HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-11 - Newport Harbor News Press. . Yolame 8 -Number 1 SAN CLEMENTE WELCOMES LAGUNA FEDERAL Day. Winterbourne, aecretary-l!lanager of San Clemente • Chamber of Commerce, Brown and Wray welcomed La- guna Fe:deral offici&la u did Miu Stier, official Mias San Clemente. New office will contain 4000 eq. rt. o! apace and will be of contemporary design and have am- ple 0Cf-1treet parking -Pete Fulmer Photo ·-. - IUD BEATS SWIM JINX Buddy Belahe 1&Jned aome revence over Gen• Oroullda of Santa Monica City Colle1e In openln1 event ot lb• State J u n I o r OoUere swlmmln1 ct.mplonehlpe at 0 r an r. Coul Collere 'nluraday. The OCC .AU-.Amertca n freeatyle ace •ucceHfully defended hi• 1~ meter tlUe by b8Un1 Orounda In 19:49.6. Durtn1 tbe r•(Ular tank aea.an, Orounda twice out- 1pluhed Bet.he In the 1600 meter. The Santa Monk a mer- man allO beat Belahe ln the 220 and 440 freHtyle event• upon each occulon they tan(· led. POLIO County Sets May 23 for Salk Shots Water Counts Show Bacteria Here Nearly Nil Since the elimination of Talbert draln&(t from the Santa .Ana Rlvtr -tera, beach count.a tor coliform baclnla have been re· ductd to practically &ero, lA'e Nel- •on. manager of the'Oranr;• Coun- ty Sanitation Dlalrlct Hid today. Salt water bathln1 1t111nd\lruh •I· low a count of ten colifor m per cubic centimrter of water 20 pH cent or the lime. Thi' T•I· bt'rl drainage which prtvlou1ly drained out the mouth of the San· la .Ana River waa cut over to the old outfall &bout t our weeka aro. Nelaon aaJd. II now IJ1 carried out aeveral hundrtd feet offahore. Prior to operation of th• treat- ment plut No. 2 on Ule HunUnr- ton Beach aide of the rlvl'r, chi· orlnallon by Newport Beach waa neceaaary t-0 keep coliform with· In llmltA. The county h<'altb d•· partment requl~ chlorlnallon moet of which -• concenlr.ted durlnJ five month• of the year durtnf the bathlnf 1euon at a cOlt of $11.000 to Newport. Bea.ch. ot chlorine to ellmlnate one pound ot 1ulfldea . .Announcement that Lnll·pollO Newport aeware WU (Oln• !nceulaUon .>lot.I will be ruumed throu1h the old Newport ~ach In Orange County on May 23 wu trutmt-nl plant al lMl tlme and made thu momlnl' by E. L. Ru.-rlowln1 Into U1e old oullaU which tell, county health officer. Th• wa• too ahort for the job and had date for Newport Harbor lnocula-•pron( lnlc• near the bt'ach, l!;,n ha.a not been received yet,· hence the hl(h coliform count, he accord1nr to Ml• Emma M. Mat-uplaln~. Ull, achoo! nurM. "Sulfide.a do not CN"ale or con· Mlaa Matt.HJ ll&ld the 11Kond t ribu!A directly to the coliform content form• from tlrat and NC· count." Nel80n explained, "but ond r;rade parent• were la\)ulatt>d lhty mu1t be elh111naled tint In today tor the thre. Newport ~acl'I ordu t o have any re111ldual chlorine elementary dlatrlct 11<:bool1. left with which to dlalntect " For Newport llMech and Corona del Mar Sclloola. lh• retum In· dlca lea '12 per cent of the ell(lble 378 youn11tera ln the two llChool• will participate. Thl1 l .. compared to H per evil of the enrollmm t ln th• two ldloola wbtt1 lhe tint conaent form• were retul"lled ,prtor to the national n op o.n Ole lnocula· lion proinm. Elks Commemorate Mother's Day Thf Newport Harbor Lodi• of Elkl wa1 hOllt to over l~ member• and r;uu11 Thurlda y nl1hl tor &.n· 11ual Mrvlce commemoraUn1 Moth· er'• Day. .A 1le&k dinner wu •ned prior t.o t.he cervnony condllcted by Ell· Clrculatlon 21,000 Dliltl'tbated .. I N..,ort lleadl. Balboa. Balboa I I lalud. Ool"Olla del Mar, eo.t.a 1 I MN&, Lquaa.. SoatJa 1Apaa ucl Baatiasto-Beacll. 1 I I llarbor 1818 I wu dellnnd by Col. J . ftobln-1 aonp were prMent..d by th• Ball•· 110n, Chaplain of L&«"una ~ach deera, double quartf'l under th• ElU Lodi•· Mualo &lid .,.clal direction of Ruth .A.rm1tron1. Get the NewMt and Slnartat la the new I 00 °/0 PLASTIC LEATHERETTE• Seat Covers In 2 color Combinations to match the new 1955 cera •UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED I ~-olore ..,... \\1llw. a.ca, Bhw, Ol"Ha, Yellow, O ray, Blac-11 &ad Mf't&IUC" A•y «>lor comblaaUon yeu w-t. Specially Priced For Tet1 Days at 8hown at ground-breaking rit.el tor San Clemente ottlc. ot Laguna Federal Savings Ir Loan Amodation Jut week are, from left. at.anding, George E. Grant. A. C. Pet.er'90n, Lorna Milla, William A. Wolf, Jack Dougla• Jr., Andrew S. Hall, Frank Winterboume, Stephanie Stier, Kenneth Brown and Karl Wray. KneeUng 1a B. B. Muon. New building will coet $140.000 pd t. to open next Labor Miu Mattlll Mid th• count for Harbor View atudeni. wu not completed b7 early today. "We fMI h-rrtr, ti.at lM two .,_, .. C4N.nted wiJ1 re~ Ule J*ture ln Mesa. Street ._.. 3r,. .. el-XaWla. La-et._ uellll J. aUU uadet.eraUMd. l•c•'• o...... Jl&rbor VI-,'' ahe .xplalned . alt.d Ru• AlMr\ ,. ... ~.u~ .. ~--~i ... ~~~~~~~~~!!I hla corpe of otn c.,...'.. A ahort t.aUl .-• ~ died In tM eneh or ....,,._.. ,...._. ~ ,._.. hi l!ll. Jam .. Da~I whldl ~I b1a r -e-r Puther jet M It crubed 1961 and wu truuiferred to El A ~ht.er waa born Ma y II to al80 p&rtldpet. la.~ 1ooa.1 aocu· In a take-off Jl"rlday. Toro tn Juuary of thi. year after Mr. and Mra. EdmW'.ld B. Bacon. lation Pf'OIT&lll s. .WI acc~Un( Plan Work Jwit relumlnr trotn Korf'&. ~nd «Jrulent ronna from nar-U. Shepherd wu al th• Mojave Hl 'I d M Ro'" 502 Jumlne .Ave., la Banta An.a r-• parent., " r. a n ra. .,.. l'nl.I. The .chool reportad 14 rorma A Ir Station on a lwo-wetk train· ert .A. Shepherd SI', llvf' in Ar-Cnmmuntty H o-i»tal. Sh• wal1bed wne ncelved to date rrom H •111· t4e>~ lJn~~l'lVil~ rln;g:m::an:e:u:v:•:r :fro::m::E:l :To::ro:.:Ca::u:N::va:::da:.:C:o:lo:.::::::::::::::::::9::11>.t::.,:l:~::o:~::::::::::::::::l:b:le:t:l~::t:&Jl::d:MC::o:n:d:g:r.::de:ra.::::; Cit v birtneer Don 8oulhworUI wu toda y at work on a m .. ler plan ot Cm.ta M"N city 1U-l.I alter t hf' C"1ty pla.nntnc t"omml> ll&on under Ch.a.Im • n Walt \\'t1mn took qult k ctdn nlAltf' oC a com· milt"" n11mrd by Mrn e1ty coun· ell lut Mond11y nljChl. The C'Om· 1 Jnllt.... rom~MI of the plAn.nlng eommt.aatl<n, (.;Jty ManaitC"r C«'orsl' Cottey aml Solllhwurth. l<l't u p a vrocra m Fr1.111y mor n1n11 for the I city f'l'lo';lnf'•r Ir> "nrk up I Th~ t"Ummlt"'C" \IC"~J:n•lM whf'rl' St th~l'lt all 1·o•t. Mtaa at~"ta 1 ahoulcl lfO, lnclu•llni: • xterunnrui llnd propoll('(J n~ •lrf'\•lA Md what eetback11 ... -ould b.-nf'••'·~•r.· to lltop ln1h•lduaJ.11 frr.m bu111tlng hou.u on lhe Jlr<>J>Ptt)' In' oh I'd. I Orl~n•lly, th" plannf'" r"''lUr"'· ed council to g'nlnt T"'• minion tor hlnng of a coo1ult1U1l "1th a lim- it of appl"Oll1matf'IV S 1000 nn c~­ a Unit lhP l t N'l'l mul,.r pktn. Jn· atead, rouncll n&mf'•I thf commit· I tee lo wnrk m1t th .. probl"m.1 a.ncl dullfllate'<I no df'fln11e ~ount for the job. Mna Home Ftooded ~y \V .. kend Storm Al IC'ut on• hnme and do~ns of lntent<'llonl were n 1l0df'd In Coela M""-IUI ff'l\lll 1•r htll\ 'Y ralna Pr1d9J nllfhl a nc1 ~AlurdAy 1 momln1:. Stre<'t SupeMntf'ndrnt Cbut"k Hf'llf'r •pent mnat nt the night t1rAlnlnc watn trnm the J OOO block Of Mapl" St. P'r'anrf'• l"araon.e of 20~6 )f•plt 8 t., l'f'pc\rted htt hOUH Ooodf'd a l t ::m 1 m. s a.turday. ThP "'llr11t Mraa lnlrrlle(tion.e Included th• 600 block of Hamilton SC. Wl!Mm and Fatn •l•w, l he 11100 hlO<'k nf 8uJ)('MOr St. and Ule 2200 bltX'k Cit Nf'wpnrt Av•. I \\'llllam Gfl>rr• reported Ult 11'1· t el'HCUon ot F&Jn1t>w and \\'ti.an W U aUll Onoded at 8•J8 a.m. Sat. I urday . At ~ p.m. Saturtla_\' Jamt lll Beston nport~ the Ooodf'd 111trfel at 348 J:. 11th l!lt., wu a tra_fflc huard. Jet Pilot of Larina Dies in Desert Crash Marini'. • announc11.1g Opening of BUD LANNING'S BEAUTY SALON * MONDAY MAY 16th AT 34401/2 Via Oporto In the lido Shopping Center * The Harbor Area's Foremost Hair Styl- ists-offering you their latest techniques and trends ... only an expert custom- wave can achieve that perfectly natural look for you. Let our experts groom your hair for summer. • 4'11 the latest modem equipment for your . convenience Featuring DOROTHY JOHNSON GRACE STRUBLE MILDRED SMITH HELEN McDONALD BUD'S BEAUTY SALON 34401/2 Via Oporto in the Lido Shopping Center Newport Beach llL TORO (OCNSI -A jf't pian. eruh at Ute Marin• Cqrpe auxiliary air stallM at Mo1avt hu claJmtd the llff ot a n El Toro j JlnlUeuten&11tflobertA.Shrp· L.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~11 .. SANITONE l'M GLAD I FOUND THE ONE CLEANER THAT GETS WHITES AND PASTELS REALLY FRESH I SAlllTOllE Dry Cleaning Floats Out ALL the Dirt I If you love pretty pasteb, but have had them become faded aod clingy looking, you'll thrill to what Sanitone Dry Cleaning can do. Because ••t get out .11 the dirt. colors come back to lift, whites stay white and that like-oew feel and finis h is resto red. What's mo re, spou di•appear, perspiratio n vanishes a nd garmeou are re- turned {reshas a daisy aod perfectly pressed evuy time. See for yourself ""bat a ditrereoce when whittt and pastels • , • •II youz clothe. ••• are cleaoed the amaz.. iogly better Saoitone way! Try us today! .LIDO CLEANERS COSTA MESA 1782 Newport Blvd. Uberty 8-4014 \ PASE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY I I , 1955 Huntington Beach Boy Given ~Month Suspended Sentence SANTA ANA {0CN8) -An Lat.I', after an ln....UpUOD by 18-year-old Hunllncton Buch boy the Dlatr1ct Attona.J'• otnc. the Fr1day wH g1ven a 9llr·IT)Olltb w• juv•nJI .. &dmltted they bad bffn lylnr a bout Calobe'a participation pended jail 1tentence on a recelv·1n the otferaea. Oalobe admitted tnr atolen property count alt.er h•buylnr a .22 caliber rifle and •kll <mce had been charred with lead·aaw from the ju.,.nllea. however. lnte a JUvenJle Oran .. • C-Ounty bur· H• danJad be knew the a.rUclH glary r1nc. Superior C-Ourt J udrew.r• atolen. J ohn Shea commented on I.he be· Juda• 8be& ob9erved1 •-nu. la hind·lhe·tcenea lnveaUft.Uon of one Ume who )'OWl(er kJda have Junior Nick Oalobe'• cue. ..ot ua older boy In trouble. Tou Oalobe wu haul~ Into jaU aev· apparently rot Into thla In an era.I month• aco on the accuaa· IJ'IJlocent way. But you mu.t re· lion he wa. the rtnr leader of a member to ~ a clttun and report juvenile burglary ganr which had anylhlnf you lhlnk might be a· been preying on Oranre C-Ounty ..-Jnat the law. Jt we had more homell and buelnuau. Ga.lobealool plgeona we wouldn't have ao ateadfutly '1enled any part In the many In our jalla today." bur11lariN1. but four juvenllea told The judce auspended Galo~·· aherltf'a t11'pUtle• Oalobe wu In on 1lx-month term tor two yeara. Tbe all the Jobs. defendant ahow•d a clean record. daUon of lier IChool board, admln· t1trator and f•Uow le~ Jloy o. Andenen., 11UperUil....s.t. Mid toda7. ll1Dee INT Iba hu taa.lllt tM )'OUllPlen J\&8\ lt&ltiaC th* adaool lit•. "'-t ftll&U7, d9etded eDOUfb WU tftOUCll. 90 WINnltted her ~lion which ui. board of trwltee• accepted w1th 1•nulha recret a t the lut board meetlnr. A aped al letter of t.b&nk• to her tor her many contrlbuUona wu aut.horLMd Hnt. Newport Rec:elv" Allocatloll Sllare Newport .S.acll hu r eceived 118,lN.26 In lliloe&Uon ot alco- holic bevenc• llcenM r-raleu- ed to clUea and counUee of Cail· fornJ& Monday by RuaMll Muno, de· partmant ot alcoholic beverare control Oranr• County received a total ot 192.981.77 with 120,· 081.08 s otn.. lo unlncorporated ueu throufb the county ,overn· ment. Tbe fund• J•PrMent monl11 col· lacted for llcenae fffl In lncorpor· COSTA MESA POLICE NAB TWO ON DOPE CHARGE Complaint.I of neighbors about unuaual early-morning activity in an apartment st 532 ,Center St., Coata Meaa, Fri- day night led to booking of a 19-year-old mother and a 24- year-old Corona del Mu resident on na.rcotic charges. They are Janadeane Kaye Horvath of the Center St. address and Edward Bruce Robh\.lon. 24, of 1121 i,, Mari.old Ave. Both were prevloualy arretited and convicted on narcotic cha.r&.. by Newport Be&ch police. Mr1. Horvath, wife ot Archie Alan Horvath, 20. now Hrvlng lime ln Chino Prt.on after con· victlon ot a charge of Ule&al poa- aeulon of heroin, a felony, I• th11 mother of an 8-month-old ~by. The pair wu ureated a long with Roblnaon at 6ll Fullerton Ave., Ne11tport, 1hortly after mldnlfht Dec. 8, 1964. Fl.ND NARIOOTIC8 KIT apartment. Police Chief Art Mc· Kenda reported a narcollca kit, conalallnr of a medicine botUe lid. an eyedropper and a hypodermic needle, wa• found In their J>O&.H•· allJTI. ''ThPy had juat picked up the kit.'' McKenzie aald, The arreat followed a atakeout placed on Mra. Horvath'• apa.rt· mtnt following nelchborhood com- pla.tnta receh-ed at 2 a.m. May • about "unusual a ctlvlly" thrre. Police remained ataked out until 1 a.m. Monday, but no turlher ar- rut.1 reaulted. RELEASED RECENTLY Much. Jl'rtday nlrht •h• "'u Im· medlateJy turned over to Orana• County Probation Otflcer K•lth Concann-and e~orted to Oranae County JaU. In hla December arrMt by New· port oftl0«1. R.ob&a.lon wu rtvea a llO·d&Y aentenc• ln county JaU. with l!JO day1 auapen4ed tor °'"" yeare on condition h• not WM nar- <'Ollca At that lime he wu cha.-.· e<I with Illegal poueaalon of a h)'• poderml<' needle. Fr1dAy nl(ht. Rob1n1tOn wu booked by Coal• Mesa police. then taxen to Oran&e County Jail. H I• car wu Im· pounded and taken to the Meaa pollrt' 1tat1on for aean:h and all&m· Ina lion. FELONY llOOIU.NO Mr1. Horvath la held on proba· lion vtollltlon. Her heartnr wu eel Monday In Santa Ana. Roblnaon wu booked on poueaeton of na.r- cotlca, a felony. McKenate aaid ha would be &rTalfned Monday In Newport Juatlce Court. McKensle 1atd Mre. Horvath'• chfld 11 apparently 1llll belnr c&r- ed tor by parenta ot her huaband. CATHOLICS REVEAL BIG CHURCH~ SCHOOL PLAN. Sale of 19 •cree of Irvine Company ranch landa adja- cent to Harbor View &h~l for the erection of a new Catho- lic Church, elementary and higb .chool bu been revealed. Title to the property ia being taken in the name of th• Ro- man Catholic Archbiahop or Loa An1ele., & corporation 80le. The acreare I• tmmedllltely eut ceedlf\I for mor• than a ye&r be. ot Harbor View School and IJ\land lwe.n the lrvtne Co. and the ot• of the nrht·of·W•Y the lrvln• Co. flee of Jamea F rancia C&rdinal Macintyre ot th• Archdloceee ot hu befn ruervln( for a raloca-Loe ~el ... Uon of th• Cout HIJhway Inland Accordln& to Blahop Mc<>udlea, of Corona dtl Mar. th• new church will not elimtaate Accordlnr to B!Mlop Joaeph T . any facility prHent.ly provided In McOucken ot the Chancery office the community but Wiii aurman& In Loe M(elN, plan• tor the di!'-hlcllltlu tor Catholic ~ velopmant 'Of the n-property wW depend l4 a 1.,..-a daa-ree upon I•-'-• G--$25 the plana of the Stale ot Calif or--~-••• nla to open Ul• n-bl(hway NC· Bur&lary of 126 from t.M eub uon. box In the otnce of t.M Port nrat 1tructure to be built, &c· Theatre wu nported to poUce cordln .. t.o Bllhop :McOuc•en, will Saturday by Jobn ~ord. --------------------------ated &nd unincmi>0rated area Roblneon and Mr.. Horvath were picked up by Co1ta Meaa po- lice Sunday night while altUng In Robtnaon·a 19H blue Ford coupe, puked at th• r .. r of the woman'i Mr9. Horvath, who recently Beine fo~ottan tan.'l va~ Im· be a church. The elementary ac.hool Offlcen II.id -1try \o t.M UM&· portant If the l~ala and the wW follow Wtth a rutdence for tr• wu pined by Jllnla,... a completed a ~-<Say lflntence In thoucht. that one wu made of achoo! per-.onnel and the hip 1lde eme,...ncy exit door. TIM ol· the county J•ll on t.he Decell'\btr 10 on &nd keep alive. -Caleb I 1chool to follow. flee door 1Mtde the t.bMtn WU Newport· Ensenada Rece Provides Plenty of Color E :-\SENADA, Mex., May t - (OC:'\S) -The annual Newport t o Enaenada Yacht Rae• brou•bt <"Olor and epectacle to the tiny re· .. ort flahlnr vtua,e or JCnaena.da, Mexico, over the week-end. Some 1000 yachtarmm who played a p&rt in the annual race crowdC'4f the atreet.1 while their veaeela tilled the t1ny har bor. The a••• of the 11allvl' resid!'nl waa f'V!'rywhera lhrou~hou~ tht' community. From the m<)ment the blr lloop 8tr1u11 rounl1ed the bre&Xwater and crna.•f'd the ftnt11h hne to the mo· ment when the l&.at v.-l~an WI· ldf'nllf1f'J 18-tooter -came Into port. email croup• of Eruienada.n• walc'hr<1 alnng l ht' beachea and from 1he r1er·head. Many apt'lll the night ngnty eyeing the aJrek ~•a.la of the "=-:orte Am ertc&nOll." "BO(llt:" SETS 8AIL Many had hop!'d to catch a a llmpae ot molwn picture 1tara •uch aa Hwnphrey Bogart. How· ever. m01l were d1Mppoinled. Bo- 1art awunr hJ1 wl\lte and rold Santana about wit.bin a few houn of hla an1val and headed for the barn•n offahore Uland of Todo1 8ant01 where he apent the week- end. Almoat DOOO other Americana Oooded the ruort community to W1ln•N the flnillh of the race. Th• otftcl&h of Ennnada produc~ a bar~u• and danl'tnr pa.1eant tor th• vt•llore. Allhouih the largeat number of 7acht1 to enter thla eighth event e>f the Nf'W'JX>rl·to-E:n11enada ,..c• tlnlahed. ma.ny gave up when tb•7 found they had bttn pH11ed by the -liter VUMUt. NEW81W1';N O!f RA.VD Jn!Hf'11llngly. a <orpa of new•· mtn covrred the ennt tor t.M tlnt t ime, many drtv1n& to the Mexican c ity. atW more accompanytnc the vunla th~lvee. Repre~nt&­ tJvn of Spol"la ruurtrated, Fort· 111lghl and other mag'Ulnu ,,.,.re on tiand Hadlo covnage wu g iven by Sa nta An•'• raJdo KWlZ. two Lo• AngelH radio llatloru and lh• Columbia Broadcu unr Sy1tem. The 1ncreaaed lnt..rul In the an· 11ual evenl waa -n aa yachllnr'• t -halter bra • -rea~llf bra a -btcklus br1 return to UI• fore u a leader amonr world aporu. "More people have more money," aaJd Newport Yacht Broker Al W•bber, "•nd th• color ot a rac• like thl1 baa taken OA new lmport&nce." Webber felt more people w•re lnteruted tn boatinr now, "Beca\.l.H ot ch•per boall and the lntroducUon Into the yachUnr field of th• automlbll• lnduatry'1 1mall d own paym•nt. amall monthly payment, purcllue plan." MAJ\'Y NEW CBAFr Al proof of Webber'• •tatem•nt.a wu the tramendou. number of boat.a belnr raced ~r th• tll"lt time by new ownere. Many of the cralt, arrtvlng over U111 flntlh llne lone after the otfl· d al end of the race on Saturday. tUl'lled around Immedia tely and headed home. Calm wtnd1 forced aimoat all aalllnr veaaela to return to Newport Harbor under power. &ploNrll Towed lack Into Harbor A Cout Ouard Boat Thunday nlcht towed the 24 -fL power boat r Ellplorer ll, owned by Hu1h Oor- doo Lawnnc•, Santa Ana, back to port when lhe cralt'1 •Jll'lM failed. When Lawrence and hla p&rty ot t lva pua~ra lhout.ed for &Id and their n-. waa -n flytn .. up- llde down. k>cal rea1dent.a called police Who relayed the word to tM CC>Mt Gut.rd. Explorer ll wu l&.keA Lil tow Uout & mile ott ta.. )et.t7, Mtw-N.wport pier an4 tile MJ"bor mtranca. No reaaon for ...._failure ..,..11.,.n. No dam· ar• wu reported. Isabelle lowles' Work Commended In Kindergarten lMbelle Bowlu. tucher of KIJ\· derprt~ In N.wport School, wtU end htr productive career w1lh the local elementary .chool di .. t11ct With the prAIM and comm .. n· HALTER NECK Eyelet Cotton 303 Main Balboa Harbor 509 which theoretically are retumed to the ctttee and counUe1 to aulat In payment of enforcement of the alcoholic beverar• control ut. riwy or 1.ete CEREAL BOWLS 1"'7 .. 1Mllt. COFFEE MUGS KLEENEX 800'1 T·V RecJ. $1.95 J ,. 49c TRAYS 5129 VETS DOG FOOD 6 OAlfl 49c ZEE PAPER TOWRS 2 roa 29c PAPER NAPKINS lOC TIDE OUJT IIZ.K ~ 65c GLASS MIXING BOWLS ~t of ' "'•· •c ch&.r(a, had been out of Jail 1lnce Mllne I Arrana-emant. haV• been pro-a1eO Jimmied, poUoe Mid. LIDO DRUGS "OM of tM Udo l!H10;.• 8461 Via Udo, Newport BMeh WEEK-END Specials HARBOR DRUGS UOl E. Cout Hy., Corou del BALBOA DRUGS '7UI E. ·Balboa Blvd., IWboe FOR -MAY 12, 1J, & 14 THUIS., Pll •• & SAT. Parakeet Cages PICNIC JUGS :':u:'~::,; ri:. =:~ 1 79 lllMl hOll. PO\lf lpol/I Ill Qll, ••9. 2.19 •NOW ONlY • UUOll COOlH -()If P<Kt 1pec111ty truttd elumofl\lft'I lof\tr, f obtrcl.H 111- tlll•llOll. Wada top ooen1111 IOt I ocd1 llld liquids. ••9· 3.95 •NOW ONLY 3.19 319 CAP Molded .,...,, n l1to1 itylt o.t1111 ~ fll'C IHI lo perd .. 11nit lell1tt S/llo dl111 1t1tp. 101. 79c ONLY ...... , 59c NOW ONLY PORT AILE LAUNDRY CARTS Heavy CUvu Bee 8w1VPI ~"'-1• N'S· S4.N s32• Soft Plastic REFUSE CANS N'C. 13.U •2·· VINCENTS ICE CREAM PLASTIC Pl.ACE MA TS DOU.LS Dlf OOlfll -.. -·····-·-IUJm PAODD PilfTI ............... -- lilm PAOUD QUilTI ....... -·-··· BULK ITYU li O&l. Premium Quality .....• ilY ~VOa • ..... , .... COSMETICS DOROTHY GIA Y ltot \\ eAlhrr Dt:ODf:RA.ST r'f'RA \" DOROTHY GIA Y llOT Wr;A TtlEk COL-Ot;Sr; L&r1~ 8-<1b. LUCIEN Le LONG UP:iTIC'K s-IM Up• ....... fl.40 HELENA RUBENSTEIN ('OLOR i.HA..\fPOO lt· Ounf'f' CARA NOME or;oot:RAXT J,()Tl(I" Tw<1 for lh,. pdl'O' nf ODf' FREE ICM>'• FACIAL TISSUES •IUt CARA NOME CR!AMS 10C 30C 59c 79c PAYiESs PAYLESS . Liquor Department lpeclals Yt'''?AY LESS. . . . meo.-lt.wXETAL 5139 llATHl~U PICNIC BOX Drobn)' IILVZa Early Famous EPSOM SALTS 6 lb. bot Vodka &IPPU TI mes ABC Beer z1.sc nxaur. OINTMENT ~le~.~ ..!249 Gin 80 Proof ~ I -os. Tuboo • l'n. Old F.llTRA PAU AM'ORl'll(; A('IO rm.h 80 Proof 88 Proof VITAMIN "C" 8hmlt lllfet.a aOt:!'\'D 51" n"1I 11Md7 Illa Pale Ito m• -1 ... a PATIO TABLE PWl 52•1 2'7 s411 .,, VITAMIN "A" IN, ... l'fi'P t;aJta I Marine'• Ma11la1gher Trial ·on Mesan's Death Die May 16 pla.Jle tried to t&lt• ort tO"Gl'da ' E Uppu Bay but could not make It scrow under th• br1dJe. Normal down· Officer League and Loan AMOClatlon'1 lars• 11•• bayfront Jlaadquu\erw wu rtnn prominent menu.on u an out.at.and· 1nl( modPm tlnancl&l bulldtnc. Marine Breaks MAY II, 1955-COASTAt: SHOPPER-PASI J wind would be an eultrly dlrec· Pra 1•1es lion toward L&cw>a Bea.ch. Polle• checked Oranae County Th!' alory wH the le&d feature arttcle on page l of th• April 21 la•ut', and dc-alt with th• n•tlonal lrr nd towa"t modem lu tlon of bank• and olher ttnanclal iMlllu· tlon1. !'i'ewport Balboa 81vinf1' ntw building wu on• of tour pic- turt>d to Uluatnt• lh• lrtnd of ntw dHlg"n. Leg in Fall Co11ty Plannen flvu , theo h"llth d'f'artm•n t and Fann Bu~au w,.~ In favor ~ (1VinK the company at ~"" a "lrlal r\lll :· IANTA ANA IOCN8} -For· mer Mann. Pfc. Roy CTatc Allea, n. WW io on trlal In Ban\.& Ana- Or&nc• Municipal Court May 11 on a manalaupter charp lnvoh•· Ins a Colt& w ... youth. Judea Howard camtron M l the trial date Tbureda.;r. AlleJl, an u · M rted dearter t1'om Ule Martne Corp1, wu operaUJ11 a car which coUlct.d wtth anoth" on Cout Rlpway IOUt.b ot BunUJlston BMc.h Sept. 21, lt64. and Lon, Beach aiTporU t.o a..· f T v· .1 certain Iha plan•'• owner but or II 1g1 without aucceu . A check Of Lott Down CDM Rocks Deny Dehydratqr LIDO sHoPs Ancc>I• Sberlff'• Aero Squadron CommmdaUon hu been rK~lv· a-nd L. A. Airport ta to be made ed tro.m R. M. Brown. presld~nt ot tor t.ha cratl'a Identity. Numben Globe Eacrow Company, by the were taken by wttne-tTom Jl"reedom Tupayera Leagut1 IM., the plane w1nfa. It ~ announced la.t wtek by V. L. K&cearter, pr1111dent or the Le•-c R i RHCue ot Jamee D. Durham. 19~ TM <>ranee Cou.nt7 Pl&rullnc year-old El Toro Marlne who CommleeJon Wedntaclay afternoon CommlMlon y'9te~y attemoon sllpped down ro<'ky ('lifts near turntd dovna Mun10n Mqtc Co.'• Main Bcuh yealt'rday and eu!frr· bid tor da&rlUlce to lnttall a ed a brokeon ll'g, wu mat.I~ by life· chicken manure deh_ydraUnJ plant guarda and ambulanrt allendanta. al'ar l:llil Ave. and S&.nta Ana Durham w11..1 t&lttn l o El Toro d11· River, near Coat& M-. Hfg~ style at ltw cost CLASSIFIED D l ·R EC T 0 RY APPLIANCES -Hou.ebold Part.a -Dealer -Service LIDO F.LECTRIC HH \'la Udo -Hanor Oil AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New a nd u11etl Cal'll .SICKt:KT'/. ~Tl ' UEBAJU:B ~ 8en1ce Part• WUtr.d .1. Denna Jr .. of 211' Weetmln11ter Lui1, Colt& K11a, WU t•Wl.y injured I.II the craah. H1 wu rtdlnf ln th• car ltruck by Allen'a, accordtnc to Use hlJh· w.y patrol. Allen wu re1 .. Md on bla own recognizance pendlnc trial by court. Fish Fry Queen Candidates File County Peace Officer Group Gives Warning MU lli"wport Bh·d. -Bu. Ill BANKS Two conte1tant1 tor poatuon or queen of the Coata .Mua Lion• Club fl•h try have already tiled Raak of America ~'T • 8.4. and are held ln th• field to win UU \'la Udo -Harbor UN Uw coni.cs place. They are Judy Orange County Pea.ca Officer'• A.Moclatlon otflclala today warned COW1ty merchantl to beware of an out1ld• acency which l9 purported· ly nprHentln& It.Hit u the Or· anc• County Peace Otflcere AllOC· laU011. Lt. WIUJam Bi.trchlt Of Fuller· ton. preeldent, Hid aom• Orange County merchant• have already bean conucted by the outalde re- preeentatlvH. They do not ~pre· aent the Orange County Peac1 OC- flcl'r'a Auoclallon, he added. BARBER SHOPS Bond, entered by lhe JunJor rrt· LJOO SHA nSG M'CO day Afternoon and Vivian Eva.na, ln 8'cf\nU'• ~lore for ,.,.. candidate of Boot• and Saddlea IU8 \'la Lido -Harbor SUI club. Legitimate member1 of th• a.s· eocl1Uon have been f\lrnlahed wllh adequate credentlala bearing the Oran1e County Peace Oftlcere As· eoclatlon name and a lelter from the vuloua county law enforce· ment arencleL Ticket.I for the l Olh a.nnual flab BEAUTY PARLOB8 try, whlch 11 scheduled tor June UDO SA.LON OP' BEAUTY • and 6, an available to cluba at Kl& Npt. Bh•d. -Har. H'H Ray Hartsler'a ottlce In clly hall BOOKS and cluba Hlllng lhe Ucketl are eUJ1ble to enter queen candldatea. B()()K CASE i...t year'• queen, Nona Bryant, 8'11 Via Udo -lbrl>or «CK waa (tven a vacation for two Ralph Lff '1 Father Dies 111 Colorado CAMERAS & 811ppllee \11S<JEST LIDO DRUOl!I Itel Via Udo -Harbor IOOI at Lake A.rrowhead lodge and the Uona are planning an equally Y&luable prize tor thl1 year'• quaen. Death ot Ralph Lal, ta-tber of CARPETS a DRAPERIES Walt Miller, Lion. pra1ldent, II Colta x ... fire prevenllon otfker hea.dins 11 reneral dlvielon1 whlcb Ralph LH, wu learned by ha eon are maktns plana tor th• two day1 DICK ICACK.t:R IUO Via Udo-Harbor UH CATERING ot tun. The parade wtll be held the Jut Monday. Mr. LM, 416, reUred, morning of the nrwt day, Saturday, died In Colorado 8prtnca. Colo. De- RICHAIU>'8 UDO HAAK.ET wtlh Bruce Martin u chairman. Cea.led wu 1n tba pa.J.nt bullnea1 UU \11a Udo -Harbor SIH ~J' stria have already llrned for many yeara. CLOTHING -Mee'• RetaU up tor th• be&Uty cont .. t. Kerm Kr. Lff'• eon drove t.o Colorado Rima. chalrman, a.nnouncea, and lprlnr• for Nri'aral aervicee. He BIDWELL'S IHOP FOR JIEN chlldrm are enterina their pet.I j MU Via Udo -HarMr OMI for the pet p1.rada to be held the la an <-nly ao'J' Other a1UVtvor• p&rad lnclude a 'al1ter ot Mr. Lea who CLOTBINO-Womea'a BetaU aame day u the caneral e. ruld .. In 8a.n Mateo. LIDO f"A8BJONS Nit procffcbi of the tslb fry will ------------ l«O \'la Oporto _ ll&rtlor M'Jl be UMd by the cJub tor youth wel· SHADDOCK'8 fare work. lut yea.r'1 event pro- Hll Via Udo _ llartlor Mn dUCiJlf '8000 which want tor local V A.GAllO~'D BOUSE youlh welfare. Imported Sportawaar ------------ IUI VI.a Ude -II.artier HH DRUG STORES \,SCt;STt+ LIDO DRUGI lte l Via Udo -Harbor IOOI DECORATORS 00.S C'REIOHTON A. L D. Mal~a Import• 600 \la Mal..--Harbor 1117 ELEC'l'RIC OONTBA(]l'088 LI DO ELECl'al<J MU Via Udo -...,.._ "71'7 FOUNTAIN, GULL VUfcmft'"lll UDO D&UGa ... 1viau .. -.....,.. ... FRAMES & .u.BUMS Ot:RHARDT tsTl'OIO!' Hit \'la Udo -Harbor Uot Ft;RNlTl llE DIC.'K MACKER WO \'la Udo -Hatbor UU GIF'I' SHOP KICH.AKD'M UDO MARKET UIS \'la Udo -Halbor Htl INSURA..~C'E AGENTS W . O. Al ( K , IS('. WI() \ la l .lllu -llut»or UU INTERIOR DECORATORS Newport Police look 4 Youths r our Bloomiacton boy• were book-4 Tuuday by Newport po- lice tor petty theft under tbe juva· nil• coda a-nd releawd to Or&-nce County Juvenile autllorltlu. H. B. Tartng"lon of 109 JC. Coa.at HJ1hway wu holdlnc two boy. fol' police. Tbay both denied any Ul9tt .. d ~ thrM otJa.r '°J'• wbo had 191\ tbl tce11•. 1n checkl1'S the car of one of UI• pat,., police aald they totmd Ulrff ..-aaura. two bathtna 1Ulta and a bllltold. Otfl~r• apprrhended the thr e• othf'r boy1 and 1.Dterroptlon of the ttve r~veal...t that tour 1d· milted 1i.allnr the Item• from Yulncton'a aton and Broollllnp Vutety etore nearby. Only four of lh• boya wne charr;ed. Seeley Tels Theft Tht!t or a Jtc ••w tr-om a (l.l'&('t Ill 111 Via $an Remo wu reported to police 1'\Al'll<iay by T. Hord s- ley of U07 I: Bal.,_ Blvd. "" npple CAKI ... ltt-.J ~ MftoMo. ........ COffR CAKI a 2f' lll.A~t·tu; Yt:UO;R.80N A.1.D. Ult \I• IJ•h• -H~r aaM Speclal Nodcea Ult 'K ~IA( 'K f:R U tO \'I• IJdo -Harbor USI MARKETS tlH 'llA IW"• UDO MAllUU:T I &~I \ la Udo -HatOor llSI NURSERIES &JCHAR0'8 UOO MAJtlltt Coraa~u-Tahlc Arr•nr;c-menU UIS \ la Udo -Harbor !llll PHOTOGRAPH STt;DIOS OEllHARDT t;Tl'DIOM M.11 \'la Udo -Haftor UOI BEAL ESTATE UDO UAL TT AMOOIA 'n.1 Udo 8ala1 It Rant.a.la Net \"la Udo -HarMr UU P. A. PA.l.JIEa L'WC. PU "'9 aw. -...,._r lMt VOOEL C'OllPA.''Y MJI , ... Udo -...,..., .. ,. aAY A..1''1> BEACH ILl:ALTT \'la ..... Brtdl'9 Otncla 1111 LAF&J'ett• -Ha.rt>or ..... SAVINGS a LOAN A880<JIATION8 NKWPO&T ILU.804 SA \'lNOI a LOAJ'f Al8001A TIO~ A. 8&Vll\fl lnlUtuUon ~ Tann Homa Loan.I Via Ude -Banor UM IERVJCJ: 8TA'l'ION8 UDO IUCllP'IELD Mll Newpon Blv._.._. 6111 IBOES-llea'• IUD"'l:U.'8 8TOU roa llX'M Miii \'la Udo -...,..., IHI l'BEATRE8 t..rDo TJIJ;.4.TlllC Conault Olia ~r tor pro&T'&ID ''la Udt> a t. NewpNt mvd. Barbor tl 14 roYS UDO TOYLA.~D UU \'la Udo -RarMr ltM TRAVEL ACENCIES HAIUt():\ TRA Vl:L A.OENC1' Ull ~ewport Bh·d.-Bar. llH UPHOLSTERING OIClll ICACU:& "" \Ilia Udo -...,.. .... WEARING APPAllEL - Womena' ~ RT.Uio"IC ... , ..... ~ .. ·· WINDOW OOVERINO Tlllt SHADE SllOP 'Nat .. ,... om. ..,, ... . I y Newport Harbor 8 . P. 0. It. 1767 .. JSc -.J Meeu IVV)' Thuraday I p.m. ~~~ Via Oporto -Celltr&I Av.. Newport Beach Albert H. MatlheWI, El!lalted Ruler 008T A. MESA noo sewpon Bh .. 1---------------OOllONA DEL MAA MS Co.t Hwy. A001lD'8 LAO~A HACH !81 Breedw'a7 BALllOA 1511...A.'-O !00 MartM .... Nl:W'POKT llEACB sto c-• &11J7. CROWN HARDWARE ~~·8eHe GUARANTEED AGAINST IR!AKAGI e Here It a11 owt .. e11cll11t ·~ "'"" ~ fvlfy ...,.., ...... DtsJ'.::utM ..... -eltope, rich .................. ........ w..-"""..., h.14 ° I .... ...._,.11-... ....... ......, ........ o.t, ... ___ tM.p._. ...... --.,.. .......... t ........... ... 10" ..... , , ...... ·~,, '"'-.... . .............. ~. e.... ..... .-.~ c.,,,_ ..... o.f)ii' Yillfff ~ I JU•. HacCarter .. Jd Brown an· ounty ece Yet nounced refund or overpayment ot $ ~ ~ Shar tu:ea to 88 purchaser• or homu 110 • .-.6~ • pensary. The commtulon t ook the varl· In th• Newport Vista Tract at the of G T •&m• time. as axes Thi letter from Brown, u re" leaaed by Maccarter, 11.ld th• 1um r •tu 11d1-d the 88 purcbHers arnount-4 to $2232.lT. "Your com· mltlae II to be commendl'd upon the re1ult1 of lh1 concerted 1cllon taken by you to correct the ob· vloualy lntqultable taxation In the project in W'hlcb you realde," Mac· Carte' quoted trom Brown'• Jet· SACRAMEN'ro (CNS} -Or· ange county'• •hare ot the 1tate guollne tiut for March wu $110,· 3113, Slat11 Controller Robert C. Kirkwood rl'ported Thuraday, The Marine told police he wae anca request by Mwaon under on the btach at "b1llh houM coveo" aubmlulon tor a week. Sunound- when he decided l.-0 cll111b th• Inc property ownerw proltsted the rocky cliff. He aald he eot two-location ot th• plant In their lhlrd.t or the way up when ha allp· mldat. It would be at t up adja- pt<l and fell b11ck to lhi& beft<•h. cl'nt to the aewer treatment plant. Durham hit a ledge in lhC! ta.JI. Odor and lowertng or property HILIMAI 11Callfornl•n• Kirkwood aa1d $19,33•.:>H waa distributed from the highway uaera lax fund dunn1 the month. Police said he feU on a portion Yaluu wen ~e prime objection. ot beach 30 !ett eoulh of lhe M:· Colt& M-achool repreMnt .. HAID TOP Of this amount, S•UH2,0!>2 went to counUea, $1.811!>,lll t.o cillea. and ---------------$12,•91,381 t o the lltate highway ter. ceaslbl11 beach area. Uteeuard• a.nil iunbu!QnN au endanta carried hlm through the 1urt on a alretch· l'r lo &et him out. Say It With ... .,,._ ............ _ ... .._._.. ............... . I.fl ....... .., •• Savlft«JS Pinn Mak" WaU StrHt Journal A Newport Bt:ach .. v1ng11 In· sllluuo11 made front pace newa an th• Wall Street Journal recent· ly when Nrwport Balboa Bavinp conatructlon fund. ColL--loat T k Kirkwood nott'd a decline In UWfT G en grou paolln11 tax collt1•t1ona for The!l of a H-rl. boat nlued at March. which totaled 120.713,833, $2!'>0 wu reported April 30 to more l llan a million under Febru-police by Marian Colbert, 300 The ary. But, he 1&ld, collec:Uona were Grand Canal. Sh1 nld the cralt 1lmoat a mllllon over March a yelU' hu been mlsall1&' from Ill canal ago. moorlng •Ince lul Sunday. ,..__ lly Wl•o Harny May•r Moton lll'f Harbor 81\'cl. Party Beatal I~ CMtAI Moa 'acuar·Trtwnph Dol'f'ttl-Hlllmaa S•OI ll. Coo~C Bv., CoronG 4d Jlcar Harbor 60'71 NIB lftC1M 'Im.. IL SAT .. MAY 1J, U, tC. ttSS. &r WIWlY mm • • All&. ............ __._ ................. .......................... -... PIAllUT BUI llR llAL IOAIT Smooth, atobl-IPICIAL 29 Jlqd textvf9, ...._ •ry, MVW 124L oily ' .• yov'll io-ltl .. IOYAl IAnM-fmvlaifiM fot IPICIA169 l19hter cokM, plae. or frlW foM. .... ,, ...... 2tc) - SLICED BACON E !:4tc e:.:.i !:3tc CANADIAN STYLE BACON '!4.29 CHURIUNA light -•-Newt flMr, -• d•llco .. ftavor. CHICKEN:: SU SU TIADEI ·"': 27' ~23' Cured, 1mo ... d bqcoft pNpered fl'Offt ,or\ loln. O.lldovtty dl~ntl BROWN N' SERVE SAUSAGE 1 : 4tc GRAPllFllUIT IUICI f•My quality! Your choice of Hoturol w SwMt•necil tua. ·::25' Swift'• brond. Ideal for ~lck, eoey "*'~ SKINLESS FRANKS s:·;-::~~· !: 45c ,_ ... Boiling ..., :a Com.cl ..., =-.. .. . •• ._,Short Riba:C ... 1S• Ground 8"f ::.= .. 39- a-i... lrl.ut, ~hot or coW "'' i.-, fvky, ftavorlvll St ... ln.,-t~ . mt~=~39t TINDll, RUPPY, 'H' RAVOVUl.- "-li ....... c.n.,.· .................. ,.. W9)'f , • ....., .,mo, 4Sc..) .._ Anlel Fil lln 11 '4,t::29' Nlltisco 0.... c..kies · 7",:::2s• BAND BOX ICE MILK er.-, .... twe ................... Ne cwtlfklel ._......._ ....._., ttrewltef'ry, ct.c. .... .., .._Hie. •-at, ..... ,.., ~LOW '111C•. .:35' ,. , Sky/ark '1S:ooo (-On test 11Ol.DSMOllll6MllWAf fE.,_ ....... ,_. EIYIY IWIS ' lllll &T SIYlAll .W 5KTIOl &T SARW&Y. Skylark Freala Brea•• UISlt llUT llUD •,:=::::. ... :!:;Uc ENRICHED WHm OI WHEAT '-=H• ...... er s.Mwldt lllee4. COLDBROOK YIUOW CUBES MARGARINE DALEWOOD MARGARINE CHERUI EV APOR4 TED-HOMOGENIZED CANNED MILK STOCK UP VALUll MIRACLE WHIP or DUCHESS Brands SALAD DRESSING BEST FOODS or NU MADE Brands MAYONNAISE a-:aA,MM, Specials on IDWAIDS COFFEE 1! 7tc DEL MONTE SWED PICKW SU-PURI BLUE DOERGENT NOi MIU t~ 77c ...................... ...... crilpy . htll ..tW .................... ...., ......................... ~wltanlM lOWNKIDI lb. TENDER ASPARAGUS U.J. NO. t •• w •............. -'""'.,.... ...... ,.... ._..,...., ...................... __. YELLOW ONIONS ::~.!:r:~~· .. 4' A YOCADOS :!':,~~~:!.::-~. 3 .. 25' IOMAIH llTTUCl ._ 8< Ctftp ... ....,. ..29' ~~.... ...5' LEMONADE GRAPE JUICE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ILENDID JUICE ::::... ...5' llSCUn MIXES --- RRT MIX llSQUtCI( .0..L35( .... ~L37c .... KITCHEN CRAn ROUI '~44' EMPRESS GRAPE PRESERVES "'"c:...c ... 11 1rs~ tt...... 10 .. 11. 2nc Alt4 .._ M Mllcleu1, tool jer 7 ~ FINE QUALITY PEAS HIOMWAY 2 1 :: 25' MEUOSE '='COOKIES 2~49c GINGR, LEMON or VANIUA SNAPS • GIVI TO CONQUll CANCll • STORE HOURS Dally 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Friday tU 9 p.m.) Sanday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 1722 Ne.port Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON LARGI PAVED LOT t j J PAGE4-COASTALSHOPPER-MAY II, 1955 Special Movies Sunday at Little Church ON WORLD CRUISE SYMIOL OF HOPE Four-year-old Paul V&11 H ouaen of Laguna Beach aymbohzu the courqe &11d hope or all cerrbra.J pal~ chlldr«"n In Orange County during lhUI month·a Unit~ Cl'r«-bral Palay tund dnve which wtll conllnue to t.fay 31. The -on ot Mr. and Mrs. Frfd J!:. Van Houw n. 937 MeadO\\;lork Lane, I'aul Is among lhe m&11y C'ounly children flghtmr t heir way ba<"k to a norma l way "' lite through the aid of UCP. Supenor Judre John Shl'a, <"oun- ty carnpall'fl chlllnn&n. polnl1 out that UCP la thP only nMUnnaJ non-pronl or1anlzatlon dedicated u dualnly to U1<>11e 1tr1cken With cerebral pally. Onl' of thl' moat w1dd y J 111<'Ul!s· l'fl L'hriallan mov1e11 evrr fllmo·d. .. SunJay On Thr Rangf':' w ill be slwwn fur llfto first lime In the ..outta·oast &r•tt. ni>xt Sund .. y evl'n· lnl( 11t 7 30 pm. at The Little L'hut c:h by Tht> S•·a, cnrr1rr of IA· .:ion Rml Tl1rough St~ , Laguna Bet1d1 , H w1111 1rnnuunrol(I to.Joy as th,. r.1111tor-. Rrva. Frank L. and Wynl# A. Oowell invtt«-everyonl' to rome and ~ee this b~11ut1tul Christian moth1n plc-turl'. "Sunday On The Range" and lta comp11mon feature. ..Queen or Sheba:· are the first Technicolor f1ln111 in the Chrl11l1an field. When the pastors of The Little Church wltnl'l!llf'd lh,. 11how1nK in another city thl'y booked the picture for the &auth ro1.111t area lmmPdlatl'ly. "Sunday On The Range" 11 a 1tar-1tudded f P&t u re ~1th seven Visit Harbor Duo in Acapulco Aboard Adios Back from thrl'e Wtt>k~ In ~tf'X· lro a re Mn Roy l(<'l'ne 11f Oalboa Pt>ninsula a nJ M1~s Ler J ohnaon of Hollywood . Thf'y v1a11.·!l m11ny friend• in Mexico City. a nd W• nt to au111e of thP tour1.-t 1pnL11. f nr 1t was Miss J•>hnson·a tu H t1 1p bf'lOW the bor<lH At Acapulco they wert en:tr· tamed by fnenlls and bv M1itA Johnson'• 111:11er, M rii. Thomu Stt•rle and ht'r hu11band, who had reached that port from Florida. The Steeles IP ft here f1 ve yean ago Qf\ their JO rt. kt>tch Ad1011. Entertain Vets From Hospital built hPrr by Jamu Ror ick. They sta1 tt'd u oumJ the world, gotnc to Honolulu. Au11trah11. and the South Stk llll11nd1. While the ketch wa.a unrlergomg rrpa1rs after hitting rt>t'f~. the Steeln new back from l:>e>uth A frlca for a vl1lt. They continurd around the worlrt to the Eaat Cout, then lhrouch thl' Panama Canal and up the cout to Acapulco, which they left the Hme d11y aa Mra. Keene and M11111 Johnson. Thl'y wlll make many stop• and tltper t to be in Newport Harbor about the flrat of July. Walter Mathaw1, Frank Crocker. Adrien Nofl, ~l'nneth John.on. An· dr~w Barr, Roy Shafer t"d F. H. Joyner. put 1onr1. all or which have been The Euter theme Wlll carr1td rerorded. 'Nm Sptncer, Crl>oritia out In the luncheon a l v.·htch Am· Parent Workshop ue and Redd Harper head the erlcan Legion Auxiliary Unit 291 1 Has cl\Jlt with 1upporting rolu by Leo-10 Openings nard Ellen, J immy Lloyd. The entertained the dlsableJ vetl'rana The parent education work1hop Dooley family, Loretta Spencl'r and I from Long Beach Veteran& Admin-meetlng on Monday from 10 a.m. to Richard Harper. latrallon Hospital April 20 a l the 2 pm. can accommodate ten more This gre&t new film can be de-American Legion Hall, l~lh St. parent.e. ll w1a revealed by Mra. l<'rlbed ., "The Coipel In Sonr and Wut Bay Ave, Alma O. OrePn, instructor. and Story with a unique western The women wore gaily dttor&ted The workahop meeta In the tl&vor." A compa.111on frature, bata for amusement ot the nts Boya' Club of the Harbor area, M9 "Queen Ot Sheba," atarw Georgia Mmee. Gilbert Opel, chairman a nd Center, COila M•A, euh Monday. Loee wl! h Robert Clark, Darlene Robert J . Brigg• were In ch11rge. The workahop 11 de9lgned for Janzen. Sylvia RoH and Stephen The March party tor the veter11na mothl'ra of pre-ecbool children be· H alverson. Thia feature wu book-had Mmt'1. George Yeager and tween the a1ea of 2 &11d 6. Tech· ed tor children or the communHy. Walter Mathew!I a1 ho1te.1114e1. nlquu ot dllclpllne and prl.nA:lplu It le a bellutlful BtblcaJ atory. and Tho1e u.11l1tlng the chairmen were I of rrowth and development,. are the moet refru htng children'• Mmee. Ralph Bonde, Brlg111. Opel, 11tre11ed. Parent. may regleter ln mm that hu been relt&At'd. George Stewart, Georce Yeager, clue, Mre. Green nld. There wtll be no admluion charge for lheN plcturee that will be 1how n Sunday eventnr . May 10. A free wtU otferlnr will ba taken to help defray the •JCJ>eftae• of aendlng "undl'rprlvllt>dfl'd boya" to 1ummt~ l'&mp this yu r. Weaver1 Guild Is Meeting Thursday The Orange County H&11dweav- f'1'11 Guild w:llJ hold lta MCond meetlnr Thurl!da y. May 12 at the Roundhous. In Santlafro Park In S..nta Ana at 1 p.m. Mr. &lid Mrw. H ilton, hand spinner-., will be ruut 1peakera and wtU demon- •trate lhf'lr craft. The Guild 11 lnv1tlnr IJ1• public lo attend Ulla 1.-cture and to Me th• dt.play ot current wnrk. Rejleln • ltabite-• a..••neuw STAFFORD 6 ION "NELS and DOC" El.EOJ'KJOAL OONTRACTOU Pboee Ubef't7 I-It.at llt &.lnrUcle ••-ue Newport a-ell LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS D·A N'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA Tlll!ATRS BLDG. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-• LU.BOA .JOHNSTONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreckers t 'aed Auto l'arte -11 A.,....Hortt'10 2075 Plat'lf'ntla An. Utw-rt1 8-'1011 l'Otlta MHA .. "'~ -... ta.le ...... Uberty 8-2228 MA TnlntSl:.8 Reeta -H --TraUert JrnpJu ~ ~rty a-JIOI 008TA KUA MA'M'lll:8K CO . %130 S.wpor& IU"d. WATT.R Ht:ATF.R,llJ I AU\, u 1,w1c t ••4 l HAIU Jo11 Ptl:a~6Jof J lllM\ 10 H• CfNl DOWN , ... ,.. ....,.,., \l>O BE SURE -INSURE ·~II h MAl"Rlt. l<TAXIX \ lft•Ul"1'11<'" Only Pllone Har-bor 'ZO • u1a t •. c ~' tuch._a,. C'orona tlrl ~ar PARKF ... " -RIDU~\' "ORTt'AR\. Fo rmer!) 1.R \I t.I, < tl . .\l'f:L 110 Br~~a\ -( o-t• \f"'9 U~rty ~·U:U -d A·SU6 -\\'ANT Ada aell horr.". hoata. u.ra. tum.lturl'. a ppllanru. PtC. TRAILERITES tor ('()()L I' r1nM' l' C1-\ nur Rllnck -0.,:..... \.<Kif •LAWSON SKYLIGHT" c..t-.... tor .., .. ~Jen. (....,._ nr 8-, Wrt• I . L... P.O.&. 18'. IWboe I Political Al.lnrtl~eomt>nt ) ' PoUUeal A rlv• rtllll'll;i<'nt) VOTE FOR DR. ROBERT H. OLANDER loud or ,...,.,._ Oraa99 C.CUt Co118" e A orofeu 1011., "'"" ouelined b~ •due•t1c~ •"d ••o-r1enc• e A.c••v• '" to"1muolly end V&UI~ •o•I •• the Oronqe Co,.1 Aroo. e Four t olle qe deq•••" 1nclud1"Q o I.too ler • Ooq• .. •• tho llold el Educ.at lo"' • 1'1.ctoed to "'"'"'"'" the ~·Q~ t!e11dorcl ol 0•••9• Coeof Col-leqe • THIS IS AN IMPOUANT 'UCTION H .SURI TO von ... Moy 20. "" LOCKERS SPECIAL -Lockera (app. 12!5 lb.) $1.75 >''· wr. YJ! . .\ Tl'Rt: ~ELECTED PRIMJI: Ud ('HOICF. Mr.ATii tl8 -ICltlt PU. ~T.WPORT B£A<0ff Harbor Olli GLUr.D LAMINATt.O ME.MBE RS, G IV[ CLtAR SD;t..N, A FFOQOING GQEAT SlQENGTH AT lOWEQ C OST. COMDt.E.TE !WllDIP'tG DELIVEQE.D TO JC>f, SITE FROM t t'!l P£R. SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY ERECTE.cf, INCLUDING !SlA~# FQOM t I ~ Pf.R. !ioQ. FT. FOQ. COMM£.RC1"-L, fAQ M OA IMOUnAIM. vst.,. ANYto#tEQL •.SO. c.fUF. Your whole list of "likes": Ope9 ~ ..,,. 8&btrda7 launclromat Special This w ... FREE with 2 loed1 of laundry Yow Shacj Rug (up to 416) WASHED Ir FLUFF DRIED Wittlotlt Cost with two loads of laundry Open 8 a . m. -6 p. m. Sundays 9 - 2 Newport leach 2817 Vffla Way Harbor 1507 Landscaping i1 an Investment ... Invest W isely Oard4-n laftdeca.plnir proJN'rly d"IJlll'd .,,d plaot.f\d b7 • pr-of,...lonaJ card"""'· htlo Pl&11nlnc • !4~1M17 :So l ob ltlO Uu-1,. or t oo Small South Coast Landscape Garct.n Service ' ~ kitcl1mS JNit homemakm bat I Ill YOUl DIALll Nightingales Will Install at June Meet Election of offlcl'ra &11d pruen- tat 1on of membera who have com· ra.4tocut o.., ltatSoa K1'VD 11 OJO kc I. lunday a.ttemoon. MAJ' u . al S o'clock. trom Ftrst Chun'b ot Cbrt•t. Sci.at.lat. Beverly HUia. '!be Wtu,..r, Grace .Jaae "°"'· C. I ., of Oltcqo. I• a member ol Th• Chrlatl&ll Science 8o&1'd of Lect"Uruhlp. pl•ll'd thrlr prov11lona l houra ft>&.-.,IC:!!:ill! tured the mt'ettng or Nlrhllnral• Now ()pea Every Day l8 the Week Chuptt>r, Hnag Hospital Auxilia ry, ~~=====~=~===~=~::::::::::~ me"11ntot at the home of Mre . Ralph Holoten, 30!:> Via Lido Soud. To bt> tno1talled on June 7 a t a lunchPon mrellng In lrvtne Coun- tr.i,: Club ere: Mmes. Arlhur Grewell, preel- dent. H arry H. Caaey. first vlce- prcs1dent. W1illam .M lrama, aec- ond vlce·p1-esldent: J oe Pr-.lnlng'tr, third vice-pre•ident: Jack Con1- don, corre11poncllng attretary: John C. Swartz:, recording aecretary; SAVE 50%:= BOAT IUTNKS. P't'RSITVRll 1•1LL-OW8, l!loltfl'l.A TION WAR SURPLUS -C'or. N•wport .t Hartlor Blvda. William C. Payne, treuur-.r; and ~========================~ Orville Stewart, pullamentari&n. r Mrw. J. Harold Round, In charr• COSTA ME!!lA o.f hour-., prrsented provialonw welcomed to f\111 member-whip; Mmes. C. L. Smith. John N. Qutnt. J ohn C. Knapp. Douglas Ff'rrey. 1 J ohn C. Swartz:, Ntclene Coplen &11d Francia C. Dawaon. Sharing hoateaa duUu wtUI Mre.· H olden were Mmu. Mtrama, M. A. Anderaon &11d Caaey. Science Radio Talk ..Chrlatla.n S cience: Ila Concep· Ilona and Ila Con1l1tenclu .. wtll be the eubJect of a lf'<:t ura to be Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SICUllTY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Seat comfort and so good lookjng! Munsingwear Boxer Shorts Th.. band:.ome wbite broedcloth lhorU by M uminpeu an cut full, with roomy &et et and no bWli."I .am in tlw .-it I Tailond ~ euy-to-launder broedclotb ... with deep elutio waiftband and smooth no-rap fty. Alto in eolid colon., print.a and fancy pett.m for the younc-in-beart. Start your ooUectioa today I Open Sundays I 0 to 5 0. UM 0-P'roe& at 11114 llL 0.. Dert m.Cllr "-Newpen Ptw ~ NEWPORT llACH We GiYe S Ir H G'"" Stanlpl The Whole Town's Talking •bout the wonderful 1ucce11 of 8i9elow'1 K•rpet Kue Proc"1 for Wall-to-Wall Carpet Cleaning in Your Ho111e ' (Exclusive with U1 i" Or~99 County) mnet famoue •- 1• l'&f1"'Ual(. \'ou11 -•u'llrtwd a.-d df'll&llt· I'd "It Ill 11111 tlllorouirlll f'l"M!lnir. f1•ff111-• of nap M d tll" , ... 1nratlo11 of c-11h1r. C'a.11 u• today : Upholstered Furniture and RuCJS Cleaned st In Our Modern Plent rHo:"·r:: Kimberly 2·6400 <2._:S" . j ' M N taln 1t the Tnwn ("lub. O<-,.an Oare-Utter Blvd. Jh• prtv!OUI mtetlng Wal beJd ai the horn• of Mn. P.te (Martel Kl.mb&ll, 1118 AlllO Ave. when Col Georc• B. Baker of Vow Exchange :::r~~:~~: .. .:;:! ::;~~~ D:::H .. :~:~1 · jBeta Sigma Phi Bria.n Ward McMamJ1, two u • Ob 1u.r. ud nine monU1J1, died May nits serve ~ at Hoa1 HOlplt&l. He i. the ton Wearing an exqulalte ballerina length gown of lace and New Officers F or tulle over aaUn, Miu Dolores L. Nutter became the bride Country Club Women of Glenn C. Moore at a mid-afternoon vow exchange in Christ I K ra. i:. H . Guthler i. n•w aoctal Church by the Sea. The Rev. Roy Carlaon performed the chairman 11t Santa Ana Country double-ring ceremony which united the daughter of Mr. and Club and Mrs. Alvin Stauffer la .JOMph Mutur, 924 Cedar Place, uatstant. Mrt. Stuart Dlthl will eoeta Me-. &Ad the -ot lira. bnJc'1 table, where punch wu Mrv• aa lf'Cretary·treaaurer. Mrs. Arita MooN , Loe AnJtlu. aerved with the three-tined wed· Hubt'rt Nall will handle Santa An• of Mr. and Mra. Jerry Mci.tanua, 211 Eut Balboa Blvd, Bealdu J F d ' D hl• parent.I h• i. surv1~·td by two I oun ers ay brothera, Paul and Dean. 8el'Y1c:e.a will be held Saturday at 11 Lm., In Baltz Mortuary, Corona dd Mar Chepel with the Rev. WllUam C. Guch of Bt. John'• Lutheran Church, Crans•. oftlclatlnJ. er... maUon will follow. New Members Take Part In Ritual of Jewels dinf cake. Mra. Harrlaon Bara of publicity, while Mr&. Lester llbell PA81ZL FROClll Santa Ana wu In charg• of the -A111 be In charge ot beach publl-A letter trom Walter Ro88, oi.cuou. st.oclla and candelabra JUUl rer11try. 8pC('IOI Jlltat wa1 city. Election WU held Thurlday Cubs at Rodeo founder ot Beta Sigma Phi, adorn.S th• 8&J\Ct.uary and aatln Helt>n Harlan ••t Cht-yf'nne, Wyo., of lut werk at th• memben' J:ig11t membera of N--.rt Den WU read when Mu Epailon lllow'I and atoeu ft\IJ'ked pew endi . alat•r vf the br1drirf"•m lunrhton. --..- Pl'9Ce4i"• the bride were Miu For the San ,.·ranC'laco h,,nry-Tea day for gueata 'A1ll be next 8• Pack 183• Cub Scout.a aeeom· and Omicron Rho chapters ... panled L. H . Vlerllllr, cub leader, t Ke dy' ~--Dl&n& ltricklucl of Sant.a A.JI& u moon th• new M 1. Mooni wore Wec!neaday with play 1tartlnJ a t to th• ~eo Saturday afternoon met a n~ • to Ouecrve aaW ol honor, and lllaa Sharon a roy'l blue pbardln" sull with u :ao p.m. at Municipal Bowl, Sant.a Ana. the 2'tll anniversary of the 1odal Mclterley of Santa Ana, bridee· red acceuoriu and conag• of -------------------------eorortty. maid. The t~r w0 ,. blue ny-red l'09ff with atephanoti1, 8he Mr1. Jamca Taylor, Mu Ep11lon Ion net onr Wfeta In b&llerlna wu rraduated from Ab.-.ham pruident. prealded at a candle· Janith and earn•• a noeeiay of Uncoln High School. Phlla.delphla, * * llfht ritual of jewel• for Omicron Amertcan Beauty rotu: while the Pa.. and I" a mrniber of Beta Ztta * Rho member• Mme1. Frank Moore latter wore a almlla r sown In pink, chapter, Bet& Sigma Phi, Santa Jr .. Jack Scott, Jra Smith, B. L. and c:arrttd deep ptnk roeu. Ana . .Her huaband wu graduated * COME TO THE * McQueeney, Douglas Hoakln, Rob· Do&orea wu eacori.d and rtven from Joplln H•ih Br hool, Joplin, ert Hender110n, Vh·tan Bodman. Ill llMPln&' by h• faUwr. Her brt-M.o., u:d 1a atattoned with th V. Allee Smouae and Miu Jean Val- da! sown wu det.alled with lace 8. Air J'orce In Llnooln. Neb. amantuck. i.octlee. lone alMVed u d wtt.h deep PARTY * M.lu Loul.te Oliphant rave the ..-.. UMart n9Ckllne. La.c:e roau fT&ee, :Mn. 8. T. Wickert led In ..... appllqued on th• bouffant Boatr1· de and the tounde,r'• day pledge and Mn. tull• aklrt and a crown of lace out-* Scott read a poem, chapter hlstor- lined wlUs pearla held h•r Wuaion B frldaJ, MIJ 13, 1955 le.e were pmentf<l by Mra. Rob· n lL l b• carried a cucad• of reakfast 4:00 PM ID 7:00 PM ert Henderson and Mni. Lyle Pope, whit. l'OMa. on:h.lda and atephano· * * and Mrs. Jack Qui.wenMrry pro- U.. A breakfut boatrlde to Ba.lboa * * posed the to&.st. Gerald M. Nlchou of Loe An· Ia.land wu a "tun" event for Udo Mra. John Stolts ot Newport .. lq, Ray 8clmla or COit& Meaa Helchta wlll be next hoateu tor Park Club women and alao mark- -d J . Arnold Nutter, 'brother of ed finale to their year. :Meetlns Ul• bride, were JTOOrnMntn. at 9 :'3 a.m. 33 member1 em· Lanme Jaoobe wu OrJanist barked on boat.I ak1ppertd by Ray and Mn. Delevan Freltaf nn1 Thorpe, W•lcome War1t and Ken· .. At DawnJ.111," and "Becaua.." ny Cor?'tll, had brealdu t at the AT GOODELL HALL Becki Lou. O\M9ta ..,.. ncelved In Goodell They we" welcomed by Mr1, ~ Win a $25.00 Insured Savin91 Account Birthday For Pamela Davis Mu Eptllon me.mbera, and theH wlll be a 1peaker on h1Jh achoo! expanalon. New Initiates Of Mesa Bethel Initiation marked Jateat aualon of J ob'• Daughter•. Costa Mua Bethel 1:'.i7, with honored Queen Ja.nlce White presiding. A new tc11ture,ot the ct>remony wu alng· Ing of "Green Cathedral" by th• choir, Tommy Burrougha accom· p&nyinJ. New "Jobie•" are Gall Mann, Sharon Brigg•, Sharon Edkln1, Kay Miller, Marilyn Tyrell. An· tolnett.e Thol)1°p&0n, Terry Dawn Rosi , Ros.ile Kay Fiahr r, Joan Marie Walp. Jerrilyn Watrl'n, Kathleen Burbank. and Jtlalne Wood. The honored queen op~u­ ed appreciation to Mr. a nd Mn . Sam Crawford for the Book.1 of 12:30 p.m. Her 1Ubject will be, "Project lndifl." St. Jo&n'1 Guild will be In charre of luncheon, rea- trvallon to be made at Harbor 1230. Hall wtUl both mother1 uatatlni . Mar1aret Van der Vort, retlrtnc ~ eha.lrman, who tntroduced new of· _,._ Nutter wore aqua cryatal· fleer-. Mn. K. L. Correll, Mr1. ette wttll lace In prtnc-atyl.9, ~ There'll be frH refreshment•• coff H, coke, cookie• and punch. A birthday part.)' WU rtven l.ut Wedneaday by Mr, and Mra. Olen Davi•. 924 Oak st.. Costa Meaa. Y ounCJ in Kansas tor their dauchtcr Pamela on her OLATHE. Kana. (FHTNO) _ •hlt• a.cc-ne. and a coraace Harold Gray, W. Johnaon and of ptl\k roeea. Xr8. Moore wu tnJ'l __ 0_rwi_c_•_P_ecllham. _______ _ dua~ ~ lac• wHh navy blue ~ .. and ptnk roH cor-.e. 01a41olJ and .toclu decorated lh• Daughter For M. H. Willsons Special Movie At St. Andrew's On May l~. a l 7:0 p.m. the Senior Hl&h Wtatrnln1tn FeUow- ahlp i. 1ponaorlnJ the movie, "Sickle of the Crou." Thi• plc:ture 'nMre 11 mat nJolclnr amon1 depict.a the 1ttuggle between C-0m- four s eneraUon• of kln1men and l'l\llnlim and Christianity and the fri.U of the )Curt.on W l!Uona over uiUmate triumph of the Chrl1tlan the Mrlh of a little dau1hter born wlt.n .... to tM couple lllnday morning', Anyone In lh• Harbor area who .Aprtl 11, at 8t. JoMph hoapltaJ. la lnt.e,..1ted In .. etnr thl• movie Mn. WUl.eoa la lbe former Mar· 11 Invited to SL Andr-'a p,-- saret Harwood Thayer. who with byt erlan Church. llllh and SL An· lier parent•, th• Alfred Harwood drew·1 Road. There la no aclmla- na,en ot 8an Marino, 1pent her alon c:h&r(t but an offertnJ will eumin1ra at Balboa prior to her be t.ak•n to cover the COit of t.ht 81~~ WUl.IOfta cam• to film and to hdp Mild yowic ~ tM Jfewport llanor .,... an. a _P_i._to_aumm __ •_r _c_o_n1_e_N11_c ... __ _ year et atudy aad trawl Ln .,._,,. f o 11owla1 WW-'a lftdut.lon from Ui• Harnrd ORduate lehool of Deelp . Wllile In Ensland ht wu a.ttlllaled with the London .A rcllltecural Auoclation. Ult!' 8 1daty Cat.haf'ine will be -.1-4ld at the family homt, 1222 Kut lklboa BlYd. by brothn Qoe.f. frey, who 11 nearly two )'tlll'I old. Kamaainas to Meet On Wednesday Kamaalna Klub memben w lll be runt.a Wednuday ot )(I.Ila Lola Lyon11 Lon1 8-ch, Who wtll uter-- ~ Gift balloons for tne kids. ~ "Goo-Goo tne Clown" will be tnere, too. * ..... ,.., ....... " .. , ....... -4 .. lp•• aWnt9 ew let .. 1wry. Matemal JTMl-~t• are Mt'. a.nd Mra. l:m .. t Wentwort.b ~:rw of South Paaden& and Kr. Wa\.aoft Vernon of El Cajon. Pater-- aal sr-dparenta an Mr. and M,., Murtoft HJlcbcoek Wlllaon of Den- nr, Colo. -wooDMAN ·~~:~· Birthday Party At Mesa Park Th fowt.ll birthday part}' Of lit• Ue ac.u,. l hock. 10n of Mr. a nd )( r-. W , D . Dodi. 2 lt Vl& .D(Joa. U&I lale, wu &lrnoel rained out &&tunlA1.7 an.moon at Coeta M•• Park. Deepte occaaonal aowcn.· 1notl'leu and younp ten enjoyed SamM tll U.. ebelt•nd picnic art& -d nt1'tAhmenta of homema de le• er--. eaa«:J and m\IGC&l birtAd.&¥ cU.. ,.,_t were Cindy and J udy lpRtt, Dolull• ltuadtt or Loni JIMell. JUdde and J aalce lltoddard ot Lo9 .Aaplee. 1-Webb, D&'f1d lteOq, )Carll. J immy and Husb McODecb. Dlaa.e Phamlt and Tom- my U4 8eott,. 8hock. Mot.ben u d nl&Uftl t.ne.lu~ Mn. Cul WhJt· maa of IUftn. Mu. 0 . H. Bhoclc and Mta. Joe Stoddard of Lo1 .A.a .... Kn. Oeors• 8weney, Mn. a..n.ee McCoUoeh, Mra. Je- lpr.tt Md Mn. W. D. Shock. Hoag's First Baby Day Kn. D. H. cnam. chairman ...,., Day, 111U1ouncu \bat IAVI· t&Uan.t baYe bffn Mnt to all baby &lumal of Hoe,c Hc.epltal to a lawn putJ oa Ma.y .u rrom 2 to 4 p.m .. to ... held Oft th• 11'&1 .,... di· nc:U7 weet ot the h,.pttaL ,.,.. &rM wtll bo, rrtnpd with poU of muyuer1tn ..,.clally S""'1l for U'le eYent by Jam• c-te, lt09pft&l pl'dnu. Lawn ta- M-. un11N&Ju Md dWf'I ,,nu l'la.nas.h a place to Hiit. baby 91t· t~u• wtU be on band to watch U'le ~ra whll• U'le parent. may taJlie a .. ,.Sded" tour Uiroush UI• .... tal. 1'elrull1Hllta wtll IM Mrnd &n4 eacb baby a ttendin1 "'111 M 11"8 a ''lloal'I•" puppeL African Violets All Atr1cu1 'f1olet &bow wtD bt lleld at lla.n Pedro, at the Bo19' Cha' Ulla aa4 CabrWo, on Sat· u,..._,, May H . 1 p.11'1. lo 9:30 p.m. an• luaday, May 1a. 10 a.m.. t.o t :JI p.rn. Ttl•ni will IM free park· tns . .._,, pn-&n4 no ad.mi.ton wm " charstd. FHt•llMJ U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELICT STALL FED STEER ll•F "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILAILE ANYWHERE" 8PECIALA D"Frot'IVE THURS.. FRI.. SAT. a SuN. FULLY AGED AND TRIMMED T·BONI STEAK 55~. TENDER JUICY Porterhou .. STEAK HOUSEWIFE'S SPECIAL 5 LIS. CLUI STEAK 5 LI. Rll STEAK Total 5 LIS. CHUCK ROAST 31 Lbs. 5 LIS. SHORT RIIS ALL 10 LIS. GROUND IEEP FOR 1 LI. LINK SAUSAGE The buy of the week LIG·O· LAMB 35~. l'earlln1 Lamb Rib CHOPS . 29~. $ Geaalae Milk Fed Boaele88 VIAL CUTLETS 6tn,. O• Own p..,. Porte Fnsll From O• Own K~hn ~~:SAGE 49•. ;;;LIAN 59•. · SAUSAGE Fresh LIVER SAUSAGE ~-~ 19•. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 9th birthday. Oamea and prlzr• wue enjoyed and "happy birth· Marine MSgt. Howard L. YounJ, day" •ung by a g-roup of friend• be-hu11band of th• former M.lae Belly fore ellclng-of a beautiful doll M. Scotten of Coata Meaa, 111 at- ('lllte and the 1ervlng of k e cr•am and punrh, lending the Cround Controlltd Ap- Jncludtd for the party werr proach School. Barbara lngnun, Margaret J une , The cour.se prov1d• laboratory Ootrman, Margaret Nuh. Sandra and field training for oftlcera and Dewey, Linda Drrry, Marllyn Rob-enllatcd personnel. bins, Sally Hauaer, Valerie Rovln. iiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Pecgy Bouten and Janie Doering. UCLA Speaker For St. James Auxiliary Mlae Mar I a" Schatl~nberg . UCLA u nlor, will be 11peakt'r at th.a luncheon meeting of the Wo- man'• Fellow1hlp of St. Jame. Eplacopal Churcl on Wednu day. L I D 0 ;.... ~t. ' ----- . ~A~BGA///,.-1/"?c ALAS LADD ''THE BLACK KNJGll'r' .l1>a.n Simmon_,., Rory calhomi "A Bl'Lu~·r 18 WAITISO" ST ARTS FlllDA Y Two llCJ Sllows •ou.M 8LIPf'r;a .. -.... •:•a tt:11 'T111l'fcro 1:U IODS MAT. SAT. I !'41 '"Tiii! LITl'l.I! OIAl'r MAY 11 , 1955 -COAST Al SHOPPER -PAGE 5 Job which _,.. preeented lnltlatn. On AprU 24 U.• Jlrla we,. IU•ll Of the bonortd QUffn for bntakfut, thq attendl'd r hurcb at St. And.-•'•, u did DeMolay member11. California Art At Festival CUI\ priitea t ot&llnJ $2000 will be awarded In th• ttrat "All-Cali· fomla Exlllbltlon" at Laguna Beach Featlval ot Arla. J uly 14 lhroUJh AUJ. 14. All artla~ llv- ln&' In lb• 1tate ar• tnvlttd to par- Uclpal e. Submlulona will be Jud(td at th• BNCser Art Service, Loe An- Jeleia. by a Jury Wh ich lnctudea Prof. Fredenck Wright, director of 1&11.n .. at UCLA; JOMph Ful· t.on, director ot Puatll'na A rt Muaeum, and Loner Felteltomn, a.rt11t and INtruct or at Art Cen- ter Sc:hool. Mn. l'nanldln Trip Mn. Edna Franklin ot 701 Lark- spur Ave. will leave tomorrow nlpt by plane for a five-week vialt with relattvu and friend• In Plltaburgh. --NOW SHOWING "MAMBO" SILVANO lllANOANO lllCBAD. um..u VlTl'ORJO OA88MA.N e&El.l-EY WlNTEJlS -Plus_:_ ''THEY RODE WEST' in Technicolor 8enn 1t11d .. nt• we,.. lnJured la •9 a cclde-nta ln\'olvtna lcllool bu.M In Ca llfornll\ durlna J'ebN&17. 19M . rero1 ta the NaUonaJ .A1.1to- mobll• Club, STORE YOUR PRECIOUS FURS WITH A PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0652 Fur Stora9e SPECIAL Clean, Clue and Frl .. 111 Cold Storage Your Yu ... Now \1 ~~ $995 t' .._ ____ ___. t'~ -M_.,..,. Pldl • irp Bond...t~ l'nimpt! OU1 IUln· berl7 1-M&I. Santa Ana FUR Co. ()pea l"riclay EW'ftlap 'UI t IOI N. BroM1ny 1U S-41161 NOW SHOWING Two Featwn THE SCREAM IN THE SCHOOLROOM! ...... She wu a teacher who wa. io- dixn.t't enough to wear a tight akirtl What happtnl'.'d then <'ould onty happen in this big-city 11Chool where toul{h tec.-n·agers ran wild! >.. a *t-tJelleT and widely read ma!{lltine gtory ••. It shocked Amerit<4 ! Ar. an M-G-M piclW""e ••• it'• terrific, tJmely tntertainmenL GLENN FORD ' ANNE FRANCIS . LOUIS CALHERN PLl'S THl1'4 Mt':I o~o FJ:Al'I RY.. IDIOW flTAllT8 ·~L and MAT. at •~so .&dolt" SI 00 ,,.., tAc c hlldfft'I !.~ &me JIAT. 8AT. I P. M. Abbott ud Coetella la "80CIEIT" • PAGE 6 -COASTAL: SHOPPER -MAY I I. I 955 WHITE, BEA TIY CRACK iT AR DISTANCE MARKS draWft from th• a.a -~ pre· Um• 1n favor of Future Fan;ner competlUon 9Cbeduled for that aame da7. In the C1'' prellmln&rlH, RMd uJd, 18 men will VS. tn uch track and tield event. Nl.nt wtll So Int• the quarter-ftnal• at Huntlncton Bu.ch )by l T where 18 mm will a,-aJn contend tn Mdl ennL The top nlne from htre quality tor the n oai. a t Chatrey. and the bHl three from th•. f lnalt becom1 •he· Ible for the 1tat1 mret. · In 'Mlureday'1 meet will! lll• Cit· tu.1 Belteu , the rlvai. .wept all three divtalon• fro.m t h• 8un1el le.,.uen. They copped the varatty &$·49, th• B'• 11-23 and th• c ·1 n - 29. bytt-rlan Church. He bu bachel<>r I Southfrn C'ah!omla 110 w1•1l u of muatc and muter of mu11ic de-tUblat'qllfnl g1aduatt 1tudy 81 Long I creu from the Unlvertlty of Beach Sta te Colleg!'. BALTZ MORTUARIES ~~A~~~~~SGE ··-····-_.,, .................... R"lt· ., ... ~lcr' I COSTA MESA CHAPEL l7U Superior Avenue Coeta Mua, Calif. Phone U berty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA ~20 E . Cout Bl"d. Corona del Mar. CaJar. Phone Hu bor 42 S-10-12 rt lr ngllll 4"' ••. YIBERGLAS~ l'A~t:L8 . . .... -. . aa Im.-H ,~ n. Burns Takes Dozen Harbor High Hopefuls to CIF M..+ Saturclay OCC Hires 2 New Music Teac:hen yean al Hoover Hieb School ln ~::::::::::::%:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=::=::=::::::::::::=::=:::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::'::' Glendale, and for two yean at An• de reon Clark Junior Hlch School. He i. a rraduate of Glmdale Col- lece, received a B. A. trom UCLA, Two new muaio lnrtructon for end wu gT&nled an M . A. from BUil T ON YOUR LOT Homes -Income Units " OPt:S DAJ.U : MON DA\' THRUt:ltll Kl 'SDA \' I Lm. -I p.m. Oranc • Coa.t Collece were em-San Dleco State. I Confident that at leut a pair of vanity performera !lave a good chance of going aa far u the atate prep meet ployed by lb• board of trualef'• at Jamu s. n u rerald Jr .. lu.truc-thelr .A.prU 20 meelinf, Dr. B u ll tor In mu•lc for lhe pu t t1vt Bfoll PoNlble Flnand n1 Arnwi1ed li'll ol~aol"" Rt-lt1 1I But/do ra H11rd11•ort• Costa Mt-sa in Loe Angeles, Coach Don Burna will take a team of approx-H. Petereon a.id toda y. year. a t Horace Enalr:n J un'lor lqiate}y a dozen Harbor High tra.ck men to the CJF prelim-Howard A. Kay ha• t>.en aa.-HJgh School In Newport Beach, 1 \..a wu Lh• other appointee. lnariee in San Diego Saturday. In an exhibition meet . ..,_ •trned to w trwnenlal muatc .• Kay CARDINAL HOMES Phone Llbtart\' X-1~55 222 Vl<'t.oria St. ( o~ar N ""'Port Bh·d.) ll9 E. 2Srd St. in C-08la Meaa tw s ' .. ~. d Cit nurerald hH taught ln the a- ffll un .. t -.y• an ru.t bettered that mark with a heave hu taurht for two yeani at lhe dull education procram at Orange Q alit p • tin• H bo 1616 :n1l:a~~';;unr!:;,.81~nT::'~.~~~ of 110 ft. 9 In. tor top •pol LD °: co~~u~ec~·~o~t~a~an~~M.a~t~eo~;~fo~r~fo~u~rlc~o~u~t ~c~o~ll~er~·~an~d~h~aa~•~l'rv~ed~a~a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[~ll::::~~~~f:_:m:::::~~t_:~ar=:..::::f:_.:__:~:. ela<U nabbed ftve flr•la and col· event. Georre H~ Ued for fir yeare at Palomar Collece, for •Ill choir director at St. Andrew• Pre!· ()pea '7 Daya Open Eve11. by A ppt . lected 42 point. ln all three claul· :m lheln ~~I:. 1 ·33·9· Bob RJce ftcaUou. • The nralt7 p.rtonnen who ma7 IL"llPP IEOOND So all th• way are Miler Tod .In 8 competlUon, Bruce Knipp 1Vhlte and Hall-Miler Don Beatty. ramered MCOnd• In the high and Jaot.h boy• •par k led Thursday with low barricade.. Buru. timed Knipp ..,._dy reC'Ord·breaklng vtctorl .. In In 9.4 tor llle hl1h1 and a slow ttielr irpeclaltiu . White plloped 14s. Oat In the Iowa. Dodd Pear• th• mile In 4 :le.I, lleC'Ond be1t CIF 11-0n rambled hi• belt clocklnr to •rep t.lm • recorded thl• 11euon In date In the 220. laktnc 1e<:0nd Ule Southland. The cloclcln1 broke place In 22.8. Augle Oalrowald wu l'lhlt•'• own achool mark for lh• third tn th• 1320 In 3 :2~.l and tunptleth time lhla >:ear. Glen Buford fourth with a 19 tt. DON' UELl\'ERS 4 In. effort In the bro.d jump. &atty, who •tarted •low but ame on fut thi. .euon, toured th• l80 ln 1 :~9.T, making the lad a definite contender In CIP' com- peUtlon. Thi. Urning alao 9111Uh· ed hi• own 11Chool mark of 2:01. Other lfarbor H lch t1ral1 were racked up In C ranks. Rod Wlleon t.ook the 180 yd. dull In 19•. flial. and &180 .cored a third in the low llurdl ... J ohn Henrotin. holdf'r of th• 8\Dlfft loop •hot put record. HOUSEHOLD WABDROBE J•ck Newb.,.ry had a t>.d day when trouble cropped up with ht. 1tridr. He had lo eettle tor four th spot In th• pole vault wbe.n be1t he could clt 1r wu 9 tl. I ln. Burn. and Athletic Director Ralph Reed indicated they hoped to enter a few mo,.. local 1plke· alen In the Saturday ClF prellma. lncludlnr the Tar C relay team. Burn• reported Don N.eredtth, var· ally high 1Uck hopetul, had wtlh· CRISIS! CRISIS! Perhaps we have the answer BeceuH we do everything here casa pura "aSl\VlCll wtTRIN H OURS -WKJ:N MIZDEO" OOllPLErE IAVNDERER8 ud CLl!ANE&8 117 Pounds of Mmlc and Fun for Is on Radio KWll 1480 on the dlal HURRY TY ancl ~e Appliance SHOPPERS! SAYE! w ..... loeded wtUt 1966 no. ... . .,, •• , <-..-....... , ... .... ~ "'1LT GUA.U.Jrfta> • ALL MAAFA 4ND SIZU 19 95 ft.ICED A.a LOW A.a , • , , • • , , •• , e I MIMMDn O.Atnma-o. .. ._ .'.,ss~r,_ ............. J .... -.· .... .,...... .......... _ . .,... ... . ~ .,... ... 0 ••• ..., ~ ..... ,, .... V... ........... t1uAC 81 r.Mil ...... A_.,.. OlfLIM •t .......... ....... ~ ft!'WDAQ A1'D llT99I' WfWIDN .,_, ... RELIANCE .......... ' HOMI APPLIANCI •VICI CO • • 1935 DIX'S 1955 TREASURE SHOP I ANTIQUES I •• •of ••• I GIFTWARES I ~ _,,~ LAGUNA BEACH ~ ~ f 1 * IMPORTERS * 1 (NOW) .• • e e e • • . NOW) ,~ SELLING OUT!! ~ DISSOLVING PARTNERSHIP!! SELLIN& OUT THEIR ENTIRE srocK OF DOMESTIC & IMPORTED I SILVERWARE • JEWELRY • FURNITURE ANTl9UES • LINENS • I PORCELAINS • PAINTINGS • ETC~ at IMPORTANT NOTICE! NOTICE Mercherid ite to •• Offer•" at Th ie s.1. Will lriclvde Good& MOM Our F-orMer lot Afot9elH Stora •"d All l'er1ot1al Colled iori1 lelon9iri9 to h eh l'eriner. • NOTICE • NOTICE This is not • FORCED SALE. In order to le9ell7 dissolve • par+nership existing for over 20 yeari, we, the par+ners involved, voluntuily eppeeled to the Sup>erior Court o this State for a Court Order to dissolve said partnership: 1,. order to expedite the disposal of this vest stod end also to use this 9e1ture to reciprocate the thousands of our customers for their past patronage, we have decided on this unique method of selling the stock. Up to this announcement, our curlomers have been paying our prices. Those in attendance et OUR AUCTION will b. glad to lnow that we are game enc.\IC)h to sell each article, no matter whet it was formerly priced at, to the puty who bids the most money. Thanki"9 you for yow lind attention with anticipation of seeing you et the sale. Free ... DIAMOND RINGS TO BE GIVEN AWAY DURING SALE No Oltl1allon to luy! We ere sincerely youri, LUCILE & A. J. DIX SALE STARTS Thursday, May 12th Free.~. ........ ,.,.... 1:30 p.m. * 7:3t' p.m: ._. Wll C .... -. D9ly tit S... H..n. ....,.... Saday1 Uetl Al s.w. SILVER SETS TO BE GIVEN AWAY DURING SALE NO f'UICHASI NICISSAH TO fi>UA&.IFT PREVIEW: WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 11th at 7 P.M. DIX'S TREASURE SHOP 1235 NORTH COAST HIGHWAY LAGUNA BEACH, CALIF~ . . NEWPORT HARBOR NE\\'S-PK~ Every Monday and nturllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unes 1 Paper $1.00 4 UnH 2 Papers l .50 4 Line. S Papers 2.00 Cout.M 8~pper ClaMlfll'd Ade mu•t rua la the Hoeday or Tbunday Publlcatlo• MlNDftJM AD JR t USES AN C'IM&lfted Ada muet be paid for CMb la advaace of pabUcat10L DEA.DLlNES tor plac111c or cancelUnc ada are1 For Monday Publication -Saturday Noon P'or Wedneaday Pu1>11eat1on -Tueaday 2 p.m. F or Thuraday Publlcal1on -Wedneeday 1 p.m. The publlaheu will no r~ponalbl• for mon than one lncorrect trutertloo of an ad, rea e the right to correctly cla.ulfy any and all Ada and t o reject any not conforming to rule• and re(UlaUona. NE\\'PO T llARHOR 1'1.:8USH1NO (.)(). t!l I Balboa Blvd., Newport Beac.b, Califonlla. ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I ln1t&ll tile a bove cheaper than moat. A l.ao nil Tile .I: Llnoleum. N on-union, 2:1 yu ra experience. Compare a nd eee - BILL COKER LI 8-8204 7llc l 2-BolldJng Servtcee PAINTING I NTERIOR -EXTE.R.IOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~01 • 3ht St. Newport Beach Harbor 3176 22l!c SOUTtt GDflST CDUSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL %30 SOtb St., Newport ~h Harbor 2533 ~ (}41;11,. e:..-~ ... . ______ ...... _ PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging ''Til. Beat Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 UUl 8t., Newport Beacb PHt>N'I: KARBOR lt<>t Uc "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY \\'Ill come to your home, tLke down your VPncttan bhnds. take them to our laundry. Launder the slats, t ape•. corda. sparkling clean with our new machine proeus method. Rt'tum your btlnd1 a,nd re-ln11taJI them In 24 hours. P rice vrry reu nnnblt'. 1'he aver· age 2 tape residential bllnd- Only $1.00 We al11<> repair and rebuild vene· tlon bllm.ls. All work done by ap- pointment. Phone now l.lberty 8-:\701 or Klmberly 3-8274. ppt!c H. H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair Service Matnt11lned Phone: H11rbor 4«124 280.1 811.lboa Blvd., Newpurt Bt>a ch pclcp PAINTING PAPER HANCI:-10 RtsidentioJ .I: Commercia l Wor k L1ren~d Contriu:tor11 Call LtxlnRtnn 8·~946 rollert. H untington Be11t'h Mpp60h Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. :JO ,vran1 f'Xperienre L1ri>nsed &-insurNl. S1t1s!art1un g 11arant1>1''1 Estima tes frre. Ca.II Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-52 9 1 tic COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service F:UC ENE 0 . SA U:\'DER~ ~00 31,.l gt rt'el. Newpo1t DclH'h Har linr 2!176 or H11r. • 116. t (e t Z-Bolldlni: ServAc. CARPENTER Repair Work Doee T our Home NMd ltepa1r1Jll or Remode~f Call Frank, l.Jbert7 l..aM All Work Guarant.-d TUte PAINTING EXTERIOR INTERIOR F. • 8. MEUA> Ucen1ed 111611 lrvtne Ave. CaU evu. Liberty l-t39'. Otte GENERAL CONTRACTING Fr aming .tc S'oundatlon1 F ree Estlmatu .t. Plan Sttvlce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 31tfc CEMENT & BUILDING A ll Kind11 FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 For That SPECIAL PAINT -WALLPAPE R OEC"ORATTNO JOB CALL Wm. Baker KI 5-3621 29ll 2302 Palludrs Rd .. S. A. Hts. A11k Us A bout ZOLOTONE L1ct>nsed In Harbor arn 48p60h House Plans LIBERTY 8·6251 lOl!c TIME TO PAINT M. W. ROSS Pa1n1tni: • Dl'rorat!nic L lbl'rty 8·3321 or Harbor 3089-M 280 A vorado, Costa Mua J.ir<'n~ed .tr full Insured. 38p51 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK !'\O JO IJ TOO SMALL A. O. A.nceraon llJ1' E. Balboa Blvd , Balboa Harbor 2450 83t!e Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT l.ll'E="8F.I' t'ONTRA<.:ron 87 \\'. 18th St .. Coata Mt aa l.Jbtorly 8·8628 Elec. Tool Repair ~kll ~.1w•. Drllb S1rnder1 CJl'IC"K S ERVJC!: LEWCO F.LECTRIC CO. •Ml :-lo. N .. wport Blvd, N pt. Bch l.ll><'r tv IS-:Sb.I •HCC NEW H1GH StHOOL MAY 20th IT TAKES • I YEAR TO PLAN •I YEAR TO BUILD A NEW SCHOOL WAKE Mr. WHY QUIBBLE ABOUT THE METHOD OF FINANCE - - - UP-I VOTER. WAKE UP AND VOTE YOUR 'KIDS MUST CARRY OR WE WILL BE FORCED lNTO DOUBLE SE.SSION IN '57 ? A BREAK.' NO LON6E.R A LITTLE R.EO SC.HOOL HOUSE SUT A GREAT B IG CRDWOEO HIGH SC~OOL WH E.RE EXPANSION IS NEE.OED NOW.' Thi1 space donated by Newport Harbor News -Preu The cartoon does not neceuerily reflect the opinion of this newspaper FOR RENT Sklll Bawa. Elec. D11U.. Poll9IMN. all tn-ot Sandel'9, V.'lleelbar• l"OWI, elc. BOYD'S HOWE. ' GARDENER: rR.D ESTDU TES A.II yard clean up. Plea• call ff~a LJ 1·1M8 M Ll 1·4708. 60p65 l630 W. OOAIT HlGHW It. Y L.Iberty a.aua. Newport 8dl lltto COUPLI: DJ:SIJIU!l CARr'I'AK- G I C t t EM OUTill:8 In ••~• tor enera on rac or fl"ff rent of apt. or houae. Beat LICENSED local refer.nc• Hu. OHt-J. New Work -Remodelin' ttpa1 J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R ttp57b %9-Help Waated 14-Penonah CONFIDENTIAL Hav!nf real utat• troublu T D i- vorce, dwth or juat •trapped tor m oney! Perhapa l can help you. Phoae or write. REX RECHS, Rltr. 2307 W . Balboa Bl., Newport Bch. Harbor 61:16-Ha.rbor 987 ri0<:62 ANYONE w!lneaainar accident on F'riday, April 211, at 4 :30 p.m., Newport Blvd. A: Baker St .. north of Coat& Meaa, pleue call or contar t Hlll-H lllrna,n A: Co., 2021 N. Ma.in St., Sant.a A.Ila. Phone K lmberly 7-525e. tlk:51 AJcohollca Anonymoua Wrtte P. 0 . Bm Sil NeNport e.acA. Ca1U. Phone Harbor 4796 ~Beauty ~~~---- Su perfl UOUS Hair Permanently remov~ from taee arma, lefa. Eyebrowa and baJr U.ne ahepe<J-No more tw..cnr. EL.L.EN L. BR Y AJllT R. &. Udo'a Salon of Beautr Ba.r. 2678 lie 22-Loet a.ad Found LOST-Walltt containing caah and important papera. Noltfy Robert R. Jack~n. United Statea Cout Guard, 2089 Harbor. Coata Mf'a. Llbrrty 8-6822-Reward. 48p50 LOST '"" can1t mtn'e diamond nng. Reward. Wberly 8·4511. 411c6l LOST In Bay. 10·ft. rowboat, Cosmetic I Treatment Saleswomen For a leading Santa Ana Dept. Store. Must have experi- ence in selling bet- ter-name lines. Salary Open Pleas~ write, giving full details, to Box E 69, this paper. 45c50 MEN For Construction Work Garage Men whtl<', trimmed wllh blue. re· 1 STP.:ADT tull time Job• wtlh l~rg• wud. 310 Cra11d Canal, Balboa I public utility. High echool crad hla.nd, Hu. 1497-W. 41k~I uatN betwun 18 It 0 ytan of Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN A: WOMCN p~pan ln 1pare lime tor unlimited opportwliU• In Rea.I Elrtat•. N-cia.- weakJy. Al Tyler tnatrucUnJ. At- tl'nd flnt evenin1 tree and lear11 about lhl• creat field. Call o r write no-w for lnformauon. Bual· RHI ln11Utute, 4151,§, N . 8yc•· more. Kl 3-171'>3. 7tlfc China Painting ag• wanted for rtJUlar empt OPPORTUNITIES fo r advance mtnL 40 hr wuk. p•ld vacA• ttone, paid hollda y1. alcknu• al· Juwa,ncu A: ~n1lona. APPLY Mon. through P'rl. from I .30 a m. to 4 pm. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. 1030 F: Finl St. Santa Ana Day a.nd 1Cven1n1 Cla&MA Or<lere Taken Now PMne Wberty S.-~8 e•ttc GlRLS - --------- YOt.:No ma,n. 33, "'"'l appearlnr. ,.x-t.:SMC-pilot. 3 yre with lut 1 .. m ployn t l(X"al J mr·•llnc public •nd hand.hnic money. Reftrenrl'•, l will acrC'Jlt p<:N1lllc1n u nite lln- IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! Anl1 you ll •11ro whrn yo\I hl'ai o ( lhr man) Job (llJ)lOrtunlll!'t tor quah!1f'd )•uun11 wum~n In our bu•lnu1 toe.I&)' trl or motel 1lellk m an ur •hnl· OPt'~Sl:"\CS :-.IOW F'OR IAr n1ll' work In !South ('ou t TELEPHONE OPERATORS u r a. \\'rile or w1r,. r. 0 8'1x 27, Laguna BNar h. r>Op:;:Z YOl':"\0 WOMAN. rullel(f' gra111.1--: j .,,. d .. tre• 1>11r1 tlm• oftlr l' wu1 k Ji'.J1per1"'"'"d ~: x c e 11 r n t rc>f••ren;,.~ \\'rll• ~·• .M-7., thh nrwapn J:"'r. Mlp:tl Apply-MQnl111v lhrmri;h f'riday l\U ·~ r-:o Matn 81 II 00 lo 4 00 p m Room 211. Santa Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE l'ltt1 WA !'\T Jenl lM Jlllr!·l lnlC' F:•· I CLEA:-.ING • IROSl:'\O by th~ pH lf'ncert Mnrnlng • rvenlng de } E"pu1 .. ncef1 &Ibo#. h la1vl work p1drrrr1J Kl !Hl/'196 !'>Op~2 JOH:-so:-: It SON Roy's Maintenance l,ln<'olr1 Mf'llUry ~V() W ('nut H ... y :-;,.wport S..11<h .10r!>I H .,UM clr anlnc-tioor •·a.u nr w A="T bookk-J>Pr F'(" ~trno \\'811 w111h111g -wtndow clH n1ng gl'n'I o!tlc• rx~r l Jt lrl uftlce V!'nttla n bhnda. l:phol.Jlt•ry Pr,.fH a ttrtl ,.,.ec type. 6-day ln,_rr.,d. r rte E"t 1m•l"I ,..0 k $JOO mn G IYI' full deta.lla. Llberty O-ll32. !Uc In letter. r U Box llflll, Co.ta Experienc'd g-ardene r 1 )tt aa.. •&c~ LANDSCAPING U ><.;Al. pth"lte C'Q • educ.tJonal , r11y •rhool wa.nta 2 wom~n and CLEAN UPS '~"'"' "' fur Plemenl&ry (T.d~• Liberty ·1659 •Ill! • i th 1 Salary adequate 30tfc l 'hnnf Harbor 31189. 60c62 BOO KKltEPER "''Ill do f'Nllng, mr-ithly 'l•l,.mc>nl' ,,,. ktl'p l>tl<1k11 fnr l'('\'f r111 •mall firm• nnt n"f'd1n1t " full time bltpr r 0 . l\n;11 16 I. N"v. f"'lrt Bnr h 48p~IJ LJ("F.::\:u :11 vru ht r •rt F'ull """· 11on \\'k rn1l• Mfllnr t'llJll'Mf'n•,. ('A!lf , "•~t F ull r~fn• 111 ~ At. l"n•I• l •l!'M'I ...-hn11I ,..k il•Y~ :\926 !'n Bro11t1w">" l.11• An g el,.,, 3; l'h Adame :l·ll2&9 46~1 SE«RF:T A RIAL. tull t1mr. !\ cl•y ~ .... k. 10 yr11 .,,.~n,.nre C"nm- rwtant ('ar ablf' O( a ... UmlnC ft' 11pon111b1llty Nut. punrtu11t ow n t ran~porl.!lllon H11 r 4534·J. 4llp51 A'M'ENTION ALL BOT8 - N~w11-PN".1111 rarr1tr route are now "l"'n In N>me nelithborhooda - HAll'Kl11 , Wut NewpClrl, Balboa l11lu 1d, N,.wpc:irt HtlghlJI and C'ornna dtl Mir 8nll C'n11t11 Mt"ll It ~·nu are 12·111 y r11 old. have a blrycle, apply 10-12 a m. or 4·!1 pm. only a t Clrculattl)n Dept. Nt wport Harbor Newe·Prea11 2l l l Balboa Blvd, Newport Bearh. Harbor 161& 311Uc -~~~~~~~-~~~- \\ANT u~rlenced weltrea• - A pply Llrto rvk Cat• •a t Udn Tnlllt r P a rkl 2 l • 3 h t 8 t , N t'WJl'>r1 Bffch dp61 REAL EST A Tl'.: Hleirwnman and part lime nttlre worker Paul ELDERLY m~ ould like to u:;. Herbold, tlan J uan CaplJllrano tel•. l i 2. O c!>2 rr""~" •nu•ll monthly pel\Mon . by tlnln1t ll<hl Job• or what have 1 WANT Up.t'lenced r..al utat,. \•ou ""''" ln<•h• and (IWll tr&na· eaJ.-n.an, ~ opportunity. In· rort11t1M, ''""' hf'alth and ac-ror111~Uon confldenti.J Wnte 11vf' Al1drt .. &>" Holdw H2. qual.ltl.c&Uona Boa L-1', lhl.a C'~la Mu&. Op51 newap6p8r. 50c62 PAINTER WA !'-"TS WORK. l !I )'Mfl ~r1· ence. :"on unlOll. Hourly. Ubrrty 1·2i22. Up41h E.X C&U.&NT opportun.lly tor rMJ .,.... •ham&11 ta acUYe ot flct NM &. Oout Htpway, Corona del Kar. Har. lt•l « ....,.,, Har 100.w. &0c~2 MA:'\ It WO)a{A,'1 Wiii do 1•n•nl WANJ'-Own ..... Uoa lot • pldt· hou,..work. fioor wuJn1. wlA-, 11p "'°1· W11at be ~ dow clu nln11 P'• •t worker•. J01Uf90N 6 SON "'hilt' 1114 E 10th 8l .. Coet.a Lincoln Mercury, too W. Cout Mna. W l-2el3. ppU H"J'., N.-port Beach aoe&l MAY 11 , 1955 -COASTAL SH°'PER -PAGE 7 Bob Skiles is Selling Out- The following muat be aold immedllltely: Nearly new power mower. ·n conv. Buick. Boa trailer, lie. pd. l&-ft. outbo&rd motor boat. Com- plete IMlt druma, extra ba1e drum. Portable E.aty organ. 2 violina, mandolin, practice xylophone. Commercial double waffle lron. 4 burner hamburcer grill. Large cofft-e um. Fiahing pole. trunka. 2 box- ea tool11, 3 house doon. Lge. cupboard, old dreuer, oil heater. odda A: end.a diahea. Complete electric paint apray like new. 2 clothesline pole1 Ii line. Shovels, apadea, halten. bridl•, aide .addle Ir hun- dred other artlclea. Practically at your own price - Call at trailer -1~17 Superior Ave., Coit& Meu.. t9-HeJp Wanted CHRISTIAN lady to cook evening mu.J for adult famUy l.n t'X<'h. tor meal• It pr1. r oom It beth In beautiful B11y Front home, Bal. l•land. Will b" t'on•lder<'•t a part of family. Har, 26114-\\', ooc:i2 L.ARGE lonK establl•hf'd rral n · tale firm nttd~ expeneon"l 1ale"m1m. All answf'r• kt'pt rnn- fldenUal Write Rox X60. thl• paper. Pluae atate qua lifl<'•· cation• In tull. 46t!c WANTED-A <'OU Pit (no rhtldr~n l to htlp rare tor beach cabin•. Man may have outside emplu~ · ment. Woman LO hrlp with rtnt· al• A: clranlng. F ru rt'nt and aalary until Ort. l11l. Call Har· bor 307 attn 2:30 pm. 48c60 ANTIQUES -Old !um lture, cut rtua, 1i&mp1, old pi<'luru. rlocka tlc. Bar1a!n11 ratore. Big <Ill · count.a to dealeni. Cherhe Dav11, 1806 E. Anaheim St., Long Beach. 6~0-139. 29llc SOUTH BEl'\D 9x3 1 ~ Q C bt'nch l"the. U1ed 2 Wf'C'k11 only With or without produrtton toollni: Bargain. LJ 8-6603, Har. :J4:'>2 O•·!'IO •tell SO-B--Appb.ueee W ashinq Machine SER VICIC 1-year rua.rant.H on Jot» don• and on uaed wuben. UN 14 (rear) Newport Bl., Coeta MML Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. Mtfc O'KEEFE A MERRITT rans:•. red trim, gond c·nn1I and 4.9 ('U. ft. Sen •f'I gu r,.fric. Sf'll tnrlhf'r or 11eparat e H11r. 3:\80-M. •tc6l Automatics S39 .50 to $99 .50 Dellvf'rrt1 lnat111lc>d, l'\li.rantttd. No extra eharae We Se-r•ice All Applianca Specialirlng in Automatic. Auto. Wa.sher Enterpriaea 2648 Nrwport Blvd . C.osta Mesa Llber1y 8-7808 t Ntar Golf CourM I pp48 31-Wuted to Bal W A:-."T TO Rl ' Cho l" table mndf'I TV 1n l(n<>t1 l'nnd1t1on. Ph Harbor 01 lO·M after 9 a.m 6<k'~? -t WANTTO BU Y a Fresh Hea{ing Aid a 19-rt . 111tbo•t. All.Ill! doll~ ror f'h Ll 8-UH. 60c'Ot BATTERIES We Glv• SltH Green Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. .Ma.In St. at Bal~ Blvd .. B11lt)Oa Harbor ti!~. ll!!tfe S2-l'umlti1rf' f or Sale A -A -Ahoy ! ! ! ! WIN Anaon Jackpot.. get your YIS H l!'I' Cur tow prier~· STOP THE MUSIC I REEL I:\' on thu,. 113v1na•. blanks at RA y FIELDS. Bay Furniture Lido Watch Repair Vtncenl Dru11. SHl Via Udo 42cMH TWO ILr&e l"t'dWood patio tablu • ~nrh,.~ A J a luminum < ar J>f•r1 JO X 20 Call Urrt 1 ("11f<', 17th 6 Newport Blvd.. ('011la ){~... 411<'60 ORIGINALS d rene• It \"oordanat,• C.'u&tom Drell8maklng Ph liar bor 112611-R 19p:il Gl':"\ FOil RAL~: l'~rk,.r dbl<' hl\rlf'I 16 K" ~hut t:lln f::A1'• I· 1 .. n1 c"ndlllnn 1'111 ~v~• H111h<ir 20~-\\ K cit (1· H~.1 1nuoM ~to:T ~nh1I n111h111:. II p• 11 twin b"ll•. l1 11 rtrn1tn w111•I· roO:. trunk :l •ml\ll •t .. •m•r ""''1r .. 11r lr11nk• 1111 Bt'I \'11~ 1 ... 11• U•lb<·" ll11r M :tl :.011:11 l!l r r 1·1·rt11:H I' AMA:'l:A fr<'f'I.· ,.r J\< 1 I~· 1 • "n•llt ion. Rl'11110 0· 11n1 .. h<oll11t 1h1l mah111t twin l>l'<h ~ """' anllqu" r•lf'•'"" fh"•I' ll11 r 13i4·M or Har. 1248. !\Op.'J2 1000 EMBOSSED 8uatnue C.rd• UH l U oe Rubbrr 5 la.mp . SI 00 Book Matchu LF,O N' WHITE, 261:, \,\'lllow Lan" C 'n•ta 1'l r1111 rntr P tl M 11 r A''" I Llbt'rty .'J t:A> or Llb<orlv 8·4011 ~.Ottr SE'T'Tl:'\G ror 12 r11mmun11 v S•l· vrr wu,., lnlll11l 11' Siu Ill drf'jlHI l'rw'kt•ll -1111 t1r,.••I'~ aulLI fie1M1nablr, 11111 "'"~ Har 41113.J :.op-,2 LP.:\VTT V&CUIJ.m f lrl\n•t 1111 a r·. r"•AOr11'• H11 rill y 11,...11 ..,,.,.n 1n etorace. S!\!'i f'h H•H 3977 411 'ol f:LEL'TRI(' R ANGF: Hnlr<>tnl 1 oven8 II•• n,.vn hr~11 ~onn111 t· "'' ""' (l'Cl rnntllt 1,.,1. J 71 ~I re t $3&0 1 I.I 8·~1\Cl'.l, Hartv•r J C!'i2 48cr>O NEW 8 PC I.IV ROOM GROUr ~ • dlvaa, maLchJna <'hair. 2 1tc>p-f'nd • I corr-... tab!" l l•ble lampa. 1 11a ·W•J' fir larnp SIH ~ Valur, at Ba y $1U t.n • PC. W rou1ht Iron UY. rm. fl'Oll l' Arm couch, 4"9" pure foam rub botr ctahlon, rocker, :t •hJ>-«ld It I «>fff'e ~le tplU Ul' t opl 2 table la mp•. I noor lamr 5'19 ~ velu,., •l Bay .. 11~9 !.O I PC' !lllCTIOJllAL 1.-R. Oft.Ol'l' 2 p<' 8#Ctlonal (C'onvut.a lato ~· t..-d l comer tahle, I ttep • rn •I • I cnftu t a bl•. 2 table l&mp• $27Q 6-0 v•l11•. U Bay . . 118100 s I'(" MA PLI) wood a nn CT"Ot•I" JiCHly A merl<'IUI lll)'led eofa . club • 111111· platform rockf't, 2 •t•r · r-fhl 6 t COt!Hl table, J WO<Wi bu.. maple lamr• 1rurn...i 11had n 1 1319 :.o v•lur •t Bay Hfll.l .Y\\ (')())) bfod. twin •la. 1311" I 4 •,· riw• rn11m n rbt>-r matt ~, .. b<·• •11nn~· rl••tlc hl'l dboa.rd. m•t11J framr 11111 "J Vll)UI', •I RftV I f"(" flF".OK()(lM GROt'P ft !Ir pla.llttc tnp dr,.a.-.1, mirror, ho .. kr • .. ,. h"a'l°"ar'd, 40!'; rntl In· nn~pttnll m a ttr • box 'l'rln r-. 10 )'t ~\la ranr n 2 bt'lut1rur h1mp• S23!i.'>(J ,alu• •I U•r Bay Furniture 417 f.: I i lh Rr Clltt.a M•._ • l'M'l\,""" T11~11n • Irvin~ 1 Pttt St11r .. rr-on t Parkins Term• o p .. n t':v"• tul t p m 3-pc. Sect1onal. $50. Phone 1-.:I mberly ~3614 :>11r '.1 Yf:l.1.nW «hmm" t11n~tt• ta bl" 2 'h•tr•. Ilk ,. new. H11r ~•-J N><~I SIM.Ml>'1;8 11tul1l'l rourh I m"k"• 1 •111111.11,. b<-'1 1 l'rir" 530 Wl)l'r-ty 8-17711 House Cleaning Sale Just look at these prices! 2 Servel refrig., each .... ····-· ........... -.. -···--· ... $29.50 Kelvinat.or late model 5 cu. ft. apt. 1i.Jle -····· 89.50 2 Cold&pot refng .. ea.ch .................... 29.50 121 :/' Silvertone TV, table mod~l --···· ...... _ ... 29.50 Bendix 17" TV Con10le .. ····-··-···--···-··· .. 49.50 Apt. 1ize gu ruige. oven reruJator ..... 39.50 THESE ARE ALL GUARANTEED 0 . K. • Wonderful .election in cheat.a, tables, mattr--., and all kinda of furniture. We're Really Cleaning House! DALE'S FURNITURE 1874 Harbor Blvd. I ' . J S!-Fomlrure for Sale L'SED BEDROOM SET. Xlnt. con · dtllon, cheap. 8ff at 16 Balboa Covu. Har. 1100-W. •Sc50 MOLLYWOOD bed, IJmed o&Jc bookcue headboard. Good mat- trtu • box apnn~a. 1•0. Uberty 1-11168. de~ 11:sra . .E ~. 1prtnc1 • maurffJ. S4!1. Tape recordu, like new, •~ 1 ·tt mQdem couch, 175. AllN> N ttH • end lablH. tO Saltio. ~ovea. •lie~ )fC>VJ~G. WILL SELL-Two 101- 111 cherry C&pl&ln'a chalr1, Ua ta<'h: 2 rhtrry ChHll , 26" H., n ·· w ' H " L>-126 K Ch; aolld rllr rr y hudboard chc11t tor dbL hNI, U O; 2 bra.u lampa, 18" H., s 1 o e11och. tluk tggshell dr&JK'• 1·11t fur :l2 Inch window•, rnough tor 2.3 ~llr0<Jm1, 130; 8x11 an· ll!Jllt Boklvm1. rutt, beautiful wine rolnr, S200; Ph Har, :1077. 49c:'>I HOLLYWOOD hed, complet('. l!:x· cl'llent condition, $26. Harbor it~·W. •9c61 !S-Boata. 8~--­ l ·F"I'. 0 11'GHY with aall. $1 HI. 15-watt radio, S!IO. Har. 3279-J. 49c!lt 14 FT. BOAT 4 TRAILER. Mark 20 Mrrcury motor, like new Harbor 2849·R. He~ 18·FT. C LASSED bottom, 1ood !tahlng boat-00.t trailer. All tor S HIO. Ct1'U('lhtr1, 327 West \\'11J!on, Costa MHL 00p!)2 M ERCURY SU)Or . Trophy win- ner. top 11h1~. l lMI tr&ller. 197~. HYatt 4-!)087. llOtfc TRADE Beautiful 70·Cl. 1u11. 1chooner. Ji'ully lound, go anywhesre. WUI take equl! y In property or 1mal- ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 39Uc H ·F'T C';LAS!:I boat Ir 10 hp Mer· cury OlltboarJ. J.'lr•t clau condl· lion. r>12·3!1(4 St, :s,.wporl Bch. .f lltc THREE 8:'1·ft 1llpa tor rtnt. 184 month at Lido Wha rf Y&l'hl LanrUn~ 3Hll Via Oporto Ph U l>trl y 8·~ 4&c&O C HRYSLER Mllrlne tnglnl', 4 I.., to I rl'dut'llon l(tllt. REF'RJGERATOR. 110 volt D. C BF.E JACK llARPER at Lido Shipya rd, enll of 3llt 8trnt. Newport Bu.ch 29tfc "HP URA YMAJUN!: Seucout 91 tu In. 11147, Ur>O. 0 . Frt.Nr, 600 Rt. Jamf'I Pl .. Har. 6223 --Ll 8·~46~. 49p!ll 26' <.'HARTER or 1port tlthn - N<'w Chl')'altr, comp. equlpl. 1a· l'lyw()(.d r1ahln1t dory, 11C".d1 wr.rk :<tan'1ard oil Marine 00(k , 814 E. Bay Ave , &Ibo.. O clH !4-M•leal. Rad.lo, a TV IH:Al'TIFl'L maple mlrTOf t)'p« 11r11Jthl piano In p.rf~t Condi· t1nn Tnmt I M 37 down and S 11 75 ,,,., m o11lh at- SllAFER s ~!\Ille Co. \SlnC• U 07l 01~23 :-;, Sycamor•. Santa Ana Phnn• Klmb!'rly 2·0G1Z Rt:!'T en oqran or plano ...,th rrnul to apply on tutura pur· rhaa• &l- SllAF ER'S t.fUJlc Co !Stnc~ 111071 01 ·423 ?'\, Sycamor• Santa Alla Phone Klmbuly 2-0672 t:RED llAMt.fCJSll flpln~l oraan in tin.-r1ind11ton. lilll 11v1n1• I ·onvtnltnl lt rm11 111 IHIAFER'a t.lu~lc Co 1S1nc• 1907 1 421·423 S Sycamnr~ Santa A.na !'hon,. l<lmtwrly 2·11672 60 t'~I':[) l'IANO!' w1tnlrd for our r«>nl 11 •lrpt llll(ht~l r uh alle>w· &nc f' m lr1J e for l•rl(•n•. i:r•nd p111cno~ ,., tJ •l•ln\'I' n \ ,.z ~··1n111 1 r :0zv :-:n Ma.Jn. S &nlA A nll ~~'\\ Al'l.C)Rl"IOS no l>llN . 2 ,,..., ...... FUii rnn $12!1 1.lbf'rl\ 8·~484 ~O< '>2 PC'RTARLF. rh •nncr•rh 3 •t•f'<"da. \~I rh1n~,r Xlnt C'"ll"<" 1on JIU.I r• ,,. I• 11110 \\'r1I 0 rf'an F'rnn• ._,,.,,..l""'r' fkh lq•t c :i,or:.2 GRA:-0:1" l'IA:-0:0!! n•anv I kt nf'w St•tnv. a \. F"""'IJ,.nt • •n llllon Btauutnl ll•hr llr • ~u--n atylt KnA.,._ C':l"l'nd Orr.~u~I O~ra pluin, only 1i.·.o 1~., .. 1y Coops Cran<! Maho•anv ru• tin,. ~nf' and a cuon, only J l!l:l Anolhtr Grand only 543~ M•nv other wonderful bur• In Gr•r ,,. Cami'! l..ook' DANZ·SCHMJOT Dllf Plann fltor"' Santa Ana, t120 :-;,,, Mun. 100 Pl•noa. H Ol'l11' l'lf th• Hammond Orga.n. S PECIAL BUY~ ONJ: ONLY Lowtry OrJ&n'I. L.att· •t modtl. ~a~ f l()(), C'on,·enl,.nt ttrma at- JAN iK:-1 OROA NO. The ptano &nd •lrrt He Or~ &n In on,. 1n.11tru· nirnt. R.ili1 for ovtr Sl!\00. our J'rl<'e SS 7. Terma Alto one buuUfnl Electronic Orpn. l~k' nrw. Dion!! fln.IM F'arnoua rr.•k" Our prlre nnly 1685. Thln>< < t thlll. DA l"Z·SCHMJO'T' Bir P ia.no CCI Sant& .Ana, a20 No. M am. AMERICA'S No. 1 Do«· RJ:Gl8· Tr.RED AKC ~ .. le pupplu , champion 11toc:k. e wfflu old. 1!)'3 Ora.nee ,.., •• , Co.ta M.- f>Oc!l2 I YEAR OLD ttci.ta.ct btacit m ale miniature F'r•nc.h Poodle. HA41 had achooUnr 6 a.11 1h0U. LI~rty t -M62. aGc61 Pomeranian Pups /l KC. champion at 1lud. ,13!1 Wr1tmln1tn Ave., w .. tmlft· atrr. I'h. Weet.JnWltr 2-2~!1 &Oc&JH PAGE 8 -COAST AL SHOPPER -MAY f I. 1955 BY POPULAR DEMAND • • . ANOTHfR "Do It Yourself" SALE ! 88 4-dr. with HyJ~ic ~hQ~nically sound, but need.I paint job, aeat co~d better tirea. $580 - 1953 FORD 6-cyl. Mainline 4-dr. • All this car need.I is better tire. and a little metal & paint work. $990 4-door sedan. 11lraighten and 1947 FORD Uphol.etery work, pa.int one fender will in good ah ape! $170 better tires, put this car 1951 NASH Statesman 4-dr. with overdrive • A door latch, and a good home will an.ewer thia car's needs! $490 1946 FORD Station Wagon ·The wood IJt in poor condition , the tires need tread but it is In good mechanical condl· tion • Alai , a perfeet work car! $210 1942 FORD 2-d r. sedan • Need.a a careful driver and a k ind word. $90 We also have excellent buys in A-1 reconditioned used cars. .THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE MARINERS' MILE" 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8-3471 WE DON'T SELL BALONEY - . Just the Best Deal on Used Cars '53 FORD 8 4-dr. cu.tom, o'drlve, R A H. '53 BUlCK Super Riviera. Full equipL '51 OLDS au~r 88 4-dr. Fully eqwpt. '5l BUlCK 4-dr. Special. R 6 H, Manual ahift. '41 PLYMOtmf 4-dr. Hurry, LOW PRICE! See U1 for a rut deal on a NEW 'M BUICK. TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch Har. ~21 (A few blk9 Eut of Newport Caty Hall) M-MaaleaJ. Bedlo, a T V U PER MO re.nll 1ood p~cUct piano. Let Ul• )(lddlu lo rn.. All term rent allowtd It you buy later. Good pracUce. p1anoa SU~. sue. u 11. si~. DA:'\'Z-SCHMJDT Bir P lan<> S\.Ort 100 pla.noa. 620 No. M&1n. S&nl& A.n&. Terna. HAM..\fO:-;D OR.GAN! U."l'd A 19!11 CRS'Vl\Ou;T •-'1r., low mUuae. heater. Har. 20H·J - 2714 W. Octan f"ronl •t<-61 1941 FORD buatnt• coupe, e cyl., radio, hrattr. xlnt. mMh&ntral cond1Uon. CaU a!ttr 8 Wffkdaya, U !IO LI I· 1091. 2010 Monrovia , Coela Mt-. •9Uc ra,-. opportunlt)'· One famoua ' '112 FORD R.a.nch War;on PT'lv•t" C'hord Orf&". per1'KI condition paMy 2112 St.ate St.. Coeta Mu• Onf' Hammon'1 l"plMt Organ. 2 •8(!\1 )(f')bn&r1b . Don't "•ll If )OU "''Lah to make a cood •vU>,a on tht world'• rinu t orcaN OAN~·SCHWIDT Hom• ot U1• Hammond Crean 620 =-:o Main, Sanla Ana OQOit l .. rma SPINET SPECIALS! 0="E O~LY full ktyboard LAlltT Splnt l II\ t int condition. 1466 BEA UTln;L 41" K!mball 8plnt t J•l&no. Ukt ~•. S ave 1202 LU \'ELY KlmbaJlttle 8pln"t pl•no nnly 90 day• old. Save 1100 Conv,.11Jent term• a t- SHA.-&R'8 Mu.tic Co. !Since lt07) .Zt-423 ~. Sycamore, 8a.nta AM r hon• Klmbuly 2·08i2 SPl:SET P!A:-IOS. All wondtrful buy• Slllthtly UHd many rtt1tal rrlurna. One ln ~uUtul Cbolly ...-.mou• nam~ Th1• m&lte uatd bv l'uu~n. Only S395. I.Avely Mirror TyJ:H! Spinet. only Stt!I . anothtr maple flnlah '397. One ml're, the Acrof<lnlo Spinet only SH.'.1 Many 11tllrr JTt at buy• 100 plano1 from which to chooee. nt'"' It. uN<I DA:'\Z·SCHMIOT Blf Ptano 6 Orr&n Stort , &20 No MAl.n Santa AnL Optn "'1. En Home of t.he Hammond Orpn1 Blondt ~tudlo pit.no aave •~~ See Baldwin Piano & Or~an Display wooowoitm PIANO co. lilt Cout BITd.. Corona del Jllal (Thadc lnt.nor B!q.) Har. 3382 .. tlO TV SERVICE WE RE'l\"T portable record pl•ytn 6 a.mplifltn, alto P . A 1y1ttm1. STEVEXS 11nol !'10 :'\8 18~!1 l l111t><1r IllvJ, l"t••IA Moa Uberty 1·230l. Ok6UI ltO FORD. • door, RAH, jt t black, WSW, TI011td. dt ckf'! Ir low•red :-J-•Mil COV•l"I. VU)' cltan, S 43 Clwn•r 2~02 Clrclt Dr1.,,e. BayMnr,-1, ~ .... ~rw 1·!1297 :!Ot!;2 See The All New Hillman Husky $1445 S~l: and DR.JV£ •t Harvey Mayer Mtrs. 2137 Harbor Blvd., Co•t• Me,1A or ca ll for demonatratlon at LI 8·ZZ6f. O c!IO 19:M-'t TON Jnumatnlt'l tnJC'k 8er1H R-110, RltH, o'dr. O\·n· load Jllrp , tralltr hitch, dbll' Jt•JI• nylon Urn . mrt&J i-n1n r ack It at.alt• rack, Sl 600 - 3111 Can.U, Weat Ntwp0rt, Har •037. 60p~2 M-lltmbl. a.dlo, A TV &PINrr PIANO. Tb• moat t>.au- W'IJJ piano U\ UI• world. Hljtht•t ,.rad•. All fruJtwood C&N. Jue lllle new. Ab• o I u t e I y: Thill ehanca eom.. bv\ oner. San 025. DANz..ac1DODT runoua Pla nl'I ltore, a&nta Ana, 1120 No Main Kl· n 811t' -Bl'OW1\IJ\C IU-'2, AM. 1'M tunft', Broolut J 22A l OW ampllner, JmHn 122 C:(). 11.1\1&1 •aller In R J encl08Utt. Baertnce f~ '150. Ph. Harbor 1911. O c61 BEA\TTJFVL 8tAtnway Model B. Ol'Md pit.no tn perfect condtUon. Sa'rW OYtt h:alt of new pr1ct at- SHAF"EJ\'S Mualc CO. (Since 1907) 421·423 N. 8ycamort. 81.nta Ari& PbOM K.lm1*'!7 ~71 ~~Check These Used ·Cars "'-A2t!:..!_!t_o_ll!N ___ ----~~---A ..... J!_t•_· _a_n_ou_ ... ____ _ Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he aella TODAY! Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. 40-Aatoe ud Track.I -OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.·Cabanaa. Utilities paid. with SAVE MONEY WITH Yacht slip accomodatlons. Daily, weekly, monthly, yruly. THESE MOVING DAY SPECIALS For appt . or reser\'ation, Cati Har. 2002. 34ttc 1954 1953 1953 1952 1951 1951 1951 1951 1950 1950 1949 CHRYSLER New York Club Cpe. $2545 Tubeless Tire and CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 CHRYSLER Imperial 4 door door Sedan 1695 Recapping Hdqtrs. NASH Country Club 2 -Tone Brown HUDSON Hornet 4 dr. Dark Green 1860 945 895 1095 795 II hour wrvic• Frte P ick up A dt'llVt'ry MERCURY Station Wagon STUDEBAKER 4 dr. Sed., Auto. trns. Courtney & Lester l~&e Ntwport Blvct. Coata Mu• PHON!: LIBERTY 1-1198 PAP CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 dr. Sedan CHRYSLER Windsor 4 door-Perfect 1125 795 445 395 ·~3 BOLl'!S ENSENAOA 22 tt houae triller. Liltt n,w, Toilet A: ahwr. Sleep• 0. SI 8~0. See at 1991 Ntwport Ave., Costa Meaa, or call Harbor 70-R '"ee· '7tfc FORD Station Wagon HUDSON 4 door • LOU REED (As is) • • • SM.ALL utlllty trailer with hitch and llcenae, $76. Har. S279·J, •9c:64 BAROAJN 19~4 H·ft. vacation tralltr, almo1t n,w. Birch wood lntulor. P rlv•t• party. 1~9~. Harbor 3112·W. •Odil "WE HA VE MOVED" n-Wuted to Bent 1200 West Coast Highway Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Locat ed at Our New Bldg. WANTED -Small apt. In Colla Mea. Cloee In by June l, yeuly. Lrberty 8-6849. 49c~1 MAY RAIN ? ? Yes its unusual ! AND SO ARE Johnson & Son's Clean "Safe Buy Used Cars" Unusual •They are extra clean (we wholesale the others) •'They are priced under the market (our one location & low overhead makes this possi blc) 'They are sold with satisfaction guar- anteed (3 day money back guarantee '54 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY S3199 . 11,000 milea, one owner, full power, a real May flowtr. '54 JAGUAR COUPE ........... $2499. Locally owned. Showa excellent care. '54 MERC. MONT. CONVERT . $2499. Radio, heater, power brake•. ovrrdrivf' 14,000 mile11. One ov.rner. BittersweE't color. Black top, white "'all a, too! '53 FORD 2 DOOR $1299. Radio, heater, Fordomat1c . New Jlghl blue !lnlah. Plaat1c co''<'rl. '50 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE $699. Radio. heaU:>r le Hydramtlc. Dm·e th18 car. you 111nll be aurp~ & what value you will grt for lhia prlc.. ll'a immaculate too. '51 CHEV. Station \Vagon AU metal body. A rea.1 utility Showa good care. '49 OLDS Rocket 8, 4 door S999. car. S599. Hu radio, heat.er. Hydram•tic. 111'1\l C<Wrr11, green met&.llic finiah. Su·e on th1a on<'. '49 PONTIAC 2-dr. S499. Radio & beater. SEE THESE AJ'ID MORE AT 40--A•toe for &le ----- You haven't lived-'tU you've driven the ALL NEW HILLMAN MINX 1n:t: •nd ORfVE at Harvey Maver Mtrs. 2137 Harbor Blvd, Co•ta Meaa or c&U tor d•mone.tratlon at U 8·22!18. •&c!IO ·~11 MO TY, "1~" wire whtela, $200 tor equJty, U a -7132. 49cal M~CURY '47 CL UO •n~lnt re· bulll. Ntw brllllu , WIJW ..... H. Uti.rty 11·8172. Op!)() 11148 TC MO xlent condition. nl'w tlru, top and llldt ~rttna EA· lrn Sl3M. Har. 389 ..Sc:.<! ATT£NTJON Nash -Hudson owners Ri oh Hahn's Garage A ulhor\sf'd Pa rte A 1Vn·1re alao C-.ood Tra.n1partat1on I C1r1 .,or 8•1• Auto Radio Repair Rentals Wanted We aetd a pta and boU-lll all eecuone for bOl.b wtntu and 1e&r• lt&M. rum. or unturn. u )'OU have a Yac&DC)', phone today The Vogel Co. S20l W. Cat. Hwy .. Newport Bd1 Pbooe Uberty ... 34'1 201 .llll&rtD•, S..JOO. i.land Phone Harbor Ht 2Ge7 It. Cout Hy, C-Onina del Mer Phone Hut>nr 174 l Udo Office, 3411 Via Ullo Ht.rbor 4971 32tfc List Your Rentals WITH US. We h••• l'ood tffnanl6 walt.1111' for bath p.MIUll•nt and summtr rtt1lata. Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 W Dalbo• Blvd , "'"""J'Orl R u bor ~150 0t Har. 9n. 411tfc WA :-.IEO 'f'() Rf'!\I In N•wport 9, a.h K h•l(ll d••lrll'I 1 or 4 IH-d· r..,.1m llnrl'\t R .. h•bl .. r1mlly c•f ~ ,.fon•hly 11r 1 ..... ~ H u . Odlli·M blk~·2 Waterfront WA:--1 TO 1v::--T 3·•·'• .,.!room turn h•1n I • I • H1Hbor I•· la n1I HI\) l•lA1 t 1 r Bi I•"• P n 1· ln•ul1t 1.1 lo 1112 .. r lfl\r 2·,z•, :'•lt ·,z 409 E. 29th St. a:.ttc ~~l!t.. _l'.__llouiw" ---· Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. """' .. -·· .... S.8 A~ 8 Cyt. .............. -~ Summer Rentals on 1.1 1., !•If' an I <''h• r t1r.e. Harbor hnmrt )'• 11 ''T 11(>\IP, 'l bo d1m•. r nwrr1h t 11°11 c.-m pl"''~ \' 111m 1•t-(""! II '\ I r t "'" •Un,,....' rr •luclf't hoth labor a n I r•rl • A. t I' • •I :-; ... ,,,. n n1.1 v.n tt r •n• v111\I" " I· F' ' '11' ll[T1nll t11t1nJ1 re rr111n •nr1 1 I F"Um A rt• f"r .,,m"'•r 1><>ar1nr E:llpcrt m•·tor I '"" "I I-'·"" l~ 1 .. 1. a , 11 91\ .. l•y or • UtoO m1 ... icu•r•n•,... na h"' r• Ir I lrlrm 1:'\0 MO:-.-EY [l(1W :-.,1 J HIO l 'ot• rn•r.'11 REBUlL T F.NGlNES Sin • r1i:N l n I " R•>fr"t t -n• l,., 16 MO:'lo'TH!I T O P AY-f B11>11 in our """"' rae1ory b~ •klll""1 L JDO REALTY ni•rl\1n.ata IH•n't cnnltnd w1lh 3t l\O v,, l.1•ln th• m1<l II• m.11n 8 11y dlrl'cl A'rOlf.J t· '"' ft• 11u •I • Muled RERUILT tind JNSTALt.EO 1 ' :i1 Hllt>ln 111.0<'K '8-A~ta. • llouwe tor Heat Summer Rentals • Excluai\'e Bay Front. ... other choice propertJet Harbor l1land, Bay Shoraa. .... con B•y. qu&llfled cUenll only. Harbor ln\•estment Co. Harbor 1800 \£\'la. U 1·63M l 27tfo CORONA [)f:L MAR'S ouutand· ln1t 2 bdrm apt. nc.-,.an aid• Hwy. v1rw Lovely r arptl"d llvlnf m1. Curn~r tirrpl&C'" Carha1• di•· po .. 1. ratio It Kat•&•. SllO. mo. y early. unfum Ml'Rl!:L Pl:SOVER, Realtor Call Harbor •610. 4Tc4t Choice Summ~r Rental• on Balboa aland 6 Udo late l m&ll A cosy ur ta.rs-A del\aa• •76 to POO inontb VOGEL CO • 208 Marine An.~ Be.Ibo& W&at Ph. Harbor 44' or Karbof 1161 Ree. Har. J 7M·R or Har. IO~·M MU• Garden Court P'umlaMd a pll .. complat. klt.dlen• SlerJljt 4, I or I . Avallal* bJ day, wt1)( o r month. a REA80N A8U: ftATl:I. HU'. Ol21 92~ Ji:. Ba lboa Blvd., Balboa. ltc!ll NY.W DELU XE J b<tnn. duple&, Unlum. hdwd. flrL, flrtpl, 1arb. dlap. Sun d.ck& Laundry rooma. Oa~gn, TV anl~nnaa. AdUlla. no ptt11 700A-700B At>acl&, Co- rona d,\ Mer. Own•r 702 Ae&ela. l Upper apL) r'hone Har. 17U·J . lltlo 2 BDRMS. Ul)tUm • , .... , •• alon. ,..rrlc W•tcr paid. 1 child o k. 703 W. 19th 8t.. Coet& Mu11. L.J a-8971 or LI l ·IHO. tTUa LIDO ISLE UNFVRNISHl':O, y~arly 1-3 b<lrm., 2 b•lh, ltv1n1 room 201130 2 pa lloa ,comer 2 atrad ... n:x> pn month. Bay 6 Beacb Realty U~ W. Balboa Blvd,, aal~ Harbor 1* 43A-Apta. for Beat HARBOR APTS. Modem fumU.bed a pt.a. day, wttk or month Ntar bua. 11ort1 6 bay RuMlMbl• r•lf'I. 104 £ 8111 A ve., BAL.BOA Harbor ~U. 17llc f'..X~·Er"T NIC"E froftl I bdrm bun1?alflw dupl,.~ iar. l•undrv room •lrapo . Wat er pd Quit t but rlo.., ,,., hu• dlll a.. tt> apptf'r 238 R<>C'hr•l•r, C ,.. 1,1 t>flr1 y &.897! H c49 Lido Bayfront .NEW 3 hdrm11 , 2 baths, lrnmaru- latrl.v !um. apt. lMMFl •IA T I': Ol'C'llpanrv ft)r I mo I,, 11••d .A rr 7111 h to Oct 2111 h • 28.llO. 1...:r·11-ngJ1 """'" e11mm11r 11t•-"" :--.. l~I• :-;., (htldr•n Shown by •1 l'"lnt" •llt 11nlv llAHI llH 1=-'\'l'.RrME:O-:T CO Phon .. Har 1&00 1.vu H.1r. 12101 • ttfr 'CMAl,J. Jo•J R:'\ APT A•l ulle rr•· I• rr• I :-.. d"i: • t,i·1t•l J&fl m11 , \1h t •'• M•.u Har <>"•2 1 a thr 60-'•2 l':"f-l't.•: lf•llll" art Lari • 1 l. ,.,-n "'dn r.tl"a n V••• e tnv,. 6 r .. rr1,i lri•I s ;:i "'" >tar 1417 ~=·l l..AR•.t-. ftir'I. l Mrm apt n r ... I " • r··· 11•1· W••ll"r $ 76 '' , \•I I 1 I l•I n" d11Mr•n 211 1· J• •n M , \\f'tl """"''P'••l llu I .(H \\ ~!12 JOHNSON & SON F'ORO t:HEVR<Jl.Y.'T P LYM A DCJOGF: • l 12Q '\O • 11411 : .. , RF:AMJ:" II.HI. Y I '" r I, cl• lln I Ii i .., 1rm r11rr •1 •• t'1" pa1tt Newport Island t.aund1 y ronm I 1aycrt111nd t • r , LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 900 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Beach. LI s.5545 Volkswagen Trade·ins ·~1 T ORO II Cul ll'm club COii~ R Ir H FMJO!Tllll~ Btautlful black color . -SS• '53 Pt. YMOUTH club. R A O.er· drlV• -.. -'j f~9~ ·~o PO~,,AC g 1tdanett1. R " H. Synchro-111u h LranamlMlo•n H•C. COTTON GOFF Volkswagen Dealer G . M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS H F ORD t, T r'ltkur '49 STI:DEBAKER 1, T pickup ·31 CM{. ·~ T P1rkur '!13 DOllG& '~ T Pl•kup, aporU• mlln lllP, IVOIO Ilk" n•w ·u \\1llf• 2·T. Cot . 8 16 ttre11. 2· a~etl &'(le. ·111 t'ORO 2· T. 12' b<Xly, II 2~ llN•, 2·epctd aJtlt. W1 &re t he largul volume tnick dtAll'n In Ora.ns• County a.nd ta.n give )'()U 1b• but bu}'• In utttl truclu. We carry our own contr•rt., W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 911~·111 Y. 4th St Santa A.nl 2118 Nnrport BIT 1., :-:ewport Bd\. op .. n 8•mda y 1 m ~ I 6WO Tnldl hu cSquarttra for Or&lJJI Co. 11 ;,;I I •no I J I ;11 1 ti.Ii.Ir. n 11111, i np A pt• 4•13 Wa I r rfrnnt Summrr Rt-nlall CliR YS t. Jlf: SOTO sn·oEBAK F.:R N"wrnrl Bl\ •I Nr wJ)l)rl h•~• h R \ 1 t-~ li,v wr• k m nrtlll hr •"''''" AboVt thr A rchu •~trr 3i"I! I liann .. 1 P l liar 2217-J . OLDS 6 PO:-O:TIAC' fl m:1r K Ht'OSON J l7tJ J l i '• s1:-• Vian C-11r Fr<~ Tov.·1n11 :SF;W C"AR Ol'ARANTE:E Block m111t mt"l C1•1r 1t11nl!arl11 r'IU• tAlt"" ll[U)(fl a a nd t>ll Op~n !IU11day 10 • m to 2 p m BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS RENT AL i SPECIALISTS ('°t ll E.dna c;,.11 'Blanche Gates, I 311 ~h r1ne Av .. l:Ulbna 181s nJ. H ar !Si l RJtr. :-O:EARI.\' :.f.\\' n1• J-rn 2 D<lr m du pl• x t1n!ur n .... th ,•r•~" ('r t 'a M•'" \\'u "r f I •.,, •hll OpNEW 11 LOCATIONt ll d~n. se; ~o mo t:an w 8~~;~ 310 East 3rd St. C.:'.JR O:-:A LtE:1. MAl1 :1 r>'l•m 8ANTA A NA MAY SPECIAL F oreign Car Tune-up $3.95 & up Plwi pa.rtA tt nectt11~ry. W1 plclil up 6 deJlnT. BE A WINNl:Jl WlTH- puny t 11 n t.n•1l't •I '~I"••• r r 1ni: IUltl t,, l\l h. $9• " •• yr ar·-In ,. ~,J& J',rnlr1t f 1 J1M U bu ty 8·86811 41> :.11 BRANl> N•:w 2 b'lrm unru•n •lu pl""· S'•rbars dl•poo l, 11ar•1" ST~ m nnlh C .Af.l, DA. \'S 9 3<H 30 Lf "-4HHI or lJl A· 7182 aftu ti pm. Ir wk en<i• phnnt lier H 17 '.mf r H L M t I 2 BDIUtl, HOME tu m. or unturn aus111:en o ors nc. c-... i• M .... 1932 Harbor Blvd., Coet.a MH& I AUIO 1m•ll apt. c~n u 8-~7!10 Ubar17 ~1. OcM.h aHtr & pm. ~2 • llfc \'~A Ill. Y 1ml11rn 1 Mrm 1pl. "llh J:"'"'" HMllH•• ltlan<t. Har M·.~-W Ot L.lb,.11y 1·443" a:ittc l'CJSTA M£S A, l rm apt ., furn. <•r unr 1rn lrd ud"• UllllllN I aU H\'alt 4.43:,; 21tte Charming Harbor Haven • Apartmenta • Palioe t->EW 4 R(')(J M. alrut k n L z.:,., " h<'lo•• •h• rp1n1t dlalrlct. Qu1<t. fll"""'"t ·~rllllllV!' O•tbaa• di•· T" •al. l•un•1n• atflr•1• room "' 11t•••K"· SF12 :.o 11p U<:cuplu en· u·ft •' rf• t c~ .... 11 1Npe"1.llon. li!J:r 1'\01 tlutn Place 1 lllt.rll s .. ulh 11t 11111\ School .A l-S<J Jo'C:R N18 Hrt> AP'tl. W l ?l:TICR JU TU l lf• 1 ·~F'T 'rt:-;'l!HiY.T>, % hedre om •11~rlm,.nt "''Ith ll[ara1e. M-111 I·~ ~ri·m f••r rr1rribin•llon 11v1nr; ••·'I ••ffl•r •r•r • or u ott" • apan u rlu•lvely Apply nt 121ld It.. JI/pt. aM. 6lcM U-atone a omc. ,~llonez to Lou .. · • ,=i;:~.'::~~:= LOANS for Homes 9~ HOME ptnr U9L 600 Via Malap. Har. 6" -20 -,r. l..oue fC. I man°" compLet.17 f\an. aarr. llltto C tru t• L 1280 mo. Jiu &ll GOD"9k00tt ----------ons c IOn oans aacla u 4-p tnaew, Ult.Ct.. U.A 8 > I ...... BIZ BOB U 'rn.&Jl wutier, dr)'w 6 wall .. W.U 151~ EA.BT COAST BLVD. carpet.a. Rar, 5"1, ...a Bar . .A.V•D ,.JILI: -.A.bout IOOO aq. Oorou del MM Sanor 1111 1~11-J. "e6l ft.. lllbt tndutry •c• on tat• Rep. POIRmR MOJ\TOAOll co. LONG BEA.CH PM11n. 0-0 rt. Lonly n-2 bdrm. bome. Beau- Utully tum., WMIMr, IV• 1Aua •1M. mo., L.B. MS-195. 4tpM 2nd. flow. U. 8. Hlpway 101 Metro Ll.fe 1-J\aada KL WlSO and Bay J'ront&fe. WUI lea• all 61t1c or any part A remodel to llUit tenul-Vopl Co., aue Via Udo. , LOA.NS TU BUll.l). llllPROVI: Harbor tt'71. 21lfc BUY, MODICRNIZI\ OR RUINA..NCll OUR H OKJC IA Balboa Co999 for r-.t to r11ht put7 . .An.U&ble 5' ... _ ~ July, Aq. •Sept. °'"*'• Har. BUB COKPANT wttb lonr term w. 8111 TN.It D.-ct. HJCWPORT BALBOA 8.AVINOI A: LOAN 4BSOC1ATIOM ISM VI& Udo. Ph. Bu. '100 1611-M. ~ trucbia9 In fut rrowJ.n1 Coit.a "' VNruRNUBll:D I 1*trm. Corona M--. PIM>ne OWNER. Liberty HJpJ.andll family !Mime. W /W a-IMS or LDMny M22S. llOttc ------------ c&rJ119Unc, dn.p9a. ooq u..1 REAL ESTA n: LOANS brick fir.plat. ra.i..d Mart.b DllLICATl!BSll!N • rrocery •tore lnt.erellt Rate f>-61L at. birch p&Mled 'ldtclML ~ and • two bed.rm. bom• located n 7V V1-. Jc9. yard. Btoft, retrta.. nut to cornar of 19th A Pl.a-Loana qutckly mad• ln th• Bay automaUo wa&Mr 1Mllld9d 1t c•nll& Ccurt& Meu. Exctlltnt Atta and eo.ta Meaa. 81.ngt. or dMlnd. a.. now to4 8eawant .pot for ltquor •tore, bC'er and multiple unlta. New or old. Be Road. corona del Mu. Pb. HYatt wtne. Call LI a-aees or Llbuty wt .. and ••• by re-flnanctnc ,~1. ITttc M223. 60tfc your preeent loan. Mlnimum ex- penae. No charr• for preUml· nal')' apprat.uJ. Phone Santa Ana Klmberly 3-81133 or WTll .. AVAILABLE NOW VERT NlCll 2 bdrm. uaturn. ha. WISH TO BUY IJlto amall buelnea• ARTHUR A. MAY N•u Udo llbopptJlc OUlt.r. F.A.. Newport. Balboa, IAguna area.. Mortrace Loan Conupondent heat, flr•place, carba1• dt..poaal, prdenbly marln• hardware or Occldent.al Llte ll1wranco Co. clle.bmul4r, Pftl9· Yrl7. 1 .... , .uppu .. or! A• workln1 part-N3 Sou~ Ma.In Santa Ana '100 mo. to re9poNllbt. l*>sMe· ner. l!lubmlt otfera to Bolt H-70, PP CALL OW1lft', LI l-360I tot app'l-thle paper. tlptn ------------ ' 7pll2 R.ETJRED buain~ Melli 5'7-~al F..etate Waated WANTED FROM OWNER, 2 or 3 bdnn, home, Harbor areL Gd. loce. U2,000--$19,000. AU cuh.. M. Leonard. Bolt L-74, thla n-•paper. 60c:)2 ~~~~~~~~-~~- CLEAN, FURN. 1 bdrm. bom•. J'lne bed. CIOM to Mua llbop- pln1 cent.r. P •LmaJlea\. tM. mo. to ruponaibl• couple. 22& Osle, Co•t& MeaL t 9p60 put Um. or tull t ime occupa- Uo.n. Cu lnvellt eome money. Writ. Box K-TS, thl.8 p~r. ll-Op62 l1NP'URN. oott.q•, with mcloaed~ ~---oae_,....r_to __ Lou _____ _ patlo Ii U&l. Jl'lower.. Wall to wall C&rp9l, venetian blind.a. Cloe, to Udo abope. ReuonMM by year, adult.a. U2 -35lb SL, N-port lkach. •lld>l VERT nlc. tum. 2 bdrm. cott.qe. Modtom. •~ mo. or pre summer wkly ratH. 104·S2nd St., New- port Beach. LI 8·7901 evee. •9plll t BDRM. hou.N, Ocean Froot, Ju.ly 6 Auguat. Jde&J bow:e for awn- mer tun. Cloae In. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES, l~ WHt Balboa Blvd. Ha.r. 11184. t~l NO COMMISSION No Apprailal Fee SALES -RllFIN ANB CONSTRUCTION Call for FrM Fut Com.mJtmenta on Rulduo .. and UnJt.a only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI a-6641 LI 8-eM2 Income Property CONSI.STINO of on• 2 bedroom 1tucco. l duplex llfld 3 car ~ar­ age. Room tor 2 more unlla. Tnm• can be arran1ed. Phone Llberty 8-e9SS • O cbl LARGE HOME fOT nnl on Harbor ----.-------- Blvd., Co•ta Men.. 8ull.abt. for au·1ck c.-sh Lo .. ns home 6 bwilne• or profelldon. u u 61-BaJ Estate Exchup WANT TO TRADE -Mountain home, fUlly tum., II bdnlu.. 2 bath• Ir lwo hal!-batti.. Srp- arate cuet&ker'• qua.rtera. Free water. on two full lot. at For- r~at Homn, Calll. Phone Oxford 4 l~~H or Hu. 3118. t9c~l 80 AC.RES fll'&aan&ble. l..e&llt' conaickred. C'all O'WnC'r. u 8-SS72. •Stfc: LIDO ISLE I YEARLY RENTALS UN7'Ul\N. J. 2 bedroom•, 2 batbL 2. • bedroom•. 2 batlul. Choke location•. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 11 13 l'o°t'wport Blvd .• Newport Bc:J\. Harbor 1013 •Otte NEW never occupied YL'R.'\', W/W carpeu. I b9dnn. • '1t'n, bath A: ~. Priv, BBQ 6 patio, rorc~ •Ir heat. AltracUn It,. ... 147-H ll Mflrninl Ca.nyon l{uad. Con.>na djl Mar. Uc&() SUMMER RENT AL ltx• lw11v11 81y!ronl hnme, JHacO'll Bay, aviU.laOle tor J uly • A.11- 1u•t. u ... vutully tumtahed. Ger- llaae 111•111.-,.1. 1h11hwu.her, dffl> rr .. ~. 2·r•r 1r11.n11c• Ad·uJta, no f'"I.>. Hu. :H 7J. courtny to •crnlA Otte fo"Olt U-:As •. TW() OEAl'TlF U L. n•w lrvine Ttorr•'"' 11nl111n. vl~w homeA 3 Ur>RM!4 2 biolha and 2 ftF.[)RM~, 2 ba lh1 t '•II tlubor 177~ or Harbor 4U'- fo:Af\1. \\' STANLf;Y, Rnltor Irvin,. T<1rra r1• Office t'nn1n1 tt .. 1 Mar. ll3tfc ----("I .I f'I-~ HA\' F::-:-S pec:IQll• 2 bolrm •Uriu 1 1~ly furn. ~ount&Jn view lnvt'IY ji?rnund,., pr'IVA<'Y u tur!'d SI 1>110 1ummtr • 5 I &00 )'t'arly ·~Ut'. l.Jbf>rty I-;02. ~~2 I FJl)RM. • or;:-: furn hOWM. P°•nCf'iJ ln yud With aarac•. ~•wport On~ block to oc.an a 1boppln,: Y•arly nn le&M uo m ont h HAI. 4281 !'!Or~2 -Fl'R~l$H£0 3 bdrm., 0c.an v1nr, I yr lea ... 590 t>i't month, Incl "'.tc-r • &•nlener. Al.SO, 2 bt. lon ly horn•. nl~I)' l um18bed. Tl>t&l tor 11\lmJner ~uon JSOO. B"irt lncatlcm. cio .. tn beach • IMly nsHER at co. 11-0a N awport BIYd., NpL Bch. Phoft• Hubor «It. OOc&ll T RLY. l'UR!ll. or un.tum. l bdnn. A one 2 bdrm. h~ IJI Newport Bc.b --~-.. .. ~. l.Am1"rt 11-l&U attn I pin. 60c!l2 tiNFU1iN. 1 ~ bdrm. t.ou., l&rp ya.rd. locac..d at llM Bo. Mon- l'O'tV. lllqUU-. at tl85 W. 17lb BL. Ca.ta M--. llOc52 .. •••• for a.t W AMT 91ploJ'9d i.q to rat rm • ..,,...,. .... born., Mlect ....,.,., ___ ..., ....... R..._ ....... rmt. ftC9e Bar. 1~. O c!lt liliALL llJl"8 roe. for worl!Sq 11\aL ~ b.o. bot and ......... " wlt. Prt• mtr. lD-llu. It., N..pcn BeaelL IJppl.I • ••--•e>mc. &.A.RO• B01ld totr "91l ~ Bl'ld.. ODllta M-. Bid for bom• • bua-• proi..toa. Rwa bi.. [AUe comidft-.d, CaU OWll•, LI a-.aJ'll. 41\lc l>rnca aP.A.C& ID Martaal"• WU.. Newpwt .8cb.. A,ppraa. 00 aq. ft.. 1-aJ1 or part. C'ORONA DllL KAA-C-W ot tOW'1\. S tore, Uc.. ml•. or ' ! H OO eq. n... LuM all or put. 100 eq. n... ttvtnc quart~ up- 9la1n available. Oaatact ....-. LI a-1111. 60cl2 on furniture, aut.o, aalary. $50. t.o $750. or more. One da y se rvice AppUcaUOn may b9 m•<I• In per- aon, by phone or by ma.11. CALIF. ACCEPI' ANCE CORPORATION J .. Harbor Blvd .• eo.t. MH• Ll 1·77~1 -Open rrtday1 Ult 8 a-d a.turd&,_ 411.JC wtlh 1320' frootar• on U. B. HJcb· way 111 A •ea. ~ mile from Knotta Calleo Mine Gbo.tl Town development, ne ar BM"atow. Wondertu.I proepect. for ruture bu•lnH• and rN!denU&l 1Ubdl· vi.ion. WUI ud1.,,1• and u -I aum• on cood lncome or va<"811t I commtrcMLI 1.. A.. or Oranr e eounu- Fisher & Company WOULD UJr.e to bUJ 1Jt ano 2lld ~ ~ Call Bar. 2321. 2to3 N-port Bl .• Newport Buch 41UO Harbor 4429 t~ APARTMENT COURT l ~ UNITS -$24,MO down. TOP y~r round Balboa location. 9200 eq. ft. of Uv- lng area.. All in nr.t clua condition. Income potentiality uceeda $11.000 yearly. TOT AL PRICE -$85,000. Thia it THE BUY OF THE YEAR~ EXCLUSIVE WITH - Greenleaf-Severts Realty 31 12 Newport BL. Npt. Bch. Har. 2551 feveti. LI 8-318e ATTENTION : Owner Operat~rw -Investors -SpeculatClrw Here's a Steal ! FOR SALE OR LEASE Hub of Booming Bualneu C~tre Modern 2·11tore bldg. C-1 location. 1t reet t.o alloy, approx. 2600 aq. fl. Fireproof. roughed m for plumb- in g and wiring for a)lU. or office8 above. Next to a $225,000 enterprise. Stt to appreciate. Phone Har. 5093 fo r appointment. Co~y to brokers. 48p50 LIDO ISLE Brand New Beautiful Hawaiian Modern Bay Front Luxury Home A woTld of pleaaure'e in lltore for the family who buya thl.9 beautiful, deh1xe Bay Front home. A few yard.a from your usy umcba.ir, aall &nd power boat.a akim by your door. Enjoy the beauty of the bay and ocun from your beacb~•ide terrace. Buk in the w.nahine on the beach a t your door. Beautitul interion art, W to W viaco1e nylon rub· ber undupadding carpeting: floating irt&ircue; tropical plantlnJ : 2 huge It.one !ireplacee; drum k itchen witb ltel'Ving bar, built-in electric range, d.Jabwuher. Three bdrma. plua conv/panelled dm; 3 bu. Full large clu. window Wal.le wttb al.ld1ng doors opening to upper and lower 8UD decka, A. home for you who enjoy truly no. thlnp. .Exodlent value. See by app't, ph Harbor ~ Courtesy to brobn ~8~ 208 Kin as Place roll IA.Lii OR ~D wtt.111 ~ Uoia to buy. AttncU•e I bdrm. • elm. b9&in «Wnp,.,.,. '"-lot. Clltf Haven. Owner, Lon1 8-cll too-llT. ltp&2H R.1:81D ICNTIAL R-t lot with beau- tltul t.rH• O\'trlooktnr 8anta Ana Country ('lob. 60 lit uo P&00. oWn• LI I-MN. llOcei HOUSlll FOR SA.LE:- 1 ROOMS. 2 bedroom1. ftreplac•. ni., enk, paUo. Dbl. 11rac., o.k. for buJldln1 apt-7U lrla An .• Corona. d91 Mar. 112 300. Owntr. Pbon9 .uianuo l -G983. •7~ ------~---~-TWO adjoining Iota tn Cort& )(~ Eut .tide. ln HW~r dlat. ICacb 80 lit 130. Each •3650 cuh or tenoa. LI a-:-ui. ~dtl GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you inspect them, you will note they include every comfort and convenience !or GOOD LIVING. ALL of the plaruijng and thought that reaulted in this remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVlNG for Irvine Terracti families for many years. Permuient restrictiona gua.rantee you will always be proud of your h ome here. To the home buyer who wishes to purchase in the $22,000 to $35,000 class we sincerely recommend the Irvine Estates over;ooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Eatate in Irvine Terrace. WHY NOT BE DIFFERENT 1 Thia is the most unusual, charming, modem home in the Back Bay Area. The home is beautifully and soundly built of adobe brick. All floors are expen- sively laid in polished mission t ile. The la.rge living room looks out on tbe whole Back Bay thru lots of floor to ceiling gla88. Thia unW1ual beauty with private patio is situated on approx. 1:: acre of ex- pensive Back Bay VIEW la.nd. Very reuonably priced at $32,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Exclusive Listing BALBOA ISLAND Two bedroom hoUM 011e bedroom apartment Two-car garage Fireplace, each wllt Execellent locatlon Step from Bay All for $23,000 • WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aasoctates Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Hubor 2462 Just Enioy t he Incom e !tom thia excellent property (no ~nt l '> pay). Located ln choice rental district, 100 fL from ocun. Th~ are 3 unit.a -a new duplex and a 5-room h o11.te on 2 lot.t. 2 unit.a are furni.abed and rented on yearly buiJt. Owner'• home a nilable now. Thre. garages on alley. Present Income can be 1ubstan- tially lncreued. $5000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realt or 3113 Newport 81\'d., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 $18,500 -Corona Highl ands Partly furmshl'<i Large lot. Forced air heat. Oak floors. Lge. !1.replac<', oc~ view. Loa n commit· mcnt $1 2.000, 5'< 20 yur. Exclu11\'e with G. H. LATHROP, 363!'> E. Cout Highway, CCirona Jel :•Jar Ph. Harbor ~H2 50<'52 CORONA DEL MAR Home & income. Two rental units and two extra room.a, one with 11 bRth. One unit furnished. Each unit has one b<'Oroom, kitt>hcn. bath & h\'ing room with firrplacc. Ownrr 'I\ unit haft dinar.g mom. Prop- erty u1 In A-1 condition. Xlnt. neighborhood. S21.500, tenn11. RAY REALTY CO. 34« E. Coast Bh·d, Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 --- This Is Value - On BALBOA JgLAND we offer exclus1\'ely an unua- ua.lly de.irable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful lh·lng room, large dming room. Maximum square footage. Close t o best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. Call Ha.rbor 1775 E ves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. ST1\NLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa 1.Sland $1000 Down BALANCE ON' EA S\" TERMS. lmm~l•t• po-Ion Thrtt yr old. 3 br., 11e.&mlo1 bdwd. nn .. ctramJc ut.e Im. • beth. Larr• Uv. rm~ dbl«' .-.r•itt. fmt'C'd ~K yard. Ui2 i"luh Mua M . eo.ta )(.... Ll 1-13117, 00c62 Want a home in th e Coves 1 I.Nl"ORMATION and KEYS at Xo 9 B•lboa CoT... 09.-ner. Barbor UTl -W. \ope3b No Fancy Slogans Just Honest Values - Come in A let ut prove it! BALBOA ISLAND INCOME whllf building. Over 700 sq. ft. ot 1unny rum. art. PLUS guest rm. and bath, PL\. S dbl•. g11rage c•n rt-ar ot rllolce lut Plenty room for Znd unlL A•k Ing $19.7~0. $81000 down. CORONA DEL MAR OtrrSTANDlNO TRIPLEX «Hn !Ide ot Hwy. 2 bdrm. itpl. with tlrtplace, two 1 ~drm. apta • Vlt>W of oct-•n with 1111n drrk 1ind patio. Fully rumh1ht'd. ln come carrh•s DUJ>l.EX WITH VIF.W--0nly 2 y.-.. old. Pnc .. d fnr quick Nil' Ill $18.000. PA IR OF DUPLEXES on 2 ful l11t11. Schedule•! 1nconw $2115. 1110 Full pt h e $27.~>0-0. 5fl,000 lln MAY 11 , 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 9 BALBOA · VOGEL VALUES Thl.9 attractive little home oo a Strada V.'alk la ready to move int.o. 2 bdrm., cozy fif'('place. new W t.o W carpeting, glue enclosed lanai, moJem kitchen 220-volt, dbl. garage, $20,000. Haa $10,000 G.l. loan at $79.95 per mo. Inc. int. taxes & lne. Shown by appointment. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY -1·5 1576 E. OCEAN BLVD. -BALBOA 3 bdrms., 2 bath -Hawaiian Rum]IUS rm. & den A real family kitchen -diehwa.aher • disp .• 2 aun- decks. Beautiful W to W carpeting & drape• incl. Stop Ir aee the many other out.atanding featutta ot this extra-ordinary home near Ocean & Bay. $32,000. $8000 dn., $200 mo. Muriel M. Pinover, Realtor 2Mt :'\twporl Bh·d .. ~pt. Bch. 1::1.sy Parking. Har. 41110. 501'~2 IF ITS AN INVESTMENT YOU WANT For the family th&l ntNls 3 bdrm• .• btre !JI the house on 80 rt lot In Co•ta Mu a U .000 caah takea It. For the market man l ooklnc for • good locaUon tn Oranie County. We have the market In a rapidly crowlnf Oranre County town. Fitzmorris Realty Co Rea.ltor1 -Mulllplt u.t1n1 Bualneu Broker 3135 E Cnut Highwa y Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 Open House 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlan ds TIUS LOVELY new re.ldenct with 3 bedroom•. Larve playroc>m, 2 baU\a. UV\n6 rm . c1l.nlng r<><>m. aola.rium, One ot the nlcral kit chen.t with a.11 uh c1tl>lnet.e liutl l-ln Holly range &nd oven BBQ. 16 ft.. W. dnwlboard. DW.. poee.1 A t~ Vl-ot -from all wlndowL Lot 87' wide. >900 aq. f t.. ol bouee &nd extra la.rs• double p raf:'e. Sm&.11 down. 20 yr. loan al 6,., BuJlder, Harbor 4112:1-JK.. M•y take 90m1 trad,. lot or amall equity. 49l/c -----· Newpo rt Peach 2 RDRM. tum. ~itt'I\ home •, blk to M tlln Full Price $5,950 11 DOW !" Homer Shafer, Rltr. 108 McFadden Pl. Npt. Sch Harbor 140. ev«'J Har. Jl37·M or Harbor 2629·M 48c~O I Ot..'T Of" TOW:-.1 o"°ntr aay• "a:et M fn" on ~··1rn1>r dupll"ll ~ of H1w•y Unr unfum 11hed ap1.rl• ment hu 3 l>C'droom11. on11 fur· n i•he.J aludlo &J'•rlm•nt cen1..:«' J'll In icood C"OndlllM . C•ll M tfdl Kohlat~dt. Har 21:i2 !'VC'. t"l•r 0829·R, 313!\ C'out Blvd., C.D M '4lfc: Bay Front Income 3 l."'!'<ITS-2 6 3 b@droona, !um - tah,.d f'l"r n o1t and pr1v11t• but h l oOO E . &!boa llh·c1 , &Ibo•. c r .. 111 v1...., 1 u.te C"<>ur· luy lo bn•ktra llUc BY O\\'~&R--C\Jtt-. 1 t>c!rm houit4' I In a lovtly n"ttchbo rhOOd, nor >flgh Schoo L \\all to wa.IJ c•r· r "11.n..: Le.rt 110 lit 11)() 011la11tl' nl'~•t" " lltt Ir r alnl. Drive by 3~9 LA l'•il!' 1'1•< .. or c"ll U #1-C&:,9 4ic~h 1...AHGE: WT on Clift Drive In Clltr Haven A LSO 40 fl. atr • l't lo •lr•, t lc.l fln Oenr1a 1..ldn 11'1• A.nd C -2 11)! fln .:-.'cw port Bh d. Mn. Ah rrn•. H u . OJ{ll 23t!c WA:'llT i mt'n w1th 5230 t a to buy \• till. In 10 nri>a a bovr B IA1 k S tttr l..'11.nyon Cll'Vl!'land :"at. f'or- ""t M1n•ral rlitht. Y 1 ly, kry to !urot.. Pf'tm, ,., • ttr. L.J 8-10311 I 49 t :O I 8\' O\\'l"ER -3 b<lrm. d<~ to ahopplnit. tile .. "" qu1!'l SL Hwc1. I fin!, ft'llCC'd lot , 8f'W"fll, g11rb. tl16P . •ll"Y rur. R•>0m fflT tn· C'om~. ~tw pll.lnL 4 r., loa.n at 564 ptor mo , 1ndul11nic tut11 6 tntoU. J>rtr e S13,260. 689 P11 rk LJrlH , Co•ta Mell&. 40trc on Irvine Ave . Lo\·ely 3 bdrm., 2 ~th home. Ntw "''•II to waJJ carpeu111 aod tra· v .. ni,. draper1ea. Bl'>Ck wall and l&.nda<"a~ .16. 760. 0wnH, U 1-6'i37. u c:>7K BY OWNER Corooa H.Jfhlallda -I bclrm., I bath tanni-ouae, rRA comm!~ menl. Pt\. Harbor 78-J. 99llc r\ltW I BDRM. on ~ acn , '7 .9~ 283 A voe: ado, Coit.A Mtl&. Ph kJ 2-J&ll. t 7llc Let ua 1how you t.hia attractive 10 unit nearly new quality built apartment on 2 lots In Balboa's choic- est rental area. Completely & beautifully furnlahed. Arranged for euy maintenance. Thi.I I.I a real value at $68,000. Full price. Term•. WANT A THRILL I If you've looked at all the ordinary houae1 in Bal· boa -Let ua ahow you one that will end your search! Exp&D8ive vie\..-!rom both the exquisite liv- ing rm. & muter bdrm. with fi~place in each. 2 more extra alze bdrm.a. & ( lovely batha. &>pa.rate dining rm -modem kitchen • wood paneling lnt.er1or. Walled patio, W to W carpet.a It cu1tom draperies included at $4.9,000. We can arrange tenna for quallfied buyer. THE LAST TWO R -3 LOTS ON MIRAMAR A real good apot for a delux.e & unit building or two tripleua. When t..h.Me are gone then Ju.9* 'ain't• no more. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Oout Hwy., Newport Beuh LI 8-MSl IF 3 IS A CROWD- We have the place for you I A 2 bdrm. home, lge. room., hwd.. n oora, furrui.C() heat, fireplace, PLUS separate living quarters and bath over dbl. garage. On a '5-f't. lot ju.st 3 doors from Ocean Blvd. Beat locaUon and a lovely view. Price 6 term.a molt attractive. Exchalve with R. L STRICKLER , Realtor DICK HODGE, Auociat.e 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha.r m• BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Pnce now reduced below replacement oott ... Beau- tiful, aJmoat new two-story 3 bdrm , 3 bath Bay Front home. Bay view from au room•. f'W.ly C&f'o .~ted, beautiful drapes, n"' pier le allp. Price tn - cludea 20-ft. c.entury speedboat one year oJd. Artistic landacaplng. NOW, hold your breath! All thia for SM.~. &-ttrr hurrry u thl• won't lut.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport B h·d., Newport Beach H.ar. 1011 Buil d a Hom e on you r vacant lot AND DERIVE aome income from that lnveat.rnent 1244 aq . ft. home, .. ·-·-·-------·····-··· ··---$9100 Fully financed. 19 yr. Bldg. & Loan. Forced air beat. Hwd. floors. lndJ\ridual Gl lOO'n financing. State Veteran $8500 3';0 -$49 month. MARSHALL HOMES Models open -Newport Bl\'d. & Mitchell. Tuatln 1<1 i -3293-KI 2-3M9 & (Evt'11. LI 8-4073) 41cMH COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL" Thia 18 your opportunJty to purchalK' a nice 3 bdnn. home in good location, F..Att C06l~ MrM. Euy tentlJI . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J5th le Irvine, Newport l3ea <.h Liberty 8-2664 ( Eve111. LI 8-7056 l VOG EL EXCLUSIVE Don't wait until It's too late to sec thi1 du1tlnctive 3 bdnn. 4 bath beauty situated on a lovely comer lot on beautiful Balboa PeninRula. 1 ·n1mrpaMt'<l vi ew of Harbor from L1v1og Rm. & Muter Bd nn. Shake roof. Interior pa.nelling. LotA of exlrnH. Wall pleue the most diltcrtm.lnating buyer. $49,500. Temui t.o qualified buyer. THE VOGE L CO. 3'201 w. Cout HJcbway, Newport Sn.ch LI 8-3481 • Ev•. Ha.rbor csw ' ' II ~ I 11 • PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY 11, 1955 BILL'S BEST BUYS Feel Romantic ? Why not? Thie little 1 bedroom cutie wa.a just made f or baking cakea -and 1ewing on buttons. Yes, lt'11 in Newport Height• on an 80 x 100 ft. lot. Ex· cellent terma with payment.a u low as $40 per mo. You'll have to hurry on thla one. Full price $7500. Onl y One Lef t - At t his ridiculously low price. Thie spacious 2 bdrm. duplex, only one year old. Next to achools, busea and stores. Very neat and well kept. F ull price $13,950 -Wit h only $2300 down Newport Heights 4 bdrme .. 2 baths. F. A heat , fireplace, patio. $13.850 -Neu ly new. Back Bay -Unexcelled View 3 bdrm• .. 2 dens. 2 fireplaces. 2 baths. Picture win· dows, plate glass sliding doors to patio and water- fall. A must aee before buying.in the Back Bay area. Back Bay Lots from $4 ,950. up. We still h ave a few of these choice lots to show you. However, they are goin g fast. We auggest your immediate action. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RE AL TOR "you'll like our frihdly service'' 593 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 Point of Departure ... NAUTICALLY -"Let's start from he re" l -Rela.xing home location -on Balboa Island with fenced yard, shade tree, paved, plus sand area. 2--Gay int<'rior • Complete electrically equipped fonnica bar kitchen. panelled and waUpap<-r. Year-round comfort with two bedrooms, bath· t ub with 11hower over. Completely furnished for just $17,950. and $~. Joan at $75 mo. D~ndy Two Unit 2 BDRM. atucco home with dbl. gar. and apt. over bCJth units furn. for only $19.500. hs lime to uRe the Summer Rent Value, tn npply, and e&M that down payment. Ca ll Poweni or LaJce. H1trbor &3. J. A. BEEK, Realtor &03 Park A ''<'nuc Balboa Island LID 0 Open Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 If you can UM? " 2 bt>droom . 2 bath home on Ltdo. you are m;ikmg the m10.l.tke of your hfe I( yc111 buy anything ht-fore aeemg 218 VIA PALER MO lArge ltF(ht & airy betlroom111, large hving room and musive fireplnr e 45-ft. lot. large sunny south patio. All this for only $23.500 and as little u 500 dwn. This 1s thf' \'H Y bt-i;t f'x t'lusive listing on l~1rlo. Drop by our off1 cf' an~ timl" w,. ha,·e the kry and the pr11pc rty 1s \'scant Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 W Nrwport Blwl . Nt'wport BeaC'h Har H I --- • • BAY SHORES • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIV E LISTING • • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. e Bay Shore&' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm.. rai11ed used brick fu-eplace, d1shwaflher, dispoaiaJ. Charmingly drcorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price ~23.500. tc.'rm11. A ND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bcirm& .. 2 ba th11. bay view home -All Plectric houae. Built-In range & o,·rn. Carpeted and drar· ed. Ideal home for couple with \'1s1ting relat1on1 or frienda. Full price S2!l.500 -Terms. FOl' preview •bowing. call Haroor 1600 - (E\'U , Llberty 8-5386) HARBOR INVF.sTMENT co.t REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St .. ?\ewport Beach BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - a bdrm• .. 1 l~ bath home.a Close to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Pho~ Llberty 8· 79i6 33l!c n-~-~~~~--1 ~-~-~~•-F._~_ta_t_~~~~~-8t--~Real-~_r..i.~_ ... ~.~~~~ Houston Values · THE GREAT ORANGE coAsT SALE OR LEASE OPEN HOUSE Sat. Ir Sun. $2000 down Harbor Highlands BE:AtrTIFCL l bdnn , J' baths. W/W carpcotin~. ton.:f'tl a ir heat. Xlce frncf'd yard, large glau door• trom living rm Into pa tio. All quallty with HW floor- Seeing la bellevln« on thla on!, $17,:100. 3 Bdrm. plus l l/4 Ac. J lJST OF'P' H ARBOR BLVD. Nice tor 1ub·dlvldlng and next lo C·2 iconlnK. Full price $24,000. Gd. term• a.nd or;, rema.inlnr loa n. It's a Sleeper 0 000 3 BDRM. houM on big JOOX· 330 lot. Full price $9,200 w ith only U .!'100 down. Eutalde loc•· tlon. For Eve. lntormallon on 1bove, Phone Petitte. LI 8·!'>487. Inspection Invited 028 ALJSO ST. :J bdnn. Colonial With dble. gar. In beau ti tu I Npt. HUI. VA CANT and REDECORATED. Oak tlr1. rul flrPplace, f'tc. E u y terma. Open 1·0. Another modern A-Industrial bldg. cloae to city hall. 60 x 93 - Suitable for atorage, mfg .. ret•U or whee bus- iness. officea. lavatoriea. Driveway thru center to alley. Lots on each aide. B-129 x 474 -Level, cloae in M-1 zone. Good water preaaure. Will con11der 10 yr. leue. ~O T S C-30x104 beach lot. Blk. to ocean. Just .... $ 2,250 70xl30 corner. cloae to shopping. A buy $ 2,500 55x234 -Build income. Ea.at S. Bargain $ 3,000 100 ft. front on J9th. Ready for devel. $10,500 Harbor Blvd. 60x300. Never will be leu $12,500 HOM E S D-Re8tricted Back Bay~ New 3 bdrm., 2 bath home ..................................................... $24,500 Holmwood Dr. View hom~. 2 bdrm. den 2 baths ................ ; ............................ $26,500 OPEN DAILY except Mon. Ir Tuea. 3 bdrm. 2 bath home at 1420 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Brand new ............................................ $24,500 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES-LOANS-BUILDERS 1857 Newport A V9·, Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty j-1400 .Eve.. May 14th Ir 15th, 12-7 p.m. 2063 TUSTIN, Coat.a Meaa IT'S RED IT'S RANCHY lt'a In the BACK BAT an a! l LARGE BEDRMS., 2 tull bathe, dlnln1 rm .. l b42' rumpu1 room with bullt·ln b&rbeeue, electric •pit, 1lnk It bar. Wall lo wall carpet throughout. OP'°" beam celling•. Thia homlt' could be u1ed aa Income property •• ll can be divided Into une 2·bdrm. home and a 1 bedrm. home. 2 car rar· •re. buullru1 l1nd1eaplnr with a circular drivewa y. Over 2.200 1q. ft. In thl• lovely home altu&t· ed op ' of an acre. Plenty ot room tor unit.a, IW!mmlnr pool and a horae corral. SUBMIT $5000 down Sea Breeze Realty Comer ot 19th It Placentia Coeta Mua. LJberty 8·l88l or Llberty 8·6223. 60c51 BALBOA QUALITY H OME with 3 bdrme. "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS Bay Front Duplex b'll·ln oven It •love, ga.rb. dl•p. etc. $3,000 handlu . Shown by app'l . Nice 2 B. R. STUCCO HOME. E1111l aide, 1'101,. lo marktl•. M'hool•. ptr Only II ,~ dn., 11nd l !'!O. pt'r mo For Evt . tnformanllon on a bove Phone Lytle LI 8·2:'H 2. 2 Bdrm. & Extra Lot GOOD % BDRM. homt, JUl l ott Harbor Blvd with nice ~200 R~ Int •1IJ•<",.nt. f"ull price Ill 2!'>0 with only 12 000 down. THIS IS A BARGAIN - 3 -55 Level Lots CLORE IN W. Sid~. 81 pav•d. 11111 In 161\00 take• 1111 :I Eve. Int. ~eymour Har. :1298-W EX~:J. ~~:;A ~~P.11~!. I br. up, I drl A •t"P lo Ch •n· nt l RArt b11r·1t•ln. 14.SOO down. 4 Acres M-1 PAtll~AnlNC> dl•tr1c\. •, dcrwn Hurry on thla RtD HOT M·1 Int , IOO'x200' Clow In. 1:1 000 r P Eve Int. ~nner Harbor 1611. Houston Realty and Associates ~ C•nter, Coet.a M•9A U a-7784 LJ Mill OPEN HOUSE 706 Larkapur, Corona del Mar Friday, Saturday and Sunday H&RE'S a 2 lxlnn with fireplace, b<>&mf'd r elhn1 Nut • cleAn aa 1 a pin! P.nr lnud y1r1I Jua\ ,. .. d.-<oru,.,1 Ownpr w11 nl• '•<'tlon. n :'100 dov.n OPEN HOUSE 204 Ruby, Balboa Ialand Friday, Saturday and Sunday HERF;'a A REAL. family homt I that you mu11t .,.,. Two bdnn I r•111l nlr,. t nM pallC\ AUr1ct1v• •11n ror<'h. $21 MIO. \,.rm, Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C 8 RIAN Wm. 0 . !khmldt, A~ 112 Ma.rlnt1 A••. &lboe ul&nd Harbor 2().42 Back Bay •, AC'RFJ .,,,.w rarm ht.11... br 6 I .1 .. n .,.aut, hv room. p11111n etablH 122 ~()() ., AC'RE J br l !UC'CO, n.arly """'" trult tr""'· C"&IVtt loan Sli,:100 '1 A CRE I br. BBQ. li e. family home Sl~.9~0 WEST srnii: COSTA MC8A. 3 br lnw down $9 l\00 C:l'TI!: BAWJOA lfH.AJl\n bo<'h C'f1\tAr;,.. nur town S1119Ml NEWPORT ln:AC'H. Good M I bo•ldlnr; I Claire Van Horn flEALTOR I 1731 W, Cou t Hwy U l-4271 INCOME F or Sale -By Owner S HOt:SQ o:-.-4 LOTS-704-706 1 JO. Avt , C 0 M 118 9!'>0. -Ph. Harbor 1069 or 2649·J. 60Lrc A HOME to live u; unW you build I on tront of &·room knotty-pine, redwood and aid.Inf over doublt gu Darkroom, IAundr)• and atore room. t:nJOY big tropl<'&I pauo now. 2 blkl. from Udo 1 Center. Sll.800, tenna. 3M 33rd SL, Newpon Beach. Harbor 43()1.J. 49p&J BAY F"RON'J' n'°w ma.Irr n home bn11t •llr . l~ Balho• C"nvu l Ownu Harbor 1100-W. H t!c BAYSHORES Dr.'a architecturely designed MODERN home offe~ ed for finit time. Built on a lge. cor. Jot around a beautiful well-planned patio, walking diatance t o Balboa Bay Club. Thia MODERN home bu extra lge. liv. rm. &. din. rm., plua brul<!ut room, nat· ural birch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, 4 batlu, aerv. porch , entry h all and completely FURNISHED. Shown by appointment only. BERMUDA RANCH STYLE HOME Charming in every detail la thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath home, located op a beautiful cor. lot. Priu winning kitchen. parkay n ooring It W to W carpeting tbru· out. secluded lge. patio. Out-of-town owner MUST SELL. CA.LL FOR APPOINTMENT TO SEE! Exceptional Value at $19,500 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 2 bdrm. MODERN home plus additional guest room or den off garage. Cheerful kitchen, W to W ca rpeting, fireplace, built· In planter, a ttractive fenced patio plua larre paved parking area. DON'T MlSS THIS ONE! "C" T H 0 MAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8~27 "C' THOMAS "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' nfOMA.S BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here ia a 2 bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm. home for IWllAI. Comp. furn. ready to move In. $26,~. Take low down payment cir term.a. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm .. 2 bath completely furn. home. Lovely p&lio. BBQ. Ideal apot for year-round living. $18,500 full pnce. See this IMMA CTLATE 2 bdrm. home. "'ell located on cor- ner lot with apace to build in front. Comp. furn., new atove It refrig. Lovely patio. Only $17,500. $3500 down. We have IV)me re.al nice b&yfront home. ava.ilable for aummer renL VOGEL co. 208 Marine Ave .. BaJboa lsla.nd Harbor «4 Fumtahed a.nd within walklnr di•· t.a.nce of the library In Balboa. $34.600, TERMS. Duplex in Balboa ON EAST BAY AVE., l blk. trom bay. Complelf'ly tumlehed. ltx· cellt nl rental area.. Walklnr dl.t· lance to library. 2 bedroom houae plut 1 bednn apt. 121.~. TERMS. Costa Mesa NICE 2 BEDRM. HOUSE on ~- 140' lot. Walking dllllt.ance to 1torem It Catholic achoo!. $13,000. EXCELLJ:NT TERMS. Coast Properties 301 I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 28MI, 2!'197 And 4800. LOCATE K UNDREDS OF P'OLKS are tav- 1°' t(me A monfy by lftlln& u• loeat,. what th~y want- HOW ABOlfr YOU ? OUTSTANDING BACK BAY '°' A<.:IU!: S3,7MI. C·I COSTA Ml!:llA, eo .. 1:10. ••.600. U ,000 down M·l l"EWPORT. 2 apta a n<! rar· •«t', S H .WO OCl:A!I: Vlf:'\\', I blrn1. $11 .000 U .000 down PANORAMIC VIF.W, K1nc1 Place. large hom~. U 0,000 CHANNEi.. Ot.'Pl...!:X. Pin and floal. S22 000 BJ:AUT'Irt:L b.\y v1,w lnl U .000 )fAl':Y, MA!'Y OTHER.8 The Locator of Calif. !'>07 Eut Belboa Blvd , B&Jbt.>a Harbor 1808 41c411 Terrific Buy M-1 HEART OF' COSTA ME!I A, C<>r- ntr lot, 140 fe•t ot fmnt&ft l ew•n In But buy 1n tOWTI tor only- $10.500 A-1 Business Bldg. H!:RX. s A cooo 1:-;vr;snH::'l:T With I~ a monlh Income f'lr•t clau Good tenanl a A·I loca· llon JO' net 1nrm~ No phone lnfl>rm1t1nn on th•• on.. Ltt a rail( t11rhy • . 11'1 f ood Phil Sullivan & George Everson 'COSTA MESA Th B t T E rth' l~ :->tv.'J)Ort Blvd. Collla Mua e es own on a I (AcrOl!JI from Co1ta Mu a 8ankl Phone Llt>.r1y 8-e76l HERF: IS ONE IN THE CADILLAC CLASS. A , E vP!I Har 438&-Ll 1·2103 ~autiful home with flowel"ll, aprinkler system - plus -two of the nicest apartments you ever walk· ed into: rented for S75 e&ch : both aeparau; large pict ure windows: good location llnd view ; close to the Blvd: and all lb1,a for only ~25, 750, $6250 down. NICE FOR ELDERLY COUPLE. Right in town- A 2 bdrm. home with hwd. noon . garage. A good buy for the money. $67W with $1500 down. $60 mo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 bdrm. &. Bleeping porch . Double garage, wonderful ne1i;thbclrhood. $11,500 with $I500 down. C·l BUSINESS lot in th e heart of Coat. Meaa.. 66 X 300, JJMCe $17 ,500. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle u 8-1801 1-- 1 Rentals 4 1·:-.:1T 11r11rtmen111. nri11 door Iii I 0<·~11n, l(ho<.I lnu1m .. all year, """" dr&SllCAllV I ~t111r ... 1 to '17 Cl()() tor quick ••lot, (OOd t1n111nclng, $1500 Down LOV~L Y HOME. h111 h"rdw!W)(\ n u<HI fUmll(" (In~ l•tt•llon P nce.1 helnw rtplareon~nt coal, only S 11.~00. Lot Bargain OUPLE'X building 11lte on Ora.nK• bf'lWf'f'll l!'lth It 18th, only U M<> N. B. C. Realtv Co. 32nd It N~rt Blvd .-s.ipl. Bch. Harbor 140~ l 10 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa. ~~----------------------~~~----~ CORONA DEL MAR INCOME SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONAL LY AlTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled li\'ing room and amall dining room, car- peted wall to wall. good kitchen, break.fut apace and sen·ice porch. Ample cupboarda and storage apace. Oversized 2-car garage. Nic.e encloeed patio. Moet c:onvenient corner location. 2 bllu. from Oty Hall. Newport BM.ch. Only SU,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor "3U 3 Newport Bh.·d .. Newport. Beach Har. 1013 V1u1ou1 untui It prlc,., to metl your wanta, Sl 3.000 to M0.000. AI.SO 2 bdrm. home com pkttl)' film.lab.cl, double rarar• Sl4 :100 CALL Miu Kohlatedt Har . 2162. 3130 Coul Hwy .. C.D .M. Eve. liar. 0839·R. Slclll OCEA N VJliW modem I {);drm home W1Ut ntra roo,. u d ' bath on double ,..._....,.e. P nct U S.500. Low dowa ,.rm-t or w1U l-.Jle 1'lnt 1'nallt Deed In lnade. 2'7 12 Clltf Drive f&dJaeet1t TM&nl 10( av e1l1blel Ph o..-ner, U ~2612 21tJc CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A new house too! One of tht lut choice locaUona in Corona Highlanda. nab• built. 3 bdrma., l l\4 bathe, ahake roof, dbl garqe. Will consider trade for lot or acre..,.. OfEN HOUSE 1~ EVERY D.A.T 4.48 RIVERA TERRACE Best in the Back Bay Great•t value -Lo...t prioe 1 One acr9 of property 2. Complete and aeparate IUMt bOUM, 11119. • 3. 3 bdrm. house, 4. Large nunpua room, 5. Double garage, 6. W·ft. encloeed tlltered awimmln• j>OOl wttll aeparate dreuing rooma and ahowv. 7. Plenty of room for stable. and borwee. il of the above can be purcbued fa. u knir u $5000 down. Full price, $27 ,GOO, Call for Appointment. On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bungalow. Flreplace, dbl prap. Only 3 yra. old. Can move in immediately. S3l500 dn. will handle sa.200 full price. TWO LEASEHOLDS IN CLil'T Ill VEN Two 60 x 120 Iota adjoining -M yr, lea.ee. ZoDl4 R-3. Only $1000 •ch. GORDON WALKER. Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard 3034 E . Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar This Week's Bayfront Specials BALBOA ISLAND BA YFRONT Furni.ahed 2 bdrm. "d.reun cottage" plua bayf ront area for additional new home. Thi.a la a real b&rrain I First. time offe.red for aale -$31,500. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT 3 bdrm .. 3 bath, pier and large finger •lip. Com- pletely Ir beautifully furn. Full price ~.500. Write your own t.enna! BALBOA BA YFRONT 5 BDRM .. pier Ir slip priv. Full price only $'4,500. $20,000. L. C. Muat act fu t on th!a one. ALSO OCEAN FRONT furn. home comp. Only $13.~. $4000 down, bal. $1~ mo. 1st come, lat aerved. WATERFRONT, pier le fioat. Very neat J bdrm. home, furn. Large patio. Xlnt. buy at only $21,500. $7500 down. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2001 Newport Blvd,, Newport Beach Har. G2:2e DEAR PUBLtC-: If you want to sell in a hurry, Without any trouble or worry, Call your 1Realtor,' insisting On Multiple Listing. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach . 4etf• BAY AND BEACH REAL TY REALTORS EJ1<'1u111\·e -Orean F ront Duplex. Large patio. f'uU pnre $16.~. lc.'rtnl. Near Calhohc Church. ".: • -tr Pitr 8t Float -SJ 7,i 5-0 full price. Th11 la a little cut1e. Newly cicrnn1tcd 1 bd~. hou11e. Perfect for bachelor. (lf couple, w ith boat. .A. . .. ... BALBOA -BA YFRO!\"T -$.4!S,000. Nloe Nndy beach. Pier and Float. A ND LIDO -BA YFRONT -CASH wiU reduce prle9. THIS IS A BUY! No telephone anformatJon will be (iven on theee two Bayfront Bargalu. · BAY & BEACH REALTY 1'50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa .Harbor UM ITS A DILLY -DON'T DALLY I Open Saturday Ir Sunday, 1 • 5 p.m. at 303 Crystal ON "LilTLE " BALBOA ISL.AND Lovely 3 bdrm .. 11 ~ bath home PLUS charm.lnJ 1 bdrm. apt. -a atep t.o the bay -Both w1th fll' .. plac.. It both completely furnlahed m exc.il.at tute. Terrific Income potential. '31.~ with •oept.ionally good tenu. MARINERS ISLE ·REAL TY 111 MarlDt, Balboa Jaland lWbor '711 .. . I I ~ ' I' I ,, I I I I 8%-Real Eetate ----- BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MDllll:ft8 or KUL'l'IPLB LIBTINO 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1871 or 1872 BALBOA ISLAND IA.ClllnCE, due to Ulneea, luxury J.land income. 2 larse bdrm. each. five bat.ha. Average yearly income -~278. OPEN HOUSE 1 • 5 P.M. ~RUBY, BALBOA ISLAND STONE'S THROW from Bay. Ugbt, cheery 2 bdrm. Mini. Nloely tum1ahecL Secluded patio, dbl garage. JWlt $17,960, $:5000 down. WATERFRONT INCOME -Only $29,500. Attrac· tinly f\lmiabed. 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. DREAM HOME of the llland on beautifully land- 9C&ped two lot.a. Flrepla.cea in 30x.20 living room and muter bdrm. Terrific value at $3:s,OOO. LONG FOR A SAILBOAT! Two boat. and two hard-to-get moorlnp are the bonua on thia furn- lahed home and income. AU for low price of $22,500 CORONA DEL MAR SPACIOUS, cbarminr 2 bdrm. and den home with two flreplacee on •5' lot, plu.a 2 bdrm. apt. over dbl. ranee. Eztra pa.rklnr apace. ThlJI ta a must to Me at $23,~. LIDO ISLE Loftly 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. A large den home. Choice location on wlde atne~t.o-•treet lot. Spacious dining room, brealtfut bar, charming patio. Range, refrig, carpeta A drape. included for only $32.~. l:Ktra cholct 60-tt. Jot on Via Genoa, (widest SL on the llland), only $13,500 for quick aale. ALL YOU NEED la your family and personal be- loqinp to move into th.I.a one year old lovely 4 bdrm. one .tory home. Large living rm. with 1tone tlrtplace, 11eparate dining rm., modern kHchen with all conven.iuce.. 3 car ranee plua laundry and deep tr.se area. Steel rtrder and eubOoor IN to expand over prap. Carpeted and furni1hed for $39,500 with uceptional term.a. Compare thla ! LIDO BAY FRONT l:Jlt.ftmeJy nice S bdrm., 3 bath. Completely redeco- rated A attractJvely furnl1hed-Home with pier and la.rr• aUp-Tbia one bu a patio alao-- And a very nice buy for S:SS,:500. .AND REMEMBER THIS - many other tine bom• .,.. U.ted exdualvely at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE MIS Vla Udo, Newport Beach Har. t971 or t972 Eve.. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-~297 OPEN HOUSE DAJLY 1-~ DOWN PAYMENT $4,000. 1574 Ocean Blvd. BALBOA PENINSULA POINT ONLY 3 YEARS OLD. You will love It from pale salmon outaide walla with white iron trim to inside with hudwood floors througbouL Full dinln' rm. l.Arge living room. with fireplace. 2 bedroom•. Bath wit,h tub and 1t&ll abower. 2 cu ra.rafe. Fe.need pat.lo. Stove. refrigerator, and drapn Included at only $17,500. NEWPORT HARBOR REAL TY Jim It Sally Nnflln CU~ E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1807 BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS Jt'• a abak• roof typ&cal ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu l ~l bath.a, dlnlnr room, bttakfut room, large UTtnr room with m..tve fireplace. Tbermodor elec· tr1c ranre 6 oven, beamed ~!Unp. cedar panelled ...U.. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet ud drap-. Jt'• fenced and landacaped and bu a patio. Spaoe prohibits the mentionlnr of the many otber tuturee uoept to add that It le .urrounded wtt.b quality built ranch home.. Priced deflnitely below value at $23,7!'>0 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th It Irvine. Newport Beach Pbone Liberty 8·2664 or ev. U ~ NOW IS THE TIME ! ! ! North Bay Front Overai..ie pier and ftoaL Tbe boue la aturdy-but need• an t.rt.lat'1 touch to make a beautiful 8-y Front bome. An income unJt ma1 be added with little expenM -$45,000. J choice homee on lhe Uttle bland $28,500 -~.000 D 0 R IS BR A Y , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evenings Nona Byer Chet SaU1bury 218 Martae Ave., B&lboa laland • ~AY 11, 1955-COASTALSHOPPER-PAG! II p. a. pal~er incorporated • •ell r..ta&i8 ~evelopers of Udo Isle BALBOA ISLAND A SP ARK LING JEWEL ! Lido Bayfront Ellerbroek. AJA, designed. Perteet condition from boat alip to front sate. Luxury amaller home with every luxury feature. Carpetinr and drape.. Dlah- wuher, built-in Tberma4or oven and range. Even diapoaal ln service yard al.n.k for flab and vegetable cleaning. Terrific cl<>Mta, cupboarda and built-in fea.turea. White ahlngle tile roof. It you would like a lovely home on the BA YFRONT 1ee thi.I now! SM,000, terma. OPEN HOUSE -OPEN HOUSE Charming Rustic Beautiful one-story ranch style home in garden 1et· ting, ocean view. 4 bedrooma, 3 batha. Dining room, large lot-leu than one block to exclwiive beach. Truly a luxury home in a top location. A steal at $28,tSOO. Open Sunday from 1 · :S p.m. 239 Poppy A venue, Corona del Mar Drive by or call Dave Osburn. A Ringside Seat For all the activity 1n Newport Harbor from every window. See lhi.a gorgeous Bay Front home. Beau- tifully furnished (unfurnished if you prefer). A HAPPY COMBINATION of Ellerbroek and Bal· boa bland -4 bdrm., 3 bath. To a quaU.fled fam- ily who can handle a high monthly payment, we offer about $:5000 down. GRAND CANAL - 2 unlta . a large patio, fenced. Attractively furhlabed. $10,000 do.,'n. 60 fL of BAY FRONT -Pier. tloat. 4 bdnns. Lovely ground9. Thie home ia priced low at $78,000. 4 BDRMS., 23~ batha. New furniture. T\'. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good f&mily home. 'All for $2•.950. DELIGHTFUL amall~ vacation home. Double garage. Fetching. $1:S, 160. 105 San Remo, aero. from Club and tennw court. There i.ln't a better crosa at.reel location. Please do not disturb teDAnta. u we can ahow by appoint· ment only. Thia ia a lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath nicely famished home including wall-to-wall carpeting. The enclosed patio i.a beautiful with a completely flagetoned deck. Absent owner want.a ACTION, ao Breathtaking view. Ask for Hodgkinson. BEACON BAY bu priced at only $26,900. Bayf ront Lot LOVELY 4 bdrm., 3 bath home on Yawl Rd. $33,~ We have many well-located Iota and al.lo a few good rental.a by the year or for the aumm.er. Very desirable waterfront lot. Call me personally, Bill Farn1Wortb BAY SHORES p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1:500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8~73 Peninsula "Point" Home! FAMOUS DOCI'OR'8 HOMU t bedroom.a, 2 bath. On 2 lal'se comer lota. W to W cupeUns. ruu lot patio, badminton court. BeaulltuJly landaca~ J32,600. Terma. Peninsula Duplex! SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM U PPER and 2 bedroom lower -nicely t umWied. Dandy tor home W'llh tncome or rental pu~ 2· car ra.nare. 127.600, monlbly payment. Include lnt-t, tuu &11d lMU~ct. Beach Home! BALBOA LOCA TJON. ClOM to N H Y C. 3 Mei room.a and 1 \,i bathL A swell va.Jue at 112,000, f4000 down. Bay Ave. Home! QOOD F'OR RENTAL OJ' BEACH HOM.JC.. 3 t>.ctrooma. but Ba7 Avf'nue locaUon Heavy f\lm!· tu,.. 111dud.cl. flt,IOO, J$OOO dlL Balboa Home! JUST A JUMP TO nu: BEST Blt!!JT BAY 8\VJMMl.NO BCH. • bf'droom111. 2 baUI._ FUmlahed u p.•r ln••,Jltnry. Well heat. laundry, 11ervke ~II. tencfd and ld•al for .umm•r or year aroun<t UYIJIJ. 118.000. l lOO dn. Balboa Duplex! 2 BEDROOMS tlP. ONE DOWN. UPPER FURNISHED. Lower apanmf'nt rff•nUr mo<le mlu-d -<'ule .. can l>e. R()()m tor one rno,... unit. A very Jood ~·alut 118,llOO. term•. Balboa Realty Co. OpJk')elt11 8Ank ot Amu1ca Hou GrHlf7 Al Comellu1 , ~ ~ Jack Plnk1111m JOMphlne Webb 700 E. B&lbo& Wvd . Balboa Phone Harbor 32i7. $1500 down and SM s--r moat.I\ I• all lhat It talt" LO bu7 W a nry nlc:ely loc:attd 2 bedroom home Ill N9WJ10rt H•Jt hl.I. The tu1J price LI only I ll .:'JOO. Aale lo He Lhb home, comblnatle>n ot p~e and term. an ha.rd to ~•L. TRADE 4 f\lmt.n .. d un1t1 on two Iota tn N'"' port, Income I• 1260 ~r m(lnth, pr1c• la '72.:,00. W1U v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 1. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. Thia la a G. I. Resale. Full prlce $9960. $~ down. 2. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdnn. houae, plua 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 3. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plu.a a l bdrm.- A bargain at $31,tSOO. 4. View of breakers, ocean & beach Thi.a 3 bdrm. home, 2 bat.ha, carpeted wall to wall Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from $32.7~ to $29,000. A STEAL-MWlt See! 5. WILL TAKE TRADE On thia 3 bdrm. plua den, 2 batba. 60-tt. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced air heat. fenced yd. Will take 11mall home on vacant lot In pa.rt pay- ment. FuU price $2•,ooo . 6. CHIN A COVE - Deluxe ~an view. quality built 4 bdrm. home. 2 bath•. For you who can afford the flnest thl1 i. It. Priced at $(2,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION M1JL TIPLE Ll.STING REALTOR S•47 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office locattd next door to Corona del Mar Bank) LIDO ISLE Truly A Home of DaiUnction ! 3 bdrm. & den, 3 1 2 batha. forced air heat. hardwood floora. large patio with barbeque, 1undeck, ca.rpeta & drape• on a 50-fi. lot. Full price $35,000. SEE THIS 46 rt. comer lot wit b bay \'iew, a atonn throw from the club houu. Amazing But True~ Tht. rncloua 2 bedroom home with attractive fireplace and dra~nt11 for only $19.995. SEE US FOR ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lalayette, Newport Har. 3643 · 2999 e\'ta. .. Juat to lbe Right of Udo Bridge Entrance" t"'d• tor amall ~a.ch horn• or --------------------- R•dla.n<U property. PAUL C. JONES, Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- OPEN HOUSE 1-5 -Sat. & Sun. 452 Shady Drive THIS JS 1"JCE. 10 cl.an and com· tortabl~. 4 bdrm1., 1'4 bAU\. natural cablnell. Dl1poeal, car-_ peled. F ln:place. F'Ull pr. 113.7~. OPEN HOUSE 12-5 -Sat. & Sun. 1969 Maple St. ARI! YOU TlRF.O or BU'YlNG a home tor 110m<l0ne elae ! Thtn •lop and aee Ulla 2 bd rm. home 3 blodt• from nf'w •hopplnr cen· ttr Jutt 3 mo. old. nu ltl pnced r1rtit. 205 Del Mar LET t;S SHOW YOU lhla S bdnn., I' bath home. Yeatu,... Jape.n· •M a4b p&n•Uns. tl~tace. oop- ~r plwnblnr. r A be&t. ue.ooo tuU pr1cf . "ART" ADAIR le&t N•wport Blvd Co¥ta M,,,.a, Calif Phone Llb<'rty 8·371n Cliff Haven LOOK AT TltJ~ 4 bdrm. 2" bath, l'lrl " !am\Jy home wlOI ()Vf,.,.IZ"•I doublt• iran'lcr. M'pt.• ,..l,. l"unchy mflm. bouurully lanlJl'I n J>f'd an•1 r~ru·ed yard with J>'l ll" t1n•I lanaj •nd lt'a 11nmatch· l"l for mn•t .. -aotf'CI IO<'&Ul)n $2:1 ()00 Reduced for Quick Sales :-tr:WPORT Ht:IOHTS ranch typl' 3 b<lm ••. 2 balh home W1lh fir~ plor,., wc.utl ahlni.:le roof-lo•tly pti\lo '2 cu ir•r•u ... wu $131.1°.0 • ·ow $12.e·.o tor quJck .-If'' . . . WU $14 600 NOW Ul,700 tor lhl11 3 btlnn and <l,.n wHh larire p.ltln 1 •. bl>thlt Ill rood Eul- •••• , t"n ata M""" l'lC•\lon •.. !\ave SZ. 7\0 t"'1ay' . . . . o:-...: YF'..AR or.n 3 bdnn . 1 ~ l>ath IT\t~lf'm t11mll) home With I f1r••pla1 "· f •t <'ffl air h,. \ par• qurl tlt•1M , CArbal[t' IJlllpoq l ,,nt I'd p11llt1 • • rt' lue~ lo Sl J 1100 Hurry on Ulll! . . . Bay & Beach Realty lllH Nf''A"J)Ort Blvd. We offer the gnly available Bay F ront home with pier & float. 165 ft. frontage. Most exceptional. Sbo~n by app't only. CALL HARBOR 177~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. LIDO · REAL TY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• Market Entrance) When You Buy-Sell-Rent-Lease ON LIDO ISLE avail Yourself of Experienced P ersonnel. W. G. (Bill) Kempton-Broker Joseph H. Grohman -Sales Manager Gene M. Vreeland -Sales Virginia Manson -Sales Thomu Campbell -Sales Wben It.a Udo laland-Con1ult with Lido Realty We &ITUlf'9 far&" 20 y-.r lo&ia. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroa from Rlcha.rd'1 Marlett Entrance) 49c51 Corona del Mar Duplexes We have 2 honeys on Jasmine ONE HAS two 1 bdrm. unit• pha a nice bdrm. attached tt1 t he garage -aitustc-d tin 2 lol.8 to give plenty of elbow room. $18,750 TIIE OTRF:R HAS 2 la~e bdnn!'I . a larg~ den and a hu~e U'''"JC room, 1~ x 26 on 2 lot11. PLt;S a l bdnn. unit '11.-ith a Luge 2-<":lr garage down undrr. Each hu H• own print~ yard . $24,500 Both a re exceptional bargains and won't last long! Excellent financing a,·nlh1blt-. TOM PAYNE JEA:" S~fTTII DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 W. Newport Blvd . Newport lki 1 h Jfar 4718 4~:x> RltA.LTOR 2UO Newport Bl~ N.-port B<b. Hubor 2311 TWO STORY. 2 bdrm. (have plan1 for 3rd bdnn. to be added at 1malJ coet), 211 bat.ha, lge. Uv. rm., separate dinlnr room, large knotty pine den with built-in bu, lounp. 2 fireplacee, buement with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expen11h•ely carpeted wall to wall thru-ouL Garbage dapou.J and dishwasher. HoUM 6 yra. old. Large double garage with laun· dry. radJo-controUed garace door. Lot 50 x H2'. Well landscaped. Tb.la home mun be eeen to be ap- C:•'llla t.tua. Ca.lit. 1.n>.rty 1-1181. £"•· LI S-31~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS VOGEL VALUE OPEN 11 a.m.-4 p.m. 2 bdrm. hoUJ1e on ~f'72 lot Zoned fo r Bualneu 472 Newport Bl., New't. lkh. Xlnt. locaUon e boH UI• Arc.ho lult&ble fol' d()(tor'e office, bM.ul7 &hop ~ amaJJ bualnaaa. 12500 do'W1' will h&nd1- Coast Properties 301 E. Balboe Blvd~ Be1boa Rarbot' HM, "97 and ooo. Look at this I bdrm.~ bwd. noon, n....,,taee. d11ix-J, Wlrfd fM f'ltctrlc ato¥a. Fenced, locat-S at 2649 Fairway Dr. Colt.a MUL 111,2~. Ph. Har. 3~h1. 39tfc IU,000 BY OWN ER. I Wrma.., din. n11., att.a. p.r. w to W carpet., bwd. Ora.. thermo h•t. ,.,..,. di.Ip.. Ill tcba:tl r aa. J nd. ftrlJ n- auto wuber A dryer, nfrta. A 1U rup. tll~OO dn., 11000 0. L IOU \''UI coa.tder Ind ('Oatnd. Ut Broadw•J'. eo.ta M- ~ preciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL AOCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, HarbOr 3435 47c54 Are You A Fixer Upper? Do you like to remodel and ln cre.aw the value of property? Do you have original Idea. lbat can put extra money In your bank account 1 If the Answer is Yes By an meana tee tJu. 3 unJt ln~ that can ti. boqbt for seooo down. Balboa Bay Properties 1'506 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport he.ch Hu. ~188 REAL VALUES 2 SMALL HOUSEJ on one lot, """' :-.:ewport B lvd. Ea.It Side Appro.11 8 yn old M\;ST B!:t.L. Aak.lng IS fl~. 3 BEDROOM ROM.I: 6 I car pr- a1e. 2 yra, old on Qul•t •trML. l•r1e yud. complt't•IY ffnce4 8&rbecut'. patio. 111.~. TlMre la no owner profit lA thll deal. Approx: h .000 dow1'. B. A. Nereson REAL.TOR 1982 N~wpQrl lilvd . Coet.& M ... Pbon• LJ t-1872 l:vea. U 8·~'7 LOCATION OF DISTINCTION Modem 2 bdrm. attractive home. Fireplac~. llma.U )'&rd. Pt.rfet't for worltln6 cw reUl"llCI coupk Onl 7 ·~ with '4000 40'<l"l\. REX RECHS, Rltr. l30'I' W. Be.Ibo& Bl. l'f.wport Bdl.. Harbor 11111-llartJcw MT IOe42 OCli.N VIEW SOM&. tTCM Cutt 011.-.. ruu pr1ce 111.000. 1.anna. 11 :'JOO down. °""Mr, U .. WI. Utt• Ocean View Permanent & unobstruct.Ni view homo e.t "lnalde lot" price of only Sl 7,950. 3 bc-dr<l(lm8, l~e. living room with flagatone fireplace. dining r oom. Ample c:loset & atorage •J>ace. Handy L-shapt·<l kitchen. Hwd. n ooni. Pri~ to IM'll quic kly! Owner leaving area. Ob. ycl!I, the FHA 4 Ii~, loan paym«nt or $83. include. t.a.xea and (nsura.ncP, Loo Be 1uni to 11CO thia home! THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 FIRST TIME OFFERED 310 Larbpur, Corona df'l Mar One of the very cboi~ propertiea -Owner'• hom .. PLUS one 2 bdrm., two l bdrm. and a bachelor tt.pl. All have garb. d.lap., fans, e1x 21·h . garagc1 plu• 1toreroom Ir laundry rm. k0xl18 ft. f Pnce<I lot. quiet ltr'eet. 2 blka. from the finest beach In all of Callfomia. E Z t.ermA. Sho•·n by app't. Exduaive wttb -G. R LATHROP 3635 Eut Cout Hi.gbway., Cor ona del Mu Harbor MG-~•. 3:Sll·J ~ , ~~ ,, ....... , WITH SALLIE ••Attea*91: Udo Ille Do1 Owaere: Are :roa too buay to gtve your dOI the exercbe be neecla T Let me. Karea Bets, walk yoar doi for oaJy 2.5c u boar. Call me at Harbor 0386. P. 8. I am 12 yean old ud love dop! .. I qaote fl"om oar Udo Hmtee Bulletia Boud oat.Ide oar Bakery b- tnaee ... llMD't 80IDebody KOt a dog abe eu walk T 8acll entb...a..m ahould be egpd OD • • • Beeldee claws wlD love tt ••• Then there wu the pooch whoee paw• hit the apark on our front door mat that Ugbta the way to our allent door openinc butler ... Nearly .cared hlm to pieces • . • He ye-owed, ran uound in cir- clea then got a bold of him--W~I ..it ... found the "•park" t ap.in .•• and lay down with paw. on the mat, thua ~?.!!:J the door open and had ,[Iii a eood look lnaJde at the ~ aoinp on ... ..._,.,. lovea C*Dpuy I J>-'t fonake • pleMe wit.lie oar f,.,.. food eaMe are adergollag their ,...,. llNag •.. Ref~ la latrbte and caaaot be ebaalfld over at tbe flip of a Mri&c:b ••• You've bee• wa1t1111to.ee••·- • • • now'• yoor ebaaee • • • We cJoeed tut Tuead&J throuch the worst of It, bet we're •tlll pleaty dMcum- bobuJated • • • Heline me k.lda, t.bou1b our '"we epe-a.a.e la aerytoe" .. ,. laaft 8hal&Jag u.clerpimdap for a few daya • • • yoa'U be abopplna; ln a dftlUD whea It'• all over ... "'Jam good eatin' .. to qu~te our Buck Bean from a 8lg1l b• whipped up for a put jam diaplay . . . Don't know whether Welch'• .brand New Fruit...of -the-Vine ahould be put In a jam cl&.u or not ... Bo thick. eo divine, with the ~e whole concord gnpea ooanc through it ... Here'• th• perfect 1weet bite to top a bt.cult with ... Practically deveat.allng u an ice cream topping ... New exciting fla- vor to UM! in all redpee that call tor jam ... in cooklM, tart.a, 1w1rling around in le· inga. puddings and cream pies ... Put up U'l an unuaual little ju, preUy enough to go fi&bt on the table and nice enough to aave ... The label i. on the lid. 80 when It la remov~ the label ia gone too . . . K~p 1t bandy though. becaUH people will uk about It ... Fl'uit .Medle)'! . .New "-m~ofov ~ ....... , the net of the Mlad• take a t.ek Mat for a wblle • • • Large IUtldoua Salad Fr'lllta wft.h Manhmallowa a.ad a en.at)' hold • It • togfl~r .._ that addta ap to hulcl· om ..Un1t •.. The bue \I llOClr cream "itb just the riabt aanouah of the riibt UdDp added to It to H · haaae tbfl fJ'QJte, to make tJaem lute Wee no frat& ..W that enr t'rOMf'd a lettaae IMI bf-fore ••• l'ou cioald me It for ~rt too ... Or IUJ a p6e cnaet with It . . . or tart. .. . Or the MW Krilpy Delitee ..• K.nmchy n..ert CUpe, Heh com/.!:: with a paper doily . . • thiDp your Kriapy Cake Konea an made up of • • . A.i.o tun aervtq with loe UMm. jello d.....-ta. pudd· tnp or any aal&d a llWeet cone will enhance .•• WP have mon food hire th&n eeDM ••• bere at Richard's Udo Manet.. oee of tM Udo Shope at tbe .......... I $'M9 N-'"-·····--·-..... _ ...... . ... ... .... IUdlard'• .... ... H-'• one for boat, pe.Uo or aanct. J'olda up n&t ud J.&a'bt u a r..ua.r. J)ll()JO:DA.&1' GINGIRllEAD llIX ........ ------25# .......... OoeldllC WESSON OIL ~---49• WA.Um.Al' 111.&AOll PUllX a!,. ,, ___ 27• ll&Tif OLD'a ALUM. FOIL II ft. 23¢ .... -.. -... -... -....... Cleallll11e11 ••• Maairr11uQ bo~b.old cltan.11· ne. a. a muat In aU bom•. JUa'bl now )'0\1 cu lake on• mon •lap to make •ur• you are ucn• ta• lat.t l.n 11&11lt•· tl09 and e1-nltn-melhoda. U• t.b• new Toddll alJ dr)' WU fl'M •t.n.u...d llUa «>Cl• t&1nen. ICll}o7 tll• -1 ra (UA!Jty mil.Ir f eatw.d °'" NIUe.hneld auec-• l o r y" and you'll know JW'" 411Dk· bW u.. ftn•l. ••wrw °"' ._..... 00.uTAL SBOPPER-llAY U.1955 Sand Chair Su111111er Sawing DIVIDENDS AT RICHARD'S Save over 30°/o on Summer Conveniences at Richard's, May 12 fhrouth June JOtfl. O• way of sayfnt ''Thanks" for yow patloe- CICJ9· Come see, for younelf, these Meaanlne Shoppe featwes aYGlable at real savinCJs with Richard's store wide cash N4)ister NCelpts. T-V Trays ..... ...... s1s• Now .................... -............... -....... oo ........... BeeelplL Buy tour at Oftce &nd recelve convenient T·V Tr-ay holder ,,.., Ida&l tor llYlne room. patio OI' ....ca ~. Picaic Basket ......... s4•t N-.... -..... -................ . a ...... IUcMrcl'• .._., .. auver, oupa &nd plat.ea ln· eluded. Jda&l tor plc11lc &nd vuaUon .. uJl6. An u ce.I· lent 111\ f<W father'• day. ~ Dll'dr-. • ....._ 12c PINEAPPLE .. _..................................... .. .. C.-.. T..._, lAC.SI 2 1 sc ROMAINE _, __ ,, ____ , ........ -.... fer .--. Nw enp. ........ 5c ONIONS ·-··----·· .. ·-·-......... _ ......... TBU&IDAY r,......_..... 24' CRACKED WHEAT ..... _ .... .1..t • IUdi o.11111... 37' POUND CAKE ............... ~ .. n.m..tT Alia Model 54; APPU Pll ... -.... ·--.. -·-·-.... Mell ""-..... rr-o. 6 16; RENCH IOLLS . ... ·-·. for 8ATCBDAY Ortu17 Geed 3 25• llAI CLAWS ----for Olin h......... IJf LAYIR CAKI -·--·-- ::J:Je/icaf ejden IOi.OGNA ................. _ ......... _ .................... 4tc Imported Hollaad CANNED HAM A·lb. 5" .... tin IMported lloben..'-R#1. Uc- STRA WIERRY JAM lb. 59c For Fut Cb-,.,_.. 40c: CHEEZ WHIZ .................................. ';!~· 1- Spectator Seat s11' ~,. ll.t1 ~O"' -d •lt.00 Rk'Jiard'1 R~lpra. Crew R4eea, F'ourth of J uly a.n<1 Nrw Yt&r'a Dey P&rede <llll tor euy lo earry 1~c­ tator uala. Buy one tor H eh or the tamlly. Beach Towel R~tr. U .H Now ~ St6.llO JUC'laard'• B~aullf11lly d •c o· rat~ heavy <I u t y beach oomtort youra a l real •a v Ing a. Start th • aummn a ll•new In true aum· m•r ruhlon. Contour Sun Chair RemodelllMJ • • • 8WewUll ................. - -·-t.o ~ lM pl'WjJ• .._. .. tbe .. ~-RkMrd'• Udo Mark~L 88fl our ..-w •id~ wide a1111,.. aJld Nllortw aewtro ... ~L DAIUGOLD IUTIER Pouad ._ ................... 59• IUOllAAD'8 ILEU CHESSI DllU8J"O • 29' OL ---···-~--- ZEE PAPEll TOWELS RoU .................. _ 15¢ BLUF. 8 KY TOMATOES : 1-~ .. -._ .. 2133' ....,.,. v ... c..... ..... .,. ~-79c s1o's ROUND STEAK ... .,,.. I.-. _, ,.,. .. ,_. IUclaard'a Q..at7 GROUND BEEF HAdl'• .. 'hwtl SLICED BACON ......... "1'e SAUSAGE 1 lb. You'll find a Uclo Shop • • • IL. 39c IL. 59c rou 39c !\'ow and JllO.no Rleflard'1 ~lph. This la IT Th• one the whole tamlly wtll enjoy Indoor• or out Ad)ual•bl ... Collapsibl~. ll(ht and ullr• .. "Y tu mov• about.. -• • • to flt your every need ! eatnnce to Udo ble... SPECIALS FO& llAY 11.11 ... 14 llGI '