HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-03 - Newport Harbor News Press• Volume 8--Nmnber lS ...... ..,wn aa,ItWlUI .. BE SURE -INSURE ..... llAUSDC 8TANL&Y ._ o.J.1 .._Barbor H'ft .... I:. OOMt -·-~ o.r... ... Illar Party 8eat.1 lt.19 UOI •• Cood Bf/ .• o-4411 II« -J'or the t'lne9t ln Commercial · Barbor fi0'71 Prlnlln&' call Harbor 1618, Job Prlnttnc Department. Commission Hires Gingrich as Recreation Director DOU«Jlas to Drill lenealh Pier at Huntington leach Robert 8. Gtncr:lcb at Sancer Ule nn-.t ot reference•. We fttl Tldelanda drilling will move a rrtday wu hired u Newport we have ln9de a r ood choice and •tep cl~r to Newport Beach Beach P-.rka and Rt<:reaUon 01. hired a fine m~." 1hortly with ll,I• leaainl' of thrtt ·t Glnrtch hu bHn p&rl<• and rec-parcel• betw .. n Huntington Buch rector dunnc • mMtlnr of Ul• reaUon director In Sanrer for two • park and beach l"eCN&t.lOll com-and a hall yean. Before that he and Newport Beach city llmlta. ml•lon In Ctly Muace,.. J ohn held tha .-me poeitlon In Culvtr It wu dl.lclo.Md today. Saniton~ Dry Cleaners' Natione~ Contest! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEI,D & CO~ DREAM WARDROBE Sallort office. Gln(r1ch, st, not.I-City tor three yeara. He .la a ST&d-Theae 3000 a crt1 w111 be leued , ned the commllllion he would ~Ye uate ot 'hmple Unlverwtty with a by the it.at. land comm!Mton I tour week• not.Ice at aanrer. He BS de(Ne. He majored In pa.rka Au&'. 10 at tho commlulon head· i. ellpected to move hert1 with and recreaUon and admllltatn.Uv h.la wife and two children, .on1 In work. quarten ln Lo9 A.qelq. .•. ud a FREE roaad trtp to OhJclaso for 'l'WO oa lJNJTED AIB LINES t Plan now ~ enter the na- tional Dream Wardrobe Con· wt •J>On80red by the 8anl- tone DlvWon of · Jemery ln- d u •tr I e •. Inc .. Cincinnati, OhJo. &Imply F\nhlll 1'11l• lk!B~ I• !& Word• or 1- "I prt'/er 8a1ut01M to or#- "4'11 dry cleo"'"g koo .. e" 18ample Sentence: I know l can tnat S&nltone to do a bf>ttu job on everything rrom children'• clothu to flneal evenln( wear -yet It COit.a no more!") It'• jwrt u euy u th.at and you mll'hl wtn a "new you" ... everythlnl' from •h~• to a clamorou. nt'W ha.Ir-do ... cuu.J to evenlnc weer -and all a m ar t I y atyled tor "F ield'•" by Ule world'• forem<11t deel11uer·1. The tint prlM W'Ulner &lac> 1.u • round trip to Chlc.,o tor TWO on lJntted Airlln ..... with I days' hotel me&la and taxi fare. pald for by 8anl· tone Ory CINAinl' S.rnce. ln addlllon lo th• nret prta.e ot $1,000.00 Drum Ward- robe. th•re are 26 other woedutu.J .,n-. ~ -.c. "'.,.., ,., 4 ....... pf Hr•IHa.IMI UDO CLEANERS 1712 Newport lhd., Costa Meta. Liberty 1-4014 • Fall Fashion Show prHented by Virginia's Snip' n Stitch Yardage Shop fe•turin9 styles created from Bat. Dllclplined Cottone and Tarnmorr Regimented Cottona Thursday, August ~th 12:30 p.m. at Villa Marina RHtaurant Phone Harbor 3930 for retlen'atiou early September. A meJl'lber ot ll'I• NaUQD&l Rec-A ttcent development• ht Hunt· The acreenlnr board -• com-reatJon AMoclaUon and Pacific lncton Beach la the plan of the poaed ot Mayor Dora Hiii, 8allor11, Bouth....t diatrlct rec..-tlon u -Douglaa Oil Co. to dr1U lnto 320 Tom Derr. Anaheim recreation llOclatlon, Olncr:lch alllO b o Id• acr .. of •ubmerced oil land near director; Larry Houaton, AAU le&ehinl' credentJa.la 111 Penuyl- aecr@tary; Mra. Jl'rank Kare!. Pub· nnla, Kaneu and Callfontla. the munlclpe.l pl•r. The fir•~ well lie ~latlon1 chaJrma11 of the com-la expected to be located 80 f~t ml1111ton. and commlsalon member Pel.. at Dmer nortb-•t ot the centerline of Tom Norton. Startlnl' off with 2:1 8th St. and Oc4!an Aw., and _, appllcanfa, tht'y reduced them to School Ill Kelltlldcy feet -ward from the railway 15, then to a final two. tracka. Commlulon Chairman Charlr1 rr. CAKPBEI.4 KY.,-PrlYate 'nle work 11 to be wpervt.ed Vandervort and membere of the nm Claa Robert Pelham, aon by T. A. AUllnaon, executive vice comml•lon Aid. "Olnplch hu of Mr. and Mrm. Manon P'oentel, preeidellt of the Dourla• com· For Complete MARINE NEWS a11d MARINE SUPPLIES . COllMllt TM SpecW MARINE SECTION In the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS ot '51 w .. tmtnater Ave., Newport pany and Bob Qutnn wlll direct Beach, la now attendlnj' Driverm Ule driUlng crrw. The hole la Scbool al Fort CampMll Ken· lo M dt1fled 700 feet aoulll and lucky. He la a member of Support a degTee eut to bottom under Compan1 of the 1181.h Airborne th• cul of th• pl•r. Intanlr)' Reftment of the famed 11th Alrboma Dl..t.ion ataUoned at Fort Campbell. Prtor to hla enterlnc the _._ I vie., he wu &"J'&duated f rom lbe Newport Harbor Union HI If Jl School Pfc. Pellum la a runner In th• •.2 Mort.ar Platoon of ht. ol"lf&nlA tlon. Feed Store PlallMd Mrs. R. !:. 8tdnbflrter Th~ ' day took out a f l 4,000 permit trom eo.ta Me• city buildJ.Jlr department for conatrvcUoJs ot a feed store at 2Ut N-port BlYd.. Coat& Meea. Ro1 O,..,_.lMI Br. wu named contractor. CONCRETE ILOCKS Kl 2..0754 PUJO·llLOC& 00117.\l(T -HH 8. Mala .... 89oata A9a PmDCZ -CINDS& A.ND CONCUTS BLOClll &l:INY'Oll(l[NQ U'ESL ... SUl'PUES OUR NEW POLICY # CLEANEST CARS IN THE HARIOR AREA I Cu Wu:l.q -Pollah -Steam Cleaalq Opta 0..U, 'TIJ 5:00 p.m. -Suaclayt I :SO p.m. 2244 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-4112 AUGUST CLEARANCE! 331% off -All from ow , ... , stock S......., Cotto• -Splewill Sweaters DN11et Skim Ila... Sltortl T Sllim ()pea ,.,...., N1clate -.u s.IN ,, ... C-..ttJ Oredtt Plu It Pa)'11 &o Bay la Ooet.a Met& ~~~~~~~1 ~-~~~~~~~~~=~' ~ llcle Showboat to Laguna oa tJle a-autal Pactnc Twtcie DUiy -U :SO a.a ud 7 :00 p.a. Adaltll SLl5 -CbDdrN 6G oe11te . l l f • AT LONG LAST! ZENITH TV wit'h FLASH-MATIC TUNING NO CORDS-NO WIRES-NO STRINGS Jnt • flash of llC)ht across tt.e room • Gf\en9es Ch•nnels • Shuts off Sound • Turns on Set e Turns off Set While Picture Remains on Screen .. • Eliminates Annoyin9 Commercials CALl IOI STEVENs-ftoH U l-2J01 for lnfonnatto11 or See it Now tit .._ ___________ --··---·-·---~~ ------....: --· ------------[<<OL_l[l_~~~ ~-~~0~ _(Q~~J .,..____ ----------- ' . I l . CirculatlOR 21,000 I*trtbaW la I I Newport Beach. llalhoa, ..... I hlud. CoJ'oDa del )tar, eo.ta I ..... IA«1llla. 8oath Laplla ud BaatinpD 8MeJl. I eq11aUy at homt will>. loi.rlor lhutt.ra add • h irh t aahloll now "° 101U tio-. . . whai-tlle period I !Apedalt, If lheJ an crafted by HERITAGE IMTUlee t•eUIH J j Barbor 1818 PRE-NEED SALESMAN HARBOR REST MEMORlAL PARK. Orange County'• newe.et and futeet growing cemf'tery Needs Your Serv i.ce1 tor our expe.ndlnl' aalea program Choke terntortee ln .authem OranCP rounty. Mau.oleum--Crematlon Oardf'n and ~autlful ground pmperl.)'. HARBOR· REST MEMORIAL PARK. Harbor Blvcl. at OWfo,r, Telephone Kimberly ~llM. See Mr. '· D. Hall 500 Yards Must Go We Must Sell 500 Yards Cotton Boucle Broadloom CarpetinCJ To Mak• Room For New Merc1M111clhe Stock SPECIAL IALI While it Leah . . . . . . Cotton Boucle Broadloom C~rpetin9 -Re9uler $4.95 Marked Dow11 to •350eq.1d. · Choice of Colors from Gold G'"" Sa11clalwoocl ..... Coastllne Floor Cowerl119 541 c ....... St. COIN Mesa Higlt Q11ality Printing-Pit. Har. 1616 WI ARI FORCED TO • MOYE OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF USED CAM Oad!llA(!IL. Chryalers, Olda, Bu1clm. Cbevte., PlymoatlK, l'orda. Dode-. ....WCls-. ALL BOD\' STYLES THIS WEEK END 25 USED CARS MUST GO! At Almost WliOLESALE PRICES! Jnt A Sample 1950 Shlde. CIMlmp. Ctutt Coal"' $285.00 195J Dodfe V-8 Club Cpe. ()9e ..-. ~ rar. we eoMI $46 08 thte c:ar -· Par ,.., -th • 1950 Olds. 88 Holiday "JN'· hydro. :l toM $42.36 p.int.. A IMoaulr. P•y ~r mont h 1950 Dodfe Coronet • 4r . .....__ Q N> "'-· $595.00 z t-pel•t 1953 ·Ford Custom J~h~-~~~. ,_, f'&r, oltf' "'" nrr. P•T ,.., month $44.65 1951 Chrysler Windsor C"onvl'rtlbl~. :Srw top. $42.]6 Pay ,.., month SAVE UP TO $700 EXECUTIVES CARS SAVE $600.00 1165 Pl,._ut.Jt ~ .......... V .. ' *· TllM di hM r•..,.W.1'· PewertUe. b'Mw., ,..,., ~'" power •tf!ierblf, f!OWeW MM-. lead- Pd wtUil -riM. ..... ,.. ,_...,.. ,.,. •• ~ • tod&J'. y-c.-............ . SAVE $700.00 INI ~· _..-&op&. & dr. 8MaA. 8-GUhtl I ._ pe.let, Camee r"4 M4 _,,.. ,au,., w!Uk. ,,... ~r I• fullr ~Ip,.... P-·errn~ power •~r1 ... '°"'"'' brMi-k a B-You -N\'fl ,.,fMUIO on .... f'ar. ft .. Mr. Bry .. t·e P""OftaJ f'.ar. 1-tnl..._ &f'fl ........ ·-"'"""· Roy D. Bryant Motor Co • Dod1• PIJllMMlfll Dealer 401 Mahl St • H•tllHJt• leach LExinCJtoft 6-4561 I I I • PA6E 2 MARTIN I GRILLED IN coAsTAt.: sHoPPER Pettet Gna4-.ci S.0111 to Hive FOREST SMITH FINANCES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l, 1955 in Senlce C.... ~:=: :::~~ ~11~~,~~-LADlfs PGA TOURNAMENT · .. ........................... ,,. .. STAFFO•D ll SOii . ..NEL.8 and 000"' ~L OOHTIUOTOU • ..... ~._ .... llt ......... A,_.. H...,_. ..... Ud Mn. OMrse K. P.tt.tit, It•• Ille will be held Aur. J , T:IO ror•t BmJth'• m&&'ldf!ceftt ~ from U.. tour> day atta.lr at T61 Summit Drive, La&'un& p.m. at Ha.rp.r-echool m Coeta Clock Countr7 Club In WhltUerl r otnr to a clllldrtft'• hoapltal. ---------------------PAUSE LIQUOR CASE ~ 0:::1~~ta;'um~uao~ :~ ~~ ==.-1 reprMtn· ~U. ~~Y1~U~~alf~lf i.;:~~~ I ~r: t:~r:':em~~~~n~~~r:e:~C:: entatlon COUl"ff at the Medical ftoundtable wtU be Mid .A~. nament a._ 22 throur1l 2~. Jt al Golf Aseoclatlon and the Wom· P'ield Service School. Fort Sam 2' at T:IO p.m. a t Se& llxploNt' wW 1'e th• tint Ume the <'vent en'a South<'rn C'allfornla Coif As· 8ANTA ANA (0CN8) -Sffk· ln••tlptor WUUam !Ally to the Houaton, Tex. .Baae. All ~b, Scout and Ex· hu ever bfft1 beld be,. In tbe 1 aoclaUon( with the a mateur rala Inf to lhow blu and preJudlu PaUM cuu (the euspended The cl... .u compoaed or plorer leaden and com.mltteff southland. qualif\'lng round• fft tor the r on the part ot the A ttorney Gen· Oranp Count7 liquor boea wu newly commlastoned otn~re. The are t.o be there · e ral'a otnce DefenM COun.eel round lnnocent ot anot.ber oon· coW'" et,._d medical nrvtce Harbor &:out~ will have their The proresslonal eoll1111t con· period Sept. 13 to l:'I lnclu1lve. Me.JI[ Hurwlta Thunday att.r'· eptr&c7·t<M>llietruct·1Uttlce chars-tn combat. lMlnp at t.N county fur Thurs· tlnrent wtll be hee~ed by Uie noon bombarded Oler Alllt. Atty receatly) oa requut et the Die-Captain Pett.et h&1 recelwd day. Bcouta from two wl.Mlnf Babe Ruth of women • golf, Mil· Daughter for Rices O.n. Thom&1 W. M&rttn trtUI trtet Attontey. ordeni .. 1pln1 hlm to rort patrol• will ,..,_1.. p~l dred (Babel Zahariu and • ho1t queaUona. ne wttn .. nroqll deniacl be Ord. awarda and will alao be Invited ot oU1er lumlne.rlea Including Bel· Mr. and 1'1r'a, John ftlre, 161 Martin wu on Ula et&nd ln OI' &113' of hltl mu h&d neorted A 1141 lf&duata ot the Uni· to repreeent th• cou.ncu M Loi ty Jtlcka, B6lly MacKlnnon, !kt· Montevl1ta St., Co1ta )ff'H , are the conaplracy·to-obtltruct juat· to wtn tapp1ns to 1atn eYidmee venlty of Southern Calltonaia A.npl• County Fair. •Y Rawla, Beverly Haneon, P•r· pa~nlt of a 1lrl born July 2~ 1ce trial of Herman PauM. Ar· In liquor ttoenae lnvutlptlona. the eapteln entered tha .Army CY Kirk, the Bauer g\rls. Mar· In Hoair; Ho!pttal. thur Gordon Eldred and Takeo Th dd &ant.a h been lut montb. Joh 1 •--line and Allee, Patty Berg, and Takekoehl In luperlor Cowt her., b :.it to :aJ ua d j II Jea1te1 ~ th• HawaJJan bombahell. chunky S f Bowers Martin dented he had any more ln':t~tment, c~a fTIUIWlla~ 'nle thine that hath bffn. tt It Mr, and Kn. John A. Jean-. Jackie Pun&'. On Or peraonal tntere1t In tbe outcoma ~ere ot Japan~M-Amertcan that whkh ahall be: and that 19'3 Kapla st .. COeta MeM, be· Smith, lido lele 'reeldent who own• Mr. and Mn . Jo11eph B<:'w,r, ot the PaUM cue t han any other liquor licenM9. which le done le that whlcb ahall came parente ot a lO·lb.. 3-<>L the Clock Reetaurant chain. I• 3Z6 IC&at Knox 8 t. C'oata Mesa. In which he Jiu played a role. 11 nrtt.a ~ .. ·-ed be done: and there la no new thine eon on July ff at St. Joaepb Boe• tlnanclne the event and donat· j are pare"ta ot a boy born July AT D A. BEQUEST u ........ a portion of under the 8Wl •• EcclM&utee 1 ·9 pltel ~ priM money, wlth all pro-2e at Hoar Ho1pll1I. --------------. an overt act. atnce 1trlc.ken by · ·· ' ------------.. tHUtled ht had &ui&'fted Judit• Franklin O. Weet. wu put '========== lnto the lndlctmant a1aJhat the You Will Find Best In Every Thing You Need • • '" delendante t or "lnllamm&tory purpoee.L" IN 8WAA'l"li OmcJ: The tracment ot alle&'ed act 111 acetlffd Eldred ot typtnr • letter In the Newport Hel(htAI Irrigation Office of A. C. Swarts and al«filn&' the latter'• name to It. The letter which clarttled tlreel numbera on Harbor Blvd. wh1re a liquor UcenH wa1 trana- rerred wu eent to the State Board of l:qu.ttsatlon. The part u y1ne Eldred 11,ned awut.a' name -a toru ry al· legaUon-wu cut out of the true blll by Judre Weet. Swarts teetJtled ln the current trial he had elgned th• letter. MarUn aid be believed It wu Eldred'• teallmony before t.be crand jury he had ••&"led the Jetter. Hurwit.a qulued Me.rt.In at leng1h on the method or pro- ceHlnit th• lndi'etment.11. The at.- tomay a lao aaked tt the charee -con.piracy • to obatruct-juat· Jee and obetruct the due admtnt• traUon ot th• law -had been cl&ri!I~ .tor lb• grand jurora be- fore the true bill wu returned. DIDN'T 5Xl'Ol !"ND Me.rtJn Mid, "Uttle llme wu apent on UJ>OUndJnr the legal theory. connect.cS with the In· dlctment." He added he recalled no apec:I· tic explan&Uona. "Bein& layplen," llartlll ~ed. "they I (Te.Rd Jury) Nilled on ua to handle U1• lep.l upecta." "Ian't It true much of the ln· dlctment llltonna uon cam• from your lnveet1ptor9 not from evl· dence pruented before the gTUld Jury 1" Hurwtt.a aaked. Martln denied thla waa true. Tr1al wu r-d late yeater· day to 10 a.m. Monday. Proee- crutor It.an Gould l&ld Olover Dock.Ina, Santa An& mualo ma- chine vendor. will follow Martin to the etaDd. .IOHN8TONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreckers 0 ....... ran. ... •-rtee to'T6 Plaoeatla Aft. Llbut1 8-1011 Coe .... _ WANT AD D'ya Uke Jumbo Fried Shrimp 1 PAGES Surf Fish Fry IJlt <>...-,.,..., 11e6F Newport Pter DELUXE LUNCH 1J :IO am. -1:00 p.111. CHINISI and AMERICAN DISHIS l :OI J· m. -l :ot • m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The s.me Pl"bJe U.. Year A.rowad CHINESE CASINO J 11 II.ala St.. a.lboe llartlor nos RESIDENTIAl:.-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL QO 10t11 St., Newpori. 8Mell But.-2511 • FIRST OF MONTH "O.. •1 *-Lido.,,... UOl ll Cout H1 .. 0ol'Glla del liar '718 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa 1461 Via Udo, Newport JIMch PAY LESS . TIDE ... " ... COIUI& WAX PAPER 2Zc \•UXJK,e/ I / w~lt11 WALDOIF \\ ' ,, '/ , '~ ~I KLENZO JOO's FACIAL TISSUE , 5 fer s100 Parakeet '& CQ98 lealltthl Colon --if 53:s. 25 ~­--~,.,· .. --.... Reynold's ALUMINUM FOIL "------.23c ~ ...... --i Ylncenh -= -m1u _:.. "P-. • cwurr DOVSLS DIP CONES ICE CREAM 5.Stc S:» Ironing Board ALL METAL ADJUST AILI M"' hl17 V•W.W lllWclrt~C. .... $1.95 s549 Badminton Set $4.95 v .... s419 Reg. $2.98 Davy Crockett HATS sr• Mell and loy's SPORT CAPS 2fc OIAlrT t.OIL 90l'TU Tcrta11 SUN LOTION LdGa 4-0&. 901'TU Sea & Ski 9oc TANNING LOTION U KIDDIES Reeular 6.99 *5 Portable Grill 39s lar·l-9u• Davy Crockett SWIM POOLS 54"x10" let. $5.95 s49s LAllOI I OZ. 90TfLZ Gypsy Sun Tan Oil ----JUNIOR SWIM MASK 98c Drain Tray Polyethylene 20". 151" $439 1-.. s1.t1 --·--I Alumhun Percolator • o., ••· •u• BF Sauce Pan Set 3 Piece Allllftl•wn :~, ........................ w ... ~ ..... BF LAWN RAKE Aatlprlftt 5'"' ~~s;' _~~~·M"""'-19c Reel Cap REFUSE PAIL ~!ci~·l.49 ·····--·-"'"···~ $249 Jadite or Iv~ COFFEE MUGS 2ror17c CEREAL BOWLS 2for 17c Mound and Almond Joy CANDY BARS Reci. 10c 3 ror 25c CeHo Paclled-12 OL MASHMALLOW~ 1~ F or ~. nr Auto l'llf'kll- DRAMAMINE • At Our Udo Fountain GriR VALUES, AND COMPLETE LINES OF Ll9UOR AND WINES AT VINCENTS LIQUOR DEPARTMENT VAT 69 Complete .Naturally Drobny ABC . SCOTCH Nnn•nted Line of Vodka · WHISKEY Wente lros. Pink or BEER $626ruta White 80 Proof 6 Cam & ChampacJne FIFTH For SPIXJAU roa TlrtJlUI., nu .. UT. I oe/e Discount Almaden $209 $284, 97c !.':e:-..~•:,,~~--~~~-~.-~.~~~ 751 on Case Beat ..... a-t. ,.,,_ wttJt .. _. 19' Wines time ftwM ....... -... -············-00·--PurcheH Bniald'Mt ~ ... •· ""' I l • I "WATER DEPARTMENT water department will be rutr1ct· .. d to th• city Umlta. 8f:R\'IC'E ONLY er5 =r ~';";:i;. c:~ ta with • IN AGAIN, OUT Red Sock I a.r,. autll ... ,._ .,... Dod· 1 A• an lnleruUn&' •ldelJ:lbt, Cot· Battle Off ' Earl Lew1a and Butch Vln~ AGAIN KITTEN J t .. y polnlfld out that when the ell)' :V&rd tu.med up to •utle Jod!&n M la the wattr rate, it will be bat. on two blngleL JibanUme. bued on Mrv1ce rendered accord· Vineyard doubled acrou two rune "Howe\'cr, Ole cat ran back Ing lo the volume of water uae4. Gi ts' Bid and Bob Trapp hit a crand· up the lrff ... FORMING FOR MESA 'The water," Coffey ea.Id, "la free. 1an alammer tn the t.hird for the That Hnt1mC'e at the end of Coeta Mua·1 water dtpartment, ment of a functioning clly "Iller Conaumer• will be paytnc t« •r· vlctora. Deoni.I Carden tripled a two line pohc. report ell· d 1 with en• on, then ecottd to ac· aow In proceaa of formation . hu a eoparl rm·nt depc!ncia on olher C'on· v1c11 on y." BatWnr f\utO\&.ll)' to etave olf count for lndl&n marker-a. pruua Offu:rr K • n n e t h Jonr way to JO bc.>fore It ~comrs dlllon11. Coffey 11410. 1------------the hard pr __ .,_ QI.ante tn Har Thomp110n'1 rl'.&cUnn to a mid• The OnmgQ County Heallh D•· • • ·-• Standing throuih Frldav: Red a ... _ ti I 11 I •1 ~ ' p G d 0 bor eo-Club .A. Bummer Bue· s . night <'all Mn . Patrlrla M!'· n•nC on ns rea ly n lht ., f't10-partm~nt must a vree on neeJ of rO rl $ pen ,. ox 11-3: Olanta 11-4 ; Braves. .. b&1l Lee.cu• Friday, the ttral '"'-·di .... ,· .. '"'t• 80_ •. 8 •. Dod· Cutre. :?19 Diamond A\•e . call· polltan Water Dl.etnct, C11y Man-th cllv to au I "' t top t or -..... "" "'" -u o . PP Y ·a er ar s p • plac. Red SGllt ed1'9d J'I• Bravee g'el"ll O·D: l::dlana 4.8; Yankee• et.I the pollre bc!c·11u90 1he aald acer ~ Coffey reported to-Cost& Mesa'• <'lty limit• not now racflCe Season •·2. The MCOnd place .Olanta, 2_12. th• C'at had be~n howling In day. Thie deeplte the t.ct the city aupplled and the Orang11 County one-halt same back, alaupt.ITed ------------th1t tn-e for two ho11r1 ta In the waler bu1ineH flnan· Munlclpa.J Water Dlltrlct muat The 111:)~ pro football uhlb&· lb• Yanbe9 22·7. clally. take ca re of connec:Unr Costa tlon .eaaon 11ete undenray Sat· D R L rf N "City Attorney Don Oun1.:1rn, Mesa with the Metropolitan Water urday, • tart In' at 9 :30 p.m. Ill Tbllnd&J'• ....... the OUd-an •• I ow Oft1ctr Thon1peon l'11mbc.ld the treo a.nd perauaded the cat to return to terra tlnna. City Clerk Arlie Swart:ic, <.:lly En· District alonac Baker St. anu Fair· when lhe Loi AngelH Ram. and ~ =~ 0~.':: ~-: al NorfolL Ya. stneer Don Southworth and I view Reed. Pltt1burgh StMlera tuipe at .. "However, lhe rat ran b•<"k apent five and ah.alt hour11 Sunday June 20. the MeBa c1ty council Portland, Oreron. Th• fralJ will paat the Whit. 8os l2·T. up the tree." • - drawlnc up what we think 1hou1d eatabl!shed a watrr department be lelecut locaUy. Pl'l'()B 'WDf NORFOLK, Va. (l"RFNC)-Mar-P.S. omcer Thomp1on did COAST AC SHOPPER ,.A&I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST J, 1955 Donald E . ruuu ot 2.00 E. Balboa Blvd. f'11day rt'ported a theft fTom bl• eou to Newport &uh pol Ice depa.rtmat. Be .a.Id aomeone unlocked tht lnlAk tit his cu and removed a spare tire. hydraullo bump<'r jack a.nd lu1 bolt which holdl the 1pare. Tbe \ftl'llm eel value ot llle ION a t $70. WATER HEATERS SALES. HlYIC. ••4 ll'AIH Joe P{bJJofJ ru1i11 II PU CINT DOWN PW.. H.,._, 1111 INVESTORS, Are You 6o/· Em11lng /o For 25 yean1 we haft placed 65' Fint Mortgage Loans for a private money clleoule from Cout -to - Coast. We otfer a com- plete collection a e r " I o e without charge. Writ• frw f r e • 4-HripHue ::s~lf!t. W• ftlOk• "° ,..,. eolk1fraffoll1. be t he rul'• and rtKUhlllona for fund and moved 140.000 Into It Seven 1uch exhibition batU11 R4ld IOK pltchen, Roy Dalton tne Pfc. Danny L. Robert., IOn ot NOT •hoot lhe <'tit , the waler dPpa.rtment " No dll!e trom the gPneral fund on a loan will bit telecut, lnclUdin1 th• and Pete l'eat.h.arston. held 1 , ------------------------bu bllen Ml t or conn«Uon ot basis. Coffey requested the ac-Sept. ><'f Ram11-Ea1rt11a ram•. Dur-Brana b&lten to lhrM hit.a. Mra. W Ima Roberta, 2381 ~Rode<>, Co•ta Me1a wlth the MetroroUtan Uo11. ..xplalning that a connec-ing the regular •ea.on, 11 pro I>arnU Ropn and 0.. Lund Co•ta Meaa, i. partlclpa llnr with Water Dl11trlct, Coffey 11aitl lion fc.>e wa11 required by the Met· p1e11kln cont.uta will be lbown each aincled aero. two rwu, the 21>'1 Battalion, 2nd Regiment 81:\T.llAL STF.P!§ ropohtan Water Db1trt~t the 11ec-un the TV ecreen.1. taklDr a.re ol Bos ~ 1n at the 2nd Malin• Division IJl A number ot aupa rl'muln to be ond :lfonday In July. Firat league conteet tor Yklf· lb• nnt and lllOOIJd ~ ampblb6oua maneunni al the Weimer Expects Mesa Annexation taken by city council, lht' n ty Councilman and ex · May o r t•n wlU be Sept. 2~ when the BW Bulla llllabecl • bome l"Wl UtUe Crttk Amphibloua 8&.H manarer r eported. The coum·il h<ls Charl<·s Te\Vlnkle uhiwrved a t the Ram• and 'f9er• club tn Ban tar the Giant., bUt Noat99d plen· here. Further annexatlon1 to Co1ta to create the water departmi•nl by lime· "This I• one of the very Im· Francllt'o. t)' ol JMlp ft'Cllll UM bate of Pat Tbe K&rinH wlU 1n1truct Na· Mesa are 1een by Walter Wei· ordina nce. A auperlnlendt'nt of portant 11leps laken by Costa MHa ------------Helmhol~ Stew 8lm0ftl0n and Ya! Academy and NROTC otld-mer. chairman of the planning ....... \~.~:r::,ei;~ • .._ I .. " I••~ St • lllmlNrir .... S••t• AA•, C.111.,olo Ori" le • .., "" _., ... let I the water dep&nm~nt will prob· u a nl'w city." $50 Taken from Desk Tom Buber ap.l.ut the Ya.aka. lhtpmen In amphlbloua wartare. commtaslon in th11 new tract an-1 ably be named a nd hl11 u1ary 11el Steps toward fonr.allon ot the BaJmliolta aM atmca.on a.o.ed d~ the three-week operation. nounced exclUllvely in llw N-• ,,------------------------• Th Robert Foll of 129 Via Zurich .... -·--The tr-•-•-g period waa ell· Prue abuttm• on Clalt'r St .. BALTZ MORTUARJES en the naceaMry rull's Qnd reg· city water d1stnct became neeea· 1 f 1•0 .... ... 1v '" ,..,__ a&UU• "' 1 U I e t u In a de..,. at nome, on..,. ~·---.-r1•1 -A. -·--A July 22 -·~ the mid· we.t ot Harbor Blvd. u a on1 govern ng oppllratlons aary wllh Jllnexat1on or the Baker fl d 1 1 1 N ..-y ... ·-·, ---•·-~ .... ~. d ha f 1 I 10 " t rn 118 ng. ewport 11.am hol'Dft lD the ant iAnln&'. lllU--..,... otnte..,..t.d lnto a With thil HO acne W e I m er :uat c be '!;:rov~~ b~·~~~nl'~~.n· cc !1t~1!~~· al';i~t~!~go~~:c:~·~~~ Meach f)()llce were nol1Cllld Fnday. the White Box ,,,.... -amped ~ l&ndlns tor~;-for partl· expecta Harbor Reat Home Me-I lndlcallon1 are the watu 1111p· Air Base. the t'ounty falrgTound11 Thct deoi1k was located In lhB bed· ~th a 10 run flrwt bf the elpation la Ma amphlbloua a. morlal Park and lh• •tale uy- 11rlntendent will ~ a collateral and the South<'m Callforn1a Bible room '"'1 the house W8.!I open at ~n. .1lrn Delln1co trfpled aauJt OD tb• beach111 ot nMrby lurn acreag"e to petition for an· I COST A. KllSA. CBAPE'L 17'1 Superior A.nnue C~ Mua, Callt. CH.A.PEL BY TRiii AA aa20 I!:. Cout BJYd. Corona del Ma.r, Cam. th11 probl\ble time of theft, the with the bais ..... 1..i .. -with Suma. """"-~ P...U.t-Va. nexaUon. tAall tor a pruent city employee. ColleJ;•'. Coffey 1ald council will vlC'llm aald. ..__ ._ -.. Phone Liberty 1·21Jl Phou• H&tbor U But even w'bM all th11 Is t11keon have lo decide whether use of the ------------ ev e of by the councll. fAlablish· new city wat•r supply lhrou""' th• p;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;:;;;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;::;;;:=._:;:;-:;-;;.;;-;;;;;-;;;;;-;.;:::;;;=~::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;"=":::..~ Sickler Girt Born Mr. and .Mn1 . Gordon Sickler. '07 38lh SI., err parcnta ot a girl baby bom J uly 27 tn Hoar Hospital. Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions Our Permanent SPECIAL will be Available until August 15th Hair Styling by MARIO & ROBERT lialrculUn&' Tinllntr Permanent Wav1n1r at lu but CorOllCI clel Mar 3407 E. Coast Hwy. HartMw 5104 Private Police I CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING • . I &JtMODl!~o--&EPADIDfO MERCHANT I ILl:nN18111NO PATROL New Furniture and M~ to O~r HARBOR BOAT c-p&ete l1De or Fallrb ct 1-CIM'n PATROL Antiques Restored CALL CUSTOM COMMERCIAL WOODWORK SECURITY ran Pleil ... a .,.."rt ftATROL BRENEMAN'S Kl 660 w. 17th St. 2-7027 Bide. No. n en.ta ,._ -~rt1 ll-t4Ml CAKI ••••••••• 79'-. SwedhhTwbt co,,a CAKI •• 29' ... ..... ,,,..., ~ ,...r;.,,_ t •It • I t I I ~~.~.~(~!'!~! ~ CO~TA IR:8A t lOO N etfllO" 8h 4. COKOSA DEL MA1' tol C-& Hwy. A OORD'j4 LAOUSA KACH tU B«NMtwa,y ft .U .ROA 181.Al\'D !00 Mal1JMJ A ye, !llT.W1°0RT ftEACll no eoa.t owy. COllll ll•DA'Y YAICIR NS ............ _ ...... ,. ............. -u- llnCHUP lmlZ ... TOMATO a. .... ..,•• 17c ...................... ................. UXMJat' SIJJIJIB& t'll&4l'llt GUii DIOPS OI ..... It OUllCISUCIS ... a. ........ O.WerWltlte PlllSIURY MAYONNAISE =~=· LUNCH BOX SPREAD c HALF and HALF o.. .. a.:::-........... 19· .. 33• ~ cer991, ""'-' ""' ctw. lAMU EDWARDS NOi HILL UOMAnc WNOU 11AN COffll Tho ~off.. thot ....... 1 ... 64C .. toocl .. "-"" .... CHERRY ANGEL RllK ........ .,..,.,,,~ ......... , ...... ,=:&:,'•le•=-3 .... ™-.. ... , ..... 119, prke A7c IPIQM ..._,, w4ttt __., ew.t "1ke •.• y,_, yovr fo"'lly tocfoy to perlect ilknot •i.c.d 4lfl4 c aa 1.M •.. In• ft'flh poodu hor,<Olie ... -tw.oU-• ciereol M _, tt-fw fvfWe •ting. IUT URA LU0S Al·ntll LOW "'"1 BARTLm PEARS N=:,E:· ~ 1oc GOLDEN CORN YELLOW ONIONS s.;:;·~ld FORDHOOK LIMAS BROCCOLI SPEARS ·c;;~: 19' SLICED STRAWBERRIES •c;.:;:23c UGUST ~ ~ /J1.~ A"'erico'• bigV"t"'o. go· MOW~ IW ~ r;•• voll#el A hobit wolh ~ ove r •.000.000 fomolietl •A. • t t N t *8 llftCTM lMS.. "'~ UL &IMS1 '· 5. 6. 1'SS. AT URWU STOlfS 1 1m MIL · {lhtu Sundfy 1n Stores OCltfl Su11d1y) ....... ~ ... --...... t.i.._....._.. ........... ~-· n'OllE llOUU Dalty I a..m. to A P•• (Frtclay tU I p.m.. I .................. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLESTY OP PARKING ON LUIGI: P & VD LOT COASTAL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1955 SEAL BEACH ROUGH WATER SWIM AUG_. 6 lucldy lelshe Defends Crown Gained 111 4-Mlle Allnual Go Budrly Bela.be ol Bwnu.,ton Beach 8wlm Chllt ~ to 1111n·eufully defend hUi i.at year t1llf' tn the Seal BM.ell tour-mile roui;:h water •wlm Saturday. Ap- p1 ox1malely 100 ent.ne. ar. ••· pl'cted In the five men'• &11d w11men·a dlvl1lon1. Including Ka- '"" Mattoon ot the Loe Angel~ A thletlc Club. w In n• r among thf' remmtne ronllnirent Jaat aummer. A 111<> ent.-rf'd Uu a year are M11ry Ann Warde, Long &&ch All Yettr 3wtm Club member, 11nt1 IC"ammale Dalay Murchie. Only 14 l1111t time, Mary Ann pushed Mis. Mattoon hard for 11ttond plare. Mrs. Murchie, a 11wtmmtnr houeew:te from Long Bt-11ch. won the •eoond d1v11Jon wnmen'• evrnt Recen tly Mr•. Murrhle broke exleting •wim re- r ortlll m the Salton Sea. s~rimml'rl' will vie for 711 _. dlll"IH tlt)e •Wim, 1tart- U.. at 10 a.m . S.turday. The le&! Beach annual 11 becornlnc one Of the P&e\fic Cou t'a out- atandlnC a.equatlc event.. Swimmen are uked '° &a· Mmble a t OI• flagpole on the pier a t the ead of MalJl St. a t 9:30 a.m. The courM s oea around the Monterey·Texa.a l.lland one and t ive-elghth8 mllea ottt hore and th• marker ...i. of Ula pltr. Trophlea co to the tint three finishing ill the 16-35 mvi'a and w omen'a open ; the 3~5 aecond dlvlalon men and women; and the over 45 third dlVls1on. Race medals JCO to a ll othf'ra who flnl~h. Auurmg complete 1a.fety, \.he courae wtU be pa t.roUe<I by mem· bera of ~he Seal Beach Lifeguard Service, USCG cutten and hell· copter. Swimmera mu11t arranft fnr accompanying oar pro~lled boata or paddleboarda. TORNADOES STUNG Hornets Move into Tie for B Basketball First Ha rbor Boys' Club Summer Basketball B. Hom eta handed the Tornadoes their second straight Ion to move Into a first place tie Thursday night. The Lakers won by forfeit from the Hawks wh ile the Bombers bashed the P~nthers 72-26. !"TILL ON TOP I FonUua 16; Taylor H ; Cox 8 ; Evon 1h,,u.:h Brur e Knipp of Pion 20. Panthera 128) -Walk- th,. La.Jct1r11 tailed to t.&ke the er 10; Pnker 4; Lorentzen 12. court, hla lf'Agu~-leadl.ng point Standlnp throuch Thunld1.y : mark wu not In jt'Opardy. He Hornet., Tomadoea S-t ; Lalcen. rema lnl'tl atop th• cord crack•ni Bombere &-4: Panthen, Hawke with 189 d1g1ta. Oen• Bryant 1-9. picked up 22 point. Tl!ur9day for ------------ the Bomber• to booat hta aecllt'ld place total to 1~. Other Ulp acorera oft the --aon: John Henroun ue; Jlm M ulder 143; Gary Oreen 122; MIX. Va.lie lH; Rttb PaJlllwrrl 98: Bob Martin 94; Bob White 112. Don Nerce 89. Mesa C ln~ians Win 4IJa Set·lo Sin~ d l•c ove r tnr winn1J11 way1, the Coata Mea Park Hi School Bums, Tiger.s in Wins The Tlger1 downed lhe Indian• ' 8·6 and the Dodgera edged the White Sox 6·5 In Newport Har· bor High School Cla111 C League •ummrr bueball play Thuradlly. Lynn Reisinger •nd BUI Brock· man homtrt'd for the Indiana, but th111 didn't keep Tiger Pitcher Randy Prior from wlnnlnr the contest. Joey Calllml broke up a dead- locked tray by dr1vu11: 1.11 win- ning run for the Dodireni with a line dr ive to left field. Battery mate Ronnie Pl're1ra W'll• credit- ed with the wm. Stand1n111 U\rough Thuntday: Giant.a 10·1: C ardin al• 8-3; Brave11 7-4; Yankee• 6·6; Dod- gers, Cuba :'>~; Tlgera, IndJ&n.1 4-7; Red Sox 4-8; White Boll M , Billfolds Stolen Car wha.ckera were ond.ll.t wttll theft of •two b1Ufold9 contaUIJne e&ah, traveler checb and a per- aonal check by Mr. and Mn. BUly Wyck off of San Bernardino at. the 11outh end ot 19th llt., N.wport Bu.ch. Friday aft~ poMee,... port1 ahow. Wyckoff aa.ld bia bUltold ooa- tained a peraonal check fOI" pOO, five n blll• and four no travei.r check• bMrtnc the name Ott Mn. Joan Wyclcott. Three centa wu In hla w1te·• blllfold, be Mid. 11A 'l"l'llESU8 ao.ta-H--~ ll'fqWar ....... LDertJ ....... cioel'A llESA llA~ 00. IUO Newport Blvd. PARO'..& -RIDLEY llORTUABY Po,...,.,. OllAUJ:L OllAPa Ut .,_,__,, 1-Ooeta 11 .. Laert7 ._HU ... ._..,. N IGHT8 8COIUNO a .. 0 lndt&ne can't be &topped ~-~-~=r.Jiiini~ !kor 1ng by ltam.1 Thunday la aummw b ... ball play. T'bey n1..:ht : Hom ,.l• 1841 -H~nrot.J.n woa their fourth 1trai(bt ,-me 22. Vtllle 22, B'nto 8; Vand•T· Thur.day with 1. l •J aqu-ker v .. 11 :! Hendershot 18, )fartln pa.t the Ticera. ~ .. 1 e' re V" ,, brdtin9 ··se\l-0 .. IJ . ' ' ,..._ -~~-.. a. .. u--·---·-.. _____ _ - (J#ol • --·-... ------~_._,-----'4JJ ..• -------------~ Cf.I.·--................ ,,, ... ------.................... ·--'"""' <'f.J ... ' ........................... _ _,.._ n.~---...---- _ ... ______ _ ';~~ • --:.r. [~) . ~~. ' ":it:-:,~ ' ~ ........ '• .._ - -. -- _ ...... ' ~ .... I -'11 -·----#! • ,..w ........... '°' ,,.. ,_.., .......... ~ MW '$S '°"' ..._ _... •,..,.. w.•,. ..,., • .,.....,,. --, ......... ~ .......... ,. .... ,,.,.. " • 1.1 •• ,.,. ,...., Leaderahlp Deal during our Summer andwagan Sell·a·hratian Hey Kith -Fr•• Coloring lool& For y OU Ask Dad or Mother to Bring You In -No Obligation! THIODORI ROBINS YOU. roRD Dll:A.l..EB 81NVE 19U-ON MARINER'S MILE J100 W. Coaet Hwy. Newport leacll Uberty 1-3471 11 T•110T1dt>~• 14:\l -Thomp80n Skipper Marlatt'• home rua In 10 ~· h111,.1l..r 9 . H i ll 14; Hui-the final tnme broke a 2·2 tie. bnl 2 Rudy Veal cbuclced for the lJI· Bombf'r~ 1 72 t Bry1nt 22: 'dl&n.8. Before the Trlb&I winning Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 Communif'I • • • OUR harbor citizens neetl YOUR direction The C of C is the "vehicle" that unites All of Us in the growth and progress of our wonderful City ' . You will GREAT L. Y benefit by JOINING NOW! lfSIGITlf ,.. ... .., DAY & NIGHT JITCM.AS Wfltel H1&1an Can Yo11r Avthorl1ed 0 •• 1., JOI •CHTOLD ft,..,..,,. Harbor IJJO "-lt"J'. .,._ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP DRIVi UNDERWAY .. \ I CHURCH WEDDING ·Luetta Mae Williams M3:rries Rc;>ger W. Ward Mll9 Luetta Mu Williama. ._upter ot Mr. and Ml"I. Ra.Jpb IC. WWS... of 2004 Meyer Place, eo.ta Meea, wu united ln holy mall"lllsoll7 .. turday with Robert WUllam• Ward Jr., 10n of .Mr. and KrL Rorer W. Ward of 1134 .AlllO 8t. at 8t. J am" Epl1eopal Church. The lt.eY. John Parke, nctor ot 8t. Jara11, pertonned Ula double rtnr canmoey at 2 :SO p.m. Nn ova LACE and wore headdr-• of th• 1&111e nowera. Th• rroom'• bait man wu Le- Roy Nonernaktt. Uahere wue Dea.n WllU&ml, Delftey Wllllama. Bill Kuhlmeyer and Robert Joyce. YELLOW AND Wllll'E lea With her enNmble a nd a cor· aar• of pink rOlel. Th• «room'• molhtr wore turquolN !Ace with pink acceaaorlea and a pink cor- M f •· For her r olng·away 1Ult, Ule bride wore balsa with blue ar- ca .. orlu. Rer cona l!'e w &1 of , yellow roH1. After a honeymoon 1t Bir Sur, the couple w1ll make their home at 1892 Newport Blvd. 'nle bride and groom are both rraduatea of Newport Harbor Union Hlrti School. ,,tted bodice of t.ll• bride'• w1llte period sown wu of tac• wtth UI ott·th•-lhoulder neck. ~ ak1rt wu thrM·Uered net o•er aaUA. Slit wore a ehoulder len,.U. nU anc! earned a bouquet el yellow f'OMI . Olen 8<:4U, nephew of the 1troom, wu rlnr boy. Re wore a em&IJ tuxedo and carried the rtn11 on a yellow •Un pillow. J'lower firl wu Barbara Ben· nett who wore a putel blue dot- ted .wiaa d.reu a nd carrted a baaket of )'allow dal.alu. The yel- low theme of the weddlnr wu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii carried out ln church decoration• With white and yellow tlowera and eoff candle light. Decoratlona In the parilh hall for the reception repeated the yellow .,and white. Mn. Raymond Charette, Miu Sandy Leutwyler and Miu J oice White ....i.t<td. MQTHl:R8' OOWN8 The brlde01 mother wu l"OW'l'I· ed Jn .coffee trte-. lac• over roee Bil LB :.: A ?1I(,>(;-, Now Showing "~ st-•rt ''The Far Country" I olul H odla.k "Mhsloft Over K0rea" Maid of honor wu Miu Mary 8lncl&lr. KIM Und& Ada.Ir and Kn. Gary Gr.nt were brldU• m&ldl. The att.ndanla were drua- ed ln putel nY1on dotted awtu t.llerlna len,.ih d.re-a. They c&rTted noeep ya of yellow da11le• .. Un. She wore copper acceuor--------------Saa., Mon., Tues. Swniner Park Fun Enjoyed by Kids .Att.ndance a t the ftber clafe are looldnr for a new home ln le powtnc •tnce tla nut mMt· Newport Hartlor. Other Tlsltor. tar reeenUy at Oo1t& Me• park were J ackie Burleaon and Zeta Enoa. DebMe Be)'llolda "Susan Slept Here" Weadel Corey "Hell's Haif Acre" Sta.rte Wed. WUUam Roldell "lrlclges at Toko-Ri" AIM ..,.. c....e Sea'' under th• Newport Harbor Un-Park dlrector1 an con81derl.nf ton Hlf h 8dlool dl1lr1ct w mmu an tnter-park tournament 1n baM "!i!iiiiiiiiii:liiiiii~ ncreatlon&l prornm. ball and checkers. Miu Dickey i Pat McMll!lan, prulc!ent, an-met recently with Perry Blab· nounced charter membera of the ard of Mont• Vwt& recnaUOll l'fOUP han decided on the now-area to make planl. era to be ma.de a l futur• mMt· 'Mle MWinc clrde la bwlU1 lnp De.I.II• uid aatera are next tluhinr Ila needlu to complete cm th• l11t, 1he .aid. doll wardrobea for the doll l!low Lut week. Pat, Elaine Tay· compef!Uon. Andrea and Dluin• lor, Carol Tltley and Beth Nor-Papineau lead the competJUon r1• made pink camellu al the at the moment. T1loM who are tlrst meetlnr . Nancy BowMr and maktnr doll clothu for the ftrst lllV!d ROM c:JloM blue tlowera Ume are Nancy Jun Dewtlunt. and Norma Woodland m.d• red ..-. I ; M&Hh& Graham, I and fk>wera. PurJll• nowen were the Carol Cate I. choice Of Vlritnla Patteraon. ImartnarY tranl adftlltUM Ia other p&rk acthi Ue1, p&rk and ta.ncltul tal11 are mjoyed 41rectore Bob Wrlrbt u d Caro-by a lars• rroup. ot younpten lyn Dick ey announce the nw WIM> pt.Mr a.r-4 U.. •to.'7 ~ dledt-out ,,.tam I• worklnr Ml• dy trom the Ubrvy. i.factorUy. Tbey an aided by Tiie Joet and found departm•t 11111 Klot.a. AndrM and Diann• I• al.lo powtnr. A Sarp oo&· Papineau a.nd Dour Rhoad•. leeUon of lboe8. 80Clu. oow. Nt>w vtaltoni and vacauonen tw•ten and ab.lrU ta 8Wellinl to the Harbor are.a who are en-the p&rk locker. All ttem• may joytnr park acUriU.• are U.. be clalmect at any Ume durtnr three Mclnla.h.a t 'rom BoatAla. peril 1'oura. Tboee aot picked Th• Bloomer tun1J7, Kary .AJID. wp .,. twr ....,. MtoN ~oAnz1Y, Pa&nd&. MJcbaet aad i.... la wUl .. ......,.... at ma RAT. wt.4' no-8-ttJe. a.t tilDe tar ..... ,._. Mrs. Goeldner THE BACKS On Annual Visit ENTERTAIN M re. CeoTtt Ooel4ner ot 11 T ISrd 8t. i.tt Wect.....sa7 mondal for her annual ...Silt at IU Wftkl ln McMlnnvUle, Monmouth a.nd other polnt.a tA orecon. .... ...ui \'till a atrter and br'other and their tamlllee and old frtmda. The Goe.l4IMr9 U•<td 111 C>reroo before oom1ns to Callforal&. Wigg11 on Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Olariff W1ft of the l:Jtplorere Camp lef t 1"T1daY tor a month'• ..eaUoa la Obio Uld Canada. BLECKLEYS Mr. and Mn. SdWU'd B6cka ot 1113 &&at~ Aft., IDt.a'- tal.aed Mr. and Mn. Ba.melt W. Blec.k.Jey of M.a.con u bouae peaU tut week. 1be Blecllleya aecompea.led U.. Bacb on t.betr recent 8outll Am..tcan cru1M. ~ Bleckle7I al8o apent a month t\ah1ni' ln Mbanl80t.a &Dd Y1atted frtm d8 In R*1 Bhltt &Dd 8an ~ LATE'ST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllD SHOP 11.&.LBOA TllEA'l"llS at.DO. a.u.ao" o,..~ ........ ••421 and morel ON YOUR PA.Mn.Y'S YnAMIN NllDS whl1e MARINA ROGERS falllecl Wm.T.THOMPION CO.vitamin consultant it in our store ....... 1 to Au .. t 6 MUIEJllOIJS MlllEJI ITOU. Ill A#D IArEI Mii '1" lmlFAI IAVE Sic POLY-AMS ..... ACll •• mn• THUTS A ti"'" 11 ad ...... ,,...w-. ............. ~=--~ ..... a:...... ...... .. ...., .. ,, $ II • u>ORT~~~u·n~ ~~ ......... ,, • ./# 4~tl -Pl1ll - ---------------------,Monday anarnoon1 ram• wtiue COASTAL SHOPPER FESTIVAL SUCCESS AT NEWPORT ISLAND ~1 =~·Ul~~u1:!tho11= WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l , 1955 Runnere-up eut-wut were Mrt. Pncy Crawley and Mra. Curtis Jones t Son Fruk Fos tl: Mn . PauliM Sayre 'U •• __ .. 'U-CUrtla J oo ... 111 and Mrt. J'red John80D; )Ira. MJI· _. ...,.. -·- The Newport laland Festival, held July 23 by the women'• auxilia.ry of the ialand, proved a quite 1ucceaaful undertaking, 1ponsora reported. dttd Lytle and Mn . A . O. Doee· l:ut lard I t., Co9l& M -. aN burs . pannu of a boy bona Jul7 13 Runn-up nort..b-eouth were at Bo&6 Hotplt.al.. Mra. Keith Rima, president of the auxiliary, aaid, "We wiah to thank each and every one who helped UJ make it auch a wonderful aucceaa." She reported that proceed.a received although uot sufficient will It.ill make it poaaible to start work on the Newport lal&nd Park very 1000. The park 19 being laid out In conjunction with city plan.a. Balboa Bridge Winners Told; Next Play Friday Mr. and Mn. Carl Bf'nson of and Wtl111m Dugan; Mr1. Charle1 Laguna Beach Wf're eaat-wesl Boardma.n and Mra. Libby b&we. I winners In Friday evenln('e dup-1 Runnera·up nortb-IOUlh were Mra. lJcate gvne In Balboa while Edna MacMuter1 and Mu. Merle I norlh-aouth hlfh ecorers were Mr. Mccomber: Mn. E. T. McManua and Mu. J oe Wiicox of San Gab- 1 and Mra. Eleanor Newcomer: F red rtel. Morr1aon and Andy Taylor. Runnera-up eu t-weat wtre Mrs. C. C. Kemper or Sant.a Mrs. Ginny Laux and Mrs. Kath-Ana and Frank Fogel of Long erlne Smith; Mra. Gt>rtrude Cox Beach were raat-we1t winner• ln Stands alone! Now In the Second Wffk first as a book ... now as a motion picture! .. ._ ........ _ ~~·tNmJM·····~·sar&> ___ ... _. ___ .. _ .... ____ _ ___________ ..... _____ _ ---•SJMU'f- Kn. L. H . Wuhbrook and Mrs. Lawson Daughter Ruth Rarbuon: Percy Crawley a.nd Marehall Ketchum: Mn. ft.o· ma Leber and Mra. E. J. Wick-Th• Howard Laweou, 1~ man. Th~ croup will meet l"rtday at Haven Place, are pare.nl.8 of a 41 4 Ea1t Ocean Front with play firl baby born J ul' ii at B~ atartlns at 7:30 p.m. Hoapltal. ~_;_ __________________ _ THE MAN l\IDI tu. WQ ,,_ ...... ol the famed s.~ ~£~ .. POST Al"° nte reautn Rlf'HAJW TODD "The Dam lusters" 8tarte Next Wed. Drrt1ctJ.DW1r11tD,_r _.......__ • .....,.JOHN Kiii -..u..- ''7 A.., ...... .......... c..,.,. ,., ... ...,.,. el ~· OVERALLS ..., ....... ..,....._ ...... ... .._ ....... ..._IOU •• lw ... ....... _. ........... A•erlee 't a..11 ... ,, ••-H• t•elt ...., ...... ~ ....... w.. ........... ····-_.. ..... __,__......, .................. ........................ ~-_ ............ ·11.S.f ............. ............. WOIUUNGMA.N'8 8'l'OllE J89t ~ lluf>or BIYd. Coeta Me.a Plloee: Llbeny s.eoit WANT ADS Fdr 1IMlt W1•d12fll .... , .. "'' ~ Panties of CJ. ... ~ '1 .... \1..1. ... ., Acetate T rkot ... Sltp in. Plak, whltt. a. s 10 7. si.-111010 .•. 11-'0 •1.1s McdlWll lenJth pan!H Phi~ whit~. Sltn ~ 10 7. Sltttll to 11 • •• $1 .:.0 •1.35 OM TD O<lSAX WllONT .. .... ..... 0.. allel'l ..... ,,_ the M.wpol't ,.._ M.wport ._.. • Wll QIVS ••• O&aJf ........ want to ·buy I sell, rent or trade? CALL Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER • , I ' J • PAGE • COAST Al SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, ·AUGUST 3, 1955 'Bouchard Returns' Is ·Part ., of New C~unty Fair Pageant Jim Hollenbeck Heads Cast of ShH)en Dancers; ttart.or Residffts hi Show Jim Kollmbec:k of 8&11~ Ana wlU epptar as the awuhbuck· llng pirate, Bouchard. IJl the title role ot "Bouchard Return•". lhe trad i t io nal pageant at the Oran('e County F a ir, Aug. 9·14. Hollenbeck. who formerly waa futured with the Santa Ana Coller• Swine Choir and who hu appeared .. a televlaton aln('· er, head• a cast of more than 80 young Orange County singers and da.ncera who now are re· hearsing for the 19!>~ producljon. Jane Small. ~ Cl 1~ Cold.-nrod Ave.. Corona del Mar, 1utfered minor lnjurle. early Saturday Clouters Active · Thefts Told W'tlen their machine •truck t.ht as rtar or a tanker truck. The Injured &irl• were tal<tn to n. wu a bad Wef!k •~d tor Roa& HoapttaL The accident oc· a utolau. c•UTed on Cout Hl('hway about • P'lve juvenile•. three from River· mile aoulh or Corona del Mar. alde and two from Santa Ana, Lewi• M. Brommtr. 38, Anaheim, were arrealed Sa turday nl('ht by wu the drwer of the truck. Offku-e Ktnne.th Thompaon a nd Accordlnf to the patrol, Brom· wuuam Truaty on ehargea of mer'1 truck wu pa.rked about six ate•llng hub CllJ>I. The cape were fl'el off the tra vell'd part ot the found In the boya' car. road. ll wu northbound 111 waa Elamore F. NelllOn. San Oab- tht vehlcl,. driven hy Rart>ara rltl, rtporled fender sklru taken Reber, a clinical laboratory tech-1 ft om hlll car at :l8th St. and Bal- nlclan at UCLA. boa Blvd. The patrol rell30ned the woman E. Lowe, Wtlmin&ton. had the drl ''' ftll uleep. There were no radio 1tolen from h111 !'ar and •kid mark• before Ule Impact. David T. S tearn. 189 Eul J8th You Will St ., Coala Mua. reported that an •lectr1c razor wu taken rrom hl11 auto. Car Tarp Tak•n - WALT DISNEY'S .. MAGIC KINGDOM rite World'• Mod'foltulout Wonderlaltd Now 0,,-11 111 A11ahel111, Collfornlo Until you see it for younelf, you will never believe there c11i&ts 1uc:h a wonderland o( en- tertaiNnCnt u awaiu you at Disneyt.nd, 160 Aael of Happiness. IVllYDAY ............ a.a.-..... SANTA ANA •RllWAY IN ANAHllM • Th• pa geant, will be a com· pletely new 1how lhla year, with an oft etage narrato.r to aupply lM story of the pirate legend. Wtth Hollenbeck In prtnctp•I roll'll are Manon Caracauaa of gy C..e. Cwen St•din(', J udy Weber, Cherie Anderaon and Un· dll Martin of Orangt; Claudia Thayer. Carlton Wagner and Bob Mltchl'll of Buena Park; 8'1\d.Y F ttl.8 ot Sunaet Beach; ,,na Hug-hea and Fred StlUlnp of Corona del Mar: Paul Fendtn o! Anaheim: Barbara UmmeL Carol Han110n, Kyla Lyon .. J oan Shoe· maker, Da rlena McClancy. Eileen ArmatronK. Connie Faulkenberry. Marlen" a-:S. Nanry Sueu , Donna a n d Mary Hohan•hl'lt, Jeanett• Campbe.U. Mary Suli- van, Karen Reybum . Karley Tam- mana, Elaine Olah, Ronald Harm. • J im Harri•, J ohn Marval. Paul Rke, Bob Baker and Jl.:'rvtn Camp· bell Jr.. all ot Santa Ana. Steve A. Morrill. llOO South Bay fo~ront, told police yeaterday a dark g-reen tarpaulin wa.s taken from hla car parkl'd In the B St. loL E verybody Reads The C L A S S I F I E D • REP'l..!X11"8 ON 1'EAB8 -Mni. Sadie Hoetner, Jong " reaident of the Harbor area who hu particJpated in city &ctivitiea since 1923, retiree after 24 years u buaine.a aecretary of the Newport Harbor Union High School. -Staff Photo Anaheim, Ba ba J ac k110n of Nl'W· port Beech, J oyce ~r ot liunt· ington &ach and J oyce Riemer. the producUon choreo(Tapher. Hal Oeorce of Sant.a Ana will . narrate the ehow. I. I N CHORUS Included In the choru1 are Beckie and Mary Oranrer. Kath· leen and Pauline All&baclc, Pat Keruiedy, J oyce Pulni a nd Rog· er Kennedy, of Huntln('ton Beach: Beverly Hat\Mn, Valerie Youn1. Shirley Colburn and Jim Jameeol'\ of O&rden Gron; DI· a nne Blount of Balboa; .Al Hay- DA..~CER.8 ttELECTZD D a n c t r 1 Include Palrlee Vaugh., of Tuatin; Patty Smalu and Charlotte Marciano of 11'111· lerton; Ann Carol Alvord, Shir· ley Grer ory and Chuck Law· rence of Anaheim; Judi G~n of Balboa; Suzanne Tipton of New· port Beach : Carla Gardner of Orange; Da rlene Kinpbury and Lot111a Uoyd or Coat& Mea : Carol l"lreman, Pam Williama, Janet and Sunny Poulaon, Sta.n Throneberry. Harold Lew18. Ray Qulg'ley and Paul rord. all of Santa Ana: IELOVED FIGURE Mrs. Hoefner Retires from High School Work nu and Ronald 8c:haltne of Bal~ Supervlang director of th• pa.- boa Island; Beverly Jonu and geant UI Lee For~ with Gordon Dianne 'Mee of Weetmlruater : ft. WheaUey Jr. u mu1lca l di· Beverly Jack•on, Nanci Maxwell rector. J oyce R iemer a. danoe and Mary Ellen Simmon. of Co-director, and Vina Mae Harmer •ta M-; AUce O&mmtll, Peg· u acc:omp&nJ•t·anan('er. .Aa •• by Oil.• the old Umer•· I Law11<>n or R lverllide, t;r»ed th• M v1n1 to do wtth the early de· manu1<:ripl rof UM Hlatory. nJopment of NeWport Beach, WUL • llNOWN pue out of th• plclurfl, come• After Jolnlrtr tlle blrh achool Gas Main Explosion. Rre in SA Injures 5 Persons tll.e an.no~mvit today or the 1tatr, Mra. Hodner ellll faced r.tlnment of Mre. S1<11e (Sara l aome ot her ch.ambe'r of com· Hoerner, for 24 yurs bu•lneu merce lllrectora u high achool • .ecret.ary of the Newport HerbOr truateea, aome ot theM being Union High Bcllool Prior to that Judgto Dodge, Ld\oy A nckr110n, lllle had bun for many yean1 u -J o11 .. pb A. Beek, Wlll•rd Mellott, e1eta.nt IMJCret.&ry to the late Hu· while other cb&mber of com· ry Welch, ort11tnaJ founder and merc:e dlrectore of the old day• ?read 'of the Nnirtiort H•t"boF ~l.h whom Mie <:""1• tn cont.ct Chamber ot Commerce. were Cherie• W. TeWlnkJe. 8. A. J udi• Don.aid J . DodJe, chair· K eyn, the late R. L. JMdan. ma n or the hl1th Khool board of I:. I. Moore and ot..bera. lr\laleff. In concludln1 an ap-Mra. Hoerner bu ~ a mem· pral•al of Mrs. Roetner'a work. 'her or Lht Newport Ha rbor P· aaJd; "Say tverythtnr nJ~ about TA. for many yeara. Wh'n uked Slldle -alle' 1 entitled to ~ Sbt what •hi' lntl'nCS. l o do a!Vr hl!r wu one of t.he maln111ay1 ot the rellremf'nt eh41 smiled end re- hllfh 11c:hool. ettlclent. hlKhlY plied: "Well. for one t~ng J'm e.t11factory aod con.clt11Uoua " (COUlf t.o L&Jt. a ~ lon,r tHt WILL It& I0881£D and then you know 1 bav. LYO adorable irrandchiJdna ul4 ille pleaJUre they afford \a a molll wholeeome reUnment accom· ph.thmtnt". Her bome • a\ l~ 01'1l11J• Ave. M r• U o.fnu'• reUr~«nt ~ ~ft"f'llVI' ye~terdey. Jt t1 undl'r· at.ood that Luter Miller, on th• bfch .chOol teaching 1tatf. haA l)e(on mlldt edmlnlatr•Uv• llJial.tl · and and will e.MUrne Mme ot Mra Hoefner'e dutll!• ln di. C\IUlnac h«r worl<. Supertntl'ndtnl Wnl'y K. Davhl*>n •lettod: "fl le with N!ltTt'l that the lane anl.I CaJthful '"rvlce ot M11. Haefner W'\11 \trmllla\,e Bepl.. 1. She I• a hard worker, lnlt>lllttent, and her lmowledp Of u oo\ln\\na and ltllalnua det.&11 will m11ka her aorely m.INed ln the y•r• ahtad, u Uie grawtb ot th• KhOOI with tt.e rapid ln<'r•a,.. In 1tudenl.I will maJce her replaceJntnl otr.-mely 4ltncult." Mra. Hoefnu came to th• bar· bor d l•trlct In llll3 to IM -••l· ant to t.he l11te. bek>vtC Harry Welch, lnltU•I •~rel•ry of the C'JMunbtr ot Nlmmtrt f'. She look aa ecUva put In Wrtllnlf 1U1d hantlllnr Ult publicity II\ t hi' bat· U. for Ult pu .. ii11 ur harbor bond•. thl'n a touch)' and pollll· ca l, •lttllvt county acb1•vtm•nt.. When I.he '°n' flr;h t tor Lhe u· t.a.blWlmmt nt the :-:•wport Har· bor Union High School dl1tnct -. Qt\ lht bnard1, UI• pal.Mla.k· tnr ud a rdut1ia labora of Mn Hoefnf'T ronlnbuled tn no amall part to \bat &C'com plllihmenl. 81:1'1' RU'QR 0 ln a 31 whrn lhtre were f'\I• mon1 that the C'lly-~n.eor~ cha.mbl'r of N>mmerre would be abolllhf'd, >I 111 H~fnl'r resJrnl"I her po11t a11d tuolc a Job w ith the high l<'hool. • po1lllon •h• hu ht'ld 1tnl',. ~he hu e.iabllah~ an a \t"f\ It.Ml' rr r•t hA"1 to beat, hav1n1: been AbRnl only n'\le day1 In the 2~ Yt'UI When Me "'tartf<J hl'r t mployml'nl there wtr. 19 to r hl'rt1 on thf' at.alt. ln 1 9!\ll-~. Ahe "ta ted, there wtll be 79 tur heno. Seven Wallets lost and Foand Seven wallete, aome with mon· •Y Nid M>m• empty turned up at poltcf' headqua.rtere OYer the we.k·end. MeUl\da WlllMI o1 Arcadia. fount! a wallet lft tM bay at 8th St. and Balboa Blvd. Jt bad S~ and a a n1 to 0toT('• Thomu Sandy, of Santa Alie. A wallet belon('ln(' to Tommy ff• n I')' Be kl'r, 833% Dar I tn11-on. 8\lf'l\a Puk, with U 111 It, wu plC'kl'•I up tn Ctitna Cnve by th• daUjthl "r of R. P'. BaNltl, Ill J111mlne SL Otrlcer L. A. Uan .. :n to11:nd t ""'0 w.11 f'l.Jt on Balboa 1 .. l&nd <int> ~lmirtn. to 8yti Smith or Hawlhom wttll llO C!l!llle In It and tJie nUl«r t.o Jolla A. Q ull\len of Santa Ana. empty. Anotbf'r l'mpty wallet w1th the carrt or Henry W. KtnJ of 011" w11a turnf<I In at thf' lt&UOI\. Mabfol l"tllon, 7~ Via Udo Soud. -\\lckln ID 114r nnd. the wall•t haV\11( a 110 and U blll In It wtlh a ca.rd of Jo-.ph P1111I Rurdon of AlhambML C:..oritf' StNbf' Jr . 41!> Bal~ Blvd . hid a dttferoent kJtld Of waUl'l atory. Kle. cont&lalnf a bnut S20 wu ta.kea fT'om ha u r wllllt b• ,.,.. Ill fWtmmJftc F"Mday a rtemOOll. Apcw luwnt Units to Rise on Mesa c. o. HudllOn Th~ took out a Coete M•• city building permit for con1trucUon or 179.· 4118 In apvtmenta oa Vk tor1a 8 Consl11Un( ot Illa bulldlnp. tht aree will conatn 12 apartmt nls at eui A . e, c, D. .,. and e11 A. B. C, D. r . H. B. Da...-.on w•• nam•d conll"flCtor. SANTA ANA. AVO. 1 (OCNS) Five peraone were lnjured-four ot them firemen _,. when a 1u maln In Santa Ana uupted 11\ narn .. t.hla momlnr. ahoot.tne tire 110me 30 feel l11lo the air. The eearlng fl.-melMd lei• phone and powtr cabl• etrun&' acroea .pol• ~t tlle intttMCUon ot Oreenleat and Santa CtUa Ana. ahortly after Uul tire •tarted a t 9 :30 uu. ~· 8PAJI& C&UU Sant.a A.JI• Ftre Depart.meet ol· flcl&Je -1d a poeetbl• epu-k lpt· ed the blu. u workmen llOUfhl to connect a tour and f.lncb ptpe to an WICOVered , .. m8J.n •t the lnt4111119CUon. Two en&'lnM and a 9e1ua4 oom.,..iy ot 8aa\a An& ~ ...-poaded t.o t.M b&a-. One wtldimttned su CO\'l\J>&J\Y em· ployff wu 1ald lo have ~en lt'at'- ed by th• nam•. but bl• name and extent of hi• lnjurt .. we,. not known by Santa Ana tire deput · men~ ottldala. F iremen Injured weH Capt.aln Ken l''owln and l'\remen JeM Haddock. CUit Oeletm&ll and Leo Cardwell. ,-,,. quartalta euttnM rlnit and HOOlld d•K'f" bum.e on Mesa Streets Scheduled For . More Planting More t.r"'9 ""Tew Collt.a M- at.rteta are aHn ln u MOO lttm included tn the p&rk bl.ldct t. ec· contlJ\J to A. H Jdeyeni of tht park board. Th• 1ame amO\lllt in wt yei&r'e budset p roY1ded for about UO t:Teae aocord~ to Mn.. R. C Lowwt>erry, chAlnMn of the tree planUtlf; committee ot tbe ClUMM Cow>dl P.UUona ue alrMdy comt.nc In for ~ t>eautttlcallon . .Mn. LouN!~rry a&)'L Tbole on fU. are tram ~lm.. Ramona Plac•. Coeta ...... Bay and San ta .Ana 8U. Tf'MIL plan led tlYe y•ar• aio ma.de a wonder· tu1 l""OWlh thl • INll'lm • r and Me~ra etatM the cornmttlee ta dolnl a. fin• J<>b ta.kinr r an ot them. Th• pvlt bUds•t included a bout l-40.000. Meyeu H Y• Of t.b1e 110.000 went towv<I pay\nt tot UM n-pvk at the end of Victoria St.. and $0000 ft1r It.I lmpro9'Vl\ent. Glt>s. DalN)hter Mr. and MN. J amte G1beo9. ArchN Motel. ere pe~nt. ·of a ~rl baby born J uJy 11 in Koas Hoepllal. Whtn H f, Sherman In 1930 ttecldl"d ~ pr.-pare and WTll• a tilltory of Nr"'i;iort 8 1"11ch. Mrio Ho.tnl'r aJdl'd him In the vvl· wnlnou• ~llf'arch requited, a~nl kiri( and trd1ous hour• lll1tgln1t Into the tllu or lh11 chamber of <'Ommtn-e end -klnt old tlmera tor llata on lhl' urly d•r• of Newport S tach, MrL Hoe!· ne.r·a c1a111rhtl'r, now M.n. \\', J; . uunJry s•rric1 Je/11x1 .... •t IMrg1in pric•I WHAT IS IT? lndlV1dll&ll1 ....-.S-wearlftC ~ nutt aned by tut.red air-n.t pt«iu pl'OffflllonUlT ironed. 1'0\W doth• Md lln-..,.. dome up ONll \Udt.--no lllbl· upe. no ~bU, rnaru -ratneoft w a\er, StnUa cOftuo&k!d 90&Jlli. WHEN A Y AtlABLE . • • hrv1ee 1111t.Mn hOl.R ti lll'JIM. beepN -do ..... ,.,'1tl~ riftlt hen. HOW MUCH •.• thtlr handt a.nd arm.a u they eoucllt to quench t.be bl.ue. Mt PHONES OUT Edieon Company ottlci&la -.Ad that a number o(. hom• ln the area had eleclrlc:&l Mrvlce dlarupl· ed when lb• 11a.mee cut throurb power cabl-. J erry Rlcb&rda, dt.e- lrlct Pacific Telephone Cbmpat\Y rnanqer .&Id Hn-ice to eome llO(J subec:rlbers WM cut off by th• tlre wtien nUll.. melted t.htlr calll-. Ridtardtl aid one of the cablae wu • 100-11.ee unit and tht other wu a 400·llne wire. Five crewa ot te~ oom· pany 911Uce111 and rep&tnnen wen •aid to be on the ecene eoma ten minutea after the c:Samaca wu,... portecl. llan1oe to eaa.crtbln, Rldlardll e&Mi. -"'Jlu'tWlJ' .... ltol'.t" at noon and tu1J neton· tlon wu expectect by 7:00 p.m. Firemen quenched th• bta.. tOm• 10 miJJutee after tt .tarted. ne .. ~t ort«Ua ot tM nr. ,.,.. IUldetermloed at 0000 today. Tboee injured wer. eald lo be not crttlcal by fir. department of· fldala. All hav• been ln&ted and were a&ld b4tc.k at work thU altft'· noon. Boats Colli~e in Upper lay, Damaging One Two boat.I cracked t.beir hulla t.or•th•r y .. terday ta the Upper Bey llld area but no 1f\lury .._ut. td. th• Harbor O.partmt11t Mid. R. v. McKJnlty of Lo8 Anstlee lold ofttceni h• wu ma.ldn1 a counter clockwtH awtn1 to drop oft bla •kier wb.n the alter •t.ar· boa.rd q\larter of lUa boat WU ttnldt bT one open t.S II)' Ronald W arrao of A.IU8&. Warn11 eatd he -.-om& eMt lr)'t.04r to ret bJ8 ..ider up when be wu lllludt oo the port boW II)' Ule K cX1nley ctatt. Harbor Department otncen eUd Ult llarbo&rd quarter of tba Mc- Klnl97 boat WU elO'Ye la and tM thwart.I pwibed to tbe oppoett.e •Ida ot th• boat. A ·.upt enck WU tbe Only d&nMlf'9 ~ to the Warr.a boat. Jane Small Hurt in Highway Crash SANTA ANA (OCNB>-A.mc>ai rtv1 Ol'M\I• County rural ro.ct ~­ l'klenl• rt'lulllr\J ln th• ln.Jury ot d lhl per11<>11.1, lbt Callfom.la Rlfh· way Patrol reported one tn'l"Ol'rtJIS a Newport Harbofo ~t Bat· urday. Barbu• Rut.b R.eb9r. M. Vaa NUT• and a ,,.....:,. • Mr ear tt it • ~.t• bwncfte too . °""1 t2.• -2J ..... WHiRE •.• casa pura ._&YICS WUWDf llOUU -WllDf JlllW' OOMPLrrE LAUNDE&s Md CLEANF.8S r ... -. . .. Find The Best In Every Thing You Need • In '" The WANT AD PAGES ALL ABOARD! 10 WoR4arf.t O.ya AUGUST 15 to 26 ' •. •. ..... 11 :JO .... ... ~ • o-llHtd ~ Leed.t -... t~-'-' 11-Little Church ly Th• Sea ........... n....,i. L.p.e hec•, C.Nf. ,_ .. ' 11 ti CWWr- ... JIT ~-'"'*"' ...... Al~ '/jour BeJt _r/ewJpaper Mott•y w .... day & Friday KEEP ABREAST OF THE LOCAL SCENE; Complete News of all the local happe11i1rs and social events, sports, marine news, pl11 page after page of money-saving advertising. Y 01'11 find 111 of these inJeresting features in The Prize Wi11iag Newspaper. SUBSCRIBE TODAY, PHONE HARBOR 1616 OR CALL AT·OUR OFFICE, 2211 BALIOA IOULEYARD so what! w.um dishes in a comforubly cool kitchen ... by cooking the one ""'111 "*way: Th~ mid faa ii ctw ... d tctric home lt>Od hoer pt"tOD .... - lceep foods 6wh Md 8n·orful b Wftb. • l • EDUC TIONAL. NON-COMPETITIVE EXHIBITS SLATED AT FLOWER SHOW SKUNK CALLS SIMrttt'• dtpUUff' today cheek· PLAGUE COPS eel Ule OOU11tr7...U. for lead.I Oft the .,__lloUta ot ,.,... Callo- way. Jl, ot Nortll a.ll)wood. who eecaped ir-a j&U wodt crew aa JuJ7 II aa 1 r• I•• Pull Calloway .... UTeet.d .., N•W· port Beadl police OD a DU'COUCI charfe, Be Sot pro .. uoa wtlen he coopcrat.d wt\b authorlu ... Newport 8-cb poUce will •ppr.elate tt 11 .o~• will perauade a black lritty WtUI a white 1trlpe to leave Corona d4ll Mar for Lq'una Beach. er any other point In that ren· u al direction. COAST Al SHOPPER PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, AU6UST J, 1955 A. Yariety of educational and llOn-cotnpellUve nhlblta will be lnclucMd wit.Ji the lt~ Or911re County Falr nower Bhow. ac· <'«ding-to Mra. Wealon Walker. 1uperriaor of the &mateur dlvl· .ion. In addition to Uw lndlvtd-1 eompeUUon1 and Ule orsantsa· Uonal feature dllplaya, there la lo be a aerl• ot tnlerpnt&Uve floral c o m p o a I t I 01'1 • depict· 1n1 communltlu or Oran&'• Coun· t y. Dhlplay nlchH have been pro· vtded tor Santa An.a, Oranre. Rorldc Graduated 111 Repair Course FORT .l:'UITl8, VA. -PYl. Gordon Jt. Jtor1ck. aon ot Mn. Beulah Rorick, Mt W. Ramil· ton et., ea.ta Meaa. recenUy WU (l'adUated from tbe marine hull repair couree at U.. Army'• Tranaportat1on Scl\ool, Fort ll:u•· U•, VL Newport s-ch. Cotta K .... La· diall ..,,S... eo,...... ftoww guna Beach. Hun~n Beach ~ Uld prden 11Cnptloob. San C1em~t•. W • 1 t m I n 1 t • rtrat J~ of tlle J"1ow.I' An&Mlm and l'Ullerton. Show wiU be cond\lcted at e p.m.. GAJlDL'1 CLUB ITA.fT Monday, AU6· I , tn &dYU\ce ot t.M formal pre.t.w a t a p.m., apoMOred by &oroptlJt\wt Inter· naUonal ot ... ta A.M. Kem~u ol Oranc• Cou.oty prden clubl wUJ atatt an tntor· matlon booth, while Pt• 8&nta Ana Public Ubrary will offer a -------------'HUT IURGLAR MISSES MONEY, TAKES BOMB dlaplay ot prdealn1 booka ud m-.,utnea. Joe Uttett•ld, the gardeninl' autbonty, wUI be ln the Information boot2l all day 'nluraday, Aue. 11. Other 8)>9C'tal d.la'playa will In· elude cacti and aucculenta by Caclua Pappy ol Anaheim: J ap- an-tlowe.r arranpmenls by Mn. o.orre IcbJen Ott Santa Ana; hlblacua di9play by Lydia Caroline Dam of S&Dt& Ana; herbe by Ula Oranr• County Herb Soclety; blrdhouae1 and pJ'den ahrlne. by Johll Lu~ Sr.: l'era.nlurna by H. w. Lon(fellow, farm a.<h11ef'; a.nd an educational exhibit by the Oranse County Bird C1ue . Parky, the Cleanup Kangaroo, and the Utt.erbur will be dla· played b)( Arthur Cti.ue of the Lo• Angele• Recreation Depart· ment. Soma Oft• k icked In th• Of· flee door at ChruUan'a Hut, 329 Edrewater, early y .. ter· day momlnr. ranaaclced the place but did not even take" a cl.caret, accord~ to the man· •rer, J. L. Marahall. Tha only lhlnr mJ&llng la a fountain pen tear gu bomb that wu on top of the aate. Pape,.. were thrown all over the place. C&llawa.Y WU found t.o be mll• 9&nc aboUl lO:IO a.m. be WU In jaH oa prc>MUon .wiatJon. Mid••'-Fhtlshes Driver Ed11eatfoft Wilham Middleton, 21611 Irvlne Ave., Colt& Me•. ot Newport Har· bor Union Htrb School, hu Ju.1t completed a coorM ln driver edu· cation at th• Unlvenlty of South· em Calllomla on a 1eholarah1p from the AU.tat• Inaun.nce Co. All laat week lhe •talion received uJJa about lhla little playmate, but were un.ble to locate 1ame. C&me Saturday and the ell mu: M r1. C. L. Nickl•. ~ Huel Drive. callerl. the 1tallon to re· port that • "•lck akunk" I• walklng down lhe 1ldewalk in lronl of her houae. 'nle police coultln'l even find a alck one. DEATH NOTICE TIUI la the third year Allatat.e MRS. l"t""EN A BUPTIUN haa JlYen SC and other unlvtr•a· Mrs. Nena Strot& Bu.ftJdn, 82, ot Ue11 ~000 each to traln teacher1 In dual-controlled auto mob lie• 31 ~ Marguerite Ave .. dJl!d J uly 30 al Hoag Hoapllal. She wu born theae teachera will then be able to In ,Cameron. Mo. and Uved here teac-h 'teen-agera to drive In the for four yl'u1. She la aurvlved by nope of reducLnr tratnc accldf'nt..a. a alater. Mr•. Floy 8. Balcer of Corona dcl Mar; two nlec•. Mra. "FOYS" COMING TO PORT Johnny Oxford, mana,..r ot lhe Port Theatre, today announced a two·wMk run of "Eddie Foy end the ~ven UttJe P'of9", at.arUnr W~neaday. P\clured above are Bob Rope and aeven younptera .. they'll appeer at the Corona del Mar 'nlestn. SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB'S 7TH ANNUAL GO AUGUST 8-14 Pr1vata ftoric)t WU lrUned to repair at.eel and wood hulla and related atructurea of Army bar· bor and landlnr cl"elt. He al.lo received IMtrvct.ion bl abtp no· mmclalure, blueprint rudtnc, WOa&8HOP8 81:'1' ~llevtnr ln preparedneu, Manhall hu automatic pl•· tola cached all over the ca.le, he aaya, and then the burrlan had to come alonr when he wu not there. 'Ml• meu wu dl11Covered by the Janitor, who called the police, who, In t um, called Marahall, c et· tine him out ot bed at e :15 a.m.. three hour• after he crawled In. R Gets LI• -Jamu Rlty, Corona del Mar and oy -nse M ra. Churchill, Loa Anrelea, one SACRAMENTO -ICN8)-The nephew, Roy Slrots of N-porl contractor• ata le llcenM board an· Beach. Se~·lcu were held today nounced today that Pa trick O at 3 ;30 p.m. at the Bait.a llortu· Roy, H6% N. N-J>Of'l Blvd. ary, Corona del M&T Chapel. with Newport Beach, qualified for a the Rev. Ewinr Hud9on of St. gPneral butldlnl' contractor• 11· Andrew'a Presbyterian Church of· cen11e. flclatlng. Interment wu In I.nfll'· Seventh annual 11\vltallonal rolt tournament al &ant.a An• Country Club wUJ be held Au&'. 8 throurh H , Chalrm&n Jack Wilder announced. EnlrlH cla.e today and w1l.I be Jlmlted \0 lM tint 180 t.eanu whOM applJcatlona we .... received. Sant& Ana member9 and partnerw wlll qu&Ufy .A.~. t and 9. The flnt 32 (UMl teama may qu&lJty Aug. 10, wlth lut. 1tart1nr time a t noon. All oUle,.. quality Aur. • and t. weldlnf, plpettttlnr Mtd &hip'• AdviHre of th• S&nt& Ana carpenlr')'. Junior G&rdenen will conduct H• la & fona.M .Wdilnt at New· a~moon wo!'kahope for children port Hvbor lhllon Hlfh School. Wlllhln&' to learn how to ma ke Pludarn lllce Fovnd wood cem.,lery. , 'nle low 112 t.e&ma quality for lb• t.ou mey, wtth UI• low 32 lNm• tn the champlonllhlp fil('ht . nrat round In th• Beachcomber, Corona del Mar and Championlhtpfllgtita at.rt AUi'. 12. COUNTY MASTER PLAN FOR ROADS . RUNS TO MILLIONS Van De VHre Due lack at Hueneme PORT HUENEMll, CALIF'. - (FKTNC) -Jerry A. Van °* Veere, conatrucllonman. USN, aon of Mr. and Mn. J . A. V&n De Veere of 1872 Placentia Ave , Co .. ta MN&. 1, ~heduled to return A~. e with Moblle Conatructlon Battalion t to the "8eaBee" bue nt .... Mra. Walter Pludarn, 427 E. Bay Ave .. July U reported theft of a new bicycle from her yit.rd It wu located at the Fun Zone later and returned to hu by police Conks Have Dauthter The Blelntt Conk1. 2054 N•· tlonal Ave., Coata M-. ue par· ent. of a girl baby born July 27 In Hoag Huapltal. '1600 BUILDING' HOUSES ACTIVE BUSINESS FIRMS mi,try fee, wh.lcb lnc:lv.dee Calcutt. di.Mer A.UJ . 10 Mid th• Saturday nlJht 8porta Dance, 11 Jl& per player. All pl&yere mu.t be membua ot clube s.fflll&ted with the Southern Call· tomi& Goll A.aeocleUon and be at leut 21 yeara of age. IA.NTA A.NA. (0CN8) -Top Banta Ana and Orup County civic oltlclala ·~rt.ct work Thur•· day on a ~('le muter plan tor roadway1 and freewaya encompaa· lnC lhe whole 0ranl'• County area. U•ni But& Ana tor & nucleua, th• p roenm calla tor an upendl· ture of t~ ot mllllon1 when com· pleled. County plannln&' commla· •Ion member1, Sant& An• Cham~r of Commerce leaderw, and Sant& Ana Plannln• CommlMlon and city council m1mben dlaic:u.ed a plu tn ~lln'll Oran1e Count)''• clor · ard hlrhwaya, OrAnce County Baud ot luper· vfM1r1 lnatlrated the plu lta.t N<>- vrm ber, but material work did not •tart until Thurlday'a cl\y hall m ertinJ. ('0l'fl"LIJTl:LY ~l:'l'TLED 'Someday our county '!IV111 be f'ompletely n tlled." aald Al Koch , Orange County RO&d Comml•lon· r r-"Now, a.LI four-lane hJsflwaya In the atate a.re o~ and lo ten y e.an the populatlOft of the arM will tnc,.... 16 per-<•t!" KO(h n clalmed whlle p"81nllllJ th« county'a plan tor muiy al•· l11n~ roada, with ltO·ft. r1(ht-of· W•Yll "t'nuntl-. can never nn&11c1 the p,..,1i:-r11m.'' Koch explained, "that'• up tn the cltlu " 'lie point~ thl1 <>ul u one ot the lmport.a.nt prob- l.-m11 ,,, thf ma•tl'r plan. K<Kh brOU!fhl out that 1Lar1 roru~rncuon -bulldlnf blrhwa,. 1n a nolatlvely •hort. lenl'(h a l a trme wa• 1l10 important for Ule Mmplrtlon o( the proinm. Membt'ra of \hi' county rroup •rioklni; 11t th .. ml'l't lnc al~d I he 1mport1U1ce of th• al1t·lane h1ahw1y lhrourhout lhe whole pmcram. 11ayln1: th11l four · Lute Rifle Club Holds First Hunt Clinic F inl tn a ••rle11 of huntera· rllnlr• wu held Sunday by the Suuth Cout Rifle &11d P\llul C'lub at Ila new ranse 11 mile .,.,ulh ot Orance Counly Airport nn MacArthur Blvd The rllnlca wlll b. frf'f'. HCordlni tn club mf'm~r Dunra n St,.....•11rt of ~ew· pnrl Beach Almf'd at prepa nn1ot nlmrods fnr lhe d...-r Haac>n which open• In Augual. the club IUpPlled tr•lnf'd J>frlOl\Dfl to aid Ill •lr;ht· tnr n nu . Two lltate nan and Oame rep~l1t1v-11 wer11 nn hand to anaw"r qvu tlon.-. Spnrtam"' wtt'e a•ked to brlnf lhe ty~ of ammunition lhey'll UM durlnir tht hUJ1lln1t ef'llJIOn. Flrlnir wu don• e t deer Jump-up targtta. A 1hotrun trap wu aleo provided, AJlf'Hllntment.a ma y IHI made wl\h the club by f1thf!ra for laklnlf or a hunter'• aafely courae by younK&\en Young hunter. will be ln..el ructed 111 I.he art of handlln& a run In lhe neld. Boy 01 like Is Hit, 111 Victim Al'thv WWl&m Daynard.. U , of IOI I:. lflh at.. Ooat.& M-. told eo.ta N-. police 1'r1day alt•,... nooe ot a IUt and nm auto k · --.t lnvol.vis We ~ Dey. ..,,. -*cl he 19' JflfT'Y 1,,._. ot roadil .,. oba<>lete betoN they va flnlahed. Santa A.na'a lnteruta ln t he program were ahown t~ .,_ conflJctJnr with county vlewa on lhe alx-lane .uperr~. PllOOILUI A MVIT "I think th1a proeram l.1 a mu.t tor lh• communJty &1 well u the co®ty." Aid Sant.& Ana City Man· acer, Carl Thornton, "but. we don 't have alll·lane htrbwaya and I doubt that -ever Wlll. We can't &!ford •ill-lane hl(hway•. nor can we afford ldt tum aupa al the corner of theae atl"ffta. The die la caat. 1 don't think It i. poa. lllW. for ua \o ha v• aiJl·lane roada." Banta An& City Councllm.aa J, Orden Markel, ul<ed It plalul had !>Mn made fOC' l"Oada betw"n l.n· dualrlAI and commercial denlop- m .. nt.a. Tom Serr Ott the county planner., told Markel Uli1 feature had bMn rtvee conaderaUon. and It. had ..... declded Ulat t.be COD· trw:t.on -Id ba .. Lo ptl,T tor Ult ,.~~tt.e~ -Thia will e09l 'D'liWona! Jl'a llJ'l9'l. We ..,. too lats .owl" 8tepe we take today .. Jat.e and mu.t be talcen w1UI urs-cy, aald Al Mi.-ldine, who worUd w1UI the board ol Mlpt'rvllor• atart!nr the Pf'OlrTU'l· Councilman Mvllel a & I ' he wouJd brinJ th• matter t o ta.nta Ana City CouacO lmA'l.c!lately, al.a atr'Ullinr urrency, u peelally tor Santa Ana. e .. l·•t•t lltrHta. FOR OCC COUISf George Guthrie ~onored by Oil Industry's API DEATH NOTICE GEOJWE A. ltABAN Geora-e Albert Ra~. '1, died Grid Classic on TV Aug. 12 The Balbt.llon, In lhe Pb01pplne aland Uta 1lnce January. IUr• paued Ill Initial fotl by C<lmplet· lnr •lructur•. roed•. uuuuea and other faclllllea In exee.a of lhe projecta orlglnlllly &Nl(lled. An addreaa ol dl•Uncllon haa&fld knowlf'dge which I• available 11t hla home, 1217 l:aat Balboa ~n added \o the (l'Ow1ng ll1t 1" ch,.nt., of Robert A. Vaurha n Blvd .. on July 29. He waa born tn Or Harbor .re. '-·•ine• build· and Co Harbor ar•a gTtdlron tan• w1U """' Great l'aJI•. Mont. and had lived Th• Vaughan offlc.e on Coa.ll be able tn attend the College lnga. It la Ole ''le-00 Building", Hl .. hwiy In the new .. 1500 Build· here t"''o yeara. He 11 aurvlved by ~ • .. Illa wife 0 -tt ot ... h ad All·Slar F ootball Carne by telt · located on l'\ewport'a "-anner • In&". ,,. • mtetlnr place fnr °" • "''' ome • Mila" clOM to lhe Chllftlber of many 11u-golntc vetera n• u well dreee; • •lep-brother, Albert viilon Aus . 12, •t&rtinl at g 30 Church. of San Jl'ranclaco; alao p m. n1111 vear'1 fOntret In Chi· Braves Bash Past Dodgen into I First Commerce and acl"089 Wul &1 fnr new enlhwllula who aeek h1a •tepfather. J. W. Church of caro'1 Solatere F'1eld pit• the Cout Hlghwey from th• B•I· =~t~d ~f:~~~~~n reprdlnr Great FaUa. Mr. Rab&n waa a world c h a m p Ion Clevfll&nd boa Bay Club Re&.ltor, a member of 0 -'bo& U ona Browna a•aln•l • .nuad of 50 . Tll41NEll IN A&T ._. .. -.. Owned b Of' 'B dford d Club .nd of M'llltary Order ot graduated colleite 1tara from all Y -~ an Dave Doane received h1a tram· World Wara. over lhe count.ry. Norman G&mbl• pub le account· Ina al Art Ctnl•r ln Loe AA· ant, the 1padoua 1tructur. pro-Servlcea were held at 1 pm. Amonc lh,m ...,,11 b<t aucl\ All· v1d1nr ~000 IMI· ft. ol apace •n· gelH. P'ormerly &MOCl&ted with today In Ball.• Mortua.ry, Corona American choi<'u · a. Dave Ltic· hanced with th11 lat.Ht modern local adverU11lnc ac-.. nclea, Doan• del Mar Chapel, with lhe Rev. gett of Ohio SLllte'• Roae Bowl Innovation• houHe -varied 11•1 br•nchf'd out on hi• own and Wallace Eulnrham. vicar ot St champa, Dickie Moegle ot Rice, openfd ottlcee In Corona del )hr. C .. _, .. Q I I f N tr O Knocking oft the eratwlul• B of organl:u.Uon• Included a~ Seeln• the nel'd for Immediate lement'a l!lplacopa! Cbun:.h. Su n&ipu ug Je Jnl o • o e ame. Nl.uo al r ..-..-n....-la ... __ South Cout Mortr••e Co Jn c .. Clemente. otn cie un,. Interment Alan Amech• of Wl11eon11ln, Paul n _,.... ....._era .-.~ " " · eapaNOIOn of hi• roervlCM aa con· bor Boya' Club a&lllllllr .._brall M,edlcal BuUdiAI' Company of wa• prtvat.. • Laraon of Callfornla., &11d J im t-1 'Jllureday, U(e .,,..._ ~ A.mertca. ftobert V~h&n and •UltlUll for paeka.. styllnc. ad· kllbury ot USC. au. ~ apot. • M-.nU-U.. B Co., Ruae l"onl, R.ealtor. Norm&11 vulUllJlf, d .. lp a.nd art he mo,,. Wallet, $56 Talcen Tbilt c1 .. 1c waa ttnt played • c D Do eel •n to the ntw "ltoo Bldg'." Aawrlc&a Lieaf\14 Tl .. re contln· ,. ambl• IUld ava an~ In JllS4. 1n lb• 21 f'&l'IU to dat.e. lied Joop domlnaU• ~. akin· &APlD JNCJU:AJllC Servlns with Doane i. Mr1. Th•ft of a plaallc waUet con· the prot .... onala hold I.he ed~ed ntq ,..t the AUll•Uce t-1. Accordlnr; lo a reluM from Richard 1Cathu \;\e1 Shaw who taJ.nlnr 161 waa ~rled to Nirw• 13..f with two llM. Hal1Um1 1n other CMDM, u ... 1a.t pl&oe ottlcl&Ja of the 9oulh Cout Mort· offera archlltttural Hlu1trallon1 port ~ach patlc. P'r1day by llhow Will f-lu~ the b&l-011 tw1rl· Cardlnala ed(ed the Ola11t. C>-4 ,...,e Co .. lnc. lhll firm ha.a re-lo ruvnt1 ou1 th• &ervl<'n •1>4 Bar~ra Harred nf Loa """"'-1n1 K Ucore Colles• R.anprett.M. Thuraday Whl\e \lie fUd Boll cot corded In e11Cl'H of IS mllhon faclllUH of thlA r11pldl)' p OW• Sh!' I• e vlaltor a l 427 J: Bay Elroy (Cra.sy Lei•I Hl111Ch Will by the Tanlt ... 11·10 rr1c1ay. dollar• tin loan11 In the tlr•l 12 lnr; bu•tnue Av~. t\lrnJah a TV color comm111t.aT)'. ~cer ~t~e,..Bob ~~and mont~~b~nu~ ------------------------------------------~ Tom Andf'reo11 limited Ule Bn v• luued il• charter l11 ,.l'bn.aary to . tour hit.. but t.hat fa1led to ot. lul Y•r ~h• com~y a.ct\lal· •U>p them Danny Kerr doubl.cS ly bepn Ila IOAn .. rvlc11 111 JU111' In two t.aJUea and Derulla Hur-· ot 1"4. Ottlc""' ot l!lout.h Coaa\ Wlta 111tcle<t acroae one to pe<• Mortgace Co. Inc Include P"ran· lb• a ttack. Kartln T&¥1or doul>-eta E. Drohan, PrH . Osa.n C led In two run.a tor t.he Dodren. Bradford. owner of Bay 1";8crow . Tom Giiiman a~rked lhe Tlr · Jnc., laraut n C't'OW company In .,. tn a blf com .. rrom-behlnd Oran11 oountv. Eaf'CUUve vtce · n,,_.run rally wbil• chucktn( " pru&da\l, l"Ted J Knwarth, Ht·• one hiller •(IUnal lht A'e. He ator ot E merald Bay. vlce·prol· doubled acroaa t.hrM runa. Mike dent, T. E. Herternan. aecretary· W ltt.e doubled In two tor lhe A'•· trftAlrfit and Wm. W S&11fol"d. Th• Cardinal• lltel"ally •trolled U•lalAnt 1M"crel11ry. OVtr the Olanta. Duat:r Darnell MORTGAn t: OfRl:CT(U&H and Dave lallmael a.Uowed nary ) ) RESULTS . , • ' . a Card b ... knock. ln•t-d they Dtrec:tor. of South Ooa.al Mort· CommendaUoo waa rectlved waked aero• five nma. Mlkt PS:• Include Drohan, BrMSford. lhl.a week frorn the American Pe· Davta and Dour Trapp •lncled Howarth. H rtrcman. Sanford. ·oF COURSE troleum lMtl\ute for Oeo rr• Ou· ln a pair of countU''I aplice In c:ounty 1u~rv1.nr Heinz Kal11er. I thrte, petroleum tn..'llructor at Or-a final lul ditch •land by the Wllllam Le"ter. C011l• )fr•& llrl' anri:• Coe.at Collece. It wu di•· '°""· dealer and Le.. BoUn, tutlle In· cl<>aed by Dr. Bull H. Peter.oft A.J Yon Hottman did bJ1 pvt dt111trlall•t. today for th• Y11nlu. bMJ\lns out lht"M 'lllf' cnmp&ny I• an ,. HA Ap· "It hu come to our •ll•ntlon hit. ~nd knockinr In tour runa. proved Mnrtri;l\r;te IOlftl co~•· repe&ledly over Lhe put ftw Dul Jed Huaton and Mike Pal· pondenl lt>r Be.nker1 N11llon•I 10'-lha t Oranu COfll Coller~ r1ck Jolnf'd alu1t ri:\nc full to Ult Jn1uranCf' C'o . loan repr~· haa conunu~ to make alg"nlttcent craah out Uie ~.., So• trtumph. ""nlaUvt-••t Winter Monlait" contrfbutlona to I.he petrol•um ln· 1 8ta.ndlna• Ulroufh Frtday: N a· Co .. corrupondenl for N•w York du1try In 1•ntraJ and •l>f'Clflc•lly tlonal _ Bratta 7·3·1; Dodcf'fl Life lntrurancf' Company. A at.It•• lo lhf' dnlJl111t an1 production 7-4. Olan la &·:I; Plratu ~-4 . ml'nt rtlu ... tl by Bradford re- plluea of the lndu1t ry." th• com· CutMI 3.).1 Cardinal• 2·1. Amer· cently announced South Cnul mf'ndat1on rud lean _ T1gu• t0-2: Red sox .Morl.(&g• C" lnc. 11.1 loan cor· 0 \-r'fflllE PllA.lSl:O 8-): Indian• f·:I. Yank•H 4.,.1: rTll'pondl'nl f'tr thl' Loi Anc,.lu Guthrie wu prw ed ·part.lcuw · 'A lhi.ue1 4·8-1 Wblle Boa 3-8. •rra. which lncludu Orang!' rounty, for the U ft and Cuu11 ly tor hi• elfort.t ln vocaUonaJ ed· 1 ty lnlNrance COmJ>4UlY of Ten• uca tlon. "He ha.t worked clOHly PlumL.--LI-•-·-~ n-.. at NaahVllll'. w1lh tti. lf'.adl'r• ot our Loi An· UW'f' ~l"l:aw'U •elu Cha pter." the letter ata t'"", CBEATEt'I OIUIONll .. ""' IACRA)(ll;NTO -(CN.S l -The "We feel tha t cooperative voe•· contnactou 1lat• Ucenae board llonal tratnlng In your ar•a hu announc:f'd thet Ear l p;, &llew. been greatly •lreng\l'lened by Ul• 021 R I v e r• Id• Ave, N...-port aervtcea of your tine ln1Utut1on." Beach, hll• qu•llfll'd tor a plumb· Another ll'n11nl of "111()() Build• lng" Med1eal Bulldlnf C::ompany 1 of America provMe• dnlgn, con · tlruc:Unn 11n(I ftnanrlnri: of prl· Vlltt h o • p I t a l 1 and medical 1tructure11 throuchout Qilltornl•. The commendation wa1 •l&'Tled by tnr; contractor• lirPn~e. A. W. Thompaon. v1ce-prullftnt for production. Tl•e two•year prorrarn In pe· troleum technology otf•ted by OCC la one of the few 1uch train· Ing prorramt In UI• nation. il!la<'h year th• oil lnduatry bu aent • num~r of m..i1 t rom throupout the United Sl at.e I() Oranlf' Coe.at to l"8k• the courae The procram hu bttn u pand· I'd nnt ye&r be<:au-. of the ln· tertat In the courM and an ad· dlUonal ftaft mem~r t'tu bff.n emplo)'9d to teach one ot th• be- (tnnlnr; cla.u. HuntfltC]ton leach Sets Rec. Races MARKED! Servlnc u p~l'ldent la Raf· ph Hoyle Olh~r ortice" tnrlU<I" Jack Hoyle. Vice pre•ld~l. g&rl C • h Pet.-non, V1Ce·pre1ldent In charcr rel' ton or engtneer1ng and plannln1t and Atlf' Ebbutt, VICI' pruldC'nl In F• ht Off charre or corutrucl.lon IC S ln kttpln1t with the ~Ytr·ln· cnia.alng demand for amaJI, pr1 Bandl•t Suspect ,,..~ hO<!J>ll•I• th" r1rm pl•n• tlt· p&nslon \o work In addl\la n11I Wa)'N Cr•lchton, a ttendant a t 1tatea In the count r v a aervlre atatlon at JOO w. A public accounlant In th~ Har· Coaat Hll'hway, a pp a r 1 n 1 1 y bot area tor nl'erl)' 11 doun >tiff not only fO'l(t\t o'ff a •trong arm Norman A Gamble provld .. book· robbery attempt . tarly Tllur.ctay keeplnf, audltlnf and t.ax •erv1<'• momlnJ . but marked the would· and provlalon for •~ttln~ u11 be bandit for tl.ltlWI kSenUlic•· bookkeep1nr 1yat('ms rnr '"'""'du· tlofl. al• and bualneM flrm11 ~\old polaoe lite -°" ACTl\"E lll:ALTOR ~ ot Ul• ,.. ll&etloa at l ·28 Dn-oUnc t h,... of hie 2~ year• 1 - If The Produd 11 Fairly Priced, And In Demand, RESULTS ARE CERTAIN Mrs. Nina M. Slack of Upla11cl. CaHfonda, raft this ad. \ Why Pay Rent WHEN Cute 1malJ t um roil"«'• wtth gan.ir• on R"'4 lot M1tl26 l'an be had for 15300. or leu un- furn. An u cellent tnveetm,.nt. Rpi'nd your vacation and aave al 255 ll. 15th St., Colla M- :-;~wport HK\AI. dlirt 711pMI and sold.. the property for CASH • ft.. MST CALL YOU, too, can be a satisfied advertiser by using tll W. l~ 8t... eo.& M-. -A MarM mu. 11er&tell ,.... foil' a.a . 'nmndey ""-U. ...,.ct 111 Ule realty bulln-lo th1a lo· parbd hi. 08I at ,_ ot UM ca.I erea ftu-11 I: P'ord con· •taUoa an4 walked up to uk duct. hie bullneu u a R.Mltor tor t1 cMllp. l'nH!n Cn6(1bt.on fi;om "1100" 1peclalialn.1 In ct>m· lt.arW for Uae ca.ah blW. the mwcl&l. re81dentlaJ Income, in· fUlllleOt kick~ him 111 Ule rtrht du.atrial a.nd ec.-.ar•' propnty a.nkle and -~. "11\t. ta a .Udl· ud ucha.nfu. tile blb -a paptt rout.. bo'11 11 tJwoua'h l t ,_,. ot ..,. Wll4lll lpenMr i.tt t1'e bit.. oe w1U be held by t.M Huntln(lon a red 110n• eurb doWnlmnl w1Ua Beadl ~Uoll dllputm•t ln one wtlMI Mll(1Dc llllto L"8 at.reet. ~uacUoa w1UI a u. -'le a womu drl'ftl\J a eoupe daa· b&ndle&f» r'09d n. A-... 11, tt .,.S °'9 wb.al YoW\I .-near wu aMOWICled today by Norm .-kl be attampted to talk With WorU\y. JDatry fM i. IO cent.a tM ..__, but ehs ' Md L"8 and wUl be aocepted t.hrou(ll .._. and ctro" ott. Aur . l t. At.hJet• not re(1•1Ared up " llnce hla bll1J1, •lrt\l&Uy Ill The News-Press Classified Columns CALL HARIOR 1616 TODAY LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DllECTOIY APPLIANCES -Boa.ehold Part.a -O..ler -a..toe LIDO ICl..&Cl'IUO MH \'\a Ude -......_ 6'tt1 AUTOllOBILE DEALEM New and uMd cara NIOUKTZ 8TVDl!BA•• 8lllN &!ntee ...... Nl& Newport ..... -liar. I It BANKS Baak of Amerk!a NT a U 1"4 va. Udo -...,.... ... BARBER SHOPS UDO 8KA \1NO MUO I• BW-11'• Ster. t or •• ...a va. uc1o .aavtw 111t BEAUTY PABLOU LIDO AAlAlN OP' BJ!AUT'I' U15 Npt. lllv4. -llllr ... ,. BOOKS BOOK CASE Mlt Via Udo -....._ MM CAJIERAS & Sa,,._ \'l~O:NT uoo oauo. 1411\'t&Udo-~- CABPE'l'S a D&APDID DIC& llACJU:& ..,. na Ucto ..... - OATEBINO &ICllAAD'S LIDO NA~ Ull Via Udo -......_ _ Cloth1n1--0b.lldree9 a lafutl nars or UDO CornJJ\f In A\ll'U8t U06 N_.s-t ..... CLO'DIJNO -II•'• ..... BIDWELL'S 8BOP roa lllDf MJIVl&Ude-....._ .... CLOTHING-WoaMm'• 8eW LA REISE MOVa.~r .. M UOO FA.f'HJ011f• Ult Npt.. Jthrd. -....... r Mn 8KADDOCll'8 NII Va. Udo -llaner Mn VAGABOND R00811: Imported SportJrwea.r Utt \'I.a Udo -tlwtlor HCM DRUG STORES \'IN<JEl'\T8 uoo oavos ... l Vla Udo -.....,..., IOOI ELFAJllRI(} OONfttA(,'"l'ORS UDO EUX'TRIC' UH Via U4lo -Ha.tt>er nt1 FLOWERS lllCHARD'M UDO MAllkET eo,.._,u-T•ble Ar•an&enienl• NU \'la Udo -~r t8U FOUNTAIN, OIULI.. VIJtCENT'8 UDO D&UOM Nil va. ....._ -....,..., IOOl' F&A.ME8 A ALBVM8 G~A&DT 8TUDI08 .... \'la Udo -...,.., '°t(lfl fl'UBND'UJl£ DIC& llACIU:ll IUtVlaU...-~UU GOT SHOP JUCllAAl>'8 UDO M..uuu:r tut vi. Udo -...,.., tlJtl lNSUILANCE AGENTS W. o . aua1. IMC. 16" Via Udo -~ 6'4' I lNTEBIOR DEOOllATOU BLANCHE ruumJUM>Jlf 4.J.D. .... \'la ..... _......., .... 01<.'ll NACUa MffVlea..w.-...._ .... OON Cll&JOllTOK A. L D. ....... _,_.. IOO Via Ma&ap -~Nit l ~8UDOM•UST tut Ya. Udo -......,_ NU I PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OEIUIAADT nvDl08 l "11 ,,. u.. -........... REAL F..8TA.D UDO u.A.LTT AJNM>CU.n:ll Udo Sal• 6 Rentala ..... ,·a.u..-~ .... .. • A. p .u.aa::a IJl/C. HU vta Udo -...,.., lNt \ OOEL OOllU'A.'-Y .... , ... Ude -,..,.._ .. ,. llA 1' A..'-0 BEACH &&Al.TY \'la Ude llrtdce Ofnc. 1112 l.&Fay•&. -,....._ MU SAVINGS ~ LOAN A8SOCIAI'ION8 :q;wPORT BAJ..ll04 u vmo• a LOA..'l A88001.AnOi-t A Savini• LnatltuUon Loni Tum Hom• 1--- HM \'la l.U. -llartMtr uoe SEHVJCE STAI'ION& LIDO RJCRP'ff;LD NII ~ewport Bfvd...--llal. Mil I !IHOF..8 -II•'• amwr::u..·s srou roa NEN I au.a \'la Ude -"~' °"" I SHOES, WOKEN llut.r.'111 OF CAJ.l'f'OL"fU '411 \' .. Lid-RA tua l'llEATRF.8 LIDO TllEATU Cooault Ulla pa.pal' for pro(Tam \'ta Udo at N..,.n Ill.._ llarMr 1116 f-OY& LIDO TOTL.AJlfD NU\'1-Udo -~ttM 1'RA VEL A<JENOIE8 RAJUM>S Tll.A \'KL AGL"fCT Ml.I Jfewpwt ......._.._. llH 1 VPBOUTEIUNO 01ca .MAcua , H it V'8 U4o -...,._ ... 1WATCR REPAIR VIN'CT.NT8 WA'roll DPAJK LIDO DatJG8 I ... , Via U6I Spencer WT'Ol• dOWll w \I· W\UI the A AU may do ao at ~-number and tu~ .I& .. .,. lhe Jl(lat on race day foe' an ad· to ~4, '°"* ..... _,.,.... cllUooal 50 e.nta The aU.daat'• reac'6o9 .... to I.be llb&doww ot an eaateni boel punch th• 1ruapttt In Ult mouth. yard.. Robert Vaufhan hu fovn•1 The 1Uapect ran tor hl1 <'&r and boa llnc an lmJ>Ortant r11rtur In left the -. ~ &old .th" hustn"H 11lnc~ 103!! \ i.111tl'l•n pol&ee.. JH 1dll a ~ Ill _,.n.oe WINDOW OOVEBJNO no: UIA.DE 8110P .._ __________________ ..,. __________________________________________________ __.\ ...... p ... Otftee lla,r •... -· .• OOA.ITAL IBOPPEll Utloa of PA6E 4 ·PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1955 'Aftny' THEY'RE to Launch LooKtNG DriveHere FOR YOUR Ttl• annual lal .. tlon Anny ''t'r1endablp app.&I" ln 11Upport of atatewid• and local acuvtu ... will be launched ln N9Wp<lrt thlt Wf't>k accordlns to John E. Sad· ler. local community 1 .. dt>r and C'halrman ot the N.wport Be&ch AD when you ad...tWt in the Clumltled Columna ot the 11pon110rlng committee. New.-Pre... La.dins In the appeal ln the local ar .. are Kr. Sadlelr, Mr. '"10"'9&nd1 ot people L. L. llbeU. H erbert M. Holker, nrwy day tuni to Jamea T. Van Dyke, Roland }I... Newa·Pr-Cl&Alfled Ada Wr1Jht and Rou GrMley to aall1ty their J'\mda contrtbuted lier• Will bt want• and their needa. uud for local 1upplement.a1 at· They want t.o buy or alat&nce to children and famJllea rent or tell. ln nMd, and for th• matnteance They want to hlA a ot 1tate tnaUt uUonal •rvicu of hel~r. or find a job. the lalntlcn Army, Sadlier ala· And they tum to th• ted. cl&Mtftcattoa that CM&nnui Badller hu ap· pealed to an publlc....,Sr1t.ed ettl- .. .,. to aed ~lunta17 &Uta to the loc'1 eampalp treuurer. Roland Wr1Jht, Baak of A.Jnenca.. N.wpcwt BMcll.. advert!-their wanta. NEWS-PRESS Claalfied Ada Phone Harbor 1616 LOTS of BARGAINS for LOTS LESS We're Jammed 0. .... ear lot .. .....U ud •e have twice u many tnde-IM • .... dlilp1&7 -'l'beJ're all ov• the plMe 1 1 CAIS llDUCID $100, $200. a11d $JOO. 55 Ford Thunderbird ··-··-·----··-······-·· .. ··· $3499. 54 Ford 2 door ·-··-.. ···-.. --··· .. ---··--···· ...... $1299. SO Ford -4 door ····-· .... ·--·······-......... -.. .-..... -..... $499. 54 Ford Ranch Wa9on ...... -.......... -.. ·-·--$2099. 51 Ford Victoria ............... ·-··--·-··-..... _ $899. 52 Ford Ranch Wagon -·--· .. ·-.. ·--·-S11H. 52 Mercury -4 door ........... -·-·--·-··-.. -$1199. ~ 54 Mere. Monterey Cpe •. -·-· ·M· .. ·---·-·· S23H. 55 Mere. Monterey Cpe. Save . ·····-···· .... $900. 46 l•lck Sedanette .. ·--· ....... -....... _ .............. S2H. 47 luick -4 door .......................... -............... $299. Chevrolet Corvette ......... -· ....... -................ $2399. 49 Chevrolet Convertible ............... -.......... SSH. SO Chev. 2 door, full rec• ..... ~ ................. S•9t. 51 POlltltlc 4 door ......... --. .. ..... ·-· ... _ ....... $750. 50 Uacol11 4 door ............. ····-·-.. ···-.. ·······-· ... $599. 53...,....... Convertible ........ _ .......... _ ..... $12H. IJ Wllys Hardtop . -.............. _ ........ --·-··-$1099. 11 Dodc)e -4 door ... _ ......................... -............ S7H. IJ Ford Tudor .~-· .. --.... ···----......... $1299. If our prices are more then you had ~anted to pey, make offer -· we must reduce our stock -and WE HATE TO DRIVE 'EM TO THE AUCTION. So come & 9et em - at Johnson & Son Lincoln-Mercury Oeeler 900 W. Cwt Hwy., Newport leach U 1-5145 0pH eves. 'tll 1:30 1 WANT AO will cost you only 5250 and it will run in all 4 issues • A Minimum ad i; 4 linea. Pho•• Harbor 1616 Ne*port llarbOr Nnn-Pn!99 / t_t-~_•mc:-__ _ Pamttns Ir Paperban&'inl We do t.he work oW'8elvM. IO yean experte11c• UcenMd 6 IUund. 8at&lhcUoa ruarutffd.. 11:8Umat.e• free.. CaU JoluWe, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-6289 8lttc House Plans LIBJ:RTT M261 lotlc CEMENT Ii BUILDING AU Kinde FREE ESTIMATES Uberty 8-6109 29U FOUND Pair pt'ucnpUon gia. ..... Pl••llc copper r <llor f~rnu - ntar 19th A OC'tan Front. Ownu may claJm .l pay for thl• ad at New•. Pre ... Urd Md Balboa Blvd .. ' Newport. HpN UBllRAL RJCW ARO -Returned M>rvlceman lost. two brown N.•P• contalninr • cameru, 6 lt M. ntar Port TbHtrt, Coron& del Mar, Sunttey eve. Finder ell.II N'wport Bea ch Pulice StaUon or Har. 1829 B6p8i I U-8chooll. lntr.ldton CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS lloaday. Wedneeday and Friday edition, Plm the Coutal Shopper, Wedafllldaye ...._ _____________ __.. General Contractor STUDY In apue lime for contrac- tor'• examination under a JM· er11l contra<'tor with 211 yura ex~rten<'e. Cluaea Tuu. and F rt. evu . 7 :30 p.m . Attend flrat aeulon free. Begin anytime DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Neww·Preu ii guaranteed.. Carrier boy1 will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your canier will bring your paper. U CJCNSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Al Tyler School ttl.1 No. Broadway, Santa Ana 58tfc Ph. Kimberly :M226 or Kl 7-3611 Harbor 0693-J ------------' tfc Elec. Tool Repair !ltll Bawa. Drlll1. Sanden QUICK SERVJC'F. LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. Real Estate School in Santa Ana ==========---:=============:! •51 No. Newport Blvd .. Npt. Bch. MEN 6 WOt.U!:N prepare 1n spare time for unllmtt-4 opportunlllH In Real Estate. New clauu weekly. Al Tyler ln1trucOn1. Al· tend ftrwt eventn1 free and learn about thl• (Te&t fldd. C&U or writ• now. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Ivery MOllclay, Weclnnclay aad FTlclay COASTAL SHOPPER -Wedneadaya <-...a llllopper Ada nm la tile W......., N'-"'- ' U.. I luertloa $1.00 add1. Une. .25 -. ' Unee I luertiona 1.60 add'L ltDM .U ea. ' Lia• I luertkm8 2.00 adcl1. Ila• .U e&. '..... 'luerUoM 2.50 add'L .._ .16 .. 81....a-W-W A4' wW reoelwe 16% da-m1t. ~ ID ..,._ ODIJ. HL"'1JllUM AD 18 • u~s All a..tfted Adia -•Ille s-'d for c ...... lld•-of ,.wttSUo& Dl!ADLINES tor pla.dns or cane~ am are: For .Monday Publlcatlon -Friday 6 p.m. For WMnuday PubllcatJona -TuNd&y 1 p.m. For i'r1day f>ubllcallon -Thunlday 1 p .m. Liberty 1-8333. Utlc PAINTING M. W. ROSS U 8·3321 • LI 8-7823 llO A~o. Coet& Mtaa lllttc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO 8MALL R. O. A.ndel'80a 10U a. Balboa Bl•d .. Balboa Harbor 2600 83Llc CARPENTER Repair Work Al Tyler School 11111 No. Broadway, Santa Ana JO 7-3!Hl·Kl &-34119-KE 8·2!113 tfc China Painting Day and 1Cventn1 Cl ..... Order• Taken Now Phone Uberty 9-N'8 tute 23--Sltuatloaa Want.ed Roy's Maintenance Bouae cleanlns -Floor wu:tn1 Wall wuhinr-wtndow ~luntns Venetl&D blind.a. UpbolaterJ ln11ured. Jl"r~ E1tlmatea • Ubert.y ~1-1332. ltlc ouu..a YOU wall have a n opportunity to ad\'&nC'e In our t lrm. beuuse of our preae11t ex· p11n1lon program. Tbt atarUng Alary LI &ood an<I you 11.,11 r•c•l\'t frequrnt 111cr1"aau, too. J..ibil now to1 TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - t>H '-a No. Ma In Street Rm. 211 -SMta Ana r.oo to • oo P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 73tf(' IBM operator: hkkp. mach. opt>r; f l{" bookpr ; waltrtM. domeellr male 11tn·lc~ 11 a. It bottt bulldl'r JI 1:-\E FARRAR EMP L AC'C \". 402',, 32nd St , !\ewpnrt Burh \ ll<'l'ON from City Hall I 83c8!1 ATTE:o\TION ALL BO YS - THE :>;E\VS-PRESS la now t•klng carrJer applh.:allona for routu )J1 thf"so nelghborhooda:- Balboa, W1'3l Newport. Balboa h .. Newport HP1,:thu. Coron.a del ?thr a.nu Co111a lllesa. lt you ue 12·1-4 yn. old, and h11ve a bl<'Y< It. apply at the Cir-cul&· lion DC'pt .. ;o.;cwr.ort Harbor !':tw1-Prtss, 2211 ~&!boa Blvd . l'\t!wport Brach. t>etwttn 10·12 &. m. or 4·!1 p. m. only tx<'tpt Saturd1p . lfc Beacon Personnel 1oor-., employer retained agency NO fe-e colJected from applicant F'lle your a pplication with ue We have u cell. opv1lng• for &eCret.erlea, ua't. bk 'kpr.. PBX opu. and domel'tlc help. BEACON PERSONNEL U 3-311t tAcenry) Newport Bl'.ach Udll \.\'A1'"'TEO-\\'om11n part or full time for lfPnnal clea.nlng. Sn· 1hell Apl•.. 1220 \.\'. Balboa SECRET ARY like new, I llan• made lamp1tladH. Mlnno1t c:am• n11 It light nutrr. )tatr htd Patty e.rr JOI! duba • tart. Har. 111~1 15cll COLOSPOT HEFRIO. Oood Cham· brra 1to1·t . tn1nks, Mae1>11 Jan, Jnrtllln rue•. rlttl tan•. plrture framPs, f taM n11. etr Har. 3~3Z 84c8' BROOl\PARK SQL' ARE plu tle dinnerware, Bur 11nrty 116 - Ll 8·4063 l •eMI MERCURY 0 motor, 12 ft. C'ollep- '1blf' hoat. l:>Oya 74 in bike, Kl'.n more v11cuun1. Her. 4!130-W Meli For tho1e who "''ant th• but Konkel's Interiors Upholeltry. dr•ptrru , bedapreada. ellpconra. Nrw phone LJbrrty 8·7971 01 E . 17th Free EallmatH St., Coat& Mua 811r9~ Drastic Reductions Up to oo a;, ON SUMMER DRESSES, M p&· r11tu , ori&lnala • -.mp\ea. MARGIE \\'J!:BB 19M So. Coaal Blvd., ~ lkh. ta Uc CRAFTSMAN po-r mower, I mo. ciltl $7!\. • Tappen Oeluu rans- 1!10 I.I 8·3797. ~87 LO-HEET STAJ?'(lZSS !T!:ELCOOKWAJU: 8alu -!enrtce Ll 8·11386 anytime l&pl7 ANTIQUJ: Gtnulne Haviland Turkey Platter. 81.rd d•lp Lu. 1-4171 l&pl7 1000 EMBOSSED bu1lnu1 cardt U .1111 3 Lint Rubber 8tamp tl.00 • Line Rubber Stamp wltl\ cut 12 00 (184 cutal Bonk MatchH L. w. WKlTll Liberty 1-4011., ..,..., LI 1-11160 ppt.tc NEWPORT RAtlBOR PUBU8RJNO ()(), ISi l Balboa IMvd., N_,,art BMell, CallforUa. DMe You.r Rome NMd RepaJr1na or Remodel!~? Call Frank. Ubert)' M9M All Work Ouarant.eed Htlc Experienc'd gardener e1vd. Hubor ~032. 1ttc811 LANDSCA!>ING H ous11: KEEPER~eook. uv. Ln. Sale • Sale .. Sale V' Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 M..U nwy 'nundaJ I p.m.. Via Oporto -Central A-. FOR RENT · SJdJt eaw.. l!l~ Dnlla, PotllMn. aU type. ot 8&Adtr9, ~eelbar­ rowe, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. Newport Beadl Albert R. M.attheww, l:ll&lted RW.r M30 W, OOA8T HIOBW.AT ------------a.n-ty a.Mal, H_,ort Bali llthl HAU UNG truh orT A.nJt.btng, anywhere. Libert)' 9·2146 McCarthy's 1oocro GUARANlllD CARS 1420 80. MAIN SANTA A.NA 54 Ford, V-8 '4 dr. Co. S • d • n. Fordomatic. R&H, power steering. $690. DoW11. 54 Ford r•nch wa9on. Over-Drive, very low miles. $590. boWll. SJ Ford ranch wagon. Extra nice, full price, $1575.-$475 Down. 52 Ford ranch wagon. Radio, htr., O 'drive. Full Price, $1475. SJ90. DoWR. COMPLETB: PAINTING Ir Paper Haqini Service IWGENS 0 . UUNDSIW 600 llst lltreet, Newport JIMeb ll&rtlor lt71 or Bar. "4ot. Uc 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Your NEWS· PRESS Is Published Monday Wednesday Friday ~ PAINTING INTl:RIOR -J:XTERJOJ\ LlCSN&ED -lN8URED Glenn Johnston 001 • llst St. Newport Beach Barbor 1179 Ut.tc Bookkeeping Service ATTllNTJON Oontr&ct1>rw. BtorekNpen and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~9 30tf c Working Mothers Cl11ld care In my home day- t i m e. Newport Height. areL I..Jberty 8-7674. 83c96 LAUNDRY I )tAN Ii WOMAN will do &•na"1 houtework. noor w&ll1n1. "'·ln· nail NliW machine pl"OCti<e meth· dow cltanlng. f ut wo rkera. od. Reuonablt prtcH Averare •·h.lta. 19~ E 20lh St~ Coeta 2 taZ" neJdenllaJ bltnd. MUL u 1-211&3. pplf Only $1.00 8UDdil r•p&i,..d and nbuilt. rt.. Pk.k up and deUvery Work done b1 appointment P1MIDe Liberty a.-o 701 or IC.mberly 3-ll7•. ppUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBlNG A Prompt lt.eJl&l.r Bemoe Ma&11ta111ed PIMlae: 8&rtlor '62• ll01 B&J1'0a lll9CS... Newport S.adl pltp Painting, Decorating Paper Ba.ostnr GEO. BURKHARDT UClllNll:D CONTIUC'TOI\ ITI W. llUI llt... ea.ta X.. U bet't1 l-8631 ASPHALT TILE AJumtnum Wall Tiie Ml&TI. Ola1r1butore 1''bol-1• pr1«• to Contracton 6 Tll• Bettere LI 8-7t93 68t.fc l~ A k:oboha. Anooymoua "rtt.e P. O. Baa Nl "t'W'PO"t a.ca. C&l1I. Pboee a.nor •TN PENl!UONER colltr• Jnd. fonntor 0fT'!Tlan lnterprPler World "'"•r J• H fe driver, tnatwonhy. pror ownH ..,,ant• eomtlhtn,t tn do. LI a-~e 82p8i SKJPPER or boat maintenance put time bui... Sol>l'r. "•P"r· ienred. U I-MIO. 8irM EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDP.:NlNO • yard work bv dA)' week or month. L.T~rty 1-11139 a!ttr e. H0t:81':WORJ< by t111y or wHk r:x~r1f'nced, local rrf LI 8-1117• lllr88 .~llelp Wuted CONSTRUCTION Job• open t:n SANTA ANA r or men ""'ho an wUUng to rtart u W'l10 Ll'I 18- 46. 11 8 (ra.d· uat~ Jobe M t.b u cellt nt HELPERS CAREER \!\' A.NTICO -Nde from Newport chance. to a.ch t.o Lo"' .8M.c1L Call Mra. advance. D. &oran.:>o at L.B. l-6M7i' be-BENEFITS t-..> I .ao Lbl.. • 6. p.m. UcM nclut1~ pa1t1 WA.NTl:D: nru, member of tld· Vllt'"llOl\8 11nd ln&' JTOUP to downtown I-A..-hoUrt•v~. ~­ Drive once wMkly. Le••• New· day wll. ro port 1 :40 a.m. Lta9 e L.. A. I) 00 p11.ld prn~ll\n p.m. LI l ·lt.21. Mca7 a.nd dlH blllty plan !!::8-etr AJcl9 APPLY Superfluous Hair Penn&llt.OUJ remoHd from face arma, l•p. l:ytbrowe and twr l1Ae lbapeO-No mor• twemna. 1:LLEN J.. BftT A.NT It. S. Udo'1 8aloD ol 8euty Har. 2876 u.i MASSAGE 1030 E . Finrt Santa Ana Mon. -Frl 8-4 SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY 9'c89 Two lttn ag,. child"-"· B&lboa JJland. Har. '122 84cM New .wnmar ouua.i.. Mlft and cockt.all clt"MMll r.dUced for Im· -iftedtat.e dean:nee -S• t.o IU. 1Ar1• u.ortmtnl near new coeta. 1ulta and dn.... fantuUcally reduced -tl.00 up.. U CE.NUD rea.1 ut.a.1.4 a&leaman or broker "''ho la tamWar with lh• a rea and not a1r11.ld to work BAY It BEA<'H REALTY 3112 l.A.layellf', Newport Ha. 3"43 Mc.17 Katy Doane Apparel P'OOO • COCKTAIL W&.Jtre .. 2721 E. Cout HIJ hway wantr1I. J:xperl,.n<'M . Henry' I Ktndt ll'a PaUo l 2~0 C~l Hl1hw11y. ~97 Corona dd Mar, C&Ut. 12-87 WanU •mrlnytu familiar wtth fountain nr,..ut1on Mare . foun· lain m,.11 &r v.111!1 r&Me. Good pay & ateady •mployment. See ).tr. Harvey. Ha)' Shot"ll Park. l U W. t;out. 111 way, N f'WllO rt Bcll. u 1 -bbr>l 84c311 CJRI., 0.rr ... vtntrtn u rompan· ion tror t"'n young girl& 8 and 12 Two tl'l three "'ePk• durlnl' Aug· Ital °"""" tmnt pro~rt)' own- f'r R.t-ft '""' ,., r..qulrt'd 1... W flum111 fi31 ;s., JW'le SL. L..o. Angf'I,.• 4 H •11lywood 7·P4&3 8&"83 1·o~JTJON !lJ'M f11r yMinc ~n to auiAt In c•r~·ulat1on d1tpl l'er- man,.nt full time employm,.nt Nnt a 'un11n"r job lln not 11 Pf'IY It not Pf'Tm"'"'n t See Mr. Parry, l'F:Wl'ORT HAR· I UOR NE\\ S l'Rl':R!I 2211 ~al· boa Blvd . ~r' ~ach HU'bor Fresh Hearing Aid BA'n'ER.IZ8 "• 01 ... a6B Orem •tunpe Gunderson Druit Co. Mam at. at B&lMa aa-.£; .. ,boa U&l'bor 016. Hue A1'l'lQUl'J8 -Old tumilllre. cut 1 1 .... lampa, old plctur ... cJoc:k.• elc, B&r1atm J')or.. 8 11 <Ila· count.a to de&Jera. Ch&l'Ue Davia. J 80& E An&he1m It .. Loes Bch 660-139. 211trr H OLLYWOOD B.l:.O, Roovtr up· r11ht VM:\Jum. Round ma ple la zy RWllUI • • ch&lrw • 26 In. blon<l!' TV. All fur 1111~ or will .,11 aeparat.aly. U 1·2U2. ••cAe Washing Machine 81CRV1CJ: l·)'Hr paraiit.ee Oft fotle d* an<1 on \I.Md wubera. 2tU 11' (~ar l Nt.,,ort Bl., Ooeta M-. Llberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8--4327. Mtic 11116 K c.87 ------------WEDG~OOO at09e, but ol eon· d1l1nn, o•en control rloc:k It u mrr U-M l.han 1, price. H"r 4:1!J2.J ,,.c8e H \nUr t•ltr"m"r l ln•"'m" lnadA· quai" • At,. you rt"•llr '9 1n N'· I ltrt m< n! • l>•1 you w•nt addtd I lnrnmt 1n " l>"'"tUon of it1gn1ty ------------and t nu:' \\,. "''•Ill m atur .. 11cntJ,.man lo ac'l'\'f '"' o tmcnt .Vcount.a ll\111 ar"'-< \\'1 ltc f', 0 I Box 23, La l°MaJa pp-8·1 j ~·RY ('"001\ ""l"'r1 f"nr"'1 WC\UM hk•• > 1111ng 111•1n In i:row with orjtanlUllon Al"" Wllllr"~ rull or part llmP R11.r1t"r l•lt 311111 f"ou l HlC:hWll)'. Cl\M llllr llll F'OR RAU; -Coldapol rtf ••llh nf>w unit. 140 Call Kl ~·2H2. tt SPECIALS' RANGP.S \\!'di""' oQd. Vt1'7 C'll'aJI 40 • 126 00 Wed•-ood prr1. cl. 41 · Ml~ Unlvrr.,.I t ll'Ct <ll'IUX 311" PP !'Ill PTO.IT"'lll y ... orka ok H " _ 29 60 EXPERIE:->n:u G 0 \'ER :0-:ESS. Rl:fRlG~RATOR8. f"'r rna.nrnt t1.r 4 chllrlrf'n f'r1· K"lvln•l'·r e cf run1 well . H rio 1111~ rm . li\'f' In. 6 rtay11 week s"'"''"' a pt 1114 611 60 H1&r. •~19 8tk88 K"lvln.&tor pnf,.ct cond. wm W"m"" _tl,lf·t nrrt~Mk I lal4 modtl I Cf • 109 !)() H•r 728 Ille Coldlpol 1 ct NNI Ok _., -11.00 Art,.pUng &ppllcatloNI f1>r WAtTRESSER. CAR·HOP~ COOKS S2-YumJture for Sale _____ , __ , _____ _ M t"8T RP.:Ll. 4 MTl4 nurly nf'W marl• motlf'f 01v111 n A rh&tr, W1ri back dla lr, h"rr"ll l'hlllr 2 1>t1rm. Mt.a • ••mr1-1~ kHrh"n R"lUIOnablt on pkg 11~"1 H O BaJ •re-'t, r l)8la MtaL lep - ,, , II • I l , I : r J 11-Faralture for Salr St-P'umltatt for Sale ----------· ... ---·-------4A-Apta. a Roa. for Beet 41-Aet.. a RoaAee for Be•t 00"8TAL SBOPPDl Mdoa el • NEWPOftT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART It • MM I Cabanas Mar·1nas WEDNESDAY, AUSUST J, 1955 v' v Check these Used Cars Good Used f umiture Bu1 trom a local dealer wllo wU1 b4I ben TOMOMOW to back up what lie Mlle TODATI -. . !' 8 • "!Of&' !S 11 !i ! e OifGl"i•nli Lido Peninaula, East '31at St., Npt. Bch. Oomplett h-. or apt turuiahinp Bed.room, Kring room. din.inc l'OOID. Lawn and patio furniture END OF MONTH SPECIALS! OPTERB DelirhttuJ ltrinr. Apt.-Cab&nu. UtllltJe.1 paid. with • Looking For Business Opportunity? il kine» baby fmonltun 1953 CHEVROLm Bel Air• dr. power llteerinr We ban .-sood 1DOD9J ~ -.. Md maa1 with grom allowing an tncreue month by mont.b.. Owne1'9 haft ..ad ua to handle dl11011M41 eo drop ln or call. Near Nu Furniture Mart R A: H, WSW, powu glide --·-·····----only $1t2:S Yacht alip accomodationa. 1819 Mcwport Bl~ Newport Bea.ch Har ~392 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club c~. Radio Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. 2 tone p&lnt, all new tirH ----·-················ $1195 leM BUICK 4 dr. Sedan. Ught green, R It H For appt. or reMrYatfon, Call H&r. 2992. Mttc THE VOGEL CO. Dynatlow ··-·· ···-·········-......................... $7~ f'7-Want.ed to Beat 3201 W. Cout lftwa.y, 'Newpc:ri ~ LI 8-"81 MOam QUA.Ll'l'T J'tS '!'OUR MONET J.. T BAT J"lJUllTlJRE SNOWBIRD complete with aall- 2~i Circle Dr., Bayshoru. Liberty 8·8602. 86r87 1952 DESOTO V-8 4 dr. Sedan, light blue, power steering, R&H. Electric windowa. Only $11~ Rentals Wanted w • Deed apta and bouaM tn all eeoUou fOI' llloth wlater and ,_,. e leue. J'urn.. or Wlfllnl. lt you have a vacancy, ph-toda1 SUMMER Rentals 1'7-a.I •tat. W'M!'f ACREAGE CHANGE TOUR outboa.rd to In· board. 52 Aerojet with V-drlve S310.-LI 8-7811. t(ip87 LOU REED De.luxe turn. &pt. It rooma. Day, week or month New Store Bldg. CHRYSLER-FL YMOUTH DEALER Ideal IO<'at.lon -a few 1tepa to everything. 104 E . B1y, Balboa. Har. 5344 17tfc wuw -paroe1a from J .. 10 a.area. An, l'OOd dlat.rlct. CUb Ot' trade for 9m&ll !Mime If-· port lit& LI l-4JIT ........ 1th h.p. motor O.B. with carriage I PC. 1 tllrv' 6~" J>W'• toam f1>0. Northill anchor, 2:1' chain, 1200 W. Coast Highway Ph. LI.berty 8-3486 The Vogel Co. tor leue, a-6 yn., 15&M ft. puk· &hopping area. ....,. eumlom, non cniah hi-100' new Une $30. Board l&d· llte fabrtc, top tubtoa d•trn. der $25. 22" Ute nnr $7. ' life ~S_4 __ M_u_s_lc&l_.-•_Radlo __ .... _T_v __ _ tee ~ tUl'qwlllM. tou&--be(se. preaervera $20. a winch handlu J7" MOTOROLA TV 8119.IO Vahle -··-M S..., 1179. $7.30. lnq. 108 Vkl Mentone, with AM 4 FM nidio. 3 •peed I PC. ~ ..at.er' eecUonal. Lldo h ie week tnd1 or CRut-phonogn ph. Reduced to $1117. sraceil\al ~ 1t eomtort., top V1eW t-MM wttk day•. 8:1p93 TARTAR TV CO. snde dUN!lle -•. chareoU-WANTED-Stttlcratt 28 tt. •e<Ja.n 2904 E. Cou t Blvd., Con>na de! ~ pink. crulaer to 12500. Alao round bot· Mar. Har. 5491 83ltc .... .&O Value ····-·· at Bay 1219.50 tom 1al11ng dlnpy to S200. Mr t PC. meip&e wood a.rm STP· All Kelton, Belfort "Co. VA 29"43 STEINWAY GRAND. Gorgeous In •allllr'. --.. pl&t.foftn rocker, 84p8& every way. Pulor alu. Thia _, ..... _.._a.. 1 --p -A 1 cattee -------------wonderful ln.ltruml'nt at a bl( ...... -· --... ""rr. ~ • 0 00. pl•-k cabin crul· ta111a. M'tdltlt' tweed~ ...... ~ -uvlng. Many othu Granda. Ma· 1319.&0 Value ... __ at Bt1 Sl99.llO aer. Sleep1 t , head, l'alley, 93 son &: Hamlin. Knabe, Story 6 hp A bait tank. $217:1, Harbor Clark, etc. Price• U95 and up. I PC • ....._ pp., mod9m 9-dr. 3MO-R. Sltfc C p dble. dreNer, mirror, 2 nlte DANZ·S HMlOT lano 9taDd9, boollcue Mbou'd. metal WANTED to rent by year-Slip 1120 No. Main, Sa.nt& AnL tra.me, tnnenpr. matt. .tr box or dock moorinc tor ·1s· ked _100 __ P_IALn_08_· ___ • _____ _ aprin&e. eloop. Phone Ed 28091 or write RCA VICTOR 21 .. Color TV ,.._ 1239.IO Vallle -·--et Ba1 •1'19.IO l(M3 Ill. Vine, Weet Covin& c.-lve.e black &Jl.d whit.e &oo. rwm 1111111 <W') ~r. -tt. 84P8• TART AR TV CO. wt~ m&eclll. boK 91>rtnp. WANTED TO RENT 2004 !:. Cout Blvd., OonJna del 1&9.60 Value ·····•·· -· Pt.95 • eel. Small ll&llboat for A.uguat or pa.rt Ma.r. Ra.r. 5491 83ltc OBLE. roUaway bed (48") with ot Augw1t, Snipe, Snowbird or? lnneraprtnr ma.ttre•. Reaponllble Ocean tront prop<'r- 853.110 Value ........... at 8&1 138.50 ty owner. L. w . Burna 631 No. I PC. chrome rw l&l1n black d\JI· Jllbe St., Loe Ang'elM •· H O ett• •t 30d0, mica top ut. 7-IMU 84~ table, • toun rubber eeat ctuw., plnk. turquol•e. platinum wood-'55 WIZARD Comet 13tt., dt'cked sr&Ln walnut, rharroal or oak. rteaa boat '65 mark 26 mer- 189 ~O Vslue . at Bay •o9. c1117 motor with lf'u than 20 hn. Full eontrola.8 in. wh~l •PT SIZE (IUI ranre (20"l 6 traller, Ule preerve111. Priced burnen, ov• heat control, broiler. rt•bt. LExincton 9-33~ alter U Hl.00 Value -·-at Bay $79 5 p.m. ' Mc8S • PC. foldln( brld•• Ht. all metal cha.Ira 6: table ltp. 133.60 Value .. _ .. : .... at ~ 119.96 FIREPLACE TOOL 8P.:T, bl•t k wmu('1t Iron lnctudM et.and. ronqitei.. 4 ~ -·~ "-$8.116 rv SWIVEL arm nx:ke111, blonde wnod or wrou•ht Iron. 142.60 VILlue ... • at Be1 SH.I() BAY FURNITURE -WheN p~ an he.ad a t BaJ" 07 Ill. 17Ul -eo.t.a x- S.tW'ffn TusU" A Irvtne TRADE e.utttW 7G-tt. aux. ecllooner. 1'Ully to\Jl'ld, ro anywherl'. Wiii take eqwty 1n property or arr.al- ll'r boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., NiWJ)O?'t liar. sost. aeuo A TRULY ~U!ul 18 Cl. cana. 1100. Child'• 9 tt. Flbergl&Mcd runabout $7:1. inquire Muon Watertront ot •008 River Ave. Newport. Har. 1806-W . 88c88 1' rr. OUTBOARD BOAT and t.raJJer. a.__ wtt.ei A con- t"*-Mab oa-. aoa Grand Ev t ., 8 Ouaa&. a.u-lalaad. .. )>II Open es. ' _ u n . BALBOA dlnchy, ia t L lloUow n:iut It MJJ. rut. 1100. 3902 IUver, Newport Bch. MplT W AN'J"ED 60 USED PIANOS tor our big rMtal dept. ff.1&1ieat cuh allowance in trade !or 0rl'an. Splntt p iano, or Orand piano. DA NZ-SCHMIDT, :120 No. Main, Santa .Ana SMALLEST STUDIO Pia.no wltb t\Jll 88 keyboard IA tine con· d lUon. Terms. U:i.3:1 down and i 16.17 per mo. at SHAFER'S Mualc Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Syc:amor<', Santa Ana !'hone KJmberly 2--0e7Z. SPINET PIA.NO. BftuU!Ul cue 6 tone. UtUe uaod. Save over UOO on thl•. Anotbt'r bllrgain. Mir- r or typo Spinet only $2116. Ma.ny olhrr WOndl'TtUI buys. DANZ·SC'IDUDT Music Co. 020 No. Ma.In St., Sa.ntA Ana. Alwaya 100 plan011! AUGUST SPECIAL I We n•ed eeveral upriithl planoe for Fall rentalA. JCxtra tarp trade ..Uow.nc-u ma.de on uq Sptnet pano or lmectronlo ors- al SRAJl"l!lR'• Muatc C'o.( 8tnoe 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Sa.nt.a Ana.. Ph. Kl, 2·0872. Dale's Furniture Two Ma,ple dfnett.e Mt. with C•pL t'ha1111 Round t.ablea. WANTED uMd 8ntp. -.tL ){;;: RCA V1CTOR CONIOU: wtt.h 12'• bor 2921-J. l8c8I llpt'aker. $37 deUnnd. One "1th nt. .... 191.60 A Illa H ' CUSTOM DELUXE outboard Mahua S.Cre!Ary. v..., nlc•. Yacht Tet1der. 5'8" beam, ext ra UOOd condtllon. Ollly -. MO trt.ren(t.h COML Up to 32 mph Philco frttur 5 d . ll te wllll 26 HP mtr. PhiUlpma ma· w .-d,.wood apt. 111.ze 1tovt. hoe. thru-ouL AIAo ,,.xcell.en t uq MW • . __ ,.,, 170 •kl boaL S760 .. dl"J>l.eyNS. ~ Oood rebuilt malt.f'tu -.. 1 111.60 ~~·:,,:r•gt. 2028 R~~ A.dmlral blble •nodtl record 1------------- pl&yt.r -· -· ... $39.60 2'-J"OOT ALBACORE BOAT. 90 Clectrio n.frif. &mall el•. hp. Complete. Mooring tncludt'd aulteble for tntJlen _ ST5 ea near Newport Hubor Ya.cht Cl~. s 12:)(). K.&rbor J390. 1874 Harbor 'Blvd , r<l'lta MtM 86Uc TARTAR TV CO. H<H r;, Cout Blvd., Corona del Mu . Har. 0•91 83t!c 16 PF.R M O. Nnt. f ood practice piano. Let lhe )uddlee le&ra. Ap- ply term rent on purcha.11e. Good uAC!C1 pl1.noe Si~. J 89, $1 23, 1187 etc. Lowl'Jrt term• . DANZ·8CHXIDT, 020 No. Main. Sanla Ana.. Alway• 100 pia..noa ORGAN SPECIALS .. -------------TOR 8.4.L&-7• &" row ~ a300 HAM'MOND Spintt orpne, Wte M OVINO l'ROM A.Rl:A mwit el'll 80tll bed with COTV It ~er Via Udo, Newport Bir.aoh. Mp88 new. Hlir aavingw. to 1M&4la NO.; IDOdena ~bt 1t rr. CUSTOM CLlPPER. con· lro• OCMlllb • 1110. o&4 17•.: WU-nrt.tbl• JiUrk 20, au control.a, bllt ra.nce. fOOd oondlUon 170. ' Sacrt!loe, nearly new It one m t.I\ It Kenmore vacuum with at· trw.ller. Kl 3-8116 8"4c88 tacbmmtl ... S.. ITD. Molle H rr. BOAT. I ft. btam. no mo- TWO CRJC'N'[LLS ~ bead· tor. f OOd condlUon. Make offu. LOVELY'~ manual ei.otl"ONc orp.n In perf~t condlUon. Save S4-00. ConvtonJ•nt term.a at - SH..U"ER'8 Mu.ale Co. (81nce lll07) '~1-4.23 N. Syca..n1oro, 8antt A.na Phone IOmbf!rlv 2·0972. • bo&rdol 6 lpreadl po, Kaplt At\e.r 1 p..m.. -at 11122 ORGAN. r:lf'Ctronlc! UMd but tn eh•l $16. Painted 6-k 11.0. TUt PlacenUa Coet.a Kua. S•pM uolltnl condition. Two man- top rnabof. ti.bl• '16. Pro.taot&1 20 i'T. KEE.I. SLOOP eood Milli, u&.lL l!'lne far Cburch or home. bed Sii. 2 ••tt,_ tw bWJt n.a. da.1 ..:Uor, alM 7 tt. d.lna'hY You can Hve $'!00 on tbl1 pur- lll ..... -lrar. ~.he.a lncJuded JIOO, 14 tt. INTDU'iA· rhaae TIONAL ·B· eta. aloop D~ ~~~a Ana MAlltlQAJlfT _...., eott.. table. ........... cAMr lt-cutfed WOTk $35. H tt.. Kea-Knit -------------It t.raJ.ltT compl rettniltled ~. Private party, 329 A.rnetl\yaL _~ __ Dop._,-:;....;._Cate. _ __.._P_e_ta ___ _ Bal. I.ale. Her. :e26·M. 84da Barticw UJ&-W. 14p841 ------------tnllll> Cray Martt!• motor. Type TWO OACKSRUNO PUPS, 9 mu'& ~red "1th A K.C -u oo ..... -10891 I) &1-. Sant& AAL 10mbtr1y 2-0291. IOpl'T AUTO. Jlotpoml rwict. 1lhMld oU. \Wta bede ~· A match. U.t. bed dtnA. pr. m&tcll a-,. W'md. ....., Law- -i........, ._,~~pr. ...... ftedm, ... --Hvbor Jll'T..aL ••pie iUPLi drol> ,_, teble and • eMft, ....... m..-. .....-. ...... kble lamp. I nodlftJOd loWap9 • ptctur.. ..... ~ McM Mesa Woodcrafi un..-w • ~ 9\u .. -. MOD. dllk w;-..... -UUO • *· .... ~ --129.60 ...... dflll1as -... -.•. H 90 Mlawu &Dd ~ On»hu Ol"ffn ....._ tor ahutt.rw IUl Hanor. C..M.. ~ -.....e ... kou\. 25 h p. U M . Phone H&rbo.r 72. 84"H It FT. DOREY BOAT S~ - IH PJut 20th 8t, Coeta MeM. 84<'88 PADDUl:BOAROS NEW 12% ft., $39.tO 1..Jibt1nston M7112. lfunttnrton A •e., Rtr. ~h 84c88 ~OND Orp.n. 1.HchUy ued. ~ blc H vtna'. Aziothw Wlln · derlUl buy. Hammond Cbord Ur-•an. LltUe used. 1'te Or gan evuyone can play. DANZ-SCHXIDT Piano Co.. 520 No. Mala, S&nta Ana 8PIX::U.L. B UY! l•~tt::~'!!?!!l!l'!!IL-----~&AUDI rnapa. ~ et pa-o. Rmta.I ,......,.. ,_ MUq• Sale WHICH KOM.J!! 6 nice people 119" would love to hiwe my rAt ? 8J\e I• 11 wk1 old, l>Huutully mark- ed. bo1181'traln~ It v~ lnt&ll- s-iL Har. !481 !Mc ENGLIS H S PR.INO.ll!R &PANDCL pupe 8 wlu. A.KC. Oood pot.en- Ual •how It triel stock. 316 ptra.&.e Rc.d.. u 8-8810 NcU 1966 St.TN VALLEY :MERCURY. all po'"" equipment, tennL Call -.aw, Ll 14"1 °' U MUI. Mtlc ... SIX en.. .-&om 6dr. l'wd lledM... Low ~ aop ooadl· lion .. *°-......_ A.all WBW. ~ roa Qll9C:lK aAI.a1 ~n1..a.. ...._ 40-Aatoe for 8Ue G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCK.S 1201 W. Cat. Rwy .. Newport ~ PboDe Ubert,y 14Ul 208 Marine, Balboa laland Pbone Rartlor 4'4 2"7 JC. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 170 Udo Ottlce, 308 Via Udo Harbor f971 3Ztlc UNF\JRN. garag!' apt , 2 ~rm•. $40 mo. yrly, A VIII now. Har, 0190-W. 8-i cM CORONA DEL MAR nt'W l bdrm. ept. with st.ove and retrtg. Ex. Ir~. th·. rm. Tile 11nk &: work tablt'. Garb. dl11p. tull tile l!how- lng apace.. Majoi:,.Al1ery. la Udo BLANCHE GATES Realtor 31 1 Marine Aw.. Balboa lalud Harbor 1671 '8ttc C-2 BLDG. lleM GENERAL CONTRACTOR Wll.L PAR1'1CIPA Tiii ~ '42 CHEVROLi:T ~ T. P A.NlCL '60 CHEVROLET ~ T . PANEL ·60 GMC % T. PICKUP er, (UL811 dr. Ou. .,. .. 111 takl' THREE or rour bdrm. unfllrn. largest t·ar. Laundry. ('lo8e to 4 hoUM on yn. leue, near New-l!luru tl trRns. $76. mo. yr. tract. or build lndl'ftdllal mu RMS. plu• kJtcht'n 6 batb and for tlc>at and 2nd T.D .... -.w l rm. 2nd fir. Newly decorated. llo8I 'W CHEVROLET % T . PICKUP POWE.RGLIDll TRANS. port Union HJgh School, by Oct. lrut. Ph u 8·5457. Mp86 1. Harbor 01196. 84c86 ------------- 110und proot ceWng1. 175 mo. •27 ------------- COUPLE Dl!JSPERATELY need liveable It clean 2 bdrm house or apt. partly tum., yearly. Lo- F URN. ::? rm. bachelor apl. Ulll. 3111t beh ind P. O. Newport. Har 68 5051 or 2804 J . K. Tlptl 'Ot CHEVROLET 1A T . PICKUP HYDRA-KA.TIC TRANS. '52 CHl:VROLllT SA T . PANmL '(2 GKC 1 T. STAJCJll, DUALS '(8 CHEVROLET 1 T. 8' 8T AKE '62 CHEVROL!:T 1 T. PANEL '51 J"ORD 1 T. DUALs, FLAT· BED '&2 CHEVROLET 2 T. 179" WB, J 8P11l!ID, 8:26 TIRJ!lS 'H 0000111 I T. 6 YA.RD DUMP 2 SPICED, 8 :25 TIRES '52 GMC 660 TRAC'l'OR, I SPEED, 9;00 TIR.'ICS 'M GMC 10 WBJl:!l1.. DUXP • :00 TIR!'J8 We an oventbclled on ueed trucka, now u the Ume to eave aome r-.1 mone)' on a Wied t.MJrJc. No reaaonabl• otter retueed. We C&J'T7 our own cont~ W. W. WOODS CMC OJ;ALP!R 916 -19UI II. tth 8t. 8aD&a A11a Open Sunday A.M. Truck beadqu&rt.n tor Ont.nr• Co. cal referencea. Pay to $60. Har. 0748-J 86p87 ON LIR BEFORE Sll:PT. 1.- 2 b<lnn. untum.home It double Included. Private bearh a dock privtleges. Gar, -Beacon Bay near Har. Island, 1 or 2 adult.I only. No pets. Wlnttr rental lea.11e S75. mo. yrly. le11n SIOO mo. avail, Sept. lst. Har 2786. 8otttc gar. Baywbor.., preferred. Oou· 1 ------------- pie It teen age daupter. Will leaee, loc-,J rer. LI 8-7248 88p87 Choice Summer RenWa on Balboa Ialand It Lido Isle Small It eo&y or I.arr• • delwre 176 to $300 month VOGEL CO. IOI M..uine Ave., B&lboa Wend '88-Howw• for Rent 4 BDRM., tur11iah.il.f. Udo North Bay 1-~r ont home r1i·r A floi.t. Av11ll11bl1• tor AUgullt and At>pL U ,500 ~" month. WEhsler •-0920 or BRlghton 0·4547. 85r87 \\'ATERFR0.11."f. Newport. 1-'urn. f lldrms .. 2 bath. Plrr & float. No llnens ..,. '11she1t $1~ mo. on yr'• leue. A vall. Sept. l. Harbc>r ~40·R 76ttc Ph. Harbor 4U or Harbor 21:11 ------------- Ru. Haer. 1788-R or Har. 3059-M 8Uf$: BALBOA ISLAND Unturn. yrly. renW. 2 atory home ln choke loca tion, clo11e to bay. a bdnn• .. 3 bath• plu11 drn It laftaJ. IJ86 p.r mo. SHORE CLJFFS pr1Valo 2 bdrm. tum . home $226 f'<'r month, yr ly. lelll!ot'. Or wlll iccll, S29,9~. un- fum C111l Ownt'r, H11r. 32<l!l·R. f>lltfc Fine Location FOR Att'ny Acc't, Beauty Shop. etc. Ground noor Hx35, Coat& M esa, Acros1 from P. 0 .. , call owner Ha.r 2996·W. 88ttc M-B~-.~ Balboa Island BY OWNER, KOPPER KlllT'n..IC rr11taurant. Good l'OIDC bWll.n-. The belt of equipment. Seal.I 3(. May c01U11!1u trade tor amaller place or proputy. CALL U 8·2813 alternoona. 80ttc Restaurant Cenlcr J:l:twport Beach. On 11 otr IWH iial•· M ust .. u -dc><:tor'e or<1t'rA Toi..J pnce reduced to $4600 -yrly. grou $30,000. OAS A. JACOBSEN. LI 8-8317 Associate Wanted FOR SMALL PROFIT ABLJll l 'SEO C'AR OPERATION ---~~---~---~-----SUBDIVISIONS One Houae °'" 100 We handle y~ ......., ~ v. A. • r . H. A. prooemd ...... ua b.!ore you m.a1ce a d9al. P .O. Boa 1111, Balboa Ieland. ... HOME and 6 Units GOOD INOOKJD. .... 000. ._ Bun- Uton, Of! Hal1>ot' Bm1., eo.t.a x-T6pllb OCJt.A.N FRONT APT. FIRIT CL.ABS 111 _._, .....,... 4 unJt.. plua 1\14!9t apt. W.U ,.._ ni.htd. lnoome ovw 13.000. A real buy at SU .llOO. •17 .600 a It 1204. 77 per D\Olllh.. OR&l:NLllA7..aJ:VllRTI a 'L1' lllJ N..-pott Blfd.. H""PGft Har. 2662. J:v-.1 LI 141.M. BUILDER KUIT DILL NmW Df· COM.£ UNrl'I. l:XCllLUENT BUY. U &-6121 .11V1:1. Moll '53 J'ORD -'Y'91'tl.ble FordomatJc RAH.. 'nlti.i.. WW tires, Call LI 8-&988 Thu.ra. IJ!tM • p, m. 86c W. W. SANFORD, realtor A A.Noc1a tu Park A Marine. JiAr. 2t62 7-ilfc NEWPORT UJ-:ACH: two bd1m h0\1111' 11n(11111 SRcl rn11 !'\rwly dccoral.eli Lcu1.1c, lltHl>or 0633.:\t, l hdi6 ONF: HlJllllf. hn11J•11 !111 n. near .Ncwp11rL City 11.111 C'nll 1.fh11rty ~-3~1'>7 ~4r8~ llm ""l~rll'nced cer man.. caa huv flr 11t'll. am look.l.n« for a l'll.rln!'r or -.-><:kite, mlUlt ha•• n!!:=;::ll~-~2r~ ... !!~te!_ ____ _ 111>out 12'100. Let. talk It OY•, Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. I bovr ~ ITM ~ck up • delivery Courtney & Lester 1598 Ne.wJ><>Tt Blvd , Coeta Mea PHO~ Lml:RTY 8-11.N PltP 41-Aato 8enlce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * & Cyl1. ------·-US.88 8 Cyla, ·----·---·$58.88 Includee botb l&bor and paru. Ne• rtnga, ""11't plnA. n.lve ROOMS. COTl'AGES, APTS. DAY OR WEEK TKJC BLU11l TOP MOTJllL. 403 Newport Diva., j\111t Above T he Archea. Httc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS C&J.J J:daa er.is Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Avt lklbo& Jaltnd, Har. 1871 72tlc ------? 8TORY BOOK HOUSE, 2 bdrm", oletly fum .• car. AJ'cl n1rd y --------REAL.LY N IC'E Two bedroom unit. Lare e wardrob<· cloaet.a, v~rUcllJ vcnrll&cl\11 tn llvln&' room. Tile In b11th. ll'lnett hu1Jw0<'<1 tlt>0111 l<notty plnr• kltrti!'n with •ll~pot<.il YAHi fM•rvl<e antJ gc1r· &Ill' A<luJl11 onl>' J SO per month. 1 n•P""l R 17 I 'lt11nrr nr phone LI 11~0&.. 8!\ctl8 -VACATIONERS wt-; HAVE " VA11rty or new nt«r· Jy turn. renl1tl~ "''"ilKhlr 1n X• wpurt It l-t1:um1 $J O ,. k & up. lm1u1re J t>l<l!nJ Jil , :"pl. Phone Hart.or J:.!::8 i ip!H•n tum., l b<'llroom &&rtl&t AJ'L fT I(!';. Jl()l'~I-" !'.Ppl 1. Twin bcdt Har. JllU·W 86< 88 1 & t»ct 111van, flrt"l'l.11 ,. 1·orn,.r lot, ici>Od lo• All11n, 1 a1l11lt• 72 t AUG. 16 t~ SEPT. 16-3 bdrm , Poppy, Har. 003~·~1 M tttt u, ba. Ulra Ji . f'AllO, liHQ, •undtck, I .• block OCl'llJl, blOC'k F UR LICASE bay. No t101ill children. OW:\T.H TV. 0 BEA UTrFta~ lll'W lrvLnt Wet•kdaya Harbor 2:>~2. Evl'• Terr11ce unturn. vt~w homra. Wet>Jcm<i. HarboT 6009-W, Mc87 3 BOP.MS .. 2 bolh11 and 2 R£0RMS~ 2 blllhs. C&ll Harbor Ji7(i UI' H•tl.lor ..... 8. EA.RL w. STA.=-;t..i::Y, K1·11ltor I rvlne 1·,,rracc ortlr e Coronll d1•t Mar. 33Ltc rrtnd. tltLlnp ot m&ln and rod One 11 two bdrm .. w 1U1 teltvlalun. beartnp. Expert motor lune up. Av1.1labl' tor •umm«'r or win- Deluxe Furn. Apts. 49-Rooms ror ~nt wnte Rox B-17, thle n-apaa:-. 86p88 MARKET At GROCERY, ~ A wine, •ll mode.rn equlpm.it, b1 lnvl'nto ry only. Mo nllN or ltun· lla y11. <"'.ood llt'Al for good ope~ 1n or. Phone KP.:ll<>sr 8-JllO nllc• t.J 8·7138. Mcl'f M-Mooey to Lout NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCll C0~5TRUC'n0N Call tor Ff'M Fa.st Commitment.a on Rr al lenr H a.nd Unit.a only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LJ 8·5~4 1 LI MM2 UJAl'\1:1 TU UUU.U. l.M:PROVJ: BUY. MODl:RNlZ&. OR R.£YINANCE We Buy Trust Deeda NEWPORT UAU.IUA SA VINOS a. W AN ASSOCIATION 3J88 V1• Udo. Ph. Har. UOO Ue 90-day or t.000 mUe ruan.nt.e. ler. ALSO yu.rly lelUt't ROOl\.l tor w orkln g ma..n. Hot a..nd (NO :~~~~iNEs IA pie~, ot k tl\'lly -Lota or ~~(';:~e;t'/::k~~23 1';~lhe~~ LOANS for Homes -t;P to 10 MONTHS TO PAT-607 E 831bo& Blvd , e..Jboa :'l:ewpr!rt. ppltc 6" -JO yr. lA6N OJ>a llOUU 8U>f,. l'GLT 11 U 1u1.-. p-IHO Or.-91Yd. .8aUloa ~llOlm•Wna .. 1 baUa -l ~ lie*. ftae 1"91ideUaJ -. •10,000 c1n.. Pl.000 t.r. l . K. MD'• oa. ... ... a.n.o. IA?d. .... .oe.i Real Value ~·w... ........ 4-. I bathe, b'Md Ur beat. 0.. .. ~ Jn. old. v., modem ruola t.Jpe IMll. "'°" pwfect «wt!UcQ. ...... qWM ~ aton.. C\rt to Ut.1100 b ...- IMM.. AtlracttYe tenm. Open l '° 6 1101 llulla Ana A..._, Oo1M I&-. or call Own•, llafticw ....,,_"· llcM 1115,000 SEIT BUT ID C-. ~ Mar, Corner, one b&oo1t 8o. ~ blway, r l•an I unit.a OOl\allltinc ot unt. 3 bl'dr. h'JUH • hlm. •tud.lo a pt. Terna, Uood income potenUl.L Call Ml.I• KobJlrt.edt.. Har. 21152 Ev.. Rar. •807·R 86<!81 '2.000 OOWN, a bdnn • Wall to wall carpel. 1"" b.t.h. ran«'<! yard, 1 "•r gareae. a mo, oM .. F ull pr1,,. Si l~ Al~ TYL..ER 111114 Ha.rbor IJlvd .. CC'.W\& .M- l .I li·JIWll Daill In our own factory by •killed Harbor 3908 )Cfltfc BHA:"\lJ Nii:W_V_tr_y_:\1c_t _l '_n_\', Constructa·on Loans rM -machtnt.ta.. Don't contend wtth -toom ,.,,h • h.t lh Ir klt<hl'n MEDIATE POSSU&IO?'f, own. Bu di Lid L •r l'°"'\'lnJ •t1tl•, Br-and MW ,. the middle man. Y N'CL • 0 ease J•-'\· C'•,.......1rl I M-k from SE.I: BOB SATTLJCR ,,.... 2 oronun.T d INST .a. T T ~ '' ~ ,... "' .,..nn. bath home, C. M.. Thor· n.o:.o &n ~ Cl<'l'lln $100 tc.r A ur 01' J:i-0 mu 261~ EAST COAST BLVD. W Lt'rl'ronl rum n,.w 2 b<lrm " our;hly mr•I• m . can ~ ~n aay. SBORT BLOCK a . · yrly Hu OID8·J 8e. 'i8 L"orona Clel Mar R&.rbOr Ull t.aml' l l2,11$0 Terma. Ort•• by FORD ••-.,. 1 L• bath. Elec. <'QUlp. kll OW· 1--------------Rep, POJlUi:P. MORTOAG.I: CO .... ,_._.;0----···--·-:---1 .. ":: Oarb, dlap 4211 Via U tlo Nord. MH.ro Ute lna. Fund• Kl. a.-.ua:> .. ...., R&m nna Pl Ml. I.I 8-797& ~ .. A LJIT -·--•• • '"'·"" 80tJ 50-twnt Mi...C Mc-81 PL YM.. It DODGE -· $10.S -----------_ c '-----.:..!_ ---· ------61Uo ------------- CHRY8. It DE SOTO --SJTO ATTR.A.CTI'V£ OCftUl \'lew 1 bdnn GARAr.E F'OI' RENT 604 PCtl.n·1------------- STUD&BAK.l!:R ...... ---SlTO a pt , part.lafly tum Sutt.able tor llE'tltQ, r oruna IJt I Ma.r 86t 8i REAL ESTATE LOANS OLDS la PONTIAC 8 --1170 toupl~ Ii'~ mo. y rly tt~r; \\... - ----- Q.UlCK · ···--1175 ltlh, Coeta MHL Call II lo 6, HUDSON -·-----·····-··-··· 1 1711 Har 80. 80\fc Loe.n Oa.r Free Towtnc NIJW CAR OU ARANT!:E Blook mu.t mMt our et.tnd&rd9 Pl\111 tu.u, l'uk•ta and d i Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open 0 &.111 8 to 7 SlUe Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. &ANT A. Al'< A ~ P AN-A..MERICAN -(l Paramo\Ult-terry: BAY VntW APT. on Lido Pf'nin- 1ul1. New .l •ttracllve p1n!!ll~d llvlng room. l bd.rma. For )'tarly lfllAC\ l•h, H11r. 27~\ n r lfl\r Ii() 6Stcc Balboa Furn. Apts. DAT -WEEK -MONTH H,.art Of t own. 11 biol k tn be.y . I blork to ~tan It pier. 917 JC. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1 i29·J 73c88 NO. 6 HEACON BAT -Summer "nta.1. Spaclou1 rum. 1pl., aleep• t. OYerlookilll' bay. June l:IUl- ~pL lGUI., S~. month. Al.SO w1ll take ruervatlon tor "'1nter. ...... 14 Tl, ccovrteay to al'ent11. •3Uc ~~-------------~~~--SMAJ..L o n 'IC'I!: F'OR RT.NT. $30 pt'r mu 2602 ;>o;~wpon HlvtJ Ntwprn Bl'h . H11r 4i l.ll t1:$l/r 2 .!ll •>r""' !•r urrirr 11, tont> 2xx:111. One 12ll26, Low rrnt. tlullallh.· tor rt· la.II b11111ne11.11 or offlcl' 607 1-: ll1ilboa Blvd . llt•r :lll•11J llGt r..• UDO OFFICE SPACE -W iii •Ublet apace •u1tablf' tor a ttor · nrya, t>ngtnetr~. l'tt· A11prox. 1$x30 In ahopplng ar•a on Vm Llf.)o. C ull [)on C.\•lt 11fttrno..ns onJy, """· •sw. r.IHtr OFFJCE li'OH iu;:-.-r Cl"1o Center Loc&Uon, 21 ll:l•. lotere.st Rate 5-6'h" Lo&ne qulcJtJy made I.JI the ea, A l"f• and Coet.a MeaL Slnl'I• or mulltple wu t.1. New or old. Be ,.,1.. and .. ve b1 re-tinanctn& yuur pr<'ll<'n\ loa.n. MWmum o - ptnae. No charge for Pt"fllml· nary appntJMJ. Phone Santa 11. na K.lrntierly a-'11133 or wrtu ARTHUR A. M.A Y Mortgage Loan Corrupondent Orrldt'ntal Lite lrurunutce Co. 113:1 Smtih Main avit.e .t.na pp Quick Cash Loans. on furniture, auto, aala.ry. $50. to $750. or more. One day service WATE.RF'RO:s'I' HOMJll S1Wr -d n oe l, 2 h<lrm romplet_,. ,_.. ntahed. 123.t.OO tvma. J M. Mll.IZR 00. 202& w. S a looa. ttlY<I. HAI. eoet Balboa 3 BICOROOM, I bl\th ti.om.. Pl.Va 2 rent.&J unlta tull1 t\an:Wtbec).- J car r&ra«•· OWNllR 8A Ya SELL MA K1J Ol'P'llR. - llarbor 3371. llcM DUPLEX, 2 bdrm. bOIM pb.-..,._ cl• apt both turn 1., blnok kl br&eb, cl~ to N-pOrt pur A markt U, omy 12.000 dr:J9'n. Sl0,9M. rul.I prloe. J . M MlU...l:R 00, 20 26 W. 1:J&J 00. BI v d. 11&1. .c)8l1 -------------- Balboa Coves .... --..._• "91 Uhl ..... ......... b& I.Amp ......._, mMe.. .................. ---Connm-t '-ma a&- ~· lll\Jlee ~ ..... MIOf) Ui..411 •• .,._,,.. ._.. .._ •ea BUJCX JU'nJl:RA. 9111*. &1111 XJ.Ml eon4. Owne Jlar.GMO-W ......... .._ .a.-. J bdrm STUDIO Apt. bath A Jttt.cben, UUI. turn. reuonable. ~pl)' 600 Jumlne Av.._ OolQia del Mer. SM. p<'r m on U\ CHAR.LES Jo:. HART, ~a.Jlur SOO W, BeJboa Bll'd., Npt. lkh. 77c~ Appllc:aUon may be made In ~r- 110n, by phoM or by mall CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORAnON 120' on the waterfnmt w\l.b ... w all. Lovely ~ borne wtlh liucce Uvtnc rourA, lanal dMltli• room. m o d e r n klt.cb9rl wtlh bullUn nt.D(e, tl.repl&oe, ,...., "'1t.b l>arMqut, laad.....,, ... f~nl'f'd, PT1oe m .ooo. nuru.&s a:. KART, ........_ PIMIM ~ ).()llJJ. «Ole ......... ...,...,. ..ct ...... ,._. ltJCRA~ TA.CBT AM-<>n, STTLE A llWIAWA~. Cll01"09. ....... 0..-. .._ ..... . .. . S1796 ot Balboa~..... Mot1 'W'OOOWOR'l'S J'L+.)fO 00., 3UO .. OoMt ...,.,.. ao-. cW Kar. ---.... ~---..,. -,-'f'or a itilli....,.,,UMd ·w. ... ,.,., n,.. ..U. ~. A.1 con-your ioeeJ ~ wbo wtD b4I !Mre ftttan ,T,'750. U M1JO 83ttc TOMORROW to back up what he -----•II• TODAY! Check the ulled WANT UMd e.Jboa ~ m•lll. rllre tft UM~...._ • Hu. aM-W. ~~ d&,1. • ...... ~ ~ .... ·a.--w ,..,,.,._ .... M' lleJwr-Vuatlooer COMl'Lm'S.t <5L• A JC, lMI ~ lllORa -..._ ~ ~, Cbalup1c.c. 6-dr. o.. ma DMOOUwt -noor Mod9'9 .... rnc>del pt-n'ect 8-wt .... ...,, 1'74 111<'87 ft A·Y·9 Rolldltet' ptdt1q>, n9.A bioc!lll.. • ...., ..,.,.... w .......... Po.t Ola.np TraUetr .... noo w. o..t lllP•ar Pac.. LRleltr MdO ••~on ..._ llo8I Al80 mot<11T7ct•. IJO B. a. A. -------------!'lprm irer l'lnfl" rwld rondttllm. 1952 vm:DfO 15' J t>drms. i'u1l llarbor 262~·.\1 114c86 b.tll. Dr1._ by A Me at 111 W . lllU PLYMOU'PR u~ letb apecie 7, Cott& Mtea. No NMOMble «*er Ntwd. 111"\"Z- MDf 0!9 ....... Dn>e . ...,ee Mo9e Soni~body Wants thM ~ ll.imllvn, ...,..brae, ... .. DOW ......... ..-.. a J10S Modern Store ....... ~~~-~~----~~ J'l.d a..,_ ... M 911 a ..... a-.!~A~:!-~!' ~·!!·~·~-~·~·~-­Pr.-~ .l\a.t pllone Kar· ~ bor 181t • 1&.)': "I WMlt. to place Ofo:SK &P4Cll with pbOIM _..lo• a Clu11.tled Ad." aad a courteoua '30 mo. 007 JI:. B&lbDA Blyd., ad-taktr will INlp 10fU W'l'tte an 8eJbo&. Phone ~ ..-rtoe ~u.. ad. Ula aft.l1alM. Bu. aeoe. ~ . . --·-·- llH Harbor Blvd., Costa Maaa LI 8-77$1 -Open J'ndtye tW a ac-4 Saturday.-Uttc iu.ooo ruwr Tna.at Deed°" ue. 600 11.ome. Top ~. Corona dttl Mar. Wih pay ll20 ft'IO, 9 I~ 4';, tftterellt U>d J ~ bonua C a I l lmrnect!at.elJ' llu'bor t.281 -NTT. auia - 30 0 "''· li&Jboa Rl...S.. ........... n.- 2U Jo"URNl&WED UHrl'& _,.,. ot B&l bo&. f.J 1'1Ged 8'l ,_ ..._., I UmH pot.enU&J ,,_ -..oc; down. '211,llOO tu£J .--.. 1. K. Kl.Lt.-00. .......... m.d. --. -a ., . r I I I -, I I I I OOAST AL SROl'IT.a l"AIJdoa of PA5l 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEONESDA Y, AUGUST 3, 1955 a • ..,...._ ............ Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES Choice Location Specially Priced 2 Units BEACON BAY Two bedroom 2 bath home on 50' lot, complete l Br. apt. over dble. garage. Both o.nita have gay break· fut bu Ir both an ni.oely tunmhed. BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new 2 bdrm. home with many extras, firepl., furnace heat, large cloeeta, beautiful patio. Furn. apt. over dble. garage. BOTii PROPERTIES priced $28,500. A $10,000 cuh payment will arrange the poue•ion of either Now la the time to get what you want, afld program your living, your inve.ting· here in thia area. Two unit propertiee otter the pay u you ro auwer tor moet people. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave. Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OJTICE --------~-~~- n_:~-·-.,~-r.._lit..;;;;..;.; .. .__~-----r~·~·~·~·~·!....!:r..~ ... ~ .. ~--~--~·~=·~ .. ~J~~ .... ~·!·---------_a~_._ .. ~r.._-.. __ .. _____ ~~ .. ••' EMate a, ....... Houston Values Scoop $8,200. 12000 DN. buy1 one ot ~ eleu Ht ~de 2 bdrm. ham• In are.. Dbl plu1 pr...-•. ~ ot extru. 1 block off Newport Blvd., M.I even a nice .ndoMd • outelde ahower. Here's Another $7,500. lltlOO DN .. Owner m\Ult move to de11ert -I~• on· the w .. t-1lde CIOM·ln, 2 l>d.rwia., only t )'Ml old. Good tenna on b&laace. Home & Income ON BROAI>W A. T &xcepUonally nice 2 B. l'l. home, hwd. flr1. All larre room•, l B. R. tum. coll•&'• wtlh '4 bath a.lao 1 B. R. A bath,. off prqe Exe. Income In choice net1bbor hood. SU,600 With &'ood finance Ev~. Wo. PeUtte. LI 8·6t87 M-1 Specials CLOd: IN lH' x 290' corner on PlacentlL Hip A: dry. 20 tt. an.,.. Ible. bUy tor bulldtnc °" 1pee. Can be dtnded. ~ dn. A: tenna. ALSO N ft. front.a.re oa P\&centia. 4711' deep for 1121500· Only n~ dn. A: bill. l!lZ. A rMl ln.....tment.. See lbeH. J!N. Into. Lytl•. Ll l ·IMJ ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Charmin( throughout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcove, 3 baths, very large front patio, partly covered. Lovely kitchen. cliahwuher, dillpoul, etc. Fully carpeted with drapes included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat. Only $&4,750 and a wonderful buy. Wanted A LidO home or Jot for exchange for Jln exception- ally nice home in Northridge. 3 bedrooma, awimming pool and juA two yean old. Priced at $39,500. LETS TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. plwa den-bedroom, 2 batha, carpeted. Overaiud double garage. Lovely kitchen with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Di.apoeal, diebmuter and many other tine feature.. run price $23,000. We ha,.. the key. COSTA MESA $2000 down, will move you in thi1 modem 3 bdrm. 11,.) bath home, completely fenced in rear yard with patio. Fireplace, !ormica in kitchen, parquet floora, forced air heat and double garage. Cloee to achoola. "C" THOMAS "C" 'niOMAS Corona Highlands CXCl:PTJONAL VALlfl: -LC•· llv. room, 3 bedroom._ hdwd. tloore, 100d view, encl. patio, ex- cellent nnanc.1nc. PRlCI: RE· DUCl!lD to llt.760 Lido Isle Bayfront BILL'S BEST BUYS CASH TALKS 3 bdrm. home on 65'x157' lot cloee ~ ma.a. ..,_ contains approx. 1200 aq. tt., ....-In .u..t. r.I price $6395 -with $12'5 dowD. CAm •SW . ~ Lovely J bdrm. I baUI, J ~ p . old home, n-1.y decorated IMlde • WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE? out. new w to w cupetlnr drapea. nloe well plan led patio Coay three.bedroom, 1 ~ ti.th ...... ... • wttb built-in bllrbt'cue. Imme· dlat.e occupancy. P I JC R and ~ontha old. Located clOM to llOlloola 184 ... FLOAT. turnlahed or unfurnl•h· pmg, on new curbed ud panel lltnil&. ..... • ed. Submit terma on uklns and paid for. Tmmacttate pa• d,.._ l'all ,.... price tumiahed .... .. 166.000 $9,750 with only $1~ dn. _••Me .... ..,, Bayshores IN NEED OF n~ OOMPl.EI'ELY ll'URNISHED s AN J!!X'l'RA ftVVJlll I bdrm•. attractive Uv. room, dln. We're offering thill four bedroom. I ._. ~ room, built-in plant1r, fireplace. for the first time. Only a _,.....,. emtfee old. Al be1utltul patio. abundance ot .......,_ b lack top for parking . $19.~ improvement.a are in and paid for. r JI.A. ftp_ BRAND NEW -BA YSHORI: ing. Full price $10,9M. With aalJ' 11.8 ...... DRIVE-View Of bay, s bdnnL, Monthly payment.a of $70.90 b tz'nr lll¢n tht. ... 2 b&Uu1, din. area. birch kitchen, te.reet, t.axee and tn ... ra J>ullt-ln thermador oven • ranre. nice patio, low down pymt. PRICED at . . .. .129.760 G. I. R~ALE "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Hy., Newport Beach l..Ibtlrty 8·M27 On Flower St. in ~ 11.eL .Al .... us I 9 in, hu paved alley ai.o. 11.t ot thl fMJI-la thU. home ataya. Full pri~Inc. furnttve U0,800. M ....... Balboa Ieland ---------------Houston Real!'l Co. BALBOA PENINSULA ~ c.it! ASSOCIATE Coet& x ... See It today. ll'ull price, $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. ~ LIDO OFFICE "C" THOMAS ''C" 1'HOMAS SPECULATORS A 'ITENTIOM NEWPORT HTS. Nice lot 60'x150• ju.t ott 22Dd It. Mew ,..... .e curbed a~t will front thll lot tn DWI' ,._., • LI 8..e9U LI 1-TTU S.utihl 4 yr. old home, quiet one-way atreet clo .. to ocean and bay. Nice patio and fireplace $18,000 -$4,500 down for quick aale. Wonderful Family Home -3 B. R. Ir den. 2 bat.M, lge. encloeed patio, foraed alr beat. Complettly tumlahed. ~.ooo down -s~.ooo BALBOA Cloee to Ubra.ry Ir Newpt. Har. Yacht O~b. l oo· trom beach. Yeu round bome with fireplace, Iota of aleeping room. Wonderful condition. J'aU tun. price SH.~ -Good t.enna. NEWPORT BEACH Im.mediate Poeeeeaion -$1,9~ down. 3 B. R. home on R-2 Jot. Overair.ed dbl. gar. atreeeed tor apt. Bar kitchen, tlaptone fireplace, near Lido ahop· ping center. $11,950 -Sl,950 down for quick ..Je. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. 811.lboa Blvd .. BalboL Har. 1264 CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -4 famished unita: 1 bdrm. esch. No vacancies ln over a year . Rent 11 $65 each. Grogg S2760. Clean property. $6000 takes. RE'duced to $19,950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to litUe Corona beach, $25,500. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertiee Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Ma rine An •. Balboa rsland 84c86 CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm. & den home. 2 bath11 . 2 garages, nice patio: fireplace PLl'S Unusually chann1og studio apt. with beam ce1Lmg, tded bath, kitchenette, and aun deck. Yearly rented at Si5 mo. Full price St9.000 including molt or Curn111hinge, Immediate poA&t-ssion. . STANLEY A. SMITH , Realtor 264 7 E. Cout Hwy . Harbor 2 Corona del Mar 88c86 A SCARCE ITEM Neat knotty pine and 11hingle 2 bcdrm. home. Con- veniently located near a good b<>acb. Large Living room, "fun type" kitchen with lot.a of cupboard• Ir 11 big bar. Unusually 11psc1ou1 patio with an extra 34 bath 6 dnNing room for bathers. Well built gar- age with room to build an apt. abovP. $18,750 partly furnished WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor A.nd Alleociatea Park at Marine. Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 Here's Real Value Vets $565 down PLUI JMPOUNDI OJ*I a.t. · lwi.-1 .. U lll YOUR GJ. LOAN on ' TF· J t.drm. N-i>ort Helfbt.. bom• old. 3 bdrm .. dble. ,..,...._ t.nc· W.W. carpeUnc. Lee. eonred 9tt W'ondertul petlo 6 lawadr)-. ~Uo. BBQ. -1mminc pool. yard. O&rb&J• ~ AU compl. ,..deool'M4d. Lfw. powad1 tffehl7 painted. la ~ looaUoL Cloe. to~ Neu Upper Ba~ _, r. P. 111.000. 12600 &. 1S72 Pa.MAdu Rd .. lua Ana NEAL MARTIN, Ree1t.oc' Pho~ KI 6-2693. eOt.tc Nu. Mftl ar -U 1-177' ... OCEAN FRON'? Mme, 1 bdrm. ----------- complete&, tvm. Room tar 2 add.IUONIJ 111Ut.a. '8,750 d<>...-n 111,no. tvU price J . M. MILLICR CQ. IOll W. BaJbo& Blvt1. Hu 4091 2 OF 1'1111 atOICEft l.O'I'8 l• rt on Udo. tO IL on Genoa 6 60 fL R·3 on Udo 8oud. Call Mra. Jl:dlUI AbJ"flll8,, Mar 0101 ar •Tit~ l 1& \.'la Su tt.mo. 7kl7 fast Growing East 17th St. Business Property WE HA. VE JUST LISTlllD an •· c:eptlonally S"OOd bwijneaa lol. In Coal& Men, 100'x300' tor only 122.:M>O. Better call Har. JOf2 It -lhla TODAY. Corona del Mar t These two properties open for inspection 1-4 p.m. daily. 706 LARKSP UR. cbarmJ.nc 2 br .. fireplace. encl<>Hd patio. Priced to Mil with low down Of J2.000. 91& MAROlTERJT'I:, (ood laoome property wt~ room to build ad· dlUon&l unit. Cloee to .ione 6 traneportauon. Owner 1 ... vin.1 town. aaye 81!)LL. 113,600, Jtlnt. flnancin1. ALSO olh•re la CdX .. low u $9,500. with I I l'tOO down paymeo\. Ce.II now Hu. 2041----Har. 200 Frank James & Linwood Vick R. R&yl...C. Tta~ Ruaa. A.Noe. 312 M1.r1ne Ave -Balboa lalud COSTA MESA It could be for you CHARM.ING 2 bdrm. •maJJ home on 90X130 1,,t. La.ncacaped and compl~lely fenced. Only $7,150 .. 1th tenn•. Balboa Peninsula T\\'O ~room furn. borne. CION lo bay. $111,MO wltb M.000 doW11. Cilff Haven VJli:W or OCMft A bllla from uu.. 3 bdnn , :l baUI bome. Hdwd. noor1. el.ctnc Thennador kit· ch~n. larJ• double l'&ra(•. ft.com tCK ewlmm•nc pool 129,600- term• Coast Properties 301 E Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor ~. 2tltT ..,,d 4'00. OPEN HOUSE S\&Dda7 1·5 424 Cabrillo, Corona Hlgblanda 1 B. R ~u-. 2 baUI.. IJ•· Mv. room Outat&ndlnr v11"W. da1 A nlfM. LIDO I B. R. It flen, w w oupet U\rou1hout, a b&tha. PLUI oom- plel• f1'1· art. w/bay Yiew, lire. pe.tlo, 40' lot . l3t.~ I B. L , l ~ b&l.b, ..... at.. '°°"'· 70' loc... rumpu room. rocmt r~ poOf -.• .. "6.900 LOT J6CI' Illa •&r:. bMll &oc:aUon. Pftoecl ~ I B Jl., "' ~ ..... .ult· .. ...&00 BAY&HORiB 2 8. a . Pt.UI POCllll _ _, ....... 1111\otw Pee Int., I ,...._ tJl,llOO Claire Van Hor,. REALTOR 2?M W CoHl Hwy. I.I 1·4171 MOOlllRN I MGroom. 1 ~ llellll, 1480 aq. ft. 1 ~ TF· old. OPPJM l'Olt llflPllCTIOH SAT • 8\Tl'f. AP'Tl:RHOON. l'IOl P'\tflenon A •e~ )tpt. Illa. fWo MlS Via Lido, Npt. Bcb. Har. •971. or Har. 4972 Ena. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or LI 8-~297 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" Mo" and more Harbor area families are intpecting tbeee exqulaite bomea -noting their comfort, con- venien~ and central location. Mor. and mon famlllee who prefer a home in a re- at:riet.ed cpaa.lity commuiUty .... DlOYing into their Intne Terrace homee. Drive in today and eee for yourael! the many out- etaDdlng featuree of thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin &: Von Hemert 118,9~ Low Down Pa)"t Se• U\11 lovely 2 bdnn. bomt, wlUI • larre ll'fln1 room, ttreplu' w p- a rate dining room, eervlce porch. Thl.9 home hat that homey look and Le In a very sood location. • 1 ~<?~~~tt.~~1:~ra. old. IWnling ror 1210 a mo. Thia 11 located In Newport Hl1. Low down pay't. 4 Bedrooms -2 Baths l Tear old. All rooma an i.rr. 1500 IC!· rt. Tem\I can be ar- rana~. $8,750. 2 Bdr~. 2 ~ yn. old. On 20th St. Home Juat ~tn1 redeco- rai.d. Thi• L• below replace· , me.nt coeL "ART" ADAIR R.l:A.1.TOR Je&e Nf'wport Blvd . Coeta MeAa, ('a.lit U 1·3792 ---------- Cliff Haven A.King price $~ with S100 clawll IDI • -. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RllALTOll 1 "you'll like our trlmdly Ml"Viee" 393 E . 17th SL, eo.ta Mee& l.n.tr ~11.9 NEWPORT HEIGHTS OPEN HOUSE (2) Sat. Ir 9-., >..-.. 8laTfl'om1 '9 I New 2 bdrm. and den view bome. Bull~ln a.-MMI range. W /W carpet.a. P'ull prioe $21.000. 223 Oce&n View, Newpol't ..... New 2 bdrm. and den view r-.. Larp ltTiDI reca -dining area. Breakfast ber -eu,,.e.t ~ -out. Full price $26,000. 2~ Ocean Vn, Newport Bee* THlS MODERN STYLED HOMS ~ ~ with 3 bdrm11 .• lot.a of cupbouda, 1arp k*dwe, fireplace, 220 wirin&. double ..,..... t. for .U. • will 1e&M with optioa to buy with msaD clolla .-ii • reu. monthly payment.a. A ....... $11.700. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 w. Cout IDwar . Newport Beach. Calif. Ub1rtJ a.Mil Intne Terraoe ii located on Cout Highway opposite the new Imne Cout Country Oub. LOVl!LY la.nd«apln,f. S bdnna, ---------------------- EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pboae 8.a.rbo1' '4'8 l'or Further lnlormation * ror RecomlMt>dation. we refer you to anyone who holda a Le.uebold FAtate in Irvine TerT'a~. 8-.oon Bay, &y Sboree a.nd Cliff Haven Golden Rule Values BARGAIN Oae acre-R4-27 4 'K158' Acroea from Hoag Hosp. J uat off Superior -High and dry. J.. ra1 buy at se&M> BARGAIN Drive by 2538 Fairway Dr. and then call about lh11 nice 2 bdrm. home. NMda little cleani.n1 up. Thi• ofter. opportunity. $1500 Down -$9'500 Full Pric. M-1 BARGAIN Corner lot 140' s U6' -Coee in -OD .ewer. 110.000 ruu Price. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1858 Newport Blvd. Coeta Me.. (acrou from Coat& Meea Bank) Pbon. LI 8-&7&1. E've.. Har. 43e& • LI 8-2103 Builders and Speculators lot.JI ot cupboard 1pal't , dlah· muter. mere 1wltc.be11, newly dt'<'Orated iNllde • out. PLUS OJ loaa at $417 ptor mo. help malt• lhl.e lh• ~t buy in town a t l l&,600. Balboa NOT BE.ACHY-but a bome 1.e t.bl8 LoveJ7 I bdrm., 2 b&. boUM on one of ~ ,..,.. 62' Iota. Juat a. 1tA1p from lb• bay or OC'Mll l>ea.cl.18. UCT' S T A.LJC ! Income SA.CRIJ'JCI? for cub or the n1bl t.rade. 10 untu tn u cf'I. locat ion for MLeana.I or yrb'. renta.la Modem. In perfect cond Com- • p letel7 turn. It equipped. ru.111 l'Wlt.ci "° m•.t make app't, to ell ow Muriel M. Pinover R.EA~TOR SYLVIA THOMPSON, Auoc. 2804 N9WJl0't Blvd . Npt. ~aeh Eu7 Pa.rldn« H.arlloT "4110 Acreage "' Oranr• 0owit1 f« hllfl -.. aibdlvtllon.. One of l)i• Clhatce •potl 1-f\. FOR RENT-I bdnn., J bat.h tu.r· nllhed ~ ln Corona dtl Mar. Jt411t It for A~ or for one 7-.r. A.dultA Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. The Biggest Word in Real Estate Business Today it SERVICE Every Member of lb• MUL'l'IPLI: LlBtlHO aa. VlCE belongs to a unlqu. ~ 'na.. members pool their merc.band18e -~ ---. and other ~ property for l&le -dam wor1l Irma thia pool each with b.la Mparatie fadJW. tbat ...... eelling owner may recelw the w •"'-ot ..., REALTOR aalea ou~ tbroqMimt tlbe ~ Harbor Area.. Pronn a fine SERVICE to ..U.. ud ...,_. .ait in providing a broader. ordsiy ADd free ..n.t for aJJ at no lncreued o09l to oar tll&c•~ A SERVICE ot tt.e Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 4 t'O • 32nd St. Mewport ._. LIDO ISLE A'M'RACTlVE 3 BDRM. llOKE, ALL 1.AJIW ROOMS. GARB. DISPOSAL, AUTOMATIC ~ WASH ER. ETC. BE.A tJTinJL P.A. TIO. JfSWL 'I' PAINTED INSIDE >..ND Ot.11'. 300 a.er. avallab&e for 1ubdJvi&ion juat off Hiwy. 101 -Ocean view from many home aitea. $600 r.n acre. $100.000 T. D. with releaM cl&UM can 'be u.umed. Mull.Ip .. UI~. l\e&Jt<>"' ...... PRJV A TE OWNER KIMBERLY I-Gell ..... I THE VOGEL CO. UOl W. Cout Hiwa7, N.wport Bee.ob LI 8-3481 Bual.nem 8rok•r 11111 •• Oout Hwy., Cwona ~ Mar Sanor Jltll All Bargain• 2 JIDIU(., OdM ........ ..... .. 110.000 1 BDRM., CdM ................ 112,000 ----------------------J 8".., Corona Hiplandl 111.600 131/2 Acres 0000 PRODUCTIVS ltOlL root of Mt. Palomar. Ou be eullldl· "1de4. ~ '''°° ,.. a.en. ,.,. t.ke M -a Or-. Oa. M a , ,_,_ ... DA• A. JA.009ICK, U 1.-lf. - J M., Oorooa Hlfhl&nda 122.000 Suburban s sa.. eorona Htc'hl&lldl 121.eoo I UMJTS. CdM --.. ·---168.000 UVlNG AT ITW _,-, TlliMlll & UNJTI, CdM . _ .. .,·--·· 5etl.OOO i--11\1, .,_, 8-uUIU.I lone We ai11o maJre ...._. •. r&DC.11 t,pe. " .. rr-•. tnee, now.., •rta-. 1e ... Pn.d 0 ... LATHROP, NII S . Cout rtctit. ......... 11..s ..... Me(), o~ Y>tlllr 1..-. . ....., Mete ..... WEST BALBOA BL VD. Two R-3 lot.a, near Catholl.c C'buroh.. One kit ... a 1 bdrm. furn. colt.ace Ir 1 lot wit.b dbl.·1v. Pn. S17,500-S5000down,186 mo. incktdee I"'....., ... tor quick aale. • BAY & BEACH REAL TY I Lido Island ~l:W 4 lildrm bOUN , 129.711(), prin· clpa.11 cal)' 211 Via Nice. Har· "°" Ofll, ..,_ • Ill 6·2104. OCS.A.Jf "'°"" ......_ ' ...... I batlL OnnlW ............. lot ••.aoo ..... J. Ill. MJII-. GI). lltl• JQll ......... ...,,. -- • •=•r..&e BLANCHE A GATES, Realtor SHORECLIFFS PIUDJ:,or OWNERSHIP -Outataadtns •bdrm. I bath wtth prMlece ot buying an adjolnlnJ 1arp ft9w lot at a reUonabl9 price. One of the fw lota Wt. Let'• di8cull tt $d,800. LIDO ISLE OU'Tt!ITANDlNG LOT. It you have beell nlttns for a larse lot priCe4 below tM market WE haft It. .A. 81' r.ut trontqe on E. end of Ieland. CALL US NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMBERS or l(ULTIPLJlj LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Phone Harbor 1871 or 1812 . -. Balboa s.t waterfront buy, 4 bdrm., 3~ bath. Pier and lllp. Prbd at -.ooo. ~ away, WI: BA VB THE KEY. Lido Isle Here &'re 2 excellent values on Lido One .. a bdrma. 1 % ba. @ $29,500. Owner wtll trade $18,000 ~ for clear property in Harbor area. ANOIHER . a bdr9l. 1 % bL (j $11,500 1aJ'p lot and the owner ri1 take $10,000 cub and carry the balance on ellll1 month11 payment.I. a lw. 1 % ba. 011 a lats• lot DMtled amoni tall trees. NlceJy lanct.c:aped price p),500 and owner will car- ry the paper. Costa Mesa I bed.room.a eloee to echoola A tramportat1on bu ~ G. I. loan payable tee per m011th tnduclias taJUJI and la.uruce. Owner Jeavtn1 stat.el mUlt ..m!ice at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor ~ Newport Bl..t, Newport Be&c:h Barbor '718 LIDO ISLE MEW • BDIUd. -~ BATHa ZIOO 1q. ft. of de!uu ~. Oarpeta and dnpe1 tncluded. At $30.000 wtth only $10,000 • down, tllia ia hart to duplicate. See it today ! I I I COSTA MESA IDEAL J'OR ('!RJII>REN & KINUTES TO BEACH ,,_,. new roomy I bdrm. home. W /W carpet.a. dn.f*, It.on a.nd nitric· L&rse nicely landecaped 1ot. Redwood fence. AMume the $7300 -·~~ lo9.n @ N0.'50 per mo. including t.ue., Iuu:rance, tDtarelt. and prtndp&l. Price -$10,500. Subm.tt down paJIDCll. BALBOA RUD TRJ8 ONE TO YOUR HUSBAND Modern nmblinc cion9' !acme wtth I bedrma .and 'b&tlul pl111 a peathome rumpua room wtth ocean nrw. Loe.a~ OD the famou. Balboa Peninsula pomt. Here'• one you cannot duplicate at the pri~ ot $28.000 and it'• tuml8hed. Call : THE VOGEL CO. U01 W. Cout mw.y, Newport Beaell LI ~1 LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE 8aL A Bua. 1-6 -308 KORON N_. ' bdrml. 2 ~ b&tha e&rpN and draperleti $30,000 ATl'ENTION I Broken a Builden Terrific Corner Lot. Terma $12,500 RM.I M~rn New Orjeana Charm pttn.lll in thia beeutltul a bdrm. 2 b&th hom~ ft. corner lot wttll 169e 1q. ft. bl th• boUM. Appolnt.moll wwtb your time to .... BAY & BEACH .REALTY-lido Office 1112 IA!ayett, Newport Har. 3M3 Har. 2999 Eva FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES 1be nat from the 2 Wnn.. apt. ov• BIG dbl p.r. wm more than pay the tana, Ina. a upkeep while YOU live comfort.ably ln the 2 bdrm. and den bou.e. Bdwd. fll"I., 2 fittpla.ce.a, BBQ. prb. disp. Good biMt A many atru make thia a ra1 HOME 6 a pltt8ure to &bow. Priced far below Rep1 eo.t. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor DICK BODO~ A.moelate 3&22 E. Cout Hwy., Carona del Mat Har. 277• ~·!!::!·~·~· ~ ... ~ ... ~-~----!•!;::D~n!ll_•!-+!!!h!._ ___ ~--!!:· ::•!•!!.l_!Zl!lltll!!!te~----1 OOil'l'AL SllOPPD Ultlola .r -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-NESS -PART 11 • 'ASE 7 p • a • p a 1. m e r i n C 0 r p 0 f a f e d , ___ WEDN_ESO_A_Y,_AU_&_UST_J_, 1_951 __ developers of Udo Isle Model Home Open 12 to 5 daily 2(K Via Doll S..utttnDy turnl8hed by J. R. BIGGARS Built by JORN VISSCHER Tb1a lltunniq ' bedroom home la planned around a mparkllnl pool.. The .Udtng l'lam walla, built- lna, and large 1ot make indoor-outdoor living mOlt inviting. Be irure to lee th1a ! Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. A 1 b&th plUI a 1!2 bath and amall bedrm. in J&rage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. Tb.la home la la ttne condition and it you would like a home to uae in the summer and have u riot tt for you in the winter, th» should be perfect. $18, 750. Term.a • Bayfront with Pier and Slip S bednu. and 3 bath.a, new wall-to-wall carpeting. very n1cely furaiabed, flne coadttlon throughout and should be 1een lf you are conaidering a bayfroat home. $M,OOO incl tumJture. Terma lf deeired.. 57 foot wide building site Oil Via Lorca $1&,000 North Bavfront In fact, 80 feet on the NORTH-BAY. e unit. aJeely fumlabed. newly painted and decorated. Lovely patio sfving mastmum privacy to -.ch unit. ftl1 la outltud•n1 In nwy way~ th.19 for wre. It'• the belt income property buy we bow of. Full price b:teludlnc furn.ttur. $106,000. Tenaa. Watch the home under eoutruction by INGRAM A CX>LLINS on Lido Soucl at the end of Genoa. 77 feet on the BAY: When you haft Mell enough, bring in your check. J'uU price lncludinc carpet- tns $ee,'500. Twma. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanaon co., alee management l83S ~ Udo, harbor 1MO 60 Feet on Lido Nord Bayfront Large 3 bedroom houae. maida quarten, guest apt., boat bou.e, piM, float. Floor to celling glue ln The ltTtq room. Tb1a beautitUl home ia deelgned for sracioWI llvinJ. Shown by appointment. Aak for Hod&kin.an I . Santa Ana Heights Cute 3 B. R., 1 bath home on well located lot. Double prace with radio controlled door. Com- plete price $11,750. AU Car Kincaid . Custom View Home-1..vine Terrace Built by KR. ROBERT FORBES for private owner who bu been transferred to the eut cout. Beau- ttful ranch style -ahake root -redwood -ueed brick. 3 bedrooma -2 tun batlu -dlnlag room. Drive by 1S2' Dolphin Terrace then call Dave Osburn. Outstanding View Home · A panoramic view of the Baclr. Bay and Mountain• la one of the many featur. that recommend thia l-bedroom-2 bath home u an exceptional buy at $26,15()(). Houae will be open Sunday, Aug. 7, 1 • ~. ~ Bill ram.worth for addresa and detail1. Riiing Up Fast Thia area will llOOD be completely filled with. fine new bomee and then you won't be able to buy & hoUle like this one 1Jt thia low price. S nJce bed· rooms, 1 a" bat.ha, a su.ndeck, and a beautiful view of the harbor. Only $25,500 with a low down paymt. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout blgbway -liberty s.M73 Want A 1/2 Acre Ranch? Corona del Mar Bargains Upper Bay Area! YOU HA VE BJ:El'J WAITING FO~ n u s BEAUTlruL H OM.IC . .. overlooklnc 8. A. Country Club. I bedroom. A den. ...,... UYlnc room ud ~ut .,.., 2 t:\nple.c.a. a.parat.e IM'se,.,.. .... WlhllQS w1UI Nmpu room. rr.... room u4 ~ ....._ lftee ... lllllflaJ ... pat.le. ~ .t 111.000. S4000 doW'I\. wtUI IMM'M oorrala. doe klanela. 1. larle modem 2 bdrm.. .nd den home w1UI wall to wall cupet· tq, ...-Ye tlreplaoe. fonied air IM&t. ..... paUo, lot. ol bWJt.&M. A. ........... -oel1 fl-..00 wt~ at*-- STOP WAITING Now ia the time to buy tbll S bdrm. or 2 bdrm. and den home. 1~ b&tha. OcM..n view, larp beauti- fully land8caped lot. Le-. paYed patio.. Priced at onl.y $22,fM>O, tm can be anusecl-Dmt't t.a. phone, jut come by the otnce mtHet u. ahow you tbll home. It should go in a Jaurry. Artistic Modem 2. SHORE CLIFFS • We have one of the n1Cfllt view homes la Shore Cliff a. Oulltanding view of canyon, hilla and ocean. 2 bed.rm.. and de.n plWI maid'• room. Carpeted ww. Tnlly a barpin. You will be IOrT)' if you wa.it too long on th.ia one. Priced at $38,000. Euy term.a. We have the key. ~ P • I "P •nt" en1nsu a 01 Home! SPAClOUS 4 BEDIUIS., I MlM • IHuated on 2 1&r1• com er lot.a. Extra lol wlllled tor privacy wtlh badmlnton court. ~Uo. Nlc~ly l&l'ldacaped. Beauutul ~Un&' .,,11 dnipu. cut ln pr1c:• lo P 0,000 for (\&Jell .ale. TenN. If you Uu Nal NAie modenl then UU. la tor you! I bdnne., larp UYiqToom A ~ o~· lnc onto I ...,.,..i. tropical patJoe whkih become • put of )'OUT borne throQp l&Tp plat• f\&m w\lldow'I -ltoo eq. ft. "' UY1~ u.a ln the be9t ne-1pbot'- hood In N~ Hde111A •• J\l.lt '1 uoo w1lh Low Down.. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. 9 Unit Fresh as a Daisy PRICE T. McCUmTION, Realtor -·-=., ""' 1 ~-.._ .._u· 34-47 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del war. Har. 47 Income Property! ..... -.-r ·-----. ._ --(Office located nut door to Corona de1 Mar Bank) Utul&T cMcont.ed ...a l.nd out --------------------Fr.moua "''Hollld&y Apt.I'' on ~ wUll bdw-4. noo"' tln~. Front. P entn.u!IL I wilt.I ph ... t«n ·ed b6cll ,.,..S wtUI melolled c d I M v I v I ~· ap&ttaWlt. Bed4inr ::0 ~u: ':i:t~i:, ~: orona e ar oge a ues ~::r:0:i: .~v~ ~;:~: catJoa la eo.ta x.-... J'\lD out. 4800 ·eq. tt. IMnr uM. Pl1ce Ju.It 112.&00 with tacel· Remodf'll'd In 19!)(). '4900 net ln· i...t t.rma. OCEAN VIEW INCX>ME PROPERTY -Choice come. P7.GOO, s1 a.opo dOW'll.. k><:atioDI at oppol6te eoda ol. town. Beach Home! . . ......... . ......... BALBOA ISLAND B.A. Y VIEW 2 anJta. 6 bdrm. home. 1 bctrm. apt. Sheltered patio. Apt. turn. borne partly. $10,000 down. Balance -t.ml. CHOICEST BA YJ'RONT BUYS BAY FRONT hOUlt A apt. No. Bay $10,000 da. BA YFRONT, Little Ialand eo tt. bay frontap, p&.r A float.• bdrm . r' O'nlER BAY FRONTS FROM $31,500 -up. GRAND CANAL, 2 one bedrm. bomee, 1 tmL, 1 partly furn. Sparkling cond. $'5000 da. $24,000 f . p. An exceptional offer. ISLAND COTI'AGE -Dble. pnp. J'treplace. R..- duced for quick aale. Cottage near So. Bay. 3 bclnna.: 1 ~ b&th.s, tlnpl., lee. living room. Attractive patio. TWO BDRM. cot.tap near No. Bay. Le-. patio. Priced at $18,500. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. boue A 1 bdra. apt. Beamed ceillnp. $5000 down -sn.aoo. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. ao. .. beach, $29,000. BA YSHORES, a ncant lot! I SEE US FOR BEACON BAY and BA TSHORE p.ropllila EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Har. 1775 -JCws. J:dlth Maroon RYatt .... John Macnab, Harbor 53&9. 22S Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Mall LIDO OPEN HOUSE 116 VIA GENOA Commencing Tbunday, Aus. 'lh From 5 :30 to 1:80 p. m. until eold. Brand New We lnvit~ you to vilit OM of the IalaDd'1 IDC.t-.. ltanding four bedroom -two i.th hallMe. J'uJl prtee PTrllOO (Large 5~ e-.y paymmt loan aftllable) LI DO REALTY •eocla•• 3400 v .. Udo Herbor 4444 Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES The Summer deal you have been wa.ttlng for Should be t.hia 2 bedrm. fW"D. bom.. • .. tbe ~ tJoa, the turniabtnp ud yoa te&l 111 tbe ._ J'Ga want to pay. :euyen with NOOO-"5000 _. wm Uke tbbt home. We have another 2 be4nn.. tura. bcaMI at '1T.OOO. Good tsma. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine NEXT TO TllE P08T Oi i iCll Balboa Ia1an4 Two Sleepers BacJr a., vi-Lot 17'a.HO' M .llOO N_,ort ~Lot~ loc&. S,17& (1)-4 unJt.a on 2 lot.a. 2 aep. hou.., 2 bedroom.a ea.ch with fireplaoel plUI (2) 1 bedroca apta. over fi:ar garage. Balboa loeetic.t ••• Jlllll • doorl -------------------- Priced to Sell! I lklra In sood ........... looat.I• c1-to Mnrpcll't --..~l"l&Jl ,.. N,500 ... XJnt ,.._, Bey & Beach Realty 1.. N t'WJIOft llhd.. Calta JI- Li 1-1111 .,._ LI Wl&I OPSN 8"UNDAT l ~ p .X.-too Poppy Far _, ~ eome rowtd oomer to Ml ,.._ .... ..., room. ....... ....... • Wl'mll~ ...... ~room, I MlM, _. .uad I oar ,..,..... Comp&. le.ndee&pad. prlftt.e patlol. moden kllcba II dlnlas ...... '°91l7 ....... AMlllS aa.ooo. o.... wuta -. .................. Ille u. -. Tw-. to -~ ~..-. rm.o vmuwm• _..ua, (2)-Duplex-new, 2 bed.rooml e&ch. Ranch style, abU. roof. Sep. laand.ry rm. 7C1 lot. loll of tile. Both acellent bays. J1'1RBT TIME O~ blk. to ocean. 40' lot. 2 bedroom. 2 bath home only 5 yn. old. aJcel7 fin· lab~ bea ut. view of hbr. e.tlt.rance 6 ocean. 'Ibe bldg. eet.a at rear of lot 80 the front can be devel- oped u you wiah. Only $21.!500. THE VOGEL CO. JM7 E. C«.. Hwy., Corona cW Mar. Har. 17U Bar. 1'77 (Cloeed Sundaya during Aucu-t) Balboa Island Ne.u North Bay, delightful 4 bdrm. bomei with playground. Furniah~ $28.500. 2 unit.a near north bay exc. locaUon near abop- plng only ~780 down and all fum.iabed. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine Ave., Balboa bland. Calif. Harbor 502 ..... ..._ 11n. "*'--------------------- OCIDAN rRONT a.c-., I bdrm. oomp&etely turn. 1..ars• k>t. fl T,000 tenne. J . )(. MILLl:R 00. IOU W. B&lboa BlYd. Bar. toll . IP AClOU8 I JISDAX. RO>GC. N..V M'!IP, 10d0 dla dSlll8s ,..... stn.. I'*\ .... Dlcao.d ........... ~ud ,__., ,_uo, JlJ,IOO. IMI Pl'Md111t Pl.. a.ta ~ OWNllR. LI 1-Wf&. lkM COSTA MESA COMMERCIAL PROPERTY On 17th Street near Irvine Avt ., Center ot tut growing residential area. Improvement.I: Front bldg. 2.940 aq. fL, rear bldg., &1& 9e1. ft., all uUlitiem. excellent conatruction, ~ for parldq. Lot S2x300 ft. $35,500. RAY REALTY CO • ~ ll.. Cout Hwy., Banor 2288 (aero. from B&a.k 1n CDK) from ~an. Dandy 2 bt-droom ~~ll~1~:.edt-0~~~t t: 'COST A MESA The Best Town °" E.rtll' th&. berore buytnr . f14.~. term&. Balboa Realty Co. · Oppoilit. 8&n.k t1t Amttie& ROM Q,_..,. Al Come.Iha Ed 1- J ack PtnkMm Joeepblne Webb 700 It. Ballloa Blvd , 8&lboa Phone Harbor 1277. REAL VALUES 3 B.R. hom•. l \l bath. Only l YT· old. L&rge lot, nlcel1 la.nd9cap- ed. Mode:m buJlt home. 1ood con- 11.r\JcUoll. SubrnJt your own dn. paymen~ APPROXIM.ATltLT I~ A C R I:. t2ex330, clOH I.ti. Ideal tor ln- oome prop. We ALSO have .om• nice ~ Iota tor bome altu. WJl ARI! HEftE TO SEl\W A PlZASll YOU. B. A. NERESON REALTOR aa N .wpon BIYd. eo.t.a M Ha LI &-HTI • EY-. LI H l20 '6' WA Tl:RFRONT, pier, n~t A cott.qe. Beauutul bulld1n1 .ate. S19,500 t erTIUI. HOMER a. 811AJ'D ~ lot Mchddm Pl., llattlor 140 Cn. 11.uti« WT ·M. Nell $7,950. llf.., I MnL. ..... !loon. -AYocado, Ooeta w... PtlOM Ll1*t1 &-TIOT. Title 2 B. R. HOKE (10 yra.) hwd. fioora. ...no.'°"'- wood ahingte roof, ~ large lot. ...,. .. la A paid. $8500 with only $1500 down A b&1. '80 IDOIA. INCOME PROPERTY -C-2 1.GMo-B 0 -1' Acre. Good 2 BR. home ph&1 3 reatU and NGm to.,-1eVt ral more unit.I or tra1Jer wp&eaa. 1'11& • N. P. Blvd. $22,500. 3 BR. HOKE -Dble. prap (CS yn..) lot 8llUO good Eut side locatloa.. $10,:500 with JUIOO -- and balance $88 pw month 1Dcludlq tax A a RESIDENTIAL LOT-Eutatde eklaG ,.., RESIDENTIAL LOT-Weetalde ~ $19'0 G. N. WELLS, Realtor RoyR.~ 1810 Newport Blvd., eo.t.a Iii-. l.J 1-1901 HOME & INCOME MODERN 2 bedroom home. compleWy tW"DWM4 lncludins deep freese, TV. Splck A lpaD, Uke MW. Dual tum.ace. hardwood floon, b,....., to 2 pr- agee 6 1eparate 1 bedroom h°'* rw:ited. Walled in patio, corner lot A half, paved at:a. 6 alley. Nici surroundinJ, 2 blockl to eo.ta lieu bul--en... bict. 8ewen eonnected. S.t oomtnaction. 0.... en going to Europe wtll carry t.be Jou. Good Tai-. $20,800 • N.B.C. REAL TY 12nd A Newport BouJnard, Newport Beeeb. Bar. 14.08 -· OOASTAL ~ EMao. of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, AU&UST l, 1951 ----------------------~----~~~~~---'--~~~~~--~~~~~ ~--~-~~~~~~"""'----------------------- WITH SALLIE What did &be ....... ~ cllDe •Y to tbe babJ ..,._ cllDe ••• the)' -· ...... marble awlmmlas ~ them! "Doa't "°~· beb7. ~ • lot of .-eel Time to kick heele with your neighbor ... KJwa.nia · Fifth Annual Bn.ldut th.ia Saturday, Augun 5 ... Pan- ca.k•, aauage, orange juice and coffee 50 centa .•. Co.ta )(eaa Park trom 7 to 11 a. m . . • . Buy ticbta her. at our Information O.k, from any Kiwanian or at_ the park . . . An annual ~topther I ~ lieve all we Barboritee have lea.med to look forward to, ~RI with the ~ grua growtn1 all around. the beautiful .et. ting of trees and plenty of room and outdoor equipment for the emall fry • . . I don't need to tell you ... the cau.e iJI worthy ... The proceed.I will go toward the Kiwa.nia Club'• philanthropic \>rojecta ••. Intemational KJd11 Day I.a only one ... A word about t.be Co.ta ... Park'• pk9le f.aJI. tlee ... I hoPe W. 19 rMd bf all you aloe eight...,_ who come to om ea.nor ,&,.. wtUl • plmlc lueb .. the bM:k of your car • . . Now maybe you ar e D • t ~for the bNcb ••. lla¥be you aN Jmt pud-c tlaroagb aad are loold.Dg for • alee qale&, deM pa.ce .. -aat ud mmdl ... Tbe OoMa lleea hill 19 e\'ery· Ullmc yoa ever-....., ol. for a ~ Mid 18 Olll,J a block off the mabt boaJ&. Tard •.• The Do-It. YoW'llell Home Show bu everybody itchb:IJ t o try their ba.nda •.. A.men- ean Home All· Plutic Magic Cover ia the eaaieat way to atop that itch . . . without hammer, naila. glue or pule ... Magic-Cover comea by the roll in your favorite plain colors, marbeliJed, buket- weave or wood patterna ... It baa adh~tve on the back and will atick to 1.nything ... wood. metal. wallpaper, .,.ant, nmiah. lacquer, enamef, tile, rtu. or painted pluter ... I took aa old bea& ap p6Geare frame Mel • 0 •• ~raaidas-lrel ... ora.-deltlMl'W', ...._ lac Md Tuy ............ -.,cl la a ~ browa Md wlaite bMUt '"9Ve effeel •.• Ned followed a ...te ,.,.. bMkd to matala ••• Alld rm workta1 o• a ...a ebeat •.. I had to lhow m7- eelf ! Here'• a booll to ........_en ... lt~be -..heel after It 19 appllecl • • • What ,_ to mai.e old eud tablt9. blaa.ket bo ... ••Wen. doU.. ....,... :.:;r, ..._.. Uw ac.-.. y dllfereat ! . . . 0-. you try a roll. you'U a.d y o a ra e If covert.a ~~-the ......... Lille )'OV medf- CllBle ca..t, ~ draw- --. OO~et' ~ book euee. trim your ~ tor ... It oovent It ~ ra.t.ee I It proteeta I 1.t la fa Md eeay u pie to 1llle ••• II =w Shoppe 1-. the place to n.ct It . . . Dinner, dancinc and a Cu b. Ion ahow at the Balboa Bay Club next Wedneeday, August 10 . . . The Fuhlon Show ia called "Autumn Anchorage'' and ie a tribute to all the boat .ewnen in the area . . . wom. c'• clothe. from Shaddock-. men'• clothes from Bidwell'• and ahoet1, baga and acceqo.. riel from Rulea will be ahown • . . All the outflta wiU be zaamed after boat.a ... "Morn. tnc Star'' ... I wonder what that will be! The three ahope particlpatinc all belong to our Lido Shope . . . Gloria ( Mra. &ip) Ffcklinc of Women'• .Wear, Daily, Super Market N ... ud Men'• Wear will be tJae commentator ... You re-~­-.nber ber from the Big Cub Party put OD by the Se&. tan L o a I o &PJM:2Pliately •Jwned to u Iaoome 'fu -... tms lut March .•• The tidt-eta are $5.00 and can be par- chued at the Balboa Ba1 Club ... A $800 ~ tox • .tc>le will be the door prise ... Richard'• .. uotber of tbe Udo 8bope ••• the OM you buy the podee ID ••• at thf'I •tnlHe to Udo OPEN "TIL 8 ARROWHl!AD ANO PU"ITAS w.u ... ~~&~ /,a/Ilic#"" \!;J#Nr ... _,,_, .... ,_ ....,.,. v t&Hd" BoDJ .,_ ar.1llaW SUGAR CREAM "'M htt.,. ....... -, , , • ~................... 'lac: CAKE MIXES ··-.. ··--............ 1.1- ;;-' CRUST MIX . , -1Jc l'UWllu7 ...... 45 FLOUR ·--··-·-......... ,._. c For ONldliS w ...... r'Jc: WESSON OIL -......... ...,. iN- DrWt M'.l.B. Alwa>'• Good SATURDAY BREAKFAST IN THE PARK It's ell for Charity! Richard's end the Cooper- ating Food Donors invite end urge you to et- tend the Kiwanis Club Breekfest, Seturdey • Morning, .7-11 A.M., in beautiful-Coste Mesa Perk. Start the dey, in the CJreet outdoors, with a plate full of hbtcekes end • mu9 full of 50 ,/ coffee. ,. A GRIAT BIG PLA n OllL Y •••••• "aow.a ak1' -,till ,of l'let!Or'' By PUl9bary The Very BeM iiA°iGARINE lb. 23c "l'or !'out 4tM lea,, Mt~r' fiAST pq. 23c ADd ••• K.erm'a Grape 'eUy ti-oa. 19c 111n-o-. l'llODUC1 r--0~ PEARS 11 ALIAH SQUASH 2~25c 2 'Sc ........... -.... __ .... • ii AP. MILK~~. 2 for 23c ..~ .. r5tc .,,M ....,_ .c.rlfttg• 0R~ JUICE ·-2 for 35c FIODN FOOD .,.._,.. •••• Q' 2 .. , ,.. .. rtt.--e ... ""' .. INCH BllS for ..,._, • ..., ... 11...ai 53' H •u1·... ._ .......... ,_ UI -····-- ow.-a .--a <»..u& 21' CHOWDD ,.. ua ... ~°'~ ...... CH'oc. 1cLAIU s .-. 25' , ..... F"'*' -a· CllAM ptl ........ • _. You'll find a U• Shop • • • ftlJUD.&"f ....r.-o•~ 41' cootc11S ... -··-....... f'UDAY 51, rfetlt o.111 APPLE ptl .. -·-....... n· COIN •IAD .. . ,.., ~AT ... ? .... .,... I 21' CINJil A)ION aoLLS ~ .. _.. .... ....... '" ...... }(.. 11' LAYBCAKI ..... ...- ··~ ..... . 43 c . ·-···· ····· ... 11r.,., fAUIAGE Rath'• poaad roU IRY_C_H_IC ____ ll_E_N_-=-S _•b__.;;:. 6:::;__;;:5=---1 "8omburg~n. l'n•ll. Cont •"4 W•f-elotl" FrMb, lna GROUND BEEF lb. 43c ------'--------~~--~~--~~-- "A•k De• 1'ow to cook tlt.w C°'°""4o lt.alc1" v. 8. Choice 7-BONE ROAST lb. •.• to flt your every ••d ! ..... 8Pl'CIAL8 FOR AUGUST f. 5 ...S 8. 1Na ... ... , .. , .......... .._ '