HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-15 - Newport Harbor News Press• • __....~ • HARBOR p ·R:eSs ·-·, Te••w 17•1 c ...... NEW QUEEN OF THE FAIR -Taking over alter the orlgtnal Queen of the Orange County Fair waa dbqualified, Marjorie Boyd of Anaheim amilee _radi- antly on announcement that 1he would repteaent Orange County in the Maid of California conteat at Sacramento for the queen of the California State Fair. Pirate Queen Marjorie ia a aecretary in Ana· helm during her •pare time. • •• ..,. 1111 Nab Cicero at Border . oltDopeRap Costa Mesan. 2 Santa Ana Men Wed by S. D. Cops SANTA ANA, AUGUST 14 (0CNS) -Three Orange County men, one of COiii. Meaa, were .urea~ in San Diego by Santa •Ana police yesterday after local officen had trail· ed them to the MexJcon border. Book.cl by 8&n Dlero polke •lated. on cha~• ot belnr under the Ottlce1'11 pholof1'&ph1 raced to lntl\Mll\ce of b.roln were Edward the Mellican border a11d ahowf'd Berdman Cicero. 21. of Colta cu1tom1 and lmml~tlon ottlcera Maaa, Ronald Parker and WIJUam photorraphs or the 1u11pect1. A netcbar, both Santa Ana. few, houri later. the three men Clc.ro. accordl.llr to Coata Mua' wtre aeen returrunr ~croH the and Newport Beach det.ecUvea, border, hu beea .-UOn.cl tn Um• put The Banta Ana policemen lf't ID COIUMCtiGa wtlh vvtoua narco-up a 1ta.ktout on Pac:ltlc: Coa11l \I~ CUl9, 91lt. M baa not been hlfhway and l lOpptd lha IUI• HOLLYWOOD CALLS HER ME8AN BESOUEI> -Oxygen to help h.ia breathing Don Wallace, David Oomw, who took him out of the anwted, tbe7 aaJd. pect'• car • ff'Vv momenta later. h ,.,...., .. and Do·n B••--_ ___._ WU •-'-en to ftna• II:. B. Cicero i. not lo be con· Tb• trio wu aald to hue fruh ii being given R. G. WO<>de of Coata Meaa after e ..,...._., --"-~ --tu-.cf wiUl 8&1.Dt Cicero of Baa· ne.clle marke In their arm• and Pirate Queen Yvonne Goes and bw wife were pulled out of a rip tide at Newport . Hoepltal where be ii l'MOftl'blc from W&Ultion and tar Cicero ..um&Jc•ra. AccordlJIS their eyea were aatd to be dllated. u....:.Cb sun~•y, Tbe -••-'• WhO are be)pin• him are 8hOCk today. -stall Pilo&o to IUJat Cleero, ht. name &Ad Tbe pl who WU Aid IO have ~ """' ...... ._ 8 faa1b ta Italiaa wtllle UM oth• a.cconipuil.cl the men wu not '" tO RKO: New Queen Named 2 A1to Crash IMESAN RESCUED FROM Mother of 2 = ~: :-S ... :;74:: ~= :::;:: ·=~~~ E·~:E:]§ 1'reict1itmm1e18111aere 'RIP TIDE BY GUARDS WllYes Dope :£:.7 ~=;,:~ ~~~~~§. 8tudioe -.d ()nap Oowlty rair e.q ~ .. Im .ucc&elOI' u. H . ii. H ......... ,... ... 1 ill• && 1 ..,_ _,. 11114 • ba4 taJlm a bue to ::: ... --.;cs..! u..ui:. :-~ ~ :~:.:':: o auto acctdent vtctlma •u. Wooch C.sAI flt CmTellt 1ellfil'I ere. :U..: .::W. ~·.:-:= ~ ~ .. r~ ~ 1~1:!~ci *" •:ullJiltliM • ...,.. ~ her u queen 8aturda7 lllPl at tru.ted ~ Boaa Roepltal JUler· R. G. P _ IJll __._ .....a ....._ aw .._ --... • .._ .....,. Uliat a sirl •c· ~~=~ ~t=-::n~one &bow and other fair =:;tedl..a~PA~~= tt~ hlaS:; Seek Aid; Husband In Hospltal m:.t'! ~ n:' ~· ~ ....._ tJae ••7W ..._ _,_... tllftft Into Mnli-o. oYer ~ tau 11!dden17 8aturda7, Qwa Marjorle w1U fel to~ Koran wu reported uninjured wai'ftd p~ ....,_. ca a •)'tnr • ,.... taldDC a eaetnct to 8ac:J"&lnento to repreeent Or· attn • thorourh uamlnatton, po. Bad rip Udea over the wee.k· Comer r ot Woodll to br•thlfts ;::::!,• inofN.':;:::n.:.U~ = With Use mot.Ion picture atudk>. an,. County In the Vaid of Cal· lka reported. and made .wlmmlnr difficult and a.rain and then wu helped by Judp Donald J . Dodp tleld the Howner, IU<O ottloi&Jll today ttomla cont.eat the lut of thl1 Andrews, 18, of Belmont Shore, kept life ruarda buey maklnJ u Guard• Don Walla~ and Don La Habra rtrl to amwer In SM· •Id DO ..v.Gt 11.&d )'•t been mQnth. wu Injured when the car In which rNCuu. Only one C&lle, that ln-Burns, who broufht the trto •• Ana •uperior -urt at t :SO elped wtua tbe pl llDd the)' . ldl d I b John C .. o w could not ~ ber INdd• 'Iba unexpected Hollywood de-he waa r ng, r ven y . v0Mn1 Mr. and Mra. R. G. uhore. Wooda wu given Olr)'pn &.m. J"r1day, .A.Uf. lt . ...a-·•t-u prate qllMa. -ttlopment followed 11creen tutl Weber, Lone Buch, wu hit In the Wood•. 111 CabrlUo. Cost& K-. by Inhalator and then taken to Mn. ChHtaut. wbo to&d Dep. ~~ u. ps 111 llCMdllled taken at the flllr Thuraday of rear by one driven by Allee 8• j end Joel Ranaom, 1338• Rita Way, Hoag Hoeplt&l where h• wu """ J:>i.lt. Atty. J . Part.y Sm.Ith aha tcw a ..S-111 mair.-vp. bMr anc1 thn. ctrl.t ln the enlourare. Coplealon oC South Oate In lrorit Santa Ana, came near being covering trom exbauatlon and la ln proce• ot obt.aJ.n111c a di· mod~ u.i.. But, ao date bu Y'IONI•• and her mother went to Of Howard'• Reetaurent on Hl&'h· fatalJUu. •hoc:k today. Mn. Woode and TWC• made application tor da· bem Mt, ---ottld&hl R&t4Kt, Hollywood Jl'riday and the 1tudlo way 101.A.. The Wood11 were ewlmmlnr off Rameon only niqulred rHl. ductl~ of bail bec:aUM of her for tbe t.t8. epokecnan indicated ahe would be The Kogen baby, aon of Mr. and 80th St .. when ha became Involved Guard• Hllmate there were ctatldrea. Newport Beach police rtnn a part in a 1creen play Mra. Norman Kogen or Loi1 An· ln a rip tide aod ehe went to ~.000 on l he beach• over tba Officer JUl'llna l:plleln INJfeeted immedlataly. Yvonne had planned ftlu. waa tn a car driven by hl1 hla help. J.lle Guard Davia Comer Wt"ek·l'nd. The water temperature her ball be reduced from 16-000 Wben » • queen not a ClllNll ! a mod•lllnr career and Chia • father that waa hit ln the rear by I heard btr cr1u and went out wu 68.5 lllu1 aurl light. Th• IO to $1000, and Judra Dodf• eo Wben ehe ..,.. '° HoU)'WOOd. nlopment file lhto her ldeu., one driven by Gudner K. Grout, 1 and at tbt u.me time R&n10m guard11 on duty found pe.renta for onlered. T1'0DDll Allblrt. Banta .Ana Pl· The poelUon of quttn at tbe Ban Marino al Bay Shore bridfe grabbed an Inner tube and 1tarl· five .loet c:hlldttn and pw tlrat Newport police •topped a eua· ~~. ~~ '! =ood Oo:!!-fair did not lose anything by the Sunday. · led to help the J>afr. •Id ·0 five people. pic.lou11 ca r Aue. 8 to /I':!. ~n ir.et.!;1u;.:ro.=oe::t~~ :~retli.~=11 1!~~,o~:n!~~ t.onLu:~~ ~::1~~ai:n,~~rHl~~~':i!; SCOUTS 'LIVE IT UP' ~~: v~~=e~~ .. ~tllngr ~: Boyd. tonn.., prtncw trom for her poelUon. fair 1pokeemen whll• rtdlnf In a car driven by 1 auto. police aaJd they found a ~I maid. Walter N. Malcolm of Van Nuy1 I amall jar Of martjuana under the ;h~n~e ~::v; b~J~:~i"r~u::~r. IN PINZA'S SUITE ~=h~~= !:'th,,;:~·~~ Schenck Fourth' Frost eon ot Ri•e1"111de. police reported. c:learl'd th~ men who were In the car with her, and tMy _,.. releued. R I HAllOR WEATHER Donald Earl Howard, 22. alao El hth in Sn.lpe na s BJ LYN BARTOS Some wer. ,nen, thoee boy1 had ot r.,. Habre wu arnisted Jut g Tent---&ae pMC w.k ta the WASHJNGTON, D.C., Aug. 15 ~ roualed around by the n&lU· Monday and c:harpd with ~ ..---"Tell the folk• a t home that we ra.I •brUbe, treee and overfl'Owtb felony, fumllhlnr narc0Uc1 to a Br Dim IJl:WD to have the wind pretty well fir-:i-wett: llave learned how lua than half of the country. Some wtte black, minor. Howard denlee the c:harre. n.. u. 8. .Nat Ion al kllpe Uttd out (What little oC It there H1p Low can llve." Thal I• the word of the from d!rt, rreue, muck and mire. Mra. Cheat.nut told police of go- Claunplonlhl119 at Atlanta are wu>. u did Ted Well.11, who In ~ ay, Aug. 9 . 73 6.1 boy11 of Ellplorer Poet 17 carrying The boy1 did what good men on lrg to Howa.rd'a houee In La Ha· ttaally iner aad Barry .Allen of 11plte of a dlaqual1Clcal1on wou~d Wedneeday, Aug 10 73 67 the good word of Ne'llll·port Beac:h'a the trail lhould do. They local.cl bra and purc:ttutnr a quarter tin New York s. tbe ..ui.er. Fred up alllth ovf'rall. Terl atrved hut Thurllday. A~. It .. 7J 85 fiftieth annlvereary acro1111 tht• a roadway. aent two of the.Ir num· of marljua11a .. llcheDclt p&aced fGGrth ln Use year u lntemallonal c:ommodo . Friday, Aug. 12 73 66 country ' ber hitch hlklng to polnte already ------------- tlft • race •'* wtudl wu all· ot the claa •MOCl&Uon ind has Saturday, Aur. 13 . _ 71 8' There are now nine of us. plullh· lndlc:aled on map• provided all 94 Jut Wed.De9d&)', ThundaJ' and won both the nat.lonal and lnlf'r· Sunday, Aug. 14 . 71 83 ly i ltuated In a beautiful .suite of mem~re. Four ot the boy• h&d Ch1•ef U pSOR rrtda7, &nd Tom l'roet. th• de-naUOtlaJ champlonehlpa 11everal Mond11y. Aug. 1:1 70 62 Mr. Muaag11a·s Raleigh Hotel on reached t.M end ot th• trail for fendlnr cbamp, waa elpth. llJnee. I Penn11lyvanla Avenue Jn the heart rend•rvoua where planned. They I Alt .S FBI Jmt IOI• u.. Junior Cbamplon-For the rest of the llktppere. K E Of the nation '• capitol. ll 111 the I did not •how, however. at the ap-0 en. 8htpe aad the eltmln&UOD r&CU. however, ll wa1 apparently gue1111 a ram ' sea pe• llUite URUllly reMrved for E&lo pointed hour, but allortly later they th• Bebdarll n r (Nat I on a 1 work mo~ than anything else. v Plnu. There are three be<lroom11, f "''l'rt llttn to climb from out of a ·-hool Aa•. - Cbamploublp) Seri• wu a tlnt J'or example, two olhtr top·notch 1 • c a llltllnit room and lhr m011t richly. woman'• buement. '15 & IJI nte drtt'Uas mat~. Tom p~ aallo1'11. Francia Seavy or Florid& n1ury as ar I situated furnlahlngt Wll h&n~ t\•tr l CAMP IN STORM ttlteenth m the IL":'t race. fol· (pa41t national ch.amp I •nd Har· 11een. John Schlotterber k, rf'8ident Shi' lac! permitted them to camp City Manager John J. Sallon loW9d by a ..wnlh In the eec· old Ollreatti ot K&nt1ell. r11mt out R II ff R d man&«er, hu prac:tlcally turnf'd out there wtien they reached the lioday announced that ha hu ac:- ond and then an etsht.h. a four· ninth &nd tenth reapectlvely. H r 0 S 0 01 out the •la.ff to 1erve ue. We have end of lbe hike durt.ng the atona. ceipi.1 an lnvtlallon from John tHnUl and a fttth. only Hun-Jeane ('onnle h11d c:ome • 1 I lllr rondltlonln... radlOll by each l'hes-f-... ,.n took me to a ...... Hoover. Director of. the cbam ed ..... llttl lQller " ~ .... ~ l'ederaJ Bu~u of ln'fUtlpUon, .A.Den. Ule new p. eeem '~' • t c · J 8mr:o Karam. WOii O<-ean Blvd. 1 bed. and a huge telev111lon. polni ...,. .. et!le1'11 camping on Uta tot' Chief of Police John L. Up- 121 Skippers Compete in LIYC Regatta By MR!'!. MA Tr OBER Some 121 1klpper1 eaw 1ctlon In lul weekend"• U do Ill• Yar ht Club R~r11tta. a t.h~&-d11y ipnnt ..nee .. ·slh the flnit hut run on Baturday, followed by tw!!_.rllct• 8undey., caft owner, wu feellnit ·1111 nir;itt 1 LIVING IT UP~ lrall roe4. A•1 In all the boya eatd 8on to atttnd the flfty·allllh _.. boata •klttntll bPf ort "' l'llff I t0<1ay In 11plte of havtnr l>ffn In Parl'nta wlll wonder whether they bad llJIS~"more than tile al· on of the FBI NaUonal Acad- bf'f'el<'. 11n 11rc:ldent Saturll&y when hill rar lMlr boy11 wm want to lake to the lotted 23 mtltil. Actually they had emy, befinnlnr Aug. 29, In W&ab• AWARDS YROJ>JIJE~ rollt<l oft B&y:ildr Drh•e. about 4()1) tr1111 agt.Jn efter thf' luxury ol been hlklnc eround a mot1ntaln ln&"ton, o. c. Sailol"I •lated thta . od M A A _ feel 11outh of P11l111dN Ro1111. ind WaAhlngton. Really thourh. the and were 3 mllea from their point a continuation of hla effort.a tot' UYC 1 Comm ort · ' n 1 stn1ck ll polr. boy11 are entttled to a couple of of 1larUng. the Improvement of ... _ d ......... deraon awarded lrophll'll to tht n . , _ _. ..,,. ..--~ wtnnerll of thl' H cllllll!ell Sundlly Karam w&11 lrtatt d tor brmst~ day• of real rNL They did r;tt n.'N and hlfh "'1nd1. &M ..,.,. ment and la done with the a· evenlnft following the lrlllllttonRI at Ho11r; HOlpltal. but was a blr to r11u1tht In Hurr!cane Connie, thty lratla had really beaten the boye. pecl.atlon th&t It ,.111 make u., h ·d , d 1 ~ home. offlrct1 reported m11y not have completed the f'n· Alt "'t~ ale and eound ~there Newport Beach Police Depart. i-lv n " o"' tr .supp<'r llt'F'\ 1 0 llrl' 26-mlle hike on the Appalllc· !e-no~ 'ont that hat even a cold. menl one of the moet oullland- rontt>Al&nt11 and ramih1•11. Mni. Shirley Jot-neon. 26, an<I ho"n Trail but they dJd bl.ke far· 1obn1 'van Dyk• and Johft Valle lnr In lha nallon. Thi' followlntt coplJl'c1 the ru~io : Beverly Blair. l9. both of ParA· lhtr: they may not have reached w1lo 11*d eet up al Ule end flt the Harry o. Maynor. IAC ot tba PC. Clnl, Georire C'll mJlb<'ll C B'\ C, mount. are rtto,·ei lnir In Hoa'f thP planned dt1tinaUon but they lrall eort ot prritlon faahklft wtth Bureau'a &all Dtep offtc• atated Pante!'\.\: ~erond. W Herbf'rt Al· H011pital today rrnm lnJUrll!I au!· met ·a lot ot mountain people and the tnnanpnn. matU.. and all the NaUon&l AcademJ wu fonn- l!'n. ;'l;HYC'. Tortu,1t11 third J11r lc ftrf'd In 11n itcrldent "''hen the ur i1ha~ the hoepltallt)' ot many ln Ule tralJtr, found out that the ed l.n lHll for tha purpoee of Toon, BYC' Pllt..•y A~n L111l~rs lrh·t n by Du.n E Johnson. 31. people In Virginia. tenl leak.cl. They too had to ta.lte t.ralnlnr out.ataftdlft( poUc:. otn- 16. hral. But! G11gr H In uni 'C. ""11·" In • three·car. cruh on High-Here la the 1tory. I came to the ror oover ln a farm hou.e. ceri and police execuUYH IJl tbe El!ve1r 10 11t'rOnd. H. f:•111l<I. Dl!I w9y ltll ·A at IO 0 c:lock lul e"en-end of the traU SatulldAy momlnt; IU!AL EXP'ERIENCF. (0-..._. • .... I) &y Ct'qu• ll l' l h1r•I Ruth Hae-Ing I the 13th to pl~ up the ll:xploreni It wu quite an expenence. Th• ktll, NHYC, \"txrn. Mt rrury fir~t. M ra. John.Ion bu a frac:turad 1 al the pt.ruied renduvoue. But bor-weal down to llOll'M ot th• SAILOR SUES LARABEE FOR 'IMPRISONMENT' Frank C. ler, Newport, Clalms He Wm Loc:kecl in Goodwill Hold SANTA ANA (()CNS) -Wealthy yacht.aman and lJTP duatrialilJt Ralph E. Larabee thia afternoon waa named de- fendant in a complaint filed fn Superior Court here. The cbargea were uaault and battery and falae impriaonmenl. PlaJntlff Frank A. Carter of cited for four wuke. ~ _ Na1rp0rt Beach eeeka 130.•t~ d~· OO~'FISEf) TO fJOLU aau l.(aJnlt Lara.bet. owner or Then. according to the c:om· th• ltl -foot racing achooner, plalnl, lhf' 1111lor ·wu confined In Goodwill. a tourlet atlbt at N-· Ula boat hold for two dayL Wat· port Harbor. tr and food flven hlm durtnt OoodwUl wu ftl'llt acrou the hia atay In the bold wu lnsuffl · flai9b Una ln th• 1.aa Tn.nap&· d ent, Carter claJm1. Th• dafantl· c:lfk Yacht Ract to Bonohllu. ant later ..ertedly Informed l"- plalnUff he would have to ,,.. Cl.ADIB ATl'ACll main In the hold tor remalnd4'r Carter c1a1ma Larabee attack· of Vie. trip to Newport Beach ed him while Oood•lll wu an· two or three week11 -or Carter c~ ott Cape San Lucu Bay. woUld be put off the veNel at n-.r th• .outhem tip of Lower Cape San Luc:u Bay . CaUfo°rn.la April H . The pi..lnUff chargea h• wu Cartel\ a atlor under L&ra· forced oft tJie boat. ~lont1 and bee'• command, auert.e the de· unable to apeak Spanish. c,rt"r fendant curMd him, eel&ed him claim• It took him a week tn by the neck, bit hlln on the head nerotlate the 1000 miles betwef'n and etloved him to the deak. The the Cape and Sewport Beac:h. plaJnUff aUer .. he suffered p&.ln· He came by way oC La Pu. th,.n tut b&ck lnj\lrle.1 In the aaeerted Ol'W acroM the gulf to Mualin. fr.cu. ff• worked hi• way to NO(&lta, A.9 a ruult of the lnjuriN, Art&., and finally back to th" C&l't~r COnleD(S8, ht WU lncap&-beach. Top t urnout wu in the Snow· bird c1 ... v.~lth 31 enlnu. Tight· ••l competition c:ame in, the Al· b&t.rou clau when llle lhtt" "',n· JMre shot ovu the flnlah llnl' eepa.nltfd by only a handful or b lfh·tf'ni1lon eecondl. Dor. ~touirhtnn B\T. Minnow· , '\rm and multiple abraatone and they weren't there. They bad been mountaln folk.I home btlc.lt In the Serl•• S.. ... ~f'Cond. Bill McOonJl l!I Voy&t f'r·• Ml• Blair tnetured ~~ on th• traU. rot e&UJht In the mountain hollow• when they .. ro.;t;.t~~Kr;'.:.·"'ud;;;;..;lln~;·r.vc ... :.:DCll\:riiiiiaorreif.~11!• F'r'""h ~1IPan, tl\ii'(I, E111l Morns, wrlat. multiple abruiol\ll and lac:· rain and aqualll ot Hricane Con· 1'Tf Ult Appet.dttan........,--aM ti B\T. Mril11. erated aca.Jp, • nle. llllt U\e trail, climbed over mountain didn't even know wh.at Wind J{e.ntrally wu u c:ellenl, ra.n«tnr from ruata to c:alma on openlnf day. But Sunday'• wind· up kept •horeUna epeoctat ora hu.11. tlln&' to commute from the South 1* a...a.l to the Nort.b. u the Jn lnternat1on11..I 14'.11, ll wu l Ort._ra ot tbe other can ~ ... and down a mount&JA Wh61 I Ul~ word Appa.l&ctltan meant. f11·1t. r G11lt11 BYC. Caroustl and A.rthUJ' t , Teararden. M . ot Tew· left tbe boya thq alJ had on Tboee who pt 109t ....re put In ------------- J Ferrlf'r, NHYC. l:lltenn1nlltor. I ranc. a.nd Qartr 1. lmlth Jr., II •hit• t" llhtrta. a "111111'\J cona.., J . P. Bradlty In erc:ond •pot. Falaon and Thlaue 1 ot Los AApl-. State bl(tlway ol· V AJUJ:D OOt.oaa an(' Sona. The mtltw01~.. ..-tn <'!..,.. f'lt'h half one Winnu, c . I n ttn reporta •1 tMt Jollmoe-. Wti• I pt.hered Ulem t.os•lber Mt up brtaltlut tor tlMm and Scott. LlYC In O\'et Anxious and car 9\r\IU Ule W99t "'9 ot Uie ap.11' UM ildrU ~re any cok>r but really put them up. J. C.uJer. BTC In n.u. r~· brfdCe twice and UMm caromed Wt\ite 101M w.e y.llow, UM»t bo)'• We nna.111 rot au toaethtr. We (0.11&WI. • hp I) tato .._ .... tw., Y b' '• ... Mia ,.i .. ta a -lllD. .(0 M t • .... I) I hiss.. Arm. Kn. ... lln. CllM't. ao-. 1527 New'pOlt m.d.., eo.t& M ... are perenll ot a boy baby )lom Aut. U aa-. ..., ... unna mvaNS--Sldpptr-owner Ralph Lara-. Goodwill'• muter, reeelftd ld88 from hw wife when be returned from eventful voyare lut Rpring durin1 wldda hup IChoour wu on rocka. -SWt Photo • I - , ' I. PRECIOUS WHITE M1NK forma this wide stole from Santa Ana Fur Company which Mn. John Broughton wrapa about over a dreas of charcoal brown. At Balboa Bay Club microphone 11 Gloria (Mrs. Skip) Fickling, commentator. -Terry Boris Photo BENEFIT EVENT DAR Fashion Show at NHYC BACK INTEREST FEAreRES th1a 10WD from Shaddock'•, modeled by Mra. Wlllla Hunt of Lido Ia1e at Balboa Bay Club'• fuhlon ahow and dinner. Style. bore na.mea of boata, auch u "Lotrt Fortune,'' cock- tail dreu 1.11d matching coat ln a new deep mhade of turquoiN, and "Sweetheart," a red three pleoe en- MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor ntth annual fUnd ralaiJl( event Meaa. Mrs. George D. 8 UC'COla of-------------------------- 0( Col WIUlam Cabell Chapter, Lido Isle and another 11 planned PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS D .A.R .. I• H t for Btpl. 1~ at th• for AUKUBt 23 In th.. BAiboa Newport H&rbor Yacht Club. home of Mrs. Anne Rarbeeon, MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1955 Schtduled for 12 noon, It 111 to second vice regent. -------------------------- be A fllllhJOn 1how, luncheon and l'SE OF FU1'fD8 card p11rty wlth-numeroua door Proceeda of Olla atn1l• annual EARLY SURPRISE EVENT priua 1111 well u ind1Vldual card event are uaed for the ch1ptar'11 . table pr 1ze11. local phllanthroplet. th• acqpe of 1 FUN L1dn F1111hlon11 will 1hnw beau· whl.ch la gnatly enlarged each FOR MOTHER'S CLUB t tful Rn rl out11t11mhng new 1tyl11 year. jui<t at the ~lme 11ummtr cotton11 Col William Cabell Chapter are br•r.:inninit to pall. ThAllll for wu founded and organaed by t he affa ir 111 "Fall .i.~uhlona '65" Mn. Charlu K. Boardman ot and a ~U-Led d-will ~ i-... ......... ........ bf' d,.velof"'d by Mra. RQbert In• ri!g•ta ..... 'Mn. Ch&Uee J<eprwn 11nd her Mmmlt lu of Landera. Mr8. A. E. Stockton thrP" ml!mbe1 s, Mmu . Adrian and currently Mrs. W. B. Tritt. Jn ·1nt. B M. Ad·,,n 11ntf C~rgf' BUC'('l'llll Scholl Family at Hope Home PJ~ 8H OW Fa,.h1on t1n11ni;:l'int'nts a rl! un· dl'r the llupl'rvialon of Mra. Don· a id P. Hut end her co•workn. Mra. lA'•ll'r V1erllnJ. Tkket di•· t rlbutinn 111 beln1t hnn"lffi by M1'11. CUo Scholl. her mothn. Mrs. JILl'llt'l' B. Tl'lylrir. ~tr11. Mrr· Mrs. Elizebeth Sang r' 11nd nla. Bowlu &nt1 J.lra. Helmer I dauchter Eliutx-Lh, of Udo Isle DIC'kty. The t'llp«ll11ly attractive and Palm Spring• ar1 apendm~ door and ta ble pr1u11 a re tht th,. Wt'tk a t the home-ot Mr11. ra.rUcular reaponalblllty ot Mra. Fredric CThtlma Paddock I Hope. A. E. Stork ton. I Corona dt'I Mllr, arter aome lime AU <'hept,.r mt'mbl>rJt, lnrludin,lf 1 In Florida, Mr11. ._.lll111m 8 . Tritt, rtgf'nt Mr111. Hope IA at Sant.a B11rb11r11 and Mni. A. L. l'rnkleoy, vice re· j for th• fiesta as gueat of her rent will have infurmetlon &nd l dau1hter. Mrs. Jack Jone11. Uckt'lll 8Vall11ble Rt<'l'nt pl11n· Mr11. Scholl will visit othtr nl11« 11f'1111lo"'1 Wf'r,. hl'ld In the frle11da until her own home I.a homt'!I pt Mr1. Pinkley In Costa vaC'llted. • MRS. RllX RENO ud daqllw Pam an bavtq f\an on the beach at the BalbOa Bay Club while daddy goes fo r a swim in the'b&y with 'their aon Rick. Tbe Renos arc from Los Angeles and are vialtin& Mra. Rt'no'a mother and father. the Frank Bricks ot U do Iale. -Terry Borla Photo -. It wu both amusing and profitable whtn the Moth•,.· ot J ob'• 011.u(hlera c reeled one ftnother <luring the tarly mol'l'lllls houra ot Au(. 4 for a "come u you are breakfut," ·aa the p&Uo at lb• home of Kn. OUtford Lewie. ll:'vlft thou(h many memlx'l'll were away on ••cation and unable .to take part, proflta amounted to 188 '#tth moN donatton1 allll exptcttd. Dur1nit and a!t,.r the break!ut, many of the mothers ma~ corsage. for the forthC'omlng lnatallallon of Ure Joblea. Prueflt for th .. event. wtre )lmta. Huold Beebe, O. It. White J r., Kenneth N. Johnaon. John M. McO.nn, Harry H11llard, Alfred F11cher, Ernest Chur<"h. C. Orby Andtr· lll)n, C. B. Ru11a, Emul Crain, Roy JngmundAon, Gltnn Dyu.rt, Herbert J1ck110n, Ro~rt Ch11mbfrlaln, Charlea A. Haley, J ohn McMlllen, Willis Sanger. C'llfford Lewis, Ralph Herr, John Walp, M11bt'I RoM, JaC'k H&rrls, ~ralcl Davia, H&rold Wlllary, M11ria.n Edklna, Ch11rlu Jarobll, Millon Stellar, R. J. Villa· grana. Charlu L. Ary Jr., E. V. Rapn, Du.n-Smlth. Henry Na plea. Co-hoatt.ll!tl Wf'ra Mmi-a. Jngmundson and Herl'. County Thetas to Aid With Benefit Event Leave for Camp at Seven Oaks 1-vtac Saturday .momlnr for • oee-W'ffk ouUnr near 8ewn o..ka '#tU be four hip achool JOUlhe of th• Balboa IJll&nd Com· You lave 10'r0 nn rour Prescriptions at PRINGLES Prt>11crlptlont nllf'd 'tll Jf> p.m. Free Film! With Melt roll or blMlk ucl "'bit.-, als.N Jll, llO, Ill, 110, I HI lefl with ua for de\'eloplas and prtnttnr. we 1'1U 1h·11 7ou a roll of the u1ne 1lu REE. Muter 81M Prtnta at ~o Extna Cllar&'e U BO\;R 8ER\11C& Open 10 a.m. DINND SllYID ,,_ 1:00 , .... DA.NCDG a.&tMA MIOll!l.Y I 'Memories'. is Reviewed Unit In the Lelioe Ha!J ot Saata Ana and the Loe Al&mltoe Unit at l'O••pon llMdl .t.mancaa i.e. (IOll 11.U. IUtla&l ,.__ ....._ ...... ue W~ llunt4. O ran1• Olut eone,. librarian. review• M...n.e Iii)' &tbel Barrymore .. 1.U.W.: Km•. He"'9rt TMm..-. ... Wn: Jun.a rroet. mwM6U; Al- bert i..uew,.1er, A.alpill ....., C.C.l lnu. K--Ul ~ Antell Boett.. Pb&lip ...,.... Nonla Rlad8ea. n.-w -... Sandra IA.Utwyler. IMllble from 8baddock'a, a1lo modeled by Mn. Hunt. Here lbe po11ee ln front of Lornine Critchley'• table at which nn the Don Woodwardl, Kra. Robert Mad- du of Dallu and Mn. Clinton Murebllon ot Dallu, who returned home l'rtday. -Terry Borla Photo Card Event to Op~n Season for Ebell Opening event for Ebell Club la the Sept. 22 "!um.mer Cotton" card party, a deuert event to be held at American Legion H&U. There are to be table and door priue, and members may bring guest. but reeerY'atlona a.re to be ln by Sept. 20. n. name ll&IT)'more bu 1on1 b..a a boUN!lold word ln Am«I· CU iMm•: The BarrytnOl"H ba'" beea u IMUtutlon ln Ola theatre a.ad IDOYIU tor maay year•. Ethel llUTJmora, tut ot Ola pat \Ii· wa.1,.t• con•l•Un1 of bel'Mlf aM lllrotb•ra Llonel and John, I.a Kansas City Guest Arrives Ole Mlthor ot thla autobloerllpby. Mre. w. H. O'llrtte and .... American theatric&l hlatory pu· dren, Bua aad JU. or k.-. ... In r•vt-t.hrourh Ola ,.,.. ctl)'. Mo. a1TIY-4 tcM1Q Mt wUI ot lM book. be su•t.a for two ..... or ,._ TM atory be1tna In. PhUadel· O'Brtan'a mother, Mrs. a... plda ln t.ha laat century. Mn. C. •mlOI. tf lklbo& 0.... Joha prww Sr •• (T&tldnloUwr ol No formal ewata aN ,...... a!MV'Md towided a tlllo .todr for Mn. O'Bn-. wM ... IMtt CClftlPUlJ, ud ID 90 dollls l&td lut llW'ftmar, •t dtloN wUl • IM foundaUoea of th• peat cuua1 antart&lalq el tlle .., Drew • krrJmoN &eUq fainit)'. Club. OecqM Drftr, motlier ol l:thaL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;; married a 1'0W'S and bancbom• fallow aamed •Maurie• Brrrymor.. ..... _ ._ -Tl 3 a l'rom thla uaion came the thne ll&a17a,..... • &thl, Uonel. and bffC'elW ...... Joba. fte lf'Mt American actor LDoftJ I-Im Jolm Draw Jr., WU OI• uncle of oo.TA llUA llArnsa9 CO. llthel. aad It WU be who uer-1111 ........ ..,., cs.ed ..,..i tanuenu owr her ~===========~ .arty aeuac days. :: In hr earl) J9Ua MIN Barry· .,.~ MM. a tour with th• ta· mCMW Pollah actr-. Madame ModJeska. Thia wu followed by COll,..nt ICbool wbere J:t.hel had vtAllou of becomlns a mualclan. W1Ule on toun wtth Uncle Ja.ck, l:thal chcoY•1'9<1 that act· Inf wu ber tort.a. From thl• poU\t on her earear waa Hl&b· ltllll.t. 80lil• ot her many 1ta,. trtumpu w.n: C&pt&ln Jlnk• of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;:;;:e::~ tile Bona •Xar1nu: A Country • Moua; Allee llt • by • Ola • nr.; Our Kn. M e ch .. n~y: Th• Twwln Pound Look, O.Cluaee. Th• Oonat.ant Wife. and Th• Com i. Green. The atorl of l:thal'a naml11e to Ruuell G. Colt. and their aub· eequent family of three children. Ethel. J ohn and Samuel la v1v1d· ly portray.cl by Kl.. Barrymorti In her autoblorraphy. On her aevenUeth birthday. Ml•• Barrymore wu honored u one of America'• rnatut thM- tr1C&l talent.I. The book I• b l&hly recommended for dnoteu of tb• theat n , and tor U!ooe lllte:reated In «e:nenl rea.dlnf. WAVll SPECIAL c-.••t• $10.00 ,, •• ,.,......., • Mni. A.melt& Gambia la ln thur Harr1110n, Smeal JC. Hart· chars• and ualaUng her an ma.n, Carl 0111. Burt • DorTI•. Mmea. c. M. Dea.kin.I. ctuence Charlu Dewey.' Paul Cu1ter, Ed· Rt•tual Team Dodd, Ttiomu 8 . Smith. Ruasell gar Carpenter. Roy CarllOn, L. New Loc9tlotl 317 N. Newport llY. CTals . Charin J!laton, B)l'Oll W. Brtna. c. C. Birtcher, a.nd A.d· · wa111, wnuam e. Tritt. Bull Terry a.u. 1 S 1'egion Peterson. Nel.M>n Holmwood. Roy ------------- H. Sabln, and H. s. Orer or. A •1 • . Mn. J . A. Gant and Jl.n. Phll Noel Son Boni UXl 1ar1es E. French are t.aldnr r-rv•· ... , .. tlon1. • M •1 p I Th• Newport Rarbar JUtual Fruit cakes. annual proj,.t"t of tn anl ft, • • Team of the Amorlean Lefton Ebell. wlll be sold &«•In ~gin· Auxlllary UJ\it ltl hu betn busy nlns with the club yea r. and wlll Announcement h&a been re· recently w1tb Ole ln1tallatlon of be deliver.cl for Thankaglvlng ceived Of lM an1Yal Of a 90n. .ttlHn and a-lftembera ln and other holiday event.a The John Jouph NoeJ, bom A~. 10 nrioua American Lf'glon Awilll· way1 and mean.a commllt~ la ln Manila, P. J., to llT2·c Joaepb a.ry Unll1. They bave gone to In charre. Noel and hie wife, at&Uoned at Morano Valley. Coat& Mae& Un· Croaroads Villap Center Bld1. opposite Hoa1 Memorial Ho1pltal Liberty 8-2411 Gll.n~ Bt1aul'I Slop AnoUler booat.er for club fl.Inda ~ley Point. Manlla. Thia la It at Ola Coet& ,._ l.Agton 111 the allent auction table. which aecond child born to the couple Halt. Oranae County unit.I In 111 In cbarre of Mn. 8. A. Corl and Ola tenth grandchild for Mn1. iH~WtiiiUnii(toniiiiiilloaiiiichi.iiiklliiitaiii.A.n&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ a11d Mra. Henry H. Undgren. A. L. Noel. HS Ev1r1nen Place. Any rood. uaabl• articles may be Coata .Meaa. brourht at th• first. and other The baby'• father wu lnter- 9leetlnga. • viewed by tortlKfl corrupondent Twenty·alx nnr membe111 will Walton 1Mn. Richard Tre«aakla be listed In the year book when while repreeenlln« Ult Newa • Ebell •tart1 lta clull ~ar. Thty Prtu lh1a aprtnr In the Orient. Include: MmH. Jamee Ltnpn. Loda De Mae J onaa. Marjorie HalUgen. Sert Editor Gertrude Cox, Ward Morwa.n. Carlton Munaon. H . 0 . Albrecht. R. N. BayllH, Hanry H. UJ\dATert, Herbert J ol\naon, William Hud· ion, John 8. Horan, Jamee 8. BeatUe, .:meat JC. Gronlund, Ar· MlH H 11 d y Crawford, Palm Bpnnr• 10Ctety editor. returnees home Thur.da y after apendlnf two weeka u gueat of her 91•· ter ud broOltr·ln·law, Ola Wll· _,. ot Lido JaJe. · Seniton• Dry Cleenera' _National ContHtl WIN A $1000.00 · MARSHALL FIEI.D & CO. DREAM WARDROBE ••• and a FREE round. trip to Chb~o for TWO Oii UNITED AIB LIN~ ! Plan now to enttr the n&· Uonal Dream Wardrobe Con· tut •pon110red by the 8a.nl, tone DIYiaton of Emery Zn· d u 11 t r I e •. Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio. ~lmpl7 Flnteb Thia 8f'nU-nc-e In %6 Word• or LeM "I prefer S11"tlo11t1 to ord1- tl4 rll drJI clco"l1111 llrco...,e" I Sample Sent en re · l know J can trw1t 8tnlton1 to do a betltr job on everythln11: from children·• clothee to flnut evenln1 Wt'ar -yet It r01ta no more!"J It'• juat u euy u that and you rnI«ht wtn a "new you" ... everythln( from •hoe• to • f lamoroue ne'llr halr·do . . cuual to evft'lln6 wear -antf all 1 m a r t 1 'I atyled for "Field'•" by the world"• foremoat da91p•ra. The flrat prise WU\ner a1.o r et.1 • round lTlp to Chlcac-o for TWO on United At.rUn• ... wtth S da)•' botel. meal.I and tax.I faree paid tor b~anl· lane Dry~ c .. ln MdiU. t.o tM ftnt pril!a ot s1,ooo.oo o.... Ward· robe. \hon an JI oOIW wonderlu1 ,..u.. C,_eet.,__A...,.111 • ....... ~"''"" cw,.. ...... ...,, Mlllll Mt • 111'1'8 ...... ,._ UDO CLIANllS 170 N • ., .. ltw .... Celt. M111 I •• ..., M014 ·. Magnificent Minks . AGAIN HtOH\tGHl ou• 15th annual YCugu!I FUR SALE \Va prepated t or lhla aal• m a n y montba &(O, anllcl· paling th• pruent rlle In mink pric•. Now, we are tn a po1ltlon to offer you mink at Hpeclally atfracth·e A u ~ u • t 111.. prlrf'11. Seltct ynur mink now. ,.., ,..,._. r ...... .,,,,.,.., ~MoH .... ,....., $HS MINK 'Jiii' $795 MINK '§l8'0 •10ts MINK •1•" CAPH -ITOUI -IACll:nl hr product.I labtled to ahow country ol ort(ln of lmportad turw.. Santa Ana FUR Co. Ml Herth IH•...,., ICIMllerfy 2.0.12 I . NEWPORT HAltlOlt NEWS.PRESS -,ART I • ,A. J MONDAY. AU&UST .15, 1915 Breakfast Set in Parking Lot AmUal -.rat ~ et Or>- .... clel Mu OIMnnnmltJ eae,.... pUonal ClaW'Ch .nu be bead °" \be pull.lq lot of All Arnst~ Muket. Corona del Mu, • W. wd~. AUS. JO. ar-kfut. "ell 70U Cla •t. H wW be eened from I to lO:IO a.m. at a ~ rate. N i. ad- diUoD ~ WU1 be door pri.- '-~ w. Pettltt '8 ..... cM&r- wtll be U4ed ~ Mn. Artllw llllDper and ...... ol u.. r.uow- lblp wtUt Norman Brown &Dd U.. ~ people. wlilo ......... Udl• .U. R.. D. MwedlUl will Mt up talll• met K.a..tA lluMt and tM rwt:r Nlaen wW Mt M bmt& -'-DORT(,/-~ ~ /!· .. t ~· , . , NOW8BOWINO laek w-. .. , ... _Kelly's ...... , .... Lefc'. Edmued O'Brlea htl7 LN SALE! FINAL CLIARANCI .... New Stock Perfect ...... & loy'1 ...... Swim Tl'llllb RegUrtt.91..a. 1100 LOOKING AT ACCESSORIES for the unique "Nearly Nef.." fashion luncheon which they are st.aging Tuesdiry, Sept. 20, 11 :30 a.m. in Balboa' Bay Club, are members of <>r.nge County Philharmonic Society, (L to R) Mrs. Carl &.well of Newport 8-ch. Mrs. Edward Mittleman of Fullerton and M.ra. Karen Marget& Bruning of ~ Beach, •ecutive ~tor of the · aociety. -Terry Boru Photo PAUSING AT THE TABLE of Mn. Henry Schaefer Jr. of Lido Isle, lira. John Broughton abowa one of the moat popular dreuee .een at Balboa Bay Club's Wednesday ·night fashion show dinner. Of black crepe with draped aide pouff, it wu from Shaddock's of Lid.:> Iale and wu worn with a dramatic white fox atole from Santa Ana Fur Company. -Terry Boria Photo -pl~ "I• For Cower" •tamas 1.-c....,. Al loxen Men's $1.tl Boy's $1.6t WAHMILLlll Philharmonic Members Plan Concert and Fashion Event P!ana for the Orange County PhiJharmonlc Society'• no'• •ymphony orchNtra, which firat concert of the new 1955-56 season to be held Satur. wu organlaed about th• •me ' tJm• that the 01'1Ulg'e County day nenlng, Aug. 27 at 8 :30 p.m. at the Irvine Bowl and Phllharmontc &clny wu found· Art _Gallery Tea Hostesses One of the lovelleat Monthly Teas of the ~uon. aponaored by the Senior Women'11 Club of LA· iruna Beach. wu held at lhe Art Oallrry on Sunday afternoon. op· enlng lhe new Prize Memt>er11hlp Exhfbitlon and the one msn 11how11 of Galen Dou. John Hilton and Ph1lll1 H . Skelton. Ho111tes~• for the occulon were: Mra. Claire Wlnle111u., pre· aident, •nd Mml'~. Nita C•nnen. Edith Wolf. W. A. 8choeppt. Madelaine Conner. Jack Tonkin. W. H . Overyt. R. K. Daniels. C. J . Martin. a.nd E. A. Terby- 11mlth. The table settlni of clae- 11lc Roman 11lyllng featurlnr; sculptured piece. by the lat. Er· nt1t A. Yerbyamllh, wu acclaim- ed moet ouutandl.nc. The be&utt- tul magnoltaa were . ~ th• trtH ol Mn. Lnt Glddtnp a.nd Pool Party for Pamela Returns from Iowa Ml1111 Anne Hoepera, 13S Broad· way. Coata Men, returned la.st week from a month'• Visit in Iowa. She will aoon return \o I her deek ae curriculum coordln•· t tor Oil the Co1ta ~ell& 11Chool1 to prep-. re for th6'"'" openlnc of 1 .chool nut month. Mrs YerbyemlUs wae la ehar~ ------------ MAYOR DORA HILL. .tiown congntulaU~ Newport Harbor CJnnp mmiber .K&ri Mc:Doupll, bad high pral.M for hie dulrn ot ~ eaN.Mt In bac~nd al Or&nge County Fair. It t<,lfd- tM N ...... liutMw t\Plnl 8toey and WOil ftnt pri• <(J/.I IUI .... . Dinner at Mt. Planned Carmel ot d~oratlons. J ohn Hilton. tamoue d-rt •r- tlat, churned all with hie balla.da, accompenytng hlm1tll on hJa guitar. Arizona PicQic The Art&o11a 8octety ol Lonf r~"tll:~D ~ach will hold their annual pie· nlc et Recttatlon Park. llaat 101.b Slrttt. Long Bl&Ch. AU(. 14. Plcnlc lunch from 11 to 1 :00 p.m. Entertaln.TMnt fl'Olll 1:1& p.m. to ! Join ue and mMl old frlendll from Ari&ona, lnvtt• J:dwvd J. RelftS, pruldent. .... C:ee:oe.. ......., •• Oo~ ., 0. LMlr ol Ma. Carmel par- ... II ID a.old a MG &nn.r at .. ........ l!lalboa Bm1. at l:ltb 8t., -....,, ....... • fT'Ol1l • to f p. m. Mn. Anllm Weet le ...... wttll Mn. IAoaard Pwa&W .. ~Pro­........ ,. ._ .._..., ._ THI PINllT ••• m LOWDT PllCID ..., ...... ..... fWlc&. Royera Gu.ta A. ...... ol ,..... ...., ..... am I 99t tbU .... tor Jin. PaUl ........ Al \'la Udo Nord. aad ..,. ..... SUfl9t8 and mt.en. Mra. J~ T. Pullian ot South ·Puadma &1ld M• Man• Jo,-ner et~ , MAPLE PURNITUll · .... ~ ... 0,.. Fttd.,. ... t • Wayne Warrens Heme from Texas Olach&rged from the mervice .. VlstaVW. Teeuloo&or . Wortckpn='• 8tore 189'~ Barbor ... Coeta .... Mesa Families at Berry Fann tut Friday at Randolph Field, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ San Antonio. Tuae. wu Wayne - Warren, who with his wife and two 10na, Harvey &nd Ronnie, arrived at the home of ht. par- enl.JI. Mr. and Mra. William War- rf'n W1rnn of 3~ Victoria St .. Coata Mua, on Aug. 7. The War· rena plan to realde In Coat& M~ 11& where Mr. Warren I• already employed. Son for Trotters " announce their GRAND OPENING THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th TWO STYLE SHOWS lAIEST HAIR STYUNe· FOR HOME PERMANINTS DAN'S IAUB SHOP First Show for Tots and Toddlers at I I :00 a.m. Second Show for Juniors • Jeri's will feature smart clothes for children from America's finest manufacturers of children's wear. . " • ORIGINALS BY MILLA OF CALIFORNIA NAPPIES ANN SIERA JOHNY LEE VICKI MARSHA LIITLE MISS FANCI PANTS TA YLORED SLACKS OF HOLLYWOOD DON RANCHO • PALOMINA SPORTSWEAR BONNIE FRANCES LINGERIE CARL TONA LITTLE SHIRTS TRJMFIT CANTERBURY SWEATERS MARGARET RUHL VANTA MOS NewpOlf llY·&cL~icre• Call LJMV •tm hr tlelwU ,., 0' •• ,. 0.-'7 pwhnr1ah ,...._ ... If lllFJ ..... at 3 p.m. • A gift with every first purchase • MD GIFTS FOi AU. CHUllN ACCOMPANllD IY PAllNTS • and 1om1thin9 special for the parents, tool • ·, AMATEUB '1.0BIOULTUIU8T -Mn. Clyde Simmons, 612 Poppy Ave., devotm much o! her ti.me to her hill11ide garden. She had a booth at Orange County l"air and also a di.splay of specimen planta, took third in the geranium divlaion !or apecl- men she bolds. (right photo) In the fall friends and neigbbora come to view her hundred& of potted chrysanthemums of all shapes, sizes and colona which have long been her spedalty 1U1 it wu that of her late husband. -Don Buah Pbotoa Geranium Display at Fair Praised One or the out.tandtn1 toptca nr convenat1on at thf! Orange County durtnr the paat week hu been the 11ubject of 1tate, county aJH1 city nowe1'11. HOME : · anrl · : GARDEN R.uldent. of Newport Beach _____________ ...;. ____________ _ attendlnr the nower snow haw been tom betwff?I two exhlblta fQT 1enera1 interut In th• city flower tleld. One out1landlng ex- hibit 111 a dl1play of delicate •hJte ro.w1 dubbed "Snowblr<:la". "'.\'hat could be more titling as an ottlclal flower for Newport BeaC'h and the Harbor area", many people have betn heard to remark. Without fall eomf!One v.·111 come up with UI• knowledce that both P a.dena and Portl&nd. Ore. are known u the oltl• of roaea. ''Whata more," J10meone will chirp up, "Whit• ~ will mildew and dlacotor ln Nlt air." The 1econd display tba Ua vie- Ing for Interest with the gentle rose11 1!1 that of M.,... Clyde Sim· mons of 612 Poppy Ave. Mra. 81mmona hM one ot lh• moat -c•ect da.playe ol Ul• --&nrl un('ommon geranium ever g3thercti in one place. She hu pure C'Olor11, loud and eott. She ha~ 1teranlunu1 wit.h variegated le&vo l\nd colored leavu and 1ref'n lcav11B and molUed blooma. Mni. S1rnmon11 ha.I pn dl!1play 111111111 11nd lari;:e gl'ranlum• and a nPw one to t.hit area of dwarf 1eranlum1 tha t ha1 ga.med a wild Neid of lnltrot at the fair. Ml'11. Simmons hat1 grown her planta juat 1111 a hobby111L She 111 not In buslnu11 and lovu flower• and culttvalPt them for hu own eat· lafactlQn. "These planta will 1row anywhere In the Newport Harbor arra". Mrs. Simmon! ears. "Amt with a little effort we could rover every hlllalde and PAGE 4 ·PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDA'(, AUGUST 15, 1955 IREAK FOR THE GARDENER Even In the 1111'Kllle11t yard, the gardener nttda a. place lo work where he can leave unfini3hcd jobs and where t.hc clutter of poltlnc table and toola ue no eye aore., By extendlnr the fence In t.hla fuhion to form a aheltered area, tool hou.M and com- poll are hidden along with clutter. Tool &hed wu built ot"Doug- lu11 fir tumMr w match fence. \\'eslern red C'edar I• equally popular for feocu and bu1ld1ng11 wt.e~• durability la needed, i Shrubs as ·screens and Windbreaks 'Very Effective Mirror Plant, Escallonia AmOftCJ Available Types for Coastal Area On. of the charmi.ng upect.11 of plant• -and ahrube In parll- cul&r -la that while they bcau- Ufy tbey Hrv• a purpoM a1ao. ror wtance, take the problem of -wind and 1un: the"-ar1 all IOrU of wooden. and concrete f1ocea and acreens. that you could conatruct to ward otf the aun'1 ray1 and the sharp wind. But how much nicer lt I• to be protected from 1un and wind by attracUv• 1hruba bloomtnx In a variety or foliage and nowera. addln( lntereat ln form and Une! MJRROll PLANT Among thoee 1hrube that the Callfomla AlaoclalJon ot Nur- aerymen recommends u a fin• 11elecUon for .creens and wind· breaks ill the evergreton Coproa· ma or Mirror Plant. The variety bauert la upeclally fine for lb.la 90rt ot planUnir .It srow. rapidly to lO feel with a alx foot 11pread and 1loa1y leavca. dark to light green. Flowet1 on thl11 Coprosma nrlety are an inconspicuous f""!Vlillh or whltto: tht re are al10 small yellow or orange berr1u . change to red or scarlet. lnter· estlngty tnough this Lantana va- riety can be tnated as a 11hrub • It wlU grow to ab: feel thu11 -or aa a vine -•upported on a wall 1t will reach 20 feet Saffron yellow nowera 1et amld11t deep green foliage grace the Lant.ana caUowi1rna, 111"0 cal- led Goldrush. a name whirh 11ptly deacribea ill color. Goldrush la f. hybnd or ramara ano.J another Lantana variety, aellowiana. It grow1 In a trailing m1tnnrr. low and very J(raceful. Keep It In good ah&pe with two yearly prumnrs. thlnnlnr back in winter and pinching back new growth 1n Spring. Alao evergreen, the it.c&l.lonl& la very wind hardy and attrac· Uve In appearance. Rated u one ot the 10 mo1t uaerul llhruba tor Wutern prdtn1 lh• Ellcallonl& 11 a vailable In four varleUea: Wblte (mootev1den1l11. Pl.nk (or- pnenata), trancl1eana and Red ( rubra). Ill folla«'9 la glo•y, varying from dark to bronay (1"ffll and lhe flowera white, pink or red. dependinf on the va.rlety. Horticultural varlaUona offer bloom• of cerhie, plnklah· white or bright red. P AllTIAL SHADE EscaUoolaa prefer partial llhad• when grown Inland and will take direct co&ll&l conditions. Correct thetr bad habit ot holdtnr dry Oower head11 lonrer than Is at· tractive by pruning back u aoon a.s the nowera fade. Remove onto th.lrd of the old wood yearly on the tall crowing ·~lea The !:ugtnJa myrtlfoUa or Aus- tralian Brush Cherry makes a fine screen too. It growa from l~ lo eventually ~O feet in a buaby manner wit.h bronze-tinted lellves and edible fruits. Two memben or the Ugua- trum or Privet family are espe· clally outltandlng for U8e u ~ree~a In California planUnc. Both· the japonlcum and lucldum make cxcelltnt high Informal screen11. Privets do not act choosy about aoll, heat or wind: and they show • pleuln(ty quick re- 11ponsP to ~atf'r and fertilizer. The beaullfut n owera wtll per· BJ .JACll JUNO The amulng blendor. Tbl1 la a Je&d&et Lhat helon11 In ewry kitchen ! And, here ar1 a few thinp • blendor wUI do: It will provide you with totally new food flavore r~her than you've ever before been able to produce. It will mak~ the moat 1le1ant food• at a fraction ot th• prkto a relt&U· rant charces you. You can bec:om• a Cordon Bleu ty~ cook with a bt1ndor bec&U.M nt will. ao eully, make 1uch wonderful aalad drN8l"I•· It vlnda nut.a and rrulta, takH th• luml19 out of ~vt .. and aauc•. maku cracker crumbl.. pureM. eUmlnat. 1l1vtn1. wlll mlx prt• pared cake mlll• 110 tll•Y are own rMdy In 30 MOOnda. or you can prepare your fa.orit. cake recipe trom ..:ratch 1n a mblut• and a h11.1!. Aod, It maku tine Daqulriea. too! Recently I put on• ot t.h• new War1n1 blendora throufb th• ropea. Their neweet machtne bu Improved cuttlnr bladq which have lncrea.ed tb• erftclency of the blendor eome 301)(-. and hire are a few reclpea whipped up: GATEAU GUADALUPE fl egg yollc:a 1 ripe banana blend 30 11econd1 then add 111 cup fllberta. cub.wa and almond a box epon,-1 cake mix blend 40 1econda Wben the b&ttet ta don• fold It Into fl aumy beaten en whit.a and bake accordlnc to dtr.ctlon on the box. POACHED TROUT A IA MA'l'ONN411E VZ&ft 4 frozen Rainbow trout 1 err fl •pint.ch let.vu 2 tbap. Spice J1land1 Bult w1ne vtn1pr 1 t..p . ...it ._. t..p. dry muft&Td •' Mrs. Tnashelm Wins Rrst . on Melons at County Fair Hire are more ....Wta ta Or· Jepart.muit. m~ dn.l't&al· ...... Count)" J"air competJUon: tu1b ..:hool. Doqtu a.tu. et ---Newport BMch WU flnt. 1 .... ln acncultural dlvtakla. t•tun Bopktu ot OMt.a .... WU et- ulllbila. Woodford R.o,.c. Jr. of cond and t.blrd. Jn an:hlt--.1 Co.rt& Mua won ttnt for wn· dn.ft.tnl, junior collep, o.ta n.w1ra. MCond for topped tur-Meaaaa Fred Vartia. Jolla 9al· nlpe: Mn. D. M. Trulbelm wu a.w and llmle VW&boboe ,._. nrat for 111100Ul akiAnad melon• ftnt. MCOnd an• Wrd. and 8ICIOnd tor tw•t com. R.o~ At t.b• maUDH a.or. ...,. • a1ao took third for An&Mtlll Wednud&y, Anne amlUa ot 0.- cMU peppen. ta .... wu AMDad WN .... w. R. Marcbb&nk of Coeta Me-c:blldl'ln l&-1T ,_,.. fll -.., 1a took MCOnd for prdUl baeta. Under •·B cit~ ........., for ahort type carrota. and for ~ MIMAI Duul)' UM1 a.,y 1101>e onJona. Brown placed ftm ucl ....,... Under vocational lndu.trtal ,...,ecUvely. ~ cup .ucar Blend all ot U\eN lntndtlDla for one minute. the put tn rr.H· er. lf you want to add t.11• di• llncuv1 touch. trff&e l• coconut halvea. D&IAO DUNll 1 tbap. water l lemon peeled. quartered • OL red ca vtar 1 onion. dtcad bind 10 eecond.I then add ~ )oat bread · INJDO¥e cl'Ult and 4zop In chunka In nin- lnf bl•dorl WhU. dropplnf In the br.-4 chunlla add ~ cup ollv. oil .and blend 'till creamy., ChJll aJ1d MfVI. aTSA& 9AUCE I UM!p. bult.r ,,_ lb. allced muahrooma l cup ll(ht cream i tbsp. n our . &alt and pepper "9 lip. peprtka a.ute th• muahrooma ln th• butt•r Ulen add all ot.ller ln,n· dlenJ,a a11d blend 11 MOOBda. Pour tnto a •ucep&fl aftd cook unW thick. NVT BUTl'E:a I tbsp. M1ad ml 2 cupti nut meal& (peanuta. pecana. almond.I. .~.) Blend unUl .mooth and ..rve on cnc'ken before tll&t etuk dlnne1'. lllD8 BllEAllF A8T 2 qp S rl.uM• mllk I tbep. jam (any kind I I tsp. wpr Blend all of t.b• 1ncre41enta to- pther ab<>Ut 10 MConda. hrn th1a to tbe chil4nn and ... d tMm ott to 8Clboot wtth a vt\&- CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THI IASY • WAY AND SAVI e • • • Uberty 1-2213 BAY :!lr 711 w. 17 .. St. mln ud e&lorta loaded mMJ! ._ _____ ~!""'•----,. JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 14 cup Pompeian olive oil Poach tb• trout In Nltad 4 -... o..t ....._ ter, and m1antJme blend all of OOSOlfA oa. llAS th• oth•r ln,.redlenta a .ainda. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..,_ ..... ,,. While blmdor la aWI rolnc add ;. ~ cup aa1ad oil, and blend Ull creamy. Pour sauce onr po&dled trout and 11rve. POTATO PANCA&DI 'it Cup wat1r 1 mtd. potat.o diced blend 10 .econd1, then add onion '1 cup bread crumbe Pour lhl11 batter dir«lly on to a greaaed crlll for potato pan- cakea beyond compare! Pl:nlTO RICA."'W ICE CUAM l cup coconut 2 cups bot milk 1 unpeeled lim1 HtUu. Maki a rtdp of llW'faol top101l around the 1brub to hold water. Make aure t.be root ball ll thoroughly wat.red. Fertilise only alter the plant la well M- tabliah~ In lta netll' 8U1'1'0Ulldlns;a. MAX W. POPI Inc. .... Anmlt Jllllllll111+11S~ ARCHITICTS M1mh1n of parkway and vacant lot. Wouldn't lhlllt be a good way lo celebra te the G<1h.ten Anniversary of our town with JOlmrt" euy tu ere· ate beauty?" MESA POULTRYMEN DO WELL AT COUNTY FAIR SHOWING The ullowlanl\ variety or the Lantana I• a "black 11heep" lo the famtty for It bear11 lavender pink. rather t.han yellow. fluwer1. Sometlme1 called the 1'rallloc Lantana, It 11 rapid growing w1t.h tralllng branches tu threl' feet Md dem1e Jl~s of flown,, fl:'!'m If you leave the shrub1 un-------------- trimmed. ~ .......... An ...... Ready Mixed Concrefe WELCH'S IEADY MIXED CONCRETE 116 ()e+ .... w. 008TA llJC&A U ..-i QmaJ'•BwJ•.41& ............. ..... ~ Paul Tamura won third and rourlh phi.cu for cro•bred h~nl! al Orange C"ounty F1ur l\nd Bonnie 011.vte first place for cockrels. Bolh arc from Coata. Mesa. Ronnie Denni~. Costa Ml'llU. won first and se<:ond for pullets and f1n1t and third for brown eggs. Ellun Smith, Costa Mesa. look thlrd prlu for berry juice, third for citrus juice. i;ecnnd fnr fruit juice, fourth for to· malo juice, third tor C'anned berries, third for canned peache11, third for canntll pc1u·11. third ror ranned plum11, third for .-trawberry j11m, lhlrll fnr n11,.rellfl:ieo11s type jam and 3"cond for j!T&pe Jrlly. Mary Ann Mtnde:i:, C-n11t a MeM. took f1r1l priz;e for hresd And butter plrkle.. 11ntl Des.nn" Rlcttard110n, al,., ,,, Costa Me8A , h&d th!' 8f'C'ond bt11t white J>f'kln duck. FOR MASS OF SUNSHINE Lantana Planting Will Brighten Those Gray Days Give Lul'lLylu Cull sun ror plenty of col6r • they'll mildew in the shllde. Euy to grow, they do bel!t 1f not fertilized or over· -te~d. warna lh• California A._ soclation nr :->urserymf'n Cut back and lhin out yl'11rly. In Spring. to kePp the 11hnlhl'I or Vlnea, u the cue may ~. from Retttni:-ton woody. The&e Ahrubs will dn Wl'll to 24Q but are planted In evtn cold· tr arr&11 becau11e lhry repair frost dlUllage quickly. In w11.nn area.a they are .11u1"cea.~fully u1ed u g-round c:over11 for fl 1unny w&U or banJc. The two low J!TOW · ln8' varltollu perform well In con· t11.111er1 too. It con trolled by pinch lnir back. ROBERT C'<>ASTAL PLANTING For acreen11 and wlndbre&ks r ight along the coaat land never plant more than 10 miles from coa11tat condil1onsl the Myoporum Laetum, an everirr,.t>n tree which g-rowe mnre hl<e a 11hrub. la 11. fine cholt't• Fast ,rowlni: ll will ru.ch 11x to 10 rttt the flr1t yeu, lllld tventually 30 feeL It• foliage 11 tlen11e -dsrk green tea vea marked with tra.nslucent clot11. 81de prunlng-11 nectllsary to keep It compact 11t the b11se for u!e 111 a Mreen. To plant your !ll'll'Ct1on11 of 11hrubll ftlr l'Crern' and wind· bre"ks prepare 11 ptantln1ot hnlr which 111 h1rgrr than t he 11hr11b l 11nd Ill root ball and fill In 11t the bottom w ith a cu11hlon 1.! 1 looae top.oil. Place lh• plant In the hole st about the aame level It wu planted In the conta.lner. Fill In with J()()ff lOpllOll. llO&k dnwn and add morf' l!Oll w".en It FORBES Plant Lantana and you plant Ll.nlana eamara'a foUac-ti! I a ma11 of aunshlnr to tnjoy even dark green and Ill rtower1 open on (laya wllen "El Sol" doesn't a yellow or oranr• color and ••n• PHONE llA&BO& llM •hlne. liie three Lantana vane-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ llu oblJci.ngly grow either u ii evergTeen or dtclduou.e ahrubs (declduou. In co6d weather) and u ahnabby V1nH or vlney lbrubl. L•uatlry serrice tleluxe ..• •t bargain prices! WHAT IS IT1 SOUTH L[)fl~T lndlYlduelly ... ed....,.,.. apparel nutt dried by tillered air-flat plecu prot...,oun1 u.i-cl Your doU.. t.Dd Unem are done up ONI: unit-no mix· upa. no UJ\ltfbtly marka -ratnlOft water, r.-iUe controlled 90ape. WHEN AVAILABLE • • • S.rvtce wlt.bJ.n boura tt W'(l!llt.. Mcau1t1 -. do rnryt.b.lJll' rt1M here. cons1RUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAllGE OR roo SKA.LL UO SOth St., Ne .... ._. ....._ 1611 HOW MUCH ••• It is • b.r9•in ~le too . only $2.11 fer 21 lbs. WHERE... Ca Sa purci "8E&VJ<lS WJTlllll( llOt:llS -WllEJI NW OOlll'LEIZ IAtJNDEllB ad CLEANaa .... ~"" ......... SAKRETE I Don't run ••• iust reach ,., ... ~ ... II ,.., lfvl .. rto• J. Herl>ert Brownell William Blurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Harvey Frederick Hod9don 6eor9• Lind Rich.rd Pleger And in every other room you U9e a lot, e1- tawion telepho .. •wi time and 1~pt1. Call our bu1ineH office about it today. Paclfic Teleplaone. ' • 1alle life HIY •• • •e<ll •wf•n•I•" 1tllo1t1 ca1'9 .. ....... ,.,,,,., • d•'t .... • FINAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR JAMBOREE TRIP William H. (Sill) Spurgeon (right) gives Ora.nge County Boy Seouta lut minute dope before group boarded train in Santa Ana laat week-bound for International Jamboree at Niagara-on-the-Lake, On- U.rio, Canada. From right: John Triplett, regional eon- ttncent director, Corona del Mar; Fred Lenn Jr., San- ta Ana Troop 21: Lee Hendrick, Post 26 ~Garden Grove; Allan Robinson, Post 26 .• Garden G~e; Gene McCandlish, Post 36, Costa Mesa, and Spurgeon, one of the nation's top scouters. He's physical a~e­ ments director of the jamboree junket. --OCNS Photo TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT DEATH NOTICE Cll ARLl'-'J fl. HUJOmi. Sel"Ylcea for Charlea 8. Hum- mel. Ml. formerly or C011ta Me1111. who died In Ul<lah Friday, will SANT.A. ANA. AUOUST 15 COCNI) -NEW YORK NOON COJOlllNT-Compt.led by a C. Oanlde, Dean Witter and Co. A qulel openlfte w1Ul rel&Uvely UW. 1tock coming ln allowed ee- lec:ted taauu t o tmprov .. Bll)'tnc la reatrlet.ed, but lndJvtdual taauea 1uch u North American. Filtrol, Scherlnc CO. and O.Orsfa-Pacifle Plywood. at.and out. COPPEU PSOFIT be' held Wednuday at 2:30 p.m. a1Jt m onlha report whUe U.S. Steel In Parke11-R111ley Mortuary ehapfl retleci.. hope.a that the recuJar with the Rev. Charlu F. Hand dividend will be lnereued at year'a of!lclat1ng. end. Over balance or the day ex-Mr. Hummel. a native ot Knox. peel a conUnuaUon of thia ph&le, Penn . C'a me to Cahfom ia 33 although algna or preaaure are pre-Y"lll'tl ago and 11ellled ln Costa MnUy lacking failure ot volume Meaa In 1923. The la.at two yea u lo improve on lhe rally I• dia-he had 11\•ed In Ukiah with his concertina'.• IOD. J ohn H . Hummel. Mr. Hum- Dow ,_ I P.M. Avenl(ee mel wll.a a re\.lred oil worker SO Induatrt&la ....... 46e.13 of t 188 a nd a member of Coeta Mesa 20 Ralla ............ .. 153.98 oft .11 COmmunity Church. 15 UWlllH .............. 86.H up .12 He leaves. in addl Uon to his Dow-Jooee 1 P. M . Volume aon. eight l{t'&lldchlldren and 1lx Story Behind Pirate Queen Resignation SANTA ANA, AUG. 16, (0CN8) -nu. i5 the backgTOund on Pi- rate Qu~" YYOnne 8hube.rt"a r .. - lgn&Uon from th• Oranp County FaJr and alter report and counter rtoport that aha ha.d or had not beell aigned by RKO Studioe for a picture contract: Yvonne had two performanc• ot the n I ~ h t 1 y pft-fonnance "Bouchard Retu.rna'' to go when abe auddenly )left the fair. Nr NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART t • PA&E I SOBOONEB BACK HOME -The 161-ft. schooner Goodwlll, above, returned to Newport Harbor last spring following her being beached by wind and tide in Baja California -Staff Photo Fair Ends on Baton Twirl 'nlrillftp ~ranp Coua)1 Nr n.tton w DIM9 R&AJda ol Oakland win thfl Callfomla State Batonl-"!'w1rliJlg Champlonahlp IUl !Ulllt. cllm&xln& lhe lar~t Or-- an1• C-Ounty Fair In It'• M 191 hlatory. Tha final performance o! "BcMI· chard Returna," a C'Olorf\11 pirate paieut aer...S to rln&' doWft th e\U't.ala oa the 85 annlVfl"9rJ' of th• Onnse County P'"tr. A lt&nd- lnC room only crowd arptauded the .. t ·at ll '• cl01ln1 num.ber. Prot-lonal fl\tf'rtalnment Mic> ~tla-hted the ev«-nln& In th• A.r.iL Baland ng acta. tumbllnc Md ~ acrobaUoa kept tile crowd on the qe of lt'a ... t. Pirate Qu.en Marjorie Boyd ot Ana.beim. atepplA« In for UM ort- ftnal qu.en who wu dllquaUfted, omctated at the official pre111nta- Uona of the day, aided by two prta. -. Carolyn Jonee of PlacaUa ud 8t.pb&nie &tier of Ian a.. mente. .\ TbHe ot Oranie COunty'a fut- Ml ~bec~ra won a_,. ta a. crocMtin&' COlltNl. )(ra. E'upne E. Thonack of Santa Ana, Ut1ce a rrandmother. crochet«t h• ...,. to ftnt place. ••Ith M!9-, 8opltl• E. Renehaw of Garden Orove tl.nlah· In& HCOnd and Mra. Lou C. K- ier ot Coata MM& third. Durin&' the 30-mtnute oonlA'et. Kra. 'nloa- ack a-ed\~ U ac_,lope ol tM otflclal lace paUem reeembllq th• old mile-a-minute edJin&', wtdle Kn. Renahaw produ.ced II ~ lope and Kra. a-a.. JI. MIU UPHOLSllllC• o, ........... ~ tlM NWI"-..... ()..aia .... U...., M111 COppera ancountar.ct eome pro-m taldn&' although the ex~Uent •ix montha report of Anaconda 1hould be a •uatalnJnc factor. 560,000 v1 880,000 Friday. great Krand-chlldren. Interment 1.-.t a&ock Uat, Bid and Atlk will be In Weatmlnl.ater Memorial Bank ot America ... -...... •0~-421,t Park Cemt>tery. He had been In ofticlab acrambled to get another ----------------------------------------- e Lido ltle Bayfront 8trel\l'th ln Nortb AJllertcan bu helped othera 1n th• roup Includ- ing United Aircraft, LockhMd. and Dou11u . The outatandin&' pertonn- anc• by North .A merican appea.ra In anUclpatton of bolh ucellent eamln&'• and a dividend Inc~ Having been •ubject to a bee.kl.cc of aublltanllal lnveatment buyln1 1urinf recent month•. the br.U Into new high gTOUnd hu been ex- pectedly aharp. At current Jevela lhe INUM atllt appMra amon1 the more reuonable priced and In a !avored technical poeltlon. Beckman Inatrummt _ ............. 21 Ill health the put two years. California Bank ............ Mi,t-t2~ beauty to tiniah out the perfol'-~· Girt lorn mancea. The pl.rate queen wu aleo acbeduled to rein-t ()r.. • a.nd Mr•. Robert Joyce, ange County tn the MJa9 calitor-1e Wat 17Ut St., Oollta Meaa. nia and MaJd of calitom.la con-are parent. ot • sirl ~ bom t.Mta to be held at th• calltomla Aug. JS at H~ Hoapltal. Canons Have Girt Mr. and M."9. Kenneth Caraon, 2080 Prt>sldent Pla.ce. Co1ta Me- -. are parenta ot a girl bom Aug. 13 In HO&,f Hot1pltal. mtnr and coektalla, the rroup had their dUmer tn the '-1lrocllll Of th• club and followM d1aaar with dallclng. lt•-4 -I ....,,, 4 ...... -.J1Nt11i..--11 .... ••t.rlt~. C:.•,.t .. ...... n-.-.... Ea m ln&'• of Flltrol have been progre•ln• extremely well w1th moet recent Indicated annual rate •l 5.75 per ahare. In view of the pUt l'f'OWth r ecord and favorable proepecta. current prlc• appear a C'OnMrvatlve appraiaal. EXTENDS GAL" Schenng ext.anded It.a pin Into new hl1 h round renectln&' a aiml- la rly favorable eamln1• ncovery. Belnf a long rumored mer1•r can- 11date, the iuu• hu been quick lo reflect' dnelopmenta. l:laewtlere, amon1 the U.t In· tereat ta quite limited. Alumlnum Umlted ll&e aided by and a better Olen17 (Walt) .................... 18-411,t Flrat W•tern Banlt -63~·M1* Giae.p&r -.... -..................... 2"·1~ Ball lcott Moton ........ _ '.,_ -4 ~ latentate E~ -91'-lOIA Market Suk.et Com.. --20-21 \0 Mayfal.r Market.a -···-·-· .. e-10 Minute KaJd ... . ............ 16-16% Sec. i.t. Nat't Bank -·· 80%-M~ l'brttty Drug ................... 9 ---1011\i rr-eet .................. _ .... '1"·1% Van Camp Sea Food ..... _ 8%-9% U. 8. Na t'L Bank, 8. D ........ 21-22 Wlard Boat -..... .. 2"·2~ SCOUTS IN EAST c ......... bom Pint .... :Secided ahowera and clean clot.hea wel'9 ln order. We went to .ix motel.I and were retuaed even the chance to abower. Anyway we fin- ally did pt cleaned up. We want onto Kontleello and to A.ahlawn Which ta the bom• of lame.a Kon- roe. l'rom theA we w.mt on to Mount Vernon. J'rom Mount Vernon w• cune on Into Wuhlngton. A couple of the CHIEF u PSON I :or~~-:~e :;:;o ~~uho:=!.~~a~~ I ua. They C'a me to the vehicle \lery CnnUDOf'd trom l"lrat Pap downh•arted and dejPCled. They lalt>•l developmcnt11 in the fielJ told all t he boy11 th11t the rooms or ~lenllnc . law en/orcemenl I wr re jwil horribh" and police admlnit1trallon In or· Rt:DDICK'S ROO~~ der th11 t thOll" offlclalA may re· The manager at the Uolrl a p- turn to their home communltlu parently aald lhllt lhe11e were the 1nf1 llfford lhr tw>nef1t <'f thrlr room• ordered by :t.tr. ReddlC'k and treln1n1r In t~lr <>wn c1e,,art-that tht>y •'ere roomJI urually oc· mt>nl.8. cupled by Mr. Redd1 clr. A •m111l Chief t:p1e>n hu ~n a mrm· C'Ub1clr ruel"\ted for lu t·minute h"r nt the Nl!'IA-port ~arh l'o· I n-1l11tr11nl.JI bf'hlnd the Pll'\ 11tnr hr• n.y..rtment 1ln« lt311 wi th 11h11ft. BR.1 the nC'•pUM of four year1 apent We dl.d iret int<' the hntrl. up tn •n the military H n1re durlnit th• fourth floor &l\d found that \\"nrllt War ti HI' roll" lhm ur::h ' w" h11d twn 111111,.,. nf thN'f' ronme th• ranlr•. holdlnir all pnetUon11 , ,...C'h. One nf thl' fine11t 11ult"• In from p11trnln\Aln to dt1tec-twe Mr-' t.M cnuntry u. t he Etln P1nu l(f'Ml until hi• appnlnlment u I Mall• and It la one of t~ -are C'htef nt Polle. In March. tll~ nccupylng. It 141 fabulooJ1. All If Ult> ~• -rf'fl'l tt11)(ll!'h. 121 SKIPPERS I r;~. ~~::f·s~,:.~m:n.11)f1~~ AtlflOC'1atlon h.,, he11r•• nf our 11r- C04'U.9ed ,._ nrat ,..... rtval. He Ill here in w • .an1nirt11n. tivt>ly. He had amt up the Vt"•t•.t tll•· MOii& PLACU pla,y or frtah fniit Wt' ha\'f' l\'t!r lJStlt.ftinr. flrwt. H. Harter. CB-11t•n. V.'Mre he found It aU we YC. l'addlln' Madelyn: !M'<'ond. don't know. The b<ly1 don't '''en O'MoU, CBTC. 41\arita: tlllrd. 8 want to 1 .. , .• l"' rnttm» Th"Y d ..... tt. CBYC. f'ollow Me: AlbA-like to 1-)' a round fur a wHk ju11t ,,_, ftnl, C. Heyler. NKYC. l'flllla&. eauni ~d wa11 h1n2 TY WATF.• HEATl:a8 Wal!U..: acond. J . Blaich. Vor··· C"llA.'fGr. G•'AIUl "' Joat: third. IC. Lwnplft. Vo~-l unday Randy ~l~r·a fulk• "'us *"ICI -1.IP,t.111 State Falr neirt month. F Ano:Jl'9 UPORT BE SURE -INSURE wtth llA.t:JUJI! STA!li'LEY Worant"e Oaly Pltoee Harbor HU 1115 E. C.. RtrllWAJ Corona cld Mar INVESTORS, Are You 60/ EmillllfJ /o For 25 years we have placed 6~o First Mortgage Loan. for a private money clientele from Cout • to - Coast. We offer a com- plete collection a e r v I c e without charge. Writ• for f r • • 4ucrtpHtie ,.,..~,. w. tMlce "° ~­_, aoltdtntioot•. ..... P\u.ro: l n1pe. rirwt. w. 1-· Mr. and M,._ Randolph Bru<an. ; .. , ... ·n.~-:...N /01011 AN. •TC "-w<ty aunt and uncle. and Mr and )h• .,. ~chi, {d 'w~1 ... -.. 1 L .... -..--....:d. nra.t. \' "'··tr-I Rol'f'r Woodhall and tamlly 1'1• 1c .. d .... -1 .. ---· '-v ~ 1.00 N ,..,.. St • Cl"'Mrlf ).1111 NHYC. Cru• ..._,. •cood. C'raia him up tor t h.-dA)' Th• rwt nt ,...,, 1• ,. Ct#f .o-I s.... ...... c:.11 .... • ('a~ Jr . NltTC', Sombl•: I lti. bt·y• ~r t 1' lb# ell"'&lt>r to ----~---"--__ wa __ ,_ '---°'-·-··-"'·----'-'"-"-'-'-..,.~""--..1 lhlrd.M.Mef'('al,NHVr .Bay lmp r-----.... ------~----------.... ~--------....;;;... __________ ...,;,;;,;;.....:, ________ ....;:. ____ ,;.;;; ~; f1n t. Ken Harunw , L I · ,... Q &. T C. al\w Cloud ""•I J im..0 & ~ L;nd#r8\AI\. ftYC'. J&,)'l>inl Tl" -· -~I ' t-1rd. Ma ney C'Of'k~tt SH ''t' = ~ ! w Uttw Oofk}'. •· a r--*f 11 Lellmu J2. fir•l 11 •• Medi· p.n. NHTC. mll. f' G..-w NllYC. DIPfl" I.\' t1"rJ C Hall NHTC'. Dln-1\t•. n-. D Dae • aett, OTC. .... .... ~I r1"'· r ftnt -~ UYC. una.I Toot: ...,.._ C . ...__, Ln'C. ~ 0aaaaUef 0.."RfR I , ..... ......_. ............ .., ... ..._: w. ..._an,.._ i.-. ..... .hllw\1 ~'· .... ...,. sr: rh' .... ...,_...,. ......... AkMl4 ....c. .... .,.....,__ I The OCAAA la eompoeed ol ffCOpi&ed &eeftclM w1lo MW thetr laoJM omcea la Orup COunty. IAe WUder ot Corona del Kar and Don Hall ot Oollt& .,_ .... ·-· • ~ Ulie -p.ntutlon. n •• ,. .... -.. ,., - ._ •. W• IMlie.f."I• 19 .. -.... _.. . .. ~. ........ ..._ .......... . .. .....,. ·-· $69;750. a.. ...... , .. ..,..,. e " ? 1 L •• e la:rtz Ueth• IT AFFORD A SO• "Hm...8 ud DOO" &LSOl'UOAL OOJf'l'aA~ .... LDert7 1-1611 .lH&hwlWeA ..... H ......... . ~ . .. .. .... • ... ·,.. ·: .·."--=· . :· ....... -..... , .. ,.·~-· ..,. ...... ......, ...... _..... .......... • • • to atep up 1:0 a •Rooke1:11 l .. .... ,. ··' Let'• fOl'Jf't the lo• price foe • minutf'. ut'• forget our ceiwro1» appcaiaal pcli<'y. Ju.t think of the putt rlrawutt ttf dri"ing an Oldamobile! In ac:tioa. ~··nothing to ampua the ''Jlocln .. 1 YflO/M the utr• ufny of it• rudy ff1!1ne of pewl'TI And fot di1tlnetion. the "Go-Ahud" look i9 ia . d-by it.elf. Th1t'1 •by thia " the w lcat-eeilin& Oldamobile of all time ••• th1t'1 wily OU. u f181f11ini~ oil a4Mn in popularily! Come in todayl1R.-lwr: then '• a "Rock,.t" for nny rockrtl LOCAL Dll.IVlllD PltlCI Oldemoblle "II" 2-Door Sedan . ......... ,.... -' ..... ....... .,.. ,,_~.._. .......... -' ....... -" ...,.., ........... ...-. -' ......... ....... ..,. _.,......, .. ......,.. _._ OL.C>S MOEi IL.EE ............... etl •• co••mo••• ----· -------Ylllf , ... •1oc1n 100• ...... , , ••• •L•••••IL• HALll'll ----- MILLER CHIVROLET 1000 West Coet HlcJhway NEWPORT llACH Uberty ·a.p6 I -o .. T¥ fWICI & WIHI •LHMOllLI nlll•U "fMAf M•Ot .. O IAH,• •Ill PAffl UHi # i I 11 t I I • f:xcepl PA6E 6 • PAlT I NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AU&UST 15, 1955 "GocJ c;rant • it. ~ to wept the thinc)t we cannot change: the courage to change the thing• we cen end the wildom to know the difference.'' (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Better Parking Areas for City Needed Quite Badly Now la tbe Umt for ....,,, MG, propel'ty OWDent and munidpeJ" otfida1a ..noualy to cataJor the needa• of the community for future procr-. Over each of th•· many pMt week meta 1t.reeta bave been rlutted with can, be&cbee loaded with .wtora and patha and by--· waya tued to capacity aatidytng the Meellllity of move- ment of both local r.identa and our viaitora. We, u eithlena of the Newport Harbor area, abould aamine carefully the parking problem. of citiM, com- monly known to ua &11, which have found it neeMKry to make major and many ~penditure. for parking in the put f~ yeara. Whether near at home in Santa - Ana or a little more removed in Riverside, or Loe An- sei., the same thing bu happened. Buildlnp have been rued, ttmoving their value from the tu rolla, in order to create a4c;Ut!.<;>,pal parking for the UM of resident.a a.nd vlaitora alike. !fi&r at band ill Anaheim ia one of the finest example. of an ucel- lently adminiat.ered parking' program. The plan ln Ana- heim lle"N local J"Mident and buaineuman equally well. Apd dwellinp and bu8ineu structurea have been ac- quired by the tqunicl.P!:lity from a revolving fund cre- ated by the revenue. of parking met.era. A.. one lot i9 acquired. improved and paid for it helps to aequltt and Improve another. ;the entire city bu benefited. Di8treued propertiee have been cleared out and the neighborhooda improved with \he imtallation of parking areaa to better 1erve &ll. In Newport Beach we are tltill bl.-ed wtth a few fte&llt spot.a in reuonable proximity to our buainea areu. In Balboa we have made exeellent ue of broad ezp.nw of and beach that would otherwiee be only a bother 90 per cent of the time. 'nle ume thing bu been done in Old Newport. In both Balboa and Newport bu.si- ne. areM have improved their properties and 10 bene· fited the eity tuwiM mince the UM of the additional pvlrinr anu bepn. In Corona del Mar ~ i9 certain that areu around Marguerite Ave. and C.OUt Highway have been bene- fited and reeidenta have found the facilttie. convenient where the bulldere of the Chef'• Inn inatJLUed a p-eat partm. lot previoualy Wy-U8ed property. Tbe city .Sould inaugurate a program now of &e• qulrin1 additional pukinr facilltiee ill cloee proximity to ..._. of conc-tion for tbe benefit of all and the pro- tection of the tu dollars that make the city tick. When Is Civic Pride Here of Destructive Nature? When i9 civic pride, a aupoMdly commendable qual- ity, not only a negative thing but one which la actually dutructive ! It'• when the word "civic" i9 given the meaning of "neighborhood." What, tor ilJatance, would a family coming from a dmant 1tate and readinc county newspapera in 11t1.rch of an attractive place to locate think if they md an article in which people named ca.me from Cliff Haven, Balboa, B&lt>o. Covee, Shore Cllffa, Harbor laland.. Bay Sboree, Corona del Mar, Udo I.Ile, Sierra Highlanda, Balboa I1land, W.t Newport, Newport laland and New· port Height., China Cove and Irvine Terrace! Would they not think, .. What a lot of delightful- ' soundlnr little citiee! Surely, amon1 them all, we will find one which wit.a m ." 'nlat la what ia happening to ua fNery day. The City of Newport Beach ta belnr divided into 1~ or more 11eetion1 which are mere subdiviaiona and yet, becauae of emphui1 on 8eCtional namee, &iwn the im- portance of .epe.rate municlpallU... And by ju.t 80 much doe. the City of Newport Beach loee lo preetige. There ia no need to atrea a 11eetion In rtvlnr. par- ticularly where it le for pubUcaUon, a eectional addree.. No street.a in the city bear the aame namee except Ocean Blvd .. Balboa, which continuee acl"Olla the channel to the bluff• at Corona del Mar and of which one ahould be changed to Ocean Ave. Let's have a LOT LESS neighborhood pride in namee and MORE CIVIC PRIDE in one of thi1 coun- try's moet beautiful citie. by lettin& the 1'0rld know it by it. own name. COURTHOUSE BEAT By JACK BOEn'NEB An Intricate and tnternttnc operation r oe1 on daily juat off t.ti. Superior Court room where Herman Pau11e, Arlbur Gordon Eldrtd and Takeo Takek011hl are on trial on a con9J1lr&cy·lo-ob· etrucl juaUce allepUon. The plpe·amoklnr White. Incl· denlly, worked with ramed cr1· mtnaJ lawyer Clarmce OarTOw for yeani. Re wu w1th Ttddy Roo8evelt wh~n the latter wu ahot In Chlcaso and hu traM· cribed tlle deatll ~ntenCH Of r,3 lf1 Ult room where court re· per90na. portere Biil White and l':mmet BOW TO 8HERll"8 Healy turn out the dally trt&I The writer doff• the •klmmn tranec~t. Worklnr In l~mtnute In the direction ot llher\ff'• De· 1hlft.a two veteran court pa.rtment tnvutlcatore O.nny RI· 11trlbe1 t e down the tutlmony o. and Ronnie M<'Kown for the In shorthand and Ulm ruah t heir 1 as~Plve fuhlnn In which they notu Into the tins room for two rounded up that 1an1 of wut tranacr1bue to ret down on county robMn. typed p.c... Rini llnd "Mic" wnrked 1tead· llOJLEll. t~ACl'Oll.l' lly for more then a month In While. wtio tranecrlbed tntl· r.racklni the 1"118'. And thfY mony at the tamed Leopold llnd thn-w In • week of their own Loeb murder trial and many oth· time. Nice r o1nl{. fellah1. er famowi _., call.I hi• e&n<'· New l.Afl•latlon which mekea tuary "the boiler fat'tory" _ at It mandatory for lltate 8uperior leut while the dall lr&nll('rl t Co11rta ~o ln11tall a p~·trial c'ln· W R I T E la In th a>ct 1 p ferencf' court 11 well'Ome<t with ..... • m nr. -"th open erm1 by local Judie John • "' crew comu ~ -• •n Sh AFFAIRS OF STATE READERS ., -(1---•-na ---------------------------orlflnal and five coplu not leu l ;~· t I I , d h -... _______ ...,. ___ ,._,&_..,.._-___ ... _ .. _"'•_______ A.~ 11, 1NI not lie lonS -w .cNeat.on take ~U:. an~~lin.,,dW:.th•~!!:l la.t ~,;u o~re".!a.~:n.n•i: 8 "CR"M·NTO c~> ----do l Dear atttor: onr complet. control ot our chJI· procMdln .. e t 4:30 p. m. And balll m()jltly bf-ca~ t here WH " " &. ""'""" ....... A 80 IMIU..e that aJI of The acoldlnc you ... ,.. the d U· d d wtth u.. ... l I t t hi B t. Ot ... a many t•-• wht-.. Ule the ... f .... _ Oo •-ren. an ri8lnr prob-the coplu are neatly bound. no P •ce e H n l?-u m. u u.~ .-.. "" ,....,.,.. 0 .,.. vernor MN of Newport lkach for not lema wtth our youn1 people Th . accordln~ to the Judie. It proved 1enate lntertm eommJttee Gil IO"· should be confident.I.al. only thoee attendlnc th• School Doud meet· lmMt of them product.a of the e taking or a dally tran1· mcceuful. emment.al admlni.tratJon. hMded which a.re of a penonal nature lnl' of AUf\l•t % wu well de· public achoolal I cannot aay that crlpt 11 nf'arly lndespen1lble In 80LIOlnF.14 C'ALl'.:SDAR by lenator Oeorre Miller ot Con· abouJd be held aa confidential." auv.ct. and 1 Include myaelf wtth Ulla would be Sood· • tria l es drawn out and involved Hi• ArJIUmenl8 tor It e re that tra CoetA county, wnl look Into ~ matter came up u 9'e re-th• ot.heni. Only lhroup alert, rLL try to be at that nut u the present affa ir-now In Ila It .!IOlldtrteJO the <'OUr-t calendar. wllen It raeeta MN MXt lllOllth. sull of Jordan'• movtnc eome of well Informed people w1ll our echool board meetlJls. 1 wtll even 13th week and giving promise of help" ubtaln ~lier set\lemenu . w1ll be t.h• "...uni'' ot ncot"da the at&t• archlvee to another 1tehoola f\llflll their primary pur• •peak up wtien 1 feel It necu•· runnlnr at Inst 11111 more weeks. savo time and mone\'. l'lanct.d to tM 9ee:ret&r)' of Btate butldtnr. the old at.ate prlntlnr poee of academic pursuit.a. How· ary -even If the Khool·board J urors. llll "''t'll u c-ourtroom Or11nRr Count\' l1n·i operal1n1t by former Gcnenlor Earl Warren. plant which will be uaed for cer· ever, I believe you will have to membera do MflD to put cotton obMrver11. pro.,.bly are puu led with • pre·ln111. <'Onft rtnl"e l('tup W&rTen .Upulat.ed when he taln atorag-e purpoMt. admit that a dlKou,...tns factor In their ura. at the constant 11hlftlng of rt· thl11 yur pn the r.corda to Secretary of The 800 ca.1e11 of material, t~ the public I• that ~uon Anyway It I• a Sood feeling porten . White and Healy y.·ork Shea coodiwlA hl11 pretria l t11lk11 Bl.ate l"rank M. J ordan that they much or which I• believed to be ha• not a lwaye bftn r•ponalve to lmow that 1 have tried. In "tekrs··. A and B. with their on II.I\ Informal lenl. r;tvlnit the ehould not be opened for ten wute paper which could M to the will of pereni. &11d t•x· Elva Woodland own rlrl11 laking dicta tion, over• attorneys a chan~ to let their 7•n. thrown away. take up a co11J1ider-payen. lhe diet.a.phone. The tranacr1bera h&fr down. Many C'ourt al"tionll alDIOUDSD lN 8l:Cll'EOY •bl• amount of •torase •p•ce In particular I refer to the Ullf' el~ctrlc t ypewriters for are a volderl throuith the ronfer· Ju1t why, In the abeence of ~hlch -:.me thlnkl ~ould be taed overwhelming dulre of the pee>· Whittler. California ·~r~p• I r d II t rt l encu . Shea f'•tlmatu •t leut any law oa the subject, the flle1 b°.,' laarc Aived" 1requ re to j be kept pie of thl• dt11trlC1t for an ABC Aur. 11, 1115~ r n11 ° a a Y r•nllC P !I() per crnt or the c1vll damage t h . tfl llh Id , w. n n addition. uat why Incentive type r"port card for all Mr. Ben Reddick, Publliller at a rr lmlnal prt'W'eedinlt' mllll action• filed never reach court. n t • ronmor II o ce ou the taxpayer11 11ho~d pay to have fndea. Newport Harbor Newa-Prua. come on the Judite'1 order -for Mlllllly. the pre-trial confer· be ahrouded In tecrecy for any I l!Ome eoo caee1 of paper1 with· I I N B h C the county m ust toot the bill. •n~a dM• away with the 11etltn .. amount of years Is a question h Id ,,_ vt f l 1 t • true that undu the able ewport eac , allfomla. -. ~ -~ .. .. ..om •w or an yea-• l ad "'-ar '6-. Reddick : • ne reporten •et paid on a 100-of a c•~ rnr trial and then fln(I· that never hu bffn Hllatactor· ~ Id bl~ t ~ '·· • er11hlp or Bill Spurreon quee· uw -.. " ......, Uy an1Wered. a cone era e mya ery. tlonnalrH were unt out to pu· Temporarily, will you chanie word (folio) b1111ls. Normal pay Ing-the ll!lluf' 11ettled In a lut- • •01•LAT'"'"" OOUN8 add per folio 11 2:0. cents for the orl-minute attom e.v ha .. •le It ,_ unde-•--dabla that a few 04# o • • r. EL enta of tha htrher JT&du only. our reea for the ))llper Crom '"""al d 10 t r h ..... .. • .... , ~ .. ... •"' an ctn 1 or eac copy. Objector• to the pre·trlal talk .. rival• nanAre mlsht be Atalned "' a r11ult. Waten I• aakln( with a resultlns opinion from ""' attached Loe Angel• addrHI ,. r-r· th 1 g1 I ti I b •-, .. _ h '"-AJ to: NO AJUH'~ contend11 It It an lnvu 1on or by any outrolnc public ottlcer-e e • a ve coUJ\M ureau paren... ...1 a c anJ• wu .,_. Y ....... fo ·-oplnlo .. to _ ... e .... a th need~.. ·-d aat-A .. t 77S4 So. Plon .. r Blvd . • n• tran1<:rlpt doee away with right•. Many etlomry1 flllJre papen Which h&we llttle Ot llOt.h· r ~• n _., wa~r e ""' -• w.,, ...._ ..._ (l"e& lnr to do w1lh it.ate •rvtce, but 1tate legally can withhold the many of UI ... people are parenu Whittier. Calltom la. u iwneni. on what hu bftn pre-they wou ld to di11play t~< hand lnvullll'•tlon Into tha r ovemor'a papers from public 11truUny. or children In lower ~·· and You w1ll note, we eald "lem· ~led Into evldtnc~. A look at In the conference'. J d k lh. Only ra••on .... t dell-for nnrartly" for _., .. ,_ a •ery ahort u 1e tranacrtpt can clun up the l NOT THE SAME etorace of JtUbltc rilCOrdl when or •n. as ed to open 'UP eome ~. '"' a ·~ . r· -•uun • al u tie left S&cramenlo In 19113 to or the 800 cuu to determine a chanp wu not made manlfut time, we Iha.JI be n tumtnr to terca on in a hurry. It alM> It won't be the 11ame 1ro11nrt become O\lef Ju1Uce ot lhe Uni· ju1t what kind ot material 11 In by a larfe majority or all par-N.wport Beach to make our can prove a boon tor the Jury I the rour thouse aft!'r thP Pau11e ted States, made by Earl Waler•. them. 11ald that In view of hla ent.a -or children In theM cra<k• home pennuenUy. The eJrhteen whtn they relte quullon durtnit triaJ v.1n•I• 11p Herman -m• executive officer of Miiler'• com· acceptance of the material on wa1 becauae they were not (iven montha durtnr lHI and 111~ dellberattonll Otherwise. l h e almo11t • !1xn1r.. H~·,. httn • mlttee, renaled that W arren left the bul1 that It wu to be con· the aame opportunity to do eo. when we lived there m&de It Im· court reporter would hev" to l?O,v.1lnUA In moiol t \f'ry llqunr lrtal 800 <'Ut'I of paper1 to be •tor.cl fldentlal for ten yeara, d!IClal'ild Some month• aso I pruented poulble to be 1aUlfled anywhere back lbroush a mountain or nnte9 Jrow1n~ out or th" i:ritnrt J•ir\' by the eecret&ry of lltate. that ~ would uk the attorney· .a letter to the SChool Doud Mk· elM. The srowth of that area and try to ,dtr, out the portion lnvullgation l111t fall. "" wu ienerai for' an opinion u to lng 1lh'1. a 1urvey be made of la alm09t unbeUnabll and per· <if lnterH'-lo the Jury acquitted on a conllplracy to ob· SEALED BT WA.REN I whether he 11 required to keep the dealru • of parent.a of Ute haPI none ot ua know what New-Normally. the court reporter is alruct Ju11tlce l"h•rite which took When Waters 1ent around a the packarn -led. children In tlM lower pdea. I port Harbor wtU become 111 the In no gnat hurry tn compile hi• nine weeh to t ry. Now h'11 In Jetter to ail 1tete department& In 1 There 11 one other curtout aet wu met with a (l'Mt Nluctanae tuture. lran1terlpt ot t he trllrt=--the midst of a trial whkh fig · 111~. uklnr what recon:t1 °''Y ot papen held bv thl' 11ecretary of any of the llchool board mem· WIU. a perfect climate, faclll· 'nd, of t'ouru . the attomey• 1 ure11 to go 18 or 17 week11. held confidential not covered by of at&te which u~ withheld from ber1 10 comply. Could I\ be that tt19 for llvtnr at It• beat and find the d8.lly tr3r11!cript or tre-Undenitand Everett Ree 1 t . • llP'clllc aec~I~~· I~ law. Jordan the public. These &rr heartnr• they already know Ule answer wonderfUl trte.ndly people . what mendoue v1 h1e In r~11llln1 lull· chairman n! the irand Jury, 1111t npll.c! Ulat tn UI~ archJval ma· ot t he Division · ot Market En· and a re afraid t o dl-i>i.. our more eould one uk !' mOfly year. wtll be • conrtldate for th" t rial. there II "Governor war edu a t ra • If lhl be t.I\ 1 We .,. eurely lookln 'ftrward White and Healy both ere ot Third Dl1trlct Aupervl11<1ral post • • • forcemfnt, which are sealed for c o . . ' • c&M to buJldlnr our home ' ...... ere on the old achoo! reportlnr. They next 11prlnf. Incumbent Ralph ran a subematorl•l paper•. Haled 25 yean on the requut of c. J . would wear1ly like to polllt out ..,, for t~ yeara by requeet of ,t;ie Carey, chief of the dlvtllon. How· all'aln that lb• memller• of th• the lot we have reeerved for takt 1hort hand notn 1n11tead of McFadden h111 tnrtlrated he won't l'OVWTlor, dated Oct. t . 1954. ever. dtplclln~ bureaucracy et boar~ of education are wppoeed Ulla purpo11e llnce ltU, and hope lh11 1tenotype method U8ed by run. Another likely candidate 111 llecnt&rY ot State Jordan, how· It. finest. these "may be consult· to carry out the dtalA• ot tM to ftnd our place In the life ot m ollt newcomt n . G~rgf' Keloiti . enr. made the followln• com· ed on approval of lht bureau taxpayen ot the dl1lrlct, not rub· UM community. to•t • Maline ot the papere: chler• ber et.amp the whim• and wantAI We .,.. mighty proud of our ===-·.,~ .. =c=: :::....~ .. ~::::. ~~-= 11_.._ ~ Nw111rw hMIMen AmecMU. 11 '• N.--a ....,... .U111l1tl• II..._ .t Ol'llllp 0.-tJ H-._.. and dlrecllvu of echool employ-paper down there and have noted ee•. If memben of the lcbool Board are ao reluctant to ftnd out th• dutre1 ot the people they a.rt IUppoeed to 1'9pl'9Mnl. It wtJl with lnterut and aatlafecUon all Ule honon that your papn and It.a etarr have received Very 1lnce .. ely youu. Mr and Mn. Henry T Yatn NO COMMENT BJ W AL'l'D CILUIBUN JR. Wuhln(toa -""-oW •Jtn1 orpnla&Uon of t5 million mem· that "Com~ eHn\11 IUt · UM&r beta. And An. PrMidtmt Oeo1Tt ah&dow W on them.. la worOl Meany hal UU1 te eay about It. nnt. he admit.a that the mer-remtmbertnr 1111 appru.tnc ft-rn "ent.aila m&llJ problem•" and -t ult•.,..... by Mr._. U.... be polntAldly adda: ~ and the acuon1 ot N.,,.. "But tt al.eo off•n unparalleled hlr Deale... In UM Oapft.al opportunlU-. With a Wilted or· City. pnia&Uon or more than 15 mil· point tu Taft·Huley u the tar· r•t. Th11 bis union boHe• want It rereal•d. The mt>rger !orttut• an all-out effort lo thts end. When~ Next llf'll~lrm . pro· bnbly no. Mnrr llk!'IV In 1967. \\'h\'. C'oni:1,..•11 now I• 11hu111 evenly •flht on T11 fl·H111 tl!!y Th~ Whitt H••U~,. holil• the blll8nl"e or power It fie dou he wlll ¥.•In. So bl& union boeae1 will wute no mon, ey on a Democratic pre•lde11ttel nominee.. Union money wlll ro to the election or Senatoz:a and Houae membe,. who pr'om1" to lll.lpport union proKr•m. Thi• w111 big union boAa at n leey in 1948 when tht y mi.calculated on Mr Truman # ll <'Olllt1 bahont~ 1calu1 to hold Now th11 11148 1tra ter y \lid pay thr Atl Ill I• roul01 11tren11th· otr In Conrreutonal electlona en the At t or we11l:~n II In the Bir union boue1 round that pltn· -e&11Jo n juat over • lht White ty or ceah could eleet 8f'na tot11 Hou• wu mum 10 nothlnc wu and HouH member•. ~o If Mr. don• about T·H. EIMnhower i• a candidate watch A. to next IUllon. man)' con-for btc union boNH to conct n· (T'•1lonal R.epubllc&na hope tht trale on Benatt and HOUH Candi· White Bouae wtlJ COfttlmM mum. datu. And, with t he union bnalln Th .. fT'OUP la coeYl.fteold Repub-concentraUnr on Con,.... ..... 11 Jlcanl wtll 11ner ret IUpport ot could ...tly be that Mr. EIMn· bJr ur~on boMtJ1 and that th hower would wtn onrwhelmlnit· beet lbl"f to do " do DOUaJq lnf1y &n4 ban a I>emocrauc Con· ..• 'until RepubUoaal ••• phi& ,.,_ oa bll Miida ..• u union 8out.btm Dt111ocratA1 . . • ba.,. bomte an lllO'ftq to take over mON YOtea. 8o ~ bappem to the DeaocratJc party whlctl they T-H wtll ~d oa wbat bap-now dominate la a number of J*l9 la Milt ,.,... eAec:tkml (U• Ital-. BRUSH COUNTRY ' JOURNAL ., aoa&OS ptpw ........ _ftla ____ ..._ ...... .... ................................ ..._.. ....... .., ............. ....,, .. ,_. ,..,.., For nearly llix )'9&ra after the day Kacbe and h1I Mm cu min.era, the di8coverera ot the Good Hope MlM. .._. forcibly ejected from th~ property the mine lbuttlld tr-om owner to owner. Fin&ll.y, in 1889, 8lptua and ·lllr.*I par. chued the property, merging the variowl claJm8 laic> the Oon90Udat.ed . Good Hope MUI• wu tmpeccaW.. 8ucb a~Uona Company, About ~ WU a.re aearly Uwa)'9 m..e.. wka •nt In elnkln& a Abaft a.nd thillp 4'oft't IO rilllt aa4 the equlppin1 the property with a "We.It·,........ blCtM-la - 20-et&mp mOl with amalp.mat· ...,...t. llpt\19 wu MW Into Inc t.&blee and plaw. court and llUptloe atart.cl. ud For two )'_,., the ml.ae WU I uadentand be ottered te ~y work.ct tntermlttenUy With a net UM mine Mell. 1'1• -.I 1epl yteld of I~ to 110.000 per footaraw 9t.arted and conUll\Md month. One l\undrtd men were tor 10 ,_..... Urd •l work and the m&ln &halt V Aft WOUIN08 wu IWlk to &76 feet. And by Now a mine I• a tracll• t.l\ltlf. undtrcround worktnr they found BetwMn natu,. and YIU\dala m•• that lh• north vein known u ch In• r y end bulldlns• dl•lnt•· Ult San Jacinto and thr eouthern rrale. The worklnr• In th• Good one u the G<'Od Hope were ron· Hope exceeded I mil-. ()f ehafta. n•cled and were one end tbe cl"Olle-cute and adtta. Thut r•• aame vein. quJ re conal&nt repair 8.fld u ... Bt'RNHAM 8 Ull.VEV At tbe ·p,.•nl prtc. of' alnklnf SOmetlme about 18111 Major and tlmberlllr a aha.ft at ho a P'rederick Ruaaell Burnham who foot. there wu nearly a half· for many yur1 lived on Udo mtUlon dollani of de....&opmln\ Isle In the Newport Harbor area Surface and (T'Ound water now made a 1urvey of the mine. Thi• Into auch worktnp and require famou1 "Burnham report" aerved oonatant pumplq. u t.he be.Ila ror eubaequent de· The proparty wu leued dur· velopment of the mine. I only lnc the UUptton. Mt NeJly wtah that In 1H% when he pre· more havoc WU ""'°""'L 8top- IM'nted my wife and me w1th an Inc wu done but wont ot all autornphed copy of hi• book the plll&re of ore a.ft to .. pport "Scout.Ins on Two Continent.." J the hlnnela w.,.. l'Obbed, -· l\ad bffn lntereated In the Good tnc can-tn._ No~ .... dcae Hope Mine. Re wu considered be.low the third lnet o.t l80 f9et &11 a uthority nn auch thlnp anrt becauM the tu.en dl•'t want a taJk w1lh him would have been OW! added coet of pwnp(JIC, • .,.. moat tnllp tenln1. thoup the •~ft. lnel Md ...._ A<'cordtnc to hla report thl1 the rldlelt. twn yeara of development had O-OLOWOll'l'WT IUllVEY un<'nnrtd an o~body With an In 19" the court appotJtt.d u t1mated nlue of ll .7~.000! J ohn OoJdworthy a deputy 911r• Thi• wu lndf"'d a bonansa It veyor to 11.1"'>' °'9 mine . ..mpl• ht. ~1tlmatea were rorHcl. A1 a It and re-port. Akwlr w1th ~ re1ult of th11 u tlmate made '"Burnham report." U,. ~­ lar1~1y by a "tg1t mill run." thy'• report" II m09l -.nineant 81~ar111 11tarlf'd negotlatlon1 to u resarde U.. old 111me. On the tell the Good Rope. Jut pap It la m--.t.d: toe ln 1893 the Haverlll Munchu· aampt .. and ... ,..: _,,....... .-!- tetl1 O)rp.. purchHed the mine ue I 18tl) U2.5t ! ent1 1tart~ rurther deovelopment. MOllt of the "elqlefU" ..,-.. But tn 18911 all wu not well 'that bttween tNO Md die ~·, at the O~ Hope. Urly little over H .000.000 In ~loft -. nunol"I tt11.rt.td up about the produced from the Oood Rope. mine ..,..tnr ""8ll4'd'' durln1 the Thia more or IHI wbM.uldat• "mlll tH l run" which tonned tl)e Mllmat• mMt. Iii}' )(~ part ot thf> he.1111 for the Bum · Burnham becaUM mbeeq u e nt ham Nf"C)rt. Thi• wu nner pro· work wu done atter Ma -.ney. vm and th• Major would have 8o you cui ... that ta .ptt.e of bf.en an lftlloetnt party to eudl lhe atur• caft st U. eld s..ty elMnnanlsan• for hla reputa.Ucm then wu l'C)td tft ti.r baeom. GOOD HOPE HINE -Thia picture from the Harford collection shows the Good Hope in her heyday of the 1890s. Surveys of mine's potential varied u did pro· duction. Farmer McCabe Writes ... A lot of folk.a complain that they je1t can't aleep at a t night in spite of these cool, cloudy mornlng1 we've been having out here lately. Knowing thi1, I uk a.n old country boy 'from my home st.ate. who has been out here about a week, how he slept . His an1wer wu. 'Whal, I sleep real good nights. purty good moming1, but I toe. and turn to beat the devil in the afternoon•" . , , Dad Bum it. afternoons ii'! the only time we git any 1unablne and a feller hadn't ought~r sleep through thi1 wond~rful California sunshine. Fanner McCabe bu11lnu1 m r n. meet.a tour tlmu a )'H J' to adv111e the Secretary ot Commerce. It wu eaUibllshed orly In lhl' R0<>11evelt Admlni· 11tr11tlon. Thi' Houae J udiciary Anti -Monopoly Su~ommltll'~ 1 l'halrmenned by R~p. Celln . D- ?l:Y 1 11 invutiJc•tlng Why the Inquiry? Tha t'• hard lo fl1fU1 e out . except that New·F'lllr D~•ler11 are try· Ing to dll!"r"'tll the E llM'nhower Admlnl~trallon by dl11credlUnr buslneu men who have bef'n brouithl to Wo hlntclon to help run l'OV~mmtnt All metlera now •lend. Chairman Celler h1111 11e· manded cartt blanche to look over 8 1111lnt•11 Aolvtaory t:o11nr 1I fllea C'ummer<.e IAwyer• tiav .. rul· "'' out a "f111hlnl( e~dlllon" . . . but that 111 not llke.ly to u t11fy Mr C11ller To lnnuence Le(ielaUon -Jt.e- publlcan 8enator1 C&peban of Ind.. a nd Brlckn of Ohio. charsed that the att&ck on llr. Youns WU de91pM to ret ODii• ,-rea1 lo write Into a bill to •· tend the Def"1• Production Aet a proVl•lon that would ban ...Se 11 virtually lm~ble to pl b111lno11 men lo eene ~ ment. Conrua rejected thle ...-. bu11n .. 1 provalon. Put UM two to1eUMr and u.... lJoa membera. we wt.JI be able __.... a picture of unity ot to ma.. ahead wttb t.be prim&l'J tJMlupt and unity of acUon cte. Job et orran1mi1 the unorp.n· alptd to weld the two tnto a lad and wttb the uaftnl.ahed ta.all poUUe.al party w1l1dl will t.&Jre of correcua, u.,.,... 1q111auoa." onr ma.nac-ement and COftt.rol ot Ttaat'• .WC. a ltatelMllt. Now UM DtmocraUc party. '9t'1 aamtDe • det:all ....,. the P'or lnltantt. take a look a.t powoer ot Ule ~ CIO·An.. the ClO·AP'lJ merrer llnd Ila re-w1ll 1trik• fltll. All utt•nancee latloa to pollllca. It wW be an of Ule ai.1 Wllon bo-11 lo date BAC Att11r.k1 Follow That on YCluns The Celler alt.ar k on BAC followa tmmertlal.fly an un· •llC'CfflfUl effort by the, Ofl!eral Areoununc Otfll't to embtl.rru• bueln•• rn&n Ho-rd I . Youne: Wllli•I Ule Wlllt. Houe remalu Attacjy 0. • ...._ Mm Oae· Tbe OAO had to back doW'D on m1m>. tbl• -It'• u. »wcsm Ad-ebarf9e that Mr. Touar Md IA8ed Ills vat. ...._ .,....,,. -~ oio..dl et De o..,..rtm.t hta SoYtrnment otnee to favor ,,,. ... It i. l/llaaed • Ille w-of Commenit U1ar1 ..., unds. Ui. Arn.-icaa Zinc. 1..-.d and lief tbat Mr. ~ wtU run. nt. Thi• fTOUP· eompoeed ef toe 8mtltlq Co., et It. IAWa. Me • .. ' .. I t OPEN FOR BUSINESS-Despite the contra.st offered by tht first new Ponti&c for a dealership in the Har- bor area and excavation work ttill underway on the lot at UOO W. Cout Hlrbway, Roy Carver ia open for '-. NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS.PRES$ -PART I· PAGE 7 MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1961 New Pontiac Dealer Opens While Agency Being Built Roy Carver Starts Business with Arrival of Flnt New C• Here trut to the excavallon1 atlll In procen on the <'Urrently partl&I· ly blacktopped lot. ''Plana for the bulldln( are ju1t about at th• it.age · to be CJWI to DeM1 Brownthl4 ot AM• .. -.. Met: Mwtll auta Au Ill· wanl• to Duane O\am .. n.ta ot Oran~. hos: Banta Aila Rotary to J im Bath of Newp:>rt 8-cll. lamb; Coeta Mua U.. t. J immy Ummel ol A.llUeJlll, p eu l t r1 .-..pM&JtM; and Oudea Ql"Oq r...tona to Bott M&&b.I ot • ae!tet•. ra..Wt.e-tleel m•t ,.... Roy Carnr'• new Harbor area Pontiac acenC'y may only con· lilt of a 471J.ft. vacant lot at HOO W . Coaet Hl(h'{"&Y today, but he 11 open for bualneH any· wav. Salu ortlce for Newport s.acb'• Intrepid deaJer ln nt w PonUac1 and u.ed cara will be a tnller parked on the huse lot. bid on," Carver reported. "But,.._;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;:;::;;:;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. lln<"• I've ,otten my tint• new car, we're In buslneul'' ••am.mmn •O&TVUY l'--'7 aa&OSL m.ua. lll ~ ...... 1-0.... .._ ......... a.Mii ... ..,... Thi• 11 the flr•t time a Pontiac dealenhlp baa been located here. .Alld when th• tint new Pontiac t.o be delivered to a Harbor area dealer w11 received by Carver J'rtday, It tun1lahed ttulte a con· Carver rtct1ntly moved l.o \he Harbor area from Loi An11IH. whu• he wu In the auto u.l• buslneaa. With hla wife and lhne chUdr.n, Carver now re1lde1 at H OT Santontlla Terrace. Carver ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ii;iii&;~ ta a native 10n, &1v1nr Lo• An· iii business. Here be 1tepe out of the Potttiac to announce a trailer on the lot will aerve aa temporary aa.lee of- fice. -Staff Photo . STRANGE LAD IN DUNIGAN'$ HOME Stranger In a •trange land wu the cue of an unldentl· fled boy Tom Dunll'&n. 122 Cry•lal St., found In hla house when he and hla wife returned home at 3:30 Sun· day mornin&'. . The boy aald he wa.1 from Glendale a nd thought he wu In a friend• houee. Dunl~11: reported to the police. Wt\Vl the polke s ot there th• boy wu on hi• way. He had put on hi• panla and ahlrt and vanlahed. Gram's VikinCJ Wins Flfft Race 1elu u hla blrlhpla.ce. Junior Exhibitors Receive 25 Trophies, Awards at Fair Junior axl\lblton -.t tWe 66th blt'r of San Gabriel, lamb; Ana- Annlveraary Oranp County Fa.Ir helm Rolary to Teddy J ohn1ton ot rec:elved more than 2!J 1pecia.l Putmte, soall; O&rden Grove KJ- trophlu and caa.h awards. with wanl11 to BarM.ra Smith of B&ld- Falr Board f>Tqldent l"rank Crane win Park, poultry c-rand champ- pre11ldln1 at th• pr .. entatlon cere· Ion; Santa .Ana U on1, to Marcia monlN. Moltlncer ot Wut Covina. rabbit. Award for the belt Junior Fea· -but meat pen. ture lloolh wu flven to the Hum· l BATH ON IAKB Dlng-el"9 4·H club of Banta Ane,. FF.A •-rd• were Fullerton Kl· wHh Jeck Jonte of the Oran1• wanta to John Hottman ot Lo"-Kiw~ Club makiDI' the p..-n· Be&ch, d&lry catUe; OruJ'e uou taUon. Robert Jaynea of Safeway Storea awarded aUver trophl• for 1------------ ahowma.nahlp to Du&JI• Chamber·. D ·NCI Ir SHOW l&ln, Oran re. In FF A and Wlnaton I ~ c.. ot san Gabriet for •·H. IN p•RSON Sweepetaku awarda for 4·H Iii f1rls In home economic• and live· atoc:k were given by tha 8orop- Um1a! Club of Banta Ana. with Dr. Julii& Pr«taer pr9MnUnc f 2!1 checka lo W&lda Nixon ot Baldwin Park and Sally Ann Calder of Buena Park. The t rophl .. for 4-H Food pru· ervaUon and C10Wn1 • TexUI• were pr .. entad to Carol Cb.rUilie Anlly Gram wu t11'9t ln the of Monrovia and W•lda Nixon. re<'ent July Vlkln« race In a Donor• were lti. Banta Ana JWllor field or 10 entrle11. He covered Chamtwr ot Commerce and the 1 the 4 \w -mUe courM from VI· Santa Ana Jayvee·Anna. ---1 'klng'11 Port to Harbor Island and LQCAL IUWM'18 1 1 I return in a 11tUe under a ~ knot Other awardl Included Newport llpeed. Harbor KIW'llnl11, to DennJ BroW11· f Other entrle• finis hed ln the· field of Ana.helm, lftlld ebamplon following order: J im R&maay, Met; 8&11ta AA& Downtown Kl· Phil De.Belxdon, Paul Henn-y wuia to BIWe C&rr or WMtmln-u.llln~. with Ray lAlken, Jiu::k 1llr, ft'Uld cb&mplon bog. and Vance, Gene DeY OW1(, Don Ped· John Ambler of &an o.brlel, I rrson. Bob Raymond with P'red rrand champion lamb. La Vl&11e. Georre l!:Uia with Rob-"°" •-B awarda, TUaUn Uona ert Wel!J, and Jamea Agnea. Club J&Y• a ll'optly t. .f"47 .,,.,. 1 Emest Miiis Nabbed on Drilllk Drive Rep baller ol Onq'e for c:hampl-. beet; ~ Rotar7 ... lAWY amtti. .,. JUnnee., a..t17 oeW.; l'Ulterton ftotU')' to BIW.e C&rr of Wutmlnater. hOg"; Banta AJI& Downt.owa Kiwanla to J oha Jan-' N.t "IClftt" Cole Sat. AllCJ. 20th llNDIZYOUS IALLIOOM .MID. 11.IO Pllll ha IAVI IAFILY At Or1n91 County'• L11din9 Home Lending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY v:acro All ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounh Opened On or Before The I 0th ef the Menth hm From the 1st LAOUIA I SA~TA ANA (0C1':Sl -Er· ~~~;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~~~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PION•-8ELl.B OUT -Cleaninf up his desk ia one of the laat tuka John \'ilelle / ntst E . !.flll•. :13. s4:12 VI& Opor· ~ to, Nrv.i><>rt a.a.ch. ~ 1rruteci lh 1· h .a I Codi eet for himMlf when he eold The rchea to Bob Batchelor of Long Beach. Alter Friday nl"11t on a drunll'~rMng I II ar. lllOI p11y FEDERAL SAVINGS I LOAN ASSOCIATION 26 yean in ont location Vilelle had an accumulation of this a.nd that to get rid of. charge ai Highway lOl·A near Some of lt reminded him of long fo-otten lncldenta and thinking of them prob-Wnght et .. lll• hl&11way petrol / La • .-.,. Desltll •ti Cwt11CtlG• ·e reporud. ID 0... A.-1111 ..... , n ""1111. ably did nothing to 1peed up the cleanin~ job. Vilelle'1 future addreaa? Some Mill• atsn ..,,.._ charged with ooaolfA DSL IQ& non: BARBOR ua bunting blind where the birds are flying low. -Staff photo h1wtnc no operator'• llceue. LAGUNA BEACH VILELLE SELLS ARCHES; HEADS FOR . DUCK BLINDS PkNle1r tt...bor Service Station and Cafe Owner '°'"Jht 011t ly Batchelor From .tMM>tUll' duclt1 on the "U YO\I are careful you r11n mud tlall wtlere Lido 111• now ahoot a bird and hsve It Janel In blo1111oms to 1Wlngin( hll 1cat· your lap -Jauith -anyhow ter gun mo•l ot aeven month you don't ha.ve to 1tarcer mllu eut of the year 11 tb• atep J ohn under l2!i pound" of meat." Vllelle la about to take. now that BlfTLD~ f'TATION ,.,. baa l!Old Th" Arc:hu . Art"r a 11peU In a 1rurar mlll He 1tarted popping otf lh• and tha oil flelda VlleU" c1me Blue Bllh1 back about 1907 when back to !"ewport 8'"ach In 1928 ht wu just a kid. but nnw he an<t bt1lt the ~· 1tatlon !Ind )111 llOld the Arcb.u and he pl&n11 later thf' <'sfe. He owns onr of to f ollow U.. bl.rdl a\on,lt ~ two oriltinaJ hqu<'r hcen-In m11r11hu wall down Into Mule& the rounty. his ntver having been Vllt llt Is whet you mlitht csll traMftred before. a local lall. Hf' wu born In San· 1 Villell• says Bob Bt1tchrlor, ta Ana and hl11 flllrl'nts mover! who 111 bu~,ng The ArchH, ha1 to Ntwport Bt'ach whtn he wa11 wanted to buy It for 11lx or ll'\'en t years of ~· They ramf' down y"ars. Batcht!lor 111 conpecled on thr 11team train whlch uaed with the lk>bo in :->orwnlk, Tai· to run where Ule freeway now h·ho In Lakewood and Commo· t11 ant! ln1tMd of a •pray of au· dore In Loni Beach and &t one t o• golnit u ch way d1y an.:l time ran the Shamrtl('k In Co· night the old <'hnO choo m11<tr ala Mt"sa. Villellt 111 going to t he trip down In the morning 1 help him get 11ta rtt"d hert. but and b•ok In the 11rternoon. In to\1r or five wre.Jc1 ha will TR1'1S OSTO r tt:R he nff for lh<' durk blinds. The train ran out nnto th" j .,..oodrn pier lh&l extrndrcl about • Th• T k l :i<l feet Into the ore&n. Vllf'lle I 1eves a e rerall1. Lumbtr 1choonn1 from Oregon us~d to land there and c h Cl th• t h• r11••a1 h•ultd their cargol'!I as O In o Into th• hinterland. Vllelle a nd t & the other boy1 u1ed to go out f c H there to flab and J ohn M<"Mlllan. I rom I rs ere 11'ho wu whartlnger at ttlat l • t ime. would try to drive them Car clouting thltv~1 wert bu•y ert. llut lhty would C'nlwl around over the wrtk end. Newport under t.M flat C'arl and «tt away I Bea<'h police re}lOrt• •how. Mo11t· frnm him. I~ Ulty Wtre aner cub. but In "'nine were tot. of yellow tall t wo c111es they took garmenlA. runnlni; close In th&M day1. and I Mary U. Bruno of~a .A nrelea l'n Men them piled up on the reporttd two wallell ~en fl-om dock like cordwoocl." M)'I Vllelle. her C"ar In floont of the Blue Since then he'• bttn about a Room. Balboa. ont contalnlnJ •it. H1'1 caurht -1moe In bar· f l 1 aad U.e oUler l lt. This •u '°" ...., the One-Ml C(\&.Oll aftd &IMUt 2 L 11'1. Sunday m ornlnf. tbot aas-hen• lft Idaho. That'• Lfflle Da\'11 lo•l four d~ue•. Wllerl' he found out that a bird two blou111 and one man's 1hlrt. un run. Ha would apot a bird v&lued at f120 f rom hia car at and watt for It \o ta.kt v"tni . 120 S&lh IL. 8at11rd&J IMrlllal· enty eeconda tilur it would bunt AU. D. lmlth o1 81 Ten ,. Into the air 200 Jard.a or mON ,.rtet l&tard&J tM I.Wt ot Ma to on• aide and M out ot ""19 .U.UMl'I fl'oa bl• .., at IOU. _. .. fore he coWC lplft a.mad. O.Ut ata. NO DUU roll llllll Ca.rt Obnf of Baa Jactntq toad No dew >tun~ for Vllelle. police !M _, la&. .., &a UM Ra Mt .. Pout wtltn t.be ..... tr.t ~I let l&lurday Paa..et MMrfttory k &M t1*1 ..,...., ... -. -. Yell bla ~ '9 ,.a It out. Nf'ftf ........ wallet etetalallf la. --------------------------------• No . Deal· in Town Can Dive You More Car for Your Money I THERE'S only one 111m11'ble way to judge your beet automobile buy-and that' 11 to mea.-ure how muda ~.)IOU "" f tN )'OUT mo~·! On every important point of motor car •alue. the 1965 Pontiac lltandl bead and ehoulden above any car In lta clul. P'or enmple, a Pontiac wtth four-buT-el 2()()..b.p. • Strato-Streak V-8 ii priced hundreda of dellArl lower thlD aar othlr cu equall1nc ita power1 Take the vital matter of wbeelbue-ao important to rllle. -ion Uld atabWtJ- and you'll ftnd PontlM eutrn r -.., car~_, ........ ..,..w . • are taised at hundred• of dollan more. And here'• a CM ao diatinctively beauti- ful it'• bound to nay in atyle for a tone tilneto come. Certainly all thia adda up to a wonder· tw buy-~J whim Pontiac pricee ftt .., -..ily into any new-car budret. That'• why Pontiac eaJee are at an alJ. time Ai#lJ ,,. llme .............. permit.I UI t.o make trade-In allowanc. that e&n equal or beat any deal in town! So before 10'1 buy any ., at 91\Y pria-before you eerwider any 4'ml • M.Y car-remember tlt.ia: W1llD J'lll dell wtth ua for a bi1. powetful PonU.C. you l&art with a car that rel"elleftU an unmatched value- and in add.it.ion you Mve atil1 further from the ma.t liberal trade-ln policy tn our history. Come ia 9nd lit U8 pro.. &hat OUT Po""-'-Ill u IJw 6"' "-',... -,,,..,, • PONTIAC • 1400 w . .c ... I! y CARVER ... .,... •.. ~ Te ... ..-.r ,._. Uberty 1-1540 LIDO sHoPs CLAlllPllD DlllCTOIY A.Pl'UA.NOD -81• 1•111 ..rt. -Dealer -.... UDO llUO'l'IUCl MU Via lMe -...._ t11t AUIOllOIULS DU•- H"' and uMd C... Jno&saft ..,, ...... ................... Mlllf ......... --. ... a.uru llMll ef Am .. ft a 14 "" Via ...... -..... - MUDlllC)ll UDO lllA VDf• ll1J9 111 .............. . ...Via.__...__ l&AV'ft r•U.011 UDO LU.ON --.&Vl'I Mll If,._ ltM -....... 900U 90C>ll <lAD Mll ... u..-........ 0Am•1a~ \'IMOllJllT LIDO VeJI .. MllVlal.Me-.... OA&PfJ.'TI a DUl'l:lllD Die& llAOU& MIO Vla Lld-.llarhr ml CATERING &JOBAJlD'S LIDO llAaDT MU V• I.We -....._ 1111 CloWDg-Cbllclnu A lalut. IEIU'I or UDO ~~~ OIDDllNG---'1 ..... amwa.a:a ..,,. .--MllV1al*-..... ... OLOTlllNO-W_ .. ..... LA UJJq .. va.•·bp ....... LIDO WA.111100 Nll Jf,._ ..... -_._ "" 811ADDC>Oa'8 M1J V1a ...... -..... '"' V40A90Jf'D __. =rted ·~ V1aUAe-....... DaUGITO&D \'IMOIDIT'8 LIDO •OOI Ml1V1al.Me-....__ a.IX7QIO oonuoro• LIDO EUWl'IUO Nit V1a ...... -........ ,,., n..owaa lllaLUU>'a UDO ••am Core&1-Tabl• Al"ranl--i. MllftU..-........ FOU!C'IAIN,GSllL VDf<iZ1ft"9 UDO D&tJOI ..Mtt~U..-......... ........ Ala11'1!1 GEllPUD'I' li'l'ODI09 Ntl v• u.. -....,.., .._ nJ8ND'UU DICK IUCK'D NII V1a Ude -..,._ .m 011'1' DOP &JCBAa.0'9 LIDO ••&m MllVlal.Me-..... _ INSUBANOE AGEMTI w. o. aooa. me. .... \'la ...... -....... "" Uf'l'lllUOS DJI009A'OM llJ..\l'fCJD nn• ..., ~ .... \'Iii Ule -_._ - DICK llACll:ml IUO Vla Uclo -....._ - DOM oal:IOllTOX .A. L D. ~-==----... ••um &JCJL\RD'S LIDO ••Mft .... v ........ _..,.. .. PBO'roOIU.Pll ft'VDI09 OEUIA&DT ntmlOI IUI V1a Udo -..,._ .._ BEAL ISl'AD LIDO &E4U'Y A880CIA'ID Udo Sal• 6 "-1ala HOOf\'la Udo -......, MM r. A. PAl.JCEa INC. 1111 .ta ..... -111111.rt»or 1111 \'OOICL COllPA.'"Y IUt Vla I.We -lltrMr "'1 II.Ar A.HD 81CACR llU.laT \'la U4• and&'• Offtoe llU IAl'..,etie -........, IMI SA VINOS a LOAN ASSOCIATIONS RWPOllT BAl..804 84 VDIGe A LOAN AUOClA'DO~ A S&vtnr• Jnautuuon Lone Tum Home Loana 19.. Vla Udo -lilu1Mlr utl 'J;RVICF. STATIONS 1.100 &ICMnELD 1411 Ne•'JM)rt Blvd-Illar. mt SHOES-Mea'a 81DWW:U.'lit ITOU: 1"0& llElf uu vi. Udo -...,_., "" SHOES, WOKEN IU'LE'"' or C1'LIP'Oll1'1A Hit Vl9 U.._llA 1151 l'B&ATRE8 LIDO TUATJU; o.uun lht• P.PIT for procna Via LNe M Hew,.n ••d. ......... l'OYS UDO TOTIA..ND MU \'la Udo -HariMlr HIM l'JlA nt. Act;MCIE8 U-..oa T1'A \'EL AOPO'I Nll H..,..rt ~. 16H VPllOLITDING DIC& 11uo1u:a Nto \1& Udo -llar1tor .... WATcH REPAIR \'l!'f~· WAT<Jll ... Ala uoooa~ Mil V&a wnmow ooVDnfo ..... fi'RAD~ 880P ...... ._, omrr ..,, • .. ' . PAGE I· PAllT I..: AEWll't>lT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS M.ONDA Y. AUGUST IS, 1955 IAIY sma TILLS STOIY WUm& Ballar, 17, Saa O&.briel b&by •tter, ten. Jqe Donald J . Dods• of N.wport Juatlce -Court. .,_t ahe obeerved night of July 23 wban Irvinl' Richard Perrett. 21. Claremont Men'• Coller• atudent, wu victim ot fatal beaunc. -State Photo C. Whacker Nets Cash,nme,Coat Faust Pleads Innocent on Nude Photos PRIZE WINNING LIVESTOCK IRING $20.324 TO OWNERS Auel.lo• or pr1M wiftnin• Uve •tock at <>r&na• CoWlt)' Cops. Bank Agents Hot~ on Trail of Slick Check Man K•I Kitts Now Abocwd Rcaorltack 'PAC'IFIC Jl'U:P.:T Cl'HTNCl- K&rl G. Kill&. lnter1or communl• c•Uon1 tlC'<'tric1an nteman •P- prentlre, USN. 10n ot Mr. and Mra. Arthur A. Kitt• of US E. S~ta labf-1 St .. Co.ta MM&. re- portt'd aboard the wbmarlne USS ftiao~k Jul)' JI, tor dUty. hir brou.,tll a total of $I0.324 .. IT to (l'IFMn. A allck cbK k artl9l who l\aa Beef catt.le totaled :18,081 lbl. for the r>8 head. averac-• taken Bank of America for a price Sj.M cf'nla per pound. total Ul.TT0.88. Twenty-one tot.al of $8361 la cun-enlly beln& SANTA A~A (0CN8) -Ac· hop welJ hlnr 4~11 lbll. wtre "<>Id •t 23.• «nt.a per pound, ~t by Ne•,,ort Beach poll« cuMd of luring a 13·yl'ar-old total. S915.19. and Bank of America •Pf'Clal 8·-•-Ana '""r1 •-to ••·..tppln• for 9 -.__ 0 11 a~nt.a In th• Harbor area. The _,... •· "' .,.. • T-Nenty ahctp tolale<\ I z, 1 ..... went at S cent.a · Photo• on the preten.ee he would •U•~l puaed a bad rhtck for -r pound and total•d ~ 20. •111 4'" Bal"""-B h B k ret her a modellnJ job. DaYld ,., • · " on .,.,. '"""' an ·c. F'ouet. 36, 121 E. Pomona. ------------------------• or American J uly 22. rrport.a Santa Ana, pleaded mnoctnt -a.nd ' Lat ' Cl •1 •llow. waived preliminary hunn1 Fri· 00 8 0 . GSSI y Vern Alm. c:hlf'f 11pec1al a1t nl day. ot the bllnkin~ roncern. Informed While th• UMrted victim aat -------------------------·· local polke clrrulara have been In the third row waiting to JtlVe G--Beal Estate 6%--Real l'Atat.e out since 19~2 on 1he rhtck pa.a· by Dep. Public Defender Bruce su. Checks art held on him by Suml).er. 01 a.nge County She.riff',• office. her tbtlltlony tae auapect waived L·1do Isle Whittler a nd Htrmosa. poll<-e de-the heartn1. He wu ... pru~nted P.rtment. and Central Loa An· Fauat la tree on ball. &elu police department. forgery. Th• Dl1tn ct Attorney'• otflc. On Via Genoa 70, street, channing 3 bedroom 2 Here lhe •tiAJH'('l entered lhe aald It will file Information ln l>Ank wearing a v~t with hla 9 :SO a. m. Aug. 19. Th rgea: high qu&lity carpeting including drapes and land· lng a.n open rlg•H box. Re pre. •lip and a check tor ~.11'> en- dorMd J. O. o.mund.c>n, 30 W. BarMU.. Then t... r.quaat.ed cuh tor ta• $1J7.4!1 check with How· ard BamC"I al.ped u maker and endoraed J. 0 . O.mundaon. Thee •uaJ>f>Cl la deecr1bed u 4~. f1ve-lhrtt. 160 lbll .. medium build, dark 1rey hair and dark com· plu lon. / Raaorback la l. 111\ll of aub- merlne Squadron 3, ·balled at San Dleeo. and operatH In Pat'lflo wateni. 41 Kita, who l't'portf'd aboard from thC" ?l:a\•11 Submarlae BaM Pick Up J uv ... 11-In New London, Conn .. ·wu 1Tad· •• 1119a uat.ed rrom l'\ewport Harbor Un· E. J. 8pa.nkle of 1210 Klnp Ion H11 h School before et1tmn1 Road •u~prlMd two JuvenUea at·th __ e_N_a_vy_1_n_Ju_1_y_. _1_96_•_· --- templlnc fUOll.ne thett from h1a car Jl'tiday Dl&ht and called New· Chale11ger Placft po.rt Beacb pollce. The boya, both Tbe Challenger, owned by. Bon· HI. were ptcked up alter leavlnc nl• Oeor1e of Coeta M... and the seen• with their hoee. One driven by Paul ~yer, placed tour· wu from Pacltlc Pallaadea. the th In the road1tera· etake at lb• other Crom· Loe Anrele& Tb.elr S..turday night horM 1how at 01'· Supenor court apln•t~ll at bath home and den. ~ 14rou~bout with alttvea roUed up. He wu carry- Two count1 or child mo eating. Hnled the teller wltb a depoall T~ ~~d~t ~~•~rt~ ~~~~ B~t ooaAa~~o~~uMw~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~; !limed two Corona del Mar wom· is an excellent value at $34,600 and haa a $20,000 parent.a were notified. anr• County Fair. en. They we re clad 1.n bathing lo~ repayable at S1:>5 per month. aultl!I. howl!ver. Registration Set Sept. 6-9 for Chapman ORA.NOB: -Re(1•tratlon and orlenlaUon week al Chapman COllece ta •lated tor Se pt. 15-9, It wu announced today by Em· ery E . Ower111. regiatrar. 45 Newport Heights foot .. Panoramic View Lot UnexceUed for ocean and Harbor View $15,000. Not a lease hold -Clear deed given. Just eaat of 2320 Cliff Drive. 1 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 New •lude.nt.a •hould apply for ., admlu ton to lhla rour·year U-19--Belp Wuted beral arla college u tar ln ad- vance of orientation week u poe· •Ible. Oweiu advised. The t l!gi1- trar'a ofnce la open !or ooun11el· Ing and acdemlc progr&m plan· YOUTH WANTED to leam drap.. FOR SALE- ery ll upbowtery work, mu.t be 193'7 Chell. Coupe J!IO. con.clentloua worker. LI 8-6618. 2622 Crestview Dr., Bayahorea. 9lc93 91c93 BELOW· .·WHOLESALE • Tbett o! $45 from a money nlng-durtnc week da}'ll trom I S2--Funlture for Sale clip and clothlnr valued a t $300 a.. m. to 15 p. m. 4.8-A-AptA. for Rent t Hl~D ltUAIRllR wu reported to Newport Beach The 1100ner veteran11 &pply for police at 2 p. m. Friday by Syd· adm1aalon prior lo regl•traUon, ney Walker of PU&dena. Walker the 1100ner they will r~elve their Ald the theft occurred from hi• au~lat.n~ allowancH from the car while It wa.a parked at Poppy Veteran• Admlnlalr&Uon. Owen.a t.nd Oce&l\ Blvd. Beside• lhe mo-e&Jd. ney. Walker Mid a 17 jt>wel watch _______ ...._ ___ _ with alligator leather Inlaid and fowler Da11111La.-_ a gray herrlngbone aporl co&t -7llTWI' with a label, "James 8. Let." made in Hong Kong, China. wu ml1111in~. He placed a '150 value on each. Mu. and Mra. J ohn J'owler, :200 Clltt Drive. ant par111ta of a girl baby, born Aus. 10 In Hoag Hoapltal. ----------- FOR SALE-Dining room •el and youth bed. 406 Sant.a Ana Ave., Newport Helghta. Call eve.nlng1. 9Jc93 STUDII') APT. furn .. 11ultable for bu.e1neu pereon. Yrly. rental $'6. mo.-608 Lark11pur. Corona dtl Mar after 4:30 p.m. 9lc93 CO--Aatot for Sale -For a de.oendabl• ueect cu. •M STATION WAGON. 19151 Country your local dealer who will be be.re Squire. Exel. $896. BeauUt'UI TOMORROW to back up what be canoe. Hammond Chord Organ. •lla TODA. Y ! Check th• UHd Waterfront •ooe River Ave., cant in th• claMtlled HCtJon to· Har. 1eoe.w. 91c93 day. lb. SPECIAL-Frosee co-at rate LEMONADE Un.limited And other bu'plM -Come ta ud brvne aroad HARBOR MEAT co. 418 JOttl St. Newport leacll ..... 0711 vat.HOS IL TAYLOa Vernon Taylor on Cr1i1e with U. S. 'Middies' AugUst Clean~up--Paint-up Sale . .. T'L.Uf'ftO n...-r , ... ~, -Enroute to lCuJ'01)9 an tbe •ummsr'• •ec o n d Mldlhlpm a n trainlnc CMJIH. Mldft. Vernon K. Taylor, 90n of Mn. Ruth C. Tay- lor of 1981 Sant.a Ana Ave .• Coe· ta Me1&, lit a.board UI• de1troyer USS A.Jil. Sumner. Re I• a .ophomore at Ult Uni· •nraily cl C&llfornla al Lo9 An· ret•. Mor• thM 1'700 Naval ROTC ! midahlpmen \eft Norfol.k. Va., Ju· 1,. u. aboUd H ablpm ot Ole A~ I laDUc i'\eet for a two -month crolM. They are undereolnr prac· tlc&l train~' ti\ •blpbo&rd Ute and duties. Whil• ln Jllm>1>9 Ula traaalq •quadron haa 11Cheduled atop• at ICdlnbur(b. Scotland; Copen)>•· cen. D.nmark: Oato and U.rsen, Norway; and Btockbolm. ew.den. Gunnery praclloa at Quant.an· a.mo Bay, Cuba. will cllmu the erulR before the mldahipmen d&. embark al Norfolk Sept. 2. Pick Up Turns Into Accident Mn. Robert K . Jon.. of 112 I!!. Balboa Blvd. told Newport Beach police FT14ay tha\ Mr parked car w aa atruck by a hot rod In a hit and run accident that caUMd '3~ dam&gH to her a uto. Mn. Jonu u ld ah• teamed of the accident when two rtrla cam• to hC"r door and told her two boya In a hot rod attempted to pick them up and ran tnto Ule parked nhlcle. The hot rod left the KeM and the rtri. were unknown by Mn. Jon•, police MJd. Uo•ls....., leport1 lad Check for $16 Jowpb c. Uonber1·er complain· ed to poMc:• saturd&y that. check waa caahed at hUI Crown Hard· ware atore tor $M.20 Aue. I and that the cbeek bu bounced. He reported the check waa made payable to ~. J . Duma. . ai_.·ned by 0 . It. B"-P and en· doned by Duma-Uonber1er •tated the puMt' lloqtlt 90Dlt paint. •taUJ\s Ulat bl.I ..Ue Md alttad~~ lloG(tlt 111m•. but not •nouriit to nnlA th• Job. Welc11• New a.y Mr. and Mn. ftOWt A. .._. of 580 DellOnh LaM. en.ea ...._ w.tcomed • ., tat.o Ulie ....., • Wdh COior Kay'd Wallpap. you .-~ room color schemesl Jou IOOIDGm ii lllft \0 flR high in peftoMl wumth .od'""iamar rodccon« wfth Color Kr/ti wallpaper. 1bait ;.t iln'r a moR wmriLe dlaa9tiQ& rool •.. or a bcatt. C9lier ...., '° gift JI(* I0001 corr~ mb bermooy.-' a comfomblr. plaMAdy penooal MIOOlpbere. W'llh ach Color Key'd wail co.mn, you llL'f * pteielliooN ttaV>•"lCOdMitea fot pUlt colors -b woodW<llk. waUa and ailing. "A>u'U know your ,.,;,, roam ii color C'Oftta! Let • bdp you dlOOle ~ Cob Key'd wall~ .ow from hondftds ol lrlWf DtW aracioal •tj cdoMp ~ cm.. MdJ fol IRWfD hemes. v THESE -VALUES Scotch Coolen Jn red MMI (reen plaid. K ttpti hot air Ot:T - ('old air I~- Tool Chests lleAvy metal. % toJdJnc tr&J'• °" t1adl •ldt>. A 1trudy rlileal IWl'Ular S18.T5 \·aloe Close Out Price <'lam!M>D Reflector U9hts Fine for Uaal bo&t.. Complel.fo with Cord. BNvy alwrtlnum ~ular 13.46 Special s:so Electric Floor Polishers for Sale or RHt Bamboo Rakes l'turdy -\\'1'11-nlad•. IW.,ular 11.15 If C'OITI IO llmlfO tlMmfTA• Ncmctwmt M&a•••• .... A ..... pordl ..,.,...J.00; A....,.thwNft aad m..aoct.r •).()(); A nn,,p ,.._olprd«o fwninars, ... tt .. 11.50. MANDGWB lemovH palM. treote. di"~"' 5 ~1 q11lck. 7 c SPUYIJWI& Splay• froM COi\, ''* ll\Ol\hour. 1 Choice of color•. $ 69 nm·. noctUna u.nder cht JUI\ likt ~ Fulkr Colon .ro &i,.. JO'lf ptdm. ,_no lftd houK a brilbt aod be.utifuJ MW loolt .. Pai.Dtins ptdm equipmnu, kntts, patches and ho9lt trim with amooth•flowing Full.er Paint it to ftl)', it'a fun.. You cso'r lind • better "' '"' 'X'f'nl.JW. way eo edd 10 much ro thr beauty IOlt et1jorment of yow home. Try it 11#1 wd""' and ,ou'U rtt! Fuller cob plsas lot J'Otll' bolW and garden. aod "How ro Paine'. folden 11R . ' ft#. Come in tOa>OnOW fot CXlCDpkw J*oci• dllormlrioo. 3n&.llVSI ,,.,. brlt11• Mt II\ rvb- "'' ,ooc1 ._ ... ufY •• • ._price. S13S ..... S1eel wir• '"'h• Mt 1" tlwrdyhord-'45 wood hol\dt.. C THESE SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE UNTIL SUNDAY. AUG. 21ST OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY· OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 AL .FORGIT HARDWARE· 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Newp_, •••ch Harbor 116 Friday al IL J--~ Beata Au. TM _.,, ....W f JN, lJ oa. '-r~~--------------------------~----~""!'!!"!' ..... ....., ____ .,..._._ __________ ~------------------------~--------llllliiiiii--,--..;.....;;;;,..;; __ ....;,;_ __ _..;:;;,;; __ __;~--~:..:J I • t ' .. J •• ' , SPU'TATORS' EYE VIEW -Thia ia what you aee rrom the at&nda at C.O.ta Mesa Park when it'a bueball tourney time in the Harbor area. The pitcher ia ready to uncoil a fut ball toward the plate, the batter ia cocked to unload a ham. run, the catcher ia 9et for a -•trike to plunk into his m!tt, the umpire Ui sure to call it a ball ju.at to be different, the coacher baa just sig- nalled for a bunt, and the third bueman, shortstop and left fielder are primed to make an out and ..all's right with the world. -Staff Photo FINAL FRAY IN MESA MIDGET TOURNEY SET FOR SATURDAY JUNIOR NINE SETTLES FOR THIRD IN BUENA PARK GO lecenl .... S•11 H .& R I 0 R l&Jt wat.r tWU.ac r9COr'dl c:ON · ~ piled by U.. lntemallonat a.me • ~ nab 4eeoc:lallon r.corda U.. ... fU. Ml albM'ore ~ U weitb· '0 inc la at • lk ' OL Ttte edeltll· tlcaJly tqsed Ulunnu. ,..nna waa c&u&'ht la ltll by t". Kell)' -ott Catalli. la&aad wtUa rod ud· l"ML Clab' other ftah ncord lated loc:&lb' la a lltrtl*J marlin eaupt pHU.I.IPS, Sporta JCditor ott N-i-t S.c.b by 4 . Ram- -----·-... ------------------ana 1tn ltst wlddl Upped UI• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I ~ at~.., 1119• MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 MESA B NINES OPEN TOURNAMENT CAPERS American League Tlt•n Sew Up Pennant with Y_. Defeat Slamming put the lut place Y~nkee. for a 14·8 victory Thunday, the Harbor Boya' Club B American League Tipra coP,ped the penn&nt and started champing at the bit for opening of the B bueball tournament tomorrow night at 6:30. The Athletic. edged put the White Sox &-:s to _,, down t.hjrd place. tor the Whlte Sole, bUt hero of Final atandln&a look like lhla the fray turned out to be K l a In lht' 8 American loop Til"era Witte of the 4thletlca when be 12-3; Red Sox 10-0: A'a 7-1; ln-•lng'led with the .,_.. loaded tor ' c1lan11 8·11: White Sox, Yank.eea, the w1nnlnl" tally ln the nnal ~-10. B Natlona.1 Le-.ue nlnee frame. • conclude their race with a p&lr or g-amea llCheduled for 6 p.m . both ,------------ tonight and tomorrow nltl\t J 0 H N 8 T 0 N I: ' 8 1 Tot:aNn sT.uT Mesa Auto Wreckers I The B tournament •tart.a Imm•· u... A•to l'u1a dliltely &ftel" that with tha ?!•lion--d A-nee I •l IA•f\le Cuba collldlnr with the %075 Placeatla Ave. I Amenc\.n Luflle Yanke. ~main-LDerty 1-1011 Coaa 11 ... der of the tourney alate: Wedneaday -A'...Carda. White Sox-Giant.a, 5 p.m. Tt11.1nday - Indiana-Pirates. TIC'4'ra v•. wtnner of Yank•-CUb1, ~ p.m. Jl'rlday - Bravea v11. winner of A'a-Card.I, Rt'd Sox v1. wtnntr of White Sox Giants. Monl1ay -Dodrer. va. winner or Jndlan11-P1rate11, O p.m. The qualifying round la a •Ingle ellmlnaUon a.ffaJr. TlM,..after Ula tourney become• a double eltmj. MtJon .-o. · TOUGH TAPPEJl.8 Gary ru-Jman a.nd Toru 01u. man were ti\• blr ro.nn.-1'11"•'11 wl:h the tapper a1atnat the Yan.Ila. Gary drove Jn five run. with a p&tr of bue k.nocka and Olllm&n a.ccou11ted tor four with a •lnste and triple. Brian Lewla tripled In two run.a Tops 111 So~ball Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL --Dl•T-- COLU~ 1111 1 -•---aa.81m .. :" =::.' ~:·:=:=:::. ..................... <mllDIT •tJa&AtJ .. ........ Ol'Mp~ "*awf:J a... -.. ............. .__ .... ... o.e. ~ IM .. w .... Aw..•.O.---N'SWl'OllT a&AOB. CAUi'. JUST llCllVID Ttae Uk• of~ Vots'"e Nnw 8- Cotton Flcmnel Shirts -:'I\ La"---y, Boys from $1 .91 Me~'• from $2.91 L&r&e Seledloe Pop-Oven ud ~ 8tyt.Ja Boya -4 to 16 Meee - 8 • M • L • XL LAY AWAY PLAN GIANTS, CUBS BRAVES TOP C CIRCUITS F\lllerton'a entry ln Ooltta M-Kldt•l B ... ball touma-· inent Friday moved lnto wiMer'a bracket wlUa a •-o no-hit aflutout oftr Oranp. Mel Be.rlhou hurled the cluetc be.hind per1ect aupport from hfa ltarnmatea. Settling for a third place trophy in the Buena Park Jun-Lea.din.-110ttb&U playera laat l B b week. at Monte V\•la School play-or aae all tournament &fter a narrow 2-1 defeat by Long vound tn the Newport Ha.rbor CALL COMMERCIAL SICUllTY PATIOL WASIMILLIR With the ru.-ular aeuon con- cluded, Coron& del Mar Y-'A Centtt Clue c IAasue nJMe today Msan a WHk ot pracUce prior t.o the toumamant lnwl•- ln g 2t C duba al Coat& M- Puk. Toppln.-loop play wen th• Bra•• 1'·1. Cuba 11-4; ln· dtan1 &·II and Dod.-en a-11. The PUllertoD ftreb.il tanned 11 over ~ aaven ~ route. Ba walked three ud one lft&l1 reilcned tlrat on a fteld- W'a dMltoa. Jim l!laekett et Oranat had a no-hlUer soinl" for t2"9 nnt ftn ~ but pva up two hJta and a nan In the f1ttll and on. Nil and a hlt in both the aixth a.nd aevanth. Beach Proctora Thund&y, the Harbor Boya' pub Junioraco ffi&h 8cbool &wnmer ner..u.a . . . • prog-ran:i wue Steve Baair. Jllll into .Orange County cbamp1onalup play thia Thwwday. The UMS o~ wu-, --.. ar.ac. local lada host winner of the Garden Grove • Huntington Paul Zimmerman. Dan and BU1 Kl 2-7027 . Theae tlr11t four team1 will r•- H lv• trophlea. The Olanl.t fln- iahed fifth with 3·1l and lht Cardinal• 1lxlh ~1th 2-12 mark•. Cotta Meaa. Park and l'ewport Harbor High School Claa• C Lea· Thunday attemoon An.abetm ran rampe.nt oYer La Habra 17-0. Bleleteld of Anaheim t.o.ed a three hitter While hi• teamma.laa powided 13 ott Oom• and &ai'alaoa. HunUnatoa Buch, Ocean View and Harbor Soya' Club Reda moved lnlo wtnner'a bracket by default u Brea, Placentia and Stanton team. withdrew from compeUUon .. Fin.ala to det•nnln• the champ Dine I• Ml t or I p.m . Sat- urday. CUlmfn&Uon ot Ute action occ:ura A.us. 11 ~•n th• tourney all-•tan t.(:e the crown fteU•n.. I'\'" wind up aeuonal play to--------------~----------- m;.:w Cub• appear, \o have the UP AND COMING .. Meaa Park flag cinched with a ------------- 12-3 ~on1 while the Giant.a a re Red So SI c rcli I well atop the High School Learue • x ug a na s·. wtth ·a t 1·4 mark. In the h lfh achool r&ce Thuraday the Carda Ch II T s N ~':er;h~o~a::• th:·7T1::r~ e°:.~ a enge op pot ine Home run hOftora were 1pllt evenly between the Carda and Cha.rflnr right back. Into cl\al· Yanka. Catcher Randy Wanen a.nd lenginl" poaltlon for flrat place in Jim Reynolda belted circuit blue!. th• C01ta Meaa Park A Baaeball tor the Carda. Jamie Crowner Mldttt Lea.gue. the Red 8oll and Brtu Campbell homered foe atuned the c ardlnala 8·1 Thura- lhoup botll l•m• collected two hit.a apiece. Dodgera toqera 1ave up lt wa.lb. Catcher Kent Kod1"· .an l"Ol both Yank blowa, a aln· 1"1• and a triple. lh• Yanka. But Harold Marx ol the Carda copped Ute tray. day. That pve them a 13·5 •e&· 110nal record compared to the The TlfUI cut looM wJth a flnil place Gia nts' 15·5 mark. tour run rally In the ooncludlng canto but wen unable to over-Pitcher E&rl Lewis allowed the come' the early Bum lead. Ron-Red Socker• only two, hlt1, but a id Pere!~ wa.a .., 1ct0 r1 0 u 1 hi• w1ldnea1 met up a big tlve- moundaman. run rally In the final lnnlnf. Thuraday'a battle at Coal& M•· Bob Trapp homered for the • Park went to the T1pri 10-9 Cuda' lone tally In the Mcond. over the Dodgen. A grandslam Roy Dallon and Pete Featherston homer by Billy Piper which copp.td t.he victory. ~arked an el1ht run Inning al-The lowly Yankeem upaet UI• m oil overtook the T11erw deaplte Dodger. with a 13-0 ehutoul an early JO-J lead. Paul Gregg Thurllday. Peta Lombardo out· popped a homer ror the Bengal•. pitched th• Dodger hurlera, al- Ride Showboat to Laguna OD the &aatltal Pacific 'l'wtce Dally -ll:SO a.m. and '7:00 p.m. Adulta $1.25 -Chlldrflll 65 cents ' Lomb9rdo pve up oaly two walka and two hlta, faclnr ta men In the four frame 11uTu1. Standlnp through Thuniday: GI· ant.a 15·a; Red So• 13·5: Bravu. Cardin&la 11·7; Indl&n8 7:JO; White So•. Dodger• 7-12 ;Yank- ff• •-16. ' ' Beech un~ ~l Col!la. Mt'aa Park. A win In thal rame would aend them aga.ln1t winner of t.he FuUtr- ton-La.-una Beach series Frida y POO'ENT POKES A pa.Jr of home run• off Har· bor'• home run hilling Gary Green in the firtl and aecond lnnlnr• gave Proctor1 the triumph •l Buena Park. Jim Hue led off the nnt frame wtth a c1rcu1t c1out I for Loni" Buch and Harry Hick.a •tarted the •econd atanza. the •am• way. H•rbor'a run ame In t he flral Inning. Terry Ha.II and Green walked and C11.trher Carl Bf'rg~r­ on 111ngled to bring Hall &crollll. VICE VERSA Ironically, it wu H&rbor Boy1' Club which knocked Pro<:tora out I of tbl1 aame tourney two yt'a.ra 1 qo 1·0 and went on to win the crown. Spe&rhudlng th&t Long Beacll ouUit wu J im Pagllaronl. Who al.-nec:t a J50.000 contract w1lh the Bo1ton Red Sox th11 apnng and G<>rdy Slefrt-d, who 1 alcned with t.he PlttaburJ'h Pin .tea thl• spring. For their third apot tanlsh thl• eummer. mf'mbera ot Ha.rbor Boy•' Club Junlor11 Nch received lndlvtd· uaJ cupa. + .. ,...! 1be blct.t octane in Chevron hi.9tory. Ina 84adard'• ....-prOONa in rmninc 1uoline ! 1 t l'neUll ..,.....,.._Ill the 6eld, on th. hi1hway! I +llbqm-Actill .. -the o.e.roa nduaiw that c~ ~ _.,.. dlpoeitl ii the tqpat li.l'lle cauw o1 ............. AM lbw , .. ,u._ control a a.jot' 10UrCe of .....,.. comt-.ekm acidll-can pew ... Uw •• ud,.... of,.....-....,'° ias3 1o1iew1 +I I 111• 1111n 111-eao • ..,. i..,.....,.,,, ~ ......... ,... ........... y_,.. bodl a..ron 8upa-_.a...-O.allMI. Jwtf C • ., ...... C.....,flC.-.."'*'·''" CLAnoN THOMPSON 1111 ...... .... · llut»or 166 . -• t l'.1 ~'I~ . 'h. ~ <,J / - Pettit a.nd Butch Hampton. Our 1·· BIRTHDAY . IS a one • after happy successful a year the Harbor . 1n area we extend our sincerest ~THANKS· ·and APPRECIATION for your Patronage and Confidence We pledge our continued hi9h quality Hrvice and repair work. Hop• we have the pleasure of 1ervin9 you soon. IOSS WHALIN LOWILL OSIOIN R & L AUTO CLINIC J001 ... .,°" 11¥4. Wortdqmaa'e Stan UM~r :.·~ lllwl. ... ' PAGE 2. PA~T 11-N'WroRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • , MONDAY, AUGUST rs, 1955 Pt.AYGIOUND. KIDS TOURNAMENTS FOR MIDGET A, C Giants. Red Sox Battle to llG CUT FOR STEVE Sleve Simonaon. lea.ding ba~ter in the A Midget League. take• a mighty swing 'at the pelota u a mem· ber of the undefeated Harbor Boys' Club Midget Reds. The Reda ended their Rason Tuesday with an 11·1 win· over Ocean View. -Staff Photo THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PRU.I.IPS UVE IT UP•• lllver pl&y a UU1WaS pme et croquet ta tM .,nPi.n! Ttl• 1ou haven't lived. Take th• word of I0-80me clli.ldnn atttndlnc Newport Barbor Hieb Jkhool 8wnmer ~reatton pro(rllm al the HUI 8t Park playgr-ounr durtnc tJ\11 hot weather. 'nitre ta nothfnr Ilk• cro- quet In the tprlnklera! KICKOFF Olympic Fund Feed, Dance Plans Made The League ir United Latin American Cltlz:ena will hold the Southern Callfomta kickoff ban· quet for the Olympic fund com- mittee 11t Fulltrton'a Mtlody lnn Aug. 27, It w11s announc~ today by Qa~ B«llterra of 324~ Broad St.._ OA!liCE OOAL Goal or thl' league Is $1900, ex~c.-ttd to be ralatd by a Sept. 2i dan<'e Ill the Rendezvous. BIU Schroedtr. m&naJt1ng director or the Hf'lm11 A 1hl,.llC' Foulldallon will atttnd both kickoff and dance. AlllO lnvitrd to the Olympic fund a.!f111r1. 811.lllerra Mid, wlll be' tour Oran11• County Olympic parttclpant1. They are Mn. Ann Car Court.re of Dana Point: Mra. Evelyn Ojeda of T\laUn and How- ard O'Brien. a tralntr, ol San J uan. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brlen1 have already Mid they will attend. OTHER ACES Other Olympic ~ea •llpeCted to atttnd Include J lm Donahue, Evelyne Han, Bob Rlchant., Dor- othy Poynton. Mal Whitfield, OW· en Cburchlll, Frank Wykott and Fidel La Buba. Donahue ~· back to t.he-111L2 pmu. La Ba~ ba t.hoN of 1924. Wykort 11128 and Richard• brlnp It up to the DIAMOND -NINES OPEN AUG. 22 P~ ..!!~·!'!_ ! ~wn 11••• .. ..., ..a *" _, UM ....a """"' _. ...,. u •• 11;,.~..;':.,::. :" t.:! lft.tt .. _.. 1 Mal...,..,...,. ,. ..,........ '-tM ...,,.. &Md· lluhu t\IM •"41 .. " WU _,. Total of 7 Ce~lelh L•llidt P..,offs . Pint Day et Pltly ~ .., .. • tM -~ 1af OU.ta, UM Oel\a *-a Park °" u ""' W1l9' \M ~ hU M!J It Ult ....._ el lM ... A i.eea-AM ... Ml'9d w1Ulln te ~t ,_, \M wUlnlftl' Na. ttre. A .,., te tM fttN .. "6• Mlt I fMI• et nret Jlla!• W1llt 01"' Oardn.r ~ tM "'""' ... i.lt wtUl the ....,, ,..,.,. or .,. aa l ·I lrt\lftlpll ntr t.M Wllllt lh 8 Malleut i..&fut MMM.11 H bo Bo • Cl b ,...Uon ....,.. tM t~ IOll rrtda.y. 'nle ln41AM tdlff rrtday u.. CUN l*t th• Pt· Athletic Director Rod M1cMUllan of ar r YI u ,_~,. ,..,.,._et Wl\kh iet.ra u.e a ...... ,_. In J'ttdaY'• ... ,.., .. M and i..p-tl'Clffld •• today releued Mld,.i bueb&ll tournament aet-upe for Har. .. at Mt. ._. .. .,,. ~ IMll _. fr&J, u.em into r,,urUI pla,., Pttthtr bor area'• A and C league tea.ma. The playoff• bet'tn Aug. ,_ put U.. tMtl 11"' wb• eotn· TM 01ruiu haft a 15·1 NCOrd Jim 8uahlln1 tmuh~ a tn,ae . I.al ta alMl ah&ll nu1 out to "1a ""',.,.. to Ult Jltd Sox'• U ·I ud double tor tM wlMera. 22 end wtnd Up Sept. 2. polllUon. muk. 'nlelfht at 1:15 the l\tcl lt.&Adlnfl thrc11.1111 l"rlda7: A. The C tourney include. all team. who have played at 9ea t.ee Ula Braftl. WtclnelldaY IMfut -01an~ 11.a: Red loa C-0rona del Mar Youtb Center, th1 YouU\ Center C\lbe and tM $1~...& 51.-1.-. nl1ht at 1:11 Uley tall• on lhe H·ll: Carda 1 l·T: 8""' 11.&1 Newport Harbor Hlrh School and Brav... IVVT IUWW Jndlaa1. Tllurlday al t :l(r"'"p. m. lfttUan1 8-10: Dodfen ... 111 C ta M h k nv luhM Jn the A toumey, the tlm Next lun4a7 rttle al\oot at the tile Ql&nu play their ftlW pine Wllltt Soa t -11; Yank•• 6·111 oe eaa r ' • c l'OWld le a quaUtytng·roun.d wlUI of the l09p MUOft aplnat the 9 JifaUOftal -Dod .. n I • &: open ~ conruct Aur. 22. the wtnaera ent•rtnr a doubM South Oout IUne and Plltol C&rdln&Ja. lMllld lleth eJuN wtn 8 ,....., t-1: 0 11.nu M : ~N , .. : n.R8T DA.Y eUmlnaUon So· Cracklnl off Ule Club .....,,. ott Mae.Arthur Boul• Mel\ eoat•t. they woWd end the Plrat• T-1: C&rd1 l ·ll. M Tl'•r1 lld Au•. 12 a t t :SO p.m. wtlJ be Yant out of Corona del Mar w1U MUOI! Ill a top IJIOl d.Utocll At 10 a.m., the eaa " • al 1 ... a nu:D A. ntlll\OOOLU\O, l .F. tangte with u,, Hlrh School ln-a IL""• between the Olanta and be Sept. 11. Peraorw wtahln1 a · Baak of Arntrle& ~ _ Yankee•. The Cardinw talce on copy ot Ule match lldledule ..,. Pitcher ftoy Dalton and o.ne diana. Other ca.mu are MM& Yan-the Dodsel'1 at l :SO p.m. Lund teamtcl up to hurl a U\nt "Men'• ~ta ~t Ule 10 reque1ted to leave their name hitter ·-•--• .... ..,..'le loa. world .,.. att.ctecl tv 11\ort tty ktts vA. High School CUbl, &. ... ...-..._ ... "™ n.t1malnder Of lhe A Le-cue and a ddff.. with the abootmu• D&J•-and Jarrw LaWTence W Ult rtnU. tCMMlll Of lofte t.Ma Jl7 m.,· the Meu ~d Sox v1. the Hlr h ti t d A .... .._di·-t ffl ...n • ..,.. -·~ " re roun : u1. a->-1.11 -·• -er or Tange o CIT. n n.A ap-UM wlnA•r'.• plat. power W1tJa lbe mall .. ftal ol power. School Cardinali ahd the M ... ln-Brave1, t :SO p.m.; White Soz -prond toumey1 for am&llbore rt--;:::::;:::;::;;;;;;;::::::::::;::::;,;;.;;:;::;;::::::::;p:::;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;,;;:;;;;:;;;;,;;;; dians va. the Rlgh School ngera, Rtd Sox, l :SO p.m. 4 fie only are held enry rrt4a7 11 :30 a.m.; and the Mu a Brave1 SPECIAL RVLES at '7:30 P· m. T or turther ln· fonnaUon phone Lara 8t•l at vs. the Youth Center Dodgen at 8peclaJ toumament rule. will be Harbor 23U-W. BALTZ MORTUARIES l p.m. enforced for thue fraya, MacMU--------------11'1 lupenor Annue Completion or the tlr•t qualJly· IJ&n reported. Pltche,. may not Weepln1 may endure for a nlpt. c.ta Meaa. Callt. CILU'lllL ar Tllll UA IUO a. Ooul 81\'d. Oorona .. , Mu' Cel1f. Ing round taku place Aus. 23. throw more than alJt Inning• In but joy cometh In the momlnr. Phone l..lMrty l-Jlll The Mesa Cardinal• and YouUI ~o~ne~ram~~·~a.n~d~t.he~l~nn~ln~g~a~m~ut~t~be~~-:_:Paalm~~~·~l~0~:5~------_.::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Center Giant.a and Me.a Dodrve ,_ .................................................................................................................................... ., PboDe lla*r d a.nd Youth Ctnter Cardinale el.uh at 10 a.m.; Ule Me• Olanta and Hlfh 8chool DocS&era and HJfh School Wblte Sox and Hllh School Bravu contut at 11:30 Lm., ud the Youth Center Indtana and Hip School Red Sox have tt out at l p.m. · D&A.W BYE8 Movtnc Into the MCOnd raun4 with rtrat round b1u will be tM Hl&"b School Olanta and Tank ... the Mua White Soll and OUba, and Tennis Program You Harbor area folk who ut in on Friday night'• 22nd Proves Popul• annual College All-Star football ga.me by the magic eye of Pem Golf Calendar The Newport Harbor Htfh 19~2 iventa. TV, may be watching the two big stars of the collegiate 30-at Santa Ana Unb School Summer recrea tJon tennia 1 program, whJcb conUnuu untJI 27 win over the professional champion Browns deciding the Ladlu colt calendar at Banta Aug. 26, hu drawn befinnera Ram-Redskin titanic in the Loa Angeles Collliewn WedJae.-Ana C'buntry Club ilatu qualify-each week, ln.ltructors-' report. day night. There'll be just one L. 0 . Dupre of Baylor llC&mperad Ing round• tor t he P ruldent'a RecenUy the followtnc jolned the dJ!Urence. Quuterb&cllt Ralph and cut nnd wlgl"kd through the Cup tournament from Aug. 2e to clasaea : OugUelml. ot Notre Dame and tiny mighty Browne? And Wbat a~ut Sept. 2 playing to a full handl-Cindy Cbandler, Bonnie CotUt, Tad We~ or OhJo State wlll be the explo&lve power demonstratelS cap, one match each week. l!:titry Donna BurdU.11, Judy Wood. on u parale 11ldes or the field. by Mel Triplett of Toledo, Bobby rte 11 SI and matches begin Brian ScbW11ger, BUI Muay and ~spite Gugllelm1'1 t1Pnsat1011al Watk1na of Ohio 8tete and Ron Sept. e. A total ot 6• tntTles Robert, David and Richard Parke. ehowtng agalnlt PaUl B rown'• ael-Dnewleckl of Marquette? All-are aou.-ht tor the event. Some ot th.01111 'llVho 1lgned up the dom dl'rtated cha tge11. he'll be 11tor linemen like hug'll Rooflevelt Tomorrow It'• match v1. par. tint week thl1 wmmer have ad· lucky to brea.k In the line up for Orrer of Penn 8t&te, Larry Mor-P'Ttday 111 JUNt day with medal vanced to the pme •la«•· Tiiey long Wednuday what with Waah· rla of Georgia Tech (another Ram play. Next Tueaday I• most pars: are: lngton p<W1ee11lng Eddie LeB•ron property) and cruhlng-St.an Pal-next P'rlday Un w hlatlr. Aug . 28 Ellen and Karen TollellHJ\. and Al Do row for the b&ll handlln&' umbo or Notre Dame etood out on I• l'JUl ~ay, be•t ht.JI of part· 0.11 and Carol Tough, Sue Helm· al'>t Rut wet' Wel'd, weir;hlng In a ri,Jd that conta1ned Len Ford, nera. Aur . 30 11 cross country. holtz. Mary Ann Hebenitrelt.. at J.16 lbs .. kll'king toe Included. D&nte Lavelli and Lou Gron. AIUson Mell-Or, Pt.m Ot.on and i. a cinch to U. out an UM field M.a,ybe the .iutt 6~ualonal MRS. NELIE 8HEPKl!:RD Eric H&n.Mn. All have achieved enry Ume a lle1d .,aJ » called ~ -~ · "-<>D:IT rt1DD, Lofl&' .. acb cent.hlarian--IOffte proftcteney tn both forehand for. Co11<"h Sid Giiiman or the Loe coachfng tor the all·•ta.r. wtth "n ddle1Uck11! · Llvinr lonr la juat and backhand and are ptnlft1 AngeH!a RAm. nabbed tM J&d ~-l!Uch u CUrly lAmbeau and •tout • matter or llvlng the but you aome 11Ucceaa In eervtnr. mott tor~ th' llll-11tu pme. And ln Steve OWen bad a irreat deal to can and ~tune u much u you dltneUlt pa.rt of the r&m• for thAt g11me J.'rlllAy night, W"ed do with the cloee-lm.lt perfection can out of ur,." younp lel'1 to learn. only took hll'h point honora W1lh of the coll,gtatee after but three -------------------------- 11 t11g1t11 obtained on three fidd wteks training. But I'm lncUned goals anti a pair or extra points. to think that with a batch ot play· GRID FO&ICCA..IT eni w ch aa laat year'a coU.ptl But ti.fore th• MUOn la weU grid crop. the ~hlnr wun't along. I predict Ou(Ualmt win much or • problem. AU thoee guya take 0~ the l\edllkln reln.e and just Ope&rf'd to love rough, tough ma.ke the Wu hln(lob, D. c. (Ttd conta<"l-th~ toughtr. the bttler. followers forget llllngtn' Sammy Now don t !ti"'"' me that •tuft Baugh. Juel how Kood the Notre about Otto GrahAm being among D ame-ex Is was clearly ln ev1denre th!' ml11slng on the Bn>wns 11ld1 u he cocklly drove the mighty or the l~ger. leaving thtm v.1lh Brown rt'gular11 cruy with hl11 ju.~t George Rattenn1111. The buutlf'ully dlrectt'd mixture of line Brown. dldn·t need Graham, they bucks, end sprlnl.11. pltchouts. ntf'ded Ougltt'lml! h&ndofta. t\trlll.ls. qu11rll'r 11ne&kll, Besldll, how could you get b.t· reverar11 and fa.k ea th11t completely ttr q:rterbecklng lh&n by 1end- b&ttled the profe1111lon11l rlefcn11e on ing t 0 Notre Dame !lgnal eall- Frlday nlght. tn aga.ln11t each other . You 11aw how good Ohio St&tt"11 Dave Leirgrtt wu Ill the Roae Bowl gam" IMt Ntw YtRr'11. Poor Dave could only rate thf' chore ot propplnir 11p the plir;skln tor Tad'• toe. And the only w11y Leg- ,.tt manAgtd to lttg Into th!' 11cor- lng column wu wh,.n R3.lph tool< pity on the boy Ant1 ('llJltd fnr " rake utra pnlnl kirk. 111lov.111g 011\'e to nict ar ross thl' RMI line for lhe one pnin t ,ffi'T TIIF. RE~T Thia w1111 lhtt tlfflt .Ul-stllr root- bell te.1 m I r\·er MW. I fell 11t th' conclw1hin of la.•t 11r"""n thBt the naUon had ntnr seen 11uc h " nnc colleC'tlon ot root b1111 plarrr11. The way t.hty dr fl'll.ttd 1 htt HMwn• l ffmed to pretty Wf'll pro\'I' thllt ldea. Did you watr h the v.-..y 11cat- beckl Dickie Moeg-tl ot RJr11 and Diamond Stan in Hi C League Among home runa •lugged out In rf'Cent Newport H&tt>or Hip SC'hool Clau C Bueball ~ague have ~en those by Tommy Hu- lett. 8111 Brockman .• Randy War- ren, Jim Reynolds ,Jamie Crown- er, Brian Campbell. Johll Wd,.r. John Ma<')' tripled &nd Mike S<"huettt wa:a robbed of a J>ONl- blr homer by a 11tn&allonal cateb.. Steve Hutwrt£ C'onllnue1 to pl~ out11tanding ball In the neld and 11t the plate. Topping pitching perform11nce Wllll the hurling duel betwttn Tim Brown or the first place Gl&n~ and Steven Shedd of the Br11ve11. Brown got the nod l ·l. From the start. make your wedding an occa· sion ot Jong remembered good la.Ste and W.· tincllon. Invitations l!!et the tone of formal perfection. Consult us on any problem you may have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News.Press 2211 laltioa llvd. H•. 1616 - • ·Treat yourself to a 4f>Al0 \(J).CA-0 oN l a ... Take Drlve•away Dellverr of a New 1955 O~LDSMOBILE , .. £ j,.. ~ .'". _,... r r ·• .· Jo. . ---~~""',\\ · ...... -SAVB 111 YOUI NIAllST OLDIMOllLI •IALll MILUR CHEYROUT 1ooow ... c.1-• HI .. ..,. N.., .. ••••• LIMdr. ltU6l members of the Newport Hubor Ch•m.,er of Commerce take this opportunity of welcoming the following persons end establishments into the membership of this organization. r They too dedicate themselves to the betterment and growth of the entire Newport H•rbor area: CA.STLEMAN W. 8MJTll Dentl1t ITU E. Cout lll&'•wa.J, ODii B&A..Dl:N' FINCH Kay Flneh Ceramica not r,.eout mg1rwa1. CDK DOUGLAS R. BU&LL Dour '• Do1 HouM 1511 E. CoMt Jllrtlwar, CON RABOLD A. SCllUSSLI:& Crown or the Sea Motel HOO r:. Cout HJgln•"ay, CDM OUY 0 . B UORAJlfAJf Corona del Mar Nunery nu 1:. c-t m1•war. co11 MJlS. \', G. WAT80N' Snip 'N 8Utch Yardare Shop 1117 E. o-t llJa'llway, CDM r .. ~arADAil Arthur Murray 8chool of Dancllll 15!1 E. OoMt m,~, CDll DOROl'llY'llcaENN4, Pl"ff. C.D.M. Trani Btmce &Id~ E. 0... ......,. 0011 llYlWN R. IOLL&a Mlller'1 Union 88"tee lt.atlon IMO E. Cout lflrllW'aJ', ODM 11Aa\'lll.1.EE D. MOODY Moody'• Interiors 1711 L CleMt ~. 0011 LORE'M" A B. llAATLEIN Hartlein'11 Flowe111 At GI.ft.a UOI r:. Cout Htrb...,, CDll LEORA H. GUTilROD Cor-~I Beauty Salon WI L C~t Blp..,-, CDM RAAOLD L. llETIUCll MME. CoMt IDllnnJ, ODii ANl>lll:W W. fllMJTH HOO Oeten IMvd., CDM U:E a. CA.UY Public Accountant 1'711 IC. CeMt K111tway, ODM OICllALD W. IUTCJIJE lnau.rance·RAel E•tate 1716 E. Cout fflsllway, CDM ITA..'iUY A. 8 MJTH Real E1tat1 Mn &. Oout HJ1b..._,., CDM LO.O~N Del Mar Hottl tall r:. Cout HJpw·a,r, ODii RAYMO>fD ll.En RAA\·r;y Architect JIJI I:. 0-..t RJ1b1H7, COM IOIDf B. POOi.i: l\t.dlo 15J5 p;, Cout W.Jnray, COM c. R. TllU:U: Optician 1•11 I!. c-t RJ1llwa1, ODM VIRG"11A \\1L80N Tommy Wllaon S..ut7 llalona 21116 !:. C.-at R111lwar, CDll DA\'ID SMILEY ~nll.st Ult E. Cout 11J11twa1 .. COM FRA..'iK IORDU Jordan'• Pet h op t' 170 E. C-.t 1111~. CDll P. D. \'A.N DICQIU:PT P.O. tl6 Gold ...... A.-, CDll HAL BOLT.I lllSA,._,ll&JbM ....... W. O. PSJUlOW lhs It, ct>M PRICE McCVl8TIOJ'\ CoMn• d"I Mar Reelly Co. M4T E. C-l fflsll•aJ· CDM 'NAJtV DICIUSO~ Real Ji:ltat.t S11IM no"'" At., ~'"''po" ~11 I AC'Jl BID\\'J;LL Bldwe11'11 Ill Mart .. A.H .. a.lbM llla.nd UTHUR SALIMB\JR\' Jolly Ro1er HI Marh1fl An .. &.l!Mloa t.a-d f'Jll:t:MAN W. f'llll.Ell The C&mera Shop ti& Matta. Ave., Ball»na bland EZRA R. SKIX~t:R lat Onr-A\I'., B&I"-l111M1d ALICE BliRllr; The ClothM Ho,... 116 Martllfl A''"·• B&lltM l11ud llt'TH H. PilDOl2 Real ltltete Ill llattlNJ An ........ llluf M'JLUAM L. ICHl"8TER Real .:.tat• lt15 E. C-t Rl1llwa7, CDM I . R. WOOTTO!'r 111 ll•rUlf C..1• M ., CDll NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce lilallN Stanley, Prtl&diiDt HaJ Lan,_iitlm, S.Cretary 1IOO W. Co•lt Hltll'WJ U.1ttr 1-1111 Newport lw• ' • • 1 Rctltlous Checks Passed NEWPORT HAltBOR NEWS.PREss _ PART" • PA&E i . t\ MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 N•"'J>Orl Beach pobce had in -Mesa Draw Police Probe Marin~ Freed ~esa Girls Plate lo lodgl' a reckll'M dri\·lng Ficlltloua check• pa~ on Jo a pair or •lacka, 'l.weater. bra Pend1·a· v·1c1·1m In Fair laldng charre agalrlll Hllrbor arra I Lu Sport Shop and Karl'• Sh04! and a pair or und1e. July 17 & In U.. •·K home 9COllOlftloll41¥t· young fry Frida~'. S tore, Cott& Meaa. wt rt" this and wrote a check tor SU.ff. R H aon at Orance Count7 hir. a.ta A 12-yu r-old bc)y got his Wttk untl tr invel\tlCatson by the On Aug. 3, ahe purch&Md ahOM ecovery ere M ... ,U1-placed U follOWll l 9-year-old brother on lhe Mf.'.1& police depertmuit. Both al 1710 Newport Blvd. and wrote , Bak.inc powder bi.eutta, Uc. handle bu ot fl motor equip-check• we~ written on l'v~la a-rheck for $10.72. Coat& M... niree Mari.Ilea charsect w1tlt Mendu. 3: plaln mumn.t. MU. Ped blcyclt and went careen-, Mua Bank and algntd by Rose B•nk reporttd tht account clOMd. beatlnr and robblnc Gabriel Hal· Horton. 2: drop coakl-. l:Oeeft Ing agal.nilt Bay Ave."a onr c Orr tn paymenl tor men h.n· 'poHce aaltl. lffk Ju~ U . were fJ"MCI by Judp Smith. 1 and Dari-. Korsu. 1, w11r; <rartir Tht>rr wa11n·t di!M'. rrport.11 3how. I --D. J . Dodre 11\urad&y anemOOtl rolled cooklu , Mary Ann Mende&, tv n a ht enlif' on the bike, A l the dn.•u shop, 18231,. New-Gate C lff_.I when Jr Pa rley Smith, deputy J, and Ab~ Mend-. S: bu eook• lnvt'slsgal ing vfrlll.'lll M•ltJ porl Ave . the 1<U11pecl purchht'd s omm WU dlUrlct attorney, etat.ed ta open I•, Eileen lmlth, s. \Vher\ finally •lopped. the -----court that Ha.lJ.cll, the ~ Aatel or apoll(• cake. Zud)' pair were man·hed hom.. ' 1 fo Hospital for wttneaa, wu phylllealty unable to Hand, l, Etleen Smith. 2; choc· ----------I Radar Speed Trap appear. olal• butter call•. Mary Ann x-. M Gh • Exposure Count TM thl'ff men are Hefti)' acott 6-. 1; .Alice Kand-. J ; lllem c,e Asks Time Use Show Slated Finney, LM Carol Ropra and Jlt,o. 811\lth, S: Uf ht butter cake, lllWl llCILESS DRIVERS SA1'7A ANA AUG. 12 tOCNSI bert Lout. Wooltorth, au ot Ill 8mtWl. •:cup cake. 1ru .. lhntt.b. Ion Drunk Char«Je I SANTA ANA AUG. 12 10CNS1 A 90-clay treal.Jnent In Atu caJero Toro alr bue. They .... cbar~ed 1: one cniat pie.~ .... a.tth, L , Or1rnge County jutJgea. polk e of· Statr HCNlpllaJ wu orderfif Fntlay with be&ttn&" K&Ueck and robblnr \\ ayne Ml'Ghff. 102 ~h Fadden I rwers. highway patrolmen and •·1ty ror Kenneth Ruy Galea Jr. 23, of him or 1100 In caah a.ad an llO Serilce Sfalloll's TOP TWIRLERS AT COUNTY FAIR Pirate Queen Marjorie Boyd of Anaheim preeented Dia.ne Rankin of Oakland, win· ner of the State Bat.on Twirling Championahip at the Orange County Fair, the winner'• trophy before a large audience lut night. Princeue1 Carolyn J one. of Placentia and Stephanie Stier of San Clemente uaiat Queen Marjorie, handing th~ trophy to the new lltate champion, Diane. Other winne111, Mona Rae Morgan of Palo . Alto and Oark Ung of Loa Angelea, bold .their tropbya and watch with approval. I d L Cl • • with complete hydramaUc Hr-1 n In IC vicing and r•pelfll ln addlUon to motor, bra.k~aml .. lon and How to Report OR PollutlOll of lay Celebrates One wheel allf1\lnr aervtce. Whalen a.nd O.born al.lo ofter· Peraon.1 notlein1 oil poUutlon I • y ed Ulelr sn11cere appred aUon tor of the Harbor water or beachu 1111811 ear the warm welcome utmded to ahould Inform the Harbor De· , them dur1nr tb11 put year by pertmenl. a letter from the U.S. TtMre a a double celebraUOll Harbor area mot.ort.t1. "-·-t G rd bu I r ed N-· today at R • L Auto Clinic, ~ U& n onn Newport Beach. Tt\Ii date marka port Beach City Council. the tt,.t annJ vttMry ot th• alfto-FFA and Gran,.. The letter w .. refvred to the moun repair and .. rv1ce orjt'UI· ~ d ,.. lo lsatlon. Partner Lowell Osborn Pl--at Fa·1r Harbor Depert.me'l.lt-1' u•• • alao marka tit. return from auc· _...... cal yacht clubll notined. ceaatul complellon of the Hydra.-JI\ Oran1e County Fair d1v1· matk course at tha GM Tnuninr: aiora Newport Harbor FFA cha p· It.a boolb In fHture uhlblta. CtnlfT In Burbank. ter plAced third tor FJl'A chap· 0 11bom'1 p11rtnl'r, RoM Wha.lea. ter11 -theme booth, Jun.lor depart- J:>olnt.d out that R • L Auto ment feature •llhlblt.a. COila Me- Cllnlc now proYldH cuat.ornen .., Oranr:• No. 912 waa third with Jn re(l1tered breeding animal•. •·H Uve•lock, O~y Monto;ue of eo.ta Me.a took fourth for hla Junior kid, Alpine doee. Santa once a Ana year Tent • • • & Awning storewicle Below ant J..a a few Gt the._,"-offered at Na.I reduettoaa Reel Reductions LAWN SWINGS Our n..t plMtlc lawa awtq, with lanenprin11t pMI, heavy 4" white fringe ooU aprtag hue - 2 only -1 yellow and 1 coral 79J5 ftei. $99.!Wl . ..... ..... . ....•.. -··-··-····· Deluxe vat dyed lawn awtn~. Ml1Ml u above only wttb 40 coil sprlag but-64J8 1 IJ'Mll and 1 l'U!lt., Reg. 69.95 ···-·---··-·- Defuse painted .&awn •wing, l.naenprtng pM, 4" heavy frtnce. flecked material. 49JI ln pink, ir.en or white, re1t. 64.95 ..... Delue Vat Dyed lawn swing, eads la cuopy, 4" white frtn~e, 96 ooU spring J*l. flat ~ 49J8 eprtq, I pem. 1 net. 1 blue, reg. 62.96 FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS WITH PLASTIC WEBBING 01 SARAN Folding chair wtth 7 J5 plutic 1''f'b ............. ···············-···rflC· 8.95 FoldlnJt "h&ira with white 8J5 anne and plutlc web ···---·-···reg. 10.95 Folcllng chain with 6J5 plaln °" ptud oover ·······-···············f'el· '7.95 Folclblc chain with 5J5 ..,_ OO\'er . ·········-·--····-······-···N«· '7:95 ----------· REDWOOD FURNITURE 54r roucl umbrella ~ 44.51 oomplete wtth 4 heftclw9. . "'I· M.50 cw. kMutp com~ wttb boud Md 15J5 _.... ..a dy.id p.d. from ·······-··--····- .u~ ..._,...,...., ._ Wltlt TUtlac DevkM- HMVJ trlnre • .olJd colo" and 8trt,_ . From 14.95 to 29.95 Chaise Pads ChalN peda, boxed Md wel~. kapok 13J5 tut reg. 21.9~ . Olloman Pads 18 • 2% bl. awried colorw Speclally 2.85 Priced at -·-··---·- Cbalee pada. kyoa and Suaa oownd, k •po k· fllled. 16J5 Reg. 21.96 ............. . CbaiM J*la, boxed Md welted., oottoD ftllecl. Vat clyed eaDVM la ueorted aolora. 7 45 Reg. 9.96 ···--··--······ • CbUle ....... boxed Md welw, cotton filled. 11ecll- ed eaavu cover ta pbak. wblte, pem or &.95 yellow .... •••···· Chair Pads a.Ir ,... boud •• d welted. bpok ftDed. .b- IOried ftlt clJ'ed 0 a a Y a a ~t.15 __ 1.95 CJlaMo ,... ...,.. nw. ...-..-eov-I.IS ML ..... U.N --- a.Ir ...., ........ ~:: .. __ 4.15 ..., .......... _. ••-••u't lanta A-Tent & Awning Co. 1626 So. Mal• S11t• AM · Pll. II 2·3141 F.u~-1'.,..__ o,. FrL a 11-. ....._ -.!tll • Di&WJ- . . Pia.-... :-: .. wport Rt'll<·h, 1·har~1·d orr11:u1.lll have bt"n 1tw1ted to watl•h · 1-~1llmore. who haa pleaded lt\llll)" wrl.al watch. with driving wl11le Jrunk, allkt'd I th11 workl11g11 of a r•dar &peed lest! 10 t'XVOJ!lng hlmself to a Co111a Halleck h.U been 111 Hoac Hoe-Locatioll Scofcllecl Judge 0 J Dodge tor hm, 10 I l!t Santa An-Freeway and Main ~h·H woman pit.I with fn.ctured .atull a1nce Rwnon th.at Standard OU ~ plead wht-n amtlgned Fr I day Sl. herP al 6 Pm .. Aug. 24. Suptrior Courl JuJ ge Sh .. a com· lhe a ttaclt and hie phyacl&n aaid would nect a aemc• .Ulloa mom.ng a nJ h111 c1t11e waa 11et tor AUK. 10 at 2 p. m. Fra.nk Soule J r., of33 Holmwood DrlVf!. Newport Beach. pleaded not guilty to a charge of ca r tampering Friday and his Jury trial waa set for Oct. 4. Leo T. Wortman. 1420 South Main St.. Santa Ana, charged with lndecent expo11ure. Aur. 4, pleaded not guilty today and hia jury tria.l waa Mt t or Oct. 4. $ ·$ $ $ $ Phone . Kfmberly 2-2375 Col. Homo Sterll11g extended m11too Cates a.tier the defendant he would not be able to appear •croaa from .Alpha Beta at th• the Invitation at lul night'• execu-had been referred to thej hlgher In court ~fore Aur. 22· northeut comer of Eaal lTU\ live board ot the Orange County court by Ntwport Juallce Court. Halleck baa been la ffoq Ho. and Oran,.. Su. In Ooeta x- Leagut of Cltle• mttllng 1n Or· pll&l with tr&cbired lkull .tnee were llCOtched today by Joe Kc:· ange. Criminal proceedmga ha~e been the all.&ck and ht. phylllcJan MJd Kee, manarer ot Jettereon PTo- euipended, pending Oatta lrHl· h• would not be able to appew pertlea Inc .. owner of Ule ewner. The radar i>qulpment 19 the late--ment. ID court before Aue. n . -11'• oU compa11y had u opUon •l developmtnl aimed at trapping The victim aald ahe wu called Th• Marine•' ti.II wu exon-on a 1-al Ol'le lime. but '1d apeedlng drivers. 10 the dtfendant'a car April 18 at erated, but Friday 0.t. Sft. V. I. not exerctae Ila opUon to oom· Even In war moral power la phy1iraJ u three part.a out four. -Napoleon Orange and Monte Vlata SU., COi· Mc.ManlraJ atat.ed he would an-eat p lete It and now It wW aot be to ta. Meaa. She aald the defendant the auspecta wbeneYer HaUeck'a pout bl• to cloee a deal untll th• ot ex.hlblted hlm1elf from the wa.i.t phyllclan will allow him to ap-Jetfer90fl eat.ate la HtUed, KcXM down. pear. atat.ed. • For Your 1954 FORD. • • • • 1953 PONTIAC 1954 CHEVROLET • • • 1953 IUICK 1954 PLYMOUTH • • • 1953 OLDS 1953 FORD. • • • • 1952 PONTIAC 1953 CHEVROlET. • • 1952 BUICK 1953 PLYMOUTH • • • 1952 OLDS 1952 FORD. • • • • 1951 PONTIAC 1952 CHEVROLET • • • 1951 BUICK 1952 PLYMOUTH • • • 1951 OLDS 1951 FORD. • • • • 1950 PONTIAC 1951 CHEVROLET • • • 1950 BUICK 1951 PLYMOUTH • • • z OLDS 1950 FORD. • • • • ~. PONTIAC 1950 CHEQOLET. • • 1949 IUICK 1950 PLYMOUTH • • • 1949 OLDS We Wiii ContfnH to Make Deals on ... Iasis of the Abo•• Allowances on New 1955 POlltiacs Ulltll Sept. 1 More The Reason Cars Must Harrison sells 51°/o of all New Pontlacs Go This In Orange County. Large Allowances Month -.... Service. Phone Klmberly l-2375 • f J ) LEGAL NOTICI NOTICE OF am . . . PAGE•. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~NDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED FOR RENT Skill Sawa, Eltc. Dr1U•. Pollaln:-1, a.ll typee ot Sandtr9, Whttlbal· row9, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. SZ-Funlturf' for Sale S!-Funalt~ for Sale ------------------ Good Used . Furniture Antique Sale ~.,.._Md&. IMautJIW il:q· ..... w.laut Md. L&lllp t.ab&• .n.. taMe, dealt, au.,. and ......... AUGUST SPECIAL r We n~ICI llt\'er&I upr1.pt ~ tor P'all reat.a&a Dltn ....... t.rada allow.~ made oe ~ lplaet pl""° or E1aetJ'Olllc.,... at IHAFD'e M~o Ola.( .... l ltOT) OHll N '1'oa• .... ~ollct I• htreby Jinn lhal the ~ of T'rWllMe ot the Or&np <;out Jr Colltce 011t. ot Orange roomy, Callt. wtn rteeift Md1 up to 2:00 P . M., AU(Wll 30, ltM, at the otnce of aat<J KhOOI 419t., lo- r at.ed a t 19961 So. Harbor Blvd. Coat.a Mtaa. Callt., at which t l.Jne u ld btd• wlll tMt opened tor: 1'1UOl"t9Ctnl an d lncandeeunt ll(ht•, with one·ytar and/or 2600 Mur minimum ruuant~. Specltl· ""t1on1 for Ll>oYe may be aecured In tht oftire ot th• AMt. 8upt in Charge of Bualneu. 1'\e Own· H re11ervea the prlv1ler• of re· jl'ctlns any and all bide or to waive 11ny lrr«"ruJariUet or lntor m.lltlu in 1111y bid or In Uie bid· Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu ia guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If your H30 W. COAST HlOHWAY Uberty 1-343~. Newport lkb 21Uc Complete ~o~ or apt tunmbiap Bedroom, living room, d1n1q room. Lawn and patio funltun All kind• baby tumltun IUCIUAD90N'I YACHT AN· CllOJU.Gm .• ...,.. Drtft, ll:ut of ~ laJaAd bri4ce, Mell Santa Ana. Ptl. ICl. l..olfl. JU)CHITICl.H. Ollo ot lhe ..Ve .,..t .. t P'--Jut Uka .... Oood for ,...,atJoaa, You wUI be UU'Wad lo ...., Uld pa., w. mapitlOlllt •1.,,._t. T Ill• low prico wUl ... _.... ,... ou.ar eruct. .. aaw .. ,-. ' paper ls not dellvettd by that h our please call Harbor 16HS and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified dlnJ. S!.ntd: 15. H. PJl.:T'ERSO N llrcty, Boud ot Truater11 A1lvrrt1~1· August ltl and 22, 1955 OflW AU(Ul l ao, 196:1 2;00 p !If ?'\11. 603 N«'Wa·Prea l r U·22. 1H6 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Cout&I SlloPfNir ,\dll run la lhf' \h-Onr<i<lay Sl'\\l·l'reu 4 UDN 1 lnaertloa $1.00 add'I. lin~ .25 rL Ct:RTIFlCATE Of' lffS INr.SS ii t.50 add'l Unes .25 tL FICTITIUl'8 YUUI NA~f: " Unet1 2 luertk>n 'l'hf' undcra1rn4kl do hereby cwr· I -I Llnee S laMrtiona 2.00 add'L UDes .25 ea. 11ty that they 11r• conducunc a 4 Liaes 4 l.n11ertlou 2.lO add'L Unta .25 ._ marine flbu 111... manutacturin& lllllluelloa \\ aat.ed ilcltl wUJ f'f'-Ot-l\8 l!l"'o dl"·ount. f'e10h lo ~,·~-I)'. bwnnt.u a t 102 -181h SlrHl , Coat.a I Ml~IMl'.)t AD IM 4 USt:~ :w-. Oall!ornl•. undrr the fie· -DEADLINES for pln;lng_o_r-~-.,.-n-r-el_ll_n_g_a_d_s_a_r_t ___ _ ltUoua firm name oC MARJNE I Por Monday P ubhcauon -Fnt1uy ~ p.m FlBERGt.ASI PRODUCTS a n LI F or Wednt!lday Publicatlon.1 Tll<'lday l pm. that s.ld tlnn L!I compo11ed of the For Frtd1ty Publlcat1on • Thurldt1y l pm. followlnf P"raona, whose n&mu S F.WPORT H.'-RBUK Pl 'BUISHl~G CO. In full anl1 plac111 of rt'1iclence are I U ll ftalboa Bh•ct., ~ewport ~h. < allfornl&. ae follow•. t o-wit . ---. . I A WRF.N('P: A r-; F:L80N • .\JI {'Jp,.lflt'd Ad• mu•t ~ 1>ald tor (. a11h In lld\·ance of puhllratlon. • ' ' • Tbt publlshe119 will nol be responsible tor n11.11 e Ulan one ln<'orrect "°1 Clubhouec 1n11trllon of an 11d, ~st'rve the rt~ht lo c11rrt<'llY chlNlfy any and all Nt wp•irl HN.,.h, CA llf 8118 and to rtJe<'l 1my ad not ronforrning to r11lc11 11nd rej'Ulallons. O()NALD R . .JOHNSON 21~l Wll11on C'M l ll Mc~lt . Cohf r'IAN \\' S/\NOERSON :130 Ogl.• Co11!11 M fAit. Cullf Special Notices Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 W!tne1111 our h11n1b th111 28!h d11y o r July, l!IO~ 11 LA WREN<"'E A NELSON Mcrh every Thursday 8 pm. 11 UON A LO R JOHNSON Via Oporto -t;entral Ave. 111 DAS \\', SANlll!::RSON Newport Buch ITATE OF CALIFORNIA I Al btrt H. Matthews, Ex&Jtcd Ruler COUNTY Or OHAl"GE IM or th111 28th day or July. A. D. 19:1!1. IM'forr ""' ROBERT F. 12--Bulldin~ Sen ·iceot Y.'lLLMES. a. Nnlflry P11bl1t• 1n •nd for lhP 111\H.I (.'ounty 11nd Slatr. Clec. Tool Rep' air p11dlng thtrl'ln, duly rommls.11lon-&;., •d 11~d 11~•or!' pen1~1nally 11.pp«"ar1·.t.1 I Skll Saws. Dr1Us. Sa.ndara LAWRF.l"CF. A. :-.:ELSON. DON·I QlnCI< SERVlC~ >.LO R J OHNSO!ll a nd DAN W. LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 1 2--~~~-'-~"~~~­ CEMENT Ii BUILDING All ' Kinda FREE ESTIVATES Uberty 8-6109 House Plans LIBD\TY Mt~l 29tf 10tle Bookkeeping Service ATTENTION! Contraclora. Storeketper1 PAINTING Near Nu Furniture M. W. ROSS Newport Ref.ch 2819 Newport Blvd. e Ll 8-3321 • LI 1·7123 280 Avocado, Co•ta Meaa :l~·HeJp Wanted 8&t!C ...... lllottQaz11w lf.-PenoD&Ja AlooboUca Anonymoua Write P. 0 . Boa !ill Newport Beacn. <.:altt. Pbone Barbor 479:1 Uc ~~y-~~~~--~~ Superfluous Hair Permanently "moved from t:ice arma. lep, ICyebrow• aoa oalr UJie 11\aped-No more tweemn1. ELLEN ~ BRYANT R. £.. U do'• laloa of Beaul)' liar. 26711 tic 20-He.a.lth AJd.i. MASSAGE lN YOUR HOME ! Sl'rvlni; thl' Ht.ubor Area. lAdlee only 1'or 11p,>l. pleuo eall Har. 4791:1 or Har. 0292. 16c98 It-Lost ud Foand LOST -Mana 1olc1 WTi11t watch upanslon Reward. Har. 3960J Bulova ban<! llc90 LOST -Puakt et bluf' & white malr. vicinity '22 M1tr i:uerltt' C.D.M. Hu. 1971-J or 1197-W. 90c92 Beacon Personnel 100' r employer retained agency NO r ee collected applicant from \\'1· lla\'l' r xrell. openings for Clt'n'I otru t Met'h. Eng .. Book· ktcper machine OJ"t'r . Seet y. llll'nCI., PllX Opt'r . coal &<'Cl. • Jollll'Sl l~ 'BEACON PERSONNEL 1Aga11cyJ 413-311l Newport lkacb WAITRESS -EXPERJENCED pt~manent job -Lido Park Cate 2801 3111t St. at Lido -Traaltr P11rk Newport Beach 18p91 Steno. bkkpr; bkkpr; account.ant.. Al'l'1111n1 Ing elk .. rtstaurant, do· me11t1" .fl s en'I. poalUona. New Jobfl .rally, regi1ler now. JUNI-~ FA:RRAR JnlllP'I. AG'CY. •021 ~ 32nd St.. Newport Btach opp0sill' City Kall. 89c91 POBff lON open tor youn1 man lo &a11l11l in clrculaUon dept. Per· mllnenl. full llma empJoymcr.t. Not a summer job. Do nnt 'lJ>!JlY It not f)ennanent . Se•' ~tr. Parry, NEWPORT HAR· BOH .'.':EWS·PRESS, 2211 B~­ boa Bl\'d , Npt. Beach. Hai bor 11116. 81•1 c ORIGINALS A.rrmAlfOOH. Cocllt&U, dlnaer dr ..... A Coordlnal•. CUITON l>IUCUMAIUNO Pb. K&rtlor llll·ft Mel Drastic Reductions 'Up to 50" ON SUlOOlft DRDSU, Hp&· ralu , o~ 6 •"'pi.a. NAAOm wm 19M l o. Coaat Blvd., LacuM ~ UUc Fresh Hearing Aid BATrEIUES Wa Olva UH 0...., ltampe Gunderson Dru2' Co. Main St. at Balbo& Blvd.: Ba.I~ Harbor llllt Ntlo DEL U X E O'KMte Ir Merrill stove, W•tlnfhouea oven will\ st11nd a clock control. Lov. seat, r1re11lde chair. maple cof· fee t11bll', I rup, cotlAfa cur· tutn11 8 pr. with red border A valanre, t pr. with 1t""n trim. AU llkll new. Har. 021-W lk91 ANTIQUES -Old tumlture, cut glau. lamp•. old picture•. clock• etc. Bargain• ratore. Bir di•· count.a to tltaJera. Charlle Dam . 180~ IC. Anaheim lit., Loi\( Bch. 6!10-139 29tlc For lhOH who wan\ th• baet URGENT. Beacl• pup nl'~lnr 1 wA:>;T RF.AL ESTATE SALES· u medac'I ~re lost Newp0rt 11rca MA:>; or brokrr Familiar walh Konkel's Interior• pholatery, draprrlu , 1Upcovera, Aug. 9 wh1te cl blaC'k. while •J' on back. K1d11 unhappy REWARD LI 8·:1013 !l0c!l2 l>tQpreada. ew phon• Harbar nrt'a Top comm1S11ton N lll one whu w11 nls t o makt u mon1•\' le n(ll a fr111d to work. HOl'STON REALT\' fl09 Cen· berty 1·7973 f 31 E . 17th J're• l!:aUmatu 8 t., Co1~ Meaa 16c:N ~ !!?'.3 !!II!!! PADDLEBOARDS Mew 11 ~ tt.-auo 110 llWltinl'\Oll Ave., Rte. BMcb. Lllxlnrton ... 111 . IT cl 1' n . MOl\OANCR.UT, 81 in. bMa, U "·P· IMArude twin eleclrie, J llOOOP bait tuk. n1ar- Jy MW. twl price St76. Copt&cl Jo. N)an, c/o Baldy'• Tackle &bop, Harbor Jet. ...,.. H ' CABIN Ol\Utalllft Ho. ITCMI. J'u1lJ .. utpped Qaryalw Nartae ..,.taa. I cu 1nOC111.aS ..ar IA- pio clock-I' DmP¥ Clall lM ..... al BAY aHOft.8 Traller ~ clook......C.U n 1-Mll or U l~er t.t TrUJar aot Ho O.H. ltctl 21' llTEELCR.AFT tl.ahiAS bo&l. AlJ aqulpped, ready lo l'O· BRAND NEW within 6 houra ruMln&' Ume. Co« Sf200. l lok· n-rorc• Mia. A ruJ krstJn at U990. Har. 3309-R. 17tfc SNOWBlRD, Xlnt. 0011.dJl1011, com· plete will\ aatl, 127&. Har. 0380 ltc91 l'AlRUNl:R 26 tt. twln ecrewL irey fire balll loaded. Al con· dltlon IT.T60. U 1-6110 Utfc TRADE DANS·ICHNlDT Ilia It.en, llO No. Main, lanta A.na. 0,.. l'rida y llve. KINBA.LL IPINllT ptano. NAM- pny tl.nlah. LI. 1-4'76. ""'1 11.UlMOND OROA.NL hU l&M, .u IDOde&&. rr.o pncu .. .-.. Coma la U4 plQ • _, ......_ Tbe Onat Ooooart Orpa. .... Home Moclol. tM Oa\ll'dl _. tlllio 8ptMt MocWL It ,-WU Y'O'l OUU\Ot plq, ~ la Md tlJ tM world ta.w ...... ...,. to ~. a... OrpL T• will be MC"''*ed la GM r-a .. plQ la ttn... ... DANZ·SC'HlUDT Piano 6 0rpa Co. Home ol tha Hammond. 1120 No. M&ln, Sant.a Ana. SMAU.EST STUDIO Piano with tull II keyboar'd tn ft.no COD· dJUOD. Tenq, "41.11 .,_ ... flt.lT per mo. at Bl:l.u'ER'I MUie C.O. "'8ce 1101) •U-'23 N. 81C&1Rore, 9u!U. A.Ila PllOtla lanl~tlJ l-ot71. USED PlillOl!I, &'fUd8, ~ ud uprtpt•. Oood fl"&CU.. planoa u low u $12&, •ut, •tlT and up. l!'.uy tenn .. OM oill1 ,.,..,... mall• lpl..t ~ Beauutul 70.tt. &Wt. leboon•r. damaged In 1hlpment. Brand Fully found, p a.nywb ..... WW nl'w. Bis •vln1. tall• aqulcy ln property or am&J. DANZ·8CHMIDT Bir Plano AOr-o Jer boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., ~*" lltore, &JO Jllo. Mata, lant.a Newport. J:l&r. 30.12. HUc Ana. -----------~--8PORTI"18 HJCI\ 31·ft. ntw motor, ... n..... """''• ._ .. Xlant. medlanlcal rond. good ~vvp. ...,_, n • • llnu, l!Ully oonYert.ed for plM· P'OR SAL!l Purebred Chlhauhua 1ure. Utll ICI 6·15110. ltctl T tr Id Call k H FT. aTJ:&LCR..UT, aqU.lpped t or marlin, flahlnl ch&lr, SlUI outr111er. 1$ watt ahtp t.o ahore, ,.uey A haad. Packard 120 h.p. '2.TISO. Har. 2660-W. llktl puppy, W I . 0 • Wtt dayir IN I!. 211t 8t., Trailer No. a. Coata Meea. toptl BANDERSO!ll, known to me to be , 4 511 No. Ne"''J>Ort Blvd, Npt. Sch. th~ ptrlJOM whfllle namn Ut' sub· Libert 8-8383. Httc Nerd tomeone to rtlltve you or U--Sebools, Instruction tho11e monthly bookkeep1n1 wor---------------- tl'r St . Co!!ta Mesa 1.1 8-6911 Eve. H111 ~298-\\'. lie 111 rr. HOU8111'1UILD .1..,,. A.LM08T NEW 14 tt. Chrta Craft fibtr(IUled, 15 h.p. Evlnnide motor, conuol•. Chria en.rt trailer. R&.r. 21211. ltpil P'OUR YEA.fl OLD part Arablan l'"Y pldtnr. plua equipment., aaddle, etc. 1260. LI 8·•4T6. ltctl ecrtbr rt to thr within Instrument, Y P Pcuted the Hl\me. PAINTING and 11cknowle1lgc'I lo mt that lhey 1 ------------- Jn wllne1111 whereof. I have hPr!'-INTERIOR _ EXTERIOR •nlo 11et my hnnd and atrlxed my LIC ENSED _ r NSURmD orfh'h1I ~Ill lhe Olly And year In I \hllJ Ct'rtlflrl\le flrr•l abOVI' wrlltl'n Glenn Johnston !•I ROBERT JI'. WILLMES !>01 • 318t St. Newport Be&cb My Comml3111on Exp1r1•11 Harbor 3176 22tfo t November 16. 19~6 No. tol Newe·Pl'MI l /l , 8, l~. 21. lt&& -For t. dependable uaed car, aee your local dialer who will be here TOMOIUlOW to back up what he -08.!slfled Ad11 are read by follu 11tlls TODAY! Check th• u11ed wbo an ,.... ~ .. ~. can a ~ daaldfled aecuoo to· day. McCarthy's IOOCf o Gua•ANTllD CARS 1420 So. Main, Sant.a Ana Down 55 Cad. ( 62) '4-dr. Power Str, ............ $1000 55 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ... 54 Plym. Savoy 4i dr. O 'Drive . 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sed. Power Str. 54 Ford Ranch Wagon, O 'Drive . 700 . 450 650 550 53 Olds. B8 Sup. Holiday Pow .... _ .......... 650 53 Olds. BB Dix. 2 dr. Loaded ................. 500 53 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str. ............... 500 53 Pont. Ch. 8. Hydra. R & H .................... 400 53 Forcl Rench Wagon, Low miles .. 52 Po11t. Ch. 8. '4 dr. Hydra. R & H . 52 Kaiser DI . ~ dr. O 'dr. Cash Kit . 400 300 ······· 250 52 Ford Custom 2 dr. acc .. 52 Forcl Rench Wa9on ..... .................. 250 . .......... 400 52 Chev. Spec. Del. 2 dr. Sharp ... • 4i'• -438 • 491 -508 . 51• $195 to $695 Low roAt -Bank Tenna . 350 ~ I.ET ,.,... TEU.. ¥OU. S•Q • n.f PQ•,T•C.41..L.V ~w vs•o 'AQ.S VOV GET AT MAlltK MOTOIS k~~~ .. r1e11 ! Aak about our reuonable rates. Har. •688-J. Uc:97 ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile Mfcrs. Dl1lrlbutor11 Wholeaa.le prtcea lo Contractora A Tiie Stllera LI 8-7 493 68tfc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM anstkll the sbove cheaper than moal. 'Also atll Tiie ti: Lmoltum. Non-union, 26 y-r• ex~r1enc.. Compare and 11ee - BlLl. COKER Har. 4828 or Long Beach 7 -:>9i3 89Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the wor k ourselves. 30 years experience Llctneed It. Insured. S11t1s!act1on ruaranteed. Eaumatu tree. Call J ohnnie. Ll 8·2687 & LI 8-5289 8ltfc 1---------------------C ARP ENTER Repair Work Ooee Tour Home Nttd Repalrtnc or Remodeliq 't Call f'rank, Uberty 8·6954 All Work Guaranteed 7'ttc CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STIJDY In spare Ume for cont1·ac- t or'1 examination under a gen· era.I contractor wllh 26 year11 -LlCl'~Jl\SEO real estate aale.sman nr broker who •• familiar wlUl the area 1tnd nol a!ra11J to work . HAY & REACH REAL TY 3112 LaCn)·ettc. Newporl Bch. tfc uptrlence. Clauea Tut>.s. and I WA !TRESS exp. nol needt•d. age Fn. eves. 7 :30 p.m. Attend tlrat 18-30. Day~. yr, 1'0und.-Jolly session free. Beg1n anytime Rllger Cafe MR1·1ne at Park. Al Tyler School Balboa hlanct. Har. •8H DO<:Dt 1611 No. Broadway. Sant.a Ana Ph. Klmbtrly 2·4226 or Kl 7-3611 WA:>;T General Uc 1 Sc11nd1nB vl11n I housr ketptr r. day we!'k. China P ainJing Day and Eveninr ci ..... Oroera Tuen Now Phone ~rty 3-6648 94t!e hvr In or out H11r 021 1-J. 90C9t !tiECHANlC WANTED. Alllo lu· br1callon man. Exel. workinc cont.I. Apply an person. - THEODORE ROBTKS FORD 3100 \\', C11ut Hyhw11y, New• Real Estate School 1 port a eat'h 00c91 • S t A WA:>;TED Mallmt'n cl gtn'I as· 1n an a na 11embler:o (9r fum1t11rt factory. KEN .It WOMEN prepare tn apare L1 8·6332 89clll lime for unlimited opportun1Uea - In Real Est.at.. New claue1 CAPABLE maid to do Ironing and weekly. Al Tyler tnrtrucUnr. At. gtneral cltanlQ& In ne"Y• l r\'ln• tend nm eveninc fne and learn Terrace home, twice a week , about thl• mat flald, Call or must wear 11n1forrn. Har. :>860. wrtte now. 9 1p93 Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway, Santa Ana KI 7·3:ill·Kl f>·3t119·1<E 8-2~13 tfc 6 HOURS week can net you $100 MO EXTRA INCOME, mcreas· Ing monthly to b111l!I a secure bus. or your own. No lnv1•11tment Hyatt 4-i301. 91p93 •. w ith Rernr . • atove. Cheap. Aleo UM7 Ford ploJtup. qcel· le11t. IH-13rd. Newport Bel\. (after t ) 90ct2 TWO IIIAL HEMP Ru11. while. 12 x 18 and 12 x 12. Will Hll aeparately. Har 4071-J -evea. or Sunday 90c92 S I X IN. CJUrI'SMAN metal lathe. 3 jaw chuck, motor. t.ablt &: t xtru $175. lAwco Elactrlc Co. 4:16 N. Jl\ewport Blvo. Newport &ach. LI 8-UU. toc:tJ SO-B-Ae_pllaaaea W ashi"l Machine 9 vtc:m 1-year ruarantee on jobe don. and OD uMd wubera. :uaa~ (rear) Nawport 81., Ooeta Meea. Llberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. &tUc FOR S ALE -Collhpot rtt. wtth new unit, $40. Call KI &·27'.2. t! E LEC. REFRlG. 9 cu. ft., perfect condition, $311. 11113 w. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. toc9:.l St-Wanted to 82 General Contractor 28--Sttuatiou Wanted concCR.rrE MIXER, Uled (with· out motor J. For ouh. Ph. 8111 Coker, Har. 4828 or Lonr Bch. WANT cook for evening mea.J. LICENSED Roy's Maintenance Muat bl' 40 y rs. of al(c or over. Call U 8-t363. 9Jc93 7 -6973 collect. 89cll4 New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58tfc Houae cleantnc-J1oor waxin1 ICXPERIE:>;CED Se<:rtt11rles for SZ--Fnrnlture for 8ale Wall wuhlng-window cleantnr general ortl<'t' work. no bwk· · Venetian bllDda. UphoLatery keeping. Reftrencea required DBL. BED MATTRESS. 1prlnr •. COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanginc Service EUOENi; O. SAUNDERS In.sured. Frea ICatlmatea -Located near · Santa Ana Llberty itlJ.332. lttc I Country Club. Kl ~-11 i:>. 89c9 l • 1 d r1 WANTED Cull tame & part lime Exper1enc·d gar ene (lrl~ for general omce work in dreuer with mirror. HO. Plat· Curro l'O(ktr. ni:wly upholalered $15. Elt:c. Iron With cord n . Hu 0049·J . 19c91 600 U1t i lrtet, Nawport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. 4H6. tfc LANDSCAPING Fumllure tacl.,ry. 1.1 8-6332. SOl..lD MAHObANY ellll tablM, and CLEAN UPS 89r9l CARPENTRY Llberty 8-1659 OIRL8 MINiS'R REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SKA.LL H. o. AnC:er.on 1014 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2460 83t!c Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICllNSl:D CONTRACTOR Working Mothers Child care in my home day- time. Newport Jjlei&hta area. Liberty 8-7674. 83c96 COLORED Lady wlahee day work cleaning, cooking . calerln1. etc. Kl 3·9283. 90p92 171 W. 11th St., ea.ta Me• WANTED -Mendlnf -minor Liberty 8·M21 alteraUon1. II\ my home. call ------------.. ~ u 8-4616 90p92 EXPERIENCED GARDENER OA.RDCNlNG A yard work by day Wffk or month. Liberty 8-611t alttr II 811c99 PJDfaIOND want.a O<ld Jobi! or pert-Um• work. "Jack of all tnde9. B&r. 169'·M. 91p93 WAl!ITJCD ecpenenced w.it,...., WlMl '9 tMt la ,..._.t. Moura u ....... ~elf APlllY after U •ooa 8UllP' J'JUI l'RY. 1110 W. Oc!e.a J'roeL llctO KAUI or J'ENALIC ll&lrd,..._r l4 1"l'lt tn uw, pleuant lbop. StwJ ...... tuniaMd. Hl,_t .....-la _.m'rwl• pe.ld. il.AmG'I DLUlT ..,. _Har I\ IOc4 YOU will have an opporlu1111 ~· to advanre In our f1r111. btcauat of our present ~x­ pan1lon procram. The 11torllng t1Rla1 y .,. good and you will n•cPh•e frequtmt lncrea11e1, loo, Jc'lbll now !or ; T&LEPHONE OPERATORS -· Apply - l'>U •, :>;o. Main Slreet Rm. 211 -Santa Ana 9:00 to 4 ·oo P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 73tfo ATIENTION ALL BOYS THE :\Jl!WS-PR.ESS 11 now t.&k lnf rarner eppllcat1ons !or route• In thtaa ne1ghborhoods:- S.lboa, Wut Ne""ix>rt. Balboa I•. Newport Hel&ht.s. Corona dtl l>lar and Coat.a Mesa. It you u e 12·1' yra. old, and have a bicy('lt, apply a t the Crrcula · tlon Drpt., Ntwporl Harbor NeW11·Pre1111. 2211 Balboa Blvd., lll ewp0rt S..ch, betwttn 10-1 2 a. m. or 4·~ p. m . only except 8aturd&y1. tfo MAHOGANY Dinette at'l, Wel!gt · wood lf811 ran1e. Mal<t orftr, Har 067~. 90c92 IH.R BllLL Brr 110 lb•. Like new. Call Har 2121 89e91 SALm& ell' 4 cult machine, matched wa1J cue A counter , cbalro, pMlla lltand. noor ~ heater, --~ A white roller. 1!had•. CDAP. f.J A· 7Mll 91c9J $15. cocktail table '26. Drue.I •llnlnf room 11uftt, table, II chra .. credtnu burret. s200 Ha lllt'TR. 90p92 BY lRVINE Terrace owner. Uke n~w. Hot point ran r e. Bendix wuher • dryer. Callt . ahope Colonial dlnlllJ room H l, white French Provlnrlnl btdroom H t. Urexel pine Early American la· blea A chain , modem t.ablM Ir stu<llo ro11rh. hook rug11, lamp•, &:leo\rolu11, ro1111ter, etc. 'it prtce " lf'U, Phone Harbor 68110. 9lp93 TWIN bade r oniplele, headboard• • ~ cheel.11. nite eland, ST&. GI!: 14-fl, deep trM&e. 1160. Patio rt'<JwOOd table .t ~n<'ht1. $15. Solid walnut, rlldlo -" 2·11pred phonosraph conblna llon. F. M . $100. R11g11. Har. 2369 9lcll3 BLONDE mod. nu1tom made ta· blN . L&mpa • hook ru11, , malt. A 1p11., refrlc .• Therm•· dor lltO\'t , 8 burner, 2 oven.11, • Nort e 4·burn"r 1tu Har. 2011. 9tcta ---• Cl.'. FT. FRlGIDAIRE. Sim· mona Hlde·A·l!!led, love -'· bo• •pt\ql • mettreu. 411 uceJ- len\ OQlldltlon. Kar. :llH·MK. 91 ct3 ODDI A llHDa UMd f\lmltUN 6 mat tr•-· Stored la,.,.. .. MU1t d!Jrpoee of at AN pm., Harbor lTH·M. ttctl St..A~aea ROt. '1'm rn&hOI'. tahle • 4 uphol chain will fftl 12, 1"'9.hOS. d .. k AU t pleof'I SlOO. U t-TllO lktl ORJYl'IT Al. rue wall han11nr . Har OU•·R a rt. • io t0d2 FOR SAU:, Shore moort.n& No. 40--Aatoe Uld Trucka B~ at Dlunond Bala.o. bland Liberty 8-6973 evea. 89ctl 1.8•7 PLYMOUTH convertible, ,.S. MOTOR, Mercury Muk 20, 1964 model with motor attachmant for remote control, $19&. Har. 0180. 89c91 W NNTED -aecond band u llt!Jrh and aa1ll tn pod condition. call Harbor 2216-J. • 90p92 NORTHILL anchor, 26' chain and 100' n-~" llJle, NO. Boudla1 ladder for 30'-40' boat, •10. New Navy 8-day ablp'a clock, 06. Paddlea, lanterna and cabin 1lmbala lamp, cbeap. 21' life ring, $7. W lncb handlu . 3 tor $7.r>O. lnq. JOG Via Mentone, Udo lale week enda o r Cr•t· vi-t-1116 wetll day1. ~p98 FOR SALE mooring tn N. Bay at Amelhyat St., 1hore moonnr 1ame locallon. 323 Amtthyat. 8- ft. Qiu. dJnghy wtth oara. $80. MAdJ.on t -28'1. toc93 8·rT. BALBOA DlnJhy, complete with nearly new Dacron aall ln perfact condJUon. $100. %1& 9th St., Newport. 19p92 16 FT. DUDLEY Flbcrglt.1.1 Un· 1lnkable. Honeycomb bottom, Johnton 26, remote controla, compa.1e, wtndahleld, ~over. l'or 1kllng or !11hto1 17115. 1 lT Sapphire, B. I. Har. 2Q33-W 19pil '4p, Sood ooadlllon. Prlv. party, maka ofter. Har. 3878-M. 90ctl ODUI NOT LEMONS 1903 Chevrolet• Blua-While 1port cpe. Gretn•Creme Convert. Make otter. Harb. 1967-J. 90plt 1960 OLDSMOBILE 98 -4·door d•hDI eadan. ,..dlo. htatar, puac:ture-proot t 11b('a. etc. Bu bad -llant care. ortg1na) owner. Hu. 111711-W. 19p11 1960 8TUDE. 2 dr .. radio, !leai., SSllO. No t .. ar lloaae. Own•, Harbor 3&40·R. 17tfe 19&4 FORD Vlctor1a, blue 4 whlta comb. Rare buy. One owner. A·l cond. Very clean. Ot!tr't l&Jt Balboa Blvd . NtWl)C>rt after I p.m. 89ctl 19M CUSTOM FORD V-8, 2-door, F ordomaUc, powtr brakea, tint- ed glUa Ulru out. Ilka naw, 7700 mllea, Juat releued to Ml- le e.ctate. $15911. U 8·1'31 for app'L 90ctl 1711 CHEV. '4 I Of'IUXe Hdan, Good condition. Owner. LI 8·M92 tlctl '30 DESOTO Delu .. J-dr., ortrtnal owner. Xlnt. oondlUon, cl..n, MOO. Har. OtH·ft. t Jctl U:HM.AN diqhy No. 2tO with I ·~ HILLMAN MINX convm.. l:ll· 01. dacron aaU • ca nvas cover, cellent condition. Or1stnal own-1 Jlke new, St60. JUr 0380. 89c91 ar. Har. 2:\44-MK. ttetl 28-F"l'. MAHOG. P LANK CABIN crulerr. Slttpa 4. head, calley, lil3 h.p. Ir bait tank, '191&. •110 River Avt , Newport. Harbor 3040-R. 8llfc 2•-FOOT ALBACORE BOAT, to hp. Complete. Mooring Included near Newport H11rbor Yacht Club. Sl260, Harbor 3390. 86tfc M-llulcal, RadJo, T V ORGAN SPECIALS HAMMOND Spinet organ1. llke new. 811 .. v"'1r•. LOVELY •Ingle manual r leclronlc orran In ptrftcl condition. San $400. Collvtnlent t erm• al SHAFER'S Mm1I(' Co. (Sine• 1907) '21·4" N. Sycamore, Saot.a Ana Phone KlmberlY 2-oen. HAMMOND ORGAHB. UtU1 ~. One only famoua ea11y .to play Chord Orpn. One tMtauutul l pintt Model. W onderful tor church or home. Vf'ry lllM>raJ HYlnS on lhe11t two lovely I.II· etniment.a.. DANZ-SCHMIDT. ~20 No. Main, lanta Ana. O~n Frlda7 Eve. &PSCl.AL Bl;Y! BEAtJTIFl.:L IAlZM maple Bptn· et piano. Rent.al nitum. Famoua malle. l..lka now. ..vo llN.- CollvtaJeft\ t erm• at - SJIATER'S Mualc Co. <Slllce ltOTI tJl·OS N. Sy('amor_,, Sant.a Ana PIM>na KlmlMl'IJ 2-oen. RmNT a ,..cUoa ,.... u i.w u 13 .,_ mo !At the klddlPt laana. All tena ,_\ apph• ii J O\I ... , latar. M.al11 41-Aut.o Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad 1i 6 Cyla. ·-·-$&8.81 8 Cyl1. -----·-$88.81 lncludu both labor and put& New rtn11, wrt.i ptna, nm grtnd. fltllnl• of main u4 1'04 bearln(I. Expert motor tuna up. 90·day or 4,000 mlla fU&fUl'- (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGIND -UP to 111 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own Cect.ory bJ lldW mllchlnl11t•. Don't cont«MI ~ the mlddla man. Jk1' flnct. REBUILT and INSTAIJJCD aHOftT BLOCK rC>llD _ .. .!... •121.at cuzVRoLET .... -....... __ auuo PLYM. A DODO!: ... --11 .. CHJ\YS .• OS IOl'O --ant sTt:l>F.BAKER -· • -•n• OLDIS 6 POSTIAC I --1110 RtnCJ< .... ·-··-··-··-...... ----'1TI RUDSO!'f -· ..... -.. -··-· .. -·-·-Slfl Loan Car rre. Towtas NEW CA.fl QUA~ Block muat matt 01at tta-4ard9 PIUI llUll'I, (Ultl'la and o0 O~n Sund•.Y 10 a m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS o.e• o.ilJ I t. T St.at.~ NEW LOCATION 310 Eaat 3rd St. DA NZ.SCHMIDT. a.JO S o lanl• An 100 ptatt< .. Wtllcft ta .......... rrom -Ca.JI H~ ltH .. ,.... ~ • ..... uu.,.... I I . · , 1, . v' v' Check f hese Used Cars Buy from a lucal dealer who wtll be here TO MORROW t o Mck up Whal b• H iii TODA y ! 40-Aut.oa a.od Trucks PENNANT WINNER USED CARS! 1964 FORD Club. Cpe., med. blue -over- drive II heater, excellent condition $149~ 1953 CHEV BELAIRE 4 door. 2 tone blue. radio. heater. power steering Onlv S 1325 1 9~• PLY. BELVEDERE Station wagon, It. 1 reen Is eand. Radio, heater. a utomatic transmiaaion . Beat buy in town $109!5 1942 MERCURY 4 door St-dim-Look:; and runs li ke a '52 ONLY Sl75 LOU REED CHRYS LER -PLYMOUTH DEALE R 1200 W. Coast Highwuy. Ph. LTberty 8-34 6 40-AutO!I for Sal,. ---------19:'12 FORO Country SedlUl Ori· ~inal owner, low mlll•g•. Radio, Heater A .F'ordom111c. L1 8·i069 ltclll 111 SP4!\T4H Royal ManaJon 33 fl . t w1n bed1, dln1tt•. ldral bch. homr. S ubmit offer. 420 W 1111 T1111t1n 80p91 ------- tc PAN-AME RICAN * Paramount-Terry Ke n skill 'flli-4:'1' Pan Amerl~·1<11 M ·3:'1' Pan Amt'rkl\n ':'1:'1·4 1' f'an1mo11nt , :? h•lr111 '511-l'l' Kt'nalull 'M -16' Kemik lll MANY J.10 RE -F.asy Tf'tn1S Bl4; DlSCOt:NT on Floor Mnc1rl11. ~ BRAND NEW STORE and OFFICE BUILDING Opposite Newport &ach City Ha li F.le\'ator Complete Office Service Parking A va1la ble 3345 Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. H:l r. 4299 -o r call Olympi a 2-21:m collect. 9lc93 Restaurant Dof's year around business in Newport Beach. Srnt ing for 40 at dining rOl'm t ables. plus 20 at c·ou nte r. lll1w:1s for~·pd tlosi n~ JO days ago. Will sacrifice at $5500, Cost $9500. Owner will pL·rm1t you to re-open immediately under bis license until deal r·an be closed. CASH L'i on balance of Summer Businl'Ss. First lucky pe>rson to bring in check. gets this chnnc-f' of a lifetime. - DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor :!602 Newport Bl\'d. Ha rbor 4718 -~~~s. for Rent Deluxe Furn. Apts . 49-Roorm for ~nt Onl' & I\\'!' tmrm , wllh telr\"18lon .\ 1·111ll1hl(• for 1um,m.-r nr '-''1n· HflUSE T R Ai l.F,R, l!'I ft. Xl,.nt r l'.lndltlnn. JMO. ~f,.rr1m11n l f>i16 Superior, Spllre 6 H11rbor M•" hclf' Hnm.-w, C m;t" M !'llll. 90p92 Port Orange Trtliler Sales tl'r A 1,i-0 year!~· lf'l\~M 2200 W. Cl"la.st H ii:-hwny In Jlr11rt of 11111n1y -Lota of BRAND NEW, Vn-y Nlr e f>rlv. rf'IOm with ~. ba th cfr kit~hen J'lrl'' <'a11"1rL 1 blnck from rwean SI 00 for A ''Ii or $:'if) mo. yr!)' lie r. 041:ill-J 1<91·9 1 TWO I r" llZi wh,.t-1 box tralll'r with 1x· "l'l whH 11 "-l1r1s. U fl Tustin "'"' . .'\ewport Ht$ POc!l'..! ----)9;,~ MA YFLOWE:R trailer. :t(Ht. t r9ed only 4 months. coi l $3800. Will aacrtflc1 for '3200 or will t1ku 11ma.jlcr mode rn tra iler for my rqutty 1111d you pay blLIAn('e nf ahout I HIOO. tn Pacific P'i· nanr e at 1~1 p.r mo. Con111ance H 11.111en. Bay Shore Puk . lith and Cout Hwy. l .<1t II. 9lp93 Phone U b4!rt ,. 8-H 20 rark1n1: 1'°1'WJ'l'Jrl Bra«h · ~" 98 :i.•7 ~: M,1111.•ll Bini , Rnlbna __ __ _ ,. Hitrl>nr ;;1Jll6. i6trr FOR S ALE n r lrn1lr lritlli•r for RA y VIB\\' APT. on Lido Ptnln· 11·u1:ier 11f "'1ual vuluf', H lln!'cln i>itln. :-;1•w & altraC'llvr p11n!'ll1•<1 2:r. z•. yt•ar11 olcl c'OSU! s:: llCHl, I hv•n~ r•l<lm. 2 bilrtnl!I. F'or ~·early B<lrm.. Mhower. tdflf't, h11l "'11· 1io.1111 P h, Ht\r. :!7!1l or Hor tltl ter , Stn•et r i;frl).:', cu anti •·l•·r· 6~1tr. trtl' hi;ht.s, -t 11111t stove. r·sr.I 6 l'Ul"'I I tlOO road 1111!!'11 R B \'.1io ATTHAl"Tl \'B ot'Nn \'H·W I bdrm. 616 S Weett>rn Ave , L. /\ Ol' 11pl. I 3rl1ally furn Su1t11ble for 3-!13t2. !II>< 92 , ""'''' $':'~ mo. p ly !•~~. \\'. lllth. c 'fl,.la ~leM. Cnll II lo ~ 47-WantfJd to Rent Hnr 11 IWtfl:: WANTED WINTER RENT AL NO r. Br:ACO:o< BA y -Summer r\'ntal. S)'Rc.-tous furn. npt .. 11l""P' ~. 11verlonk1n.1: bay. J une l5lh- ""PL 16th. $!'>00. mnnth. 4 bdrms. & 3 baths. located on Lido Island. W<>st Bay Ave., or Ocean Front near Catholic Chu rch. W e have a bonafide tenant. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4711 .U-.Apt3. Ii Hows for Bent ~Al!ta. a B ouae111 for Rent . / ALSO will tnkl' res11rva t1on for wlnt<'r. Har 2Hl, <'<lUrte.w 10 a~ents. 43lfc t:.:IJ~'UR:-1. gar. apt., 2 be•lrc.011111, SIOO 1Y11J. yrly. 11171i \\". Buy , l'\cwp<.•rl. Har. 3886 brfore noon. !17tfc CHAR.MlXG I Bdrm. apt. liltll' lJ!land, F trt'pl • B11y view, fur· n11.ce, garb dJJp W lnte r or yr. roun11. H a rbor 20. 89c.91 3 BDRM. fu rn. apt., private pc1llo, a uto Wttahrr. d lshmutcr. gar. llea <'dn U11y, prw ate bPl\ch, :om. hoal. tie 11p Wlnter SlOO. yc11rly '1~11 mn. l.'t1I p.I. ="o pt't11- ROO!lt w ll h flM\'ll\e bllth & l'n· trance, rum1anent , $40 m nnt h. Llberty 8-509&. l!OC'92 2 :iton•s or otf1r r11, one 2.llJ(JO. One 12x25. Low 1·ent. Sultabh• for rl'· taJI bu.~lneaa or off!C'e. M 7 E Balboa Hlvd , Har. 3606. 86tfc: ------------LIDO Of"FlC E SP AC'E -Will 15ublet 11pur& 1u1tablo fo r an or· nPys. 1<ni;:1net'n, etc. Approx. J!'\x:!O In ehopplng u ea on Via LJdo. Cltll Don Cole aJter rioon,. only, Har. 4650. 09 tfc OFFICE FOR RENT Clv!o Center Location, 21'.x.24'. S60. per month. C H.ARLE S !:. HART , Rultor 3t 20 W . Ba.Ibo& Blvd., N pL Bch. 77c95 Modern Store F'Oll RENT, S16 per mo. Parking taclUUea, forced aJr heat, 1ult· able, ln.aur&11cr . rul ~e, gilt.I elc:. Inquire 408 E . BaJbo& Blvd. Harbor 2070. 69ltc BUSINESS .Ir PROF'ESSl ONAJ.. ~pa.ce al Vlllla P lace, 19th Ir P lacentia, Co•ta Me11a. W iil re - m(l(lel lo suit tenant. Ph OWTIPr U 8-22:,1 89c9 l Cabanas Marinas A va1I Ort. 15. Har. 1240. 89r9l -----=-.,.--------- Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. A pt.·Cabanas. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip a ccomodaW:ms. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. CLIFF HAVEN 2 BDR:!lt . apt. unfurn. SS~. per mo 2 BDR M. apt. rum. 1100. per mo 4 Pho ne W herly 8·3580 8!ic91 --------------Ft:n:-.-I hrlrm. npt hy th•· month Ava il A ug. 11. 608 M3r11(old. Cnrona dd Mar. 89c91 488-HoWiee for Rent C-2 BLDG. RMS. plus kit chrn &t: bath and l rm . !nd n r. !l;ewly decorated 11ound proo! celling,, $76 mo. 427 31st behlnd P. O. Newport. Har :i051 or :.1801 J . K. i8p91 55-Money to Lou NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SA L ES -REFIN ANCE co:-:s rnt:CTlOI'\ CaJl tor Fre. Fut Commitment.a on R .. ldenc:•a and Unit.I only I '!::::_~_ !.atat. $4,(XX) Down Balboa CO~tPU;TE:LY -f~1.111ht'<I 0 3')' Don I. Huddleston, ''ltW trom ll\'lng roo111 w ith fir•· plarl' :i bedrnnma plue largt 1 •1111111111 mom. I ~ bat ha. cuai.t' 173 E. J7th St. COSTA MESA LI g.5:,41 Ll 8~:,tl2 WE SPEClA.UZE 1:"1: I~OA~S & ~'l!llANCING I).'\ HOt:SETRAILERS AlllOl!, F urnit ure cfr Salar1r:1 $5,(XX) Down Balboa P eninsula P oint One Day Service 1 Loana f rom S:>o to $1200 or mor\!1 3 ll1':11RC10 !1-1S, 11, bath11 1''11 1'· I pl1tr~ In large h\'tng rnom \\)..Ut t11n1nir lrd. F 11ru qu1<'l l'itnrl· 11• llJ'f!•I ('llV 1"1111t CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORAT ION 1898 Harbor Blvd .. Co at.a Mc•sa Ll 8·77:>1 -Op<'n F rlda)'s 1111 8 ' Cloeed Saturday• ttc LOANS for Homes 0,. -JO n . Louia Construction Loans Sil& BOB SA Tl'LllR "10 EAST COAST BLVD. Coro11a del Mu ' llart>or 388& R:)p. POIRlJ:R MOR TGAGE CO. Mitro LI.ti 1M. l'wlda Kl.. 3·51M Otte 57-Rea.J Estate Wanted WANTED FROP<C O WNF.ll. Ol'ean front cnt la~e or Bay Fm nt houa,, Will pay a ll ca~h if in- 1 t'r,,~tt'<I \\'rllt Mr!! F J.'<w. 1:.,, E -20, this n1w11paper. · 11 ttr ----- Open Daily l · 5 2631 Crestview · Bay Shores LARCE h\'IO~ rl)()m Wi th r1rt plar e. F'ull 1hn1ng room, 3 11<'11· n\(1m11 :.?-r11r i:11r11i:c cnrnplrtl'I\' rcdl'cora t.,1J. Goo11 lerm.o T'riu Slll.5011, 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Bay Front Pier & Slip 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished Bay F rontage 40 ft. SUBDIVISIONS I Thi11 is a n ideal summer or One House or 100 year round home fo r the We handle your salrii, t1<crows. executi\'e wilh a lar!?e fil m. V. A Ir: F H A.. proc:t-...smi;. $1'C 1h · S88 000 u1 before y.lu nla ke a dl'al P. 0 . · ' ' · Box lM, Balboa 1111111111. 86c9!1 61-Rul Efitate 1'.;xchange -----Newport Harbor Realty Riverside County 1 1 SAU: OR TRAD£ for be11rh prop· J im a nd Sa.llv Newlin uty. 60 a cre lrnguted slod1 · ranch. 2 ho11sc11. Jtleu.I for 11or-15 15 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa wa, rt g. catUe or amall rom-Phone Harbor 1607 merolal he rd. Inquire 823 Pa rk · man LT., La Canada , ph. Sylv8.ll 0·6340. 89c3 TRADE THREI!! • BEDROOM 112 bath. Cabana & barbecue m y111d . N. Oreenlea.t SL i-r.de 19.000 equity for Newport a rea F. P. $22.000 P hOne Kimo1•rly 3·!'>0!'>4. i<9tfc I COSTA MESA Bargain XEW 3 Bd. Homt'. S9:.00 S2l!IO down Balance $62 per 1110. in~·. Int.. principal 9'1d t.aJ& ... 0 1 '"" by Hl!l3 ronl1nl'ntal, In l"re\·tfnni Honw:i trur t. Thr11 r 1rne 1n a nd rlr.i;e lht dtal. Ocean Front TRADE OR -SELL -i, Clear lots 1n E sconJt.lo Eq111ty in 2 f 2' tft'luxe house tra llf'1 , 11 u:<l c1ee<ls. all or 11ep11r1t1e fur rlea1 lols. "f1x~r·up hnu11e" or \'hat I h1we you th111 •rl'n thqier, P'~ter, I i208 Hunttnglon Hrach Bh·tl. Ocean Vlew. 91p9fi B H In housr, extra B R ad- J HI JnK II. lActh~ f'artly fur 1111 1.1rp•·,. 1lrap1·' an•I <11r- t11.1n1 i.'1<11 g tl b11nk luan ur S&OllO Fl'LL !'RI '1': $.I .~110 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 OCEAN FRONT Take your pick. good beach ! They all have a nice \•iew and a I. 4 bdrm. homf' .. . .... (for th t-family ) ?· 3 bednn. home ..... . .. . ....... ~21 .~00 (\'ery large yard) 3. I bdrm. home ........ . ..... ---................. $18.000 (Only $4000 down) PAUL C. JONES , Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 LITTLE ISLAND EXCLUSIVE ' 2 Smart modem apartments-taatef ully fumiehed. Each with private patio & eeveral unique featurt'B, combining the utmoet in livability .l comfort with choice "Little IaJand" location. Pleaae call u.a for appointment to show -We know you will be im pl't'Ssed ! WM. w. SANFORD , Reaftor And Auociates Park a t Marine, Balboa Island Harbor !~2 CLIFFHAVEN SUBM1T DOWN on thia cute 2 bdrm. home alm<>1t new -unfurn ... _ ..... _ ... _. ................... __ $13.500 BALBOA ISLAND A cute> bay'front 2 bdrms. -room to buUd $31.500 ,,- Summer vacation 1 bt'drm. hnme nM.r 11bop- ping . .. ' ..... -.. -$15,750 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa bland Harbor 502 NEWPORT ISLE Buy of the Year. 4 tx>droom, plua garage apt., on la.rge choice cor- ner. F ireplace, 3 balha, patio, barbecue, 2 car gar., refrigerator with deep freue, gu range and automatic wuhe r. Only $19 .000 $6000 will handle. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 2~1 Evea: Liberty 8-8405 NEWPORT INCOME One of tbe neat.e.t aana1J inCOJPa properi• fJl the area. 4 Unit.a. Furn111hed. Blvd. frontage. CIOM to ocean and bay. SboWIJ $4,800. year. inCOCM. $10,000. will handle. Full price $27,500 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway., Newport Beach Liberty 8-U81 Income Property 41 ' FURN. UNITS. Beat toe&aon. :? huus<'•, I apt ~·Ith Income of C-1 lot a8a300. •10..000 down. S:?35 ptr monlh. __ Costa Mesa For appt. or reservation, Call H ar. 2992., 34Uc OF.SK ~PAC~; '41\h phone sen'lce S3tl mo :'IOi E. BaJboa Blvd .. Halb<m Phnne unsw e1 mg service a lso a 1·a1l11blt' J111r. 3f1fl6, 86t fc 62-ReaJ Estate 1 RALPH P. MASKEY -·----Rea ltor THREE BEDR!lt Bc•ft"h Hnme 1l fl c· I• -" I h ta l,~11111n. 3411 ~ewpurt Bl\·d., Nw pt Brll n •" "'°n"·"'· c ou to ~ oo . blk to bell• h 1' 1nt• ... Harbcor 402 !';1Jl1J 1nv<'11tmrnt with nn v acancy BAL.BOA PENINIULA 47-Wanu-d to Rent ··~~~-~~---·~~~~~ WA:-.TED '..! nr 3 h•lrm. unfllrn. kouac or a pt. Corona del Mar. Lady wllh ooy 11 Ile ,l{Jrl l 0, per- m anl'nl. R11x c; 22 1'\lrt-of t hl!I pa per a9,g1 ~~~~~~~~~~- URGENTLY NE EDE D ru ::-:T" l~S or a 11 pr,..es. tor win· tPr & yr111 Iv l1•n•u'"· I '111tornerM W8lt1ng p a palmer inc l~M w ('011111 Hwy. Lr 8-!>~i3 Rentals Wanted We need apl1 M d hou.te.e ln &JI •KllOM Car bOUl Yt1nltr and y t&r'1 lta.ac. ,."Um. or untum. lt you have a 'lac&nc:y , phone tod~ The Vogel Co. 1~01 W . C.t. Hwy., Newport Sch. Pheae Ublrty 1-1•81 2GI Man ni , BalbOa J.land Phone Harbor H4 2ll67 E. Coa.sl ¥.v .. COtonll dt'I \f1u· Phone Harbor 17U 1.1<10 omc ... 34 16 Via U do H!Ll'b<lr • 0 71 U ttc \\'Al'"T TO R t::"l:T By St'pt. 20 r.u ai;tl' nr upprr J hdrm or 1&t u1ho a pt. with 1{1111ge. Clean, w11ll IM Ate<l In N('wpnrt H ghtl'. or Corona <fel MAr 11rr11. l 1nru m . nr pllrt. T early. N nt O\'t'r ~5 43-ApLlf. & Hou-. OC'EA:-: FRONT Sp11r 11111~ I or 2 bdrm. Encloal'rl pa t1n. volley bnll cou1·t, lnv .. ly ,·1cw S11mm.•r VACATIONERS WE H A VF. 11 variety nf new nire- lv furn. rcnll\ls uval111ble In :i;,,wport &: Laguna. $30. wk. ,11,, up. lnq111rn 301-3:.!nJ 8l , :"pl. P hono Jlar bor 1226. 77p~Oh FOR Ll-:A!U-: l"llP. ru :.'T --F urmahcd ortke In 11!'~•1c111l111n wll h an ettornt'y. TllX exprrL p11·fer rcd. 2912 W . l 'oast H11o:hw11y Scw port Bt'ach. CaJ1t. LI 11·611>:?. IS8tfc """ wl.nler rentl\lt . ~I'll 11l ~:llM \\'. Ocean f°M nl. Xewpn1 l Brh. or ca.JI Har 12!1:!·\V t"tt 1•pt ~Ion Ir Tw·1tJ11y. fl8p3 TWO m ·:At:TIFUL new Irvine :"H-Bui-int>S~pportunitie-.. :Jcrr:ic <' 11nf111 n. \':('W hom('s. • 3 BDH~IS , 2 hath! and ---. ROOMS. COTTAGES. APTS. DAY OR WE EK T HE BLt:E T OP ~wn:L. 403 Newport Blvd . Jll~l 11bow The Arches. i~IC1: Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa lsland & Lido Isle Small & cozy ur large & deluxe 17!> to 1300 m onth VOGEL CO. · 208 Marine Ave .• Balboa Island 2 BEDK!ltS • :.! bath« · Ca ll H art.111r lii~1 o r Hn1bor 1us EARL \\'. !>TA:"l:LEY, Hraltor I r\'lll" 'f, rr;i, c Office t 'nrnnl\ rl••l :!llln . 33lfr Udo Isle Fur h '"""· wnh optum tu buy 1r 1 1IP~11 1'1! H••RUt1flll 3 bth 111 '..' ht.th hu'""· l'nfurn. A\'illh1iil1 I A 1111. H1. UA=" A . .IA('OB~b:N I.I 8·6:\li Ph. Harbor ••• or Harbor 21~1 - Ru . Ha r. 1786-R o r Har. 31);,9.M 3 Hedro .. m, 2 f.69 Jll(I 64lfc: COHO.'\A 1'£L ~IA I< \\'. A. TORIAS, TPlll!ur OPPORTUNITY Thi 1\'lnl( h11llitl'l'I• a 11111K hll:>lll•'U , Opr111rtunll.v t11 111;1kt• go•nl mon· "'' f11r 11i.:hl 1i:1rt \' !lluke ••I fo•r t1, Uox 11,!16, 11.1" VR IJ<'r 811lfr Dress Shop l<IH.93 ------ Balboa Island BY OW NER, KOPPER KETTLF. restau ranL Oood g omg bus1neu . The best nC equipment Seats :14. F l'RN Z brlrm. f'VPr~·1h1ni.; d\•lw<\" )lay Mn11ld('r rra<le for sma ller from k1 tr hen 1111\k t•l w w nir· :J!IJ .-:. I i th St., <:o1s1a :'-le :011. I be lY !! 1139 ~!"I 9 l pln1•c M p111pPrly. P"l ' Hlk. frnm "('"""· 1rr11fic '1 r · · ,. CALL LI R-:?813 ll (l!.'rnonn:< 811tfc "IC'\\'. flit th!~ & T\' Ill<' ~·rly. CLIFI" H AVF:~ U f 3 brlrm. ------·----Ha r 41;,2 fnr nppl ~·1r!ll '" .. · n urn F OR S AU:. -\l.'1111 101 at"rl - ---------h•JllSf'. ntnr .... hOOlll, fencl'<l Plllll"I. GARAGF: ,\ SER\"ll'f' ~TA · RENTAL V (:Rrb. dl•I'· \111 1h garclrner l~a.><r. TIO:" call After I\ p m 1.1 .\\"l'llablt l'rpt 1. H11r. 4414-\\'. ~-li2~ fl0cll2 SPE CIALISTS s1trr S3!'!00 <In . $1:1.~.00 r I'· 891rc !actor on renta la. '23.900. J . M MlLL~:tt L'O. I------------- 2025 W . S.1lbc)a Ul\'ll llRr. 4091 l"d 1 1 d ()';ear the Nt>wport PtrrJ I I 0 s an BLM.:K STAR CANYO:o<, --;;::;;: SEW 4 b<lr111. hllu~ $2£l 7~ prln· Satl<lle Haik ~ti , 111 pr<>x. 111 1111.,111 11nly :!l ;-. \~,," 11 .. r. 11rre~. magmor.,nt ,.1ew. i.pnn,_ h<1r 1171'1, 11rter 6 Kl 6·2111~ JJo:el fur huntini: Ju.fi;e ••r &3tfc hld"awor. S J61Ml "r lra.i .. fo1 I \·11lk!lw11i:-en uw:-.-~·n. 11.11b!Jr 1 Ob5\I· W .!\~c \111 I Real Value Gordon W a Iker, REALTOR W . E. Fisher, lilJJLL>Efl r 111 k Hll hatcl, Pal l'alll!ii.m. U11b (;,., 1·a,,. :w2• E ...:c.11~l Hwv .. !'11r .. na <lel Mur, Ha r. ~.0:12.:io:!J ;iu,R~f , 2 UATH 1 v~~r old 1 H<J~1 !-~ i lJ.t1 in. & cunverta1,1~ - Buck Hay l\l l!d, $111111 ;1u\\ll llal I ,1 .. 11 2 hAths . furrt>•I 111r h.:Al Ralboa Peninsula Point 1;:>. mv11lh. 1n.1 taxi'.• A· ins un..-& i ~·r" .,111 ,.,., v m11de1n :O.l<l\•e 1 lght In. Th1:1 1, , 11 ti r1<11d1 t ' fl" l!hake r<1111 I•• 1 fr• t baric .. in. Phune • 11nd1! 11 ri. '11c·11111 . <t'llrk ,,.,,.~,·~· ART C. KISTl.Jo~R CO . llu1 ~~'.:b i.11111 l'ul lu Slti :11111 !or q1111k ll+Ol N•w port ~h·,j. :>;t~\C.l'utl lhh ~.at .. A l11111 11v11 t <'llltll MODJ::H!ll 3 bearoum, l •. 1480 11q ft. 1 1 ~ yr. oltl. ''ll• n I t11 !I • \1!1117 l'tt1ll I\ A1111 A 1·e • t'111>ta :\1 t-111 1 .. tth, I 11r c •Ill 111' nvr. llarl1ur 4tliH·W. f\Jr\16 (JI'~;:-,· FOH IX~WECTl<JX {Ulll tl••lllll ln•llJOr (JUt•IOor llV· 11.1( 11 t ll.'1 he~t l.ar ~· l1v1n g 1 ,.,Jn w11h f1r.•J1l11tr lia r kltl'lw n. w <h'<hw;1:.ht>r & dt~f!•J,,a!. Srf11\· r;.1 .. 11 .. rvl<'I! porl'h .. x• ra Ix..-. lo t w1l11 wnll1•d 1n hi 1,k µatw & l!HCJ Full 111 '"' only $2:.! 1100 11 rll•' L>r1vr bv 2110 E (l«f•an lll'·•J Thr•n <.'all, ., EIAT cfr S l:N. AF'TER:"l:Utl:'I/. ltlll ... r Ill\ \\'. J!lth ST . &CIOB:< J M ~U U,f;H <:O 601 Fullerton A1•e . Nrit Ill" i n·• 202~ \\. Bulb<>a Hin!. l111r 4091 ~41 fr i<lr<'el from new m11rk"t u I Nt'8 r l hr N"wporl l'ct'r 1 _ 1 :Hor~~ c. 10tl 1nv1 ,..lnlf'nl a t ''10,:,(10 full pi IL~ Balboa Coves ! Of~ANGL-: COA ~T LIVE AND EARN r ROPEfiTTEs 12n· l"ln the wattrfrr1 nl w1lh SNI· 1 1 J p,;,; S il\\ pnr t. Co~lll ,\J< "A 8· 1 li:t2 F:v,. I .I I-•illll~ •:11111. Lovely mn<1•1 n h t•m• w llh _ ht1 i;e ll\'ln1t ro11111, l~na I •lmms: 1 rnom. m nd ~tn k1lrhrn w1rh 2 ACRES M 1 A n11 ,. IAL 1111 "m" b." n11.·n1n1< rhla 1w1l .. t Ill tn1llrr p11rk Tt1p I"<'"· II n !Ill J.hj.lhW•H' It .. 8 •l11nt1\' "' '"" h .. 1t•111..,h1 "llh sr.ooo 1 '"h •I•'"' n R<• h1nr'! nn •1111y Call FAna Crali; Blanche Gates, Rltr . bu1llln r11 nge. flrPplat"•'. p11t111 .. -* A S ~ n C l A TB * w1lh b11rhNJUr l11nd~111pNI 1nrl Ii.~ ~ T • •X f'l~A<:E:"TI A ST, AC'TIVE OR NOT. Young nAtion"l renced. P rlre $3!1,0011 j' c·n~1.1 ~!"~''· $2!'1.0r>n 111 l r11t1~ f••r I• IOlA 1 nrpnrnllon wllh '"•TifH ~11rC't'!I~ I 'llARLF;!'; J.-; HART Hl'liltn r 1'°•'1VJ'l•l'I """'" "'l'IHI n iln» RUSS FORD Lol ... -···----·--110.300. NEWPORT LOT -----H .160. J-2 BH. F t;RN. UNITS on Balboa Blvd. 3 garag,.1. Near ~&Cb 6 bay, S7.!YIO dQwn. Homer E. Shafer ll.EA LTOH 11'6 M r i.~11d<ll'n Place llnr • 140 f.:\'l'. Har. 1137-M NORTHER N SAN DIEGO COUNTY 40 1t •·nu1. ~··du•ltd 2 bedr~ (rn 111,. h111.1111. 11n•1J111ce, lnl*r1•11 1111r1111llh"al, bt.'6uL11u1 • ..,u.1nar. C lllk 11111 Sy111m•1r• lrt'ea, cr•~k. •lf1u/R vius farm n1ach1n.ry. Ttm11 SH ,OUI> EXCHAN C;£ 14 a1 rea, level JM~ Bl'RUt 1l11I nak g1"''" :l hfodroonl &1lohe e.n(l ltflitnl bll)C~ h1Jm411t f'rll'• -!2a,OOO Dora Cart1·r · AlynP H1ghlPY, R1r11 '•II Ill C'nlr r.nc1l11 Rniv11 \',.II, v '"' "' 1·1111f l"h f:"'nrtll.,'• ,llP71' J ·l 811p0' IN Shor ecliff s J ll Marine Avf', li&lboa b l&nd, Har. 1671 7:2t!c FT RX. :.! hN1rm. llorne, by m o. nr ~·1 1~· I :nr.1i:r . A ""'I. !)t>pl. 111 J l 1 i \\'. lluy, Xewport, H"rll<1r 3'i1'6 hl'f11r11 noon. ll7trr 11111 k)?rbuntl hn" opening !or nne 3420 \\', Bnlboa 81\"I . :"pl, ll••8• h llurnM, LI lo 111!• nr t\~~ I.I IC l\711l 16hll \\' f'ttM L Hy., Nt>wport Bt·h 11 j11t r '•ftl~ " I• 1' 'n 1~ ''"" !1 not rt'r mnnth, Incl. lltll. Christian ______ L_IDO ___ l_f'_LE lad y. Wrlt1 8 oit J -2:'>. thll paper '' Lido Isle 1nill\'lt11taJ r>1pa ble of 111vu Ung -:-;r!•9 , ~9rft ~Jll Cll"lO !'Mh. R~llrt ng r arlner _ -------------__ .._. ___ -----t'!~n.,n:i1hle (nr lh1a "r"'•l llmlt 1· .,. j U h• r• y 11-111 4 1 f:vrs LI 8·8!>!1:'> "X' ,.,,: •n. I.•' 1• A ,. .. rlAJnly On• of th ,. n11:,.,.1 1111 1 ~1th 1.nly a PlC"!l3 BACHELOR ant1 one Ir: twn h<lrm. SEPT 3 to St'pt. 17. 1235. t'lll•I ttrnl!. S,.pt. 17for Wtnt\'r S l:!:'I. mo ) :Z bJ rm. l"rovinctal tnler111r . ··omplelely furn. Pl\tlo. flrtpl . dbl l{&I. 211 VIII IJIJM . Harhor 4~iS-W. 9C\<'4 -~~~~~~~~~~~- LOCAL MA:-0 with 11-yl'ar-(lld / t!AURhler w11nt.1 board anti room In •ll'l'trablr h11me or rent t wo bdr m ... \11,th kllf hen privilege-.. lleu>ellent refe,..nc•. W n te ?.t r. ~. But cher, c •o Box K-26. lhl• pa~r. 91J'98 '8;-~,et.. & RoQMs for Rent BALBOA ISLAND t.rnlUm. )'Tty. l'fftla.J. I 1tory tw.• m r ho1c• kx'auon. clo. to bay. 3 bd nn1 , 3 baUUI plua den Ir: laniu. 118~ ~r mo W.W. SANJl'ORD . rea.ltor &-AUflCfa lf'I Parll 4 Man ne. HAr 2462 ; 41fc Apa. Short ll'rm e.nrl yearly. At-<;O, Lido He>mea nnd R11y F'tnnt Hmttt'• M d 11rartmentl!. LIDO REALTY Assoriat.e& 34-00 \'la LH1o, H llrbor HH 8fitfc '8A-Apta. for 8eat .-URN. 1t u1!10 'J'IL l adult. 15:'1 m o yrly. uUL illclud. LouJ1e Apu .. 308 Camatto n. near Sl'&V1f'W. Cornn11 del Mar. H.u. 41116 91~8 Lido Isle -------------PEXT!\'S t "LA PT. Furn. 2 b<lrm • I hunlt 4'c fam ily rm , l \. h11th. l'llllo •un 1ll'rk f1ropl dltlt 11a r. } rly. rental f lftO Vl,nt•r 1110 m<•. "llt••r )'•I Av111I SepL 11. Write Hoit H·23 Una pi per, Qr phone r11lll'rl <.'huft.blll 9_.988. 111.li-ll:Z LIDO ISLE On" and t~·o bdr m 8partmenta. TRLY. RENTAL 2 bedrm . l ~ f'11rn111hf'd C.•rBlr"~ Y n rh· or hath, unf\Jm. Choir.. 10< 11hon w1n11r rental.. Har, !16i5. :\ear but 11timm1n1 bft rh 1 Ill ctlH H u t>Pr J ll 13. 90c92 I , • I ,. I ()f'I-: \:"I: FH• 1;\"T ""1t•ll111 A 11111,, 1f udt\'I'. eta.rt Ing 111.lary w1U be '''~~~"~,. ~1 ~·~.:,. ,,111111~1 n•·w :I I· Inn h~111 .. 011 ~~Jul) p~r y .. t'f J'lllS r Pl('lllf r th\'!• 1kn•I~ l 'Rrl\' llelerled Should 2-60xl :'let. hllth l•·r t~\~'"'I l lllll~r h•' ""II rr1t11 $17 ,:')0 t·11~1ly not n\'f't $26 111111 f 11 !l yr 1 600n 11q. r: $H1"11 1'• 11 ' Miist t-•·c .,,.,, t.11r llf'•n ~loa11l fumu•h l{OO<f ch 11r l\l'\t'r and 1-1,,agunlta e1<du1111·e S7t.1111 :-: .n lay ., .. •·r1'1''11 • · I h• n1 <'rtdll rrrc~nce11 and b1 OllliY to 'Lli: 1 \ltT '· 1'11STl.1'JH 1·11 • Jlnr ~.2:.ill J\O~ l'Sl-:N. HfJALTnR ~!111 1 No-.•p,,n lilv.t, :fl'WJ"''' Ur h f tll aJonir with For pi-r1onaJ Jn-F'r&cnk W. H1U F r1Lnn11 IJ1m 1.-l~ll '•.! tr n1ew wn te IJnx 1·2 4, lhl11 pa· H11rbor ~69~ H Y •·l:>llZR. 1'7p l 1 p<'r lnclu<fe r hnn .. No 11nd brief -------...:.·--I I I h Id , ll 00 1 .. -:;-; l M!'.f ElJlATE POS!'!ESSlO:O:, own· reaume. A I rt p 181 e a.nc Y you relllly want a B ' . . lf<fl\Jll~ Bll\lt Bra.nd new •· <••:lfl l,.ntlnl. 9Jr93 ~Jake ofC11r. \;RGl:::\T I ~~lrm. :z lit1lh hl•me, c. M. Thor· Mt ST SELL. bt'aUllfUI H.lll'k B•y ouii:hly mO<lnn ca boe •eton An\'· ;\.~Money to l..oan nearly new •h ak e roor f arm I t ime. $12.9110. • Te:m1. 1Jm·e by hou11e. 3 bdrm11, :Z bath• Glori· 336 R.arn.,na P L Juil iiff Sllnls LQ.AJllS TO 131.rll..J.J. llCPROVlt 0111 forever vtr w ht RAy ""'I Ana •trret, betw. l:'llh Ir 161.h BUT, MODl!RNtZC. OR mount&Jn•. H11r 11 1!'!6. 9H'll3 l'tll. nr P hone LI a-~9;6. Open RETlNANCI: We Buy Trull Deeda I Hou1<e all d•y Sunday. 8fl<'!ll ~ORT BALBOA l•VDtOB Lido Lot t'HO IC:t-: ruJd .. nll&J lot, 70 Jl JM. Ir LO.AN ASSOCIATION 30 Pr PRIME L()r'AT IO:O-: n,.ar All utlllll~•. pavt>'1 1lrHt, t retll. 338e Via UllA. PIL IU:r. 000 I cluliho•1s• $9 8MJ tH m• Hitt !ror w .. ~t l'ltl~ r '"a MtH °"''Mr Ill 4678-W . , St<1r4 U~rly l\-41µ'tl\. 111«'93 J I ---hft~·lflll J••1t I )'•U 1A1otn l lt> !JAL.HOA rs1.A:-:o Bey f"r•.nt : h111l!1 In 61111r• lifr•. 11:1, nl"Y i,. I•• 11111 furn A11kmi.; s·11 ~11111 11 C"l\k\ \•I t'114. u\\ rl•'t Mn x 1t1Ulll .\ff\kt J~·\r"l i·• Fh r '•" "''" rt ri1I "'1V&n• offor 1'h•111•' 11i.:•·t.11•ll •t.u; "'' un f1t1rtwood A R1' 1' K ISTl.F:R C'(). H11r tl 22f1 H•·1'•1 S I ~ '•'"' LP.I·: <'A ~l·:Y OF'FIC"E 2!1''1 ='''°" r11rt l"lh·•l . Nl'"•pnrt Rrh flt)r!l2 • __ llA1unr 47:'1 •r J7117 \\' BEST Ml Hl"Y In Oranire County. ~21 t: C'o11~t 11 ,, __ ' M M 11 .. 1 ~ 10 u r~ 1•1m t r. 660x660 ft Ju.st \\'ATF.l~FJ{l•:"I '"' 111, 1,., lot.a. S ·,rt'l(J 11n a rr,. ORA..1'GE COAST r '' ''''" 1' ~h·" 1 <'lln have 111tr un1l tt .. a• $1 i '~'" Mlrht PROPERTIE S l•·n•lrl"r t"1 r1 .. 11i~1' Newport, COila Mt'11& WATF.ltl-'R'•~• I' H<1 MF: p1\!r 11nt1 u &.1632 E ve. U l ·tlOa flo1t. 2 b~•l1 111, I.rt:" ~llo. n• ar m,.1 k • t• 411 r 11 y HllJI. f'P SHORECLIFF 2 br, 2 bath, lgt $2~ ~'Ill 1'• ·'I • Wiii t<Jll.llder Jot. 8ld 111-C'Ompelll aie to aell I. A tncr1rne pr11p,.r ty f'lr Cl"al! .. a t once. a t Ina lha.n repl~e-J :O.f :.111.1,f:H "" mu t 001t. $29,9$0. lmmet11at e 2n2-. v. ua:tK.~ HI\ I liar. t ri'lt ~n. Har. liot~R. 691.lc I 1 !'~Ar th11 '\rwpt1rt P 1<1r) 1 I I , '• -- PAGE 6 ·PART11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS! !!:I:ltMJ !'Mate MONDAY, AUGUST 15, 1955 ~ . - n-..., r.w. a • .., r.w. $1450. Down Here'• a I bednn .. 1 ~ bath home Choice Location oc,&11 tront seat 1ooa11orf '" N•wport He1rh1a. 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 blk•. rrom HH1chool. Jt.e a 2 8 , R. Furn1ahed J>tt<'h llQo~ BALBOA Lido Select listings For Isle :- Selective Buyers! Large home, large lot. separate atudio apt. home ao it'• beautiful. completely fumtlhed. • bedroom•. 3 batha plus Interior decorator'• own Lido'• best buy at $39.:SOO Back Bay:- Near new 3 bedroom It den. 2 b&tha, Big lot - • G~ateet buy in the 1.ru at $28,500. Excellent tenna. Opposite Santa An~ Country Club:- Ru.tic farmhouse on big corner lot-3 bedrooms. 2 bath•, ahake roof; permanent view of park-like club ground1. Unmatched value at $19.000 and the ONLY one of its kind:- Three Arch Bay:~ One of the fineet ocun front homes on the South· •m Cali!. cout. Architect-owner built. 2 bed· room. and atudio, 3 batha, un1urpaaaed aweeping view of the coa.etline. Patio on land aide filled with lovely ahruba and treea. Unequalled value at $75.000 -"lt'a priceles1." Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 4299 I Oppoaite City Hall I A RAMBLING FRIENDLY HOUSE on the choice cor. lot of Cliff Haven ia ~ing offered. Thi• hom• ii quality construction· and i• not ~inr eold on a profit aeeking buia. Pleue check tbeee P'act.a: 1. Three bedrooma and a den 2. Ru.tic living room overlooking a truly ~autf· ful patio. 3. Dining ana with br•akfaat bar. 4. Wood exterior and cedar roof. &. A very valuable comer lot which i• ~autifully landecaped, complete eprinkler ayatem. etc. ' Do yourael! a real !avor and call ua for an appoint· ment to see thia one. Priced to tell at $35.000 with a $20.000 lc.n oommittment. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway., ~ewport Beach Liberty 8-3'481 Evea Llberty 8·H21 CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean vtew, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 baths. Haruwood & carpet noora. Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. Delightful beautifully furn. 2 bdrm. 2 yr. old home. Near good beach. $17 ,000. Submit down. See thia home at 439 Begonia. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertie9 Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab. Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island BALBOA ISLAND I LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE j OPEN HOUSE S@t It Sun 1 -!'> &L A Sun 127 Ss pph1rt A"'• I .• 227 Flrenu BEAUTIFULLY r urn mOdtm homt 2 bdrn$.. 1 full b1th - ALSO 2 bu.ullrul 1tuest or fam- ily bdrm• A ti.lh upst &lra wit h sep&rale •ntranc~-0 u t d oo r 11howu-age II yrs. W&lh!d patio, lnter·com. appolnlJrlents of di•· tlnctlon. A1klnJ S27.~ 3 BORMS 2 batha 40 tt lot Electnc kitchen, used bnck llreplact . r arpd• It dr•pt>r.lu A~k•n& S27,:SOO with lnw down !'>O rt lot on wldt St c•n~ to club BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 L&fayette, Newport Har. 3632 Har. 2999 Evea. $ $ $ Unusual 10 Ac. M·l lnduatriaJ -$55.000 BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7562 It Har. 221 90c92 lido Open House 5-9 p.m. F or th~ who appreciate the fine.t. At 123 Via ~noa Come and examine the utmo.t in beauutul design and quality home conatruction in a 3 bdrm . 2.bath home. Can convert to a 4 bdrm., it detmed. F\111 price $37,850 Harbor 62EH Courtely tn Brokerw 90c92 $ ll\a ta wortll th• pn c•. J l• a l · ma.t nt'W, with a nl~ yud and lawn aprinkl•r •Y•lem. Full prio. HT~. wttll ti.lance at HT &O J)9r month. Best 4 bedrm. Buy Elton Barnett Realtor t&e No. Nawport Blvd r1u1tom built quality home with 2 bedrma. It den a.nd 2 hiltht Jl hu aeltct oak tloort. An:adla ahd1nc 11a.11 doora o~rlook c \ht r ur yard. Price of Slt. lndud,., rarpettna. 17000 down, 'nt1a 4 bdnn.. 2 ba.th hom• I• 111\fhtly more th&n 1 year old, ltA on a lovely com t r with 11lc. 1 I blk. H S. ot HO.C Ha.pllal 1 Newport Heights yard. Pric• l• SlO,~ W\lh Ubtrty 1·27T2 U 1·71 M •Yel r H.A. flnanclng at .12200 down. N~ar echool•. Nice S bdnn. home. a yura old, H .. fireplace, hdwd. flOONI • 1ood looa\IQll. Plic1 I• U J .&00 wllh 12800 down. Payment. of $74 lnclud• lnter- Ht, pri11clple, tax•. 6 ln1ur· &l\('t . Houston Values Level M-1 Site HAVE 2400 aq. ft. factory on 63 lit x.290. Rent~ a t $1S3 mo. Price 115,000, '~ down. Don't mlM thl.I one. !:ve Info. Lytle W 1-2110 Full Price $7 ,500 VERY NEAT 2 bdrm., on 6012~ lot. ll'• on th• w .. t tld•, owner net'da lmmedlal• action, 1ubmlt \ your down. ~A~t!s2a!r!~ !8~ bioclt off Newport Blvd., dble. plu• 1ar., lot.a of •xtru. aub- mtl 12,000 dn. Good terms. Newpt. Hts. Area J'INJC NEIOHBOR.HOOO, 1 II'•· br on 80x90 R·4 lot, sar. On "w er-F'Ull pric. 17,900. 140. mo, 011 balance. Exel. vaJue. Ev•. Info. Petitte U 1~481 Houston Realty Co 6 AllSOCIA TE& Me Center 8t., Coeta M .. W ~-691 1 LI 1·7714 ---~------- 603 ORCHID BILL'S BEST BUYS 60' x 180' LOT Cozy three . bedroom. 1 1 2 bath home, only aix montha old. Located close to 8Chools &: ahopping on new curbed and paved atreel. Sew~ra in and paid !or. Immediate poueaaion. Full price $9,750 $H50 dn. Balance $67.50 mo. HOME ENVIRONMENT Meana neryt.hing to your family -t..hia one ia located in a prime neighborhood and commends your inve.tigation. Completely re-de<:orated in Ir out, H. W, lloon, fireplace. Dining room and large worbhop. Thia will be a faat 11eller. Call ta now. Full Price $9,950 $7,000 loan available at ~9 mo. TRULY A HOME Of diatinction with light, airy, apaciou. rooma. Perhape tbia two bedroom home on dead end etreet ia what you u. looking for? Hu H. W, floora. fenced ya.rd, .ewera, and on neat tree lined and curbed street. 1'ul1 priee $11,500 with $2,500 down W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E. 17th St.. Co.ta Meu Llberty 8-1139 Corona del Mar 'C:' THOMA.a "C'' THOMA.8 "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOM.AS Open for lnapection Thunday thMl Sun. 1-5 p. m S. ,aure A 9ff thl• exceptionally nlc. 2 bdrm. home. (8edroom1 ar• t.rge I Alao fireplace 6: Iota of Ule In klkhen It bath. Obie rarqe on paved Liiey. Encl yard Our u clu..lve l11ted price of only U2.~ w1UI &% loan A pymta of only 187.~ per mo. maku We TRULY AN OUT STANDING BUT. 530 KINGS ROAD CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE Sat. It Sun. 1 -5 p. m. W• believe lhl• to be th• belll buy on Kl ni:rt Roed. 3 bdrm.. 1 % ~th, w w c~l. Wonderful v1,w. 122,7~0-food terma. SN Mr. Ru11 on the preml11u. Call now Har. 2042 -Har. JOU Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS HARBOR HIGHLANDS Her•'• an exceptionally fine home in one or the top reeidenti-1 areas, beautifully landscaped. 65 rt. lot. 3 bedroo1111, 1% bathe, lge. liv. room with fi~place, din. area, hdwd. floon. dlapoeal, w to w carpetin1 and drapes included -$18,500. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bdrm. on eo ft. lot, Immaculate condition , w to " carpeting It drapea, rdwd. fence, excellent location, nee.r 8Choo1-, •'}fl loan -Aalcing $18,500. LIDO ISLE WATERFRON'r BE'l'l'ER HURRY ! Enjoy the aummer month1 on the waterfront with pier Ir float for your boat - Thia lovely home hu 3 bedroom•, 3 baths, new w to w carpeting It dra~a, nicely fumiahed. near new appliance•, ready for IMMEDIATE OCCU· PANCY -- Furnished Price SM.000 Can be bought unfurniahed) "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22t W. eo .. t Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8·~27 • All Claaa F ront EnrlC114'd P1110 $12,450 305 34th St. Home A Carage Apt. Near Bay Ir Bu.ch !l:e~• Decoralinl Conald er Sl.&00 down. will tradt u p or do.,..,, nr tsk,. TD• . hurt ot ba lboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. New duplex. 2·2 B.R. Unit. .. Flrt placu . 01.tpoeal•. Fant, up- per unit wall to wall carp41ted, i.rre sun dtck. n•wly tumlahed. 1215.000-ST.MO down. :10' from Ocean 105 32nd St. 2 tum. uni ta -T YT· old bldf . F.P Sll .9~0--12200 dn -sn mo. B A Sold y v E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Island T HE LAST of lhote hard to find. aolld built apUI. over dble. irar. 6: bunk room. On rear of choice lot. Room to build full unit ln front. F .P SI 9. 760, $11,000 down. Balboa CLEAN AS A WHJSTl..E 1• thlt dtHghtrully colorful 3 bedroom Penln11ula home on l '" Iota. No flxlnl' nttd•ll. juat tnove In. Cliff Haven SJ&,600 BUYS THlS aparkllnl' 3 bdrm, home. Lovely land.leaped paUo. Quiet at. •'k C.l. loan, 1~lh1 comfort It •~urily. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor Open House Daily-1-4 P.M. 404 Belvue Lane 2 Bdrrp. &: Oen. Larr• PaUo Unfortunate Owner Movtnr Inland Beautiful 4 yr . old home, quiet on•way IJtreet cilo9e to Octan & Bay. Nice patio and tlrepl--. $16.000 -U .500 On. for quick .i.. (Evenlnga Har. '1M) 2 B. R. home-on Bay Ave. Very clean.. Wall 14 wall carpeting. plu• income unit. over double pr. age. Bay View. Full prioe S2e,MO--Low dowa payment . Owner aaya get offer! ( Evenlnp LI 8· 7281); Four Unita completely funrlabed. Ooee '° Ubr&J')'. Full price $17,500 with $1,:500 Dn. for quick ale, $150 mo. paymenta incl lnter'Mt.. Jnoome •Ppc"OK. $200 mo. (Evea phone Harboc-5335) NEWPORT BEACH Immediate Poueeaion-$19e0 down. I B. R. heme on R-2 lot . Ovenized Dbl. garage att ••ti tor &pl. Bar kitchen, flagston• flreplaca, near Udo ~' ping center. $11,950 -$1,950 dn. for qWok ..._ ( Evee. phone H&rbol' 0289-J) BAY & BEACH REAL TY H50 W. BdbQa Blvd., Balboa. Har. UN CORONA DEL MAR An Exceptional VOGEL VALUE 3 bedmu. 134 bath home. Check th-. f•tm. a Ocean view, 40' lot, high ground. 1428 eq. ft... hwd. noora, w, w / carpet and drapt19. l'w'naoe. n,... place . .'Muter bath, very nice. TUe tlooT. Lea. muter bdrm. Full dining room opent1 to brick patio. Large kitchen and bruk.fut nook. Ber· vice porch. "• bath, glue shower door. Covered breezeway to large garage and parkinf 8PeC•· Cedar roof, walled yard. WE DARE YOU TO beat thla ftn. home at S19,MO -~ 2 ~r FHA loan @ $88.3:5 lno. tu., lneurance and interest.. HURRY! Thia will ..0 fut. CORONA HIGHLANDS -corner lat. 60 x 120. The beet lot availabl• for only $10.~ THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. C.t . Hwy., Coron& del Me.r. Har. lTU lf.ar. UTT (C1oeed Sunday• durtnc A.\ll'Ml) I • INVESTORS ATTENTION I • t am going to tell you or a golden opportunity that has never been offered. Located in th• MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner has appointed m. hla aola qmt k> •H th~ following property. ( 1) POST OFrlCE BUILDING to be finiahed by No- vember l 5. Leased by the U .S. GQvt. for 1:§ yurt with option of 5 and 5 more, R. Paylt•C. Ttavl•-C. R UN , ANOC 312 Marine Ave. -Balboa b land NEWPORT HTS . "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS SYLVIA THOMPSON. Assoc. C2l 260t Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach 36 UNIT MOTEL. completely fumiabed It oper· ating on a fine return. YOU M UST SEE THJS lov•IT I bdrm. home. Large llvm1 room with fireplace. lt'parate dlnlnf room. larr• aervice porch. B•au llfully land11c&ped, with towtr Ing trfu , n oweu and ahrubt A rul homey home for Jue $ 111.9:10-$3.000 dOV.'J\. Newport Heights J UST JO month• old, 2 bdrm . • dt n. J ·~ bath, F,A. heat, ahake roor. dbl. garage. built In range &. ovtn D1111>0~al. Vtry well lo <'ftltd. Ste thlt. Lido Island WE HA \'E a beautiful I bdrm home on P1auo U do. juat 2 yni old. On• oJ Ult b .. t locallone on Lido. C•lf tor appt. to .... "ART" ADAIR REALTOR lf!M N.wport Blvd. Co.U M..a. Calif. LI 1-J'Ttl Open House 1-5 · Corona. Hl1h.land1 UI Rlv•rra Ten-act Own•r IUUllOU9. Prio. r~uced 12000. Gordon Walker, REALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUILDER Dick KllhanS, P at PatU.On, Bob O.rv&la --3024 II.: Cout Hwy , Corona d•I M11.r. Har. :\032~33 12200 B U T 8 RESIDENTlAl. LOT. cloee ln on Orantt Ave. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES t~T Newport. C<111ta MM& U l ·ltU Eve. l.1 1·6'0l OWNER OFJ'El\I n•w tncome ,unita. ,-ood k>callon Conllldet' partla.I trade of boat °'" lot. LI 1-4322 l\tnmca. 8tdJ ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Channing throughout, 3 bednn. and den-alcove, 3 bat hs, very large front ~atio. partly covered. Lovely kitchen, diahwuher, disposal, etc. Fully carpeted _ ... ith drapea included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat.-- Only $64,750 and a wonderful buy. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. plus den-bedroom, 2 baths. carpeted. Oveniud double garage. Lovely kitchen "flth built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Oiapoaal, diahmuter and many other fine features. , Full price $23,000. W• have the key, THt VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE ' 341~ Via Lido, Npt, Bcb. Har. 4971 or Har. t972 Evee. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 * Sparkling Gem * Waterfront China Coves LUXURIOUS litUe ultra-modern home. !nug on private beach at !amoua China Covea. Lovely living room with tireplace, lg,, glueed doon open· ing on to aun drenched lanai, with million dollar view of Harbor. Bedroom. modem aunny kiuhen. House atreued for 2nd •tory if dea1N!d. You have not attn th1a f1n1t offenn1. Be t he first, you'll love lt ! $29.950. $10,000 down C Excluaive agenu) OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W, c.out Hwy. (At Port Orangel 1 Newport Bucb LI 8-7562 Har. ~lM Eve1 ltll•Y Parking Harbor t6l 0 ( 3 I COSTA MESA * * Special 2 BR .. H Wfloor., ll&(stont rtrepl. dining rm., patio, BBQ. M UST SELL Sll 760. LIDO 3 BR . '' bath, lge hv. 1oom, rumpu• rm , 70" lot. room tor pool . 13:1,000. 3 BR , It den, w/w carpft lhruout, 3 baths, PLUS complete garagt apt. w;bay view. lg•. patio, 40' lot . S31l.:IOO. S BR , 2 bath. beauty, w/w ca rpet. I ur l'llr. •~· lot S37.~0- Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2n1 w. Cout Hwy. LJ 1·4277 Shorecliffs N ltH l home for the price In 8hnr9Clltfa. On an Vi'"'" • bdrm. 2 bath. Ill.~. Gordon Walker, REALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUlLOER Dick Hilliard. Pat Patuaon, Bob Ger~•• -302t E . Cout Hwy , OOrorla del Mar. Har. 6()32·&033 Restful View Home ORIVP! BY Hi f"11bn llo Curo04 H1g hl&n4'!. Pr1c• red\&L'ed 1:'1:100 tor t111 a1 t1on 0~ Hou111 Sund1y l·t Submit Trad .. Also Trade Basis lAm6n Ht.. v-home Call for detai II 245 F'T. OF BUSINBSS, frontage adjoinlntr Poat office building. Owner will aell at once, or trad• for subdivision land. For in1pection &: detaila please see Mr. Osborne. OSBORNE REAL TY co. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. IAt Port Orange) . Newport Beach LI S. 7562. Har. 515' eves. GOLDEN RULE VALUES BARGAIN $500 DOWN Nearly nt'w 3 bedrm. home. Beautiful lot with ocean view. Monthly pymta like rent. F. P . $1 0.000 BARC A IN, $1000 DOWN On beautiful quiet 11t., nearly new 4 bdnn., 2 bath home. Priced to Rell at $1 2.800. Be the FlRST to call on thet'!P - Ml -BARGAIN Corner 1..ot 140' x 126' ctoae in. On aewer. $10.000 Full Price. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport. Blvd. lacrosa from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. E vea. Har. t36e • LI 8-210I EASTERNERS Here Id the 1delll location for you to 1ettf• dowu and enjoy Sunny California. Just 5 nimutea frol"D the beach. 1 yr. old -3 b<lnn. beautifully fur· n1ahed in cc1nlemporary l'lt yltnl( by BarJcer Broa. and House and Garden. W W carpetmg. cuatom made draperiea and curtain" -tropical planu included. Full pn ce $15,()()(). 4 1 1 r, FHA loan with illymentJt of $62.5<1 tnc-1. prtn • int , t•JtM. and tnia. THE VOGEL CO. DAN A. JACOBSEN LI 1-6317 "lldl 3201 W. Coaat Hiway., Newport Buch Liberty S·U81 ' v v Corona del Mar BEST INCOME BUY _a_11ee1 __ Etta_a. ___ -~~-Beal--~-ta .... te ____ U-_· -·-~-!"*_......., _____ a_..;;.RW~..;;:IA:;:;ta=kl;:___....._._, NEWPORT HAltlOR NEWS.'9tESS -ltART U • 'A" 7 -• MONDAY, AUGUST II, 1915 p. a. palmer incorporated 1. CHOICE INCOME UNITS We have S deluxe income unita all completely fumi.abed. AM rented and localed in but rental a.re& on Marguerite in Corona del Mar, only 1 block to ocean Ii beach. These a.re priced right. Priced lo eell at $35,000. Tenna ran be arranged. We have the key. 2. HOMES-VACANT LOTS See u. for better buya in Corona del Mar. U it's for aale, we have it liated. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION,. Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ·voGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND For 117,950 you can own a channing 2 bdr. com- pletely fumiabed home. 1<_i block from Bay. There ia room to build an income unit. · .FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unlt motel ap&rtmenta. The fineet unit of tht. type lD thil location. Income-in exceaa of $12,000. MODERN two ,bedroom home with 1 bedroom apUtment. Thia home ia only 2¥.? yeara old lo choice location on the Ialalld. ~king price $28,500. Aputmeot completely turru.hed. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Nat door to the Po•t Office Hu. 4'" Evee Har. 30G9-M • Har. '248-R "Sun Worshipers" "Waterfront" Wlll love thJ.I 3 bednn., 2 bath plt19 2 bed.rm., 2 bath CUM apt. located on finest private 8wimming bMch. Pier allowed. Lfe. living room, exposed • beam ~r. fireplace, lge. glaued lan&I. Too much to t.11 about, l9t'1 look now. Priced at only M.2,000, fine terma anilable. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2128 W. <:out Hwy. (At Port Orange) Ntwport Beach LI 8-7M2 Har. 5154 evee .. Extra Big Lot developers of Lido Isle Model Home Open 12 to 5 dally 2M Via Eboll Beautifully fumlabed by J. H. BIGGARS Quilt by J OHN VISSCHER Thi.I .tunning 4 bedroom h1>me la planned a round a 1parkllnr pool. The eliding ~laBS walls. built- ln1, and large lot make indoor.outdoor living mofl't inviting. Be eure to see this ! North Bayfront In fact , 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 units nicely furnished, newly painted and deaorated. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy t o each unit . Thia is outstanding in every way~ee this for au re. lt'.1 the best income property buy we know of. Full price including furniture $105,000. Tenna. Want A Lido Summer .Home 1 2 bedrms. & 1 bath plus a 1:.: bath and lmaU bednn. in garage. Only 300 f eet to perfect north bay beach. This home is in fine condition and it you would like a home to use in the aummer and have ua rent it for you in the winter, tbla should be perfect. $1 8,750. Terms. Watch the home under 0 conitruction by INGRAM Ir COLLINS on Lido Soud at the end o! Genoa. 77 feet on the BAY. When you h ave seen enough, bring ln your check. Full price including carpet· ing $69,500. Terms. Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bedrms. and 3 baths. new wall-to-wall carpeting, very nicely furnished, fine condition throughout and should be seeo 11 you ar.e considering a bayfront home. $55,000 Incl. furniture. Terma 1l desired. 57 foot wide building 1lte on Via Lorca $16,000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management S333 via lido, harbor 1500 J View Homes 2 outstanding brand new homes offered at the aame tlme by that fine buildeor COURTNEY PLA1T, both in Newport Hta .. It both with excellent view. of the entire Harbor. w w carpettns. 2 bdrm 4 den. OPEN SUNDAY 1 -~ 223 Ocean View. $23,000 2~ Ocean View, $29,000 During the wee.le, call BUI Fa.rnawortb for information. Exclusive Shorecliffs Picture.que ~wood and used brick aterior, low sweeping •hake roof, 1pacioua floor plan Includes 2 bedrooma and den (or 3 bedtoom.e)-2 bathe-2 fireplacee, OCEAN VIEW. Just a step to buut!- ful bathing beach. near new home in top location. Call Dave Osburn for a ppointment Do You Need? " A Four Bedroom House? We have a Beauty In CU!f Haven. Large corner ftt lot. $37,500 Call me and I'll make the appointment tor you to See Thia Bargain -Hodgkinaon . Large Family Home on Lido ' B. R. 2~ bath, eholce location and designed for gracloWI livinr. $30,000 Including carpeting and drapet. Aak tor Kincaid SUITE OF OFFICF..S for rent. lodlvidually or u a unit. AU new and beautifully furnlshed. Excellent location for .tock broker, accounting firm, or at- torney. Can be rented unfur nished. Immediate occupancy,, p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -·liberty 8-5573 Fresh as a Daisy Thi• 1ppee.J1nc 3 bdr. home buu· UtuUy decorated inside and out with hwd. flool"I, fireplace, fenc- ed back yard with e.nclllHd paUo combine to ma.kt lhle the U>p buy ln the moet wanted Jo- ce.Uon ill Coeta MHa . • • l'UU prtc · juet $1.2,ISOO wtlh excel· lent terma. INVESllGATE INSPECT 2 Unit Income! A REASONABLE DOWN·PAY· ME?-.'T t,11 aU you p11y. your ten· a.n t will pay the rttt. One ot our best B•lboa valuu. 2 ffparatt unltJI. rumh1h,.d. two patloa - 30lt103 ft.. lot. Cholre location, near Bay and Ocean. l18,91W, $4.800 down. Cliff Haven Open House Sat. & Sun. & BUY A HARBOR VISTA HOME COSTA MESA'S BEST VALUE 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS LARGE LO'l'S DOUBLE GARAGE Upper Bay Area! Payments $61.50 Per Mo. Dr!H by 1021 Clllt Drive any tJme and eee t.hle new 3 bdr. 2 FULL PRICE $10,MO Tenm to Fit Your Pune O\'~RLOOKrnG R A. COt':'JTRY CLt'B. 2 bt'flroo1ns 11nd den, lice. lh·l nf room and b1 .. akfu t area, 2 flreplar,.a. Sepu11tfl large KJ&r· age b111Mlng wtlh r11mpu1 and fref'l.er room an!! '6 hath. Be111- t1r111 hom,. tor only S17.000 ••. •• noo down. Including Taxes, tnsur., interest, and Prine. on the bath Redwood Ru.Uc home de- . J'HA loan of $7400. The S bdrm. home ii only a timed 11.nd built tor th• molt year old and i• loca~ only a few minute. from d11ce:rnlng buyer • • . TRE.N Lrr us SHOW YOU the •pa· the beach. Submit low down payment. ctoua 1Mn ,.,oom -l&rl'• bed· Total prioe $9,950 ~d the panoramic vlnr from the rooftop obwrvatory- UMOO THE VOGEL CO. 8201 W. Cout Riway., Newport Beach Liberty 8-8481 EvH Liberty 8-1~ CORO~A DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN DAILY 1-5 61~ Jasmine 1 unit in r.r 'rented at S&l5. Front unit Jge. 2 bdrm. l lh bath A den available tor otrner. Price $28,~. Eaey terma. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 46-~. panoramic view lot $15,000 Next door to 2320 Cliff Drive. Not a Leue-bold. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor ~. Newport Blva., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 $2,000 Down 3 bdr. hwd. floors. Dbl. car. choice netchborhood. ao· ll 130' Jot • yn. old. Good urm1. Bay & Beach Realty 189e Newport Blvd., C<Mlta Meaa LI 8-1161 Eve1. LI 8-3168 Costa Mesa How Can You Miss THIS CHARMING home on land· leaped • fenc~ eo J( 180 lot. 2 bdrm•. ONL T 17750 wtlh lrm.I. Balboa Two 0c .. n FrOftt loll. Zoned tor dupluee. 111000 each. Coast Properti.es 301 E. J)alboa Blvd., B&l&• Harbor 2868. 2697 and 4600. 19th and Monnma HENRY VAUGHN & TED HAUSER Exclu.tve Arent. 2029 Harbor Blvd. Liberty 8-4761 Coeta Men Eve Liberty M718 NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Home with 2 batbrooll18- Garbage Di8posall Car Port. or 2 Car Garqee. Many Deainble Featurel $375 Down! >.. low u $69. per month. Ncrw under coutruction. Tract Office -at 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A. ·TOBIAS 9 Unit Income! BALBOA OCEAN FRO:\'T. Fam· OWi "Holiday Apta." 8 unl tt plUI man&ger'• a rt. Ample eupply ot llnt.n an!! bla.nkeU a.JI apta. Nf!W nrn ru.ton and 1tovea. R~ modeled In 19&0. Jt..800 ntt In· l'Ome. But ectuaJ Yalue In Bal· boa •.• 137.1100, Sll!,000 dotm. Peninsula Home! IDll:AL. MODrRN HOME 1'•1lh C b~roome and 2 baths. Octt11 view rrom upstaJr ~droom. l4e. llvln( rnom 1'1th tlapt.on11 fir•· placf'. Buy It /or your family .. $23,1100 "'1th only tl!,000 down. Balboa Beach Home! WF. WJ!Ut YOU WOULD 81% TR18 rut• home ... located on E Ll't Bay A venu,., rlat1e to t.own and Bay beach. ln 1plendld con- dition and 1leeps up to I ~pie ... nlrf'ly fU.mtllhM, too, S12,li00 tMY terme. Balboa Realty Co. 0Mx>9lt11 Bank of Amer1ca Rf\111 01'•eley , .......... a .... ...._ BALIOA ISlAND BAT VIEW I \ID.Ha, t bdrm. home. 1 b4nn. apt. lhelt.nd ,.Uo. Apt. turn. home partlJ. f10,000 down. Balance -.,._ BA YnONT, Little Ill.and eo ft. bay frontap, pier 6 float. t bdrm. Balboan·En1lilb archltecture.. BAY noNt ROMD now p1,&00 -up. >. 'ITR>.OJ'IVE 1 BDRK. HOME. Owner wanta action. Mab offer. Cottap n•r 8o . .,. a bdnna .• 1 ~ bath1, tlrepl., II•· llviftl room. Attraetl" patio. TWO UNITS nr. 8o. BaJ -2 bdrm. hou. • 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed ~np. $DOOO down -$22.&00. Soundly cOMtructed t bdrm. yr. round home. CI09t to Beach. $7000 down. TWO UNITS n~ar So. Bay, 3 bdrm. 11~ ba.th home. 2 bdrm. apt. Firepl., Hcllent condition. Attractlw patio. Terma right. LOT 40' on Marine Ave., $24.500. BUSINEss BtnLoING Marine Ave. $32.~. Balbo& lllland'11 moat attractive hom~. 3 bdrm. Din· ing room. Plua choice 2 bdrm. apt. $38,000. FIRST OFFERING, Small 2 bdrm. hou. oa kp- phire. Fireplace, Floor fUtQ.._ F\lrniahed, built 19'7. $16,500 -Submit down. ·· SEE US FOR BEACON BAY and BAYSBOR.E p~ BA YSHORES. A V&e&nt lot! ! BACK BAY View 4 bdrm. Ma1d8 room. Den. Forward look all electric kitchen. An architect deaigned home of merit on almoet an acre. Fully furn. $37,000. Wlll conalder trade. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Har. 1776 -Evee. Edith Maroon HYatt •-8222 John Macnab, Harbor 539. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand IT TOOK THREE DAYS • • • ... To eell the OPEN HOUSE we bad at 118 Via Genoa. The price wu $37 ,000 for thla lovely n.., four bedroom home ... But bold on a mlnut. -W• have lilted a larpr four bedroom home on a larrer lot ... No, it'a not new, but tt •ure 19 a lot of well built home and for a lot lMa mon~ .•• We plan to have open boUM 800n ••• In the meantime tor cMtaa. caU LI DO REALTY Aaociat. Lido'• Moet Experienced Salee P~el Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene VrwJand -Vlrsin1& MaMOD 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• Market Entranee) The Biggest Word in Real Estate Business :r oday is SERVICE Every Member of the MULTIPLE LISTlNO SJCR- VICE belong• to a unique organisation. n..t membera pool their men:b&ndlse -homes, lltoree, and other real property for tale -then wdrk from this pool each with hla eeparate facilities that each selling owner may receive the eervice. of many REALTOR A lea ouUeta throughout th• wbol• Harbor Arell. Proven a fine SERVICE to eellera and buyen alike in proviwng a broader, orderly and free marUt for all at no lncreued cost to our owrtomen. A SERVICE of th• Newport Harbor Board of Reattors UO -32nd St. PERMANENT BAY VIEW Lido Isle Special and ASSOCTATES, REALTOR "you'll like our fliendly Hrrice" 393 E. 17th St., Colt.a Me.a Liberty 8-1139 Al Cornellt111 E d Ltt -------------------..... Very nice home on Bay Ave., 2 bdrma. and den. Lure walled patio. Garage atret1Aed for apartment. Excellent buy at $25,500. OCEAN FRONT Three bdnn. home, newly remodeled and deconted. $15,500 unfumi1hed. $16,000 furniahed. BAY FRONT BEACH HOME Five bdrm .. 2 bath. large living and dining room. Tlle ltltchen. Not new but well cattd for. TenM ean be atTanged. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1t50C5 w .. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 9lc93 LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME? · I bdrm. 4 bath -View Nice.t location on beautiful Balboa Penln8ula. Extra large patio enclosed for privacy. W W e&r· petjng and draperiet inclu~. All the finer f ea- t\lnl9 @ '$49.500. THE VOGEL CO. &201 W. Cout Hiway., N""I>Ort Beach ~rty 8·3~1 Lot 70 Jl 81 I BDRM.. S bath, J'.A. heat. dbl. car. Ll•. rm.. o~ on \o a ti.u- llt\ll lanlll and nry apacloua patio. Plenty apace fo1' pool. Pr. ONLY 137.500. Shown by app'l. Evt. Info. Lytle LI 8-21'142 Houston Realtv Co. A ASBOCUn/ 5-0t C«lter LI l·Hll ca.ta)( .. LI l ·TTU $7,950. WHERE A LOT BUYS A LOT Seema like only yeeterday that a little would bu.Y a lot. but we just can't hardly get them Yeeterdays no more. We have a couple of lot. hidden away at todays pricea, better see them, might be just what you want. But don't wait for Tomonow. Tomorrow, NO Iota at any price. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hoo,e. Auoclate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona dcl Mar. Har. 277• Nrtr I bdrm., hwO. noon. 113 Avocado, Costa MML Phone Llbe.rt1 .. '1807. T2tlc -------------------- Ocean Front Home t BIGRWAT J'ROJICTAGU, liarr• Ml ~ -'8 &d"M 0 l t&OO an acr.. '"·000 dn. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIF.S 18Sj NeWJIOrt.. Co.ta MNa Ll 8-1632 Eve. Ll 8-M03 Dt:PLE.'<, nur n-. ~·o 2 bdrm. unit.I. 1 nlttly fumlaMd. Dbl. 1~•· Near pubUo trua. ()nQo 1111,000 terma. J . M . MJl.1..ER 00. J02I w. JillllJbo. 81\td. Har. foel c:->~ ~ N"'PQrt Pier> I $22,500 \'ERY ATTRACTIVE year r ound home on Sea- abore Drive. Knotty pine livins room with dining area. Formica kitchen. 1 bed.room and 1,:l bath down . 3 bedrooma and l'r) bath8 up. Solid con· atruction, concrt'te and Pllinl f oun4ation. 2 car garage, encloaed yard. Excellmt beech. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch Harbor 1013 Jack P inkham Jo1ephlne Webb 700 !;. Bal~ Blvd , Balboa Phone B arbor 8277. OPEN SUNDAY 1-1! P .M.-600 Poppy F or euy acce• come round comer to l!U Haul. Hu~ llvtng room. beamed ceU!Jll, I b<lrm.11 , ama.11 cuul room, J btlha, ovv- •l~ed 2 cu (~f'. COmpl. landacaped, prl-rate patll'.!1, modem kltcht'n 6 111n1nr !anal-lo-rely vil!Y'1. A.tkln1 1211.000. <>wner want• Im· medl•te oftn-due to IH.Y: tnr the area. Term1 to 1uJt. P'ORD VEft.Rr.\.'Dt:R. Harbor 4MS, evu. Harbor Ui7. Ut.tc 4 Ft'R..". t.~'lTS htart of Balboa.. 2 block.I to Fun Zon .. One door to Bay. A real 11eepw. Full pr1re only Sl&,600. Smail down pa7. ment ~ Phcme - ART c KlSTLl!R 00., Har. a:nt 2illl :-o;ew·port Bl~ .. N""'10rt &c:h 90ctl NEWPORT Home & apartment on 29th St. $9~. 1:uJ. ..._ Coste Mesa Lo,·ely home, new condiUoo, plwi rental Brod.- way, 2 blocks to bWl!neM center. Real n.lu. 6 good temw. Lot on Monte vi.ta, near boulevard, choice locatitJn. uk about It. . N.B.C. REAL TY 32od Ii Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Har. 1.oc5 EveLl 8-789e TOP INCOME Almon new eompletely fW'Tllahed apt. bidl. a Balboa Penlnl\lla In view of Ocean on one ade ... t.uutul Be.lboa Bay on the other. R09pjt1U•U. tona qWck 8&1e. Price $70,000. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Htwa7., Nnport 8-ch Ub9rty Mat • PAGE 8 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. AUGUST 15, 1955 1 ,-------------------------------------- 1 MOANS IMTO PHONE PROMPT ~PERATOR TO SUMMON AID Tht pho!'lt 1upuv190r at Ba~t>oa um1nubtt•lly ~"' cd " woman's lile t'arly S•turday mornln& wben •ht hf'111tl 11 moanine O\'tr a trlephone th11t woe off thr t11•·t< 111 Act.Cit. A \'P . pulrC'I' H ld. ~20 Officer found Mr•. Of the Ail Bree..-re1<ponde11 tll llH• i<11!'4'r"'"''" ~ , «II and McCracken, Wife o( Lt. L"ol. Rufu11 M1·C1\ll"ken YorC'e, aufftnng from wo many ate .. ping pill~. She waa able to unloc.·k tht> l.luur !or him and he 1 ush .. rt h~r to Hoag HOApl!aJ whert 11he "a.• rt>porttd out ('Ii d&ni;E"r yuterday. DENIED INJUlfCTION Berry Loses Court Battle M.\.IOH Rl'Tll ti. H.\!\UIO:\"I) OD Ac1:n · Uut,· POSTMAN'S HOLIDAY ·Knigllt Promises Personal Study of Freeway Problem r:An flE:-.' G ROVE Gnvc-r · th,. •·n1111111ttrt nw111 hr1~ "ho 11or l~•o;• lwin J Kni,e:hl "111 turn \l<'l'f' Jnllh••I hi' v:1111 .. 111· •II lf'll• h111 ""' "''""' attf'nthm ''' thf' Sun utt-01 .. ••f th" :::1111 1: ,,.1,.na 1·<1111· 0 /11 de11 ~-H'•'WMY .!11l111111on bf'll mu111lv to h11ni; "l:llln \<l the 111 • tit \ S•'"" 1u he rt>lurns front th<' tc•nt1nn o( lhf' hlRhw11v C'o111m111• J:•"'•'' nur • conrl111•e in l"h1c-a1:0 11100 1111,1 thr Jo:•"'f'I nnr 1111 11ltf'r• Th.~ w11' thr wnr<I hf' w1rr•I n1<t1v1' rout.. wh 'h thty d 111m F11d1w nl)!ht to H11m1lt•in Potlt•r. will hu1·t "1~· " tl1 IV«·ln theo11t<'r , ..... ha11man nf 1hr l:;lln Gar•lf'n IUld 10 hum• .. l'OlllJ'lln'U '" ur· J.''n•1·w11~ commlll4',. which h.u nl••ttn11 n( i :t hou~l'" nnw In 1h• hl'\'11 w11;:mg a billl"r·l'nd fight path of thf' r ror o .. l'd frffwt.y 111 r••lor11l<' 1hr proprn1l'rt Gitnlf'n rout<' C:1ov.-1 Jo"t•'·~"·ay l'oUlh ••( Sun ____________ __.,__ __ (~Ard,.ns V11la1tl' I 1'hl' "'" t' "'"" rn a tu•wi•r l1' II lC'lt>.:111m 11t'nl to tht> s ov<'rnOI 1lurini:-a f1101ut m"l'ltnR of \'II· Doll Show Set 111,;rt 11 \\'t',fnf'S\lfty f'Vcnmg I l If or n•3.t~. · Rt' yl•llr wlrt'. my ortict fnr Aug. 23 I'""' W\'l'k hu been ma1Unf( 8 I SANTA ANA ' ,..,.. S ,. A !I.' P P"' ''O L E TO..... 11111.l.Y or l'"r t r·,.· way 1ltuat1on In "" N > -Two ~t•1dtnt, l''111tt'nd11 the Eld1·!'d (1lr11 , '" ·' "• ·• ·'· " ~ former <'. mplOyt'ell nf the defunct ·cren't prw at ... but coulct 1ai<ily 1 ~'llT='l' • l"nil('rglung l W•' !'lln GAr•lt>n• 1" Vl<'W of prrvloull Thi' third doll 11nuw apnn1101..., "npk• 6~tl\'(' "Ul\' 1~1n1n• al , , 111mUll1l8lhUI" on ltUbJt•r t I .,.. A. 0 Eldred Co. were lockt'4\ In Ob:!4'rv .. d Shi' strongly dt'ml'•I ' a • " • 'n .. by .:-:ewport Harb<l r HlJth Sch()Ol 111• •tannl' CA p Raa h ''"'' ''Oil 11nd \'l>l'• C'ornmlltt'<' J I lllllnR an1· C'nnfflt f'nt111I In r " .. r IS ~<' •'rt' · • .. l'<11n1m,.r rttl"f'atlnn rro~11m wlll court l»llll<' hf're Friday art er· llUrlln('«' 1n .lul.i· " .. ~ Reiiei \'p Mru inr 11111 rhri•k furthtr Into the 111t1111· at Mesa Park / on Eldred Insurance Records (.iENERAL STAFF -Brig. Gen. A. W. Kreiser Jr .. Commanding general of El Toro Marine Base. greets Brig. Arthur F . Binney. commander of marine air reserves. Gen. Binney a rrived at El Toro to prepare the way for thousands of "week -end warriors" of fils command who arrived at. El Toro Friday for "operation vigil." Also on hand to greet Gen Binney waa Maj. Gen. Clayton C. Jerome. commanding ofCi cer of Marine Aircraft Padfic. Col. R. 0 . Bisson. chief of staff. for the marine reserves. also arrived with Gen. Binney. -Staff Photo noon. , ll~t in till' opPr/lllnn l'f her bt181· be hf'J.I AUi(. 2:1 In Co•t• Mua ntllll herf' MaJ. R1.th II l h1mmnnrl of 1113 l1t>n 1n1mf'dlstf'l~· upon my rf'tum Pi.rk All .toll •how. wardro~. I Mr. f'rancf's Carbt'r 1·11rnt out Berry was sndlclPd with f:t-R1owncr.•) l Ro11!1. Lag u n" 1 tr11m lhf' ~ow•rnnrs cnnf,.rr11r r cr,1(t an!1 Art f'nl1 i.•a muel ti. victo lo 1 Ed ti B d d Hearh. Bvf<1re ent••rinJr 1hr whi. h I 1tm attrnd1n.ir ht•1 r 1n 1 bf'{ 11 30 11 t h t d 1 . r t "· mon A ,,,.,.y Wiii\ rf' on • but i:lary rh111·gl'. Th•' ll('n •lt·e in .I ul\· 1 !143 i<he Wl\l< l "hlr111to .. The !l'll'(ram w11s 11r;n m11 .. • ore ·• m . " a •· dtnled a temporary Injunction complaint laltr was dh1miMell 1t111<h11.H"1 rro'm F II Ir Ill on t rtl b1· thl' gnvl'mor. J11d11ing w ill take plaC'e a t l p.m. • aitaln1l ht'r. Both worked in the F.ldred. An a.surted $1.()()().000 !'!!Alt C'oll,.~e Ill F'111tmn11t. \\' Thr \\1re l·ulmlnatu a month Aftrr cln"I' or the j ud«tn& ~ Eldred truiurance depa rtment. • year oprrator tn th111 county. I \'11, She 111 tmplnyl'•I by thr nf 111ten1tvf' r olltlral ll<'l10n by rln•I thf' ~hnw will bl' o~n for "'·rry fil--' ault a al t M 1111<pt>t•tluo unlll 3 r m. All #n· °"' """ g n11 ra. la dolna time In tht nenl1entl•rv 1'~1 Toro Marinf' C'or('I" A 1r Gar .... r A'"a -'n h I' a lrlf'll ma v bl' d•1mf'd bl!twwn 3 .,., · ~" r,.. g 11 e is using U\· after convictions on .. -n'f th•ft Slatton •l SllntA An11. in th<' Of M• d Bo · •u-~ to '"" ' ~ I Ce Qft ys 11nct 3 30 r m Aul11tsng In tl1• 3000 MARINE AIR RESERVISTS START 'OPERATION VIGIL' AT EL TORO MCAS ·-·ce cwi mer record• whlC'h 11nd forgery C'OUnts. Ht> now b Marine S11rr1y flf'partmrnt. are l••t.lly hi• B•-v lal h 1 JUrfit jn" will ~ Mr11. Rorn fro,.. ~.. 0 • ~· • J C' ma e nvolve<I In 8 consp1r11cy-to-ob-I " " purchaHd the Insurance filta at It l j A 1nn11,.!' n.wnrll by Mr11 JU>nr tun!' anll Mr~. Gsry Jl'r,.drlc'ltrt01l. a.n Eldred BanknJpi.ry proceed-nJc ustice trial. I Glendale Quartet f'aul nf r;~o E Ocea n Blvd. bit With thf' •how neanng actua· lnr. , Lose Wallets Here 11wu t•h1htrtn lut ~·erk. the Or· 111y. Ult .111n1or 8t~trt11~11 of The plWlllff UHrtJI )trs. Gar· Purse Purloined ·' I &11g«' County Health Departmt-nl the ,.ummt'r ~cr•aUon proirram bt'r bu b4-t n laking cu•tomera N T Fred ="e11b1lt and three ft1tn<111 ln(nrmed Newport· Bearh police art' In a rt•t.I ru•h Andrea arut that right!ully ahould be ht.. Tht orma •ylor of 2• H ~ Br••· from Glendale lost lht1r wallets F'r1c111v B1tltn wf're Mark How· Ol11nt' P11plnt'au are at wol1c on MOAS. EL TORO. IOCNS ) - T h111 west1>rn hub or Marine corpe a viation took on the ap~arance ot openrnf(' day at Di111eyland J'rlciay, only with more color, u · Cit,.ment and military mark ! the Santa Ana mountaJ.n ran_.e j targell. They will t&l<e heUcop· defendant denied the allegations. tol reported thtft of her purse'when thty l<'fl Uirlr dothe11 on ar<t, '1103 E. Ocun Blvd . and a d1,.plsy bot1r11 for tllttr doll a nd the Pacific Ocean hrre 1n ter refreshtr cour11es. participate She 1t.attd t hat sht made many while her Ct..r was parked in tht the ia.nd •t the foot of L Sl. to Vlrl,,r LaVere, 1701 Miramar. wardrobe• Othrr mtmbf'ra are Southern Callfom 1a. 1n anti-la nk utrctaea, and •tudy inauranC'e t n ends while with El· driveway at 1137 E. Balboa Blvd. go i•wimming Thr mouaf' wu pl11C'ed tn quar· plan11lng ~ually attractive dra· FROM ALL POINnt Jet lnatnJment.11. dred. F'rl<lay afternoon P olice aatd U I They told polr<'e the tour wsl· "ntine at 1701 Miramar. reports play•. Approx.lmattly oll• c!ollf'11 The rotaUng pattern of tn· On the flight lln" ground c~wa M.r1. Garber, a aen n-year local waa contained I~ the punie. ~~ :~;.tatned $8. 76 cenll'. $71 ~~~twro"..:dndlnwl~ dac•Yh:.duled to bf' warrtro~• "'''II ~ f'llhlblted by ~lnS &J~~t npre~~d Ma· wW be WMking ~O~d the c~k1--------------------~~~~~~==--~=~=-----------~·•~r·~~J~~~~~,~~~·~----~~l~h~t~lr~}~U~v~e~n~~~f'~C~r:e~t.~l~O~n~.---~ OVer 3000 martne air r-rv· lat11. riding in jt'l.11, prop•type flghlf'r r raft. "nylng box-can" and huf(e tran1port.:1. eued out nf 1unny 1k1u onto waiting run- way11 to begln tratnlnc In "Op· •ration Vigil". a nation-wide t .. t et the clUn n Marine'• rombat readlne-ea. r ln• nghter equadron1 from nrar· to keep their powerful patltnUI by Oaldand and far away Ten· in top flying condition. SeleC'ted ne•H. from Texas. Kan .. • and groun!1 l!Chool cou~1 and lee· Nebru.ka. from MlnnelOta. Colo-turu will be 11\lended by teMrve ra.do and Wuhlnrton. Louisiana pereonnel. and Ml.Nouri. BISSEV'K MLSSAGE With lht t.rrival of t h• la.al Jn hi• mf'l!Mg'e to thf' training GESl:KAl.8 OS LISE On the fll~ht ltne lo (Teet the waniont were Major General C layton C. Jerome. commanding 111neral, aircraft. Flffl Marlnt 7'orce, Pacific. and B nr. ~nrra.l A. W . Kreilt'r. •talion command· •r plane ~ ahorUy before du.tk, Ute ruerveJJ. Gen Blnnf'y at.at~: nucleua ot M&rlne A ir Reserve "security la not a matltr of we•· strength from the We11tem Unit·. pona alone. Th• a rm that Wlelda ed Sta tu wt.a on hand tor the them must bf' atron,:: the eye HCOnd and cllmulns phaae or that guldu them clear: and th• "Operation Vigil." wlll that direct• them -Vidom· The Initial phase of th111 op· ll.llble." uatlon, held ln J uly at M11rine "Theae." ht adrled. "are the at"· Corpe Air Station, Cherry P onlt quired characte"Ptat1c1 which re· N.C .. wu attt'nded by over 3500 11erve training 11etk1 to develop." M•rtn• air reurvl1t1 from the eutem aect\on of th<' naUon. For the ntxt two wffkll tht11e "M.lnule Men of t.he Air" "';II Reed Comments Bric. ~neral Arthur F. Bln· 1u:y. commander. Marin<' Air Re· •erve Training, who arrived he~ from hi• headquarter• tn Glel'I· vt,.w. 111. early thla wttk. con· lratul11le<\ th' aquadron per.on· nel tor "the prf'cl11ion-llke m&n· nf'r rn which tht a irlift wu han•llNI " be practlclnf( time-tested bUlc Ch 1 military 1..-0l\I and learnln« new on rys er technique. to enhance the tie· fenlive potentla l of the country. 1 s I u • CL4881lOOM W ORK a es psw1ng Battle-temted pilots who rr· Mu"' C'\l'O Moorr. him lrt.t.r. WHrlng-the tJUe of "Ml•• Ma· rine Air R,.serve • t9M". a dded • note of H~lywood glamour to thr srrtval. Thrt•UJ"hflut the Afternoon thP plan,.i< w,.re arrl\'tng For r.tv· n 11I houri< lhl'I<' was a t'C\ratant pat tf'rn nr c1rcllntc 1urcra ft ovrr this a ir 11t11llon. tc~cated bttween member Ouadalcanal and rwo JI· Continuing lhek 1tt'ldy rlat, ma. and pllou who havt j ust re-u lea of 19~ Chryslull and Jm· cenlly won their w ing• wlll 1pend pert&Js for thl" last 10 daya or lonr hours In their clauroam• In July. Ills~ increue<f more than the •ky. They will Jeam mort' i8 P<'r cent over tht 11t.me period about elOH air aupport. tht ~ta· a year ago, and m ore lhan 24 rinu' "Sunday punch.'' per cenl over the pr,v10111 ten They will practlc7f' aerial gun· day period. Lou Reed. Joca ldf'a.I· 11ery -again•t dron<'a t..nd towed day period. Lou Rttd, local deal- ------------------------------er. ••Id today. TRI-CITY GROUP MEETS TO DISCUSS INCORPORATION WF.STMINSTl!!R IOCNS\ 1111th more c:ontrtbutlons promi81'd Mo\'lng "',th 11 11plrlt of comm11· In th• near future. Ple1111ed with the Jelleroua re.wpon11t', Hann11 11lt y cnoperallon, 12 C'lvlr leader• u ld ··now we un real~ tcrt tn trom \\'1'1tmln•ter. Midway City work to tron out our problem'" and Barhu Clty met F'riday noon Alao pro~ at ll'lt mH tlnsr t<'I lm t1att " mo1·,. to dete'QT'llne w u a plan to lnc:orport.lP C11r- \hl' f utlirf' '111t11l' nf the trt-clty df'n Gron and the Ui·rity 11.rt>a Into one large cit.'' Falhl'r R<'lb· arta 111 a n Independent commu· ert Ro... Hanna. Lew Wl11iam1 nlty. and otheni a111<> vniC'~ 11pprov11t TIMI p oup wu emphlllk 111 Ila of th!Ji plan. "But It W<)\lld still e ndeavor tn coopualt fully wtth mean we nttd a profeM1onal ~ur· all re.-1d1'nti< nl tht llr<'• to llffk vey ot what each Mmmunlty hlUI wha t w111 btllt fnr th,. commu-to offer the nthl'r," H11nn11 ~al<1 n lty u a wbolr Father Ro11• delltJmaltd 11 AAm· Their purpoee boll~d down LO pit "larser city" boundaries to two apec1(1c a rtu of 11ud~-. lnC'Ulde th• Ammunll1on 0 1'pot on JO'ir11l. to serurt 11 plan or lt'lf· tht wut. Hsrbor Blvli. on lht> detu m1nat1on a..~ lC\ wh11t f\lture ellll. Kattll Ave. to the norlh s ovemment .,..;u repr111enl the snd 8melt1ter Ave t.o the 11011th, C'Ommunlty anll tlli• wa11 divided Ml'<'ff TO OYFT.R 11110 thrf't' l!Jlf'cltlc point• Gale EJll11. 11lttlng In nn t 11 .. THRF.~ Pl.A~!' mttllnir u a rf'~M,.nt of G11r1ll'n E1thf'r th" lrl·rlty are11 lnror· Grove. aatrt he thnoght holh rnn1- rora te 1u 11 atrarate unit. annex munltlu h111l murh tn offrr """h to 11n t1tl11tin11 r1ty. nr C"noptrate olhtr Tri-city h111< ~nv11lusbh• w1th al1jn\mnf( cnmmunltlea to rroperty Ht u1c1t fO 1m'lu11tn11I Incorporate lntC\ nn' l•rge w•t tltvelopmf'nt, while 01' t'n Grnvt Oranl(f C'nunty r1ty r11n nfftr t'llrf'llf'nl b1111lnt'1111 an Thi' io,.rnnt1 r111n ltr In 11r ttr· .11hopt1 In \'lllUe to the t ntlN' rnm· mint th" lndlll!I ru'l potenti\1 ()( mun It~·" thl' C'nmmumt\• are'a undt r •tudy F.11111 al110 •l1tlt>d that 11. bill "1~ and "11pf'nrl the nKI'"'"" m on<'y I already In lh" m1tk•n1t In thl' to rtrvelor th11t potent111r" 1 1!\atl' le~slaturt whu~h In 11 frw Chambf'r of C"ommercp Pru l· year• may f(ive tbc> county po1•:l'r dt'nl Dirk HMnt. of \.\'l'!!lmlnl!lt'r lo com<' lntCI \hilt are" 11nd tlf'· •111 hi' thnui:ht thf' arfa "should mand that nur C'ommun11v rt\hf'r havt pr(l(u11onal 11dvt~• trom 11 Incorporate o r be 11nnu!'d tn 11t1rwV •r~lallirt to find out what I 11<>me ('lt ht>r C'lty." tht ad\'A ntait"' and dl11t.d\•antasu AitTl'<'lng w ith lhla HA.11na &tat- W<'rt' in -fnrmlnf( 11n ln('nrpor11tf'd fl<! th11t "If we don't cto l!Om<'· dty In thii< 1trra I thlnir about mcorporsllon now. ('O\l)UT1'£1: ~A.\fED somebody else .,.ill " He w1u rt-ferrtng tn annt :1111Uon b\' An•· Ai:l'ffment waa unan1mou• and , helm, Santa Ana and th; u l- a lempot11ry exf'Cullve ('ommlllte blllty or Long BeaC'h !Ind ~htr of four men Wt.I formed to makt' ~ommun1t1u to th• wut bl!in ronta1 t.11 .,..1th a f,.w profffl'Tonal l abl• to crou C'Ountv hnti1 tn ! 1urvt~·or~ new anneiratlon la~· betnir for· Those on th• rommlttM lnclud-mutated In th• •tat I I Ruawll John90n. chairman. and • "111 llun Jamu R All<'n, Wut.mtnatn. POTl':STIAL RIOH wu named t~uuru. T'Vl·o olh<'r Han-y W•lner. Wutmlnater. c-omm ittu mtmbere are B 111 laid "th• trl·clty arwa le •tt'Ol'ld Wright Wutmlnlter and Okie Ill °'9 county a.a fat-aa tndWltri&l Hanna.' · J>Ot•U&l ,... conc•rnt>d.' Ellie Stru.ing the need for f\n&nclal edded "but It :rou don't !10 aom~ .. clrl.nf In UV. encieaYOr. Hanna thlr11 about It eoon. t he l&nd wtll uked the rroup for ~ ctonau.m be tua.dl.tded. A city p!Anninc to b9ek th• pro~ plan. CClllUr\Jetdoa la lb• only )O(al go•· lt wouJ4 bl UMd u a Maia •mment ~t ean protf't't that tor ~pnnlnir th• .Ul"W'f'Y •'We'n land f~ ~ 110nlnl(. Th• &'(It to haVT money In ·b&clll of county do8 not proteC't th.at ua bltort we C'&n bt(in to work now." IM edct.d. Ml any llOUnd plan." Hanna -.Id. W IDlt.lm&lal Of populatJon In the ISM Mll'En e9tmiNler ar.a ..,1thln tM I nat ,, .. Y"•re Y.'111 rurh fl() 000 In rt-llr••nl'f' 11 total nf '"°I poe11lbly moo. •C'C'ordtn,. to ' th~ wu r•1,.d 41.irtn& th• m .. uns rroup Dealel'3 dellvrred •869 new c-ara to oW1M'ni durtnc ~ lat.t JO day11 ot J uly. 196~ C'ompared with 2723 car11 for tile nme pe· rlod In l9M -Ail'increue ot 78.8 Pf''" C'tnl. Th111 repruenta a 24 8 pl'r cent lnrrea11t over aalu fnr lhe prt'Cedmir lO-l111y pf'rlod. he tt'poMtrl. Dt'llvtriu for J ul\', l9:S:S total· <'ct 13.398 car11. mor<' than 83 per r ent abnvt the 8.209 llellvered In the 1111ml' r~rind In 19M .. Dl>l11·trrr~ for the r ut seven month11 ot l9M'> were at l.h.e hlj(tl· <'~l po~t-war rat!' v.1th lO:S.368 r.va going to bu\'er11 betwHn Ja.n. 1 and J ulv it. Thia la a 72.9 per c,.nt ln~rt'Ue ov<'r aalu fnr the 11amt' ptriod laitt year. Rl'etl Hiid. Plrallrhng lhe rtcord aalu trrnd. Chrysler D1v110ion of Chrv· 11ler Corporation 1s nL!hing 1n- M11ll11llon of m achinery rn 1t11 ultra -modern new i2o.ooo.ooo body pl11nl which when In O!><'r&· lion In a few WHktl ,,.,II lnC'l'elll'e rroctucltve potl'nlial by 40 per rl'nt to mort than l 200 t'11n per d&y. .. LEGAL NOTICE ('F.RTTFIC'ATE OF Rl"Sf1'~S~ ~AME Tht under1lpied gtnt ral Jlt.rl· nt'rs ot tht> firm hert'lnaft.er dee· lirnatl'<I tlo hereby cc>rtlfy u fol· Iowa: Fl""d \' N . Ellis. htr•lofore a 1iteneral p11rtnrr thettln hu wlth· <lrswn from the pertner .. hlp by C('lmmon C'oni<tnl fnr the purpoae of en~1r1ng In other b111lnf'fl11 en- ltrprfae.s The firm name 11ntl 11tylP of tht Co-P&.rtne!'!!hlp belng conductt'd by tile under111gned 1.11 El.LIS BOAT REXTAl.S Said firm ts rompo11ed or J ohn Brl.tbln of 2802 Coaat Highway. Newport Beach. Ca.llfomta and St•nlty 0 , Brl•bin ot 712 Malabar Or .. Nt'wpc>Tt Beach. Callfnmla. Wltn111 our ha.nda thll 28 day of July, 1966. STANLEY G. BRISBL~ JOHN BRlSBl.:-: STATE OF CALIFORNIA OOUNTY OF ORANGE 1a1 Thi• ll day of July, 1~. l>"r· eonally appeand befon> the un- dent(Md Notary Public John Brit.bin and Stanley G. Brtabin. kJIOWTl to me tc be the ~l'90nl wboM nam• are 1ubacr1t>M to UI• within documtnt and ac'ltnow- led~ed t o m• Ul at th•Y executed t.be .me H. R . Ring N OUl')' PllbMc ln and for .ud Count.y and State M.1 Commillltoll IClrptr9 Oct. 30. ltM Hf'. 902 N~-"""- Ill. I . 11, 22, Jeet Courtney & Lester 1596 Newport llvd., Costa Mesa PIM111 Liberty 1-1197 ---~~----: :. ~ ,:::." :.~~~ MAIL THIS COUPON 1 -----------------------------· a.. I SEID -.... el 4 lfACOM ............ .t .... :.... I .. (CMl'Ole I ... 11'0 I -11 HY~ Wtt\lr ••••I .... lwll I • ~ -·-~·"·••' ; ...... ~' I • Piii£ • <1"-----"a'•--~· -' TOllY I ,..,... • ' ·~°'" • AOOft t )~-------------------------------------------~-~~-------------------~