HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-06 - Newport Harbor News Press·. J"IGll U.. lltalt, make your wedd1q all occa- .._ al i.mc ~pod tut. and 418- UneUcm. Invttatlona eet U.. tom of formal perfection. Couult u. on ally problem you IDa,J have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices , .. •l•IHDAY SALll .,... ,, ...... _ .. ., .... ~ ...... , ...... u w a &1 ..._ ,.._ ,......_ • • • ,.._. .......... "DRESSES ..._ -Oe*tilll -rw b -Alie Kwit ............ ... Pike 14.95to 29.95 -----_ $LOO 1.95 to 12.95 . 4.11 .. 7.11 14.95 to 19.95 -·------1.u .. 12.a 17.95 to 25.00 -·-----·--······-·---10.11 29.95 , . 17.a 21.00 .. 41.00 14.11• ••• .eo ... 19.tl · ......... .. ~-----------·· 49.tl to 11.00 _ ---2'·" 59.95 to 65.00 -~···-··-····-···--··-35.00 .. Jt.a 79.95 to 125.00 ·····--··~·····-····-·· 36.U te 70.U SUITS 25.00 to 125.00 --14.U te 6t.ll . .C:.~!L .. SKIRTS 1.95 to 19.95 __ _ 5.00 10.95 to 19.95 _ 6.11te10.U 15.95 to 22.95 I.II .. IJ.a 29.95 to J5.00 -··-·---------14.U .. It.a ILOUSIS 4.95 to 7.95 --···----·-·--········-·-·-··-·-··-· 1.00 5.95 to 7.95 ···-· ---2.11,. J.11 7.95 to 14.95 _ ----···---···· 4.U 14.95 to 11.95 --··-··-----··-I.II te 6.U SWEATERS I t I .............. M t ., ....... tr +ta 3.95 to 10.95 -·-----··-~······---2.U te 5.11 6.95 to 7.95 ··-·-----·--·--·-············-4.11 17.95 to 25.95 -··-·-··-.. ······· 10.a to 14.11 SHORTS 12.95 ··-···---···-····-············-·········-----7.U IELTS 4 .......... 1.95 to 14.95 -···-·-·---····-·-·····-· 50c to I.II PURSES 5.00 ···--------··-·---··-1.00 12. 95 --·-···-· .... ·-·-·-··· J ... 7.95 to 12.95 ·--··---···-··--··-J.11to7.U I 0. 95 to 12. 95 ······---···-·--·····················-·········· 4.11 HOSI 1.91 to 2.50 ······-·············· .. ··················I.JI to 1.90 others to ··························-·······-·········-····:: .. -·-·········· lie ROllS 9.95 to 10.ts .......................................... s.a to 6.a 14.91 to J5.00 -··············-··-··········· .... to 19.11 SLIPS 6. 95 ···---···-·----····· 1.11 to I.II 4. 91 to '· 95 -····--·······-·-··-·······-···-J.11 .. 4.11 ...... P.I .... PSTllOOA'1'8, _. PANTIU ,,._. .. -., • ...... a.tel OLOVU _. llAT9 .........,. rs4ali4. lllWmUIT ........ ---.......... Me ....... ALL SALB FINAL &O... ... •• a... ...... .....__ • Dkk& ..... N..,..n .......... .._ ..... ....... 0.-... llar. 0.. --.i..-. .... ~ ............... ...... ,, at 1111 W.a ...... ~ N..,.n ...... Otlf. ·s~irt & P11ts To Mate~ T)'pe roar -"-5 o..ee Army Twill SANFORIZED FULLY GUAIANTllD TAN • GRAY Jl'1lll Oat -lloomy -Comfortable Dowllile N•·rtp ..._ -.,_,.. ........ San .... -~ Ddll ....... .......... -. SPICIAL-THIS WDI ONLYI SHaTS -.... $2.tl Sf2' PANIS-1 ... $3.tl S1'4 1....... .. • -om.. .... 1-ellar •1" I wou...Ovn-1 ... s1.t1_ · "..., ........... WASIMILLIR'I I'============================================ High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 FOR YOU You receiw on attractiw, guoranNecl ~ Travel Alann Clock he when you 'open your new ICWlng1 account of $1,000 or MON. A handsome genuine leather billfold (either man'• or lady's) is yours free when you open your new servings account of $500 or more. ACF 'FOOAYI Offer ....................... lllluM. ...... M,J1,1tSS .... • ..., ""' ............ c....-....... 1 ...... ---It '-'"' .. t1o.eoo "' .. .............. '-~C..-..... . i ........ ,.. _.... ............ ' .... ,.. ... .,..., ""''* ~ ..... ~ ............ .,.. .. 11;1 '' JO. ..._ i.. .._ ._ _. awi.... D1 • • 20. I . , _ __,..,,. ll\' ......,, -...-,..., ..... n.t1 -""'° -uo,. -._ _, ........ hwlll .... ,.,. .. , .. ..,_., ...... -.............. ..,.. I ............ ,,_ ......... _..._...1t11 '' n494 .... _....,, ...... t1e91, ~ .. ""' --· .. ...., .............. ~ ................. c .... MN1'1..,....., ...... ................ .......,""'''" _....._..._ ........ 31% llTlllST ..... ....... 0,.. ...... ,,,,,,, t, ..,_.... ..... .. .. ; ''" .... ,... ....... c.e....., ~ .. ......., ~ Watch fOr the ~~A .?ARBOll ReW~RESS 3 TIMES. WEEKl Y Monday-Wednesday-Friday ly Wtscrlptfon or on t1Mt NiWS STANDS . Complete. Newport Harbor News Coverage Carpets!! * THROW RilGS FROM 96~ ·10 SJ" Y._,. $11.tS * REMNANTS 40°1' OFF . . . * BROADLOOM (1? I 15'WIDEJ 20°k OFF I FREE! I-',..... -........ ,...,. ... , ··-· ....... _ ........ ., , .... .. * SPECIAL ORDER CARPETS D .... tllll SAL5-Wll be tw.a .. 1d wltll 40 & ,. ... I RD. NI..,_._ Mt_... CGl1Nfl la .._. . .._ .. .... ., ,. .. ~H. DRAPERY OFFER. ......................... ,., .,.,_ ,..., .... • f'Ta• lxp1rt Decorating Service ' by Competent Decorators • , c-.1ata .. , .t Cerpet1, D••arlal _., U.>~11atwr to flt Al •111 ... Yes, ...t Terw • .....,.... .. Ddh_4 J , ... to r.y. DICK MACKER __ .. u.. ......... u. ..... U. aippla1 Dfll11ct • .. Privaie Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARB~R BOAT PATROL CALL COMMllCIAL SICUllTY PATIOL Kl 2.7027 I. I () 0 ·.: "" ..... 'Mlrjarit MAIN ~ KJIJRIDE mDeKAT.MT.J .. ''TAIGIT EAITH" OOA8'1'AL SllOPPl!lt l'AUdo9 of NEWPORT HARBOR .NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, 1911 'mP'J'fwGOOD . FISH 'N CHIPS • I& SURE • INSURE ... 11Avaaa ..,..., .... -·o.1r .............. " llU .. '*--....u 0.-. ... lfir - SURP fllSH .. , 1110 0cean rroat "::;5::;~~~~~~~~~near~N~ewpo~R~~~-~1 CUSTOM : UPHOLSTIRING lalboa TutorflMJ School July S-AUCJ. 12 P......eTlltOrhMJlft Jlmor:plAL AIU'nDOmC RQil!DIAL RmA.DING SPANISH ALGl:BIU. GEOMETRY IUSTORY l'YPING ENGLISH e i........ i..tndlla. e Acceptable ere.lit e Ce~ Teeekn llELL CLU.HOUSE 516 w . ....,.. Blvd.. Balboa Tw-. PatterMI , . .,,_. ~ I lll!MODEUNO-U:P~O &D1l'fl8BINO '~New Furniture ...... o.... ~ .... ., .......... 1..-tMn .'\ntiquH Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK BREMEMAN'S 660 w. 17 .. St. • PAINT SALE POPULAR IRANDS • SAVE .. • UltTO 30CYo Discount SCHOFFSTALL Paint Store JSJJ E. Coast Hlgl::wy Coro• .. Y., __..,..___ -n.A1t1 t•ael ....... er-.. llUX • ..-(," WU.. ....................... we I •1" e-..., "AK••n Aw11 .. • lfOIS -OOC'PO~ 9El.OW-..... 1'13 a...o.a ..... WM.,... COUPON UllOA 1111A1U SOOD SAT. 7/t .............. .......... -JDl1w.iih, smiJU . .limr __ _, ___ ,.' __ .._._ .. .. --·· ..... -.. .. ·--. ••• •c:r.11out" ..... w-.. ..... ...._._,17 181 MORTGAGE LOANS ~.Ne.II o.ta .... -UMn7 l4M1 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 1616 DN HDMl:8. ltU81Nl:H AND INDU9TlllA1. .-.OP1:'"1118 W'S ltt:PIH~•l:NT PRIVATC AND INSTITUTIONAL CLlllNT8 c•aR•awc11t• AND \.llNOllR8J FltOM C048T TD COA8T ~ NMCll NO Nllt80NAL •DLICITATION• TltU8T Dl'.IE08 80UDHT ANO 90LD . WM. B. IOlT MD9"'8ADI: •ANKIN• ••MR t•ao , ...... 9U9H entsn MNTA ANA. DALWO ... IA ltlM•llRL Y 8·'711a _.,. 11 .................... ,.. -·--- ......... ,.,., ..... NOW! Gather every extra penny yoa can lay yow-ha.ndll on and deposit it in your •Yinp accou:nt now. Money depoeit.- ed before July 11 earn. intereet from J uJ1 1. Take adnntap of W. new iDtere.t pmod and cm yoar •Wap account • boost. U you don't have an account-ope one today. ........... bJ' 1917 11 ..,,. IMerelt ,,..,. ,.., 1. The Ma1lw1s Bnk 1711 Wee& Oout Kl.PwaJ Newport 8eeeb ~~FadlttM. ..,.., .... r!t:J!i'!J ~~=:~.:l--- 9.753 PLAYERS IN ONE SCENE ALONE!' .,.,.._" UCOOQ n.&T'Ua& ....,..,.. 8C!Mt -DorMIQ' ....... 'T~LL MAN llDING" non ~ wm>1'a81>AY , ... Dete_.,.._..._ "ANNAPOLIS no1r· S~rltlr. a.,-. -y,,_ D9 CW1e "SHOT(iUN" I I I I -0.. ., .............. 3461 VIII Lide. Nlwplfl l••c• HA•POll DRUGS JJ01 I. C1 11 Hf .. C•••• .. .._ 'IOtl WMIT PLB•TT or••••• •a•••• DIUI ---tvm• IEllll ISll-IEX MATES i., .. ~ ............. ~e.=.r:z:::,. .. ,._,_,_ ....... i. . ··-...... ...... c=: ~---=-"'., 11 89C --!':"~ .. 1.00 QUU Mfl.IU'fTOll SHAWS #CW STll IUIY S .. SHAVE CREAM STAG SHAVING LOTION ~~ T-'-ilt lipn, "'9c. --~--·-· .... --lrHlic•er-•fl• r•• ...... .,a-.. Ladies' Sunatasm c.a-..... _...._, o ......... 77c Ca111on Beach Towel ,. ........ ......, _, .. ....., ...... 99c Paper Plates ......, .• · ... ~..._~ .. H .... 3 f• 47c Picnic Bag .._, ................................... ..,. ..... 2.99 Storap & Travel Baas =·~· :.:: :: •........... 49• Swim Kap ~ ....... ..,.. ................................. 59c CARA NOME .: SUNTAN LOTION .\ Wtll>Bl°""? . HA11-:foucrs "'911111. 4 ...... llf 1 .. 4oc .... 3 ..... ..,, fl ,., • 11f1 "-en. .. ''*· J ... 4lf; fl "'-· 11t. FOii SMOOTH. CUM WYU i:..:.n ~ 1.00 All.a llo11ble '"'.._,beck Ir r-•••• ~ !Me 11 lk -..,....,..._,., STAC SKAVINC CRUM !°7:V:'h'i-~ 50c MORE JUMBO SPECIALS FOR JULY .. _ .. ,.., ....... , A:l..SlflT. r Ill" WATCH , .. ·-... ---.. _ -.n.s -.... ft 0 I , ..... ... ,_, .... ............... ..... 6.U DECORATED MOCCASINS ............ ........... ~ .... .......... ._. ... a... .. ~ ........ "'- ..... ,... ............ ,._ ..... ··-.-bd .~ . 1ettw., •• ... ............... 5-t..., ·-....... 1.w ~ .,.,,... ................. -~ ...... .. ......... ... ,.... a •a rt • """~' "· ,, .. ,"" fe..,ula. P-4" . . •'1 -. ... ............................. ()lo~• rf f'<'11•• opray ... ,...lwf • • ••• 4 N. ftM .. ......... <-................. 11-<>L M.li-er ........ •tfl-... ....... ._ .... ·····-5-"-... .. 1...ic~ .• •• s~ ..... ............. ......,;. .......... ~ ... _ .. , .... HIL..,.C"' • S 4' f l ..M ............ er-. ~ ................ , fd,.f ........... -s.-A-' .. ... .................. ~--. .... _ •·l~ ~ •perli.k ..••... I 41L .,-t ... d~ 19t .. ................ ~ ..... ........ ,, ........ _. • •..•••.••.•• ,_. "' 12 ... ..... .... .............. Fi~ a04 ,_ -- <'•I• efld ocntt .......•••. , • I a. ...... aa. .. ~a..-· ................ ......._, _,. ··-' .•..••.••• ..., .. .,, $0 Ur ..... ...._ Al'C ._ c.Mt.. c;-••l. ., 'r rt...., ......... e.n1't"' 100 ,... .... ....... aei ..... ,.. ........ . ................. _._ ...... ... ..... I , 2 """" .... ,,_._ -'» w ................................... Sta ..... S11J N 1£11ll PWllC ...... ••-:Ste ................ ...,.. e4i..et .......... .. .... "-C.p ........ Imo .............. COICS1'PAT£D? ~REXALL GLYCERIN SUPPOSITORIES ":::S.: 54c -~­ NYLON HOSIERY 11 11111 • 15 HllH So ...... ,,...,.,_ ~ -. ............ . tu•--·-··· ,., .,.,.,.. ... SAY£ SI 00 Oii f'tCllC. JUG I CAPE COD GALLON SPOUT JUG K..,. ......... ..u. ~ll-ruull-4 ,, .. , ,., ........... rw. ..... 2 98 llllllTlrP.H .... • aloN CI09 CIOOdl. llC .... loecf .., ,...,.; • .... .., ''"" .... __ .. ..... ..... •itll f,...,..._ ... _. ..... ...._I pl .. ............................. .._, . • I ..._ _ __,, .. ~--a...-.-------­....... ,..__, ... r.... 0 ......... , .. .._._ .......... Deluxe Apartment Hotel • S.1 bedroom.,._' .... er.... .., ... to '1&000 7-.r. IMP...,,._ wwwaa'a a a t 915,090 clowa .. .... I!!= ....... ..., I M e1oee .. -.. ........ J. M. Miler Co. 2025 W. Balboa llvd. DELUXE WNCH u•aa.-1a .. -. CHINISI .... Al U ICAN Diii i ....... _ ...... FOOD TO TAKE HOME n.e ........... 1' ......... CHINISI CASINO lll llzlz ..... ,. ... Im ~L.ll.llEll 'CllOOI~ "-TalWtl .. 1.-. ... ...... -Lapn ....... .._ ...... ,_ CDM nAVB.SIRWCI -" ...... 11117. .._ ... _ .. _ .... IM9 ... a--.1 .... ___ ........... _ a ,,,..._ ....... Ollllli-,.., ....... y __ -. ..... , (Ml .... .... • Slim»• .... ... aa .. .. ........ .. .. ..... -.. ............. QH•A -. ll&a -.... 11117. M &.....,.,.,mAm Close Oat s,,d .. ! -.... , c •••P\e •AW9 _ .......... ........... _ .... ..,. 21''"Tiz 'Sets ~ ............. ..__ ........ ,.._ _ _.. • .:::h::--.... s119nr ~ l'f••-AT ..... , °! 7;;, F=I: ........... , , ......... • o.17 la .... .,.. ......... , .... ..,... .... ................. ....... ~t I Iring Us• Customer It it-ift • Vai..W. 6ift I NO DOWN PATI•IT, lmy , __ NO PAYMENT FOR 45 DAYS fMANT TIADI It AllOWANCI WE SHALL NOT IE UNDERSOLD RELIAICE HO~ ~ ... ..., ... c-,..._. _. .. ,, I• ,_... ID S-1111 ltot N. 11.uH ft. UlftA AlfA D ,_ ... .. .. ...... -M 1.-M $11.11 [J SUSI f I $' . ........ ... ._ Aa ......... . ... . ... a.-... Sit.ts ELECTRIC ii the word for the range which doe1 the COOKING beet-and keeps the kitchen Southern Callfomla ldlaon Company TIMtilM ot.,.,,, aoo1n-• ODealtb. awam YACllll .... - .-mucm ..., .......... crrNQ • t ..-.> ....... ~ ....... ' 10~ c c All RAYOIS I.Ala Sii •..•••• D . .., ....... .........,.WMOU. ...... ·-........................ ,,.... . ZI ~!!tE!~25' !!!<!~ ~8' !~!!>~S~ 12' AMERICAN OIEESE 2! 95c ..... 1t.eO.-. ..._._.. MIW, Ch••••r·atch. .. a ~ARINE .... ,... .. k , ... 25c lllA•• ........... tty. dL tALIWOOI , ..... , ............... dL 21• BLEACH = ~ 23c ~ 3fC llACK TEA u.s.D.a. c1101a aaw CMl'l9IUIY ~ ... -let•'rt'te-. ~39' MAISH- MAllOWS RUfM.111 "'":.'--.. .... ~29' 'IEE'I IEAtlS OMD••• c....,.. ..... ... ~~ 21::25c IAPIWAY·AGID, 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OI' P.dUMG Ollf u-.. rAva> LOI • . l PAGE '4 00.U'l'.U. lllOPPEll Ultlea ., NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, Wlcox In First Ect w~ ot Coron& de.I Mar won tint plac. with 12 point.a In -Tour Adnrtlslnr Dollar• So weeklJ Au.t.raJi&n .tnglu at N--farth1r, do IDOh, .U more. wb• you advertiM In tlll• p.per - -----------Phone Harbor 1111. STARTING THIS WEIK YOUI Newport Hew bor NEW5-PRESS . w• .,. hWllMcl 3 Monday Wednesday Friday A·l Supple Drape DENIMS IOYS MENS . $298 a., $495 • ., J Colori 0,.. I 2& M·I Off ~ O<m.Allf t"'l20MT .1'191 ..... SALE.. <DJJ!Bb HOU•PAINT TRE l/llEIT IAl#T IAllE /# TOii# I SPECIAL! ... ···-·---·······-·-SS. 99 ::. .............. w... ........ o.a... J.DOTa) 'l'DOI OJlfL Y. McDONALD PAINT STORE .-f'IBl'l• 1170 Hw bot llYd. c ......... It's Logical . YES. ITS LOGICAL TO ASSUME YOU WILL FIND. THE MOST COMPLETE NEWS COVERAGE of ALL Harbor Activities IN THE COLUMNS OF NEWSpaper Receiving These A wards I )-.... ,--._: The ' e A.~AL CUD'. ~-:EWU'APS& ftJRUl-1 MeOC. AWARM 001'TEM b l"~-1 .. pMo9 , ....... .._ ....... ,.._OR -Ir"-> la F~17-hd piAM fw M9& '"9t ..... ( ......... ~ ~rMif' -ntlna, (9Ctally .... plaee) ,., .......... ...... e <'ALIPOL~A .4.880CJIA'ft0Jf OP ..... WOSl&N 001\'Tl:8T W11111"t ......... ~ ...... n&ft Pl.ACS ,_ Met -·• •par1-•t ('"1Hl.DM ~ nal • ., I ._, e SA'nONAL P'EDS&A'l10H fW .,_ WOIS:N'8 OONTE8T f1nt ,...,. I•_...,_ 0 f t I (I 0 h-... llMlf·,.ttkl&sl • no:T A SIOMA. Piii AWAJID '1119 p a r t r'I .... ~ .... S '' • r _ _, nee. sec-.... ....-~ ..... o.e..e ... ,......, =· 0 4 •> e 'lf A.TION .&.L .& W AJrD ... _ ........... ._. ,,,._....,,, 'O.. ,,_.-.-.-.-----------------------------------------------.... _.... U.. ft...t • Qnsnrda1 ,,.,,,.,., .me. tlelut ... ., ..,,... prices/ WHAT IS IT? I --- • HARBOR ··· PRESS ....... oaU ..,... Mst. .i• ...Uq~ LIDO sHoPs CLASSl•llD DlllCTOIY ltJWWWW ..... &,.. ............ _ _..__ ODT..W ......... UltO ··--........... _....__ INRJM1fm ,,. !& •• 0. MJICll. DIC. ... ftaUle-_._MM &Nt .... ~ ....... ..,.. ••..ul MIAftat.Mt----.,._ .MJIW ............. _ ..... _ DORm •.&.L• ~~-......... PllOIOG&t.l'll 810 ... -·•wn WU 109 1111 ... I.Ma -......... UDO~' "' Udo ........... MltYlalMe--..MM P.A. P&I Da. ....... _...._._ \'OQ&L COlllP.urT Mii Via lM9 -...... -a.I' AJlfD ..... Win Via aer::r a.a. IUI _....__ 8A VIN09 a LOAJf A8llO<IAftOlU MsWl'O?d' MIWM~ ..... a LO&Jf •MO(Jl•W A l&Ttap DwtU '1• ~Tenn -1.-..,-Til Ule-........ 5EllVICS ftAD0"9 UDO ........., NU Jlf_,... 91a. -tllf Sll018-11Wa mDWJ:LIJ8 ~ ---NII Ya U.. -----SHOR WOllDf .... .tom• .... ....... ru.- NgAftN ......,~ ~u:=::u ..... Ill, ron UDO 'ftn"L&JlfD NaYllaU..----- BAVJCL Acw;Ntm aAllBCMaft&'fa & LI MU Jf ...... WJ. _ _. tJPllotarmlNG OM ~ block ,,_ °"' lf.wport Ptw Newport Beach • .,. on"I: •a R SUBSCRIBE TODAY ONLY KO~Y CALL HARBOR 161& -CIRCULA TIOI DEPT. DIOll lbmD Nltftau.e--...- WJNDOW oovaur• TDaAllS_. OllSEH IT AlU'8 lfm ...... GrC -IN • nAITIN• THIS WDK YOUI Newport Hwtw .. NIWWRISS Wll Codef G. W.lalley Home From Is Oii Suuuner To. prize Trip WUT POIMT, M. r. -OMlet 0 • "· ..o.y. 11• .. °' Kr .... to Hawru· i Mn. o.orp w. Bailey, tll Cat.a-u.a •t... LApna 8-ch, ~t.l)' completad h.19 .opbomore ,.._,. ~t ~ J'rtday trom BawaU an the U . a. Mlllt.&17 Ae&dem7 and Dok>,_ Plylitt, wtANr of~ Coe- i. DOW oO a .ummet" tour ot J.rmy, ta 11-FWa Fry Jnn4 priM of NaYJ and Air roree \MtallaUona. two all·expen.te trtpe to lb• i. Cadet Ba.tley '-reutvmc tam-l&ndl and her mother Kn. Jim IOBN8TONE'8 Mesa AlltO WNCllen 17 ........... AM &aa 111rt. "I0'75 Placeatla A Ye. LDlettr •11ll 0-. ..... W&rts&Uon trainin• by ~ a ' week on Maid Mffl'al type• of Garvey, 1970 Federal .Ave. ~ ~=======~ a&nJ uae lblpe. Later h• wW '° b&ve been rueeui at th• 8urfrl41r ;;; to J'«t 1Ae, VL, l'ort 1CmUa, Va., Rol41 dw1nc ~-py. 1'art Bmntnc. O&., l:ll'ta Air hrce XOllt of tMlr Wne hu befoll Bue, J'l&., and Maxwell neld, tpent •ISbl~ with NYenl •Ide Alabama. trl"' l•....,nl a boat rtdfl am'>llJ C&4et Badey recelnd hU ap-the lllanda and a lcfnc mot.or trip pll&atm9( to Wm P•t frem arlUM the S.land et .MM, 0.. ...... 1e PU CIH1 OOWM ..,.. _ _... ,,._ .. 8. l7tt. 311'4 memJaf the1••tched9"~ ___ ...,. __ ...,.., __ .... ___ _.] -For the flnut In Commercial ~' ot Calleoala. • . -• lluc• a u.. retununs bl th• PrlnUnc c&ll H&r&or 18l6, Job ... , .......... .....,_.to f ... t OD the~ Print.ins Deparlmenl 3 deUc&d•. A wonderful vacation SAC Tourney trip. and on•'°"' to be rem.mber-ed. they reported. Monday Wednesday Friday After Hollday IAlE • OOTION8 • LINENS • DOTl'ED 8Wl88 •VOILE SUMMER DRESSIS Bedactiou ap to PASHION APPAREL IMIN...-nm.C..~11.eea 0. .. .., te .... .&. o ..... , a... Bjrl J_ ~'°==$ ...• ., ...... GLVf.O l.AMINATtD MU1&!RS, GM! CLltAR ~N. AP:,OQDINO QQ!.AT STQENGTH A.T LOWER COST. COMPLlTE. &VILOING -Wt\.tT"'f' Oll.IVE.~lO TO JOe ~IT[ FQOM ti~ PlR..SQ.FT. OR COMPL.UU.V f.R[CTlO, INCLUDING 3LA&. PQOM ti a PUt. ~. PT. fOA. COMM!.RCIAL. PAAM.OQ !MOU.TRW.. UK. ~11160.UIJA NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL llO ~ 8L, Newport ae.cb Barbor 2611 BALTZ MORTUARIES C08T A. MESA. CHAPEL 17U Superior .A.ffDIM Coeta K-. Callf. Pbon• LfbertJ a.-ru1 c::BAPJ:L BY TBJD DA JIJO &. Cout B1Yd. Corona del Mar, Cal.It. ~ Ba.rbor u CONCREtl ILOC~. Kl 2.o754 "...wi.m OGlirdi.1.. .... ; ................ Hlwa -m+-.-.. CMAM& mpcaw , Wil#CWW ..-. ... ~ 4 LATEST HAIR STYLINe FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIEI SHOP BA.UIOA TBEATU: BLDG. LU.BOA ()pee T...-, ~ ........., LOCKERS IPF£IAL -Locllin (a pp. 1Z lb.) $7.75 yr. Wll t"&ll'CU ....,UD raoo: ... 0801~ KEATS ... • lltlll llL NEWPORT BEACH ~ t'UI ~l .,l .\IER SCllOOL I MOININCt SESSIONS on oa .., .. ~ ANTl'Dlm ' STORE YOUR PRECIOUS FURS WITH A PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-0652 Fur Store9e SPECIAL sg9s . -------' .... -=· ...... ._.... I Ola Illa-.... ..-. . Sacha A. 'Ull c:..' _...._. 2& •t ......... 4 ---- 11&1 lt Wlt.b o,... 10 ...... DINNR SDYID "'°"' 5:00 , ..... DANCING NlGlfl'LY Party Reatal ltlllM ••os Jr. COMt H)I •• c-'-' ,,., .._ _________________ _. __ 8_•_rbo_r_l50"1_•_· _High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 OPEN NOW.! Hess Hair Fashions· • at 302' lad Coad HI.way Corona clel Ms • Offerin9 Complete · Beauty Senic:e .•. 15 years experience in Hair Styling • Wanda Smith formerly of • Del M•r Shop -A11oci•+e • • hr.,, ........ . Piao•• HaL• 4014 It S His Business •.. Y• ••• It's Ms IMlsllless to dellYer .,._ Newport Harbor News-Press to yos ... Moftday, Wednesday aad Friday. lt'a ... ltBiMsl to do a good lob too. Y oar paper IMlt readl JOll promptfy, aad .. CJOOd COllditloll. His lobdep•••..-• senice lte re•den Ills cmtomen. If JOll are llOt a re«Jlllar wb- 1 c r I be r, fil out the ••bscrlptioft below -4 •• win start de- llYery tit once. t~---································~·-·····-i ClrclllatlM hpt. I I f • • ! Newport ~ N .... Prfls · l 2211 Balboa Blvd., Nd'pert.8eecb . ! Atta; ClrcoJatioa Deft. ; I hereby wish to eublcrtlM to t.M.New- : port Harbor News·Prlle, ud agree to . ' pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only l50c a month). itreet ···-··--------·-·--~·-- j City ---·---·-·-·----··-------·--···- l .......... ~-~--------·----------~~~ • I ........ •' ••1 • • • • • • t t .-t •1 '• • .._ ! 1 • •t • " msmar: • ··= ·713 a .. NEW!OltT HAUOlt NEWS-PRESS 'All 6 _ -WEDNBIYAY. JULY 6. 1911 • • In Step · With .·t/le · ivei-Changing • Stene!· 5he nwp(Jrf JJ.artor -4~a i:J growing .. ............ 1• C•-12.UID NOW 18,539 c-. M-1950 Paplllatlla 12.100 NOW 17 ,320 . - :Jo teep in :Jfep wif/,, f/,,i:J growl~ : \ Now Increases it'• publicatlon .by socro ~ • • Y • Newport Hcwbor News-Press Is now Published 3 TIMES EACH WEEK Monday-Wednesday-Friday • Subscribe TodaJ To The fastest-Growing NEWSp1per In The H1rbor Are1 • 3 1SSUD WEEKLY CAU.-1616 ~ " call• Sic PD .m -SINGU ~OPY 5 .c . ' ....__.._ --.-. . • OH! LOOK AT THAT! -.,.._.. aN o•p+mtlone ill crornc duty u reception com- mittee for an ..-tu colodDl u NftPOl't Barbot' Yacht Cl\lb'a Aloha party for the Boeolulu Race Mippel"'I and Cl'8Wll Jut Satvday eftDiDI. Tbe Paul Platta a.nd the &trat Enrla'bta enjoy9d t.berue~• tboroachly u memben and gue.ta appeared in comunee both be&utiful and am\l.lfq (o receive the traditional leia. -Beckner Photo DINNER AT MESA Zonta W elco111es at Final Spring Initiates Session Two MW nwnbotra were lnltia· Beach. IAd wlth Leo BuMman ln Robert 8levenaon o( Ooet& M.-. ted and welcorMd Into the Zont.a the Ooet.a ,. .... Park. Anyou be-The pre.ldent aU.nded UI• Mr- Club of Newport Hatb« at a dill· tween the a&• of I and 11 can .U:. banquet at Newport Harbor Mt' mfftlnJ Tbured&y, Jww SS, contact Ul• atio.e t.e&cllen. HIP khool and repo~ Andrea Ill UI• Mm• of Mn. Marie Jlow•. AnoUltt htP ILIJOl ot the ••• Sdlulti.rc had been .. i.ctect Zont& ONt& Mee&. They w-: nlnr wu t.be en.ft t&Ut oo th• Olr1 ot Ule Year. Helen Trotter, Newport Be&di. b&k~ bmlll-(1ven by ~ Door prt.R• were won by MmM.. urtei.r the clullil\c&Uoll of pnytd-Vlr(1nla llcMahan, owner ot th• Betty Pare. JamH Aaiptn and M&l- cl&n. epedali.t.. 1*1Jatr1cian. and CUp Cake BU:uy, CGfta .. ..._ com ~IL )(re. Vera J ohn1e>n, Balboa Ialand. Ou..U Included Mra. Adrialln& ---------- J-•lry, retaJllnr and pneral Van<S.burs. m o t ha r of Mn. r.iry. Howu: Mn. eorn.ua Ntcbola ot Scout Troop X Mrs. Ha.rold Robert.90fl, prea&-A.tt.Yille, N. c .. moth« of Mn. •nt. pruided at the bualnus C&rleton MMn, and K1M on. S A d ,.,,_un,r and Miard reporta from Une Harrlaoll. le(1alaUn MQ'9-at t. n rews Mr& EArt IStanla)' on UM Zorlt.a Uiry. at the llt&U capitol. l&c:n-- DUIUiet t Ooaf-ce to bot bak! mento. MMUn111 of the newly tnauru· at Ute a.lboa Bay Club thY tall; Door pr;u. wer. wca by M1ae rated Boy Scout Troop X Will bot Mra. TOIEE Nott.oil on Ute annual Lynda P'lne, Mmea. ~bert 8tocll· bald Md! Monday al T:IO p. 111. tn ZOnta Carat.a.I dinner; Mn. W. R. ton. Jack Re6'm., C&rletoft Mean. the lowlge of Bl. AJ\drcw'a Church. Coleman on public attaJn. and Malcolm Anpll, Kenaath Ooolhlr ~ boy• attended the orp11· Mn. Wln.lhed Bann • 1t.atU11 and Harold~. laUon ..-On and cbo .. the Ro- ., wOIDm. ~ ce the dlnn.r eommltt.e man numenl for their troop aa A ce or 4 I as t.o Mn. rr.drlc w1th Mn. Jactt R.ln.-t. .._.. .,.mbollc of Bl. AndrwW'a ero. HTMlma Paddock) Ho,,.. the IWD• M:m-. Oeorp Bena, R. L. Btrd. Baro&d KahD la Bcoutm&at.ar and mar art ~ l11 dra,,tn( and Pnl Dunlap, W .JL Cokman and Doll .Ma.rtJA la bJa aautallt. Com· paiAUnJ ~ t.y t.-t.a la.at rr.nk c. BrooJclhp. milt.a m.mbar. are M7"111 Way, )'Mr WU. 90 INCC .. tul they At t.be pNYSOU8 lUllcl>aon m .. t. Ted Klnatad. Mart.in Cam•roG, Bal wtll ba repeat.eel ap.la tJaM -&nr at UM Villa Marina suata In· Dille and KJnrwry Wlllt.enec>t. -. Oii-. wtJl ba 1M1c1 ta Xn. ¢IUd9d Mra. Lou1.m9 ~ ~ WlWard Oour1nay, Ha.rla7 BUmett ...... ._. OOr-.a cleJ llar, 1'1Ala, xa.. .Ka.rprwt ~ Md .,_. _...., ...,_. .. _.. pboM H&rt»or .,._W; wtth Jay fl'olll 8yracUM, N. Y~ Jlrit. v ......... Uie troop. hsnt a at die Tar l'tt. Newport. Johw. ....,., J.a..d ... Kn. ---------- ...,_tJ'~ per -' ., aD tnf· Corona del Mar Home for John O'Rourke and Bride J~ Deeald J. Dod1'9 ,_.. pdHlad h'om 0-., R 11 h ~ f(Jf'ft'led a 1hlfle nnr two o' cloc.k k.bool. Ka:r buab&Dd w .. ..,...clu&l• ceT9fl'IOll7 Oii the a1ttmoon of J-. ed from '*-7 KIP kbool. a wtllc:h united Carol• Churchill WOOCSINry CoOep Mid Mciooo Clty I and John L O'Rourll•. The bnde eou.r-. I la ll\e 4a"l'lter of Mr. and Kre. The eoupk wW make lMlr bOm~ JoNI Docl&ey ot Ba.llenfteld and at 07 l'ernlea! AH. th• M1dtJToOOm la the -of Kr. and Jlr"I. Johll L. O'ftollrka ol Loa At1ltl ... r or lha «r~mony UI• bricM W"Ort • iull ak'lrtad clreaa ol pay or- pndy w1U\ whit. collar, wtljta hat and white ord\ld C!O,...., and bladt patanl l•Uter ae~ MN. WIJllam Smith, aa matron of honor, wor• a white draM dotlAKt In blade. l>Mdc n lnl hat and ah~ and~ ol ptU m.haia- tuN f'OM9. WlWun lmlUI ltood w1UI tM llifilM(TOOm. ~ were rwc.lnd at lhe home 0( UM fTOO"\'I parwtl.e IJI lAtm~rt Park ~ Ule coup\e WU tout.ct In., dlamP'(fta panch.. ,,,. ""' Mra. O'ft.ou l'ke ..,... ..._W-lawcl a. Cl11r9fte Fire ~ Orane ol 114 9f'M4· -1. Coat& ...... ~ felJ .. ..., wNte 1111okl~ Ju ... t'J af- Ul"LIOO& "-ult -. a W... C&\111- h\( an Hl1a&ted U OO d&mac9. "'" Pnv•Uot\ ~ ft&lph lAt ~ 'n-e Ylcltnl eK&ptid W1UI alftC'9d ~~ NpOf'ta ahOw. ffw dlY&ll and cuatiloNI cauctit n ,.., Two tniclu and 11 •• &MWend UM &l&rm. MOW! • New Publication Days MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY no Mddeeta bl Uta Unit.cl etA&.- llt&ppell ln c'-r -U.w on dry ro.da. a.ccorcllnr to Ule N aUoftal A ut.omoblla Cub. • We are Set Up to Outsell MERCURY IS RISI~ ..... AND WFRE OUT TO SILL 25 NEW MERCURYS by the 10th of July We're Making Top DealS-Come Right In Wltll ... Deal we ltaYe to.,,_ YOU ••• Y• cm INiy HBI •ta1 tills GllATDT OF AU DIALS SALi a braacl NIW MllCUIY ..__ .._ ... "to c•1cl l.ower-PrlcH Can" · ... -4 WHAT A DIFFIUNCI Ill TIADl-IN YAWi 2 ,..s .,_ tWI ... J ,_ lmt•ce, a 1955 MRCuRY C•toM 2 door Md•• lllfyS2719_.._ .... 0UIOYaALLOWANCI of $700 tWa ..... YOU tWs ...._ .. N1W C..,_ .. C .. Y wltll 1a ~· e11l11 md .I ... ···-at $2019, ,... ..... ... .... •••••• j 900 w. c ... Hwy. WANT ADS Used c.. Stocks Sa ..... Tal&e \'OU f1ell at 'l'beee ..,..... PrioM. 1953 CHEV. ' dr. Pewtir O..._ _..,, WNW ...._... ,, .... Lew JlllleeCe. $1395 1954 MIRC. ..._ w..-. WA*-UH. P&llue1•1*'e • .....-..... $2699 1t5J MERC. ..-..... v.,.--.n.--. _. ............ _hd-.u& $1195 1952 MERC. Mr ............. . .................. "!lo $1395 1953 WILLYS ......... ~a.ma. 1.---... $995 1953 ~D. ..................... O'*· a... Lew ....... $1695 1951 HUDSON .... lb.. Mr. 11¥•ra. ••••• ....,. a-a. $799 a 1•1 n All eleaa _. priclfJ4 .. ......... Hmtf to Jollnson & Son ,.....,.. -ller'cm7 IOO W. (';...& BW'f. TRY OUR NEW WATCH REPAIR DEPT • .. Yl11eent'1 Udo DrUCJI • want to buy I sell, rent or trade? CALI: OHS YUS OUAM.NTIZ ONALL&a'A.D9 • ............ ....-. • UnfJer New Management Anthony Tra11are 3461 Via LWe NewpM lwlt ~-JOOJ Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER .. • 11 11 ·I' ' ' ! " ~! I~ I • You Wiii find . Best In Every Thing You . Need ... • WANT AD PAGES For Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES c ...... .,.. SpecW MARINE SECTION ...... Ft-lclay Edition NIWPOIT HARIOR .NEWS PRESS l • • ilt :f l • " ' .. --....... -• ...... • -• -.~-' OOAIJ'l'.U. lllOPl'Dt Nlt4aa of !!'~!!!!!IJl.~W~M!!,!ted!!.,_~--·---R_e!f-.... •_aa_,t .. _____ _,..f ~i M 11'n 1• a-........ fer .... 1. -.UT -.mi. "-'-..... - . !!-: , .. !!11!!1 p' , 'A&E 4 . PAAT II -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS WB>NESDA Y, JULY 6. 1955 / · :a. ~=-= YOUR DOLLAR W l.TILUI ~ •11.-, ...... = ..... -- ' 0 ···-·· ' .... .. ...., llllC. rtt 9* ID .. ~ ._.. . ................... ... _,...._&.-__ DIUYIRY GUAliNTIED WANTED .. _ ............ Kcmkel'a Interion Buys More New RJRNrTURE at IA Y ........ -.. .......... . ................... D8nwr, ot die Newport Harbor N..,..~ la cuannteed. Carrier boyw will deltver their papen be- fore 8 p.m. on Monday, Wectne.day &Dd Friday. U your paper la not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1818 and your carrier wW brias your paper. Full time men or wom• a.J Jr.tate a&Jeemn 25 to eo. WW ualat you to set Ueeue, and train you ln Real !Cit.ate aalee. M U8t be financially able t.o exiat for e months or a year without making a aale. ""' u~ . ..., .............. ._... *'......., M-... ...wu n . ...._..,......_ 'like rte ...... "... ..._, ......... -.......... New ..... ,._ .... ...... .u 9t.7 ..... JUa ._ ..... ltd ,,...... Llwtr •"" --··· ..................... _,. o...a ..... u .. , .. ,, ""' "' .. 1~ .... Ollla..... ..... ................ . ________ n .. __ , ... :;-:..:_~,-•,u• !! ?!!!'!'6f!!!'rt'V CIC.ssified Ezperienced penonnel are , al8o wanted. Kut be worken. We have the mo.t modem office in the area. Come in for penoll&l interview. ORIGINALS • .-. -.. ..... ..._ ....., .. ~PIANO. -, ..... • .u'IDMOON, OM1sta11. ..._ wr-:f'.t:/: _ . .....at...., ...... '-'UW...a. ....... .... *-6 C1rrree•• Ir 11,_ .... , ........ ,...a • .._ .....-= .... 0utom" Dn-a•k... ITM Y .... ··--....-& -fQ.N .. \ne.,... _., ...., ~ a.nor...... Tl .... Dr. --. ..... ...... ...... ..... ...... ~ .... ~--o... 1• ............ _ _._, ..... ,. .................. .... .... effecthe .My lit, 1955 1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Ivery Mowdmy, WeclMsclay and Friday IDGOUIZ> ................. t ,,._ ..... ,.....,. L& ....... ..._,. 1• ,..._1 . 1 .1::.:, '::, '!t: ~~:~:,-. '= See a.tclwin Pi•no .. t ll.01 <IM CU\8) _. ... ..._ ...._ .,...._ • ni.. la -.-Mat.o.._ t-.... ..... Orm u•P Y L. w. wmrm .. tlM v.---* 9Q t1MM WOODWdkTH PIANO 00. ~ M•u • ...., LI Miit htwl ._ fk4'int ......... 01e1 1lll 01Ut 8lft., 0... Ml .... "'COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor pptfe ..... .....,_ ,,., ..... -· ,..,..... raa.. .... , -----------""' llV. -... " ()eMtal ..,.. .._ .. naa la • w.-....., !(...._.._ GLADIOLAS ... llO Vabae ···-··-· at Bay Pt.I& ------------ l luertloll Z Juertlou I lll8erUou 41wtaw Sl.00 lJSO %.00 uo add'L Uae. .!5 .. add'L One. .%5 ea. add'L lln• .u--. add'L .... .!5 .. 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 74<:76 CUT FLOWERS 50# BUNCH 1111 ~Ave. 2 ~ Medena .ct., P"" ,... N Pill\ 110. nau l.od J(MUc• r rubMI" cuabl• wt.th &l~r. 8ee p&ano. t..-u.. lr.!ddSe9 i...n. Ap- lt lD Ulu top snide new.st cowr. ply tM'm rent on pu~ Oood I..,tnk -tout ...... -CW.. a.-t ,...._ ITI ..... 11-. f111 ...... ete.&......t..,.._ • ~-~Value -····-al SQ fUt.~ DANZ-llCBKJIYI', Ol:T THU!J ftELAX-OPEDIC 520 No. Kain, Santa AnL ~ •lie {7 n .) tnnerwpr. Always 100 planos . ea.ta Kea. T•pT& ...... w..w Adil wW .... " 11~ dlilooat. <lallla la ........ -.17. ION1JIUll AD 19 t LINES TWO buuutul hand braJd~ all W'OOI rup , new material. Well made. I~ by 11 \i ft. Q'l:>. &10 rt. J(OO -W Osborn. W. CoYinL Pb. sq.wood 27•01 matL A boa spr. set, eJrtra iu-. AD a...HW Ada-• lie ,.ad for Cull la adY.._ el,. .. •"• 10 yr. ruanntee . .run or twin 8JCALLE81' ITUDIO J'lane wt"" .ia.e. hll II ~..,... &a a.a. - Tiie publlabsra will not be ru porwlble tor more thaa one ineornet lnelrt1on cd an ad, reMrV• lhe rtrht to cornetly cl&llily any and all aAla and to Aject any a4 not. conformine to rul• and r.culaUona. 71pTI LOft: lAdle1 leathff ltleuWer WAN'r eap. bOUM keeper tor pn. strap b&&' at Newport Harbor hOUM work, penonal wuhln,c Y~t Club .Cont.ant. valu&blil. A lion~. 6 halt day1 a week. ------------ SU9.~ V&Jue ·--·· at Bay 519-~ IUUon. Term•. U &.15 down and P~ _,_ ~ & fU.lT pv rao. at. -Q _.... .:.YGA1. &UJ -8KAFER'8 Mlll&cCo. (lll&lo.1907) DmA.DLINJ:a fw Jili'Cans • canoelUn,s wan: r or Monday PuNtc&UGa -J'l1da)' I p.m. R..-ard. Call R.A.r. "· •u• hr. au. 1* 73c76 Envelope Speciol 1'c15 WANTml> CLEANING woman -Rlp quality #•1' wtltt. 'Al\llU BAY FURNITURE u 1 ... 2s N, s1camore, Banta Ana Phone Klmber17 1--0ITI. UT It. 17th 8L Costa Jf•• .,.or Wednud&y PubllealJoM -Tuesday 1 p.m. , wtlh reterenc._2 daY• a week. enw lopes, printed wtlb Climer Year al"OWMI Job. Call Harbor returu. Betwem TlaUn A Jrvtae l'R&C STOIUl:J'RONT PAJUCJNO ror J'rlda)' Publlcadoo -'l'hunda7 1 p.m. <fM bltwwtll 12 and 1 o'.clock $3 95 l OQO NEWPOaT •••aoa ruaumnro co. n11-..... ....._ 1'....,t .._. ~rw& CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS TERMB 7k'lt .... n p16 • per Sl!lCRrrART-BTENOOJ\APBER, WIUl Ulla a4. Illa..,_ J\111 UM. lf1MI Notiw y Newport Barbor B. P. 0 . E. 1787 ,..... ......, ~. p.m. V1a Oplrte -o.tnl ."' N""'°" Bee4* Albert B. Matt.Mws, J:alt.d Ruler CARPENTRY llJNOR REPAIR WORX NO J OB TOO 8KALL B.O.~ ._ ~H m. Balboa BlTd .. Balbo& Hal'tlor 14.00 13ttc a... J\epatra 9oat a.,un ASTOR'I JlEPAD\ BJ:RVJOI carpeetry ll&r. 17Jt..J. FOR RENT Diil .. .,._ Dae. DrU11. •M1111111111111s ..... ,. aD tnee ,,, ...,.,., ~ ...,.., et.c. BOYD'S HDWE. XIO W. OOAn BJQBW 4 T Ube:r\11-MM. H..,,.n Bea llttc Painting 6 Paperh&Dcin1 We do the work oune.lvee.. IO,..,.~ Uoan.d It IUllnd. a.u.tacuon ruana'*- S.U..tu tr-. Call JoUJl.le. LI 8-2887 6 LI 8-~ 81tfe House Plans PAINTING P&lnUn1 6 Pafll' 8 •ftlhl ·~ s.t llonq Ou .,.. Sympson & Noll•r Ill llt.ll St.. H9W'pOI\ ._. Pll<>Nm ILUUK>R MO& ASPBALT T1LJ: LJNOL!rull I IUtAlJ UM abna ~ UWI moeL Ai.o ..U Tile 6 Unokwn. Hon-unlo"'1. JI YMI'• •pedtllce. Ooliil5il'i' and ... - 81.LL COKER llu .... • I-. 8Mch T-6t'TS. tlc7'11 Painting, Decorating Paper Baaeinl GEO. BURKHARDT LICllMe&D 00.NTftAC'TOR .,. w. uu. a. Oo1ta ac .. Uberty ~ H ! ...... 1 .. rt.. aT'UDY lD qare ttme '°'oontrac- wtlh ahortb.and. Some knowl· Mail copy aad dtec.k toda7. e4ce ot l"MOl"de c1e111n--. tor rox adv. Tot' S. Cftlt.e:r, Ana- io-1 ,_. ~i. offtoe. New· W.. Tk'fl = .;;;::::: ~ t.or'1 u.amtnauon wider a ren- Elec. Tool Repair =.:~ciaa:u.~,= akiJ ..... l>rtlla, ........ 1'rt. ~ T:IO p.m. J.t'-d Clnt QUICK 8SllVJCll ....SOD tree. Bq1a aa,ume LEWOO EbECTRIC oo. AI Tvler School ... Ho. Newport ...... HJ&. 9cla. HU l'fo. -~y, 8aat& AU Liberty &-1333. '4ttc P1L. IDmbvq J'"'22e or KJ 7-MU COMPLETE PAINTING ttc • P•per ~a.mo. Real Est•t• School WO~ O. SAUMJ).... • s An &00 1 11t. strMt. lfewport Beach 1n anta a llAl'bor •Tt or Bu. 66.a. U. Mmt It WOM.llM prepan la..,_,.. PAINTING time for unllmJi.ct opportUlllU• ID ft-.& Uat.. New dMMe l!ft'D!Oll -DTl:IUOIL -.MlJ. Al TJJin laltl:UoUD1. At. LlCl:NaED _ INSURllD tend tint ...unr free and le&m aboUl We ,....t GeJd.. oaa or port Beac.lf RMI estate aperi· m09 llOt MOea•ry. .ApPIY tn penoo 1506 W. Balbo& Blvd .. l&blrd&J. Tac'ill ATl'SHTIOH A.LL 80Y8 - THE NSWS-nD9 la now tak1nl Arner ..,ucaua. tor lrO'IU. tn th-aelpborboodll:- Balboa. We1t Newpo11. Balboe II., N..,,.rt .... Ile., Corona del Mar and r.o.ta Mta. U JW an 13-1' 7ff. old, aM have a blc~I., .,,ay at the Clrcula· Uon Dept., Newport Barbor New•-Pr .... 1211 Balbo& Blvd.., Newport &Meh, between 10-U L m. or 4-6 p. m. only u ce1>t Bat-urd&ys. Uc Glenn Johnston wrtte now ao1 • a. a t. Newport a.-Al ~ler School Waitresses Barbor 1171 ~ 1111 Jfo.-Bro.dway, auta Aaa Drperteaced, 11 yn. «over. ID f.-U·ID 1-a••D I-WI Rob't BU1'1 Chef'a Inn CARPENTER Ue 1:101 a Cout J11Pway, Corona ------------cw Ku. 7k1' Repair Work China Painting Htle 0oee YOIU Rc8• NMd ~ I>-., ud Ennlna 0..... OI' Remod-11 .. T Orde.r• Take Now cau rnnk. ~ ~ Pbaoe Liberty 1-aua All Ww • au.an.LIM f.U. ------------ "A'a,. WOMAN OR OlRl-C&pable, to ...t.t. wHh a pt. hoUH clearunc -..It .. \hN July 6 A Ugu8t . TOP PAT . l CM E. B&y, Ba.Ibo&. ncn 01JUA - VENETIAN BLIND Bookkeeping Service ITS A GIRL'S WORLD! LAUNDRY ATTENTION! Contra.et.ore, l tonk.-pen AM 1ou'll ~ wll«n you bear TBID 1'SW •yhlM pw .. ~ Need llOll\eOne to Allen ,_ ot ot U!e many Jdb opportunJU• Oil A•1oeabae price&. Aft1'919 tboee monlhl)' bookJtwplq wor-for qualltled younl' women In .J..,. ,...dmtial bl1Dd. ri•! AM about our reuonable "'~-\oday. Only $1.00 ral• Har. 46"-J 70d J OPDmfOS HOW FOR: 8bndil Apalred and reWlt. WORJ.CNQ MOTHERS, ehlld oare TELEPHONE OPERA TORS ....._ Ptcll up aa4 dell"'7 an my bome clayUme .. Newport AppJy-Monda.J lhl'oarb Friday WOl'k dciae '1 appolntlMDt Belpta cn.tnct. Lfbe"1 •·787,, 5H ~ No. Mala SL PboM LDWt1 1-11701 Up7' t :OO to •:oo p.m. er JamwJ7 1-&1'74. ntt• Room 211, Sant& AA& General Contractor U C'CNatD Nl'W Work -RemodellnC J. MILTON McKENZIS Sanor 1122-R &atfc PAINllNG M. W. ROSS LI 1-IUl • LI I-Tiii llO ·~ Ooet& x.. . ~ .Alumln1.1111 Wall "nle Mtpt1. Dlltribut.o,. ~ Jllic• to OontnctoT'I • n.i. letter1 Universal Bldg. lt.laintenance W..U. A window Cleanln• J'loora. J antlor lkrvlce. ftoee Bu1Mw 6111. t TplOh Roy's Maintenance llouee,..,•s-~WUSll8 wan ........_--wtaclow o1··1n1 v...-M1llda. u,......, luared. ...... ..... P.ACIJ1C TEJ.EPHONE 22ttc WOMA.1'1 u dry dt&nlnr marker. Uberty .....al. 14c'15 8ALIC81.ADY, tu1l u.me. Mu.It l\A\'9 knowled(e Of eewtnc. ~ IO to •o. INIP A STITCH, 209 Manne, 8&1.boa laJ.and. HAr. w a. u tte W AKr ZXPEJUl:NCED a.utomo-LOwt7 ._lJU. late Mle M l..,,,an. Ideal worlttn• --------------ea.clitson& Pum&ne.nl polliUon a.a.ualfO It IRONllfO "1 UM tot a_,. wor it.r. K AUSKJCN°S dq. 1Clrper1tticed. ~ lllM4 MTtW. HU Harbor BITd. pnternd. lCl J-tOH. TJpt • 74<:7:> A.-1 COOK It Cat.ru a. ooloc'ed. 900ICXIZPA, male, tull Umt. Dlcti. ref. BMIU-card. OWB Qood ..-~ for ad'rtl'lee- trauportaUOft. U Ya In. a. net.--L IW appotatme t eatJ u - dwr, '°1 I . H rd It., 8aa Dkp. bitty .,.It. 7'c71 Belmont t-llH. Ttp1' MAN It W OMAN WID do reneral WAHT&D: Baby lltt«r for 5 day• ,,..k. ~ llM-1\ alt.er • p.m. TteT~ WOlU?f wuted. 11.00 Plf' Jtour. Ml7 ~ u.. Tel. Coat.act la47. T O\Lf owa pboGe.. Call KI a.-2'" tor 11\t..nt... T'pT• Fresh Hearing Aid &UTllUD We Olft.Mll Q,.._ Stampe Gundenon Drug Co. U npe.lllted • J uvenlle J\lrnlture ..... at. at Ba.lboe ...... Ila.Ibo& MAJ>L& W elab Cab •..... ·-·-SM.IO ... ,,_. 5ll. Mlle Hwd. Ladder ch&tra, tlb.r YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Deatcn•r'• P'abrka at Wholesale Pric.. ._t -········-··-·-·-·-··--··· MJIO HWd. SO" Bar lloola, !lbtr •at ---···---·--·-l'-IO M:lnwu and Dell fln11be9 Orden lakea ror thul~u Ull H.atbor, C.M. Ubert.J .. 1145 MAJ\ODC WEBB ltM ao. Cout Blvd. J..e.cun. Bu ch _u __ •_•_ta. ... _&a_.~----­u Uc :tr Lohman Sport enu-rr Apricots w. ........... la "'-........ Ao)'al apricot. for hcMDe can· a111c. 26 ii.. '"' a.c1 6 Jb. 11iu-uu. Hillside Orchard Betwffft 2'2D.d and !tl'd oa Twttn An, eo.ta Jilff&. ?Otte: a..,. '· tuDy equlpt. top c:on- dtUon. Ad:tnr ""° or t.nde f or '9cal Jll'opel'tr. 8a'llllltt otra. Ph. Kar . TM-M T3pT& I NOWl!WU> SAJL M9ded -bl any ccndlUon. Call Dldr at l.Sll- lncton M220. 71 p'll TRADE 8-utllllJ fO-tt. au. .edl •••· WOW! Read This! We np&lr telntldoa receiver& and radtoa. Tou p&7 10 4'11 la· t.r, whn •Ullle4. No pan. lll• MAIJed Dot ....... Liu'fwll ~ "°"' .... ~r tau-..rawtwlt~ pa.rut"4 for I NJ monU... *'It. o-t ~. ~ De.l Mu. H.Ar. kh. l%Wla w. TARTER.. Owner, 'ltU• WAN'Tl:D 10 u am Pl.Alfoe fw our ble tenlAl dept. wp.t cub ~ Ill 0-.da t~ Orpa. apen.t .,.._,. ... Oru4 ,..-. DANZ-8CHXIDT, PO No. MUI. 8anlA .Ana •,! !"!:•_":! hlly r-., .... yw!Mre. WUI ------------ \aile eqwt7 ln pl"Clp9rty or -u. 1 r C-1• Te.Ins.ton . ... . Mt W -L • L ~ h• lilr .,_t. 12't0 W. llaJboa fltff., JI" J\CA Victor ~e Willi aMJtng maC ln8 Newport. Har. 3032. Jftfe fU1.1 rmiote c«itrol, ~uced '111 SDVICZ ftCA V\ctor Hllh f'l~lltJ 1·1'ffl suanatee Oil J°'9 ~ SNIPE l\"b. 6H t tn •eeU-t con-pbono. Mallof. tull doors, and OD QMd WM!kra 2411'4 dltlon, 9oat CO\<tr .a11-&lid tnfl-"9duc.d _ ... -·· _ ...... , f l OO (~I Newport Bl.. Uoeta M.-er Own.-r lt'avlng • wlll t.a.ke r. M. Teble rac:fla.. onl1 . 129.N L.Iberty &-4603 or Llberty ~•t ofter. H ar. 602 day•. Har. TV R.ntal• 6 a.me. &-m7. &4Uc _23_oe __ R_"_""-______ &2_u_c SMALl. ~ 1B ~ cond MAKE OJ111'1CR. Pbone W berty 8-8678. 72~74 OEEP F\lEr;zE -Weber dl11play R.oll·A·Door eta.I lOp 1:9o - Hubor l~l .. W. i2p74 27 .-r. Aux. a.loop wtU. Only Su Scout l.'nglne, full •ult cood Rall.a. 2 bunks. (Vlt')' and Mad. New •Llllnlu • 1tttl 1 11u;1n~. Jo•t pam ted compl~t•ly 3 w""k• ago. 53•00 U 8-168; ~tte la rr Al.A. C:LA.SS BOA T HUU... 70 In• h 1>-'11m. SUO. U 8~ Tarter Television Co. TWO LOCA.TlONI lto4 &. OoMt Ky., Ooree& CS.I Mar a 274 Broactwa,, Lac-.. ac.ll P1L. H&t. Ntl °" HTa.tt •-601t Tttte PBILOO I ea. tt. t~. lt!>O 71cH ORGA..'1. £1ectron!c' UMd but ID .x«.Uent condJtlOL Two ..... uaJa. f'1 ne for church or llome. You caa eave S800 on Ult. pw-- ch&M IDOdd .. lteO lltalY1natOT ,..rr1,. 16 PT. PEN~ v.u. outboard, Dou· Both tn lood coedlUon. Liberty ble ceda.r plankf'd. 1lu.o!'d. Ba.II 1-~00 73c:7:J 0 A. "IZ·SCJOOD1'. Used Automatics S39.~ to S99 .9J DelJYen4 IMt&Ued. s-iut-S.. Terma J....oaMI We Service All A ppliance. Specl&liling ln A ut.omatica Auto. Wuber EnterpriMa nta NtWpnrt Blv11 . C1>1la Mn • Ub«rt1 6-7808 (Nea..r OolC Courllt'I tlpp A PT. •l.z~ a\ove 6 r•frllf. e<>mhlna- Uon. l"ea.rly n-. COii\ S2.l5 new. will ft'll tor Sl 2r> 307 PaJm St. .Balboa.. H c70 lllU\ll, motor. lltrlpped IMA. dKk . ·~· u lsUl.2. Tk'Tf> II IT. MOTOR S.U. made by Old11 T~,,. <;o. Qirui . ~eutJtUJ Un•. g'laued e t\. declc. Bola& ponloona ln hlllL Bmlfut motor • N.11. 514.:1. ll 801d Lhl• week. Moonn~ a•·all. ~. ptt rnanUt JiJlr~ ld7·W . 73<7~ &20 No. Main. B&AtA A na NEED pod !19"'• fw ftft ~­kltl•na 11( Kiii•• Piac., N-- port llUI Lib. ~. UcTI 19-rr. CAliUN c.n.11 .. r. plywood . .-0-...Auto. for Sale f'Clulp~d f« •peed A n~hlni . Chryalu Cl'OWJI 11& hOr-MpOwt'r 111;)2 MORRHJ Minor crmv. JT,000 motor. 5t7M. Ll 8~'40 321 mlle11. Oood rond. SM~ 2t·fL Fulltrt on, Np\. 8c.h. H p71 O~n l>olp htn 110011. 2SO Iii lltl· bOUH,.or'k, noor w&Jlinr, win· ·--~~--!!~ll!e•~n!r~a~•!!,. ___ _ dO'W eJearunr;. l'ut worken. "" -------------White. l H E. 20th IL. Coet.a BIUlDICD ru,-. hand ~ all HOUSE f"\JLL of fumlture-ln· -lolrope, C.D M Ullerty 1-TtlO. PIC or L\JDICRS l'fllnn&Jl•r •nd U p7t LI 8-7US 88ttc AJooboHca A.DoD)'IDom Wrtt.e P. 0. a. 111 H...,.t Beaca. Ca1lt. ..... ...,.Tit Mua. u 1-2683. ppU wool llllO, •IOO. 8ma.ll ~·. cludhtC drapes. rust.om r nnch wtU maJce to oNer. LI l -6332. proYfnclaJ. O'HNt utted • anU· K8KPR .OOOK. 29. Dr1w. Uve In. 7'c78 quec. Harbor JM'T. 74pil Newport Area. Bnmeau, seo ID. atont'I aal.l. 7 hp Xartln. Boen!· ------------ lng ladd~r for 30-40 tt. boat M JAOU.AA XJOIOM modln.I ChHp. lnq week-end.I. 108 Via C'OllY., IOI• new, powder bhle, MeeLone, Udo J.a&e. « CIWM· VI-l-M:i6 wed( da)... 70p82 2h t SL, eo.t.a M u a. Ttplt BICDftOOM Mt. dining rm. table t...ARGE C•ld e_c tablf . odd dt.h8. A oUlu pl~e .. HAr. 0363-W. old IAblu .. old m-.hopny rock~ 11 rr. CARVER-cryt, ntierclaM· CXPERIENCED whlte (trl delllrM 74c74 chair. 212 Pu.n, Balboe 1-huid. ~ bottom and ..,..,,, ~rinc whll11 orion top, nn•er ,.c:M. low mt,.•r. or111na.1 atn1er. ftar 6t72 • tld5 .. .. ehild can. W IU IJYe In. C.JI Har. 2965-W. T2c74 h I U1I ------------JAck.toD 7-2730. T4p71 8 \IRJ' llOARD-8-utltully laa· w H • • la&t.4 bal9& and Niiwood. ,_ VDY q.u(>ICA.al.lt -Bf'Uld 1' H. r . EVtNl UJt>e mot01, O·pl 1"8 KARLEY OJ.VU>eOIC T•. 1200. Phone >hr ~J. fllrf• FULL c:Urre bookkH per • a.c-rettnlAllled. eoet 115,00. 8acrtftcw .._ a.q,otat ..........,,tt", tcost p~re tank, Ilia. oouatul, pru.nUy employed. tor '40.00. ... at Duke'• ..,1 IUO) wtD elll tor 1200. Le-. SMALL Sall boat compitt• w ith !! !!!9 A* Supei;fluoua Hair Pl.... P• ·neu, w•ed f!ooa face ....,.... to mah a cballp. HAJ"o Din Boat Jt.n1ala. 100 &. DlnHlan PhJ'fe niahor . dlnlnl all ,. ..atJ. •110. boT 264.2 after 7 p.m. T4p70 Co&ll ~. Phone Harbor table. 1 c:haln. •ta. Malloc· end all Onnd Canal. Balboa 1Jola11d. STEAL! 19&4 MERCURY haN lop. ~ e41utpt. M1111t ~II by Jw7 ..._ Price U .200 <'•II LI 1-T...._ ,,.,. CALL ON US .,,.., Jeca. .-.vww UMI ...., 11ae ... ,... Ho more twemn" Wben w. caa help JOU with your llLLllN i. llll'l'AHT A. &. a~ problema. A tnJntd Udo'i aaa. ot Blaat.7 -· lfTt ~ apect..u.t wt1l 11-dly tie belp JOU prepwe ettKUn ad.w-------------~· Our aim a. to pl'OYiCS. eound ad· _n-__ 1_~ __ uc1 __ .. _MD4 ____ _ ftl'ta.l.q OOUD.ltl a.nd JMJp JOU ... t oatlltml4lq raulta. NSWS-P~ Q-p'1WA.dl ftjlm()lt 1111 BOUI JCWOJUC by Ole d.,-, own 0819. T4p78 table WIUl '-mp, •10. Hotpolnt Har. 0234-W. 72c7' u cu n. rernc. tn lllnL condl-~on. (Color9d). Good PADDLl:BOAJU>, 116; RAllp. lion, I UIO. Walnut MCretAry, BJGH WAY DJ.aPLAT AASJ. ,.,......_ Kl &·9283 74p7' Mactc Cbel, Koo4 condlt.lon, t20; only MO. lMT A.u.o An.. U bertJ n allable tor r ood cle.n boat., WOMAN want. houMWork by :.:.iu:4:~ ~ ... ·:i1 ~ W231. tlttc p=~T ~~U<JJIAJC 6 00.1 _A_G_U_AJ\-~-M-a-rk_V_U _________ t. d&Y. Lillian M.,.u, Klmberly 6-Dr1n, ~ Newport LUU"EH 119c1 da.-..port JM. Pbone U •·'1806. 72o7' with r~ leathu . • ..... , n at. ?tp'll ... "•11 table top ,.... ... PbOIM Har. ------------tru.ru.lon. r f"rtect ...... ... 05lf..J 7k11 SAJLBOA TIT rt. N•UOMa On. De-mu ..... orl(l.n•I own.,, ll&rbor AN'nQUlll -CX4 flmllb&re, • •en. lnboard niddu. Oeod •Ill Ct 72. •ac11 ,...._ 111m.-. ... ......,_, tloelll WALICl:R f<W lll""4 wt.tit au. • co•er. ..IO P1'oM LIWt)' ..... ........ ...... .. ... 9ttacb••C.."' two 4..... •ma Of ....... 'llp76 1"4 8tJN VALLEY Ma\Ct!RT, -'-............ a.a... ba• et.en. wtU. ---uo It uo. ------------all pow'er equ1prwut. tenu. can 1... & A.MMla M., IAllS ~ ~ cMJr M . Sa.rbor 8U1V' 80AJllJ>, 10 ft. loq. 10 n.. OW'lltt, LI l ·MU or LI Mttl. ~ tao-1•. llUo Ulf..i Uttc Nt.DO. LI~ TJp71 MUo -....__ -·----_..._ ----=- · I. I I j ' . I ·- . ) v v Check these Used Cars ..., ............... wtll .. '-l'OllmllOW to .... "'-t ........ 'l'ODAT1 tt tnau _. n r'i F • P I THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! 1811 CllSVROLl:'l' 4 door Bel Atn, ltPt blue. R Is H. poww ..... tn·=hJI•, power .teertng. ElreeUeat oondttJoD. ..._ ___ $1M5 UQ MABB • '°°" -s.a, 2 ta. ,,_, otW• ......_ 8bow1 9917 pod care -----$ 995 tMe I01ll> .... w..-. Rum pMl. loob W'ld:. ···---·--··--·----··---··---• 111 1861 PLYKOtn'H Club Coupe, deluxe model. Mlht ...... R 6 H. All new aytoa tut.. ...... Onl7 ---······· ·- LOU REED CHRYSLER -PLYMOVTH DBAI ZR 1JOO w. Cout mpway Phone Liberty 8-M88 • !r!:•• T ....... ~ a •. T 11 ,_ .... !U.!;;A!;::!•!!!! .. !!!J•~!· !II!__ a ............ Cabins Marinas Lido Peninaula, East Slat St., Npt. Bch. OJTERB DelicJitful ltftllr . .lpt.-C.benu Utilitlee paid. wttJa YaeM Jlip MCOllLOdationa. Da.Qy, nek!J, JDCTlthly, yeuiJ . J"or appt. or neenaUon, Call Bar. 2992. Mtfc LEASE rINll LOC.4 TION In Corona del Mar, Oompletel)' etUfpped tor baktJla' or delleai-n. Phone II.arbor dQ for a,pp't. 16ttc New Store Bldg. ------...,..---------------for i.ue, 3-6 yrs., lh5t ft.. park· 41-Ae • ...... ,_ --~ a.oioe Sq....,.. Rentai. Oil Balboa ~ Is Lido Im ...... ..., ........ ..... f715 ..... _ ... VOGEL CO. .................. blud ... ____ .._ _ ..... 1111 ... 11ar.1 ....... 11ar.-.11 .. tfe lbopptas area. ms 8JIAC9· ~ art.1'7· la Udo COIO'Oll'l'ilt.11 1m.Aca APrS.. BLANCHE GATES ~ lunu:n• rat. SU wk. aau w. <>ce&n hont. Harbor Realtor "1T-K. npn 311 lCanlle .\"., Balboa la!Nld NEW J'URN. WATl:l\PRONT for ~ 1111 18Uc ....._ I bdrm. apt. IClectJ1caU1 equipped. ue Via Lido Nord. J'OR LL\811: lmall cate doJAc 1'1...,..-t B4Mb. ftt>T' Xlnt. bUlltneu, IOOd loc&Uon, Ideal for ~ ceok A putJ7 Lots Channel Front Vacation borae on the waterlront. 113.1160, 1ow .. t priced one now. '3.600 down. Otherw aval1-ble at btper prtcea.. Bee WI for mul- Uple llatlnp. N.8.C. Realty 32nd and Newport Boulevard N.wport. BeMh Har. lt05 Costa Mesa Q.I . RES.u.E. 110.~. J:xclu· alYe IO ft. lot. S bdnn.. hdwd. ftra., dbl. guage,~low down &nd ()OAft.U. ......... Id fl N~T HARIOll NEWs..PRESS -PART 11 • PAM I . WEDNESDAY, JULY 6. 1911 BUSINESS OPPORTUNmES 1. DIUVm.Df RESTAURANT. 8bow9 piom ~. Leue fUO mo. Attnctml1 rtdeoorat- ed, iood p&rkinr. wm ucrlftce $81ft0. 2. ~AUR4NT Ii BEJ:R LICENSE -~-6 room A bath apt. with ocean vtew. m,hway )o- catioa. AP thia leue. for '176 mo. Cate 8bon grou ~ per mo. A good IDOJleY maker-- Steady clielltele. Aakiq-MG00. S. TR.AUAlR SERVICIC Is SUPPLIES. HM bMa promoted to a rood aoln1 buln-. Rent S1IG mo. Well located. Price of $18,000 buya ,OU pod aueta. VOGEL CO . 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach. LI 8-M81 74ie7e DO COME A •1 bl J I l S h cook. Write Boa It • "· tb1a v a1 a e u y t llelnp&per. T4c1e J'URJC. 1 Wnft. apt., qui.t. C10M SM per mo. ~~~--~~~~~~~~----~----- to Udo ebopptq. Yeu-17 le&M M Jl='aeee 9J'~rtaaltiee aeo. mo. to l'MpOD8fbl• peoJle. t81~~Beal~~FAta~~t~e-------!a!::!a~ ..... !!!.,;B~Wta~M!._ ____ __ 2 bdrm. Dbl. prare. ~"'e loan. -• Motor Overhaul HO MONEY DOWN 301 z. Balboe Bml~ Balboa Bar. 11111. .1N7 • 4800 n tlc C.U OWIMI', Lt 1-1811. 72c7' Sl0,000. LOT 60'"18-0' on JCut 23rd St. l2llOO. 1500 down • $23 per month. Triple Checked * with th·as ad * Call Mrs. Fiahback, U S·IHOl Used Trucks 8 Cyla. $48.88 RENTAL y FORCED TO SELL or eves. LI 8-3989. With ,.,. ...........,,...,_ " 'I'. _,,...,_ I""'·'· _ 1ta.88 SPECIALISTS CORONA DllL MAR atudio apt. Thrivtns hOUMCltM'nc bual.ne& FRANCIS HORVATH, Rtlr. uv '-'CUii .. ....,._.... ..-• ..,.. vi-. -4'VD tum. No CC>Ok:tnc. 8-t location. Opportunlty to rn.ak• sood m~ 2211 l'fewport BIYd., Coeta Meu UP, POWIRGLIDll tnna. lulude. ~ lall« and part& Cd ..._ am. Weekly or ,...ey. Har. 4362 ey for rtrht party. Kake ott«r i4pie •111 axe ~ T. PICKUP. New nn11. wn.t pm.. nm Blanche Gates, Rltr. att... a :IO.. T2cTI to a.a JI""-w. l»il*· 1u1a 'H Dr'nllUf.\TIONAL ~ TON Iliad. ftttl.llp ol IDU ... rod Ill .._..Aft. ---------------------------------- PXClrnl>. beu1Dp. Dl:pert mot.GI' t... ap. ..... llllad. -· 1111 null SU", .. 'ER Re-&.afs "' .. ""-. -· 'Q c;JmVl\()Lli'T lit T• PANllL 90-day or 4.000 mUe panatM. · MM nT :et:!"f -'-OPEN HOUSES ·u GMC ~ T. PICKUP. (NO MONEY DOWN). BAl.80A ISLAND RENTAL -Dehote turn. apt. • rooma. Qu"1ck Cash Lo•ns DAILY l().~:30 PX HYPR..UUCZ"IO '"'4JIS. REBUILT ENGINES Cllanalllc --. 2 bdnm.. a..n. Day, week or month u Comer Walnut It Ra.ymond 'N flOar> .. " T. PIClroP. -UP to JI KQltTB8 TO PAT-..,.. tohl.'f 1.a.. Well~ Ici.J location -a few aepa to Oil furniture, auto. qlary. S.hNen Banta Ana Ir Tu.ttln 'II J)Cl)Oll ~ T .PIOKUP. BuUt 1n our owa factGl'J' by llldDed aan.,. ...,_, WINpL Rea-'""1tJUns. 104 ll. !ky, Balboa. . AO. to $1&0. or more. Area No. ot ttth st. :eo J~~~.~~TBllID ::C: ::·t ~ wto _..... a. . ...,... tttrc 11ar. ™' 11tt• One day service New & Beautiful ,62 casvaourr 1 T. p~ REBUILT and JNftAJ.1,m LIDO Jlll.&-IAMilJ' .... 1 '*f· NICELY turn apt. 1 bdrm.. patio, ·-....... ---·y ..... __ .... ·-""'~ '1'1111 ~-.. __ ... •t-... ·-62 ~1JliT 3 T., 17' W. rooaa ._, ~ 8UIDDlial' or 8ll1D d9cll Ir ~. M&t to r_. ....... -... ..._. ... ..-·· ,,..,..,......,~ • ....... .... ... w ... , 11 .• I llPJllll!), I :• T!Rm. ll1IOltT llLOOI[ 7111, Bar . ..._w. llC. 2'7t0-W eanal. Bmmav or yrts. ...._ -. by phone or by maJL I B.Jt., 2 be.lb Jlom .. fn town- M l>OJ>CR a T •• TI>. l>UllP, WOftl> -· '1-9.DO ... CU.te:r MIA. '11c74 '°' Clullllome, Newport. fk'l5 CALill'. AOCEPTANCE Bwd. nn., lhak• Tf .. P.A. be&t, I lf'QP, 8116 'J."lU:ll, CBJ:VROLST IUUO CORPORATION ftnpl, tile K. It B. Wld- '61 GMC 10 WRJ:JeUm DUKP, PLYX. • DODGI: 1155 ROO·va ,..,,._~YXJ. • _, 48-B-11 f. 0 _. ltN Butlor 81..s., C09ta Mea Wytp. built tn ove It ~ .. B-L. TR.ANS., 1 :00 'l'DUC8. CHRT8. Ir D• llO!'O _ r110 ~ '-"'·u · ~ .az-•"'· .._ or-· IDlld. E. aide loo. r.B..A. temu ... the l&rsut atock ot la.eed STUDl:BAKllR hTO DAY OR WEEK COSTA MJ:Lf. -• bdrm. bame. LI a.-nsi -Open J'l1da.7• uu I ea.n be &JT&npf. HwTy OD thea. t.nick8 In Orana-e County, 8U;ICk OLD8 Ir POMl'L\C t --IU'O tunl. (acept 1 bdrm.) Jteuaa. cio.. ll&tlll'da,._ '1tfc Only a f-~tt to choo .. from. VOGEL VALUES Corona del Mer Duplex. 2 BR each. 1 UDlt turntahed. Oc.e tn. One apt. vacant for new owner. ll&rnloua op~. Total Prtc. $13,:w>O --..y terma. Chtn1 Cove Plana are beinc CCllllpleted few a loftly I BR, I bMlf' home in this uv.. J'tne 'Mw of baJ I& Harbor .,._ ' Incorporate your W.. with tbDM ot oae ot tbt Harbor areu fin.est ~Widen. See• for~ Cliff Haven Triplex. Excellent tncome property ID cboiol rmtal area -flreplaceJ, clWpcula. ma111 additional t_. turee. $252.~ J.neolM pel' mo. Tot.I price Q1MO. THE VOGEL CO. Incl., pl.oln1119, J>!Ule1' .i.kfll and BUiat Sl~ TBS JILUW 'TOP llOTl:L. 403 abJe. Phone LJ 1·7877. T2p7' LOANS f H A "'al blly at •15,l!OO, dumpe. You w1ll •w Uow and RUD80K 11115 M.....-i ~ Jut ahoY9 Tbe Or OmeS .JACK BRENNAN Oii PRDC18S8 ---------------------- moftey Illy eeet11r WI ftnt. Lou OU' ...... ,....... Ardll& r•ttc BICA.CB CO!"!'AQJI ...... .. " .,. -• <p. r.... H I FR 2M7 E . c.out Hwy., Oorona del Kar. S...17'1 Bu. Hft W W WOODS ..:::=-..°!7~ BALBOA. ISLAND ;:. ~,!: ..... ..;...."°a:!; Construction Loans ouston Rea ty Co. BAY ONT • • Plu. wr.., ...-.. anc1 o0 Sff0-.1. 12p7• am BOS -.A'l"ft..D 50t c.nt.tt St. eo.ta M.-PDDR AND SLIP FOR~ ft. au.J'T, GMC DEALER 0pta ~ 10 LIL te J ,_-. u.twtL. JrtJ. rmt&L I ltorJ' 1111 llAft OO•ft llLVD. LI Mell Ll 1-7784 11Hl9 It. 4th St. Banta Ana .._.la dloke location, doee to VACATIONERS a... cw Mu Barbor 1111 Tru le ... ~ Sunday~--BELLES ENGINE .~.:..!..~ .! .. ~tba plu ckn ws BAVJD. 'ftriet;J' cl orw n.ic.-Rep. PODUD MOlmlA<m 00. ..r. W•ter Front•ge C! -.uartar• for ..... _. ('o. REBUILDERS -·~-.,-. -lJ tum. r.ntlla a...U.bl• "' ..... I.Me .......... la. 1-8116 .,., .... u Ttc:711 W. W. SANJ'ORD. rMltor N~ Ir IAl'UDL sao. wk. 6 Utte Pju, float Ir boat plua beach ..,.-~--------<>pan DaalJ' I te f aat. a.ded It AMnC'Bt• vp. Inquire 3°'-31Dd st.. Npt. oottap. $11,600. Tenna. NEW LOCATION hitr ............ R.A.r. M~C! PJaolM Harbor 1111. tlp7Q ·= .A~:~:!!,!:. ro~ Costa Mesa I 310 ~--t 3rd St. llALBOA OCmAJf ~ Bos 111. Oul'ona cs.I Kar. i3c:'T3 ~ ... uu J'OR LEASE ..:... Nl!WPORT ~Partl)' l'W'~ J bedrm.. • ~I~ ..... TO ...rft't ..... ---"'VJD l -B.A • C!bU. ~·· 1715-0. N Fr h R tt •-•·u-~ .-...-,., •"'-~~ J-8.ft. Nice lot. Mt30 eW eftC enaU 8-...._ PJ• i• l W-. ........ :::r ~· .... =:~it ::: ln1f •• ~ oa I B. IL Uke MW ··-v--... ttlOO Q-Tn111n .. ......._ ..._ ,.,.. We ._, .,.._ D9ed9 '1000 l>WM. ' door nd&n. 00 mile• per p1lon. 61 001.l1M111A ...... .._. ....... ~ ,. '* I I ..... ~. J m m w .. WWP<MT ... WOA .. VDfQe Homer E. Shafer P•JT11•nu-4lf 119r ftlO. ._.1 .w. a....._.:._. sin.. -......_ ,._ _. a.et. . w CU]l9t. .......,... ,_., pau.., a ~· •..acJ.ATlOM -. C01Ml. lot N,. • ~ lllllllQe ttJI ...._ ,._,__ -•. .,_ a-U.. ... Via &MD. ft. a.. flOt JUC.U.TOlt Bank or America fln-.nclnf H<>fl'l49 Court. iiia"J' Blll'bor • ,,.._ .. or -();. ... ~ 19t·~ ,.;._,....,. U MftO tie 1oe Mchddm Place -..-at Newport Pin $1295. Everchanging View SHOWN BY APP"T. ONLY Modem well &rT&Dpd 9 room ......,__ u.tnr and dining .,.. ~loob bay ud beau. Judrllc.. patio. 4 lovely bedroocna with b&th for -.ch. X1:ra I.up "111lpwl a: ~ !'OCllD, tlM ldtehe wQ1 dellallt the lady. Bepar&te laan4f7 roca.. rcne4 • .,..,. .. eua I ll doaW. ....... PNed b ............ _. rihped--.. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Bml, Newport ee.ob. lMM.EDIATll Dellftrf Bbd .. --~ 4aL rtp'T• an.. 6. Mtte W00U> Mai. t1o buy ut U10 2ad Kar. U O Eve. Har. 1137·M TRE VOGEL 00. -rn.t DMd& can au. istt. ----'-'"'------------------· H k M t I LUOOAOPJ TllAltZR -f ll .._ 320l W'. Oout Bw, .. N'Wpt. Bell. ON LIDO 18L&-Y_,.7 1'9ta!. I Utto $7 950 aus en 0 ors nc, All metal. me~ ... 110 .. ~ W.&l. Ttc71 Wnta... J Wll borne. f~ or Wl· ' . • Palmer, eo.ta M-. LI ~i9Tc. f\a'a.. mac.u-t -.u.. o.ur. NO COmnaC'.'IQN N•w 1 bdrm.. hwd. noon. U3 1932 Har~r Btvd., Costa 11119& 1Jc74 llaBor 0216-J. Qttc ·~ .U..A A.at&. f• a.t No Appraja.I re. Avocado, Costa M.-. Mione U 8-6381 ALL STEEL IQCPl'e trailer S11. ::=:x= IJUJIDlla\ RENT~ bam• Liberty 8-7807. 72t.tc Harbor .. n . 1~ :NOW V.ACAJtT. 0..1 Wrm. • 1 .-.,. 'tor July 6 aept.1to15 ~Nm:~~ attic I ....... fllnL ltJ ......... -ui • .-wtnt« r.eenaUona. m ~ Corona del Mar Bargaina ,.a.r. Jt• ... ta!e M.10 W. Oceaa l'Vppy. CoroDfta 4-1 Mar. Bair. Call for 1'rM *PAN·AMERICANtt ..._,a 104 ait.1t. ~t. oa 063$-)1 11ttc Fa.It c.maitmenta 1 '*1nM ~·-··--· --. 111.000.. ,_.ni-Ttlura. ..,... Ir l"l1.. or • ._.4-eea Md Unlta ccl7 I bednn., comer --·-·-I U ,C.00. lats eaa Vplad. T-. II-UM. roR L&A.u Don 1 Huddlest I bednn .. Corona mpl'de. SU.GOO. Tk'T& ~!!'1·~~ ...._~ • on I IMdrm., Coron.a J:!l&'.hl'd41 llt,000. ----------·--____ ,,_ _ I t>.d7m .. , oc.an ttont _ '6i.aoo. nJ"llK. O.AMGIF APJ'. Aftilabk I BDIUU., 2 baU. and I bnn., b&y • oce.a Yie'lf kt.llOO. tar hlJ. ~ ._. 1. bJ mo. 2 BICDIUQ .. 2 bat.ha. tTI E. 17th 8t. o. B. LATHROP, Nao c. C-.t ....,._ f.19.J. ftictt OaU Barbot l'TT5 or Ka.rtic. '44&. OOllTA lilJ:&A Bwy.. Corona dei Kar. Barbor '51 CROSSL~Y Paramount-Terry SUPER Station Waron. Bftutlf'llJ eo6n-·l6---40· Pu ~. a w... - d.ition thf'Oughout, includ-.~~.':';;~rry-aPl'.Cl.AL BAUOA ISLAND Sharply reduced -' bedrooml. 2 bat.ha, fAlwt yud. Dbl. p.rap. ~ ~ - ~ OPEN HOUSE -.JULY 9 -10 -U to' 128 Opal 2 bedJ"oom knockout -funllabed -... ~ -with room to build -ing tires Ir new paint. Load· ·~J-17· lllobUit-Tabdeln-M!.111. ed with evny conceivable JIU.HT 11oa _ ~ Twmll utrg! $395. Port Orange Trailer 8alea 2200 w. c.. lllctnraJ non. Ll'WtJ M4.IO .\T'llL\Cnft_....,1..._ &AJU.im:. ~~~-LI~ U ,__ MU.(...-.. Har. M80). 72c-7' ~,~ ~~ .!: ODirona cStG Kar. ..~ REAL ESTATE LOANS MODmRN 1 bedroom. i ~ '*th. D 0 R. I S B RA y , Re•ltor A ..... edla. I06 W. lit.II It.. IOa.ft BALBOA COV'IC8. 8nad im.-.t Rate ~%" HSO 9'1· tt. 1 ~ 'YT· old. u $17,950. COTI'ON GOFF Newport s.acA J1Jic14.1a o.ta MaL 'i.a kn ai «te1 -• bdrm.. ~ 11c1cna. n,... i.-ttdelCt7 _... • u.. 8a1 OPEN FOR INSPtoc:noN Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Eventnp ot w. 11Ul 8L) 74¢71 pl.ace. W.W. carpet, dilpoaal. ...... MCI c.ta .. -. Sin&' .. or IAT. a fJUH. A1'"MCRN001'f. VOLKSWAGEN DEALER A~ tor 8UDUntlt cot~ ~ .aia. "-w old. a. IOl PuUert011 Aft., Npl Bi.. Nona Ryer Clannce ~ Cbet lal~ Summer Rentals .. at.. Newport 1ll1and. _.. .., ... bJ r.n•ectn1 Tt.t.1ci 21e M&rine Ave .. Balboa Ialend e t:selmift Jay J'rocmtl I ~ fbm.. boQM -40I 11th J'1l9 ,._a Ima. Mln._,, •· 1108T OUTBTAlf'Dl]'(O JI om-. -----------------------Rentala Wanted + at.. Newport. n,14 ,_.. 1'• dlars-tor pn1tm1. a-.r Baell .. , a Mdrooma. J 211e N(IWJ!Ort Blvd., Npt. BMcJl C'J-Wutei .. 8-1 Harbor I 74c7~ Jll:H Pt.TMOUTff 2 dr Md&n. CAXaalDO&. "96. Lfb. t-11:57 at~r & p,m. .7'cTe We .... ..,ca _. ..,_ m .a a 8'laJI. a. 6-. trllfUrL -., Ir Mrf l2J I ·r• l'beee ll&llta ~ nw1y ~ a-nebl7 car· aecu-. rw ~ .,._ _. otlMI' cholee pwopertieJ w 'ftew. TT. 1--. IOI c.,.. AM 0 =••'11 ......, or wt1te pet.Mo rtneat ana. •tuoo nlA ,..r• ...... ~ _. .,.._ _._ llllM. -.._ ~ aaUoD. CD.M. ntte ilTBUR A. YA T Joaa. ~. 61M 1'c'ft Jtat OODOE ooupa. 'ff motor.. If ,_ _,,.. a ~. .. Bq .......... en.a. calJ. ~· Lou C>ft4111pODd«nt ' JCacetl.mt ~ -dluon. 11&. ,.._. __,, Harbor lnHJfnMllt Co. •U10UDt RZNTAL. Alffpe a. 14 ~•Ute i--eo. •nCN\ Dollln can e.v. oo.i.a.-.J. 1..,1, The Vogel Co. ..,__ 1 ... ~ u ._..., blk. to ocean. "° ,,. ...-. • Boa12111a111 auta .ua ~ ..., ~ rtSBll:R • Co., 2eol N.wport pp 1290 aq, l't..-1 bdrm. 2 bath home. l'Oft 11.U..S or TR.ADS tw bo&lr-a. W. Pit, F1W7 .. M."'flCl't ...._ ----------•-•u·Cl Bh-d.. Newport 8-dl.. B&I', 4429 tollUO lot. 2 cat rarq-e oo CadtlllM: • ..,_.. ..-•• U&tit col-.._. ~ WM1 l!IALB04 ,._ ..._. I w.-rn. T4c7t 51_._. r...... Wllllted atl•y. Pnect ~t 11\d curllol. or. ....1. eedltklll. Jlartl« IOI ....... 8allloa...... apt. -'-'1 A OCML t.up 8ll!ORE Cl..tr1'8 prtY&t. 2 bdrm. AJJ landNllplllf tn tnchadt~ UM-ft Tk71 ,..... ~... petk>. • --,..,,,. 103:5 ,.._ ~ l22a per moatb. :rrlJ. WANT to bu}' amall 2 bdrm. hoUM w.-si-Uo Willi alldtnr a-lw .., a. Clout 117 .. eor... de&.._ w . ...._ ....._ lttlc ......_ Or 9r1U wn. l2t,teo. un-_,. eut ouUldrt.. flt eo.ta dOOT 6 ~ ot "'blr hou." fea· Plllraol a..... 1741 a.u: vu:w APT. • LtdD ,,...._ hlnl. .can Owner. Hu. J209..R. ~ ww ,., undtr 110.000 turea. '-at tt'rl R.oM:m•rr L6do Oft!ee. 1411 Via Udo _._ ..,_ A __ ~ 6ttte CMih.. UM:rty 8-4N!. 7•c:7e P laee. ONta l(eea. ~ Lt ~ "11 sate -.,...... ~ .. _. -1-1887 ante 452 East Broadway PRICE $15,000. ProspectJve buyen ot a S bdrm. home ehouJd - thi1 one. Perlect condition throughout. Lars• ~ ~r rm. Fireplace. 1 b&Ul with lltall 1b~ 2..,. pn.ge. Call Liberty 8-2664 (Ev•. Llb9ty 8-T()DI) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport e.ch .... IOCla. I Mlaa. r. ~ lllDAlJTD'ULLT 1W1L I bclrm. er· · W.urT .t.PT. oo Of' Mar beadl leua. ft. Bu. l'Tlt w -·IO. tn llled. 0ceen ft'ont home..~-~ ~l"ty KAVE YOU outgrown your m1all ----------------------- wtth prtftte ._tb. Id~ -----------~-ll_c: ..,. l'l!Qtal. JIM'. 2&l7·M or Bar. • home! Would you lt.ke a blJ Tubel .. Tn and tor 1 or J -.u. JuJy or .A~. 11t'f lat. HO .. 'E d 6 U t Baclt Bay l"lllldl boOM. J Md· Write Bo. J .11, UtJa JICI*'. BALBOA ISLAND ud Bun. Tkit M an n1 s ,_.., I kUra ""°' a rrtomu• 1Jpif 0000 INOOWE. U•.OOO. 4~t Ram-"1ew T Ml«bt trade for )'OUN. Jf "--.. ------.--.----..... -----)llY'J'lf!l. APTS. ti 81 -fOI' ._. UtOft, off Ratbef' is~ .. Ooata llO, call Har b. 51~ A lM,.. your ........ .., ""' _.. ... ---..., • ......., • Me-. flpTQ n:wnber. 74cie =~ho.-~.!.:.'9':.i ....... ·-_,,_, ........... ~ ~ ... ~:: ~ --------.....-- ..... "' 11r. cwtt. soeo w . ...... • ._ •w. aar. u.... 11 ,..--. US--. st • ._. m.eat. Take One Good Look a.n.o. Jlhid... apt. I . TlllH -.. n,tc ~.. ,,,Uc 'LOT CORNER. home bu J bed· BY OWNER, J.eavinr July 10 W AlfT TO RENT J 11Cbm. mturn. I BDIUC. llll'L ..,t. wm. .._ Md rm... 12x24 den. Hlx31 L ll. N<n' .utOTlrmR LfO Tf ...__ ---. ·--.-_.... n&lliMI b luJ7. '1GO -51 8taDJea A Ofnee. UUS entry A l<hl'"' 1•ft-• bfW --•--.---...,.,.... r-. ..., ...._ . tor Ult. LOW PRICJil 118.300. ,a.tie or WO ,C., 0.-. 611 -*. Jlar. llewbr TllT• LIDO Ol'l'ICJI 8PACE -Will lJ \Nllt. Flnely ~ rar· 1'illr or SU..--.. PU -t JllO. I m.MJO• MT -8-!r -.in .,._ aultable tor alt.cc--deN ucl taanu, ~ 1 BEA.trrIJ"UL Lloyd C. Boward t.uta. OID D. IL~.~ l'9tA1 ..... K fWL ... ....,. aeya. eft&'lnetra. etc. Appro1 flreplacee A FA bMt. 1'alced. Uo -..t lrid back ba Mr SIM. ftp'TI 4. Hall »s .... ,._ ~ 16aJO ID abopptnc ar.a 09 Via Property can be bu.at Ill> with 11ee n, •near Y· Cowtney I Lest" -· ......... 0... .. W l.1·11-fti WJll ..,. $1 ,200 Down · SM per month 'h acre and 2 bdrm. home. -Drive bJ IOG Yletorta then call to eee . $6,850 Fun Price Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Evenon 1~ Newport Blvd. Co.ta lleea (&croea from c.o.ta Me-. Bank} Phone LI 8~76L Eve.. Har. (3456 • LI S..210I .......... -. ..... Udct. Ca1J Doll Cole aftAlm.... a r.tut wtUlftt ...... pn-CUSTOM IJUJLT, J lldrnl., I lllat~ il. lllllia.. .. ROOK• BQAllD • ..-a.t. .U..-0 -~ 1--cw fQr oel)', Bar. ctM. Htfc ~ '36.00.. Loan ccm.mlU-llcnch-type borne. ab&JI:• roof, ------------------------!±1!::~4 ~=!!..!~'!~----u.a ._.. fW • ID aM tM-W'lllW. -. Mn,. ~. to ----------ment '16'000· Otme.r, II. Ver-t. -'AKE THIS ONE YOUR .l'l"l'llNTION Na.It· Hudson ~ ....,., W 1'1~... ...-.. 6ltfc .. "ocl-Store ~--.42!__ Go. ~!4-~ LOV&T LAM• klteban. w..i.. fVI ._ L-1. .... ,.,... "P M ., " -- --,..,.,. em Rollf °"° • ru platu •t PENTHOUSE IN THE SKY .. .&-• •.• • ..,..,... ~ -..,. t I roll amrr, S7I per mo.. Pvldq I ruaN. UNlft. aw ,... cool la JIJUCK WALL. = :::X::: . ....._ It • .ti I •s;:wt fllcDltiea, ICll"C:l9t atr best. 11.tt· roa ~ M _. _. ...._ If~ 1-, .. 1 aad ...,1, 'um~ ..a...., stftl blll9 ... Tr7 $MOO dL 84 aa11. 1"1 .u. Aft,. LDert;r 1-uaa. --I ....._..,.. -._, -. It eta. T---... ., __ ,......_ ,..~ T4c71 '1tte -""'""". ~ ........ , & Block -----· ---_.,.. n•-1.' B...l.n'i ,.._.__ .._-.. •,.. ""'* .. ..._ -. l50 •MO W'ealll1. can Harbor JOTO. Htte a or TBll caou.r t..o'l'll Wt Lido a.a~ ~-,, -.::.::!'~ _11. __________ n_w_• Clllnllr. LDimltr ~MOt nttc CIQ Udo. '°ft. aa a... a 110 tt. .... ... 'fl ·-a t u Balb Furn A For Lease-IW oa Udo 8oud. CaD 11?'1. .. ft. lot -llM\toM. •u.oeo. -,_ .._._ ... .,,..,. -~ ...... oa n. 11\.Dts ~ H'dl' INlL ---.. TNIU. ....... BK. om Cll' write ~ mi. 'lk71 - -I '*-., I ...._ y._ ....._ »C»l"ftl 1 • • r--111 Via ... ....,_ T1ef'1 ---------- Allto Radio Jt&pair _ ... ~ a-~ ...,.. ,.,. DAJ ;,::..-: ~ '° -~ "xLNTbentyLo....,cA· r.aTI ~Nte, • na\'I DOllt.CX. ~t t.o ' ~ ~ ~. :~ 409 E. 29th St ..... to .... ,... • or oeaan ft'GmC. lneom• tbla awn-WMd. A.u. .......... ,. fMOO. • -0.911&14 Adi .. Ned "' .... •n ................. 1.,..., DOWN'l'OWJf ea.ta .... a... .. 11.-. inoo dn.. ITS mo. Pr1~ fU,MO. ~ t.ml. RA.. "-port ......... fTll. _,. fte lre .... IMllllc te ...,. fWll llM-W. eette 114 llTl TUTI NTf Tteft .. ----'""-- Thia home actually afforda the ID09t out.eteMhic view in the entire harbor area. And today you ean buy it for le.t than aatQ&l cost. Ltt ua abow you thJa large 3 bedroom 3 bath near new bosne ud you'll qree that Jt cannot bed~ for the &.lklfll price of $4.'5,000. THE VOGEL CO. l201 W, Cout W,hway Liberty 8-3'81 .. .. .... . . . . . . OOAftAL IBOl'fla !Wtlw el a 8191 PA1aM .:•::::::::•=•:::•:-:•=*== .. =...---_.:•=::::•=~L r.eue ______ a ._. .._.. a •ee1r.eu. ............. 'AtdE 6 • PART l l -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 61 1955 ........... . ., ....... 'C'' moKAB "C'' THOllAS "C' TBOKil "'C' TBOIUB LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Open Daily 1 to 5 Until Sold 313 LIDO SCUD OWNER MUST SELL MA.KE OFFER Charming 3 bdrm. 3 b&th home completely FURN- ISHED. New w to w carpeting, cuatom draperie., tile bathe, lovely patio beautifully planted 6 con- venient built-in b&rbeque. Can be bought furniahed or unfunUahed. Pier 6 tlo&t for 40 tt. boat. EXCELLENT TERMS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 2471 Bayshore Drive NEW attractive 3 bdrm. home vith view of bay. Lge. lll'. room, din. room, fireplace, 2 batha, built- in thermador stove, mere. mtchea, nJce patio, ahake root and PRICED at ONLY $29,7:50 with LOW down payment. Corona Highlands Lovely 3 bdrm. home with circular fioor plan, rear llv. rm. overlooking patio, hdwd. floors, fireplace, many attractive features. Thia home can be bought with very good term. -ASKING PRICE $22,500. Cliff Haven Nioe 3 bdrm. on 60 ft. lot, hdwd. floora, fireplace, lot.a of cupboard II cloeet. apace, rdwd. fencing, cu - pet.iog It drapea included, 4 % loan It monthly pymnta. of $63.00 -Total price $16,500. "C" T H 0 MAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8~27 .. C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS Lido Nord Bayf ront Here ia 50' ot the finen land on Lido. Available with t. 4 yr. old 4 BR., 4 bath home. The living room ia 18x30, a deo, full dininr room with the .econd fireplace, large bre&kfaat room, bv or butlers pan- try off the modem kitchen. New pier II alip and of- fered tor just under ttplacement coet at $125,000. Bayf ront-lido An exceptional borne in every way -Thia 3 B.R. & Den borne hu three batha, a lovely covered patio, a new pier & finger .Up and many other featurN found only in a home that wu qu.allty built just H 'z yean ago. Priced tQ sell at $64,750. Just Listed 3 B. R .• 2 bath home completely rurruabed. Diah· wuher, dispouJ & lovely alumpstone corner fire- place &re a few of the attractive features in thia 2 yr. old home. Well located near the clubbou.e and lmmedlate poaaesaion m•y be arranged. $28.~ - A Lido VaJue. Lido Lots 52' Lot for j ust $12.000 - 50' Comer St. to St., $1~.7~ - Two 35' Loll! aide by aide. $19.000 tUN them both. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npl Bcll.. Har. 4971 or Har . 4972 Evea. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8--5297 OPEN HOUSE Magnificent Back Bay View An "Out of This World" Ranch House'' 11llS nearly new home bu everything. Shake roof • redwood • 3 bedrooma. 2 bat.ht. Beamed ceillnp. Built-in range Ir oven. G E Diahwuber. Wonderful cloeeta. SUdl ng glua doon to paUo. Garage bu automatic electnc eye to open. All This and WHAT A VIEW!!! Price $26,500 -May tr&de for amaller home. OPEN HOUSE Tbura., Fri., Sat.. and Sun. ~75 1'"mtin, 2 block. off Mesa Drive. REX RECHS. REALTOR Harbor 5156 BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS ). BALBOA PENINSULA EXCLUSIVE -nnt Time Offered 3 B. R ., Den, 1% Batha, Jl'ull DfninC Room. Provin· cial decor. Owner bu moved &Ad will Hl1 furnilbed for $2:S,OOO -Tenna. EXCLUSIVE -SB. R. -1~ Bat.ha Cbooee your own colon. Thia new home nearly fin- tabed. Built In stove 6 oven. Ueed brick tlreplace. $5,000 down -Full price $18,roo BALBOA-BAY AVE.-EXCLUSIVE 2 B. R . home with attractive apartment over prace. Nicely turniahed. Full price $2tS,OOO -$5,000 clown. • BALBOA COVES-EXCLUSIVE 3 B. R. - 1 % Bath. Nice andy beach. F'lrm price -$34,000 LIDO ISLE Furn. 2 B. R. home on 45' lot. $22,roo -Terma. BALBOA ISLAND-LITTLE ISLAND Income Hi&'b 1 Bank Balance Low! Owner of thia unusual Ellerhroek built f B. R., 3 bath home on Little Ialand will 11ell on t.erma to auit qualified buyen b11dret. Open Houae Dally l to f p.m. -112 Jade NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 B. R ., 2'h Bath on large Jot. Forced air Heat, Flagstone Fireplace, Beautiful Wood Paneling. Uaed Brick. Shake Roof, Pegged Hardwood Floors. Low down payment will handle. Full price $26,500. CORONA DEL MAR-EXCLUSIVE Beautiful 3 B. R. It Den home on Ocean Blvd. with permanent unlimited view. Thie ia a truly fine home. Hardwood floora, Fireplace, Lota of Tile. Dining room, nicely landacaped ya.rd. Double garage with extra parking apace. Owners moving inland. Shown by appolntQlent only to qualified buyen1. Bay & Beach Realty 14M W. Ban.oa Blvd. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE Sat. 6 Sun. Drive by 1021 CUit Drtw any Ume and w• thte new 3 bdrm .. S lwlth R.eelwood RuaUc hom• de· lligned and built tor tM mc»l dacernlnr buyer . • • Tfll)N LET US SHOW YOU the ..,._. ctor.ia llvtnc room -l&rs-bd· rma. -and I.JI• panoranitc 'f'l- trom the rooftop obee,.,..tory. 12e.600! Sweeping View ot Newport Harbor and t.be blue Pacific from tbl• ne&rl,y n.ew Modt-m 3 bdrm .. 2 bath boma of many extru, Incl. dtalnra.abM, bulll·ln ranre and oven, mere. .-MlchN , walJ to wall cazpet..a. pr1vate office or w ork.shop \n extra luT• ,..,..,.. . . . . •. Un· matched tor moat wanted IOC&· tlon ! l~.600 tull price. 1/2 Acre Ranch "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor &rU families are in.apecting thele exquiaite homea -noting their comfort, con- venience and central k>c&Uon. More and more famlliea who prefer a home ln a N- atricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace hom-. Drive in today and Me for yo\ll'llel! the many out- standing te&turea ot thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin &' Von Hemert Bay Shores $5,(XM) Down B!:"l'TER CALL ua now It m&Jle an appointment to -thi. lldor· able ranch houae. Heavy 1bak• roof. Laree ra.nohy flreplace. Plcturetque patio. fuJJy encloe- ed. Forced &Ir he&UnJ aystem. Double l'&race. etc. I EXCLUSIVE UBTINO I Marigolc:(. C.D.M. fNCOME LOVELY 2 bedroom It den home plu.e very a ttracUve rent&J In· come unit. l2x26 L.R. Ph.11 den • extra B.R. Modem flreplace. W to W carpeL V~eUan.a. Encl yerd beaullCully l&Jl~ped. Rent.&I unit la turnahed. Top financing on lhta ouU1lAndtn1 propt>rty. (EXCLUSIVE LJSTINOI Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate t br. -two lto1"1 bicim9 oa 1arp lat. Uncrowded atmoepbere wit.)l la.el1 pt.do_ ,._. ui4 float. Large Uvtnr room. dea, and .,...._ ...._ room. Cub down. un.turn, sao.ooo. HERE'S A SWEtlHEART. t br. 6 dm _.. fll-. place. Very nic. private patio. Hu eeparatie M'l•t unit with a aure $1,800 :r-rly. BetW ....., '° .. thia one. LOADED -Well loc&ted a.1boa Itlud I bdrm. home. Ne&l'ly new, with Iota ot wvdrobe 6 elolilt . 11 apace. We think it'• loaded tor pod ,_.. 1-4 living. Dbl. garage, forced air beat. ~ pdD., extra dining' apace in kitchen - PLUS complete 1 bdrm. ru-t apt.-al Jll •llf planned for a minimum ot h~. Cu M abown at your convenience, daJ • Jdstlt. Tef financing. Full price $28,roo. $7,500 ia all it t&ke. to mow )'OU into um I Wrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Bat.la fUD. iahed.. Patio and tenee, pnp. WoudwN lnoltt= Low monthly payment.a. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa uland v v Corona del Mar Bargains 1. G. I. RESALE Attractive Modem 2 bedroom bome. Doable .....,.. paved 6 covered patio, fenced yard. PLUB wall to wall carpeting throughout. Garb. d.iapoml. lboww over tub with tub encl<>11ure. Priced at 11~. O.U for appt. to see. 2. RANCH TYPE 3 bdrm. hom.e. Shake roof. Corner lot. I betlla. Drape. and carpeting mcluded and ODt1 Ul,IOI. • Low down payment will h•n«Ue. Call for an •PP.Ointment to ..._ 3. OCEAN VIEW From tb..ia 3 bdrm. home. l "" batba. Larp lot eom· pletely fenced. Beautifully landac&ped. Paved patio. Drapea included. All the work bu been done. Jut move in and enjoy it. Truly a bersain at $12,SOO. We have the key. 4. SHORE CLIFFS We have beet buys. eee u.a. with hone corn.I -do1 kui- nela -lar1'• modern 2 bdrm. and dui home wllh •all to wall carpeUnr. ftreplace, forc.d &Jr beat. Reduced from u't.000 lo 1 1e.soo tor quJck -.le. Ttlll I• & elMper that wtll Mll but P'AST! [rvine Terrace la located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. Heliotrope, C.D.M. $1500 DOw_N ARE YOU A "do-ll·yoUrMll" ! 5. v A CANT LOTS? Needll pa.Int It tixln'. Oood nelp · Yes Wf.' do, let UI abow you what w. baq - borhood. Zont'd R-2. 2 B R. dbl. Bay & Beach Realty HM Nawport Blvd. Coal& Mee&. O&Ut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «48 For Further Information l{ara,;e. F\IJI al~e lot MAke u.e an otter. CEXCLUSCV'E USTJNOJ JAMES-VICK REALTORS Rua• Rayle It TraVlll Auoc:latea CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCU18TION, Realtor 3447 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar. Bar. •T (Office located next door to Corooa del M.a.r Bank) LI ~11e1 C..a. LI WJM * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone wbo holda a Leuehold FAt.ate in Irvin• Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay 8bo"9 and Cllff Haven 312 M&rlne. 8&Jtx>e 1.tl&11d -------------------- Back Bay Rancho TOY have otleJI admu.d th.la mod· ern ranch home •Ith the .,., red bam on MNa I>r. NOW, you c&n buy U\t.a out..at&nGlll& property tor much IHI! Uuul you would ever d~am ThTee BIO t>.d· rooma. PLUS a den PLUS . a H UOI: rumpua room. Loflly tl&rdwood tlOora plua atra U>p quality oonatrucuon UIJ'oufh O\lt. Ov8r 2200 8qu&re feet on an txtremely valuable •te ot na.r'1 • b&lf au.. You ba" room lo roam bolh Ill an4 Cl'lt.- wti7 be fmud In T IJ'? ,000. Top Location Npt. Near C'lly HIUJ and Udo ahopplllf cenur. Lowly l'wo bedrnom home onr tp&clou.a douJ»le (tlr'- ac• wtlJI loi. of room tor an add.IUonal UniL P'Ull pr1oe 111.- 800 an• only '4190 down. Ocean Front Lot Ol\e of UM Lut ... Priced below market at 18.000. Why Wllll unUI \.hey a.re all aone? A. won · CORONA DEL MAR TRIPLEX~ FinMt 80. of Hwy. location. Fully furn. for lop summer and yearly rut.a. ~king $3:5,000. EZ t.erma -Income carries. 2 for 1 Pair.of duplexea, (f unit.) 2 tull lot.a. $295 per mo. income. Newly decorated. $27 .-600 full price. $5000 down. BALBOA ISLAND OUTSTANDING apt. double p.rage and iueat room on ru.r of lot. Room to build in front. Owner MY. Sell! MURIEL M. PINOVER, Realtor 2804 Newport Blvd., -Newport Beach Euy Parking Harbor 4610 Harbor 2042. 74c7e BEFORE YOU BUY I. Try Francis J. Horvath RE.U.TOR Liberty 1··6101 -Harbor 142.11 ou1>L.Ex on NEWPORT ISL.A.ND 2. a br. ols 2 br. unit.., Comer, •lew. Ideal Income anel home. OPEN HOUsm: 1·6 pm. -•Ol a8lh 121.600-Terma. I BJ:OR.M.. I LOTS. f&~ New· port Park. 110.600. S&cr1flM for c:aah. M·l-COSTA MESA. Bw. offlc4' 3 It blel&, nn 1 lot. 8 otpu adjoin· · Ing lot.. 8~ plan tn orttee. S Bil. nurEDOM H OKE •1lh n- b&rb9<-u•, It .ISO. Good term.e. 8ee uei. one - Business Opportunities Clertul lnVU\11191t u U7 u yoo -------------------- WASH.ETDUA In Corona del Mar 113.000 ~ mlfh\-you JUal c-·t make &117 mor., O«a.n P'rontac"el W. Stuart Foote 2117 W. Dalbo& Bh>d. LIDO ISLE COSTA MESA Jl!:WEI.£R T 8TOR£-i ~ yra •L bualn~ WllJ l&Jle home In lrade. SE'JI: Mr. Horv&lh. H.-,,ort s.cn. Ph. Banor 2.4 SPllOl.AL _ Oonan lot on loud 5 Acrn M·I, U7.~00 .-1np. LJ'Mrtt a-34to. '11c'74 45 Ac~• M·l 14600 per acre 3420 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport 22J8 Ne•~rt Blvd., Coal& M.eu 72p7• 8U-t to 8tneL 112,60(). . • 5\ n. lot 8trMl lo St.reel eut LOOK whlll you can ha•• for -en• ~ the lal&nd. 11'.600. only 111.toO w1th $%800 Down. CORO.NA HJOKLAND• • Star 8 bdrm a.. J ~ b&tha, nr.p&.a.ce. SPEClA L. Rua Uc. magnU~nt BEAUTIFUL VIEW KIOI: I Bd.rma. -I b&lha. •O n. Garb. di.Ip., Me.t"C\IT)' .-itd!ea. Ylew, 2 Wnn .• 2 bath, Mpe"te ol UM OOeM from I bdrm. bOm• Lot. UMd brick t\repla.ce. te900 Dlefoeed p&tlo wflh 2-e&r p.. dlalnr rm. Hdwd. flra. 340 eq. on 4&-ft. kit a OM'Qna cW Mar. , tL b&Mment wtU make a SOOd Manr •tra ,......_, Dow1\. , on a Jot ao· x 203 . rwTIJl'MI room. UT.~. CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 to 5 H 8 Riviera. Corona ffirhlanda 3 Bedrooms, l :t, baths, Forced air beat. Bwd. Cloora, lot.a of tile and many other featuree. Out••nMnc view or Ocean and biJ!a. Wlll cOD8ider a tnde. HOME WITH INOOME 618 MARIGOLD 2 Bedroom home on 45 ft. lot plua 1 Bedroom apt. Fully Furniahed. Priced at only $18,600. Low dowa payment. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom. l 1. batha, hwd. fioore, forced air U.t. newly painted Ir pa~red. Lovely patio aad a .,.... manent Ocean view. Open Houae Daily. -5._, 0. ADD. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E: FISHER , Builder Geo. R.aban . Bob Gervai.a · Pat Pattlaon -Dick BWiard 3024 E . Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar. Ha.r. !50l3 6 &082 SPECULATION? Not Here 45-plua Acrt?s zoned for manufacturin1. 2 Bhray frontage• -Splendid location for large or 1n..U smaller plant.I. $4500 per acre man tJda euMtaad- ing buy. $25,000 Down tQ handle. ------------1~_7_e_ rw •e .. OoMtal aty-Notor BAY & BEACH REALTY -Lido Ofttee LIDO -I bdnn. It rump1.11 nn .. dble. lot. BeeuUtully la..ndllcaped. Le•. South patio. 131,000 . ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALF.S -LOA.NS -B1M »ml , EXCLUBIVE LISTING BALBOA ISLAND YALE built -Early En,UU architecture.. A fine family home, containing eYflrf modern convenience. nu-bedroom. phaa lge. recreation room w\th fire- place 6 -~ entnnce. c.huminl patio -doub&e ........ e. e e e R•eoa•ble T.,_ • e • We Invite YOW'~ 118 Apoleaa WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And -'->date. . Park at Marine, Balboa Ialand -Barbor 2482 .. , .•. Fitzmorris Rl'ty. Co. Re6Jl()f'9 MulUpJe J.MUll& ~Broiler IU6 I:. OM.9t BICbwa)', Har. 2111 Oof'oM Ml MM Commrc 'I bayfront APPROX. 11 ft., lncludee marine we.ya. boat llbop, moortnp. Sa· ceUf'J1t H.wport IOcatloe. H&,000 -tu11 price. Wrtt. owner P. 0 . Boa tfl-W. boa., Oallf. 1Jp14 ..., 1112 1Ata7ette, N.wport. Har. MU. En.. Har. 2999 GARDEN CLUB PRIZE WINNER See thia bet.ut.iful a bedroom a.ad den cuu Haven corner home for younelf. WW be open for your in· spectJoa fr.a 1 :30 • ':ao, luDcla7. J11!J 10 th oa11. The addnm iia: - 621 Cliff Drive Don't forpt to br1q ,Our cheaatbook. Wlaen yO'& ... it. you'll want to 1NJ lt. THE VOGEL CO. Liberty 8-3'81 NEWPORT DUPLEX 1~7 Newport AY•, c.o.ta M- Good lacorna -·-............ ll4,1M Good l!KOne ..... -........... 12e.800 Llberty s.1m Llbertr e.uoo m... LZMON Kl:IOHTS -New 2 bd· rm.. 2 •lll pJu. family rm. ~~100:· tt.. ,.,.. ao«. a.ut,.. Balboa Island Claire Van Horn ll&ALTOR ITh W. ODelll llWf. LI "'4117 We offer ocl\lllively an wu11aally .....,.... ' bdr'm. multi-bath bome. Delipttul llYinr"J"OOID. I.up..._ ins room. Maximum 8quare footage. ao. to-...... South Laguna lot 12e.ooo . ..., t.nne. s. w. fthle _, &O'lllJO', oe.. ... °'~.EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ..,. Jt.1 u.ooo down. a.a.~ 225 MarlDe Ave., Mboa l..aud .. owner. Harbor Wf-J. datt7 ~r Call Barbor 1175 , .,._ llartlot'-1 p.111. TJpl4 ·~ " l l t .. ' BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND ONE OF THE l'INEST Colonial type home. on th. laland, .. now offered for aale for $3:5,000. Thia home .. on • eo· lot wttll •pacioua room.a: beautiful patloa and landacaped srounds. Then are three bdnm. (muter bdrm. 18 20x30 with fireplace) and a large dining room.~ ua show you thJa today. It you want a real home with Iota of charm. this ii it ! LIDO ISLt OUTSTANDING LOT. U you have been waiting for a large lot priced below the market, we have it. A Gl' Eut frontap on E. end of Ialand. TIDS WON'T LAST! Call UI DOW. I BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1671 or 1672 Country Living in the City 484 -21st Street, Costa Mesa Bwe'1 a lovely dream home with plenty of apace for children to play-3 bedrooma, 2 baths, fireplace, prbage diapoul, 2 car garage and everything for com.tort.able living. Priced at only $20,500 and xlnt. tlnancing can be uranpd. Aleo . A. 3 bedroom modern home at 2177 Rural Lane. Moderately priced at $12,950, this haa a 4~ G. L loan of $8,500. Ml-22nd St. in procesa of completion, S br., 2 bath.a, bulll·in elec. lt.ove and oven. Large lot with fruit trees. Priced at $21,500, euy tenns. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialiat" Use Our Free Parking Lot 2e02 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 4 718 II Beal r..We a aea1 r.e.e. p. a. palmer incorporated developen of Udo Isle Beautiful Lido Residence Priced for Quick Sale Artistically lanc:t.caped on very choice llite, 92 f~ oo c.entro Strada. 60 Ceet on Dijon, and f5 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room tor R_OOl lf dellired. Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for ln· door-outdoor livinc. Th18 home ia eet apart by lts chum, even ln thia 1eetioa of lov,ty homes. $32,500 fuU price with term•. New, Different and Dramatic Modern in every detail, with many built-in features. In the manner of a French Traditional home with New Orlel.JU wrought iron and louvered gates to pla.nted off.street entry. Nylon·viacoee wall to wall deep carpeting. Sliding glue doors to patio. 3 bdrrns. 2 bath1. 2-car garage pl~ amall car, boat or shop area lOxH. A fine home you ahould see without de- lay. $34,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 We offer thl8 cute 3 bedroom 2 bath home in BAY· SHORES. The owner bu bee.n transferred and must .eU Immediately. If you are a bargain hunter be sure to see thla one. Price $18,750. AU tor BiU Farnsworth. Scarce Item She~ Clift Lot -Large and Level. Ocean View. $15,300. Call Dave 01burn Lido Bargain 3 bedroom, 1% bath home on a 40 foot lot. The muter bedroom baa a separate dreealng room with bath. Carpeting and drapes inclu ded in the price ot $31 ,!'i<>O. Thia home is available for trade on Flint· ridge, L .. Canada, or Pasadena property. Ask fear Kincaid. Newport Heig hts 2 bedroom, 1 bath home with double garage. Thia home bu a complete 1 bedroom apartment in the rear, 1uitable for ~ed parents or guest.a. Full price la Sl5,Ci()(). Ask tor Hodgkin.Ion p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6C573 Peninsula Home! TK18 A TTR.ACTIVJ!) ' bedroom, 2 b&lh home bu •Y• appeal, Bill's Best Buys Houston Values pune appeal and heart appeal WE SCOOPED ••• Ideal for Jars• famib'. Mod-. ANOTHER ONE · Choice- Harbo r Blvd. em too, wtlh Ocean vtew from upet&Jrt bedroom-. fU ,aoo, The Jut home like thia aold in leu tha.n one week. se.ooo dowa. • Exceptionally large 3 bedroom with aervice porch Balboa Home and double garage. UYinr room, Dining room & H&ll u Carpeted, clock controlled thermo-heat, exhaust fan with Guest Qt'rs.! and loaded with atra cloeet.a and paneling. Full EXCELLENT LOCATION. near price only $12,9M with excellent ftnanclng. Laree. well bulll 2 bdrm.. bom &D4 2 Wrm. MU&a'• M rw.r - llllicelleat for Jrot..-0!\&l of. tloe.. Owner demandm tuioJI ao- uon. ..Uklnr 111.000. 8ubmt • t Bay and Ocea.n. 2 bed.room born• wtUI. det.Klled l\ltlt room with NE~ MORE R OOM bath. Both furnJlhtd. Garape, too. It coal.II nothl.nc to -It We have a full acre, with three homee Oil rear ot • • • call today, 117.000, tema lot. Room for a lllce home on front, Iacome at ptt· .ent ia $240 mo. Thia property le cloee tn with all units hooloed up to HWera. F. P. $22,500 with $7,lSOO down. Bay Front Duplex! BALBOA LOCATION. 3 b4nra. In "di unit. J'urniahed. 3 car 1a,...I.'. J'lreplacee, wndecka It pin . Need•• lllUe f!Xin/ mayti., WORTHWHILE WAITING FOR- but look a t the price. J3T,tl00, ttrm•. New 3 A (Bedroom bom• wttb 2 Ba.t.M. P089f.9alon your down and tenna. Lovely 3 Bdrm. On Co9ta Mt!8& St., built "7 8oUUI Cout with a·~ O. L loan. Low down and $."17.64 on ~ ThJe la an uceu.nt buy for 110/r!IO. Duplex, 1 br. ea. side . Cloee·l.o.. Olll1 a 1eara old., cm MWert, aMt OOftW kit -an.;, Ale. pr. OnlJ ..-. 0.... ...U acUOI\, worQ ..me allot on•. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Corona del Mar Duplex! Sept. 15th. All lmprovemente an tn A pa.Id. Cholce ot colo,.. 1! you act now. Stuttnr at $0,375 with $37~ Down. l"or ""· IAfor. on ~ U. 1-6'1 T T Income Unite -.A1' J'um. One a.ere -Good loea- tlon -room for more unit.a -on &ewer. Monthly lncome J370. Price $23.7M w ith tenna. 2 Br. oldrr home. service porch. large garage. sewer ln It palrl N1 r e garden. fruit & shade trees. PLUS an e~r& lot a.II for $7700 with $3700 down. R-' Re1mfcntial lot 60x135 R-' Resident1Bl lot 66x 17~ . $1850 S2~ G. N. WELLS , Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd.. Coat.A Mesa. Lt 8-1601 4 Bedrm .. 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 "'1 (t • fnrt'ed l\lr heat, hardwood n oon. f ire- p!&Cl' llr.11 phu;tcr Laree picture windows, natural hard" 1'K•d t'ttb1nrt". Phone f'lr i:pp't. to ll<'P our m()(!f'.'I homes- MARSHALL HOMES :.!0 Y .. ar11 Bu1ltlm~ in Orangt> County Kimberly i -3:?93 LTberty 8-4073 70CS3H A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B.R. ea., fireplaCN, HOWD fln .. r ood but. Obi. gar. All ln good condition and in handy location. Below rep'l c<MJt r,;, SJ6.500. 2 units -2 bdrm. II den home, HDWD nn .. 2 fire- pla.ces, lg. roon111, plu1 2 BR. apt. over dbl. gar., on IJ. lot. Couldn't dup'l for $28,500 -Priced at only $23.500. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor M22 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har. 2774 SEASHORE DRIVE $10.500 foll price will stve you a thrt'e bedrm. home and a 1ummer vacaUon. PEN INSULA POINT I br., 2>~ bath, 5 yn. old. Close to your own bay bathing bet.eh. View trom 8Ull-deck. Complet~ly fur· at.bed, too. Only $2(,600, t~rma. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1D06 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Hu.~188 WWI DOl'f"'r llA V1D 'CM OVl!lft Ulere Wlle9 Ibey',.. lr00(1. Thi. OM IA mod•m and cut.. 2 bed· room home wtt.h M~l4 1 bed· room apt. onr a I car arara1• CIOM to ahnppln(. Perlect tor W. A TOBIAS and A.!80CIA ,_ llEALTOa .. you'll lllre ou.r trtendJy eemee'" 393 E. 17th St., Coeta Meea Uberty 8-U39 home w1lh IDCOm.. 118,tlOO, --------------------term .. Bav Avenu e Home! us+ BA y A VENUE .•• clOM to town. Atlt"a('U\'e Uttl• place w1th 21, t>f-llroorM a nd htavy furniture lnrluded. MNll bf'ach home • . • only JU,000, H .&00 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalt" 8~nlc of America Ro• GrHl.,. A l Comfllut Ed 1- Jack Pinkham Joeeplll.ne Webb TOO IC. 881bo& Bl-nl., 8alboa Ptione Harbor Im. REAL VALUES YOU Have a Part · in the Multiple Listing "Success StorY" J'lve Kllllon Dollar Salee to tkte tn 198& oompared to Ttvo and a Half KUUoa Dollar Sala to date tn 'IK. BlJYERS and SEJJ.ERS of Rea.I FAt.a~ are offtnd important belpluJ ..i.tance. See your. REALTOR for free illu.str.led booklet. on '1iow th• Ma!tJpJ. u.t.Jn« Senice Worka." (Cooperative eftort ot 2M tun-tbpit prof..SOD&l worken) Undentand the ~ of th1a modern wa1 to Owner Transferred mere.ban~ more propert.&em t.bru more P90ple wtth Mu.t eell lhl• cbanatq a ~ NO INCREASE JN OOST. room homt , t1nly 1 JT. old. Good A-"·"''· -_..._ ot .... ~ Eul •Id!! dl1trtet. MU a.ck • ... .......... ~ M--. ~ Bea's A Duplex M ·l l..L\.8ED FAO'l'Ol\T Cit Pl.ACl:N"ftA !'f eu tOt)I I t . 9J ~ 11 no to IO' aJley wtU\ 2400' •IHI bldJ. Only Jl~.000 tol.41 prlee. Hu ~u . laUve tutu~. M-1 II • •76 .. Pa...taa .._...._ at IOUl. 4 "'°'"' Bet lpot. JlUOO •• dow1a. 11""7. ror na. Into. LI 1-IMI, l4'Ua. Houston Realty Co. A UIOCUTD llOI 0..t.w It. OMta ..._ LI .... 11 LI 1-TTM CLIFF HAVEN ,,._ ....,,_, I ~ lllwd llrL. ....... AL ......... a.ot~ medof' '1W.... "'-tor--.. atn1 pool. Vlft et ..,.. ... ~ ... llOO, '-&. Balboa Peninsula ~.7.~ ~"i:·t~0;~· SmaD Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ~....,..:·..:::,=: Harbor Blvd. f.lO • J2nd st.. N~rt Beach 900 ~ 84-•t BulJn•u rnm•r on R~ W1I: AL.80 l\a .... n «llllll bu)'I ln bor BIYd, 4bl2J" Own•r mud b h lt,.. t .llt!U due to poor ht&.IUL Pr1«d COSTA ~ JESA •a c co -. ~ way Wider market .-Jue. D09't 1VJ bom• A me.n. ~. wett e11 Ulta. COIOlERCIAL PROPERTY Attention Attention 17th Street. 62 ft. frontap. 300 ft. deep. 2 well COil• Attent·aon ~ bldp. on alab, 3,5:56 aq. tt .. all utililie., l'lAaTllDE .,a aun nad food I "9droom hoal• few ee.-buy. IT. U )'OU han cie., P'L&AllC. PLICA8E uJI UA. 8. A. Nereson l\EAlJl'OA 1182 Newport BIYd., o.ta Mt a Pbone Ll 1-1812 Vets $565 down PLUI lMPOUNDe ampt. parkiq in rear. Multiple 6012. $38,MO CORONA DEL MAR Short 'fi bloclc trom Ocean.. 67 1hzl.t.a ft. lot. 3 bdnna. It den, 1% bat.bl, Dining room, break.tut nook. luge living room. fo~ed air beat, dbl garage, co•ered BBQ. patio, e.ocloeed play .,.._ Gae8t house or maJ<l8 qni. $M,700 RAY REALTY CO. Uff E. Coast Hwy, Corona del Mar Rarbor 2288 ua• rotm 0.1. LOAN oa • .,,. old. a bdrm., dbl•. Pftl" t.no---------------------ed. Wonderful paUo A l&UDdQ', T&rd. Oubaa-~ All truh ly pa.Jnttd.. Near Uppu BacJl 8&7 l8TI Pa1.lladel R4., ..... AM no.. KI I-Mt&. tou. C-1 Property AT COR.NJ:J\ of ltlb and Pla- eenUa. with J bednn. bOUM and lll'Tlall .tore. llUBMIT ochanpa. C11U Llbert:y 1-86111 lotlc C-1 ~De I DIDIW. .aa.. lloaee, a..c 1'Q Bl.. Coeta M--. C&Q ....,.,r, U M 799, tlc7A $25,000 WANTED f or the cash down on each of the following income property bu ya : 1. TtD unturn. 2 bednD. un.ita. All on year leuet Good return. 2. Hwy. 101 store bldg. Respon.1lble tenuit.a. Cu. free inveatmenl Can be bought right. I . Motel and trailer Park. Prime location cloee to bay, .toree 6 futun deYeJosa•t. SEE RUSS FORD 1800 W, 0out HJc.hway Newport Beach Phone Liberty 8-859IS T2e7• - Coast Properties 301 E. &Jllllo. a!"'-, 8aDioa Hubor MM. ntT and 6e00. LIDO ISLAND . ~uutul 3 bedroom home with S baU\A. """plac., DtabwUher Oubtl.(e OllJ)OMI. wtnd for J:lectrlc: Range, LandK&ped. Ap- pf'OJI. 2\4 :yur, old. !Ma~ a P1a.ao Udo. Thi• I.I a top qu&llt7 llome. 8" W& COSTA MESA ' Bed.room-. 2 ti.tbl. ju9t. -.u.. old. 1$00 tq. tt. alot ClOl'Mf lot. P'UJJ pnce 112.f!>O, Good terma. COSTA MESA $8000 bUy. a nice 2 bedroom '°"'' I.bat 1a Ju.at 2 bloeU tram t.be propc>Md All Amtricu 1!iopplnK ~ter. ThlA 14 a eood home. Be wre to -lhlA, temu ca11 be a.rnnrt<L. "ART'' ADAIR RmALTOR 19"' l'i•wport Bl~ OIDRa ..... Oa.uL u ....,,. "11tHtD1:D dupa... I Mdnae. eeeh. ............. '*-........ Oood toe.lion. -..t ltde Oo«a w-. 111.000. u 1-7181 TtpM OOAS'l'AL 180""9 'Dltlea .I 'NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 1 WEON~SOAY, JULY 6, 1955 ·~~--~~--~----~~~~~~----------• ,._. ......_ a •.a l!'aWe . BAL BOA ISLAND 1 bd HERE IT IS -Bay riew. 2 unit•. 4 bedrm. home, rm. apt., home A apt. have Vil'W of bay, Shel· red patio. Quality construction. Apa. turnlebed. me partly furnl•hed. New ln 1H8. In bffut.itul iUon. Sl0.000 down. Owner will carry balance qualified buyer. te Ho cond for Chol ces~ Bayfront Buys BA Y FRONT HOUSE 6 APT .• No. Bay. BeauWul h. $10.000 down, balance ea.ay. beac BA YFRONT, LITJ'LE ISLAND -60 tt. bay tront· pier lz float. • bdrma. Superior con.at.ruction. ood buy! ace, Ag D and UPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home Income. ~65.000. WA TERFRONT -Furn. 3 bdrm. home and 1 bdrm. apt. Fireplace. $10,000 down. run price $29.1500. WA bath TERFRONT - 2 superior unite. 3 bdrm .. 1 t~ s. fireplace DOWN; 2 bdrma. 2 bath• UP. Bay from upper deck. ·$45,000. Submit down. view IS LAND COTT AGE -Dble. prage. Fireplace. 750. Reduced for quick lale ! $1~. 4 B ORMS., 234 bat.ha. New fumlture. TV. BBQ. rth Bay mooring. Good family home. Showa •· ent income. AU tor $24,960. No cell Cot p ren tage near South Bay. 3 bdnrui., 1 '>-) bat.ha. fU. lace, large Jiving room. Attractive patio. Escel.Jent tal ~ord. Good value at $2S,~ .. co RONA DEL MAR EX CELLENT INCOME -• furnilbed unlt.; 1 ~ bdnn. each. No Yacanclee ln over a year. Rent 18 each. Grose yearly $3920. All in fir•t clau con- n, $6000 taltee. run price $22.500. dltlo ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Pnvate ~thway to Corona beach, S2G.~. Utt.le L pat10 UXUJµOUS 5 bedroom~ home. Luah tropJoal u d yard. $15,000 down SEE US f or BEACON BAY and BAl ORES properties. SH CALL HARBOR 1m -or~ F.dlth Maroon, HYa tt M222; Johll lilacmab, Harbor ~9. • EA RL W. STANLEY, Realtor m NOT M&rtne A Ye., Balboa r.land. TOO LATE! to get fut poeseuion for a glorious Lido Isle summer holiday -YES you can move right into thia cozily furn. 2 bedrm. Lido h ie home with its extra large sunny patio for only $22,500 terms. Thil one will . not be ori the market for long you can be sure. LIDO REALTY w.a • (BW) Kempton * Joeeph R. Orohma.n 1t V1rpl1a Mauon * 0.. Vreeland 1t Tom Campbell 1' (Udo hJand'1 mo.t earperienoed eal• penon~l) ~ Via Lido Harbor 4444 (AcroN troai RJcJsard'1 Market) Tradin' Today? LIDO Eitch ange fine wat.erfrobt home with pier • utp, bedroolll9, 3 baths. Value SM,000 for em•"• bom. $30,000. To aee 6 nbmit, call th.- 3 to OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout fftry. fat Port Orange) N ewport Beach LI 8-7562, Ha r. !HM ev•. Tradin' Today? Balboa Island 3 bd nn., 2 bath home plua apt., located on floe ~ near Bay • .torea. ner For Co nima del )far, Shore Cliffs or Puadena t.o $M,OOO OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 ,N W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) ewport Beach LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 evee. M-1 Lot Dupl g1c N a on na.r -room to build in front. ln strat. ewport looaUOD De&r the bey. We beUeve t.hlll a real value at $14,500. With good terma. to be THE VOGEL CO. Liberty s.-.3481 WITH SALLIE "We eater to all yov foe.I Medal" ••• A ludl· aeyed esp,_._ ud a mite weary .•. ''We eater to aD tbe fooda you doll't aeedt" or '"We eater to all tM foode tbat are vital ooa- trlbatioM to pab"ollOlllYI" ............. Clleeee rlcM w ..... tlae er-... V e&l Paprika Volute! You could probebt, 11' e to be 100 without a alBJJe tucker .,._. inc :JOU!" toncue, but you haven't lived till you've tuted ~m lt . . . V e&l Paprika V olate will alway. hold a 9pecia1 ptu. in Joe'• h-.rt, becaw it WU the nr/ first di9b be lovably prepared for the 8t.ul table. be'• been dream- t,.. of aince B.R. f BerUmlnr of RemocW•nc> ... What tun we an had t&stfnc the tender ,..._ of YM1. acoompanled by a MTOry Mace of aour ~ tom ••• whoa ... S.- cnt of the pn. ... Joe'• re- dpMa an aate ! . . . and did O\IJ' lmaiin&t:iona nm! What to aene with it! Some thoupt nee woald be nlee ... Othera want.! noodi. ..• Baked po- tato. weN. l)>lit open . • . Qan.,.t aun .. NoocUie. men- ijooed • • • Hot biaculta • . . Tout •.• "What'• the matter wlth j1l8t ....tDc It plain.," 9&kt J°' ... Pood9 la'-'•.._. ...._ wtll ft11 from c1aJ .. ...,. ... _. ....... ...... ··"*'.., Mew, Orw I ..._ wHll ,..., a.-a...wa ... ... ..., • ,.,. ., tM ........... -··· to ........... ~ .... 111.ttaa die '1a7 • ta.e ~ ••• '7or197 ...... I" _..Um'17amotJllerallMel- ..... a eart. of._ ........... pt ... ., ................... ...... .... ... ldda t" Tours to buy by the .U.., Gooee U.er, &Uc:nwunt., ••• u...., Brauuchweicer from lillhraaMe. Schermer Brum-als,,.._ f1"00l Loe Anpea • • . Strictly Koaber Corned ..., aa4 Putrami from Cbi· -.O . . . Blood and Tonps i.o.t, Pr111 a it Ton.sue. Blood amp, Metwurwt Rlnp. Potiah ....... with a.rue. J.,. want. P9pper Loaf. Boek- worwt Sau.MC• •.. At UM 0.. Heat-en P.-.ou.1 &rriot c.o.ter . . . Baked Bama. Mm Lo. ..... Rout Beel and 'hrkq too . . . keep the A.mericaD Home nna bunUas ... ''lla..a't ... a.,uam, llh tbU1. aince I W't 8t. LoW! -.r.rific ! Wonderhl !'' . . . .. ,. lib old U..!" llbtla•· ..... &boada .. the Datoh Lach crowd puta • bead Oil uu. ..., old wtill 1966 now- .... COl"MI' of C.-Delieate. ..... "°An'AL SHOPPER -IULT I. lNll Tall• Home Hot cmcl ._Lem1tl Faads ,..... lidD'd's • DellcateuH cmcl Roff11 Irle -New Mai I I Daly TM.e ................. ,... ............ ~a.. .. or M extra epedal Soap. P'-a ...a 1..-~. ,_ u.at edra speeW _..t. Y•"I -.. , ' , a ..... fNm o....,. bot foedia D!f&' mt "II .coN but 11'!41UY ktt'"°' DariKold Onde· AA BUTTER "•dra larg• .U. -/or~ or .....- Pl'UeO Ame ..... SPAGHEnl .. · 59. .. 16- . JELLO. .... 6 _,_45. *I.,,. '°"• cott•"• a..._-« "" ~ Dole811ced 27· PINEAPPLE 20 oa. CM •a-. .u Jl«lf ,,_IWI IM k ... -"' ",_.,.,. OMnpWl'e ClllCKEN NOODLE -Vl';QftAJILI: llm' or MlJMl'i'9'Cm SOUPS ~2 1-29· • FT9lll Produce ••• ~--2 29c llCT ARINES -~--·---·-·-k .-..~ 2 1~ IENTUCIY BEANS ........ ·-··-· ~ --~..... 3 10c SPANISH ONIONS .. -................ .... Delc••••• ... ..... , • J1c SLICED CHEESE ....... --···--.... _ .. ______ .. .! ~ 25c PIMIENTO LOAF ···-·--.................... _ ... : ........ 7~ BARONET CHEESE ···-... ~ _ _.... ....... 429 CAiie HAM --·-··· - -~..... 2 3~ BEEF TAMALES ... --.--.:.. .. FTa11 • Foods ••• .. , .. ..._... 15c DRUMSTICKS .... _______ .... ............ ., ......... .. ...,. r.1111•.. 3Sc FISH STICKS ... _ ........ Rldlcrcl'1 Own .. _, ••• TBUMD4l' 4 .... .. Hart ~.Aro GLAZED DONUTS a ·-- f"IUDAT T .. ltwttll 1080.-. FRENCH APPLE PIE .... ,.. '>'~ .. ,.... ..., It ,,..., RYE BRW ... __ _ ... "I: -'CW-. . ............. ., ..... __ ~=" ........ ~ ........... _~ ,_..,a ' I .......... ...., ..,.__. ........ ...._r_. ..... _ .. .. _._.,_ ............... = ...... .... --.--. ...... _ .... _ ...... , ........ GiiEN PEAS •• _2 ,_lfc OUN&. JUICE.!2 fM J3c i.iMoNADE ___ _. -. 2 ,_ 2Jc Scrz•r Meals •• -~-· .... O.&Ot I 7-BONE ROAST ·o • r • ...,. ,,_ ...... ._.. o.a.a... O·BOME ROAST ... , ........ ,,,_,. O.&~ ·~ 43. lh. 59. ._._,__ 6 2Jc CINNAMON ROLLS ...... __ ,. . . '" SHORT RIBS lh. 19c IArse,.. I a.,~ ...... lml 87 LAYER CAKE __ ........ .c ...... •Mell .. I(' it• -... .... a.. SLICED BACON • lh. 69c .. Y Wll find a Lido Sllop • • • . • . to flt ,.,. evtwy naecl ! 1PJaAJA ~ IULT 7, • M4 t, 1155 lllllatucelec&M•teq ...... -