HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-13 - Newport Harbor News Press• Cl I llf C1 I.., ~ Fislt • " Chips Juml»o IC-!-d Shri .......... ~ To 6o Im Filll Fry Ill• 0.-r..- -x ........ STORE YOUR 'IECIOUS FURS WIJH A 'PIOFESSIOIAL FURRIER Phone KJ 2-0652 Fw Stor•99 SPECIAL ..,_.,..... 'u w• -~ ........ ,.._ co Wrt I 4, N:r II. 1151 . ..... e M ' T e R a· Ml ST Af fO•D 6 SOii .......... DOC" ....,._.,&L OOlft'aACl'Oll8 .... .-.-~·-ut• T' .a...-K_,.. ..... SAYE • NC ' -•I 6-,_, pay -or ...._." - l!tl&p'Mr .......... ..... .. , ...... ,.. t.1a7! COSTA MESA BANK ''YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK .. un ·-.-• ....., l.lllelV ~,, REGISTER NOW AUDAY. M.Y 15111-7,:JO P.M. eula I I ~l2JW9..&ndl*er '7 n...•1. ~ 14tla Contest conducted by VERNA MILLER SCHOOL OF CHARM . ,...,. .,. ...,_ ~. Jllf .... c-te .... D th .. ,_ ... -.~ .... oro y 1 ... ;.:-:~.~CA -·~~ ..._ Gray IHiglt Quality Printing-Pit~ H~r. 1616 p-to~er ~iaJs You Can•t AFFORD to Miu Our Mid-Samner Clearaoce Sale! T lfD f ' .;J,, ila OIW ,.,..., • J.00 •• , p ... 5C~ ....,ca.., ... C..WC-Cl-.J .. a ,, ....... ...... , .. ........ ......... • p ·-..... c- M aJ ....... ......... ._ .. .... ......... ... ..... _ "'••• a c a.-o •cos -~ ...... ., -mtJCM -&. a.. ""7. CAIL .......... ,...&. .......... Fri.., & s .... , o.ly """ 15 & My ., Dresses SB.II OXL\. M u:FT! V.a.. to 25.00 Paa 1"n.e. Dlililr TftW7, r..a, "9mir • .,... o.-p. ... 1 ... ~..._, ____ . Blousses S3.88 Blouses S2JI o~~Y 15 LD'Tt v..._ ... uo le EARLY I Take ( 111JHal•llN. C1111s..._ • ... • .NCWAaPRESS BE SURE -INSURE wlUI llAuaII: 8T.U.'1.l:Y ....,_ Oal7 ni-llutMlr HU Ill.I E. C-& Rl&'llwa,r C-.... MT lla.r 111• MORTGAGE LOJ\NS . ON HOMC•, 8U•1NE•S ANO INDU•T•IAL. ... 0 .. Elt'TIE8 WC •c .. •c•ENT .... IYATE ANO IN8TITUTIONAL CLIENT• C •D••OWEIH AND L.ENDElfaJ P'ltDM COA9T TD CDA•T WI[ MAKI[ ND .. l[lt80NAL •bL.ICITATION8 TAUaT OCEOB BOUGHT ANO SOLO WM. B. HOLT MDtnGACH: •ANKINCI alNCI[ 1930 1609 N. •u •H .T .. l[l[T aANTA ANA. CAL.IP'OltNIA • K IMel[lfL.Y 3·7 118 II II a Ill ...... .._ .............................. tlC'W y..._. -te11e e Courtney & Lester Clrculatlon 21.000 DWrilMdN .. Newport lkMlt., ha-. ..._ ........ eo.... .. llu, c..e. •e..r...c-.8odia...-. ................ THI FiNIST • • • YET LOWm PllCID Early Americaa MAPLE FURN ITU.RE •... an'lw~er• o,.. Fridays .... ' PIOll TODAYI If llrf 0,n lflwa AlllO.o.e,t ....... iliiiiiiiiliiilililiiiiiiiiiiiiilii ______ __ I I I I I I I -.......... 7."'4N1 .,.. .. , ...... .. ......... .. ...., ""·"-... ,., ...... ....., ....... Pl'-~ ..... o..__ oa....-•-a._ __ ..._. O<.oA I ...-~----·-•·L---_.._1--~ I ..,.....•~~--~--~ I .,..,., _________ _ ._ _______________ ..... ___________ .. ____________________ . • We Now Hne FacRltles No Down Payme.t Jeguer Dorettl Triumph . Hllhn•" • low .i .$1441.00 H.-"'•Y May .. Mato•• C.,.., Vic..._ I ... kw•&. CeiN Meta 21 J7 ...... .... • a. • .., 1-2216 3 lf1t1UTES lustre-Wasll WAXING e WASHING e POLISHING STEAM CLEANING Special with this ad Polish & Wax $12.50 up b el.._ Cb,._ NEW POUOY -CLEANER OAM ()pea N 0.0, -&.2 :SO Saada,Ja ~from Pon Oranp U44 W. c-.t Hwy. Newp1rt lw• CARPET SALi· STILL ON! Draperies. too Remnants Gal_.. \ Dick Macker I 342~ VIII Ude -0.. ., .,.. LWe s •• ,. Opening . . . . . July 15th Spau/JingS JEWELJCR8 Belboa lslend Ome91 W etches Jewels by T rif ari Fine Diamonds Jewetr, ud Wat.ell Repairiftf Locat.s la u.. c 6 c Cent.el' 307 Merine Ave. . Herbor 459• High Quality Ptinting-Plt. Har. 1&1& • COASTAL SHOPPER l'.4Wo• ot M 5o1c1r--NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ,_ ...,-IOYS SURPllSID JULY I J, 1955 at Fort Lewis AT HINK VENDOR $--------~-------roaT LEwta. w.uH. -Pott. IRIAIC-IN ATTIWT lf•llF hlvadll ed W punt qjci. wu where Herbert L. Nel"Ct"Oea, lT. 80ll el ahe left It, Ille round the money Herbert E. Norerou. IOU F..._, 1'W •>;: ... ~ 11*°°"9 fo Snatch ml.Mlnr from hn billfold. Sh• de-A.,.. .. Costa Mt l&, r~nUy Ill'-~..:.!, ~ ';::1.!~': ecrtbed Uie at.ruin u 1 feet 1 11"4 at Fort Lewi•. Y. uh.. and dock at t2T IOUl It. h Money from Purse lndaea tall, a~t no P"J'd.a. IA ~:n~; ~vt~emlNr of the 2nd In· they were appar~tly. (~,~~ ""'lht ef medium build ud wtt.1' V on. to break Into a 90ft drink A llbower Saturday co1t Edith ~ Ila.Ir. aha eald l\a wu .._,. aluabla eonibat ~enc.-ob-machine .._._ ., IOT ~Le .Av.. tnc a checked 1poru ahlrt and tan =:~ !~v!~:~. b~u~"l~dl~; Bumeide told police h• eaw Sll. or browa J>Ulll. YI ro the pair climb a a.ddtr and 1!111• told pollce 11\a beard a nolM ~I uat ~· of the unit, 1 attempt to &•l Into Use ma· hi .... ...._.__ ... ,,_ .. _ ·-)( rr va e ,..orcrot•. an a MMUJ\. hi H __... • .. •--r ... r. otor •ahlclN In lb• Unit.ct lion beaNr ta Heav · Me•l•r Com· c nt. e aald he chued them Bh• MJd the leokd In re tiff a Stat.a ru \IP a. tot.al of MO blllton pany of ll\a dtvlll~'• t th Regl· ott. He tlllO rtported the 10111 1tran,. man. l-0 to a& yeara old. vehicle mllu In ltGI, accot'diJlf to m,.nt. entered the Arm In Janu· of a kry to a real room and ~ 'lictua ll&ld when aha dlack· the NaUonal .A.utomoblle Club. ary, 1965. Y · ~ 1Upply roorn on the preml .... PAPEI NAPKINS IO C.-t LIDO DRUGS NOH of the LWe 8hope• 3461 Vla Udo, N"!]?Ort Be.eh H~OI DRUGS IAUOA DRUGS 1PEC1ALtt 3301 E. c.c..t Hy., Coroaa deJ Mar '718 E. Balboa Blv ... ..._ l'or Wed.. 'l'llan.. Fil, la&. luJ,r 11, 1'° 11. H SARAN WRAP ..,.36cnc IOOTI' ~Paper Towels ~--2•29C ~ ID Wu Paper 116 n . &OLLI 2 -35c ••OULAt lh -MVD>JID PA.PD •so. 21c PLATES ~:.,Qt. •11e99c 1UTD BO'n'LS KLllNEX 4--51 00 400'1 -. 'PAYLESS _ , . OllEIUl T WOOD SALADIOWLS 4 for 51~ Pl-Riiifl & CAGE .... $6.50 lpec1111 --- .... ,,, -100 00l71fT . ENYB..OPES 25C I DOG 6-4§c FOOD FORKS & SPOONS 2,.~15c 100,K .ox 12c MATCHIS or'° ·simHaco•~• s300 a.,.ut SPORT CAPS OHAROOAL IRl9UEI IES 10 lbL 89c LAUNDRY CART s31• llACH TOWILS A.a''-...... s219 .. , .•.• AM-&. 81-. 6 Oolon DI\ Vl' CROC'K.ETr CAPS lies. U.98 w1.-.-:;® ... ~Alf'l~•..­ co Lo a PICTURES l·D $2.CMI RecllnlftCJ CHAIR ::t:'6' $695 PICNIC JUG 1 OALLOK S4t49 . ••o. sa.u -·I. 4 - POOLS WADING UO. •2.11 $229 VittTI ·~~·t~" S695 tr=ti. 'PUOS PY&EXOOLORED MIXING IOWL SET VelM ......... '2'' AUTOMATIC To-;.s+;; ~r -~:::-;-..39 ·····H·o·s·····l.········D·priee9··'1 .. :r.-..i Tu ..... .,,n.a.11. Wt ...,.,.. u.n Ila'\ • LA TEST MAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS D A.N 'I IAala IHOP MLaOA TaA'l'l.s autG. ft.\1.80.\ Opell~ Uaru 8-lu...., Stop For a Snack •••. Get a tf)ulck Pep-Up! Beach Umbrella 1 ft. diam. 11.95 6 ft. diam. 9.95 ' Liiy's C'irHll Glass T-. R ... 6 for .Ste 6 for ~c CeffH M .. I Cenal lowl ~ ... 10c Sale 7c Y.'L PAY LESJ' ' . . . .IDE,:::=: 1fj ~,.REX f 43c 'ISCheer;: W AJAX (s...•11e .mi Cleanse·2, .. J 9c Vogue == 38• BATJlllfO , . IPSOM SALTS nrnm VINCENT' Hanel Pack ICECRIAM P\a. JOc Qta. 59c "i Ckl. •Glk 8'y'le 79c a Ckl. ,..b SJ.95 t~ Ckl. Holiday 9'7i. 6ie ABC BEER Early Time1 l'BAIOBT 1 rltt.h · s499 --...... K~y Host aowboa I Yean Old 100 Proof rmb s]it 6CANS FOR 17c I l • STARTING THIS MONTH • Your NEWS· PRESS Will be Published Monday Wednesday Friday Tracie-Wine/ Swimming Pools • Local oompaay eervtq the Harbor Area. • Poob d e • I i a e d ud, prbd to fU JOV re- qalrtJlneaU., TemwCaDM .......... c.o ' Ultertf S-'706S or U 8-6611 U4 COll&a M-l!lt. C'Ml• M- HOME IN CORONA DEL MAR f':.'~ ':: :-r:a,m,: ': not tie. aotifted.'' .. aid. ·Wolf e-'V:/ ales Vows Said Tena Relatives in C. M. Baptist Church ~~~,:~ ..U A..._ 0mta II--. are YiliUq ------------------ PAIUD!Jl • &O>Ln' MOlr.l'UilY r-'r O&AUSL CIUPSL ,..., ....... a& IOI eu..tJca Wyo. Kn. WaJM war. tor &be ooo-from Da1lu. Tau, UU WMk. --------- Aft. after a laa rraDCUco ~:r-Uoll a dTM9 ot :r.UOW ud white ~and.,.:~::--~8ro: mooa ..,.. KJ'. and Kn. E . Jl. D.)'loa wtt.b corac-ot whlt. car-Kn. mes llMw9ll and )(ft. earn. Wolfe, .-www man1ed tn a aauona and Mra. Wolf• aeoented lit ......... 1-o.a .... l.AlftJ ........ a.MM monaillc ~1 ~Uy "1 Use ber blu. and white •Y'--wtt.b _A_bel. _______ _ Rn. P. O. JlfWIDUUl ta J'lnt Bap-ptnlt camaUona. ' ti.t Cburdl ot ea.ta K.-. Ttl• brido waa Sftduat.ed from On Fishing Trip 111• brtde la U.. former JoyM Butn Hip Sdaool and Oentral wai... d&uPt• of Mr. and Jira. 'hcllllical IMUtute, Kauu City. Kr. and Jira. .Ralllb A. 'faPlr, --------- H. K. Wal .. of Ba.lin, Wyo. and Mo. Her h1111band wu Cf'&dU&ted nl!T Pad.ftc: .An.; eo.ta 11..., left ------------------ her pwldfather. J'rank Wal•, from hlsh echool tn ScbuJlv, Neb .. lut weekend CJC • two Weeki trip ..--------------------. pw Iller In keeptnr to th• 80ll MrVed tour yeara ta Use aa.y and to 8edaa and Paoli.. Kan. J'IM1nr ot Mr. and Kn. Ralph Wolfe ot ,,,..craduated fl'orA Ollltnl Teeb· at the lall• ot ui. Oarka, put.I Qlympta, Waall. rueal In1tJtute. ot NebruU. ~ 11o. uad WBITS OllOA..ND1' Bould•, Cola. Joyce won a llll"fft J.nrth cl..-Ch p} ---------ot w!Ut. trwte4 otpndy with • ange ana whit. bat Uld ....U Uld a ltrtnr of s-ri.. rttt of the bride.-roozn. 0 f E-Z Club She earned a boUqUet ot pmet ro-. She wu attended by Mn. 'nl• JC.Z Club ot aorooa d.& MM Walter Eroeky, wboM dre11 .., .. Community ConinpUoaal Ctw.rda ot roM with wblte dota. Her hat te annouaclnr a ch&Dc• IA Its po- wu whit• and her co,_r• WU .UC plan.I tot' ~llday, July 12. In· of whit• caniaUana. 1te&d of bllns held at O'Neill Wall or Eroaky atood wtlh tho Park the poup Will m•t at the brldqroOa u bMt ll\&JI. church at e :30 p.m. tor & pot badt Bullets of J1adioU adomed the cllnnu. Brtdp and canuta lVi1l be -.ncmary aa4 weddtnr music in· played afterward. eluded "Became'.', and the wed-SkJppera Mr. and Mn. r.dward dine marche1. 'n1i&I hav. A&med lira. Raymoo4 OOUPI.& lllDODVE8 Bell, Kr. &nd Mn. CharlN C&ft 1be recepUoa WU held at the Uld Kn. Dell 0mt« to tbe plJe7 home ot the JWW\J......S.. Both cnw. moo.era wen P"9'nt. a1ao tbo ---- lldde'• pudmoUi..-. trom Baain, Gills Return from Are Houaeguests of Florida Vacation C tl S •tbs llr1. lluel OW i. Melt al Ml' lUI em&n Ml deek In eo.ta Kua Poel Office .....---~ He,, IOWER COST -ELS J_ ~ elKO!tGS •t•ID ,._... ~D l.AH tHAT[O Ml!.MMRS. G"'f. CLf.AR ~. AFFORDING GQ£Al" STQ~NGTH ~T \.OWEQ C05T. COHPl.ET[ evtLOINO -UTl\.ITV DlUV£Q£.O 10 JOO ~iE fROM tl!l PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPL£TELV f.Rf.Ci£0, tHCLVOING 3L~&, fQOH tt • P£A. s.Q. FT. fO~ COMMERClAL, fMlM.()q INcxnTR"-L UK. -~IN .$0. CMN. . OOAftAL SBOPPD ~ ef NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS JULY 13, 1955 PAGi J Call DAN'S TV lllAS"ft&MU .... -----~ b ............ ~a.i. . 009rAllU&~OO. PMX..,....._ Just Phone HARBOR 1616 fC! PIMe Your Ad on TM. Pet1 Everybody Reads The CL A S SI F IE D llollda7 bov11pMt1 tvlao apent aft.llr MelDC tb• COUDtr7 .. tar u u.. WMl!end with the C&aUema.n 1'1ortda Uld tra....iun. a total of S!idtM, 122 Buel Drive were MOO mlle1. In Alabama tMJ 'rilil· MF • ...s Kn. muce-J'Seld. ~· ed Kr. aw·. birth~ ~d tn IU ot Sierra Madre. Thia coming M1MOUrt they •" tll• town where wMk Kr. and Mn. Robert Smith Mn. GUI ..,.. born. It WU the Jr. will OCCIUP1 tMr 1111CW1 llorM = tame abe Md bee tber'9 .me. wtUJe tMlr bo9ta are at Y~t.e. ..,;... tel 811 tbeJ ptcMd a ............ , .. -M. tS, "' ttSS, • ..,., Sim • • -. (ftn .., ii Starts ..... 5-tly) CUSTOM Private Police UPHOLSTERING • •• Dl•ID~AmllfG &iift1iii WG MERCHANT New Fwniture PATROL .... .. 0...-and c ......... ...,... • l•tt Fl HARBOR BOAT Antiquea Restored PATROL CUSTOM CALL WOODWORK COMMllCIAL ._ ........... SICUllTY BRENEMAN'S PATROL Kl "° w. 17 .. It. ..... x .. 11 2-70%7 o.ea ---LnlRt7 l-4NJ I tlJtrUlll!lll / 1#(1.f a ja&-m·lh-6ox ,;, ~ malrle7jft.rm Orq u, .. ,..,~• Maiclenform'a ..., P......_ Wluit aD aG&i81- 1primg·lilie f•llas' Y .-6pn'• high ad hmsct.m. bl Maidenlo,,.'1 esdtiJa« new P,..htde•. And DOW ie IM ...._ f• ..la • nubenat lift t P...lwde'• eaned ~ ,; ... ~_,, ........ ~-pport. la floww.f,..J, white ~ broadcloth. .&. B. c ....... l .00 --..-.-._. ....... , ................ _ ........ _....,...._. I .., ... _ ... , I •• SEA TRADER CHUNK TUNA 6:19' S~AMLUNCHMEAT n:33c PINWPJI= 20~25'»:29' SALAD DRESSING ~ 39 RIUH~--=· ............. ~=-.......... OllAllG•• ---·· .. Y'11BIQ&I ..... ._._.~D ·c ,,, ... _. ... .. ............... -r .................. HcJ MeNBY .. "VINQ .... aAn'WAY Pm<nt UMll •X SPIEADr!'J7-PEAm •tta';:~19* ~. .. 1a• ..... ..29' CAWO•M .. 19' ~ :i.·· = 29* CAiii -lfA ':: J9* •tt c.-r_ 2 ~ 35• ---~ -GllCIBI ..: -= 1.39 IEEI 6 '!: 79' 5old CNtty"' I~ Sof••lf1L UCI 1U ~ ':: '2' .-cu .. 19' lll'1llTI. ..... •IGUETS ~ 19' -.: 1.69 OIAICOAl ~ 53' ~ 19' O~ ..,.._,, Ha4aMd, llw ...... 20-llt .. 1M. RATH'S DAINTEE ......... I,,... ....... FRESH RABBDS COINED BEEF SLICED BEEF UYER ._._ ......... ...._......,_ ....... lfiD 4 ei&OIMMU .... lb. .. 6~ ROUND STEAK---=-·~ 6~ CMilNt ............ ., .......... ti• c -· ... 79&.t ~ 5~ GROUND BEEFS=~~ 3~ ... ~ BREADED SHRIMP. .. 45c OCEAN PERCH FIWT ICE MILK !"'~~ __ ,.t;:' 35c a. ........ Oo;al•-. v-..s. ...... ,. 81 f-011 )'(JMMlN CfTNUS COOUNS SOllllmlSPICECAKE E~~~25c tlti. ~ ............. A I 3 ., ,._, A Hiil DESSERT SHEUS MELROSE SNAPS °"'9w. v-11~. &.....-. SODA CRACKERS c.., ... 17c lob". ,.... 2~~9' ROYAL SATIN ~63' SHORTENING • • AlMOND TWllT 27' COfRI CAICI ..... a .o1 COFFEE~.~ FRESHEGGS ~ C-O'llleC... ...... ,.._...,. ~ .... , . .... a-.._. ..... iJ NIWPOIT llACH a.--.-.. ......... - ~~ GRAPEFRUIT JUla-:21c , ........................ ,....,_ .. ' ENRICHED FLOUR ~ 8P ~ c:..ft. ~ ................ 4"llJ no.a mocu DaU, t !UL t• IP•· ( f'rtd&J" tU ..... ) .................. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY 01' PABK'Wl ON UJIQE l'AVD> LOI -·- (X)Aft.U. lllOl'fia Zdldo9 of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-Pl\ESS '4 -JULY 13, 1955 BACK FROM THE DEAD -Old rugby team.matea, William Spurgeon ID, left, of Newport Beach, and Dr. G. E . D. Lewia of .Malaya., right, had a reunion last week at Spurgeon'• Newport Harbor home. Dr. Lewia, u ptuttd by the J apanese d uring World War Il, WU presumed dead by bia many friends. The pair di.scuu local point.a of interest over a copy of the Newport Harbor Newe·Preu. -SWf Photo · MALAY EDUCATOR GUEST Of WILLIAM SPURGEONS Tells with ' TeachlnCJ Methods Used Mixed Races by EnCJlish 1Start New Mesa Bank tonn• Pl'Htdent w.,,.. a . Bard-I Inc· Ttle 8pauldtn&'• haw moved to UM Harbor atta from Wllmin1· ton where 8pauldln1 wu Jn the -tch &11d jewtlry bueln ... fur 16 yean.. He I• a .Rot.ria n and u -j pecu to be ottlclally enrolled In the local <'lub aoon. Other attltl· in Mid-July • atlona lndudt' member1hlp In the P'. A A.M. Coat.a Meaa Bank upecta to launch conatrucUon on a modemlt· tliiJ ~ lill tic new butldtnr at the trlllnflt' I • I • I ot Harbor Blvd. and Newport Avt'. • around mid-July. Manage-r Paul Ill Crt'lghton told the Newe-Preu. . . f ..... , • .,, t-~Ji) Cn!lghton Mid b1<U on the new at ructure were now out and 1hould be decided upon within a week or lt<n dayJ1. "Con•lrucllon ahould alart about J uly 15," Creighton aald. The vlce-preeldent a nd manllgPr ducrlbed the new structure u having "Iot a ot g1tu111." The J:'t'c>Und noor will cover 7200 liq. ft. a nd the meuanlne 1:>00 a. fl. "It wall lllao have a drlvt>-ln window and • nlr;ht dep<i.ltory," Crelght.,n Bfl i•I. T~re Is no further drvclopment In pending mf'rgpr of Cotta M t'M Bank v.1lh the Unit ed Sla tu N a- Uonal Bank of San Olf'go, Creigh- ton reported. A nnouncement of the merger w tu1 l1111ued l.n April by Charin TeWlnkle, chairman of the Mela bank board of dlrectora. It .wu expected to be completed lrl a pproximately 90 d11.y11. The new Mell& bank bulldlng la echt'dull'd for occupancy by latter part of the yt ar. 5 Homes Slated BuJldJng permit. valued at f40,· !100 were taken out of Coata Meaa city buJldlng department Ttlunday by Harbor E1tatee tor five reai- dences. The houaee will be locat- ed at 884 Surf, 1984 and 1974 Arnold Ave. and 880 and 1181 Ro.• I St. Dike and ColfTOVe are contrac- t.ore. Spaulding Opens Jewelry Store on Balboa Island 1 NOW SHOWING M-G·M'll .''The Prodigal" aad C"olo r l'tarnns LANA TURNER EDMUND PURDOM "Kiss Me Deadly" Now Rho~ • * • • • * • * * YOU'LL LOY• ava•Y THfiltl-01' ITI , Mr. &11d M rs. N . John 8pauld-I * featwlftCJ Catalina SwiMw._ White Stat Sportswear A. G. SpaldlllCJ & •os. Shoes hlgi~ Sweaters Wondamere Sw.-.n lvan-Frederics DresMS • We G ive S&H Green Stamp1 • Open Eve ry Night 'til Nine -i7j{:· ,~ ,, .. .....,._ -1 303 Main e BALBOA e Phone Harbor 509 Near Pavilion SUMMER IS HERE Tame to 11ew for all thoM' warm weather neede. Sportawear ; Sailcloth, PopLina. Twilla. Terrycloth, Cotton Jeney, Cottons in fu t color preahnink, wrin- kle resistant and satin finish. Dresa up; Orlon and E~>tian Cotton both light. and de.rka, Nylon & Pimu. Silk & Viscose. For that Coat Dress; Wrinkll' rt'Sistant Linen•. Raw aillui. Cotton Ma tel&S8e. and ltnt> tht>m with the Pon- gee Type matt>rials . Bartine' s Calico Shop I I I Eest 18th Street, Co1ta Mese LI ,-2011 High Quality Printing -Ph. Har. 1616 . KING-SIZE TRADE-IN ""'*' ........ NEW HOOVER ~~ It ci..na twic:e the .,_ ol _,, other clea.ner, without -•iJa1! Hoee 1trekhee twic:e ita lencth, )19t tak• • -ra 1torac• 1pacel Juat a toot Ill diameter from 1wiv•I top \0 -1-1l.ida ~! World·, moat po-ful ca..- -.. ta --din whb H ._ work ! Quickeet, -'-t bq cha-..! Esduai.,. w&--Pilll WUICll ...... _____ _ c. ,,, ..... _ .... , .... Wa Olva Orewa 8 ...... $9.95 .... .............. _ ... _ .. ~ By PHVLU8 l . J AC KSON a.rd of llvinr. 'The ll:a11t cllnnot Ing have joined the local U..t of Thought by m11.ny of h\1 fr1end1 hope t o match the Ameriellnl merchants with the· openlnf of to be dead alnce hie ca pture by atandard•," Lewie aaJd. "u It 11 Spauldlng1 Jt'welere. 307 Madna j not bleued wtt h the vut terrl-the Japane.se dur inl' World War I tnrlu or natural r1che1 The Ave .• Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 JJ. Dr. C !:.D. Lewta. ualatant dlr · AD'lerfcan lltandud or life 1~ bl141d l Loefttt d In the recently f\nlahed t'<"tor of educauon In M1tlaya, wu 1 1 .. C A C Centl'r the new jewelry thf' house guut. N cenlly of W 1I· onT econom 0 ~ :.n. blued 1 •lory will offer a .. gl"llftd ~n- llam Spurgeon m . 438 Snug Har-mat~ri~.e ~== only mak:~ Ing" on Friday, July I!!. bor Road. . thoee It• fortunate anvlou• of According to Spauldlnc a line Rpurjtton. who played on 1Awl1 80methlng they can neYu have, Of Omega wa tchH . jewei. by Tri- n11:by tea m wtule 1llt'ndln1t the h Id ··w t to b j far! and fine diamond• wlll be . e aa . e ry com a t com-In th -A l,1mdon School of Economlc.11 and munl11m .. ~l l&S ed "by featured f' new ••ON'. na- J•11fltlcal Science at the University j poinUllr out ~;"~11:'.i~ and tm ot Ohio, Spaul<llnj(1 tint job M Lon<fon. wu not aware his America have ahl hfr kind or llv-wu delivtring pa pert tor UM Mar· frll'nd was 11llve until nollfll'd of Ing and freedom ~f speech than Ion 8 t.ar then owned by the late hi• vl1<ll J .J. Allen of Redla.nda communlaUc countr1t'I do, not t.hat w11~ a l•o a mtm~r ot the team. lhey have a h igher at.andard QJ I~"'" hu devottd hi• life to living." Re ll&ld the native., ha v· f'-i11c11t1on llt'rVJce ln Malaya. Mrv· Inc lived under .Jasien-totallt&r· In& 11 yeara. Aa part Of Illa work Ian naJa, bow u.. ~portanoa of •• a.ullll•nt dlrecl~r of ~Uon. t'rf'edom a bov. etiat of atandard of h,. 1s principal of a Khool where Ul'blf . ml'llf' lh•n ZOOO Malay, Chlneat' a t:o P&OPAOANDA 11 n11 lnthan boy1 a r .. enrolled. ....._ h , ,.. communtata In t urn, e RETTER R.f:H A\'J';D a.Id. t ry t o p ropapndlu Malay - BA LB ·:: A/,;,.·:., SOW "H""'JSO J t ft C'1uladlf'r "SicJ11 of The Paton" . Th··y are muC'h bettn beha ved 1 ant by eaytnr the capltallal.I are th1u1 Eni;llsh a nd American boy11 " 1 elllplottlng them. R t e&ld t.bey l&or)' Calllowl hf' 11a ld, "thf'y have a dlfff"rent point to the Immen•" Chlnese own-"4 GMS to "9e lerder" 11l\llude t owllrd ~ucatlon. It I• f'd tin m lnu . lurer than thoH tn ao11ght llfter by the naUvea." Oollvla. He pld rubta.r la another 9tarte We4. The "ducator •Id thue are r-lmmenae Chlnue end J:uropee11 1.-rett ..,_.. plllCU In the world Where Ole pro-capltall•tlc holding. •t1N .• •ON .• Tl 'U. IUellart "',...._.. it reH or t'duca llon haa matchl!d Tht1 le OT. Lewia·a flret trip to \'aa R etll• ,......_ co1a-a..•1 t ha t In Slnppore. He aald 30 I the United f5Utea. Betng a wpa-'9T•IH Y .. " I... WWV large primary llnd •!Ill aecondary clallat In geovaplly. ~ ..,.. not ..ct l<'hl)()l• 1A:ere recently flnlahl!d. t nUrtly unfamUlar w\l.h the coun-U.o Ra)'mOllCI .._, ··En1tl•nd thln.U the beat way try. H e la hare foT a 1lll-wfflt to..r A .... ...,.., .,,..._ r.c- tn combat communla.m 11 by ed • or thf' n1Lllon to pl.her ma tAlrlaJ "Dettry" "7 A......., ._._,, llt •llon," hi' t'lllplalned. ··rt i. the j ror lhf' tut or a 1f'r11'.t of tour "'··,,-r llWWft nnly thin& whldl w111 have any I Junior high l!Chool level georuphy '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rrf«l. It you provide t'ducallon booka which be baa a utbored. He : tnr the country. they r ... 1 you are 11 ai.o the author aJonc "1th Pro-Now ShoWllMJ t101nr 110methln1t for lhtm. The feMOr D udley St&rnp, proft Hor or flrtt11h policy In M•l•y11 ·· Ltwl11 r;torraphy al UnJven:tty of Lon· 1 t I u 11l. ··11 to ~nt fflf-goven1mtnl I don. of a wries of tow -\cw h11h I • whrn they can. But we mUtJt h•vr Mhool le•el book.a. educatt011 .flrat.tt WATE• W AYS He Mid t he educational pro· 41 ram I• Mrvlnc to ellmlnate tht r ultural col\1llct bco twHO t.ht Ma· lay and Chine~ "The Jap11.1111M durlnr lhf'lr occupation pl•Ytd one cuJtura •K•lnat the othrr:· hf' e_.aplatned. "•nd drove a we<lltf' "[came to Am•noa with 110 ptt- concelVfld notlon..'' he aald. Dr. l.Awi1 amlled ... On• thins amuH me. hOWl'vtr. You people bare have llC> m1tny .... ay1 to 1ct watn trom a tip. In my country, you Juat bt't""n lhf'm. On th" whnl ,. thr tum a ftu~t. lll!'r"t YOU may puah fttllnr bttw~n the two r11c-u la a button, pun 1tOmel.hlnir or m p ,.()O(f now:·· . I on llOmelblngJaJI to gtl water.'' , Dr. lAwla waa aao lmpr~ LANOl AOt: Dl\'1810 S by the ac-tlviUee of the Amt r1ca.n Lewla -Id a bout one thlrt1 of 1 womtn "dolnr ma.n'1 work'• In l hf' education Ill ~·~n In En1rll8h mllny bu111ne.s.w1 llnd profe1111ona. a nrl thr ba lance 1n Mtol"ylln and H,. -Id womm ln Amertca 1 01n1 Clllnue. Ha aaJd writt,.n M11l11y-l)lll toirf'Uler 1oclaJly In «TOUpa la a n I• Arable acnpL Indiana in lhl' alrange to molt 9r Ule n at of Ult f,.derau on comrnuniute In Tam-,..·orld. II. he ll&Jd. lAwl• la c-on~r11ant ------------;'~hay!'.t.h written ant1 spe>kf'n Spray G• Takeft The aducat°' beht'Vf'I U!e blJ• Tht'fl Of a palnl l')>ray fUll f rom J'H l t.aUclnr potnl Amtn ca hu In 1 ,,,. prt'mlau -. rt'potted to police trylnc to combat communlarn 11 Tuuday by Oeorgce Perlin of :SOO Ila demooraUc way of life, not tte W. &JOO. Blvd. He Mid the loH rnater1al bentllu a nd hl«fl 11t&nd· occurn!d !Mt WMk. 7th Anniversary SALE C~NTINUIS • Second Big Week C!oNM .... Mar R arbor !"81' th• . ..,." ~ itCh -··-...... Ill, .... .... WYN ....... 10M IWIU < -""'" l('f'(J . ..., 1'"1 ll*tf ,,., llt 0$(.M fl!C*Q_t l • ....,.,.,, ,..,.... ..... ., ~ ... ,.... ......... IJU.t ....... tl .. Utl• ~ .. -..:.:::~.~=:.e-::.­-..... -.. Kids Mat. Sat. 1 :~5 "MY DOG RUSTY" SHOE OUTLET Open Friday Eve. 'ttl 9 411 W. FOURTH ST., SANTA ANA 1700 PAIRS WOMEN'S SHOES I MUST • SOLD Thursday, Friday, Saturclar 00 s 00 s 00 - SIZES J TO 11 -WIDTHS AAAAA TO C * Red Cross * Cobbles * Tow11 & Co111try * Natwalizen * P-'fo * lrfthll .. Witt * Air Step * llsq• * Sanclers of lost'Oll * llc•O'NeA * Trltll-Trecl * Wa•·Over * Hiii & Dale 00 * Foot Aaln * Natwal lridte * Red Cro11 * larefoot Oriti•h * Rllytlmt Step * TWHdies * Ute Stride * Nalw at Poke * Para"'""' * Confetth * Westport * DelmaHrtel *Valley * De Uso Debi ' 00 - * C.ceDelaft• *A....- *Mad• ......... *C~ * Ja••••• * Nlalo I * Fwwcraft *Sobel * Troyt .... * D·AlltMlo * KhMI *Want• * M81'tlwlqlle ... a•d......, ofl1n ' 00 * 1%.95 to 20.00 Values * JO., to Day Charge Accounts Yo. Pay No .. , ...... Of I CanyillcJ Cl9arte at Kara_ D _.a C'ornll"~ bt>xts rt .nnir tur• at that ' Strik ing uamplu ot .,.tea ue t OOAS'l'AL 8ROPPZll 1J11111oe f!I GlftClpw a "11t'8~ ftt'p<•t 1~ ahOw th1• It thlr<I foul\ I naar Prtntvill• end LAil•· N~ltT HAltlOlt NEWS.'9tESS t.. W. llley ot O&tdu 0"3vt, time 1lmlw dam~e bu • ~n '''""" 1n Ore1M1. 1rco1d1nc to \ht worillaf lJl a lot OWMd by (' L dol\e. National Automobile Club. , JULY 13, 1955 PA6t I Bmith ot Oraap at tlT Vla Fir· ------------------------- -. J'r1d&y m ornlnf repnrted lll&ltctou. mlechlet Uuln Newpon Be.ch poUce .. Id paJl\t had been •plaahed on r the walla, tloora and PLANS llOTEL -H. L. Howard, right, L ido Iale resident and reputed Texas million- aire, bu announced plans to build a 100-unit Lu Vegu type motel on Harbor Blvd., 'TISO feet IOUth of L&mpaon St, Garden Grove. He is helping erect sign with Jay Stowell, Lon1 Beach contractor and Bob Watkins, Garden Grove real estate firm ref)resentaUve, who handled 5-a.cre sale. Motel will feature large restaurant, swim· ming pool and televiaion in ea.ch unit. -OCNS Photo Lido Executive Pl1n1 111-init Mo~arn Motel ~~~tt :S:t!:'t~er'::~-=-S617 295 City tn aa moderator. A bot debate en· I aued W'lth each man pruentlnr hi.a polnt for &J\d llg'alnat the tub-J Ject and a.n opportUlllty tor • re-une butt&!. The Toutma.at.n Club (tftll Building Permit Total Announcemvit ot a mllllon dnl· membera a cb&nc. to eapreaa view• lu. lOO·un!t mott\ and connec:Unr on a.11 •ubJecLa IO they may •peak resta urant to be built on II acru ln front of gTOUpe with Mlf LNur- aat to Dl.aneyland wa1 made ILl\Ce and polee. TomotToW at 7 p. Building permit• tor Newport today by H. L. Howud ot 30!5 m. Lido Tout.muters and New. Beach In J une totnUc>d 1817,29!5. Via Lido 8oud and Da lla•. port Harbo.r To.utmutera wtU ac:cordlnc to R. A .Glenn, cbte.t hold a Jolllt meetl.n&' at N-port buJldlng ln1pecwr. Thia la Wider H oward aatd the two-atory H bo y ch Cl '871,226 tor May or U\la year and For Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES Consult The S,.Clal MARINE SECTION In the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS •truc~ure will feature a irw+mMlnr ln~t.J' toa b~n uh. e'!e:'bfl'I are $712.719 tor J UJlt, 1964. pool and ot21er retreatlonal ta.cm-1 fU · Tbe largeat Item tor the month tlea. It will be of modern detllll. wu Included tn 30 iarmlt• luued Date of coolltrucUon la not yet M t, New· Stores Slated tor •lnKle bou.3cs which &dde<I up he .aid, but h• u pec:iLa to apply to $1108,980. Dwl'llln1r ~pain co•t· tor a bulldlq J>e""lt .,,ry 800ll. Harold A. Cu.nnlnS'f\&m Tuuday ~ 1-lbaa J lOOO tiot.u.ct Jll,• Howard 111 uecuUve Ylce·preal· took out a Ooeta M-city build· 000 for •o J>f'nnll• and repair• ol dent ot Ult Temco Alrcra.tt Corp. Inc ~t tor coMtruclion ot m ore t.han 11000, for a permit. la Dall&a. Tli. pa.11t w .... pd ~ 111.0ru at 2'76-T~Ta Newpon l&T.IOO. PRISS ");; over'h&Wllll U. a. NtLYY plaau Bl.-d. Z.tb:nated eo« of tJ:ae lltrUc· One n«w conunercJ&J permit a nd makln1 JM'r\• for t.ockheed at lure wu •"l 11t ll3.llle. Don r. wu l.uutd tor sn ,ooo and UltM Burbank Ourln11: the 1ummtr, Stevena w u named contractur. comm.ercla.I repalre f:i,7911. ~.~rl Mre H"~d~etb~r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ home on Udo Ja le. Mesa n Requests Trial on Charge Roy E. Hl.rl'Uon ot U lt Rtd· land PIAcl', Co•ta MtN , ln 8a.nla Ana MWllclpal Court pt.aded In· noctnl J une 2• on a drunk drlvlrlit tM:cua.uon u d aak~ for a Jury fria.I. Jud(e C'a.ml'ron &lated Harri· 80n'a trlal for Dec. 1 Co1l1t Mtaa police a.rrultd Har. rlt on B.-. au11e t he alle1at1un r&lf'd I a.a • hlfh ml11demca.nor, lh• c ... 'Wh llhlfl11d f rom Nf'wporl Ju..tk t Coiart ll) Munlrtpa.I C'ourt ln 8anta 1 A M . ' HurUM:>n Lll1>1•dl)I waa conv\cted I ot dnink drivlnf In 811.l> Dl<'CO four y.-an •KO. Toastmasten Talk Medicine Soclall.Ud mt.dlclne WU dJKU.· ed pro a.nd con by lh• Udo Tout· aa.tera Club T uu day n11bt et lla.rbor K oUM The a ttcDdlllg NOW! • New Pubilcatlon Days · MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Our buttons are poppin' with pride! Yes, it's The New Brat Shop twice as Big You are cordially invited to our Grand Opening FRIDAY AND SATURDAY JULY 15TH AND 16TH FREE GIFTS! GREAT BUYS! * Free orchids to the first I 00 women I * Fashio n Show 2 p.m. Saturda y * Free g ifts for Kiddies! * Sub-teen Contest. 7: 30 p.m. Friday! FRl.·SAT. SPECIALS The IRAT SHOP Featwrn: "'·'" Olrl'• Tnrc1e olM'k"'' "Ith "AP· popUn flnf'd ao", U .99 MnUWr1 Daqh~r p,,.,._, ~.9G In S IZ.95, ltl'nkeD !llu-, Na\ t t 4 f J.tll f'an..('an Wal"'Jl'""' pant~. "ma.ti to es.Ira laJTe ,.,..,.,., r'".J IAc> i!IPf'"la.I l'un-h.AM : 1'11po and J•.nt i.-. •.• "''f' t nnlJ ILU.Y· PKH t~ l!.98 ~da.la. hruk!'n .,,,.. ll to 12. no" ent.r . $1.99 .1.21 Tf'fl 1U1lno. t •amoo• RMUICI. flt?" I t n •• f'a.tb Mc lla.rdwood Crib wttlt Wat~rproot 11\Mnpna. Matt""" $!ii.NI Full l'lu Play Pen, •t.nd• 5" off n M r, H.f'r;. Ill.ti now. $10.~ Table al l!tW8 8alta, C'"'f'P"re, fllhorh. \·a1uf'1 k $1 ... DOI•, • ' ll(' ~i.. ot C'o\'f'ralla, ftotctw-r <Hrla, ,.on P'u.l&a. V-''""-to f !.U . ... --. fLU ao,-.• t to It ~ladai. r.-.. 111• Dl'tllm, ll.1. •J.N DOW, •. ··-·-..... Boye· Shlrt•. I to I , ~n1H'lr#, ~f'loUI. •C'· fl.H no,... . ~ Carter underwear, Billy-The-Kid jeans, Don Ra ncho shirts, Nitey Nite sleepers, Youngland dreues, N • n c y Ann Story Book Dolls, His -rl_ _ Nibs shirts -~J 's, Cat•lin a / -'1.£ swim wear. 6RAJ-t '9-IOP 1 I09 ....... ,.. •••• u ~·2 Costa Mesa ~ AT ti A.M. • trUI HHAY. IUlY 11 AT 11 A.M. * trlll Ml~HY, lllY II AT II A.8 . • IPlll 8llHY, llLY II AJ ti••· •l ,. ~ • -,.: .. • • • • .. • ... i • ~ .. ~ ... .. ~ ~ ~ ,.: .. • • • • .. • ... &. • • • .. • -... .. --~ .J • -,.: .. • • • • .. • ... .. • • Ii .. • -... .. --• .... • -.: .. • • • • .. • .. &. • • • • • -~ .. • -• ~ • -,.: .. The World's Most fabulous Woriderland Comes to life in Anaheim, California Fun, thrills, fantuy, adventure await you in this u citing new world of Walt Disney's most fabu- lous dreams. Never before has IO much sheer entertainment been brought out of lhe thrilling put . . . out of tho mystical future .•• out of the mysterious unknown .•• 1 out of the enchanted land of sto- ries, tales and fables to entertain you as you have never before been entertained. In this fascinating dream-world· come·tru. you will find treuurcs )'OU will prize for a lifedmt, G• perioiK:el )'OU will nliw for yean to come. Uadl )'OU .. it for )'OW'• self, you'll never t..Uove there exJata such a wondedud d Tt'Oll- derful 111tertain1D1Dt u awalll you at Dilneylaod . UVI TV N1V11W Don't· mill tlM COUMO•COUI te~ preview d DilnsJlaad.' Walt l>tmly'I Maaic KJ.aadom. IO be telecast live from Analletm. Sunday. July 17, 4:30 P.M. IO 6:00 P.M. KABC·1V, °"•• 1.1 Entertainment Beyond Expectation I VISIT 160 ACRES OF HAPPINESS ADMllllOtf AOU&TSo $1 _.,.. '9• ClfflOlfH _.., 12. ,()4 , .. "- 'AAKlHG fet 12,000 sort °'EN 7 DAYS A Wff~ 10A.M.-10 ,.M. ........ " .. .., .,,.,, ...... '"'"'" ...m. ... • • • • • • ~ ~ ~ -• • .... • • ;. • i ... • • • • • J ! ·-• ~ a ~ •. ·~ -• ?f -• • !I • ~ . -... ; .. • •' • -• • • .. e .. TOMllllWI'• • • .. :c -. • :; •.•. ,II" II AUr 'HllH Hl41 •.•. , .. "II A11U 'AUii• 11141 •.•• ,""ti nu ............. -..., ff" ; GOLDIN so .. Anniversary Summer Shoe Sale! BOtrP LADIES w .. $4.99 $284 osot·r CHILDREN'S Were SJ.99 $284 Servl1MJtMSIMtellff• of Callfonda '°"'Riel for Haff. c ..... ,. 1712 Newport llvd. GROUP LADIU w .... _s1.M s100 GIWC"'P LADIES Were SJ.99 $284 CRn.DU~ Stretclly S.. W f'N lh Next tO Safeway GROUP MEN'S w .... $7.91 $584 DENIMS arnwJt, NaVJ Bhw. ...... "''"'·~ $299 MA•IC mETCH NYLON HOii .... ,s1 .•1 -.. ~ S1.ll I Pair tor fl,!O Costa M ... COABl'AL SllOPP!!R l'Attdoe of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PAGE 6 JULY 13, 1955 31 New Teachers Hired by Mesa School Trustees Co!Dlncta tcw lltrtne ot 11 n ... t•chare r«etvad Coat& w .. a Un· Ion Bchool Dlalrict Board ot TNml· Ma approval durtn1 r.,ul&r -- 9'on Wadnellday nlJht. Two MW p1 lnclp&la wen Included ainone thl'm. 8alar1• ranrf!ft from $8600 to $8161 par year, dapendtna' OD the bul.a ot experience and potil- tion. PrlnclplLltt, an J<>M P. Puttln· b&r&tt ot 2872 Clul) MM& Placa, Cott.a Keu.. who repl&c• Theo- dore Neff, depoetd. Everett Ru School Pr1nclpaJ. Willard O. JlefH or R!vna wu hired u new prtn- dpal fdr th• achool aeheduled to be cONtructed -.t Placent11. A••· &l'ld WllJlon Bt. Until the NIW 9Chool ia ·ready foc occupancy, a-wUl be locat..d a t M&tn 8chooL Local nlllct.ftt.e amo.\I th• n-,._ IMtruelora Include: M,... Pomona: Dal L. Penrwy. P'&tr Oa.IUI; Mni. Dorothy Brinkerhort, Lone Beach. C&rmen Bcwa, Orange; Dale Hu&h Cole. Santa .Ana; Mra. Lole 8. Robblna, TuaUn; ~ore Smith, Lone Be.at:h; Mn. Audney McEwen, Santa Ana; MlM Beule JotwiHt., Compton; IUcM.rd Bo- vet. ~lh&mbra; Roy I\. Reid, Long Bea.cf\; M iu Marcuerite DUJl.l'lell, i..o. All&'••: Mra. Vtrstnl• c ap- aaddla, Lacuna Beach, and Mra. Allee Tolman, Santa AM.. With nine t.che,.. tram lNll ya a r 1ubmltt111e retifll&UOM wlllch were ac~pt.ed by the board Wtcfneaday nJgbt, It wu eatlmat- ed by Bualneaa Man&fl'er Ha.rrleon Seziborn that approltlmately 18 new lnattuctora remained to be hired tor the Meaa J1Chool diltrlct. Submitting re111rnat1ona were Suaa.1? Ca,,,enter, Gordon Scholle, JC.ya Galloway, John Bull, Elaine Mayo, Lowll Lehman. Benrly G<!Qde, Wanda Weaael and Haleen Berry. Marsvet Ann• Goodman ot toe Nan:~ A•e.; Mn. Vlrginl1. Ov- •rieM. 320 22nd 8t .. Cnet.A Me•; Blair Hamilton, 111&0 •, Tulftln A v. .. COllta MM&; Garl&n L. Wet-, •t. Ht !l. B~y. COllla Meaa; Mn. Janet L. Patteraon. 302 E. I ~ P'ront; Mra. X.n&nne Sha-I 't'V, 123 Apolena Way; Mn. Lo~ a tt.& 8'blan. 924 4Tbor, Coal& Me-I -. and Mia. Mary-Kay Tltu• ot \ Iii lrt1 A••· I Other11 are litra. Katherine C, WhJt.<a, Lacuna &a.ch; Ml'll. Ulllan A. Beaumont. VI.at.a; Mrt. F1oule (J()tf, 8M S.mardlno: Victor Sin-, Wiil, loUth P ... dena; Oonttl .. A. Zdroy, La. Anealea: Mr• Bernice 8ub Turftff, Alt.Adena: Mra. Beae lhM, Butta Ana; Roy 0 . Peebler, You Wiii Rnd Best In Every Thing You Need In WANT AD PAGES .\lRS. J AY BOHLE Mn. Jay Bohle in Bid for City Clerk Position "I have alWILY• beeta lnterHtl.'d ht r overnment", aald M,... Jay Bohlt. '2 l FernlerJ' Ave . r andl- da t.e tor the appoint.Ive poall1on ot Newport Bcacll dty clerk. Shi' re- turned l.ut October from Aus\.ra- lta where aha "watched bad eoY• emment.." (a oomblnaUon of Ens· lt•h an4 American formal and wouJd now "Mk• to work Wllh food 'overnm«nf". Mia. Bohl•. who i. the daughter of M.ri. Arthur IKUlb ) Gibb• of Balboa Iat.a.nd and niece ol .Mra. Frederick (Thelma> Hope of C'o- rona del Mar, wu fT&duated fl"()m Beverly HllJ1 High SchoOI IUld from the New Tork Jnalllute of rt n ILl\Ct!. She wu on the t'loor of the Loa Angel,.• St.ot.k £xcha.n1• t or 7 ye&r11 &l ti\• odd lot poet for Wll· Uam R. StattA A Co.. Ulen wt nt t.o New York wbV"A abe wu ln lht tommod1ly dt p&rtment of o .. an Witter Co., mf'ro b4lr firm of the New York 8t.ock .ltltchanire. Durlnf \ha WV M Ml. Bob" ...... 11.1pervi.or ot Ula 11th Anny Proo; curem«nt Stttlon. Yf'kahama Com- man<l. thtn tM>r"m" pro.:rlU'e dln -:- tor or Special S1>rvt<'l's , &th Anny J!:.n&1nwra. a pc>91Uon •Ille held for two ye..,.., Arter t.he war &M ~nt t.h~ Y'•" in Au•tralla &nd •ttendtd Syllney Unlnnl ty whf',.. •he 1t11- d1*1 pollllca.l eclenc:t , e<"onomlc hl.toey, lntvnaUonal law and JM- •ra.l (OVl'~t.. S\nce retumm1 to tl\\a country •he hu worked for Re.)"Tlolda Electric, whkh bullld be1' lo UI• At.omlc En•TWY Commi.\on at Mt l'C'Ul'y, Ne". for du.rallo«t ot the t.Mta. She wu wtlh the vl.aitore• bul"t'au a.nd made all ~ement.a for "1a1Uns group1 of Con~ Olen. military o'11C4nl and clvtllan i:iv-nel. Ford, Wilkins Draw Prison in Robbery Cise ll>J.."TA. A.NA (OCNS)-M&rvln Ruuell Ford. 21. and RooHvelt O&mtr Wllkln•. 21 . both or Coi t• Mc-. P'r1day were h nlenced to prlaon tor Ule tl'l'm prncrlbe<1 by law tor armed robb9ry. betlo11 ord•r. 9U~'1o~ Oourt Julll t' Franklin Wut or.Jered the HDtencu to run C:ODMCUllvely The j udre a·av• r ord &II added term-prucrlbed by-law eentence to nm concurT«IUY en AA ucape eha"I'•· Th• t\Me11d&nt.1 admltt..d rob- blnr Ted E. Wicka ot Garden Grove on June l, ta.king $220 caah at run polnt. They were appre· htnded by aherlfre depuU• mhort- ly alter the 1Uckup. INputln nuahed the duo out o( a fteld near the Ford home. New Teachers Get Okay of Local Board Ford Jatl'r .. caped from county hospital clad onl ybl a towel and wu captured lba next nlfht by Sant.a All& police. Tbirty-tbna MW tMdleni will com• to the Newport lkach Elem· ent.ary School Di.uict t.hia com- lnr year, tt wu announced T\lee- day by th• .chool boa.rd. The pair wu linked \0 at least a halt doseti other Oranra County burglarlu, one ot whkh wu list- ed ln the lnfonnaUon ttled &«•hut lhem: 11\e etiapman Sportine G00<11 Btor... 10$02 Garden Grove Bl•d. Avera('• •lary tor Ula new teachere will b4l about $f025 per year. Average aalary for all teach· el'9 Jn the dl•trtct wtll be $471!1 per year. TllM• Will be 116 certlfl· cated pen10nnal 111 the dlatrkt. t t l ot which are tn1tructor1 and !our admtni.t.nl.tor1 and nun.. NEW TEACH.EU Announces New Mesa Building New teacher& tor Hubor View School are tlret ft'Mle; Mra. Mar· ~t Ferro-. . Mlat Nancy Sheet.I, Mra. Lovell Uhrnaa: ee- cond rrade. MJea Nancy Jane Gar· rt.on, Mr•. Elaine Homea and Miu Alie• Winn; third grade. M.IM ~, Carl. Mn. Marti• Rich· J'rad R. nnch o( MO C-ter St.. ard.aon, Mn. Marcia Heae; tourth Coeta Meaa., Thurlday took out a grade. • Mrll. Phylla G rimmett. M.n. Nina Hixon: fifth JT'&d•. Mlaa Men city bu1ldlne permit IM con-Janet Coombe. 11tructlon ot a $U.074 alore and At Corou ~I Mu tchool MW ortke buUdlng at 18117 ·61Hll-M teachen will be. klnder1arter., Harbor Blvd. Finch announced he Miu Shirley McKelvy; 11eCOnd hopea to r t oonetructlon under-gT&de, Miu Norman Goodwto and way by July l!\. Ml'll. Helene Kennl'y; third grade, The 11tructure w111 be lnut.ed MIN S«mlta H&nnon: fourth on land curnntly occupied by Mil· graie, Miu Loi• Smith and fifth IPr Chevrolet. Company Ueed C&r fTllde. Mr•. NIU\ry Blair. Lot at u~ com f'r of Harbor Blvd. At N-port School, new teecMrw and Center St. Manager Tag At-will be, kindergarten, Ml• Loulae wood of the UMd car lot •ld the Michael: tint gyad.e, Mra. Bel'T)' Jot will relocate on Coaat tMgh-Hiidreth; llf!<lond gnde, Miu Bar- way In vlclnlty ot Martnn'1 Mlle hara K irkwood; firth grade, Joh .. within a m onth. Caae and MJu LoulH J'oot.e. Finch'• new Mea& bulldlnr )"Ill Hor1.ce 'l!lnatgn·• -teaclwra have a1x 20 x 30 f l. offlce. up-will be In th• 11btth grade. Werner 11taln a.nd space for two •torea on Ca rlltOn. Mr•. Charlott• Carpenter. the gTound noor. J ohn Mounl and MIH Karryette ~~~~~~~~~~~~ JUU 1, 1tll OeM Friftftdr. July i& the Birlttd.y Mot.th of L.gune feder•I. and this month ~ our 20th year of Mt"Yice to tM Sou+hl.nd. "' .Jvly. 1935. 0.. total ••w+I ..,. $4, 73 5. The c:vrrettt fi9U"M °" t h I s page are .ndenc. of ow tt .. ,., dtMS 9'owff, WI two deeadft. We tal. sped.I p r i d e in 04lf Stetemeftt of Conditioft .+,;ch shows "'°'8 tMn $2,000,000;..,..... seN"M end surplus -a doub&. sefecJuerd -to "f04lt fundt invHted wi~ UL ,,,i, ~ ,,Mme• tM $10.,000 "'9urewc. o1 .c:- COllfth. How...,, ow.,_ ~ is 1..o'litdM ;. t4'8 heppi""s end wel-~i"9 of fhott. MncK of SoutW.MI f emifies wt.o ._... .,_ low.cl ws to help *-"" to security. ~ of rnfnd end home ~p. To ~ •• MY .,,,.... yo.• few gM'"J "' • 20tl. 84rthdr, of which .. CMt .,. pr.d. During tt.. ..,.... ~ of Jaly ... ;ma. 'f<* to drop ;.. ead W'f tWo. Tltere's a gift w•i+iftCJ for you -OUR BIRTHD.A y I but h CJi~ .. few YOU! "' the l.CJUM Federal tNd'ttiOft of fried- IMtH, there's no ....cf for you to~• rte• Kcount +o MC*IN a valueble gift. J111t dtOf> ;,,I We d ~ ~ to ... you ebo.t our penondnd ~et;on end tfte procJ"•H of ow s... 0.nwnfe office wfiich wift open later ft9s ,..,,..... . c u R R E N T 0 I v I D E N D R A T E P"ry; home f'COnomln . Mrs 0f,..1· •·tft a houae and SU.st hom• at dlrle S.rku. 111evmlb and eighth 206 O<-eacn Drive, Corona del Mat, fT&de, JohA 0 . Granath Jr.; 1.nd I 1. 19Cll) CILdUlac. jaw~lry. all bank w .... v1rrwa Manton; lnatrument· acc:ounu and all llloclc.I. bol'ldl and el rnu.1c. Lewie KJdd.r; ~ oU 1.-In h«r !'lama. mua1c. David oi.on and llbrarlan, Mlae ).taberry admitted her hU8· Mn. Kathryn Sauc«nn.&11. band had irven bar '200.000 worth of proper1/ c1urll'IJ Utelr ~-year marrta1a. ln Ula .. tuemant. Ma· a 116' CadlllM', '-di. \anl ... counta, account.I recialvabla and oU •loclu whlcll WAH Ill hi• nam•. Maberry cha,....S w•aral week• -.o that Ml wUe rnoved St&.000 worth of t umte!linp \IUt of the Corona del Mar home wtthout Me knowledJ"a. Mn. MabC!rT:" 11Ued fo1 dlvorc-• lut year but dltftculU• -re 119~ up. School lullC)CllOWI ~rry rot I.acun• ~ach property. M•t le Removed ;;;:;:=:=====================.I Coat& M-Unton School Die· trlct ha.I been notlfted by the coun· t.v auditor that the old bunaalow• 1 at Llndberp School have to be d1flposed of Trouble la. a r1·ordlnc to Superintendent Evuett Ru. It coall a h .. p of money to haul the thing• away. "Ten yMn &fO," Ra& told board member• Thuraday nl.fht. "we ml'mbera June 30, .. wa could move I on" for $100. Today It. coalc $1000.'' "Somtone m~hl take them u a gift." Trustee Bradley Schwan: 1uggeated. ··we'd probably better contact 1ome houae bulldlne outflu. have them take a look and'" what tile bungalow• are worth," R-aald. "We cu &Jwaye offer them tor a new ctty hall,'' 8chw&r& nltu.cl. Maberry Gets Interlocutory Divorce Decree F)-om the atart. make your weddinr an ocu- aion of long ~embered good t.ute and dla- tincUon. lnvitationa Mt the tone of formal perfection. Conault WI on any problem you m&y have. • Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DllECTOIY .\PPUANCES -Re..-bold Parta -Dealer -a.nice UDO EU.:C'TIUO .. UH \'&1 Udo -Bartlor 61t1 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Nrw and U8cd Cani N l t:KERTZ ttTUDEllAJlEK 8alM IM!n1ce Parle UH Newport Blvd. -Ha.r. 11' llA.NX.8 a.aar •• ..._rk-6 111--r a "" M" V&a Udo -lbrtlor aaaa BARBER SHOPS l,100 8H4\'L~O M OO la ..Well'• 8iore for Mea Hll Vla U4o -lluttor ltll BEAUTY PABLOM UDO 84.LON or BEAUTY Ull Np&. lllv._ -Bar ... ,. BOOKS BOOK CASE UH \'la UCS. -..,.._ MN CAMERA.A A Sapp .. \'lNCENT UDO oauoe Met\'laUM-...,._ .... CA.BPEl'S a DUn:aDJI DICll MAC&&& NH Vla Ucla ...,._ &In SANTA. ANA. JULY -IOCNS) Wea.Ith}' Oiiman John Maberry today wu awarded an lntnll'tu- tory dlvor<"• dec:re. from Itta wife, CATEIUNG E. May Maberry. formrr m<:>del, of Newport Harbor News-Press IUOllAAD'8 UDO 1u•an c orona del Mu. on crounda of Mii Via Ulla -Bar"-1111 mental Crll•lty. 1"11..ILI~ a fa( ta Superior Court Judge Kenneth 2211 Balboa llvcl. Har. 1616 Clothla&""'~ an JI!. Morri.an vanted Ula daeree. ,, IEIU'IJ OF LIDO The jul!r• aao approved a prop-I ComlnJ IJ\ Al.IS\'9t erty retUement which g'&\'e th• L--------------------------" Me& Newpol'\ lll&vcl. STATEMENT OF CONDITION JUNE 30, 1955 ASSETS Rn+ Morige99 loens ------ L-...... ,.......4 l•.f Eete~i..l~ S.- i. l•.-e ......... .4cMlty. l.oeM °" S.YifMJS Accounts ------, T~ary IM•._ .... _._. .,f -..,_, .... _ $20,169.255.45 ___ 99,990.96 Propem.. Sold°" Contract __________ 5,231 .26 Re.I Estate Owned Mtd M. Ju~ 2.089.92 a.w.st"*··· .... Sec:witiet 445.000.00 CI 1 IL; el •• OS I Of ....... -' ~ .. ..._ L-.... SfMl. C.sh °" Hend .... "' a.Mi --------),010,291.64 w...._.~ .. "-'·'--~"'~·• CLOl'lllNG -Hea'a Retail BlDWELL'8 &BOP t'OK KEN USl\'lal..We -~r9"1 CLOTHING-Women'• RetaJI LA Rt:r~r; 600 \'la M.&ac-a.rtlor UIO UDO FA8HION8 lOO \'la Oporto -ll&rt»or HTl SBADDOCK'8 MU Via Udo -...,._ M'JT VAGA.BOND llOUIUI Imported Bporuwaar UM\'taUM-~MM DRUG 8TOBE8 VINCE~& UDO DRU08 1611 \.la LWo -Barbor MOii ELECTRIC OONTBACl'ORS UDO UJIWl'IUO ut•V&aUde-llafter&Tt't FLOWERS IUCRA&D'8 LIDO llAJU[J;T Cora&1-Tabla Arrangemtnll MU \'la Udo -lluhr NU FOUNTAIN, G&ILL VPfOSNr9 UDO oavoa ..... V&a Ulla -...,..., IOOI FUBNITUBE DICK llAC&.D UJI Vla LWa -lluMr UU GOT SHOP &JCllAJLD'8 LIDO 11CAU-.:T MU \'la Udo -...,..r 18?1 l:NSU&&NCE AGENTS w. o. sue·&. INC. ueen • .....__...,.... .. ._. lNTDUOR DEOOBA'l'OR8 B~CllE FU'UlEUOS A.1.0. Mll \'la Udo -...,...r ~SM DIC.'& lllACllEa N 10 \'ta Udo -...,.., U!t DOS CJl~OHTOS A. L D. II~• Im.pen• IOO \la Ma&ap -llaftor Htf MAJUlET8 IUCHAJW'8 UDO JllA&&T,T usa \'la LWe -11ut1o' t'lit ~.,. htdrew s. H.n ]1h% Offi~ luU;'"J end e:q..;p .... nt • ...d ~"9 lot, lMI o.p...a.tioft ---------· 241,122.91 De4en-ed °'-9" Md Ott. A..+s 5,976.92 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OF.IUIAILDT 8TUDIM HI• \'ta LUo -...,_r ~ REAL ESTATE ____________________________ _.r.rAmlml ... TOTAL ASSETS $23 ,916,156-06 LIABILITIES s.vinc)s Accounts ----------$19,067,967.40 Tw.lo .... _,a.....+H ..... "'-"'- -""~ ......_ .-4 -.... ...... low ... PTocett ------------2.796,0ll.20 O"-U.bai~ IOJ ,925.17 _____________ l,6ll.6l ______ l ,671,197.52 s.p.. ________ )41,409.44 L[J)() UAL TY ANOCIA TU Udo Sal• 6 ~t.ala ..... \la ...... -Halht *'" P. A.. l'ALM.£& CXC. aw ..ta Udo -...,.._, IMO VOOEL <'OMPA.'-Y Hit \'la Udo -a...... 617' BA\' ASD B~ACB AL\LTr \'la Udo Brld•• Off~ 1111 LATareca. -ltar'bor "'' SAVINGS a LOAN ASSOCIA TION8 ~"EWl"ORT BALBOA J(A\ l'W • WAS A~~OClATIO:" A 8av1nis ln•lltullon IJ>nr T~rm Home l.A•n• • _,.. \ la Udo -lC&rMr n• SERVICE STATION~ LUX> RICKFIEL.D NII ~""l>Ol't Blvd__,.ar, 4110 SHOES -Men'a A bulgla.ry ch•rw• &Cl.lNrt ~ duo wu ordeAd dleml-d In tur- l herance ot JueUce. F ord aJao wu 11tntenct'd to pr\t10n for term by TWO o...ce TO --OllUlll ca...., LM¥NA ~ -...,. •nm• ~al Retet wiet e..d Swpl.a -------2,019,606.96 TOTAL UA8N .. m~s $2),916, I 56.06 lllD"');LL'8 STORE roa ICT.W NU \'&a Ud• -Banar °"' SHOE.~. WOMEN Rt·1.r.•14 OY t.'AUf'QllSIA NUt \Ila Ucl-aA "66 -------------law tor Ylol&Une a prevtoua pro- / SatJTH GORST CDUSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAROE OR TOO'SJUJ..L UO SOtb SL, Newport Beach Barbor W! LACiUNA FEDERAL , SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION ANDllW S. HAIL, Pt elld1• 222 Ocew Awa. Piia•• HY 4-1177 nu:.ATRES UDO TBT~ Ta& Con1uJl thll ~per tor prorra.ra- \'la ~ at ~ewpon Ill••· Harbor !11' l'Ol'S UDO TOn.AXD 144.1 \'la Udo -11..-r 11M l'RA VEL ACENCIE8 HAMM>R TilA\"EL AHEXCY NII Sewport lll•C.-Mu. ltt& l.'PBOLSTEBING DICK llACIU..A MHV.U..-H..tlor ... WATCH au A.JR VL'IOt:lloT" WA TCll a. 4111 UDO DIUI08 .... l'la Lido WINDOW OOVDINO TU allA.D& MOP Jf-..... OM11 .,, IM , . . Watch for the • .IO!WPORT a RARllOR RE-W$m PRESS 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Monday-W eel nesday-f riday By Subscription or on the NEWS STANDS ·t .omplete, Newport Harbor News Coverage STANLEY COMMENDED IY LA IOARD FOR HARIOR$ llLL Lo. Anp1-Ooual'J 111&,....s.ors ~ omnmeded .._ wnbl)'ID&ll Ea.ti W. ltanle.,L.:~ Balboa Ialand, fM lll.9 work and tonac'lt la ~ 1 of an ameDdlD•t t.o puM!e rMOUJ"ce9 code maklnc polll6bl• deftiopmenl ot mor. llll&ll eratt b&rbora and -.ierwaym ln Bout.hem Calltoml&. Tb• 11Upem-a puMd a ruotuUon which noted Ulat the bUl wtll five a trem.ondoua impetWI to the amal1 craft harbor procram t.hi-oul!lout th• 1tate, that the bill repre1111t- ed th• reaultl of lollc 1tudy and painataklng tnveetJptloa by Auem blyman S tanley and therdor. the 1upervlaor1 r. 10lved: "That the Ba.rd ot 8upervlaor1 ot the CoWJty ot Loe Ancelu expt'u11e1 to Ute Ho1.orable Earl W. Bt&nlay lin· cere thank• for h1a aid and u alatance and con~ for a job well done." Loca1·-1artender Booked on Count DEATH Nonc1 L1'DW1G H . JlRAU88 A H11rley B«'ll bartender and a Reitel"\le Oftlcn Ludwtc H. 18-yur-old rlLSadf'na youth were Krawu1. 32. 963 Oak St., COlrt& Me- bookf'd on July 3 by Newport po· aa. diet! yesterday alter r.vlmmlnc lice for violation ot the alcohol a.nd i N 8t' h H t! red I bevenige a!'l. n ewporl ac . e au • a ~---~~---------------------------~ Ja~~·~~.718~~tt~~~ ~u~ ~~~.~~ ·Ave .. the bartendPr, waa booked ruahed to Santa A.n& Community ,.. (J ••• , &.. .. ·9P··· -..... --..... -~ .. -... ----on 1ui;plclon of selling to & minor ho11pltal f'arly Jut niJht and died c.-hlld under the buslne11s and pro-I there ahortJy after a.dml..ton. He fe11slonal code. He po11ted $2:)0 died ot a coronary t.hrombalii. ball a.nd 111 to appear in Newport -J ustice Court 3uly 21. He 111 aurvlved by hie wife, Jlllle. R ichard KLcseb11um. 18, wu am~ and daughter, Tamar-. 5, 11un nrderlng brer by two New, both ot the home addreaa. port Beach police offlcer1. Tl\ey Dr. Krauu ·had practiced op- nid Lasley gave the ~r lo the youth. t.ometry for about a yu.r ln tbl• -----------community. Fun•r•I auvlcu will be 111 Bur· Pomeroy Skiff TakH bank on Wednuday at 2 p.m. ta Mr11. H. M. Pomeroy ot 310 Eckerm11n Funeral pulor. B uena Vista told police June 23 Dr. Krauu w aa a reaerve ortlcer & II-ft. sklft pa inted white a.nd with the Costa Mn a force for th• peen wu taken from irf front of 1 put alx montha. He wu acUv1 In her home. She said t he numMr civic organizations and wu leader f=========================~=======~317~on~~a.nda.nR~a -~~~~~~~~ burned Into the bowaprll. to attend the 11ervtcea. ulllHlry lelYKe tleluxe •.• « Ntf•in p1icesl WHAT IS IT? ladhidually wuhed-wearin.r a ppart l ~ dried by tlltered &Jr-Clal pltt4'11 ~ lroned. Your clothu and Haem .,.. done vp ONE unit-no mlll- upe. -Wllliltlll1 muk 1 -r&1n10fl -'-• C•tle controUed IOapa. WHEN AVAILABLE • • . 8-'t'loe wtUWt houn It Urg'tnt. beca UN we do eYt,.,.ualnc rt1hl here. HOW MUCH •.. ft ii • b.rgein bundle too WHlltl •.• casa • onfy $2.85 for 23 lbs. pura Marln~n Mlle 11• .... 0-. .._VICE lVl'l'llJM HOl 'RS -\\'Ut.S S t;l :Dt:O" ..... , OOllPJ.El'E IAUNDERS ud CLEANERS Here's the Man of Tomorrow Of course you ~now him. He's the youngster who deliver1 you your newspaper. And he 's the one who's studying herd today pre paring fo r his role of tomorrow's businessman. The work he does, the accounts he keeps, t he salesman· ship he learns ere all lessons in his book of success. Keep your eye on him end watch how he grows end develops until he reaches his goal of independence end success. 2211 .... llY4. Harbor 1616 l NOW YOUR AUOl'ST Ol:HLE.RKJNO Au."\Ut Oeltlerkln1 of l:lmwood, Neb .. father or Mlaa Martha Oeh· lerklng, .upulntendent of nllJ'Wlll at Hoag HOApllal, died Thunday Ill hla homf'. MIM OehlerklnC n- to NPbruka Frldey to attend the tunerll.I. 'OH N T. LYMAN J ohn Thtodorl' Lyman. •II. dl4ld July 6 while 11kln dtv1n1 oN thf' <'Ollll al S11n Cll'mtnte. ff• rftlded Newport Harbor NEWS-PRESS lat 629 Wen Third St., Loe Alic· l'INI and WU UllOCl&ted wtth th• Motor Trarull Company . Ha l1 1Nrvlvf'll by hia wtfe. rrance1. ot lht homr adtlru11, Stt'vic• wen hf'ld July 11 al 2 p.m . ln UM UtU• Church of the P'lower1, r or.t Lawn. w lUI lntennenl lfl FOftllll I.awn M"morlaJ P ark. The Re9. Jarr.t11 K&nley ofticlatld. Balta Mortuary of Corona dtl Mar wall In cha r1ee of &rranl'em•ta. IS PUILISHTD 3 Times , Monday Tatw11Cllldllttett Kalbertne Tatum. 4 \,, 8&n a.r- n&rdlno. waa U-t.ed J\117 1 tw a doc bit• on l\a r polltartor. poUee rtported A 11m&ll boller owned by M a. Hartman. •811 lkaahore Or1vt. wu quarantined. Dril Theft Told 1 Wednesday Friday A drill and other llama wue rt'portf'd ml.lal.n strom a ("&ralf• by D. Of'rrard Hoyt at 261~ Creel· vl'w Drive Friday. Hoyt told po- ll<'<!! Ole lttma ba.d dlM ppaared dur- lnlt Ull put Wf't'k. $9080 Pennit Taket1 Permll for cooalrucllon of a $9080 dUJlltll and gar&«" al 131 f': 2ht St, C:O.lA Mrllll., wu t&kfll W"dnuday Crom lhf' Mep Cit)" bulldlnr d"partm,.nt by A Hatch. Don Harp,.r wa• n11mf'd C(>ntra.clor. GET-UM SOOY SCRATCHES AND NICKS 8EFORE RUST DOES I Mino, /Jody liejJaitS """ "1lnf 'fiuU-flp I I 1nl• Pl1a f ra1hn •• .,,,.,. l"ow " rh• 11mt 1n ''""'''i nd rtra-1nr hnd• •cr1rchr • •nd "' n11 "' ftt<~•' l•I ( S J:'1 rh•m !-rfnrt Ill H dof'' Ii o rnoch mt'r~ tto11om1t1 I rn K •IP 'our car bn''" ,., •ood t.h•J"" rh•n u •• tn rtre,•f u 1f1tr • 1nu•r'• alu•b •lld road ••111 ha,,. dnnr 1hr1t dam••• <Nr • Bocly hpon • do .... rlf.c1 rn1, •or"""'"• wc-rli fco • A•• ut for •n f'tttm•f•* No """· ,.. --... liiiiiii ..... ~~:O~ra.n:::g~".'":'~~o~u:n~t)~ .• ~~~ --- COMPLETE AUTOMOTl\'E CENTER Suta Ana ·You Wiii Find q COASTAL SHOPPER EdJtJoa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS JULY IJ, 1955 PAGE 7 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 MVEl &&VE! SAVEi SAVEi McCarthy's 1 0 0 °lo WA 11 A 'N TY Used Cars Best '53 OLDS. '54 MERC. In hper ....._,. .. (1oup41. hll power. ~ u ... a.,..a wWte llldewall thw. Down $690 lloakre)' ...,... top. R.t II. Onrdrive. a.uokH RMI tt11r ,.... WMU.. 111.aM-h· -.C I tOIM!I i-twr latulor. Every Down $690 '55 IUICK '54 OLDS. Thing SpedAI Riviera Hard t.op. f'UIJ power. S toee Polar ..it.a o\IW tll.,...,... W8W u .... 'l1aW .--. eua-.. la\ertor. liluper Holiday M . ArC'tln wlllw ovf'r <'IM'rokflf' nod. llaklll•c lat.-nor~ l'o" •r atffr. Fully e11ulp~ $2775 Save $500 You Conwertlble Sale! Need a.low an -of tile Oreateet Buy.. we•ve •v•r offf'rMI: '54 Cad. 62 COll.,-loaded w. xtra1, dn. $1175. '55 luJck Super C0ttv., Power, Save ...... $1000 In '54 Ford Crestli• C011v •• R&H .................. S 1775 '53 Ford CrestllM COllY., Auto. Dr ....... $1575 •53·Chev. hi Air Conv., R&H .................. $1475 '51 .. ick S.,... COllY., Dy11e1flow ............ $1075 WANT '51 Ford C111t. C011v., R&H ........................... $875 50 MORE GREAT BUYS AD to ICIY• Y• MoMy! PAGES 1420 SO. MAIN SANTA ANA ()pea ~ .. "1"I • -All 0., 8aada)'tt llu.kTenm Jump on the Summer Bandwagon Sell·A-Bration with our July Tune-up Special 1941-1951 Ford 6 Cylinder Engine lMl-1953 Ford 8 Cylinder Engine 1952-1955 Ford Overhead 6 Cylinder Engine 1954-1955 Ford Overhead v.a Engine Theodore Robins Y oar Pont o.ler 8IMe 19%1 Oii llartrr'• Mlle J100 W. Coast Hwy. L,m,erty 8-3471 r I I • ,. OOUTA.L lllOPPD ~ el "AGE 4 • PART 11 -NiWPORT HAllOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY. JULY ll, 1955 1 WANT AD wfll coat yo" only $2~ encl It will run in •II 4 j""'' A Minirnu"' etl i• 4 lines. ,._. MarW 1616 Ne....,. llarbor ,,...,..._. Monday, We4b_..y aH F!Ya7 edltlou, Pim the CoutaJ Shopper, Weclaeecla7• D!LIYIRY GUARANTIED DeUvery ·of the Newport Harbor Newa·PNll8 ia guarantfled. Carrier boys will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Jl'riday. It your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bi:ing your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PR~ Every Monday, W ... sday a11d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Couta.I Sbnpper Ad• rua ln U.. W..._.,. N_..p,_ t Unee 1 luert.loa tLOO ..W'I. U.. .16 -. 4 Line-2 ha.erUou l~ add1. liHll .16 -. 4 Unem 3 ln11ert.lou 1.00 add1. U.. .16 -. C LlllM C luertioM Z.50 add'L U.. .16 ea. atn.doa w .. w Ad• w1lJ roctt" 15% ..__L ~la-..._ ... ,. llJNDIUM AD 1.8 6 LDfU A.D a-lfted Acla muat be ~ for Cull la adv-of peWIC!MS- Tb• publJ.then wllJ n ot ba reapon.tlbl• tor mcN Ulan Clfl• bteoft'ec:t 11\Mrtlon ol an ad, ruerve lh• ri.ht to correcUy cl&Mll)' any and &II ad.I and to reject any ad not eonlonntns te rul• and ,..W.tlona. D~ADWNES tor plact.nr or eancelUq ade an: For Monday Publication -Friday 6 p.m. .~l)r W~dnuday PubllcaUona -T\luday 1 pm. For Friday PubUcaUon -Ttlunday 1 'P rn. NEWPORT HAa80Jl PUBLlllU!liO C',(). HI I "-JIMa BIY._, Newport lleM*. Callforal&. ~--~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~-~~~- Classified Index I l"unf!raJ Not.I<'" Z l "ard nf Thank• t f'unf'ra.1 Dl~torw 19 Bual-Otllde II Bulldtq ......... It lkdWIJl,f ...._ I• J•,.l'M'>nall I ;\ l"b&rt1 \"our <'ar I fl Tnui•portatlon 11 Koofln« '" n.-au1r Ahl• 11) HMIU1 AWll ~'? 1,-t Mid t'ouad !t l'4<"hool11, ln•tnacUoa ti' '41taatlona Wuiw.d 29 H .. lp Wa11tH l\O MllM'f'llAM-o• 30-A K"&P" JICHl Appl~" al Wuitf'd to ftuy SJ Fumllur"' for 8&1e 12·A Antlq°" JI 8-t1. ttapplift It M~e&I. Radio. T \" 16 0o(9. Cata. Pe~ l!lpecla.I No&N y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. • l767 >CHI~ .-..ry Thunlday I p-. Vta Oporto -Cf'ntra.I 4.,., Newport BMdl .Ut>.rt R. MatUle_.., ExaltM Ruler Elec. Tool Repair 111111 law1. Orllls. Sandtrt QUlCK SER\,C"E LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 6:11 ?\o. Newport BIYd • ?-:pt. Bdl. Llberty 8-IU&. 4 4 Uc PAINTING nn9IOR -EXTERJOA LICSIN81!D -JNSUft!ID Glenn Johnston IOl • 3llt St. Newport 8each Barbor 3171 22Uc FOR RENT 1111:1U ...... Slee. Dr1U., Nabers. all l1Jlfi9 of 8and,re, fteelb&r· row•, •\c. BOYD'S HDWE. H30 W, COAST lllGXWAT LlbertJ ~. N~rt 9Q lltlc Palntin1 Ir Paperh&nrms We do the work~ 30 )'t&r9 ..,,.n- Ucen.ed A """'""- 8a tl 1f&ct l<'n suanisteed. Ealmat .. free. Qall .1..._,, Ll 8-2687 Ir LI 8-6119 lltfc CARPENTER Repair Work 0.. Yea Boe• ,. ... ""~ -....... , Olll ,..,..., &.All'\y ....... AD W9* O.....t..cs 7ttto BION RICE, INC. ~nera.1 Contractors Balboa Ir Palm Sprlnr• Plana -r1Dandll1 Harbor 04-W THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOUR AD whep. you advert.lie In the Cluaifiecl Colu.m.na of the N eWlt· PreN. ThoU.t&.nd• or Pf<>PI• ~vuy day tum to ?l:e""''t·Preu Clautn .. A,. to aauery their wants and th,.lr needa. Th~y want to buy '- ~nl or 111'11. Thty --· te ~ ... helpu, or ftnd a Job. And thty tum to lit• clllN1tlcallon tll•t a.dveru-lhelr .-..n\a. Genera I Contractor NEWS· PRESS Cluaified Ada LICENSED Ntw Work -Remodellnl J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R · 58tfc Painting, Deooratlq Paper Ranlial am. BURKHARDT UCllH'll!D OON'TIU.CJ'Oft 819 W. 18th I\. 0... M.- 1..Jberty 1-1821 non• ftarbor 1e1e Mo.t RMI F..tate au.tiled Ada ,..... ,._.in. pv~U... .... ..i U.. .. aan7 r-1 ut.at• Cluatlled Adm u a.lJ othu local ~comb~ HARBOR 1618 COMPLETE PAINTING Ir Paper Han~ Service EUGDB: 0. a.4~ERS 600 lllt SU.&, H9wport Beacb Bar~ 2t1t or Bar. 6'4t. Uc House Plans LIBERTY M261 lOUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENJ>UJA Pf,.UKBING ...... .,. Repair Service MaintalJled Pbooe: Harbor 4624 ll01 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach plrp PAINTING M. W. ROSS L1 8·3321 -L1 8-7823 280 Avocado, C<Mlt& Mua 70p83h CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0. An~eNGD 1014 E. Balltoa Bl\'d.. Balboa Har~r N60 83Uc l)Qlverpl Bldg. Maintena11ee Wa.U.t 6: window Cl-.nin.I' noon. Juiw a.no.. PhaM J14111or "11. f7,_ Roy's Maintenance HO\Me clMatJas-1'1oor ,ruillf WaJt wuh1D1~WU1dow clf&Jllnl Venetian bllndL UpholalU'J lft.IUhd. Pt• Jiit.imai.. LlbutJ 1-llU. Ulc EXP. 18 yr. old white rtrt will aa· ai1t wt~ cblldru, live In. Ret. Phone Pa,adena, 8Tcamore t· 3185 or BYcamort 9-4380 collect. Dee BPll\oa ,1118 !Aurel, So. Paaadena. 711p77 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1M9 30tlc SJCC., Steno.. Bkkpr. fut .t ac· curate ahorthand It typtnr. By the hour, day or week. LI 8·2113. T1c71 HOUSEKEEPER. cook. Uve In. Drive. Jl'rencb. ~· M . Bruneau, MO-JC. 21at, Ceeta w.... 17p7t Holl.le keeper 1ome cookJnr live !! !e!P w..... ------ ' ' ' 1'red of Loaftn( T W&11l to eetn • •• ftei.I' Re.-arclle• of ac-ll Ma!UIJ 6 act4V• )'OU ~ •tart • MW wU· '1\S C¥HC· rrot~O!W back· ll'Oung p~er~1 car nrceuary. Wrtu Bo• }(.a, tlti.t new~per. Tk17 CONTl\4~ B·l Ueef\H work · la• aupefl.at.endq i f1900 per month. Apply in ptrlOa 9 ,.m. t.o 8 p.JTI. Thure., fri.. Sat., Sun. J3o:;, 80. Main St., Sant• Ana. KI 7-011. 77c78 »-lllacellaaeoaa BA.BY Busl')'. Teettr babe, CGr aeat, baulnttt.. wrtncer t ype wuher, 10 caure ahot sun, Roll· a -way bed, reuonable. Kl II· lH-0. 72p77 For thoae who want lhe beat Konkel's Interiors Uphol11t~ry, drapenu, bed•pread.t. .1Upcover1, Nl'w phone Ubt'rty 8·7973 431 E . 17th 8t., Free Eatlmatca Costa Mua 71p84h ORIGINALS .APTER.NOON, Cocktail, c11nn•r dreu• 6: Coordlnat- ~'--~~-'!'*: ----------w ashina Machine Cl 1:R VI Cl!' l·YMI SU&l"&JllM Oii )Obt done and 011 \&Md truber& ltU"' trear1 Ntwpart Bl~ C't.ta w-. Liberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. ttc.tc IO CU. FT, urrl1ht 1ub ~ ...... "· 12:10 Good condition. ltM Gartt>ra It Sattlf'r rangl'. auto oven and burner rontrol. $1711. Good rondltlo1111. par. 7Tt·J N u 8·10811. 7k77 4C GAS Ranae. Of'Od OCllld. Old. $20. 204 ·~ Apolf'na, Balboa h· land. Har. 2800-R., 7:0.~7 TABLE top gas r:ui1e. good oon· dlllon. $30, Har. 3118-0·J, • 76c77 ~~~-~--~~~~ SERVEL rdr1gerator. Good con- dition. 1211. U 8·20t2. 78c77 Used Automatics ~I.!!!!. I~ I ff.-.. ~ ..... T v 30-Jl'T. SPORTFlSKER. new tn· SrlNll:T PtANO, A•au1tt11l c•aa1 .. J1nf, new r-u lank•. " watt ton1 Utll• ial'<I 811V1 over Jll''O marine radio. l:qulppt'd for live on thl.t. Another b4rpta. Mir bait • dt~p -l rolUn1;. $4200 ror type lpinet only MM . ._tany Terma or $38DO cuh. U 8· 7Q:;,2 othH wo11cl,,-f11l huya 7~·i7 OANZ·S<"HMIDT M11a1r ("C' ----T-RA--..... 0-E----~O No Main 81 , San1a Ana. Beautil\d To-tt. Mia. ecllooner. Fully found, 10 tAfWbtre. Wiii take equity In Pl'OJ>'rtY or •maJ· ler boat. 1220 W Balboa Blvd., NeY{p()rL Har. 3032, 3Vlfc WA N'MO TO ft.ENT BA l..BOA. BAY. Pier or 1llp for 21 It. AJbatrou •loop. Prlvatt or comm'I., 1pace. wrtte Bo• R-7, thl.t paper. 77p78 WANTED 18 lo 18 n. Lyman le· lander, rentury or ysrht t~ndf'r. 106 \'la Udo Nord. Npl Be11 rh Hp SACFJFlCE, 13' boat. I hp. motor. 17 hrs, only\, 6 new trailer with w1nch. r.ite prtatrvers A 1•ani. I fl60. 11112 N. Baker, 8anta Ana, 77p711 Alwaya 100 planoa • Plano • bench GSOllGI-~ STEC'K upright Gran.I St:>O Wb 8·121;, '18r1S SPECli\L BUY ~ BJCAUTl~'l'L &llun1le Sl'l~rt 1•11tno. Famo111 m~e. Rr111"1 rf'lU111. l.lkl!' nC'W. ~ave 12Zl C""'"'f'nlr11t tt'rllll II' SHAFF.R"S M11sl<' 1·1. 1Sinr .. 19071 42l ·t13 N Sy. 1\111111•' ~1n111 Ana • f'hon• Kltnbr1 1~ 2·'1117:• -----1211' f'Al'KARll 111-:LJ, TV. Table mo<ll'I, only J:l!l Ml SOli RaJlo A EltctrlC' C'o. H2 Marine A'"'·· Balboa l•lamt Harbor TM. 77r~ll MOTOHUI.A < 'onlK'lle 12 'a" c:00<1 flll'I ur" SOS Ralllo It El Kt rk t"1l. S39 .50 to S99.50 Delivered ln.ttalled, ruaranteed. 34--MWllcal. Radio, T V Ul Marin• .A Vf,, Balboa a land Harbur 780. '17c78 Ttrma Available WANTED 60 l!SED PIANOS for ORGAN SPECIALS We Service All Appliance. our big rrnta.I d~pL Hllfhest ca.ah Specializing In Automatica allowance In trade for Organ, HAMMOND ilplnf't orsan•, 11c• S ... R t 1 G d pl ntw. Bii NVU'll•· -------------In or out, or day worker. Oood Cu.tom Dre.ssm&king At1to. Wa.aber Enterprieee ...-·• P ano, or ran &llO. DANZ·SCHMTOT, --2841 Newport Blfd .• Colt.a Me• 520 No. Main, Santa Ana U1V!:LY 1tn1le manual eleclronlc CEMENT & Bun.DING All K.lnda FREE ~STIMATES Libtrcy ·~109 ASPHALT TILE Alwnlf'llUJ\ Wall Tile Mtsn. Dtatrlbutora Whole•le prlcu ln Contractora It Tll• SeltH• LI 8-7493 68tfc "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW machll'le procna meth· od. Rt'uonable pricn . Avtrare 2 tape ruJdenUa.I blind. Onlv $1.00 Blind.I rep .. lred and rebuilt. 1'1"te P ick up and deUvuy Work done by appointment Phone UWrty 8-11701 or Kimberly 3·8274. pptlc 14-Pe ........ Alcoholic. AAOA)'mou. Wr1t. P. 0 . Boa Ill N "'PO"t Buch, Calli. PIMIDe ..... 4196 Superfluou.. Hair ..__.u, remOYed from r- anu. tep. Eyebrvwe and balr liAe llbaped-No more tweutn1- EU.EN L. BRT AJolT R. &. Udo'1 a.Joa ot BeautJ Bar. 2171 "' n-1..o.t ud Foaad LOST, French Poodl• Park .,ra7, blue eollar. Newport Bc:h. lie· tn• 'Ii 13tl Na.Jtt~ "Sunday". Rc1ward. Har. 1988-J er LI 8- ~-7l'te 77 LOST In B&lboa. LongutH tad.JN ~old wrlll watch. "1adt band. Liberal ttw~ et• .. Balboa Bl-.cl.. 8&lboa Up7t LOST on Balboa Penl.n.tui. Point, J)6.lr ol pnacrtpUOft eun gl-.-.. Brown cue. a.w.rd. Call Ha.r. '320 eYGlnp or Bar. 322~ da ya. 17p7t CONTRACTORS ALL CLA.SSIFICA TIO NS STUDT 1n apan Ume for C'Ollt.rac- lor'1 tsamln&Uon under a sen· --1 cOllln.ctor wtlll 2t yeara _,.nuice. ci..... T\au. and rri. nu. 7:30 pm. AUuid tlnt ....ion rru.. Beg1.n anytime Al Tvler School Hll No. Bro..dway, Santa Ana n.. 111m~17 2-t228 or KI 7-1511 ti• Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN It WO~ prepare In spar9 Um• for Wlllmlted opportunJU• la ft.ea.I EA&te. N'w c.1ueet wt!MJ7. A.I Tyler lnatructlnr. At.. t-4 tint even.Ins me and leana about UIJ• sr-t netd. C&U or wt'iw n-. Al Tvler School HU ~ -Broadway, 8ant.a A.na kl f·Ull-Kl 6-HU·K.J: 1-2::>13 Uc China Painting °'1 aa4 1:nn1n1 0..... OMenl Taken Now ..... LlbertJ 1-6141 II ..,1t1o•WuW Mlle ---CJAANINO A IRONING by the .,. lllrper1aced. Bal bo& btan• p...te!Ttd. JO a-eote. 711piT ILUIT lrrTING, anytime ot daf or nlJht. waelc and• ln4."1Uded. All ll(eL 9111 W. 18th 81.., Co•ta Mea. ~rtJ' l-t>H8. 7!\piT ,..fOIWlC!U, Kl 1-4"3. 71c79 Ph. Harbor llH8·R 11p84 Liberty 8-7808 (Near Oclll Cour.te) or(IUI In J'.l<!rfeC"l condition 89''• GARDENING Upp SMALLl:I\ STUDIO Plan0 with U OO. Con\'<'nlent tarl'M al E I S • I ------------full 88 keyboard tn nne con· SKAF'ER"B Mu11lc Co. tllnce 19071 nve Ope pec1a St-Wuted to !!l dlllon. Term1, f411.M down and 1 '21-423 N. Sycamore, l&J1ta .lna M'1ntcnance and yard clean-up. Kimberly 1·30111 d.ay• or Hai bor 1034 evening• • week end.I. '111p80 Hl(h quaUty #8'4 white resu1ar • fll.11 per mo. at I l"tlone Kim~rlv l ·OITI. . anvetopca printed with comer ~ :'NTED: ' clay bed divan. 6 SHAFER'S KU.tic Co. (Since 1907) · return ' ' baby f\Jmlture. Harb. llt2. 421·423 N. Sycamore. Santa A.na '6 PB:f\ MO. ,..nt.. fOOd pra.clll'• G.ARDllNlNO $3.9. 5 TlklT1 n one Kimberly 2·0l72. pl&no. I.At ~e klddlH IMrn. AP· per 1000 -ply term renl en pu~haH. OOol1 With thl• ad. Explru July 22nd. ~ for 8aa. • ' HAMMOND Orsan. SlfShlly uMd. uaecl piano. IT&, tat, e111, f1117 YoU7 yvd maJnla1ned by month or day. Clun up 6: pt-.nUn1 by qper11noed prdenar. LI 1·71179. Mall copy and check today. Good bll' •vlns . Another won· e\C. Lowen lel'l"l\I. FOX Mlv. 709 E. Center, An•· Near-Nu Fumltun Ma.rt dert\ll buy..Jtammond Chorrl Or· OA.m-8CHMJDT, 1&p71 helm. 73c711 pn, Little U.ted. The Of'Ju HO No. Maln, lanla A--. OOOD UlllD ruaNITVl\.ll everyoae can play. Alway• 100 ptanoa. LICENSED eapertenced aldp!>"<r 18" DE WALT SAW on trailer, available part time or yearly '300. See a t No. 1, Balbo& Covet. Har. un-w. 78p78 83tlc WORKJ'NO MO~! -Child care ln my home day Umu. Newport Helpl.t &reL u 8- 7'7'. 7k711 Fresh Hearing Aid BA'I'TERIES Wa Give MB Green Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main BL at Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 1116. 98t!c BlTUATIOM WA.NTIID ·-Girt. 11, wanu work In Doctor'• ot-1 tic• II\ ttubora &nL Call LI 8-31~. 76p78 ------------- MAN 6 WOK.AN wtn do ..... ...i YARD AGE bou.rtrortr, noor wu.inr. win· Inventory Sale .,_. deaat.ns. r,.t worllera. whtle. lit II:. IOtb BL. Coeta on Oulper'1 P'abrk a 11--. LI a.1113. ppU al Wboleaale Prlc•. llARGIE WJCBB B.AL!!IL.ADY, full time. Mu.It han knowted1• ot .. wtn1. Al" IO lo tO. aNIP 6 BTJTCH. 109 Marine, Balboa Ja!and. HAr. &HI. T•Uo auu.a · YOU wW ha .. UI opportunity to advanoe la our firm. ~ ot °"' p,_,.t ... patWOQ procnm. Tlle lt&rUnC aaJary ll cood and 7ou will recel"• tnqueiat lncnUH, loo. J obil now tor : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - &It'-' Ne. Mal" a1 .... , Am. 111 -Sula Ana t ;OO to t :OO P.M. PACinC TELEPHONE 19M Bo. Cout Bl~d. Lacuna Beach 83 Uc. EAST Spln net wuhln« mac.bin~. high cha.Ir. baby bUf f)'. Almost new. Lrberty 1~440 evenlnlf• • week•d. 78c78 1000 EMBOSSED bU.tiMM ca1d.t U .99 a Un• Rubber at.amp 11.00 t Line Rubber 8tarnp with cut U .00 (184 cut.I) Book Mat.ch• ~ W .· WHIT!: Ubert7 1-4011, nu, LI 8-6150 pptlo Apricots ' We ~tall.. tn tree ripened Royal apr1coll for home can-ntnc. JO Ut.. I~ and a lb. t>u- ktt&. Hillside Orchard Utlc Btt'llll'ffa 22nd and Ur-d on TU.tin WANTED: Olrl tor part ume lloUMwtrlL LI l -3215. Ttc7t WOMAN lQ aid mother In houae-- hold ctuu11 It care of thrM chll· dren. 10, 11 A 1-. yrt. old. P'IH day wnk. M u.t. be ca,.bte of at tlm11 u.umlnr tuU rupon.e- lblllty. Bala.ry UlO month pllUI ear • upenM9, Har. ut7-JU< AYe, Ooet.a M-. 70t!c ANTIQUES -Old tumlture, cut flue, a&mpa, old plctu. "11, cloc.lu •tc. Be.rsa1111 pJore. Bir &. count.I to dealcra. Chatll• Dani, 1806 ll. .Anahetm I t.. Lone Bffc.h. llJ0-131. 29Uc t dr. ch .. t ..................•..... 112.711 DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano Co~ Ii dr. cheet ···-···· .. ····~······U~.110 620 No. H&Jn, Santa Ana 1'1°' Con111>le Televltlon ........... 145 3 dr. cbett ..................... -.. f9.7::> ------------11" RC-' Vl1ter eoneole wttl\ Wal.Dut Mt. bed, *-r wttll 11•· mim>r • cheat •. ....• 141.IO Cbrorfte '1Aette t.a~ ""' I cha.lr8 ....................... ... ... ... flt .Ml 9"eral •t. ot lllnlas room dla1N --··-············· ..... 12.711 M.. Good ... ,.,. ... nr.ao to tlt.00 lllt """"°" Blfd., Npt. Beh. ll&rlL NII 'r6o71 FOR SALi:, da•en_,ort 6: cl\a.lr, bedroom t\lnll.thlnp. Odd ebalr• 6 tablea. C&U HT. •·1M7 monl- IJlp. 715p17 DOUBLll oak deek .... at 1506 W. Bal~ Bl•• .Han. llU. 7k71 --~~-~~~~~~~~-WALNUT dln!nr t.&llil• 90x4:1", 1 leaf It t lv1 chair&. Good condi- tion. I 111. 3~• Marcua Ave., Npt. Beach. (Near Qty Hall). 77p WALIUCJ\ for Invalid with at.re attachmenta, f4ll, two t burner 9"°"' wtUI -. tlO A PO, ...Uty wtUa 11halr ... Harbor 1211..J '8t!c LOVELY antique drop leaf t.tble. beauU.tul walnut ha\ raclc. 2 Mont~rt"y l1J>e cha.Ira. Har. 1881 att•r I p.m. or week tnd.t. 16<:11 Private Sale Antique le Modern Between Br\ltol • JCnrll.th S&11la Ana. O~n hou.ae July 18 la 17, 12 noon • 9 p.m. COM& browM around. -11:11 away with old claM. cJUna. tum1tur"' 6: br1c-&·bra.o. 12c711 CHINESE anuff botUt1, Porc~laln, clock•, commodN, c1J1tl'r Ht. back tu u .. NatlonaJ ~papb· I~ ,u.ed book• • rum Hou• ot Jordan. 2272 Ntwport Blvd .. ea.ta Mua. 7SpTI llTZINW A Y GRANO. Gorreou1 In ewry way. Parlor •l~e. Thl.t WM4erNI lnltrument at a bl& aavta,f. Kany other Grandi. Ma· -6 Hamlln. Knabe, Story • Clarll, etc. Ptlce1 $*811 and up. DANZ·SCIOODT Plano HO No. Ma1Jl, lant& A.nL 100 planoe. WOW! Read This! Wt ~r t-1,Yl.tlon recelnn u d radJoa. You pay J O day• la· t.r, wllett •tl.tfl.-d. Ne ,.rt1 ln· lla1led aot needed. L&rs•t lbtc.lu.lllve RCA Victor d~aln In areL Part.I It Labor 1uaran~ tor S t\111 IJIOnU\L 2904 E. Cout Highway, Corona Del Mar. KA.r. 8491. LEWII W. TARTER. Owner. UUc t\Jll remote control, r educed fl 21 RCA. Victor H igh FldflltY phono. Mahor . full doors, rrdUCf'd ·-.. -·. -·"· .. ~· 1100 F. M. Table nr.dloe, only . Sit 90 TV IWnt.W 6 hrYtoe Tarter Televiaion Co TWO LOCA1'10NS n«M m. ~Hy., COl'Ollll d•I Mer 6: 274 are..t-1. lAC\lna Bea<"I\ Ph. Ku. IMtl · or HYatl '-6."'I • 12tre ORG.AN. Electronlcl Ulld but In eitcellent con dlUon. Two man ual•. Fine fiw ehurch •• '°"1f' You CIJl llM'e 1800 on Ulla pu.r cl\ue. OANZ·SCHMfOT, U O No. M .. 1n. Santa Ana v' v' Check these Used Cars 8\.17 """9 a 1oea1 dM.let' wM wtU M """ 'l'OMOAAOW to back up Whal n• ..u. TOt>A \'I NOT Today's Special! NOT This Week's Special! BUT The Buy of the Year! '52 Cadillac 62 CONVERTIBLE -Radio, Heater. HydromatJc. electric window•, power steering. electron.Jc eye. wh ite aidewalla, etc. Nttda 11ome rec.hrom.l.DJ and uphoi.tery work. You muat !lee to belle-... S1945. 76ct0 POSmON open tor yo'111g mui to LUl.8t l.11 ctroul•Uott dept. Per- manent, t\.111 time ••PIO)'Bl«flt. Not • l\lmmtr Job, Do not apply It not pennanmt. CAMERA. Arru• 75 t1•3h • caee, 11 ~. ~ubom heat•r, 2&,000 BTIJ, 1111. 2007 I. Garuey, Ban· ta Ana. 75<:17 SS-~ 8~ t THEODORE ROBINS See Mr. Pa.ITy. to:WPORT R4.Jt. BOR N'P:WS-PRJCaS, 1211 8&1· boA Blvd., Npt. Buch. Barbor 1618 75ttc A'n'E~"TION A~L BOTS - THE J\"'EWB·PR.ESS i. now taltlnr can1er e ppllcaUona for route. IA thee• nel(hborhooda:- BaJtio.. W e.tt Newport, ll&llloa r1 , N~wport Helstlta. °'"9& 4lel Mar and Coet.a M•.._ U you ..,. 11-U JTL old, &ad ... .,. a blcyct., apply a t \be Cl.rC\lla.. lion Dept., 1'1.-,,ort Baf'b« Ntwa·~ 1111 aaJ..,_ BJYd,. Nt'WJ)()n ~ M'-1~11 a. m, or t-1 p.a. onl1 ao.pt Sa tu rda ya. \le STEN().: blc'kpr.. payroll cleric. Bk'kpr. ma.ch. operaior, CIJ• help. HoUMlleeper-coolc, account· ant, boat Mllldw A celUlt.. help. 1U~ VARRA..R EMP. AGENCY 402 'r6 ·32nd, • N «"wport (oppotlile Ol.7 Hall) 7ic1t CABR J\l:OlSTl:ft. OAS BEAT· lllR. '"'1nlr mAclllne, laWll mow- er, lnctnerator, etc All rood rt1ndltlon. ReUOftable. Llbcrty 8-764111 75t1c M.A.NLEY P opcom mach\n•. Uk• new. Vtry reuonable. 459 E. lttll 8L. Ooet.a MUL II a.m. to T p.in. 7)p7'1 Mesa Woodcra~ thip&Dattd • J uvenile Furniture LO&. nctlnlnr pauo ch&Jn 13.M P!Nll Hl:ADBOARDS ... -.... $8 9!'1 • DR. PIN1'.l CHEST -··-··· J8 90 _.. ... and O.ft rtnlehra Orden taken tor ehutler1 1121 Harbor, C.M. Llbcrty 1-lUIJ DA y ~ • ff UL boya bicycle, both In rood condition. Rcuon· abl,. HJS W. Ba.J Ave. Harbor 4M8·M, 77p71 CKl:VROLET t dr. deluxe '49, on• owner f480 1t tt . Ktlaon Cratt, mahof . Cllb. OB glue~. con· troi. with 'I'ctnff Tralltr. both alnt. U 1·'116J. 77c79 MAN WANT11t> wtth mllll11g •. HOUSEHOLD tuml1htnr8 Paint· t umJtur• UHmbly uperlPn<:f tnra. Garden toola. A mik. Tht. U ~2. 77ca wetk only. Ha.r. llllO·J for In· READY TO WE.AR &aJ.-oma.n ~t.ed. Muat 1'.ave I JT9. .. JI. Af• 20 to &O. ChanC'e tor ad· vllnceml'nt. 1121 Newport Ave .• Cost• Mcaa. 17c78 CASHIER, otrtce, aom• typtnf .;;;. ('Ur&te dependable lady II&'• to 411. Oood .,.rklns cond1Uo"9, op· portunl\7 tor advanC*"'ent. BTROOTll KA.RDW >.JU:, llQ A Newport BIY'd., Oollta MM&. fonnaUon. 77cil tt& -· -·-.. _ 0 . It. J\efrtgerator '18 . -· Pot Belly Stove A Scutt.le J:;,o .A.nUque Roll Top duk It cha.Ir 110 PatJo terra cotta unu. largw. "4> ·-Admiral CoMOle Radio F. u o ~ramie Kl!J\. 17" ,.ad, for wtre.. M.tee. noor lamp.. chalra, •~-1tN Clltt Drln.. LI 8-4192. 77p auus CRA rr 21' brtd... deck. l:Xl-ellmt. New canYu, radH>, bait tank. tt.ahlnr chair, el-c- tr1e bllr• pump, rork l"u. 110 volt battery cba.rr-u. u 8-7t 20 i7c90 U rr. •II ,,btrfla.ta boat kit AU flbtrflua deck • hull, 70·tn. ~am. 2 flotaUon chambera, tpttd ol •~ mllu hr. Bale for the famlly. Start at SUO. LI 1- '304. TTc'ft 2f P'T. 8LOOP • .uJ ma!los· lkall 8. Xlnt. aalla, outboard mot.or • lra1ler. Prtc• ma. Har ....... 17'7t PIC or LUDER.8 'SllNl&lltr a nd 1tonn M il. 7 hp M.artJn Boe.rd· tnr l•d<ler tor 30_.0 ft. boat. Chop lnq. WMk·ttlda, lQe Via Mentont. Udo hie, OT CR4•t· view 8·11650 WHk d1y1 i 0pll2 11 FOOT Bnl~ .. llboal, ready to Mil. Bea11lltul condition. Good 1&111, Stalnlo• •t,.l'I n1i:g1n1t .l bow llhll'ld. Coppl'r btltt<>m It nibber tired .Jolly, Otrlrer be· Ing t.nln•ferred. M11t1l 8'11 Ph Lons Brach 3•·10a . 71p71 2 OOOD buy1, 2::> fl. 1:;,o h.p. A 18 rt. 28., h p. boa ta, both fl· ber1lall.lf!d. fut • aood condl· lion. R.eady to So Al.a fiber· glus cloth ruin •le. Aerojet Marin• Motor11. John Norf'k. 211oe Thf' IUltn• (Ude PMA.I Har 2937. 7~tlc 8NIPJ: No. ~Ut 1n u c.Uent com· dJUon. Boat co .. r aalla and trail- er. OWner ka'rlnf' 6 will take t>e.t offer. Har. ~ day-. Har. 23oe J\ • .,... f'lttc • n~v -----------SO.~B!=:A!!PP2!!!!~?~~~1!!!... ____ HAR.CO •o. rut. lladk>, auto. pl· Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE KARINER8' )IILE" 3100 WEST·COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8·3471 THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! 1953 CHEVROLET • door Btl Al.re. U1ht blur. R 6 H. powu slide tnn11mlMJion. powtr 1t.eerinr. Excellent condition. , . $142!5 1~2 NASH t door Mdan. 2 tone grttn. over· drive, Showa very 1ood care . S 99!) 19:52 CADILLAC, t door, 2 tone grey. A truly fine car ....... . .. -···-. $279:5 19:Sl CHRYSLER New Yorker, 4 door, MJ<lan. Light green .. S l 19:S 1~1 DODGE 4 door M!dan , hght green Tip top sha~ .. $ 79!) LOU REED CHRYSLER· PfSMOUTH OF.ALER UOO W. Cout fficbway Phone Liberty 8·34M PRJVATP! PART'T Wlllll.t to buv 'H or '6:1 Oev. Plym. or F"ord elation waron. P"fer 8 ryllnl'l"'r No power s lide Undtr 1~000 Call Harbor 1020 OH. 72ri7 ·411 lf?'\TDEBA•o:n c·nnv N•"' tnp. ! ntw lit"'" ( '1,.a.n all ll>,,1. A'klnic $4 ".0 11/'\D f; 8al1>'1a Blvtl Halboa Har. 11111 7flril 1$--~ eaa., f'sla I 0 11l. r11d10 A tttnn,.1111 rr,v,.r I 181t DACHSHUND pupplee Not r.,,. Ell1t"Wl')flfl I.arc", fiar l"'n Grove. l•tered, but (ood brff'1 Llh 8· I.F:h11th II ~.~.Im 7&o7T 811M. 76c77 ----, - Bookkeepln1 Servl·c· W M'TICD-Part Um• Menlary. " Call LI ll·Tllt. T1~1t OOLD8POT ref"'. wtth detroetft', lot, alee. nns• 6 rt~. 111.- sood -ditJon. J dWt. bada wtt.Jl 000. le• at Klndl'• Bea.con l~U H lJlllU>:-1 811p• r II l'llUpt •I TOT Pedl~ee P•k"'n-U &. Mur· I enrtnt R .. e 1,, •r r1•.-1111" Sta:\. ph)', 111 J'e........,, Coro11a del I LI. A·lt!I. 7110;y A TI'WHTTON I Contractora, Stortkeepfre Need aomeone to relieve you of thoee monthly booklceeptnr wor-,._? Alla aboV\ ~r .,._..able r&lM. Har. • ...... , 70cll UCJ:NSIID rnJ eatate aalmman or broker W'h• I• famll.l.u wiUI Ute .,... &Ad not ~d lo work IS.A Y 6 DACK IUUJJl"f llU i.tayett.. N"'JO't II&. Ht3 ne'1t !lprinp 6 mattruMe. Ou Bt.Ye. IAll4lnr, l•l OMlll H"7~ 1(.8 . 120 ltt.b 8t.. N ..-pert a.a.ch. TD<71 T7p tO' CAJUN~ t\Mlllf boat. GMC W.A.BRlllR. Whll'lpool electric. dl.-1 enr. 8ust..abte for charter B~ttldJd CGnclltlon. Cheap. J07t pvt.lea. teaOO. lClm. 1·14M. Wlllo L&ne. eoet.a Mella. n, 75cl0 Mar. Har. 3MI. 71<'78 . Pankeeta -Cheap! OPALINB A NOIUCAf..8 tH Ban S..mard.IM. Npt Ht• j Ltberty I-net. T'7 t'71 M 0 . r~A Tl': ·~a. Nlafln "1•nttoltt. n-ronrtlt1un )lll•u:• 1t 000. • 1 n'I 11211 w 21)t h l't • Cnirta M,..,,. t,ft. 11.a-.07. 7t•c7T • CO-Aatoe for lele ------- G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'Ill QMC " T. l'tClruJ' 'IO CllSVJWLl:'l' ~ T. P.um::L '11 CllZV. ~ T. PlCIWP 'U DCT. '* T . PICKUP 'II~ '4 T. PANllL '81 OMO '6 T. PICKUP ·41-A~ a.~ for 11.eet 43-AJ?!!: a a-... .for llemt ' Cabanas Marinas . Lido Peninaula, Eaat 31at St., Npt. Bch. OITEU DellPttul UYiDI. A.pt.-Cabenu UtWU. paid. with T acht .Up accomodationa. Dail)-, weekly, moothly, yearly. ror &ppt. or reMl'V&tlon, Call Har. 2992. Mtto JITl>RA.KA TIC ft.A.ft. '11~1T.PAM9L 'N DODOIC 1 T . DU.A.La NO COMMISSION No A.ppnJaal J'ee LIDO OJ'J'ICll 8PACll -WW' , 1AL111 -IUCJ'INANCS ----------------------wbl.t apac9 8Uitabl4 fOt attor• OOMl'l'RUCl'lON ney11, ~ etc . .A.ppros. Call for rr... '11 FORD 2 T. 12' BODY, t •'7-Waatecl to Bat M-A-Ae for Beat llPrm, ·~ TDUll8 -.::'1:: .. CBZVROu:r a T. 111" ... . Rentals Wanted BALBOA · ISLAND • BPJCllD, •:•Tam ...... .,_. aDd ..... bl .. MOTEL APTS 'M DODOZ ST. TD. Dt7KP, ..U.. far !Doth wblter aDd • 10x30 ta. llhopplll( area on Via l'ut Commit:menta Udo. CalJ Don Cole atternqoaw oaly, Bar. d!IO. ettrc Oil 8-14-ncee Uld Unlta only Modern Stoie Don I. Huddleston 1:11 TIRD, t 8PllllD ,_,.. a..e. hJ'D. OI' UDturL Tllins Niten&Uou da.7, -it. or 'It Oll'C to W1mmJ1R DUJllP, It,_ Mft a~. mcatla. SM Kanne .A.ft. Jiu. FOR RENT. •111 per mo.~ 173 E. 17th St. HOME ·and 4 Units GOOD INCOKJI!. $36,000. HI Bam· Utoo. ott Harbor BIYd., Cana M~u.. Tllp88b For Sale Sacrifice! Newport &ach Triplex and Du· plex, $14.000 -U 9.600. Tuma. By owner. Call Liberty 8-Hot. Tl tfc l :OO T!Rm. ,.._. tod&,1 0086. TlpM facllltl•, forced a1r h•t. tuit· OOIT.I. MESA ....... _ -IO·-· ·-_ ... __ The Vogel Co. B lb Fu A t a bl• •• ~ra11e9409' r:-i ..i.u... tttta LI i-06(1 LI MM2 80·A--Oonunerclal, bduatl'W ........... ~ -Wr.--::d llOl w. OIL JlwJ,. N.wport BclL a Oa m. p 5. etc. u1qutre ... BaJbo& Blvd. _ -- dWnpe. Our pri-.and '--_. PboM LD11rtJ 1-M&t D.A.T -WEEK -KONTB Heart H.arbor J070. • ttttc ft.EAL B:S'l'A'IE LOANS DOWNTOWN COSTA MESA not be beat. We carry our_.. D lilutDe, a... l.lland ot town. ~ block to M)'. 1 f L Intel"elt Rate 5-6~1o J-C-2. 50xt78 with CoOd ln--tneta. PbaDe llaitlot "6 block lo ocean Is pier. Or ease-~ quldtl)' made ln \he Ba, rome .$.22.7;>0; $76()() dO'A'D: MIT .. Oout R;, .. Corona de1 Mar tlT JC. B&lboa B1Yd. Harbor 1729..J ITORll H'x.811". tuit. for protH· A.rea and COlta Kea. Bln(I• Of 2~c-2, 109 dll. comu, $60.000. W W WOODS Pbofte Barbor 1741 73c88 alonal, tie.11t7 lbop. r-1 .-t&te, mulUpJe llDita. New or old. Be SlT.600 down. Balboa Island 7.VOGEL VALUES I'll BE LOVING YOU-ALWAYS- That i. what BEACH HOJOll are aaytng to Lota of people. Be wn. come in, and lnvest.lgate o\11' wide •lectJon. aioo. the .,._ that .. Belt, Alt Tear A.round. Ave.rage pricel rUP $15,7'50. $17,000. $17,9C50. $18,750. $23,000. $27,500. $28,:500. $.19,'500. i53.'500. w. can unally UTaDl'8 .... to auit. · THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa llland ~ ~ NIIXT TO THE P09t Office • a~ D_ .. _ ~ o:;;· Hit Vla Lit~. COMJ"ORTABLIC Bii.A.CH APrS .. XLNT. LOCATION ..-and •n by re--n.nuctn1 G~~E~EcAJ'3 1182EVN~8rtReE1~ ._, --tu.nWlbed. 8 t '811 k. your pnMDt loai.. M1ntmum ex· ' · •-..-•· Ila.ii a 6Ua at. ... ta AM wnmer ra • " DOWNTOWJf eo.ta K-. ~ --lfo A .... _ for pr.llml· Newport. Har. 2M2. JtvH. Lib. ' OptD ....., a.a. KJDDLIC .A.QllD Ja4J' wut. anall Sll14 w. Ocean J'ront. Barbor 29H-W auc r----·· 8 SUie -------------------~---'l'nlellr~for0NllC90>. 00ttaa"e eloee bl Newport. No "'17·M. 72pTT • nary appftlMI. Phoce lant.a _· __ . ------NEWPORT BEACH UDO ISLE TTe'fl peta. oua ~ to U6. mo., yrly. 2 STOREB or oftlc& OM lldO, Ail& ICimberty Mt33 or write ---------Oood rel. Har. lllJ. T7c SUMMER Rentals one 12dll. Low rwnt. 8ult&bl• for ARTHUR A. MAY 61-Real Esta~ Exehaap INCO" jE I BDRKB. 2 batU. OG ft. lot. .... UM atrN T.AI...LJD' Kll:RCCJ\T, Deluxe turn. apt. 6: roomll. retail ~ or ottl.ce. llOT E. M.ortcace Loul CorTMpODdeat OWNER \A/!11 T d IVI Uy borne. 1U21 Uytq room,.. all poww .....,.,.._ t--. Call il..-Aata. a BM111 for Reat Day, "eek or month Balboa. J. 11enu.,.. Kat. NM. Ooaldmt&I Ute DlilNnnce Co. • yy I ra e atra-,... pat.lo. JOIO .._ ._. __., LI ..... • LI Mm. ~ T~77 911 Solltb M.aa kilt& AD& MERI: IS OM ol UM be9t pa,ms Ut.llOO oettc FOR RllNT ON LIDO Ideal looaUon -a f-_..,. to -----------Equity in a lot. with 12 rental plec .. ol lnooaae pwtJ" .._... ___ ....:.._ _____ ........__ 1 BDRllB., 2 batU, Comer lot. Un· e...-ytbln1. 106 & Jla7, B&lboa. OrJ'ICll J"Oll ltmNT PP unit• for 1Jn1I• re.ldencH, clear It. 00 B&lboa 81~ _ and all IHI OLDUilDBILID N four dr. turmaMd. Year17 l-. 1n11. per Bar.~ 17tlc CMo Cmt. LocaUon, 21'Jl24', WOULD liq '° bUJ ut and 2M or not. UnJt. ca.n be dl"1de<I 6 HER.m l8 ANOl'Bllft I .... 2 bath Pro'fiDcl&1 type oa ~ quiet ~ d.18po9al, ~ W&lller, carpete 6 dn.pe9 OM ol lM nicer ._... not -.... .. u-. Mdan, radio, heatw, ~· month. J'URN. APT. Cleal!.. 1._ 6 com• CH.ARL.ES E. HART, Realtor Tnllt Deed& Call Kar. 2.sia. traded eeparately. freshly decorated. Ready tor the XJllt. eaacUU.. Ptioe Siii.-__ --.-UlO w. Balboa~ Npt. Bcll. UUe Trade for money, marbl .. , eummer ~ ~~ 1411. TTeft fortablJ'. ~. WMk or month. or oha.lk ! ~ I JIDIUD., 2 Ma., fUndMed. rot fttMeomaWa. aoG 12-d ltt., Npt. T'TM TRADE NOW, -Collect Summer ~nta.la! -----------Aqua or oa a Ye&rt7 i.... Har. JITI. 15pT7 5'7-ae.1 &tat. Wuted !4!:1-:::!A.~ato~..! ... ~:!.'kw~----SAClll!IA'>R An. N_,. Udo.-1 BDRK. fllrL u,ppw apt. 9tammer 51-A.~ I N9 Reatalll WANT to buy mm OWMr: Good .._...,,.Apt.a. t-Doelble .I.pt& 2-&ncle ROOIDI 1711.00 per mo.. oa i-. CM' J'Tly. P·-•W. Near be&ch. LE ASE -2 bdrm. boln• M9t ot Coeta Motor Overhaul --eorona de1 war. 11u. aatt 11v-. x-. Around 112.000. write 6 :aDIUlll., tunillbed b .A..-. T&c71 J"INW LOCATION la OoroD& del Bos CM, UU. p&11er. 78p71 J . BENTLEY, ll07 &. Balboa, ~· Bpecee Balboa. Harb. aeoe. 111c11 rorr UBTllD ao ft. -..., Lift UB IBOW TBm TO TOO • ....U.t ea.&. NO KONEY DOWN "°° per lllOllth. ~·.., l'RO.----• --2 K&.r. ec.p1eta17 equipped t« ----------------------~· ..., • __ .. --bak1n( or dellcatMleJl. Ptione 5, 8 .._ Op llllal r1laal * with this ad * ~~~:I Wra . .-. and =.-~~1~v;1i~~ Harbor tJ&a tor app't. 15ttcN9 4'0i tiee 5'-Bulwe}lft!_~ e Cyla. ····----US-• BAT" Bil.ACK MALTY JONltS, Real Eat.at•, Har. 2113' PUMI·BLOCK prac• b14&'. ln BUSINESS OPPORT'11NITIES 8 Cy'-~ll• -77c DRIDUN.11 loca. Npt. Bch I.I !II. ...... -·-LlI>O I8LE wtth •2&00 troot d all t lncludu llotla labor and pvt& Ull ~ette, N.-pol't, Ka. HU BACHmLOR Apt., new, attncUve, madl .. arta pOlt;:... ~.:i Beer and Re.taurant showa $4500 mo. Good 1te&dy New nn11. wrllt ptna. ft19'a R&. 21t1 1:.... 170 lncludlnr uUl Coroaa del new a..nc:hM. Reuoub&e rat. clientele -Hwy. location. Leue o! $175 mo. incl. 5 (riad, ttttlnp ot mata and rod ___ 1 --. ... _~ Mar. Hu. HM alter o. 77c79 Lib, 1-MCM. 78c71 rm. apt. with ocean view . Asking $6500 for fixture9 bearlnra. 1lbrpni motor tune 1111· • .......... _,._ -&114 tum. -----------9«k!ay or 4,000 l!ille suarant.ee. I bdl1IL apt. 1417 W. Balboa BALBOA I81.AND. Look1.nC for a DESK BP.&.C'Z W'l\h pboDe ..mce. Ii equipment. (NO MONllT DOWN). Blvd., Newport S.Cb. TTp78 beauutl&.Uy film. 1 bdrm. apt! $30 month. ll07 11t Balboa, B&l· REBUILT ENGIND Ava.11. now, ,..n. CUllp. nt.T Ito. boa. Phoe.e aa-ertns tei'Yice al· -UP to 16 KONTBll "IO PAT-ROOK.I, COTI'AGES, APTS. Ha.rbor 202· 77c79 80 aftllabM.. J . BenU.,., ~ Built lD our owa taet.c.y bf alc11W DAY OR WEEK ATI'R.A.CJ'IVI: ocean vt-1 bdrm. 3&0e. T&or. machinlatl. Don't contend with apt., partlall7 f'llrn. Sutt.al* tor N S I th• middle man. Bu7 direct. TIU aLt.111 TOP MO'l"ZL. 4o.1 co.pie, 178 mo. yrly. WMl Rde ew tore B dg. REBUILT and INST4JJ.JCD N..,,rt BITd.. '9t Pow Tb• ot C09t& Me1a. Call t to 5, Har. fM i.u;, 3•6 Jn.. lllxM ft. park· 8.BORT aLC><X ~ 7Utc 80. ?7cT9 lbopptnf U'eL roRD ....... -...... -...... -·--lUUO Inc tpace. KIJol' ~· JD Udo CHEVROt.rr ·-·····----·-auuo BALBOA ISLAND '8-B-110-. for Beat BLANCHE GATES PL TII. 6 DODGZ ... Jltl CHRTB •• DJ: SOTO --•1TO tTatUra. JT17. rmtal. t 9tOl7 VACATIONERS Realtor 8TUDEBAK.ICR -····-·--flTO :;-11a = :°::::-.. ~ ~ W. BAYS a ft.r'leQ' ot -.,._ 111 JWtM .A. .... B.aoa 1aM4 OL.08 It PONTI..&.C' -'110 .._ ..: __ , ••-·-_ r b' tum. reot.&18 avallable tn ll&rbor 1171 UU. BUJCIC • '171 • - -r--H A 1....- HVDIOH ---··-au• w. w. UJOOU>. ~ -.-=... .........,-:-c.. ~.! Loan Cu 1'ree Towiq Is A90C19t'M ' r- NEW C AR OUAJ\Al(J'D Putt 6 Kut-. B..V. MU PboDe B&rtlar J.UI. fTplOk SHOP SPACE llioek •u.t _...,oar-........ Htfc BA.1.80.A. ~ _ 1 bdrm. &ad poww too1e ._ ...... o.- Ph.w t.aue. ,.-.C. ant o&l Cbolce Bum-. RmtaJ8 OU modenl t\anl. ~ BJ _. tn1 '-'""' ltllcepCICla&I o~ Opm SW14ay 10 a.-. to 2 p..m. anUI lept. 15. Al80 aftllabl• wnlt.y, for cabl..Mt A wood wori&. BELLES ENGINE ::::: ~ .!..U:0ct!:! wmler. mt er..tYi-~;1. "".,. ... nee Banor ltT&. T'Tc'ft REBUILOERS '11 •RIO -Ua aBOR.llCl.D'n -Wat.front. 1 ~ Bw' '~1 :~ VOGEL CO. aio..,.. •bdrm.. 4 bath. e.nuta IOI X..-.&.,,.. ....... i-.. qtn.. aep. d.\D1nr rm. 1 oar pr-LE AS B ""' llar1llGr"' or ~ 11111 ac-. .A.T&ilable Aue. 1• Aft« ~ LOC.A.TION &a Coroaa deol O~n Dt.lly I to 7 at.ai. s-ded "419. Bar. 1'(11-R or Bu. IOOt-M = =r ~~ a:J_ Mar. Oompletc!y eq\ltpped toT a .. ,.,... .. "'N .. Mttw '°" ltl6. 7_..1 baldq ar cWlcat...ea.. ...... __ _.__DA_•~_"'"-"_"____ -----------.,... Barbor U.N tor app'L ~tie NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. "A 'ITENTION Nash -Hudson DO COME ~ .ummer rmt.al.I atlll a...U.W.. a, ....-. -ua or --- W.u1CIU"RD1'1T. N.wpon. fUnl. I 1ldnn. 6 dell. 2 b&Ula. No l.lneM or cl.lab49. fltll mo. oa yra. --. A.~ a.pt. L Ran. IMO-R. Tttfc FORCED TO SELL TlutYiJls hcJueecleHlftS -. ..... Oppw tw1t1 to make suod --~ t.or fttbl p&rt1. M.aU eet• Trailer Sa1e9 It Service -a money mt.ker with in· creuing potential. $150 mo. Jeue in good location. .Aaldnc s1s,ooo. Drive-In Re9taur&Dt -attractively designed Ii equipped. Showa $55,000 groaa. Leue $150 mo. Owner -.ya to acrifice for $8750. J'or the.e and others aee- THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Weet Cout Highway, Newport Beach ~ 1-S&Sl -Ev• Llbert.J ~ ASSOCIATE AC'l'IVE OR NOT, young National Corporatoion with terrific aucceu back·ground bu opening for one individual capable of lnvealing $10,000 CIUlh R4tirin1 partner reaponeible for thia opportuntty. I! a.ctive, at.&rting eala.ry will be $5200 per year plua ttgUlar dividends. Party lleltcttd ahould eu~ Uy ntt over $~.000 firat yur. Must tuntlah 1900 chancter le c~ll rderence. " be euy to ret along Wllh. For perM>na.1 laten1ew, write Bo.x Q-6, care tbta newspaper. Include phone number A brie! reaum .. All rtpliea strictly confidential. 77c79 owners Rioh Hahn's Garage COAST PROPDTID to Box R ·M . thi. paper. Tlt .. ---------------------.- XllAJ\ BALBOA 00VJDa. llNnd ----------- .A.uthortMd Putt A a.ntoe ~-1-&.:...,. S.U:.. 816~ BaDMa& -, bdnrl.. tura. borne. ttn-~a~=·~ ... !!!.~·~--~ .. ~---~·~:!~~-!:!~,. .. !!!•~•!._ __ _ ~~-:'·~~,~di~~ Service Station allO Oood Traa8pclnat.loa -· --· ........., Tltfc -. It. N.wport hlu4. t BDRM. turn. ~ -tot 18th I p11111pe. lllftDtorJ oaly, UTIO. 14 Newport. ~ ~ ltu. nttc Can hr aaJe Auto Radio Repair RENTAL ;', 409 E. 29th St. SP~TS Nnrpon ... c11.. Har. 4711. .,. Blanche Gates. Rltr. ASSOCIATE llBOR.I! CLIPFI pr1nte I bdrm. f\a'D.. bome am per moath. 1l"7· 1-. Or wtll eell, ut,tclO. Wl· ACUYt or n.ot \i lnt.e,,_ ~ LA SPECIAL DURING JULY Foreign auto valve grind by expert Ill ll&rtM A 'ft. ..a-llllaad. 11ar. 1m ntt. l'\&ra. ()al °"'*'· Har. ltOf..ft. D-com~y. &ttlc INVUTMJ:NT a.u.llOA .111LA1'D IUllNT.A.L ------------FUU..T ~ <>•""IC-... I bdrma., aYllL 9t1IOIJ2\ Kmn'A.Lt UDO IaLE. nM w &lleclaJW7 non-compeUtJ..,., aow to J\&l)' 1.U.. Well ,..._ed. I bdrm.. I bath IM:mle. An.ll and w1Jl lllalld r1(1d lltY..U~ G&rtiqe diirpaml. P\repL RM· Aupet \A) S.pt. 1a. ~ hpt. Uoo. Prtadpal.a an nry ~"' ~ RaT. IMT·W. lttte lS J'Ml'\J. IJarbor ()tU.,J. ~ta all pha.-ot tAi. bul&- T'le'fl MM. TMn 11 DO 11mJt to ~ BALBOA ISLAND • • e ONLY $0000 DOWN e • • ho bdrm. b~ l&l'le living room, fireplace and 9'111DY p&tlo. Comp~y private 1 bdrm. apt. ovtt 2 car range. Excellent location, both unit.I completely fu:mlahed. Full Price $22,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOci&let Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2482 .. a..~&~=::!~·-~~f!•~·~-~t ___ -UNrURN---. -,-BDlUl..---9-0-ltlJl--W-t.o mon. OTpnl.MUon ta ccmp~ -_::z.:::; ""°' all MceM&ry fllCWl.l.. • ll&rlMKD r-u.nan wW ahare W carpet. S.Uutul )"IU"d. p&Uo. equ1pmmt. Ptn0n Mlect.fd muec. ---------------------- nice fV1I. apt. tn fl.ii. locaUo'I flnp&ace. pr. SW. -tll.. be .., lo -t al-• with. Ell-D-8MI n.tate mechanic• ' crt. oh """• e&1M labcw plue pu1a. ~ de.II WSUl ftftplaoe It batti. .,--..-.ao. 11.r. Udo...._ '10 mo. (13& .. ). • ........,_ MTIO an.-a 7~ pen~ not reqllind. 11lll op-I00\9 ~Ow. 8hoTt up-.... .,.,..y · pemmsty open 1.4 t1Uwr man « ~ or TRIJ CHOICUT LOT'S l.tl lltaln. Mr. Demle' alter II p.m. llt.TMJO:R R&NTAL-1\irn.. bame Wom&A. Salary lt acU\!f. nu. la Oll U do. •O n. on Genoa . 6() ft South Laguna lot ' CTI... tJ&t MM ...... 111.IO. la.bor plYI ~ • an. • ..a,. ....... --labor plUI part&. VOl.XaW.A.OON, ---•..ao la.bar plum part&. _......,.. aa c1a,--1r-.nda. ....,_ 4 tor JvlJ It a.pt. 1 t.o 10 a "U'Y tnt.na~. e.r\JQJUle -R.s ou Udo 8n\Jd. Call M,.. T•pTT a1.o winter nieet'Y&Uonl. 721% c.Uon. $3600 to 10000 requ.lrM. r.cttlh Al'lrtM, Har. 01111 or wr1lf 90'&12-0', oc..n 1~ o1 Hlpway -----------Poppy. ~ del Mu. R.ar. you will ret.aaa rtpt to coaLrol lU V1a kA ft4ll'J\O 73c8i ron4 R· I l2.000 down. Sale by Summer Rentals ~M Nttc caplW. nii. ~ "17 well be 'LOT OORND.. homt hu 2 ~d· nwn.-r Htrbot' 897-J, dally a!t.-r _,,. • ., • _ the 1ut a.d J'OU 8'9'er need au-nna. Ulllt .. _n Jt••l L. R I rm. 72p84 • bdU!ltTe B&y Fronta • ~ ~ ww. No 011ri11111U~7 .-.... ,_... • ..,. • _,, · + TWO BJ:.At1TD"U'L new lntM Wn&e Boa P-1 few pal"90ll&l ap-lblll ut.ry It lOJl.IO lan&l, n,.w. C I Terrace uaf'l&nl. .tew ~ potnun.it. TTc7t ?'_~1:.d'1nftaml7 .~~ndK0~_. '. ar~ ommrC 1 bayfront We FeMue atJDD1:M .. tlw other ebo6ce propertie. I BD~ I Mthll and .,.... -· '" ,..,, .. " • 11a.r1»or l.a&Dd. 8')' ai.o..-. ...._ t Bm:>JUIA.. J b&tM.. n~pl&c• A F.A. heat. Fen<'td. APMtOX. ~IS t\. lnclud•• martne waya. bolll 1hop, moor11t1•· .IC:Jt. ce~nl NeW110rt k>claUOI\. lts.ooo -run pt1t"e. oaa 8'J, qu.alifted dlent. oalJ'. Call ~ 177~ or lla&1lor t44il. 55--Mwz. t.o Lo.a Pro~rty c:an bf' bulll up with Hausken Motors Inc, Barbor In.....t:ment Co. MJU. in::,· ~-• ,..,tall wtt.hout ipomn, prt· 1m ...,.. ~ o.ea .,... ...,.. 1t0t ,.._ u .....,., Ooroll& ._. Jbr •ttc Quick Cash Loans :t :::.:: c:::;,, ~~1! LI l.eoll-U I.all TTcet J7tfc • Oil fl.U'Dltme, auto, ulary. ~ 410 Ooldenrod, CQron• w... __, tnfrtTllN. I lildnn.. oceu .--•"" ....,, t'ftll\ de! Mar. Har. 1111.Jl ncM ------------T ....... IJ'T. cm Udo P9GID· home. Yft7 ....._ ..o ...,.. _. • .., •'"""· or more. :Ci::::.-:=~ Drt .... ~ H ip.land. i'$cT7 One day service Mool:IU'f • beGJ'oorn. i--. bat.II. ......_ Pit.. -· lftl or Bar. 80 . .1.T!'B.A.C'n\'11 untlanL J be4roce ~llcatiOft ..., be mede ta,..... ltlO -.. ft. 1 i,t )'T. old. -A-PAN "'-l'C"DYC .a.""'""" •ttc ... __ -.. . . ._ ..., -..._or bf ma.IL OPRN FOR lNllPllCTJON 36 n . LOT. PJUCll _ llMOO -~ ~, x -· MM .--Uo, sa....... 90ll. w1 _....-~ UT. Is· SUN. AJTl:JtNOON. AJ.AO ocntlortable t bdrm. home, Write o""'""· P. O. Bo. 917. Bal· boa., 0-Ht. 72~· LIDO ISLE 19C,600 wttll t-__ ALSO -On Udo JaJe we II.an an a pt. hol.lff wtt.Ji- t -8l"'1• A pU. 1-0ouble Apt. w1lh P'.P. "8.&00 CIUJtXINQ I bdrm. M-. tl1i.d W'l\h rare poulblUU• rMd7 tw the r1tbl tamtty to occ:un - onrwlMd patJo ~ b dtlldnn and adult-~ nloe)y tumlllled. On '8 ll)Ol lo\ ONLY 122,llOO, BAY & BEACH -Udo Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport. Har. a&6J BH, W ...._ CORONA DEL MAR EXCE[.l.ENT INOOME -' fanliab9d wtltm i 1 · bdrm. each. No vacancies in over a year. R&t la S65 each. Groea $2780. a.t.D-pi'Ol*tY. $eC>OO takm. Reduced to '19,960. ON H•Zl!I., 2 br. rilw bcm9. PmMe ,.ahwar to little Corona bee.ch. f,26,800. LUXUIUOUB f ~ ....., bc:mae. Laah taoplwl patio and yard. Pl.000 .,.... SEE US !or BEACON BAY and BA.TBHORES prop11tt.. Har. 177~ -.level. Edlth Maroon. BYatt ~ John Mac:aab, Ra.rbor G388. • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa l.iand BALBOA ISLAND SEE WHAT WE FOUND! 2 bdrm. DOLL.ROUSE comp'I furn. Bee'1t-. patio. step to Bay. YOtrU. LOVE IT! $22,'500. Good Term.a. CORONA DEL MAR WANT A BARGAIN! Lovely 2 bdrm. CUSTOM bit. borne. Lge. Uv. rm.. huge trpl. F. A. beat, d.ln.lq room. cloeet.a plore. beaut. patio. OWNER BEING TRANSFERRED -ANXIOUS. $18.000. Xlnt. t.enna 1f deeirtd. NELDA GIBSON, 306 Marine Ave., Balboa !al.and. Realtor H&rbor~ Open House-Sun., July 17th-1--5 only 2215 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar MA.KE THlS ONE YOUR PEN'MiOUSE IN THE SKY - 11ua home actually a!forda the m011t out.atandlnc vlew in the entire Harbor area. and today you can buy 1t for le.99 than actual co1t. Let ua llbow you thl8 large 3 bdrm our oew home and you'll agree that it cannot be duplicated for the uklng price <A $4:5,000. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 Weet Cout Hwy., NpL Bch. LI 8-3"81 NEWPORT HTS.-COST A MESA BRAND NEW • bdrm.a. 2 bath homi W to W oar· pet. Thi.a bome bu everythlng. lmmed.1.ate P~ aion. $12,eoo Tel'llMI. -Can be eeen anyt.Une . • ~Ramona Place 0r can Liberty S.7974. 'T7c78 Paramount-Te""'. "°'a DAOOR kt' -....... •uo ... , .. uUL., ~ del CALO'. A.NCB &Ot rutltrlOfl An.. 1'pt. St.a. ftftpi..c... l:nol. earpet.. drapea. • • J, r.ta&. 1pe s m ftlnL &ft..... Mar .... MM ett. '· T'TeTI CORPORATION Two On It. to It.. lot. uo.aoo, t.tnn•. &. °"'1ooflllS -,. ,,__ Ma-CX>llOMA Dm. IU.Ar M'-tJ fWIL I.a J!lal'bor BIY"d., COllla W.. -----------Phone OW1lU', llu1Nw 4121. ,.,,, ----------------------"16-W ,,_ A-. I ..__. - A BUT. --1r~ ......,. ~Tandlm ' .. a.pt.. J.llUL. teoo. -tit. I ... GO& UJI mo. .. ...... LI J..T'f&l -Opu l'l1de.1'I Ull • $7 950 WHERE A LOT BUYS A LOT MA1" ---.... ,._ Port Oruap Trailm' ... SllOW.C.........., ..... i..-.. ..... •-pan--,,.... llGt 11.4~ Oompletf Mlh. t ...,.,_ 11t. .. -..Uf\11 Udo PutL Niee &WM let fOll eallan&. Calla • ~ Tlttc A.Le() wtll take .......U0. b AAllllt& aoAa Ml Nq. J1&111oT Cloeed 8atllrd.,._ Utte I • c ..... -· 1tn. ~ '° ..,.. ..._ l tlO. nota ,..., 1 WnL. bwd. "°°" w 1 Property Seema like ODl• _ __._,that a little would buy a ..,.u. 61tfe ----------L.OA.HI TO 8UIU>. OIJ"llO\'ll A.-ooado, eo.ta )(~ Ptlone 1 1 --·-TUlll.1' ...,..&..La: IK7Y, MOl>muas&, OR LDwt.7 .. 7IOT. Ttuc •T CORNER ol 11~ '-"' ... lot. but we ju.at can't hardly get them Ye9t.erdaym 1 "*oom. ,..,..... moden tum· amn:N.&.Jf09 eeau.. "1~ 1 bedna. "°'* aad no IDOn. We la.aft a couple of Iota hidden away at ...... -~ --. We ..., Tn8t Deeds J't71UQumD ....... I 1Mdnn&. -..._ -£• .. __.__ ....... maa&1 "°"-tod9,ya -'-bdtft' .. them. m1gbt be .,_ IOt~ dDd. >kiwpoft. "9Wl"ORT aA.LBOA 11.A.VDfGI _... •ni--u-. ..,..,._ 8'UJDaT t ... 0111 1.AwtJ ,.._ .1- ALIO 1 bedrm. aafluftillliad a.o-e. " LOA!« AJISOCl.A.TIOJll Oood locatioa. --l6de eo.ta .... 1 IOVe ""'1 JOU want.. But dmt't wait for TomotTOW, To- u.r-._. ,.._ eenter bu&neml -fta U.. IL -· -w-SlT.000. U 1-TJll -.1ow, )9o le* K MJ price. a.trtc:t. •tt ~. ear.. * ""* del Mar. Phone for appt. to allow -----------LIDO, 121 Via o.oa, ..., I bdrm. C-1 Zone ~ •Y-toT or call at IOI ~ .A.de an ... "J ..... I '9l.ll ....._ EleelJ1o etO"e 6 t ~ Mier ......._ ..,_ ta kna AM A-. Jfpt. Beed\. ""'° are ,_.., ~ .. _, .,.._ ..... IA 8Mrtft• ~ I t., co.ea w.a. 0.U 9"MI', LI TTpTI • -·Uk TTe'll MT91. tk1a f R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Diet Hodge, .U.OC:iate 1121 .. a.a a.,., Caron& del Mar. Bu.m• - - ,, " ,· I ' I '1 .I ' I I ,., ,,! II J ~ ,• ·I I j I I I Ii l I I I I I - .. ~ -----· ,.,.,. ' . 00.\ft'A.L lllOft'D FAftloa of I .!G-~~·~-~l._!l'~!tell~ .. ~---.!:G~8~.a~~FMl~~t~e---- ,A6E , • ,ART , , _ NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-NEssl Houston Values WEDNESDAY, JULY ll, 1955 "W I M . a ,_. ...._ a ,_......... Full Price $9,100 ere OVlng BLANCHE A. GATES, Rea~or BALBOA ISLAND I nR-..~ OPTERING' -CHA.RlllNG 2 B. R. home with pea room and bath. Lp .. Uvtng room and din- ing room. Hwd. ftra. Beauti.t\11 patio and BBQ. We have the key. $27,l500. BAY VIEW BEAUTY -.A comfortable yr. round home a atone'• throw from our beat beach. PLUS an apt. with lovely view of the Bay. Comparatively new conat. Thia will not Jut! See It now! $42,l500. BEACH COTr.AGE -.A lot of fun for a little money. $14,900. LIDO ISLAND LIDO LOT BARGAIN-almOllt 2 lota, 51' on Yella. Eut end of Ialand . .A buy ~t $15,l500. WE ALSO have a beautiful atreet to street lot, a .tone'• throw from Lido ClubhoWM!. SHORECLIFFS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! Outatanding 4, B.R., 3 bath home with pnvilege of buying an adjoining large view lot at a reaaonable price. One of the few left. Let'• diacuee it $42,500. ASK TO SEE OUR COLONIAL "SHOW PLACE'' built on 2 Jots, beautifully landacaped and tailored for gracious living. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 "C'' THOM.AS ''C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES Open Daily 1 to 5 2471 Bayshore Drive MOVE right into th~ sparkling brand new 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on BA YSHORE DRIVE with excellent unoti.tructed view of bay. PRICED at $29,750 with LOW down payment. OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUN. 1-5 2580 Crestview Dr., Bayshores DISTINCTIVE RANCH STYLE home, paneled Uv. room, entry ball, rai.9ed hearth, prize winning kit- chen. 3 lge. bedroom•. 2 tile bath•, beautiful patio, w to w carpet.inc and parquet !loors. cuatom drap- erie.. Jge. cor. lot -$38.~. CORONA HIGHLANDS UNUSUALLY nice 3 bdrm. home with circular floor plan, rear llv. room. venetian blind.a. bdwd. floors. fireplace. lovely patio, fenced -Excellent financing with :5'; loan payable $84.:50 per mo. ONLY $22.500. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bedroom, 60 ft. lot, w to w arpeting, drapee, h•d. noon. flrt-plt1ct . rdwd. fence. immaculate condition. 4£r lo&n . good tenn1. ASKING PRICE Sl6,500 and Worth 1t! 0000 I b.r . home .ttlt dbl•. pr oa .-e. comer Jot. 1 bUL off I • T II • M.wport, clioee In loc. lnAIP· 6 to rv1ne errace .choo&8. Room to build another unJt. Som• rum. lnduded. 4" loall. A 1'9&1 v&lue. Owur lll\Jt• lou. .... 6 make otfeT. Near Golf Course WELL Bullt 2 8. A. borne only I yn. old. All !&rs• mu.. hwd. I nn, dbl•. car. Nl~y land8c. • fen<*i. A.atnc Sl2,000. See this, make otfft1'. JCve. Jnr. on above Pl1I 111 ll, U t ·M87. M-1 Site ON Placentia An. A. bM.uUflll cor. 190"290 to 20' alley. A.Jao Mx'75 for J12.500. Only 21* dn. and b&I. l!:Z. JCve. Inf. on above LT'n.a, U •· 2042. Houston Realty Co. 6 A880CLA. TES Mii ~nter SL Coela Weaa u 8-8911 u 8-7784 LIDO ISLAND Beautiful S bedroom home wtlh 2 baUul. 1ireplace. Dlab.uher, Oarbe.ge Di•poa\1, wlred for llleclric Rance, LA.nd.ec&ped, Ap- pro~. 2~ year• old. i.oc.ted on Pta.uo Udo. Thi.II la a top quality More and more Harbor area famillea are bupectinr theM aquiaite home. -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. Kore and more familitw who prefer' a home in a re- stricted quality community are movin( into their Irvine Te·rrace bomea. Drive in today and 1ee for youl'llelf the many out- standing feikturee of thia rematkable community. Inspeet the model homes, · built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin~ & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace la located on Cout Highway oppo.tte the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Barbor «tS For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuehold Eltate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Sborea and Cliff Haven home. l5ee tha. --------------------- COSTA MESA 4 Bedroom., 2 i.Uut, Ju.t I monlha old. 1500 .q. tL nice come.r tot. BILL'S BEST BUYS l"\1.11 p11ce siuoo. 0ooc1 t.nu. OWNER SAYS SELL- COSTA MESA IArge 3 Bd. Rm. home on very nice at.reet with all improvementa ln It pd.. Carpeted L. R., D. R., Ii: Hal.I. $8000 buy• a nice 2 bedroom home, Fireplace It loada of cloeeta It naneling. Full price U\&t I.II just 2 bloclte from the r-- propoeed A.lJ A.mer1can a11opptnc $12,9CM> with terms. center. Th.ls le l ~ home. ·a. SUN to .. this, lel"Dl8 OU\ be UNDER CONSTRUCTION- arran .. ed. • Three It Four Bedroom hon:ea. Garbage dilpoMl.a. WI.: Nmm> U8TINO.t exbauat fana, uh cabineta, two bath.a. large double "ART" ADAIR gar&g"e. on 11<>me. F. P. $9375 to $10,695 -$375 ~TOR down It up. le&e Newport Blvd. Coeta M-. Calif. LI l·S7t2 REAL VALUES OWNER tran.derred. Must HIJ thls lovely a bdrm. home. Rud- wood floors, tile kttdlm and bath. fireplace. Beauutut land- llC&~ yard, fenced. Tb.la ls truly a buy. Let UJI 8how you this to· d.ay. Make otter. 3 BEDROOM bome witb extra lot INS Ulan l block lo Newport Blvd. Complet.Jy fenced wtlh redwood fmoU\s. TtlJa muet be -n t.o be appreciated. J'ull price JMOO. l!uy terma. ATTENTION! We ha'N cub buyer tor 2 bed· room bOtl\4. Pl-. pl-. caJJ WI If you have one. B. A. NERESON REAC'rOR 1Hl N-port Blvd. Colrt.a ..._ LJ 8·1872 Ev•. U l-'LJO INCLUDING OIL RIGHTS- ONE Nl:WL 1' fllml&Md &Ad nn untuml•.htd wUl.a t11 HWIUJ'\l'lOll BMt'h Ppty. JOh122. Oood 1M FOR nu:: M:ECHAN JC -A ulO tune•up shop ln CoutaJ City. Work tO'f' t wo ~ PT1ee °'*'' 3 BEDROOMS -$i0,750 Top location on Magnolia between Tuatin Ir Irvine. llOlACULATE INSIDE It Otrr. Dble. garage; Paved alley; Spaciou. cloeeta: Parquet n oora; Sewen. A 2 BDRM. CUTIE Near marlreta, bua and llCbool. Good terma c&n be arranged with $1750 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR '"you'll like our biendly MTYioe" 393 E. 17th St.., eo.ta Keaa Liberty S-1139 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS Very nice, clean, 2 bedroom home -HW Ooora, furnace beat. tile In kit.ch. le bath. large living room, nice breakfut area., eertfoe porch, walled yard, dbl prare, 12'xl4' utility buildin(. Only $13,375 ...; t.enu. COSTA MESA A ""1 home -3 nice bedroom.a, HW floor•. llUDDY dining area looka out on · covered patio with BBQ. Tile in kit.ch. It bath, funw:e. Nice cyclone-fenced corner lot near Country Club. Be •ure It see tb1I - onJy $13,000. 4% G. L Loan. BALBOA --• I .:.. .. a._......_ ~-!!!~ a a..ar.w. ' I' I Back Bay Area BETTER ACT FAST ON THIS BARGAIN Int. OLD tarrw I bdrm., 1~ baUI . LOCATED ON KINGS ROAD • ft&MIUc Sbak• root l"Uldl IM>UM CLIFT HA VEN oa be&uUtully l&Dd9caped. Mes. lot tn exchMdve ..,.._ Many. a · Lovely 3 bdrm. or 2 bdrm. and den, 1 % bat.ha. Wal tru Lncludlnc built-In r&q"• 6 to wall carpet.a It dnJ)M, Land8caped and tenoed oven &'O wtt.lt till• plcture.que • home at only 11t,1M>O. We have additional area for awimmlng pool. Thil la tnl1 a t"' k~y! top quality home in every detail. A Horse, A Boy AND WS 000 . . • Around t~ acre, complet•IY fenced--corral, kennels, PLUS •arc• modem 2 bdnn. 6 d•n home witb all the l rhnminp Incl. wall to wall t'&r- petlnl'. muelve ftr.place, forced air heat, sep. patio -.. real Rancho for only 118,800! Hurry on thlll one! Two Fireplaces lN THIS BRAND NEW 2 bdnn. and den, 2 bath home wttb bullt- ln kitchen, bdwd. rtoora. ~ucb­ plate clrcullll-& !&rs• cWltom built home cloee IJl and PRlCED RlGHT a t $18,500 wilh excellent term&. $2,800 Down WlU.. BUY lhlll nearly new, I bdrm., l ~~ bath modem home with fireplace, forc~d air beat, pro. dbpo9&1, b&r kitchen, dbl. l'er. on ~'ll203' lot-real oar- pin al juet Jll.900. . $2,000 Down I BDRM., bdwd. noon, dbl. J&r., choice 11ei1'hborbood on l:utatde. Let U11 e.how you lbru this buy! Bay & Beach Realty 1898 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meu.. Calif. "f..Iberty •·lltl Ev•. u 8-3158 BACK BAY I b.r .• I bath, xlnt. loc.. ll,IM>O. LIDO I b.r. • rumpus room. dbl. lot. well Jandlld, Ip. So. p&tlo Sll,000. Waterfront. I b.r., I tJ.lh Allldnc • M.IM>O. I B. R. 6 den. I batbA plus spa· cloua l'&r. apL on 40' lol. WW carpet, built ln kitchen. Good p&UO. A ba.rp.Jn al 139,500. LEMON HEIGHTS N-2 b.r.. 2 b&Ut, plU8 family room. 2 nrepla.cu. bar. t.arg• lo~auty •. . 20, 7&0. CORONA DEL MAR I b.r. 6 rumpu. room, blllalde, vt-. 27.IM>O. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout H wy U 8-4277 Cliff Haven P'IRBT TtM:z OF'Jl'Jtfl&D -Don't jl.l81. drive by 401 Pirate ~d. You can't aee the a J ood·1tu bctnns.. fmc::ed l'al'd~n. or th• 4"'c CU . loan from lh• •treet! Full price Slll.000 Corona del Mar A.N lNVJTATJON to -lhe Clneet TIUPUCX, 8o. of Rwy. 304 Mar· IU.ril• hu • llOund price and a ~ tncome to -.rry ll Compare Balboa EXPEC'I' TO BIC J:l'(V[EO with a &2' lot. a "Flower-Show"' p&Uo and the moet p'--nt 3 bdrm. J b&th bome on the Pentn.ula. ~ m .ooo. Muriel M. Pinover R&ALTOR WE HA VE JUST HAD AN APPRAISAL OH 'l'llDI HOYE BY THE ORIGINAL BUILDER AND rr IS PRICED BELOW .ACI'UAL REPLA.CDo:NT COST. OWNER SAYS SELL. Call now tor M deWla. Bayshores -$5,000 Doww A.DOR.ABLE RANCH HOUBm (Nev the Balboa Bay QU) It'• not very often that you set u opportmliJ tD buy a cosy little 2 bdrm. home like thla one in a.. tlf\ll Bayahores. Sha.knoof, Jarp ra*d hearth nr.. place, lovely encloeed patio. Doable ranee. -. .... price w only 22,500. Call for appotntmmt. TRY AND COMP .UUC THtS. ONm Df CORON.A DJ:L Mil We have ju.at li.sted an aoeptioDallJ' ... I bdl'a. home on lovely Orchid Ave. (The bdrma. are..,..,. It alao hu a fireplac. and Iota.of tile tn Jdtcbm ud bathroom. There Ml a double prap on a pa"4 al- ley and encloeed yard. Our exclulw u.tinc plioe at only $12,500 with a good 5% Joan and pa,._ta at only $87.60 per month makee thil trulJ' u out.t..,._ lng buy .... • MA.RGUERITE A VE.. OORONA. DEL K.lJl Owner leaving town. Ju.at liated thJe modln ._ unit. (only 5 yra. old). WaIJdnr dllltanoe to lt.cJl9 and tranaportation. BE SURE TO 8EIC TBDI! Full price $13,500 with tenna to .U fut <• ...... ;• u.t.ing). Harbor 2042-Harbor 2042-Harbor 20'2 1. Frank James-Linwood Vick · REALTORS C. B. ltuu -R. W. Ray .. -Cbu. Tra\'til Auociatee 312 Marine .Ave.. Balboa Ialand Harbor iMI BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BAY FRONT VALUES ON THE SOUTH BAY Gracioua large hoine on 2 Iota with new from.,..., window, 4 B.R. 3 bath plus maida qrtn. Hup den. 2 firepl., pier It alip, $30,000 down. MODERN furniahed duplex -2 B.R. each. Jlael. lent lnv~tment. $36.000 full price. CUTE furniabed 2 B. R. cotta~e with all modena convenienCN and patio. Room to buUd ID t..mt. $31.500. ON EAST BAY . Spaciou• 4 B.R. 2 bath bolllAt with W of beach, p.- li float. To qualified buyer $25,000 down. LARGE 3 B.R. home With very attractive apt., pa: tio with BBQ, pier and float. Offered at $e8,500. ON NORTH BAY Modern 2 B. R. home plu.a amart apt. with Yiew. Both furnlah'M. $39,500. LARGE 2 atory furn. 4 B.R. home -~ to Vil- lagr. Ottered at $47.500. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Manne Ave., Balboa l1land. Rar. 4781 CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE DAlLY 1 to~ "C" T H 0 M AS, Realtor Fitzniorris Rl'ty. Co. Lovely 4 bedroom home in choice reeidential area. Very upemive W fW carpeting It cu.tom drapee throurbout. Lg. kit.ch. with disp., dWnn.aber le •pace for auto. laundry It d~p freeze. FA furnace. 2 aundecb. Locker room.a. Dryinr yard. One of the nicest home. in the area. Low, low prlee of $29,500 -good terma. • J9CM Newport BIYd., Npt. ~&eh U S Riviera, Corona fllch.land9 224 W. Cout U11.hway, Newport Beach l..Jberty 8~2'7 "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C"' THOMAS v •1 Corona del Mar Bargains 1. $1500 DOWN Prime location l blk. from oeean front. Large 2 bednn. garage aplll"t.ment. PLUS Bachelor apt . Both fully fum. Room for home on front or lot . 2. BALBOA BAY SHOR~ Four bednn. 2 bath home. Lge. Uving room, tire· place, BBQ le paved patio. 100 yard1 to private beach. ExcluaJve reeidentl&J atta. $29.IOO firm. Sl0.000 down. 3. HILL & OCEAN VIEW 3 bednn. new, corner, 2 bath•, Ranch home. Beau- titul. Exclusive with ua. $28,500. Low down. '· ~tf.~~£.n~~~~. i!?~ room. k1l· cben It dlninS UM Opell ooto paved patio. $13,250 fumiahed. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. KcCUISTION. Realtor 3447 E. Coe.at Hwy., Corona del Mar. Bar. 41 <Ottio. &ocat.ed next door to Corona del Mar Bank) NEWPORT HEIGHTS Newly decorat-1 I bdrm. home -~ k>t - dble. 1ange -garbac'e dlapoeaJ -220 wtrinc - fenced yard -tnpL -$70 mo. paya iDt., prinal- pal, tax• on 4~ lat. TD. ol WOO. Mon ill now with P000 down. THE VOGEL CO. 3.201 W. Cout Htr)'., Npt_ Bch. LI 8-3481 -... ..J ·' ~lOrtl MulUpl• U.unr Bun~ Broh r 3136 I!:. c.ou< Hilflway, Bar 21&2 Oorona del Mu. $10,000 Full Price BEA UTIVUL ranee .. PL ln Co- rona doe! M.ar Comer lot.. aiM 30Xt II R·2 .me Room tof '1'1d unlL THE VOGEL CO. 2M7 E . Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Hu. l'f.41. Har. 1477 -------------------------- Contact Russ Patch Bay-Sandy Beach-Permanent View Kl 7-4406 or Harbor 4383 nee. It "'9Uenda Wit.b Arch Balcom & Associates 801 W . 17tb 8L, Sant.a Ana $18,500 Bargain Owner Leaving Stat. LOCA nox . .a Monu,,. can. yon ft.oM, Corona BIB"llluida. 915 W. Bay Ave. Thia UNUSUALLY A1TRACTIVE home ill an out· atanding buy. There are 3 bdrm.a. and plenty of bath•. Nice living room, i,e. dininc-den, BBQ ahd an additional den. We.tern Holly Kit.chm. Large planted patio. You wlll like the intereet.inc decon· Uon•. Out of town owner say. eell. Aaking$32.500. OPEN DAILY 1-.5 P.M. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. ~188 Thi. pnot 1rlcl~ new ps ----------------------- ruip, rtll'ri,_.tor. wuMnc ma~ dllM, w lo ,, ~ .. d.n~&. PT1ce 18 be~ reproduction t'ML t.o.a oom.ml~t IU.000, 11~. 20 yn. .. eel.lent OM111t Ylew. ~wtUa 0 . ll. LA'nlROP, N96 E. Oou1 lllctnMf', 11_,.,. IHU. -. ll6tO 76c77 H1CIJ I bdrm. bom-. I yr. old. w to w ce.rpet1ns. fenced ya.rd. Oood eoedlUC.. 110.500. Good tennA. °'"*'· S.rtha Vln110n, nt Cottac'a PS&c., C.0.t.a M-. Tep84 PRICED TO am.L rwo ~ KODDN TrlJI'-• 1900 Kn• '"'-· 1'pt. S..Ch. 1.l 8·022. TToTI CORONA DEL MAR C·l LOT on corner, bldg. bu 2 office&., heart ol Corona del Mar, priced to aell at $17,500. so. or HWY., R-1 1ot only $4600. I 8 . R., BATH and * available OD y..,. leue, lm- mediate oocup.ncy. Small 2 B. R. home, e&eelleDt condition.. 8 ,..... young, fu.11 prioe $12,000. G. l. Lou. RAY REALTY CO. ""4 & Cout Hwy .. CoroDa del Mar Harbor 2288 Cuy Puktnr H&rtlor 4110 NEAR CITY HALL I UN1T8, 2 Iola. tncoma 1163 mo 2 blocks lo oc-.n. and C&J\ build one more tmlL l l&,500. temuo 2. ... WATl:ft JP'RONTAOIC Plu. no&l • bo&t. Plue bea.cll oou.,.e. Stl.$00, temw. WA.TU.rftONT, pMf' Md float l •r. Uk• MW, b..t to.uon. 118.~. temw. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McP'adden P1ac. at Newport Pl•r Hu. HO Eve. Har. l J3T·M Costa Mesa SCA U1'fF1lL I Md.room h~. eurreundlcs by new homes, not lar t'rom IMYAn-di.t.rlct and bua. IArse lot. °"'' Jl l.000. Od. fttwld.nc. on.. by nt Cottac• Plaee,Ul•-us. , )(u1Upl4 lA•Unc N. B. C. REAL TY sand 6 lfrwport Btvd., Npt. Bch. Ra.rboc 140& CUTJ' MA VEN VU:W LOT 3 Bedroom1, P ,. bath•. Forced &Jr h•t, Bwd.. f1ocn, Iota of tile and many other featuree. Out.1tandin1 view of Ocun and hill.a. Will conaider a tnd .. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 Bedroom, 1 '>% batha, h•d. floors, forced air !Mal, newly painted Ii pape~. Lovely patio and a J*'· manent Ocean view. .Open House Daily. -620 De .An&&. RENTALS NEEDED GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder ~-Raban · Bob Cerva11 -Pat Pattiaon • Dkk Hilliard 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ha.r. C50S3 6 DOS2 Tradin' Today? Balboa Island 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home plua apt .• located oe tine OOf"' ner near Bay It atorea. For Corona del Mar. Shore Cliff• or'Paadena to SM..000 OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport 1*dl (at Port Orange) LI 8-7M2, Har. &IM ne9. BeautJN ~ yt-ot lb• ---------------------- H&rMr. Lot 1-Cor ale. CRA.RL&a II. R.AAT. RM.It.of' MIO w. Bal._ Blvd.. lfpt. Beach nett Lido .. ~ lot -........ su.ooo. llAnor Gill. 7Jo7t _a.adhd ............ tlDlll.e "° ... ,__ IMlli.s • 1111117. .....,. • ..., dea.I .... 1*n ma.de u.ro.p ..... ·~ a4. BEACH LOT R--2 80De, large beacb lot. ~ block '° 8Ul'f. BuJ ~. -enjoy forever. $2500. Submit aoaM tel'IDS. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INIUR.ANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDllRI 1167 Nwpon A•e., ~.a UblnJ s.1sa2 Llbertr s.1400 s.... • I I I . ' ·I ,, 11 I • I I 1,l. ·• ! I I l I ' $4,tm -Down 307 Ferna"do, Balboa Completely turnlabed. ~y to inove lnto. Bay view from living room with fi.replaM. I bedrooma plua large rumpua room. 1 ~ batha, garage. • OPEN DAIL y ~ 1 ·5 2631 Crestview Bay Sho;es Large llvinf room with fireplace. Full dlnlng room, S bedroom•. 2-cu garage, complet.ly rede<:oratecl. Good Terma. ~ f18,'500. FIRST TIME OFF EREO 1112 E. BALBOA BLVD., BALBOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS- 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. Thf8 is an ideal summer or year round hom~ for the executive with a large family $88,000. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and &Uy Newlin 8111!. Balboa BmL, Ballloa Phone Harbor 1807 Lido Nord Bayfront Here la 50' of the t'laeet land on Udo. Availl\ble wtth a 4 yr. ~ • -· 6 bath bmle. The llvfns room .. lsx.30, • dill, f'QD d1Diq room w\th the eec:ood tlrepJace. large breaktut room, bar or butlera pan· try off the modem kitchen. New pier Ir slip and of· fered tor Ju« under ...,iacemHit ooat a t '125,000. -1yfront-Lido All exceptJonal home tn every way -Thia 3 B.R. la Den home bu thrM batha, a lovely covered patio, a new pier le lmpr .Up and many otbt"r fu tures fuund only ln a bome that wu quality built juat l' 2 yun ero. Priced to tell at $64,750. Just Listed I 8 . R .. 2 bath home completely fum1ahed. Diah· waaher, dlapoul Ir lovely alumpstone corner flre- place an a few of t he atlractJve 1 .. tu,. ln thla • 2 yr. old homt>. Wt ll located near tht clubhouse and immediate ~on may be arnnged. $28.600 - A Lido Value. Lido Lots ~ V>t for juJJt $12,000 - 50' Com er St. to St., $15.7!50 - Two 35' Lot.a aide by aide. $19,000 talrea them both. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3U6 Via Lido, Npt. Sch.. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evea. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or Liberty 8-5297 OCEAN FRONT HOME 6610 OCEAN FRONT ' bdrm. 2 bat h lge. Jiving rm. with fireplace. Also family nn. with bar, etc. Thia beautiful bome ia of brick conatruction ~ can eaaily be converted to duplex. Excellent view from all rooma. L&!ye cluaed in patio with Bar-B-que. CompJn ely tum. including W. W. carpeting, 2 TVe., wuhv, drier & fl"ttz.er. 2 car garage. Owner anx.loua. $32,MO. Sub- mlt low down Payment. E.Z. 'hrma. INVESTORS ATTENTION We have li.ated eJtclueively a modern buatnee. It apt. bldg. Beet locatfon, A·l conatructlon Cu.tom built tuniilbinp Included. Full Price '39.600. Tmna lt desired, I J. M. MILLER CO. J02l5 Bal* Blvd., Npt . Sch. Hu. '°91 75c77 T radin' Today? LIDO l:.dlup ftM waterfront home wlui pier A •Up. I bedrooma, 3 batha. Value $55,000 for amaller home to $30,000. To Me It wbmlt, call the- OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2321 w. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orure) Newport Bu.ch LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. n_-_11e_*1_r...ea_a. ___ .!.!!!t:::tl!!!!P!~.!bta!!!!!!!...----!!!:!:i!!!!f!!!!Fft'-l'!!!~--·-· -"' .!fft:.:!!~!!!~l!~!ft!~-~. -1 NEWPORT H~~~:~~~S~R: 11 • PAGE 1 p. a. pa Im er . inc 0 r p 0 rated . , ____ w_EDN_eso_A_Y._Ju_LY_11_. 1_9s_s --.... ....._ a•••...._ developen Your dream home on LIDO ISLE? of Udo Isle Could be -and what a beautiful drum! One of the mOllt excltinc modern homee on Lido. Excellent d .. aip with 4 bd.nne. and 2 batba, on l 'h Jot.a, giving a good aised enelOlled patio. Fully carpeted, 'l'her· mador oven and range, di.epoN.l, eliding glua doort to patio, uh cabinet.a, Formica counters. It'• a •p&· cious home your family wW love. The price -$36,500 and excellent terms. Immediate possession 1 or 2 years lease ALL ON LIDO ISLE 1. 3 bdrm. 2 1>4th, tine home, carpeting It draperie9 $200 a mo. unfurn. 2. Baytront 3bedrm. 2 bath apt., carpeting la dra· periee, titove ll re.frig., $250 a mo. untum. 3. 1 bednrL furn. apt. $125 a mo. f . 2 bedrm. furn. apt. $1M·a mo. p. a. palmer incorporated ale haQson co., sales management 3333 vta Udo, harbor 1500 Shore Cliff Lot One of the few remahlinc level, view lot.a in this ex· cluaive di.u1et. Jl&,300. Let Dave OabW'D U.Ow you. Newport Height5 Vlew Home Pn.ct.ically new 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home. Drive by 243 Ocean View Ave. Then call Bill Farnsworth and let him expla.in the attractive t erma thi\t can be ar- ranged on the price of $25,500. Shorecliff Ocean View Home Thia ia an outstandingly beautiful Early American Home. The rooma are unusually l&rce uid decorated to perfection. Completely landlcaped and room left for a pool 3 bedrooms and 2 bathe. Aak for Kincaid "hep caJHnr, pttue. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., 1ales managem~nt l700 "'· coast highway -liberty 8-3573 Bargain -Bargain Open House DailY--1-4 P.M. Pen[nsula Home 4 Bedrooms! 112 Jade BALBOA ISLAND -hITTLE ISLAND lneome ffJchf Bank Balance LowT BALBOA ISLAND flER,E IT IS -Bay view. 2 unit.a, ' bednn. bomt, 1 bdrm. apt., home 6 apt. have view of bay. Shel· tered pa~o. Quality •utruction. Apt. furnished. Ho?Qe panly fUfll}Aed. New lB 1948. In beautifW condition. $10,000 dotnl. Owner wlU earry b&lanoe for qualitled buyw. CHOI~ BA YFltO)fT BUYS BAY ll'RONT HQUD a A.PT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10,000 dowa; balan~ euy. BA YFRONT, Ll'M'Lll ISLAND -60 tt. bay front· age, pier Ir flo-t. ' bdrma. Superior construction. A good buy! DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Loury horu and income. $M,OOO. WATERFRONT -2 superior units. 3 bdrm., 1 ~~ bath•, fireplace DOWN; 2 bdmu. 2 bathe UP. Bay view from upper deck. $45,000. Submit down. ISLAND oorr AGZ -Dble. garare. J"inplacl. Reduced for qwek ale! ' BDRMS.. 2!l ~ bat.M. New fumit\ll'e. North Bay mooring. Show11 excellent income. '2f,8~. · Cottage near South Bey. 3 bdnna., H~ bat.ha, fire- place, large living room. Attractive paUo. TWO UNITS nr. So. S.y -2 bdrm. boUM 6 t bdrm. apt. Beamed cellinp. A little paint 1ril1 do wonders. $5000 down -$22.&00. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. C101e to beacb, $2e.OOO. Undoubtedly the but buy In a home In Coal& Mell&. Different -AtlracUY9 -3 bedroom. - hardwood floor -larp UT!.n• room -tlreplac• -two car ft.rage. On llutalde ot Town near I rvine.. Comp&Te thla bouae for value with any other home In town. Good terma. I t'• aleo carpeted. Full price -t 12.eoo. Owntr of UU. WluW J:Uerbroek built ' B. ll., 8 bath home on Uttl• bland will eeU Oil terma to 1uit qua.llfled buyel'll budget. DOCTOR'S HOllCE. CUl ln pr4 .. to '30.500 tor qulck MUon. • bdrm•, 2 b&Uv. On I Ip. ~ , Iota. Nicely land.ecaped, walled yard. badminton court: Buutttul r upet Ing and dra,.,e• Included. Term•. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES p~ Close in-3 Bdrm. BALBOA PENINSULA EXCLUSIVE -Flnt. Time Offe~. New Epgland Cottage Completely Jl'uml.ahed 3 B. R. ls Dia, 2 bathe, Fol"Ced Air Heat. $26,000 -Terms. Bay Front Duplex! BAL.BOA LOCATION. 2 ~droomt euh unit. Fumlahed. I cl.I' cv· ace. Flrepla.cu. trundeclui and .... N.-.' litUe tiJUa' but the iut el UM a.., fl'Dftta atar Ule EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 177:5 -E\re9. 1'4lth Maroon HYatt f-8222 John Macnab, Harbor b359. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I.eland 75c77 Here·a a nice lhrt>e bedroom llome that l• only one year old. At- tracUve Unu -Hu atl&ehed twp C'llJ' ~arap. Hardwood noo,. -11keable tlNJ>la.c• -ca.rpeted llvtnr room. Back yard com- plttely fenced. Nicely landKaped wtlh 1prtnkllnr syettm. Look In· to W a ... It'• alrlfht for-only prtce. UT,500, t#llla. -------------------- tlUOO Watch for our First in America Home nearing completion Phil Sullivan & George Everson J SM Newport Blvd., Colfta M ... ( A c1'09 trom eci.t.a MM& llull) Ptlone LIMrty ._.,U !!:'WI. HAit. OM -LI l-21<>a CLIFF HAVEN ThA• bedroom. I beth, )nrd nn., ~ dbl. garap. P!le<t 'nl•· mador kJtchen. Room tor -1m· llllJIC pool. VI-ot ~ aad hllll. 129.500, te~ Balboa Peninsula Four bedroclm. I bath. 2 tlN>plaoeL Good tamiJ.¥ )lam.. Only pe,. &oo runil•hed. Bay Ave. Income I Units -Complet.ly Furnlabecl $5000 will handle.. aleo 2 Units -Bay Ave. $MOO Down. Complet.ty book· 9d for aummer rent.ala. BALBOA Oeean. Frol\t Home la Income near Catholic Oiurcb -2 B. R. Home. fireplace, l*Uo -Plua -Two 2 II. R. Apartment.a eompletely rented for summer. · '-CORONA DEL MAR OPEN HOUSE -VIEW ! ! ·1 SAT. 6 SUN. 1 to f P .ll, 1106 0otea Blvd. 0wnef'9 movin1 inland. 8Mutiful I B. R. and Den home. See this one! Your Host.ea -h. S.wn. Newport Heights-Exclusive S B. R. Home on St. Jame. Rd. G. I. Loan. low monthly payment.. Prloed to lel1 quickly at $14,500. Newport Island HOME AND INCOME. 2 B. R. bou.e, with l B. R. Apt. (never vacant). Both neat u a plA. '18,500. -Good financing. Balboa Income and Stores! COM~ llLOCI(, f'LAftl:R. J:O, I ITOftl' BLI>O. Dowllt.owa locaUeft. • ruldeaUal In-• unli.. and two bluineN ~nt.&1.1 (1'0Ulld floor. Parkin1 attL Only I yura old. Prement Income 1210 month C«n be ~. $23,600, temu. Beech Home! JUST ' DOORS FROM TH1"o OCEAN. Dandy I bdroom home. J"umllhe<I. O.~e. too. P. ~· and -Ulla -. at ll•MO. O.IJ t4000 ~. Balboa Cottage! ON l:AST BAY A VmfUl'!. etOM t () lOl"n• One bt-droom ph&.1 p.. If.'<!· In ( ron L pore h. SI t1epa al.a. Ideal l>f'ach home. Splmdld oaa• dJllon. i 12,600. J6000 down. Balboa R-3 Lots! 3 of tbem, lid• by aide. ClOM to town Oft Balbo6 Blvd. U t .600 tor all UI~~. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo&lte B&nJI ol .uaenca Ra. 0,..,., Al Conu llu.a ICd 1-BA y and BEACH REAL TY Jack Pinkham J*1>hlne Webb WE ALSO hu• .-~ll•t bu39 tn TOO E. 8&1.._ Bl~ .• lkl~ b •• ch cottaa-... ~nnane11t __ u_50_w_. _Bal_bo_a_Bl_vd._,_._BaJ_boa __ Call_·r_. _Hu __ ._1_* _____ ""°_ne_Ha_rbor' __ ,_21_7. __ homu A Income proP9"'t)'. Coast· Properties 301 1:.. B&lbo& Blvd., S.lbo& Hubor KN. H t1 IU>d •eoo. OPEN HOUSES Daily 10-5 :30 p.m. Cornu Walnut 6 Raymood Betw~n Banta Ana • TUUa Area Xo. nt l t t.h I L New & Beautiful OPEN HOUSE 478 E. 21at St., Costa Mesa Sat. and Sun. att.moona. Shown anytime by q>polntiMot. RAMBLING RANCH atyl. 2 bdrm. and De.n home 2 )'1'9. old with fireplace, 2 bathe, dbl pr .. eervlce rm., picture windows and larp paUo, on 60'x1W' lot near Back Bay. Priced at $21,000 with tenna. Owner la anxfoua. Se4' ft. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, ll!!ALTOR "you'll lllte our trt.dJy •moe" 393 E . 17th &t.. Co.ta Mesa Uberty 8-11!9 TiiE l"E\YEST • moat attracuve 3 B JL, 2 b6th homu In town· Hwd. nr1 . ll\aJce rf . F.A. heal. tlrerl , Ule K. • B ~'ldo-ovm W ('tlgh bulll fn O\ten .t range. -------------------- !:l!C'I E. 111d• Inc. Y K.A . term1 can be ar r.nae<S Hurry on lbu,. Only a few lf'tt to chooee from. A real b\Jy u SHl.~00. Full Price SJ ,200. $2,000 On. Bal. $60 Mo. ThrM Wrm. t\&m., 2 bloc:ka tl"Om beac:tl. ''Fix M• up~ oott.1.1'• on two 30' lolJI. f'Url\IAlfled duplt:tt on PftJnN1& pnlnt , one 1 bdrm • one 2 bdrm. •pl. NI price SJ8.~~ esow.. Th~ tum. bouan on two 10' lolJI la Corona dtl Mar. SlOO mo. yr rou.11d Income. Ollly t 1J,f to. Me.Ile otfu on ttnna. &y Front, Ba.Jboa Llla.nd, two bdrm. t\lrnJAhe<I home on corner lot. 01,600, "' CMh. BaJ. l1IO 1110. LOW PRICED LIDO LOT We have exclu.ively listed a Via Cordova lot and we ·believe that it ie Lido Island's most reuonable lot at the full price ot $8,0QO. We invite you to vi8it WI to discuaa our "Lido Realty Excluaive Liatinp'' Lot.8 & homea center Ir Bay Front. We have them. Every price range. Our well experienced Lido staff aa- eurea you ot a sound purchase. LIDO REAL TY W. G. <Bill) Kempton • Vlrginia Mamon * Joeepb H. Grohman* Gene Vreel&lld * (Udo Ialand'a ma.t aper1enced Wftl penoonel) 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 (Acro.e from Rldlard'a Market) Attention! Do You Want One of The Show Placea in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost? l . Cuatom built 3 lp. bdnM. Ir 2 bath•. 2. Rustic Living Room 6 Den open1rig on beeuU· f ul kjng aize petJo. S. Over $2500 tn ptofettalonal la.nd.ecaping. 4. Ju a beautltul qua1Jty borne on a P"-comer. ~-Thi.a ia not a profit seeking re.ale, but a Jegita.- forced sale. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 West Cout Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 Eves. LI 8-14.21 -LI 8-l&fe Houston Realty Co. • Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 Art C. Kistler, Co. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth· 009 Center 8L Collta Keaa U 1-e91 I LI 1-77U Room to Breathe! Ol'lf UDO. The l~Ml lot k!t -1300 1q. ft. Oft wide •tnet. Pie t7 ot l"OOftl f or l.AROID "°911• 6 -unm.tnt pool, with Sp&Oe Mitt .... , • • Ba .. approved buildlnc pl&M. WW Mil • not aD euh ,... ~ ~eaL Or will tl'&de for bola• on Lido. llfoetlere and prtnct pa1a c:..lJ crtmtr M -.r lloo.r, Har1lor 427'. T8clt LIDO ISLE HOME TO BE AUC!'IONl!!D! I By court order thl.t ' bdrm.. I bath lovely home on 72 ft. tot •1th w to w r~uni """ ~ auctioned on p~mi..1, July 18 10 a m. For lntormaUon Ii ap- pointment to ... call Har. 6232· w. 1ep1s MU.It MU ~ old I Mra. bcM.19e. w. tJuou-out, ,.,,., .. ,peot '11.A ....... Low pe.)'ln•t& ..... !073 NaUonal, C.O.ta Mtia. Tlp7• 1330 eq. ft .. foroed a1r beat, hardwood floora, fl~ pl&ce, Real pluter. L&rp picture windowa, natur&J hardwood cabinets . Phone for app't. to .. our model bomM-- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Yea.re Buildinf In Oranre County Klmbe.rly 7 -3293 Liberty 8-41)73 70C83H Corona del Mar Home of unusual charm on beautlful Marguerite Ave. SuM y paUo can be enjoyed from living room. \... kitchen and bedroom. Hwd. floora, beam ceilinp. Fi.replace, with wall in aatin·fh:Uah redwood panel· ~· 2 fW"Q~cel. dble. prap. A quality home I lmmtdJate pclM C loe. SH,IOO. it.ya &t - ST AN SMITH, ltaltor 21&f7 ~ Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Bar. 122 T8cTT 19<>1 Newport Bl'fd., Npt. 8Mc)I Har. AM ffd7 Vets $565 down Pl.US IMPOUNDS t111• TOUR O..J. LO.lJf 011 6 yr. eld. I Mrm~ dbl• .......... ,_,. ed. Wondertul paUo Ii laundry, JU'd, Oa.rM«'9 •.,...i. AU truhty pAinted. Near Upper Back 8&7 2l72 P&li.Mdet Rd., &ante Aaa PMat ID t-•a. todo 5 Acre Ranch ON BAKER rnu:rr CA.LL fO?' det.a1la, I hue U.. ke71o D.\N JAOOMmf, U ~I T. 17c7t BY OWNER Oorou l:llpJMdt -I Wra~ I ba UI farmJ)clua l't>. H&rtlor 7 84 Tltl• T UNITS -all fu.rnlahed Ir on aewer. ClON-in loca.- tion -One acre with room for mote unlta. Monthly income $380. Price $23, 1'50. • 3 Br. home (9 yn.) flagstone fittplace. c~. lot 80xl.38. Price $97!50 with $2000 down. ~•tial lot 6&t17~ --~--......... ·-·--·--· $2~ G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCu dle 1810 Newport BJvd., eo.tA Uta. LI 8-1801 Trade 150' on Newport and. -downtown Costa Mera. Wll1 tnde. will UWJDit, TbJa property la clear. Want income or comm..-i. Submit. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES JN8UIUJfC2J -IAI.Q -LOANS -BUILDERS 1887 Newport Ave., ea.ta Meea Liberty S.1132 Liberty S.1'00 EYIL - - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, JULY r J, 195S • COASTAL SHOPPER ·WITH SALLIE Out there an thirty-the Utt.le p6eeee of BID ••• 8ooa the Hoaolulu nee wUI be over wit.II DOthbar bat • abJpe JO« for • memory . • • Of the flfty-three --but., oar BW Lo,_. wttb hie bowlecl1e of .-.tutac food&, took the helm or .t.odda1 thirty-five "' the saDeya ••• Avocado9, Peacbee, Ban- anu. tol'hatoee and cantaloup carefully .egreiated in three .tage. ... ripe, medium·ripe ~N and green ••. To be eaten &e· ~ cordingly ... Kuna and prime riba routed, Chicken. fried by our Delicate.en, then frozen to be atowed away in deep freeua &boa.rd ahip to be thawed u needed ... Piea and breakfut roU., baked in our Bakery, then frozen . . . eu.. tom cut to order, ateaka, cho1>9 and rout., caretully freuer-wrapped then frozen For thoM without frees. era. meat. ud P* were ..mun, Jl9Cked la dry loe to IMt thl'fle or f OClr daya • • • after the dry Ice melt- ed ••• lteave ho wttb the ... ope9flll' ••• 13M loaves of Olien'• spe- cial bread were ordered ... Thi.I p&rticular loaf ia guaran- teed to Jut for mon~ and month• . . . Med-0-Mll.k . . . which ia free.b millt rifbt from the cow to the can ... aleo comes ln !!()..~. cream and whipping crum ... Can- ned Butter .•. C.... of extra large erp . . . (one ta.k• the place of two) ... So nry fresh . . . I tell you our Bill watched thoee herus like a ha wk . . . The egp had t o be Juat that fresh to Jut for lG days without refrigeration ... Boata from ~attle. Su fnact.oo aad Stodrtoa ... The oeJy two HoeoluJu eo- trles ud tht1 oaly on~ from A WJtralla . . . plwt a lllCO~ of our k>calltfotf w~tt mo11t f'tltb•lutlc ov•r our B1D'a •ff\dency . . . '"l'hfl plUl· cleat of tM Df'W McConnkk U.es who OWlla tM .. Af'W" W1"0UI SM a lttt# r &ad thaakt'ld tnf'Jor thf! hdp I had itv~a ~ cook • • • It wu • n1ce lf>~r. rvea If he did call IM t•rect," uld Bfft. Do you wonder now that • part ot Bill Is out there . . . practically to Honolulu by now ... Thfrty-five boau. ... aome with u many u 16 peo. ple to feed from 16 to 28 da}'I ... Sure ... aome of them will come back without ~plenah. ing their food 1Upply ... Sure Bill can do It ... with the Lid ot our Delica~ . . . our Bakery . . . our Butchers . . . our cavern. of freesera, wrap- ptng and packtnr facilltiea ... bell.ind the ~llM ..• Hard to beUeve • , • about u mueh food reeeheta ·~· clal deiltaaatioaa out oar bedt door. vta delivery truck and poet otnce ••. u our froet door . . . Of ClOCll'9e the reelpletlte doa't have-half thr hut you aad I do •.• We.'ial la Ud oat the .._ •.. wtHin tben'• ltOW room to wea\'e ft (Slw 1emodefl•1> •.• And llOW tlaat tile l"M (food -.Ttq) 19 Oft!' with • • • .. CMal) I ctow.to .. .aftllrrted ....... wfflwwt M.tq .. a I Ir ................ Of ...... '" .......... .,.... dme • • • le :'*Jn, fer ..netfdag 1N1W Md . ..._ e11t.._.._"'....,.,... It here at ... "a.-MM """·"'"" •f'l'M11 Z.-.f>• [iii SHOULDER ..... ~ 4F "·~ R.D411 -f'C*ffT C"op1f'' SliiiiiLiER CHOPS ~SF .. •~'°°1 -O.ltoiotul W'ftll ""!Jdnbln" iECr STEW ·-----·~ 1oc "~ \Cin Of'fle'lt Corlo11 •111111' 8wtft'• ..._._ SLICED BACON ofitt'I :Jrozen Sa/. Ut.t.1'• Fr'OM'a 2 'Mk GREEN PEAS _ -·--_ .. "' ,~ 1.1- UMt1·· f'ro-2 'Mk ORANGE JUICE .. -···,... ,.,1.1- U'*1'•... 2 jal IASPIRlllS \0 .... fnr 'NJ ui.r• ~ <'v• 2 29' GIEEN IEANS10... for ........... tHI tit .... , •••• ....... ..,.. ..... .,, WP1'.'9" ...... ,.... .......... ........ ..._, ........ llfte ... Oel-... OM.-.. _, .. .....__ r ... ._.._ -..... ,..... IWr.IJd .,. 8..-d, ......... hr- ...... Oil ... ........ ~,,..... .... " ...... ~m­~0-flaW.U. o.c-........ ~F.-dl .,.......,.. htreMI 1--......... , ...... OWcl&.-..... ......... ~ a..,.. P.rtl ....... ~ "'-... • ...,._, 8en9 ... .. 0.... ........... 8---......... °"""' ...... ... llb'.8' vecl!t...._ a • .................. wlll -a.tt 1 ........ ~D:;.::r ~ ~ r...... i.,. ~ ......... ,..... ... ,_ ....... el. • ·-el. ,_ 0.-. .,, .. ~ ....... .,._ fte On.& w..w ..,....... (i.ft .,_ ... a.,._ ~ .. 0......,. 1147 ....... .,.tJ 1_..,.. r,_. Cwt 2 29' GIEEN IEANS...... rnr S,.Wfw11t111an • ....,1 U..y'11 Mlud 2 • 29' VEGETAILES Ito&. fnr LIMI>'• 2 29 FRENCH FRIES10M '"' 1 UMty'• Dtnn"r Apodal 2 39' CHICKEN PIES .... for • (Jarden :Jre~~ t'rfth, Ripe RaW1dlu PINEAPPLE Fucy. Crti.p. Loq Greea CUCUMBERS TMder, 1'1111&7 8-- SQUASH You'll flncl a Udo ·Shop • • . FREE rb.12. 4 fo.10.• 2 lbe.15. Richud'a . . . one of the Lido St-ope at the entrance to Udo I.ale, Newport Harbor ... SPECIAL8 roB IULl' lf, U Md 18, l~ - / SERVE GOLDEN RICH DAIRY PRODUCTS FROM RICHARD'S FOR HALE AND HEARTY SUMMER APPElllES ......... ,_..,_ ..q,,..... ... ~ ~ 0-.t)' o.&r, ......... TeMI P"-........ ..all,-· ... . ..,..., .............. ,,...... .......... ,.. ..... WMHI Y .. 11 .......... -* ,.,. .,.., ...,. .. wtw.• , ....... ,._ ............ ,._. ~.....,. leatur.d ..... ll'ellelt1111• • ; • "7 ............ ...,. ...... ,.. • .... AA BUTTER ... 59 . "'"'-• 0.0, ,.,_ *-' ~ Rlehard•a Grade AA EJltn ...... LARGE EGGS ... 49. COT'G CHEESE ~· 25· "'~ 'f'o4tll MUk for lleo.ltlt" r-......._....,. .......... "lf•t '~" of c/M-(row. oer De~t••-" WillooMl8-Aged Ntppy-Red Sida CHEDDAR "If ....._.. /ltAO<lf'• for ~., Toddll Extra Rieb 8llerW or ICE CREAM r .. w rrom _., •*-...._ J'el' TIT _., -··~·~ ................. .... -"'1'1•f-T ~··· , ~. 69· t••I. 79. TBUUDAY A,;'u CAKI .. ~···· ··-" 4f' I 14~ -·-· -,_ P.W. DINN'!:& IOW nuDA1' 0,... T.. sr CHEUY Pll ·---.... ~rt-..,. ....... IYI DEAD JJav• a Bart.cue/ iii9UEt1 ;5· "·1 1: ~~ ... 9SC .......,. Dlllu--a..s. ~Perr 'Ge PLATES ... .. .. ~r ... ,. 7- ...... T-•• ...... 2 41c KETCHUP . 1•... ,ff ... .... .,..~, .... 11e '»7c RELISH . I I n-1,, RiPE Oi.1vis .. ~':. _lfc Olrvll'• ....., ., ~ ~ •• 2k DiisslNG .... . • 0&.21c V• C-. .... l'f-"'OaK a 23c IEANS __ ., .. ·~ .. ••• to flt , .. ftefJ Mid ! • •