I 1tnl<'nnas. Adult s "" I" lio 711111\ iOOB AC"Al'l11, Co· l""'' d-1 M11r Ownrr 702 Acar111, 1t:pp,.r 111>1 I l'hont!llar.17:Jll·J 331 ft' Balboa 1$1and ( ·11 .. 1.· .. > .,., ly a 11,1 aurnml'r rentala. ""w "v•llable. l •fllt l/I llllAY . ltl'Altor 21!t M-''"" A v• .• Ua lboa Jl!IU\11 ll11rlt•ir :lll 8:>ttc '.l l1l 11t M '""' 1luplex, SI UO n 10 111• l\hl•UI u l.1111 '""· H1111Lh uf Hlw11y, 1 • .. 1 .. m• •Id M•r. Mr•. Kay, Hai b !I /ill J 6lfc - lR~~~ !~! !~~t ~1-RillllnMe _Q_~rtaltlee LO\'f:L. Y turn. •·rm . : bdnn. a pt. I ·~ blk. to Coat.a Mn,1 bu11ln .. BUSINESS district, reuon1bll'. Adult ... ro _ p('t.t. W~rty 8-!)748._ U <'H OPPORTUNITIES J l:ST arrh·.d ln the Harbor art a ~ l dt"al for worktns man or wO· m11n -Single a pt wtth kllchrn· I'll~. TV, pr1\'\1te b11th, m111t 11rr. Yll't , Utll Jlfl. \\'ef'kly tllt'A. 2:1oe W . Oteiu1 Front. J'\twJ)Ort Brh. 3!)lfc 488-HoUM'I for ~a& SUMMER RENTAL C AFK newly d•corat9<1-$12:\ mo. rr nt -well equip~! -au t1 28. Showa ~rC\u $Z6 000. CouJ.J bf' tnrreu!'d. :'\ow 11 a gOO<l tline lo buy thl1 tor only 14.600. BEER JOINT reporta a s roaa of U 0.000 -rental $1711 mo Own· f'r must lf'ave • eostabll~ht'd 3 yrs. • • &ood r llt nttll' -Orirni:r County'• larireat draft bt't'r H lta -uktng price 11 2,(100. The Vogel Co. !1201 W. C'ou t H wy .. Npt. Bch LI 8-3481. Ena. LI 8-S!'ISO ExC'l11~1ve Bayfront homt, Bc1ron B11y, 11vn1lBble t or July .It Au· J:U.,t. J1Pa11tlfully furnished. Gar· bage cli1<r;o.ul, dlsnwa11her. deep frl'eU, 2-car fl'a1uge Adul•.e, no pet11. Ha.r. 24 71, courteay to ai;rnt& 43Uc :-;Ew. u:-wuR"'. 3 sR. n ouH. sso. Emplast;on Therapy Ll-•11 nn lf'a1<e. Large yard, n~ar 11rhnt1I, t r1U11p. It atorr11. 1172 Vtrtorta St., Costa MeA. FR. 48076 43t:'f ~ FOR LEAl>i: . TWO BEA UTIF'UL new Irvine Terrace unrum. vl~w homea. 3 BDRMS., 2 batha and :! BEDfiMS., 2 baths. Call llBrbor 177!) or Harbor 4H8 EARi. \\'. STANLE Y. K••alt nr lrvlne Tl'rra re O ffice Corona drl M11r. S3tfc YEARLY unfum. 2 bdrm. houH. Dbl. garai:e. S7r> mn. 1089 Orange Ave., Costa Me11&. LI 8-3:140. 41 trc :'\ EWl'ORT ' HT!l.-Smllll hou11t untum. Suitable tor one or <'Plf'. $:'>0. mo. on ll'a84' tlr11t Ir la11t m..,, In advance. LI B-3110. 42r44 Corona del Mar NE\\'LY dtcorated 2 bc-drm. home. 11nfurnl"hed. Gara&e, 3 \lo<Jr11 from orrRn. YHrly rent.al. C..11 Har. Meo or lnqulr• 217 Lark· "PU~ 42ct4 WAl\'T-10 ladlea or r~nll who 11urrer from a rthritis, rhf'uma l • l11m. ac.-1atlra, and a lllf'd rnnttl· lions, who want pl'nnantnt r f'· lief. Tried and proYen. Afl«"r treatment• It you are aatl11fle\l, lo tnveat $2000 for a ahort per1m1 and rKtlve a vHy good profit In ('Uh plus doing .:nort 1or olht ra. Drop a cud lor appol11t· menl. )'; H..:HOL.A8 P . \\' AGl\"ER 301 $, Sprln( St., !:lalnort, Calif 42cH "Do-Nut Shop" CH ECK 6 DOUBLE-CHECK Md you won't rind one to rompllnl with thll. GroH $24,000--19M • net S9.ll19.68. Full prtre $7,600. cuh. CloMd ll&t. &ttemoon A Sunday•. ALSO C AP"E ON OCEAN FRONT, alt11 et peoplt. Beer lkmM, 4 ytlLr lu.ae, 13.000 down. • "ART" ADAIR e Distributorship Franc ht.. NAT'L. COMPAN Y. now a rrf'rt- ln• appllcat1on1 tor dl1trtbutnr· ah1pe an Ull" a rr11 Our brand nnt Ir dlf!erent, procram 11 110 arnH tlnn•I. that 9 c>UI c>f tYf'r)' 10 who Uf' our producl11 and revl\lUo ll<•nfl n· "'"'hod or mrrchamll,. Ing w~.111 a tranrhlH . THlS 11::\.,.F.RJ'RISJiJ will 1baolut .. ly at.anJ your r1a 1rt tn\',.SllJatlon. a l~o ,\<l Ur b11nk•'l '1J l'l'Pro val. ll orfrt 1' 1rr11r11y, pr1 n111ncnr e & IMOlllf' ahnVf' $20 000 fl r1t year, to pa r tlu ~lrrt.:d. Appl1('1nl• ner1I n11t be l'Xpl'rll'nr f'J •• W I! prefer tu trllU\ under our prov•n method•. TO QU AUFY You m uat nave 100•1 crf'dlt an4 r harart.r r#ftrenrt•. be eblf' le follow our plan• to the T. D«"· vot41 full u me lo t hta b11111nu1, an1I •t1pply $2 ll!l:'l cuh to aecure Initial invrntot"y. tTHIS JS NOT VF:~ftl1'0) SI!':CF:RE PErtSO'.\"S dfo1drtng ll p1otllllblr lite h•ni: bu1ln1 ~-. who mr-el the a bo\'e q11ah t11·•· lions are lnv1trd to r tply. Sf'nJ brltC rnume' A r hone numbv '" WEST COAST REGIONAi~ DmEC'TOft Write Box B·6t lhla newapapu la p<!r .. onal inlen•ltw Wiii be a1 • rani:;r.I Thi• m11y Wf'll be th" last ed you r ver ne~ anew1•1-. 43r48 SPORTING GOODS atore a.nit liOllL Ir Motor .Arcmcy locatf'd 1n dNt'rt. near rlvera Ir laltu. Uoo1I opporlumty tor outboard m olor- m11n. \\'111 lf'll tor ln\'ento1 y rrlre due to olhC'r bu1lnl'&1 lntrr- ~llla.. Write Boa R-!)t, lhia paprr. ltpH .-"-'-.,. r11rty I I ""'""' I , 1.1 II 4!111 F\1r1.homut tt'. Se('· It'!! a honry I l :10.-.• JOHN~N & SON I C'ars a ------- \\'A NT 1111 r11l'l l\'r 1111l11n1 :1 1 .. 1r111 f1,-..,.,,.. filr _,riv rrnt11I I •fttaJ,;ht•·r I '\ \\'Mir Ho x U -1111, t hl" It"\'• 1 ._,., l! lll •HM T1 111l1 1t, gu..it,a.:e .11,.,. I-1111 11\l'r 10loH' Dt-twttn llli;h II• IH.1o1I & J ;. High. "·atf'r pd. Owner, Wberty 8-2776., LIDO ISLE 2 Y!:ARLY RENTALS U:-O F IJl\N. J8H Newport Blvd. Cost.a Me ..... Cahr. ~t.a com. rrom coanaoi pracuce! An ad recuiart1 la uue paper wt1J produce r..ut\e tor you. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN· MERCURY 900 W. CoMt H ighway. Newport Rcoa<'h LI 8-5545 A-1 USED CARS AT THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER 52 CHEV deluXe 2 dr. 9Cda.n, WSW ·······-··· ... $1095 flO NASH Ambauador , t dr. eed&n, Hydra ·~ S 645 52 FORn Conaul. • dr. tiedUL Exe. tire• ........ $ 59S !>2 FORD Conv. RadJo. Heater, Fordomatic .... $1425 51 CHF:V Peluxe. a dr. aed1m. Powergllde ... $ 945 "AS IS" SPECIALS! M OLDS 88 4-dr. R. Hydra, nda CVT11,. pa.int.. .. $500 51 PLYM. ·I dr. eed. Needs <lr. glus & handle ... $880 M FORD bua, <'t>e .. nol.By tpt.11. eomc uphol _ $360 53 FORD 6 4 <lr. &ed. Ne !ds met. & pl. wk .. $940 3>-. FORD <'JlC". Nred~ rm~s & better u reft . ·-·· S 30 4i FORD 4..Jr. N~s 2 t1rct1 & more work ... $140 4~ UOD<:F: 1 cir. !'~ds muffler. & pamt S140 4!J PLYMOl 'Tl I 4 dr. N<'t'ds paint S2 0 4~ H L'DSON 2 dr. NN"d!I dutc h & u-joints . Sl20 40 DODGE 4-cir. llC<lnn , j~l net-dB a buy<>r _ Sl15 47 HL'DSON 4-<l r. N<·ro11 hc-11'! S 10 THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON T HE MA RINERS' ~!ILE" 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIRF.RTY 8-3.til SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1949 Ht·n~o;i.; 4-dr , 2 t(lnf'. Radio & beater An rxrrllrnt tran11.portat1on car S 42-"> l 9~2 NASH brown good Country Club Cou~. 2-tnne R a1l10, h<'atc-r, O\"l'rdnn•. Run11 $1 025 19~1 CHRYSLER New "\'orker 4-dr, Ligbt rrttn. automatic tranmW!ion. R & H. A one-owner car . . $1245 19~ CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Oub ep., 2-tone gny. Radio. hC'ater, power 1tffrlng. New W.S.W. t1re8. An excel· 1-nt-buy _.... . ...... ... ....... . .. ....•...... -.. S259~ LOU REED 1200 Wett Cout ffigbway. Phone L'fbforty 8-3486 Ueed Car Department Now Located at Our New Building WE DON'T SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars '53 BUICK Speo. '-d.r., manual shift, ,-ery clean. '51 NERC. ~-. O'D, Htr .. Rad., A·l . '52 DODGE Wa.yfa.rer 2-<lr. Radio, abo\-. average. '62 MERC. z.dr. 9fd. Merc-0-maL, R·H, nice one. ''8 BUICK Rd-mut.. DynL, R·H. RrC"ondJtloned. '67 PLY. '-dr. H-R. A -1 It low priced. a.. u. for a real deal on a NEW ·~ BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK ~2 Newport Bh·d., Newport Beach Har. 5021 (A tnr blb J:ut of Newport City Hall) 19.49 F llltll l'lt 't\l 'I' I•''" <•I f'Jltnuo Low mll .. a.:e. li:a<"rllr 11t P•f"'r. H rH ron1lllfnn 201':'! 1'11'\1n Aw· WANT TO C'n,.ta M l'N.. H r <l!I RF.NT-l.1uly w111hr s 11nfum. rl,.11n l'lnJtl" Apt f't r· mMf'nl J'.1y u11 to $~0. mnnlh ('nil Llb..rty 8· jl)6~. 44p46 10\11 MG n ·, light b h1t, jtCl()(I rond!tlnn, SOOO. l'11ll Hn r 2669-ll a.tttr a p "r • i.: 16 -'4S-AptH. Ii Doo8M MO 19:11. l'l'rf~l contJ. Only 29,000 ------ mlltti. ~ .. w tlr•'•, llcl'nse lC· &31'8. f'rlc• $97~. r rtv. party Sre sl Horv11lh & Parkt-r. 1-~orel&n Cu Ser., 118 Jndu11tr11l Way, Cest& Mua. 42CH Summer Rentals on U do b l•• and othf'r nne Harbor homu . 1!!49 OLDS 83 convertible, R ct H. FINE LlOO llOMP: WSW Urea. Phone H11rbor 301 3 bedroom•, 2 b11th1. tor a ppt. to ln1pecl. JEii fl• Jo'urnlsh,.() S2r>O. mo. on lel\.M, 19:;2 PAC KARD 4-dr . 20,000 mll~ll. A·l mteh. c-ond !'lrw tlru . U .200 r11.ah. T'h. Kt 7·t l :>7 Sat. 41-Auto ~n1lce ------ ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage .Aut.hortud rartA Ir Rnvlre alao Good Tranaporttollon Car• For Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e eyia. 8 Cyla. ____ $48.88 _____ $58.88 tnrludta bOt.b labor and pllr1." Ntw nnc•. • riat pt111, v&J\•t cnnd. ntUnp or mat.n and rod beazlnp. Eltper\ motor t une up ll<kSay or •. 000 m Ue (UU&llttt. (NO MUNEY 00\VN I. REBUILT ENGINES --t1l' to J& MONTK!S TO PA t - WIU conald('r '""""I' tor aummer Unfumiaht'd 2 bdrm. apt. Top 811lbna Lor11L1on Sto\'O a.nd refrigerator s110 nto• un It"'" Nothing nlcn <1n l'rnlnsula. Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 vi. Lido Harbor 44'4 43C1"1 Choice Summrr Rentals (ln Balboa l1laad & l.ldo Isle Small .It cozy or larre 6 deluu $7~ l o 1300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Mulne A vt. Balboa Laland P h. Harbor Ht or llarb<lr 2151 Ru. Har. 178e·R or U11.r. 30:tfl·M e•uc Garden Court close to ocean and bay - Here you 'll relax and play. RE.AfiO)';AliL.E RATES. Jiu 0823 92:. E Balboa Blvd., Balboa. 39l'~l 2 BDRM. fu.rnlahf'<I, soo. month on yf'arly l!!alt! by the monlh. ''" blk, f rom bay, l blk~ II> 1>e,tan 304 • 34lh Sl, Nev. port 8 f'llCh Har. 23H·J, 311~2H RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Built tn our own factory b)' aklUeG rnachlnlat.a. Ooo t c<lCl~nd wttll Call Edna <..n ae lll• middle man. Buy dl~t. Blanche Gates, Rltr. REBU'a T and lNST AJ..J...ED !1 I J.larlne A .... SHORT BLOCK tklboa lala.nd. Har. 1&71 12tlc FORD ---•ut.:IU (..~VROu:T SHll :>'J Pl.TM. 6 OODOil St~:. CKJ\T8 Ir D~ SOTO 11711 l!TUDEBAJ<.EP •• -11711 0 1..09 6 PONTIAC t Sl70 BtJlCK ·-Sl 7~ Ht:OSC>N --.1 17~ l.oM Car rn. Towtn11 NEW CAR OAJU.NT1Clt BlocJr mWlt mtet our lt&llclaNS• Phia tu... suktt.a a.nd oO Open Sunday 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. t:-. BALBOA-N1•11rl)' n,w rum Uf'Pf'r duplt•. cln11e to .Ua y and lrlU\e $80 mo lilt Jun«" J!'llh or > 1>arly l~u" al S1~ HMbor 1317-W , aflrr l1 a m 44r411 REN TAL -SI 2!>0 J une l'•l h to s .. pttm bf'r H1lh -3 ~dnt11 - tuml!ht<l -UAy~hrorr~ St!" THE \'l>CF.l. ro 3201 w. COMl Hwy. :'\rt Bch u 8·3481 44e46 ON BALBOA LSLAND IJ:ll U8 for pea.r11 and . Muon&.I r91l\AJA. 4 llfc Summer Rentals • Exclus1\·e Bay Fronts + o thC'r choice 'pro~rt1rs H11rbnr J.~l1i1td, Bay Shore~. Bl'R· 111n Hoy, qu&lltled client~ 011ly. Hllrbor lnvt stment Co. Hv bor 1eoo (Evea. LI 8·t\38al 2Tttc ..SA-Apts. for Rfoot -·-----Newport Island Waterfront Summer Rentals R.A'TF.1:1 hv ..,,.tk, month or .,.UCtn. noe l'hann"I r t H11t. 1217-J . t 11(1' Charming Harbor Haven. Apartments • Patios f\:F:W 4 R OOM. 1trel'l l~vel Nr&r 1• hoot• .. horr•ni: dl•tnr l. (.lu1tt, plt·A•ant, <xrlu11\r C..1tba1;e db· f'"'al, lllun·lrv. 1tu1ago rooma. i:11ra11e. $~2 :ro up. Occuplu t n· lire 1trtrt Co.id l\IJ14rv1elon Mi;r.. t~.01 J-lavrn Place 1 Hfock R"uth of H lith Srhool ALSO JoT HX ISHEll APTS. \\'J;-.j'ER RA Tl!:S Lido Bayfront NEW 3trc 3 bdrtn.B., 2 baths, lmmacu- lalcl y furn. apt. l~IMf~UIATE """l'"nr v rnr II mil J•('rtnl1. Apr :l'<•h lu Llt l 2\lth $! '•(I I. .,.J.t:Of:~ r nt1rr •11mm1>r '"""''n :"o r"ts So cl\iltlren. Shuwn by arr Lnlft f':'lt onl~ llARllCHl IXVF.SDlf:;"lo'T CO Phone Har 1600 (evu Har 1210) 41 ttc ~!-:\\' VER Y A T'n\ACTrVE tum. a pt. Carbsg• lli..pc.•a.1 17:> lncl. uUhll tn '""n:tr or Cllrona dt!I Mer Har O'< .. J·R l Ot.rc HARBOit APTS. Modern fum1Rh!'d apts. day, week or month ~tar bua, etnr•• & b1v. Rra.• n11llft rlllt• 10i E lcl4iy AH IJAl,H11A Harbor :;.1H 17ltc ---------l 0XFl"RN 2 lll.lrm 11 pt. Sl>O mn 430 :-.ar• 1011• t • .. n'"a •J• I Mar J'ho11e I IJubor 2!'lt fl·H 4 11'46 ---~O[>F.HN n.:f•TR:" l bdnn ;pt wllh rt!rig 4' 1ttfl\'f' Rt'unnablf' ~""II' ly t'"O' 6117 11 Fern tut. L'' Mon~ del Mar f tr 46 « \lAftf', ~·,.HI)' A J 111l ~. nn pt\11 1. 2 bedroom•. 2 bathe. Phoa. Uberty 11-3792 2. 4 bedroom•. 2 1Mllh1. Choice locaUon•. ~lnt'Ome PfoMl"tJ 80-IDooml! Pro1»rtl EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ____ ..;.._...c~.__+-. -----~--...,...~~;.s. __ _., :11 13 :>;l'wporl Blvd, ?l:twport Bch. Harbor 1013 40Uc L":"Ft:RNlSHED 3 btdmi. Corona Hlg-hl&nda family home. W /W r arpl'tlng, drape&, cozy uaed brtck ti replace, ralNd hearth, hlrr h paneled kilchtn. Ocea.n \ '''". tee. yard. eto•e. refrl(., automllllc wuner Included If dulrtrt. eu now 804 Staward R o11.d, Corona del Mar. Ph. KY•tl • ·l'>e~ I. 37 tlc Cl.lfT HAVE!':, IOO unturn. 2 bdnn. houH . Ntwly 1>9lnt..cl, tlreplare. Har. atbf 9r Har. 817 30\.fc BY YEAK -Balboa !eland •1nu t o ahopa AvaJlable M.ay lll - !°':l(e "1n1otle family, 2 ~room hnme with rt blt it•nin Jl'\Jm S l~10 mo to rtr;ht family CAI.I. llAllBOR 113. J A. B!::EK nfttre. 603 Park A ve . Balboa la land. 44r 411 NEWPORT H F.IGllTS u.nfllf"n. I bdrm h"U•«'. &:&Tl!IR" F"nl'"'I y11r•I A•l11l111 Vt"arly s::i·, g,." ownrr, 430 Ahl<) An . Llhl'rl\ 8·•!H2 44Ct6 BRA:-00 ~EW unt urn J bl'drm homl' Si!• NEARLY NEW I ti.drm eton 6 refr1s:. . . StO Phone Llberty .... aw. mnnth h 111T . ninnth 441 41) ~ __ T_ML_Ue_r_R~I*!----· Trailer Space STAT!: A l'l'ROVF.[) tor Cab&ll4l, l•rl:" Int" •r•re tnt • 111111o1n 1.,1 • S••mnnnn..: pool h)' Jun• l•t Adult. It rhlldrtn over 11 l,ID(J Vll.l.AC;Y,, iOO 31~1 St :-ie•1>0rt Bf'erh 34< '" SMAW~ elnrl• room fr.r "'ork1n1: man Comtortabl,. ti.d hot an•I cllld ,. .. t,r. ST wll Pnv f'nt r l 23-2 lh St , :"' twport Bue h 32rr '11 I..AJtOll: ROOM In prwa tl' hnme itt brukfut, rtnllf:mui So trmt'rk· Lng or dr1Jlk!nc . U a-3084 N e UP4~ 49·8-Room a Boan' BOARD 6 ROOM fnr l or 2 adult11 or parent am1 rhlltt l"Gll at CJlO Jn.11. Coron• d~I Mar 4 lr•3 ------ 5S-Stort11 ~ 0ffll'f'1' -----------------· 3 OFf-0 tr"F. ~pR<"P• for l•A1141 A p pr . IT 11;:1:1' ~•·ti lo t.lrlo Shop· r1nit Ari'& :,oo VIII Mala,.i HrH nar. 1Mtr ~------------ VOGEL EXCLUSlVE Bel boa Income Don't MJsa Thia. It may be a long time before we have another t o equal it! 10 UNITS -&lmoirt. new· quahty conalruct.lon • attr.etive lnside and ouL Planned for minimum maintenance. Good Income. Beauti!ull a.nd completely furnlAbed. Seetn1 will convince you t hat t his la a real v&lue al $88,000 -Tt'nn•. The Vogel Company 3201 W. Cout Highway, Ll~rt.y -3481 Nnrport Beach or Hubor ~142 ---- Prime Investment Opportunity .,, * • 0 V.'ll<'r mo,·ing fore. we of this mOlll at· t.ra.ctive, modern t.nplt .x. loc:attd In hJJb-lncomc-a!"f'a on Balboa Blvd. Spacious units. be uti!Ully furnish· ('J, and only a t1tone's throw from beach. A1e fn11r years. all in firtl-cla.s~ cond1t1on Priced below thr co11t oC tt·productlon at only $2 1,7~. Xlnt. Termti. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REAL'rORS 31 12 Newport Rl~d., Newport Besch Harbor 2M2 1 Eves. L.J b<•rt}' R-31RG\ LOADED WITH HIDDEN VALUES BALBOA ISLAND. We off~r n clu11\'rly an unu•· ually dealrable 4 bdrm. multi-bath bomt. IX11ghlful llvl.ng room. large dJnlng ro<>m. Mu lmum ~ua~ footage. Oe>t1e to ~t bea<'h. Can only be •rrrw a t.ed by 101pe<'t100. Call Harbor li75 Ev<'a. Harb<1r 535P EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22~ Marine Avt., B&lbo~ laland BATHING SURF -CASTING BOATING BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS NELDA GIBSON, Realtor R~I AL.I. Fl"R" F:a•t ;-:,." r"rl llR1b11r 11•.: Hr4 ~ ~,·A-Ru1'1Df''" ~ntal11 Ft1r 1 llJ<1~alJle llvin~ on Balbna'11 Jr1\·ply O<'Ntn frr1nl Ru y t h111 nutstanding 4 bdrm • 2 bath O<'"O" fr11nt home with a \'tew of the bay nnr! O<'l'M fr11m thl' upstaln. llnn~ room. At the pm·e of $1<\.0<.111 !um. <>l*I Dally I to 7 It.ate Bonded 308 Manne An . A.arbor 602 --BAL.BO A ISL.AND 7tlc l'"\\ () llf.:l •lt()()~l ~lU "&" 11 rt Furn t'"url,. prd .. rr~·t y,.arly NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. -Ce.II Harbor 1111 II to place yow rrnt111 • ·n I '1" 41:'1 1"1 H rlu l r••r• Ad on lh11 J>&re. C' I'M 11111 b 0r :'1 'l·:'>t 4ir~6 BANTA ANA. Port Orange Trailer Sales NEW 16 ft. to 24 ft. Travel Trailers. NEW 33 ft. t o 45 ft. Mobile Homes. We Invite you to inspect them at %200 W. Cout. Hwy., N ewport. Be&ob Liberty 8-H20 t4r•tll 32-rr PA.N AMEftlCA.'l 10~1. Xlnt. cori<11Uon with 8 x 20 1 27' T'RAILER, Incl. cabana.. Will AJum-6-R.OOOI e&IMu\&. 12700 or aa.c. tor SDOO. Mutt be moved "111 H U C&blll\& for •~oo CU I\. Udo Trailer rark_ 41 Dr..k~ St~ 1'-port lkach. UpU from prt~nt loc Mr. BuUer, Udo J'artc.. Newport Beach RAU' I 27,L t4ptt L. \ltl;f. 1 I• Ir •m t ·:-;Ft-R"\. apt I.•,., r ,,. •'• ) ~• I pirai:;I" Harl>< r 0 1• l·M. 615 Jum1n ... 1 1 ..: a d. f :.~.u. 44~ A I TttACTl\'i': l bedroom tum . 111' wllh view, p r&g•. laW\dr')' .r. uUllUu 1.ncl. a t S70 mo. yrl7. r1n:a1 Summl'r n ntal poulble H arbor ajoe-M. '4d 2 Y ~AHLY u.nl•1111. 1 bdrm apt . w1th ('•race. &lboa l.sland. Har. 2t~W or l..1Wrt7 l ·H38. u uc I::-; OTrY PINE, Ocean .WW, t\&m. lo•tr 1 l"OCllll 6 tuU Jdtcbell. Showrr. '3T &o mo or wtU i.... utll p•ld. 31778 Olh A•t, HT 4-~3L A VA II.A Jll.F: • I\ b<ntt 1111()() "I (l llir;hl •n·!u•lry 1p • • un l at I. 2nd f!Ot"•r t · S ll1i:hway 1111 anti llsy I-rnnt11i:~ \\ 111 l"•'e 1111 nr any part It r""•"•ld to 11u1t ttMnL \'c.gtl Co. 3416 Via Lido Harbor 4911 211ttc AVAILABLE NEW STOR» BLOO. I too aq ft_ opp<M11t.e Balboa ~y t'lub. Am PI• ii-r1un1. Pll. LI a-1373. a6c4UI J'Oft L.i}AMI: on Har~ 81Yd - L&Tp bO\&M Oil t0.171 I TOUJ'llSa (Commerclall facln11 I atrn t•, lna l t.o P1aatMI eoa.t Plant> All or part. L1 a-3'72. 38Ut -It's abi;olut..ely the bf-~t buy at thf' bf'ach The Vogel Co. 3201 \4'. Co-.t Hwy .• Npt. Sch. Llberty 8·M81 ~-~-~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~-~--- NO RENT TO PAY J\&Sl enjoy th. income Crom thll titctlltnl property k>cated ln choice mital dl1t.rict, 100 ft. fm m O<'f'&D.. Tht r• are a \lJ'lltl -• new dupl1•lC and a 6-room bouM on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are turnl1hc d anti rPntrd on yaarly buia. Owner'• homa avail ble nr~w. Three IU"al'• on alley. Preeent income can be aubfiaa. tl&Uy lDcNUed. $0000 .nu handle. l'OR JNSPECI'ION CALL HARBOR 101! EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 8113 N.wport Blvd., Newport .Bea.ch ,, ' I I ... r I'· ,, L -"-o• -"-" WE'RE LOADED! With out.staJ'lding buy1, that la. '1'1le following, all EKclultvel, are ABSOLUTELY the t.t In C.D.M. Two bedroom It playroom home on Orc!i.ld A. •e., doee ln. Wall to wall carpeting. Paved, walled patio. Dtnin1 room. G. l loan, with the betrt ot term.a. 2 BDRM. A din. rm., paved patio, 20 x 24 gar., R-2 lot., F . A. beat., W to W carp .. fenced yard. Top qual· lty thruout Many atna, too numerou. to mention. eo z 118 CORNER Seavfew It Marguerite, 2 tr.s lot.a, room for 9 unit.a, with view. Abaolute beat loc. IK IHOR.ECLIPT, level lot, M x 130 x 80, the low· e.t prteed building site listed there. lC&ch of theM available for under $20,000. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3822 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 LIDO Open Sunday 1 -5 p. m. Lovely I bdrm., 2 bath, wtth a large aunny patio. 218 Via Palermo ALSO 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, new. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, exceptional. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, waterfront. 45 ft. wa terfr ont lot with pier privileges a bargain! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 42c44 YOUR LAST CHANCE TO BUY ONE OF THESE HOMES M-ltublw ~·~ll!ltietl _!!_:-~l_E"_.s_ta~-•-~----_,n-__ ~ __ r.._ta_t_e ___ _ 60·A • Commtrdal, lnduatrtal ·--.. ------.. ... . ... ... . ... . .. .... D 't LIDO ISLE COST. A MESA P'l!':E DUPLP..:X nn 3 0xl()() ft. M-l On . lot, !l:ewport Bch. Incl. 60 rt Y B I I for t~rther lmprov"mtnts. Exr el· OU e ieve t OPEN HOUSE SUN. l -,, lent tocauon tor mti; or" p,,... 2 b tb V -' eent Income $110. month. Jo'\ill lP' T OUR J'RIENDS TICLL YOU Lovely 3 bdrm., a · ery price SU.:100. tenns. ther. a.re no ,.ood ..iuea oa ~ lge. home on ·~ lot. Com-~75 TUSTIN A VE. o . H. LATHROP, 363:1 E. Cout day'• market. Then look at lb11 fortable Uv . room. forced 3 bd.nnt., 2 bat.ha. Back Bay Hwy., C.>ron& det Mar. Harbor 17 untt.e motet wt th 1900 month air heat and lanai on one view. -$24,900. 6442. I Evu. Har. "ll·J I 42c•• Income. P'ULJ price $~9.500, $28.· 000 ctn. °" aubmlt on trade up to o( the nicer Sts. $32,500. 1": 'tr llMOO tar 2 or I bdrm. home. 'tr -:~ I:! Acre 66 x 300. M-1 frith AUIO 1280 aq. fL all metal bldg. 4 bdmui., 3 baths, 2years old. Wired for 110-220. $13,150. 8 UNlTS 6: CAR w1th Income U OO. mo. Full price '37,500 w1th $22.~00 down or 1ubmlt on trade up to U~.000 for 2 or I bdrm. home. "ART" ADAIR l&ee Newport Blvd. om.a M.eaa, caut. Phone Uberty 1·1792 GIFT SHOP READY TO GO Merdl&ndi.M It ttxturu. $ 1000, termL Low rent. HO month. Heart ot Ba.Ibo&, Dlneu IA f&m· Uy. Owner, &OT lt. B&Jbo& Bl•d. Bar. asoe. '2c4t ~Monez to Lou LO~S TO BUJLD, DIPROV:J: BUY, MODl!lRNIZ&, OR R.D'INA.NCI: We Buy 1'-u.lt Deeda NEWPORT BALllOA SA VINOS 6: LOAN ASSOClA TlON H M Via Udo. PtL Bu. UOO uo WOULD llko to buy lit and 2nd '!'rut Deed& Call Har. 2328. '8Uc LOANS for Homes 6" -IO JT. Loam Construction Loans an BOB a• TTU:R Sl51:1 LUIT COA.ST BLVD, CoroGa deJ Mu Barbor a888 ft.p. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO .. etro Ute hllL "11149 KL 1-618:1 '8ttc NO COMMISSION No Appra.iaal Fee Underpriced at $31,500. * f:r * 1~ Corner lot 200' x 116' M·l. 40' 2 bdrm. 1 ~~ bath. Used bricJc x 60' all metal bldg. $20,000 fireplace, Thermador, dis· ft -t:r poaaJ, dr. & cpta. $23,750. 21 2 Acres, M·l -$21,500. SEE US FOR BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Office 3112 Lafayette. Newport Har. 3643, Har. 2999 evea. Just to the right of Lido Bridge Entrance SEE THESE NOW 1. 525 CAT ALINA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS. 2 bdrm. stucco, good neighborhood. Fireplace, partly fen- ced, 3~ yrs old. $11,750. SgE bP.tween 1 & 5 p.m. 2. 136 BROADWAY, OOST A MESA -110' on Broadway • 125' on Fullerton to alley. Ideal for bu.sinesa or professional development Includes a 2 bdrm. frame dwelling with garage. $30.000. Terms. OPEN HOUSE from 1 to 5 p.m. 3. NEWPORT BEACH-2 bdrm. stucco. ample rm. to build income unit. Close to ocean, bay and park. $10,500, terms. ALSO: Beach home on two lots· 3 bdnrui., $7350. Beach home, 2 bdrms .• two Jots ......... -..... $10,500 Beach bo~e -3 bdrma. --·-········-··-·····-·-$ 9,500 FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Beach Har. 1428 2216 Newport. Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5101 100 % INCREASE IN SALES! FOR EXCHANGE Vl'ry nl~e homo on uqo clf'Ar tor bu111nr11a propt'rty, Corona <lrl lllar, c~~ta Me.. or Coaat High· way. Trade up and &IJl\lrne <>r pay l1'11h dlff,.renre uwnfu vnly. \\'rile Box Z·G:?, t his p•JW'r ~:!pi!'> ~~~~~~~~~ Blti BEAR LAKE -Alnl<llll two e.croa. Jlletca.1! Bay. :I nrw <"Bb· Ina, 2 c:>lder, trailer park. Pro· pe.ne i;aa l)"•lem. ell'l'lrll'lty, hot a.nl.1 cold walH, prlvale wells With plenty v! waler. ld,•ftl lorouon. $n,1::io. terms. or will t r&de tor Harbor an-a property. Ch&d Twkhl'll, Harbor 397:1. evtt. Harbor 1317 -J. 43c48 62-Rea.J .t:state --------· --·----on Irvine Ave. Lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 balh homr. ?'\ew wall to wa.11 <'ArJ'l'llng and Ir&· ''trSI' drnrerlei< Block waJI and landsl'&J>t'd. Sl:l,7~. Ownt'r. U 8-:H37. Hc~7H BAY FRON'r new modt>rn home, boat 11llp; 1:1 Balboa Cnvea. OwnPr Harbor 1100-\\", Ht.tc LIDO ISLE· Two 36' lot on Via Niot. 19600 eL Owner, SOnsct l-1~032, or 10728 Lanel&le, No. Hollywood. Hpil BY OWNER 4 BEDROOMS, 2 b&Lh.I. Brand ney,-, nt1<r .High School. 11.900 down. FUil pllce 112.350. l.lbuty a-e761 or Liberty 11-2103 H c46 OCEAN FRONT beac.b bOUH, fur. nJahed. 113.950, tenne -0304 Seuhore Drive. Harbor 3706-W •4p4G SALES -REFP.l:ANCJD Ope D •1 11 t 6 CONSTRUCTION n al Y a.m. 0 p.m. CaLJ tor Free More than a Million Dollan ln Multiple Listing Sales during the month ot March: CORO.:-OA DEL MAR INCOME Vanoua un1t1 .tr prlcu to meet your wanl1, $1 3,000 to $80,000 ALSO 2 bdrm. home completPly • fUmlallt'd, double p rage Sit Ml() CAJ...L M119 Koblatedt .Har. 21~2 313~ Cout Hwy, CD M Evr. Har. 0829-R. 38cbl 252 Palmer St. Fut Commitment. j on Reeldencea and Urui. oo)J' S650 DOWN AND S76 ~ONTHL Y Don I. Huddleston Sl I 147,061 .00 Compared to $578,~.00 tor March ot lut year. • Need Larger Home APRIL 27, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PASE 9 Bayfront 156 Feet Beautiful. Unique Desirable Bayfront Residence To the yachting family ot encttnc tute and r. quirementa we offer a marine reaidenoe of exces>- t ional merit on U>6 fttt ot Newport Harbor'• mtwt desirable leuebold Bay Front. Vigorous contemporary conception, advanced tune· t ional design and equipment. ~ bedrooma. 8 bath.I. 24 ft. x 24 ft. view living room. View and privacy from expan8ive master bedroom. Large dining room, comple~ly equipped luxury view kitchen. marble fireplace. All on one Jevel terruo and carpeUJ4. floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. ayatem throughout. Movie projeotion room. Planned area tor awimmln1 pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulk.bead, moor your lOO·rt., or larger, yacht to skilllully engineered, well lighted private pier and float. • Thla bayfront residence shown by appolntment only. Call J ohn Macnab, Harbor 177~ or Harbor 6359. EARL W. STANLEY 225 Marine Ave., Balboa l.llland "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C°' THOMAS "C'" THOMA.I "C" THOMAS and Buy Now for Your Summer and Year Around Home BA YSHORF.S -Attractive modern 3 bdnn. FURNISHED s1g.l500 BA YSHORES -Exceptional I bdnn. RANCH style, Extra lge... cor. lot -··-$38,200 . BEAt.ITIFUL KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME WITH SWIMMING POOL-A Mwrt See! $t.2,000 LIDO WATERFRONT -3 bdrm. completely Fl.JR. "C" NI.SHED, ju.st ttdecorat.ed tn.tde '1ld out. PIER and n..DA T - Only .. . .. ~.MO THOMAS, Realtor 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 173 E. 17th Sl CO.IT A. MDI A. LI ~1 Lt Mae2 In BUYING or SET.I.ING aoe your MUST SELL nearly new I bdrm. houel', large corntr lot. Hwd. floora thruout, n~place. J>aUo 11 .nl'.'l<u1ed 3 aldtts. DRIVE BY 2221 Sant& AnA Avt .. Coit& MH&. rh. (;Y.•ner LJ a.nae. ll!IJ>46H 224 W, Coast ffigbway, Newport Beach Libcrty 8-M27 "C" THOM.AB "C" THOMAS "<::' m oMA.S ""C" THOM.AB Sewen In and pe.Jd Garb&g'e ot.pou.l Enclosed. garagea Kitchen fana Colored rock roofa Birch Cabinet.I TOTAL PRICE $11.~ See owneT living at ~2 Palmer St. OH Ranta Ana Ave. tx>twet'n 15th SL & 16th St. Q uick Cash Loans on tW'Uiture, auto, aala.ry. ~. to $700. or more. One day service 252 Palme r St. LI 8-2657 or LI 8-7976 Appllc&Uon may be mede In J)f'r· 110n, by phon• or b7 maJI. CALIJ'. A<XEPT ANCE Some people expect the moon - WHATEVER YOU E XPEcr. you won't be rljaa.p. polntec! in thia lovely home - Want a private bueh? NM>d .. place to ke<>p your cruiser! Prefor C'loso in location near Lido Shope, elc. 7 Buy this ideal 2 bdrm. home in B&Jboa Bay Covea right on lhe waterfront , only 3 yrs. old. Lota or tile, parqurt noon. F. A. heat. dbl. garage, nice featuret1. r 1cr & 111ip privilege&. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex fumi8hed ·good ttnt.aJ district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realt or 3113 Newport Blvd.. Newport Be.acb Hu. 1013 CORONA DEL MAR S1500 down $1500 down $1500 down 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Mangold Ave. Ru 21 2 car pr&r'e, bwd. floors and tile. R·2 lot with room tor additional dwelling. Only $12,750 with $1000 down. Balance like ~nl ()pm daily, Sat. Ii Sun. at 712 HeUot:rope, C. D. M. 2. Very nice 2 bdrm.. clo.e in. Hu exposed beams. f arced air beat, rlaptone fireplace and stressed ..,..... ruu prtc. ua.1~. EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITM~N & Assoc. 8M2 IC. O>ut Bwy .. Corona deJ Mar Harbor 1862 BEFORE YOU BUY~ CORPORATION 1891 Harbor Blvd., eo.1a Mu a l..1 1·7i~l -~ ~· UlJ I CIC*'d &aturda,.._ • 1 llc REAL ESTATE LOA.NS Inter.t Rate ~lf.?'1 Lo&AI qU1c.IUy m&do l.t1 Lbe S.y Aru and Coet.a M-81.nfl.e or muJUple lllllt.a. New Of' ole1. B~ wt. and ••• by ,.._Cn&ncmc your pr~eent 11>&11. Milumum U · pm.ee.. No cA&rre for pAIJ:rnJ. nA'7 appn.l.Ml Phone Santa Alla Klmberly 1-'t33 OC' W'rtt4 ARTHUR A. MAY Morti-are Loan CorrUJJOndmt Ocdd'"nl&.I Ufo IMUn.nce C.O. H3 lout.a lla1a 11uisa u. pp WANTED in Corona del Mar I BEDROOM. I baUi home on 0110 noor, doubl• ~·; ocun v1.,w iw near Lh• OC.IU\, We have rood .ummtr rrnt.&la Fitzmorris Realty Co JlEA"LTORA Mul Uple Ll•Un,r • Bl.l.llneu Srour 3131) FJ. Cout Blthway Corona d•I J.tar Harbor 21.62 .. ~ WANTED W. IL\ VS CUSTOMER.I for .,._ cant A tmprond, I.I\ bualn- llDO• MUa It. \o Hind IA N.,... port. A.a. ........... 0.. ... .... Be sure to see these NEW HOMES-N. B. C. Realty Co. I bdrm.I., l 'r) bath home. llM • N"'J>Of't BlvcL, Npt. Bab. Ooee to everyt.hJ.ng. Hart>or uoo Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GA TES, wilh DIKe & COLEGROVE Phone Liberty I-797t 13ttc WANTED SK.U.L V A CA.."<& bual.Dua ~ Newport or Ooeta MHL 81.atr cub price aod/or t#rmL Aleo l1M. locaUon and zone. ~ or apnt.a. Wnt.e P.O. Boa 171. N..-port Beacb. UGH MULTIPLE LISTING. OFFICE Member ot NEWPORT HA..RBOR BOARD OF REALTORS BALBOA PENINSULA GE'NUINF. SACRTF1CE~ Owner ha.a purchased rs..ncb and la very an~ous t.o sell thia modem 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, nicely furnished home on luge loL $5000 will hAndle. Full price only $21.500. L: BLOCK TO BAY. 3 bdrm.., 11 2 bath beach boui;e on large lot. K1trhen 'baa dilhwaaher, diJJposal a.nd Iota of other modern lmprovcme.nt.a. CIOfle to New· port Hubor Y1'rht Club. Full pMce, furn. $17,500. $3800 DOWN bu ys thit nut, roomy beach bouae, dose l o baUuog beach. Near Library, Partl)' farn. 3 bdrm. It den bom~ Full price Sl5, 750. NEAR Grammar School. L'JCOME. Furnlahed duplex. plu. addlt.Jonal k>t. Xlnt.. value at $22,000. BAY & BEACH REALTY l '-'50 W. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa VOGEL VALUE Important Information! For anyone looking for a re.al buy ln cxclwuve Clift Haven. l 3 bdrms. & drn on CJ.JU H.aveo·a moat beautiful street. 2. 21 ~ batha 3 Large hving room looks out on a beautitul patio & covered porch nmnl11g whole length ot house. 4. The y&.rd. both front & baclc, is BEAUTIFULLY landscaped. 6. Covered brC('zc way to large g1lrage alt10 Jeads to large separate laundry room. 6. This home wat1 cust om built by owner 11.nd h.u ~xtra draw<.'rs by the dozen. 1. We have a down to eartb pnce o( $25,000 on th.ia one. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coaat H1gbway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Build a Home on you r vacant lot AND DERI\"E aome income from that lnv~tment 12« aq. ft. home, . . ···-· ...... ... . ··-·· ... $9100 FuUy financed, H~ }'T. Bldg. & Loan. Forced air heat. Hwd. noon . Individual GI 100~0 flnanci.n1. State Veteran $8500 3~ -$t9 month. MARSHALL HOMES Modell open -NewJ)(lrt Blvd. & Mitchell, ~ Kl 7-3293-Kl 2-3569 6 (Ev•. LI 8..073) ilcMH Owner's Sacrifice !.ARCE 2 bdnn. hOUN , ~ block to Bay. 2 blockl tn bualnMa cen- t.er, P .000 at Oll~Ul Street. Newport Beach. Ph. ownt'r SYc&more 8·34:17. 32p46h 3 ROR~ • inln1t rm , har1Jwno•1 flnon. $79~0. -238 A•oc&do St . Co1ta Mr~~ Kl 2·2822 39Uc HOl"lO-: 1-~0R ~AL£ - ~ room•, 2 ""dl"OC'lm•. f1rt'pwr lllt1 l'lnk, p11 u11. dill" .:a~ .. OJ(. for bu1ldln11 apt. 711 lri• Ave .. Cnr~n& del )ihr. 112,!)M Own!!r, rhon• A 1"1Anllo 1-~PR:I •2<'1:. BY OWNER C~rona Kl1h.1AnrS1 -3 bdnn. 2 b&lh f&rmbouu, P"HA commll· m•nt. 1'h. lia.r!Ytr ;11.J 11{)1 fr L.ARCI!: 1.0T on c·11rc f1rlv• 111 Clitf HRven. ALSO 40 ft. alrt'el lo •lrl'f't lot on Cetu>11. Udo 1A11 and C·2 h>t on Newpol'1 Bl ve1. M ra. Al'INnA, R ar. o 1111. 23ltc OCE.A." VlE'W modem J bl'dnn. home Will\ uttr& room anl1 '6 hath on dou blo carag• f'rll, U 3.:.00 Low do'"1 pe)'m•nl or "'111 tall• r init Tru"t ~ In trade.. 2712 ClJft Drivl!I (&dJa.cent •&ant lot an.U&ble) Ph ownrr, LI &-2~32 23Uc Dnve b)' 235 Magnolia Cost.a Mesa Cute 6: co~ borne -2 bdrm. It p&11f'lf'd drn wllh flrtplat r. ~1111 t.o w &U !'&rpet. Very cln.e t.n. 113.000. l'hone Liberty 8-112'12 2Jtrc For sale by owner Ot.:JJLEX on H·2 loUI, 61 2 6 611 Jurnlne, Corona del M11r Pr1ce<I ri11ht. Ca.U Har. 29lll·K Aft•r 6 pm. or Sun.t11y1 321'>'4:1h U 3.000, FOR 8Al..E BY OWNER I bdmu , dJn. rm., atL&chtd rv· &<e. W lo W carpeting. ""''d. nn.. Tbormoetal heal, K!'Tb dl'p kJt.chen tan.. lneludlnit n~rly n-auto. wuher .tr dryu. N'frlt • gM l"l\nl7," S 1 •t-00 tJn S7VOO 01 loan \\ '" CUl\Jlld<11r 2nd oon- \rael. 139 Bro&<1-y, en.ta M-u c0c:i2 BY OWNER -J bdrm., cluAo t.o ahopptne. t tc .. on quiet Rt. Hwd fin.. fenr ('(l lot, llfJWen, fOfb. dial>-a.lit)' rur. Room tor In· come. Ntw paint. 4 '• loa.n at I" per mo.. lndudlna t&a .. • lnAu. Pr1c. 113.2&0. G89 Park l>rt•e. eo.ta MNL 40tlo Bay Front Income a ur11i.-a a a ~ f\&na. tabecl, Pier, tloat Mid pr1.,.t.e ~ 1000 .. llaJboe &"" ..,.,. Cr-.c"1ew 1IMil. <lour· .............. 1IUI • • BAY SHORES • • • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LIBTING Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. Bay Shore•' Cleveruit Ranch Type Home • 2 bdnn., raised used bric.k fireplace, dl11hwaaber, d111po8al. Charmingly decorated. Crus hed rock llwn. Full price $23.500, term•. ANO • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bc1rms., 2 bathM. bAy view homr -A II elttt.rlr, houM. Built.Jn range & MC'n, Carpt"tcd anr1 dr11 ~ •d. Ideal homt-for couple with valting rclnt1on.a or friends. Full pnr<' ~2fl.500 -Tt'rm11, 1-·or preview showing, c&JJ Harbor 1600 - (Eves. LJberty 8-6.~) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport ~ach Out standlhg Ocean Vi ew TWO STORY, 2 bdrm, 2 1 2 bath11. lgr, li\•1n~ rrJilm, aeparate d.u11ng room, large knott y pm~ den with built-in bar, lounge. 2 f1rt'placf'~. ba.o;emcnt with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expensively Clrpt'tf'd wttll t o 1''1i.lJ thru--Out. Carbage duipoul nnd dlMh"111•11"h"r. House 6 yrs. old t.arj!e double guagc with lnun- dry, rad10-controUed d1X1r. Lot 50 JC H2'. Wtll l:.nd- scapcd. This home must be at-en lo be apprcrintf'r1. Located at 3312 O<:ean Blvd., Corona del Mu OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONAnu; on~F:R Shown by appointment only Phone Owner . .lfarbor 3135 -&Oc4~ BALBOA ISLAND PLENTY OF ROOM FOR ALL FTVE BDRMS .. J baths, largr fireplace & bnrbrque. Sliding glM• wall, dmmg room nlljoln11 pntlo. 2-CAJ' g1trage. This attractive wrll built hr1 mr. clo8e to Bay, hu many extras which will plr nse you A value we are pr oud to 11how. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auoc1atcs Park at Marine>, Balboa lt1l11 nd -Harbor 2462 - NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE VIEW LOTS are a.t.mo.t unpou 1ble to fmd ln th. H.arbor An: a. yet we have one for only $4500. Try lllld find · one tor thia price. THE VOGEL CO. aee1 E. Cout BWJ .. eorc..a del Ku Har. 11 u-un PAGE 10-COASTALSHOPPER-APRIL27, 1955 Balboa Island 20 ~n increase in bldg. material costs. No increase yet on our good listings. MOOR YOUR 80-FT. boat to your own private pier and float In front of thia delightful 4 bdrm, "Little Jaland" Balboan·Engllsh home. Price about $78.000. FOUR BEDROOM, 11;2 bath home near South Bay. Large living room. AU on one floor. Drastically re· duced. Price $28,500 -$7 ,MO handles. T WO BEDROOM, one bath , large living rm., nicely furn. home. Ready to move i.n at !21,500. NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent house bdrm., plua three othera, 3 baths, spotleu. $28,500. CUTE, CLEAN, DELIGHTFUL vacation home. 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. Patio, den. Charming. $15,750. Sub· mlt your down payment. Balboa Island Income FIRST OFFERING of this outstanding Soulh Bay home. Designed for immediate coaversion (close 1 d oor) to two units. P erfect buy for executive re· la.xalion and tax relief. Two living rooms. fireplace, 5 bdrms., 3 baths, 2 kitchens . Price about $65.000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyous living room, large dining room in main unit. Priced con· aervaUvely at $3!>,000. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA Y'S superior homes. 4 bdrms., 3 baths. Abeolutely exceptional living room, fenced yard. -$32.000. VISIT EUROPE this summer FREE on income from this beautiful Beacon bayf ront 6 bdrm. home & apt ., 3-car garage. For the best values in f he Harbor area Balboa • 3 bdrm .. 2-story furn. two baths-S14.000 • 3 bdrm .. den. Waterfront, exquisitely furn. $69,750 • Lot • Peninsula-$5250 COSTA MESA • 4 bdrms., 2 baths. W to W carpets, brick planter, landscaped. Brick enclos- ed servic~ yd. $1500 dn. -$12,750. NEWPORT • Duplex· Furn. $9500. two bdrm., 1 bdrm. $1500 dn. Shored if f s • 4 bdrm.. pool, 4 baths. Marble fireplace. black Cararra bar -$64,500. • 3 bdrm., lge. Liv. rm .. two fireplaces, FA heat, lge. lot . -$32,000. SOUTH COAST REALTY & INVESTMENT CO. 302 Main St., t~w doors from Balboa P .O. Tel. Harbor 203j OPEN HOUSE 400 Kings Pl. Sat. and Sun. 11-5 Do:->·T JliST DRIVE BY. Stop end see thl:1 2 bdrm. and den honw. Wall to wall "llrpel.3. 19M G.E retrii:nRt11r. Bullt·ln Therma· dor lllOYe ftnd ov .. n. 1"hl1 11 Rood livtni: and location. Pr. $26.5-00. OPEN HOUSE 182 Cabrillo, C. M. ~at. and Sun. 11-5 LIKE LIVING UP TOWN! Thie 3 b<lrm. home 11 V<'ry good, L<>- r1Hffi In llJ\ ueft that 11ho11ld pick up value l'rlrt 110.:100 REWARD You'll surely say we're entitled to a reward for of- fering you the opportunity or buying this real neat 2 bdrm. home. wit h a fireplace, hwd. floora, conveni- ent to stores & bus line. AND ALSO an income unit ALL FOR $11.000, with t erms that are a knock out. This is SO GOOD that our listing salesman, Mr. Rayle, la geing to have OPEN HOUSE on THURS., FRJ., SAT. & SUN. afternoons (but we doubt that it will last till Sunday). Oh, Yes, the addreea 11 410 IRIS <South of the Hwy.) in CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD OPEN HOUSE Tbul"9,. Fri., Sat., & Sun. alternoona. --TIME for a Change - -- WE: RF:<'()J.11\fF':-if' vn11 11 ,. PAI BOA lSLA ~o. ~·hnll wt ha"" ll flnP fll'll 1 ly r< •.. I o hnme. 11nrt llf•t. •l"lh clbl i;.1111)!1' Woll br aw11l1tblr (or ~11mmrr I l.011'1ii Of warrt1;obe l'f'&Ct' ~,.., th111 hnn1t tnd11~·! ITS A MODF:RN' 2 BEDROOM horn~. with <orr"tl Rir htllt anll wall to Wftll c!lrpet, pltnt.1· ot gla111 aroun1l hw<'l\I patio. Ftrf .. place 11nd lot11 of Ill!'. 'TH E A PT. rs FURNISHED 11.11d bring• in $1,200 a yur. PRICE U8,7M, nn good term•. and W<'ll worth the monry' Call Powtra or Lake J. A. BEEK, Realt or Harbor 11:1, ~03 Pftrk Ava. Balboa bland EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS ll'IRST TIME OFFERED. Very lovely three bedroom cu.stom bullt horn<'. Large muter lw-11· room and bath. plua two ~Iler than average el.%• bedroom• '111'1th 2nd batll. Living room ha.a large fireplace and redwood panellnJ. Extremely convenient kltchen- bullt·ln electrlo range and thl'r· HOUSTON VALUES l 'NllSUAL QUALITY -3 tklnn. HOMJl. _.._,,.. new. Built in OV<'n & ran~f'. garb. dt.p., patio. • scw~r. E. 11ide, close in. $3000 down. SMALL 2 BDRM. BUNGALOW. $6250. Ntce Z. IMe lo<"ation. -E Z Terms. CLIFF HA \'EN. 3 b<inn. & big playroom. $.'5000 da. Ew. inform. on these Lytle LI 8-2542 M · 1 on SUPERIOR -110 ft. frontage with ntoe I bdrm. hou~. Sewers in & pd .• only $10,000. LOOKY • LOOKY -Only $6500 for thia older, baa GOOD 3 bdrm. on Santa Ana, Npt. Hte. ONE OF THE NICEST 3 BDRM. HOMF.S bl ~ club area. Eve. inform. on theee, Petitte LI 8-MBT C-2 ON NEWPORT BLVD.· downtown area. 8().fl f rontage. Chiropractor• suite of omcee. 2 bdrm. home & rental unit. Valuable pit-Ce ot properV. A home & opportunity to carry on a good pract:Soe. S5000 wiU handle. 4 ACRES ON BACK BAT. Wonderful view. PrloecS right. Will divide. 4 BillLDING LOTS 55x13!> CLOSE IN WES?' 8ID!I On paved St. Mu.st be 110ld together. Bugaln a& $5600 cash. Eve. inform. on theee Seymour Har. 0298-W DUPLEX on BAY A VE. In NEWPORT Bl!lACR. Exe. rental location. A atep from the bay. ~ h8Jldles. M·l-4 ACRES. Paularino district. $GOOO an aon. ''ll down. Eve. inform. on tbeee, Benner Har. 18U HOUSTON REAL TY & Associates BAY SHORES OPEN HOUSE 205 Del Mar Sunday 11-5 AT 530 KlNGS ROAD ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm., 1 3~ bath home. on exclusive Kings Rd. Charming design and all rooma are well arranged. light and 1pa.clou11. La.rge alid· Ing doors from dining room to outdoor patio. W lo W C8.rp('ting, forced air h<'aling. indoor planter, dbl. garage, attractively landacaped and sprinkler aya· tem. This home will please the moat diacrimmating buyer. Priced at only $22,7~. very attra.ctive terma. mador ovtn, breakfut bar open· Ing lnto a cozy dlntn1 room. Living room and kltcWen have accua to encloled patio with 509 Center SL WE SPECIALIZE -Consult us for exclusive. desirable homes. CALL HARBOR 1775 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22!1 Ma rine Ave .. Balboa T1dand. THE GREAT ORANGE COAST THESE YOU WlL~ LIKE RESTRICTED BACK BAY a.rea. 2 large bdrms. & den. Oversized Mr. & Mrs. wardrobes, hwd. floors, 2 bnth8, t ub & shower gla&11 enclosed, cC'ramic tile. colored flxturN1, Soil proof wallpaper, copper p1pin~. c~t nc heating. Large living room, entry way. ahd· ing glum doors, fireplace, forced lllr but. cement patio. large kitchen, ceramic tile, fan. Hotpoinl &t.ove & oven. dlapoaal, diahwaaher, all built-in. Many f'Xlra cablneUI. large ~r"Vlce porch, laundry tray. You ran ha\•e all lh1e and <'lectric gsra.:o door fnr only $24.500, but be quick. . RLOCK FROM OCEAN B1 :11 h l..0L11 30 x 104 · R-2 zonro None pnced lrst1 A nd hard to find at any pnce, $2250 t ,, S-2.'\4)() ~lttt yours today~ 11:m KINGS ROAD A 111t (' adclreijh, a nice hom t' 3 bdrmii , 2 b.ilh~. F'1rt·plare. F. A. hf'ating. picture window". 1·aq l('ls, disposal. patio, landscapc.'d and a 'iew. Ofl\'n l to 6 daily except Mon. & Tuc>M. Priced to sell. It CAn't Last Long! ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BULLDERS 1857 Newport Ave . Costa Mesa LJberty R-1632 Llbt-rty 8·1400 E'·es. 00 YOl" 1.U<I': COMFY. COZY llvmi: • W11nl a qunllty home• C-c..pp< r plunib1n1t J11p1'"f'll<' u h pllnrl1~ JOO'r "(;ol carpeting, Birch and J.'onnl<'._ )fttchen, fir,.· Jll&c ... 3 bdrm. w flh 1-... ba"1 Thf'n ~• lh11 Sunday. ~RIC-YOU T IRED of buylniir prop· l'rty tor •omt>nnl' !'llM' ~ Th"n lrt •1• •how I hie 2 I> h Ill, hllfrl('. j11•t :i "'" nl<l at 196~ Maple St Pt Irr $11 !100. Thill wlll f\O. "ART " ADAIR l<f:AJ .TOH 16M !'\l'WJl()r\ Ulvd C'Oll& M•·~n. l'Dllf I.I 8·3792 BALBOA I r~!!,., ~do~~1n ~a~~~~~ •. tanr" ,,, th,. llhrarv in &Ibo• $ ll ~Ill\, Tf:fUl!I Duplex in Ba lboa (1:-J 1-:Al'"T: BA y AV•: l blk from l>ll\ ("omrl"t"IV fum1ah..., E•· <',.11,.nl 1rn\"I •t .. • \\ 11 lltcn r di•· l11n•,. I • lol11ar\· 2 hr 111"1111 n .. 111 ... r lu• l l~•trm apl. $21 ~ T•:IU.t!I Costa Mesa ~lrF: 2 R•:rlR M HOt"!'F: nn 111)11· H I>' h•I \\ 11lkcna: r11~111n• ~ l" •lor .. 11 & C"11th11l11· l'l'honl $13.00Q l':Xt"l-~1 .1.ll:N r Tr'ltM!ll Coast Propert ie s Co. 301 •• Baltioa Bh•d. lklbM Harb>•r 211•, , 2'>11T and ~600 NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE 1 Owner moving and hu pnced his nice hom" to srll ------------ quickly ~ Ch('('k lhN!e fc11tum~. OWNER I-Nice. unnb~tn1dt>rl oc~an ,.,<'W LEAVING STATE 2--Ntar "torea & tran111.c1rt.ation 3-3 nict bcdmoms \\llh amplf' rloseu. Sl ,500, 4-1 h22 h'·m11: mom wit h Oag11tonc fir<'l'larl" '4 luge view window Corona Highlands 5-S:i1:1 0 dining room 6-Ha.ndy L-"h"ped kitchen i -Hudwood F looni. Fumact- 8--Large 2-c11r gara~e 9--0nly S 17.9~. FHA Loan 1nrludt>11 ta.x<'s, tn· AUrlLllce. interest and pnnc1pal at 3 per mo. Be sure and lief' this nice homr. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coa11t Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 1741 .1477 "Clean as a Whistle " EXCEPTIONALLY ATI'RACTIVE 2 bdrm, hom(' Panrlled ll\'lng room and small dining ronm, t"3r· peted wRll to wall, good kitchen, breakfa..!'!l spare and M'n·1~ po rch. Ample cupboards and storage space. Over111U'd 2~ar garage. N ice enclosed patio. Moet convtnient corner location. 2 blks. from City H11ll. NE'~'J)Ort Beach. Only S12.000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor !t 13 Newport ~lvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 A LOT of Dirt - FOR THE MONEY -well Jooated 1 acre 1n new de velopment. Good soil. Plenty of good cheap •·ater. Priced Jeee than a city &ot at S3000. 8ee l.Jla B. MeF~n with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. B&lboa Bl .. Balboa Har. 3786 or 2517-M (Next to the Do ll House) l ~C-L.l:-VES n""' ,..,,..... r,.rnr 11u tn " ""' r•tr"' A t:Sr•P-'• IA ll:• I"! ()""'" '"'"" $12000 , , 2tl·\ r I•"" r N1tm11m ,.nt ;-.'nU11na: boll• r l•lr lh•• mnnr• G U l..J\THR()I' :11;:n Y. 1•m1~1 "" v . I oH nn•1 •I• I \t11r H11tbtlr !'IU2 1 t ,.,.. llnr 1~•11 J t 44r 46 Fixer upper CO>oO.tERCJAt. Bl .I)(; al WO f: S.lboa Alvt1. 30x'l0 lot Stor' a nd I tflnlala :l blka. to run s.one. $1t!t>OO ~m11ll dn pymt The Locator of Calif. ~7 E D1 lbo& Olvll. S.Uboa Phone Harhor 3'1tl& 441'48 CX"EAN VIF:W HOM~. 2 i04 Cllff l\nv" F\111 Jlrlr• t 11 000. trm11 I Sl'O(\ t:Sn,.n Ownn. I.I 8-2 • .,32 2311r TWO R•:l"IROOM. K:"iOITY rJ:->E L.. R , Ille bil th. •l"ttnc kllchrn. 1loubl• ~Ar""it"'· dllrk1 num laun· dry. atoreroom. IAl"lfe TROPl C AL pa tio. Marl• t\Jrnl8hl'd, .,•nol rar- ~tlnp;. R•"'m In build on l&nd· IC"&f>"d h'i>nl, $12.:io<> furn1Ahe1I sori-~:trd 8L Har. 4308.J for A(lpl 43p-4!'1 CLIPF RA VEN. J Mrm1.. fir .. place. oaJt n..... )'a t10. l•nr td ylln l .\ dbl If" r $14 .:.00. H :SCIO down. 4' • IC\CU\. 1100 Mtiy Rt. Llbfrty 8-~971. 42cH THREE Bl:DROOM fr-•mct on h!UI ar re. H x :Jll~ Jo·ru11 lrl'I'•. r\ c. 262& F:lilrn. I 'n•lA M"A&. LJO..rly 3.:,101, t •·u U 8·311 9. dp4~ brick bar~cue. Kouae I• Ranch . Liberty 8-6911 atyle with heavy apllt ahalce root. -----------------------... FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Russ, Wm. G. Schmidt 312 Ma rine Ave., Balboa Island AstllOCl ate.a Harbor 2042 CORONA DEL MAR 1-CHOOSE YOUR OWN INTERIOR COLORS- 2 bdrm. & den· nearing completion on Suview. Shake roof, 1% batha on large lot. Thi.a will wiU aell befor~ finished. Firat come, f irst Rrved. 2-EXCELLENT SMALL DUPLEX-on Poin.lettia le 4th. Good rental record In good neighborhood. One 11d<' J"l'nte<i. the other ls ready for occup&nt',1 3-FJSHER BUILT 2 bdrm. home a block above Carnation beach. Fl&g11t.one firl'place. dbl. gar- agl'. nicely 111.ndacaped. Only 3 yra. old. Owner IUlXIOUll. 4-3 BDRM. HOME In BACK BAY. 40·ft. filtered 11w1mm1ng pool. lge. rumpua room and l'l'parate gut>at house on a cre of ground. Sw1mm111g pool 8.Dd lot are worth uklng price $27,MO. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard 3034 E. ColU!t H wy., C.orons del Mar Pat Patlleon Hu. 2H3 CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner lot 3 bdrm., 3 bath hf)me, lm.maculately and -complete· ly furnish<'d mclud1ng deep frtt.z.e, wuhmg machine. T\', hnen8. bla.nJctt.!1, dUolhMi le t11lverware. No phone information. Shown by a ppointment only. F'ull Pnce $39.~. AL.SO 2 bdrm .. 2 bath plus guest room immaculately and <'Omplell'ly rurnu1he-d l!UCh u dishes. a1lverware, TV. F:xpcns1v<'ly carpetf.'d a.nd draped. Cltver land.scar- ing. Large corner lot . F'ull price - $32.500 -Terms. For preview showlng•, call H arbor 1600 - (Evea. Liberty 8-.!5386) Ov.rst.&ed double p.raae. lnlu- lor t. completely carpeted wall to "''&JI and drape. are lncludf'd. Forced air rum11.ce Vl!'W ot ocean and landscaped. Lot 6~x- 180. E'xduwtve With ua and .,,, have Ula key. Fred J. Crosier and Assoc . 3~30 Eut Cout Highway Corona del Mar Ttlt'phone Harbor 3!')71 OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX COMJ>LE'TJ.;LY FURN. Only 13000 handl ea. Terrlrlc buy at St 1.8~0. DUPLEX 1 :: block to ocean. I t.ARCr; u:--:rr PI.US 2nd unll compl fum Only Sll\,800. I BALBOA 3 l~ITS F"t'H:\" F'lnN1l rt'nl•I .,,." E•c .. llenl vallU\ C'lflH to burh. Our bu11inl'1J1 iii good, we nCi"d more Ustinga. rHON!: H A1t 6228 or comr In WOI Newporl Blvd , N"wport Bt>h Art C. Kistler Co. 42r 44 Lido Lots I u · LOT RTR•:r.r TO STRr.ET l•l um" Mf,.r•d Altr•ctlvt buy So ll'll'f'hnn., mronnat1on Homes WE HA VE USTJ:-10~ ln •U lll'f'U LH tu find wh at yr1u WILlll N. 8. C. Rea lty Co. 32nJ 6 !'n• p<•r\ [llvd. Xrt H(h I Otl Of" Tow:-; o~nrr ea)' '("l I nff .. r • on r••rntr dupl"ll So nr HJWI ) C>nr unrurntllilf'od apart· ml'nt h11e a tw>droom•. one fur nl~hNI atudl<> llpsrlm~nl prajft All 1.11 11••><1 rond1t1nn f'&.11 ,..,,.. Kt.hl•t .. tJI Har 21 ~2 '"V• Har Oll.ll' R. 31 ~ C'out Blv1l , C r' Jlf 44lfl LAKE ARROWHEAD U>T With bo&I dO('k $1.,(IO or will lrtotl <' for lat• 27-f t1m11111 t tlllln I.I 8-H M :llHfc; Look at this HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS 1 b<lnn . hwt1 noor•. r1rep1ac• Newport Blvd. Ill 30th ~l.. Newport Bf.'ach d1~pou1 W1m1 t•1r l"lr.-1r1~ ------I 1110\'P ~·l'nl',.,I, Jlll'lltl'fl al 2~40 F&lni .. ay Dr . c:1 ... 1a Mr1111 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ' 1-u _u_:><>_Ph_. _H•_r_3_.-·1_1·J-JP_1,,. EAS'J'SffiF: clnM:' in. 2 bdrm & d<'!I (older home in good cond1tinn ~ Jr&rage, fen<'1'fl ~·ard. 11ewer In le p&id. $7~ with S1550 down & balance $60 per mo. Rl'SINF ... "S CORNER Cw ith bldg) on Newport Blvd. (60 x 100) -$10.500. with bet!t o ( term1. 3 BDRM. HOME. dbl garage, need.a p&inl But price ts nght., $9500 with tenne. TWO LOTS each ~ x 133, h igh corner location both tor S4000. NEAT 2 bdrm. home. aervicc por ch, chain link tenet. $5750 w\tb $2750 down. G. N. WELLS, Realto r Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd.. Coeta Meaa. U S..1601 By owner-Costa Mesa 3 BF.OR~ AlmoJtt n"" ~r11r lith Sl Th'! fm1•at n rl1Chlxlrh001I tor y~ur ch1ltlr•n-<•n a banjo 11r"•t Pncr 110 P~..O. only $1 r100 dov.n P• rQu"l At ••rh• It l•I• floor• B tam • rt C"ilin~a lhrouir;h?ut. 8pa.clou1 cloMtJI ••tr•pl&<'" 8"· low coat HIM'rlnce hy own!'r R~~;;~•Y~~3c4~h 1 rum. 2 bdnn. home, .-.JI t.o wall oa.rpel, hwd. nra.. c .. m,nt pall<>, fenced yard. HWtre In. Full price SUOO. '3.776. down. U 11·2i22 3~i8K 208 Kings Plac·e P'OR 8ALI: OR LEAi!~ w1lh ns>· I lion to buy. AltractJv1 J bdrm, A dm. b<-am ctllltlr•. 1o&rr• ,,,_ lot. Clift Haven. Owller, Lonir 8-ch 900-317. Hp62H Choice Bay Shores Properties Attractive 3 br .. 2 bath house, PLUS eombinaUon xtra large rumpus-bedroom with additional bath over garage. Large living room with flttplace, also unit heaL Com p lete built-in k itchen, lnclude. wuh- er, drier. stove, refrigerator. dh1hwuher. $29,500. Tenna can be arranged. Exclualve Beautiful patio in this unusual a bdnn. home . 2 baths· l':: lots. $15.000 wUI hllndle. Shown by appointment only. Evea. LI 8-6373. Bay \'1ew at $27.500. 3 bdrm. & ] 3 , balha, 2 patJ01. Nicely furnished ·in rattan, including 21" TV aet. Terms can be arranged. Comer lot 40 x J 00. Excellent locat:Son. Summer a.nd yearly rt>ntala. Exclul!ive In'& with private awunming beach. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150~ W. Balbo& Rlvd .• Newport Reh. Har. 01 88 V Corona del Mar Best Buys :l-IOICE LO(' A TION rloS(• to tl<>T't'fl, thl• one bclnn. home. hwd floonc, all t•leoctnc, fenc<'d yarrl 7~onrd rnr ano thl'r unit. Rrouced from $10.750 to 995() C J Rf"s:tli-. $2500 down will h1rndJe. 2 CHINA CO\'E PANORAMIC OCT.AN view trom thu.t 4 bdrm. qunllt\" built home. flwd. noo~. forcrd 1l1 r t1('tll. \lost• lo b1•ac:he11 ft'w those who rnn nff11rd it. tllltf u1 l ht· f1n<'st. Shown by a pp't. Prt<'<'d to t1dl al S42,500. Owner will t.ake Amaller homl' 1n trnd<' 3 S HORE CLIFT~ ~us for Shore Cliffs home-e anct vncl\nt lot.<i If it Is for ttalt-, we have It lisltd.. 4 BF..ST Ot:PLEX Bt:Y. Located on comer Int, nrarly new. 2 l!cpuate unit.a, 2 bdrm&. e1U:h. Hwd. nooni. lmmrd1ate po!IM't!llton . Pnced at $21,500 Low down (lA)•ment WlU handle ~ the!\e today'. PRICE T. McCUISTION ~tl.LTIPLr: t.l!ITTNG REALTOR 3441 F. \o:t>-l Hwy. C"nrt'"a dd Mar Har. 47 IOrflr l' l11<'nti-r1 n1>Xl dn<1r t o Coro na dl'I Mar &okl VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Noth ing Could be Finer Than thlR lnily d1st1nttl\·e new quitlit)' buill 3 bdrm .. 4 bath home With unsurpaR11ed \'lt'W or Hl\rbor trom b"th livin~ rcmm llnd mastt'r bdrm. Lor:ttr·tl on hr· 1 I· t •ful comer Int clo11e to Ocean & BAy on lovely Balboa Peninsula. 2 f1r1>plA<'('t! · ftn{.'1;t mahC1~any and u h panell.fng t hr11out . l-'pn11111111 <'nrlo~d patio walle-d for pnYlcy. Triple ~a raJ:•• with wnrki-h••r arra plus many olh1>r ()llh standing t't-11t urC's too numrrou11 to menU(JD herf'. s rn.500 rash. To p Loan CommilmPnt to 'JllAhfi.ed buyenl. Call and make an appointment IJ\ aee. The Vogel Co. 3201 W Coaat Highway Newpr1rt lkad t Liberty 8-3481 or Harbor 5 1 ~ • Open Daily 1 -5 $19,500 CLJFF HA VEN 55-yestr Jea~hnld. :-;,.w cu11tont built h ome on a large corner lot 3 t11lrm11 .. 2 tJS. baths. F ireplace, It'. A. h <'at, d1!j p11S11l, kitrhen fan. houae completely drapNi. Sliding ~1a~11 rll)(lr to lars• patio, c<Jmplctely IRnctsca I~. •20 Ea.st 15th St .. com< r vf King• Place C.ourteay to Brokera UP'S II - • BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING ~ 311 ){arine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 OPEN HOUSE 1 - 5 p. m. 305 Ruby Ave. $5000 DOWN. Charm. 2 bdrm. home • Attrac. (urn. Nice patio, garage. F ull price $17,950. WATERFRONT Deluxe d uplex . One hu 4 bdnns., 2 baths, and one 2 bdrm., 1 bath. Both unita furn. Large dbl. garage. Finest rentals. $41,500, terms. WATERFRONT. Charm. 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Very attrac. furn. -$29,500. NO. BAY FRONT. 4. bdrm., 2 bath home and 1 bdrm. apl Both wiita furn. Let us show you this TODAY. $45,000, terms. MARINE A VE. Buainesa property. 2 good rentals. $29,500. Cllll be handled for $5500 dwn. SEE THJS SHOWPLACE o( the Island. Beautiful 3 bdrm .. din· Ing rm. home on two Iota. Liv. room and master bdrm. each 30 x 20 with firepla ce. Owner is leav· Ing and aaya SELL -$35,000. BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It'" a ahake root typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu J 3~ bath1, dining room, brea.Jdut room, large living room with maABive fireplace. Thermodor elec· tric range & oven, beamed ceilings, cedar panelled walls. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. H's fenced and la ndscaped and baa a patio. Space prohibit.a the mentioning of the many other features except to add that it is eurroundC'd with quality built ranch homes. Priced definitely below value at $23,750 · KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view -2 bdrma., 3 baths. Large living rm., dining rm .. hugo den, patio, laundry rm. and aewing rm. Radio electric garage door oper· ator. Wall to wall carpet. and drapes. Extra largo garage. E:xtE>rior flood tights. Tht'nnador gas range and ovE>n and large built in refrige rator. The gurst bdrm. la completely fumiah ed. Price $36,500 with easy terms. CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT On Clut Drive. OOxllO -price $7000 Cliff Haven Iota are as ecarce as hens teeth, better grab this one while you can! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th• Irvine, Newport Buch Phone Llberty 8·2664 or eves. LI 8·6300 LIDO ISLE A LL YOU NEED ia your family a.nd persona] ~ longinJ• to move Into thie one year old lovely 4 bdrm. one Btory home. Large living rm. with atone fireplace. separate dining nn., modem kitchen with all convenienres. 3 car g1trago plus laundry and d~ep fr~i.e area. Stttl girder and subOoor IN to expand over garaJte. Carpeted and furnlehed for $39,500 with exceptional terms. Compare t.hie ! WHERE 7 ON THE BA YFRONT would you "xpect to f ind euch a )o\•ely 2 bdrm. & den h ome. Why, on LlDO, of course! And on the delightful North Bay a\. th&l. SparkHng nf'W from the t ip of the float to the at~t . Full pnce S59.500. VERY LATEST Imagine a 3 year old 2 bdrm. home on lovely Lido, completely fumu11hed for just S20.500. AND RElIE~lBER nus - m a.ny othu fine homn are liatl'd exclU8ively al THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE kl& Via Lido, Newport !Wach Har. 4911 or 49i2 Like CHARM 7 -and PROVINCIAL style ~ -CSED brick ? -CORN ER fireplaces~ -HARDWOOD Clool"l!I ? -a 0000 addttu'? -a LARGE lot; I Not h!ehld.) Thia one 8\.ory, 2 yr. old duplex no beautiful CLIFF DRl\'E i11 YOu"R answer ! 2 bd.nns . each, natural birrh kitcheru with disposals. ORl\'E BY - 1701 -1705 Cliff Drive, Cliff Haven Then phone our office -Better h urry! Only~ d O'fll -$2.f,50() full price. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY !18 Marine A"'·· Balboa Island Harbor 4i81 In Corona Highlands Ol'l ly 2 yra. youns, 3 bdrm. & den bome. Large liv· l.ng room. 10me ocean \•iew. A perfe.ct family home with plenty of room for kids. wurance Joan at 5 ,..o Multiple u.tfng No. ~71-$26,500. RAY REALTY CO. """ E . Coaat Bh·d., Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 .. -......... . . --· p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle .. Almost Finished Look below -one is yours ! Designed !or gncioua living, New Orlea.na wrought Iron and shuttera add to the grace.Cul, old world lines making thia outatandingly inviting. Charming planted entry, alate fireplace, louvred pau through from kitclien to dining area. Nylon Viacose carpet· Ing, 3 bdrms. and 2 batha, eliding gla.lla doon to patio. Therm. oven and ra.nre, dispoaal and touch Back Bay beautiea -Located ln the moet beauti- ful area of the Back Bay at.ands 2 bouaea on the nme 1treet -Both are artistically designed with the accent on Ea.rly American. One ts 3 bdrma., 2 baths at $25,450. plate u l;i cabinets. See thia deluxe home today! $34,000. The other la S bdrma. &. family room priced at $215,9ts0. Lare• Iota & plent y or room. Both will be open Sunday! Call us tor addresses and directions. Another home by the same builder, very s!Jnilar ex- cept lt'a on a corner and baa i bdrma. and 3 batha and also 2 fireplaces. It you deaire a larger home come In and we will be happy to show you why Ask for Bill Farnsworth or BiU Meaeenger Large view -Small price we think this i.a a terrtttc buy at S37,•00. Immaculate 3 bdrm. view home, a real buy at - $17,~. Low down, adjacent lot also available. Ask for Dave Osburn. BUILDERS OWN HOME on 80-ft. wide north BA y. FRONT site. Extremely beautiful master bdrm. suite wit h frple., 2 large bdnns., maid'• room and a very lovely guest house. Full dining room, bar, boat house, 2 boat slips, etc. U you are interested in a Fun House on Lido larger BA YFRONT home you should tee th.IJs. $110,000. You'll get a big kick out of this cute 2 bdrm. home with fireplace, double garage. Beautifully !urn· ished and ready to move into. Excellent value at $21,450. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1600 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 Peninsula Home! A HOME WlTH THE HA.I.J.,. BILL'S BEST BUYS MARK OP' GRACIOUS LJVINO. Roomy Wi th ' tiedroom• and 2 SMALL HOME and BLDG.-bath•. 3 bedrooms up and one qown. Situated on 2 lari• com er On 61' x 130' lot centrally located with paved and lot..t totaling 7~x102 teeL Large bed St Se . d .d w d n 1 t living room with tlreplace, w to cur . wera in an pal . oo oors, p aB e~· w <'nrpetlnl:'. Full lot pau o, bad· ed and completely fenced. Bldg. in rear haa poS8t· mlnlon oourt, beauUruUy land· bilitiea. Price $7000. Arrange tenn.s. 11eaped. J deal for Jure family. 132.600, terma. • • • Peninsula Income ! TWO HOUSES FOR THE PRl<;E OF ONE! Two unit.I on one level. 2 bC'droom apt. In rn.r, one bed· roll111 tronl. Nice 1LUcco prop- erty W1 t.h a 2 car ,.,...,e and pref~rred re.nt&l &UL M\lrnlllhed. ot courac. 118,l'iOO, tenna. • • • Balboa Duplex! 8 PA 0 1 0 U 8 UPPER APART· MENT. t\Jmlahed. wtl.h l bed· rooms and a one beJroom lowf'r recentJy modernized . . . d1~ po113I, conltoll~d heat IU'ld t•vc-ry· thing. Laree lot, room tor one more unJt. $ llJ.l'IOO. term1. . . . Peninsula Duplex! ~0 O~E ABO\'E OR BENEATH YOU L"l THIS SEM.l·DETACH· ED Dt:PLEX. Large com~r lot. A Full Load of Living- Excellent NE location. 3 bdrms., shake roof, 2 baths. Hwd. floora, F A heat, Wied brick fireplace. Large lot 80 x l~. Just 9 month.s ~ld and price at $14,750. A Nifty For The Tbrifty- a bdrm., cloee in near Orange & Cabrillo Sta. J ust 1 blk. to Thrifty II Alpha Beta. Owner a.nxioiu. Being Drafted -Must Sell a bdnna. with 11,.\ bathe, only ' moe. old. Lot a1rA 63 x 106, new paved and curbed at.net, .ewen, clOM in and on bua line. Near Grammar and Intermediate School.e . .lm.med.late poaeaion. l'ulJ price $9400. with only $1000 down and $67150 month. W. A. TOBIAS. Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'll Llke Our Friendly Service" 393 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-1139 Eaeh l.lllit ha.a I be4rooma and 2 ---------------------- .,.~. Terrific for a home v.1lh l.ncome or tor rental purp<>~• only. '29,7r>O, only $8,TOO 11own. • • • Ocean Front Home! OtJR BEST OCEAN ll'Ro~·r VALL'lil ON THE PEN I NSL'l..A. Dandy View ot au llo&t •eUvtty 2 bcd:room1. UvU!g rnom wllh fir,.pl&Ct', t\lmlelled. l.Dd a ter· r1flc si1.uo. Your eha.nc• ot a lite time fetr ll1l Ocean front home. Only JIB~. Balboa Realty Co. ruin Grttl,y Al Cornelius Ed vc Ja!'k Plnk.h&m J00tephine Webb 100 E . B&lbo& Rlvd • B&lbo& Phone H_,bor 3277 Business Propertv •oxi:io o~ ~EWPO.RT BL~D .. clOM to centn ot 1own~ Hu modtrn ator11 bldJ? T'hta property h".! All ,X~tlll!Tlt po"ntlf.J ll1.~00. tt'nna How About This 1 ~. AC'RJi:8 with unaurpa.ut<i oecan VlC'W. Thi• property hu terrWc posalbllJUu tor lncom' drvf'Jopment and Lt located near lar11:• Jlropo~ tndUJlrlal d'\'t- lopmt ri I.. HM • t wo br. houae • a <luplVt no .rly Olli.bed It romn for at leut 6 mo~ unit.a - Only 116,000 -SI.MO Down ' B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1981 !':ew-por\. Rlvd . Cotta Me.No Phone U 11-1672 ~vu. 1,.1 8-~8i Call for App't. to eee - 6903 Seashore Dr. J BR. Bl!:ACH KOM.1!1 h cloaed patio 6: Lil the uaual 1lutf, SI0.~00 price, l•.000 dn. Con· a\dn Ell for •mall equilJ 1n a. A. tiome 6 tom• cull. Bayview Realtors 130' Balboa BIYd .. Newport kh. Hanor '371. not• BACK BAY Comu ol J.!(;aa OMve • Cyprua. e yrs. old. be&uutul view. 88.3 x l 46' lot. I bdnna., Ip . H 1l 20 kitchen. ,..all to wall carpet. SoUcl Pl.Uni biOG cout.ruct.lon, "'&!led paUo. Lot. ot room tor Income adrtltJoa w1Ua 119.y '1- Pn\'ata party. IJS.toO. Pt\. LI t ·G8'8 tor appollltmaL U,'6 HOME OR INCOME ON LOVELY LIDO -A home tbat we feel is the beet buy around, a nd you may compare them all. A1 neat as a pin , 3 yrs. old, 2 bdrm.a., completely !urnlshed home, well located and priced to still, $20,500, includes the furnit ure. For the Larger Famify A four bdrm. furnished home on a street to ttreet lot with 45' ot frontage. One year new, all on one floor. Built-ln range, carpeted. stone fireplace and man)" other cxt'cptional features including & 3-car garage. $39,500 wltb excP.llent terms. LIDO NORD 2 bdrm. home. large loL $8200 h&ndlet. f'u.lJ pric~ S23,rso<l. ALSO • New Bayfront home. We can't aay enough about thil lovely four bedroom home. Juat completed and ready t or you to enjoy t.he aummen. l.At'a ro look! Full pri~ S7~.000. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 841& Vla Udo, Newport Beach Hu . 4971 · 4972 Lots For Sale Cambridge Est ate 16th & Irvine Restricted Area .) 75' Frontage S3650 Going Fast -11 Sold in 2 Days PHIL SULLIVAN, Owner 1856 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa Llberty 8-6761 or Llberty 8-2103 Accent on Value placed rightly here On this modern • bdrm. bayfront home with 1 bdrm. apL over garage, $f5,000. Good financing. This is just one of the many 4 VOGEL V ALU~ we have to show you. VOGEL CO. 208 Manne Ave., Balboa laland Harbor ..U COSTA MESA This Week's Leader OPP()RT'tJXJTY knock1 a~&ln! Sl 000 down will move you Into a l!frtlme of comfortable llv1ng In thl11 neu ly new 3 bedroom 11Jorable famlly home In ucel· lent nrighborhood close In East· 11lcJo . . . Flreplarc, parquet tloor11. breezeway . Pace telling v&ll•e at 110,W>O. • • • Charm Personified VutY SELDOM an we tortunatt enou,h to l ist a home with auch a ppeol. lt you are tlrtd ot look· 1111( 11t ordJ.ru•ry hou~a then Jet u• &how you this picturesque R 118Uc wllh 2 lure bedroom• an11 (li!n openln' onto a beauUrul 'nclo!M!J pa tio wJUI covrrfd l11.n11I yu. bath a nd %. tire· pltice. hdwd. tlo<m1. dining a nd brea.k tut au u: Unmat.c~d tor m<>l\l wanted location! llll.t e!O wtt.h ~xceUent ~rma. • • • First Time Listed AND WE CHALL.A NG.It YOU to t><-"t thl4 l)uy! Jmmaculate ll bdrm. hom• In a bouu t\11 far· den JUJt a pitch and a putt trom tbe i olt <'OurH ... Larr• room•. hdwd. !loon1. ftreplacl'. cop~r pl11mbln~. wu.lher·atrlpped - rtt<l qu1.11t y lhroucbout and complelC'ly rep&Jnted &lid rede· coratrd. Sll,9 1)(1 f\IU pnce W1 th a GI • FHA loan payable H O rc-r n111nu1 1nc:lud1111: l l\llU and tnll\Jrnnc!'. • • • Fresh as a Daisy A~ A PPE.A LlNO 3 bdrm. boml! <•n " bea utlfuUy l&ndM-&~ oor· nrr lot wlUI the mo.11t attractive. pa tio and b11r bcqu1 you've .ver IM"Cn ••• J H .700: May•• llhow you throurh. T Bay & Beach Realty Hll>6 Newport Ulvd. Coeta Men . Calif. Uberty 8-11111. Evea. LI 8·3153 Open House .J.0 a .m ... 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands THR.Dl Bl:DM>OMI, t bathe m&(llltl~l ldt.cl\en • dlJWl1 room. 1000 tt. plue ,..,..,.. lea YI-•· Buud... will eell tNa ' bouH at a .,.,,. ~ble price 4 r ooo tenna. May take aom• t.rt.d.. Pbooe Har. '426-JK. BACK BAT ~ &.cf'9 N9llc obarm vi•"'· I br. It daa,paUo. room tor horsu .. .. ........ _ .. .. .. _ 122 1100 t BR. BACK BAT. '11'W -t.'2.:·0I'\ 3 UR . BAC K DA\', t omer $22 O~oO c t.t rE 1 1• br , n a.1. ll>IMd •1~.,1~.o M·l Bt..oo. e<1xt11 N.-.vport-111.I~ or INISI!. OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1 • 5 2515 Creslvitw Dr ., BAYSHORES Cr a ire Van Horn REAT~T0R 11a1 w , Oc>Mt Hw1. LJ a. .. n ; llY OWN E.R -I bdrm.., J h b$th P\ou" on dbl LEVEL lot. l.A.rgt rfna. \.hruout. Flrtplace, patio, tui.eed )'d.. dbl (U. Nnt 1 bdrm hOUM on ~r of lot r.or lnoome ll&r. 0Ul·l4. tl& Ja.nlJle, Co· rona d•l Mu. tk~ IU>OO. N'l:Wl..1 PAINTlll> J Md· room lt\ltOO home on comer, • yra. old.. Sm.all •cloMd patio ..,,,_ UM w 11.u. Nr. a6tla APRIL 27, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE 11 GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine divenified floor plans. When you inspect these model homes, you will note they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that n.-sultt'd In tbia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace fam ilies for many yeara. Permanent restrictiorui guarantee you wm alway. be proud of your home bcN>. To the home buyer who wishes to purchase In th• $22,000 to $35,000 class we sincerely recommend th• Irvine E states overlooking Newport. Harbor. Irvine Terrace is located on Coaat Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnf onnat:Son * F or Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold E s tate In Irvine Terrace. "You'll Want It" when you see it, for h ere is a T op Udo buy ready to be moved into for $24,225 full price. 3 bedroom• and 2 bat.hs. completely furniebed right down to a deep freeze, washer and dryer. It's on a wonderful street a step away from the beach. Street to atreet lot. Moat pleaain.g lnter• ior with a brick fireplace and open plan. A. veraaU!e home, It can be a fine family home fM ye.ar round living, or the perfect aummer home, or buy It for Income -<summer rents ahtad). Wtt can work out excellent lcrma !or you. Exclusive with us- A WONOERF1JL BRAND NEW HOME with thret bdrm.e. 2 are full aiu and the mut.er i.e extra large, 2 Wed bat.ha, master bedroom carpeted and •lldlnr doora open from it onto & magnificent aundeck. Be&uutul kitchen with bullt.-in oven and ran,p, di.a· pou1 and diahwuher . Separate dining area.. Ueed brick firepl&ce, paneling, !me wa.llpapert and apeclnl ll&ht fi.xturu throughout. It'a extra nfoe and e.xclu· alve with ua for $29,500 tu.U prlc~ wit..b exceUent urma available. Shore Cliff Lot '-A l11rge well located bome.lte. $16.000 cash -Better aee It! A scarce It.em -Very few left. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RlCHARD'S MAR.KET ENTRANCE) Pear MOM and DAD: Sia and I found a SWELL be&c.h bom. la CORONA DEL MAR. Sia u ya lt.a 'SP A.NISH RUSTIC' ... anyway lt bu a HUGE Uvtn1 room with RAFTERS, real TILE FLOOR aod a btc F"lREPLACE ! Sure It'll t.Ue 9<.lme FIXIN' but WHAT FUN! ... a.nd with WORLDS o! WONDERFUL WEEK ENDS to look forward to! It'• only $12.~ and the m&n aay1 you won't NEED much money NOW. l have the KEY, 80 HU RRY, won't you! EXCLUSIVELY Yuun. STANLEY A. S.MITH. R.caJt.or -2647 E. Cout liWJ. C.Orona del Mar Harbor 882 LOOKING FOR THESE 7 Corona del Mar Near nrw 2 bQrm., JUgt a fe"" skpe from Carn&tion Cnve -SI 7,000 Balboa Island "Little ll'land'' homf'. 3 h11rm~ & 112 b11th1. Two bdrm. &pl . -~26.:>oO. Near North Hay -~ b.lnl'ls., 2 baths 1''u.rn. $5000 down -FuU pnce $1 D ,500. Costa Mesa Dream home -Hack Bay are.a . 2 Mrm. & dm, two !irepla.c.ea, cu1;tom features thruout. C:.i.r~t.od. Only S24,Q5Q. WALDRON REAL TY 808 Marine Ave., BaJ boa Island Harbor 023• BALBOA ISLAND Open House 1-5 Sunday May 1st. 113 Apolena OOMPLETEL Y CHAR.Ml.NG home &a af)t. ne&.r lo. Bay. Beautifully furn. Well fuwiced. $37,600. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Laland Barbor ~2 -~-Harbor 2306-a . ' I I I I I I • PAGE 12 -COAST AL SHOPPER -APRIL 27, 1955 I tarrn and horttculture unit. will -----------------------.-----bf' op<'n fo11 tour11 with E lgm Hull, I Otck Barrl'tl anti lht•ir students. C I Ji LanCJClal tlwinr th• •'V and llnc. l\ad "" I Pack Phtol a..--h I p • m e tumf'd to the Lll&nda lo 1tudy the s f"'WlftO Set f M I Hui< r evolt, will apeak a l tbe an· S A=--TA A':\A \OCl\SI-Marine or CIMUYer nual dinner mt>ttlnf of the Orange Technlc:sl Sergean. t Wlllltun F: El Toro pt1t.ol team. Jltutlullt ..,. hOnor• In th• Hpert ol&N, taklnl 1way eight ml'dala. COAST COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE SET WEDNESDAY Special Features Celebrate Local Public Schools Week Public schools week will be marked at 9range Coast College with an open house starting at 7 tonight (Wednes- day. I All classrooms will be opened, faculty members will be present ann special exhibits and demonstrations have been planned in many departments. , Uphol11le,ry and '"''P1w 1ng dLIMIU will be In 1<t•ss1om with C J. Shaw and Lee Barkley. Th• gymnMlum wUI be open with demunstralloru of Wlltl'r ballet 11Chedulecl for 8 :lO and II. Refreshment.. will be aerw·d trom 8 .30 to 11·30 In th• 11tude11t cenLtr. The a dministNllve starr or th• college will be ln anenda.nce. Coun11elor1 w1ll bo 110 duty 1n tha Administration Bulldlng. A meet- lnit or the atadent council will be held ln the aLudent council room. Schools Open to Visitors -..All r e111Llo·nt11 or the coa11tal uea, troleum drilling and production. wh••I her <1r not they have ••hildn.>n G{'()tge Guthrie. room 10; geolol(y, enrollt>u In th~ tl'llej!r. Br" lnvlt· Jf\mes Pillon, room 11 ; and sur-Jn celebration of Publlo SClhool ~<I 1., 1ttll'nd the .,pl'n house," v"ytnK und engineering, GPr&ld El-Week t.hl.a week. Newport Bea.ch r'te,,hlenl U1. R1u11I H. Pl'terson lls. room 12. el61Tll'Dt&ry 1chool1 will hold open u 1d. ":'.fany n .. w bulldln,:11 have The buslne.u education buildml{ hc1u11e to parents and r esldt'nl!I ot b<oen 11.chl• d tn the campWI l(iving "'"II have ahort.h&nd ln room :s with the <-ommunlty, SuperiDt.endent UJI t ht' f1n\'st factll~le.'4 awulable to RlcharJ Cl\abolla. and Thomaa Os-Roy 0 . Andersen annou.oced. provitl•· a JUnlur collrge eclucatlon. borne. accounting In room 4 with Horaoe li:nalgn will be open to Cllfz"n~ "'111 IH•V•• un 1•x1· .. 1t1•1ll nr· Correll11.n Thompson. Office ma-vla1lor11 WednellCllly, from 7 t.o I portunlty to examine thr 1r re-l'htnP' In room I> with Charles Hu-p.m. Nl'Wport Bea.ch Elementary eourees Werlnuday evenlng." l~y; om ce practice In room 7 with ~hool will be open Thunday, 7 1.1.SK!'J D£YIO.S~TRATIOS :'.1ni. DoroU>y Dallas. typing in to I p.m . e.nd Corona dei Mar and ruum 8 w ith Thomaa Oabome and H arbor View Schoola will be open A demonstration on gotrlng and Ru•hard Chabolla, and retail aell-Friday. 7 t o I p.m. AAdueen ll&ld a film sponsort'd by the Profrs-Ill 1 l 1.a&&-alonal Golf Pr'll AllSoclallon wm be l""' In room II with Dudlt'y Boyce teacher• w be n lhe r c ahown ln the auditorium from 7 &nd Thomu A. Blakely. I rooma t.o meet. tlle public and dla- to 8 :15 pm. Gf'Or"e LakP, public TOl'R8 OARDl':NI NO play11 of the chlldn•n'a work wW " ' • be on uUiibit ln all room.e. relallon11 n•prPMrnlat.JvP tor the The library w111 have displays PGA, w ill r onrluct the demon11tra-ams tours and a clus In gsrden· llon. Locl\l golf pros who will u-lng 1n room 5. Socllll eclence In-TRIBUTE alst ar,. 1::$111 Pa rker. El TC1m ; Kurt atructors will al.so be avallable !or Apel, La1:-uns Bearh: Jay Nun-con11ultat1on. 11ally, Santll Ana; Bill MaJ1l, SruJ In home econom!C8, a dl8play of Cll'rnt'nlt>, IUHI Art R oux. Irvin... iidult edue&Uon ceramic!! and I Week Heralds Investment in America Guided touni of lhe nt>w a udl· I porrelain by atudenLI ot Mra. R. t.ortum amt music butldinga will C'. H011kl11.1 will be 111 room I ; a ala.rt at 8.30. 8:45 llll<I 9 p.m. ln tumlture reflnLlhlng display by the Art Center. an aJverll~mg art l Alfred Payne'• atudent..s will be In and -trr color eithlblt will be room 2; Md adult Spanl11h Clas.a h eld in Shtdil' 3 wilh U o 1:lu11h-of Mrs. Jeannette tto!fman'11 in man In rhsrge. Adult t'duc&tlon room 3; 11ewing and lampllhades, and painting will be 1n Stutl(o 4 Mrll Helen Mathew" and Mr-8. The week ot A pril 25 will mark auperv11Ml by l'lt~. Thelma Pad-1 Ghulya Alden In room -t; food11 tha fifth annual observance of d ock Hope. Ad ult et1Ucalion Jlho-dPmoMtri•llona, M ra. LoLs $Urall, tography t auirht by Robt' rt Hc1t1P-I Mni. Sybil Mauerhan anrt Mrs. ITllUI wtlJ be In Studio l'l, 11t111lt ed-1 Loui~ Rockey, room Cl; rugrn11,k- 11r1itlon J<'W•'lt y and lup11l111 y 1n Ing, J\lra. Mt.rl&n Harrl!!on. room Studio 6, wllh Ueorge B11r'Tlt'tt Md I 6; reeding laboratory, Miu Lou1~ lnve1t In Amenc& W~ek, a ccord- ing to Wm. L. O'Bryon. o! Morgan & Co. with omcu tn Corona del Mu. F orre11t Pond. 1·h111a patntlnit wllh 1 Dowl .. n, room 9 : and • Jl1<play1ng Colnctdfnlally with lhJa natlon- M ra. Octa\'\& Payne ln Studio 7. of clot.Mni; cl&M pnncnla In the wltle trtbule lo Amcrlran lnveal· )(athematkl' drmon~lralJons by Home MiuagemPnt Collage. nlf'nls O'Bryon M nount't'll a n nca Charle• Lew1l'. Oscar Taylor -nd \'OCATJONAL N l"RSJSli of local m~t>tmgs rtr .. lgnf'tt to dlf· atud!'nla In rl1U11room ll: a rcl\I· Englh1h work or lhe 11tuJenla l'llH llldtv1dual lnvutment prob· tectuntl drarttng demonstration In or Mrs. Be~rly Myera will be dis-lemt1. ciMllrO(lm 10. and a d111play ot wa-played In room 1 ot t.he Cla.~11room lercolors, rr11rt11, pholo~phy and buUd1.11g-. A vocational nursing S tllrllng next Mnnday am:I 't'on· a.t'tutecturl! l'lUddllll of w. o. demoN1traUon by Mrs. Que.Ml• llnutng through May 23 frpf' a rt- Paynt', RUAhnu'". He1d!'m1Ul. and Andel'1'0ll'• atudenta "'Ill be m mlNllon ~salons will be heltl I.II Taylor m the Art Gallf'ry. room 8 or th• cwsroom buih.ll"" the Community Congregational . .., 'hurch ln Corona dcl Mar. Earh ISCLl"DE f:LECTROSIC'S The Sc1cnc• bulld.1ng will have llllCCUSIV(! Monday durtnc th• T;ochnology cJ1splay11 a nd rtemon• IUl -dult educa tion lntl'rlor dero-above lnd 1111(ve 111\lel!I I he meeUng at ration• will 1nrlut1e Plectrontr11, raung cla11a wtth Mrll. Chr1.!!Une time wm ha f rom 7 :30 p. m. to s. T McNl'f!I. room 2. phy•ICll, Fredt>r\ck in room 1, life 11dt'nca 00 d •-t D J ' 9· p. m. J~c~ Love. room 4; adull rNI emons ..... lorui. r. &mt>s "le· I c ul d H LI o ·u ryon rotnlA out that In ad· u tale, Don Dungan. room 6 ; mUI I :a ey an ueaton nllTptr. room • cablnet QM1ll1e Belli" and John 3; c-hemletry. Jamea Wylie. room dlUon lo f!•lv1aory a nd tnatrucllve uw .. n11.' room e; automouve ma• 8; adult pol.Ice cl ... In room 7 talka by ouutandtng flnanclll.I and t hlnP"· \\'~,. M111,., ronm 8 , nu1.chlne w1lh Daniel McAulty. I economic lf'llft,.ni or the IW'lllthlllnrt. .n .. r 11n•I Wl'ltllng. \\'llllllnl AC-k<'r· J Kf:YKESUM.l:NT \\'rNDl-P lhtrll Will be &Vtul"hl• lo thoH In ll•ftll anll c·y f\t)('.kfy, ro<lrn o: r-· l The beet feedl.ng unit. ultry altendMce to th111 sf'rlu an awarrt I S100. LUI l . VENATOR Mu.a ,.,,... Sole ON WAY TO HIS NAVY WINGS MILTON, Vt.A. Ci"BTNC) - A f irst tolo flight llaa been rnada at the Whltirlg Field U. S. Nava.l Auxiliary Air St,a.. tlon here by NaY81 AvtaUon Cadet Lui J. Venator. 10n of Mr. and Mra. L. C. Venator of 8 Beacon Ba.y. Ha r.ttended t he Unlverldty ot Callfomi& In Berkeley bclore eaterlng the !light tralnm& prognam through t he Loe Alamltoe Nav&l Air Station at Lone S..cll. With thla lnltiaJ pb&M of Naval Aviation tn.inin& completed he w ill receive ln· stM1clion In preclalon air work aJ.ong with hi• regular aolo fllghll u another step towr.rd earning hi• Navy "Winge of Gold." ' 0 ll N &T 0 N E ' S MftCI Auto Wreckers l'~d Auto Parta and A Ot'8110rlN Z075 Placeatia Ave. Ubert1 I-'1011 (lo9la ,.._ Call DAN'S TY. eeme.-a..ta.11 ...... Uberty 8-2221 MA TTR£88E8 Boet• -nomee -rnu.n J ,.,...,....., 8llapea UbertJ' 1-UQ C'OST A llESA MA 'ITllE88 00. %160 ~e,.,port Blvd. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipoii or ihern valued In the amount or ~-----------~~~---~----~-- BUil T ON YOUR LOT Homft -Income Units CARDINAL HOMES 119 t;. 23rd St. la Coeta MMa OpM Eves. by Appt. YOUR FISH We Freeze Your "Catch" Filet & Wrap Frozen for Your Own Home Freeter or Locker Storage Special -Locker $7.75 Year Harbor Frozen Food Lockers U 8 • 3Qth St .• Xf'wpe>rt Be9cb Harbor 0118 SOUTH ~Off ST consTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR 'IOO SMALL ISO 30th St~, Newport Btac.b PD.LOWS INSULADON WAR SURPLUS COSTA MESA ('~..-r Newport a Hanor Ba.dll. AT MY HOUSE, EVEIYTHING aur ME GOES ro THE SANITONE ... let•• h9"I to Wien, wl:• , .......... -•zilltly s11n011 1h1tdtes the whole t•ly's clettlillt ••111 Yet-Saaitooe i1 • naJ bodgtt 11tttcbtr taca..H yoor ~othtt «>mt b.ck 10 many, maay cime• with that oris- 1n-1 a o,..ftttb look fully rurortd. Saoitoat'• dHp- dowo ~01 actioo really 1tett oot AU tbe din- ...., 1P«-e.u., tnetol p«r1p1ratioa.'Uk•a.-Crett.. 0111 ol cplon. pantrn1 •ad tnniru 11 rt1tored with each Sar.Urone Dry Clurung, too. Try 11 ••• S..U.O• <Otll DO more tbao ordioa.ry dry clcan1ng. Lido Cleaners 1782 Newpott ltvd., Costa Mesa Uberty 8-40l4 • County Alumni Club of Pomolla at E FORT LEWIS. WASH. -Cpl. the Water Wheel April 27. H1trold .11bank or tile El Toro M11rtne I Jamea A. t..anrdale, 21. aon ot Mr. IM. BP<'k, Santa Ana. pre.11td1>nl ot Corpe Air Station orda1tr~ _.uon. and M ra. Ha.rry A. Lan&dale. 153 Lh• dub wUI prealde. waJked away w11h honor• at lhe Flower St . Co11ta J\tu a . la amon& Among thou on the rommtttee 27th annual Callfomi• Slate Plato! :ze,000 aohll,.rs 11latl'd to partlcl· 1 planning the a~fa1r Is Mrs. ~tonte Charnp1on11h1p matc:h•• he!.I Jut pata In Exen:lae Apple JM.'k dut"-Robb Grimes. l .43 Miramar Drivt>. wrt'ktnd at the Pollca Piatol Ing May at the YUliml Firing Ran1te. San DlfjtO. c enter, Wuh. Yacht, Ship Brokerage Shootmg aa a member ot the Appia Ja\'k will teat. U\• etfld· to Meet W ..1---da ency ot Infantry and 11upport untta •~ Y Say It Wltll In mountainoua and deaert terraln. The simulated uae of atomic Wfa- pon.s will be one or the con<lltlona ot the e1ttrct11e. Cpl. Lancdale, a dining room orderly In t.ha ~eral'a meaa or the 2nd Infantry Dlvlelon. en Ltr- ed tho Army ln May, Ul~3. and re- ceived bulo tra.Jninr a t Camp Rubert.8. La n rd al e attended OMU1ga Coaat Coller• betor.l.n- terlnf tha Army. Mn. Gri~ Aids Pomona Group Dr. Alvia H. Sutt, ol Pomona College t.aoulty, who w .. a captive of the Japaneaa In ~1• Phlllppinea HOUS& TRMLl.a lNSl.lllAHC& AJCYWHU& LA. Tai.._. .... ,.__. ....... C..la .._ WATER lmAftR8 IA.US. lllVICI e-4 H'A.lll Joe .(b}!o/J 111WS .. ,.. cun OOWH ,....._ .. .,.,.. u• P ARKE8 • RIDLEY MORTUARY P'~ GaAOEL CllAPEL 111 ..... ~ I-Ooeta ..... LIMn7 IJ-Mll ... IJ-MI' So<'lety of Ship Broker11 will meet !or &.tinner \VedneaJav eve· nine at 7 .Jo at \'Ill• Martna. at'· rord111r to J un" Farrar, •rrn-ta.ry- treasurer. Paul Herkolt:t, Cove repreaent1&tive of the S1111ta Cata- lina Co. ~·111 outline plan11 or the company tor accommodation• to )'ar htamen In the varloua CO\'es of lhe laland tor the coming year. ,1...... 'l'Jowers .. , WI•• /. I Party Bentu ltema ••Oj B. Coollt ffy., l'Or°"4 d~I 1111' Barbor 5071 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA THEA TIU: BLDG. BALBOA Opell Tueecla,J Uan1 ~ ~ lfe"' IDWfRCOST ze=:: ] _ PN:KAGE 8UltDINCOS ... ID·- GWfO l.AMINATtO Mf.M&RS, GIVE CL!:~R ~. "'1'fOA DING GQEAT ~TQENGTH A.1' \.O\lftQ COST. COHPLlT!. &UILDING UTl\.ITY OELIV!.AU> TO JO& ~ITC FROM tl!I PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPL!.TtLY UUCTEO, IHCLVOlNG ~L~&, FAOM ti• PlA. $Q. FT. FOA. COMH!.AC&A~ fUM.OQ l~TQ\M. ftL AIWWI*« -$0. CA.II'. BE SURE· INSURE wtt" lllAl'lllt:: ltrA~U:Y laaunt.IM'f' Oah· Pho-Harhor t'n• Ul& t::. Cout Klah"•1 (lorou dPI Mar t4A \T. OS Al'TO ISS. s11•0 a.'l.~IO,OCI0-"'3,000 l odilt l11lwry I ,,..,. D•ft'l-A9• l•ct' 6 Mo"•h• f.M! ROR l'C r('() K ll, for PRF.FF.RRt;P ISfoll 'llANC'I: l•ll l lNfS) 89' \"IC'lorta l\t., ('()llta Mrae Phone 1.1~rt:r 1-1nt LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HOUtM!bold Part.I -Dealer -8..-vtca UDO ELEM'IUO HH \'la Udo -llartior Ott AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and UMd Can ~IOll.EllTZ ~TUDEa.ua:a 8elea Kl!rriee Part. NJ6 Newpert Blvd. -Bar. llt BAND a.all •f A..meriea NT A ll MU Via Ude -._._ 1111 BARBER 8BOP8 UDO SRA VINO 1111JO la JIUwell'• 8..._ fer 11- MJI Via U.. -~ 1111 BEAUTY PAJILOltS UDO SALON or B&AVTT .... Npt. ...... -a.r . ...,. BOOU • llOO& OAU NJI Via IM• -_.._ .._. i~;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;~~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;;~ O.&llEllAIJA .. ;1»• VINCENT LIDO DaUGll ...1 \'la ...,. -...,.. ... NEWPORT HARIOI GRANGE NO. 776 "FARMERS OF THE SEA" FISH FRY SUNDAY, MAY ht AMERICAN LEGION HALL I 5th end Bey Front SERVING 11 :JO A. M. TILL 6:30 P. M. PUBLIC INVITED STOCK REDUCING SALE to make room for our New Summer Merchandi1e AT COST Group of COTION & SILK COCKTAIL DRESSES Values to $89.9~ ~nw 14A1,,. 3V" Group SHORTEE COATS r...... ('nlnl"tl VaJUH to SS!l.91\ !'\ 0" '19"" • BELOW COST Group COTION & SILK DRESSES \'aJDftt to $-i9.9.} S o,. •5M t<i '19"8 Group IRAS & CINCHERS \'ah.N's to $>4.9.; :-<ow 98' ,.,•3AA Group Group COTION & SILK ILO&¥ES NYLON SUPS 1/2 Price Group NEW SILK 2 PIECE SUITS ValUM to $39.96 Natr '29" Group s1aa to s311 NET and NYLON LONG FORMALS (~....,.. for l.AMICP "nrlq Rummage Table AT COST -RELO\\' C08T SWEATERS-HA TS-KNIT SUITS SHORTS-BRAS -HAND BAGS Lido Fashions 3440 Via Oporto Hwbor 3671 CA&PEl'S A DM.PDID DIC& KA.Cm MM Via 11•, ..,.._ ... OATElllNG UCBA&D'a LIDO ••Mn Mii Via UM -..,._ 11S1 OLO'l'BING -._,. ae&.11 BIDWSU...'a UIOP Poa 1U.N Mii Via I.Me -......... CLOl'lllNO-W-'a aeeau LIDO P AllDOll9 .... Via a.---_._ ..,, •llADD00&'8 MU Via I.Me -_.._ llT1 V~!f'D 80oa& lmPof'Ud '""9ww MMVlatMe-...._ltM DaVG STOKES \'lXCENT'" UDO Dll008 ... 1 Via UcJ. -...,..._IHI £U".CTIUO OONTllACTORS UDO EUllC'l'IU() MU Via UM -llutiet t 7tT n>VNTAIN, GllJLL \.INC'W:lliT'" Lll>O DRU08 lttl \'ta l.U• -~, .... I FR.UIE8 a ALBUll8 I Gr.IUtAJtDT "Tl.·010!' N ll \"la Udo -Ha.rMr ' ... FUKNJTUllE DICll MACKJ;A I MIO ,,. UcJ. -......... Ul8 GIFT SHOP IUCBAaD'M UDO MA •K t:T ..... n. Ude -Ha.rtMr 211%1 INSURANCE AOENT8 W, O. Bl'< K, INC. 1400 \'la Udo -H.arMr t444 L'nF.IUOR DECORA TOil~ Rf.ASCH£ f,.l l.IU:•st):\ A.1.r>. Hit \la Udo -H.al'bor HM Oll'K MA('Kt:a IUO \la Udo -H.arbcir 4U it MARKETS Rlt'HARD'Jll UDO MA .. (Y.T HU \'la Udo -Ha11Mr SAU ~t;RSt:RIES Rll tlARJ>':OC LIO() MAMtU r l 'nr••lt"'I-T111Jle A 11 on1i1"'"' • ltU \'la IJ1to -Harl>or 1•?• PHOT04H<APff HTUUIO~ f ,f.KH \KU'f l'T t:OIO,. SU 6 \ la l.Jdo -ffarhur f 11'4 Kt.:AI. r;.-;T ATE 1.w o rtt.Al,l ~ A~<>' l\Tt '4 1.i.1<1 x"1~ .. I. Ht-nl1&I .. :u.,_1 \ h• f.1111> -tlarr..ir H 11 f' a l'"""•~r. lftf"'cJq ..-,nat• ti ol" han .. un c·u., ......... """''· SSSS 'la lt•lu -harhor I ·,11(1 \'tH.t.I. ( 0 \fl'A' \ lHl6 \Ill l.l1lu -llarbor 611H SA \'ISG~ .. 1.()A~ ASSO( .. I A TIO~S ~t.\\ ro1<T n '1.1«•',. '''' "·'4 • LOA~ A ""(IC I\ flO~ A ~"\''"'=" I t •tttu•11tn I 1•nK T"rm H 1111" 1,.an11 33414 \la 1.111• -""'"'"' •zoo sunu·t-: ~TATIO.\:o\ 1.11>0 1'11 II I It .I.It Hill '""I"'"' t'iHl.-11..r CAH ';llf>t:.~ -,\11•0 '" HIU\\ t II . ., "!\/Ht t lllt \H. "1 l .. UI \la Lill•• -lt1trh"r lllUA THt:ATfct·:.'4 Ul>U T Ht.ATfct, ,.,,n••' •t t• l ·~··r f,,, r rue rarn \I• l.111> 111 '""""" Rlvd. Uuhor 'll I t ro1·s l.llKI TO\ l.\,U tc.42 \la IJ1f., -lf11,t.•1r It~ l 'PHOt .. '<Tt:Rl~G 1"1 I\ WAt IU.lt ...,., ... Ude-11.aftelt&IU