HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-27 - Newport Harbor News Press• Volultl-N...._1% For Complete MARINE MEWS •cl MARINE SUPPLIES CWlllt .. Special MARINE SECTION hi the ~clay Edition NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS PRESS ll..&Tl'Aa8U ._.._ ..... _'r..u.n meras-llMp-. UMt7 .. UM • 009T4 ID84 llArraaa 00. 1111 N_,_. ...._ Call DAM'S TV .................... L1Mrtya.m1 -Your .A.dnrtsanr Doll&n p tartMr, do mar.. •ll more. wh• J'OU adwrt.JM hi thl• papa - Phone Barbot-1811. 181 MORTGAG.E lOANS ~ ltCfl•IE8CNT fllttVATC ANO tM8TIT\ITIDNAL CLCNT8 C •OltltOWl:M AND LIENOC•8J ""°M COA9T TD COA8T WM. 8. IO~T MOWTDADlt •ANKtNe 81NCIE ••aa 1609 N. •U.H 8T•IEET MNTA AiMA. CALWOt9MtA IUMelEltLY S-'7'1• You Owe it to Yourself to See the Bargains in Rule'• Summer Clearance Sale LADIES 9UALITY SHOES Reg. Price Sale Price Pelinio Lizard ······································--·············-····-24 .95 -.. ·-·~···-... ··---15.95 Ameno's .. . . .................................................. ·-···--········ 18 .95 ··-·~········--.. -···· 12.95 Rule's Custom Mede ................................................ 18.95 ·-·······-···· ..... -...... 12.95 Queen Quality .......................................................... 12.95 -··---·-· ... -.... -........ 9.95 Mel Preato'n Custom Casuals ........................ 17.95 ·-·-··-········-· .. 12.95 Sbicca Casuals ........................... -...... -........ _Jilt ........ I 0.95 -.. ·-6.95 Teicher's Strew Cesuela ................ -.. ···--···-·--·· 9.95 -----6.95 laicher's Straw Flats ··-·· .. -····-· .. -····--·---7.95 4.95 Oomphies Ce1uel1 .......... ·-····--·······-··--·-···-······ 6.95 ---4.95 \ All ..._,,_._Ne=+=·.-•,.,..._ Clrculallon 21,000 OW& .... .. Newport ....... B...._...._ ....... Cor'Olla .., llar, <*ea .... ~ ............. ................ llanorllll HURRY SHOPPERS! HURIY! RELl·ANCE DOLLAR DAY SALE Until AUGUST 8th . Gaze et this list, one of which you receive with the_ purchase of • new Television or Major Home Appliance. ~ ------HERE -IS ~LIST--------. I• • Table ladio • Pop-~p Toaster • TY Lamp e Portable lar-1·9' e ~12 FtOOf C_,Mt e YHt Fan • Deep Fry • Steam Iron • Antenna • Electric Coffee Maker • Set of Steak Knives . NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms No Doww Paymellt for 45 Daya lrillCJ Us A Customer ancl Receive Valuable Gift Dlscoullt to Service People Giant Tracie In Allowance RELIANCE Home Appllma Se"lce ~y , ..,....y_ ...... 0--1 ... _.,.. ...... ~ A1 Lew Aa $19.95 a.. ... m.cate ..... ......... .Aa $15.00 [J MODERN IEDROOM t PO. lla:>llOOM SET, Tri .. D~ ··-· <J.llNe.. HMd·'-"I .... I 0...-_.., ..._. Mrti a~. o..,.._w. ........., _ ······--· . Ul.M DBI.. Da&.8AD. S... ...,... JJ9 .. 1J9" 89" I Sale Starts· Thursday, July 28th, 9 a.m. I APPLIANCES 0.-1.Aie HOTPODIT W AStDa ~r . ·········-···-···•• 0.-IWle WHIJU.IOOL W A8H'D ...paar . ·-···-·-··· ..... 9E:io-"Dtx IWONOllAT WAAKE& ..,,,..._ .... . ............... t•.t 3 llSA..D-BOAJU> Md t CVnw1 ...... ......... ...., __ ........ I PC. SET, Trt ... ""'-"· MJ'""'' a HMll ...... wtdt11...._..U......._ ....... • . .... HI.Ml SLEEP SOFAS H'UDIO OOVOR. W,..,..Pt.,... Lfit'I. Mrf-.~ ... -. "·N 8T1"1>f0 OOtJCR. Wabnrt .._, A.lrf- ......., 111.N TUJUf-A ·BrA>. AJrf-. run .i"' &of• ...... ,Ur twt. -.. .. ~l(Ular WJllfO 80FA wlUI hll 8l1Ml Matt- lletrw•,··· .. nt.H 199 .. 79~ 99 .. 269" 229" AnniYerwy Malhess Special pt ... __ ,,_, M I.- 81 1>w .., r---r.-• ,.. .. · · · •3•t5 !If ... ., .... -..... ----·· . ..-·-·--........ ,, .............. _,.... IASY TIRMS WOW. COAST HWY. NIWPOIT IEACH COLONIAL •DROOM ,..._ . 299 .. 269M 199 16 99 .. J4" COLONIAL DINING ROOM I PC. DTNINO SET, TUM A • CMln. IKrdl, I IMt es'-"-9'.el'JW ............ I 'HM M" ROUND DaOP U:A.1' TABU:. Solld. Blrt'h. ~ .......................... .. 121.IMI .... llUl'OH. 8oM Blrall ~ .......................................... 141.H REYWOOD-W AJlE1'IELD Hl'TC'H 8olW Blrdl. .......... Ut.N 1J9" 99" 219" 179 16 MODERN DINING ROOM a&er. UT. TABLE. • «Mll"ll a lleffet -w.a..t ftl ... IY)CI'. EXT. TABLE, t <Ml" A httd -BlttJi ft( ... amoB DllOP !.&AF TA.BL.IC '61Ut S4J9 .. 146.oe 2S9ae ...,..,. .................................................. ,. ... W.OtJOll'I' DIOJIJ DllOP LSAF TAlll.a ........ ...--........ .. ..... -' ... ... WllOUORT IJWl'f UJIVD ...-r ...... -···-·-·-.. -··-.. ······-··--··· ..... 69" 129 .. J7 .. MODERN LIVING ROOM IUIOElll..Ell t ~ 84-t -Sofa -.t o..lr . .....,.,. .... 159" 89" L008E PIU,OW-BACK Loo:qe CM.Ir, AlrfGem. Ookl. R4!c1Jla.r ......... ltt ... w:~.~--~ .................... ,... 119 .. 79• 79" -==~.~~~~~~-~~~-~-·· ... . ...... 109 .. LOt'NOE CHAIR. A.lrf- ~lar . -..... _ ................. . COLONIAL LIVING ROOM WlNO 80FA, l"Wfft Qwllltf, f1llfl l"rt11~ Faluit', Jl.toplu . WINO SOFA, E:ir~t Fabric and .. .... 249 .. 1aaae C.-11tnM'tlo11. R#plM IN.et .,., IAIWE "111"0 C'JIA!'R. o.._. Prl.nt 1J9 N wtth AJrfOM11. Rf'SUl&r . . .. .. • . 1ee.t1 PLATroRM ROCK.ER., AJrf-Seel aad lleril. ~ . .. 10US PILLOW BACK LOC."TNOI: CHA.Ja Md 89 11 119" --.. " '":~~~~~-~~----.,... 275 .. ~A.lrf~ llloucle -A. .• UIM LOVE liEAT. o,_ TwMod ...,..., ....... -........ .. ................... _..... .. ... ~ -. ···-·-· ................ .. KNUIX St.r.c. oaYD Dtu. •11>.., ...... ...... ....... . ... -. nt.N HOTPOUIT AU1U0'1RA TOR, It No tt.. ".._. °""""t.. ......,..., ....... CROSLEY ar;rarolP:llA TOR. II ft&. ft. DdAa.u. a.cua.r . -. .. ... PATIO FURNITURE CHAISE LOl'NGE. AJ..a.- 1'ttll Vat ~ .,_. ftftc:4 .... . ... -19 .. 'I' TILT UMBllELIA.8, M,.tal '°""' -' ~ ~-. ~-H .N t' REDWOOD BA.&Br..C·t:r; MET "1._. 1 wllt'hN -~ ta.N llt:DWOOD CHAIK, wltlt Ohf! Pad &fJcular . . ...... .. .. ... llf:DWOOD t"MBAELLA TARI.I;, 44-let*. ~.., . ,.,, .. IU~DWOOD Ult'NOE CH.Alll ..ct PAP ~.., ............. --.. ·-··· 11.N • llcjelow CottOll lrOaclOOlll c_,. Loop or C11t Piie J t .1keaU11111 Colo,. ..• '6" 841. V•. CO!W'PIL'n: 1.-w.,.. •..a enr ~VJ 4e .._ •alne ,... FIEI P AIKING IN IEAI PHONE U 1-1113 PA6E 2 COASTAL SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 F ·Mesa' Apri t Gro tum l.nto '70 town k>ta w1th re-agan Co Ye ltr1eUooa to k«p th• character of Ole aubdh'l&lon • ._:&clu.tv_.., tt f.a probable mo.t of the treta wW , UP $1.085.000 IN SAYINGS • cord well above Ula Sn-mlWm mark. •led. about U OO ln small cow Will Bee s bell lsio · • &'O. How~vl'r, ... ot the aeWnc bel.n&' wrapped &l'ld"' then Wert ome u ' n attracUona wfil be t.bat the buyer at lu.at 800 $1 bili., Kn. R.r· can keep u m&DJ apricot t..-. CountJ Business ~ctivity Rise Noted by Loan Rm WIE FURNISH YOUI HOMI l bol'1l a:at~d. Some ot U.. D\ODeJ on hi• property u be lh1nb be had been. ln smaJJ w'blte ellftl· An apricot I'°" planted u a retired from beln&' a capt&tn In e&n UM. Mn. 1'•&'&.n'a aon·ln-law. opea and th.-.,..,.. t.ona open bobby 18 year1 •ro la about to the merchant marine he atarted Frank Uvrlma.n rt Bakeratleld, ·at Hurley lell and left, but tiler• ..... alao &1w way to prorreu; Mn. Paul· the orchard to kff]) blm•.elf busy. la to help ber .. u the lou . four broW11 envelope• .fttb 111oney, lne P'aitan •. 22!)1 TueUn Ave., COe· Bl.Dee then the orchard l"ew' into The at .. dy r I I• In OraJll9 lMUtuUom1 -have ched!ed", whkh were taken trom the apart· ta Men. whote huabe.nd wu • bu.in .. 90 that lUt year Kn. W County b111lnua activity la •pot· Palmer eald. '"nlla la encou:rastnr Hurley Bell Cate, 3101 Eaet I ment Int.act. The Jou WIJI partly stung to death by a -ann of I Fa«an harvl!lted 800 tur1. 25 lbe Calvln p. est Hurt u hted b a re rt from Newport to ua for two rea30ns-nrst. It Coaat Blvd., w11e robbed or clote covered by lnaurance, Mra. Her· bcu a year ago, hlla decl:led that to the Jug, or 10 to1U1, of a prtj)Ot•. C 1 __ R d g Y po maru our tr&dtnc area u one to J~ ao(lle time atter 8at· ahorn r.atea operation of the orc.hud ta too which Mra. P'agan oplnea la too al at .,...y91 0G Balboa Savings and Loan AJNocla · of the moat active In the Wl'sL urday mldnl(hl, according to po· · · much for her 11tren1;th and la •· many aprtcota for a woman to Uon .of Newport Beach ahowlns secondly, tt mean• a million-dollar Uce r!'port..w. bout to aubdlvlde her Ii acre1. handle alone. Calvin Paul Weit, 20• l80Z W. more lha.n a million-dollar galn tnoreaae In the Cunda wl\leh we Mra. II'. L. •Herahom. trom Sotltllwllld Safe In cuttlnr up ~. land Mn. Durtn1 th• YMn lbe J'apn.1 Ocean Front, •ustalned minor In· In aavlnga tnveatment1 ounnr the In tum will re·lnveet In tint tru11t whose apartment over ~he Hurley · Jlouthwlnd the Newport Har· Facan plan1 to move. her own buUt up the buatneu u the treea jurtu when hla veh icle ripped off re-tnve1tment pertod In me fln1t deed loana on homes and bu1tne .. 1 Bell the money wa11 take.n. •tat bor y.cht ~e rted mlulng In home to the rear ot the center and crop grew, by eendlng out u Santa Ana Canyon Road a quarter l1 daya of J uly. bulldln1• In our OraJ1ce County Carlyle's &.oday 11he bellevefl lt waa eome po . 70x13li·tt., Jot and to do ao 1he many u 1000 Cllrds a year. They mile uat or Tustin Ave. early yea· President Paul A. Palmer an· community. A larr• ahare of ll onf' who wa~ well acquainted with the Tran1-Paclflc race, wu l&le la atarttnr thl1 :week to bulldoze alao put out a cook book, &1vtnc terday. He W'al taken to Hoar nounced a net g&Jn ln aavtngs of wUI• aro to help underwrite new I furniture th,. premises u the money wu lo port Monday at Honolulu. O\ll'll· out the center four rowa of apri· recipes for cooking the 'cota they Hoapltal. $J.OS:l,OOO durlng the ll·day per· ron•tructlon, which la our Number takl'n from the upper two drawel"I er 11. R. Gallaach ot Weat Cout cot t.reu. aold. CWltomera came for the The patrol Nid Wut•a car wu lod. One lnduatry" 1990 tt.bor llvcl. or a dress1>r and the other tour Yacht Club H id the 'f'OY•r• waa Rf:TDU:D CAPTAIN fruit all the way trom Pua.den& movl.ng weal a t 71> to ~-mUea-per-"Percentagewlae, tbla I.I tar the Palmn 1atd that the aavtnp Costa ._. __ drawn• were not dlaturbed. made wttbout lnclsfent, but the The Faiana mond onto the to La J olla. hour, mlased a dttour tumott and greateat lf&ln rt'ported among the raln ra1aea Newport Balboa S.v· ....._ Entrance wu &'alned by pryl.nc ketch'• radio went out Air land 18 year• aco and when Fagan Now that tbe acreace I.a to ro&red•lnto an orange rrove. many Southern C.llfomla aavtng1 lnca'itoit.&lirieaoiuir~i'ilojainiewirie·i'i••······~-open the lock, police report, · mark• on the door ahowtn.a where Force pJanea •earcbed for tlae a knlre or other lnatrument had veaael for several daya. been tnaerted. 111"1. Henhom no~------------•d • •liver orr th~ donr whtn •he tint entered atler the robbery and decided 1ome one had b<>en ca rel tu c a r r y I n g aomet hlng throurh the opening. Some pt the money was pack· Say It With ...... ,. .--------------------~Wlt· Newport Variety YOU1l 6 and 10 STORE We Give Crown Stampe OcNa Froat Nfl&I' Pter Nl'.lWPOllT BEACH Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMIRCIAL SECURITY PATIOL IQ. 2-7027 You Will Find . Best In Every Thing You Need In WANT AD PAGES Party Reiatal Heme 3~03 E. Coa&t IJJI., CoroftO IU4 Jlot Harbor 50'11 CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING REJIODEUNG-U:PADUNO Bl:l1'1Nl8WNO New Furniture Madel• Order Antiques Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK FJlEE Mck·vp A Dellnry BRfNEMAtfS 660 w. 17th St. JUcls. No. tJ eo.ea ..... -LIMl1J a.-u I~ 0. M. END OF MONTH SALE! MID-SUMMER CLEARANCf; 1/3 to Y2 0 FF REGULAR PRICE FINE PLAY-TOGS EXCITING CASUAL FASHIONS AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES- RIGHT NOW WHEN YOU NEED THEM THE MOST. Hurry for I 1t Choice -u 1-7566 1183 Haalw llwd. c .... Mesa ' Speclals 1or Sat. J•ly 28, 29,30 YOU'LL I HAYE A "o.e of tlM Lido 8bope• 3481 Via Udo, Newpo~ Beach UOl E. Oout By., Ooroaa clel Mar 716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa KLEENEX 400's ·4 for5100 Scot Toilet Tissue 1000 8~ 6 tor 4-9C ~Bir aon [taper Towel 2for4~ l'q.ofllW ... Clothes 15c Pins A.JH-Jio,.,-.. Serva-Snack Set -t Serving Trays --t Cups --···--···- Water Botti, Pl .. tic Cap-Qt. Capacity ······-·- Pure Copper Pot -Cleaners look Matches At O• • • • • Reg. I Oc Bot ttf !IO Udo Fotlntal11 GrUI Captains Plate, C~1tf ef • • 8b.rtmp Oocktall, Soup or Salad . . (Choltt of Two) -- Amtd. Freeh "8h nllet, Freah .lwnbo Shrimp. and NortbeJtl Sc.JJoptJ, Tartar 8aace, 8hoeetrin~ Potatoee, and V~getabte •.• l>eMfort, CoffN Colcl Clltl, Potato Salad lol. CoffM ------·~···--8~ Cellopren Pklstlc Foam Sponge HARDWOOD BEACH IACK RESTS Reg. -t9c Size ...... 37c 8oUd • Strtpe C'a.1n·-~k Reg. 69c Size ...... 47c For H-A Auto llae ..... 35c , ... •100 , ....... ._. mm!WlilW PllSINTI STATE NAME S.. 909D•• 90 real you 1-1 T°" can alao.t walk lnlo th411L Houra oi p le<uure JOl' JamilT and frieoda, and ffpedally educa· tional for chlldr.n. A ~ t.br .. ·re.C packet with 21 pic1urH that lel.l a laid· eating atorr of ow .tate. Featured Q.ow IA a aelection oi o•« COO Vlew-Maater Reela lni;ludin9 mo.ta atan. ociYentwe a.Ion"' banbail p layel"I and lalrt tat .. mi well a.a world-wld.e .ceDlca. Foe enjoyment I.a Yle•Mcnter Stereoecopea and Proj.aon. Yincenh ICE CREAM Hand Pack Quarts • 59c lland Pack Pinta • 30c 014 Fashion li ,.i. 59c Bulk Style · 1 LB. RDIJDY IRUP -1h ::;;.....__ il VIDlOJK l'1IJD ILIO. P.~ VALUA LAWN CH41R $679 CHARCOAL IRAZllR 10 u.. Olm 111 ...... - -.. WADING POOLS ........ DAVY 0900&.E'IT •eci. 3.00 $2.49 Wacll'"J Pool M"1Jt • $5.95 $3.50 va1 .. n• BEACH TOWELS Asst'd. Stripes and Colon -···-····-··········-···-····-·····--·-··-·-- IOW ! turn your TY ' Plastic Swim Rings · s R#«. t~ DF£K • • fl'hono-cC:::::.:.110": 12'5 Playing Cards •..• Ladies Nylon Briefs r,~~ 3tor 100 M•t'd. 1UU9 --. Shampoo 9()c Value . • 6Cr HOUllGANT Uquid Cream Deodorant With Fne lottte of IODY TONE-Special -···-··m---ou-.. -· Amazing .. ;;;:, RCA VICTOR Slld•-0-Matlc "Victrola" 45 re~ord playerl IL ·a nt'W, ifa lun. and comple1ely auto m1111c' Shp a •45• rl'cord Into 'h<' .J,,t i nd RCA V1ctor-•1 Sh~ 0 Matic d<>n the-rl'lt. T•l<H r~d. play• II ~1ut1· fully. "h•nd1" II back when ni.hNI. n~ into an)' TV°' r111Ht1 l)h Jack. Rubber Tipped Bob Pins Reg. 50c 2 Cards of 80 Pins ea. VALUES, AND COMP LINES OF LIQUOR AND WINES LIQUOR DEPARTMENT HUDSON BAY Compl,+e Natura~ly Silver ABC SCOTCH Line ,of Fermented lieu Pink or Ripple BEER WHISKEY $629 ,,fth Vi yard White Gin 6 Cans and ChampacJne For hristian 80 P&OOP I 09/o Discount sr 97c . nrTJI on Case ~ s2•1 • PurchaH ,,,... ~ I • McCormick-Ross M~rriage Is . Pair Wed Here in Hotne Rite Solemnized at Saint Andrew's 300 Guests Witness Ceremony The marrl'I• or Elizabeth Ann Rou, daurhtu of Mr. a nd Mra. O.ne Wlllaon Ro• ot Lido lale "> Philip Brookll McConnlck, Dearborn, wu solemnl.Md Sat· urday at St. Andrew'• Pre1by- terian Church 1n Newport Beach. Mr. MCormlck 1; tbe son of M:r. and Mn. Charlu Ellsworth McCormick . of the Th• bride wu c1ven ln mar· rtage by her father. She wor. Chantilly lace over white aaUn . INnt-ly pleated lace ~r;ed the ott-lhe-llhoulder nec kllne and tbe Inverted 11callop11 of the lonr· !Inf' fitted bodice. The boutrant ak lrt wu of tul~ over 11alln with a chapel tTaln. The flng'ertlp veil wu held In place by a Juliet cap ot match- ing lace f'mbroldered In eeed pearls. For h~r bouquet, the bride carried white vesper orcbldJt, 11te- ph1U1olls and llllu ot the valley. She wore otle 11trand of Oriental pea rl11, a gift from the bride- groom. Matron of honor was Mrs. J ohn Robt>rlll of Amherat, M'a.u .. 11il;ter Of the bride. Bridesmalda were Mrs. Nort on Buck, Pacifi c &by, San Dleco ud Klaa a.l17 J"Ulboa wt\b ,..UOW slMI Manled McCracken. New London, Conn. the pews dowa th9 cent• a1a1 .. Blind 15 Years, Bride Sees Again On Wedding Eve A ttendanta wore while bout· The recepUon wu held ba U.. fanl organdy trocu embroidered cloi.ter prden.1 betw•n th• In palut yellow with matchlns -.nctuu'7 and the 1ounp wtiere auhu of aun. Ttiey wore wh.lte the hup wedd!DS cake and the halo h&t• of Imported horaehalr butt.t wppu were .......ci. Dur· a.nd carried while French 1traw tq tbe reoeption. Huriet Wood. y..,. ol tncMI doarlmM. culml· buke~ tilled with putel tuber-b&rpYt &lld .Marjort• JAwta, Y1o-ll&ted Sa bri&bt happl.D-for Mri. ou11 begonlu &nd delicate blue Uni.t, pa.yed. norence McCuthy when abe wu !Illes of the Nile. Mn. J'rank Mlnb&U J r and u.nlled with Dewey Surlee in a Flower g1rl1 were C&Uly Col· ION carol JCymu had ~ .. ot lovllf ham. wedd~ 1n the Har- llM, daughter of Kr. and Mn. the suut book. Pourtq wee bor area July a. The cuemooy Jamea Colline: SUAD M.arahall, Kn. Jl:drar Bll1 Kra Kart1n wu performed by the Rev. Geo- daughter ot Mr. and Mn. i'rank Jil&nPd, K n. Paul ~n.s. rs• Relv• 1n the rutdence of Marshall Jr.. ot Loe An,.1e1. aunt ot u,e bride> Mn. Jo~ lilr. and Kn. Roy Keene at 167tl Their dre-were of white or· Kepper, aunt otl the bnde and Ocean Blvd. gandy over yellow. They earned M1aa .Mary Rou, aunt of the For 16 yean, Mn. Mc:C&rthy tiny replicas of the brldNmt.ld'• bride wu rot.ally blind. On her weddln& bl.Jlkets filled with yellow eoldl· . locks rosea. Kn. Rou, Ul.e bride'• mother, eve, the bride h&d perfect viaion. The Rev. Jamu ~tl'w&rt St. Andre"11 Church rHd ma.rrtap 1crvlce which WH tended by 300 rue1t11. at· l'al111&de11; Mra. James C0Uln11, The bridegToom'e best man wu wore a trench blue ribbon knit 8h4I wu ·~ in very pale Gene Willaon Rosa Jr., brother aown with irrid..ient Sr&Y ac· !llue impor(ed n.t over blue l&f. or the bride. Ullhers were Telrner ce.orlu and ptnlt o~dJt. For feta with pink acc:flNOrte• and Consllln ot Dearborn. OeorKe Mal· her golnf away coatume, Mra. trimrrun,... She earned a curpce toy of Stockton, James Metro• McCormick wore a navy blue of pink roee buda. Culvl!r City : M rs. Donal!J Huck· TO HONOR PARENTS of Ot>arborn and John Roberta ault wtth red acceuor1e11. The Matron of honor · wu Mn. of Anlherat. couple le honeymoontnr ln Santa Keene. Sb• wore a pale orcbtd Mra. Buck wai1 aoluilit. She B&rt.ra and San Pranclao and dreaa wttA maldliq a.cceuortu. a&ng "How Do 1 Love Thee", a will le&ve t or Mlcblpn where Both Ute radiant bride and Mrs. poem by Ehzabeth Barrett they wtll make their home. Al· Keene wore b&Uartna lencth Browning with muaic by Edouard ter Sept. 1. they will be at aklrt.. ao,. Keene wu ~ man. Lippe and "Give Me Your Hand," home at •2t Bout.hfteld Road, To atnLtna ot the "Weddlnf by Marian Stewart. Blrminfham. .,. Ma.rc.h" Mn. McCarthy came Harbor W orilen Will Attend Annivel'sary The church waa decorated with yellow and while gladioli bank- ed with f~rns and myriad.a of caadlM. Candle1 and whlte aatln WE FURNISH YOUI HOME On AU(. I , the ftev. and Mr1. l'red W ahl.. of St. Pa ul, w1U •been • the ttttteth annlveraary •t Uwtr marrla re. On hand to commemorate tbe ceremony will 'be tbelr daugblert, Mr1. Norman Cari.on and Mra, Robert Olander •t Newport Helsbta. Mra. Olander will leave on July 27. and will remalll Ln St. Paul for one O'lont.h. Ber chUdttn, Oall, Carol, Bruce and Robert. will tranl with her. The boya will atteiid the YMCA Camp at !t. Croix, W ia., where t.belr parent• aptmt their aumm.n. • U(. 2 \I al.a the tllieenth weddlnc annlnnary of Mr. and Mrs. Olander. Kn. Carl.-wm k an , .July 30 and will rdum Aug. 14 Mr. Carl.eon and their children. Jennine, Stephen and Norman wlll stay In the family residence on Clllf Drive durln• M.ra. Carl· eon'• abMnce. Mr.. Edna J-.i, Loe ~ Mr. Carlaon't aunt. will atay wtth the tamlly dur- lnl' the two wfflu. Mn. Carlaon and her twtn 1.later, llra. Olander, w'lll enjoy a l"IWllon wt th three brothers ,. -I I I and anotlar elatu du.ritlr the "'411"11. e S ce.lebraU011. Two of the brothen 1!..-a&.--.,.. ordrJ.ned mlnt.lef'I and p,_. rw-ft T1llW ent)y teachinr at Concordia Col· 19'0 Hr_._ ...... d. lere, one In Portland, Ore. and ...,"U'lliilll" .. ,.. th• ot11n tn Kt.ourt. TtMtt tat.ti-COiia Mesa er, Putor Wahlen, ll a mem· ~::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.::'.:! ber ot the t.aclalq lllatt at - Coecorc11a eou.... st. Paul Junior Clubs to Use District Plan Te oelMWa ~ \M 8t&&e ~ eMLUoa ot w--·· a.M. ,..._. membenilllp orp.aiatJoa. a com· m lt t.ee ha.a been a ppotnled w pro- poM a t~nuatlve plUI of rediatrl- cttns lhe JWllor cluba la Callt· omla. ~rvlnc on th• rl'dlatrlcUJI( committee are Mn. Norman Wal· ao«a. Newport. Beac.Jl. pr9deat of the 8outhem Dlatrict l'edenUOll; and Mn. C. J. Trooet. Nott0. pruldent of Ule Loe A.Jac•I• &.. tr1ct. The conunlt1.ee -. appotnl· f!d b)' Mna. D.iren• Not t. Areadla, pr·utde.nt. Und.r the propoeed pla.n, th1'1r8 w1U be 14 41.ft:rict.a W1lb a rotal of l tl2 rlubl and 1179 mem~n DIA TH NOTICI VICIU L Y'NN 1''UA8 la tM ,...... llfVIUoe A.t .... IOO mti re wGI -"QliJM .. --·~ I.a ~ Onqe Oomty wUJ ma.lataia \be eu6 f>oundaJ'iM aad lbl .-me m~mber9t\Jp of ap- proamately 8~7, but will be cali..d a dlftrtct tnJrtHd Of a CO\llllY f~tson. P1au for I.he proi><-<1 datrtct chaq-. were ouWn~ by th• commltt.ee W1tb the ual.tan« ot Kn. Nott and MD. Roy Oou«bar- ly, Co't1na, elate advtaor. VoUJac on redJ.atr1cUAs wW t.it• place at the !an Jl'ra.ncl.oo r on· vent.Ion May • and 6. To conform WIUl the Callfomla fllkrsUon, th• re'f'tMd by·lawa will become et· fecU.. June l , 19~. TM by-law revwtoa ~ltt.M wtlJ meet al th• home ol lll• cbalnna.n. Mn. Robert 8mlrl San Bemardlno, atate parUamaitari&n, 8..pt. 2'. Mn. W ataon and M r1 0&11 Bamett. Bu4!11& Park, .an lh• •tale board memberw trom Oranc• County. 1w9. ANG& POOD CAKI ~ .... , ... ..... .... "' -.) ... .,. -.) J'\&neraJ M rvlCf!ll tor Vlcll1 Lynn Wuu . I , of UT Karl\lel"lle An . W111 be Mld tomorrow 10 Lm. a t It. J am• &pi.copat Oburch. Tlla Rn. Jotm Parife wtn of· ttclate. P•ll&DI • &mLEY Vick• ltled yut.erda)' .. Ute MO&TtJilY 4;,..,..._ _ ..... ,.Wt ot a.n a.odcknt la tront of ~ her l\ome. &he waa bom tn BoUy· ,..._., Q&&C'&L aL&.Pl:I. \Wt de Ii(.-..'. dale. uid UT9d beA one ,_r. U t .. ..,..., -0-. ..... 111111'1'• • -l .UlllU •'9fnt ,..,. !be 11 11Unl'ftd 1t7 ber par.n~ __ .., ~ ... ~ OOlff.& llD.4 Mr. and Mn. Nolan K. Wtlb ot ============~! l ,to N-.Or\ BtM. the home add,_. 1\m&raJ ~-OOllONA OU. llil rancemtmta arw ~r the dlrK· ' O B N S T o N E • 8 "' Ooeet a..,.. tlaa et Be.Ju Mortuary, Oot'on• ._. __ .&.-w~L-AOOU>'8 IAOUMA KAm del M&T. ...... ~--v ~ ill ar~· U ... Atlt.e ...... • ............. "'-ORAJU.l:Y EL~R tlWU'T ~ .. .._........, .... ~.... ... ........... l'llnrral aernce• fol' Charley t0'75 Plllceat.M A Ye. MEWPOIST ll&A.<lll JClmer awttt.. '7, flt tTI Vlcwna i.a.rv 6-'Mll c.na .._ llt o.eat llWJ. I t.. eo.t a M-wtU be held ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;! Wedneeday, 2:JO p.m. in Parkw· R ld117 Mortuary C!aapeL Oar.a M~u. The ltn. JOffph W, Mc· Shane. putor oil the Coeua M•• Community Cllurch will officiate Kr. 8w1ft died Saturday In Oranre Count7 H09J)ltal alter an tllnua ot nn w•k&. Re wu • lather b7 trade and a member of the Lathen' Union No. 440 nt San~ Ana. He wu born In Lonr Vall•y. Idaho and Und In Calllonai& 30 year• and In I.hi• communll)' two )'t'ant. From the lt&rt.. m&ke your weddinc aa ooca· •ion of lone remembered good tut. and dt.- tinction. lnvitatlona 11et th• tone of formal perfection. Couult m on any prob1an JOU may ba ..... Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices ROYAL SATIN SHORTENING ~,:'~= 1.a.25' i...65' _,_,._,.~ - - lALlll PINEAPPLE JUICE ............... ~ ~;:.:!'· ....... -:21c SLICED PIMIENTO CHEESE 9'IW'GI W. "-*~IW, 0 111 ....... ..., .. .._ ........ =19 llAllSCO SHREDDED WHEAT ':10' '1:17' o.lld1 ........... ...... . ............. .. ..... MD . TOILET ,. ftc TISSUE .. 7- IPOllA I OODS SI.VI TI M/ Ait'[, [N[lfC • IUDGI ICID GOLD WKH CUE 33' doWn t.M •taln lnto tlle l&J'S9 lt'f· lllC room, beauUtully decorated wtt.h w1llte WeddlJac ~0.t. Oral\l'8 COAST At: SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 PA91 I ~090ml, t ern.a and candl-. The ~~--------~--~------~--~--------~~~-------- theme WU carried Into lM diJ:\· in( room. with the couple at.and· ms 1n an arbonr.,-t or th• oer.- moay. At~ the reupUon. whicla foUowed, were Mn. Claude Knox. Kn. Kllton Steller, M.r. and Mn. V. D. Smith and Kr. and..Mr1. F. 0 . M'Yfleld, all ot COia Mt'-; Mr. and Mn. T. J . May!ltld. Ingle- wood: M.re. Hatther and MIH Mary Hall'ner, Monterey Park; Ml• Unda Nelson. Nnrport H elrhta and Mn. RHvee. A beaulltul tlve-laytr ca.ke, baked and decorated by Mra. Knol(, topped wi th the traditional bride and groom. wa1 werved with punch. After the ftnit 1llet1 of cake wa.a cut. Mrs. Smith and Mrw. Mayt'leld aerved. The happy occaalon aerved to blot trom the bride'• memory the 1uftertng cau3ef1 when ahe c,on- tracled tuberculo11!11 of lhe eye11 In a San Diego 11anltartum year1 ago. Sh• bad to employ a guldf' dog and lt'&m to rtad BraUle. F'lnally !he submitted to a once In a lifetime chance and under- went surgery. The operation w11.1 1ucce11(11I. Perfect vh1lon was re· atored. Mt8. McCarthy wa11 able to drive ht>r own car •(&In. Now 1he I• realgnlnr her poal· tlon &a a nurse at City of Hope In Duarte to become a hoURwl!e 1n a new three-bedroom home pur· chued tor her by the groom. a A .I. 5c •• 9 c Theo Robins Wins Birthday Noted Ford l.ead1nhlp On J\ll)' 20. J~lne Carl--. Cltati & arcl d&u1bter or Mr. and ¥ra. Normul on "W Cart.on, Ct'lebrated her a1Jrth TModoN Roll&na. the Ford dMl- erlhlp located al 1100 Wut Cout Highway, hu Mell preaenled a epeclal Leaderahlp CitaUon by Henry Ford ll. PrMtdent of Ford Motor Com~y. The local dealeAb!p won lb• Cl· uallon. becauM morw Ford care were •old In 19~ than any other make In the .dealer'• area or prl· mary 11aJu r.ponelb1llty. HJgh alandarda of ouatomer 1t1rvice aleo conlributed lO Theodore Robw wtnnlnl' lh1a awu.rd. Theodore Robina la one ot ap- proximately 3000 Ford dea.len to receive Ult• CltaUon from H•nry Ford II. On a national ecale, re- tall aa.1 .. ot Ford can ln 19M ex- ceeded thOltl of any other malt• by 26,2~7 unlta. building contractor In Tw1ntYT1lne Palme. 'fhe couple left New port Beach amid traditional throwing of r1cr and the drqg1J16 of attached old ahoea trom the rear of their car. They are cunently on an uten- 1lve honeymoon tn Mexico. Xany beautiful «tfla were re- ceived by th• bride and (room __ .._._ OM -XX IS -----_ ... --_.,.,._ ----==-:r --..... ·- llkthd&y With U &ftem009 JIU'" \1 In her home on Clitt Drtft. Newport Heipta. On hand to Ytilh her a ''b&AIY birthday" and lo bring her stfla were nelchborhood rhlldl't'n and echoolmatu, were Diane Tomau. Yale J.~era;uaon, Ca rol Olander, o..n McDlvltt, Brure Cox, Jay McOlvltt, SW!an Weller, Debbie Spugur , Bllllc Weller, Bonnie Me· Olvilt. Gail 0 1"1ldf'r. Karin Neff, Kathy Tomau and Call Weller. ' Chocolate cake. Ice cream COIM9, pink lemonade and each child wu the rt'c:lplenl of mtnlatUl"9 Mai· can donkey• hitched to (1ant be.I· loona. Former Mesa Girl Weds A LA.a V•tru weddlnc on ._. 11ay, July 10, unite<! Mlu Shirley Slnc!JW', tanner Coala Me• ....i- dent, and Wade Kerlof of Lo9 All• f"Cle.t. Mi.el Sinclair, a srad•te ot Harbor Hl(h School, hu beea »r· Ing la Loe Ancelu for tM ._. two ynrt1. SALAD DRESSING •ICIM DUCltBS MMe ................................ , .. .. ..... '°"" -.... -................... .. ........... --...... ,... ... .. ... I 5 ·~ .... •• • .... .. _..,...._._.__..._..._.._ tt .. auw 1a SLICm BACON =~~~ SMOKIE LINKS ~~: FRANKFURTERS k •• ... brOftd Mo. l Slilna.... 0.' 3 ,,.,,..... HAMS 6!; 5.39 1°!; 6.98 FRESH El'1.r. CRUM O' '1M1 CIOP. ~ LMOI MADI ''AA.• s1· P~ A WAFFLE MDU SUZANNA ~ ..Z. '~ 19' SPERRY .... --:..::.. '~ 28' Surv1vor• a r. l\t. wtfe. Mre Ethel 8W1tt ot the l\om• add1-: "" dllldttn. a ~upler Mn. Woodl.,. Roni of eo.t.a Kea. two ~ Jlmmy 0 . Swttt and Terry R. Swift of the home ad· d~. Charl.e7 Bwttl Jr. of Ven· tun; Mn. Bema.rd L&lle ot Ven· tura and Dar lene D. and Judl:h L. botla ot the home addrff.I: lli. tatber. Owen ewtn of B«-11. hlra ,.,.addl.11dr911: 1b brotlters, l'rank of &oulb O&t.t. R.Jy R. ot Sa.Illa Ana. Jamee ot Bell. l!lut of Monterrq Park. Wlltord ot Idaho and a.or,.. of Mlchlpn: four m t.era, Kn. &mML Holt of Mopt•M Mn. Jerry Byoer ot Bell. Kr.. P. J . Ka~ and Mra. Wllllm JamM<m bolh of llM'ra· lnf!ll~. Int.-ment wUl be In Harbor ... ~ ...... Putt ON'Deteey. Newport HiltJor News-Press 2211 lalaoa llYd. He.. 1616 l'l'OD llOUU .,..., ........ ..... . ( ............... , ..... ........ .... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Pl~OP PARKL'JO OM LARGE PAVED Len .. -- · COAST Al SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 NARCO ADDICT GETS SENTENCE FROM SHEA .,. Mal WIN'a "8o ..... ~ for a .,.,Sod llANTA. ANA (OOINI) -fte not Mel thu IO da,ya. charaet era '"" the ame, bUt Aft.el' hla N1eue b'om the th• 8Cript WU dlttWlllt an ~ bo9plt&l, the J u d I. ordered, erlor Court Department 1 ~ 8puke wu \o nport to Onnee afternoon. Count)' prob&Uoa ottlcen and Juqe John INlea wu oe lbe oomply w1th theil' rulM tor the bench. Don Tbmnu llparke, 25, rwnat.ader ot the tlw yean. Clf Lone s.&eJ\ at.ood before lb• 8peclflcally, be wu ordered not bar or juati~. The principals to UM or poeaua llU'CC>Uca or faced ea.cb otbel' M arch '· alcoholic tieverase-. ~ he wu On not to U80cl&te wltlt dope ped- th&t Kattb momine tti. dlera or --.. lanky, bupeetacled &puke wu y before Judi"• Shea for a prob&· LENISNC AUAILED t IOll heanne atter pleadlDI For hla treatment ot Spark•. rulJty to poalleNlon of heroin. th• Jude• ..,.. Ul&iled tor belne MOUOHT ORITICJSM lenlent with DU'COtiee defend- ant.a. A. blut by • 8herltt'a de- partment nan:oUea lnvHtiptor cunt Wrt(tlt eventually •purred th• ,-rand JW'Y tnto a.eUon. The judee made a declalon which later waa to brlng crltl· cl.mi from a hl1h • ranklnl' nar· coUc. officer and led to a gTand Jury study of hinted lax court A one-day gT&nd jury .. u1on featured Jude• Sh.. u a wit· aentancee. neaa. No atatementa were (lven llpu ke wu aente11ced to prl· on lh• hearinr by ,-rand JUl'Ore. eon tor the term preacrlbed by Friday. Spuke wu hauled ln· law. However. the Judre au1-to court again. Handcutfa were pended the execullon of the •en-removed by Capt. Herman Stahl. tence five yeara on condition the Once again. the Judie and de- t1efendant voluntarily aubmlt fendant we.re fac. to face. hlmaelf tor treatment at Cam•· J udre Shea read hi. jUd(1nent (Opposite Port Oraap oe llartner'a llDe) OUR NEW POLICY CLEANEST CARS IN THE HAUOR ARIA CarWuiaK -...... ()pea D.ay ...,... 6:00 ..... 2244 W. Coast Hwy. --0cn·1mc ...,.1:10 .... ....,1-4112 Windows with the lest View From our tt>llen' windows. we eee. each week, the people who are going place., fina.ncially. They are the eyatematic uvers who make nery pay day a stepping atone to the thinr• they want most out of life. ~t in line for a eucceufuJ future. Open a sav- ings account h're ... eee WI every pay day. MI MIH FIOUAl DIPOSIT INS<Jt AHCI COIPOllATION IUMMI• IALI The lighthouse Jim A Sally NewllJI Maple I Modern Furniture lntn1nr Oe<-or1t Hns 51& r...t ... .._ "'*~' .. ,. e Ranw.., ( allfnrala .. ----------· • ot Mu ch 4. lpa.rke nodded. H• 1 GI ts Edg" Martin Taylor. Tay\or clouted two lfi.-. .& L..--....L. .. uadet..~ ~ .... aarlt. ----------------a&J(t he had underC"One treatment an e doubJea. .._. ~ IJI the hc)jrpttal tor the required 8tandin11 throueb r riday: A LJ Ca.IL .I. to day1. 1-.rue -Red Sox 1-2; Olanta p ~~ "1 llff you have a dmitted to • t s d IMI: Brave• 8·3. Ca.rdlnala 8-!i; Loni' Beach police tlle ullJle of ID 0 econ I Indian.a ·~= While Sox 4-7; Dode· Harbor Bo)'I' Club Bluea ab- narcoUca on at Jeut two occa· era S-9: Yankeea 2·9. B Ameri-aorbed a 1·3 defeat from Hunt· lliona 1lnce your releue ft'Clm the can -Tlrera 7·2: Red Sox. ln· lnston Bea.eh In Oran.r e County boapltal. AIM that you have tail-• A I dJana ~-a: YankeM 4-6: White k rt th ID eague Sox, Athlellca ·~· B Na Uonat -Mlda'et uaru• pl'1 lher. Wed-::.u1:ft !";.;~::~ to • pro-· Dodger• 7-2: Braves 5.3.1: Pl· neaday. Th• aetback left th• Bluea ra tea IHi; Glanta 6·4; Cuba 2·5·1: wllh a one w1n, two lou record P ROBATION VIOLATED Thruhl.ne the Hubor Boy1· Cardlnala 1•8. tor the sea.on. On the other hand, Cllu lle Taylor and Pete Stod- dard d id the Blu•' touinr Wed· needay. allowlne five hit.a to three collectfd by teammate.. Hunune· ton 1COred four Umu l.n th• third frame to wrap up the triwnpb .. Accountln,-for the runa were four walka. one ml•cue and two bue blowa. The Red.1 ue acheduled to take on the Bluea at Coata Meaa Park Wednuday. "Bo. on at leut two lnatancea Club A Lea,-ue DodC"er• 11·7, the the Harbor Boya' Club Reda bo&11t you have violated probatJon. cf. 1 -------------------------You've u1ed and u aoclated with Olanta • l ed put the Bravn n· lolton Skiff Gone thoee ln the narcollca bualneN. to aecond place behind th• loop· 'I'heft or a 1klft owned by You've let me down." leadlne Red Sox. Friday. The GI· Warren E. Bolton. 206~ '4th I 8 parke Interrupted with 'Tm anta. pated by top Mld&lt bal· St., wu reported to police tut aorry." ter, Steve S lmonacm, acored 11 nleht . The ll·ft .. &·In. boat wu The Jud&'• oonll11ued: "And runa In the flrat frame, llQ'fn In taken from the 'atreet end at you've Jeopardl&ed th• chancea the aecond on Juat eeven bJta. 44th St. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CHA.PEL 17U Superior Avenue Coit& Me.a. C~Ut. Phone U berty 8·2121 CHAPlllL BY THE U:A 1520 a:. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Calif. Phone Harbor 42 of other• to eet a ~chance lo Slmorwon baahed out hi• ae ven· ;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; malce (OOd. Some medical au· th home run or the Maaon and WE FURNISH ------------------------- lhorlUea aay the habll can be bad a perfect day at the plate cured. I alncerely bop.ct you with two tor two. Gary Clark YOUR HOME could. You haven't. I have only did almOlt u well ln a loaln( one recourse. caUM for th• Dodeere. Simon.on J'IJ vacate th• prob&Uon order and John Hul"hea hurled th• trl· and Hiil.ice you to prleon tor umph. • · the term preacrlbed by Jaw. I'm The WhJta Sox edP,d the Yank- llOrry, Sparke." -t-a ln another A cont..t. •Bill Wolf homved wtth none on and Spark• wu a rreated by New· Babe Niemie allleled wtth the port Beach police Dec. T, 19M, cuahlona clultered to pace the at the bom• of Archie and J a· will Tile Yanke eollected one lone ftadeane Horvath, 611 Fullerton b~ Ave., Newport Beach. Omcen In.B American compeUUon l"rt· MJd they found four cram• ot da the White Boa beat th• Rad heroin powder on him. ao~ •-1. duplta couect1nr a atne· Carlyle's HORVATll8 NAJIBED Je blnsle. Mike Patrick 111.nsled In The Horvat.ha had M.n un.at-the two wtnntne rune ln the tut Nnifure ed by narcotlca offlcera the lnnlnl" tor the wtnnera. night before Spuk• wu rrab-_ The B NaUon&l Plrat• edred 1990 Hart,,or llYd. bed. Arch.le wu Mntene.d to U.. ftnt place Dodpn M, hand· prt.on tor th• tarm preecrtbed tnc the eJONn th•lr MCOnd defeat COiia Mesa by law after plead1J11 s-uJJty to ot th• ..uon. Thw even thourh ~~~~~~~~~~~~ poaaeulon of nucotlca. H1a pret· the Dod,.r hurler• chucked no- t7 youn1 Wlf• rot IO daya ln hit ball. Wlldnama &CCOWltad for county jail tor uan, heroin. llh• the ~nnlne nma. BatUn1 •tan then wu put on probation. were Dodpn o.ry Macn• and fl · We rs .:.1 Mo,,, Introducing Jo-ens Originals presentin9 e collection of play clothH casuals end, after five Opnlftt: July 27th 3337 Newport llYd. Newport l••ch opposite City Hal LIDO sHoPs CLASSIPllD DlllCTOIY APPLIANOD .:_ Bow1 .. 1M Part.a -Deal• -......... LIDO SLIW'l'IUO MH Via UM -....._ '"' AUTOMOBD..E Dl!Al we N-and UMd can NIOKE&TZ ~ W..llentee .... Mii Newpert .,.._ -au. llt lllANU ._. ef ,._._NT AU MMVlaU..-....__ BARBDIBON LIDO BllA VINO llll10 la ...... a... fw ... IUIVlaU..-..,.__ BEA.CJTY p A.al.OU LIDO 94LON CW a&At7"1'1' Mll Npt. ...._ --· Int llOOU 9()()ll OAP M.llVlaU..-......... OAMERAI a Sllppl• VDICIDIT LIDO 0&1109 .... Via ..... _..,.._ OA.RPE'l'S a DllAl'DID DIOK llAOllK& .............. --- OATEIUNO lllOllAJID'9 LIDO •• WJrft .............. _.....__ <JoWac-<WI-........ ~or UDO Oornlna' ln A.\W\IM Mll Jif_,_. ...... UMIR·ELLA BASKET OLOTlllNO -._ ....... ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..;;;,;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~1 mDWl:LL~8llOl'ft)lllllllf Well made. ot bamboo and rattail. O.COrate and make a beauutUI pune. A pprolllmale- Jy n tncb• Jons tncludlne ~ Special Ollly A c_,11ta LIM of Ge•lne Child's sizes Si to I Tabk Adults sizes Ii to I I SEI Cotton or Rubber Soles ALDEN'S GIFT SHOPS ....... _ ........... •••a-..._,. ... ........ -...._ PWTF i...AtJ ..... DRIYI The f•bulous TRIUMPH TR 2 •• Harwey Mayer Motors Z1J7 Haut.or llYcl. (...., Victoria St.> c .... Me. We T r•d• High for M6'1, J•guara •nd other tp0r+1 ••rs. See Us Before Y °" Buy or W • Both Lose Money RI• Showboat to Laguna -.... .....,.. Padtle Twice D.uy-ll:IO a.m. ud '7 :00 p.m. Adaltm •t.15 -Cldldr9 85 Clellta uutHlry swrit• tie/ta ... •t IMrgain prices/ WHAT IS IT? Individually wuhed-weartne apputi nutt dried by tutered alr-fiat pt- proteaalonally lroned. Y OUJ' cloth• and Un-an done up ON'll unJt-no m!Jl. upe. no unalfhUy muka -ralnaott water~ s enUa controlled _,_ WHEN AVAILABLE •.• llen1ce wit.hJA bOUl'9 it Ul'J&nl, becaUH we do ~ rteht llere. HOW MUCH ••• tt ii • b.rgein bundle too WHERE ••• casa . . • • .,,., $2.15 for 2J lb&. pura -.S&VW:S WllKIH llOCU -mJf Nl:l:D1CD" OOllPl..m'IC L&UNDEm ... CJLE,.U0aa THI FtNIST • • • YIT LOWEST PllCID IMty Amen... MAPLE FURNITURE •• • .tut,W~•H 0,.. "'*" ... ' .... ........... _ _.__ LA IUDl'fS .. V1a•·hp ........ LIDO FAllllONa Mlt Npt. 8IM. -_._ Ml llllAIJDOOln M.ll V1a ..... ----.... YAAIA80ND 900m ~.re-~ ... uo ftOSD VIJIKJSN'ra UDO --Mil V1a I.Me -...._ .. lllLmO'll&IO 00~ UDO llUIOltllO MMYlaU..-...._ ... ~ ruaNll'mUI DIOll •A<WWI ........... _ ..... _ 8D'I' __. ....... _ ..... .......... _....__ ~---•• 0.. 80aE, DIC. ........... _ .......... IMl**!Dll D9DO&UW ....... ftl!M ••A.I.a ....... .,.._ ...... _ ... ......_ ...... .,.._.....,_ DOif m mt• A. 1. a. :'?: .:z;.-_ ........ llAUD'll &IC9AllD'a UDO ••MW ............ _ ..... _ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Pll~ llODIU6 om•un fi'\1**'8 MJ IVlal.Me-...._tMS &E&Lmu.D UDO ll&ALTI' •erom• Udo a.a. • lt.mt&M .... Via ..... -..... .... P.A. PA•.m DflQ. .... .... _ ........ VOOSL OC*l'&n MllVlalMle-..... _ llA1' AJlfD m.Mm ~ ............... om. IUJ~-....... &&VIN08 a LO.Alf A.880<JU.'l'l0Ma N&Wi'O&T a.&l.-o.& UYW a LOAJlf AMOOIA'llOIF A aaytnp 1-*WU. t.oq T-.... 1.- llllVia IMe-~- 5DVIVS ft.&!'ION9 UDO IUCllnmU) MU Jlf_,.... ••ti. -... 9801.3-...... alDWEU.'8 l'l'09ll ... -NllVlalMe -..... .. SHOD. WOllEN an..r .. OP' OALIFOll.JlflA Mii Via U.e 114 - rllEAftD UDO TllEA.'fta o.-Jt w.,.,.. .. ,........ Vlal.Mee&Jf ......... .......... ron LIDO 'IOTLA.Jlf'D MUVlalMle--.. ... l'MVEL Am:N<Da 11A1L90a ftAVSI. AamllOT Mll Jlf_,_. .. &. -· ... UPllOLS'l'aDf O Mal 11.AmD ............ _ ..... _ WA'lal &EPA.la \'nrCElft'lll W.&l'Cm .... UDO Dllt:()A .... Via ...... WINDOW OOVl:llDf O .... ..... ..,. ...... ._.om -- .. Orange Coast YMCA Youth Hold 'Dude Ranch' Event Second Day Camp Spaces Still Open from July 25 to AuCJUSt 6 • --. ror pt'mll••!Ol'I to ...... bll•h •'PET HIM A l'AR parkLnr lot Ldj1cent lo h!1 auto- mobile act'ncy wu 1llowtd, •• 1 --..----------,;;. wu d.11play 111d u.lt or boll.JI by BaJlitn Sltlpyard lnc. at l 1Lh St. 111d Co.it Hl¥hv.·1y. Newport Variety Nicer. Soldier Hixson Learns ~o new auto agt'ncy pro- ject• "'ere 11pprovtd by the com· m!1&Jon, the f1r1~ for Rk h Hahn •t 409 29th St., and. the R cond for Lt'roy P. Carvrr Jr., at lfOO Coast HJ1:hw11y. FORT LE'Yt'lS, W•lh. Robertl lla Wttk• .umme, counoe. Cldel • ..Rob" Hlxt0n Jr., aon of Mr. a nd HLuon'a training h11a been t0me- rort bo Offll Ma hi G Mn . Rotwrt P.f, Hluon, 1301 Cove what •lowed 1lnl"e hla right thumb Y Y• 1nd I ir1'. ITlt!m~rl YMC A, ataltd that thrre art' 1tl!I Ce C ff Oft• St., Chln• Cu1•e, 11 a llWTlmrr wu manglM by a road1!de bra r ~~hp• ho•'.~,·· .. e C~~t ,'h>11CA 01<),· •p1•,c~~ 11~a1lablr for 11 to 12 year l A nii•&lng addintr machine w u ROTC -ol•Ut"r at Ft. I.Awl•, who rect'nUy . ......,, • t'n u• r r ~"c"n' o ( "'-'Y" and i::;!rls !n I.he ... cnncl wtll n " be Wffk or "Dude ft.Inch" acllv1llr1. period. ,.,.. further lnrom i•Uon rt'p<i;,trdJ ;o pollc-; ~ecen~~f br.c:::r·1wtlh ~ t.~:uhannd~~!:'ltolyou '; MTOPPl:U TO PET Meotlnc a t Lhe Tar Pit 'loutil parf'nlll ahould c<">fllilct the YMCA !na · amra 0 JO a a. H'--· · n AccompanylnK aeveral cadet• Center In New""rt B"a<"h Pilon· ortl~e I t ti n th Or c" < She. q.Jd •he m!ased It lhal mom · .....,.. It h:n t a laul(binl' matl<'r. on a lour of Cenada during • "" · !K'll e. o r angr oa• Ing f 1 ccu.t d 1 1 Preently p11.rllclpat1nr In tae da y, Wednollday, •nd P'rld•y, they Collt'Re 1"lunpu1 or Alice Fox. w . <h rorr·m 1 ~, 0' 0 1m8•h P •:,• "I Ila\ tnlnlnA" warfar• durln• ~ hard·ramed pa1a. Hiuon 1poltad •tart at 9 :30 a.m. with a chapt>I 8-889:-i. , • 0 l~e 0 enrn ret "t't•I a be•r alonr the road when re- Mrvtce, 10ng1 and g1me11. Thi• I• Alice Fox. DlrectoP ot Glr\1 at f 06 80th SL Police 11ald n1elln• tumlnJ(. Ho •lopped to pet It. followed by the fun pt"rlod wher• '\'ork, opened the Oraqe eo.&t ot •ntry blto the buah1u1 wu not Mlrt"ne Pat'r l!'amUl•r with .. bf.ar on New- 11mau"' croup• are m•kin,i;:: Indian Y's ca.mplnr -.on by dir..:;Ung dot.ermined, althoup It LI po.ejb\e port Road In Coota Me•a. he llld ,rronuer eo1tumta, leamtn1 the Junior H lch Olrta pttlod at a key wa1 ulled to en.ter. 1ure ho had that "Corttcl Touch." tolk danei!• and ~me•. Those who ~•tdent ramp 09Ceola tn taio s.n Plead Gui"lty "But he wa• hungrier th•n he complete each dilly pt'Ojtcl move Bernardino l l oWltalnl. Two per1-Morton look d H · looked:' •urml•ed HllUllOn .i"ttr to three slant mural• bf.lnJt p•lnt· tod1 ot Day Cfl.Tl'LJI t Olto\\', Youn-.--• ere telling hi• barrack• buddle1 tht' tll1 tor a apeclal parent• progr•1n er boy• go With Coll to OaceoLa Rol•nd Car] P.torton. 34, 300 on Attack Rap bis burly creature l'tabbed hi• held Sa turday at :ii p.m. The p.11.r· Aug. 9·18. Mr1. FoaclOH&thelt'a-Palm St., w11 booked recently / thumb u If It were a h111d fllle.d anti program wlll be a paceant 1<19 w1lh ht'r hlsh -cbool gtrla by local poll~e on a ~·arrant . Ht , • with pe1111lt1. Accord!nl' to the ot the craf ta. -ong•, g1me1, tCla· Aul{· 23 to 30. 11 ~uaed ot riving an ln.auftlrlent \ SANTA ANA (QCNS) -Two cadet, he had to vtrtually .. pry my t umea and d111ce1 learned during funds check tor $20 to l..a C•ntlna'a il-year-old Santa Ana Marine hand from h!A mouth". The n - t h• lwo week Day C..-np period. proprietor, Lucia No1enzo. The Corpa Air F•dlity Corpor•la Frt· ault: 1rVen aUtche• 111d a very A fter lunch and "qulet t!me" the Hopkins_ TirM and Cht'Ck W•• signed b)' R c Morton illy pleaded guilty on charge• of 110re thumb, ama!J..r ,i;::roup• re~ume thr lT fun Whffll TL__.. Told 51!'1 J••mlne Ave .. ~!l~e 10.id'. criminally attacking a 11·ye1r-old COM108810S DUE period followed by a daily •V•lrn nwTT Ba.II v.·11 llt!l at 52:)0. ~lollywood gtrl July 4. In Uie b•y. A itory cloies the day• New lire• and whe~la pur· Robf.rt G. Lockran pleaded. J'Uil· A bu.11lnea.11 major at UCLA, ha ~tlvlly •t 3 :30. chase<l at 12~ each by J-hn , Sc)t. Miller NOW ty to attempted 1tatutory attack, plan1 to receive hi• commlttlon " • · following a Coftla Meaa Parly, a In the• Army followln• complo· TKll• DAV Hopkins. 39' I.a Porto ' ·no. .. ._. le•ser lnclyded ofre "· Fraflk lion or hlll colle10 work In Frb- Costa Mt... were "'""rted at H •• M < d .-H I .. •• elolen from hl.'1 lraLlt'r Thu~ay, awa1-n Post oore en ert• a guilty plu on a ru ... y. e a a mem r of '""" Sic-"" atatutory attack a\JegaUon.·Bolh m a P hi and Phi Phi. Ho wu ea- llcrordlnK to Mt .. pollce. , uked ror probation bear1nr•. det m1jor In hi. ROTC depart.- The tr1llt'r ...... locAled a~ 2~TH DIV,, HAWAII -Sgt. Superior Court J udse John Shu. ment lut achoo! year. 1803 Superior A v•. Hopkins u.!d!Fnnk R . M iiier, aon or John O. tel pronouncement of judJ'mt'nl, ff• and hla wife, N ll'la, ~•Ide !l had brt'n aet up on block1 and Miller, 2~18 Newport Blvd .• Coata probtitlon hearing and arraign-at 113 Garnet Ave. on· Balboa T-Checks Far.Jed COASTAL SHOPPER PAGE ! WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 Polle• today ln""~•llc•ted allt'r· ed ror.t'ry or 1 .. ·o 52:'1 cheiks by a au•p9fll "'ho •lcned lh• name ot lll1"I.. 1-ol cartheuaer, f32 \Veit- m!nl1tl'r Ave. The tht'l"kl "''""'IS1l1Lth, "n1plO)'<'I! cu.h.-d ror th~ •U~~tl b.~· liow•n.1 pol1re rl'porlt d, at Port ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~'---~~~~~~ looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? V the Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE 7 i/ the Want Ads Wedne!lday 11 trip d•y tor the camper•. La11t week the xroup w1nt by bu. to the SOuthwe1t ln- d'lan Mu11eum In Lo. An1'ele1 and ln • (Ulded tour learnl!d much •bout Indl&n co1tume1. 1rt1 and er&ftl. Last \\'edneaday the cllmp· 1r1 went with co-dlrector1, Allee Fo:.: a nd Duk1 Cox. uu!. flv" other I t.a.ff member. to 0\1neyl1nd. the ~·het'l• removed. Mel&, I• a Mt'mbf.r or the 2~Lh ment on two oU'ltr attack chars••· laland. lnfanlry Dlvl1lon In Hawaii, The dt'fendanll allegedly con-I =========;;;=;;:~ II City Sol-..,.. Yard P-lt A111horlud The "Tropic Ushtn.lns" dlvtalon tact~ Ula vkUm throu1b the 11 continuing lt1 poot·Lruce train· HoJlywood USO. Lockran 11 f ree iq' prorram ualnc valuable ex· on bail. Koore s. 1a euatody, AN AnRACTIYE RENTAL? 8EOOND c.ucp A RC(ll'ld Day Camp 'period 11 planned tor Ua two "''eek• of J u- ly 26, to AU(. I . The S9.~ tea coven. the eo.U ot craft m1~r­ l1J1, trip l!"aMportaUori , &nd 1.d· m lMlon1. Insurance and profr1- 1lon...I leacterahlp. Cox. G•neral 8eerelary of Uie Orange COMl A.rchLe G. S!monoff and Var- ian S. Talmll.lui, v.·ho have tak- in over Ula coll.c:Uon bu1lneu perlence ga.lned In Korea. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii St'r1eant M!lltr. a tankt'r In BE SURE -INSURE .fth MA.uatll HTANl.ZY 1-ra.DCe Oil.I)' n one lbrbor 2"'" u 13 r:. c-i Hlc"ll•.,. CCll"llD& •• Mar Tl.ilk Comp111y of the dlvlalon'• MUI Reglmt'nt. entend the Army or AnJtl Cardi., were given a In Decembef, 19~1 111d completed pem1lt for a ••lvage yard Ind bule trl.JnlAtr at Fort Ord. stor1ge t'"*ct •! 19th and Whit-The ierseant attendt.d Newport tier Sta, at th• meetlnr or the Ha.rbor Union HIJh Sc:hool. Ne .. ·port Beach PJannlns Com·i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;"ioJ m1as1on Thuraday nitht. II Karl 0 . )i!Uler'• a ppUcatJon "'ATl':R HEATF.Jl8 1All5, lll WICI ••d lll'.11111 }011 .tl:f.6.f ofJ TIU10 10 Pll CflH DOWN ,.._ 1-1 .. -n• COlllpll•Y c-hl'7 Fish 'n Chips Jumbo Fried Shrimp To Go Surf Fish Fry 11.11 0-....... -" ............ • • Trade-Wind Swimming Pools Local eompuy terVl•g tbe llarborAtta. Pools de•l &••d aad prloed to fll. your l'e'" q.u.mnto. ~ OM .. .A.l'TOll!pl """ l"'-t7 l-1'U w LI ~ ... .,... ._ ... .,,..._ Now .. 2lod w ... - IT AFFORD 6. ION Ill "'Nltl.8 and DOC'" ~&ICAJ. CONTKACTOIUI ,,... UkrtJ 1-1'69 .......... _ " ............. LA\EST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PEltMANENTS DAN'S IARIU SHOP a.u.BOA TittAnu; BLDG. BALBOA O,..~l.11.ni~, '-'PORT~~~ .. "., .. 0 " ~· ' A DEAN llARTIN .. "You're IERllY LEWIS Never Too YoulMJ" -"IT C-From ....... n. Sea" Mesa~/ - NOW SHOWING , Toay Cunt. -l..U. Allarm "6 'fldges Ta Crass" .... ~ Piper i-ne ··oaWll At Socorro'' SUN., KON, TUE& ....,,_ ''Mlalllll Story'' .... . --"1111e-Al1•lc Kid'' ITAllTll WDIN!:llDAY --...... ,_. c •••• , .. ---..,. 111 I 0-IK:...• Casie..._ -Pll. u .. llU -··---on the sawn! ..... ,.., ....... , RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL MO JOB TOO LIJIG!: OR TOO 1DLUL Plu1 ''Ur•nium Fevtr11 Alie Cretoon --llt.,N ...... ---Two Shows Nightly 6:45 end 9:20 Cont. Sun. from 2:30 (the Want Ads T"9 Cla11lfled Col-M I• this Newsp ...... ~the best ....._ to be folllld a•ywllere. Check thelll for yw ..... .lraWPODT"' HARBOR It E-W li, n1l? R -eS S Call Harbor 1616 for Ad .· Taker llOW LIU (). · • ... even as he reached out fot her, Al's words came back to him "This isn't the kind of a dame you marry!" ....... "'· Ho. 2114 r1an1i: SINATRA t •WID 111118' .. • LCllOWIT • l'SSl WTt • Wlirtlll i. 11t Sottl" bf (ijri.1 11'111 {lf-d Wlolt ............. ~ OTON ~ • ._ ... C.1t Ailtllt!I • ltltawd tPtni UKLTED MTISTS -.. -~STANL£Y KRAMER Two Shows Nightly 6:45 end 9: 15 Cont. Su n. from 2:30 Kids Met. Set. I :45 "ROOKIE FIREMAN" • • I ' \. m•ftAJ. IBOff& NMlo9 of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS PMI 6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 1951 _ In S(ep • , 3 ISSUIS WEEKLY With the • . Ever-Changing ' Scetie! • :Jhe newPort fiartor Area i3 growini ' ' ' , Newport leach 1950 c... 11120 NOW 18,539 Coda Mesa 1950 Population 12.100 NOW 17 ,320 :Jo keep i~ 3fep with thi3 growth . , HARBOR ._.._,PRESS Now Increases .it's publication .by socro • • • Your Newport. Harbor News-Press Is now Published 3 TIMES EACH WEEK · Monday• Wednesday· Friday • \ I To prov .. acl••ately complete coverage of news mcl plctwe ..,,.., ... '"of the rapidly growing Newport Hw kt .... mtd to serve better bofll claulflecl ~ cllsplar advertisers. your Newport Hmbor .........._. Is ct.livered .._., M•day • Wecll•sclcrj mtel Friday to Its ~··n. ' . Subscribe Today To The Fasted-Growing NEWSpaper in The ·Harbor Area CALL HAlllOll 1616 IY CAlllll soc PEI MONTH • SINGU COPY ' High School Recreation Program Sees 'Crocketts' MISA DllVBS GIT TOO YOUNG INJUNS ON . WAR PATH Soll for D. a. Ottos auc:b cba r a cter1 aa D&vy Crockett. Buck Ro1ara and Cap· ta1n J et tlcur• heavily ln l'Oln1a·on In the Newport Har· bor UnJon Hl&h School Ol1tr-1ct 1ummar recreation profT&m. Ob· vtou1ly, the openlnr ot Dl1ney· land had lt1 ettect. h&til In cr&fta. Kathy PeUte, Dt· ana Amey and Gary Lever made hat.a tbe ln.atructora rated u ··really out ot thl• world!" Driven are ptliDc ~ w I.II eo.t.a X..... Polka there rrtday recetnd a re- port of a boy Of &pp~ mately 10 yeara ctrtvtnr a car erratically weat Oii WU.On St. toward Harbor BIYd. In· veauaaunc otftMn ware llll· able to locate th• boy. They did find Ula car and adYiled National Cubs Tie With Braves:· Tribe Wins 5th Mr. and M.ra. Donald R. Otte, M82 Elden St., Coata Mea, are parmta of an I lb., 11 oa., boy born July 1 a t St. Joeeph HoapltaJ. Captain Jet hata were th• handicraft projects In Corona del Mar, Monte VLlta and Harper achoo!• July 21. The -d place Bnvea of 4·5; Alhlet:ca •·6 ; 'White SOx Harbot' Bo)'W' Cl~b NaUonal B 3-6. B National -Dodgers T-1; IA&&'U• wera heJd to a t-e tie by Brave• 6-3·1; Olanta ~-4 ; Pirates the CUbe Thunday while lhe 6-6; Cub• 2·11-1 ; Cardinale 1·8. The children at Harper School Play(1'0und, about 50 In num~r. mada pictur .. ot their favorite part. t•t Wff,k. Mo11t or them did Frontlerland. and topped It oft with Davy Crockett knife 1healha for ha.ndll'raft. Then they made a Davy Cl'ockell vii· lace In clay, Including tha Ala.mo. Monte VLlta School Play- ITOUnd youn11ter1 made apace It.a owner. Disposer Stolen A food wute d.ll'poaer waa re· • porttd atolen from a newly J • N• finished v.Ca.nt hou11e at 1929 un1or 1ne Santa Ana Ave. Wedneeday mom· In Ing, Coata Mesa police a&ld. The A L • theft WU reported by Jamea D na11e1m Doveniplke of 370 Eelher St., Co11ta Meaa. The houaa belonr• to Wr11twtnd Builder• Inc., lOG I: 18th St. Defeat American Learua Indian• pounded out a 7-4 triumph over lha Ya.nk· eea. Tha Trlb&J victory evened out their aee.aonal record at IHI after they had dwelt In the ba11emt'nt with a 1·6 mark throughout first ot the aeuon. Jett SmiU1 of the Bravu to•.s· ed a two-hitter atauul Don He.om · Fowl Fly Coop Approx.n1l11t~ly S30 worth ol food we11 reported atolen from I Metl1>'11 Orl\le In a l McArthur I Blvd. and Co&Ml Highway Thur11· d11y, l'\ewporl Rl'ach police said. 1 Jerry Lo~blll"k said 215 chicken!! and one 2!> lb. turkey wu mlllll· Ing from 1he rommlSMry. Re· porl11 11howed no evidence ot a break In. Chrome Rims Gone RENDEZVOUS Ballroom Friday. July 29th Danre a 811ow Tornadoes' Victory Streak Blows Out in Cage League Anaheim of the NaUonaJ Dlvt· eman'• five-hiller for the Cubs. •Ion defeated Harbor Boya' Club But the end reault waa the NJT1e. J unior nine ot the American Div· .The Bravea piled up a alx run I.lion 7·4 In a practice tray Thur•· lead, only to •ee It dl1111<>lve be· day aa both aquada drew byea In fore a late CUb attack. Dennu1 their ngular Or&11ga Coun~y Lea· Hurwitz drove In three Brave g-ue achedult1. The local youtba ruN by slngllnJ with the bar• Petty th .. tl of chrome run11 have a record ot three wtna, one jammed ln the cecond. from auto he111Jllghta wu reported Eart lostlc O~tra ION In the American DlvlaJon. J ohn Covault and R obert Twed· to Co11ta Mt11a prihce by Jim Wrn· Terry• Hall hurled ror Ne"''J>Ort dell were credited with the lnd· ton rPc:enlly. Winton valued the Harbor. giving up aevtn blow• ian win.• J ame 1 Martindale rlma removed 11 om A car on hl11 I t:xtra Addf'd Att~tloa "The Robins" Da.nclntt t p.m.-l a.m. while lea.mmalta collected five. 11macked out a pair of slnglu for ust'd car lot at 19th St. and Har· thers. The Panthen dJd not have Georra Mabee continued hi• heavy three Indiana runs. Lllce Martin bor Blvd. 111 S4. Blowinc out t.Aelr w1n alreak after aeven atralcht. the Harbor Boya' Club B Summer Buketball League Tornadoe• were edged out by the Laker• 39-38 Thur11day n11ht. Hlg-h 11eorlng ace Bruce Knipp flipped 21 points through the cord8 for th• l.A.ker1. enough playen to field a quintet. hltlln&' with a triple In the tlft.h and Larry A•hby were big gun• ::;:;:;:;:;:;:;;,;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;';_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;_;•;-;_;_;_;; .. A11 high acore man for the frame. driving In a local run. tor the Yanks. r nlght, Knipp gained ground to· Tomorrow Fullerton perform• Standings through Thuraday: ward the loop aeaaonaJ point p ro-agL1n11t ~e Harbor nine at Co1ta B American -Tigers 7·2: Red ductng crown. The marksmen li ne Mesa Park. alerting at 1 :SO p. m. Sox !l'-4 : lndla.na ~6; Yankeu up Uke this: Knipp 189; Jlm Mul-Thursday Harbor Boy•' Club tnv· der 143; Gene Bryant 132; J ohn els to H untington ~ach. Both are Henrotln 124; Gary Green 114. regular loop l'O"· Standing• through Thursday: In other Thureday (IUTIM, the Bomben1 nw;ked up the Hawk• 4.4·39 wh,lle ~. aecond-placa Hor· neta won on forfeit from the Pa.n· Tomadoea 7-1 ; Hornet.a 11-2: La.· Alexan...1--Hlti H-d ker1 6-3; Bom~1'11 4·4: Hawk U..-- 1.nd Panther• M . In Auto Colllsloll Hich School Yankees, ftesa C Yankees Rap Oil Tiger Losses Newport Harbor Hl(h 8ollool Clau C Yankee• tra.mplt'd the Ti· cer• 11·2 Thuraday. jolnlnlf their Co•ta Mua Park Clua C name- aakaa I.A victory. The Mua Park Ya::1ka downed the Tls-eni 8-t. Tom 0-.mble doubled wtth th• baaea loaded In the ftnit frame to knock acroN lhrff runa for the JU(h School Y&11kee•. Den.lae Bond8 home.red for the Tt11;ers ln Coata Meaa Park. Richard Floru drove In lhrH Yank run• with a triple In the first alan• than copped the eonteat with a lut lnnJnc hit alter the Tlgera la'lotted thlnga 6-6. Standing-High School: GI anla 8-1 Ca.rd11. Y&11k•. Bctvea 6·3: lndla.na •·:I: Red Solt 4-6 ; Tigers, Dodgen, CU~ 3-45 ; WhJte Solt 2·6. Coat.a Me.a: Cuba 8-1 ; White Solt 7-1·1·: Olanta 6·2·1: obdKt:n 6·3 ; Cal"da b-4 . Bra vu Y&11k• 3-45; R«1 Solt. Tieu•. Lil· dlaA• J-7. Fictitious Checks Cashed at Market Cause Investigation Two nctlUoua chttka cubed One ta a 130 checkt'd •lgned a t a mar11et, 817 W. 1tth 8t., "Debra And,... .... u.d to pur· eo.tA Ma-. were today UAder cbue S13 an irrooe.rl•. The -peel WH deeanbad aa "d!r'ty look· mnM.lptlon ">' .,_ PoUc:.. tnr. accom~lecl by a yOW1pr TIM dMckl were tumC'd ovn to lookJnr fa.male," The other check ln••UpUnc offlc:era by Kana· foT '11 w.. lllllM out to "C. o . pr ll9wu'4 ft. R.eaM of 349 Co-Buel" &11d llip-4 by "R. IC. Mil· •la M-Bl. W9dn..c!af. chell," polJca •Id .• CCMlllC._• Escapes btisy ill Colisiotl l.ecJioft Post Hol• Initiation Dance Jamee Alexander, 21, of 330 llllh Place, Co1la Meaa, received emer,en5y treatment Jn Hoag Ho11fltal shortly before noon to· dAy after aplllllnK hla for<"head In an auto accident at Harbor Blvd. and CLller St. The victim wu con11eloW1 and apparently tn good rondltlon. Co1ta Me1a po· llcl' dl'partment •tood by on lhe acene for lhl' CalltOClla Hlvh· way Patrol. Report. thow Alex· e nder'• car atrucli: the rear end of another vehicle. Mesa Skip Loa.- Dama4)ed by Vandal .Abe. Robl.nao..o oI Lon.c Jttach eat1mated m&UclOWI m lachtef damage lo hJa 1Jdp loader at $300 Thur11day, Co•ta Mesa po· Ike reported. Roblnaon 11&1d he found th• ax· hau1t atack filled with 1and and crave! whll4' the ,.. 1.&nk had al.to bffn ta.mpered with. The MJp loader waa locat.-d 1A u.e •nveJ pit ott VJctort& at. Tennis Popul• Popular at lll9 Klfb lldlool pl& J' &TI>Und la tJ)e lAnala pro(TIUll cooducted by Newport Harbor Union H ip Sd'ool aummer r.- crn tlon departmtnt Workln« on their tOteh&nd and b&.ekhalld are Mary Ann Hfbenatrtlt, AllJlon M.-llor. Pam Olaon, Oall Tou11;h~ Ct .. ta Me1a Cuuncllman Bert American Lf'11on Newport Har· Sharroo Ha.nwn a nd Chrt•. Bob 8mlUI Thurlday tottnoon nar· bor Poet 291 will hold ln1tlallon. I and Dick Oa.nnon. Sue Helmholll ' rowly ucaped Injury Whf'n hl4 dinner a.nd a danet' Wt<lnt11<h1y. a nd Eric H.,u,~n hflYt .ia.rted ,.. HI h , th waa announc"" y fn . ...,. t'ar w 111 r•mmfd trom the ~ar I ll •.• b K N pl•)•tnc thr nel and wlll ~ ....... on '11••1 « W•> •t I' ""• I lf1n practicing to af'rvt. 11ant''I' Ill Irvine Cn.l•l Country J ohn110n, entt'rtalnment <'hlllf"m&n ------ r1ub, policf' rt'f'Otl('<J Rmlth wu 1 rockt111l hnur wtll ~ 6 30 pm •topped, waittnJt 10 tum ll'tl tn· In the 831l••t IV><lm B•rbt-ru,. Son for AJ•lches to lht club a-rnun111, orocn~ tf'· 1 •t"• k dlnntr• a t I l J>"r p..rl'On 1 Mr and Mra Ra mund A Id· p<lr'l~<l. wh•n a ru Mtvf'n hy wlll t>.. Aerved a t 7 :30 p m. rich, I I ll'I Eut Bal~ Ave llrf' 1'hr1n F. Trttach. 1}19 H •rHurd Initiation or all n•w mcml>t'r• r•renta or a bo born Jul • 3 In 81., Hunttniclnn Rut h, •k1dd('(J •nt1 ml'mMr. not prt>vlou•ly ln· Hoa Hmoplt•I )' Y 77 fl'l't •nd bllnff'd Into Smith'• lllat~ will bf' rtv(ln b.)I II v•m « c"r. Both vthll'l• • Wt l" dllrn•1t"d I trnm llM! l<>l·•I Jl'l"t. Tht danre at mor~ thin 1100 rarh, pollre follmn . Jle~rvatlora m•» ~ $ 115 Watch Taken '""'' Nf'llht r m"n wo lnj urf'd, phc>ned to H&r. 4~2. .. 3000 PARTICIPATE IN MASS COMMUNION AT CONVENTION ORA!'\G~: 10CN81 An O ll· matf'tt 3nnn ~non.a or •II r1t>nnm- 1nnllnM l''llTllC"lpat~ 8aturt1111y ruirht 1n " C'ommunlfln M'I"''",. u.1.lrr lhf atarJI (1n t hf' <."heprr.•n 1llf'j;C' c11mru• '1·.·1Jly 'hn11u1ni tr.r <On\•fnl1nn hnf nt Ill• ("tin• l11tn thutC'h l',. 11{ S .. uthf'rn (."All r11.nll• \\ II n I 11.. ' I • I• f ACIUlf ot 111 .. • •1iaprnan ••lnumatrAtton b111t1hn1t "' thf' bA• k itr .. p. the rornmun1nn 1.,1~lr>l In A h"lnll' .. nat trnrnl ot Lcnn11r1Jo 1111 Vint'!• painting. '"T hC' l.8J1t Nurrw 1 • role• choir and ln•ta.lla tlOfl of or- tll"tni for nl'Jtl )'"ar'a convutlon Offlc-l'rl tor IQ~ ltalallM by R W Blal'kburn Outgomg ofrl· ~• w"rl' M. Owrn K4'1l lJOOn L<>. Anl[tlo, Pf~ldf'nt Mn Ll•I P •oatu . R4'•f'dA. antJ lhe Rev H"nrv L S"artu ''"" pru lr11'nt. I t • Ma..1wn Nnrlh llollywtl')(1 lr•L•ur.-r. an-t Mni H. C Wllku, :-; .. 11/\ llnllY" nn-1. M'<'Mr1 f'r <1tr- lnr1I A Col,., Cl,.ndale, t. it"nf'ral 1f'Cl"f'tary WllUllrn Br._hta.ra, FUiierton, reporll'•I to the police Thunday Lhat a Illa watch wu 1tolm f rom hi• parktd c:ar. TWO WOMEN LOSE $20 FROM PURSES Ml"'I Gertrude J ohnltonl' and Grace Morohan. both of IOA Utt St, were fAl.Cb out n o Sun<tay Thf'y me1 a man "''ho ,;ave 111• na mf' aa Buddv DI Vito 1u,.1 1 o<>k him horn~ 11.IUI ll'l"m He ran out to l'hue " r1n1. lht'Y rPportfo<I to ="'"wpnrt poloc-r. 1.nd •"hf'n ht did not c-ome bar le they each rhecktd their purs .. 1 wtlh the aa.rne aad rf'•Ult. l>trf'C'tt'J by lhfl Rtv J ohn 0 lie-I"' tit. n11•mllf'ra ot the Eut· monl Chrlatla.n Church. Eaat U.. Alllf'flll'a, took thf' rolt'"' ol Jf'~u• • ·hntt an<I the I •1~1"11•lf'it, ~•rt..(! m lllbllral r•••lumra T~e Dollars Start Flying In Al)(,1ul 6600 dPle~•lta ~ltl•lerl'U tor the f lvt'"i"l&y an.QU•I ronvenllnn 1n lht Chapm111n C'&mpu11 • Prlnr to tht rommunlon Hrvlcf'. Mr•. M11e Yoho Ward, 1.n 4'1'"4'11· ll\ t -~rf't&ry cir th" l'nlted C'hrl•· tta.n Mtulonary ~ltl)'. lndl11n· apolll, apoke on lhe toplr . "N"w OtrKtlon• In 88 M1N IOM .'' When You Use • NOW ' ENJO'V lV ONT .. PATIO ., ....... f1.-hh ..... . 1116llJ, ..... " NEW 2l1n• RCA VICTOR "ollaround TV with "Hidden ,.anel" Tunlngl Wt..._., Rf A VtMDf"t ti:C1ll1141 ,_ "B111 \\httl" Rnllarountl TV! l...ul(r "'h~tl•-nnl U•lf'll -m•k• 11 f'll{Y to movt anv wht'fe in )our hom~~n on 1hick <:af'l>t'I• nr ovr:r dl)Ort'rlla c-•• 1..t.y--. rtllltht' !>fW 21.1ndl RCA Vre1or Trattt•tt•' lll'I "4·P\IS~ l'ttlW( lllAUTT I• I 100I ·~~••le eelJt .-~•tef 1 J) • t .,-M • tto. .. lfl..,. th.-t • ofh ....... ..,""" ;.,.et' u•" ......... ._"'......., "• in ._. ... c.,..., ... , ...... ,_.._ .......... .... _,.. ..... , 7011MI .-. ....... J\ --··a.·-· ............. 1e-w ..... ... .._ ..... _ t CA y..-..,. .. ,,,,.. , .. ..,...-. Tarter Television C'ORO~A OEL MAR !tot L Cout ""''" Ha1bor.Sitl ...... una~h Ml.. Jn'~t14.,.~J8 Olhtr hlghllfhLt of the Sunday pror-ram w«r• hymn• bY the TO- Slluffleboard TMrMy News-Press Want AJs To Sell • 4 Can For Yourself -at- Vincent's Uclo DnNJS FACTORY IXPIRT will 1how you how you can 1have clo•er and cleaner with SHAVEMASTER • INTlllLY NIW SHAPl-lallet·to·hlt ... • Sift9'e TWICl·AS·WIDI Head • Compact, Powerful llAL Motor Plod out for youridf how you can get a fatter, clotet ahave io leu time thao any other way. Doub< it? Skip you.r next shave and visit our atorc. By specia.l arraoge- mcou ..,jth the manufacturer we will fa,•e a Sbave- masicr espcn io o.r 1to re for this dvnoosuation. See him dcmon~trate Shavemauer oa aJI types o( beards. IHAftf,\ASTD OWNIHt FRIE IMAIPININe AN• Otltllf• lffVIClt Ln a faaory trained uput boM yovr !'hav~mu1u us1n11 tM u tlu"" Su11. bum compound. He'll a bo oiJ )'Q'lr Sha ttmu1tt at l>O co.u . Don't Forqet -This Saturday, July 30th \\ C' Carry Fun UM of un""IW'f' AppU- A ahulO•bo&nl lo\lmament for W•t Newport Chlldr.n'a Champ· loll will ba held at HUI Bl. hrk by N~rt H&n>or t!nlon fflJh School O..tr1ct .ununu r.crea· U09 department 1olJ U and 2t. ApproJtlmatelJ IO JOWIJlll•r• u. tnr the pla)"IT'OW9da ~PfMlll .,.. ~ .. to ~"'· MltcW ..... ,., luy. or Trade Try Claulflecl .HARBOR 1616 Bon ... Kr. ..... Mn. ,..._da KSt.dlleU. too BeUotropa ""~ wu a .. "Y ctt1 JW/11 tt at -. .,._ • COASTAL SHOPPER 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 WANT AD will cost you only s2so and it will run 1n all 4 iuues A Minimum ad i1 4 linH. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor News·PrflM Monday, WednetMlay and Friday edltioaa. Plue the Coastal Shopper, Wedne9da)'9 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of l.he Newport Harbor New1-Preaa ii guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday and Friday. I! your paper is not delivered by that hoCtr please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your puper. 1 Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTA.L SHOPPER -Wednesdays Cout&I 8 hoppt'r Ad• rua .. ttwo \\'f'dnrllday N_....,.. 4 IJJletl l hteertion Sl.00 add'l. Uaee .2.6 -. 4 Unes 2 luertiona 1.:)0 add'L U.. .%5 ea. 4 Unet1 S IAaertiou 2.00 add'L Uaee .2.6 ea. 4 U.es 4 lmertlona 2.60 add'L u.e. .26 ._. 8UuatJoe WaatA'Jd Ad• will recef\'fl H~ dJMIOWlt., Oaallt .. ..sv-...,.. 11nsnn;111 AD l8 ' UNES AU Cl&llalfled Ad• m1111t IMI pUd tor c.aa lll lldv-•I ,.wt-u... The publuhtra will not be reapon.1lble tor mora than one lnoorrect lneertlon ot an ad. reaerve the n'bt to oorreclly eta.tty any and aJI ad• and to rej,ct any 1.d not conformlnf to rut .. and rerulattona. DEA.DUNES for placlnr or cancelllnc ada are: For Mon.day Publication -Friday 6 p m. For Wednnday Publlca lloiu -Tue9day 1 fl'T"· For li'nday PubUc1.l1on -Thurlday~} p.m. ~701lT llAltBOlt rmn..J8RJNO ('(). H I l ll&.lboa al\'d.., Se111'port 8"dll. CalUonl&. Classified Index 1 Faaeral NoticM Z Oud of 'nlallka ' f"\a--.1 Dlrec-•~" 10 ..._Gulde ll ....... MMMWe 11 ....... ...... ....... b II 8lmn J'otar CU ............ ,.....,... ., a.oft"&' 1a ...._.,. AJdtl to BMJUI AW- U a-1 ... F.-ct H liW'llleole. bat nteUo9 !8 141tuatlou w .. k>d tt H•lp Wan"'4 Ill Ml~ll~•ue 16-A !'<t.._~ M ·ft Applla....,. SI "Ul"4 to ftuf St t·umH '"'" I or 1'&Ho lt•A A nUq~ J3 ll-Oah. -.upptl"• 34 ~ti»lraJ. ttadln. T \ :S..\ l>nC"· ('iota, 1•,.1 .. 8pttlal NotlN-tt ' Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. J767 Mr rl• f'VHY T'hunwlay I p.m. V•• Orvrtn -Coot.raJ Ave. N r•1purt 8ffcb AIMrt u MatlheW'I, Exalted Ruler FOR RENT SlcUJ 8atl'I, llec. DrWa, Pollehen, au typea ot 8Ulder1, W'heelbe.r· row•. •le. BOYD'S HDWE. M30 w. COAST m o lfWAY Ubfrty 1-l•"· N~rt Bc:b 23tfc PaJnttng & Paperhanging We do the work 0U111elves.. 30 yean "~nmn 1.lctnaed • lmrurt'd Sauafacth1n gu•rlllltl'fd E•llmalet fref' Call J ohnnlf . LI 8-2687 & LI 8-52. U Slltc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT I t.tCl':NSJ>;D <'<Jl'JT'RACTOR 878 w. l81h St . C'nt1ta .Mt.a Ll~rly 11·~211 "A's" VENETIAN BLIND I LAUNDRY THE NE'W m•rhlne pro<'t'U mf'th· tl'1 Rf'11110n11ble pr1.-u . Aven.~ 2 tape ruld,.ntlAI blrnd Only $1.00 Blinds repatr,.d an1l rebulll. Fl'f'e Pick up a.nd df'll \'t!I')' Worlc done by appointment f'hone Wl>frty 8·(1701 or K lml>frly 3·8274 ppttc -------WE HELP YOU WRITE ADS THAT GET RESULTS! Wa have ad wrltere to help Cla.Hlfled ad,,..rllHn word thf!lr •da for but re.wit.a. Thla Mrv1ce la abeolutely fret' . Juat call Harbor Ulll. My ''l want tn plac• a Claulfled Ad" and I you will ~ coruattlf'd w ith e c:our· t"'OU. and competent •d·tAkn who I wtlJ Ulllat you ln preparlnJ , and plactnz your. ad moat effecttv,,ly . New•Pmla Clualfled Ada House Plans lOUa BION RICE, INC. ~eraJ Contracton Balboa Ir Palm Sprtnp PJana -Fi.n&nclng Harbor U4·W T~t fr -CEMtNT 6 BUILDING All Kindl! FREE l:STTMA TE..5 Liberty 8-8109 n u General Contractor LIC"ENSEO NC'w Work -Rtmodelinr J . MILTON McKENZIE Har bor 0693-J Mlfc Elec . Toof Repair Sidi Saw11, l>rt1111, 8andeni QUJCK SP:JWIC'l': LEWCO ELECI1t1C CO. t MI No. N•"''J'l'lrt Riv(!, NpL Brll Ll:bf-rty IHIJU. H lfe PAINTING M. W . ROSS LI 1-3321 • LI 8'-7833 280 A Yocado, ColllA )41'a& 70pUll H . H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Pnmlpt Rapa.tr lkmoe MLln~ Pbofte: Rarl»or .. i. llOJ Balboa BJTd., f'l-iiort 8Mc:JI ,.,. CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO lliCAU.. R. 0 . An~~ 101' I:. Balbotl BIYd., BaJboe Harbor 2'&0 aau. CARPENTER Repair Work 0... Tour HOIM HMO 111, ! , • «~Gd hcf ....... ----------------------..-------------------------------------~·-----------------1U.RB0~1e1e QUI Fraak. ~ ...... .ua ...... 2 ' ... I I! ;• - - .. OOASTAL IDIOPPER r.dJdota of --r--.._ Wu t.ecl PA&E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P ESS - WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 PAINTING INTJCRIOR -!:XTl:JUOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn .J ohnston Roy's Maintenance OIRLI YOU will ha an opportunity lo a dY ce l1l our nrm. becau.. of our preeent u - pen.1011 prosnm. The .u.runc aalar7 la eood and 1ou will recd ve frequent lncreuu. too. J obi now tor: M-Farnfture f or Sale -------- Near Nu Furniture Mart GOOD USED FURNITURE Special Electric Refrlgeraton1 Leonard, 6 cu, ft ..................... ·-··-· .. . ··-· P AODUCBOAJtDS NEW 121, FT .. '39.llO l.Eldnglon t-•i92. 110 HuntlnrtOI\ A\•e .. Hl&. Beach. lilc83 USED SUN-RAY M.lla 6: aaU ba&. g ood condlUon. Ideal for wo~k .. ii.. St6. A.Xminllter 3·2470. 8 1c83 &01 -31•t St. Newpon Beadl Harbor 3176 22Uc ROUM clMAlnc--Floor wutnr Wa4 wUhlng-wtndow cleantn1 Venetiu bllnda. Upholatery huiured. Free EaUmatea Liberty '-1332. lUc TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - Kelvinalor, 9 cu. ft ...... _ ........... : ........... -...... . Coldapot , 10 cu. ft .......................... __ ........ .. ALL IN GOOD CONDITION! ! s 34.50 38.50 40.00 23 rr. SLOOP KEEL BOAT all mahoc. Senta 8. Xlnt ... ua, out· board motor 6 tratltr. Price $875. Har. 428•. 81c83 COMP LETE PAINTING Ir. Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . SA UNOl!lRS Experienc'd g-ardener llH % No. Main S lr•l Rm. 211 -Santa Ana 9 :00 to • :00 P .M. LANDSC~INGS-I and CLEAN UPS . PACIFIC TELEPHONE Gu Ranges O'Keeie & Merrit, oven control & broiler .. .. 1100 ~ftt 8\reet, Newport S..Ch Harbor 29'fe or Hsr. U H . ttc Liberty 8-1659 'f3lfc .Estate, large oven, control & broiler ........... . 4 burner electric range, clock, timer 28.50 26.00 CADILLAC MARINE tng1nt 'ti• model complrle. Morrl11 Molore 2101 Coallt Hwy. Newport Bn~h Liberty 8-3381. 81c83 ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile Mtgra. Dl1trlbulora WholeHle pr1cea to , Contractor• 4. Tile Better• 30tto FULL chg. bkkpr. & acct. Call after 6 p.m. Harbor 2M2. 79p8\ WANTED -Younc man to learn tr y cooklnc evenlnc1 6: week.J enda. Mu.t be fu t 6: neat. Surf Flah Fry. 2110 Ocaan Front, Newport Beach. 82c84 3 speed units, Looks and works like new ... 29.00 COMPLETE LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM SETS -ALL GOOD'BARGAJNS. BOAT WANTED: Lyman, Century or equlv&Jenl bay boat. Harbor 8087 week end.I. 8lp8' HI FT. OLD TOWNl!J 8KJFF- tran11am atem and quarter deck. Ideal for outboard motor, 1100. Coat new $11!11. Harbor 27111. LI 8-7493 68tfc EXPERIENCED GARDENER LADY lo help with llouaework and 6 chJldren. Live In. Top salary. Reference• required. Har. 2308. 81p83 Alcobolica A!looymoua Wnt.e P. O. Bos Pl Newport ,Bta.dl. Callt. OAROICNING 6: yard work by day 0 0-M•---Uaneou" week or month. <> """"' '" Plloa• Ru bnr 4196 Wti.rty Ml39 alter 8. 83p811 tie YOUNG MAN with "·ton pickup -------------want.a •Leady job or pa rt time _15-8 ___ bar-e ___ Y_OW' __ 9..__a_r_· ____ wo_r_k ._c_au __ Ha_r_. _38-38_. __ 82c84 DOUGLAS AIRCRAFr tin t ahltt employee, 1126 Allao, wanta ride. cau Kar. 61138 dayt.lmt, It LI 1·111N eve. 83cM !!:::8eaul7 Ahl9 Superfluoua Hair Pwma.i•U7 removed from face •rmA. lep . lll)ttbrow• &nd balr Ii.De abaped--No 111or. tw...an1. Eu.mt 1. 81\T ANT R. I:. I.Ado'• 8aloll ol S.auty Har. 3071 REFINED lady dealru poalUon u compa.nlon. houaeke~ptr, can type 6 drive, Reter~ncu. Free to travel. Write Box U-10, lhl• pa- per. 82p8t Working Mothers Child care in my home day. t i me. Newport HeighlJI area. Liberty 8-7674. 83c9e tfl -!:XP--l!lRJE--N-CJ:-D--e ... ac_ro_w_lc_t_r_ac-t ctrl dulr• poelUon w1th ron- atrucUon co. Harbor or Oarden YARDAGE Inventor y Sale • on Oealfner'a F'abrlca at Wholuale Prlc•. MARGIE WltBB 1958 So. Cout Blvc!. Laguna Beach 63 ttc For those who want the beat Konkel's Interiors Uphol1tt'ry, dra pertea, bed1pread11. •llpcovera. N~w ph~t Llberty 8-7973 t 31 E. 17th St., Free Eallmetea Coat.a Men 71p8t h ANTlQUE OROAN, maple flnl•h. S lll0-3t9 N. Newport Blvd.- VILLAO!l DRAPERY SHOP 8lc83 Orove area. Exc•U~nt rd . &tore ------------- noon LI 8-eMll. S3c80 . 1000 ' XOR Vitamins .A BlUGHTE'R tomorrow can bt ,.t>urw. TU atart now on lhe way to better health throul'h •upplemtntal nutrtUon with the a.rtetocrat of food aupplemtnta. MONEY BACK GU AR.A NTEll. Dt.tz1buw r E. P. P'ARRll:LL P . 0 . Box 29%, Co•I• Mea. Cal 81p83 MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME PJ!:NSJONER 1VanlA odd joba. A·l palnter-decoratOf' by trade. Some carpenter work, etc. Own toot.. L.lberty 8-3688. fl2p87 FORMER TEACHER 6 experienc- ed SITTER., hourly or wk. enda. lkrbor 3921·R. 82p8t CLEA.NINO 6: fRONlNG by lhe da_}'. ~r1en~. Balboa ulan(J pret eTTed. KI 3-e096 81 c83 LedlM Only. S.rvtna' the Har-• bor Area. For app't. pl-Bookkeepmg Service caJI Harbor 0292. 112c8t 0ATT1!:NTION: LOST man'• &'Old wtddll\I rtn1. Uw'rlbec1 Mary-J ay ~.-Love 0·23·63 ln.1td• band. •Reward - Ll 8·f!343 8l cU Conlr&ctora, 8torekeepere Need tomeone to reU,ve you 'ot UIOIMI monthly boo.ltkeeplntr wor· riff T A.ale a bout our reuonabl• ratea. Rar. •888·J 10c82 KA}( A WOMAN wlll do 1enual houenroric. noo' wu:1ns. wtn- dow oleanlnf . rut worker•. Wtllt.. l N JC. 20t.b I\., eo.ta Me-. U S.2e&. ppll CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STlJOY In apa.re time for cout.nc· 19-Uelp Wut.ed 1or'3 l'xa.mlnaWou under a 1m · nal rontrac:cor with 26 yeart • "pul•n~• (."'I..,.. Tuta. a nd F'n evu. 7 :ao p.m. Attend nnt i.t11•ton f ree. Be11l11 anytime t&~l N o Tj,!,~ay~t?~1n• Pll Klmberlv 2·4220 or Kl 7-.3011 ttc WA.NT ll&A.L aT A TE 8.At.E8- MA.N or broker. Fam:U1ar With Harbor an&. Top commlallon lo one who -.it. to """• monty 6 not a/raid lo 'll'Ork. HOUSTON REAL TY 009 ~nltr Ii'-. ea.ta Mua W A·llllll -E\'t Ra.. C.21>8-W 33t8& DANK N C R. bookkeeptr A clerk. Real Estate School ' Ptnn&nrnl. 6 d•Y • 1t. Arp1y S t.,..port Hul>c>r fJ&nlt, Coror.a in Santa Ana d•t Mer. 83ca& M.CN 6 WOk f:.N prepve ln apar• Um• for unlimited opportun1tlt111 In •ital fAtale Ntw <:la ... 1 WHldy. Al Tyler lnalructlng, Al· tt"'I t int evf'nlna free and IC'arn abuut llW crt"ll field. <:all or IBM opel"ator: bkkp. rnach OP<'t. tic bookpr : wallrtNJ, oom .. ttlc male •trvltt Ila. .t. boA.l bulldrr. J l'Nt-: .. ~ARRA.R EMP'IJ AO'CY. 402 ·~ 32nc1 l'lt , N'twr<•rt Be&cll tar roH fl"om Cl\y Hall t 8.\cM W1'11• now ----------- Al Tyl Sch l PART TIME aa.lulady for la.SI"• er 00 rudy lO wear. 3 yr11.. f'XptMf'nCf , 1811 No. Uroadwa). Santa Ana Alo ~ IO 1·3'\ll•KJ :. :1 189·K£ a.23 1.3 Arrl1 8.A.U.AJWS tt c: 111?9 ~ewport 81Yd , Coet.a M~ liaca& China Painting WANTED Da,y ario Everun1 o~ Ord~ra l'&ktn Now J"bone Uberty 11-6648 ll&Ue Cir! w1th n•l &JJ>"r&M"· plr..,. ant pboM voice, typlJll' ability • we hOpe J10me b0olllrwptn1 ell· 23-Situatlou W~u-d Ptr1t nce. We aJ.o hope alt• I• COOPLE 0£SlRE POsmos IN ~\'lfi"l'fn 20 6 36 yean ot &ff'. r-atm Spr1n1a lit rt I u ,nok To IU'ft"I « an Interview phone A ctntral b\1tler R~f<'r~ncn HE:RITAGE • KC""M"ERS f'trma.nenl <•r ttunnal Pond of I ~8-e3U 83~ chlld."'11 Writ~ lktx X 13 till• WA=-tTEO younc lady wllh C'&r to a-ap•Pf'r Up& deUnr OpUmlltt Club tlcktla. We'll Help You Write Ads Apl'IY Optlmlllt Club, C M. \\ aAhou~ Vlllace Bid&. No. 8. 830 PRIVATE R.M. le board pl113 ·~ mo. for 2 ctay1 clu.nl.DJ , light houuwork • ~by 11ltttn1t. J'l'f'r· manf'Tl t. Ul1<1 l•I~. Hu. 18S8·M lnoCBOSSED bualnCN ea.rda $3.99 3 Line Rubber Stamp $1.00 • Line Rubber Stamp with cut S2 00 CSS. cul•) Book Mstchu L. W . WHITE Llbcrty 8-tOl l, evta, LI 8-5150 ppllc FOR SALE Family plot In Harbor Rut M'morll\I l'ark fi:OOll location. U 1 -tH O evt'nln_p It wttk e nlt., 83~ WOOOE!'C OUlce deak 6 chair ~ Metal orr1ce di-ak • ch&Jr U 'lll. 6111 San BemardLno, New· port &ach. LI 8·2713. 13p ANTJQUJ!:S -Old furniture, cut 1 1au, la.mpe, old plclUrH, clocke elc. Barguna p lore. Bir d i•· counla to dC'aler1. Charlie Da vl1, J8()(1 E . Anahr lm St~ Lon&' Bcb. 6ll0-1 at. . 2ttt c Sale -Sale -Sale St&.rta Wed., July 27 New .ummer cawala, ~ 1.11d cocktaJI d~u rC'duc.d for Im· m~llalA ct.&nneoe ..:... U to SL2. L&rc• auortmrnt nl'&r new co.ta, aulla and druaea tanta.1t1~1Uy r~uctd -SI 00 up. Katy Poane Aprarrl 2721 Jo:. Co.ul.HlfhWay IKlnddl"e P&Uo) Corona dtl r.tar, Ca.IJf. 112·87 ----~F;V&RAL buy• a.ad &'lril b!(')'Cl"a 111 A·I con•llllon. Ilk• ntw. Your rho1rc S?O 60, HH l On.na-e An., <.:oelA l>traa. 82cU Qt:EEN Slt•: 1>1!11 $~. dbl. b4-d Sl.'.I, 2whtcl •tefll b<t-0 t.taller S~. Travnn rod~ 10 A 14 ft. amall drill prua S~. Her 698•·W. 81 p83 ORIGINALS A P'TER.NOON. Cock tall, d.lnner .,,.. .... It Coordlnelea. · Cu.tom D~making Pll. Harbor t.2"-R 71"'4 Fresh Hearing Aid BA Trl:R.l £8 We 01 .... 8A.R Oreen Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Mam St.. at Balboe 811"4.. Balboe HMbor 1115. H tlc ~B--A9.f_le~·-cee~~~--~ •'OR SALIC -ColCS.pot rtf. with new Wttt. 140. Can Kl 11·27'2 tf RE· POSSESSE D AUTOMATIC 'lf)ROF. W ARHF;R 2819 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor !>392 Washing Machine Sl!:RVlCJD l -year guarantee on Jobe done and on Uaed wuhera. 2488 ~ Cret.rl Newport 81 .• COllla MML Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64Uc ft-Furniture for Sale DINING ROOM 52-FurnltW'fl f or Sale 83cllll R ATTAN turnlture-2 tablu, •OfL l 8 FT. CHRIS CRAJIT Pram like 2 large chair•. • occas1onal 1 nev.•, oani A traJler Included &100 cha.I rt, round wall ahelt . Har.1 2118 Miramar, Balboa. 83p811 2898. 83c8• -FOR. SAU: -a1X aolld birch 84--Muslcal, Radio, TV Early American dlnlnl' chairs- s4o. Har H 74. 83p811 I WANTED llO USltD P IANOS for our bl&' rental dept. Highest cu ll allowance ln trade for Orran. Splnet piano, or Grand piano. BIRCH dining rm. table. 8 chalnt 6: 2 bulfelta. 3 bln:h ba.r stools 6 chro~ dl.nette eet. LI 8·2719. 83c86 DANZ-SCHMIOT. 520 No. M&irl, Santa Ana 1 PC. aolld walnut. lncludea 6 12-A-Ant'!quee upholatered aide cbalrw, l ann ------------·-chair, large ut. table. Jn tlne LOVELY old 10lld walnut Me re• SMALLEST STUDIO Plano with full 88 keyboard ln f1ne con· d ltlon. Termt, ftll.311 down and f 18.17 pe.r mo. at condJtlon. s~.00 per mo. tary (•tripped) 180. large 1taae drus •tore bottle. ln atanda $25 eL Odd coftee It other tablea. 2UO W. 17th. Sant& Ana. 8lcll3 SRAl!'l!!R'8 Mu.ale Co. (Since 1907) 421·•.23 N. S)'C&l'ftore, Banta Alla Phone Klmbttly 2--0972. MATI'RESS le BOX SPRING J'ull alze. juat rebuilt, very clean $29.96. Tenn• lt you wiah. SEALEY MA 'ITRESS Ir. BOX SS-Boata. Suprllee Jrull or twin •1.M. FamOUll J::n. SPINh PIANO. Bea11utuJ CU, It tohe. Little uaed .. Save over 1100 on thie. Another bup.ln. Mir- ror type Spinet only 12911. Many clht r wondertuJ buya. chanted Nlght.t. Brand new. Re1. TRAOC $69.GO for 11hort time only f39.95 ~ DANZ-SCHMIDT Mualc Co., 1120 No. H.&irl St., 8&nt& AnL Alwe.ya 100 planoel each. Ternu. Beautltul 70-tt. aux. Khooner. BED CHAIR Fully found, co anywhere. WW take equity In property or •mal· Ju11t the lhlnf tor the den 6 tor i ler boat.. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., HAMMOND 0 Tgan. SIJ&'htly UHd. lh•l unexpected ruut. Nfw -Newport. Kar. 3032. a9ttc Good bl&' eavlnc. Another won- reg. price $69.60 -Now only derful buy . .Ha.m.mond Chord Or~ _.9.~ _ Euy ltnn1. 23 FT. BLOOP. day nUor, Juwt r an. u tu e UHil. The Orcan SPEED QUEEN ffiONER Full cabinet, two hf'at control.II, motor .witch, hut ewllch. Kneoe ~ finger lip preuure control, oft a-on wamlnc light. Brand new. R1>g. $178.95, youre tor $119.911. Save 09.00. Long Umt t.erm.1. SPEED QUEEN CLOTHES DRYER Automatic, 1ta lnleN to p, hi, med., low heat control. f'loor •mpl~. New. Have It before the nin. comt. Rer . $21 9.9~. Now ~UM.to .. MARTIN 'S FURNITURE CO. 1MO R u11or Blvd .. CO.ta Mu a u l-6131 8%ct3 8 !:'TTEROREN Sptnet pta.no $060, Antique pine cor. cabinet . U 70 Cu.atom oak • poeter •, canOl")' bfod au~ AnU(lUf' 4 drt1wer pine c.hwt S ~ C'Ul"lom oak wuh ft&tld . SU~ cuatom oek u rd table . S 10 t. 'ua tom 0&1t lr1anf\lla.r end table . S 12 CuAlom <>alt c()fftt tebl• Plllnter In.Ht Cu•tom coltu table, old p._lo cC'nter I 30 Antique roll.I' w()()d dt.J!k S ~0 &O· ·• Lu.y l:lull&n table A 2 CaptaJn 'e chal ni S II() 0 anuque wooden ohaJre, l'ACh ..... 10 Ooubl• twin or King 11lt.e F'nnrh Provlnc1&1 lludboud . ..S •O Loun1e chair A otLOma.n •. I ~ AJ>t1que chl'•l cupboard ... S 80 AnUQu• c:obbler'• btncb /wpttia ll S IG A F'POL"ITMENT Only Hu 1'87 112c84 MAHOGANY 'T'abl4, cotfM table, • la.mpa and 8Winc ch&lr, a.nd ~­ entutted. Har O lS-W. 82c&'J Mesa Woodcrak Unpa.lnl~ 6 J uvenile Furniture LCP:. recllntng p.Uo ch.a.lni S3 96 Crooved wa.U pl.alt •hill . 2.•11 18" Sturdy Stool• 2 3~ M14waa ana ~fl tin.iabu OrdeN taken tor 11hu1ter• 2121 Ha.rbor, C.loi. Uberty 8-180 LAWSON TYPE d•v,.11rort, end ch~lr $25. LI l'·r1217. lllr86 •overhauled 6: trailer $400. Har everyorle can play. 263~-n. 8lc8l I DANZ-SCHMlDT Pia.no Co .. 2 COOD buya, :~ ft. l!IO h.p. A ~20 No. Waln. 8-nta Ana 16 fL 211 ·~ hp. liOeta, botll fl·1 :c btrr taellt'd. fut It good condl-liPl!:ClAL BUY I tlan. Rt'ady t o ao. Also fiber· BEAUTIFUL S AU!:M ma ple Bpln- 11u1 rtol.JI ~•In etc. AeTOJl'l I et piano. Renl&I ~tum. P'arnoua Martne :Motoni. John Norek, 2806 rna>ie. Uke new. Save $11111.- The Rhine (Lido Penn.) Har. Convenient t•rm• &t-- 2937. 70ltc SHAFl!lR.'8 MWllc Co. (Since l.t07l RADIO • TELEPHONE, 100 watt. 32 volt. JO cha.r.111ela, hu 6 uaabl• trequenclea at pr...nt. LI 1-e209 or U 8-UTI. 81c.33 il·PT. K.A.ROO. pla.all cabtD crul· -· •• ...,. " h-4, plley, ti ~ A balt t.ank. SU TO, Harbor IMO-R. atttc WANT 21 to llO·ft. cabln cruuu wtlll moorlnr . WW track up to ' Iota ln RivenlJde on a.ewer. WMte Donovan Kbt1.1, P . 0 . Box 113. Arlington, Cll.llt. 1111'83 TRADE OR SALE •II n.. t runlc cabin crulJler designed by J , J Cupp. buJll by Oa.Jtl&nd Boat Worke In 19•8. Slt"Cpl 8, h.u 27~ h. p. Hall Scott.--Nc~· batten<'•. Aut.omauc c:lrcula llng ~J\ ~II. new pro~l1"r, a ulo- rnaUc bu., ... pump, •tAlnlH• al~I p l!Aty, Jo'alrbtnlul -MonM1 Aux. r en,,..tnr 8 n. di"'hy wltll men!ury 6 h. p. motof. Ship to •hore radio. All for '$13.~. Would like 1. nJ .. t lot or houN ln Lhla &l'\ll\. BAY It BEACH REAL TY LIDO OFFICE 31 U Latayrtte, Newport Har. lGO Har. 29" £\'H FAJJU..1.NER :a ft. twtn ~. S"Y tire b&1LI I~. .A.1 con· dJU0'1 S1.7!1G. U 8-6710 13llc SEWPORT SAILING OlNGl:IY t1btrtflaae exterfo)" completl!' v.'11.h 7" JohNon outboard motA>r a.nd nu. rnut A pa.r 1200 Har. 37•9 83dM FACTORY B IJILT 12 fl. out~ ~l 4lr tnJlt r wtU\ forwud tlttk It rf'•r b:.il'k119d., eteenng wheel It CQnl rola llHd 2 mo. ln •torart. U 2:> 10 clollt' utat.« 308 Orand can•t. &Ibo .. bland 8.'kStl SNOWBIRD •245 figerslaaaed. 2 1all8 $22~. W 8·21";3 83c •21 .. ~3 N. Sycamore, Sant.a Ana Phone Klmberly 2·0S72. STEINWAY ORA ND. Oor&'ec>WI tn every way. Parlor .Su . Thi.II wonderful lnltrument at a bis aav1nc. Many ol.her Oranda. Ma· -4. Hamltn. Knabe, Story 6: Cla.rk, etc. Prtcu f "6 a.nd up. DA.NZ-BCRMII>"I' Piano &20 No. Main, Sant& An.a. 100 plane». USED Walnut1 plntl by B&Jdwtn F\111 keyboard. S.9~ WOODWORTH Pl.A.NO CO. .2810 E. Cout Hlchwa y Corona del Mar. Pb. Harbor iJU. 13cM IUM.HALL SPT.'ll":I' piano. Maho1· any flnJah.. Ll. 8-HH 112C84 $~~ PE.R J.fO. ,.nt.t good pr1'ctlce piano. ut the klddlta h!a.m. Ap- ply term rent on purc>uuae. Uo<wt uNd planoe l't&.. '89, Sl 26. 1187 etc. Lbw.-t t.t rma. DANZ-SCHMIOT, 620 No. Main, Sa.nta An11 Alway• 100 plan<MI, ORGAN SPECIALS KAJO<OND 8plnel or1ana. like n-. Bl& u vlnl'a. LOVEJ.,Y •Ingle manuaJ el~1onlr orran !JI ~rt-ct con<llllon 8a n HOO ConvtnJenl ter m• al SHAJ"l:R'S Mualc Co. l~Hnce 1 ~7) Ol~l3 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone IUm~rlv 2-0872. OROAN'. EleclronJc! Uffd but In txceJJt nt eoodltson. Two m&Jl· U&lL l'lnoe for Cl'IW'CI\ or home. You can •ve '800 on thla pur- e.hue OA!'<'Z-SCIUilDT, 020 No. Main, Santa Ana CRJSH Sf:M"!:R pupplu . C'llarn· pton sire and davnt 6t5a Col<!· brook, Lalcewood 11. Ca.llfom 1L TOrrey 8·19o9 lllflj3 SIAME~F. l'UR F: BRED Klltf'n11 llou11eb rokrn. $7 ea.. lJ 11· ot124 81 r8a --------~-~ v v' Check these Used Cars Buy from a local deaJtr whv w111 be here l'Or.lORROW to baclc up what ne et.Ila TODA Y I 40-A.utoe and Truc.b VA· VA· VOOM! WHAT BUYS! 53 Ford Cuat. 4 dr. With R & H Fordo $1195 54 Mercury Monterey Hardtop R Ir H Mercomatic $2295 53 Plymouth Station Wagon Radio le Heater $1295 54 Plymo,.,th Surburban Wagon RAH Hydrive $1795 52 Ford Victoria R It H Fordo $1345 49 Ford V 8 t,l Ton Pickup $645 THEODORE ROBINS • Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY "~N THE MARINERS' MILE'' . LIBERTY 8-M 71 END OF MONTH SPECIALS! 19!>3 CHEVROLET Bel A1r 4 dr. power steering R A H, WSW, power glide ··-·· ........ only $1425 1953 P LYMOUTH Cran brook Club cpe. RadJo 2 tone paint, all new Urea _ ................. $1195 1950 BUICK 4 dr. Sedan. Light green, R It H Dynaflow __ ..... _ .. ~-----·-· .. ·--_ .................. _ .$795 19!52 DESOTO V-8 • dr. Sedaa, light blue, power steering, R&H. Electric windowa. Only $1105 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coaat Highway Ph. Llberty 8-8.a& G . M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '6--Autoe for SU. l.H1 BUICK I door, ncell. con- ctlUon. l'rtY. pe.rtT. LI 1··2170. UcN F-OfU> PICKUP, &ate lNO. CIMR 6: recent o••haut Ooo4 ebape. LI 1-6878 after t p.m. 83pM ------------- '48 P'ORO I,, T. PICKUP 1947 J'ORD conve~ by on(lnal '•9 GMO i, T. PICKUP f1rl owner, all xt,..a, WW trt•l· '60 CllEVROLE"I' i, T. PAl\"Et. ed lllte ~by, cute .. tllll of ptfl '61 .~ORO 8, 1-. T. PJCKvP Har. 4117 83•~ 'li2 CHEVROLET lot T. PANEL 19~1 BUJCK Special dt.lo.xe Hda n '63 OODGE ., T. PICKl:P °"Ktnal Ownf'r, Orllf. n nl.ah. All '6' CHEVROLET 1'1 T. PICK· n__. llrM-$9911. LJ. 11·7JllO UP, HYORAMATJC TRANS. 821".114 ·03 1-'0RD 8, ~ T PICKUP I 'U (;HEVROU.."T 1 T 9' BOOT, 1948 PLYMOUTH 4·1lr , rf'b11tlt 8' ST AK!:H I motor, a >''"' old. 1211~. Ofl Rh•· '62 CHJ.o;VROLE'T I T. PANEL er•lde Ave. U 11·3378 l!IC'll3 •62 HEVROJZr 2 T l 79" WB. 2 S PEED. 8 26 TIRES '112 STVOEBAKER 2 T 1116" 41-Auto Sfon w W R, 2 SPJl.:ED. 8 2l\ TJRft.8 '114 OOOGE 2 T ' YO. DUMP, • II 21't TlRE8, 2 SPP:l':n ·~2 n MC-\0 WH EP:L fH'MP , B I. TRA SS We lle ve a attl<'k or l !I t1nlt.1 to C:hooae from •II t)'J>f'~ ""(J •l&e11 Tht.s •lnrk mu~I hr mnvf"1 al Mot or Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * S Cyla. __ -'48.88 8 Cyla. ····----------~.88 onre lln•1 no rtiuonable otter Cnrlud"• both tabor end parla. Will ~ rt'fWled We carry O\lr I Nf'w r1n111. wrttt ptn1, valve own cnnll'ac'll I l'rtnd. fllllnir• of ma in and rod bfoartnr• Exr-rt motor tun~ up. W W WOODS 1'0-cay or 4.000 mile jf\lara.ntee. • • C1'0 MO!'\t::Y oow-.;1 1111-19 ~';lhos~U::anta AMI REBUILT ENGINES Open Sunday a m -UP lo 16 MONTHS TO P AY- Truck headqua.rttrt tor Oranc• Co Built In our own factory by tklllec1 m11ch1n1111.<1 Don t conten!l wlUI th" mllMt .. m"n Ruv dtrf'l"1 CLAUD SHARP Our aal•AmllllJ!ttl'r u v11 , . • "Yu , we h11"' " nlc~ u ll'rt lon ot Clea n Used Cars Fairly, Priced! REBli'lLT and INSTALLED S HORT Al..QC"K IF'ORD . . ..... -Sl 29~' CHP:VROf~ .... ·-··-·. S14SI !)() Pl,\'M It 000011; ·--· .... $1:'1."a CHRYS, olc OE SOTO ... _ 1170 STt·nF:RAKER ........ $170 0 1.0l'l A PO!'\TJAC 8 ····-$1 iO Rt:JC-K ,_ ... • ...... _ Sl 75 HUDSON . Sl76 lntn C11r J•r!'" T ow1n1 NF'W CAR GUARANTp;JI.: That ~11'84 t.:11til only 3 monlhll. Wiii t11kt paymtnt.a u low u U .118 ~r month. No down pe.ymtnt nec:cw- •IU')' BY OW"N'ER 8 cu. rt DtlWle SerYf'I rctrii ltkfl OC'W $HI(). For •ppt. t o Ill!~. Hu 2i~7 l.flf'r II 30 p. m. 83p86 HYDROPl..A XF,, rlbl'r g lu11 bot· tom. Ctu11 A. S8~ Mercury l h.p. f 30. EvenrulSe 21,. h p. $25 Harbor 0<>91\ 83c P"REJt to 1ood home 2 1001 helr;d female c:a t.a. y~ar old. Or11.111rt KElton 9.2;21 83p \l't'IC won't tdl ynu !ht'~' "'" , • Blf>l•k mt1111 ll'l""l our 11t11nl111rda Pl1111 '""""· itM ket• antt oil (}p,.n Sunt111v 10 • m. Ill 2 pm, GET RESULTS Courteoua NMn-P r ... (...'1...,,,ll ltd Ad·Ta.llera u e trained to °'"T1te etr.cu .. •d• -WA.NTED- GM!OLJNE TANK TRUCK ~ JUrbo~~~~~ 113c~ ~~~~~bo~jj~~~:~!. EXCELLE1'"T poaltlon for couple. Ubf'rty l!-68H 83c man chaurrun 6 hllndy man. - w1fe ... 1 .. t ln houal' U \"9 In nr A B T AB,l.E TOr rMl{"e ,old. CIHn Throufh lone uptr1enc:e a nd a out. RatbrtT 2370-M 1!3r86 $10. Cfl.l l Har. 2811()-R 83c84 Uaorau1h undentAn41n1 of advtr- u.lac -can put your want.a lnt.o EXPERIENCl!:D waHreM --;;;d i9J2 F'RIODIARE d~p trt~P w'Otda that ret act.Jon. woman ClOOk't htlper. cu fl. tn very J\)()(I r ondlllon I.Al Wt help you •U: Udo Park Cale 1160 Ha.r. 1801. 83cM TOOLS '801 Slat . ~twport s.ach a l ruRNlUIINO .A •--AL? Lido ~er Park. 8 lcU ~-." BW SPR. olc mallreu comp"t•. htfhboy. ch&lr, btnch A d.rl'•lnl tabl" ~O. Odd chalre 6 dl1hu 217 Pearl. Har. 28!'.>!>·W 83c86 CHERRY-WOOD comer table wtUI lea thn top, blrc.h c:ofttt table, 2 pla.nttr md t"blu w1th l!'athtr top . SaJtm Mnl1ll. Har. 60-"tO 83ca& BA.ROAINS, M.a1!01 olc maple cof- fee labl•. klrlney t1~er w1Ul lt.C?OI. mapJ,. allp~r chftlr. Har· bor tl894 · W, 83<'114 BOATS TABLE top JU nn1_,-ooc1 con· A--~oN .. • • BOT& -dlU ••o 0 --........ FURNITURE •• r.o-. u """""' Oft -• ~. a.......... l3cM BABYCIUB WI\,\ ~pr1n( mat TIU: NEW8-PIUl:8S la .now t.ak1n1 BUSJNESSE8 curl• appUcaUOQt for routH In U d A t t • regular •IV. Hu 1'dJu.ttablc l!lde. CA.RS A TRUCKS theae JMtPbor1tooda:-Se U Oma ICS u a. l..fberty 8-1~0. 83p Balboa. Weet Nt'WJ>()r!. ~ S39 50 S99 50 TWO llEACTrn.:LLY CARVED BOUSDIOLD ARTICLES 1 •• Newport •MJbt.e. eorooa de.I fO TALL c m:sTS. ttAR.Bo R 11362 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Mar Ud Oo9l.a MH&. • • . 83pt• • • • U you.an 11·14 ~ old, Ud ban OR Gll"l' A TENANT a t»c7c\e, a pply at t.he Clrcula. I>eUnt <'<I lnetallf'd, ru1u ·anteed. UOll Dept., Newport HarbOr Ttrm1 A valJ&bte l'IND TOU A JOB ?f.we-Prea.a, 1211 Baltio. Bl"'-· We Sen •ice All AppliaDoee OE'? YOU A Hl!:LPD !flW))Ort Beach. betwNn 10-u Sped alliing in Automatica l1Mm 1' .... Pnll <::IMIUloed Ad-a. m.. « '°' P• "'· onJ.y ncwpt A l W b En••..,..t--.... ~ Uc u o. ._. ~r -t'~.-iwr II an .,..W ud tMJ are at 2848 Newport 81Yd.. Cott& Mu.a ~a"i&e "AJTfta8 wutect. bpertmC8 Liberty 1-1ao8 <"'ear 0o1.t eow-1 1· pmttNll. ~ Har. TH. u css tlP1> . _,.. -------------· ---"· -... _ - 10'" Cl'. Pr w ,auorhow.e tnwt free rttrlr . With c,_ top tr4ltur. o ·Kfffe 4 Merritt ranp Laundromat auto. wuh•r, told· lnr 1ype formlca top table a.nd cllalr a. Den type eora bed and matcl*\r; roclltr. 21 ln. W•t- lna'hoUA(! TV. 9703 Calmada A Ye .,,lttlcr. alp BOAT, 3' n.. MONTER.ERV lop control•. completely equlpl'\l, head, 1"11dlo, ball 1.Ank, t rolling 1ear, 1kltf 6 II hp. John..On $5:>00. Har IMS-R. 83c~ TKTRTY O~F: IT 19~1 Chrl• Craft, lwln M'rPw cmv.'Tl irpec1al. 11) fl ~am ault" pllnt. radio, ~fl lank. fl•h Mck alffp• ' Harbor 1704. 83c8.'1 2J IT Al~BATROSS Sloop Fut. BLACK MASKE~ve Blrdf - Fledgll.nga $10 N . I i3 f'lowv St., Co11la Mu a. Ll 8-3&00 1!3c86 • 37-U,·estock -------F'OUR·y l'ar-old part Arabl~n gr,.y Gelding plua tqulpmtnl, aAdt11t, elc. U 60 Ll 8~474. 82r 8t JuJal complrtel}' l't'pe.inled. 2 4-0--Aatoe for 8aJe 1ulta a&.1111 • •])41U1tker, jib. t4 fL Rl'fnell Outboard, Mark 20 '03, m ~ CUi lom 4dr. l'ot"d Mtrcury motor It trailer $800. 8ed&n. Low m lle•re. top conlSl- :123 Aml'lhyat. Ba.Ibo&. fl'JAl\d, lion a•Jtom tran•. R.AH WSW, Ma.dlAOn 9·2~J. 83pa:j PRlCICD FOR QUJCK SA 1.E' MOOR.JNU f"OR BALE &17~. A~. ~r 2174-R. 83c8!) bait net $271'>. C.U LI 8·3800 '62 CHEV. • dr.. R.ltH, ' n~w 83<:86 lire& Owner ,-OlnJ to F'ra ncc _N __ E_A_RL ___ Y_NE __ W_l_6_ft._Ch_ru_C_r_a_tt Mu.et atll lmmedl,tely. 1700 or hlf"bfft bidder. LI 8~176. 83c86 fiber 11~ ma.hor . lop. Even. rude 11 JLp. motor, control•,-'63 OLDS Super 88, 2 dr .• Hydro- TraJ.ler, W.nch, dolly It accu · 'ma uc, R4ff.. J>OWf'r brallu. 80'r'lte. Rar. 2128. 83~ Unted cta.-Kf 3-9881> 83¢35 $ $ $ $ '"'"I lh•n )·uu "'" bu\' rl1e· w.hert . 11nr1 1 WI' \\ II.I. mft kr 9 I BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS protll nn ,.,·trv ,,,r w~ "4!11 1 Ortn Daily 8 to 7 8t•l• Bonded but yrou \\'II.I. t ,.l II N E W LOCATION GOOD DEAL, 1U1t1 11 fair lra•l•·ln on Your 01" Car:· at 310 East 3rd SL 8A:-.'"1'A ANA ATrENTtON Nash -Hudson owners M d. M I Rioh Hahn's Garage an IC otors, nc . AulhOrl1rlS Par11 • l«mce 424 MAl.1' llT alao Oood 1'taneporta!J09 H UNTl:":GTOI' FIEA C.:H Cera For Ba le sac Auto Radio Repair "" 0<1'1 VAl.L&Y >W<ClJRJ,!!9 ~. ~!~T~t ~Uo aU po..-.r equlpnant. tf'Tm• Ca ll ownu, 1.1 e-3683 or LI 8~2%3.' 42--Tnllera · 6tUc ---------16 1'"7. BIRCH CRAFT, 7~ hp. 'f9 Mercury, 2 ctr. Mdan R4tt, O. 8<-ott Atwater motor, new ('OVUI 0 ., A new' u ..... 1676.-oto W, llCCtf't'OrlM. 2 13 .. 0th, Pl\. Har. ltth 8t., 0oet& X.-.. U 8-67M . J'OR 8 ALE. 1938 LUOOAGE TRMLJ!:R bl all Cbevrolet. &60 m,.lal l!':ncll)ffd. 270 P:. PaJm.r. 11119-W. IScl6 l 11,.. 0&11 U 1·'7140. l lc83 I C041t.a Me• LI 1-TeH. lie~. , -..r ... .--. __ --- i • I I -~~ I I - "'PAN-AMERICAN"' faramount-Terry '11--66' Pan Amer. I bdrm. - A BUT. '11--11' Teny-8PllCUL 'lt-n· KoW.-Tuldem-batll. KA.NT MOU -Z.., Tenu Port Orange Trailer Sal• llOO w. c-.. mp_, ...... Llbtrt7 MU<> K.wport 8-eb 7~ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St .• Npt. Bch. OFl'ERS DeU.btful living. Apt.-Cab&nu. Utllitie1 paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa . Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or reeervation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfo 11 rr. OOMTDOINZ'AL. ~ bai.ior, modern. cup~ 4rawen 6 cloeeta. Utetlme alum. Awnlnp. CUh or lerma. - llra. cou.tn. 181 1:. 14th St .• '3-A-AJ!bl. fo~ Beat Ooet& x.a. llcll ~~~---~~~.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tl1AJt DJU)P cunp tnner, llleepe ~ xi.-ocmd1t10L -11711 V......Up. 8ulta A.It& PJI. Kl l-8011. llcll Rent&la Wanted We ._. ape. and bcNM9 ln al ....._. tor bot.la wtaw ud .,..., .......... Cll' lmtlrrL .,.. ...... ......,. ...... toda7 The Vo~ Co. .... W. Cit. &Wy., H.wport II& ftcmit U1NrtJ um -ll&rtM, Baiboa .lal&Dd n.. llarb:Jr "' •T ._ Cout 87 .. ec..& del Kew PboDe llarlMir 11•1 Udo Otftoe, "11 Vta Lido ll&ltlcw wn 12Uc WA.HT TO RllMT, MODllRN, nice· 17 tum. houM or apL f or em· ployed *>uple. Ha~ ar• pre· fernd. LI 8·111311. 81c83 T W 0 BDRM. untum apt. or houae A: ,-a.r. yrly. Corona del Mar pr.ferred. Ki 7-4181 0tr XI T-4182 bdore 6:30 p .m . aacM Choice Summer'Rentala OD Balboa Ialand le Lido lsle Small 6 cosy or ~· 6 deluse •71 co NOO month VOGEL CO. IOI M&rtlle A Ye., B&lbo& i.land Ph. Harbor 04 or Harbor 21151 it.a H1r. 1 TM-R or Ba.r. 8069--M Mtto ------- BALBOA ISLAND Un.turn. yrly. renl&l. 2 al.Ory home ln choice locaUOn, cloee to bey. 3 bdrm•., 3 bath• ptu1 den It lanai. l lM per mo. W. W. SANFORD, realtor 6 AMC>Cla tu Park It Manne. HAr. 2'82 74tto CORON A DEL MA1', f\Un. 2 lldnn. dupl... blk to b&y, '60. week. Sleepa 7. 2024 Sffvlew. call Har9or ltll·J . 81pll ROOMS, COTI' AGES, AP'l'S. DAY OR WEEK Till-: 81.UE TOP MOTEL, 403 Nt'Wl>Ort Blvd., Juat abov• The Archea Httc RENTAL i SPECIALISTS • c.11 Edna CraJc Blanche Gates, Rltr. 3'11 Mar1n• A •e. ~lbcla l11la nl.I. Hu. lt71 7lttc Summer Rentals BALBOA PENINSULA l BORM Ck ,.111:. rront .• SI ~ pt"r w .. ek. A v11011bl• now lhrouJb ~l'I LIDO ISLE '1 Rl•RM l&rKf' pa110. 8lttp11 "l(ht \f n n f Au~. S&«IO THE VOGEL CO. :ll<ll \\ C-•MUll HIA'}'. Npl ~acb L1"4'r1' 11-:1481. U c86 SUMMER Rentals Deluxe tum. apt. 6 rooma. Day, week or month ldeal Joc&Uon -a few atepa to LIDO OJTICll SP ACll -WID wblet apace aultable tor alto~ neya, engtneera, etc. Appros . llix:JO tn ahopplnc area on Vl& Udo. call Don Cole attarnoou only, Har. '86-0. 68ttc ewryth~. 106 ll. Bay, Balboa. ------------ Bu. 63f• 17Uc Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Franta + other choice propertiea Harbor hland, Bay Shore•, Bu.- con Bay, qua11tted client.a only, Harbor Inveetment Co. Barbor 1800 (Evu. LI S-11388) 27ttc LU.BOA. ISLAND un.tum. 2 brm. apt. SM. month on 1-. Ha.r· bor 2«6. 83c86 Modern Store J'OR RENT1 •111 per mo. Pa.rkJnl' f&e1lltie1, forced alr beat, aull· able, wuran<'e, real Ntate, gtrta etc. Inquire f08 E. B&lbo& Blvd. Harbor 2070. llltfo OFFICE FOR RENT Civic Center Location, 2l'd4', 111-0. ·per month. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor 3420 W. Balboa BlTd., Npt. Bch. TTc99 SM.ALL OJTICJD FOil RJCNT, $30 per mo. 2I02 Newport BlYd., Newport Bcll. DUPLEX 2 bdrm. apt. turn. yrly. Har. 4118 1aauc bull% blk. to ocean. One yr.------------- old, 180. mo. 131 ~ 44th SL, Newport Beach. 83Uc 53-A--B=heee Beat.a. NEW UNJ'URN. 2 bdrm. apt- tlrepl&ee, .Ud1nr door to patio. 800 aq. ft.-70 ft. to channel beach. 2 blka. t.o ocaan. 30ll 38th St .. Newport. Har. 31124-J. 83c81l Balboa Furn. Apts. DAY -WElCK -MONTH H earl ot town. l'9 block to bay. 1 bloclc to ocean A: pier. 917 E. Balboa Blvd. Barbor 1729·J 73c88 NO. 6 BEACON BAY -Summer renl&l. SJM'cioua tum. a pt., aleepa f , overlookinr bay. June llilh- llepL 16th.. ~. month. ALSO wUI take 1'9HrY&Uon fur winter. Har. 2471, courtdy to affllla. '3tfc BALBOA ISLAND MOTEL APTS. Taklnl' n11ervat1ona day, week, or month. 12• Marine Ave. Har. 6086. 7Jp84 New Store Bldg. for lea.w, S..11 yra., l&xM ft. park· ahoppln( &reL in,-apace. Major ..n.r,-. ln Udo BLANCHE GATES Realtor 311 Karine Aft., Balboa Jaland Harbor 11171 118ttc LEASE FINE LOCATION tn Corona l!el Mar, Completely equipped fQr baJclng or dellcatuaen. Phone Harbor 4283 for app'l. 11:\tfc ~rof essional or Business Men lnlerated In omc. •J*C9 1n new propoeed bulld.1111'. l Tt.b St. Near Thrt.ny A Alpha Beta Mariteu. Comta M-. Ca.1.1 Har. OHt. 78lfc C-2 BLDG. 4 JUd. pit.Ml lritebaa • ~Ua aad OVl\IRLOOICNO l•UJ' Sa Corona l rm. 2nd tlr. H9W\)' ~ted. del Mar. 2bdrm. tum. apt. lar•• llOWl4 proof ceOJnp. •Ta mo. '27 rooma, paUo • pr. l lOO .... ac U.i beblnd P. o. Newport.. Bar or UOO per mt.ha. on )'Tly. I~ 60111 or 2904 J , K. Tlp9'1 Xlmberly T·SlSL llc&a ------------ VACATIONERS WE HAVE a TU'lety ot n-nice· ly tum. rent.ail aV&Uable In N11wport • LaJUllL •so. wk. A up. Inquire 304·32nd St . Npt. Phone Harbor 12211. 77p90h Jo'\JRN. HOt;SE Sepl. l, Twin bed• • ti.cl divan, fireplace, comer lo\, (oo<I locallon. 2 adult. 721 Poppy. Har. ~-M MfUr FOR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new lrvlne Terrace unfUm. view homu . J BD RMB .. 2 batha and 2 BltDRMS., 2 bal.hJi. Call Harbor 1775 or Ra.rbor U 48. Jl:AltL W, STANLEY, Realtor Irvine Terr-.ce Office Corona dei Mar. 33tfc Sl'J'WPORT 8.EACH. two bdrm. hou11e unlum. H O mo. N-ly d~co,..te1. Le-... Harbcw 0633M Fine Location P'OR Atl'ny Acc't, s.&uty Bbop. elc. Ground floor 14lt3l'i. Coata Mua, Acl'OA from P. 0 ... Call from P O .. Call owntt. Har oW'ller Har 299&·W. 88tlc M-Baelw Op~U. FORCED TO SELL 'Mlr1v1n~ howie<:~&nlnJ bu11n.-. Opportunity to mab ,-ood moo- 'Y tor rtpt party. Ma b otfer to Box H.ff, t.hia ~r. 71llc Restaurant ~nt..r Newport Beac.b. On 6 off beer .-le. Mu.t IMlll -doctor'• nrden1. To~I prlce n!duc~ to $1000 -yrly. r.oe• '30,000. DAN A. JACOBSEN. LI 1-1317 LEASE 81c83 F'JNE LOCATION Ul Corona d•I UNPURI' 3 1>4!d.rm bouu :-if'wly p&lnl~ tnten or Excf'I locau on. Coet.a Mea 1110. mo. yf'lll'ly rtntal U 8·6103. Mcllll Ma.r. Complttely ~ull'Pf'd for b&Jtllll or deUcat-n. Phone Rarbor 4283 for app'L ~lie 4Jl..A A Re t TEACHERS ATTENTION -___ -__ .... f_t& __ ro_r __ a_______ 3 bedroom completely tunil.ahed ASSOCIATE Lido Lease W•terlrnn~ tum. n-2 bdrm. I "' bath. l!:lec. ~ulp kit. OW . Gu1>. dl11p. 428 Via Udo Nord. 90ttc A TTR.ACTtVE -.a new I bdrm. •pt , partlaUy tllra. 8\lltable tor rnuplr Ul\ mo yrly. 11&5 W lllUI, Co.ta M-Call t ~ 11. Kar. 10. 80lfc TAKJNO RIC&l:RVATlONS ror f\lm. apt., lleepe '. n-.r boch A Udo fthopptn(. 128 W'Mk11 It SM. mo. )'Tly. Harbor 21811-J. l lc83 u ce pUnJ Unena. Wlnt.r renlal 223 Heliotrope, <'A rona de! Mar SIOO monlh. 83p8~ -----~--~-WATERFRONT. Newport F urn 4 bdrm.a., 2 bath. Pier • flM L Xo linen• or diahe& SI !'ill mo. on yr • 1 ..... A•ail. lepl. l. Harbor l5•0·R 7fltrr 2 BDRM. home <"omplf'lely t um With new 6 modern rurnlahln1:11 i, blk. from Bay A lhope. $90 mo .. yrl1. 20e Rlvnldde Av,. Call Har. 1800, OeneBolln Slf\84 NEAR BALBOA COVES. Brand new 2 bdnn., furn, bome, fire- place. W.W. C&rpt'l. 11tapou l. ATaJlabl• for aummu f/l9'~ l&t.A SL, Newport b land \~ lnt~N'tll. Ac Uve or ln.acUve. Man or woman, If you have r .. cosnlzed t.be tnmendoua pot.en· Ual of th. vi te rta.tn.m e.n l bu.1- 1 ntu. here .. a ran opportun· 1 ty to become u.>Cl.&ted W1th an orpniallon 'lrtllcb W'UI of· ftr you aecu.r1ty. permanen~. and very hlgb murn.1 an your lnYC'lltment. Saluy tt a.i:Uve.. Thb ta • •ery lntt-rutJng pro- fN1fon anti you will be t~ by mem~~ ot organis&Uon• for u t<"utlve duUu r,,rpenwce not rel}Ul.l'l'd. In onlr r to qual· lfy yo11 mu.at expreu a wltllnir· nesa to i.am and be ..,,,. to get alO!l4f w1th. ••••• r.-... ........... OCEAN FRONT-Seashore Drive Only 2 yrs. aid LoTety 2 bdrm. home on com• lot. Be9t OCMn trout buy in Harbor Area. Full price $17,MO. Terma BAY FRONT Balboa Island 2 Bdrm. tum home. Room for 2nd unit. On cor- ner. Real b&rpin at $31i500 .acel.l. tenna. BAY FRONT -Pier & Ship Bay Ave. 4 bdrm. furn. home. Sandy be&eh. Most outstanding price and terma in area. $10,000 bandlee. $900 dn. -Bal. $79 mo. (Incl. Tax & Ins.) Three bedrm., 2 b&tU--OnJy 1 )'Mr old. Badt Bay, ea.ta Meu. l"ull price $9850 ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5226 83c84 ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 31-1to5 P.M. ONLY Do You Want One Of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost? 1. Cuatom bwlt 3 lge. bdrm.a. &: 2 batha. 2. Ruatic Llving Rm. cl Den opening on beautiful kJng sise patio. 3. Over $2:500 in proteeaional landscaping. 4. It'• a beautih&l quality home on a prize corner. 5. Thia ia not a profit eeeking reeale, but a lqitJ- mate forced aa.le. The addreu la 821 Cl.ill Dr .• Cliff Have11 . THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach, LI 8-3481 Eve.. Call Llberty 8°l-t21 -Llberty 8-1648 NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Home with 2 b&throoa»- GU'bqe DWpouM Car Porta or 2 Car Garages. Many o-tnble r eaturN $375 Down! >.. low u S69. per month. Now unde:r con.ttn.ict.ion. Tract Office -al 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A TOBIAS and A.SSOClA TES, REAL TOR "you'll Wre our friendly aervice" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Wea Liberty 8-1139 For The View of Your Ltfe Drtve by 2216 Pacllic Dr .• (end ot Avoado) Coronll d&1 Mar, and call THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. C.out Hiway., Newport Beach Liberty 8-3481 54 lk±~ OPJ?Ortualtlee Balboa Island BY 0 \1\'NER, KOPP.ER Krl"Tl..E reataurant Good rolng bu-11\•a. Th• but of equlpmML Seat. 34. M.ay conald~ tract. tor amailtT place or property. CALI.. LI 8·2~13 &tteornoonL 80t!c NO COMMISSION No Appra.iaal Fee 8ALU -R&FINANCE CONSTRUCTION Call for Fr-. Fut Commitment. OI\ Ruldencu and Unit. only M:;-Moeel to Lou D I Huddl f Quick Cash Loans on . I es on on turnJtutt, auto, aal&ry. $50. to $750. or more. One day service AppUca tlon may be made In ptr· aon. by phone or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1808 Ha.z1lor Bl'td., Coat& ,. .. LI 1·71151 -Open F'nd&ya UU 8 173 E. 17th St. OOSTA MESA LI g.~ ~ LI 8-45&2 LOANS for Homes &• -10 JT, LoaM Construction Loans llZ 80B llATn..a 3616 EA.IT CO.ABT BIND. a._........_ Corona del Mar BEST BUYS TheM two propert.IM open tor lnapectlon l ·f p.m. d&Jly. 708 LAR.KSPVR. cb&rnlin( 2 br., fl~place. encloaed patio. Priced to 1ell with low down of U .600. 11111 KAROUEIUTE, Jood Income property wllh room to build ad· dltlonal will. Cloae to atorea It tr1U11portatlon. Ownt>r leavlnc to11m, aaya SELL. $20,600 xlnt. financing. ALSO others ln CdM a• low u $9,500. with $1.~ down payment. Call now Har. 2042--Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick RlllALTORS R. Rayle-C. Trav1a..C. Ruaa, "'-OC. 312 Marine Ave.-Balboa I11ls.nd OPEN HOUSE Bal. It Sunday 298 Del Mar, Coet.a Mea& A. TRULY OHAR.MINO prvrinclal type home ot knotty pine inter- ior. luge cor. lot HOxl20 1n Back Bay area. P lenty of room tor that awlmmlng pool. Brick tlrepl. Spe.cloua muter bdrm. A a chUdren'• win, with par- tloned bdrm. Very unll.l\l&l den bullt on a 2nd level overlooktnc 18Jt29 !Iv. rm. 0ve1'1!11se dble. gar. It only 2 yn. old. Prtce Sl9.9ll0. Terma. WUJ trade for ire. buJldlng-lot 1n Tuat1n are&. SUNNY SHORES REALTY 481 N. Newport Blvd. LI 8·8e88 83c8' Real Value HOME. 2 bdnu. It convert.Ible den. 2 batha, forced aJr h ut. One It ~ yra. okl Very modf'm ranch lype ahak• root. perfect condition, vaca.nt. quick po&Ha-- aton. Cut to 11e.ooo for quick aale. Attractlv. tema. 0pt"n 1 t.o 15 ta01 Santa Ana Ave . Coata Mua or call Owner. Ha.rbor 4&61 ·W. 83c98 Balboa Coves t 20' on I.he waterfront wttll aea- wall. Lovely inod•rn home wtlb ~ UTtnf room, l&nal d1ll.IJls room, m o d • r n 1Qtchen with buUun ran1e. nreplace, paUo W1 th baJ'b4-que. lanct.ca ped a.nd fenced. Pr1re At,000. CH.A.JU.ER r. RA.RT, R.ea1tor 3UO W. Balboa Blvd . Npt. Heat h 77c9t C"'Hl!:APER PRJCE D tJ\&a adJa.oenL flUlft la.nd.a 41) plWI M:l'U M·l With 2 htfh1".y t ronLAC"H. Won· drrlul opportunlt)' LO rt:ap profit hr re '2t1,000 down wlU bandit'. ORANG~ COAST PROPERTl~ 18:.7 N~. C'Mta Meea U 8·1532 Ev.. U 8~ TWO B~D't. C?o~~mpletcly fum!Ahed. All lar1e rooma, Inc. dlnlnir r:n. Large Int. 2 c:11r 1tar-•1t•. JIZ.000. 230 F.. Hllh St. Coal.A MeN. Ll 8·116!\2 1!3c!ie $7,950. Sew 3 bdrm , hwd. Ooort. 283 A VO<'atln. C la )Jr•&. rhone L.rberty 8·7801. 72lfc MODERN J '*1room. J '-bath, 1480 sq n 11-yr. oh1 OPE~ YOR fN~PP.CTJON fiAT A Sl'"N. A•~:K~OON llOl F'Ullf'rton A,,., ]':pt H lA. Htrc Sl~ lNVE:ITMENT Urine• t>Ar k 1113 p<>r mo F'ult prlct Je&OO Room tor m()t~ u111t~ Tv.·"· J bdrm. houa.u. alJ f111nllht'<I. - AL TTt.ER. Rf'&I P'..elatt 188l Ka.rbor. C.iela Meu l,1 8·1581 evrt S.i~. 8lc83 OORONA DEL MAR For M.le by owner 2 8'1 Rm. l10m11 and fumlah1'd apl un •~ ft. lot ~bl pr 818 )l11r11:"1>lll 83_1\8:1 2 OF TKJC CROICJCST LOTS ltfl on Lltll). 40 fL <ln Ctnt•• &.-50 fl. R·3 on Lido Soud. Call Mni Edith Allrl'm, Jlar. 0191 or wTll,. IJ& \'la San Remo. i3cll7 UDO ISL.A~n ftA.RL Y lZASJ: 2 bedrm. rvll.I'• apt. Untum. Hu dr&PM and •tmeU&n bltnda. vi .... No peta or chlldrein. 504~ .Mart.Cold. Co- ,_ del Kar. Bar. Mn-M. llcla 2 BDRM. tum. JIOUH -4ot 38lh Th.I.I orpn1.al1oll le kl a po.tUon lo control Laun t.all!flt ent~rtng UU. coun,lrJ on acency bula, and haw facillUe-foir manu· fa.ct urtnc u d dl•tr1buUJI&' phon· orrapb recOf'da. _, publllhln(. TV llboru, trUllO.MpUON Ill ra· dlo Ue-U])e. Han all ~ fa.clUUea to 8lart open.Uone lmmedlat.q lnclud.inc new U· bl"U7 ot. ~mftlu IJy toll N-Ton ~"" for L&tin <Wc> oantmetaU bMad ~ CloMd laturday-4ltlc Corcea del Mar Barbot MU 4 BDRM JICJDU•;, 12!1 iMI. rnn llpa.la only :21i \"la :\Ir !'. Hu bor 0118, •tter e Kl 1>-211H Y&A1U. Y Rmn' AL 2 bedrm. turn delua ap.. Auto tf'Uber. pr- ac-. thermo. haat, quiet. Neu bul lltop. tcM~ '2nd St., N-· pol\. U a.'feot an.. t p.m. or 8t.. Newport. T2p84 8HORJ: CLIJ'FS prl•ata 2 bdrm. tum. born• 1226 per monlb, yrly. IMM. Or WU! aelJ, 129,95(). Un· tum. Cati 0wnft', Rar. ll209·R. • lltllc Bar. 1111 mt. t . 8~ LIDO I.IU...S b T YISW APT. • U. ham· lmVllN' BDRMS. tJ.U lepl. lit 9lllL X.w 6 attr&c:t1n ,...uecl DUNCAN HAR.O~STT ..,... r-. I bdnDe. l'OI' ~ Ph. Rw f 718. ..._ Pb. .... ITll • X.... IO. lltfc -------------Somebody Wants • &oc.. for Beat .._ -.d nanaswr., bl'1c-a·bru. I ROOIU, pr1nu ant.ranca. prt· ..... MW~ 9P ..-oa • J'INr ft&.e toilet 6 abow'er. No hou.ee---=-a ""1w wtaa Ml ad la N-ll .. p&n.. Tot ~ A.•e,, '° boc*. Onl:1 ~ ft'Olll ~ lnthl· ~ tnvited. ?\o curiosity MM · ... pie-. 15000 required, tully MeUn4. Writ. 8cla T-14 for .......... 8Rlt-ISc86 REAL ESI'ATE LOANS Intereat Rat.e 6-6 ~" Rep. POIRDIR M°"TOAGS 00. w.tro LMe 1-. f'\aDdil ICl. l-618~ &lttc WOULD U.-. to buy ut and JD4 Trwt Deed& Oall B&r. llH. '8ua Lou. quickly made Ln t1w Bay A.rM and Coat.a w..._ a1.nsi. or mulUple IMUU. .New or old. Be w1-and ••• by H ·OnancJnc YOW' ~ '°6a. Mlnlmum •· i--. No oMr.,. foe pr.llml· ---·~ Wuted naJ'7 appn..IMl. Phone a-ta Ana Kimberly a .... aa or '"'9t.e '11.000 rIR8T Tru.t. DMd oa 119, ARTHUR A. KAT 600 home. Top loc&Uon. Corona ~·Loan CorreapoDdmt del Mu. Wiil P'I' 1120 mo, Ooddental Ute JMura.nce Oo.. •~ 'lit lDWMt and I ~ bollu.. t ia &oat.11 MAiD lanta ADI c a 11 tmmedlat.alr Hartlot' 41113 " ..... un. uuc L 0 N 0 •t&l>liabed. llllCl nutul _LO_A_N_S_1'0~-8-Ul-,-... -"""'99--,.-.,.-atore Oii mway 101 Ill lmOf ~ u..r._,,,. ti...~ s-cJl. A~ BUY, KODJ:RNIZll, C. to "D"ODM ~~ S3llr SPACIOt:S I BF:DR.\i HQ~tE Nearly MW, 10x20 den <lining room, xtra. gueal rm. ll:nl'lt>~f'(l ga.r~e .t. alv1p. landll<'•ped anl! f,...nced, paUo. 112.200. OWN?:R, LI 1·30i8. 83<'96 61-KNI ~~'!_ SIX ROOK HOME IN POMONA. Wtil localed. Clear. Value 112· 000 tumlahed.. W1U trad• for at.o~ buildJ.nJ, d llplt!X or aplA . O""f• County. WUI ..um. or pe.r ouli dittar.ac .. OOA.ST.U. IBO!Tla ..._ of \IEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I -PA&E I WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 LIDO ISLE Nicely furn. 2 br. home on•~· lot. Wonderful paUo with tree. 6 planting•. 8-t value today at only $22,500. EzNdleat term.a -immediate poueaaion. ~ALBOA PENINSULA Betit 2 br. value OD point. Four yr. old all year home. Double garage. You can't beat t hla for $16,000. Good Tenn•. qpen House Daily Until Sold 1-f p.m 4-04 ~vue L&ne, Balboa OWNER MOVING INLAND. 2 bdrm. and den. I...a.rx-patio. BALBOA BOULEVARD Cleanest 2 br. Ir sleeping porch. Clow to llbru:r 6 Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Just a few atep9 to the beach. $14,500 full price -Terma. Call u for beaatilul back bq lot. BAY & BEACH REALTY H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa SPECIAL OUT or TOWN OWNER J'ORCED TO SELL Beauti!Ul new ranch style home in Corona Higbl'de. 3 bedrooma, l % bath.a, Formica lr.Jtehena, lot. ot tile ln b&tha, large living room with ~ brick fire- place, muter bedroom with dreaeing room. 'La.rp view window• in living room & bedroom. Beautiful view of billa 6 ocean. R.edueed $2,000 f<w quick .. SALE or TRADE 8 tu.mi.abed Wlita in Ba.Ibo&. 1lx.cellmt tnoom•. ()pm ROUM Daily ~ De Ana GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick HUU&rd, Pat Paw.oa,. 0.0. 1taban., Bob Gervaia NEWPORT HEIGHTS Thia moden a bdrm. b<ae wttll a. L 1ou. MW1.f decorated-fireplace pr. diap. -)up ktt.cben. Obie. gar. wtth work bench. la.rp lot, wl:red for elect. •love and waaber and dPy•.. Owner wtll consider le&M option t.o ma,. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway., Newport 8-ch Liberty 8-3'181 Announcement We are proud to announce the a..oclat.ioa with thic office or STANLEY AND MARGE HADFIELD We k.now their many friend@ will'be ha,ppy to wel- come them back to Balboa bland. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A.aeoc1attt Park at Marint', Balboa 181ancl -H&rbor 2462 WANTA' BET?? We have just listed, exclu.sively, the \'CT)' ftnt!trt ! bdrm. home, only 1 year youn~. all IMge rooma. bdwd. nra., furn. beat. fittpl., & garb. dl&p. &ck yan.J & patio encl by graP"SlRkf' frncr-. Rig dbl. gu. alr~ for apt. O\'r·r On choice trt..reel with a le·e-e·ltle btl of view. St 7.2.">0. wtth 5'~ 20 yr. loan R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE. AMOCutle 3622 E. Co1U1t Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har. Z774 BACK BAY CUTIE New. Rufftic, 2 br. anil dm-1 halh1J-HW floon built in range and oven, dl8p.. fut. Price $20,500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. C-Oael Hiway .. Newport Beach Llb4>rty 8·3481 331/2 Acres r.ooo PROOt:CTT\'F: SOIL. J"OQt or ~1l. Palomar. Can ba aubtll• vlde<i Only U OOO per a.en Will lJIJte hoUH In Or'anJ• Co u dn paym~nL [lA!ll A.. JACOBal:N, Lil 8-8317. South Laguna lot TRADE C-2 J>l"OJ>f'rtY on s .. wp<>rt BJ\·d . 11ear 1 01~ SI 1~1()' cl~ar \\di U1<Ume Oft Mmmerchu or In· cnmr . ORANGE COAST PROPJ-;RTIES 18"'17 Nf!WJIOl'1., COllta *• LJ 8·11132 Ev .. U l ..iJ81')1 Prw Cle"'9GM. hllt pllone B~ Oon>na del Mar. 12p84 bor ltll 6 9'1: "I -.at to pta.ee ROOK fOr worklnr ma.n. Hot and atlAched. <hocui•. 8unclriH, R.D'INA.MCll Bew, Wine •I.e. JdeeJ for Mn· "• Bu7 1'Nlt Deeda HOME end 6 Units &O'lllJO', OCMll aide ot HJ1hwa7, blUou. couple 17600. will band· KSWPORT BA.LBOA liVINOS -R ·l U .000 down. 8&.la by R. M. BROWN. 2m ll. Be.lboa Bm1. ~ llutio. 6186-M. 83c86 WDO HOME new I bdrm., i beth, ,.,,.,.tr1r ''\'""· Krlll, rtl.aiwu hrr. PalO• Va.rtlf'll al<•M flnpla.c. A ahaJc« t1111 rntlf. Oclwr• conatruc. Uon. Make ott_., --H&rt1t>r 8284. "I 81 c8:1 le. Ph. OW'ller who muat r.tl.re. A LOAN A180Cl.A TlON OOOD INCOME. W ,000. Ut K&m· ~-ned Ao. an !'..ad bf tofu H,...tt t ·9llt ~ 8e&ch. ... fta IMar. "'-au. ... 1Jtcm. off ~ 9l'fd... Ooeta ""'°.,. -"F klalltnr to WJ. OW'IMI', Barbor ...,...J. d&U.J alter asp "· w-rpNh 1 p.a. , Tl'pM ---------------------------------1----------__;, _______________________________________ ...,,11<..---------------------------=----------- a Cl&Mtflfld A4, ~ Mid a coarteoua cold water fn room. Pvt. en· ad·t&ku wtD Wp JOU wnt. an tranc• 18 per -U. W-lllh I t elfMtlft ad. ?\ewport. ppllc 11 11 --. -- \ , OOASTAL SllOPPD Nth ol I a-•-1 ...... PA6E 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY. JULY 21. ••ss Houston Values 11 Ru'... a•-'~ INVESTMENT EXCLUSIVE-LISTING OFFERED FOR IMMEDIAT~ SALE WOULD YOU LDa!! 9 % ON S7500 PLUS $1000 CAPITAL GAIN YEARLY AVERAGE FOR l:t YEARS WE HAVE 2 SUCH DEALS THltRE ARE 1 BRAND SPANKING NllW ATI'RACTIVIC TRlPLEXB THAT WILL SHOW THIS UNUSUAL RE- TURN ON TOUR MONEY. EACH UNIT HAI 2 BEDROOMS, TILE KlTaU:N AND BA TH, LARGE t.rVING ROOM, 80 Mll wrra FIRE- PLACE . LAUNDRY ROOM AND OARAGl!l.' l:XCl:L- 1.ZNTLY LOCATrD AND ALL ARI: RENTm>. OWNER, BUlLDJ:R N!:l:O-CASH FOR LARGER BUTLDINO P ROJl!lCT. Neat 1 Bdrm.,· $7900 NJM'PORT HT9. .A.ft.&A. tlae netpborbood, incL l'Ul'9 a.ad retrts .• w/W carpell.n•· °"beaut. lot aoxeo. extra rooma ...Uy added. 'BM tbt. tine JttUe home. lk the lucky buy...,. Good Eastside 1 BORK. E~f.1~!t.I tor 1100 per mo. On ..wers. ourb9. do.e- ll\ and only t yre. oJd. Good temw. P'UU price, tt.aoo. ' ~~J>li~!'v~~1Yi~0~~ home, hw. fire.. a turntahed 1 bdrm. colt.as• with " bath- AJ.80 extra bdrm., w/" batb ott sarase. 11eparat. laWldry room. AU thl.a for only 11',600. Have a St.600 10&a available. llve. Into., PeUtl-LI l-&'8T M-1 Acre 841' PLAC'ENTIA A. VJ:. frontafe. Small dn. euy tenna. AL!O lll0x290 CORN!lR With email fac· tory. Could be dlVlded. Only 130.000. Only $6,225. NICID ' rm. •tUCCO, 1 yearw old. ClOH to Npt. Blvd.. Market.I. llve. Into. Lytl-LI l-2M2 Lots ft-I Oft "->ti&. 6oxtl>. suoo dn. '80. a month. "· IJDJ:. lhlll. Pavtq. c:urba. --_o .~ =· ·-·= Balboa Be9t waterfront buy. 4 bdrm., S!h bath. Pier and alip. Priced at $8:5,000. Owner away, WE RAVE 'l1IE KEY. lido Isle Here are 2 excellent values on Lido One i• S bdrma. 1 % ha. @ $29,500. Owner will tradt $US,000 equity tor clear property in Harbor area. ANOTHER 3 bdrm. 1 % b&. @ S3U500 large lot and the owner will take $10,000 cub and carry the balance on euy monthly paymenta. UpJ)er Bay 3 br. 1% b&. on a large lot ne8tled among tall tree.. Nicely landacaped price $20,600 and owner will car· P'f the paper. Costa Mesa 3 bedrooma clON to .choola Ir tra.naportation baa $8SOO G. I. loan payable $66 per moo~ including tax• and insurance. Own.er lea"inl lltatea mu1t •cl'itioe at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport &-.a.ch H&rbo1' 4718 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION See George L Stewert BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 12.000 euh. --------------------- 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach. Har. :5188 ._ amm _.,..,.., a.-•. Ml a 111, Ja,150, tenM. Houston Realtv Co. It illOCIA.ftl 509 Center LI 1-etll Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES Lido NEARLY NEW I br 6 dell, w/w Choice Location S . II p • d carpe~ thNOut. 3 b&Uia, blt. 111 pecta Y rtCe kit., bkfaL bar, PLUS complete (&r. apt. W/b&Y view, lfe. patio, •<Y lot-A beauty at .... f,39,llOO 3 8.R.. 1 BA TH. w /W carpel. dln- 11\S rm.. bit. • lrlt., '6' lot.- it.al value .-........... '37,UO 2 Units BEACON BAY Two bedroom 2 bath home on 50' lot, complete 1 Br. apt. over dble. garage. Both unit.I ha\te gay break· fut bu Ir both &re nicely tumiahed. BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new 2 bdrm. home with many extru. f1repl., furnace heat, large cloeeu, beautiful patio. Furn. apt. over dble. 1an.ge. BOTH PROPERTIES priced $28.~. A $10,000 cub payment will a.rrange the poaeulon of either. Now 1s the time to get what you want , and program your 1iving, your in\•eatlng he.re in lhia area. Two unit properties otter the pay u you go answer tor mo.t people. I &R., 1 " BA TH. 1'•· Uv. room. IS•· paUo, 70' lot, ru.mpua rootn. ......... _ ssa.ooo 1i.· lot. t>Ni location, priced J1111l. CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 BJ't .. , 1" BATH. ls .. buement. outatandln,r v1-. larre IJ'ril'IS room . . UT.000 L.EMON HEIGHTS I 11.Jl., &,.. lhr. na., I MU... wide lot-New . .. . . ....• Ul.llOO 2 8 ft., A: OEN, 2 b&Uul. w/w c~ pet. bit. In kit •• 1 ~pla.c•. ln· aide BBQ, bu &nd eillk. a bar- ~a.lft at • .. .. ........... J>O. TllO Claire Van Horn RZALTOR Bargains Only Beautiful three bedroom home on Broaiiway. Im· ma.cu.late throughout ... owners have jwst redec- orated both inalde and out.aide in very good tute. Thia home ia located ln the 4-00 block and ia one or the better homes. Hardwood floore.-bath with eepa· rate lltal1 abower plua full aise tub. Home bu a nice .ervioe porch and a two carp.rage. U you are look· lnc for a nice home without any work . . . THIS IS rr. Priced below market value ... with a $3,000 down paymeot. $13.260 .... Hen'• another attractive three bedroom home with an aceptionally large living room and dining area. The home iii dJlfenat. Hardwood floo~ttractive fireplac• tub and MpUate at.all &bower •.. two C&T p.race. May oooalder $2:500 down ... It you tre lookiDc f« a BARGAIN . . . ... thla at only $12.800. We &N known for bavtnc only the belrl buyta. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1868 Newport Blvd. Colt.a Meaa (a.croea fTOm ea.ta MM& Bank) Phone U M7&1. !:Yee. Har. 4~ -U 8-2103 THE VOGEL CO. ns1 w cout Hwy u a.-t.tn --------- 208 Manne Ave. Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Balboa Jaland Corona del Mar O~EN HOUSE Lido Isle 2 BDRMS . larr• pallo on •&' lot Aaklllf only '22.~. !'!atur1l•Y .t Su nd•' :IOt h A-l h l 1•6 p m :} BORMS 2 bl\th• ,.1,..11 1111 lA\l'I)' ,.,~,.. nf r>C·..,n Ynur hn•tr,., Htl1>n S.um YOl' C&T 166-0 tq tt Forced air htal C3.!Pf'l.a 1.nd drape· ,., •. complt ll'ly ~·lllled. I yre. nld BflQ. itl•pclllal, In lha. I b<fnn 2 twltll llomt tor only uuoo BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Wayette. Newport Har. 3643 Hu. 2999 Evet. CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INOOME -4 furnished unit.; 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in over a year. Rent i1 $65 each. Groes $276(). Clean property. $6000 t11ke111. Reduced to $19.950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Prival~ pathway Lo little Corona beach. $25,500. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHOR.ES properties. Har. 1775 -E vee. F.<lith Maroon, HYatt 4-8222 J ohn Macnab. Ha_rbor ~3.'59. ~RL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Av• .. Balboa Ialand 81c83 S 1,000. Down 3 ~oom home plu. 2 bedroom r.>tal, (needa aome fixinc) lot 119 x 176, fenced, in f..t 1TOwin1 &. ~ ~ MNL Only $10.500. Nearly New Home 3 bedrooma, large lot. choice neighborhood. 22& Cottap Place oft w~ nortll of 21.t. Low price. ... y ter'lm. &e. • for .a m1ltt.lptt liRinp. N.B.C. REAL TY 32nd Ir Mewpol't Boulevt.rd. Newport Beech. Har. 14-0I t { Real Values Hurry Hurry Hurry 3 B. R . 1 ~ b& th modeni (.'IOft8lruc: • lion, Only 1\i yr. old. N I09l7 :&ncSKaped. Owner -ed. Thia home mual be 11<>ld th1e wMk. 8ubmlt your own down paym•L Better -W • one at once. AP R OX.. ONE.ACRE E&.t •IOe LAI 11.e 128•330 1" sonllllJ ld•al tor lncom• pt"Q~rt.y and a foo.t ln~•lllmtnL l'(JM: B UlLOCNG LOT 00 a UC) Zon~ R4 home or lneome. lllU le a .-..I •alu e. WI: JUST U 8TED a metal 4 hard thromt nnlahinr bue., comple~ ly equlpt. Th11 1e a r-.1 buy for 011ly SI ,llOO B. A. NERESON R.EAJ..TOft 1912 Newport Blvd. eo.ta M- TWO STORY RANCH HOME Back Bay Area BY OWNER Thia idftl tam!Jy home, beautifully remodeled and decorated bu ju.t been placed on tbe int.rket at $2~.750 J'IJUt No olt en Bordered by towerinc eucalyptua ~. 1~120 double comer lot. F.,eed. Plenty ot roo.m for 9"lm· mmg pool t.nd barbecue. L&rr• Uvio1 room, 2 bdrna and bath downatain. full dining room and 15:1ll8 dm. Antique panel kjtcben and anack bar. Puquf't noon . lArge mut« bdrm and 3\ bath uP9l&1N with oork tloor. Open Daily from 1 to 6 P.M. 1939 Irvine, Costa Mesa 1/2 mile North of 17th St. 81c83 t.I l -l&7I ET• LI l-4lto YOU CAN TELL •a· WATE~!~~~~ room cot· la.I•· pier. n ot1t .. boat. a.t loca Uoft. J lt ,600, term•. Balboa 3·1 Bl:DR.M. furn. ll'loome l!l\.lt.e. Ne&r beach • bay. Priced to NII oo ..., t4f'ml. Tue ~• lrede. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR lot Mohddea P't&ee at Newport~ Jiu. 140-.:... Rar. UIT·" Vets $566 down PLUI JKPOt1MDe t7am TOUJl O.L LOAM Oil • .,r. old. I Wnll~ dble. ........ ,_.. ed. "9hdertUl patio • liaundl7. yard. o..r-.. dl.,.al. All hllllJ palnted. Neiar UJll*' a.ck ~ •71 Pau.dee Rd~ 11aMa A.a ~ IQ 1-Jltl. eottc llT OWNl:Jl, C-1 t&.000 ud more .... rt. crt CJ.I • miU.n hipW&J' i. Mart ct Oo9C& )(-U lntfJrNt.ed, '""'-Box V-11. Ull• papt1r. lloll YOUR BES! FRIENDS About tb.ia ooe and they'll Jove you f or it. Thie la a rare opportunity to buy a apacioua 3 bdrm. near new home only :S minute. from the beach for only $10,:SOO, U1ume the FHA $7400 loan and pay only $60.60 J)f!r mo. incl. tax Ii inaurance. Feature• wa.IJ1 wall carpet.I, stove, refrigerator, fan over atove, big fenced-in lot, lov9ly Jawn. lhrube and fiowere. Sub- mit on down payment. THE VOGEL CO 3~1 W. Cout Hi&hway, Newport Be&cb, LI 8-3481 Ev •. Liberty 8-1846 TWO NORTH BAY FRONT'S Tbeee are Mighty Scarce! ! One wtdl. om• without piM' "6,000. ' bedroom. two baUl, nioely fllf'llilbed-acellent coodiUoD -~ prace - PS.MO. DORIS BRAY, Realtor 1'ona Hyv O&nnce Lak1 Chet Wabury llt Karine Ave .• Balboa lalud. Harbor 20-Har. M ·- "C'' THOMAS "C' THOM.AS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT ONLY S~ YRS. OLD. Completely r~ecorated lnatde It out -a bel:lrom1, 3 bathe, loa.da of cup- boarCS., new w to w carpeUnr It dra J>M. n~elace, lovely encl. patio. P IER and FLOAT for •O f t. boat, can De llOUCht turnlah· ed or unfurnished, excellent fln- anctn,, LOW down paymenl- SUBMIT terma on ukln' price fum lahed-$M,OOO. CORONA HIGHLANDS CHARMING S bdrm. home buUt on a clrculu floor plan. rear a ._. r..e.t.e a.-........ VOGEL VALUES CHECK EACH ONE CORONA DEL MAR No. 1. 2 bra. le den, 1 'h bath home wtUt 0-_. Bay VIEW on lovely, land.caped A a1olioel fenced, R-2 lot whfcb 1-18S' deep wttJl Iota or room to build income. Choloe locatlaa. Owner hu moved Ir •Y. ''Sell." Pl'lold Ill $21,500. No. 2. Channing duplu~er lo\ belt~ • 2 bra e&eb, fireplacM, W. In ktteb. A t.tM. 1unny bre.akfut areu. Cedar root, eep. IV'" ages le laundry. Apt. No. 1 i..ed at '80~ No. 2 rented mo.-to-IDO. 'at 188. Could be available to buyer. Very choloe ~ P"-4 at $22,500 with sood t«ma. llv. room 011erlooklnc lovely patio, 'ood view, hdwd. n oore, tlrepl. exceptionally ttn• home and can be purcb&Hd wtth low C dn. pllyment, priced at J22,500. LIFF HA VEN CLIFF HAVEN CHOICE S bdrm. home on nk ely landacaped eo fl. lol -home in excellent condition, w to w ea.r- peUnr 4 dr11pe1, rdwd, fence, .C'X> loan. 583. monthly pymt.. No. 3. 127& IQ. ft. Uvin1 .,... pa.. _.,. a.ta porch on one of nicest .u-ta. Total,.._ $15.9«50. Llvinr rm. 21x1'., ftreplaoe. ltw. ar.. fenced yard. garap. WaD-~waJI _,,...A drapes a.re Included. e::;;~~~Es The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Cat Hwy., Ooroea cW Mar Ha. 1T.1~ ..._ 1'ft I BORK. ti.y -n--129.760. J S BDRM. tumtahed. -'22,000. ------------------------ "C" THOMAS Realtor H4 W. Cout Rl-y, Npt. Bch. Uberty 1-61127 "C'' THOMAS "C' THOM.AS 25 new new 25 OPEN HOUSES daily from lU oo Walnut ~d a:.uier Stl. Betwttn Sanl& Ana It 1\nUn Ave ~e~~~':' !a~~~ !tyj: lot.a. Exd . n.irhborhood, hdwd. noor1. •hake r oof, ceramic Ule In klL It b&Uul. Bullt ln Weel· ll\(hOUM rans• and wide ov~ aJao carb. dilpo9&1. dbl. pr .. Jr.A.. heat 6 fireplace, f"uU pnce Jl6,&o0 wtUI a doWTI U low U u.ooo. J UST u urr. Newoort HeiQhts YOU MVft 81Z 'nf18 CoVJ:LY J Wrm. born-. 1.-. Uvt~ room. ttreplaoe, Mp&rat. dJlliftS room. lre-Mr. Po.r'\1)1. Jft addlUon to lhMI th• tnlorm aJ landllcaplna and towenn, t~ and ehrubtl tum th• out.Ide Uvlni Into a ahowpla.ee. C.\,Ll. US WlC wn.L &HOW T1il8. Jrull pr. 118,980 Costa Mesa 18760 BUYS 11:1.lB 2 bdrm homt Ju.l 2 yra. ~ In a very f ood tocauon on 21>1.h St Thi.I home la ln very rood c<>11dltlM1. Own- er bu.yin( a lar,er horn•. wg Nl!J!:D LJSTINOll "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1 ... N~rt Blvd Ooet.a Meu., CaJtt LJ 8-3792 COSTA MESA It could be for you CR.AR.MINO 2 bdrm ernall ht;m1t on toxt30 lot.. Lan~•ped and t'Ompletely fenced °'11)' l t',760 wllb lenna Balboa Peninsula TWO bed.room funL. home Clow l n b&y. 116.8~ wtth H .000 down. Cilff Haven YIJ:W of ocean It tltlJa mm uu. I bdnn~ I ti.th bona. lldwd. noon. e leetr1c 'nl4!n1\Ador kJt- chM. lalye double trar•re Room tbt ewtmmtni pool. Ut.600- t.nna. Coast Properties 301 I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harboor MM. 2&t '7 and '80(). By Owner In hl(hly realrtcted S U N N T Hll.L8 DlSTJllCT of Fullert<Jn. I mu;. ' br .. lge. n.ampwi room w'lt.h bar. J flreplacM. f.L heel. G E. dlahwuher. dllpoA) O\•er lot acre all fenced It ahnib• tee. encl. plltlO. Ttlll U00 8q ft home deelgried It built by OM of On.nge Co'• flne•t bulldeni la 1-t hat\ ' yn . old. "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famrue. ..,.. ....,_... these exqu1-ltA!I homes -notln1 their ~ -· venience and central locaUon. .. More and more famllie. who pNfer a ~ la a ,.. atricted quality oommunity .,.. moortnc •to tWr Irvine Terrace bor:na. Drive ln toda.y and ... for ~ the -., _.. atanding featuree of th1-r.markable oomaak7. Inspect the model hom•, built by M.acco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvi.o• Terna. la located oa Cout BJch..,-oppolllt.e the new Imo. Cout CoaSr7 aaa.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor · EXCLUSIVE AGICNTll Phone Harbor U-48 J'or J'urUMr lDtwmation '* For R.eeommeodation, we ref• JOU to ~ who holda a Leuehold F.-tat. in Intne T..-nee, Beacon Bay, Bay Sboree aad CUtt Ha,.. Investors Outstanding Store Building Re.it location A-1 ConatructJon l5 yean new. 8 tenant. on leue.e Showa ovt'r JO'} net on ukinl price of $110,000 Balboa Gold Mine 20 UNIT SA CRJFJCF! $29.~ only ' , down No monthly paymt'nt.. until Feb. 1968 <Hurry) 2 STORES AND 2 APTS. Like new -Good Lu .-e. -Be.t LocatJoa Shows over 10~ on '39.600 -T.-ma Specialists in water front propertietl J. M. MILLER CO. 202!> &lboa Blvd .. Npt. Bch. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Reel .. live. quarters. &er a&lea, leue for $1TI per mo. Hiway. loc&Uon. Aaking $8500. Dnve Inn ~t l<'.a.&e $150 per mo. Show1 I"* $55, 000. GOO<i Equip. Newly deoora ted. Real ..io. for $87~ Trailer salcl! and aervlcea. Good potential. Owner must tiell, Asking $1 3,000. ~ u• for theee and othen; THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway .. Newport BMcb Liberty ~ Eve1. Llberty S.-3580 1'ull pric. $32,600 Ow1MJ' wanta P'Al!JT ACTION, llO --------------------- wtll tact l'TICllt ot rum WU I ooutw aaw m<>tMl etock crul•· w , (not onr 10') u part pmyt. Call e.... -· LAm"-rt ~. hcl4 BY OWNER Corona Rtsbl.udl -I bdrm.. J '9Ut ~ l'tl. Ila.rt.or Tl-J Tl Uc Exchange Lido Isle ·· 70' Water front with a1x unite for Pt•A-., vicinity or Lido ln.eide. Priced ripl. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323· W. Cout Hwy. fAt Port Onns•l Newport Beach U g. 7582. Har. 51.M ..-. • 1 -~; ,,~ i I , . • BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND $31.500 and WHAT A BUY! Owner la Jeaving thlta a~ and la offering bla beau· tltul •pacioua home on extra large grounda artiatlc· ally landscaped, (Qr thla unusually low pnce. Howie conaiata of large living room (30x20) with ti.rep~ Dtnlng room, extra nic~ Jritcben, S bedrooru-mu- ter B.R. bu fireplace-and extra gue.t room and bath. Thie i.I the 11how place of the laland. Beautiful wall to wall ca.rpete ud drapes, included. Excluaive parking for tour ean. WE HA VE THE KEY. Lido Isle OUTSTANDING LOT. tf you have been wa1tiag for a large lot pr iced below the market, we have it! A 61' Ea.et frontage on E. end of Jaland THIS WON'T LAST! Call ua now. BLANCHE A. GATES . Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Charming throughout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcove, 3 batlui, \lery large front patio, partly covered. Lovely kitchen, diehwuher. diapoeal, etc. Fully carpeted with drapes included PLUS 20 ft, Century boat. Only SM,7l50 and & wondet'ful buy. Wanted A Udo home or Jot for exchange for an exception- allY nice home in North ridge. 3 bedrooms, swimming pool and ju.t two year11 old. Priced at $39.500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bednn. pha den-bedroom , 2 balhJl, carpeted. Ovenized double garage. L<>·1ely ~itchen "with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Diapoaal. diahmuter and many other fine featurea. Full price $23,000. We have the key. COSTA MESA S2000 down. will move you in thf• modem S bdrm. 1 ~ bath home, complet.ely fenced in rear yard "1tb patio. Flrepl.a.ce, formic& bl kitchen, parquet noora. forced air beat and double 1arage. Cloee to .cbool&. See it today. Full price, $12,000. THE VOGEL co. -·uoo OFFICE M18 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evee. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' CLOSE IN Just Off Newport Blvd. lt~ acre ~oned C-2-3 unit.JI with an income or $135 per month, plus I\ good 2 bedroom home and lote or room for more unita or a amall trailer park. Price S22,500 A 3 Bedroom Home Double gang-e -lath houee. Yard all fenced - Priced at $8000 -$3000 down. Right in Town J bedroom home. Fittplaee. double garage-PaUo. Price Sll.000 -Sl.500 down. G. N. WELLS, Rea~or Roy R. McCardle U10 Ntwp<>rt Blvd., Coat.a }1ea&. Ll 8-1601 OPEN HOUSE N~ a large home with low down payment! We offer you 3 br. A den home ln Corona Hlghlanda, bu bdwd. noo". dbl. p.rage. plenty ot bathe, fire,. place, lg. kitchen. OPEN DAILY Jl'ROM 1-5 P .M. M6 Seaward Road Baclt Bay view k>t. l50x.U2 on Me.a Drive only $6.'500. Income property on Poppy Ave. Own~rw apt. bu Yiew. Priced leal than repla~enL RAY REALTY CO. 14« E . Cout HJgbway Pbone H&rbor 2288 (a.crot9 from Ba..nk in CDMl Special . Udo Waterfl"Ollt, pier Ir aUp I bednna., 2 ti.th.a. Liquidation at.le. Only $49,&00 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy, (Al Port Orange) Newport Beach LJ 8-7562, Har. 0154 evH. , - ·P. a. palmer.· incorporated developers of Lido Isle Figure It Out Yourself! Back Bay View Home 80 feet on exclusive NORTH BA YFRONT, ·~ unita, all furnished. Newly painted It reconditioned. Love- ly patio separating the 2 winp, giving beauty and privacy. Wide, white safe beach right at the front doors. The buildil'lg ia in excellent cond. & charm- ing. Full price including furniture $105,000. Termo if deaired. Outatandlnr Bay and Mountain view from tbia 3· bedroom, 2 bath home. Numeroua featur~ Include diehwuher, diapoeal, built-in range and oven, and radio control garage door. Owner will consider trade fQr smaller home. Price $26,500. C...U Hill Fanmvortb for addre81 and particu.lara. · Hawaiian Modern Lot Lot Lot Sb ore Clitf Udo Clift Haven Outatandinc Large Exceptional 0cean View Corner View of Coast Line Excellent Entire and Jetty Location Harbor Strikingly beautiful, 3 bednm., 2 bath.s plua maid'• room and bath, being built to tile full advantage or the 77 foot BA YFRONT ait.e. Under construction now, so you have time to choose your own colon in tile, fonnica, walls and carpetinJ. White abingle tile roof, sliding glass doors openink on extra large BA YFRONT patio. Built by INGRAM-COLLINS. COMP ARE at only $69,500 with tenrui. To .ee theet Iota, call for Kincaid. Open 12 to 5 Daily Irvine Terr ace 100 Via Dijon, corner of Via Lido Soud. Built by J ohn Visscher 4 bedrma., 3 bathe, 2 fireplaces, large patio with bar· becue, sundeck. See this t<1ay! $37,400. Owner tranaferred before he could complete ht1 lov,. ranch atyle home. Lota of Redwood, used brick. heavy ahake roof-3 bedrooma, 2 bat.ha, dlning rm. and priced to eell, $24,500. The above are ju.at a few of the out.standing exam- ples of our exclusive Jistinp . Built by that Fi!\e Buildtr, Mr. Robert Forbea. Come to Headquartere for Lido property. Ask Dave Osburn for det.a.ila. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 Yi& Udo, h&rbor 1500 • p. a. palmer incorporated ,le hanson co., salee management 1700 w. cout bJghway -ll~rty 8-M7S Fresh as a Daisy Thl1 appe~ a bdrm. tiom. buu· tlfully d~corat~ !Mid• a11d out wtth hdwd. floo,.., tlreplac:e, fenced b11c:k yard with encloMd p&Uo combine to m&X• t.h1a the top bUy In the moat wanted lo· cation In CO.ta MNa .•• Jl'uU prlc. Jwt f12J600 with «Xcellent tenna. Artistic Modem lt you UM real ruftJc modem thai t.h1a i.I for you! 3 bdnna., l&r&• livinJTOOPI and dWnrn>om ~n­ tnf Olllo 2 Mpar& t. tropical pat1QI ~ M-. & part of )'our ,._ tlttoqta ...... ,.-i .. s'6u wtnd~ltoo eq. n. ot um, ana a. \be .,.._ Mllbtlol'- hood In N.wport Hal&'bLI , , • J u.t SU .-0 wttb low dow'a. · BILL'S BEST BUYS Perfect for Children Tbla lovely, apacioua 2 Bd. Rm. home oo wide lot completely fenced-ehort walk to fine grade 11ehool & 11hopping center. All improvement. in and paid for. Don't overlook OU. one. M. L. # 6062 Full price $11,500 wtth $2500 down. A Most Spacio~ Dwelling. Real f&mlly lite t. no happy a.ccldent., it t. pla.nned for and built for. Thia 3 bedroom on neat residential 1treet wu planned for comfort. Wall to wall carpet in llvins room and dininc room, and fireplace add.a to ita cosyn-. c.J.1 ua for a~ pointment to ebow Full price $12,900 S2,900 down Want a 1/2 Acre ~d Room • Ranch? We have an acre one block off Newport Blvd. lrith 3 furnJabed rentallJ. Room for nice home on front of lot Ii extra rent.alai on rur. Preee:nt Inc. $240 mo. A.akJng price $22,500. Down pmt. reduced to seo<>0 Owner will cury lllt T. D. No finance ch.argee. GRACEFUL ELEGANCE Upper Bay Area! YOU HA VE BEEN W AITJNG FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME ••• overlook.I~ 8. A. Country Club. 2 ~droom• A: den, large living room and bru.kfut attL 2 flreplace.w. l)(>pal"'llle large gar· age bulldinc with rumpua room, t'reeur room and '( bath. Nin M.nd.lea plnr a.nd patio. Special at l l8.lro0, cood lerma. Peninsula "Point" Home! SPACIOUS ( BEDIUlS., 2 ti.th .. 8ttia.ted on 2 larce comer lot.a. 1bt.ra lot WLlled for prtvacy WiU\ bll.dmlnt.cm court.. ~Lio. Nicely l1U1dK.aped. Beautiful cupellJ\C' and driapei.. Cut Jn price to U 0.600 for qulc:lt ale. T•nn.a.. 9 Unit Income Property! l'vnOUI "KolUday AptM" °" Oc•l\n P'ront, J'm\nSUJa. II unit.a J'llU mana,:er'• apartment. Bt'ddln1 and lln~n tor aJJ unlUI. N-~· f rt,n-r11tor11 &I'd irtovu thlV\l(h· out.. 4800 ~· tt. Uvtnr &r"L OOA8TAL SHOPPER l.ltlltloa of f NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PA~l 1 WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1965 BALBOA ISLAND BAY VIEW 2 unita, • bdrm. borne, l bdrm. apt. Sh('lkrt'd patio. Apt. furn. home partly. $10,000 down. Balance -terms. CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FR01''T house Ir apt. No. Bay $10.000 dn. BA YFRONT. Little l.ala.nd 60 ft. bay frontqe, pler Ir float. 4 bdnn. OTHER BAY FRONTS FROM $31,500 -up. WATERFRONT -2 auperior unit.I. 3 bdrm., 1 ~ baths, Iireplace DOWN: 2 bdnna. 2 batha UP. B&y view. ISLAND COTTAGE -Obie. garage. Fireplace. R• duced for quick aale $H.900. Cottage near So. Bay. 3 bdnns .. 1 Y2 bath•, firepl, lge. living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. bouae A 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed ccilinp. $5000 down -i22,500. DESIRABLF. 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Cloae to beach ,• $26.000. BA YSHOR.ES, a vacant lot! ! SEE US FOR BEACON BAY and BAYSHOR.E propertla EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Evee: F.ditb Maroon HYatt ~ John Macnab, Harbor 5M9. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa IBland 81c81 Why Certainly • • • • e e e ALL of the adjustable antique inside window shutters are included in the selling price of $22,750. So said the owner of LIDO ISLE'S cutest two bedroom provincial ho~ now listed for the first time. e The closets are large e The kitchen is a honey e The living room has all the early American charm e The price is right e The time to buy this nearly new cutie is NOW. Excluajve with (Lido'• Moet. Eirperlenc«l Sale9 P~) LIDO REALTY 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrol'l8 from Richard'• Market Entrance) wllh MrM c:orrat.-dog keMV.- la.rge modern 2 bdnn. and dm home •'Ith walJ to wall c:~t· lni. mt.NIVe rtrt'plac:t, forced air heat. ffP• paUo, lot.a ot built-Ina. A real bura.ln at only 118,800 wt th xln l tuma. Never So Much For So Little Almost new-2 bdnu and den on large lot among towering treee and beauUfu.l bomee of finest custom quality. Firepla.ce, 2 baths . .ervice room, dbl. gar., large patio, nice lawns and 1hrube. Fot thoee de- siring the beet. All room. are luge. Priced at '21.~but, owner ls very a.rudou•. Good lerm9 to right buyer. See this! Remodeled In 19!!0 ... 800 net In· ---------------------come. 137,~. I Hl .000 down. 11,00() aquare tt. lol-nnrly new 3 bdrm m odem hom• 1 '-t b&Lha thenno ronlrolled forcC'(f aJr heel -garbap dl«J>Om,I - merl'. -1t ch.u -fl~plM:'e - ~tilt patto-7 t'a r ~~e - h&r kllt'h . dt'C:Orlltf'tl In ~r· f e('\ tut Sll.900 With a lnw l\oWTi pa ym~n l ! t Newport Heights Facts-Not Fiction W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REAL TOR "you'll llke our friendly eervtce'' 393 E. 17th St., Costa Men Wberty 8-1139 v v Corona del Mar Bargains ' bJnn.-r.11 t.lh-h<Swd. ~ tlrep~ -l.hemio conlroll.ci rraV1t1 tuma.c_..p. s car pr. 1. $1~ DOWN Wall to wtll ~ -Juat re- ~111~! 11\d dtCM"&ted lnlltde a11d nut f'\111 pr1<'• Juat 113.6-00 w ith 4"' .. C. J. luan ... And It'• a fa.cl W I one w111 M U qutclcl1. Prime location 1 blk. from oc-.n fror?t. Larr 2 bednn. g&r&ge apartment, PLUS BacbelOT apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on front of loL 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Bay & Beach Realty rour bednn. 2 bat.b home. Lge. llvtnr room, ftre- u1M H.wport BJYd. place, BBQ le paved patio. 100 yaro. to privat. Uberty ~1M~~{.j 141111 beach. Exclu.aive residential &rM. $20,500 tlrm. $10,000 down. In Corona del Mar 3. 22:S MARGUERITE DAUTDVL ocean Yll'W' tram J bdnn. lilome .. .e toot lot IJUOO. m OOA8T AL CITT-1.ow nmt Clll inotor tu ..... up llbcp. -...O•t opportualt,y tM IMCMnio ft<> WI• to W'Of'll. ~ ~ tor ~. J bdrm., 2 bath bome plWI b&ch~or apt. and bath. dble garage. Paved and encloeed patio. Terms. TfllS JS A BARGAJN. We have the key. 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME cute, aound, clean, 2 bednn., Lp. living room, k1t· chen It dining area open onto paved patio. S13,2lSO firm price. CORONA DEL MAR "REALTY CO. r:.!.L. I PRICE T. McCUISTION, Re91tor rinmorris R 'ty. Co. u.1 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. n R-11.on vv.1up1e u.tas au.ia.. 9roks __ <o_m_c_•_l_oc_a_tec1 __ nu_t_d_oo_r _to_eo __ rona __ d_e_1 _w_a_r_Ban11 __ > __ Illa It 0aut ~. Bar. 11112 Corona det Kar ' LOT OORN1CR.. home hM I bed• rma.. 121l24 11tn, tellll L.. R . lhJS entry A 10d0 aan.at. ne"'· 11 bWIL Vl.nely ~ p.r- d_. Uld ta.mu, Ol'Cbat4. 2 ftnplacel • ,. .A. !Met. hnced. Property ... be '1uilt op WUb I NDt&ll w1Ulout .pot)IAc prt.. ft.Cy ua.ooo. Loaa eoaumtt- m~nt IUl,000 .Owner, M. Ver- tr~. ~20 Ooldmrod, Corona del t.1ara Har. 2111-R T~ Balboa Island $1 ~ down -2 unit• only 1 yn. old, a bdrm. &Dd 2 bdrm.. with dblt', ga.rage near 90uth bay, turn. S2e,!SOO. $2500 down-2 unlta -one a ~r apt. and a 1 bdrm. apt. with tinplaoe, ae.. JocaUoc. turUlbed. $16~. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 50e Marine Avt .• Balboa laland, c.Jif. Harbor ~ ~!:=~ H.o,:~' -~I Balboa Island trom <k Ull oa.ndy 2 1>--dronm The Summer deal VOGEL VALUES ftonui, tum 1.ht'd. JCVa.c-e. too, A·l condlUon. You mtt•t .,.e Lh1t bcf ol'OI buytnS. 114 ,)()(), leirTU. Balboa Cottage! j EAST BAY A VENUE Cl~ to town and bay. Thl• i. a wondtr· tu.I "alllO an.d ntc~ly f'Ut'nlllhed ... ·•~s-e J>"Ople. \\'to h&ve Ul4 key ff )'OU have lhf' tJm., 512.~00. good \""1'1•. Balboa Realty Co. Oppolit• Blulk eof Amtt'lca Ro .. Grttley Al eorn.uue Cd ~ Jack Ptnkham JOMphin• Webb 700 F.. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa l't>on. Ha.rboT 12'77. Cliff Haven LOVELY land.c:aplnr. a bdrm.I . Iott of rupl>oe.rd •ri-re. dlah· maa\n, mere. .witch.ii, newty d.eoraled lmlde A out, PLUS 0 1 lo.n at H 7 ~r mo hl'll" !NU• Ult. the l>eet buy Lii town at '111.ttOO Balboa N<Yt JJE.ACHT-but a llOtM ll Ulla 10,,•ly a tKlnn . 2 b• hnuH Oil oae of the rare 1\2' Iota. J1111t a irtep trom the b11y or ocean beach-. LP:T'S TALK! Corona del Mar ni.ERE I~ A FJREPl.,AC E In tL of I.he ' llv. room• ot hnlh Cot th-2 br. duple11u, Newly tle- corated 6 all 4 unlui ahv•y• r•nted. 15.000 dn. .tnvestment ~OUNO! Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR J904 Newport 81.-d.. JllpL Buch Euy ParlcJ.ns B&rt)or '9JO Commrc 'I bayfront A.PPROX. fl ft.. IDdudee martn• W&J-. tioat ebop, •oonnp. EK-c.u.nt N-i>c>rt location. Hll.000 -tuU price. Writ. OW11U, P. 0 . Bos 91T, Bal· Ito&. Oaltl. Ttpe.6 you have been waiting for ShouJd be thaa 2 bednn. furn. home. See the loe&· \Jon, the furni~hing• and you tell ua the term.a you want to pn y. Buyers with $4000 -~:SOOO ea.ah wttl like this home. We have anothrr 2 bednn. furn. home at $17,000. Good tt'nna. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine HuboT "4 NEXT TO mE POST OFFICE Balboa Iela.nd 4 Bednn., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11 ,100 1330 sq. rt., forced air heat, harrtwood flool'8, n.r. place. Real plaster. Large picture wlndo""'1 natural hardwood cabinet.a. Phone for app't. to liH our model homes- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Years Building ln Orange County Klmberly 7.3293 Liberty 8-407'I TQ3H FOR FUN ALL YEAR ROUND! I On Balboa Island Thi. nice 2 bdrm. home, jual 1 ~ block to No 8&y ln one ot our nJce.t neighborhood... Lge. Uvinf room, firepl., thermo contrOll('d heat, garage and patJo. Fu.rniabed, only $19.000. SEE THIS TODAY. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Mut n• Ave., Balboa bland Ha.rb<;r '791 I , • &l•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE Newport Harbor, Vallf • .luly Z8, 19M Brad and Butter Bou- quet., Next year when you write .. California Here I Come" be aure you'll be told to "Crou Over the Bridge .. rather than take a "Slow Boat to CblDa" by aeadlag flowen "After Yo a • v e Gone" ••• Newa ln the Bouquet. Faaeral 8 p r a '1 , Flonl Decoration ud Party P&ualng c1rdee la the ar- rival of Robert Sebroeder to manage the Florist end of oar New Flower Shop .•• Bob come. to ua directly Ill from managing the Flower Shop in the Statler Hotel in Loe Angelea • • • Hia know- how and experience in making tlowel"ll NY the right things tor cosy little cocktail parties, , 11<>phiat1cated dinners, smart lunchebna and patio part.i.ea . . . will be another "11ervice" to jot down on your "things I can do at Richard'•'' U•t ••. Prior to the Statler, Bob'a Flower artiatry wu appreci- ated at Fore.t Lawn and the Biltmore Flort.ta .•• Though our new Flower Shop will not be l"Mody for a few week.a yet, thia preview ia to let you k.now Bob ta here now in our '813~il Greenhou.e and all hia talenta are ~y. willing and able for you to make u.e of at the mere pick-up of a telephone and a niab of our delivery t111ck .•• "Ju.i give me a ,~, cooa nim.ml.nr pool to deco-~ nte," Mid Bo6 ... "There'• nothing 110 'drab u an ungar- Janded swimming pool at a be- eid•the-pool-party ! " A.Ir .iet DrJ IJadue v .. port.er News I 8trtctly d.,. .._.. for Woen agahaet tlae M"'"'el' battle of rue.. ..... nee. ... to ......, oaly . ,.,,, .. ·-.....,.. ltllMcDdow9uddno oat •.• ....,. ...,,,. t.tl- mollla.W have beea told a.boat the way Air 'et works eq..aty .. well out- doon ud .. cane-.. ' Wbn roa atep Into the Old OrM111M>ae before It be- comee tlile a e w Flort.t 8bo~ &o makf' the '""" Bob • acqualataace ... Ask aboat Air .let. •.. Udo lale Roundup ie Friday Nlcbt July 29th ... If you I ~~fl don't live on Lido Iale, acrape ,)j around in your addreM book Wl you flnd aomebody you !II know who does and ulc 'em If 1ou can buy a ticket for a $1.00 •.. Lut year t.hey caUed I it the Sh.ip Wreck Ball ... Thia year they've gone West- ern . . . Put on· by the Lido ~~· hle Community Auociatlon u their Ann uaJ Fund Raising campa.ign. The tennis court.a will be roped ofr for d&Dcing I ... There will be burro rldea tor the kida ... Jimmy R<>J.- era.. 11<>n of ever-lov1n Will w1U put on a lariat ahow . . . In the Club Houae ord time Tom Mi.x Movies w 1 J I be ahown ... Hay wagons and a Conutoga Stage Coach will be riding around the ule all evening ta.king t b e Round-I Uppera to and from ... hilhu ~~~ and yon ... You must go ln ill co.tume . . . lo fact George H oag, owner of Udo Toyland, , the toy ahop among our Lldo Sbopa, wtU give away a U onel tnJ.o to the wearer of the beet Davey Crockett coetume ... 8mruner MUag and cons -th• ooh ..... ffCleMIU'y ~ each other .. breed ud batter . . . Oraae yoa.r ateunlag pl&tt« with Rich· ard'a epedally eeleeted Corn -the ()ob ••• Wlay ... ~ ,rov .,.....Mna oa uaythla,; bat tbe n..t ... Thlak ...,. whlle yoa Clbotnp! It took eevea ,._,. of e:xperi- mMlaUo. at Blal.r SmJth Ruell &o proclace that Juky moatlaful of llWf!ri ~ncler keneJa . • • That corn wu p6cked fl'Mlt tlll9 mor.tai 'l'he cen yo11 bay tiomon-ow .... be pjdred treeh tomor- row IDOl'9im1 ••• U yoa al-,..ry ...... "t jobled u.. IUdaard'• ..... -the ClOb ,_ ......... 90W ••• Dea"t W uother ......._. .. by wtdlo.t -.Jo,.. ... •""1 cbewtq ~t AM aa, whem yoa eook It ••• Pat a cap of mUk Ill the water •.. A.ad acid a Ott.le -~··· Richard'• ~ the place for COASTAL SHOPPER !Alltlo• of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1955 "HenJ'1 a tt.tll /o-r a"JI m ta1" U. S. No. 1 WhJte ~ Y o a ' l l d:laeover there•a a "Whale of a Sale" week la aad week out, when you ahop eonalatently at Klchard'L . There'• real eccnomy ln ••qoa1. lty" and "aavtnp" alx da a l.n every week when you take :f van- tage of R&eh&rd'a Thrift • Club Mon- day· Tueaday and Wedlleeday apeclala and a.180 OW' Thanday-Frtday uul Satur- day "Weekend 8peelala " Take home your •vbap la "brand D&me" fooda, today and everyday, from Rlcbanl'a Udo MarW • 0 0 0 OPEN TILL 8:00 P.M. except Sunday till 6 :00 P.M. inzcRACKERS lb. 33' .. ,.,... 29' CHEEZ WHIZ .. I O&. WUala1re l\'llole &oeber er Replu 25' DILL PICKLES . " ... L14ald Lax 35, DnERGENT .. n"' WppyNo. I eaa DOG FOOD 3 for 23' POTATOES 10 IM. 25c •o Pun-AU Tuaa I OL 2 n~ CAT FOOD ..... tM ~rozen iovSEryNHiilEs . ''°L 27c PATIIES KWM\IM>D'I BEEF DINNERS Own 'l'lll"UDAV u • ._ 2 tor 27C .. 11 OL5tc iEMO'tf MERINGUE PIE .... sr f'lUDA \" For Rrf'akfut or lalw-lw.-en-POTATO GLAZED DONUTS lllATl'RO \' COFFEE CAKE Oranrl' "'°""nut LAYER CAKE . You 11 find Beach Balls Toys. Raf h Dishes. T oweli 0 0 •o • Appl1.,nces .,,,d LUER'S FRANKS Barbecue suoplie~ floor at Richard s! 0 You'll find a Lido Shop Serve Broiled-Boiled Barbecued or Weeni1-Bt1ked round 4 7c • • • Hove you tried W il Wriqhh ice ueams? The richet.t Ice creams ;,, A merica feotu,...d in only the moat axcluaivt shops. NOW AT RICHARD'S. ---"-5~ BU TT ER _ -·--··-··-··--·-·-·--· ___ ... .... SU G AT. _______ ··-···-··--·-·----·---········· ... ~ 5c Borda '*Y 8eeU-., 2 2~ GRAPEFRUIT ........ -......... _ .......... -. No. IOI e.a fw CORN BEEF HASH ....... __ 27c Cif Sijp __________ .... __ .......... 2'" 33c ·•..-w ""'" "'•"'"" •"' lCQl'f&b,,.. .. 8wttl'• Rolled Md Fro-. SO-CASH fer • Fl.AKO aox TON -efMltillec1•,•• r.------------:-i .~~"-.. ........ , I ~=--.,.!.i";;. ':i:°.:: = ".: = I I I : r I'-._ ,... :J ~--L------------- VEAL SHOULDER lb. 55c .. ,_ !AJww>11 Jfm.tgwe PW for '4N...-t• IUchud'a Freeh ud Tuty GROUND ROUND lb. 79c .. ,_ "'"" U. 8 . No. J Potatou ct"4 _,. • .,.,, fr1'11.\ t l'(ll'toblr.11'' f'Mten Grala Fed -&Id Cat.a PORK ROAST "'M ,,.,_,,, ... \Ott.\ 0-..fe rr-_, Ila~" Rath'a BIWhawk SLICED BACON "ror ll~f1111t, Ltstte"., ~ Rath Tnder lllld -8-4J to !'.at DAINTIES 1b.59c 1b.69c • • • to flt your every need! corn . . . on the cob . . . one of the Lido Shop• a t.he en- trance to Lido Jale. Ne?t•port Harbor .. • I SPECL.\LS FOR 'liL \' 28, 29 and 30, 1965 i ••