HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-25 - Newport Harbor News PressVohun e M -~umhn S Circulation 21,000 Dit'ltributf'd In ~1'\\J~lrt lkarh, RaJboa, Balli.a li.llUld, Corona dd Mar, C'oeta 1'1.-i.a. l .a~una. South La«una and Huntin,::ton Bu<'h. Harbor 1816 HS BUILDING TAX OK'D;:wa~er .Skiers Arrive Here wi~h ISLAND P. 0. MERGED _A, C r lnv1tat1on for Mayor Dora Hiii WITH EW . • INCUMBENTS RE-ELE TED ApH11'flf ll181RlhnnWl\\•'r'klrr~. AdolttonaJ pulC'hrtlUdf' WAii on N PORT OFFICE I nnounctng l •h k \\'11lk• r. :1:1 ... nrl lJttvo> He l\1'1. hand 1n th» r11m1 of 21·,VeRr-nl<I · :!I.,.( !"11n l •1t>J:•" .. k1m111t>d ~01111· 7~ TV nrt r t l!ll Gt!oriitette Mlcht>llt I Newport Beach and C11stn ~fei:;n voters approved a h1~h 11111, •• 1.1 1111•an 110111 u"''" 10 hHe whn a1·te1t 11s a .. 01111Pr to bring 11n WASHINGTON. D. C .. MAY 23 lO~S) -Ortlcrs estab- achool building tax plan 1111 d rt•aff1rml·d ;Ill S(:ven int·umb<'nt Sa111riluv t., d"I"• r "11 1n\'tt11linn 1nvtta1111n from th•· Nt-wpon di,..k -lis hing the Balboa Is land Post Office as a branch stali\111 of I 1 .. ~111\'"r l111r11 (I 11111 filr Sitn •Ille tu ~tayur P u UISCln o! Los A n· o.. t boarJ mcmbl•r.:; w ho ran for 11··dl'Ct1un 111 lhi' school l' ccllons the N1•w1>0rt .xach Post Office were issued from the Mfice f11•'1o!•·~ 11:1 11>,,r 1111\• .\l11r1111111· Jn-J.!"f••.i<. Friday, d1i.111.11 Jo:X1h•~lll•JO . .\la y :c-:m Atw1ro1ng to Walkt-r, the-pair or the Postmaster General Monday, ef c ti\'e J uly 1. liy n :lti:.? '"' r 0111q;1n, \ f'll •'f ~I :II.I\ 11r 11111 I•"''" •'•I th<' ~ .. a. '•klo>1l 1 o>al ,,1ru111: llll t h .. way .tno C1J1n<'IOPnt al with th.-e111abllsh-1 ronsohola t ,0 I .ad k '""I II I'll}'• t' «•'"' th" """'''"I '" Ill•• l11~1t h• 111• 111v11.1t11111 '"'" 1h11nk' 11fr .. , ha I no rvllljh l\lllt'r till we }Ill men! nf U11lboa b lantl as a s tatwn Tha~·er OIR~tl'r .,f :-;, .... 1,.,11 achoo.) lu11l•loH).: 1 la11 wl.1•" I·•"' I:< '"'''1''1' 11 .. n1 II \\ollt't\1,:hl ="••\\ P"rt h r .. akwlllf'r .. or Nt'Wl)(>l'l R·~Hh w tll be th\' In-lie111·h. Will lhl'n h t In l'h11r.:·· or fo r lL 5·,.,,1,1 1.1 s1u11. • ·'""'~·•! 1 .... 1..1 The :sk1l'rs ~Biol llw only excttt'· ~tl lu11nn of "f1r11t 1 11\i<~ s crvk ., .. 0 11 tho> r.!ll><n•I oCt""' 1100 at hbt'l l\' 111 V•IU•ill •tr 111, "'"1·111• 11 "''"l•llt 'J/.t' •kid\ \l•tl' 1111• ,11 11.t• llfrr-lllt n l r Rlll«' wht'n lho1r l11w <'r11fl. lhe l~land n u, will 1(1\'l' 01·t'r111i;:h1 .i.,.1,_;lllll•' 11 MIJ'<'lllllt'rlll•lltufr;,1111, t•ir " 1 O·\, tr 1 • rro •·1 11rr .\1 ., I· 1 ~ I• .. , k t v \lit'• 1 li1ll Twtn fl, !ti n11·k two shRrks. "\\',. J1t•n ,<'•' in the p11 kup ttn1l •lt>ll\'<'I y in 1'1ttt 1,.:~ 111 th<' 1,..11;1.,1 11rrtt i- ln lh•• "" '• • f •r ti,. hri;h I-ii• I 'hr I lt J 1:11 o, 111u I.-.,f 'llm""'· lll'IWd LhPn," H"llcr Slllo l uf 1hsp11IC'lh'" hllol bile 11n1I t>lltly l'ot<lllB uel Mar •llll rt'llltlln~ &JI achoo! ,,..,11.t. 1m 11n1 /1••ol • lu<l~" II· 111 1 """ h\ "''"' 'h1hlr. 11, 11.11 • &1th were appart>ntly qutl•• we,•k o•ntl delivery flf ~pedal dellv-1 a kpnrat r poi<I offfl't". •'11l lr•·ly Oon11"1 .I 1111•1.:" 11n•I I I.• •h•· •·nt-a n' 11 h"\\' •' ,, \l n t rl'l t\' ~lronl! &ftt'r Lhe1r 7~ mile junkt'l I ery ll'ller11 &Jld pu(.'eltl. tn the City (I( !l:t1.,..pvrl Br•ll• h l)lt'ff• "" n , ... ,.. 1 1 11 .. 1 " 'h Jo. 1-1111111.•I • 1 lt1• · \1 ~' ll:.111. 1 ll.1.1, 1 and HI' lier boasted that. "we .~ould Ext l'nslon of th•• motor truck 1 A r eording to 11urvt•ys of the l>i- war.i \\' .\11111111., l t. t. • 1 r 1. • 11-1 ••n•• r<t !!Bvt-i:ont' to S an Fra nclt1Co, pick up llt'rvlrt of Lhe Newport "'""'n nt f'ost o rtic .. lnhJWClora, ll'n•l• r 1111l_v .: •, ,, I•• I •"'"" ,, --I 13!'a r h Po.,t Offla•e lo 811lboa Ja. 11 sav1ni:a of 51 :i,OOO Jin ye11r will 8 trfrno''1 n .. NEW CHAMPS! p E F h a· \tind Will g ive tht' lslttnd M!Veral 1 be erft'1 led lo the .l;O\'trl10lf'lll Ill ..... , ltw 111 1 11~· I ll•' (. If· I:" • • renc 1es houn bel\1•r 11erVtC't' In dlllplltch r on solirtaled o p.•ration 11f Bulb<lll b<.arol 1,,., ~ 1·,,, • 1•1\' u1 •I II 1 •• • and dls1r1butlnn nf m Hll. lslanrl 8 011 Newpull Bl'&C'h. A l thr 1'111 k· I h • t•I l it~•~,. •I·'"' I \\ lo oc G wh·1 B 1· La.at year !ht• Balboa P nAt O ffice !!Amt' lllllf' 11erv1ce c11n bl' gre1Hly nuir,;111 1: .. h•tl II 111 111.J•r II •· arners I e oa 1ng Wiii m ade I •talion of th~ N ew ·11m pro11ed for lhr enl11e 1·11 y. \\'Ith onh · ••·11l •11•Jo1 1111 '•.•> ,, '•• 1.. port Beach Po11t Oft"'«' wlth Her.1 th~ g rn113 b utilrtci.<ll or Bsll>oA, Biii· hln;I , . •II 11.J \• I•"'' 1•00ll• ol ~I' l JC B S b 11 A well-know n yac ht11man, Phil-bert Kenny, fo1 merly po11tm1111t er, boa bland And ·Newport Be•ch ull , a e a lip E. French. 61. 211 W l'k8pllr ll~ 11Upl'l'lnt .. ndf'nt of ma1l11. Balboa lumpi-d toge\hPr In lhe one enl1ly I Ave., d!l'd nt a heart atta ck Sun· 1111l retains lt11 dl11ttnct1ve po11t -It 18 held likely that a lall' n11thl Tournament Ja.v while at lhr> whePI of h l11 mark &nd It 111 expt cte<I Balboa <'I'""' ca n b·· miuntalntd for <1111•1 b1111t tn >;twp''' l H arbor. He wu I IKland w ill retRin 1111 l<lenttflcellon pa tch a.n•1 anrtlng of 01111~ t hui FELIX .& LEO Together Again Latin -American Rythms DINE & DANCE NIGHTLY Except Tuesday Opening Night Wed., May 25 Balboa Inn Cafe & Cockt ~d Lounge Balboa -Harbor 096J t 'Kt: ~ff.S ICIPAL PAJtKISG LOT a ret1rell manufacturer. for post office puqx111ea. lnt rl'Mong 11erv1ce rende-red 0t o a ll I t •t••nL!' \·•·1ut \\• n t tu, Stnllhtlfrt ~1 11 11 C:••t1 r.1:1> Burke nit, who wu w ith " r11 1 1 a Br111roc \\'111k1n.•, J0c•lnrns. <~!1 !1 '101 1•· I '1 •1•111 1ltu 111l111•0 • \Ir F rench. r11d111e<I tn s ho re t or i poHl1n~tPr of ~1~1 l!l8nd ~Rd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -.1a.,. '-11 ·'"·•· 111th un 8·2. >--J ho Ip whr n th!' 11ttar k or<•urred rl'lUpTil'd h111t yl'ar end l\.,ked that I• 1111 " \I "" ,,, ' r l~A( '(. artrr ( ·u1 l DoJJh. 217 r .. a r l A Vf' ' , .. , ... , v-tohl' bt' r1•h1 \'td l)f quly by Man h •II •t 11111: I 11 1·" A .:111111 l:l-3. • .. 1 th .. mt>s.~1txe Hnd <'lllll'd !"l'". l . T htll hll11n't lwt•n don.:. \\'hen lht' \ 1 •' "'' • • -:lilJ .1 1 .... , llu· t.u.i: P"rl Pnh<'t' Harbor pol tee, wtlh 1-------------- L.: •1 tut It '" ~ 11 un,.:•· ~lnt~ ki t.~ f•'"'irue ,.q:upment an<J a dOC"lor , I t11u•1 I•• •ut I 1\" Yt'IO• uud ru•tli·d \o the "4._·rne. Pohce-s&ul 111· • I ••It •'"'' '" •~•th '"nt.st• 11 .. •l1•·1l by th.-tinw thty flrrtvf'll 9Qn \\Ill ... Uf"'llrt \l.JIO~flll II f 1f Ht• t~n1pt '" '·' ~"' ... th· r I r t. I I I'· ponr 11•• Ii· tlr 1 I I I .. 1111 llr·•''I' a n d A Jh•lt t )J.l•n r•1lJ.•I ,,,,.,,,. «•t,11 •· \\•t1 tt 1 l1111i >-=''"'' ••f the 1HOnUf1\ # ( \u l•, uf \h• H It tf1· fth• '•' lh I .'I \\th tt P11 1Uf1'4 1•1 tnin .. , ''"'' 11 1. r "'" 1 .. a1 i.~15 11"'11'' t .r '"' "'' B " I!• 1'1' k lh•• ~"' "' I 111n111~ "" l'w1ichtrv a nd TA'\'. IUIT li'.,.rt: lvr th• :'\ po1t Ha~bur :'\•""'" 1:1 11 ""'"I I ii, lfl•llflli"'h Thr mo~t h .. 11,. 1,11 11.,1 .. ,1 1~,11,. J'n ,, p11~~• I »~ uv Sun•lay 111..ht 1 T lw ""' I rrrn111,; 1.r I hi• ~··• un•I of th1·rlr·•l 1••n \\ft•thf'hl1Ch'"""I 1tl llwt11k 1n1I \'•1otl\h~All1 •1 ~· 1!1111" 1'1"'"cl llw ''""nr11ll 0 1 tax \\hlth ll•n llll" 11trfln1lty In trl\111111 l11111pllal \'h•rf' hr ta.111 t1o..i1 1 \l'I' IH Of' .•rr••r•I 11"1 1"11111l'lh N 'n ur th., f ·Ur "'hu'lttii dt ''"'~' fn•d ,.,, ti,.t'1\' W•··J.c .. \\1th !liJ ••· ,, uk,c '11• t'l ltll ltlll It • 1101 ~ 1• J 1rl\' tii•I lh•· ,t 3 ttl R f.! t' \'Olin,.: I \ di , I • '1·1 \ dh•\ "''' • r ·~ " Jn the C'o runR .1. I ~t.1r 1•1 , , tt l '""~" ",, H.~· I I nUflJt 111 ' ... !'->MU f ••1-:' I t ,, t "' I 1•nd 11 11•-t ...... , thf' lllX \\Hll ••• I• 111 .. 1 l'l\' II 11111111'· ·'"'"'"II \'11lley wn.t ,., kn1J\ln '""" tlll• II• '1 Ill •• "'"'""' i;,.,1 .. 11 "r Ing:!:!:! \Ollt' lllUll:lll T h· r1n1tl , ... ,. I•·:· • I I I• \l'I 1"'1 Iii 1•11"1 •• I •111 I I Ill th·· nll'llh /Ill I I rr .. 11.. to f t'\'l\'l' him Wtrl' hllalr Mr F rvnch hlltl 1>4-en a meml><'r .,, lh•• l'ni••t G11a1d Aux 1ll•ry. ~ 1111 Ill\ •i. lht ~t:.son11. an•i an 11·1111• rowmhl'r nf lht P owt>r ~111J11 :ron • D u•tnct Sa !tly Com- n.is111on. Fun• ri1l l't l"Vl•e! havf' bl'en ar-1 1.1n~1 d by Baltz ~fortUftr)', 10 b•• 1 h• l•I 111 3 p rn. \\'etJneaday In tht I I Ill I h ur th .. Rt'C'Pll~lonal, F ortflt I l-1<\•n MPmortal P&rk. Willi 317 "vr11" "'"' r.:111 "n". I H1·ol l11k "''''II \•ol•H•n ,.r \\url111"' .. ,., lltt• .. n,f.t1u.:hl Thr hlRh ••h1111l l111' """ rtl•n tk· \\ 1r II 1n 11h111t h1• •1•f\•d :, ~· ri< --------------------- f eat .. 1l l11 th11 N""l''1fl~r h111d l 11,1. """ !11· , .... 1 .. .i :Sllll··· , .... ~t f" h a·1· t I . L k r u:l . l h11llji!h h,V It u;rr .. ·.\ 11110 ,:111 l 1;11.a:•I II ''""'I" J':.hlJ IC \\'ol•I ~ IS I 1ng a rv1ne a e; The f11.11I ttt1'111l11f1•" h"r•· "n" :J117· 1·•'"'111 "· 1\t!.111t11· 30~ .• 111>11-1• .. 11• •l1 l1•Mt \\'1lh ''" F;, l!t•old11 k ''·'~ H Ill\• All Al s th c 11· A notht•r <llAl rt• l, ltl'll ~ol1n;1I, "''" ('fl llli1111l.111. He Wll• 11 .. 111 111 ong OU ern oas 1ne urrled th,. l\lgh ., huvl 111" hy lll• I U 1111trni:1on l'a rk wht'rf' /w Wl'nt I Mm• tll.irirln l>y w htC'll It w11.11 ti•· U\ro\1..:11 lhl' pohh1• achoo!• anJ "·' KY-~ l'>'lfTH plcltlftlt "J' .J'1Ul rnor. and m oni ff'Rl t'd In S• ... pt11l •n, .. f1411<I \'lll1• th .. n 111\N( .. 1 !' ll'ul\ al ~~n l.uu,, Ii\ ,., l..nk" i-tt .. h11t •pt•I 111 H 111hbut and Yellow1tn Croake r wa. Jtl8 "yea" to 111 1 "nu'. only 1 Ub1Apu II•• """ 1o11 ai.11• 11llu1 al n1 '""' f'11urtty '"''" w11l"r lu•h-bring ca1111hl by t.nitleu on the two vutr11 tl1!(1r"'"" ,,.n~11w,.r 111 •111,• ~ntl ••r\h• •f "'I: 11r 1·'"l'I'"· 1:1111 1:111, t 'a tft:oh, •1•••klf 11m l In l!klfrs. Th" Cro11k,.r 'Jn th .. 11th•r 111 •• l11•l1ul• AJ'· f 1rm111"1h1111rv.,.1lh th1• I I 1•,,.,, 11. ~ .1111 '"'"' or" h1ltln~ both llv,. bait and Red p rov1ni: th• II\' lhr 11111\ ""• ,c ... nrpnr.\ ur ll\klllraol .,,,, (~llltnl' \1t11lh•I \!011 •• r H 111\lwlw Trout S11lt \\'!Ht•r C.'r11wdad•. while lhl' C oat" \to~ 1 M-• n ~ '" I 1111 I';'•• \\ • : rn " II 1 .. 1 "'"'' J 111 II•• h•k·· M•m-lla h l.1111 Arr• h"wlni; only live b<lll Ltnrlb•q:~ ~1hod ~rt~ t i" 111111 II• I•"'"'"' I b\' l.1•"' I•\\ "1!1•111•011 111 1 111\l•l•,.trllnwr,.j <'lll,lllnA hla nd .,..1,.1,. ""''nl 11 Hora•I' r.n•ti..n Ll·.111 .i. •'' 1: I 11 ! ·"' ... n• 1;. r.11 I 11 r t , ·r .. •It'• 111 11 1 ..... 11r rt h b,. 1 ,..1,,. ni; llbnut thr• h fotlt>•l ~I ll.I \I Ill '" Tlllfll) ""' ltufl aid 14 "1 '1 1 •'·•us;t ta r I ,,. l•i,-11 I I"'" I I• 111 ''"' l<JI (t'I '"I: 111 thf' art>a . .,.Ith Iota of In th•· r"'" • r II• IA• rh 1'"" 1 ~. "11 .r 11·•· 1•111 •1\ 1 nl< ll ""I 111111• Ydl•111>111.1 bl'lnK 11pottr•I 11n•I achtw•l ,,. ·••~1 1 '• 11 tt, 1 ••'' '• \1 I n !"' I •• 11 "*'t' 1 Pt I• f 1 hln2 ca u._ht u m r rCi\t . U•. 'rttr i·· •• I t. f I " t' \ \ , t \ J. t ,,.. , I Jou·· 1J \\11t1 ft ,,,,, l•·Lt .-r, wtnnu,.:-1u \\\••, 1 IJ, .. 'C , '' 1 I \1• I H \1 l.1 •1· pp1ni.: into th .. 1 trH·I .,;,ht lng •tt~t -..1 , .~rt·I ""'' ... '•'f'flt.! •lhk . 1 ,, .... tl I~ H '!•'<. , •• " ••• ''"'" ".,,.,, .• 1 It' Yr llov.•• are also on t he-r•nl· I'"~,. >11011nd Sa.n Dtrl(O w1 th t hf' ... •. ~ ••rt•l \' ••ll11wtat1 df\1 h\' 1uutrrvr.1"~ rhr ratot 111u,f1n , 11111\ hi<\·fl r t .. thlril 1n111 .... t1.,1 • ., hlhirJ fl•• \I· ''" 1' Iii• ~''" ){11h•1t ~1 \\ ,.,,11 '"' H I'''' 1' 1 SHJl I··~· J hr ti f!1•1t1 t !.u r1 ',_,, tt\"•tu.:1, Ml••1h1l I ti • • lltly h• .-n •!"'•l 't';t at th•· hurdf't I\ '-II h • (CW ao( tilt' flli!hl~U ... "" •• 1111:ht WtKk th11l 111 lt• t•. ,,, I , .... I j\ 'I' "1 " ,,. 11•11 II· H ... 1. 1· •1111 on 1 hft ' • ,,. , "' ,\ 1 • , f t 1 , , t" 1 ,, • i\. I ~ '' f"' ' 1 • • ~ ..... 1 11 I \ \ h 1 t • x. " J J11 • 1•' t "\ 111 D t•I••·• ,.,,"''' t Wr h· 1 , .. ,,1 1 '"'I 'fl f\ "\1.1JI •·· •· 1 ;f t11na: f!t'!l• I u1, 1tlun1 "Hn It• WI• H· JI ~--tu~ I \'tr h· t t .. h.-• r 'n ) U.t 'h·· \J I f \I "t ''·" \ ,. ( it •\ ,,~ \ .... d h f r I !w ll'( 1lnl • nd plrrH \ I,, \'Ult -hi hir1 I nh 1· ,., ,,, i t1 I t ,. •' ... , '., t" "'· rt1 I h' 'I I t., ('.(o• ~~I/• l t.:1rt11111 F t"h ·"n•t' ,,, •... ,. B rt1\\ f1. •" d ,;: t~1 } iti~I 1 l,,:; ~t fl "II 1 11 I I j i 1 tt 1 t • f 1 • t • ,11• }u lhJr: f \U.\;ht llrl( !'tlvt'r SAimon )'lav, 11how11 "I' 1 .. 11allv t<llln•: th" io011thl'r n C'11ll· 1 .. rn111 , ,,,,~u1n.. o c l'•n.11 i" ha.<1 hi'• rt n ,· .. 11•1rin.: llrtl' " 11n). "'"-" ~·· •11-I 1 ~ •I•• 1 11. I•• .1 h·11 l1Ah1ni: 1• al1ll Ford Baby Born A j..11 I ' I> ., I/ \I ... 1 .. I rt t o .\tr 11 l \11 • M 11\ "' ~ .. r I _.'I H~t••u l 'I •·• t'to1t, \1, " '.\111, li In lhr> i:;., t 1 At.11 ( ""' 111111 ,r \ II " p 1l11I. New-Anti·Sfip LJC)!f-FJJOY with firm arch support SI UC.NT U fllATS '8.95 A .,.__, flflW'• --_,..., <'lll'fhll., I06e •het t t"~wWlo • ...;, •"" .,.,,. -...., t.b. f'W\ t'fte'~" M--~,,. ~ &a•.,~ llM ••••'"" ~ ...... ...,.for .,..." .......... th ... ,, _.,..,._ --""' .i.. '""• • ..,, . ., ,.AVY OUCK .,. 'ADt 0 llLV' D&lflM .,._ '-) IJ. W .._ • I 10 •Pes Af'f)4 rM ......... _ .. ,_ ()pr11 !"u.nda~. 10 • & OS TIU: O< t \' I llll' r "t • '!nil "'t 11•0'\ On• ~' '"' t l " · 11 I!"", th,.. X••\,;91••t J\11 x~v. , ... '' H•\u I • \\ t: ··" t ... " If llkt.t,:~ ~T ·\\II'' ·A At Your Workingman's Store GRAND OPENING Our Grand Opening Sale Prices continue for those who were 11n- able to talce cadvantage of our EXTRA REDUCED Pric.s -Many have v isited our new fully stocked Wortcingman's Store Here are iust a few of rile many, many excellent values Hanes 2 for $1 69 Knit"T" Sh irts, Shorts \\ hll• -Orth lur O ur 111>• none Tht•t '' n '• r\ 'I"•'"' ul f•·r Wrangler or Lee .1t-:t\:-.:--. \m1·r1.,.-. m •"t .1m11r•n<'d 3 11n•I lllt:h•••I (/11.1111.' -l•·11,11 1011 ·"' .. 1t ... n 1 1 1 1.,.r.· $ 19 lt•1fl Jtt•• "hrun"'. '''''" hf•>t\' 1lftftrr ... Ill Ill '•· '"It 0 1·1 ''''· .,,. \ BOY'S SIZE WRANGLERS SAVE MORE NOW •to 1~•2 22 IR•279 t :I tu ''Boss'' CARPENTER OVERALLS \II I \lll'l 'U H..., h 'O\\ l llt Uh.It '1 \ '" \Hll Pl 1111'' Ill HI'" 0 1 H urt '"'· Railroad Work Sox "I'" 10 ln I ~ \\urn. hl<t \ "'·\I K R \ 'OtHf II pr. t '""'' \\ORK <.i()( M \CH' I \' R t•\ 1.t .\R \'Tt:t:n Sport 49c Caps All Siles Ill Rl '\C• Ot R "-'LE Shoes · All on Special . Work or Dress Men's or Boy's Wasemiller' s 18941/2 Harbor at 19th Ca lifornia Colors In t'IUI\' • l.H•Jng 1''ASlllO:\'S I>~ The·e ore 'osh "ns t ~ol o.ve you o iee l'lq c f eose o locl er e e'J~~'=" . corrie 'ry • .. ,...., O"l odoy ! fh ~r Rh 11~, 1 .9~ Homf''I"'" S111~ Pa.nt.e t.Jl M .. n\' ••lht>r"I prktd 39' 111 IOU I.I ~7.~ ••• If We Don't Keep This Prornlsel 11 12 :o ~ • 7 • ' s 2 ' • IN a t 10 QQ! o l 5 10 • • " " . ~ 7 • s Cash and Carry ONLY ---::: and lt'J That SenHtional, One-anl-Onlr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • More Dirt Re moved •No Dry Clea,,lng Odor Takt •dvanragt o ( o ur lrjlhlntnJ.?•f.1'1 (•.sb -and·c.:irry u ·r v1lc Y ou no( 11nlv s a ve time bu1 you it"' our l11mrl1 11" , an 11 one er\ 1 l l' • • , 1 he ( 1n •. ,1 oir y dean1og 10 tOv. n • Spoh Gone • Be tter Preu laah longer l>rnp-uff 'our Jtllr menu befort 1 O A. M. .rn.f 1h1} II lit' roJ, al~ P M the um~ .J.11 (If tou r•v n .. r h 1n~ ..... hen yu u nird dry tlt.anin1t in 11hurr111u o ur l t>:htninlt C't\Jf t . l.J5thtnlni: Srn Irr Co ... 1 .. ~O mo~ than our R••Jrula r ('-. .. h-Knd-Ca r~ Mn l<'P ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO. CLEANERS 1782 N•wport Blvd. Co.ta Mesa Ub•rty 8-4014 ,~~ru~ ·~ MM SHOE FASHIONS CANVAS CASUALS Hearty, Happy Play Sho es at Healthy Savings! We've Marked Down Every Pair ... So Hurry in CANVAS LOAFERS in Bro wn a nd Na vy Blue Marlc•d Down to s2" .. PAGE 2 -COAST Al SHOPPER -MAY 25, 1955 Jody F. Johnson Sets July Date for Altar Walk to Wed Bakersfield Man in Rites at St. James Mr. and Mrs. Ned Johnson, 411 Aliso Ave., h ave an- nounced t he i>ngagement of t heir daughter Jody to Clarence • ''( ... Clarke of Hakl'rsfi eld. The a nno4ncement wae made at th" Alpha Omkrun 1'1 s11r11r1ty h••ll:'I•· on the t'CLA ra1.ip11~ T he brt•le·f'lo1•t 8\ll'nd•·•I l'CLA a (Irr gra tlua l1•111 f rnm N ~wport ffo 1 t>nr 1 • n tun 1 lli;-h ~··hnnl and I~ noaw as~l,;ta11t b11y••r of collo?gtennc The couple 11 plannln• • July 10 w~dlnl al St Ja.mee Eplscopa.I <'hurch a!Ler whlr h they wtll tour northern Calltom lL They will re· 11hle 1n W t Btwood. dl'•'M"'' Ill ll l,o•~ Ani;el"• d•p11rl· ------------ flh nt ~lt)r•' 1 Thr> K"••lll·ttlecl \AU Kraduated A pha Phis at ftnm F:1<~1 8Hk~r .f1rhl High ~•hon! May lunchron or lh• 1ocA1 Alrl111 I Is Hostess to IM w d 11 P1· cke11s Is !'hi alumn1u~. Monday, May 18. rs en e Membtra r •thered under lh• um-De Molay Mothers · • LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS brella to do clerical work for the I 0 "11Ct County Hean Aa.OCl&tlon M111. Ed Sedelmeltr WU latut H d f F It w· ~hich hu t>.tn proJ«t for th• hoat ua to O.Molay Mothera Club ea 0 ac ll y 1 ves i roup for th• pan yeu. under l.hf' at &11 evenlnf u11alnn In her homt . (Uidance of philanthropy cha ir· 0 1 E l Modl'nt. Av<'. Mra. Carl man, Mre. !':adrne Coplen. Thomas pn•11deJ In Lhf' abaenct ot o r1 th · b 1 1 Mra. Hadll Rln~. Roan and swr.-t u ng e us ncas metl ng peaa adorned the rooma &lid tea that followed lunchl'on, it wu de· tt.b!r. r1ded that vQlunte('ra from the lo· Mr.a. c. v. Turner otrered to nal grnup woul<1 help a l the He11rt &Ive a publicity Oo•,k to lhe club. Fund booth at the Orange County Mrs. Jami•s Mac<.:anJllsh ..,·ho was Fair. A 111,: 1 O A lao plane ror the · Snuthem Calltomla Council or Al· t.sa1allng h0&tu11, took home the ph11 Phi annual luncheon to be door prizt-. a wroui:hl iron and held al the l':•wport Harbor Yarht ce ra m tr buttt'r melter Club A ur . 3 Wt're dlacuu ed. Or· ange County a lumnae wlll be hOJ· State Grants Permit lt.'!llll'I for lhe a rta.1r. Mr9. Luelere, preeldtnt, gave a report on natlon-SACRAMENTO I CNSl -W. H. al Alpha Phi actlvltiu. . Stt-phtneon, ela te tom mlNloner of cor porations, announced lu uance Mn. Ted Luckey, 2301 Oakmont ot a permit to BAiboa Marine Hard. Avt-. Sllllla Ana. will be hoatua ~-a.re Co., lnc .. 2637 w. coast High· tor the nut m eellng-. J une II way to aell 780 •hares of atock. Thoee who a ttended wt re Mmu . ' L. A , Ham ilt on, Robert Luckey, Ted Luckey, H. ~· Hen1haw, J. A. Permit Granted Blaich, J . H. Riggs, T. H. James, Nadene Coplen, Marahall Patt1m and Burton Hysda.le. Mn. Blaich waa co·h<>altaa wtth )Ira. Lane- I ere. SACRAMENT O ICNSJ -W. H. Stephtnaon, 1late co rporation com- mlasloner, hu announced lnau&nCt' of a pennll lo Gr1enleaf-Stvt rl..I Realty. lnc . 3112 !l:ewport Blvd. l o sell 1000 aharu or atock. A apra ker anJ nttlctr l'lf'\"llt:'n I "II wtr• Mmu . Thomu B lakely, "'tr• progTa.mm•d wh,.n OtT Fa· !'\a mut l l\.fc'~f'al, W!lllam Ha11 1 ~tad. rulty Wlvu Club m et )tay 10 a t J~mra .Mrc sulry. JRmt"e \\ ylle, I , I Thomu Oshnm f:, Robnt 1~1 l•,.sn . lhe home of Mrs Jamr• \\.T horn· Crnri.:P Guthrie. Basil PC'lu~on, ton, Shorf' Cliff•. Aaalattni; l hll ~"'red H11hror. \\'11lu1111 O Pa;ynt, ho1tl'1J1 w""" Mmn. L'yru~ RO<'kl'y. Hl\rrnn Kn,.C'htel, J amu IAVfl. Rn· Oaca r Taylor. Charles Haley ancl hert O'h•)m r. J Robert Ku!, Wll· J l'hll Owf'nll Mn1 W l\ltn Lon,;· llam A rkt rman. J a mes Piiion, Cor· moor waa a special guut of the 1,.llan Thomp~n. E11al11t·r HoJa&. ho11eu . Donald Bridgman. Lludlf'y Boyre, K1ngt'ry Wh1trnrr k ot t hf' hlJ:h Hu,.atnn HarpPr. Elgin H11ll John a<'hOOl fa.cully aµokl' briefly on the N •tt "n'I W1lll11m F. Kimes. lll!lllf'll lnvolvert In the r oming elec- tion on the high ar hool exp11ns1on Girl fo B proarram. r earen O<f1ctr• t ler ted for the romlng ,, Mr. and Mn. Leroy Bearn , 8:!#1 yu r. They are. Mu. Wendell Pick· W . J8lh St . Co•la Me.sa, a rt lht o:n1, president. anJ Mia. Joseph R . proud parents or a baby ic1rl, born Kroll. secretary • treaau«"r Out· May 18. 7 lb~. 8 oz .. 1n the Santa golnJ offtc:era are 1t1 rs. Oona.Id Ana Community Hoapllal. Brhj~man, pre,.td,,nt. 11nd Mr1. DAN'S IARIER SHOP 8 :\LBOA T H t:ATKI!: BLOO. B.\l.BOA Opu T~.r tbru SatllJ'd&7 LOCKERS SPECIAL -Lockers (app. 125 lb. l 1'1.75 yr. J une1 H. Love, atcrt't&ry·ln:u ur-D h f Wild er. . I aug ter or s Wt: n :.\Tt'Rt: St:l.E("J't:u f'KIMt: The pror n n1 wu prt11enltt1 by A baby g11I weighing 8 Iba . 11 and ('tlOU't; MY.AT~ :Morr1. or Flower• by Morr1, who 1 oz .. w 111 born tn Mr. and Mri1. Dav-•111 • IOth 81. ~l:WPORT Bt:A{'H Harbor Ollt aave a du1cuuion e nd demonetra-1 id \\'11•1, 1920 \\'hillier A vr, t:oata -----------..... _ lion ot home flower arr&nftementa.1 Mu a. May 18, In Sl. JoMph Hos · ADVERTISING IS THE BEST ~ .. EDIU' .... _Ph H•rbor 1 .. 16 Also prearnt bnldu t he hoatua· ptta l. Santa Ana . IY1 l'V1 o a n•I is nuw an tn" School or Bual· L } H n~u Adn11n1Mtl3ll•m Bl UrLA arze ere ome i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \o. li•'t" t ht-) uni:-rouple ,Jn• t. B il Y. tll h" i.;r 11t111.1tr'1 In r rbniary, The attractive pal10 at the home 1:,:.1; 11n<1 11 11 111~111b11 or Sli,"1111\ or ~l r1. R ichard L11rzrlere on Bal· l'\11 f1Atrm lty r.n r"'mru•. bo" p•nmsula. waa H tttnir for t he LARGE SELECTION AT Dan's TV Sales IO " Seh ............................. $29.00 12·• Sets ...................... $39.00 I b" Console .................. $'49.00 :'\tnt ty IJay C:urH&ntee NEW !\l':TS Al.~O A\'All.ABl.t: -BA~K TP,:RM ~ DAN'S TV SERVICE 15ell :\°flw purl Rhd. COSTA KUA Ubtr11 IMUI BEAUTY BAZAAR 104 Tustin Ave. Newport Beach Liberty 8-5212 HARRIET And VlRGINlA Specializing in Individual Hair Styling Perma nents -Tints Jn l T U<.l lll /\\(', Lfb('rty 8-5212 ·······-·· .. -···-"··-····-···_.;;·.......;======--..;;.___..;==;.:J NOTICE ••• MUST SELL 15 MORE NEW Lincolns & Mercurys THIS MONTH! Special Bonus Deals fl.ti""'" u f l hl" m11n1 h In h ll thl• ohj,....l h • '' t. I"' TOOA\" Johnson & Son 900 West Coast Hi9hway Hey Mink I Move Over I Make Room for Me In SANTA ANA FUR CO. FRIGID COLD FUR STORAGI VAULTS Tht' Largest and F'tneBt ColJ ~lnrage \'aull.8 in Orange County 0n our prem1eec. Phone for FfH Pickup Senlce Kl 2-0652 Redesign Your F\t ra ?\:ow at our Low Summn Ratt>s SANTA ANA FUR OP"' Friday Evf'tlib l3 l" n W t co. 1()8 Sortb Broedway • Suta Au LIDO DRUGS · HARBOR DRUGS IAUOA DRUGS "Onti of tit• Udo Shopa" 1301.E. Cout Ry., Corona d-.l Mar 8461 Via Udo, Newport ee.cb '718 E. Balboa Bl\•d., BeJboa Specials for Thurs .. Fri .. Sat., June 26. 27. & 28 graduation gifts Mt<n'• ~ "'ocnt-n'a BUXTON WALLETS PLASTIC WALLETS t:v1UU1. A-rlcan t':lcln RONSON porkf'C J11:ht•,.. 8hwfer PEN and PENCIL SETS ·26t from '100 from •4H from • 610 BARBECUE $32.50 with hood ud f'lf'C't rlc R~tlawrle por1.ablf', adJml&ble r rtll BADMINTON 1111 ..... 14.13 COSMETICS • ("&ra S t>m f' DP:OOORA~T LOTION SNORKEL PENS • 8 11 •• Fut Dyl'd Du«'k D!CK CHAIR "" «. ".~o ""'7 raa•·u. tu~ aJlumlnum, ft:'ld• for ruy tuu1dllftg. s7's SLIDEroO UMATIC •12N "An 1<1-'N altl for 1r1M1ull6"" PORJABLEnaJ RADIO t 29 13 Sew uhrTakahl" ~ntPAlT' ~ Whitman's SAMPLER lib. s200 MlN ~)lor'11 REMEMBRANCE ("~p .. 11' DEVELOPING KIT .. b.s2oo .,... f8 9S from ""' t '"" ,,,.,., patio a11d .,_,,.II LUNCH AT OUR FOUNTAIN DELICIOUS COFFIE at Our Fou11tal11 Any Hour of the Day Your Pa11port to Health l' our doctor' a preecriptioo a. your p-pon te health. It i• the prolftoo 1ioaal obligation or o or ~gi•tued phermacl.tta to fill It •«untely, ~ i"' only the 6oeat. purut, freabMt drup obtainable. 1':"4C.'APAOF. PURSE PERFUME ........ Mith ft#f, fl ~ ( olnrn• TO'i'Lrm WATER s21~ .• s3ts Rubln•l .. ln LIQUID ROUGE ,., ... ~•aJ .. Ith 111•11 1 .... 1.nnr I IH,(lfl"l': 4'TI( K<I, T U U •rl". I ""'"'"ICl':T. l'ltt()( r o an<I ft.\ I Ill.ARK A R .. r. St 00 ft''·"°" ,.T\ l.t. SWIM TRUNKS hnth tor s1 so t \\ r1nlll" 'lh"'41 f"al>rt ... r.-d. rlln". hlu" '""'le SWIM FINS R"I · M MI 5495 BEACH MATS f ·,.... a.• 1•atl.. •had,. t OR ••II \flt A TIO' 4,1\ t; RI 1.ZA CARDOZA CARDS PAYilSS ,-'PAYLESS .. Liquor Department lpeclals \I" I "\OT'" Book MATCHES 80fJlll .,, Mt Vodka '2'7 Gin IO Proof nrnr 2'7 Early Times l tralgbt 'frt Old 116 Proof l'U\.b s411 Famous ABC Beer Ha11dy l'ih Pale ' ICE CREAM nmm ll•rn lll.. U1r ( ,,, .... 10~ """'I ,.,..1e .... ]Qt ,.,,<, ... Hand PIM'll"" 59t QI ART-" "' ... , 79( ~f\ I Y. 11 t,a.1 l'r .. mlum 411aJ)•1 A' V •'1.A \'OR ' !f&"'1'U•1" Bf:ACB 11 II I . ~-.. ......... ____ c.-t __ """!!·~""~·----..,.,.•L-------------------------------·~--........... ------- ......, • ..... .. • p.m. -.. G 0 P WOMEN TO SPONSOR AMERICAN FLAG PROJECT Nation-wide Drive for Banner in Every Home California Federation of Republican Women, joinlnr with others of the nation, ia aponaorlng a patriotic project featuring the American !lag. ln•p~ by the worda of Mr9. Everett Grubb, who apoh before the group at the Newport Harbor Area Republican Women's O ub meeting, Ma y l~. mtmben •nthu~lutlcally endorMd I and paa.HO a mollon to •upport a.n tlru ot jlatrioU.m In the be&rta A menC"11n nag dl•play drlve. Mr•. ot our chUdren and fellow Amen· Grubb 11t d1vl•lon Amer lcanl•rn cana ... a ll)'Jllbol ot our t&IU\ ta cha.trma.to ror the Ff'dtrat1on c>t R•· the American aywtem of lr11't'tm• publl<'oln \\'omen. I ment." Commltt" chairman tor Meml>l'r1 urce the comm:.mlty'a the project Ml Mrs. Roy Hallbef!r. cooperallon to help "rtklr.dle the I S logLfl tor the patrtotlc project la, Mrs. Robert H. Straitiff Head of Kappa Alumnae Gamera Club Slide Exhibit Lawn Fete at Laguna Ovt r th• O.Coratlon Ot.y -.all·\ f'n•I, M11 y 28. 21> and 30. IU'tlal tn•mh,.r• nr lht lAruna ~.eh Art Aa> , '"'"'" will e,;•ln hold tht lr l .. n11•11I '""" 1 .. 1 .. 11n lhr Art Gal. If' ' 1 .. wn, Whf'rt' lhtV \\'Ill f'tth tbll r11;n' 1r1.:11 11ntl 111.•o dt moMtraLe be· ru1-th,. rubllr I Stock Reduction SALE ~=:. 25~: socro Oii ALL O• GrowlfMJ Stock ON OUR SPECIMEN TREES OFF Y ov CbMee to Buy A BIO THE& at a BIO 8AVIN08 SEE THESE GREAT ¥AWES AT Orange Coast Nursery 310 W. Wlhoft Costa Mesa I~ B1oeka l'.lliet of Kut.or B009e ....,_t Thi• ,.,.,.nt which wa1 Htabhah~ du11nc !h t "'"r ,,..ra whf'n lht j F u ll\'AI frf All •"•' dlscc>ntln utd, prov1••I ,n l'"rulu I hit 111 .. arU•l.JI ""''" '11nlln11•"I tl l~'l year .omt l 20 ,,.,,~,,. ~ .. ·k r otrt i>ntl 1t I•••· fl"''"' I'•• '""r lhtrr ... 111 bf' ffilUI)' ~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ m 111,. Th,. a rt1•t.o 111c .. 1111• bit ot 1 0 1'1 L111:11na u ll i:1v~• th"m a morr lnllm•l• runta<'I With 1"'9 J>ubh<' th"n the bl« u hlbtt a t the f"r•l1\'al Thr l•wn ("ti! wUI M held t vrry 1Jav Satvrd•)' Sunda y a.ad Mnn•la\' Crom noon 10 II pm a nd 1.-trr• '" th~ public j 1-1 .. 1m o l1•1tf 11 7 000 mllu of h 11:hway 1n 1<i•,3, atcor dtn,; to lht 1"a1111nal Automob1I~ Club Swedish hrttt ConDCAKI •.. 29'- Defvxe o..1'1 Food SQUAii CAJCI Sf'-. (791Y..... .. ... COSTA IDS.& n• s.-pon Bh~ OOIWSA Ol:L NA& ... eo..• •"7· .tOOIU>'S LAOU1'f A BUQI HI~_,- BALBOA 181.A.'"D toO Jl&rtDe ·-N'l:WPOBT BUCll IM o..t B"'J. "t ~(;t "CA' UDO DRUC.S Stoel ap now and 1pl11r1e all S.mmtrl F1r-rt1CNIJI fUIJalltft ID almott locnclibl, '"······ amoGllt. QulntJU... .. u.ur.1. So le tiatt. C-.bttoflt ........ 7 LIDO--l4el Via Udo, Nftpo'1 ~ "()IN ol ... Ude .. ,. • , RABBOa uo1 &. o..t a_, .. o...a w 11ar 8.u.BO.l-'711 &. .... Blvd., Balboe • Cooling Family Is Growing H11,.luy· Sa lly Brown •nd A D \\'tthtrby ty1ne with Andy Tay. l11r t.nd Ft t•I Morr1aon. Ronald Out of MAY 25. 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE l Special Purchase BEAUTIFUL PILLOWS Corduroys -Antique Satins -Banio Cloth f illed with Kapok At JO-LEE SPORT SHOP many, meny colors end siz.H from I 823 t Newport Ave., Costa Mesa LETS Prove ActvertisinCJ PAYS 203 OFF ON ALL BLOUSES I ' I I •1.50 Dick to •3.95 Macker DRAPERrF.!4 CARfElS 1:Puoi.su:av IN NEW LIDO SHOPPING C"'NTl!:R ITlclay and Saturday I1' YOU BRINC THJS AD ICE C~EAM VALUE ( ' 1. I 8A I( (RY S/>t'aal SllOW STAI llAllD Vanlla, o.i tehtv, 3 Jc lttewt..Ty ~ 2 """Jo. ............. , SALAD DRWING :9 =29' :49' .lll-WEU DESSERTS :=:. !::S' FRUIT COCKTAIL=. '6:19'-:29' conAGE CHEESE -::-~11r aw.. c-. '--· ,, ... ilille c ,__,~1\c. POTATOES AVOCADOS 5 CRISP CELERY ~ PlftlPPll llll nrr'MW 15( Top QvolHy. ColifonM w~. •. prft)I tto•~-· ~--ol'ed. USHIOOMS IAllANAS 15' !.v-tvftoa. ,.. C:e~ol ~--.. .__ ...,... dll- Top o-4ltyt ;r. .-c>DM L.BM)MADI ~18' ~17' ' 5UC1D PIACMIS RIMCM nm oallM PIAI =:::2~29' MB 8IK1llll ms.. -. 111. • a n. a -. •..., .-• •an mn-.., • 1n.,..-. mm am 1•m ,, • ....... -_.... ......................... _. ..... 3420 Yla Udo Newport leach I HARIOR 4328 wtlat'a ,,_. fvt\ ft-o famlty pMt-.lct 1!.,._ do#y o fomlly p~lc thot begin• •llfoi lhopo pifle ot Safewofl wi-. "°" find .. the OOod food• yov Med for ~111 ~ eat1n9 oftd ,....,... thot con'l be beat. C-- ln todcryi .._. *-~ Her... ._ pkftidilftClll COFFEE BUYS! •o•m.• . rkft. 1:a.. 73c Aromottc bag A??WAY Mndand , ... 6ftc Mef\ow ..... 7- FRYERS ·$ ~ 53c H1Au5 , .... ~ --""' ..... 6.98 -~'"" ... d• ... •1•• TURKEYS ~.'!5•3 ! uc............... ........... ~45 FRANKS Ei ::3~ GRADE A UCON :..'Ce ,..... 45• •OW ..... SUCED BOLOGNA ..::. -2S• GROUND BEEF .. - -39' CORNED. BEEF ":....::·_: : 4 9' ~ Wlll?!f n-~ ._STUJ -,... ~.a...., .... 39r ...... Q .. , .. _. COllCEllTIA TID MU l-Quoflty. •· 49112' Add twO ~ •°"9' .... 1; llOMOGENUED MU =:-'~~~20! PAIADE DtlllBT 2 FOi 1 SAlll PIAllll 9UTTlll ..,.,. '°"" ......_ 1s.-. 33c ........ ,. ... C:U81!0MT .WlllAGD M& .cwuua fl\AVOM 2=:.35' llO-Cll Dt(TfT1C tofT~ ~ 2·::29' 1BT IHI 6 ': 7~ Sold O"ly 11'1 l «•"•.d So~ umvnWliiiS" ;~·;~, 11 OlOIM04MUS GtVIM A.WAT ... ph.11 •OO oth~ ~ pt'-. ..,.T 1tANK1 AfllD 1\1\IS Af MTLUK MIAO llCf10N 0 1 ya-Sofewoy ....... •k.-4 lily M11lark HOT DOG ROLLS ~. 17' UllECUE BUNS ~. 17' 8TOllC H0 1'1Ull .o.llJ' I a.m fll A '""' CFr1d a' Ill I I'm I ......,.-. ... , .... 1722 NeWP~rl Blvd., Cost~ Mesa Pl.f"-'TI' 01' PARKISH OS LAROE PAVED LOT •4 • PAGE 4-COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY 25. 1955 Jeanson-Large Vows Spoken ·at Saint Joachim Home Reception Follows Late Morning Ceremony ft'Mrill&' a cu.tom mad• bridal gown of lace a.nd tulle, MJ• Suaanne Jeannette Jff.naon repeated vow1 with Lee Roy Cary Larg• in a 10 a.m. Saturday ceremony in Saint J oachim Catholic Church. The Rev. Thomu J. Nevi n pe r- formed the double ring service which united the daughter o1 Mr. a nd Mrl. Henry Je~aon. ac<'.<lrnp1.nlmenl1 and tha wP11d1n11: 3:li Ramon.a Way, Cc,.t... Meaa, and I rn a.rche•. The ~·hurch wa.a decoral· the -of Mr. •nd M .... Cary A. I •d wllh baakeU or pink and white lArJ"a ot Akron, Ohio. &lock•. •lmllar flower1 belnJ' u1ed 8uaanni carried a white •tin· I at tile Jean10n home wtiere Ill• r1· I cepllOfl waa held. covered Bible on which wa1 a AT K!:{'l':l'TIOS whit.. orch.ld with atephanoU1 ll.fld !>f ro. Jruion con1plemented het aatin 1tr114/l'ler1. Her s own wu 1n I e~tume or navy blue lac1 with wall• lenJ"th, Chan\llly lace ti.ah· I pink accUMlr1es l.lld • ('Or .. re lonlna lh• at .. ple1a bodice and Of pink ro9ebud11. Mrs. LA.rre. who 1 of tha bouffant tulle eklrt. 11 Wll!l present with her hia~nd. op I wore pink l•ce with navy acce1· h&d U1 own 11ltle l)Ultoned j•cket ' 0 · k b 0 IOT r• an pln TOie u corsar11. wHh lonJ' 11 ... vei and P•t er Pan MiRI Rill< Jran1on, 1t~ter or the ~nllar. H•r t"lreul1r •·,~U waa Ille bride, -• In chaTJ'I of the J'Uelt wmetb.tnJ" borrowed · II wu 1 book. Speclel l'Ull&la were ttla adrl'd with a la ce band a nd COi\· br1de'• maternal &r-Md parwnt.a, fbled b y a wired brim o r lice. M r. and Mn. Jo .. ph Glr•.-dln of !il!!l.TER ATl"END!J Briotol. Conn., h•re tor lh• month M"• There• JM n&on. a tt1ndlnr or May. he.-1!1ter u mllJd or ho nor, wor"' The n•v.· Mt•. l.AtJ'e wo,.. a rid y1Uow ni t Ol'O!r ••Un. In waits end wti11e gl1zed cotton pr1 nceu lenrth and with nrt 1to!e over • frock and hff' white orehld f or tha 1trapleu bodice. She ca.-r!ed • Mont .. ,.....y honeymoon. 8ha wu contra&Un( •pray ol red ro1e11 Jl'nldua led from .Mate:r Del Ht.rh Ja.me• Brown Hrved 1.1 be•t S<:hoo! 111<! her hu•hand from Ak· 1 man and J'U••lll wer• u1tier...:I hy run .ch<M>La. He «rved three ye..-. Ray J •ll.laQn, brorher oC the: br1de. With the U. S. Manna Corpe, la and Roy Olaon.. now aa11ata.nt rnanarer or • SanLa M.-.. WUll•m A. Van Heen1alutk Ana F inance company. I lllll Ava Man a lllld On .Thi& D11y,I Th,_couplt la •t hom• at 3%33 wllll Mra. WL\l an1kl pll.y1n r the BroiCd S l. TV SALES • Authorized RCA VICTOR DEALER • All Maku -All Parts & Tubes • Honest Scientific An•ly1i1 & Repair • Prompt Servic• • Re•1on•bl1 Price• TARTER TELEVISION CORONA DD.. MAR ltCM E. C...t Hwy. ' ff.,._ .. 91 ........... llMr.• Tt"ll-._._ HYa.1t •·U lt IN EARLY JUNE Lido Won1en Plannin• Bazaar at Club Houst Bai•ar arnln&"n1tnt1 a nd pl•n• for lhe Lido J8!l' \\·on11.t1'• ('lub tund ral•ln.t rvent i:ot otr to a 1ta rt M•y 17 "''hen ~fr1. Thon111.1 L. (.Al to, prPlldPnl·<'IPcl •n.J rhair· 111an or the tea C\:lrl\n11ttee. ent•r· t1lned "'J!h a murn1ng rorr, ... 11.I hpr home on !Ault1 /11! ... l'.<·en!y thr•e 1nrn1ber1 ol lh• 1·un1n1Hle• were preaenl to '"llChNllK• 1<leao !or the Jun" 3 alfalr v.·h1ch v.·111 take place •t t ile rcn<l\'llt"d club· hou~. P rocerd1 .,.·ill i;:o to c<lm- nlun1ty proJPCll . Mrl. Kellh Cot•lr•Y. chair1nan of lpt:t•ial ~v.,nl1 11nd pre11d0'.nt. Mr• Ralph Tando.,,·1ky, h11ve bern hn1n~ up con11n1 !tl'O'.I a11.J r hanm1en for lhf' i..uar which wlll 111koi f>l11•·• or the r1ow1·r, antiqu ... 11nd hobby Choo.e from our Many Design• 8rtnr Uo your 1..Ayou1 and meuurementa a n d &ava 10',. from our pre•· enl Low Pr!c11.1. 'LAWRENCE LU .MIER CO. 2100 l!tci. M. ... KJ 6-1111 S-ta A..- •hQll ... nr p rt\'IOUI )'t•••· 1 ba.z1.1r will bf' O(l<l'n 10 the pull rrom z h> !land rron1.) 1n i p t Ket1eMhn"•n1a w1JJ be 1er1·,.J . Tl kett f>r 1uJml1111on w ill f'nlltle p~ 1·h•11~r~ to p11tt1c1 pnlf In th~ •ll• noon tel o r rtfrt•hllltf!ll 111 11- tl't.'nlns 11nd t o the 40 door prlt• '.\Ira Xtll C1n1eron and Mr1. P•• UuU!'r art 1n ch111r1e ut Ucktl A tOOkrd (1)()(1 .U!f -.nd ftOt • rood locker booth, han<lm1Je apro booth and thP. y,•h!tt elept111.11I Ill~ play will be of 1nter•at. The ne1 Ll\\'C rook book will t>., on 1111. 1'<1J> corn an<l l!Qt t ilrink .vLt nol: will ~ ael up for th' tf'en I ):• K•'oup on th• bay side 1>0rch. A 1ptt11I 51r11.<e dona \ed by club 111rn1· ber Dorothy O'Har1 will be a U rrt~ NOTHING DOWN CATALINA PASSENGER IOAT MAY 28111 Leaving Time: 10 a. m. From PORT ORANGE 2241 Coa1t Hl9hway ••o• Jnr.,nq1tlu11 o~ &t':~l".:KVATI0:0.:1'1 Newport leach Call LI 8-5516 Three-Quarters of a Century . --· "". of Chrysler ''Know How'' A•wia& Y!?U of Comp&tte S.U.facdon when )'OU Dri,· .... tn f or Sf!n ·ic-e II. Repalnl; ThtM me.a ha,·,, 15 yran of Chryaler Producte aen •lu In the.'r aa:trep~ fir kl• of esperle.noe THEY'RE AT YOUR SERVICE NOW IN OUR NEW HOME 1~ yta.n of ( hry·•if't t:•1•ri...nr " I• "'P,...~111"4 111 th .. t<1tal y..,.. ot wn·lot ot tft- """"l f"ra.nk Mp..&.n': Harold j 'r<>,.lf'y : ()&."'·In f'.lhil-. P•rt• Mrr.; "P°"H K•nlad. \\'•ll'"r ,'f,.,'Wullr•. ~n·lr• M1r.; J)(o11 IAoM"f?n("f', COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE FACILITIES CHRYSLER IMPERIAL e PLYMOUTH INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRUCKS • USED CARS • * WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT* LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH LIBERTY 8-3486 ' • ,, .. n r fo\'P "'·"t"• rrom h•r 1un1m'"r ·lh•ronn t.lr• f'r•nr11 fla weon, 1n ''""''li'.r or th11 1rU»llY l'rf'~rn! at Mrs Le\10'1 hon•t "' t.t1ne• Tandov.•1ky, Ray D1 k•. J l..nck!'lr)". Kent H!lchrock . ·~,n•ld Cplgrow. Jame1 8. 8"'•1· ._ Jsme1 L. Cr1y, \Ii . e. Tnl t, J. Go11•·111n, J ohn U n90n, P aul M •i:•r•. Frank !!IPh•nt. C. Gordon ,H!11<.1n. S. 8 F...aotman , A. R. nr1t<ln, Vernon Edler. J r., R. H r b,v, David CUnn1n1ham. C. r ·•nwn, Ch1rle1 A Lllmb. A . G. "tl<"hrll and Cordrey. Oan1•l P Bryan\, 1ndu1trtaU1t. • lnde1M-ndent Bl kl'rl A1•n. of N o. •l1f _ .. ,,.,. muot develop lrader· 'lip today thal h11 matura undl'r· 'ft nd!ng of the k ind of aoctrty In tiicti our b1111n•M orsaniaation1 .u•t function:· ... RI. A~'D 8 AT. HAR8AkA ST~~"'1i'C'" "ALL I DESIRE" GU::SS .. -ORP "MAN FROM THE ALAMO'" la T~ll.akiolor •• ''THI WILD ONE'" -P1111. - '"FROM HERE TO ETERNITY'" M1th B URT lANCASTr;R MO!\"TOOMERY cun Dt:llOR,\H JU.:RR FllA..NK am A TIU :O.:OM' !liHO""ISO t:ltd• -ru-cs.y n1 TmR 9ICJ • m aL-TNl'IT-lllM S1ll'I --.. -~---· ·----- HTARTS \\"l:PSt:MDAY ''THE ETERNAL SEA" .. ·tth Al,t:XIS KMITH MTt:KLISO HAYDr.:S .... Come4y Hll ''TROUBLE IN STORE" \ LIDO -:-"-'-. NOW SHOWING hchT-. S tep out wid. Fred and I.ii Lo"lint Entertainment -· LUI lllllllll --· .. .. Ill 111111 Date! jlaire Tuslie Camn ~ Daddy Tung Tugs CIN•w....scoPE -c.w"" Dllil:a TERRY MOORE · JHUMA R!1llR "'SOl.THMU'SD lll"('M.1.ISli" f·a.-l<M11t -~·-­ ll.Jd'1 Ma.I. tola.t. l :t~ ••JSIH,\S l 'l'ltlMl?o>G" 8TART!ilo Xt:XT "'t:l>St:l!IDA Y Two 811 F ealu,.... High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Don't Miss It! The Fint ORANGE COUNTY Home Show JUNE 1st THROUGH 5th ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS (Between Santa Ana & Costa Mesa on Newport Blvd. See Map Below) FREE! FREE! "'la Mod~ VwatJoa Homf' Bullt Hy llenl")' C. Cox. Nothblg to Buy-Nothin• lo .. ·rtt.e . .IIDil JW11:l1ttf'r. loiJds of dnd Gilts Prizes for A II OPEN 6 p. "'· to 11 p. "'· Dally Sat. I. Sun. 1 p. "'· to 11 p. "'· I Latest Ideas for Modern Living Scores of lnterntin9 Exhibits ON STAGI NIGHTLY Uncle Willie Famous Home Show Comic Entertainer ly1 Oren9a Ca•nty l•llcler1 A11n. • • •:::.~.~. ~!. .kk .. ICHAMBER FORECASTS POPULATION :::~::~·0:~~~?i:::~~~~;: PEAK IN ORANGE COUNTY BY 1970 Fo•t•r. 19. o r I , 1163 Park R~•il hN11.1 r11n111h· ll's l>n11t \'1ot11 rr ih" i;:n111p -'•JO'"'' •r"•• !t~h· m~. bll'yC'lf' 11,1 .. ~. 11•lf's on I hf' tJUl(i,ttl .. 1," and wak'h• .. t th,. war nt up prl'llmlnarll'8 fo r ~1mtl1<y'11 m•1tor1·~·rlt raC'ts Th03t maklnK Lh~ tnp Wt'rf' F ra.nk (;Jasgow. GC"rry K1111!11ther Trrrv Dallaa. 1'.:ugt-n«' Almond. NO CAPS? Three Men Use Toy Gun in Robbery MAY 25, 1955 -COAST Al SHOPPER -PASE I ~rnd But na rarl< down to It• H C'• <'nrl st ra1ght dC"h'At at th• haid• 1>r thf' •-rear10 I 1•11m EIN•«' Ba~lrtrlft ic ot t ll" moun<l ralt tor the sttond ntj!ht in • rvw Ill! erhf'dlllf'd-startrr l'a t Sn•lllng• I'll.me down v.·1th thf' flu. lllt"IC'ffld went th• f'ntlre 13 tnnlnca. "'hlch t• an a C'l'Ompltahml'nt t vrn tor a man. F.!N'<' h1.r1..-,1 1 h" win for \M Roc-krta. s:w1n1o: 11p W'e lone BuN\& l'a1k 111\ty .. n 1· .. 11or' \\'lllhunaon·a homH Ill th .. •ll<th, wt\l(h moment• a Nly l ll"d lh .. a;.1111~. KathlC"rn llicle!«'ld play._t tlrwt In rtac(' Of tnj lln'd Doria Ray, wt\O broke hr r 11nkle ln Thuf"9da_1'• .:am,. With fo'1 .. ano. a.nit J ohn Wtlllam-. 17, ot 10l91 8 anllago Roa d, '"'ere r•po1 ted by obaerver1 11wln1mlng In the ocean artf'r th~1r amall 1&.Jlboat turn~d over. Lli>O sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPUA!IWCES -Household l'arta -IJealer -Service 1.100 F.LECTRIC H '.?' \'la Udo -11&.rbor '1111 .A UTOMOBILE DEALERS N~w anJ 1111ed ('ara Sl(')U;KT'I. tiTl'Dt:RAK.ER Nalf'• l'lf'n'lf'e 1'9"& HU Sewpor\ Blvd.. -Har. tll O BANKS BMik nf Am .. r1c-a !\'T • SA au1 \'la ~Udo -lla.rbor ~86 BARBER SHOPS UDO tiKA\'JSO Ml'O la IUdw•ll'• Store fur M e• IUI \'la IJdo -Harbor 3%H BEAUTY PARLORS UDO 8AU.>S OF 8f:Al'TY N1' Npt . Bl•d. -Kat. U'lt BOOKS BOOK CAMt: NHS \'la Udo -Barbor 4404 CAMt:RAS & SuppUett \'l!H't;:ST UOO L>Rl'<J!"-1 a&el \la Udu -Harbor :IOOS CARPf.:I'S & DRAPERIES OIC'K MA<.:KJ:K I UO \'la Udo-Harbor '3Z8 CATERING RICH ARD'l't l.lDO MARIU:T H U \'la Udo -Harllur %11!11 CLOTHING -Men'• R~tail 810\\ t:LL'S StlOI' FOK MES Utl \la Lldu -Haf'bor OIMll CLOTHJ?\G-Womt!n'1 ~taiJ I.A RY.ISt: 600 \'la Mala1-1tarbor •&tO U DO f"Al'IHIO;\. IUO \'la Oporto -Harbor UH MHADOOCK'S IU\! \'la Udo -Harbor Sti'l \'AOA80!\'"D 11onu: l mportM Sporl.awur UU \'I• Udo -Harbor l!OO• DRUO STORl'.:S \ l:Sl't:ST-< l.JUO UKt G!f ... , \'la Udo -llarbnr IOOI ELECTRIC CONTRACTORS 1.100 t:LEC'TIUC HU \'la Udo -Harbor Utl Fl.OWERS IUC'HAKO'l' LIDO MARKt:T ('ur•alC~8-TR I le A 11 an1o:rmf'nta ans \ la u .1., -H arbQr t"n FOt;~TAIN, GRll.L \'" ( t:~T'4 1.10o Oft I (•"< 1.-1 \la Udo -ti.arbor SOOa FRAMt;s Ii ALBt.;MS UY.IUfAKOT 14Tf'OJ014 Ult \la Udo -Jtarbor t.ot FURNITURE OJC"k MAC'Kt:R WO \'ta JJdo -Harbor U!I GIFT UOP RIC' HA KJJ'l4 l,.11)0 "'AJt 1o:r JUS \la U1lo -llarbor :811 L'"Sl'llA~Ct: ACit..'NTS \\ o . Rt '.'h., IS C Uni.I \'la Udo -flarbor UU L~Tt:RIOR DECORATORS IU.A!'fflU: • f'LKF.Kl'O~ A .1.0 JOt \la Udo -llarlw>r MM Oil K )IACKt:R a•'lO \la Ud<> -llarbor Olli OOS < RF.1<.tlTO' A. I. I>. ~&la.ca Jmp1>rt• 600 \la ~ala~a -Harbor un MARXJ:."TS Rl<'HARD'11 I.JOO MARKtt U.U \ la Udo -Ha.rbor %11U PHOTOORAPH STL"DIOS Cll'.:llHAROT ~Tl'OIO!'l Ull \la Udo -Harbor t.ot REAL ESTAT£ LIDO Rt:Al.T\' A~"OClA T£8 l..tllo SAJu A R~:nt11I~ UOO \la Udo -lla,rbor ,,.., f', A. l'."•'«ER l'.'l'C. S~!\S \la llclo -harbor H>OO \'()(it;I, ( 0 \1 PA,...; l' S.18 \la l.ldo -lbrbor '971 BAV A~O R~ACH R~ALTY \ la Udn RrlcllCf' Ortl~ Ill! l..aJ-a~ 1'111' -ll•rhn r 38U SA \'~GS ~ LOA..~ ASSOCIA TIOXS ~"EWPORT 8 .\LROA "A\'IX08 • l,OA~ .\''<()(.IA TIO~ A Savmi.r11 l •utltuUon Long Tf'rm Home Lnlln" ... \ la Liiio -llJlrb<>r noo IEB\'ICE STATIOSS l.100 IUC'lff1t:L11 NU St..,,.,n Hhd~Har. '31'7 SHOE...q -Mea'a 1110\\~LL"'' l'TORF. roa MJ;N Htll \ la Udo -Harbor Ol'3 rHEATRES UDO TKr:A TRE Con11ult U11• r•f'er for prorram \'ta Udn at !'if'~rt Blvd. II.arbor 2111 J'Ol'S UDO T0 \"1..A..'O> HU \'la Udo -Harbnr 1.a4 TRA \'EL AOENCIF..8 KARM>R T1lA \"l:L AO~:S-CT H U N•"'l>O" fthd.-H&1. ~U tTHOLSTERL~O OICK JllAC llf:R IUO \·la Udi\ -ll&ttior Ut8 W~DOW C'O\'J:Rl~O Tlfl~ ~H~O•. ~Hor ., ~nt t• Poet Offl-..Har. M4 bQr, flnnd ronlrol and othl't &. G1-or."e Palmer, Gent' ~h Candlish TAJ( RATt: RA~GE 8 1-ucl' X 1rkul•. n a k Carter. Sk1J• •daxlmum of 1,360,000 Depends on 'Boom' Status, Report Says Anaheim's taic ratr rnni;es !rom F1C'ely, Tvm :'\1q1t<·lte. F.J Anti• r· $'\.:ll tc• S6 !?9, Bn>a. $5 Ill to S6.3 I, !'l<'n. 1-:arl Custk"Y· TPd Mrt.•h1•r. BuC'n& rRrk, $6 2!\ tn $7 34; Cost11 Tl'd F 1!1h, S. KtnsfathC'r and Cl\anp· .Mua, $6 62 an S6 22. fo'ull•rto11, I b<-11. I ~ .................................... ... ~A:-.'TA A':'A 10C':-:S) -I! Or·,Oranit" County populallo n 11naN'cl s:i.92 tu $6.34; Lai;uttn IJ~ach, -------------- SA:o\T A A:'\A 1oc;o.;s1 -Thr••· ange (..'11unty ront111 11rs t11 t\tll•lll all by 1!l2 1wr l'C'lll Whllr lhC' 11tatr'•1s:-.:i:1 tn sri.41 , L.a Habr11. $631 ,,, L B ·1d ll hiu th.-pa~t fl\'I' Y""r' tt Will lnC'rl':tSl'd 126 pu renl 1$61l2 :"f'Wport Bl'l!t•h, $5 21 tu ocal UI er r rarh a maximum o! I :160 000 in P<.>Pl'LATIOS .l\.)(P $6 56. Oranji!t-. S!\ Ill to S!I 2, Pia .. 19i0 In 1930 Ornngi' County aho" l!<I c-ent1a, S!\ 7!1 lo $6 06. ~an Cit .. t F G d nwn "hl'I 11s ... d a tny gun An(t prC') .. ~ti "11 h111·lth1k1ng Ora nge County : ,..~r\'11 l' llh'n Fr 1J11y wcr~ h!Ul<lN j tPrn1s b• hln•I bani by Supt>rlor Da la the W k ('ourt J ue1i; .. John Shu. ThPy WC'rt ~~===~=N~o=w~O~pt-~n=l'.:v=e=f')~·~=)~·==~==~==~=~~ Thi\ wa~ lht1 pTfdlrlton Thur•· I\ pop1tlAtl<m or 118.000. The t'lltl· I menl<·. s::i 78 to '6 88: S11nt& A!\11. 0 ace ran day In 11n Omni:<' C11u nty rruJl r"s~ mat•• J RJn J. 19!\ri. WB!'I 346 000. S6 19 to Sil 61 . Sral 8C'11Ch, $6 24 first nttbbt'd 1n Ne"·port B!'ac-h. I ~faUrtlll ML~ Cat1•a, :?:?. <'! Ar· rt'port. , nmp1l~1I mainly by Cecil Thr r<'r••rl !lhOW«'d l'vlfl~nC'P nt llJld $6 24 , Tustin, $!\.50 anJ S~ !\O J h ft Ch r>itnn nnd rell'IUC'1l tl111111gh the A!I· a ~h1!t •of bulll1C'ra' 1nterul from Santa Ana l<J laSl )'P&r In postal e arges M>l'llJl~tl Chamb«r.'I of ('omml'rl'('. Oran){t' r .. 1lnl\' to lhe P omona VIII· rereopt>I ul s~~j.804 .36. tra1\l)u by It 111 a l!Uppl"mt'nt t o a n urller l•y·and \\'t·~te°rn porllnna of R l\'Pr· Fulh,rton al $17g !H~ 16. Anaheun, te.s1a an..t Richan! Thompson, 19. " Camp rendlt'tun Marinr, Wl're ' pr11lo1 t••I to rrlS11l\ for ~h· lC'rm I CONC~Ell BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 ~urvt>y. 111de and San Bnn11n!rnu <'uuntlPit $1 72,822 ~9. Costa Ml'Y. SH!'i,971 • f:5lln1nlea lndwJr.J m aximum 9• • fi B <'h S9 .. 90.0•1 · be<'11us11 or th~ relat1v". ly h•wf'r j : : ...... 1;unll <'II • "· .'' , • pop11 lat1un or :'!40,000 In 1!160, 1•11tl prfcts or subdivision land :'\ewp<>rl Beach S80,Jt8.lll, a nd 860.00-0 rn 196:1 F:!ll tm&tl'~ "'"'" l ndustrt&I tlf'vrlopment plus i;ol)tl Card<'n CrovC'. S79.8:J:U 6. bA~'d ~trlctly nn " projection o! transporlallon w Prf' r1tNI as l hr lrowth r ate or thl' past five yenn •tron~ret !orcf'll bthtnd the ('OUn· M E I nnd ('ftf'l't b~ rt•,:t ardl'1l 11~ 8 1<1tpporl· ct esa mp oyees abl~ utlmal t, thl" 1 eport eiqilaln<'<l. ty'l! "1"a y i::-rowth. Sp~c1a I rl'n8US rl'p<>rts s lnl'e 19501 20-\'J:AR LA(i havl' bl'f'n m ad(' b)' thP tollow1ng· Get New Ra1·ses· nurlnit th«' 1030-tfl.'l'J pf'rilnd. Or· An&hl'lm. 30,0~9: Bru. ~2fl2. La 9 11n1te r11unty Jn111tri.I bl'hln1I popu-Hab111. {)662: ~11nta Ana. tl9 010, lat1on r t rrenl&JIP inl'rP8l!f'll on I hi' F'ullt'rlo n. 2i,!'i46. H tint In I: I 0 rt 6 Jobs Added el&ll' ltvt-1 n u11n1t th111 span the Brarh. M\71 ; N"wport. Beac:h 17.· stat" lnr reased 10,1)88,000 J)C'r11>ns, 307; '1'111<t1n. 1368. Or1rni;:r. 12.~63 . a hlkr nt 88.5 prr ctnt. Rnd S8n Clemente. 443!'>. M"anwh1lr. Orl'ni;• C:ounty'1 County sr h nol enrollnirnl Y.'lla ll<'lr1tl1tllon w1111 mounttnir tn 216 • listed a t 67,483 In the .)'<'llr be- 000 or an tncrea~ O\'t'r 1930 or g1a n1ng Orl. 1954, an lncr .. ase ot 82 2 per <"ent. 10.809 over the l!llm<t pl.'nuo.J In The plC'lUrt' a.nH 19!'.IO c:hang•d. l 9tl3. howevl'r. Slnte JM-0, Orange Coun· H untlnirton Beach bu the low· ty ha11 11harl'd In the itrowth m· ut lax ralt, S!\.03 per SIOO or aa· flux Of the Southland. In fact, the l!flll~t'd VRIUation. The bll.!'llC' l'OUnty rnunty hu !lllrpa11!erl 1111 C>thr r lax rate curnntly la Sl 21. Total Southern California l'ounll~•. taxra lncludt <.11,.lrk t u s.tssnwn111 Thu11 O\'.-r lhf' 1930 to 19~!') "l)&n. for Khoola. !Jghtlnit. cemetery, har- Sherrick Pleads Guilty on Lido Isle Burglary Charge Cost& MC'sa Cit}• Coun('ll Mond .. y nlghl Crt'al~d l!IX new pns1ttOt\.9 tor C'lty tmployf·<'IS and gavt' Mlury adJUst mC'nta lo e1ghl prcat'nl f·m- ployeu basPd on the <'llY'8 zsalnry range cov<'rlng" l hr,.e·y••nr period Thr a1lju11lmr nl11 go Into eff<'ct July I City Manag~r Grorgc <'o!fl'y an· nounc-C'd the f.nlary Adjustments p~e the city entployn~ 11fft-t'ti.'d an approximate !\ per rN•t was;«' lnr reast' L"ndf'r thr Cosll\ ~lt'-ta aal11ry r11n1w. rla1 trn1; sel111 1~11 r11n frnm $200 to $8 13 tor th,. !11·81 1<IX month1 <it employment. from S:?l I to $889 tor th" aerond aut monl hs, $221 tn $940 fnr tht nf'xt ~· •1 from $233 tl'I $092 tor thr fullt•\\ 1,: yrar. ancl m:t~lmtun ~nl11r1ra I l'lll;~ I from 5:/16 tu $1048 &(tfr tl.l<'t yra r•. S A!'ITA ANA (OC:o\Sl -Ac· <'ll~d ot kl1lnappln11. robbery, bllr· gh1ry a n!1 uaault "''Ill\ a d•adl)' "'""r<>" l.lncoln A Sh•rrlck , 38. of LA L'anacla F riday ~ntt-r1'1 a (UlllY plf'a on burglary and Ukf'd tor a 1•1,.r11111u11 hrn1 ani: ™"" rf' pltn'1tn1: un lh!' • lhl'r lhr•" rh.11r1;t'• examine him. hr hRrl hl'ard tht Onl' l'll'p 11dv11nC'ei1 In ~alnry wealthy LJd11 ln•l\1•tr1alu1t rerr1rd ntng«' WC're s;1v"n to l'1olu r l'htC'! Sfl0.000 In 1\ m<•n"'' b;-ll Shl'rrl<k A rt .Md<rr..z.1". lus a.•ri:• 11n1a antJ 811Pgtt11y pl11nn1>rl th•· rolib1•1 y Tt .. JJlllrnlmPn. Ji'llC'll orr .. f'r Ray lloc:tor found ~hrrr ll'l< nC1l to be H arlr.lf1'. St'<'• rwry M1 ~. 'fom lnaa_n~. Murray, St«'nug1e11her l\1 111" Sybil ~u~rlor ('rn1rl JuC11;e J"hn Stiu a cc-t-ptl"d th" J>l"ll "" rtrAl dr~rre burj!lary anol art a flrobl tlun htar· lnit for June :I Al thnt tll,.., Shf'r· rl•k wlll f'n l• r J'l"ll" nn th" "''"'r lhr .. ,. ci.unt" unlt•a they 111 r JI~· m1u .. 11 If~ 11 hPl<I an SJO ()Oii ball Sh,.rrlrl< and WllllRm f'. Allr·rlt 3!\ n ll'f> "' I .l\ .('11 nal11\' WNt II rt l'Al • f'1 11(l•r th•\' """1:"•11v 1 .. rrorl7.ttl lh~ J.1do1 h lr h"UA,.hultl flt Alrcratl Co Pn••ldl'ot A•"• Oa.r. A llrl'1I repurtfdly &hot Newport Officer WllJl&m Ta lbot 1n tht' ha nd u th• l11tlrr I rff'lt to halt lh~ rob- l)l'ry w htl'h QCcurrt'lt Aprtl 11. C.•h. a t1tam onl1 rtna. •llamonrt watc:h wer" an•nni: Utl' ll'IOt hkl'n In lh«' l '""r h"rn'" rot.b<-1\ !-:"• n t• I< " f" •l • nnt rolll'r, wa• 1')'1<1l••I "" t• lhnic 1111\111 lirCldta, "hn wa~ ""'ui;n•·cl bv ll\f' rourt lo Allrf't1 wiu ll('Cll•~t1 by pollrr of Le'llo11, Bullolni; Ofh <'111I /\ J \'olt brl'&loni; Into th«' ()8u hom" In th" ontl Sll ""t r111 l'mlltl <''1U• k Hrll"I t-arly morntns: 1<nd hnlrlml( Mr. a nll The !llX n• w pO•llHJOll, t'offr~ .Mra. 0_,,r al 1l1ty With 11 ll\111 H i.I \\'f'IC t'"l1thlt"hC'd It lhe ('lly'a Costa Mesa Woman Reports Purse Theft A pur11r lhf'ft was r"portf"d to ('"lllll M C'u pol1r,. yr1ttrnl11y m1;1rn- ln1r. 1 "m bv A lltil''V FranC'ea G"mm•ll, 3:1. 21ll 1 R .. puhl1r A,.,., who r la lm•d •c•m•·on .. "'l"I" h"r pt1r1"' whit,. the w1111 1n th~ Sham· rock Cat~. Th,. rur11,. rtllll"lnlng $IO ""d ('ar kr)•. "'"" ttrt .. d from Iha bar or the Ii.di"•' rr•t ronm. """ told polt<'f'. Jnv .. 11th:11t111g urflr,.ra (ounrt hrr ""'" .. ou1111tl1> I hr C'A!P, hidden r rn1101111t· 11l11tu1 •ho11ll! Ju•Uly ••I· {ltt1on11I f'ITIJ'I">'"", "It will 11<>r'f'n•I ton th11 b11o!i.;1 t Whf'thrr lh<'ll•' At'I • "''"" , •1n tie crratrt1;' Cot!ty re· P"rtrrl The n~w f'OSlllC•n• tnclutle labor· .. r. «'nl:ll" er tlf'I k. 11 uck driver bt•ok'k··~p1n,1t ma• htne op•ralor ~11 plannl nK techntl rl n. DeMolays Make Catalina Cruise Aboard Vida II i,,.l\lntl .... m e aJ\nib•. •nit minu' "'" Ytmrt,«'n 0f'MOl•Y• wer" ruuta $ 10 :-'t>thlng th•r h~ bt'~n t11ken o! Dearf' Campl>ell Ill a cru111e lO from lh" puri;r I Ca~ahna laland latl Raturd•)" fl.· WOODMAN MEATS INC. Featurin9 U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SELECT STALL FED STEER IEEF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AYAILAILE ANYWHERE" s r EC'JALS Et'FECTIVE THURS., FRI., SAT. ,. SliX. Ttndtr, .luky Lt-an, Meaty Centn Cut CLUB 49c STEAK lb. RIB 39c STEAK lb. sw1ss45c ITIAK lb. Tender Fresh Sliced BABY BEEF LIVER 3 •b•. 89· Grad4•d Good \ f'Arlln~ LAMB LAMI Rll CHOPS lb. 25' SHOULDER ROAST lb. 25' LAMI BREAST lb. 91' : LEG-0-LAMB SALE Graded Good l ·ruUnit SHOULDER CHOPS lb. 35' LAMI LOIN CHOPS lb. 49~ LAMI SHANKS . lb. 10t • • • . • lb. ' ' I Fr.sh Lean Ground Beef S•b··99· PURE LARD 4 th. pkc. 65c No. 1 Quality Sllcecl Minced HAM WHOLESALE 1J581 SO. MAIN .JullUI TAA~nt SLICED BACON 3ibs. 98c Fully ('onk~R .. Mly to t:at FISH STICKS 3 ~~x89c 'No. 1 QuaUty 3 lb •. 89c lmall 29c Bologna lb. AND RETAIL Bodd'• r--~. Pllrone AI S..t''ll 1 111 Santa Ana COi. NEWPORT ILVD. K<'nnelh r . Schml•lt n !"ewport Harbor 1md Pa!1111hma bml.lrni; con· tractor, r:1Ct'!'I Supt'rtor C'C1l1ri lrl11l on gr11no1 theft C'har.rt~ lnvolvrnjt his hanllllnr of funds 111 connt>i-t1on with a Munt<.'r• y .Park t ro<'t di.'ve· lurmo'nl !khan11lt. wtm i;.•V•' his oo.Jdrl'!'l!'I us th<' Balboa P.11v ('lub, will be a1 rstigtted on Jun" 2:2. ra,.11. df'na Munlr1p11I <'ourt J ulli:e J M- f'f"h ~rr11nkl,. will rule Jun" t on how m any < .. •11nu Schmid t must answrr In S11Jl{'r1or l'<Hlrt pr~"albc•\l by law. • Gary Dal" C-11ok, 18, al110 of ramp l'<ln<lll!lon r•celvf'd al.JC 111onth11 In ('Ollnly JIUL ThP trio wu arr .. eted by :0-:ew· po rt 1:$t'nr h Jl()hn~ on Cout Hl&h· way nll\•r thty had ptck«'•I up a roupl1• •J! sall<orll and fordbly rob· bt'•l th~m. Th,, 1 hr e«'some had '-"''O girl• In lhe car Yo hen they were 1pp1e.hend- ed. 011c was Gaylen 16, wife ot the ddendont Cati's. Cradllng a 2· month·Oltl b11by Jn her aml s •he broke J own In um:ontroll&ble eob.s wh,·n lhe juJj;e lore her husbantt Pl'Ml-BLOCll COMl'AS\' -!UO M. Mala ~&... Sant.a A- Pl'MICZ -('~DER A~ll (.'0~<.·K•:TE 8LOCIU' R.EISt'OKCISO 8TEt:L aod tffl'PLJr:it SAVE 50%:.: BOAT 1u·sK1'. t'l'R~ITl'RI: I'll.I.OW"-, ll\.S1'1.AT10S WAR SURPLUS Cor. S"" J•ort I; llarbor 8lv4a. The hu1Jollng contraC'lor is C'harg· et1 wlth I!\ counts o! grand thl'!t Rn<I lW•> 1·n11nbt of \'ll.lli1llni; th1• C'orpora te serurllfc.s act. f rom hl'r for the term pre.scribed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ by law. Th1>re wu no charge r: ngain!H lh<' g1rl11 ('OST., &lt:~A 'BONNIE.' BEAGLE LOST BY ABELLS Nancy Lee A bell, ll. Jnui;h· ter or the J ohn Abella o! 2:io:t Vrstll Ortv ... haa be<.'n a i.&•I Ill lit' &lrl lllOC't' Bonnlr, 'h~r p<'I h<'nl;ll'. 11\811ppea r..;I !rotm B.11t1oa &y S ho1i>s Thursday night. Bonni!'. & 'P•Y~d !t'male With dach1111nl1 brown c11lor1np: exrf'pl fnr 1< whlv chl'llt. waK ,..· .. anng A r~rl • ollar wh"n Nann· 111.111 "''"' 11 ... 1 N11n1·v·a fethe~ w11uld Ill' 1tlOr1· th.an jl'ralrtul for th" r~tur n or h•·r pet. llt'r phnn,. num bu l.t Lr 3·~3 8. Th>! 1.J. fen l11nl11. ll<'C'Ofdlng te>the probat111n dep11rtment, &tlmltted I hrf'P oltll'r sl rong a rml'cl robbrrlta or h1trhhtklni; lll'n-lce pt>raonn~I ttlOn!t' CoMt Hli:;hway. Cook gut o!f w1lh thci county J111l JOt'n\1 n"'"· Juf1gt Shea ssld. bt· , ou11e ot his j ood put r~corda. Fresno Victor in 13 Innings The BurnR Park Lynx w ound up nn th•· 11ho11 .. n,J of " 2· l J :l·lnnlnJ lllrill,.r with the F''runo Rockt'Lt Fr111a>' n1i;hl. Th .. :"Allonal Champion Rorkrt11 ~rnr<"d thf' wrnnlni; run a11 Ro114' Pitm11n e1n1tlt"d hnmr Glorla May to l BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA <.:HA PEL l 'i' 41 Superior A \l'rtue co~ta Mf'~a. C:ahr Phone Llllt-rty 8·2121 t:llAPEL BY T HE SEA 3~:.!0 E. Coaat Blvd. <'oroni. del Mar, Call!. Phone Harbor 42 ~ ANNOUNCING .. . . . the Optnlng or Ollr Own Shl'Jl l'phOlllll'l In~ ""rt Bllpcoven with the Sam«' Fine \\'ork We Have rn .. 111ced a t KIMMON'S the Post 21 years •••• Conllnulns at lhc aarne iMhlr,.,._ FOR THOSE WHO WANT THE~ John W. and Ann L Konkel 06 E. l'lth fill. Catta M..._ Liberty 11-l'>H't U no M\111nr: l.l!Morty 8...aoot WE WILL A DJUST A NO OIL ANY MAKE SEWING MACHING ANY PLACE JN ORANGE COUNTY FREE Call Kl 7·4401 muww \'our On.are 0-aty A1JTHORIRO Ol:AU:ft for Whlt.e • •·,__w,...tln«taoue aad ''troftJU 1$41~ ~ 310 E. 6tb St. -Santa Ana Shop Where Selection is Greatest -Quality Highest -Prices Lowest t ulorlul -("omfortahl~ -Cool! RATTAN FURNITURE In W l'1r ~let\lon l '<'u'll d4'U1tht In our won~rlul IW'IN"tlnn. 8'-d dh IUl,, l'h&I,.., l'Otfr.· tal>I ..... f'nd tahl""· d,...k11. """· t>ar •10<11.., rt<'. All o f ltllr•I I\ orltnt&n,hl11. In n,.w,.•l •tylf'' a11d color•. Clos•-Out! Only 2 S.ts-Re9. 84.95 & 89.50 5 pc. DINETTE SETS Tb4I (N'&t,.,t bt•~· nf I hr ''""': On" .,.t 1uu Mhl!4 In drn11 lraf t.a'hlf' that oprn• to 31l • 48 In.; th .. othn, hu 110 ~ 411 In. r\tf'n.lon-t n11 lab! .. •nd o~"" to 30' ,,z In. ffilth tablr' ht1 '" I OtUtlCA TCll'~ In t haN'nAI rnlnr I· at h ,...i h•" ' plutlo apbol•tfred <'ha.I,... FOLDING CHAIRS • "' ""-"h. \ .u atf.,n. only \'amlah h.arcl"'ood rr-am .. wllh mull I · rglnr .. <t •trlrw-<1 C'l\f1\ "" rn, ,.r1na. t old• flat, """·' rn tak"' "" trill•· H" NI 11 ()()(! Frame Foidint laclcrnt Mulll -f'olorNt •t,.IP""I ('&II\._, ('Mnlorta.blt. s19s "'lulnr at '-cb nr plrnll' . •49•• a 8f't Large Garden Umbrella Req. 21 .95 Values 1 ft. Jt&rdf'n umhl'l'lla with g rl~. ,-.t drf'd duck cov«'r ln t'holcf" of colona. 4 ln. "hlte frtn1tP, S-wa~ till hardwood polt>. Othtr gardc•n umbttUL" frorn 14.9~ Umbrella Tabin ••hr.Irr ••f rt1ln,.,. '14 '.) l'r1r .. 1I from •. __ Redwood Tables & Benches ••CJ· $21. 95 s19's e t ft. He&\)' Duty • Oii T~at...t to ""'•' th.. "' .. ai h..r Deltlxe Redwood Loun9e Wllh llra\y 1>11ty, \'a t IJ.)rd l'a•I tt"tr· !I.Ill) PADS! PADS! PADS! AT l'PF.CIA I. ,._rRl'HI f'ttlf'P:"I \'at n,·f'd 141' s r:Ot· ,·01: PAll14 Olhrr s1 ·~ C 0 f ' ( fl t• A Ul«, bond • "t'llNI, vat dy~. -· • 1 •· .. A"4!1. Colnnt ""'1·11 & Wr ltf'd \al l>)'NI t ti \lit l',\I>~ A11•t. ( n lor• •5 •:1 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR • "-"' !)()() 81ladC'9 • 8-boe .... ,,..,", • ftAm !loo Uraro-- • tlMnp Kur• e Nu,t, 1t111• •Bar~- SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING 1626 South Main nn."E DEUVERY Street · Kl 2-1645 onH RIDAY ASD MOSOA'' ~IORTM FOR TOl'lt ( o;o.;vr...-1t:!'('f'; • FAGE ~-COAST Ar SHOPPER -~AY 25. ·1955 I Cars lump Fenders -PO-PE-SU-BD-IVl-SIO-N -UP-In Minor Accident Thr right front ff'nder of • C'ar nwnc"I by Aettv Lou Gold, 223 Via F:b<1ll, waa dl'ntul In • minor FOR RECONSIDERATION &<'Clfltmt with an autnmob1le O\<n· rJ by Rob4'rt P. 811TTOws. San CIPmPntt Saturday momlnit. Uurrowa' l('(t reer fendtor wa11 .\ r•veraal or thinking Wh ln· th• Iota ownrd by 22nd St. r ut- dlcated by eo.ta Meea city C'oun-denla and th• Pope aubJ1vi.111c:in. tll memben Monday nig ht u Mu Proputy owneni vn 22n d St ob- PoPf"'• contro•.,..ial 43-lo t aubdi-Jecl to their rear Iota faclnK the Yt.lon off 22nd St , between Or• propoaed 1treet and the rear yard• I nf • and Banta Ana An a. came of Pope'• hou.aea. Bl~1 clamagl•tt In the accident on th .. northwul ramp of th• Art'hes Robertson Tells of Radio Theft up for recnnahteratlon. They held Councilman Br uC'e ~farlln llnd Alcic Rob, ,106 8 B Pope'a la test 11t1bml11alon over P mklty agreed t be m a t t e r •rt Mn, 1 · · 11Y until next reruJar -ion of the ..taouJdn'l be conaldered until th.e ~ronpOt, 8 1 !iBlboahhPl&nl d, !;,"P.?rt t'tlhlot • '"'W r lUIC' 0 tr;> .. r1,.11y I ll council, J une &. I 22nd Sl. proper ty ownen w~re , i!<lllll'One hlld t'ntt>red his home t1nd llayor C laire Nelaon and Coun-not1Clc<1 Ma yor Nel.9on a• k • d t 1 RCA 1 bl d _,, · <.: • s """ un por e e ra 10 "'"man A . L. Pinkley. who pre-that '1ty Enginet>r Do n South· l<•lbl•rl ~on tr•ld lice 11111't 00• Ylou"IY votl'd &1(L1n11l the r rc:ipo.t1ed worth d1aw a rough 11ketch of thf' twt•.,11 the Murll ~r ~ .30 m a ubdlvl.llon. 1&ld lhev fPll the •O·llcre 11rea Involved and preaent Thiir• 111 " I 3 L' Id ' I' · n• y P• pm. r r llV 81•nli'· mattn had been lfl:'lav,.d lung It to memben of the council a nti 00,. louk the radlu valuf'd '•t s~o enough. Pinkley M id ht> would ctly planning c11mm1111lon a week rrum his hou~e. j'f'lil'e r .. ported f&\•Or the 1ubdlv1a1on with l'op•'• before the J une 6 uu1on. th., home ~o ..... J nil 11 n of forc- latest often unit'• "thl' 22nd St AT POPt:'~ Rt:Ql'F.!'.T •d entry. g property owner• can cuuie up with The reconafderallon ot the tract 90methlng " "'HA.TS DIHTA..'°Ct: ~ r ame up al Pupe's ffqu .. •t H .. d&Jd h~ would g-ive mdlv11Juul Bill Schultz Pomona Star SOCIETY SEEKS BACKERS OF BARBERSHOP SINGING Voices will be raJIM'd In friVOr or humonioua 11n11:1ni: Ill the aeeond rnHt1ng of the S O('ttly for Pr.-11tr\'11t1on or Barbf'1 ahnp Qu11rtf'l Slngtn", \\'t<(lnt'l!<l.1y nt11:ht, st "'""'J'Orl ~a1 h t.:lk$ Lodgf'. ar<'ordtng to ll')<'ld)' ~poke11man Dall' \\'hlleacrr .Member11 slni; for en1oyn1t1 t nml 1'rf' r.·11tJy to lt>nJ thPlr voices to entt-rtstnmfnt proJ•'l'lll on thl' communll)' lr\·el, \Vh1teecre 11dded. Proioprct1\'f' m<n.b1·111 llln obtain mronnauon from Whlleacre It Ll 8-~893 or Uun \\'41Jm11n, HA HH. Two Occupants Injured After Car ·Carrying Five Overturns Daniel Avillar, 17-yl'U ·Old Long I wrt h three ol hH youth$, 11JI boy11, Beach youth. waa t ra n1Cerred to VJ hen !hi' t'8 r C1\1Crturned after Orange County Hospital with h•ttvlng the h1i:hway, shoulder end ~lvic lnjunre Ssl· 1 The drlwr. Ronnie D Mo rrison. urday allt<r th.i a uto 1n which he waa rilltng-Wl'nt out ot control amt overtumi>d In 1111nd off the Coru;t H ighway, ell1!t of llll.' city ltm1t11 lilt.;. Fn asy night. Treated tor lnjurie.11 and dis· C'harged fro m H oag H o11pllal W\is J oye SC'huen, 1 T, o( L&J<ewoc•d. Both ahP and A v11Uir were rltJ1ng 18, Lonit Bl'A• h, Kenny Webb 11nol ' Jl'rry Ctllll<'llu, built 17-yi•ll.r·Old ' Loni; Bl'Klh rt>sld.,nts, w<'t e h1kt>n to pohl·r he1tJqu11rt.,rs fnr qul'&- tlo111ng 10 connection with thl' no· <0lllll:1l11n llC• ident and )Ater releas- t'd. According to Wrbb a n1I Costello, Clt7 P larutlnl' Comm111slontr E. 1tet'<J1 of 30 fe..t for the propo1wd L. Pattenon rUAe from the auth· street to adj&cf'nt property own· ence to u k, "Wh at tlu you mean Prs ur I he city to gu><rantee the b7 'come up "'Ith 11<1111 .. th1ng' ! !!ln·l'l, 111st11.ll rurb11 a n•I gu1te11t W ith Pope holding ~o 0p<>r ff'nt of on lilt> no rth side of the tra•·t. anti th• propoaed n~w 1111,.,.t. ll'• Im-f'rt'c l a 6·fl. fence the full length poalbl• fo r them to go a ny for· of the 1rntxUvt11lon'a north bordt'r. ther." •'llh<'r alung the properly line or He rem1nrted C'ouncllmf'n thRt m thP (11ture parkwa~" Bill Schultz or SS4 Magnolia St . Cr1~t11 M•'!lll, ran on th•• l'n- 11101111.·Claremont relHy t1•Rm "h1<'h I l<>'•k f1r11t In the Bolldf'r As~or 1a-A h • lion d111lllct AAU lr&C'k a nr1 flt'l•I na e1m Netters Beat Fullerton Private Police • prlnclple bon• or r ontt>nllon ron-1 P11t lrr11on 11dv1.oet1 thf' rounr1l. urned the pMflf'llM 11t 1 l'rt :fl')() "\\'riing plarlng of t hi' street tan feel aouth of 22nd St. llPf'lllrllllni;-1 nu~r thP 10:01 nt 10 b111lcl111g 8111'1'1." mt>l't In ~an Dlt•go M11y 17. The winning tun~ or :1 21 8 wu lh" ~N·ontl fvt1·~t t1m .. In Pomona'!! l!l'hpol h1atot y. Anaho·lm's t enni1 tf'am wrappPd ' "l' 11,. rmit .SunsPt Lea1rut rh11n1· 1 p1onshfp 111 thl'.,e ,\'<•1tri1 Ft 1!111y with a 6·:i win ov"r th .. Fullerton In· lllllfl!I. MERCHANT PATROL Couple Awarded $3200 in Riethmuller Estate Suit Schultz. ll Jun tor. ra11 thf' fl\SI i'~t Ill p in 411 6,.. II t A l><O pla rt•d bl'C'"nd ht !hi' 880 y11. r\111 In I ·~7,:'I. CM Fete Father-~on Set Thun. Th.. Ollonlst• run into Chllf- fpy nellers Mnnd11y In the (l!'!Cl rountl of the Clf' plRyuH•. C'har- j,,y hu copped 38 atralghl ma tC'h·, and HARBOR BOA1' PATROL BANTA. ANA IOC"XR1 ~II· JWrlor Court Jt111i.re J11hn ~ht•a 'lbur1day llWIH<l"I 11 $:1:.!IMI Jlldj:· Jnent against !hi' f'lll at .... f th•· )1111' J:lthtr M. Rltthmull .. r <•f :-.'rwpnrt Beach. Plalntltf Harrv () 111111 wna stven '2700 anti ·co-rl"lnt1tf Mt• G race Jhll, $:100. 1'~1 h A()t•i:ht f"OO. The H alla C'lalmt'.t th"V f"'' form- ed llf'rVlCt'll fo r thl' '''" ... tant ("r WhlC'h thf'y h1uln't IH'I n r111 l 1111•11 cla ims had bun 1eJl'll<tl au·•1til tn~ t o t he complaint. Th11 drftnSf'. 111 gul'<I thr l'atllle State to Purchase loha Chica leach IAC'R.AMENTO IOC:'\S) -The Aut'mbly ontll'rvatlon ll.lld l'ubllc Work• Commlttf!f' Thur!Oday nl.:ht approved a n :.o.ooo a ppr11prl11llon for 11Ulla purr ha11r of liob1a Chic1t buch In Or11nge Cuunty. The beAch -known aia "Tin Can n.ar h" 1a 1n the State Olvlslon uf l><'at h,.a· !IVt'·)'~•r A.l'qut11tlion pl"-"· WATT.R Ht;ATF.R)4 S•LU , $U,v1a ••• I HAIU Jo11 P{l,::~(ofcJ lllW$ It Hl CINI DOWN -H•• ... • UlO M ATTK£ S t;._ BoMa -H"'1'1f'll -Tralkn lrttcvlar :O.baP" Ubfor1)' M·UU3 008TA KESA MATTtlY.S" CO. !160 Ne•pon Dh·d.. Call DAN'S TV a.ntee . ~11lal1 • flt•IH Uberty 8-2228 ' 0 H N S T 0 N t; ' !-1 Mesa Auto Wreckers C'IM'd Aulo l'a rh aec1 A f'M'<l"'1 r '"" 2075 PIAC'f'otla AH•. Llhf'rty a. 701 S l ••la ~,,.... PARKES -RIOl.t.."\· MORTl'AR\' F11rmuly (,RA ··•:r, (. H APEL 110 B~•ay -( ,,.ta M.._ Ubo>rty 8-34U and 11-3'3« n ... 'ttl It p. "'· ......... ......... ........ rl11ln't t•W" I he Halls Bny monry I fall fll\~•·1 lf'1lly had been ~n1:a1: .. t1 I" llll\111\I:•' lhl' blillln•'I!'< of lh~ d1>. rrllttnl nflrr lhr w o11111n'1t '"'"· Lt>o. bt·1 1111" hlL<J'l!RhUod 111 1!1:12. Mt~ II di 11llel:'l'llly entert'll into nn 11.1:1 r,.nwnt M ovrrBlll' thP H .. llh· m1t1i. r htt•1P<41hnltl, n ur!M's 11n1I othl"r 1·11 plu.\t•t•tt ·1 h1• H•·11 hm111ll'r r•lat" 11,.11•11 f'•'P•lllllll pr••P•ltV Wt>tlh .Sl6llllf1tl \\llh 1111 .-s11111ate.t S lOOOU )t'&tly 11111111" ltnpruvt'd 1<nd unimp"'' •If l• •I• In :"""poi t Ueach a nd " '"'" Ani.:• I,.~ l'otel Riso Wt'l t' 1ndu ll·d In lhf' 1••1111~ LaCJuna Downs Newport 14-8 vd by Mark McMann, Laguna Rr11ch !!Ult Wt>l'k dt'ft'aled HorHC'•' P:n~1gn 11 ·It Fur th~ IOC'"'1l,., t•UI • ~tllmling pl11yer W 11J1 Peteo l"lc••l•J11rtl who t11plf'lf In lht!> third a nd 1<1n.:l· .,,) In lite fourth fur his f1riil two at bat~ ea. T h•• third annu11.l Fr1thf'r and S on An11ht'lm got orr rut aitalnl'l 8onq11rl, HJ"lnM'lr••d hy the Co~ta F\Jller·ton llll 8111 ry Ryan 11nd Stt'Vt' Mt'1'1t C111n~e 11 n1l fo'11111re Ft1m w rt J\forrls lr•meli lo win 11 1l1n1hl"• or Ameik a. w ill bt' h••lol ill lhf' m atch with thr••e 11lre1i:ht Inv,. -.~ts. The lndurn" won thl' flr11 Cn,.ta Me~" Co111mumly Church, 6 lhrt'f' 11mglea matf'ho·s to forge 8• pm. Thur11dtty. he11J, 3·2. ~lttt h t1f lhl' fr<OtJ lo bf' u111"d has C,1frinllllS Miki' Rourk 11n1I Rtll CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL 1(1 2-7027 ti. .. n tllt~t·tl 111 111 .. "''"f~ut ~I.tr-Otta knn1t•••I th" 111111t/w~ "llh h l•1r ( 'n1•1n II 1i.;h St h••C•I. l•ll·ortllnJ: I hrr .-. "'t Jn11hlf'.t1 \'It tu1 y , AnA • In Hi:11rullur .. 1n~1nu tur Rob,.Jt 1 hl'lm chnrht'•I the win Wtlh ,.1ni:lr• 1'1•1t111 c .. 111" Mti;a t:rang, "ill w rns by Ronnlt' Hun1t and Chuck I iii I Vr llH• •l1nn,•r Alli! ll\<llrtJ ll =Ua~k~o ll;t;a~n;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=======:;;;;;~~~~ ~rhnlrir/Ohlp , .. lhr •mt•lllndtng •i:h r ---- - "' h"ol 11e111nr "l-'.rll"l1ltu1e stu1h•nl. ~10 •• ,. ~, Wilt Say It With Party Rent.al Item• J•03 B. Contt Uy., Corona lkl llor Harbor 5071 GRAND OPENING PORT ORANGE TRAILER PREVIEW ~ I HURRY TV SHOPPERS SAVE BUY A MOTOROLA TV I • SPfAJlotular peljJnno11ce New Supw-Powwed '55 Matarala TV ~ S'""car MOC* 11u1 S en•alional n •• d •H.AD<'t rf'c#ptlon ind clarity • ll" L1;"11-f'onu 1lurn11'11~.d 11u: &..0<•• a.ui,.. T inu-d filt« Tc>p '!'\.~ r-1W'ft. M11hoc11 ny 6n.h. Slic hUJ mo"9 ID biond. &net C1 a Cu.t<>tnf'r RF.CEIVE A l 'SEfTI, GIFT If););) MODEf .. ~ l rTMhf,. Mod.149.95 %1" T11hl,. !'frwt.169.95 'll" ( on, .. 1 ...... 199.95 These P rices include Exr ise Tax Dt>hvery, Parts & ~ervke Guarantet-and Instructiona .OIA '.""T TRAOF.·t~S f; \tc\" Tt:RWS WE RENT TELEVISIONS Th# tln.t '" o mr>nl 11, ffnl c-1u1 II<' arpllrd nn th# pur- rlla .. , nf an,v T\' nr maJnr hnme ar1p11an ...... Rttoad!Uf>ll!'d T\"'• !«lMF. l.IKf: ~t:\\ ALI. fll 'ARA~"TJ:t:n Pn~ -htw M 111.93 No Down Payment 8pet&ai Dli.eounc• to l'fon1('of' l'l'npl" OPE." St"NDA \'S .t EYER\' EYE~lNG t'NTIL 9:30 RELIANCE HOME APPLIANCE SERVICE CO. 210% N. MA~ ST. SA~"TA A:'\A Kl 3·7100 JU 2·1658 ~---. \' C)u'U ~ thf' &t-ft. Pan ARN'rk-&a Exttut h ·t' Fla51;,.hlp ••• Th.-rln1t •howlna. ln Orani;t' County ••. on actuaJ dl1tpla)' 4 days .•. Ma~· 27, ix. 29, SO. Truly Ito.. ultlm"I" In ll"llilf',.. , , • luJ1t1rlnu• bfo nnd "o~t1a. •--111~ a halh anti a ha lf. c•orftpl"I" har. ll.r1tf' <•l-n•llnn room , 11.U. tl1H1r...i "'"' .1 .... 1c • , , ""'rylhlnl( "'"11 mor" than you'd nnd In many lol\11rl1111a hom "" , , • ,..... It lo hf>llr,·e 11. You'll See America's Finest Mobile Homes 16 TO .45-FEET 4 BIG DAYS MAY 27 thru 30 RANGER CAMP TRAILER Will Al!IO be oo F.xhJhlt Th• moat eoompl•te. prlltlll'&I llnd !unctlona.l camping-lJnlt .,v.,. oftl'ff'•I lo th~ Jf'l(lrl.Jlfmlln, '.'l . ~( CAMPIN~ IS FUN IN A '2'-'' .. ~~P TTalJ .. , llLL HARVEY'S IA Y SHORES SMALL IOAT CENtER WILL EXH1BJT * CHAMPION BOATS * GLASPAR BOATS * JOHNSON OUTBOARDS * MARINE ACCESSORIES 2241 W. Coast Newport '"'.'"" 11rr11r .. nlly hit •~"rt 11hnul- Jer. •k1<11.lt'tl M U O\'tl !UI nfJ ......," • Munt#IUUM'e • lael&IJalteN STAFFORD fl ION "NEU a n.1 UUC" I t:l.E<."TkH'AL t O~Tl{A('TUU MloM lJ.,._r~ I -I &Ml 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;':'o;;a::h:?:n:kle;:::":':";nue::::;:::~:·e:w:po::rt:::BHM-:::~:;;, II and mad.- I I I• Contemporar~· Orij:ln&18 I !S -S9lh l'IM'f' al &olmont l'h•r I Long Uea<•h, ('a.nr. ("lullf'd l'tonday• ....._~~~~~~~~~' Loweat·priced full·rfzed convertible HILLMAN MINX FOR 'SS ' , .., Clltlf1iJM II~ .,. llets.- itcrtlSH lcmmy Har\'l'~· Mayer ~fotOflj ?13'1 lfarbnr Rh·d. ('o .. ca M,.11& J.,.,., . '""""s* Oot•tti • H1llm•" lib"'' • ll\11 I ARTHRITIS?? Thf'n RMd lhf' Popular l>lf't R<><•k "Arthrtlla and ('Qft'lme>n S..nflf'" SS.I .\ ••ttt;t'! l.t:t'T l'Rt: t'rlttay, Ma)' !l 2 11.m. I: l 11.ru. Hl't 't 'l 'MS /'IASTA ASA 11.Y Jt11n t •i;ll' Al .. i.1.n.1 .. 1· HF.AR MR. Al.t:XASllt:R l .t:C'T''Rt: al 8utrutm•, Santa Ana. t'rtl1ay. May !l • Tb,. publlr I• 1•urdlall~· In\ llt•d. tr ...... 11,.krl• can tw 11h-kf'd up al thl" Kook LMpt. Matt and phonf' orc.lrn tor th" h41ok M'lll hf' a<'1•1·1•1t•d by R11 ffunt•·l~ol n .. 111. ~J_ R l6 10 l"llAM& G LUED LAMINAT[O M E MBERS, GIVE CLEAR SPA.N, A.FFOR DING GQEAT STQENGTH Ai LOWER COST. COMPLE. TE ~VILOI NG "'"·•TV OELIVEQE.D TO JO~ ~ITE FROM t l!l PER.SO.FT. OR COMPLETELY E.RtCTED, INCLUDING ~l~t> • FROM 61 9 PER. ~. FT. FOQ. COMMERCIA L, ft.RI"\ OR INOV,TRIA.L ~[. A~« I# .JO. CM.IF, High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 GARDEN CENTER NURSERY (Next to All American Market 3035 E. Coast Hwy. CORONA DEL MAR BUILDINGS AZALEAS RecJ. $3.00 IALI 98c RecJ. tl .25 IALI 49c FIXTURES NURSERY STOCK <XMAS BERRY> ~ 39c ~ 1 gai. ~ . '"" '"'' ~'~ 50-Ft. GARDEN KING PLASTIC SOAKER R.-q. $4.50, SALE ....................... . PHILODENDRON SELLOUM 15" Plam -··~···-· .. ··-· .. ----.. -....... -....... •1 59 ALL INDOOR PLANTS GREATLY REDUCED EVERYTHING PRICED TO SELL SERVE YOURSELF CASH & CARRY ' t • I • EXAMINING WRECK -Patrolman Eddie W. Groom, Huntington Beach Police, ahown examining auto in which five youths and one girl were riding. Car ·overturned on Pacific Cout Highway, west ot Newport Beach, causing one male passenger to be boapitaliud. -Staff Photo New Mesa City Hall Needs Now Being Studied The problem11 or a prop,.r city hall for Co11ta Mc11a joins dralnei:e ot the community u a major heac1- a ch• dt mandlng quick solution by ctty father•. Currently under 11tudy by councllml'n I• a propoaal ft'O.ITI the Viking Co. of Beverly Hiiie to con•truct a 1280,000 city hall and Jail on & 2~30 year leaae. Lul A pril. Clly Manager Gt>ori:t' I Cottey pruented coplu of a liltnl· tar Wllllam J . J.foran Co. propn8J\I to a u city counC'llm .. n ''Th,. prup<>s- al m!'el• ntf"d which w:ll hAve to be met ln thl' near tutur.," Cof- fey lnJ11rmed th!' rlly fathl'nt. Bui Councilman Chari"" TeWlnkle p hi th• annual rl'nl1<l of a pproxlrnnl••ly 11800 ~r month wu bt'yontl ""Ill· munlty mtane. Councilman lkrt 8mith concurrt'11. OOFYEY JUll'FT.RK Cotft.Y rON lo heatedly dM"ll1r11. "'It la not out or our mP11n1" Jo·1 illnll • Jy, I" believe lhst In th,. f1tc11 Of p reM'nl poor publlc 11nt1 p1•1aonnf'I rel•lloruJ, an addltl<inal '1000 per m onth 111 chu11, We havti b#>t>n • ctt.ewi.mn, movamuit or the police .,.n111ant to anolller location ~ 1 to 'aUI added •pace. Our .,-1 ..._ baa 11 month.I to run. I feel an additional $1000 or $1200 per month for an adequate city hall would be quite econom- ical." The Viking Company offers Cont.a ltesa IUl auequate city hall rsnglng from l lH10 pt'r month to $1875 f)f'r month, depending on whether the caly r11rn111hes Its own 11lt e Bnd takn It on a 30 yrsr ur 2~-year ba11l•. The propoMtl l!tnH'· tun~ would be ll 11.000 11q. ft. 11tructure. NEW MDA C'JTY W ith lnchaaon of the 800-scre Baker St. annexation in the caly llmlt11 J une l. an lnC'rf'&U In Police Chief Art McKenzie's dt'partmenl becomea obv1ou1. Al the pr1•11enl. rlly hall faclllUu for lhr r•illr,. dt"partmf'nl ot nine palrolm,.n. thrf'e 11eri:eant11. 11 rlf'I k 11 r1tf the rhl,.f hlmsf'lf are ll•ll••"'"I cll\ 111 I)' l0t'1 11tnaU. T he FBf ~u two offlrrr• tor each 1000 popuhltlon u JlrtlJl'"T 111nnpow .. r tor a pohrl' 1Jrra1 1 rrwnt. The Pac1f1r Cout a ver•tt•· l.11 2 I Th .. nation Wiik 1<v.-ra11,. lur I'll· 1u rrom 10.000 to ~o 000 pn1K1n• la I 8. BalM'd on the unnfllclJtl 11pl'<'l!!I c11r111H.11 tv\i;I for Cu11t11 M <'llll or ll lllllr 11\'t'r' I T,000. Mr K1•ntll' h1111 .8 of "11 nfft<'f'r p•·r t'l•~h l 000 populll· lion. MORJ: Clrt JOBS At t.he aarne tlml', Coffey ha1 made It clur addlUon&I t'mploy .... a and 11pac• are required for uth•r city df'partrnent... Talk or pulling lh• police depa_rtment ln one place SOUTH GORST · conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO aotb St .• Newport Beacb Harbor W3 I f I . and remainder or t he prt!M!nl city h111l l!Omewhere l'llff' will almply furtht>r 11t>p11rnte cit y hall otttcea. At pre11f'nl lh<' t'lly clerk la onl' phtre. tht' city tmglneer another 11oc1 1·em11lnt1c>r 11( the offlce11 In lh" pn•unt C'oni:esltd t·lty hell. C-1ty Qfflcl11l~ h&vf' betn eeeklng ll ~·8C'r .. tri11·t rnr thf' n('eded clly hall for 11nm,. mnnths. Dickering wl'nt on w1lh J udge Donald J . Dotli.;e for a pl!'Cf' of pro~rly he owna. Dut It wu r•purted Dodge loltl I hrm, • I'm 11avang lhlll for JllY oltl ai:e " But what 111 11rtually requlr~ by Coata Ml'M It a creaite f(lr cfin· strurtlon Of Ila own clly hall. Uo- lt'B5 lhl11 can lw nbtalnc<I. the Ytk· 111g Company ph1n lncludea pur· rhu<' or I\ ~ll,. for J2~ 000 Groups Back New Foreign Student Plan A lunrhMn to lnterul local clllltl'O~ In J••mlnlC hljlh M'hOOI 1tu- denl1< 1n .. uppott of a fontlp •lU· ()font """h•"•" w~ atvndrd W!'d· nud111y b.Y club ""II l<'hool repre- wntallna. A. L. Uuw,.11 of Pu•den&, ~rton­ al ""'"'.,..,,tau " l"f Am•r1c•" J'll"ld 81"1 v11" whl<'h tint lnlUate<S lltUdt'nl ,.," hAnau. ecplaln~ the pro•r•m. MIM Hanna Zwerch of Krnlfll4>n C.rmany. now •l~.YlnC ln ArcadlA, a nd Ernrn .. rich dnib<'r ot Au.at ria now 11\utJytnr al s.>v- erly Halla HIJ!h 84"hool. 11leo •polct Sl uJ tnta 1l ~f'wport Ha rbor H igh School lndlcatt'd their lnl,.r-""l In haV1nt t••o exchllnite au1- dc-nt 11 here ""•\ II( hnol yl'llr Lol:el parrnt~ alao lntf'rolf'd 1t•lh•1 ~ a t~w wttk.e ago to try anl1 brin( IL 11btJUt P'lnit rontrH11111or1 ft>r flna.nC'lng tran~portallon of lh~ atudenta c11me rr<1m Zclnta club with a chttk for U OO. I hiwrll uplaln~I It ta.kn $111\(l fur 101111 I trip t srr tnr e11ch 11t thltnt A J1w11I f111r11ly woulrt pro- vide 1><,ar;I a nd mom 11nd the Am· 1•rirlin F'll'ld Sf'rvlre would flvt the youth $12 1 month. ~ Yo Pll AHUM CURRENT URNINGS Al l FUNDS RtCEIVEO ON O~ BEFORE THE IOt._ OF n H: MO NTH EARN FROM THE FIRST • Mrs. Leillhan Cops Fem Golf crown Friday MAY 25. 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 7 l ~~~~--=-~~~~~~~- Fighting ott an exciting ral- ly by Mrs. Harold Small, Mra. F.dward Leniha.o took the Ir- vine Cout Country Club wo- men's golf championahlp Fri- day, 2·1. Mn . Small waa down at the nintb hole: The two finalist• lbl.lved the loth, 11th and 12th holea. Mr11. Small nabbed Ule 13th, 14th s nd 161.h holea. Mrs. Lenihan won the l~th. The new dub champion i. poa- eeuor of a tine paat record on the links. Sbe won lhe 1930 Ctevel&nd O~n. the Dl'I Monte handicap. four Uml'a In lhe 1920'1 a nd final place honona 1.n the Loi Angeles 1929 Midwinter Open. !\1 r11. Ltnlhan end Mr•. Small plan to comJ><"te In the champlon- ahlp t10al.8 ln Loll Angelea thla AuguaL Fir11t flight winner wu Mra. Je- r<>me Helpr ln. She defeated Mra. Rosalie Va.nee, 2·1. F1nat flight runneraup were M na. Robert Gard- ner. winner. an• Mra. C. C. Hen· rle. runnl'rup. Jn the defea ted flret flight, Mna. Harold A yers won over Mrs. E. J. Shaddock. Thia waa a 19th hole dl'cl11lon. 4-3. Second night. wibner -.. Mra. A. E. Tl/tany of Balboa over M ra. Donald Andet90n. Defeated H cond Ol&'hl winner WH M rM. Roland VaUl'ly over 1econd place Mra. Laurence Erb. Lynx Lose 2-1; Doris Ray Hurt Bu~na Parle Lynx loet the Hr- vicea of their ata.r flrat baaem an ~re Tbuniday nlc ht u well u the gamr. 2·0. to the Fre1no Rocket• First BaJlt'man Dort. R.ay broke her ankl,. 11lldlng tnlo llC!COnd bAM In th .. a«ond lnnlnr . Ray will pr<>b· ably be out of action from four to llll Wf'•ks. F r.,sno. national champlona. got tht k'~e·1 two run1 In the flr1t Inning Ba1 b11ra PrathPr drove homt one run wltb a alnitle and llCOrf'd on Kay Rlch·a double. Sunset Scores LeGCJUe Given Bob h ykowak1 llurled a four - hll ter •r•ln.t Banta A.Ba F rida y. ""abllng the Oller1 to nmaln In a third place Sun•t Le.arm· dudloclt with Nl'wp<?rt HarboT. 8-3. 8&J.nl m"''"" 11~ 0tsr1ea BeTrym an p w up nln., hit.a to Oller batlena, Olhf'r Sun~t lllOp 1porll1 acorta lu t WHk found CO&ch Randy Ran· dall'a N..wpnrt Harbor Hl~h Jun- lnr varalt y nine tlt'fe• Ung Ora.net JV'a ~2 on th~ rlvaJ diamond. Th• Penthtr varally tennl1 t ea.m down- ed lhl' lor•I racquet 1W!n~ft11 &-a. Oranre JV nrl trni lulockf'd owr Tar JV coun nvorten 41; lo 2 I., Ragcin Ends Jinx With 4.0 Triumph Be rt.ha Rac11n pitched the Or- 11ni:e Uoneltf'• In a 4-0 victory nv .. r the SAWtPlll' Corvttu11 f'rl· <'lay 11ftl'r •h" h•rl loat two out Q( thrt'e prev10111 starta AjC'a.ln•I th" Cor-vf'ltU Jlajl'Rn twit 1"<1 a two-hitter u 11h" farNI onl)' 23 Conl'ttee In her third win or lht year. <>nnie rot 11 hlla llff S1w.-t!'ll,. pltchtnit. In· eluding Jo&11 Kammerer'• aecond lnntnr homu Kammeyer·,. roun<ltrt~r wu th" nut Or11nrt run oft Sawtelle thl• tt'&Al'n u lht IOHNI had won th.r"e pr4'vtnua r;s mf'1 by Ult a.hut· out rout•. Handed Term ftAJ\IA A~A IOCNSI -O.v1d Alll!'n Lanrutn. 18. 13l 71 Elpla n- adl!'. Santa Ana. Pt1da7 wu 11v .. n 11 llll·monlh eusp1mdrd J•ll 1en· tenre a tttr admltllnr Ule a tttmpt- 1''1 a ttar k· o f a 14·y,ar·(lld Costa M t"'ll girl. t..ant'u ter conrr11~ Ule attempt 11t r"l11llon1t "·1th lha irJrl In a La- guna 81'1tch 11p11rtmf'nt durlnr lhe put Euter Vl'Hk vacation. He had J!IC'ktd th" Rlrl up rmtalde the H•r· bor Rollt>r r ink Superior Court Judi:• Joh n Shea noll'd in p&Nlng &l'nltn<'t lhkt Lan- cuttr hsd 11p .. nt 49 tiay1 1n Jall. Ht •u11pc-nde<l t he 111x·monlh tnm tor a thret·year period. Change of Deadlines for Memorial Day . Clalllflecl ads for Monday, May 30tll, wlU be accepted ulltll 1 p. m., Friday, May 27th • '8Too ~t• to Classify" ads will be accepted up to 12 noon °" Saturday, May 28th Ptione Harbor 1616 today to place your classified ads. NE WPORT BARBOR NEWS-PRESS .Every Monday and Thunday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays DEADLINll:S tor placing or cancelllnc a d.a are: For Monday Publication -Saturday Noon P'or Wednuday Put>ncatton -TuNday 2 p.m. For Thureda1 Publlcatlon -Wedneeday 1 p.m. 4 Linea l Paper $1.00 4 Unea 2 Papen 1.50 4 UJlee 3 Papen 2.00 Coutaa 81lopper Clll!lall1ed Aclll m•t nm a. tile Moe4la7 or ft11nda1 PvMIC9t:l- lll.NDlt1M AD 18 6 LINES All C'lueln ed Aclll m111t lie .-aci lor CMat lll ad.--of pelblaUM Th• publlaher• "'m not be reapon1lble for more than one lnco11r.ct ll>Hrtlon of a.n ad, ruerve lb• rtrht to correctly cluaUy any and all ada and to r eject any ad not contonnlJlc to ruleo and r.,WatloNI. NEWPORT llAJIBOB PUBLl81DNO 00. Hll Bal'-8194.. Newpo" a..a. CallloraiL Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Keeta nery 'Illund&J I p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ava. Newport Beacn Albert H. M.atl.hewa, E:x-1ted Ru!u FOR RENT Sklll Sawa, ~ DrW.a, PoUahara. all typea ot landera. Wbee.lbar- row11, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. H30 W. COAST KJGHW~ ~rtJ 1-H~. Nnrport Bch Slllc Microfilming BB: SAFE, H Ye 1pacl' The modern way lo Nft guard your record•. CALL KEyatone :i-1"3 or KE :H>146 CARP E NTER Repair Work Ooee Your Romo Need RaJ*Jinl or Remod•l.i.tic T Call J'ran.k, l..Jberty M9M All Work Ouarant.oed 7Utc CDCENT A BUll..DING All K.IAda FREE F.STIM.ATES Liberty 8-Gl09 29U ~ainting, Decorating Paper Hancm1 GEO. BURKHARDT UCEN8J!:D CONT'RA(.'TUR 171' W. lltb St., eo.t.a Meaa Liberty 1-8621 Elec. Tool Repair Sidi Saw1. Drllla. Sandt'r''ll QtrlCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRJC CO. 1%-Bnlldlna &rvl<'M For That SPECIAL P AJ!\'T --WALLPAPER DECORATING JOB CALL Wm. Bakf'r KI 5-3621 I 2302 Pal11adl'I RJ .. S. A. Ht1. A.ak Ua About ZOLOTONE Llcenud In Harbor are& Up&Oh PAINTING PAPER HANGING Realdenl11tl 4 Commercial Work Licensed Contractora Call Leidngton 8-4948 collect. H untington Beach ~9pp60h H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Re piJr Service Malntalned Phone: Harbor 4624 2801 Balbua Blvd .• Newport Bear h pAp "A 's,, VENETIAN BLINC LAUNDRY Wall come to your home. take dow11 your venetian bUnda. take them Lo our laundry. Laundl'r the slau lapu, cords, •p•rkllng clean wllh our new machine ~es· mel.hod. Return your bUnd11 aM re-install Ulem in 24 hour11 Price vt>ry reuonable. The a ver ar e 2 tape ruldenu aJ bhnd- Only $1.00 w e• a lllo rtpa1r and rebulld vene· tlon blind11. All work done by ap- pointment. P b one now Li bdrl' 1-6701 or Kimberly 3-827'. ppUc House Plans UBERTY M 251 lOUc 14-Persoaal9 Alcobollca Anonymoua Write P 0 . Boa 311 Newport Beach. Ca.lit Pbon• Harbor 4796 !!::Beauty ~~~~~~ Superfluous Hair Permanmuy removed from race arrna, lep. Eyebrowa and haJr Une allaped-No more twttrinl E l...L.£N L. BRYANT R. E. U do'• Salon ot Beaut,y Bar. 2676 Uc LOST--0n Monday. May 9th. Onld br1celel with 3 diamond•. old t uh1oned drallfTI. REW ARO. Phone Hartxlr •3ti ~l cM LOST-ye a1u.w11, rt'd leather caae. blul!' It lllVl'r framu lJ 8-2642 [.HM LOST Bro\\ n a .. ai;lr. Balboa Bay flhnrt11. Thuni Anl'Wt'ra to Hon- olf' ,.~l'mal ... ~JlftVtc.I Rrnwn t tll· vr t 11cept tor "'httt' l ht •l KM! 1•nll• r C-htld •• ,:rv·v1n~ lur hl'r I"'' Rr "'•,.rd l.J 1'0:'\:l'IG Mx-!>7 ORANGE COUNTY MlCR OFll..MJNO SER VlCE 1712 An~elm-Ollve Rd , An1helm. ~lc83h i4-~l11HJb., ln!'itruc-tlon •~ No. Newport Blvd. Npl Brh. ----------------- Uberty 8-8383. • H tll: General Contractor LICENSED New Wor" -Remodeling J . .MlLTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R «p57b Painting M W. R OSS CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0 . AnC:er110n 1014 E. &lboa Bl"d.. B&lbCJ• Harbor 24W 83tfc PAINTING Painllng le Paper Hangi.Dg 'The Beat Money Can Buy" CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICAT IONS STUDY an 11ru"' um .. tor ron~ra<'­ lv1 '11 t'x1u111n11 lluo unrJf'r a gen- r r11l r<>nlrwrlnr w1Ul 2~ yean rxpt'• >\'ol:"' c '1•3111.'I Tuu. .11mJ F 11 """• j 30 pm. Al tend t lrat ""'~~wn free. Bl'(Cln anytime Al Tyler School 4 1~'~ r\ Sycamorl', Santa Ana Kl 3-17~3. Kl ~34fl9 or KE1 8-2!113 52tlc rre. itaumatea -Fully 1n1ured Sympson & Nollar 30 Years E:xper1ence R I E S h I U 8-3321 A Har. 3089·M :'112 38UI St., Newpon Beacil ea State C 00 ...,,.h PHONE HARBOR 2404 ________ :.e_.,.,_.. uc in Santa Ana ASPHALT TILE 1---------I Painting le Paperhanrini MEN A WOk !m prepare In ~~ LINOLEUM We do the work ourselvea. ume tor unhm1ttld opportunlllN tnal&JI the abovt cheaper Ulan In Rf'al Jo;.tate. !1:..w cla&tU moat. A oo •~II Tiie A Unoleum. 30 yea r• vrperlm c• weekly. Al Tyll'r tnlltru<'llng At· l\"on-unlon. 2.1 ytoeu vrperiencl' LlcenMd A tntured. lend flMlt ev!'mott frtc 11nd l<'•rn Compe.re 110 ,1 ,..., _ 8atl1tactlon ruarantt ed. abuut l hl• grtat ll1>ld t 'a ll or BILL COKER Ll 8-620. 7tfc I Esllmalu free. cau J obnnl.. "'rite now tor tnft>rmllll••n. Bu•I· LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81ttc neu l1111lltute. • 1:1 •., !\" ~Yl'I• ~01 PAINTING l NTERJOR -EXTERJOR l..ICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston · 31n St. ~ .. ·port Be•c-h Harbor SI 78 22trc I mort. Kl 3-17" 74t!r COMPLETE PAINTING China Painting & Paper Hanging Service. i;;UOENE 0 . SA UNDERS Day ano Evenlng CIU«a Onler .. Taken N(TW .-00 3111l Street. Newport Beach Phone l.J~rty 8-~48 H&rbor 2978 or Har. 4448. ttc IHlfc Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 BONNIE BRAE Pre-school l1untlry s1rr1(e tl1/ux1 ... MUS IC a ru 6 cratt11, momln!f• only. Tranaportatlon l:>l~ S11nta Ana A"' . LJ 8-6216. MC'66 CARI!: Of' I!l:F" ANTS or Ima.II 1t JM,,.,;, prices! • ~ltuatk>MWuW LADY WlLL MANAGE APTS. Xtnt rt'f. Box 8-lt c•re or thl• paper ~·~ Roy's Maintenanc~ HouM cleanlnr-1'1oor w&dJI& W all wuhin1-wt.ndow c&M.Dlll• VentU&n bllnda. Upbowtery hulured. P"rea EatJmata• Liberty 11-JSU. 1Ue Experienc 'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-16:59 SOtlo WANTED aum mrr time Jobe. Full or part hme for 16 boya. U thru l 7 yn .old. L.r 1·30.2. Mc~7 MAN 4 WOMAN wUI do caner91 housework. floor wax1n,-. wln· dow cleanlng. ,. .. t workera. white. 19• E. 20th 8t.. Coal& Mt'lllL LI 8-:MM. pptf PAINTER WANTS WORK. 10 yeau upel1• ence. Non union. Hourt,. Liberty 8·27~2. ppeS IJJSHWASHING. kllchtn help In reata urant. work dtt!l~d by exper1· l'nced woman. Phone LJCa. l ·UI T. GlRLS - IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! 63p And you'll aic-ree whl'n you tlaar ot the many job opportunltJaa tor qualified younc womd la our bualneu today. ~PE'NINOS NOW FOR: ..-... TELEPHONE OPERA·1v RS Apply-Monday lhrou1h l'rtd&J ~i.• ... No . .Main S t. 9:00 to f :00 p.m. Room 21 1. Sant& Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE Utla STANDARD STATIONS Hu openlnr for Station 8&1Mmen Aru 18 .. -40 Oran1e County 5-Day-4-0·Hour Week High 11t art1ni; pay E11r cllrnt BenenlJI Good opportunlly for Ad"anc·"m4'nl Apply ST AN DA RD ST A TIONS Dahlia and t;out Hichway Corona d4'1 Mu Chapman a11d Spadra l"ulluton 8 30 to t 30 a m ATTE!'ITION ALL BOTI - Nf'Wll-Preq csrrter route are now o~n In aome nel(hbort\oodl - Balboa. \Vut Newport., Balboa llland. Newport Helt bta and Corona del Mar a.nd Co•ta Mt .._ It you .,, 12·U yni. okl. have a blcyclt, apply 10-12 a.m. or •·& pm. only at Circulation Dept., Nf"Wport Harbor N-.. ~ 2..111 Balboa Blvd., Newport tlt-1Ch. Harl>Or 1111. H t.lo BOOKKltltPER, mu11t be a.bl1 to 18k• full rharre. We do not wAnl an •xrcullw• ot publle rel•· I tun~ w, wa nl a bookkeeper I Pr11nane11l employment. Xtnt. futur•. Box Q-79, lhla newlJ)a per. Mc61 Rctined ActJve Lady Solicitor MUST llYf In Nl'wport ha"• hl(hHl reterencea. mom · lnic.o only. S2 33 per hr. Pennan· •nl employment. yea r round. Write Box R·80 lhla n.Wip&Pf'r. &•~ t:XI-' WAJTRl-:88 for c1tn1n1 room, t.inmrtolro R~auiura.nt. 611 Ea•t G11ltin. Blvd , BaJboll McM LA l.JY \11 work In "a.ndwlch atand. 20 lo 40 yuni of aae. Oriti work 1U11l <u h rrglsler experle.nn. Mu~l bf' tut • COUrt!'oua, T op V.'111!:"~ C'a.11 I.I 8·370 IMlWl'l'n i & 6 JI m 1Hc04 LAH<;~; l"ni u tabll1hed real u - late flnn nef'dll 4'Xper1encf'd llLAll!'ioman All 11n•wer1 kept con· fld~ntual \\'1 lte Box X&O, Ull• p• per. l'J.-111111 et.a lo qualiflca· ca t.Ion• In full 4llle WANTED olller Protu tant w oman for Light houi.ekttpln1 6 com· panl..,n tnr ar;e<I mother. Private room 6 lh1n .. ~. Ocun front. P O. Box 484, Balboa l•la.nd. &4cM WHAT IS IT7 children In my home. Day or wk. 1100 MONTHLY tor-doln1 UM!tlb. LI 8-83U Cliff Haven. :.t~7 ly worlc a t bom• Write KEN· JndlvldU8 lly "''Uhed-wear1nc apparel flulf dried by tillered a1r-rla t plecf'1 Jlrofuslonally Ironed Your <'loth~ a11d llnerui are done up ONE unit-no mix· 11p1. no unalrhtly mBrlU -rtlnaort wa.ter. gentle contfol1N2 aoa p• WHEN AV AILABtE ... StTVlce ¥>'ilhln houra It ursenl, becaua. we d<• l'Vt-rylhln( r1f ht h4'rt. HOW MUCH ... It i' • b.r9ein b undl• too WHERE .•. casa . only $2.15 for 2J k pur.a 1100 Wflttt Coast lllgh1''a)' u~UtR\'lt'lt "1TRlN HOt 'RI§ -W11KN NEa>£D- C0MPLt:TE LAVNDE.88 ud QEA.NEa8 CR.AP"J', Selma. Ind. *67 LJCEN8ED H~rlenced ak lpp;; availa ble tor pr1V11t• or cha.rter SKJPPER-U CENSl'.:D. b l.a. Har 1129-W. M<-58 Ex<'unlOn boat.a. Har. 8. ~ BABY 81"JTP.:R -Madie J ohn111>n. at 109 E Bay Ave., Bal~ Harbor 074!)..J. M p58 HOUSEKltEPICR -Compa nion. Ca peb14'. Loni rrrf'ttnrH . Mn WIUl&ml, Ll lHlrty 8-.ftl78. pall Sunday or d lt r. ~p~7 EXPERIENCED BA.BY SIITER. by lhl' hour. Even1n1s. O*n tra.n.eportallon. Har. 146:.-M. 66p68 CLEAl"ING • IRQNJ:-;o by the da,y. ltx~r1encdBalbo9 laland preferrtd Kl l-t-Off, ~p&I WOMAN lo h•lp W1th clun1J11. chtld care et<:. l da y per .,..k. B&Jbotl Penln•ula. Own tl"ILMp. Harbor t>1 91. IMc6I YOUNO WO MAN for poalUon aa dl'ntal u111ta nt. Mu1t be lnt.er- "t1ted ln dtnlletry a.nd be Mtt.Jed. Call W 8-7491 tor 1tppt. McnT SECRETARI ES 1ttnllll., book· keepu; r •n 'I \irnce a.dd. lft&CJ\ ; fa<:tory; houffk,..per. Cook, Uva In , it'"n·t. ,.,_ Jobi da lly. J UNE P'ARRAR l:mplQ)'f'llent Acen<'y. 402 ~·'2nd, ~t. &-II • facro. I t. f rom C1t1 JllJJ> Mc~7 ' • ' ~ Ii ,lo I 1 ll I ,, t PAGE I -COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY 25, 1955 EXP. W AJTRUa want4d. .ApplT JUO W. OcMn J'ront.. Npt. Sch. ~T IMAU.. •lructunl •tffl co. want.I )'OUQC ...,.... •• 11Umator l&Jell man for 0r&J1S• Co. Give full de- talt.. Box T-n; care thla paper. 03d7 WANT OsaUd machlae operator. Co1ta Me1a Blueprtnt Corp. JMO 8upertor, Ooeta M-. 66c:ST WA NT -UMd car lot attendant, steady job. Muat appl7 tn peraon. THEOOORll ROBlNS, J'ord Dir. 3100 W. Co11t Highway, Npt. Bob. GecM WANT (1rl or collere •tudent to help In 1rnall irocery 1tol'1. t-10 p.m. II daya wk. and I a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday1. THE DELL MAJlK.rr, Comer ltth 6' Placentia, Coit& Men. Mtfc COUNTER GIRL for dry cleanen, a~e lS.30. Prefer exp. but Wlll train. GOOD pay .t: good working condi- tions. Apply at 18$7 Oranie, C.M. or call Lib. 8-~ tor appt. 5&57 &OUND EQUIPMICNT, li1pe&ken, mlku. Hlcock Volt-AM ·meter. New G.E. elec. bla.nket, fine cello, Bendix wuher, compltt.e en11neerln1 library. Har. 2958. 64c&e MAGAZrNE CINE KODAK Hmm ~1.1 leN wHh leather e ..... 1100 .ALSO unpainted ll dr. cb .. t, 28" Wida, •10. Har. 4234. MpM MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 ~tut 1tylu • ~lora. Dan RJver fabric. DONALDSON'S ~ Ii 10 llOO Main It., B&Jbo&. 03cM 00 PIECES ot Haviland chin.a -GR.Al\'D rIANOS nfa.ny Ilk• MW. IO-B--Ar!!z?S Ma.pl• leal dealp. Vartoua col-Steinway. Excellf'tlt condlUOf\. lectlon mtacl. 40&-lOth It.. Hunt-BeauUful Bebr Broa. Queeri washing Machine iDJlon BMch. LJCx.. 1-2132. atyle. Knabe Orand. Offkl&J ~p:!e Opera piano. only $14~. LoftJ,y ll:RVIC'JI Coopa Grand. N.ahorany cue, 1-yu.r suanntee oa Jolie d.ou WONDERl'UL Early American nae tone ud acUon. only Ut6. and on uMd wuMn. 1411" drlnktnr 1\ueea. AnUque allwr A.Aot.b.er Grand only U35. Ma.n,y l rur) Newport Ill., ea.ta w.-. tea It coffff Mt. L&rs• oil land-other wonderful buy1 ln Or&J'lct.. Liberty 8-4l5()3 or Liberty acape. Har. 29~. 114cM Come! Look! ~27. &Ute .. DANZ-SCHMIDT Bltr Plano ltoft, ~Ji-~~·~-~-!!!..! ... ~---~~!._____ Santa Ana, 620 No. Maln. •· ~ • 100 P1ano1. Home of the Hammond Sl-W...W to 8!f TRADE Or JUI. WANT wall tent, 10d4, camp S..utlfUI TO-ft. aux. ll<lhoone.r. 1love, cooktnr equip,. oil lamp, Fully found, 10 anywhere. Will and other campinJ It uranium take equity In property or 1mal- proapector. equipment. Harbor ler boat. 1220 W, Balboa Blvd., 1'32-Jl. 11Sc38 Newport. Har. SOll2. 3ttfc W ANTICD TO BUT. Uaed Polar-1'-IT 01..ABS lloat .. 10 bp Mer· old SpeedUner Model tllA cam-cury outboard . .P'lnt clau condl- era with or without acceeaorlea. Uon. 612-38th St., Newport 'Bch. Phone Harbol' llllT-R around Cl I Utfc p.rn. nentnsa. lltpM ------------- SZ-Fumltme for Sale Look Today FOR LOWEST FURNITURE PRICES at Bay NEW PLASTJC top end tablea or coffee tablea, blol\de or mahos . in.ta value, at Bay ........... ~.U TV CHAIRS. Cloae out. Jl'J'leu COVffl, $26.&0 value, a.t Bay ............ •1t1.60 PLATFORM rock•n -comfy - double spr. con1t. 11oor ample do11e out.I. • •IUl.tll value, at Bay ........... 122.60 SWIVEL B.ASI!, TV ann rocktn. •41.&0 n.lut, at Bay .... .. Ul.00 TV TABLE!I, IWtnl top 6 c:uten. Blonde or dark. l lt.00 value. at Bay ........ 110.96 3 PC. RATTAN s~. 8olld foam rubber cuablona. N-11t bolta- nex covn1. THREE C!~ft. 1llp1 tor ttnl. ·~ month al Lido Wharf Yacht Landini . 3448 Via Oporto. Ph. Llberly 8-6009. 48c&O CHRYSLER Marine eqtne, ·~ to 1 reduction gee.r. RJD'RIOER.A TOR, 110 volt D. C. Sl!I! JACK HARPER at Lido Shlp:yard, end of Uat Street, Newport Beach. Htfc 14' WHITm STAR-Completely equipped. Xlnt. cond.lUon. 10 h.p. Johnaon It pa tanka. u .. bait tank, elect. pump, battery and cbar,.er. ma.ny extra1, II~ caah, corner 19th 6 Bay, Newport. 6tpM 30' CABIN CRUISER, 1ny marln~ 4 bunka. head. etc., '2,200, Loni Beach 1-0092. Mpl)e 17 Jl'T. PETRlilL clul boat It trail- er. New condlUon, $700. Harbol' 3432·R. Mp68 GOING FOR ONLY '8SO.! 111 ft. ma.hos. plank cabin cruiaer, moored. can ahow. 321 Fullerton, Newport Bch. Ll S-e4•0. ~7 120 Bass Accordion Like new. Sacrftice. Phone Liberty 8-2237 Mp72 JANSEN ORGANO. The pl&no a.nd elecUic Organ In one ln1lru· ment. Sold tor over IU~OO. Our prl~ $88T. Ttmu. Alao one beautiful !:lectronlc Organ. Like new, Blond finish. F11.mo11.1 malee. Our price only M~. Thlnk ot that! DANZ-SCHMIDT Bir Plano Co., Santa Ant., ~20 No. i.c..ln. SPECIAL BUY! ONE ONLY Lowery Orsa.no. L&te- •t model. Sav. 1100. Convenient tema at- SHAF'ER'S Mualc Co. (Since 19()7) 421-423 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana Pbone Klmberly 2·0872 •11 PER MO rent• good practice plaao. !At the klddl11 Jurn, All term rent allowed If you buy later. Good pracUce pl&noa • 13~. •ue. 1111, •1tc1. DANZ-SCHMIDT BIJ Plano Store. 100 pla.nOI. 610 No, Ma.In, Santa Ana. Tenn•. Pomeranian Pups A.KC, ~hamplon at atud. 7136 Weetmlnater Ave., Wutmln- ater. Pb. Wulmlcat.er 2·363&. &Oct3H v v Check these Used Cats. Buy from a loc&l dealer who wUI '9e .._. TOMORAOW to back up what be Mllll TODA1'1 1~2 1961' 1961 1951 1951 1950 UM9 1953 1951 19M 19M Opening Specials NASH Country Club 2·Tone Brown. ....... M5 HUDSON Hornet -Mir. Dutt Green .... -.. 88C5 MERCURY Station Wqon .................... 1086 STUDEBAKER 4-<ii'. Seel., Auto. Tnna. 706 CHRYSLER New Yorker '-cir. Sedan 112IS CHRYSLER Windaor '-door Perfect -··706 HUDSON 4 door ················-·-·-·-··-····--~ MERCURY Monterey -& door Sedan, 2-tone green. Sharp! ··--··--·····SlSG«S CHRYSLER Windsor -& door Sedan Light gray .................. ·-·-·--·--··1'*5 DESOTO Sportsman. Loaded. Red and black, 2-tone. ··-············SA VE S S S DESOTO Conv. Cpe. all the utru. Red It black ................................ SA VE S S S LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 Weat Cout Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 Watch our First ANNIVERSARY SALE FREE gift. to all. Price. Slubed on Everyt.hinc Starting June lst at JOHNSON ·& SON 900 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Cl-Auto Service COMP .AJlE BEFORE YOU BUY Motor o~erhaul Hillman Husky NO MONEY DOWN • , HELP! e WE NIZO RENTAL LI.8TINGS • Both Summer and Annual Duncan Hardesty, 2e02 Newport Blvd. Realtor Harbor '711 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninlula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OITERS Dellrhtful llvtnc. Apt.-Caba.nu. Ut1llt1• pal4. with Yacht .Up accomodatlona. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reaervatfon, Call Har. 2992. Mtfo ·~3 BOLES ENSENADA 22 ft. houllt' trailer. Uke ntw. Toilet It 1hwr. Sleep• 5. $1 8~0. See et 1991 Newport Ave., Colt• Meaa, or call Harbor TO-R r.vu. t Tlfc 47-Waoted to Beat Rentals Wanted Wa need apta and bou-I.ft all ..oUona for bath wlnter and ,..,... a leaae. f\m1. or WlfUm. U you have a vaca.ncy, pbona today • The Vogel Co. UOl W. Cat. Hwy .. NeWpe>rt Br..h. Pbone Ubert7 W411 IOI M.anne, Balboa Caland Pbone Karbor 40 2M7 I:. Cout Ry., Corona del Mu f'hon• Ha.rbnr I H l 43A-Apta. for Beat Lido Bayfront NEW 3 bdrma., 2 batha, lmm&eU· lately fum. apt. IMMEDLATlll occupancy for. RIO. period. .Apr. 28th to Oct. Ht.L HMO. lNCLUDltB entlA summer MUOn. No pela. No children. lbown by a ppointment only. HARBOR 1NV!:8TMJ:NT CO. Phone Har. 1800 (IVH Hu. 1110) tltft HARBOR AM'S. Modem furnwhed apta. day, week or month Bl!J l.M.A.JlT, fMl 88..UU", Wh•n you 1ave on nee.rly new apparel tor women It children. Only bet· t,.r rad• merchand.lat la con· alped at k.ATJ:Y DOA.NE Ap- pa,._I llhop, ITU ll. Qiut Hwy. (Klnd.U'a Patio) C. D. M. U4t.50 value. at Bay _ ... UIT.00 2 PC. MODERN lllCT. lt\lmp«r end•. Top irade dunble tr1e:ae cover. 2e FT. COMMERCIAL or aport- n.hlns boat. llqulpt. rudy. a~ ecoop lank, motor xlnt. cond. MoorinJ 1klf( 12,160. Harbor 4H·.M. Mp07 8IAM'UIC KJ'ITENS. UO ln1Jle, (The AU New Station Wa1onl *with this ad * & Cyla. -··-----148.88 8 Cyla. ---·--·--·~.88 Udo Office, 3411 Via Udo Harbor 6971 32tlc Near bu., etoree 6 ba.y. R...-.W. rat.a. 104 I!. 8&7 •••·• 8.A.LB04 Barbor 6M4. 17\le 1219.00 value, at B&y ...... •ttot.60 2 PC. BED DIV AN, w;matchlng chair. FOR SALE OR TRAD~3e' ma- hopny cabin cruller, II -cyl. J 10 b.p. engine, •Ingle acrew, 12 volt batlAlry bank. 12.600. Tenn• B&Jbo&. Harbor 1212-W. 64clle FOX Tl:RR.1ER8, 1tandard, nne youn1 watch dos-. 11182 W. 6th St .. Santa Ana. KJ 2·8885. McM .ALTJ:.R.ATIONS too! Tour 1ar· •iae.oo vi.Jue, at Bay ...... HT.00 4 DR. MAPLE DESK. meta.I pulla. or Lradl! for Ora.nee Co. property, MAl..E It female Toy PeklMH; l menta or O\I,.., 62cll-O auto or bouae trailer. Ca.n be mo. old. 712 P'emlMf, Corona S.H.110 value, at bay ........ Ut.6() ... .n at. 3~ M.arcu1 Dr., New-de.I Mar. Har. 3~3. 65cll0 8 PC. BDRM. GRP. 1.ncl f'U&t· In· port. t..Exlnston 8_.32T. Me&e SJAMJCSE KTTTJ.:NS-Pu,.. br.cl, ORIGINALS Jt.rt'ERNOON. ~Inner drueea • COOrdtna . nerwprtnJ matt. • llaa apr1QCe- mttal trame. • dr. dbl•. d.....,., mirror. bk. c... h...Sbo&rd - blonde or mahoc. TWlN DlllSlllL crulaer 411 x 12, Sul Point. •10. H il b. Houae· aleepe 8, I h•&da, by<traullc con· broken and weaned. 6112 Sea· Cuatom Ina.king trola, tufttd, built 1948. 116,000. ward J\d,, Corona R l(hland•. OoMlder lal.4 model car or prop-Ha.rbor 148~. Mp67 Ph. Harbor 6*-R. MpC!t erty aa part pymt. 1.J l-47~. OUN FOR SALE-Parker dble. barrel, 18 p. etlot SUD· Excel- lent eondlUoft. OLU ev11. Harbor 205-WK. •TUc 1211.00 va.Jue, at Bay ··--· 1149.00 nmow .AWAY TB.AT BOA.J\D! .And set thla Relu-0 -Pedlc (utra ftrm) ltlnenpr. malt. 6 boa 8Pl'1nl Mt. 10 yr. panntff A .-._ too. CT ft-). M~7 BLACK J'RENCH POODLIC. mlna- ltllol CABIN CJ\UlBER, 17 ft. wtt.b tur., female, a month• old. Hu . 64 JIMnrvde motor. 11,796. Call I~. 211 ~l. Balboa lalaAd. !ltcBT a.tt.r 4 p .. m. Kar. 11114-M. Melle ------------- BPI NET Pl A.NO for ale f'e'UOI\• able. Al.a mahoJU11 dr•-r. bed1tead and lnnenprtnr mat- i.r-4ot r."'teaf, Corona ct.I Mar. 611~T JEEP wtUa calllA l•nath extend~ 2 ft. Can alttJ> and cook In It. Outboard mot..r aJ.r cooled hu exunded 1b&tt for madl•nll. Make ofter. 2280 Jelden, Colt.a Mua. M~ DID TOU KJllOW U.t fta.y F'lelda, the Lido DN( J.wel~ U\• put I yn .. haa new loe:aUon at ltth ••d P~nUa f Vt•l.a Centn, C. M. Comp. lint naL advertlud watchee 6 Jitta •l popular prlcet. OPEN June 1 Mclth AN'nQUD -Old furniture, cut Jlue, lamp1, old plcluru, cloc\ui etc. B&rralna plo re. Bl& dla- count• lo dealttl'I. Charlie Oavt1. 1806 E . Arahetm SI,,, Lone Bet.ell. ~~139. 2ttfc •1•.~ ....-. •t 9ay .......... &O •t Bav Furniture '27 E. hlh It.. Coat.a Mea (betw-~tl.a 6 Irvine) f'l'ee ltoretl"ODt Parldn& -Tenn• Opm lCYea. Ull I p.m. Good Used Furniture TWIN B~ arr 8PRlNG8, maltreaaea ... _ .. ,_ ...... ·~· 131.70 ALSO doubl• ~. mattr'UKI, bo11 1pr1n,.. ROL.J.,.A WAY BED It mattr .. a. lllle new . .. ..-·· -· '22.~ M.APLl!C OINETT'E, 6 chalra. A·l ··--·--•U.00 BLONDE VANITY, larJt plate mirror . ... .. U6.00 SET 2 BA.RRttL fll"lllldt chain, thartreuae: Btd-4ln.n.1. electrtc A p.a rans-. occu1cmaJ chalrw, d:rop leaf tablea. PR.ACTlC.ALLT Nl!:W, 2~ h. p. Johnaon outboard motor. Nenr 111 .it water . .Alao 6 b.p. alJCbl\1 uM. Liberty 1-MH. 114p61 WANT TO BUT Snowbird dolly. Harbor UJ4. Mp6f PARTl.ALLT rINlSHED 11~ foot outboard boat. All m.atlrl&la needed tor t\n!ahlnJ Included, ••o Real acrttlce. Har. 1319. 66p67 M-11~ Badlo, a 1' " USICD ILUOCOND Splnet organ In tine condition. BIJ .. vtnsa. Connnlent temui at.-- 8HA1'ER'1 .Mu81c Co. (Slnc• Jto7) 421..,.23 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-Ge72 SPlNET PIANO. Tb• moll t.au- Wul piano ln the world. Htchut pde . .All tnalt•·ood c&H. Just Ilk• n~ . .Ab1 o lut1 lyl Thl• cbanca come.a but once.. Save '32:1. Fresh H , Al. d Floor lampe. table lampL eanng EVERTTKINO to f\U"l\lab • tlOUM DANZ-8CHlQDT J'amOUI Pta.no Store, Banta Ana, 620 No. Ma.In. BA TTEJUE:S or apartment. all VERT Jll!A • See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display · WOODWO'"RTH PIA.NO CO. 1111 Oout BlTd.. Corona del ..... (Tbadm IAtmor Blde.> We 01?9 86.B O"e:A Stampe BONABU:. Gunderson Drug Co. Near Nu Furn.it.uni Mart MaAa It. at Ba1boa Bl•d., Balboa 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt. Bch Harbor 610. Mlle Pb. Har. 6292 66c58 O'KXEJ'I: 4 MJtJUU'IT dbl. oven ... ranee Griddle 6 brotJer. SM. 0 IC rtfrlJuator 146. Mapl• ttn- t-11 t"1n ~lM-4• 17.~ 8f'd c11- V&ft It&. itO AYOCado. COM. Hu. 1M6-MK. 64c6t 194& CUSKMA.N motor KOO~T. Xlnt tondltlon, HIJ. LI 1-7140 G•~ 1000 SKBOl•JCD bualn .. 1 card1 13.99 I Un.e Rubber Stamp • 1.00 ' Une Rubber Sta.mp with cut U .00 (884 rut a) Boole Matches L. W, WHITll Liberty 9-4011, evH, LI 8·5160 ppttc IACIUJ'JCC. while fox j1cket; 4 ..,..l canary It brown diamond rtq; «Dlerald • diamond rtns. R&rl»or HM-M. McM Used Automatics S39 .50 to $99 .50 Deilftr'td tuWW. parantMd. N• nu. cllats'e Wt s.rvicl All Appll&ncea 8pecl1H11nr tn Automatka Auto. Wuber EntlrpriMe IMI Newport Bl't'd., Coet.a Ma.- i.n.rty .. TIOI (NMI' Golt Oourae) ~ DROP L!:A1' dlninJ table, ae.atJ Bar. 1312 M Uc 10 or 12. N-dlromt dtnelte table It • ch.ain. toO 8apphltt. Balboa Ialand. 66dl7 DINING ROOM arr ln ranch modern: e ch.a.In. 2 capt. chain, II mo. otd. OriJ. c:o1t '400. Wiii Mil 113~. Har. 3105-R. 6fcM Mesa Woodcraft Blt.At.rrlTUL maple mirror type uprtpt piano In J"rfect ~ndl· uoa. T.nna 111.37 down and I I 1. 711 pu month at- 8HAFER 'I Mu.Jc Co. (Since 1907) 421-421 N. Sycamore. Sant.a An• Phone Klmberly 2--0t72 HAMMOND OROANS Uffd. A rare opporhmlty. Ont famous Chord Or~. per!Kl condition. Unpalntfit 6 Juvenile J'umllure Ont Hammond Spinet Organ, 2 Lge. 6 dr. chell1, 1p«la.J 114.tll 'lce:ybouda. Don't ~nJt II you Lttt. recllnlnr patio ·eba.ln _ as.t5 wl911 to make a good ••vtn& on Deep 1Jlld1n1 door cabt.neta _ 110.9~ the world'• fln11t Of'JIJ\I. Mlnwu anlt Den flnlahu DANZ-9CRMIDT. Rome of the Ordtrw taken for ahuttere Hammond Organ. 620 No. Main, 2121 Ha.rbor, C.M. L.tberty 1·194~ _s_an_t.a_~ __ G_ooc1 __ krm __ •_· __ _ pptt GO USSI> PIA.NOi wanted for our ALL S.5 EACH-RICED turn. rock-rtnt.al dept. RJ111Mt c.Uh allow- er, a.rm-chair, dlftll. Wooden ance 1A trade tor orp.n.a. JT&lld p1anoa. and .ptlleta. rocker. PUik ahaJ T'UJ I • 10. DAN'Z-ICIDODT, 630 No. Ma1A, Of'llU aq, nir 11-0t Larlurpur, Coron& dd M.a.r, H.ar. loet-IUL _su __ ta_A_. •--------- ~~~~~~M-pN Soeci~ Buy OVAL BR.4.JD1CD RUG 8d, red.. auu. Saa.d9 Jam11&lf lplnet JfHJI It brown. t pr. bffuUIUI p4.aao, ~ rwturn. Ian U&O. Un.d clltnta Ue back drape1. ~t tenu at- • C&1J H.ar. "4l-W. Mc81 nu..rDa XQIN Oo. (llnee lt07) EXllC{M"IVE d11k. walnut.. MO .• J>C*ure chair '25 . only 1 yr. old. 2t1J W. Cout Hlp-..y. Phone U a.-6071 or Har. 5677. Mttc DININO err. Maple ro~nd table • t cbalra. J plec9 buffet. 1111 orsnc., eo.t.a M-. 6llp07 01-411 If. l)'O&IDOft. Santa An• Pb<me Kbl"'V l~Tt. IPDO:T PUNOI. All ~duful buJ& lllC'ltt.17 U99d m&l\7 nntat ~ OM ta t.&aUtW ll:bony. r..oue ..., .. Tll1a mue UHd b)' o..r-o. 0n17 .... Lonly JGnw T)'fe lp&aet. ODlJ' •1H., THOR W ASKING madWle, top Sl-A-Alltiq1Mll • ---..... an1* '"'· On• more, the ACJ"MOnlc Spinet only 148&. K&ny other JTHl bu71. 100 piano• trom Which lo ahooae. wrtna'V· Xlnt. aondJUoa. Aiato. B&AUTIJ'UL round maple Luy pump. LI .. Tot\6--IM ~J'. 9uan tabl•. & n. diam.tao 1116. ei.ta w.-. lllolll 1 draw.r dttny eM.t '"· f'ORTA.B.Lm SJNOER WlriD6 m.a· Jlar'bor 3780 M<-~7 cb1M. •lactr1c, SoOd condSUon. 116. Plitne ~ MeTI Sun· --caJJ Harbor Utt to p&ae. ,.._ d&J 01' ~•r. 6tpl7 Ad • tbla PIC'9- f nrw 6 uaed. 1 DAm·BCRMIDT Bir Pia.no • Orpn !ton, UO No. M&in. Santa .A.I\&. ~ Frt. En. Home et tM R.alllmond ()rraN. Blonde Studio piano aave $Jt6. ~fora.le PRJVATE PARTY wlabea to Hll 1948 Cadillac, 7 pua. Mdan. OrtJ. black nnlatl. Perl.et cond. Brand new Uree. SM at--· • J OHNSON 6 SON to0 W . Coul Hwy., Npt. lkh .AAk ror Dick Plender. ~57 1U6 FOJlD Conv. 11 T5. By owner. Prtced tor quick 1AI•. RltH. Gd. ~d. 1112 Jn1nt, C. K . LJbtrty 1·72". 64cM 1964 YORD ~ T P U. ~IUM cab. O'Dr. Radio. tinted 11&a1. 860.- 11 front. 700x18 rear. 7800 ml. 11,600 or lra.d•. 207 -llllh 8L. Coal& Mesa.. W 8-~9:>e, n u . 6· 9 p.m. 6fcM '47 ll"ORD CONV. Good con<llUon. V try reuone ble. Harbor ll 17.J Mc.M '63 ENGW.SH FORD Zephyr t- 8"ut. blue. Low mllease. 4 dr. Mdan. Showroom truh. 1-thu upholatuy. RllH, new W. 8. W. 17~. LJ &-40i3 64cM 63 FORD 2 door c\UWm, bu P'ord· omatlc. 1\adlo 6 heater. twt put new flnlab on It and ml.II\ aell- Sacrtnc:e -aee at tOO w. Qiut Hwy. day1 It evcn.11\p. 4t LINCOL.-..-1 believe 1 hue Ole cteanut 49 Uncoln In U,. coun· try I'm proud of It but muat aell ao m.akt ,tta -come Me It at to0 W. Coe,at HWJ., N«W" port Beach. S. lhtre u.nUI 1:30 every •venlnJ . 54 MERC. Conv .. haa radio, beater. The tinted Jiau. Mercomallc trtU111ml11ton. white wall Uru • many moni eatru . r Pow~r ~•t A: window• evtn}. Wa.n t to 1ell by end ot mont h. Wtll take older rar aa trade In. Am receptive to aome ~nd of offer, can be lffn 900 W. Cou t Hwy, unUI 8 :30 every ev1nln1. 1954 SUN VALLEY M:El\CURT, all power equipment. tem11. Call owner, U 1-3881 or L1 1-e22s Mtf<' M MERCURY Sun Vallfy, havt only put 1,000 mllea on It local· 17, baa radl~eater. powH bralcaa It alffrt!ttt-Wlll aacrt· n~. '" a t tOO w . Co11t Hwy l :IO an7 ennlng. 64 MEJ\CURT Station W•SOD. 1 .. thUI 10.000 mUH. One OW'TIU, hu n dlo, b•tr.r, power braJlt1 It •tMrUIJ. WUl Hll It attrac- Un niure. _.at 900 W. Cout Hwy. UI l :IO any even1n1. M OLD8. H Holida y C(IUSM. looka like n-. one ownn. HH I.II power feat\U"ll, wlndo'ln, ... t. braJlll • at.eertnJ. Mo•l MU lhh• WMk. Prle.cl rtrhL Avallabl~ unUJ 8 30 p.m . e\•ery eventnr at too W. CO&lt Hwy., N.wport ~ach. 49 PON'nAC -Radio, h•tw. RUIUI out JOOd 6 looka SOOd l&OO, or male~ otfn -mu•l Mil lhl1 WNk .• , at too W. Cout KJ1ll· wa7, Nn1-port Beach. s144500 Prtce 4335 S':1> Calif. Tax 2500 May Uc~n .. 151335 Full ~I. Price 45()00 Down 'r .. _u, 5% Bank nn.a.ncln1 Uberal Trad• lA AllowaneH Harvey Mayer Mtrs. tUT ~r Coit.a Mt.a• l.l •·22~ G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '48 OMC ~ T. PICKUP. '4T FORD ~ T. PICKUP. '4t STUDICBAKER " T . Pickup. 'M GMC 1" T. PICXUP. '&2 INTERNATIONAL ~ T. PICKUP. '03 DODOP.: '" T. PIClCUP, SPORTSMAN TOP ·aa owe " T. PICKUP. H-YDIU- llATIC TIU.NB. '61 GMC ~ T. PICKUP. HYDRA. T'flANS. '61 00001: l T. DVAI..8. "U WHITE 2 T. COE. 2 SPUD WIDOW. neat capable, wtU exch. YEARLY unfurn. 1 bdnn. apt., Aa1L manaser. child c:are. bouH· with pra1e. B&Jboa laland.. lncludea both labor anq parta. Nfw rtnaa. wrt•t plnJI. valve Jrtnd, flltlnp ot main and rod beartnp. l!xpert motor tune up. 90-day or 4,000 mile iuarantee. keeper. home nur1tn1 for furn. Bar. 2M~W or Ubtrt7 I-UH, apL Box V-84, lhla paper. 65p6T &otlo (NO MONEY DOWI') . REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 111 MONTRI TO PAY- Bulll tn our own factory by 1klUed ENOINDR dl'l1lru nl«ly tum. m111.ll houM or apt. In Harbor areL Turly rtnt..al. Write Boll W-~. tbte paper or pho~ Har. SUI evu. Olc61 BALBOA Ult.AND, Bay f'ront- July 24 lo Nov. H for price o1 J mon~. I bdrm1 •. I llatAI. nny- UllDJ lo male• a deU.bltul bomt. No peta, no unau chlldnn. Har. 2338-W a.tlA.r 6 p.m. Nett machlnl1u. Don't contend with '8-Apta. & Bou.ee the middle man. Buy dlr,.ct. --,. -- -----· BAY VIEW APT. on Ulo Pain• REBUILT and INSTALLED 2 BDflMS. untum .. 11ar•1•. atove, iula.. New • attracUve pane.lltd retrlr. Wattr paJd. 1 child o.k. llvlns room. 2 bdrm•. 11000 0 0 SHORT JSLOCK 763 W. JtUI St .. Coeta M .. a. I I .,.... H JTlll · L1 8-8171 or LI S-,1340. 47tta year Y -· ..... u . 11.r roJW ·--·-··-.. ····-.. ·-·-.... UJt.50 Har. IO. llkSI CHEVROt.rr _ ... _ .. _·-·-··· •ut.&O ------------- PLYM... DODGE ... -·-·--··-,133 RENTAL { CKRY-• •• DSI 80TO -·-llfO SPECIALISTS BTUDEB.AKl!R ....... ··-·-··-·-•1TO OLDS 6 PONTlAC I --llTO Call Edna Crall BUICK .. -·-·-·--·~··---•176 Blanche Gates, Rltr. KUDBON -·-.. ----· .... -... •JTll 3lJ M.artne Ave. Loan car Free TOWUIS balboa 1'1and. fhr, 1971 ntte 1'"'EW CAR 0 UA.JlANTIClt Bloc:X muat meet our 1t.anCS.rda BRAJoo'D NEW 2 bdrm. untum. du· P IUI t.axA, J&aketa and oJI plo, J&rball dl.apoaaJ.. SV•&•· ~ 811Dda7 10 a.Jn. to 2 p.m. 173. month. BELLES ENGINE CALL DAYS 1 :3()-4 ·30 Ll 1-4491 or LI 1-7182 after 6 p.m. A wk. REBUILDERS ~nda phone Har. "UT. OOlfc LIDO ISU:-Fum. 2 bdrm .. 1 ~ balha, walled pat.lo, ~., block lo bHch -8/U to t I~. Jt,:'>00 Club prlYllesee Included. Harbor ~64 ~p68 O~n Dally I to 7 !tat• Botlded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA Your C&T tuned to perfec- tion on the all NEW CLAY. TON CHASSIS DYNAMO. METER at Harvey Mayer Mtrs. 2137 Harbor, Co.ta Meea Phone LI 8-22M FOR R..:NT, unlll J une l~lh, 123. pn Wfi>k. 2 bdrm,. nlc~ly tum . ocean front. Utllltlu pa lc1, f'lec:t refrtrrator. Sll'ep1 :i. P«ul J. Smith. •20 £. 7th St .. Upla.nd Tfl. YVkon 321 ·1~. 64~8 LIDO ISLE UNrullNISH.ED. yeuty ltu.. I bdrm .. 2 bath. llVlnr; room 20.30 2 patio• .romtr 2 atradu. '2~0 p.r month. Bay Ir Beach Realt.y U &o W . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa ttubor l zei COST A MUA., I rm. ~ tuna. or unlllm .. tncludM D'Uliu.. o.n HTatt M al!T. Jltlo BALBOA Ill.AND, My troa\. ..., k>wet apt. J"lrep&ace, 4illpoeal • dlabwuher, tum. or unf\lm. Owner H.ar. 1uo-w. McM FURN. blclMlor &l'L, Ml mo. Tll W. Balboa Blvd.. For 11..,. and tntonnaUoft, lee Bay A: Bfach R.ealty, 1'50 W. Ralbo& Blvd. Har. 1H4 64ptt Summer Rentals • Exclualve Bay Front. + othet' cholca propertieie R•rbor l•l•nd. Bay 8horu. Bea· con Bay, qu.alitled cUent..e only. Harbor Investment Co. Jfa.rbor l GOO ( f;vu. LI &-63MI) 27lfc F l,:R:-\ I b<1rm. apt.. yur Jea..e li!'J ·JBO or aummtr r•te '800 for I monlNi l nq 308 Carn•• tlon, Corona d'l Mar. Har. 4016. H t to TEARLT LAROE I bdrm. HO~E. Patio raras• .• f\lmh1htr1 l\lf'•r Udo C.ntfr. W I"• 214·U r<1 St .. Harb<lr 41(11-J, :le<'!'J& '48 OMC JI' ITA.KE. 1~ T ------------- '&1 FORD 2 T. 12· BOOT, 1·13 A 'ITENTION REASONABLY prlc-2. clean 1 It 2 bdrm. turn. apt.a. UUI. pa1d.. La.undry room. Playc-round fUl' cbtJdrtn Blue Top Apt.I . 401 l't"WJ>Ort Blvd., Newport Buch. Above Ult Archu. 49trc 2 BDRM VNnJRS APT 31~1., Oirl• St, <;oeta M "U. betw,...n 16th It 17th 61P:,7 ·e1~· 1! ~~i. oUXP. Nash -Hudson 1:00 TIRa. BIL TR.A.Na. owners Wa haYI' the larrut a nd cit.a.nut . .tock of \lied truclu In Orange Rioh Hahn's Garage Oowlly. S. •UA to aet our ltOck Authorued PuU A Sen1ce before buyln& IUIT uled truck a1ao Cood Tr&niport&Uon Can For Sa.le W. '-N. WOODS Auto Radio Repair GMC DEALER Choice Summer ~ntal11 on Balboa l11land & L11lo l11le Im.all 6 cozy ur large 6 delwre 175 to •300 month ~0 :J BP.ACO~ BAY 15umm,.r r,.nt•I ~pt1•1ov• tum •p , .1,.,.p• 4. ovfrlr.onklna b•y Junf' 16th - Sept. IMh , J.'\00 month AL.SO wlll t11k• rt1f'rv1ll.,n f'lr wlnln H•f 2t7t, t ourtuy to •rtnt,. O }tc Charming Harbor Haven 8111-19 .It. •lh SL Santa Ana ~ E. 29th St. Open Sunday a-m. Newport Beach, H1r. 4728. l:lltc Apartments -Palio• 20I Marine Ave , Balbu• lllan.S Ph Barbor u• or Huoor 2uL NEW 4 ROOM. ltr•tt ltvtL Neat VOGEL CO. Ree Har. 1 i86·R or Her. 30till·M 1Chool1, lhoppln~ dl~trlcl. <.lultt, , .... &Hk pluu.nt, n clualve. Uarb•it• di ... Truclc beadqu&rtera ror Oran11 Co. ------------- MAY SPECIAL • ponl, laundry, 1tora1t• ruom1. Volkswagen Trade-ins '51 FORD 8 Cu.atom club coupe, R Ir H. For4omaUc. Beautiful black color _$795 Corona del Mnr Foreign Car Tune-up $3.95 & up 2 BDRM. dujllf'll.. 11nf11m. Jl'lrf'pl . l&ral•· I block to market.. •1:. mo .. yearly. Muriel M. Plnover. Realtor 2804 N•wport Blvd. N"''f>Ort Bc-h. l:aay f'arklnir Har. 4610 Mc~8 'M PONTIAC 8 Hdanette, R 4_Z-_Tralltta _______ _ FOR R!::>IT -nntum . front unit, C'lltt H11 vf'n f'lreplace, <llirp .. venl tan. 2 bra S.p. K9raK~ I t1undry rm. 190 ~r month. Harbor 1477. &6<'~ A H. Syocro-meeh trans-1964 MA YP'LOWER trailer, c:om· -1-1 ~11t95 plete bath. II Bolivar St . Lido 111W9JOD ---··· .. ·-·-·-··""" Pa.rk, Terma or c.aab. Harbor COTION GOFF Volkswagen Dealer 2118 Newport Bl't'd., folrwport Bch, Harbor a. &TcM '4t OLDIMOBtLIJ atatlon waron. Top .u,.. Prtvate party. Har. 1704·W. 64c&e &a ""101l. V .9 Hardtop, haa a radto, ti.aur aa.d autom.aUc tra.nmnl•lon. WIU Mil Olli week for be1t reaaonable otfe-r. -et 900 W. Cou\ HWJ. 3218 alter I . LI l-TIT2. a&cll7 TR.AILl!R., one w~I bea~ duty Alrentt durahambt, mat Uned. Mx40alJ UL Completely equip- ~ hU or tradie tor boat. motor. Pr-. ll&rbor IOll-W. 116p07 NJ!:'W t BR Af'T over prare thal wtll taJce Ule ..,.,._ car. 11 ·~ '•· u · livtnc rm • le. ,,,.,. wtl\dow. dbl. W. •Ink. dl!lp.. tile worll ~. fl.Ill tile abow~r. Tlll\t· fl.Illy papered walla. Nlee •~• It r•fn1.. 1trape1. CloM to 1hop- P"'« 6 Lrar11•Pot\aUon. Jdul tor •Incle penon or couple. 1711. ,,.r mo. on ye&n tea.ae. THE VOGEL CO. -ror a •• f°H• Med _,, ... mT &. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar your loe9l dealer.,,_. wU1 11119 heft Harbor 1741-Rubor U7T 118c61 TOMORROW to lliacll vp •bat be ' 2T rr. 11\0NWOOD lnller. All m.ta.l. llac1. OOlld. Only 1900 cub tor qWck lllle. B . W. Wllet· ML Libert)' MTll. Mila TODAYI o.Jt ltle u.ed BATBHORU -8llf'llmer, bo>ach can la tile ~ -.cuon to-tue . •leepe 7, t bat.ba. Ip . patio. d.a1. OwneT'-LJ 8_.tTT. ll8c5I r•r•ge, 1,82.~ up. Occuplu en- tire atreet. Good 1Upervt11on. Mrr .• 1~1 Haven Place 1 block South ot Hlah 8chool Al.80 FURNJSJIJ:D .APT8. WlNTER RAT~ l tlo RA Tlt8 by WHk, month or M>uon. 370I Ch.annel l"l Hu. 1217-J. ti ttc NICELY nIRN i room. t br a pt. e,., blork to r oeta Mn.a bu.Jntu tllllt'lrl Adult• No ~ta Wn.r ty 8-~788 ~~7 BALBOA BAT AftltA-1 Mrm, apt. IM. wk Newly decoral,.,,, Completely f\am. H1r. JOOl ·R. 116c67 488-HolllMle for Keet NEW I BDRM , prba.Je dllpollll. 115. mcmlh. 217·2llt IL, Oo•ta. M-. OXford t-*e&l. 61ot3h Bll:AUTll"ULLT n!RN., 2 bcltm . OCM.n rro,.t, Balboa. June 111 · .. pt. J& ISOO. mo. Att.r t p m or lat. 6 8WL., H&r. JOlT. ~ II I I I • ! I 'l I ' ,, I l I I~ a a-.1 E.tat.e 5S--8tore.. a om.. -------YOUR BOAT AND YOU Will flt into thb Jde&l S yr. o1d !la1bo& waterfront home with pier and alip prlvilepe. The 2f-ft. living room featurea open beam ~. brick fireplace, and a hU,e picture lltindow overlooking your priv- ate aandy nrtmmmg beach. You'll enjoy the mod· ern convenience. such u forced air beat, garbage dispoul, fan over stove, etc . .And you can buy it FURNISHED for ooly $26,500. Terms. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Weat Cout Higb"-f, Newport Beach Call Liberty 8-3481 Harbor Highlands BEAUTIFUL 3 bedrm. home on wonderfu.1 corner location. Wall to wall carpet, Hdwd. floon, 1% batbL N.lcely land.leaped. The ownen have improved and taken care of tbia property bMutitully. If you are interested in a fine home, look at tl)i• for only $16,500. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18&8 Newport Bm:t, Coeta Kesa Uberty 8-e7f1 (acrou from Co.ta M-. Bank) Eves. Ha.rbor·43ee -Liberty 8-2103 Udo Here'• a lovely 3 bedroom, 2 bath home 011 a com· fort.able 40-tt. lot. Built tn bubecue, carpeta Ir drap- e.. A real tine value at $28,500. Good term.I. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialift'' u .. Our Free Parkinc Lot 2e02 Newport Blvd. Harbor f718 Brand New Store & Office Bldg. Available July llll. Oppoelte Newport City Hall ELEVATOR PARKING JANITOR aERVICIC C&1l Paul Herron, 1eaaina acent The BEAUMONT CO., Har. •2H 63cfSOh BUSINESS Ll!:ASIC available lo June-1.n modem bld1. Otolce location for pror-lonal °" T Locat.ci at 3034 II. eo..t Hwy., Corona del Mar. PHONll BLA.NCHIC QA Tlll, Hubor 1871. 17c09 New Store for Rent 1200 sq-ft. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. A m p I e Par.king. Uberty 9. 7873. 16Uc a' a n + !!J?c!"·:• Dl:LIC:ATSUEM • l1'00lrJ' at.ore and • t.., bednn. Jiorae looat.ed nut to comu of ltth It Pla- oaaUa eo.t& x... boellat spot for liquor store, beer and wtne. Call U •IMI or Uberty H22S. 60ttc TmllMJNG IStU. 9bort order e&fe wUh l!p&J'klillf n-fO\lllt&lD. Really &'ood fOT 2 people. ...600 wt lll aln t. tarma. LEE ~UY omcm: 2121 JC. Cout Rllflway Barbor Old, Corona de1 Xar _!6%~-~Beal~.!FA~ta~te~---~a~a~·~·~ r..ta~te ____ a-Beal FMate ~ MAY 25, 1955 -COAST A~ SHOPPER -PAGE 9 BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here Is a 2 bdrm. home for you and a l bdrm. home for rental. Comp. tum. ready to move ln. $26,:50<>. Take low down payment It terma. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm., 2 bath completely furn. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal apot for year-round living. $18,500 full price. See this IMMACULATE 2 bdrm. home, well located on cor- net' lot with apace to build 1n front. Com9. turn., new atove 6 retrig. Lovely patio. Only $17,:50<>, $3500 dowti. We have eome real nice baytront homea available for IWllmer rent. VOGEL CO. 308 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor~ MULTIPLE LISTING SER.VICE A Service that enlarges the scope of your Realtor's Services to you. FOR INSTANCE: During the month of May the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS awards a special prize to the Realtor making the largest Multiple Listing Sale in which a property is traded. The purpose is to encourage resourceful selling. Multiple u.tlng la modern -profee&Jonal -coop- erative llelling of real property. CONSULT YOUR9RE.ALTOR WANTED I or I BEDROOM HOMI:. Cor- ona del Mu, preferred -a. cll&n,-e tor S·bdrm. bOme ln Riv· eralde. Mariners Isle Realty :US Mt.rlne, Ba.Ibo& bland Harbor 4191 Lido Isle Have choice S·bedrm. l~ bath. Gubace dl.apoaal. wall to wau carpet, drapea, 40.fl. lot, paUo. For 3-bedrm. A den. Pl"efer ranch type. Room tor .wtmrninr pool. ln the La Canada or P11n1- rldge dlatrtct. G. H. Lathrop, 3833 E. Cout Hl&'hway, Corona del Mar. Har. 6U2 or .l:vu. Har. 381 lJ FOR SALE OR TRADE • DUPW!:X-NEW, 1 ~nn. e&. 4e. rooma. dbl. i ar. attached. Laun· dry r m. Lot lOOxl 70, room for commercial bid(. on Hwy. front· age. 1720t·08 Huntlnrton ~ach Blvd .. Ocean View. 5epeJ WANT GOOD JrIVll: ACRI: orange l'J'OV& tor 3 unit realdential in· come. BALBOA BAY PROPll:RTIES 1603 Balboa Blvd., Harbor 0188 04c5e For Sale or Trade NEW a bdrm. adobe, 11'. bet.M, Just Enioy the Income from thia excellent property (no rent to pay). Located ln choice rental d.latrict, 100 ft. from ocan. There are 3 unita -a new duplex and a 5-room hou.ee on 2 Iota. 2 untta are turniahed and rented on yearly bub. Owner'• home available now. Three ~arage. on alley. Present income can be aubatan- tl&Dy lncreued. $'5000 will h&ndle. i'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY A'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and mnall dlning room. car- peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfut •pace and .emce porch. Ample cupbo&JU and etorap apace. Overwlled 2-car prage. Nie. encloeed patio. Koet convenient comer location. 2 blka. from City Hall, Newport Be&ch. Only $12,000. BAY FRONT LOTS 105 Ft. of choice Bay Frontage. Bulkhead 11 In. Wonderful view. Lota •urrounded by quality homee. Pier and .Up rigbta. 'lbe.e will aellf ACT TODAY! EARL W. STANLEY, Reaitor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor lOU "/We, .,,aclou. UY. rm. w/flre----------------------plM:e, saJley kllchan, attached dble. pr. Pia.Iler a.nd 1tucco throuahout. WIU.. TAKE:, Iota, hoUM, trailer, or what have you. Localed 172 I:. W lleon, Ooet.& Meaa. Owner-- LI 8-2932, a.ttA!r 8 p.m. or wk. end1. 6eptt BALBOA ISLAND Large inviting living room, 1 bedroom Ir bath. gu.t rooma off patio. $19,7:50 Why Pay Summer RENTS 7 4 bedroom.a, 2 bat.ha, Salem maple turnlahlng, dbl. garage. $29,500 BU• COKPANT wtth Joas 7.: Newport Harbor Board of Realtors tl"aDCJWle in fut fTOWi•r eo.t.a 32nd St N rt Be h OUT OF TOWN owner .aye •·ret offer " on comer dupla: 8o. ot Blway. One W\fW'nUbed apart· ment baa I bedroom.1. <me tur· ntahed 1h.ldlo apartment p.rare. AU 111 rood CODdlUon. C&ll Mi• lCohlatedt, Ku. 21112 eve. Bu. DORIS BRAY, Realtor ot29·R. 3is3 eout Blvd., c.o.M. Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings INVESTMENT M-. Submit all udlan,-ee. Ph. 4:10 -•t ewpo &C Utfc Nona Hyer Chet 8&1Wb1U7, OWNER, Uberty .. aeaa or LJ ---------------------on Irvine Ave. 218 Marine Ave.., Balboa l.ala.nd Corona del Mar 3 Furnished Cottages, on 4 Lots SlB,950 TERMS 702 -70f -708 -708 IRIS Phone Hart>or 108S. or Harbor 28'9-J 6'tlc II 91ar•aom U 1-..•oate11 "for Rent" Store bldg. on W. Cout Hiway. So. aide of St.reel Adjacent Port On.nee. J'or Info. contact, Osborne Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bob. Harbor '921-J (,.....) .. em. • aottc DlSTRIBUTORa -For !:trope ot Hollywood coemeUca and Pa t. ~ k>Uon. lnlll or part Um•. Boa &ae. Anaheim, ca11r. Mpb7 NO COMMISSION No Appraial ll"ee aALU -JlD'1N A.NCll OONSTltUCrlON C'alJ tor ...... J'ut Commitmmta Oii 8-ldecM Uld Uaita aa1.7 Don I. Huddleston 173 E-. 17th St. OOITA Kl:aA u a..5M1 u ~2 llA VI: 11~120,000 to loaa on i'OOd rt.tdeflU&l or tncome prop, ·~· 08BORNll REALTY 00. JUI Oout Hwy.. N _,ort a..c.b Ha{bor 4HW C"-l Lido Income Four lllDcle bedroom and one two bedroom unita. Tb.la la ooe of the very few money makera on Lido laland. Only ~9,:SOO. Excellent term11: Call Gloria Gardner. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specialist" UM Our Free Parkinc Lot 2902 ?fewport BJvd. Harbor •718 BALBOA ISLAND ML IS77e • • $5000 down Co~ 2 bedroom m~m Attractively turniahed Good comer location Room to build income apt. Full price $18,760 • • . WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aeloclatee Lovely 3 bdrm.. 2 baUl bome. N- waU to wall e&rpelinf and tra- verM mperiea. Bloc:lc wall and 1&11~ 11~7~. Owner. u S.-M3T. H c37H Look at this I bdrm. , hwd. tloora, nreplaQe. d.llpoaat Wired for decl.rle •tove. Fenc.d, loc:ated at 2Mt Fairway Or.. Coeta Mua. J11,IGO. PL Har. ~l..J. HI.le SPECIAL moH DUE.RT lmprowd aC'T'MI' hom•llu, at aacrttll'a pr1cu . AU utlUU~•. No ....amttil.I Tum a. YUOCA NOUNA R.ANCH08 Mt.r1eU Hide. Y ucca Valley. C&lllornia 'Phone: l~. ~t!c TWO FOR THE MONEY Neat Duplex, 2 B.R. ea., nrepiau., HDWD floorw, dbl. gar., near ahoP9-Both unlta rented mo. to mo. Priced below rep'l with Xlnt. t.-ma. 2 B.R. Jl'URNISHED, Good neighborhood, near abof>9 6 beach. level lot. CUt. u can ba and ONLY ,9,250 with euy tenu. Tbeee 6 other tine u.tinp with R. L STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE. A..odai. aa22 E. Cout s.,., .• 0oroaa c1e1 Mar Har m' This Is Value- On BALBOA ISLAND '"ot!u acl..S¥.t, an unu. ua.ooo BY OWNJ:R. I bdrm.a., din. willy deairabJe • bdrm. multi-bath bOCM. J>d.lcbttul rm, au.a. pr. w to W carpeL, II 1 1 __ dlnin M.uim hwd. nrs.. lherrno hfat. p.rb. v ng room. -.. ... r room. um llqll&l'e dlaop., kll.c~n tu. Ind. nrl:r new footaie. Cloee to bMch.. $28,000, euy tenu. auto waaher • dryu. retrtr. a Can only be a.ppredated by m.p.ct.Jon. WOULD ~ to M11 ut ... JDd Park at :llarine, Balboa hland -Barbor 24e2 'rn.t Deed& can 11ar. 1111. ~-------------------- ru nu\~. l lllOO di\. 17000 0 . L IONL W 1U con.wldtr 2Jld eoncnct. Call Harbor 177~ ET-. Barbor mme Partner Active or not wtth $30,000 cuh, Money Ja 100~ .ecured Ir juat aa aafe u real ~te. Sbou.ld return investor at least $.:S0,000 net tJu. year, Thia wW ata.od the mo.t rip! type of lnvee~tioo. Send name. addreu 6 phone No. to Box U-83, th.ia newa- paper. S6ceO LIDO ISLE I T"CARLT RJCNT AL8 UNJ'UM. 1. 2 bedroom&, 2 ktM. 2. • 'bedroom.a. J bet.ha. ~IMdra.Oot-cna 8lpJ.udA ~ a.om.. w /W ce.rpetin,-, drape9. cosy UHd bridl ~ r.a..d he&rt.ll. 111.rcb pa.neled ldtdau. Oc-. ""' LOANS for Homes .,._IO -,r • .._.. Construction Loans ID 808 UTTLD •11 &Aft OOA.8T BLVD. Oonlea cMI Mar 8&rtlor ... Ktrp.· PODUZ:a MOllTQA.Qll 00. Ahtro lMe 1-. .--. Ja. Mi.- Mlle LO.ANa TO BUIU>. DaBOVJC BUY, KOO~ OB Jtm'VIAHCll •• 8'q TrVllt 0..... ,.-a-w-ro~ftT BAJ..80A u VDCoa 6 LOAN A880CIAnOH .... Y\a Udo. ft. ...... 6IOO Cbo&a. locattona. Cf• '"-· Ip. ,...,... •tioTa. ~~ ---------- EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1111 Jlfewport BIYd.., N.wport Bch. Barbor lOU tOUc aat.em&Ue ...... ~ lt delired. ... -'°' ... W'U'CI ftoa4, Oonie& del Kar. l'!I. H"T•tt t-6etL ITttc RtiL JIBl'ATll LOAMI Ia-. Ra&e &-6~"' Laue qWCklJ ...... tM ..., Ana ad Coata M-a&na'1e or J'OR L&ABI: tmruRN. J bdrm. ""-· 2017 •WUpie ..._ Jf .. er old. Be TWO B&AUTIJ"UL ..., lntM R~ ml"f'd., OcM1t.a,..... MO. ..-1M .,... bJ n °we•• Terrace matum.. ~ IMJmM. IDO. An.U&Me lJI J cw J "'ka. J'OlllZ ...-t kle.a. MW._ •· I BDRKS., J baeha a.od L1berty .. TIM. 14c6e ,_. Mo ..... ,._ ,...umt· 2 BEDRK.I., 2 balk MF7 appniaal. n.. au.ta C&ll Harbor 1775 or ll&rtlor '"8. AVAIL TO OCT 15 AM IDm1Mrt,y ,..... W writ. EARL W. STANLEY, RMJtor • • rrnn. Tern.ct omce A '1"!1\-ACTTVm f\l.m. I bdrm. home il'l'BUR A. KA y Ool'OM deJ Mar. U~ la COfOfta del Mar. Rf'fe""cea Korf.pse Lou Ooca..,: $ It Nq1l1red. Ooddut&I Ula a.u..o. Oo. tml"UJUf. I llDRX. ROJO. W to ~ IHI E. Cout. CDK. tu ~Km ..... Am W carpet. 8eauUtul )'&I'd. pe.Uo. Harbor lit().. UcM n n....--pr. SW. mOllth. -------------------- LI .. 5T&cr alter I . Mlle g • • .. 8-t DEUOllTJ'UL IDOUllt&ln 1'cllM. NJCll c:::L&AN roam A MUI and a..uu&e luq A All(lWt at toot prtftt. antnnoe. ~ block to of Mt. BaJ47. l"or lntonuUOft, --.., ~ ..wlee. 111--Uaid I L. pbcme llar. IM. NeA Newport. McM CORONA Dim.. KAR. moden I LAAOIC P'ltONT AM.. I .... bed.a, bdrm. PU1l7 ,..., -.-. l:IDol. ftne ...... r.t w . per"'"· Mok )'U'd. aoea to bMdt and Ai. llD&Ucr ra. Prt'fMe enu. ~ StO. per mo. • leua. i-.~ 8t., Mpt. .i.. ppUc 111-........,. LI......_ Meal---------- Quick Cash Loans Oil f~ aato, .uary. SIM). to nao. ,. more. One day service ~ Dl&J' be mu. s. ,.... -. bJ ~ or at, mall. CALIF.AOCEi"l'ANCE CORPORATION r • a29 Bt"OMtway, c-t& M NIL OPEN HOUSE ______ 14_trc EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor MOST OUT8TANT>INO HOM'!: In m Marine Ave. Balboa l.t.and Saturday, Sunday I& Monday, 12-6 p.m. th~ Harbor ar~• Th_,_ bedroom, ' 127 46th St., Newport Beach I S.lh. abaolut•IJ' lh• nnu\ con· --------------------- 2 bedrm.. turn. home, Large walled p&Uo, near ocean. Owner uk in1 $4000 down. Full price $12.~ J. M. MILLER CO. 202.'5 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 etrucuon. Trip ln\'aUOt\. 80ml' View. Entry h&U • dlnln~ mom Perfttt U\Ald, A out Small Ckiwn peymfnt. Ua.r. 4111. {"6tfc II.EASEHOLD ESTATE VIEW LOT -O itf Haven OVERLOOKING r...ut Jclty entr to Nnrport Ha.rbor Sacrt!lc" ale. 13,600. LZ'haftl .. 210I. ..... , Uberty 8'*40. l lc63 CORONA DEL MAR ldul home for large fanuly ln best eection.. aoee to beach. 3 bdrtn.1. • den, l I: ;.4 ba~. Spaciou11 hv1ng room. dinlog room. break!ut nook. paUo. barbeque, large dbl g~. forced air heat. Ru complete gue.t hoa.ee m&lte u cellrot maid.a quar· tera. Nicely la.nd8caped. 671118 foot lot. $38,700 $500 DOWN BT OWNER -a bdnn,, cloee to RAY REALTY CO ahoppin(, et.c., on qulf!t St. ffwd, • fin., IN'lced lot. _...., pri.. 3'H4 E. Cout Hwy •. Corona de.I Mar Harbor 2288 ds.J>, alley r.r. ftoom '°" ln· ---------------------cocn•. N.., pa.lot. 4,. I04U\ at Tbe be8t t.nct home ln Town • Hardwood tloorw · Forced Air Heat • Garbage Dbpoeal -two car 1ar. Lota of cupboard apace • 3 bedrooma -2 bath.a. U you an interelted ln ma.king a 1ood deal ioveati· cate thla immediately. Pa}'?Mnta Wte rent. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Cocta Men (acroes from c.o.ta Meaa Bank) Phone LI M7Gl. Evee. Har. tlM • LI 8·2103 BEACH HOUSE SM pu mo., lnciudlnr taa«e 4 tnau. PT1c. t l3.300. Mt Paik Ortwe, eo.ta ,..._ t Ottc Want a home in the Coves 1 INFORMATION &lld K.l:YS al ~o. 9 BAiboa CQvu , Owner. l:fubor 2876-W. &Op63h and Income on 2 Iota, room to build additional unit, Bay Front Income l block to ocean and lltore, near bu lln-, Just 110,· 1 UNTT9-I • 1 bed.room.a, rum. 900 and '3.500 down. lahed. Pier, float and pt1ftte LIDO ISLE beach. 1000 E. Ba.lboa. BlYd., Balboa. CrutYltw l-.e. Oour· Very lovely S bedioom 2 bath home on a large lot, tuy to brokers. 13Uc: Iota of room inside and out, just u Die. u you could "°° DOWN, 2 bdnn. tum. ho11M, imagine and only $31,600, t:n111 ooe of the th• bet-pr. Ocean Y!ew. Colored folk• t« bu"" 00 the laland. o.k. P ayment. 1100 per tnon1.h. ;r-fAlul\a lkh. HT •·34.23. Melle PAUL c. JONES, Realtor BAT P'RON"l' MW modern born•. CORONA DEL MAR COTT AGE 710 IRIS (Lot 30xl18) S4~ Cash Phone Harbor 1069 or Harbor 2849-J Back Bay Area Thia n~ 3 bdrm.. 2 bath boOM under const.ructJon hu bullt in Tbermador atove and oven. Large roomy lot. J ean Smith c,an deliver t.bll for S21,:SOO, a ateal! Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Specla&t" Uae Our Fne Parking Lot 2e02 Newport Blvd. Harbor 4718 2820 Newport BL, Nnrport 8e&c.h Harbor 2313 boat aup: 15 Balboa ec.ea. Owner Harbor 1100..W. «Uc: --------------------- Corona del Mar Hett'• a duplex on 2 lot.a to give plenty elbow room. Ita priced below th• market at $18, 7:50. Good Terma. Tom Pqne eaya, "Aat qv.ick to pt thJe one." Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Udo Speciali8t" u .. Our "'-Puking Lot 29Cl2 Nl'W'pOl't &ml. Barbor '7 ~ -' .-.:"---- FOR 8ALIC -Attraotln _,.\y a-home. cloee to Becl9 Bay. l:a tra J.ar&• lot, tin place. oo-.u- ed pe.Uo. fenced. landacaped yd. U Y\AJ It dlai.DJ ana oarpel#d. J I0,760. Ca.II lJ t-41IO. 65pST CORONA. RJOllLANI>tl by OWDer loftly 2 Wl'IL ...... ~ bom" w1tJa .. ..,. 8balre root. ued br1elt ftNJI~•. de-Orounda landacap- ed • f flftC9d. DouW. ,.,.,e .. ~ al!Op. Prteed l"lpt.. ... al tOI ... wvd Road. Corona Blpleeds ll&r. •f·M. llp67 Owner Sez Buy Owner aea make offer Owner wa wUJ take '100 month payment Owner eea, ... WI C\lte UttM hoUM Plea• ta1lr to bim u he ia anxioua and wtD lilt.-to low down payment. C&lJ him eveninp Haf. Wt ~ .,. I I I • ' I c ' l i I II 1 I~ I H 11 . PA$E 10-COASTALSHOPPER-MAY25, 1955 THE GREAT ORANGE COAST • ~ All Good Buys 4 -1, it.klent.ial Lot 57x203 • 1 Blk. from new 1hop- pin1 center at 19th It Harbor -Juat $2<XWl cub. 2. R-2 Beach lot ~ block to ocean. She 30xl<K $22'W> cub. I . Cl · 100 ft. Acrou 1treet from auper market ~ drug store. Ready for development or •plendid investment $10,500 4. OPEN SUNDAY 1~ Dandy 3 bdrm. 11h bath home, U3 Holmwood Dr., Newport Hu. Furnace beat. Hwd. floors. t.and8caped. Fenced. $19,750. TerDUI. ~. OPEN SAT. It SUN. 12~ •oe Sierra Vlata. Costa Meu. Re9trict.ed Back Bay home. New. Forced air heat. All electric kitchen. Bwd. fin. F. P. Large • rooma. Sel"Vlce porch. 2 tiled bathe. 3 large bdrma. Dbl. garage. $24,500 Full Price. t Big Bldg. ln M-1 sone. Thla location 1uiuble for mfr., whlae., retail or storage. Center drive thru bldg. with Iott. on each side. Rest rooms. Of· ficee, I.Aue or Sell. T. 1Hx330 All C-2 sone. Site for trailer court, units or any bulineu not needing Hwy. front. Income now $215 mo. from 3 good homes. Low t.axe.. Near down town. $31,500 term•. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDF;RS W7 Newport Ave·, Costa u .. Liberty 8-1832 Uberty 8-HOO Eves. .. LIDO ISLE We Will Be Pleued To Sho'tf The Following Homes and Lots: 2 Bdrm. Fur. . . ........................ . ..... ,_ ...... $21,500 2 Bdrm. Larr• Lot ................... _ .................... .$23,500 3 Bdrm. ....... ....... . .. ........ ··---·····-···· .. ·-··· .... $22,500 3 It Den. !50' Lot .. ···-·· ......... -... _. __ _: ___ ,,_$31,500 3 • I>en Fur. . ............ _ ................ --.. ··--·-·-.. $43,500 30' Lot ......... -............................................. $ 8,000 ' !MS' Lot .................................... -...... -............ _ . s 9.500 36' Lot .......................................... _ .................. $10,500 .s· Lot ............ , ........................ -........................ $13,500 '8' Lot, Comer .............. _ ............................ $14,500 BAY FRONT 3 6 ~ • Float ..................... .. ....................... $49,500 I Ir Oen -Pler Ir Slip ... . ........ ....... . ........ $96,000 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3e43 · 2999 evea. "Just t.o the Right of Udo Bridce Entrance'' BILL'S BEST BUYS Within your Means And here la you.r opportunity. Three bedroom, bath and a ht.If home onJy 3 mo'•. old. Garbage dia- pa.al Ir uh.aullt fa.n. Ooee to achooll tlr bu• line. Full price $9.750 *Ith only--$1450 On. ·-· ·-· Five to Pick from Four bedroom, 2 bath homea in Newport Height.I area. Immedl"te poueaalon on some. See ua for detaila. We have keys. $12,750 and up $2,:500 to $3,()()() down ·-· ·-· Live Free One aide of thl• lovely 2 ~room duplex wtll make your payment&. Next to eebooll. buaaes a.nd store& Thia won't lut. Call ua now. Full price $13,950 oll.ly $2400 On. ·-· ·-· See ua for Rent.ala. We aULI have 1 f~ left Better Hurry W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClA TES, REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly eervice" 393 E. 17th St., ea.ta Me9& Llberly 8-11Jg OPEN HOUSE Sal .. Sunday 6 Monday, 12-5 p.m. 6510 W. Ocean Front Beauutul 7-room, 2 bath completely !uml.thed home. Rlght on the beach. Don't miu thia. Full price $3.2.600. Tenna If deal~. J. M. MILLER CO. ~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 OCEAN FRONT N_,. CathoUc Church It School. 3 bdrm. home attractive· ly ndecorated It fumiahec:l May be had unfurn. at 118,600. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1808 W. Balboa Blvd. 334 ~. on Highway 300 ~. on the Bay Harbor M88 Hard to get "Mariner's Mile" property. Hu piers and boat slips, and other improvement.I -$2M,OOO. Excellent ~nu. THE VOGEL CO;. l20,.W. 0Mat Hwy., Newport Beach LJ ~3481 _a __ ._. __ r.._:... __ t_e ____ ~a-~..:;.•~• r.tat. ______ a-..a l»tate a._........_ a ae.1w. DIVIDEND PA)'ING REAL ESTATE Corona del Mar OUTSTANDING TRIPLEX. South ot Hlrhway on Marruerlte. Spa· c10W1 2 bdrm. with fireplace. 2 lonly 1 bdrm. apla., view ot ocean from aun deck anti patio. Triple garage. Extra laundry nn. Completely tumlahed. Ready tor aummer rental• or preaept ten· anta will renew leaaea. '311,000, rood terme to rupo1U1lble buyer. Balboa Island SUNNY tumlahed apt., plu1 runt room and bath, plu• double gar-•I•· Plenty ot room tor eecond unit. Priced to ffll, $8,000 down. In Cliff Haven TWO apacloUll 2 bdrm. apt.a. FHA 4 ~ % lo&n. payable '78.113 mo~ lncludln( lnaura.nce and taxe.~ R Income 11711. mo. Beet duplex In area! Jl'ull price 1111.000. fnot leaaehold). Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2804 Newport Blvd., Newport Bcb. IC4uy Par kins Harbor 4810 COSTA MESA WE HA VI: a very hl(h qualJty home In th• upper bay atta. Hu a bdrm. 16-\ii bath. Japanue. uh panellnc In dlnlnc atta and ove-r tlreplac•. Wall to wall .-rp· •lln(. Price 118000, .P"OR SALi: OR TRADE for 2-~­ room home. A Jarre home In Newport beach. 1 block from ocean. l bedroom down 11.aJrt. t UpM&l ra. The U J>lrla! re rel'I led tor 11200 plua per ye.ar. Own•ra STORYBOOK HOUSE . 329 IRVINE. COR. BEACON, NEWPORT HTS. Open for lnapection, Fri .• Sat .• Sun. -1to5:30 p.m. Adorable Calif. Fann House • abake root -U8ed brick fireplace • knotty pine & beam ceiling • 1plit· rail fence. 2 lovely bednn1. plua large den or extra bdrm. Ideal comer location, convenient to schoola Ir abopplng. The roeea Ir galaxy of color in flower• ia a masterpiece of beauty. PRICED to aeU in a hur- ry at $16,800 with only $3800 down It pmts. like rent. (You can call now for pre-ahowing, we have the key). Open House -325 Irvine, Newpt. Hts. Frl-Sat-Sun. l to 5 :30 p. m. Thia well arranged 2 bedrm. home I.a leu than a block to the bluff with a wonderful view of the bay & ocean. Attractive tlagatone fireplace and W to W carpet. The ideal location and low price of $13,950 juatifiea quick action. Better bring your check. book with you. HAPPIER LIVING CAN BE YOURS AT 530 Kings Road -Cliff Haven Here'• truly an exceptional vt.lue that you MUST SEE • 3 Bedroom• • W to W Carpet It Orapee • Forced Air Heat • l % Bath a • Large Dlnlng and • Patio Living Room Area • Oble. Garage • Landacaped It Fenced • Area for awlmming pool • Sprlnlder System • Panoramic Vlew • Abundance of • Acoustical Ceiling Cupboard.I You'll be unable to flnd a compa!Uon to thJJa home for its low price of $22,750. Moet convenient term.a. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK C. B. Ruaa, Wm. G. 4;chmidt, R. W, Rayle, Auoc. 312 Marine Ave., Balboa hland Harbor 2M2 health ~man<i. ta.le. Price --------------------- 114000 or 118.~ tumiahed. NICI!) HOME uptown Coet& Mua. 6 yra. old. 2 ~room. Very (ood location Pr1ce 18000, ACR.l:AOE In Co.ta Meh. Lot 111.t IOOx.33&--0ood for bull~l'll. Wit HAVE a 4 bdrm. 1 bath home 8 month• old. UOO 9q·fl. Thia la very (ood, $12,960. Good t4rm1. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR lMt Newport 81Yd. Coet& Me-. Calif. Ll 8-3792 Speculators WE l'IPIX;JAU:u: tn uplt.al (a!ne deal.I, MY1n( on Income t..aJt. Now offertnr a 117.000 buy thlt w111 ahow nice profit. At.SO on. at n .ooo With tnma avallabl~. Many olhen In amount. to •WL wg CA N LENO your money at s-;. any amounl All detalh handi.d by lhl• oftiu. P"or prop· erty mana,..menl rt" u• a tr'la l N. B. C. Realty Co. "+10 Via Lido Nord" BAY FRONT home of 5 bdrma. Plus 2 bdrm apt. Ab8olutely perfect condition thro\lghout. <NOTE) : Owner bu juat completely refu.miahed in fine wte. lncl. new carpetinr t.hro\lghout. Million dollar view from 40-ft. porch, patio 6 apt. Thi• prop. will bring top rentaJ return. Do not fail to drive by 440 Via Lido Nord then contact u. to aee the lnalde of thll ouutandinc property. We have the keya. Firmly priced at.- $89 ,500. (t\lmiahed) Owner will e&rry $62,500. for quall!ied buyer Osborne Realtv Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bcb. liar. 4923-J. (l"e9.) BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE MVLTIPLI: 1~8TINO fU:ALTOR l:lnd It Newport BIYd • Npt. Sch. H~ HOO NEWPORT BEACH Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - ONLY THREE LEFT WANT A ''DOt..L HOU8lt!" WI! HA V'E rr. 1 bclnn. dble 1ar· a.e-• on ~u lot, ('IO<lll to I Ado Kho"Pplnc. ou an A be7, only. U ,&00 BALBOA I BEDROOMS A OEN, 1 hlOC'k fn>m !Ny A ocMn.. Only M,000 OOWn See Ulla. Coast Properties 101 &. Balboa Blvd . Batboa Harbor ~. i~t7 and 4800. Cliff Haven Special H£T LOOK! l ·Bdrm. Buut7- rom'L turn.. eTtn 8JLVER T&A !'&RVICI:! Buut plcturu lm· port.a, elec! "PJ>ll&nce.' Ownu 1 .. avln( tor Jl:Un>pe-Nya SELL! 119.1160 wllh lerm•. NOT A LllA81!:HOU>I Mariners Isle Realty Ill Mar1nt, B&lboe Jal•nd Jiarbor 4181 Open House tHt CoeUnenlAl, Coat.a Mt• • BDRM., 2 baU\a, 1 yr. old. ta.nd· l(l.Aped, carJMUn(, ca rport and many •xlru. Lol 70'a110. Beau- lltul comer ONL T 110. 700 Try S I.~ d0WT1. FISHER & CO. 2903 Newport Bl..S., Nt'WpOrt Bch. Harbor 4429. 64~ 702 BllOON IA. C. D. M. Ranch 1t7l• dupln. oc-.n lllde Hwy. 2, bdrm.I. ... nn..i contlnlcllon 4 bdrm.a., 2 bath bomn ClOM to evtryt.hln.f. FHA TERMS Only $9,800. CALL MR. GATF.S. with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Llberty 8-7978 33t!c Corona del Mar Vogel Value Highway Frontage and Residence 40'x127' parcel on Cout Highway ln Corona del Mar with 1 bedroom hou.e at rear o! lot deaigned for ~ither buaineea or reeldence. Ample room In front for building • near major comer. ExceUeot inv..t- menl at $19,000. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 17 41 -Harbor U 77 ' . CLIFF HAVEN ThrM bed.room, 1 bath. 1200 9Q·ft., fireplace, drapee. Ideally landacaped-fen~-alley, double 1arage. Nat to St. Andrew• PrHbyterian C'bW"Ch. FULL PRICE, $15. 450 TM1st Deed $9600 at 4 lh % with monthly payment. $66.47. Cub from trust deed to aale prlce. Call Mr. Gallant to 1how thla bome EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Iha.It• root. P' A. ~l. hdwd. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 1778 noore. Lo'-ui.. 8e.p, patlloa, ---------------------teaced. UnMr Nplacemtnt. OPEN kl. 6 8\ln. Owner ff.arbor 1814-R. &&c~ For Sale or Trade~ OCEAN VIEW modem I beclrm. home with utra rooni and "' , bath on double prac-e. 2'12 CHU Dnve t&dja.cent ftCUlt lot a.ailable) ,.._ owner, U l-W2 UUc N~ I BDIUIC on "' acr.. 17.11&0 JU A•ocado, Coel& NHA.. Ph Kl 2·2822. 47\tc APARTMENT HOTEL $24.800. DOWN Top year round Balboa location. Groea lnoome potentiality exoeeda $17,~ yearly. with a CMt oper- atin1 lncome in ao-1 of 10%. 9200 .q. tt. Uvinr area, all ln lat ci.. eonditton A beaut1tullJ fmmlb. ed. Total~ $86,000. Eltc:lullw with- • f Greenleaf-Severh Realtv ~.12 Newport Bl., Npt. Bc.h. Har. 2Ml (ev•. U 8-318e Tip-Top Quality Buy BALBOA ISLAND 1 y-r. old I bdnn. bath It% home with nearly n-wall l4 wall carpet., p rb. d1epoMJ, hwd. noon, forced alr h•t, fireplace, on a M&utlfully lan~aped and walled yard ••. The location I• top11 (on I rvine Avenue) and the price l• R.IGHT! ! SH.:w>q wHb excellent F.H.A. tlnancln,-. Hur- ry on thJ1 one. Charm -Personality and comfort were uppermoet In mind when tbla modem atyle J bdrm., 1 "' bath home wa• bullL It hu frllpeatake fenced paUo, natural wood-bumlnr fireplace, bar kllchen, torced air beat, prb. dllpoaal • • , unequaled valu. al 111.llOO. 3 Good Values 2 bdrm., ~·x1so• lot. T yra. old. 16.300 1 bdrm., dbl. ""'"•· e yra. old. H .760 i bdrm .. dbl. pract. Nice lot. 2~ )'l'L ... ~60 ACT NOW. WILL SHOW ANYTIME Special Reduction ! BACK BAY. 3 bdrm., hdwd. fir•. ttreplace . .eepanate dbl, J'arace, ntcelt nel&hborhood. Neede paint -Our beet value lee> mo, F .H.A. t•rm.t Incl. t.axee and lnwranA:e. Hurry! FuU price only 1!0,7~. Bay & Beach Realty HH Newport Blvd. Coat1. Mn•, Ca.lit. UHrty 1·1181. JCvu. 'LI l·llfll REAL VALUES $11,500 la all they are aaJl1na for lhi. love· ly lhree bdrm. borne. Hardwood noora, ttrepl&ce, me kllcllen and bath. di8'pOAJ, wired tor-electnc ran.-.. Beat eutald• location, comer lot. Not a tr.ct hc>OM. 4 ~ ~ lo&n &11d monthly )>9)'· menta much Ida lh&n rent. Bel· Oler ca.11 on thl• today. . . . NEWPORT HTS. Lovely lol w ith runt howie In rear. Thi• could be UMd for a 1Ummer Yacauon coltac"•. or build your tamUy home up front and l&M tll•. coll._. tor your week end (Uffl.e. Thi• ca.n't ba beat for only ·~.880. mz lerm.1. . . . B. A. Nereson REALTOR lNt H...,,....-t Ahrcl., O..t.a M- Phone LI 1-1671 .Ewe. U 8·6417 Ocean Fronts Open House 1ool W ~ P'l'ont 2 br A IOlartum, 7 yre. old. 121.~ .. 110,000 dOWll. TWO Wiila. S2.~ down ... U t.l&O. I BR , 1 ~ lot.• . . I U .l&O 2 RR., a yrt. old . -r 117.600 I BR., near Jetty ..... .. . 118,600. Bayview Realtors 2306 B&lbOll BIYd. Har 1371 Clte07 Open House 10 a . m. to 8 p.m. :509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands A Vl:RY LOW PRJCI: for thil lo,,..ly new r•sldenct W1th J bed· room•. 2 bat.ha, I~• Uv1nc nn It playroom. One of Uie nlcut kit · chtna With all u>s cabinet.a. and dlnlnf rm . . . a1llo Jlueed In sun porch, Su Ylew fn>m all wlndoW'1. iOOO' In houee A l(t cfble. rvac-•. Room tor swim· mtn1 pool or l'JNt h<xaa VJ!RT OOOD TERM8 to qu&lll1'4 purch .. r. Wiii t.ak• _... trade. PHOfli"I: OW"ner, U C41n•d Bulld.r, BAY FRONT HOUSE It APT., No. Bay. Beautiful be.ch. $10.000 down. balance euy. A HAPPY COMBINATION o f Ellerbroek and Bal- boa Ialand -i bdrm., 3 bath. To a quallt*S fam- ily who can handle a high monthly paymtDt. .. offer about $5000 down. GRAND CANAL -2 unite -a large paUo, f--4. Attractively fumiahed. $10,000 down. 60 ft. ot BAY FRONT -Pier, float. ' bdrm&. Lovely grounds. This home ia prioed low at $78,000. 4 BDRMS., 2% batha. New furnltur.. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring, Good family home. All w $24,950. • DELIGHTFUL mi.all vacation home. Do11ble pnre. Fet~hing. $15,'7!50. ' CORONA DEL MAR ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pe.t.1nra7 tiD little Corona beach, $25,600. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. 1..-b Woploel patio and yan:l $1~,000 down CALL HARBOR 1775, ev•. Har. M59 It Jlar. lll'-1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand.. 'IJ WORTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nord Bayt ront Home We have juat liated exclusively oae of the tiM9t homes ever offered on Lid<>-Excellently locat-1 near the Eut-end. Deeigned by one of the 1-dlns architect. of the aru. The 18x30 living rm. bu 48 running feet of 1iu. •lndow• affording a panoramic view of t.b• harbor and hilla. The den. dining rm. and qiuter bed.rm. have the aame view. . The lovely kitchen ha.a a separate brea.ldut room and laWldry room adjoining-In addition to the muter bedrm., the~ are 2 other family bedrma. and a maJd'• room-each bavlnc tlMir own b&tb-malr· ing f bathrma. in all. Room for expanaton on tb.1-larp lot wttbout JLann. lng the well la.n<l.caped patio. There la a n"' pier and fO..ft. llip. Thia home l• priced to sell at $125,000 and wtll be abown ~Y app't. only. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office J.U6 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. f972 Evea. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Llberty 8~297 CORONA DEL MAR CUSTOM BUILT home with exceptionally nlc. out- look from choice corner. Beautiful wall to wall sculp- tured carpet, tiled pullman bath, dual furnace wlth Thermostat, silent 1witchea aluminum casement wtn- dowa, diapoaJ, diahmuter loa<U of cupboard.I. The large bedrooms have ample wardrobH. Cheerful walled patio ia nanked by aun •helter and teparate 3 room guest apartment. Double ~ rage and workshop. With features ul'UaJly found in $30.000 hom• this ran value II offered at leee than todays replace- ment cost for only $20.500. For appointment. contact. owner'1 &rent STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2&t 7 E. Cout Hiwy Corona del M.ar "Harbor 4t26-JK. 6tlfa --------------------- Balboa Island 8PAClOU8 DUPLEX on B&lboe laland, ~ bdrm.. J bath down· ttaJr1, i bdrm .. t bath plu• rum· pwi rm. up. Oood rental prop· •rt)' 1howlnr Xlnt. retume U4.500. Term•. NORTH Wll8T COSTA MUA, I bdrm. •lucco home on larre lot, lawn 6 1hrube. .T.000. term.a. Ted Hauser ion Hanor BIYd. Coet.a M-. Ll M78l SPECIAL KIOH Dl:8ERT tmpn>ved &eN&ll't hom..ttu, at Neriflce pr1cea. All uWtUM. No uet-.nent.a. 1'errn.. TUCX::A l'fOUN A RANCHOS · MarteU Bldr. TIKlC& v.u.,, Cautomla 'Pllone: Mt. &&tic Bay & Ocean Vie.w LAllO• doublt tronta .. IU·IU k>t. 1 nne., i MthA. .. .800. -~ OUff Dr. at IMt& A.Ila A,,., LI Mlt2. Npet BT O~ ......_ bdwd. fin., ,.,..,...,.. ,..,...,.. ...,..1. 2 cu Pl'· N.wport 1'Wfllta. ·~ loan. StUOO. ut 'tt.cilud1. LI l-4ttO: Nc~T OPEN HOUSE Sat. Sun. tlr Mon. 12-6 p. m. 1429 W. Bay, Balboa (Cor. o! 15t.h It Bay) EXCEPTIONAL 8 B.R. 2 bath home on cornw lot l"ith walled~ iy . Room for a pool. Pennanen\ bay 6 Ocean lew. Compl. fumiahed. $36,()()(). Terma if deai -· J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beeeb (Near Newport Pier Harbor 4091 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have pfan. for 3rd bdrm. to be added at 111nall coat). 21h bat.ha, lge. ll-.. nn., .eparate dinfug room, large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 fl?'eplacem, ~t with 150,000 BTU fum.a.ce. Expenalvely ~wall t.o wall thna-o\lt. Gar~e d.lapou.l and d1abwu!Mr. Houe & yra. old. Larse double rarare with laun· dry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 60 K H2'. Well l&ndJlcaped. Thia home muat be~ t.o be ap- preciated. Located at 3312 OoM.n BlYd., Col'OD& del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REAM>NABLE orn:a Shown by appoint~ent only Phone Owner, Harbor 34~. oeo5I I l • I ' ' • , ..... r..tate BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor · VDIBDS 01' 'MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1S72 Balboa Island Sacrifice due to illness. . Best Income Buy. Beaut. cor. duplex. Two large B.R. each. :S Bath• plua extra cueat rm. le bath. Comp. and attr. !um. 2 patio•, 11Un deco, Obi. gar. Sacrifice $337!SO. with low down pyt. Average yearly lncome-$5278. Waterfront Income $29!SOO. Attr. furn. 3 B.R. home and 1 B.R. apt. Tenrui CLIFF HAVEN A Steal for $24,750 Spacloua 3 bedrm. and den, 2 bath home. Large liv- ing rm, picture windows. This is a honey. but needa ~orating. Don't let this get away from you. It can't lut at t.hll low price! Call us, we have the key. CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM Ir den with 1 * bathe on comer of Seaview le Jumine. Shake roof, Wied brick fire- plaoe, garbage dlaposal le other extru. Just ftnJah- 'ed. Haa excellent financing. Can be made into 4 bedrooma if desired. $27,!SOO. OPEN Hi)USE SAT. It SUN. ONE OF THE LAST new homea in Corona High- landl. Shake root, 3 large bedrooms, 134 bathl with dreuing room. Panoramic ~ew ot hillil and ocean. Mu.t be seen to appreciate. Good financing -or will trade for Iota or acreage. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY 1-~ 448 Rivera Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bedroom picture bungalow on Begonia. Cloee to bay. Dble. garage, fiagatone fireplace. Owner anxious. Make offer ! eo ft. of Highway f rontage on comer in downtown Corona del Mar. $12,500. GORDON WALKER, Rea1tor W. E. FISHER, Builder ' Dick Hilliard Pat Patt.Jeon IOM E. Cout Hwy., Corona de1 Mar Jiu. 2"3 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Permanent view ot t.he rolllnc 1reena o.t the S.A. Country Club s<>lt co\ll"M, comer location, beauti- ful land.aupinf. Lovely Home and two ap .. cloUI l Br. apartmeotl ineludlnc cu rangea Ir refrlgerat- ore. 3 separate c~ea. $~.750 with term•. Duplex. 1 large bdrm. each aide, neat Ir cle.an. $9!1 per munth Income. Real value at $7960 with $2950 down & bal. $60 month. Really nl~: 3 Bdrm. home, dble. garage, lot ~20. iwwcr in & paid. Good eutalde location. $10.~ with $2665 down Ir balance $82 per month Including Tax~ & Ins. (Monthly paY!Jlcnlll will reduce to $63) .. $000 DOWN • 2 Bdrm. home, Hwd. floors. Obie. garage, good eawide location. Total price $9850. Balance lake renl. ONE OF THE BF.ST -RnidenUal lot 571~x1271~ to an alley -nght Lo town -Eutslde. ~J.4.50. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd.. Coat.A Meaa. LI S.1601 Enjoy Additional Income Live at Your Wor~shop M-1 zone. 2 atory duplex. dble. garage on rear of lot. Room for over 1000 sq . ft. building in front. ExceUl"nt loc.ation. BargaJn at $14 .~. Terms. On ocean front near Catholic Church & school, 3 bdrm. home $15,500--$16,000 furn. Will consider Coata Meu or other nearby property ln trade. Very attractive 3 bdrm., 2 baths. Pt.US large rum· pu. room. bath over garage. Complete built in kit- chen. Price include. wuher, dryer, stove, nofrig., dillnvuher, $29,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1&06 W. BaJboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced below replacement cost ... Beau- UtW. almoat new two·atory 3 bdrm .• 3 bath Bay J'ront home. Bay \•Inv from all roollUI. Fully car· pettd. beautiful drapea, new pier le •lip. Price in· ' cludee 20-tt. Century apeedboat one yea.r old. Art.t.lic landlcaplng. NOW, bold you.r breath! All this for $64.~. Better hWTry u thJa won't 1ut. EARL W. STANLEY, 'Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle FRENCH QUARTER All the traditional atatelinea of bygone daya keyed throughout to modem ijving in this ho.me you will love at first sight. White cast ironwork entrance, maaaive raised-hearth fireplace, carpeting ot hand- loomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dllbwaaher, diaposal, hood over range and louvered ahuttera to cloee off the p&.88-through dining area. Sliding glass doors to patio from both living room an~master bedroom. Located on one of Lido'• tJneat corner Iota to in.sure permanent priv- acy. 3 nice bedrooms and 2 well appointed bath.I. You can't bulld tor any lea, and thl8 la perfect. Phone for appointment to .ee thll now. $33,!SOO. A S!!~~I~~ d~~~J~;rt~~~!~Yo!r~~! boat allp to front gate. Luxury amaller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting and drape1. Dish- wuher, built-in Thermador oven and range.' Even diapoeal in service yard aink for filh and vegetable cleaning. Terrine cl<>1ets, cupboard.a and built-in fea- turea. White ahingle roof. If you would like a lovely home on the BA YFRONT, see this now! SM,000. Terms. OPEN SAT., SUN .. MON .. 12~ VIA W AZIERS, AND 123 VIA GENOA. Exclusive W1th p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., ·sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1!SOO LIDO ISLE II . First Time Offered 3 Bedrooma, 2 Bath .... Large living room, .epante dining room. Large Lanai wtth ceiling to fioor glua doors opening onto a beautiful garden. Extra large comer Estrada lot, completely walled. Thia ii a charming property in perfect condition. A1k for Hodkinson. OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Rambling Rustic • Picturesque Early .American in garden aetting-un- wiual floor plan includes 4 bedrooms, 3 bathe and dining room-large lot with ocean view-Jue than one block to exclusive beach-$28,500. Open Sunday from 1·0 p.m. 239 Poppy Ave ., Corona del Mar Drive by or caJI Dave Osburn for an appointment to aee OUTSTANDING VIEW Open Sunc;f ay 1 -5 Drive by 243 Ocean View and see the lovely ex- terior of thia new 3 bedroom-2 bath home. Call me and I will abcw you the lovely interior and explain the attractive terms the buyer offer• on the price ot $~,!SOO. Blll FamBworth. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Houston Values $6250 v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Lido Isle Home I LOVELY HOM!l with I bedroom•. Near the Udo Club, wired foe elttlr1c 11U11tt, torMO IJr ti.Mt, dl11poaal, 2 ah0Wfr9 and onJf 4 yean old. $22,600, II.~ do~ HARD TO BEAT. 2 8 .ft. 1lucco on E. aide. Near mkl•. church A 11ehoola. N ice yd. B.B.Q. $UOO. dn. • paym. $60 a month. Open House 526 Aliso Ave., Newport Heights OPEN 2-5 DAILT . .Altrarcll\te 3 B.R. home, new))-decorated In· elde • out. Hwd. llra. ttrepl. tile Jdt.cb, dbl pr. N.ar H I lk!bool. S.. lh1a at '4000 dn. Good term• Yacant &D4 tn.tUn•. Lockbox. S.-. taf. OD &aloft J..¥Ue, ua.1542 M-1 Superior Nice 2 bdrm. hou.ee Oil 110-tt. tron- t&c&--an .. _.-.--Oft.I, 110,800 -Te~ nu. la a f\M deal for a ahop and home. Opposite Golf Course 1. View of breakers , ocean & beach Thia 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths, carpeted wall to wall. Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from $32,760 to $29,900. A STEAL-Must See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thi• 3 bdrm. plus den, 2 bat~. 80-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd. floors, forced ai:-heat, fenced yd. Will take small home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE- 0e1uxe ocean view -quality buUt 4 bdrm. home, 2 batb1. For you who can a.tford the finest thl1 t. It. Priced at $42,600. 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another Wlit. Thia t. a G. I. ReA1e. Full price $99~. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both tumlahed - 2 bdrm. hou.e, ph11 1 bdrm. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. S3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua a 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. Newport Heights View Home! TERRIFJC vmv or MT A.KO OCEAN 2 ~roo"', 2 baUl beauty, nlttly lanCS-ped. ,,,... placf'. forced air heat , 2·car s-- ra11:e, Ste thUI dandy home at only 121.500 and low down pe.yment. Ocean Front Home! Pl:NNl8ULA LOCATION. Thia la actua.ll7 UI be.IL value lo an Ocean fl'Olll home -"-of. ft-.. 2 bfodrooma. ia,.. walled patio, detached .iarqe and com· pltlf'IJ fu m W\ed. Out It ti (&II •t 118 ~ Balboa Home! WlLL MAKE NICE BUCH HOME OR YEAR AROUND W VINO CIOM t,o N H.Y.C ttu 3 l><'droom1 a nd l l~ bath•. Some f\Jr'n1tun1 lnr lude<t Vov mu.1t 11ee to appr,.c111... 112.m. ~000 down MA y 25, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE r r ........ r.tat.e GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you inspect them, you will note they lncluM every comfort ..ad convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL ot the planninc and thought that raulted tn thia remarkable community wtll provide GOOD LMNG tor Irvine Terrace f&miUea for many yean. Permanent reatrictiopa ruar-.ntee you will alway. be proud of your home here. To the home buyer_who ~iahea to purchue ln the $22,000 to $35.000 clau we llncerely recommend th• Irvine Estates overlooklnc Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway oppoalte the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor~ For Further InformaUon * For Reeommendation, we refer you to anyone who holdl .. IAa.Mhold FAt&te in Irvine Terrace. LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor~ (Aero• from Richard'• Market) $12,500 buya .. 40-f oot 1treet to ltreet VIA GENOA. lot. "You can hardly set thmi kind no more" -and we KNOW you can't pt a more reuonable VIA. GENOA lot. ••GOING" -"GOING" -don't JD.- a.round -GRAB IT -and there you are. NOW here la an Idea for YOU -- -- We have ucluaively 11.lted a modern two bedroom plua den and two bath LIDO bom~. It'• completely furnlabed right down to drapes, waU-to-wall cu- peting, deep freeze, wuber and dryer, etc. ThW well Joe.at.eel, turnilhed home t. excellent nlue at the low price ot $24.~. Summer income abould pay you •~ whJch mu.DI by ~pt. l~, tDM you will own th1I Lido home for only U2,72!5. NOW t. the time to buy THIS home. It ll free and clear and we will submJt your tenrui. We ca.n arrange a low monthJy payment 5~ loan. Contact one of our uperienced Lido aalesmen and ma.ke him show you bow you l'&n own thla oullta.ndlng buy. W. G. (Bill) Kempton * Joaepb H. Crohma.n * Vlrctnia Maneon * Ge.De Vreeland * Tom CampMU * Nice 2 bdnn. PwnJ block on TOx· 234 R-4 lot. room for more unit. -Thi. la rully a buy ! W • c.&11 1how ll anytime-- PRICE T. McCUISTION Bav Avenue Home! __ <LI_do __ ItJ_ .. _n_d_·._m_oa_t _expen __ eo_c_ed_w_e1_perao __ 0_.o_ei_>_ ON E AST BAT A.~N'\JE Cul• ' Newport Bus. Bldg. Nice comer bid«. cloee to bfty- Hu nice po11111blllll('-lnC'om- 127~ mo.-F\111 price 120.200- Terma- 2 Rentals -full acre Room for 8 more untt-llleome 1110 per month-full prke only 111.1100 "'1th I J ,000 down. En. lnfo. on UleM Petitt• LI 1·6417 Houston Realty and Associates 609 CMtu. COal& Mu a u 8-i784 u 8-tell Drive by 411 Redlands Newport Heights VIF.W ROME -3 bc:lrm1 . 1114 bath home. Hulll In Thermador ranr;e • ove-n. Hdwd. flOOT'll, ahake mof. 1 "t yni. old. 1 ,4~0 aq. ft. Exttr· lor mahOJanY and 1tucco. Price 127.750. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1 see Newport JUYd. Coil& Meaa. Callt. Ll 8·37U SPECIAL KtOH DESERT lmproTed UMp ho'!leeltu. al aacnnce pr1cu . A.II utlllUu . No UHNlllV\U. Term a. YUCCA NOUNA RANCHOS Marull Bide. Yucca Valley, C&Jlfornla 'Phone: 3M. Mlle LET US LOCATE , for you. Property anywhere. The Locator of Calif. &07 r . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor HOI. McM ltT OWNJCR I bdrm. Mod.-. bome nMr ~h lc:bool. t"' yn. old. P'lreplagr. utru, IU.000. LI l·U2~ lftu ~ Of' WtUftWU 14cot MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coat Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona dcl Mar Bank) LIDO ISLE BEAtmFUL furn. new 3 bdrni. le den home with gorgeous .ecluded patio. Tbennador oven and range. The last word in architecture and charm. TbJs 11 worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It jun ha.a everything. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. Ir large den home. Choice location on wide t1treet·to-strttt lot. Spaclou. dlning room. breakfast bar, charming patio. Range, refrig, carpeta & drapH included for only $32.WO. Extra choice 40·ft. Jot on Via Genoa. (widest St. on the Island), only $13.500 for qu1ck aale. COSTA M~SA ON 17TH STREET BUSTNF.SS SECrION WE OFFE R a C-2 108x300 fL lot improved with nice buildingt1 consisting of showroom with 2 addi- . tional adjoining rooms with a twv bedroom a part· ment (approx. 2100 aq. ft. in bldg.) with loads or room to build additional income or another store on front Ideal for' doctor's suite, furniture ehop or similar bW1iOe81!1. Plenty of parking. It's a good buy -let us 1bow you. ANO REMEMBER THIS - many other tµie home1 are Usted u clu.ively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or (972 Evea. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 Planning to Build on Your Lot? Take a look at our model homes at Newport and Mitchell, Tunin. Open Dally 9 to 6 Sunday. 1 to 6 See for youl"'llelt how we can build a 1244 llQ. ft.. home, forced air beat, hdwd. n ooni, 2 car garage for only $9.100. Let WI direct you to our homes under conltroction and finished. Look them over, compare, aatlafy yourself. We have C'Ultom home plann.lnr eervtce, ftnanctns for State vet., FHA and Savtnp and Loan, u a 1 ltop tacllity. Not.bJnr down. MARSHALL HOMES ~ KI 7-3293 -Kl 2·3569 Evea. U 8·4073) ~b ~:.\Fy ~~:,. ~~~~ bo~~ Ba y a n d Be a c h Re a It y le A.II att,.(tlve UUJe place and 1oo<1 for home Of' rental.a. R e a I t 0 r s IH.600, 14600 do'Wn. Balboa Lots sr~~rR~,~~ .• ~:,~~"f~.'!a.! WATERFRONT -PIER & FLOAT -$18,750 lo tnWTI on B&lboa Boulevard. 'nurt Aid ... ll'.300 tor all lh.~~ Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelte &Dk ot A.mtrtca Roa o ..... ~,. Al Come llu1 Jed 1- J uk l'lnkham Jot1ep.hlne Webb 700 E. Balboa Uh•d , Balboa Phone Harbor U77. BAYSHORES Charrntn« a br . knotty plne ln· trrlor 2 patlOl' Open Rou.- Sunday I 00..~ 00 or appt. CLIFF HAVEN 2 br, xlnL view loc:aUon 120,000. CORONA DEL MAR ;o· lnl charm1n1 2 t>r. A sar. 1 pt. 1haJ<o roof. pe.llOll U2,~. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Vlew Int, JI 000. Beach Lot.a-CHEAP LI DO LolL homM, bayh'ont. M·l C·2 propertite, MJe or 1 ...... ~laire Van Hom REAL TUR 2731 \\'. Cout Hwy. LI l-;4277 Expect to be Envied That'• pa.rt of ownln~ a home on BALBOA JSLANO' 'nUa 2-bed· $3,750 Down -3 Bdrm. Beach Howitt Half Block to ~y • Near Newport Y acllt Oub Balboa Peninsula 521-i • Lot - Lge. Uving Room • Full Dinmr Room Extra rul.'e Kitchen. I.Arie Patio. Carag11 fl.niahed In Knotty Pine & JJph&lt Tile. 2 Bedroom Hom•. Room for exp.an.ion. Full Price $18,960. $.5,000 Down· Modem 3 Bdrm .. 2 Bath Home, NI~ ly Fum1sbcd. Balance lea. than rent. F\\11 Price $21 .~. BAY & BEACH REALTY H.50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa .Harbor UM OPEN HOUSE 10 to 5 Sat. & Sun. 314 Evening Canyon Road, Shore Cliff1 BEAUTIFUL MODERN, 3 8 . R . ..ad den, 1~4 bath home watb view ot Ocean from upat.aJn den. 2 n,... place11, acoustic planer, indirect hghUn1. F/Jt.. heat, lovely bat.ha, Jota of cablneta ..ad cloeels. W /W carpet.I, custom drape•, Copper Chambers bullt.-ln stove and oven. A floe home, Glad to aee you Sat. or Sun. Price $39,~ The Vogel Co. 2M7 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 1741 -Harbor 1477 room y tar·round borne I• comp'l ----------- turn., n~ar beacll 1111d "1u..e, In llln't rondlUon OWNER AN· XIOUS. . Mariners Isle Realty 318 Manne, Balboa taiand Harbor 4781 BACK BAY NllARL T NJlW I bdrm. bonie, teacecl yd.. &Joe la'"" Iota of W.. lnl«iof' p&&a&.M It wallp&pend. dble. pr . tare• kJ~tn. 111,&00. 203Sl OT'dlld, Sant& .A.aa Ht.a. Llbtrly ... ~. 5'pfT IN SHORECLIFFS -3 bdrm. fumiahed home, I baths. dbl. gar. View. A delightful home ready for you to occupy. ON BALBOA ISLAND -The patio t. Ulce anotlMr rm. at t.hla 2 ltory home wblch hu 2 bdrm&., 1 1/~ bat.ha. ln the car. there la an extra rm. and ~· bath. Dbl. 1ara~. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. MultipLIListinc Realtors BtW~roker S135 E . C.out HJchway, Corona. cW ¥-z'. 3162 • I • • •• llDO MAICIT WITH SALLIE May 26, There'• mon than ooe Richard ••. Brother Dick Richard . . . you all know Dick : •. He owas and oper-' ate. UU. .•. Richard'• u. do Market ... Brothf'r Gor· don Richard, o"•ner of Ricbatd'• Supn Markd ln Tomah, Wl8C011aia. only r&- ttntly 1M>ld h111 bWllnetM. af- ter 19 years of deall.ng with groceries •• Brother Frank IUchard 18 ualatant man~ 1.-r of King's Gat.eway Ho-ter In Land-O-Laktt, Wlit- eoutn ... To wind up thla brotherly fourtlOme we have Brother Rich Richard who with the OJM'.JllDR of hlA new &a Food Market In Vista Village, a. the call8e of my lltnJKhtenlnK out the Rich ard brotherly tret" •.. Rich will specialize in Fresh Water Fiah . . . R ight now ~~~ ~h Louisiana Cat.a might offer a variety lo tbe usual Friday nile fiab feat ! Or some of the fil"llt Fresh Salmon of the .euon ... Pike, Pickerel, ~~~ Perch and Rainbow T rout too lrom the la.kff and rivel"ll of 1 MinnM<>ta and WiJlco nsin will ~~~ be flown in fresh twice week· ly •• NaturaUy Rich will have a ~lection of local fresh ocea.n ti.sh, also crabs, lob- •ur. shrimp. halibut a n d swordfish ... Let'• put it thia way ... if it swims, "Rich" Richard'• Sea Food Markel hu it ! To Batisfy that yen Cor 1 ~~~ the unu.suaJ ttu1te in your ,II mouth you might e njoy Freah I ~ Partridge, Gwnca Hen, Squab Duck or Goose . . . 11 We&t ~~~ 19th Strttl ... Ju11t get on' ~ 19th Street in Cost• Mcaa and ,~~ keep going toward.fl the ocean i •.. r'honf' number Liberty 7644 ... C1\"e a jingle to find out what givl'8 in the finny d n:IH theu days! Thf' Bla<'k t• la m l 11 l o ahoold offt'r an r\'l"nln&: of alttlnir; on thr rdJi:I" of ) our wat '"trrtalnment ! l'ut on by th. WmMa'a ('h ie IA-.,_ K"Ue of Nt>wport lharf.or. the proc'ttd~ wlll S,:B toward• t.he Youth and Communlt)" ttnltr In Corona d.-1 Mu .. Ew.a tht •mall fry will l>fl f'tl.haDttd "·Uh the BllW'k f'lamhla:o .•. ll hu to~ thlaa: my11t1-riou. iolnc on • from t urt&l.n to C'Urt.aln .•• Not 11e1u·y. ju-.t f'ntt'rta.ln-U.~ •.. tkktts Sl.00 ellCh • • . Plact>: 0 11Ut1tf' Coa"t • Oolle«ie AacUtortum, thhl Frida)• aad Saturday attn at 8:1~ • Ahiray1 thett a.a something "1lf!W ~bind the Palm tree• ... Now It's 24 Hour Photo Fin· tahinf. film& and 1upplie11 m our nformation and Maga. sloe ~partment ... Bnng In your filmA by 4 :30 one day and you can have them latt Jn the aftem oon of the next day ... Oan't l"f'aJIR that fin 1'f'&n have "OM b)· "ln<'f' the oolk!1tt' boys row, row, rowect th.Ir 111h,lh down our a.lboa Bay for thf' flnt time ••• Tht. y•r'• ~th an- llual l•tereolh-jt'late Rowlnir Reaatta for lhl' w...-tf'm 8prillt Championship 18th~ eomt•s Saturday, Ma~· tit Tbel"f' wm be 9 t.hrllllnit l"aOP1J from 11 A.M. to Z:SO P .II. C~ fron1 Briti!Jh CohunMa. C&llfont.la. Na\ry, Ore~ St.ab-, 0 r a n l e COMt. Staaford. t T.C,LA., WMh.la~ aad U.8.C ..•. Orud 11taad t~ att St.%$ .... cu bet .,.,.-haltf'.d at the Newport Harbor CMmber of ~rtt-•.• .. It ...... 181 •.. Thf'f'f ." .,.. ef •P'h« '°°"' aloait tile beMll or °" the dlft• ..,.,." ... PATIO ·PARTNERS FUN, FOOD and FURNISHINGS at ••• ~ "Aak Corl how to Bn r·bf'·n u• !>flt" Fl'Mh, Delicious, Tender JR~ TURKEYS lb. "I/"'' tool OMtndr aen·r'' Man.hatta.n -Fine Fla\'ored HAM Whole or Shank End lb. Butt End ........ -........ 1 ..•.• lb. 65c •·s111nbt4rgen hit the 11pot" • RICHARD'S Piel a .Mrmort&I D&y BaneC'lM', '"" fl1'11t of the -·· •·lth out· door foods, fun a.ad fumh1blap from Rlr hard'11. Tuty HamlKaf'J:· .. ,..., Hot Dop, Frail Cona., Cok.e and !S•"Ml Juicy Watenaeloa are the bys to r-a eataac pleuur.. Rf-lax la )'OUr patJo coatour dlalr, puU up a TV table and mllDcll •"'AY OD tlwt -1 of llMt day, Be •Utt, by a.bopplaJ at IUdlard's, )'OU have rv11ryt-hl•c for maxi· mlml •111Dmer eoaYealencle. Made with R&ehanl's Leua GROUND lb •. 43c BEEF ~~---·-·~,~~~~~--~~-----~--~~.::;;;;::--- "lVolllln/wl /or Barbt<'MiNtJ" U. S. Choice ..PORTERHOUSE or T-BONE STEAK "WrnJ' or016"4 o ltot (log /or /lll1X¥r"' Rath'• Blackhawk SUCED BACON lb. los lb. 59c ~~~~~~---~..-.--~--~-~--~~--- "B ow oboMJ o M1w.e(_t9~ 4011 1 .. Oscar Mayer LITfLE FRIE RS lb. 59c Je/ica le~~en . • • Luer'• 40 .... , FRANKS ·--·--·---· ........ .. l"l-•le or PWa CHEESE WHIZ 8lWclc ~ DeUtf'! COCONUT CHIPS ·····-·······_. 45c u ----~nc -···-·-·--····· ·-~ 43c •• JecfiarJ; la l f>J /rozen ... THt'R.<ilOAT DiNNiis' ~ ~--~'1 6tc RUM RING CAKE ... -··---h 54' !C~Ut Mllllll..-~ .!~Ste l 'OTATO 6 14' BEEF PA TI'Y . DINNER ROLLS .. -··-·· • tor P'RID .. u · CHici<iN iiilsT lb. 9tc APPLE PIE _. 52' LIMA BEANS ._!:. for • • t OOAST AL SHOPPER -11A Y ts. 1165 0&4I R.aJl«'hf'r'• TrH IU!H'nf'd MED. OLIVES toipt'n~ .. r M.aunllla Onot•a STUFFED OLIVES a•, 29c oa. Hf'lnr. Tomato CATSUP -.1oc ...... -........................ OL l'nond1'1 MUd or Hot MUSTARD l'aaada Ory Auortf'd Fla\·o,. 2 39 BEVERAGES .......................... ~ for c PAPER NAPKINS w.2.~ 19c BoDctwani Quality C PAPER PLATES ...... -......... ~:cb 45 N.B.C. N-27' CORN THINS t•,~L u...r• 8UcM swi;r.r 27¢ PICKLES . ll~L lllqeford 77' IRIQUETIIS . •• a.. FiiEST ART . -· ..... pq. 25 ¢ Qrle & Pttt. BARB~CUE 37~ SAUCE _ ................ 11.-. IM~,. ~y 2 41c RYE IREAD klef 23' -··-· ........ eu..1P Pl:U A 2 2fc ~AT\"RD \" CARROTS ---·-!!. for CINNAMON ROW 8 tor 22' ~·· 2 21c l~rl"' l-1 lay•r 17t LEMONADE __ :L for Rowing Regatta Saturday APPLE SAUCE CAKE ~a ve IJOICr receip/j ••• San up lo SO ti, oa wnnwr FU r- nkh lne" T · V lndh ldoal St'n1ni Tabin., AJumlnum Sa.ad and Contour Chai"", Plt>nlc Bukt>t._ Bf.M.'b Towt-~ and Spectator Sui.A IU'f'I yoona. at rf'&I •\•ln11t• when you 11hop and aave for lhf'm, at Rkhard'1. • • • For Your Holiday Salad.s, Fla\'or-faJ Indio Tomatoes~-, ______ _ A;;;;dos -• 15c iO~aine 2 far --1.ISc "N-lo10 pnce" HW'• aro.. COFFEE -.......... . 2# C'1MI •••• 1.48 "Rfclwm l'• K..rtm ·"ne Q1<0llt11 Egg1,-• O..-n Carton FrMll ~· Orad• AA LARGE EGGS "l'or on 1rt .. d.1 -.Mfld11'1("/t.e.1 nt1d 1ttr/nd•" Rk llanl'• MAYONNAISE "Tiie B1dtrr ,,ov oil "'"" iiifrER ..... • Tlut Colet to Bnkf'"' CAKTMii '-. lb. 7'f Annual lntercolle9iate ROWING REGATTA tor llle W,.t.<n 8prillt C"-p6ow .. lp (Ol)'IDplr IMe'-""1 !"atorday, May ti, ltM !'14'1!1 th• OrMt f'.1Cllt..0.r C~"n In A ('UIMI Rrlllah l'olumbla -('&.IJtoml- Navy -Ore(on State Orang~ ('_,.t -14ta.nford -I". f '. I~ A. - Wultl111t'1t1 and t . Iii. ('. Orand!ttand Tirk~•• ft.H '"ow no 1'4111~ at N~wport Harbor <'tuun.,.r nf C'nmm•rl'r 1i.oo W . l',,..t 111.-tiway S•wpttrl ........... ('aJU, • •• to fit your every need! •