HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-05 - Newport Harbor News Press. - . . ... . .. ,,. I BENEFIT CONCERT FOR CAROL ·DOANE (Story 01 Page 5, P1rt' I) HARBOR PRCSS iiilli!a!!!!iiil~ ............. Clrcu1at1 ... Today 1720 Copl• I 48th YEAR-NUMBER 50 PHONE HARBOR 16UI FIVE CENTS 1New 10-acre Mesa ,School Site Set! 1 _______ _ WOMACK FINDS $12 IN BUS CHANGER GONE I It COil Billy G. Womack Of Santa Ana $12 to take a l:'>·mln. walk Monday. Womack told Newport po· lice hi parked hla Laruna Beach-Santa Ana 1ta1e at Palm and Bay Ana. He aa1d when he returned to the bu1. hi• nvney cha,ng-er with the $12 In ll wu c one. omc:er1 aald the door or lhl' bua could be opened by pullinc a latch on front ol COM PARE STATE:-i -"'!\ow bo)s this may be the "greatest fish'' but u on't y o u think tha t map on the wall of the Greatest State o f Oklahoma is d eserving of your consideration?'' was t he answer of G o \'. Raymond Gary of Oklahom a to E xplor ers of Post 17 when they presented him cans of :ilbacor e from New- port H a r bo r's W estern Canneri'. The b oys h ad made their pitc h as the "Greatest fish from the G reatest S ta te'' a nd p ro mpted the Sooner's retort. Pictured ll'ft to right w ith G ov. Gary are Lyn Barton. Jo hn VanDyk e, J ohn Vale, Thoma.a Baume, W iJliam P eeler. Bruce Macgurn, Doug Reddick , K ent H arvey and D o ug Unruh, who made the p r esentatio n. the bu1. HARBOR TOUR Pirate Queen EXPLORER SCOUTS NOW HEADED FOR VIRGINIA R eye bert and her 12 pr1nceuea tbrourh Hobby Ends. .~~~ .. ~p"~~~g"':.u;:,,~: 'Hcning Wonderful Time' as ~~;;:-}~f~'['f;r[§ Balloons Steal HiCJhway Show T11elld1y 11 the ta1r groundll. Yachttni= Aso;oculllon. will repre-The p1rty of beauUea tn a l· I 11rnt the Pacific Co11J1l ln the Seara By DOt'O KEDDIC'K lhe p1rents have told 111. It tracllv,. modt>rn pirate garb, will I Nauonal Champ1on11h1p PC racu l~k· JU~t lik• anv oth•r rom 11eave the ralr~rounda al II a.m .• !or 1k1ppel'I! a.nd crt•v.-a under 18, ASHVILL!:. !". C. -.. We've w 0 ~ ~ • ' sl•>pplng fir t In Santa A a wtt 1 A to b• .a1l•d on AU"'. 29 at Booth slolc>n lht' 11how all Along lht and Is not morr hqmd. • n er • ~ ~a ~ .. • an orflr1al welcome wall be t>x· t I 811.y. Me. highway with the b&lloona that We "11 .• found out whal ··hom-tended by 1 repruenlatlYI ot In 'res The ntirthem team. In fl lw<rday lhe Newport Balboa S&vlngs 11nd lny ~i ll:< taste like. Th!'y ha\11' MAyor Courl nt'y Chandll'r. SA Man Held; 13-year-old Girl. CdM Women Involved sl'rlt'l' topfed NewpMl Harbor Loa.n tUmlahed u1." said Lyn been l!Prve1I lo us several tlml'11. :Xf'xt th" p a r l y wlll vli<ll Y11.cht Club,y•am In thrre events. Barton. adviser l e> lht Sc?uls or J had fried appll's f••r b1 Pak rut Or1tni;:t>. 10 ~ gre°l'ted on the rtnal one or wh1rh found them only Explorer" ~osl 17-of :'lil'wport nd th•·y Wt'l 1' almt'lst Ill good 1 step~ of lhe city hall. 10 ~ fol· sax 11econds ahead or the NHYC Bt>ach.· . \~ e takt' 8 map or our u th"""' grt11t big 8hC"es th11t lowl'•t bv a slop a t Ana.h .. im·,. lads t1nd over a 6-~1le coun t, orf I town. tie 1l t o lhe balloons 11nd I p11nolma U•l'd t o fix. We 1111 had city Jlllrk In Fullerton, the en- S11 n Oleg'> Y11ch~ Club. 111.!l Ulem fre" from the <"ar. 11:.11 1011ntrv ham rnr breo11kfa,t 11.nd tourage Wiii plluse Al the rllv hall Tht two te!UTIII used th ree boata, you should 11er the kld11 11ntl 11111rft>ol our..~elvt'~. be!ori· J 0 u rn e y In ,; to c ·arden l'X<:h•tn,1t1ng for e11r h rnrt.'. At tho• ndult1 t oo 11cramble." 1.0~1!'\0 ~TREAK Grnv•· wh"e thev will have \\"cdne~.Jay ev<'nl lhe Cor1nlh111n11 J Yuterday we v1!11led lhl' home Our ~nlt'lr t rew li•adrr, who Is 1unch1'11n. ult. rf'd Hussy lo {ir!ot pla<"e with nt Andrew Jack"'°"· the Hermit· SUPJ"•.•etl to hf' thP mn8 t respon· IS COSTA MESA Ra.nt1y :\f1lltr as skipper a nd aite. Jlllll outside o! Memphis. 111ble peri1nn has Air, ady lo11t has Th,. 1t1rl1 and their chaurfl'u ra Ruudy l.i·w1s and Cal Kinnear u Tenn. We AlllO v1111le<i lhP church sub ,.:la-'•e~. his hat and hllll car V.'111 hi' peeled In Coala Meaa r rew, n\'Pr Skyl&rk, 11k1ppere<I by th1t our Prl'!!ldrnt a.llf'nrlf'd and key~. \\"t' hrl\"I' 8 11 iiren whal to· bt'ft•l I' they arrlVP at the hoa· Gary Myrrs and r rew. Paul LlvA· the Cnnfr<lerirte ctmelerv wht>re bor'"" Jnoks liki1 R!l al grow11 i nd pil11l1tv dock at Blllbo11 for a 1 dary 11nl1 Lanny C"Mn. r11r ~nuth· ao m11ny ()( lhP bm\'t' Southrrn fnund out wh11l the chanter111 on lo111 Of :-\ewport Harbor. The boa.l P ossible nude phot o acth·ity f or th<' H arbor ;irra ap-ern C--allrortrra Yachting ASBOC1a-"Oldlrrs or the War Betwttn the th .. tobll•'•'O pi t'l1otrams 1tr!' talk· ride will start at 3 p.m .. with parently was nip ped in the bud as Shenff'g J u\·en1le Offi-tann. Statu are buriect an11 about when lhl'y refer to the a rnval welrome plannt'd r11r th,. b'-~d Tne latter lt'am. 1&11lng JadP, ... ORE 1~-~E,....,c. d ce rs. Sgt. Russ Campbell a nd O fficer Frank Dean na U\.' r h11lkrd up & 21,.m1nut1 win ovrr ... ''· "•'3 big wa1ehou~··~ que<-n an h,.• court u 11he de· a 35-year-old Santa AnR salesm '.ln Y<'~trnla~· o n c hild m o. the Co1 lnlhl11.n11 on Thunooy over Doug Unruh 111 gTPatly lnrre••· Ull'lt ni1thl we 11111yert at lhe blll k • Rt 4 o"rloc-k I e<1 tnj.t hts collecllon of lnst'ftl< 11nd Army Air r 1,r('e stat rnn At Mem· M"11nwh1le. prt r11ral1on-' u e testing counts. H e is said to take pic:t urrs as a ''h o bby." a M Urlle which wu cover tn hugs particularly he 18 lighting phl.'1. Wr haet 11 lit lie tourh of nearanJr <"11mplet1t'ln ror the izalll Booktd In ~·ounl\" jail on two tnllw of o n11tl11n ilh• knr•wn 1·11r· 3 ~~:r~. 20 llm~~u\""· r d th up the car w1tJ1 111othltng bugs nrmy lift', wtnl m late w e preview or the 196:1 flower 11how counh of f.>l onv c:h1l<l 111111<-!\tlnjt r••l'f'"r. I• 111 •• I'< ho•·• Hf' II'~' 1t l'1tly r 11" na race oun e and f1r£>fhr1<. \\'t' ra.n out l1f i:-ns :1roi1t> &l t1·:iu "· m. '''"'tin" to at 8 p.m. Monday, to be followed ' · Snttle t,.run s111hng Jade over .. -"' 9 · I wa. .. Dant! C l-\1u:1t. 121 E 1'11-\\'M k' tn 1111, fA!'h1°n "" nrd111g lo the l!horter 6-mlle cour.M' for the yesterday sbnut 100 m1lr" 011l· have t'huw ,..,th thl' tnh11ted at O<' ock by the glltter1nK pre· mon11.. S11nta An11. Baal ~;'" 111•t <"nmph..11: l'Jl<'rlArul11.r 6 llt'Condl! w in. Sports-side ,,f l'\a.•h\•1lle. nand~· Pl'tl"r 1 men. We mi .. al'll, l hry finuih eat· m11:!re of '"Bouch.a.rd Returns'". t he at $10.00Q. He WM sprl'1f1r111ly lllsT"IRl"TL" ( \"II' h h and Kent HarvPy got to nwf'l 1ng Ql 6 a m. traditional muatcal psgeirnl m l he • n ., n m11nqt11 p waa or l e hlg eat. re· hi h ch11.rgcol with '"po1<inir'" a 13-yt'RI · l 0 k F 11everal re.!!1dPnr q nf thr country Kent Haive.v <"omnlstn!< about a.mp t <'lltt'r. Id Ph A 1 I h h Fou~t r111Hat"ls th<' p rb 11 11d p•>rlt·•I Cnmm0< nrl' 1" enton. d hll h h h k I ( ,. Jar k Platt of Los Anl(eles. will 0 • oenix, r z. 1nr "' " ''ll who had tht' re~ull1< trl('phonrd.the ~· ' "'" e t "Y •tc hi er or lh1• humlol weoalht'r. Ht• l'tt\'i. It bt en v1111l1n11 S11nla AnR rt·l11t 1\"f'!I t'lfl••n 11111"~ thdr p111 rntq. '"" \\Ith :"t>w'·l'rl'!lll. ga11• rrf'IA like brlnR m 11 1<ll'am ·bath <"<'nt1u<"l a !11•mon8lrallon nt flnw- A Jler•·~ or "nearly nude" n 11 turt' a """I 111 111 Ip •h~t rth11t1• ~c twol all er arr11n1rrn" oul.11\dc the Flon· •· ,. - --Y•e got 3om!' p1l't11re11 or 1111 lhl' tame. Ht 88yi; lhf' re11ta11· " n•"all,·•• and~ ~am•ra ·v-1· f1111n1I a11\••rl1~1n" r1111li< Rt i "" 1·1•11 t pr r cullur,. P11v11lon at 7·30 p.m., ~.. = -' ' • "' ,., of u,. with 1mme tall Arkansae rllll ts 11re J""' !lk1' h•,11: r,.rni: .. r· In the l<llSp<"Ct"s rsr al timf' n( 11r· .,,,.., Mesa Boa rd corn a nd duplle Whal aom.. Of (Contll'I~ 01'1 Par~ 5) preceding th~ formal openln1t or r!'l!l. Si:t. ('Qmpb~U 11111d 11.. •' Tht n. th.: iou"P"' t '""' Ul•'f•s a l h!' show • arcu11ed or r11nt1lln11 tht< 13·yMr·nl1I "R r"' 1 1n 1111111..t.ni:: \Ullt the younG RF.~r;FIT ~l~ATf:D (lrl. ,,:111• Thf• Jll\"1•r il·• nffrt•r r rll11m11 Adopts ludget BOATS VALUED AT $1500 Mtmber11 of Soroptlmlsl Inter· LOCAi. \\O!\ft:1" thf' "U'l"'t'l h<l~ ll•lmlt ll'tl l{l'lltng n&llt'lnlll or S11nta AnA, 11ponaors l h• i.:•ill' '" l'lrtp f .. r rnlnr '"' lll rPS, of Sl,183,526 STOLEN FROM MOORINGS llf the preview event. w111 11erve Jnvest1g11tlnn <11scln:<e<I Fi111.•I h11d plft llrt'll (l( l WO L"Or<'n \ dt•I J.lllr wnml'n. 01'11n i<<111I Th• r .,..,.rf' mt\t11'1tn~ h11thln,.: ~111t~ tn th• p1rl11rt'11. Nt>Wport 81'111"h pr•h«e r1•p11rl"•I tht>y ha(! no\ r"tnf'lll inl!I on Fnu~t 5 a lll'g-rd art1v1tu·~ C"amph1 II hn• uked parents or ynunJr ~rl~ v. hu ma, havt bt't'n ront11, ll'1I In-Fn11 .. l to tt>lephont> tht Sh••nrf"~ 1t1 r1." Ca.mpbell rl11imll F11u111 h1111 t1d· m1lltd ph11t11 "' 11vny an Llli;1rna Btlllch and Wllerry r11rk tn 111ltl1· tlon to Santa An11 and t "i•r••n11 •l,.1 )far. The tUllJ"' rt uJOC'rtr•lly 1111. ~ Oranie County .:1r1,. lntn j\<•ll•rir fnr H ml nutle pklurrs with prnm- lff11 of a lucrat 1v .. mouelln~ cu rl'H. '"'t ''"'""I'· in thP nu1lc> but bare la ht'lt1leMt'!I. The prl'vltw ls a 1r,,111 lh• "·' ,.., 11r ) benefit 11rr11ir tor thf' ,.t'luc11 llon Ruu1tl'l for 19:'>~·56 wu Wt'(!nes· Two hl111t11 valuf"d al 11 pprnx1mnlrly S I 00 wrre I• I'"' l<'d And w .. lrArl' projects or tht wom· 1-'.rn~I h.1~ 1h•r11•ol h!H 111ii r<la · t1ay mght adopted 1111 pr••Mnlt'tl by I !llolPn by thr HrtrbOr Oi>pn1 I ment Thantlay. Tue vclY'rl11 bl>· ,.n·11 ~t\·1re club . 111·1 < \\llh ltll\' l•f lh•• allq:,.11 \"I~· I. •ll l'hl'll ""IHI II !I• 11<'!1 .,f n•'llfl)"· nu·1•• J'h tur.-n<"cal1\•.• An•l 11 I ur..f'rl\ \\f fl' ro11nol 10 th<' >ll'J't'• 1°11 •/Ir !\I lhP 11111• "' nrr• ~l. •· i 'Amplwll M l•I Fuust. to11 mrrly with r i... Arm y l"pc-1 111 I :-{,.r"\·1.-e l••'l'I . hn• .. pt>1,1'rt1 Rita •11l<'11man tn I hl:O t' •II r .. ~ t/1•• pa•t fC'IUr rrarll JI, "'U fllfl"ft'rt Ill hl.8 1·011IA J\k.'111 U n!no Srhool D1stt1rl lonRPd In Mr11. V J\I. F'Rlln,q or 101 l'\111111 B11 v f'ronl 11nt1 Pml',.P•l11 above rxprnt1H will Bo.H•I of T ni11lePI' ll aJT1 oun111 .Jnhn Lani; nr GO~• Via Llfln Soutl. bl!' dlr.-rt"•I to ('lub proj~l111 tn •1.1U.6Z6 °3-' ('Om"Rred to la!!l l wh ch I r l 1" nu I h 1 hi ~ ,. Lflni: 1tll11l h111 15-fl. !'!'af11rn ano 11 ~•.·hp. oulbo&ril 1 n 'ue an a Ill' n 1r11 pl! .\"l'Ar II • t.005.473 18. CapllAI nut· rrir ~011 .. ~& 1nrl# flnanrlal Ill! .., mnlOr V."'rl! IRkPn betWfl'll t p m. \\"o•<lnt•~olAy 11nrt !l p m ' .. ~ .,. n. ' • IA\" f'X J'•·n•f'' Wt're P"ltit<'d al S:l~ · .ol11t1rncr lt'I community and inter· A E;,o 000 rf'!lt'rve 19 lnclut1rd Thunday An<•thl'r bn11t WM lt'ft an 11~ plt1r~ La nit 11,.t ll 1 h 1 bl rl ;,~ 'ttw t .. tal burl11et. hill l1t1tll at Sl060· ~~cl 0;:nv1111:narf~: c~l'h ":~~. ~: 1 n ••lh1 r buinpeNO,_ t tie tnu1tt'4'11 Mrs. F'alla.~· t •ft. Sri\ l rchan Rl41> •11 ... 1f'l'<'A1Prl m·l'r· out11t11nl11n1t 4·R 1tlrl1 each year i:rnnt•••I perml1111ton for Ow£>n Kiel· j night. Th.-loM ws11 111'1 Il l 's:-i~11l. llt the fair. 1111111, tn chllrl?P of Ml'M 11c-hrn•l i --------------- 1t"111nd•. to do whlltever tmnhnir FOR BURNS m11v hi' n"ceasa ry follow 1ng h111 ON LIFE RAFT h11nw np1 <1lntmrnt u pmirnm ch1urmsn t11ct Artht ,01\·" In his k1lchrn Aug. I~. l!-!'1"4 HI' <"nnt.-n•l!I lhl' 11t1h!'t1· t\"P was l!'rt 10 An inhrr.-ntly dan- i:rrntrl' l'11n•!lt 11m !'Aro nt.• I t i.:11 111 who hll\f' hl'··n or t~I' C11hrom111 School Employ!'<'!' M F. , "ntao tl'.t h\' !ht' Jlll~J'"\"l Rrt' urjl'l'd Allll•~·1et1on. Kldm11n WIUI 1eltclell 1 esa 1rm l•• t11r1 k "1th t 'aniph• ll 11t the for lh4' 110..~1llon during th!' 1U1nUttl Th" ·~peel ho b<>t>n 11 r• r r••1trn· ~hl'r1f!,. 11ff.1t· pl;110.-Kl 2-iZ21. '""'" 11l111n At San Joee in J ulv I Ch b M b __ h ___________ s____ ~:xlf~~un~~~er·;o:~:~tlo~a:~,:~:~ I Sued for Arr11 td1 ng to Rnt h, the 11olhr111\·e •xplot1r•!. c-n11!llng injlll y 11nt1 hurns l !() l:J r"r rr•nt of his borty )iP .. 1. I ltge11 11t ron<1 drgrte burns fn1m the waist u p 4 Marines Plan Leaving Here for Catalina am er em ers Ip Drive et am . Ktdma.n reported. I no~1~:::'":;;::: t~:~~~tdmRe~·: I $160 513 Tuesd1y for Corona del Mar :~~~!~~.~to the po•t WH '"quite an I I Tiii'\" v.M kl'<I two blocks nr bus!· The contract for COftllt,rucUon ot SANTA A~A. AUG. 5 !OCl'\Sl Roth &.•kl $1:'>0.MO gt>neral !1Am· 1ge11: S71il:\ 2:> Sf'1'<"18l dam11gl'J1 end $3000 for l<Ntl of earnings. HARIOR WEATHER Four Marlnea from the El To· ro ·Air Station wtll attempt an open w11ter <:roll8lng-Crom New· porl lo Santa Catalina llland In 11. rubbl'r life rail, early on Sat- Subdividers Off er Parcel Purchase at Trustee Meet Indicative o f the multi-million d o lla r Coeta Meea u- panaio n boom northerly. Costa M esa U nion School Diatrlct Board of Trus tees Wednesday n ight appreciatively placed· ita seal of approval upon a 10-acre school site eet uide by the A llison H oner -R oven S pit'ge l Con struction Company eub. division. The subdivision lies on 200 a cres between H arbor Blvd. and Fatrvltw Ave. IOUlh of I but I'atterJIOn pointed out. "Thl• Orange Coaat Collegt. llC'hool &1tf' 111 Cl'nler ot an appt'OQ. · The 1ubdh0ldera •Imply w11.nt«'d ' m11r 1200-hnme arf'a." to know it the 11Chool dllltrtct found 1 , Thia would include tb• MutT&y• th• propoaed llcilool alte ulllfi.c:· Sandera 70-acre aubdlvUllon abut· tor)•, but In no way cominltted the ting Oraz1Ke C'out CoUece and ln· trustees to pur·chHI' of the prop-I volvlng conatructlon of 292 bomaL erty. However, w ith lhouu.nd1 of Rea 1.Ud. '"An advant...,.e ot the home.a and aeveral •hopping cfn-1 propo1ed achnol 1lt• la that It lan'l tera •lated far conatrvr l1on be· on Fairview Roed, Harbor Blvd. or tween Wll1on a.nd 811.ker St.a .• there the main 1trl'rt throuftl the 1111b- la Indication that a school 1tle \\!ill division." be needed by the dl11tr1ot In lhllf Milin road lh1"01llh the Honer• area In the near future. Spiegel aubdlvl•lon will be uten• "We are fortunate to hav1 the ,.Ion ot F 11.lr pnve aa a l OO·fl. 11ltt made av&llabll'," T ru.stee I street fmm Fairview iw.d to Har- Chllholm C. Brown Nld. bor Blvd. FlAST \\1TH 81Tt: ANOTHl:ll srrz: "Thia la the only big 1ubdlvla· Rea aaked about plan• In ttwo Ion that'a made a move to eatab-Halecreat 1ubdlvllllon rerardlnf a ll•h a ach()(ll •Ile w ith ua." Super-po.a1ble achoo! •Ile. PatterlOft "'" lntendent ll:verell Re6 obMrved. port.ed the Hale Company hu pro· I:. L. Patteraoo oc the Coata V1ded ' 10-acre lite al9o, "but to M.eaa Clty Plannlnc Commiaalon my mind it IMl'l &Gcept.abl• a. pr.eenled the lnlet. na., of the yet." Locat ion Of the HalM:net Honer-Spiegel eubdlvlllfon. Plan• 10-acre •lt.e, PattenlOft Mid, ~·u In all for 822 •lnr le homee and 22 a porUon ot lhe lract cOMldenad u multiple unit.a In lhla l'Ubdlvitlon. IL "drain.,.• hole." REV. GRONLUND NEW MESA SCHOOL DISTRICT TRUSTEE The Rn . Robf'rt B Gronlund. I put.or or Newport Harbor Luth· eran Church anti 11 re111denl at J9:'>9 R ni1 ... mary Pla<'e. Wf'dnead11y night wu unanimously l!t'lerled by Costa Mesa Union School DI._ trlct Board or Tl uslu~ to flll the tn111tet poal tl'<"l'ntly v"<"lll"d by R W. Mc<'ltlland Mr. Cron· lund mfor me1I !ht :'\ews·Preu ht would acct>pl thr post 1r ap· provl'd by 01 anir' County Super· lnlendf'nt M S<honls Thl11 111 r•m· 11tdered 11 ronn11llty llfll'r ""le<"l· Ion by the bo11rrl PROTJ:ST \fAOt: Thi' boll.rd lll'<"lslnn w1111 reach· e<l In "I'"" m,.<>ttng fnllnwm1t a Jlr<llCl'I by A lbt•rl J 0Plphlno agaln11l Mn1lder1nl( !ht ma lt t r I In eoir,.c-ut1ve ll"l'Slnn Delphino WAI one O( lltVl'n nAme!! t'lf!l'r"ft by Prt81!1en l Rr11dlf'\" Sr hwuz for boart1 rnnM•leNIUon. C Chl11holm Elrown movPd r,.· comm,.nd8llon nr Cronlunrt rn1 I lhl' f'""lllnn, "J hllvl' Joni: fl'I! hr RORl:RT 8 . flKONL1'NO woul1t mAkP 11 i;:r11vl m,.mb,.r."' Think th" t11.Jll"l"i< wllnl • w nm11n Brnwn expl&lnt'd nn thr bo&r"d."" "Wh11t about ninner·up In th,. I ' I fall In flt'<' why 11u ahoultf Mey l!l'hool bo11rd tlertlon .... !"t i· <'nter into the etlec:lil.Pn." Sutlon phlno 1111gge11lt>ll "'Rh" l Mrs n .... 1 remuked. bert \Vllfton 1 rrr.,1v•"1 ro111thlv Amwn t'lh11>rved, '"Thal m•y hf' 600 votP.11. J undnl'lt1ntl nn" m11~ IR 1111bron~r11)111' prf'jUt11cl", but It'• IOeor11: .. Suttnn 1 '" nn vnur 111'1 nnl 1ntPnllon11I " du,. to a P"t1t1nn ••i:nrrl h\· ;17 "Ye11." 11111d ~rhwar1 woma.n·a per110n11 " rll!ht11 h11\•P hrrn e"tAbllahl'd ·· Ar.Al ,ST \\'''If:'\~ ••t.:nft'lrtun11t.-ly.'" murmu,...d 1 Mr11 \\'1limn "'It" '"1:111Hrl~ 111· hn•H•I ni,.mh"r wllh a lauith. tenrl11 bu11rrl meetmi;11, wa11 lt>•k,.11 R1 nwn 11111uc,.•t,.rf th11t P"tll')nll by !';l'hwa~ ir 11hl' would I>" wd· 1nt""'!tt"•l 111 hrrnm1n1i 11. tni~l,.,. llnr tt'I l'Prve on thr b;1Hrol M i ~ r()11l!l "nt• r 'h••lr n•m"" on the Wll1<m r<>phrt1. "Ye11 h11t I 1l11n I IC nntlnu"d on Pa111 61 Spurgeqn. Mccandlish to Leave for Scout Jamboree ll a sll 11boarrt Tut'Vtay m11rn-Count~· b•w-·will h,.,..., ror IA~ Ing r .. r SC"out Gf'ne Mr<·anrll1.10h Anit,.ll's Tu""'''>" morninJr l"'er• of 2381 Zenith Ave . rust" Mr~11 lh<>y pt< k up 11 !nun ,.,.rllon with and Scout Exerullvt Wlllptm H.1110 Sr 1Ulll A!I lhr y . pr'>l(rtu Sp11r11eon Ill All thry IPa vr fri r 11rrn~~ th.-1111t11m t" New York th,. Jntt m11t1on111 Any S("'lUl JAni· 1nt1 r·an11•l11 th~·: v.•111 plrk up bor,.,. In C1tn11d11. Srt'IUIJ< 11n•I u\c• .IOJ'f'Clal tnura or They bt11trd 11 tr111n Al S"nt11 pulnt11 nr lnltl"•I Ana alon( with thr"e uthl'r ~rf;f 'IA l , TR \IS BuC'l)"ed by 1nl11al 11uc-1 0 1 1 f enrollln1t 3:i n-"'"mhf'r• tor the S ev.·port Harbor Chamber of Comml'rr. In th,. rt>f t nl Ralboa b land mPmbf'rllhtp d1t\'r, trnm• eondu<"ttn._ thr r1rn1p,.1,.:n "-Ill hol'1 tl'l'lr nf'llt hn!ftkfol a n·I iw-1tc1tallon 11n Tu•-'l• ,. in \..'oron11 ~I Mar nf'n h<•u-on Marine Ave and the new pnmary achoo! al w 1t1,111 F"tlr buma and l.njur1ea received In rllJ"'• 1 1:i 11dJ1t111na 1 ml'mber•h1pa St. and PlaCftllla Ave.. coat• " kll<"hen blut Theodor~ I.. lWth an~ rxJ'fl'tl'd whl'n r •ll·bAr k1 ..re Mt>ll&. wu atped by the tru11teea 'f .Stanton today filed a S160.· T_.,,.raturH t.llle s-t """'"' hi Ute urday mommiz. Onlngt County Scout11 Ah niz I F'rr1m Sft lt r ... k .. 11n. lh,. tl'ly • with them th"Y art' taking. rwn will h" •m lh,.1r 11wn "f'N·11tl tram. burraJo he1ut1 rrom lhl' lt'll'lll Ir .... 111 1,,. .. n In f'hl< 11t;:'l aw! r11nrh a nt1 411 g11l111n1 or b<lY~"n· rhf'n \\'M •h1n11t••n wh,.1• th• ~rry Jam from Knt'ltl 11 B,.rry I \\'hat,. H"U'" IJO IJ' 1nir kf'pt "~" , F'arm f••r lhrm Mt \'f'•n••n ant1 Nrw The raft they are golnr t-0 UH 1 TO f"OR~f 1::0.11n· Y•irk Th,.y will 11rrl''" In !'llapra rrt>.itt~nt M1rnn,. ~·1101·" ... 111.1 Ull' 3:\ nl'W r~•·l·l r .. n1twr• W•r" t\hl11 1n<'•I h\· ·11, '"" ~,,. anan team.a an only two buuu. mA I•'. with J . Ray ConatrucUon Com-11\13 2:'> dam age 1ult In S uperior Harbor -"'trf': n i .. ro•la~'°• brtakfllllll wtll bt> pany. P'ln t put of .the S43i.394 Court here 11.fCAlnat tht Alpine MA · h• 1 l Ill Jnn'1-Rr11t.t11r11nt a fter project II llCheduled for C()n'lplrtlrtn l,.rlals Co. C'lf Anaheim Ind Co,.l11 h1< h mrm~nhrr team• will In January, with f'f'malndtr of th!' .\t«'sa. , a ll nn ncm-membtr m1'1('hanla pmJKl 1lated for a March nnt&h. The plaintlff named Vlrtor f'nMI. 11n1I bu11n .. ~J1 ftrm1 Th• folio""· The t"Ontracl C"ontaln• a $10 r "n· nlewskt and JWbert J Fo11tu u l'IC thr,... Tl11'"'1ap wtll ,.,.e 11tml· altv •iralntrt the C1'1ntractor ror 'wnent or tht> company. 1111 •lrt\'f'a 1n C'ltht'r """' of thf' n rh t11y'11 "''ork n!'<'uNry altu Rolh clalm11 the defendant. neit· cny. cornpltllon ~... 1 UCenU, a pp£led a ~· cion· Hip S1lun111y, July 30 67 Sunday. July 31 .. . fli Monday. Aur. 1 .. ····-es Tueaday, AUjt. 2 .. ···-71 Wedne~11.y, Aug. S .... 7:2 Thuntday , Aujt. 4 ..... 74 Frida¥, Alli. l> ---· 72 111 the lYP4 uffd aboard Marini' I The buffalo hrarh "'.•Ill .,,. pkrl on-t hf'·l-"k" ''•11111 ·" " th,. Jam· Ctirp1 and N11.vy planea flying tif the irtnnll« l'nlranr,. WA\' t11 llnrr,. ''" AllJ 11' Th" J amb<>r.• over peean route1. Relt'lon J2 11f'rl1nn Th,. J8iTI 111 ... 111 11"1 11n111 Aur 211 Cpl. Anthony J. Puce. 20. R.o· for 10 000 wl'11trm ll')ur t1nu11:h I In lh" l'a• 1f1r f"amp with lh• chestu. 11'.T.: 8fl. Dave John·1bh1eu1te whlrh fil'gu>n 12 will 1')11uv" r nun''' l)t)v• ,,.,111 bf' 10·& "°"· 21 . Portland. Maine: and •rve at an 111tl'm aunn b~akrut Am..r11 a.n !k,.ut' t&.11 r·anadlU\a, brothe,.. Cpl. Gar)' S.ar . 22. and A packing hou~ 111 ah1pp1ni;: 10 • '.U A •u•t•"lt~• • ~2 v .. n,.zu,.lan• Pfr. J11.me11 &ar. 20. Pomon•.1000 nran11u rtir th<' n m" f•,.•I :ll\ l'11 ll11 n• "n•t I:\ l.ux .. m bour1 (<lea..._. • .... I) Bpurron and llle four Oran1e Scout• ,. J I Dungey Daughter I Mr. and Mra. ~an Dun .. r. 423 Flown ~t .. C'oeta Me,.., ll1'f' (lllrf'nt• or " ~lrl bom July 19 I In H~i; H~~-a-1. _____ _ "!""'?,,, at homt with twvend lnt.erlor llluUen add a hiP fullioa 11ot. lo 7ow 11o111e • • , wllat.e'ftr tM ,.WI Elplcla.117 It u.., ... en.fted"' HERITAGE NATIONAL, STATE and distl'ict officers were pres- ent when Orange County chapter of Alpha Phi host- essed the annual luncheon_ of .Southern California Council Tuesday at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Seated are (1 to r) , Mmes. Max B. Hebgen, pa.at national officer ; Mrs. Cloy<;\ Marshall ot Balboa Ja. land, national vice president and .Mrs. MacDonald Scott, state chairman. Standing a re Mmes, G. Bur ton Rysdale, vice president; J ohn A. Blaic~~ secretary, and Richard Larzelere, president, of. the county unit. -. Staff Photo IMUllel •••tflll '"' #al-t rrira, _. Ubert)' ·~· lNI "'-tlaAfto Clo9ta .... Alpha Phis ,j Gather Here MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST s, i*9ss Sea shells and summer fl owers were ('ombined in at- tractive arrangem~nts on luncheon tablei;, set under um- brellas on the deck of Newport Harbor Yacht Club when Alpha Phis of the Southern California Council gathered Tuesday, Aug. 2. for their fourth annual luncheon. MRS. ROBERT MATHESON SPILLANE Sorenson Studio Photo JITNEY DINNER PL.ANS OF NEWPORT HEIGHTs CIRCLE Mrs. Rlrhar.J Larzell'l'E'. 400 • I bv Mrl!. l'\a1!ene Coplt>n and Mra, Belvue Lane. prt'imlent of Orange J~ihn Blal('h, County chapter, hostess group !or lhe affa ir , welcomed i O guests who represented alumnae t"hap- tiors from Baxior!lfll'ld. Santa Mo nica, Long Bea ch, Santa Bar- bftr11, \\'eslwood. l'asar!ena. R1 \'er· side, South Bay and \\'hillier. Members of Alpha l'hi chapters H01\1E iCEREMONY UNITES SPILLANE WESSEL DUO Young vido Isle Couple Will Reside in Anaheim wioddlng dinner servet! on thio h1rge lanai amid fr11grance from blos.~omlng orange trePa in th" surroond.Jng grove. The bride's table was covered w ith an im- Newport Heights Circle of Chmt Church by the Sea i. planning a "Jitnioy" dinner to be held at the church on Wed· nrsday, Aug. 17. Thia 11 the regular family night dinner for church membera but intead of being lhe usual pot luck affair. Newport Hiolght Circle will bring all lhe food a.nd will charge a nlc'kle !or t~ pqrtton a£p-ed. H ow l!ver, l'6Ch f11m lly ts requ•11ted to bring table aer\'lCt. I In 20 universities locate<.! throui;h· out the Unite•! Slllles wrre pre· sent. JliATIOSAI, \'Ef:P ported Vl'nlce lace cloth, centered Stan ding before the white marble fireplace in the with a tlnral arran~rm .. nt and The ctrcle 11 hoateae gi-oup at the church this month and will also serve lu:icheon next Tuesday at the all day meeting of the W. S. C. S. Plana for I.he two event.11 were made when the circle met st the home of Mre. Hugh McM1l- lan, who wu &l!lllstiotl by M n. F lora Harne. Mrs. Leon F ergu.llOn. ·chairman, wu absent and Mra. McMillan presldiod as \'ICl' chairmen. Mrs. Cloyd Mar~hall. natton11l vke prrs1dent. who hes rrcently moved from Los Angel .. l! to Bal- boa ll!land, l'ipnkl' on na tional ac- Uvltles and ('1Uthnl'd a C"alendar candle-lit living room at her parents' North Whittier Heights trailln.I:'. sprays or pink roui<. home, Miss Marlene Ann Wessel repeated her marriage Aftrr the honl'ymoon In north· l'rn California the new Mr. and lines with Robert Math!'son Spillane, son of Mrs. Charles Mrs. Sptllanr will be honor ot ev .. nts for the roming p •1u et both the lnc-111 11nd national • leviol:;. I Frederick Smith, 116 Via Havre and the late J ohn H. Spillane gim•t11 11L A cocktail pa1 LY to ba of Atlanta Ga. I hosted by Mr. aml Mrs. Sm11h at NOW ON HON.EYMOON Jean Fargher A brl,.f a•'cn11n1 or 8r l1\'tlll's of the local alumnae g1 oup was 11lso I prrl<t!nt<'rl by l\1 1 a. Larzelere. Sh,. outllnl'd wh11t th,. <'haptcr pla n~ J ln reg a rd t•J opera t1nn of th<! H eart F'und booth at the coml!11\ I Orange County FA1r. anr! told nf I work done during the wmtrr ft'l r thio Long Burh chapter M the Hc11rt A11aocl11 tlon. ' their Lido Isle home. The bnde ts the daughtn of scalloJ'l'rl nl!r kllne 11nd nared lace TH E PRIS'CIPIA Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Wess1'l ~k1rt iodgt•d wlth a plealed • of Lido Islio 11,nd Whittler. and flouncio or blush pink tun ... The The bride attrm1 ed T he P r1 n· the cuemony took place on Sun- d&)'. July 3 1. a t f ive o'clock bl'· fore an lmprovllu;d altar Ael a-gatnst a back11:Toujld of cathe· dnl l'&ondlu 11nd antique ruby lustru fllliod with s prays o! pink flowers. Ell'ewhere Wl're arrange· ments of pink roites and a knl"rl· ln11: b,.nrh In pink aat!n. carrying out the 11ofl pink color acheme. 81.l'SH PISK The Mme lovely hue was In· corporated Into thio bride's wtd· ding gown. a C11h11i model In waltz length. fMh1onell or whilr F rench Chantilly lRC'e .po11td over bl1111h pink tllfrcta Tt was tie· tailed w1lh ofC·shoulo!er bodwt', 11hort 11IC'"\'t'll utr-shoul1ler rascade bouquet wa~ or pink tint -cipia School in Sl. Louis. 1s an erl Ph11laenopsis orchids and lilies Alumna o! A noakia Scho<1l fM of the vallioy. Girls 11nd atteml<'d the t.:nh·er- A ttendlng her sister as matron 11ity nf Southern Cahfomla whPre nf honor . Mrs. Ernel!t Van Buren she was affiliated with Bl'ta Phi is Sunday Bride Jarvis wore parchmenl pink ~1n1 .ororll~·. After Jrrad111\tlon she Now honeymooning at an un· llotrope Ave., a.nd the late Mr. PID·t:STA "" sole a nd cnnled a c·ascade o! traveled extensively In Europe. disclosed dei<tlnatton and due to Farghtr. Carol Amllng rosl's. Can11da a n<! Me.xlco. Her husband rPtum home 11<>on to 308 Fern· ORCHID S l'lT Mra. Ogdl'n L. Shutes, who is BROTllER ATTE:'\DS ~as graduated from Stanford ll'&f Ave. are Mr. and Mra. David The bride. who wu ((j\.en In ,In chargr of th<' wmter P h1·tl'lA, I J "hn Hnn"rlckv J r Un1vers11 y enrl 11' a mrmb<or of \\' Robbins who wiorio married k b M H 1 a nnounce'1 lt11 d11te for Feb. H v ~ u ~ Sp1llnne · · · · l'epmg y r. ew tt, weore on and 1 •It d 11 Al h l"h t lent best man aid lo 1115 brnt hior Beta Theta. Pi fratrrnlty. Doth Im en attractln•ly dtlatled cer"· orchid suit and 11m111J hat She D\ l' 11 P a 111 0 I youni penple -are boatini: e n•I mony on Sunday Ill the home of ~·rrl•<i a n<'lll'"'ay of whit·· or-auend lhe fashion sh"w 11nd Pn· F or her deug_hler·s wed•ltng kl th l 1 t 1 .n , .. , terlllfnml'nt iov,.nt. • Mrs. \\'essel was gnwned in beige water " en iisias 3 8". < me Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Hewl.tl, chld11 a rrangt>rl with yellow ro1io11 j wh1I<' parti11p11ting m 1111mrner Senta AnR ... h H d Amon,1? !hr hrmnrPd in1e:.lll W"re rhlHon wllh an orchid oor><:i~e . ~ . l 8 ·h I · 11n,. 11tep anot1s. er altrn ant.• Mrs. MrnnnAld SMtt l!late r hllff· for color accent. while Mts. acllvltit'14 111 • e\\ poi e3 • • The RP\'. !':wing HutlMn. as· Mrs. John C11mpbell ot Wrstwood . · I Th I • II .... . mRn . Mrll Max B. Htob0 •·n. p111tt rnlth c11m pl ... ment1·1I her 1 f'yal e coup e \\I re11111e in Ana-stslllnt Jhl-~lOr of St. Anclrew 11 Hills alllo r.&rril'd Yt'llow roll"~ ffl " • I · · · · nAt1r naJ n rrr 11n<1 !\lri' Thnr111111 1 blue ln re 1·ustumu with a rorsage hr1m wh,.re th; h1 ldl'p "''m 1~ l'rl'shyten~n 1 ·1111reh. J•erformed In t"ontra11t to hior blup 11ult. Mr. w_ Hughe,., f'<htor ,..( Al hA Fl's-' of rni1('s In 11h&.cl<'s of pink. en1r"~"il In . b111ldfn:; 11nr! ~11hnl-! the fo11r u «l1>l'k dn11hle ring 1erv· Ca mpbell 11toC1d with the brMe· turrs. 811 nf 1,,.111 An,l?~le!<. I F ollowing lhP double ring cere-\'1tlm1;; 11r t1v11 1,,.o, anr! will he a ice whl<'h umtetl Lhe 11on of Mr, 1 groom. Jltr~. H_ H H,.n~hnw nf Lirto I ANNOUNCING •.. HOLLY VISEL la openlDr a Studio .r DRAMATIC ART & SINGING at %04 1 l A POI.XS A-BALBOA ISi.AND DO YOU ... want to atnr. ad, as-k ..-.. 11. ap1war p ubUdy! ! ! Mrt1. \'lM!I ILM had 82 years upertenN' ln tf'ullJnr th-art• for conr..rt, 11nterta.l.am,nt and caltu.r&I -· Anlllabl«" for l'roirama. ('all HARBOR %690-R for appointment ::l-rancej has returned to Harbor Area and is associated now with Coloring Our Specialties For Appointments Harbor 2 H R1 'D<iF.T PERMA1"EN'T the us Tintin9 slO ALICE of LIDO mony i;:uests were seated Bl a homr nfter A•1~. l:J. I lln·l M1 ~. Linrtley C'. Robb1n!I or Mr11. Fl\ri:hior worr for thP err· 1~1<'· Wllll tn rhRrgl! nf t1Pr•irnllnn~ I l'r1n,1um, S . J 11n1I M1M J ran emony 11 whltr 11u1t nnrl an or-~o:r~l~h:A~it:•n:·~h:P:n:n~H:n:·l~•:~:x:-~A:l:rl:"r!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fargh"1" '1a11ghl••r .. r Mr•. Ar---chlrt cor~age whlC'h matrhrd _ · thur 1 1.,11gla~ F'>1r::hc1. :l22 .HG-..lh1tde or her hnl. 408 32nd St.. the Post Offi ce Str<'et, Newport Beach Ft:N FAIR & BAZAAR plans were in the making by this group from Hoag HospitAl Auxiliary when Mrs . Joe PreiningC'r, who shares general chairmanship of the ('\'ent with Mrs. Donald R. Colgro,·e, entertained 26 of the 30 chairmen 11.t lunchC'on in her home. 201 \'ia Ravenna. r The bcnC'f it affair is set for Oct. 1 nt the RC'ndezYOU!! ballroom. will open at 11 a. m., continuing throughout the day and e,·ening anrl will incorporate a· bazaar. games, and a concluding danct'. Sit- ting f L t o R l are Mrs. Prrininger. Mni. ColRron . ,·ice preaidenf and M n . John F. Dodgr. .Standing. Mrs. Don Hummrl. prri>ident and Mrs. Jamet1 SRyer of Hunt- mgtnn l3C'ach. -!':taH Photo Aged Ma11 1Drives Here .Fron1 East I Wedding mus1r lnt·luoll'rl The I Lord'!< I'r11yPr and the tra<hli<mal mArch. ~ TAii candelabra 11nd ha!<kets o1 !ltork. ~larllol1, 'h1 yr11nt hrn:11mll and rn~ell. 1111 In whltl', prnvtt!rd thP nuptial ~rt tini:;. with a tn11ch of col"r len l hy y., 1111"-r ... ,., Gl'F.~T~ Rt;('EI\ EU AIJtn i.: with r<'r,..pt1on ilet1t1l!I Mr~ F ran:< l'rrC'w. 1 14~ \\'e11l wtre Mn Hewitt an1I Mr11 F Bnlhua HJ\'d., hns hn•! Rs ~ll'St W. Ander11on. whn P<llll eol. l\11 ~ fO<' two werks hr1· b1· .. t hl'l'·:n-law. Lrna BArr"t'. niothrr nr J\lr. HI'· l~ohrrl .I. 1'1•rrw (1( R11ff11lo, :-.,· Y '''tit . whn rut lhr WI' Jolin;:: 1•11k•• l\lr l'erPw, \\-hn Ill Pd , rlrnve 11nrl thr M illi'<'~ l<11thlrrn H illi;~l'.• alonr 111 Ltl!I Ani;:e:~" frnm R111<l 11n >1n<I Jurhth l\lnl')fl' ,., R11n f'IPC-11 l\'h('rC hP h;ifl 8t tf'ntlefi the \l.'1''1· 'Wh'r> re!<J'f'<'tlVl'I\' t i e!'f t"rj t'111'~t < .11ni:; 1•f h1~ ~''"· P.11!11'1 : .Ir 1' ho 111 the cloor 11n<1 krpt thr hrid,.·~ 5r1 \'I'd as a l1ct1\l'n1t::t nhnarrl lhe b1.-•k. ~11bnr1nn1• ThnrnbHt k d u r 1 n g Tile n~w Mrs. Hvhl11n.:1 was W o1ld \\'ar lJ J:rArl1111t 1•d frorn l'nl\'rr"1t1· of. \\'hi!,• 1n S r\'.1•ta thr rrt1re<I \\',1-11m1ni: whe1e shl' WM afrillat· mining l'll,1!111' r1 1 l~1 tc.f lr1 ntnry t'rl with !'1 Hf'ld l'h1 Hr r htlo• with .,,·h1rh h~ w.« fA m1ll:i r nPar I h~d was i;:rad1111terl frC'm 0 11.k•· A u~t ln !Ir , .. ,..,, p; '·'r rrt111i; (t>r t nt\'rrs1ty and 1~ a memb"I' "' 1 11ran11tm w ith 11 1;r 1i;u rn11nter. 8<'11\ Ti.e:n F'I (ratrrn;t\' only w rhl'r n\•"r t hat 1hr prnr<'r· ll!!ll h<ld hPl'n l'l'-ln«:llrd "year 8$10. STEAK FRY FOR A l l..:111 \'t<i;11.• lH· ~tayect at th!! F"la.,11ni:n Ho:rl Tht~ was hl11 flrst ,BETA SIGMA PHI 1·1rlt to thl' r1t y In !13 year~. his 111.st trip bP1ng w h"n he brouitht I Lhe flrat automob11 ... a Ha.ynea Ap· pPrson. Into the •late. He remark-, rd that e\·r:n J ulN! Verne could not ha,·r 1ma~ned the fantullc <'hanf · ee whkh have been brourht about 1n the rill<'S of Lu v-.u, San Dle.-o and Lo8 Ang-t'lea Mr. Perew la retumltl~£ut by way or Ablqul. N.M.. whre he w111 visit th• ae.ooo ure catue ranch which had be. ow1Md by hla father and whtre bt and Mt hrothPr Frank spe!lt mon°"9 In tbe la t.e Nlllet.1-. M u Ep•llon chapter n( Bel& Slama Phi wHI hold ill a-nnual ateal< !ry for rnernbna and escort.a on Sunday even· I~. Aug. e a t the hom• of Mn. Thomu Nlcholaon, 2218 Tu.It.In A ve .. Coata Mua. Mra. F'lorence Mallard, aocllll cha.Ir· m&on, will be In chuge, aldiod by her committee membera, MJ.uea Lout.f'-ottplrSTlt., Mu· Ula OthltrkJ.n.f, a.nd Betty Patia!i, Mn. Ernest W&lae and Mn . James B. Taylor. I .. ., H ., 1. Watch For The New UL TRA·MODERN KING STUDIOS OF DANCING! • Opening Soon at 3440 Via Oporto Newport leach in the Lido Shopping Center .-.,, 1 ~wPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 1 -PAGE J Spanish Fiesta FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 MR. AND MRS. LORREN A. BELL Bell-Prather . . . Couple Weds SHOWER fo r Miu lib.ry Barrett wu featured by decor of f rilly petticoata in brandy anift· ers, one of which ia held by the bride-elect (left). In center ia Mra. Lee For em an, wh o will MrVe u matron of honor. Swiie Perelll-Minnet ti, nlec~ of t he b ride, will be junior bridesm aid. At right ia th e hoetaa, Mra. S. G. Freem an. -Terry Boria Photo _Pre-nupti~l Events at Lido Park Wltb muy n~re at U dt> Park, OM ot the deltp ttul _..ye ol J tlliftC M:quainted WU ttie Spanllh tl•ta pot luck dtanf'r hoetNHd Fridey, J u I y n by wom•n ot the park who Ml'ff orsanlaed Ulefr OW1l club. Mr1. Kenn•lh Corn,U, eJub pnllldenl. welcomed JOO s-t• In th• communttt clubbouM, C1JOI With h&J\11n1 bukt u of '""' and p y with NrpenUne and eon- tetu. Reoh Lowe lhowed a l ·D picture or Yucatan and Masco, and J l yaar-old l!lamuaJ n oru Jr. played accordion 9umbera. Slates Gem Show at Count y Fair Th• Oran1• Cout Mineral and Lapld~ry Society, Inc. will bold lu an.nual 1how Aue. t ·lt in-· Ju nction Wlth Ula Orang-a County P'alr. The 1old collection ot John A . Woodworth Wiii t>. a 'ftlrY 1pec1al uh1btl " wlll be Ult tamoU1 Chatham emerald. Under the l•rKe mural or Monument Valley wtll be -n a tine C'Y8t&l collection. 1 Kembera of O.C.M.L.8. wUl .,. cu. d l 1 pl a yln r i.-n 1tont1, opala. •ptH!r•, hand e&n• ed rock. jewelry. .tl"r work a.nd a'°ut ev.rythtn1 a rock· hound collect.a. 9•ick s.mc. "°" Roller Shades Sl&nderd Bhade Clolha an4 CU.tom 8pecJalU• e Drapery Hard.,.,,.. • Venetian ...._ CALL RAJUM>& IM K ingdom Hall. N ewport Blvd., Ccsta Mesa, was setting H 0 or M B tt o n Saturday, July 30. whe n Mr. Owe n Scranto n performed a n ary arre THE SHADE SHOP HJ I ... St. N _,.rt ..... ae.&dtU..PelllonlOI three o·ctoc k s ingle ring service which united M iss Marjo rie A round o f bridal courteaiea -----------__:~==========~ Jane Prather and Lorre n A. B e ll. The bride is the daughter ia preceding the early Se ot Mr and Mra. Jack E. Prather, Wedding mua1c Included "Be· be • f Miaa•M p- 3411 Eut l!llb St , Newport Beach, cau~:· 11ung by W1lli&m McAI· tern r marnage-<> ary and lh• bridegroom 11 the ion ot ll11Ler. &nd In.st rumen ta I accompa· Barrett, da u g hter of Mr .:,_..and MR. AND MRS. FREDERlCK THOMAS MEEHAN -Kayette Photo• .. Meehan-Slemons Nuptials Are Held at ·st. Andrews mment and marchea by M1a1 Dawn M-. Jam-S. Ba-tt, '>'> Mu. Jamea Ele ot J<lamath Falla. •D ...., 11 ~ •+ Lanyon I B h D . u · h Ore., and Mu. A. E . Bell ot !'>fyrt.k Rt:CEl\'E AT HALL ays ore nve, to mlc ael Creek, Ore. Both the groom·• M111 "'. F. \"1111a~· ot -..·ortb 811.ke and one of the e u liNt mother and bil •later, M1aa Nancy " • .. ~ •• Bell, were preaenl ro• the wedding. Hollywood. gnndmother of the WU the luncheon t.nd lingerie IN WHITE :io-'VLON brtde. u 1lated a t the reception tor shower hoateaaed by Mn. S. 12!1 guull. u did aunt1. Mn. W U· G Fr · Young Couple Will Make ·Home in Jndianapolis In a setting of mused ferns, white and yellow gladioli a nd white satin ribbon, lovely Darletl.e Ano Slemona recited her marriage vowa with Frederick Thomaa Meehan in St. Andrew's Pretibyte rian Church in a double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. J ames B . Stewart. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jamee Burdick Slemons, 113 Pearl Ave., was giv eeping by her father to the son of M r . and Mra. ward • Meehan of Montrose.· rue4t1 •lWTitd a bride'• book kept by Ml1111 Joanne Gouvion. DAVIS ORADt!ATE8 Marjorie wore while nylon, short 1lttved and with bou!fant 11drt. At her t.hro&t wu a 1trlnr ot pearla, rut ot her bridegroom, and 1he complemented her co•· tume. with & white hat. Sht car· rled a Colonial bouqu•t of white llower11. Her brlde1mald, Ml11 CrylJtal Squirea. wore a yellow 1ummer cotton and a 1ardenla c:oraage. George GblMUn Jent but ma.n aid. , Mn. P ra t.her wore a yellow •P· pleblo11<>m print and Mrs. Ele wu rowned tn blue lace. Both mothers wore gardenJa cor"'M Th• former Mill Slemon1, who wu gTaduated from Newport Har· bor Union High School and Un• lverllty of Calltom la, Dav11 cam• pus, chOle a royal blue 1bantunr ahealh with matching llnG dia- ler tor the S an t a B&rb&ra honeymoon Her 11.rceM-Onu w .. re while. a11 waa her orchid corsage. Her husband. a lee> a graduate ot UC, Davi• campu1. attt nded Glen· tlale HIKh School. Atler Aug. 1:1 he will lt'rve In t he U. 8. Air Da rlene' bridal go wu ot arrangement.a ot yellow rou11. Force with rank ot H<'Ond lieu· Q td R"teS white nylon tulle ove la.fret.a.. Ora.ham BOlwell ot San Fer· tenant and he and hla bride will U oor } The llltle 11lee~leu Ice had nando wu best man a nd ushers make their home In lndlanapoha, a sheer yoke a nd a berlha of were James Siemon• ll, brother I I nd. Alencon lact . embroidered wllh ot the bride : Wilham Garman lrnde1cent beads 111ld 1equ1ns. or Chat.worth and Thomu Saw· took the place n( aleevu. The yer of Moduto. 111 A lpha Gamma I s Hostess at 1k1rt was deu11 lf'd w11 h t hree Rho traterruty 1>rother1 of the Un a or ml1ly nylon rurflu a.nd bridegroom. IN al p 11w•pl lo a chapel t rain. A cap PRAYER IS St 'SO at arty or Alencon lace cont inffi fohla Music includ•d the trs.d1tional and Picnic for Lutherans ~ewport H a rbor Lutheran Church w ill hold th annu1I Church 11nd Sunday School pie· nlc Sundav from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. a't Doheny St11te Park. ot the ri nitnllp \'t'll nncl the marche11 and "The Lord's P r11yer", I P.tula Henden!On. daughter or costume wAs cumplrtNU by a 8un g by M rf . George Moore of Mr and Mn. f'irnl Hender!lon. ,.Ingle etrant.I or ptRrl:o from the Palm Spring11. I . . Combined '-\1th lt will be an 0 1 .... n l. girt or l;ht' bridegroom. The reception !Ina rormed In :136 \\ ei1tminlltl'r A vl' • Costa Me· outdoor worshlr 11erv1oe taking The bouquet w1111 or wh"" orrhl<I~ the t'hUr<'h lounge whert• 3:10 :oil, nott>d her tr nth blrlhduy s n· the place of the reirulsr JI a.m. anfl 11tephannt111. J(Uest11 orfen-d fehcita tlons. Staml· naver11nry Tu,.sday when 11he wAS wonhlp, The 8:30 a. m. Malin• •·A S!i o.-tUISt :!-1 tng with the bndal cntourng•• 'hn.!lll'llK tn ,\'(uin i: fri;ndll. I Mrvtce will ht ht>ld at the <'hurch Attending her cnu;.in a11 m111i1 of w .. r r Mrs. Sll'muns, who wure a s usual fll r tho11e un1tble to al· honnr WRll M11111 M11r1lyn Klink or II sht>!Hh of turquui11e 11h11ntung The xnrnp W!'nl lo <"n lllB Ml!'· tend the picnic Sundll~· School Art'lld1n, gowned 1n t11rquw11e nylon Pmbroutered 1n tiny white bes1ls sa Perk at l l 11 m ror games 111 ll<'h•'dUl"d for thP nor mal organdy wnh nff.~h1111l.Jer nrrkllnr which mat.:hrd her 111•re11~ories r.nrl and play nn thr cquipmPnt. thl'n 9 ·30 hour with th!' church bus l :l•l bouffant sKirt Tht• 111n 111 trio while orchid corsage; end !'>lrs. ell' the plcnu: lunrh Aftern·11rol leaving tor the puk Ill JO 3:1 wore alm1lar frockl!I nt p&lt' aqua ~lt>ehan, mother of the bride· thry went tn t~ \\'eM c· .. nst 11 m. nylnn 01 g11ndy And 1ni:l111ted M1.s."I J:"rOOm. whol'P buuHll'nl pink shorn· F"1l>t'rgl11l'I~ 0((1~·1• whrre thPy Among lhf' dav't 1ct1v1tica. Es thtr Ann J11hnQon uf "R1\'C'r· rung wRs 11rrc•mr»•nle•I by pink 11wHm in lhe 22 ft. plastic tank "''h1ch 11r,. un.Jer the direction of 111de. Miii/i 1• .. nny \\',.1wrr R.Od Mrs. ar1•,.ssonu end y·h1te orrh1d cor· J u1ly Heit"" 1lo•monstra led shl' \\'1lton Lewton. a re race11 for J8mt l' Slem11n1>. 111~ter·ln·l1<w nr MJ!"· could 11tay undtr water the loni:-e ll age group11 with prizes awarrl- the brtdt'. both ot :-O:rwport t3f'11C"h r une h and corte,. lh.("ompamed •'l't, And r.ct'1yed A p11lr of re•1111 t'll the w1nnerii. horse11hoc11. vol· All a ttendanll! rArr1t>d tan !!h8p••rl lhP hul(c w e d <l1 n1t C'Rke ><nil pt110h..rl' All ro>wArol leyball a nd sw1mm1njt. Each ram· 11\· Ill to provide a picnic lunch t .. r Its membl!'rll with pop. cof. t•e anrt ice c1 ••am bring furn· il'hrd bv 1he pi<'mr com m1tt!'f''. Fun Event for l1a1.1 Ohlselln. Mr11. P . L. Sehni:l· . eeman of Lido lale at the der and Ml11 Ellie Paine BaJbot. Bay Club. • For t he Yosemite honeymoon the new Mra. Bell wore a chArcoal and pink 1ult with an orci'lld cor11&ge. She a ttended Newport Harbor Union High Sci'lool and her hia- band waa educated In Klamath J.'all1 1choola. Dinner Will Precede Bridge Thi' Balboa Duplica te Bridge Club will have a pot luck dmnl!'r tomrht pr ,. c e d I n g th• regu· Jar duplica te bridge game at the Ebel! Club House. The din· ntr will b• aerved a t 6 :30. pm. and lhe game will start a t 7:30. Mr1. A. G. l>oeaburg and Mrs. C. E. lrvln were u st-wut win· nl!'rl! In the recent evening game whil e north·ll()Uth hljth 11cor era were Mrio. Edna MAcMutera and Robert Lu~k . nunnl'r•·up elll!t· wen wt>rP Mrs. Robl!'rt Ro11a and Mrs. Pauling Sayre. Mrs. George CArroll and Mrs. Charles Board· rnan. Mra. Arrh McAlll11ler 11nd Mr1 Peggy Par11dtes. Runntre· U(l 11orth·11outh wert' Mrll. Edythe d'ErhtnKer. Mrs. Sally Brown Md Wiiiiam Giibert : Mr and Mr•. A W . Tummel. F:1111t·we11l winners In Mond1y Aftl'l'TlOOn'a gsm• were Mrl!. E. J . Murl!Ol and !'>!rs. Mildred Ly tle tying with Mn,, Arch MAlll11ter a nd ~rs. Fnin Hob110n; M1t111 ~11· llc-Fowler and Mr11. Frank Fo· gel. Mrs. George Ct1 rroll and Mra. Debra Stem . North·llOuth winner11 were Mra. Anne Mitchel! and Fred Morrt· 11on Runnl!'rll·up "''t re P•rcy Crawley and Marshall Ketchum ; Sa lly Brown a n•! 8 111 Giibert ly· lng With !'>1r1' Oorolhy Harn~n and Maxine McColm. Pink gladoll adorned the lun· cheon table et which 30 fUHll were IM!ated and pink champarne wu served. An amualnr and chtrmlng addition to the table decor wu two enonnOl&I br andy antttera which held, I.Mt.Md of tlower1. rutned petUCO&U, °"' 1.n pink. one In white. Al.o held a t the Bay club wu a dinner dance tor 40 ru•ll with which Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mcr.,..· len honored th• betrothed eouple. Mu. Elwell Averbeck ol Pomona &nd Newport.Be&ch entert.al.ned at the Jonathan Club. Loi AJICelU, ""1lh a luncheon and pottery 1how· er for the bnde·elect. 14 frtenda attending. Sharing tn the many tesUvlU• Is M1chael'1 •liter, Mrs .. Lee Fore· man. who wHI Mrve u matron ot honor tor her future 111ter·ln-law ~nd w ill then Join her hlllba.nd In Frankturt. Germany. Rhodes Daug)ter Mr. and Mn. faul Rhodea, 1803 Newport BlvJ~ Co1ta Mel&, are parenll ot a r trl born Jul)' 30 a t Hoag H041pltal. I ,,, The club will hold 1tA regular monthly Mn.!'lter Point Open J:amf' nn Sunt1ay 11 rternoun al the Ebt>ll Cl11b H OU8t w1lh play 11t11rt· ini: at l 30 o'clock , Highlanders I • 500 Yards Must Go We Must Sell 500 Y .. Cotton loucle •oac11oom CarpetflHJ To Make loom For New MerclMllMlse Stock SPECIAL IALI While it Lash • • • • • • Carpeting -Re9ular $4.91 s310 Choice of Colors from Gold .,. .. . Sandalwood Grwy ..... Coastline Floo~ Cowering 541 Center St. 65th Anniversary ORANGE COUNTY FAIR August · 9-14 Fail'C)rouncls On !li•wport Blvd. (Hw7. M ) at the •orth ect&e of Costa M-m ld"•Y ~twf'f'n Santa Ana·-d l"f'wpnrt S..M'h. . . .i A srnuon nf g&me11 (f•llfl\\l'ol hi' Mrs. Harry Welch ~,. 2 I rrt 11·shmrnl~ Wiil! hOFlf'll•f•d h \' ln New Home .. • Mri< J 11rk Gf'~'PI', 1ri0 ~:l'thl'I Sl · 1 , • • •• • • Cni<ll\ McAA nn .July 27 Gur~t ~. 1'1r~ ll11rr~· WllJrh. lunt'h<'<•n . l I O\l'l110t'Tl< 11( thP Hii:hl11ndl'l/l J:llM I "' Mr ~. nnn MrC11 ll11m., • • , rl11h. r>tme <Ir""""" 1111 hnh•I"" I 111, i:IAn B!'rn11rtl ino Avr . w11.!'I I 1 • J lf'117-"" w'I·•• ,,.,,n h\' Mml'• \\'1 1-1 rn1 h11•1~•l1r 11ho11t hrr nrw homr ,t eature Displays -Fine Arts -Hobbies A~riculture -Horticulture -Home Economics Flower Show -Poultry -Rabbits r.. n M11rM111lr.n And Rnhl'I t 1 "·.'· \\'hH'h llhl' ha.11 JU,.t built ·NATIONAL HORSE SHOW JUNIOR FA I I , 1 ll:im Ch,.rlt on. ffa~· 1\111• h,.lt.1111 Alr1nr· inl11nr1 rrnm !'An Di· 1 T11 rnnwioke. 11n°I in whlrh l'hl' 111 Jllll! now ·"lfl"•l. Mil'. \\'t>lc-h, who 1er l'nl- •• ~lnvC-111 1 AllhOfl"t "'II' R ..... ,.,,\' .... hJ hrr =-l'Wf'<'rt Hf'lf;:ht~ 11nt hOl'l"l-1< \u thP J:1011p, I• l.1• h 81"'1 inrh1dert Mm!'' I, .I. At• hi· h n,. hA• 111•\'t'llll rr1rnt111 In Al· I"'"" HundN'd• of hnnH In full Mml>f'lltlnn at C'all· fnml•'~ top •ho"" F.la ht Or• l>f'''"""Uf'f'll. Fnur 'unJnr ~ho•'S. Dally lft Arf't'la l ·nunl( acr1t'aJfllr.Jllt11 throUl'hOUl 0raafe Count)'. u bJbUtnr crope. hom~maklnir and "''"· et<M"k, •1th annU&I publte "''"'-" M c:-d on at •, p.m., Frida,·, Aur. n . STAJRWAY TO FUN -P resent at a patio party g iven b y Mr . and Mn . T o m RO. gen (topl at the Lido Isle bayfront home of the Paul M. Rotren (bottom) w e re Newporten M r. and Mrs. R o bert Childs of Balboa laland and Mr. and Mn. L9w Libbey of Newport Heights. The party waa in celeb ration of tb1 approacbiDg wed· rling of Mis1 JMct Schmidt. Tri-Delt sorority aiater of t he girla, who w1ll be nmem· 1 ~n'CI bv m11ny of N e w port'!! younger generatio n u one o f the Newport Efementary School'a former teach c n!. -Bl'rknrr Pho t n ~nn. D"n A ntl1 ('W• ("J\•t1t a .... h... I Ed rentnn. bon 1'·~.,-Rohri t -- Shrre anti l.UC'lllt> Smith BE SURE -INSURE :'ll rl' F"enton r•r S11nl1 An~ will bl!' next ho111t~ll. At Camp Colby Retumlnir Saturday from C&mp Colby In lhf' Angelu1 :>:atlonal Forest wlll be a 1tro11p or seventh and eighth grede 11tud<>nlll at Co11ta Me"• Methodist Church. They ln· elude 8&11dr& Barton. Lou I 1 e Compton. Darhl Lue Elli•, Ruth McSl\&qit. LoulM Yellleu a nd Tommy Gilb.rt. with their fflor. Marvin Ma.mu.on. WATEB llEATl:aa SALU. IMYIC6 .... lWAIU Jo• B.c:LLo/J PLUJDUNO T'MMS It ,.. CINT 00W. ,.,.... HffM< Im \\Ith ~t.\ l.: KIE !ST AJ\1.£ l' Insurance Only Phune Harbor H'H ssu E. Cout HJrbway <Alroaa del Mar BOUCHARD Rn'URNS rtratf' lforeocl, -~ •1tb ..,...,... 111..ac. la 1~rt11r peceaatt'f. Colorful t'OtlhantM .. -~•r ante.It', oftftuJ ,_..,. S lrkt.17-.t 1:'6 p.m. la comfort.a.a. AlnphJtMeter. State Baton Twirling ContHt -Pogo Stick Races Public Square Dancing -Daily Entertainment Commercial end Industrial Shows Band Music -Carnival -Fun VALENCIA ORANGE DAY n.nday, AllCJlllt 11 lhNJle Price Polley ...,,. ,... ........ ,.... .. ra.u .wtora e.o at'-1 a.11 ...,_ ..... 1111• Ill A.rw ... Alm ... ~. AAIWta •t.eo. N• taL CIUJclrt• lllld.r tw..av..,_ lftc. la' ... A ..... ta. IUDe DAY. All ......,_ _.., 1J ............... "7..,... adrft.tt~ ''"· 1190 1911 PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS SE'ITING THE MOOD-The authentic model o! a Polynesian thatch cottage whicb Conned the j•center- piece" o! the decor for the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's South Seas party wu admired by all present, includin g Mrs. E. A. Crary, Comrp~ore Harry Mann. -· BPWa and their guests came "u they were 1uppo&ed to have been" for the patio party held at the Donald Gundenon home. 1581 Mira- mar Drive. Above. standing, are Cl to r) Mmea. Harold Bird. Robert Johnson (June Farrar), Ruby Rear Commodore Crary, and Mrs. Mann. The grass shack, Clanked by banana tr'ees and tuberous begon- iu. was designed and built by Fred Artiz. house-man at NHYC. -Beckner Photo Al an aver11ge rate of 30 nillu J)4'r hour. It would tt1 ke an auto- mobile morl! than 1 l yea.rs to tr&- Vf'l ov\>r the 3.012.620 mil"• of rural roads In lhe United Statu today, poinla out the Nation.I Au- tomobile Club. At the Orange County Fair thf' l<>NI branch ot lhe A me,ncan Cancer ~iety will act u host to the people of Orange County, In conjunction with the C&lJComla Sta~ De- pa rtment ot Publlc Health, Bureau of Food and Drug-ln.aJMC· tlon11. for viewing various devk .. belnic used ln quM:k t tt&l· menl ot cancer. The American Cancer Sodety'a booth I• No. 119 In the Commercial Bulldini; where representative. ot the California Health Department and the Orange County Branch, ACS, will be on duly at all tlmt:• to auswtr quutlon• and u1111t the public in underalan<Hng the exhibit. Tht' booth la being prepared In time tor the premiere on Monday t>venlng. Jnrormallon anl'I litPr&ture w111 be avail· able at that time, u well u thf' rtK1Jler houni of the P'11.lr, Tuesday through Sunrlay. PAGEANT OF MASTERS Junior Art Pleases at Laguna Beach Festival l.IFE ON THE llJUNY -Tal• of hia ocean going experienc~ by Lt. Charles Schryock of the U. S. Navy .eem to be keeping Miu Janet Balcer and the Ralph Bakers enthralled H they take "time out" from dining and dancing during New- port Harbor Yacht Club'• South Sea party last Saturday. -Beckner Photo While the All-Caltfomla exJ11b1· lion at Laguna Beach f"Htl\'ll or Art. has won accltum for the many fine modem• and fewer but equally exrPllent rontt mporary canvms.scs. the public In generAI shows Its us11AI enthuslMm for lhe Junior Art Callery wtil're paint· ·mgs of Orange County school chit· dren from ktnde~uttn thrOllJ?h high school delight both children and adults. Meire than 200 artiste and craftsmen ue dlaplaylng their cre11t1\'f• out put on six a cru ot F'esllval ground•. Painters. •culp· torll, C'l'r11mt•t11 and photogn pher1 e>( the l'nuthhrnd ha\'t 11:alher~ lo Conn l'Ullural C'arn1val thAt hu 1'111 nrol nnllonal tame. HA RBOR REALTORS' GIFT of charm bracelet and their th1mks for her many kindnesses were present- ed to Muy {Mrs. Walter) Coll" yel;terday morning at weekly breakfast in Balboa Bay Club by Charles Hart, 1board prealdent. Farel Walker, board secre- tary, is at right. Mrs. Cole. rt cently retired head of News-Pree. clulified adverti1ing department, made many frienda among Realtonf group during years in wbl~b ahe built real estate sect.ion into Harbor area's largeet. -Staff Photo SOUTH ~Off ST conSTRUCTIDn CD. Baptist Pastor Has Returned Ha \•lltJ( returne.1 Crom his vaca- tion t he !11 v. Herhert J ohnson 1 wilt be bark In tht pulpit at First Baptist Church. 19th And We1<t BAlboll lll\'11. this romlng Sunday. S11nrl11y 11rhnnl I~ et 9:4!'i a.m , 11nrl m'lmlng wnr11h1p 11t 11 o'clork Visitors from e\·ery one of the 4.8 atatr io anti 6 foreign co1111trlea promi11e to give lhe F"estt\'lll, cur- rent lhr'01Jgh A ugull 14. 9 rl'<'Ortl· break ing attendnnct of clo~c to 100,000. Al 7 ·:io I' 111. Mr. John,..(ln will Seats for wel'k·dny performanc· •how w lnn ·d .. 11de11 tnkrn during e11 are allll avnllablr. although the hi~ v11 r Atlnn Mlrlwrek prayer ! c·losmg t hree "Command Perff1rm· SPrvlce l.11 on \\'edne~rl.t\' Al ; 30 ances .. of the Pageant ot the MaA· p.m. ter• are \•trtually eold out A m1maturt Puppet Theatre pre11rnt1 the "little people" guided hy Pon anl1 Ivy W1l11on at attPr· noon 11ncl evt'nlnv; performances. Hlithllght or Uie annual· event Is the Pagtap\ ot the Mastera. ttnrtmi: at 8 30 p m. This at'&M>n'11 prod11r l'r 111 Howar!J Graham. v.'ith I Burt l'rocter •l'rvlng u uaocla tr pro<l11r,.r anr; 11 rt director. Pere anrl Bwlrt.v Wr11l morP Rre make· up cons11lt11nta. F'nr the eighth 11ea- son Ru!lll Potter 111 featured u I narrntor eno1 acrlpt writer, And Cito Alll'n Hlbh11 111 mw1ir lll dl· rerlor Miano. Donna Stovall o! San Franciaco, Walter Wright and J esse Hill. In foreground are Mn. Robert Norton and Mra. Rick Cochran. Picture below 1bowa these and others during the refreahment. houn. - Sta.fl Photo RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL tSO SOtJa St.. Mewpoai ...... ..,.... 1111 IN THE CENTER of the SOUTHLAND'S WORK and PLAY YARD ' 9 NEW TEACHERS HIRED BY MESA SCHOOL; 10 NEEDED Co.l& Mua Union ScboOI DI•· 1 lh IT~•· Main School; Jacll A lrtct Superintendent Everett RM I O.nlet, WiUowa, tin.ti rrade, M.aJn loat rround on hi.I vacation, h• 1 Sdlool; Mt. Mart• Goltfon. Loni '1!VWed lO the board Of lrUllHI Be.ach, MCODd frade, M.a!n School; WednHd&y nlJhl. "J orily bad H Mn. Nancy K . Murray, Coruna del lt•ch•n lo 1et tor next Mmeeter l Mar, t.blrd, Harper School. when 1 le rt on vacaUon." be re· Mn. Irene Radcliffe, 2~ Ntw· vuled. "When 1 returned. I •eed· port Blvd.. Coel& Meea. thlrJ. ed 19 due to ru11rnaUon1 and tail· 1 Monte Vllta: Mra. Natalie Rick· ure to accept conlracl1." •lt•, Santa Ana. fl1"8l. Undberrh Today. Rea wu 1eeklnr only ll) I school; Mias Ruth L Ryden. Ora· more teacher• tor tht Mua av .. ' nada , achool nuue; Mra. lone Wll· trlcl 1chool1 after the tn11tcu •r J u~n. Hl28 Newport Blvd .. Co.11· proved ottennr o~ contrnct11 to I ta Mtsa, fltlh, Main~ and Mr11. nine new leA chera \\'~ntsd11y Madelin• Zelier of 289 EvMmg nlfht. I Canyon Road, eighth. Rea Srt>ool 'J'hey are· Churlf'~ P. Canten<'5t Rea pointed out that Mlu Ry· of Ohio, 11\op. l<ea School: Miii! df'n 1erved u echool nuru llllt Cenev"''• Cuu~ngh1. Ul~the.1 rourl~trade, Monte Vl~t.a School; year. had Intended t.o l•v•. but Mra. Vh jfinla Dunn Clend1le, 4th then wu persuaded Io relu"l lo rrsde. Main School; Jack A. duly. Too Late To Classify _!!:: __ H_e_ilP_W_an_tfJd _____ 29-HeJp Wanted Help Wanted! 10 men o r women t o bo ld houses open. Yo u d on't have to know anylhing ! Just have a Real Estate Sa.le.arnan'a license. The less you kno w the better. If you think a square foot is a clodhopper, you're in. But how did you get your Real Estate license? The public won't co m e t o Reill Estate cffices that are legitimate, ethical R ea.ltoN!. So, let's give them what they want. Wo rk half days only, Big Dough. Yes! 137' corner for sale with modern real estate office. Whe n we sell this. I will sit with you. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor : 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Harbor 4718 , . P . S.-To &ll REALTORS. U you wish to prevent ada like the above in future, let's eliminate "Open H ou..'' along with •:For Sa.le" Signs. Both decrea.ae property values and actually an "Open Howie" ~ a Branch Office and should be 1K> licensed.. Let's con- vince the Public that the place to do buainesa is in the properly handled U cenaed Real Estate Office. U-i..o.t uad Found SS-Boat.a, suee"" LOST, Poodle, black, female IJ>&Y· Slip & Rowboat -.d, l'"Y around mouth, body tnmmed evenly. Uberal reward. Space for Rent Llt.rty 8..Qtl. 87c89 American Leirton 215·1!\th St. 2&-Relp Wanted. Meetinp 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p .m PRtf POSM10 l'l open to real ntate MllRCURY SUPER Th H. P. J:x. •l•ma.n • ~ho wW put In cellent condition. $135. 1932 Haz· time and wo to bu.lid butlnesa. bor Blvd., ea.ta Meea. 87c89 eoir .0.11 Ula r. 17 est 16 FT. SAILBOAT, main nil It MMcellueoua jib complete, cla.ued ooat $135. Cre7 Marine (lugger engtne) Movie Proiec_tors tranamlMlon .ft reverM1 r•r re- eeoUy OYerhauled 11711. Llberry J'OR RICNT 1·3907. 87c89 l ·MM tt·MM M-MM HOBBY and MODEL M-Mulcal, a.dlo, TV . AJRPLANll SUPPLIES Mears Camera Shop PLAYER Pl.ANO. 21 00 Harbor Blvd. Coeta Me-. 8-11. Liberty 1782 Newport Blvd .. eo.t& Meaa 1-8432. 87p811 Phone J..lbe.rty ~70U. Pru ~Dogs, Cats, P eta SO.B-AJ!pUancee BLACK • mo. old miruature poodle puppy. Xlent pt'dlgne. USED AUTOMATICS Har. 6267-J. 87c89 S39.50 to $99.50 40-Autoe for Sale Delivered IJ\ltaJled. guara.ntttd. ·r,3 CADIU.AC Coupe de Ville. Te""' avallablt. Perteet condition. 1 Owner, low Henderson's mUeare. Pr1vate ptrty wlU fln· a.nee. Har. U OJ. 87<'89 Automatic Washe r Service -12-Trallerw 2648 ~tWJ>Ort Blvd .. Cost& Meta LI 8·7808 cnear Golf Cour1t) 2-WHEJ:L Trailer, Xlent condllton. pr tic $100. Har. 0274-J, 87c811 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate s Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or '4 Bedrooms -F orced Air H eat -Maaaive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ••• actually every luxury feature and in Orange County'• finest location. Bir Estate Sized Loll suitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street ln Santa Ana Tbru Tuatin and Tum North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein Designed b y & Sons, Builders Cliff May Pr t! Don 't Be A Millionair& Li\'e like one in this LARGE 3 bdrm. & 2 bath Lido home. AbundRnt 50' lot, Copiou1 bdrme., colloss..1J 11\'ln~ r11om . Enormous dtning area.. huge showf'r. 1mmrn~e patin. & 8pacious garage. i34.750 BURTON 8 . BECK. RLTR. & INSUR. 2323 W . Co"i-t Hwy . LI R-7!>62 & Har. 221 $ $ Attack Case Marine S11pect . lets Year Term NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRES51-PART t ·PAGE 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 Dow•y 1uys lmln Shlpyscli Has SANT.A. ANA. ·•uo e {OCNB) NflW Polley .. _ -Aoc\IMd ot attaeklns a 17. "' .... JeU"Old Hollywood ctrl. t&ku lo lpencw DowMy Oil WlaltUW a ea.ta ,._ party, two 11&.nta Ml t&k• o.,... u ~ ud An& Marin• Air Bue Fadllly 111ua.r-r ot UM Bu&a .. ,,.,.._ corporal.I toda,y were be.for. 8U· at ~ Ddn. .a.ctift Alie· penor Court Juqe John Bbea 1. Down.y oWlll tllie M-tt. Be tor probation bearinp. Glad u rMUlt ot CCllDlal to the Probation WU denl~ Frank Harbor &1'l& tee' SI ,,_,.... Koore, 21. and b.e wu ordered ""-a boat owner," DowDe7 to jail tor one year, lua lhe l&ld. "I plu to lmtltut.e poUct• Um• he hu been In cuatody. that wll p1-fallow Milt owa- Twe other attack count• wert en." dilmtued. Bob (Stu) lt.wvt will M ..- Dlapoaltlon of Robert o. Lock· vice manqer aAd tNpenl9I &Ip raii. 21, wu continued to Sf'pt. ~ at Ula Bulla, Downey &D- H, lhe day after hl1 slated c1l1-nounc.d. char,-e from the corpa. Downey, a n&ttn Calltoni&a, Lack.ran h11 pleaded (UUty to W&a formerly Loe A~elea ne- a ttempted attack. Jud~e Shea paper dl.llr1butor at mtttter. Re reque1ted a Jetter from a Marine bu plactd hi.I WhltUer rwidene41 authority, atatlng why dl1Cb&rge !JP for eal• and la -ktas a per- papen can't be 1111ued to Lock· mane:nt home here. He baa two ran before his cue II determined. bo)'I, Skippy, t , and Bobby, 12. Th• judge propoeed pronounct · who will ent• 'local 1Choo1a next NEW JUNIOR HONORS FOR NEWPORT • ment of judgment a(ain1l Lock· month. ran. atter JUiy 13 IO t.be dtfend· ------------- Commodor e Richard Fenton present.I the Harold W. A d&ma perpetual to Gary Myers of N ew port H a rbor Yacht Club and bis crew, Lanny Coon and Paul Livadary, who last week w on the SCY A Elimination series for the Seara Trophy. Thia ia the !int time the SCY A has entered the Sears competition which. with the fivMay meriea starting A ug. 29 in Boothbay, Maine, establishea the Junior Sailing Champion.a of N orth America a nd Canada. M yers and h is crew met with entries from the Pacific I11te rr1at1onal Yac hting Associatfon (either Seattle or Vancouver), the Yacht Rae· mg Union of Southern California, and the Yacht Raring A68oclation of San Fran· cisco in San Die~o o n Aug. 3.4 t o determine the Pacific Coast entry in the interna· tional event. -Beckner Photo ant wouJd be ellf1ble for an hon· orable dl•charge. ~kran, however, told the judge the corps wouldn't hand down bia dlacharge paper• until hl1 cue haa been decided. The two Marlnl'11 had taker\ the g1rl lo a Co1ta Meta drink· Ing party the night ot lhe In· cldent. The ottenae occurred on a lonely road near the MCAF base. Myitery l1atinCJ Fractures Ribs of Pomona Man Coata .w-. police department today continued lnv.,UpUon In· lo an allepd l>eattnr by two men early 'I"hurtw\ay momtnr which sent Earl Pf'rry LAnirtord lo Or· &nft' County Hoapltal wilh ep- ' parent fracture ot two ribs. ----------------------------------Cash Theft from Car Ofncer1 round J....anfford. , 83, Carol Doane Benefit Concert Set Aug. 16 at Harbor High Pomona, Mated In the rear or Weinbercier Held Reported by Hunter ~ •:;::;_ ':t 2:ooa!~~~!r!:;~ on For,,..~ Count John Hunter fo 1437 Superior He •aid h• W'&I wtterinf NV.ff ~ Ave.. Costa Mea,' told police pa in• In the kidney rer lon of Richard Joteph elnbtrger, 53, Tul'aday his ca r wu broken into hl11 back. Loe Angtlaa, who bu been aervlng while parked at the Santa Ana Langford claimed he had bffn a petty thert aentence In N-port River brldKe. Hll wallet contain· drinking at a realdence on Vic· Bea.cl\ City JaU. today faced new Ing $2.!IO and ldentlftc1tlon p1pera toria St. when he wu butt'n cht\rgu of forgery, Del. Sgt.. V. I. wu taken. he said. by two white mLlea, each appro- McManlg&l aald. j Pollce eaid both wlndwing't on xlmately 30 y e1r1 of a~e He Lane. Mike Valle a nd Tom Pen · 11on .. l\'ewp<•rt Harbor Hli:h Sd1onl concert banri, ,,, whlrh June hn· nor graduatf' Carol Doane was A mrmber. ,... romb1n1ng with 11 drama wo1 kshnp )n'OUp lo i:lve a benthl ronrert for t hi' ~lrl on Aug. 16 at 8 pm. In the lll'hool auditorium Carol 111 in H11Aii! HoJ<p1t1tl rerovering frum strinu;i lnjUl'l•'S ~U!!llttnt'd llOnH' Wt'l'k" Clinton Sawin wlll direct lhe C'nncea t band.. In a program which snchacle.!1 "Stars and Stripes For· • ver", "Guys and Dolls" overture. fl &<!lectlon !rom "Carousel", "The Syncopatl'd Clock", "Tribute to Romberg", "Amparata R oca" and • Coloram&". Que 1 l Io n In I or Weanbtrger the car were broken to 8aln was transported ,by Ml'H police bro11ght &dmlaalon, McM&nlgal re-entry to the locked car. to the county boapltal. rrs ffiGH TIME ported, that he hu IS11Ued check11 1 -------------------.------- under flclltlou1 narnu In Laguna I -,.. ... ...., IQ'O 1n ini 1111tomob1le ll<'Cldrnt ------------- A r,olltcllun will bf' UlkPn at th!' door. a II prO<'et-111' to 11;0 to thP ::r.~ .... ~~, ::~: :du!!u~~~; Rochester St Assessm· ent city placed a felony hold on Wein· • DAY & NIGHT JET GLAS Watet' Heaten ~arol Doant tund A one-act play, "The Clu<I", will be dlre<-le1I by Buits Zerbf''. The cut lnclu11e11 Robf'rt Wl'ntz. drama cn11ch, Msry Tale. Mike 4 MARINES Coot!Jlued from F\n& Pap plan to row the Stnall craft over the approximately 22-mlle ocran trip. ber&er pending more lnveaUgatlon. Roll Approved for Mesa Don Wells Asks Probation for Mariiuana Count Call Your Authorized Dealer SCOUT TOUR CollUnued trem Flr1t Pase ator.11. \Ve 1111 11h1ver whrn we KO In. ll fePl!I 110 l:'OOd though that we woulrt like to 11t11y from ear· ly Afternolln ttll twilight lime. BICi(if:R LAWSS • The departure Ume 11 tel for 4 a. m. Saturday morning, and they expect to arrive at Catalina on the Avalon alde, al approx!· mately 6 p.m. the aarne day. Members of 11ervlce squadron.I. SANTI ANA, .AUG. 5 (OCNS) Donald Elmer Welle, 2Z, of Coat.a Mtaa today pleaded guUty on a poueMlon -of • .marijuana charge and requeeted a prob&tlon hear- ing. Suparlor Court Judi• John Sh• granted Wella' plea, tetlillf pro· No proteall being filed or heud against the Ro<'hetler St. Improvement dlllrlct 1111e1sment roll It ,wa1 approved by Coeta Meaa City Council Monday night. The 1&mt wa1 true of the Fa.lrvlew Road annexation plan which brlng1 a new piece of acreare In the vicinity or Orange Cout Cotler• offlclally Into tht city. One protut wa1 ftled aplnlt tht city'• new llcenH pl&n fol' 1ta.mp vend1nJ machlnu, but ll waa paaaed. Th• law providt'll for a $10 llcenae for euh opera· tor and JO cenll a ye&r for each machine put lnt.o lh• city. Two arne.ndmenta were pUMd by lhe council t.o ext.ting trdtlc lawa to make them operate In conjunction with 1tate law• rov· ernlng UIHI of Newport Blvd. JOE BECHTOLD PLUMBING Harbor 5330 re,_ 10,.;, Down Mo1t ot the boys have decided that the lawns In Kentucky, Ten· ne1111ee, and North Carollna would brinit about ttn tlme.11 the going 7!1-cent prace In Corona del .Mar. Somt of thl'm rover rolling hllla u big u the Jrv1ne Coaat Coun· ty Club Anl1 ectually they are private homu . Aircraft Ji"leet Marine Force Pa~ ciftc, here, thty will male• th• voyage of the Navy type Mark VU. survival raft. The rLfl la yellow In color. They plan t.o take fruit. j uice. along tor food and each wtll wear a life jacket. b&Uon hearing and MDtenct.ng tor .,. .......................................................................... .... 11:30 a.m. Aur. 19. The Newporl. Tenn. pa per rt· celved u1 royLlly and made a picture whkh they promised to mall home to the Nev.'J)Ort Har- bor Newa-PrrM. Thty WMted to know 1f wt thoug1tt that :-:ew· port Bt•ach, Callfomaa hatl any· thing thllt they didn't have-we only h11d five houra sleep that night hy lclllni: lhC'm. We .11houlil have 11boUt two teli< nf "Tl'e·Shlrl~" with :-.'ewport Be11rh, Calltorn1& palnte<I nn lhl'm so thet we 11houlilnt lrnvr to PXpliun M mu<:h wh('n w!' Ari' awav rrom nur vrhlelP . un; IS VUUilSIA \Vt nre r1ue tn 11rn\'e et ="'"1 • f,,lk, Vo , S11turdny 11nrl we wall irp!'nd rive l1ay11 1n th1• Virginia Country where mo11t "of our roun· lry's history atarled. Sevrral ••f the bu~·11 pnrenL.. wr1 e born In V1rg1nla 11 nd thl'y have family lle11 here \\'(' 1ho111d have tun. We all dn hope th11t Ike still kttps the White Houae •pen for u1 evtn If Congnn hu gon11 hOntt' F:very one 11 well, no new po11'on 01.k 01.1 r o1M>n oak i:on•" To !ind their way, the Mann .. plan to take along a Marine Corps combat t~. pocl<et com· pus. As far aa who wlll be the ak.lp- per on lhb voyage, lhe Magolnr Marlnu hav~n't decided y • t. However, tht'y all agreed to Oy " amall Manne Corp11 flag a t the head or the rafl. A• to whal prompted a lr1p II ke th1a. the-J.lartn11 repll they have alway1 W&nted to aee the Island. but that transport•· tton <·osts were 11bove their means. "° thl11 way, the trip will cost them nothlng mon than a frw sore muscles. When uked how they w1U re· turn tn tht m11lnl11ncl, lhe youn~ Marines statrd thet thry plan to h1tch-h1ke back. lC tbal fal l.II. they "nil break out the oar11 and paddlP lh••lr w11y back to N~w­ port on Sunday. Weill wu arrealed July 18 ln NeWJ>Orl Helrbta by N9Wport Beach police. He la 1n cuatody. having been unable to make bond. -EV.GRONLUND CollU....S from l'1nt Pace ballot at the nat May electJon when Mall held by Schwan and l:dwtn Edick woWd be vacated Ot:T8 IJOAJlD APPROVAL Al Or<!en Mcondtd Brown'• I motion rtfard1nf Gronlund which received board approval. Delphi· no H id, "I know Gronlund. He's I a rood man. But no""ally the church•• feel Hp&rate from tht' achools. It's nne to have a church man on the board. Even though he's putor or a Newport Beach church. Maybe he can ttart a movement to (et the Bible b11ck In the 1chool1." Before the meeUnr wu ad· • joumed, Delphlno uked If the Freed on $250 Bad board couldn't pre11enl teVeral F'ullerton. 1 OCNS l -Fay• namH to the !uperlnt.e:nd1111t Gf Adtley, 312 Apolena .Avt., Bal· Schools and let him make tlnal boa Island, was releLMd on $2~ aelecUon. Meaa DI.strict 8uperin· bail yuurday when sh• appear-t.endmt Everett Rea told Del· ed In .Anahe!m·FuUerton Munlcl· phlno. "He'd just call each ~rd pal Court on charget of drunk niember -..d uk w!llch he'd rath- drlvtng J Uiy 24. on US 101 aouth er have. 'lfouldn't you!" of Orangethorpe >. ve. Gronlund ta 21, marrted, with Sbe 11Vill enter htr plea AU(. two pN-IChool younpterw, OM 3 l!I. and the other !I montha. BELOW • WHOLESALE •SELECTED EASTERN BEEF• AGED -WRAPPED -QUICK FROZEN SIDE --SELF£TED EA.STERN BEEF FORE QUARTER HIND QUARTER ' -Hoffman tb. 35c lb. 32c lb. 39c 10 pound box of BACON lb. 20; HOT DOGI tb. 33; Fl'\"Q Ffowa L.F.MON ADE .t LIMEADE • • • ('aa • n.ll rrc-a MeM)'BMkl a Necll1 CHICKENS • • A.nd other barJta1n -Comt' In ud bro,._ around HARBO.R MEATt CO. 411 JOth St. Newport leach Harbor 0718 You can see it here The 1955 AUST1N·HEALEY '100'' a.• Avllhl HMley'100' yoa'D enjoy tlul aiwodynamk ltyllnc; upt, pncite lilelfing. pool·tahll 11ft cornering: lltlble, fou.r·footed ~;and aprttmg trunk room. ~.........__· -- TM ceckpff II big enoucJl l.o _. .._ thl ..,,.. ollwa~gbtaeully. N<* thl leathef· upbcl I rld buck« .... and tlM --"d, ~I.op. .. .o.a. ~,... "'..,. ALL COU>M AVAILABLll NO~ Com• in today and test-drive this breath-taking 1port1 car which co1t1 only $2985 THU competition thoroughhrcd i1 the aports car ba:gain of the <kcade. For leu th.in SJ,000 you get the world'' fastc•l cl1u ·o· production roadster. And that's not all. Consider thne specifications; Top S(H'td: I 10 miles per hour (more with modification Int), Arrtl- u atio,,: 0.60 m.p.b. in 10.5 K conds. Milenxt . Up to 25 milc1 per gallon. Rrci1rd·hrcak1ng Au\t1n A·90 overhead valve engine has dual S Ii. carhu· rctors. Synchromcsh tran1m1ss1on ha1 1hrcc for- ward speech plu1 overdrive. K n()(k-on,.. ire wheel~. Adjuat~ble windshield. Heater. Dcfmslcr. Ton· neau Cover. Tachometer. A nd all these custo m features cost you absoluttly nothin~ eJttra. But of aU-thia d11tingu"hcd spons car ~•lls for only sms• including Federal taus! Hi9he1t Trade-ins on Forei9n and American Cars Bank of Amf"rica '.l~nn" HAUSKEN 1 tJ2 Hart. lllYd. Liberty 1·5051 MOTORS, INC. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-6311 , ' PAGE 6 · PART I -t\IEW PORT H_.RBOR NEWS-PR~SS FPl~A Y, AUGUST S, 1955 CHOW TIME -Elmer and his family gather around for a romaine and grain banquet served by Edwin .Brumley. Mary Frances Flodine, visiting Balboa Is- land from San Marino, takea great interest in the feeding. -A U Staff Photos. SIESTA -After the lunch, Elmer, far left, talka over the a.ftemoon's plans with bia mate, Elmira. Ethel, Evelyn and Egbert doze nearby ·waitiog for the takeoff signal. Mary Frances now hu her friend Polly Peters, also from San Marino, interested in what the next move will be. THIS IS rr -Man, this is really for the birds. A cool, leisurely swim along North Bay Front and an occuional 1pl11-3h of the win~s for a quick shower . What could be nicer on a summer day? The ducks create great interest from children who wish they could awim as easily. . EVERYTHING'S. REAL DUCKY FOR BRUMLEYS' ELMER AND ELMIRA 'T>¥as Love at Balboa Island First Sight for Pair and Family yu. they'r e the adopted children of the mallard pair. The Traut- weio brothtra uw Elmer and El- mira one day and decided they needed a Cam1ly. , fl,()AT IS RAFT By PHYLLIS J. JACKSON The next day. the dredfing Elmer looked the beach over. It was Sunday and every barge chugged down the north bay 11quare inch was taken with blankets, bo<iiea and umbrellaa. channel with • •mall iwlmmtnr pool ln tow. Swtmmln( happUy In · And it was his beach too. a water-filled rubber lite raft were There wu only one thing to do. He gave the sign thro du<'k• J uat u they puaed to Elmira, Egbert, Ethel and Evelyn and made his way to Brumley'• home, the ducka were dumped and Elmer and Elmira an empty blanket and uttled him-ry and a (TOUp of hungry but swam out to mMt them. aelf and Camlly undfr the um· 1 broke l'nlverslty ot Southern Call-Elmira continually lay1 her own brell1t. Comla Trojan•. May 1he real In egga, hoping for a CamJly, but What did the owne:ra do ~ Well. peace. moat of them fa.II vict ims to the what would you do If you came Maurie Sparling, Caml\y friend, cunoalty of rhlldren. But the chll· b1u:k from a dip in the bay and found Elmira JI and aelibted her dren who know and love t he maJ- round five duck11 :iettled 1town for for Elmer. pre sent Ing her lard family wlll rlnr out In a a long summer'• nap on your to him at breakfut. The whole chorua or womlnga to vlsltora who bh1nket? neighborhood wltnU11ed the meet· chu e or annoy the duck•. Elmer·• an ln1lltutlon and a le· Ing oC the pair and watched them When the Clahermen come In, J t'nd arounll the Edwin Brumley cnilae down the bay together. It'• catch u catch can for the Clve neighborhood at 901 North Bay ELMIRA FIRST duC'ka. Elmer h&.11 become quite 1'-ront. To make him truly an la· In Elmer'• life. Elmira rome11 adept a t c111rhlng f11h to1111ed to landn, he'• a Cugltlve from Euler Clr1t. He 11eea to It ahe 11 the Cirat him Crom the docka. But Elmira, . Wtt k two Y"ara ago when he to nt. Then Ethel and E velyn dainty lady that ahe la. can't quite came rtown to Ba.I llland u • ret their 1hare before E lmer and handle the w11gly rre11t urea. SO d11r k llng lhe pd or eome Jillie Es-t>ert eat. Ot coun1e. there are Elmtr catchu them for her, chew1 boy domeetlc dl!Cerencu . 0c ... 1onally them up 1 bit with hl1 broad bill :Sf:WHBORHOOD PET l!:lmlra can be attn 1ulklng alone 'and c,ed11 her. What devotion! :'\ow he·a the .,.i of the ntlgh-on her aide of "*'e beach tn front Rt: AL Rf:ASOS ! borhood. He'1 been cared for by of the Brumll'y home while Elmer Brumley won't exactly admit tht Brumley• and nurby realdtnl.I pacl!I ba<'k and Corlh on his 1lde that E lmer. Elmira, E thel, E velyn tor two )'(&rl, !eedlll( upon ro-compl•lntng about w omen. And and Egbert are the re&M>n the . mamt . g r..in and frHh water. He 1he doean't come to dinner until Camily hlll apent the entire winter digs h11 own crabe and worm1. he tel11 her 1he can. Then It'll back on the Island, the Clrat time In li:lmer'1 Clr1t bride, Elmira. wu to the othtr aide ot the ~ach un· many a year. But la wu fun to with him but a 1hort time. She tll they k l!ll and makt up. watch the ducks, not to mention wu victim oC Euler Week revel· Ethel, Evelyn and Egbert! Oh the reaction of ~pie. Mesa Mail Delivery to Doors Awaits ·construction of Walks MESA PLANNERS IN AUSTERE TRIP TO S.F. CONVENTION I Howard Bogert Trains at Base How much doe1 It coat to 10 to a convt'nllon ~ In the Coat.a Mua budget Sl~O la provided for the pur- poee. but the plruulln( comm!Mi.m wa.nt1 mont'y for thrte people to go to the League of Cahfornla Cities convention In San Franc!aco and M<11day no counrllman could arrive at whal the trip would coat. Councilman A. L. Pinkley aald t hey wrre welcomt' to h1a ahan oC •ny convenUon money a.nd Councilman Charles TeWinkle mentlont'd the "unmerc1Cul banquet prlcu ." but no one offtred any Clgurea. Fmally the council voted to let the planner• take the trip and pay their bill when they got back. "But make it u low u poeelble, no Crill.I," th"Y were admonlahed. GOOD OLD DAYS! L l TT LE c REE K, Vlrslnta 1FHTNC1 -Howard Z. Bo~t'rl. Jr., son oC Col. and Mr1. H. Z. Bogert of H8 Morning Canyon road, Coron1t dt'I Mar. 11 among Cahfornla'a Stan(ord University Jun1or1 rec e 1 v I n g a mphlblou1 training hert' alonic w1lh mid· shipmen from ~2 Naval ROTC units in colleges and unlve111ttlea throughout tht country. The a mph1b1ou1 training ache· duled to end Aug. 13. ta the 1e· cond part o( an avlatlon-amphl· b1ou1 Indoctrination prornm' I The aviation phase wu coll· duct•d at Corpua Chrt1t1. Tex. 1 lt coninsted of lectures. active partlc1patlon and tours coverlnf such subject• 11 urology. navl· ration, engineering. principles of : flight and an Insight Into the mission and tasks ot varloii1 alrcraCt . Youth Benefit on Mesa Offers 50-Cent Spread Tht midshipmen wert "a lr- llCted'' to Little <.;reek J uly 24 Co•la Meaa Klwanlan or st tM to recelvt shore bu.ed and aJloat breakfut. I tr&lning in the fundamental' oC Want an old fuhlontd 110-c1nt breakfaat? Then lay your plan1 to t•ke the whole family to the Ciflh an- nual Coata Mua Kiwani1 Clubl Youth Bendit breskfaat tn Costa Meaa Park from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Satu~ay. Beald.. Gardner. the benefit amphlbiou• warfare. brtakfut committee 11 composed of Harl Burnett. tickets; Hal HatCleld, publicity: Jack Castle. Purse The~ Report finance. Francia Reynolds, fOQd preparation: Willard Courtney, prir.ea; Herb J cnka, cleanup. For 60 cenu you s et an u:· cellenl breaklaat, a chance lo ------------- Lum the kid.a loo•e In the park, MUSICAL BURGLAR an opportunity to renew acquaJn· t.ancea with friend• and nei(h· ILOWS WITH DISCS bor1 In the Harbor area. and v-· UaCactlon oC knowing your ~ A burglar with musical ap· cent.I wlll 10 for a good cauM. preclauon •truck in Costa "We eerved 2000 perl!Onl lut Mesa Tul'eday. HouaewHe year," report!d General Chair· Loul11e 0 . Schertr r•ported man Dave Gardner. "a.nd we look theft oC 1~0 4~ rpm records forward to serv\ng even sreater and 10 a lbums f rom htr re· numbera Saturday 10 we can tn· 11dence a l 196:1 Santa Ana l•rge the scope of our nrvlc.e t o Ave. local youth.'' Th• burrlar'1 appreclaUon Proceeds will 10 into 1uch Kl· apparently utend1 Crom the wa.nl1 youth project• u free rowdlut pop to the clualcal camperahlpe l o duervtnr youn1· top. Among the ptlCered plat· atera. acholar11lup1, 1pon10r1hlp ter11 were Splkt Jonn and Theft or a navy and white put1C' from the beach In front oC the F un Zone Sunday was reported to police by Mn. Marilyn C. Bartell of Sllnta Ana. She aald It cont.aln- ed Identification papers and $11. BA LB~.: A/1/, .7{ ~' Now Showing .lamH Ste" ar1 "Th• Far Country" .lohn Hodl•k "Mission Over Korea" Sun., Mon., Tue111. The po11t office department will of 11eoutlng troop• and aulatance Beethoven'11 Ninth Sympho· not allow delivery of mail to in tralnlnf 1coutlng leaders. ny. Mr•, Scherer ~l value Debbi~ ~ynold" "Susan Slept Here" Col. Cushman Has Squadron Post door1 In Coeta Meea until the Prill.el donated by approximate· of the ml118lng dl11<'• al Sl~O. 1treet11 and yarda have w1lk1. ly 100 Jbcal merchant• will be pollct ••Id. \\'l'ndtl ('or•y Mra. Ha.:tl'I Gill. poatmaater: told dlatrtbuted during the breakfut. ------------- the c It y counc II Monday evening.. nc k e ti a re • va 11 able from any I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;;;;:j "Hell's Half Acre" Stam Wed. CHl!:RRY POlNT, North Caro- lina c FHTNCl --Marine Lt. Col. Thomas J . Cu•hman Jr .. I.I· 1umed command of Marine Pho· tograph1c Squadron l . July 12 Mt1. Gill aald 1he had ha d com· plaint.a becauh of curbside dt'· livery e.nd nid 1he wanted people t o unde1'3land why mail cannot be dellve"'d HI doon at the Manne Corp11 Air Sta·'c hi S lorn lion hro1 e. u myer on Col. cushmitn 1~ lh• !l(ln or Mr. and Mr1 Bil l Cuhlmyer uf Rellrrod Marin., l.t <;m T J 2:'128 Newport 81\·d .. Coata Mua, announced th• bll th oC a boy J uly Cushm11n 1tnd Mlll. Cu11hman of 30 at Santa Ana Community Hoa- Serra Ori\'e. Corona del Mar. p1tal H,. v.·~1i;:hed In at 7 lbll. 121ii 11nd h11sbsnd or lht former MIU 01. Entertainers' Photo Taken from luildinCJ Lella Tober1. manager oC the Blue Room. told police Wednud•Y a larse. framed black and white picture of the current entert&ln· meat peraonalltlu at the t.r wu taken from the out.aide of tha buUdlnf. Th• picture 11 a repro· duction oC a black and white photo- rrapb. TITO P••t:STP: t r lay• T onl1tht l ~Ferguson Band : Follows Puente ~at Rendezvous Bradlt>y DuCCey or Ntw Bern,--------------------------- :-.; ('. Beforl' Pntei Ing tht Marinro Corps In Augu!<l, IP~ I. he It· tenrlPd the Unlvror~ty of Wa.eh· lngton. Soutftworth Checks County Drain Plan Maynard Fergu1on'11 Or<'hf'11tr11 : will Collow Tito P ut'nte'a at R"n· Cn111 Mtaa 'a city counnl re· : de~\'OUI Ballroom tomorrow. Putn· ce-lved a requl"el from county • te'• &gJ'regatlon f\l&yf'd ,for d&nc· 1upervt1ora Monday night to ap· • prove plan a Cor a county • w1dt 1 ·Ing lul nlfht and witl a,raJn to· draJnagt bond IMue. Th~ queatlon '.night. wu refered to City Engineer Don I Ferg-uaon. deacrlbed u Amtri· SCNthworth who h111 chang.. h• I : ea'• "moat exc1tln1 trumpet play· would make in the county plan •r." ta a three-Um• winner oC the -It alfecl.I northem limit• of 'Down Bot annual award u ~ the city. trumpet play-r of the world. ' Soutllwortb 1lated he would be For three yeara he wu featvr.i abaent from the city for a time a•1th Stan Kenton'• orehe1tra and aervinr In th• Armed Fot"C .. and recently wu aololat on Larry Fln· a t b11 auggealion John lj. 8•1rel ley'a te.levlalon 1how. Pec&'Y Con· wu named hl1 aalst.an( to look 1 nelley 11 teatured vocallll wtttl alter work whUa louthwort'h I• the Ferru•on 1roup. •-Y· Grando/lo 's (formerly of Hemet I complete ,.,.,._. for the f emily PIZZA e 8PAGHETJ'I e LASAGNA HOME -II.ADii RAVIOU e 8TEA.K8 e SEA FOOD 1'00D TO 00 s11 1a1boa 11vd. BALBOA Harbor 4131 O PE.X DAIL\' U SOOS-It MIDNIGHT. MOS. A p.m. TIL MIO. THE P ·IRATE 28th St. at N"'l*" Btvd. Newport BMeh Ta p Beer at tbe .,,.... -B o& Dop -Rout 'em l'ol.lr'MU RIAL MIXICAN FOOD ~ POSTA] It you prefer to atay M lllome to Me yow favortt.t WevWoa program try ov boucl Mme.a clluen or epecial orden to Wiie oat. '111ey n . r-, to terVe. PRIVAH PAJlTY aOOll roa ~Git PA&Tla Ulll Newport 111..t. COSTA MESA I -.-9-tll of 8-la Ai. CoWltr, Cll6 TUSTIN PLA YBOX now •'TJIE MOOS IS BLl'E" tkketa a t Bliw Sall•, Bal. AU eeal1 rn. f 1.60 SOO So. "C" St., Tuelln Stands alone! Wiiliam Holden "lrldCJH at Toko-Ri" AlllO ''The Cruel Sea" Now in tfte Second Wffk first as a book ... now as a motion picture! • OCllM Q08(JIT ~QAHK GtOlllA 8I06I()( C>Wl£S ~HAVUM4)· MITD-iUM· ~RA·~ •O?AWFOO)· BKXfORD --~·tll-· .. 99111 ----·----..... • '"' .. llOITOll T1QIPSOll . -., .. -• _ .. ------11-.0 .... WHO Nt:EDS A TOWEL~ -~mira Ji!'i\'es a hefty flap t o her wings on coming out of the bay after-=~ her swim as Elmer stands admiringly by. "It's funny," Elmer was heard to say, "some people take to this island like a duck takes to water." Oregon will be celebraUnc It• o n I' hundrtdlh anniversary oC stalthood ln 1959. accordlnr to the !llallonaJ Automobile Club. f!ti!i'!J Ballroom Saturday, AUCJ. 6th Maynard FerCJ1non Start.a Sunday 'l1IE MAN .......... ,._ ... ,.... ~ .. ...... SI lJ · ~-= ......-. OrebHtra Amt1rtca•1 MOAt Excltlq Trumpet, Playn . Dane-Jn!{ 9 p.m.-1 a.ro. ... ... -... ... .. -........ ..- -Wiil ... ·-ia:a.--c:---·-=---=="' ~- t!i;1•1• . . . ._.,.,, .••l•i..11 lt'ocY a.u..-eoin.-- Abo Tht• P'NUtN RJCHARD TODD . . Now Showing ''The Dam l1nten" Starla Nest Wed. ....... ......... , -Plus - ,...,....JOHN KEii -Ai.- " 7. AIHJry Mn" -..! • Mesa~ .. ,, / HELD OVER ~ERBR:lS. -~ ... CINEMAScoPE· WARNE.RCol.OR . 9"£AIEQPMONIC 5ouNo ,,_ HENRY cMMa IDNDtrAGNEI IiEiL JACK LEMMON ~ NOW THROUGH SATURDAY • .. l I, •' • new Cape CoJ HoUS(', shown above, is now serving the Garden Grove-Anaheim area, Tom Nor ton, owner. announced today. lt will fl'1llure sea food and steak - • dinners srven days a week. The new cafe will srat more than 100 diners and affords ample off.street parking. FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS Knife, Chair That Flashed ~.~ in Night Now Forgotten By THE OLD SPORT A compl.-1.-l1tp~e nt meni•JrY very 1:<•'ld about llcsC'rlbinr hia on the pn rt nr \\'II nr116<'S 11.nol lie· •m·n IL~~aull no •h111 brotht'r Jo- ni Ill that anyone s11w J o1l'ph Fe-A<'ph. "Sh~ tBn ou111ldl'. Joe r•n llx Rivera lllrlk<' hl11 wife c11u11Nl &fl<'\' her and l Wt'nl a tter Joe," the Newpmt Ju~tll.:c C1Jurt to he rei·uunto••I. F1ank ~1t1•l ·a chamiu th .. rn11e yt11terday &fl l'r· ~1tbhed a <'h&lr whf'n he " .l noon. R 1v1•rf\ \\'.l!< thnrg,.d with RflPr h1~ brother. "becou~ I frlony a ... ,ault with inltnl to know rr.y brnther, he geta off commit mu1o!Pr fnr the alh·i:eol 1-i .. beam a hllle. I got the rhAll 'With the $40 drop per ton in thf\ albacore price. there knifinir alt11• k July :!7 on hill be1·1111 .. e hP won't h~ttn," J-'r .. nk waa plenty of f hurnmg of water la.st week as the boys tried wife in lht 1r hom" 106 22nd St .. R1vl'!ra totlf1ed. ""--h d di' Th d s f • d 'd . k . CoPla ~IP•ll !'T RIKF.S n ROTlfE R to ~t t e ea ine urs av. ome o em 1 n t ma e it. Mnlllr 11."·,•r ,• w. ,,.ifl' antl al- Lots of the boys hit the fen ~ver the <irop, but latest reports l,.ged ,·1r11111 .. r th<' 1111sperl. lnlrl He toM th.-cnurt he J!\\'unr: indicate thr t'ntire fle<>t has resumed fishing. • 1th<! court i-he r1111lol not ttm<'m· the rh&ir a l hr~ broth• r. hitttnr: · · , brr am·thlll~. 1 .t•>n't reml'mber h1111 on the hr11d. Fra nk Mid Jo- It 11 11. tough problem lo figure ro Is cauSlnf 1-antl G llome hratJ· 1 a thing lhlll hllprwn<'d .. she l••hl seph pkked up the remaln11 r.r out. How can you hnffl out on the srhe11 \\ 1lh thosr larnpara neta h 1 h ' 1 the rhalr anrt cha"~ him t 'nt11 1 k . I T I l e C'OUrt . · rPlll!'m o'r we m&.• e . mar el when 11 clrops •nt1 }OU , they u11e. he net Is con5trurtetJ ..a. 1 .. h C'rn5" rxamination FrRnk Aoln1il- h1we J>f'l lshable t;0txl11 lo gl'l rlrt to allow 1ettlng· 1n verv eh allow "uhplper 1 1111 1' 1~ !'Jr e ll!'h''1"" Ill 1 I' I 1rt1 .. he. ll1d nnt · sl'e 11r hi>1tr ( ~ TI b< • h t Oftk h · l A d lh t ' lh · Ill P I 11n., 0111'1' Wl'nt tnln · o . 1~ •}S a\•t o LA e w &Ls w& er11. n a means •'Y re the ktlo h•·n the laM llm , 1 311,,.. thrraw or tee Joseph 1lrlke hi• orterttJ to them, e\·en \\ hl'n lt'I! too near lhe 11horehne h .. h ' 1 1 wift.> Im 11 I' ~Ill • • a kick In the brllche11. E:\'SE SECt:RIT\' ' \l>\llTS \\01'~0 F rank told the rourt he llBW Earl \\'. Euton tried 10 p~ddlt S&rdlne aC'hool1 are running the The y.'.1re. lnll;rntcd lo the court a knife outalde on the runnlnr: h is 4 lons a t dockside lut week m&r kl'rel out at Catalina. The 11ea· ahe we.11 wounded 111 the right boa rd ot the car, but lhat It hid to pick up & few f'Xtra honest dol· son 1J1 closed on sardines. They and Jtft d 1et<t 1<nd on the fo r e no blood on It. Ha u irt Moille lars. but the 111Y hurl to clamp seem to aeMe their aecurlty. with a knlfr. Sh!' c!Almed slil<'h· slipped and C.:ll whert ahe ran down on that due 10 htalth rf'g\J-E\·er watch a deer hunter pel es were r,..qu1rtd. J\11 11. Rivera 11d· out the kllchf'n door. lftlion~. Jl'll tough. h:arl. Tough his gun, handle her with rare nnd mittNI <lrink1n1t 11bout a half a Afler the defendant's 1l11ter, about the wtff', loo• l'nder~le.nd talk to her. Man, that'• de\'ot1on. quart n< w11w during the pre-V1rgrn1a Rivera. testified 1he nl th~ 'lid 11181 de rnrr 111 cutllnr: And the boys. are g oing lo be In paraUon nr tirnnrr She 11alrt her ut the dtnner table next to !lfol· down on hrr fl~hrnl:' !'xrur,.tnns on I for a good s~a.9on aC'cOrding to huisb"n•I 11nd other relaUve11 In He but could not remem~r ILllY· Llldy !Pu 1 I f: CTT , 1 1 t • K I pre·11ea.'IOn reports c·omlng oul of lhr hou~e wrre tlrink lng brer. j thtnr:. lh11 prosecution threw \IP ' ( • ' • s l ' .A , . t he Scspc region back of Pm1 Shf• 11Rltl 11he d1tl not rtmem· 1 his hands and movt'd for dis· Rut all tit" brl'llkll a r!'n l ag In Don't tire yet, sporll, jusl i;el bf'r wht!her ht-r h11~b11nrt wall missal. the bny1<. Jo(' Srhonrs rnet up with your grar rea1h'. There a lsn s~em1 drunk or l!flbtr 1luring thP 11lltr· J d 1 J o d a fril•ndly And umlel'!ltandmK f1.11h 1 to be an exceilent crop ot quall cation. 11 ge Dona d . odgr grante •n·I g11n1t-''·" !rn """" hr hit the UJ'<''>nllng In thl! l!l'l'tron. Fr Rnk River II, brothfr f•f lhe •llsmisllal 1111.}1ng. "E\'erybody for· •I•" k,. 111111 "P"k with Ill C ~'"'rn' .. ot .,.e .... ·th1ng that hBn""n•d AB•• I Dt . ...,.,..,T DO\.,...S TlroCK defendant, lt't1l1f,.-1t he l'llW tus ., ~ · J r·r-< • ~ g~ hr •11•111 l knnw th11 ),,,. b u)', al-" c..n ... ... I h•oll~h I\ mml'>r rl'•JUlr r~ a C'nm · Bob ~IMton, n••W gamf' war.ten hrolh<•r t nmc 1111t to( the krll'ht>n t1_1_11_m_1s_,._e_d._'_' --------- mtrnal liC'enlle wh1>n fl.!lh1ng with Kl lndlo. drop~ by the other 00•1 "'' 1111= Bl :'>1olh~ Rivera. Howevtr, f'rank rla1med he drd him The game w1trdtn lOQ,k lh«' da)' lo tell us the dovu are really 100 TO HANG NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I PAGE 7 1 FRIDAY, A UGUST 5, 1955 I -------------------------------- MILUM 'LIVES IT UP' AT HAWAII Ed :lf1lum, at rli:ht abo\'e, rtce!VH hla "Calabuh Cou•ln Card" 1 rom Shlgcru Ohye, rr1·sident of Waikiki Linn• Club. The H onolulu club sPnL lhf' p1tcure to the News-PreN with th4 fervent hope Balboa Bay Lions C lub mtmher1 would aee IL o nd collect &dfi!U&te fmrs off Milum when he returns. IT WILL BE ONE WAY SOON ON SOME SANTA ANA STREETS SANTA AN A <OCNS)-One·way atr"u for Sa.nt.a Ana neared completion on papt>r Monday night aa counc:Um en puaed a re1111lu11on nammg the atreeta and approving lhe move t o m&ke Bush SL from 17th SL to Blahop a 1oulhbound 1treel; Sycamore from Bishop to 17th, northbound; 6th S t . e&Jltbound f rom Flnwer to Frt nch St.; and 'nllrd St. from F'rench lo Flow1·r Sls. t he westbound alreet. The atreel.ll ran't go one way unUI they are all poaled with proper 111g11i< and 11lop ll&'flS. ll will proba bly be at IPA8l eo d11y1t heroro rnr1t will r o one-way in Sant& AnL understanding t11ck. trottf'<I the I thick. Seems early, but they're not 11ee him ar tually •lnke lhe \ • I h k wom11n, beca use h111 view wa11 youngster 1n for a llrense and let there. \ e w s Bob a lol of lur · rt1 11 ob~ure.1. Joe keep his ' tons of a lb\' That's a t ough territory to work . paFra"nky R ivera's memory was He rould hl\\'t' confls,.ated your I Prh·ate fish~rmen report the load, J oe. That'• " 11;oot1 leaeon to I rlahing along bed• I• slow. F ive rem,.mher. E \'trynne who f1s)les boa.ta didn't run la11t week -lt'11 Steinwyk The~ Told oft a comm<>rC'lnl boat net'rls 11. too far to go for the fish Theft or 11, lawn mower a n.I Mmmerd 11l llcrn1f'. E \•rn the wlff', J ack Sle\'en1 says abalone di\" a J:irl'11 bicycle from her garagf' anti e,·en tr 11ht dt1e11n'l r e.trh any· [Ing a long the coa.~t Ill slow and wa11 reporlPd lo pohce Sunday thin!f 1carce w o. He says the boy1 are by Mrs. M. \'an Stelnwy k or Oils, Watercolors Picked for County Fair Exhibit Anll l'nme g<>Ot1 cam e lo lhe gettlnr ready to move out to 'Cle· 234 Hehnlrnpe /\ vr. !'he aa1d the mackerel boyll loo. Aft~r l11sl mente a.gain. garage •tonr \\Ill! opl.'n. wef'k'11 S6• qut11llon, 11t-em1 New· ---------------------------- port BeaC'h 11 now on an equal fooling with Pedro'11 price of $4~ a lon. Upper Bay . Ski Accident of July 24 Reported Aug. 3 After lo:ngthy dt'llberallon11. a pMel of three judge11 a ccepted nenrly 100 pictures for plact ment in the 195~ fine art.a 1how al the Orarige County Fair. Thl' judg<'s who crlUclzed tht eollectlon mcluded Arthur Miiiier, ert editor of the Loi Angelea Timu: DlX.I Hall of Laguna Beach Bnd Hrnry \'ander Velde or South Le~m11. OU1. watercolora and mlecellane· Ted G. DeVrie1 of Monro\'ll was ra mp a nd tht'n ft'll off ous mediums e..re Included In tht able. The Or&.ngf' CC1unty Art A!ll~ C'l11llon Is providing hosu a nd hosteases for the Krt show. with L. \\'. Mct.ennan, ch<1lrman, and Mrl!. Robert I". Hera. \'fee chair· m an. Along w ith the trophy for lhe judge1) choice ot b<·~t painting In the 11how, t here will be a sM-ond , trophy tor t he pnpul~ r • holre. \'rs-I itor11 m ay vnte for lhP1r fl\\'onte on be.11011 aveilsble nt_the exl11brl. j J im Trammel Just bought the He Crab He expecta to make a fortun,. fl11hlnr mackrrel. W ith the ht>lp or thl' Mr11. snrl 11nme mos· qulto netting' he did manage to fool a bout 7 ton1 of m&ckrrel lu l "''""k Keep It up. boy. the t int mllllon ts lhe hardrst to m11ke. ~ILl.S OF.T1'1 AC'TI\'£. :'\ow take Burt Miila. Thal lad rro,·ea age la no barrrer to the noble pullme ·or mackerel fish· Ing. Al t he are nr 7~. Burt'1 1t11rl· Ing n11l th111 wrek tn flNV! the mor krt A not he • 11n do it loo ThAt in gllllon .. rot1p he cnll!O " hAl sh1•11i'I help him tin thl' Jr•h Injured J uly 24 In a bllck b&y 11kt· MaltR 11at.1 hr Bnd Piper l&lketl exh1h1t. Re~f rir ted to 11m11.t~ur lag a ccident. It ,,..83 reported \\'rd· to DeVrl<'s after th,. arc1<1,nt anti a rti:.t.s resrdtng 1n Or11 ni.:e county, Go""dman Tire Taken I neS<lsy by the police dep11rtmenL adv1ud hlrn to 111'1' a tloclnr no r1rture wu accepted from an v OeVn ea had 12 atllchu ta ken In Artist who had sold morr lhAn A Ure and a \\'heel wer e taken l.11 ! I'll reporll hn ,.e it that \\'lld Rill R11~h 1,. 11bo11t rr1111y for com· ffitr•'IAI r111htni: LAii! \\'('t'k ht' b••ll tt'rt r1a"h l 11 lby11 on 11 ~h11rtrr hn!lt !'q111olrllnl' \\'llh " j1tr k pnle 111 ni1 r11 rrlt& or ioport. t.n:<t Th11r11<tay nlghl. \\hat rur~,. 11r111t'r lAyttl It.~ nr111 r ight 11.nH1ng the rorka Ill CAta hna ond t htn rsillord for help bec1111se !Ohl' WllS C'Alljthl? /o nt1 t'\'!'O with lh11l hroac!C'11~1. the f11h 1tnd jl'llmt' hoy11 couMn't grt hf'r. ThM unt gade fleet out ot 'Ped· hi• be.ck. 450;0 Resources Gain s2~0 in p1unt1ng within a ytar trom thi; unlocked trunk of his I Ile told police 11. boa t followed pnor l o the l!how. car while parked on Larkspur Ave. 10 tf'et behind him. He salt! he for Savings-Loan Locatetl 111 lhe fine •rt.a build· nt>ar c;nan H Ir: h w 11. y !'unr!ay: frll &ntl the boat ran O\'l'r him. in(;, lho a rluart center Is larger F loyd M Gootlman of ~an Br rnar· He WU treated a t Hot2' Ho1p1tel. A RD•n ti( I~• prr Cl'nt In re· than the< l'Xhlblt ~fUIC'C In pre\'IOLl!I ohn11 1 .. M ft)( al JIOlll f' II•' i-awt thP 1 IJe\'rles told police the people 11ources , ... 1,, 1• i:1•lt red by the yeBrs. \'1!;1to~s to the galltry wlll theft ocrnrr<'t1 h,.tween 1n and 11 1 dn,·ini; the bnat re!U."f'•I 111 f!l\'f' l :'\ewpo1 L Hillboa !'-a\'lngs &nd Loan I !Uld vlewmg much more comfort· p.m. lhrlr namr11. 11nd lmmetil&.ttly put t1urlnit !hi.' 1::-111n11th P"rlC'•I en•I· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lhe ho11l nn a tr111l"r e nd rtro\'R inti' .lune ::<1, :'1:<'111 Oa\'IS ut Los away. Angeles, •·X"• utt\'P vl!'e·prPstdent C'I( lhl' ('11 hf11ni111 sa,·lni.:11 11.nd I.oBn r.,•u i.:ur, r •'vrl\lcd tO<IA)'. Aurti< ''' lhr lutal Institution l·ri·-~ ..... --=--· 1 I j :~· : • '• -_, 6 I j\ ,. ~ • ~ I: t. ~ ; r, :I# :"'# . -u ~ .~. .....:..! A .; &/'> 'fl". ~I t; ·• rooo .. c,R.oc. ,,.,.,,./ .. ,, •.• ' .. Ai:ts·~~a11 ~---------------.• ln\'e.Ugallon d1sclt1.'led lhe boat r1n\'er wu Howard Piper tot Hnl- boa. n11 at1<.lre11s given In tho re· port. J or ~fatla. no addrf'M. who wu skiing bebind the P1pl'r boat, lold police DeVrle11 tried lo pOllll him ot1 t he porl 11lde ll:C'lln g In the sam e direction. He 118Jd Oe\'rlu cut tn tront of him to go lo lhe now 11ro S lll,6:1!\ fl30 which rrpre· I N 0 E D ln th We k :ol'nt8 a i:;n ln or Sti,1 02,8~7 '"r the ~~~~~~~o~w~~pe~n!!!v!e~r!~!· !'!!a~y~~~e~~~f'!!!!~!!~ J une 30, l fl:'ll ·~~· prnod. -= TolRI rt-~ourrr~ of Callror~la 11av1ni.r11 llMOC'lnllons now are over $3 •., b!llion, 0 &\'11 !'Onclu1led. ''Superb Food" • THI ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge BALBOA ~it ~~~ OANClllC OPE.~ lt A. M. TllllOlJOB I A. IL • Sewport Bh'll. •• C'-t ...,.__,, NEWPORT UAOB • (\\'•.,.. c ....... 111......,..) Open 10 a.m. DINND SIRVID from 5:00 p.111. DANCING NIGRTL\' and &ht' CArTAl:S'8 C A.Jt.1.N ~na '• 8Dlart new loUJe Thf' l'AI I, 1'1t"Tl'ON T'1o Danrlni: f'\'f'r y nl11lt (ON"p& 1'1110.1 f rom 1:10 p.a. ~o C.'o\'l'r-:So Mllllmum In tl\tl hr,art of LaPaa ~ H\'att TITO PUENTE "King of Mambo, Swing, Rhythm and Blue•" Thurs. and Fri. only Aug. 45 Rendezvous Ballroom 600 W R F ..tVl' .. BA LBOA . C A Lll'. The New Stegmann's Colonial R~6lauranl Art & efoun g6 Just Delicious Foocll STEAKS e CHOPS e SEAFOOD AUSTRALIAN LOBSTER TAILS !•ncr; Dl!\~'l:B 8r.:LECTJOX POPl"LAK PSIOZll Ma riner's Mile-2332 W. Coast Highway across from Port Orange Newport Beach SEVEN DAYS A WEEK 11 A. M. TO 9 P.~. NORTON'S Annual Optimist Circus CominCJ Here The Optlmu•t Ann111tl Circu1 ta 11rht"111lt'd for Sept. 18, It hu bttn 11nnnunri-<t hy Costa ~li-sa Opll· m•st C'll1h T're11ultnt )tall M La· Rorrte SPAGHETTI by ROSSI with all the G ou rm et Accom paniments CAPE COD HOUSE T he 1 -act, t wo hour ahow will b,. 11tagl'd at the Fa ir Ground•. There will b4! a matinee and e\·tn· Ing pt rlormance. D'ya Like Jumbo .. , Fried Shrimp? Surf Fish Fry ZI Ill <~u F rnnl nrar S f'\t pal"t f'lf'r , WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Go to • .... no ROSSI CAFE Corona del Mar 2126 E. ()out u.,,.,. a .... 1180 ------- in o. Lot Harbor Blvd. at Chapman ( Gardeft Grove) ' ' also ' Balboa Island at J11i Mart .......... ( CklNld 'ftunda,..) PAGE 8 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGU ST 5, 1955 FICKER PLACES THIRD IN STORMY Newport Harbor Yacht Club'a defending Blue Star champion, Bill Ficker and hia Stormy, ( 1560) failed in their attempt to retain the title in the diatrict champion- ahip ratea in San Diego last week and had to be content with the third p~. The highly competitive seri~ aaw the first three winners finish within two minutes of each otb« wht n the final tally waa in. Lowell North {2920) and Malin Burnham t~l), both of San Diego, were tied for first (with North winning by virtue of two firata in three raceti) while Ficl<er was only one point behind the leaden. -Beck- ner Photo · TRANS-PAC YACHT RACE AS SEEN BY ONE OF CREW (Ed. lllote: The follov.1ng BC· yBchtamen. Shedding oft •opplng r ount, lmpreaalon• of the Tran11-j heavy weather gea1' while ma ln- Pactllc Yacht Race, wu 1athered I lalnlng your balance on an Un· from personal ob11erv11tlon aboard ttable, 11hppery cabl~ floor, along the e-O·tt.. yawl Marie A melie wtilrh Wllh the reat of your JOstllng flnllhed 1lxth In r lu8 anrt four· ...-a11·h 111 half the battle. ~nlh In the fl eel 1 The next steps are s hedding By \'AL (tlASSISI I mor<' t•lnlhes Wltil you reach a flry Racl..ng acrou the P111•1(1 <' is la) "r ThPy make a damp l'rll)und prob,bly thl' moat 1111pn·11s111~ I'll· "'llh thf' rest o ( your ge.i.r. Boota perlei'lce that anyone with a love follow and you topple -1f yo4 for lhe w111tr and 11a 11tng c·an u en·1 thrown first-into the near• have. And the ·~ T1ans -Pac race est bunk Four ot five d11y1 out and UI• wind 1a far enough aft or the beam lo eel the splnn11ker .. The big kite ca broken out, the boat atraina to keep up with 0Ule mua or nylon that I• trying to pull away from 1t, and the tlelgh ride la on. A week of eliding down Ule tradea 111 ju11t comperuiatlon for the drudgery of the flr•t few daya. Riding 20 or 30 tona of boat down :he rrel!t of a wave like a aurt board 111 a 1ingular aenaallon In· j eed. It the helmsman 11 compel· ent and catchea the wavea 9qU&re- ly, down her you 1cream, eaUng up tho!M! ml/rs to Diamond Head. You're In the lrop1ca now and moving" like a roller router. RACISCJ COSSTANTLY • wu the mo•t 1pectal·11111r or the11e 1.t:EWARD Ll"Xl"K\" events 11lnce they w• r.,. tx-s.nm 1n A !reward benh 1s a luxury only U your fllf'a Of &n ocea.n voyqe 1906. 1 r h<>sen few cllil partake of. A includes t't'rlaln houra a day d .. .... d d '-~ th I d bl nV..a led for contemplation ot t.ha 'Ml• landbound readm~ public. "''" war .,..r s cona1 era y ,,.. ~ however, ia aomewhat unlmpreued 'l'IOrt' complicated. fur your weight nutness of lhe Pacific D<"ean and wllh tale• ot the feat~ ot weat .s 1uppor ted by JeebOarda, dev1ce11 the wonders ot the deep. don't cout yachumen. l'trhaps thf'y :>r CJl.O\"A.8 or wood which rel'lemble tlgn up f or the race. You're rac- fall to reallz:.e whBt unique foll<s ~rib s adt'l'I to hold you In. As the ,ng every inch of the way. Each Ul1111e people are who 11811 11nct hllve OOllt rolls you try to fight back morning a weather map a.nd the a dllltorted view or lhe c•ompllra· wd hold fut. but this Is 800n po1!lllon1 of •eemlngly dangerous lion• that enter the Ille nf " man riven up .S a l04t ca u1e, •nd you :ompeUtlon are plotted by the who racts acrou the p111·tflc. roll &round your bunk with the navigator and alr&legy laid out 1:TJ'EK C'OSt'll~IOS boat. ' 'l<'Cordlngly. Hourly runa are read The race egalniit time and &hlJ>· A very 1hort four hours later, to. the ncart-11t tenth of a knot and builders t1llut11 months b4'fore July i wet, colrl hB.11d brings you o11l or :aretul comp11r111lon1 made. You're c, but the story o( flttlnir out hlU! what would have othrrw1se bren too bu,.y lo think about anything h('en told of ten. The morning of !l l'IOUnd sleep. Remembering your •xcept 11ome way to make the boat the fourth 1111hor11 1,, • 11tudy In innenpring mallrt1111 at home a.nd S'O fa8ler. utter confWllon. T he L.A.Y.C, mole thoee sweet day1 when eight hours Aa you approach the l1land1, Is team ing wilh people. Halt a were alloted to work anrt another radio contact 11 e1tabllahed. Hua· hundred crew1 all lrylng for thl\l eight to aleep, you automal1c11lly bands talk to their wlvea utto ... last hot shower and 11have, dozen1 r>egln "ven!ing the dlllrobmg pro· :>r m &lrllnera overhelld and th- o ( l!klpp;>rw for the Jate.t from the ::>eM mentJoaed earller. llJ a~culaUon u to the Mtirn&t«t w1-11ther bureau. A cup of coffee and you feel time or arrival. E very man·1 wort.h The Inevitable epeetalora and lhat you might t>. a ble to face It naa been prQven by thla point In the police working to ktep them !lfter all. the race. 'l'he crew have been clear oC traffic did not add much RE.ADY TO SLEEP .vorklng togethl'r for well over a lo the eCficlency of the whole There's no argument made by week and the cook haa been !Md· operaUon. By 11ome auperhuman Lh11 other watch a bout turning mg tht>m all. But what haa th.e tftort the launchmen manage to Jver the boat: they s cramble navigator b~n doing? No on• accon:imoda tl' everyone and sllll jown the companion way to try know11 untll lhal eleventh or keep their boa ls 11no11t. A11 noon I u11t r atch 90me of the but left in twelfth day out. That 11 aa 900» approachea th!' mob thln11 out. or the bunk you ju11t crawled ou t of. lll anyone wlll know. A111umlng rather movea to the starting llne. After a while thia procu1 become11 Lhe landfall 11 made 1ucc-tully, The 11tart 111 apectaculu; It routlne and nothing bother• you. the boat lllkt11 on a new air u 11eema u If all Loa Angelea Coun· lt a junior Toeemite Falt. tum· she roan through Molokai chan· ly la out to watch. Half a dozen ble. through the deck directly over nel. planes ra.ngtng In at~e from DC 3'1 your head, you pull your foul we&· RF.AD1' FOR S HORE to Piper cubs, plwi one helicopter ther g ear over your head and let Bunk• a re made, gtar and duf· thrown In for good meaimre circle It pour. Or If your waterproor Cels 11towect, clean rlot he11 donned overhe&d. Nonethele111, !he tint pant1 fall. you JulJt try to elt inrt ahlp and crew put 11hlp1hape .:ouple of houra mlcht weU be an tight and warm your own private and Brtatol f1111hlon. afternoon tai-e an the CBtallna lllll• pudctle. Cro111ln~ the line 11t Diamond Channel. The U1ought that the And then there are the lnevlt-Head 111 almo11t en anll-cllmax next atop u1 Diamond Helld begins !Ible vlcllm11 of 'mal de mer.' when one con11lden It hu t>ee,n lO lmprv<I ltst.>lf on the minds Of rrarurrorming the I Uffering11 Of tho Objl'Cl Of almollt IWO Weeki / lhe crew, however, as the alter· !U<'h f-UH into print If beyond work. Nonethelt•s no one has noon westerly fre8hen11 and the my 11tope but It wm eutflc:e tor much difficulty In rea11gnlng him· I we11t f'nd of Cttt11flnl\ 11 hauled whon1"ver hu been my companion telt to the lhoughl or dry land. abeam. tn thllHTil.ery to •tale It doee not RO\"AI. WJ:Lf'OME BRF.~ Ol"T OF.AR sdd mul'h to lbe reall.zatlon ot the 8Allll are l'ltO\\"e<I and the boat I The t1rat wav, break11 aboard, pleuuree of the s port. l1 towed to the dock teaming wtth civlng e\'ef)'QJle '1111r'-MlAre, and the If dramamlne and lhe olhtr halt familiar races. Swarm• l)f families heavy wr11tht r gear is broken ouL :1ozen sure-fire remedlea that have !llld trlend1 ducPnd upon the boat \\"hen the navigator gives the man been •hipped in the medicine k it !llld <"rew merclle1111ly. ahowenng I Ill the wht-rl a course, and the rail, you hold on as bel'lt you c&n them with flower1, congratulatton11 1 took calls rhow dnwn for the fir11t -the first day you·re llfraJd you're and more nowen1. wat<"h, you rrali:r.e the d11y'11 11a1l ~oing to die; th!' l'lecond dBy Al the 11t11ck of Iris ru1ea to the Ill O\"tr and lhat you 11re m for It. you're a!rald you"re not: point whpre It btgln1 to Impair Watches art ;it111 ti>d lhllt f'\'l'ntng After the fin t couple ot daye vision, and brnlhing 1111d you have •nd the mcm bl'low tum 111. lhf' sun beginll to breal< through, 'r~f'IVeil a rundown of the coming Sleeplng on an cweRn rrH er dur· 1 the deck actually becomes dry In fe11llv1t1e•. you reconalder that 1ng tht ftrl't frw ol11y11 o( lhP Ho1111· ~r>OI• tor mln11te11 e t ll t1mt , and vow taken In that wet bunk In tht lulu mce 1i. Rn art thlll 1et1111re1 te wind ha& quartered con11tdrr· pre-clawn houri ot the 11econd day. •inllty an1I 11k11l p1•ruhar to I ably. Maybe In two ye&ra, ag11ln. NEW TROPHIES FOR ANGLERS Tbe troph1ee ahown here are the brand new awa.rda preNDt.ed by the Newport Har- bor Angler'• Luncheon group for their Men va. Women tournament held July 18. The group, which meet. every l!'rlday at Nft"POrt Harbol' Yacht Oub, lncludea any- one interested ln ~ tine polnu of a&tchlng fiah. Preeident Of'nt Duma (oeot.r) pr.ent.t Mrs. William Tobia. with her aw&rd for topping the women &DC1er1 with a llingle barracuda while Bert Feb.rem collected hta trophy fOf' a barracuda and whit. eea b&aa --ob. well! Fiabing'• not to good this eeuon but it'a lti1l hln to U,. -Beckn•r Photo , e 2nd 1·1a WEEK ••• at Sears In · Santa Ana! • u .. this opportunityl Joi" the hundNCh of home 1hoppen comlnt to Sean Santa Ana cfurint the home fumish- int sale. Lowett pricel; latest styles; ftnest. workmanship. Save at Sean Santa Ana tomorrow. Partc ,...., fumltuN bargains iot.IO ........ 2~ s.ctl ... al, buttoft.tuft.d end wett.d boucle CO't91'. llond °' wolnvt let•, bntea f9rrvl• ...... . 21~ts 2.pc. W,...ht ,,... Gr.up, lftOdern divan, dtair ortd oftolfton lft 1Mtallk tweed cov.n, Serve 20.07 ..... . '"·IO 2-pc. Uvl,.. INm Suite, hardwood frame, coll lfl'lnt MM •nd bodt, foom rubber cuthiona, ~ucle cOYef 187" 199" 189" 29.ts Oc......., TablM, modem group In blond li!Md ook with blodr trim. Heat ond stain real.to~ ....... . 1611 Stutlfe Ceuch•, popular wrought iron let•, mottreaa type tprlnp. Attractlv9 plaid charcoal cowr ............... . J1.91 H•ftcly W•rtlrelMt, ''"I conatnidlon with large hat shelf, hanger bar. Holda 15 Of more r""•n'1 ......... , .. 71.fS 2·pc. led'""' Suite, double dre1Mr with plot9 glou 111lrror or..t bookcoM headboord. Seofoom ftniah 1 •••.•.. 16.ts OcceM..,.I 0.elra, choice of frieu C'OVeft. Hardwood frame With ne>-90V apring MOt •••.••.•...•••••••••...• J9.91 ,..,.,_ lecliera, COft'lfortoble awivel baae rock8f, wifh "°''°' tpring Ifft ond bock. Twe.d tapestry ....... . f2.t5 lecllMr Chalra, odiu1toble to ony politlon. Ditop- pearing foofrnt. Choice of coverL Sa11e 13.07 ........... . JO.to Unk leHawey wltt. Matt,.., olumlnwm finith, oil tiMf frame. link lfJ'lng baM, CCl91era for eaay moving .... 109.90 Mettreee ltftcl lex Sprln91, 612-coil lftMnpri119 1t1aftre11 with tNtchlng II coil I.ox apring ..•..• , • , .•... home furnishing buys 32" 2611 69" 15" 29" 79" 2411 69" Nrt-Prfeclll• C4fft91M, "'" ....._. ........ Fvft, 6-111. rvfffe.. Si• 9W1 hMhM ta ttle pair ....................... ,,,, •• 2" 6" 99' 99' '·" v.1 ......... 1Md1.Jfldt .. tfte ,..,_ .•• -. •• "":':'~. Nyletl n.,., ,.(fvoecf for thla 9Clle. Nylon t1en ho11e pr• shirred taps. 6'Jt.30-ln. to the poir .....•................ NylOfl PaMle, eapenfy tolloted low-prieed beauty for yovr window.. ~IO-ift. ta ftle panel. .............. , ...... , .. 2. lt ,...., MnJI" Sheet1, ~ ot ftft9cf typee. Dreamy IOft poet9I colon. Twin •1e ............•........•...... 2.at PvM 9'H 1.. .... a.v .. ., eelera •M ltyte dlelce ... . f'lllew._,.......,. .............................. 4'c S.95 haM• PINed Pllt•w (*DuP'ont polY'ffMr ftb«). Com- Pie?"Y wotliobfe. A"'octlve, zippef9d, striped ticking ....... . F04Mt 1-tex Pillow, ~rvnlr mutlin cover wifh zippet. Allergy frH. 17x26a5 lncM. ........ , .................. . 55c yd. "llow T11bl"1, MGmleu mwlln, 42·indt drclllftf9f'ence. lleoched anowy ....,,,., ready .. ._ .................. .,... He-Man Sise T•~. W9fY •nee, obtelfbent whlf9 tetyy, big enoug+i to wrop cwouncl you. Sile 30''xSO" ...•... , ....... . 1" 21' 411 3" 44• 132 2'c ... KltcfMft Tew .. 1, eotton ~ wtth wo+•o• c*'8ck1 In red, grMn or bfue. 161132-lndi lize. , .... , ... 5 ,.,s1 S.tl Honll '•llttM Showers.ta, choice of 2 detlgn1. nx72 311 shower cumin and 3-'d' window curtain ............... . 24. 95 s.th Thomn Rhythm Clock, modern .trike dock. Roiled solid bro1t numerol1 and hand1. Choic• of co,.. .... 21.95 AA+ Sllvet'plate, .4()-pc. 18rvice fM I overlaid crt poinll of -ar. GvarantMd 25 full yeor1 .............. . ·1247 15'' 511 DNw Dra,erlM, pinch-pleated, ready.to-hong In variety ol fobria and eolora, 8.CN or 90" length .................. pelr 9.91 lerlr C ..... Cheir SU19 C...n, ~ "uollty, wcnh- oble f*ic. CMtolw ~o •oi pcrfteml. ......•• ·~ ••••.• savings on floorcoverlng 711 4.fS Cetteft fe ... rM Cetpef, 12.ft, wtcfth, Tivhffy twisted COi• 311 ton, loab and feeh llb expemlve frien ....•....... Ml• yd. Uly AH WHI TwW Cerpetf1t9, beouttful high-light., YOf· 8" dyed colon. flnlttle ~ inany pott.rn1 ............ Ml· .,.i. IMCfem TextvlM Carpet, high low loop pile eclf'pet mode 049 from Imported wool yama. 9.95 value• .............. tq. yll. 0 · ,.._ Peftwlcfl Carpet, lofl9 wearf"t woof twilf pile ls slow ta 6" .how toll, ...,..,_ly Mllent ...................... Ml· yd. ~!: ='"~T.;.;:t !:..~~~~. ~~~~: ........ 89- 23' plumblng and paint supplles 14.ts -20-Gafleft Met Water HMter, mlr"forlNcl _, tf ou fvtecl to heavy "9ef. Automcrtlc "'-"'""'°' ......... . 74.ts o.rtMit• Die,...,, dowft the clnrM wftfl food wcntil, ......, bonee. fruit plh. $o.,. 15.071. .................... . 1 ft.91 -........... c.Mftef, Atl4 -"" ... fMllfant .._. ..,..,..i.4 ... 5cPte HOWL. ............... . 24.91 IWi , ....... ~ ..... McwM ~ wtth eerdOf en4 llllftwcwl•1 ~ ......................... , . -w.ts c:.llfl9 ,_, 1-M """'°'°' ,..,., dlromeplated ICr'Mt\. hay to ""'9oll. s... 3.071. ........ ' ........... . 6.U M .. w-Ml•-4 ...... P.W, .._ eooit hWea Oft7 .... . Sn.wtitt.. ""91e ,.. • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . ' ........••. S. 1f ""-Pelnt, ,.,.. a.. ..... for __.., cleaa vp, cloll'1 Mltl M ... fhlf tpedal ....... , .. , ........... , ......... . i." w.-......... lit, ' .......... ft ..... ..., ... . .......... ,....,..., .......... ···•············ ........•...• ~.,_v..,......_..,.._..,.., ....... .,,. ......._ .., ........................... ' ............. . ...... ,..., .... , ......................... .,.,. ......... • ... toilll. 6..91) ............ -. ....... -••••••••••••••••••• 1peclal1 on household neecls I .Jt ,._,.. Shellea, wotltctble, IMl-reeiltant. White, evv· "'81 or G"M'I· Al -· 37W'x6-ft ...................... . 1f.9S ... a.er, llO clomping, ... ., altid, won't "'°' table ~ Witt. redder ottoch!Mnf ................. . lltliter a.t+iea H•mper, choate from 3 ltylet "' S colon. Flb.r It WO'l9ft with strong 1'9el. 7.'49 value. ~ .... , .......... . Met-' Step Steel1, goy bolced«ICllMI ~Ith. Self odjutflne, contour badl. S..pe fold In ond out ..................... . 6.fS St..a 1,...1,.. Table, Mald-of-H-top quality. Ho• poelft¥9 lock to prevent collaptlng, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.91 1,...1"9 Pad ancl C.ver, thick, loft pod and ll'llooth flt cottofl CIOY'ef. faller woning ....................... ' . . . .. J .91 IAvMry Corti, tubular frame, awivel wtiHIL lotket haa clothetpln pocket. Save 96cL .......................... . 5" 5'' 444 2" 2" 26.ts f'ull-Ovt Dryers, ru1tproof olumlnum cose with 150-h. 2]11 of plaatlc CO'+'ered wire. Unea depreta into case ........ . J .79 Deuble Griddle, 1pon1 two bumen, heata quickly. R•· 277 ducecl 1.02 fOf thla sole. 1Ox17 inchea ................... . ,.. ()yef Wnte ....... lturdy gaug. me1ol. ,,.,,y rOM 25• bouquet pott.m in yellow, blue Of pink ................ . ~ lyftl,._., 01 ..... ,. ... 0••"1'f'9Clf and a.e-proof. In 100 four mix-«•°"*' Hormony H..-colon ................. . a.1... .... a.. ... ,., 2 ltytet ta chooee from. LllJIUriow taf. 1411 feta shodet. 19.95 YOW.., yow choke .•................ 11.ti a.cu_. c.1 ........... .,.,.p1ete., ~ . .,...,. ' 1"" to I cups 111 15 min"'91. Cord and plug . . . . . . . . . • . . . . • • U -. 27.ts ICettmere llMder, tight.fitting odd-a.Git •-· 2-23'' apeed, 2'° W. "'°'°'· UL liat.d. So"• 3.911. ............. . 21.95 PINpl .. Ovtftt, brottplated IMSh cvrtaln with pol.er 1811 \.;nd brWi thot hong on cwtam frame. Allo 111 blodc -"'. • 7 -· A=~=· ~1~7-.~. ~~~~-~l-~ 13'' II.ts S...... er Dry "-· VN elk """I· ~ .......... 9t7 titlint '°ft. 100.W-.. AutaMat4e -llghtaeight .•..•••••• -.. outdoor furniture, barbecu•, gym sets J9.tl 24-ift .... ,.,, HM4. Spit -4 ..... grill ...... 29" oncl Iowan. brazier la pomble with 2 wfleela. $cr¥e 10.071 .. ~ :::~sc:;::,~~!'_-';:'~-~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~ 1" ..... UmbNlln, protectt foocl "°"' lntectl. Cottoft _.. '"* 4&& 1 ~"· aq. !Mtal frame In brigflt poltela. . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . . 7 ' =~!°=~:.~~;,,'~-~~~-~-~-~.~ 18" '·" AluMlftWM O.elr, .... coven °" .... oncf bodr. Pol• 511 ciompletefy few MWy 1fofo09. Serve 1.071 ................... . 4. 95 New StHI Chtilra, du.fcly llheet IMtol '"' Oftd Meli 3" curved to ftt Y°"' body. Enameled wfllt. tubing frame .•...... 22.tS 'StM1 Chol .. with f'•cl, "'°"ntecl on 4-lnch wfleela fof 17" eaty moving. llue, grMn or rvrt 11111ltl<Ofer 1'9ipe1 ....... . .W.fS Multl...ter &Awn Swl"91, pointed drill con-IR 34• Harmony Houte qvollty. Save 10.07 if '104.I buy nowt ..... . 6f.ts i..wn Swl1t9t, 9koll lnnenprlng pod, ful CCMOpy, 5e11 vat~ dudt cO¥er, 6 beoutifvl cofor choice............. 7-- !!: ,.r::-~i:~ 2-;-=~-~ .~~' ~ 19" J4.9S O.rll ... UlftltNla., 7-49. dlGlll. Tep In blue,...-. 29• yellow, drop frlnge. Florol 1nnertniflg. Serve 5.07 ....... . 2.49 ............ hO!'cfwood frome, ' poeitioM. ...,.. 1" tlfvlly atrlpecl con-.os ..,.. S.V. SO. nowl. .............. . 1f.9S Oy11t ~. I comt»lnationt. s.urdlly ~ _.. 16• 2..mc+i tubular stMI top bar, 1~-indi legs ............. . H .91 , ... , ..,,... Oynt s.t, 2 puwip-octlon ~ot _,.. .,._.. • .,._,...., .... sdecl .,,_ the tvbulor .... 1 frame. . . . . . IJ. I -- WINllnt , ..... tubutor .-1 frw, eomer ..m. Coft+s•A lltalft. "-"c _,. tlft let bottoml. Lorge tfl9 ........... . IMed Sptwy, oeroeol bomb lloa 2~ DOT, pyrenftlVfll '- felt •Jltenlliftotltlft. 12-oz. alze. An neelleftt buy .....• 12" 2•11 Platlc leolrett, atront, unpainted WOY9ft otlt aphrm. lr19M 1 " plct4cf 111ftoorophecl '°'"'· llx11119 Inc+. ................. . 14.ts IAWR Swl1t9 leNY .... Include. COROpy, bodr GrOJll, 11" front, epr'9ft ¥Oloftee, 2-ln. fringe. l!oey to ll'IOp on ....... . '·"ON* C....., rttetfl thoee dlo"9 fof eom,i... .,,.._ 1 .. -en~. s,..id prlee f°' tt"9 aole .••••• _. u ••••••••• bulldlng and hardware values ffl htMI SwtfMe W .. t c...n,.., .,..i feh ~ poatet 47• 4"'"9 te wall. lunt..M Clllp ttrlp ond f9o""9I ttrip .... "I· ~· 1~c Vlftyt pt_.. Tiie, ~ed9Cf by wotw, gte0te, 141L • er '*"'8f 9C44I -ct eh..._ Ovtweora ~ . . . . 72 • Cheht U..tr r...ct,,., golYeftlncl, 11-vouoe .... , , •• 1QO/ .,.. rvtti,.. w "°'· Materiof enly. "8"' te tlY' hlgfl 10 °" C.imte Trafler Awttl"I•• t. prO'ride ceo4 COfllfOft for troller ......... l'Yicled .. low ............................... . 6>'.00 """-leMh S.W, hN¥)' 6vty ~· Doubi. ,.., l!lletl .._,. 271120-tn . ...,.i..,..I tolt"-. . . . . . . . . . "4.H >'~"-"-4 S.W, Y H.P. kw,~ 91" 9"' ""'· .... ~ p4ate, froM la ff9CfuoM4 "' Hit . . 1116 ... Meht ... 1929 5444 54" ....._A,.. -· NEWPOi~T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' I \ ~' FRIDAY; AUG. 5, 1955 EVER\'BOD\' GOT IS THE SPIRIT -Lidu Isle's la.st roundup Friday night will last for a long time in the TOemories of those whoj)articipaled in the fun. lt wu a.gay crowd and a family cro .. •d which wounct its way 11 om booth t o booth, cut a ft:w ca1.< 1 s o:i the tennis court dance floor and joined the na rade of rostumes. -All photos by Gene Ross 1500 Lido 'Doggies' Corralled Lido l11lnnders rl!'ally flipped their 10-gallon hd11 ll!lll F r1t111y night! To11iong their own roundu p. U rto lsle stylr, nvtr 1011(1 ru1denlll and guests poured into the San Remo Cn1r11 I anrl 8'1· jac enL 11treN.s encl had themRelvei< a rowhoy br.11. cnmplett with aquare-danclng. w1JtJ w .. 11t movies, ganws or 11klll antl feNl·hlli:: fe""Ung. T he we•lern blork b1111l!'r was t hr 11r('nnd annu11I f11nrl-n1i,lnir frolic for flllltiHes and tr1en11.~. w11h Lhe w am1,u m l'orma rk,.d fnr the LIC'A c:'lubhc>uu expansion program. Start mg_ gun wu tr1ggrred for 7 p m. 11nd by hulf-pul moonllmt, thl' Island was really jumping. nral'T!et ne\'rr 11aw surh !me-ups as tllo11e tratllng from th,. t1n een itame booths. all going full blan along wllh a •rec-1111 "fl11h pon1I" j1;Pllr~ for the \'ery young b ase \\'alLon11 Burro rldea f or the s mall fry kf'pt going at a Del Mnr <-hp with Wally Gerh<lr<tt Pl1( 11 mf"'•l Al th,. r111I l11k1ri: photo finishes. A horse-<trlVl'n hay \\ kJtlln 1111prn 1 r1 n111 C:rni-C'ia I k'!I llllffl!IO Rant'h, thundered up 11n1I down l.1rtu 1<l1 r Pt:< 101 lhP t1re<l and romantic:'. Though Tom ~11'< p1\l•ke<l •,.m •n RI lhi-!'l11hhm1~r R1 rt1 rage Tht'Bler. an even hlgi:; .. r g1),1ti;!l•··"Y"•I • '"''" dll'" 11 bl'Rrl on Jimmy Rng !'rs. 11on of thr lni111111 tul \\'111, hi hll4 rnpe-tw1rhng cabana on the ballmlnton <'nurt. Chow-hnu Al the 11n11rk ho1 1tt1·Ndw t llkf' i:11rters. 11ml while the cider a nd poprorn 11tunr1.-. 1118n8g<'•l tn h11l1I 11p, it """" e\'l"ry man for h imself at I he rntton 1•1tn1ly q11Plll' Lo<-al nude,. 8tnmj"li'•INI lh,. lennl'I ro1111. 11 1,, uuit C hance 011nre Hall to 8lomp lo thr p11l~l\llnS:: rhyth11111 of lhe Llrlo Isle Junior B&n<I. T op Fan•rnll .lnr l'rPinlngPr. 11JnnJl "'Ith Dead-Eye Dirk Marki-r kept I hi' hOP•t11\\ n Jl'l·J'rnf" 111'•1 tl,.hng nut priie 11w11rd.'I, mlroducin,: lo• Al lalt>nl 11n•J rontl11c-1111g lhe C'11ke-w11lk caper. -\\'11h a ll l'IZP!' 11nr1 .rohRpr • 11q1tPf'7rrl Into lhp fllllhful blul' Jeans. 11n<1 a ton of h11:h·h"''ll'ol hol'lls fthllk1n1: lhP p1wernent. m any c-oslumN• l!ttll h1L R nr·v. hli;th 1n nng1n11llty. M11r11n Lock- ney t'Ame I hrough r.~ Uant"I 11'.onP tl'I nitll f4r~I phu·r Close on hi" m l'l<'C-ltl<ln!'< Wl'tt> ;\1 1 An•I ~1 1S. Dll\'111 I :'\1rl.roPn Wh(l pulled out all stops by can le• 1ni: 10 lhl' Ko11n1ll1p v111 hnr 11e P u nran Forit"" r11pturP<I the L1t10 TM•l11nol L1•mPI lr1<1n for beat Da,-y Crnt·kell gl'l-up. Martin 1..ol'knP\" Jr J:'Arnl'rl'•l lh<> :tn lh .11 .. ,NNI r•i: •l••flr prize rtnrl lhP Lyle Hl'lskin11 l'"'""""""llltl \\l'nl 111 ~·,.,·.-H1 ovlr1< Jl!ne k:nrlght ropP•I huh<•t .• in tilt p.1•t"t c ont•'>t The wild Wt'•l whnpper WA• 11t1•.1111111ll• ... .i loy l '.1•11 Hutter Rl'llf'rR) rha1rm:1n. lll"lll: \\'1111 1111• f"ll'l\llrtJ.; r·un,rr11!1••P lh'Rrl~ F:d1lh Ah1r·n11. ''""n1Rl111n~: I •11 k .\la• kPr . 1•11t•·r1111111w·111. <;11111\·11 Rtambau,glt. r,,o.i: Rill 11nd A tld1~y 1:1 llhl~'. '"'"ti'" nnol i:~mt:,. Gene Rolls. f1nan1·e: n11h Borrn. 1•1un11.11"11 .l11n '-'rt\\')'"' Jlln1U1 or11:aniu.lions: Ji.amid \\'l'kh, rlr111111p, H11n~1r1 l 'r!'f'lry anti Georj1;'e H oag II. roordinat11r11. PART TWO, PAGE ONE .IUNIOB F08TEB WINNER -Jane Enright took honors in the junior poeter cont.eat Friday night with her hwnoroua portrayal of Bunater Creeley, manager . of the Udo Iale Community A880Ciation. She received $10 for her poeter. Junior divislnn of lhr J.1tlo r"11nd11p \'"' k• 111 , "nl'1111rol oC KAy W ant. John A1 nnl1I .J1 . ~11k 1' M lrh:it1d i-:ti,.lt 1 1!11 n"'" Chlrk W&rd, S;,m Jan•1,, Juit~· R1111th, M11ri:11 1.:1•1111 .. 111 k . ,\nn anol Claire Smith, Tom Plll'tPr .. John Arn11lol, .lnnr ~:nni:ht. Stua rt Detz , Curl Hall and P 111nf· And .Jn11n \\'u.1:1:••111•1 Off1c-IRI ho,.111 an•l hnllt>'!</11'11 Wl'lt> ~1 .... ,. """ ~l r•ol11mf'R Chnrle11 La :11l1, H B. l/•w111, T ho111n11 L••tto ~I 1\ An•lrr,.nn J11hn Che11n111. Erlgar Hill. Jane ~:11111tht 11nt1 l'i•tP ~1 .. 111" COST~ .ll E WJNNt~RS Daniel Boone trac~ down the prize with his handy blunderbuss. Under the c·oon 11kin cap stands Mart.Jn Lockney. He is fla nked by his wife. dressed as a frontier lady. Second prize went to Mr. anct Mn1. David I. Nielsen, the gay caballero. CAPER COORDINATOR -George Hoag 11. under the W('stern hd. helps with judging of costumes, one of the highlighL<> of the nighfs activiti<'s. C'nstumes haci the west.em flavor from Da\"ev Crockett to Can-Can girls. ~''\\'RILE, BACK AT THJ.: PRlZt BOOTH -Maitre de of the prize booth was George Silver under the 11ombrero. assisted by Vincent Salmacia. Jane Enright. left. comea to claim her prize. u d()('@ J~ Arnold. right. Yep. Joe claimed he snw 'em. juat for the roundup. j HE WENT TO l\t:D TOO J:ARI.\' -Steve Broylee, Jr ft. wu routed out of bed to receive the door prise which he won Friday night at the Lido lale Roundup. He turned In before the prize wu a.nnounced. Ria father. A rn11ld RrnylrR. It nrl-; 11 hand with the 12-ft. \ board. r 8WING1N' SAM -Bruce McCla.ire I.a the lad with the hang dog look. He took third prlu for the clev~wne. ' • (}overnmenl f:xcepl :Jrom ,, PAGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 ''God gront uJ the serenity to accept the things we connot change: the couroge to chonc1• the thin91 we cen end the wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon .) EDITORIALS The Poacher AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY O. MacARTHUR <1:4. N• .. -nJe eoa ... 111 a.,.. Park ... wW ..., .1.- ... lttts..lt .. Wll llJ•tork'al fM!t• ....... 4redfed llP' •• • ... __ , tripe late Ute ~ coutl'J' la ,_., ,...,...\ History and hlatorical re9earch playi many •tranp tricka and one of the atrang~t la lta way of tying the put with the present. I wu doing aome reaearch in the Huntington Library In the "Rare Book" reading room when a lady tapped me on the shoulder and . aaid that Mr. Bliu, the Huntin(ton U brarlan, •1ehed to talk with sent.ct hu With rhot48l at ~'plee me. of th• letttrs. "You're lntt rratl'd ln Temec.-ula Se\'enty • r1vt yf'&ra In man}' artn't you 7'' u ktd Mr. BIJSs. countrlea a nJ 1tate1 I• a m•N l alated U1at l wu. "I rteent· lie or tlmt' In the hl1tory of ly purchued SOlllt' letters by a the area. ~ot 90 In Southtra doctor wrlltf'n 1n Tf'mecula ln Ca ltfornla . ht'r!' It I• nt'arly th• the latt J8i0'11 from a dtaler In t'QUh•al,.nt of 1~0 ynra on the !';ew York;' 11e1rl Mr. Bllaa. "I l':ut Coa n . Like the atom bomlt thought you mli;ht tie intnested Southem Cahtornla la crackllnw In teeing thf'm and perhApa you •11d J)(lpplng with chanr;... A could It'll us &0meth1nr a bout ruldl'nt of 10 \'flllrt 11 an old Uitm." timer, anrt IUIY~ne lwtnc htN The lf'tter11 "ere In the-Ir orl-lonirer 18 lookf'd on With awe .. gln11l !'nvtlores allhouJ?h the b!'ln111: a part nt the ll\1nr hi .. 1t11mp11 had lnni: since b""n cut tory of our u ctlon of the at&t .. oft, no doubt to KT•ce 11omt CROSE TEMECl'U stamp C'Ollectlon. Thty had been The doctor who wrote th•M sent to Coopt'r~town, Outgo lttl•r. wu tubnrular and had County, N. Y. As I 11taraa read· picked Ttmerula u an aNa to lni.t thtm my htart J)(lUndt'rl, fl'r r11eover hie hl'llllh. While t..he,-. htr11 waa 11n 1>d11r11ttd mAn. Oh· his baby daughter of 1earc1ly a lt'rv1tnt 11nd who wa~ dtscr1hln111: yt1ar died. Her dutll wu the th!' Temt'cula country nl'llrly gnatut alnirl• blow or hl1 ltf• three quarters or ct'nlury ago. becaun he loved htr d .. rty. All CLEAR DES('RrPTJOS. through hl1 lelten runa lhl1 H la description of the couuntry theme of tremendoue 10rrow and peoplf' waa mo1it cle&r. A1-o which he wu unable to ahake. 8ACRA.MltNTO -(CNS) -by permitting only thoae per10nt at that time I w11s Interested Thia love of a father for hla In· Once •t:•ln, the Senate Special w ho now 1re obtalnlnc public In· contlrmln1t whether certain ant· fant daurhler le ~autlful yet --·~a.11 1Commlttee on Governmental Ad· ronnallnn from that dtpartmenl mals. Ion" 111n<'c rxllnl'I. a r tmil· eorrl'wful and btca11ae It rPada m!nl1tratlon. hl'llded by Stnator to cont1n11•' thr1r wo1 k. along Jy rnameJ thr hill!! anJ vnllry11 11lmoat hke f'('ttrv I -houl.t hka George Miiier. Jr .. of Contra Co· with people who m1111:hl be "ap· nf the T~mtlula rnuntrv Rum11ra lo quote 1ome r1om on" or hi• ata county. will take up lhe pro· pron•cl by the •hrt'<'tor". Whllt t had htard or the s nltl"J'" and I letters .• LA1''DMARK REMOVED -Marcus McCallen, then Mayor of Huntington Beach almoat obscures Oscar ~mith. presicknt of the Pacific Electric Railway as the ultimatum of Huntington Beach was being car- ried out. All Staff Photos How Huntington Beach Shed Its Unsightly P. E. Utility We hope there are many people still around the Orange County Coastline who can remember the big steel arch pictured abo,·e as it graced the intersection of Main St. and Ocean Blvd. in Huntington Beach. Not onl~· did the arch carry the lights for the extra wide intersection. it supported the neon sign which identified the town. a sign~! light to call the police patrol car t o the trlephone call box on one of the legs, and O\'er a J>E>,!"iod of many yrars b<>came a signature of the pleas- ant little city by the sea. Detracting from the grace of arch, and the beauty of the city or Huntington Beach municipal dance pavil- 1on. "The Pa\'alon," was the plague of the coutline, a South<'m Pacific-Pacific Electric freight 11tation. O\'er many years Huntington Beach and its city of rugged individuals tried t o clean up their town. They planted palms on Ocean Blvd. and made them grow. They paved and lighted and continually impro,·ed Main St. They built a beach bowl; it too, however, wu hld- dcn and blighted by the Southern Pacific-Pacific Elec- t ric station as was the pier which stretched out to the OCC'll n. One rugged individual who served the City of Hunt- ington Beach u its mayor waa one Marcua Marcellua McCallen, "Mac" gained fame u one who did more Formerly the Newport-Balboa. N...,.Tlm• and the Newport-Balboa Pru. A ~peadable LoeM lmtJtvUoa tor <h-er Fortr Y.n E ntertd u Second-Cl.au Matter at th• PoetoUlce ln Newport Beach, C..Ufom la undf'r the Act of March 3, 1879. ruhll~hrd r.nry Mooday, Wl'dneaday ud Frtday at Newport Beaai, Callr ... hy •he l\'EWPORT llARBOR Pl'BUSBL~O OOHPA.,,. Telepllou 11.ut>or 1811 Qualllll'd te PubU&h Lecal NoUoee and AcfT~rtt-ta of AU llJDCh By llttl"f'e of the 8apelfor Ooart of Oraar• Oo. la Acttoa No. A-11101 Member CaJlfonala Newwpaper Publllllilen AMOcla.Uoa Member Nattoul Eclltortal Al90ClatJoa Mf'm~r tit Oran«& County Nfllll'9 St'n ·lce DE~ REDDICK. PUBLISHER \\'1LL1AM A. MOSES, Editor flR~mxo E. ROU1'"TRF.E, Ad\·trUalng DlrKtor CHARLES A. ARMSTRO~O. Mt'ChanlcaJ Suru 1ntendenl ~l"R!'CRIPTIO:S RATF.~: ~""1>"'' Harbor ~t'Wl'-P"""· Trl·Wttkl.r ln Onui,e County. f6.00 pt'r ~flllf : $3.00 1111 mo11.: '1..5~ .. ree m09. Outal.S. ot Oranro CoW1'7 $'1.00 ~ ,.-., ' OUT WITH Of~ -The investm~nt of the peopl~ ot Huntington Beach in their city dance ''Pavalon" comes to light as the unsightly railroad depot or the Southern Pacific was trundled away. NOW \'Oli CAN SEE IT -The City of Huntington Beach "Pava!on" whirh was hidden by the Southern Pacific·P:!ciftc Electric dC'pot. good for his town accidentally than most officials of Orange County ever did on purpose. Some of the notoriety which followed him and gathered about made aome of the sedate re11idents sQUdder at times, but when the facts were on the table, it was the good o( Huntington Beach that came out on· top. McCallen pounded the table and outstuttered the Southern Pacific and Pacific Electric until H untington Beach rose above all. He is stilJ unofficially d oing it. The City C€>uncil of the City ot Huntington Beach, with a little prodding from the chamber of commerce decided 1t was time for an improvement at the toot ot thei r Main St. around their municipal "P,,avalon." They began working with the Pacific Electric. Years pUfted by. F inally the second World War came and the great arch was scrapped for the metal in it. More graceful stre<'t lights, including a newer traffic aignal, were installed. People of the t own became more and more irate over the unsightly Southern Pacific-Pacific depot and the decaying facility it represented. On one evening a delegation of oil field worker.- roughnecks they w;ere called, made a visit to the mayor. "Mac," they aaid, "we are Bick of that depot-wo want to mO\·e It -. tonight!'' The mayor, 11ometimes when excited gi,·en to stuttering at length, atuttered longer than usual. He eaid, "Boys it's a good Ide&, it sbould be done. Let me call Oscar Smjth and tell him \\'hat you're willing to do.'' A phone call was made to Oscar Smith, president ot the Pacific Electric Railway by McCallen. The gootJ mayor of the city told the president of the utility of the intents or his fellow citizens. The Southern Pacific-Pacific Eledric Depot was rnO\'ed the next day -by the railroad. It sen 1es the toY.'ll and utility 11dequat<'ly. there is now located In front of the "Pavalon" a little park that i11 a joy to behold. Marcus McCallen has continued to gain note u a man who doea more for his city accidentally than most citizens do on purpose. The passing yeara prove that the <'\'acuation of the disreputable utility hou.e from the heart of ·the town wu a thing ot luting credit to n courageous mayor and hia rougbnecka. The roughnttka and the determined mayor ac- complished what legal gobbledegook a.nd pleuant u - cbangea of propoaitiona had been unable to do. The ShlJlelagh In Huntington Beach did what politiciana' ahilly-lhallyin& never could do -then or ber'9. blem of secret public records. lh1s bill pass'.J the asi.Pmbly. It bt'llr he confimtfd 111 nrarly "The i rave or Alir e haa now Sen11tor M1ll'r and E11rl G w1111 ddl'AtP•I m th" "lAtf' ,.,.nntt r\·rrv lt>tlf'r a h~d·boarJ with this lnM"rtr· 'Wateni, executive 11<.•<'retary .,f I when 111•n11111r• 111tl'rprNf'd It "" O~" ur 1 hf' lnH 1 rt'll•I ".u lion· $11rre<1 to the m,.mnry nt ltht' C'Omm1llee, h•vi> annnunN••I bc•ln~ a nwve lo ,Jose re('ur1la ilnt••ol Ap1 1l :rn lbi!l anti ron th!' Mary Allrf' A11ed I yr and that lhe ~roup Will '!'•eel al to the p11blll' I fll\lrth JlllS:•' \0'11!1 lht• follnwlnjl I Wl't'k, dlf'd Much fl. A. n. 1 10 a. m , Thur11day, S<'Jll 22 at RF.t'l "St::-1 1•1 RUf' .'l<'OlPnr t : "Mrir Gonulo-z hnd her 187fl. Suffrr lltllf' childrl'n to I lh• •l"te capitol, for the pur· The at&ll' depurlm..-nt of pub· baby lu t nlchl a \'l'I)' pretty come unto mf' anrt fnrbl'1 them pose of re-ulabllahlng t he Prf',• lie works continue~ tu t i'fuae ti> nnrl plump 1111 I l'<O l g()l here not , for s uch 11 Iha Kingdom nt IAt1vl110ry commlttet', whlt'h lunc·'rl•rmll the publlr lull:; ot ron· ;11111 In tlmt'" God" lluned In 19~3 and t:l:i~.. I tractors whl• appl\· tor . 11perlfl· 'flirn r . r reh7.l'd lh11t this WontlPrrul 11~ It may 'etm th,. FORM1 r.ATF. f'l.A:\S 1·at!nn~ on H•tl•I J••b1' ThlK bt'-plump, bab\ i:11 I was my nld ,;:r11vl' h1111 nt•vtr been dl11turbtol, The purpose of the metling t -.,,,. an 1.•~u•• with <:()vrmor friend of ntarly 30 ~·f8rK, n<tw :'\o antmnl h1u come ne!lr It al11<> will be to formul.ate a pro· Goodwin J. Knight who hnt1 prt'· Mrs. A B, BnrnPtt nf T"mt.><'llla. rwthlng hu broktn th11 wild u- gram of ltgl11latlnn to be pre-\iOUi.ly 11nnnL1n1·cd thl\l hf' In· And ll wru 11ht who Jn!lf'lred my rt nlty, the 1111rr 4'd.ne111 of the ..r 11ented to the 1967 leg1slatJvr ttndt'd to "l'l•ndurt the at11te'J1 rt:>sellrch l'n th!! TemPrula. roun· •pot. I ftt'I almoat Inclined tn ae•lon. The problem• have btl'n buslnul! In 11n open •how-cue." try anrl holr1J11 th" dl&llnctlnn of leave th• body where It 11. fnr reaaon&bly wen utebllahed al' The govt'rnnr•11 worr1s hll\'I' lllllt bt'lng the ttr11t whilt" girl b()rn now no ruthl<"11J1 rlvlllzatlon r11n the reault ot a. wide eurvey of meaning in thl~ nnrllr ut11 r In· In th,. v11llry. A nr1 ht rr w1111 a n r11spel the pe11rtr11I rt!'pOM that department• made by the com-llt11ncl'. "" ht rrfuel.'tl to 1n11tr11r t 11rrnunl nut of thr re~t hy "hH hangs a hout the jlTave. mlttee during and prior In the his d1rP\'lnr of public work~. di>('t nr" ""fl 1•((i<'i1ttcd 11t hrr RFA1AKD WITH AWi': 196~ 11e1111lon or the legislature'. Fr11nk Durkqop. to npen up thl' birth. Aunt R<'~~tt' ll"S hl'r many The Indtllnii rei.t•rd thP plare \\'hlle no lt'glslatlon was ef · rr<•ord11. n l••rt•11 11n1l n"rh"\''!I rnll hr1 . hncJ with nwt an•I t'\•f'n t be wild coyn· fecttd during the lllM :ieu ron Tyru·el nt mn•l pnlltlMns whn triu11 In htr r\'l'I'! Ill' I rl'811 !rum le anJ the pum11. the 11nakf'I anl1 ju1t cloud, nf'vtrthelu11 the fact talk nut or b11th Rides (If their thr notrs I hod made of the the other a nlmala that dt1 dt!'~P that Uie commlllte watched the mo11th. the i:nvrmor d11er lly con-lelt,.r!!. dr1wn In thr ground, •rf!H'ently ltl'llllatlon prtnnted to make tradlctf'd his orti:m11l 1111llemtnt. ;\IAS\' !\IT.!\IORIF.S avoid th11 aacred place. 1 .. y tn turther closuru or public re· Durktt refUll<'l1 the lnform11t1on I knew that old memnnc• were myself. whAt more p •ace f II l cord• t() lht' public. wu more ('In lhl' tht'nry 1h11t thE' crintr111'l· pn~>ilng thro11i:h hE'r mtn•I In rt'· KT•we can lhtre be?" than 1utficlenl ju11titlcatlon Cor Ms for highw11v Jnb~ tin., t wanl \'1rw ll"tl' wa1 11 JPllt'r wnllt'n H ne In lhl11 one letter the exl1tence of the commllltt. the Inform ation releaaed. It 11 i~ years ago. that hke a boom· good doctor rrtn .. for JUI own Cloaure or public records to the Ironic eno111th that the IAme In· enns had irone to :'\f>w York departed baby dau(btat', anl1 public hu long bePn a 1nre·l!rot formation 11 11Yallabte on 1tate nnl1 now rt' urntd Almost to the 1~a.lc1 ot the "•ery pr~tty and In •late, "" well All ~me ctty bulMlnit jnbll through the dl\1· rolnt of tts ort1tln, to rrst ln plump ltlrl" he ulhtred Into th• a nd rounly govf'mmtntA, nnt lf> 11lon of a rchlt!'rture, Which A.llllO lhfl arr hl\ttll of the Huntington world for another . .And I Mldom mention dlstrlclJI where c111z,.n!< Is In thf' t1t partmrnt or public L1brery. drl\'e by on th• buey freeway have bun dented acct•• to the works under n11rkee'11 11uptrvl· A few "'eeks l11ter r had the without clanctnr up on the 1tetr operatlnlll:' records. 11ion. All of whk h ml1tht l!'lve thrlll of btlng prestnt when Mr. bluff where the now unmarkr<I KP:EP THEM 8ECRP:T rise to tht' btlltf that the con· Bll•a nn ont ot hl11 tours. 1tnp-111te of the ran of aweet., little. At t he 1956 ll'glslatlve Rtsalon. tractora. ln1tead of the people. ped at Aunt Beaelt '• and pre· Allee one• lay. lhtre wu a determined effort are running the elate dt parl· ma.de to prevent the public from mPnt of public work•. dl\·lalon eecurlng l111t. of conlractora who or highway•. file appllcatlone to take exam· In llny event. the Miiier com· lnat1on11. The rtuon w1111. th11t mlttee r an ptrtorm a valullble too m!lny people were C'Opytng lt'rvlce to the public by merely the ll11t11, and thus dl11rupllng the functioning. The pollllclan11 and work of the department. civil eervlce pt'Ople are Ina like· The d:-partment of motor ve-ly to wllhhold Information when hlclu 10ught leg111la tlon to crntl' they lcnow thtre Is a 11tronr a monopoly In that dtpartment. commlltt'e back qt Ule public. Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENT<>, -fCNSl -A accordlnr to pruent plane. un- flrtt·clua ruckua over a big rl'n· tll 19~8. If then The propoat'd tract ~ be let by the gtate de· MartJnez-Bentcla brldgt, It la ex· partment ot publtc work~ Is 11n· ~ctt>d, will not be rlnl~he•I until dtrway In Sac: ram t' n t o, ont' much later. which extend& to tht f'nlire •hip· Mtanwhlll', the 11lllte wu con- bulldtnr lnduatry of Calltornill. f rontl'd wtth the problem <if pro· The Contract ln\'OJVf!S plans Viding lrAnRportllltOn, llntl rtans and 1]>eClflcaUon11 l'nly for a nrw were ~11bm1ttrd tn thl' 1~1r1~lnture ferry-boat to be constructed to either for a new ferry. conwtruct· be put on the M11 rtlnez-Benecla ed to u1e th!' wat!'r depth avail· run. acroaa the Strait• ot Car-able at the prt11ent time without qulnas. I exlenaton of plen on t h .. Beneclll GIVES 'l"P (fffOST side, or buying 11n ·old ferry and The old vusel. which wu de· conalructlng expensive p I er 11, •C11bed once p~vlously In thl• which would be or u11e only for column u a marina edition ot a reuonably ehort time. the Toonervllle Trnllv. flna.lly I The legielatur~ chost . the PV9 up the ghost. and WU t&l<· new ferry procedure, anrt In· en out ot aervtce. I 1truct•d the department of pu b· Came than the problem of l llc work a w go ahead. tran1portlng people anti motor vehlclu between the two com · CALL FOR PLAN!ll munltlea. W'hlle tracttc l!On'l too Th• department. u 10on u heavy throuithout tht day hun· the meuure became Jaw, ca lled dredt of peorlt who 11\·e ~ Con· for plan• and 11pec:lflcatlone. l'\lne Ira Coata county work In Solano con11tructJon conrema o ff e red cou,.ty at govrrnm,.nt lnll.a11a· their 1trv1ce11. and one of thf'~. tlone. and the need for the fel'T')' the one that apparently made wu apparent. the best ofter both u w monl'y Ultimate 1olutlon. of cour1e. and tlmt , hu Ila ma in plant ln and thl1 hu ~en pro"1ded by Seattle. the 1t ate le(11lature through the \\ntn It wa11 found the dt'part· etror..s or Senator Luther E. Gib-m tnt prop<>1td to give the job IOn of Solllllo, 1U1rl r.~rge E. Mil· for plana and ap.cltlcaUona only ler, of Contra Co1t11. II! a bridge w thJ1 particular firm, pn'lluta acro11 the atr9.Jt1. to handle lb• were l.rnmedlately filed by the con1tanUy rrowtng traffic. M&riM Exchange In San Fran· At t..he pNeent time, commu-ct.co, and th• r ovemor'e .council tera between t..he two communl· on lhlpbuJ ldlntr. which wu form· tie. are forced to (t> all th• way ed to promote the ahlpbulldlng around Carqulnea brldgr, '!l'hlch lnduiitry In thl• •tale. not only lmpo1H a lengthy trip, The dtpartment WM all really but"' al*> •rravatea th• trafnc to band out the contr11ct. whl'n problam aero .. Carqulnes bndre. 1t wu .suddenly pulll'r1 back Th,. which la the only three-lane reuon v.·u thllt th,. i11'f1"rtmrnl hlpway lien on U.S. 40 betwun 111 aludytnl't' the contu r t ln ,,,.. SUI J'ra.ncaco and Bacrammto. 1 termlne whethtr or not the Se· PALU.Ll:L B .. OOE atUa ttrm, by \1r t11e of It hav· Provision a l10 hu been ma.de Ing an offlre In Oa.klanr1 1-a tor a parallel Cuqulnu bl'ldge. I bona.tldt C&Ufonlla .,t.&bllah· Rt W. will Dot ti. OOIDpMted. meL Jl..jj I \111.GL~IA DARF. -of Temecula, that i11. apf)f'Rr8 above, Mrs. A. B. Barnett. first white girl bom 1n the valley in 1879. seen with Mra. Horace Park.-r. Her birth was noted a.'\ hi11tnrical item by doctor and is now in \'arious archives of ltbrarier. -'t>hoto by Horace Parker Farmer McCabe Writes ... ''You can't take it with you". I'll bet I've heard that saying a thousand times. and I allus fiJ!gered hcre-to- fo re that fo lks wh o sed it wal! r1nly covering up fer thrir lflose spending habttH. Hnw 11nrn!' P\'er , the morr I l00k al my l nenmc Tax 1':1\ttmalf'B. the mnr~ I realize th" rf'1tl m<.'aning-or that statement .... thr r Nlllnn Y'>U c1tn't takf" it with ymt 11; that l 'n<'lr· ~a m ha11 a whnlr. Army ot tax hounds on h111 payroll t n IV'P to 1t that you rfon 't. (all ncbu ,..,..ad) B Tornadoes. ~omets Lose r LAWN TOURNEY SET SATURDAY Newport Harbor Lawn Bowl- ing Club ha.ta Ole annual Harbor ~y1· Club 8 Summer SouUlem C&Jlfomla L a w n Basketbloll l.A&C'H' leadlnr Hor-Bowbnr AMOC:lallon trlplta nl'l.I and Tomadou now know toum a.ment herp Saturday. I how a casaba teel1 while beln(I 'nlere will be three 1& end drlbblffl Tue.day night when samu on th• M u n I c Ip a I lht'\' icot drub~ by runner11-up Green•. The mom lnr ram• Bomwra and Lakeu. The Boml>• 1tarta a t 10 L m. with two er• bounred Lhe Torn1d0('1 39-32 rame11 In the afternoon. while the L.aktn1 splattered the A run entry of 42 playera. H~1 net1 :11-48. all who can be accommodated, High acor.. pe1 rornunt·e ror hu been recl'IYed from U the l'vening'a play wu turned 1n Southland cluba. Arroyo Seco hy f!rure Knipp. The Laker ace Club 11 1tndln11 the Natlon1.I alashe1I 28 polnlll through the 1lngle1 and double& champion• rord1 lo boo8l hi• seeeonal loop on their trlplf'1 team. Thi' topplni: burket m1trk to 217. public 11 welcome to -tcb the Trailing Knipp In order off the , bowling claaalc. 11eRl'IOn are Gene Bryant 173: ------------- John Henro tln 188: J im Mulder 1&9: Garv Green JU ; Mike VaJle TORRID 129, Rlrh Palaferrl 111'>: Bob I Whlta 107; ~b Walker 101 and Bf)b Martin 98. Tue.day nighl rundown by V11m1: Panthers 150) -Pala- frrri 17; Walker 13: Jewell 4 ; Krmper 18. Hawk• 134 l -Mor- airs 12: Pell It 2-; Multler 16: Hllstftltr '4 Bombe11• 1391 Bryant 19; I Fonuus 11 . Taylor 4; C!ly 3; Pinn 'J. Totnadotll 1321 -Thomp- . Steve Still Swats Ball .700-Plus son 4 , Hult>f'rt 2: Gre~n 22; Steve Simonson'• 33·in. rup bat I Sl'hOnf'll 4 kepl the Harbor Boy1' Club A Lllker11 1:'ll 1 -Knipp 28: Lc.>a-gue G1""11ts' ace •lugger -at- THAT NEW SWIMMING HOLE! Whll<' 1~1; Beatty 8; Hayes 1; Unr the horaehlde at a torrid .710 Hostetler 6. Hornet& 148 f clip lhroush lut week, 1t.allallc1 Henrotln 22: Valle 15; Bento 5; r ev e a I. Toppin( B Nation&) swim carnival days put on for the young fry by the high school district s ummer recrea:tion department M11rlln 9 ; Shones 2. League ranka wu Gary Couch of lA-1tl('llfl standlng1: Hornet•. the Bravea. .5&0. while the Red Tornadoes 8-3; Bombers. Laker• Sox's Mike l'lltrlck ripped on top 7-4: Panlhere 2-9: Hawl(a 1-10.-ift-lJ American Leag'\le with .n s. No. this isn't a bicycle convention as you might sup- pose. It just happens to be appearance outside New-pOrt Harbor High School plunge during summer ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ under Vern Allen. -Staff Photo ----------------------------------------Slmonaon had 22 hJt1 In Sl at ball. Couch 14 In 21'> and Patrick 10 in 21. Still In the running for the bat crowna att: HARBOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 GIANTS JUMP INTO A LOOP-TOP SPOT Durochen . Win Pair Bopped Sox 9 Get While Red by DoclCJ8rS A ~ague-Bap~ll, White Sox, _,24: Clark. Dodger• •. 481 : lAWia, Giant!!, .481 : Curtla, Olanb , .'48; Wataon. Red Sox. .423: Jeuee. Ghi.nta, .379; Helmholt&. Gla-nt1, .387; Zodda. Do d re r •. .383; Hughea. Clsnta .. 381: Lawrence, Red So1t, .381 ; Buah. Giant.a, .323; Lund, Red Sox. .3:11 : Caldwell. G1anl11, .343; Gt"een, Giant.a, .333; Niemie. Wnlte S<Ut, .333; Trapp, Cardinali, .323. Ten Eyck, Gian ta, .318: Vln~yard, Cardinali .. 311. B Nationals -Gruell, Cardinale, .533: Rh1on, Card.ti, .~: Holllater, Ca!"di<, .45:1: Pope, Carda, .4&&; Brooks. Dodgere, .4~: Trapp. Giants .. 428: Jone1. Ghlnll, .4211: Lovt~. Cards. .400: Marner, Dodgers, .38:1; Rau. Dodr era, .3'8; Andu110n. Dodser11. .346; Lock- wood. Dodgera, .357; Anderaon, Cuba, .333: Taylor. Dodger• .. 300. B Amertcan-Wsllace, Indlan.1, .42\; Gillman, Ttgera. .417; Tor- re1. Yankt>ea, .417; Martindale, In· dians .. 417; Lewis, White Sox •. 412: Brown, lndlan1. .400; EIUott . White Sox. 400; L&wnnce, White Sox, .388: tngn.m, Yankee• .. 314; Bu11by. Tlru-1, ..3114 ; Zamora, Rtd Winning a pair of lilts while the league leading Red Sox .. 333. Curt11. R ed Sox .. Sll; So d ped f lh H bo · Bo , Cl b A B b ll I Houaton. R"d Sox, .308. x rop a ray, e ar r y11 u ase a League GiantS moved into first plllce Wednesday. The _ Giants defeated the lndi11ns 8-2 Monday and the Braves Longshots· 4-3 Tuesday. The Red Sox dropped a 6-5 ripsnorter to I WELL COVERED . SKIN DIVERS the Dodgers Wednesday. I ln other ramea, the OraH• Del!pll~ belnr held to rour hit• Lose· Pope Among members of Newport. Harbor Sub-Mariners Skin Diving Club who gave an exhibition at Balboa Bay Club J uly 31 were John E. Burkett with snorkle and Terry G. Cox bumped the Yankeea g.2 Monday, by Red Sox pitcher.. the Dodg er• I unleuhfld a four-run rally In the THE the Csrdm&ll clobbered the White Sox 12-0 Tue&day and th~ Yank• rapped the l ndla111 10-!5 We<lnee- day. GOOD TWlRU~ti Ry BILL PHILLIPS Rolling Goes on in Mesa'r Bowl Classic Sltve S!moneon, the Giant& and Harbor 1ummu buebal1'1 1a p 1Juggtr. twlrled a three-hiller Against the lndlan1. Charle• Tay- lor gol the 'only vilAI blow ror the Tribe when he 1Jngled In two tal- il~s In t he flr11t frame. Tim T"n· Eyck Of the OIMls topped th111 w1th two for two, balling In three runa. Roscoe Hovatter of Irvine Terrace, west.em distrbutor of Louisville Slugger bats. has an interest ing side note to professional baseball's plaintive cry of diminishing interest. Wbereaa Hillerich and Bradsby Co. was turning out ap- proximately two million of the famous bats in 1939, the Loul11"1lle concern Is r urrently pro-l'l'lllll1n while ~lay\nit tor L11b- Tht tl' lll"f two mnrl' week~t!A to go tn C'osta Ml'11&'11 thtrtl annual S1n11:!"11 Clu~lc al V11n'11 Bowling u11 the tenpin tumbl!ng rNUmea tomorrow a.nd Sundsy. Frank Taylor topped men'• h&n- dlcap dlvu11on after Jut weekend'• alley 11er111l<>n, followed by Co11ta Mello&'• Augie 0 11tr011kl. Tsylor rolled a 1208 KratC'h t o glv,. htm 11 13 18 high. Ost.rOl!kl csme through \\'1th J 146-1305. Against the Brav•, Slmon110n had to reheve during a three-run rally In the fourth. He put the tloppert• on. pennlttlng the G!anll to break t he 3-3 deadlock with winning ac:nr" In bottom of the fourth. Thill 11me the Br&\'H col- lected but two blngles Tom Huber 1ingled In a pair of Giant ru111. Bill Bu!<h t11rnerl In a c-ouple of f1Pld1ng ,;ems s t 1hort tor the G1ant1. duclng sround thrf'e m1llioo m11cr11 but k. Trxu • r Yet Sertna'11 33 in. bat I• no per yre · f fl"njt"f'r than the one favored by So IC ~ct&tor mltrf't 1• fad· Sle\·e Simonson. JocaJ Midget Lea- lnr when 1t romes to plunkmJ? ,l!"U"'' hottest hitter with a .700- down m oot& to ptrrh 1n a park, plus 11Wal mark. Rod Mac:Mlllla.n. thl'r,. i re m,.,r,. hH~hllli pRt tir i-111 hl<'ltr rhrerlllr of H11rbnr Rny11' pints lh11n rn•r tht>•f' •IK\'l' Thr rl'llJOOn • K1r1 b11•rh11ll. "'" h s~ that ,.ni;:11gr4l 1n h\' mnr I' th11n Pfl(l bn_v11 1n H11r1Y1r Bil\'>' f'lllh M 1<111:~t i;lumml'r LA'nJnl" pl11v Kin l:STF.RY.~T 1·1• "Thr 1ntrrf':ol 111 In• rr11~1ni: In Jnw~r llJlt jlrnup11." H•'"''"" 111tr"''" "\Ve 11re 111rnin11 o111t m1111 • 2!l anti 30 In. blll1' thRn r\'Pr m11inl y fnr thtt L1llll' Lf'!11(11t'r1t " In lh l~ rr11:11rit. young M111'1111J1 e nrl W 1ihsmA will br 1ntf'rr111rrl tn knl'lw th11t thf' lr.,nrt t hrough· nut diamond r&nks Is 1ow11n1 lhr •hortl'r leni;:th <'h!b:< ''You '1on'I nel'd a lnni: bllt 11~ bl' a J.:O<l<I h1 ttPr ' Hn\'8llf'r rl'· minded "Thl' i<hnrtrr lhl' lrn,:th th,. hU\'t"r the bill '' lo tht lnr h." JU Mt the other !11 \" Ho\·· atter lollk sn t1rf11'r fr r ~lui:ger~ frl"m 8111 l'l~rt'ns. third l'ft•,.man with lhf' S11n F'rA n<·u•ro !"I'll)• 0:0-. r. I S("ff 1.os1ot:R "~erl'n& nriit r;>d a 1. l11b :\3 In lonJ: HOVfttl tt lf'l"lllHI 'Th11t II JUSI •n 1111 h l1ln._rr 1h11n IJI• lontre111 Llttl@ IA•i.:11• bat v .. ry ttw pro rls\'t'H u,..-l l1• 38 1n bllt nc>w And Al Sunmun• 1w1na:- "11t a 38 In c J.pb. • • ·1tl•I be 1111 ttr h1m~ .. lf 1 ... i111 1 ·n1IH Ill• Tlll~11. pro J'lll \"I II rt• 11 '"'In& I rnaiumum Jo 0~1h 1111" ~ ,.f t 2 1n tf 1hf'_\' Wl•h D\•n't lh1nk 84>1tns C'M1 l 1111 thst long t>All T11u pl'\•bably eaw Bill bull out i.i1111e bftllft knl)(•ha 1n !hf' l "(l'nt ..-.nr1 Alol•tin,t Holly· ""(\n(j •ntl ti" Ln~ A nj.ll'(r, A nJl'I~ Hova11er '1£nNI ~. r•n• In a Lou111v11lf' ~111.: 1. M 1 ,,,, • r111 ' "'\rn Riii hll•lMI 1\11 h1•n1t1A ,,, rnr t'h1b. e .. 11m11tt•r1 $1mon!'('ln'A 33 m. , llf'·l'nrt bst weigh"" 11pf11"11x1mst<'· h ;10 oz. M1111 \\'t!lt. who l11lll I" rf11rmt"I ror the AnJo:f'll' srttr ni" n:v lll'L'on11 In the m ajors llnd w11 h thr !'\&n Dtl'll:n PA<ir.-11. h"ft- rol " 3~ tn 3!1 oz b11t hl'llVlell 1n t n~ '""~' Le11gt1,. RA T l' TO OR UY.R ffol\'Rltrr, r!'p,.,rled l'Rt'h JHll plR \'•·r IP•~ h18 ''"'n tn1h\011h1H I bA t .•rr••1t11 11 t11tn, It w1u s r ltrall,v due I" II h111l f11Ryl'f01' prr80nlll IJ>l'l'I· fl• .. 11nn• rnr ll bat that th .. J..nul~\·1llt ~lugi:rr wu frtlll1'11 rPtP Rrownln1t. II ho'lllf'bRIJ llteat n( IAJH, i::n1 Rud H11leril'h tn turn 11111 I hr kln•I .... r bat h" w11nt"'1 Pf't~ l1ko·11 P 1>1> m 11l"h, h,. rut ID !hr fir1tl b11t nrtlrr Other b•lt pis_\. n• r.1110-.• .. <1 1u11. •nl1 • n-m•nursr ttiHnir 1n1uwiry wu born llver iO •e•rt l jlO. · V.uln111f' ~IU.trK•ra •r• prln- r1p111h· H h .. R •.• r .... H id .. Abnut t;on J'"n'f'nl of the bat. IUN'd a,.. hu knn · Thnw •H" th• blark or o!s rk br!\111"11 r luh• you -Al 1"1rk nf th.. S e•· Ynrk G1ant11 "nd Artie W llwin "' the Portland ~'H'l'r« llH h1d 1vr y HnweYf'r Sam Stub\IOil or Anaheim took lhe lead In men's high 11c:r11t rh "'1th 1243. Do111 Lewi• of On- lano wu aec:nnd WUh 1225. Star· buck anattr•d men'• high game with 286. Delorea E mmon11 of BuPnll P•rh took women·,. high "1th 222. T upt In i:n en " dlviiliM t hrer glUlle tot•l11 WPl"'f' Wl'n f'Nlt of F:i Monte. 604, anrt Auirie Ostn>llkl with 701'> Mtrll' Mstth1•"'' of Lnng Rear h rnppe<I ls dtl'11' •cr•lrh 11.·1t h I HJ!\, rnrett.a 8tuburk tur k- erl away lad1 .. 1' handle&~ with 1224. Newlcntd Lows Caps Thrft of four hub "" P• from h11 rar i-rked In frnnt of hia hnnHP .,.H repnrted tn pnlll'e Oil Mon- du · bv Larn· :-.· .. wlan<1 or 13:1 ,.,a iu'r1c:l\ He aaJd the ION e>«urnd be~n t JI m. a nd "'ldnl•ht Paul Five Puh Local Finals • In Potlln' P11u1 Lorl'nl.1.l!n popped In 23 points Tues•lay nli;hl to pace R 1chart1'11 Markt'I quinte t In- lo ftnlllp of tht Ans.helm Sum· ml'r Bukrtbllll T l'!Uml'y with a ~ll-3!\ virtory owr the Tu1tln L11ktr1. In other Tul'11itsy night pmr1. Allt11on'1 Msrl<f't defnted Ga rMn Grov~ 411-30 11nrt l'111nl11 Ana e<lgl'd Hunt1n11tlln &al'h 40- 811 Rnundin1t out the msrkl'r-mak - 1n1 ror 1'ewrort H11 rbnr wur ,;<1<11., Po~ 10. Larry Harper S, Dav .. i amut11 to. T11m Hou,ten 2. Rn\• Daniel 8 and Bob Har- wood 2 leci11i1c Yo11pten Receive Simmer Te11i1 l1str1ctio11 t'-IMtntctloe fM ~llll· maj(>nh· o' th .. plA.\'•n '"' ull r'ltac '-""'• CO\'er the for• J'I•,.. 1tr-.11er f'l'•1l*1!l')' • aln,r YCl\Ull •'-,.. le ,,.,.n oa t h• hand •trokl', pl"a('tx• la hoMinr 1"1''0·TO~t: T1'PI: !11.-pon Mt.rbor H ip kbool I 1h., rerqwt M d mt.kln1 the prf'- 81•rt ol ~ two-t~ bM. •-play~d t nom t >O a.m. to per ~ng and bnn(tn1 Ult' ll1b1teJ b" 100m• pru rh•>•r. • iun .. 2 30 pm. we•k daya UAder t he •hol<t body Vito action. Nnt ~n..•l1l a ,,..,, yMra af:'O w~n 0,111., lnirtt .. tioo1 dll'tr1c1 M.&mJner ,.... , ~khand 11 tauaht ProJ* Ion I Wslk .. r. l"nl w ith the Brootll)'ll CrMUOfl Pf"OCTIUTI· ,,,_,.. I• no aM backhand lrtrnk lf\I te lill"OUJht l>•">Jgn a. ,. . .., •I.it 1nic Ule 81u1,., "«'ftradoa fH &94 equlpmtnt ab<1'lt by ~1U'll'lfll baJl1 lo 1lu-I facr loM' ftOftttl'f' 1&.1d Ota. ... J>-• an.tl.abM a t llO C'09l, accord.las d""t.a. peneoct -tn -"11'-ndl ,.,.uaJ\y 1t. ft«rMUIMI Dll'fftor Ve"' Alleon 0 1"14\l&Uy \lie baft .. \lu'owa dip a •-t lub ~bee ,.11 n _. P1&YJT'Olmd prM'tl« l'M'"llMll ruter u d tarUler away from for .. ir1m1nattt1n are nnt atanclllrd b\,t ptir.nta •nr the et~L "8ally, UM ~ "That • •hit I •M l w di«la,... l dVlwd to nnis ~· If the •l~t I lllf ra1ilM wttll t lM ~nt. Cor-~.,. wlln t""~ tnwar..t r11a-hu llUMC'i..tlt IJlt~ ~ a11t1Jt1 NoC't t-,..._, 0... llmpl7 lflnnct •llf'erellt10"' T'tlat • ,..._., 1n U1• io•fft• M4'~• ptllttl .. flt jhlltlfll UM ball ~II I C'T'(\e Ule l'I• 101 1 a ,...'*-... • pal Of tM -·a ...._ I fourth to tu<'k away the tilt. The T Sh Red Snx held a !5·0 lead at one op ooter point Ronnie Ca.rl atoll' home with lhe tying run an<1 Tom Zodda tnpled acro111 the triumphant tally. Pete Stoddard and Gary P icken. :hurked a two-hitter for l~ Bravu against lbe Yankl. Ronnie Kyea singled home two run1 and fom Sandoval tripled with one on tor the Bravc11 ' LEWIS W1N8 l!:arl Lewi• toaaed a two-hit shutout at the Wlill• Sox while the Cardlnala collected five bue knoeka. Bob Warmln(ton 1lngled 'croes three Card run1. Lewl1 add- !d a two-run blnrte. Ron PaJmu and Jim Mc:Xahan ">f the Yankl hl'ld the lnd1arui to ~ lonl' blow. Kent Hodgton doubled 111 th~ ll<'Orea while McMa.han doublkl In two for the winners. Stanrllng1 through W~nesday: :;1antt1 13-4: Red Sox 11-4; Card- 1nal1 9·:1: Bravea 9-8; Dodgu'I 8· }; White Snx &-9; lnl11afll! 4-10: Yitnktea 3-13 Grid Stan Train A &qu•d ot 4 7 coll~ge lfTld 1tars wne thl1 w,ek training st North- weatf'rn Unlver1111y rnr th• 22nd annusl C'oilf'ltt All-St11 r tootbllll J?amr s 11: a I n 11 l thl' Clt>vl'lsnd BmWT1a Aui: 12. The Brown11 ue proft'Aa1on11l plgAkln '·ham pw. Th• rlai1111c will bl' lelecut. atartln( at 11 p.m. !111tt at th,. fr11 y. The Uini;lhota lo1t their un- def tated record and Paul Lorent• nn aaw hi. loop 1ntonal acortn.r mark topped by Eddie P o'J>I dur- 1 Ing Harbor Boya' Club A Sum- mer BuketbaJJ play Monday I night. The R otshota edged the Lonrllhou 07-5t while the Hard- tobeat1 dropped the Pacem•kers 89-58. The Trouncer. won from the Demona by forfeit. P ope d r o pp • d 211 points through the hoop to exceed Lor- entzen'• 22 and ft.1Tler hJgh tor the night . The effort aurged him ahl!'ad ot pottln' Paul off th• aea- l!tOll, 131 to Lortaen'1 130. Trall- lnf th~ potent pair are Bob Mar· Lin ll5: Bob VillaKTana 1~: Lar- ry Harper 112: Tom Houtt~n 74: Roy Daniel 73; John Henrotln 72; Gary Green 1\3 and Rich Palllferrl '7. acortnr r u n do w n 1 Monday: Hot.eholl (571 -Harper 111: VII· lagn.na ~: Newkirk ~: Hoatet- ler 4; Kemper 8. Lon11hot.a (68) -Lorentzen 22: Henrotln 22: Harwood 5 : ~nto 6; Thomu 2. Hal"dtobeat.I 1811 1 -Hou11ten 14 : Kemper 11 : Msrtln 24: P ion 4; Bryant 4. Wlilte 12. Pac .. maken1 IM l -P ope 28: Thnmp·l aon l!I: Hubberd 4; Walker t. Standlnp : L on1•ho t1 4-1; Hollhot.1 3·2 : H ardt o b• all, Trouncera, Demon1, Pacemaker• 2-3. co,,o.H. Pon <>ru1• oe 11a11 .. ,., a11a..1 OUR NEW POLICY CLEANEST CARS IN THI HARIOR AREA C.1'lulq -...... 0,. Da11J "l'f" l :OI ..... 1244 w. c .... Hwy. '1' • ,,. SANT' AN{ LINKS Go· TO TEE OFF MONDAY Santa Ana C.Ountry 0 '1b'• annual Invitational Golt Tournament geta underway Monday when club mem. bel'9 begin qualifying rounda. Remainder of the achedule, reported by Pairinp and St.artinp Chairman BiU Foote, run• like t.bia : ~ TUNClay -Remainder ot club Beach ~re. U :lO p. m., Co- membera qua.UCy, plut vlalton not rona del Mar. 12:20 p. m .. l:l Toro. fitted Into We<lnuday'a alate. 11:30 p. m., Pacific. 12:•0 p. m , Wedneaday-Vl1IUn1 teama qu.aU· Balboa Bay. 12:60 p. m .. k nta ty. The Calcutta dinner and aue-A.nL 1 p. m .. ChamplonahJp. tlon of low SJ team. la Mt tor ' Tourney committee conalllt.I or Wedn,aday evenlt\f. Chairman Jack Wilder, Ptuldent THURSDAY SLATE Henry Schleuter, Terry ltephen- 1'hurt.day -a a . m., Buch aon, publicity ; Bob Corfman, Stan Com~ra n1cht. 't L m., Corooa Ridderhoff and Jay NWU1a lly, del Mar n lrht. 10 a. rn .. Champ-rulu; Bill Lowe, (T'MIUI; 1'oot•. lonahlp Jllll(hl. Noon. CoMOlatlon 8tephenaon. Jay Hornbeak, Dor ,,,~ht. Dttker and Joe Brophy, pa.Irina• l'r1day-I a. m ., Beach Comber1. and 1tart1.np; O.Orst H1.no1be'1[ 11:30 a.m., Corona del Mar. t a.m., and O.Ors-e P'niehUn(. hoepltallly. El Toro. 10 a, m., Pacltic. 11 Dick Ewert. Looi. Clem, K"n a. m., Balboa Ba y. Noon. Sant. Newerf and Bob0 Yorbe1. trophle-A. Ana. I p. m .. Champlonahlp. Merle Boyle, 1port.1 dance: 8 111 Saturday. 10th tee -I a. m .. El Jtrome. tournament: Blan Woods. Toro. 8 :30 a. m , Buch Comber. (J'OW!da; Ev lA.it&, P'rtif'hJln.:. t a. m., Corona df'I Mar. 111 tee-Nt'werf, Stan Norton, 090rte II a. m., Pacific. ll:SO a. m., Sant. Pnble Md Stewa rt McPhel"llOn, AnL t a. m .. Cha.mplonahlp. 9:30 Ca.Juett&; J ay Nunnally, pn>, a. m .. B&lboa Bay. l•t tee -1 J ohnny Ward, ualatanl : Rll97 H u- p. m .. El Toro. l :30 p. m .. Santa her, manarer: Betty 8t.ph-n. Ana. l :46 p. m., Champlonahlp. J hoet-. p.m .. ~lboa Bay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ &OOTCH BAU. Sunday -J'lna11 In &11 nl(ht.a plu• k<Jteh ~tourney, 9:50 L m. to 11 :SO. U mlt 411 teanu. Noon, Basilio Appears in Non-Tttle Go World'• Welterwelaht Champ Carmen Bulllo meeta Ialo Scor- Uchlnnl ot Italy In a 10-round non-title 1Crap which will be televlffd In the Harbor area at T p.m. Wednu day. Bulllo copped the crown wlUI a 12-round KO Of Tony DeMArco June 10. He'• fousht 13 nshta •Ince 1148, winning 46 wtt.h 21 knockouu . loalnr 11 and drawing In aevtn. ScortkhlnnJ bu tan(l6d with BulUo twice before. He loat one. drew one. ltalo'a record after 60 e Balboa Coves Weter Front Br-..4 -I ..... ~. t lil&Ut .._ ,,.,,.,. ~lever .... ,.. wi...n," .... -.. JOU OW1I 9*at an,. $29,950 boull: 10 kayoa, 21 wlna, 1' c.1J llutlor J .... IOI .... lix drawa, iliiililiiiillllliiiiiiiiilllliiiiiiliiiiiiii LOTS of BARGAINS for LOTS LfSS We're Je"'meC:I Our ued ear lot 19 unaU Md .. hM'e ...,. • ._., trade·ln• u '" eu ~ -n..y,. .. °"" the plMle I ! CARS REDUCED $100, $200 • .-SJOO. 55 Ford Thunderbird ........... --................. -..... SJ4ff. ~ -• -# 54 Ford 2 door ~ ............................................... _ $1299. 50 Ford 4 door ...................................................... $499. 54 Ford Ranc~Wegon ................................ $2099. 51 Ford Victoria ............................ $899. 52 Ford Rench Wagon 52 Mercury 4 door 54 Mere. Monterey Cpe .. 55 Mere. Monterey Cpe. Save 46 lulck Sedanette 47 lulck 4 door ... . ........... .. Chevrolet Corvette . 49 Chevrolet Convertible . 50 Chev. 2 door, full race .... 51 POtltlac 4 door ........ . ......... $1199. .. $1 lH. $23~ .. $900. ..... _ $299. ........ $299. ..... $2399. -$599. .. SIH. ... $750. 50 U1teolft 4 door ............................................... $599. Sl PfynteMtth Convertible ....................... S129f. 53 Wllys Hardtop ............................. _ $1099.; 51 DockJe 4 door .............. ~ ...... .... . .......... $79'. SJ Ford Tudor .... _ ........................................ -.... $1299. ff our prices are more than you had wenteCI t o pay, make offer we must reduce owr stock -and WE HATE TO DRIVE 'EM TO THE AUCTION. So come & get em - at Johnson & Son I Lincoln-Mercury Dealer too w. Coast Hwy., Newport leach U 1-1141 Opet1 eves. 'tfl l :JO Speaks Sunday at B. I. Church • TALK ON MAN'S GREATEST NEED \' n I v e I ~ • 11 • I Fellow - Mr.. Arthur L. Young. aecretary of miaaionary educa- tion for the Woman'• Society ot Christian Service w1thin the Soutt\em Califomia·A?Uona &rea, will be-• the guest apeaker on Sunday at the BaJboa laland Community Metho. dtat Church. The .ervice. will be held al 9 :30 and 11 a. m. lllll p, muting 8und1y a l 11 a 111 for woralup In tht' Ebe.JI ClubhOU$f', ~16 Wut B&lboa Blvd wl'I havt> u preachu Or Fr a o k Macintyre tr C'nst.a MM11, whose @ubject '''Ill bt' .. ~fin'• Grt'llltat !'\wd " Or. Macint yre ll a psyrholo1111t who hu made a ~l\1dy ot man'a 11p1r1tu11t pro· lems The pastor·. tht Rtv. Frt'lftrkk Rtnr;t>, a nd hi• w1ft', art' on \'cat1nn 11n!ll Srptrmbflr tplrltu.J lite, and Mn C. T Coane, t~uur .. r. Mni. Youn;. "ho rulde. In Re'dondo 844ch, .nu 1peak on "Vl~lon Sl!(;()m ea R11all\y" Her a ppu rancP at the local church ie In connerllon with the obeer- vanct or \\'. S. ,<.; S. Thank-Otter- At the 9:30 a..rvice. M1rvtlh't' Moody will 11nA' .. ,,,. Lord • Pr1yu:· ---·--,_..~----------------ing ::;unony Ltad1n, tht i.ervlcf' ot wor11hlp w11t ~ Mr11. Ted R. Hauaer, pre· .. 1t1rnl O f the Ba lboa bla nd W. s C. S A~slallng htr will be A apecl1 l orrerlng w111 li• r • • cefvt'd ror tite women·~ w111 k within the conference lrl'll ~n<I the Jl')('al rhurch. Curate Leaving Saint James .M r11. Fount L. Lowt . 11Pcretary Qf Th All · e ness Communion and lof Spirit in Se~on at Mesa !Science Lesson Baptist Ch Urch 'Tht' tn.111 of th1> Sp1rfl 11 ~n all goodnes. and n ,;hteouan,..,. Al the Plev~n o'clock mommg &11d truth." rcadll lhe Golden wor11h1p service this <"omlng Tt>xl pr lhe Leason-Sermon on Lord'• Day, at lht F'1rat Bap-1 ··sp1rt1" In a.II chur<'hu or Chi 1st, !lat Church o( C-Osta Mell&. ord-Sc1enU11t, S u n d • y. ( Ephe.s1an11 MRS. ARTHUR YOUNGER Tht' It~\' Ralph p,.u .. or Ful· lt'rtOll Wiii a&11.\l In ~er\>11,'t' .. ill St .h111w,; E pu1c<>p.ll Church fut , !ht ht : time th1:1 r om111,.: Sun· lluy IJ, w., 1·alled 1u interim 1111nll\;t:r In Janu11rv llncl hua rt· : m11mrc1 to 111ct the new rtdor lhl' K1•v J ohn 1:1 Park!', who U.ll111r e I h1• 1lt1tl<>s C1n July l. Thc-Pt·'l~t of the Transt1gu· ration will be obsen ·t'd 1n a com· mun1C1n 11r1 v1r,. on Sslurday at 8 II m lnanct or communion will be ob· 6 .91 aerved. 'The Rev. P. C. Neumann j The prophet liuuah aay1 ot lht w1U deliver a communion mu· allneK• of Spirit, "\\'ho hath di· 1 aaet. The Chancel ind Junior reeled the Spirit of lhe Lord .. Choirs will jo1nllv alnr .. My God or being hi• counsellor hath I Tht> lhret" Sunday morning 1 11erv1ct s will bt, 8:30. Holy Com-, munlon ; 9 '30, family servlcl' and Sundsy S<"hool; J 1 o'clock . Holy Cnrnmunton 11n1I ltermon and l". Sunday SC'hool convfnU taught him~ . . A ll nations at D:•~ a. m. ~fore him a.re u nothlnit. and At 6:30 p. m. thf Youth Tra.4n· they are counted to hlm lu.~ I Ing Union will meel. At 7:30 j than nothing. and v11n1ty . . . p. m. Mr Neum1111n., wl II have To whom then Wiil ye llkPll me. --------------------------------------------------- 0 h is l l'lplC' .. How to Win", There or aha II I be equal? 1111.llh lhc I "rh1.~ hni. n1,;,1 bt'cn d£'i1i~n11ted 1111 • l ''I rot Don nt' nay .. n ru1 tht'rc will hi' a sprclal otf••r1ng to h!'lf• 11'1lh m,.'1lc11I l'Xfll'lll<t''I fnr 1 hi' rN'l'nth· 1n 1urt''1 1:1rl w ill br ~fl<'Ctal nrn111c bv tht l Holy One" tlulah 40:lJ , 17.2:>1. PAGE 4 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Youth Choir "The Scriptures Imply lh•t FRIDAY AUGUST 5 1955 Wrdno<lsv a~ 7 JO p m. the God 11 All·ln·all . . The Sc-rip· 1 ' Me~a Methodist Class Parties P t a l111' an.f B1blt Study Hour 1 ture.11 also dtrlarl' lhllt Gnd I• w ill bf' hPld. All'O !or rnnvl'n· Spirit." aay11 a correlative pu· 1encc or thl' r1.rtnla who will be I u.go In "Sc1t'n('e and Hu Ith with able tn 1ttend the Bible Stutly Kf'y lo the Scrlpt11ru ... by .Mary H our. IJlnc will be a Bible Story Baktr Eddy. She C'ontlnUt'l! .. Hr Ho1Jr. with iunglng for children fills all space an<! 1t I.'! 1m- ot the agu 4 to 9 yt nn . Below poulble lo roncelve of 11ucta nm· th!' tour-year 11te. the nuutry nlpre~enc,. and 1nd1vidUllhly l.'X· will be npen with attendanla to cept aa Infinite Spirit or Mind .. accommo•late thl' tiny tota. Ip 331). CDM Bible School Closes with Picnic The Community Church Congregational of Corona• del POMONA PASTOR TO SPEAJ( TO CAMP FARTHEST OUT Thf' fkv. J ohn Messer ot th' F irst Chrl~ltan Church, Pomorrn. will be the 'v .. nmg ape-..ikt'r at the Orn n~" C1>11n1y C. ~'. 0 . mreting on Saturday. Aug. 6, at the r·,1mn111n11y Meth1"11til Church. 11~ Agate A \•e. Fcl:11wsh1p fl('rtod 111 (mm • lo 4 .30 pm. Ill wh1rh time Mrs. W1ll1am Hoit will l4'atl the mNhllltron.• Prayt>r groups will be fonnecJ at ~ p. m. Al 6 p. m . a f)Ql ·IUl·k llUpJl('r Will be 8CIVl'tl. All ,;hould brinic tht1r nwn table aen-1ct> and 11 d1i1h to .!hart . TI1e t'Vt'nlng meeting opens at 7 n r iot k Wllh s1ngln1t led by the Rev J ohn Parke, rtct or of St. James E p11'Copal Church. Mr Me11ser wlll lhen brinit hlll:hlights o! tht Rt'd- 13nda C. F. O. Camp. Mua~lle and Fre<l Markham a re cha lrmt>n for lhe <IAy . A h· 1teh party al Coron11 tl>'I M 81 \\ ·'-~ on thf' lll~l'ndll for the Youn.: At1ult Fellow,.h1p uf 1 'nsla Mclin r'ommunlty M et h o t1 1 I' t C'hllrt h ••n S11lurdav !'\, Y. • fll1·• r!I rrr1 :lllv l'l«led rn- r lu•lt' J ,. k K11ylor, prc~1tl••nt, Dirk 81 Ill(' \'I( t r re111d1•nl·t 11'!1,.'IUrl'r and P onna Brnr,., ~frl'tllr~·, The Rt', .. ("h.,rli lt F Hnntl •~ le:t<1t•r Thl' F'1d<'hs Claas hi.c1 a recent h11mtm1 RU fry in t h!' H B ~lc­ Mllrtr)' ptllln, Mr. nnd ~lr11. Rob· l'rt l.11r kh111·dt ll«'rvlng Ill' hnst11 Sixty 11lt1>n<ll'd. lncludlng members an'I their fo.m1he11. Mar reporta &n enrollment of 109 and a good response to -------------------------Guest Pastors at Corona del Mar the two week.e of Dally Vacation Bible School held under leadert1hip of Mn. J. W. Randall and MiH Allene Wilson, from the conference office, with a staff of five teachers and varioua group helpeJ'I. The Junior Hll'h croup Yl.alted Roberta Rl(p, Suaan Coster, a Jewish Synagocue one day and Susan Verberg, Morlo Kennwy. Clinton Emml'NM>n ahowed 110me ot Suaan Hayton, Klmherly Cullttr, hi• pjcturu of the Na vajo Indiana Jean Brock, Ttrry Flane1e1n. l..l'lw- ln Ansona lo the children at an· ry Thompson, Kathleen K,11y, other whlon The offer111S9 "cefv· Brent TUmer. Mark Van Ouj ke. 9d •o to IJle FL Berthold Ml.ion Janice BHney, Ptnny Conklin, School tor Jndlana. Donna Moaebolder, David Hend- The oftertnr;a received •o lo rlckl, Ju•le Conklln. Mlkt Far- t.he Ft. Berthold Mla1lo11 School rel. Addan Farrel. Doug H&mel. tor lndlana. Betty Burbage. and J im Whyte; Thurtday night of tut WHk l t.i1''10R CLASS wu open houae !or the parenU Junlora -Sparky Jay Longley. and t'r1t nd1. to l ff the crafta and Peter Stucky, Oougllu Oomke. btsr the J10ng11 anti Bibi!' pL8118lfH I Ginny Proctor, Margaret lnitTam. learned d11r1ng the two wcek1. Louise -Swet t. Gnce Butltrmort'. A8 P'1NALJ: J ohn Gruwell. Mike Flantgln. Tht ll(hool endtit with a picnic John Sw~t.. Shelly Brandt. Rnger held al Coet• M ... Park. Olurch Grable, and Shtri Bea}< membu11 and rt1enc1& dnnated J unior Hlith -Mary Zilm. Ann m oney tor the refre1hmmla. Huma.aon, Nancy Gardner. mu f'11pll11 11ttendlnjo: lhl' Bible C-11llla, Tom Smith. J udy Stucky. l chl'IOI were: Holly JngT&m, Lorefla Kelly. Lynn Klnder garttn Shelly CU11ter. Thompaon. Jam(l1 Ol<'n. T"rry Tommy Purcell, Biiiy Smith, Nel· Scott, Pal Walson, Jilek Mc- aon O<ln1t lrtaon. C'rlllj( Grah1.m, Senney. Mary Bodine. Lorr11l n<' Bruce G raham. T reaNll tt A'rrnA, Mophold<'1. Guy Bohman, """ l rn•an Holdrn, Su.tie Jo'arrel. Creicc Karen Ba b.ton. Bnll. Vlrkl Rr11<'fl4' Christi Brl11· Teach,rs were Mrs. John Me11- COP a nd Crer;g Krllen, dor, Mn. Howard Parker. Mrs. f'rtmRry -Kirk Autterworth. K. V. OiltA. Alll'ne Wlle1in. N11ncy John Brodrrir k , MPhn1l11 Rrock. J Bryant. Joan Burb&C;k, Sandee RIC'key Hl'wltt, Stev"n P11tt1~on.' Ot'lrdorff. Mr11. Burt P rorter. Tom Toadall, S11lly H1ytlln. Chrla Mrs. Howard Bogert, Mu. W. O. McDonl'll. J ill Harrnh Tina Roh-1 HumaM>n a nd the Rev Edwin man. Bobb)• Ro11ri111ck, l"tnny Gomke. Piani1t11 were Mr11. Caslll'· Cnnkltln. T immy Fari ti. Cindy 1 man Smith and J.fra. F'. A. Bt'llinger, Cathy Bellln1tfr. Chris Vought, mualc director was Mn1. Ntl80n, John Burba.:c. Terry Zan· l.fflt' Sldfen110n. Mn. J ohn E. drr, Kllthll'«'n Jn11trum,. an•I Jnt Sadlrlr wru ~.1:i11tra and Mr•. Whyt'; M. J . Shannon waa rtf~shmenl l,ov.'l'r J untm Bar ba11 Smith, r halrman Slates Motion Picture on Drt1g Addiction Story Tilt' ('11llfo1 nl11 Temperance Jl't1lerallon. reprl'11t'nlln~ W de· nomlnat1nn11 a nd r hurch bo1lle11, ha:o ~t'n Invited by lht' rutora of Th' Little Chun-h by t he Su . Corner ot 1A'ii1on ancl Throuih Sts.. t.aiuna Beach. to prf!Mnl tl.o Inter-church pPOjl'Tam ot Tem- f)f'rance 1!:ducat1on and At'tlon, nut Sunday, 7:30 p. m. A11t1:. 7. In the lnterHt ot the ll'mper· ance rauae the Rev. Alfrtd Her· aid, director of publlr rtllliens, will prt91'nt the Mlm "'Oro,-Ad• dlclloc" and a brief addreu on ,.d to nearlv 30.000 Callforn1a youth In the public achoolll dur- lni; the put year. The fc-1terat10n hu 111110 1upporttd conatr ucUve le(t11lattve m l'uure11 In the JJlA lP ltgl11lature and t.he national con· greaa, and u11l1ted lbcal com· munlty grou pe in protut111g II· quor lire.nae applicaUona and ~· curlnr l•w t>nton:ement. ll r ar· rtu on· a mintltry of lnaplr11Uon and lnformatlnn 11lrt11J1lng the "P· plication of the Chriat1an IWPtl to the liquor problf'm and ,..,.. lated laaura, and t nduvora Ito U'le d1un:h'a T..,,.nalblllty In t•m· ;::.===========~ peranct' a ct Ion. Thi!! pk lure de· p lcta tht' lraJic tfft~la or th• UM of nattotlc-9. Jt portray9 Ult .ubUe and ytclous apprtiachu made vpoa W111Uap«Un1r yoonr people by the purv,yon of ha· blt·tomung narcouca. The f'ederaUont1' Pf'OIT&nl of akohol·narrotlo edlMl&tlon la wick ~ r.c<>1?1IUd by t>ducaUonal and eh'lc i.a!Mr• u a much nMdl!d •tvice to youth. J\ wu pl"f'fffll· n118T CRt "JU;R OF CJl.11Ul'4T S<Jl&NTIST A ...= ~l<l~::.-:--t~n.. .... er..... .. Jc .......... .-: ..._. cltwt•th. ""''"' klleel •· ll •• "'· S.•••• S..nlu II :ti •· 111. Wa4_ff, t ... •i.. M ...... -IM '" 111. IM4"'t ... .., r.c.i.11 ~ nit Vie lltle, .. _ _. leK•, lo ·-..... 41" ft-11• • "'· .... , ..... ....,.. ,,_ 1•• ...... ,. '"'· ....... , ·-' .... l..·~•. r -: •f" ~ -C 'Ht -t ... ~ .,..,, f~o l'V~' c It t .. d111tt I•• ... • te ,,._ ... eio.... t...... .... -... ,. ...... - BAHA'I 8Alaal Trmplf', "'u-t~ m FAITH Prayer Oiscuuion Study "l:Yery ace reqw,... a cent.nt lmpetua or movemut ..• W!lat LI Ute .plrtt o1 Ulia ... T Jl la Uae ...,~t ot tM kaow- lqe that humanity i. oflt funny." Baha'i Wr!Unp. rrwa,, 1:00 p.m. .............. ~. ('lwta """' o.at. h"9 LI ........ -U a.-nt& ~..,. ..... CARN IV AL EVENT Island Church Makes 'Baek Alley Fair' Plans The Rev. Edwin Gomke. pu t or Of Coron11 d1•J Mar Cornmunlty <:hurch, Congrt'gauonal, 11 11crv· lnic al Ll'ltt>rman General Hos- pita l. San Francu1co. for two wrek11, concluding on AUJ'. H . ='lurman Brown will occupy thP "The Back All<•y Fair,'' an signaled ror thl' 1111provcml·nt or pulpit thi:1 t·ommg Sunday a nd event which proved lo be n.-church proper n• and 11 fund to on A11i:. 14 Guell putor nn J uly tremtly f1Qpul11r hull yea r with enable the church tn bulltl a 31 was Or. \\lllh&m Mlddlemaas Balbo 1 I d d 11 be panonage. of Oona Poin t. repea~d :::In :~';. e;~:·r :: L&-;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;::::;::::;::::;:;:;:,:; bnr Day, Sept !I. The dtcislon tor conunumg the ra1r was made 1 Sunday afttmoon by otr1clala and youlh.s of the Balboa laland Community Mcthod1Kl Church. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Emtat Holn:u, founder, author of .. Sct,nce or Mlnd ·• SUN DA 1· Sl::R\'ICES 11 a.m. .Junior ChUJ'Ch and Nurwn· Care 11 a.m. RI''" lrl• Turk, MTnlAl<'r LAOL"'XA BEACH ART GA.LLERJi' HVatt &-'7U& aQ'7 Cliff Dr. Th& C"arn1val-type acuvily de- rive,, Its n11mr from thl' tact that IL 11 held In the par~ing ~=========================~ area anl.I all(ly In bac-k of the ;--------------------------------------------------C"hurC'h M1•mber• of th• fair planning rommlllr e a1 e r. F. Baines, lay leader; M11. Ted R. Hauser, pre· 11ldcnt of tht Woman'• Society or ChrlatilU\ S rr vice; Matthew V. Waldellrh, r hrurman or the Com· ml1111lon on t-:~uc11t1on; Sharon Waidelich. pri•aluent of the Sen- ior Youth Fr 11 o w ah Ip. and George Hou~<'r. prc11l1lenl nf the Inttrml'd1111e Youth F'r llowshlp. While th1• fair w1tl hR\'I' a ape· clal emphas111 f11r y11ult1, It wHI be 11ponllnrf'd nnl •inly by the youth but by the church and the W. S. C S f'nx·ecd11 will be de· m hat all publlc-spmted c1tiz,n11 1n constructive acu on for the el- lminat1CJn M the liquor and dope m1'n1.ce. ll aµec111hzt1 1n a 11t"rvice that will """1~t 1n tttvtng tnrormallon on how tu lltltl ttrecttVl'ly Wllh the l'aUl'lt•a <>f 1nd1v111ual and eo- clal prubleni11 related to the use or alc:ohulic ~\'erag«'• 1rnd other narcotic•. Tht pubhr 1, Invited to attend lhll eclura LutnrU 1111\l 1natruct1v•• 1erv1ce th11t 11 btmg pr«'sented tor the f1r~l ttmt in La~na and lhe aouth t'OUl area. All ABOARD! BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MES A CHAPEL 17"1 Superior A\•cinue Cotta Mua. Calif. CHAPEL BY THE SEA ~W E C0ast Blvd. Phone Uberty 8·21:?1 Corona de-I Mar. Calif. f'hono Harbor 42 PRE-NEED SALESMAN HARBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK Orange County·a newest and fastest growing Cl'metery Needs Your Services tor <1ur e.>.pnnu1ng s11le11 program ( "ho1re territories In 80Ulhtrn Urangr 1·oun1 y Ms 1111oleum Cn!mallon Ca.rtlen and l>Caull(ul 1trounu r rorerty HARBOR RF.ST MEMORIAL PARK, Harbor at Gi!'ller. Telt>phone Kimberly 5-1158. Sfoe Mr. J. D . .JWl. Expert Professional Work Rhd. When the loss occurs as the result of en accident, or following certain types of ill- ness, a funeral director must be skilled in his professional duties in order to provide an unblemished memory p icture for the fam- ily and friends. We have an ouhtc!nding reputation for ex- pert professional work in theH unusual C4UH, es well as in those cases which do not necessitate special technique. Lady attendant .. If you wanted your child to learn to swim, would you ton her into the water ind 11y, "Sink or sw im, honey?" "H ow silly!" y ou exclaim. "I'd do like 1 ny sensible par,nt-provide her w ith every safe- guard. I'd stay nearby. teaching he r, and I'd g ive ~er a life preserver to help keep her 1float 1t1d g ive her faith in hers elf." And you're 10 right. W ith 1dequat t "how- to" ind confidence, she will be safe as long as she holds on to her lift preserver. I t's the same w ith her spirituaJ safety. To meet most of life's problema confidently and w ithout fur she w ill need • spiritu1l l ife preserver. T o keep her afloat. help her aequire thou nece1111ry and stabilizing qualities of faith. h ope and love found through regular wor- ship at the Chur ch of your choice. .. ,. -4':"f '-i This Church Feature s·ponsorecl by These Local Business Firms MARGARET'S CAFE SpeclalU. In Sea Food.I -Order• to Go 261-l Newport Bh·d. Rubor 2286 NEWPORT HARIOll IANK Corona del Mu ROSAN INC. Seacraft DM8ion Ii For,li.rn Motors Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Three !oration• to Servr \'vu !'liewport Beach, Balboa, Corona del Mar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon H11.1r Styling tor th!! ln1Jl\'1dual ~ S2nd (on the PO St.) Harbor 28.U RUSSELL W. IANGERT Heatlllg, \•cntllatlng A: Sheet MttaJ U 1 Slst St. Harbor 4446 RACKER & PONTING ,, "lll1l1lv'1 Piii( I!' Sewport Reach Harbor 2al THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of ()lat1rcllnn" 215 Marine Avr.. Ralhoa l"land Harbor 0707 General Sheet Metal Works Sh,.H Mrtat -HC'&ttni:: -\'rntlhllln~ <10.'> Sot h Slrt•rt, Harbor 22l0 HARTLEIN FLOWERS F'nr All Ocuu11ona J.jOS E. Coul Hw~· .• COM. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE Balboa Wand NEWPORT CLEANERS CJr y Cl~an1111: -Laundry -1'1 cJ1~1ng 106 -rw-tin Newport Beach Morry's Sllell S.rYice S800 E. Cout Blvd. SAH Gnim Stampe Corona de.I Mar Harbor 2710 MARKET SPOT 200 .Marine A l'e., Balboa blud Rarbor 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. ·Store "Yo ur Family Store Slnce 19 H ' Ocean l'"ront at 22nd. Harbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOr 2JOO W. Ck·l'an Harbor 91S R. WASEMILLER .. The \\'ork(n~rn11n'1 S1 ore JX94 ~2 Harbor Bhd., C08ta Mesa JOLLY ROGER Balboa Island BA YSHORE RICHFIELD lith &; Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-91U l_!Yer's Balboa Unoleum Co. Llnolr11m -Ttl" -C'01rpet -Formica 2801 W. Ralhoa Bh'd. H&l'bor 5381 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Fre<1 P1rk U(I & tl•·I. -WhPrl Balance !\301 New1>ort Rlvd. Harbor 5MO GEORGE M. GRAHAM R11,::11 """ <:arp,.111 l '!'l Agatf' A\·.-.. B&lhoa hWMt Harhor 32:>6 HOUSE AND GARDEN C"omplNft llnme F"um!Jlhlnlfl' ll111pr r1,.1t -R111r11 ~ti W. Cout Hwy. l.l~rty 8·5611 MAC'S CAFE F11 ~l on n ght toY."artl Huntington Beach Harbor ZW-8 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Cornpt• le Jlunie F urnl•h.lnf!• 2620 W. Coat1t Hwy. Liberty 8-1111 MARINE BEAUTY SHOP S2i Marine An'., BaJl>09 ....... Harbor l.''H High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 } I TYROS MAINT AIM RECORD. 110TH SNOWBIRD ACROSS! By Bll.L MOSQ I 1t wu a t&cltlnc da.y •o we claw· We could aay. ·•we .wua rob· t'd beck and Corlh, flJldini the bed" but no one would .bellYe it I neet leader• roundlnr Udo Isle to bud up Norlh Udo Cha.ttnel Our record lan'l 1-nythln& lo as we entered tu aouthem coun· 1hout about In Ule annual Fllchl terpart . W e raced It out with of the Snowbird•. But when your 'I other trros or luckleP 'Uirdmen co· all1pper. Randy ~ddlc.k. up ao11th cllannet a.nd m11de thr couni. eight 'Birds behmd you ma rker fl&g turn nut to lut. 1.1 you croaa the flnlah line anJ 1 SA.II. I~ <.'IK(0Ll:ll I lhe race rommiltee ll•t.a you u I Wt-galnet.f on Ole nee~ go•nr l lOL': out or 116 flnt.he.-. of the down wind, taklna:; ,,ne or two , 13:1 enlrtea, that leaves th~ to boats. And. hWllln1r up North be accounted for. Havl' they come Lido Channel we took a few mort. I 1n yet T But you ahoutd hav• aern thr I Thought our luck would ch11n ge turn a round the rta1: r.\!lrkt•r! t lhla year. Doug Reddick, veteran Some might ca ll It a turn but I co-1klpper, ha vi n r taken. bis I it was more arruratt'l.1· a 1ptn. welchl back to the lnternal1onal Tried to J:O around on a 1tar· Scout Jamboree. He wu repre-board tack. Didn't . Jibed and sentod by Randy'• leaser avo1r-went In a circle neater lh1J1 a dUP<'I•. only about 80 lbs. Won't compus llphere. mention my bAll••t. Randy ~lievf'd me al the lit· THE f'lGHT BEGIN!f ler for lhe downwind COi.iil Wht'n WINNERS ALL AND ALL NHYC To wrltf' a aad tale brieny. we this happened and we apeed we croued the line with other hull should hnvt> wo1H•1I. Thal lonit 1tover1 In t he II.It quarter of trip down b8y wu Ideal aathng lhe fleet. The horn which 1ound· ex<'epl for the 1porl.ICl3hlng boats' ed the at.art gave with a It.IC· waxu. /le• happen• every Flll[hl catc toot. causln&' aeveral In the thl'y almoat 11wamped ua, thta me lee to uk. "'ft It a fal.ae eta.rt!" time Wllb green water o\'er the It waa for u1. That old devil, Mr. bow. Newport Harbor Ya.cht Club's young Non-Ca.lm Sailors garnered a goodly share of the fine trophies which were awarded in Sunday'a annual Flight of The Snow· birda. Left to right here a.re Hay Langenheim. Secretary of th~ Chamber of Commerce, sponsor of th la great event; Mias Virginia Coffee, and sister Charlene, her crew, who took trophies for both tenth place and first girl to finish; Lanny Coon, first place winner; Commodore Harry Mann, who )Na& extremely pleased to see so many of hia "Junior Ski ppers" finish "in the money;" Craig Cadwalader, third placl": Bill Coberly Jr., ninth place; and Pete Geib. eighth place. -'Beckner Photo Mb:ed Up Wind. who apirala up-But we rounded the Jut mark· ward al every Flirht 1t&rt for er with only a few itallbna of thoae not out In front. did It 11ea aboard. Tackett up channel apln. We wallowed. Only head· to the tine only to be hidden way came Whf'n Randy pu.hed by another cra.lt u we croaaed us cltar of boatJI tryl.nr; lo ram. slmult.aneou.ty. Still don't lhlnk t.hruallng ua forward, then back. the committee aaw u1 u lhey We tried to reach 1tratcht gave ua no whl•tle. Too embar· wut to Bay ll!land for the tum rau tng. most likely. I underat.and Into the South Lido Channel. But fellows. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955 MARINE NEWS Jl'r1day .4ug. ti Saturdfty Aug. 6 Sunday A\.g. 7 Monday Aug. 8 Tuelday Aug. 9 Wedneaday AU(. 10 Thur11d11y Aug. 11 TIDE TAILE 'nme Rt. Time 11)(11 11 :20 a. m. 4.6 Low 5 :02 1-. m. 10 :46 p. m. 6.5 4 .:11 p.m . 11:47 a. m. 4 8 ::> 28 a.m. 11 :24 p. m. 5.0 6 34 p.m. 12:19 p. m. 4.9 11·26 am. 6 .26 p. m. 0:09 L m. 4.4 6.26 a . m 12:56 p. m. 5 1 7:29 p. m. 1:05 L m. 3.7 6:57 a . m. 1 :41 p. m . 11.2 8.!'12 p.m. 2:28 a. m. 3.2 7:38 a. m. 2 :40 p. m. :'l 3 10:32 p. m. 4:36 a. m. 2 9 8:43 ti. m. 3 ;:>4 p. m. . 5.:'> 11:57 p.m. DAYLIGHT 8A VINO TIME Ht. --0.2 1.7 0.2 lS 0.6 1 6 J.O 1.6 1.:1 1 :I 2.0 ) .1 24 06 OUT IN FRONT ALL THE WAY Snowbird Flight Winner Lanny Coon, of Newport Harbor Yacht Club, took an early lead in the lM- boat fleet Sunday and held it throughout the 4-mile course in the annual ~ay classic. Lanny's boat Sabre HARBOR SNIPE SKIPPERS READY FOR NATIONALS! Frosts and for NHYC Schenck Will on Atlanta Sail Courses "'' OIC K l.F."'l~ I Ga., 11re four eager Southern JuNt wlnl11nir up a cro111-coun-<:•I If or n I a skippen1: F'rl'd try ltl'k I n tnr 1!lr1!'1 ~nip•· :"11· Schrnck of Ntwport Harbor. Jer· t tnnal Chsmplnn11hipa at Atlanta. ry Thomp90n nf Alamitos Bay, 'RIV AL8 NOW -Tom Frost and Fred Schenck, two of Newport Harbor Yacht Club's finest sailors, who together chalked up amning victoriec in Snipe cbam- -pton.hip competition u s•.::-per and crew of Snowball Il are thia year competing against each other in the National championship regatta in Georgia as Fred u ippttS hia new Snipe, C"hequendeque, in the battle for the title. Tom and Fred formerly captured the nationala, pl&oed second in the international.a, and won the European title in Italy two yean &go. -Beckner Photo ~ SOUTH COAST 00. !Jrd A !IO~-port Blnt. (No. 321) is seen here at right foreground shortly after the start and just before passing Mike Baum, (in No. 371 at extreme right) who ultimately fin- ished sixth. -Beckner Photo nan QtJ ARTEK Aug'. 2:1 LAST QUA.RT'Ell Aug. 10 Nl:W MOON Aug. 17 and Tom antt Pt-le F l'Olll, abn from l\'cwport. l"et4" 11nd Jerry '"-111 both compete t n thP Junior :'l.'aUonal ChAmplon11h Ip 11, 11nd then they'U turn ov!'r the Ullt rs of the t.-.'O bo11lll to Tom and F'rerl. res~ctivl'ly. tor t he Ns· t1on11l Chsmpton11htfl Serlfl!. The Atlanta Ynr ht Club. t t· 11:atta hr 11dqu11rter!I, 111 tocn tcti 35 mlleio north nf A ll11nt11 n\'rrlook· ini: I.Ilk<' A llntrionl\. A,., 1<non 1111 poS11lhte llft"r t h!' rnr11v11M arrive on lh'" J\Crnt> thr twt' boAL" I SC'ht>nrk'!I C'h!'l}UrnrlrlJll<' a 1111 F'mllt'I! ~nt'wbnll Ill will hP mPlll'ttrrtl 11nrl wf'IJ:hrrt In. snd the !llltl~ rhf'd<rrl Thrn II • ht>\'ll h••rr 111 "'"' k 111 n Ii• 1 t. '" o1rltr r on thr 111¥.e whit,. ttiry r11~ ST.U <T TOil.\ \' T he J untl'r C.:hamp1nn:-h1pt1, rt'· 11tnrlf't.l In 11klJ1prrs nnrl crPwi< und1'r 1 , \\'tit be iinil•·•t toiln v and tnmnrrow. Prtr. with h1~ brolhf.'r'11 l'lnov. britt II. a nd Jerrv. 11.11llng ~chrnrk':o <'hcq11endrq11",• will hoth br 1foini: th1'tr tlnrnif• ~1 to un!leal B1th· R11brr1.11 front L'hnttnnoo,11n. the •ll'f• ntlt>r Jr won't IJ• ,.,,,.~, lhhlll!h "('l\ ... •hou" nsn<le a 1hnn ""•"!' l;;•t yrar with I h1 !'I' (11 •t" ulll ·,,, thrtlt• rat ,) .. • f'l'l'tl, Tom':< • ,,.,.-111 lhl' t•i;,.1 and 1!151 :'\nlt••n.d~. '"II b" sail· lnK hi~ <•Wn h<1:\I 1111 .. _v,•nr with hi~ wife, J ('an. 1 rt'Wlni; lnall· m uch a11 <·11,•q111•ntlrq1tt• "11'1 furr· etl 0111 O( I hr 1':1r1(1r f",.Al'l C"h1tm· p10n'lh1p 1!1•1 ,,.~ wllh n hrnk•·n mR!!I. th1'I will bf' hrr fir'lt ,.,..,, k Ill lhf' bt)t ll'AJ:'lll'• Tnm. With hl11 ht,,lht•r P<>l r .1.i t'rPw. Will he d11 1·1111! ::<nnwb:oll ll for 1111 11tw'11 \l'•>rlh n:; Wl'll. 1''-o -llmr l\'11t1nnnl Champ. tw11 1' winnrr 1•f I hl' 1-'nrtftC' C'oa11l C'h11mplnn1<hip 1rn•I 1·rmnrr· up In t hl' l!l:i:t \\'orlrt'1< 1·11rimr1nn- 11hlp R!'glttl8, hr'lt h•• II h1tr•I boy to hf.'l1t: Ir Rnyonl' h11~ whnl It t11k e!'I ll'11 Tnm F'Tost F.I .Ofl,S' ATIOS 11 \('F.S Before lhr ertual Hrlnzt'rhn$: 1 National Chnmplon11h1r 1 Scrll.':1 K"ts under way on Aug. JO. the "llmlnaUon r11ct11 mu~t bt' ~iled. Thfs year they v.111 be hetct Aug. 8·9, and the wrnntt w ill be pre· 11cnled the Cro1by Memorial Tro· phy, c-urrenlly In Tom'• poseeio· aJon. The top·ranlung 1klppttrll Your Author Is~ d TB AL C 0 Filwrglu!i De&irr In the Harbor area. Bring your n'bt-r· ,._. problM>s to ns. Pacific Fiberglass HOl W. Cout H•y. ft. U A-Un '°' Aero. from All·l.mmi:M Mkt. 'CLEMENTE FIRE SCHEDULE TOLD # Aresr M Cuti" Rock on !';an Clemente bland'. wtll be cloiied for flnng practice through Friday. Aug. :,, Crom 1 to 5 fl.m . 1rnd S&tur~y and Sunda y d 11 r i n g <layltght hours, according lo the U. S. Cout Quant Area r Pyr•· m id Cove. wUt be rtoeed for f lnng T 11N111ay. A Uj[. 2, 8 ll. m. tll midnight, Wertn~"'1ay, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Thurs- day 9 a.m, lo noon. ROUNDING MARKER, HEADED HOME Marian Koerner Hurt in Boat, Ski Accident Ht•re. Lanny Coon and hi• Ct:'t'W. Dowd Ml'rkel. round f111til n1ar1ter In Fli~t of the Snowbird& &Dd pol.ot tht'lr trim cr&/l fur t he finl11h ltne. Nearest bo.t wu 1-boul 100 ya.rda behind. Marian Lucllle Koerner, 16. or 20162 S.W. Birch Sl., Santa Ana Heights, wu a vtcttm or a lll(llng accident We-ctne11day In Upper Bay . She wa.s treated a t Hoag Hoapll81 for a lacera ted upper l"fl arm. gt.rt Photo 111.-n wHJ compel" tn the Ni.llon- 1tl Champ1onsh1p St>lil'l' fnr t he Hrinurhn.1: T rophy. anJ the ee· 1•nnd-df~1!;fon boat!! will raC'e ror th" \\'rJIR l'roflh~-: Both the-•• i<f'rlP!I wdl hi' 1111iled Aug. 10·12. A nil now comu the S64 .000 flil"lltion : Can F'r!'lst wan l h1• 1•hamp1onsh1p ei:am this year? Although he'll scartrly aumlt It, hi~ 1·h11nrl.'11 11ro as i:ood 1u any- one r13o'Jl, ~rnd if lllat yru'1 top· nnlrh performance m!'an11 11n.r· thlni;'. th<'f!<' probably a lot helter, HnW('Vf'r, this will bl' hill thirrt a urmrt. th!' nlrl llmt'rll llnn't rnfnd i;n m1wh j?OtnFt flnwn In dPfP:tl once nr tvl'n twtr r : hut th1~ 'ear lhM"ll hl' out fMr Tom's hide. or l'l~e· OX TO t"PAIS After a brPalher of about two weekt. the 1955 1'11tlonlll Cha.mp will go hustling orr to Sanlanrlrr, Spnln, for the W orld'll Champlon- llhlp11. ThPy'lt gel undrr way on Aug. 28 and be over on Sept. 1. The C'hltnC'l!ll 11re pretty go<>d lh11t the U. S. will C(lrne out on top In this event. 1111 the b<>st competition J1cem :1 to be right here In the 11111 It'll. Shnulc1 Torn F rost repeal h111 victory of last ye1r •nit the year bl'fOrf' In th" NBtlonat11 and lh<'n gn 1Jn tn Sp11ln, 11'11 11 rretty 1111fe bet that hfll r11rturr th .. t np honors lhne u well. She told the Harbor Depart~nt xhe w1111 W•ter 11kllng when her boot cam(' lilong11IJe to pick her up. She said 11he had juNt h&nded one of her skis lnlo the bollt when It suddenly 11tartcd up. Miss Koerner told offln ra ahe ducked clown Into lh!' w11tcr, but t he bo11l went nvl'r her, cutting her arm Lynn Pe1111r. :l(l4 Cnlllns Ave., driver of the hriat 11Ald tn· g1ne Wllll In n.-utral but 11uclrtrnly \\'1.!0l Into gr11r. The nthPr penonn In thl' hri:it w1111 n<'tty Rtrk. 2371 S.E. Cliff Drh r MARINE CARBURETORS IWpaJrtl -Sales -Part!' ZENITH A' STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM z,css w. Cout mghway Liberty 8-1343 The Same "know How" Service at Both Yards COW i WUCY iOii ...... (!)9CM"N -...... ~-...._. ........ R.nf '99 Ott YACtW ~. ~.0. llOll 7'9, WfUlt~ CM..IPOMlfA 0C-.. ~ _..,. .... ,.. UOO ... ,,. YAM> ~ ~.P1MT .,.._.,, -...oaT •ACM. CM., T-. ..._l!Ot • 2 yacht Wheels Taken off loafs Soo1eone m118l be lolnc place&. l'lll·o boat owner• with nHrby moortn•• reported to poUce Wed· needay •lHrill( WhMla trom their craCte "''el"t' alolen on J ill)' 20. Phll !kin ot Lo. Anl'elu Mid e wheel tf'om hi.a Boclllh, moor- at 1'·11 waa taken and Cl&r- enr e Van Miiier ot HunUnston Boch told police the wheel from hl11 Crystal Lff. moored at F-t2 wa1 t.alcfll on th• Mm• d•>'· Haro~d I. Johnson Pnpellar ...,,. Col-Wu ud Federal Apoe1 no.. 11artiet ao HI\ \'Ula Wa,y, Newport a.... WHAT DID YOU SAY? I SAID IT'S TIME ~ TO TRADE FOR A ; NEW QUIET EVINRUDT! Boy Oh Boy! The New Wizards· a re sure great! Remote Controls oar apedaaty -J'or the tlnoat In Commercial Prtntinl' call .Harbor 1818, Job PrtnUnc Deparu:nenL WE HAYE 'EM JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS All Sllft 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h'.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Etectric See Us For All Your loulkg Newt &ILCO The FinHt W e+.t-Slff m tfte world -ftOW eteclulfve N. the Harbor Area at o'"' Marine Store . • . Stop in today let u1 show you why Gelco Water Skis are BETIER. WATER 8111" P'Oa Ul\T OOltlPtift Ul'lo"I: Of' CATAUX A PADDl.E 90Alll>S LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON 2927 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-1J7J ' THIS NEW 'PLA YIOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An u quialte IQHd and r.l•u11re boet you'll be proud to ownf A alng la bonded flbero 111 unit . , . M•t• end elf. Mede to t1lt1 rough trH tment-k'-1"' tren'°'" bvlh for the mott PO-rlul motoral S.. th4t ,~, ~Pf1yboy" todey. OTHO MOD&S AV A.ILAlll 8EE THEM TODAY AT Ln.& llOlllU1' A 801'< UH W. 0.-' RWJ. y ...... .._... WUT OOAllT n ... ,. .... O.. JIN Newport Bh'ct. Coeia ... _ j II ,, , 11 I, I I ' PAGE 6 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ·--LE-G ___ L_N_O_TIC __ I_ FRIDAY. AUGUSJ 5, 1955 __ LE_G_A_L_N_O_'RC_E-1 betWMll lt'vlne Av•u., and 8t. •.<n¥•"'• Ro&d, .. abown on Bbeet S of aid Plau; KING'S ROAD Coate Me1a pouc~ Thumda.Y at· ternoon unwcce.utully aoufl\l • man In a ll(ht CTHn car wbo •ll•&edly expolltd lllmHlf to f1rl• "' the atta or Bay and nudn 8ta., Co.ta Me11.. followlns deacribed pe,_,nal prop-between the weaterly Un• of erty. to wit: Lot I , aaid Tract No. USl, All atocll: In trade. f(J(turee. and Klnr• Place. u •hown on ~ulpment and f ood will of "ONE Sheela l1 a nd 12 of u ld HALF HOUR LAUNDROMAT," Plan•; locit«.t a t 2817 VIiia Wey, In U1t KINGS PLACE Wrht Watch Fo..d Clt)' ol Newport Beach. County ot ~tween the aouthwe•ttrly 11111 Allan R. Howeu of Santa Oranf e, State of CaUforn1a and of Lot 13. Bl.ock "H", •aid Ana notified Coat.a Me• po· lie• that he tound a rtrl'• wl\Jt.e metal and 1tretch band wrl•t watch 1n C()jll& Mea Park at II:~ p.m. Thurlday. tha t 1 ule, lranefer an() anagn· J Tract N<>. 1719, and Klnr '• rnent or the aame wlU be madt, Road. u •bown on Sheet 12 and the con1ldera llon therefore of eald Plana: will be pajd at 10·00 o'clock a.m , ST. JAMES ROAO on the 10th day or Augu1t. 1116!5. ~tween 10th Street and St. at the •crow department of BAY JamH Place, aa thown .on LEGAL NOTICE ESCROW CO., JNC. at 1870 Har· Sheet 7 of aald Plana: bor Blvd., In the City of COllla ST JAMES Pt.ACE MM&. County of Orance. S 11te oJ at 1t1 lnterteetlon wtth St CERTWICATE or BUSINlM Calltomla Jamu ROlld, aa 1hown on l"IOTIT IOl ')4 l"IRM NAME V Dated Aug111t 2. 19~11 I Sheet 7 oC aald Plan11; Thf' underelirnert do hereby cer· t1fy that they are condurJJng a general contnictlng bu•IQ-at 434 Costa MMa Street, COila Mua. Callrornla, under lhe fklllloua firm nan1e of CORSON .. MUN· TEAS CONSTRUCTION CO and FRED A. STERND,4.LE ST. JAMES PLACK Vendor between the southerly line ot FRA~CES W. STER:\OALE Lol 34. ••Id Tract No. 1218, Vendor and the northerly lint' ot Lol R. H. SHATTUCK 37, •aid Tr1cl No 1218, u Vendee shown on Sheet 9 of eald JEANNE SHA'T'Tl'CK Plan1; Vendee l~TH STREET that aaJd !Jrm 11 composed of the No. 13tl Ne•••·Pre1111 8 II :>6 I between Kings Place and St follow1nr peraon.e. whose namea In Jamu Plact and between lhe fllll 1111d pl11.ct11 Of rufclence a rt u SOTICI!! OF' 810 northwrsterly llnf' o( the first follow1. to·wll N11tlt'e Ito hereby glvtn that the Alley northerly or Cllly Street DAVID C. CORSON Board nt Truatte.s of the Or11nirt snt1 lhr Nlsl<'rly line of Lot •3• Coiita Me•• St. Cl)11.st Jr Colle~ Dist. of Or11n1re :\4, .Hid Trat't No. 1218, u Coata Me11a. Calif. Co1Jnry, C11llf wlll rereave bl<l11 up sho~n on Sh<'ets e and 7 of THOMAS N. MU1''TEAN to IO 00 AM. A11g111t 22. 195:1 a l aald Plitni<, 09 M11gnoha the otflee nf u lrt •chool dliot IOfal· I CLA y STRt,;ET Costa Ml'aa, Calif ea •t ID9~1 ~o. Harbor Blvd.. hetwcrn Irvin!!' Avenue and Wltneaa our hano• thl11 20th day Cosla Mt111. Cahf . a.t whl<'h lime the northwe.!lterly line of the of July, 19M. uld bid• wlll bl' opened ror (1ral Alley northweaterly of 11 • O AVJD C CORS0:--1 Cafeteria Canned Cooda and pm-Irvine Avenue, and between /a/ THOMAS N. MUNTEAN vlslon.e Speelrlcatlona for at>ove llllh Street and 1 point 11!1 STATE OF CAWFORNlA I 'may ~ l!ei:ured in the oftlre of (eel southwesterly oC the COUNTY OF ORANGE las. lhe AM! Supt. In Ch11rge of B111•I· southwestrrlv line o( 11aid lath On this 20th dsy or J uly, A. D. net111 The Owner re11ervea th,. 1 Street, as ~hown on Sheell 19~. before me. ROBERt Y . prlvllegr of rejecting any and all :z and 7 of said Plans; WILLMES. a Notary p. ubllc 11'1 and bids or to walv" any lrregiilarit l .. FIRST ~LLEY SOUTHERLY OF tor the u id County and State, re-or lnrormalllie 1 ft\ any bid or In CLIFF' DRrYE •ldlnr therein, duly commlaaaoned the bltfdlnir bclwern lhe 11011thu1terly llne and 1wom. pe111onally a ppe,ared ' Sli;ned(I B. » PETERSON , of Klng·3 Ro11a and 12 fret DA VIO C CORSON and THOM· !';1•rl ,. · ~lollrll o( T nu1tet1 suulhl'uterly. 1111 11hown on AS N ~L'NTEAN known lo mr Appro3i"1 hy Sheela 13 11nd Ill of H id to be U\e prrsona wh~f' names \\'ILl.IA~f F" Kli\fES I Planfl, 1 •re e11h11eribe<l ll) t hl' w1thln In· 1 .-ssliotanl Ruptrinlentl!'nt In KING'S ROAD 11 rumenl. 11nd Mknowlerlged to mt Charge llf Hu11lne.q between the northweaterly ••· In wllnt·lll! whrreof, I have here· Open A11gu11t 27. 19.,!\ JO 00 A M, tenslc•nl! of the northeuterty unto 11et my hanrl •nd affixed my No l3U News·f'rt''tll II 6 12, 19511 and 11QulhWtsltrly llnea of the ntt1cl11l 11'111 lhr day and Yt'llr in Rt:~Of.l"rJOS SO. •:J3.\ flNIL Allty 80Ulherly of Cliff lhl• Ctrtltlca te tint above wriltM. A REROl.1.TJo~· Of' THE l'IT\' [)rh•t', u ahown on Sheet 18 tt1/ ROBERT F. WILLMES COt')'OCIL Ot'' THE <"ITV OF of ~nl<I Plans: My CommiSlllOn Explrl'1 Sp; W p ORT BEACH. CAI.I· ST ANDREWS ROAD Novembl'r 16. J9:i:> FORS IA. 1>•:<'LAIUX(o ITS betwten the southerly lin' ot No. 1338 • INTt:XTIOS TO ORDt:K T HE Lot 4:;, Tract No. 1220, H per Ntwa·Preu 7 22. 29, 8 ti, 12. 195:> I ... map recorded In Book 38. 1,,HTALIArtOS OF !>IASf. Qlr.RTIFICATE OF Bns1SES8 TAR\' SF.WER:'( IS ('IJf.F Page 110 or Mlsc:ellaneoUI Map YICTITIOl.'S FIRM NAME I DRl\'l: ASD OTHEll ~TMt:ETS I RtcoNlll of Ora'ngt County. T he undersigned dot.11 hereby AND RlliHTS Of' WA\', ASO ;.~~l t11;ll;;11::~:~~~~~e~I~ t~~ Ct'rtlCy that 11ht is conducting a Ot:OLARl~·o THE WORK OR lnfant1 and chrldren's clothtnv IMl'RO\'EMt:ST TO BE OF J!lth Street, and between 0 MOD L• TH"... o ., D I ..... R " Krnir'" RoaJ and Cliff Drive. bualneu at 340!1 Newport Blvd., "r~ "·" "' ·" A • I• t ' a11 llhov. n on Sheela 3. 4. and Ne\Ni)Orl Beach. Calltomla. under ll l. I C R F.S E F I T : Uf:- the (\cllllnus fi rm name or JERI'S SC'RllUSfi THt: Dl:-ITIU('T TO 16 n( llOl•t PIM!!, UI" woo and that •a.id firm la RF. BESt:t"ITt:D TIU:ru:nv betwl'e:~~~u~~r~~ line of c-omn.•ai-d or the rollowm" .,..111011.1, ASD TO BE ASXF.1';;1t:u TO ,..... • r -p•y THE "'0 -. 1.<>t 70, aa1d Tract No. 1220, who11i-nam~1 In rull and placea of ,. ' S •" ASO t:X-p .,. ... •t'"' TH .. Rt'O"' Ot'T "R antf the northerly llne ot C11y 1·,.~1dcnre are L' follows. lo·wH .. ,.,S •"" r~ • r ; • t. -MJ""INO T T o s Strerl. &II shown on Sheela t JERI HIPES ·" • HA 8 .SDI; HALL llH \'lctorla BF. ISSl"l:D TO IC'l!:PRESEST a nd 0 or ulrt PIBn11; , Cl..A Y STREF:T <.:ostll Me8a, CaJlt SAID COSTS A~D EXPESA· Wltneaa my hand Ulla 2111l day ES; f'IXlNG A TDIE A~D or July. 19~. PLACr. FOR Hl':AJUSO OB- • ,, JERJ HlPllS IF.crlONS TO 8AJD WO RK STAT F: OF CALJFORNlA I AST> DCPROVl':Mf;!lt'T, OR TO c o t•NTY OF ORANGE lios. THE EXTl':ST OY THF. 0 1;;1. On lhlll 218t d11y or July. A. 0 . TRl('T, OR BOTH. OR TO THI: 19~1'1. brfofe mt. ROBERT y PROPOSED <;RAOt:S. A:"D \\'If.L.\IES, a l'l:olal')· P11bllr In and ,1\'ISG ~OTICt: THERF.OF . for s11ld C011nty and State. r1~11ldlng WHEREAS, the City Council of 1herl'1n, duly comm1sa1onl'd 11nd the City of Newport Beaeh. C•ll· • awnrn, perivmally appeArf'd JERI fornla. hu on tile and •pread on HIPES known lo me ttJ be tht' the mlnutu ot the City Council pl"rson whol't nsme 111 11ub~Crlbell & report from the Health Oft1ctr rn the v.1thln lnatniment, a nd for Mid City of Newport" Bueti. ar knowlcdged tn mr thllt •he re<-ommendlng the ln~lltuUon oC eX<'('llti-d the 111'01" prO('l"edlngs tor thf' 11111d Improve- In wttness whPrrof I have htre· ment 1111 a health "'"18Ure: and until aet my hand •lld afflllfd my WHF:REAS. the Caty Counrn nthclal 11esl the Jay and year In has found 11nd determined by Rt· th .. CerllftMHr ftn1 11.bo"e wntten. 11olut1on that tht public lntert11l • ROBERT Y. WILLMES o:nn,•emenr e and n,.rea11lty rl!q1ilrf ~ v Commllll!lon Exp1rr·11 I th!" tn11tallation or Hnltary lll!Wel"ll :\ovl'mbtr Ill. 19!15 '" Cliff Drive fS!d other 111 reels ~o 13:19 antl r1gh111 of f"llY. a nd that lht' l'\ew1-P rU11 7 22. 211 8 6 12 195!5 1mprovemt'nt II ntcc11sary 1111 a _ _ _ hl'11lth me.e.~u1~. c·r.RTIYICA'f t: o t· Bl.1'1SESIS I !'>OW, THEREFORE. the City ' t'ICTITIOl'i' t''IR~ ,,·A~t:-Counrll nt thl! City of NPwport I The unrten1Rl\td dn hereby Re11r h, C""Alltomla , l'\OES HF.RF:· c-rrllfy t hat thl'Y a rf cnnclU('llng BY RF.SOl~\'E 1111 follow11 11 m!'lA\ furniture ffil\nurartunng l'IECl;ON 1 That the publtr I hu111ne11J1 at 4 16·:\lat Strtrt, :\ew-intPrP~t 11nd conv,..nlf'nce require, port &sch, C11lif<>rn111 .. unller lhl' antl It 11 \hi' lnl~n\ll)n of the City tl<'lltlou.11 firm ""'""of THINLINE Counul tn nrrl,,r the followlnj? MANUFACTl'RINC COMPANY worl< bt <Inn!'. to wll . anti lhal said frrm Ill rnmpo:cl'fl or Thr eonalruetlon of \'llrlhed the following perMnJ. whol't' c111v pipe Hnllary 11twtr11 ant1 I p· nl\mt'll 1n full snd r1aeca of p11r1en11nr1111 and a ppurlnant work I r,.11idtnr e 1i.rr "" fnllo\\'JO. tl'l·Wll I In I CARI.. \'f:="~MAN Cl...IFF" nRIYE :l412 \'111 Oporto bt'l\\trn a linl' lfl ftt'l W('ll\Pr· :\t'\\-pGrl Bt11rh t"l•hl ly o( lhr wuttrly ltn!' nr Lot .IO H!': FRA?l.'K 21, T rac-I Jl;o, 1221. M per 1110 w 16th St mAP recorded 1n B.. 41. Santa An11. (~ahr P11ge I J of Ml11cell11n emJ1 W1tne1111 our hancls lhrio :lrrl tj11_,. 1 M11p Rtrords of Orange Coun• ,.f Augu11t. 191'1:'1 Iv C11llrorni1. 11nrl a. lln,. 111 s CARL \'E="'EMA:\' I f~t'l eull"rly t)f the rultrly 111 JOHN FRA!lil< line nf Lot 91, Tra<'l No. 1218. STATE OF CAl.JFORN'IA 1 u P"r m11p rrrnN!ed in Rook COUNTY OF ORANGE 1111 37. P1gea 47-49 of 1111.id Ml11· On thl• 3rd "8y ot Augu•l. A D ctl111neo11.1 Map Rl'<'ord11, and 19!15. before m e. ROBERT F between a hnt' 17 frt'l we-ter· Y{IU..MES. a Notary Public In 'and ly Of thr ..,..tAterly line ot 't.ot for the .. Id County and State, re-88, •aid Tract No. 1218 and •idlng thereln, duly comml1111toned the norU\euterly line of Lot and 11wom , personally a ppeared 80. Nld T ract No. 1218. &11 r ARL V!:NEMAN and J OHN 1hov.-n on Sheet.a 10, 12, and FR.ASK known to me lo ~ the Ji of the P1•ns htrrln&flt'r peraon1 wt\Ole namet are 11ub· refl'rred to: 11ertbed to the within lrulrument, KJNGS PL.ACE and acknowledged to mt that they ~tween the 110utherly hne ot rxecuted the 111m t . Lot 82. Mid' Trar t No 1218, Jn v.·1 tne111 whertof. I h11ve here· and the ctnltr llne of Sl. unto lt't my ha~d and affixed my Jamee Road, anti between the otficl11J •••I the day and year In center Une or Clltf Dnve and lhl1 CrrtltlC'llte flr11t above WTltten. the norlhea.11terly lint or the t a ROBERT F. WILLMES Alley In Block11 "C" Md "H" M)· CommlNlon E11ptree of Tract 'No. 1219, iu per map N<wen1ti.r ts. 19&!5 recorded In Book 311. Psgu :-;0 1343 2t and 27 of Miscellanwoa Ntwl!·P~.11 8 :>, 12. 19. 28. 19:\6 Map Recorfl8 of Urang• Coun· ty, u llho111•n on Shl'tt11 e. 7, SOTICE Ot' ISTF.:-i/DJ:n l'~l.E a.nd \2 Of aald PIM!!: Noll<'e la hereby given: That FIRST ALLE\. SOUTHWF.ST· ,-RED A. STERN D ALE a nd ERLY OF l llTH STREET l''RANCICS W S T Ji: RN 0 AL E.1 ~lwttn Irvine Avtnue and \•tndors. who11t llddreu 11 1030 I St .. Andrtw1 Road, 111 1hown Mlrllmar Drive. In the City at on Sheet 2 of the aald Plana. Ralbc>e. County of Oral'lft , State FIRST ALLEY NORTHERLY OF of Calltomia. lntenda to ffll to I CLAY STREt:'T R H. SHA'M'l.CK and JEA1'7''E belwf'en Irvint A\·enue and SHA TTl.'CK. \'tnlltt•. whole ad· l Mh Stre~t. u l hO'lll'TI on r1rl"8A 11 11112 A<'ll<'la Avt'. In tJu• ghrtt11 2 llnd 4 of 11ld Pllln11: f"'ll\' !'( l'nrnn11 iff'I Mtr. C'oun'y FIRST ALLEY NORTHEAST· of Ora.ni t. Stal t of Callfomlll, lht' l f;RLY OF' CORAL P~CI: ' al ns lnter•«llon wllh Piratl' Road, 111 1how n on Sheet 6 of 118.id Plans: Sl'lUG H ARBOR ROAD bet wetn Cl.tft Drive and the northerly line ot Clay Street. u shown on Sh~la 4 and II of u id Pl&n.11: CLAY STREET al all tnlerllt'cllon with Snu, H arbor &arl. 119 11hown on Sheela 4 a.nd ~ of said Plan11; SIGNAL ROAD between Cliff Orlvt and l'e northerly line or 10th Street. a.1 11hn"'ll on Shetl e or 11.1d Plan11. ALLEY IN BLOCKS "C" A ND "H .. QI-' SAID TRACT NO l'.ll9 fnr Its t'ntire lf'ng'th, u shown on Shret 12 of u ld Pl11.n11: F:ASF.MENT over 11nd ac-rosl' thr north· eastrrly ~ fl!tt or Lot J 2. Blork "H". l'll1rt Trsr l 1219. bl'lWf'rn lhe Alley tn Blnck11 "C" 11nrt "H". 11ald Tract 1219, an<I tht 11oulherly lint of aa.ld Lol l 2. M l hOIA'TI on Shel'l 12 nf M lti Pl11n11; lR\'INE AVENt;E b~lwtcn the northusterly ltne o( th•• flrsl Alley nnrtheut· <'rly (If Clay St rel't a nd the imuthwt11terly ltne nf Clay ~l rt('l, u l'hown on Sh••t :l of Al\lrl Pli\n!'., F:ASF.:l«ENT nver e n(! arross lhl' wuth· wr"t f'rly ~ tett or Lot 1 H . l!lltd Tr11r t 1218, btlW!"tn Clay SI re,.t 11nrl tht flr11l Alley ~nnherly nf C l11y Slrtet. 111 P.hown nn Shetl 4 of 111\ttf Pl11n11, EAl'!EMF.NT m·t'r 11n1I &C'Ms11 thl' eulerl.v ~ fet l nr Lot 33. """:I Tract 12:?0. ~tWtPn Cl•Y Stret't Md I hi' flr11t A li"Y northl'rly n( C"l11y St rl'tl. 11~ sh<'"'ll rin !'lhtrt 4 of 1111id Plans: The ron1truct1on ot \'llr1tled rlar plpt 1111nltary •ewer•. weldf'd ateel rare 118.llit&ry eewrr•. c1111t iron pipe 11&nitary "wera, con· r rete •nr hor blork11. 11pp11rten· anceio and appunensnt work In EASEMEJ\"T over and 3t'rO!!l! the westerly II feel ot Lot 5. M id Tnct 1210. and lht westerly :, feel nf Lot 7. Block "E". •ald Tract 1219. •• •hown on Shert 16 of 1alt1 Pl111\ll, EASEMENT over RJ\d 11r roS11 lh .. wuterlv II feet of Lot !16 and the eui. ,.r\y II ffft <'If Lol 57, H ld Traet 1210. and thf wnterly II fttl of Lot '2 and the .. ut- eri\· 5 fret c>f I.ol 43. Bl°"k "I':". n ld Tr11rt 121!1. u 3hown c•n !lt\t'!'l HI rr( 1111 lol Pl11n1, The con11.Nct1on ol cast Iron pipe 1111mtuy 11ewtr •nil •rp11r1en· 11nru •nd 11ppurtt11ant work In STATE HIGH\\'AY IORA 60-BI •<IJ•rrnt to lht' wr~trrly llnM , or Lot11 I\ ~I 11ntf M .,, u ld TraN 1210 The ('On11truct1on of welded attel I pipe 111Qltary aewera, concrete llnchor blncks. app11rten•nrte and II 1ppurt..uit work ltt . ·l,EGAL NOTICI . 1 UGAL NOTICI -----------------i-----------------1tA.8&MltNT to aa an1I• point; U\wnce .ovu and M:l'OM Lota 2G to 30. j nort.heuterly a t an &l\fle of lncluatvf, aad a portion df Lot u • to Mid lut coune O 31. a&ld Tra.ct UU, t>eln~ 5 feet to an 1.1111• point; feet on eacll 8ide of llle fol· l b t n c e n o r l b "• 1 t • rly lowtnr· delcrlbed u nlu line I fNl lo a point on a llnt Bec'lnn!nr al a point In tht parallel wit.II and 100 feel north ... lerly llne or eald norlhweattrl)' of the north· Lot 20, 10 ffft nort.hwululy weatfrly llnea of Lota 1 and of Ila nor llleule,rly comer; 2. ea.Id Tract 1221, nld point thence IOUl.b-1tel'IY 3• feet bein&' 81 ffft IOUthwe.lerly of to an anflt point; thence the IOUUIWMlerlJ' llne of Clift aouthweaterly t8 fffl to a Drive 10 fert wide: thencr point In the nort.heuterly contlnulnr on 11.ld Jul courN llne of eald Lot 21, 110 fffl 201 feet lo a point In a line aoutheulerl)' of It• north· pu&lleJ with and 300 feet w .. tttly line; thence aoulh· northwuttrly or eald north· weeterly to a point In the we.terly llnea of Lota 1 and northeuterly line of Lot 2:. 2. 1aHI point w1nr l 1' ttet 110 fHt IOUlheuterly of It• aouthwetterly of aald aouth· nort.hwultrly line; thence In wuterly llne of aald Cllff a atralrht llne to a point In Drive. thence northerly 82 the norlheulerly !Ille of H id feet to an angle point: thrnct Lot 23. 103 feet aouthuatcrly northweaterly to a pulnl In a ot Ila northwuterly lint: llne parallel to allld lut men· thence westerly 27 fett lo an tloned paraJltl line and 176 an(lc point; thence aouth· feet norlh'lteslerly lht'rf'Of. weaterly to a point In the I IAld point being 66 reel 11011th· northea,aterly line or said Lot wuterly <1f said aouthwuterly 24, 94 fHl aoutheuterly or llne of Cliff Drtve; u ahown tta northwuterly hne: thence on Shttt 13 ot ..ah! Plans: Ill • atralghl hne 121 feet EASEMENT pa.uang through a pomt '" ovrr anfl acroSB Lot 22. u ld the northr.uterly line of aaad Tract J 210, and Lota 20, 19, Lot 20. 97 fett aoutheuterly and a portion or Lot 18. Block ot IUI northweattrly line to an "E'', Hid Tract 1219, btlng l'l an.gle point; thence norlh· frPt on each side of the fol· WC4ltrly to a point In the lowing center line: bl'glnnlng northeaeterly line of said •l a point In the eulrrly hnl' Lot 211, 80 feet 1outheulerly oC said Lot 22. anti llf'proxl· of Ila nor1J1weaterly line; n1•lely I 13 fut northerly or lhenc:e aouthweaterly •0.5 feet II.a southerly line; then1·e al to an &nfle point In ll&Jd Lot an anrle oC 11:1' J';'' north· 211; thence aouthwe1lerly lo westerly 20 fut t o an angle a point In the aoulhwuttrly point: thenre northweete1 ly line of nld Lot 29, 12 ft'el 21 Ceel to a point In the .11outh· aoutheuterly of It.a north· erly line or ea.Id Lot 20. aatd weaterly line; thence aouth· Block "£'', 10 feet weaterly weaterly lo a polnt ln the ot IU euterly line: thence northeuterly IJne or Hid Lot north 24 • west 15 feet: thence 28, 99 feel eoutheuterly ot It• northwesterly 42 f~l to an northwuterly line: th t n c e angle polnl; thence northeul· continuing on sa.ld laat ml'n· erly at 11n angle of 61 ' lo lloned courae 46 feet to an 1ald last mentioned cour11e 27 angle point: thence 11outh· f~t; thence euterly 8 feet to weaterly to a point In tbe a pe>lnt In the ea.slerly line of northtultrly line of 11&1d Lot Mid Lot 20. 72 feet aoutherly 29. 120 feet southeaalely or ot tt.s northerly line; thence its northwealerly line; lhence u .aterly In a direct line 79 continuing on aa\d lut men· feel pa.stung through a point tloried course 29 feet to an In the wuterly line of 11ud angle point; thence we11terly Lot 18. 72 fut aoutht'rly o( 77 teet lo a point In the ill northerly line; a11 1hown northeuterly hne of Hid Lot .-on Sheet.a 1• and 16 or said 30, 129 feel aoutheuterly of Pll.IU!; lta northerly line; thence EASEME1''T wuterly 8!5 fttt l,o an angle over and acrou Lota 20 to 2f. point; t hence weaterly 44 feel tnch.ialve, and a portion of to a point In the weaterly line Lot 30, Block "E", aald Tract ot n ld Lot 30, 13!5 feel aoulh· 1219, being II feet on ear h erly of lta northerly llne: 1lde of tht roUowlng ducnb· th~« continuing on •aid lut ed cenler llne! IUginnlng at a mentioned <'Ourae e feel Into polnt north 24 • west 1 :> tef!t uJd •Lot 31 ; u 11hown on from a point In the southerly Sheet II or •aid Plans: line ot 1ald Lot 20. 10 feet EASEMENT westerly of tta euterly line: over and 1crou Loll .c3. H thence northWPsterly In a di· and ~. Block "E ". aaJd Tract ttel line lo a point In the 1219, and Iota 2 lo II, lnclU1· wuterly hne of saaa Lot 21. Ive, 11.ld Tract 1221. and a Jt3 feel aoutherly of lls north· portion of Lot "A", Tract 919. erly llne; lhtnce norlhwt'Hler· u ptr map recoraeJ In Book ly In a clltfct line ln a JlOlnl 29. Pagea 29 to 34. Mlacel· In lht wtatrrly line of said Janeoua Map Record• of Or· Lot 22, 100 feet southerly of an.re County. II feet on each Ill! northerly line; thence west· aide of the following-described erly to a P')lnt In the euterly center llne: Beginning-al a line of tald Lol 24. 00 fet't point In the eulerly line or aoutherly of lt.s northerly a&Jd Lot 43, 117 feet aouth· line: lhenrt northwest!'rly to erly of Ill northerly line; a point In lht t'Ul!'rly line of thence northwuterly 69 feet N ld Lot 2:>. 70 reel aoutherl)' to an angle point: \.hence or 1ta northerly llne: thence northwuterly la a direct line wutrrly 48 feet to an angle to a .point In the we11trrly line point: lhenet' 110Uthwe11lerly of 1&.ld Lot 43. 70 feet aouth· 2!5 feet to a point In thl' eut· trly of lta northerly line: erly line of salrl Lot 26. 87 l hencr a t a right angle to the feel aouthf'rly of lt..t northerly eaeterly line of H id Lot H , line: thenre 110uthwe11ttrly to 19 feet : thence llOUthweaterly a point In the rastt'dy lme of al an angle of 31" to uld la•l aald Lot 27, 101 ft<'l eo11th· mentioned c<>une 43 feet ; erly of lt11 northerly lint ; thence In a alralghl line to a thenre welll<'rly 28 ftel tn an point In the westerl]I line of angle point: thence northwest· Hld Lot 44. 89 teet •outhttly erly 40 fret to a point In lhr of IU northerly line; thence easterly lint ot said Lot 28. conllnulnf on aald cour1e 20 14 feet aoutherly of It.a north· feet to an angle point: thence erly llne: lh1mce northweater· weaterly 114 feet to a point In ly 43 feel to an 11ngle point: the wuterly llne <'f Hid Lot lhenct we11ltrly 3!5 feet lo a 411. 95 feet 11outherly of Its J>Qjnt In the we!llerly ltne of northerly lllM': thence north· 1ald Lot 28. 59 feet eout herly westrrly 28 feet to an angle or It.a northerly line: lhenre poJnt: thence Wt'lllerly at an norlhweeterly 60 fl'l'l lo an angle of~· .C!I' to H id Jut angle 'liolnt; thrnce no1th· couriot', 1\7 ftel ; thence In 11 Wl'Rlrrly 11t In •nRle nf 11;• 11trillght line to • point In the to Mid IMI rou1·11e 211 feel to wtsterly line of •aid Lot 11. an 11ngle po1nl: themP north· 9!1 fPl'l southerly of Its \\l'llttrlv I.I! ri-e1 thrn11i:h " northtrly line: thencr l'OUlh· point In the l':v!ttrly hn" nf westerly 30 feet lo ~n angll' Mid TAt :JO. 26 feet :'tn11thrr1y f'IOlnt; thenre northwf'11terly at of ll11 nrirthrrly lln!'; 1\8 i<hn\\'n an 11nglf' of 3 4 • ln Hid last on Sheet 14 of 111url Pl11n11. coury 41 feet: lhrnre 1n 11 F.ASEME:\"T straight line to a point in the 11vn 11nd 11croM Uit.11 32 to •~ wuttrly line of 11a1d Lol JO, 1nrh1a1\·e. ant1 a porl1nr1 c>( Lot 73 ferl 11outherly or lt11 north· 31 , Block "f:''. "atll T ract rrly llnr; thenre Wt'lllerly tn 1719, betn1t ~ feet un M<'h sltJ,. a pnlnl In the w1•11\rrly line or of the (nJ11>w1ni; ••r~nlhe•I 11&1d 1.ot II, 71 fe!'t 1outherly center linr l1r~mn1ni: a t " fl( ill nnrlherly llnr. lhenre J"Olnl In th" WN;l rrh• llnr r>f nonhwt11tl'rly In 11 rt1r•ct line 1111ld Lot 4Z 11n<I 117 fl'Pt 119 feet lo an 11nirlr point ; llllUthnly nr 1111 nnr1h1·rlr lhC'nce 1n a t11rt<'l llnl' to 11 Ian .. ~ I hPn• ,. nnrl '11·11~1 >'rly tH point In the wuterly llne <>f fl'et t<> an 11ni;lr pnlnl, lhl'nrr •aid Lot 8. 70 !tel """~htrly In & striugh\ hne ~!\ frl't 10 of ita northerly lln!'. thf'nre In I " point In thl' l':t.,tt'r ly fin,. nf a •tralght llne Ill a point in U Hi 1..ot 47. 124 lrl'l 110111 hnly thr northwutl'rly tine of 11&1d l ot 11 11 nn1 I hl'rl~· hn•·, I ht"nre Lot 7, J 1(1 r,.el ..outhwe11terly A011lhea~t,..rl.r In a pnlnl on I he n( lt11 northeaJJlf'rly line. IH.'!ltrly lint oC J1111<I Lot 411, thence norlhwesterlv ~3 fe!'l 146 feel 11011lh"llY or HA nurlh· to an angle r<>lnt. lhtnce tr1y hnr. lhrnc' 11outheutt rly northwi-aterly 11t sn 11.n1:le or :lr1 re,.t t<> 11n 8nglr point. U ' 30' lo Mld IOl'l l'O\lrl'I, lhl'TICI' ~nUlhtll:<lerly 38 f,.f'I 30 ft'et; thenre nnr1 hei1St,rly to a point In th(' "'"Slt'rly line to a point an \111" northrrly or 11a1cl Lot !\Ii. 1117 fl'rt 11nt1th· lint of 11111d Lol 6. 1!'1 ft't't t r Iv o( 1l• norlhrrly llnr. wutl!rly of Its "'"'ll'rly lln" thrnr e 111111th"'"l"rly 1111 fprt thence nc>rthwe,.tei ly !\2 feet II) Bii f\nJ?'I" prnnt. thenrt to an 11nitl" polnt : lhtnr e to norlhl'Mlt'rly H feel ra11~1n~ I he rl1thl on sn "nJl:ll' of 32• throuirh a PQ\nt 1n th~ W<'lll· to !!llltt la•l mtnt1nnr1I cour11e, rrly hne of ~Ahl Lnt :II!, 1110 H fttl tn an 1ngl,. pe>lnt . re,.l l'OUlhl'rly of 11.)1 norlh· lhtnee ncirlhl'rly 111 fl't't to a erly llne: thenre noMhl"r ly 111 p<11nt In the northt"rly luw <of 1.11 angle nf (Ill t o 11alrl la111 si.hl Loi II 120 f"t'I w1.,•tnly rour11e 41 ft'"I If• 11n anit lt ut 1lll f'Mlerly tine. lhtn~ point; then"° ('&.JOterly 47 rtet n1>flht'a111erlv ln a point In tht to a point In th,. wutnly nnrl h,.otvrly hn«' of .. 111 U.t llne or 11111.1 Lot 3; lf)l ftt'l 4 10!\ 1:1 fef'l n()rthw,.11ttrly 1111u1herl~' Of ill north'lly nf 1111 11outhl'll..lll'rly llne, I lml'; th,.nn .• ta11lerly 1'16 fttt tht!n<'' northeutrrly lo a I" an 11nJlf p<ilnl . lhtnl'" llUlnl In the northf'11111erly line southl'IUlrrly I!\ ff l'l In • of A id Lot :t, lOl'l frf'l norlh· 1 point In thi-w .. iolerly lint nt w•t.erTy of Ila .Outheulerly H id Ult 36. 123 ferl l()Uth· llnit; thtnce rontlnulnJ on rrly of II • nnrthf'rl\' llnr 1a1d cour11e l:i fee1 tn an anrl• I thtn~' 1 on.in•llnv; on ~l\Jfl po4nt: UMec:e -u-t1 ta IN!f. rou,..... Ill r .... l t1> 1U1 a11glt LEGAL NOTICE point: thence -..terly 53 fffl lo a point In t.be we.1tnly llne of eald Lot ~. 136 fttl IOULb• erly of lta northerly line: thence tn a dlrttl line to a point In th• eu terly line of Ah'l Lot 3.'I, 143 feel • IOlltl\· erly of lta northerly Une; lhencl! In a <lirec:t line to a point 1n tht euterly lln• of II.Id Lol 34, I t3 f«l IOU th· erly of Its northerly line: thrnce cont1nu1nr on nld cour1e 29 fefll. lhtnce (IOrtb· euterly at 1n ang le of 83• to aald ltut' cour.!lt 78 fttt lo an a ngle point: tqence north· ea.stuly at 11n angle of 27' to Hiii llUll l'OUrll~. 36 fetl; t h e n r t t'A&terly p a• • l n g through a point ln the weat- ei ly ltne. of Hid Lot 32. !l8 f!'tl .11011lhPrly of It.a no~th· t i ly llnl': A lllal&nre ot 63 fef'l , th<'lter 11ou1 he11terly at an llngl ... ~·f Al • 4S' to said Iii.Ill l'OUll!lf, 2'.i ft!et; thl"nt"e ~1)11lhta~terl)' 11· an anglt of 60' JO to 1111ld la11t rounr, 20 fet>t ; thrnrt 11l nn angle of fl!\' 1:.· to ""Id lut course 49 fl'rt . lnPnre souUit'Ulerly wl an e nglr f'f 34• l!> ll\ 11111d IMt rourae ti'> . t hent'r rw11Hh· eu tC'rly pn~~mi:: tllrcoui;h a po111t 111 I h P WP~lerly llnt nl J111\1I Lnl :\1, l(I fttt !IOllll\· ci ly of lb norther I)' hnl' · the-i• e t'l)ntm•nng nn l'uhl rn11rllf!' S '"ti. l!l' shr'" n on Sh!'et H nl s111,1 Planio , EAS!!:ME:-;T over anll 8l'ros11 Lo111 8. 9. anti lll. lllrwk "O", a nll a 1>or· lion nf Lo t I, Rlll<'k "E". 111.ltl Trttrl 1 Z19 hemg II f rtl on l'llCh side of th!' following de· 1crlbed cenler llnc: BtG'Jnnlng al a point 1n the euterly line of llUld Ult 8, 2 S fl't'l llOUlh· l'rly of its northweaterly llne; thence 11outhweeterly pllr11llel to 11n.ld norl hwe11terly lint 5 feel; l.hrnce aoulhwesterly 45 rut to an angle point, thence 1K1ul hwt!11terly 94 feet to a point In the •out htrly lint of tt11l<1 Lot 8, 9~ fut easterly or It" westerly line: thence llOUlh· erly 30 retl ta an angle point; lhenre l!OUlherly 38 ft'fl \o a pmnt 1n tht aouth· erly line or aald Lot 9, 80 feet eult'rly of Ila weal· erly line; thcnre 11outheut· trly 40 feet to an angle point; lhtnct 11outhe111erly 30 feet to a polnl In the southerly hnl! of lla1<1 Lot 10. 71\ reel f'Mlerly oC Its Wtsterly line; lhenre rt)ntlnulng on 11111<1 courn !I ftort Into u h1 Lot 1; 11.11 1hown on Sheet 1:1 of uld Plan11; EASEMENT over a.111.1 a cruaa Loi.JI 8 l() 16, tnrlu~1ve,11nd a portion of Lot 17. Block "I-:'. u ld Tracl 1219. ~111g r. Cetl "n ear h 11111c ol the f11llow1ng 1IP11crib· N 1·entPr llnl' Al'glnn1nir at • point In 1111' l'AStrrly lint ut u1t.1 Lot 81 103 fl'f't southerly ot Its northt'1 ly llne. th encl' weatcrly In a direct lln' to a point In lhe westerly llne of nltl Lot 10. 110 feet 1011th· trlj' 1St 11.11 northerly line; thence r ontmu1ng on 11a1d course 2 '""' · I hencr south· Wl'lltrrly 1:1 feel to a.n angle point. thenre llOUthweaterly Ml fePl lo • pWnl in tht! WU!· erl)· hne or ~11\d Lot 11, 136 ltt'l ll011lh!'rl)' of lls oorlhtrly hnr, thence Wt'8\l'rly 1n a Ill· rect hne lo a point an the westtrly lint or said Ult IJ. 123 rrrt it11utherly or llll north· nly line, thence nor lhwe11t· Prly ~>4 fret to a n anglc-prJrnl . thence norlhwi-11terly 28 frtl ~ lo a point In lhl' wutei ly llne ot 111ld Lol H . 1!3 feet 1011th· rrly of 1111 northerly line, lh~ncl' t•ont1nu1ng on io111rl tourlle 6 frtl to an angle p<t1nt. lhtncr 11ot1thWt'~tPrly r.9 reel l1> nn 3ngl,. point . th•'n"" "°'"'•lerl y Bl an angll' llf 64 • 30 to ftBlcl last .. 011r11r 34 fePt Ill" point an the wtlll· !'riv line of ~•d Lot I~ 122 f~Pl 11ouUtnly of lta northerly hnl', l hl'nrl' <'nnttnulng on 11a1d u 111rse J.'I frN IC> 11 n anR le point. lht'ncr n .. rthWN•ll"rly al "" 11nRle 01 3i' :Ill 10 ~~,ti lRl!l <'lllOl l'< t\ •h~lllnCt' or H 'frl't ttJ 11n '111.r,-!1• l)J1nt. th"!'!•,. nr1rth\.\r11trrJ\• ,;s IPl"l tll 11 p111nl 111 lllf' "".;l,.rly lln•• 11( -~Riii I.Al Ill 6n fr"'I llflUlhNh' of 1111 n11rlh!'rly llnr; thrntr 1·11nt1n111ni: 1111 11111rt <'Our 11 .. I\ (t'el min "••l•I [,nt 17, "" 11htl\\ n c>n Shr1•t I!'> nf "~ ltl r111n~ LEGAL NOTICI l c,..te -11chor block•. appurtfnano- ee 111 ll'jll>Urtena.nt work In EASEMEN"l' onr and a<'roaa the nurtll· l'Ull"rl)' 6 f~l of Lot H . M id Tract 1218. betwffn St. Jan1H Ptat-t and a line a pproximate· ly 86 feel aoutheulerlY there- fro m: u .nown on Sheet t or eald Plan.1; EASE:M!:NT over a.nd acl'Olll lhe norll\· l"Ultrly 5 feet of Lot 2. aald Tr•ct 1221 'be'wffn Klnir'• Road and the northewemterly line ot 11a1d Lot: •• •hown on Shttl 18 O( aald Plan1: !;ASEMENT over and arro.. th• north· euterly () fl!tl of Lot 20. aald Trar\ 1218. belwffn 171.h Strrcl •nd the northwtaterly lint of 11aJd Lot; u ehown on Sh!'t'l 8 of H id r1ans; The ron~truclton of w elded 1lffl pip• 11an1t11.ry •~wera. cut Iron pipe aan1tary lft>Wer11, concrett an· chor b\IK"k, 1ppurtenancea and •P· purten1111l work In I EASEMENT ovt'r and act01111 the westerly :I fet'l of Lot 21. 1ald Tract 121(1, betwi-en l:O&Jil Highway I 1Starr Hl~hwuyl and a line •rrro lntatc\y ll2 feet north· erly lhrn•rrr>m , 1111 shown on Shttl 16 o{ 111u,1 l'l&ns: Thr ronalrucllnn o( weldl'rl 11lec'I pipe fl\llll8ry 11rwtrs, a ppurtrn· ant'l'll and app11r1rn11nl work '" EASE MF.NT ovtr &nd aero11A Lots 1 to 19. lnclu11lve. ~Id Tract 1218. btlnr 6 Ct'tt on each aide of the follow Ing dtst ribfod ren- ter lint. Beglnnlng al a point on the llOUlhweatcrly line of aaJd Lot 19. 1111lil Tract 1218. 10 ftet northwuterly or the aoulhruttrly llnf ot u ld Lot 19: thence northeaaterty lo a point In the norlhWl'llltrly line or 111.1d Lot 19, 154 tect north· eutrrly of Ila wt11terly line; thence northerly 47 feet to an anrle point; lhtnce north· westerly 81 feel lo a poinl 1n· the northwetlerly llne oC Hid Lot 18, 107 feel norlheuterly of 1ta aouthwtaterly line; thence lo a direct line to a pollll an the northwuterly tfne of aa.ld Lot J 7, e• feet north· eaaterly ot It• aouthwe•lerly llne; thence In a direct llne to a pofnl In the Wt11lt'rly line of aald Lot 1e. 79 feel north· erly o( illl aouthtrly lint : thence In a direct lint' to • point i11 the we11terly line of Hid Lol 16, 9-0 reel northerly of ll• 90Utheulerly llne, thrnce In a direct line to a point In lht' 1outhwe1terly lint of aald Lot 13, 75 feet north· we11terly or 1t11 l'Outheaaterly line: tbtnct cont mulng 17 ft'et to an 1mgle point: thence 100Ulhwt1<ll'rly 43 feet Lo a point In thl' 11outhwe1lterly hne M .•1tltJ Lot 12, 80 ftel north· "'f'l!trrly nf Its 11011the11..~tf'rly lint>; thrncc so11t.hwe11trrly 44 ftt't to an an~le polnl ; thence northwt'•lerly II! fret to a point In I hr w,._trrly lint of l..,l 11. 7R r,., 1 n11tlhrrly ut Ill! llUlltherl}• line: thenre 1n 11 •hrrrl Jlne ttJ a point In lhe northwesterly lml' or aalrl Lor In. ii (r~t nnrl hra.sterly or 1t11 Mt1lhwe11terly line; thenee In a rl1rrrt linC' to ll polnl In lh,. n1111hw,.111rrl)· line or lil!llJ Lnl 'l 74 f1 t'I nnrlhl'11irtrrly or ll3 i<Olllh\\tllterly hnl', thrnrr 1·n:-1Unu1ng lln ~1d l1111l mPnt1one11 rourllt 39 fel'l to 1n Angle point . thrnr t wriot· .. 1 I)' In 11 •llr"< t hne 11~ fret ti) II prnnt In lhr w"i;tl'rly llnl' or H l•I L1>t i , 82 fl'tl m•rlh<'rly nf ala 11u11lhtrly line: thenre wrl!l!'1ly In a dirtrl hn,. t11 a 1•11nl in the Wt"lllerly line ttf 11a1'1 Lnt 0, R'.? (t't'l n~thrrly 11t Iii! l'OUlhl'rl.Y llnl'; tho•n•,. southweiolerly 1n 11 •Irr l'<'l ltnP tn n point In the l'(lll\h\\'P!ltrr ly 11111' of 1111111 [,Ill J. 6~ (rpl n"rl hWl"•tHly o( 1111 !1<1111 ht' HSI •·r ly hnt. th••n('t• In II point 1n I ht 11out hwrst,.rly JIOP ut !'Bit) 1...ot 2 ~9 f Ptl n"rthwrl'lf'fl\' of al~ l'\Ollth· •'lllllrrly lrnl''; therl<'P l'onllnu· lni: on 1111t•l < our•r 11t111Unvt11t · l'rly 1-:' J i f• <'I , n • ~hown 11n ~htrl 1' of l'IAlll Plttn~. Thr rnn'<tn1r11on nf wPl•lt"<l 1<1""' LIGAL None• public beaetlt. and .id City Cowl· ell lltntby makM tllt C09ta -d Ul>flMN ot A.ld "''otk or ampro .... menl dlarJoble upon a diM.rict Wl\ICI\ diatnct &aid Qty CouncU IM!ftbY <t.clatta to be tM ~ 'o be ---* to Jl&,1 Ult eoM.I and l',XJ>ft!llCll t.heN"Of. 9aid 4i&a- t.rlcl la dMcrlbed by a IDap llldl· cat~ by a boundary ltne tM •· tfDt of tht' ttrrttory lnclUded Ill Ult prosio-ed dl1t.r1ct, 1u1111a..r.d tU·A, cona11unr of t llMIU, which la on me ln tht Otftoa et the City ~eer Md &a tM Ot· nee of \.bt CltJ Clertl. The laid map '° Olt tilt llba1I '°""' tw all det&li. u to the u:lent et .aid ~ent dinrtct. AU ~ •lreeta o't alle)'I or porUOM U.... ot a re llereby ucepttd troM _.. dl.alficL SECTION L Thal Mrial be.di beutnr lnter.at at the rate et 11ll per cent (8~1) per ...,.u.m &hall be t.uued to reprtiNl'lt -.cti t.Me11ment ot Twenty-l ive DoUaN t'2!1.00), or more, rtmalnlftc •· pald for thirty (30) d&)"I trom U. dat.e of th• recordallon ol tlbe Warrant. Sa id aerial bond.a .... extend over a period endll\I .... 191 ytat1 from thr MCOnd da1 el Januuy neitl •ucreedlnr lh• nest Octobt'r fifteenth follow1n~ tbttr datt. P11ymenta on the prtnclJ)9J ol unpaid UHumenta and lnlenet 11ha.ll ~ m11de by proptrty ownera to th11 City Treuurer and * MmP .ahall he dl•bul"Md by Mm, a.ll u provlded In the .. lmpl"Clft- ment Act of 1911", henftlalter.,.. terred to. SECTION 11. Tbat aoUct 11 hereby gh'rn that Monday, .._ 22nd day of Aucu-t, 1966, at the hour ot 7:30 o'cloclt' P.X ., Putfle Dayllrhl Bavtnr T\ma. la th& day and hour, and U. OIMaaalJ Chambena In the City Hall In the City of Newport BMU, 11 the place tlx\d ~ aid City Council when and wbere any and all pef.ona havtnr UI)' proletl.I or objec:t.IONI to the pro- poeed work or lrnprovem-.it, OI' to the einent ot the dlltricl. or both, or to the propoaed Jnde, m&)' a p- pear ~fort th• Council 1111d eow cauae why a&Jd propoeed impro.,.. menl a}\.ould not be carried out ln ac~ wtth thi. ReeotlJ. lion. SECTION 41. That tbe proceed· 11111 for the atoruatd lmprowa- ment 1hall ~ had and taken under and In a ccordan._ wlUt the "Im- provement Act o(. 1911", belns D1vialon 1 of Ute St.rwU and Highway• Code ol lh• stai. of California. SECTION 7. The prooMdJJll'• for lhla improvement ha.. ~a lnatltuted upon Ult ~­ tlon of the Health Officer for the City ot Newport a.&eb. That trom a publlc bealth lllalldp()t•t M. II adviaable and urrer1l that Mnl· tU, aewert and ar>f11J11.enancw bl' conatrurtrd within the aboYe df'· 11lgnated are& ll'IUMdi&telJ uid that the ln1l!t'6Uon of lmpl'OV.· mrnt proce«llf\6• " ,__,)' H a health meu ure.. 'nlal Mid r,.. mmmendatlon w u made JIW'•U&llt to Section 2108 ol the ~ 8tNet1 and Hlthway1 Code. Tit• Mtinlat· ed coal o( ttie tMt>to••n•ll 18 S2l:U8'113. SPJCTION I TMit 90tlicea ol the adoption of Oii• Relolutlon •hall be malled. roe~· prepaid. by the City Clenr to all JM'tllOlla owning relll property propoeed tn ~ •1111cN!'d to pay any pert ot thf coat ol ~ work, wlloee n&mN and a1ldr.--appe&r Oft t~ .._. equa.llz~ .-trme11t roll, Of' u knO"'ll I t) the Clerk . 11 pro~ty u11et10M by llle State \mdM' 81!1"· t1on 14 ot Article XW Of the C<'n· slltullon la propoaed to be aaae-· NI. rrnr h nnllc• M al.I be malled tn e't'TY owner ol invti property at the t\rlrlr~• ti.ertot allown on t.h.. lut Board roll tran•mllted to th• County Auditor and that the 811· perinll'nde.nt of l!ltreela M&JI C&UH to be con1plt'uoual1 po.ltd alona the line of n .ld contemplated work or Improvement Uld oa aJl open •lrtt>t• w ithin the dlatrlrl bbl• 1 to be Ull(' .. ~. nollcH of lh• p&M· 11.~e of thla Re11.,lutlnn. all In lll• I manner and In th11 form ntqulrM hy hlW ~FXIION t The C1ty Clerk llhA JI f'l'rlrfy lo lh!' Jl.U&&Ke Of thl• R .. 11nl11t Inn an.J ah11ll caulf lhl' l'&mt' lo be p11bll1htd twice bv I pip.• •11n11a1y ""'-' 1•111. 11pp11r trn-lwn rnn11,.n1trvtt 11nrt 11 .. parAte In· l\nrl'll and nrpurt,..nlll"I wlll k m ~,.rtlnns In 1'1" "Nl':WP()llT HAR· liTll STkF;F:T rm R !llF:\\'~ PRF.~s· .. n'Wllpapu 11tlj11c • nt Ill 1'1" nflrl hr11iotrrh f'llhll~hNI a nti rlr<'11ltted In 111111 ltn" M IA~ 2n "'"'' Tr11 • 1 I'll\ Th,. f1111t puhhrou.lon .,.11,.11.,_ 121.I! 11n11 t h<• nu1 lbwr>1INI}' nlMlt' nl'll lr1111 th11n '"n t 101 tf•Y• llnl' of l,l'lt .I!, J'lr11·k "II'' '""" r1 1nr II') thr rial .. nf th"' public Trnr l 12 Ht. :0< •'1n11·n rm hf'>1 FlllR: 111 :1 I NI hrrl'ln 1 :1\S~:M F::\"T ~h,,r1 • .R, II n-,•I 1:, nf 11111d Af'l'f!ll\'F,l),.ntl A00 f"'J1!:0 thl• •l\ rr Rn•I n•·rn•• Lei\~ 3 to 7, f'l11r' 21\th <11\\' "I ,l11lv. I !1111'1 In• lrum·r :on•I" port1•1n nf l..n~ r1\SJ·~;.Jl '' I •<IP.A II IHI.I. ~ fllr"k II MltlTrn rt 12111. 01•rr l\ntl ll<I" '11• ''"'II•· t ~1\Yl lRllf lh,.("1\ynf h1•1nji:' fl ft'rl •>11 rRr-h ~1·1" M WMlt>1;lv Ill f .. , r ,,1• l.111 ~ :'\'1·wpnr1 Rr 11rti. C-•llf'lMll& t h" tnlln\\1nR •IC'.'<111hml r·rnt1r M l<I T1 .srl l'.,'.~I h '·'""n lhr A1"'T'~::-:T lln,. Rr1nnninr. at a pnrnl 1n nor.h,.,..,.,. lv I.,.. of M ltl MAP: I. llrJ1T thr ~outhr1,.·rrly fin,. of 11111•1 I.ot antf " h.,r :St:, (,.rl ..nlllh· Aflinl;' City 1·1,.rk IA•I ;, :) rt'rl "lllt hWl"S\Prly or w~~lrrl~· t' .... ''"" "" Ahu'l.n l'!TATF: ()Jo' <'Al,Jf.'()R:"IA I II.~ nr1r lh .. a.~t"1 ly hn ... lhl'n• ,, nn Shl"C'I~ 1:: nn•I II\ or .• 1111 ("()l .:\TY ()f" ()l'l.ANf;F: l nn~thw1 ~l!'t t)'-lt,-R pnlnl In Pl.in~ t <~rn· f'lf' l\"F,\VPOP.T RF.AC~ 111.. t h,. J111llllhr11.~lc1'y hnr n( M lif T hr 11•.•11rf11r·1nt: n( lhr tr,..nrh In , I, MAF.: I. HOJT. Arllnjf Cit' l,nl r. 1!10 rrrt nnrlhrAi<l"1ly lhr •lll""I• 11 ntl r1,:tht• nr '''"''" f"lr rk r.r lh• l"tly "r !°l:l'~rt uf 11 s •1111th" ,.~I rd~ llnr whl'r .. 1n Rf1or('nil"nll<•n• .. 1 """ ·lliry ne11< h, 1"11llf•1rn111. rir1 H F:'RP:BY thl'n• e nnrlhWl',ttrly •A ftPI "'" .. r,. Ill" ru11111r111 lf"d ("f:RTfFY I h•l the forl'frl)lnJ Re- i o nn an~:r f"\\n\ thl'nrr Rf.I 'Tl():-f 2 Thnt 1tl1 nt r hi' •1111111111'1 :\n 4.1M wn& •lulv Wit! Wt Al l'l'lY 7 4 Irr:· tn 11 point In work 8 (11rrs1wt "h" II hr <fnnl" ln 1 <'l?'11t111 I\' 14•lnrt r.1. I"' ..., .. 11 11.ntl ar · t h,. nnl lhWl'•l<'rly 111\P nf 1131\1 1\1 rr11•\"n1 r With 11nol l1t lhf' ~111111'• 11111•.t"I I•\ lhl" l '\IV 1·r111nrli nf \h<I Lot 6. I.I~ f .. rl nnrlh"ll"trth· ~h••\\'11 '•II !'Ian "" 11 1. Non•l•llnj( ('11\' 11( :"• "'P"! l:rnrh. •l a,..... o~ fl ~ 1n1rthwr11lr11v lln•• nf 17 •h""'" rn f1l r an lh,. l1ff1r r 11lar 1"'"'"•0:: 1,f 1111 1•1 f"ltv f"nunrll lhtn1•1• W<~trrly In I\ Jl('llll In nf thP I'll\' P.111:111••••1 Rn•! r''Ct o•rt at !hf' rr l:t1l11f m""'lftjt plKrf' thl'r~· the 1111uth1·11.~!f"1ly linl' 11f M id n• 11lh• r'Allh f•ltl\'l•lo"I on 1trtl I 1>f ""' ltll• 2!\th tl1tV 11r July l!W'>I\, 1.ot 4. 7~ Cer t norlh,.A •\etlv l'Jnn 111 f11111,.1 """'"'"'"\\Ith hv 11 ... f• llo.v.mr.: ''"''' In wit Of It.a imuthr1ly llnr-. thrnce th,.. ~1•rrira .. 1111un' t•ir "'l•I W'lrk A' f.!' t"•.un• 1lm"n Wl'•lnly to fl r•nnt In thl' rn\1\l•••I "Sil"' 1'1 .tl111ns f•,r 1lo1-ll~ ,--.;~;-rr \\'JLl>Jo:R MAr v.r11!erly hnr <•f 11~1·1 Lot 4 n.n•trn•l11in .,, ~an1111ry S1·""r~· KA,. !'Tl1l1J1Alt!• HIGBTP; ill f"l'l nnrth,.rly nf 1111 ionlllll 1n 1'111( l•rt\r 11n1I 1·,.,u1in \llh<>r Hl l•l ·~:1~11111 1111.t. ,,,,. llnr. lhrnrP wr1<t rrly nn ~lr••l't~ A ll"v~ 11nd F:11io,,rn1>nU" N11~·K '"••1n• llfl1"l1 Uhl l"<IUl'"t' :I';' fl'Pl l<> nn ao-•in (llr 111 (111• I 1tt1,.,. •1f lh•· •111<1 ;-\< 1'\I-~ ~Ir f•llnl. tti~rire '<>•llhw•'•I· ('11\' l-!11 1•1111·1>1 n11•1 111 rh .. n rt11 ~ AB~~-,.T 1 .. n• 1ln,1·11 l'rlv 41 fl'"l t n •point fn th~ nf lh .. t 'rly 1'l•1k -"'"="~· "ruolerh· lin<' of salll Lo\ 2 S1t11I l'l11n An1I RP"'''""'''•"• 11r" l•A'n ;11 rt11• 2r.1h ''"v of ,,,,.,, 110 ftf'l nl)r'thw .. a1erly of It• her .. tiy rl'fH'r,..I '" f11r 11 full 11nrt II'~·' M1uthe&1lerly lint'. thtnr,. c-on de\rul"'t •l,11•·npl ion .. r 1111hl pr!•· ~11\ F. I. J1(1JT t1n11lng nn 11111.S ro11r"e 4 fflf't J'Ol!Ptl ""rk nr 1111prtJ"""'"l'l'll -.n.i i\CTJi-:r: ('fTY ('LltRK nf lnlo .4Ald Lnl 7. AJt 11110 .... ·n on ror t h,. proJ1<111!"l r;:r111IM lh,.rMt rh" I'll\' of -.:~ ... ·rv•rl Rloel"h, ~h"""l l!5 of N iil Pl1n1. SFX'TIOS 3 Tn~l lht ~111rl rQn· C'11l1forn1-. The ron11trutl1on <If Vllrlfltd l"mplaltrf wr,rk nr 1mprm•,.mf'nl 1Rl-:A I , 'l11y p1rr un1t11ry 1rw,.r11, Wt!lr!l'd tn -th,. 'lpln111n of 1111111 t'lty r'nunrll. :-;,. 1.1 tn 11tffl pipe 11anllary n wer1, eOfl· la ot more thaa to.a w ordinary New•·f',.... f/111. ~.II, 19&1 I • ' I ' TijANKS FOR THE MEMORIES Thia can wen tbeme-eong boatlng training received from Newport Harbor High School District'• eummer recreation camp off Coaat: Highway in Newport Beach when the program end• next week. Here, from left. are Donna Cock, Roger. Barron, Richard Barron, Dabnf'y Wat.eon, Cynthia Kirchen, PauJ Hastie and Joan Bush. -Staff Photo MUSTA CUR\'ED ME -Anyway Jim Smith, batting tor the Coata Mesa Park B Am!rican League Tigers, wasn't able to get his club on much of anything when he took this 11wing. But just like all the Harbor area kida, he'a right in there trying all the way. -Sta!! Photo LOWLY B LOOP NINE LIVES UP TO NAME I ALL-STAR GO AT MESA SUNDAY You .ion't ha\•e to go lo a m11Jor lu~u' or <.:oast Ua- gul' bueb11ll park to ha''" 111 lhe lhrillt and ~hill• ron- Ungtnt lo a dtlunond 1111-star classic. Ju11t travt'I lo C:o11la Meu P11rk comP 2 pm. Sun· 1111\• when HRl'l>Or Boy'11 Cluh hnli1ll Its B LeRglle All·Star (nty betwrl'n lhe N11llon11l11 and An1erlcans. M&stermlnding mentora tor the 11~rhng conflict are Bob Blackwtll and 0. 0 . Ander· i on tor the Nata, Francia Clllman and Ormy Crank tor the Americans. Athletic Director Rod MacMtlltan 1ald the locker room will open at 12 :30 I'm. l'l11yers are ached· ultd to be on the fltld at l p.m. HAT TIME! Tournaments Engage local County Nines Baseball tourney time gets underway for Harbor area youth teams this weekend. At 11 :15 a. m Saturday, the H.ar- bor Boya' Club Junior nine faces Cine Yost in the Buena Park Junior tournament. ~in or Jose, they will play winner or loser of the Orange.-Ana.- beim fray. ·Monday night at 7 p. m. In the Anaheim American Legion Junior tournament, N e w p o r t Harbor tanglu w1th G a r d • n Grove. A11 a tlnaJ ..-rmup for the tourney, the Harbor team h.aa a pracUce ,ame t1ehedultd with HunUn~on &ach at Calta Mua Park Sunday •• Game Ume 11 11 a.m. MESA IN ACf Glanh Become Killen: Edge Past Pirates, Defeat Braves Rod MacMllllan, aW.Uc dlrec· tor ot Harbor Boy1' Chab, ll cur- rently drawing up patrinr• In the Co1ta Mesa Midget t.oum•· ment 1che?uled to be&1n next P'rtday. Living up to their names by suddenly becoming Giant Jcillent, Harbor Boys' Club B Baseball Giants moved into Na tional League contention early this week. They edged put the Pirates 6-5 Tueaday, t hen knocked off the loop leadin1 Braves 5--t Wednesday t o take OVet' third apot. Best toumey chance for the locaJ lads appeant to be In the Midget dlampnd doings. There they have two team11 enterf'd, th• ~di and Blues. The Reds. throu1h a 19.0 lhut.oul of La· gwia Beuh Wtdnead•y, are un· defeated In Cou t T.eacu• com· ~~Uon. Du11t.y Darnell threw a no • hltter a t the Plratu whUe he paced hla teammate• to fl'f• bit.a. Darnell ainf led with the Ml'• bulflnl to knock In thl"ff run1 In a bl 1 ti ve • run n !"It. 1ta.nza. 90PS BU \'ES Agalnat the bll'. bad Bravu, Darnell tu.med up with Dave llhmael to bold tho leag\le lead· er• to a p11lr ot blnglt'a. Catcher Doug Trepp doubled In two Gt· ant run In the four\.h Inning to keep the enntual ""tnnen In the ball r•me. ln lul of the sixth, Roger Zelrer ot 616 Begonia lllngled In lhe triumphant tally. Zeiger got two ot th• aeven GI· ant hits. ln other B trays, the Whit• l ox clubbed put the Yankees 1-4: th• Re41 Sox irwa.mped the Ind~11 18·4; the Cub9 clipped the CerdlnAl1t 18·1: "nd the American Ln(Ue lcadlnr Tlcera cuffed the Indians 5·0. AL'IO!T Pt:RFi;c'I' Tom Gillman and Bob Mc· Mahan ot the TIJtr'I pitched an aimoat pert.cl no-hitter to ahut- out the Jndlana Wednesd1y. I.er· ry Bu1by'1 double with two Tl· cu• In llCOring position paced the Ben~I scortnr punch. J im Bu11hllng an<I f'<>n Horne· 1nan C'Ollaboraltd on ~ no-hitter Tuelday apmat the Cards. Bullhltnr also took ovf'r In the ba.lh department for th11 Cuba, elubblnf out lhrf'e tor lh~ ~nd td.rivi~ ln five run• In the riot. BIO FRA.'lE at the Whitt Sox Tueaday. Mllle McCarty slnl'led acrou two vital WhJte Sox acoru. For the loaln1 LEWIS B OT Y&nka. Lane. Martin and Char· Earl Lewi1 hurlotd a two-hitter II• 'n>l'HI turntlhed the bat agaJnat ~a tor the Reda. threaL Dave Hammond, Gary Pickens NaUonal at&lldinp th r o u I' h and Steve Slmonaon led the local Wedneed&y: Bravs M ; Dod~r1 bat attack. The rame Wlll ca.lied 7-4: Olanta 7-5; P lratu e-e; alter a 11ve-n • ru.n fourth frame Cuba 4-1: C&rdlnall 2-t . Ameri· by the Reds. ce.n -Tl(e!'9 ll-2; Red Sox II· Gary Green toa11td another II; Jndtain. 8-7; Athle1lc11 5-8; twn-htttt>r 11t a Laguna Beach Yankees f.-9 ; White Sox •·8. I nine 111 Ha rbor Boyi<' Club Jun· MESA INDIANS HOTIEST IN CLASS C BASEBALL RANKS Hottut club In Harbor Boy1' top rpot Olanta through Wtdnu· Club Summer Bueball MJdget day. But I.ht Yankee. inond Clu1 C rank• I• the 11Urging back Into third apot W1t.h a p&1r Costa Mesa Park Indiana. A!ter of wtn1. Brla.n Campbell and lo1lng their f irst aeven S"&mtl of Jamie Carroll homered to dateat the 1eaaoa, th• lndian1 had ra ck· I.hi Indiana 11·1 Tue.day and ed up 11.x •tre.lfht trtumpti. JU.ndy Rlgga drove In th• win· Ulrough Wednetlday'1 play. ninJ run tor a 11·3 setback ol Tuuday they lambuted the the Red Sox Wednuday. Yankeu H ·O when Pitcher Rudy R.A..,_01' ROl'GH Veit made like Don l'\ewcombe a nd cr&ahed out a pair ot homen In olber Newport Harbor a.. to account for MVen rune. Wed· C fr&ya. the Ttpre dropped lbt nuday the Tribe trumped the White Sox 11-4 Tuelday, paoed league t .. ding Cubs' acu 4-2. b)' Rand)' Prtor'1 1>lt.ch1n(. Trcld They 1neaktd acroa11 three nma l Sche~ doubled aero111 lhrM runa In th• tlret frame and that to l!p&rk the CUb1 to an 3-1 'ric· proved enough to bft.ltlt the front tory ovtr the IndJan.a. runntr• Corona del M.ar'1 Yautli O.w TIGHT 11LT Br.vu WIH OD tbt l'Opte Koll· The Mesa Cubl auttered an· d.a)' whl'D John Burs-bluted other setback Monday. Th• a rrudalam homtt tor u U Bravea equeued pu t 'em 2·1. t.numph over th• O&rd1nala. That Tom Barrttt knocked In th• Win· lett &.be loop pMtl'W WSU. an 11·1 A b15-10 run H cond canto top-n\ng runa 1n the ntlt 1tanaa. ......i ru.rL The Wrc1 pla.ce pf'<! RN! Sox scoring agaJn1t the Second place Whit• loll lost to IDdiau plobd ap l"OWld with lndl&ia Monday. Pitcher Jim lhe Qlaata 1-a Mondy but buh-a pair ot Wt.Ill, t-1 o.,.. tM Curll• allowed the Tribe macera ed pu t th• n,-er1 14-10 Tuu-0o4w9 x.d&J Md M onr Juat two hlt1 and buated a homer day. Pete Toedt.er 111\Mbed a t.be Olaall Weclntecl&J. Jamu and double In two at bi te. At rrandll&ln homer tor the Sox. Ray'• homer tw ~ Trfbe off· J>Mlt of the Red 8ockrr1 per-A two·"tun homer by Richard 1 met one by the Oluita' J immy formance. howner, w11.11 Paul Mat1cebo paced the Red Soit to Giraud. Chip GrMninc '• round F\JUtr'• two-b&rser wtUI the a l ·I wtn Oftl' th• Tank• Wed· I' t.npper did lbe NIM f(11f U.. n ck• aaturated. n•ld~·. CardJnala I-& oYer 0.. Dod(9l'9 Mlkt Herman •nd F'red Mc· There wu no pin m1de on \.\'edneeday. Stanley H.&nMrl lolt l wtJ.a LOMed a l.Aru • hitlAr Newport Barbor Jl1&1a lchooJ'1 I Ollt tor U.. BulDa REAL RIFFLE -David Rau takes a mighty cut while the Dodgers are at bat in Ha rbor Boys' Club Midget B National League game recently. Turned out to be a foul. But Rau eventually ~ot aboard and scored the game'• firat run. -Staf! Photo Giants. Braves. Cubs Pace Class C Midget Ball Packs Stella · Seeks TraCk Gems at El Toro ltella Walab. one ot lbt rn&t- Mt women competJt.on la track blatory, 11 curttnU, canduct1ne track and field cllntu tor an tn· lbuaiutlo croup Of Women Mar- U.. at near-bf l:t Toro MaJ1A4I eo.,. Air at.A uon. MIN Walah hu mad• two vtalt• to th• atr but and plana to con· Unut the p~a.m on a r.l'\IJ&r but. In hope ot dlecov~ a "1 em In th• roU&'h" to help the u .a. stria at )hlboume ln 19&e. The Lady Ltatbemtck ,rote111 have been competlnc nctntly In the Women'• AAU Olympic De- velopment MMC. Saturday at a11ndaJ• CoU•r•· TOPS 80 F All Outata.ndl~ perfomer lhua tar llu been Lucy 011"9, a compactly built corporal from Wllmlftl'\on, 0.1. In the wMka ahe hu ti.en workln1 but,.abe hu 1hown IUtfl· clent potenUal and veraallllty to warrant leviall prala• from MIU Walah and othe.r Southern Cali· fornla track otflclala. Recently Lucy took first place In the 60 yard daah with a 8.8 clocklnJ. It wu th• tlr1t Um• \.hat •ht had participated In the event. She &190 won the ahot put. was runner-up to Walah In the broad jump and dtacua. and Wrd ln the javelin. The prevloua wee-k 1he had aiao competed In the bueball throw, winnlnc the event with a to .. ot 301-8. That mark lndtcat• that the will be & thru t In lhll evtnt tor the naUonal mHt. Throwtn1 a bueball C()met aomewhat nat· ural to her, 1tnce •h• la the 1tar Leaders In Harbor Boya' Club• Harbor Hli:h Sl •ool Giants a.nd lettllelder ot El Toro'• AlJ-Wo- Clasa C Midget Bur be 11 leagues 1 the Corona tlel ~ar Y lUt h Cen· men Marine 10ttball cllamplona. appeared t'inches to finish thf' ter Dra\•u boasted 11 ·I seasonal season In top apota &.!! play <'n· rcco1J 1 th r o u r h \\\•dnesdey P ROJOAING PAUi te~d the last two weeks ot the I games. Co11t1 M elia Pai k's Cuhs Joyce Safford and Doria Hirrln summer sea.son. The :'\ewport I had a 10-3 m11rk. Standings: ve two other Ilda who are ahow• lor• r&ppcd tile r ivals 3-0 TUu· day. The w1n gave the Harbor Juniors a 4 ·3 mark for the 11ea· son a nd second place ~hind lea- gue Jeadinr Fullerton. Carl Bergeron. Harbor back· stop, wa.a also backbone of t.be Junior allAck. He lrlplrd ln lhe second Inning and acored on a pused ba.11. With Laguna leading 2-1 In the ailtth, Bergy bashtd a long double to 11Core the winnlnr ru.n.e. H igh Sl"hool -Giants 11-1; ~ detlnJt'9 promlae. J~ In her C a rd I n a I a 8-'I. \'. onkt:e1 8-5; very tint trY a t competition, took Braves 7-!1; Cubs 7 -6; DoJgcr1 thlrdl In the 1hot and buebaJJ 6·6. T 1•· .. 1 I' 6-i . 111d1.1m1 -1·9 : throw and a filth In the broad Rl'd Sux 4·10i \\'hlle Sox 2·10. .lump. Costa Mesn Park-Cubs 10·3; Maj. Chari• WUIJJ, bue •th· W)lltr Sox 9.3.1. Oodgt>rll 8•3.1. letlc officer who made arranre· Giants 7.4. Cardlnlll!I 6.:'i-J Jn~ menll for Mlla Walah'a vlllta, dlans 6 -7, · Bravrl! !1-7: Red. Sox n y!!, "lt 111 our dulre tn help 6·8· Yankeu 3.10· T1gtrs 2•11 tht>se itlrb In every way poaalble. ' ' ' We are only 110rry that wt didn't Youlh Center -Bra\'el 11 ·l; I know ot thll Olympic Develop- lnd1an1 8-3: Cube 11-4; Door en mrnl Proira.m sooner." 5-8; Cardlnala 2·10: C l11nts 2·11. Jn df1'Clll'lllng the 111tuatlon tor Nothing GOES . ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 1 FRIDAY, AU6UST I, I '55 8TELL& KNOWS -Wbu It com• to women'• track and Stella Walah, that'• for 1ur... Here Lucy.Olin. Jett, Woman Marine corporal, pta expert Wtruet.Jon on javelin touing f rom the track great henelt. tht 111~ Olympic., MIN Wa.J.b tome 1&00 mtdtJ,a. Ill w t1" ud 1tattd. "Tm afraid we must con· & half d~• of compeUU.. IM cede complel• 1uperiority to Ult hu won ea Olympic, W'Of'W ud R.uul&n women, npeclally ln th• n&Uoe&l Utl11. Her worW ~ neld •vtnta. What we muat th1ak ot 7.1 In th• to m.i.,., Ml a& ot now la th• JlleO OIJ1T1plc.. Ltmbw&'. Poland la 1NI IUD "ll w. btfln now wtUI a well· ll&ndl. tod&)'. planned and coordinated pro-MtM W&JM a. n-wldlS • rra.m. tt wtll ahow 1.111 detlnlt. rt-an lnapeclor wtUI KntoJlen1 *• 1ulta In 1980. Up Ull now In .Amer-PlulJu of HollJ'l"OOd. a nra tMt lea. we have •hl,ll\l~ t.M probl.m produc11 a mllUon -.uin ,_ t.nto th• backcround. But u our taeb ,..r. lh• a. faced WSUl a_. wperlor1ty lf challenktd la tht problem tlvaelt COii~ t.M .- man'• competlUon, Ult cltan-.WMP oomJnc Ol71T1ptca. point.I of th• Ru.tan women -m H&Yin&' tMaen Ilona 8teUa w.a.,. very lure. Jl"or thla ..-.on I thlnJI lhwica ln Poland, llM m• -· we will have more w pport than In -.. tor Ult coun•-~ ...__ ....._ .. th• paat." ..--_,, ----WHAT TO DO dttplt4 Ult tact lbat ... lau~ u .American dU.. fw ~ What can .,. done to .tnftet.ben ,_,... Now that Nud 19 a •W· the prorram for U. 8 . 'tl'Omen f Ut.11 ol Communa.t ""°"" • u auna &nrtfared. ''W• mun mall• tactd wtth lb• probl-et ,...._ th• be9t faclllu.. and coachlft6 a.ll~stance. that .,..· av..u.blt to Uie m111 aiao --'------------ anllabl• to th• women, It would be a rreat help tl eome prosram could bt aet up ID UI• ICbool.11 to 1•t th ... rtrta •tarted at a )"OWi(• tr &&-e. Kore track m .. ta for JPO- mtn a.nd putunr lpe<'lal women'• event• on the men'• progT&ml would help ... Miu Wa.J1h hu been a top.ru.hl track performer tor :l6 yeara and during thl• time hu plckfl! up Tlllrd A ..... I• 1bt lblrd annual luta ..,... tMara Concoun d'J:ltp.aoe wlll Ille he.Id at lb• Blitmon Bot.I. l&ata Barbara, Sept. 5 f'T'om nooa to • p.m. 8pont0red by th• C&lltor- nla Sports CU Club, th• ~l la tor 11145 and lat.er fONlp or dnmuUo ca ra. Jtntr1" cloe. .Aq. 2:1. NOTHING (not even the high-priced cars) HAS GOT SO MUCH • TO GO WITHI The most up-t....._ VI like a CheYrOlet V8 ! ~;~: ~n.8 efficaau ui ~ V!J ~ eratioa that it needa only 4 qual1I of oil Wtead of the UIU&l 5. Short.eat strokt of any V8 bl the • industry. Deliven more ~ : power per pound than any en- • ginc in Chevrolet'• 6.eld. Take : your choice of tbt 162-b.p . • "Turbo-Fire" or the J 80-b.p. : "Super Turbo-Fire.'' optional at • extra cost. • • • • Two Slnlln1 6'1 • • • • • • 8 6 They're the IDOi& powufu.l 6'1 iD Chevrolet'• fteld- And like the V8'a. they sivo you tbe extra punch, per- fonn~cc and reserve power of I.fie only 12-voh clccttical system in Cbcvrolct'a field. rowergllde, Ovenlrlve or Synchro-Mesh Drive wltti cert ••• CVE.RYWH£11£1 Chevrolet alvea you tho drive to 1uit your dri.ta&. A new and ftnu Syochro-Meab transmiasion, or u ntrl-<:olt optiom, oil.smooth Powwp;de automatic tnnmiilaion or T~ 11 It's the new winner in stock car competition ••• and it's winning new, young-minded friends faster than you can say America's hottest VS. Down Overdrive. · New en1lneerift9 94'""'" Because of its liveliness, its looks, and because it holds the road like it loves it-which it does. • on tfMrtng, tpftn9lft9, ! 1u1pen1l•n • • Special baU bearings fn the •tea'· : in8 gear roll with the nun of the • wheel to reduce friction. Gl.ide- Ridc front smpensioo rolls the bumps smooth. Outrigger rear sprinp 1tra.i&}ltcn the curvca. Come try it , won't you, if only for the fun of it! e • MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 W•t Cwt HitllWCIJ NIWP.OIT MACH .. e • PAGE I · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1955. ' I COUNTY ASSIESSIED YALUA noN TO INCREASE IY $57,000,000 ............ ,w...,, Slnoll• Pa1111d H.,. REDINGTON REELS IN BIG MARLIN Robert S. Redington of Newport Beach and president of the Los Angeles Elks Club Board of Trustees, is shown with a 490-pound marlin he caught at Kona. Hawaii. With him are his wife nnd son, Donald, All-American prep school swim· ming champ. Chas• San!l•r Talien Th,.fl nf 11n Plf'C'l1,c !lander from the rur of hi• t ruf k Wednesday • o • • J'()rlf"l to pnllc:• by Ralph l'h.•'11' 1•! 2000 E. Ocean Blwt. Hr 111u.1 th.-t rurk "'"" rarke'1 beh11111 l'"-. Car Grills Stolen Cadnums Have Girl Theft or four verliC"11I gnll bars Mr. and M111. Robert CMinum Lllkt-n from his car while parker! I of l!ll:l Monrovia ~t . CMla Me· In the Port Thealre lol between 8 1 sa, an'nounced the birth ot a &nd 11 :16 pm. Wedne9dlly n1s:ht gll l_born July 30 Ill St. J oM'ph v.·u 1 "porled to police by Gary H •1l!pltBI Th" little girl weighed B1 ··nt f'"lalrymple nf Rr ll. i lb~. • TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK I REPORT & COMMENT SANTA ANA IOCNl1-0rui1e Oou.nly'a ••--rad n Ju. ~UOl'I for l~ ~~ ~ '8 ~t.cl lo bt more SANTA A.NA. AUO. 6 tOCNS) NJCW YORK NOON COMM:ENT- 1 o..n Wlttw 6 Co. i Th• me.rkel continued to ahow 1 the effe<:U of credit r.atrlctlona and although the decline of yeater· day wu arr•ttd. lh• liat In early trading ltlowed an Irregular pal· t~ St\7 ,000,000 l:n ucua of Ow pnvloua y .. r. Dew ,_ I P•· av~• County Aaaeuor K~h PNmb to&d the 0r&lll'• County 30 Indu.trlala ~.T7 up l.M Bo&rd of 8upervl.eora TUeaday p...UmlJlary publk utlUty 20 Rall• 15t.M up 0.13 ..-amenu run fU,OOl,170 for 1966-61. l.n ltM·M, the 15 UUllllea .. 68.U up 0.15 public utility V'aluaUon wu Mt at ia&.tH.JlO. Thl• mean• I p.m. volume. 970.000 va. ' a hike of 11.lH,MO or an upru.._t at about Jl per·c•.nt. 1.370,000 on Tbuniday. Plumb e.xplatned. LOCAL !tTOCK U 8T IUD .t ASll Rank ot America H~-•2 11. La.wt year'a total county .-Med valuauon w .. MOO.· Beckma.n Inatrument 2112 000,000 Bo&rd Ol.alnnan WUlla W•J"f\9r Mllmated the tem. Aviation• save the bot ~r· Calltomla Bank M t,t-112 , county UM&Hd value will be "67.•lt,•to. Th.rt of a w&11-t and pack•&• ot ;{, .... l\.N from Ole slow COlll• partmml of bl.a car wu reported to poll~ Monday by AlllhOl\1 X. Plummer or 304 E. Balboa Blvd. Th• cu WU In hi• unlock• ad S'"'''' he 11&ld. The C'IJ&rett" were found later In a traah boa: ouuld• U.. pr-aa•. and the Wallet WU found by a neil'hbnr whUe w&lklllj' Oft Eut Bay Ave. betWffn CypreM u d Ft-rnando Sta.. police a.Id. !\o mon•)' wu In the wallet whm taken. r1umme.r Mid. forma.nu. Dlaney (Walt) ... 38~-42 Supervlaora have elated a public heartna on lh4I bud,..t North Ame.rlcan Aviation. &Iler Firat We.tern Ra.nk .... 63 •,;11• ~~ I fOI' 2 p. m. AUf. lt In lhe board'• room at the eourthOUN. cftlM. JaH Sl11i111wn Glaiu1par . . ... 21!'·3 i., ---------------------------r--,,,,_. tbarp a dva.nce recently. quieted H11ll Scott MotOl'll . 4 1, ·•'• Robert Weldenfeller. IT, and ·• .. In FAST TALKERS uld •he r;ave him TO c.nu, a .. though moat of lne 1'* wu tnlel'lltato Bng1ne«rlnc 10-10~ Paul A. Jaenkr. H . both of Ba.nta $10 bill and ,.11lne 11 bl Ila In beld. <Hneral Dynam:u advanced Market Baaket Com. 20·22 Ana, landed In !'l:eW"<lrt Bu ch _1 ,.._ ch•nf"· ,... on announcement thal the ......,n. 1 Mayfair Marketa t \,. ·10 Q c Jell Satunjav when lht'.\' t-nter-• k h She aald the othu ma.n lhen ; valr divlaion wut build • l'"MCtor Mlnuie Maid 19%·111' UIC ange lalnerl a crowd In tronl of lhe f edlcal Boel made a 30-cenl purchaH, clvlnr; or m purpoeea. ng re· Sec. Flrat Nat'l, Bank &0 1~-t.4\. i • her a 110 bill. After the clerk Bayaldt Ft.h Market with a elus- nected new• that the CA.A LI hold· Thrifty Drug 9 11:-10•., Jlnr match. I~ <!Ucuulona relating to certl· l'r-weet 7~·7!i 1 A t B I~ g.ve him hla chai;is•. •h• said ------------ tlcaUon of the company'• jet air-Va.n Camp Sea Food 8%-t~; I rt·1s $ -., lhe :.econd man rave lhr tlrtl liner. for clvlllatf production. U.S. Nat'I. Bank, S O. 21 ·22 ~ man SI whlrh he N ld hr owf'd him Thf' flr1l man th,-n told the RU88lA.lli REt"LEC'l'IO~ Wla.ard Boat ' 2 %·21• clerk to give hlm 1 $10 bill tor The aircraft croup appea.ra to Loca' Bakery ~~· onea. then aald, "M•k• lt • be ret1ectin,-the R11N1an premier'• Juveni·le Held t rejtcllon of EIMnhower'1 Geneva The clerk Hid u the men left propoaa..l Cor ln1pect1on of mllltary 18 c Fut llllklng nPtted two quick I one said, "Now I have my 20, activities by aerlaJ pholognphy. or. ounts [change arllata $10 \\'edneinlay ~~·th~~~. ~~~l~~opev:ruytholnu't ffloOr Chrysler after e.arly weaknua wh,.n lhry pulled • conru.•lng .,. · wu a ble to •h•ke off the dlaap· A l'\twport Beach juventle 11 routine-In • bakery •hop at 3329 polntmenl of the n:og-ular dividend ln for real trouble. 11ccordlnx tn E. Cnut Hlithway. pollrl' 8ald IF R I payment announced yulerday. The papers filed by Officer Gerald The clerk told ofrlcers ont or reeway OU e 1tock had been overbought in the D. Breellt in Judge D. J. Dodge'g lhl' ml'n mede a 30-<"ent rurdl•~ recent advance and perh&ps mor'e l Nevrporl Justlct-Cou1t toda!. and ~11ve htr a 120 blll. ShelMay Be Changed lime w111 be needed before a drfl· The charges against tht JUV· lhe txcellent earning• should aup-au aton of alcoholic bnerare. 121 lncln9nltor Sparks SANTA ANA (0CNSJ _ Th• nlte tum ca.n be made. However. enlle are •• rollowa : I I) Po•· I ply Influence and feet the atoek I recktue driving, l3l •peedlnr. Cua'-u Garage Fire •tale highway department'• pro- I• attractive ahould any turther 4 l driving-through two boult· I'll I poaaJ to alter ba.alc Santa Ana wrakneM develop. vardatop elgna, l~I driving on 4 1•ra1• belonrtnr 10 Mra.. Freeway plane w.a under atudy I S K I wronf elde of lht hlfhway, (9) Ct Cu f 2232 H bo todav by lhe 0 C l B d Recent slren(th n pencer e · fillure to at.op whl!n algnalled, ara ajau o tr r ,, rtl\l't ou11 y oar togg due to gou1p that Olln Mal · 171 registration not dlapl&yed. Blvd., Cotta Mua. burned down ot Supernaora. hlHOn la lo otffr a buyout pro· 81 no front llcenae plate, 191 Monday whtn 1parka from an tn-1 The board will act on the re- poaal. loud mufrlera, 001 atlrmpl to clnerator aterled lhe blue, ac· quf'ated aveemeflt Aue. 9. The 1 Warren Petroleum. recently In evade •rr~at. cording to Fire Prevention Of · orlfinal county .. tate arreement demand on a •lory that Oull Oil "For that they'll takt hi• II· tlct-r Ralph Lff. Lee aald an Im · ca.llrd for a complete lnterchan1e i. tntereated In the c:ompa.ny. hu brary card away from him for proper Incinerator wu reapon· of trafttc at Ball Rd. But due to eued off from the hlgha eatab· a year now." obterved Officer eible. 1 lh• off·r&mp at Harbor Blvd. pro. tl•hed on the move. It la conalder· Br-. E•Umated value of lhe r•· vldlnc tor a major movement of ed that the deal la aUU likely wilh rare wu Ht at $160. Coata Me· 1 treJtk , the atate deema I advl•· a price of 64 mentioned poulble. Announcement not expected unUI aometlme Ulla fall. GOOD EARNISOS Granite City wu In demand on hope of a dividend increue be!o1 e long. In view of the o:cellent earn· lng-trend. llUCh action -m• loft· cat. Jn the betttr f'rade ateela. In· land continued to be well aupport· ed. Monaanlo Chemical ~elved In· veednent buyln,-baaed on the In· teruting JonJ' tenn potential from lhe lion oll combination ot Inter· uu. Th• latter •tock re!lec:ted lhl• lntereal aympa.lhetlcally. lur9lary of Pryor Car Yields Films Burglary of h1• untocktd car parked In tronl ot 108 Turquol.ae Ave. wu reported to police Mon- day by L. S. Pryor of 1142~ South Bay 1'\"onL He eald two ptollne credit book• a.nd on• roll of color nlm were taken from the unlocked glove compartment or the cu . Polle• M id anlry WU. made througti a aide window. Pattenon loot Gone aa tire department anawered the !'ble to e llmlnate th• rl,-ht hand alarm at 11 :Oii a. m. a.cc-to lbe freeway at B&U Rd. A JTU• fire occurred a t 10:~3 A..ccordlnr to the atate, ll would a. m. Monday a t 2003 Republic cut out weavlnr tra.fflc pattern. St., Coata Mua.. Lee 11&ld th• bl•~· WU prob&bly ('-8U31d by I CJ.- children playlnr with matchu .... ..,.pard Appolnd There wu no dam•1•. no loea. Appointment of Jamu c. Shep- Ric• ln(.-.s K"" °" City Stonn Drain pard, prominent Loa An,-elM civic leader Staff Commodo,. of UM Newport Harbor Y~cht Club, real· dent of Bay Ave., u chairman of , the premiere proeram for Multlple A cut knee wu euffe~d Tuu· Sclel'Ollt. wu announced t.oday by day by Ken Rice, 10, o.t 1362 W . Dr . .Stalford L. Warren. Dean of B&lboa Blvd. ~nd Alhambra when the UCLA School or Medicine and he lnjure<l hlmeelf on the eharp MS campa.lp chalrma.n. Sheppard edge of a •tonn d. raln c:oupllnf I will direct lht pro,-ram for th• In the bay al 15lh Sl. worJd p,.mlere of the motion pie; McCarthy~s IOOcyo GUARANIUD ·cARS 1420 80. llAIN SANTA ANA 54 Ford, V-8 • dr. Co. ' Seda n. Fordometic. R&H, power ateerin9. $690., Dowa. 54 Ford ranch wegon. Over-Drive, very low milH. $590. Doww. 53 Ford ranch wegon. Extre nice, full pri.ce, $1575.-$475 Doww. 52 Ford ranch wagOft. Radio, htr.1 O'drive. Futl Price, $1475. $390. Doww. For th• balance or the day would qpect an lrTeruJar maryt. A• we are In a reactionary ph&M would expect any technical rally to bnnr out a aupply of atock. Dave PattertlOn of 118 Onyx Ave. told police Wednuday a boot wu remond from hi• car while parked In front ot his home. Ke aald lhe Joq occurred between 10:30 p.m. a.nd 7 :30 a .m. Police a11ld Ult pipe le parUally 1 ture "The Kentuckla.n," which la covered by water. They aald the to be an American entry In lhe dnlln la under a pier and the I Venice Ftlm FMUva.I. l t la ecbed· pier la poaled w1lh alcna. "Danser, uled for Au1. t a t 8:30 p.m . a t Ole etonn drain." Foll Uptown Thuln:o. ____________ _. NO CASH NEEDED • 100 cro FIN~NCING Ftan Price '55 R>RD VICTORIA·"V-8'~ • • . $2495 ·: ""··· ·. ,~. · • ': Whit'· W-~-W '53 MG ·ROADSTER . • • • • • . $1399 RNuttful Red F1ai8h '52 CHEVROLET STYLINE DELUXE $999 4 Dr., Radio, Ht,r., W-8-W, Powerglld.-, Dark Gl'ffn F\nh1h '54 R>RD CUSTOMLINE • • • • $1799 Fordor, Uke Nf'w·. RUio a-~r. Fot'domatir IMMEDIATE DELIVERY W ... encl Speclal '54 PLYMOUTH 2-dr. hll Pric• '55 OLDS. "88" HOLIDAY • • • $3395 % Tone _Gl'Mll, Radio, Beater, Hydro. W-8-W. '53 R>RD CUSTOMLINE • • • • . $1295 Fordor, Radk>, lleater, Fordomatie W-8-W, 2 Toae, Bud< .t Tu '51 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. • • • • • Radio, Bt.r., D~ Green. '50 BUICK RIVIERA • • • • • • • 4 Dr. Radk>, Htr., ()yMllow, W-8-W, % Tont - FuR Price '53 FORD RANCH WAGON "8". $1699 Radio. Beater, W.S·W, U~ht Blue Fllllah. Uke ~ew '52 MERCURY MONTEREY • • Hant Top Meft'lOm&tlc. R&dlo, B..Ur, 2 Toftf' Bluf' Full Vlnel Interior. W-8-W. '50 OLDS. ''98'' 2-DR. SEDAN . . $1495 . $799 Rad1o, Ht.r., Hyd,...._tic. W-S-W. New Seat Cov~n. Sfo.a <i!'ffn '51 INT. Yz TON PICKUP • • • • $899 MANY, MANY ~THER FINE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM .Excellent Selection of Work Can -Bargain Prices MARK DOWNINCi FORD Inc. ,. 225 FIFTH STREET OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS LEXINGTON 6-2566 HUNTINGTON BEACH • If You Can s;..,i~ Y~u c:n Water-Ski! I Aa Hftr ................. ..,...._....,.,.u ,_~ JINr , ....... ari .. ,... • low .... K-.~t .. ""'9d, ..... .....__""'_ M111 Wom11 Seeks $25,111 i1 Cir Accide1t Damace Aclio1 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Barbor New.P,.. 19 l'W"Ulteed.. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 8 p.m. on MODd,y, WedneedaJ and Friday. U )'OW' paper .. not deUftnd b.y tMt boar p-... can Harbor i e l8 and yow cam... wm brine your paper. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS lwery ..... ,. w ..... , •d Friclay COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdaya C-tal ....,,,_A• ,_ la Ule W ....... 7 N-..1',_ ' u.. 1 luerdoe $1.00 add'L .... .%6 ... f u.e. % luertlou 1.50 add'L bee .%6-. f U.. S luertioM %.00 add'L Uaee .%6 ea. .t I..1aee ' J.....uo-%~ add'L U... .%6 ea. ... ,.._ w ..... AM .W .-Ive 11% ..._t. <-.. .. ...._ ... ,. lllNDIUM AD l8 • L1NU .&II a.=•flM .&.M •• M ,.ad tw Oula a. adYUCe el p•ll•.e..._ Tb• publiah•" wW iaot be ruponalble ror more than one incorrect i-tJon ot an &d, r.en• the rlfht to correctly cl&a11Uy any and &1l adll and to reject MJ ad not con.formJ.nc to rW• and ,....ul&tlOM. ., iW Jfotaa. 12 Ba0d•1 •mc- V' Newport Barbor FOR RENT B. P. 0. E. SkJl.1 Bawa, l:lec. Drtlla, PoUMera. 1787 all t)'J)e9 ot Bandera, WhM.lb&r· K"b H UJ' TlllW9da.Y I p.111. . row•. ete. Vta Oporto -Central An. BOYD'S HDWE . N.,.,,ort B..a HaO W. COAST HIGHWAY Albert H. Katthwrl, lluked awar ~ W.U, NN"JOrt Bcb at.tc 10-Bu.IDMe Glllcle HAULING COMPLETE PAINTING Ir Paper Hanging Service trub or! EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS .4.nyWnr. anywtt.e. 600 Jlat StrMt, Newport Beach Liberty 1·21'6 MUcpp Harbor 2t71 or Har. 4H I . ttc Roy's Maintenance ouu.a YOU ............ ni. ..... WaU ~ deaAias v ...uaa llrbd& UplilolatarJ bllun4. ......... lee LDllV 6-1111. Ute Experienc' d n.rdener LANDSCAl'ING and CLEAN UPS Llbecty 8-1659 CLl:ANINO 6 11\0liINO by the day. J:Jrperlen~. Balboa ltland pnfernd.. Kl S-toM. U PENSIONER coUer• fr&d. former German interpreter World War 1: aate driver. truatworthy, prop. owner want.a .omethlnc to do. LI 1·16M. 112pll7 EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDENINO 6 yard work by d1LY week or month. Liberty 1·1139 attn I . PRAC. NUR811:, wtah cue for aJI or part winter. Comp. traveler. Xlnt. ref•. C. Symonda, 370 Loe Ollvoe, ~na Beach. 117pll8 f CONSTRUCTION Jobe open In SANTA ANA J'or men who are wtlllnr to ltart aa HELPERS P'OOD 6 COCKTAIL -llreaa wanted. Elq>er1enced. Hanry·- 2:,30 Cout Hlrhway. 16cl7 -------EXPERIENCED mill men tor fur- niture factory. Urht equip. Steady work, inaurance bene- m.a. Ll 1·1332 16cll7 ' NEWPOlT HAltlOlt Nf'WS.NESS -PA"11 I I • PAM l FRIDAY, AU6UST S, 1955 Good Used · furniture ComphM bOUM °" apt fu.ndilhinp Bedroom, Uvinc room, dining room. r ' l Lawn and patio fumltun .All kinda baby hlmitv. Near Nu Furniture Mart 2819 Newport Bl..t. Newport BMcb Hu.~ 2 PC ee<Uonal 4 !19" pu,.. foam rubber cuahloNI. non cruab Ill· lite fabric, top fuh.IOft deeta'n. Ice pink, turquot.e, t oaat·belfe. UH.60 VaJue ..... .. at Bay Sl7t. S PC. curved center eecUon&I, rraceful roomy • comfort.. top r r&de durable~ conr, chllrcoal- belf roee pink. $299.60 Value ........ at Bay 1219.60 5 PC. maple wood arm fTP· All inatc.hed, .ota. platform rocker, club chaJr, 2 alep end, 1 coffee table. Nubby tweed coven, $319.60 VaJue . .. at Bay f tet.60 ' PC. bedrm. fTP., modern f ·dr. dbl•. dr .. Mr, mJrTOr, 2 nit• 1tand1, bookcue hdbc&rd. metal frame, lnnerepr. malt, • box •prlnra. 1239.60 Value .. at Bay 1179.60 rwIN 81Z1! (39") lnnenpr. matt. wtth match. bo• aprtnp . '59.60 Value .. .. 139.95 a aet. 081..E. rollaway bed (t i '"\ "'1th lnnenprtn1 mattre• S6S.&O Value . at Bay 136.&0 PADDLEBOARDS Mew 12" ft -139.60 110 Kuntlncton A\•e .. Ht(. &1u•h, LJ:)iln(toft tH792. 17C'l ~------------SNIPE with aatlt 6 dolly. Oc>v<I condition U OO. 232 \'1a l!:lx'lll, Udo l.11lt . Har. OOU -W. 17cH 19~ ._ T. FORD V-8 pickup, 6000 mllN. Heavy cuatom rur bumper. 6 htavy duty tlru Trade tor cabtn crulaer or cuh Harbor llt9:i. 17r89 30 FT. ELCO cabin crul11er, C'Om pletely equlpf>"d. 81eepe 6 16300. Har 27111. 13' WIZARD, Mereury Mark 20 mlr. 1964 model• Excel. con<h lion. 1600. Har. Or>79-J. 17p89 12 rr. PLASTIC WIZARD ROW BOAT. for aale, Har. 728. 17cll8 STURDY reconditioned McNally built Snowbird. Perfect for your younrate,.. fll"lt •alllnr jaunt.11 Old but tully equipped, 1100 SYcamore 9·80•7evenlnp.17cH IANTA ANA COCNI) -Marie Naona11, f 19 Hamilton 8t., eo.ta Mee&, WedMldey 90Urht l l&,000 ~ .. la & IU~Of' cowt 8Utl tli.d Ml connecUoo w1lh & lhrM· oar tratrlc accident Dt<:. l~. ~~ Painting la Paperhancfnc We do the wort ourselvee. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanctnc GEO. BURKHARDT LICSHUJJ CONTRACTOR Who are 18· t6; R a &Tad· uatw CAREER GIRI.,-Ovtr .wvtnteen aa compan· ion for two young &irla I and 12. Two to three wnlul dunnc Auc- ust. Ocean front property own- •r. Reference• required. L. W. Bum• Ml No. June St., Loe Angelea 4. HoUywood 7·94U. Mplll ) PC. chrome or H Un black din· etle Ht SOX•O. mica lop U l. table, 4 foa.m rubber -t chrw., pink, turquolM. platinum wood· rraln walnut, charcoe.J or O&Jt. CANOE -BeautlfUI 111' nat1.1ral Cedar laminated and paddlu Sl~O. lnq. MIUl()n, Waterfront of 4008 RJver Ave~ Newport. Har 1108-W. McU NEW 10 F7. SKJFF, Ev1nrud• J h.p. motor. oare, cllllhlona. ell' 1200. Harbor 6lfl9. 117cA9 '"'9 plainllf name. lrvlnr J're.n. Mn. H-llMll LI • .....& c• Sauer, no &ddr-&iven. and ...-nm-T P'onetlt 0 . Abematby, W•t.rnlna- ln Highway Crasll -~ .-..wr ~ed..,. dn•- A fractured knee WM wt .. red ., bJ lauer and Abernathy col· bded on Garden Oro\le Blvd. near Jealerday by SIJTHI HanHn, 88• Loa Alamltoe Blvd. and they, ln ao ,...,. •KJIU1•~ Uceued • lmur9d. .. u.tacUoe fUUUtHd. Mim&tea trM. Call Jolmnta. LI 8-2887 Ir LI 8-5288 8ltfc 171 W. lllt.h 8t., Coat& Keea Liberty a-ae21 ASPHALT TILE A.lwninum Wall Tile Mtrn. Dtatrlbutora Whol-1e prlcea to Contraotor-9 Is Tile Seltert1 Jobe with uceJlent chancea to advance BENEFITS POSITION open for younr m.n to aulat In clr<'ulatlon dept. Per· man•nt. tuU time employment. Nol a •ummer job. Do not apply It not permanent. Slf.60 Value . . . at Bay 169. APT. SIZI: r u bumara, oven ranre (20"1 4 BNOWBlRD complete W'IUI aall- broiler. IJ 16.60 Value ... a t heat control, 2~91 Clrc~ Dr., Bayaho~s Uberty 11-8002. l6cll7 Bay,..179. ) PC. fold~ brtdre Ml, all metal of 226 Arat. Ave., ~rer In • tum, allUdt a car In which aha car Involved 1D an accident at Bay· wu rldtnr. 1Ma Drtv. and Marine A ... She ------------ House Plans LI S-7493 68tfc Include paart vacatlona and .holiday•, 6· day wk. Co. paid pen•ton and dlaablllty pla n. Stt Mr. Parry, NEWPORT HAR· BOR NEWS·PR!:SS, 2211 Bal- boa Blvd., Npt. Beach. Harbor 11116 16cll7 chain 6 t able ler•. _"' $13.60 Value .......... at Bay llt .96 CRANGB: YOUR outboard to In board. r>2 Aerojet with V-drtva JJlO.-U 11· 71111. 1:,p17 wu admitted to ffO&C Ho.pttal. Drtnrt1 ot the oa.n WW• ll&r· 1aret Scott Wanl ... ot Full.ion. and Earl 'Eure~ B&lkw of 627 Rlvtr11de Ave. Barbal'a JMn Wan- &Ma, 7 . .,._npr tn the w-i.. car. received minor In.tun-but waa not admitted to the hoepU&I. POllC'e Hld tht W&nl-ear W U iolng norU1 on Marine Ave. and attempting a lelt tum Into & Park· mg lot when the colll.t°" With dM Belltw r ar MCUrrerl ------- Mesa Smoke Eaten .. 37 J•y Fires A total ot 37 tire c&lle were handled by Coata Mee& fire de· partment dunn1 J uly. according to monthly report ~leued by 1"1re Prevention Officer Ralph 1...-Propeny lnvowed amounted to an r11llmatf'd $8500. Tot.al lo.e wu S• 10, Lee 11.Jd. The Mua department anllWtr· •d 29 rlty Clll11, tight county. Fltl~tn ot the <'&111 were irrua f lrea. Lee r«>portf"d ~7 fire ln•pec· lions were made. 1 ~1r> burnlns -J!ermll.!I luued. One ;1nll wu °lftll<! by th• firemen. Compl1i1t Filed 01 Oil Drillini i1 Beach City I ANTA A.J(A (OOHS) -Hunt- lnrton BellCll wu 11amed W~ea­ day In a euperlor court ault bro\Cbl by Frank M. Chril~n. Santa Ana, who aeek.a an lnjunc· tion. writ ot mand&mua and decl•· ratory relief. A.1-named 1n Ul• complaint were Huntln(ton Beach councU- men, city alto~y. police chief, fire chief 4llld city clerk. 'n\e plaintiff contenda a city or- dinance la arbitrary, unreuonable and dl11erlmlnatory. He claim. it ourtaila him from oU well drill· In( on hla property, &lt.hot.tgh well.a have been •unk and are produclnr &II around him. Furthermore. ltle plaJnl1(( M · 11ert•. he I• aubject lo &rrMt and tine or Imprisonment If ht drill• on hla land. He claim• olhtr wella are drailllnr 011 ott hi• property. SHOHTllNG Pl.AYERS AT onlMISTS ~Tr .... MIUo CEMENT la BUILDING All Klndr FREE JCSTDUTD Liberty 8-8109 •t1 General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58tfc Elec. Tool Repair lkU law1, · Drllla, kndera QUICK 8ERVlCI: LEWCO ELF.CTRIC CX>. '°' No. Newport BIYd., Npt. Bch. LI'berty 1·8381. 4'ttc PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI 11·1321 • LI 8·7823 JIO Avocado, Coeta Mt• Mtfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL K. 0 . A.nder.on 101' E. Balboa Blvd., lklboa 113ttc CARPENTER l'-Penoaalll Ak:obolicl9 AnoD11110• Wrtle P. 0. 8cm U1 !f .wpart .Beadl. o..ML ..... ..__..,.. -15 Share Y oar Car WANTED: ,,fth member of rid· Inf fT'OUP t.o downtown L.A.- Dnw onee weekly. Leave New- port 6:40 &.m. Leave L. A. 5 :00 p.m. U 11-1428. Mc87 I& B••tT &Ide Superfluous Hair P11nDM1mU1 recllOTed from fact a.rm.. lep. E)'ebrowa &114 balr llDe lllbape4-Ho more tweemnr. :m.LmN L. BllY AJC'l' It. &. Udo'a llakle Oil lleauty Bar. 2171 u. 20-H-.lth Alda MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME ! a.rvlng the Harbor Area Ladiea only P'~ &pj>t. pleaae tall ftar. 479~ or Har. 0292. 8!X:91 H-Loet aa.d F omad LIBERAL REW A.RD -it.tu med aervaeeman loat two brown C&ffll contalnlnc 4 cameraa, • ltna, near Port Theatre, Corona del Mar, Sunday eve. Finder caJJ Newport Bn~h Pollce Station or Har. l82'9 Hp87 Repair Work U-Scboola, lnatriucUoa 0... YOYr l!lome Need Rip ..... --------------- or ~t CONTRACTORS c,!!! =~:.t--:..._ ALL CLASSIFICATIONS PAINTING INTllRIOR -llXTER.IOI\ LIC'llNSED -INSURJ:I> Glenn J ohnston DOI • llet St. Newport Beeeb Harbor 1171 lttt c STUDY In •pare time tor c:ontra c- tor·a e11.arnlnallon under a ren· eraJ contractor with 26 yeara e11.pertence. Clu11u Tuu, and rrt. evea. 7:30 p.m. Attend tlrrt aH.ion free. Be(in anytime l~l No!~~!.ay~8~~~• Ph. Kimberly 2·4221 or kl 7·1611 Bookkeeping Service __________ uc A'rI'E:NTION ! Contractor•, ltorakeepere NHd 110meone to relieve yo.i ot Uloae monthly bookkeeptnf wor- rl•? Aak about our nuonabole r&lM. 8-r. tllll·J. 114ct7 "A'a" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 1WIC KEW ma.cllllM proc-meCaa· od. ~bM prtc.a. A_..,. I i.pe ,..edential •blind. Rea.I Estate School in Santa Ana llJ:N A WOMEN pnpan ill .pare Ume for Wllimlted opportunJU• le Rul Eet&t.e. New cJuMe weekly. Al Tyler ln.alructinr. A.t- tmd tint -1111tr..Ud 1-.m about lh.la rreet fteld. C&U « write now. Al Tyler School lfll No. Broad•ay, 8a11ta An& IQ 7·SS11·KI &-uet-KJ: I-Jell ttc Only $1.00 ...... ...,.i-s ud "'-'UL China Painting "'-Piek .. Md cleM'N17 DA, ......... a... Wortr dofM 'f appoUI-... ""'-"-..._...._ .._ 1"1\one LIMrty H TOI .,,_ •-.._ -IClmi.tr 1-&174. """ _PIM.a __ u..rt __ .,_ ...... ____ .. _*_ H. II. HOLBROOK 18 •••Uw w.w tm&IDABl..8 PWMIDQ llO=c:: ~ ~.::::. APPLY 1030 E. Fint Santa Ana Mon. • Fri. 8-4 SO-Mlacellaaeou MERCURY 6 motor, 12 tt. coUap- •lble boat. boye 24 In. btke, Kenmore vacuum. Har . 4"0-W Hell For UloM who want the bHt Konkel's Inter iors P'IR.EPl...ACI! TOOL srr. bl&cll wrourht Iron Include• ataftd. complete. • plec• .....•....• $8.96 rv SWIVEL a.nn rockena, blonde wood or WT'OUl ht Iron. U 2.60 Va1114 . . . .. -· at Bay Ut.60 • BAY FURNITURE 711', h.p. motor O.B. with carrt&(• -~. NorUIW anchor, 25' chain 100' new llM '30. Boa.rd lad dtr .26. 22" life rlnr a1. • llf• Jl ...... rYtln H O. I w1ncb handle. 17.60. In.q. lot v.._ Mentone, Udo W. WM& ~ or CRMt Ylew ~ WMk d&ya. 13pil SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY Upholatery, drapenaa, bed.epreada. 'Where prtc.. are held at Ba,... aUpcOYen. U7 E. 17th -eo.ta w ... TRADE .... ttftll TO-ft. a&m. K.hooner. rully found. 10 Ul)'WIMre.. WW t&U equity tn property or am&l ler boat. lnO W. B&lboa Bl•d 84cll9 New phone Liberty II· 7973 •31 .E. 17th Eat!ma t .. It.. CO.ta M ua l6ctl :;·.ti~~~ow~~~~.; .. ~~,: Drastic Reductions SET. 3407 It. Coaat Hl(hway, Up to 5070 Corona del Mar. 86c88 ON SUMMER DRE881:8, Mpa- !:XPERIENCl:D HOTEL MAID. rate.a, ort(iMla 6 aample•. •teady work. KEN NILES Villa MARGIE W!:BB Marina. Harbor 11100. 117cll9 leM l o. Cout Blvd., ~na Bch. Uttc WANT a hiJh 11thool or coller• ---------------firl to live In durtnr IKhool. CR.AP"l'SMAN power mower, I mo. Salary board 6 prlvete room. old S7:S. 6 Tappen DelWle ranee Har. 2172. ll7c89 _l60 __ ._u __ a-_3_7_9_1. _____ 16c_1_1 EXPl!:Rll:NCl:D FRY COOK or preparation man, P'ull time. -LO -HEET SNACK SHOP, 2106 J:ut Coaat I TAlNLESS 8TEl:LCOOKWAR.1: Hwy .. Cdm. 117c89 Sa lM -Service KANY office jobe. Oen'I. oftlce, mach. operator1, bookkHplnf A acct'(. poalUona. Alao domeatlc. rtataun"t • othera. JUNE P'ARRAR EMP'L. AO'CY. 402 ''t 32nd St., acroci. trom City Hall. Newport. Mc81 Beacon Personnel 100~ employer retained agency NO c-. collec:ted from applicant f"ale Y'.>"r application with 1H. LI 11-0384 anytime IOp17 A.NTIQUI: a.nulnc Ha viland Turkey Platter. Bird derlrn Lelt. 6-4373 . 16pl7 RJ:XODl:'LlNG. Doon, veneUan bllnda, Coldapot 11 ft. retrtr .• f ood cond1Uon. Alao CHOICE JUNK. Harbor 1132-M. 17cll9 RUGS-White •har-Four • x a- •na.p together to maJce I 11 12. ALSO rue pad. Total 134.96. Harbor 2323. 17pl9 Sale -Sale Sale Wt have excell. • 'openlnra for •ei:retarle•. a•'t. bk"kpr. end New aummt r ca.u&.la. aun and Betwem T\»tln • lrvtne Open Eves. til 8 DAY BED, (OOd OOftdlUon, $26. Harbor "234. Mpl7 Mesa Woodcra~ Unpainted Is J uvenile J'umlture MOD. dNk w/.btlv ........ _ 129.60 8 dr, dbl•. dr-r ......... _. S29.60 Maple dlninf chain ... ~........ $8.96 Minwu &n4 Dett tinlah• Ordera taken tor &butt.era 2121 Harbor, C.M. Llberty 1-1"8 Newport. llar. 1032. 39Uc 14 FT. OUTBOARD BOAT and tr•ll•. 8teu1nr wheeJ • con lrole. Mab otter. 3ot Orand Oanal, Blllboa laland. Hp81 1J IT. BALBOA dlnfhy, 18 ft hollow maal • aail, fut. $100. 3902 RJver, Newport Bch. 118p87 WANTED t-s itnl!J9 •U. Har bor 2927-J . N c811 u · CUSTOM' DELUXI!: outboard P'ARM HOUSE STYLI: eota Sr>O. Yacht Tender. 5"8" beam, u t ra 1 matchlnr chain 6'20 .ch, •tren(lh con•L Up to 32 mph R,C.A, TV l lOO. ChH l of draw-WHh 20 HP mtr. Phllllplne mat ho(. thru-out. AlllO exceUen •n 110.-1 twtn bed complete 1kl boat. 1760 u dl11played. Bee • chut 136. 2 mattr-• and l , _ · a 202• H bo •"o Har 24'" 117 89 a ...... n • ar&lfe, " •r r. apre. •" · · "" c Coeta Meu. Mc88 DOUBLE BED SIZE MATT1U!:SS f 24-FOOT ALBACORE BOAT. 90 It •Pring• Sl6-1H Eu t Ocean hp. Complete. Mooring includ<>d Front. Harbor 0186-J. 117p near ~wport Hllrbor Yuhl TWO 8xl0 Brown 81MJ rur• II~ Clob. $121'!0. Harbor 3390 88\"' eacn or J tor I" Ptl'tll. LIDO --------------PARK. 117pllll FOR SALE-7' I " row boat. 3300 BY PRrvATE PARTY, Balboa 11· land. Stove. refT1( .. chrome din· etta aet. drapea ,an<t matching chair, davenport, chain. tablet, d"l!. bookcu e. etc. Har. 1)169 87c89 BED DAVENPORT 110. ~ wa.U bed 16. Servel retnr. S76. Gu Co. Warranty. 112 Apolena. Bal· boa Jaland. 17c Vra Lado, .Nrwport Beach. llplll FAIRUNER 28 ft. twin acrewa, f(rty fir• balla loeded. Al con- dition S7.7~0. LI 8·8710 83tfc M-Mulcal. Radio, r V 17" MOTOROLA TV with AM 6-FM l'llrtlo. I &peed phonograph. Reduced \o $117. TART AR TV CO. domutlc htlp. cockt&ll drMau redu~ for Im· 32-A-Antiquee mediate cle&l'U\09 -'4 to 112. •_.;;...... ____ _ 290' E. <"Oll.llt Bl•d., CotooM ~ .Mar. Har. M 9l lltfo BE ACON PERSONNEL 413-Jht IArencyJ Newport Beach 87c89 l:XPER.IENCWlD 0 0 VI: R NESS. permanent tor • cblldfen. Prl- "'•te rm., llvt In, 6 d&¥• week. Her. 4tl19 Mc88 PHYSICIAN dulr.. woman of· flee ... 1atant. Slmple bookkeep· Lnc. typing. suo mo. t~ 11tart. Writ• Bo11. No. A·ll lhla new• paper. Mcl8 WA NT: Pa.rt Umt (1rl to work aome evH . 6 aoma atternoona, maJclnr telephone eurvey &11d rendlnc out djrect ma.11. Mu.t have ple••lnf YOlce and neat handwrtttnr CONTACT Dick Jobnaon. Uncol• M~ry. too W. Cout Hwy .. N&WJ>Ort a.a.ch cw oaJI LI 1-~ for app't. Mell Accep\Aalr. &pplic:&Uona tor w~. CAll·HOPa .... COOK S ca.oc:a·1 DIUY'S IM, 11- ~ ..., .............. llMdl. Mell La.rre uaortment ,_, M W coe.ta, 1ulta and dni-• tantutle&lly reduced -11.00 up. Katy Doane Apparel 2721 IC. C<>&al Kip.way (Kindell'• PaUo) Coroaa del Mu, C&ltf. -~-----~----- 12-17 Antique Sa le Twin braa1 beda, beautiful .ltnr· llah walnut bed. ·L&mp table.11, coffee table, d .. k. lampe and mlacal piece•. RJCHARDSON"IS TA CHT .Kif. CHORAOE, Bayalde Drtve. E&1\ ot Balboa laland brldre. llc91 Fresh Hearing Aid BA TTE.R.IE8 SS-Boat., Sup~ We OIYe 8't.H OrHn l lampe HAMMOND ORGANS. f'u1l lln-. •II mflJl,.111. fl're" precllce l'OOma. Come In •nd pley on any model, The Great Cuncert Organ, the H'lme Model, the Chu~h u d UI-. Sr1net Modtlll. 1t you Ullnk you t'annot play, Cl)me Ill and lry th~ wMld ra.mou• Hammond, euy lo pity, Chord Orgill\.. Tou wall ~ utnnl1&ti.rt to find 7ou can play In tlf\"n mlnui- DINZ·SCH.MIDT Plano A Orran Co Hom.. of th" Hammond, 620 No, M•ln, Ba.nta Alla. Gunderson Drug Co. Main IL at Balboa BlVd., Balboa Barbor 516. Httc ANTIQUJ:B -Old furniture. cut f l&M, lampe, old plcturu, clock1 ate. Barrat.na plore. Bir dia· count.a t.o de&lere. Otlarlle Davt1, 1806 I:. Anaheim It .. Lona Bch. IM-Ut. 2ttt c W ashina Machine mnca 1-,.. ,....ntee -JOiiie .... ... -... "*"' .... ~ ,(NU) ·~ ~ OIMa Kia WA NT TO CH.ARTER. boat on •hare bula. I to 10 party capa · city Have parUu lined up. Rell· a ble operator. ltef. call atter fl p.m. LI l_.375. 17p89 28·M'. MAHOG. PL.ANX CABIN crulaer. 81 .. pe •. head, 1 &1tay. t3 h.p .• b&Jt tank, 11916. 4110 RJver Ave . Newport. Harbor 3640-R. 81 Uo 21' 8TDLCRAFT ftahlnf boat. All ~ulpped, ready lo fO• BRA ND NEW wt thin I noun tu.Min( Ume. C09l '7200. Blok · "-fore .. aa.Je. A real barfaln at U 9N. Hu. UOt·R. 17ttc RCA VICTOR 21"' Color TY ,.. cel~11 black and wh.lte too. TARTAR TV CO. 2904 .!:. Cout Blvd., O)flOft& def Mar. Har. 6491 lltfc IMALLl:ST STUDIO Plano with ruu 1111 keyboard Ill tin. eon- dJttOfl. T•rrn•. 14~.ll dOWft 8lltd l ll.17 per mo. at I HAYER"8 Mualc Co. (81110e M07 I U l-42l N. 8ycamort. kn'6 Ana Phone Kimberly 2-0t72. Ulp;o PIANOS, 1randa, apuiel8 and Upri&hlll. ()oo(l pr.tllC" Moet. Real Eat&t.e piano• u low M 1126, •H9, 1187 ......... .... ..... ....._ ,. 2 t tr I aaraca:&«a> ...__.. power ~ MIOI • LlblrtJ l-'81. NUc O ...t!ied Ada and up. Luy term-. On.e only tamou1 m1Uu! •J>1n•l ~lly TIM Jof.,.....Pre• pubUahel ••· dam .. ed In •hlpm«ftt. 9Mnd ...i Um• u m&11y Aa.1 estate n-. Bt1 •vln~. Pn!ltnttnc • tWttnal akk at Ne.,..port Harllor Optlmtst aut> Tuuda7 111 vii. Mart.& R~r _,.. l.M llM>fflrtnr P1ar· t ni abov•. rtom Id\, Rot.rt Wftlta. Tom p...,_ M 41 Tony Zerbe. .Mlkt' Vail•. fourth In the Pn9"mble, and ·waa unable to be pruent tw ptcturt. -SWf Photo "-6: ...._ ._ am.b c.U, °"" tit1•a11;.,.1•"••.. =e•tee ~ NI °' put ----------------............ •...-t...... Uoa. ..... .. ....... ][ ... -tVM. 1.-...... , ~ 512 ... ..,.._ M ll-W. lfp lltll 8t. Jlar. !JM 8'cl'7 roll~ -Cofdlpol rel. wt~ -....._ MO. OllJ U I-ITU. tt aa.tlt4 Ada~ all other lo<al lDANZ·SCHMIOT H•r ~ 6()r. pepeft combln ...... ltON ~20 No Ma... -.._ HAR R 1818 ~ ' . • .. - 'A6E 2 ·PART 111 -~T HARIOR NEWS-~ESS t1-A.t0 S. .W FllDA Y, AU6UST 5, t !5~ v v Check these Used Cars 8uJ' ,._ a i..1 ..._ .... wlll lie ._. ft8)1lAOW ...... .,... ..... ~r1 IG-A.t. _. •'!•a ..... .. I I Motor Overhaul HO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * • CyJa. _.. $48.88 8 Cyla. ________ $(58.81 laclu4ea both Wlor ucl .,.n... Looking For Business Opportunity? We bave apme good money makers large and ama.ll with rrom 1howtnc a.n lncreue month by month. OwMra tiave aaked u1 to handle diacretely eo drop in or call. I "C" THOM.AS "C' THOMAS Corona Highlands UCliPTIONA.J.. VALt.r& -14". llv. room. I Mdl"OOITW. hdwd. noon. rood v1-. -1. paUo. ea· cellent tlp&J\clnr. PftJCI: M· DUCE%> lo .. .. .. -.. ..ut,Tto ................. ......... FISHER & CO. SPECIALS OUTSTANDING HOME BUYS! , AUGUST SPECIALS! H-ri.qa, wriat p6u. ftlYe (l'ind. fttUop of ma.la and rod be&riftp. ll:splrt inotor tune up. to-day or t ,000 mil• ruarant.. THE VOGEL CO. Lido Isle Beyfront 1. ONLY $750 Down Buy. thi.a lovely 3 bdrm. n-.r uw home. Ideal for children. 5 minutea to beach, c1oee to ecboola. 1to"'9, W:. Nicely landlcaped. Cow pa,..._ l 9M CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 cir. power .teering R le H, WSW, power slide ··········-····only SH~ 1963 PLYKOt.n'H Cn.nllrook Chab tp. Radio 2 tone paint. all new tine ······-······-····-·· $1196 1950 BUICK 4 dr. Sedu. Licht lfMD, R le B Dynallow .... -................................................... S7~ (NO Mown DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTB8 TO PAT- 11\ltlt tn our own factory by akilltd ma~ta. Don't coat.Md wttll the middle man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SBOJ\T BLOCK 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Ba.ch Ll.S.3'81 419 ...... , ....... t BDRM .. f\arnJ91Md, Lido North Bay J'roat home. Pter • float. Avallable for Auruat and Sept. 11,500 per month. Wl!:battr t-0920 « BR.!Jhlon 0·•$47. ~B-'•w9p~Uea Balboa Island BY OWNllR, KOPPU xrrn,.m netaurant. Good rotnr buat.neaa. Th• beat ot equipment. Beau St. May con1lder trade for amaller place or property. Lovely I bdnn. S ... t.11. I '19 yr. Cl&d boln•. newly decorated llla6Cle • out., new • to • ~nc. drapea, nice well pianttd paUo with b\lllt·ln ._rbecua. lmme- dtale oocupancy, Pl S ft and FLOAT. tuml.ahed cw unfumlU· 2. ed. lubmtt tenN Oft uklnr price fuml1hed ..... 166,000 J'ull price Only S8GOO ! f 8 . R., 2 BATHS, LDUC ABO~O,DOO ,..._, OPEN HOUSE 8.AT. le SUN. 11 to 5 P. M. S.. thia uceptional buJ, 1 yr. old, at 910 OU Stnet, ea.ta M-. (Drive· eut oe 19th It. to Federal, north to Oak 8t.) 1~2 DJ.SOTO V-8 4 ctr. Sedan, licbt blue, power l'OJ\D _ ......... ·-·-··----ll2UO CUVl\.QLl:T -· .. --··· 11'9.l!O attering, RltH. Electric window•. Only SU~ PLN.' ltboDOI: : .. _. ___ 1155 ~Lou REED CHRYSLER-PL YKOUTH DEALER CBRTS. • DI: SOO'O ---SITO STUDJCBAJalR -.. ·-·---SITO OLDS 6 PONTUC t --·-J170 BUICK -·-····-·-.. ·-·-··-·-···-11'75 HUDSON -.. ····-···--·· .. ··-.. -... 11'76 1200 W. Cout Hlchway Ph. Liberty 8-3t86 40-Aatoe for Sale G.M.C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 't2 CHEVllOLET % T. P ANJ:L ·~ CHEVROL.ET .,.. T. PANEL '&O OMC 'iii T. PICKUP '00 CKJCVROLET % T . PJOKUP POWJCROLJDll: TRANS. 'M CHEVROLET % T . PJCKUP HYDR.A·JIATIC TRANS. '62 CREVROLrr ~ T. P ANl:L 'O OMC 1 T. BTAKJ:, DUALS 'ti CHEVROLET 1 T. t ' 8TAKJ: '&2 CHJ:VROLET 1 T. PANEL '61 FORD l T. ou.u..a, 11.A.T· Bl:D '62 CHEVROLl:T 2 T. lTt" we. 2 SPEED, 1:26 TIRE8 '64 DODOE 2 T. t YARD DUMP 2 SPICED, II :26 TDUC8 '62 OMC t50 TRACTOR, 2 aPICl:D, 9;00 TIRl:8 ltO. SUN VALLEY JO:l\CURT, al! power equipment, terms. Call own..-, LI l·SMS or LI 1-ens. &tttc '&3, SIX CTL. cuatom tdr. J'ord Sedan. Low mlle•r•. top condi· Uon autom tnu, Rlt.H WSW. PIUCJ:D l'OR QtTICK IALE! Harbor UT ... R. Nell OOMPLSTJ:LT C l.SAN, 1162 Sludebak•r Champion, 4-dr. de· luu model, perfect thru out Loan Car Free Tqwlna NEW CAR OU.A.JlANTEJ: Block m•lll m"t our at.andarda Plue tuea, paketa and oU Open 8unday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. · BELLES ENGINE . REBUILDERS Open .0.Uy I to f St.ate Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA S6t~. Har. 1t7' 16cST fl-Tnllen ~-------------------~ ltU PLYMOUTH u 1·3t<H ~*PAN-AMERICAN* " PLYMOUTH • dr., rebuUt Paramount-Terry motor lnatalled YHJ' .. o--421 Rtver.ade. N.-wport Beach. LJ 'N-4&' Pan Amer., I bdrm. 1·3321. 8Tc8t 'M-111' Terry-u· Terry-Ve.cauoner 1900 STUDE. 2 dr., radto. beater. 1380. No tu or Uc-. Owner, MANY MORll -&uy Terma &6c87 WATICRJ'RONT. Newport. Furn. 4 bdrml., J bath. Pier • float. No llnena or d!.lh•. 11116 mo. on yr'1 leue. Avail. .BepL 1. Harbor 3840-ft. 78clt9 VACATIONERS W..E HA VJ: a Y&rlety ol new ni~· •Y lllrn. rent&Je •••Uable 1n Newport .. La(UD&. UO. wk ... up. lllqulff 10t-S2nd BL, Npt. Phone Harbor U2t. 17ptoh FURN. HOUS.11 Sept. l, Twtn beda 6 bed di•an. nra,lace, comer lot., JC)(>Ci locaUoo, 2 adlllta. T21 CA.LL I.l 1·211S atternooM. IOtfc 1800 PUTS YOU IN retail atore Mlllnf candy, cookies, lea c...am, etc. Several Oranre County locaUona available. Wrtte Cookie Jar Co., 93S W. Balboa. New• port Be&ch, Phone Har. Sltl·W. , IT cit MA.RKm .. OROCICl\Y, BNr .. wtne. all modern equlpm.nt, ~1 Inventory only. No nltea or Sun· day1. Good de.al tor Cood oper- ator. Phone KEU011 1-3860 nitea Ll 1·7138. 118cllT Poppy, Har. OIU-M. Mtttc roa LmA.U Restaurant TWO BtiVTIJ'UL new Imne Center Newport Beach. On 6: off Terra.c:e Wlfurn. .Sew bomu. I beer aale. Mulll ..U -doctor'• I BDRMS .. 2 batlla and ordera. Total price reduced to 2 BJ:DRMS., I batlla. '4600 -yrly. JTOU $SO,OOO. Call Barbor 1715 or Bar~ ..... DAN A. JACOBSEN. LI 1-QlT &JJ\L W •. ST.ANLllY, &altor Imne Terrace Ottlce Corona del Mar. l!tfc m.BT HA VEN. Untum. 3 bdrm. hou.e, near echoola, fenced paUo. rarb. dlap., with or without prdner. Leue. Available Sept 1. Hartlor UU-W. 11Tc89 NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALJC8 -RIU'INANC'I: OON8TRUC110N Call for J'ne Fut Commitments on Rutdencea and Unlta only Bayshores COMPLIJTEL Y l'URNIIB&D I bdrm.a. attracUve Uv. room, din. room, bUllt·ln pla.nter, ftnpl&c:e, beautiful peuo, alliundance ol INM:k lOf for )1Utl1n1 _ ... lUOO BRAND Nl:W -BATBHORJI: DRIVl:-Vlew ot bay, l bdrma., I batha, din. area, blreh kitchen, b\lllt·ln UalnnadOr o .. n • ,...,. •• nice paUo, low down p)'mt. PR.ICED at ................. '2t,7l!O "C'·' THOMAS, Realtor 22' W. Cout Hy., l'fawPort Be&dl Liberty l-M27 "C" THOMAS 11C" THOMAS Acreage In Or111,.e County for hlfh claa aubdlvlalon. One ol Ule choi" •poll ldL FOR R..ICNT-1 bdrm., 2 bath tur- ni1hed hou• la Ooroaa Ml Mar. '12 GMC 10 WHEEL DUMP t :OO TIRES We &re o•eratocked on UMCI trudu. Harbor 3640-R. 117tlc BIO DISCOUNT on 11-0or MC>Mla. 1960 r<>RD conv. Excell • cond. IUrR o'd. SpotJJte, Cont. KJt. crM-jtl&ck top. Prtced to me.II o'llt'Jler Har 2oa. 1Tcl9 Port Orange Trailer Sales %200 W. Cout Hlrtiway Phone Liberty 1-tUO SEPT. 1·16. '100 week tum. S bedrm., 2 bath1, ruponalble adulta. Alao winter rental. '1128 Plua del Sur, Balboa. 87c89 Re.nl it for Auru.t or tor one Don I. Huddleston ,..u. Adulta. Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. now i. the time ••ve 10m• real money on a uaed reuonable oiler ret'Ueed. cerry our own c0ttln ct1. W. w. OMC Ol:ALSR Ill. 19th IC. 4UI 8t. 8aata Ana Open Sunday A.M. Truck headquarten tor Oranr-Co. 1H9 CADILLAC-61 -2dr. tine cond., Mts. p&int. New Urea. uooo. Prt. OWMI' LI 1 ... 1111. 1941 HUDSON coupe. Ooocl Ur•. '41mtr.1n~~-.sao. dn. Llbert¥ 1·192&. 11dt J9'4 TORD, •-111•tor A tlrH. Xlnt. economic.al tftn..,.n&U.., J2911. LI 8-MOO. ITcat AUGUST SPEClAL ! We nf'ed Mveral upiirht pl&noe tor ~I rent&l.9. ICaln larfe trade a.Uo-ncea ma.de on any Spinet plll:10 or ltlectronlc orran at SHAFJCR's Music Co,( llnce lt071 Ul_.2J N. 8)'C&m0re, Sant.a Alla. Pb. KJ. 2·0tT2. RCA VICTOR CONSOLE wtUl 12" 1pe1ker. 137 delivered. TARTAR TV CO. 2904 J:. Coul BIYd., Coron& del Mar. Har. IH91 13ttc BICCHSTEIN. One of the wcwld'1 Jl"ff.l.Nl pi.anOll Ju1t like new. Good tor reneraUon•. You wUI be thrilled to hear and play thu magnificent laslrument. The low price w111 &.alonlah you. Other gTand1 ... low u 14t&. DANZ·SCHMIDT B ir Store, ll20 No. MaJn, Santa Ah. Open Friday Eve. ORGAN SPECIALS Newport Beach 86cil 48-Apta. A Bo~ for Beat 43-A.fte. A Rouw tor Reat Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb. OFl'ERS Delipttul ltrinc. Apt.-Cabuu. UtiUtiea paid. with ... Yacht alip accomodAtioM. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. ror appt. or r111nation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc Rentala Wanted " ................... .. ......... ~ ... ... .,_,,. 1-. J'Wa. or llDftlrL . ,. .... " ..... ...... '°*7 The Vogel Co. ntl "· o.c. 11w7 .. If~ .... ...... IAertJ N4l1 .......... lllud ...... a...... ... JM1 S. Oout By., Corona del Mar "*11 BartMw 17f.1 Lido Otftoe, 1411 Tia Udo ll&rbor tt71 SJttc COUPLE DRPDATSLT n~ Mn&Me It clean I bdrm hOUH or apt. part.ly Nm., ,_,.ay. Lo· cal refereftcee. Pay to NO. Har. 01'•·1 Mplf OH OR Bmn>RE &.llPT. 1.- 2 bdrm. Wll\lm.bome It double p.r, 8ayabor" preferred. COU· pk It ~"" • daq'hter. WUI le&H, local ref. U 1-TJt• NplT RENTAL r1 SPECIALISTS Call 1:c1na entr Blanche Gates, Rltr. 111 Jtlartne A••. Hal~ 1a1and. Ru. 1m ntte CORONA DEL MA.Jlt. au n-2 Wrm. apt. Ocean v1ew, la1T9 llv· Inc rm. 6: dln~ ..,.._ J&lowde wtndowa. KdWd. nn.. knotty ptne kitchen, Ule dbl. atnk and work table, rvti-c• dtap. 1'1e tub Ao ahower, flue doon. Jln. cloeed carpeted atatrway'printe entrance Ao hall. Oar., with ator· .. e area.. Laundry, auto. waahtr It drter. A •ail. Sept. 1, IOI Mar· perfte. KI 3·0TN. llTclt P'URN. 2 rm. bachelor apt. utll. !Deluded. Prfftte ~ A: 41ock prtvtleru. Oar. -Bucoa •Y n.ar llar. &land, l or I achlltl only. No pet.. Wiii~ nt1tal le&M 1711. mo. yrty. 1eUe SlOO FURN. 2 bedrm, home, by mo. or 173 E. l'Tth SL yrly. Garare. Aval!. Sept. 15. 1117 W. Bay. Newport, Harbor COSTA MESA 38M before noon. 8Tttc LI 8-5Ml LI M!ie2 ._Roome for Beat ROOM tor workinc maa. Bot and cold water In room. Pvt. en· tra.nce 18 ~r week. 12B-28th it Newport. ppUc BRAND NEW, Very Nice Prlv. room With % bath It kitchen prtv. CarporL 1 bl.ock from ocean JlOO for AUi'. or ~ mo. yrly. Har. Mtl·J ltc81 QA.JU.GS J'OP. UNT ICM POOi- •W.. c-a del Mar. 16cllT SKA.LL OPTICll P'Oft l'lBNT, NO per mo. ll02 Newport IMYd .. Newport Bc.h. Bar. •711 NUc 2 alorN or ottlce., one 28x3-0. One 12.JllAJ. Low rent. Suitable tor re- t.&U buatneaa or ottlce. l!OT IC. Balboa BlVd .. Har. 3tOI. Htfc LIDO OrrICI: SPACE -Will llllMet apace aultaalle tor attor-••Y•. •nstaean. etc. Approx. 1b30 la aboppinc area on Via Udo. Call Don Cole altemoon1 only, Har. ~. 5tttc OJTICll J'OR RENT am Center Location, 21 ·x:a•·. seo. per month. CHARI.ma E. HART, 8-ltor MIO W. Jlalboa Blvd .. Npt. Bc.h. TTdl Modem Store rOR !UJNT. STll Pft' mo. Parking fadllUu, forced alr heat., ault· able, lnaw'ance, real eat.ate, Jilt.I etc. Inquire t08 IC. Balboa Blvd. Hartior 1070. etttc LOANS TO BUILI>. IMPROVE BU'l', MODllR.KJD:, OR UJ'INAlfCll ". ,Buy Truat l>H4I fqW}>()RT BALBOA BA VINOS .. LOAN A8l50CIATION nee Via Lido. Pb. Har. ilOO ti• LOANS for Homes ··-·yr ....... Construction Loans an .,. UTl'l.D ~11 li8T COAST BLVD. Ooroaa cltl Mar llanor 1111 tt.p. POIRil:R MORTOAG• 00. Metro Liie ... ~ &CL 1-8115 &IUe Quick Cash Loans OD furniture, auto, aa.lary . $50. to $750. or more. One day service Application may be mad• in per· eon. by phone or by maJL CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION llN Harbor Bl•d., Coata Me• LI l-T'f51 -Open J"rtdaya ttll I ClOHd &aturday-'1ttc 56-Moae1 Wanted ,__ ______ _ U3,000 P'lRST Trust Deed on Slt, 500 home. Top locaUon. Corona del Mar. WlU pay S120 mo, 6 ,,_ '7o lntert'lt and 2 '7o bonu.. Ca 11 Immediately Harbor 42t3 IV... 34 T7. 81 tfc HAMMOND Spinet orpn1. )Ike new. Bir aavtnp. WANT TO Ll:AU Bept. l, two or tiu-.e bdrm. tuml.elld bouae. On or near, waterfront. Balboa. Write Box C· 11, thla pa.,.r.- mo. uall. llepL lit. lhr 1'1et. ------------ LOVELY 1infle manual electronic or(&Jl In perfect condition. Save U QO. Conv•nlent term• at SHAFER'S Mu.le Co. (Since ltoT) 87plll '21·'13 N. Sycamore, 8a.nta Ana U.-:-A•t&. a Bow for Rellt Phone Klmbe.rlv 2..ot72. C. ltttc lTNJ'UJ\N. pr. apt., I btdroocna, 1100 mo. rrty. 1117~ w. Bay, N~rt. Har. 38" before noon. lftfc HAMMOND ORGANS. UtUe ulld. BALBOA ISLA~D Deluxe Furn. Apts. One only f~oua euy to play Untum. yrly. rental. 2 atory Chord Orpn. Ont beauWul home In choice loc&Uon, doM to One It two bdrm., with "'9.taion. aptnet Model. Wondertul for My. s W.nna .• s Mt.ha ptua dm Available tor awnmer or Win· church or home, Very ltbttal It lanal. '1115 per mo. ter. ALSO ye&rly 1...-. HVlft~ on theoM two IOTety In· W W a• 1'7WY\RD • ..,_ la KMrt Of MtMty -Lota fll --·-en•-• • ~ .... " • nanur ...... .. __.... .... .. AMoel&tee par .. -.. . u..~ ........ I New Store Bldg. for lMH, 3·5 yn., ll&M ft. park· llhopplnr ana. Inc apace. Major artery. In Lido BLANCHE GATES GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL PARTICIPATE SMALL tract.a or build Individual un1t1 for coat.and 2nd T .D. Har. 4UW Hell Realtor Mo-Real Eatate Service 311 Maline Aft., Balboa Jeland ------------ Jl&ltlor 1111 eauc DANS·8CRMIDT, HO No. Ma.In. Park • M&rtne. JIAr. JftJ 60T II:. BaMloa lhd., ...._ C-2 BLDG. SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 MulUpl• UaUnr. Realtor. Bualn-Broker 3136 J:. C-..t Hwy., COf'Ofta del Mar Harbor 2U2 BALBOA ISLAND STEAL WATERFRONT 2 hou.e1 on Grand Canal, each wlt.b 2 bdrma., completely tum. Near everyt!llnr. JZ:l,&00 1'. P . Term•. J.M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa BlYd. Har. 4091 CNur th~ Newport Pier) 331/2 Acres GOOD PRODUCTIVJJ SOIL. J'oot of Mt. Palomar. Can be aubcll· Ylded. Only lll!OO per acre. WIU take houae Ill Oranr-Co. M cln. payment. ' DAN A. JACOBSEN, LI 11417. TWO of Ule che.apul ocean front lot1 left. Two for 1111.llOO. <HOMJ:R II:. BHAn:R l'le.altor lot McFadd•n Pl.. Harbor HO l!:vt. Harbor 1137-M. 8tcA8 Suburban LIVING AT IT8 BltST. Tu.Un Lemon Ht.I. ana. lkauut\al tone ranch type. Le•· fl'OW'da, lrM1, nowen, dldlondra l&Wll. Prtced rirtit. OWNER., Kimberly S·UIO, 16d7 U1lMEDIATJ: POSSESSION, own· er l•vtnr •late. Brand aew •· bdrm. 2 bath home, C. M . 'nlor· ouJ'hly modem, c&11 be -any· tune. 112.tao. Tenn•. Drtve by 336 RllDOft& Pt Ph. l.I l ·Tt78 Mc8I Balboa 3 BEDROOM, 2 bath home. PLUS 2 rental untta fully fumilhed- 3 car carace. OWNER SAYS Sl'!U.. -MAKE On"mR. - Harbor Sll71. Mell! 115,000 BIC8T BUT In Corona del Mar. Comer, one block Bo. fJlf hlw .. y, cle111 J untta eon1laUn1 ot unf. 3 bedr. hOUM • tum. 1tudto apt. Terma. Oood lncome pot•ntll.I. Call Mia Ko~. Har. 2162 Sve. Har. tlO"f·A ... kiata Ana. 01"ft f'r'day Sn. TUfc Harbor HOe. Httc • RMS. plwi kitchen • baUI and aPl>CIAL BUY! ROO COTI' a-·--____ d_________ 1 rm. 2nd tlr. Newly decorated. We handle your aalea. eecrow1, THREE UNITI. food Income. Beet NA.trrIJ"UL IALllM maple 8p6n· MS, A. &:.to.':>, A.I' • .,. Li 0 Leas• aound '"'°' cefllnra. '711 mo. 427 V. A. It F. H . A. proceulng . Stt location on Balboa Blvd. '21.l!OO et pl.&Ao. "-tal r.turn. ramoua DAY OR WEEK Waurtront fllrn. new 1 bdnn. Stet Mblnd P. O. Newport. Har •• tltfore )'OV ~ • deal. P. O. ...,. terma. Box 151, Ba.lboa llland. 8tc9t ffi)M.E' I:. BHAJl"ll\ ru>te. Uke new. a.•e Sl60.-TJI& BLUIJ TOP JllOTl:.L, to3 1.., ......... -k L DW 80l1 or 2SO. J . K. Tllpt1 .. .-u ..... ec. equip. t .. ------------~:1~':::8eo~(lince 1901> ~~ • 1 "·· ,_ abcrf• Tit':: o.~. di.,. •21 via ,Udo = Fine Location IJO-IDcome Pro~----- ui-m H. •1carnora. lanta Ana --.-_-1 __ -S_u_mm ____ n ___ -.-A,_-O_ll_ ------------_,.. HOME d U Pboee Xlmbvly 2.o672. '°"".,_ _ nca..._ A1TA.AC"l"IVE ot'eut riew l bdrm. rvn Atl'ny Acc't, Beauty lhop. an 6 nits Balboa la1and 6 Udo J.lle apt., putJally twn. Sultable tor .tc. Ground n oor Hll35, Coal• OPfll, !TTLS 8 STl:fNWAT, __ ,, a. l·-............. _ ....,. ... le. STI 1 -· W MeM., Acl"OM fro{!\ P. 0 .. , Call GOOD INCOME. IJt,000. Ut Ham· ...__ 117""' -• OGm1 ... -•• • _._e --r mo. Tt '1· '""' ' H _... ... 611tt ~wOiTil.Piiifc>"·co .. H;o •11 '° SMO _ _. lttll. Coat• M-. can t to 6. ,owaer ar ........... . c ~~:~ ott Harbor Bl•d .. 7~~ m. Coe.at JIW)'., Oitfofta del Mar. VOGEL CO Har.'°· IOttc DllSK SPACE with phone ""Ice ------------ I R~aJtor lot Md'addtn Pl.. Harbor 140 Jen. Harbor JlS7·M. Nell SHORE CLIFF LOT. level, fftl· erou.. 1plendidly located home 11te. Won't lut Jone. eo better call now. LES CASEY, Harbor 4Tlt or H&r. 1T8T·W, d T Har. 1191 Mell • SIO mo. G07 I:. Balboa Blvd .. OCEAN FRONT APT. • KattM Aft., 8alllo& 1-.. BAT VDnV APT. on Lido Penbl· Balboa. Phone an1Wertnr Hrvlce ,.IR.ST CL.ABS In every rellJllCt. FOR "500 DOWN you ca.n own 1 iuiHT a pncUot ,..._ u low aa ft. Btlftar "6 or ~ 2111 aula.. N-It &ttruuft panelltd a1eo avallablt. Har. 3f09. Httc • unit, p!Ull ruut a pt. Well fur· nJc• triplex In a food ... t Coeta • per mo. 1At U.. k'44'" R-. Bar. 1Tlt-R or Bw. ION-M M.tnc room. I Mrm&. JW y-.rty ------------nJahed. Income over $4,000. A M ... r .. ldenllal HCUon. ICach llam. il ._ ...t ....... tt lttle 1-.. P'tl. Jlar. 2'11 Of' Kw. Id. OAK SPACE real buy t IU &00 U T 500 dn unit tiaa '760 .-q. tL llvins ar-. -· l&t8r ------------MUc HAIU>ESTT BUILDING a ' . ' ' 2 bdrm.. .. a Nperate 10 • 22 ~-• lfo. llllM, ITOAT .oo& HOuam. • Mnn.t.., ------------llOI Newport Bl•d~ Newport BcJ1. • 1204·77 per month. rar. Or&ftl'•trw•t•eedyarda. 3. CORONA DEL MAR Lovely 2 bdrm. home, $12,600 (Sood ......_) 'nlia attr&ctive home bu Dice larp rooma. db& carqe, and ia cloee to abope, 8Choola 6 .,..__ portation. Nothing Uk.e it in Corona del Kar Ill thia price. Call ua to .ee it. FISHER & CO. INVESTORS ! ATTENTION I • I am goin1 to teU JOU ol a toldm opportmltty that hu never been offered. Located la tlw MARINERS M1LE. NJ:WPORT BE.ACX. The OW'ller hu appointed me Mia .. --to eel) the following property. (1) POST Oi'FICE BUILDING to be nn18bed bJ No- vember 15. Leued by the U .S. Govt. for 1& yeara with option of 5 a.nd 5 mott. (2) 3e UNIT MOTEL, completely furnWMd le o~ aUn1 on a fine return . (3) 2'5 Fl'. OF BUSINESS, frontage adjoininr Poat office building. Owner will .ell at once, or trade for aubdiviaion land. For iupection It detaia. pleaae .,. Mr. Oeborne. OSBORNE REALTY eo. ~23 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port ()ranp} Newport Beach LI S-'15U, Har. 515' trY•. Ocean Front Horne JP.500 VERY A 'ITR.ACTIVJ: year road lane OD Sea· 1hore Drive. Knotty pine llvin.c J"OOlll wttll dlnJnc area. J'ormica .kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1h bath down, 3 bedrooma and 1 Y1 batM Yip. Sold oon- atniction, concrete and pllin1 foudalim. 2 ear garage, fticloeed yard. EK....._ bMola. ' EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport BlYd.., Newport Beech Harbor 1011 WOW!! 1-....-.aoo Scheduled income '621(), or ,... -.... ...., b clear h(>me to $15,000. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Part On.np) Newport Beach LI S. TMt, llar. 51M ..._ Balboa Coves 1N' on t.be watartront wtt.h .... ..U. Lonly modern IMxn• wtth iu.,. u-nac roo111, lanai dtntns nom, mod • r a ltitc:Mn wtth 1Mldll ,......, nrep&&ce. ,..uo wtth ~·· landlcaped Md fellHCI. Pnce 139,000. C11AJU.ma &. HA.RT, l\alt« MIO W. BaJllo& BIYd., Hpt. Beaclt T1ctl 1Apna Value1 Oce&n View Lot1 ~oo. bot.11 '°" ........... aaooo 1....000 aq. tt ................... s.aoo 1...:.t.ac-1t.. uch.181•• ........ ST500 ADELZ JPSllN, J\liALTOR l"ranlt 'N. RW hancle BlmJe Har11or 11N HT t ·ll02I. ITpl Real Value HOlllll. I Wnn .•• conHrUble .... I baU.., forced air heaL O.. • % Jn. old. Very modem nach type ~-roof. perfect tendttlon, nca.nt. qulclt poeaee· aloa. CUt i. Ul.l!OO for qulclt .a.. .Attruti•• ttrma. Opell 1 to • ,..,. 8-nt• Au A .... Coeta .. .. or all OWIMr, Harbor ..... w. lktl ............ <>pea 811&.·lllll-M I ......... JCa'W'port -.._.. .._., w.w . ..,...... ~ ...... pe.Uo, BBQ. ....... ..... _.,.. redaooralad ~ ..... tn b4at ~-a.. te ......._ r. P. •11.aoo. ftlOI a. NEAL MARTIN, R•"• llv. ltf.& w ..-U •Mff ... Balboa Pen ..... ,_ ,,.,.. ......... o.llt ......... ~....,._ ...... ... lftC' &l ti. ~ Lup ...... . roo111 wtua ..,.,.._,-.. ...... W/dillnrulller 6 4'11:J 1111 ..... rat. ..mce ,_..,_.,. .... Ill With 1"111ed tn .... ,... • Nq. 1'lall ~ __. ....... i.tma. on ... "" IMO a a... ln•d, ,..... Call, J . M. yn.1.a 00. .. "·Bal~ Bl'f'4. -· .. (Near U.. x_,-Pllr) H .000 DOWN, I Wna., .... .. WMl cal'pet. 1 % M*. ..... yard. J car pnp. • -. eM Full~ •11.llO. AL T'l'Lm SIM ....,_ .... , 0.... ._ • LI 1·1111. ... Noely tun ... pr. Aleo nicely Balboa Furn ~ts Harbor 47111. 87ttc OREENLL\.F·Bl:VERTI R'LTT. lne. SHOO 1-.1\1 o• Ule• 2 yr. 8-nta AA&. lOO ...... ft""'1 ....... l M41oom ....... apt. 0 0 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport old WliU. Jl'P UO,TM If aold by wMclt to dlooM. Bar. 1,.._'N 11cJ1 DAT -WKl:JC -MO Bea.rt M Har. 1662. Sv•.: l..l 1·31N. OW'lan. Pllone todaJ-Ll &·l'fll TDD allDIUf lleu1i HOM• \i aPAClOU8 I M 1«1&. .... ot towft, ~ Wodt to My. 1 -Ds±1• ~ ITdl Wk -.ch n loca JfW11 ....... 1 ... ._ ..... DIOLIBH 8PNNOJCll pupa • Wkl. .AXC. Ual Mow A t.rta1 Plrat~ ~-l.I I AVO. 11 \o BEPT. l._, Wrm., 1% M. •tra •· pe.uo,"-aBQ, =·ntuk., ~ WMk -.. Woell bey, No snM1 dlildnn. OWND Weekd&)'a 11..-or llH. l:YM. WMkeMe. llaltler 9009·W. l&clT A.MOIL Ul'fn1RN. ,.....,.. apt. 2 bdmv., patMI· •tc1 mo )'J'ly. AY&U. now. Har. k. Ill fttfO.W It no ~er call nt J08 0 ..... Montero, Balllo#I ITclt Mock to ~ a .... BUILDJ:R MUST BllLL ci:::-~· · te · M Ooe. ,...._ au.., ...... r& DI° f •n i::. Balboa m'f'4. Jlarilor 112f.J Associate Wanted ~~ J'~u ~.. ~ LIDO CHoJC& •· Lal' • ... l '*' .~ •: ~ ';». ...,... • -.. •• •;:. • • .. -----------'-Jc_u_ ..,..8 •'6•11 -"'rrr•n•• end ot lale. StO.IOO. Jlar, '12&. _.,, ._,........_ _ d ff .._1 f"e.d. ,.uo, Ill, • .. rvn ___...-nu ~ -IT.--• _,_ -• • &T • ......, Pte:4'Cl•l PL, Olllla ..... JlfO. I am.AQOH BAT-...... USl:D CAR OPl!ftATION tl-ae.1 &We ll!IMlll.... ------------(NW UAe Jf...,.ort ....,, o~ LI .. ..,.. llcte ,_t.al..,.C\ouatwL apt......,. I Vil _,el'1et\t!ed car man, can • •==t; -.JW a._ f:Me ..s ...... ------------ •. o.-looldlls M,. Juaa lit.II-lllUy or Mii. am look1n1 tor a BRA.ND NEW Back Bay homt. )'OUr local de9lar Wlllo wUI '9 hen •UILDDfO TO D MOVlll> tor U<>IWICLUT I •.. I ~ • lept. 1Mh., $500. montll. ~or ~tac., muat ha"-J bdrm., 2 b&Ula. elect. o .. n. TOMOIUWW te Mdl wp wMt tie MJe. 0.¥ 1000 -.. It. bl tllrM acit •letn1-c ... pela llW .. •11 .u..ao wtll tab ~ tor Uou\ HIOO. 1AY i.lk &t ont. rrtll. Trad~ lt.600 .,11,.u1 tcw aUa TODA.Tl a..cJr Ute 9ld 1h.coo buUd&np at 2226 W. al Mee. at ._. UIUt ,....- wtnter. Ru. MT!, ~ t.o ~Ilea .. 11, tllM ~. All ~ crutMr or &oU. Har can la U.. danrt1Me4,....... Coaat Hlrtiway, Hew-port Bch. ""'11l foet-ln.llO Dllm1• I• aa-ta. uuo ,.,. .,... rraa• daJ. • nooo total. LI .. IOU &Tr-It 1101 •••~ ...,. ,_.It. tttt~ I • !·~·!!=!!.'..!•~·!!•'!!----~a:::::!•~-!!1!'~1:!!1!!11!!_ ___ ~a~·~-!!2 ... ~!! .. ~---~a~!!··~· ~z.-~ .. L--~·!!::!•~-!_!r..e.111~!'!,. ____ ~·~·~-!!_!ZI!!•!!'!!·----NEWPORT HAAIOll NEWS-PltESSr PART 111 • PA&E l Balboa Island -. VOGEL VALUBI Houston Values ONE oF THE NEWEST 3906 s::;:r. Dr .•• ~-~=DAY, AU:ST~:.. Scoop $8,200. UDO BAY FRONT HOMES • a. ft. ~ '-ell ..._ Choice Location Specially Priced "::' ~~ll ~:. ~~~ ChanDiDc throupout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcoft. I ~c?c!:: ~l BILL'S BEST BUYS areL Dbl plua ,...,..., ~ at bat.ha, nry L&rp front patio, partly coYend. LoYely -2 Units atn.t. 1 Wnek otr M9Wp0ft kitchen dAl!lwuher, dia--.. 1, ~. Fully c .. ..--11 Blvd., ua -..n a ale. ..c:kleed 1 ... t--.,.-S12450 CASH.TALKS KAOON BAT Two bedroom 2 bath home on M' Jot, eompltte 1 Br. apt. OY• dllle. prap. Both \ID.it. han PJ -.k· fut bar It both are aaly fullilbed. BALBOA JILAND Neart1 MW i bdrm. bome with many t'lltn•, flrepl., tunaoe .._t. lure ela.eta, beauutu.l patio. Fum. •pt. 01"W dble ......... 80ftl PBOPDlftlB priced $28,!WM>. A. $10,000 cub pa,...at wtll ammp tbl pc•••mon ol eith« Now ii the U.. to pt what you want, and procram your u.m,, your lnveltinc hen in thia area. Two unit propertie8 ott.r the par u you ro auwer for moet people. THE VOGEL CO. .......... .._ Hut>or"4 MD'l' 'fO nu: POST Ol'nOE Balboa Ialand BALBOA PENINSULA 8-atihl f p . old home, quiet one-way tllrMt cloee to ooee.n and b&y. Nice patio and flrep&ace $te,OOO -U.500 down for qakk ale. Wcmdlrftll hmilJ Home-3 B. ll. 6 de. 2 batU, Ip. •cloMd p&tio, f<Jl"lld • heat. Completely fum'8bed. 16.000 dawn -sz.ooo BALBOA Ctoee to Library 6 -Newpt. Har. Yacht Cub. 100' from beach. Year round home with fireplace. lot. of •*Pinc room. Wonder1\al oondiUon. / 1'111 funt. price SH,500 -Good term.. NEWPORT BEACH Immediate Po•••ion -$1,IM50 down. 3 B. R. home on ll-2 Jot. Oventaed dbl. pr. iltleued for apt. Bu kttch•, flal'ltolM ftnplace, MU' Udo ahop- pinr cent.r. $U,IM50 -Sl,980 down tor qWiiek Mle. BAY & BEACH REAL TY Har. UM STEAL, Bal. Isla Bayfront Open 1 • 5 p. ID. 52'2 S. Bay Front (cor. 'Topu) Two bedrooe twDiilMd ~ Corw-lot. Ocean Front Mll Seubore Drive Open 1-5 p Ill. Sunday Lovely two bedroom comer lot. 2 ,_,.. old. BACK BAT .A.REA, J bdrm., 2 bath home. ONLY 1900 down. Balan~ $79 mo. indudln1 tu• &Dd lnnrance. NI prioe $97~. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Bl..d., N.wport Beub. Kar. Sm • ouUlide __.. with drapee included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat. S bdrm. home on 85'x:1ST lot ~ to mkt. !IOUM conta!M approx. 1200 .q. ft., ....,. in ltrMt. run price $8316 -with $12"5 dowa. CA.SR PRICE ~ Here's Another $7,500. llMO ON., Owner mwt -. to dee.rt -ll'1 on the)wut·alde, c:loee·ln. 2 bdnna., only t yn. old. Oood l~rm• on ball.llCe. Home & Income ON BRO..\PWAY llaceptlonuly nice 2 B. R. home, hwd. nra. All larre room•. 1 B. R. rum. cotlqe w1lh ~ bath, I.Yo l B. R. It b&th off pnce. JC.a.c. lnCQme ln cholc. nel1hbor- hood. IU,&00 With 1ood finance. E'toe. Info. Petitte. LI 1·5417 M-1 Specials CLOd: 1N Ut' x 290' COrMr on P*entlL Ktp It dry. 20 n.. .U.,. be. bUy for bulldtnc ~ Ill*· Ou IM dlv1d~. '1' dn. It tenna. ALSO II f\. front.ace on ~Ua. •76' deep for $12.600. Only 28" dn. It bat. EZ. A reel lnfflltmmt. SM \.hue. l!IY. Into. LJU1. U l · .. I Houston Realty Co. It .ueoctATEB IOt 0-W-eo.ta ,. ... LI l ·Ull LI l·TTI• Fast Growing East 17th St. Business Property WE HA V,E J UST LISTED an U · ceplloa.a.lly 1ood buaineee Jot, Ill Coal& Meu. JOO'ltlOO' for only 122,&00. Batter call Rar. JOO It ..,, thla TODA T. Corona del Mar These two properties open for inspection 1-4 p.m. daily. TOI LAJUCBPUR., ob&Tminl 2 br., ftr.pJ&ce, encloffd patio. P11ced to Mll with low down of U.000. Ill XAROUllRITl!l, lood lncoma property wttb room to buUd &d- dtUoo&I unit. OOM to l(()f'M It lruwportaUon. Owner 1 .. v111c t.own.. •ya 81CU.. $13.600, alnl. ftn&M1n1. Al.aO o4Mf'll In C4X M ~ M $9,500. wtua •t.&00 down ~ Call now Her. 1CM2-Bar. JO. Franlc James & Linwood Vtek REA.LTORB It. Ray~. Travt.C. !Wu. .weoe. 312 Manne Ave.-Balboa I11&nd COSTA MESA It could be for you CllARMING I bdrm. nntJI IM>me Only SM.7~ and a wonderful buy. Wanted A Lido home or lot for uchanre for an aeeptlon- ally nice home in Nort.hridge. 3 bedroom•, •wimming pool and jWlt two yean old. Priced at $39,500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bednn. pha. den-bedroom, 2 bat.ha. carpeted. Overeiad double garage. Lovely kitchen with built·ln Satin Bronu Roper range and oven. DtapoeaJ. dJahmuter and many other ftne featuree. ru1l price $23,000. We hue tbe key. COSTA MESA 305 34th St. Home 6 Oar-.e Apt. Naar Bay It Beach N Nd1 Dttora~. Conalder ll,000 down, wtll trad1 up or down. °" tak1 T.De. n .. rt or balboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. H-dupln. l ·J ~ Unlu .. Jl"irepl&c-. DLlpoM!a, Fua. UJ>- per unit wall to wall c&~ted. le.rs• NII deck, n-ly turn.Lllled . sn.~n.aoo doWn. $2000 down. will move yo• in thi• modern 3 bdrm. 1~ bath home, completely fenced tn rear yard with patio. nreplace, formica in kitchen. parquet floors, foroed air beat and double garage. C1011e to .ehoola. THE VO~;~~;u .'.:""i_;~· OFFICE B A I SUS Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. •971 or Har. f972 Ene. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2908.R ~ LI s.a29T ' "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" Kore and more Harbor area familla are tupectinr theee aqW.ite homea -noting their eomfort, con- nnience and eeatral location . Kore &Dd man famitie8 wbo pnt• a bome iD a r. 8tricted qul.lty commuaity an moviDc into their 1mn. '!ernoe bome9. Drive in today and ... tor younttf the many out- .t-<tins featw ot. thil remarkable community. Inspect the model hometS, built bY. Macco Corp. exqW.itelY, furnished by: Martin IE Von Hemert lmne Terrace iii located on O>ut Hllbny oPJIC)llb the new Intne Cout CoWltry Oub. y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 33()6 W. Balbo& Blvd. NEWPORT HTS. $18.t:IO Low Down Pay'l lee Ul1I lovely l bdrm. llomt, wi~ J.a.rre Uvl~ room, fl~pl&ce, MJ>- arai. dinq room. Hrrice pordL Thi.I home ha.I U\at homey look and LI ill a very ioocS loc&Uon. WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE? ' Coey ttu.-bedroom, 1 Y.t bath home, only .U month8 old. Located doee to 8Choob and .hop. pins. oh new cvbed and paved .u.et. a.wen In and pa.id for. Immediate ponemlon. Full price $9, 7!W> wtth only $1.SO dn. -Balance te7 .M mo. IN NEED OF AN EXTRA ROOM? We're offermc th.ii foW' bedroom, J bath bOCM for the fint time. Only a couple moot.ha old. All improvement. are in and paid for. F.H.A. Financ- ing. Full pric. $10,960. With only $1,SSO down. Monthly payment.I ol $70.90 lncludm principle, tn- t.ere.t, tau. and t.uuraDce. G. I. RESALE On nower St. in a.ta M-. All impr.,...._ In, hM pa..S &1191 U.O. KMt of the tamlmre tn thia home llta)"8. • Full pr;c.-1.ne. twnltu.re $10.600. s.bmk S3000 ctn. SPECULATORS ATrENTION Nice lot 80'xl.M' jmt. olt 22nd It. New paved and curbed lllr'eet will front thia lot in near tut"" AMtnr priae $1500 with POO down and $25 mo. W. A. TOBIAS and A.S90CIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friodl7 Ml"Yice" SN E. 17th at.. eo.t& 11.. Liberty 8-1.lJO NEWPOJlT HEIGHTS . ~ OPEN HOUSE (2) Sat. 6 SUD., Au,g. 8 6 7 from 1 k> & New 2 bdrm. and den new home. Bullt·in oven and ranp. W /W carpet.. J'uJl price $23,000. 223 Oceu. View, Newport Beach New 2 bdrm. &Dd den view rem. IArge llvin1 room -dining....._ Bre&kfut bar -carpeted through- out. J'u.11 price $28,000. 3Z Ooead View, NftrPOrt 8eMb THl8 MODl:RN STYLED HOME jut pM\t.s, with a bdrm.a., lot. of cupboarda, larre kitchen, fireplace, 220 wiring, double prqe i8 for l&le or will le&M with option to buy with •mall down and re1111. monthly payment.. A.U:inc $13, 700. THE VOGEL CO. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor INCOME Triplex Newport~~ ~.eo.t mway Libert' s.M& J bdrm.I. In e&cb uNt. Ju.at J~ yn.. -------------------EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Barbor «48 For l'mther lnf ormation * For Recom.mendatton, we refer you to anyone who holCS. a Leuehold m.tate in Irvine Ten-act, Beuon Bay, Bay 8bOZ9 and attt Havm o&d. ~unr for IUO a mo. Thia 11 localed 1n Hewptrt Ht.a. Low down pay'L •Bedroom.!· 2 Baths 1 Tear old. All room1 an 1u,., ---------"""-"!.~--------1100 .... ft. Twm1 can be ar· Golden Rule Values rvi1ed. BARGAIN $8,750. The Biggest Word in Reel Estate Business Today is SERVICE -------------------• t0xl30 lot .. IAndacaped and One au.--R4--27•'x158' A.croM from Hoac Ho1p. JuM. off Superior -High and dry. A real buy at SMOO I Jldrma. 2~ yra. old. On 20tll St. Home juat beln( redeco- n.ted. Thia la below repla.ce- menl coet. Every Member ot the MULTIPLE LISTING SER· VICE belonp to a unique orpnlzation. Theee me.mbena pool their merch&ndi.e -homes, atorea. and other real property for ule -then work from thia pool each with hi8 .eparate facilitie9 that each Mllinc owner may receive the mervice. of many REALTOR ea.le. oullet.8 t.hroUSbout the whole Harbor Area. CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm .• deG bome, 2 bath8; 2 pnrea. mcc patio: ti replace. PLUS Unueually charming studio apt. with beam ceillnc. Wed bath, Jdtobenette, &Ad All deck. Yearly rented at $75 mo. Full prM:. $19,000 mduc:llQc mOtlt of fumwhinp. Immediate powi•ion. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy .• Harbor 8Cl CORONA DEL MAR Corona del Mar 87c89 it.p&Miw ll&rbot and ocean -n.., ' bdrm. Dea. Din1nc room. 2 ba.tha. Hardwood It carpet noon. Barpin at US,000. ~ dowa. Dlililbthl beauutwq fum. 2 bdrm. Z p . old bome. Near 1ood beach. $17.000. Submit dowll. Owner wtl OOM6d• trade for..,.,._ hall Tieiw hom•. • llZ U8 fot' 81:.AOON BAY and BATSHOR.1:8 propertit9. Her. tn& -l:V9t. F.dJth Maroon. HYatt ~222 Jobe Macnab, Harbor 53SO . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -llartDe ... ~ e.lboa litMnd completely fenc.d. Only If.Tao with term•. Balboa Peninsula TWO bedroom tum. holna. Cloee lo b&y. $111,860 wtlh M.000 down. Cilff Haven VIl:W oC OCftll It hllll trom t hil S bdrm., 2 b&th homa. Hdwd. noora, alact r1c Thenn&dor Id~ Chen, larfe dOUl)k (&ra(e. !Worn tM .w1mm1nr pool. '29.&00- lenna. Coast Properties 3<U I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ra.rbcw ma. IGIT Mid 4800. OPEN HOUS& Sunc:N., 1-6 •24 Cabrillo; 1 11 Corona Highland• I B. ll. pl11a, J bath, ~· bv. room Out.1tan41ne vtew, day It llilChl. LIDO I B. R. A den, w /W oupet ~boul1 I bat.ha, PLU8 ootn· p&ew rw. ap.. w;ti.y vt-. ise. p&Uo. 40' lot . • ... ~ BARGAIN Drive by 2538 Fairway Dr. and then call ebout thi8 nice 2 bdrm. home. NeWm little cleaning up. Thill ~fen opportunity. • $~ .Down -$"600 NI Price M-1 BARGAIN Comer k1t 140' x 126' -aoee io -On aewer. $10,000 i'uU Price. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Co.ta 11~ ( acrou from Colt.a Men Bank) Phone LI 8~761. Eve.. Har. •:Jee. LI 8-2103 Builders and Speculators 300 acre. available for aubdivi.aion juat off Hiwy. 101 . Ocean view from many home altn. seoo an a.ere. $100.000 T. D. with releue clauae can be &8ftmed. • "ART" ADAIR JUI.Al.TOR lMt N"'Jl()rt Blvd. eo.ta M-. Calli. LI 1·1Tt2 Cliff Ha~en LOVELY lan4ac&pln(, I bdnna .. Iota ot cupboard •p&c•. diab• muter. mare. awtlCAel, n.awt1 decorated lnatda It: out. PLUI Pnnen a fine SERVICE to .ellers and buyers alWie in providJ.D1 a bro&der, orderly and free market for all at no increued coat to our cu.to~ra. A SERVICE of the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 · 31nd Sl Newport Be&ch QI IOU al M7 per mo. 11 .. p -------------------- mak• thl.a llle beet b~ In town at JU.000. Balboa NO'I' B&ACHY-bul 1 home 11 lhl• lonly I bdrm., I b&. hOUM on one of lht rare 82' Iota. Ju.It a attp from Ule bay or oceu be&ch•. Ll:T'8 TALK! Income IACRIFICE for cuh or the riehl trade. 10 unJta In u cel. location for MaaOnal OT' :yTly. rent.ala. Modem, In perfect cond. Com· P'etelY f\l.rn. It aq UI pped. rut I y rented ao mU9l malt1 .,p·t. ta *-· LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Sat. 6 SWl. 1-5 -209 KORON New 4 bdrma. 2 'h bath• eupeta ud clraperle. $30,000 A 'ITENTION ! Broken It Bullderw Terrific Conwr Lot, Tenn.a $12,500 Rea.I Modern New Orle&n8 Charm prevail• in thl• beautiful 3 bdrm. 2 bath home-46 ft. com er lot with 1!5M 8Ct· tt. in the bouae. Appolntmeota worth your time to Me. J B. R., i-. ballh, \p. Ii•. room. ~ ~· rumpu rvocn. ~.~ THE VOGEL CO" ~ ~un·et ~ ~. Pi1nover BA y & BEACH REAL TY-Lido Office M M 3112 L&tayette. Newport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 l>vea. LOT HO' 1Pou.\J91t, ~ locatJon. la<)l W. Cout Hlw~v. N---+ Be&eb LI 8-3481 REALTOR PTice<t rtitit. -.... _.. SYLVIA THOMPSON, A..oc, -------------------I & L. J" ....._ ~. AM• -----._---------------ll06 Newport mlvcl., Npt. BMcl\ FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES 7 TRADtNG TODAY 1 Dltft bJ • Udo ao.d • mita. 70 ft. wat.trma.. (OMJ6M) Want Pl•dx· .,......, or Udo aide. ""-a a 't. l OSBORNE REALTY CO. 3821 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Oranp) Newport Beach LI 8· 7562, Har. ~154 evee. ... ~ ··· ··-··· ··· ·-·· ···· · ..,600 A SCARCE ITEM _11u:r __ Par_1dn_r __ H&tbor __ .. _10 BA. YSHO~ Neat knotty pine and llhingle 2 bedrm. home. Coo· 1 ~ =-~:..~ veniently located oe&I' a cood beach. L&lTe livinc Claire Van Horn ft.EALTOR ITM W, Cout Jl'try. U MIT1 I MODllU'f I becrroom. l" bat!I. 1680 1111· fl. 1~ yr. o&d. OPl:N 1'0R IN8Pl1CTION llA. T 6 8UN. A7"?'1':RNOOJ'f. 1()1 P'Ullt,f1t' An., Npt. Jn.a. TWc room, "han type'' k.ltchtn with lot. <:A cupbo&rd.8 It a btc bar. Unu.uall;y •p&ciou.a pat.lo with an atn ~ bath It ctre.tnc room for baU-.. Well ba&k pr-. ap wteh room to build 1111 apt. above. $18, 7M partly tumitbed WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And 4..od&tee Part at• Martne, 8&Jbot. Jaland -H&rttor 24&2 Lido Island MWW • bdnn. IMNM. 12t.7IO, pttn· efpala only. 117 Via me.. ll&r· b« 0711, altar t KI ... JlCM. Utfc WA~NT, ~ ~ lo«.a, 9ClllCINt.e bulldMMl °"" ...... pte r It: float. '1 f.000. J111M CMl .. der tenna. J. M. VU.I • 00. Mal w. Balboa m.d. ... tott ( K-.r Ule N9Wpof't P\er) The rent fl'Olll tbe 2 bdrm. apt. over BIG dbl. rv. will more than pay the tu•. In•. It upkeep while YOU lin comlortaba.f in the 2 bdrm. and den hou.e. Hdwd. fln .. 2 fireplacee, BBQ. garb. di~p. Good Met It many atru make t.hl.t a ral HOME 6 a pleMure &o lbaw. J>rloed far below Rep'I cOllt. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor • DICK BOOOE, A.oda\e 3822 &. OaMt llwy.. Corona del Ka.r J:far. 2TH ·- • ,A&E '4 . PART 111-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 195S . II 8•1 FAtate a._.~ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor SHORECLIFFS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP -Out.at.anding 4 bdrm. 3 bath with privilege of buying an adjoining large Tiew lot at a reuonable price. One of the few Iota left. Let'I di.CUii it $42,500. LIDO ISLE OUTSTANDING LOT. If you have been waiting for a large lot priced below the market WE have it. A 51' Eut frontage on E. end ot hland. CALL US NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LI.STING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1672 UPPER BAY OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 484 -21st street. 3 br. 1 % ba. on a large lot nestled among tall t.ttea. Nicely landacaped price $20.500 and owner will car· ry the paper. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN DAILY 1-5 615 Jasmine 1 unit in rNr rented at $65. Front unit lge. 2 bdrm. 112 bath Ir den available tor owner. Price $23,950. Eaay terms. BALBOA Ben waterfront buy. 4 bdrm., 31 ~ bath. Pier and 1lip. Priced at ~.000. 0wner away, WE HA VE TiiE KEY. LIDO ISLE Here are 2 excellent values on Lido One i• 3 bdnn.e. 1 a~ ba. @ $29,500. Owner will trade $18,000 equity for clear property In Harbor area. ANOTHER • • l -.. e a ••:~-----a~-~·~·~· r..~aea~~te!.,.. ___ _!a!::•~·!l!11!.!"'-!•~·~te~----i a-a-i ~ p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d I BALBOA 1sLAND a • ..., r..tate BAY VIEW 2 untta, 4 bdrm. home. 1 bdrm. apt. developers of Lido Isle Sheltered patio. Apt. furn. home partly. $10,000 down. Balance -tenna. Model Home Open 12 to 5 daily 204 Via Eboli Beautifully furnished by J . H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN V1SSCHER Thia stunning 4 bedroom home i• planned around a 1parkhng poot The eliding (laas walls, built· Ina, and large lot make indoor·outdoor living moat invi~ing. Be aure to see this ! Want A liqo Summer Home 1 2 bedrma. & 1 bath.plus"'a 1/:i bath and small bedrm. in garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. Thie home i1 in fine condition and if you would like a home to uae in the 1ummer and have us rent it for you in the winter, thia ahould be perfect. $18, 750. Terms. Bayf ront with Pier and Slip 3 ltedrma. and 8 batha, new waJt.to-wall carpeting. very nicely furnished, fine condition throughout and should be ~ if you are considering a bayCront home. $55,000 incl. furniture. Tenn.a if desired. 57 foot wide building 1ite on v .. Lorca $16,000 North Bavfront In fact, 80 feet on the NORni BAY. 6 unitll nicely t furnished: newly painted and decorated. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to each unit. Thia i1 outstanding in every way.-.ee thla for 1ure. It'• the beat income property buy wi know ot. Full price including furniture $105,000. Terma. . Watch the home under construction by INGRAM 6 COLLINS on Lido Soud at the end of Genoa. 77 feet on the BAY. When you have seen enough, bring in your check. Full price including carpet· ing $69,500. Terma. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson-co., sales management 3333 ria lido, harbor lSOO 60 Feet on Lido Nord Bayfront Large 3 bedroom house. maids quarters. guet1t 1pt .. boat houae, pier. float . Floor to ceiling glua in The living .room. Thie beautiful home is d~signed tor gracious living. Shown by appointm~t. A1k tor Hodgldnaon Santa Ana Heights Cute 3 B. R., 1 bath home on well located lot. Double garage with radio controlled door. Com· plete price $11,750. Ask for Kincaid Custom View Home-Irvine Terrace Built by MR. ROBERT FORBES tor private owner who hu been transferred to the eut coast. Beau· tlCu l ranch style -shake roof -redwood -uaed brick. 3 bedroorna -2 full batha -dining room. Drive by 1~24 Dolphin Terrace then call Dave Osburn. Outstanding View Home A panoramic view of the Back Bay and Mountain• 11 one of the many features that recommend this 3-bedroom-2 bath home u an exceptional buy at $26.500. Houae will be open Sunday, Aug. 7, 1 • ~. Call Bill Farnsworth· for address and detail1. Filling Up Fast Thia area will 1100n b;\-complet.ely filled with fine new home. and then you won't be able to buy a house like this one at this low price. 3 nice bed· rooms. 1~ baths, a sundeck, and a beautiful view of the harbor. Only $25,500 with a low down paymt. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8~73 v' Corona del Mar Bargains Upper Bay Area! BA YFRONT, Little laland 60 tt. bay trontqie, pW It float. 4 bdrm. Balboat1·Engli1h architect--. I BAY FRONT HOMES FROM Ul.~ -llfl· GRAND CANAL. 2 dne bedrm. bomM, 1 tuN.. l partly furn. Sparkling cond. $:5000 da. m0G0 F. P. An exceptional offer. ATTRACTIVE 1 BDRM. HOM& 0.... ..... action. Make offer. Cottage near So. Bay. I bdrma., 1 ~ -.a.. .....-~ lge. Jiving room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -1 bdrm . ..,._ 61 bdla. apt. Beamed ceiUnp . ~ down -SU.800. Soundly conatruct.ed f bdrm. yr. 1C>9Dd ~ C:... to Beach. $7000 down. BA YSHORES. A vacant lot! t TWO UNITS near So. Bay, I bdrm.. 1 ~ bet!l .._, 2 bdrm. apt. F'irepl.. wu.nt ooodffJan. A* 81 1 patio. Terma right. LOT f O' on Marine Aw., IM,e<JO. BUSlNESS BUILDING Marine Aft. $11,800. Balboa Iii1&nd'1 mo.t attractiw home. 3 bdrm. a.. ing room. Plua choice I bdnn. apt. $78,000. SEE US FOR BEAOON BAT wS BAYIHOUI ....-au . BACK BAY View 4 bdrm. Maida room. 0.. Forward ~ all electric 'kitchen. An arebiteet de.la'Md bcew of merit on alQlOBt. an ..... r.11 fwn. llT,IJ/00. Will consider trade. LIDO Contemporary new f bed.na. home of owUtandinc de1ign. $10,000 or leM down. P'\Ul prioe A0,000. Thia Hi a terrific buy. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Ev•. Edith MU"OOll HTak 4.n12 • John Macnab, Harbor ~ 225 Marine Ave., Balboa WMd LIDO OPEN HOUSE 3 bdrm. 1 % ba. (al $31,500 large lot and the owner will take $10,000 cuh and carry the balance on euy monthly payment.a. Want A 1/2 Acre Ranch? I 1. with horM corraJa, dor keMtla, CHOICE INCOME UNITS. YOU HAVE BEEN WAmNG FOR nns BEAUTIFUL HOME . .• overlooklnc !. A. Country Club, 2 btdroOm• .t: den. lar~ hvln1 ronm and brea.kfut lrt L 2 flrf'places. S.-parale large pr· ag-t building with rumpua room, frttur room and ._. bath. Nice la.ndaca pl n 1 and pe. Uo. I pedal al $17,000. 14000 dcrtm. 116 VIA GENOA COSTA MESA 3 bedrooms close to achoola &: tranaportatioo has $8500 G. I. loan payable $66 per month including taxes and inwnnce. Owner leaving state• mu1t 1acrifice at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvc .. Newport Beach Harbor 4718 LIDO ISLE NEW 4 BDRMS. -21:: BATHS 2200 aq. ft. of delu:ice construction. Carpell and drapes included. At $30.000 with only $10,000 down. thi11 i11 hard to duplicate. See it today ! ! ! : COSTA MESA IDEAL FOR CHILDREN 5 MINUTES TO BEACH Near new roomy 3 bdrm. home. W 1w carpet.A. drape•. stove and refrig. Large Qicely landscaped lot. Redwood fence. Assume the $7300 -4':: r; loan Cn $60.50 per mo. including taxes, ln1urance. intere11t. and principal. Price -$10.500. Submit • df>wn peyment. • BALBOA Rl!:AD THIS ONE TO YOUR HUSBAND Modern ra.mbhn' corner home with 3 bedrm1 .and 4 bath• plus a penthou11e rumpus room with ocean view. Located on the famous Balboa Peninsl!la point. Here'• one you cannot duplicate at the price of $28.000 and it'll furnit1hed. Call: THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2 B. R. HOME flO yrs.) hwd. floors, service porch. wood 11hingle roof. guage, large lot. sewer in & paid. S8500 wtth only ~1500 down 6 bat. $80 month. INCOME PROPERTY -C·2 Zone·Bu1ine11&-~4 Acre. Good 2 BR. hnme plus 3 rent.ale and room for eeveral more unttl or trailer 1paree. Just orr N. P. Blvd. $22.~. J BR. HOME -Obie. garage 15 yn.) lot 65x120 good Eut 1ide location. Sl0.500 with $1500 down and balance $88 P« month including tax A ina. RESIDENTIAL LOT-Eulllide 63d35 ....... $2850 RESIDENTIAL LOT-Weetalde 66x200 ...... $1~ G. N. WELLS. Realtor Roy R. McC&rdle 18JO Newport Blvd., Coeta Meea. ( LI 8-1601 11\rfe modern 2 bdrm. e nd dfn horn' with wall to wall carpet· Lnr. mau1v' flf'fplace. forc'd air heal, up, patio, lot.a ot bulll·lna. A re.I B&rp.ln at only 11e.aoo with 11lnt ttnn•. We have 3 deluxe income unit• all completely furni1hed. All rented and located in beat rental area on Marguerite in Corona del Mar. only 1 block to ocean A beach . Theee are priced right. Priced to lie.II at $35,000. Terms ran be arranged. We ~an the Irey. Artistic Modern 2. SHORE CLIFFS fr you llkf ..-1 ruatlc modem Ulen lhl• 11 for you! 3 bdrma., Jarr• hvlnrroom .t: dlntnrroom open· I lng onto 2 .. p&r&t• tropical palloa which become a part of 1 your home through large plale· 1 rt ... windowa -l e<>O eq. tt. of llvfng area In the but nelrttbor· hood In Nfwpott Helfht. . , • 1 Juat IH,9&0 with Low Down. I Fresh as a Daisy We have one of the nicest view homes tn Shore Cli!fll. Outatanding view of canyon, hills and ocean. 2 bedrm, and den plua maid's room. Cupeted ww. Truly a bargain. You will be sorry if you wait too long on thia one. Priced at $38.000. Eaay tenn1. We have tbe key. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 COffice located next door t o Corona del Mar Banlt) Thi• ap~ahng 3 bl1rm. 'home buu· tlrully dt"coratf'd 1n111dt and out with hdwd. floors. tlreplact, ---------------------- fenred ~ck yard with .nclollfd c pallO C()mbint to makt thll th' orona top buy In tht mo11t wanted lo· cation In Co11l.4L Mua ... Full Prire just 112.1100 •llh tll<""I· del Mar Vogel Values lf'nl 1nm 1 Two Sleepers B&t?k Bay .View Lot e1·11uo· H.500 :'lle•rort Ht• Lot P!xc,I. loc• 3117!1 Priced to Sell! 2 Bdrm. In food Eutal1f' localinn c-1~ to Newport Helfht.11-Full pnct Sii.~ with Xlnt Tenn•. Bay & Beach Realty 1e~ N!'wport Blvd., Colrta Mua Ll 11·1 Hll Eve.. LI 8-31~ OPEN SUNDAT 1-6 P.M.-e-00 Poppy ~~or •&.11Y ac-ce1111 rom' rownd rnmer to 114 I H11 ztl. Hure lh '1n11 room. ~mtd Nilllng. I bdrme . 1maJI irunl room. 2 balh1, over- alzed 2 <'tr 1ar14fe. Compl. landsca~d. pr1vatt pa lloe modem k1tcllen .t: dlnlnr; lana.1-lo,••ly ,·1ewa Aak Ina S21UlO<I. Owner wanu Im· mt'llate otter du" to In v· 1nir lht arN. Term• lo IUIL FORD VERJUNDSR, Harbor 4M3. OCEAN VIEW INCOME PROPERTY -Choic~ locations at oppo1ite ends of town. 11 )--4 units on 2 lots. 2 aep. how.ea, 2 bedrooml'I each with firepl1.cee plu1 (2) l bedroom apta. over 4'·car garage. , (2)-Duplex-new. 2 bedroom• each. Ra.nch atyle, shake roof. Sep. laundry rm. 70' lot . Iota of tile. Both excellent buys. FIRST TIME OFFERED-':: blk, to ocean, 40' lot. 2 bedroom. 2 bath home only 5 yra. old. nicely Cin · iahed, beaut. view of hbr. entrance & ocean. The bldg. sets at rear of lot ao the front can be devel- oped u you wish. Only $21 ,500. THE VOGEL CO. :M67 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del Mar. Hu. 1741Har.1477 (Closed Sunday& during August I Balboa Island Near North Bay, delightful .. ~ httrm. home with playground. Fumit1hed $26.500. 2 unit11 near north bay exc. location near 1hop· pang only $!5780 down and all furnished. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa I1land. Cali!. Harbor 501 t•ea. Hubor 3•77 84tfc -------::--:--------------COST A MESA DUPLEX. nur nf'w. Two 2 bdnn.1 unit.I. 1 nicely r11rn11hed. Dbl, rarace. Nur public trana. Only IU,000 l~nna. J, M. MILLER CO. 20~ W, S.I~ Blvd. Har. 4091 I (Nur lht Newl>()rt Pier) 2 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS ldt on Udo. 40 rt. on ~noa A &O ft. R·3 on Udo Soud. Call Mn. • FAtth Ahre.na. Ha.r. Olfl or wnt• 11& Via 8an Remo. '1Jd7 I COMMERCIAL PROPERTY On 17th Street neu Irvine Ave., Cente of tut growing raidentlal area. Improverq,enl1 : Front bldg. 2,940 9Q. fL, rear bldg., 616 9Q. tt., all uWitiee~ excellent con1truction, 1pact , for parkinr.~ Lot 62x300 ft. $35,500. RAY REALTY CO. 344-4 E. Cout. Hwy., Hubor 2288 {acre.a from Ba.oil in COM) • -· Peninsula "Point" Home! SPACIOUS 4 BEDRMS . 2 b&lh1. S1tuattd on 2 la.rgt corner Iota. Extra lot walled for privacy with baomlnton court. pe.llo. Nicely landaca~d Bta.ullful carpeting a.nd drapo Cut In price to SJO,!)()O for quick •'' Term• 9 Unit Income Property! P'amoua "Holliday Apt.A" oo Oce&n Front, Penln1ul~nlta plua manager'• apartment. .B'ddlnr and linen for &JI unit.a. New rt· frlg'eratunt and 11tovt1 throurh· out. 4800 11q. ft, ltvlng: .,,. .. Remodf'h•d In 19~0. 14800 net In· cnmt 137.!100, SU,000 down. Beach Home! BalbOol locallon ... juat 4 door• from Ocean. Da.ndy 2 bfdrnnm home, tum1J1h ed. itarag... too A -1 condition You mu1l eu thi.a beto,.. b11y1nr SH .!IOO. ttnn• Balboa Realty. Co. Oppoe1t' B&nk of America Roae GrMlt"y Al Cornellua ltd Lt• J ack P1nkhem Jnetphln" >Vebb 700 It. Balboa Blvd., S.lboa Phone Harbor 32i7. REAL VALUES 3 B.R home t '6 hath Onlv I yr old. Large lot, nlr rly 111nll1r ap· •d Modem h11lll horn«\, J ood wn· 111 ructll)n. Suhm1t ynur OWl'I tin l1A.vm•nt APPROXrMATF.l.Y '• A C RE I 2b!UO, ClllAI' In ltlul for in· cnm' prop We ALSO have llOnit nice R-4 loU fnr hom' all,.. WE ARF: HERE TO Sl!:RVE A PLEA~E YO. B. A . .1.NERESON REALTOR 19112 l'f~wport Blv1' Cosla Me-• Commencing Thunday, AUJ. ftti From 5 :30 to 8 :30 p. m. untl eold. Brend New We invite you to visit one of UM Jalmnd'11ftClll 09t· at.anding four bedroom -t.wo bath i.c.n.. Jl'ull price S37 ;SOO fl..arge 5'l e&aJ payment lout_......) LID 0 REALTY A.-oel .... 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444" t Acrou from Richard'• Marnt ~) Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES The Summer dee.I you have been waiting for Should be this 2 bednn. f"11l. home. See the b:a· tion. the f)JrniAhing1 and you t.ell • the t.enM you want to pay. Buyers with S4000-S5000 cub wttl like this home. We have another 2 bedrm.. tum. home at 117.000. Good term1. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marme Harbc:w "4 NEXT TO THE POST Ol'n CE Balboa Island HOME & INCOME MODERN 2 bedroom home, comple\ely f\11'1liahed including deep freeze. TV. Spick Ii span, like new. Dual furnace. hardwood Ooor1, breeseway to 2 SU· ag<'s & separate J bedroom house rented. Walled tn patio. comer lot & half. paved lit.a. Ir alley. Nie. surrounding, 2 block11 tfl C08ta Me.a buaineee di•· trict. Seweni connected. B<-st conRtruction. Own· era gom~ to Europe will carry the loan. GoOd •alu.. $20,800 N.B.C. REAL TY 32nd &: Newport Boulev&rd, Newport BM.ch. Har. ld LI 11·1872 Evu t~r 8·•120 ---------------------- 46' WATERFRONT. pt er. noat A rottqe. Beautlt ul bulldlnr 111• Slll,!l-00 term• HOM.SR E . 8KA.P'ltR Re&ltor IOI JiCcP'adden Pl . Kartlor Ull E•e. Harbor 1137-M. 8kN $7,950. New I bdrm., h1Pd. floort. 213 Avocado. Coet..\ol MML Ptloo1 Liberty f.7I07. J9 T2t.tc . \ -- WEST BALBOA BLVD. Two R·3 lot.a. near Catholic Church. One lot with a 1 bdrm. furn. cottage Ir 1 Jot with dbl. gar.· Prio. $17.!500-$5000 down. $65 mo, lnc-lude• 5/f tnt.ec'Mt ror quick Mle, BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Hubor 1264