HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-01 - Newport Harbor News Press:\' ...... _,,..._, Navy Takes Crew Rac:es Sec:ond Time BJ PBYU.18 J. JACKSON Mavy'1 midabipmen captured the fifth.annual Weatem Sprint Cbamplonahip Saturday by a boat length to defend the title they won lut ye&r. It wu a thrilling finiah to a day filled with action-packed racing. An ntimated 25,000 per• 90n1 llninl both 1id• of the 2000 meter COW"lle cheered the mlddl .. on. Wulllnrtoo pulled out In front el N•vy at th• •tart of the ra.ca for a 1hort 1aln but Navy aoon made a batU. for tb• lead. Wben Wubln,ion dropped to MCond •pot. 11h• tou1ht It out wllh Bt&n· ford noea tor noee. 8TANP'OaD 8ua.P&l.8U With 100 7arda to 10. Nav, pulled a boat len.fth ahead and Stanford put the 9QU .... on Wub· lJl&'tOn to tall• a wrprl.M MCOlld and up.et th• n orthern c~ wtuch WH fa•orad to 11•• Na'IJ' a ~ood batUe. Navy'• Um• wu t :44.5 with 8tantord rowtnc a 1 :•7.t. Wuh· lqton came lD wtUa I :U .I and Calllomla tlaUIMi4 touth wttb t :ll.7. lAft Je&I' Jf&.y WOil wtUl 1 :29.t . In Uie junior vv•Uy elpt., Brtu.h Colwnbl.a rowed to a l'OWI· "'-tln1ah &l'alNt 8\Utord wtUa T:OS.I and 7:06..& tor U.. lndi.uw. UCLA came I.a thJrd wtUa T :OT .I and tbe pickle ~t m ... up ot altemate o&nm•D of tile ~ echoola pulled a T:Ol.I to beat Cal'• 7:44.1. Ul'J'l8ll OOLOJIBIA WIJf Brit.lllta Ooluabla &a.o tooll U.. ft.reit7 ~ __.. ..... nee wta. •:GU. .,.... ,,.. ,......... .. ~vm.A--0...-...... laa Trailer l11ucke~; S11pect Addict A IT·ft. lra.ller at 111 I:. 11th 8t.. eo.ta )(.... WU riuacked IMtwwn 7 p.m. 1bunday and 2 a.m. J'rtda7. 'M•• poUoe report.ct. Dorta D. Hathaway, nllldml tn Ula trailer. reported tM tncJdent whlc:la oocurnd while •h• ..... 'ltlltt· "'-tNnda. The .tcllm. a nurw, ~ ln""" tlpUftS otneera abe "turned to find lbe couds and table ln the two-room boU.M tra.tler onrt.W'lled. -. ....... pulled out &Ad ob~l.9 eeattend. Ber purw wu opened and ....-cbed. 8Wl not.hins wu lllJmbll, • .aid. omc.n M&mtd the tra.ller .,... k>nfa .. L. L. Giibert of Sall L&k• Ctty and 18 eum111U1 tn cuatody of a locel doctor. 'l'My au:rmleed an eddlet ~ht ban been eearclabll -~ Loctll Pair c .. A.oddlnl betwMa two N..,..t ..,_,.. ean drl"" bJ Bolt ar. 1DDe Ooodla el 111 Nam-Aft. and OUn Loul.ee Bleeper ot DH Pldftc Drt.,. OC\U'ffd ~ 1J at OM.& Rlfbwa7 and J...a.. A...._ fOMoe ..... Th• Ooadeo ..,. ..... ..s .-trom th• cun on o..t Rtpway u t.h• Bleeper auto made a left tuna In front oC It, ~­ ... t.o pollOI report&. CHAIW llCI IN ESSAY CONTEST Cll&rlu B. Noe, a Newport Union HJp lcllool .tudent. placed Wrd tn the County· w14M ..,.,. ccat..t, MWby J Want 'r.OWll X,O.U Home" Mid Tln1r•da7 at tbe OT-ana'• QoQnly 'ntl• Co. Youns Nee •••' e led ...... ..... etlMr hip llCMol iltMeDU fr'Ona tlM cou.n· ty bl U.. _,t.t., He wu epon· _... by the Newport Harbor Boe.rd of "-!ton. .:..ry con- t.\ •tnal .... cMan b)' hMI locel rMlty board. DEATH NOTICI DOaoTllY FllAN"ata SOUi.i: 8e"1CM tor DorolJl.Y Jl'nu\cu 8oule. lit, of Mii~ Newport Bl•d., Ooeta )( .... wtle died Tut'llday ln Haq H09Pltal followiDC a lllrok• lut hbnaary, w1l1 be beld Thu~ day al I p..m. In Blowen Mortu· ary chapel. Bula Ana, W'lth th• R... Harold Bcott. omd&Ullf. lll- tennenl w1ll M tn Mel.--Abbe7 Kau.aoleum. A natln ot IUdl llland. Jll., M& cam• to Coeta Mel& MftD ~ ...., trom ~ BMcll W1len alM Und 20 ,_,... Beto" that tlme.,abe WU Hlployed M a pubUe fflaUou aecntary at Unl· nl"lllty of w~ De wu oece emplo:rM by lladi• etauaa KBJ, 1-Aac-lu. DurtnJ '*' tllllo ID LapDa aho ~td ...,. ,_,. ta that dty'a WU. deput· -L Prio1' to bar Wn89 abe WU _..tary of UnJttd Prtllbyterian awrda. auta Ana. llM 1oa... lier fatbar, J't&ncla J. aowe, now ta U. 8. Publlo 11ea1u. BoepttaJ. 1an rrueuoo: blr ..u.r .U •.ter, Mal'p.nt of ... ._. ........ ,,. funU,J Ma Mt&bUJlbed • memorial In her name at Hoar Hoepllal Where don&Uona may be .... Clrculallolt 21.- ~ 1a Newport 8-dl. Balboa, ..... lslud. Coroaa clel llar, 0.. .... ~ s-tla u.-a ud Butiqtoaa-cla. Barbor 1111 TOD WHm HllO OF SPOITS SAGA REDDINGTON. TOP TAR RATED All-AMERICAN From but mUer In th• 8un· aet i-cue lo n.aUonal prep record holder -that'• lh• •porU ll&l"a hWIJ Up thla Ma• aon by Newport Harbor Hlfh'• ace dlatance runner, Tod White. Whit. opened the •uon u a 4:U runner In th• mile event on the Tar track team train· e4 "l>y Co-Coachu Ralph Reed and Don Bum9. Saturday In Loa Anc~lu Memorial Coll· aeum. ••te or th• Slate Meet. White M t a new naUonal p~p record or ':JO naL I P'or tull detalla. tum to Sporu Pase1. 8•JU1&llonal 90phomore inrim· mlnJ •tar of Newport Harbor Union Hl1h School. Don Reddlnl· ton. hu ~ named an All-Am· erlcan prep 9Wlmmer. The honor wu ~vuled by Tar swim Coach Al Irwin durlnc the Thuraday nlc ht tank team banquet In the Olrl Scout Howie. Reddifll'ton won th• nung In lhe 200 yard treeatyle event which found th• hefty paddln twice brealclnc the Harbor Hlch acllool record and nabbln1 the Callto"' nta CIF champlonahlp In I.he event thl• eeuon. Rl'ddlnrton lowered Ken Bodenhofer'• llChool mark from 2:06.9 to 2:04.5 and flnall7 lo 2,:04.3. From f'lght to 10 prep •tar• ta each event are named All-Amer- ican In th• national r.tlnJ9. Ir- win M id Reddln1ton would recel.,. a cerllfl<'a te and a jacket in.ten• ~lcnaunr the .wlm nuh ... mem~r or lhe 19~ All·Amertcaa prep team. •EAK LOOSE Hone Killed by A1tomobile on Highway ARE PRETTIER THAN EVER • FOB OUTSTANDING ACCOJIPLl8BllENT -Grange Muter Don Steam.I pr.enta the Coeta lieu Grange $150 8Cholarahip to Gene Wauoner, left, for h1a outstanding work dW'ing the put four yeara with the Newport Harbor High School FFA chapter. The preeentation took place Tbunday during the third ann\1'1 Parent and Son Ban- quet of the local Future Farmers. -Bob Keyera Photo the money from UM ltate beadlH and parka tun.d to a "pub.Mo worlu and lmpronment tulld" adm.lnl~ UTed by th• •tale alloeation board. Under th• m_,... eacb eowi· tr would ncetn '50.000 outnpt. and UM balance ot tlM tl1Dd would be dlnded amonr counu .. accord· Ins to Uietr anu and poplllalk& OoWer aid counu• ~ pN- BACILUO:~rro -(C'N8) -A. ... l propmed project. to u.. •tat.a board for apprO't&I of coutNCUon bW dUltrlbuUq JU,000,000 In lm· plan11 and c:o.t. Tb• project ap- Bill Approved to Distribute Oil Royalfles pounded Udel.anda oU .,,,...iuea to pUc:&Uona would be aullmllled COWIU.. f OC' llOMtnc:Uoll et pub-t.luwP eMmty plannln( OOllUftt.. n. worke project.a ot bmetlt to Ula •lcm. To &ppr'Vft a pn>ject. UM aJ.. enUre irtale wu apprond by the ioc.Uoa board would haft to dctn-- llllne that UM 'reject wouW M • • • • t • eon.nuneaMi oftlclency beMtklal to the lltato u a wbole. eommlllH . Tbe bU1 WU nfe1Ted to the S.- Tbe bill. by aenatot ftudolpb ato ~ ODmmstt .. tw raru.• Oolller of Yreka, would tnufer artud.7. Award Trophies in Co11erv1tion Day A1gli1g ll.9 annual ConMrntlon Day ctie- bratlon In a Mrl• ot awarda to 8ouUMim California anrlera. TrophJ .. In fl.,. ..it water pme cllu9iflcaUon. -r• pr• • • n t • d Southam C&lltomla .port.man bJ Mayor Dora B ill. Tbe prumt&Uou _,.. beld In N.wport Clly Ball. Top trophy .,.. a warded naber- K-. --..: C. J. Paumter, hall· for a f1anl bull tie.. Other tropb· M8 w•re ,,..-tad H. J . Cunn.lnl· bun, 110 Ooftnior 8l., c.o.t.a Keaa. ._.._: C. J. Pa.umJer. hall· but; uman J'lDk. Lo111 Beacll..,... ud Doll M-. Loni Be&ch. yel· lowt.UL Proceeda tl'lllll tbe ..,1on, n.b- 1D1 ~7 IT lliMt.9 from U.. Newport Haner~ naawi, ~•U• wUI .,. ~ Ooeaa "8b.IDC PretMUoe .U.OCl&UoG f« leJtala· Uft wortc te protect Calttorata'• pme ~ lnctu.lry. TD SIA.RT 01' PINAL UC&-.-.ttn p~ ol ftee'W. a IUmdlT• W..t.vn Sprint Cbunpionabtp 111 met.et ben • nntty 91Pta ....W. J'rwa Wt. ••tont crew, Univeralty of CaJtfornla, Unlveralty of Wulliqton and UnJted Stat. Nani Acadmly. -Sta.ff Photo _, One hol"M died of ll\Juriu r•· cotved Bunday when ltrUck by a car at Cout Hlfhway and Or· anr• It. and another hone, •tnlck by a MCOnd car five mlnute9 •tar, wu alJabUy lnjured. The dead hone wu owned by Judy WUaon ol 213 Colton It. Aha and Barbara Bunt, 7204 C'.out Hlfh-7, owner ot Ula HCOnd borw, to.Id police the antmallt were picketed I mllu lnl.a.Dd and •P· pa.-tly broke ~ ud came down lo tM beach. Wben th• tint borM tried to crOM the bu•y bJfhway at ll:SO p.m. It wu •truck by a car driYu by Byron T. Wiece of 8oulh Gau. Wiece aald be tried to avoid tM accident and tumod bt. car broad- aMSe, •Udlns Into th• rear of .... other car operated by David T. RooeU ot Insl-ood. The NCOOd bo .... WU •t.nack ~ a car driven by William H. ~ er ot Lonr Be&cb. Pvk•r'• da~ ter, Bu.n Ollnl Parker, ._ ,... ~r ta U.. .. , 111oehed a-., on UM Med. W • alway• have a Y ardas• Speclal goin1-Aalt about our n,s,....a. --........ ._ ......... -NIWPOIT llACH 11 1t ,10 ~ • • 1 • 2 I • ••• If We Don't Keep lids Pr•fsel I N ,,, I 0 " " ' 10 ~ s • I • • 7 • • Cash and Carry ONLY ..... ••• •nd lt'1 Tlr•f Sens•tional, 01e-•1d-01lr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • M•re Dirt leMewtf ~ Ne Dry CIHnht9 Oder Take aba1tta1• ol "1 ll1htnin1-fan cHh-and-carrr aenke. You 001 onlr •••• ti•• b•• JO• IH our compl~re Saaito•• Senice .•• cb• fio•u drr c*eial ia IOWD. •Spots Gono • lotter ,, ... Letts lon9or Drop-of( yoer garnMnt• IMfor• 1 O A. M. and rh~fU be rud1 er 5 P. M. the aam• day or you P•1 nothing ... wb•n 1°" nnd dry cluning io a hurry uH our Lighrning Service. IJPt.lq .,. vim o.t. NO more tbu owr ........ c..la-ud-Oarry 8ervb ........................................................................... LIDO CLEANERS l-4014 • Jll-• ..._ chd '-tima • ,_.,..,..Paid em--. ( .............. 00). 1m--.... 1Nl'IUST ... ---ol S"i•·· ,_. ~ llYiap .e M l lac:h ICt'OUac It l.....r., tt0,000 bJ an AIJmC'f o( ~ Unn.I Sat1t Gcmnunm1. IAVWACCOWftl OPINID IY THI lont Of 1"HI MONTH UIN flOM 1"HI llT. ,,,,. ,,. ....,.,,,, .................................... .._.. Get the Neweet Mill Smarte.t la the new 100•/0 PLASTIC LEATHERETTE• Seat Covers In 2 color Combinations to match the new 1955 cars •UNCONDmONALLY OU.u&A.NTEEl>l Oalll9 .,. 1VMta. .... -, 0..-. Yellow. Orq. BIMlll All llacaDle Oe1on ~ eolor eom.._.. ,... .... t. S,.Clally Priced For Tn Days •. •39•s • PAYLESS . . .... KLiENEXJ3c DiEFr --·-·-······-·····-····-···-·· 65c · PAYLESS_ . . FOi OUTDOOI SUPPLIES -· -·-67! -.-.Ste • I JI'•,_,.. .... M ft. ,,., Ge.den Hose I. -P'lllilUe ........ . -·-----17c PAYLESS .SI.VER RIPPlI GIN . ,.,.., JDft ,., SCRA•LI 2" LIDO DRUGS "'Giie .. ... Udo Miope"' N81 Via Udo, Newport Beula HARIOR DRUGS ISOl ll c..t S, .. Corou del llu WEiil-END Specials IAUOA DRUGS . N>I JUNI 3, 4, I THIUS., Pll., & SAT. '718 ll ..... Blvd.. ..... *Yoe aod yoer faally .,. ................ ,. CO .. 8C di!J "RtllabltH pliu-r. Tua to.,_ 6dnclyfor~ ......... .. adriet.. AM be ...,. '° brJaa u 10.r Doctor'• ptaedpci.., few ..-r. predle coapoeadJ111- ,. ........... , ------m --......... -........... ... c-·-... ....,. .... --.,. .. ~ .... _ ~---... ~ 11',.;;..,IJ . ~ ,. . .--. ~ .J 'f -.. ... ,. .. . \ :..:~.. £.-. ~·. ~ . . Tu1sy Prct9tance lets I Scent-matched COLOGNI AND DUSTING POWDER : ....................................... . • regularly 12 each : ~ NOW ONLY •I IACH . ..... .. . .......... . . . four refreshing summer fragrances i ........ _. • dudmg ,_. .. ...eeh ... la PY ,_... polka ._A~ powder ... talaa a · •uit•.-&.'9ol PLAMINGO SAPAll ULAC 1 OVATION VINCENT'S ICE CREAM 10C COSMETICS r, .. ..., ........... ..,.... ANGEL SKIN FREE: SEA & SKI T annin9 Lotion with purchase of ............. 121 DIODORANT .. ~· Prtcicc..-- MUI I-* A....a.r COTY ···-..... . ....... ·-·-·-··--·····----• ........., MeM> A ..... 81p. ....... L~L'....._t.~,_. PAYilSS .,........ 'Ge MIRACU IOWL._ ···-·-·-7-, ........................... . ;A.NTS srlETCHER. ~ ac 8~·~ 14' SEAT CUSHIONSa.s, UI-- DRUGS .. lhlftCJ Epsom Salls s •· 1• 19c _u_9_u_o_1_D_IP_Al_TM_1_NT_s_P1_c_1A_LS_. NloiiDE" ".._·····--···---fc SHADY Kenbr,ky Seagram's GROVE Host SEVEN I Yn. OW •t.DD ....... CROWN nm ... '"'· .. 10I ...., I •noor nnll l'D'l'll T '3" 4• J·ll CA .. °'6 ""'"""'MIO/ti •orri.•• -- ,. , . NEW SUNllAM INSTANT COFFEi. TIA MAKER BelDc Introduced to Harbor area howwlt• and thoM acn. the nation la the new Sunbeam tut.ant oott .. and tea maker lhown abaft. It bata water fut. and main- taiu cornet temperature wit.bout boWns over. Spedal aafety thermostat pnventa unit from overheating If It nlD8 dry. New pot hold9 10 cups. Metro l••••tillt Fare AcQntmelltl Th t:.J.ltom.ta PubUe UUUtlee CommlNtoa bu •t J une II at 10 a m. tor be&l'Ulp on t.M Ket, ropoUt.a.n Coecb Ulla' nque1t tor authority t4 edJll.ll rat.ee, It wu auounced today. the bu.rla• LI K~ UI tM Oontm' d e Oourt.room U1 Ule ~ 1W BDJIM ... H I a. ..,._. IL, 18 ... ~ -.v .... , ..... 4")~ ••••.•••• ~~~c~!'!!! ~ ··------------· 00i9TA llDA n tt N ........ Bh._ OOllOJfA DICL llAA .. 0.... 11"7. AOOU'a LAOCNA BEAOll ........... , &.u.80.& lllLAllfD .............. Hll"W'C>Sr llEAOll .. o...e llwy. A COMPLm SERVICE POI THI HARD OF HIARING .&IW -m:r,.....,...... .. ., ........... ........... _!I! , ... -.... y (l.A8. lmN +ro .... -·&...-. .......... -........ .... .,....... . 'l'e .... c ... ....,...,_ ...... ~ .. .. ...... ···:.: 0 .,, .. ...,.. .................. .. ~--...... tt ....... ., ............. .... ... ... .. ,_ .... ...._._....._ ... .... .-.... ,._ b ·= ......... mm ,.. -... .... ... ,,,, ......... _,,... x .. ..., ........ ,.. ............... ,.. ..... .-m;r t "rn .. ,... ....... ..., • llell lw ... ....._ ... .......... ... _..__ 'tw ....... _..,_ .. .._ .. ...... ............ .,_._,.._......,,.,..... aA'ft'DY JlftJllm RMJ RM3 RM4 Rt.412 . RM502 ---RM625 -5044 -E 505-E • 506-E 507-E 411-E 412 -E 413-E .53 --.68 .80 .70 .32 1.00 --1.25 --1.60 --1.40 .95 -----1.25 ------I.SO OUK PBKm .JO ---.40 ---~-.SI .65 .55 .25 ----• 75 .IS ---1.25 .ts .65 .IS ... , .. ,_ ~ ,_ ........ ,,,..... COllDS FOR AU. MAID Sl .IO H. Dale Rather HIARING AID SPECIALIST ""'l'llS Bl8'1' ,_ LDl8 for tbe ...... ., ........ •H...... luta.&.--m~t THI lllNaT AND LOWDT PllCID Euf7A 11- MAPLE FURNITURE .... tulf"'/...,_ 0,-,.,...,. .... ' ~UN! I', 1955 -COAST ~t: SHOPPER -PA .. I CLUB IN NEW DRESS . i-wra or tJw taaaboat.. wttJa an .. umated i..000.000 W'Ol'tla ot nah tn their bolda Dab!• to ua· -----------------~.~-., load at San Pfdro beeau.e of the Proceeda So t oward St. Jun• Cberub ,Choir wtU rtw It• ~ B • C 1 d d b heavy volJUD• of tmpon.ed ft&. 8wnmer Camp for childre, tor annual muak&I variety Mo-. • azaar a en are y &ou of Income bl a.ttectiar tllbin• whkb applieat.lona an now avail· tile Parlab HOUM under ~ commun1t1 .. "' and Governor KnJ(bt able. of Kra. Tbomu OUlda. TldnU Lido Isle Cl uh women ~-: !:t~e~ked to take a band tn On Friday at T:30 )>. m. th• "'&7 be obtained a l the door. A pot luck dinner pr9Ceded tM Oii ,.... I Harbor WaaMe will dren. Th1t will be aupervtMd by mMtln« and a ~ dance com· 9tlU tM newly RIDOdeled Udo Kn. Eucene Vreeland. pleted the eventnr. Door pri&e went Club ao-a.. whm Udo club women For tbOM wbo wlah to ret a to Mr. and Mni. JoMpb O.Yia of t 1 I head •tart on Chrlalmu buyinc. Coat.a Mua. llold tMlr buaar rom to and there will be a.uorted lMl.&'a ol Sitt ---------- f to t p. m. "na. beneftt affair tap whlch may be obtained from wm prcmde tuDda tor eommunit1 Kni. Clyde Hom. w .... Robert DES Announces Jll'OJ9cU. Kn. IC.ettb Cordrey LI i(eppen wUl be one of th• bu.tleat Dessert and Cards ....,.i cba1rman and LI ._lated membera, p,,_.dJns at ''White lrJ Kn. RaJpll 'randowUy, preat, elephlUll" booth. A de ... rt c&J'(S party LI planned dint. DecoraUom are ln chars• of by mem!M!n ot Harbor Star, OU , Tea will be Mn'ed In tb• new Mn. Jerome Helperln, wtth pro: for Thunday, June 2, at 12:SO p.m. ~ Room and a.rran•ement.a t..tonal arranr ement.a by Morr1 Mra. Art.bur ll'lt.amorrUI, Worthy U'e ID cb&rp of Kn. Thomu Molho. 0 MIW. Jamee A. S&wyer Matron, 11 ceneral chairman; Mrs. LaUo, pr•ld«lt-elect. Kn. Matt wtll head • larc• &TOUP of ba.t-Corwin Home i. ln charre of the .. Ober Jr. will &ave aott drin1u -· UckeU. Hany prisee b&ve been 9Dll popcont OD tile baymde porch donated for the affair whk:h will fw th• :youqer s-eraUon. T s· . be held ln the I.O.O.P'. ball In Coe: Kn. Neil Cameron and Mni. Ufl8 ttuattQfl ta Men. Paul BuUer ..,.. In chars• of Mn1. Fltzmorria announce. that Ucuta ud door .,n-. .A. •peelal R rted t the June u meetlnr of Harbor prim LI a m.. 11Ym by deaqner epo 0 Star w1D welcome Job'a D&\llhtel'8 Darotlly O'Hare trom her 11Ummer H G u rueat.a. The Joblu' new at.aft, coDeetion. In private lite llhe LI arbor range wtaJled Saturday, May 28, will Kn. Bank Lunney, a club mem, put on their work a t th1a meetiq. ber. Kn. l!'rancia Daw.on w1ll 8peaklnc at tb• May H aocW ---------- bav• Ucketa on the drua. meeUn• ot Newport Harbor Gran, V · t Sh d Kn. J. L BoUday and Kra. Joe p , Mn . C&rl McDoupll, lecturer, ar1e Y OW &ll Pnilln.lncer wtll ban ctiarr• of told of &acu..Sona brousht up at F ish Fry Slated U.. baked tooda and troaea food a meetlJlS ot tile C&lltomia Inter- lodlcer. ·Tb.,. will be a booth tor elate Cooperative Commlltee In Annual •Prine flah fry will be bazvtnw1• aprona, f&Dl1li&' from S.Cramento, whJcb ahe and Mr. held Thurad&y, June 2 at the bladt 1&ce attain to etudy barbe, KcDouc-11 attended. Pariah House of SL Jamq Church. cu. attain and plnatorea for cbU~ The delepte •tat.eel that with aervlq from 6 :SO to T:SO p. m . SAVE$22&D ONANIW~KIL SAW Trade in JOIU' old••• encl 1ei a '22. 'o ettdir on either ol theM 1....C . ocw SKIL Saw1. y .. , c•elcer M .... 17 ••••••• ~1'., -, $90!! I -::-~1·11·::, ....,_ ...... ,.. ..... CHEESE FOOD~~:-2! 69' JACK CHEESE ~ ': 39' CANNED MILK=-2: 23' LUZ• -1111 ....,......,,. ... 201 bnllch. ... c uns• CG,.,. .... CBlflll!l ... lllA'llD MU ==-'9'/a• ................ ..,. __ •en > I H Cr •11 All DIOPS , ... l~ OIAllCE SUCIS ..., ~ · Mmht1l1w1 , ... 2nc ............ ,.,, ......... ...,. c ........ KE CREAM P., YWt fl!Mlt 0 '• ... T. ~ tty ...... ....,., ••• v ........ ... ~ 2-::!'47c JA191Ma.a.. ..... UiUallY. ... ....... mmu.~y755c ED~DS •• 73c or Im LS llOS. • ._,.,_. • CHUNK TUNA ftl"SIA ·~25' 111.,.. ': 19' GOLDENCOliN ~~~~ •z:1oc SALAD DRESSING :=-7:ea ..: 49• lllJIUIYI C.Nlm a.-._,., ~--HM"WwtlM__.. ....................... .............. 'IOU ......... ludry ...... ~ ...... .... ....., .._. AT 1'111 IKftMK W •llOii !OeAYI ........ , • .._.y...., WI Ill• ..... ::.:.: 21' c. ..... .._~.nc SA1111S = ~ 16' n,.....,a+ I uU..) ... CllOIQ, ... •W'e) ....... ,...., ......... ...,,..,,.. .............. ...,... ............ _ ~M.-ICID ROUND BONE CUT SUCED BACON ..... ;!45• aOiliiii--""..:::~ 3 9- IEEF lNEREEF w=..a:-· .. 9' ura1 .......... ..4s• wuu. IOUS ·--.. -.. 4s• CORNED BEEF ~;:.' 4,. GROUND BEEF..=.~£ : 3 9' DRY SALT PORK -=.:-:.. . .. 2,. SHORT RIIS ·~a:-... IS• flUr ;n.uzw.. «aelQI IU ... .. SOU • ._45c =.r •:;:49c WAlll .. EAPRI ..., MWMAM"""" .......,., Mft• .., ....... , .. , .... .... Cl II•. ': 13' nomD 9017U .,.., . .... .. . .... (~ ... , .... ) ...., ........ .... 1722 ~ewport Blvd., 'Costa Mesa PLENTY o• PA.UINO Olf •.aM.a••va.- ..._,,.,,,, • • PA&E 4 -COAST At: SHOPPER -:JUNE T, l•ss S2ll l1rgl1,Y 11 Mesa Store A. bursl&r atola over '200 worth of mercll&ndt. from a Oollta w- t.ala with the Lo9 All1e1H rtre I DapartmenL 1t&U•1 taat ha 11011 Donald wu vi-1UD&' Newport on tut data and .omaona lltole the recCll'd pi..yer. Po~ .... rnalclnJ &D 111...Up· lion. High School Gives Annual Concert of Student Groups Music D•p• 111•111 PN••h 111ree ..... la Sprlllg Affair aurplua .tore, 1129 Na'WpOrt Ave .• ON THE All Tuaeday n.lfbt, • accordlnJ to UM ------at.ore'• owner, Edward B. Orant.a. InveaUpUns otttcen found • OCC St1delb I tore.cs entry had been mad• throUJb th• •lore'• root by pry· Awarded New tn1 back a comer ot Ja.lvaniaed • . corru1atad llheat meta.I rootll\J. Tb• annu.& pelfotrn a .. .. '61111 ............ cllneUoo ot Tba bur1lar muat bava cUmbed on FCC L1·cen1e1 tutnunental mUIM ....,._... fJJI au-kwtLllL top of barrda and boxea ouutda Newport ffaRor UJdca Jlllll l'aOOLUll TOLD the rev ot tba alora to reach the lcbool wu beard bl a.. llllla llllloal abttoa kwta, oonduetor ot th• root, accordlnJ to tha. police. Two Orani• Cout Coller• elec- dl to-' __,A•• UDdtr .. a.. ....,. Md orcbMtn.. announced Tba hole made ln the roof mea-tronlc• atudenll have juat received ~u nWll •n-.,. U.. foUow1Ds prosnm. The Tar wred 12 by UI lncbea, narrowlnf their F.C.C. JloenM•, a.ocordlnf to re<:Uon ol CUDt.oa kwta, ....,.. lluicl. n-17 orp.n1Md tbl.I year. poulble auapecta down to per-S. T. McNeal, iutruclor. • wtructor ot UM hJp eellool, U.. pla1'9d "MWt&rf llllcort )(arc ll," aona with amaU bullda. Grants re· Hugh . Tyler, Seal Beach, recelv· Tar b&bd. cone.rt Ol'CIM9tra ...S "8Wdent PrtnC!9 O..kura," "Two ported over H O wu taken trom ed hi• general llcen.e u KtlOOO ~ concert band p.-t.d a~ KooU," "ftesendary A.lr," and the cub replar, plu. tbree pain and Bud Kallaway received hl1 no- srarn ot unua.aal muacal lartare9t. "Jr'aatuy J'or Band,"; the concert of blnoculara, two watchea and vice 1Jce11M and wu ualgned call : A. t clole oC UM Jll'OlftlD. beard or ob • •tr a wu beard ln '"1P· four knlvu. lettera KNeKTF. .,. a na&r-eapeeity •wl'-ce. aa McenJ.a aa A.Ui19," "Blo9eom Ttm• Electronic• atudent.a at OCC evatton wu accorded botll the d1· hlac:tlon " tu Clarinet Concer• have an opportunity to learn code, -.Ctor a.nd band&. Mr. kwta wu ttao," 'Wlnd90r Melody," and tb• lecord Player Theft theory and law u a part of the tt••n peraonal aoclalm tor b.a. map.Lnoent "Prelude, Chonla and A yaluabla record player waa extra • curricular pro,-ram. The tmooth conduct1111, and ~ J'ulu• tn O 111.nM" by Bach u ar-at.olen from the ruldence at ll06 ama teur t:ranllftilter at OCC t. 8awh1U ot UCLA mua1c CS.put,. ranpd by Abart. Balboa Blvd., A.prU a, a.ocordinJ manned by atudenta and aupple- !'ent. who directed In a cs.mon-The ~ of the proeram to a police report Wedneed&y. meat.a work dona In claaa. • lltraUon ot alfht re&dinf, at&ted featured tbe Cooce_rt Band playtnf Police &aid they received a let· ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;m;;;;m;;;;;;;iiij ~wae UM tlnest hqb .cbool bane) l.ecUona from "Tbe K.lnJ and I," ter from GranUy A. Samuel, Cap-~ be bad aver hard. and ":wanntn Veen," the pta..no con· ----------- • Appautn1 u aolot.u I.JI th1a PN> cert. After the alpt raadlnJ ... tram ware Or.s A.dam•· tlrat l.ec:Uon tbe band c:loaed tba con· • Cha.Ir cl&rlneu.t ln th• concert cart wttb KouuorslkJ'• "Picturea ~d who played "Con c •rt l no A.t An J:xhl.blUon" arrancect tor tDr Cl&rnlel and orchutra" by VOil aympbonio b&bd by Lelr-. Weber, and Mary Keith, wtlo wu IMard In the tlral movement el "Plano Concerto ln A. mll\or" by Oretg. Mll8 Keith a1eo played t trtng baas In the concert band. Thll accompanist for tbeae two young arttau waa turntabed by the orchestra for the clarinet 110lo and by the concert band for lb• piano concerto WIN ACCLAIM AU three ot theae orranlu.tlou have ache1ved remarkable IJUCCet• In compeULlve mualc feaUvau dur- ln&' the current 11ehool year. At the dJ1tr1ct rutlva.1, each of the (TOUpa wu judJed auperlor a.nd therefore ellfible to appear In the ttna I eompeUUoo a t the rtglonaJ feallva.1 held In Loni ~ach. At thl• judg-ed •~nt the Tar band and the con· oert orcbutra were awarded rat- lnp of exceUent. which 11 next to top ratlnJ. The Concert Band. i eoerally ncogntled u one of the outatand· lnJ high ldlool b&nda In Southern Calltom la. wu awarded top rat· Inc of wperlor and JudJed to be the nneet •lfbt·re&dlna org&11l~•­ Uon 10 the atate. Thia alght-read- lnJ abUlty wu ~mon.t.rated at the concert u UUa vicepUonaJ .,-cNP of hlfh eobool tn.t.nun.ntal- a.t.a performed at .q-bl a Mlect.e<I ciompoeJUon WlcMr •tJ1ct eompeU- r..-tJ GUtra. m.6.Pa. UI • ......_, 1-0..-.._ ~ ................ 'OBNITONE'8 ......... w,...,. u ... A-. ...... .... --.,6 l'IMatla An. ~I-TUI 0..-..._ Hornets Host CageT..._y rut.LIJRTON ((>CNS) -~· Jerton Junior Colle'&'• offtct&lly r.- cetved the bid tod&y to· eerw u hoalt t6 the State JWllor Ooll.ep Buketball cbamplonahlpe nat year. Leo Aclswortb, Chaffey JC &4· mlni.trat.or and cha.lnn&11 of the at.at.a board UUa put -Ion, r e- la ted. today that Fullerton rec.I•· ed the honor, u they 11Ubmltted the lnlUal bid for the 1958 toumay. He r~latflt that •wral otbal' eouthland acboola had aubmlttad blda, but l'Ullerton'a wu picked. u their• wu flrat to arrive before tha commJttee. F\lllerton J C c.oa.ch Akx <>male• aald, "We are proud to bava Ula tournament be.re In ~rt.on. We are prep&rinJ plana now to make the affair the beet In the bl.t«Y of the atate ch&mplon.hlpa." .., r0111~ Bee•"•de eo.ne.,..,., OrtgiDal6 II • l9tla P'9ee al BelBl•t Pter Loq 8-ch, <Wit. a... ...... ,.. BA l B :: A/ ... ,, .. •t :·, NOW SHOWIN& ... , .... a&lllf ECHlllCOLOR ........ N MIN 1HAN ..... uc•" ..... llll .. ....... .,111111u1 .,.,.. .... ·~"'""""""" .................. ~ -A-- Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMBCIAL S~UllTY PATIOL' Kl 2-7027 ~ORT~~~ ... r . .... .. • ., -, • -I '"' • • "FAI HORIZONS" OAmZIO!f -.Olf .._ llMlloma&Y , la Ta ' ' hr _....,._ "SAIAKA" la Ta',,.._ llM >MA I .. ,,. NOW YOU DON"l' . . . UNLESS YOU SA VII SYSTEMATICALLY ... SAVJ: BEl'ORE YOU SPEND .•. SEE US 0TODAY ABOUT A SAVINGS PLAN. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" lllTN .......... ......_ .... ,, #f·/ ., •• Jllf ... ti t~is 111mrfll 1 way 1f IHe! · / ...................... _ uw. m vw•-."-..... ._. ..... _,._.a. .,...._ ............ ,.. ... .... ,... ........ .. ....... ., ..... .... .................... ....., . L-~::::::::::::-==" •• ..,.,,., ..... llW. ~ IL-~:::=t~' ---Doon..w. .. ..._ .. ......_ ... ·· .___.>-< ............... ....... _..._,............ ... 0 .......... .. -__ ........ __ _,. ................ a.,...., .......... .... A..-.. .._ .................................. ..., .. LOOCel ......... ....._ slili•t 11111 l11r1 -\"OUll AllCADIA De.ALP TODAY ••• .,... ...... ..,. WARD & HARINGTON WMIEll CO .. ANY Ill OaMt 1tw7. ......u~a Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 RIDA Y _. IA TUIU>A 1' left CllluMDer "&AaT or SVllA ftA. .. """-Ir ....,.. ''LOOK MOM ••• ··~ • I I I I • I • I GOING ! ABROAD? f Ya. CM -.... ol llllope Mad & ena 11P ID t-400 ..... le -ia I =--~Cli .. ~ml.::-: I -*r md w'U .0 poa J\llt how die~-....... llOOlll 0..-Dllhwf Piiia : WOlb. : mLIAlmll : l H.Aavw:Y MA na ' I ... .,•.::::a..._ i -\ '·' 8-ttll C'..ta ,.._ : -, ....................... ' s11•0 M • ..._. ......... .. -)" .. ,.., ....... ~ 1.c .. ....... ,.._ BOB lle()()IU), tM PllEn.aAED INSlillANOS IAU UHISI .. Vldori9 St.. c..ea 11411& ""-lAwty I-TUI rxt11a llJD8 MAT. 8AT. 1 :ta MAD\'L"'iTUllE8 OF lffl!TV~ •tart.a \\'fl4. CLAllll OABU: "SOLDIEll OF FOITUNE0 NOW SHOWINa ... hes. A STORY or ftltROIC GREATNUI ... ~ br the ct.p6 o1 ............ .-.r 11Qfl ...... ~ ·-..... ~ THE mRIALSEA .... -.--11111 ... ·~-l'UJ• '1'1118 n71'NY omnt•I' 8TAllTI "'!;I)., AT U0'11Aa nuca .... .,._,.. "'20.00ft l..EAOUE8 UNDD THE 8EA .. .. C1 liata1 Uc111ed ... T-.. elf ,_.. UCll.U«Wlft'O, (CN8) -fte Tbeft ot & .._, .... ,.._Mr I •ls..U.. .......... '-rd Ul• boet porch ... NpOl1M te ..... ___. -...... ... Alelcll. IO ft~ bJ Mr&. ~ A. ... ..... 0..... Jf..-,.rt Baadl. .... ot eoT w ................ ............ , ........... llulJd· ----------- ... -tncClon ...,_,. -.n ,.,. ....... Ule ....... . Demo1str1tio1 I Oii Sat1rd1y J111 41~ FIND OUT For Your .. H -•.- Ylwllt's Uclo DrUCJI fACTOIY IXPllT wlll 1hew T•• laew T•••••h•YecloMr ••ti ...... , ..... SH•VEMASJER e INTIRILY NIW IHAH lrll1l' ... t nllr e ....... TWICl·Al-WIDI ..... • Ctn• nit, .... M RIAL Mt• ...... -,_,..,, llow ,.,. cu ........... ............ dlaa Mf --.. ,. o.a. Ill ... J"C*' Dat ......... Mt OS.,,._ 8J specW ..... SC -wida m. ............. will lane ..... ..._ apelt la OU 11DN b .... drr t1ft ....... W. 11 awa• ._, ·-• al .,,.. ol .._.. IMAWMUmOMWFI ... a.._., .......... ,,.. •••• ... _ ....... 1 ... ~ ............ .... I a I .......... ,_ ..._.... __ ............. '-'t ,_..., ~ 1'1111 I la.,, Jllle 4lla • W. ~ .__ a.. 1//1 I P *i19 NO DIRT'' o ........... an htelllre4 k tMllll et ns la •• ,._ • ,.... al .. ,_,_ aalJ' • . • Mt I -•••> ,, • tNm a .... ... ..... ! ..... et..~-............ -. ......... . • • • Mt CM 11Mr a. Jm7 ...,......... I .............. ,_ ...... •1 M" IN, Ulla art ... ,_. 1• arewa ......... .... ... .._ 1111' 111-..__ .. .._. I I ~ ._. ... llM AJ.'8 ... all .. T,,..... ... ..,, ............. AlilP .... , .. leefll .. " ••• lfY MO .... IPIA&T I •• ,...... Karpet ... ,, ..... (0.. • f PHii' la ~ oa..lir) ,,. Fl..+ WALL-TO-WALL CARPET & RUG CLEANING KARPET KARE ia a one day proven pro. ce. developed by BIGELOW ... the moet famoua name ln <l&J'l)eting. You'll be eur- prt.,Jd and dellchted wtth the thoroup ci.uun,, fJulfineM of nap and the r..ton.. lion of eolor. Call u today . You 'll Be More than pleased, with our u,••-" .....,. c1 .... , Ollly 0... Loclltl11 Ov,.... ... .,.. ........... UMQty.t~~..._. --nee Ule-U.. ...... ... ......, 2·'400 L'S • A-.I I M en "1 Mr blllknd colUded wttll ut-150 Aftencl Gala wu ~ In IJll'hlr-wttJs hun.-wrol I •• ar other at H tpiway 101 and Bay· ~ dredll ot many varied colored roHa JUNE I, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPD -PA81 I aid• Drive. Cl ............ ueed la Ule ctecoraUon1. W . I • .I n. alPWQ hll'ol ..W llrL MlllCI _._....,.., A..,. pVID were: The Gale om 11 IJ ire. II•.. • • • ....., bollpltalmd. llar'tma Aelde..-ient A. ward to DrtY9r ot ta. other blTI>lnd car ~ ()reap Ooul>' a.-& 1"" Kane: Wint Place, lClmm • c eo11• • WU P\'t. IU6ud L Wolfe 11 ot Clu-• aAllU&1 oom.t llD4 ~ 8lllM to Lela MatMwa "New Or-11 If l•OI Ulle CU.p ~~a.. wu bald l&tvday 11&7 1' wWa ..._,.: 1'lnl Plaee. ltmm Sound ,,.. peb'ol f9POl'tecl Wolf ... CU' 1IO IMIDMn ... ....... MtaM-to ~ • s-.aa BJU "Rome liNTA. AlfA (OCIMI) -Mr& laid dow1' ta feet of lkld marltl ~ U... for U.. colorftll ftftt Bw•t 8-e°'I Boeorable Mention 1._ II• '•• IT, ot IOT Drift.. Wore pJowtnc lnto Ula rear ol 8-lu.t to S..,. 6 Edith WOOd ..._ Mlttend mlMr llljurtu tM Maanlns car wblch bU .top-FOllN "Cotton PWllll": J'tr•t Jut lloada1aapt1WbeJI a car drtv-peel for a tnffle atanal. Place Ima au.at. ud ltw'Mpat.ak-.. AwaJ'd to Clw1M A Elaine "llCH" llC~AID SIA FOOD llAlllln- -iaeo ~ -.,._.... • 'l'MSI a.uoa FILLET OF ROCK COD ............. ·-··········· lb. 35• FILLET OF ROCK COD to Bake ·-· .. ·· lb. 27• FILLET OF SEA BASS -················-··-·-·~lb. SJ# LOCAL HALIBUT STEAKS ----·-lb. 45f SHRIMP .................................................................. lb. as• .u.80 t.0118'1'EU -ALBAOOU -TaOUT -PIKE CATF1811 Md LOCAL POULTRY We Oller, Suhject to Prior S./1 $10.SOO First T...+ Deecl Mort...-Locm ............................ "' ....... ., ................ • I --. pc;•• II ............. .......... ........ ,. ........... ............. ........... .......... ... .,.__ .. W9* LOIEIZ ~ "Tbey'D Do Jt ... eyUme"; l'nlldellla Trophy tor audience ap- peal to Charita Bra44. I Am~ lllc.e wtmUns door pris- • ,... Mn. AltJnW Pollard of eo.ta ~ TCMN)ll to RHlace ToughMt t.uk -~ Al Irwin hu with bJ8 Sailor football elenn for next fall J8 replaclnc lineman Dick Mlr11oYidl. 'nle utanUc t.clde ranlled u Jfo. 2 prep atter tou~ placeJdclrer' ln the na· tlon. connecttns on 21 of :n utra polnt attemple with hi. tootale. Bay It Wlt.b "Come as You Are" Breakfast •••••"' _. ... r--. ...,.. ., ... OOIOl'Vlfll'1' oaow COAST SUPER MARKl1r PARKING LOT 3341 E . Cout Blvd. corona dtl Jhr Saturday, June 4 - 8 'tll 11 •· m. DoMtiam ... LATEST HAIR STYUNe FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARllR SHOP llALllOA 'l'll&ATQI au>CL BA.LBOA ()pea .........., ..,,. ........ ~J_~= Rl•ID l'AAH& GLU!.D LAM INATt:D M~M&EAS, GIV!. CU.AR SPAN, .ti.HORDING GQU.T STQENGTH /kt..T LOWtQ - COST. COMPL!.TE &UILOING -vm.tTY OlllVERED TO Joe SITe fAOM ··~ PlQ.IQ.flT. OR COMPLETELY !.R!C:Tf.0, INCLUDING SL1'~ fAOM t I • PEA. $Q, fl, FOR. COMM!.ACl.t.L, P~AM OQ IN~Tlt\AL Ull. A~ IN#. eMJ/I. ' Wm. B. HOLT lc:• IHI GRAND OPENING! ti / ._.,.,. .............. 1111 ............ ..... .. 111 " .. -... ......... Open rrt. to • •· ... • ............. a& Ul7 let Opens Tonight J.e l 1t a•cl COlltillMt Daly tin J.e Stll ()pea Da117 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. -kt. ud Saa. 1 p.m. to 11 p.m. ORANGE COUNTY HOME SHOW at ORANM COUNTY FAllGIOUNDI Between Costa Mesa encl Senta Ana on Newport Blvd. * Scores of * L1test l~e11 Interesting For Modern Ex~ibits Livinc Win this Home FREE! WI.a Modtl V~ Rome 8'lllk by H•ry C. Cos aDd completely t..... aJ9bH by Riviera Sofa 8ed Co. a.tertor decorations by Ju'a latertora. NoUU.1 t• Bay -Notllla1 to write. Just Regilter. Starring on the Sta'}'! r/ightf'I Uncle Wiiie Famous Home Show Comic Entertainer Loads of Prizes and lifb for 111 ACllD 01' ft.D PADING Aao,nl••-A .... "' _, .. .. .._. . .._. e1wa•• NEW RIVIERA SHOW ROOM .. p ~~!,M~.:_ ___ ..... 405 -407 St. SANTA ANA FRIDAY, JUNE 3rcl: SATURDAY, JUNE 4tll: E. 4th llOll. tlln IAT. I..-, '9 I .... 10.1~••..-. SUNDAY: JUNI 5tll ___________ .... _ ... _; 0•1 II--......, ________ ...,. ::.o'A SOFA BED :;-: SALE! . FREE S199to ~llO 1139 ......... 139.50 220 con ln- nenprlnc mattne. included.. $109.50 to $159.!50 : i:=t. co-rs ................ ........ • = .._.:. OU • -a 11'9 ... • -·.Le ..... ~ • Cllit ,_ .... .. .. ..... 11 I I J~W. Fri. -let. -.... ,_ 31& ·~ & SU. ~9.!IO to 1329.!50 1179 .... .... $49.50 252 coll ln- neraprlnc mattra:a lnduded. '69~50 ... ..... ~ ..... II '*el .. --...... • I ......... COIDAa&I •..._.utan _.. _..el 1'. L ..... ........ ,((' ... IH r 4:' ........ ._... .......... • ::-:-.::z:.-!.---................... ... .............. THI llD ts YOUI IONUS ,. lq u.. ...... .................. ... .... ... .... Un• "911W ..... Tow._.,.. .. Hile fe • ....,. 1"1nt·la at"'1elw led. l I I I 1' a.t PA111&Jff DI AVG. &fDHODft Cll&DIT II GOOD AT alTIDA 405 -407 E. 1J LON& llACH LOCA· m s. r-1111 It. LL 70.1511 TIONS TO POMONA •s. ........ SUIT LT.I-- YOU B. MONTI INCL -~·=-.... 4th St. FREE • c.u-., Ceftee .. • c-lc d.Wle9 .., .. i..ue. . ,..,. .... ,.,, • .,. ba•ta .... • .... _ •• Le .... ..... SANTA ANA WHY RMllA'I 8ECAUIS1 IOOAat -U.tled at•~ C"llet--.. __.... ... ........ ltl•• ..... Double._. I&. Apt. ..... tndlar .._ 8ECAUU1 llSElt m.s .. ...,... .............. ~····· ..... 81•1ere 11•1 t••H •It••• 1tyll•• ... ..... ... .... ... ..... .... ..... SI 1, . --------- --., -. .. . R111yon Win Sends lncDans into CIF Semifinals Fray A M mtory OY• Lone a.oh ftDaJa. TM 8-..t ~ di&n lordaa nid&)' ati.noo. em& rul· mood obampe an .iate4 to td.e I.rt.on'• ntc11au mte t.M OD' -s. oa au DMso ...i rrtda7. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY BouUlpa• OerUd Runyon wmt tbe diltaM8 fw tlM Trtbe, allow- tnc all UM Jordan Bf&'b _,_on lix bit.. 'ftie J'ulMrtoa C&UM WU aJded by m rtnl .,.., five ln tbe ftnt four tram. u Ula Sun- Mt Le&Faen tallied twice ln e&cli~ •lama. Runyon faced 16 llatt.s Ill the Brana' tint nl.ne tram. same ot APPLIANCES -Bowboli th• seuon. He tanaed Wl9ll and PaJU -Dealer -BerTtce walked five. :m.cept tor Bob UDO lllL&Ol'&IO 8belby ol th• rtnls, R u D y 0 D MU Via U&o -llutlor •'1'11 would have bad &11 euy Ume. AUTOllOBll..E DEALEU Bbelby •ln&ied twtoe, llCOl'ed once, Uam wb&clced a homer O'NI' the :i9t--:£n\1Md8'1'~D•m left fteld fence: e.ie. a.ntee ..,. Tb1a maru th• tourUa •tnicht 1'11 Newpnt ..,., -Bar. Ill JS&1' ll'ullerton bu at.end the CD' playott1. lt la alm011t the same lineup which advanced to .... fJf • dM. NT • U the flnala lut y..,., oonasatinC ot "" V.. IMe -a... 1611 m Mniors. two Juniors and one UllaptlBOftl UDO llllA\'DfG llUG ................ , ... .,. Mii V.. IMe -llart»or 1111 UAIJ'l'Y PAalA>BS 110pb.omore. Of th• elpt CD' pmea played by the Br&Y• to date, J'ullerton bu won fin. LAGUNAN ON ACTIVE DUTY CAMP Pl!NDI.rl'ON, CALIF. (i'HTNC) -K+rlne Capt. John W. Peel Jr., of 15'1 Gill· en Drive, Laguna Bea.ch. re- ported hen K.&1 18 for two w..U ot active duty P'&ln· Ing under tile Re .. rn Pro- srani. Before entertnc the .. rYtoe m Aucuat. 1eat Ji. wu graduated trom K&rton Mili- tary Institute at Marlon. Ala . and i• employed by USAF West Cout Petroleum Supply ottJc• at I.a. Ancelee. • KArrauaa ..... -a--TnUen lneplu ..... ~., .... OOl!ITA ID:&\. llA'l"l'a&U 00. llH Newpenm.._ WATEB llEATEU SAW. SHVICI -4 UPAllS }011 f/:.Wo/J TMMS It "' caNf DOWN ,._. HerW Qll IE SURE -INSURE ..... llAUUE BTANUY ........,. Oll'7 l'tMIM Barbor U.1' UH ll. 0.-111ctaw'1 OoNM ... - Arthritis Conquered Nemttlll lwttm .. , tt•• Lone Beach -A tried and prov• remedy. Only one office call r-.. ulred for relief from tJ\OM· tortur- ing pe.lna. Arthrlll.. 231& ll. Tth St., Long Beach 4, Moun Mon., Tuee., Thun. • Jl'rl. 8 L m. to 6 p. m. -.A.dy, UDO Ul.Ol'f or BEA.UTT Ml.I w.-. ..... -..... ..,. Jl'rlday's win lifted Runyon'• record to nln• trtumplu, two lou- • ot1 the MUC>n. Al~ the Jn. di.,..' mound ace ln th• renuJnlnc playoff fraye are Ken llftrla'ht ::;;;;==================~ 900U 800& CA.1111 Mll V.. Ude -llanor 6'M CAMF&Ala ...... l'Dfomlft' LIDO D&U08 IMl Via IMe -llaftar IOOI OABPm a DBAPDIEI Dl<Jll IU.CIDS . MM Via Uts ~ ml <J.UZll.INO UCll.&aD'8 LIDO llA..IUlET Mii Via I.Me -llanor HU CLO'l'BING -llen'• Retail BIDWSU'll 9BOP FOB MEN Mii Via Lide -Barbor OMI CLO'l'BING-Wemea'a Betall LA mlNS ... Via Md•p llanor 4111 LIDO J'A.8BIOJl9 MM Via o,.te -llanor 1171 mu.DDOOll.'8 MU Via IMe -...,... llTf V &O&llOND llOOa ==·~:... .... OBUG 8TO&D VINOEl'f"r11 LIDO Dllt70ll Nil Via I.Me ----- ELIXmUO OOlft'&ADIO.U LIDO a.-onlC MMV..U..----tm FLOWDIS UCJIA&D'8 UDO MA!llrft Corupe TUM .......... \a .... ,,.... ...... _....__ FOUNT.A.IN, QRlll. VIMCllCNT'S LIDO oauoe Nil Vial.Me-a.nor- l'UaND'VU Die& MAClaa MMVlaU..-a.rMrtnl ODTSBOP INRTaANOE AODl'l'S W. 0. BUOK. DfO. .... Via Udo -llalMr "" IN'D:UOB DIXX>Bil'081 BIA!fClllE f'11Llll:ll80!( A,LD. Mll Via I.We -llalt.r .... Dial llACIUC& MMVlaUde-..,.__ DON <laElGBTON A. L D. .......... ,.rte ... v-.. ..a..a-...... 1111 MAurr8 &l<JllAJU>'8 LIDO llA&IDC'l' .... Via Udo -...... Siii PBOl'OG&APB STUDIOS qw:aa+ U>T 8TUDI09 Mll V1a Udo -Butler ..... UAL E8'LU'E UDO &&ALTY A.8800lATa Ude Bal• .. Reotai. .... V1a Ude -...... "" •• A. p u .MIC& ll'fO. ........ _...,... .... VOOIO. <JOlll'ANY Mll Via LWe -....... .w71 BAY AND K.ACll a&ALT1' V..1.Me ....... Oftkle 11U~-B.nwM41 a&VINGI a LOAN .u&OCUDONS IE&VIOJ: STADONS UDO IUCID'IELD MU N-pon ..,..._.,..,, m1 SHOES-Ilea'• amwsu.'8 no .. roa llltN MUVlaU..-...._IMI DIEATBEI LIDO TBE.&fta Couull thia ~,..,..,.... Vie LWe .. ~ -..; ........ u. IOYI a.mo TOYLAKD Ma Via I.We -........ I'll.A VD. .&OllNCID W•98CW ftA'Wm. AGmf<JT MU...-..........-. ... v.moLftSR'NO ... ..,... ... ,... ...... _......__ WINDOW OOVDUNO TBS llllADI: UIOP (5-1) and Ktlce Jewett ''°ll). DAVID ¥. IWO!fQI I"' 7 \ LAGUNA IOY TO GRADUATE AHNA..POL11. llD .. (J'BTNC) lc:lled'Uled t. be ~ from the U.8. Naftl ~1 l'nda)', .. _ .. .. MMla. 1/0 Da.td M. lroeDDe. -ol OD&. and Mn. A.. C. Koooce of .... °'*'~Las ................ the ac.dem7 • a ~Ion.al appointment ft'Om North Caro- lin& Sa hJ7 1Nl, alt.er l'fSd' uaUq from an.m Hish School. 8"wlla Park, Md. Upon p-aduaUoo be will re- cdn a Bac:btlor of Science de&TM and ... eo«JUIUMlmed a secoad u.m.nant lD th• U.8. Air rare.. n. p-adua- Uon cerem011.7 will tU.e place at 11 :00 LJD, (11.D.T.) lD hi> torte Dt.hlsren BaU,, wlmiD- aUq tr&dlu..aJq eoloTfU1 .. lune Week." BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A KJllSA CHAPEL 1141 Superior Avenue eo.ta ...... C&l.l(. Phone Ll'bertJ 8-2U1 CHAPEL BY TRll 8llA 1620 m. eo..t Blvd. Oorooa del Kar. C&Ut. Phone B+rbor U ............................. ST AFFORD & SON "NllLll and DOC" mLECl'&IO.U. OONTILAOl'O .. no. ~ ., .... 111 .......... AY-N ........... '[·)~---;--------=------:--.1 . ·-_) .. I r; 1J f,: I • • I -• ••I " 4 -·~--------------- latliieWeek LOCKERS 11'.ECLU. -Loot .. (a.pp.. 121 lb.) "·" JT• WIDIWATUa~PSDm ... <8*Jll MS&n m , .._ .._ JOWPOaT -.a.ca ...._ m.e Wll WILL A.DJUIT A.ND OIL FREE ANY IUJClll SEWING KACllINO ANT PLACll IN ORANGI COUNTY Call Kl 7·4401 WHEELER APPLIANCE CO . II 11:1;' \ I 1) I"' 'I 'ft. tct-.. • ft ...... WHEN MOM IUYS THIS NORGE Alltolllatlc W ...... A..mtnary SpecW .. 11.,...., °"" 1300 ,., .... on this NORGE · auTOUTIC WASlll C....-•lllllllwlMORGE TllMJllClllrll MARTIN Furnlt.-e 1161 Hw INr llYcl. c ....... l••rtr 1-1131 SUNDAY, JUNE 5th 10 a. m. 'til Closing in ·our new lwme New HOIM of CHRYSLER-IMPERIAL· PLYMOUTH W. & S1rvlce Int .......... tt.v....., TNCb 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach RECEPTION •SOUVENIRS • REFRESHMENTS • TV PERSONALITIES Lou Reed & Associates -- NIWPORT llACH 10,,-.. ..... 1ey aut»J 1200 w. c..t Hwy. Pf'lmoulfi ..... ._. omu llar. IM :V::. 0,... Frlclay n•lllt 'ti 9:00 p ... ----------------------_,, ADYllTISINa IS THI IUl ~-P'a ...__ 1616~•JHIlilIMIDIUM-'-11HM.I1616 ---· .... ' -. JOD WHITE RACKS UP GREATEST PREP MILE MARK OF ALL TIME Ha bor Hhjh Distance Ace In 4:20 ClodllllCJ to Set Record lro14c11ti1c Fish Forecast Newport Harbor lfilb ScbooJ'• Tod White ill thti snat· Hau.' .._.. IMal llMtll eiR prep miler of t.11 time in the UnJted Statee. Rmm.inc .t.el"lt tor.cut. ma,. ~. ~ t! Sta ta Meet oppoUtion completely into the cround Saturday ........i -iu. It .u _,...at tta. ID the Loe •··elell Memorial eou.eum, White unJ·lllllMd.· a Mocia..y mMl..tq ot tM 1pori. ...._ . n.htn S.rvte. ~t.U~ lne. ..._tJonal flniAhln& kiek to let a Nl.tlonal Intenoholutio 'nl.• broadcut from tiab1ftt" boat.I ,._.. ol f.:to nat.. ver at1 ~ ~ t.l tlMI tu. aboUt dail7 ca tc:h91 MMl9 lmproV't- 'l'btl biok1 uw. old marl!; ot f,:to-i..p point. In 1 :11, Ju.\ u Wblt. ment btt•Ulle....Ul• 111port.tn1 boat. • f. • by KM TNta ot wum. .... att.rt.d b!9 M4.. bav~ not,. Mm •tlckinc Nllily w 1nd. mt 1.,.. TNQ i. ,_.. a 8trau.t 4IWW Whit. -. at UM tht ftcta. bl "u Mallrted. trMbmaa at UIC. Whlt.8'1 cloc:k· cum, but Tod • .,.,..., JaAt. nn-TM proa an.d coaa of th• liroad- ... ·•---·-~ ... Ct.W'onl1a lahlns kick. RINadtar tbl n....i cuta w•ra dl«u-4 but no dt-tl· -_ _.., tutll. Wbl.t.9 held a ax Jd. i.4 • nu .. objecUve ,.,... reacbed. Act-Bt&ta bicb 9Chool tlrn• ol ':21, we p~·•denl Cy ..... eke:-1ur1e1t· •-• ~ u,.... .. ell Roy Hal• Ill DoilrMJ', Modli9to. Tht ,_, • u -up .. ,. ~t ......... ~ ~.,.. ID&ln.t.lnad to tlM Lap. 1911 U\1 dtcllion ?>. left up t.o tll• ~~ ace Boll llearnMI whUt at .,. Whlt. tlD..i.llbltd llU ~ Radio Ka.rtn. eouneu ln coofdln•· a..dMJ'. TM time bettered Whlt.'1 H&Je wu MCOnd IQ f :tl.2. J-tlon wltJ\ a repn18t.nU.tlvt fl'orn ~ bMl ot 4 :22.t . N--.a Ill Jdl'.....,. td.-.4 out eaell port c:oncerntd. "-ftopnl ot or-wint. "-• I« Wrd. thoup lloth An annual banquet 11 tentative wtwim Whit• daf..tld bl th• _,. tlJntd ta 6:22. tor October to honof the •election llouthtna Oalltomla CD' :nU• ei... or lh4I "Skipper or th• 'Ye•r." The croup l.1'o Cec\Md to 1 .. ue an- nual member~p card1 for 11. ... .., ..... ....... ...uw.-..~ ..... 1.y pac• Uta1. .-69 Tod'• llCbl.- tnent p<*iibk. Jotui. ronmaa ot J.. boy •~lnl" 1 la.., I os., wu ao.:...•t. J'nMo, ltd at tht 440 born to Kr. and Kra. Kcinelh hi IO.I. ftOSW1 took onr t.t tht Btll, Ill lltb Bt., TuOltday, tn th• llO la 1:.-, o.. .. Mna. ., OU.. a-ta ..... Oolnm..U.J' lla9pltat A.ndy Ke Uy, State l<;l•h and G a me Comrnluloner, di5eua1ed .. vera\ bllll in Sacramento 1nd their 1ffect on th• flah.lns lndualry. Fourtetn peopl• we111 killed in hunting acc111ent1 In Cal\!otnl• durtnr I!l:H. whll• JS wue .killed dUrtng the pre.VIOUI y•ar, feporU the N•Uonal A.uloinobllt C lub. An l.ddJtlona.1 J4l people wer• Injured durtnf l!IM. Midgets Set for Practice __....,..Gd__.. ............ ._. ... ,, ........... .,,..... ~ Pnilithe .-..... U...A.llDI .......... . ...... __., .... .... ""' 1:ao ~-.tom: r••. u.. C\lllil .._ • UM Plrat.-t. a • IMCU" pracd• ~'9. The .... 1...,.. ~ and GW!tll llaqlu M 1:16 p. a Wednud&y, tbe B DodJ'en and Giant• hav• at It at e :30 p. m. wftb th• A lnd1&na and Red SOK tonowtnr at t :1& . Thur.day It'll be the B Indluw and Red SOil at 8:30 p. m. &nd the A White Box and Y&nk- at 8:16 p. m. Friday, both pra.ctlc. tra,Y9 will be between B 1-cu• nlnM. The Tl(lfl"I at1d A th· letleu meet at t :30 Wllh tho Wlilt• Soll Uld YUk-tak· lnc ov•r at 8 p. m. mound tor th• local lad.1, hurllnJ five atiutoul franie. betor• switch· Inc to til"llt baH. Oary Oretn, tu· Ing ovtr mound dutlM at th•t point. proeffdtd ta ta.n Mv•11 o( the 12 rival batter1 ht f-.ced. Catcher Dick Mlrkovteh p-.ced Newport ff•rl>or'• plat& power by poundlnc out two hJt• In two at bat.a C re"n 11IAtnmed out threa hit.I In tlve attempt1. rlnt Butmua Paul Lortnlzen rot two for four and Third Baektr Bob Allen ba.nr· ed two for thrtt. In other Or-.ng• County Am•l1· SOUTH ~ORST N 0 ca.n t..-i lon pm.el, HunUnston ewport pens B<~h d•f••tod B•m• Puk 11-2 Saturday. conSTRUCTIDn CD. L • s Rem•lnder or tht toed Amel1-eglon ea.on e1n Lt(lon .chedult'!; .Jun• t , A na · h•lm '"" '"" 6. Ol Anoh"m' WI.th Tr1"umph '~· "· o.m .. hm, '""" "·"' Ora.nge; Jun• 11, G~n GrOYI here; June 19, •t Garden Grov•: llwitchln,r from Bun-..t IAt.g'\11 June 2~. •l J'uUerton; Jun. 21. to Amerleln Lt'glon t.....bi:.\l, a Fullerton l'ltre; July 2, Buena Park RESIDENTIAL·INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL :::~-~~h ofJ~~·~~~c~:' n~~ ~:~; 11:u~u!l1n=· ~~ ~~~ tl'I• •unuratr dlaniond ee...on with July 10. •! Hunun.ion Beach ; Ju. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SllAU. •.10·0 vlcto.-y ovt r Santa An• In ly 18-17. 2l•t Dllllrlct pl11yott : July tlO IOtll M.. Newpoii a.c. 8utJor S5S1 Cotta Mua 8e.turday. 23-24, rith area playoff; AU(. 4. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ~l~m~~N~~~k~l•~k:.:o~p<~•~"'~~o:•~l~h~•~S~<~•~l•~p~a~y~o~ft~•<~"~H~~~·iiiiiiiii Hil F1t1re 11 Yo1r Pe11ies Tli• n•w1boy who de- liver• your Newport H.,bor N•w1 • Preu m•y b• d•rtin9 hi1 first million •very time you drop 1ome coin1 in hl1 hand. And even If he'a never • millionair•, h• will be • bett.r bu1I•••• man~ • more valueble .... mber of hl1 com· m•nlty when he'• 9rown -for th• •x- p1ri1nc1 he'• 9•inin9 now • • Cllp lllHI ml tllh CO.Oii to 2211 W. .... llYd. "' -· ........ pl'I ,, .. ...., ., , ... ......... .,.,. ONLY PER MONTH IRINGS IOTH EDmONS OF THE TO YOU -IY CARRID OR IY MAIL I .....,. _...... tt tltol H-,.rt ......... N-P..-. ud .. "" lo pay ...... twa,.. ,_,., a 1rffa1• CIT'I 50,000 VISITORS HERE FOR SUNDAY HOLIDAY :JUNE T, 1955-COASTA( SHOl'l'EW-PA~ 7 BOP IUCS Rival Nine. Nails Down State Title Colonist, Netters Suffer CIF Lou Olft.\JUO, (OCl'fll-'1"-Ana· hlllno COloni.t t....u. l-m waa knodttd o\ll ot Ul• cur Playoff• 1(o114&7 b)' • ~ powertul Chai· t1y_i-m. Th• mt.tell wu • round· ri)@n atfdr wttb th• ColcmllU eornlnr out ort I.ha abort m1d of • 111-9 KOl"'I. cn..tfey nOW" ao-to th• MCond. round W91'9 U..,. play ffo- ond-.-ted i:. Jolla. nw. COloai9t.8 -all U&alr point. ln tht dcM&ltl-. with JCk• Bouck and BtU OU.a W1NllnC -., polllt9 and BatT}' l\,..n and ecn. xom. ...ww.,-th,.. po1nu. 'CUMINTI FllllNG DANGDS NOTID .\coordt"I' t.o tM Caul Guard ~ N&TJ bu announc- ..S that UM loUo•t"I' JMW'lrJ NEWPORT BARBOR. NEWS-PRESS SY..-, M__, Md 'J'tuanda7 OOASTAL SHOPPER-Wedneeda;¥9 PS4.DLINU tv ~ qr -.a...e"•I .._ V011 ror Monda)' PQUoa.uoa -a..t\IN&J N .. ror w..sn.....,. Pnaot.Uoa -~,. 1 , .... l'w Tlt.W'lld&J' ~Uoa -,........,.,. l .... ' 1 hpor fl.GO ' U.. S Papen lM ' u... s Papen l.00 Otelltal .... ,.., a...uled ~ m1llC ... la .... ....., ... n.,...,. .......... . tllNDltrll A.D 18 f. UNA .. oa._~.,.~ .... .-_, • ,.... , ... OaN .... _ .. prtt•tta Tbt pu.bu.Mn "1ll not ba f'MPOl!slba. tor rnon than on• ~ tn.erUon of an ad, rPtn'4I lh• r1Pt to corrtctly cl...ity UJ' and d adl and to rej.ct any ad not cotilormtnc to nu ... and "'fUl•Uona. NEWPORT llAJt80& PVBUl!!IHL"-'0 00. n11 a.lboa Bh-4., Hewpart BMell. CalUoraiao. Claulflecl Index 1 r-....IN~ I aar. .t 'l'tlliMl&I f, F'....a DIMctePI 11 ....... OUkk 11 ....... ........... ::~a.m- 11 ...... y..,o.. 11 Tm '1rtsU.. ,,_ .. _ ..... .. --n._. ..... .... u ....... lM"11dM9. 1111 .. a..w ..... " Befp ......... ••*•• ---·-...... "JJM § I Or&nf• Co&at Collep'e Wayne Cou1ht ry hurled nJn• •tr&lrht areu wW 1M Uni"9nNa M-wt~ for Coach Wend.JI P'lelten... callM ot ftrlni': 11 ............ 1 n ._.....,..,_. "-" ft·A. ...... ,_ Plrat"' pokerti beforo looolftf • A.rM JI, cuu. Roc:lt, Bu heart-breUer •·3 !JI Rldunond a-te IMnd. MOlldar Uin Saturday. But that .-.u th. b&ll pm• that c~l th• Buca thetr bld l'r1.i..7 fr'om I a.111.. \Cl mid· fOf" Uw C.tUornla Junior Collet• nlt'ht and &aturda1 IUld •wa· champlon.1hlp. da1 d\ll'tna' d&>'IJ.Pl hoUra W..C. Contra Cotta Mt-114 tbe ...,_ P. P')'Nmjd Oowe, Ban .. __ N 11-..&. ..... ,TY Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1787 Cull!>rn C.Onftre.Gc• and &ou.Ul«n Qun•nt. bland, w~ Calltornl• J C chanipti 8aturdA)' d · from I a.rn. to J p.rn. and t•r demora1Uln1 lll• OCC n1M ThUrwdaJ rrom 10 a.rn.. to Keet. _, Tlluncky I p.m. with a 24~ lr1umph f'rida1. I p.m. VS. Oporto -C..lnJ A.,._ N•..-port 8-dl Pt:.llf'SCT DA.Y 1------------1.AJMrt R. IUltMwa, Eu.Ii.ct ftWn" General Contractor LICENll&D New Work -RemodeUnr J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R ll8tlc lt WU ju.t. a e&M of Wnt 0.-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ tA C0111t& havtni • ptrftct day at ttt. pLata in lhat opaMT of UM bHt of UI..... •rl•. Th• rl ....... pU-4 up ia nm. in lb. nm ,_,. tramM before UM Pll'9.tem ca._ up with • J*lr ot tAJta. la tM f ifth. Twte41 lb• WfM•"' Ul'HlOHled t l(ht n.in 1tan ..... they thtl'911 Bue 1La.rl•r J.rry RJc:f and relleter Don lAIJh. Whtl• l\Jc. and t...l1h ''"" up 11 h lla. Don 81.&nf ot I.ht oppo.i· Uon &.!lowed only I hit• to U11 P1· "'lea. Ju.at a boot &.II OCC' ha.cl to plva~ trom Ult-Ir won t dtf.,.t or the ....... " ..... the fact th•l C•tch,.r Tooy l-omhllrdo •Ot two !'lit. In uu-~ •t bat• uid Ruddy Pitre• pulad two for tour, tt l "JlUSO Dl:EL Uum/ry SllrKI JefUJ!.1 , •• •t ,_,.;,, pric•I WHAT IS IT? lndt.WUIMl1 wuh..s-w.rtaa •ppual nutf drtt<S by n1ttnd w-flat pi- prot1ea1onally lrol\ad. Your cloth• uid Jln1n1 ue dont up o n unlt-no mlx· upe. TIQ Unl\ahUy Jl'larlil -~NOn. -ltcr . 1•nU• coontrolltd _,... WHEN AVAILABLE •.. St-tYIC:t w1U'lltl bO\ln It Ut'(INll, b.c.uM w• do •"~l"l'thln.r 11,fbt l'l•r•. HOW MUCH •.. It i1 • ber9ein bundle too . only $2.15 lo< 21 .... WHERE .• _ casa pura "'SEavrcr.: WJTNIS ffOUM -M'tu:H XUDEJr OOllPLETl: LAUNDERS ud CLEANERS ---8 at urdAy'• tl"ay -• 1t rletly a I hurll11• du•I between Cow1titry and R•y ~. Th• 1:1uc:1 s ot oft to a 2-0 ltc•d 1n th• 11,..t 1n111nr . Thf! rl•all lie-ii 1t up In th• 9eCOM. rn1d1 It 3-2 In Ult rourth and 4·2 In lht arvtcnlh. A 11ln1rl• laity ln UI• tl(hth n•rrawf'd. I.hi s•~ to-r I "'~======::======::====~====~-=-=-=-=-::-;:-;-;:;-;-;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;=-,,,! t.h11 Bue: •. I.Ale• whLCftd 14 ot J'1cltll!:n•' poll· en and l•Yf! up rive hlU. Cciutti· try allO'llle-d •111 blrlf lt1 a.nd .utft.f· ed from t h'"" ml..Kue• 1nel4. Don Gridders Open Season With Citrus IANTA AN A IOC:-.81 -3.anU. AJ\9.'1 111~ foolblt.ll edLUon opt.n• .. ttn J'&m• ..chedult. •c•ln•l CU· ru1 J unior Colltr;t •t Aau1a ot1 F'rlday. S<!ptember 1~, The Dona play lh•lr 1n1li.J horn• r:•m" the rollnwLnr; F'r1d11y, g,.pl. 2S. 1galn1t ~•n Yrancu.ro C:l\y Collll!:IC•· Tr'll• game ln•u111rat•• • !WO g•m~ hOm l'·ll.nd·hOm,. l •ttf!I and w ll1 ~ lh<'l fin! tim,. !I•• Col· l'.k!n Ga lt .chonL h1u r11y«1 811.11 t,.a Ana. ""A.RM1'P CIAK£ l,oQf\I Bf'a~h City Coller;• w rve• &• • Sept. 30 w1rmup g-1me for Ille Don. •t San ~rftlrdlno Oct. 1 S11n11 An11 traYtll to PhO"ftl• ~OY, .5, llHklng reYtnr;e fnr ll tl _.,. son·1 reveraal. S<lm• 20 lelttrTnf!n itrtet COM:tl John '"•rd tnc:lo<Unc N!·U?t•ln• Tom ~rg •nd Don J ord9y Bers WAI i.IJ·Clf' (U•td •l Anahelftt Hlith and a bul..,1rk Ln lul year'• rorw1rd wall rnr t he Dont. J ord.ay. f!lt·!:l Tofo Marl~ . ., .. an out· 1tandlng playtr for All'la.mb1'9 Ht1h •n M'•rtlnel. Tt:RK.El' DAY TO.T S.nu. Ana wind& up It• ':16 •t. . .'Ith the tradttlon•l 'M11nQsl.tlal' ·11.rne wl\h P'ulltrlon Jta1.klf" Col• ~,,., OlhfT' foa lnc:luM Oralle• "'<'l11.11t at Coll\• MtM. oa Oet.. 1e, Ol•ffey at Ont.a.no on O.t. n. .tl\'tr•>de al S&nta An& • OcrL ~ and ML San Antoft.lo at ...._ \n1 1hom-.eomtncJ °" NoY. 11. Au rune• "111 1t•rt at I p.-. :tl'epl tJ\1 ruu.tt.on conc.t ftldl t•rU at 1 P·"'· k 2 % , ........ . CUlllllT UllllllGS AU FUNDS REC5M;O OH OR HFORE TME -OF ™' MONTII liAllH RIOM nc ARST \\" Af\'T Ad1 Mil nom-. bcMlt.. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••A' .:ac1, f\lfllltr.&:1, appu---., .c.e. - , II Ii 11 J -·-. -~ PA&I I-COASTAL SHOPPO-JUNE I, IHI !' !!!f ~ ·-.. M•!!'nz!.'• • -·-• autz, PtSff_kz ___ _ v v Check these Used Cars -------------STANDARD ORIGJNALS TRADE ~2 !!f!?!I ._... l! ! !7!1 llent•• STATIONS Arl'SRNOON, OodrtaD, dlnner Buy trom a k>cal 4-.Mr wbo wW be hen TOMOIUWW d ENT H Pia ..._.. eo..MD&t... BeauUl\ll ?~ft. ..... ...... .. Mell •• what •• ..u. TODA'fl Tubeless Ttre an roR R ouse ns RM ....... ,_ ea.tom Dr11-mskln1 ruu, f\llUDd. So an,wtMre. WUl ------------------ •ldU ..... m.c. DrUSa. ~ ....._ .. h = ,_. ..,._ .... R.. .....__ iu. eewt' IA ~ or emaJ. au.,,...,........._ WJleeQle.r-q.. u-.. ..._ a-bo&L iiio w. ~ 81'4., .O.-~::::-!A~11~t.oe~ud~!!"!hl!l!!~~--!1!0"=~'~1!~•~•!r!...!!!'9!!'!9!a...-R • Hd tn """·etc. uaan ..-. 0rup eowtr_ Mewpon. -... aost. atttc •• eeapp1n9 q • • 10tl• IJ.Da~Boar Week I0-9-.&rr!!!!!! BOYD'S HDWE. mp ~ • • p MDCU1\T out!loard. 10 WM 0pen· s • I _.,.. w co•W!' ano-•J ,., June Clea-"'oe power, itt clue CQndlllon. 012 1ng pec1a s ...._ , -· u. ..... !!'~'!'!·~··~·~"!..-----ll:&cellent Beaeftt.8 •-. '8th It., Newport Bucll. UUc Ube._ ....... N...,.r\ .... .... Good ..-rtt&nlt for AlloboU ··---~ WUT'DfGllOUU "61s· ..... ft. THRJlE '6-ft Jllpe tor reJJt, f86 O' ADoaymOul Appa, ~ •°'9& -.. -.... -............ •M month at Lldo Wharf Tacht ' 196' CHJlYSLER New Yorker Newport. Light :.:=:·:..:SC:. -ANDARD l!lT4TlOMS uavm. "'"-·· 10 w. "' AIMMt IA.adlq. au• vaa <>perte. Pb. Oreen. Pia -R A H. New QW tires .. ~ fb01M llU"W •TM ~ ..... --A """",..·Rt--• .. .'!'!',:.HMlw&eN_.':.·,·· .. ,· ... :: .. ···ft.· ·~~ UMrtF MOOf, •tctO in .. • __ __.. ._---....._, .... ·-....__ ~ BUICK !"per, 2 door Md&D. Blaok .......... 296 BE BA.J'll. ••• tpe.ctd · TM ~ -------------,.. OorOD& .'!.-~ Mar1_A_ ·~ ... ~trt ........ 7................ ...ao U' IUJ'ftOKCJUrr '~ tl.p. out· 1862 NA.ill. • cloor aeclu. Overdrive. R 6 K. way to l&f•SU"f your rtea..... -•r•• -...-. SJCR .. .,... re r ., cu. ft. CS...-board. J:.u•U. fllO. ll&r. •111W. 2 n..11t CALL KJl!y•ton• 6-lMa or KJ1 !.f=:!M!z !If! J'\lu.l1ola ..... -.............. -...................... fU.60 69dll -tone green ···-······· ... _ ... _ ..... _. ....... , .. _, ....... ..., Microfilming 6-ou~ l :IO to t :IO ua. .,_..rt~ ,...., .... T~ oo.-. -----------1~2 NASH Country Club 2.Ton. BroWD-.-.9'5 oRANo• ooUMTT Superfluous Hair nunc1.ar.. ~ CleU ...... _ .............. -........... aauo M-M...., Bedlo. • r '' MJCROnUUNQ 811:1\VlCS Perman•~,......,,._ tao. £'l'l'llNTION AIL 9Cna _ GAB NBr•. M" ·-·-........... 111.ao ____ -...__.._....____ 1961 HUDSON Hornet '-cir. Dark Oreen ........ 896 1712 .A.nahtlzn-OUve Rd .. .A.n~.: arma, i.p. IJ•sws and balr Ne_..._ -.nter ..ute..,....., 11P~S Qummf wrinpr, .. ru80na BPINl:T PIANO. TM rnollt beau· 1961 )(JCRCUJlY Station Wagon .................... 109G 111-IUl.e sbaped-No mew. tw...anr. 0 la .... _._""9eedal ---.................................... · Ul\ll p&uo lit the world. 1J11hut m..LEN L. •TUT I\. s. .c"..., WMt if~ .....,_ LAUNl>DALL wuJMr, rood coa-ll'a.ck· All tnaJtwood eue. Just 1961 CHRYSLER New Yorker '-<fr. 'Sedan 1125 Painting M. W. ROSS J'ree EaUmat.ea -l'\llly lnlNM 10 Tean llS)lerieaee LI 8-3321 6: Har. 3099-M. 6&p&9h ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM J lnat&ll th• a.boY• cheaper Ulan mo.t. Allio eeU TU• A Llnolewn. Non·unJon, 2& yean uperlence. Com,.,.. ud --BILL COKEft LI. M2M Tttc PAINTING INTEJUOR -EXTZJUOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 • 3J1t St. Newport s.acb Harbor 1179 22Uc CARPENTER Repair Work · Do.a 1'ovr HOOl• NMd Repa111nr or R1mo1tell11&T Call J"rank, t...rMrty ... M A1J Worll Ou.araateed TUfo CEMENT 6 BUILDING All Kinda FRE!! ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 ttll Painting, Decorating Paper B.ancf.nc GEO. SURKHARDT UCEN81CD OONTl\ACTOR tfl W. JIU. It.., Coat& M.- Uberty l-N21 Elec. Tool Repair I.Mo'• a.Joe "' .. llO Bar. 1678 lalaad. N..,.rt -.._.u ud dlU. -·-.. ···············-·-.. ··-'69JIO Ilk• new. A b • o lute l yl 'nil• 1950 CHRYSLER Winct.or •-door Perfect _.m th Oolee& del Mar ... Ooeta Jile-. BENDIX aut.olllaU. ··········-.. t .&0 chance come• but once. Save 1a.t9 -----------It ,. are 1'·11 )'l"L eld, ba•• a EABY Spin drier, run. ,...,eel. sasa. V"' HUDSON i door --···· .. ·····-···--····-·-······· H-fJcbooll, lnh'VeUo9 IMefd• apJIY 1o-tl LIL or 6-6 -·-··---·-·············-····-........ Nt.60 DANB-8CRKIDT J'amoua Piano 1961 CHRYSLER Wi.oct.or ' door p.m. o~y at ClrcNJ&Uoa Dept., Otllal' It.Ila net u.ted. 8tore, Banta Ana, 6IO No. Main. Newport l'lamer Jf.,....p,..-, ltftrythlar ouarant.ecs Sedan Light gray ........................ ___ 1006 CONTRACTORS ALL CLA.SSIFICA TIO NS 1211 hlboa Blvd.. Newport ,.,.. l>elSnry u am ltUOIOND Splatt orpn 1955 DESOTO Sport.man. Loaded. 8-Q, ..,_ HU. atue 8mOOT"S Rc!we., Rouewa,.. tn tine condlt.lon. BIS •vtnp. R-"" dbl 2 * $ 1eot Newport BITd., eo.t.a ,._ Convenient Lenna at--. an aek, -tone. ··········--···SA. VE $ • STUDT lo .,are Ume tor COD~ tor'• ea&rnlnattoD Wider a ran- eral contractor wtlh 26 yean eirpertence. C1&Nta TUu. and rrt. nee. 7:IO p.m. Attend tint WA.NT liloa1 lrnpu, Koe. tJU"U J'r1. l :IO a.rn.-t p.m. u..,. out. Corona d&I Mar. Ph. KI ,..7211 da.7• or Har. MOl-W ..... i.n.rty •·&'2e. HctO SHAFER'• MualcCo. (Since 1907) 195t DESOTO Conv. Cpe. all the extna. • •21-tn N. Sycamore. Santa Ana W ashina Machine Pbon• Kimw1y 2-<>e12 Red A black -····--··-................. sA VE s s $ IDVJCll MUST SELL ltO baa imported LOU REED ITdlt a.cc:ordJon. BTand n-. Ta>ce lllt rood otter. Har. 1aao. &epeo CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 Weat Cout Highway. Phone Llberty 8-MBe ae..ton tree. Besfn anytime -----------1·,.ar parantee OD Joba Gane WA.NT rttl or oollel• atudeat to and oa u-.ct wubera. ,...'A. Al Tyler School help 1.n .mall rroce'7 .ion. t-10 trur) .Newport Bl., co.ta ...... ---p.m. • daJ• wk. _,,d I a.m.-' Libert 8 ..i IU\3 LI...__ H.A.HMOND OMA.NS uaed. A 1&11 No. BroadWay, Banta Ana p.rn. Sunday•. · Y -,vv or ~nY ran opportunity. On• ta.moua Ph. Klmberly 2-tnt or Kl 1·!411 TUil PELL KA.JtKm', Ool'DSI' 1.tt.b a...827. MUc Chord Or1an. perfect condition. 12Uc • PS&cenU... Coat& x.... Mttc One Hammond 8p\net Or~, I -----------RllLLUILll PARTY to tUe oYer lltyboardL Don't wait If you R I E · S h I LAI>T W1Tll CA.ft for Newport payment.a on pncUcaUy 11ew wtab to make a rood Mvtnr on &8 State C 00 Helpta and Costa 1i(..a. llxcel· 1t-0n •Philco retrtr. W/tl'ffMl". tbe world'a tlnHt orsana. ·,n S•nt• Ana S.t A'fGe work. PJL Kl 1·"91. LI 1·2092 after 6. 67cSll DANZ·8CHMID1'. Home ot th• u u llptl Hammond Orran. 620 No. Main, KEN • WOMOf ........ la lf&J'e . Bm\VEL ·~ cu. tt. retr••· lbrcel· S&nt.a Ana. Good tema. Ume for unllmlt.ad opportunltl• WA.MT ~· atenQfft...,. A ap. lent ..,.dluan '80. alt IJl Mo· -----------tn RuJ £It.ate. Hew ....... -1tell~ .,...w . .J..pplJ at den.a, Newport Kelrtiu. Olc&O Bll1A.UTlJ'UL maple mirror type weekly . .Al T71er llultnledal. At-Balboa kT Club fNrlt office. uprt(bt plano ln periect eondl· Wld t\rat ...ms ,,.. and learn 1211 w. Oout s.,.. 1Tc69 Used Automatics ttoa. Temui f 3U'7 down and ~ -• tsald Call fll.'7& per month at- a bout •·-• or 2 WAJTIUtUSI waated, one 11 S39 50 Sf11 aH.An:ft'" Mumlc Co. (!Ince ltoT) tvrlte DOW for bl.tor.-UoL Bwll· a .m.-' p.m. l!ftnlnS wa!tl'MI • to 50 Cll-413 N. Syca.mor., llUlta An& neae lnaUtut.a, W~ Jf. e,.m-p.m. to 10 or 11 p.m. R0881'8 Phone KJm!lerl1 l-<>672 more. Kl a-noa. Hlfo CJ..Y'll, ..... Har. OIT&-W. ITcSI • • China Painting Da7 and~ a... Orders TMen Now PMDa LJbutJ ...... Htto BONNIE BRAE Pre-school MUSIC uu • cnfta, mal'lllDp only. Trauport.aUon. 1610 lie.Illa AD& AYe., Ll M21J. Nett O.Uvued lnatalled, JUUUtlted. 60 USED PIANOB ..nt.c! for our 81)(:1\ft.AJUEa; •t.uo&.: book· ftnna .A.T&llUI• rent.al dept. Rirtieet cull allow- kMI*': ra1. otnce add. rnach.: We Service All Appllancea ance lD trade tM orpna. ,nnd tactory; ~. Cook. Un planoa. and .-pin.eta. tn; s-'L MW Jobe 4&07. Speci•lldor In A11tomatJca DA..NZ-8CBMIDT. 6ao No. M.aln, JUN1D FAJUlU J:mpk>JD1ant Auto. Wuher Enter'pl1.8e9 Santa ~ •01% • 121\d St.., NewJIOrt Beach ltCI Ne"l>Ort Blvd. Colt& Meea ----------- (urou It. fToclm City Hall) ~ Llbertf 1-TIOI (N_; Goll Ooura.> S B rd • p• llpp ee a1~ win 1ano SG-~::!Mi.c!!!"~ie~•!!!!nec~•~------------& Organ Display Sl-Wuted to 8az WOODWORTH PIANO CO. Clearance Sale WA.JtT TO BUT 8 c:u. tt. wti.,:I lSll Cout Blvd., Corona dt'I Mat ...__ 1 ··-• 1Thaden Interior Bld1 I -.-nrw. LI -462&· ..,.,... Bar. U82 6t ttc G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '4& OMO ~ T. PICICUP. ''7 J'ORD >ii T. PICKUP. 't i> QMC ~ T. PICKUP. 'M OMO \i T . PICKUP. '63 DOOOE '~ T. PICKUP, SPORTSMAN TOP. '&4 owe ~ T. PICKUP, HTDRA·MATJC TRANS. 'Ill ClmVROLET 'LT. PICKUP '113 OMC 16. T. PICKUP. HTDJU-MATlC TftANS. ·~ OMC l ·T. DUAL. n.A'T'BED. 'M DODOE t ·T. DUAL, C It C 'IU FORD 2-T . 12' VLAT1Ul\D 2 SPEED, 1:211 TIRES. '~2 CHl!:VROLET 2-T. 171>" WB, 2-SPEJCD, 1:26 TIR.ES. 'M OMC 10..WRl':EL DUM"P B-L TRANI., t :oo Ttldl8. &O-A .... _. Ta .. dm For the Cream Off the Top See These Can at Theodore Robins '51 Chrysler $1095 Wlnd.llOr dJx. ' ctr. Low mu~..-. '49 Ford $575 CL cpa. wtt!I radto and b .. ttr. '49 Chrysler $645 New Yorker t dr. A nJce one. 'SO Hillman $495 C.On"rtlble, radio, heater. '53 Ford $1795 UNDJ:l\WOOD portable t;newrtt· SZ-Far'Dlture f01' 8-Je ePlNET PIANOS. All wond~rful er, UntYU'Ml ·····--·--·-f ZS. b BU l\U Md &I Ole"'11bi., ndJo heater, Fordo. See ua before bu~ u7 uaed truck, we J\&ve a aelec:Uon ot 20 to c.l\ooee trom. Our pr1cee and i.mia cu not be an&tcbed. I hour eerrie9 Courtney & Lester l .. N.,..aft atft .. Oee\a M• PllOMW LIBDlT'I t-Utl •U ct-Auto Sel'\'lee Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e CyJ1. • ...... _ -.US.88 a eyi.. --·--·-SM.II b\dudt l both labor a.nd ,.rte. New r1n11. wnat ptna. ftlYe ,nact. ntunp or a&la &M rod Marin,.. Dtpert root« tune up. to-day or •.000 lllll4 suann\.M.. CNO MONl:T DOWN). REBUILT ENGINJCS -uP to 10 MONTHa TO PJ..T- BuUt tn our own laetery -.,. lldlled wnaehlnl.U. Don't OOllln4 wtUl lll• middle mu. Buy direct. ft.EBUlliT and INSTAT.1.IXD DORT m-oc:s roaD --•m.ae cmmvaourr IUUO PL'OI. •DODO• -•tM ml'1'1. • Da 80fO -•tTO 8Tt11>BAXD ·--.... -•no OLD8 • PONTIAC t -'1TO 11t.11at _ -•n• JIUDllOIC ·--•na Losa Cal' ..... ,......., MSW CAA OUALUn'Sll aloek •u.t meet our ~ ftas '-. ........... e&l 0,. e..-,. 10 a.a. to I,,_. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to T It.ate Bonded NEW LOCATION SlO East 3rd St. IANTA. Alf4 ATTENTION Nash -·Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authorl&ed Pan. A Service a1ao Good TTa111portaUon Cara J'or Sale 8110 Bawa, Drilla. landen QUICK al:RVICll LEWOO~COO. •&e Jfo. N.-port Bl9d.. H»'o 9dL ~....... .. ... BA.ND 11\0!'flNO done 1n mf UNDl!ftWOOD Cliampkm portable uy1. I Y u m any rent rtlurna. One In beautiful Ebony. W W WOODS OollUnentaJ. bom .. MT w. Wl1-, P1ea.M t;newrttaT --···-· .. ·--....... _ 1!4. Good Used l'amoua name. This make UMd • • Auto Radio Repair lwlq ...,,.,.,_ L. R. * W. UJmmftWOOD portable typewrlt-by earuao. Only 5395. Lovely 0 11(0 DailoD '51 Chev $895 Al\O E. 29th S WU... 0oSta X.... NJ* fir -·----UJ.60 Mirror Type Bplnet. onlf l lt:>.. t16-lt &. 4U. at. ... ta An.a ~WI• I dt .. Jt. B, "'fU7 t. WA.Jft' TO 'l'AICJI A TNl'T L. 0. DOTH .me. ~ter. FURNITURE anol.b«r maple t1Jiiab Nt7. One <>pee ~ a.m. Power~Ude. J'fewport .... ..._ 4fll. latte ....._. ..,..._ w1lJ lt&F aDd look --·---PT.BO more, UI• Acro.on1c Spinet only Tl'laek b.,adq8Utan tor <>raar• oo. 'S2 Ford $1195 CARPENTRY after J'O'll' property. Ret. itadlY Jll. C.. ALL1CN addlnr madl. '89-lliO JH6. Many oUl«"r V f'•t buy1. BRAKE SPECIAL ~ LO •Tttl . GlplO COPT·PLU• ctuplle&tor mad!Jn•, CH'ROKI: cl1nett• .. t CL&rf9 ta!>l• 100 ptano1 rrom which to cl>ooee. A~ jERICAN CAR Clb. ep.. Jl'ordo., ndlo, heet.r. MJNOlt u:PA.IB WORK "o 10• TOO UUJ...L (~) --·--· f1$. 6: • cbalr9) • --· 12t.llO new 6: uaed. fVI 4w1111 Jans DANZ·SCHMJDT Bis Plano " '50 Ford $745 Roy's Maintenance Bl.llCR oax. noor -.mpi. "uo DUNCAN PKTn cttatns ..t.. 2 o rsa.n sto~. 620 No. )htn, Trade Ins Foreign auto brake \.A.r.11· St t• cb.ain. f1'1&1'opn1 ····-... 60 Sant.a Ana. Opcon 1"r1. Eve. VI Cu.st. C·dr. JUI, O'Drt-.... J'ob, b~ e~rt lloa.s c'M•'P.-rkl« wU1q TT I lams a IOners Home of the H ammond Or~aM. -r- WaQ ~daw clNDllll HIO VSa Lldo WALNVT bedroom Mt. nnll)', J Blonde Studio piano eave $185 OD NEW FOREIGN can '53 Ford $1495 mec anic• v= =--~':..,,. Har. :i tars• mlm>r. dlut • bed f'UO s . al B -1931 F ORD Viel.ON., "' K. O'dr.. Cuat. C-4r. Jt.dlo. Heater. Fordo. $18.95 & up. .. o .• ..,., .. *' &. Jlalboa IQTd.. ll&Dloa a.nor KIO Ptto PAINTING hlatiq 6 Papw Aan&tq tlWt1 •tau. ttt• -----------0000 bed &van, mapi. fbUah. pec1 uy "' 11 ...... ········---· ·•. 1e9!) 'SO Chev. •GAC w. feature atmDlllH M rv1c•. U IDl.AAT, feel ULU\P, WbeB Coew) ... ·-·-·· ·····--·-l lt.60 BE.AU. blonde Kimball Spinet 11>60 FOJU> dJL I door, Radio-~~ Experienc'd gardener you ... oa IM&rl.7 MW apparel 6 DR.AWD CHUT --fU.60 piano. Rental return. Save U llO. I Hea t•r. cl-.n -... _. __ ... !). ConvertJW.. JladlO, Heater. Hausken Motors Inc • ..,,.. ... llODe1 Cu BU1" Svmpson & Nollar o!J MU, St., Newport &&Cb PHONE MAR.DOR 2C()t LANDSCAPING for wan•• chU4nft. Oll.1.Y bet.-Conwnle.nt te.nn.e al-11>60 FORD eu., 1l&Uon -ion. and CLEAN UPS tn l1"IWle merc:bandiae 1..1 eon-Near N11 Furnlture Ma.rt 8HAYERS Mu.lo co. cs1nce 1ton R, H, O'dr., -·-······-··-· .. ··. MC6. '51 Nash $645 ~·~~l.l8~!;,~ ~1:::t. Liberty 8-l&'5i ~ed at KATEY DOAN& Ap-2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bc.b 421-423 N. Sycamore. B&nt.a Ana 11>~ !'\A.BK llt.a\dm&n "4&11. R. aotle ~P·p!7~:) ZC.~ ,:Wf· n . llaJ'. 6191 6tctl Phone KlJl\berly 2.()972. H. O'dr~ Oftrb.Mlled ...... _ fOS. S t.ate-rna.n 4-<lr. O'dr. Good tJru. 41--'1'n1Jen tto P&tntibl 6 Paperb&Jlllnl W• do ~ work oW'Mlve-. -----------ALTDATIONI wol Tour pr-111~ NASH ltat.ml&n. I door. '51 F d $005 MA.N • WOMAN wtll do 1eneral i:nait.8 or oun. 62~ LUCE NJ:W tuJJ •lM aolid maple Q~~:y~~e.=1 :,~~~:: It. H, O'dr. ____ ............. HtO. Or 77 '68 BOLE& ICNllllNA.DA 22 ft. hoU_...ork. ti-....ans. wt.a-bed. eo.t NEW .... 60. Harbor Beautl~ Behr Broe. Que4W 1947 BVJCK 81.tper eed.aneti.-ConverUblt'. Rattlo. He.ate.r, w-llouae traUer. Ulle uw. Toilet dow cleantnr. rut workera, OUN J'OR aALJ:-Park.r dble. 2••M. Gktl i tyle. Knabe Oran4. Offlclal Radlo. bt Uer --···--·-1196. 6: llhwr. 81H~ 6. 11830. s~e at wtUt.. 1tt ~ ~ •t.. Costa _,,..l. 11 P. allot run. !boo-Opera pl~o. ~Y SH~. Lovely 1946 PONTIAC I aedallette, ft. K. '51 Pontiac $995 lHl Nt wPort ••• .. C.ta Mua. IO ,...... Upat1MMle l.lctnJled .1t ta.IN~. &a tJ1t acllon (U&T&llt eed. Ill.._ U •IMS. pptl :=.&UolL Oall ..,.._ ~~ RJl:D tJPBOLSTERl:D ch&lr UC.; Coop• Orand. MIJ>op.ny CH~. Full price ............................ fltl. Catall.na Hardtc p. RltH. Hydra. or call Hubor 70..R nu. Ht re 2 foot loclten ot drape.e. curt&lna fln• ton• ar~ actloD, only '49~. UI~ ST UDPAKD Champion ~ttl frff Ca.U Jolllmle. PAINTER DID YOU KNOW and pUlow•. both fll.60; • Another Qr&Ad onl.J .. ~. )(any JWpl R. H. O'dr., wew. Clean. '52 Ch $005 &'7-W .. &ed to a.& u.t aq ~ th.e Udo DNC chrome breaktut cll&1r9 ~-ea. ol.be.:r wOIMlert\IJ bu,-. lo Grand.II. --· -···--·--··"·" f'H. 8V 77 ___ _-._....., _ _........_ __ LI 8-2687 It u 8-6289 81tfc w..unw WOIUt. 11 ,_,.. _...... ............. JloGrt1. ,...._ta. ps.at t ,..rw., hU n-Call LI M Tf1. 61ctO Comet Lookl Stylellne Dix 2 · dr waw. .... at 1~ and PSacaua ' Mo VINo . WILL iELL 1 0 11d o~z-aCJDaDT •r Pt.uo 1ton. Hausken Motors Inc .• 53 Ch SlnAr= \'ll&a 0.t.er, C.. M. Comp. line c:berr)' beedi.oe.rcl for doQMe Nd Santa AM, UO No. M&IA. 1932 Kat'tlor a&v4. eV U"r.1 It Paper B.aqtn.c Service GARDENING ~ ed"nrUMd watdl• 6: ,ttu w1lb panWd oompartma~ tto; 100 Ptaaos. Rcme ot UM HaauD..S Pbon• LI .... llOlll l.l I-Nil ~ Ton f'tckup LDsltr ....,... ,,.. OOKPLET!l PAINTING EUQat.'l• o. IAUNDICR.8 Mamt.-.ce. ,.,.. ....... and el popGlu prtc& OPEN JU.tie 1 2 bl'W lampe 11" b.11b flO --Orpn. &..,. B.U "' A.men~ Term• &00 3llt Street, Newport Be9cll upt ~· ~ ..... llkttb oylltlr colond drapes cut tor IOU• '51 Ford Harbor 297 t ~ Jiu, ..... tie .,. ... ..... ... •• I ... l'ft.afCll .. .aaod cJUna. cut .... w1adowS. enoup for I lo 120 Bass Accordion -----------$795 For That SPEClA.L wMI _. ""1 I'--·~can dd.na la miae. 1 ~· iao. PMM &nor oh & Son PAl~'T -WALLPAPER YACHT SKIPPER ,.~ Barbor wr~;.; 1977 ' IT~ Like new. Sacrifice. J nson DECORATI:-<G JOB r uu :r QUA.LD"'Dl:D • ~· ICXSCUTIVW CS-k. ....iaut.. MD~ Ph Libert 8-2237 CALL W m. Baker ed. Ueen-2 w..w lteam and AJn'IQUD -Old tumtm,., cul ponure ch&lr U & .. only 1 yr. old. one y LINCOLN. MERCURY Kl ~21 Motor. Any tonn.ac-e.. Aay ocean. pua. ....,.. 4114 ptctww, .aocu 2912 w. Cout HJpwa1. Phone Mpll --.c-,~d Ln .UL Local r.-etc. JluplM pJoN. BlC dJa.. LI ~1 or Hu ~TT. Mlle are baviDI thtlr 1102 Pall8&.4u Rd . 8. A.. Kt.e. -~~ ta to ~ 0iarU D Yla 1 AM \1 I~• t\Jru~. J. 8. OOL.111, OOWl • a , 17'' TV TABLE MODCL. Dbl boa JANSEN ORGA.NO. Tbe p1&Do ud t ZOLO•TAObovtNE 110~ W, ea,. Ave., Balbe&. UOO a A•,,.. I t., Lone .-Prtns It mattrw, 1 yr. old. electric 0 13aa In one tut.N-s ltpT1 ~ ~lJI. itttc Blonde cM« ot drawera, m.lee. mtnt. Bold for O'fef 11500. Our Llc_. tn Harbor .,... --'ll1'1l-.. -.. -P-~--, _P_AN_G_"_ .-~h H ' lteiu.-Bar. lTIS-M. 07cGt prtc• '887. Tenna. A.a.o oat An • n-. ~+a. .....a; ~ l~ earing Aid beaulli uJ ICect.rOnlc Orpn.. Uke n versary dpeob TIUCl'OR WORK, dl9d.a1• pi.-aAT'J'l:IUJCa new, Blond fln1'b. rsmous m&M. I "1 ·Ton Pickup Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 3100 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-3'71 Newport Beach ___ P_A_l_NT--IN_G___ IDS. mOW'lnf "•eat.. ... OrMD 8t&Jllpe Mesa Woodcra~ ~rtl pr1ce onl7 .... Tb.lnll of u •11 .. _ u a.2121. ..,.l .... s A L E PA.PP llA.NCUCQ OOLOlllll> OU\L WUIU hOl&S9 Gundenon Dru2' Co. Unpainted . J u...Ule rumtture DANZ-SCHMIDT Bir Pl.Mo Oo .• ftt91dent.lal • Commwd.al Wor11 work by u.. day. ~rt---~~ :!.. ~ m.,C, Balboa Lp. • dr. cbma, .-peclal fU.M Banta Ana, C,20 No. Ma.In. Volkswagen U ceued Coall'UtA>r. OW'a tnuu1port&Uan.. Kl 2·'7UI. ._._ ..... Ntlo le•· r-eellninr paUo chain ·· fl,t6 SA VE -$ S S -SA. VlC ,._,, , ____ Mtet oo11ect. •• •-t Deep all&llr door cabtneta .. flO.tG SPECIAL BUYI _.. --• ..... ,.,.. TWO l.t PeBa ._.tor reei. a.nd Ktawu a.net Deft ttaJM.. -PRICES CUT - Rent.ala Wanted Wt 0..0 apt.a &Ad ~ 1.n al ..c:UC!ftl for bOt.b w1.DC.er lllld ,...,,. ...... hn. ., u.nturn. u FOU haY• a Ya.caDC)I', pbone toda1 The Vogel Co. 1201 W Cet. Hwy. Ntwpc>r1 ....... Pbone Ubert)' a..a.a1 I08 Ka.rtne. Balb04l lal&nd Phone Harbor Cf.C JMT &. Cout H1 .. Corona del Mat ~ Hubf)r 174 1 Udo ~. SUI Via Ud.o llatMr ..-ri 121re Pl\OFUltONAL MAK Wll.lta lo rent apt er room. Ph. MaltbJ at Ubert1 1·~33. llk&O I aDIUU. unfum , 1•Mlft, 1tov .. Ntrlf. Wattr p&ld. I rhllll o le. TU W, ltth 81 , C"CHlla Mf'IL LJ t-41'71 or Ll 11·3340. 47tfe a.tu..t-B..u 00t71'Lm I..,.. ftlMac reda. M.-Unu. Ordan taaea for ahutteni ONE ONLY Low•l'J Organo. L&i..-T ad • ..... llt7DAND p&tnter, ~ ~ ... • •• Aft., Ooet& M.eea.. 21J1 Sanor. C.M.. Libert)' t-1146 at model. 8&119 '100. C•ftnlent FREE Gift.a valued at $l5.00 r e ·Ins RENTAL ~ -----------..... 17k"9 tt term.e atr-b ( t to family) H. H. HOLBROOK =-t. r;:n.;z-::,:.=-.,:::, ,.., PP 8HAFllR'll Muale Oo. (Since 1t0'7l eac on a SPECIALISTS DmPENDABLE PLUMBING 07_. .. J. llpt1 OU> COAL ITOVZ, -1tt.able for APT 8TOVE. '411~ C.Oldapot r.tnr. 421-4U N. Sycamore, Sant& .A..na Sta.rt. June 2nd to 12th '51 FORD 8 C\alltom club Call Edlla era.Ir 4 Prompt es;'•• f46 .• Cbamben pa 1ton, •t11. PhoM IOmberly 2-<>e12 coupe, R It R. Fordomatte. Blanche Gates Rltr .......... hnlos N&lata.i!M4 aw,..... ... ,,..,... mlrrar. J\Anch type \Wiil bed ham•a. ~. 900 w Cout Hwv LI 8 ~5 I • ·-none: llatbor..,. II !!!Ir WuW ~ ot Y..iuday Bar~ aou. 67c5t " PER MO rent. good practJce • "#' • &autiluJ black color .. $795 I ll Marin• Ave 1101 B&lboa at.cl., N...,n ...... GDUA -1oa a..t a.. Jf,. t.cun.& ~ pl&no. Let lb• kldd.iee '-""' A1J 7 PUMDpr 7:S Cadlllac '50 PONTIAC 8 Ndanett~. R tklboa llland, Har. 1&71 T2th p...___, BY.U ~ 57c59 -4 a_._ term rent allowed 1f J011 b\O' I _________ ,,.._ rrs A --~=>= -later. Good pnctJoe pl&lloe flM, JHI. lHTE.IUOR UKJD Nm'W. a": Syncro-m-.h tran•· Lido Bayfront Apt. "A'S" GffiL'S WORLD I JOOO Wsoupt lroD ptas. N6. PW of •tee. Sl71, l tt&. H)'dn.., n4Jo 6 a..ste,.......AJJ'no9t mt.ion -··--.. ····-· $595 BRA1'D :.11:w 3 Mnn . 2 be~ _.,.,., .._ caru U." w.lnut WVdrobM. cedar lined. DANZ..SCHM.IDT Bl.g Plano Blore. nbo~ wtt9lter .... ~1~~.~~ EnNel~eCarer: Alld --..•u ·-.... --"'-• ... ,_ ,.,_ 00 20 .... ~-•· .-. -.......... .. lmmar ulattly tum apt. -IM-\'ENETIAN BLIND ,---·---,~ -I UM Jtubblr ..... fl.00 awta-tor put.IUou, POO. vr 1 piano .. 6 "0• -tw eari.ur.tor. N-1;20:111 CQTTQN. GOFF M EDIATE O«Vpanc7 11t1tU OcL ef ta.. m&DJ )ob cppw-.SU• ' UM ltlaMiu atamp wtUl wntal f\\I, ..-1Cmabk Santa Ana. Tenn.a. .-pare Ure. nu. car y perlKl U lh for Wiii~=!-... ~==~la -==-;--> 1.i~.C:: .. ~~ ~ ~..... ~7..,.rr::1·;:..11::.5·i:' Volkswa9en Dealer P'ID and .21:2~='-bt•. Mull\ be .,,,_,... .... ~..._ta.-OP9HJMQI lfOW .alt LIM'tr L.~ Wlln'lll.I MUO Pbou BY~ G7c58 • Plender at Jobuoa II Ion, toO IUt lf"'POrt Blvd., Jfewport Bcll. ahown by app'L. only ' ...... .......,. I ..... 1'llLD'llOHB Ol'D.4'1'011 .... nuo Pomeranian Pups w. Cout ,,.,,.. LI •·0&46• ITc&t Harbor •. 67c5t IUR90R ncvDTMSMT co i.,... .... .. "MW .... 4M .,_..., ....... ~ - -._.._ -..-a&.. 11151 Kl:RCURT 1 dr. Onrdrtve, Phone Her, lfOO (evea Kar. UIO) wWI ow MW •11't1 ~ IH~ IC .. Mala It. llu.9 .am DhlNO..., .,.. ~----:;-rr= .A.KC, champion at atud. •llfc ......._ ~ ,.._...... ... t :OO .. ,,. .... ...171 ....... ,._ l·ll», W'll&'hta mll\1'1.l.m XutM ...... ~ to 'USO Westm1AltM Ave .. W..imlD· ~dl:..:,..ht.r. N-paint. =~ '60 f'ORI> CoslY, ., ewner. RAH, "llll'tAll Ui.-ta 16 liloWS. "-l'.U. .. '-Ana .... --.., "''-tltoee fl&te, 1 redUeuea ,_,. y -.tv. Pb. Wllllt.mluter J.-2™. . O'dr .. rood cond. Al.o 8ln1er BRAND llilCW 2 bdrm. wal\Jm. d~ Plies "'7 •• 11W-'1'111 •~ _.. fTt. ....... Drtn. ftO'IUO.D.AroA. uo \'Olt D. c.. OOctaB 1164 SUN v.u.un XERCVRT. portable •lolCt. envt.nr machln~. P1•· iartiar• ...,...., r-anae. ..,. I ..,. 11•••Me1 ....,_ •ACll'IO TllJCPllOQ °"""" ....... --.-..w. m .14Cll RIJWJCll at Lldo an peww .,. ... ,..t. ~ .. Call NO. Harbor '""R. 67llc c!~ ~~".,~· t;~:IO u t-4Ctl c:i~ 9100 llCl9 ..,.1 AtJIJU'd. eM et llat ltnet. IULa • female Toy PeltlneM: 1 .wner, LI •*' er Ll Mm. p--..--•'"'"'""'O .• 1 p·iy. or U l ·T112 •<ter 6 p.m.. • wll. ..... Newport BMcL 19tfc mo. old. 712 FenUeaf, Corona Mt.fc ·...,.,.-... "vnnu• ., We... .. ....... ._. 'fw.o LADT ........... .uu....-J•lllC Cl ....._ 4el Jilar. Rar. 1641. NetO lnOUUl lrtatlon waron, 110911. •rtdt J>l\()flt Har. «ll. ri<llM u.. ...... Al ...... i9 ---.. a... ........ :a ............... ,_ for 11 rr. DOftT and pncUoallJ MW CL&AM '11 Dodp pick u~. low A.LIO 19U PlymouUI aed•n. fin• \\•m=• ...... ... ....... .. m• Fw .... fl I*.~ W'rtte 1J b.p. ... ~ ~ ...... l"l\Ell Ja'M'l!N8. ROUMbrok• 6: m0...-fUO. Call LI f.fMI motor, llilftr ,...S.C:t.ad tU6. -l:Ytl")'bOdJ .... da cia.ttJed Ad& -.mi or 1Cm1*1J I-OT&. ean Bar. as ... T.aT, tld8,..... llptl lihllt 11911. u •'*-".. ~ ~ llTW. ,,.. ..,.. o..., u ...... ... -,... " ..... .,... MIL • l • I " • tS-=:.._;"~e~..;:::a.....;n.:.:o...;::1a;...;.u~•----•~A~J!!!=t-...;__a_B_a.. ____ 1 M-ll~ to Lou ea 0 rm~ a-a.1 ~te ~NE 1. '1955-COASTAt SHOPPO-PA•! 1 Cabanas Marinas Quick Cash. ·Loans NEWPORT BEACH a ••' .._.. • '"' ....... Lido Peninsula, East 31.at St., Npt. ~h. orn:aa DeUrhttul Uvtnr. Apt.6t.iw. UtWtie1 pale!. wtt!a yacht .Up aceomodatiom. Dally, weekly, monthly, 1~· Corona del Kar • BDIU(. dupl.m. unlUnL nnpt., ....... l bkMlk .. lUl"lrat.. •1&. mo .• yearly. Muriel lL. Pinover, Realtor OORON.A. DllL KAR -I bdrm. untum. IMNal, ftNplae4, fen~ J&l'd. O&lqw. C!illdru O.K. ... ••• Oft 79U"• -... Call Har. lON·K w Kimberly 1·11771 117c:l9 on furniture, auto, Alary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service A.ppllcaUoa may be mad• a per· -. by pboM IX by mail. CALIF. AOCEPTANCIC CORPORATION 18N Harbor BlYd., eo.t.a Ke• LI a.-11111 -Open l'rtdq1 tW 8 Cloled 8aturdaye-Uttc LOA.NS TO BUU.O. · DIPROVS BUY, MODER.NIZJ:, OR R.EJ"INANCB Wt Bu1 Tru9t De9d9 NmwPORT BALBOA SAVINGS •LOAN ASSOCIATION l~M Via Udo. Pb. Har. 4.200 tft JeCM Newport Blyd., Newport Bch. AV A.lLABLE. Ill SBORJC CUFFS, WOULD ltlle lO buy ut alld 2nd Zuy Parttlq. Bar. •e10. ~9<:e1 c.D.K . 2 br., mo.tly turnW\ed Truat Oeeda. Call Har. u2e UA.mO!U.BLY pnced. clean l • prtvau home. 1'11 Sept. or Oet. '8ttc 2 Mrm. NrD. apta. ow. Jllold. 1.el. or for 1 yr. *-or wtll REAL ESTATE LOANS Lumd'7' l'OOlll. PlAJ&'l'O'ID4 tor .. n-u •-Harbor 8209-R. chlldrm. Blu. Top .A.pt.a., •oa &9ttc Interest Rate 5---6 ~ % Newport BlYd., N~t Beach. Loan.a quJckly made ID th• B&J AboY• ui. Arch• Utlc '8C-Traller Spec! Area and Coet.a M.a. 81JJrS. or • mUlUple unit.a. New or old. & Choice Summer Rentai. OD NO DTRA CHARGll for chil· wt• and aaYe by re-nn&nctn1 Balboa lalud A Udo Isle clnn to si-nnanent taD&nl.11. End your prftent IO&JI. Minimum ex: Partner Active or Not 'nlJa ta beyond a ahadow of a doubt the ma.t ND.la· tiona.1 opportunity ever offered. Our company want.a to expand nationally and anticipate& a net prottt of $20,000 a week. Thia ta proven • abeolutely no ram· ble • you mu.t _. our terrino product and unique method of marketing to real1-the tre:nendou. potential .I am dead poeitive that every per.on I interview will want In. However there ta only one opening. U you have $7500.euh available lnlmedlately and good reference. • call Klmberly 3--0751 for pel"llOnal Inter· WANT A --OOLL BOUU!" • Wll HAVll rr. 1 bdnn. dba. P"' &«e Oil ml&1J lot, c1oee to Lido ahopptaf , ocea.a • bay. oely. '8.llOO. BALBOA S BJCDROOMS A DICN, 1 blocll from bay It oceaa. Only ••.OOO d<rtm. Set this. Coast Properties 801 ,E . Balboa Blvd,, Balboa Harbor U :IS, 2697 and •eoo. ON THE ISLAND view only. 57c59 IF YOU WANT to Uv• oa Udo and you like 10methlnC jUlt a llttle nlc'r than your nelrhbor, 10melhlnl' with a lot of appeal and •till au of the comtortt. let UI lhow you OUJ' U•Ung OD Via I>Uon. A truly ftn• S bedroom home. We're SURJI: you will like ttl Partner Thi• l8 MUIUpl• U.tlnc No. 68GI PRICED at .27 ,500 PAUL C. JONES REALTOR BALBOA ISLAND Choicest Bayfront Buys BAY l"RONT HOU81l It APT., No. &1. BeautJtul 'be9eb. $10,000 down. .,., .. ,. ...,, LrrrLE ISLA.ND -eo tt. ., trontap. P*' 1t float. ' bdrm.a. $78,000. DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luwy home and income. *,000. WATERFRONT -l'unl. home anc! apt.' bdrma. Fireplace. $10,000 dOWL h1l price $29,500. CUTESll' low priced home on lalud. rum. LovtlJ patio. Good location. All for $21,f5()() • ISLAND OOT'l'AGJC -Dble. ,..._,., Fireplace. $1~,750. 4 BDRKS., 2% betba. New tumiture. TV. BBQ. North Bay moortns. Good family home. All few $24.~. BAY SHORES A Bayfront property in th• wper clua. Shown by appointment only. ~ 6 _..or 1 __ 6 deluae lp&C• vacant. aode. SUNNY peme. No char&'• for prelJmJ· --., -•• ACIUC8. 11' E. Wtteoa. Cost& nary appral.lal. Pbod. 8&11t.a 1715 to POO moatb X.... KI 6-1&4!0. 119ctl Ana Klmbuly 8-41138 or tvrlte Active or not with $30,000 cub. Money ~· 100~ MCured & juat u l&fe u real e.tate. Should return investor at leut $:50,000 net th1a year. '1'hi. will 1tand the moat rigid type of Investigation. Send name, addrHe 6 phone No. to Bo:m:: U-83, thil newa- paper. Mceo 1420 N~~~t!:v~31;-1PL Beacll CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL co. AR11fl]R A. MAY IOI KutM A"" Ballloa 1l1and '8-ftoCMm to aeat Mortpre Loan ~ent ft. B&rll« "' or eanor 211u OcctdentaJ we Imuran~ Co. R-. Bar. 1118-Jlt or Har. 8069-M LA.RGI: rRONT IUl., 2 dble. beda, 933 South M&in Santa Ana a.tte t1M for I mu, rl!llt 512. per wk. -----------Alao mialler na. Prtvat. entr. PP '8A-Apta. for Bent 12J·2'th 8t., Npt. Sch. ppUc ------------------------------- , RAVE '10-$20,000 to loUI on s1>0d HARBOR AP'l'S. Modern turniabed apta. ROOM l'OR RENT-Prtn.t. bath nllldentlal or lJ\com• pt'op, 89'0 . • elltranct. S•O. mo. LI 1-5088. llkel OSBORNE REALTY CO. ------------1321 Oout Hwy., N..-port s.&ch Jlt.111or '918-J (Rel.) day, week or month 5S-8ton. • oma. INVESTMENT 115tfc Near bul, .tor. • k)'. fteMOB&bJ• C d f l ' rataa. 10. m. ...,,. ........ B.A.LBO• Brand New ... _._ •• _._ ... _ ·w·.-._.a orona e Mar Barllor ~._ 17ttc u' -.,,.._ -- Store & Office Bldg. PIU. PTr. cnot l'Mltor> bal seooo 3 Furnished Cottages, on 4 Lots Summer Rentals AYallable July 1.i. dn. tor lncom• propmy. lllWlt WAGNER POINT-watertrvnt • <>ppo.it• Newport city Han ban P'" • fk>&t. sutxn1t P. o. $18,ocn TERMS otber1. Rate '35. week and up. l:LICV ATOR Boll 2051, Inrlewooct '· C&Ut. 7~ Pb. Harbor 1217-J. Otte PARKING 119p4U J ANITOR SERVICE WANTED llD&11 Ii._. lot t.o buy 702 -70. -708-708 IRIS BALBOA ISLAND. Bay Front-Call PIWI Herron, leulnf apnt or ieue. Must M ~uonable. July M to Nov. U for price ot 2 Th• BICAU)(ONT co .. Har. •299 Pbont SYcamort •..o«a or writ• Phone Harbor 1089 or Harbor 2M&·J Mtlo mOllUus. 3 bdma .. 2 bathl, every· 113c80b Box Z.8', w. pape,r. 119dll ------------------------------ thin( t.o m&ke a deUgbttul bom•. ---------------------------- No pee., no mnau children. Har. BUSINJ:88 LEASll: aftilabl• In •ft~=·~-~...! ..... ~*!~t~•----~a~-=·~~-~l~l'.tl~iltll~~te!!!_, ___ _ nse-w after ' p.m. 08ct4I June-ln modem bide. Oho1c• 80·A • Commudal, IDdmtrlal - COSTA MESA. a rm. apt., f\lm. loca Uon for prof.-OG&J or ? or untum .. lncludu utlliti ... can Local.ti al 3°" IC. Cout H wy.. Business Property HYatt •-t357. 28tfc Corona del Mar. PHONE BLANCJU: OATES. Harbor Blvd., Cotta )(eu NO. 0 BEACON BAY -Summer Barbor 187L 117c:~9 TWO FULL A.CRlllS, chain link Summer Rentals U.-A.~ ... HI ....... l'OR SA.La OR TllADll • Excluaive Bay Front. rental. Spaclou. Cum. 1pL, 1leepe fenced. :Many food lmprove- 4, overlooklnr bay. June 15th-LIDO OP'nCE SPACE -Will ment1 that mlfbt ti. adapt.ti to Sepl-l!ILh., $~. monlh. sublet ~ INltablt tor a lt-Or· Y11.rtou1 bu.atneaMe. C&Jl Libert¥ .ALSO W\11 take ruervauon for ne)'I, ~ etc:. Appro.a. ~a ~ II A T p.m. , ... Inter. Har. 2'71, c:ourtuy to 16a:SO 1a llboppAAC .,... OA Vla 62ct011 apnl•. 4Sllc Udo. C&IJ Doe ~ &tt.arnoona Oftb', Ba.r. '9!!0. Dttto tl___, ......_ !x?h!!f! BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll ! Here ta a J bdrm. home for you and a 1 bdrm. home for rental Comp. turn. ready to move tn. $26.~. Tt.kt low 4owu payment A: term.a. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm., 2 bath complietel.1 f\1m. home. Lanly patio. BBQ. lc*l spot for ~ lk-tq. it.8.600 full price. NEVER Before Offered ! OWNER DUIRJ:3 qulclt laJ.t oe thi• cholct R·2 lot. nnt b~tt with iMOO cuh t.Ue. It. Local~ .ti North of Bl&hwaJ, Ool'OJI& del Kar wtth unuwall1 ntoe out· look. Stanlev A. Smith ftk.u.TOR M4 T 11. Oout Rwy Conma d•l Mar Bavfront Sleeper ON ilALBoA 1SLAlro A.TT'RACTIVll snodena 2 '*lrm. born.. Olul to vt.w. B~ 11.,.. ins rm. with beam.ti celllnp • tlrep&u.. Bre&Xtut bar. J paUol Ou.t room It belh. PIUI a WOii· dertUl 1 bdrm. ~... apt. Both unttai t\lrnlah.S. Onl1 Pl.llOO .. Jl0,000 down. Mariners Isle Realty .,. Jil&rl.ne. Balboa h l&lld Harbor 4711 LOTS HOMJC IITE. W.t NtwpOrt. on11 one a-.JJa.ble •M&O. I llU'8Df'l:88 LOTe, _,. PG19t ol· nu '7900 tor two. DUP'LEX k>t. Oru\p I t.. .-r l &th H MO. ON HAZEL, 2 br. v'8w home. Private patbwq to Utt.le Corona beach, $25,!500. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom T1ew home. L\IM troploal patio and yard. SltJ,000 clown CALL HARBOR 1175, eve.. Bar. 53l59 A: Har. U1W. EARL W. STA~LEY, Realtor m Karin• An., Balboa Illand. CORONA DEL MAR New 3 bedroom, 1~ bath In Corona HJgblanda. Panoram.Jc .tew at OoutUM It hUla. lla-r tlnancinr or will trade fOI' wt propertJ. Open Home ~ Aft.er'nooa '48 RtYelra T.,... ai.o a bedroom. 2 bath home in Corona Highland.I. 8halre root. P'taher built with maey at.tu. l JT. old. Price $29,&00 NEAT UW. 2 bedroom Oil PolnMtti1 haoed, wtth nice yard 6 ID a.c1l'mt ~ Cu be pu.T· cbued for LOW down. J'uJl prioe $12,750 LAST comJMn!i&1 Jot Oil Balboa r.lan4 S1000 down wtl1 tab It. hD pdoe $8l500. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. ASHER, Bui1der Dick Billiard Pat Pattilcla + other choice properUee Harbor lalan4, Bay Shone, S.... con Bay, quaJlfled client. onl,7. DOPLl:X-NJ:W, 1 bdrm. ... Le-- AV A.D.ABLS -About 8000 eq. 1'CICfUo dbl. pr. al~ L&un- ft.. UPt IDdWltrT ..,_.,. OD i.t 6 dry nil. Lot lOOll.110, room tor 2nd. noor. u. s. Blp._, 101 commerdal bk'f. on Bwy. troot· See this CHANNELFRONT ~SOM ___ n_0out ___ RwJ __ ~0mma ____ ~_.._~ __ Bu __ ._M'3 __ Harbor Investment Co. Harb<>r le-00 l EYf'L U ~) and Ba,y l'rootqe. WW l .... &.11 ..._ lf>Oe.OI HuntSqtoa Bea.ch or any p&n • ttrnodel to .we Bl~ ~ v1-. &epe1 tenant. Vocet Co., lflt Via Udo. Barbor 071. 2ettc 17Uc ~~------~------~ TRADE . FURN. bachelor apL, "6 mot 719 W. Balboa Blvd. For -k•Y• and lnfonnallon, Stt Bay It Buch Re&Jty, U()() W. S.lboa Blvd. Har. 12M IMpet New Store !or Rent BEA tJTIJ"ULL y cs.oontect. .ma11 1200 eq-fl Coast Highway, artUUo bo1H, a ~. fl,... Newport Beac.b. A tn p l e pta.c.. l'or l&tsw ~ tn O>- p a.in rona del Har, Udo, B&lboL U & g. Harbor •119. &WO l.Jbftty 8-7871. Mtfo ------------- ---------------BY OWNJCR.-Wlll ta.k. tnd• oa UU. corner lot. ranch llom•. l Jl"OH LEASE 5'--8..tnttt QP!ortaaJUea bdrm., 1"' 1Mltha, bdWd. fin., DOlAClJLATE 2 bdrm. home. well located on cor- ner lot wtth 8p&ee to build tn tronl Comp. furn., new stove la l"ebig. Lovely p&tfo. Only $17.500. $3:500 down. We have 1<>me real nice b&yfront bomea available for aummu rent. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEAtJTI:rUL new ln1IM DELICATEaSB:N • ,rocery l lOA F . A. JMat.. W.W. carpet., fenced Terrace untuni. Yltw born-yd.. atra. Jr. p&Uo onrlooktn1 I~al home for large family in best eecilon. Ooee 3 BDRMS .. 2 baths and and a t-fro bednn. home located canyon. WIU take cnall« plA.c• to beach. 3 bdrna. & den, l Ir % bat.bil. 8paciou 2 BltDRMB .• 2 betb1. nal to comer of 19th • Pia· or YILC&llt lot ln l*1't paymenl CAU Rubor 177b or Barbor ••ta. oenU& ea.ta Mua. Eaetll,.nt M 4 Ru.el Ort,.._ C.D.M. Har living room, dining room, brealdut n·ook, patio, LU\L w STA.NL.ET l\nlt« spot tor llquor etore. ~ and 1089-W. oec12 barbeque, large dbl p.rage, forced &lr heat. Bu lrvtn ' T 001 wt.Ile. call U I-IMS or Llb.rty -------------- UU.U. HOUSE '11.900. 1-t pr1ced on th• .,,.terfn>nt.. '3600 down. N. B. C. REAL TY 12nd 6 Newport BouJcY&rd Newport Bead\ Harbor UOC C2 Lot, Costt Mesa OOMMJCRCIAL Jot &Oitl2' Hl!tu of ea.ta M--. HOOO-or wtU in.a. f01' tiou.. t.ncome propertJ etc. OwMr, U ,_,.81... 1 l a.m,· II p.m. lltcfl A. 'M'RACTIVE a.&rlJ' -I bdrm. born-. cla. t.o Back 8-J'. btr& i..r.• lot. nrtplace. COYved pauo. f~nced. landecaped ya.rd Uvtnr a dlniJ\1 area~ 110,700. ca.u u MllO. NptO e ern.ve c• MW ()()t.k complete gue.t bol198 make excellent ma1da quar- Corona dd Mar. Uttc . a Keel f'Atate ten. Nicely l&n<*aped. 67x118 foot lot. For Sale or Trade-- NEWS BDRM. ~di.po.al BUS COMPANT W'llb lone tenn $36 7()() w. month in-na1. St. eo.~ trutc:hlle 1n tut f1"01"'1nr Coat.a OUT Of' TOWN ownu •Y• •pt • ~ :i~~-~~ ~ MNL OXt~ f-4.t61. • 111~ Mea. Submit au ucbanl'U. Ph. ott•r" on comer duplu ao. of RAY REALTY CO. batll on doubl• --•e .. OWNER. I..Ibert7 1-SMa or LI H.lway. Ont unfunilahed apvt· •--.. Q VA.LJTY Macnolla IL, (C. M.) M22S. ()Otte ment hu 3 bedroorna, one t\lr· 2712 Cliff °"" (a4j&eeat ftCUl 8«-4 E. Cout Hwv. Corona del liar Harbor 2288 lot a nJIAbkl Ph. own«r. LI t-.U born•. Unturn .• 2 bt'., dbllq, ~ . nilhed •Wd.lo &f)&rtmmt pnp. -~ ZJtt A.n.11. June 1!1. 190. Leue -POI llCRT SHOP t'\&Jly tqUlpped, All In lood oondltion. CAU Mt.---------------------------------o VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mar Specials No. 1-2 BR.a. It studio apt. Botb tUnaJabed. $188.00 per month income. J'lnp&ae., RW tloon, ooea.n aide of Rwy. Owner mo.-lns ...t. SU.™>. No. 2-Very attractm. 2BR.home.1-· UTtq room, ffW n oona, ~ floor tu.na., patio. q.wt street, only $13, ~- No. S-RuatJc 3 BR.a., 1 % bit.lb.I home, cholo. GOl'Dt!'I' lot. Le-u~ room with nd. brick tlrepU.ce, HW floora, m.atr. BR. bu dr 11"4c rm. la COii· ntcUn& bath. BR . opeu to enclo.ed p.tJo. Jl"BA lo&D at $92.67 tncl. t&Me. lnaun.nce A: lnt.et"eat. No. '"-Loveiy home with 3 BR.a. A: maid'• rm. Uaob- ctructed ocea.o view. CboJoe comer lot. Ma.oy outata.nding featurea. W IW cpta.. cu.tom dnpas, partly furnisbed. Priced at $63,~. THE VOGEL CO. AAtlllta. u a-llU•. 6tpf4 17llO. u a..50ta. Okel Kohlstedt. Hu. 21&2 ..... Rar. LIDO NORD -OP_EN __ H_O_tf_R __ TOOt--W-.-Oc!oMA-- 0829-R. n111 Oout Bi1'4.. C.D ,M. P"ront. 2 br, 1 ~balb. nne IM&cb 2667 E . Cout Rwy., Corona del Mar. Rat. 17U la U77 LIDO ISLE ~ to 1Allll .. t!c hom11 with upetatn front .Ola· -----------------Bayfront -Channing 5 bdrm.. 3YJ bath home plWI rtwn. 8"t View In SeuboN IL Ta.uu..I .....!-~. ba~ UNTUNf, NO COUU!SSION B & 0 v· dl•l. Har. 38il, 123.llOO. prlc~ _.._ wuo. ~ ay cean leW 2 bdrm. apt, Completely furniahed with br&nd new TtnnJI. ~ I. ' ~ J batM. No Apprailal FM furniture. A beauUtul home o! luxury for the Cbolce locatloftl.. IALl:B -REFL~ANCJ: LAROE daub&. ftOllU1C9 RJ.JU lot. dt.crtm1nat1n•. BY OWNJCJ\ 1-VUJ• Jlllr l . 0»-7 nn.1., 2 t.UIA, '311.llOO. e tom bulll. S bdrm,. 3 bath•, -.r EARL W. STA..NLEY, Realtor CONSTRUCTION 3961 attt Dr. at lu:lta Ana A ... 1111 N...-port Bl\"d., N~ 8cl1. Oall for Free LI MJ93. 11epee Let ua show you -We have the key. 1~ nll8:Y~~~· ll•· ldt.cM& Bu1lor 1011 •Otto Fut Commitment. wtth Wutnu Boll7 ona A ,... t1NWRN. I BDRM. BOKm. w to Oil RNtCI~• a.nd Unit.a only SPECIAL Osborne Realty Co. plat• eel in brtclt wall. " t. 81autU'UJ yard. p&Uo. D I H ddl t BIGS DJ:SERT Yed 2323 West Cout Hlgbway (at Port 0:-ange) JH7 Alleo Aw. ~rty 8-3233 ~,_a:·..:-u -::'~ on • u es on ~=u.:' ?~:: Phone Har. l92S-J 6kU .,., a. aetto 173 E . 17th st. T...-. . ----------------------For Sale or Trade CHARMING -NEW NEAR NORnl BAY J'RONT, BALBOA ISLAND I bedroom la ru-t room, l ba.t.h.I. Inatde-Outalde patio. $30,000 0 0 R I S B R A Y , Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenlnga Nooa Hyer Chet s..u.bu.r7, B LBOA ISLAND NEW I bdrm. adobe. 1 \. bal.h1 6N'J'UiUf. ~ J W... rli. U a..6Ml OOtrT.A. IO'.SA LI l~Ge2 TUOOA NOLD'U. R..ANCll08 A w/Ult, spa.doua Uv. rm. w1tlrf'- p..._ Blamed ..w.ii. . ..., Ut11. Ml.IUll Blq. fll&ee, p.lley kJtclwtl, atlM:hed ----------------------------- pd. I bla. to ti.olL ... at '10 T\&CC& Valleir. Calitonia Ll'ITLE ISLAND -5 bedrooma, ' bath home. dbl•. ~ar. P1-11ter and 1tucc:o 216 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&nd ~ ~dtl x.. ~ !!!!:. LOANS for Homes 'Pboa•: -. Mttc Sen•or·•t.e dining room fa.cinl lovely patio, for-ed alr Uu'oUrhout. • ---.._ r--WILL TAKI:. lot.a, bo\IM, tralltr '" -IO JT. i.o.n. beat, -•very modern convenience for complete • or what ban you. Loca.ttd 172 ~ ~~ Construction Loans Want a home enjoyable living. ~ ':.'=~: ~ ~t:-~~;;: Ude JM. • ...... I ~ um BOii BA'rt'l.D • th ONL y $9000 down. tll.da. Nptl .. ,.~lehecl •-rail&Mt •• &A.BT ooAST m.VD. m e Coves 1 LIDO ISLE =-tTll. ::--.: ::O.;; c::-~ .. oa: ~ DO'OIUUTION and UYI at WM. w. SANFORD, Realtor SI rr. LOT, PJUC& . --·· t t .llOO --. Olill llan. UT._ .._..Uh.._~ ID. MlU Mo. t Balboa eo... O'frnu, And Aaeoeiatea and a 70 n. loL n.-'ltt• -----111&-w. ........... P~ at llarlne, Ba.Ibo& llla.nd -Barbor 2"2 ALaO comt:oTt.abl• 1 bdrm. bom• -......-.,__. ftnplace. Incl. carpete A dtapea. 8 UNITS ae.t at.Teet lo Balboa. Sbowa l 1 ~ acbeduled net income on winter rental baala. Priced at ~7.~. WW ae11 or trade. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 Wnt Cout Highway (at Port 0renc•) On IL t.o It. lot., $%0.~. term1. IWt:;!!!l!~'flJ!~0!1!92!!!!L--.J•!!::l!taf!!l!!~!~Ofll!!!!•!!.---BT OWMlCR -I bdrm., doN to..:....---------'-----------------Pboe.-O'lmW, Harbor •J:U. &tptt --------------------------llloopp&DJ, •to.. oa ~at. II.rd. an., tcio.c1 lot. ......... Pfb. ANNOUNCEMENT su.ooo BY oWNJ:R. 1 bdrm&.. dill. Phone Har. 4923-J 2 Off ice Spaces & Store 1"mw BLDG. Jn Udo 8boppai ....... Both ~o .,... ...._ By )eue, $100 It $118 mo. ALSO .ton, eoo Ill&. $1'0 mo. GOO Vla Ma1ap. Newport S.ch. Hu. m7 57ce8 .u.p.. alJtf rear. ftoora tor ln· ' rm., atta. pr. W t.o W -.rptt.. emne. N .. paint. ,_,, io.p at Jiwd. tln., lh•nno bMl, raB. "°' per mo., tncludtllc tan. • ...,.., aat.cllm t&D. Jac.L ariJ n.w m.a. P11ct SU.280. 1181 Paris ao, Qnen1eaf A: OordoD &.Ywta are p&r..S to U• .ate .,...._ • *J9r, ""11· • Drt"' ec.ta w • .._ .otte ..,.,.,,._ ....... M. I'. Aulder-Heide f,.--.... wttb a ,.. ,....... fllOO da.. •1000 a. L ...,__ ~ _.....,.. • .., ...._ WUI ---lllld .-IRA. CORONA. HlOBL>.l'\"DI b7 owaer a.11D l)ennleno ~ Colt.a If-.. '9 DOW wcrd•W -a~. 011ta X-. ~ I bdrm. n.acb l,,,. bom., wtth Net. with.-.... Shake root, Used br1clr nreps..c.. tto. Or'OIUIU'lanacap-REENLEAF SEVERTS REALTY L.AOUXA DA<m. ftl •c. AllDI ed • t.ac.4. Double l&raC• • G • l>ltft. .... a I.,,~ ..... llollb)' 111top. Prt* rtrbe. ... •-:m -.. In u.. w )oeatk-" ........ .....,, ~ ..... •t SOI lha•ard Roed, Corot1a ..,--~ ..,_ ... aA ..U.. ~Bar. IMT·K. aepeo 3l1J }(.-port BIYd. llubor 811 llT........ .... . . , CORONA DEL MAR COTT AGE no ma <Lot aoxus> S4'Bl Cash .. ' PAGE 10-COASTAl SHOPPER-JUNE I, 1955 a.,........,. v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 1. View of breakers , ocean & beach ~ Tb.bl 3 bdrm. home, 2 be.lb., carpeted wan to wall. Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from • $32,750 to $29,900. A STEAI--Muat See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE . On th.I.I 3 bdrm. plu. den, 2 bat.M. 60-tt. lot, South , of Hwy. Hwd, noon, forced air beat, fenced yd. Will take 11111a.ll home or vacant lot in part pay- ment. Full price $24.,~. • S. CHINA COVE-- Deluxe ocean view -qu&Ilty built 4 bdrm. home, 2 bat.ht. For you whD can afford the flnel't thi• I• it. REDtTCED for quick aale from $42,!SOO to $37,500. Owner mu11t move tbia immediately! 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit, Thia is & G. I. Reu.le. Full price $9950. $~ down, -. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both fum.illhed -2 bdrm. hot11e, plua 1 bdrm. &pt. Full pricti $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- v1ew of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. p!UI a 1 ~·­ A bargain at $31,500. . PRICE T. McCUISTION l\IULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located nut doot"'fo Corona de) Mar Bank) LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL fl!rn. new 3 bdrm. & den home with gorgeoua seeluded patio. Tbermador oven and range. The but word in architecture and chum. nu. iii worth your attention at the price of ${3,500. It jWlt bu everything. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm, & large den home. Choice location on wide l!llteel:to-street lot. Spacious dining room, break.fast bar, charm.ing patio. Range, retrig, carpet.a&: drape• included tor only $32,500. Extr& choice 40-!t. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on the lal&nd ), only $13,600 f or quJck aa.le. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE OFJo'ER a C-2 108x300 tt. lot lmprov~ with nice building• conai•Ung of ahow·room with 2 addi·- tional adjolninr room. with a two bedroom apart- ment (approx. 2100 eq. rt. ln blde.) with loada ot room to buUd additional income or another store on front. Ideal for doctor '• 1uit.e, furniture ahop or almilar buafnees. Plenty ot parking. It 's a good buy -let UI mbo" you. A.ND REMEMBER THIS - m.ilny other fine home. are listed exclu.eively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Be&eb Har. 4971 or 4972 Evett. Hu . 2191-M or LI 8-!i297 MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE A Service that enlarges the scope of your Realtor's Services to you. FOR INSTANCE : During the month of May the NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OF REALTORS awards a special prize to the Realtor making the largest Multil'le Listing Sale in which a property is traded. The purpose is to encourage resourceful selling. Multiple Liating is modem -profee.ional -coop- e.r•ti\·e ae:Uing of re•I property. CONSULT YOUR REALTOR • , . ~ --... . ' . ' . ~ .. a11eo1----'l!'.o"'l"'•"'te ____ !!-!:::!-~•!!I ..!li~Olo!!•~----•!!!:::!•!!•!!•..!-r!!!•!!... __ _ OCEAN FRONTAGE ' • FOR Builder or Investor R3 ZONE 4 unit Apartment on lot 55' x 100' With adjoining lots 40' x 100 and · . 102' x-135' on Ocean Front All as one parcel With 197 ~. frontage on 2 streets , and 135 ~. Ocean frontage Good Terms. Full Price $51,000 NEWPORT H.A RB 0 R REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Tip-Top Quality Buy 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. M.t.b a"-llOIM with nearly n-wail to w..U ea.rp<1t., prb. ~. hwd. n oon , forced air h•t. nAJ11*o., on a Mautl/ully t.nd9c•ped and w-.lWti yaNS ... Tha loc&tlon ls lope \on Irvine AvenU•J and th• pl"'lce I• RJOHT!! Sl8.:IOO With u~llent r .H .A. ttnancln.I. Hur- ry on Ullt ona. Charm -Personality and eomfort weN uppenno.t l.D. mind when UU. modwn •yle I bdrm., J ~ blltr'I born• ..-.. bUJlt. ll ti.. (NP99lU• tane.:t pa.UO, natural wood-bumlnc t1rtplaca, bar .kitchen, for«d air hMl. p rb. dlapo.tal . . , un~u&led value at Slt,llOO. 3 Good Values I l'drm .. llO'XJIO' iot. T ,..,... old. ...... 1 bdrm., dbt ~ I yra. o14, Ml.'f~ l bdrm., dW-,..,.,,.. •. Klee Sot. IWi ,.,..,. $8,460 ACT NOW. WILL SHOW ANTTDf.I: Special Reduction ! BACK BAT. 3 bdrm., hdwd. flr., tlrepl&COI:, Mp&l'alt dbl. l"&l'&f"' nlct.t. ~IJhbomood. Nf'~ paint -Our ~ 'l'&lua MO mo. r .H.A.. term. lnd.. \&au and tn.u.Ta.noe. HutT)'I "'111 pnca 011ly ttO.TlloO. Bay & Beach Realty . ISM N.wport Bl•<i, eo.ta ,,..-., C&llt. WORTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nord Bayfront Home We have just Hated aclUllYely one ot the finest homM ever offered on Lido-Excellently k>cated near the Ea.WM.. DeUped by one ot the leadinc architect• of the U"U. 'Ibe 18x30 living rm. bu '8 running feet or 11.ul window• affordinr a panor&mlc view ot the harbor and hili.. The den, dJJU:nc rm. and muter bedrm. ha\le the aame view. The lovely kit.chem bu a aeparate breakfut room and laundry room adjoinin1-In addJtloa t.o th• muter bedim •• th_.. are 2 other ta.mU1 bedrma. ud • maid'• room neh b&vinl: their own bat..b--mak- ln& ' bothnoa. ... all. Room tor ezpam;Jcm. on th.ls tarp lot without harm· lq the "ell land9caped patio. There Lm a nlfl'llll' pier ond 4G-!t . .Up. Thia home t. priced to aell at Sl~.000 and will be shown by app·t. only. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3418 Via Lido, Npt. Bch., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evee. Har. 2191-K. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-6297 BILL'S BEST BUYS Ukrty 1-1111. Ev ... u 1-31 ~ G. I . RESALE BAYSHORES O armlnl' I br .. knQtty plna Ill· tenor, l Jl'9UO. ~n Kou.e I W.day 1 ;~~00 Of &ppl. Located lD finffl &re& 1.n C.O.U. Meaa.. 3 bedroom, double pn.ge, pavtld alley. Nice flowen, ahru.t. ud lawn. C.Omplete!y fenced rear yard. Full price $10.!IOO -$2'!50 doWT>. CLIFF HAVEN DUPLEX 2 tn' •• a lnt. .. _. Joc9.Uon 120.000. One year °'d-Two bedroom. each aide. Nut to CORONA DEL MAR acboot., bus line and 8tores. Full price $13,960 10· kit-dl&nnlnr :a bt. • i•r. Tenm -With monthly pymt. 178.00. •pl. MIU• root. pt.ti°" 122,&00. NEWPORT HEIGHTS EXECUTIVES ATTENTION view lot. 11.ooo. Do you need an exchalve addn:a! \·.'e. have two of Beoch Loto---CHEt.P Drive by 411 Redlands Newport Heights VIEW BQIO-I bdnsaa., 1" lll&UI hom•. Bu.Lit La 'henaador ,..e • On1L HOWd. noo..., eb&k• roor. 1 °"' yn. old. l ,t&O Ill· n.. mirt.r- k>I' l'll&J\opnJ UMI stucco. Pr1c4' f2T,TOO. roa aAJi Oft TAADZ tor Mled· l'OOm hcml•. A ius. ._... in N_.port: '-ea. 1 .._.. tr.. _,._ 1 ~ ..,..,. ..a.... ' u~ n. ..,.t.Nrw ....,ted tw 11300 phM ,_. ,_,.. 0.-. b-.11.h demande .... Price ftf.000 or f ll.000 tumlablld. NlCZ BOXS •,mw. OD.ta X-. • Jn. old. • ..,,_,, v.,,. ...,. loOlt'-..... "'°'· WZ HA VII a 4 bdnn.-1 bath bomt1 I -Ula oW. 1100 ..-n.. J"'8 .. ~,,. l'JOd, fll,'80. Good &#Ina, "ART" ADAIR RLU.TOR 1 ... N..-port ~ Oo.la w..-. C&l.ll. Ll 1-11'2 LIDO ISLE Bay Front s.critiol IPAClOU. I Jll:D. ftOOW 6 DDf 1'oln• on esclusl" Lido 8ou4. N-17 dlooor'U· .d La mft color t.clMle. N-C&J'P'UnC Ul4t ~pa1 ... I e&r pr- _,.. Front paUo 0""'" looQ OIWI of lN l\DMt_ ~--of u. ~; ~ bM.cA. doclC Uld ,...L HtJ.OO-tl0.000 '°""' Greenleaf-Severts Realty 1111 Nnrport at, Npt. 1k1L Har. atlfl f.v.a. Ll a..atM Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ~ -M .. ,,..... the bNt. ln eo..t.a w..._ Priced a.t $23,500 and $29,:SOO. Tbeee .,.. uw and aceU.nt term. availab'\e. FIRST TIME ON MARKET Open House 10 a. m. t.o a p.m.. 509 De A.ma Dr. Corona Highlands 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach Planning to Build on Your Lot? Take a look at our model homH at Newport and Mitchell Tu.tin. Open Daily 9 to 6 Sundaya 1 to 6 See for yoUJ"lelt how we can build a 12•• tq. fl, home, forced air heat. hdwd. floon , 2 car gange for only $9,100. Let U• direct you to our homt!9 under con.et.ruction a.nd tin1-hed. Look them over, compare, .. ti•fy yountlf. We have cu.atom home plaruUng 11enrlce, tinanclng tor State vet., fllA and Savtnp a.nd Loan, a. a 1 It.op facility. Nothing down. • MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7-3293 -Kl 2·3:169 (Eveo. LI 8-4-073) 6:5<69b Claire Van Hom · REALTOR 1711 W. eo..t HWJ. LI 1-4271 CHANNEL FRONTS Onen House ho. lbrcu• Rt. ~ ..... no.t. 111.&00. IJIMok. 13600 dn .• 180 mo. 111,t:'iO :i br., 2 baUU.. l:.ooo dll.., 121,300 I unit DT' tr .. 110,000 dn., HJ.MIO a unJt T'3° Jr· 116.000 dn., IU.600 Bayview Realtors 2IOI Balboa 81'"1. Har. 1171 Large 3 bedroom home ib top loca.Uon. Haa dinin1 room. fireplace, double prap and completely ,,need. Priced at s11,roo with term.I. W. A. TOBIAS ond ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly .ervlce'' 393 E. 17th SL, Costa Meu Llbuty S.1139 Summer Rent too High 7 Then be a landlord Live in cute atud.io apt. -rent front houae fof' 1100 per week. Choice ~lboa locaUon. • l3500 down.. Total price $12.500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~----~-------------~ ..... 1MO W. Balboa BJ.vd. H..l-. ~188 -· BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Price now reduced be.low replacement c09l •.. Beau· ti!ul, &lslo.t new two-titory 3 bdrm., 3 bf.th Bay l'roat home.. Bay vin from aU room•. Fully car- peted, bMuWIUJ. drapes, new pier A llip. Price ln- dudem 20-ft. Century tpeedboat one year old. Artistic land8caping. NOW, bold your brealh! All lhil tor $84:,950. eetU:.. buft'T)' u tbla won·t l.ut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 ' . , Look at this Balboa 11 ... =~ .......... ....,._ sand •..-1 Wtr.11 for lllectnG We otfe.r nclmi•ely a.a ununally -.iM < bdrm. ~. F~ loo9tM 9l 941 ....,,.....,, Dr".. ~ .,_ mWti-batb bome, Delisbttul lh11lC l'OOlll. 1arp dja,. I ll.JOO. P1L Har. 16fol.J. attic lnl l"0001. lh.zimwn 9'1ll&l'9 foota.p. ac.t to baMh. M081' OUTBTANDlNO ROWJD tn $29,000, euy t.'lm. lee thi9 ftlDe BQ;J'! U.. Barbor.,_ n,... Mdrooni., CaJl u.~-77 I MU.. ab.>lltt.17 u.. fin.l -· nan.Nr 1 IS l:"r-. Radlor DD ftNc:Uon. Top loo.UOA, .... EAR __ ... ...,. .... _._. L W. STANLEY, Realtor hrfKt U\lidt 6 OUt. a...it ~ P9Jm911t. H•r. •TlL NUc ~ Karine .4¥9., BaJboa Iala.od 4 V&ltY LOW PJUC11 for Ult• )onl7 11-""'6-ce With I Md· P001N. 2 ballla, 1"•· U'l"lq ral. 6 play~. Ott. of U.. 11.I~ kit• chen• W\U. all .... cablMta. uid dLnlnJ mi . . • aMo J'--d In 1u. porch. Sea Y'I-rrvm •II window., 2000' tn ~ 6 lp. dble, pfaJ•· Jlootn for -'m· mlnl" pool llf runt ~. · VERY GOOD 1"EIUa to qua.lift.cl pun:h&ar. WW t.Ut _... u..dol. PHONZ ~r. U c--.il •ulkkr. Harbor ta2&-JK. MUe SPECIAL HJOH Dall:RT imp""""' 9CrMf" ~-•t Merlrk:• prtCH. AU uUUt.lte. N• -•U. ....... 1V004 "OLINA R>JfCllOI • MartaSI 91da. Y-v..ii.,, c.ut..la ~•: let. Ntte NSW I BDJUil. M l6i -. n.HO. ... ·~ °"* 11-. I'll. kl ... 1112. •TU.: LILT US LOCATE for you. Property anywhere. The Locator of Calif. llOT ................. --- -........... . a •• ,..._ a•·•- THE GREAT ORANGE COAST • SAVE $llOO a,. !At Room lo Build 4 Unlta Coot SlllUO ,_ Bldjr. Sita. Wolldn1 cllatoneo lo I.din. -lot ""' 1n·r-. )(- SA.VE $1000 Very lovely 2 bdrm. atuceo home on~ loL Dttl pnp. Room tor income unJt ractnc mlde ..... Reduced from $8!!00 to $T!IOO. W1D tab "800 le boncllo. Rmled for $70 .,..tL BUT 8IDCUR?lT $62.!50l<S oqualo SUO per mo. 8 1 bdnll. ...W.. ,_ will be proud to own. Almost MW. 8 ...,.... ..,_ an.te laundry • ltonp room&. o.m-t drh-. ..... tractive appearance. Locatten, pr* 6 ••· '12.000 c1o ..... HOLKWOOD DRIVE -OPEN llUNDAY 1 TO I <13 Holmwood Dr. 8 bodnn. 1"4. both ....... Dot.. by tht. lovely londocapod "-·-..n. We will lie bappy to ohow. Priood ol borpla prioo ol SU.Tilt wt\h good ....... ~ llIJ:RRA VIBTA Back Bay new 2 bdrm., I hath 6 dm.. il ll1sta:til kitchen. Will be OJ*l Sat. 6 Bua. 1 to I, DI' .... llhow at your convmlenoe. v_., ~ i.w for juot $24,llOO. Tonu. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSUILANCI!: -SALDI -LOANS -BUILDliU 18117 Nowport A-, Cool& - L!borty" S-1~ LibortJ' S-1400 - SEE WHAT WE FOUND !:XCl!:PTIONALLY ATrRACl'IVll I bdrm. ....... Panelled living room and llD&ll dlninl l'CIObat ...,_ peted Woll lo wall, Sood kttcl>ea. ---and .ervioe porch. Ample cup~ and .tonp opace. Overoioed 2-<ar 1anp. Nico --pello. lifa.t convenient corner locaUon. 2 baa. tr.... atJ" Holl, Noeport Boocb. On17 SlJ,000. Just Enjoy the Income trom t:h1I excellent property (no Nnt to peJ). Located ln choke rental dWtrict, 100 ft. trom oct&ll. Tbeni are 3 \Ullta -a new dupla and a 6-romn boue on 2 lota. 2 unita are tunliabed. and rmted • yearly baaia. Owner'• hom. av&llable DOW'. '!'hr. pn.cee on &lley. PrtMnt income eaa be flUbK&n. tWly tncnued. $l!OOO will budlo. FOR INSPECTION CALL ILUtllOI\ IOU BAY FRONT LOTS 100 Ft. of choice Bay l'ront.ap. Bulkhe1d ts In. • Wonderful rift-. Lota oUJTOUD<lod by qaallty - Pier ond .Up rfchta. ~ wtll ""'' ACT TODA.YI EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 311! Newport Blvd., Newport -h llutlar 10U LIDO ISLE ' BRAND NEW • bdrm., 2 both. J..ce. Flrop1-Elec. Kit., lloaut. So. Patio, W to W Cpt. Sl0,000 Down.. A SLEEPER S bdrm.. 2 Both. F. A. H•t, J4o. U¥ioc ,._, 60 ft. Lot .:... Well land.IC&ped. BEii THI81 LOOK WHAT YOU GET FOR $22,500 Near Oub H oute -Ready to Kon Into Now. 3 Bdnn., Flreploc<. r. A. H•I, ~ h o 3 Bdrm. BA YFRONTS under lft(t,000. ~ Ua For Udo Lota A R-.tala Bu.inMll Opportunity Broken Bay & Beach Realty-lido Off ice 3112 l..atayette, Newport. Hu. 36&3. Har. 2"'9 C... PENINSULA PrNK i• the word tor It! New 6: eo very modem. Thill 4 bdrm., 2 t.tb home ne\ler Uv~ in. Indirect heating It U&htJnf, Iota ot glu., kitchen 6. li ving rm. open onto pado . .,.... place of cour.e. Only $8000 handl• FuU Prlc• S22.MO. OCEAN FRONT near Catholic Church A: 8Chool. 3 bdnnt. f\lrtl. only SlS,000. ConaJdu 1oca.I trW. BAY SHORES, 3 bdrm .. 2 baths. PLUS JUillll rm., play room • bath over garqe. Completely ~ kitchen Included ln pricei ot $29.!IOO. Xlnt t.nna. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES .. "°'5 W. Balboa Blvd. HarllooBlll A BIG STEAL! 11/z Acres M -1, Costa Mesa $6500 FULL PRICE Thill won't '--t. 2 daya, BO KUIUtTI Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1811<1 Newport Blvd. Oool& - (acr"OM trom Co.ta Mesa Danie) I"'-LI M71L Ev-. liar. '* · LI a.2101 • ( BLANCHE A. _GATES, Reeltor BALBOA ISLAND JIOOO clown. Little loland. Nr. So. Boy. 3 B.R. 1 ~ '9.th older home. Bit. oa. rear ot lol Room to build Oil front. a... locatloa Foll Prleo U1,llOO. A GOOD BUY! f19,M0 WATERFRONT. S B.R. home plua l B.R. tpl. Both -fllrmoW. Xlat. n...nctns A GOOD BUT! llOOO down. Nr. No. Boy. Cbarmlq older 3 II.I\. f\lnl. home in Xlnt. condition. run price $1T,IOO. ANOTHER GOOD BUY! SHORE CLIFFS ' 8 .R. be&ut. home. Choice vJew location. Owner will Illa •ll &djoluinc v~ant view lot to purchuer or • ltou.e. ANOi'HER GOOD BUY! LIDO ISLE "8ftO down.• B.R. 3 bath two year old ideal family bome. Term.1 like rent._ Total price $31,M>O. ANOTHER GOOD BUY! LIDO PENINSULA a.I Eat.ate Ofnce. Deluxe Bay Front oftlce and home. nne income record tor Broker or Sa.leaman. Live like a million.al.re on a barg~ budget! 321 Signal Road, CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSl'l 1 Tiu. ~ llpodouo • OwmJnc • 4 B.R. 2 bath home. Muter aR.. 20x20 with marine view. Priced $2f,750 u la. H..U redecoratinJ. Ownu'a Jou • your g&in. An- otb# Ideal family home and still AN0'1'll1'lR GOOD BUY! BALBOA BARGAIN HUNT1'lR -$37150 DOWN THl8 IS A Rl'lD HOT lNVESTMENT OClt4N J'RONT HOME -Zoned for bu.sinese, In belt bloQ bl BaJboL Price firm •t $13,750. A11k ua •llat & ..U-bown local Loan man Wd about thI. property. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VDllll:R8 OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1872 40 Ft. Waterfront With p~r Ir float. Beautifully land.caped corner lot wtth 2 bdrm. hom• 6 room lo enl&rge. Wall to Wall carpeta 6 drapa included at only $21,500. lh cuh handles. -HWTfl TWO for the Price of ONE ~ dupla. Very 9.t. 2 bloeb to '-ob. OwJW .. Yo ''Sell". Ooly S13. 7150. SMOO down. Ou ...... dlql Hendy Men Special I bdna. beach cottace. PutJ1 tum. On 2 IO-tt. lot.I. Only 2 bJocU from beach. l!kea! thi. for only $MOO -$32:10 dn. Bal. 560 mo. BALBOA ISLAND IO ft. Ba)'front corner lot with furn. 2 bdrm. honey- moon cottace -phu area for new bouae on front. BEST BUY OD Balboa leland. ONL y $31.roo. Terma. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach H.a.r. ~226 ILLNESS Cau-you to consult a specialist, So why not see a epecialiat before you buy a home or lot on LIDO ISLE Don't be sick beca11.11e you bought a home that is over priced. SEE US FIRST! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "LIDO SPECIALlST ll02 Newport Blvd., Nnrport Beach. l{ar. 4718 Oceen Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view - TWO Sl'OftY, 2 bdrm. (have pla!ul for 3rd bdml. to be addld at small eo11t}, 2¥,, bat.ha, ic-. UT. rm., _..i. dlnlnJ rDOID, larp lmotty pill• ckoG ..tth built-ID bar, loW1Jl'lo 2 ~ IMWlt with ~.000 BTU twuco. Expmoinl7 •"'l'<led wall to wall thru-out. Garbage dUipoeal and dlabwuher. Bo.a. I yn. old. Large double garage with l•un- *7. ~ ....,. doo<. Lot llO • a2·. Well land8c&ped. ThLI bome must be aeen to be ap- preciaU!d. Located at 3312 Ocean Plvd., Co-. dol Kar. OWNl3l WILL w :en ANY R&A.ION~ orn:a Shown by appointment .-aw-.--only ~9c63 p. a. palmer incorporated developers Bayview Home Lovely corner bon:&er. bu 4 bdrma.. and 3 b&thli and also 2 firepl&oeL U JOU 4e91re a larpr hOIM oome ln and we will be bappy to lbow 1" why .. tb1nk thll lo • -bu7 .. Sl'f.400. We have 4 new hODlfll jll.lt being completed. 2 are 4 bdrml. and 2 are 3 MrmL All a.re ~. have allding gl.u.I door-. to patio.. Therm. oven and ....,.... forced air thenn. --tun.... and 2 or 3 ba.tha, They are In different 1ocaUoD9 and an dltt .... t style&. BelON buying you abould ~ tbe.e. OPEN SAT. & SUN. NOON TO 12 BEJ\UTIFUL -NEW 125 Via Wuien and 123 Via Genoa We have many '"11-located lot. at th.ii time, al.a rentai. by \be year or for the summer. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1333 Tia Udo, harbor 1500 of Udo Isle OPEN HOUSE OPEN HOUSE Rambling Rustic 1 Plctureoque )l:arly Am......, la pnko oetllns-,,.· wiual floor plan Lnclude. 4 bedrooms, S bat.ha a.pd dlnlftr room-large lot with ocean view-le. than on41 block to ezclualve be&ch-$28,500. Open Sunday from 1~. p.m. . 239 Poppy Ave., Corona del Mu Drive by or call Dave Oeburn for 411 appolntment to lee OUTSTANDING VIEW Open Sunda'l 1 -5 Drive by 243 Ocean View an 11et1 the lovely IX• terior of this new 3 bodroom-2 bath hou. Call me and I will ahow you tho 10Tlly lni.iar and explain the attractive tC'IU the buyer often on the price of SZ,500. BW hrnawort.h. HAS YOUR FAMILY GROWN 7 It ao, then be sun to see th1ll fin• family home. Four good 111-1 bdrma., one dowPtaira and three upetairs. Llvln1 room 141,!;z..28', tra:i.endoua family ~ 20'x20', patio 12x27'-Electrie kitchen. oak noon, •hln&le roof and shingle sterior-2400 aq. ft. in the hoWM!. It you are looklllg for a good alze houee with • comfortable f~ be certain to call ua. Price Q,7150. Louil~ Havon- (oot leuohold) p. e. palmer Incorporated ole banson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty S-M73 Corona del Mer ctrnl 4ND .u\TJ8110 t lldrm. hom• wttlt. 1 NdMOm apart- m.it ovw J eu sanp. v1- locaUOn, clOM to &bopplq. l4MJ hom• wttb bl.C<MI•. 111,!IOO,- An Unusual Buy ! Houston Values $1500 down A GOOD 2 bdrm. •tUCCO hom•. ' GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially Invite you to in•pect model homea, built by Macco Corp. exqulaltely furnished . by Martin &. Von Hemert Wh• you lnspeot UMm. you will not. the, lacl~ every comfort &lid OOAftlb.ience for OOOD LIVING. A.IL of the pla.mtiJlf ud tbolq'bt that ruulted la th.ii remarkable community will provide GOOD UVING for Irvin• Twiace tun.Ille. to~' yoon. Perman.it re1trlctlou ruarantee )'OU &lwaJ'9 be proud of your bome he . To the home buyer who wi.111• to pW'Cb&M 1D the $22,000 to $35,000 clul we maoer'fJy r«lOIDIDead tM Irvine Estateti overlooldn~N rt Harbor. Irvine Terrace i. loeaW on Htpway oppmft.e Ute new Irvine Cout try Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l'lXCLUSIVl'l AOl'lNTS Phone Harbor ""' For J'u.rthw lnformatloll * For Recommen,!i&~on, we refer you to uyeee who hold.a a I .-Mllold Eltat.e In Irvine Ternoe. LIDO REALTY ASSOCL\TllS 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (A.croN from RJehard.'1 Mll'bt) VIA GENOA term a. Peninsula Home! 3 bedroom home in sood loca.tion ln the Broadway leCtion of eo.t& Mma. lt'1 a well·bullt home, only S yean old, but i. neglected and run down. It need.I cleaning and pajnt.ia& iuide and out and th• yard I• a fri«ht_ ROWEV'Dl, Jt.'• priced 'way under the market. The owner Mys, "Sell now !" If yau are handy in "tizinc up" a place, thW will lnterat you. sio.!500 -s:iooo c1own. Fu.II price M2ll0, only 1 yr•. ol4. You can own 40 ft. on Lido Island's 0.. to lC'tW90tt Bl'l'd., .i.or.a, ~ ... • • ,..., ... "°· _ ... widest street for $12,500 full price. 11' YOU Oa,n,cT TO lllllNO CL08EI> JN • • . It you .-.zit room to bn!& OI., ... lb1ll • bed- room, 2 bath llom• alt\ated on 2 l&rc• lot. •.• 7:1xt28, on a eomer and btautltully land· Ka~ Wall~ for pr1va.ey. 8" U\ll \dt&l Iar a:• family home. 132.~. termt. View Home! NEWPORT HEIOHT8. Tentnc vi-ot S.y and OoMn. 2 !Nd- room, a b&UI ._ut,.. ,. .Ji... Mat. ru.tp1aol,. J ..,. ~ m-tJ' IMdllr..... ... tllM "'"'1' .._..em ....... -.. .... -· ~Na~-:~~~~·'· clOM to tow-. &bd ,_ 90M. I"'° ""4rOom COC'1MT t..n.. S-YJ tul'Tlltur• IJlcludtod. A ttnean Uttl• piac. tor b9Uh unnr or nrii...i... 11•.aoo. "·* dowll.. Beach Home! Pretty As a Picture ! Here'• a IDl&ll Wt attractive Utile Newport a.Irbu home that Ui worth th• price of $9'50. It hu 1 bed· room plua a den. hardwood noon. lot.a of do.eta, ...,.,. wtth .torap apace alld a valuable tot wtth --.. 'rilw ot the ocean.. The hoUM Ui 1 yea.rs old, la in •utttW ooDdltloa. and r.dy to mow into with DO r.-_ Choice Location! ll:scollat IMicbl>orhood In Mowport &ipto 2 bib. t.-HIP Schoo~ 2 bdrm. ud den -. with 2 batha, i.. than l 1"U old. -utlfully flalolled with many quality fe&tur-. a.let p-aAe oU noon, Ar- codla olldinc er.. doorw -ins 1o ,_ ,...s. ... ~ ci.o..t. and cloek controlled fumaot. Tbe prtoe of $10,SOO tnclu.S. 100 yda. wtw ~· Elton Barnett, Realtor Inspection Invited Dally 2·6 p.m. 64le AllllO, Newport Hlltctat. 3 BDRM. COlonl&I wttb dbS.. 1ar. A\1 llt'Wly deeor•tad lllllck and out. Vacant and re•dy lo move ln. ne..i tlr"plac•. HtJwd. rlra. potdM9 ud be&uUtw )'V'S - 411 tiw 11•.000 with lqw down, • u i.nna. Choice Corner Lot l!:XCELI.ENT centr•lly IOC•I~ for duplea or •11111• dwalllnf. Pt60 -. l)w. lllfo. M Utf, .. Lytl• u 1-1&42. Ml Superior DUPLEX -INOO l JJDIU(. e•cb-4bl. r•nce. Xlnt. oomer, cloM Ill. I.ow down. Good .. -. Income Opportunities J Bt>rul horn• on rMr ot Wc- Th3SO loL XlAL bom•. ""'I>' d9c:o"ted. Cu build 114d1Uonal W'llt.t, Notar Newport Blvd. and 9llbOOls. $2Ml0 down. "1U prtc. 111,l)OO. You CAN'T buy 65 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Soud for $65,000 cuh, but you CAN acquire this fabulo1111 frontage by trading your acreage or buaineM i n c o m e of comparable value. 0 w n e r will conalder any Southern California property and will trade up if need be. Exc!Wlive with WI W. G. (Bill) K<mpton * J ... ph H. GrohDWI * Virgin.la M&D.IOD * Gene Vreeland * Tom CempbeU * (Lido Ialand'• mo.t ~rienced NJee pe2W>DneJ) Bay & Beach Realty Realtors BALBOA OR Tt:AR AROUND UVlNG- Clo.9 lo N.H.Y.C., }WI a t..d- room• and 1 \to batlt.& llom• fum,. ltuno tncludM. Yoaa wUI ftad It 1mpo•lt,W to 1-' a Mtt.r n.lu• &nywheR , Call tod&J &nd -.. 112.~. M .000 --. 6ee N. Newport Blvd. c2 blocb from Hoag Hocpltall Newport Bus. Bldg. Pbone LibertJ 1-2172 Day or Night. Newport Beach Income -Clo.e to Bay . 3 u ruu Near Ubrary • Low Down Payment WW Handle. l Bedroom HoiM. 2 Bedroom ApL end 1 Bedroom Apt. N-'1 0-. Balboa Loh! N 1:._c:ir:.u ,::~=..:!o!:!= rated -Niee.ly l"urniabed. ·~0:.CE";'.!'. ~.:._AP:! 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' ~~~"'." .-.... t00- 'E'n. bato. Oil &boT9, Plttltt.9 U .... 64.IT. by aide. Clo.. to town. B\ly &11 tJ\tn tor $11.600. Balboa Realty Co. Oppollta 8&nlt ot Am"'1• Rea an.1.,. A.I OOndhM Zd LM Jlld Plnkbam JOMpNA. Webb 700 m. Balboe aJ'td .. 8&Dlo& Pbon. l:l&l'tlor :tJ77. REAL VALUES $11 ,500 i. all U.., u. ~for W.. ~ 11 Utree wr.. lileee. 1Lu4wood tloon, tlnplac•, w. kStclMo &lld . bath, &qo.al. .nl'9d tor .itctrtc ranp. 8e.t ~· 1oc&tlon. com.,. lot. Kot • tract ~. 4"'°" lo&o u4 mmithl,J p&J· rnmta ~ ._ U.U rmt. a.t- u-caD -u..s. to4q, • • • NEWPORT HTS. LoffiJ lot wttla ru-c. ~ ln Need a tare-prap, work ab.op, etc. r It bu over 1000 Sq. "-· wired A plumbed. PLUS o .-t A clean 2 Bdrm. home, wall to wall carpet Ir elec::tric ranp. $10.~wlth- I Bdrm. ..._ (Nl'lWJ 11\ bat11a. Hwd. t1oon. ro....s _,, dollblo ,...._. Slt.llOO with t.enu. DUPLEX 1 large bd"'1. each olde. Ne&t A c1eu. $7960 with $29llO -.i A bolanco MO per mooth. SPECIAL ON LOTS 66 foot footage, paved •treet, all utilities. $2,450. with good terma. .(may sell for leae If all cuh) G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardlo 1810 N-rt Blvd. Cool& 111-LI 1-1601 ..... ·"nit.I OOll1d -.... ""' • ------------------~~oa ........ or butld ,.... cunu1 ....._ ., ,._, and UM th• tott&p tor J"'UI' .,..ft)t •nd l'\INt.9, Ttr.1-CM't b9 Mal '°" Oftl1 II.MO. ........ .. ·~ B. A. Nereson RLU.TOlt 1982 N~ Bhod., o.ta 11- Plwlri• LI •187J &'N9. U: a.e.11 CLIFF HAVEN Three bedroom, 1 bath. 1200 1111·tt.. firoplaoo. dnpoo. ld..Uy lond>caped-fe11ced-o11o7, doulllo -· Nest lo s~ Aodrewa ~ Churclo. FULL PllICE. '13,4llO n-t Doecl S0600 at 4\i" with -w,. poJ111mla see.47. Cuh from Uuat deed lo ... prlco. . Call Mr. G&lla.nt to ab.ctr Ulla bome BPllCIAL EARL W. STANLEY, Reeltor BlOH Dall:RT tal'f'O'ftd ......... -'U--'--.& n_....__ bomt9\\H, •t MCIU\ot pricaL·---------_ .... ________________ 1_T7_8_,, AU uuuu. No ..--nanta. I . T~ TUOCA NOLIN.A. IU.NCBOI XuttU Bldi'· Yuoca Vallty~ ~ 'Pbon•: SM. ~UQ. l,EASEHOLD l'lS'l'A.TE VIEW LOT-CUtt Ba- O\'al.OOG1fO ... JMU mtt. te MIWpO'l't ll&nar. ..atftee a&ll!!. $HOO. Uh.Ip .. llOI. ..... Llbttt7~ ... I Build Your Own Home on this Large Desirable Lot on Lido Fl .. llldod lot with 121 ft. troot.,. oa l'laam Lido iadl'loftmoe. -.. ---..-..,.-~Iota a..0..lllo. $19,'180,-. Pb.oDt owner, Har. U'J'f. D7clll. , Houston Reelty & Associates IOI C.t• et. Coat& Mt• LI Mill U ~71N No Fancy Slogans Jun Honest Value11 Come fn 6 Jet ua prove Jt ! CORONA DEL MAR llM ~r1t• ()pan 8-t. 6 Bun. J-0 CALL 1uJtBoR 4110 tor p~ ... Otrr8TANDL"'f0 TR.IPLEX, so. •' lfwJ. a.ut. 2 bf'. w1Ut. n,.. p&MI, 1 '°"17 1 br. apt.. wltlt. ...i-ftf eoau ,._ -"'-k. Tr'lpt. pnctl, utn. lalmdry rm. eoai,i. f'unalolbed. lollld 1-.rlJ' .... ret'Ord &..ua.bla. Cu In• ~ wUJ1 awuner r.t ... ruu pr1ce '"·000· rood tenna. Muriel M. Pinover ftmALTOR 1904 N~rt Bl'l'd., N~rt Bch. .....,. Parkins Harbor t910 Bl!Jl!T BUY Ootan Front Duplex -Near Catholic Church. J'u11 price SlS,500. Low Down Peyment wW Handle. BAY & BEACH REAL TY HllO W. Balboa Blvd., Balboo. Col. Har. UM PROUD TO OWN 1N CORONA DEL WAR Tbil 2 bdrm.. • den, Hwd. !loon. 2 firrplaoee. J'ur- naee beat. Ideal nel&'bborbood PLUS 2 bdnn. prap a pt to pay tha.e upenMll. $23,000 OR thi.I lovely 2 bdrm. with panelled Uv. rm., tuD dining rm .. fireplace., Hdw. floora. Jil&Qy t!n.a f..,_ turee. PLUS guest unit. JUlt 3 doon off 0ceu. Bml. $28.~. BOTH are on lure kM and haw •pacioul rooma . R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, Aoaoclat. 8622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Bar m' LIDO AREA $14,500 Dupla Located on valuable l4' &Olle lot. 2 unl~ double prase. Perfect coDWtlon.. llPAClOU8 ' "4nn. ._., Mwd. We have .the key - no.-. ~ 11'1.llf' .... PaUo • ..... •-'" •• ... """"· Osborne Reelty Co. Uoa. "-dJ W ~ blto. OOM· PLrr'ELT "1ftN'llKlll), ...... 2123 Wnt Cout m,bway (at Port Oranre>. s.t anu..r.o... •IJ,..r and dlA· Phone Har. 4923-J Ml...,.., A at.I at $1t,MO. '"' l------------------- '-a. 'nda ta not. a ~ IN SHORECLIJTB -3 bdrm. furniahld home. 2 Mariners Isle Realty Ill :llar\M, B&Jbo-. bland Barbot 4Ttl BACK BAY lr&UU.'1' .,,.,, I ..._ ...._ ,.... ,.._ .............. ., tUe, .. tador ,..w .......... , ... ............... lrt .......... .... JOlll Orchid, lull& AM Hta. ......... .. _ ... bat.ha, dbl. ,..,., View. A delllhttul home ready for you to occupy. ON llALliOA ISLAND -Tll• poUo la llU o.nothor rm. .. thlo ' _., -· •lllcb 11u a lldr-. (-J.. 1 ~ bat.ba. In UM 1ar. thae I.I a.n extra rm. ud "" llatll. DIJI. -·· FITZHORRIS REALTY CO . Multiple Llotlnc fteallon e...-Brobr llJll E. Clout lflcbftJ', ear-dol Mar. Har 3163 /- ( ' "£,~.-.. ~ I I O M A I I I T WITH SALUl -4,JllM N--y OW' kids eoald:a't .... •tier ....... P.1 t.bM l>a'l' Crockett! Simple, IM'aea~ atn.lgb& -Uda1rtw1 D • "° 1 Croclulttl UaUl Walt JM.. uy broqllt: him to It• tlmoqlt hlo --TV .....-Davy Crodlatt .... ..... -of ta..-· st••Dffied beroN ol oa:r .......,-... -Ye! H_,. Ye! Blebard'• hM ,...,.,....med um Blcbard'• Davy C.-.. W .... I Stop lialrt ap -..d pt 1°"' ,,,,. Davy Crodlatt ..... to.., ..... OO&K lllOlll .,.. ata1nto ... a11u.emc. t:ldap we baft to otter to make yoa. • tne bdlu. flllllW ... ' T9e:napn •.• Your time 18 Saturday afternoon from 2·3 in front when Al J&nil will prt °" bla teea--ce donce par- ty ... Evolution ot the dance ... Cut.le Walk! Charleston, Vanity Drq, Big Apple! Theo cam• Sw\ng, next Jitter Bae! Now it'• Bop ••. Vernon and lren• CutJe had to be mentioned, becauae they were tM nr.t. to dance to tour beat.I to the bar m.t.d ot thrM •. Dancing or not dim· lnl ... Public opinion Mema to be dnided ... Come and ..... Dooll .... --word 110 a.ay ..._ I coald. --It -I ht -----......... ... lac .. L Ooloo -,,_ .... _,. ... ,,.. .. road. I-* ..,.i,.. ...... taambarpr ••• ne •·"ah -n. .... lollalaodfia~ -·-u..-, .... TheMI oaloli rollll too wlll pert&: up •7 op«m·,._. -···"""--.-... 0-1 a.e.e 9"M' tM&ed • _l, .. plola ...... -................... -1 NfllW there'• a eoa,_...1:1na ,._. of crwt lf I nflr - -I Oecar Mayer'• AU ll•t Dinner Bologna can bl bolled, b.bd, fried or .ernd cokl ... Loolla Uke a hot dog'• cttat cnnddaddY •.• What tu.a to cut c~ in .Uta, not. quite throuch. and betwee each Ill.It place onion aUcea. cboooe, tomato and rr--per ... BUe whole ... only t&kel about 20 minute. .•• Oecar Mayer is •pttadin« out all over the pta.ce . , . Flesta lo&f bu the bu-~ M\Jee cooked right in with the meat ... Another exciting tute to lnclade in your cold cut plat.- la' auppen . . . Ram and ett.e.e roll ! Can't ._ the ~. but the tute Ui there! ..,..,.. Gardm Tooll" I ... ~-... C.. .... IOtl & ......... -....... Md a eombtaatk.-hoe Uld ealtlvator , .. They do th Job eopoay .. ..... .... ll&ht.er .•• The hMdae. an llhorh!r to ra:U:e 7oa f@el ._ llke • t!OW bud. llho.W. 1oa feel the argo to die • , . Aad-----...ay ll"l ......... .... laud .......... .. otllier rake ever •emtand Wore . , . Nb to haft aroad f<W the 1-'ora of roa• family to -... onn11 ...... 1o the -which 110011 .,,.'t be a ~'Mmoh..bata bower hoae. whfa tt mo't'· -aroaad to tta "" ~ ............ __ ,.......,. .............. mood ..• Batber tba ...,.. 'em, he wubt to .ea 'em ••• Father'• o.1 la C'O'll!1n1 up u.. 19tb . . . WhJlo >""' .... -tbe Pavy Cholrott • Jon OD the )( ±I, IDOlll, tall:e a look at the l'ather'a Pay Gift Tablo. You'll ·!lad Iota or tb.inp u..n )'QU'd tlke fat.her to 6a" 110 that ,.,u could use them too ..• IUch&rd'• (die ....... ~ry 1ton-) i. lomW arnon,; th.-I.Ado Shop!I at -~$ '\..------: ~rty 7fme/ • *~ • • HIRI IN PUION • AL .IARYll • AND Hll ftlNAGI DANCE PARTY:~ with Joe Yoc:am. Guest Stan and the "Malle •lleve Ballroom" THIS SATURDAY AFTEllNOON, 2·3 P.M., IN FllONT OF lllCHAllD'S UDO MAIUll'J'. DANCI AND HEAil YOUll FAYORm llECOllDS FllOM THE GlllATEST OF THEM ALL EYDYONE'S INYmD FOil AN AFTEllNOON OF FUN. • Dnld Crockett Trad'ln Post Att...Uort Ml lit~ croclr..tt&. Don't h...:! tw th• l'f'OllU•r un-W you·.,. .tock-2 up on vltU• lll'ld 0.."3' Cl'oek•t 19qutpm.nt at Rl.c.b&rd'•· .,.,~,:::.::;' DAVY CBOCKEn RIFLE • • "Jled ~" -•.t «Or• btitttr" iuiT-=ER==--__ l _1 ~· =-5-=9_c "CCIII!_. 11..t 8t1gC1r" SUGAR lloUJ'• n-.& ..... Or..alated 5 lb.bar 43c CREAM CHEESE -!2 ... 25c ""r.si:= ... ~U'Ni'.o ... FLOUR ...,.;.. ,~ ••• lk , ..... ,.._,. ...... er". n.. q.llCJ 5 lb. 45c CHEDDAR CHEESE ... 59c -429 CAllED HAM . :;: ._,_ DA VY CllOOU:'IT COlllC8 --· Thi. ._. Tndlll POi9t bu -~ ~ lll'ld. UtU• mon. rr.. Dary Cr'ol:Pll M.df• ~ th.,. lUt ••• COFFEE I lb. 79c CHAMPAGIE KRAUT : 35c \\\ • 1111 l./w.t. 11poni1onJ producb ·-.,..,., 59' MAYONNAISE.......____ ,__ - M.l.L COFFIE z.-.. CCIII 1.58 /NJ~ talr1J 8 1wna1tYMii'F'ANs I,., 31 1 OATMEAL COOlllU 2 ••• 361 nmAT ,.,. .. .,, 6 241 GLAZED DONUTS ····-·· ,,. RT.S.'N lllEAD _____ ,_, 241 8ATliaDAr --T--4 27 1 IUTTlllHOllNS ····-·-· '" '"""" Oruc-o.t...lri 171 LA YEil CAllE --·--• ..,..,.,.,_ 2 35c PEACHES __ ,~ ,., PUNCH __ .! 2 ... 2fc -......, • ...__.......,. 2 35c BEANS --____ !!. fM .......,.. ..., • VIDO&&N 2 45c PIES _ • , .. You'll ftM a Uclo Shop ••• \\\ • 111 / ... _,_,. for -....., ,,._,.. ... C.ttt c.t .,,,...., • 1111 PORK CHOPS POT ROAST '"TM ... , "' l.W .,,_.. U.8.~0.- .POT ROAST .. ,.,_ ..... ,..., .................. U.8.~-- SHORT RIBS /II;/ lb. lb. lb. lb. POTATO CHI'S_..__ • v-c.-. ..., l'Ollll Ir llANS JfL 1i. -... W ct9dl A.Mrt.M ,..._ ., CAlll MIXIS ,..._. g . 9"*-IJ''• .. _ CUT GllDN llANS1--. la tllaNJ ~ ., DOG FOOD I .... ___ .. u;:,.._ ·-----1'' im'....__ 1'' ........ ~_., ___ _ .... -.. 1'' 1m....__ . .................... be; .... 41' IEElt 11-.... ····----·····,·····;;;;····;;;;·· ;;;;;-..w • .....-•te n nt Di. ;EPPa "--' .. 51' ... _ 45' 1.up ..... _~~~----F•r loot&.u WAIH ·----"' RAIN DllOl'S,._ U .-~ .... '""" ... ".... 2 •• , INST. SOAP ,.. •••----.,. .. y_, ~ ., .-..... 151 MYSTlll TAPE ----·-- 8.-t, ''*"· v...-25c ORANGES _ ---~!.::'" F-.q. M-lJ Ge EGGPLANT _____ ..... 1- POTATOES: _ 10 .. lt: """'--" .. • • • to flt your flYefJ need ! Ule ••""-to Lido -. al'~ l'Oa ltJIQ: :I, I _. C, 11111 -...... ,.. ............. .. , ,