HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-01 - Newport Harbor News Press• White House Held Open for Stouts! . ' Harbor Youngsters Will Visit President's Home Council Meet Set at 4 p.m. A llP"<'18I met-ling or :-.:""'P'" • There waa c h ee ring v ia lo ng dist a n ce t e leph one t oda y I Braeh C'1ty C:ounr11 1:1 sel for • a& memben o f Explore r P ost 17 m ade their thrice w eekly r rn to.ll•y to <'<in~111rr L'nion Otl • Ct> 's pll'll fur 1nCormatlon on ud report tJ> the o ffices of the N ew port Harbor N e w s-Press. well produr tlon into the c11y·uwn· T~ octet of boya and the ir adviser h ave bee n d eject ed od 1u)lol11nda undt•r tht• IPas1ng rr11· because the White H ouse in Washingto n had been or der ed itram carneti out b)' Mo nte rf'y Oil L'o clou d t o tour1 afttr Auglc18l 1:1 I zona H ighwsy Patrol who want · At last ..,..,. .. k.,. <'«1uncil sri.s1o •n Th" E xplorer S couLa w ere not t d to k now why a11yont would t:nl•in 011 llpokPsmen reqt1e,1t••l d t1e to arnvf' until after that wanl to IP11\'t :'\ev.'J>(>rt Ha rbnr tn the <'llY fo 1,.1 11 ha \·e pertinrnt tim e Thty had planne•l to tour Au11:1111t. !Illa nn the '1.h'lanoa pro'1uction Ute ru1drnce or t h,. Chief Ex · E 111 l.v MfJnda~· rr111101n11: lh,. "' lhl' fir1t1 l'oultl m ake a hl'ttl'I ecullve or the Unltf'd Sls lt'll. boy11 r&lll'tl the !'\ews-f'rt'~!t ftum 010 00 !hi' 3000-nc·ae ltdt>lentls p11i · Tlid11v a w1rr wa11 rtcelved Artrlan. TPXks. Thr i.:oo<l nt'w8 ·t i tn he lf'lll!Nl by the ~late hr· f rom (:ongres8tn&n J am,.,.. B. l:tl. from t he W hit•• House An<l fon· h,.,...11 lh•• ~11 0 111 An11 Rl\•er s nit Jt rt11il --"~lrs. E 111enhowtr te-jt1 '~""'"" Utt w1111 r .. lay,.rt to H11nt1ngton Bl"11rh. Bids will be r111e11lt d <leff'rmf'nt nf ~\'h1tr 1hem 1'lin11:h t t hey a re eXJlf'C\N1 "'l'"r.•·I ,,0 Aui; 1,. • l 48th YEAR -NUMBER 48 NEWPORT BEAC H , CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 1. 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS H nU•t 1·lo,1ng until A 111: 18. Ex· lo I>.-In Oklahnma Ctl\ T h• 1e 1·nion ccprt>llrnt~Htve.~ chitmcol pl1,rpr tnur llel for lith " 1'ht 11" thl' rr1mlt 11( a sl<1ry by Rew lata "" <lnlhng ptrnluClann .. huulol Con11:1 e.man hll~ bl'en ~urrpssrul l'trwa 1 I 1n thr Okls hom11 Tlmc11 be p1,1bhr rl'l'Ot tis 1111 11n mt1t·h plll>· In 11111 t ftohs on beh11lf r1( l hr thP\' will l>e met h v m,.mbna hr runtls arr 1n vol\•('(f Thr r1ly ... -, .• o( thf' ... ('wno1 L H11rhor tl!N l or • the F>xplorf'r P~lll of the I l I .,.., n " I' tt.ttornt'}' h t I l wa .. a ntnnt qt1P!I· w hn ai e takmi.: a tO OQ(}.m1I!' I'll.tr'~ C'Kp1lnl City. l=\pPl'tlll prr· lirm 111101 11~kNt time to stud~· the• tour n! thP l 'ntl"rl S laltll In a parsttnn.. havr bPen m11de (M r'equest. go lrltn Chevrol"L ~ta t1un w 11i;<1n th{•m l•l bl' "put up" 1n \he Boy ____ _ -\\ n 11 ~ 1ml l11 n111\·c them. 135 e n tl'IC'S 1n y c·st cnla.v ·i; annual Flt;:ht 0f t he Snowb irds flnpprd t hc•i r wi ng:; t» «ro,;s th<' :-;tar ting line be tween Balbt1a lsl;rn.a a nd Halb uu. Mui'\ of b o a ts ap~ar a bo ve ns h orn s ounded. -S t aff Pho ttl b y Robert F. W illmes ~mblazon"tl w ith 'ml'•11agti1 tf'll· Srnut P111 k Thev will 11ren.i thr I lnr: o r thf' a ppro111 hinit C:nl<lPn t>e tt"r ru11 t nt 11 day 1n Oklshom a c • • .Anntvf'r• .. ry or !hf' Cit\' Of :'\PW• f'llv T11 .. ~1lav befoto> L>1ktn1t off omm1ss1on po rt Bf'11r h thrvui;h A 1 kt< ni.811 for ~tt>mphts. Hires Gingrich as Recreation Director HRl:AK C A.!\I P t'.\l'T TPnn .s n pert tcl •'tl h1111 th.. e11Q'lp work or the boy11 be,.n tha L th1•y h a,·e made anti bmkf'n camp in 30 m inutes while can lhl11 t rip. T h ey cam ped the (ln1t night in )'l11g,t1 fr. Artz Tht y havf'· vlsi· tetl JHorne. A n z:. where Lhf'y "''"'" Pspl'c1allv recelv~1l. H eN! t hry met membena or thr Art· Sunday night was •pent en· rampf'd o n the rant'h nt T om 8 aumt'11 grandparents, t he A. W. HPr('fo rdll.' In Las Vtl(U . N. MPX. A r eal ~end-orf &nd ranch break fast was servt<l for the w•1olt nine Explorers befort they took for th• Xew .!\fexlcan bor- l<'ontlnu..a on l'a«f' '11 NEWPORT'S INCOMES ABOVE U.S. AVERAGE Survey Market Shows City with HiCJh To Be Rich EarninCJS Robt"rt S. Gingrich of Sanger uatr of Temple U 111vcrs1t \' "llh 8 Frida y was hired u New po1 t BS dPgrl"'. HI' maJnrt•rl an pnr ks ~arh Pa rks a nti Rerreation 0 1· 110•! rl'crea tion an<I ad1111nlslr.111v,.. rector during Q. mttting or the w ork. pa rk ant! bl'ach rt'<'rf'l\ltnn .-om· A mrm~r or thr :'\ut1"n"I i:"" · m1..s1on in Cny Ma nage r John rea t1011 Asl\OCl!llum 11ml rac1f11 S11tlor11 orr1ce. Ging rich. 3 1. noll· Sou thwesl t dlMrk t t1'1•rr11tilln B!i· fled· thP com'mlMlon he would give ROClat1on. G!nlt'ti l'h 11l110 h o l d ~ rour w .. e ks ontico at Sanger. He t r"ching creden\111!11 an P rnnsyl- u. expeclf'd lo m ovt here w ith ''11.nla. Klilnsas anrl Caltfnrnla. his w1fr and two ch ildren, 11on1 tn e11rly Stple anber. The acrt>r nlng board w1u com · po~d or Msyor Dor" H ill. Sailors. T om Derr. An11h e1m recrrah on dirtct or : Larry Hou.~lon. A AU 11ecretary; Mr11. Ft'an k Ka r g!. Pub· lie rf'h1tlon11 rhalrm11n nr the com· mi11~lon. a n d C'ornmtssaon mf'rnh"r Tom Norton. Starling ort with 2~ applk a nu . thry 1Ntuced them to l!'J, t hen Lo a final two. C'omm1H 1on Ch1urman Chari"• NEW YORK. Aug. l -A n e w Rludy of business pro g -Va.ndervort and me mbf'ra or the h U · ed ~fo l h th t eommlM1on .aid. "Oln~cll bu TeN, cove ring aJI part.a of t e n1t ".,. es. II OW& II the fines t o( re(trenrf'l'I. W e ferl l't'w p ort s ta nds ou t 11s a r ich m a rk et . w ith family earnings w" h s vr !Tht<le & gC10<1 choice and . a n<i c·Xpt'ndit urt:'R a bove averagt'. hirerl a tine n11rn." Th" r1:::111"R hr1H1n11 thl' 11ut cash rPi:t:<~"rs an rr\Rtl 8lnres GtnrlC'h hM bt "n parks anrl r«· Ar" ,.,,0 ninc•.,1 an ~8 1,.. Mst nll""· ljtnl(le·I In th" iun" nr J !iO &riz ·I reat1nn dlrertor 1n 8 angf'r fnr two n1• nt " 11nn1111l r .. 7w 11i:htl'•l l'llr\:eY (\(\Cl in th" Vt.'8'. <x.-N"I n1: the-and a haJr yea 1s. H"tore thal he of hU':IOfi: J'"'""'I • • prior )'C'!ir's ·,·nltlmP or $26 &19.· heltl lhP ll>l lnl" position In Culvtr i':P" l''•rt Bf'llf'h,. R 0() fllmil•~ 0(\(). Caty for three yur11. H ,. L9 a irrad· h1"1 nrl 1ncr1mP• dllt llli? thf' pRl'l I "T \l'f't:u POTf::-;TIA I, ,., II' ... ,., .. <l1>o(11o ''"n n! r··1.~nnal A l1h .. 11i:h thP V•1h1m.-or hu,.I · IH"I•'•. "( $:17 (1 1: r111u ne,..~ w11 ~ lari:r, 1t l"fl untar w·tl Tht~ rrprr•l'Oi" I rrt fA mll\· a , n11~1rlf'rt1 l>I,· rt>~rvmr ''' 1~- f'A 111nr~ (•bl"lt!Wol h· 11iv1oltni: tenlt•I "l'"O•lin1;. c H • tn• •11 ,. I,. r.•mol,.·r ,.( (11mtlte• 0 rt ear ng "' ••r t 1:-1' f'•nnin::• i:r·' '~11r 10 1111: A~ 11 11l11 rkel, balW'll on surh Rivera Faces WATER USAGE SHORTAGE CURTAILS FOR LOCAL INDUSTilY B1•t·1t11~.: nf HH' 11hor lag" nf supply (1 om MPtropohl11n \\',or .. IJ1•lrtl 1, f '1ty <'f N•'\\ pttrt lk K1'h \\',1t•·r Or pa rtment '""•'Y w·os 111~1ru1·t•·tl 1r1 1·url11ll indu~trrnl 11~1' 1Jf frri-h w llt l'r I\ ho 11 ~.lit w ''"' 11 0111 lh11 l>ay 1.~ eva1l.1bl.-nnol .-nn be 11Ub · 1'l 1\Utl ti. Lanny ·Coon Th·· 11 .. •ll• r • 1m1-111; th1I' ny .. mm~ \\h• n the r11y man- i<I:• r '' •~ noh ,,.,.iJ a 111.11101· •uni fddtor \\ .. ~ th1ni; la q.:e 'Jllltll· Ill •"• oit l1<"<h \\l\hr to ")1•l .. p1hllt:'I al11ni; Bay Sho1cs water f1 unt 111tn rl.1N'. Tho' ht'nvy II.•" nf rrC',.h wattr rt'dun •t1 nny Shore~ 1hrnest w w1J t•·r pri>.--.~11re 1·nn~id.-rably. A quick 1·h1•1 k by city 11rr1r1AI~ ioh11wcd $tit wat1•r 1·c111lt1 he u11ed. Fir11111 h,t\'1111:' prrrn1ts to U"l' laTj;l' qu1111•nw11 of frt"i.h w1tter ~hnultl "n~utt LhP wal•'r rl"P!lrtm~nt nr 111e rat\· n11rn11ger brtnrr 11,.mi: 1l w h .. ~ M IL w111er wlll :-uff11·r . \rty :.ta mtgtr J ohn !'1111 .. r~ M id. Wins First OUT OF MOUTHS OF BABES Police Remove Roulette Type Wheel at FunZone • ID 'Flight' An "·\'l'Rr -olJ} gir l's 2!\·r,.nt lnl'.~ I mnn•t 1nto11 1tio 1H·L1on. Balboa Island Boy Leads Snowbird Fleet Over Line In Rnll"•:l ~ Znn•· herr Jo'rlday o \\ '\t:n H\' i\:\'Ot~ll:'O:\" I hro11r 1 >1h1111l r<'1111w1il nl ullr~t"l I T h .. wlw t'I i.llr&:;l"dh· brlnni::"f1 to . . roulrl"· 1yp1• wh""'" 1.y .:-:Pw1..,.,rt .\I '""' ,,.,.,. .tn.i "'"~ ,;rPiR'"•t tw Mr. Snnwbll'd for the cnmm~ year 18 Lanny Coon o f H N1• h l"•h• 0• ""'" ,. Th· wh••••I,. 111 1'1•11•, '•I ""· .1 .. tins11n l1•f11 n"•I Balb oa l slnnd a nd R iversidt' w ho "w e p t in a h <'ad nf B fie ld '11"" 1".r1 t•l'"1;•1rni: "" 11""1 fli·<' l"lt""" .. 1111 .. 1•.f l lnr11l•t lt11n1111-o f 135 b ird s t o t ke the 1955 F1i hl of the Sno wbird ra<'f' !" rtlllt' \f'Ah J '111 .• 110 "'n lollnw-f f.1: I,.( ''II ~: .. ,.1 I: I\' Fa• nt rn thr a ~ 1" a '"' pl.nnl 1"'"'' I'''"" .\trio I'"""'' \r<•1olr ll11n~afnnJ :<11trt hP Y<'8lcrda y . :llan • \\ ,·.itt "' I t I~. F:a•t B.1y I·' 11•1 1 th<> .1n . .,It, fn•in An•lrr~nn \\'1th 1:n Snov.·b1rrl~ f111pp1 ng f1 r!ll M•·:-.-11Uy bont tu f1n1,h 110.t F ron• ""'' IPJ"'r: .. 1 lhf' llli.!4 nl o'll ill~ .. ltl'l l h•· lllf'll.\' /;II l llllll•J thf'll w ini.:s tn 1r•1-.. \he slllr\· F n"I ~1blf'\' or L11lo !.•II''"'" Rt 1111111° I'll lh<' \\ IH't'I lly h"r ol1111;:h· ,, I ski I all , t<rtt'"~i<i"n" _ 111~ 1111<' \\ ht'O 11 ,_,,., f'Aln 11t11r t th>' hrlm <o( lhf' (11 •l \'1tllrl\• !•'• llannafnrd sh""'Pd .lnhn1m11 hnrn hl:i1 P.J lhl' flc<'L m'lv~•I boll\ tn rro11.~ lh" lanr. :111 • \\'\'itll lnlol I"'"'" .-h•• 1:·1111•' MIHillll' (•I 111\ll• llP w hu h h:, \\'"~! rlnwn thl' f'IHl ntlO'I, r •11n1111i.: th .. 111. II t i •· I· 11n Zt •O" sh'llllol Ii" 1 I t h I I 1 .. 1 ~ .. t11h l.1•lt1 t 'h101111• I ;\,. 111'11"1 J'. I •I' ' '~'· r, 1" h•'' ''"''' 11 11\\'n• 'ttl " t•~ '" saa• \\'Hll th.,. ntA"""' 11( lh·· fl,,.C't \\,1,.. lr•fl ' · •P•'r 1'••ol b\· ~I ll< Ell7.'4bf'lh ~tnr. :tll ott • .w ll!odt·'ll.ol•I" "lr l•li'nl '"II l~fi \\'h (' " r lrn.,•11 11111111111. of Wln•1~ 1 ,.1 I C1 V "' n U Hltrr 1\\"C'. 0 1111t, I wt •1,..1'\', .-.1• ~111 .. to l ••I \t. Sh h t1 h h t1 v.1lh t h•· 111'\tl\' I'• 1'• 1111•1 !<kip· :\ \ RICOW l\tlSl'IY.S 1.11h .. r thAn Ill!• r x1·Ppl1"n .1111'1 11 frw ~,.11, w•·re ·1 .. m 11nol h11ll'ii0 ntfll r!'d WhPn lhP b tHl\1' 11111n·1 11. ·,·.R,1 It "" • n•••: .. iabl) ,.r~ 10l~ ~:~;~·".'"11'.-1al;:1111~~,.:11:1~·~,'1: I U I th • l'r'.it .. I Sl.lli·~ J :i77 1 J'"r .-.. n.1.J. 1 1 1110~ 111< numhPr nf pen-K •fl fn•, ti\ Jlh \ ;n lh_. 1'K1-1l11 ~UHPS on n1 1ng J:o I l fi pll' l h•• 1111101lt\I t'll I nf"•I' A nol ·"l"'nl nn1I LhP nlle of g rowth. SJ.:I \tJ t'I J,1 ft;• ,fuht ""n .:-.tu-• •'"':t • (' "'"" t f' nl~rr JllTI IZf" ( htt 1 f ( h l •' .. ,o I ' oll :II 1.\· .. r 1 ... ,,. I ltll un I hr 111\'tol' f'·I. l111nnafor•l l'IUol (','"l~;r. i;: ni: ,, I:' I 1'" n !'IU' n11• ... ()nl' 1·rrv.-. r .. pnrt,.rllv rrnm p6 lln1tl =""· 3 tll. w11• ft,.hf'd rrnm ph11n1· 1111 I 1 .. 11 t1r1 :-... .I n 1111 8 0 0 re rtrd Hi.nnAfonl l.11.nny "'"'" rl<•l'"I\' folloWPrl bv I lh" hA \' w ht•n 11 ovf'rlurnet! I:\( h'.\lt: 1•t :RCf::\T.\t.t: =--~wp1•1 I !1<'1l• h'!< 1'11\lnlt. <'1111• .. I Ho\\' l:'"'d ii \'""I 11 w 11 .. in ltA ·ri11il1I\' nf milrkr.l l11olPx." J'\1'\\'l'"l I fk,;1 h I~ tir .. ll~lll h"m" 11• j?l\'1'0 "' l ::J, 1•r :l:l perl0'111 bv II " I 1rl lh1tl '"•Al '"""'""I~ h111:hrr th11n ,lh•'Jllllnnal l!\'<'tllj;t'. ltf t111tfll•d tu• 111.'\l l"l .. ~1 nf ----- th"' n •\ , n :"' 11tr• 1n P ,,.,. h " J\t'lh 11111·1,.n th'I wr« nnh 11111 l"'r· """' .. ( '"" l"IA I \\'1th 11·0 .. n •. 11•.,"1ni;: h1~h \\01•h pr11;dr-hl'Ttt•t h1th\1t1 hf'd h\ p t'J\\.l(•n . U•"HI Htl~ ~ n r1d ,..,. .. ''"'".._ thAn ... , ..... lwf111•·. ul I \\Ith lhl' (j,.lh r !<1 l\blh7.N1. (1< ll\1110''4 l<I • """' ~p1 ·1,11n~ "' ~rP t t t-1 1v Th•'\ Ar .. fin.Jini: th.IL t h•' "'Ir·•~ • ti th,. l111rnn· h~t "'" n·»' v.1l'ltn Lhf'1r 1 ell• h Th111 mrrf'a•" "'"~ tptllf' AJ" pllrl'nl an :'\r \\ I'"' t Ar ... h. Wh• t 1' News-Press Circulation Today 5700 Copies RFoU>l. }'OR Tnu• -P1c turl"1 as they h nc·d up. prepara t o ry t o st i1rt tn~ o n the f1r.-t le~ M t ht'1r to u r a c ro ss the l'n itC'J ~t:ttl.'s an: m,•m hcrs 11( Explnr<'r P ost. 17. Boy !-'C'O UI $ o f A m1 ncn. T h1' •'l'lt'l o f bo ys • &nd their a dviser w e n ' clad 111 ~rl'r1nlly t n ilo rl'd sh irti1 imprinted with the map of t he l':l'Wl'<'rt H a rbor area and m a t c hing jrani;. ThP o u tfits W<'rr pre-sente<l to t h «> y ou ng m r n by J a<'k B1d w r ll. ThC' t tiu r w ill t n k r the boys O\'t'r mMe than 10.t)ll\) m1h:; 11{ tht' l ·n ttt'd J nseph F !'ltX R lv1>r11 .Ir ., Ji, charged With ft>l,,ny .:uu~aull. w ith lnt,.nl to !'om1111L m urrter in a kniflnit att11 rk on his w ife. Mollir . 2!l. \\'et1n• ~tl8~'. wa., remant!et1 tn county Jlltl 1n 11 .. 11 of $10 000 hr.n<I 111 h111 11 rrA1~nmrnl F't 1•h1y a ft!'r· Ot'nn .A p pNlnOjl Ill N r wport Rl'11ch J 11s1ire rn\lrl, llt\'t>ra \\8 !< oro!etc;I lo rel urn (nr r• !'llmmary htarlng Th11r~dav Ill :.! (' m HI~ w 1fe'11 cnn· <llttnn WA~ rl'pnrt<'<I 11.0 J'llllnful r111hrr 1h11n 111>11o111c t>v ltlllla ~f!'l'll P ohrr ~)?'I 11r11n l 'nl111m. J uoli;re I ronn lrt J . Dodg-P l nltl ( I l'flO,t: 1n :1ll 't:!o>T '111l1"1 th• whr f'I wa.~ definttPly 8 J ohn H111<kl'll nf :?<ti V111 (lrvt»ln 'rhn11•<rtn•I~ nt ·'"""ftlatnr• llnftt1 llHlst:llT ~. • :\C.fll( II T ,. ""tll" n{ <'h11nre with no 11\<lll to It. who <'llOH" 1 fror lll'l'""" And ~ 1"' ' _ ___ hf' ·"·W~·l'r.·~~ 11'11111,.0! or thr ,\lthnngh t hr wheel had b1irn n th,. hA\' L'l w ltnt1111 the colorf11l t0\•·~·1;:11111•11 1nt11 i;.1111hla11).." whrrl!'l l h f t 1 ('rn11: Carlw.ilHol!'r .Jr nf 2:H Via 1-"lli;hl (nr whlr h thP HArbor'.o "'oOO 1111\·u·e l'v" "l\·1•n vn11 n\'<>t .. 1 1 Op('rntang r r!' or l\'e )'f'Ar!! o Ill", ·h l k th 1 " ,.. 1 ill ll .. I 11n ...... 11• ""' r1••111"l<ll'• I< 1 1 H f • 1 1 I " v. o '"" 11 • I ''"'II'); 1100 nJ.I 11a1lnr" '!n>"m th,. th.·,·ea rs ,.,., •• \\'Ottl 1 nol ba bftr<' 111.~ now e• "P. anna ortl tn rl • . • · I\"~':. · ' 1 ' ' 11 1t 11 J '1"'"1:1 1plwr hr nllo1\\rol .lnhn«>n h,. w:mld not lt'L tl>t game t lR~T TF."'i t.ll'Tf:O \Nit a rn11n<l. On !'lnuth Bay l•o 111'('• I ••• .,,. 1 ·•It•" I 0 lh<' ~I rn" I I Th .. n!hl'I f1r,1 t• n In lhf' nr-F1 .. nt B11lbt•ll l11l11nd. o ppol'llf' TIH k n ftoi;:-lll'lllllo'f pt•la•·o> ff'· t'.q: 11 "IY l.:aoe nr ;\'r\\1,;ortlnpf'll\lf' RJlll n tier nf ftn1,h wet" ,.hRtlPy \'an· lhf' ~llttltng hnP, An u nltl .. nllfted J>11r1t•1I. RI l b• <lrntr•"I 11( nn ari:11· II•" h l' .. 1 1• flr10n11 mrnt l'At•I flll· drrvo1 t. Tom fJ """'"· Mtk" 2·\'f'8r-<•l.t R'trl W"-'I r"""""ti from lllf'OI Wht'n f!t\•rl\ r•lllll).:• ! 11n 1'· 1 ... \\•'I" J:•'llO:: tn nrd .. r th .. llln· Means H1·red Bn11m . r. .. <111ry T1ltlf'n. P etr C'lh. rrrlntn rtrnwmn1t "·" M r. Ron tn. hutrh~r k nir,. IOICJ hi~ \\'If(·, 'I Ill•• fl11! Ill llO•'•'. hlll W"rf' nnl Bill C"'ohrrl\' J r nn•I Virgan1R M1 't ~ ~1•\\'Rr<I !'lpt>nt·O'I, S~n r 11111i.; '" a:1 •~t anyClnf' 1( th,.1r • ('uffee Y .. un~ O'Ko·•·f•· WI\~ w1n- 1 1:11h11•I 111s1 n!'I lhl' "'.-" "tnrlf'lt th,.n 11lrurk ht r "\•'I 1 lw 11.-11 I N c t ''"'J ·" \\•II' 1u111pli .. d \\llh as ew I y n!'r n( ""' 1 .. 11l \'Nir'~ rlH I'. i'A\\' ('lfll.U '" llA\' Wllh a chllir. 111~ I Poll 1•1 F 1 ;ink .1••1111"111 .•swl. "\\'" hA\'r no1 '!•'I'll l.1ttlc ~l 1l<1t ('11f(1"' ":-i• ll>f' !'\I i• l'J "'"'""r .ott w Ill" ch1l<I t-rrolle Ill' lhe lo111 11 .. n nol 111 ... 1'111-· th•· nllf't:•"• i:amhltni: 111~.i w1111ltl p h A t 1r11M prl tr• Ont~h lhf' '"" n .. 111 1111: '""' •lt1v.n .,tit( 11nt1 rrrrl WM arr•·~· •·ol -"""n io:n 'fh,. 11 "•l '"l'Wnh· ''" 11. 1llinl{ H~ II· urc ase gen v.•hu h «aw 11 ~ t> .. at• t1 .. •~ lh" I• C' ~pt •"" Olll RO I tth\'ltlll~I V 10 Rn·era..• Jn·p nt 1,.i; '.!.:!n•I :'I 111,.f'r.a I· t.: ti Rll• •t 1f WP W"I" '" Attl'• I I f1m;.h ltnP t-.1rol \\'1lltam" 11 It• 111" ~"" t lln tt1 lhP Y"ll!\l(~trt Rwrra &iok trl to lw d.-f Pnd•"I I y 11 p1111l1< .. ,,,.,in .. \\ llhn11L """IOI: th!' 11rt Dnnaltl , .... Ml'llOS, ~o. or Los V.•·IS lhP ynllOfi:l'!H J?lll ... flflt-h .... h .. "·'I' 10 \\'Iii• r ub .. ut :i (t el \Ilk" pl;i1 r . Angl'll'l' \\'811 hlr('d F r iday by City She ('ft.In(' rn lwrnly •l'lh r 1ouni:· o!·. I' und With h• I h11•hnr11I II Alrl "If yn11 hAd takrn 11o me of the 1lefenrler. States . Throug h the h 1Rto rical "Old D o m iniun " count ry o f \·ir ginia . t o till~ N a t ions C a p ito l. New Y o rk, the J a mbo ree a t Fort !'\iagara. the Lincoln trail in Ilh n o is and h o me throu~b the N atio n a l P a rks of thE' W t'st. P ic tured left to r ight Lyn Harto n . ad· \"ise r : J oh n \'an Dyke, J o hn \·ale, T ho m a R Baum<' J r.: Wm. P eeler Jr.: ~ruce M AcGurn, D o ug las Redrlic k . Ray m o nd Krnt H a n ·e y Jr.: a nd Doug Unruh --"ta.ff Photo l-1111 :t.11nr 11wn .. r ,\I 1\11•kf'~l)O :.rana~tr .John Sallnr11 8J! C'ity pur· r~t bny 1 .. f1ni,Jt w11• i.;. nt i\n· tl,• r 111•011,:111 lhP hlllf' J;lrl 1111 I tw• 11 1(11 ""re 1• Jl"l l"•ll \' ah· rhl\sln~ llJrl'nl t frertfre Aug 16 d• 11100, Ill. w ho f111a-h1•<! 111 ~i"•I "''"''" ~l"•tlltni; ""'' r l'hP r,.· ~o 111 11·ti .. 11 .1 .. 1111'"" sl.11 trd 111• in· !Ir w1111 ""'' o f lhr 12 f1nnl up· !Ii. 1 .. ,.,.r .. .i 111 ,~ ~11111 I 111111' 11111 th" ,.,.,1.t.:~lln" .1 .. 1111-.•n 1111 """' 11 11•·· 1•ltran1 .. .-.,n,.ldPrl'd rnr lhr Jnl>. llld•·~t ~ktpper 111 1111~ 1.-.11 ., :-'I'""" 1< "'"''' ''"ll•lll"O>l•·d lw 11 \'jjtl \\ll4h ·'1lll\t1•' l4• c11t.t\11 •1\ ~1•An8 ha~ bP'" v.:th Cttnlln.v nut• \\a~ .lnhn l\ Lhht \I i1•1 l\111 t,,, r1t v.1,r1r'"' \l.ihh rult-t t•. , , H, 1 ,,., 1.~ 11 1f •• I'•"' u1Hl TA07til(J, Jn•·." t rut·k tnJt farm . "''ho tn11k f1rl\ , 1~htl 1 'I'"' ~I ·,. q,, rn II•, 11n•t111JlJl~·lh '"'""'' th,,. 1" \•i ,o •. \llu•ll If• I 11 1•·• ,1, r• ••n•·c l !'lfl A., pu rr h lUltnl( A ~rnt H"."" "' 1 :.1·1~ .. 1 •ktJI • 1 l 11,. , l·t , hi" •1 II•• J 'l / •''• ,. 141 1·1 •ht1C" P n,,r tu lhnt tnllf' h r \\":Ct~ 1n th' •l•nu•J:ll. \• l·••"n•.01,., . .,,., 111' 1·:-i\rnw f<>r ft\'PYl'llr.. r 1 ,111 \\1. ! ,I , "" a 1>1 ,.,.I 111' t •I• :l!tttl 1••!, '.\!l':'ln!I hll.!I 11 1lllllJ:hlPr NHYC'S Crew Wi ns PC Race In SCYA Meet nnol :i 11 .. 11 Th,. fn m1ly w ill move l" :-.-... \\'r111 t Hl'Rl'll IL, 11000 Ill! lhry h:11·1' ol•~l'"!I''" or 1 h<'I r l...r1... 1\ n· l'"I· ~ l''"Jlf'll \' And are 11 l1IP L11 llll•f tJlllllot~ hPI •' )l•·unq \\1•1 lrn\P \ hargo> to( 1111 r1t y p•H 1111q1n;: On lhf' thtril 1111•1• 11f h1q ~.thu ,. tllltJ!P, hi' w •• htro·d "ll ~ft, I flt'I U\1tt1lh S, ro 1'0101:' t •olt\tnll I C1> f, .r Jilli· 1 hnl'lni: Hl:•'Ol npplh a11l11 tnf'lurlo'd 'rht11y~ H,.,,~,.,~. ClrAn~!' rn11nty·~ Tt JU 11 1phln~ t •\ ••r six < n•w" an f''"' t1 i q1n~ Hi.: .. u1 lilltl '·,,1 J 111 ""J thr···· h111h 1·nntu•tell mi·.-~. 1:~ry ~l··t lini: !'nn111. t'\011 ("ity pt11<ha11· :ll\•·1 • 111.J lus :'\q ,·rr .. 11 l la1 h11r inj; lll!"nl y~. ht l 'litll 'I•\\ """ Ill>' ~lllllh· ·---------------- •"'111 ' • • n.1 l ' ·'' ht 1ni:-,;\ ~~Of'l..i· lion J 1 m"r :--: 111.Jni; l 'I '•lnp111ni-h p HARBOR WEATHER !'H '1t•1 1~· 1:i I ,,,.,, ,1\\11r•l1 d th 1· -~\="T \ A:";\ A l'G I i<K.":":SI lli11 .. ld \\ A•l1111111 lr,.l'hY In M V• " • t • w "• r1 Lanny C'1llon ";11;1, 1 "' ',.,; ... .i.t\·'• Fl1i:ttt uf th• Sn••\\ 1111 d • 1111.i I 'aul l.1H11 l111 y ~ ... l.r•.: ~hp.<tl• k. Btll Polklnc· h1irn'.o I'<' ,,,., r thn'•' wintlwar1I· l··· 11 .1 n l l'"llr~ .. ,. ~ly<'rll. C'<.>0n and OrAnge 1'111101 ,. WP1tlher forf'C't1111 :-;,v,p,.tt BPn1 h Ilk )' J.l"rtly ""•lllh'. li11t mn8tly .wunny tt>olRy , \'blhllll v 3 milt>11, waler 6::. w1111I "'JUthw,./ll !l m ph. wa tPr slt~ht ly chup1 y I ., ... r.ly • if.!•·•I 1·11t Ba~ Yacht Tf'mprratu,.... t.hr s-at "''f'f"k I• t9'1' I 'h1h'11 • '' w 1'1ult111t JRck Tonn·1 1 Ha rbor arl'la ~er,.: l »H i-y Ant . Rnan Mll<'h1 ti 11klppPr· Hlrh l,ow I , <I. with T um M"rr1~ 11nrl DAVI' Tut>,.rlay. July 26 . . 71 &1 .., ........ Hlinthb11r11er h1U1•!ltng lhr 11heell' I \\'etJ ne111lay. J uly 27 611 fin Tr .. :'.111 '' • i:" Y111hl <'-lull .-rrw 1 T hu n.aday, J uly 28 6R 61 j 11allln11 0 . o. suua' Qaylln ... Frlttay. July 29 61\ 61 l 1 I 11 tl Saturday. J uly 30 117 fl() The New !J<irt 11.Hhur Yitrht ('111h ~otnrll \' J ul\· 3 1 67 4\11 (<'ontJallf'CI oa •'al• 11 Monda y, A U(. 1 ......•• 66 ~W RECEIVE TR-O PH\' -S k1ppt·r Lirnny Cii•m. ri~hl and his cr e w . Donald M a \u •a l , a r c1•pt£•1I pnr pH u11 l t roph y giv<'n annual F lij!ht nf t hP S n r1w b trrli: w 1nnr•ra aA they arrived at dock yest <.'rday. Staff l'hoto 0 • ~II:. 1\~l 1 :.IH.-' IW Bl-:1\T \\ 11.1.L\:.11' \\',\H[) JR. 11!1 I1111' • I;. II l'h11!1d CH URCH WEI)DING -.-Luetta Mae Willi'an1s -1 Marries Roge r W. Ward ~,. ~ •I 111 ~ 11' "I , . \\ . '. ' ,. \, I "' I All n " l 'l 111 I • 1: ~. I I - l.1 ''I \I \\• 111.· \ I. ,\' ~· I: I I h · • l'I I I I I I\ " ,, 1: I \I I :1 • I .I 111 f • f.prn ••1•.1! ft •, f •I .1.' :'\•I 11·,1.1; 1 .. \11. I t lfl J ...... J I\ •• \ t .• ' •,11 1 l I 11 ... !t ! \\1 I I! , .. I l 1: ', I l. ' \\ It ' • ' . I :111 l•»th '111"\ • I '\ ' . t' \\ \ I ... \\ \ I .I .I.II\\ \'II \\ti IT! ..... , ...... . \ I ,. I .I-. J,j'r \\h'" 11··,··.t \l\ITIU I::--• c.11\\ '' t' ,. t ,. rt, .... n • L•·: "j\14 ,e.i"·n .. • ~ 't \ : I , .. -I l ~ •' t \\ I 1 J t l;o.\' ~ •' \\' • ,. , t ·• ' r th c t• ..... ur .. • •• h'• 'It .l t (• • t • .. 1, ... It·, ..,r"'"'' ~ \\ :,· ''ltq\l h1' 11 , .. \\1\h • !'\ i ,., • u'-. .and a J , 1 l\ '" •r· 1,11 11 ~ ·c ,., ....... ,, ·r·, .. 1,•,:· ,,l,, ... t1~\j.t-• ''"n lilh· th · 1•• • •,1 " r :Jf b J{1• '.\ ,f .. ~.~ 11··~ J:1 r C lL..Jl)-:1' \\'.t °' 1t( • tll 111,,..,1,;· "' I , '• , ! ~ ~.. \'• 1' \'t t '"'• i\ l'•·f' a hun··~ 1.1••flfl • 0!.!' '!"I >\ ~ .. :J. ·.• ~.1"1.t J 1.' ..... ,. I ! L. !'UI It I •• J' fl '''i' ll':tk" Fl• t ,:11l "·""' Bnih.t•1 }:·n· 'f,•n t f11• ,1' l•itL! ·""f'''P"rt •-;• ·· ,.., h•, , •• t•' ·• I'·' '1·1 t,;1;i• ,1 1 .. 1!1'.· I "'' \\?I \\' ~ h ' . ! .. , .. ,j, .. J•1! 1\t rl•1 ~ ·111r tin• nnl r::t t1111n U'" h .. th ,,...,.. •'._ •>(-'' 1( \1 l!1\\' d tl ("Cit f}1,.-•·,1 .. •1.t•h1•i t .. ..,. •11 ~1•\\l'1lll Jlu1iJ.IH 'Tl • •• •. 1•r 11 ""l'·"r "'"" l'nr•n H1,..h S'11.rl Ill • •' • • ~· 1n 1 h1:r h •t '•lf11t1 •h~ ( I '! ll h 1r"' ., • \ ,, ... att I ·' I!"'' II'"""~ Curt1's Jones' Son .. , .. ' . .: ~ "11 l.:L. • • !\1 ; • f~ ". ' . \'I .. • t •. 1 : I ,\~d ;.t 1;1 1:1• ti I If' h• ,f t' ! '~ C'An<U•• h,.. ti• ,, .. I"" I. I ,. '"' •h ,, 1:1 \:1 nnrt !\It• Crr rlt~ .I '""' ::;g l, I!,. r -rcpl,1 :• •': •. ,., I n:: 1-: •• I i:;n1 St. ('o13lH Mr~··· l\lf' ";,, ' n:,.i \\ht!" :.11, H;i,\m.,n·I rn1• 11•• n( n hf\'' b• rn J uly 2:'i 1 '! ;;1 ct:•• . .\!1. ~ ~ 1ndy Lt•11bylr1 111L lln"i: Hn,.pltol. ,.t \: I.• I i' ::1 . ·. I • • I·, .. .... . . . I • . . I .. , . •,; ., c:J > EXPECTAI'\T ~!OTHER FETED -Mrs. \\'1lltam Albers, daughter uf ~l rs. ~lnrjoric H'eili~crs of Corona d<'l Mar. w 11s honored at a recl'nt bab~-_ i:Jrnw<'r nt thl' Ralboa Bay Club. Admirin~ thl' t able with h<'r from left are ~frs. \'sc SayTP of Lido Isle anrl Mrs. Wallace ~mith of Costa J\lesa and Mrs. Albl'rs' molh<'r, Mrs. HC'il igers. Mrs. Smith and Mrs. 5\ayre were co-hm:tesSt's for the affair. -Terry Bona Photo AUGUST CLEARANCE! 331% off -All from our regular stock Summ., Cottons -Spinnerin Sweaten Dresses-Slcim-llouses-Shom-T Shirts Op1·n l"rida~· :Sijtht" -All Salf'S f1naJ Communit~· (!"l'dlt rlan It Pa~·" to Buy In Costa ~f'U ----------------------------·: ~ewporl , l"h'ntf'r L . R11lbnA,; 8pln8ltr, Halbo11 !'-11 ['11'9t'i> :'\ S OPE NEWPORT HARBOR Sra Rovtr, Sta Bmt an•I ['1·1bl•'<•n PLAYER H HO\\'L.AND s LA:-\nt:'\1: l'll\\ TO FIND SITE I the Ran1hto. n 1une, Escape 11n I pa1uJ by thl' lcw•ly Ta111aln11.r I f'l>Mtbllttt"" of the !"l'Wl"'l l I to aay hello t o Katf'y anJ John Harbor C'ommunil\' J'lawrs S"'1Jart but Kattoy lookf' I 1K1 a.:qulrinit a bu1ld1n°g I'll!'. t..r nimfortable atretrhed out • n th,. a lltll,. thutre 111 bl'tnlol 1.nvi>~· 4 <lt1ck r•adln1t thst WI' pa"''"'I by lllfltl'J bv mf'mtx>rs J 1111 without ch&tu1 bing htr. \\'i'hb 11nj lt••C<'r ll••r• A MRS. WINIFRED BKRBRE, Women'a Editor I ~E\\'PORTF.rc~ At"l.fl.\ T rommlll•<' 1•f I ·•"t prl'•hlrnt1 CHERRY CO\'E· Jo ln anJ 11f tlae phi",, 111 .. l 111 the -----------------------------huntt' ot Mr 1111d Mr~. lhii;tr J1•hn Cl11u on tht-St'11 D111r. lhr I H t 1 h I PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS t:11 :-.1111ttn• ovl'1' (rim th" B il· I ore 0 '1"111"'8 "u<' P 11n•.,. J'rt~.rll ai the ml'l'tin11 '"""0NDAY AUGUST I 1955 h "' R'\y c'lub "" tht lr crul-..·r Wf'te Mrs. r.,.,. Harn,.11, Rud "" • • :'\1bs II, t h,. Hu.:h \\'111lsr,.,. on Mail""P· v.ith ~1tn Ftsru·t~·" He11y. Mrs ~t1111hrlh1 H11n- I j!tll'Sts !111 11n I !\t r,. \\' 1'1•111 •\All. ~"" Ln· '°""ltfrr, M1111• l'h'lol>n 11l1<1nnt. lhl' \\'alh11·1'll "It'· '"'" H"l1tt1•l. Mtt1 J(lt u• K11r· bta!lng t hl'tr '" f'nl ,.·Mi.th ""<I· ..... t Mrs. Jar ktl' Fl1111e111.n. !hnl:' annl\'t'rJtarv with a lush dtll· \\'rl•h •n•I lht' llu~s nrr 11 t lhl' 1 rtiplra I dining pa 110 I , SEALARKING B~: GU-'NY (MRS. EDWARD LF.STER) SMITH RI lhl' l •lhn111s Al•tt at b~\·: I'll· Lawson Daughter ABO ARD TYPEE CHl!:RRY I For •II yar htlmen who plan tn rH1c A ,,,·en1ure .. ut o r B1tlt\(la J COVE CATALIN A : Summer t. apmd a few daya or wet'ka aboard 111.1 Ksthn·n An•I R•'ll~ CaMl'n· Thr llow11 I Law~nns. l~ In full ~·1ng all along the Catarllnerr b11a t1 a t tht hthm1111 • "" w11h' hn11"'J.!ll•1>tll M1h1rl'•I Hs\'•11 l'l11r .. "'' psront" .,f " llna coa111. wlth the most Inter-or aurroundlng-cnvta It l:o won· • .".,111 sli" b••iwtllul • 1tn.J l:Jlll 1:rrl Ii.ill\' "'11 n J 11ly ~:l 111 lloag est mi;-ot all the gaiety aboard clt'rlul to know that th)a "~outh l'a1:1tt'n a bo111 1I Gall&nt Ln•ly V 1 HMp1t11 I. the :\rwport yarhta, at the Ja. Sta Jala.nd" WEST E:\D BAY rrC\m Uoln 1.•!P. I ------------- thmu,. anr1 11t bustling Av11 lon. Is once a~81n a ctive Popular EMF.RA I.I" BA\' T l.ts lm·el" At the Cracker Barrel JSTllMl'S: ParC'nl'll day last Ot>rry am! P reston Tsylor, 1rnr· 1'0\'l' with 1t11 :sparkhni: c1ystal , Suntlny at the C'otallna Island m11lly of A vii.Ion 1 are operallni.: w111er w11, n'ally jumping , .. I r.11 1 s C'amp brous:ht rorth faml· the cove and extend a he1111y lh;> ltvrltl'st nr all thl' l'""""' hPs glllnr• who rrulsed over to we1co~ to all vachuimen . . with R nntl\'" llu\\tt11an th••<' fl)' C'.\tlO f:ATOS !ll'e their tkar one11 pertorm l.n there I• a grht~I 1tore, coc-~1"1 pttte ordH•,t ta 1'bol\rd 1.".•nt 11111 P \\'h• n :.111111' tnnon•nt rrll'n•I uks I the rl(ling nng an(! tn the l!par~ lounge, barbl:'que pits, dtnrn~ II ... Grnup"<l 11r1111nol . . J H 11· ,.011 "\\ 1:111 ktn•I of li.•nl I• t hat 7" hng wlllPl'll uf lhP <'Ove. Among patio. 11nack bar. Anda founta•n 111111 JI'. N""Jl•llt, Hrlluu Ill, 11111· of, Y••ll lln1ti;htrl\· ~uy "That'• a them, K ilt rn Mari;reta Bruning a.nd hou11eket plng um ls and cab· "°", \\ h11 l.1w11.Y, A t~11111.1r !'oltn· ~IO<'lf'.. "11, n 1111 the tin•I' 11 .1 a ot Corona tlel Mar. wbo"se daugh· l.nl •.. • att In the tropical mnn-1< n She11dHn ~ c .. .ii:• r all f1 .. 111 ter Tina 11pt'nt thl' p1111t four ner. It you wish to cruise up thr :->ewp•>rt Harbor ""'" 1111ol th•• yai• 1" \',.u i·an nuw curred your w('eks ut !'8mp a.nd who returned cout from Avalon the Bhrnclw lllwly At h. ooner \\'h1te c1 .. 11J I own •'t t Ml! by drnpptng In a t The home Sun<ley. W . will bring you along with the from Sanla Barhar1<. <"rRl'k••r l!arr•·I. 1211 Ag1He Ave., l'\Yiggs on Vacation · M r .an.t Mr ~ C'hatlu \\'titC ,,r 1h,. t::oq'l•'r"'' ,·,.mr 1 .. 0 FrrJ•Y ro•r " m.•nth, \'acatlon In Ohio an I l"anarta. ---~--~-~ I P'llRTl'~O FO:'\TES. S ac t o 1 n11na1trna1 ra n -"Fo1 mul• for old sit•! N on ... J ('Ul'U a ll my family h•",. Jll•t bffn pr«-lly t<•ugh." For That WOllderful FeellftCJ of Fit! Maa~wtar P a nties of c.&·• 'I• ... u ' ,9\. OflJ Acetate T ricot lhnd Ir.it hnrl. Pink, wblt.e. ~Utt 4 IU 7, 19c mall and coplu or the Newp<lt l ll~ll.:"1 1~111nrt, 'nn the rl'rry 111 \ l'AREST'S UAY Harbor New• PreH. Loa Ang!'les I :in I p1111 h'tstni; c1t1 .. or mn;e st· I A 1,,,. 1wer fnr the day Wtre the Examiner •nd Lo• Angeli's Mrs. Goeldner tra1 UI•' l'l'lollllll' ll~h t111y11. t'llC'h 'Fred Mar .M urrays (June Haver) Tlmca. I bc111111g a t11rre11 nt kind or craft of HollywM d whn crui11ed over Th c t.al J l d c · Q A } y • • ! I I I T to f;•'" their daughter Sue • . . . e a Ina !! an ompany s n nnua lSl t I '"'"' In OC'd 'l'lll1·r.,, hf'S( a1e anJ whn !-=""" 1111 the girl• quite ger, Malcom Rl'nton. 111 do1ni: lltrs. Ce11ri:e Gol'ldnC'r M Zli \\'11.1111 an.I lltt' "''lltlable only at I vrce-prealdenl and general mana· , the wm k or H11'1 la a nJ Gortlon a thdll with thl'1r fne-n1lllnes11 I bl h 11ncl intl'r1•;oot rn fl hr 11rt1vttle1 at evtryt ung po~sl e lo J:l\'t· l e :11rJ St. ltft \\'Pdnl'~dny m..r11tn~ Thi" li11rrcl. :-.ru111n't o\·nlook the 1 yachtsmen I\ J;UO!I t1mt' an•I v11ltH• ll•r h<'r 011n11nl ,.,,..,t or ~1x w1 .. ·k~ fine rrirnung Srtnily rt l 'x dn a!S-O. I th!' romp rN'PIVed In exrh11ni;e for the new tn :0.11'!'-l tnn\'tltl', lltonmnuth ""'I Adv. Othl'r :'\Pwport partnt, who $20 landing permll per I><•"' prr nthl'r pornts In Orc>Ron. She will / h.H'l' 11111s .. 1 o\'f'r lu attend the year ... eo If you haHn't a v1s1t R 11l11t er an•I brothl'r a nll ;=============;; c11mp 11111• nt',y t\ll\S were Betty permit ll ca n be obtalno•tl from thi•rr 111mlll~ll 11nrt old frlf'nlla. I 11n1l c:;, . .,, .. ,. Hou" or Lido l!lle J" I .~ kl I " "' gen ta I au 1er ntz. <'tl\'f' l f'· Thr <:;01•llln1.•1 • ll\'o'il In 01 l'J:ll n I" hu 1·1< m" O\'<'r f11r the day with h pri>st'ntallve 1u you t>lep nn t e bt("lt C'omh1i; tu l'ullfornla 1 the C';11\' C'"o"r"r, on ThunJe1 bird lst hmus plf'r. t,1 ~··e thP1r d1111J:hter Mel111r1a; • I ltncl !'Ill ancl Bill MC'('nok (If Bal-LOCAL \' A<-'llTS~u::-.-Son for Bowers boa who vrsflt'•I their daughter FROM NEWPORT: At lhe 18· L 111 lltr. An•I Mrs. JO~Pph RnWl'f, in . thmu11 cove las_' Wl'ek·end noted 32~ Esi<t Knux St , l't•i.11.\ ~tr~n I \\ t::o>T t::-."U AC"l'l\'E I C'rul11tr Su Bitch from Ba lboa. are pa"'nts nf 11 1,.1y bo1n J uly • :\OTJC'F: TO MARlNERS": pslatlsl K1n1(a Ransom from 2R 11t Hnng H n!<p1t11I. ----1---------. MAl~ING THE WELKIN .. RING-Always a center of attraction in the Paul ~f. Rog- er13' playroom is this old-fashioned player piano, especially when Paul himself plays on obligato on the ''bass-bucket'' accompanied by the Tom Ro~l'rs on thl' tnm-tnm. Enjoying the concert are Mrs. Paul Rogers and the honor<'<'S of last Friday's party, ~Jiss Janet Schmidt and her fia.nce, Bob Edwards who will be marri<'d AuJ:. 6 in Laguna Beach. Miss Schmidt, a teacher for four y<'ars al Newport F.lemen- tary School. is a Tri-Delt sorority simter of Mrs. Tom Rogl'rs and the party included oth<'r Tri-Dells from USCL and their escorts. -Beckner Photo THE BACKS ENTERTAIN BLECK LEYS ;\Ir Rn•I !\tr~. Ertward Barks or 1A1 :1 1-:.u•l B11y A\'e , cnler· t ;11m.,I ~I! 8'l•I !'olr:t Bamf'tl \\". Bl• rklry nf !'olsMn u 11 .. 11~" i:uc~l" ln.•t wrek. 111~ Ill"• 111• ~ ~ 11r•'<1rnpanrr'1 tho II••'<• ••n lh• ·r rN't'nl South .,\1111•rh tr\ rrin~,. Th" Hl rrkl!'y:t 111!1'1 8penl a m<t11lh fhhln$: In ,\l111nrAnl11 All•I \'lStl"! fll0':1'1:t In Keri Bin(( nnd S;rn 1-".J anr1srn Daug hter for Rices !\Ir 11n I !\Ir~ John R1cr, 161 I !\I• nt1·1·1~1 a !'.' • C11~111 :-.1 .. io11. a re p11rrn1~ nf 11 i:lrl b<'1rn J uly 2~ In Hn11i:-llMJ'ltnl. I -Coming Soon • THE FINEST • • • YET LOWEST PRICED Earl~· American MAPLE FURNITURE . • • • an'lw~ere Open Frlclayt •ntil 9 ~,,,, In r111~. "111., 5ittt .s '" 7. WAVES SPECIAL Complete $10.00 Permanent • s7so New Location 357 N. Newport Blv. ~.'"I\ 10 10 ••• $1 so •l.35 Cros:;roads \'illage C'<'nl<'r BIJ~. oppt•Sit\'! Hoag Mt'morial Hospital \lrJ1uru lrttRth p~n11c Pin\, "hllt U tt ~ lO 7. LlbC'rty -241 2 Cit,,; Beau I 'J S/i op F"r th'· !tn"'l 1n <.:1111111crdal l'nn•1n1· rail llnrlw•r Jlilll, Job l'nnttni: l•rr11rln'1 nt ~u<" 11 tn 11 '..SI •.o ------- 0}M'n Sunday 10 t.o S --~>N~tl ~ Of,,.,,,T~'°" $TOA9 O:S Tiit: OCEAN YRONT ·at Und Sl~t On11 sho rt block from tht' :>;~wpnrt P ier ~l'wporl Beac h • wt; mn: 111 • H titu;t;s STAMPS Mario~s Smart Set Hair Fashions Our Permanen t SPECIAL will be Ava il able until August 15th Hair Styling hy MAR IO & llnltcull rJO? f'f 1 n nnrnt \\0 11 \'lng Al I'• hr~t ROBERT Tinlin~ Corona del Mar 3407 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 5104 Fall Fashion Show presented by Virginia's Yardage Snip'n Stitch Shop featuring styles created from Bates Disclpltned Cotton11 and Tarnmorr R<'g1menttd Cotton• Thursday, August 4th 12 :30 p.m . at Vill a Marina Restaurant j I • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAG6 l 'A . ny' MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 1 rt . LIDO sHoPs FESTIVAL SUCCESS AT to Launch CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY NEWPORT ISLAND DriveHere The Newport Island Festi\'al, held J uly 23 by the women's auxiliary of the islanu. prowd a quitP succC'llsful undertakmg. sponsors rC'portNi. Mrs. Kt•ith Rima. pr<'hi<ll'nt nf t h<' ;1 ux ilrn ry, said. "\\'(' wish to thank t'lH'h nnd t'\'i.'ry 1ml' who helped us make it such a won<lt•r t ul RUl'Ct•i:.;:-1 " She report NI ttu1t proceeds r t'l'('l\'t•d alt houg-h not suffiC'iC'nl will Rtill nrnkl' it p oRsiblt• tn ~·nirt work .. on the Nl'wport Island Park ''l:'r~· i;11on . Thl' park 1::< being laid out an conJunctton with C'tty plans. Summer Park Fun Enjoyed by Kids Tht annui.I ~111\'atlr•n A 111\\ · frlt>n•l•h1r "l'r""'" in 1mrrn1 t 1•r ~l11\('\,\ "'" !Intl """'I fl l'll\'lt1o'8, \\Ill hr l111111r hl'.t 111 ;o\Pw110 1t this W<'l'k 111<ot1l1ni: t<' J 11hn E Sthl· 11•1'. '"'•cl ron111111ntl\' lrsH11•r an.t r h1t 11J1111n 11r thl' :'\1•wrort Rtad1 ;tpnn!lt'•nnir <·<'mm11tt'1• "1 ,1\lllni: 111 '"" llf'I'""' In thf• ln1 111 '""" 1cr<' ~It S•1dJ,o1r. Mr I. I.. J~ht•ll llrrht·rt M Hnlk<'r, APPLIASCt.:S -Rouebold l'artll -IH-1\l<'r -Sl'n1ce 1.tnO t :U :C"'g(I(' s.-:!4 \Ml l.ldo -R&rbor 61tt t 'TO~OBll.~ DEALERS K rw 111111 11sttl en r~ J'iill 'Kt:t<T'L ~Tl'llt:RA.KF.1' ~ah'8 ~t'r\irfl l'arta lUl6 ~r\\port 81\'tl. -Har. 61t .IKl\tl">< 1' \'nn Py kl' H"llm<I A B~JlfK ' \\'ili:hl 1111.1 Ho•~~ C:H•rl••\' · S J•'lin•I• "''"' ,.11mt•••1 h<'I t' will bf.' llank nf Amr rka !\'T ~ 8A U11t •I f11r ltwa I j<llJIJllt•m('11t 11 I Alt· S''' \'la Lido -Harbor 1611 •1~1an1 t' 1,, r111l1lrc:n 1tn1l 1.1111111 .. ,. BARRER SHOPS , In n•'•"I. ttn<I for lhf' m111nte1111n1'<' I ,,( ~l"I•' 11111111utt"aa.I lll'l'Vh"ll 1•f UHO ~ltA\I S1l M1'0 c; ll . ~t In Rld"f'll'• !<Ito"' for MrD UH• S•1lv11t11 m Arm1 , 111 ll'I · A· S-&!" \'la Udo _ Ha.rbur nM lf•1l l'h.urmAn Sa1lh<'r h.1• "T'" BEAUT\' PARLORS l'""I' I 111 .. 11 1•11l1hr·"I'" ""'' •'•11· I.If)() ~'"""o' Ot-' tit:At'TV 7• '" '" •t'll•I \'tohll\1 •I\ 1!1(1,. t u s u ;, -'l•I. Hhcl. -H ar. ~:1'11 tltl' l •olll tllllJ'l\11:11 l lo:t<lllo'I Jt.,J,tnol \\ 111.ht ll..r1~ .. r Ame111 11 BOOKS WHITE'S PARK A \'ENUE MODELS -Crowds gather on a Thurstlny each 'month at \Vhill"'s Park Ave. Cafe 011 Balboa. li>land to lunth anti lmik at the latl'st styll'l:I bl·ing l'lhown in N c W}llll'l Harbor. Top, left, Marilyn's Shop sho~v::; a ~art blark crepe Urt'SS .• with mandar111 c:ullar and thn ·i:·quarkr sleeves. Thl' • poodle is Bobo from RuJC's of Udo. Top right, Franc<'s Norton models a brown and black suit dress from hvr s hop. Jt is appropriate for afternoon col'klails or that jaunt into t own. Bottom left, El Jeans ~hows wha t tl\e cvmfort.able gal Wl'ars fur sunnmg 111 Ntw1•ort Harbor. -:taff Photos OLD GLORY Sorority 1 Hears Flag History R"a:"l~r n1<••"11\1: .. r \hf' 1':11~1- lon ~ll!llH• A lplJ•• 1 'hapl• r was hrl.1 11l thP 11<>1\1" 11( :>.t ri< Rav :-.;"11•1•1•11 <11 :'\1•w11111 I ll1•:1:ht • f,,l'I \\'••olnl'~al.11· Mr~ J 1.-•r>h ~t t uup 1(1\\'" 11 bn ,•( 1tUl1·u~~111n nn the h1.!elor_y nf Th,• Anwn• "" 1h1a: 11111>1• \\hn 11t14'ncled lht' 111r•rl· Ina: "• '" :It 1 ~ < ;,,, •1 i;:.. lkztt.-zurn Prescriptions at PRINGLES 1•,,.,.,.,11'1l11n• 1111•·•1 'Ill II\ p.m. Free Film! I Mr11 H"'< f:$,.fl ;lfr• CIRt1·nt'<! F11ll! r ~I n• l.11wrrn1" Hnlbin<•k. Mr~ R."' '\o"l·•·n . :llr" ~1 ro11p ~I,. to'11111k T h:11 .. 1, .\Ira. Huw11 rd ~rn1lh, M• ~ 1~11 haul ~mnu~. ~''" ~;\'c•rf'lt R1,1r P 11nol M r~ L. \'. T1t vlt,r. ~\l it M"I 8 Pr ry, ~'"" < 'l1<11'nc'" 1.11uio \\Ith PK•·h rull uf hhM'k and "hit.-. ,17,.,. l'?i. 6:!0, 8111, 120. 11 6 l1·tl \\II h "" for cjfo\-rloplnl' 111111 l'rlntlnt. "" "Ill l'h'I' ~·ou a roll ,,r th•· "lllll" •lu FREE. I :-.;'f'JCI mP~l tnj\' Wiii '1\» Thlll <· ti"' A 111: 11! HI ih.. rnm" etf ;\fr• M,,I An n ThP lnt 1>llr1 t o f I h" ".,.,. " Ilk,. itl•ll'' II 11t1m11~ lh4' llR:hl nf hi'"· •·•n 11n1t rdl,.1111 It A lll!U~I \\' Hl\11' PLANNINc; SE 'SION -Mem ~rs of t h<' Nc•wport Harbor L'ol \\ 1l11.1m l':ibrll Chaptl'r of thr Daught ers of thC' Amertr:in H1 •\·ulut1••tt makl· plan!' f,.r tlw annual fund raising fashion show luncheon to ht> bl'ld a l th•• x,~wr .. •rt Ho1rbnr Ya<"ht Club ~pl. 15. 'I'hc group mN at thr home o f ~!rs.(;. urge· B u1·1·11l.1. G:-11 \'1a l .1d11 !'11u.t at left. Othc•rs from le-ft arr ~frs. \\'1llnm B. Tritt. reg1•nt . ~11 =-J .11111·=-B. T.iylor. t1ckei d1str1but1on .• t;uulml:. Mrs. A. L. Pmklr~·. \'II(' rt'g1•11t :11\ 1 ~I rl' I Inna Id r Hart. in charge of modC'ls. -!'tllff Ph<1tn ''•-Irr ~Ir,. l'rlnlio RI ~ .. 1,,1..,. ('hal"k• '.!~ llOI ft 1<1t:1n I< 't; Balboa Bridge Winners T old; Next Play Friday 'pr C'~• ll'tl "''''r 1 h" 1)1!'111< ~" P"' · I 1l'ln "' th•• lllf'"l lnl.!, "ht• h 1n1 l11d· I Pd th>' f''J"IT'l ••I I h<' 11\'-lll\<'~ ··nm· m lll"P h1 M11< E1·rr•lt. 1'111 k• anrl lhP 111mpl• t11•n ot pl11n~ , .. , ST AF .~!~"p01~ SON t;U :<."l'IU('i\I. 1'41;\THA<'TORS rh!•nr · Llht>rty 8·1459 I th<' ""XI 1111'"\tni: wh .. h \.\'tll "" h"lrl A ll): 21 Al thP l11trhur H"ui<r ~,. 1111•1 .\llJ< l'11r l 81 rlJ.On n f 11etkh "''''''' Pl\llt•Wl'lll Wlnlltl • ln l'MllA M PM• . l 10 Rh't'nltle "'',.""" !\""por\ 84-.aeh l.ni;:un,c Ao•111'h "'"rt> f'!ll\t.'wr~l Mnnrlt1\' Rrtt'rnnon,. ~!I ntl' wh1lr Art.,11lani.; iu .11 111ni.:· 11wnt• Many Books Added to Library Shelves w annPr.11 in Frtd11y f'Vl'nmg'a jup-h1J:'h l<t'nfl'f'I\ no1 l h·l'out h "'f'f't mn•ll' h.v Mr~ \\ 1llAt 1I J oi dnn th•~ l11·11te j!l\ffil' in B11lboa wh1ll' 8 11111• Hrnwn Mtl W flh11m C.1lh,.rt will b" 11 flrnn•'r o11<n• I' to 1n<'ht•lf' nnrth-i•m1th h1i.:h ~1·1o1rr11 Wf'rr Mr l111nn .. r11·11p •'!ll'l·V.'\'•I V.<'rt' th,. lllPnlb••r• nf the (li 11n1:1• ('mm· Rn•I Mr,., J o,. \\'1lr6x flf S11n r.11b· :11r.!I f'f'rf'y Cnowll'y and :ltr11. l~ <.:hapter 11f lh" A0mt-nr11n In · 11rl f'r,rnk Fnl:t>I; !-1!"'. Pa11hl\P Sl'~'rt 11t ll1tlf' t'( All httl'< 1~. lh•·ll \'1\r• H11nne1s-11p 4'8sl·W<'1'1 wrr<' and .\fr.!' Frttl J t'hn.•on Mr• :1111· 11nd f n<'n1l1< :\1 rs Gmn\' .Laux aml MI)I K ..ilh· •h• I LytlP 11n1I Mrs. A. r.. fl<•t'11·' T hn1<1• wh" a lll'nrl!'rl \hP J 11h ennf' Sn11t h, Mlll. C•·rLru•I" C'"x bur I,". m""lln1: "'l're :lfrl' (;111• • R11r· Hn I \\ 1l11•1m t 111c11n. ,\lrJO Chari"" Runn<'1--11r nnrl h·!lt'11lh .. , re r"" ~. M1 ~ \\ tlli11m 1--11•1lkn"r Treat the famlly to a MICHIGAN VACA710NI ;..:, v..• hnt•k" :l t.t, l l11 I h, ,, ,, l 11J t Br111 h 1'11!1lir l.1ht 111 olt" •. l•l'l• 1n1111010' lht' f.•lloo\\ oloj.. Fu·1 ion. H nn1H 1 t '' • \ ... , I,, '"" rh. T hi' \ollll t. ti\ '\o I II '"' Mc•r• . I •11 nP Th• Fl 1 • • :111. F1t'ltl. H8\' tud•• Hhl•·r t-P'" • •, 1 Thr l'lnnrr l '11·1 1.y1111 ·• \\, Shi\ II Ml\lt h A,t.:tllt .\!-JI.If PJ• ·I.' In \'IO'W Anti \1001 !111 •I ~ \Iii o •I Sumn'''r Tht"'r~ nrP 11nl\ f\\1• 11\:-I•'' •l tlrll'JO. H11ll111,t.:1•r . T 11 .. T .. ,•111 :o:· I TI1r 1'ft1I And :lht •h ~t "'' • .. t J11~t11 I' F,iop!'l'inlly ("r ynunK t'•"'i'I" .11 • In ftl'tton . 11ukh. \\'1J1t 11111~•· Tamrr, H11rt" di I •11~11· 1 ·1.1.1k l,(lflP, E l1•Rn••1 Tl , c,.i111, ·1 '" I Wyrirlha m, \'1rnwl l:11 °l lh1n• h ='•'I· f1rt1"n hnnk1< n1 •' fll"n•J 'rll" I ;r, 'It !'Ito!")' "' \\.l111lr• 11nd l'nl11n II 111 nibllJ "' C'r1rth111:•• N"n·fl< t1C'ln H" 111.ir~ 11 r-1 • 11,,1 ~r. Rrri•trr. \'11 tnn • 11 "t ~, ,. r.11mrr11 T h" An 11un ,. ·" II q • pln•ss: Pu•r!IAll. Ff'l\f :-<' rik•" 11 and $r hln•llrr. It""' T<' t, '• ,'l•;.\ Daya A Yr11r Sall'• An· I I 11•111• "" • •rr-•r· r 111° • are nuthnrot 1n thr'r 1 · rnnini:h111 Gu1d• T " F:.1rn ni: A f,I\ ini: I A' r I ~llrAI ~n lr~ l'•\'l'h"l"I?'' II '' Mnrr. <'Pl"'' 1111 • ,.., 1n • 1 "1.:n l...&njtUIU?I'• ;lt11rri•· I • 111· ' •• r tJe. in l311~1nr,,., i'flJ'• ·, t l '· •r n• OJ!port11nll1t'll tn '"'"' E n(.•t1 • ·1 1 nl fmunll"IJ"RI•: l'•1ll1t1k 1•1p,,r:•rn1 tiee In Ortmn,.t rv 11n 1 111•1• • .t" ! 8u~r. Clp1\l\rl11h1t11.. ·1 l'•'• ""' ogy Hi1'lor~· 1111.t ti "'"' 1n1 "''" Bl'flln4'r kr I ·1 111 .. • nf T hi• H 11 lr·1 HK-.1.1: ('lr l11n.t V11•m \\ 1: '•rr.o•• To F.nir1rr • 't' ,,, l>.111• t • , r Ralf; J.:111 h· \\'Mht•1j'l"ll II I. I Hall, T hr ~ r i: t I• 11 1 I•• II 11 ,t 1 ~ The l.11nol C't I 11 1 ·' I··'. ' '"' 11 •nbc>r>="r 1 '.1mp1U11· ~tn:rnrr• ,, ,, · na11. l,111q:•1 1 • T'"'" • \\., rlf!l n~ ~-u il•'tt "' '. ,, r. '''1111 111 !-"•11f\·\\t •• t''~ q~ t '••hu .bl \ r,n.t 1 •1 ... !•.,rn•· I •.tnL.•·1 J-. ~f\· I ••1~Un\ :-;t ,. I" -•J·lit• • hit. Atkin"'" I ' ~ r , ~ • • "t I • H,t t. t t •, •rt 1 f'\\ • Ho11rtln111n and :llno l.1hh\' Lllwl' M r~ I, H \\'.1JOhhr""k a n•I Mr~ :\Ir" I .h •111•j< B .. 11,.r, ;111 q 1'111111•1 H11nn••l"·llf' n11rlh·~m1th ""rr ;\Ir• Ru'h H11rhl'·11n· Pt'r• ,. 1·111" 1,.,, t.ll1·1b11"'k .inti M r,. 1',.rk,' f !" •n· F:1ln11 :\lat ;\fA,t.-111 hn•I ~I r,., MPrle a nt1 ;llar-hnll K··lr'111m ,\I t'< Hn· Ill Ana :\1 1 • !1111111-,, •I \I!' I :\11 I 'r.mh"t ;II t > f: T :\!• :\I 'n•1• ma ),rOl'r 11n•I Mr. F: J \\'u k •• l oordnn nf C 'ci.ll\ M•·•a .\I 1 • :\larn-1 1 . cn•I MIJo. 1-'.l"t\l\u r ="<'"'""mt•r Ft4'•1 m1111 11 t \\tlk• <;.uckn ,;,,,, \II< , I It ' Jt.n:.•111 ~f,,ri .. ,n Ant Anih· T.t~lnr Th,, .. ~tour ""I 11\••'l F'rut.t' al ~1Ar\.,n HPnf1n. r•anA I'•·•"' \IJ, I! I '• 1.1.i ... r l,l\ta llo nrv. ~!1 • 1· 1· l\f'ml'"T of Sllnlllj 4ll F::i~t U••••tn Frr•nt v.1th pll1~ l ~t.·r S rhW RI!"' ="•'"I' it' I "l.i" • \I' 1' 1' n• II· " "••I· An11 111111 f'runk F'u~4'1 of Long s111rt1n i: 111 ';' ;;o pm H'"" h ~1 1~ :11 1111.,n \\ 11-n .Ir •l•1t• •. \\1". 11•111' :llR•I•·· j flaJl1,,11. nn•I Mr • l '11il L»•n~ 1· .. ,.1 '• r.• • "' 11 r r H 1'11n L•·" 1... ''"' ,t, I :\t,,r 1·,,,,•1 h ••I II• :II· 11 1 ... rl, w ' AJA G A--------------- Ill• Tl,. 1 ;11 11 , i-;t, 11.11,. 11,.,1,-\t.-RAH BARA <"l'Ll.1\' A :-; S 11 '" \1111••1~· I T11 .. ,\1 .. 11 UllS 11( l 'lllh• r-omen s ~oup r tlk111 T.1 ' I 1'!•• 11•. Tho• 111..; J (' i:rud f'r•ll'l•'l'• II Ill I»• II •I!• Ly 11.••n t-tnit \\ ''"; n \\ hn u .... kn•''. -r .. ,. ,.,.: T.· ,.;,.: ""l);.I\. T·"··t Meets, Maps Plans '· !,.;f' ,.. "'•W(·t I f rfrt• :-; r~1 !\\ !' ' .. f:11•k •lti->l'•t1dlf•1dtUl1HHlldl•lf1 .q. ,\111t•1· 1'11u.pl·1t ('•••kl11~1lt ----·I ~t\Y II \\'1th I"' 1111'.1 1!1 ·I t:o .. tl. r .•nd 1(1111... Mt>nil•··•~ 1•( lhl' \\'on1~n·. At· '' "' 1·1"1•111 1: 1r \\ith Thi• 1•h1 1t·c t111n1 L<·11i.:11e of Southern ,\fa"'-•, .... t •• •hc1 Th. 1:1•:ttn.i...n'..; \fnatt.11 l •t• •:,•ti\ 'TJu• C)\'tiiU'•J Hotik . 'h I.~~ \\ at•·1 (·~,lot l rilUA.· •ht• I' f c· •'~1111 f".tlnt1UJ: f l1j!ii.f,t0 1 .. ., \"' 1•,. L \'"ur t h\"l Hn•n<'. f·1 I• ., •1 •:t""'• 'U•HIH d ~t 1 r:, t :.• H ,. :I 't<. •' \i'J"hr•f \t-.·t,. ''"'"' h u·c•v1f ~s.,.1r-rn ~J'•·=--:r··~-f..n,\ H . .t.,·,·ar, t:-•''11 ,,,. T!: ft• r~~,q "1v: l~\\Tr' "',. l'h• \ · 1" ' '" 1:-~lun: I 'nlk1ni:· •·nt re \\ • "u )! ~i·\' F,.~, ttn fl·it~·• ~~ :-: 11 hts L 1\1r): ~1 •· 1 t-,.,m ': •·"" l~· 'tP\\ ··•I ~t· "'' n~ Xrr- 1, 1• I , H11n I T q l'lv Tac kit r ·h·:•'L Th••f!>IQ ............. i'n(t~I .. ('If •'ti•, 1• .1 H"'' P··~t \'Rn·l1>1· ('nhf11rn11t untl f'R.!lilll• nA Wl'r!' ,,,. 111111r~ Ht the rf'.l(\llAr mt'rt1n,ir n( thP \\'nnwn's An·h tll'<'l11rAI IA~ 1r11r Of Or11ni:<' C m1nt v wh"n ll 111..i 111 th11 hnm l' nf Mri1. F.verPll l'nrk1 1n SAnlA An11 :l!rii Hrrman Light. 111embrr "' t hi' L<'S "ni:el•'l' I h Apt .. r &n•I 1 hn1rman nf tht' rl'ptrRJ rnm11111- 1 e.. nr \\'A 1. n r f. a n 1 ;r; 11 t I o n J< thmu~hout C"11llf"rn111 wt'koml'<I lht 0 1'11nll'e Count~· irroup "-" 11.n llux1hAry to the Amrnr11n In~t1· 11111' e>t Arr hltec tll t.hrou,rh tht •pone1>r11h1p Of the OrMge Conn· I\' C"h11 pltr, AIA. Sh• d l"CUllU<l 111• pro•'""' of ~onunit 11 mtm· '" i.; I 1 'r '· "' .t' r ~1· •rl and Z111• h4'r nf th• 1t1\tt commltttt through '"t t .. ·i.:. ·'"'• "" l 'Rn l':H"t Llelr f11te l"t'preMntatlon. \I._,• .11 .. ·~ ' o I 11 m f' ~ 111 r . Mr11. A C. Zimm1'rm11.n. ml'm· 1•1 '" ! • II "'"'• Si<•• Aloh11. ber ot th• Pa.sadtna \VAL 11.nd 1!;10:\ 11. 1.1 I-1u111 :>.!y F.'perirn<-f'; I l!•1r~•·""· l-'r1tnl1tr To ~pllre: ChC\'· Storlet: French No\'1!J.a ; Bulfinch, •II• r Tlw w .. rld ('hl\r\1'r al\tl The Bulfinch'• Mytholoo ; Quel!Uona \\ l'rl•I Tot 1'1 ·" .. : I''"""· GrAn,lf<>r'• I and AMwer11 on Rea.I Estate Law; l ~· !•·x In l'n• ! 1 ~" 1'11lb1rr. X owh•'rl' :\ft'y•re, H i11h·Spt'ffi Mat.ht'mttlc11: ="· or 1',,,,.,.,t ~nm11.-h10"n. Thi' Mtllay, Th<' H11 rp-Wf'aver and l•r.11 .fl • :<t 11· M Thr Thl'atr t : OthttP~m1:Mlllay,S1'rondAprll; !-·1 1•l . T•· .. l111a1lnl~h,;,i :llin•1 nnJ MaupAM&nt. Short Storltll of the T • I••• ~ '' • 11 \\"pJfa rr 1n Th" l'nll· Tra~y ·a.nt1 C(lm('dy of UlAI, N a· •·I !:' •' "" tlnn11I Gt<11trAphlc M&«u1nt: Our lll'l'n •rnrl' lrP11~11n·r 11( 1t11 1•,,1111 .. 1 l'un o1n111"" nopnrterl nn ft I• 11•111 I nlf'l'ltni: 11f th" , .. mn11tl<•r "' ~Rn-1 111 RJ1hn1 .1. ;l!1JO Ch•nn lh•l1•h. nlPnlh,·r .if \ h•> Ln~ A l1L;•11,.s :10 .... , \\'Al •. h 'J"•lll'd on hr!' 1<'1f'nt Ill · bt w • tPn•htnr• 1ot thr n'llh•nl\I r""'""· l'art~· Rf'nf.al lfpms 11 .. n l\L ~linnl'"l'''la~ \\hl'tl' 1·1111f· q .. , ,.. 1.,,,,.(ll u 111,,.,1,.,.,.,,\1,,, "t n1;1 ""''"'"" "'. 1 <' ,.n1•·111.,nrot II\· Hart.or i:. .. _; 1 th" :II nn"•"t" l'luh,o I tlV :llr, RAlrh ~1111r I lh:it n ~n 1· ===:::=:::=::.::: rr .. Jt'tl• Rrl' (Rl'1('t1 ""' hy rl•1b• DEB 1----. t h to11,: hout the rnunl ry. tn• lu•hng hnme l'h11ws. 11r1 Anrl 8rrhrt•·rtur-, COLLECTIONS 111 PXh1b1t.,, 1'1'h nlar,.h1ps fnr etu· dtnt atrhltrrt~. rrintrn~ nf honk· A~unts -Sotft _ Clalm• ot lttt for p11bhr lllfnrn1llt1"n And I a.ny kJnd ot debh·ao,rwbere la nther 11~1'ful llM1~1:ir11 o to the Amnlca. "~o colle<'tlorui -!'\o AIA. ttt." "" ad\'M<'f' aJI co"' .. M r~ Earl H••1t11<'hm11H. ~Pm· C'RF.DJT Bl~EAtl ot bl'r or 1 lle Ln~ A nj?Plro \\'A 11nd "tStc ni Onuire Couty f11 ~l prel!ldent of thl\I nri u -fnnntrly C ffdlt Bu~a of lion brought a wtkome sn n· St"'pc>rt ~ach. l..A,..una 8-ca. coura~nir mu~11~e from tht l)U· and COll\a MHL ern California Chapttr. ICM Rlve,.lde AV!'., P.O. Bo1 SM Mrs. Kermit Dorlua, pruid.iit. 1'EWPORT BUCH, CALIF. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA · CRAPl!:L liU Supetor Annue Colta Meea. C&llt. CHAPEL BT THE SEA 3620 IJ:. COA8t Blvd. Take factory delivery of your new Oldsmobile ••• help pay your way on what you save! SAVE UP TO '18800 \u nro•ol ln•lrf'trh llllt ••• lllf• ANV>1tnl It• "flJ••\ ''•Ur'-'' •11''" 1f11 .. ,,..,,. ,,.." 1·~11 h~l1• IMY ~ '"" "a, "1th"''·'' ""' •• ,, ,,, t•l.111i: 1frl11rr\ ,., a "l:•o<I.• 1" f n~111r I ll•l•111nlorlr ~l I ~ll•lllf, \I 1• 111- 1 , J,'.a11' ''°I' 111 fur '1•1>11-: 1'11 I.. '"'" f~\t1ri1r I ll•f•mnlulr thrn pa•\. 111' th• fari11h f.,r 111,. "'"'I r\r1f111~. "'"•t Pi'llQ(jfJUt'lf \'l t llli111 """ ..... , 11 .. ,f! Ill TOUI NIAllST OLDSMOllll DIALU MILLER CHEVROLET· CO. I \ tct:" F. :;<lfl \ la ~fal&l'a-Harbor '611 l.lllU t \'lllUSS !111 9 '1•1 ltht1. -Harbor Ntl ~II\ lllH)( k 'S !141 '.! \ la IJ1lu -Harbor 11'1 \'-\f;"\OSft HfH'!itF. l111 1!411 trd l'ft<11t11wl'ar J.f'?6 \IA l.ldo -Harbor _. DRt'G STORES \'I S<'t:''T"·~ 1.100 DRUGll Ufll \la l.Jdo -Harbnr loot t.:J.t :CTRIC C01''TRACTOR& 1.mo t:U :<'TRI(' '4!!& na 1.1110 -JtarbM .,., i FU>WF.RS II Rll'HA.tlD'~ Llf)O MAAKrr C'o r1111$:1'11-T11blo /lrre.nioment. SUS \'la Udo -ftubcw Mii FOUNTAIN, GRILL \'JS('t:~T·~ LJDO DRUGI Jffl \'la lJdo -.,.._ .... FRA)ff..S & ALBUMS f;f:RHA.t<DT l'!Tlrt>I08 Ull \i. IJdo-~UM FURNITURE DICK MACKER SUO \·la Udo -.....,_ 6H1 Glli'T SHOP RlC'RARD'M UDO MAlllU:T USS \'la U!!o -Rarllor 1811 INSt;RANCE AGENTS W . O. RIT K, L~<'. MOO \''-Udo -Hart>or , .. , INTERIOR DE()()RAT088 Rf,.\_,THt~ .. 'ULKF.R~ON A.f.D. S4 II \la IJdo -Hart>or NM Ol<'K MAC Kt;R S.f~O \'la Udo -ffartlnr 6N 00!11 ('Kt:HiRTO!\' A. I. D. ~blaca lm~rh 300 \'la. &laiar• -Harbor 111' MARKETS Rl CHMUl'~ I.JO() MARllr.T JUS \'la l.ido -Harbor !llZI PHOTOGRAPH snTDI08 c.t:tCll,.\llOT :-.Tnuos SUI \la Ullo -Har~ , ... REAi. t:STATt; 1.1110 Ill. \l.r\ '"''l')('IATE9 l.1lfu I' ti•• ltt l!"t•ll<I• 3 1110 \ '·' 1.loln -1111 rbnr UU I'.,\, l' \f.\tl,lt I'\'<. 333:t t la l1tlo -harhur 11'>00 \ rn.t 1. t l>\tl'A' Y 3 1111 \1.1 l.hlu -llitrb<•r "nl n \ ,. ·' "' ru \nt t<P:A l.TY \ ,,. 1,11111 II ride• OHh·" 3112 l.1t l '11\l•llr -ttarh"r Hfl 't SA \'l~f;S ~ 1.0.\~ ASSOC'I.\ TIO~S I I ;\f,\\ l'OlC f II \l.IUI<\ ~A\ l'\Oll A I.fl\' A'•"•Ot l.\T I0:-0 A :-:.n 1111: .. J n~111ut111n 1,.ni: To·t 111 11. 1110 !""""" s:100 \ l• 1.hlo -Harbor Uot °'t:R \' ICt: NT ATION!ii 1.11111 ICH lfl 1t:1.u :I~ I :I ~''"I'" rt l\1\11--Har. •litT snot:.I.\ -M"n'" HUH\ t:u ::-i 1'·rotct: roR MJ;l'f ll4"!11 \ la l.ld11 -lb rhor ot•I snot:s. WOMt:s ICI l.t .' .. fll' f \I.lf"OR'\'rA 11111 \ l1t 1.l<l•-11 \ O~M fllt:ATHES 1.100 Tllt .. \Tllt; C'<in~11ll tl11'I l'"P"r fnr pr<'l(TUll "'• r.111 .... t ~t'" port Bh·d. llar~1r 21 1' fO\'~ J.1110 T0\'1.A-"O »4 ! \ la 1.1110 -llarhnr 2H t TRA \'t:f, AC't~SClf',.'I ti \ltHUR TttA \tr. Alof:SC'T !\Ill'> ~ .. \\p11rt RIHl.-llar. MH liPllOL.~TF:IU~O OIC'K ~/\(Kl.It H W \la I.Id~ -llarh<1r U 2ll \\'Al'C'll i~t:l'AIU \ "'' t 'T'<o \\ i\ ·re II ttt:1• A-"' J.IUU Ull t '"" I.ult \ l1t I.Mu WI~()()\\' ('O\T.R~G Tiit: !'CH \flt, 1"110 f' Ml~ot T1~111n :lluchr• ;lltll'A •· 1 ... '"'" H 1H•lhnmf'. Flair Number and Pf'rllnr. Prt:l'.I· 11 ... , \}ut•1~ •ntl Df'll'CtlVe dt'nt l loM. Phone Uh.tty 8·2121 Corona dl!'I Msr. Ca.Il l . f',)lont Karbor U :Sawport ~, Suit to f'~l OUIM-Ha.r. 186 ~--~~~--~~~~~- • r :Home anc1 Garden GARDENER'S CHECK LIST \'011 ,.._11d !hi' l'lhrr f1'110W9 W A!\'f Ad: he will ~M your• 1-------· ---- ·~ . ~ .. .... . . .... --, PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PREss l 1. f'llint now f1•r Chrl,l lllil" bloom \\'lnl1•r flnw1•1 m~ liW<'N pt'lt~ MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 2 Plant I hrs t' "'"'d" II•'" 111 th.. l't'l(l'\1tbll' Jlllrt!t•n 11n1l IN the fn 11 rtlln~ help Wll l<'I l/t'els. l111w•·1Jh, l1111s.,l'IS ~f'l'Ulll:-, l'llht111~1', ( 'Jttn!':O!' c-abllagr, t•arrnt,c, , u111tnow- ,.r. 1 el1·r~·. t'n1h \'C' kllll'. k 11hl rah1, l...i Lth'r, mus111nt. p111:0· l•')'. p11rsn1ps. 11t1h:;h 1·uU•· bal:R • .spm11t•h. t ut mp. 3. Q111t W6ll'Ttng lih.lt'8 Klld p••<1111e11 now Thi,. 1tJluw,. tht'm I•• gv 1lu rmaJ1t l'11rty 11110 prumotes b..iter llth l more pl .. nllrul flnwt>l'3 n1"H Sj)l'lng 4. P1~ up i:-1ad1ol11,. uulbs, al· low t ht>lll tu ,1 ry for on<: • Balboa Coves Wate r Front Kram.I m·w 3 IM-d- ruum. t bntb ho~. '"''Y ell'\,,, dt'!lll(ll. \\ he"" you r1u1 h&\'e '"''" m\ n boat •Up. $29,950 1100. NEW COSTA MESA BANK TO RISE IN MIDDLE OF TOWN \'O'ork till Custa ~!l-s.t':; m·w bank builJing got untler w:iy la:-:t w•·('k, but ufficial ground breaking crrt'mon· It's art• St lwduled for thi:; w('ek. South Coa~t ConstrUl'· t 11u 1 l'u. has t h<' contract fur the new s tructure. al'- coniin~ tu Charil's TeWinkle anti the wurk 1s t o be ru:;ht·J un rcceitit uf fina l plans from the. architel'l:::;. Th£' bu1 luing will face o n N('wport Blvd .. but will also abut on Center St. and Harbor 131\'d. The present park- ing lot will be maintained betwt:'e.n t he present builtl- mg and the new one. -Staff P hpto Wt'ek tn shnllow t rays or boxes. Dus l lh1• swr1'\l bulbs to k ill thf' lhnps. CONCRETE YOU CAN Al.JUOST S~lELL IT -Hot c risp popcorn bathed in but ter a nd sprinRled with salt can be popped in an old fashioned wire popper O\'er the charcoal fire t o g ive it extra flavor . Add 1a few hickory chlps for f<ear/y Mlxetl Concrefe '·Satisfaction GROWING TIPS POUR IT THE EASY • AFRICAN VIOLET EXPERT TO SPEAK AT bOCAL CLUB Authority Gives Advice zest. " WAY AND SAVE e Mrs. Jensen Will Discuss Key Points in House Plant Culture , On Afric~n ·violet f I ant A POPPIN' GOOD IDEA Pop Corn in . Wire Popper over Charcoal Fire is Fun Ur ;\IRl'. \\'\'~OXA E . JF.~SE:-.1 1 v.-,. covi:r our _ ~)!ant!! wtth nt'WS· TlH• A 11,11·an vwlet. botanicrilly P" per until ilr) · · ?.lure anrl m rm • J)('Oftle a rt> drs-pop corn In an opo.n wire poppPr. :'>l rs \\ \nuna P. J,.11~~11 "' F 11r mrn1br rs and )!ll"'t• \l'l•h· n 1m ... 1 ~atntpaulla. is not n trut' Insert prsts ar,, frw. If you· ro\'rllllJ! a n Mv kind .,( •lUttlo .. r Th• n. Jll~l salt and • bt1ll1•r thr l!l'llflnwr: · :~ r n;;ai:"ol 1 1 ~p··a k lni; t11 1tll• n 1 a l"•l ht• k ol11111°•r. \'111!1'1 but a mcmbC'r or the C'es-1trP ~n\'111)! 1ru11blc conltlrl a · J'•'PJW·! <'nrn in th<' rl';:ular wn.\'.1 \( I t !Ill n t ll\ I I I' l I I Ill \ 1110. l ( I I k lh l) 'hAlp i·nuk1n1.: 1 .. n p11pp111j! p1i p I • ... rr kl .I ( o n ; rte au ,·11; r• • lt tt· t• ,. .. ,, :-' It'' 1 ~"'' 11r ,. ' • L:. rwna• atu1 \', gro\ver "n1 a' • t"'nl ~ .. c-••I n 0, lT , hai l',•,tl ts n n~·\.\', u1 (\rrnt nu ,, ptip U'l'f't1nj: ~··11:•, 1•1\\' pf tl•1 (\i:-1\lL lh,• r~ll11\\'ltl~ , .. n •'JHP:-"l•"d .,\ Th•\' Jllii\' }J~ ~t'C>\\'n rrom S l\(111. you. ('l)l'll ttNH -l('ally d~hCJOU~. .\l •·~a-U11\· 1·1111·,, 1:1.1n•ll ,.r th.-t~1 •11ch It t11 111i: ,, ~:1!.1°! E li.:n-.~ arul· 11 .. 0,·n t11ns1<tn>. The J Tlw fr .. shly b1llt!'red a nti salt-Ir vi .u 11,.,,, 11 d oM"I nnd rnvl'r· f ',d1!11:r1111 :'\111 .. 11.t 1··1 .. h 111 l'"· th1 .. 11.:h L 111111. a J ,,_,1:t . an•11mnJ••nty o( plant~ are grnwn ., t"I pop ('11rn ts nn CXC•'ll<'nl 0 1•· '"I J';>pprr 11r p.iu. ~.011 can im· 1l•l\' \\lll•h 1·1!1 II·· !hid ill rh• ~I lhl«U.~h Z 1111111: 11 It•• dbh rn•111i. .. 11·,·~.1.nd the new varir--jn •mp1111m1,,n1 t .. 1111 kt ~:! 11f parltrnunl·d•iw:-yflavorbypop· 1-:1.-1. ti 1\-.!<· I ;-; I ... i .1 I !lt.•I · "'""· l.11 .n;: ~·ullJ '\\II t.tl•I•· ~"l \'·f u ... ~ lllflllO).:" from lhe 51'ed:1. A l'PnhllJ;' !tlltnl'lt'r drinks, but the 111111;: llW 1 11111 Ill htH'<lO d111•rrn1i;s 111111, l1.1rn.l'"l1 .1 r1oi \l•''",1 Sis, •<'C 311.J nt1ik l"I lh•• •l,d.tr i•11 h1•ullh\· leaf Will 1-0<Jl 1n from j mu~l fun Ill till IS th' i;ayc1v l --------~ ('1«\::i \I•'•' .1 7 :'.11 I' 11. Tit. •lull \\'ill >· f\" •1t1 • ""''" 1w11 lu th11•r Wl'•·kll J\ltd prodllt'•' • 1 thlll !'urn.-< Ill t he pup~•111i:: 11f 1 In aplte ot lhA Ct'mt'nt 1'hortai:-e \\'fl Art• Makin~ t ;,·,.ry P o"81hle Effort to l'itdl,,fy t bt1 S('t:ch of Our (.;ro\\1nl;' Community. For Con<'rl'te -t:a.11 Ca. WELCH'S READY MIX~D CONCRETE U 5 Commuclal Way COST A m :s A u 11-Ml2Z .. HaH• ua lllmpUfy yow <'OOl'rt'f <' wor k with a IMtd of pn<t•ltolon-mb:f'd '"'mc•nt ..• prl'parf'd to your order al a aavtJac. Liberty 8-2283 BAY READY MIX L'OC. • • • ~,,,. .h •1·•1l \\di 110111·! .. ln l l•'I •l•ollll •llK!H Hii i to•ll> l!OJll\ ''"" tu Sf'1'1·n or eight 1·nm fl\'<'(' th .. p1al,; ... t••po•l'llltl l'•Roy Gets License !:ilk"" t\'ll•llfl , .. 1 .... I 1 •., 1 lo All t11 .. ,. •• \\hll"ll~' t.i ,,. II ~II.'< j pl.1nt>'. s .. v ... ral ~hffcrC'lll mettwcls ! ,w it h 11111' 11( th1• .. 1o1-fitsh10n··d 1 I~ -.rrt rrn•I t:irm1 •rn· nn•l \1m-Jen-1•11 ,.. 7 :111 1"" 11:.-111\11t•1J may hC' U~(·d to -mot t-hc le1n~I i ';\'f'C' npMl ~\-Ire --pnpp.·rs ... ,.o SA<~HA.\IP.:'\TO Quincy io Hwy 39.i& Uunttn~lon Bcb. -?11-W. 17tll St. The ''-l•l.un a f, •··hHg p u;:t.>IH un ! ln ;,llrt1ol ll1t· .. 1 ,,,.,rn:· w tw11·r>r ~. nr h ris Wilt• r, \'1'rmk ulile or . 1 yr'u r nn i<re ll pnp. , .. ·' ' 'I 11·•1 "I' 1111 l l.1•\ alf<'I " 111 .. , •. I I t··k • .o;anll \\ h1•n thr~· 111'0' nbt•lll two SKll.l.F.'f OR POPPF:lt F 111 I l't.111.tli·r-. f>llhl1• oll' I 11 ti!· •• 11• d 1tlnl '" : tit 11' ti :11 I' nr 1nt•h1· ... h 11:h 11tVJdl' And pol into I A ny Jond nr heavy pan nt· akrl· r111111 >l.1 '• tl1.1l I " r ,,. J••1'l l•·n Tl,. pl.ill! !:./ii·· 1•. ... ;1 , 1i1.i, thrt (' rn1·h pols. Too la rKr pnts ll'l <'II/I he ui:ctl. '"'1111 It• IOI~ f;tllf(' hl't'n~p bn:tr<I Rn· 1w11n1 •' ! tndlly that T'111r11 k 0 . Hll\'. ,11:1 1: :0:. :"\t'Wf!"rt Blvd . _'1;.-wl"•rt ll· ·"Ir, 11111111!11 d fror n I LeL.M.JSI t ROBERT COSTA MIJSA FORBES '"ats ~I r. J·l1-•!I !1.1• "l'"''"l· 11•1111 , VII••'·'' ,.11 1 ..,1,, .. 1 \f· arP nnt l'"''"lllllll'nd .. tl 8$ the s Otl 1i ... 1 111 1111• ,_, w111i: • r ,\f11• 110 .I• n· j ltt•l•IR 1110 mu<'h water. 1 \'11•1!'1,'I n11d that >11 .. 1t11\1' hih 1""11 \iidt'l.• l-'"1'11 b\' ~1 1 f'lants sh1Jultl bl11Qn1 •,n frum 1flll<I J l llt''4 Ill h1•1 j,(l• l'lll~(i\J"'~ >l"I i\tlHlls,_l.,11 I~ (!q • SI)( 10 rii;ht month~. depending LILIES PRODUCE IN MASS }-... · 1t1 .-..~r .,-·,\ lfl;tlHl:1,lrl l111•{1•1 th,•.I 11 <" \\1_h•..,. t' .:1hl lt!ll l "' 111 Jo,1 ii '"'-' I" 1'1 1 \\.)..ht 1111· 1' :1,;t.d If, I>' ••II,, J-t1 1 II n1h·: t \\11 tiHll1:-; 1·, -tr I l:t l'l••Hll\.: Fu1 1r )t" lr4\ HK'' 1)1, 1r ,j 11:;:1·1•: ,. 11. 1? • l'l 11 I.II n R I"'' 1.t 1-:11~1Pr 11111\· 11n•I •hf"I\ ..... • 1111 ,h, lt1Jtt ~.r11.,· th• n ttl•·\ t11\• Ll\'1 t1 h11lh~ .1'.\ ,, .. nnd :-1 11 I ."' •• ,.,.d ,, •. ,,.J,~ 't·i· tht,,~ p11t'"''1i nh1•\'~' :--:1nrf 't111 •• MAX W . POPE Inc . c.t;~t:R . .\I. ('O~TR.-\CTOH~ "Wt' Arrangf' Finanf'in't" • I O\I M t:IW I \I. • .to~ g .. 1~a :\' , .. 11t:\ 1.1.C11'.'1t " r ~ c•wport llrach l .l h••t l.\' ll-'~'!X l Ju~t o rr ~pl. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMME~CIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 280 30th St., S~n-por1 ~h Harbor 2533 ''" ,.,. ri"I \' And i-;rowing ct1nrlt- t wn~ L t.:ht H ••Ill' 11( the m11~t Im· 1111rt1t nt f.u t .. 1~ ut lh•·tr ~ uH1va· •ion :\'1xl 1.~ h111111d11v and l h,.n I \\··II rll lln••oi l<11tl ll 0 1IX h1i;:h In I "'l!rllll• 1·1>n t1•111 T h,.v nrc Jlrnvy • f•••'•I<••" and 11 "'l-'Hl<lr proparn ''hunltl hr r .. 11.1wl'.t 10 ln~ure cnn- 1rnu ut1• bln111n. Never feed a dry ARRANGEMENT IDEA plant An 1·a.-1 '''111tlow wllh g-lass 1·11rt11111s I•• ,<hut u11l th" tltrl:'l't ~11n I< ;o n I'!• al l11r;itlnn. or 11. 1101 th """"'w ,,·1th no <'111 t<ltn l \'.11• 1 11 11J1 w.1rm w .1t!'r frnm . '"I' "I tmltr.111 n n.t n1•1'l'r 11iwl Wll!••r 1•·11 lht"lll!h I\ wnlrr i<11r- !1•11• t \\ • .-h Ill•' IC':l\'•'S w ith H.·11·,. R n••w ldrn f.•r rh•W• r 1•11· .. r:s. H 1 l:1~l11ni: hu• ki.;1 •1und <'Olc•ri< th1, 11t.-n lo sp111l tho 1><>n111v .. r a flr,ral 11rra11!!<" mf'nl: u1<r R ("lllPI" nf n!<bt'-"· 1 .. s-1 •'Ill• nt .-hini-;I• i. lt1 nrn.,k 11fr ttrl\\'.it\1,•11 w.dl or l ahlP w:11111 \\!II• t 11r1d all••\\' t11 dr\· 1111 a 1o.h:u~\' f1l1t1 •• nut <1( A th nfl. _ _ • __ , 1'' 11 :-hsuglt' lo pr•d•••'l sh1ooth l ~u 1 f u 1·, ~. A .... IJt·st•J-'S ~uJ1nJ{ sh1n • Apartment Units )!l• .. t11o1.1y .trl mad;· HI" Willi' l'lllll:I' n( lunrs nnd patt.-rn!<. to .. Rr. is,_eflt•I o••llnThM11r1<etlnsvatnr1k I \\lul .. lhtl' I~ R nol'r lly Ill!!' n f 8. popular b111lr1tng matrr111l. IL m rllr llll'i< I hr b .. :rnty color rx- 11111 11 « .. ~,,. .\!.:!la «1°1_\' huil.1111~ 1w rts l111v .. hutll into l0odav·11 !" 111 .• t .. 1 ' .. n-lrurttun o f $7!•,. l .... martly i;tyl•''i a~b··st"i. shttni:-. 1'18 111 "" 11 U11nn1~ on \"11 torrn l'l. ------1l'"n'"l111:.; Pf •1x hlliltllnJ;>. 1 h•· i ___________ ___ 11r .. ,. ''di • .. 111n111 I:.! :.p11rt111ent' al r,1r. ,\ H, •. P . F' 1111 I 1;17 A. II I ' I t F H JI Jlnw:mn \\'fl.a na11.• d ,. nltr.wln1 I Feed Store Planned ~l t:-i-I:. I-~ Sl '1t'h·1~•r Thu1s .. , i!11) f fl<1h nut u SJ f.lh•O J ,1n111l I :11°111 I" la ~1.·:.;1 • 11\' h111hl1t11! I ol<'Jl:.rtnwnl fn:-1·11nslr1u !11n1 1>( 11 11••"d !<1"1'' nl '.!'.!Ill -"""'J".r l Hl\«I \\'ar1l·lfa rrlni.:t11n l.umlw r C'u. \\'ii~ n1111w l ... nt1 1111 .. r '.\l'\\'f'Ort l\<·nrh -I.I >1-:\·111 --------1 ('11~\ll ',\1• ~.. H••\" r;.,,, nl»~r Sr !l:lllO \\. ('nu ... t H ti:lrna,\• the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desi9n and Construction CORO~A n t:I, ;\l .\ll 1'110 '.l>t : 11.\ICHOll J.)ll DON'T DREAM • • • • ACT! Art b>· ~tartmg a Sanngs Account NOW .•. many a kmt; t hl'.'ri~hcd dream and a St'l'.'m· ingly unattainablP goal han• bt'en reached b~· ~YSTEMATTC SA \"INGS. Start now -saw• rrl'Ulnrly each pay <l:iy. May we hPlp y0u toda y 7 COSTA M ESA ~BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1867 Sl!'wpori Bh·d. l.l~r1"1 8-S~77 ..----... -, .... u FEDU Al l'U OSIT -lwsvt 111NCECOOO•Afl_O_M ___ .... 1:1 m•r a l h1111"1ni.r .-untrnr torll II · Th(' l<t'<T<'l f•f SUl'l'"!>.'i l~ dt><· l'l'llS•' CO\'••nn~ ;u;,;t how hot a fire 10 1 _ h11v1>, and h{IW fa r to keep th<' Im cnnls rrnrn the popper .• This Plumber Lieensed 111 a" matt .. r r1! l!'Xpenmantatlon I on your own barbecue i;:rill. Cen· 1 ~AC'P.,\ :--1 E:'\TO i C:\'S 1 The erally spPokmg. a medium stzetl t·uulttoi lllrs ,.tnt•• li«<•n.•!'c bn <1r<I bt'd or w hite live <"harrnal abnut ~ Builder P HONE BARBOR SIM four lni'h"" rrnni tht> 'pnpper, I 11nn .. 11nt-.'d l lHH Ear I F: B1tllPw, works qultr wPll. "127 n 1,."r ,.1.t1• Av••, :'\r"·pnrl ARCHITECTS ;\f..\Kt~ fl I C K (It<\' S \IOKF.11 l:r:i1 h. h-..i q11,1f1(1 1·•I r .. r a 0 phunb· I tn;.: •·••r1l rttrt111 ~ h<.'<'11~, .. -... Me111ben of 1•orcoJC ~ I ____ _ To lmpun a t11n t111izlng flavnr t•f htr kury Lu thl' pnp rum. ad·l MESA America11 Institute of Architects one or two h1r ko ry 1·hlp11 to th<' roa!q T" k<'•'i' IL•• ''"""' fro.in UPHOLSTERING fl:\111111).,. f1rH ~·IBK It 1<1•\'!'l:tl h .. u1.~ 111 \\Hl••r 111 11111< wav \'1111 J:<'I lh1• h t• k• 1~· ~L!lt.Yke w 1tht•lll rI11rnr whwh would p•• 11r1·tt the l'pbol11t.erin( a Drapery 23ll0 NwpL Blvd .• CMOta lleea J . Herbert BrowneH William Blurock L.lbl!'rty 8-4781 ORAJ>t:Rrt:s -lJPJIOl-"'TER~G -SI.IP CO\T.ltS \\'Al.I. PAPt:lt -C.\lll'F:TL"lf; CO!\ll'U:l'f: L'\'Tt:HIOR Uf:CORATJ'Sv Philmer J . Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey · Frederick Hodgdon George Lind "'Richard Pleger LAMP LIGHT SHOP ': 1 t:i t:. Coa ... t llwy., C1>rona del Mar Harbor 62311 HURRY SHOPPERS! HURRY! RELl 'ANCE (DOLLAR -DAY ·SALE Until AUGUST 8th Gaze at this lis t , one of which you receive with the purc ha se Te levision or Major Ho me Appliance. of a new r---------HERE -IS· LIST------.. e Y able Radio • Pop-Up Toaster • TV Lamp • Portable Bar-B-Q • 9x12 Floor Carpet • Vent Fan -..... _J • Deep Fry • ~Steam Iron • Antenna • Electric Coffee Maker • Set of Steak Knives NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms No Down Payment for 45 'Days Brin9 Us A Customer and Receive Valuable Gift Discount to Service Giant Trade Allowance We Shall Not Be Undersold People In RELIANCE Home Service Appliance ~ompany- 2102 NO. MAIN ST. Kl ~-IM!t Kl S. 7JOO SANTA ANA T1·h•\ 1 .. 1un ·'' I A<\\ ,. $19.95 •••• 1~ntl t .h'l'I rlt: lla.111:1· .. .\ .. '·""' Ae $15.00 u A11tomat11' \\'a .. lwno \, l.uw .\a $32.50 ll••frlic••ratura I ri••·T• r' A, 1,.,,\ .\• $59.95 "f -- '1600 .BUILDING' HOUSES ACTIVE BUSINESS FIRMS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE S MONDAY, AU GUST I, 1955 An addres• of 1hsllnl't 10n hl\I• I C'l'\'a sing demhnJ f<lr "'""" vr•· 1,..,.11 a ld··•I ln thl' ""'"''"''"It lbt I vRtt h• ~r1111l11 th,. f11 m rlitn:i PX· I , t H irbur 1<re11. bu,sne,.ii hu1ld· 1 pension tn work tn sd ht1onal ini.:~ ll is th~ "1600 H111lJsng". dlat.-11 in tbe rounlly. I l•>t alf'•I nn ~ .. wporl':i · !lla nn.:r·~ I A put.ht ""'''uni.int sn lhe Hai · I ~I ll· dn~t-to tlw Ch11. mbcr of' b:•r """' 1 .. r 1111111\· ll •ltJ7tn ~,.1\111 I c. ···mmt'l l... llnJ aL·ro"~ \ \\'l'~l l"nrmon A Gllmblf' rnn'11le~ book· c.·,,1,,l H1i.;h"'"'" f1 .. m ..t+ri A•I· k••• 1 •ni.:. u u·hllni; 1w1J to" servh·r boa Rav t "luh I a nd 1•1"' •MUii 1 .. r 8• ll•ni.: \IP Owul'J by u. an Rra dl•trll 11n1I 1 ..... kko•1•p1111; ") 't' 111~ '"' 1n1hv1tlu· ;.:. 1rn111 n Gambll' p11blk 1\('L lllllll • a I~ ''"" l.>11~111 ...... ,. 1 11 111~ tint the ,;puc1ou~ 11t1 u1•111rt• pr11· 1 A<~£1\'t; IO :ALTOH I \'tdsng :JOOIJ sq. ft. of i<pacP t'll· l>f'y•Jllng three (If h is 25 y ... nrs h1rnre.f w1lh tlw ll'llt'8t n unlt'rn 1n th .. n•Al ty bu~111ea.1 tn thl11 lo-1 innO\'lllh 1n11 hllllll<'S 11 var 1t'tl 11:<1 t'ul ll'f'll Ru1<M>ll E i''oril en~ of <1r);(ani:u.lioni< lnt•luit<·•I 1"" •lucts h111 hus1111•i111 a11 a Rer1lt•1r I s .. uth l·o111<t .!1111111:.•~·· , .,. In• • 1 from ··1uoo·· 111w1·1111lz1nr 111 ""m · M1•ll11•a l BullJmg l um p1rnv i.t mercrnl, n·~111tmt1111 ln1·0111i.>. 1n· ~nwrit.:ll, B11botrt \'aui.:h11~ unol lfu11lrl111 ·ancl ar re111o;t' prop1•1 ly c 0 • Hus~ F oi J. net1 ll111 . :"\ nrma n .irtd t'X\'hangt1< 1\ c.rn1ble And Pa\'• P ttrllll' I S ln1•t1 h 111 birth. \'11 lU&lly In KAl'IU J~( ltE..\!o>t: Ifie ,l'haduw,. or 811 .-e:.l...r'1 boat A•·rnr•hn~ to 8 r..i .. "" rr11rn y a1 J , K<.Jbtrl \'auich1tn h1111 toun I nffinals of the South ('oru.I Mort · boatinJC 11n 1mpo1-tJ<n t (111 tor In ...; '-TWO PRINCESSES WITH QUEEN ~ai.:" C••. In<· this f11 m ha" i.•· H•rtll'd In l'XCt'S.; "' $3 1111lhun d111Jau1 111 l11a 11s 1n the f1r.'ll 1 :! I month" of bwiin ... ,.s. l ssu<'d Its cha1 ler 1n F .. bnmry uf lasl year l.he company 11N11nl· Costa McRa's Sharon Glenn. 17. left, and l'\ewport &ac!1·.-IJl't' llll' Cunningham. 16, right. assume duty as Orange Col'.l'l'\ly Fa ir printc'"""" "1th l'm1te l}ue<'n Yvonne Shubert. Misl'! ~hubert. 16. Santa Ana. was i-elC'ct1·.I for th1: l l'~nl title T uesday nij.ihC during A~sociat<'<l Chambl·rs of Comnw rn• of 01 ang-l' C'tlunty Sl·s· s1on at the fa1rgrounds.-~taff Photo f EDUCATIONAL, NON-COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS SLATED AT f LOWER SHOW Iv ~i;o.n ils loan serv1c" 111 J uni- .,f 1!!51. Offlcers of Ro~th Coast ~fnrl.:agr Co .. Inc inclu<le Fran· <'Iii F.. D n•han. Pres. Dun C RradfnrJ. own<'r ot Bay Escrow . 1.Jic .• lar~ut e scrow company in r\ran~e county, Exf'cutit'~ vh:e· prl'sldent. Fred J. H owarth. er,.. ator or Em<'raJ<1 811y . v1cr·rn•s1· den t , T. E. H<'ffern1111, 111>rrelRI")'· 1r..-a.•urcr lllld \\'m. \\". ~11nford, a11sli<trrnt sec-r<'ll\f)' !\HmT<;Af;r; llltlfXTOR!'O Directors o f South Co11..<1t }1ol"C· t:8J:t' inclu<le Drohan. Br1111fnrd. HOJwllrt~. Heffernan, 1 S1tnfont. l'ounty sur ervbor H einz Knl~er. A v.i111•t\' nr l"lll' '1 1nn ti anrl :.11.• c;,•nn:" l • hu II "f !'anlu \\'1lham LP!ll'r, r n:o1'tll Mf'llll tl1t• n1111-1rn,1u•l,ll\1 .. ,.,1.i.11-w II b·· An11 J11l11'"·" .... 1.:,j\· I•\' I.\ lll Ror·1ck Graduated il•·Rh·r an1! Let' Bohn ll'Xltlt In· 1nrl11dr•,1 w ith lh•• l:Jr, • ll1 a np• l\11 111 .. • Pa' " "' !'al!l 1 """'·'· du•tnall~t. Count\' F :ur Fl""" r Sl11·\\ '". h1•r "' I•\' \11• "' 1111!" r .. 1111• ~ ThP "nmpa.ny I~ an F H A Ar· NIH!lni: In !111-. \\'1·~1 .. n \\,11l<or. ll··•h s ..... ,, l111oll11·ll··~ 111.• in Repair Course J'fU\'t'd :.tnrtttllJ!I'•'. lul\n rorrt~· l'llf'PI \'lllllr '" lhf' .... 11r11r •h\'I· I; II .. !I .-•· 1 it.•' In J .~II l.1117. St rnn lt•nl fnr Bankers :-;:.i11on11I 'I' n ..:1•1.1n11111.11 I \' II \\ l.;nni.:11•ll<1\\' 1·111: r 1·1;o.:·11:0: L1f .. lnsuranC'e ('o. lo11n lt'J'TI'· \ \ f 11\'' In 11ol.fll 1• n 111 ltw 111•hv1olua I 1111 ' • .• l\t ·• 1 ,, q.J 1111 • 1 •11 •tl"nnl • ;. • ' • I: I' • ~l'ntn 11,.,. of \\'snler !llor l gai.:c r••UlJ·• t1t1u1t"'I on t I h•• t11 ~ar111.l .. • '(t 1a ' ti·. th·· I' \'t .1•1;..·· < •• 11n j 1:1 il.1'1 I! ' ', t-.n . ,.01 r.-aspondcnt for ~M-Y York It ••( :-1 •• \\ llu1 ., 11• 11 .. 11·t1 ft'atu11• 1ll'<plu,~. l h•·•• 1• 1:,r I 1·1111 t :1 !'l ,., • 1 r,1r,. l nsurancr Company A !llatr· lu tif" n ~·•I•"" or Ul•tru ,·t;Ua\t' t •111(\. th•· ( .. !.:uu_jp t\anc.uo .. ' \\ ,,. ,,: 1 u.t• 1 ,,,,,, lh•• r "" "" ment releUP•t h\' Aratifnrtl rt· \11 ... I t•··' u• I\· ·n .. 1a l r 11m 1lu ll1llH0 .. •l·1••'· .1nJ 11,. L1•1 .. 1ltll.! \\,IJ 11• "' I 111 ''l"'r' ·'' I,,, .\II!\' I "".~·th C•···l ·· 1 t•nt y announC'Ptl ., .. u ~r ----·~r htrJlfiiiftJttr.....-nf-f-tti1tn:r t 'i•Ull• j•hT d I h """" II ill ('"lilt•P--n~ tr ... ··rm..,..,..,rt"tt-•t ~· h ..... 1 j."."''--u.. ~tnrtgt15rl' en. Jn-er. fl" loan ror· ,,. 111,pl1\' 1111 h1·!1 ha\•' h'"" JI. 1 ... ~ i\m:••f•, lt•"r''''"n t 1o·pt11l· '" \,1 '"~ndent foT lhe Lo11 A nl;"l~e ' .. 1 •. ' t••t ~11nt11 An.i 111 ·111>:•' Ill! ol ' l'r ',,,, I!• •It \\ • 1111111• I I" .1 n·it. .,.,h1d1 lnr l111lt•'I Orangr :"<'wpnt t A!'.1d1 <'• •ta .\f, ~a. L.1· \\OH K:'llOt•:-; .-. ... T r •'I' 11 ,...,,., t 1 l \' I htlll. 1111>1 1 ountv for lhe Llfr a nd CasuRI· 1:111111 H"111h. ll1111un,t•ll rl•'IHh Ad~1 .. 1•1, uf the Sant • A.JIU 111111• I >"tl•llll• ., ~·( Aln ,. I ti· IV ln!'UMU'ICe Complln\• Of Ten· :-:nn '"1"111""1" \\" ''" 11111 " s 1 '' .111111 .. r t;11rtl,.n1•r« \\111 tun•hH t I••• 11n I I 111•1 "~ '•.t'I I ii· "' 1 nl'fi!lt'<! Rl !"airh\'llle. • 11t•·nl\JOn wm· ~ up11 l•H' 1 11 • 1•'11 ' C'REATY.S JIE"'IG:O.-S An.1h•·1m 11.nol F ullt•1tnn k h 1 l I 1,.,, 1,.,..1 111.,•111• 11 .. 11 111 ·I ·I' 1 -, IOA Knt:s ('I.A ·n i-ITAt't ' "1~11111~ t" h·a rn 11 .. w h> mulH· "'' 1' l.•t 111 • ""1"1'11111 1 •··1.J ni.: Anllther ten f\nt of "1600 nu1hl· !\l••mb,.1 e .. r Om11111' l'u untv ·h~h i;at J •·n-., 11•t "Iii!\'~. rlw\\ • 1 w••I 1111k• I 1'"''1' •Il l: •111•1 h.p ini; · )ltf11,.11I 8 uiJ,J1ni:-r ompany ~"' ol••n dub~ w 1ll ~I .1ff 11n tnfnr· lei:. a nd I:" r Jrn ll' raph .... k~ '111 f"'llt I\'. I r1! A merica rrovlde1 de11tgn. con- m .1111111 b<>nlh. w h 1I" 111~ Snnlll F 1r11l Ju<l):ini: uf thP Fluwi·r fl" '" '' r .. 1111111 '-l11olw11 flt '."•·w· slrucllnn and financing of prl· An~ P uhl•• l.1h1111v \\Ill roftt'r 11 ~llnw will hP <"•n·lllr tl'd 111 fl pm rr1r1 llnrli"r l'ntr•n lltch Sr·h.,nl vale hospi t a l s 11 nd medical •h~(lh\' nf i;111 ol1•11111~ hM•k .. 1111.i '.\Jn11ila,\·, A lli; ~ rn a•!\':>nf'•• 'f l slruclure11 throughout Ca hrornlll. rn11i:az1111·~ J n1• l.llt• ll••l 1. lh" th· f••llnlll p rP\'ll'W Ill R r nt M H s I s.,rv1ni; as pr .. sl!lent Is RILi· c i.111r n111i.: l\llfhl!nl\' \\Ill h i' 111 -"f!On>lnrPil by Snroplln11;il ln tN· untean ome et ph HQ~·le. Other n!flrt'r!I include thr 1nf••1n. 111 .. n l1111•t h >tll d.1\' 118.llClnRI nf ~11nt11 Ana. I :.11 1tn•I :.11• 1 h• ml\ .. X .l.trk Ho)'le, vu:e pres11lent.. Earl T h111 •d11y Alli:' 11. .\111nt•' 111 l " I< r til a r1•111len· Pelf'rsnn, \'1Ce -pres1dent in charg e fllh<'r ~111·1 1 1! 1hl'f'h '"' w1ll 1n· Alw11yJ< h" rP'ldv t n ~'u·M !I'll h111l0llni.; 1<'rtJltl r1 .. m Co1'll\ or f'ni:in e<'rtng and pli<nning and r ludt> 1 fl• ti ""'' ~II•• 11ll'n1.. h,· vo11r rt1:hl <•f wa\• tn 1H•01d 101 :.1 "' IJ1t1ltl•ni .i. p1111111rnl !nr Aiso Ebbutt. vier pre•1dent In C11rl11• l'arp,v or Anshr11n. J 1tr· accident. 1tdv1~:t th e :-:11t 1on1t l con11Lruc11on nr & $13.7P2 hnu11e lch1trge or coruitrucllon. 11nl'•I' fl""''"' 11 rrHni:rm,.nt • h\' Autnm.,htll' r 111h ·11 t 7 l Ill'• l'IA• •• I"< '1 1 :.tr•A. In krcp1n.i: with tht l'Ver -ln· CommUnif'J • • ... tht b11,.ln1•:1s 1<1m·" l!i:Jll \'1111chen I JlroVilles a w1•allh of •'Xl"'11 .. nt·e Md knuwll!rll(e \\ htt h 111 ,, ' ull\bl1· to Ch\'nla ot Rubetl A. \'au1:ha n ·~ ~ I CITY CLERK TRIO AT WORK The Vaughan off1ct nn c .... ~, High way In tht• npw ''1600 B111IJ· 1:ig", 1.1 a m eellng pla<'r ror many Bea-golnJC veterans as well u for ne w tnthuslasts w ho seek p.,rtlntnt lnforma l1on regarding boat• and 11\lura.nce. ~ltss Mnrrv Sr hroudt'r. IC'ft. nl'wl~· upµoi ntt•d ell~' l'll·rk of Newport l~'a!'h, last \ 1"<!· nest.lay bc·~an h<'r first J a v in. h"r 1w w JOb. l hcck1ng her out on cit~· 111·1w(•durc 111 Mae H t11l. center. acting r1ty dl'rk. while ~lunlyn Coleman, nr wly app111nkil dl'puty city d C'rk. listens. -Staff Photo TKAINl':D JS A.RT MAR KID! O a.ve Doane recelvt'd hi.I train· Ing at Art Center In Loa A n· Cre1·ghton 1-!<'le11. F ormtrly aMOCla ted with CounJy Shrine Club to Hold Annual Outdoor Breakfast Aug. 7 loc11I advertl11lni: agen cies, Doane F• h Off hr11nc·hM out o n hfa own and lg tS sun·lny m nrnlni;. A11i:. 7, h1111 1 th1 .. 11.h Prnn~I' a nti f11ll11w t h fll ope ned orttce11 In Corona del M ar. 1 1 ... o·n 11, •. l f .. r the 11nnu11I u11ttl111•r I !'h• ,,,,. \ ·h1L "lll ll~ th11I 1111• l'fll•ll' I Seeing t he nted for lmmtdiale Band1•t Suspect h11·nkfa-1 "r llw Oran~e ('ounly f, r ~·"ll l'f•nv1·n1f'n• r. F1 11m ('f'\11111. r1tpan11lon or hl.s ~rvkee u con· Shi uw t ·111b to be Ml,J on th t irrra ,... rn1:;:ht l hr"lll=h ~~I Tot n. 11Ulta nt for p&ckage styling, a d-1 ho•llll' l!l••ui11t:. nt N11hle \\', c . A ll Pr:inr:·· 1'11un1v :-ihnne.ni a re vertl11tng. dP11ll(TI a.nd art he m ov· \\'a yne Crt'IKh~on. Blll'ntl11n1 11L """,If 1n ~lv.fJ<'"h" C'a n\4111 lw· 1<·•11• •I• l to we n1 lhrlr I' n . ('d intn lh!' nt'W "1600 Bldg" a lll'r\'l!"C ~tatwn st 2 0U \\'. llt'.tlh th" >oyinm 111~ 11n•I 1•11ks. Strv1ng wllh Doani-18 Mn . Coiut H1i:hway, a pr a r I' 11 t I~-1111~ 1~ 1 •.. 1.101 ..... nl h <" nsn ll· R ICh8r<I IC'athr1'.'l«'J Shaw who not only foui:ht off a slr•1"1t 111111 tin• '"ar th" l'h11nt1' h-""' h1•1.t ofter11 11rr hllrr lllral 1llu81rallon11 I robbery a11 .. mrt NII Iv Thur,. J:n· hr< 1kfll'1 Rt :ho· ,...:11111.' t IJ • to round nut the 11en·11·es and morn1ni: b ut m o1k<'•I thr woul l· Th·· lll•'ahl.1'l 1'< bf'1nc: 1 l.1"1" I DEATH NOTICE t'lacll111c.11 of th111 rapidly grow· be ban l1l f•I future 1d••nufaa· hy 1;.n !'1111.tl~. Jto'•1dtnt. \\, .. ,., ing bu1Un<l&'I. uon. •kll F inl••\ i.r. rrlat y a nol II•·\\· 'Ill'. 'l \Ill f'~ l.Ol tsr. I. t~ 1111 t{I. ' F: t "t •·u.:;htnt ''I J•l.•1 h• "'""•n ,JJ ~I \\Ill tu f1n1h•t d•' JI ,'"'"' \\U 1, .tttf1r)1 1~ DEATH NOTICE '1~lan•I •f th"~'' .. •.1'<•1 ,,•I.:' Ii; If• lurol 1 • \\h1•h ''II \l t., 1,1 .11 .,, 7l •f a n1 Thnt ... 1Ln· \\h1n ti., •. 11'!' t'l I•• ,. 1t!l ••··~ .\IJ. l :.'•" 1171 •1 ~· :-:,,,,., Anft. puk• I ht"' "'' t•ilt ,, ,,,, ,, , '•I I• 11.• (1 0 0 :'\Al.U (;,\\'I.ORD ,.111• 1 11 l•I I \'. oil" I 1,11 I • , ti<' I I• IT' I II'• I l 1n I ' 11 •"I! t,. v !It• r · HU'HAKO"' fllr SI 111ni.-1• \\'h• 11 1·1 J:'I·' n 11.. , , , ,. 1 , r 'h· ,. • ,, 1 • .1 , , 1 i1•1 ;\I . 1 "•· ••It ll• 11 • ~hL.."•Oh" fun+ tB1 ~ervu:e.s fnr star-l···t I , lh I.. )11 ~ \I,. \\ t. fl ...... P.t of ··1"' lh\ llt• 'h• r \\ \ "" • ,, th1, 11 1111 ni: ....... , r •n ...... . p 1111,11;,,vlt•J•l l!.tl ant'. ~~ •. :-:.in !'lll>f'l'.I k1ol<• I h1111 111 tl· 11l 1• p, )!, •l n r , 11 .l•ft•hu.,, ,.,,., Dt"~" "''·te h• hi an J'ark•;.."·HHJ· arikJ. ur I "1 •t l"tu u '' • 1 I Ith \\ I h ky :.101 lullry C'hllJ'• I Ill 3 :io l' rn up tr>d .ty \\·•th the ~C\.\l'Ort S1 ·;tfttr--Th"· ut1rn•t int•,. t'' '~ fi 'l \\:t"4 lllJ.:' MMons Lodge :"n. 708 l'nn· punrh lh~ ''' I'"'• 111 lh• 1111111\11 Juc Ung. lnlermen t fo llow <'d In Thi' l-••>l '" t 1.111 f• ' I 1' 1 " nn I H n1bor R c11l Mt>1110fl&I Park Mr. I• fl lh•· '"''"'' ('',,ht n I 11 RIC'hllNlll t11ec1 1i( Q hPart l\lllll'k I polh"P Thurad8v In P11rart1~P V1111Py H ns· --------------- r ltlll, Ne,.,hvllle City. I Al Buhr f:hnnr• ,,f ~.111 (\,•: A native or Pu111Jena. deceiu-1.anJ Uw P11frl~,'tlln <11111 t•·t "' ri .. • 1d llved In :\1'wport Be11 r h fllr E :islo>tn ~'"r 111 '" • 111 l• 20 \'ra111 F1vr monthi1 8~11, h<' Hr 1~ '11!\I\• I I ,. h • "'I " m oved to S • .m V 1e1:0 where he )lmni.· II 1:1• h·11 h •I ~·11 I • w11!1 1·11r1ain for a i<)'lorlr; f1sh111g i:ro. h:~ J 1!h• 1 l .11 •' ~· t '.\• r ompa.ny. H e w!l.11 itl~n In thr brnlh"t ~ f{ 1 lt h Ill' I l! •It• t t 11 ' fl~htng bu~ln"l!I hfrt'. lWl'I ~i-1 • 1.· :.1 1' I-: "' I ' d • • • • Mr Rlch11rd11 was a mtmber o f 811'1 )It' l',1rt•I fl,• 11• 11, ill .. 1 the Lnni: Brarh Co11S1!'tn1 ,. lh" Lein~ n,.,, h I lh" H• ,. \\, hno.i I-1•1 • \ 11((11111•· Calloway Escapes 1 I' ... l nll'l 11 'nl I 11 ''"·I Ill 11 .. 1 ... from Jail Work Crew 1~··11111ti .. r '"111···1\, •ir-:•1·~·'-• ~t11·1 .,. d·•1n1h" l •.f n· ih••1'k-~1r" l.··H1 r.1• d1tl Tllllf .. ,.,r I p •• 1 ,.,n/·, ... 1.:1 r1 1 f. •d .. 11n in ''•·•Ht..:• • • '\ ti 1t11 •.• ;, 1 th•' ''h' 11 ''' 11t .. r•t J .tn)1 ... t •a1ln-1t•ll '"-'•" '-· 11111 • •' ~\' " \\ 1,. :.'1 •. ~ X• rlh 111111\·\vuii.! ,,·hn mt'nilu r , f ~l A• • '• t '1•t11I1 u1 1 ,,.11 a ind \\Htk i l•\\'1Ch111•h tri !"'i''t .\1+11 11 .1 1111 :.!:1 111 I 1 ,. 1 n r 1'111 k I ~u1 ,.,, .. ,,, .r1 1'1 I• 1 .. , I 1 • ·,,I, 1 '.ell•t\\'lH \'. '"' Btt 1·~\··d tty ~e\\'• Y vt•A: l\\'o ,. , \\• ,r I .1•1 ••• :! Ji.t h l''1h1•' tJ\ H u.trlu'~f'~l &nd ;\l.t• 11 ' f 1'11 •il I '' '1·.· 11· ~ 111•l 1:11•n \\h•n h,. sl~l•I •, \l I: •'I 1:" "' •t1•1 ,1 \\l'lt unl1 .. t t,1i11 lt .. '1 tt ,,, .. , urt \11 J Jn 1 ,,\. t'1l1""·1~ "''~ f•Jt111 l lu t>1• 11:u1-,of Tu~1,11. a l11t1l1tr n11 I ,. ·" r ~ 11h .. 1.1 111 .,11 11 111. ht• wa!I 111 tn Fr-1n1 "· Jtl ~111111o 1111!"11 Hnd , l , n 1 .• '•' •n , :at .n. LIU•, ~r 1t lt l1al1ht•1 OUR harbor citizens neecl YOUR direction The C of C is the "vehicle" that unites All of Us in the growth and progress of our wonderful City You will GREAT l Y benefit by JOINING NOW! CHAMBER OF.·1 COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DRIVE UNDERWAY .. '_t I (}ov;,n_menl f:xcepl PAGE 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDA y I AUGUST I , 1955 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~~ -----"God grant liS the Mrel'Wty to accept the things we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can a nd the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS {'A~'T S t:U . T llE)I ll EU t~ProspectJve purchasers of albacore luw t he ganKway t o the commC'rctal fish- ing boat "Lady Lou" wh!l'h w:Js unablC' t o sell its catch at San Pedro cannC'rtf'i-.. T he alb acore market has lx>en glutted with l'h<'ap meat carried into p ort from J apan. Local a nd west coast flsherml'.'11 tlaim they can n ot exi11t on the pricN; posted. Earl I::aston Local Fishermen ' Feel Price Drop ln\'as1on o f the Ame r ican market by fore ign pro d- u c ts , produl'cd with equipment gi\'en b y th<' l 'nited !';tatrs bf AmC'nca t o foreign· citizens struc k home to Newport H arbo r this week end. During the past m onth or 1,;o, as the albacore sea- 11o n was t11m111g upon us, 1t has become inc reas ingly • e\·ident tha t Ame~iran fis herme n. operating vesselR built in the>~<' L'nited Statrs. w ould be unable to market -... ·~ l'L Hl'\' SO~lt: -l'u rcha:1~· ,,r albacurt from the h o ld o f the boat "Lady L uu" 1!1 l'hown lx>ing m a de by R alph H ibbard of 1731 l'\l'\\'t 111r t Bh·J .. Cnstr. ~fl'fla Handing the 11:-;h 1111l from th<' hold of the boat 1~ ov;ner s k ipper Earl Easton nf 139 Allx-rt Plac('. C osta M esa. Easto n. ltke srores of o ther commer cial fis her- men. returned t o port to f ind out that cannerieR had becom e glutted w ith albal•orr ha uled in by J ap boats from far eastern w atrrs. -Staff Photo. NeWPORT~ HARBOR RE-W~~PRESS , Ynrmtr)~· the Newport-BnlboA X cw11-Tlmr11 "nd the :'\'ewport·BlllhoR Pt r!-l' A Df-pendable Local ln,tltutlon for Onr f'or ty 'l'Nn Entered u Strond-Clus :\tauer at thr PMtoff1cr l'l l\"r"'"JlOrt BMch. California un.J"r thr A1 t or :\tar• h 3. ff.i9. l"abll11h.-d Y.''""' Mond&)'. \\'Pdnl'"•h•y an1t .. rl1ta,· at :'\f'\\ r111r1 1\foa<'h, Calif .. h~· l h~ :"\t~\\'l'ORT tlARHOIC l 'I fll.ISHl."i(i ( OMl'A'.\'\' Tt>ll'phonl' th1rhor 16 t 6 Qualifll'il to Pnbll'h 1-'l'&J :'\otl<'Nt and AcJn•rtl...,mPnh of All Kind• l!ly l>ttrtt nf the J!iup.-r1or Court of Oranre Co. In A<'tlon :'\o. A·'ll 70t Mrrnher Callf1>mla :'\l'W'lp&J>f'r l'ubll'h""" Auodatlon ""ml>f'r :'\atloaa.I Editorial A'"O<'latlon '.\t rmtw-r of Or&nff' Cnunt~· ~t'WW ~n·lre RE:"\ HP.f'DICI\. Pl"'RLJ!':HF:R \\ 11..LTAM A. MOSES. F:1h111r OR:>!• 1:"\l 1 ~: H< ll':\"TREE. A•1\"f'rt1~ini: f'1rt' le>r f'HARl.F:' A AIHISTR0 ;\"1;, MN hanlC'lll Supenntendrnl "l -8."CRIMIO~ R \TJ:S: '' "l'"•I llarh"r ,,.,,,.,.,.,.,,, Trl·\\f'f'kl,v In Or11n1tl' C'l\llnl.•, ~6.0ll jl"r .•r11r , J~.110 "" mo11.: J!Xl lh,,_ mM. c111t•ld,. "' Oranil" t ounl) tn.oo p<'r p ·ar '· of 139 Albert Place, Costa Mesa , sk ipper o f the "Lady Lou" posted signs offering his fish for sale. The sale was stopf)t!d by city license collector Harold Y oung: 8rc<tnd from left. H is o rde r was based o n health and sanitary r easons Jlnd l;:1ck of a city license f or vend- ing. -S taff P hoto. their catch at canneries in the United S tates o r else· whe re. This 1s s o because Japanese fishermen have been dumping into American ports the same fish caught m foreign w aters from vessels built in the United States and g iven tn alien countries. The J apanese dump ing o f fro zen albaror <> has been at a price far below the going price on the American market. T his 1s one o f tho se cr azy squirrel cage oper ations ,,f a go \·emment that extrac ts from its c1t1zens truces w ith w hich it buys foreign products or which cash it dispatch es oyerseU:., t o foreign governments and citi- 7.cns ,w ith which sut h government and citizrns compete unfairly on the A merican market. In an effort to exi11t at their trade. local f1she r- mC'11 b<>g ;m sc lltng their a lbacore across the dock s in :"Pwp•irt H arbo r Saturday . They were o f course sto p· rwct at o nce-rightly so. The fishermen ha,·e neither Lhe sanitary farilitiei:; o r licenses t o hand le thE'ir catches for rrluil trade. Bul what 1i; to bc>comc o f thE'm ? A re their b oa ti; to In b<• lied up at piers. f loa ts. or dol·ks to ro t while fish· Prmc·n !lll'k C'mploymr nt at some oth er tr;>de? Is this crazy lr nd IC'ase. bcncf1cit'nt patr iar ch p r o gram of the l'n1tr d !"t:itrs to C'Onlmue'' Will o ur gn\'crnment c o n- tmt11· te1 ;:!'l\'C' to foreign c11untries the w ealth which it tax<•s .iw:iy fro m produce rs in this country" W ill these forr1gn tou ntries continue to be a ble to dump their prod111·f' and produc ts 1n nur c hannel of trade thus cut- tmj?" n ff the s ale and t'mployment in our country until we b<'rome ha\'(> n ots" W e b elic\'e W P should be w illmg t o help our foreign nt'1g-hbors in this •••orld. W e bPllC'\'<' w e shnu ld he ir· them w ith our l'ur plus wheat. orang<'s . <'nm. brl'f and pork. and canned prod- u cts of t hl· !>l'a . \\'1· bcltf'\'<' w t.> perhaps.shoulc' be w ill- ing to p;-11'.'lue t11 the drc1matcd J apanes'e boats so that they Muld n·:-:1 •re lhl·tr P pnatinns at seas for thf'ir own tables and kg1t 1mat<' m a rkrts -but n11t s o that the\' C'ould 111\':1oll· our m a r kl'ls. · T :1 · samt• tn\'~1~ion n f m arkets 1s happenin~ in other f1t•ldR as wt•ll. But the sl'a food m a rket 1s th<: first.!o t11t ux H body blow her<' in Newpo rt H arbor. The man- 1 al't Un• uf comm<'r <:1nt fis hing boats h as practically ''l'H!lt>d in this are a . Why., Because fishermen can- nvt S(•ll their rat ch m competition with J apanC'se \'Cl'· ~els. gwe n t o Japs by our govemment, paid for with tuxes extr acted· from fishermen and all other s. This elimin ation of comme rcial . fishl'rmen al!lo elim1nates the l'l\'ailability o f ch a rtr r boats in l'\cwpM t H Rrbor -m ost comm ercial fishC'rmen chancr their boats in o ff s eRBon -thPy 11lso tram mrn w ho mirn C'hll rtr r boats. The eliminatio n nf the trad<' cif th" c 11mm f'r rn1I f1 ~h­ erman drstroys jobs o f carpenl<'rn 111 t hr sh1pya n fs. mllr hinists in the found r ies and e11g111 f' facl ••rif'ls. paint makers and lumbermen. sa!Psmen and rf'ta llc rs. T his elimination of t rade e liminates purcha ~mg po wer :rnd ·w ilt in time bring about the economic rlest rurl1on nf ou r country. The ume thing I~ true by the tn\•11111on o f the American market with cheap Japan~e camer;ts-fo r thE' m ost part inferior copies of Ame rican or German m odels -manufactured in fac to ries established in the bombed out co untry w ith dollars extracted f rom the American taxpayer. T ht' same thing is true by the invasion o f the Americ~n m arket by fo r e ign can--particularly British. manufactured in plan4 with materials financed by Americ an gift d o llars s old on the American ¥arket in competitio n with the w o rkmen whose h igh ptoductl\'e ability m ade possible the first gift. The time has co me for the United States of Ame r - 1 a t o tax J a panese imports great ly <'nough t o make them fair <:'o mpet1lion on our A.mencan market. ..... Sacramento Sidelight BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL R~· HORACE PARKER (Ed. Sote -ThlJt roluma by Horat>e Park..r 111UI ..., wltlil the llltlf'·kno\\ n hl,.torh-al f•1·tll IM> hall dnodi-f!d up la Ill• mMIY t rip• Into ,hr bar k c-ountry In """""""* ,..,.,,.,1 ... ~-~ Ml!\'t;H l"1 (',\HI~ -Tlrn; n •mu1ns sland!I in thr pla('('r d1KJ:!1t1°i< 111 Ho k.nmb \'nl k~· Our fa mily in th<' IHll'I ll'W ~·,·ar~ haR rr:rhz..•tl on<' of its d reams 11f rw arly thrrc y1·:rrs durat ion. Wr ar<' thr proud poss('s:;nrs <If a new l !lf'1[> J l'"I'· W hC'n I nwnt i1 m J t'('p I can just h1·ar tlw m uans ~o u~· of tht· uncnmfort11bh· ho url' som<'- OllC' has ~1 wnt m a J l'<'p. \\"e tttll"-l IW l PU~h ul th•• 11•'\.\ h 1 H h l<1•lUl tHU~ 111 ~hU \':i{tu n t·t\'tlt,•n J•·•·J• l ... .-t '' )'' 11, 111 I l.tl:-. \\ lh h-.th h1·01 t11 ... 1t lln•I SACRAMENTO. 1Cl".1 -Al·1WOUIJ hi''" .. rr .. 11 n .. ,., ftM'lll the .. 1o11111l\ll!\ l1.ool1I nillh•lll .. h ~·II 1111<•\I lll•h\\1•:;!11'1•olllll" ready. there appear" to bt 110111,. )'f'llr. "'" h"•' ,.1, .. 111 II• Ill\ 11 .. 111• 1n llool1 ,.,,.1~·· Vall•, dls11ens1on amon~ lhP rank11 ,.f l'etrl'r s rt'port. h .. wev .. 1 llfllnl" 1>"11> t\ 1, .. , In ll • 1,.,,( 111111 •I 1,, \ n••\\' '"'"' w,1• f••Un•IP•I nl\111· the state's ran11111·1ers 118 to the II more dt.<mal Pll'l lllt' Tht' oll· I 1ht' r ....... r II• h ,,,. 11ol l1 II "'"I ... , II· 111 '""'' 11Cl 1•1 ti ,. l•lll• k.<lltllh ll'stlmat etl ftnl\ll('IAI i>1l11aU11n ,1,•rtu1· nr r1nanr1• hll~ ti flj.:lll'l'ol l',(t(I '"''''" U11u11~1· ~Ol\l~h l"lll \'111 1111/•ll• .1111•10! "'' 1l11tj!hlo•t WhPn ~u111ne ...... l'lo11e11 l•n the rur· I uul (111' a $l:l11il\.E-!!2 tran''"' 1 \\'h•·•·I olll\t• , 1mtl\ ,.11.i .. 11 I'"' ' •l'\\•I .. 1111·1 11111.0 1""'"" ,. . .,,.,. 1111o1 rent fli<cBI ye11r next Jun.. 311, (mm lh·· . Ramy I 18\ . r11nol '" h•)!ll\' ,1\1o \\ ,. h .• I "'" ).;• ·•' ,., ... II•' 1111 .. 1•. ,,, ( .. , • I I ,, Ot11p1te the tnct th11t the C'Ur·, belanct' th~ 1·111 rt>nt bUdj!o l If l l''"'""" 111 1h. 11111. 1o II•" ,rn.J rent fiscal year hes JUftl begun, h111 e~ll111at1•11 "'"'rk t•Ut. th•• 11tal" en'"'" I "'' 1, 11 111111 .. "' 11 and dt'8pilt' thl' fact tha t IO· Wtll ~llll hll\'t' II 11111 .. Tt'IH•r\f' If I I• Joi II ltW1 r •'"l'I' """ <'reasu m revenuu were heavy left 11t the t'n•J 11r the •'llrrf'nt I"'"' lJ• 1•11 1,. 11,1! ll• :ii l~•k• llu1t f1M;aJ year over the previous f111<'11.I yp111 but nnt m11,.h thur "'" """'•' ~ .. ir-:"i.: 11 .. 11w , 1 1 one. a late rt>port from Depart· Althm11:h S·•mHor H ui•<' ~a!_'.I lluo tt1u 1-'h•b Ano! llr< ,. l•"•kr>ol 1, ment of F inance 01ractor Jnhn that he rxperts 11alP11 tax r.·· 11 ,,1·'1'· It'• ,,1 lh,.111 ,, ,1111.t ,,., M. Peirce, Indicates the state vt'nu!', whH'h 111 tht> prim1t1y tt'" 1"""1,. , 1117, \\'ilh the J••••p 11 1 wlll need lo tap the "Ramy 1 venut' the ~111.le heio to lt>an upon a 1•1n"h I~ 1111: RP.•r ,.1111 i:•• up Day" fund or S7:'.> million for a for Its i:enPral fund Ill mr rr111•e i throinih 111,. "'""°' 111i;:r.' Meadowio. little more t han $43 mllhon tolth1s Y!'ar. the PeirC"•• rep•11 t in· p. wk lip tht>. H1tt!fon! T1tn·k Trail get through the current yur. dlC'att's II will tlrop f1nm $1!12 .· an•I Af lfr _1111 h,.u111 n 1, .1 .. "n " AUnlORITV Gl\'ES 878 8!'>!1 to S4 4.7so OOH I •I•» p, mi no"' 11n .. "'''" road, ynu HI' ali.n rxp•·<'U r"'""n"" rrom ,. R · 1 1 I< Authority lo dJvert as mllC'h 1 rr•m" 1n1n ~Anq1 .1 1 .. r. an ar· bank anrt C'Ol pm Rt 111n l1txe~. l 1"11 F lllt1< J'l• k lip thP pAv•·d monl'y aa nteded out of the fund horse nu·onP pa1 i-mllttH•I 1 Pvenllt' to prevent the atate from oper· • h1s:hw11y 1111<1 fill "n men HNI· the pert10nal income tax an1I in· lnnd~ atlng in the red during the rur· terot on lnvr stment11 to takr a - rent year. wu given by th,. 19!1!1 decrea..r c.111 ." ROSH SITt: ••lid I '1111 1,. llld T ot\\ 11 \ 11 I•• \\':t... l lu '-' '• . • lf,1J.,,111h \'11llr~ 1n ''"1 11.11,, .. 1. Jlf I 111 ... 1 l>t11t" ~ '" 1:. '1'~ll - 1hnn Colin!\' h\' rwn' vol"" ""'' 1 · ,.hl h nf lho• Pn· ltl•' I p•1i1ll•1H 111 l h t1 •·11unty. ;\OllTll \'I'. ~ot"TH Thi> 1•111 ly 11'60'~ Wf'rl' lllthll· lo·nl bn1"l< wllh lhf' \w1I \\'itr 111• ktni: '"" l'll•trrn part or l 'nt• 11'11 Slat .. ~ ~outhrrn Calrform11 wna a ho•l bP<t nf ('nnf,.rtf'rlll" 11ympn1b1z• rH Aa or 1101<! wss nnl ••nnURh tn aq1111hblr Ovf'r, H11I· 1:11mb Vallry w1111 Rllln p1e11,.nl <'t1 \\'ii h a "'"'lhanR pollllr11l ai·i:11· nlf'lll with 111<lrs drawn up for th• legislature In a rider to thf bur!· RP:\'l~:s t·c llC<'Rt;Ast: get bill. Hok nru b V"ll"Y· Just ov1•r the :"\e>rlh 1111<! ~nuth. Hokomb V11I· A\•tragang 1l nut. P\'111 ,. • ~-11o!J:1' frum 1111: Hear \'alh•y ll'v mthl ha\'e hAl'I 11 fine prr""' Shortly after the r lose or lht peels i:eneral fun•I reven•w~ tu dra\\11 m .. hkt' " 11111i::net Tl 1• "'" 11 • "' Ch• • otoy• fnr tn n•" fiscal year. when th!' slate's Jn· deC'rell$e th111 r1~1 al ~l'll r frnm nnw s:hnl'll\. •lr~.-11ed bt'au11f11I htatoncal re11earch In tbe old c-ome wa11 known, Senator Ben S8~9.094 281 to $S.'i6 848.43~• t"unll\' "' • Clt' nf e>n•· of lh<' 1111 · :-'• ,\, o1.1,· S11lP h• 1 n ~,.w,. F. Hulae. che1rm11n of the Mnale The rlt•partmrnt nr rrnano•t> u~-1 J:t'Sl i:old 111:.h1•• 1n So11thP111 ('81· f1 >1 hl 1 ... I '" '·"" An1trl1·s. <1111 1ni: flnanee commlllel', anrl electt't1 u11llv Is ('<ln~l'rV•<l•v•• 111 r•lltn11· 1fn111I" ~1111 11h11w1< th,. ~"'"" or• thf' m1t1rll,. 1800'a. Ae11r V11ll,.v pre111t.lent pro trrn ot thP !lenRte tons:' l't>\'1'11111'. hnltlons: that 1t 1J1 1 lh1111~n11"' 11( r1111n hnur,~ r.r work a nd H11knl11h V11lh·v rire ,mf'n· juet before Lhe close of the l!f'!I· bPttf'r tn 11ndt!'resllm11tr. t han t o and te>n" or r11rl moved In 11r•tr<'h I UonecJ lime a.nil llj:at.n. 111on. pointed nul that his earlltor fl\'l'l·t'llli nrnte and .bl11lg!'l Ar .. nr•l· Inf th•• I'll'•'""' ,,.11 .. w nwl:o l Time after time lhfl "New•" el!timates or rrVl'nur 111111 been an11,ly Thr1 t!' 111 ••lm<' re-A"''" t•l I \\'1th our J•, I• ".. '""'" 111a11y mrnt1ona Southtrn •ympalh11.rn born out. • I th111 unc!PrP•t1ma t1ni;: whrn It 1~ n.1l<'ll ''" 1 r .. 111,h 1111•11n1 .. on trmlc t1rg1tn1zlng t here' fnr mi!IU1ry Hull!,. prt'\'lllu,.I\· h a<! m<licated <'i>n<1l<l"1 "'I that 1111 hf th,. stAtf' 1 ti\' ""'"I tr•I n11nP~ sn•I :-h11rk<1 1·11nq1wst H11rt1lv an !Mu" w1•nl that therr would bf' i1uff1r1rnt dPpartmt'nls make tht'll bu 1.:N.s a nd a mon1: ll'""' h11mm1 .. ks of bv b<>lWffn 1860 anit 1862 th11l rrvenue la!tt (U!C'AI ~'PAr tn kf't•p ron th,. h11l<t8 nf i>sl1m1t!Pd l"\'t· 1 rlao rr w111 kin,:' ol1dn r tell nf mllr<l1•r nr Jynrh· thr slatP from npr ral1ni: an lht' n11r~. 11nd erP allowP<I ~·> much Jn l~'•!l \\'olltrlt!t F H ·ilrrm1h in rni:" rn Huknmb \'111lr~· "''"" red (lt'rt'l'nt"g" rnr reruo .. r11r i;rowth , r1mp11 n, \\'tlh hos p;irlnr·r J ,.1 k rve1, !hi' m111n Iheme waa LhP Oner aizain 11., irn1<l that hf' Th1111, flnrtnN' 1" r 1u rud ly 1 f'11p~r1-, :.tfirl rn • hud ti 1 it t ,.. <1 1111 "' n h"I'" I hAt golr1 In the !';11n Rr1 · t!'XpeC'tll !'n()U~h tnl'llmP into lht l'lblf' fnr krrplnri Pltprnoht111 t'1< 1<nuth r1.,111 ChP "nni tli••l fl ll•i:· I 111111l1n11 1w111nl111nio Wlllllil plO\'" 11 st111f''s C'Ofrt>rs po11~1bly to run de>wn i:m·, ~1:11•\ .r lh" '"""' p1 n•·l~"d-.ml '"' lhr 11n11thf'rn p1ut nf lht lrtate tlurrni: th .. n1rr• nt fls· But on lhf' nt hl'r h11n<I II t!< P''""" 111 It-• '"'" I "·"''~ Tino! lhP •lll lf' I hall f11r thf' n111th· l'lll)'f'Rr """llhnut ohpprng rnto the ~om,.\\hrtl rnnfu:>miz In tht' r••o-1,.,111v 1 ~r,0 , f•l1 lhlll 111., nnil h· trn ?"o••l t • In n y tht1 d.reun rl'llt'l'\'f' f11nd11 plr nf lhP i<tlltl' In h&H'f' "'"""rHI .. rn 1'·"1 If 111 ..... 111 lr h.1•l h>•l'n '""" "' ,.. -.dt71'•1 11nd t<"111,v €'n· 11!'1.• t•f f•l?llf"ll bernr r tht'111 l'>llr h I fl" .. ,. \\•II 1,1,..1 ,., ., ii Ar 1 "''' k· I\' ~r•n" • n :.11°chrr F:111th 11n1I AOlllTIO;\..\I, Tt\Xt:S All lhP r11"p&rtm rnt nf fan11n1 • thf' t'•I ,,111 Snull1"ln l 'olif< 111111 h••ld ti r nll'lll"I '"" hn!("r on an H•d· At .the 88.ffiP l llTH' f:ovemor ltl?llllllltVe R11d1to1. •Hld fllhPrll th" II •\' In OI'" l to hr~ 1''(1111h \'alfl'V. Gnodw1n J Kntght a nnounrPd ln whll 1rl' on the frn11n<1111 rxprrl For lhOllP nf w 111 wh" ltke "'" Southern Callforn111 thlll hp In· 11ttlr llH'tl STiii Kt; I i;1on.tl anr1 111wn · • • l••hnol 1rin• H•i: t,..nf111 to ask . th,. Jrg111l&tllre Bul 1n any event, 11 ''"•'K rtnl A ll• r .•11n1P thfl1l'11lt1 ••1'. Hnl· AP.tr \'.di••\' 111 h11ldmg II• "l1 lol again for 11t!dltlonal tOXf'll, which !OOk Jlkp lht' state Wiii j!Cl h111ke 1'1\fo 11 .ind hi~ p;11 lnf'1 hf'J:lln :11'1 •I• I 1,t\~ ( '1 l,.h1 A(lhn ' Jlllll WASHINGTON REPORT By \'our ('ongn"sman JAMES B. l"TT ''"" h111~ 1• I • • ,. 1 "•l1i:i::m'i; · nn next Wt>Ck A111t 4 1hrn111?h Aui: !'!lan •.tll••n ~·1 .. 1• rn 811? H""r -; 'rl'i• ,. , " 1101 '" r11.11· 11t11rtani: \'Rll"'' fhr \\IOl••t h:i•I hr•f'n a 111•111 A1 plr \'Hll"'' nn thr f<o111th hnol 1o1:0 w1lh I"''" at " p11·mmm 1,.nrhnc in 11\i: Jll'll1 "" th,. ~1x•h Sn •'l<~I\ 111 lh1 'l'lln~ ,,, l~llll If th• I " 1111· MnV '"n'"~l•IOlll lrfl H11l<'••rl1h• <I•·•'""" t" (1t k" 11 J11t'· If .""IJ (j .. n'I in ln•I 11 lllllr tfll~I. l''lj "'' rh .. '"lo!•• !l"l lh .. r th•'1HrHI ol11v1• IHfl•full\. l"k" A t r•r tfJcs:1n " 1n 1•..tt1 h ,,f h'•ur lrl•'h l I t n ff1drotf1h Vr•U,.v 11r lhtnqJ,. h \\'ASHINGTO:-\ A 1ll0.000 WR!! th11t Mr Ynung'A rr0mr11 nv T • , I I I I ''Pf'IOL'. tn• f 1•Ja. • rH' fH1k• l"uJpph• (',•I \1111 t H 11 tP.tl ltl Mu•lllkl' l"••·•I In .m .. 11r 8 ·••l•I SfitlllltO "'nrt h nr m111h1nP1y •luwn Hit""' •I""' ltti•I knn\\fl \'0otlr ••i:I• "'I 111111 '"' ,, \\11 '" hu•ine,a~ mll n ~vn·11 1111: R• \'Pm · 111 n1111th• t t11111pan'' """ h h.i d ""' II· Ii"" 1, • \',,II••\ 11,,. .,,.1 1,. 11, \luv• ll nd Bal I· n1rnt -thal"c lhr· PXl't\t••·n•P nf hfl'P11 lf"t\H•tf ft·''""'~· hv th, t.:••\'• \h\t\'. "'I ft; t • 1 •• 1 ... \\1U f.,1J.t•• ;-\ k A1\ ul•J ttntf 11to"''8ttl I \'uuo~ l'•"vhtr·nt c.f ••rnu11ot lh huv H ~•ll •l••I c·.,., t1 1 , .. ,; 'J '1"11u.: ' •• ,•It•••'••·'' iu11111 ,.. ••1th•· rh.-An1r11ra n Z1n1, L·~ntl f\l·I ,,,.,, ,_,,,,, lh t\ ur"n '"'"''"'' .• ri1~1v ,,, .. ), n~ ., tlf7. I•,,, h• F , .... , ~tl\I•• h• I .,.ur t•r• 11n !':1111•ll1n" ("n111r•an' 11f SI l.1111111 t111n ll1'' l.o·n• t ol i\• • .. 111111111: Cl! 1 "'"' f11flll1-•'•t ,1 h ·\\.ji:tl\11Jl""i tli l l1101d tt1• f 'll'll "'Id• t1f th"° l.,J<11 Mo. Rnc1 al•o "re•1ol1•11t nf th• AmP111°An Mlnlnlt' c-.. n'11""" wh" 11r rve1I 11ovf'rnmt'nl 1111 11 "w1lh1111I rnmpenl!Atonn" f'111pl1ty•'" ·lur 1ni: I h,. J<orPIUl < n111~ Mr Ynunor wall ll"Pl•l' iui · nun uttrfttur uf t ht-f IPf••n-:•~ P rn· flirf'm*'nl A i;<'no ,. Tilt~ tln·1•1t•n \\'II~ rh11ri:ril Wllh lhP PX(lAn:<\llll Anti prorllreml'nl 11r ~11111r 40 •It!· frrent minernls Anr! nwtnl~ fur l h<' flf'frnse p!OJ:rllll1 ()n<' nf lhP 1nrl11ll' Wll• 1.1111 ~II "t'111an1f ' rnmp11 n\ ts 11111'11'~1,.ol 1n z1n• prnrlurt1on DJl•I 11 wHs In I hr~ rnnnrr l t"n I hAI ( h•' hll lf'll ll· I 1:-t f'\ I t1Vlt lh~ '11lt '-'I 0 I ( pn~­ .. ,h11' ·; '1n!lo t 1,~ 1tif• • • ... • • hll"· 1wu11 :>1 1 '""n~ ~'"'\I r ff'frrAI ~llrrA1111~I • 1'111•(1111· Trm,. "t·' \Tt~ S I "1'\I'' C \f't:ll \ llT •J'i•1 ~•nA:fP thf"fi Kt1f l•J .tll 1uu"ntln'"nl hv !'1>1u.111r t 'f'"' ~ h~r t. h\ " n1Ar~1n • ( • U•• \'olf' 1tfi ,,, .. !, tn rr1n1 ' h , ... If ""' ,.,.,,ti tn '9it ;11 l'•-..J vr ~11\·rr nnai n l '•I A \\'()(" ,., f·d ti• H11• ti• ... ~ tr .. '' ~rn,HI' Ar•1t11n . th" A111t k ,.,, h•h •· """'m rn r11n1 an11~~ rh<tr~,. • Th• 1;.,,,,,al \•••"ant· 111;.: (Hi11r '1 i• h' 1•, •h1'r~r H t1U'-"' <·nmn11tl•tt f111w~1I/\ Jll•t "' 11 ,. 11,..,. lh,. ~Pn&I., Th., """'" Rnnk·r t • 111 '"""' n"nk1"'l """' ''·'''""' ,. C~m· tt"•I "rJ'•"''°'"'' un su1·r tu•·'' Cl>lli f't' \\Jh "'n ,f,•tl'IJ: lh" PX· \\hl•h W•lllr1 fuolh•r1•••111 ' \\- t .. n~lnll of fht' f•,.frn~,. P in luct· OC' m f'n Anrl. s m,.nc "'I "r thine' Inn A<'t wh1C'h ll Ulhl\rll\f'll tht Ul't' fP(jlt ll,. thl'm to foll' 11 '"" I'"'" I bv 11nvernm!'nl of "wtth11llt com· f!nnnrilll Plllt!'m,.nt "I" n "' '''1'1• 1 Ing ~nv"m n1l'.\nl HJ•11,,111tn1,·T1I pPnMllon" bllslneMm•'n, wh11 llrP "'r•• 0,1• cif bu~. 111,, •. " kllO\\'n In v.·n~hini:1nn AS v.·oc r ~ '" 111 I "nl' I .... m .. n. A'A A n~~ult nr th .. r harrzf: prnl"'lf'd th•11 H•1tl"P Alf1••n 111,• nt ~'"It r•ls.-d 111 this pi1rtirula r nn the Krnumtlt that r .. ...-l1ll 111•·•· ttmr, the Srnalt ('11mm11tPe men """11"' ""' '" '1"'~ ''I Ii. 11doptf'd an &mC"ndmPnt mllltrlal· mob11i u t1nn plan~ un•I• r •11• h II realrlctlon. But that I' not 11!1 .. 1 ly restricting' the Ultl' Of WQC men ... in fact. virtually mak· Another Bu11ne"" lnq111rv • lnir them nothln1t but mere &d· The Hou11e Ant1·Monopt1lv Snh· vl1on1 to full·Ume r ovemment comm lltl't' haa lt)k1>n up rh1 employees, fll[ht over th• Woe 1811Ut . It has Capt h11rt Defrnd1 Smator launC'htd an !nvt1t1J&l1nn 1nlo C'11neha rt of Indta na. nnklng Rt· woe men In varlou1 govnnmenl publican on the Banklnr and Cur· 1 ag-enclu . u~lally In the OtflC'e rl'ncy Committee. took the fight of DefeMe Moblll&llllon &11t! th,. ti> th• Senate n l\(lr. H• attacked B111ln,.N1 &nd Deh nae Servl<'t'll lhe accurary or a Oenn11J Ac· Admlnl11trat1on In th• Of'part· -uni Oalce cbarl• wb.lc:b I m•t ot Commerce. H ASCi)IAS'S TRt:t : Tl11~ \'1•nl·n1hlr· 11n•I ~1iza nt w juniper Rt ret ched man \' a m ·1 k dur1ns:: t h •· h1·~·1fa~·i. ,,( Belleville and H o komb \'all<:y in lhe early 1 6<1'A r-. ... SKUNK CALLS PLAGUE COPS I Newport Bearh poltr, will 11 e,prer111te ll 1f 11omtone will per&uitd~ a b!ark kitty "'Ith a wnue stripe tn lea \'e Corona d1>l Mar tor La!(Una Bl'ar h or a.a )' other point In that gen- eral dirl'N1on. All lft~t wl-ek t he Matton r l'C't'll',11 1•a11 .. 11bo11t thla htlle ptaym111 r. hut w~·1 e 1mnhll' tn 1•><.l'I' sanie. Came Saturday an•! thP d111111x M:a. C L. N1rl<le. r>H Haul Dlll'e. t·alJ~(I lhC' 111at1nn tu re- port that a "sl!'k i.k11nk" is walking down lht' slrtewalk In front of ht'r houae. The police couldn't even find a •l<"k one. SRO Active Night On Agenda for CouncU ' .J !NEWPORT HARBOR NE.WS-PRESS PART I PAGE 7 MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 Jane Small Hurt Pellum at Driver in Hi hwa Crash School in Kentucky CJ y I :F'T. C'.\M PHt:l.L, KY .. -Pr1vate SA!\'TA ANA 10<.':-.ISl -Amon~ First l"\MS ffobl'rt Pt>llum, 80ft f 1\'e Or8n~e Count\' ntrlll r1111<I I\(" 11( ~Ir. 11nJ ~t is Marton F'l>4!1'8tel .• chknts rc-1111t11ng In lhr lnJtll")' ot of 4:'>7 \\'c-atmlnalt'r An i .. Newport eli;ht ~r~l"na, the-C111ih1rnla H1 ~h· Buch. I.I now all,.n<Hn.r Or1\'HW way 1'11tn1t rt>portl'd ont' ln,·ol\'lng Srhool at F'ort l"a m):'bt'll Ken· " No•\\'J'Ort H nrb<>r rrsl<1rnt ~al· lU<'ky. lie la a n1emb<>r of S upport ur1l11~· 1..·1,mpany Pf l ha l!!Sth Airborne Ullrb11ra R uth Rt>her 2:1. \"11 n Infan try Rt'i:-lnwnt nf th!' famed !'\uya lllht a p1:1~•Sl'l\J!l'r In hfr c11r I llh Aiftk)rn{' Dt\'ISl<ln etst!ontd Jane Small. =o 421 'v Cnltl••nrod at F1>rt \&mphi-11. A\'f•. Cnrons tlri ~lllr, suffcrM1 1 P rl<>r •o hla t'ntt rlng Iha aer• mlnnr tnj11rirs r 11rly Sat 11rt111y l'i<'I'. ho wu ,.;n1dulltf'•I rrom the whrn their m11rhlne 11tn1r k tht' ~f'wport Harbor l 'nton HI f h rf'ar of a t -.nker truck. I S\'hO<'l .. Pfr. Pellum 11 a ('mntr The lnj11rf'd glrl11 Wl're taken to I In the f 2 Mortar P latoon ot hi• Hoag Hospital. The acl'ldrnt OC'· organization. cuued on Coast Highway ab()ut a m ile llOUlh !'f C11ro1111 <lt'l Mu . Sickler Girl Born Lewu M. BrommPr. 36, An&hl'lm, watt the dr\1·t r of the t ru('k. Mr. and M r11. Gor1lon !'\ickier. Accorrltng t n the pat1j l. Brom· mtr'a tru<'k waa pArk~«f abolll ><I X fet't ort the t ra \'C'lrtJ pn.n nf t ht m nt1. JI was northhmmd n11 w1111 th,. nhlclt' rtrll'rn tw narh11r11 Rt>hl'r, a clln11·11t labnratory l<'Ch· niclan at l!C"LA. The p11trC'l) rellMOnr11 lhl' w11111an 11rl\'l~r ff-II 11 .. 1 .. .,r Th,.n-"~1 ,. n11 skid marks bf'fnn• th1• impaC't 407 38th St , a rr pnrt'nt11 nf a girl h11by born J uly 21 tn Ht1ac Hospital. REFLECI'S ON YEARS -Mn. Sadie Hoefner, long a resident ot the Harbor area who has participated in city activities since 19~3. retires after 24 years u businesa secretary oL\he Newport Har bor Union High School. -Staff Photo u'h&lt lhe people who are talk· lnr about taxea a ttend the Coata Meaa city council bfftlng tonJcht lht mayor will have to han( out an BRO algn. TOP SNOWBIRD SKIPPER· CHAMBER DRIVE BREAKFAST DUE BELOVED FIGURE At leu t two petltloM aakln&' the counc11 to keep the preaent t&X rates are being 1lgned ln Coa· t& Meaa and will be preaent.ed at the council meeting and propon· ents or both waya o! thinking are reportedly trylnc to aee that a crowd attenda the d}acuu lon. Winner-over 134 other entries In Sunday'• annual Flight of the Snowbirds w a • Lanny Coon (center) of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. He la receiving the Chamber of Commerce trophy from ita president, Maurie Stanley (left) while New· port Harbor's Mayor Dora Hill and C. ot C. Yachting Ch.airman Urban Beh stand by to offer their congratulatiorui. -Beckner Photo First o! f ive brea kfasts for m embers and dlrectora ot the Newport Harbor Chamb<'r of Commerce ln each ore& ot town will get undt rway to· morrow at 8 a . m . al the Watne Shor on Balboa Jsland. ·Mrs. Hoefner Retires from High.School Work Bert Smith, one m ember or the city councll'on rec<Jrd u favorlng a $1 per $100 aaaeaaed valuation lax rate. la out of the city and will Gas Main Explosion. Fire in SA Injures 5 ·Persons A1 one by one the old Umera, make her replacement extremely not be a t the met'llng. having to do with the early de· dlfflc111t." M11yor Claire Nelson \8 under· SANTA ANA. At:G. l (0 Cl':S) U1eir handt and arma aa they velopment of l':ewport Beach, Mrs. HOf'fner rame to the har· stood to be In favor of the 'raise. Five persona w ere Injured -four tougl:~ to que.nch the blaze. pa.u out of t he picture, comes bor d111l rlct In 1923 to be assist· Councilman A. L .. P inkley says o! them firemen -when a gu 600 PBO~""ES O UT the announcement t oday of the a nt to the latf', beloved Harry he does not believe a lot of young main in Santa Ana erupted in E dl11<>n Company oftlciala aaid retirement ot Mn. Sadie 1 Sua l Wekh. lmttal secretary of the pwple wl!I bt' able to pay their rta m'ea thla mom1ng, shooting fire that a number ot home11 In the }{oetner. !.or 24 years buiitnes~ t•hamber or commerce. She took l&Xea It the boost Is put l1'l.O ef· some 30 feet into the air. area had eJt>ctrlcal service dlitl-upt· secretary of the Ne";:110rt Harbor an act ive part In writing and feet and he ta out.atandlngly in The searing flames melted tele· ed when "the fie.mes cut through Union High School. Prior to thlll handli ng tht' p ubllcJty 1n the bat· f-.vor ot r etaining the l!O·cent phone and power cablea strung power cables. Jerry R ichards. dia· ahe hadt been for ma ny years··u -tie for thl' passa ge of harbor rate. across poles at the Intersection or trtct Pacific T elephone Company 11ist&nt 11eeretar;v t o the hHe Ha r· bonds. then a touchy and po!ltl· .. 1 know as well as Myone t hat Greenleaf and Santa Clara Aves manager 11ald service to aome 6()0 rr Welch, ortgtnal founder and r.al. elect1vr county achlev~ment.. shortly attcr t he fire s ta rted at !Ubscribers wu cut orr by the fire h d t th N t H bor When t he long fl~ht for the es-we nred the monry tor improve· 9 30 when flames melted lhtir ca bles. c~mb:r of eCom~':~~;. ar tablu1hment of the Newport Har· ment.s, but if we can wait until . lhi.s sn~~~~gt'Al"SE Rlch11rt1s said one of the cablea next year the Coast Collt>ge 29· Judge Donald J. Dod,i;f'. chair· bor L'nwn High Sch1'fll dlstnct Santa Ana Fire Uepa rt.menl of· was a J OO-line unit and the olher cent override tax will be 11ropp<'d man of the high school !)Oard C'lf Willi on the boards, the palnstak-tlclals aald a possible spark lgnll· w&11 a •OO·llne wire. .J an'I th11t wlll hPlp," s~lcl Pinkley. trustct'.~, In concluding An a p· tn,. nnd arduous J11bors of Mrs. .~~ c•nt~ ed the blaze u workmen 11oui::-ht F lva c rewa o! telephone com· "\\'e hllve alrea.ly &•ltle•i .,.., ,. " pratsal of Mn . .Hoerner's wm·tc, Hol'fnr r cllntn h11ted In no l!mall for the fiii;h 1'1,.hool uni! II) cents lo ronn~.ct a four and 6·lllCh pipe pa.ny splicers and repairmen were i<aid: "Say r verythlng n1re about part to that arcumph~hment. for ell'mentary schnols. t he city I to an unrovered gas main nt the said to be on tht scene aome ten Sadie -she'll entitled to It. She SETS RE('ORD 15 up llJ l'tmlt!-thlio , . .,ar anti 1 intersection. Two engines a.nrt a m!nute11 alter the damage WM re· was one ot the m&tnstays of t he In 1931 whrn lht>rP. were ru· understand <>lht>r llg~ncies plan squ:.d company of ~Rnta Ana ported. Service to subscrtbera, high <School, errtdtnl, hli;hly I m<>n1 that the c1tv·sponsored small ad<lltlnns. Artd •l a ll up and f1rem.-n responded to t he bla ze. Rlchanls !laid , wu "partially re· 11at111!actory and conscientious." chamber o( rommerc; WC'lUld be It m ean.!! $40 10 $:'iO more on One un identified gas compa ny em· stored" at noon and !\Ill rt1Jtora· WILi. BE MIS~ED abolished, Mrs. llnefn!'r reslgnetl every house In Cosla Mella and ployee wu sald tu have been 11ea r· Uon was expected by. 7:00 p.m. Mu. Hoetner·s retirement was her pnst and took a jll b with th"t' there a lot of people who will not 1 ed by the flames, but h1:1 no me F iremen quenched the blue ertective yuterday. It I& und~-hl1:h sr hool, n po111tlon shl' has b4! able lo pay II." and uttnt o! his lnJ11rtes were not some l~ minutes a!ter lt 1tarted. 11tocid that Lester Miller, un the held since. She has established known by Sant -. Ana fire dr-parl· The exact origin of the fire wu high school teaching staff. hu l an a ttendance rrcord hard to "W~al the people want" 111 the 1 ment omoals. undetermined a t noon today. bet>n ma r1e 11dmlnislrath·e a~s1:1l· bt'at. ha ving been abst nt only way C.:aunC'ilman Bruce Martin ex· I Firemen Injured were Captain Those Injured were sa id to be anJ ind will a."Sume some of five da y& In the 2~ ye11rs. WM n peels lo \'•)l e, He s;iya he knows Ken Fowler and F iremen J esll not critical by fire department of· Mrs. H oefner'a dutlea. Jn dla-) ahe s tarted her ,emplo)'l'nent Lhat the ctly net>ds impro~ement• 1 Haddock, (;tlt'f Osterma n and Leo flrlals. All ha\·e been treated and r_ussing hl'r wor.k, Superlnl<'n<l~.nt thl'rt were JI) l••e<·hr111 on lhP and also that the reopl~ will h~ve Cardwell. The quartette suffered were aaJd back at work t.hia atter- S1dney H . Dav1rlson 11tatcll: It statr. In 19.'J:'l·!>G, she staterl, to pay for lh!'m if lht>) get lht m. rlrst M d second dt'gree burn.I! on noon. Is wtlh r egret tha t the ln111> Rnd thne will be ;9 teachers. If the p~ple ahnw him that they !------------------------------ fa ithful 11ervtce or Mrs. HuPfncr I When H. L. Sherman In 1930 I want lo ~pent! the r11'ln'Y he will • Wiii termtnlllt' Sept. l. She I!< II dN lol1•1l 1'1 rrera1e an() wnle a \'Ole for It. MRl'llO 11ays. I Earl Roberts Tries to Slash h11rd worker. lntC'llll:el1t. and hrr hlitlory or "' wport BPa1·h. Mrs. knowledg e or 11crn11ntlng anrt Hoerner aided him In the vol· f w • s · d T • • J •1 bustne~s dl'lall will make her u mlnOllll mearch required. spent Too Late lo •• rasts econ 1me tn at sorely ml11sel! In t he yr ars ahead. I 1ong irnd tedious hours digging u the growth ot the 11chool with intn th<' rites or the ch1tmber o! Classiflecl Earl Robert.a, •8, a Newport Beach day a fter he all11edly a ttempted Ila rapid lncrcue In elu<lent11 will comm,.rre and st>rktng old t imer!! I palnter waa In county ho1pltal to-to take hla Ult by •l.uhlng h11 for t1ala on thP early d11y11 wrists. Clouters Actl .Ve ot :'\e"'Jlort Bea•·h. Mrs. Hoer-20-Hf'aJth Aids NHYC CREW Jail Capt. Clyde Gathr ight n ld ner'ii d1111,:htt>r. now Mrs. w. E the cuta were t li(ht. It wu tht Lawson or R1\·t'rsl!.Je, typed lhe MASSAGE second time Roberti had rnade a ...-S Thefts Told manuscript ror th" H111tnry. lN ,.OUR H·o~'E ! continued from Fin& Pace M effor t t o elash hlmae1r. accord· WELL • K SOWS i '"' r rt>w g OPS to San Diego lo rompetc Ing t o Gathright. It 'lll'lll a bad we!'k end tor After joining the hll!h srhool Serving th<• H>1rbor Area. \\'ednesdoy 1111'1 Thur~day again,11t The prh10ner, who ls held on an t ft .M H r 11 f j the Junwr s.aillni; rhampion11 ot I u sault ch&rge. tried to ust' a autoi11tll. f11 a ' rs. Ile nrr !!ti aC'e• Latlif's only San Francl!«'•> B:1y a rea and the knife on his wrists J uly 18. but F'lv juvenilell. three r rmn Ri"l'T· Mome or her r hamhrr "f com· For apvt plea.~c cal l Har. 479~ \\' ( h' e d 1 · h h h 01 H O'''"' s.•>c98 P11clflc Jl:orlhw,•st. inner o t i11 was grabbed by .a jailer . • I.de and two !1·0111 Santa Ana, me11•c irrc ors as ig ~r o or at. _,,. p wn e arrested Saturday night bv , tru~t<'l'I!, ~"me 0 t c~e e ni.: raceio will be named junlor 11ail· wife with a crow b&r. r h b 1 round robin •eriea or three <.;I Robert• aasertedly ua11.ulted hl11 Ofticera Kenntth Thomr~•1n a n:1 • J udgr Dorti:r . Lr f'.n.v Andtrt1nn. 2_9-_l_lr_l_p_\\'anted ln1t 1 ha111p111n of the rootst &nd will \\"llllam Trust\' nn • hRq:<'~ n( J ns••ph A. BePI<. \\ills rd Ml'llntt, i:n to the :"ort11 American J uninr • atu hng hub 1·~pl'I, The raps were while cHht-r chanibe; of com· EXPERIE:-.ICED null l\lt'n for fur-t;b'ohrarn. )lrl:·,·nn~h.1ps at Booth bay Ha r·1Boats Collide found m the boys' rar I merce director11 ot the old da y11 niture factory. Lll!'ht t>qulp. " _ El•mora .,. "' !·fl S Gab-with w hom Rhe rRme In rontHl't I StAad" ... .,1 k insui ll n··e ht>nn· o , r . ,,e , n, an h 1 \\' T , kl ~ ' , ~ · · ' ' Thirty yacht r:l•'lng as80clattnna • • r tel. r eporteo.l fen<ln ~k1rt~ lllken Wf'rl' c ll r ,.~ . e\\ m e, ~ A. !its. LI 8·6332 8;lc8i and morp thll..ll 1400 y11cht clubs In · In upper Bay from his car a l 28th St .. sntl 811 1· ~r:p•r. lhP. !Ate R L. .Jon llln. e1,;ht ulstrids will be rr~!<ented ' b<>a Blvd "-· I. Mllo1·e and 01 h~r!. I • ~frll. H11erner has bern II mem· j s_O-M~~ .. u~e.o_u~_ hy Lile conl~'1'l8ntlJ at thbay., D . 0 E. Lowe, '\'1lm1ngt .. n, had the -. \\·1ru1Pr w!ll be awanll'cl the Se11r11 amag1ng ne radln 111otcn from h1:< rar and ber nf the ~"wpMt Hiubor p . A:\'Tl '°'l'F. T \ t \\'h k d '<{ ti·tiph\' Oavl<l T. SlPlll'll, 16£1 F:a .. l 18th ' nr m..1ni• ~'<'RI'~. ~n 1t1' e C1'nu1ne H>1 ,·1llrn•I · ' h l !1 t 1 1 I fl h 1\ t ttw l rnptiy p re11enta t1on, Dick Two boats cracked their hulls St., Costa )\{l'Sl\, rrp<HlP<I t hat 11.n w 11 :;. " 111 r•nr "' '' ''1 11 tr er Turkev l'IAIVr Hird dr~;J?n F !'nt .. n Jllnl r a• t1v1tl<'s chairman togi'lht r yesterday In tho Upper t'ler tric r&zor was takPn from l'<'llrPnwnt ~1"' i;milrd an•I 1 e· • L•'X 5.4:;;:1 11;1118i I I \,.II f thl Im ' !111 :;c-YA , .. mm•ndl'tl the rrrws Day ski a rea but no Injury result· hi• a uto. r I<'< c . nr nnc ni: IO\'"lnfot to tllke a n\rr Joni: ie~t r11r lh~lr skill anti tntrnclured TC'lm e•I, tho Harbor Department aa ld. Car Tar~ Tak." an t lhrn ,\'flll l<nnw 1 ha\·e 11i·t• ~~t~·~-~nd T.!:_~<:_~--ft, lh\\ell w1 fn·• h111rn1nn. (;"ne R. \". McKinley ot Loa Angeles 1 ~I j l M <l th 1!1111m, <'h111rm>rn or ti!'' :"\rwpnrl· toltl C'lfrtr ers he w;u making a Stt'Ve A. 1 torrlll. !105 Sl'luth Hay ~·,;::ur; 1~i,,~:1• ~r1:nr~"nls a; mn~~ CO:O.ll'U;':TEl-Y <·I.EA ::'\. lll52 Dn!h"n 11rrn. J1tn1 •r rrin1mltte•. In· cn11ntcr clorkw 1sP awing to drop Front, tol<1 p'1hrc yP111crday a <l ark whnlrsome re:trl'm• nt llCt'C<lll· Stutlcooki•r Chat111•1"n ·l -ol:. ""· trodlh'cd llusl•r Hammond anti off his sl\icr whrn tho aftl'r afar· green tarpauhn w~ tnken Crom plt~hlllrnl". H~r home Is Ill 1:iMI ltix,. tnodl'l, l"'rf• •'t lhrn "'ll J11rk SW•'M ~ nwmb .. ra or hl11 board quarter C'lf h111 hoat wa.s hi• ca r r 11rkrt1 In the B l'il. Jot. I Orange Ave l $Sii •, lfa'.::_ I!i: 1 b~k67 • nmmlltel' and h•1not1•d winning et ruck by one oper a ted by R-0nald rrew memhrrs bf'&Ultful "teke \\'ar ren ot Azusa. 48·B--HouS<'s for Rt>nt hom .. " l1fl1•t11•·.~. Warren 1<a1d he waa gmng etut ·----· -· • ---T J,., n.11·,·s wtre <"nlluc.ted by t rying to get hi• alder up when Produ..-t Des ign Acll'er~Js1ng ll<'l'lllll An ·h1lPctur11l lllustrat ions RE ALLY :'-il~'E. Twr1 llctlr•11>m Bili 1·11m1 b11ll, 111ce 1«mn11ttee he WH.'l str uck on the pdrt bow by 111111. l..111·11:•• w11idr"b" • lnioet11. 1 h111ri.,1111 of OYt' Andy (;rRl\1 the .Mr KlnlC'y era.ft. \'er111•11l \'t-nr·lwn• 111 lt\'.ni; r«••m. •nn J1n1 \\'hy\r· 1wrl'erl as judg~~ Harbor Depa rtment offlcera 11ald Tilt> 111 b:1lh. F rnr •t tar lw""'I 1ch1»tr•I Jim BPrryrnn.n'11 patrol the Blarboa rd quart er of U1e Mc· 1;11 .. 1.• Knn't~· p111 .. k,:, '1• n 11·11h : h"''' f'hip Clrnry nf f!YC llCl<'<I Kinley boat was 11to\'e In and tht 1t..•r•,"HI \'aid l<"t\'I•" nn.J i:11r·1 n~ µf'nf'1al roordlnalnr. Bi1b \\'ood-l t11wart11 pushtrt to t he oppOlllle 11~·· .\ol11~t!I univ ~11•1 ru m••nth .... arrJ, l"ranlc \\'•1t1lf'. GI' o r g e ~Ille of thf' ho&t. A 1llght crac k ln·p• • l ii t7 l 'lllm>'r fl r p'11 nP Schrnlcl! Hnrl Allan Hf•rr1ngt11n 11'811 the only damage rtported to LI !'.< 6l'fl.'1 ~~ .. ~11 l11ane<I h11111:1 for use In thn .-ene11. I 1he Warren bo11t. · Laundry service deluxe ... at bargain prices! We talC ·e pleasure i n announcin9 our new location. • • P1u\e· l'p an1t PrOOU\'tiOn A1rbru:1h &nrl Photo·Retn11ch lllu1tratlon1 Cartoon• WHAT IS IT? ln1hn.tually w11~11r.1 -wrarmg a pp11rel flu!! rJntd hy 111t~n~d air-tlat piece.'! pi1ifl''"ionally l1 l•n1 <I Your dolhes and ilnPnll 11 r-e rtrne 11p O:>;E t.:n!t-no mix· 1.p:<, n•1 11;1s1Ji:htly marks -ralnsoft water, grntle conll'Olll'd 11oaps. IAttenng room Id at 1600 West Coast Hiway Newrort Beach, Cah f. dH lf?l and Al'"t • cre11te<l a nd produced to meet the need• ot bu1lne111 a.nd Ind Ult ry WHEN AVA ILABLE ... SerYi ("e within hours If urgent , beca use we do everything right here. HOW MUCH ••. It is • bergein bundle too only $2.85 for 23 lbs. WHERE ••• llOQ West Coast Highway casa para "8£R\1CE WITHl"!'li BOl"R.S -WllES !l{D'.;Dl:D .. COMPLETE IAUNDER8 and CLEA.NEBS Newport Beacll Mesa Streets Scheduled For More Planting More treea !or C011ta Mesa Hay Langl'nhtim, executive aecretary of the chamber, 11ald a bre11kfaat wlll be g iven 111 a different area of town fnr the next f\va Tuelldays. H" ~aid It l.s part or the C'hllmbtr's m embt>rship drfrt. ~~~~ed~~ ~~:n p1:r:nb~!~~t.1i:~j WHITE HOUSE conltng t o A. H. Mt>yer1 o! the Contll)uecl from Fin.\ Pa,11 P1 ark! bot a rtl .. Tb~ ... ~amta amolduntl Ider 11.nol a • cr·>~sover lntn T••xas n a11 year a ouugt prov P< for a l>out 180 lr<'t!I acconhng to I P rtiwlpal me~sas:;·~ r invr~ "'' ~'t H c Lo b h 1 fC'lr purcnts: .John \nil re wan:, 11 ,.. rs. . . uns erry , r a nn11n hi 1 t' 1 ot the tree pla.nllng Nlmmllte<' I .!! mot ier » <nnw thRI his o! the Cltlzens Couneil. touch of P ol!'lon Oak 111 ~l1·"11ni: Petitions are a.lrtady coming up nicely:_ Tom Daume, l(r11nol- ln for atrt>et beaut1f1cat lon, Mr~. I par1>nts ftne anil rnnt•h ""''! Loun1<bPrr)' gays. Those on tile agrtt~l with aU: Kent Harwy are from Anaheim Jtamona the :"avajo India ns ha\·a nnthml( Place. Costa Mes&, ' Dav and that could be want••d In C'11ltf<•r· Santa Ana S ts. Trees ·planted n!a, and !rom a.ll the boy~ ... ,,.v. five years ago ma.de 8 wonder· t>rybody Is pa."l~lng us In the ful growth lhla summrr and wronJ; rllrecllon h"adlnK for CAI· Mt'yPrs statt;1 the rC'lmm1ilt>e Is lrornla ." doing a fine job taking care Of I ~.::-:.::::::-:.::::,-_--_---­ them. 'The park budget Included IAlllr'ST.Q1D~ about $·10.000. Mtyer!I ~ayii. Of /If r f;. / I ft J.,j lhl!I $10.000 went tnwartl paylng Victoria St.. and MOOO for It.a 0 ror tho n-ew park at the end or Are You 6 1c Improvement. EarninCJ . 0 Car Trunk Cleaned Donald E Fultrr or 1805 E. For 25 years we have placed 6';( Fin;t Mortgage Loans for a private mone>y clientcle from Coast · tn . Coast. We offer a com- plete collection s e r v i c e without charge. Balbo& Blvd. F rld11y fPJIOrted 11 I.heft from hbl Cf\ r tn N~·port Bt>ach pohee derartment. Ho said aomeonc unlockl'd the trUnk of hi• car and removed a spnre tire. hydraulic bumper jack &nd lui; boll which holds the spare. The victim aet value ot the lou a t •10. Write for / r e IJ flr11rrlpfli>r 1 pnmphlet. WI' 11v11<is no prr-1 11onnl aolicitntvm.•. , Wallet, $56 Taken a plastic w allet ron· I I ~i 'Theft ot Wning i 56 wa.a reporterl tC'l ~ew· port Beach pohrl' rrlclav bv l Morto•\• '"•••'""•"" I loan1 Barbara Harred (If Lo~ An.gele~ 1.0' M. 1 •• ~'·t11•h~d ~i~b•rl, 1-1111 She 11 a Tfllltor a t 427 E. Bay I Sa.rt• Ano, Caillor••• Ave. D''"' irt ~~:!._'_o• ___ J • IT'S HIGH TIME ,,, i.1111 ""' DAY· & NITE JET GLAS Water Heaters C ell You r Authorized Deel e r JOE BECHTOLD l'l.I M l\1 ~1. Harbor 5330 TPtm1t 10°;, llown • • I I PA~E I · PAftT f -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ONDAY, AUGUST I. ·1955 ? . . . -l .• West Coast Highway 16.00 Opposite Balboa Bay .Club ' Serving the Harbor area -a new modern office building on famed "Mariner's Mile" Sixleen-JJ.unJreJ U/e~t Coad/ Jhghwa'J . nwporl Beach A business address of distinction -centrally· located - affording ample parking facilities for employees and clients of these tenants South Coajt mortgage Co., !Jnc. f Loan Correspondent for . Bankers National Life Insurance Company . . . . Loan Representative of Wint~r Mortgage Company, Corre~pondent for New York Life Insurance Company . • .. Loan Correspondent for the Los A'\geles area, including Orange County, for Life & Casualty Insurance Company of Tennessee, Nashville . . . F. H. A. • Approved Mortgagee. Yacht Brokers-Insurance 'J:Jave 'J:Joane Design & Art J Public Accountant Builders of "1600 Building .. Private Hospital Design & Construction Realtor ' . ' .. , . • I I HARBOR AREA BECOMES BASE FOR LOUISVILLE SLUGGER OPERATION Local Resident Hovatter ·Heads lat Firm's Western Activities Dup1te Hoveu .. 1 ~ 'lvll<'ned with the 1treate11t names in ba!St'· tlllll hlaln1y, he ha& nu C&\'Oflle pl11)'tr~ .. , hke tht'm •II 1111<1 J I wsnt tl'l"m all lo , ... n." ><vecve Ruma up h111 fl';ohng• But it's Newport Beach 111 western headqua rters for Louisville nnly n at u r a I that llov11tt1•r SI b . . :.hould be THN•d of h111 sbihly , ugger ats. which are as synonymous with baseball as 10 ~•t" up rtiarn\•ntl prMpec·t• home run is to Babt> Ruth. Not that the bats art:> manufac· e1111r 1n th .. 1r ··ar .. ~1 lured here. but 8imply bec:ause friendly Roscoe Hovatter of t'.\tcl' cw Jott 1615 Bonnie Doone, Irvine Terrace. is western representative "Thul h11' I»'"" p.,11 "' my of the famous Kentucky concern. JolJ ' H11v11u1·r '''""'8 1••.J. • T1o H1 \n µ1•11111•1111: t1all µl&yt r~ f••I' the '''My hours, aside from travel time when l make my u• .. nr thrlr nnnw~ r•n thPlr br·11nd round•. ne from e p.m. to 1 ""'1.927 when Ruth f'HtBbllshed tht' 11( u..u1~v111 .. ~1ui;i,:t>1 ti.it~. tt1tlph p.m. a t the v11rlou1 ball p1.rk11," 1!'0 round tnpper mark slugger& lo\lnrl' ,, une 11( my liuy~ 1 ~igned Hova tler n id. "So ~pl,. refrr havf! be .. n 1umin~ at ever since J 11<k t1• Rubin.sun, th<: 111,.,1 :'\t'Ji:rO to me u that lucky guy who WILQ ('0NT£1'1 b.111 pl11y.-r tu rt'lll h the maJor 11eta paid to r;o to thC' b11ll Hovatter sat m on lhf! h11:h··~t . le .. ~u... Tlilll w.111 in the winter Ji:llme11." But evt'n th11t c11n bf'· anJ w11'lest. ~corinf( gam .. 1n cll>1· I of Ill Iii. b .. fnrt' n .. tllnS11n n11ctle come work. 111•.nd history AUi{. 2:;. 1!122 th·· i:1a•lt· with 1:$1uukll•n the A1TENOANCE :\LUCK I "That was al Wrigley F ield. L'h1· j 1ull<M111i; ..,,.a,.nn " "I ha ve attendM gllnit11 In rive ('!Igo The CUbl! edged the Ph1t· 1 B .. ~1•l••s the B>t.se\rnl\ (', ntt'n· different parks rn five 111a1i;ht lies 24·l9, despite the more or 1 mal b.11 "lrn h R1ii.• ctv it>}b,111~ ll3 nights. and in on.-day attended' 1.-ss dead ball then in vogut> a kt'.,IJA.<k1•. 111wtht>.r ra,·./rile dub rwo opemni;-gemu in the Pllrl· A mong eye-witnesses al t he ts u lo\mer l.AHlliwille !(iu::Ker fa· Co1111t Ll"a);llf' 1tl LOI! An· legtndary 1932 \\'orld Sen,•:. s1i:nr"1 l1y 1111 lhi> n11•mhu;. or Jo!"lea In the srtnnoon ""'' al f(Rme w~tn the Bambino .. c·alh·J tht-l !.111' l'ilt.,lrni ;:h l'ir 61,., ,,1• S11n Dll'gO thlll nl~ht." Hovat11•r h lll ~hot WIHI Ho\'8ller. Ruth llt•r pll'•Clll .. d lh·· bllt IO HOVBl· reported. w1111 taking quite a riding from tt>r une ,1 w Btli'I , 111, ,. l'laye•l Sttll. lhere'11 no qur1111on about the Cub benc h JOCkies when he a ro11n1I ••f i:olf HnvaltPr •'OJOY'"ll: hi. j••b or pulll'rt hll< unrorget\Able i:ra.ml· Hm·attrl bt'CollU•· 1t11\e1 l11<in~ k"Ppln,R' orR11n1iw<I anti Arnllte1111o l<tand -pley. ThP big i:uy (Jp. 1n11nu~er nf 1!1lln1rh arul 81 ath•· h1111eba II lllnk~ ~llpplir-ol Wit h hhi>ral':\' t•t•.!< lWO C'll llf'•I l'I rikf'll by <"11 . lllrillllflh tu I"'·' n( I he Lo111sv1llP ~hlllR"'" Hrwnl\('T ('LIO from ( hl\l'l;:y RfW'll In riflh inn· Lm11~\'1ll .. i't11i:1.o·r¥ bnti<, '" 1!136. rlBte h11:hlli.:hts nf h•• ot111n1rin.J inic nf lhe third i.tame 811<'1 hr"r fQ thlll ho• huudl•"I ad- nwmont'i< b&ck t11 tfll!l wht'n r•irnt ini: lo dt•epe .. t Pl'l• tion 11< ""' t1s·ni.: f>1r na\'lnn ~l»el 11:11'· Anh.-Rurh w~.< J'"' 11h1rt1nR lh" oulllt'lrt. then bla14led Root's qu .. 1 (',, in lhr 11•nnlK R11tl b11<I· rrom pll<'h1ng ol11tleH t .. lht' oul· lh•r•I pitch, Into thr bleH('her>i in m1nton lino· fl<'l•I /'"' Jht' Uulllt11J tfrd ::; .. x. I thllt vt<'inily. "I ~11w Ruth hll "'" ll!llh h .. lll. "I we11 s1tt1ni: In 8 hnx "''"\ "" a tin" with ht•mt' 1tnrt 1111111 bas<•" Ho vntter reput t<'•f. "11nd I •lt.v R u th dl•I ;u•I th:.t" ( ·a.11:-<t: A!'<~OC'I.\ TUI~ "I VI' IW~ll ""MICllH "•I with 8lh· letl•" t"r :Jll Y"·"" hut huv .. .tune n11lh1nj; uf 1111pH1 tor11 r 111 "i>"l lll," llu \'<11l 1·1 ,.,,111 "I pl11.1·1·tl ~uttb111l burk 1n th.-Ill'.,!{\ , wh"n 11 w1u1 lalle1l klllen bi.ti T hen t i.rte ti flf \hi' ll"ll•"n on ti\!' lt1/ll •ll•\' or 1 hP """""" Thnt wnll nt W1t1<h- in~l••n. f i '· ' Th" n•»•I 111•11 1m P.ulh W• Ill I" 1111' y ,,nkt'I':< ltr1d ~a ed b111ldinit, 1he1r 11ew .. tad· 111m by <'1111111111; An unhthevilhle fl homl' runs thi.t r tv11lut111n· .f'd b11i<ehllll It W8llll l Until ••.. M•d• In Colilorni• lw rite lwilders pl' Americ• I :llt:\toltl' l'EAK But r1i:ht 11t the peHk .,f h1~ ba~eh11 ll r<>l'('llle<'llons l fl dRl", Ho· \'H 1t .. r plac·ed tletftrallon fll the H11ll nf Ferttt' at Cnorpn1town. X . \" on Junr I:!. J9:i!' d11rin)! th!' :\'atm11al l'ast1n11•'" IHOth 1111· """'tsar\'. Hqsc11p wal' ''' lcJ:lllN\ '" hHOol Olll about ;:i ~P•'\"IAI l..uu111n tlt> Slug11:er bat~ c-ommPm· (ll lltins: tht' P\'COl whic h WR!' Ill· rendt>rt b.1· a ll hvmg memb,.1i. 11( thl' Hall or F"i1ml' Amnng tho~t Ho\'atll"r p1P· .,ent"t1 b11ls tn w 1 ,.,. th.-Ba~ h1ml'rlf. Ty l'OJbb. Honus W.tJ:· ner. Ct>0rge Su1ler. Trll1 Spi' .. krr. f"11nn1r M ilek. ="°BP Lajoie. r.1 n· Vt'r <"IP\'el11.nrt Alexend,.r \\'1111· rr .Johnson. '·y Younjt unit Ecloltl' C11llm11. \.\.t'l t> Sl t,:u11plC t•f (hU).!~ t•t hall tn 1.1rn1111~h.1111 l•ut 1 u 1ltln'1 t ••I th• 111u:i,tar0! Hu\·n II i'I 1 •·1 "nlly tul'n<"d I e· prel'~ntnt1un l'f l..um,.\llle ~ht~· 1'··1 b11t ... 111 lh•• M\'t'll nurlh· \.\'~ ... t··1 n ~tat~,,. u \t>1 lh h i:-. ~un. I : .. 11e H'"' '' !It r ', ~ tt1~ C'a h· f•Hn111 «ntl A1 1z••nll·:O.:i'\\' Mf'xll'n lt-.•J:lll'll 111 I 1 1 It• 11n thr "I'' "II' t1., 1ninjt nt1t;ur lt·ai:ue di;r•~ in Ant.uni! !'.l y d1111ghter Wt•~ thr 11thl,.t1• In thf' famll).'' Ho \lit t t'r cla1mt J Sh<' w11ulll h11,·e ma•lf' lhf' llllijul'4 he•I .. hi• bPPO a bo~ ... ShP s larit•I 111 g1rll\' athlrt1r11 Ill Ell1nl t J un1nr H1i;th 1n Alladtna anc1. Pa::111d!'Oll ('Hy C:11l11"fte. HARBOR I \)O~ j I BILL PJfiLLIPS, Sports Ed•l•• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, AUGUST I , I 955 FOREST SMITH FINANCES LADIES PGA TOURNAMENT Fm t'.!'lt Smith's mai;tmf1C'enl ~tAX BEHI~U TllE B.\T -i~11scoc flu\'...,ttcr of lr\'ine Ttrrace. western distributor of Louisn lle Slugg,•r bai;('},a II h ' . pn:;lt ~ 11ul points of mtl'!rest on one of his fa. 1·11nte diamond ku·psakt•s. Thi:-b.st P •ll'ffil•moralrs bai:Pball's lOOth anm,·en;ar y. ci'.'lebrated in l flJ!l, Ho\'altc.r J1~u 1buu·d llu· b1tt8 l{I such H;;ill of Famcrs as Babe Rut h. H onus \Vagnc·r 1111J T~· l'ohb -~lafl Pholo Red Sockers Battle Off Giants' Bid Bat llmg (1Jr1911fil· lo i.t.ave. orr the hll Hl·Pl'•'l'<'lll~ G1Bnh 111 Har- bor Boy .. ; Club A Su111r11r1· Ua•1·· I ball ua){U•' F'rt<l8\', th!' f 1r~\ pl11re Rt>•! l' ·X t dj:rd lhe li11C\'I'· 4 ·2. The se1 r1.1 plR•" 1;111n111. nne-h,.lr J:""•" hat k ~l.111cht1·r"ol the Yankt>es :.!:.!-7. h1•11r.11h " Ill 11111 (ll ~l by t ht 1<11d Bnh Tl«pp hll 11 ~11inrl· '""-·.. .!1111 p,•i-:111 .. 1 t11plt><1 sla11,1111'I' 1n t he th1 rrl fr11 lhl' \• 1111 ti " 11.1..:" li•1h.:rn1; w ith li11m1<. · ''1t·t•>rN nenm~ CRroll'n tnplt'<I 1; iry ' I •I I< 1111 I 1 .. 111 Z•111.t11. !>•111· with nne ""· th•'" ftru1t·d to Bl'· c• r h111 ltT.,, , hlm ... 1 111 with 11 tount for Jnrtoan m erker11. (•1111' ••I I"'"' l\('ll'!'l I s t:1ntl1ni: throi11:h F'1 1dey. Rert Jo .. 111 t ~wi-.rnd Butth V1nP· Sox It<!; C111nt;c 11 ·•: Brl!V<'s. \'111·.i l••i mr•J 1111 111 ~l1flt> ln1J11m 'L'tirtt~ 8-'>. \\'hit<' Sox :i-1\: ~­ hill• "" 11'" hm,:11·.·· Mrirnllll1P, 1 i;t•r~ :'l·!l. lnihRn11 •·8, Vim y111d clut1blt ,1 1wro~~ two runs 2·1'..!. LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is BARBER SHOP " ln Thur!<day • i;s1111 • lh" I'' 1 •I· 1n&L" rnmpt'tl t•\•I u w lnJR n~ lli·2 Rll•I lh" I ""ti;.•·I I hrihll .. I plllll lhP \\'hit.· s •X I:!·;. l'IT C ll \\ I '\ I '~ IHLBOA THEATRE BLDG. R t>11 !'o x "''' tir-1 c. n •. ,. "·'""" :· RAL80A ""rt l'r:p F .. :1thf'r~ro1 11"1<1 Open Tu~day thru Saturday B ra\'<'!! baller;; tn thr • e h1t.-1 I _.:_---------"'.""'....,-----------------..J Varr.,11 R"i.:• I'-A l 1;. "" L1tn•I -------- N•t h ~1ni.-I· 1 ' , .. • ti"' 111n•. ts:tkrnj! •art• ,., ~.,, >1111 1•1 ... sn lilt> flflll All'\ "''II I llofllll~ Rifle Club Holds First Hunt Clinic Fit's! 1n a ... nr1 ot h1mte1~ C'lllll•"I \\KS ht'lol SU11\1By b\'. lttt' South l '111vl R1fll' 11n1l P 1llo l Club 111 11~ ll••\\' tan~<' a m1lr aoulh o f Or1rni;r C'ounty A1rvu11 nn ~hrArthur Rl\'ol The fhn11·- w1ll. ~·· fr•••'. B•'<·n1111ni; to <'!Ub membt'r· Ounfl!n Slt>wnrt or New· pu rl 0<'8r h A1mt'll at prl'partnf( 111rnrods for lht· olrt•r !h•AS.'11 which opr1111 In A u;tu11t . tlw t'l\1b 1mpplled trlllll"d 1w1 1<m1ntd lv a1J In ~1ght· Inf(' llfll'~. Two Stllll' F111h and G •llllt' 1eprt',.l'nla1 lvt-. wt' re on hlln1I II• 11n~wPr 11m•11\wn". Spurt •llh n \\'l'l 1' a .. ki;,J lll br1111: lh•• I 1·p.. v! lllllnlllnltl0 11 they'll u.... 1lu1 lllK lht' hunllni; llt'Bl<on F'1rmi: "''" tlnnt' 111 dttr Jumr·11p 1111 ftt'l:< A ~h11t 1:11n . trar was al~ pru\'tJe•I App<J1nlment11 m av ~ ma.It' '4'1th t h.. l'lub b\' 0 f11t ht>r.1 for takmJ: or a h1~n1 ... r·11 safely b\' youni::.tt>rs. Y 011ni: , l111n\("t;I "•II ~ \n~lruc-ted bl \hi' Alt ·•I h1u1.ll1ni: • r m In \JI• t1rl.t ~ ••r \h t' ftnC';t 111 1..'ommel't'la l r rinlllll: '"" llarh\•r 11116. J ob l'rmt111s: I'• t'1<rt111rn1 PrlN.,e Police • MERCHANT PATROL t"d . I HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL 'SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 DID YOU KNOW ••• You can buy a new Mercury for less than it costs for 13 mode.ls of so-call.ed ''low- oriced'; cars? See your Mercury dealer t by ROSSI with all the Gourmet A ccompaniments WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE Corona del Mar 2325 t:. Cout Hwy. (CLOSED Tt:ESDA \"8) Har. 1180 OVERALLS ..., ..... 41 ... ...,. ............ .. tfle ~ ... Ml ............. IOU'. ,_, bns or lhf' Women'a P rofession· a.I Golf AMoc-111t111n 1111<1 th11 \\'cim· en'11 Soutl'tt•rn Cahforn1R Go!( Att· so<'l11t1on. with tht> ll mat .. 11r gal!' qullilfylni:: rounds l!eL for the C"'lork Country Club 1n \\'h1tt1er \\'Ill bl' 3t'!'Ot' Of thl' Ill s t Lal.lies Pl,;A Open-ln\'llllttonel Col! Tout· nament Sept 22 throui:;h 2.'l. It 13 tr> I.'. lnrlu~l ve. will b<: lh" first lime t he Pvent ptriotl SPpl -----------~-~ h11s "l't't bel'n helrt her,. 1n tht sou1h1anc1. Wednesdav Bout Bill B11'h ""'II• •f 11 hn11 " 111n for the G111n1~ 1111• I••• 114"1 1"• 11- ty ...,f h"IP Ji• " II•" i..1•-• t l".1t Helmhol11.. ~1••\'P !'-i.11·ttn ... ,.,, u11d T11111 1111\11•1 ' 11,1 II " Y ink .... l-!f'Jnth'lll7. Ill l :-llfl••ll "n 1• !'<'ii YOU TOO CAN -,.,. .. '° ,_ ............. .,, A•erk ••• ~1111Utlera. ~•••••• t••ir ~tlelly .... 1, .. 94 _ ............ ........... .,._...,.;~ -*' ~ -'-"· .... ..,, .... lte •·" ......... .. _.,.._ ... .i ............. .. -i..._.._.,..., •11 s ,,.~ ......... Wasemlller'• \\'ORKISC.~IAN'S STORt: 1 ~94 l~ Harbor Bh·d. Costa Mf'M Phoof': l.lh4-rt ~-~-6412 1 Tht profc'!4i<11•nal gnlhng con· j E••A d Cha I -t f k T th" 11111111pl1 I -· r r rs 11 t'I! on om· n 1 1 1· tini:;enl' w11l be heitd!'d by Lht , .• " ' "1'' my 1 H11111r11nr I JArk11on rn a ·!.rn1 1 ·,,,. •·r. 11 Bithe Ruth nf wumen :s "olf, Mil-t \\'I · ... 10-nHrn<I htA\'~•wr1ghl 11cr11p on 1 " 111.. :-' )! I•\\ .j < L;llllll• rr ... 111_ 1 111n1n~ \\ l l • ;"">\\ 111. J ' ,, rln•d 1&bt'1 ZAhanaa and a hosl •Tv \\'rtlnPsdt1y nii;:ht 81 7 p m of otht>r 1um1na nt" 1nC'lt1dmg Bt>t· J1tc k1K1n 111 ll'lirrt renkrni; hNl\'Y ry H 1rks. Retty ~fllcKinn('ln. Bet· Charif'•. fotnlt'r ht•!lv\' krni:: 8Y Rllwls. Bt'\'trly Hllllson. Pt>g· hopes to ~t tcr h111 rou;lh~Ank· JOJl~STO:"\E'S Mesa A~to Wreckers ,. ·• 11 \ 111n l'nrl ~ i;y Ii irk. the Bauer gul:o. ~tar· IPne an•l A llt·e, Pally Berg. a nd 1ng rat1ni:: Ja<'k11on h11• <'llpturtd 1 lllol ,..,.,.,.,,,j,., h1• 1s11t 11x rsgl'lt~. t 1v .. or tht'm ~1r;;, l'la<'t'ntia An'. th• H"" 11110 n bomb1<h .. ll. c-hunky .:_lh~i~s=y~l'~&~r-====:;::=:;::=:==~=L=lht=·r=t=·' =.11=·=;:'':1 :l::::=l=~='"='=a:.\:l:r:,..~ .J.u·ku• !'uni: r !'m1th lltlo l11le rt'Sl\lenl who own~ tlw t'l•,l k R t'Sll\utllnt ch&1n, 1111 !1ni1n• iniz the event Anrt donat· rn1: r117.e mnney, with all pro- 'Pe.I~ rrnm the four dlly 11rtll1r l:"lnJ: t1• a ch1Mren·s ho11ptt11t. Thr l"um11ment is opl'n to mrm· Ride Showboat to LaCJuna on tht1 Sf>autiful Pacific Twlrt' r>all~· -11 :30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Ad11lh1 $1.23 -Children 6.5 c•ents S Boats Lea,·lng Every 20 MJnote. Bay A Ocean Rldt>t ..• Sho1''boat and &lie of BaJboA from Funaone Dock. next to Ferry Landing. BaJbo&. All IU,.., Adalte e&o--Ch.IJcl,_ S6e NEW II<&.,,...., "·1-• ~·~ "'1 •!) n• -·--d.i l 'S60H. ;-. ''' '"'1 RCA VICTOR~TV •CA VI.-11.-c;..., •t~ • .-,,, o"Oeo.i., •'•••,.. ,. .. ,t"I w.1ttvt.,H-._..,., t'• .,., '"'"'let ••••• .. .,.. .. 11 loJJ. 1000 oo ... ---...... ,_, PW, hPl'l•"'e to•.,., 0 \ l""f o ...... , ... ;•.., ,.f"O"'t!•I Cr •4 1 ••"'• •' ~·• }"• rot•, Corw HI Mar 2904 L Coa1t Hi9hway Harbor 5491 IAc-n.-..rh Ttlt'ph<'n .. : ll\'att •·S.\141 FOR THE BEST USED CARS LOOK FIRST IN THESE PAGES, WHERE QUALIT·Y GOES WITH PRICE We mean it: Our classified ads are full of wonder- ful bargains in top-quality used can . . . Dealers know about our biCJ circulation a11d the q•lck results our ads briftCJ • • • Let 111 help Y°" Mii your car ! 2211 lalboa llYcl., Newport leach -· SELL BY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS . . CaU Harbor 1616 ,,AGE 2 · PART It -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 I , SPl.r\Slll~(; PHF:Tflt:S -Daisy Murchie', left . and Mary Ann \\':inlt., mcmb0rs of thl' Lon~ Beach All Year !':wim Club, <'xpr<'ss their pleasure O\'er the Ernie PylP!> trophy. nnC' 0(16 awards swimme rs will vie for i during Seal Beach four-mil~ rough water swim Satu 1 r- day. Miss ·ward<'. then only -14. took second place in l.a$l year's open women's division. Braves Bash "· Past Dodgers into B First SEAL BEACH ROUGH WATER SWIM AUG. 6 D'ya Like Jumbo Fried Shrimp? Surf Fish Fry :?110 (X~an Frnnt nt>ar :'lit>wport Plrr LVU ICATION -CAil '0LISHIN9 ACROSS FRO-'I 1'EARS SA!l."TA A.."llA. so what! Ir's ea.!}' to prepare delici ous dishes in a comfortably cool kitchen ... by cooking the one rtalty cool way: on an tltctrir range! Su yo11r dMltr. warm Grid Classic on TV Aug.12 Jr The cold fact is that an cl~ic home food , freezer prevtnts wutt- keeps foods fresh and flavorful foe weeks . • Gooi s,...,i<,, Sf_, C>Nlitt1. co-'""' T•NI- Southern Calif amia Edison Comp1ay lsANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB'S 7TH ANNUAL GO AUGUST 8-14 Seventh annU&l invtl.lltlon11t f:"I( t11urna.i11t Ill at S1un a A na Country Club w ill be held Auj': b t hniui;h 11 C'"ha1rn1un J 11rk Wilder a.nnounctd. Entrlt a clo.:i~toJay uml w ill beo llm llt'd to the f1!"3l 180 ll'!l!ltS w hnae 11ppl1rAt1 · s 1. ere ro·•·l'W•·d. Sa.nta An& membtra &nd purtnrn will quahr.'· Aug 8 11ntl 9. The f1ret 52 guest teams m1<y q11.ih ry A 11g I 0 \\JI h ll\~t · 1t11rtlng tllne &t noon. All olh~n1 q111thfy Au;: ~ l\n1I fl. The low 112 tu.ms qualtfy fnr th,• 1 .. 111n··~'. \\l'h th~ l11w 32 tee.ma In the ch11.mp1onsh!p f!ti,.lt }'IL~\ r1•111hl in the Beachcomb<!r, Corona dl'l ?.l.1r 1111J I 'hu1111•h•11•bpl lti;hts 1tarl Aug. 12. Entry fee, which includes t';ll1·1Hln d111n,•1 1\ui: Ill an.! the Saturday night Sports Uan, ~. 1.• ~ 1:1 pt'r 1.ta~, r ,\II pl><Y''' ~ must be members of dubs att1hnt.1t w 1l h th• ~outh.-rn c..'ah- fornl& Go lt Associa tion Md be at il'a ~t 21 ) •'>l!'S ttf a,:: .. TORNADOES STUNG Hornets Move into Tie - Pro Grids Open Practice Season i Th<' 19:1.\ r 11• f.w tbull 4'><h1bl- l ltc)n fi<'ll~Prl g.•t .. 11n1lt'rw ay !'st· 11111111'. ,. I 'I r l In ~ at p :Ill pm \\'h"n th<' l.«11 A ncPle.i H.•m• s n•I l'ltt~buri.:h S te<>!t•rs tAnj:lt' Ill l\1111 .. n I 1\a'"''n Th" ft11\' will• h·• l••l1••·1ut loC'ally !'·''" ~ul h r>.l,1b1lH•n hf\:tl•1" \\ 111 tw t••lt" ;1.'I 1111 Ju.lin~ thr Se rt li R01m .. -~:11~1,.,1 .-11mr (111r- 1n" th<! r~1:1:IKr 9Pii<un, 11 P"' p1(:~Kll1 111ntP~:~ \\Ill b4' i.hown "" th,. 1'\' ~"ret'n~ fnr Vlt'W· wh~n th~ San !~!. Beo!a~~~!!~.111!!~! s. HomJ handed the Tornadoes their seronll straight loss to m ll\'l' into I a first plJ:ice tie Thursday night. The Lak<'rs won by forfC'it j from the Hawks while the Bombers bashed the Panthers 72-26. . STILL OS TOP Even though Bruce Knipp of U1t Laker• fatll'd to take tile court. his league-leading point mark wu not In jeopa rdy. Ht remained a top the cord crackt rs with 189 digits. Grne ~ryant picked up 22 polna Thursday for the Bombers lo booel his seco nd place total to l~. · , "'\ Other top scorers ollf the aea- Hi School Bums, 'Ti gen i·n Wins The Tigere downed the IndlaM 8·6 and the Dodgers edged the White Sox 6-~ In Newport Har· bor H igh School Cius C Leagur .!Nmmer baseball play T hlirsday. Lynn Reisinger a.nd Bill Rrqrk· man homtrl'd for !hf' Ind111n!'. liut this didn't keep Tiger P itthc•r Randy Prior from w10n111g lit!' conteat. !" - Joty Ga.llant broke up 11. d<'a•l· locktd fray by drlvin;; 111 '" 1r1- nlng run for the Dod gen.\\ w 11 h a line drive t o lf!ft flel<I. Hl\ltPrv m11.te Ronnie P ereira wu credit· ed with the wm. l Standlnga throuih Thursday: ' ~r·n : John H•'nrnt1n Jtfi: J im ' .\!ulrlf>r 11:1 . llllr." Gr'""" 1~2 ~llkl' \'a!l•• l H fllc h l'nlAf1>rr1 ll/I. Rrih l\!11 rl1n !l•I : • ll•·h \\'hltr P2, fl"n P1rrr·e !!!I :'\'UatT'S ~('ORI:'\'<, Scorini:; by 1.-ams Thursda y 1 n!~ht · H<'m • ts 1'141 --H l'nrolln 22; \'11 1le 22 :_ jk'ntll 8 ; \'1tnc1t'r· vnn 2· H~~~<\l 16. ~l11rt1n 13. T nrna•ln r1< 1 4~ 1 Thnmrllnn 211'; l';rhrer·!~r P. Hall 14 ; Hui· bnt 2 Rnmh0>r11 •72J -Dryant zz . F'onuu~ 16, Taylor 11; r11x ll. Pinn 2() P11nt li<'1 l< c :!61 \\'alk· er JO , Pl\1 krr 4. LnrPnlzPn 12 ~trrnd111~11 thr11ugh Ttmrs(1ay H1ornns. T np te•lllt·s 1'·2, l.Rkt'r~. RnmbPrt1 6·'.\· P a.nlhHS, Hawko 1·9, Mesa C Indians Win 4th Set-to , ..... • BciPHo.Pe -~-sr,- MILL..Y VITALE -PIU8 - "NEW ORLEANS UNCENSOliED" ""'" n•t rRlllZ • URI.MID I ..__ ''""' BALBOA PAK&E8 • 80>1..EY MORTUABI' t"om1ul7 ~lKAl t:L C.'llAJ'EL I IU Bl"OMl••J -0-ta .. .... l.IWrty ll-Stll _, .... .. THt: OROAS \'OU CA~ "'-'' AT osc:r:: lit. .,,o ... rf\1.1 - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN The \\ltole Faat.1.11 C.. Ma., la \\1\Mul a-1 Now! No NH!d .. Take t;,.- Come 111 and Prove It to y ounelf We alllo a.n .. 1oa .. -.. ... try .... -ff .... Sptnea ors--11-ATllllUle DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIA.._O a ORGAN STOU Beadqu&rWn for AD Madel9 Hammond Orpaa Ill 1-31'0 6l0 .So. Mahl S-ta Au 9pen 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY Giant• l-0-1; Cardin a le 8-3: Bravo 7-4; Yankees 6·:1: Dod· gera, Cubs 6:6: Tigers. Indians "·7; Red Sox 4-8; White Sox 2·8. KIDDIE.S DA\' EVERY WED~DAY U SOO:S 'Tll-I P.M. FREE BALLOONS BALBOA All Rides 6\' FUN ZONE • Rmr.:s ROCSD THI: B., \' -. Shake Hands With Yourself FOR MAKING THAT BIG SALE RESULTS COME FAST WITH WANT ADS YOUR CLASSIFIED AD APPEARS 4 TIMES WEEKLY IN ~HI CALL HARBOR 1616 .... 'HUT' BURGLAR MiSSES MONEY, TAKES BOMB ~"flu+ ~1tH• kit h .. d 111 th,1 ,if. fo•" o1 .... r ~ t Chi 1~t 1.111 s H 111 . ~~H J:.:dK!1,•\\ttt••J , .. H11r ~t'~lPI da,\ 1no11 run..:. 1 ,an~u. k"d t JI~· plai t• h~,~ •lld lh>t 1\t°'O lhk" a (1t::a11 • tt11 11t ll tlJ: t11 thP lll1tH~ ~'lo:"'· J L .\l,11 -hall Th~ 1111lv th111;.: 11o1:.i-111g i\ fl•tU\la lu J'l'll tt~a1 ).:d~ h·an,h t h n """ r•n lllJ' 11( !hf' """• l',qh1r.: \\1•r t1 fh'''''" .-It 11\•' If•·· 111 J' " u, l"•v1u~ 1n 111 i'(t.tJ • qJ11 _ ... .\luri;trnll hu~ ullt,,:t111t11 l'•b- t11l"' I tf,l'h 11d UI! i•\'1 I' t ht• I ,ift> Jw ~:t ~·M, oud tu·. n u,,, lnu ~ lur~ h11.f lu l•11n•' Hl••!lL: \\h••n h• \\'11!'1 t1Hl I ht n• T h·· n i.-..;s \\ tN \h..:1 \i\'f•-11•J b\~ lht"-J.1nl(1H, \\ hd t·a !J··· I 1 J11• P• •ltt 1 "h1 '· Jn t11111, 1·Hll•"I .\l "-h11ll, I:• I 1111,.; 111111 1o11t or 1 .... 1 .11 ti 1r1 ii 111 lhr1•t> hllllrll ,lt !1 I h1• I 'Bouchard Returns' Is Part of New County Fair Pageant \!im Hollenbeck D\ncers; Harbor Residents Heads Cast of Singers in Show 1, •1 H "ll1·ntw1 k '" S1111t.1 A· 1 '" 11 """ '" "' 111 •• "'"' 111111 "'(· 'N AGAIN, OUT lin..: J•'IMI• B ·•111 lrn1 1 111 lit•• l t'i•• E 1 .. 1 .... , .. ,: •• ". h.11'1 11. 111r1111" '"· AGAIN KITTEN lraol1 1 1 .. n111 pu11·11n1 111 th•· 1 11 .in~·· 4'1111111 F11i1 Aue 11-11 1 l! II• ah•'• I< wh.. f 11111•1 I\· 1,·11s r.· .. t111 .. o1 ,,1111 ni .. :'1nt11 A"• wll., t1ax 111 J•\'i!11I ,, H 1t'f•\t ... li1J "ut-.:·1 •'t h1 .. 1 .. H ,., ..... : ,,( Jli•if I' lh Jl •;11 .n1.11~ tM ,ln~·· c'11l1t,!\ .. ,,,~''" 'ltt1\\ ... \ •'t 1 h•• 1 ut 1 nu lutf k I JI \ljt• \hi' ·"'" \r 1rw1,, ... ,, Ji,, n"'\ r.1. 11 • 1 h1•1u ' •ll_a.: ~ilf' lf,,. l~•·,t. pt1ull11 t11+f\ 'l't11· J·'i .e:u11 , \\ 111 t•• .1 , .. 11. •'I tl1 •· p1dt• •• 1,,,, ,111,,• :-.h•' ~a1+1 pli•fpl\' I:•\\ ~JhJ\\ lJH, \f•11 \\11 h 1Ji,1 •'1 lutd t'••tl h1 •\\l •1t.; 10 'l 11•'1 't'lllt"ll 1' ut llit' d~d Of •' t \,11 111~· p1•11·• Jt p11n ,.,. J•f•f'IM '!" ~'1111·11 "•'Oflt"th '1'i11lf1 lh>1•1~ !" t 1 Ht tt1t1J \q it 1Uli1-- ll • ..:hl 1 .111 .\1 · .• 1'.ilt 11111 .\I•'- <;:nil~ :!H• I ti.l 1~it 1·1.t /\\'• 1 ill!· 1ifJ \lf( ~fli).!f1 llflt:.lt} lfl ""Ill pl\• 1 h ·• !'l11r~· t•f 1 ht• I .1 .1t;. It L,t• 11.i \\'II h J1,.ll<11l.ll'1 l, 111 pl II'• •l•al J.,l1·M ::uc ~tat J11n <·u i.11.10-.;u 1 t 4 '?t It ' I ' t I' 1 , ~'' 'rt1Pt1t1•,t-n "Jin h•·d u:\ I l'•'''Ht •d·•i t llw '-~It lt• I 1 t1 1111 t11 l ••J l ;\ J h II fl DEATH NOTICE I An11ho"ll>, H:<h'< .!Hrl<:vm ,.( '\', \\- ----------------po1rl l-1•·111 h, J 11,·r1• Ani:•·r .. r 1t11111-up Ith• 1°1·1• ll1!!t•1n H1.,1d1 •trt<t J o yr.4• H 11·11w1 tl.t• pro11t1l''t1 •rt 1·hnn'11~tt1rh• t H a l C:o'•"t.:" uf SnntR An'l will )II(.;, Al.:>o:t ;s H .\1.1. \\ 11-"0S 111t1 rill!' th <' .shu\\ 1•'1111 .. ~·-.1 s1>r·v1 .. es f .. r .\I"· .<\I: -~ CllOH I ~ J•:.;. t ~tl1•·i Th·~u p:;111\ '\'1. ••r ... !11u•t I t1•• r·.tl •, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST I, PART II . PAGE l 1955 SURPRISE MEETING IN FU_LLERTON ni·:< IJ111i \\"ll•<on II\ .. r l:ll t ! lrwl111!t•t! 111 lh•· 1hn rus a11• ll·~''.••11\· .la1k, .. :1 =--:ur1<·1 ,\l;.'\1\· .. 11 .1n1t .. \1 1-n \ E Jl1•n ~t111111tut!'i 11t c·11· !\l a .\11'.'<' \II•,. '; 11111t111ll, f'•·~· :"1·1,·11011 Bil'!f ' t·'>1~t R ~I· -'ll, w ill B~ckle i.111( ;\l11ry G1''111J1• i. K~ I h- i h1· hi'I I l• 1111111 rnw ;11 l n :in n ,m 1,.,,11 1<11.t l '11ult111' A lifl lia( k 1 •.1 t 111 1'11rk»,.·ft1•1l<'\' .\li•l'lu:11 \" l"hltfl· ._ . .,nn,••ll' J••\•• f' \\'1·f.1•1, 1 'h• I'" ,\rtd• I '"n 1onol I.in- I.'.,. t '·'-" I ;w,·11 ;-;1 :11h11~· f lld,1• Chaplain Carl Orth, ri~ht . assi!<t:int supermll'ndent at Boys' Ral1(·h. near Amanlh Tex .. Mrs. Orth, ~ith th<'1 r boj:s Skippy. B i bby and Dale, I t o r. Edith and Carlan Wetzel. left. 369 E. Broad wa~·. C'11sta ~ksa. The Wetzels, cous ins of the Orths, met Bovs' Ranch busses atc1d<'n lall\' while:> sp1•nding the afternoon at Knott's Berry Fa~m. and followt'd thPm tn Fulll•rt1111 where they got' together b1'fore the group boarded a special tram returning-tlwm t:J Texas after a week's \'acation in tht· area . -OCNS Photo ~~~~~~~~~'-·~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- "" , 1'11 ~1111 and R11••-I 'I ('I I • I Th<' R1•\' < 'h11 rlt>s F lfo n<l · · " • ,, " 111 rn ••t ' ~'Ill.I!• • 11111 111 " II 11ff1o 1111. • • I A•' ""11n••il\• .-.t tlt1llttn11:t .. n 1Th11 •·I 1 ·,.,Ir '" \\· .. ,.,,,.,. 11no1 B11h • I Hl'arh . u .. v .. 11\' H khSf•JI, \'11l1•lll' \ltt h II ' Htlt'llll ('a1 k ,.; tv .\fr• \\'11:. .. 11 d11•1I S;itu n l11y at I You~. ~htrle1; f'•olh11rn a111l .!1111 • •• ' ,. "• • 1tn1. lh•· hnnw .. ( h··r d a 11ghti'l' M1 ~ IH mr~,,11 nf t ·anl •n 1 'rov , fl·-Jo ll l • •if ~lln" • llPK• h T1111t ll:tv H11rr1•tt aflt>r an il lness 11(,. · ' ' ' '· ' llui::il•' ;ind Jo r• ol ~I ilhnj:s fl";, w,•f'kR Sh" was " trn llve 11( ant1•• 8 1''11111 of 8 "111""; Al H a~-(".1n•11a d!'l ~Im l ' 111) r'•'lld•·n of 1 ~hnit l'•'.ni1° \'t :10:1 1tv .. 11 111 nl's llnd R"na"1 S<'halint> or B.d· AnKll"""· H11rh:11a t 'ntm<'I. 1·,.,01 1iu:~ 1'11mm1;n11\•. ;he p11.•1 :?a I hos J<land.: Ht'\'f'rly .lotn••:-anti l111n•1111 l\l'l 1 J.v .. n . .l111t11 Shnl'· I v<>11rs . M rs. \\·tisun w a11 11 nlf'lll-lJuinne \\ 1"" (l( \\'estmin,,to•r , 11wk1·1" J 11<1100111· !\!••<'Ian<'" F:d.·· 11 ' -------------IBillfolds Stolen TODA Y'S N. Y. STO.CK bt•r ur the Gem•if"S C'hap!i'1· '.!7{1 A rrn!lt 1 •111i.: ( ·.,nn1l' . Faulk1·11~··rry, I ur' the F:ll!!tertt ~llll' 111 lllt11ma. Seven Wa I lets~ .\fiil ll'lll' H··· .. I. :-;anry S11f'l!l.~. i S t1rYl\'urs be~1df11 Mr~ Bendt l1ur11la 1111 d ,\h11y ll11hli11Rh1•l1, I't1~1ble nf'W p•li\l'I' d"rk StR1l1•1I ••Rily (J!lllllll);: \'•'.•lrl'dlly m11rnini; wh••n Jm,1~.-. 4-y1'Hl"·11ld d1111,.;ht• r 11r M r nnd Mno. Gt'ur~e Ynung, \\ail h1ou1?ht tu t!,.. i-L•' 11111 hy :'\. H . 8N1re11, H O.'\ \\'elll Bay A \'1'. Shr l111d '11111 I• d l,i• ;" sl"I •' \\ 11 h her bn1lht·r. H11.•sl'll l<. d1•1·11h•d to I:" h11l11o• 1>ga111 an.J • "11l.t11'1 f1n1! lhe plHt'(' !'\h•• 1k>wnh1·<l h1•r hr•ollt• 1 ~·• "" 11 11! 111" ilhHtn n that Sunrr~ fu11~d t11111 '"'l1l'<'h111i: ':,.r h u M'l' r 111 1111• lot<'l\tt11n wh1·rr 11 .. h11.( J'l_l'l«"I up 111.-h1tk i.;111 T_t1~ Y•·1111i,:>1 111·1· on t hfl 111nwr nf II.th >111.( \'Ill:. SI:< .la111 ... '"hi -'l1;11ght l1) llh• a rm~ ,,j M r!<. J uhn H.11d11tl(, (l••ll••' 1l11k n11d w.1~ l•ll!tlllll: 10 typ~ REPORT · & COMMENT SA:"TA A:"A Al'G, I 1(1C':'\:"1 \II fl(,f.lt ~t.t ' In .1 I ti •11 ii •·,~ •, ,, with·• ·:1•' I 1 ,, ! hi '" '1 th•111 .. h q, '' q• 1r ... 1Jt \ i I ,. lhll.ll~ FIFC\t TO;\ t: 1 1.0C \I. -.101 I• Ll~T lllU A A SK I: •: k I • ~' ,, • ! • •• :i~· I • 1 '..? 1:., ~ II ii'\ P· . t •••••• I 1•1: I; I I j ) " 'h 1 . -·' \' Ob\'1U,, ·~. 1d I ',,, I J · I '(·,1~t ,.,. t•••I f!•')k ; "-' t1 I • 1 1 I -4 1 • ~·:·. -~ 11, t 8 \'1 ti •• ,. 1' t I '. l 1 I , ,~ , .... ,.... j • ,, I' I l J .! •. ;i1 C"'1n1'nl.• .. : , ti 1 , ,,., 11 t •t I •t lt ;II ~·, 1 \111~1·1 .. t ,4 .. :, 1ttl ,. ' tn••hl" 1 111+11' jl '1• L!i..1t111t"1:.; f 't••\,•l+J' 1111•t 1Htl•·d IU +l11111ttd \f11 1 .t }:1,,,l1t t '+11i d P"""fi'\'f• \\01d tfm ' ·' .... t1.11•· 1 •1111· 1 \I ·,: I" 'l TH• rs ~1 1 l -1 II ni~''' 111tt111 1it., \\,, .. •••t\ •11••·! ~1·11d•• ~1 , I I~ i 1 ~I'; .. .. OVC'I t h•· litl ;,.-P H)\•'1'1 I\ "' I•·''!"· I 1 .\,t' l t : •• 1k ;,,1 .... fi',! r-&1 ' \ ·,, 1.• :,.1 ! \ -'l•11l .• ... ·11·u rt 1 d ! I 1111,. !• • ... 111 ... 7'"~''' ',I.!·~· I,. :_!,1 1 -~I 1, :! '· ... ~ ":" .. at.alt' 1 h.tt th• 1" 111 ~ an\ t.t1t11l \ i." L ''' .... .,1,," ne•·•·:o.!'>.tl \ 111 td1, s •·! 11 ' it I l".11· T h· ... ,, J 111 l..l•dq• \\• Hkt ,., •• 1 mo.f,r,1t1 I\' 11n ttu• 111111i1,1 1 11 1nt n( thf' '1•l11H"'-t' nf t '• \ • 'l .\ •·1 ,1 d 'I &1rl'l1•·'1 t.; Id ti\' • 'lt:t1 1 H :--\II?,,,•' ln<h1 u111111 nl .-t f\1r1:~ f"'"' ••!ttl A'· lll lldO' L<H'\\'" t1•fl\l!Hwl ir~ h••nd •I··· m&n d lt\ ... l.f1t11·11 ,,, 1' I,,,,,.! conrhl ion!' 111 t hf\ •"••\it• 111I • .-t1 •. the "h1dd1111 :l.'1~· • .... •1"!1 .. , 111:1,\ 1n Loew'a real 1·ML11!e nrt> '1111111 ltni.: aLLt'ntlon. All the <"Ompa n,• 1111~ n"! 1111 ,\'l'I rn111plt>l••l.V •hl'nru"f II> .!111 1111"11!! of <'!'{'rll l·tnn><, a nt1r1pnt tn11 Ill n11~rr1 1 hRt on a i<('lll up, t he t 111•• \'alue o( 1111• 'omp~ n~-'!'I '""""" "1!1 ., .. rr\'f»t lrd n .. 11 ... n• \hi' ~'""'' .~ an 1'tlr;1t•C I\ I' mf"'tlun1 r1I•11d •reeulatlnn Boy on Bike Is Hit, Run Victim A rthur \\'tlli.1111 l 111\'l\1H•I I,\ '' 201 ~: lnlh ~I l',1,1,1 ~(, •11 t "ld C u .... lA ~t•l""n p•1l1 ,. Vt 1I1' •''•If· n 11nn ••I rt hit and 111n t11\11 a. ctd•"nl ttl \'+d\'Uh! t'1~ t•11·\'1 I•• llu\- nA1 d ~01 ·1 h•• l••l .f•lf\ ~111•f\11t 1: f\16 \\' l!•th !"I. 1 • • :u ,\\, -.1 II" th~ b ike Pf\ a p q 11 1 l nut-1 \\'"·h~n SJ\f~f\C't f Ji tt t •11· t11k 1' I ll • t~d 7.""" 1 111h d1t\\'U1,\\'ll \\llh on<' "h••r l han,i.:111~ 111to1 11·1• 'II t ••I I A \\."Jlltl/l dlJ\'rl~ )I ~•·l~I''' dt!i1• •l:"il thl' \\h•<'J Y111111. 'l"lll'l'l l'Bl•l hi' Kt t••111pt 1 d I•• 1.1111 '"'" thr wonlllrt. hnt ,,,,,. >I 11l11111'ol th1 d•" •r &n•l ilr11l'e 11f1 SJ'<'IH'1•r "'l'•'lt' •l"'''ll h· r 11· <"C"U~e nurnh1."r Hn•I 1~Hi1-·tl 1: •H ••t In J)11~,,11r.J. p<'hr~ ~"'" Scouts to Have Many Activities HRrb"r 1h~t '"'I R••y !":11>ul n11•1 1 · In): W iii l"I<' )11'),j A ll~ .! ';" ,in p 111 at llt111" t ~· 11 .... 1 1n 1'••'111 M""ll· All l 11 -:t11:1,111al t 1'('l"""ll- ta1"·itre: a1, ,~xt\J~. '1 •: I .Rnun.tt11hlr \\tll h" 11.1.1 A u.,; 24 11l ; :in r·1: .11 "•11 F:'J•int•1 R11-~ A ll f.,1h, s. 11: 111.i f:,_. pl<•rtr l••J11!"1 ~ And •'••ntmllt l'I'~ a re to b» th11 P 1 H111 fX\r S•'111>ts will 111\\·e 1he11 ' l11nlni.:~ 111 th<> c111111ty f,11r TI, 1r•· tfttr ~1 n111,. f11•m tw .. w 111nmi: l'" t roL!l w 11l l"•'>'\'l\'" ,.p,,, 111 J\\\"Rtt!~ Af1 " 1( u:;,,, )\fl l 1\ r~pr •''•n• ••·, ~.1u .• . . , , ..\n;.•·k· < tn'.1 F .1 1 I \ .tp I '" fl :-., •• 1'"011 J I • :.: "'" 1 I : "ii( ,.; I I \\ :la,, I I:. 1.11 SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's Leading Home Lending In st itution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $101000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Ea 1 n From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION '!'!'l Qc-f'an An'"""' Phnn.-: H\' 4-lln LAGUNA BEACH Car whar.k•·n• wen· ne<llted w ith theft ur t wo IJ11lfo lds contn1n1ng c11Sh. LrR\·elPr 1·hrrk11 Rnrl 11. 1wr· l!llnal <'h .. .-k hy ;\'tr. a nd ;\!rs. Biily Wyckoff of i:;an Bt>rnardlnn Ill the s nUth t-nd ur 19th St . X Pwpnrl H,•1H'h . F rldny 11 ftern1111n, pol11·e re· 1w11·1s ~how. . arc a »on, H arold f;. '\\'ils<•n l•f J.·a·11'11" ('>of1ll•l•"ll ;\la1•y Sult· Ct111ina d .. I Mar und A 1!11ught ilr ~ ft('t and Foun:J l~n. "·llf'Jl H 1·\'hlll'll. 1.;1Hll'y Tem- !\trs. EtlWHI o1 HArl of Co~\(( Ml'-·"" ·1~ u 111111·.o F:i11111• f d!oh. H11nalt! H urm. Ma ; 11 8tSler !\I r~. R !'na 1·>11l•'n Sc1·l'n wal11•l1t. sume wrt h 011111 • J im Ha11 1< .1 .. 1111 :111.,,·,.1 Pitul of !ltai<s: ,;1x .,_~ndt·hlldren 1rnd ,.,. an.t 8,.m,,. empty tlli'nP<t up n 11 •'. H11h II 1k• t 11ml Er·1·1n C'11111r - n l111• ~1't•11 L i:ranrlrh11drPn lnt•~I'-l\l p11ltC'P hl'A<lquartt•rs ovrr th• 11 .. 11 .Ir 1111 .. r S•n'a ,\11:•. nwnt w ill b-• In \\'r,it m1n~t •'I' \\'1'1'k·••n•I II \ :'\ < t-:Jes !'.t:l.t:<'Tf:ll ;\i f'moru.d l'a1 k (l!•rnl'lery. M1·lrnda \\'11 11~ 11f Al 1'iHl111 I 1 11 n, ,. 1 ,. •'I< !!Id•• J•,i11 I"•' fount{ II WtdJ,.t Ill lti<' h:oy ill \':1111-llll 111 'J't1-t1n !'lilly S 111;ol1•!• filh ~l. 11nd B11lb11a Hh"I. It I"! :111d (~!till f,.• 11• .\l.111 1un1• 11f F'11l· Genfjll' Alh<'rt J~abun. 4 1 ift,.iJ $2 and 8 rnrd t n t;1•11ri:e Th••m:l~ Ii 111111 ,\1tn t'•ll· I Al\·1,1.t. ~h1r- \\ht n h1•r fHlh• r appt>llf• d Stnff l'hd1\ Wyi·koff ~111<1 ltts IJlllfttli! 1·nn- laJn1 d 1t JWr!<<mal .. 11. 1 k !11r S3"1l. five SI bills anrl f11ur ~:!II t1'RI"''"' l"hl'f'k~ '" :1nni: lhP nilllll' C.f M I s. .l11a 11 \\'yrl\111( T hll'" ('••ni l< \\'R>i m h1!'1 w1ft•'s l11lffnJ•I. h" !<<ml. DEATH NOTICE nl h111 IJllnJP, 121'7 Ea>'t B11lh11aj s11nlf1·. 11( S11nt.t Ann . 1 .. 1: 1:1 •• i; .. 11• ;oud •'hllck J,aw- Hlvlf nn J u1,,-2!l liP wa.~ born '" A 'wall1'l bP(,.111:1111: to T11111n:.1· 1,.111.,. of An.tl\.·1111, J 11d1 1 ;11•1'11 .. r G1•111 Fnlls. Monq and ha<I "'"'" H •m ~· Hllkt>r, 633:? f\111 hn,.;11111. H11lli•1.1 s 117.1;n11« T tpt .. 11 , 1 ;-.'ew- hen· I wn Yt:'IH'~. H'u I!! sun·1' N) h\· 81t<'na f'a rk. with S:l 111 11. w.o• p .. 1 • tli-.11 It «111 11 4 ;11 rllner ,,( his w 1(e H• Ile of llw h11nw Rd-p1 .. keit 11p 1n f'h1na f'<>\'e h\' th" I It Ill.I:• f 11trl· rk K1ni:.•h11ry . nn•I •lrt'~"-11 s1<•p-~1·1itll•>r Alhrrl chrnghti·r 11( R F Ba111l1 I, 3111 L••nlllt 1.li•\'d ' "f C11~tfl :l!t ~a ; $50 Taken from Desk H11bf'rt F••X 1>( l'.'!t \'ta Z11111 h lo 1 t ~~.n in a d1•,k at h11111f' 11nly l11 1'111tl 11 1111:-"tni.: :-; .. wp .. 11 H1•111 h pnl11'l' "'"le 11<1l tfll'•I F r1•l11r Weimer Expects Mesa Annexation M r!!. N1'na Sll ••tZ B11ffk1n 11'.l o f :112 ;\IA1J!u•·n lP A1·1·' oltl»l· J11ly :in 111 H11.ti: H1hprt11I. ~h1· 11-.,,, h"I n Ul l "a.11'1 .. HJO, ~Id ~J'lif )H't>•J ht~h· lur 111J1r _YP:ll • ~hi• 18 11111·1·11·r .. t b1· a ~t.,ter, :l!r~ F lny S Haker of ('o1rona del J\lar: two """'l's. ;\J1,: l•rnll'l< H.1y. C'orr.na .i .. 1 Mar a nd ;\frs. r1111rC'h lll. I A)ll ,\ng. IN;. (1/1" nt•phPw, ll.•1y Strntz 11( St"W(ll•rl I!""' h :;;,.,.,."""' ""'" held !< ... lay at :i :w p 111 1tl t h·• P.nllz ;\l11rt'l- a1 y. 1'•11 .. 1111 d1•I ;\hr t'h11p('1. w1 'h lhP H1·1· 1-:wzn1? l111d~1111 of St An h ••\\~ 1'1,.•t.\·1 r r1.1n f'l1tJJ • h o•(· t1ru111n~ lnl•>t1\1,.nt WA!'! 1n Jn,:11- Churr h. 11r San Fran1·1s<.'o; al.<I) J a.,lll+!'ll.' St Oft11·r r L A . H an,. .. n I• '.t1 nl F11 , :11 .. 11 P"m \\'tlllllrlt.~. h1~ ~tc•pfother. I.tp\· f'hun·h ot f•11tnll l\\'n w11ll1•111 on B11lboa f,.. J.ttu·t uni! :o-;1111 111• 1 1111ll~•·n Stan 1;1 .. :1t F alls. Mt R1tlian wa.~ "1land ''"~ b••lon i:tnjl' t" !-'1<•1 Tl111111.t11•1J\' l!11t1•ld t.ew1>-. R11 1· HeRltur, a 1111 mh.>r of Balh'lll Llom ~ S1111lh r•( HH\l'\ho 1 n W!lh XO ('••n\11 I l~llod• ,. um1 l'l'l\11 1-~111 ,1. .ill ,;r l''.11~ :in~ ()( ;\11ht1tr~· ()r.Jt•r or In ll 111111 the t1t,hl'r \(1 .John I ~anl1l A 11.1 Tlw ''"'k w1111 J11eatPd 111 lhe h•·•I· F111 th· r ann••x.11 111nq lo ('o,.ta rf>nm 11111'1 LhP hn11se wa• "1"'11 RI ;\fr..a 111<' lit'• U hv '\\'••lt .. r \Vrl- lh!' probable t tmP M th,.f\, till' nw1 . • h111rma11 11( tlui plnnntnir Vt• I llU sa 1d. ('I 11111111>1.,l• Ill Ill I h<> I,..\\' I r11rt ILO- noun, ••ii •'Xt IU!--tveJy ln thP N"'"'I I '1 "">i n IJUll tn,; 1111 G 1si1•r l'il , WC>l o! H IU'l)llr Rl\•ol. \\udcl \\in~. A. 1,Ju 1nlen t1f !'iAhhr An.1, "nl(ll,\· su;1<•ivi-uti: ,1,,.11ur .. ( tlw pa-Scn·1~1·11 we 11> h~'l<J Ill pm. Annlher •·m11ty wnlf..t with t h• L'••Jint ,~ 1.,,. PluJarn Bike Follnd .... # F n1 ·~ \\'Hh ~;urdnn toda 1• in Baltz .\trirt 11111 ~-. <.:1,1 nna r ar d 11f H ent y \\' K 1ni:: l1f n 11 .. " I{ \\'Ii,'" 11,., .I 1 "" mt1:<tn.11 oh- .Ill'! Mur L'h11p.-l, fllh lhe Ht'\' wn.• turnNl 1n Ill th•• !llal1•m 11,, 1,.1 Ju\i ,. l{l"l11"1' a.' dunt'•' ~1,,. \\"11llPr 1•11111iu·n. 4:.?7 F. Bav A\'t'. July 1'I r<'po1te.i tlwfl t1f ·It Ill'\\' blryrlt• frnm her -yanl. ll w;is luc·R.L<'•I al th•· Fun Z•me \\'1\h tb1.~ rno 111 r,•:i \.'{_•I m • r r x 111•r l11 Ha i I"'" J{ .. ~l H onie Me· munal l'nrk lllld th•• stlllP AJt:V· !um ;,1· 1·P11g., I •1 pet 1t tnn for an-\\'allaC'e E !l!!fnghan1. \'ICllr nf SI ;\l r1l),.I F"lt•JO, 75~1 \'M l.t.f•1 •lll·,.1 1,.1 Hll•I V t11:1 ~f .11• H.inn"r Clem<'nt'!I Epi!!C'OpaJ Chu1 r h. Sat ~uud, waii l111kier m ti .. r find, 1.,.1 ,,, 1 ,,111 1,,,1,,~1.,.11 1,ni.:•·• ClernPnt .... offlct•tipg. JntPrnwn\ t11e wallL'L h!l \'lllg a SHI Hn I ~I WR.'t p rll'Htl'. I ' -i1111 tn lt \\'tlh R ( 111 <1 (1f JtJ~l'('lt P an! n .... r11 .. 11 .. r Alh11111tir:1 Gibson · Daughter G"un,:. i>IH'h"· J,. ilf• H11lh••ll Bh·it, h.11! I\ 1hflrr1·11t l<md •II ).Ir 11n1I M r!<, J ames C:oio.1111 \\'a ll• l ~l01y H1• 1·,.nta11111 . .i: A t c•h• ~ ~tnt <·I. nre 1 J'l3 tPn1 ~ .,( " ·• bou: ~:!ll \,.,.~ til.I k •'n 1 rtJfl h ' s;:1rl hahy born J1tlf 27 In 1111.tl<,•"r .... 1111~ lw wu ~ 111 ~w1n11111n;.: H<oi1ptt11I. I F 111i111• 11ttern11ton Does Your RECORD OF INVESTMENT PROFITS Match This ? 190-19SS • U"ICO~O• Volv•t.'• ...._ Generot IJad~t Co·"'• For The Past Year for The Past Six Y aan Ru' l'r~ of ~tock.1 pir keil bv ShrarllOn .. lln.mmill in Jl);).i 11• UNCOMMON YAlUIS lie COMMON STOCKS marl11 ro1'1tal iza in8 .,( f5 Jll.Oll rnmpar<'<l to a ;:rnr r11 I marl<rt 1111in•of ~ 111.1.nn. f11r f'tt• h $!000 in11 .. 1r ii. \lnr••nvrr. dn I· •lf'lt.I~ amo11nt,.d tr1 $-, L iU l'lt'r $ J 0110 in'~"'""· Send for our Bii\ rr• of ~1 01·1..~ nn :'hl'11r•nn. ll a~mill'~ fir•t Ii•• nf UNCOMMON YllUIS m l111ll 'l<hn .<1<'itrlu-./ tu tftr, n•'" li·I 1•a d1 '"!tr ~1111·1· 1ltrn 11111.t•• rapi1 al i:ui11,• .. ·r ~:t "11t:.'..llll, l'lllllJ'ar1·d 111 l "•'lll'rlll m11rl.r 1 tta111 'nfil I.HI l.110 J .. 1· ;a,·la ~I IHll l 111,~•·t rd. I li, 1d.,111I ., l11r tlt1" prr111.t a 11111111\11'fl 111 ~11 J8.IMI 'Hl 11!1• ori.cinal Sll>llO in,,•,i.•11. 1955 Portfolio For Profit ~ Th" UtlCOMlllOM VAlUU ltl COMMON STOCKS h•1r d in 1111• h""klrt arf! 1'hn~rn bv :--lwar•nn, ll111nnull'< l(,..,.Rr• h J>r rarlm .. nt '' i~auf'!l ~·ith ~1tt•r111l 1•hara•·lrrirt11'& that ~h"ultl en1hle lhl'm I<' 011tmn nthrr rp111ltt ~· ~'"' k.~ duriniz thr cnminir y ear. In nur npminn. th .. ~ 1111,e ,.,,.,.Jlr nt rro~pect8 for <'al'i1al cain~. To err ~·.-.ur frtt rnp~· of our 7th Annn11 J "l'nrtf·1lin for Prnti1•·- 'ho"ing on!' l').)5 ~lttti<'n nf UNCOMMON YllUIS - ,.Tift' Dt'partmmt JI; ~r rail Ill our nffirr. • .. _ _. 1 ... 9:'•...t.wd 4 p.,,,.·. <10 <;,...,.i. Intl•'· SHEARSON, HAMMILL & CO. fo•.00..S lft 190) u ... ~. ·""'" } ork .... tnrk Exrhllnll'I a..J rM.~ 1Aidi1111 ·'"'"* rrnd r:11111mr>dit)' l:.xdtti"!l'" (lff•rf'• In Pr1nr1roJ r 1rirs . 1 .. 1 .. r and n•turnrJ lo h"r by poht'<'. OPXAll11n. J. [ ....... ~.~ .......................... ... _, YOUR MONEY Is it safe-and 1s it reall y working hard for yoo? 1\, .ln\ C\flCncnce<l bu~1nc"m:tn ~111 1cll .vo\t. r.irt ol ~11ur ~rn1np 5ht>Uld !!ll llllO a <;(1\10).'' :iccf'11nt "hrch ts nf't <;tthJCCI to market flue111- at1nn'. W hen _you orcn an :ICC(>Ull( thc:rc arc ,,, l) h:t<;IC lhlll!!<; LO loo I. for (me: " o;;1fc11. TilC other '' a _l.'<'ll\I re111rn nn \\lllr m 1ll1(.'\. \\ lwre .1rr \ 1111 •11r1• l\1 l!l'l hut/i f't thc-.c uun~' ~ In an m~urcll ".l''"!=' and I 0.111 "'"x:i.t111ln' That"~ .... h\ more anJ m(lrl' rniJcn1 A.mcnc.1 n\ nov. chf'<'<.C 10 pllt their ~'''"!-"' m the<;(' ,,, \IX-IJ IW O\. nricny. here-, what they ofkr· 'ou l(l't exeellrnt n•turn~. Tnat'~ r.ecauo;c the..c :\\.<f\\.1at1(1ns IO\C\I most ol their funds in ~ound. ~tc<H!y·ranng home mortgages. • 'oar ~· h ~fc. It is protected by sound managmicnt aml su~tantial reserves. It 1\ tn\t11etl up to SI0.000 hy the Pedcral Srlfng'I and t 11an ln,urdncc C n rpora.tron-a n agcn::J nl the lJ S. (,ovcrnment. You deal with friendly, nperien('ed ~ R"" 'ron,1hlc pe41J'IC. l'corlc who know bow 9o make your money work hard for you. l{(•rnemher. too, tJial irnum.I Savin~ and Loan "'"ic1a11on\ arc at~o rh1· Mrirm'1 lu'f)r.Jt .~ 1 .. 11r1 ,. nf J,,.,,w 11111r t i:11i:c /,.mu. When you're 1h1nl..ine of i'>u\ 1ng or huildmg a home.. thclf oon he n[ tremcndou~ help to yo~· hcon.mc ~ m~"c hhcr:ll loan,. Thcv ~to tl tJiat you get 1hc n111nc' 411ickty-and at moJcrntc.rarcr.. YOtJ rcallv owe it ID you~f to ~t ac:ciuaintled wtth the 1n,urcd Sa' 1ne' and l..llan "'-"" ,\<;.<;0<:1auon ncare<ot you, ~hethcr 4o/i:;._ you're 1ntcl'C!;tcd in o pcntnJ: a .: '3vtng' acx:ovnt or tallwli.; aboul a home mongagc kwn Convenferit CORONA DEl. MAit Office 2«>1 EMt Co.ttf Hi9hway ~ 5210 ~ences Bur.dy. ""••~ Newport Beach -333 l \"ia Lido Tt'lf<phonr llMbor 46.')0 IEWPORT BALBOA SAllHS~ l and LOAN ASSOCIATIO!I~ l P.A .~.President ~..__.L_...w.;u...u....._ __ __ ORGANIZATION • EXPERIE~CE • RESEARCH • IMAGINATION l 1166 Y i a lido f'ofEW PORT llEACH .........., --.,. _. ~ •fooc_ .... ..,, Herbor '420 0 "-our~----' C A l I F 0 R N I A S2LOOO.OOO.OO ............... •lllfioE.~~~'°" .... PAGE '4 • PART 11 -NEWPOR T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 'i MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE ~-------------------------------!~--------------------------~ LEGAL NOTICE t 11 ,., t f l••"'""''" In" 1ln1·•-'. "h~1, "'·I h:l\1e 1 ... 1 e-,,:1., ~'I tr\\' twnd a n•t utr1!\dt Ill \' -····· ~l ~ -:l.., ----------------------------, ·~~-"it11utltH1' Want1·1I W·-111•111 Wauft<,I DELIVERY GUARANTEED -------------------------------------- Roy's Maintenance lt•HI•<" l"I• llnt'l;: l"l w r \I a )(111i: Y()l' \\ ' h'"'' t i •)''-•rt'•' I f , 1~f\.•1;1 ,• 1H • 1t U t tl Sale -Sale Sale ;'\\ \\ 111\ltHH,•'f \ 1t,Uf4L'. sun 1\1 t Dan Roberts Now at Norfolk, Va. :.tar~ c·oc :-rTY cw •IHA:>:CE ,,.,. 1 • t d I\•',·, l t 1• d1t.\' a r.'I ycat tll ' Ul'lh·l'f}Y ,of t lll· :'\.-\\f•1 01t H.11b r :'\<\:s-P11·,;s 1i. guarantecd. l ':11'l'll'r b11:·!' ,.,II d,·l1\'•l"l h 11r pap1•r::. bl'· fore 6 p.m . 1m ~lond .y. \\', d.~ ,.,l:iy und Frn.l.1y, If yt1ur pap<'r 1s not olf'l1vt•re .J h~· t l1 :1t h .. ur }'!,•a~·· rail H:1 rb0 r 1616 and y 1ltll' ,·arn, r \I 111 br rn:; ~·our 1•,q wr \\ \•'t ".l:-.IH nr "' lf'd1 \\' t l••arun).! \'1 II• t1an bllfl 11. I 'plwl~"'ry lnflil 1•11 t '1 •'u ~:~1111181 C'S Llbrrt~ d-J:J:J:!. t h ,\\1!'11' ti( ,11,:t pt ' "'l>f flt I' t 1tU,.lo1tl p111~t,ll'\ \, .. k:,1il d'' '"•'i\ r,,1u,••'1 f"r "' n11 httl1' , lt•nirtrh'(' i• to St.' '"" f'.fr. Denny L ll obf'rlll, Min of M ri•. \\'1lrna R11bcrl.,., 2381 '2 Rn<l••o. • ·nsla M<>~a. 19 partlc1patin.: w 1lh lh6 2ntl Bntlallun, 2n•t Ro•l{•ment •iq ~~ 2nd M arin... 01\'l.'ll••n 111 11mrh1bio11?1 m1tne11vt>r~ Ill thr l.tttle ('rl'••k A mphlb1n11~ 13,.,,., u ( thl~ ~l(th 11ay t1f July A I • I 9~~·. bl"fu1 I' n 1« ROBEHT 1- \-\"11,l.~n:s 11 ~ .. t111 ,. P util11' '" <Ind f11r th• h:11 I C'11~111ty an<I Sli<l•. rP,,1d1ng th~1t·in. duly 1 11111ml~l>l11n· C'd a nd ~w11rn p••rsnnulh· tlJl[H»lt •·d I.A \\'RF:1'\f'F: A :'\~:LS());, L>O:>:- A LD fl JOll:-;SON 1inJ UA:o.I \\' '' 1 t , it r c ,,t. f ir~' nlJ• ve v.·n t· •II 1(1 1111'1:-r ... \\"I LL:.n;s .. l\' 1*111ttn.i.'Mt~P Jt:xpUt'M ~11\'1 I I., l tj l~,:.~ :-.; .. ~~' ~,.,, .... J •,,s~ ~ 1 '-:.!:1. ~ I "-I !•~i:i hrr" SANOEHSO:-;. known t» me to Ii· Tht> Mann,.s "wtll lnstruo l Na-tll~ pento •ns \\ 1111~,, 11,.111,.~ Ill',. ~ut.­ \'nl A1•11t1~1oy l\m l :o\ROT(' mad-l!l'l lb•'tl tu tho• .,_ ;lhio 111,,11·unw111 I t :Hrtl H \l't : 0 1· lit :o-1:\'t."" :'\'A~ll. .•h1pmen 111 11mphibl(111.. warfare <1111 ing t ho• thrt'•·-w.-ck op••r1tl11m. Th" tralnml{ period wall 1•h- m .. xr<1 J oli\" 2:.! wh1 n lite m11t- 1<lup11wn werr 11integ1 ult>•t 1010 " ~l·u·in.. l11nd111i: (111 .... f11r rnrl 1- 1·1 p1111t1n 111 nn 11mph1b10tl1< as- ~ault «'n ltie b~arh•'!S n f nr-arl1~ <":11r. p I '1•111 llr-tnn, Ve LEGAL NOTICE Tl1t• \u td• r !·1;.;'.• I i •'!11 t d p.tr t· and 31•k1111wlrd):ro! 111 111~ that lhl'V r,,.1,_ ,.' ll1t• f ll Ill h l'll'llHtllo•f ,j,_,,_ t:>t•·rut~d t h1• ~,,tti.' I 1_.L.it-., d•• 111.1, ,,, , , ... , ttrv 11~ tt•l· In wlln ... •,, w h,., .. ,,r I IJ:o \,. h• r• -l"w" unto i-1't niy h:or1d and uf11x • .,J mv r ,..,1 " l·.'h' It• 1,.1,.r011 ,. a hffH'hd !-t,·.d t h•· den · R!til year tt~ '!•'n••Jid J•htlH•'' t h f•t• in h.i~ \\J!h· th111 t "•·rlllt• "l•• f11 •: 1tho\'1• 11 ntll'll Ith\\ 11 1111111 111,. pnrtnerMihip t.v .< kUl:ll-~ltT F \\'JLL~lf:~ , ,.11111 "" 1, l\H•, t 101 \hf' pill f""'" .\t\· l'"n1111ut~.i.11tn F '111ri ·' ' [ 'n J,.: t,.:1 0~ Pl fdltPr' IJU~u~tt~:, ,•n - ."'\1·,\ ~ rnl..h·r J fl J n~ ...... ~II Gf'I :"'•'W" 1·1· ..,, ~ I " I'• 11•1 pt l~t·~ 'l lh:; flf Tll UdlHt' .1n•I i'ltYIP 1,( t l t1 c ··-I ".111 nr1 "h'J' lk1ni; , 1111ot11• ,,,.1 ('t",RTWl ('A Tt: O F <111 '-;1st::-.s ( ... HT IH f' \T t : OI' 111 '"1" '"' . 1:u.1~ l :11,\ T RE:>:T A l .S I 11\' t tu• ur. h 1 :--1,.•nt·•l ti.. Fll'1Trl0t "' l"ll<\1 '.\.\,rt: Fl('Tl'l"IO I :-. t 1101 '\\IL S.11d 111 111 I• 'l "llll•t1l'1"I 't .1 .. 1111 1'h j• lHn l• r'!"t•...:nt'it tl" 1u·rr lt.\' t •• , T 1 ,. 11flil T i.:1tt·d ,,,h ~ 111 r,•b\' t:tl;'l;U\ .. i1 :.:t---11:! 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I''' 11f,11 , .. tl1,'Ct1 H!Uh1•s- in full ;tnd ,~11 .... 1,f 1•"11dc•:1,t· ht•· ft i,,; Jitll• 1\\ I .,.\\ 1 I LA\\ H 1-:;o.;1 ·1-: A :0.: 1-~1-~0:>: 1'"'""'' "' tit•· 11•1\o<1\111i;: I"'~"'"' .fCJ ll:"' HHl!"J:i:'\ \\It••••· 1"111 • . 111 11111 .1•1.I p l.11 -'~ 11r·~'P ... ~t·: 1 ll·· 1 ·.\ !.JF(oHXI A '''"'"' "',. ·''" to:• !11ll11w,,. lt1·\\ll l 1·11l '~T \' (IF 11H,\:'\t:I•: 1.r:I.,\ :\'I• I ' I 'H \TT Tiu~ :.''! .r.o\' ,of .I Il l\' I '•!'Ir, I'• 1 "Henry always stores at every OK Used Car that posses!" Hrnry i~ li~c a lo.t of pc"rlc (OK buyer" ;alll \\hu ~now a gooJ tlnni,: \1hcn they ~"" 11' \\'li.1t Cl1llld c11n,lt!11tc " fr<'/11 r u-ed c.1r huy th.in tlm-a o.:.1r th.1(, hccn thoroughly 1n- ~rwct.·d. r.·0:1011d1t11•11•·J. am.I '' .1rrnn1cJ in \\flllllf hy tho: 1!.'.1kr! Sold only by on Authorized Chevrolet Dealer L i MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Newport West Coast Highway Beach -Liberty 8-2261 red ()k Tog! _j Look at These 1954 PLYMOUTH I llr '!1 \~H , :'\t .. lrl\ II•'\\, hi•' i,:.u ........ ,~ tn1: ,., ,,'rtlrh•·. ... har1• 1\ ... 1' t.u ''" $1445 1952 CHEVROLET U••lu'" 4 tlr. Lu\\ f'1il• Jti.:•·- to .. -tl•·•I \\ii h •''''~'..: .. 1trli• ..... "rlclnul ~h) hhr .. f inl•h. $1095 1951 PLYMOUTH Used Car Bargains 1951 MERCURY J;, h •·tl··r-·-t ri·.•n' .\ 1;1,,. 1, l~.t•~lfl ,\ 11.-.th ·r t\r,tl 1111\ it, ... purl' 11111111 f~ $995 19.·54~ MERCURY 'f}•lfl••ri\ fl.1r•l;111, \Hl ft 1\"\ 1,,. .. \\1\ .. , \lt.\"-d t t\f'll 1.t1h l '•.u~)ll n1iJ,,, .. ,,,,. tt1111t1 ' a1 - $2495 1952 PACKARD C hh • ti\\ O•·r 1 .tr, ... ho\\' f\\1 , II· ut i :1r11, 1t11t11 tlrh •1, fC ,\ II. o1rii:11111I rlnl•h. $995 •Ir. I(,\ II. •1"tlrh1·, 11ri1:i1111I 1 rP:..un t~nl••r .. ,. h:H tl I t• l!'"I mo<1"1 .. $995 1947 BUICK '"'''"·•flt•1 t •'+ ,., 1·1 ll1•nf t Ir.-• H.t\ ti. t.1111d lrHn,purtRf1on "'"' ut -$265 1953 CHEVROLET f h th • UllJl• 4 \ h 11n1•\ -h o r\ finl~h-hn .. 111·" l;•llort•rl · $1095 @ Used Trucks at Sensational Savings 1953 FORD 11 1 .. 11 pl1-kup, \-II 111111 F11rtlt11n1l1 t.~ , ....... rt'ttll<"•'<J It>- $1045 1950 FORD l 1 Inn llirk111-----4·"l)H'\l 11rl1ilnal loll"P"n tlnl•h. A r•·:tl ,. .. 1;.1 hur fnr nnly - $645 MILLER CHEVROLET w. • Coast Hwy. Liberty Newport Beach 8-2261 C2assified XE\\'PORT HARBOR Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\\'t>d1wsdays ( 011,11tt :-.hnp11 .. r .\ti~ run Jn t ho• \\ ••1h1o•,1ln~' ;\t•<1 , .. 1•r1•-. .t I.int'!'> lnS(•rtivn :-:1.1111 a~l1l'I. lin1'" .'.,?;, t'tt. -l l.i Ill'.., 1..;o add'I. lint-.. .'!.) t•n. ·I Li111•-. ~ ln,..·rt ion-. '!.011 uiltl'I. lint'!'> .2.) t•a. 4 1.i111·.., ·I h1..,f'rt ion" '?.:111 tHl11'l. linr1o1 .'!.-, f•u. :-.lt1111tl1111 \\1111fr1l .\ti~ \\Ill rt'l 0l'h1• 1.·, ''"'"'""'"I'"" In llll\nnro> 11nl.\, ~II ~ 1.\11 ~I . \I> t ..i I I.I~ t.~ :\II l"la .... 1111·11 1\1h 11111~1 lw p111tl f,.r I :rh In ach a111· .. ur• pu11ltr111iu11. ThP publJ.,.h,·1~ v.dl t111t lh: 1··~pt1n!i=tl·h~ 111t llf••I,• than 1•ne 1n•nrtf"1 l 1m•1 \u111 t1f 111 11<1. •·~•"'" l h o• 11i.:;l:l 111 ('llli'tll\' l111 ,~d\" Jill\' t\1\1! all ad~ and lo t•'Jt t.t any .td Ji11t ••·n:,11 1t1 11~~ t u J 1 llt·~ ond 11~11fl\t1un~. J 1~: .. \l >l.l:'\~:s l••r J•l·t• 111.: •H" "rn' 1•/ltni.; """ 111 t· F"r :O.l••nd.I\" l'11!•l11·111ao11 -Fr1t1·1y :> 11 n1 F 11r \\·,·.in .. ~ 1.1·: 1•1;11111 UllUflS T 11 .. ~1!S'. I r rn. J·'o1r ~'I t·l,ry 1•111.1w:.lmn -·rtaftl'd.ty l r lit. ~t:\\ l'Ot:T 11..\lll\Ult 1·nu.1 .... 111 :-.(; ('0. ---1 Painting, Decoraling lltr Ex p-cr~' d.~ga rdener LAND~CAPING and CLEAN llPS Llbt.'rty S· 1659 :!Otfc \Yorking M other s l'hild care Ill my home dtiy- t 1 m e. Nl'wport Heights an·a. Llbt>rty 8-7671 . ~3C'96 ,'<t 1 nu I 1;111 olrs1rt•11 p<•i.ll1t•n \\•llt c1111 ~l l'lh'ttnn l'1• Ha thn1 nr l.~sJdt•n L:n•' 1· a1 «H !-:'" "llr111 , ,.r Ht>ftir ~ 11 .... n LI 1!-6ij1l:i 831·"-~' F1 lH:'ltr:tt Tl-~'A('lt t-:lt & t>xpi>rl<'ll<'- ,•d SITTF:H h11u1 ly nr wk t'nl.!.ol. H,,Hbur :f!l21-H 82p81 CLEANING & IRONING by l hC' l"ho· ~l .lll lllf: ~al.If\ t.:• ~P\t HH~i ~LJU \\ ilt t .. , I I\' fl i'(l\ll't\1 llH 11•1\:.1 S, l11ll .,Jnhi.. fH1W f~1l Tl·;LEPHt>~E O PERATOHS A PJ'IY - l,111a.;•1 ""'""'•"'"'.,.ot n1•1tr new t'tlftt•1 ~1111~ 1t11.t .irr:....-~ ra nt11,ot11·1111\' 11 .111.,•ol SI \k.l up 1,.11_\' I lotrt/11' A J•l'lll'• I :!7'..!t ~=. 1",111•1 llti;l;\\l\\' I liill•ll'll N l '1l1111I I °o•n •nfl J1•I 1'hir . <'&!tr 'il t •, ~·· ~1Jun :)Ill'•' Hiii ~ll ~!\llt.t 1\na IJ 1111 t11 4 t>o I ' ~1 "-~-Fresh TELEPHO~I-: PACIFIC Hearing l1 A TI'l!;R I ES Aid \\'e Gl\·e S&:ll Green Stampe \\'ANT HF.AL • ..:sTATF: sAu:~-G underson Drug Co. :'llA:>: or br1k•1. Fu1111h;1r w 1lh Hr,rbor 81t't1. To•p romml!U<1nn 111 Mato St. Bl Balboa Blvd .. 8&.lbo• ll11rbor !>l:'l. Nlfo t\1\l" whu \\'\UlLtt tn makt n1unl"y ___ ----------- '" 1\111 11fr11 lil tu wurk. ORIGINALS HOt"S1'P :'\ HE-~LT\' ~111!1 l 'Pnter ~. l't•:<ta ~lt'!U\ I Al""l'ER:-1001'. C'oektall, d1nnor I.I ·6!n 1 f;\',. 1: ... :>2fl8-\\" I l.IN'NJ•~ll & ('oOnllnato . 113.-s:, Custom Dressmaking Ll i:t~T -H Ol'!'E \\'lH<I< ~ "bl\b):1 Ph lhrbo? 0:?68-R 7lfll'l s1tt111g Ill 1on11tll 1·tir1,.l1ttn hu11w l A:'\T!Qt'F:S Ohl fumilure, t ll\ in l'Xr h ani:•• f.ir rm & b<>anl It 1:liuoa. la 111p10. ol.J plcturn~c.J0<·~ "m"ll !talRr~· llar 16~!1-M t'lt". B ar'l{Wllll j!Rlor~. Big d1• 'r s:i. 11~ t•1•t1nt11 to dt'lllf'rll ·--·11. 0 &\'I'. •liiy. Exµt>ri,-m-.••l. Balboa Jsla.n,1 --------------....,,_ )JI e(o•rrt>.S Kl 3-0096. I( ll'llf , . 1 kk , . I 180!1 Jo: A naheim St.. Lootr 8 1"1• > OJ'• I Ill or. ) µ. lllllt II. ••P• r. ~ll-13!1 -29U COt"J'l,E DESIHJ.; ~OSITIONIN f c ho,,kpr . \\81l1 rr<.". tlnm.-sllr • 1 II f"::tlrn i:;J'l'llll{I! S!'pl. J, !IS c<wk 111111'' ~<'n·1t·r 1<la. A:. h(lut l)llllolt•r F OR S A LE Fam ily plo t /n H&rl>l'f' & .i;.1·1Wl'lll butll!r. R l!frr•'fll't'l!I-Jl'!\'J.; FAHHAH E MP J. Ai;·i•y I H"~t M»mnrll\l P l\rk • ~·I I'. r111 1t1t·11t ••r "'""''"110! J.\111cl n C l ll:!I, 3'..!ii I s: Xl'"l'"'1 lli't. II J..,1t1111tl. Lt 8 -6140 .evvnlngs ,(, .111Jdr , 11 \\'11te Box X-13 lhtic llH"I ""'' (rum l 'ity H.dl' l'i:I, k~> \\t'l'K ~R1h1 8:1• ,., 11o \\~l'"l•t 1 .f \.' 8:lpb5 A-1-vl-'l<-::O.:-.-Tlll:"ll ALL J!l)YS • _ I • , Tllr: :o\F.\\"s-rni-:s~ 1,. n11w t.ikini:, llu l.L'i \\ oon A.En. Hoo"r ur" -, a1T11•r 111•J;lu·11t11 ·n• f .. r 1·11111 .. ,. 111 ni:ht '""' 11um. Rnund mspt., l.lln lhl'llt.' n1•1i.:hhn1 hnrr1!~. -S11M11 & ~ rhKlr1' & 2 4 In. blunt.I~ HnlhuR. \\ .. Sl :"l:rwpu l l , Dalboa T \"_ All r .. r ~HI~ or wm 11•·11 Ill, ,'\, wp11rt lll'tj:ht:<. Cto1 onn J,•l ~··p1trllfl'ly. Lt 8·21:\2. 81t• Ml ?\tr-ar tt nd C'1H'H a !\l•"O\. CONSTRUCTION J11l•!'C op•·n trl SANTA ANA Pnp<'r H anging 1 "'"' nh n "h11 It ~nu 11tl' 11-H yrs. old, 11n.t h1t\'l' 130·R--Appllancee 1\ In·~"''" 111•ph· at thr t '1n ·11l11- \1Jn fl•;•t . :'\ewp<llt .. J1:1rt111r 1 W h" M h" :-; .. \1·s-1'11"•. :!:!11 JluJh>la Hlvd ,1 as Ing aC lne GEO. BUR KHA ROT· ;1 1 1 .'· •• '\ 1i;u:,:, !\"rwpurt 1~•·11, h. ho I"" 1•n 10-1:.!1• SERVICE LH ·~::"Sf'l 1 «O:o\TRA1'"T<IH Skill nU FOR RENT S1tw!I. Eire. Onllll, l'11IL~h<'rs. LI ~-71!13 typ.:$ o! Sant.l"•" \\'IW<'llmr- row s. t'lc. BOYD'S HDWE. :?63ll \\'. CO.\ST HIGl-l\\'A Y LJberty 8-343:J. Newport Bch 2!Sl!c ' l ·1-Pnsrlhals Akohol1u1 Anonymous Wr11e P 0 Bnx '.UH !\'1•wp11rt 8e1ch, t"uhf. \\"11,. llf I 1:. tl ~ .1,.r,., ..... i .J,.J1.-\\II n t'\ I !). l'I /, Ir ,ll\t t'J\ 111 !hf\ .lhi •• IJh JI!•• p1ud \,I " •• h!-t 1d . I l 11:1 !.1 y.. ! •. d t\' wk 1 .,, I HELPERS CAREER BENEFITS I\ Ill ... r •<· r )11 tonl y (')1;1'1•pl I I-year i;tllU'IVllNI on Jobe donr !'\a111rol.1y1' U t: anrJ &n used wube r& 2-tl!lt!'• ( rl'a.r) !>lewport RI., Coftta MC'~J ~iO-MiM·t·llan('OU!il 1! Liberty 8-4503 or ' Llb<.-rt .v ----------8·4327. 6Hll" l'Ol.U~h rr 10-:Frtlc ;. t ;.111,1 t ·1111111- h· r .... ~til\t•. tn1t\~( .. , ~IH:o'•;ll J·'U!'f. J:-.d1:u1 n'1J:~. , It., I l1trl' J•h tt1r,· -~,. 1111',. J:r:l"'-~ JllJ.: , ,, II If Jj1 i'r s !"\"II\\'="-" 1:11 ~· "" I•~'"·'' !'4i/1• ~..?:: !J1 1 1 l: t ~ l •1unu•n t A' •• H.llb,.,:\ ] .... J.u1d ~1• '~l 111(11111.;1· \1 !1\ 1 ltn ralll \\ 11 r •' l 111 •II< ~I~ w1-:11c1-:wonH ~'"''"· tw~t or ,, .. ,: •lll 1rrn '""'11 •·onl r•1l c lo, k .v I 111 • I. u J<S lh8.11 11 pr1c1• II" r 1' ,, 'f.l Hll< !"Al.J-: 1 '11ltt~p<1t rt•( w .11• ,., .. ,,·11ni1 ,S4U l"alll<l !'>'.!74~ 1r A B T AllLI:: 1\ll' ranit~ ,olt!. • 1• .110 ~1 ·, 1·.,11 Har :!G!JO·lt 1<.11 /'ol C'O~fPLET8 P AINTINC & Pap«r 1"1&hging Ser\'ke F.t:1;E;o.;1-: Cl. S.Al 'Sl'r".I:~ Phone Harbor 179j I' ot·t J'• n~111n trc .m•t d t~.tl·illl y !'•.JI ",\IU: 111:1 t;•lll• ly I.I ' l llii"I "'' ,i l W·'..! Ftw;nJAHI-: 1 .... ,, 111-~H1 ·\J:1::-: Tu;~:.;-;: ,.,,~-~:1 c-{ • • fl In '~~';,/"'"I !1 ••vz, '• ' n•'1'11 'l I. ~'"'··"·· ---------------plitll lo h h 1k•' \\l'h !'\tlllll•'"'-.\l'<ho•f ~l'ill ll"r l.)-~ltar1• \'our C'a r r .... , :11~t S11tPI, :\1~\'-J''fl l l ~f"·ach ----------------------- Hai hur ~~';'G or ll.1r_ ·I I Iii. tfr L•I 11'1;t.,\!" AlkC"H HT 1111-' ~htll Painting & Pap~rhanging We do the work oursC'l\"es. ·111 yr 11r.~ ··xr~nrn•'" LH"'•·n~ .. ,.1-..&._--in.._1111•d f ''I t,·\'j•••. ~.2f. _\l1 .. 1t \\:l!1'!'4' I I jt• 1· .•. 1 ll.11 ~:i;11; ""'''Ill•. ,(. u ,. 7,1o.,~11; '\"t• \\-_\:>o;Tr:I• H1·l•· lll•lll ."\"1·\\I''''' J;,,,,. h l·• l..-•r,;: B•"ll h ,.all ,\J•..;i f:i:tlmnt"q fn·~. C'~ll .l11hnn1r, J\\•, 11 '> ·.01 a 111 ,\· !. r ·n >o~, '" !'ni.i ~!actJ· n g11·tr·\n:• 1 t I J, .;..:.,1, ,, '" ;.t 1 u ... ; ... ~r:-; t11• .. LI 8-~6 i & LI 8-5~ti!I ~It f c House Plans J.I nf:RTY 1!·6!"d BION RICE, INC. Cl'n<'ra l (' .. ntr.1< t••r:-. B:i I boa 6.· I '.ilm ='I'' 111~:; !'!tan!' -F111;i111 ing. \il h lll I• F REE E:-1Tl:\tATES l.IbC'rty 8-6l0fl \\\;o.;TJ'l • 1·1!1°1 ll l'll f•·t •l 11.I· ft· ~I ••llJt lt• d· \\ "''·\\:, J.. A I l it \t l1f l ,\\t•I ~(I\ 1 ..... l \tl ~!'\\• 111·r' ti 111 ,, I Lt'"' l; A :. 1111 1'111 l.I .... ~11::~ 1';\<!>~ Superfluous Hair f'lrll"1.J1111tly r• ruO\l'"1 l tu n1 ta• It Rrm,., hj.;~ J.:),bru«.s an..! hair 1 l1nr ~h.tp••d-~n o .nrt' l \\'Cl"Zl: C: ELLJ..:\' L. [lH \' ,\ :'\T K I':. L1tlr1'> Salon of B~~ut~• liar. :.!.'\~6 ttc 2»!-1..ii .. t and Fount) ------------------ Jt•t·:;lt f't , J t 1~tf1l 1'1•r. L11;\""'..,, ... l'L, .... 1 1 •'fl, 1 • •I., tr-.u u' ~!It r I 11 1r t'•~h l\T f )1 l';to V111n, (f\\Jl• r Ill I\ I Lti '· A p.~\' '"' \tp H ! .tt ~1 \' 11 .. l 'f• \ :!:!1d Hfl f J~·\H11 ~1 1 Genera! Contractor un•: ..... ~1:11 N1•w \\'nrk -R~'modclmg J . M ILTON :\kl\ENZIE , H:i rbnr ll()P3-J 5Stfc Elec . Tool Repair ~ktl ~·"''!', Pr ill.•. ~.in.fer-< <.,tl"ll'Jo; !'EP. \'ll'E LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 1:.ti :-.; ... -"•'\\"J•lllt l:hd , .'\j•t 1\1!1. Llb'"l'I\ ~·":\'.I 4 Atfr PAINTING M. W. ROSS llh ol, :"\• ',\ J •I' l<lj•~I, Z l~'\dwol-.. ln,.fr111'fi11n CONTRACTORS ALL C'LA:'~IFIC:\TJONS 'S Tl.J\Y .n "'J•1!1' t n11t' t, r •~•1t1'1 :H · tnt s • 'nn 1t1..t .. 11 tJh .• r a J;t n .. •rat (flO,J.tt t••I \\slh +.!_;, \• tl~ I XJlt'rH·n· •. ("in:--I :'t r u1 • 11n·1 Ft.''"'"' 7 ·~I I ( :. \"'•01•! !ltl.(! t110 I ! 1 f ft1•, ft :tfl\. •"I' Al Tyler School 1 •11 I :'\ • 1 I;,• r I\\ '· !'.t•1' 1 ,\na Pit .Real . '" Estate Santa • I h I 7 -:i;.i I lk School Ana APPLY 10311 E. F'i rst ~:u1t a A na ~fon • Fn. 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY \\.\S T ~I··• l..11110 ,J •,}.1n•l' tt•· ... cu A· +!•·1tll l"l'1u1- 1 II 11 .... h \ ll .1111.· B11X 6!•!• ( ·, '·""' ., ~'' .. , I!\'~ i,t.; \\'•>111 tfl ),.,, \\1:11 .rlilt'\' 1 1 Ill••':, I•' ,,\ \\ t •,, qo.tl :1' ~t 11•f1' \" I: /,·¥'• 11, I.,, I I ~ 11 "'l ;'\\ 11 I"! I~ .t t.\ J:I' t 'I , ... ,1 . 1 ~ ... \t .. .,. l'J .i''-1 ~1•Hth t " t"' ~' • \.~ JI• •t t J !t• 14 It \\'f ''11\ '\ l'u\\'~ r .. \1rtrtt1t1•~•1pr1H l•'I V>,,p••11' 'H''1d ft·n~t J i., n1.t ''" 1h '''}·;1\\l'• o111:1 )1 111tt1 ,,,,, H 11tHHt ll"lnnd ~i. '•.i \VIL \\'RIGHT'S ICE CREAM \\~ !1)1 I JloJofil\'t ! <ol !.t:J.t!l.tl \\ jl h t IJ!;1 1111 11J" • ,j 1 411! ~li_~ l '\i f •111 t t1• 1,1 U1,.~\\Kl1 1!.,.-...J':O. (;111fJ11y ,\"' • ~·)~•, Oq1l11\I I '11 :-;-t" ,\tt. lt u\1 \ l'.1~ . ...:11.;11 I tt K, tl:! \\ _ < 'u 1•1 111\\ ,I\ ;-.: .. " i• n Ji, It I Ll /!!.:.~.~. t Beacon P e rsonnel Pmploy11 r n •t a1n1•1I :H~f"tlr\' :'\() I·,. 1 ,.Jl1·1·t1"I f n.111 .q 1pl1r a llt I •I" \\ ,. • I I I • tf l• \i • 1"' \1 1th u ... 1tlll'ft1Jlg~ fn tklq • l'lt:\ •1il11fl S:i!• ~" ""' 41 1:1:1.I >-41 "-"'' ----v ~'l"H:\'l ~H l:'\f: ,\ RF::o.;T .\I.· 11i ·x1:s · 1;_\:-; 1;1u1.1. ~l " T"•' T.\lll.r: '"I'!:·'' 1111 • .: .... 1 1 • • rolf'I 1 t H ll idlt .t fl11A• I ~ s • t•U •Jtt "n ~1" ti H :{'•f>\11 .J "'~-"'' ~\l!-11 t •t.t 11p ~ ' \\ 'h ~I n11r~ & 111:•t•1· .,. S• ·,,, ;.rn; \\' !Loi h•w T<!h-1 • t , di fl •t :.•-; f\t , ~=·' SPBCIALS' J~on kcl's Inte riors t ·, h1 •L•l•1rv. ,J1 rt111·r1,•·1 \\'1•1l~~'\\~11·•t. \'4'1 \' t 1,. 'H fll \\\·,f,t;I'\\ •1•id p• If, 't t 1 ,..11111 t1\'•"rf. 1·r11v· t ... d 1 !11•11 ti• Iii). :~·· •--J1r·•'f"f ~t_r W11rk1' l•k ~itt HE~ IW ;~:HAT• d :!'' 11• l'-p1 •.• , I~ :\1 \.\' J•lit•l 11 1.lt11 t t \* .~117·: Cl E 17111 !'r l'.,,Ll ~''"'·' il1•"4h Drastic Reductions t 'I' t I) !'ill' ' 11:-./ :-;1 ·~1\H"l! fll:E!"!"E~ ~· l 'R· l t1t.., I t.··1~ d o. ,fv .H!1i•J1 ~ .\1 \1t1 ;w "1:1:u j:l',t; ~. 1 • -1 l lll\d L;ii;1111;1 II 11 n:u r. LO -HEET Kdv1n1ol•1r I; •I 1:. S••rv,.l 1'1 l'l 1<lze K rl\·mat11r 1w1 fo ·o l 1 •• 1 .. nu•lt·I. K l'I .., '' t 11 1 '11l•l'f"'' i r r nml' "~ \\'A~llEHS 1 ...... und• r.dl, ~·~t • '•'"' ..,~T1J:'1:a1t•. :111tt1u1 h\l•· ft1•11I E11,.y ~1•111dn1•1. ):••nd 1;.·ndu. .l't•\••1111 :o;ev• r.el \'Ut 1HJru 1 It .u .• t ,. fn1rn $!• !•:. l ' $.'"1 I II .,., " 1i4t If 11 •II 6H it• 11•'• .•• * 1 ~I !•!l ,;fl :1!• ii' '.!f1 j Ill \\'A:"'T TO llt'Y :l d1\'nn •Ill' 1 .• hh• Al,..., h'<hY rum1t11re lf .,, ~•:l!.!Z. 8•••,".fi -------------- ~'.!-Furnit 11r1• for Salt• :l2-fo'umitur" for S&lt1 ·--------------------·------------ Good Used Furniture I ·omplctc• hr>us~ or apt furnish.in~~ B .. driiom. li\"lllg room , dining room. Lawn and pat1u furniture All km•ls baby furniture Near Nu Furniture Mart :.!"I '.I ~l'W J'lll t Hl\'d. Har. 5392 32-Fumihtrr for Sale ·------------------------· 3'.!-1'urnit11r1· fur ~a 11· -~----------------------Ll ~~!t'.~~1 .. I I '"Z'"~ 1 ,..•,11 ,;\\+JI ,,,,. 't I\.' ' ~,,, t :.1 r::-.1~-\\11.\l ~::-;p"l''1r• 111 1·11~ 1u11' :. 1 u n i.a 1t• 1 • • '"'t!,s:1•·,, '-I' 1 • f ~' I! t I "'" "-•; ~Lii · • F < II{ SA t,}-~ -111x "''lld bin h 1-:11rlv A 111< 111 ;;.n ll1n•nl( chlllr" S:1crifiC't- I .t1:1 1 111 t• 11'1 t" llf) I ~II• lhr ·ti~t 8;;p~~. ':°llJI' di CARPENTRY ~tl NOlt nEPA l l~ \\'Ol:K ..... u 1• 111 T Clt1 S\I \I.I. IL (), A no!• r • '1 l: ""' I J 'I I I ' I. 0 l • " CARPENTJ:.:R Repair \York DO('• Ynur llt•mc ~1'1 t1 ltrpai1111i; or fkmoJel:nr; '." Ca.JI Fr3nk. Ltb .. r:~ ll-6'.1;,1 All W u rk Gu:iru1;t ... c I -;'Hrc PAINTING 1:0.:TEHlf\lt -1-::>..TEHIOH 1.1cF::--::-;~:ll -1.:o.;sl'r:r:JJ Gle nn J ohnston :,111 -::1.cl ~t 11.11 t>11r '" \\ r''' t IJ1•lu'h Bookkeep in g ,\TI ~-:'\Tll 1:00: • Service I f '1•'"1 f .;l4 • ''i ~t 11•1 ~ I I Jot•! 4 ~ ......... Jl,t l'llf;i• ti• f' 111 '. \1 •l ei' r 11 .... ,,,, n\hl~· l•111k)<r. rw:i: "'"' Id•~ ;\ .. ~ ;\h••tJ ' ,, If ft A ~11ntthl• , .. Ill ,.f, • .; ... ~ '· ..... , ~ .. 111 I!'' d l•:O..t ;1ir ', \\ • 11' '\ ,,•'.fij \\ I I ' • ' \ 1 r \ I' r ' t I Ip ~ rr I'.! ,, t • I•· 1 • :1 • t '·•·n · · Jr 1 ' .tn f I• .1rn tl111u' q hf ' : •" ;,•• I I• 11 Tyle r Sc h ool "' 11 ' I I hi 7 . .jl 1.;1 .\ :--.,ritrt j\ "·' .I•·" hi: 1' .! I : China Painting l'.H nrid l ''"'ntnc C'l1111~"• l 11 .i1•r.~ l'nk••n "ow "I l .i t I d11t ,.tti \\,\,Il l•\\ .• , I' 1·•1' I I 1,.,f •I ,, + 1'••t I h'I ~·!1.';,I· . I II,, I f ·~' .... :\11u Jl l l :1 ·~1 •111.111,; r111. 1.1bli' & chair• ,. '.' h .tJoo": ·1 h rr11t ha.r "'""'' Al t hr ,,, •' 1Jif\1 1 t 11 PW ( ),,l 8 .. 271'• 831 ;,-, ..... , I 1 •1, \\ ll •I • :-o,. t ~t.q l• "" j 11 • t: I 'u I Lt llh ••t I I I• t ••' Jutt\' i..;. ,. \ ... i '"'; t.11 . ltt 1111 ~l •. 1.,111., 1 ,. ,,., l~.,,,1 1 • 11 I ~',.. I ~· • \... • I ' • t ~) jHI 1, I •Ii ,\I "I ' It ' t '• 1 I I I • 1 r, IOI I • " ' II ' ' ,, 1 · f I • '1tlt " I I •• I~ ' JI• 1 l :--1" I\ I EI· 1· I: • r T t1 f . ,11:•· I. I l'• t l •l.lltl JI,. 11~'.! l~\.,h: ~"'ll f I! ,,,,,,kk•·t·•,.1 •"' ~'·'•< 1r 1 '•I 11 ,. t 1 ,t,, ~ 1••u1 l '•I 1 + 1:• ~' :.t \ \\r ,\fl 1\ J'r \ ' 1 i•q 1:1 J' r.... , 1•11 ~. ,1.1•11!. H .11t. I l~ .• J ~ t 1 I.,, .. t) 1) L I\\,., 111111 ,.. :.!""•'"' .1 •• 1 ~1.,! .... ~,,·. 2 11 tit\ •• 1;,•: •1,l11 l 1 ! ~.· ••• h \I "Tt 1 I l"l I"' flt r Rr.~•', llm•.,I . -.~ t, •1 I· •• "'"np Ao mAt rl • , · • t•,· I ·'1•.tuL pr. mlll ' •1 If••\ \\J\llol 1h11lr11. La l• - ,,, J1 t' ?'t"A. l i.-.d 'nmpt , I 1 .,. ''tr'ld 'li J! ,._ 14lflVf!. ltllrtu' ._. ... ~ ~1 A4J i..; I '): !\" 1.lllr•r:\· 6-:J61 l:I 1 ~1}\h .. ~ "' .1..~1 :.!11•~l ~Ille Ll•l:"'\~J·;t•r·~d , ... '.1l• ... ., ..... ft ,,.11 ., •..• '••,\· •1n •1·11q ,,, hr •. t·,, \1 t, 1· !1 d 1: 1.\ ._ 1,.l.:ii:;, r., ,111 "', •1 ;..1.q \l \1 '1.1 ' "'"I' 1 .... r 111111r 111111 4 I 111• ,., 111'"' mnrl•• tnhlf'. br111<• ·:.'{__Sit 11:tl iuu ... \\ unfrd t '~: .:" ·' J j • :"' J. I : I d ! ' ~ •• ~I !l ! t' 't ! 1 .... t 1,-:1 1• d'1 1;1 •'• '' 11 11\\ ,. '' •'·' I l l\ J'fflJ' 11\\. r\• l \\·~1·1t ,.., II I• tt ll'tr.: 11 1 d 11, ,Ll 1'-~:,,.; ,. ..'t "'.':"I :-l•d 1·1 ·1-:J: "' 11• 1t l f11Ul l t'fl' l;,1,,,1 ... l<·n .. ·d Ll ~·l<l>I:! EXPERJE;-.;CEI I (;,\ROE:"\ ER .~. t • '\jll t kl• "fl 'L•·,1•11 ~·I: ,t.1f 1 11t t•\\ f ; Itr i .' I•,\\\ 1:AY ,1, l :F;,\t 'll Hl.\l ."I Y 1 ·1 ~1 \,\Tr: l ".\l~TY .at~ l~····~· ... :-\. ,~··· ~ ~·''1~, "'··'"I; l I • I i I ' 1 • > t I• f j . ''"' II '' r. ;h t, ~·,, ,7 • t '" l11n 1 l ro '·'"'''! lnlll\I'"' ,\· I " t .1 n ·• lf>H 211,i.-.\l. l\41 •,1, I.' \\!'t 1:~ TYi·~: •!a \•'lll'fJrt, RI I , .. $~~, 1,, '\ ·:.!17 H:~' ... I ' )• ., T \ lt. ,,,.,•r , 'J\\ti '11~·-.11.1.1., "''" 1 li•,1 1 HY 1 1\\":'\~H i'\•11 1111 .. l1Jx .. S•1\.t ,, " .\ '• 1:"11 ""• • '1 " "' t i ~'..:: f k ... r•1 \\ Slt.tt Fir ttr1 '' ~ .,., i 1;, J• t • 11•t ,,, .. r J l.'1 'J t f ,,, ._. II t: '..:"':''.';' ilft• t ~ JfJ f• i 1,; J, ,,, f11 •i.'.: I .1 .~l• )-• ;, J '1 1 \ii. ; I I I buf -.. 1 • ... . .. l ti ' ll q . ' A«t I I I tdt• .. I I J ~ ~;. '!. ...... '.I··:-... ··~ • I 1 I. ,, I\ \ ' •,\; I, . ' I I 1 s11· 1~111 $ ·" 11 u .:•d•~ ' k1t 1.•, H}-.l 1 ;""J ;f ~ .v 1 ,1 r• ...... , '"·l'l• \ L'• ._.I .p t •,,. \1 ·, H.\l.L,\l,1 .. -,)lt\ll11';A';) l .,. I"'.!'• _s,~,1-...,t t:1. 1 , , .... , \f• ,.,I J 1 111j•~. Y-1t1;.: i f·•'.~ v••r•l\Jtt• 1 ---''----------'-' _•., _ 11 ·1' I•' r_ 1 1 °.:~1 "", • tl ~•i • I v f, ,., "-' ,., ~ t ·.·• ~*'! ,, s-;· f!;._ A t '•·t ~-.:1 'J F~• F1.1.r::"r , .• • r. : .... 11. f •Hr. HEI • 1 • ·.-,,,,. •• ,, ,,.,, 1L11 ~!';1 • /v t Ju !v ni:-t: I t•'" .. ,r,r : 1tr 1.,.. '' ii•' H ri•h/ ..... ,-11 \' ~ •· Jfr .. 1 ht1r f l .. ''• \t iO.fi I• 1 fd • , ~ , 1 I +I h \\t •Irr ' • di!' ~ jl ) i 1 I ) ll t "'l "' d 1t t .:1.:. •• j Of I I I I .:•. '; \\' ~ I ,1•'' ,, "'t ! f 11t1 lo• t ' ',,, .,, ~U"' IJ I ,,ff,.ft tot I '~•'•''~ u.•1t h }.,.. '• •' lt•r. t,11· II I t I ~ 1 .• I H-Famlture for Sale M-Boat1. 8uppllt• • MOVI NG FROM J\REA mu.t H ll 12 GOOD buys. :?:> fl. 1~ h p It 110fa ~d with <"O\'tr It bol1ler lg f t. 2e •,.. h p. boats, both Ci· lo matr h SM modern w rvurht bc>rctusN,' fa,,t & gUO<J '"n'11· Iron couch e nio. old ST~: \\'II· tton. Rn·ly 10 go AIBO r1b,.r· IHll rllllce. good rondltuin S7!1 .1:la.u cloth ruin f ir A rtnJd A Ken morr vacuum Wlt h a l· Mlll"lnt' Mntono J ohn :-=on k 2111~ lM:hmviu $20. Har 372~. 84r88 Tht' tthrne 1 Lido f'l'nn 1 Har. ------ SS-Boats. sun~---- 19' CABl!I: equip. tor fleh1ng Sell nr tradf' for nulbo.rd, rar. pick · ur truck. rllmp tr.lll'r. or• 10891 E. Bola&. Banta Al\L tl!lp87 :?937. 7 :.trc BOAT. 34 !l }IQ:-;TERER\' lllfl 11.m\1111•. l U111pl<'l• I\, "'llJ'I" •I. hr11d. p.dlo. bll1t llV•k . t 111lHng J:fl<I , 11klff & I\ h I' .lothn,,,n $J.';00 li11r ,, .. b·H 1':11 io.:, . 8NOWBrRO romplt>le with Bllil-.,_,., T \' 2~tl Circle Dr . Bay11hnrt11. M-~usic'al, nauJO, ~--- Liberty ll·&ooz. i;~iclH 17" MOTUHOLA T\' ----• \\l\h AM & FM m lllo. 3 -llP.'•'•l CHANGE YOUR out board to In· tth•mngr1<ph. f\erlured to S lt.7 board. 02 Aero.jet w11 h V-dr1v,• TARTAR TV CO. $310 -Ll 8-;611. 8:\p87 7 1 .. h.p. motor 0 .8 . with <·a rnage fr>O. Northlll anchor. :z:1 •·h1un. II)()' new lint $30. Uo&rJ la11 - •J"r S2:1. 22" hfl' n ng S7 4 llte fll'elll!r\"'l!rS $20. 3 winch hMJll'I $7 :10. lnq. 106 V1u Mt nlonr, Lido h i<? Wt'tk '"'!JI or CR• Ill· \'1tw 6· 6:1~• Wt't k (!H ya ~p{l8 :1904 ~. Coast fllv•I . ('u ro111. <I• I :\1ar. Har. M iil is:Jtr,· ::>TEISWAY URA.NP . t;u1 .:<'0U• 1n every way. Parlor M.G•' Tt11s "onilerful 1rutrumenl al a l>1g 1u•\•1n!l' Jlfany o lhe r G11u11ls . .Ma- ''"" & Hamlin. Knabe. Storv &: l 'l11rk. • 11· Priers $19:1 Ami u p DA !l::l-SCll:\UlJT Piano \\' ANTEO SlCf'ICrafl 26 fl. iit'dan fl:?U Xo :\lain Sanlu Ar .... rrul11er to Sl:IOO. A Jim r nund b11l • l 00 piano..~. ttJm 11a1llnr dlnJ:hY to S200, Mr. -------------- >.K .. lton, &lfort Co. VA 2!1U j l'Sf:O \\'11lnul·!ipm1 t l>Y Ualm.·1n 84 86 f'ull k1>ybuard. tl!'J~, r WOODWORTH PIA:'\0 t"O lS 1-'"l'. t.:USTOM CLIPPER, l <>n· Yl'rttble Mark 20. all c-ontr1Jh1 SIU'rlflc!', n('arly nt'w & one man lrlLller. KJ·3·61 I~ 81t 86 211 FT. BOAT, 8 fl. bum, no mo- l.,r, gOOd comJltmn Mak .. offl'r Arter 1 p .m . 11oe ·~ 192:.! P lactntla C'<>sla Mr1111 84plltl 20 l''T. Kl!:Jo:L Sl,(JOP g ood 11a1la. fine .tar ~a1lor, alto 7 ft. 1llnlfhy lncludr!l $A11(l, l4 ft. TNTE R:-.tA· Tl OX AL 'B' rllll!S 1loop n••r•ls work SJ~. H ft. l(t'll!On Kraft & triulfr l'Ompl. rfl!lnlllhed $3M . P rlvnl;-part\', 3:!1i A methyal. '.:610 F:. C:va_,.t Htl!h\lol\\ Cor0na old Mar. 1 •11 llJrb<Jr :!:$&'.! RCA VICTOR 21" Color TV f l'· f t l\•ea black and wh1tt too. TARTAR TV CO. 2~4 E. r11a.~t Blvd . Coron,, •It I llf.u HI.ii'. M91 1' ar~ WANTED M USED PIA~OS for our brJ:' re nta l drpl. Hii>hi!sl nu•h allowance m t ra(le for Orgnn, S plnt-l piano. nr <:ran•I piano. f>A NZ-St' HM lOT , r1:!Q :'\o :\lain, Saul a Ana v ,; Check these Used Car$ Buy from a local dea.Jn who will be ht're TOMORROW to back up v.·hat be atla TODAY! 40-Aul48 and True"- END OF MONTH SPECIALS! 19:i3 CHE\'ROLET &I Air 4 d r. power steering R & H. WS W, power glide only $1425 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club cpe. Radio 2 t one paint. all new tires ·- lfl50 BtTl C1' 4 dr. Sedan. Light green. R & H Dynaflow 1 ~15:! DE~OTO \' · •l dr. Sedan, light blue, power $119!5 $795 :;t111'ring. R&H. Electric Ylindows. Only $119!5 LOU REED C'HRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1 :!OO W. Coa11t Highway Ph. Liberty 8·3486 .t~Aut~ for Salt-14 t-Auto Service 196-1 SI":-.' \"Al.LEY :\IERCUHY. 1tll J>O\\t'r •'l]lllpmt>nt, trims. Call "" 11• r LI li·Jtiu3 ur Ll 8-6'.!'.!3. 1 5Gtfc FOltll l'IC'l\l'I', lt1ll' rn:.o C'l~n l & 1"' • nt U\'• r hnul 1: •od ahnp.• LI II r1" 7'1 11 (!er 6 fl 111. 113(\85 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * , 6 Cyls. ... $48.Ss 8 Cyls. ···------S58.88 J•otj I-l>HlJ 1·1111\'' 1 t1bl,; by'uni;rnaJ Lnclude1 both labor and parts. 11:1rl "" n. r. xii xtnb, \.\'\\' l n>at-x~ r1ni;s, wrtlt pins. valve ••I Ilk•• I.In by, l Ule & full of pep. grind. flttlngs ot main and rod H111 11 17 , 8:k~ bearing&. Exptrt motor tune up. . . , , • J;..__ ,-90-day or 4,000 mile gua.rantee. .1 •• HIX ( YL. !'UNOm, 4dr . .J.ord (NO MONJ!:Y• DOWN-). s .. .i11n L11w m1lt'ni:!'. tnp conc11-, lion 1111t"lll lr8n11, R&H WS W. REBUILT ENGINES PHJn;11 l"Olt Qt.1CI< SALE! -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY- Harb.•r :!lil·R. 83c85 Built In our own factory by aklUed -- -machinist.a. Don't contend with ·52 C"Ht-;\·. 4 dr., R&H, 4 new the m iddle man. Buy direct. tlrts. 0\lo'ntr gning In FrkllCe. REBUILT and INSTALLED M1111t "•·II 611m(-..l1al1'ly. $il111 or lllKh•·~t hlc1tlrr. T.l 11-~17:1. &Jdl~ SHORT BLOCK -------FORD ............ ·-·---··· Sl29.~ t R11I. JAii', lla.r. 2tl2:.-M R.._36 SMALLEST STUDIO Piano with ·~:i Ol"'IJS Super 88. 2 11r., H\'<1rn· I C HEVROLET -·---··· SU9.50 b;a.kr~. P L YM. 4: DODGE ···-·---··-'1~ l<:lr :, CHRYS. It DE SOTO ---$170 l 'SEl> 1 ;iny Marrnf' motor. •rype full 88 keyboard In fin,. 1 on· m11t1 c. H&tl, Jl">W"r i'i~a Scout 20 hp. $260. Phonr· I ~Ilion. Terms, SI."> :l!'J <!own nn I tmt!'ol i,:111~11 K1 3-flSAt. H111 our 72 84r>.r. S1e 17 pr r mo. at -STu'DEBAKER .•. _ .. ___ Sl70 OLDS It PONTI.AC e --~ 1170 BlnCK ·····-·--···-····-·--S17~ 'f S HAFE.H'S M usic Co (Srnce l!l07) ~ 0\·1cK HIVIF:RA ~uper. R&H H ~-r. fJ(JRt;y 1$UAT Sl'll• •• ~21-423 N . Sycamore. san111 Ana Xl1•nt con1l ()\,·n1•r Har.0460-W. lilt F:uL :?11th SI, l.'r•~la ~t"~-l'hune KJmberly 2-0672. 11 1\1 Ith H•>:trl . 81'.l!'On 1111\'. R4rQ6 811'~6 HUDSON ____ ...... -··--117~ Loan Car Frff Towing · XEW CAR OUARA.vrEE Block mlllt meet our atandarda Plwi taxu, gukeu and oU Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . l 111 PAOl1l.F.:BOARl •S !'>EW 12•, ft , S39 ~ IJ-:x1ngton 6·t792 I l11nt 1og1nn A"" ... Ilg Rea ch Mc86 S Pl :'\ET PIAXO. Beaulltut < _.,,, & tone Lillie uM'J Sa\'e O\ o:r $11111 on thtii. AnoUit'r bar g&1n Mir· ro r t y pe S pml't only S295 M:ln~· Olhl'r wondrrtul buys. DA!llZ·SCHMIDT l\111.~1c <.:<.1 TRADE OR-SALE-1 1120 :'\o. ~fain St . Santa Ana. Alway" 100 pianos'. 4:, fl. tnmk ca bin rntlN-r dl'!ll1tned by J . J . r-111'1'· bulll by Oakland HAM:\tO:'\D Organ. Slightly 1111~. Unnt \\'01k11 m 1!146. Sleeps 6, CIX!d big nving. Anvthi.>r won- has 27~, h p. H all Scolt NPW dt'rful huy. H:1111mond C'hord Or- batlerlca. Aut•1m11llr c1rculalmg 1 gan. Uttle uscJ. The Organ ball tank, new pt opelll'r, aulu· ev•ryone Clln play. ----------------ATI'ENTION Nash -Hudson BELLES ENGINE . REBUILDERS owners · Rl.oh H h. , G Open Da1Jy 8to1 St.ate Bond«! a n s arage NEW LOCArhTON AuU1011uJ Parl.JI &. Sl'rvlce J. J. lllso Got•J Tran•portauon 310 East 3rd St. <.:u1" For Sale Auto Radio Repair SANrA A.NA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Rest., hve. quarters. &>er sales. lease for $17!\ per mo. Hiway. locat ion. Aaking $6500. Drive Inn Rest lease $150 per mo. Shows gross S5!5,000. Good Equip. Newly decorated. Real nice for S8i 50. Trailer sales and sen ·icc•i;. Good po\rntial. Own<.'r m1Jsl St>U. Asking $13,000. See ua for these and othl.'rs : l THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway., Newport Beach Llbt>rty 8-3-lSl • Evea. Liberty 8·35 0 I 4-S..A-Aeta. for Rent SUMMER Rentals Deluxe turn. apt. • rooma. Day, week or month SMALL OFFICE FOR RE!\'T . $30 J'14.'r lllO. 2602 N.·wpor\ HIYu . Newport lk h Har. 4 i UI 83lfr 5S·A-BuslneS8 Rf'ntal~ ldul loca tion -a few steps to everything, 104 E. Bay, Balboa. H0ar. :'.>JH l 71k --------------·- New Store Bldg. Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Front.a +. ,, other choice properties Harbor lal&nd, Bay Sboru, Bea· con Bay, qualified client.a only. for leas". 3·5 ) r8. 1 5x~ fl. pat k· shoppmg area. Ing' SPJLtl. MaJor art~ry In l..1'10 BLANCHE GATES Realtor Harbor Investment Co. 1 311 Marin" Ave . Ba11>'1' hlnnd Harbor UIOO (Evt!'s. LI S-~38&) Harbor l6i 1 61ilfc i 7t!c . ---------Professional NEW 'U:-JruRN. 2 bdrm. apt- tlrepla ce, allcllng door lo pal10. 80(). 11q. ft. 70 I L t o channel beach . :l hlk11. to ocean. 30:1 36lh St., Newport; H ar. 3624-J . 83c85 UNFURN. garage apt., 2 bdrms. $40 nlll. yrly. A vaJI now. Ha r 0190-W. ~4C86 or Business Men lntt're~ted In ottlco 11p1u•e In n(•w proposed bulldLDg. l 7lh SL Nor Thrifty & Alpha Beta Marko>l.!l, Costa Mesa. Ca.ll Har. 0269. i8tfc ... C-2 BLDG. STUDIO Apl. bath Ir kitche;. 4 RMS . plus k1trhrn Ir b11lh a.nd 1 rm. 2nd f ir. l'ewl~· dec<>ra tt'd ulll. tum. rea.sonable. Apply 500 Jumine Ave., Corona def !\tar. lltlllllll proof cdllni:-11 Si:> mo 427 SlcS6 31st brh1n1I I'. 0 . :>:t-"'por l Har 00:,1 ur :!ROI J I<. i8p91 CORONA DEL MAR new 1 bdrm apt. w ith stove and retng. Ex. F1"ne Locat"1on lrg. bv. rm. Tile alnk It work labh!. C arh. d1sp. f ull tile show· FOR A It ny Ac.:'l, lie11ut v '6hop. tr, glll..!s dr Gar. will takt' I t'tC. G. mund floor J l>.3:1, c.:o~ta lar1tut car. Laundry. Close to Mesa. Aero~!! Crom r . o .. L'ull atorea It trans. S70. mo yr. ownl'r Ha.r 2936-\\' 6 t!r leou e. Ph LI 8·Mll!· 84p86 • --- FUR:-4. 2 rm . bachelor apt. utll. In cluded. Ptlvale beach & dock prlvrlt'gr11. Car. -Beacon Bay n Par Har. Jsland, 1 or 2 adulta only. :'\o pel~. W inter rt>ntal Jeue S76. mo. yrly. lcue $100 mo. avall. Srpt. l sl. Har 2i66. 84ttc M-Busloes8 Opportunitlt8 _ ASSOCIATE m.1111 b~•· p11111p, 11l11lnli'i<ll 111l•el TlA:'\Z·SCH~ll OT Pian<> "'', J:llll<'y. r.iirh1rnk11 • Mor ri(l Allx. :'120 No. M.un, Santa Anlt. R•'n•·r·11tt1r ll ft thns;h\· w1t11 111r1 •11 r :\ h p molnr. ~hip 111 >oll•1:1· 1.1d111 Air for $13 MJO. \\'<111ld Ilk~• 11 n1u• lot t•r hou.te ln 409 E. 29th St .. Newport Beach, Har. 4 i'.l~. S5tfc -Clualtled A<a ara read by tollu ~Bomee for Rent who are really looking to buy. '• interest. At'llvc or lna l'llvc Mun or woman. If )'OU h9VI' re· •'1),;-nlzoo the ti t•1111•nl11,un ix•ttn· llRI (')( th" cnte1 t ... rnnll'nt b1111· in,.:111, hrrt> 111 11 run• npportun- lly lo bo·con11• MllDl'l!lll••l w1lh a n ori:-nnl7.1tt1tm whtd1 will 11C· frr \'Oii !>(.'(;Ill It)', p!'rllH\O<'llCC, t111d \'<'ry h11;h 11•1111 .,,. on ynur 1111' 1111''1 IJA Y & BEACH REALTY LlDO OFFICE 311.! Lnf11 \'ette. Nl!'wport Hnr 36'13 liar ::!l!.19 I::\ E'• !'PEC lAL Dl'Y~ BEAUTIFt:L SALE.\<t mnpl·· Spin· el piano: P.enlal re tum. Famous mnkt' Like "''"'-Sa\'e $!!1:'.> - C1.1n\1t'nlen1 tt'rms al- SHA1''ER'S Mualc Co. tSIMc 190il 42 I ·•2:J !'-: Syramore, Santa Ann Phone Klmberly 2·0672. :n I-I .\LBATl!OSS SllJ'1p. 1-~.ut RCA VICTOR CO='SOLF. with 12·• l•1~t Cur11ph.tdy rq,atnll'J. 2 "Pn•k••r $31 del1\·crcJ. ••11 • .1111, & •111nnak,.r, Jib H TARTAR TV CO. 11 R• lnf'll '1U b<1ar1I. !\lark :!II 200 I E C'na.\lt Bh·d , Cnroni. ti• I \I ""''' m"'"' "'° l1a1I• r SGOO. :\t .. r. Har. !'>l~l i.:lllc . ::!, \lnl'lh\•I B.•lbo,l, hlOJ'11l.1------------ \11t•h•"ll !I .:111.1 I ·1p :. $~ r~R :\tu r"m " i;:oo1I r1 .1l th c :\lt)r tHl:'\1: HIH :-;ALE $17:'.>. Al•u1 h 11t 11• I S.!7:, I 'all LI 8·3600 pian11. IA'l t h•· k 1.JJ1.-, lt':un. Ar· J IV tt>rin rent "" p1111 ha••' <:nn.1 U'l't1 J'll\OO!l Sifl, $Ml, $12:'.>, s I~ 7 elt'. l..owri1t terms. :-;1-. \HL\' ~F:\\ 14 ft L'hrtllCratl f'A="Z·SC"H~lmT. !II "r ~I""~"· I 111..ilu1): IOJI, I-:\ <'II· r .,,,. 1:1 h 1• 1111•!111, l'11nlr ul~ T11nh'1 '' ··n• '1 •lnUy & ftr'• ··~­ ""•I•" 11111 :.1126 /\3p/\~ . - - 5:ltl :-:o. Main. Santa A 118 A h\ H \!I lllfl pi11n11l< ORGAN SPECIALS J I l··r 1qKl'JI l.'HAt-•r 7 1 , hp. llAM~IOXn l'pm .. t or,1tani<. llkP !'• "t l At \\'II tt'r 111otor, r11•w rovpr nrw H1~ 110 \'lng!I. l11't •'1<Jmr1c>~ 21:1-•nth, l'h Hor l ::;•o.\\ l<:lr1>~1 Lt)\'E LY i<1ns:le n.anuol elecl111nw . . -. , . . -I "r1;11n in r••r!t'<'t ronultl()o S:tvl' I-,\ 11.1,J :>: F:I, 26 11 I" in M fl'\\'.!< $41111. L'<in '"'"'''" t tern1n at p l') fire b1t llJI lu.1d1 11 Al r••n· . 11111,,n s:,;;10 LI b ·ti;to .ltrt ~IL\FF.:R S M11slr Co. tSincf!' ll'fl71 1 4:?1·4:?3 X ~\Tn11111rc> Senla Ana ... ,,~-l'Ul<Y CL'ILT l:! ft. llUlb;ard l'hMe l\lmbl't iv 2-uli;~ t~1M 4< trail• r \lrlh r,,~1.11,1 - •l"t k & 1 •'Rr h11lkh!'noJ, 1<teC'l Ill~ OH• ;A=" J-;lcdromt • l ':oeu but In v. h• '1 & 111111 r vi:. Ulll'u 2 mo 1n l''C<'dlt-n~ <'•1n•htlun Two man- .t111d1:•. $.12:1 to du!iC' t!'Sl•ll<' 11nls F me ftor f hlll!'h or hC1111<', .l1t'i 1:rar11:J •llnRI, nalbon 1 .. 1 .. nol You t..in l'D\'e $~no o n this pur· 831.' ;1 l'h>tSI' -I DAXZ-SC'IUIWT 21i·FT. :O.IAHQt; pl11nk cabin rr111-:1'.!ll ="n. :\l,11n. :::until A11.1 ,.~~. Slet'p11 4, htB•I, ,1~ley. 113 ----- hp .t b111l tnn k S'.!17!'1 llad1nr 13r. JM C'al p t :lj •u-R bilk ._:~ __ F_!f; ___ ~~-!-"---- Pl t-'"l' uLu TO\\':'\E s~ I Bl.ACK MASKEU i~''" H11 iJ~ -1r1in~om 11tt•rn anti q1111rto'r dh k j Fl1th:hng~ ~lo ...,, 17:1 Fl,,w•·r J.1••111 Cl'r outbotuol motor. S HIO. I M . 1 o~ta :\h'l'la. LI 1'·361)0 l-1:!1 ..,~, 1 ',,iot nrw S:'l:l:'I Hllrh"r ~i:'ll --- li:ki.5 T\\'u . IJACHS Hl'="U l'l'I'~. ~ -·------------rHotJ> B•'J.,.,!<t"r"I \\'1!h .\.K l' b FT. l'HRIS CRA F'T l'riun llkl' :1r\\ 11,118 & lnulrr 111rl11d1•cJ $1110 21 II\ M1r11nrnr, H.ilMH i.:11'1-;, ~l llfl • :o 1118{11 F. R .. t. .. 1 :' 111' 1 ,\11,1 1.;1mlk1h· :,i.11:):11 .. -.1, .. -;- T"11_mn -, ,s~:-1--r-°JMJCht 1~ I ~hAotoA an~_Iru~~!___- • rnrt, l\\l11!1111·w .,.,~\\'n:<r"•llll, ~11 \-\'.\ Hm1·l~11 p1t k•tJ'. :1'.•,\ 111 ft. ~&m 1111tt• p1l1•I. r11d111, I hi•• k, 1.-( L'!ey \\ ho'<'I•, I\ w ~ ,••:1 h Ill lllllk, fillh :-n1·k. i<IC'1'pll 4 ,\ l:4u 111ut,,r• \'•Ir ~" ll :-.: \ H11rllt1r 1701 i:.~.·~.·, 1 :::;pnnp ·r "''"~],, i.; .,.j "''n1ht1 .. n. \\ \ ~TL"O l l h 'I H111 llnr ~2~>·:\f /..It<.,; 1 • .., n ron y yciu-:s •r _ _ _______ . ur 1tnr k mn.1nn1< f••r 1. ' kPC'I 11l·ior !'hone ltol 26\191 "' ,.·ntl' 42-Trail.-ni lOl!t P \'In". \\'1'111. r n\'10!! ------------- ~~!'~ ~·;PAN-AMERICAN -:c: WANTEU TO REXT s m1111 111\Jlt>nAl ror A.uirust .,r riu t Paramount-Terry 'M -45' P11on Amn . 2 t>.lrm. '!\:'> 1 • Tt·fT)· H' Terry V11l·xt1vn<'r nt A u1nu•l. Sri1p!', ~nowb1nl or ~ Rr,.ron~blt 0Ct!'an fronl propt>r- l \' l•"'nf'r. I. W. Burl\11 631 :'\o. June SI. I A'\41 Allfo(•''•'.IJI •. H () 7-~'3 S4 p86 ~NY M ORE -E11$Y Terma 81~ J 1J~C"Ol "XT on l-1• "'' Mo.lei.to lll'l'k l'd Ji:l""'9 bt•llt :i:'i lllllt k 2'1 lll~l. 1 ur~· n ... t .. r "•lh lc.•11 1ha11 26 1.11 "'1111 r1111l r o1l· ti 111 "h1~l l rtUll'I, life 111••l'IYr1' 1· ... · .. d 11.:hl l~F:i.it111o11on g.·1;1~:1 1<ftrr :, pm. ,.,,.~ ------~~ ~ TRADE ~ut1f\&l 70-ft. aull.. IK'hooncr l''ully founJ . iro IUl)'Whne. \\'tll lAJc~ equity 1n propt'rly or 11maf. Irr l'nRt I :~o \\' 1'~1bnn fll\•11. Sewpt>rl. lls r. 311.,/ .tflt 11 P lH"t Orange T railer Sales 2200 W. 1..'uast H 1ghwl\y l'h,111_. Ll~n~ 1-·H ZU 1..:12 VIK J;>.;u J.'1 2 bl.Inn• ~·u11 b•U1. flrl\'t' by It s"~ 11t 1 Ill \\', 16Lh lipAre ;, Co11ta Mi>M Xn rl'IUl(\nl\blo• oft~r refMed. E \'f'.- Xl :'\1::.:; c\ ~n.11:.._·£:\DS lf•'6 l.l'GC.A<~~ THAil.ER • i ,.6 :ill --~---------------- ~Apt.8. & HoUHeS for Rent 43-Apta. 4't Hou.ee for Bent Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. ApL-Cabanaa. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or r <.'&ervation. Call Har. 2992. 34t!c .ti'-Wantffi to Rent ---------~------- Rentals Wanted Wa need a p l.I and hou.ca In all eecu ona for bOUl wlnt•r and year'a lca.tlC. Jo~m. or un!urn. Summer Rentals BALBOA PENINSULA VACATIONERS WE HA VE a variety of new nire- ly !urn. rent&ls available In Newport 4: Lai;una. $30. wk. & up. Jnqulr• 304·32nd St., !»pt. P hone Harbor 1226. 7ip9Uh • 111vt•s1 m.-nl Snt.11 ,. 1! .u tw" FUR:--'. HOUSE Sept. l . Twrn bed~ Ir bet1 divan, fireplace, corner lot, good local ion, 2 •dultl! n r ~ Poppy, Har. 06~-M 66rtrc FOR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFuL new Jrvtne Terncc untum. view homes. 3 DORMS , 2 balha and 2 BEDRMS., 2 batha. Call Harbor 1776 or Harbor 4H8. EARL W, STANLEY, Realtor I rvine T rrrace 0!!1ce Corona dN M&r. 33llc • BlJRllf., rurnishccl, L!tlo North Bay 1-~ront home. Pfrr & float. Av1ul11bl1• !ur Au~1111t anol Sept. Sl,1'100 per month. WEbalt>r 4·0920 or BR1s;hton O· .. !'J47. B!lc81 Thi!! ... II \'Cl ) lllt• ir· 1111,.: !'I IJ· frlll'IOO l\l"I )·011 Wiii Ii.· \f!llnl'l1 hy rnt·mb• ri. , r 0 1i.;Rnl71t1 .. 1.~ f••r rx1•r11l1\'1• <lllll!'ll E"l"'r1r n1 I' nu t r•·•1u111·tl In urtJ••r '" r111 ti· 1ry ~·1111 n·•11•t 1·i..i•1 <':..:1 n \\1.1..ni.:· 0 1'5'> to 11'.JI n IW•l bl' •'ll•y to g<'l a l1111i; "'1t It 11111> ori:anuul 1un" 1n a r 11,1l1••n t .. ~11n t1 ul 1. t111 t.il1nl 11.111111,; lhll< C'hllOll \0 Otl <&~I Ill ~ b,1 I-, /\lltl h,I\'•' fl\• 1hlwH Cur 111 11111· fac tur1n1o: 1111 t tlli..ll 1bu1111i; 1•h,.n· 11i;raph r. rn111~ 1111n,.: p11bh~h1ni: T V ~holl11 trHn:ic1lpt111n11 in 11<· •llo l1•·ur 11 l t.n·1· oil n • 1·r~•a1y !anhtt•·~ to lllJ•rt Oflt'r111tnn<. lmllll'lllal .. ty '"' lud1ns: no•\\' Ii· briiry of nrrungrmt-nlll by 111p ="""" York tit rn111trr11, fur t..Rttn r S\li.o 111t1t1111 ntnl I l>nntl 11·111\y to 1>u11k. U you ban a •acanC')', phono t oday 2 BDRM. 01·ror. front. $1:10. per TEACHERS ATTENTION _ w •·l'k, A \'!LI la tile now t hrough Only 1 eplks Crom R1ll(••n• indl\'I· duals ln\'ll•"l. :->o 1·11r1•1•1t v ll•, lt- ers r!Pa.:•c S~(ltljt rl'rtllll "ol I 1111\ l<l'CUr•·•I \\'rite H11x Y·l I 111r pc rllOnal appl :i, k'.o LIDO ISLE The Vogel Co. 3201 W, Cllt. Jiwy., Nnrport Bch. io;ept . Pbnne Uberty 8-3481 3 OflR.M. large Jlllllo. Sll't'pl t ight 208 .>.Uruie, &100. !Aland I Mu. nt Aug. l !'J:IO P hone Barbor H4 2~i E. COOJt~ Hy., Corona dtl M'11' THE VOGEL CO. Phone Harbor Ii-ti 3201 \\', Coa11t Hwv, Npt Bdr h Wun OtrlM', 3116 \"1a U do I U berty 8·348L · 83c& Harbor 4971 32ttc • -A t:G 15 lo SEPT 15-3 bdrm., T W 0 Hf>IUI. wirum 1<pt or• 1.1 ·, ha. extra I~. patio, BBQ, h•>ll" .. <' g&r. yrly. CoronR <l••l ~1.11 1•r<'frr1 ell Ki 7. t I l l'r I •umll-<.k, I , block ocean. block h.,y. Xo .smiiU chlldren. OWNER 1'1 7-ll'<:! hd01,. ~ 10 p m w., •. kclays Harbor 2:1:12. EVN! 83r ~, \\'f-ekt'ndA Rarbor :,009.w _ 85c87 ---------THRt:;f; or fulll hJrn1. unfurn. hroUl'l' on .) '' 11 h.\" n"ar Xew· r•lr t l'n111n ll11o:h !'r hnol, b\' Ort . L I lat l'K•r 11:191> 1'41 116 Choice ~ummrr Rentals o n Balboa Jslnnd & Lido Isle ~A-Apt8. for Rt>nt Lido Lease \\ 11l••rfrcmt furn. new 2 bdrm. I'• balh. EleC'. rqu1p. k1l. OW., Glll h d1i<p. 426 VIA L1rlt1 Nord. 80ifc SmlUJ • c01:y o r lars:e & dl'l\Ule A TTltACTIVE ol.'"'" nrw l bdrm, Si5 to $300 month npl , p!lrll!11ly furn 1'111tRble tor VOGEL CO I '"UJlle i i6 11111. yrly 9:'1!'> \\' • lf\lh, l'Olllll J\l<'!'OA ('Ill! 9 \(\ ~. 21>8 Mnrlne Ave., B&lboa 1811\1\d H11r. 1111 Mlfr f'h. ll11rbor H4 o r H&rbor 2151 -------------- HI"•. HRr. liS6·R nr Har. 30tl9·M ' BAY \'IEW APT. on Ltdo Penln· • IWttc ic11la. Xew & altrR1't Ive pa.nelll'd o:\ 1tv111,.; r()flm. 2 btlrms. For yea rly BALBOA ISLAND I l!'B~e. Ph. Har. 27:'1l or Har. o (l!Hfr t:nrurn. ~·r ly. rent.Ill. I 1l1.1ry home in rhNcc local.Jon, clote to I BALBOA IS~O •mrurn. 2 brm bay. 3 btJrmii .. 3 b8Ul• plo1 1)(\n 11pl. $":1. mdnlh on lf'ft~ H&r· & lan11l. S I~ ~r mo. t10r 2445 li3c :S W.W. SANFORD. n>altor .t ~\IJOC1at .. ll Parit & M inn•>. HAr 2162 7 ltfr I DL,'LEX 2 bdrm. a pt furn. yrly ha1119 '-. blk tu ucean. One yr. old. S80 mo. 131 '~ 4 l lh ~t . ="<!'v.'J>urt S.·iu h 83tft RooMS. coTTAGEs. APTs.·-B -1b--F A t- u A Y OR WEEK a oa urn. p s. PA\" -\\-"'EEK -MOXTM Ht>art T~ llL l'E Tlll' l>luTb:L, 4tt3 "~ tov.-n. ''I block to bay. I :-.;,.,, f'"l I fll\'•I, JlllH llbo' l' Tlw hluo k lu 01 esrn _. p 1,·r. " A11 II•·• 7 1"l' Ill i F: Bt•ll><>R Rl\'/I Hll! bor 1729-J RENTAL~ -r-j 3c88 l NU. 5 B E.A.CO;\; BAY -8wnmt>r SPECIALISTS rPntal. Spaclou~ turn. apt., 11ll'tp11 Call Edna en1, I ... overlooking bay. JUJ'le l~th- 81anche Gates' Rlt Stpt. 15th., ~00. month. r. A LSO Wiii talc" rMervatlon for 3 l1 Ma.rln• Av" \l,nttr . Mw. 2471, C'f>UrtffJ to lill-llloa laJllJ'IJ, Ru. lfli 1 72Uc "~"nt11. 4lttc 3 be<Jroom l'llmpletely turnl11hed tll.l'epl1n1t lineM. Wlnler rental. 2:!3 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar. $1()0 monl h. 83p85 WATEH'FRO!l:T, Xewport. Furn. 4 bdrms . 2 b11U\. P it'r It float. No hnen1 or dlahe11. Sl:l6 mo. on yr·a lea..~f!' A ,·ail Sept. I. Hat oor 3640-R 76lfc ASSOCIA Tt:: lNACTJVE with a1lf'· l]Uate !1nu11c1al stal«llt< 11l tu 111t1 1n n~gol1aled ~·onlr11< lA, • 1<11 n• l $i0.000 a yr H1tr 6'.li,1 bl<l\6 --~ Balboa . Island SHORE CUFF'S private 2 btlrm. B\" O\\':'\ER, KOl'rEH h:l-.:ITl.E furn. homt' $225 per nw nlh. ) rh · . lt>ue. Or will !!e ll. s29.950 110• reslaur ant. c.oc .. t g orng 1111,m .. ~ • furn. Call Owner, Har. 32n!l-R. The bo>•t !J( l'ljlltpmen t S• at.s :. I ~ 5!1tfc I :\f.ly r nni11der lrR•I• r .. r iimnlh r pl&l'!' or pr11p"rt) r ALL LI fl·'.lR1:1 aftt-1 noon_.. 1'11lfc L IDO ISLE SEVEN BDRMS. till S1•pt IJt.;:-;C'AX HAH!Jf':ST\" f'h H11r 4718. 15 5:>-~foor\· to Loan NF.\\'PORT IU:ACH, I Y.11 bdrm. hn111r 1mf11rn $1!11 11111. !\;r\\'ly dl'r1,r11trr1. V 11FP Hnrh"r 06:13:\f r411')(6 0 Nt: RI 1RM. huU!'Ot' tum nl'ar :\('\\port City llRll L'i•ll Llhrrly !1-:l~~,; 114rll6 50-Rf'nt, Mi'°"· --------GAR.\c;E F Orl RF.::>.'T 601 f'oln- l'l'l>•ll. C'or111111 •lf!'I M1<r /iSc87 .>.~torrs ,. orr~ ------U DO O F FICE SPAC E -Will sublet l!JlllCe auttable tor attor· n ")'I. fOjllOCl'r,c. rlc. Approx. l :'lx30 In shopping ar<'11 on Via LIJo. ~all Don Cole afternoon• only, lier. 46!'\0 ~i9ttc UFFJl.:E FOR Rl:N'l' c;..,c Center Location. 21'x24 160. p..•r month. CHARLES !':. HART. RM.ltor l:-4:.lO W. BaJboa Bh•d, !'(pt. Bl h 77ri.l! Modern Store FOR RE:'\T, Si:. per mo. Parking faclllttea, foTrt'd air ht>lll •111t- ahle, lnsur11nr r, r,.aJ r.t1\ate. J:.11.~ etc. Jnqulrf' 408 I!! ~lhoR l!h ol Harbor 207n , 6fltfc -~------------ Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, !otala ry. $50. to $750. or more. One day service A pphcal1n11 m11y tw 11.n·lr· 111 I "r· son. by ph1•11e 11r hy 1111111 CALIF. ACGEP'f ANCE CORPORATION 1898 H urbor Uf, I., r·,, ta Mo• " Ll 8-7i51 -Open F'r11l~n 1111 11 Closed Saturdii) s-l I Uc LOANS TO Bl:LLlJ. lMl'kV\'E BUY , MODF-lL"\lZJ::, OK RE.FL'\~--(.% We Bu1 Ttuat Detda N'l:WI'URT UAl..UUA SA \'L'JGS A 1..0A.."\ AS~UCIATION 339e Via Udo. Ph. Hat. UOO llo LOANS for Homes 6~ -JO JT, Loarw Construction Loans SU BOB SATTI...ER )516 EAST COA ST BLVD. Oot'OO& deA War H arbor 3888 Rep. POIR.IZR MORTOAOll U>. llle9o l.M• .Ina. J'Wlde IQ. Wt&~ 48tlc WOt:LD UM to riuy lit ant;1 2nd Trwt Deed& Call Kat. 2ns Utlc I NEWPORT HARBOR NEW~PRE~S -PART 11 • PAGE 5 MONDAY, AUGUST I 1 1955 . LIDO ISLE Nicely furn. 2 br. home on 4~' lot: Wonderful patio with trt't'a Ir plantin~a. Beat \lalu<' t oday at only $22.500. Excellent term• -imml'<liate ~l'SS&On. BALBOA PENINSULA Rest 2 br. value on point. Four yr. old all YNll' h1,mo. Double garage. You can't beat thia for $16.000. Good Tenna. Open House Da~ly Until Sold 1-4 p.m 40c Belvue Lane, Balboa OWNER MOVING INLAND. 2 bdrm. and den. Large patio. BALBOA BOULEY ARD C'l<.'an<.'st 2 br. &. sleeping poreh. Cloae to library A Newport .Harbor Yacht Club. Jw;t a few .iep. to. the beach. $14.500 full price -Tcm 1s. Call WJJor beautiful b8clt bay lot. • BAY & BEACH REALTY 1-150 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor l~-1 For The View of Your Life Onvc by 2215 Pacific Or .• (end of Avocado) Corona del Mar, and call THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway., Newport Beach LJbcrty '8-3-481 :>.>-Mon•:~-· _t.o __ Lo ___ an ____ _ NO COMMISSI ON No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFJNANCE coxsm ucnoN Ca II r or F"r<'4 Fast Commitments on HethJencu and Unit.a onl)' Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th SL ~~F..state -------WA TERF'RO:>."T 11.q;o.{E plrr Mlt float, 2 b<lrrn c11111111ettl1 tar- nished. S23.~I term•. J :\l. JlllLl.~~R CO. 202:1 W, Balboa BIV•I. Mar. 4-0C>l OPEN HOL'St-; 6ll.S, JULY 11 11 L m·ll p.m. 2141) Ocean Blvd. &1110 11 PENlNSUl.A H OME t tx1rm . ! bath on l lo. loll! 1''111 .. rP"lllt>ntJ"l arn. i111,()(I() 1ln , ~2!!000 fp. COSTA MESA J M. MJLl.t-:rt <.:O. LI 8·:'.>5-ft LI 8-t\662 20211 W. U~lx'la Hlv1L Har. 401ll ~~~!!~~:_Wan~---- S 13 ooo FIRST Truo1i CX-t>•l on Sl9, :.011 hurnr" Tup lo<"atiun: Corona ,\, l Mar. Will J>llY $120 mQ. 111, •, tntt>r £•i<t nnd 2 •;. bonn-'. c; 1111 1111m .. '11atelr H arbt>f' 4263 81ltc . TRADI':: C·'.l property nn N< wport Bl11rt., naar 19th St. l :'IO' ell'~. \\Ill a.1>1ume on comm~rdal or IP · ome. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIF,S l &7 Newport, e'l\ft.A M t'llll Ll 8-1632 l':va. LI 8·e:803 :i7-IWaJ Estate Wanted I Ac-~EAGF -By Owner 1 4 Ln h1i;hh· rr•t.rtrt erl ti U N !': \ \\'111111:.t I'~ r<' ht from 2 t~·-~~ HILLS. DISTHJ< T of Fulltrtnn . " t •" A 11>' &•>vJ tl1.•lril 1 I Jl rma, 4 hr, If:'•' r umpus n 1<1111 o1r I 1:1111 tur "m"ll h11mr :"ew-with 1 .. r. :l fll •Jllt111•.1, f A.. 111•1\I, I' •rt He.. I.I ·5297 ~\·.,n1ng11 I (i F: •lllll>WMh• 1, ili-J on~l\I tJv .. r & ><' G ', a r1 e "II ft:fll"M I & •hnJl111. ----------Lgl!. en1l. 1111110. Th111 :::koo sq. rt HOME and 6 Units h 1Ull" 1ll'lllfo(n<'1I A-li111ll hv one 11( (Ir h nJ:I' l 't, ~ f10t'>I llllil1le1 a Ill 11'11• t h nn 4 }r!<. •·Id, ~·1111 J'I h ,. $ i:? ~''"' COflli l~C'C\:\IE. $:16,(Hlll. H!l Ham-•O \\IH r \lollnl, FART 1\1 wno:-; all illnn, 11Cf Hn 1 lx1r l~l nl., ('o,,\a will tn1 I '"""I "' 111r11 \\ 111 :,1,.,,, i:lp88h rnn,1.Jer 1111 .. 1111wl1l ktn<k \t \11/t· rn·~~A:'\ Jo1~0XT AJ'T I_ Flltl'T C-LA~8 1n 1•\'• ry H'l'fle<'L I 11111t ph•~ ini•·i.t apt \\'ell Ct1r· 111•111 ii I n1 •11 11,. "''••r $~ •. 111111. A ,, .ti liu\· .1t $12.:.u11. Sli.!•110 •In ~ S:!trl 7i I" I lll"llll ....... r:1:1-;i:;:-.;1.~:Al'·Sl::Vt::lffS H LT\' ,, I L! :'\ 1 \\ jlUrl B f\· L. • '1•w Jl"rl ll11r :::.:1:? E\• • LI s .. ;11<11 4-lf• tni•t f l\'• r Jll' H~ f'UI\ f\f11\'l. rl\11 rw~. onlv LAmb~rl !'J-ll~fl• /\.)I k!\ Real Value lit 1~1J,;, 'l l,.Jr 111 , t •II\ t /I tli10I t.Jpri • litt lh"!., Jr111 , I Hit J r:i• 1111" & 11 ~·~ 11ll. \1r·.-1111 .. 1irn r:P1i h r\l't flhl\\.t• f n • Ji•r""•l I f10•h t lf ,, \•" .,., lj!Uf I< I .. I • "''''" ( '1.t l u ~ 1t1 •,1111 ft I tpU k firth• tl1 1tll\•1 t1•t ic SI~ Hu • J.\t J h 1.\U·: L" Po .\1 UXA 1 'I • rt 1 1 •• •. \\•II"""'"" C't.-.~r. \aluc Sl2-~1•17 Santi ·''" \\·• c·.,,.IJ :\l~·I\ •11•1 !1.:11 I tt! \\111 t111ol1• (m •r <lll flw1 • JI.tr•" r 4•1•i1-\\. !llul • l1l11fih11_.: 11111•1• :< "r 8)1lJt /\'It '•Ii t H.ana.:• t , un•\ \\111 u~ 1111•1 •;r J'll\' • a •h 1l1!frn•n•·• B ~I 111?11\\ '\ .:11:1 1-. Balt111.1 1:1\ I J:.ollu 1 ll11ilu•r :.::~•I· \I l\!\1 ..,5 331/2 Ac res c;r 11 1f 1 l1l!t d ,1 ·1 'Tl\~; ;-;111 I. I• ••rtl • ( :.1· l'ulurr .. •r 1 111 Ii•· irnh•h . \l•l•·•I <t•d\' ~1',,.fl I"''""' \\111. t •k• lit• ,,, 1n '•r u J:.• t ·o n."' '!" (!I~ fl I n, I',\'\ \ fA<'Oll~I-::'\ U li·ll:l1i ..,. Lido Island X r.\\' 4 l•h:11 h1111~r si•1,;r,11 pnn· I I t I " t •U ~ :! \-; \ I;\ ·"" 1 IC ti I• •r 11;1,, Hltn fl h.I !1-:1l1t l ~ .ti• -------------- '.;. 1· ' '' .\, l • x:: 1 '" n tt,nsn~ I V 1 >I ·I ~11··~l rr r:ni Ina, I I:"" •' ~ hli• JI. l·I" , .. , Rf't"I lf1 I r I""'' 1--tt••· s12 200 :l1t1:i 1'11' t • .., ,. ,,. ' \1 • 411 1\\ :'-I.It I.I I! :n7'> ll:l< '••• CORONA DE L MAR f',, ,.DI" bv own,.r 2 Hd. Rm t.•1111 ....... 1 ru1 n1'1'11• ti llJ•I 1•11 H1 r• l•·t tlhl R'l•r. Ill!) ~h11 1,;•1lol t'llEAl'~:lt l 'ltl< 'l::.IJ lh"n t1tlJ0•·1•11t L•r• i I tn·i t"" r h1._ ·•• ri • ~1 l \\II h '.! f i:I \\'tt\ Ir • 111 •i:• • \\ ..,,_ •I• I 1111 "l I" 11llf 11\' I" n ·,1p Jllo l 1l h• 1 • ~! 1 noo •lr.w11 wtll b11.111ll•, OHAN! iE COAST f'IWl'l·:RTI E~ H~·,7 .~f'v.',."" i 1.1 ~-lli.12 1·1.}'l•ll :\t. ••• L\'•·. L I !Hilit13 Balboa Coves l:.!•I <1n lh• \lo1tll'rli•ol1I V..1l11 l'<lh "·•II l.,11\• \' 11 h·rn h11mC' w 11h IH.r.-.•· Jt\1IJ,-111 1~1. fur •. ,, thr11n~ ''"' t• 1 ~, • 1 '' k • h• n v.·1• h t. t:1h t I J I t ,, j ''"'•. "•'It t '"'' •'"'· 1n•! • •r• I an 1 f, ·, ,., I I· , • 3 • • •11••• -4· < lf,\IU.I I-II \l:T H1·ult•1r J ~1::11 \\' l:.1 • •I I 1·. I °'I I l l•" I " ";'ft,, -ir1 t-l"K;>.J •Ill.I• 1 •:rr~ ll.-arl "' HH.ft.., • J• '' • ' I• "' t f ttt -i I • ... ' I I •I •• ) ,.,,!, "' ti••\\ t1 .$.!• 1f' H J ft 1 / 't ',1tf,f,I I( (>I .:. .. ::. \\ J I I ~ •• ,, \ 1 H " f't!• I $7,950. 11~ I lot " I.Ill' I ; l'I •' 1, ,.,,,,,." 7~tf ._, 8:\p8:i • • I I l •f. ! \ :. 1,,1 "' lttjtflt 1 I •• 111• ?-trJt1ERN J l1ttlro<1C11 J'o Ulllh, 111111 '"I fl 11,, y r tilrl C!l't~:" Fflft JXSPJ-:Mm~ !':·\T I. !'1·:-.:. AFTf:H:'\1111"\ ;o.111 1-'ullNtrin Av•. !'\rt II•• 7•• re ~· i~ l'J 1 lff 'h fil H ' ) 1 11 ~ I I h 1 41 I I 1 ffl I f I' !'-~ 1 'A; 1 n. p•• ( I\, I Ukf t, ()t :1\• J._' UtHt ,,, .. ._,, 'ir t,.-j" r • 1 r , , .I \I \I 11-1.~.H ('(I 2fjl,.\ W l~lb-ot1 Ji)\,, Jt.U , 6H'il ··~ , • . I . ' PAGE 6 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I ~--r..tate MONDAY, AUGUST I, 195S ' d .... raw. Balboa Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES N~:!RJ ~~m~J!~de nelrhborhood. Incl. ran&"• a.n retrlg. w/w ca rpetln(, on beaut. Beat waterfront buy. 4 bdrm .. 3 1:: bath. Pier and alip. Priced at $65.000. Owner away, WE HA VE THE KEY. ··Choice Location 2 BEACON BAY Specially Priced Units Two bedroom 2 bath home on 50' lot. complete 1 Br. apt. over dble. garage. Both units have gay break- k~------t bar It both are nicely furniahed. BALBOA ISLAND \ Nearly new 2 bdnn. home with many extras, firepl .. furnace beat, large closets, beautiful pat io. Furn. apt. over dble. garage. BOTH PROPERTIES priced $28,500. A Sl0,000 CR$h payment will arrange the possession of either Now is the time to get what you want. and progran: your livµig, y~ur inveeting here in this area. Two unit properties off<'r the pay u you go answer for most people. · · - THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave. Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Balboa lsland NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Home with 2 bathroolll8- Carbage Disposals Car P orts ot 2 Car Garages. Many Detlirable Features $375 Down! A. low u $69. per month. Now under construction. ' Tract Office -at 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "'you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St.. Costa Metia Liberty 8-1139 CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished units ; l bdrm. each. No vacancies in O\'er a ye_ar. Rent-is 1------s55 each. Gross ~276-0. Clean property. $6000 takes. • Reduced to St9.950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to httle Corona beach. S25,500. .-- gEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properti~. Har. 1775 -E\'es. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222' John Macnab. Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor / 225 M1mnc Avr., Balboa lsland 81c86 S 1,000. Down 3 bertroum home plus 2 bedroom rental, (needs some fixing I lot 119 x t 75. fenced, m fast growing dis· l rict. CoRta M('i;;:i. Only $10,500. Nearly New Home 3 bedrooms. large lot. choice neighborhood. '.?26 Cottage Place off Wc-stminster north of 21st. Low price. easy tf'rms. 'l'C us for all multiple hstm~!I. N.B.C. REAL TY 3:lnd & N<'wport .Boulc,·ard, Ne\1.rport Beach. Har. 1405 Corona del Mar OPEN HOUSE ~"llltday .. i:;110 <111v :lllth &:ll~t 1-!'I pm :I BDRMS -2 hA lht. f'IN t kit. Lo"ely \'ll'\lo' o< ,, .. ..,.n. 'Y-<>ur h•'"'""-Htlrn Rilum Lido Isle FURNtSHEO 2 Hl>HMS .. lttrge p1tlt11 1111 I'> lo>I A•klnf.: nnly S22.r10ll Yul· GF:T 166'l ,pq fl r nr•·rtl 111r hr11I t':1tp1•t/l an•I •lrare· TIN(, Hlmpl~tely Wlll!Cll, 3 yr" nit!. BBQ. dfSJ'<ll!lll, in 1h111 :l h<tt m 2 b111h h<'mr f<'r only ~w r.i .. , BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette. Newport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 Evea. CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm . .ti den home. 2 batba; 2 ga.ragee, nic• paUo : fireplace. PLUS Uoueually chamting studio apt. with beam ceiling, tiled bath, kitchenett•. and •un deck{ Yearly rented at 17!5 mo. Full price $19,000 including mott of fumiebiog1. lmnMdiat. ~ion. STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 88l Corooa del Mar 88c8e ( lot 80x90, u tra rooma eully added. See lhl• fine lltlle home Be the lucky buyer! Good Eastside Duplex 1 BDRM. ea . elde. rent.a for $1 00 per mo. On 11ewer1, curb•. cloae In 1nrt only II yr". old. Good term11. Full pnce, $9,800 Exceptionally Good ON BRdADWAY. a clean 2 bdnn home. hw tire.. a tumlllhffl l bdrm. cottage with '\ bath Also extn bdrm . w/"-bath of i arage, a,.parate laundry room All lhl• tor only SU,:100. Rave a $9,600 loan available. Eve 1nro. Prtllle-Ll 8-:1487 M-1 Acre 8,11' .PLACENTU.. A VE. front-.• Small dn euy temu ALSO l OOx.290 CORNER with emaU tac tory. Could be divided. Only $30,000. - Only $6,225. NJCE of. rm. atucco. 7 years old Close to Npt. Blvd.. Marketa Eve. lnro. Lytle-U 8·2!\42 Lots R·3 on Placentia, 60x260. 11,300 dn. S30. & month. W. SIDE. 66x136. Pavlnr 6 curb9 $2,000 c.uh. E:. SIDE comer. R-4, 60 x 138 $3,160, tt'rma Houston Re~lty Co. It ASSOCl.A TES ~Center Coata M- l.I 8·6911 U l·T78t Lido :>!EARLY NEW 3 br. 6 den. w/w r arpet t hruout. 3 baths. bit. Lil kit • bkfal. bar. PLUS complete JtllT spl. w bay view. lge. patio .,,. IOI A beauty al .. $39.:100 3 BR, 2 BATH. w/w carpel. din· 1ng rm .. bit. In k it . 4:1' lot, Real v3l11r $37,800 3 B.R .. J ~ BA T H. tge. llv. room. lge. palrn, 70' lot. rumpu. room. $3:1,000 84' lot, bNH lot·allon, priced right. CORONA H1GHLANDS 2 B.R .. j ~. BA T H, lge. baS('ment. 1Jul11t11n•hn1t view, la1 ge llvmg rovlll $27 .~00 LEMON HEIGHTS 3 B.R .. lge. llv. rm .. 2 bath•. wide lot. N l'W . $21.600 'l B.R . & DEN. :l baths. w/w car pet, hit. tn Jut.. ~ f1replatt1. 1rr 111J e llBQ, bllT and amk, a bar g111n nl . $20,7:10 Claire Van Horn R~ALTOR 2731 W Co1111t Hwy L.I 8·42i7 COSTA MESA It could be for you CHARMI:-jc 2 bdrm. "ma11 home on 60x130 lot .. Landscaped and rompletely ff'nce<t, Only $7,760 with trrn111. Balboa Peninsula TWO bedro(\m rurn. home. Cloae to boy. Sl0.800 with $6,000 down. Cilff Haven VIE\\ or ocean a: hill• from thla 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Hdwd. floors, electric Thermador kit· r hen. large double garage. Room for l!Wlmming PQC>l. '29,000- termit Coast Properties 301 E Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harboor 2608. 2097 and 4600. Newport Lido Isle Here are'Z excellent values on Lido One ia 3 bdnns. 1% ba. (3 $29.~. Owner will trade $16,000 equjty fdr clear property in Harbor area. ANOTHER 3 bdrm. P 4 ba. (n $31,500 large lot and the owner will take $10,000 caah and carry the ba lance on easy monthly payments. Upper Bay 3 br. l * ba. on a large lot nestled amo Nicely landscaped pric.e $20.500 and ry the paper. Costa 3 bedrooms close to achoola It transportation haa $8500 G. I. loan payable $66 per month including taxes and insurance. Owner leaving atatea muat sacrifice at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach . Harbor 4718 Bargains Only Beautiful three bedroom home on Broadway. lm· maculate throughout ... ownen1 have jun redec· orated.both in8ide and outside in very good t.ute. Thia home ia located in the 400 block and ia one of the better homes. Hardwood floor&--bath with sepa· rate ala.II shower plus full aiu tub. Home baa a nice aervice porch and a two ce,r garage. U you.are look· ing for a nice home without any work . . . THlS IS IT. Priced below market value ... with a $3,000 down payment. $13.250 .... Here's another attractive three bedroom home with an exceptionally large living room and dining area. The home is different. Hardwood floors-attractive fireplace-tub and separate stall shower ... two car garage. May consider $2500 down ... If you are looking for a BARGAIN . . . 11ee this at only $12.600. We are known for having only the best buys. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport. Blvd. Costa Mesa (acrosa from Costa Me.sa Bank} Phone LI 8-6761. l!;ves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 • ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE Call for app't. to see- Do You Want One Of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below R eproduction Cost? ~ l . Custom built 3 lge. bdrma. & 2 baths. 2. Rustic Living Rm. It Den opening on beautiful king size patio. 3. Over $2500 in profeuional landscaping. 4. It's a beautiful quality h ome on a prize corner. 5. This is not a profit aeeking resale, but a legiti- mate forced aale. 'The addreas ._ 621 Cliff Dr .. Cliff Haven. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, LI 8-3481 Eves. Call Liberty 8-H21 -Liberty 8-1646 4() \\'ATl':Rl-.RONT 2 room col·-----------------------'""!' pier. flolll A-boat. But lnn1llon. Sl9.000, tt'rms. Balboa :1·2 Rh':ORM . r11rn. income Unlll. :"PH r l>•'•H'h &; b ll v. Priced to itell on .,a11y tnm,;. T&kt eome 1r11<1r Homer E. Shafer REAL TOH 1116 Mr1-~a.111en Place al N e\lo•poc-t Pier HAT. J l':\"'e. HllT, 1117-M Vets $565 down PLU& IMPOUNDS two NORTH BAY FRONT'S These are Mighty Scarce! One with. one without pier $45,000. • bedroom. two bath. nicely furniahPd-excellent condition -double garage - $26.500. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet Salisbury 216 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, Harbor 20-Har. 64 USE TOUR O.I. LOAN on 4 yr. YOU CAN TELL old. 3 bdrm • dble. garag•, fenc- ed. Wonderful pallo ., laundry. YOUR BEST FRIENDS yard. Oubag1 dilpoMI. A.II treehly painted. N-.r Upper BM:k Ba, 2372 Pal!MdH Rd~ 9enta .Ana Pbone KI 6·2"1. 80t.fc OCEAN FRONT hclrM, 1 bdrm. completely !wn. Room I« 2 addlUon.i -It.I. N .'NIO ~ $18,7M>. full prtct'. l . M. MILLER '-'O. 2080 W, Balbo& Bll'd. Hu. tOtl I OP' THE CROICUT LOT9 left on UdO. ~ n.. °" a.no. It IO ft. R·I oa Udo lo~. c.n Mn. &dith AllnrA, Har. Oltl cw write 115 Via llan Re.lo. 71c87 About thill one and they'll l1we you for it. Thi8 iii a rare opportunity to buy a apacioua 3 bdrm. near new home only 5 minutea from the beach for only $10,500, u.wne the FHA $7400 loan and pay ooJy $6_().50 per m o. incl. t&K It kauruice. Fe&turM wall/ wall carpet.a, •love, refrigerator, fan over •tove, big f.iced·ln k>t. lonly lawn, llhruba and flowoelw. Sub- mit oo down payment. THE VOGEL CO JllOl W. CoMt Highway. Newport Beeoll, LI 8-3481 !Ms. Llbertr l-1S4t -«al !'.Rate. "C" THOMAS "C"' THOMAS LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT ONLY 3 ~ YRS. OLD. Complett"ly redecorated lnelde 6 out -3 bedroma, 3 bathe, load• ot CUJl- boud•, ntw w to w carpt'llnK A drape•. f1rt"pl11rr. lo\•eh· t"nc·I. patio. PIER an(! FLOAT for 40 tt. boa t, can ne oought rom11h· fld or untumlllht"d, u c·elh!nl tin· ancing, LOW down p1tymi:111 SUBMIT tertnll on uk1ng prlct fumleht"d-$66.000. CORONA HIGHLANDS CH.ARMING 3 bdrm. homt! bllllt on a clrcul•r floor plAn, lt!AT llv. room overlooking lovely patio, good view, hit-... 11 rl<>011. tlrepl, exceptlonally !Ina home and can be purchuect with low ctn. payment, prll'I' rf'<lurtd to $1 9,j:IO CLIFF HA VEN · CHOICE 3 bdrm. hoine on ntN•ly la.ndllCaped 60 fl. lot -home In excellt1nt condition. w to w car- pellng It. dn1pt's. rdwd. 1 fence, •'h loan, $63. monthly pymu. Full price Siil l'IOO. BAY SHORES S BDRM. bay view 3 BDRM. fl1ml11hed $:?9,7:10. 122.000. "C" THOMAS Realtor 3H W. Coaat Hlway , Npt Bch Llberty 8·6:127 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS • 25 new new 25 OPEN HOUSES daily from 12-6 on Walnut and Esther Sta Between S&nla Ana A Tu1111n Avt fs~~t~~ b~!~o~~ ~ntYa~!: lots. Exel, nelghbo1 hno<1. hdw<t tloor11. •hake roof. ceramic tile 1n kit. A-baths. Bulll In Wut· lnghouse r11.nge 11nd w1 <te oven also garb dl.spo8al, tlbl, gar . 1'~.A. h••!lt A rtreplar P. Full prlre $10,600 \\'\th a down as lnw as S2.000. JL'ST 13 LEFT Newport Heights YOU MUST SEE THIS LOVELY 2 bdrm, home, lge. living room. fireplace, separatP d ining room. lge. a .. r. porC'h In adollllun tO thla the Informal li.ndRcap1n~ and t owt-rlng t reu Anti 8hrubs tum the ouuldt! 11nn1t Into a showplace CALL L'S WE WILL SH O\\' THIS Full :'XI Costa Mesa $8;~ Bl'YS THIS 2 bllrm h•,mr Jual 2 y u old 1n &. \'.ery Sood location on 20th St This homl' I.JI In V!'f)' goot.I rond1t1on. Own· ,.r buying a lat grr hom<' WE :"11EED LISTINGS "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blv<t Co•ta Men. C11hf. LJ R-3792 Corona del Mar BEST · BUYS TheH two pro~MIH Opt'n ror 1.nepectlon I ·4 p.m. dally 1oe URKSPUR, Channing 2 br . fireplace, enclosed p1t10 Pr1red to sell with low down or S2.~ 81:1 MARGUERITE, good Income propt'rty with room to build ad- d1llonaJ unit. Close lo al oru It lra.n11portallon Ownrr le&V1nt; town, N Y• SELL. 113,:100, xlnt tlnancmg. ALSO Othtr s In Ct1M 88 low II.II $9,500. with Sl,:'100 <town p11yment. Call now Har. 2042 H11r, 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTOR!' R. Rayle·C. Travl11-C. R1111!1. A11lln<. 312 Marine Av11.-B&lhoa IAl&nd All Bargains 2 BDRM , CdM flfl ooo 2 BDRM , ~1 112 MIO 2 BR., Corona Hfghlanda 118 MIO 3 BR., Corona Hlghla.nds 122,000 3 BR.. Corona HlghlMd• $29 :'100 8 UNITS. CdJtl . $Ml,OOO ~ UNITS. CdM . . . $60,000 We alao make exchange• 0. K. U THROP, 3636 E CQu t Hwy .. Har. MU evN . 6880 84c86 OCSAN J'RONT home ' hdrm., a b&lh. Completely tum. Larae lot. •211,r.oo term•. . J . W. MJU.EJt CO. 20• W. Balboa Blvd. Har 4-0il Bv Owner rwo Bl:DRM. HOME. cornptttely tuml.ahed. AU IWI'• rooma. tnc. dtnl~ rm. LafT9 lot. 2 ~r JU· .. e. $12,000. 230 It ltlth St . Co9t& MML LJ 1-6&82. Urff VOGEL VALUES • CHECK EACH ONE CORONA DEL MAR No. 1. 2 bn . It den. 11 :: bath home with OoMD and Bay \<lEW on lovely. land!K'aped le cyc&one fenced. R-2 lot which ill 185' deep with lot. of room to build income. Choi~ location. Owner ha.a moved It aaya "~U." Priced at $21.500. No. 2. Channing duplex-eorner lot-beri location. 2 bra each, fireplaces, tile in kitch. le baths, sunny breakfast areu. c.edar roof. Mp. gar· ages & laundry. Apt. No. 1 leued at $90., No. 2 ttnted mo.-to·mo. at $M. Could be available to buyer. Very choice J*>P· Priced at $22.500 with good tflr'D'W. CLIFF HAVEN . No. 3. 1276 sq. ft. living area plua .creeoed·ln porch on one of olce11t fi,.reeta. Total price $15.950. Li\ring rm. 21x14, fil"t!place, bw. nn1. fenced yard. garage. Wall-to-wall ca.rpeta It drapes are included. The · Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cst Hwy., Corona del Mar HL 17"1-HL Un The Biggest Word '" Real Estate Business Today is SER'flCE Every Member of the MULTIPLE LISTING SER- VICE belongs to a unique organiution. The.9 members pool their mercna.ndiae -bomea. •tores, and other real property for sale -then work from this pool each with his separate facW Ues that each selling owner may r ecei\'e the aervicC8 of many REALTOR sales outlets throughout the whole Harbor Area. ' PrO\'en a fine SERVICE to sellers and buyera allke m providing a broader. orderly and free market for all at no i.ncreased cost to our customers. A SERVJCE of the ' , ' Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 · 32nd St. Newport Beach SPECIAL OUT OF TOWN OWNER FORCED TO SELL Beautiful new ran(•h style home in Corona Highl'da. 3 bedrooms. l '1, baths. F ormica kitchens, lot. ot tile in baths. large li,•ing room wiJh used brick fire- place. master bedroom wit h dressing room. Large \'Jew windows in living room &'. bedroom. Beautiful ,·1r w of hills & ocean. Redured $2.000 for quick ule SALE or TRADE .!( furnished units 1n Balboa. Excellent incomf". Op('n House Dally 520 De Anza GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard. Pat Pattison. Geo. Ra ban, Bob Gerva11 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 5032-5033 Exchange Lido Isle iO' Water front with six unit.a for P&Mdena or ,.,clnity or Li<io insidr. Priced right. OSBORNE REALTY co':'-- '.?323 W. C'oa~t Hwy. (At Port Or1rnge) Ncwp1>rl B1•a<.'h LI 8-7562. Har. 5154 evc1. WANTA' BET?? We ha\'e JU8t listed. exclusively, the very f inest 2 bdrm. hom<'. only J year young, all large rooms, hdwd firs .. furn. hcnl. fircpl.. & g'lrb. disp. Back yarrl & patio encl. by Krapestakc f Pncc. Big dbl. gRr. strl'S!>.<Cd for apt. O\'f'r. On choice street with a le ·e-e-ttle bit of view. S 17.250. with 5', 20 yr. loan R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE, AMociate 3622 E . Coast Hwy.. Corona del Mar Har. 2774 BACK BAY CUTIE New, Rustic. 2 br. and df'n-1' bsth8-HW floort ~ult ID range and OV4!0 , d 111p . fltn Pnce s~.500. THE VOGEL~ CO. 1201 W. Colet Hiway., Newport Bc:ach Llbr·rty 8-3481 a •.a,...... a •-' r..tae. ' :.J, -~· , ONE OF THE NEWEST . LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Charming throughout, 3 bedrm. and den·alcove, S bath.a, very large front patio, pa.rtly covered. Lovely kitchen, dlahwuher. diapoeal, etc. Fully carpeted with drape. included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat. Only $M,7150 and a wonderful buy. Wanted A Lido home or lot for exchange tor an exception. ally nice home In Northrldge. 3 ~rooma, awbrunins pool and juat two years old. Priced at $39,500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. pill.I den·bedroom, 2 batha, carpettd. Overai:r.ed double g&rage. Lovely kitchen · with bullt·ln Satin. Bronze Roper range and oven. Diapoaal, diahmuter and many other nne !eaturea. Full price $23,000. We have the uy. COSTA MESA $2000 down, will move you in thla modem 3 bdrm. 1 'h bath home, completely fenced in re&r yard with patio. Fl~place, tormJca ln kitchen, parquet !loora, forced air heat and double garage. Cloae to achoola. 8" lt today. Full price, $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO· OFFICE 841& Via Udo, Npt. Bcb. Har . .f971 or Har. 4972 Eyea. Har. 219l ·M. Har. 2998·R or LI 8·5297 I - BA YFRONT BEACH HOME 103 Edgewater Neat, clean and perfect tor family summer home. ~ bedroo~, 2 batha, large living and diW rooms. Tile J.n kitchen. All this for $35,000. Call Ethel Shirley evee. Llbert.y 8-6476 Income Possibilities 1319 W. Bay Ave. RJght In the center of a nice residential are&. Bay view from living room. Fireplace. 2 bedroom•. 2 batha, double garage. Room in front to build a.n· other unit. ~.000 down. Call Jenn Bennett evea. Harbor ~125 Eniov the Terrific View from thb excellently located lot. End of Via Marina, Upper Ba.y are&. 125x1M. Very few fee Iota avail· able. See thl.I ud call ua ~or further information.. ltlaie Ebeling Llberty 8·6373 BALBOA BAY . PROPERTIES 1505 W. B&lboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 OPEN HOUSE Need a large home with low down payment! We offer you 3 br. It den home in Cc:trona Highlands, bu hdwd. floon, dbl. 1arare, plenty of bat.ha, fire- place, lg. kitchen. OPEN DAILY FROM 1·~ P.M. 556 S-wa.rd Road Back Bay view lot 50x142 on Meea Drive only $MOO. Income property on Poppy Ave. 0wnef'9 apt. bu view. Priced leaa than replacement. RAY RE-ALTY CO. Mtt E. Cout Highway Phone Harbor 2288 (acroee from Bank ln CDM) Announcement W• are proud to a.nnounce the ueociation with tb.ia ett1ce of STANLEY AND MARGE HADFIELD We know their many friend. will be happy to wel· come them back to B&Jboa Ialand. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaaoclate1 Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 , Special Lido Waterfront. pier A slip 3 bedrma., 2 bath1. Uquidation aale. Only $49.500 OSBORNE REALTY CO. , 2323 W. Coast ~wy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8· 7562, Har. MS. evea. FOR FUN ALL YEAR ROUND! ! On Balboa Island Tbl1 nice 2 bdrm. home. just l :l block to No Bay in one--o! our nice.it neighborhood•. Lge. living room, tirepl., thermo controlled heat, garage and pat.lo. Furnished, only $19,000. SEE THIS TODAY. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 818 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 4781 _!G~P~n~l~IDl!!li6i~te!,· ----·~~·~•!_l_!Etlea~~te!_ ___ !:a=:R~Ml~Ee::iita::t::.•----!--=~8eal~FA1~.-.=~te~---1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11. PAGE MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 a. palmer incorporated p. , developers of Udo Isle Figure It Out Yourself! 80 feet OD aclualve NORTH BAYFRO.NT, e unit.I, all turnlebed. Newly painted A reconditioned. Love- ly patio tepan.ting the 2 wings, giving beauty and privacy. Wide, white aa.fe beach right at the front doora. Tbe building la in excellent cond. & chum· lng. Full price including furniture $1~.ooo. Term. lf de.Ired. Hawaiian Modern Strikingly beautl.ful, 3 bed.rma., 2 batba plua maid'• room and bath, being built to take full advantage of the 77 foot BA YFRONT aite. Under construction now, ao you have time to choose your own colors in tile, formic&, walls and carpeting. White ahingle tile root , 11lding gla.as doora opening on extra large BA YFRONT patio. Built by INGRAM.COLLINS. OOMP ARE at only $69,500 with tenm. Open 12-to S Daily · 100 Via Dijon, corner of Via Lido Soud. . Built by John Visacher 4 bednnt., 3 batha, 2 fireplaces, large patio with bar· becue, aundeck. See thi.e today! $37,400. 'Ibe above are ju.t a few of the out.at.anding exan1· plea of our excluaive liatinp. . Come to Headquarters tor Lido property. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 • Back Bay View Home Outatandtnc Bay and Kountabl .tew from W. I · bedroom. 2 b&th home. NUJDeroua featur. inclu<M diabwuber, dJ9poA1, ballt..ln r&DK• and oven, and ndlo control p.rap door. Owner "111 ooulder trade for mnaller home. Price us,eoo. Call BW J'arD.lworth for addl't9I and put1cu1arl. Lot Lot Lot Shore Cliff Udo Clift Hann Out.tandlnc L&rr• JCxceptional Ocean View Corner V1ew of Cout Line Ezcellmt Entire and Jetty Loc&tton Harbor To 1ee theee lot.a, call for Kincaid. lrvin-e -; err ace Owner tranaferred before be could complete bia love· ly ranch atyle home. Lots ot redwood, used brick, heavy shake roof-3 bedrooma, 2 bath1, dining rm. and priced to .ell, $24,500. Built by that Fme Builder, Mr. Robert Forbs. AU Dave 01bum for deteUe p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 ii: cout highway ·..:. liberty 8-M73 Fresh as a Daisy BILL'S BEST BUYS Upper Bay Area! 1a ,_, r..e.te ....... FMlte BALBOA ISLAND BAY VIEW 2 unita, ' bdrm. home. 1 bdrm. apt. Sheltered patio. Apt. turn. bome partly. '10,000 down. Balance -terma. CHOI~ BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FRONT hOUM. apt. No. Bay $10,000 dn. BA YFRONT, I.Jttle laland 80 ft. bay frontage, pier ls float. ' bdrm. ' OTHER BAY FRONTS FROM $31,500 -up. GRAND CAN·A.L. 2 one bednn. homea, 1 tum., l partly .furn. Sparkling cond. $5000 dn. $24.000 f . p. An exceptional ofter. f ISLAND COTl'AGE -Dble. garage. Fireplace. Re- duced· for qulck aale. Cottage near So. Bay. S bdrm•., 11.-..l bath•. tlrepl., lge. living room. ~ttractive patio. TWO BDIUiI. -cottage n~ar No. Bny. Lgr patio. Priced at S18,500. TWO UNITS nr . So. Bay -2 bdrm. hoUl\t & l bdrm. apt. Beamed Cf'ilings. $5000 cfown -$:!2.500. DESTRABLE 4 bdrm. multi·bath hom<'. C'l nae to beach, $2tl.OOO. BA YSHORES. a vacant lot ! ! " SEE US FOR BEAOON BAY and BAYSHORE proptrU ... EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4·6222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island 84c86 LID 0 'nll1 apptalinf 3 bdrm. boma beau· Utully decorated lmide and out with hdwd. tloora, tlreplacr, f~ced back J'•rd with encloMd paUo combine to ~e UIJ.a the top buy l.n ~ moet wanted lo- e&Uon In Co•ta Me.a ..• Full pnc• Ju.t $12.600 wllh u eelknt Perteet for Children yc;bR ~V: a::~~ IF YOU HA VE THE Bf G FAMILY • • terma. - Thia lovely, apacloua 2 Bd. Rm. home on wide Jot completely fenced-4hort walk to fine irade achool It ahopplng center. All lml>rovementa in and paid for. Don't overlook tbl.e one. 11. L. # &062 Full price $11,500 wtth $2500 down. Artistic Modern A Most Spacious It you llkt real ru1ttc modt m then thl• I• tor you! 3 bdrm1., larse .. llvlnS'l'OOm and dlnlngroom open· Inf onto 2 1epante tropic:.! patlo.t which become a pirt of your home through large plate-r!• .. wtndOY.•1-)9()() IQ. ft. Of Uvtnr area In thf best neighbor- hood ln Newport Height• • • • Juat JU,930 with low down. Dwelling. Real family life I• no happy accident, lt i1 planned for and built for. Th1a 3 bedroom on neat residential atreet wa• planned for comfort. Wall to wall carpet in livlng room and dining room, and fireplace adda to It.a COl)'ll.... Call ua tor ap- pointment t o show Full price $12,950 $2,950 down Want a 1/2 Acre Need Room R h? We have an acre one block off Newport Blvd. with anC 3 furnahed ttntala. Room for nJce h ome OD front wtth hor1e corrals-dog kenntt.-ot lot & extra rentals on rear. Preleot Inc. $240 mo. tarie modem 1 bdrm. a.nd den Asking price $22,500. Down pmt. reduced to $6000 home with wAll to wall t arpet· Owner will carry l at T. D. No finance cha.rges. lnr . mauive fireplace, forced air heal, •fp. patio. lot.a of bullt-lns. A rul bargain at only J ls.800 GRACEFUL ELEGANCE wHh xlnt term•. Never So Much For So Little 11,000 aquarr ft. lot-nearly new J bdrm. mOdern home -l 1i!i balh thermo controlled forced air heat -garbage dlspo-1 - mere. 9Vo•ltches -f ireplace - cen\ent patlo-2 car rangr - bar lcltch. -decorated ln ~,... feet tute-111.900 wltb a low doWll payment! I Newport Heights Facts-Not Fiction a bdrm.-t\&11 b&tb-bdwd. noor- flreptace -thermo controlled ·Sr&YltJ' l'llm-p. 2 car pr. Wall to w.U carpet -jun n-patnttd and decorated lnalde and out. P'ull prtce ju.t $13,M>O with t t/O 0 . I. loan ••. And lt'a a fact th&. oc• wlll •11 quk kly. Almost new...:_2 bdrm• and den on large lot among towering trees and beautiful home. ot. fine9t cu.atom quality. Fireplace, 2 baths, eervice room. dbl gar., large patio, nice lawna and 1nrubl. For tho.e de· siring the best. AU rooma are large. Priced at $21.000-but, owner ifl very amdoua. Good terma to right buyer. See this! W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendJy 11ervtce .. 393 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 v v Corona del Mar Bargains 1. $1500 DOWN Prime location 1 blk. from oeean trout. Luge 2 bedrm. garage apartment. PLUS Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on fl'Ont of lot. 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Bay & Beach Realty Four bedrm. 2 bath home. Lge. livinl room. fire. IeH Newport Blvd. place, BBQ ll paved patio. 100 yvd9 to private Coi ta Mua, Cal!r. beach Excl\l.live realdential .,_, $29 '50() ftrm. UMrty 8·1181 Evn. u l ·SlM s 0 ooo' I 1 . down. OPEN SUNDAY I ·6 PM. 6()0 Poppy f'nr ~uy t <"Ctsll fome round llC"mtr lo ~71 Hutl. Hure ll\'lnr room. bu rned cellln,r. 3 b<lrm11 . 11m11l ~its\ rl'>(>m. 2 baths. O\'tr· ti&ed 2 Cir garaire. Compl. llU\d11r11 peJ, private Pllll08, modnn lc 1tfhl'n A dlnlns l11 na1 low•ly \'lfw1. A•klnr 12~ 000. Owntr want.a Im· ml'dlste nff"r <IUt lo IU \'· Ing the arta. Term11 to llult. FORD \'ERRJl'\OER. Huhnr 4263. t ve11. Harbor 31ii. !!4lfc OCEAN TRONT hom~. J bdrm. compleuly rum. Luie lot. $l i ,000 term•. J . M. MlU.ER CO. 20211 W. B1lboa Blvd. Ha.r. '°91 BY OWNER Corona Hl(hlan<h -·a bdrm., J ti.lb tannhou.e. Ph. ll&rttor 71.J Tttte e 3. 225 MARGUERITE 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plua bachelor apt. and bath. dble garage. Paved and encloeed patio. Terma. THIS JS A BARGAIN. We have th• key. 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME Cute, sound, clean, 2 bedrm., Lge. living room. ldt· chen & dining area open onto paved patio. $13,250 firm price. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTJON, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Balboa Island $1500 down - 2 unit.a only 7 vn. old, 3 bdrm. and 2 bdrm&. with dble. ttarage near touth bay, !urn. $26,500. $~ down-2 unita -one a bachelor apt. and a 1 bdrm. apt. with fireplace, exc. location, furn.iahed, $15,500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30e Kartne Ave., Balboa Jal&Dd, Callf. Barbor 602 ..• overlook~ 8. A. Country , oub. 2 bedrooma • den. iarre e e We Sure Have The Big LIDO Home living roorn and brealtr .. t aru.. J flrepla.cea. Separate lafTe car· a&'• buUdlnJ wlt.h rumpua room, tr.Mr room and 'J. bath. Nice liandlcapl.nl' and pa U o. 8 J)«:ia.J al $18,llOO, (ood terma. ' Peninsula "Point" Home! IPACIOUS ' BEDRMS., 't blLthL Situated on 2 l&rge c~mer lot.. _ Extra lot walled for pnvacy with badm.lnton court, peUo. Nicely landJlcaped. BeAutlful carpeting and drapea. Cul In pnce to $30,!>00 for quJck -.le. Tenna. 9 Unit Income Property! Famo1.111 "Holliday Apt.a" on Ocean Front, Penlnl!ll1a. 8 units pha rnana.ger'• a partment. Beddlns and linen tor all unlu . New re- f~lo\'11 and atovu through· ouL 4800 IQ. fl. living atta. 1"J'llodeled In 19!\0. UllOO net In· comll. $37,600, 1111.000 down. Four bedrooms -playroom and three baths. Huge enclosed lawn patio-plenty of room fora pool •Near the Clubhouse on a 67 foot corner • What could be nicer for those healthy -happy growing youngsters. Too large for the present owners. Who are anxious to sell . . . . . . . . So come in and we will give you all the details of this KING SIZE prop- erty offered for the FIRST TIME. Exclu1ive -No phone information please LID 0 REALTY .u.ociat.M 3400 Via Lido Harbo~ 4444 (Acroa trom Richard'• Karket Entrance) Beach Home! Balboa location • • • j u•t , dOOl"I Balboa from Ocean. Dan<ly 2 bedroom home, tuml11hed, garag-e. too. A·l condition. You mw1t 11ee UIJ.a before buying. $H,600, tennL Island VOGEL VALUES Balboa Cottage! JU.ST BAY AVENUE. Cloee to town and bay. Thl• LI a wonder· f\lJ .. iu. and nicely turnJabed ••. •lee119 I people. We hav1 the Jeer It you have tho time. •12.soo. (ood ltmul. Balboa Realty Co. 0ppo.ate Bank of Amenca ROiie Oretlty AJ Cornellia Ed U. Jack P1nllham Joeephlne Webb 700 E. &ltxi. Blvd., Balbo& Pbone Harbor 32i7. Cliff Haven LOVELY lan<hcaplnJ , 3 bdnna,. lot. ot cupboard •pace, CU.h· maat.er, mere. switches, newly decorated lnallie It out. PLUS GI loan at $67 per mo. help make thla the beat buy In town U. $1UOO. Balboa NOT B'IDACHY-but a horn• lit thla lovely 3 bdrm .. 2 ba hou11e on ono of the rare 62' ll')t11. J t111t a 1tep l rorn th,. b&y or <><.:tan bellrhu. LET'S TALK! Corona del Mar ~. 1B A F'IREPLACE In u . ot fhe {~J.1v rooms ot both ot th•• 2 b .~auplexet. Newly d .. coraled A l\ll t unit.a alway1 rented. 16.000 dn. lnvN unent wt.&-SOt.:ND! Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2eOt Newport Blvd., NpL Buch Easy Parkl"&' Harbor ~10 Suburban UVlNG AT ITS BUT, TUatln Lemon Ht.a. area. lkautltul k>ni ranch type. Le•· fl'OWldl, trtta, Oowen, dlchOftdra l1'11J11. Prlced r1pt. O'tVNER. 1Clmberl~a.a20. llklT The Summer deal you have been waiting for Should be thil 2 bedrm. furn. home. See the l~ tion, tbe fu.rnlahings and you tell ua the tenna you want to pay. Buyers with $4000 -$5000 cash will like thla home. We have another 2 bed.rm. furn. home at $17,000. Good term.a. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Harbor ..U NEXT TO THE POST omCE B&Jboa Ialand LIDO ISLE ATI'RACI'IVE I BDRM. HOME, ALL LARO!I ROOMS. GARB. DISPO!AL, AUTOMATIC DISH· WASHER, ETC. BEAUTIFUL PATIO. NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT. PRIVATE OWNER KIMBERLY 3-0583 Uc88 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Thia modem 3 bdrm. home with 0. L Joan, newly decorated-tittplu..e-gar. diap. -large kitchen. Dble. gar. with work bench, large lot, wired tor elect. 1tove and wubM' and dryer. Owner will conalder leue option to buy. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hh,._y., Newport Bcit.ch, Liberty 8-3481 .. I PAGE I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 1. -1955 AMONG ORANGE COUNTY'S LOVELIES Orange County is famed for many things, not the 1eut for ita beauty. And thew? girls who~ for· Pirate Queen of 1955 add to that beauty. From left, ·velt& Autrey, Sharon Glenn of Costa Mesa, Janice Anita Lewis of Laguna Beach, Dee Dee Cunning- ham of Newport Beach, Leslie Chapman, Carolyn J o nes, Stephanie Stier and Pirate Queen Yvonne Shubert of Santa Ana. -Staff Photo KOIYIST~. 'JONES LOSE $36 TO NEGRO IUNCO ARTISTS Th"" male N•l'f'Oll apparently departed the Harbor aru '3t richer alter aue.-ed theft aod bunco actlvlUea WednNday nl&ht, N-port BHch police reporta ahow. Charlea Kotvlalo ot S21 Ramon P!Ace, Cc»ta Mea. reported loelne 131 In a vartaUon of the "old ahdl p.me.~ and Ros-r Jonea ot 61~ Calallna Drive. report;d $6 takeo from hie waJl«'L COUNTY MASTER PLAN FOR ROADS RUNS TO MILLIONS ln •ch cu e. lh~ree 1uap«ll appeered at Mrv1ca ata- llona where the vlcllm1 were atll'ndanu aml uktd tor 60 cenu worth of ru and a road map. After allemptln1 110me quick ch&l\ge (immlck.t on Ko1v1sto tnvolvln&' a ~ blU. ttvr $1 bllla and • ,10 blU which didn't work, tht,1uspecta •luted IANTA ANA COCNSl -Top Banta Ana and Oranp county civic otflclal1 atarttd work Thur•· day on a gl(&J\Uc muter plan tor road.,.•an and mewaya eoncom~· Ins the whole Oranra County are.. ll•ln&' Santa Ana for a nucleua, the proirrarn calla for an expend!· lure or ten• of million• when com- pltttll. County plannln& romml•· 1ion membera, Santa Ana Cha mber of Commerce leadt"rs. and Santa Ana rtannlnl' Commlsalon and city council membera dllltueaed a plan lo relieve Orl.J'\&'e County·a clor· red hl(hwaya. the &hell &'•me u1lng a bottle cap. · Jonea aaid hla wallet wu In the aervlca ataUon alone with the 1uapect1 while he wa.e acrvln& a c:u•tomer. Arter they left, Jonea' $~ bill °'f'U ml.saln&'. ---------------------------Oran.-e County Bo&rd of Super--MARTl N GRILLED IN vbor11 ln1t1gated the plan aut No- vember, but mlll.erlal work did not 1tart until Thunday'1 city hall meeting. PAUSE LIQUOR CASE COMPLl!TELY 8rlTl..£D 'Someday our county w111 be completely eetUed," Aid Al Koch, Oran«e County Road Commlaalon- te1llfled In the current trial he rr. "Now. all four·lane hJghwaya SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Seek- ~ to ahow bi._. and prejudice on the part of the Attomey Gen· anl'1 office Defenae Counael M.a.JC Hurwitz Tilunday atter- noon bombarded Chief A111L •tty O.n. Thoma• W. MarUn with q1.eaUona. had signed the teller. In \hf' al.Ille are oblolete. and In Ma:nin aald he believed It wu ten yeara the popu1'tlon ot the EldN!d'1 teallmony before thP area wm ·lncreaae !& per-<:ent!•• gTand jury h• hlld slgntd the I Koch exclalmw while 'preMnlinr letter. j the county'• plan for many alx· Hurwlu qulued J.tartln at Ian..-road11, w1t.h 190-fl. rl&'ht-ot· length on the met.hod ot pro-w1y1. qrr. Ca.rl Thornton. "but. ~·• don't have 1lx·lane hlrhway1 and l doubt that Wt! f'\•er will. \\'1 can t afford 1lx·l11nf' hlahway1, nor can wa afford left tum 1llpi1 •l lhe corner ot thue at i-eeu. The die 11 ca•t. I don't think It I• po-- •lble for ua to have aix-i.na road.II." Santa Ana City Councilman J Ogden Mai kt•I, Hktd If plan• h•d been madr tor rou11 bttwHn In· du.etrial and commen"h11 de-velor · menl•. Tom Ber11 of the county plannrra. told Markf'I lhl1 feature had been cwen 1 on1hJerallon, and ll hAd been decided that the con· lMlc:lora would have to pay tor th' pav1nir ot the hl1<hW6)'1J. "Th11 will coat mtillon11! JI'• urt.-nt. We •re too late now!" Stepa we take today la late and mu.st be t.aktn with url"ncy, H id Al Mlueldlne. "''ho worked W1th the boa.rd of aupervl.lor1 lllarttng the pro(Tam. · Counollman Markf'I • • I d ti. would brlJlt' the matter to lanta Ana City Councu lmmadtat1ly, ala.> atrualn.r ur1ency, upeclaUy for Santa Ana, eut·weat lll"'Nl.L Canaery IMJlary H olm, Doe M cKinzie, Pat Bilyk of Huntington Beach, MartJn wu on the atand In --------------------------._----------------------------the conaplracy·to-ob•tnict just· ceasing tha Indictment.. The at-"Counllea can never finance tht torney a.tao aaked If the charge progTam," Koch explained, "that'• -conspiracy -to oblltruct·juat· up to the cltlu." He pointed lhla Ice and obatruct the due admlnl•· out u one ot the Important prob- tratlon of the law -h9c,t -been lem1 of the maater plan. Bu&'l•n Thuraday broke lnto Western Ca.nner9 office and N · ca ped with 1100 In amall chanr• Crom the cuh draww. police rt'• portesj. The burrlary wu report· ed by Chrla Mitchell, Janitor, 1011 2at.h St. Entry waa made by break· Ing a glua pane In th• door, po· lice H id. DEATH NOTICE Ice tr1aJ ot Herman Pau.e. Ar- thur Gordon Eldred and Takeo TakekoehJ In Superior Court here, -------------Martin denied he had any mere clarified for the gT&nd jurdn be-Koch brought out that alage to~ the true bill wu returned. con1trucllo\ -building hlghw11ya DIDN'T EXPOUND In a rel&llvely abort len(lh a t a tlm-wu alao Important for the EDWARD O. HOFER Entombment 1ervIce1 were llCheduJed tor lhla 11.ftemoon a t 2 p.m. in Falrhavvi Mausoleum for Edward G. Hofer, "'· of San- ta Ana. The Rev. Harry Owings ot Santa Ana and Harmony Har· bor Odd Fellow• U>dge No. 29 officiated. Parkes·Rldley Mortu- ' ary ot Co.ta Mesa was In charp of arrangements. Mr. Hofer waa a pioneer de- veloper of Laguna Bea.ch u a resort area and at one Uma ac- Uve In civic a1Caar1. He died ... Friday In Basler Rest Home, • Santa Ana after a lengthy Ul- 1 ness. Coming to California In 11104, Mr. Hofer moved to Laguna In 1914 He resided In NewJiort Beach more th&n llS yea.rs be· fore moving to Slllll& Ana. He was a member of lndlanapoll11 Lodge l'o. 46:i 100F. which he ~ joined in 1884. il years ago. He penonal lntereat 1n the outcome ot the Pawie caae than any other In which he hu played a role. Marlin aald, "Little time wu completion ot the. pro(T&m. AT D. A. RllQumsT apent on expounding the legal Membera of the county group theorya connected with the In· 1peaklng at the meeting atreuad dictment." the lmportanre ot the aix·lane He teellfled he had uaigned He added he r<ecalled no apecl· hlghway· throu&"hout the whole lnve•llgator William La.lly to the fie explanallona. "Being laymen." progT&m, Hying that tour -lane Pauee cuea llhe •uspended ·M•rtln expla.lned, "they tgTand road1 are obeolete before they are Onange County liquor bass wu_ jury) relied on u1 to handle the f1nl1hed. Santa A.nil'• lnteruta In found Innocent .,t another con-legal aapecta." the prog-ram wen ahown to be splracy·te>-obltruct-justlce ch&rge "Isn't It true much of the In· connlctlng with county v1ewa on recently) on requeat of the Dia· dlctmenl lntormaUon came from the six-lane llUperroada. trtct Attorney. your lnveatlgatora not trom avl-PROGRAM A Ml1ST The wtt.neu atrongll denled. he dence preaented before the rrand or any ot hla men had resorted jury!" Hurwitz uked. "I think lhl1 progTam 11 a mu1t to wire t.applnr to &'•in evtdence for the community u well u the ln liquor license lnve11tlgallon11• ~~~lnw.'!e~~e~• la~euye~:~ county," aald Santa Ana City Man· The defendanta have been day to 10 a.m. Monday. Proae-1 brought to trtal on a gTand Jury cutor Stan Gould aaJd Glover Middletbh Finishes Indictment, charginl' unlawful Docklna, Santa Ana mu•lc ma- tnnlfera of Japanese-American chine vendor. will follow Martin Driver Education ' liquor llcenae11. to the 1tand. Hurwitz charged a portion of -------------an overt act, 1lnce stricken by J udge Franklin G. Weal, was put In to the Indictment against the defendanlA for "Inflammatory purpoeea.'' Yan De Veere Due Back at Hueneme William Mlddh:ton. 21~:1 Irvine Ave .• Costa Me#., ot Newport Har- bor Union H l&h School, hu juat compleLtd a course In driver edu· cation 11.l the Unlveralty of South· em C1llfom1a on a •chol&rstitp Conks Have Da .. hter The Blaine Conka. IOM Na- tional Ave., Colla Meaa, a re par· enlll of a girl baby bom July 27 In Hoag Hoepltal. BE SURE • INSURE wtUt KAURl'E 8TANLET .....,.._ Oal.7 ..,._ llarttw "'' llH L C-& Rl&' .. w~ Coroaa del llar KA'l"l'll.EUE8 .... -..... -Tl1IUan llftfll)ar aa.- UM.rt)' 1-lltl 008TA llE8A KATl'a&M 00. !150 Newport llhd. • moved through every chair In from the AILstate Insurance Co. WATl:Jl 111:.AnM the Odd Fe1low1 Lodge. FETED A:f LAGUNA PAGEANT Survivors Include the widow. ...., Mrs. Florence Hofer of Santa The fragment of alleged act IN SWARTZ OFFICE PORT HUENEME, CALIF. - (FHTNC) -Jerry A. Van De Veere, con11trucUonman, USN, aon of Mr. and Mr11. J. A. Van De Veere of 1872 Placentia Ave., Co•· la Me11a. II scheduled to return Aug. e with Mobile Conatruc:tlon Bat.u.llon II to the "SeaBee" bue here. Thill 11 the third year Allatat.a S1UIS, HIVICI •4 H'AIU hu given SC &nd other unlveral-J B. ~ ftr/j Pubhsheril of Orange County feted the president of the California Newapapers Pub-Ana: eon C.arl ot San Fernando: 18 accused Elltred ot typlni:-a • · L Be h Tu d M d M W It K d sister Mrs. Catherine Cauea of letter In the Newport Helghta liahen A8soc1atlon in aguna ac es ay. r. an rs. a e r a ne an 1~1 ... auon Office of A. c. Swartz Indiana and brother Otto · of ln· • daughter, Betty Lou, were guests of publishers and Wm. W. Otloway of the South diana. a iS 1lgntng the latter'• name to Coast News for dinner and the Festival of Art.8. The Kanes. publishers of The It. The letter which clarified Bakersf1'eld Cal1fom1·an were thrilled by the production of the Pageant o f t he Mas-• •lre-et number• on Harbor Blvd. Cornair Permits where a liquor license was tran11- ters. Pictured left ,to right. above, Charles 0 . Voight, Publisher of the Orange R. Comair took out two Collta !erred waa sent to the State Daily News and secre4ry of the Orange County Publishers; B. J . Abraham, Pub-Mesa city building pennlta tor Board of Equallutlon. lisher of the Bellflower !Herald-Enterprise and secretary of the CNP A ; President $6310 nch July 21. Planned are \I The ~art aaylng Eldred •ic-ned reaidence. with earagea at lM!I W&rU name -• forpry al-Ka ne. and Frank Hall. Pres ident of the Orange County Publiabers and publisher of &nd 1847 Wallace !It Coat.a lepUon-wu cut out ot the The Batl.&lion. In the Philippine Jat&nd area alnce January, aur· pused Ill Initial goal by complet· Ing atructurH, roada, uUllllaa and other tacUlllea In exce11 of the projecta origtnally ...isned. tlea 1~000 ea.ch to train teacher• l In dual·controlled au tom ob lies. 06 PLrn!£.;..0 0 these teachera wlU then be able to "_...., teach 'teen-••ers to drive in the TUMS 11 PH ctNT DOWN -. ~HIWMtlm ho~ of reducing trame accident& r~liiiiiiiiilliF John Jeanes' Son Mr. &Jld Mra. John A. J eanH, 11143 Maple St., Co1ta Meaa, be· came parenll or a 10-lb., S-os. eon on July 21 at St. Joaeph Hoe· 'I pita I. the Brea Progress. -Photo b.Y L yle E. Haigh. Mesa. .. true bill by Judea WeaL Swart& ~~~~~~~~~~~-=.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~..;..__;,~-- "FOYS" COMING TO PORT .lohr.nv oxru11I. llll<OllJ:l'r of thl' Port TheatrP, today llJlnOUll• •·•I a t"n·wrl'k run ot "fo:.ti11e Foy and the Srven Little Foys 11tartmg W1•dnr•<lay l'll turttl abO\'e att Bob Hope a nd lt'Ve.n ''ouniil'lt• 111 "" lhly II 11prr11r al the Corona del Mar Theatre. -- HE'S IN IY A .NOSI All Blue in thl11 cue d4>C'a not niean a tluab. u &ii poker1 bu\ a rM"e hone belong1n1 to John Elmon of San Clemente. Th• p&Jntlnt WI.Al m&d<! by Mra. Thl1ma Paddock Hope ot Corona del :t.tar, well known local arUat. Painttnc a ho'1'81 wu aome- Uling n«'w to the portrait erU1t and ahe drww the racer from tile, only to find that hla proudl.Y arched netk wu not what the O"'ntr w&11ted anc1 ahe had to p&int 4Ulother picture with the n~k •lretchrd ""t 111 If trytn,r to wtn by a noee...-8t.att Pho lo • WATER DEPARTMENT FORMING FOR MESA Colla Me.ta'• wateT department. and the Southern California Bible now In proceu of fonnatlon, hu a College. Coffey aald council will IQng way to go twtore It becomes have to decide whether UM of the new city water aupply throufh the & functioning reality ln the Metro-water department will be reatrlct- polilan Wattr Dl11tr1ct. City Man· Pd to the city limits. ager George Coffey reported to-SERVICE ONLY day. This de.,pltr the fflrl the city As an intere1Ung 1ldellght, Cof- 111 In the water bu11lnrH flnan-fey pointed out that when the city clally. sets the water rate, It will be "City Attorney Don Dungan, bued on service rende_red accord- City Clerk Arlie Swartz. City En-Ing to the volum .. of water uHd. glneer Don Southworth and f .. The water," Coffey aatd. "la free. 11pent tl\'e a.nd & h&JC hour9 Sunday I Consumera will be paylnr for 11er- drawing up what we think should 1 vice only." " be the nill'!I and regu16t1ons for the water dt:"partment." No date h11!1 be!'n M't for connKtlon ot FOR OCC COURSI Costa 1'11'11& with the Metropolitan W•tPr ~';.~~~"~0~~.:;id. George Guthrie A number or ste~ remain to b.-H d b 0.1 taken by rlty council. th<' r1ty onore y I manager rf'J)l>rted. The council hsa ~~d~~:~~~p.lhe.ta~~~d~~:;:,~l t;.Yr Industry's API the w11ter departmf'nt w1U proll· 1 I 11bly he named &nd his 11Alary 114.'l. Commend1tton wu received Th"n the necl'lu1ary rulr11 Rnd rf'!I:· thi11 week from the Amtr1can p,.. u11<l1Mi. jt"Ovcrnl ng 11ppllralion11 troleum Institute for ~rge Ou· and rhfl rjt~s tor w11tr r 11f'rvke I thrie, petroleum tn11truetor at Or· mu.-l Ile 11pprovrd by cnuncil. 11nj0te C'nllst College, It wu di .. Jnrllc11tlnna 11re the w11ter •up-cln11eil by OT. Bull H. Peter.:m rrint.endrnt w11l be " C'oll11tcral todey. lQ!lk for a prc11ent city employee. "It ha11 come to our a ttention flut ('Ven whrn 1111 t hft ts taken repeat.<'rlly over tho past few carr or hy tho rn11nC'JI, c11t11bll11h-yeAr11 that Orange Co1111l Colle~ ment nf e functlonfni: rlty water has rontlnued to make 11~1ncant 11,,p&rtrn.-nt dl'pt'n<l11 on other con· Ii t'Onlr1butlona to the petroleum In· dlllon11, Coffey Hlrl. dustry ln generp.J and apeclrlcAlly I The Ors nge C<mnty Heslth 0.-lo the drilling and pmdurtlon p11rtmPnl mu11t agref' on neeti or pha.~es ot the lnduatry," the com· 1 the city to &upply water to p&rts of mendation read. COl!lu M&M'11 city llmlL~ not now I GU'J'RRIE PRAISED 11\lpplJed and the Or&Jlga County Guthrie ~.-aa pralaed p11rtlcular· Munlclp&I Weter Dl11trlcl must 1 ly for hi11 efforts tn vocational ed· take cant of conntttlng Costa ucation. ••ae bu worked cJOMly Meaa with the Metropolitan Water with the leadera ot our Lo11 An- Dlatr1ct a'°'11 Baker St. and P'air-gelea Chapter." Ule letter atatad. ,·lew R011d. "We feel that cooperative voca- June 20, th• MN& city council Uonal tra1nlng In your aru bu Ntabllahl'd a water department been grMUy 1tren,iMned by the fund and movecS l •0.000 Into It 11ervfou ot your ttne lnlrtttutJon." from the genenal tund on a lOM Tiie commendaUon wu lltl'Ded by bu11. Cof!ey requeattd the ac-A. W. TilompllOn, Ttc»-pr.ldenl tlon. uplainlng that a connec-tor production. lion feti waa required by the Met-Tiie two-year profT&l'll tn ~ ropolitan Water Diat.rlct the .ec-troleum technolou offered by ond Motiday in J uly. OCC la one ot the few .aoh tnta- Councllman and ex -Mayor lnA" progTama ln the -uon. Eadl Charlea TeWlnkla obaerv1d a t the yur the oil lnduatry bu •nt a time: "Thi• la one of the very Im-number of men trom thJ"OUibOut port.ant •Lepe taken by Coat& Me .. the United Stat.ea to <>rui,. u a new city.'• C~l to take Ult OOUl'M, Slept toward formation or the The progTam hu been l'XJ>Uld· dty water dlatrict became necN· ed next year becauM of t.ba ln· aary With ann1uuon ot the BUer I tereat ln the couna and an M- St. area. lnrludlng Ralecr.,t aub-dlUonal 1tatf member bu bem dM11l nn. ll portion of thf' old Army t mrloyed to tea~ ona of U\1 M- Alr B&M, the county twir~, (1nn1As ...._ , / STYLING THAT WHISPERS TOMORROW ..... 2-0. ......... AND A PRICE THAT SHOUTS TOD~V I '2465°0 s.. .. e"4 loco! froa" ••tte. ..... 2·Doot SedOOI, .W-94 '-ly. v-prb d..-cf1 .pelf! dloke of ~al OftCI body lfyta, oPfloftol equipment o"d ---f'rlce1111C1yvoty eli9Nly Iii odjolnine c-it~ .. Tt1a ~ upec:t to pay much "'°"' for thj• bnuty ... "''' VWJI• ._..,.._,to! It"• got that dMtinrti•e look th11 iii Old•mobilt'• alnn,.! It'• p the win«inr po-ol the mi1bt y "Rork«'t" t.n,:tn«', th,. Lind ol power that meaa. Hfetyl And t-t ol all. if• irnt 1 f"in-ui: tJ1a1 mtmiltu1bly .. y11 N-udw"-for .rot' to,,,_ to ()fJ,! For •t•ll' •waJ. powa-•ppul. pricoe •PJN'..al-you jmt cu't bnt Ol•l•tTWh1lr! Sea • toclsy I Get 09t of the ordinary .•• •nd ~,.t int11 1n OM•! C>LC>SIVIC>BI LE ,_ CDOl ...... ..n .... AIR-CO••n•o••• OYlllOalUI . -· ------· ¥mr 1111 "IMKD1 IOOM". •• Af TOUI WOU.I DIALD'll ------ MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 West Cwt Hltllway NIWPORT IEACH Uberty 1·2261 -•TYtwlCIA-IOU I Nlllfllll111-ntAf'OMWaW",W•&n1•W1