HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-29 - Newport Harbor News PressHAllOI WIATHB "--• , .................. .... Barller ..... '""' 111ctii... Tu"llday, Aur. n . . .. 10 M ,l\'ednMday, Aur. H .. 71 14 T'hur9d&y, AU(. 26 ··-70 ff Friday, A\llf. 21 .......• 71 114 Saturday, Au,. 27 ... Tl M . . 48th YEAR-NUMBER 60 lkanday. Aus. n _ ... •• M Mollday, Aq. 2t ...... M U NEWPORT BJCACR, CA.LIJ'O~ KONDAY, AUGUST 28, lOM PBOD RARBOa 1818 Thorobred Horse Race Track Set! ! 11 ESCAPE DEATH IN SPEEDLINER· ·SINKING County Fair Grounds in Costa Mesa Dates Sought Elev!'n men were aaved tn>m afttr thtlr near-drowning exper· a watery death Saturday 1whe.n ienc!'. They ,.,.ere t1naUy broug-ht the flahlnr boat Spefldllnmr. out In on the boat laland Lady and of Balboa Pavilion. aank I mUea landed at Port Oran~!'. off lht eut e11d of C&t&llna I.a· The two men who 11Wam ashore land. were C. R.o11a Bumat!'ad and lrv· Etrht of the men '1'.re. mem-Inf Mayer of Lockhe.ed. Lock· bertl o( tht LO<'khePd Air M11n- 1 heed mf'n ta.kl'n from the w11ter agement Club 11nd the other wert Arthur L. Lien, Robert three w .. re crtwmen. Gan(llted, "Ray 0 11good. Clifford Speedhner, a 40-n . <'ratt, wu Mell. Joaeph Wlliwm and Tf'd J . property of J. 0 . Hiii. 2114 Weal 8 1echner. Member• ot the crew 10th St . Ssnta Ana. according included Capt. Donald Montgom- to thl' Coa~t Guard. ,.ry, Nicholas de Mattie11 and The Cout Guard r'port lhowa [ DQnald i.ykow1kl. that SpeedllnH beg-an taking 1 Catalina touriata on the excur· wa ler which pumps could not Ilion boat Blanch• W, had thr control. l!O the men donned life I added thrill of taklnr: part ln Jack•t11 and jumped overboard. ru cue. Capt. Marcel Hemand Two ot thPra 8WaJ1\ a.ihore to the reported hl• boat wu ftndln( Island a nd the other. wer• pick· f'leal• on the rock• tor pauengeN' ed from the water by pusing d!'lectation-when he •lghted lhl' Thorobred honeraclng on a track to ~ built by the 31t h Agrlcwtural District on the Or"nge County Fair· grounds, Coat& Meaa., eeemed a.uured for Orange County today. Application bu been made for race datee by a com· mittee ot Agricultural DUrtrict Directon chairmaned by Roy Edwards of Oran(". la being paid 19 per cant of th• Accordl!!Jr to information re· (!'ON by the De.I Mar coetract celved by the N!'wport Harbor operator.. , Newa-Preu the tslr board h&1 Dfrectora ol the 0ralll'• Coun· been propoaltloned by Fna.nk Vea· (C-t&Jnwd -,... a. Put D ) 11, opera.tor or the-Lo• Alaml· j craft. • .. two men who had awum aahorr. I.nate•• et being returned lm· 1 In tht n3t three ho11r1 he and medlate.ly to Newport ~ch ao h111 crew picked up the other1. they, could retum to their homl'1, I""' said that heavy aeu break· the men did not reach the main-lnjt over Speedllner were more land until after 7 o'clock yealer-1 than the boat.a pump• could han· day ewnlnit. more than 24 hour11 die. to1 QtISrter HorH Track, for a contract to 11t11gt the racl' event tor the C'ounty talr organization. Co1ncil Meet Park Today The proposal 111 almllar to one under whkh the Del Mar Race on Track operator• •tare their clll· tndar on the sro11nd1 ot the San 01 .. go County F&tr. RACES IS COl'NTV SALUTE FROM THE MAJUNF.S -For Costa Mesa mu.cular d)'9trophy victims Tommy, right, and John· ny, lett, the El Toro Marine Corpt band not only played "Happy Birthday" for Tommy Hagerman, c.elebnt.inchil 13th birth~ anniveraan Friday, but Major Don Kramer of the reserves presented him with a birthday cake. Behind J ohnny is Mra. Willella Ha- german, courageoua mother of the 1tricken boya. -Staff Photo by Bill Phillipa ~ew Mesa Park Plans Underway as Finances Block Completion Arcording to Cl1ty Kellogg ot O&rdrn Grove th!' Orang!' Coun- ty Fair I• !'ntllled to a two-wf'fk race event H eh year. Upon the be.111 ot percent&fM reaervl'd to the fa!r out of race operation•. lh• A(Tlcultural D11lrict would be auured a l2 per cent protlt on all money taken acro111 the board•. Kellogr aaya It 11 hi• be- lief I.be kn Dleeo Falr Dlatrlct An adJomf'd meeUnr of New· port Be.uh City Council t• Ml for 4 p.m. torl1y to <"on-Ider new plans for U1e municipal trailer park. The plans will be prUCll'lted by a commlttl'e mcludinc Council· men Gerald Bennett &Ad 8tanl1y Rldderhof, City Mana,..r John Sallon1 and Clyde Beebe, ....utuit city en(lneer. Th• pia.n. abow a proposed enlarpment of Uw t.rall· er J>Vk and dlvlaloii of lb• park fro'!' an adjoining publJc beach. TOMMY THRILLED BY TREMENDOUS PARTY From Mayor to Marines. All, Enloy Lad's Bia thclay Fete 87 BILL PlllLLIP8 Little Tommy H&Jerman who a week ago couldn't even I•• 1...--...... cake for h.la birthday, Friday bad not one, but tlx aft.er OCNS and the Newt-Preas revealed plight of the m\&8CUlar dyatropby victim lo all Southern California. !'or a boy celebrating bia 13th birthday anniveraary, it waa a pretty tr-emendowi party put Tommy a nd J ohnny weren't on In the patio of hi• court real· the only •lrlc!len perll<>na who «knee a t •O ·A Jeth at.. coeta were thrilled by the birthday par· ty . Ja.mH Swartout, 10. ot 12887 M-. Oc:ctd!'ntal St., Santa Ana Gsr· ltnjoytn1 It a loor with him den1, alao a mu.cular dystrophy wu h11 almllarly dtubled l~ victim. appeared, bnnRin1t a prea· year-old brother J ohnny and h la enl tor Tommy. Re11ldlng acroaa heroically able Mother Mn. Wll· th!' court from the HAgerman re· )ella Ha r•rman, atartled a t the sldence w .. W iley Skinner, mlllly Midden attention be•towed upon year1 older t han thr honored Mr hard·pre1111ed little family, b?;\'S. F lat In Ix-ct 1111 result ot a Tommy'• birthday party wu attended by Mayor ot C~ta Me· -. Claire Nel110n. and the poller chl .. t, too. Art McKl'n&le There wa1 a Cherokte Indian In tuJI repha. war bonnet and all. a nd there wa1 a cowboy who ga ve Tommy a 1lx-~n. and a ma(i- e lan who pulled a war arrow out af the red1kln a nd pre•nted It to Tommy. MARINES MARCH IS And there were the Marine!'. the El Toro Marine COfl>ll b&nd, who came 1wln1ting amartly tnlo th• patio led by the (!rum m•Jor. their bis horna and trumpeh a nd drum• glta.mlnc In the 1un. to pi.y "Happy Birthday To You:" Wllat more could a boy want ! B<llh Tommy and J ohnny. un· awue of tht advanced st&l't" of their ternble dl•ea.se, have SA1d: "We want to be Marlne11 when we irnw up." Friday, Tommy waa made honorary member of Ula 10th Rlfi• Compeny of Seal Beach M.artne Bue. u well u Mnorary deputy marahal by O.p. Manha! Ja. Montoya of Or11.nr;e· 8anta Ana Judicial D111tr lct . More U1an 1000 lettera and sift.a pour•d ln on the boy111. Most Of Ula prHtnla were book1 and pm•. but there weno al!IO gift.~ lib a TV Ht preffl'lled by 8Nr1 llotlluelll:. But& .Ana. and a radio Ill the form of a hqe otflcl11l .,.._b&U from Banta A na YMCA Boy1' Depart.men!, which alao -t a trampalln team to m tel'- tam at TammJ'• party. strokP II'• years ai:o. Skmner ha•I to employ 8 hnnrl mirror to toll ow the actlviUu ouulde. A!lPl'llring w1lh the Ma rini' bantl ft om r"serve 8Q\11tdronJ< eml· mg twn-we<>ks t1111nm g At El Toro w<'I P C'nl. Robert B. Moore, or the itl'n.-rst 11taff 11t lhr :->a~sl Air Station, 11nJ Capl. P11trick Bn1rknsm with th!' MArme Air Rcllrrv~ Training Command, bi>ar· Ing 11n armful ot g111ly wrapped pre,.t>nl11 for Tommy 11nd J ohnnr . Anrt h•lrr ~f1tJOr Onn Kr11 m<'r from C'nlumbu!I, Oh1u, 11pp,.s red ~artn1r a hugt> b1rth1trw rnke WO~fES ASSl~T · Alwa,.y11 In lht' b!l<'k~rounrt. be· hm•I 1J1r wheel rhalr11 or T11mmy lllld J ohnny 1u1d srrvinlt' &nct l\S- s1stlng the 11nx10U!I Mr11 Hs~er­ man. wPr!' four lad1e" from 1 h" Mu11rul1tr [lyslrnph~-A11<1nc1at1nn or Amei-ira. Or 11n jle County Chaptt'r: MrM. .lo Annr Str!'I. M r• Lois D. Smith, Mr,.. J oe Sm· nott ""I :\l rs Dorolhy 1'1chol11. <'hn1rman 11( t he plllll'nt 11erv1re prn1nsm A1din~ with lhe opening or pnrkaj:el! Willi llllM Bemire F.yrl'. a wh'cl chair pat11•nt frnm El111nor whn 1ervel' 118 11ecr,t11ry of a rf'Al e~t•te firm. And thrr" wu complPte rov· e1 it~e M the OC<'ll!lt<>n by R3ct10 KWIZ 11 lon~ wllh tel!'\'ls1ori t·am· eramf'n 1111ct th,. f vf'r popping nuhblllhlO nf ntW!lpllpl'r photo· gT8phl'rt1 But •II in 1111. ju11t iu Mayor Nel90n proC'llllmed. It w1a Tom· my·a d11y. MRS. HAGERMAN THANKS 1HARBOR FOR PRESENTS C. L. Plummer Suffers Bums in Grill Fire Man Eneloped 111 Fire a1 SolYut Sprays Over Him Chari .. L. Plummer, 111 now- er St.. Co.ta M-. la la Hoes B oaplt&l ln critical ccmaJUOn buma autt'~ Saturday alter· noon when he a ttempted to atart a fire in a crill wttb 80lvent. Plummer haa tint, MCond and poulbl• third degree bums, ac· cording to the ho1pltal a.nd It will probabJ be 11tvena.l daya be· tore he wUI be out of danger The buma eonr a lar,. pa.rt of hi• body. YOU CAN'T HAIDL Y GET THAT NO MORE Theft ot aom• 60-yaar-old liquor, two palr. of trouu,.. 11nd three or four alllrta from a locker at th• Ne'lrp<>rt Har- bor Yacbt Club wu reported to pol6ce Y•tuday by Chari• L. Tanner of Lo• .Ancetu. DA MOVES- liquor Trio Wins Court Dismissal BJ I AC& BOETl'Nl:ll SANTA. A.NA. (OCNS) -lu- perlor Court J udge Jl'ranklln O. Weal F riday tllamlued a con· 11plracy-to-obltruct-Ju11Uee ch&rre against Herman Pauae, Arthur Gordon Eldred and Takeo Take· All Coat& M•• Park board can hope for on It.a new MeM parlt .tte at Ula 'Mid of Vkltoria SL thl11 year la to pt a cenera.1 plan •tarted. Chairman Arthur H. Mey· '"' revHled today. "We have on· ly $0000 to work with thl• y .. r." Meyer upla.lned. But th• board hopea to made the e.3-&er• trlancle, boWlded by Santa Ana River, fence It and l'"l water on It ln order to atart planting thlnp. TheM were the conclualou arrived at Saturday momln1 after th• board mam· bera and Coel& M-Park l!IU· pertntendent L. J:. Shotwell went over th• new park ptan. a 1 drawn wtth Supenta« Hein& KalMr, "nNE LOCATION .. "It loou lllte a nry tin• 10- oallon tor a park," Meyera re- ported 1rter the group toured lb• Ill!' Saturday. "It afford.a a beaul1f1JI v1-. and lt'1 level. With all the wbdh111lon1 mlllh- roomln1 &round I(. the park wtll be quite well wed." Amons long ranre p1an1 for the new park, M•yer1 uld. are the laytn1 out of a new bue· ball fl•ld for Harbor area boys: an archery range; and an open place for fire•. Board member Wendell Picken•, Ora nre Cout Colleg• diamond coach who work.a Plummer waa t.ryln1 to help a briquel fire cH 10111.-taster by pouting a aolvent t-ontalnlng a lugh pt>rcentac• ot denatured al· cohol on the coala. He aay• ht' Wllll 11tandlnc about four f e • t from th• namea when the ca.n explodl'd blowinc out the bottom and throwing the 11olv1nt over h111 clothi ng. H• rolled In looae dlrl to put out the namea and a neighbor, Robert Lewta, 132 Broadway, conred him "'1th a blanket and called the police who 11rnl an ambularice to t.aka Plum· mtr to the hoapltal. omcen 0. E. Gregg &nd LM L.e.1ter re- 11pot1<lt!d. Duane and Laverne Lew- is. al110 helped their father put ou• the namea. The can wa1 blown iS feet. koshl. Dist. Alt Ro ....... rt Kn"land with the Harbor Boys' Club Mid· y. """ pt bueball lell~ea during the Mesan Booked on Burglary, Narcotic Rips mond to dltml.. the ~hara'• "In 9Ummer. will go over plana ror furtherance or jusUce. the ball park w1lh Kalaer and an Judger We.at had MJled a ml•· architect aoon, M~yerm aald. trlaJ • l~r what he tenned a The archery ranrr .. pictured "pre-Judicial and Improper quea-1 on the muttr plan ' wm be lo· lion" had been uked a wltneu ca ted at the toot '0 r the rtver by ProaeC'utor Stan Gould bank If wtnda artn't too (Te&t Judge We11t ordered ball bond• Ill tha t area. Meyera ll&ld th.II vconerated for Pau11e, auapended rem.a lned to be decided. Shotwell liquor control officer. and Tak'· waa clwn permlalon by the koshl. l.os AngeJe11 bualne111man. Eldred will bl' returned tonlg-ht to Chino Prison where hf' I• do· Ing a lon1t sentrnce on l(T1Uid thl'ft 11nd fori:ery <'anvict1ona. Kneelsnd '"let he had 1t1nn the Cl!~ "8 g rea t dul Of thought." The J'Oft-11poken di•· trlrt attornev arlded. "I dn teel I shoulrt ~'"' tht.'I m behalf of ~tr. G•lUltl H,. may have-be!'n a little o\'er l'nthuataalic &t tlmu . I drm 'l know. He worked hard. \\'p <ll!ICUlll!f'd m11ny 1911Uf'll Ill h• went alnng "\\'e wPnt ovrr the question J nl\n Armand Grimes. 2~. of that ltd In mistrial and I a p- 239'• Ro<'heat'r St . Coata Men. prov"d It in :o1ub11tance." wu bookf'd by local police on The quratton w hich Gould put l!lllfliclon nt hurp:lary and vlol11· to witnr11io P11ul Angl'llllo, A Lo• lion nf hulth &nd u.tety code Ang!'leio al tornf'y who reportedly Sat11rdA \". Hr I• being hrld In repre1111nte<l Tak<!kt)Sht In liquor Nf'wport Jatl pending arraign· llc1>n11e tran1111ctlon1. wa1 "Have ment 1n Newport Ju!!lt1ce Court. you hcsrd nt or .,.,. you aware Grimes rrportedh· admlttrrt nC the fa<'I that on March 2~. l'l!'11llng $7 f1om the pun!' of l 1!154, Mr. T11krkol'hi u a 11p1c:lal M n . Geor1te Wells or Cabena• 1111mim11tratur In the utat• ot M&nn&11 and ~verly H iii!!. Thr KohPI W11.tan11bp riled a faltfl and purtoP wal' in a cabanu occupll'd fr1111rl11lt'nt 11~·co11nling ot the ••· by M111. w,.11,. She aald 11h• ob· t11te" servrd the 1u1pect enter hu -------------- 11psrtmeot. «'hl'C'k of Crimes· car. they Mid Gnmet1 waa apprehended by po· they found " narrotlc kit hldde11 Hee aeveral mlnutu la ter In a unct~r the •l1111h board of the car. nearby trailer park. HI' told or-I Ottlcers 11sld It cont&Jned an eye t1C'tn he thrrw the money aw"'' 1lroppl'r. hvpodermlc needle, burnt When police m11 rte a routine 11poon 11n1I whl(e cotton . GrlmH ollegt-•llY 11dn11t ted uwn•nhtp of Shafer Named in thP n81 C'Ql1C k1t Mn. WWeUa Bafwman, ca.lied day partv. Tommy waa 13 Fmlav. fefM!ft Co rt s •t V.. Newport Harbor Newa·Prua l Oran~; co11ntton1 tn· the e<'n;e ef'"1VV II UI He ss.•ert,.cll\• told offi<"e.ra ht h•• Ul'l'd n11 rc nt :c !I for tht p&ll four Y•'IH• and hPro1n for thrff boud to plan the open area for tlrea. ''Thll will be out.Id• tht ahe.ltu hOUAe where tolktl can roe.at marahmallowa and· hold wee.nl• bllkea," Meyara reported. ''There'• no w ch faclllUea a t Ooeta .M ... Park." BOARD ON TOUR Meyera ad.dad that a few lhlnC• In regard to the park were auireated for further atudy by the board. Memben of the board wllo made the tour Satur- day were Mn . C&lla Veile, Hu(h Da.Yla, PlekCl.I and Meyera. They 1NN accompan.lad by Shotwell ad Ka!Mr. 'nM property -purdl&Md at a coat of Aa.tlO from SandJ J'. aad MA)'bell B. Macltay under a contract cantnc tor J2000 down and three yearly payment• 1tart· 1nr tn ltcie. HARBOR SCOUTS SEE JAMBOREE, GM PLANT BJ LYN llA.llTON place ol the other one 80 we are DETROIT. MICH. -(~l&yed) lr&Yelln( tn 9ty1e today. We are -We arrived at th• Jamboree aow located at U.. GM technical about 7 :30 Thunday momlnc and eentw tn th• outak:Sru of O.troll. t.hat wu at Ntqara on U.. lake. LUNCB AT P~'T Tber• -re about 1a,ooo Bcouta We haft a pubUo re11t1on11 lb~R from cou.nld• all O'ler the ~ W'itla WI Wbo ii OUT (Uldl'. world. General Motors bad a rNeU lun· The kldtl bad to haft In'*"-cfteon tor ua, we bad lunch with pretera and tbey t.al.lu1d to ruya. Ute plant manapr A. R. R<>•klllv I iueu. from 10 or Ill dltfel"lf'lt and th• operaUon.a m•nl.l'er or countrle. and tried to trade the c-r lll'ld ule dlvl1lon, \'. Cork ells Na med ltema, trade patchea, trade h.ata. Taylor and ltere th• bo,., got to The JUY• loet their bell• th•lr -th• rear axlea of the Chev-• •UM s • ahlrta, e.verylhlnc. tryinl" to trade. rolet pa-.ncer car be.Inc aaM>m· In ..,..., Ult Thry really got a rood exJ)4'rl-bled. 1t doean·t aound like It'• tnn I rncl' and w• Wl'rt there the but •itcillnir but we found out thnt SA!l:TA ANA !OC!"Sl -Da.m-part ot the .day. Talk~ to Bill It 11 rully a l(OOd UllnK to ""'' area totallln1 mor!' than $5000 Spur1eon and 'l)'lpll'tt from Co-and 84!1' how the uaembly hnt, were IOUf:"hl airalnat a Balboa I rona de.I Mar and talked to a.II 1''0rk. We are now a t the techn•· man and hia aon Friday In a lht California boy•. Had a real cal centn an<1 we tlnrt out th11 complaint tiled In Supf'rlor Court gond time. Un<ler11tanrt they •N th18 11 a. h ighly clualfled f>I~"· here. I due b11ck home the 30th. ON TO ('HICAOO 1'nmf'd del!'nd&nt11 were Earl :SOW AT EXPO~ITIOS GetUng lo 11ee Joli or archi· 0 . Cnrk•lt. 304 Buena Vl!lt11. 11nd Thry arr now at lhe Canada lecture but we aren't able to iro hi• "°" Thomu C Corkett. Thl' Expo•1tlon wttlch 111 being hf'ld Into a ny ot the laboratorlt11 be· plaintiff wu Harold Benl'dict. no 111 Toronto. Ontario. Can&da . We <'•use we could 1ee too much co· addre111 (1ven. I rouldn't 11tay b«au1e we had to In~ on. Boye now &re aeelnc a Btntdlct claim• he wu 1truck btl here thh1 mornlnjt. Y.·e arrlvrd movie on Ornernl Moton1 while by the youn1er Corkett'• Blkl' here lat!' la8l night, and then I &m makln1t tl'l1• rail. Th• alte July l 1111 hi' walked acr o111 Bal· Cdnt>ral Moton th111 mornlnr met Is located on about 823 acr"•· boa. Blvd. belwttn Palm and ua &nrl wr had a tour of the KUr Very ultra modrrn archlttttur ... Adami Sb. He a11.wrta the deten· &nd axle d1vl111on snd then the You ~ttl JUlll like you wer• 1n dant wa1 operatlnr hl1 vl'hlcte 1 forgP planL ot the <.:hnrolet De· another world. That klnd of neitllg-f'nlly. Benedlrt 11eek11 dam· 1 troll factory. They have jl'lven ua brin1r11 up to th!' pruent. Golnr; ar;e• for permonal lnjurle11. a nrw Chevle s\atwn waiton In LO Chic&l(O tomorrow. .nd OCNI today to "thank the reaponlll'IJ lo the phiht of lhe SANTA ANA IOCNSl-Hom•r .... oC °""I• Co\lnty tor 1n&k· youni•lN•. MarinM t1 om t:I Toro &: Shafer of Newport ~ach Ill( 'l'oalmJ'• bl~~J party such Nnt pr.-aenta and lh<' El Toro Thunlday wu named defendant a ~ eYm L , I bMe bead. Enterta1nt'r• trav•led I In a I~ penon&l iajury dam-n. mot!wr ol U -year-o&d Tom· 1 to tl\41 acetle \o pntl"f'nt nerythinl" &(ti Ill.Ill n1~ In lup4trior Court •Y. doomed u UM ruult of mua. from ma.(lo ahow• to Jndie.J'I h News-Pren Clrculatlon Today 5832 Cople-. TOP JUNIOR ANGLERS.FOR HARBOR wJllr d,.t~hJ, Mid th• youth ,.daJICM er•. aa4 tua equally-Ill t&-y•r-old ' CharlN t... Dtckey, no Mldrf'NI ~. Johnny, were "atlll OJ>Pn· Six huire c:Uee we~ donatfd, 1t1v1n. bro\l(hl th• action. H• 11\C ta... They an atUI .,... a.lo~ ""'llh many prr1ent1 Over blamea Shaler tor a colllldon ot rtvu::-' 1000 tMrthda y card• wer• rf'<'tlYed 1 tl\ejr can Apr11 6 on c.oui H trh· ,,._-two boya weN fated VI •I b7 ttle two lad.I. way bet-n Newport B...tl a nd lane IMrUld&y party which bloe-Mre. H&(trlD&n -.Id th• two ... , s.ad\. eomed from .,, OCN8 rf,,.latlon ~·outh• •·ani atilt orenJfl« pre9el'lta. I Dickey ._rt• Shafer dmw IA.It .,.k I.Mt neither ot Ute And l h<'y have all the ne1Jhbor• •hi• vehicle rare1-1, anct nt!Jll• ........... M4 nw had a birth· bood J'owip&4n MJpu'lc Ulem." ,_.._ Trophy winnert al Balboa Anillnc CJub'1 annual junior angle.rt' tournament awarda praentation were th-younptera above. Fint high girl WU Jean a.ti, Sierra Madrt, with 18 YarieUes of tiah : .econd biih pri, Nancy Hoffman, Corooa de1 Mar. 10 varie· U.. John Lant.ow, Lons Beach. kneeling behind t.ropbJes. wu tourney wirlaer with 2' varieties or ... Al9o --....... 10 !UP •tluta, it.wart --- Betz, Newport Be~ch . Richard Walker. Balboa : Frank LoPre1ti, Arlington. Terry Tr1mblf', <.Arona del Mar : Larry Robsn80n. Balboa : Denn11; Caq wntcr and Kirt Hall, both Newport.: 8 111 W1thr rHp<111n, ~an J3emar- dino : Jack Carpenter. !';ewport. and Hl52. '53 and '5t junior champion• ret1pecl1vely, Pi-te MeKton, Balboa lala.nd and Andy G!')odwin :.nci Rnbf-rt Ragi-r, both Newport Beacb. -Kent Hitchcock Photo . ' HI. Hll.O. ALOHA -The Hilo, Hawaii Boys' Club championship L ittle League t eam a r r i\'ed for an O\'{'rnight visit at Harbor Boys ' Club Thunday. Like good h osls.'the Ha rbo r Blu<'~ dr opped a tight 3-2 Friday contest to the HawaiJan visit- ors. S<'t. for the a nt<' up process arc, from left : Capt. Ronnie J essee, Blues; Shell Ria nscet. <'XC·cuti ,·e d1 rel'lor. H ilo Boys· Club: Rod MacM lllian. ath letic director, Harbo r Roys' C lub: a nd Capt. C {'orge Miyash iro, Hilo. -Staff Photo FAIR HOAG FEMS ADMIRE LOOT The Hoac Hoepital DW'M8' ktllinl team m&Jl ed five trophiee 1n Thunday Mom- inC Early Bird Bowlin< Le&g\&e. J'rom left: Front row -Mns. Ro bert Lingo, Mn . Robert Allen, Mn. MarjoM Kelley &.Dd Kn. Clyde Meredith. Back row -Mn. Mar- garet Mo rria, Kn. Charlee Heath and KJu Patricia H en denon. Not pictured : Miu Sharon Houaehoul and Miu Carlyne Rosen . -Staff Photo · GRID LOOPS TAKE OVER I INVESTORS, I !Are You 60/c SEPT. 26 ~oc:":!n~are ~·• ha~ Windup of th• M1dgl'l V1'1:11" placed 6'"i-y;rst Mort1aae b11~t'b11ll te1urn11mrn1 1 111 . c.,~t• j i Loans for a pri\·ate money Mr1111 rark 1·e1mr f'l'ptt'mbt•r h11r· ICLil'ntcle from Coast . to. blnitr forma tion Of grid IU~Ul'I! 1Coa.. .. t. \\1(' offer a CO~ for m•mbeni of Harbnr Be1 v,.· 11 · i Club. Thi' Mli1~,.1 f(l(ltbllll ~.111 1 pl~te co llccuon •e r v c e start St'J'll. 28. I Without charge. Organisation of lta!JUH '11•111 be H followa: 4t h itr•d•. Fri· day1, 2:30 p. m.: !'llh 1rade. Mon· day1. 3:30 p. m.: 8th part• Tuu· daya l :IO p. m.: 7U) irnde. Wed· ne.clay. 1 :30 p. m.: Ith vade. Tue9d1ya. 8 :30 p.m.; hlfh 1chool. Wednuday1, t :30 p. m. ff'rlf" for Ir•• 4eM'rl,Hu. pomplllf't. 14•., "'6lr• lllO ,.,... 11011111 10/kifatk>"'· 1'ranaportatton from N-p o rt area achoola will be available on w .. tt ... '--'-• LM4lt 1am1 daya. Tha Boya' Club but lttalllllk4 "• will pick up boy1 at th• Horace "" N. ... St. • ., ..... ,., .. m• '-"'• ..... c.i1 ..... i. Enalrn Schoel on Tuelday and 0,1 .. 11 _ ., .. "'°''"' ... Wednelday &tternoon right after La;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;; ________ .. .chool. Boya mu1t talle a note to achooJ to aJlow them' to take the Boye' Club bu1. The boy1 .. -----------.. muat f\lml1h their own tran•por· tatlon home attn tha camaa at 6:16 p. m. Etchth irnd• and hlr h eehool IMIJUH wtU play under tbe a n'I. Saturdaya wtll be reaarvad for Intercity bueball play. IAVI IAFILY HARIOR to~ Parents. Groups Generous in Midget Ball Donations BILL PBUJJPS, Sportl lldltor PAGE 2. PART 1-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, Al16UST 29, 1955 TOURNEY TIME SOARS INfO WIND UP WfE-K Harber Boy1' Club broke even In unlfonn coall for th• aum· mer'a oullta.ndlng Midget League bueball program In the Harbor area and haa almo1t met baH· ball ~qulpmenl coet.a for the 1u- 80n. Tot11I costs of 99e T 11.hlrlll. 1119 pair ot b&84!ball hose. 1104 bue· ball cap• 11nt1 238 pair or pa.nts totalled $3014. Of th11t total. par· Pnt..o. 11nd civk groupa co,·ered $3011. Whf'n Mr. and Mr1. C !'\. Wella d Boy Jol~~rdle or the \\'tlla Rf'alty Company. Costa M•sa, Mldcet tourney time ln th• 1th• JoMre' category wn e the leAmf'd of a df'f1rlt In equlpm•nt Harbor area thnudered Into the flrat pla.ce Park Cuba, the aecond roita, they prtRt'nltrl • rh40r k for final Wffk of play with Ol\lY a place Park While &ox and Youth I $JOO wl\lch almoil met the total handtul ot team• left to vte tor Center Cube and th• fifth place cost. champlonlhlp honon. Th. • A Lea· Park Bray-. I Outst11nrllng contributors lo the CU• crown•be&rinC Gl&nta IUffV • Ouu t&ndlnf performancu In· bUf'ball uniform fund wtre: New ed theft ~ond defeat and were eluded a 7•1 no-hitter t!l9aed by p~rt Harbor A&.'lu•tanC'e LA>11,11f', 1ltmlnattd from competlUon l'r1· Johnny Ltfftnpell of th• Park N"""Port Harbtlr J unior Ass111t· day nJ(ht when Gary Plek1n1 of [Qian ta· a 1T&nd1lam homer by I the Bravea &hut 'tm out a-o. Kenny' Newland to atve the hlih \\"On the iame In lh .. third on Mea.ntlmt , tha red hot third 1 echool Olanta a JI.JI v.•ln ovtr four hll11 and 11n error for t hr"" place Card1n&.11 dumped the Red the Park While Box. and a 1nnd· run1. Slni;letona "'•re at1<lerl In Sox 2·0 behind Ea.rl Lewta' Mn· slam clout by Alan Sava1e or the ft)11rth on 11 Ill roll. muff 11nrl n tlonal no·hJller, and need only the B Olanta to 1park that 19·14 hit and In the fifth on a walk a "1ctory tonlfht at 1:30 p.m. victory over the Cube. Md hit. to aweep throufh Ula tourney Denny Flt.zpatrlck. 1'1111 Lorf'n· undefeated. A t11en and <.:11rl R"rit•ron smgled T!\rou1h Thur.,.·1 k tU•. tha DR W LUCK In the 11lxth ror lhe lone Harbor B LM.cu• tournameat had nv· tally. J"Jtzpatrlck and Berireron ance League, New·port Harbor KJ. wanl1 Club, Mr. and M r 1. Frank Au1tln, J amee B. Stoddard, Harry Fulwell~r. J1m11 Carroll. I Bob Campbell and Mr. and Mr1. Ttd Zuckerman. I Through eenn oslly of theee lnd1 vtdual11 &nd organlr.ationa, uni· I rorma wer• rum1a.htd 94 boys \\'ho coulrl not afford to p&y tor Rll er part or their diamonrl at· llrl'. Ready Mixed Con~refe In 1plte of ta. ~-• lillwr.._e \\'e Are Makin~ E\'f'fY Pouttil" F.ffort to 8atl•fy l lle Neec11 of Our Orow1n1 Commua lt)'. For Conc,...te -Call u .. At Or1n9• County's LHding Hom• Lendlnt Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 A ll Accounts Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Earn From the I st rowed t.o four cJuba. The t int I each collectl'd a pair ot bln1tle11. pla ce B National Dod&'•rl p t 'by IS AGAINST Roy Daniel got the other local I ' Ule AthJeUc1 M to 1tay In th• bash. loaera' bracket. Torup t at t :30 ------------- WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS WHERE BUCS WILL SWAGGER You 11,irhor area gml fans -here it is: A b ird'11 eye view of the lWlh new O range Coa~t Colic-~<' fcu•tbnll stadium. The Pirate eleven starts strutting its m olesk ins a t 8 p.m .' Sq it. 16 a~a1ni-l I<:ast Co ntra Costa in the annual Lions Club cla 88ic. -West· t'rn Air Pholo p.m. the Buma take an the Olanta, LOCA who 1t.arrered lo a 1'·1' trtumph L NINE over the Cubl. 1'2M MCOlld pla.ce NaUonal Bravaa and the fourth apot A.merican lndlane, both un· Ludl of the draw may 11•Y• defeat.cl. wen ll&ted ..-inet euh kept New,,.rt Harbor'• Amert· other Saturday nlpt. can LeSion Junior diamond nln• D pt t.euu wwt atlll ICl'&P-?Ut of champlon1hlp finals of th• IS~ C'ommerdal \\la1 008TA MESA U ll·Ml:ll 'fuiJlry a Hwy Sl#A Hunttnrto11 ft(-h. t Lu . 9-4131* & LOAN ASSOCIATION !!! Ocean Ave•- l'honf': HV 6·111T LAGUNA BEACH P'nl bl Ult c Le~ t~y Anaheim tournament for tha ae- you take a guy ...,ho 11 required throufh F'riday'• tra.ye. Ia Ula oond au~n HUOn. 'Illunday ~rii~C:t to l11ke IN1mmlnr. bollinc and wlnnera' CTOUJ> we,. Ult tint nlJht they Soet 6·1 to HunUncton wrestling In three yean of col· place hil l\ achool Giant. aad Park, the 8oulllem CallfomJa I the Richard Beeson Company THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHILUPS leit'· right along with h1I atud· TO\lth Center 8 ,..., ... the MCOl\d champlonehlp team who 11 faYOr· le11. 11nd have a final ex&mlna.-p1ace Park Giant. and th• tourth eel to oop Ule tourney crown. Uon for a gn de In lhoM phyl l· apot P ark Doda'en . OllnctAa In LA.It yM.r • almllar altu1Uon cAI arll, and hie toned mu1elea occurred when th• local lad.a drop· Are bound to be handy tn emer· peel a tullle t.o the enntual Ana· Landscape Design and Construction CORO:\'A DEL MAR l'JIO~'E HARBOR 161 If yo u som e times 11re sway<'d by the argument. BO often adninced that sports should have little. if any place in the rdurnli1inal ~y!-ltPm of this country. just pause and r eflect u pon t he interest and concern President Eisenhower has shown in sporta and the pnysical c ondition o f the gency 11lt111.Uon1. eprtnp and may be MlrprlMd to l\•tm tourney UU&holder1 at about Langtnhelm rntala that'• the laarn from Johll that th• mlddlu uu. aama •l&«• of the claaalc. =;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;::; 11et-up at Annapolle. Even thoee con1ld1red t hey tell ett ln the Jlm N-klrk. llhutout v1rtor ln Ii ROBERT FORBES n11tlon·1 youth He recrnlly In· v1tl'd some of the out11landmg profts.11lonal 1rnJ 11mattur Alhle· tic hrro11 for a Wa~hini;ton ron· tab aa to how to ~"' t he yo11n1t· ,.r genera lion out of 1 he ~lands and onto the flf'l<h nf pin)'. And If }OU are on" nf lhoae people who prrrer to ~t(' In or· cler to belie\•t, wh\' I hrn, 1t1ke a look al onP or the '11:11 h11r 111·ea·11 younger product• in 1111' periron cf John Lang1>nhf'i.m; 111 !l clue· man at the tJ.S. Naval i\c11demy. CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e Ha''l' u• 91mpUly :rour <'On1•rf"lt• l\Ork \lllh • 101111 l\f J'IN'C'l,lc>n-mlu"t r<'ment ... prt'pan-d In ~our orrll'r at a .a\1nJ . Liberty 8-2283 BAY RF.AO\' MIX 1:\'C. • • • 711 W. 17th St. <'OST \ ~A who care noWng for 1port1 muat ''7:! lut year. The Navy haad· two prevloua fray• thl• 11 .. alon. talla theM 1"9q\llred aubjtct.. Cet· IP lna ~ la ~ U.a pitched a creditable pme aJIOW· tatnly, they can't hurt when It wr..W., leUa t. hat Md tut. 1111 elrht ban knockll ~l three l comu to th• dlffnent tn>M ot OtW Ha.,-.,.U -•'-ml1euaa by Ula Harbor' nine didn't AnnnJ"'lu1 And llaten while John. surnva l ald1 -kteptnc afloat, fl'W4 J'OWll' ~1 "Ha,,. hel the ca .. !'On of Newport Harbor'• Mr. aelt deten.aa and tumbUnc. Nat-nenr ~••to tlln eut pod .f?ti. Hun~n,;...on Puk poppere Rowing Rf'g&tta h\m8elt, Hay urally, when you're In Ula Nny. traell ~ l:Ut.era tnek I.a ------·-·------ LMgenhtim. tl'll& of the lmpor· It'• a pt9tty pod Idea to kffp lnttr1or te W'Uttra. Ma,,. a. not lant role 11pnrt3 play among' th• afloat. But n an WI laadlullber• CONlat•t ln -.."9ll. Tbe •Id· middles: often cet Sn litu&U ona ~ lt'1 dJ .. lla4 UlrM outa&adtaf Nim· "Evtrythlng 11 on a competl· mtp t7 hu«7 '9 doS ~ a mtra laat J'MI', U...,. tM teun tl\'f' 1>11~1~ at the 11c&df'my. Sporll mite. dJdn't do ,.,,,., ..U • UM wllolt . mr11n as much u acholarahlp." 9PWIOl'A.T0a l'Otl'DNO Two Mll'ftNn el tM wn.U1ac HA n : A LOOK l ohn report. that. N•Y7 llbcNSd t.am ... a&Uee&U7 .. llltar-Ju~t take vour look a t the have a eoo'tootb&U elnen &l'al.n C!Olltst&M au ......, tlu h11n<l11ome. cle~·cul John Lan.I("· thJa tall. But. tM raaUy fantaa-put hire ,..,., ...... fwn4 t'nhrim 11nd his perfrct phys ica l tic teama turned out ftl'\llar17 tw9 tr.. tM ...._, "1llldas ii!~~~~~~~~~~ C'Onchtwn nnrl you can lll't' rx~m-by th• mlddlN are la a 1 .. ·pu•tU&ant ____ ......., ___ " ______ _ pllr11•.1 In the young man the Im· llclaed field. "Wa Mft aaot!Mr DI., port11 ncP of sport9 In our educ&· temnc I& cl'09M ~-LAil•• ,____ ·--- tinn111 ~y~tem. John 111 the type enh1lm Hft&1a. Ht cM9crlbe9 thJa of offlrer and man thl1 nA llOn Old lndi&n lore, llttJt known btl't co• • •mo ... ran fet'I proud of having In lls on our wt1t•m llopu. u klnr ..... .... military service when hi• NavaJ "u bad If not WOTM than tool· A J •• -Jlf .... -a.11119 el e<111rat1on la C'omplete. Ha't'ing a bAll.'' It'a kind of a combln&tlon .., ..... el ,_....,..._. Ill look al the type of younpter of polo wtthout horM&. bUk•t· .&.---. "'Jfe nlh.-_ -Jft turnecl out by the Nani Aca· bell wit.bout w9llaUea. and bock17 ..... Wt -"'-........ demy and Weet Point eomebow wtllloUt pM!diaa. Throw In a lit· mmlT 8t1UAO el makr1 you feel 11t1re from nrord· ti• m&Jbem, and 7ou ,.t tM ..... OrMce o..tJ rattling nelghbora. Ide&. lllllclUAf, tan't It T llfll= c...t ...... el It'• a cinch a flabby ,..nt len't Matunlly, JOU know about ~· If ....._ ..._. ._.. golnc to do 90 good ph:r-lcally Na.,-enw which bu eopped Ui• _. 0... ..._, when a 111rv1nl emer,..ncy an. Newport Ba..rt»or W..t.m lprtat IN ••• .... A"'-P.O. a. - •Weter Front Balboa Coves ..,_d new I II. r. t bMla laotM. \'•rr clevH dftlp. \'our own prtvatf! hf'M'h, whf'r. 700 C'a8 ll&\'fl a pl~ to kH p ym1r ~t. R 11 11 l r I c I e d ...... $29,950 ea -even In civilian llCe. But aJaa.--SPI th• put two lfWWl'Olrr a&<ll. O&Lll". ~~~~~~~~~ SOUT~ ~OR~l conSTRUCTIDn CO. RESIDENTIAL.INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB 100 LARGE Oa '100 puu. tao SOth 8L, Newport 8e8eb ''r\11 - • ARCHITECTS ......... of J. Herbert Brownell William Blurfflc Philmer J. Ellerbroelc R•yntend Kent Hervey md•rte-k Hodgdon 8•0'1• Und Rlahard Pleger Private Police • lulld•r PHOSE HARBOR 1 109 MERCHANT PATROL JAMii D. RAY and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2·7027 General Contractor & Build er M>O C:oaat 8h d. COROSA UY.L MAR PHOSI: RAJlB08 '111 MAX W. POPE Inc. llf:SERAL COSTR.ACfOU !",.rvln1 All Oranr• Cowity Rf:.!'ilDt:~TIAI. e CO~OfF,RCIAL e Ot;\'1:1.0P)(f;!'ti'T -107 RQI'"' Aw•. """' uff ~pl. Bh·d. a& l fllh NPwport ~ l.lbeM.7 a..1111 ··-1 L1unrlry service rlelux1 ... at IMrgain prices! WHAT IS IT7 lndlvtdu.ally wu htd-we&rlnit apparr l f'lurt dried by tlltertd a1r-1lat p1t'CE'l! profeulonally Ironed. You r clothes ant1 llnena ara done up ONE unit-no mix· upa. no unsightly mark• -ralnl()ft watu, c tnt.le controlled eo1p1. WHEN AVAILABLE ••• Service within houra If urgent. becam1e we do evHyt.hing right herr. HOW MUCH ••• It i1 • b.trgein bundle too . only $2.85 for 23 lbs. WHERE ••• 1100 W•t COMt R11hny casa pura ''I E&VICE \\'ITBL~ BOl'Ra -WU!ll ,._"gEOl:D" OOMPLP.:TE LAl"XDER8 and CLUNER8 Hartne n MU. Newport Beecb MR. .A.ND MRS. ROBERT P. GRAHAM poee before th• ehildren'• altar in St_ Jamea Epiacopal Church att. their ' p. m. nuptiala. -Zimmer Photo - MRS. RON ALO tiERBERT VOGLER -Maryland Stuido NE WPORT HARBOR CAROL KLEPPE ·wED IN SAINT ANDREW'S Ronald Vogler and Bride Will Live in Redl&nda _... wU ~ ,... flowen Uld ~ ...-.u.ta ,.... ot Q.en "' ·.aa~ n.owwa on. AJIMM Alt"U&p, ~ of White gladoU were m•Mtd OD the altar, tan oencWebn ». ud MN. 8al'Yador Ananap and pew• marked with Mt.in ribbona MM! 1&adoli fonMd ot 8outla Oete, .,... • c~ b'ckground in St. Andrew'•~ Church for four~~ .. ol l7pl&nd .eood o'clock riles on Saturday which un.it-1 KW. Carol Oraee wt~ Ma brother aa gT'OOINlnlan Kleppe of lA8 Angeles and 215 18th St Newport Beach. and ...,.. •-Robert Kleppe .. ol Lo. ~-broth• ot the and Ronald Herbert Vori.r, -bMd at Mda ol UM JNN llllk bride! ~r Kteppe, brother of of Mrs. and Mr11. Herbert ~ bftd.a 1lh..toa w lL A. llD&1l bou· UM l'f'C*ll: OaMn Parker ot trp- Volger of Upland. ciu-t ol wtut. wchJde wtth trail· land. a oone .. friend and 0our- oouau; RINO Lnc riM1ona mUf!K wtttt .tepMD· 1u Ja.rllp&tndl, ot Oard• Grov.. Carol. daughtl'r of ML and OU. .,... oerried. trieDd ol tM briit. -d tratw- Mr11. Herbert Carleton Kleppe. llADNI Df PIN& nitp brother ot th• brtdecTOC>m. wR• given In keep"'-bf bier Ill ~ bridal •tourap ->iDea Gloria Yohe of Laguna fathtr In a double r1nr; oenmony MJ.. ~ 8olaall• ot Loe Bee.d\, eorortty •111ter of the performed by lh• Rn. Jamee ADP•l· · m&Jd ot hoacr and lh• bride. .,....tout. Seth Stewart. paator ot the bridemlalde, Ki-. O&thertne AT UDL4.NJ)8 church. Ana RoM:b ot ~ oollel" A.ftw Use r.ceptlon, held a t the H1·r bridal ,;own wu an ex• roomm&te ol the bride: Robert& Clln&reh, the youns couple left torr qu1i1te Pandora of Ntw York Jean H09ktu of Oceanllld•. eor· an -~ deaUnatlon, nn model atyled w ith bollffant tulle rortty .utu; Dvlth 15herrill of U.. ntum wilt be at home af· 11k1rt and Ion' tono titted bodice Newport and Beff'rly Pair• or tw hpt. 11 at 1380 EMt Colton or lmporttd Chantlllv lace. Seal-Loe AJac'll ... childhood tr1end1 of Aw.. Redlande. ops edged the wide V neckline lb• brlde. AU were svwned l.n or· 'n'9 n-Mra. Vogler wu ant1 brief 11ltevee and a 11e&ttu-chld plnlt crylltalette o.er pink fl'Sd~ted from Eaa'I• Rock high ing of eequlna aided in a.cun-eatila altpe. Bouttanl eklrh w're l!lcbool ud wu a Junior at U'nl· ting the gown'• r .. mtnln• ele· ln ballet lengtll and bodtc.. had wnft;y of Redlands. She Is a Ranre Half •ee•H wtre ot wide acoop neckllnea and tull el· aember of Delta K&ppa Pin 80· m11t!'hlnic ('hartllly, ae waa th• bow lensth •Jenee. 'n\etr head· rortt)' and bu family m'mber- 1'"a rl-1m1brold8'td coronet which dre-were clrcleta of orchid llblp • the Jonathan Club. Her huab&nd wu graduated from St. Kamaainas Aid I Local Families ohab'a adopted t.m.lly. 'nae club JONpb B.l(h School St. J~ph, i. aJ.o p~ to aid the Har· Micll.. from Chaffey Junior Col· •mMIA funl.17 but wtU wait for le,-e and Uniw relty of Re<llA.nd• -raa WMkll and ftnd out what wheN he wu a member of Al· i. then DMded. bopea lo iupply pha Oamm.a Nu f"raternlty. He milk. .... or wutnw ta dealred ll &180 a member of Cahtom 111. Th• beauUfully planted tr'Opl· A w.le · Teache•_. ANOClation. National cal -uo at lh• home of M.IW. ...._ ~-ome SU-t WU llducat1v11 AallOClatlon &nd of r-~ T.i BleMteldt, fwtner mem· B.P o 1: :-\oman F1lzGerald, 468 SerT& bet' and Jlart>or l'MWent, now of i-;;;;;;;:. ;;.;;;;;:. ;;;;;:;;;;;:;:::::;;:::;;:;;;;;:::;;:::;;:;;;;,. on-e. waa eetunr on WednNd.&7 1Unrll6de. who had ~ hou.M 11 t~lng for a buffet .upper en· l\IMt tor ttM _.. ol Mn. J<Ved by member• ot the Ka.ma.-Keena. Mn. OroYer llowd# of 11na club. BoQrtrood, a eearter m .. ber, TD O&GA.N YOU CA.~ Pl.AT AT ONC'E: ....... Thi-Graham-Earl Vows Spoken at St. James MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor M r1. FllsOer&ld i. prlllkient ol wu i--t llAd WM lll9c> bouae I he group and pruided at the .,...t ot Wi'e. ICMD.. llna&'IDC bu•m•'.llll l!('u lon. Mn. Roy K-• Iler ~ Pamela down. J 1tnti ~!1.1 Don Fuller were ap-N~ -~ will be 8epl. l HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN pointed u a eommltlee to pUT· at the bome of Mn. lam DnlnN, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PAGC MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 3 -~===========-;;;;;;;;;;;. l,hai<e .11rhool r lolhln& for the 281~ Villa Way. San Francisco Honeymoon for OCC Honor Graduates Wu.ring the daintiMt of bridal gowna and carrying wltite ordUda, Wiea ol th• nlley and atepbanoli.a, Miu Bar- bara .Ann Earl follmNd her attendant.a down th~ aatin-roped Ull• ~ a. .Jamee ~pal Church on Sunday, Aug. 21 at 4 p. m. '° npeat her wedding vows with Robert Peter Gra)i&m. 'ftle "-· Jt&lph Peue, ~~ -«at-s with th . church • tat.tm "8tor, per- fonaed tbe doclba. rtnc MrVice which united the dau•htAr of Mr. and xr... ll-..0. r.art, %23 Via Quito and the 8on ot M.ra. r. I:>aYlee 0nMm. Ool'on& del Mu a.nd )(r. J-0. O~am of N.-Toft. nun TCLLS decorallon1 were whlt.t tohryaan· thernwn• and JTffDery. AT PAlll811 HOl"8E Oueata wtre rectivtd m th• Par111h House whl're tht bl I .,..,. table waa centered wilh a fi'N LIDO MATRON IS HONOR GUEST AT STORK SHO,VER Mr•. Emery Hanson j Piil f'almtrJ c.t Lirlo hie >'U honor iueat. at a 1tork ahowt'r 1uirt br1<1ge party when M•· William Meaeenrer entf'rt.med T111"11ctay tven1ng at htr horn!', 109 Vie Juur Flor11I and atnrk dtcorat1on11 carried o.t lh• thrrnt . Brinlfinir gift.I f or thr upec led baby Hd playmg both bndr;f' •nd r anula we rt: The hono~e. lltr me>ltltr, Mr11. P . A. Pat.er a nd her mo- ther·ln-law. ldrs (lie H11ni<on J r ot S&n uan Capistl"tlnn: Mmta. Spahhng Eutma n. f'red Preston. p ul Salve . Vernon Edler. R<>berl Grtening. J11mu <;:r11y, J.Ck BArry. Arthur Reauml', Vincent Healy, M 1q Airnea 1"1mq1111t an<I houn iruetit. Mr• ci~m Rog-eN nt Palm Sp~lt" and Mrs. 011\•l'r HendricklOn of San Marino BALTZ MORiJARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL. 1741 Superior Avenue Co1ta t.1ua. Cahf. CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3~20 E Cout Blvd. Corona del Uar, Callt. · Phone Harbor 42 JleirWa. .-ort.ed and ftYH tn keeplq br ~ tat.hw, wu a ch&rmlftC bfide • bM" pwn of tune. J'blted .am. bMded with nal'l'OIW laM formed UI• Uny ,......, edCwd Uw l'CM\d neck - line Md ~ th• tuU .ic1rt wllMb .....,t to a ob&f)91 train. A p&ataM oap M'4 tulln... of U. ....... "'1 ud a etnt.nd of ,..,... aa.p~ t.M en.eemble. Uerl'd wtdd!ng cake ~u• ·""""'•I wllh white •t<x:k. Mrs. Frt.J H. Sutton and Mre. Sutton Jr. cut and ..-ved the cake. whlle Mre. Roy Cobb and Mre. Dorl• Sim.11 MrYed punch. Xr•. Rolly Puluk1 I waa In charge of the C'lHt book. !ped al Jlle•l.3 •t th" wf'ddlng ;;===========~~: -=-:;-;.;:::::::-=::=======~ were the bridt1TOOm'11 trand· Phone Llberty A-2121 XIII. DMid Da...W.C. attended bw ..._ M matron of honor. .,..,... a ~t trook ot aqua _,.,.,,._, -.arnct net hat and ~ • .....,at ...... &idll· me.ldll ""'" the ,._.. Kadp ~t. Bu1IUa BrickeJ, e.t· ty Jeon. ud ._.. BOYt11. They WON Mr'""' 1VWD9 of plnll e; ..... Mt Mt. ud oanted oN .. ,. • ..., ~ ol w . molher and coualn, Mr.. Harry Graham of Florid• and Miu El· eanor Oambry of Roche"ter, N Y For th• trip to San Francisro the new Mn. Graham wore a light ,-ray ault with pink velvet STENCIL dUPLICA TING AT ITS BEST '"" ... <191.gliled ..... ·-... ...,.. ... c.. .. _ .. taAI• ........ ...., -4 ...... (.'!Q9 IO•• AU ol orlf •• pna .... -be ... ., bvt • "°'11°" al oh ..... 90« far•~ ••--••1 .. ca .. ....., ~ °' ,...._. __ ..ii hat. Both ah• and her hu1band were l"f&duated from Newport 1 Harbor Union Hlsh School end wne honor 1raduete1 thi1 yeer' from Orange Cout Coll•ge. They I will be at home a t 3~09 !:Mt I 902 N. Main St. Kl 2·2365 0c_Mn __ s_1_v_d _. _A_p_t._•.___ -~-==-=------1------=============-:_:--==--=-==-=' ULTRA MODERN aDfO ...... ...... o.M x. Davldeoe Ir~ ...... ol ""' WW.. .... 11•« ....... KING STUDIOS , ... ~ ONbam ''· *it ... -mid '° hill ~ and ...... ..... \l9bilred bJ Tom 11oMm. WfWam Do•ta. David Da•· Id.a and Doll Ho.tL Par bw dau,titer'• iwpUal1 MN. llarl wore bell" n,ykln 'IAce .,... ._. torwo bodloe and nitfled --. • .,..,.. dMpentn• to cocoa ..,_. at t.M hem and a match· .. Ol'9IUd ow.;.. Mn. Graham .,.. pwntd In pink ootton i.e. .. pe.11 oreiUdL . MR. P..t w~ -or· ...... Md Jack JC.nnedJ -« ~ 1..-d Ko.t Holy'' Md '"nle .._..,. Prayer'' l Malott l. Ot11arch .,,0 RT /A .. :'· .:1''11>NA ,?[, MA/l·N.l~/l,'11181 , ITAITS WID. = "fte McConnell Story" CIMMGScope W•a1rColor ••• "Pirates of Tripoli" PAUL DNUID •• ._.. IOD~A •• Oporto • Ltdo Center OF BALL ROOM DANCING P•rll<lnal Alltntlon Ch·•n Ea1·h Individual By Our F.icp•rt ln~trul'l on•. A1111uru You of Mure l"un i nd nrl'•t"r Pnpulan ty. "WHEN IT'S TIME TO DANCE" CALL HARBOR 6081 • DANCE PARTLE8 EVERY FRIDA T EVE CLASSES NOW BEING ENROLLED HOURS : Moo. thna Fri. 10 a. m. lo 10 p. m. W. -JI DOCm to t p. IL You Sawe 1ocr0 on 7oer I Prescriptions PRINGLIS frH Film! WI~ _. roU of ........ white, al&M 1S'7, UO, tll, 1Jt. I It t.tt wt~ ue for cleT~ aad prblllq, •• wtll &19'9 ,_ •.roll of tae -.... na. MMtu9&aePrtau a&Nobtn~ .. llOt1& u:aVJCE WAVES SPECIAL C111.l1te $10.00 ,, •• ,.,. .... • .... i... .... . 117 N. • ., .... . ~v...,. C.t.Bldc. ...,... Hoq Ktmndal BOllpital UberV 8-2fll C1•1 .. ..t Proue " ........... ,... .. _. _. t.F ... -....._oDd .,...0. ........ ....... DANZ-SCHMIDT I 9M PIAlro a OllGoUf llTOD ............. ·-il lllodMe .._.. Ors- &J ....... ... Ne. 11abi LATEST HAIR STYLING; FOR HOME PERMANENTS BAUIOA DAN'S IAllB SHOP MlaOA TllSATU 81.DO. BALBOA. 0.-~..,........, o,... 10 a.m. DINNU SERVED ...... 1:00 p.111 • D:&NCINO NJOllTLY But the handy YEUDWPAGES may have a tip or two Say It WIUa SUPER-RICH ~ Hydroni:.ed &auty Dill R<'uort• Mousurr To Pardted Skits IJ"i1Jrnut Pvrr·CWJ!ginf! Crmn.'! : It' the heeot i(ul tnth ! OttmetiM Supt-T-Rirh Reeoty Oil• ~pp/1·menl the natural 1 oils of tlie 1kin-rotore pruinu~ mni•t uTI' tn dry, 1 l(dn, rnmpluinnt. No h,..vy ttt&llU I() l'I~ pomi. Try ~ J ·~rmrtica S uper· l/ 3 ~:~~ ~,!~ OFF radi1ncf' turn• ~ r.,...,,,.. 111 bed: the n nrlc on 1 •""",.,. ., 'O\U ()('Cl)p)uion ! l ~.n..r..... ,.--........ L;..-'1-• . v \t.~KHOCll R... it-• 1 ·riclb " .. , n .so 11 M , c-'-*nf 4 8 Oii. U .50 13.00 ~D-lJCH D1l1SS . '\ --~ '. ~ taa.1•.oo'n .00 e 4 aa.' 16.00 13.35 EIJllCB 1 -•-rss.oo n.oo ·. JU 'Iii .... _ 15.00 UlS '?'*' .. -. 1'1heM..251'0W S2.9S ' ............. t ........ J .A'· ~.-e,- ... "~ DRUGI UDO IMI 'Yla Udo, ?'ipt. Beua .. One of the Udo Shope" llerbo~IOt r:: C'•._ HWJ .. a>N -For the ttnut In Comrn errl.111 Prmttn~ CAJI Harhor 1616, .lob f'rlnlmg Drpnrt rnent. PAGE '4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY. AUGUST 29, 1955 GmlNG CdM SCHOOL READY ()ver RI C"oron11 del Mar Brhool the fn..nl office paint bega.n to chip orr 1rnd w1lh a Htlle urging it woulrl peel off In slrlp11 ,.o C1•i ahl Jom·s !K"raJ'f'd ll rtuwn a nd ii' ab<iut done With the rl'f1n lsh1ng job when Supt Roy 0 . AnJersen rame to walrh h1.11 bn•~h "ork -Starr Photo Supt. Everett Rea Greets New Mesa Teachen at 'sept. 2 Meet r osta !\fr11a School Dlalrict S 11r<'nntendrnl Evt•rt'll Rea will 1'·t'lcome n-teM'hua to the il\~lem al the J'Ua School a udl· 11111uni Sept. 2. with an exten· a1vl' progrnm plsnned. I ncluded Will ~ IL tour Of the district, ~r1onaorer1 by the Cot t& Mu• Tellchera A111oclat1on. ln adJ1Uon, teacher• will be Jttven Information on the gTOUp lneuranc<' program by Kermit Mclnlollh of Occidental Life In· ~11rance C'nmp~y. Statf member.8 or thl' MPl'I& achoo! ayltem Wlll hr ('fl'~Pnll'tl l o t he tUCheH With a brl<'C outline of their acUvillea 11nr1 tlulle•. Pr~nted will be: Anne Ho~!)('rll, run h'ulum co· on.hnator: R. G. Heckelman. p:.y· chologlat : Cert n1de Myt rs, h .. allh and special .ervices: Hilda ~tc­ CartneS'. library and audio '111· ual; Virginia Kidder. mu1lc au· pervtaor and William Allen. In· 1trumental teacher. Th• tour ol U1e dl•lrict I• Cor the purpoae or acquainting the nl!w teacher. w I t h •hopping areaa, realdenUal areaa and loca· lion ot th• new achoola. Follow· Ins the tour, teachera will meet with their principal.I In order lhat more planning may be done for the coming year. ~'s BEST FRl!NO IS A MAUK MOJ011 cManua Pl. VN\O\ITH POWtR·~C~lD USEDCAA~ -EASY ON THE WALLET• N«> EASY otil THE EYe. Rea Announces Mesa Bus Schedule for Registrants THllYU CADY THINGS· TOO FAil carried too far. ~ to Coeta MAM police depart· ment. &9peci&U1 whao thNe beUt tuba an carrled rtrht oa out of •pt. DEUYERY GUARANTEED DelhwJ of the N....-port Harbor New.Pr-. t. ,uannteed. CanW boya will deliver t!MLr papen be- fore e p.m. oo MODdv. Wedn.19day and Jlriday. If JOUr paper ii not ~ bJ that hour p.._ ..U Barbor 1111 and your e'1rtlr will briq your pe.per. H CONTRACTORS ALL a.ASSmCATIONI STUDT IA 11*'9 Ume fw oaetne- tor'a uaminatioo \lftder • ,_. en.I oaetnctor with • ,..,. qperMDoe. Claaaaa TU-. .... ftt. ....._ T:IO p.m. Atted ~ ...-.me.a.pa~ :-lrw pupll1 rnl rrtnc klndrrs•r· ten and all other rlt mentary f"ld· ,,. 111 cu .. 111 Mr11a will rrg'iater Thur...iay !'.-pl ti. Supt Everett A t«-11 "nnuuncu . Rc1UitraUoa w1l •t a 1 t 111 9 a m and ('ontln ue Ut:lll :I f' Iii The n·i:ular •··hool year at Coe· t a M··~a bt i;m11 Srl'I 12 &nd it IJ not ne e.uary for IHJl'll• who have prtvln1111ly attt'nl'll"'I to reg1ater In advance. . All k Uldt'rlllrten pup1la muat ti. 5 year• of lllft' o .. c. 1. 19~ and mu.,t hove a birth or hOllpltal cer· Utlcate. t."hi1<1N>n enterlnl(' the f1rat r u te mu.Ill b« 6 .)'e&ra ot are. Tht bua 11cheJ11le ror Coeta Mee& achool• has bHn announced aa Collow11 : MAIS M('HOOL Ku. So • ._'7 :IO A.II. Wll11un and .Myrr•. WlllOI\ and P ltl.t'entln. Wit.on ant.I Paclflr, Vic· to ri& anJ P acttlc. Union • (clrcle). Cov.-nor an•I State 8u1 So . ._1:60 A.M. Fedt'ri&I ant.I 20th, Monrovl.& and 20th. Republic &nd Oak, Vl<'torl.& and Miner. Bu" S o. 4-1 :SO A.M. Ha milton and Maple, 1'1&mllton anti Pomona. Oak and NaUonal, Oak and Contlnt'nlal, Oak and Fed· eral. Bu• S n. S-1:SO A .M. Plactnlla and 191.h, Monrovia and 19th, Whittler and 18th, Mon· rovla and 17th. Bu• !\lo. S-'7:50 A.M. Placentt& and 1Mh, Superior and 18th. ftua S o. ~1:Sft A.M. Pomona and 2t>th. Placentia and 20th, Weelo Drive and PomOtlL Bu• !116. ~1 :&0 A.M. Vtctort& and Fairview, WUllOn •nd Harbor. , Buit No. 1-'7:IO A.II. Adams St. (endl. Coaat. Collep, Cle1ler Rd. (end), Baker and Col· lege, Falrvl-nt &r Baker, Gate I an•I Fairview, 2 block• eut of Gate II. Water tanka. Bibi• Col· lf'gt', Fairview a nd wu.on. 4th O r. Pk'kup IN>tw..-a '7:1&-'7:40 A .M. Hua •lope aame u above. KISUERGARTES' PICJU'P Bu-~o. 4 and :So. I Pickup at 11:05 A.JI, t.L~Dftt;RGH SCHOOL Bus S o. 1-'f:SO A.)(. J9lh and Fullerton, lMrlne and L111da Lane, Tuatln a nd JOth, Or· ange and 2oth. Bua No. &-'7:SO A.M. Tuslln and Coata Meaa. T\J1lln and :! lat, Tustin and 22nd. Rua :So. 2-7 :SO A.M. (<'\th a.ad 8tll OradH) S&nl& Ana and Monte Vlata, Orchard .. net Sant& Ana. Zenith a nd Orchid, Orchard and Orchid, Orchard and CypreM, Orchard and Birch. Cc-chard and .Acad&. Ill&• :Se. S-1tM A.M. (ltll ..... 0 ..... ) Eldon and 0.1 Mar. J'alrway Drive and Dt'I Mar. Club Meaa and M-Drtve, M .. Drtve anti Redlanda, Santa Ana and Dt'I Mar. I 4111 tir. Pld nap Bet•·Mn 1 ;16 A.M. and 1 :411 A M Bua atop• aame u abQvc. KL"iDERGARTt.:S Bua. No. T-8:06 A.Ill. f!, A. REA IJCHOOL ('Jtla On4e) I 8619 No. 1-1:00 A.Ill. C>wr Ule weekend. M- pollc. w e re lnv..Upt.tar theft of Ule tuba from n- houaN In the Sunahln• HomH t!'acl, bounded by Wllaon. Victoria and Pomona St.a. Lido Plumbln&'. lnat•lllnr the tuba. r f'portec:I the mlutnr ltema Friday. Classi Adam.t Sl. (end l. Cou t Cpl· ter• Glealn Road l•ndl. Baker and Collere. Fairview near Baker, Bib&• Coller•. Fairview and Wll· aon. Pacific ( mlddJr I . WELCOME! NEWPORT HABBOB NEWS-P~ Every M011day, w .. ,, • ., '•IHI Friday COASTAL SHOPPEB -Wednesdays Coutal 81aoner Adi,_ ..... W lrHlnT N......,.._ a.a. No. l-'1:90 A.JI. Oranr• and Del Mar, Club Men Drtn, Zenith and Spruce, Orchard and Ordlld, Ordlard and Cypreu, OrcMN and Blrt'h, Ort'hard and Acacia, Santa Ana a nd Monte Via ta. Bua S o. S-1:09 A.M. Santa Ana and 1111.h. Santa Ana and 18th. Oranre and 18lh, Ana· heim and 11\h, Placentia and 13th. Monrovia am 18th, Monrovia and l llth. Bllf So. t-7:to A.al. Sant& Ana "1d Santa laabel, Sant& All& and 22nd, Santa Ana and 2l1t. Santa Ana and 2oth, Santa Ana and Bnadway, Onnre and CabrUlo. llU. Grade P\ck-up Same bl.II •lope a 1 11:30 A.M. RAAP&& 8Cllt)OL Baa No. 5-'7:11 'Lii. Fullerton and 19th, <hlanre and 20th, Tu.Un and 20th. ll9a No. 1-'7 :'6 A.}C. Fullerton and Cabrtllo, 'Jr&Jl&'t and 18th. Santa Ana and 18th, -ru.ttn and 18th. , ... On.de l'ldlap Between 7:16 A.M .and 7:•o AJof. Bua atopa aame u a bove. IU.''DUOAJlTE.~ Baa No. 6-3:06 A.JI. MONTE VISTA 8CllOOL Baa No. t-T:'6 A.II. Redland.a and ,.... DriH , Or· cl:.acd and Zenith, Orchan\ and Orehid, Orchard and Cyprtu. Or· chard and Birch. S-No. T-'7:'6 A.Jll. Eldon and Del M'ar, Del Mar and J'airwa.7 Dnve, MIN Dr. and Club Mua. Orchard and Santa Ana, Orehard and AcaclL ,... Oto. l'ldnlp Between 7:111 A.M. and 7:43 A.M. Bua atop• ume u above. IUNDl:BOARTl:N 8¥ No, 8-8:96 A.M. Man A1Tested for Striking Youth Twice N.wpoft police arnat.ed Wal· tff l:Upn• Xln.Mr, 22. ol Oranp. latunlay for alle~ly atrlk.lnr Carl M&Mhtlin, 16, of Ian Gab- riel while at Main Beach. KJn.zer poat ed S126 ball bocld and will appear bl Newport JuaUce Court a.pt. I. Be ..... llooked tor ln- t.oldcatioll and uaault and bat· *"· Jilualbalm and friendll wbo wn- a-4 t!le all.,.ci altercation Mid tile')' were ... i.cs on rocJu at Main Beach watchms Kin.aer n.aa. Tb.,-Mid ha uked tMm It they were r olnr ln swtmmlnr and warned them they had better not ro ln or he would iro In after them and outawlm them. Manahtlm .aid w he n th• Five Teachen Take Up New Dities Here At N~wport Beach Eltmenlary School, five new teachera will Joln Ll\e faculty thle year. Superinten· Llent Roy 0 . Andersen announced. Miu Loulae Michael 111'111 teach kl.ndergarten. She "''" gradlUlled from the University of Southern Callfom l& and wlll begin her leachin&' career In Newport. Jn the tlrth l'r&de will be M fse PlllY Hildreth, a ~duate or USC alao. She prevlou~ly taught In Glenda le anr1 Santa Ana. M iu Bar bara Kirkwood. g rad u a t e d from Whittler C'olltge w111 teach second Jr&de. She too will be&ln her teaching ral't'rr m :Sewport Beach. John Case, graduated from La· Verne College. wtll l akr over a flCth grade clus. He haa ta.ken adctitfon&l work at UCLA, Upland and Loa An&'ele1 State Collere. Cue previously taught In Ontario. Al.a teachlnr fifth (Tade will be Mra. Louiat' Foote. grsdualed ll'orn Alfred l:niverslly m New Ylrk. She hu taken additional W~k at Columbia., UCLA and Frevio State Collt'ge. AU•• Replacement Set hr Sept. MHt A boan r epl&t'emenl for Fred Allen, Co1,1er News . Pre11s re· porter and now editor of t he Garden Cro,., News. Is cxpected lo bt 0CC1c1111y all'nounced at Sti;t. 1 meell1g of Co•la Mesa Sanitary Dl.Slrct, accordlllg to Pre1ident Arlhu1 Meyera. An an· nexatlon to the 11strlct betwun Placentia &nr1 ~mon& A VP11., Coeta MtllA, ma)• bt' taken up. Meyera .. 1d. LEGAL NOlCE or ll\TE..1'"TIOS TO ~LL S OTICE Notice 11 herf'by gh•en P":suant .& Unn 1 luuUoll $1.09 add1. llllfJa .U ea. .. Llnf'lll 2 luertloa 1.M add1. u.. .25 .. .a Unee 3 lueriloa Z.00 8dd1. Uaee .25 ea. 4 Une9 4 luel'Uom !M add•L U.. .%5 -.. Sltu&Uoa Waal"4.I Adil wW ...,.._Ill"' •i I Cull la ...... ..a;,. IONDl11ll AD la t UNa DEADLINU fOll' placinr Cll' ~ a.da are: For Monday PubllcaUon -J'rida,y 6 p.m. For Wednt-S.7 PubUc&llona -~1 1 p.m. F or Friday Publication -'ftll&l'8dQ 1 p.JD. .NEWPORT llAJUIO& P11m..llllllffO 00. !%11 Ba.lbC* Blvd.. N•WJ>Mt .... "9Jll• .... ."11 Clwltled Ad• mmt be ,.W for Cull .. ....._ .i ••llll•lleL The pubU1hera will not be reaponalble tor mon tbaD oae lnoorrect lnaertlon ot an ad. r~rve tla right to oonec:U1 damlt1 &aJ and all ad.I ~ to rl!jcct any ad not contormJns to nal• and ,...W.Oana. Special Notlcee y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 FOR RENT Skill .......... DftDa, Pollahera. all in-ot ......... W'bealb&r- Meet• ever)' Thursday II p.m. rowa, M.a. BOYD'S HDWE. Vla Oporto -Central An. Newport Beach H30 W. COAST BlQHWAT Albert H. Matthew•. Exalted Ruler Llbt,rt7 I-MM, Newport Bch Ulfc 12-Ball~g Services CARPENTER Repair Work Ooee You.r Rom• Need Re~rinr or Remodelinc ! Call Frank. Uberty 1-eeM All Work Ouaranteed 74lfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM.A.LL H. O. An<!er1on 1014 E . Ba.lboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2450 83tfc Elec. Tool Repair Ski! Saw•. Drills, Sander• QUlCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 456 No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Sch. Liberty 8-8383. Hlfc PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -lNSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • 31.at St. Newport Beach Harbor 317& 22t fc Painting, Decorating Paper Bansinl GEO. BURKHARDT LICl:NBED CONTR4Cl'OR 178 W. 18th St., Collt& 11..a Llbvty a.aaJI House Plans 1otfe COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanitng Service EUGEN!: O. 8.A.UNDJ:RI 500 31at Street, Newport Beach Harbor 297& or Har. U4&. Uc General Contractor LICllNSICD New Work -Remodelin1 J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58ttc PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI a..3321 • LI a..711%1 to the provl1loM of Secllon1 3440 Se · and 3440.1 of the Civil Code 0 lht' Bookkeeping rv1ce 280 Avocado, COllta Meaa MUo Stele of Cahfom la , U1at D. K. ATTE?l.1 1011:! BLUE Venl.lor nr 802 Delaw~e Contractoi 8 Storekeeper. A'•e.. Huntington Beach. Caliro.J • ' nl&. tnlends to •ell to FERDI E ... Ne<'d 11omeone to reh!!ve you of ORGERON Vendt't. or 209 33r thOse monthly bookkeeping wor- ries 7 Ask about our reasonable Strf'el. Newport Beach. Cal1fom la. l 11 H r. 4888.J. s•c97 all t.h&l certain personal property ra ' · 8 con1illtlng J:'l.'nerally or all •lock In ..,_ __ A_S_P_HAL __ T_T_I_L_E __ _ t r&de. flxturcs, equipment and r ood will of a certain Retail Caso-LINOLEUM mtatt the above chea per than m~. Alao sell Tile .ft Linoleum. l'on'\111011. 25 y••ara experience. ComP¥e and see - BlLL C41'.ER Har. 41128 or l..ong Beach '·llll73 llllt fc l(-Pel'IODUI AJcobolica A.Don)'IDom , Wrtt. P. 0 . Bos Ill N ewpoft 8eacJl. CallL Pbolle ll9"or •TH Vo Ht:Be&uty ~---- Superfluous Hair Penn&nenUy nmoved from tac• arma, lep. Eyebrow• and balr 1.1.ae anaped-N o more twHZlns . you th.I replied they ~are not ro- lng In awtmmmr. Kinser •truck him on the npt cllHk and lei\ ahoUlder. A clt!MM arftllt WU algned by M.ra. A.lice B. Royce of San Martno who told police ahe bu Cll.ltody ot Kan-1\eim. llnfl F illlnJ!' Station bu111ne1111 known u D. K. BLUE O. B. A. O. K. BLUID CHF.VRON S ERVICE . ln- C'&lcd at, 2100 W. Balboa Blvd., tn the-c ity nf ~··wport Beach, c a11. forn1a, ant.I that th,• purchase price thereof will be paid al 10 o'clock a. m. on the 8lh day of Sept .. 19~. al ThomM·Elhi<on Escrow Co .. 1711 Atlanllc Ave .. In lhf' Cltv or Long Besch, County or Los • An· f t'll'a. Stale or C11 llrornl11 DalPt.I /, Ult'J~l 22 111:1•, D. K 8 Lt'E. V,ndor Thoma.w-Elll~nn E "'<'rlll\ (" ASPPALT TILE A h1m •um Wall Tile · t.I rgrs. Distr ibutors Wholl'Ue pnces lO Con trat'lon \ Tile Sflti>r11 LI 8-7493 68tfc Eu.EN L. BRYANT R. E. t.tdo'a 8&.lon at Beauty ffar. 2671 u. 22-Loet and Found LOST •mllll yellow gold w•tch, hlar k band pa t. f'o 2005158 In vicinity or Rlll'.11 Mk l . Blllboa 01\•d. ~W&rd.. 124 F: BBy Ha r. i l9·W. 9:'>c9i Mesa Tutors Hear Talks September 6 Ml• Aane Ho8J)en. curriculum coordlllator, wlll &ddrna the Sept. I COllta Mtu. dl1trtrt teachen mMtlnr at the It. A. Rea Scbool on "Developing Jnl· tlallve and Ori(inal Think ing Jl1 Childrrn." An added feature or J.h• 1eMlon will be an addreu by Helen Heffernan, chief or the bureau of elementary f'dlle&tfon, State Department of Education tor Calllomla. 1111 .\tlantlc Aw• Loo~ O.~h. t 'allf. t:vrow S o. 1547 No. 604-Newi-Prel!s 8 21.l :,:1 Ct:RTCFl('ATE o t · Rn••~•:ss FIC T ITIOt S t'H()t ~..\)H; THE UNDERsm:o.;Eo do ht'T('• hy r ertlfy thBl lh<'Y a rt' <'<>n•hwl- ln~ a boat rrp1111 h11s1nc~M 111 '.!7113 \\' COB~I H 1J;(hWa~-, :" P " p t1 r t flellr h, C'ahrornlA 11 nil"r t ltP (H ti· 1101111 Clrm ntlnw nf Al. & FRAZ BOAT YAHll 11 nd lllat 11111'1 firm Ill CQlll('Ollf'll n( th" fnllllWlnR [ll'r- l!Onl, who,,,. n1tnw~ 111 full 111H1 plan•~ nr fl'l'lill'n1•r 1'1 P All f•JflnW~. \O·Wll F:L~lt-:H ,I l.ARSO:-;" 721 \\' Ralh1111 Bl\•I H.ll!ll>R, ('11lll1tt'ntR F 11 lilll.FOB!I JM S. "A" St rrc•l Tu~trn. < ·1111roi "'" WITNESS our h11n1l1 th1• 2f!lh KIMnl1l tbrou&hout the Unlw l I <111 v nf A .. 1t•1AI 111:,:, Painting & P~rhanging We do the workours<:>lves. 30 years l'Xpelenre L1rrnse~ & lnllf('d. Sat111Cact 1on g11srnt.c<'d. E stunates frl'e. Call 'lhnnle. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-528~ 81tfc CEMENT & BUILDll G All l~ln•lll FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8·6109 PAINTING? r ail pn 1··s n11n-tin11o11 "h"P 1·1tn 11,,,. ,,,.,, • 11~1on1• r' Ot HnRP 1· .. 11n1 1 '.,?II \I 1r .. 1'1 :1-f'liil M 1<1 2-M'11 l\fll'r I\ T HA 'K S 11ir11 t.OST l l&dle11 solf Llberty 11·2783 ~ho. Ph. 97rlm U >ST Grttn PsrakttL hlur tAll yellow tor RewAril :mo 1 Rl\·,.r Avt . Xrwr!Qrl RP11rh 97p 2-1-SchoolM, lnstrurtion ~~~------~ Super-Market TRAINING CENTER r;, 01 "rY t·a11hlerA and ~ .. al \\'l'AJl· r P1s. M11ko H O to $1 20 r"r wk CRll ror llf!('lllnlnwnt In lf'Arn 111nr1' Rbn11t lh111 lra111inr;. AL TYLER Schools Re~ Al Tvler School lW Mo. ~. au.ta AM ft. IDlllbalV I-all w JQ T.at.l .. China Painting °" ucl ...... a-.. Or-. Tu. .,..., PboDe Llbelt7 ....... CLEANING • DtONINO "1 .. day. l::llpertenoed. Balboa l.llaM p,.ferred. Kl S..ott. ti Swedish Massage LADU:S,-by 'IJPOlntment In J'Otd home. FORMZRLT m&Me\1M at Anvw• head Sprt.np Hotr l. PLEASE CALL H•rbor '798 or Harbor 0292. ~pea TWO WHJTll WOKEN WANT hOUM cleantnr by day or oon• tract by month. rut aad •f• ttcJenl. Referencea. Kimberly &-IH9. IOpl GIRL Coller• atudent wuiw board Ir room. Will be moUlarw haJPf'r. LI 1·3221 MpN LOCAL EMPLOYED, am,t. man will rare f0r JOW' ~ ln exchanr• tor ....,.... apt. or col~. llxcellent Nfarence& H&r. 2027·R MpM DltPENDABL!l colored Jiady "41· al.J'N houwwork. UYe ta. 6 day wMk. No cl\Udren. Pl .... call Loos Bea.ch ae 26eo Meta EXPERIENCED GARDJ:NER QA.IWIC(ll(Q • ,... work b7 day week or mon th. Liberty MlH after I. Mc" Roy's Maintenance llOUM C ... ..-~ WUig wa11 wuhlnr-wtndow cleantnr Vmet:lan bllada. Uphoi.t.ery l&lurad. ,..._ JllUmM• Ll'9rty 6-1111. 1U• Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPI Libert)' 8-19 STANDARD STATIONS Ru opemlns tor atation 11a1-- Aa"• la·60 0nn,.. OaUiDty IOtto &-Day---60-Rour Weell HIP~ pay :bcellent Beneftt. Good opportWllt;y tor A.dnncement Apply STANDARD STATIONS o.hlla and Oout KlftnN7 Corona daJ Mar Chapman and lp&dn F\&llenon l :IO to 11:30 a.m. Monday • Thur9da)'9. LADIES: Read our ad undtr clualtlcaUon 2' --Super Mar· ket TrainlJI&' AL T!'LICR lchoola 1811 N. Broadway, Santa An•. KI 7-30lt. fokl OIRL8 YOU wW have an opporlunltJ to advanca In our flnn. becauae of our p,_nt ••· panaion prorram. The starUnr ll&l&ry la &uod and you "'W receive frequent lnrrtU Pa, too. Jobs now tor: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - :,14 11 r-;o. M111n S lrttt Rm. 211 -Santa Al\& 9:00 to ~ :on P.)f. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 1:!ttt Beacon Pe rsonnel lC)(Vir employf'r retained agf"n cy NO ft'e collected from a pplicant We lt •ve l!Xl l'll 11p•n1nir• for To r TYPl ~T11. ~1 •noa, •Hcutive ~e<'rl'l arv tyrt't • bnoltkff~r; dom!'Al1r11 1111rt t1n1e .t llYe In, tfoui1rbo)' .. nrt 111slnt tnance man. BEACON PJ:o~kSONNEL 1 A1ency1 Stat.a aa an out•t.andln'L educa ·, · • 1-:1.:-.11-:H I l,AHSll'\' tor, Ml• Heffernan w H kPd • I-' II Ill 11.FORI I to II' to Japan after World War lsT1\TF: cw C'\l.ll'•Ht:-;"11\ 1 NOW OP EN Estate School " Santa Ana • E " •13-~l •l I "I ,, A9.·o:o.tE=" prl'pllrt In ll'J!llr• Nt"WpM1 ~arh n to atd th~ U.S. In brtril!ini: c o 1 ·:"T Y 1 w t1lt.'-"' :r.-, ~· more democratic form or ed11r11-n:-> T iii . ._ '.!•i11t .t "' •• f \11i: •~' Uon to that countr.>: A d}'namlr A p 1%~1 1>Pf111 .. nw. HllnF.HT F a~al<rr. ahe ill t'allf'd upon to fill w 11,1.:o.11·:s " :"'111111v f'ul·lw in ipMklnr eftJaremC'nll lhro111oth· Rn•I f.,r lhr !<11114 C'1t lilt~· .inti Slnlr out the nation. rf'•lolini; th• 1 •·rn. d11ly 1·r1m m1!'~1CJn F ollowtnr MlM H r t r P r nan's •••I u11ol "" · rn rr r•11n11:11· "' r l'At '"' taJJr. art dl1play1 of Co11ta Mes& 1-:1.:>H:H .I I.AR~<•:" ;ir t ~· H 1tudenta -,.111 be oblK'r\'t'd and d•~· H<1Ll-'\)l1l 1 k n••l''ll tn 11.ot : .. lt1· 11.,. cuaaed by lh• tear hel"ll. Noon r r r-nn, "!!IHI' n1n , •• 81 ti •Hh~rt Ill· luncllemi In Rea Schon! will bt' t'•l tu lh•• w11hln 1n•1t 1111'l'1tr i.n•I btld for admlnl~tr•tun. 1tllff s r k11owll'dl(f"I 10 1•1" 1h·•t t h• y UMl •-and old teachers ot tht' ex .. r11tctl lh" ~Rn11· w ... l)'lttm. I IN \\'TTXESS WllEIU:r1~~ r Dlattlct Superintendent Ever· h l\\'I' herr11 n1 n l l'l my ha11rl s n<I .t.t R«a W'lll prade atter the arttxf'd my offirl11I •l'nl I h.-'1"Y hmcaa.on. New l•chera w111 be 1 a nrt )'f'llt In lhla r P1 llf11·a tl' flriol S T A C O AT l 'a1n t & V111n1ehP!! ll11:h (Ju~h1 \ !.""' 1•111 ~ l.:1l• •t 1n I '11ly\ 1nal" \o\'h,1r $ ~ 1111 $ I 1 i NEW & OLD r'11r11.t 11r1• F11.1•h111r.: Ant1q11" ~ :'\lud• lt1 z.1,ln•,-.n,. Wrdl P .1p1•r & Drn1l('rt('s to m111cti f":qwr 11111"1.li'nJii f'ttr r•tlrot1l"• r111l llmf' f• unhm1led upport11nlll"' 1.11·1·.'\SP:fl 1 ,.,11 ""'"'" 111Je1m11n in Ro 1-:state S t w cl&an • l\r brok"'r "11 .. 1, (11 mllar wtlh Wf'f'k ly J 1'yler 1netrucU11g At· thr art"• a n 1 n••' nrrr.1•1 lo woril. tenr1 flr.t~vf'n1nii frre and l••11m HA y /It 111-:A1 11 JU:Al.TV abt1ul lh1 grr<tl fl,.ld. t.:11 11 or -,112 1..11r.1v .. .,1. :-.-•. .,.1,,,rt R• h tro WrtlP nttll' Al_ T~r School 11111 ;-.; .. l.rr.~h .. n' ~11111 n Ann l<I ~-3~•11 ·1'1 ~311,!•·l<l-: ":?r1t:1 1rr Some bod· Wants t hlll 1111ed turnllu1, h11r·1t·li111r 1·11:., now lllkini. """'~'",. 1n ~t111 r 1 111111;1'. \'l)t ':'ll<'i .,U N tor lll!ht f1ct11ry W•tll' J'h••ll" 11111 '1 1117 11•1dl7 l'•1:-.l f lt1:-0: tll'Jl;S (m •' •I•'~"• I"'' A l'J•I\· t '" 1~•r..tio11 Yertl or ,, •Ill. lh lll'll :11 ·11 .. ~.1~t .int 111 I 1ty I •II 1-:1 .. I :i:1\ 117 Fl HST I 'f ./\XS "PAI• ~· 1•·•11 v.·nnt • r d c· di 11111 0867 11f'n ll p m. 11:1rlll e -.kolned by Mra. 1:181e Df'•ter. a hlw e wrtttr n Ellsworth F'lnd a buvr1 wt\11 •••I 1r1 :-;''" ~· I-111 a dr11r noaDlt Ul"'1 car. ••• Pr"~" 1 ·111~.11111,.11 .111~~ht1nf' H;i1. ,.,,,,, 111• 111 11 .. 111• r "ho will ti<' nrrt b!•r lel6 6-u y . 'I w~1 to p 1111,. i'n~tcJHnow 10 !)•ell up wh"' 11• " \lUAlrl .. rt Ad." •nil r o11rtH111' ,.,.lh Tl 11 IA Y' C-h .. 1 It 'h.. v0 d 11rH1krr wilt brlp yo\.v.•rite •n ... r• 1n the c:autf1r d aec'.on 1«>- p ..... darlt of t he COllt& Me1111 ,. RllflltRT F'. WP .L."\!E!i ~ Amoclatlon. Bu1ldln1 M\• Ct)mm1~1nn F:'J'I" "~ Aubrey rneeUnp and othtr artlYllll'• will Nn\·,.mhl'r Iii. 19:1:. .rr.cttve &It. I d11y. nu UM calendar for nmal.ftder l'n fY'l\ :-;,,.,.~ f'rf',, ol Uie .... 11. I fi 29. I 6. 12, l!l, II)~ Liberty 8-7951 I t I ' I ,, • '·· I H %9-Help Wanted LIFE INSURANCE ORIGINALS Al-'"J'.:RNOON. Cocktail, dinner I drc>aau A Coordtnatea. 1 . v Check these UsecL Cars Buy from a loci..! dea.ltr who wtll be bere TOMORROW to back up what he Mill TODAY! Representative CVSTOM DRESSMAKING '~------------------------~~~~~~~~~~- t~adlng NA\tonal t1m1 wllJ In· t•rvlew hlgh..quallt y candtdatea. 26 to ~ for poa1llont u repre· untattv~s. Succ,..uful \•xpenenc·e 1lealred an bankan.:. bu~1n••M at1· mlnlatrutlon rmhllC' rclallon11. 11ale11 advr rt111lnll(. law. enn.!lllm,.r credit, nr tndt'p~ndent buaineM. Drastic Ph. Hllrbor CS268·R 88c3 I fG-.Autoe and Trucks 40-Allt:oe aad Traeka Reductions I :..::,._~:::=.-.:;:;;;.....~~----------- SPEC. A PTITl!DE TESTS THOROt:GH TRAINING HJCiH SALARY -AND COMMl:-iSJON STRONG LEADS NATIONAL ADVERTl~ING L1FE INCOME I~ 20 Y EAHS fh'\\"'JUJ pt'r 1!7dl!I Up to 50'< ON SUMMER DRBlSSES. afpit· 1-.11C's on~l11 It aamples. MA.ROLE WEBB 1 1 ()~6 So. Co11st Blvd , Laguna lkh. 6:1ttc ~~ I ;;,~;;;}~~:spot rPf. wtth I new unit. $4U. Call Kl ~-2i4:.!. tt I W ashinq Machine 1 ~ERVICI" I I·~ ~IH guarantee un )Obit done I am.1 on uaed wa11hera 2188 1.~ I rear> Newport Bt .. COii la Mesa. Llbert.y 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64tfc NORCF: rl'lrtJ:. ~ :., ft S:?tl :!II ··ABT TJM E Cl'STl)lJIA N ror l' .. nll. J:Salb<Hl llll .. nll 116<'1111 rhun'h 111 ~l'WJlOI t llC&l'll Cnll ------ lltir :1\!:ll• .,, LI to.-:1116 1 ti61·0& t: i:: OELL:Xi,J wrin~t'r washer, \\'O:>.!AN 1 1 l!•ll•t·d11 .. 11~.-w11rk. ~uO\e , o.iklf•).:. p,,, 111un,•nt S• pl l!J II\ 1• IJI "' <illl \.\'rllt' H <il< S -:11 lht.< llllf •M fl6p98 M ~N & '<' OMI::~ w11ntl'11 for full or pt1tl ""''k f1h11nr l.l 8·:"1710 06e98 ---------------------~ \\'ANT REAL ESTATE SALES· MAN 01· broke! F1un11lar wllh Hartwr at'l'll. Tt•p enmml11.'4ion th one who wants to nfake money It not a frR1d to work. H{)USTO:'\ REALTV ~>Oil Cen· trr St . r nsta :\olesa. Lt 8-6911 -EVC'. H1tr !'1298-W. tfc "'"'•rlrte with tlml'r all 11lurnl· num tuh. Xlnl 1·••n.t1t1un $:19 50 Hur .~!J6·J 961·98 SMALL PHILCO refrt~. Lrk•• n11w $100. 2:>75 Arbor Dri\'e, !':Pw- porl BNl~h. Ll 8-2M8 96l'98 -~tAGIC CHEF. ~ burner ll&l \lip range. oven a.nd broiler. \\'hte l'narnel & t•hrom" BARGAIN $!'10. Ll. 8· 1039 96p98 HOLLYWOOn ~d Mingle. brRnd nc-w. 19~4 Nor11:e Dtoluxe stove, :>.tahogony dining table. Llbt>rt.v 8·8428. alter 5 rm. 97c99 ~OW-FIRST AGAIN! ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS WARRANT.EEO 25 Weeks in writing and may be repaired by any authorized international repair Service Warranty Dealer in the United States.. Canada & Alaska e • e • 1954 FORD Club cpe. Light blue, overdrive, heater, E xcellent condition. Looka new .... $H95 1951 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 4 dr. aedan. En- gine rebuilt. Full power. original black finish. New seat covers. Worth much more. . . ............................ ·-·-·······--... Only $1095 1954 PLYMOUTH station wagon. Hydrive, Radio & ~eat.er. Sand and Green color, wsw tires. Deluxe model ··-·----··-·Only $1995 LOU REED I ~Aeta. & Booaee for Rent 4~Apta. ~ HouSH for Rent NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I· PAGE 5 ~' . MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st Sr., Npt. Bch. OFF'.ERS Dellthtful livinr. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reeervation, Call Har. 2992. 34t!c 19:14 OL.DS 8upn 88 2 dr., 2 t on' well equipped. Excell. «ond. LI 8-7200. ' ~~c9i '48 BUlCK Roadmuter convert- ible, radio, 1potll1ht•, lifeguard, heater, new aeat covt"n , new battery, good condition $29:'.l Owner Har. 2761 9!>c97 1940 CHRYSLER Club Cpt> Ex· cellent motor A ttrH. Make offer. H&r. lllO·J ll6p98 Hll.J...MAJlf Minx Mark V, t dr. H<1an, new battery, elect. fu1•l pump. Owner leaving for Eu· rope, Sacrifice at 1:100. 430 .AC· acla .Ave .. Corona del Mar. H c98 1956 • 21' Custom Built Terry "NEWPORT' Model On Dlaplay Starting SEPT. 6TH HERE'S SOME OF THE FEATURF.s: ~Apt&&Hou~ RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cral& Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marine Ave l:ialboa island. Har. 1671 72tto ---------------Choice Su;nmer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small It cozy v r large A deluxe $7!> to $300 ms>nlh VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., S&lboa Island Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 21:>! Rea. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30:'11'·M 64tfc BA YSH ORES. Sert 6 thru June Jo"'um. 2 bdrm. houl'e. Bay v1ew, Encloaed patio. 1.hsp.. Bendix wuh .. twin It king a1ze beds. 2691 Cr<'atvtew. Bay11horo. 96c98 NICE 1 BDRM.' duplex, largt roona, pr. WIU furn. It lea8"d. See 6H Jaamlne Sat . or Sunday. Kl 3·1004 or Har . 3854-M 96<'97 41'-A-Apt&. for Rent ('HIN A ('0\'F., H1yff'()nl furnl-'ht't! apt Oywna on )ar,t, a.-<'1111lrd , r•tlO flrteen fl'et from hlfh tide' Fumar e, 11or"&e. g11rag11 11nd phone Av11table for lfllll• or WU\ter rental. LA'ue $l:lll per mo. Ext•tllonl value Ph. ll\'att 4-?20tl. 93lfr Dress Shop $!1900 Ha.ntllta Hox :U;I 1.ag una Rt'lll'h 4~·B-Hou!W'tl for Rftlt ----BALBOA JSLANO, ON. t o June. Film. 3 ~drm. 2 bath~. Rey Front. Oar-.t, No.> pell. For app't Har. 1990-M. • 03lfc BALBOA, w1nter rental•, 2 bdrm. furn hnuse & 1 bet11·111. furn du· plu 406 Hudlnr A 4.1:-.1., It. Bt1)' <'1111 ('Ollerl AX 1·!13!17. 9Sp98 LIOO ISLE, wrnltr rent1<l Thr"e bedrovm, 2 bath homto, ('arf'lt'l4, dt llf\tl.11, t•lt>I'\ 8\11\'t• & rl'frlg', furn L.llJ('rl,V 8-:!173 !l!'lc'l TlclREE· &if J.'Ol"R BDRM homca, $J!l~ down, h...t. Ju. thM n~l. tihlng rnst, hurry' , \\' A TUAI AS, Relit or mo 1-: 17th St . Coi<ta Mt·~ll Llb<'r!Y lH 139 9:'idl7 1-'0R LEASE TWO BEA U11FUL nuw IrvUle Terrn<'c unrum. view home1. 3 BDRMS , 2 baths and 2 BEDRMS .. Z baths. C'a11 Harbnr J770 or Harbor 4448. EARL \\'. STA ~LEY. Rl'altor lrvlnr T"1T11rci Otrlce Corona dt-1 Mar. 33tfc F"UR.N. 2 be11rm. nome. by mo. nr yr\y. Carllp;e. Av&ll. Sept. 1:1. 1117 W . ll11y. New·port, Harbor 3886 before noon. 8itrr ----------- --------------NEAR NEW PROPOSF.O CITY HALL l'\rxl l{• 1·11r J!lth At l'lt11·•·nlla., IJ\ Co1ta M..,.,. 2 tM!dN>om homtt, ex,•ellent con1l1t1011. l'lua " 11mall Store In Tt'llr l'lt•nty rn.rklnl{ As roC'lm tnr t xp1tn11l11n l mmt!ll&I• po.....eu1on. !-'Hr "" 1.. 1•r t Mld!'. r 11l1 1m·n,•r LI tHll!:!~ morninga or &t'tr r 6 p, 111 91tfo Jl'OR SA LE ASSO<'l A TEO SB:R· VJC'E STATIO:-:, 26lh • N ew• porl Bl\'11. :'ltr\\1iort Re•ch. c 'omt' In C'lr rail lfftr. 4828 Tenn• 1·an h~ ll:TIU\~('11 for rt1ltablft ~10\r\y H11nllld s A•M'<'llltM St'r• Ylce 21114 N1•wp.1rt Ol\'d,, Nf'W· 110rl Bt>IH'h Mc98 6:>-lloney to l..oan NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee l!IAJ.ES -REF"ISANCE CONSTRUCTION C'alt for FrN1 Fast Commitment.a on Rc11t:ltncu ancl t:nlu only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 11th St. COSTA MESA LI UMI \\'F. Sf'F:C'IAUZF. IN l.(lA!'\S cit l"JNAN\lNO 1~an tcrl SALESMAN STUDIO c:•rnch & g1tteteg table R f:AL ES't'ATF: CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coa.at Highway. Ph. Liberty 8-3486 Il'ull •i&e davenport or htde·&·bed .nd uphot..te~ rockrr or euy ch&lr OCEAN FRONT -Spacloua l or 2 bdrm, Enclo11ed pal10, vollty ball court. lovely view. Summer and winter rentala. See at 730• W. Ocean Fmnt, Newport Reh. or call Har. 1232-W exctpt Mon. It Tuesday. 88p3 COSTA MESA. :'\ew :l hl'<lrm hou11e unturn. Garb. d1sp. Thrr· mn controlled heal. Gara1tc $80 mo. Oxford 6·46tll. lllt'V9 ON HOUSF.TRAn.ERs W. E . HAr M32 F·ts lfER. Rea.It.or Corona del M&r 95c07 A TTENTJON .ALL BOYS - THE NEWS-PRESS lJt now t.&kin& carrier applications tor route• t.o t hese ne1ghborhoods:- Balboa, Wt•st Newport, Balboa b ., Nt'wport Height.I. Corona deJ Mar &nd Cost& Mna. rr ~ou are 12-H yrs. 'ollf, and !lave ll blcyrte. apply at the C1rcula· lion Dept.. Newport Harbor l\"ew1-Pre:111, 2211 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach, betwee.n 10·12 a. m. or 4.5 p. m. only u cept Satur<lay1. llc IO-Mi.lcelIMeou DAVENPORT. 2 bdrm. aeUI. gu range, washing machi ne, drapea cit spreadl to match A m1ac .. houeehold Htm1, Har. 3483-M. 95p97 .NEW 21 In. WesUn,hoUM TV Ml. Model #H896 Pr lcl!' $17~. and n e w l'niverSl!IJ <!bl. et~trtc blankel $39. LI 11-7119 9!k97 A l'TJQt;E cherry wood cradle, xln' ronrlltton for plnnl•'r, mag&· 7.tn"~ nr h_.h, .. ~ Si~. Har. 278 95c97 U'l(EEFE It. MF.RRITT gaa range .. 01>11 1 und1twn $1 '.l~. Coldtpot , .. rng .. 1 ll I or Sl'ltl Homf' freeur, t 7'. fl 1q•11i;h1 Rtamleas at.eel ~ht>h'"" ~2~:'> ~"'' 111 !183 Oak St, 1·n~t1t ~II'~>< nr 1nll LI 8·1646 9!>c97 Fl tR ~;\ L~: ~ 11~e.i mellll kneC>hole drl'lll'. 111 'l lnt • ond1llnn. Phone If arbt't :.ill:-,• 9:>~97 ·;:, P'ORn Ptt•kup truck; tal1ders "" r11un1mi;. r11111pnwnt \\'111 ~ell t:th k ~ .. p11 1at•· l!•l!I Rrpublrc I ' ~I I.I ~-;1:-, I~ (l~p97 Fresh Hearing BATTERIF:S Aid \\"•• c;,v., !==,till ~rN'n S1 11r:1p1 (~underson Drug Co. ,\l11rn :;t ut Balboa Blvcl . Balboa H .11 bur ~d .». 08tfc •. 111 I" 1 Id pirt11re~. !"llH k11 • 1 :1 1 ~"'"' g<llore. B1ir <11~· • 011111 t" .1 .. :111•"'· <'harht lla\'H!. I .... I: \ 11.•hl :r1I St ' L11nJr Bch. !loll ) II ~!lift' ~ ~I'• l\' I·' apl siz" Sc·rvf'l , 1 i; 1•t ·.r 1"11rn1t11r~ ~ , ~ 1. ~ ~11ol!' rHP:Af' <"all :-,. 1)~!. y l"l'pt :int Lt 8-f\t){ll! l•\\!o:Sl'n RT 2 li.ltm •et,., r.•« 1 ·\~· i' . tun.: ""A ht1u , dt Arr:-t & ·l't••li•l"' 111 u1-1t1 h ~ .. m•:;r •1.t1r h•11tl 111·111~ lla1 :1<11'1.l-~! fli1 fl(l 1-\onkel's Interiors i ·1 hril .. I•" 1t nr1•11r". •llpl'O\'l'T!I. h~·l•pl •""I,.. ;:-., 11 ph.,11c• Llbrrty 8· 7fli':\ Fref' El'tlmalc~ 4~1 ,. 17th ~· , CMtll Mt!lll 11.'\<'llfi 1\1w•rll'A n h11nr1 hn••l<r1! "'~II ri11::.11 !1'1(1 2 A-IXll hnllt f1ir $70, l'!ofR, 111atoh1n1 1•he1r A "•'l'AS•ntl.111 c t1111r IM>. Rr'1 m11p.lt> .-.. 1Jbl1•ra bench 1111. All xlfnl l'C>nr11 t1on w 8-i:l71 961'!18 LEA\'NO f:TA't'P: 111\ll'l arll G E ")S'"t lllO\'I' $:1ll, 1.h.tt1_,. lat ge u ·m "rt '20. C'hn.>mt dtnl't t t "r,t $20 •·vuch lltJ 2 •hair• $r> n ch. ruir:a, lamp-", o<J,t. 41< en°1.. 428 V1cwr1u, <..:. M. 94k\18 BUSINESS CARDS z:io for $3 2~ .'\\lQ I t>r 3 7 tt 1000 to r '· i :'l 11'11)0 l-~m bM11ttcl r arrts ( 1111 M111l a.nrt rhonf' 1irdtre flllf"I . LF.0:" \\'HJTF: P Q. 9'>11 ~. \n11ta Mna LI 8·~1.'0 Ll 8·4011 bolh in good condition. Very reasonable. Har. 152:-,. 9id l9 SS-Boats, Supplies S-1-Mualcal. Badlo, T V FOR SALE-Davenport and two ----....:..-~~----­ euy chalr11, 1 tge. t'ttt\lng table. 26 FT. SHELTON, 7 ft. I In. beam BECH.STEIN. One ol the world'• Har. 0667 or 2731 Coul Blvd .• equipped fur sport or commer· greatest pi&noa Ju.t like new. Corona del Mar. 9:>c97 t•1al. 110 h. p CHRYSLER Good tor generatlona. You wtU I CROW!ll 15 knots. be thrllled to bear and pl&y lhl1 NEW 9 x 12 ma,.oon ithag rug, 'fl t Int t T'" rub~r bacl< $30 Ll 8.7638 22 FT. MERCURY 112 h. p. Gray marn1 cen •rumen . .. e PLU!I ruu •i.U double bed or full •lu tw"tn beda PLUS 2 larre wardrobell, cheat of draw· ere and 20 n. of overhead cablnrta PLUS · 9 7 1 i<peed 2~·30 knots 11h1p-shvre low pnce will e.1tonl1h you. 5c9_' t>HUQ. Na.YY top. ~ciLpU. co~u~ Qtl1tt.v-a,na. aa...Iow ._ $'96. -W&t ~.P&~.lt lb.Ow.IT • .hoia. t~ -----------~--t--pc--.• -w-et_l_!O_n_i_r __ Ih....,•:=--rm. r-2 bunk.1, h1•ad. Ru11 only 1 ;, DANZ-SC~MIDT Bir Store, 630 toilet and lavatory aet Ind. tablea • lamps. Al.so houra. Call Har. 3176 aft.er 5 No. Mam, Ba.nta .AnL Open PLUS bdrm. set. H igh chair & "porl· p. m. 96p97 , Jrrtday En. Vented n oor turnaoe. 12 ft. of o-crlb." REASONABLE. 302 gla.u wlndowa on patio aide and Monte Vlata, c . M. LI 8•6385 19M -111 rr. LYMAN OB 2fi hp. LA.RGI: Steinway "B" Grand piano many other outat.andlnl teaturea 9~p!li J oh1111on autom. controls, ateer-in perfect playing condttlon. FANTASTIC Bt.rr TRUll ---------------------Ing wheel, cov"r , like new $775, WW take good piano In trade. LOVE SEAT, early Amencan Har. 2600. See al So. Coaet Co. SHAFER'S Mualc Co. (Since 1907) You can -. a.nd ord&r thla be&U· provtnclal print $50. 411 lrvlne 96c98 "21·423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana UIUJ traJler only at Ave. Liberty 8-~240. 95c97 ----------------------Phone Klmberly 2·0672. CHINJ:SE HOOK RUG 12 x 18, lltUe UN<!. Solid maple bed.~tead, •lnrle. Har. H~l·W 96c97 FRENCH Satinwood table. pr. ot lamp• circa 1820, French rlock, pr. at Lu11tera, Har. 2098-M. 97c99 8$-Boata, Suppllett Boat-Motor -Trailer RENT a pnaclice piano u low .. 13 per mo. Let the Jdddl .. learn. All term nnt appbee ii you buy later. D.ANZ·!ICHMIDT. NO No. Ma1n.. Santa Ana. 100 pta.nc» trom wh.lch to ch009e. 16' c.'u.atom runabout •~boat 26 h. p. John.!lon motor, mahug. a ny birch It plywood. H ull double fiberrwaed. Cornpa11, Acquameter, much chrome trim • ~ote contro~ ExcepUonally clean 3" ch&nnel lron trailer. FINE Chickering piano $r9.&0 dn., Owner leaving laland Mu.t. aeU SlO. per mo. a t- by Sept. 1. $750. B. B. Bender, SHAFER'S Mualc Co. (Since 1907) 123 Via Zurich, L.l<k ble 4.21-03 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana Hpt7 Phone Klmberly 2-0672. FAIRLINER 26 ft. twrn acrewe, ----------------------HAMMOND ORGANS. UtUa uaed. gr11y f ire ball.I looded. Al con· 38-FT. SPORTFlSHER, new mo· dttlon 17,7~. LI 8-t710 83tfc tor easily converted to pteuure One only !amous eaay lo play Chord Organ. One beautiful Port Orange Tra.iler Sale• 1200 W. Cout Rl(hway Phou Liberty MUO Newport Bee.ch. 97c99 * Star Fleet * 30 ft. cuatom bu1lt -llv. rm., dinette. kit .. bath. bdrm. J'Um· lahed completely, Incl. 17" TV, china, eutlnHIJI. etc. CABANA a x 10, compl. turn. ALSO paUo tumtture. New 12 tt. Wiaard 7 ~ hp. Evtnrude mtr. See a t Lot 4. Newport Municipal Trailer Park. Har. Ol2l·R. t5p9 CLEAN or commer cial. Trade for prop· Spinet Mod.el. Won<loertul tor erly, ca.r, or trailer. KI 5·11160 1951 S M • S after 6 p.m. 9~c97 church or h ome. Very Uberal partan OOrlng pace aavina; on theae two lovely In· $1 p<'r foot !Or saleable crul.ser!I, 23 ft. 11IOClj). TOP aummer buy. lllrumenta. Royal Mansion 2401 \\'. Co~t Hig-hway I $1200. <;allt>y, aux. engine. Slip DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. Maln, 3l FT DINJ:TTE, lwln bed1. Newport Bt"l1r h. 96cl0 1 2Q, R ichardson'• Yacht Anchor· Santa Ana. Open Friday Jive. Conalder trade. 420 w. h t 26 FT. FISHl?'G B<•"l without age. 96p98 Tuatln. 92p8 motor, very rea,;c'lnahlc. Mr. 28' BOAT 1turdy. 93hp. aleepa 4. Sl>--DoP?_ Cata, Pet. • 11 rr. CURTIS Wrln'ht trailer. Ga rtlnile. 700 • J lsl St , l'l'w· "J''lATURE hit poodl d •" Owner leavmg 11tllle MUST "' -~ w e e og S4110. Har. 1>442. Evee., 426 Via Port B~ach ~l'98 t t I LI 8 •970 ""'" "8 SELi. THIS WEEK. $1850, or a II m · -u · ....,c. Lido Nord. 91tfc make offrr. 411 0 River Ave., =-:ewport. Har. 3:140-R. !Hp97 40...-AUtOtl for Sale NEWPORT Sub Uai.e 4 ~drm. 2 bath 1Urn. Oct'lln View ~l the 2 bedrma It bath down· stalra pay your rent on lhl! 2 ROOMS, COTT AGES. APTS. bednn. apt. up 11 t a 1r11. Har 0445-J . 07c!)9 DAY OR WEJ<;K • ---------=__, - THE. BLCE TOP MOTEL. 403 COMPl.F.TELY furn 3 be.tnn. N_.port Blvd., ju.at a bove The homC' mcl. dashes. wuhlng n1B· Archea. H lfc rhine. drapes, L.ciuc only. Takt LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one cit two bdrm. apt.a. Short term a.nd yearly. ALSO, Udo HC>mea and Bay Front Homea a.nd apartment.. LIDO REALTY Associates 3.00 Vta U do, "8A-Apta. for Rent Deluxe Furn. Apts. One A two bdrm ., with t.elevlalon. .Avallable for 11ummrr or win· ter. ALSO yearly leaaea. 1n Heart of activity -Lota ot parking. 11()7 E . Balboa Blvd., B11lb<>a Harbor 3606. 86tfc Lido Isle 2 chlldn n over J 0 $1 ll'> mo. 2138 Union Ave, Oosla M<'llll. 97c99 Lido Isle 2 bdrm. Pro\'lncial Interior, com· plett'ly furn. AvaJl. Oct. l for w!nlC>r S12i'> mo. PaUo, flrepl., dbl. &ar. 218 Via Dijon. Harbor 4678-\Y. 90c4 CORONA DEL MAR. WL-..'T&R REl\'T AL. Furn. ~-rm. houu, gar. Avail. Sept. 15 to J une 1:1. Har 3i9CS·JK. 94c96 FOR LEASE 2 t)f;'drm, turn. 2 bath, g11rage, pier It. float.. room for 30 ft, boot. $12:"1 mo. until Jun!'. C<>urtesy to broken . 3808 Raver. N-port. !'hone Lehigh 9-2116 96c98 ----------BA.LliOA JSLAN0-2 b11rm. lurn SepL l l lo Junr. Ph. LI 8·5226 96~98 One aml two b<lrm. apartment.~. WINTER _ 1 btdrm. ric:e11_n ri ont, FurnJAhed . Garages. Yearly or wtnter rentaJ. Ha.r. 56711. knnlly pine. p11t1n. ALSO 2 bNI· I room ~lurrn. r~nrel1 y11n1, 1:11r· __________________ 9_1_c_6_H lli,"'.f'. lnq 3008 O;·ean FrPnl. MODERN furn. apt.. g'&rbar e ' 96p!l8 dlsp., uUl. pd. -adult.II, av11t1 -A-t.;-r(-:.--:l!_l_t_o_~_r_p_t_l_'I·-. -:1--hr-lr_n_i_l ~. yrly. $i5, Har. 08~3-R 9~c98 hr.th. t-:xlrn 11:•· (Mtln, ui.;1.,1 -------------------Sun ct ... k ': hlk '" O'AO, t)lfi. k BAT FRONT, Carnation Co,·e hav A!lultl' •hnwr \\••••k-1."'~ duplex, winter or year lease. 2 Harbor 26:12 Ev1-.. It v. ,,1.11 .. 11.i~ bdnn. RAdlant heat,. garb&fi?e llarhnr riOl111· W !ltii !iH dl11p. Har. 5206 93lfc _ A utns, Ji'u1111lure cit 8alan.. One Day Service Loans Crom $!'10 to $1200 or more CALlF'. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION - 11198 H11 rl1<1r Ulv(I, Co1ta M- LI 1Vi761 -· Open Fr!deya Ull 8 CIOllt'd Saturday~ lfO LOANS for Homes 6" -JO yr. Lou9 Construction Loans SEii BOB a.A Tn.ml 1510 EA.ST OOAllT BLVD. Corona n~I Mar Harbor 3888 Rep. POOUER MORTGAGE CO. M.etro Lite I.II&. J'und1 KL 3-51M •auo LOA.NS TO liUlLI..i. DCPROV& BUT, MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCE We Buy Truat Deed.I N"mWPORT BALUOA SAVI:N08 A LOA."11 ASSOCIATION 1368 Via Udo, Ph. Ba.r. t.200 ti• Listings Wanted T HIS HA~ HF:E;oo; A r.oon \'EAll ~lo11t 11( 011r S""'' listing• dre 11old. \\' t! ll•'l"I )llllf In aJl lie<" t11\n!l. A l•n hrn ,,,., nf i:o0<1 ''aluc Ci\•1i we II 11 1111. el\til'r exrhu•h•e or 1111tll1pl1• 11•11111;•. \\'F, GET Ill-~:·W l.1' ~ N.B.C. Realty Co. :1:!11.f ,\ :-;, "I'"' I HI \'<!. =-:rv.·port 11. tt• h 11111 h"r r1:116 nr H O:. --------- NEVER USED 16 h. p. MPrl'lll)' Mark 20. outboard motor. LI 8-:iill3 after 6 p. m Sl6c98 =--oRTHlLL anchor. 2:)' chain and 100· new ''< ·· hnr. $30. Boarding la·lder tor 30'·40' lx•at. $20, New X"-"Y 8-d~y shlp'1 c\O('k, $40 f'a•h!lt>l!, lanlt•rm• 1rnd cabin lamp. "hea p. 22' hfe rlni; $i. W 1 n <: h handles, 3 tor S7 !'if• 1nq. JUG Vi a Mt111tone. L11ltJ Isle w1·~k enda or Creat· \"If \\" 6·860:1 WCl.'k d11ya. 8:1p98 ·~9 CADILLAC 82, 2 door, exoell. rond. Prtvate ownn leavlnr town SO~. Csll Har. 0:138-J H c98 *PORT ORANGE* TRAILER SALES ONE BEDRM., nicely furn. w an· 53--Storf's A: Ortic~!! \\'AXT \\ A'ITHJ HIJ!\I \1-1 18 F1' FLATTIE Sailbnllt. ~111111. tr111ler Xlnl. rondll1•1n, S:l<'tt Hubor 2i62·R. 1161 !l7 -------20 ft. CABIN CRUISER 71\0 Grny ~fttl'lne engln~. l:3c1lt tonk. h1·11ll, slu1ni••Ss sl11el gall<')', ~lerp-1! :l i-;x, ell. \ onu. :>.tooring 1wa11. $Z:lt)O Jnq Lot Ir.., :>.tun" 1rn1 Tr1>1h'r pllrk, :\1'"'1"" l '" 1 .111 Foirv9l 026~9 !l6pn8 116' CHRIS CRAFT C rulaer with SAIL B(>AT M1~•tel Pal'iftr 14r1 •)l~ru·1r 2r. h.p. Like new 11400. C"nmplelr SIPS. Oun l't'1'kha111 Lot 51 Mun1c1pnl Trailtr l'n1 II Lido \\'hllrl, 3446 Via Oporto. 93p98 !'"cwp••f l B••ac-h. or Ph. Eol!'•'· w ANT $3.000 boat. Have $S.CSOO wo111I 6·1882 \i,tpl I equity an Santa Barbara Tri· A L:>.ll.1ST ;-iE\\' John~nn $!15. i fl. plcx, 4t <'Xtra lot. Total $18.- 1'111m $10, 3 Snowhmls SJ2:, 11ri.. '•00 lncollle 120:). Bolt Q 32 W' ,.,.wl $7 !iM. :l!l ft ~!Mp $R~1n(l r o lhill paper. 95p97 \'1101'(; PQRT, 2.".ti W. '"'"~1 2;1 H. r GRAY SEA SCOUT H"Y· Ll 8·12(I~ !lSi!l!I D. D. top 11hApe. S360 Viklng'11 11. FT !"KIFF' ~:i~,I Port 2M7 Caul H lfhway. 97c9!l . I H I' ~;\'IOI lld•• $11~, BAYSHORE BO AT RENTA~S l 1111 E I '11381. =--rwpni l B1•a 1 h S-l--Mu.,kal, Radio, T V Hlll' Oll71l !''" !<7 ---------------- TRADE ll""1•lt1{ut iO-ft. aux. 1chooner Fully tC'Und, go anywhere. \\'!11 tAJ(e ~qutty In property or smet. lt>r boat. l :!21) \\'. Dalb()a DI\'(!, I =-:ewport. Hllr. 3032. ~!ltl• 211' ST EELCRA F'T fit!htng ho11t A II o>qm pped ready to iro. BRA:'\D l'!:W Wilhin 6 houra rirni»1lf Lime. Cost $7200. Sl~k­ ni>11s forr ea 38.le A rl'nl bargain H..AMMO:-JD ORGANS. Full line, a 11 modl'ls. Free practkt rooms. Come ln 11nd play on &l\Y model. Thi.' Grrat ConcPrl Org&n. the Home Mnclrl, the Church and th!' i::ptntt Modelll. If you think ,\nu cA.n n"t play, come In and t r.v the world fa.moue Hammond. ea.•y to pl1y, Chord Organ. You will be utonl1hed to find you can play In flftffn minute1. DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano It 0rg'&n Co Home of the Hammond, :120 No. Milin. Santa Ana.. _ '.'._l $4990. Hu. :1209·R. 87t~ t:~F:D PIANOS, vanda. aplneta \\ A;-;TE() TO Bl'Y J;11lt t>quily l 11nd upright.I. Good practicr 1n 1mall ~&ti tw11t Muat b•• piano• u low u Sl26, SIU, $187 n•uvnabl>! a.n,1 hnal m ~''"" a.nd up. E.luy tenna. One only d1l11>n. Ll 8· 763 !locli8 !•moua make aplnet ellghlly ---------J da.maied 111 ahlpmenL Brand WANT~~D u 1l boot by Sea S<·uuUI. n•·w. Bl( a tvtnr . n•u onable pr1l<'. W 8·31011 DA:"Z·SC HMJUT Big Plllno AOr· P6.:98 gan Store, 620 No. Mal.n, Santa ----------~------------A.n~ :-JEA..RLY NEW 19~6 --ih·h.p. AUGVST SPECIAL! EYtnnJdr 1"'llll).1srd mntor. Milk\' nrrrr HAr. t•3P4·J P6r!l8 _ \\'fl n••'•1 AtYer&I uprlJ ht plan°" -F or a uept>nol11ble u~rd f llr, nc f •r Fa.II renl.&!8. Extra larg• I and SUPPLIES ter Adulta. Garage 1:>5 mn. ------·------:-;'P\I f"•I • 1·111111 wattani.: \\'h11t 118--36lh Newport. 93tfc :l 11lore11 or 11rf11 e:., one 28.-<30, One '""" .\"''" J!•, Hrrh• Hcllltnr, 2200 W. Coaat Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 12x26. Low 11'n\. S1111ahle torr"· llat lii•r :-,1:,11 llltfr CORONA DEL MAR Attr 2 bclrm. l&il h11s111<>1t11 or n!r1c!! 6<17 E _ 19:'13 CADILLAC C~ de Ville J>llr. '52-H ' Happy Home ........ $62~. apt.. gar.. auto washer. )'early lfal IX>~ Uh ,1 l lar :ll)"fl l.lil(t· WA :>:TF:f 1 H 1 ,. ~ " r · 11 .. 11 r. Pr1n. Dec 03, 18.000 m1lu. Guar. perf. l"'On.:l. Power brakes. 1rntronlc eye, power neertng aH 1954. W /W ttres, hydro tra.n1. Orig . owner Har. •401 IHldll U-Auto Senlce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl1. ---··-----$48.88 8 Cyle. -·····-·-·-··-··-··$58.88 Includu both labor &nd paru. New rtnga, wrt11t plna. n.tve ltrlnd. fltUnga of main and rod be1U'1JJJS. ExJ>41rt mot.or tune up. 90-d11.v or 4.000 mtle guarante.. (NO MONEY DOWX). REBUILT ENGINES '&2-21' .AIJoa 1 bdrm .. ~ .... 11211. Inc. utll. P hone H 3012-R. 96c97 --------LIDO O ~'!o'lC'E S l'A<·~; \\ 111 "M -36' Pan American .... Special ·0~1· Paramount . ,. ....... .A Buy '1'>5-2'' Terry .......... We'll Deal. PAN AMERICAN Paramount·Ken1klll Traveltz..Terry t'J-Waated to Rent 15ttc Rentals Wanted P'UR:-J. J BORM. APT . IJ"round floor, 1811 m o Including utll. Adult.a. no pet11 Louise Apu , Carnation m•11r Seavlf'w, C D .M Har. •016. li5p9i SEPT. l , new 2 bdrm . a pt. next to channel It ocean b•'achr11, flrtptact. garbage 1Hep. & pRt111 3M-36lh St. Har 3624·J. ~pt. Sch. 95c97 Wa Deed api. aad b.ouau ln al LARGE 1 bedrm 11pl. unfum. aubltt ~pace 1't1tlttllll' fnr &llvr· nPys. l'nJcinf.'<11 • "l'' /\ 111•1 ' • l 5it:l0 1n ~hopprni: Ill":\ vn \'1a Llrto. Cllll Don Coli• Af\ernnoni. only, H ar. 46r>O. :.f}I fr OFFICF: FOR Rf::'\T Civic c; .. ntl'r 1..-wRtton. :!1 t<?4' $60 p.;r mnnlh CHARL~:s ~: HAH1' l<1•1ol1 .. 1 3420 \\' l\jlll 1'>n Uh ol , Xpl lit II t..:l· ~. !\"EW. ~.:>.iA wn. Y ~ 1·n:-11:-.111·.• • ..etio11.1 for both w1.Dter and 011p.. 1tove rdrig. It 11:1.rage. ,_r • lee.M. 1'w'n. OI' u.ntlU1I. off we ,. 1111 ri• U ....... baTa a \'acallCJ, Nf'ar Lido Shopping Ccnlcr . 1999 H .. rltor '•·~·' 111 · ~.• Lll••'r' 1~ yr!y. r.-.nt.al, Avail S,.pl 18. o ~~~, 1,,,, -......... __ ... _ ... '_"" ' ...-_,, Hu. 3669. 97pll The Vogel Co. n ms. 1 BDRM. Apt. s 12 a e: · not W. Ott. Rwy., Newi><>rt Bell. ,omll, C"orona del Mar. 9:ir!li Pbofte Ubtrty a..M&l IOI M.artne, llalboa i.l&nd Pborie Harbor •4' BUSINESS BLDG . \'.'llh pt<I • ·,n,,,!11\ lool .si., I• 1 m'lnth 11~ 22n'I i-;1, :"\»v.f" •• Br111 h. KI 2-l Hiii \•Ii• I II -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY-2M7 ll. Coaat Hy., Corona del M.&r BALBOA ISLAND furn., 2 bdrm apt ., ttrepl., view. Sept. I< '" June 15Ut, S60 mo. Hllr. M:l-~I, Store Building Built In our own factory by uWed Ptloo• Harbor \741 machlnlal.11. Don't contend wllh Lido Otclce, a414 Via Udo the mlddlo man. Buy dlr,ct. Harbor 4971 32tfc REBUILT and INSTALLED We Need RENTALS SHORT BLOCK FORD .. -·········-·-.. ··--·· .. 1129.50 CHEVROLET ........ --·-··· 1149.50 PLYM. It DODGE ··--·--1155 CH.RYS. A DE SOTO ... _,_ 1170 STUDEBAKER ... _. ····---··· 1170 OLDS . PONTIAC 6 -··-·-1170 BlnCK ·····-··-··· .. ·-·····-.. --$175 KUDSON ·-··-··· .. -·-· .............. 1175 Lo&n Car Free Towing ?\""EW CAR OU ARA!'>"TEE Blc><'k must meet our etanJard• Ptua t axes, iruket.1 e.nd oil Open Sunday 1 0 a .m. to 2 pm. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Op.n Dl..lty 8 to 7 ltat. Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. Harbor a.rf>a. Wtntf>r or 1mmmer. Tena.nll waltln,;. REX RECHS, Rltr. 2307 B&lboa Blvd. Har, ~1!'16 95trc GARAGE WANTED tor 1lnrage apace, near Sapphire It Puk. Balboa X..l&nd. Ca.JI Har. 360 J aye or Har, 1218-W e\'l'll ll6t ft· WA.NT Bacllelor apL ur l bdrm. apt., -terlront 6 (T'OWld floor Cell Davenport 877 20 96<'98 WIDOW WANT& ro LEASE un· tum. lat noor duplex or apt .. It am&ll pe.Uo on or befo,.. Oct l I.ft Newport Hrl(tlt1 or Corona cit\ Mar. :>lo chlldr~n or ptO Ha.r. •O..S·W. IH)r97 Mo•l"ll1 $1\~ !'fro l'lltlAhlu I"" ' T\VO BDRMS. tum. a pt. E nrl "n " ro 111 , .• ,,.,,. r-11:. • • 1 pa tio with BBQ. Sttll mn yrly. J',.11\1ni:-f11t·1IP •~• F I\ II' ' I or ST!\ mo. wintrr lnrt 111lhl 1r~. C'Rll H11r 2n-;-11 '' "" 403 · ~0th :ia t., N l'Wp'lrt R~11 • h -- Har. 21H·M • 96rll8 I •o A B · It f I ---------------~-";_.:::_~1.:'~~·~ ... ~--··~ !' .. ---- TEAC'HERS A TTENTIO:" i uE~K !'I',\(·~: v. ii h I !1•011 r Hl'I \ .. F'urn 1 hdrm. 11pt ~f1t rinP \I' •• 10 ,., -F 1, 1 l'I Balboa bland No 1·hllrtr•n or " 11'1' ' '• • •11• "'" • • 1 H ,, .. ,.8.R H1tlhw1 l'l•·tl• 01 ·1·1\11.1•1.., 1,1,, peUI. ar, vv l'flJ•l•k t1l~11 111·11 1.ah!• lht ';1)1tt ~ .. ·. BAY Vll'JW apt on L1oln Pf'n t11· f<'()R RF"'\T .. uta. N • w anll •llrn• in-. 11 •••'rtl't' I ,,f .. ,., ptill,.lt:d Jtvtn1 roo1n. h•tY.'d rJr:t. 1'"'"Q''' , .•. 11111 2 bdrm1 ,br .. akfa1lb11r.1Jnru1n Tax ··~p··r · 1•'·1"11 0·1 i"I ~ '.\ \\t'fl t •lllct!µl for new l ll•V•' an•l rt-flhl <: .. Ht t: .... 1. ''1 ', • 1"'11 •1 " For .rrlv Jeue Sl:l!'l 11. li"lt _,_ • .,, •• , Ll "'•d••: ... , ll701 uk for Mr Rull" 6~tr. ATTRACTIVE OCC!tllll \'luw l bdrm apt., partially furn. Sullablt' !ur couple. 17!1 mo. yrly 96[, W 16lh, Collta MM&. Call 9 to ~ . Har. l!O. 81Jtft OPPORTCNITY Thr .vtn1· h1 ,.,~, 1~ .... r .. r K 1 .... l ''Pl ; tun,r \" l•• 11 ~" IC'""' 11 "'"' r r 1 • • 1 '• •• " '\l ,. • 1'1 81111 H ··~. 1 ,_ I "I" t ~-.·: I q" r -------------------- SUBDIVISIONS One H ous C' or 100 \\\ 11 •r'··'f• 11• 111 • •• ru\\"Jl1 \' A ,\ F 11 \ I · • • r 1;. Sr~ u ... ~II 11 , 11. ;t, .... .t• ••l P. n B :\ 1 I I ., I 11 I b61 l.!9 South\',·<·~t Farm and I ~flnf"h Srrvice 1;1 ~1 r 1 1:1 , '11 :~; '"1· Rt·v 1 1 ~, 1 • f ' ... "-, ,,1.. /11 , '11ort Ii, f;1 f ••••• , n••·.111t.11.•U"r''~- ·' , ... d1\• t ,.. \t1/ I t & ~("•\.\' ~!· "' I 1 II" .i 1 .. 1 I nr t f)l:t t I tt 1•1 '11 J~ ,, flt>J( !•'"I 1 •t•. ' .\ ' fll\f 10 Ri verside County ! 't I ' I \' I • t I · "• l1 rrnp· .. i •••• I IJ ttl t 1• ' -"4'•' k 'J. J •• 4 f 1t , 1 ' r J 1-r· .. t. ,. '·I "II ("fJ11\• " I , ' 11• 11.:·1 I '111'1<• 1•1ttt I 1 '" , ,, , • , I n _. .. ·• lv•n '" \\'.\... $ I. I • J I . , ., k1"a J t I , • C !I ~)\/() I , 1 '( 11• I I $1~ • I ~ (-1 o.:. \I;,, '•j 111 I ,... •'''r.,.•. \ • I' \ j f tlj ! I , • ' '• t or •llll• : 1 ' I< I ~ I j f 1t '1 Jlrofl'• I. 'f " ' ... f fi•' k 1-iAn II l•/\r1i1 your local deatn '41'ho will h• hNe 1 trade a llow.nue mad41 on any TOMORROW to h11r k ur Wi'At h~ Spanel pll\;10 or J!:iiKtroniC orran I llANTA A!llA T•f':s~.KI' ~l•H IH.l\•'11 I ~rm. ""''"'~ "'j J '",,. ''" n r .. tm ,,, • lkil• 1 1e1•r f • 2 Mrm ~·· '1 hr1me Hf'lt< 71!/\ 1'11 m O..•u•n , 11r1 1n the rtu~1r1-rt Btrt:on 10· IN>7 r •::Zl -42J ?'i. 8)'e&mOrt, -Quel.tled Ada ue a ad by foUta &ell• TOnA Y: Che<"k th• U•l'd Ill !'HAFER• Mu11c Co.( Brnce 1 11e1tc day. i&nta A.n&. PL Ki. 2·06i2. wt.o .,.. l'M1.ly JOolUq to aiu,y. WANT YRLT. RENT.AL, 2 or a bdrm. hotiae nur north R11\' Clo Balhna leland, or v.111 h11y \'"r!t ,. to Bo .. 33. Ulla papu. 9~97 Fl'RN l BDRM. APT. ;"<;fwpnrl Betcti. CI088 to Llt1o flhOPJ>&nf. ,vrly l~u• $M Jl«T mn to r,. 11pnn•tbl• 1o111lt.1. C11l1 own,.,. I.I 8·1™ Sllkll7 rHtl~nlu-:·~i; f"l.f)THJ ~I; \\'111 Jrll 111 lf1Vf'nf ti\' f.,()l~I 1511! (', ;>\<>v.port rln arc.ade ), Cotta Me11a . 1'H• ,,. 11h• •JI f11WJ 95p07 t 7p'9 . . - I I ' . ' I PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 8%-Re.J f'Atate ft-Reel EAta t.e MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 I -----------~----·-----···---···· ------- 0 PE N DA I LY -10 a. m. to 1 p. m. . LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Your opportunity to purchue, probably the beat buy on Lido W A pier Ir 1lip i1 u cloee u your phone. We will gi¥e ful detail• over the phone and l!how any Ume. LIDO ISLE A httle MORE for your money t h an the uaual thre. bf'droom two bat h home on Lido. Thia furnished two year old h ome ia ready to move into. The price $28.500. with terma available. NICE LOW PRICE For the neatest, c1eanesl 2 B. R. home on Lido fo r S21.500. -Lovely vatio -flowers kept in perfect condition by owners. Only $7000 down -and you are in. BAY FRONT LOT On Ltrlo ~ou<i 45 ft. frontage. Priced to sell at $39.500 Plana included. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3t16 \'1a Lto!o, Npt. Bch . H a r. 49i1 or Har. 4972 Erns. Ha r. 21Dl-!>f Hu. l 3RO or LI 8-5297 BALBOA ISLAND RAY FRONT F1vr b<"lr rns Thr"e b1·droom~ & d en T hn·r b1·dn1oms • T\\"O I '!"\IT!-; P rivate pie r • • Pri\'ate pier Pri\'ate pier • • Thrl·r lwdrnom hous" & a pt. T wo h1·dn111m houi:;e & a pt. Tw11 b<·dr, 00111 h11ui;e & apt. . • • • • $65.000 60.000 5 7.500 40.000 SJ0,000 23.000 19.000 Four h<'<iroumi:;, 3 ba ths T h rel"' be<i rooms modrm ......... . $39.500 26.500 22.500 18.750 16.950 T hn" b<·droomi> Two ht>drooms Twn bl"'Jrfletm R W M. W. llll electric knotty pine modern SANFORD, An<I Associllteft Park ;it !\fa rine. Balboa Island Upper Bay 361 • 22nd Street Open Da ily 1 to 5 p. m. Realtor Harbor 2462 \"<'n· mClrlrrn 3 bNlrocim 2 bath new home. Ready t .,. 11 nrl·dratr• 111 l'll(lllni:y. Large lot 60x330 w ith '"' n1-; I r l'C•.; '21 0110 with $4500 down \\ 111 111n:-1 1, r 1 radr on \·11cant property or boat. Fay Todd D U NC1~N HARDESTY, Realtor :.: 111.: '.\'11 !!h it ,\ 1' 1 lt \C'Tl\"F t ,,\HI ;E !'-';Ii\ I\ I•: \ ! 1:-.· -I \hil•l•:H :'\ · : It 11 ll • ,to J I _.,, dtll Har. 4'ilR WANTED A HETIREO COUPLF. I.I n : ,):'\ flEAl"TJrl:L ~t :\H I · 1;1)1.i> A \"F I;>; l"ClRONA UF.J. HARBOR ESTATES NEW 3 and 4 Bedroom Homes With 2 Bathrooms S 3 7 5 down S69 a month. inc. int. s 9 3 7 5 F U L L P R I C E ~ Paved -Curbed -Streets )'{ La rge Lots Sewer s in and Paid ·'(.· Garbage Disposals · Alu minum-Sliding-Windows Colored-Rock-Roof · · Natura I Ash Cabinets ; Many other Desir able F eatures Drive n orth on H arbur Bin i.. turn left on 19th St. 3 blocks to Meyer place. We'll bt> happy l o show you the outstanding valuP or Orange County -but HURRY ! More than ha lf sold now ! W . A. TOBIAS , Realtor Excl usive Agent Clif f Haven A M1llro n Lights Cllti.l"n ltk•• •1111mond!I from this mot1Prn V1rw home or m11nv w1nll11w~ _J]i" H11 rbor h1 11°1 1°<H1 r ft't'l fH1m this beautiful nr11rly n<'w :J hdrm. and family rnnm. 2 bHlh luxury home with rxtrl\8 ""lnrt, lnrl dlehw1u1her. bit -1n l'ltnge 1rnd oven, 1Jw1tche11 prtvlllP office or workahop 1n extra la rge g11rage ... It you want lhl' flnnt 1n loc11tlon and ron~I ruC'tlnn rnll 11s to @l'I' t hl~ .. xqut1'11le home $34.:100 rull • • f • Newport Heights Two T op Value• :\o I 3 bd1 m • full bath hdwd tloora -fireplace lhumo conlrol..led goram.y tum- I 400 E . 17th S t.. Costa Mesa Lilwrty 8-1139 'C" THOMAS "C" THO MAS "C'' THOMAS "(;" THOMAS INCOME Corona del Mar's finest combination commercial and residential fronting on Coast Highwsty located in the heart of the City. Pride of ownersh ip and assur ed income may be yours l o come. Please call for price and terms. _ _BAYSHORES NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING ! ExceptionaUy ruce 3 bedroom, l ·1, bath completely FURNISHED home. Just the perfect h ome for year around liv- . ing, nice large patio. din. room, lge. k itchen, fire- place, w to w carpeting. in exceptionally fine con- dition. AS KJNG PRICE $22,000-Tenns. I 1)1 l'R n ft onr 3906 Seashore Dr. '2 BDRM turn. 1><'11rh <"flll111tr All R"lll&ll tronl Ge>od 1"<'11 81'M 11w1mmmi: & 11urr <1~h1111t' R11rr $12,450 305 34th St. Home A: gar. apt. furnished. X t 11r Bay A: Beach. chef'ry kitchens lite. Creenhoun for tuchalu A begon1u. 8 x 12 workahop plua laundry rm. Consider S 11100 dn., "'Ill trade up or tin. or lake TD"a. -Lff. lll"e llf'parate 2 car garage "C 0 s 1n the ··Height.a" most desir-II TH MA Realtor ~1~11: ;,~~!hborns~M d~ ·~~d~~ . r I 411 nlwSth 181Street Cl •'~ loa n 224 W. Coast H1gbway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5:>27 New Ouplrx, 2 _ 2 . bdrm. apt.IO .. :\11 2 Two br1h oom lovf'ly with "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS l knotty pine, uaed br1rk, rtrfplace _ ~pHrll ll' gue11l hou!'e and pri-1 built in rangt. HrW rtoor•. rf'd· v111,. b11th in bat·k ... wall to wood g&rbtlge dl11p., b&lher"t w11l l c·11rpelln~ and l'XIM111 g&· 1 ahowfr dr,.1111lng room, 1!1undry. ltlrf'. AND LOOK AT THlS-./ ./ Corona del Mar -a Vtry nlce homt with tncomf. J1111t S 1.500 Mown and owner Y Y -Kerwin. wlll r11rr.v t111l11nce at lua than rent!: Hurn • on lhl11 on~! • • • • • Bay & Beach Realt y 1696 =--~wport Blvd. <'n~la Mt1<&. Calif. Ll 8·1 ISl Evea. LI 1·3010 LJ 1-7221 Ocean View Home I NEWPORT HEIGHTS Thtt. 1a onf' of the beat located, 1><'111 bu Ill homtll In the Heights. Ha'\ 2 bdrm•. A: dtn, fi replace, hf'aul1tul pallo, luge alidtnf glu s doors w w carpttll, tlrnJlf'.:i. 1 ''. b11th. Owntr will tr11t1e for 11m11ller home 1n Mme a rr>11 2 Brdm. Npt. Hts. This homey 2 bdrm. home with h1r1-:e living room, r1replace, •<'P· r r11tt' t11ntng r1>0m, ftervice porch 1tntl beHul lfl!I landll<"•pmg. Cf\n be Y•1u111 for ju11l $2000 down, ~ull prue Sll'l O:IO. Thia you will ltlte. Costa Mesa DUPLEX So of Highway Only 1 block to ocean and beach. F ront unit has 3 bdrms .• 2 bath PLUS studio apt. R-2 zone. Paved patio, d bl. garage. and only $17,500. Better hurry) on this one! CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) OPEN-NEW 123 Via Genoa 1 t o 5 dAily CUSTOM BUILT 3 huge bedrma. 2 bathe on a 70' tree lined street. Gor geous kitchen with built in Thermado r, dishwasher and garbage disposal. 3 car garage. Large dining area. South patio. Nylon \'iscose car peting. All included at : $37,500 Terms DUNCAN HARDESTY, O<'Un fronl 3705 Seashore Dr. Bearh hou11e, with blK room• Ar g~ \llfW nf net II n, rloae 1n U OOO t1n S 100 mo -Lt,.. B A y v E w I \\I !I ... p I .:. H\1.,tt.:-; ~I.\ H A :"fl HA \.F: A:'li l:'llCOME i Thi" h11111P 111 lo>!'lfl than l year old, T111 I 1 l11tio J bdrrns , 1 • .. hath~. L.a.1 ge 2602 New port Blvd .• Newport Beach Realtor Har. 4718 REALTORS Harbor 3371 p111l • ,. ti• •1 ·111 1 .. 1 ,, I ' ' 1 • • ,, II \ ... ta,:• .!~\.!•t \( ,\ r \"I.\,.,, < 11,11 hk1· 111·\\ 1'1 nd '"'' '"" i. at .. 11; :111t1 \11\.111 'l•ttl~l'"f"ll ' • l:l1• •I ..:·; 17 ~II I All:\ \I ' Ii I' l ' ·~ I 11 it i i. \' View Lot ' )\\"ll• .,. !tit'! I I:,,, I ..A ~,., •1 ~ ''' c, • t , ,,,~, ,11.· 1, t .. 1· ··•' " . ,, 1'1111< ••• ,. .... \l\\1lo•1 \\ I f',nl\t k '4"11 f'•o!l1• \1u 1 · 1:,.11, ,, r. ", i, .. ,,. 1 •• •ni: ' I I 11 ' R••"fi l!f ~·k· .!'" f•.'\11,. •' ' I • .~.t t • q, I '•t I• \,, o ' ( ! ,, I ~ h-t1 f1\ hHlllf' <llltl1ll ltl :-.;,,.,, h··i111 .. hn\r "" nff•·rNI ~111h 1 lii..t-l hl"tnt' roum, d1n1ng room. tt •Id 1:h1111I 2 11.•1 11 .. 0111 homo· on 1 brPnkfllJll 11re11, nalr. b1 rrh CR b· ti • I tn• •l , "' nr r lo• a lion y .. u 111e,,., w v.• <"llr~tl!. link f,.nce \\ti!.,,. 111111:t••il 111 the WPll <lt .. I 111 rur Onlv S t~no down Full "I:. .. 1 I 1q:1· .. nd 1111nnv h11izht pnot• JU"I $11 i!IO Thi• you ''"'II• II :1 l·m ha~ 11n Atln<dl\"• "111 hit,. s .,. pl t• f ..:w l.t:\\ ·lr.tni.; 1tourn 11n.t 11 .: I• tl ur.... lhRI v.111 r•t•··•~·· th·~ run~l ,Ji-., r11n1r atu ~ ""'. t I;-\ 1\ IJ[>ITH );'\: II hlll' .. "ART " ADAIR r.F:ALTOR 111 It: i.: I hclrm RJll ••\tr i.pll· 1666 :'11 .. v.•port Bh•I 11 .. ,, '..: '·" l:ltl•li!l' •Thi' llJ'I ·~ ('1>11111 ~l l'~R 1'111tf LI 8-3i92 11·ut •• t 1•, s:u \iH• 1 T H Jo; \I• •:\Tiii.\ P\Y~t F.=-:Ts o:-; i.1) Ann::-; tha1 will grow dollar! 1111~ l'HOl'f:HTY \\"ILi. BE I "r \"t$:f'l11 bll'11. Hous1'11, 11heds. (!17 !'l<l ~I ll 1 .. qu11ltflrrl huyn h111 ""· It wtll. Sub<ltv111lnn per· 1·.o11 """' t '' furthf'r 11~1a 1l~ "n m11 h lt>J acro11s 11. 29'• dn . tin pin t 1·1 , I .. n.t onlv $3000 acre. OR A:\CJ..; COAST CORONA DEL MAR 2305 W. Ba.lboa Blvd. Expansive H arbor and ocean view. 4 bdrm. Den. CORONA DEL MAR Dining room . 2 ba ths. Hardwood & carpet floors. ~harming 2 b r , prov1nr1al, 1 onm Bar gain at S45.000. Submit down. for unit, rlou to mkt11 11nt1 ' lransp.R-2 $12 :100 8EE t;S ~~~BEACON BA~ and BA YSH ORES properties. CORONA HIGHLANDS Ha r . l 11;:> -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 z hr . family kitchen and dinin~ J ohn Mac nab. H arbor 5359 room. terrific awf'eplng v11'v. EARL W . STANLEY, 'Realtor uoo 121 :1° 0 1 225 Marine A ve., Balboa laland Costa Mesa l b.r . r11111riw• rm . t1m1ly hOlllf.', IPrrlf1r p11llo, 70' lot $37,000 I 3 hr.. din 1 m.. f\111 .V <"llrJlf'l~t1 f11bulo11a kll . top location $:17,llr>O I rROPERTIES A REAL VALUE .. ,111~'.~6:1~··wport. E~~~taLt ~~:oJ How Can You Miss COSTA MESA Bargain BAYS HORES J. hr, PLt:S gar unit, kno1 ty pine Int., 2 pat los. bkf11t hnr $22 :100 THIS CHA R.Ml:\G hOnie on land· I 11captd & fenrert 60 x 1!\0 lot. 2 :-.:EW 3 I.id. Home, S9r>OO. $2150 LITTLE GEM brtrm~. OXLY Si 7M -..·i1 h ti ma d11wn Bslanl'e S62 ~r mo, me.I IN EXCLUSl\.F: CLIFF HA \·E;-.; 1.11 •ll 1:-'l ,I I • , • '.'I •,,1o1 I I 1r 41::.: 'lf1 111: B>'lt• r , all us ni;hl nm .. • •wtl 11r. Engll11h Tudor collage So. ot mt .. principaJ lll1<l lllXPI!. H Balboa Bay Fron t Bayshores !\ B.trnu1 :l b•llh• ''"ll11l1full\ furn v. I I h h111111 · hll\.-1<• .1 Tl1" n '"~" v.11 .. dM IJ111'd and hu1lt IVI ,. .. ,.\' 111d ~a.clOWI II\ 1111: \\" W , Ill pf'I•, drssi-nH .111ot ll1'111h·y ~hllll f'rl thru·out. Tht r11,to111 mll•ll' appoint· llH :ii ~ 11r" 111 t'lfll'Lll'nl lU t•. 2 1•1<1"'" lh•1111t1ful planlin&'8> •lo•• \\1t1·tw11 Not l'l\'f r·prlced., ~h11w11 "'" l 1111• ttv appoint · 11\• •11 drarrM " " '"""''" ll<'trllo•\ "hut 1.i~ rtuu · ""' II ·~ 11 dream 1•um• tnJt' 11 )11u 111 .. look1"' for Ea1 ly A 111,·1 '"" "' 2 patlOb, BBQ with t.'lf'.-~l"I plfr and •llri 3 l"llr 1(11 r w11 h pa•km11 •pt.1•,. g11ll'll" Alklllll $711 Vtlll Shflv. n '"" 11111~ lh 11p1~11111 mtnt. Excellent Income Dup lex L<X·11ted dllse to t ht> L11h• ~h11pp1 11..: 11 n ·11 o n a qulf't s tret•t . l'omplctl'ly and m•wly l11rn1:;ht•d L owt>r unit 2 bedroom s. upper oth' bl"'d room Hoth lt'1u1t'<l 11how · rng 11 fine rdurn 1lfl tlw fuil furn1l'h1'd prit•c of $24.000. l pper can be made a \'a1lablt• 'to thf' n('w ow ner. Exc lus1\'i.' with Iii< !'rt-11 t1 11hn • LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3 112 Lafayr tte. NPw'f'ort Har. 3643 Har. :?009 Evea. GOLDEN RULE VALUE Owner Mu st G iv e Away Must i_;cll this prop<•rty this wei·k. Out or t own o wner wires u s distress call. 2 bedroom h om e with h<1rdwood floors -2 C'Rr ~arai:;<'. Ba<'ky ard fenced. Home is 4 yl'ars old. Do you want to make a T ERRIF IC BUY? Se(' us al onte. Taketi around a $1.000 down. ANOTHER BARGAIN $1500 Down We have been commissioned to sell this 3 bedroom horfle with 2 car ga r age'. H ardwooct floora. HouM i8 about 3 years old. Except ionally large kitchen and bedrooms. Back Bay Area. Full price i• only ~ $10,700 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 New port Bl\'d. Costa Men (across from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 llALBOA PENINSULA Open H ouse Daily 1 • 5 p. m . 2036 E. Ocean Blvd. A ttrartivP NPw 2 B. R . -Den -l :\i A ll electric kitchen -~22.~ Open House Daily 1 • 4 p m. 404 B el\·ue Lane 2 R. R . & Den, Large Patio Owner moving inland. bath• BALBOA-BAY AVENUE Duplex, 2 B. R. Apt. ups tairs. 1 B. R. Apt. down, Lge rumpus r oom . completely furn. Dbl garage, wonderful rental a rea. $18.500 -TPmu1. NEWPORT Cute 2 B. R. home -good location. C ming. stores & transportation. One d room very large with lots o f wardrobe space. 1 :.: bath• -on R-2 lnL. $11 .500 -T m s. BAY & BEACH 1150 \\'. B albCla Blwl., Ba lbott Harbor 1264 Looking F A Buyer For You r Home? \\."hat t!I a Righ t Price ? Wht·re c·an Y ou f md a buyer ? How much c·an t hP b uyer pay down! Ii-a new mortgag"e ne<·essary ~ How 1s the b uy<'r gnmg to pay the difference! Turn your prnblem 11 over to a REALTOR -th• man whn has m ;ide rr;il PRtate his fulltime pro· foRSIOll . Roth Buyrr and Sl"'llcr sho ulrl 11ecure t he rettdily 11vailabl<' counsel c1f the person best qualified to Rcn·c -the p<'rson quallf1Pd to UM th<' profeMion al t itle. "Realto r:· \\"ltV :'\•W ·; hoflltl II t\\ I ·nd n ,,, ... ~'·~ \ \ II j' ~t\ ~, ( 01\"t ., ~ ... .._J\ I 'h 1·111;.r 1111 llppl to 111:-r"• l th1i1 t hn 1 011111' :l bd1 m 2 tmth htllllt' 1 .. , 1< l• cl o~ t•Xt"lll""." I( 111J:ll Ru11•l Tilt,. I 1111 I A hh• hull!•' Ill JU.Ill I \ r 11IJ 1111•1 ht<S w l•J w 1·srpl'l, ,,.,.,I~ 11r ><l't'"· f 8 hettll n!( llY~· 1 8 1\'tl . Coron& del Mar. Older Balboa o.~:~,.d~~ l~~~ .. ;ontl;~;~tlltTh;~ Claire Van orn hut great charm. H u It e Tv.·o (), ,.nn Front lnl~ %"n"d fo11 r nit' in •1vt 'I·"<' lh<' tl1tal REALTOR IN t H b B d f R It ~ll hl'tl h\ 0 ·dln1ng area. \\"on-1 111 I•\•····~""' PAd • 273 1 \\" l0Wl11l Hwy w 8-4277 ewpor ar or oar 0 ea ors •I• rful tor entertaining. 2 1 I \' Udrm:i. d«>n. :i fireplaces, a l C t p t• Ocean Front coLn sTORA <;E l'LA:"'T I "'II (lwnPr ll8 \. ,. ... 11 J'lf\, WI' llt·r·1 1-; .. ,.; 7:it. 1 I ·~'•"n \',du••'C c' , in \ ,, w l;tl~ ~ , .. ,,~, • t 'h l nr S1~00 h1H'•' p111·e.t 11 tt l holn\\ ll•d.1y .11 s4.~n() n·pl111•rl)1P1ll t·u~I 'l",111 , IUI ~llh· l..1u:1 r ,. ,, •' ~ 1\ •. S 7~.oo \I •F-11-: 11·-.~·, t:~:Al.TOR I-• 1 k \\ H II ~ 1.1111 11< Birnie 11 .-1. 'r !'1'•1•"1 II\ -4 ~Ii.'. bipl -H \ \ F Tll~: ~ lo t-.:F:~T • nnatruct· ' t ~· ''""" 111 t 11.. II "l••r A rN Sl!l "1"1 \ll~hl t111•lr \\ h11t hllVf r•~t • Ro•' H• t tt~. 11111 h<>r fl !:>6 P~tfr B r 1 '" "Eft 3 .,,.,,. 111 • u11tocn h••"t><' r··111· .. i1 1111 .1 ........... n•rp .. 1. tu·.. ril111 • 17 :.1 ~1 J:. '")0 .tn. 21\X2 1 'l11h .\1 <•11 l't. I ~ 8·2009 lli pPP ['II) ' I •I \\ \ :\"T M I ft1r your hunnf'u A I•· •·~ \ 11•1r wife want " JlHlt\ hit!,. hllllll!' "Ith It 7 7 Thin ~··t-lh1'1 I I•• fl front It.a " ~tr11I 11• St I "'ll' C:all R~x Re<hl'. H II t"'r ~ 1:16. 9:Htc mil lr1 m.• I •~· FAST GROWING E. 17th BUSINESS PROPERTY Ttlla mll(hl !Mo your la11l • h11n1·e lo buy an .. x. o>Jltll'lllllly l!•NKI hll~I· r.e!NI Jot. 2<me <"·2 1~1 x :100 f11r only J:/2,61)\). ('All IUI nuw for the IO<'at1 on. Call H ar. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R Rayk·C' 1'ra\•1s. C. R11!'lll AIUIO(' 312 Marine Avf -Balboa lll1nd l harmer al SlS,:100. Euy Oa S rop er teS .. t E t FORD K It '" h"11•· "'<lril H H atl· COMPLETF: pli1nl quirk ''"''7• nms. Xl" u~i·ie •&'enl. I :1111 t: 11.tltu a 1111'<1 lt11t1< .. 1 I" 1111. I ltoth l'A:"ly fur l!lttraJ(~. 11nd cooler rooms ()f. \'ERRINDER. Harbor 4263 l·L 11 ,1..• ,,.,. I , , 1 1 • t 1 t vu .• 4 • llJlfc __ 3 n I • "'I • • •· • • • .•1 ··'"" "1 ' 1 I " '1.q .. ' "" rur· f1rf IA11dtn1t •lock 11n1l 81°1111'11 1 .,.,. I •• 1 1:0·1 h••·k h•"n of l.Ar~e off ,l p111km1: 111f'11 -- 1 90· FRll:-."T \• .!·: '"' 1: 1 '1•1 • I 'hi.!. < ··•"'I ftrpla• em~n! 1 •••I tv.11 ,, "111\1 r.t RESALE, lovely s bdrm. 1 l•I 11• .. ,. j I• 1 t.ol Ill• t . ·1111" ~ 1·1.1 1·1:11 v $1" ·.1111 """ .-11n <IP)jVfOI thlll fm s·.11. "• b11lh1t, ttnrtd. patio, 1nsul111-8 11,1 4 ;1 .. 111 ,. 1.. "· ••• 111 1 ,1 ,1.,, (IOI) 1.,m,11 ;::,~11~ •A<>~. ~~~h;~O •l .rmnear u111t11 1 .. 1 >t••t ,7, ''"I l••l <1l RALPH P. MASKEY ORA:\Cli: 1·0AST ORA\Glo: COASTte '· I gOV<I In arp .. 111 .. n• •· tllr11rll\"t' I I l'ROl'EHTI E~ PROPF.RTIE!'I '"' an 1n\•''ltll"lll I'll• .. parll· Realtor 18.,i Jl; .. wporl. 1·.,~19 M "llA 18.~i N<'wpor~ <.:v,.;a Mt• I ~uliu11 anti lPll\1,. RI 11111 umr11 :141\ Nfwp .. rl Blvtl Nwpl Bt h. LI 8·16:12 •:vi' 1.1 IH\!111;1 LI 1·16:12 J.:ve U 8-6803 1 ,.QRC)~A JiL·t ~t AR . n 1,.1 H1<1 l>o1 4V2 1---- NE\\.PORT Hli:lUHTS, by owner with two u1,.,n1t 111111" .. 11 r.·11r BACK BAY ...., • r" " .. 1 o r t r v 8\lt 1 c I l !"nled at S12r. l'11lt'd 11l SIU 1101) .X lnt, \lllue, 2 bdrm with xlr'a lluw 111,.1111 lh11t' THRF:E btlrm A tl~n gt ll1nl( 11"1.t rm ott gar . w w. Cllrpet. di•· Best Buy in Town to flni1 now Thi" I• lov;ol y fol J>011&l, 1ll1h ma11Ltr. 220 v.•lr\ng. WE HA \"f' SF:\"F:HA L t'I'! ablt~htt.l U2.MIO. Hat bar :i1:~. 1<6lf• thtrrnoatat rontrol heal Full p1of1table bt1l'111el'Mi< In th" H11 r· :1 Y. R 1tucc11, 1touble garagr . nice pr1<•e $10.M>O with $7600 loa.n. b<1r 8rP1< rnr l'IJIP P1•n'\ r1111 to f1rept111•t l11rge co rntr Int. ~4:l S11nt11 Ana. LI 8·2023 !16.::97 tmr~t1g-11I•• bl'l•ll<' ~· .. 11 h11v prt .... 1tr11Jl"S mirror. r&n1tt' rrr~. DO you really want a RCY • • BEACH HOMF: 2 bdrm .. large c•raie 20 ll :22 ft. lilt'a.I homf. 1pl"1dld condtt1on I S t3 ~00. S:2800 dO"l''ll. Ct~ll Wt,lmtn11tu 4803 Hp98 I.EE <.:ASEY 0 )-'F ln: 2721 E Coa~l H11:h1' 11~ Coron11. Ml M11r Harbor OM'! Ir \·; ~I uwlll<IP•I r lu! bach tlor M11ke otftr. l"RGE:"llT llfll ov rr IC'" ll(!t> 1 l"lb •·rt 111 $50 Ml"ST SELi~, beaut1rut liar k B•Y mn 1 S11 ~ty l11r 11tet.l onl)" 100 fl. 1 nearly ntw •hake root farm from b11y. All I his for only Si~OO h011n . 3 Mrma . 2 b11th• Glori· rin Hnm,.r E !'h11f,.r R"11ltrt r oua for~vn "'""" of Ba)• •nt1 !l."11 P7 H11rb<•r t•O f:\ e Hai. l 13i ·M mountain•. Har MM. ll~lf 4 I 0 • 32nd ~t . Nr wport Beach CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE ATIRACTIVE CORNER DUPLEX 1-:ad1 uml has 2 bt:"d r111.ms, flfl•Jtlace. :: I bedroom la1 l{e. bn ·ukfaRt un ·a . handy' kite· hen. ltle 1nnk•, t il1· 111 bitth!--, l·1·d :.ir n111 f, gM ra~e & laundry, beauli· fut vard. =1 unit l.-;is1•d <1t S!Ml )t<'f m onth. :2 unit ri•nt t·d m11nth ·t o ·month at $k5. A very good \"A 1.l 'E ;it $22.:100 4 · 1 ', PHA Loan . JdM.l f« h nme & 1ncoml' 11 r incomt:'. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2661 E. Coast H y .. Cor rina d<'I Mar. H ar 1741 tl1o~d Sun. dunng A uguHt I Har. a n I ,.. I I • m-BuJ Elltate ------ VOGEL VALUES ·MAIN OFFICE * * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS OCEAN VIEW From this almost new. clo1e in. modem home. Two giant 1lze bedroom• with two bath1. Gleaming hardwood flooni, u.ed brick fireplace, gluaed in aundeck, breakfut bar Ii nook, three-way flood light.a. A VIEW from e\'ery room, and it'a under the market at $24,~ * * * * YOU ASKED FOR IT! Beautifully designed. lllmost new , 2 bedroom ocun view home in C-Oron11. H lgl\lands. Priced t o move rut at $18.~. low dnwn payment, 80 ••• * * * * LIDO ISLAND NORTH BAY FRONT PIER AND FLOAT 3 BDRMS. 3 BATHS $59.500 -GOOD TERMS * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coa11t Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 CHOICE LISTINGS These properties are among our choicest buys. Homes for e very (amily. See them before buying. 5 bedrooms on BA YFRONT. Oldt'r, but I\ good fam· ily hnme. Partly furni1hed. J ust rerluced t o $30.000 6 room homr nn l'nrn<'r lot 40x90. Two bedrooms and.den. 11~ bal.hs..-fireplace.. hard.wood-floor.a.. large. walled patio. dQuble ~arn~e i1trt'ssed for apartment. Pt>rmanent bay virw. $25,000. Terms Two ~rnnm, 2 bath home on Bay Ave. Nice patio with BBQ. Room to build another house. $5000 down Good older 2 bt'droom house and bachelor rental. Ne>ar t own. library. trRnAportalton. S l 2.!100. F.xrellent terms can be arranged. Batk bay \ 1rw lot. One nf the f..!w fee lots in the arC'R. 125x 1 fl!'l. $15.000. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES VALUE Harbor 5188 97c99 VALLIE BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An exclu1ive home area with fine beach and large lot for mother & children, and dock apact. for a small boat for dad. P riced $28.500 furnished- Good terms.· Owner will li11ten to cash. Ph. Har. 444 for appl. as Aug. tenant pays $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motrl apartment. The finest unit of thla type in this location. Income in exceu of '12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 A1arine Avenue Next door to the Post Office Har. 444 Eve1 Har. 3059-M -Har. 4248-R * EXCLUSIVE KINGS ROAD * Commanding an unexcelled view of the entire Harbor area. this epaclou1, almost new Modern offers the 1 ultimate In gracious living. It hu three unusual bedroomB; family room open· ing on a CO\'ered patio; study, a truly be:iutiful k1t- chl'n with 1111 the built-ins. 11nd a li\·ing ronm you mui:t ~('(' ~ Pnc<': S34,500 $1500 down. ~hn .. ·n by arpointment only. GREENLEA~ -SEVERTS REAL TY 1 Inc. Harbor 2552 3112 Ne,,,•port Rh·d. Eves : Liberty 8-3186 Newport Beach ------ DO IT-TODAY!! See the best buy in C. D. M. South of the Hiway, 2 Brs., din. rm .. big k it., with brkft. area, bath with tub & stall ahwr. Lh·. rm. & din. rm .. carp. W to W. Located on a 45 ft. lot, fenced with lolll of privacy. It you etretch ju1·s·1·t a llttl@, you can 1ee t he water -Honeat. Just reduced $2000 -Hurry. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodg~. As11()('iat@ 3622 E. Coalt. Hwy., Corona del ~far Ha r. 2774 6"v-ftul r..-t*-,--·--1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA.6! 1 MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 p a I m· e r i n c o· r p o r a t e d frl-Rul Eatattr· p. a. developers For a family who lives smartly and buys wisely! of Lido Isle BALBOA ISLAND Shorecliff Open House You'll enjoy All the wonderful advantages of Lid" living in this BRAND NEW 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den. 2 fireplaces, paper. paneling and color"' tastr fully blended, 30 by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen is fully equipped with built-In range and oven. disposal. dishwasher and ra.n. Ready to move into today, and only $33,500 P1rturE>equ@ one story ranch stylf' homti. I.Ale of used brick & redwood. Low sweE>ping hea\'~· sh:ike roof-Spacious floor plan. mclutlt'i:; 2 bctJn)1>mfl & df'n -2 baths -2 firl'plai:es. Bt•:iul1ful ocean view -J ust a step tn exclusive bath111~ bc•al·h. OPEN SUNDAY from 1 • 5 p. m. 218 E\·ening Canyon Road. ~hore ('Jiffs Orh-e by then call n ave 0Rburn Looking For A View NOT J UST ONE but two beautiful brand new 3 TWO BEDRM .. 1 bath. Lido home. Plus sleeping room with 1 :! bath in garage $18.250 · E. R. -2 bath homes. Both have an outstancl1 ng view In addition to numer ous other fealure1. in· C'luding built in ranges & ovens. Both hnuses will be open Sunday, Aug. 21st. One is pn ce>d nt 40 by 110 on Via Lido Soud, across from commun· ity beach. Perm. BA YVlEW at $14.000 $23,000 the other S26.000 223 Ii 225 Ocean \'iew Ave. Newport Heights Larger home on 2 NORTH BA YFRONT LOTS. 2 boat slips, guest house, lovely terrace plus en· closed patio. F ireplaces in living room. dining Call Bill Farnsworth for further information. Seashore Drive . room. master bedrm. and entry. Bar. maid's r oom. bOat houee, carpeting and drapes. $110,000 lM~!ACULATE ocean front home 3 bedrooms-112 baths -completely furnished in Early American atyle, situated on our finest bathing beach. North Bayf ront Home with pier for leue, 1 or 2 yn ., 5 bedrma. 3 baths, lovely yard and perf~t beach. See what John \'iascher, builder, and J. H. Biggar, furnishings. have done at 204 Via Eboli. Everyone tells u11 It's one of the moat beautiful homes in the area. Open daily 11 to 5. -Total price $18,500 Call Dave Osburn Cliff Haven Let me show you this Immaculate 3 bedroom house. located on a large fee lot and with planting in ex· cellent condition. Property is ready for occupancy without any fixing. Ask for Hodgkinson p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700-"· Gout--ftiPway--liberty 8-6673 ,_ 3333 via. lido, -hari>o~ 1500-- 2-Unit Income A SM ALL nOWN-rA YMENT 18 ALL '\'OU PAY ... TE~AI"T J'A \'S THF': REST. One of our b!'al v11h1e11 2 nrpare te unite. fllrul~~NI. 2 r-1lln1< 30x102 ft. Int. Choll'l' h•l'Rllon n~ar Bay 11n<I Orean. 116,6~0. S4600 down. 9-Unit Income BALBOA O<.'EAN FRONT. Posl· l avtly the l)e!<l "buy" In Balboa. 8 unll11 pl111< a manager's apart· ment. Completely ruml11hed. e.,th. living ruom In Pach unit. Remodelf'd In 19:10. S4800 net mrom,., r r1r .. 11 a t $3:>.000 -sir. ooo tlown. Balboa Duplex! t.AR•;E LOT ... ROOM FOR ONE MORE t::-:IT ... rLUS a G ARAG ES. L'pper rum1shed, &It butc f11rn11l11" In lcJwer a~o lnrlucled In 1111le Lower hu been rnmplt!lely moclemlud. $16.!>00, terms. Balboa Home! WITH SEPARATE SINOLE APARTMENT IX REA.R ... patio belwl',..n untt11. 2 g-aragee Both rurnlshe<1 Cloar to B11y 1tn<l Ore:in. R,.e-this oondy rr~·prrty 11: s 17 .000, terms. Balboa Lots! Al!k Co 11ee our lhre,. R·3 lots • , , 111dc by 11l<le 011 Bnlboa Boule· vard. l'lo~,. lo town, S 19,aQO fnr 111! I hrct . Balboa Realty Co. OpJ'(l~ll " Bank tlf Am('rlra Ro~11 Crel'Jry Al C'nmthua Ell ue Jark Plnkh11m .lo""l'hlne Wtbb 700 E BalhM Bh•d. Balbo11 f'hone H11rbor 32i7 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR TllF: MO!':T 1 l\rdully ~l'lert· f'•I \ Ql\IPll In ('kc h of mar <ll!!tinct· ly tllrfrrf'nt HARROR AREAS . BALBOA PENINSULA NEW OFF'F:Hl:-.i<~-mnd Provln. 2 hclr111. -onlv •, blk. tn .letty. LnA<ls ot rt1}'h<l&rc1~. g111 b tlt~r tlhle. 1tnr11,1tl'. flnly $Ix :IM, O'r ln"n, Sli t 411 mn CLIFF HAVEN 11!\,llOO 0 1.;n ; T HJS 11parktlng 3 bdrm. home. l,oVf'ly lant111('npe<I p11l10 (.211lr t St 4 •, C: I. lu&n. for cnrnfnrt • llPrnrat y. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYL\.lA THO~IPSO~. Aa&oc. 2604 =-:ewrort Blvd., :>pt. Hearh Eur Parkan it Harbor 4610 CORNER HARBOR Blvd., l l~.000 down or wall take 2 bdrm home u 'In. ,,.ym1nt. Thia pro~rty c lear It lnromt' nr ..... o mn -Own• 11 tli i>I '""· Won<lerl'\ll Buy, ORA ~GE COAST l'ROP&HTIES l l6i ::---~wrorr. C1J1ta J.leaa Loi 1·163:1 Eve. Lt 8·6i03 IHORECUFF 2 br., 2 bath, ll'e loL lilokneu camp.t. me t.o ..U al once. a l le.u tha.n replace- ment roeL 1:19 9!>0 Immt'11a t• pGUNSIOn. Har. 2209·R. 69tlo Bl LL'S BEST BUYS MY GOODNESS!! After all our hunting here it la! And it'• amazing what $1000 down will buy. Thia 1paciou11 two bedroom -FURNISHED -Hu H. W. floors, dining room, fireplace and top location in town. Sewers in and paid for -Pavtd alley in rear. F. P. $10.600 ... $6,800 loan committment at ~7.50 mo. KIDDIES' PARADISE Neat two bedroom on 60'x13~' lot on dead end street. All large rooms with plenty of 1torage apace. Only one block from g rammar achool in very exclueive area. Full price $10.9W ............ -............. with $1.950 dn. ON BROADWAY Large 3 B. R. home, bath haa tub & stall shower. Completely re-decorated in and out. Double gar- age on paved alley. Sewers in & paid for. Full price $12.950 ..... .. . . . . . .... $3000 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th St .. Coat.a Mesa Liberty 8-1139 Balboa Island $5000 down bal like rent for th is attr. 4 Bdrm. home near bay. 2 Bdrm home plus guest rm., bath and l Bdrm. apt. Furn. $26,300 Cliffhaven Charmmg view home. carpeted 2 Bdrm .. reAdy to move right in $13.500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A\'e., Balboa Island Harbor 502 Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- shore Drive. Knotty pine Jiving ronm with dmin1t art'a. Formica k itchen, 1 bedroom and 1 !.! hath down, 3 bedrooms and 1 1 ~ baths up. Sol11l cnn- struct1on. concrete and piling foundation. 2 car gar age, enclosed yarn. Excellent bt'arh. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newpor t Brarh Harbor 1013 GILT EDGE POST OFFICE Ownr r wishes to sell new P o!lt Office. 36 unit motel. and 245 ft. o( business fr ontaisc adjacent Post Office. Located on Mariners ~hie, Highway 101 Excellent retum11 on your in\'estment. Mu.t be sold as 1 unit. Wlll exchange for subdivision lllnd, or waterfront. home for part. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Oranie) Newport Beach LI 8· i562. ·Har. 615• eves. Houston Values Even A Blind Man CAN V18UALlZIC THE VALl'E on thla 2 brlrm . ea8lAlrle, I blk. ott Newport Blvd., U x HI bc'lrm dtil. 1tar. neat ,.. 11 pin, full price 18200 with only nooo dwn. -See thl• one' Newport Hts. Area EXCEL. l B ORM. on a 8-0 x 90 lot. W W cat pellnr . ,,wer In and pallf. Jncl111lf11 i:ornl rang, and rtfng. Only S7900 --$1fl mo. on baltu1r e, Full Price $7450 2 B DRM .. on ly e yn. nld, good 60 x 200 R·• lot. Submit your uwn down on thla one. lt'a a \'alue· plu11 clul. Eve. lnfo Petitte L..l 8·114'17 Let's Trade Ha\'e !!·acre 11vor111fo r11nrh 1'11 San ntego County. Will 111111 .. for hom11 or Income H11rbnr area. -12:1,000 l!lve. Into. Seymour. Har. !i298·W .. -- Ocean View Home XEWPORT HEJOHTS CLIFF DRIVE cor , 3 bdrm. homr Big din. r m. anct dinette. \'ery rutf11l and lneplrln6(. P rlre or $111.000 A: nay term11 c. d. m. s11, 1 oo I Excellent 2 b•lrm. homf', only a l!l"I' lo t1.arkt>l.. ~1·nc-1• fur ga1 npt on lot . ~:l:,110 1ln . 4 ; loan Aprolntmtnt only M-1 ON PLACJi:l\llA nr 2n1h , 113~ x 29•) wlth 241\f'l 11q fl hMi; with nr Wit hOllt leue r lllt pr S I:\ 01'\(l A·l lnVl'l'lml'nl • F':\'t lnfn "n Rht•\" :'I l1 ••n111 Ph. LYTLF: LJ & 2:142 Houston Realty Co. f, M !ROCIATF:S 5011 Center !'I . Ct1~ls ~tl'•ll LJ f<-6!11 1 or 1.1 11-i71>4 Bl.Rl ~F:~!'I f\. HOM!': r·IMI' In rornl'r. Reta l l o\ wholr~11 lr pR rRk ret & rnn11 rv, l'AIRhll•tlf••t 7 ~·r~. :I Mrm h,.,m ,. Sl2M/\ full pt 1rll! fo r ev~t v1h1n11 ORAl\t;p: l'OAflT PROP~:HTIF:R ll\!17 Newr11rt, c·,,,.l" MP1111 f,t 11·1632 F:vr LI E-·HAO:I \t()flf:H:'\ J he•i ronm. l "-l1nlh, l4811 ~'I fl I', yr. 111 I c ll'EX FUR 1:\~l'F;C"t'IO:-: SAT & !';I ':-;, AFT~:H:'\IHJ:-; !'IOI F'Ulll'rton A \Of'. :-. pt Ill I' ';4 tfC VIEW HOME Newport Heights L.anl\a,·ap1r:g . Two h<>tlnn. • den. pa lln, i.ua~ r arair!' Many U · t ru 1 ="ol t,.o etinltl • 1·n•l~r $27 (l()v ', dt1wn tiat11n1,. lri•~l d~~·"'· ()wn~t. LI 6·3374 ~·v~" 11;,011 TRlPLEX -Cl~IFF HA \.i.:;\' 1:1,iSO down 1 WO \'M r l•l'1, 2 bdrma, Mich, !lrepl111 e, pa tio. 1ar~1e dt~f) • lar11e wan•! •WI 1ara1e11, •tnrsse mom ;\'tar ar honlit rhurrh1111. anopr n1. '21,;:.o F P. u 8-611!'16 1<t1rr•s Ql'ALITY l~LAND HOME A APT. Onf' of the Jsland'11 fine homee. 3 bdrms .. I~@. dining rm .. P~ bath11. delightful hght h\'lnJr ml. nJ'€'1lll\~ to pllrt ly rnvered pat1n. The. attracuvely furnu1hed 2 bdrm. garRJ:e a pt. with full bathr1>c'm rnrns cwPr $1 800 per yrl\r, F.xtra :i 1 bRth i11 ~llrngr Outstanding buy at S3S.OOO with ~12,000 dn. FIRST OFFERING. Small 2 bdrm. hou~ on S ap· phir('. Floor furnarr. flreplact', furnh~hed, built 1P47. Smsll lot , only $1&.~. Submit down. TWO llNJTS LIKE NEW WITH BAY VlEW C'om·ertible rlther 4 bdrm. home with 1 bdnn. spt. nr 3 bdrm. homf' with 2 bdrm. s pt. Graclou1 lh .. Ing rm. lt'ading to e:-tceplional rlltio ~10.000 d.n. gon'1 tenni1. 60 FT. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little llland, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land nlue is close to the uking price of $78.000 ..,- Bt:STNESS Bl'ILDING MARINE A VF.. $32.&00 UDO NORD BAY FRONT. Larg<" lot. charm.ins 4 bdrm. 3 1:.: bath bouliC. Dining rm., modem kit· chen. d1sp.. dishwasher, lot.a of cupboard• and closets. Plue unueued l bdrm. apt. owr 3 car gar· age. Both unit.a all newly furnished In Modeme. Ideal for home and income or guest.a. Hri r. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbo r ~~9. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine A\·e .. Balboa laland Lido Waterfront Home & Income T ake your rhoice nf h\·in~ in a three bf'droom t wo bsth and rentinJ: the two bedroont two hath or \•liie ,·er~a. Howe,·er you decide. li\'lng can be both' pleasant ancl pro!ita'ble, ownin~ lllfa near new t:.rao bayfront home and income. Full price $69.~ LI DO REALTY Auoclat.es Lido'1 Most Expt>rienced Sales Penionntl Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gena Vreeland -Vir~inla Manson ~ 3400 Via Lido Harbor · (Acro1511 from Richard's Market Entrance) _ A REALLY CHARMING HOME One of CORONA HlGHLANDS nke.t. 3 bedrms .. 2 baths. beautiful, kitchen with built ln range end and O\'en. Separate dining room, huge den Vl'ry att ractl\'~ly decorated. Excellent location. $31,~ tt'rms. • WANT TO TRADE FOR PASADENA? Pa!lsdena owner of modern furnU1hed 3 bdrm. home valued at Sl 7,500 with <'quity of Sl 0.000 will exchange for income property of similar price in Bay area. Call us on this. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 31 8 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor •781 9&98 Newport Heights 45 foot Panoramic View lot l 'nexct'lled for ocean and Harbo r View $15.000. N ot R l<"ase hold -Clear dt'ed given. Just ea.st of 2320 Cliff Ori\·r. DUNCAN .HARDESTY, Realtor 260:! !'\l"wport Blvd .. l'ewport Beach Har. 4718 ? ? REWARD ? ? • • "''11 t1•rfront homt with pier and slip wanted NOW. Cai1h buyl'r waiting, $:l0,000 to $100,000. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy . I At Port Orangc) 1':i:wp11rt Beach LI 1'·75G2 liar. 5151 e\·cs. TRADE WANTED ~t 1 Acr<' Plnrentia St. and or 26 f t. F:urlln<'r twin ~rrew, for Lido hnufle nr Jot 1.1 8-6710 before 10 n m. M ofter 5 I'· m. "Choicest Listings" Homf'll on Lido 11111' 11nd 1n Newport Harbor area We H ·y 11 nd :-IELL : o rncc11 and Sl rarl"S f11r rf'nt 92tfo WILLARD L. KILLION. Realtor 3:111 :'\<·w p1 1rt Blvd. l Opposite City Hall l ' I - I ·•- (}~vernmenf f.:xcepf :J.rom P,.,GE 8 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 .l]j(){rr TUR IS RIGHT? BRUSH COUNTRY ''God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cennot chenge ; the courege to chenge the things we cen end the J wisdom to know t he differfUlce ." (A. Anon.) )ouRNAL R~· HORA('t; PARKER EDITORIALS Surprise Witness Opinion "Any peraon who ha.m't got anything to fear can answer anything. A man or woman in the United Statt>s has nothing to fear except guilt." lainly -but not private. They are the proud usence of our relationship with our countrymen. They are to be displayed, not hidden under a talse mask of fear. Harbor Area Merchants Now Show New Fall Merchandise (Ed. Sote -Thia Mlumn by llMa<'e Pukn "Ill df'aJ w1tlt th• lit-tie-known bl1tor1c-a.I rac-t• hf hu dl'f'd«t'd up In hi• man1 trlpa Into th" ~k l'OUDtry In rr.-.·nt. ) ran. I .. Th<'rt.''s ~old. and it's haunting 1rnd h1111ntm~; It's lurin~ me on 11s of old ; Yet it isn't the gold that I'm w 1rnt 111g So much as fi nding tht> golrt. It's the grt'at, big, broa<i land 'w;;1~· up yondn. It's the fo rf'sts wht>re silt>n<'<' ha~ IC'ni::r ; lt's the beauty that thrills m<' with wonder, It's tht> flt illnt>ss that fills mt> with !"?<'R<'e." So tml~ Rnh<'rt ~t1rvire'11 fa· I dNin frv•nir p11n lln.1 .-11r•f11\l,J With thoae words, Bernard M. Baruch -85 year old park bench st.ataman and adviaor to President.a- has expressed sur.ci ntly a fundamental American feei- ing about an individual'a righta and reeponsibilitiea. Mr. Baruch macte his statement when he appeared aa a surprise, and unofficial, witnUI at a Congre88lonal in- quiry Into Communist influence in the entertainment businesa. He added th• words that all Americans alsn know to be true -that in thi1 country people will g€'t a fair hearing. In t oday's issue of the News-PrJ'fl& you will find just about everything needed for 'fa1f apparel, whether you are freshening up your wardrobe for the busy au- tumn days ahead or nutfitting your youngsters for school. See the Fashion Section for proof. mou~ rM·m. "Th,. sr.,.11 of thl! ""'""h"d " 111 " hur k"t flf wat•r. Yukon." anrl hr exprl'llS"• b1•1111-ttOt'R!'I f'l.f'l('IS(; ti fully anrl h<1m l'llk,. thP """' t't 1'h• i:nlrl ff'V•'r l't"t 1111 wlll ph1lo11ophy n r lhe g<>ld f'l'Ollpt>l'lnr, "l'~nd ho11r11 8lt111•1n~ th,. c1rt'p The Baruch word1 were an Indirect slap at nine acton and actreMea who had steadfastly refused to an- 11wer questions concerning their Communist connections, if any, and who had accused the Con~essional com- mittee of an illegal invaaion of their indivitlua.l rights a.nd privacy. Rhoppers of Newport Harbor area know from pre- vious experience they can obtain what they n~ for their back-to-school set, no matter what age. by visit- ing the stores in the smog and traffic-free Harbor area. Not only is it a great time and strain saver on the indi\·idual outfitting his children for school but the val- ues 1ind \'ar ietles are a vailable for the aBk ing. For 11nme mnnl ha now I hf<\'I' 111o111n11 111 t hl' bntlnm nf thl' pan b,.en 11.ffllr ted with a mild l'll~P t rytnj:: lo i;t"l th11t hill,. lhri-ad of "irold fl'Vtr .. And I\" g,., VIN' nf "c1>lna · wh11•h 1ll'no!t•J1 th'.' flt ll" lndiC8t <'~ ll l><ll'l tht• olt'llar• fln1 l ~t"nl'I' or 1:11111 F:l't'll r nrkPl ml• cents I want rrr>m th!' l:•lhl, hnt •'l'"~''"fl<'~ n re hrn111>:ht Into rlay rathtr th" run of fln<Hnl{ It a nti for thl' ltnv. fln11n-. izojrl,.n rllr • lhe nppMt11n1tv ••f i:~l n.: nv1•r tirlf'!! t he plrt urr~qur r lluntry wht"r,. 1l ln 1111•1·1• e(J vu11rt'o1 r 1111e11 the Like all previous Fifth Amendment pleaders, the~· did not explain just how membership in, or support of. an organization dedicated to the forceful overthrow of their liberties and their form of government could po88ibly be a matter of purely private concern. m11y !>'> f<'\tn(I flAltt•nt ha" 11n ovt'rwhrlmtn~ To provide this service to the Harbor area local mC'rchants have taken great stridea to keep up with thf' heavy growth in this community. They have take.n on nationally known lines plus California-created ap- parel which is in high demand wherever smart buyera <:an get it. Building the Bridge ('Al"H llT Jl'E\"Elt 11rit1• to '""' 1t "1lrv-w1111ht'r ·· Jn think I reui;-ht thl' frvf'r br1,.r thlH 11t 11 ""rlt>s n( 11rr ten1 from th.•• k1tls lJnd wh~n thP t1ld-wh1rh ><hHke An•I J•i.:glt> w hile a eftt •lRll~ht1•1 I''"'" hOllh' ilJWl't· t11.1H cit (Ill' (1 1•111 II f11n blow• mg R """' .-:<•Id pnn. I ~('llflll•ol t\W•"' lltl' lli:htt'i' !'111 t l•'h'-Thi• 1r ouncl until I f•1U nd nn 1rcon 111111-i~ 111'11'' '" 11"11'· l'""'HI"•" t h• pa - l ·• II l ti t I 11,.nt 11111>-t -<h•W<'I. •Ill: nnd put As ie true with all people in public life, the actor of necessit y builds public attention, approval, and con- fidence. Hie material success depends upon publk opinion. Along with the rewards of public acclaim he muat accept the responsibilities. That's why we suggest you look first at the Har- bor area's merchandise before making that long, hot a nd wearing trip to metropolitan shopping district.a. You'll be glad you shopped at home. Big government, centralized in Washington. D. C .. and belQved by nobody but the th9usanda of multiplying bureaus and bureaucrats, agencies, sub-agencies and sub-sub-agencies, is-for all it.a vaatnesa--a weak struc· ture which could plunge us into Socia.liam. ar ttnu flt1~ r n J.:11 "1 l t Now l h•'I" isn't 11 11111i.:lo• 10l11n1:1•r In i. hurd '1""" wn1k ~·htrh la of qauu ti sllrl' rrnm uur 1,11 I<.' 11111 d 1111 tlw 11 .. 111 t 1rn I 11111:1 bll•· m o t· ! \fin t lt"r!I 11n lhl' hanclq T hi .. p11.l1 Pri'l Patriotism and loyalty are personal things. cer-It is weak because it is so far removed from, and un- fe\lpol}_siy~ t_g tb~ will of, the American people.. We should all strive by every means at our command as citizens to Bring Government Back Home-back to the States, the counties, the communities, where we can k eep a a.harp eye on its expenditures and performances. r «r Anc I 1 · 1~ ~l'l 1•>11 •. h~ isn't nnlv lntt'rt'11tt d c,:0 111 111 lhP "l,Jt1~1·n ill lh~ M "' • tn Jtl~I · , ulnr.. h'• \.\ ~ nt ~ ln rnl· a.ls anrl her t1llo· 111 tri.1ht1>1111<1 l•·t·t !l.,111,. ur tho l'\•llt•W mi•llll rather 1l11.t11 r 1·1t1•l1<·1<I '"id it with 1<1••:,. "t r111ralhn1t llllrt '"II· seems ahnO><l 1nst1ne1 ive fo1 11~ int{ 11 human!! 10 he drawTt to nnd rn•-~IOllt: ('0:\11'1.IC'ATIO~!'C Newport Elementary School Registration Dates Told 'ctn1lted by-~hr yellow "*l-81, l'.n. 'l'htlr ~rnrltnw11 IPA<ll tn 111 eat• cle Sam however. hR.8 11ulhe1l 11.i1d er cumph r11.ttons, SllC'h u lnvut- rulned her character. Interest ln init m 0 n ,. y In dev•lopment, lhe grea t la1ly h1111 wan1>d ext•t•pl •lrtr~m11 of larger t'Qlllpmr nt and to her lrlardle11t or lovers. When perhapa he msy be<'ome 1nrt'rled "Unt'le" flt'gged her value at on · with 1t. r h rnn1c und ln<"ura.ble r1111e ly aome 136 per oum·e. 11.nd w ith of "old fever . Prompt m .. •urea l he infla tionary 11plral what It Is m11Rt be t &ken whe,n th• "1lry- Sacramento Sidelight SAf'RAMENTO 1C1'S 1-State legu ha ve ~·en overcrow dt'd. School. Opens Sept. 12; Old Bus Time in Operation for ReCJistration Hours Engineer A. D. Edmonston ll1l· erSL~ES8 GOOD n11unc-.. ,1 h·• will retire N ov. l ar-The first hair of thfa yea.r By so doing', we will build, with strong plank.a, a bridge to a Better America that will endure. ehe isn't worth cou rting. Wllllh•'r" 8l a~e la re11cht>il. V r 3 1 y1·:Hs nf st1tte ser vice. Ed-brought t o California ··undoubl· mnn~t1in, " strong ad vlX!lte <>f edly the highest levt'l ot b113lneu Stdl« ralh1;r th11n ff'deral dev1·l· activity In Ill! hiatory." WltlJam iopm.,nt ut Caltforma ·s water re· A. Burkett. stale aup~rlntendent snc1n·el'<. saJt1 he chose to rel1r<' of banks. reportfd. Burkett said Washington Comment By WALTER CHAMBLIN JR. l!lh&rpen up 1our penclla, l<lda, Highway, Sboreclitra. C orn n 1t onP Y•'l.ll' IJ••rore reaching U1c the Index of busanr111 activity 1111mmer's over &n<l 1chool la at-Hlghlanct11. Ba y Shores. B11v Sh"'" nt1U1d1<toiy re\11·•·mt•nl age or i O rose tw o polnta during June to most ready l n opi•n, Ca mp. Chff Haven and ~ ...... ·port In rll'<h•r l•> 11 vou.J a cut in retire-18i , mainta ining " cont lnoua rise W aahington -You have au been d11buraed pn direct Joana. Rei:111tra llun !late for children Heights. htl'lll Pl\)' sh1111ld I he &late rr · w hlt'h bega n In Novemher, 1954. hea rd the co1'1ment that lhere is In th,. Nf'vq1orl Beach Elemen- 1 Klnduga.rten children will en· \lreinenl I'' •tPm be inrorpora ted The June lnd"x of a year a go nothin g more pt!rm&nent than a rnn· School Dt11tirct ..... 111 be Fri-roll In the achoola 03 nu1l111t•1 I inloi lh;· r ... 1,•r11l 11n1·1al 11ecurlty w11.11 165. Ban k debit• held t he temporary agency In Wuhlngton. 41111·, Srpl. 9 al the &chool of with the folloWlng exr.,pllcm~: 1 •Y111""'· same level. 176. In J une aa they A group of New-Fair °"lera nlte.n1Ja nre. F irst day ol achool U do ble Youngatera will at l .. nd 1 ("O:\'TRO\'t:R~IAI. T\'f't; <J1d In May, but were 19 pointa In Oongrua are bent on estAb· 1~ Monrtay. S!'pl. 12. H11.rbor View School, W est Xew · 1 Sinn • h i.~ "f'fl"tntmenl as ,,ta lr abuv0 Jun11. 1954. N ew paaseng-llshlng the truth or thla •tale· If vau 11re gom~ to Newport port chUdre n through 3Hh St. engineer !ft J9~. when hf 1111, .. er car nristrat.&on• during the menl wtlh respect to tlle Small R"Hrh. r nrona del Mar <>r Harbor wUJ a ttend Coro na del Mar School. r('eded the !ale &lward Hyatt, first qua.r ter or the yt'ar r a n 04 Businua A dmln lstrallon. \''""' S1:hools, registration will The new ly annexed Harbor I Edmonston ha.s betn 8 <'<>n lr<iver-per cent a bove the llllllte period Evidence la m ounting that one pr111n 11t 8 a m. For Hora ce En-Hllf'hlAnda v.111 allent.1 H11 rbor slal figurt' 111 the l!tate'a wa ter last year, and compared wilh a of their prim<' lltrget• 111 to .tm ng ,1zn. reg1stratlon etarU at 8:30 View School. I p11·1ur•,. H·· Ii 1'1011cly tdentlfled 30 P"r cent rise In the natton. about a vaal expanslnn ot the 11 m Parents a re requested to with the prnp()Se•I Sl.500,000,000 POLIO CASES DW~DJ.ISC1 power ot the SBA over the na· ,.,.<•nmpa ny all new 11tudt'nU. R E A D ER s.. F P3lhP1' River P ro)ert. whl<'h The stale department of puh-llon'a econo my. OLI) Bl·~ TNE!4 Willi ~I u<l lt••l 11niier h1l' ~t1perv1~· lie h1>alth rt ported C&.'!et or po-The rPason 11 obvious. There La.At year·1 bu11 Khedule will i1111 and wh1r h hP ri.unll to be !lo In L'ahfornia t ota led il6 for Is a vast a mount ot pollura.I ap- h<! an opt'ra t1on fnr 1orrnt'r st u-w R 1 TE .. nµ•nf't•rlni:lv and .. 1·onom1r&llv l he flr11t B<'Vert month• or this ~Ill ln doing t hings ... or talk· dent1 on re""stratlon f!av. Super· fra~rbl!' Edmonston Jirnpoioed t~ Yl'><r. a drop of 73 1 under the ... , Ing a hout doing thtnR"s ... for mlendenl Roy (l, A n1le1~en 51\ld. the I U:l~ h'gi11IAture that Ute number r eported tor t he same the little man And the more Children gnlnii: to Cui nn11 dPI Mar, mernnwlh pn11ert. .teslg111•1l to prriod A year aR"O. The depllrl· that 111 done 1 wllh the taitpAyPrs ~. ewport Bea.ch a nd Hnr h<lr View t semi w11ler nll lltr WR" to San ment llBid then! were 11 polio t h ~a.r Sir August 26 l05:'i ' money. o cou r11el l e mor.-t here s~honl11 111hn11 lt1 bA at their bn11 · ' ' I 01<',.:o v ia lhr 5:an l.11111 Re~<>n1oir death:; c1urln.. the period. com-, ~ You and vour 11ta!t h ave plttV4'11 " will be for tho11e rr11pon~1hle. "tops by 7 45 II. m . f'hlltlren Il l· • . in MProc•<I l"!tnntl". h .. fln.mcerl perPd Wllh 4i rnr lhe f1nl :ievl'n tending H onH'P En11iiz-n llh0111!1 be a. lllgnaficant part 1~ nlRktng t it~ IJ1· a t.r•'ll"rlll "hligat1n11 hr•nll 1~-mnnlha or Jfl:i1. Only :;7 CllSU ASOTHF.R <'Rt"SADF. at-lhi-ir 11top tiv 8 1~1 a m. B1111&PI ~e~;irt R Harbo.r t: ~ 1 0 n Hti; '"'e The h·.:111h1l1111' t<1•1k no 11c· werl' recorde•I riunnR lhe IAsl T hi• "rtl!l&dl' is belni: ronllut<l· will r!'turn t h" children. Parent~ ~~r:H. ecrea twn re11:ram 8 1 lhm nn the prnpry11n1. w el'k or J uly, compar~I with 217 ed Wtlhoul rl'J:!lrtl tn the nrecl will not he pl'rmatt.ert to rifle the You have r a rned lnfonnalt'ln Edn111n~ton suhmtltl•tl a rrport rturlnj? th" rorrespontllng W<'l'k Cor a 11epa rat" govem m1>nl 11gen· bu"~•·~. ;\nclP1~en ~ali1. j last Y••llr 10 whwh hi• ~lated or laPl year. The dr partment not· ry to hrlp ~m&ll b11~111r11s. The C'haltlrt>n Ar" <>ltg1hlf' l o "nleor to the people or o11r rommunlly that ~lhtl' pllr<"h&ll-0 c1f the Cen-ed U\A t 63 <"U ea ocrurred In vac-farts show that mo11t of SBA's 1\nd hAVe ml!d(' It P"!<l'lbll' r11r ti ll Ill th t the r1r11t i:T1111 .. tr thl'y . are 11tx J lhem 10 m ake full utie !If th" 1r111 Vnlll'y P rnJ••rt wa11 1,.!l!!lble. ('tnn1Pt1 pen1onll 11in re polio vac-a c v 1u ... w 1 e excep ton ~P8t8 ur Afte ot· will be l!tx on pro~ram. Stron~ nppr1~1 t11in In lhl~ con-<'tnr brcame &va!lablr Jut April. or ma.king loans to small b11si- M hProre Oe(' I th111 yM r. Child· Bill Philip~. (')( Your 11t.Aff. h11s lPnt1(ln ar""'" P"rllr11lAtll' 11mong SPECIAL El,FA.'TJON ness ... duplar ale the-work ()( irn niay enter klnrlt>1g11rtr.n if done a tremendou~ Job. W e h1we n•lv111·11tP!! nt f'Ahforn111 \\'alrr re-Governor Condw ln J . Knl,ht the long ·t>stabllllheri Dt'pa rtment thf'y Are five Yf'llr!I nld or will be found him t n bt' es,er tn h!'lp ~011r1'l'!I il•·velnpm<'nt hy frrleral h11~ F"l :'1:01'. 8 8 8 the date for r)( Commncc w hich reprellPn~ rive on or hf'forr Dec. 1 t his year. an evl'ry war . Ynu 11re !ort11n11te a grrw1""· ·1 11per1 al elt•C'ltiln in Sa nta Bar-buiolne1111 of every ei:tt. BIRTH F.\'I OESCE lo have 811<"h a man ln ynur em-I F:dmn11htnn al.~o r1g11 r,.,j ,,1 rt'" ha1 a M11nty to fill the ,.ta le sen-All or SBA'• wor th·wh1lc acli· All r htlrtrPn t'nrolhng in lon· plo~)· ,.,.nt 1,.i;i,.J11ltve pr"r•)Ml· lhel a.te seat or the hlle \la.rence c. v1 ~.e11 could beltt'r be dnne bv M rg<1 1tl'n nr f1r•t g r11.•le fnr t ht On bPhlllf nr t he Newport Har-1 the ~tlll -''!I n t1m ri nt1s ".111,,, 11gen· Ward. \Vsrtl w a11 prt'sldl'nl pro Commerce or one of the olber t 1r.•l lime mt11<t prell.,nl rl r>cumen· bor t•naon Hi~h !khnol Rt>rirll· 1•iei: ht• t ••n"'•ht11<tl'd intro ,,11,. <le· tem or lhl' :;ennte 111 the time 1nwernmt!nl Ot!pertment11 There tiu y f'\'H1ence nf h 1 r l h d11.te. lio n P rogra m 1 want tfl th:1nk partmenl . ~ome ll'gl!lla tor !! re· o( his r!roa th JR~l May. la no m orP neerl for lltl 11dj11nl'l Ant1•r~en u1d Surh recordio as you once ag&ln ror your rooprra-11:11r.i,.o1 t h~ m• \'I' a11 a pnht•• way PRISO S lllET of the Commerr~ D!'pitrtment tn htrth ..... rt1firetP f1tmtly Bible. t1on. ur i.:ettlni.: >iruun.1 \Pll!OVlll n( Ed· Stnte Olrectu1 .,, Corr1>cl1ona help 3mflll bu~lnf1'S lhan thi>re hart1,.m11l cc1 ltfl<·atro, r a1111port. Yours t nily nt"!l!!<lnn lr••m t ht' dv11 111•rv1re Rtr harcl A. MrGee In a report to la for • 11"1'8 rate agenry fot rtA lr<I n""' 11 rltpptni:. 1111t11rallM · Vernon Allen J'lll<l. Go\·ernor Knight credited urvlng small agriculture or for 11mall t1nn r~rort1 nt tll'l<"lnr·11 rl't'Mt1 will R.rrreatlon 01rer tC1r. The ;;urrro!<!ll\f l<l the Jllb. •ine I''' good fryntl in C"1t hfor111a prieons labor, h~ llBltPfAr lory. the l'Uflerlnlt'n· i'\ewport Harbor l 1110n of t h<> 11.,,.t imr"•'tArtl 111 state aa a ra ,.tvr In pr rvention or in-Aa for the loan program. there rl!'nt 11a1'1 High S rhnol n tst rn•t I !ii•lVt>rnnwnt. will be rhos._.11 from mate r iots 1111C'h 1111 have orcurred a.re aome m em ber. of C-on'1 re.1111 All .st111!rnl11 11tlPn'11ng ~rede• 111 11~1 nf ,111,.ltried rii·il servi.•e 1n other states. The l'ONL M serv-who rnnteond that SBA'a e11pe r· ••x thrnui:h ... ght will I:" tn Hor· 1'1..1£ rl\nclaillll••1<, Htld will hr sppntnt· lni: 4 ~.000 mealii dailv lo some lence 11how11 that th!'re 111 no 1111b- 111·e F: n 11 I " n i.c·h11ol Teritative 111 I"" hy Fllrnk R nurk,.e. 1>tRle J.'.000 prt .. On<'r~ run11 Abnut J IO,· etantial demand for rredlt that T h• Texu Repre&l'nlallve. on• of the learlang ad voca tes l)f sm all bu111lness activity, expressed dl11· JU.Ill 11t thli; meal(er ~rformance. He tr·an11lat('d 1t mto tt'rm11 a polatida.n knows bt>sl. "\\'ell,'' he t<1ld Mr . Barnea, "that 1s Just a little over one direct lrian fnr ~M·h ron"reMlonal lll11tn r t." Then he hastened to add "I a rt not 1111~·1ng you mnke them that w11y, hut I 1101 Just making tht> t'1>mpa ri .. on ·· Rep. RB1ns t lJ -Ala l 8.11'0 WU g1 eally lllsturhe<.I al th•• far t t h1t.t M 1. Ha rnell had IJ!Jl used a ll ot the SllO 000.000 tha t C"nngreRs had made available for loa n.-.. In fact. a ppr'oxlmat .. ly $24.800,0VO w 11 s t1n('nmm1ltt •I 118 nf IMl April 30 llftrr th,. d1r,1•l loana 11nrt other loAn.1'4 in t·onjt1n<'l1on wllh ba nks hail bet'n mAdP Mr. BernrR explained lh&t the SBA ct•Uldn't lend prom111cously to every applh'Rnt bt'cause 1t was required br Jaw tn mAkf' only loanii Whll'h are of 1111rh 110und value nr so ~'"'""'I as n111 .. onsbly to a ios111 e r ep11ymPnl. .. \\'ell. thPn , .. r .. nomt'nl.-11 Hep. R111n:1. "T hi' l11w iohould be 11men· rte<.I sn l hilt mor,. peop.,. wotilrt bl'l'UtnP Phgible." wmt:R st:1m Congrf'ss did amend the law so 11i; to enroura~e a vellt tn· crl'l\He 1n lhe 11mot.mt of b11~tne~11 lna.n!! 111 the f11ture Firlit, again.Ill tht 11.ivicl' or Mr Barnes. 11 rA l~erl the maxi- mum limit on loa ns from 11r10,· 000 tn S2M.OOO Mr. B11me11 p<linl· Pl! 011t tha t th!' SBA busints~ lo&n:i had evera1ted only J~2.1~2 and th11 t no need htu1 been d•m· OMttaterl for 11 hight>r ceiling th11 n Sl 50.000 0011nd11rt<'S fn1 ,:r1·11cli'i< one> lhrot1gh Qlt) dm!i to r of p•iblic W•'l'ks. I <X>O. McGt>e 11a1d. e mounllnR to 11 not belnR met by t he prlvat" rive &rr a:. follow,. :'l:r v.-port 1 I • , . ,.ume S..000.000 8 ye8 r or about syatem ot banks llnd olht-r lent1· B""rh Sr honl, !liev.·pnrt.. BAiboa IMER_ I 01 t l.ATIO'." l~C'IU:A~E 18 per rent ot the depe.rtment'• Ing lnsllluUoni. In a1Mtlion. Conen ·11a provided ana Lido l11li>. C•n·on11 Ml MAr. I ('1ll1f~1~ni;1 ,. populatwn !!Welled bud!ft'l. Pr"parat1on of mea.ls pro· Then there le tht11 basic que11· I hat h're&fler Joana ran be mAde C"nrnna <11'1 :'llar 110111h nr C'oe,.,t ln •3.0a.• ooo a._q or J uly I, the vlde11 a pproximately l.~ In-tlon: Should government bnrnu-111 cor poration• organized hy a H iirhws y. Shorecllrr~. t' o r o n 11 11\lllt' f!1•pa rtmPnt or fl nruw e re-mRtell w ith w nrk lnlllde prlion cral• be given the power in group of 11mall bu111ne11a concerns Hl~hlands. Bey Short s, Ba y Shore l'"rl ,.,., T he drpBrtmPnt P11t 1mat· i wnlls. M 11rh of tht food Ill pro-peacetime ... In a norma lly-op-for e.~tabllshing racllltlo to pro- C&mp, ('ltff Haven &n•I ::0.:fv.""ort ••ti 11 !!ll ln nr 4•0.000 m·r1 the •ltt•"~lt and c•"nad a t the l-·tl· duce or aecure rftw m at t'rlat11 &nd .. ._ , -· • ·-erat 1ng economy ..• to u~e pub· Heights. Harbor Vll"'A· Srhool &00 • ...,. mind. are open-"nt'·\'rHr f1Pn111!, llfli;n1tlt>1t~ Mn-tuttonl!. lie funda to give certain com-st1pplie11. P'n r e•ample. a group Corona d•I M11r nort h nt Cou t at botJt mdwl" llllllt'cl nt th~ rRte o( a bl'lat 200.· A ..... ORN .. T 0--Ra • panlea a compe_Ulive advantllge of small buslnelll! concema u1ing 1)()0 n r w rrRtdcnt.!I annually • • 1 "" .,. ... .,. ~ • "'ment might form a rorpnratton lll!WPORT ~ HARBOR .NE-W~, PRESS F ormerly the Newport-Ba.Ibo& Newa·Tl.mN a..nd th• Newport-Ba.lboa Prea1 A Depeadable Local lmtituUoe for Oftr Forty \'ean ' · Attor G r 1 E d d a over other eompanlee ~ 8 1r th" durini:-thP r urrent r alen-ney ene 8 mun · for the produc tion of cement. 1h1r ""Rr Are r xper tPtl to t ota l Brown ruletl that crosswalk• nea r Anyhow . aa or the pruent The corpora.lion could borrow :i 12 OOtl. And rt e:ith11 11 !'I 000. The 11rh11nl11 a 3 well u next t o i chool• 1 tlme, at l east aome or the .Nt:w· the maximum a.mount I S250,000 I <ltpertint'nl u ict the ht1 lh rst,. I m1111t b,. ~llinled yl'llow tn ac-Fair Dealera are not at all plt'u · for e ach company Joining In th,. ~hr>wio no d~clinP iunr,. WnrJr1 r'lrd:ince "'1t h a sta le law pasaed I ed w ith the wey the SBA Is dU•· 1 eontrrprl11e. And thf'\ loAn could be \\'ar l l. 11n,1 thAt the clP:it h r,.1,. 1 by t he l!l:'>:'I ~ession of th!' legl11-tributing the taxpa yers m oney. I for a m Axlmum o( 20 Yl'Arll •.. 1io l'fle of the loweAt nn 1 rrnrd., lat\lrr In Another ruling. he held • The comphu nt · · · and fl Ill a in,tes d or the 10·}'"11r lln1ll on . . thlll npw buildings nver 96 feel' voc1fero1111 compla.lnt ... 111 11111: 111ngle lo&nio l nterf8l woultl be F.:"li ROLL.'IT.:-01~ I r in hl'1 ~ht mu•t hl!ve a rear v11.rd Not nf'11.rlv tflough monev 11 bt'-. · . • · 3 pr rrt'nt to II perr enl tn10tu 1! Sla te departmen t nf ,.du r a linn or 20 fPl'f nr m ore unrll'r atate m g J>Hl't!d arounrl. r ") t 8 l. t 1 1 d a.l ( I) 8 •1• II perctn 'lr nC I Vi U o fll'IAls est1mAtert slate i·•1lltl(P , hn11~ing law. The o pinion wu SMALL Bl"f'ISJ:SS :Vf:EO ' loan8 Entered u Second-Claaa Matter at t.he Poetotfice In Newpor\ ~aoh. <'nrnllments In Cs ll romta th111 fa.II I prt>p1trt'd 1n conner llon with plana I · Ce.llfom 1s. under the Act of March J, 1879. wrn hit 31l,73fi dP11pHe tt ~htenerl fnr a 13·1'tN·y l'Omm unily a pan · 1 In fact . •om' Congi.e.ss~en Thua th~ SBA hu s much en t r 11 n r e rf'qutrement~. Thi!! ment hnm•e to bt' built In SM have Mrved blunt notice on Wen· broader field of art1vity ror m1tk · PubU•hf!'d g.-~ry Moaday, Wad-4a7 and Friday at ~'"''port 8-c'.h. would be an m l'rease of ahoul F'ra nrlsco. Rrnwn ht'ld th11 12· dell B. Barne~. SBA Admlnl,.tra· ing loan• ... Anrl you l'.'11.n bP t Celli~ bT tlM ::'li~l\'PORT HARBOR PFBLISmso CO!llP~'a .~.000 ove r the 18.l!t .. ,.ht•• 1 vel\r. I foot yard pl11.nne1l for the alrut:'· :or. :at ~.°r; monl'!y must be that lwo year• hf'n<"e. when C11n- Tfll•plloae llarbclr 181t E@tlml!ll'd <'nrollmen ts 1,,1 the ture would not comply wllh •la te oa ne1 11ma uatntu men . , , 1trc .. a.g111n mu11t con11idt'r thP Vllrlnua eta.le calleirea .,.,.~, 8 11.1 law 1 or e M . future of the SBA. therf' will be ~~ ~f~u:.,.~ ~~ ~~~':ao~o~-~O: follllWs~ Chico. 1.67:l. up 85. P'res· 1 The llta\e dap11.rtmat1t ot pub-Rep. Patma.n CD.-Te•) t. par-a new cruaa~ for more lenillng no. 4.100, up 400; Humoolrlt. 900 llo hea.lt.h reported there were no I Uc ula.rly argneved .. Ha dlecusaert authority. ur t'.2: l..of'1« ~c.h. l .800. up rues of mo11qulto.carrlell en<"'J)h· the problem at laa(th With Mr. fn tact, 8enator Sparkmsn ID ;,(l(l; Lo• A.ftgel"f!, 4.600. up 719; alit11 1n California dunnr July. Bamea during recent heannr• by -Ala l. one of' th• m<tst actlvt SIYl 011'~0. 6.200. u p :,g;; sa.n Department offacial• M id below th• Houaa BAnklng CommlttM leg'l~latora on behalf nf tmtell Pra.nc111co, 6 !XIO. ur 2~: San nonnal temper&ture.a 111 the c.n-on th• future of the SBA. A bu11n..., already tm on record In .!OM, 8,610. 11p 1.2M: Cattrom 1a l.r31 Va.lley workfd a.galnst h11t ch-I Yflr/ enlightening colloq111 look favor or lncru.111nc the loe.n cell· Member OaJUonUll Na.......-,er hbllllaen AMO<'latloe MHnber NaUODal J:dUorta& A.aaod&Uon Mf'ID~r or oruce eo-tr Ne.n Servkle BEN R.!:DDICIC, PUBLlSHER WlIL.lA.M A. N OSIC8, Edit-Or ORMOND E . ROUN"J'1Ul&, Advart.1.lmf Dl1'11ftor CHARLU A. ARMSTRONG, Mechanical 8uperinten!Mnt 8tll8CRIPTION R.ATES1 Se"i>nr1 Harbor Se",._Pn"M. Tr1·\\'Mikl,- b 0....,.. County, M .00 Pf'r year; 13.00 81.1 moa.: 11.6;) tllr~ mo.. O.ialda ot Onqe OoaatJ ,,,00 per 7ear • ( St.ate Polytechnlc. 3.1164, up 366: ln1t of m<>1q11ltoea a nd thu1 ac· 1 place. ln1t to 11.000,000. C11ll!om111 M11ntime Academy. r ounled fM abMnce of Ule m y• Mr. Patllla.n daftloped that on· rn co n a Id• rtf1« utronomlcal l~. up 10. H igher entnnce ,._ ten o\LI bnJn di-. The numbu Jy '81 direct loan• to 11ma ll bua1· 1pendlng, don't forget that the QUlrtm'1ntfl wtre 11uthorlu d hy nr e!LWe tranmilttad by other nN11 had been made by tht SBA bill 111 p11ld b y tht tupaya" 1 1 ht 8t11 t,. bt-<11rd nf ,.,l11r11tlr>n n~ m~11n• 110 far tJua ye11.r t otsled rtun nir lht ll m onth• 1tnrt' It And th .. mnrt ~f>"n1lln1t t h,.r• I• 11. ml'Rn" nr rr~ul11ltn1< .,n11,:1. 2nn. romrAred with ~I b \h• w aa eat abl111hed on July an. llll'll. the mor~ tuea you will ha•• t o manta baoauae moil of the ool-1 NGe period 1Ml 7M1, 1 and Ut.at ocl7 111.Hi.11' had P•Y· COSTS l'~tU::ASOSABLJ': From time tn 11111(' when <"ured With gootl m 1ner11 worth &omr e1r arrt>11tPtl pal1<'nU or gnltl f('V• &30 per day. s:io pt>r foot for f'r oh11 .. rve some of tht'ir acq11&ln• sinking e. l<hllrt o r at.lit, and mach· tanc~11 with lhe 11ame malady llut lnery co11ts 1t,ll out or rP11son one wllh a fulminallng typl! of the need11 a bonanza. tn brenk eve n. dlll<'Ue i:ett111~ that blond 01<hot. So with "unrle Sam ·" \'1tcc1ne" w ll1l-eyl'rt look lhev Uttt 1 kind ega.inst g<>ld fevPr. mMt nt t he llf "a l('ohol11'11 an<•nymnus" Ap· cues fi re ur a milil, t r11n11lt111 v proach tn I ry to 1<AVI' the 11ufr«"rt•r. nature >llHI rl<ll thl' l'l1roni<', bt)cfy-TH\' TO ltt:ASOS 1leatroy1 nl{ rlll!<•ll or -40 year.!I a gn F1r~t th~~· try ln rea1wn w it.Ii n10M of Ull w ho l?'l'l t his mild hltn. 'rht'n thr y lry lo obtaJn a rorm n( the dl.11eu e rathe r rel111h member or the Ol'J:"IUll:Ulton whn the attack . ro r no la11llnit physl· hA• hatl a severe case of tho; .i111- r 11 or econom11' ha1 m 111 done, t'&se anrl r1•N1veretl ev<;n thougl\ in fact It 18 rnlher mtntally r•e· hi! 111 an f'!'Onomlc11lly br.1kt'n fre8htng. m an, lli-t1 It'll tn rea..on 11nd Gold tev .. r pat1l'nb serm t o In-point out whkt the dasea"e ha• 11t ln('tlvrly bl' clrewn 10 each olh· don .. to him. er Thty 11e••m to revi-1 in relat-H thl.!t cluun'l work the r1nt.l ln1t t he 11ymptom11 o! the dtSl'!IMe. iLn<I mn~t clr11i<t11· ~\ep of all mu11l One of the tommonest and m••SI ht! t11k1•n. H><\"4! hts wtre file for pathogonomJc 11rmptom11 '" the tllvorre.' tfll -up all the bank ac- urge to "plln ·· Any llkt'ly 1111 nll, C'nun l~. 1111.\ tanKlble R""''lS ano'I gravrl, d11 l nr rru11n1 .. 1 ore IS L.hen 111L t IJ(hl until the fnol fl• ph1red In ellhPr a gold-pan or nnlly lhrow11 off the f•·ver. OOU) f'EVER -\'1ctimR of mnlady t:carch pans for "color ". Ae can be seC'n. all ag<' gr1>upf\ m;iy become infected with prc1•1ous m1•tal <l ts<·ase. -Photo by Horace Parker Farmer McCabe Writes ... Went on one or lhr m Southern Cahf~rn la week end t OUl'Ji here awhil e baC'k. \\'<' h·ft 11ul of Lo.' AngelN! on the Be<-r Cirn H1gh-...ay tc1 jllhl I IHR ~li lt· c1f \'wtorv1llt',. then Wf' turn1•d north on t h1• I. W, lla rprr R<1aci until we came to Sardine Ca ns Flat . Wr ""'l'l''''l her.,, k1rkrd our tires and breathed tn ll lung! ut cif frr·sh ttir ... tl wu the fi rst t11ne we c•1uld s1·P th• r·11untry without walking out behind the sign b11:11 ds. Went <•n up to Boron and followe•l a long line r•l auto wrN·ker tow t rucks to Lnnca.ster. wh('fl' W {: turn(•ct <ilf anti followed the Garbage Litter Rl'lute ba<·k tn L. A ..... there'• ablolut.ely nothing like one nf thcf'e wrv-k r nd tour1 t.o 11ettle you down for the next weck'11 wr1rk .. J'";.irmf'r McCabe. (&11 ri.ht.1 MMnedf A PREVIEW OF FASHION MONDAY, AUGUST 29 , 1955 , \ ,. • I • HARBOR PRess BACK TO SCHOOL PART II • PAGE FASHIONS ... this is the look of fall, translated into fashion with an oir of quiet elegance ... revealed in the long, easily slen der lines of su pple dresses, graceful suits and coats ... touched with the distinctive beauty of fine accessories. Over oil, a look of harmony, fitting the mood of autumn ... in tune with gracious living. .. ' BACK TO SCHOOL w.ool doys or• ~I To .. "TN ....... WiM parerit1 - odd a fourth. They •olie MHe • tt.eir chiSdren ewe "leody'' for tt.. MW KhooJ Y'90f, This '"°"' doing bocli·to-1dlool thoppifto early, IO the Y°'-'"0· tt•• will be well~uipped for the rioht ttaft, Mah Kt.oof doys happt« dayt .•• do all of yovr bacli·to-school •hopping now. II I ., - 0AGE 2 . PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ICALIFORNIA MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 F ASH·ION TALE BEGAN NEAR SUTTER'S ·MILL 1CAMPUS HALLS WILL .RESOUND TO FLATS Teen-age girla will be tl•t on their heel1 ti/. fall, but the quality and variety of the1r !lat-heeled shoes are at a new high. Flats are styled In new leAtben . textured 1ur· faces and a wider color range. Moat are light .. a feat h<'r and soft as down. Sott 11ip-on1 are &n• 1·hored with elesticized throat.a or aidea. High throat lines and countcra offer an Oriental J<><>k· Stacked leather heela will tread the campu1et1 ,,f high schools and colleges on m<>t1t ot the new flat!; Saddle stitching and leather lacing add 11u.r· face mtcrcst to simple line aboes. 'Phe new "fiddle i..hank" makes the shoe sole like an hour-glaae and prm·idcs an illusion of 111imnetu1 and grace. For dress-up, teen ahoe• in suede and smooth leathers take on such deep colon u henna, dark a\'ocado. cherry and garnet. Blue. and charcoala will go to parties. Most of t he occuion aboee have medium heels. DEEP TEXTURES Industry Started When Levi Strauss Began Firm In California, ttwl tlguree of fuhlon and etau.tia. of 1tyle add up to an incredible and exciUng atory. Although may people have heard of aome of the et.ate'• leeding d~ aignen, they aeldom re&li.r.e the importance ot the Caifom ia tuhion industry, and how, like Topey, it .. juat grew." Wby ~ llow tt IT9W la t.be epo;tawil&l, which lnl'ludu both llory and *'lltftr7 to eo.cepUOD tuneu.&l and epactator. ho111ery, 1 popula.rt.Ad pn~ t.bat U.. 11.hoea. t.ecee.ortu &Ul'h u bfllta, I Callfomla fut\Jon lnd1.1.1lry dent-h&ndb&p, Jewelry, glona, um· oped within the put 2:'> yean, brellu, un1tom111 a.nd g•rl,i:f'ta tor la ,._I birth wu not fa r from w.artnr or carrying. 1111t'h a11 a place made famoua foe other walktn1 1Llck1 (coming bal'k at-j re&aoM-8uttu'a Mill. t1r a quartu century of rellre- ln ~ lat• 1840'•, when the min t) all are faahlon, C'allfomta I wettward trek wu a.nluoua a.nd made and labelf'd. th1 ratabow'1 end meant the be-In lllM, on r a halt billion dol- ginnlnr ot new 'trug,;le, a young Ian worth of 11pparfl ILl1t1 II <'· man named Levt S trauu, deter-cesM>r1fa will carry the c111tforn1A mined to m ake a n11me for him· 11tory to the 48 11tatta anrt 10me aelf, conceived a new ly~ of :Z:I foreign countrlee. man'a wor~ trouaer1 Ulat today ta Internationally known and aJ . mOllt a houaflbold word - "1A'rt'1." Women were aWl dolnc their own HWln1 or emplo)'ine drw'Paklh whea thle wu hap- penlq and conU.ued to do 80 unW the turn Of the century when dry pod& iltorl• 'beran to be known u department atorea.. CUllAO'l'IOA.Ll,'I' IL.EYED HAPPY RELA.UTIOS Perhape the lure of It• V&CA· Uon-Uka a tmoBphf're. or may~ Ul a glamour of the n~11thborln$: movie capital In Hollyy,•ood. but at beet. fuhlone from C-11lltom1a ..,eU magically a moort or happy relaa&tlon. color, Mrt u cellent workmanship; anrt thf'y f lt Into "1 -y of llvtn,f, arcbltttturally, u wall u ln other waya, that ta 1 unlveraaUy a ppea.llnir. . 1n our WOOL FLANNEL SKIRT 10.95 Value Jn fine p11u• "'nnl !if'nt fl11nnl'I ~11r•I In (1t you l'"I (~!·t \v 811111 rla,Mr 111 \Ir . 11 n.t l h~ 11kir1 111 hn If linl'•t tn b111•k fnr l'Xt r11 "l'ar. J'l l'\'t nl11 •111:· r ing 11 ni1 r11ppini;: <'h11r•'t11\I hl11• k. <'harcn11l h\111' rhl\rc 011\ Jl:I'"' n"''.' brown lllf'•ltnm Kr&y nr '"'lli!f' An I brl&ht <'nl .. 111 ~17"'• l'I In 111 J..\CKll': \\'AT:-lO.' AIODEL~ a m·w fall d<'sign Lustrous Gaining Pile Fabrics in Popularity A• the n-country beran to dentop la own llvtna" habit.a, climatically keyed to mor1 out- door Uvillc than ta oth1r part.a ot th• eountry, a nnr way of d~ to mfft th-oocaaiona Subteens Take to Velveteen for Dress frnm poli~lwd 1·otton. The J'!!l l1 rn. fn bric and no t1one ure till from \'irgin1a's Snip 'n Slllt:h shop on Balboa blant.l and Corona Jr! ~far. P'abrk 1 this fall take their! town an4 looM u baad9ome tn befall ~ take form. However, It t'Ue rrom the elera.nt 1lmpllclly city fuhJona u In country de-wu nol u.ntU after World War I 111 fuhinn'"' tu.ding trend• •lrn1. K.-1 .. t ar1 rope and that the Calif?mla creator1 of ma.luni: two-fold new• In exclt-1 pebble tweed.I with crt1p hand cloWnc began to be noUc~. Ing new texturu and r ich 1ua-and eleM color contraat. J1ney Then la n ptd aucc.eelon, "first.I" J'or party wear. velvete1n 11 an Important f11br1c. However, the new but not extrf'm11 tophla· Uca Uon of 1ubteen clolhu often Open Fridays 'til 9 p. m. CASUAL FASHIONS I 883 Harbor Blvd. Leather Gloves Are Bright and- Take to Tub H1,i:,..e:-t 1, \\ ~ 1n ,i:lt1\'• 11 '" I• 1th· Pt Jt\ ulJ t 1 'i•r.j tt .. tl • &n hr t• .... ,J In thQ """'" n.: n .. hml' •ll h·•n<I· l t1t"l"ll"I T11 e n e w \\•o,t l•r 1o.I \13 11•.-1 ill•"I l.11111,t.-11 ... ith· .. r .rnd H\\I• lh<'lr I OlllJ1l<'l1• \\H!'h· u h1btv ·o rt o••\\" lR.nn,ns.: prot'•""'·' arriving every day • th& l'Xdtin~ n rw fashlona and fabrics for fall fla nncls. wor:-. tr.!~. gabardlnea and tweed~. n t in the high s tyle that has madc bldwell'a synnnymou~ "1th r ood tasll". bidwell's I j l&M Via Udo, Lido l1'1l" 11a MartDe, e.u,. ..... _L ., 1,,r c·llr•· 1.,.i ~uede nn•t r ii:-.ktn. trout 8urfacu . Ea'peclAlly tm-and cotton tweed• a r• cawal w1r1 •tabliahed auch u the Costa Mesa LI 8-7 566 -\\ .1~h11 t.tc glove! 1 Na1n their an' port -_,. __ ... ,_ I t woolen:<, 1lrant brocad•. aat· i Tweed plu1 Jersey 11 a fovored m I • or -· ....._. -... .. l 11nrtant are luJCUrlousty pluah fa vorite&. nrlt kckle• .... l\llt. th• flrat ••rl,.:in;U t:IJl"1 and '•'1"' 11 l••r 1 e· IAA _and. b.&Adsome_t.ran•lltonaJ comhtnallon IA caaual ..coordl· lll• llnt ~ U... th-. follow· f"l"1"1Nt w W1hm p with "":ff" nr tle· u tn th t Of """'4•1 te 11 Tlh•\' ilry wil huu t l!llf· 11yntht'tlc11. now firmly estab· natu. Je rsey 111 popular, too, tor P .. • orm ~ t .:• 1 llahed In the "y e a r. 'round" llnlnl'•· t r 1m1 and co1tume plallera. ~ tlnt wedp ahoe, m1.ana that the aame gann1nt la approprla t1 either for achool ~ partJea. One exampl1 of \h1I e-a jumptr-IO()k dNIU 9'l{h eyf. let-emlln>tdered aleeves. For the 811t R11ulh in Advertisi ng -Phone Harbor 1616 fl'n.11~ •hrl1ok1ni: '" 1lt I .t<'h1111:-. blou1ea. Dark Jeraey dr••H ar• a.nd th• fll"lt uplift bra which .·~··~nl~Hll•I M t1n .111~~~~~~ ~ ~· f~~ to~ Md ~kbef&ll ~~~~~r-------------------------------------~ \'.1 t.• • \' .. r '"''1,.:n' 111111111 uul the Fur -like P I I e coaling• and wonderful under brifht co.tume to a new JOU~ ~I"'" '""r~· fur r~ll. J1111urv fle>'rt,., notable for their light · W•'t"ht. are top fuhton coata. The mo.t l&pUloaat powth ,\t.1k11 ~ 1t11 1h lllll •~ 11 J;:'roup ,.. DWT ... .,, ... ,..c-• baa t&Jceu ,....,,,. alaoe 1111. 1&1.-r I Ill I I • 1 h hi 1 n• "" whrn intfrprelt'd In a u· ............... , .. n .... ,_. " ·r 1.in 1 ,.. p-.. yr• 11··• w • 1 1~ ,.., ,... eent la a tm· inrJ., .• • 1 .. 1 J•<•ntf';:• at11<l•· nnl!· t11mn 11 ~hm or 11hghtly nared Corduroy. velveteen and "el· r1o4. ,1,1 .. l(I • ,.11. Hl!ti •if l 'araol i~.-yel-•.,kl~. Surface Interest 11 ere· vet are be1uttfully eulled to JIU' pe t•m· .,11,J ,1 1 own.v 11111111;,., ··~1 1lkv "'''' In 11111114• cm•tlngs_by lncor· f&ahlon'1 1llm, almpl1 llnet be· 8~JIO) U..091' \\' i\ • paint•I~ rnHkf' u n" t her 1 )111re.t1111:' rur~. such as beaver I cauae ot their tfxture and rich Today ~ cautonua ap,.,.a I", 1111 n,.11l color Hl'rtl"!' rR nJ?"ing t•r mink. or other pre<-101111 flbtra. colorw. Velvet ,.,111 bl -n more lnduatry l• tM llOODd l&raut la 11 •111 I' ii•• I '"l< l•• 11" him~ t11 a 1 •a,hmrrt . alwAy11 a f11vorlte. and more In w it.a. afternoon· the w orld. wtt.b only New TOl'll , .. :· 1<hlllllllt>11ni:: Y• tlnw. I rf'l:\11111 Jtll plllt'I' IS luder In to-evening coats. theater coat.a topptnr It. n _pao,. .... ,... Slim hn••<; an 1 nai ruw c·ontours rn&lrn,.:~. 11l:hough camel hlllr and a!temoon dreHea th.la yeu. pl• tbaa Oe ...a. p&etun la· rl,,n.in 1,., tt.t> 1r~·le tirn•I ;,nJ ro-l:lJ8nRro, Hamil and alpaca art The velnt tha&th, In hand· duatry, _. et .,,--. ......... .,1 hna'" "1lh 1h11 "'"ndr r r•·n· "trnni: rompettlon Synthetic aome Tar1atlona, 11 .etUnf a ar1 now ........ UM&r .wa 'baa· 1our• Co( 1111~ sr:i~·in·,. llllh11ur t11'. 1·n11uni:11 tli:ht. warm 11nrt won· trend for faJI. It 11 often trim· ne .... In produiltlon Of Import· lndMdual 1telalt lnt'l111le1 h11nd-/1erfully thick -ar1 lncreaalng mid with braid, fal.11• and 1&Un. a.nt &ad t...d-MtUnr 1~1. One Slll!'hrd or f'mbrotdtred du1i;:n1, In popularity Tunic eult. and convert I b I 1 CaUlornl& deelt'Mr. ln buatn .. ront rMting 11 ppl1quee, tiny •h••lla, TilREE SEA SON' jumper dr .... look 1tpeelally tor ~ f9lao ,_,.. Jut 7-., re- Jrwo'I~ or fur inm. T ran•i!lnnRI fahnc:o will f'n· well tn Y1lveteen. At·bome fa.ab· cei'fd U.. tw9 ~ a&Uoaal ll11n t. i ·•nt"' ~h .. 111e cloi·r• J•\' 8 line b<'ll"""" this yu r Ot · Ions, often wuhablt ; are Men • ..,... ta U.. a.id et fM111Soa. f 1,1, n 11t I• "11-t " • h " r•'arl ~ ::n•"I fr r r1thrr casual or In put.et 1h&du of TllTet. -Lee ..,.._ !IM been '-'aed 'n •p • 1 h 'i'" • u!fltnk l:u•ton ·h•'~H' w"nr thf'y nrf most often Late day t1ruae1 achl1v1 a UM awk mt .... t.tJ ot ~ wor)d. "I •"I t1m11 111•·n'.< •Ii -1~11• c llh· r.iixt11re~ , r i11lk or 11ynthrttc ira.l a &Jr through th• UM of tunalac • &aUAU7 more lleach "' • :.h •W cl 11 n• \' """ kn"t ••r rt~•ir )arns w ith cottnn Major nl'WI warm. rich color1 In atllt bro-wear th-. U.J' 9ClMI' ot ~ mar- d1·-l1-< m<•l 1f~ hAn•l•""n tn the 1, 1n '"" n11hbei1 and velv11ty radea (aomellmH with a metal· ketl eomll&aed. But t.be 1lat 11 "·" k • ( 1111' 1;!1 \.. 1111rf3l'l"ll (M rARllAI \\'tl\r. F or Ile touch l. lacn , n1ta, chiffon& • lollf ... u an type& et elothu 1, nL;• 1 lti"'. •. 111 f•1Ur·I01·P1i;ht m»l 1' C••rmal fa~hinn11. 11.llin~. and nlveta. Sheen aattna. ln are to .. laeblded ti.at an d.- ht.'tr·n lrn~•h~. 111 e fll\'OIP•I tn peallll. anrt baratheu are 11pot-jewtl·br1Sht or toft huea. ud 11 .... and ~ ID the "••r .11i...llrl ,,,,, 1 .. ~.: 111rrow lij:ht•••I taftetu are popular for fonnal ~ atat.a. I••\'•~ • r th" hare 111 m TW<'P1I hall dt>f1n1tety comt tn wtar. VUll:D IDU ------MIWMr'J', to at.art at ~ Mad Utenlt1. laeludee men'e. wom.'a. Smart Clothes for back to School FOR GmLS Dreues ... Sweaters Skirt.I ..• Ftneeee'in Lingerie FOR BOYS Blues ••• Jeana ... Slacks DreM and Sport Shirt.a J aclreta ••. Undet"Wear It Soc ks Sisee to 14 THE E-L·A·S·T·l·C-l·Z·E-D LINE and obflbln'a -ena to the cur- rent Da.,. Crockett ~ 1w11plllc t.b• country. Neck· wear, IAellaicllq U-. ecan., col· Ian; d,_, lloUa da,y Md na· 3405 Newport Boulevard -Acron from Richard's Parking Lot hu~·fitting • hee that can't slip Black Sue.de Navy Calf Black Patent Mothen: letwMn Thrifty and Alphy that gives yo 11 the Fit of y our Life THE "GLOVE" BY • the elasticized line that fits and fib and fits AlSO IN MEDIUM HR\ aofttst. • aoft allm toe Send your children beck to school in our properly fitted Edwards shoH. Mmm Oaala, Ossfs Meta Opell ....., 'ti ' , .... lnr : blouaea, Mtn.. ooat.a. .wu. fQD, r.u aklr1ll •TW7 llttt. M1M 4.U.lltl ... Alld tllf'1'"' eo _., te lleep lrMh .. d 10 .. 1117. Of -• rM11ta8t, ,., ...... .z.i.et cottooa; .,. ·--4 dac~ All In .. -0·1 moet popGIAr prtata, a.-4 WOT• pla.lde.. 8118 ,.,. $3.50 e f ~·H·;JOl.I CHILDREN'S SHOP clothes end toys for 9irls end boys 1111 llutioP 81-.d. Liberty A-,1191 Oolita MM&. Calli. Smart as Paris and at larCJGln Prices too! f'aahlnnabl11 r olnr• -nn for the younr t1r 1tt: Our tonio dr-. fa.n- ntnr out to a "hlrl of l'\'f'rlaattn1 plKh. a.nd fl"Hhf'nf'd trith wh.I"' pique toudlH. Siles 7-14 •• ,. 7.9~ Marked down to $5.30 Very Chic-Very New •.. for very young Fashion Platea Adorable Polished Broadcloth Print- Reci. 5.95 Red11eed to $3.80 BOYS SHIRTS Cottons-Ginghams Flannels-Plaids luy one at $2. 98 Get a second one for $1 .00 Sizes 2-12 - ~1 ._ ,. .. i. I· . . --'·) (. --; ~. ' , \. • ' I. \ 1· -lt (..· ,, •• -.. IF ALL'S FASHION SYMPHONY READY FOR CALIFORNIANS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-F~ESS -PART 11 . PA'6E J MONDA Y. AUGU ST 29, 1955 Back to School • '" ' . Silhouette in Theme Runs Collections Autumn ~low the natura.I walstlanl'. WEl.l.-INTEGRA TF.U A1 In U1e world ot mu1uc, the rn~emble mu8t ronalat or well- anlegrated p1Lrlll. so d<lea the As California deb uts its fashion symph on y for tht> fall rnelt'hed roslllme continue to t>. an d f 955 t · trnportant RnoJ harmonious ptlrt an winte r !!Cason o 1 , he th!;'m e. with a rrangements nr• th• wardrobe. Collts ahd jack· and vari11tion s by thes e des igning maestros. is classical in t t~ h11w an 11ftlntty anJ pnque•· its simphc1ty . popular in ii i> wade appeal t o thC' fc>mak 11111nal>le ri>la t111nslu11 to thl' dreu, ti h h h E I . ~ht'fl t h (If Miii! With which they a u 1enct' t roug o ut t e rountr~'. \'en the m :i l' contm-ari-worn. Untler..,cortni.: the ha.r- gent. w ho se> applau se i:-i a determining fact o r an fashion. 1 rnnny or thl'~ go-together stylea will apprO\'e the11e new compo s1t1ons. (or llt reet or thi>at .. r arf' tht' ver- 1 Th" theme wh1r h runs r .. ncu~-ing """~•th 11111 lut1e1• ,f 11111' 1111, ~at~e &.~peel" ot C'Ollabnnltlon r•,.nth· thr11uj:ht111! tht' f.t~hwn Ll•I· l\\11 \'8tlot!1:.n,, Tht: fu~t \'lifl· \\~t I othl'r l'lotht'A ot blf'ndlng lt-\'trun" mll(hl bC' <'Ompa rt"I lo lhe at1on '" 1 111 s 1:i tht> n"w tllfllC 11 111 ''" hnf' of l hl' .. dhfllll'lll' lhl\l '"' -.1tJ1tp1a11.111 .111<1 11 ... -•, .. n.1 111 lht! Tht' notf'll on the musi<'al &Cale <1nm11mt1·• an both 1l<'Y Rnd ,.,., 11-t.-ngtlwn111~ t•~r•" "11h 1<k111 full-:.rl' lhl' ha11111 of the eompo11itlon, mi:: f&•hlttns Hn•I t hll l 1, \hi' flt1\\ -""~Ii rel··n:.l'tl ln•n• 11 J'"lnl "I'll 11nd hkew lll<'. fsbr1<'s are the I CHARCOAL, BEIGE BROWNS LEAD IN FASHION COLORS E n •ry twig or lht• Bl>t\\ II r..11111'• trl"l" llKS R dlft'I I hn .. to fliAhron prvm1n•'n<·e lhl'< f.111. TI1e truf' brnwn'4. With 1he1r b1 11tll1>rs antl 1<1st<>1s lht' 1·hocolatf'A. c<WOll~ .ind 111111·ha,., pr .. vltle th1t 1111nk. , 1 th11< _ts1<hlon tanuty Ir t·c ~lt1.111 brunl:tic11 un bc1i.:t'-brow111<. 11111• h dt'Ppf'r lh11n Ill.Kl H•'ll:mn'i<. t•1nn11111nn b l1'1\\'11l', "'1th " gnorl t!t•ftl of r111111et and plum 111 their lllli'ttJ.'t•• r.:1.t th•• t h1111c)lll hrr'1vm11, •lm<N't bhH'k in 1 t11•1r tf(·pth 'lv•1g colt>rii rirr> h1 1t\\'11-tnn1•tl ~r··~ns t 1111• ti 11vc11.11l11 "' 1w11<;, g rel'n. Pr•(•p '" "11;;•'' 1111rl ro·d~ •II ft·r 1 ht· bi uwn f <•••1111~ hnd h11rm••r1tz.. W"ll wrt h c'l"ar hrnwn,.. A ni>'lhy~t n11ol bllrg'Un<ly ('0nlbll1(' l1tt1W f1 \\'I'll hlllY >llloi ("cl f0jr !l nt'\\' l•"IK 111 u•lor thf'ntlllll \\'ml• r n"'Y mekt·;i·, .. 1.,. n .. \\11 111 q111I•• a 1hlt••1e•nl 111-1 fl'• 11011 Sh(l<'k yt'llow:-. I" rr\' 1nkt .. blll<'. hnlhant rrr111h,.rrv n ·r1 aha11> the i<purhght. l'"' T• "' rt·e11oo·k 11ntl 111rc111111"'" 1nunr1 th" hh1e1< pttrttd" ~t11rt1ng pornt of fashion. Thi• ~PllJ!Vn, tht'y form an arpegl(io nt 11d f'ct1nn. running trom lh• ft>athel"Wl~ht wool tweedl to lh• .-1t•i;:1tnt Mtln•. brocades, and Jae- ,.,. lhAI hit lhf' hl!rh key Of for- ll1111 cw<·11111on~. ('(\J .OR !'\OTES W1Lbln t h.. nC'tav... t he eight 11r)ll's wh1C'h lr1en t1fy thl'm1telve1 with lhP e•)!ht top fabnca uaed by Cahr o r n 1 a 1lu1gne111 a re tweed, Jersey. flfecu . Vf'lveteen rortluroy. m1Un. t11.rtet11 and crepe'. Wnol, 111lk. 11nd <'Olton can be trnn1>latt>1I a nd ('Omb111t'rl In each 1111l1v1du1t l fabric. with 11lrong 1•mphM1s on the transitional cot- 1111111 lhl\l llpRn the 11eu on11. and THE WOOL JERSEY SHIRT and wool flannel w a1st- bander akirt and waahable. They're j us t r ight for back to acbool a.nd will be in sCoclc in the nert few days at the Brat Shop in Costa Mesa. In >trlfhl1un In th•• k\••t &du J:lt•n' lt••t• HI • •h·h..:hl(ul rntll"ll 111 kt•lly RlloJ 1"1111'1,tl l jlllrlhlll3tly ll•tahJt• l'l 1011k· 11.il '""""''~ .. r 11> 11 11.<1111 \\'har And n111r-wlnleo 01ro· pr"• .. nl rn s t11kmg a bontlamt-111 t "8\!i Rn•I 1 .. 1 .. -tlay <Ir•·''"" l'la•\111 s n•I t" eetli; rKI•· m • n11on R." 1 nl"I ,.ton."' I n t R1 - 111nl', !ht' Blat k \\'all h ancl r.t••n plahl!< :11 r n1o1~l J'f'"111111,.111 Ottp. rlt>llr-<'Ol(ff"!I w11tr m,u·l'-r rmtl"a1<t l1"11r1 1n t+i,. 1w,.....I. <'>llfjtOr~ MATCHES Garme11ts Feature New Trim E n:<em blt'll tor 11ubteen• in- 1 ludt' r('vt'nirblt> J~rk1ns C'olor- nih k hM HI pl<nrt drl'l'KU. l!W'e3't• l'f8 11nd blouff!'1 trimmed t o rnat1:h Bltm. flaring or pleated ~krrts 1.1nd A·hne Jackeu faced 1n a blouse print. A It help the i1ubtecn in hf'r s tudy of ruhlon inst c·hem 11.tics vis many ·ward- 1 ohe rnmblnatlons. r-----------------1 !Boys' Wear Is Influenced by it's for ... Gowns suitable for any occasion by ••. Leading Oe1igners such as Claire McCardle Don Loper Peggy Hunt- and • host of others. The above gown of black sheer wool ere~ .•. 1equin1 by Luna Karbo, At $69 95 tm-.t Newport B.IYd. C.ta JINA Ll1-ty 8*7411 Western Style, Color Harmony Twn rn111kr'1 111flu,.11rP• ure ~port~ , lnlh1•, nlwny' t1111110 '" 11prar,.nt 1n h<>y11' wear· llnr 1~ I:""" l:•Otill\1111: t•I'< 1111-•• "' tlw ~:xi.n1pl1• .. plf•"rl '" •hlrl .ind lhe Awtng tn 11 m1ore tlrf'J111en-11p . vat 1rty rtf • h~ni;"• lh• \ p1 tl\ldP, I look for 1<C'hool an•I "P"l"IBI oc-1 ~llllllT c n \T' • 1111 t ton1•1t 1"161nn11. The o lhl'r Ill the 11:r<'at j ~hrir l onn11, n( n11ht>\ t""'"I 'h11l 11n•t pnpul&rlty of We111 f'I n '""•r. 111-r111 •hlrtl\,.. ur 111 .•lff•t '" "1• \\'ot••l llfl R 11,1t •h U't•\' l"lllt nH•I• h A pl .. 1•1 t '' 1 .. n i\ .-.ol1d ~ •·ni••f F:lnn 111 pl:11d '" 111ntt h J'lll11t l'fRO'K~ 'va•11njt thf' pll1y rlPld and RIM> ""' II P"J'lllRt 'h• I•,. 'l.IJ'J" r-p · u y I making llM lf felt 1n the rlr f'•i<-f111nl JIUkd.• tllll\tn It I• hr ' In p 0 Uf lup 11tylr11 1r111·tril·• ind th" hlt7.••r ,.,.,,.,1\V d \Vhtthf'r lhf' VOllnll: pJl I 1-tl t f'll\etJ:PI' lh •II • l'S\.10•1111;.! II•\\ ar robe weara frontier :4llll'k-. J:<•lo."t 11 n11 1t r0·n·t 111 •~·' • "'"tt I . • \\ h1n1" • -11 puts ,,, nn Jl~uur;- shtrt o r a suit. hi-pr,.~ents 11 ~t.111 1.11tu11·1t •I" h. 111 t •I• 1 t nt'A\('f. ~l lf'r -11:r11<1ml'<I npp,.ar-nr tt.1111wl l'tll 111• \l tl h lh .. '"' k-1111! nutt' lur 11<11 on .. ,, ,,,., 111 anrt' H<' " 1t1cfrr1 111 hr~ 1m-H ll ror 11 J1111t ltl"k. riften \\Ith thr gnh'.I metal >'ht>Wll t iny plrn•t•• or prnvtd i:r•tQmrng hv lht' -r ... 11.ty "l1fth tlon of a V"'' m " rttnlr:o11t-1 A calr11thf'nl•'8 11111\111" av1&1 la tnht_v nf l(am1f'ntll that rni: hghll'r c•1lr 1 Th•' l1•tnl1t•r Othl'rll ... 111rJ.f,•d \\1th 111111.illon Rhn1 t ro11li1. often aeen •• part or 11n 1>nM>mbl e. have a thta- •t>l\M>n to11r h In rur trims or lin- 1 ng11. New 1Stretch' Hose Gains in Popularity The a1ltl1lion ot new colors. pHltl'm11 and weave11 to "1tr1teh" host> hu llftt'd t h11< IOCk to new 1mportMce ror lncreulng num· bt.111 or men. Th• anug fit, the Ab1lrt¥ to atay put on the foot, th!! 1tursb1h ty of thl• hose have JOrnt>d ta.llh1on with function to sel"url' for It a prominent place In 1"1<'k wardrobe11. I look w• II t"Jt"lhn ht>r 11u11f' thf'y lnf~c e I>' d1spta) t •I rn • hrno • pearli<, tak<' lh" ,.11"1'" .. r l•ll ll• l "rf' rf'IAt l"d in 1·0101 1tn•I 111\'IP or ~Im lrotu•r111 \\'llh a11l ht>1l•! French Cuffs Ga1·n 11<' \\'1',ll'rn 111 \'hnl! I l'OVt red \\ ILJ!''n .. , oluc k.. ..n ll J'llARI' URf:l'St:Hs · ptt'ce nf •lr111wnnd A h • .ttoun T.1k1n1o: " 'ue fn1111 hi• .. 1,1 .. r l COLORS .\tlt: 1<1('11 I mlin holrlq 11 r111~1rr of rtAI I b11t- Twent;.r pl'r-cent more llh.lrte with Frenc:h cuff8 Ml belng br11lht'r. th•· ~rade :<• hool I " d Tht> 1ntP1 '''t 111 111 h .. 1 •'olr11,., luonio ma•lt• than three yNlr11 ago. mi._v b11se lus 11""' t rr111 !1"1k on "' ~""" 111 th" t·h11 11·nnl blt>ntl~ __ " rtark -to nf'd wool (lann"I ~ult '" 11'fle1 tPd 1n ll\\'t'Alt'r~ u ntt I _A a:iJ (fJ r,~ $!> ;r U'J Atlfl lfZ d ' ,_, t7J ~ Th,. <'h11n:oal bmwns anti rhnr-~h11 t11 f'lnrd l'Olton rtnnnel~ 11nd tJl¥ ~ fr :..L <o .Y 1'I ~ .Y ~ .,._ .Z. 11·oll.I bltl<!ll ue widl-ilkl'c! fall g1ngh11m~ ere rnllC'h • 11<'.-n i1h11 t >....... color•. Wit h ttle dark "ult . a t11bnci.. anti c•11ttun knit J1h1rt11 \..~ '-._ ~hort or tong rottt 111 H 111e1hum d111pley multl -C'1tlo1Ptl flllll•'rn:< ~ A FREE MONOGRAM ~ tonf' makr11 a J.:OOd c·nmbrnat1on For the vtry youn1o: ~el . r nlor o ...... · .. ,.;::~··'~~ .. ~:~:~;· ,;;, .. , ,,.. , .... ,... ; HOLLYW00oiUW BAA: SB IC .CA • • • • Skimmer Flats Black Suede Black Kid Navy Kid Red Kid Black Patent Orange Kid White Kid • Powder • • • • Pink Blue Kid Kid For Baek to School Spalding Saddle Shoes Blue and White Brown a.nd White s109s All White Bu<'k s119s ~ ~ ~· . lul Uf'IOVS IMI I YOW *l OM1 l'lffili 10 t111n '°"' brt mto • amoe er ution You just ron yoar 1111 ti• onto ttlt bfa 111> MwtnL no st1tctllfl&. ., worl FemlnMe IOOI lett• ,,, d9inty pink Md ~ ..,.., -.e1ll Nik uo, ---.. ..,. .......... ~··'~ roRSETRl LDGERll 2131 l C.t ltwy. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S( ~ ~ ~ CtrtM"'.. ~ ~ MOHS I TO 5:30 Ptt. llMIOl la ~ ' j' I , ~ • a' 6 ~ J-(jN' ~· 'W r the ntum of unootl\ • ftftl~ c~pee and Jue~ M Una tor attemoon • into-.......tn,". Orlon show1 up to 1tron1 adwant&6e In sport.wear .ey1 ... Vlbrut or 110tUJ muted, eolor playa the accompaniment to the tabrlo, 'fO•flA lntO the them.. Be· cau• California creator • are knowia tor th• 1lgnlfrOU1ce ot col- or In lht'lr dMip111, tt. I• the counterpoint of each compoettlon. Brown I• particularly 1trong, ranglnc from the favored eoamel shades to the almo11t Inky char- coal brown•. Ml'81CAL APl:KTlnt Cognac, benedlcUne. and coffee &Te Included in the r&n(e o f mu- Alea.I apertita. The irreen ramlly. fUled with yell.ow, for moq or leafy llhadlnp, now add• blue ror th• newut look or all. red& are lighter. ta.lee on a pink cut tor contn.at to the "fire engine" hue of put .euon1. Black I.I al- way1 the color ot latMay and a.ner • tin fu.hlon1, but ~m .. times t. comblned with color, 1uc.b u roya.I blue. emeMLld green. or putei. for a conlrut. Blue1, mu•lcally always with u• Oil the "po1>3" hit parade, com e In tor conelderatton .. a tone poem when blended with rt>d or P!nk ma.king periwinkle, irrape and wme mhad,11 a favor~ blend. DlMJN"lfEN 00 TheM are "dlmlnut'ndo" replac- ed by. newer lnterpretatlon11: no more t he 1lltfened crinoline, the mulU-petUcoatld riJdrt, now tt'1 a •ofter, m ore fiuld tullneu . No more the Ml'9d boaom, with a straple• top for formal wear - the covered look I• newut, with natTow to wide 1trap11. 1thouldt'r 11Jeeve.11. draping and rnunlng the neckline. Irutlead OC the "wea.r- with-all" trademark of 11eparatee tomorrow's ue dyed-to-match, a.nd coordinated even to the ac- ceuorlu, to give a unity of col- or and line. A reprtae of the eanrorn1a col- lecti0ns potDct.a I.he wa.y to clal!· sic beauty achJeved with .Jmpll· city of line and tonn, colored by lhe rich ha.rmony of blending tab· rlc11 and fuhlon with talrnt. Girdles Off er Slim Line Look Every element of th• slim l09k la providt'd by l{irdlH anrt pan- tie gird.Jes. El1U1llclzed brlefa arl' AVllll&ble for the young flKUr•. Longer • lelf(ed pa.ntle girdle!! or!er eomfort and contro l. Airy two-way 11tretch (lrdlu and m ore ri(idly controlled typu are offered ln Io w w a.l11Ulne 1tylea for torlO faahlorw. Fall • foundatJon.t a.re colortul and ahow da inty ll~erl• touches. Soft pink• join the whltf'I u leaden. Maize. lime and lilac are used for atttchlnt. rlbbon11 and appliquu. Milano Knits by Stephanie Koret Slipons and Cardigans In the new F all Shat!•·• $6.98 to $10.98 FuU Fashion -Bulk Orlon Completely w • .1i>hablo OPEN Htr!\'llAV lfl-tl On the~ rn.t at %!nd !'it. One Short Rinde frnm ;f:: X e'1l')>Ort Plr r ~t;~ NEWPORT BEACH Visit Our Complete Sub Teen Department Visit Our Accessory Bar Before School Starts Sub Teen Fashions FAMOUS NAME SWEATERS Pandora e Newpo rt lnfanta sweat e rs in whit e Mazet of I 00% Orlon SKIRTS Derby and T ouraine skirts 1n washable wools, cotton• and imported woolens BLOUSES Touraine and Princess blouses in cotton o r nylon .••• smart torso style and long-sl eeves with cuff links includ ed Sub Teen Lingerie Hollywood Hi, Belle Mode and others Bras, Pant ies, Slips, Garter Belts, etc. School Coats and Toppers Wools and Orlons in the season's latest colors You Are Invited To Open A Convenient Cllarge Account or Use Our ICiiy Lay·A way-Plan /11£RAt 91oP ~ 1809 Newport llvd.-Costa-Mesa ,. • I PAGE '4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW S-PRESS MONDAY. AU GUST 29. 1955 ' .. f'EfiFEC'T FOH PATIO OR COCKTAIL~ -Patricia Gryson, standing-. instructor 11f fa°,;h11111 mnddinc a[Rf'tty Zane's errarm S-rhool tn Garden Grove, shows gold J trlH: 1.11·1-.d t 11 \\"ar with her white and gnlJ ~h1•ath dress t o Harbe<'. seated. Barbee 1,,. ,, .. ,1.1111 •.! ;1 1w11-111c·ce m1·ran~o outfit in blat·k ancl \\h itc and pink with a black .I• rs·1~· tu.rt!• m·d; g\\1'a1t·r. Thry :tre d1splayrd by Jo-cn':-1 Ongmals, Nt'wport HN1r h. -S t uff l'hnl n Autumn Fashions Stress Suitability f ~r the Occasion l.::l1•ga11l~. q uality anu the c>lim silho uette are the big ti,,.,. m fo!-h111n tremls for fo ll. F.lcgan<'e is l'nhancl'd by li ::-;1,n· I !i 1 s :ind trams. 11sc·1l UPftly but nrwr obtrus1n·ly. qua Jity 11' d11mtnant in both fabric and tailoring. The long. 1-Lm ,..1 1h11ttvt 11• h.1s :1 n•'w C'Ur\'C' lll t he w aist, a nrw empha- Muted Tones in N e\v Fall Ties I Thi' moil Important lnnova· 11• n !nr lh•• nt'w nPckwear aea- !l/\n 111 lht' pa,lcl llC8 that Wlll bP W• rn 11;:ht throu~h the wtn- tt.'r l'I~ 1 ••·I ni:amH the dark l1111•.,I ~ult" th11t mtn currently favor. thrlle 11ofl pa11ttlll a~ most 1•Ht-rlh't.' I' 11trrnr 1I t>ffrr t11 are alJlo \'f'ry m111 h In lh<' pkturr. Tht11e ~1 .. w !'hAlfl run·t 1ot ~tween h.11 ki;rr.1111.t on.a •l•·s1i;:n color- mi:• l-'1nk 11nt1 ment on dark h:trk~1111111d" ill t' typ11•111 exam• i'I:-, 11 . t yltn g I 111' 1·asy. gr;ie<'ful 11111\'C'llll'nt. 1 pies rt! th1l'I t rt.'nJ. Bla1k. nuvy, , . ,. , • "11,.11 11 ,. t. '"1,. 1 1,. brown. charcoal 11 nJ m 8 roon ,. 111'>1 .. ' _,,•I I ol•ll< 111• IH .. ,.,I 1•li.1110• .. f (i.11 fa.~h1on krt ser\'lng All be<'kJ?ruund8 for Men's Clothes New iil Line 'Soft Sl1oes Step i11t o I;all Style 'f (,,,.t fl{, l"I ir. th1 I tf\t'< Thr natttral J.1t1k In m1•1 1111\ 111'~ will h1• I h• 11·.t l0•n.il 1,, , , 111 , , '"' ,.11 ;-;. 11 lni•• Jo11k th111 fall Reporti; t'Offif 111 11l·1t 11nt· a:"a nit • ~tno\.kr •• (1 • • .nl• 1 , , tht• l\,u ~\ 1••t1 • has "gone natural look." n~ t his 111flu1 n c-• ~'11n· 1ds w1•s1. "11 '' tr •. tw .. 1 t lrx1hl11 ' ,,, I'" 'f '•'' •I ward and out from metropohl:tn M'l I : .. 11s ~ .... ,~ .,, • ,.1, , > h ,,11 t i~ .. ,,1 ~:•s••nt1ull~ thr n,•IU••I l<l(•k " , . 1.,, • ", 1, ,, h • , .. d 'I f \ I 1 ~.I I t t II Miit 11nol <11Mt rut lhll duf"> 1 l11•ho11~ ttll I 111 1· not ~"tk 111 cllAJnll~f' tlit' na1ur11l h "" 1, 1.1 1 1 , -.t \ h•d 11 do l"' • t \ 11 t11 hh 1 , IJ,H 1,." 'I 1, • I \ .... h11 n f'I •U\U\1 th~ ' itnt'A <1( lhfl \t'~llH08 h•ld\' ), l:f;I\ • !'"-> tH r Ji11ft ·h••J, ,,.q 111 ,• n J,•.\lhe1 min1n111111 n ( lJhn11lc1t'r pR•l<llnJ.: •~ 1·'1110!\\'1>1<1' ~ll • 111:h \.\•·It 11 td, .•• ~, lh•• r !'hf' pr. used. lht•t ct J~ lPtt'l c1rape 1n th• tnl•11u111•111 1' ,Hfhi1•h• 'Ph • • l • f1• ... 1(11•1 .. I It\'• l'l'td1• t4 \'tr · ) .\ • •' 1 j• I\'• bh 'fl).:1'1 di ! 11,1 11' "', ,,, .. ,,, "' nu" 1n.: thr sllll .oat llntl th" Inn~ Alim ltnf"" 11 1 ''" \\.i• Ila" 1 ,, 111111,, ,,, "• 11 1111 .. 111• •'I• ~p11t h1-hl ( I I t-\. • 11 U "" ot •1ht~t··i 1tH1ti· o AlU1 l U&lJS "'" uut ... r 1·00 s Alt" ·' nt\\\ •1, HI II\ I t!\lll'lo: dt•t,a allu;.: ,.: 1141 1 , •1,,. ~ tt:i-1 1 ''''"'° ,1 1tC'"hl n~ emph1u11:.,d. 11 I I•, •• ,, • ' n 111. • •1 " "" tt•l·I in•r1 .. ,.t I ti.<' wt>h whirh The two. b1111"n 8lnl:ll'·hrt>a,.1-.1: p 1a'1•1 '!. \11111 ., ,,. I :h• •• "' tu.tllv ",,u1,. fl~ t h• uppt1 f d ~ult "all , tlnt1nue 10 J>rP·fnml· wh"h' ,.1 "" It•,. 111, ,, J.,, k .. r e J,:. ..r 1111. ~"'" n•H~. Hlth1•111:h ttw th1t.'e·b11tlnn 11·(111•0ll•":1t \1 1111 ""'' 11,1111•·1• T iu.• ,11.,,,., 1 ,..,1l ,,,11., I• 11 <'"n· mr1dl'I 1>1 ex pt-<'lf' I ln rl'gt~lt·r 11 h ~hl"• 1i.:ht <ul• I"\\ • 11~ '"P·' 111111 ,;, .. n ,.1 thr ltilltl\n ti·eiu1 11haip g n1n In ~01111• qua rtPrll I"'" l\101, r· th,., 1,\•l<•I, 1 hril 111fhl<'lh •' "'' 111• n ~ ><hllf'• f:\'l'n l r4'11&rro will re fie• t I hi' 1 T ll .~ '.\l:lt tl\\ lh 1~ "' 11 ·1 h<' l IPxible .. ~ luvf' trend to lhl' llllll, •llm look 01· ·1 .• ' ..... "I • II th. 1 .. 111 11\\' (11.' 1111 I llh" a f, ,t!lll(' ur knnt·k· mena1on1 1111' •111aller-11s m11rh '''tr ~P'l<'r•I !:;:•1t• • Ji, l .. \\·lh1'· ai. .. 111 , .i-•inl~ , 111,.nc lh,. r8)1 aa rhree 1nchn al the k n «"• an·l ,kntrt p11l'!'1n .. ~trlJ"'" ttlld '"If· !''"''"<' m 811,.n1.,,,11 i nd l'\' .. nlnc a n inch-and-a-half Ill the l'uft """''" 1lt'''-"' oil , ""·l'lt'll\•·nl ,hot•-< lme ha ve bl'en «"hminRltd t l'1tt 1• • 11rPr.t lr"lll 111 1·J.,1h111i: 1 ~ 1th•1.• r .1 ham1on11«" With the nrw r••!U 1 l'1111n,,. .. r, .. , ,q "h"w 11p 11111~1 ~h"I'" 111 , I t1 II If I 11,• n .. w sn(l • 111!'l\l'•I ;:ra1n1 propnrtlnn~ p1 111tlflltJ1tll." 111 i: i 1·11,111i 11.. 1.a. 11s. ~ll<'dNt ~h ti!' and ~ J!wf" lt"itlh .. r~ I Thr natural lvok 8Ull 111;1k .. 11 1111111111' 111 "'"1·1 1 "I• r Full .:, ll1oi1k,; 1111 '""'''11s1n11 proprr tit mort' important lhi.11 :-,-, . .,; • "111•' 1111·! d•·~1 i:11< h:J:h· 1, 111111 "'~ , 11 ,.,,,. on·I flat ht>1•li< tver. H also focu~t?• a tte1111un hi:llt 101 11 >1'"11"11 1'"1 In uold 1 Alll11111;:h 111 .. 11·,;1111 ,, 11111rr fool upon the fnbrl<' of wh1('h thr J11•krl/I pa11.-rn-1 11•11•1 '" l>··l,11111( 11 Ilion ,.,.,., th•••<' 1~ nl' .ult I. n1a1I• 11nd th• n ch 1111b ~<1n ft\\·h.,.! h0Jt1,·1 tt ntl mf•ftt <'t l· I ~. ~ . • •.111 11 " t ( i:nnrl 111\•hni: ="""' dued color11 of thP w rml. wor11lPd /\J 1111. l'tll• P•'tmg "'1111 \hr Ii• t t'f'l · Jn\\• 1 11 • ., I• h "'" ~IPnrlrr. lAprr- 'A'OOI and blenderl 8Ullmg Cab· r.t •·1.>nler ,·,•ul. ~111.. wnt11 w ill 111i; l•m·11 llllll Xl\'e 11n illlll<l'•n n cs tor fall h\'f' up 10 the 1m-"" J t'j:.e 1n p11pul 111t ,. Th. l111 ec ,,, ll"lithl porlant role lht new suit c11t h11lt11n m .. o1. t will p uw 111 lfn· J.;)" llppt>RI 111.lounds. too. In rtve• them. 1'"11"11' (' l'Lii I.' "ill "" ~llm · p11111i •l tctllt'!'l'il 111 11 i:r1·;1t \'R· NEW 1-'A.BRl<'S 111• r. str 11i:ht1·1 .. h11na::111): 1111 ty "' i<tyl•·.• 'I'Px\111 •'ti •nd T he trenrl toward d11rk-tnnf"1I -"11lp11111••1 ~w.,IP:< ,.ffrr :n • 1n- clothlnK Wiii cnntlnut> fnr fall One for Show lt•11•11t h1i:hhghll'd by nPW trutmenll I ( 1.0 :-t :n SllOf'-" t'OR !f;~OST thRI roml>1nt elaborate pattern Other f or B IO\\' I The· (Ji,,,. I "h"•' ):< r11 1T fR\"llf· work nn<I nnvt'lty ....,,.&\'I'll w 11h ''" t 'li"rd pumps ll'r afl,.m unn more or 11'1111 1ubtle &l'l'f'ntll or A,., lllan ••In nu lr1n1t"' I:• l '"' "'""r frl\1111" up:<w••r: IAh or brt11:hter hu•. •·R• •ini.: nn11 11111 kt.'l lutnilkt>r· 1oni;:11<> l r<'Atn11•nt~ ~lln11; • bnr k Many or th" nr•w s111 t1ni:-f11b· •·hid H" 11111'1 h;i\'•' 1"'" "11" p11111p,; w11h l'l11~eol vamp• are rlrs will ft'alllre m in\Jte llJllA1tll, !'.'r 1••uk, """ I h" "tht•r r .. ,. ""'' Jh•Jllllflr 111 l1ulorr •I ~lylt•s f'l'r pln·dot and tlel'k patlt'rn11 or 1 he '"' rni r '" ' '111 ·' I tn th" 111'· pa 1t1<'• tho 111ult' an1t ~I nppmi: l!ll<'h •·ntor11 "" mint. ctJgns<' and J P<'I' Jilt kl'l I'"' k"1 Ill " ~'11131 •· 'a nilnl ~1111 twl.I sw.1\ dark rf'd, w hite 11nd yellow nn I w1lh t·t111.l111hlf'ri •I "' 111•111• nl '" Sl1•11.t,•1 i uni.:l.1leol. \'lllltJI" anti t I d k h I I ,nili.1111 .-.111~1•1•·11 •u~h· •lt~pla\'l"J ~l11n h•·t 1'4 •·l\'t' lht.' d11•1•1I i<hOt> wa rm-one< ar ITay. l' Bl l'<IB • · ,., o I I J k b Cn1 .. r111 ,,,[,,, hlf'ntltn1r ''' ~h1rt 11n rl<'"3nt ltnt' 1hut 111 111r11td gr&.\'. nnv\' 11111 1 ar '""'fl . · ,.. back;::-rounrl~. 1n l'1thrr wo .. 1 .ind ""'kt:.. """ hRnrikt'r"h11 f 11111 1n f1tll 1tpp1tr•·I n .. 10118 are flannt·I or ~moot her 11urf&l'td "'"' k wunilf't s 111 '"111nh'ITIP1l\111g l'l"1fll" anf! 1 e!tn1·•I. Cito\"<!' flt 111 wor1ttd wool•. lh" d.11 k ~11111< n11w c111 r,.nl. i.ch11·\'l'll ,.,,. Plas· 1.: tnphnf'• anil D nrk p11tlPrnin1r on 1lark P•l 111)!. u ou.ma Will alao be popular· Reef er Rates Raves Fnll l••.tlh• 1 ll 1nt'111oli• ptlllMht'd b I a ck overplalda an! d 1 r k ··••0•--t.1.•"" -lu .. i .. , 1 .. 11th,.111 11 ni- The lt't'f• r 1<o.1t 111 b t.11 k ;,n.a Im.• 11111•ht11 ttnol nwt.illtc dy<'~ Atr1pu on blark ground11, allght· Iv contr•lltlnK blue cm dark whit<' l'""''" "llh bllt• k '' l\'f"t a t anct i.11·~lr ,..,lh a n ult1 11 -11nft n ap blue: brown o n brown: blnrk on th· i .. 11.tr .ind r1111, 111 r 11r1u•11-ror drt":<S llho4>&. a r<1UJ1hc>r 11hl\fe l.<11\ ~1111\f t lnr Jllm111 ~ l ',1~hmr• t> I_\ I'<' '"' <·.11ou.1l i-h11r11 :'lhttl<" !tn- r harcoRI i;ray A atronir t ·sui·re 111111 ramel hn1r 1«111a111 lh1· il'll•I· 11-ht·d l<'alht·1~ nff•'r a natural in black-r;nt>n• and bh1r k blU<'ll 11 expecttd. '"~ ~~~<~II'!' n•·~~t.I lonk Th• "Internationa l lnfluenre" will sp11rk 11omr r!'lum lo mt'· dlum tonl'' Med I u m gr11y11 browns a.nd bluu will be In 1trealfr ev1d!'nrr t h11n 11 t time in r!'ct'nt year!. 8HJRT8 BRIOHT any S.tiir t• at.rlkf' a note oC hfe an 1l br11htn1u lo ct ramatlH thl' dark -tonetl apparel. Colo red ahlrt1 are 1lead1ly gaininl( m popularity. Pinke, hel.Jo. ll11w. peach, tan and Persian ~ '" are among the moat " ht ehadea. Stnpmge on w h ile o r 11<>1Jct color ar• 11;ainrng in pvpu- \1\nly. Th~ ah11pe nt thf" hat 1trow11 11lr11d1ly 111111ller. The nar row- brimmed hnl w ith lap e r I' cl crown Pnhanr t-s thl' llhm. l11m a ppearance of the natural look LIDO FASHIONS By Sir the Presents "ENVELOPE BLOUSE JERSEY TOPPER , ,, h \\ 1, h'"" 11 11t .. l>llt'·l1<l111 111· 11 1 '"''"' o ut th!' """'· neatr r p8llern><. , 11 11 1. r • -lww I h•• 11ft'.1 "' lln ... r 11n1l~. CloUlea -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 11 i.1.,. •uira ... a. ~l tl&I· '"'' •1~·"1 hnt'•I 11nd t1m11ne<l to of II , , • 111 1 ,.,,1 1n .. vt'r vt hllll: 1111<t1·h. Even fur """ n f'l11ce in ti ,1 ~,1 1, \o iV•" Hitlhall' lh•• llll\lthr\I\'•' JH•lll<l', Ill hUl'h , , l t 11 '" 1 • ,1, cn••d , ,. f,t~h1-.n._ i:t JI 1!'-1.t1 ii J:t•l't hr 1' 11•,,,,,.. .,1,1 rt l· !alt fuq_h (1 • .,,,, 1 1 '--' \i.,th a •I •·I. lt• ·1 it.111h l',1 ... 1;in l1nd1 ••lliti 11 \' ' 1·· . ' .. . •.. 11, .. , • tr .t,•c.~1u•• F11t 1n 11,ot1 1••Jl\•"lt1ona.I .. h.•d•·..; 1-.. <)r.1 • nl:i\'••h ""'' I u~ n • ' I \" I I ..... , l r 1 ,.. • • .. h1• • ~to t f• r I'\ .. '" ···" 'It ...... I .. • .• I I 11 I I 11 'I I)" .1. , I I • 1·" 1 ''' I rP ·1 ~ ; 1 I I ilJt It J '"" d ..... \ ""I unuim.11 ' ltl. 1.-1. d \\it h \' tn~ 'u,tu1 \- hanolhlll: of h ~ l••J .. ).t Ip I ' 11'-h•·I IU lht• n•'\\ • ' j t ,.,, -..:'"' ! A 1 • I 'I I I " ~ 1) • l .. '-'~'"" Boys' Jeans 1.98 -.111·111 -.n c \ Tt:u t f' IP \'t'I ... I Prints Prevail in N ev1 Designs Boys ' Sox 4 pr. for 1.00 11 • Io II ,ti I lit• I • ,,. "th 'tt h•n 1•1• q 11· • l l • • IC t 't l 'h.tl , 1 • ,. 1 ••·\'~ 1 r['" F.•'1 • n :1 \\'hun:'V t • ''I t••:-o .... • I \:·'' .l~ .. ,t.t •' 'II )! h• ·' f'' • :" t•·I lull •'. ' I' "l~•f \\ 1nl1 t ~l1th' \~U11 .. u~1l f'A'· .. .... :'• ..... , 11..,.:r •• 10 n '"'ik t• '""' ..1 n I d· •·,t.:n'4 111•• in 'h e' Ht•Wlit lhHn dtU.JlJ,: IH I\~ Jllt \l.tl'" t ,.,. ·"' l P .tt l~ d'' '"\• v dft.i.·nt ~ _ f11l \ 1• • 'I, I t • 111•1, tt f' t·:: f 11. I t ,· t ,If l t.tll "•'H "" " c•111 din..: '" lh•· ~ttk 111' e;•1ol l{,1\' ·n l'r11 1 ln-t 1111 ° f ht' c;,;'\, tr al J •t'•".. df 1h ,,. tn I• '1t:ll •"" I I ' I .• I I I• I • I 11111 l·lhf'·(h . k 1 l11tht~ ll••lll •1111· 11' .., .... \' \ t ,. t <4 tit \\ th ,,,,. t ~ ., •' I 'p • ''' It• t·\•• p "' t ., !\ t 'I~ IP ht li• f l:i r• 1 1·11\\ nq ~ • ~1•·,rt~\\1 1• c lllt- .. 1,.11 •in): 111nt.. 1noln !• laq:r b· I I plhl '' t.11ll11u • l·I• "• 1 ol•': I nc.,1n1llllnna.tly JtUar&nt,.••d Boys' Sport Shirh ....... ban Rh·u t01\hr1"•· lalt>•t 11t~·tl'• I: roln" Boys' & Girls' Canvas O xfords Girls ' Blouses . Vlhr1tnt '.'\Pw l!lhMIN• Buster Brown Anklets . Cotton Slips , full skirted ldf'al rnr IM'hnol 1.98 1.98 1.98· 39c 1.98 \\'! h ... , ... lt"''i ., ~r 4' OnrnLif tn"~'''"' nr I 1 n•·· .. It i t• t : 11!) .ti•luw.t :tll •'\• 1 J'rir f.., nn Dresses, 1-14 . l off on all '"I' I , h• II' ol>t• k 1(1 111111 I lhl:t* J• I~;; 1h l.:,;~,.:l•l~~t n '.., 1\:1111 ) !1~1f~11~._I ' 'IO •1 I' ·" •h I ,~ ••' •.. n 1'f1•t1t ft •II' t 1111 \'•'t.!"1'11 "" r I I \ If t , • n• I I t I ,p P·1 1 I :i· n•• • ·' a1 1 I 11111• lti••. lh" I• r••' is •1-11· II •• ,., t \\llh ftlll ... ;,,,,, •n•t 1n1t :l 11• hJtn1!..; 1 ~+k t, •• ,. f· r t nll 1n h<•l h hl'l 1 11n1t 1111 !"r··1· I pa' t ern~ I •nt• 1 .. 111111 ~ •).lull•\\• 1r 1tv ... 1~1 ri I'•' r ·\•I J 1 '·, I 11trt11.-, and .J,.1•k-. t>-01• "' I fr•,, \\•, , 1 ''•'11 t~•· l 1,1•or Ir , 1 .,f 'hr \\':U1o.fJ1n\• ,n 'n' ~1•t h.11t tn t ,,., •• ,,,, Hftl dP· 1·" ., 11•, •\ ti,,. ~llh11111'\le has • ~n 111"1"1 " ' ,r, I li•\\'I\ nrrc~t('Jl1 •'· • 1\l'oil' I r ti1·1 f' Jq :\' fol' rli~ 'l11J'h1t~I~ on d • ' .,. 7.r• th ,. r ut .. r th11 p11nl•J Ir r m l!illt'r'llllt thr 'n:-. ;.1 •Ill•~ Ill !' wml-f I· :<hndt.' or " l(.tllll•·rt "'" J•iln'Pt1 Orlon s" t"l\t..r .. -r-rnrk. prrlwlnklf" hlur·, ttln1t,.r. 1'hrlm p. a\·a r11cln A nth"" Cardiga ns, 7-14 ... 4.95 .. -bx Pull -overs, 7-14 . .. 2.98 ... bx Everythin9 in School Supplies DONALDSON'S 5 & 10 300 Mahi St. -BALIOA 3.95 2.39 I r111l~11 1bots on t ! • ' ' •• , I I ' II'\ • I 11n~ly nnr· :.~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :--•·, .. 'l :i..J\r~s. 1he11h!r Ill ' h ,,. • ' t ' t 11 • "4 ff<'·iU•'.-.•1\' •1 ,,11 a li·nar b a•k ph.i.: l · " t r•I f1 nm l ht.' hl'111 , t • :~ t11ll111•;1.~ It< arh11•1·r•.J I \ ).1 II •I .~ '1 ' 1. o I !'lt•lll llt/! ~1111 : • ·. I, ii , i:l a llghll\' tn· I 1 ,, .. ,, ' •I•' (·\ t .. :h .\" c \;'. ~. -.1 ft\ I'" I tl'Cit:K · 1 : I •• ~1 111 l ne t1 • • rulth• ..... (111 \\ • 1-t l•"n.:'1 n···: I •h1n1: • • i :la' ,• \ f t11 ,: 1 i J .. ~ '•J l• ·. '' .... H'~ .... ••1" 11.1 ,·11 hflp fn t"u• 1 • ·~111'\•• for the back-to-school wardrobe Bernhard Altman Matched Cashmere Sweaters a nd Gay Cottons by Nardis Lanz Originals Skirh & Lorch of Da llas lh 1f ..,, 'I • 1t' 0 ,, -. '( .... • 1 1 I l I t I • \ \ \ f1 •1• •• ,. 1• I r '•Ir 1 :11 tan:,. 1~"-':•1'1.· ••• ,q.,• ,.,. , ....... al :J/ie Cfot/iej J.Jorje ..;• t. ' \ \ , , .111 r • k! , ... 1 rr Balboa lslancJ l'li11t11 h~ I urutn' \lift h• II Tl•:'lmeJ with a dn •d-tn-m atC'11 lull flannl'I ~k1rt , !ht· n('ekhne 1s conn·rt1blr. can b<' v.11rn ;ts shown. 11r t he w1dC' turn-m'(·r eoll ar <an be t uri11•d up Ill both baC'k a.nd front. and the back buttonrrl to th<' front to ,,, .• ll ffif)rE' rnn~rr •I lrn•k . I 100 t-\1'1110'' Jfuhnr ~R: I I Italy nnd O ri ent Influence Seen in Hand-knits ~ "' w h >h t.., "11111\lr·H·~'/\UMlfllf' •t•f\' ~• ••l~ tn1 "11l'1<l'n nf a ll •Jr•. l t'S' ,,,n11'~h •lr~lt,!Jlfl'I• hA\f' (1'1111•1 lll•J'I I' •II 111 f1Uh l /\II ''" •' " Ut·1.. •*I 1 Kt'S.Jf-\1 Ainnr ~ 'I I"\' In ''\l1 ' P\1 1' 11111 l'OlllHf'•I '""\' , .• ,., .... 2''\•I )!lrtll ••l••U• h .. fl •l ~t • • • ='l'llt.1•11 11111ntll111~ a nd (\1· \\Uh Un• h.1nd·k n1t l111ol, "" tt" t.d ltq.'c'•"•'ll•' f11 f6 (\Oh' a f t'\\# p1•f'11l11r '"' full "'""" '" 111en 1•1 tht 1ntl'r11.111 .. n1d alvl~• avail· 1u e •I lK1111n i: 11 th<' g~nu1n~ w11y ubt .. h\ k111ll111i; .. , •'l"1'hf"llllj; l ~=\t'n lhl' 1 lltdlj(IHI hu l'lllf'r<'•I l1<-l!h1"n tl.r:n• .. 1'·1•11 , lhf' huih faeh11111 ftl'l•I In dr•"· T hi' :"\1tt1 .. nsl Hand K nlltm.i 11111kt'r 1ll'•1)tn• w 11h un 11 • u a I \'tirn A""' 11<t1un r.-port:< that •• -1 nt'l'kllnt1" a nil r 111b1,•1olt'rt'd • cm • •'rdmi.; to " l<'l't'nl poll. a knit· bead! •nil aeq11111• Jum~rl', ling 111i.I • r.•• hl'llng •urc• hu •Ires~,. an.I t'n1tmblt'• 111 f' a\'atl· ~wtpl thr «lllntn Pattern a nd •bit tor thf" knitter ••t t'l'()("ht>t•r yarn m11k1•1 ~ hll ve · 1 t'8ponJtd wnh J tn all of fu hlon 'e tav1>rlle 1tyle,. CUSTOM TAILORING by MUFTI, Ltd. For the Flneat In Style .ft Workmanahlp PlWI Imported Woolen1 11811 N1••port Blvd. P:-t of S. A . Country Oulll High Qualify Print fng-Ph. Har. 16-16 Renee Marciel Gowns from Florida Jo-ens Originals Sebastian Skirts match Sweaters and dyed to Smartee T-shirts 33]7 Newport llvd. (opposite City Hall) r · -~ . · Teen-Age Fashions Patterned t>ucklln« rut nt t tallan lrtvltt ap- pcoa r in a111rt wu at •Jhlrl drea~s ot rour h • textured winter cot- loaa a nd •1lky aurlacea. Tbe •laah nec:kllne wtth •land • up collar ia a amart Me-d1turanean fMture that loolu well ln mold· ed·top t.ono atylM. CIMr red• ' Crown • up tu h1ona with a I .ehorts and tapered trouaera f&Y· and 1t1·eeni and yt llowa ara leadlllf colon endorMd by w n- ;with Adult Styling Smartness youUlful f.eUnr; cha n ct er I " ort•I by tht colltg• c-rowd. shirt p1cturt . Many reflnem l'11t.a ny Italy. t he rlothing high • arhool• r1 w1ll Silhouetted for the teen fuh· of pattern and aurlaca lnter11t I From lndl -···' d be wMrtnc Ulla fall. ion p1llure IHI' A·ltne. tunic and have ~n a dded. P'or tll&mplt • coma .,--ry an Gone 11 the u11uul prartic e of prmCt"8t1 coall M11rh-fa vort'd -woven alripea plllld• mltt'red aarl pallt'rna that •re well han· walllnr; a Miuon or l"ni:.-r bo-· 1·oat fabrll'il lnl"hld11 orion • dynel effecll and con.tru l c~llar tac· dltd In aurphce top dayume t d t I bl• t I .. ... h h dreue. with wBpare>und o r ore a ap Inf nt'w t1tn• ~ to ""' ~ ~ Jll'll'& anu otn 1g • in&• are uaed, aJODg' w1lh 1mall eaay • 11 klrt Siik h younrt-r wrar. This ,,e .. ~on'• µ1le plu!\hea. over ·M6 prlnll. The mo1t popu· 1 m • '· '· 1 Clf'r trl'nda are 1nterp rttPc.I for 1ren1 --------l11r collar treat.mUlt 11 the one• wooi. and •.Vntht tlce are the fa. I . vored fabnca. wtth a t re•hnea:i and fl\~h1on-C 1 T piece wic!e11pread wllh a 1llght rlghtnt1H that"' will h1• !ht< joy 0 or rends roll, openfnr to a d"P n~·k. Clan plllldl are ot prime Im· •. of Ole high achool sel .:\'ot to ~ over.lookt J are t he portance In woolena. wool bltndll Island Women to Meet Friday A apec1al meettng ot th• W om- an'a Auxiliary ot !'ewport b land Inc. ,..·a1 ht!ld at • p m. rt1day a t 416 39lh Sl. h11ma of Mr• Rlrha n1 Wp~r. NEWPOR T H ~R BO R NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE 5 MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1956 Marti11 F11rniture Offers Tho11ght 011 Home Fashion I Theo Martin of Martin F urn\· llonal and hl1th·1t~ It'd Mra K<•1th R1rn11 pr.,.11Jt nt lul't', C•,.lll Mr...i, r r1•.,um1f'nth )fa rtln >'Ur111t u1 " l"altra to all was _.1-tnMt'<.11 1nJ ~Ir• M.ll.'' spt'n.il thl1ui;ht 1,1 · lt••me t-'.ish taatee a nll •II rnrt br~kab. Fsulkner wa11 tu *h11w a ntw hnr 1,,01 ... kl't'J'lllJ: m mlntl fall ,.11.1 Marlin •Ujljlf'll" .. ,HI\' ahopplni;:- ot CRr•I" la &II tnlP1'"""'' m l h<' tor a VI•'"' c•r lh• .11~tlnl't1va a •· rffo1 t 111 rontr1hu1e 10 i:-raw1n1t 1 tf'rtnimni; 1'18 11" ~l arlln "11~K·'~1~ aortment ln '"" k Jo'11r a reath· fund" tnr bea11t1 fy1n.: '.:'\ewport 1 •r &!IJ>nlll 1·11na1deratlon to thf' tmproveJ st\'hni: t1111l 11rtat•r l~lan.t P11 1 k All 11wmhrr1 111HI "bl\S11· J11l'ct•s" of thr h\'lnf: rvum, va r iety, ,,., M11rt111·,. nmv and l "t friend• 'A't rt' upcC'1all.v inv11er.J tn rem\!mbr1111..: tha t the mc~t r1uh· •..-pert ach'lo ,. ,,n hnm11 rt4'rn1 •· at tend I Iona.bit 111er.·s l'1U\ aJ~ bl! tunr-1 Uon ldt.aa, the 1111r• <IWnnr atd. IUl.EATH UKl':SS 11·n Fall Sht.rtS perennial favorite. -handaom•· and tn tured cotton11. Stylea run lh8 l'•mut from the blouar.d ~h~tt ~rl 1n Jrana~-~~I~~ p~dln~ w~w ~Hth to t~~ ~no. ~l~~------------------------~~----------- oom .. a younc latly 1u 11he ap· CnmJllt•mtntinu th• t~nd to while wool.a and the blenda that I J f /, :J I ... • ~ 1 P que or blark Vl'lvat trtma pro-pea.ra In lhe co11tumr look tav-are comp nely wubable, hl&'hly d f t II • 1 11 h dark·tonrct C'l.,thes. c-olor contln· colorful •ftd ~tt. v I t1 • brlKht toucha1. Tartan• e ~~e un~:n :, . f:11~1~~p~1;h )'ynul&~; UU lo i'fOW In fashion Import· -· -111ay be the autht nlic Scottiah e w e j 'I r t a • rt ' teen fll'\Jrn 1111 the ~heath <lrna, a nv. &h1rt-w11e The top fall or tnv11nt1va American variety. I tearn .. ct With lUnH'. W8ll•l·lt'ngt.h I 8hlldH Will be mint gnen. pink. Worldw1· de hu1 e and blank•t·y or t I n y. or "Ion" short . 1;u ket11. pale blue a.nd m&Jzc. On the Dark backg'Tounda tlrure prom-w h b .. lnenUy. t Tern c.lresl!el'I, 1k1rta and Jlunp· high· 8\)•le 11ldr. croaa 1trlpu a nd a c es y er• r mphuiu the Jonr tor.a neat cht>r ks w!ll be promtntnt. Th • P'rom England comu t ht line. H1pllne cuff•. narrow belll alcing with contru Unr collara em e 111 Bond St rert look In fine wool- thraaded throurh bJpllne loop•. and ntw pallt'rn• on pleat .. d en-. quallty cottona and t'Vl'n tunic overaklrta and pleata that fruntll. s rt wubabla wool • Wta aynthttlce 1lart a t lht! hip a l"e popular Thr 11hortrr pouit ahlrt ~liars po swear Brill.lb )ookln1 tweed1 are c....- Omega Hamilton Elgin Gruen waya to achievt' the ll'nll"tht'ntd 1 tle-111 lol(irall\' with the t rimmer .... d r rt Th to H I I ,,...__ 6 -. AM avo tea. e man- r.a t act n tetn c-nt hing ltnl'11 m ludav·s clothin g . ,.,.y port.ew1ar dapartmenll be-l&Uorlnf ot t all 'Ga hu been Separates. the teens· steady a ppt'ar in a number or new ver-gin t look Ilk c th ri f tavorite, blouom out with tall 11ons. :iul'h aa 1hort button-down the ~&llooa a: :uu~ t d~: • .:. mueb femlnlud with bow tnma, I ·M body hne11. tn coordlnntrd or a nti poin1i-ct l'Vl'lt lll, "'ldPI' •pread takt on cha ractenelics of lt&l· ,.all• curvea and aott co 11 a r, dyed • to • match c•ulor11. Over· roun<lio ancl a senu ()( bh,u1t~ Ian, Ea.et Indian, Scottlllh, DI•· cutt and pocket detail The drUI Spau/JingS bloUJlt>ll. bulky ,,weaters, mid· pmnl~. h1h and Chinue tuhlona -to llna 11 •lmpl1 -eutly tilted or dlea a nd other top1 p11'k up an The · c on t I n a n ta 1 tlavor" ti j men on ullt the ~adtra. .Ucl\UY bloUHd bodice and JEWELERS I in C & C Center) 307 Marine Balooa lslenCI R.J:A.DY J'OR Hip i chool or 1•ollege 11 thl• £lrl, modeling a rhl\rroal p y l tafford flan- nrl "klrt &11d jacket, with dMkt'r 8taph1111l1 K.oret orion .owf!aler. The 1nMmble can 11 .. ,.,.,.n at J\elnert'1 J"IUpat· 111·k. Oraan Front 6 22nd St., :0..'rwport Bu rh. out stanctmg color from a plaid r<'&ChPI dre1111 1hirts In a convl'rt· or tweecs aklrt, or ara trimmed Ible m odel featuring a mediwn The bold 1tnpu 1111d awaah· pleated, gored or ahea thed aklrt. ~ma~ th• ~lrt. ~I~~ m~~m ~"~ ~~t~nf~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i BYE. BYE BLl'E JEAl\'S collar which bacomea a 11p<1rt / For lei1111re wea r, t here'll a shirt n~k when woirn wtt.houl • new dre1111ed -up look. High· lit'. achoolera a re turnlnc from bat-Th• "ooatt~t.al ln.tllM9ce" ter ad blue jean• ~ the Bermuda cnnUnu.. to domlnal a th• 11p<1rt 'I WOOLENS-plaids , tweeds, fleece coatings. winter worsteds and flannels. Many weaves and coton .......... . ................ $2.98 to $6.91 WINTER COTIONS-Bates Disciplined, pol- ished cottons, cotton tweeds and 9in9hams .................................................................... 89c to $1.98 DRAPRY FAIRIC~ most complete selec· tion ... ............................................. $1.19 to $1 .91 ~L'HOOL B ELLS will soon bring local children runn1n~ from their 11um- ml'r'i-plC'asures . For boys ll will b <' back to school 1n Lt'<' or Wrangl<'rs aa 11 ;i\11 rorl ?l \\'asemiller'a m Costa Mesa. Reine \\';ii;;('m11lf'r i1 pleased to 11nn11t1n<'c he hu been ap- 1 •nmtrd ai-nn 0Uici11l Boy ~~·11ut shr•f' uutlet for the I ht1 bttr » n -.1 EVENING WEAR-velveteens, embroidered taffetas and 1atin1 ..... . $1 .19 to $3.91 STAPLES FOR ALL-cottons, linens, cordu- roys , jerseys, rayon suitings and emboued novelties . 59~ to $1 .98 SNIP 'N STITCH 209 MarlM Balboa Island Yardage Shop S!S'7 t.:. eo.t llwJ. CoronacW Jbr To SCHOOL or to WORK Via the Low Overhead Way Boys Jeans "WralHJlen" or "Lee"-The lest Yow$ Can Buy. in Your NeiC)hborhood TKl .1111 ClllS POI Compare these values & see what you save 269 4-12 13-16 2.98 Save on every pair Shirts all types Sizes 2-18 Large 198 Selection from ~ For your Job price as low or lower than down- town larger stores. SHOES We're proud to offer such good s h o e s , you ' II be happy with their ser- vice. Q u a Ii t y not sacrificed. Just the price! Ox- fords from 5.98 Nt:W ~thool ~f~ -=~-~ -~-........ ~ Style- Qua lity \'nu•,,. """~· t:vrry pa.Ir ~rant~. Out to ew low prlrN "''e ..,.. \\ii hnld.lJllf Ula hrud name. t"'4I ue It you h&Vf'I •l\M prnhltme. anoounre lh&t 111'9 now haft the orndal en r ,S(-CMiT° t;boe. Work clothes Gloves Sox Wasellillller' s Worklng111an'a ltore I~~ 1, Hamor Rl\141, f~M,... The Charm of Yesterday the Colllf ort of Today You are invited to see our newest furniture ••. NANTUCKET COLONIAL .•.. styled from our nation 's pest, constructed to standards of e9e-old uaftsmanahip • • • • priced in accor'd with your o..-n 1ense of value end thrift. HAMAN'S CHAIR $21.95 aho ll&U'a. Captabt'a and Admlral'e cUln ARM CHAIR $26.95 You must see NANTUCKET COLONIAL ••• you'll love its early American charm ..• end you 'll be so PLEASANTLY THRILLED WHEN YOU LEARN HOW EASILY end ECONOMICALLY YOU CAN MAKE IT YOUR OWN. BUTTERFLY DROP-LEAF EXTENSION TABLE $89.50 t:df'nd• "' M lnthM, -•• 10 tnmfnrt&hl). BUFFET and WELSH DECK $139.50 Open Friday Eveninq 'til 9:00 p. m. or any eveniltCJ by appointment Open Friday Nighh ....., ____________________________________ __., __________ ..a. ____________________________ ...J~---------------------------'------------===:::::;. ____ _ PAGE 6 . PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 'Golde11 T ouch' of India Features Winter Jewelry fttrhnu• a nt! cnlnr d,plh r har • •rlt n ite new •lone and goldl'n metal j ewl'lry. Clear ruby .-.da. Mpphin bluea. bronMe a.nd aim· ulated jete ~low from .tmple Mt· tlnp. If' .1 bl·,~~( m . ~'"''" l"l'• r • ,,., I\\ I h !utr p..1h.J1,.,1 i;:ultl &<'111111!> ••th 1 ~tauy e11 ar• mn&tly 11<'1 I and J'•Wf'd whllt' ~ t n\' rhln,..lt•n• bnlllan1 ... l om b1ne 11mula tflt pMrl•. nr amoky, In airy .. 1ua,.. New Sty lings Put In Youths' Shoes T h t M 1rtu lOU1 h a pp<>ara In I fu h1on JC'Weln· fo>r f11ll with I . COldtn necklacu C'Urtnga, brate· It'll and pins gli-amlng e\•ery· 1 whne. Also popular arit beeuU· S imulated turquolM le m&ktnr ,.r ldtnllcaJ cw one lurer Ula.a fall tuhlon headllnu In new 111- the other. very or r oldan twUted wtre M t· The round buttOll M.rrinr hae ttnp. )latched Ml'r1np a r • bffn frMhly adapted ln dainty, tarp, round aJ\d lacy -llOmt more formal 1tylN. Contour ..,.. punctuated wtUI 'ri'Ptd 1POte of ring• and abbreviated drope a.re turqllOl.ee.. Boys·, Gi rl s· to Feature Footwear Smart Lines , tullv made rhmestnne p1tcN . tavorf!Ci, ton, with la v1ah ahower PASTICL 9r()!fa many rn gold llt'lllngs. Colored and chandeller deai1n1 reeernd Mont'~. pt>Arls and silver Jtwelry tor nenlnr wear. l:lloUo eoao..s •ten. ,.._lry art 11n pv111in1 in ntw t1ts1gns to appe&n in demf!Y wttll a decided R"\1; 8 11 I "Ir I~· .-hnP• i;r~ o,;t1fl··· tt. Xlhl·· ond J, .... .,, uut!ltlill\'t' lh l~ l.tll \\'1t h•111t ~f« 11lll'ln!: '°'S· ,,.11l111I l"'11IU1 ltnd ,., 111l•d I r.-,,. i !uld1 •. ,. ... ,.h, .. ~ ha,.,. l>th•·n un lh, l•:~hl \\•'H!ht 11nd IH'C"l'lll lht' 8f'&ll0n'• .sl~k. eimplit A.RE TAILORED r..ut IndJu na... Clulltan of l.1111~ ~111,· trt't w111 tw1nkt .-1ilhouette. Dramatic "tailored" dellrna larr• .-iootb 8toft• Ill• ntrlbow 111 111 ..,11·1 lnt11r1 p111up11 Patent M 1:tn\' lll!W nreklsr u 11re a Jhtn• aa allunnrly a.a plecea ot at put.a..,.. •t in a larr-oval "' 8 Jlt'l<'IH1lill '" rnrty llhOl'll, eornfu1-tablt· b a s t'·O r·t h l'·throat 1 t tght. Decorative lovera' knot. pendUlt. lll&MI .. wit bnc•ltU hut 1111111··11 kalli.•t ,, 111"111111~ IPni:th. rl'jHllt• lhe J c\\t'lry In -are fl'lltured In an&ke-chain neck-&At! bib necklace, 11111~h1·' "1'11 lu.~1t'1 !I 11 1 ( 8"e~ .Sustn· l'ounc11 Brar elets are lt!ICfl. the wtde knot at center. RhlMatone Jewelry for fall CLEARANCE , ~11111 Jt,,.k t( j:lfl\\'ll•Up ,f\'lt'J< \•uuq" Ill•· P••J'Ula1 r1.1 lntlt• NOW ON! 'h'",.. th~ 'llOttii;ht F .. 1 ~l'hool. flexiblt r u ! r 8 "r 1n ten·11l1nll' Other golden 1tylH are 11mple ebowa dell•te nor&! lnaplratlon. t1n1 • '1 ui-h .. ,f 1:ra1n... "11'1 !Ir.fl i·hama dangli ng w11h larae 1ll8C multiple·etrand 11takech&ln blbe NeckUlc-. ptu and •rrlr14f• are !'EJ-:.\1 BO,\ Tll !-: H:\ L- I 'f.l' 11 w.1s I h•s Pt•g;:y Hunt l'l'l .ti 1• n m•ult•lrd by Mrs. ~f:tnl) n Fn1•d1'1<'h It 1~ a black 1·• ln t d11111•-r drr·~i' with 11 hit" !-;1J 1n cnla r frnm \l.•n!~·n 's 11l lifii-A !'\rw- 1 "1'1 A\'f•, \n11l11 Mf's~. A Costun1e Look for Fall Suits :" 1 't: I l\ol "'' t'l-•0 ht\t-> IUl\O\" > h .. t \\t 1'•h1 I ""htt•, ••I•' 11 .... n r ltf I I•~·· I \•,., .. ,<'I I I I I .1 •I I ' -• 't i ' I~ I• \\ t ' lt•11'1<1o• •I 1tu f ""'""'"~ •I 11 t \I '\ \\ h· I • ,,, , ,,, f ' 1 ... ' ; t :11 \ 1•11ii1 •\1r\ ;,o1\I• h 1• 1~~ f. 1°f J'lP!'~ ,. fjU~ &.' 'f1t• dt ..,l.:fl•'f" ,,., • '' h t .n 111 t 1t ... \\ •\ 1t1 I tiw• \\ j, ! ' h1 .. ' f 11. I \\ I• • fl \\ h~' (' ' I I " I ' • ' I 11 • I I I• , ..... I t 11111, 1>'111 Ir th•" \\'1!1<• • \•' 1) •• I I f • 1, J' I ,., f fl \ h1 tl I t t -. t ff ii ., I 'I 1 J .I l ''fll • tht. L.: t 1' •11 i.. l h '\ • t 1n •l 1 11 '•,. t.h ' 1 • \\ I\ l '' I t r \ • 1 ,., ' ttr t I• .t JI, h11 I \ • t n• t 1 ! I •' • I '• • f f" t ~' t I ' 1 I' t ' f \\. • ! I , 1 ~ 'Jt t • ... \... .. : t• h"•' I •11111 tl111i.• I" I' n,r,, 1.. ', P ,.. I l • 11 ti t 1-I tp lt • \\I'/\ I'' 1rii\\•tJ• •' t If • q v h•'tU h t\11 t ,t I•• Jth 'f1• J ,f l I "" ~f \ 11n'"' I f f1 1'C° •I 't\ ~tr I• ~J.-11.t~r !">~,:11 .. I!\\ H·•' 111,tlt' ,.., Ot I ...... ,q~ 11 • It f!\I It I l'h1 \'fl t Iii tot f';t"'• t I 1 11 \\ 'h tl1 vr1 r• .1 J , ,. pl• ,, '" l,;ll\n,n~ l'\r•l •\\ 'I I' t11p"-\\ I,, 't11• 1 1 I'" ,, ... • • 1• • -·'1 }11'1 ~"I. P• .. , i."' H 1 I 1 , 1' r • ... ... .t " '" . " \ ' • I' I ' I •' I 1-I• I t '· 'I I' '' 1 Id .. t' Pnri~ I n ~pi re~ (;o,,·n ~ for Autun1n Bi.:ide~ A Ju,. I " " I I 1111I1 ''•'•ldtn£: ._. -. .,, ,,.. I" h ttr1tt A 1 ~.l\th " i ''' lf •1 I 10 ?lil!h l'I \'It' I F.\'rn "·0111• n "ht' 111,. IPH \' nr 1:11 I-"1th .... u, .. :-llm111ini: but an1r 1.-. 1 ,.,.. 1nu 1u Tht• .'>llOJdt• ~tl 1tp "-h•IJ ttrlt,\tO~"IP ;\ (~,\·orllt! ro r tlrt -~ -up Sfh""I 11nd pllH· >:love !i'IH h"r~ 11 rt ~hn" n St1t'CI<'~ orn11mentll. Most new pins are and aaymm•lr1c loopt1 falt.ntd to rracttul and uymmetr1c:, al· 1111' fll'(jllt'n llv 111n1h1ni'<I \\'Ith medlum-siud, many In pa1r11 elth· a Chol.er. thourh llOt Mttl'&l lraii.alatJoae of ~111n••th 1 .. ulhPt~. blll Hit • 11ur1lt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Iii Jlfl'tlll I I'd fttl th l'••·llJ'I I :-i.l•at•h r ruph , .... 11.ln'-! R \\t'h ftnP •l<'''\1ltn,1: (I'll I II• t • R 11_111· •h'"'" l•.Jluw ra t h " r'11 •t \ 1.... Tll.!lllt I I l•'M j!Ofl'•J shp- nn• lnAfrr o "lllj('·l1p• 11 nu t.: • "'"I:" a r,. mn111 pnr11 l11 r :-; ew rnr tt>" oldu h<w "rl' ll t 1rlr11~ Shoes Have Texture .. xr,,rt1 "'11h t "wina 11P ""'' • two • •yell'! tit '"'h a :-mall A II•''' note' 111 tall ~hut's 1• lht' toi.t-nv1'1 col1111 8 11'1 mo11·a •1n lt'XI 111 rtl •11rt.1•.. \\ lurh u lttn front "Jlp~., I• 111 "' 1' •·n rrintt'•I "'ov· I Low -tc1p morlel11 v. 111 be favor· "" .tln•t 1:1 am IPalh••t ~ 1u ror boy11 th111 !All For reel 1 rqu1r1ng htj!hrr • rul 11hou , r on· lfl·lh···11111111tf' b r 1•I11 l I: n w n. vtnttonAI lnphn" 11tyle11 are dt'· ~1n1" 11 '" 111 •·s~nrf' a ·one· tallttl to look likt low tops o, 1 11:00.onn·· f.U··h11111 Ahnost all I · th The brown famih' IJI 11t1U c.oll•·i't'•~n)i( Hl• t11fh• i:••\Vn!'t \\'I · t••d ~tVI• """' "~ \\l'll Iii< 111111!· :-lumber Ont ·Wllh boyJO. a - tluna 1'""' 11,. lhOUj!h blal'k 111 mllktnj! a <"nm"· l'<lll• • 111 111,,.,1 i\·ltn•· j!u\\'u!I b1t1 k in {'1111rd1natt v.1llt lht• "'""' •nl II.•• •d lh•' l:lll· j!lll\'" 111111 hllh'~ INHlltt'd Ill '"" 111111111,.d \\tlh b11ys· !l1111x 1· .. r.t•w11n c o lor h11t1d • I 11• II t•IJ•Hl•~ "'"I 11 full :<t1 1k"" " h>tppv nu:1h111n, ~W('t'J'llllL' ·•:11 • T h· h I I" a I Mn~t lnpn1 lllnt 11•.t!hf'r!I IHC' 11h,.11l lt " 1 ,11r1ti:ll\' ,. ti a p 1 r·tl. !ht• 1111" r.:111 11·~. U~<'d in 11r1•:<11 1111,.11 \\llh 1 "f':tld" htt k ''"'"anti •1'"11~ ~h'I"" :O-r1m f' su"t1e P11n•, .•• ,. .1:1•1 ''''P"'' ·ilh .. 11· llJIJ'""" Ill tl1 •·•~ ~h""~ Anti •I t•~ taf t• ., , ,..1 1+· .t .. •th"" t .. 1 "''"tf•··Anilttiniuuth INHh«-r <'Orn ... t I nl~ hinkl '""~ In 'r'H t "-hUf·~ I • 1... ·t _,,., n- it f' h·1 !~ .. n.i r n··hun· h••t HI • We "in S ~ H Green Stamps Get Re4dy for School! Skirh-7.91 to 12.95 Blouses-2.50 to 5.95 Sweeters-3.95 to 24.95 Take advantage ot ow layaway plan Open Friday Nights It Pa19 to BaJ In Ooeta MMa JOJ Main St. We Gh·e 8 AH G,_. 8tamp41 IALIOA 1n.•t;" fur ll'n•IAnl" :"• \\' h lllj!h • \\1\111'<1 WPllllll: \\ hll It A•I•' II I 1'111 f1t~h1nn n Oll' 1.1 b"' • .. 111r·lv nx(nrtl~ WIT/I IJD7ER Back to School in Style La test shades in fall sweaters for men a nd women. • ~ Smart fall wear · at reasonable -3-.~ prices. ~, Henline's Sportswear Ph. llarluir ."11.10 ";I 0 t:a"'t Ballw!l Bl\ ti. B11lhoa ,~---~-----~------------------~ I I : Sanitone Dry Cleaners' National Contest! I ' : ,____ ----------J WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIELD & CO. DREAM WARDROBE ... and a 1-'Rt:t: round trip to Chic·111:11 for TWO on l':\JTt:n Arn U~t:s : -~· Jtlan ntl\\. ln •\fit• 1 IJ11 t1 1- l1on11I t 1tf'llltl \\Ill II""" I '••II· I• ~I spm1.•nrP•I 111· th" s~n1 - 1 .. ni' IJ11•11t1nn ••I ~:1111•n In- rt u i1 t t i t>• In• c'111•1nn;i1 1. (lh1t• 'lnttil.1 I ln l•lt l'hl~ '••11t1•11"f' In '!,'"1 \\ urth ur-I ,•''' , I I~ ' , ' , • ' , , .,, , I I ''' ;/' • ti, ,, ,, I I.,, I ,, , ,, ''·"' f'I •• !"-'• n•, f'• •' I k·l '·' I t Ul ff l..,' :"'.1fl 11f.1• t•• h• \ '" 11• I I \ t: \ .• I ~ It Hin 'h1l1 t1 Pn • •I•'' t ••• • , 1 n•· .. t •'•run.; '' 11 ·.,. •l J. "" J .... ~t .... ,.. ... ,... •• • t \l"\11 fl h •. t-\ \H' \ P\ I I \ I hi fl.: ~I''"' ... ht tHil ,,, " ~htni••r.•tt1' '"''' t ·'11 1,, I ,..,\IAI lu • \. r,;n,.: \\ t'hl Ht t .• • II r\ t I ~ \ ' I I• '. • I• ' ' .. t \ • I I \\. '~ I • t ,, ,.,,,. ·t .t. "'l~h· t"' Th• t 11 ~• J11 17•~ \\ lttl1• t tt l .. u #?'''' Jit. 1oun+t lnp l ~ •·i, .. ~'·"' fur T\\11 on I 1111• I ,\1lltnf'1t \\1th ~ •J1t\-t tl1tt• I 11 .. ·alA ""'t 111,1 fl\IPI\ !'llhl flll I\ ~11 111 • l ••llC' Pt y I '11• \l'IOj(' ~l'l\'l!'t' In 1td•lll1n11 t u !ht> (ii.I pr11e "' .JI 1•1J\Hltl l •1~11m War<l- 111bt. I ht'r ~ '"" 211 n l hf'r "t•noff'rful pnx.. • ('»11Jut •f11rt1 A"""~' ur 4 1 IOA'• l<t'Jl(...,.tb,,. J Ofll , 19$$ (•f'I ) 11ur offtrial .atry blaak Mad t'omp~ ,.., ... t..- LIDO CLEANERS s4" Chl .... '1 NYLON STRETCH SOX l'l•M I .Al I TESTED +.ND COMMENDED MEN'S WHm BUCKSKIN ............ "° ... ....... lJ--()wo .... ,..,... MEN'S IROWN OXFORD Perforat.M Toe 1.-, 1.uu., 8•1• ..... 1-11 LADIES SADDLE OXFORD la browa and whit~. blade and whiw.--.nd WHITE Bt'C'll ~~aoi. SHOES FOR TAP DANCING ,...,. ..... BT PARENTS' MAGAZINE GIRL'S STURDY MOCCASIN c-la .,,,... .-ct hlM-k 0..W..Utlc!Md...._ IOYS' LOAFER Sl&M a1( to 8 lturd,J 110le for Ollll'r •·Nr- GIRL'S LOAFER 1111,,,.. 4 to t Rubbf-r C"'f>" folnfp for Wa.lidllc Com Ion- BOY'S STURDY OXFORD ~hark•kln 'rrlf' l,,pathrr IJntd- TENNIS SHOES $1 .99 a11d UP CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES 509 •nn ,. • 8"U<'f ht,l!n r a' h 1f\11 N L llvcl. C U--111..-. M014 clotbae C&A lndul~e lo a.n up-1712 ewpon , OIN ....._. wuwrt'y ,.__..._ __________________________________________________ _ • I n '9'd a111t h rnwn ~l 11rrt_1 •nl" Next to Safeway 111 Costa M~ ' \ IT'S OFF TO SCHOOL WE GO -Johnny Brodrick 1aya good bye to hi1 father a he artd Chris-Hughes, daughter of-Mr. and· Mn. Wayne -0. Hugh~ of ~rona del- Mar, 1tart off on the first day of school. Johnny is dressed in the new maize deojm1 and wear1 a plaid gingham shirt. He is t he son of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn R. Brodrick ot Corona del Mar. Chns wears a two-piece Prissy Miasy from Dallas jumper and blouBe. It la tartan plaid cotton. Both outfits are from Top Drawer on Balboa 11- land. -Rtaff Photo IFormal Gowns Continue 'I i 1 ~?~~ ''~~~~,..!~.~ ~~~~~~~~f~rm~ 1 '"la •he tone !or tall'• !omtal drtun. Sa tin 111 a natural tor wf'llr E\'rry U11ng 11bout thl' e \•tn· tne tlonKated, ul\ra ·llOphllllcated tnr picture connotu drama and silhouette. luxury In •triking contrast tQ tht Spetl&cular euccua 'ot thla ft&· ~lmphclty of mnsl daytime ta.sh· 11on t1 the formal enHmble. An· Iona. klt ·or tloor·length ahellt'ht take The 1tlhouelle for evening Is rompanlon coat11 In dramatic deep slim, fabrics are rt<'h mt talic1. vrlvt l, aomellmf'a embroidered, br°"11tl".• and lamtti arf' tlraptd 1111110 t r1mmed or <'O,·er-td IA1th hl<'l' M11n~ ue hned ln as.tln. Ttta •hoe will usually be In Broc:artt 11ntl JtOltf lamr CC'lal• are black ri ushf'd it rain ltlllhtr. 11lv1 •trn, m11ny l1wlshly trimmtd with fur. I • 1 Gala Frocks by Gallinas NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 1 •ttu . • rea&J look la 1U1J ~a MONDAY. AUGUST 29. 1955 ~·\)!'• ~tan,\ (llhrll'• a.re blendf'd \\ 11h f\tr nbf'rt . For ae\•eral lle8.80na now the fuhlon world haa llN'n the affinity of Califoml& and Italy for sport.awtar -but here is a family whoat heritage! and feelin1 for Cuhion is Elegant Fabrics, Long Torso Trend for Fall Gowns F'ur 1nm~ pr.,wl,f• n•w drama fol ''l><'k 11111 1ltl'llJll'I \\•rill• \,•• S:lh ,.1,.~'"' \\Ith \r-W·b6<'1' h·~h U All' a 1'• lf'WOfltly t•&• 111111' 11 .... r bl'\•wn hrilhant IT""' l'!u••' nn.t ..:1. 111• "rr rnl•'r nt•'• •n lnl r 111,, 1ltrM1" Artl'rnO<ll'I Italian and whose work In the Caltfomla app11r~I fi~ld for A tend•'nry ttt r11vul. If not h&nd -knit look. 11a11n1, bar11 · the past 15 ycan haa been a quiet •ucceaa in the sphere of ar<"f'nt1111tl', th• female 11lhou· theu. v"1""l11. taco . 111ttetu 11 11.t k ·1 d I I th th 0 ll' t · tt 1 notable tn thl• fall'• metal cloth• provide •triktn~ I 11 .. Nor/I llJ'I r111 rn 11 11111 r11n•• 1•C b1 ''"'"' a.nit a p1lol'l, •v<>• 1'111ln r••r l. '"" 11ncl d 111r<'r-11l <'4'1• l'I ~ II rl' r rNll llll'n I Th• on~ . '• 1\r-1. ..11--t 1'1'111r• look I!• ntwe~I "'"! h~lpa tn at h• coc l&I an ga a c o ea -e a ma rio. 1 • e • opulenl'e tn par•d down 11llhr-u· 1,.,." 11 '""Ii hn" Dutinier Francine Galllnlt. and hollday llne In whk h ahe rro· 1 dreHu. I. o n I · unbroken llnH --------------------------- her two brothtr1, l..ouls 11nd Jlhl!!llH a 11uaon ot tht lonit ball· curve In at the waltt In tt.,trn• Frank. make this l YJl• of dre111 J:l'Wn In "Ule atuff lhat drt11m1 1 th•t are rti:arell• 1llm, fllll· m a much 11ourht rrl<'e 111nge, 11rt matle on" and th• short fC'lr· •ktrtl'rt r-r a i tr11ter lc <'ombtna- S•O to S70. In which bra<'ket the mat. •qually \•lvtd and t labor11te · famll\' hu made tuelt known -•t the samfl prlcu rrt vs1llng lion ot ilendtr and t\Jll features. nat 1o~ally under th,. nam,. of In the P't.11 lint j Thr Joni to n o hu new 1hap· FranC'1ne F'rocka. ~ow. undn • Take Francine's Italian bai'k· ln~ and lhe aheath hu bK<>me ntw plan for the tuturl'. thty IA111 grounJ rtom which &he lnhl'rtt' downrtJht C'Urvart ou1. Howf'VU , promote the family namt. htr 1upub ff'thng-for f11bnr. add many of the forwar<I • lookln11 The r urr ent p oup ot Imported to this thf' prtttslfln ('If workman· dnlrnera break th• allmntu anrt domt11t1r lact i<, 11lk1. bro· &hip eharal·tertsllr of th• 1t11han h11ther and hl&l>tr on the 1\lhou· <'&des and wools 111 d1vldf'<I bf'· artist as cxemphttrd m tht pm-ette. l!lome daytlm\' drtuea UH twt('n the rnrl'fully full and 1 he duC'uon of brother Ft&nk, tran:.-a w ltle ba<'k pl .. t bf'g1nnln1t ju1t suave 11hm. both a1lhouetlu r.,n-l;ite this mto the C11llfom la i;ala a ff'W lnrhe11 btlow the walat trtved to pl11r e emphu l• on hip-mood dre1111u a l wanted pru:·e.s Othf'rs brf'llk Into • flare well line a.nd busthnf, with all ln•p1r-u 11r h.leved by brolhf'r &nd flmi abo,·e lhe knee. a ltr-n rom!ni: Imm the lu1trou1 prnlden t Loul11 -and you h11vt The tunlr dr .. • 11 a prime ex- &nd hghl·wt1ght fabric• C&!Hn11 of C-11llfornla. a namf' 10 1 ample or the allm look tha t con· Amon.r the ailks arf' a prtn· remem.,.r In California drt1ts·up <'f'lll• tullnl!ll" Lflna tunlct a.r~ ceH 111lhout lte tn blark ptl U dt ta.n1on1. j often •Ill tmm the hip to offer aoie. a wld" ba nd C'lrcllng th.-trettlQm nf movf'ment. Under· hem·ltn' 11nl1 t ndlnr; In a low· nulh. lht •kirt may be pleatf'tl p111ced b•ck bow •nd topped w ith Coiffures Are or lll"IT!t·nar,.11 11 jl'wel·f'n r ruAtf'd collar In p11le11t LOSO 1..00K pink or blUf ptllll di' llOIP: a Softer, Longer pure ,.Ilk pl'lllt de prchl' cap· The hlp·llnt, however, I• al· aleever1 dru• with ralaed waii1t· ways thl' focal point. Hlplln• line, lngeniouely curved neckline, Thfl gentle &nd 11mple linu ba.nd1, low po<'ket1, jewel or bow moulded hip e nd unprr ued pltat-or tall tuhJont1 provide 8 happy trim on thtt hip carry out the td l'lklrt: a pl'RU flt' ptrhe 11quarf' ba C'kgr1)und for aofltr colffurea low tor10 tulln1t In a ll 11tyl•- necked sheath whirh 11 a <'Om· and ltght·touch coAmtt k s. Sln<'e even the prlnrf'ue and the plete dre1111 In lt.ulf. with a de· clothing eftf'!Ctl a quiet f'ltgan<'f'. t mplre t~hable Chantllly·type lace tun-11ubtlt make-up and fluffif'r haJr A new •ltganct t&kH Nveral le aUt up the ba<'k to th• walat-1•.ylea carry out t.he mood. tonne In autumn drueea. Lux· Une. Favorite hair length I• nellh-1 ury &nd beeuty call lh• tum• In The la<'H are alg-nltlcant, and. rr C'ropped nor Ahoulder·long 1tyle1 that have yet retained the often <'Omblned with ntln, puu AbOut tour or five lncht11 at lh~ mobility of Jut eeuon'i cuual de aoje or crept', c:ompriae .ever-back I• a perft<'t ltn~h for a faahlon• al number• tn the line. One e.. eoft. nowtng <'Olrfure. Good, claa-An lndo • Chinn• lnfiuenct pectally le proving 110 popular for 1k: Jtnu, tapered a t the aldu bring1 earl cloth, brCX'&de e and molhera of t he bride or gTOOm I and bruah9<1 back from th• face · lame Into the llmellrht. Hip that Francine I• doing tt In with a minimum of curl. are tht drapery and ~k-dlpplnir neclc- twelve colou. It ta a ChanUlly bula ot tall'• JearlinJ hair 1tylu. • llnu brlnJt addfld fttmlnlnlty lo type la.c:e With nylon tulle ~oru Upetkk ln clear, unexaggtr· 1 •llm llyles Tabrk 11 run th• &pi>U4~ With MllA, o•er a aat..-1 ated ehadee I• choHn t<J rtl.tttr ·-f&mut f rom dttp tntun to In aklrt, the a&me detail ot .. t. the face rathn than mat<'h the lhHn-alway• w ith a rich ful- ln and nylon tulle formlnr the fuhlon. Rouge, iubtly bltndtd I lnJ . Mora dlverally 11.nd higher yoke. I ovf'r • toundaUon, ahould match quality In fabrlr• 11 r• apparent Clu.lo In Ila almpUclty, yet the Upallck l.n tone. t.hrourhout th• dre1a catl'iory. richly formal with Ila three h1X· Cream or 1Uck m u tara should \\'1Tlt ELEOAl'\CJI: ury tabrlca te the •Um-u -a..:and-be atroked llf hUy on th• luhu, Bulky lcnltt9d drt.u1 have ll le, black, t.hree·tler crepe with top and bottom, end gently French corded lace bodice and brulhed oYtr th• eyebrow. Eye c:hampag-ne nylon neck yoke tit-ahadow la newly Umlt.td t.o I.he tlnf high at the throat, a perfect eyelid and ahould be aubtly tint· background tor jewelry. ed to mat.ell the t y ... Remlnlacent of th• Alla drap· able jerfty of lonr -aro tame I• a pleated mat nylon Jereey date d.reu "'1th n!Hd wal1Uln• and jeweled neckline. Keeptnr It• ahape and glamorU.lnr th• We&I'· er'•. th• dreu It made o.u a Spanish War Vets' Picnic Topcoats Have 'Natural Look' Mtn'• topc:OAt• tnr tall con· tonn to the n11t11ral look In tult11 The 11lng le·bre1111t rd H ml·fitled coat with notC'h <'Oil/Ir and ••t· t&!fet& undenillp. C&lumplt Camp No. 26 a n d Ot lhe woolll tor dl"Mly day· In I 11quRre shfl•ll.Jrr I 1lM-ve1 wlll time, the moat algnlncant la a Women'• AWlilL&ry 01 t:nlled 1 be the a<'Cf'pl •"I 111lhout'tte tor palm-lr«·allm wool crf'pe "'1th Spanlah War Veteran• held buslnus wur throui;h "'""l of 11lotted bodice that ('lvu the ef· Uaelr monthly plc:nlc at Co•· tht counts,._ Mnfl.t mo n hllve t'i'lmt rect of a two piece drffll. Tuck-ta Meea Park Monday. Aug-. 22 td In the equare neckllne la a With 60 member• and frlf'ncis a t-tn •r<'f'PI lh" r11tlt1n 1'11'\'!' <'htfton 11Carf. Another .,,ool. thla 1 ten~. Th• uaua\ potluck lun-t round ahoulJr r t co11t u beltl'r t.llTle with • full 1klrt ot unprus· 1 cheon wu follow9<1 by an after-J1Ull1>d for <'111111111 •·~11r l'lu11 !l·lh XOW A\'AILAftLP: e GIRLS e Drenes & Spomwear LURRIE PIZER PRISSY ·MISSY JEAN DURAIN 1·" Scientifit PLAPET TOGS TOP DRAWER ORIGINALS • llousu JUDY KENT ll-h 1·U • ALICE STUART S-4h 1·1' Sweaten RENLY CLUI Orton & Lambswool • 'T-14 BOYS LEVIS S-6~ 1·" • GOLD RIVET JEANS 1-H A·l DENIMS A. wingtip -ellht>r 1n convtn· tl'•n111 mo<l~I or wnh t"·o.rytltt• -In 11mnoth 11hinlng blar k or rus.~l't lt>lllher. or In a fine ttX· 1urr'1 :'\orwt1t1an gr11 1n. ed pll'als. haa 11 molde<I hlpllne noon of recreation &nd urd1. Mr. Ai befits 1hrir m 11rr turmll l 11nd a jewf'led Yo'ide·collartd ne<'k and Mr1. Ed Hall and Mr. and rhar11c1er. the ~mt-flltf'<i r nate Stlhoutllf'I! very from extreme-line. Mr1. S<'oll Hartland were the are m aile tn a V•'1 lt lY uf luxur- ly full. floor h·n~th coat., for Thete .. rly tall d~HU art oommltt .. In chuge. f11ml•h1nir lous, dark·color•t1 wool fllbrlcs 1-f'I' 1-U McGREGOR Sportshirts & Sweaters A . one nr tWO·t yelet plaln·t<>l!d blur her In 1mooth or gra.lned IUlhtr. bouffant d rt!~u to thfl 11tven-now in the· 1tores, while FT'1Ul· the cot!ee and m&klnr all tht s C'ne ,_ attn <'O\•trt, 11 11ll1thlly ~10111y l'ifth lh ltn~th 1un1r lnl<'ndtd to • "' 11nt1clp&tln11; II brilhllJ\l arn.ngemt-nl. fabric With a prtaaed-rtown nap go over 11 • hta l h · 1"1 t m gown. p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. l 1 a ha ndanm e n, w woo I fa b n r Long r•pe• 11rpe_ar Jn rur or In thl1 <'ut. I ''f'lvtt •• ~ Alao favore<l tor t11!11 cut a.rt ~ ~ l ll<'h wool twel'de u are t orm11l by nature ot th-Ir p11ttern 11nrt I ~ 1 color-black M d white-, brown . eoro119 ... lnM Md blar l< herrln,OOnu. tor In· ..,... _ ~ •tanr e. Th•8t will 11ppt11r with · • b&lbci. S.1-d or without the vtlvtt ·collar 11nd breut pocket that dnived f rom the orl~nal Chu tntl•l<f <'oat. e.zo DON RANCHO Sport Shirts 8·18 GAILAND ... DR!AMSPUN Sweaters SPALDING'S SHOES luck -Saddle ae:n.;RLY PFJRRMAN of Harbor High weara one of the Wonda.mere Rweatera f ea tu red at R e i n e r te Department store in Costa Mesa. She also models one ot the Graff California Wear 1tabardine Rkirte. Both skirt and sweater are perfect for any back-to- achool wardrobf. Two delightful new rooms have been decorated and furn is hed in The Islanders Shop in Corona del Mer. Brighltr, roue h.-r, loour-tex· tu red wool tweertt are fa ''ored tor thtt ra~lan 1hoult1er co&tl. In I 221 1-Marine .ave. keeplnr "'1th their more cuu&I Y "' Balboa hla11CI Clean Trim Footwear for Men Clu.n. trim 1tyllnf and •ott- e r, \\1thtwe1r ht upper ltathera and 110le11 wlll five American I men 11 mu.lmum of JOOd looks. flexlbtlttv and comfort b"low lh• 11nklu 1hl11 F11ll. 11rrordln~ to thf' Lt11t htr lnd1111trlu or Amf'rl11. Th • l t 11 11 a n lnflut nre 18 •trongtr th&n t vrr. with low top ltnu, t11p .. rlng lot• 11n11 11hm hHl• 11hr-w1n.r ur 1n many thou . The two-ryfllf't blu<'htr 11 per- hap• thfl f11vorlte. In plaJn-toed and mocr&.111n front variation•. J'or dru1 wtar, winr and plain Up1 •r• mn,t p<>pular A ftf'W <'111 ... nry--d~M ('I!· \11tht-"·ht<'h romblne the com- fort of ruu!U1 w1U1 the dtrnl· 1 tied llNlf'ar&ncf' flf d rts• s hou -I• probably lhf' moH r11pldly l'fl\Wlnr rMttnry tn mtn'1 11hou All of the 11ylu emphulze 11ott euy tit a nd eupple, ne:11lblt letithen 111 both upr.-rs and 90lea. Omament&Uon on moat etyl .. .. confined to llirht plnklnre &nd p.rfo~tlona, with lit t 111 of jlht elaborat e t.rtmmlnfl ("If put I , ...... Bl&Ok amooth and cni1hed rra1n laaUltn are th• 1tyle lead· j .,.. tor P'all, w1U\ vtrv darlc t onM at bro'lll·n and rh11rr1~11l ,.rey not far bf'hlnd. Subtle ~na are more In •v1denre In <lrut ahoee. ~le the \xllrtl'r palltm ~Ina are fa\'Ored flit 11rort. llnd ru· uaJ fOOtWellr. ttude tht fr-llnw1n~ A r lein·t<'f' 1 11hr ·nn with hl«i h Y O/l/l9te the lady with • flair (or (Millon. Y oa know how impodal • beeomi .. hUMlo • lo Uep ro-lookiaf ...,, encl well-groomed aJ. ••yt. For a at.• eat. or a permaaeat ••••, phooe today for ua .,.. poiatmeat · l(art,or 184' ~~ ~~~0----. ' ALICE of LIDO 408 32nd St., the Poet Office Stree~ Ne"POrt Beach_ -I ~· -.. ' La Fiesta . " ,.. . . -.. :.../., first lor Fall Fashions 1tyled for Back to School High School College 221 M.riM Ave. lalboa hind A llboe wordrobe .. lt<'ted tram th• nf'W hll •t)·lu m1r 1.t In· 1 tonru• 1n UI• lUhan manner , ._. --------------------------""' 61 (f 1 1 Come in and ~browse throug~ our many ' · room Httings. ~r nu HIPS...--go-away and Never Come lackl TODAY, the 1tory of a rood fl&'ur9 ia told NOT in poundJI, but in lNCHEI on a TAPE MEASURE YOU will he dt!light~ and amazed wht!n you i<now for the very firat time whllt the STAUFFER SYS· TEM can do for YOUR figure! At the Stauffer 8)'11tem, you will N told how Jong It will take to achieve your d .. ired proportion.. OOllONA DEL JIAJI ..... toct..J for y._,.._Trt.l~t 111' &. o..e natu~. "' To a teen's taste .13~ b~ POllMPIT J usl wh.tt ynu,_,,. bttn tC:Ok; in~ for-f .. r 11 ~martrr :n! 1mll0the.r ynu ~ Thi• n .. 1.1o; .. "Ri-ginnrr~ Rra in frt.h. 'h1pt--hol1l1n.-: ootton iA t.ailored 10 ~.,, yn11 "'•rr,.,.t ••q•pM1, dr,.11mline ynur hu•d1nr rn l"'rfrr t l"OmforL De- •i~nrr! f11r ynn hy thr ~,1.1i;,. rub.inn Roarr!-~ 11n nf1t'' 1••rnrl of 1o·the-kn01t h1gh·11rhnt1frr•-ln ml'rt Jl)Uf 'tfff"'f nwn n,....f• Tr " i1 l•..is•! f\fl. 445 -.111 f14 Ill .1h 4. ~1.z;. We Give S& H Grffn Stamps einert's 0p<'D f"rlclA)'• •1n DEPARTMENT STORE 1818 Newpon B!Yd., c.o.t.a Meu " --· LIDO sHoPs CLAS SJ FIE D DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -Bouelaold P iuta -Dealer -Service LIDO ELZcralO HU \'&a Udo -Rartlor nt1 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and uaed Cani :S ICUKTZ MT\iDEBAUR t'alee ~niefl Part. ll416 Newpert Blvd. -Ra.r. 51' BANKS Bank or America NT a 8A U.U \'la Lido -Harbor 151& BARBt:R SHOPS LIDO KHA VINO Mt.:G la Bld"eU'a tUore for Mea S4%1 \'la Udo -Kart>or UM BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO ""'LO:S o•· ·nr.:ArTl' aua Spt. Bh•d. -Har. u11 BOOKS ROOK CA SE Ull Via IJdo -Harbor «04 CAMERAS a Suppl.lee nsc t:ST UDO DRl'Of' 1411 \'la Udo -Harbor SOOI CARPJ.:1'8 a DRAPERIES DIC'll MACKER IUO \'la U4-Harbor UH CATERING RICHARD'" LIDO MA.RKJ:T SUS \'ha IJdo ·-HarlMlr UU Clothing-ChJldttns a Infante j .IT.Rl'M OF I.JOO U o.l Se~port Rh·d. CLOTHING -Men'• Rea..Al BlDWELL'S 8UOP FOR ft!'! UU \'la Udo -Harbor 09'8 CLOTHING-Women'1 RetaU I.A REf:\T. aoo \'la Ma.tac-Harbor 4310 I 1.100 t'A1'1110S1' J Ut Spl. Rh·d. -Harbor H11 MHADOOCK''°' UI! \la Udo -Harbor H 11 \'AGABO:\"'D ROt:SY. I mported Srortewnr IUI '\'la Lido -Rarbl>r %~4 DRUG STORES \"INCEST'~ UDO DRl:GS 1411 \'la Lido -Harbor.JOOS I ELECIRICCONTRACTORS LIDO ELE('TRIC' au• \'la Lido -Harbor nt1 FWWERS "; RICHAKO'~ LIDO llAR&ET Conag ea-Table Arra n1ement.1 IUI \'la Udo -Harbor 1811 FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCENT'~ LIDO DRt.'G" 1411 \'la Lido -Harbor IOOI FRAMES II ALBUllS GERHARDT ST UDIOS IUI \'la Udo -Harbor UM FUR..~11'URE DICK MACKt':R WO \'la U do -Harbor 41tl OIFl SHOP lllCHARD'H UDO MAAJ[J;T MU \'la Udo -llMbor HH INSURANCE AGENTS \\'. O. Bt:CK, IXC. MOO \'la Udo -Harl»or U'4 INTERIOR DECORATORS BLANCHE ··u uu:RSON A.J.D. 1'19 \'la Udo -Hart>or 6111 DICK MACKER WO \'la Lido -Harbor UH DOS CREIGBTOS A. l. D. N~a Jmporh 600 \la Malara -Harbor Nil llARKEl8 RICllAllD'M LIDO MAR&l:'r USS \'la Udo -Harbor Hll PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS GERHARDT STUDIOS WI \'ta Udo -Har1>ff UM REAL ESTATE LIDO REALT\' ASSOCIATES U do S&Jc1 Ir Rentals MOO \'la U do -H&l'bor U'4 P.A. PAL'«Dl L~O. ISSS \U Udo -la&rbor !Mt \'OO!:L COllPA.'"1' UIS \.la Udo -Bubor 6111 BA\' A..'VD a&ACB REALTl' \'la Lido Bride• OfJlce II 1% LaFayett. -&rt>or ..., SAVINGS Ii LOAN A.8.SOClATIONS l\"t:WPORT BALBOA SA \'IN08 & LOA.~ ASSOCIATIO~ A Sa\'lng11 ln•tJtutlon Lonr Term Home Loan• lste \'la Udo -Barbor UOO SERVICE 8TA'l'ION8 LIDO RICHFIELD Ull S cwport Blvd.-'lar. '"' IBOES -Mea'1 BIDWELL'S STORE roa MEN HU \'la Udo -llanor OMI SHOF.S, WOMEN Rt u ·s OF c ALIJl'ORSlA llU O \'I" U do-KA Ol66 rtn:ATRES UDO THEATRE Con~ull U111 paper for pro(Tam \'I" l.ldo at Xewport Blvd. Harbor 211' ro1·s UDO T0\"1.A..'"D SU2 \'la Lido -Barbor llM TRAVEL ACENCIES HARROR TRA \"EL AODfCT U16 Xewport BtTd.-llu. MM UPHOLSTERING DICK MACKER MIO \'ta Udo -llartlor .... WATCH REPAIR \"l~('E:\TS WATCH APA.la LIDO DRt'G~ ... , , ... Lido WINDOW OOVDINO T1IE l"HADF. ~HOP lliut to r .... , Ofnc.-Ha.r. IN PAGE 8 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 125 000 MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 1955 I H "90• a~. Anaheim lupr Ml\t 1 ft pt ----L ome lettera to tenant.I tannini 11..1 land TIMlr ...... •flllllllll "' •• In w•t Oranr• County a ppnsini Local INlty Salet . thrm t heir lea.e. •re on • on• More than a 'uarter mUUon Local loy ...... by 5 Otllen • 'lol' nt.1 tact &11d 1e&tp. Polite 1&1• he lN t two tMth Mead• 1ave no rea.on f~ tN .._ulL H• .. id two of tll• boya tn th" gans had Iona. p&t'lluoo •tYI• ha ir cuu LOUISE LA PLANCHE. one of Paul Hess' top models, under contract to Paramount !iludios, pre- sent.a a charcoal Miron wool coat dress. This ts a Claire McCardell by Townley shown for the first lime in the Harbor area aml exclusively at The Clothes Horse, Balboa Island. -1 Mull Photo TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT J SANTA ANA. AUG. Z9 tOC!liSJ ju.slini( pha.ae. m&rkct 1• quirting. -New York N oon Commrnt -A1 c1rnil !latea for rol&l1on&I inter· After a firm opening with the e•t. <-onlanue to fi-td thi\t .ei-lected 9tcell, non ferroua metaLs. adP<"l · 111r 1·raft, lllC•'I and ralli1 ha"" ap· ed chemical. alrcraft11 &nd 11p.·1'1ILI· peal pnrt1r ulnrly 0 11 inlnor dips. UM better, the market h1111 turned J >ow J on .... l 11.m. "'"rlLC"" qull'l. 30 lndust r111l1 . ·UH ll•t up J.20 Copper• appea r to have lo11t 20 Rulhoul~ ... . 167.07 o f( S.04 their momentum for the time be· 15 l:llltlle• . 66.13 up O 06 lni and a ro like.ly to require l'On· l p m. \'Olume J .120.000 vs. 1ldennr the eltceUont earning oul· 1,310.01111 F riday. look. Anaconda rta.ched on tl<•c· Luf·-1 !'lto<·k Ll•t Bid and A11k lion of 1top ordera. Miami Cop1>er !dank vr Am<>r11·a . 42'.·4611 had the benefit ot an ex~cled Reckman Jnlltrument . 21 1, find tlr•t hit.If report with nl't of 1:nhrorl\1a BAnk _ ..... 68i..·fll 1t SS.49 per ahare for the period. A1 U1snf'y 1\\'ult1 . 38·4 I the full bend ltAI or 48 cent" rop-Flri1t Wc11tl.'rn Bank ... . l'i5·05"• pert and realised ln the BeCond Ght1u1par . . 2' • ·3 "- halt. It aUU appeani that M1am1 HAii !-;1:11tl M<lLOI·• 4~·5 copper will be ablt to report t'&rn-lnumnato Eni;1nN•ring 10·11 \II Ing• In exceu Of S8 • 9 per 1hare. Murket liallket t:o. . 20,·22"• Accordin&iy, would use any re-~1Ryf11lr Mkti.. . 9·10 a.cllonary periods aa a f11vorablt ~tm11Lo M11111 l i 1, -up '1 buying opportunity. Sec. Ftrat :'\a l'I. BMk •. 5111i·6314 8TIZL8 HOLD WELL Thrifty Urug . • l Ul,,-11 "• Beller gnde altela &re holding Tr ... weel . • i ~.-7~ well close to the puk pn cu re· \·An Camp Seaf0<1d 8·81a corded at tha openlll(. The teat!· t:. S. Na t'L Bank. !' D ... %'.l'~-23 i.. era, Bethlehem Steel and l:. S. Wizard Boal . 2 1 ,·2~ Steel are comlidered potent11llly I among the mo1t dynamic tn the Dudley Towels Taken proceae of dl1countlnr fa,·or11bl1 Thefl o< thnr b\>&ch towel.I earned new•. from her clothesline w111 report· Aided by an a<lvi1ory 11erv1C'e ed to police We•lnel'dAy by Mu . recommendation, Union C&.1 bide c. H. Dudley of 107 Blllboa Blvd. advanced lmpreu lvely Into new ~;;;;;;;;:....;~;;;;-:.::==;;;....;;==;;;; high rround confirming aix r('(;ent favorable lndlcat1on11. W ould ••· p.ct thla leading growth 1tock to continue to rood 11upport and Cur· l'ted Auto Pana ther worth "hll• p.Jn1 .,.. In and AClCll!llllOrlea .JOHNS TON E 'S Mesa Auto Wreckers proape<:t. 2075 Plaeeatla An. Development year baa•• fro~ lht. cfat• on. :Solian In Ml• have bHn tallied 'Ml• fir1t &iJ1Lllllc.-batch o! prop-ln thrM tranMctlona tbrou,.h erty, owned m<>1tly by Anaheim aal•men ol the Vorel Comp&nJ Set ·in County su,..ar. would run trom th• SelLl :>1hm.c~~.n .. d .. revN.Jed hn• o"' Beach 1t.mmunlt1on depot almo.t --• to Hlr hway 39 on the eut and 1'le bt,. tranaacllon.1 Included GARDEN GROVE tOCNS) Th• trom Bol .. Ave. 1tlm<>1t to Win-the a&lH of three homN . lnt'ludln,. real eet ate firm of Wa lker a nd Lee lerebu11r Ave . t••o m llea aouth. Don Atklnaon home of 904 Via and t"ontrac:tor Lloyd Whaley, Independent farmer• in thl1 Udo Nord. «>Id to Mr. and Mni. developen of Lakewood. have bffn arff. aay they ha ve bffn approac:h-1 G.rard L. Werner at • tl~r" In holdlni 1ecrct meeting• with lo<'aJ e<1 and eome reportedly have con· exceM of SIM>.000. Hal Viera aalH· farmen with a ,1rw t OWLrd devc· lracll nady to &l fn. I man: Art Hall eold to Wa rd Jewell loping a gigantic "new Lakewood" The nut atep. accordlnr to fo~ a prlc~ In ·~-of 190.000. area in weat Orur• County that farmeni contacted and thott pre· 1 :: "t':'an ete Jkovlch; Ruby could u~lv. contain u •nany 11tnt .at the ttK'ret meeting would I Ul d ng at 1114 I'!. Ocean •~rnnt, H 20'.000 home~ an~ a number of ' be turthn eut, running-fr~111 Bol· t~ Howard Failor a t a price a bove huge 11hoppmg areu. 111& Ave, at Midway City 1outh J 0,000; Don JPranktln v.·u lh• L'onflrmat1on of lhe lmmenH thrn mllee to Talbert Road 1nd saluman transacuon wu given the new1 by from Highw11y 39 east u far u Cd-M--A-ut--O--Theft---- aeveral of tht 17 land-ownlnr I the Santa Ana River. farmer• who mf't with repreaenta· Whether It.II the Carmen In thlll Draws Guilt Plea tlVf'• of Wit.Iker &nd Lee, \\'half'Y entire 21 1qu1re mllu can be con· and the Anaheim Sur ar Co. In I vinced 11 not known. but acqui1I-SANTA A:>:A,,, (0 c N .Ill _ Hody'a Reeta urant m Lon.g Beach. lion of a portion of the Involved Sa ilor Edwa rd o. Pendray \\'..cd· Anaheim 81!.r&r alone own.1 ILi· 1 l•nd woulc1 make a "new l..ake· nl'!!dt y pleaded rullty on a mle· moat 2000 aC'rCJI of land conaldtr· wnod" of between 10 and 30 thou· <lemeanor Auto thf'rt •ch1r11:e at· ed to be "in lhe dral" •t thla u ml homes tH 011gmi lly beln& charJ ed with tll11e Walker and Ltoe alttarly hl \'f' a grand theft 1uto, • felony Tile nev.•• al.ao IMrned tha t two amall tract developm~nt 1n Barber 1 Pt'nJ ray admlttrl1 taking a l"a r HORSE RACE L'1ty whlt'h would border the huge 1 owntd by W1ll1t1m F Vant't The f dt'velopment on the norlh rtear vehlclt' "''all 11tt,1 lrn 1n Corona df'I Willow Way. Mar on AUJI:. 14. Probation htar· Th,. entire area In which "dick· lnit l\nd pronouncement of Jt1dg· (Contin\H'd from p6«f' I , Part I) ermg" hu been going on tor ap· ment f(lr Pl!n11n1v were .et down proximately two months now. 13 !or 2 p.m. Srpt If! by Santa Ana almost u ven milu wl<le 1 from the Orange MuntC'tpal Court J udie ~anta Ana River to the ammuni-Howard CamPron. ty Fair a rt> !!R id to he 11erlou1<ly eon•11dering tht1r own optrlltk>n rat her than 11 rontracl d«"al be· 1·a11se of the pogs1blhty of cre&t· mg " lari:e s tadium on 11\nd whk h thry own out of thP for· mer Santa Anl\ Army Air Bue. tlon depot I 11 n<l 11bnut three miles def'p 1 !mm Bois& A Vt lo Talbert I Roart.1 MESA UPHOLSTERING PAl ,;\t SPRl?l'GR TOO "A rolltge diploma is often the Along the tat·lni.: Informa tion I rec·t 1pl a younr; man irets for Lhe line •t hu bPen learned that the bill" hllJ rather pa.Id." -Harn • u,..... .... , • o....-. 11641 N wpL lll•tl~ C'.oeta ...... 19 dAy~ AM111:nrd to the Palm To:tel. • 1 Ullle"J 1 ... 111 Springs Quarter HorsP Track will prob11bly Also be a1111iined to VnMls for operation. DEA TH NOTICE RALPH CARRICK Ralph Ce.nick. 69. died Aug 26 at Hoag Hoep1tal. He hid ree1dfld !ll 318 Mom1n1 Ca.nyon Road for lhe pu t yeoar. wu born 1n Iowa . He 111 11un·l\·ed by hl11 wtre, F.thyl. of the homt lld•lre!lll Rt ma ina wf're forwArdP<l to Co Io r a d o I Sprmgi1 Aug. 27 for u rv1cu and lntrrm_enL,'!:~tl ~ortuary In ~arge. Too Late to Be Classlflecl S3-Boatll, Supplies NATURAL \EOAR lamina ted be1rnt1tul canoe &nd paddlu . S12!'> Inquire waterfront of 4<>0e River Avf', Newport Bf'ach. H ar. 1606-W. 97c99 48-Apts. ll HOUSH for Rent WINTER. renlal fum . 2 bdrm . 6 2 b8th1. Adult11 only. 21<H Mira· mar Drtvr . Balboa. 97c:9t 48-A-Apta. for Rent F'URN. Bachelor apt.. private. Ride Showboat to Laguna on the Beautiful Paclfie h •lce Dally -ll:SO a.m. aad 7 :00 p.m. Adults $1.25 -Children 65 ceata ·' S Boats Leavln,; Every 20 Minutes Bay ll Ocean Rides ..• Showboat and Belle of Ralt>Oa from FuJ1Z011e Dock, of!Xt to Ft rry Landing, Balboa. All RJdf'll, Adult. 6:K--C'blfdn-n ~ ----...... ~ ~ ....., B&y Qaee•, llot(lr SaOe.r, Lea~ Hourly on Ocean llUdeL Cl&lmlnr be WU lileeten by f lV't boya Md puabed t b.rouCh a f lUI Window at Aldea'• om Shop. 100 ~ter )'MHd'J, Tom Mude. 19. 449 Rlvualde Dr1n ••a• tre.t· ed at Hoa.a Hoepltal. Altendanll aald he .utter lacerattoJUI to , ... lllMAIU xu ... 10. 21 ....... ''" " ........ ,,.; ....... 11e, ... , ..... '·-z.--..,.1 ·x-d>etM ..... 16,500 ....... •• ,;...... ... •• ,, c ... venlel'I lol' tv..:~9. l it I O·i•.+t Ze111it .. 1pe okert Alto •"olloblt '" lto<-4 Oo~ ..ior. "The man who aayl tl'lat •IY time will tell hun't had much expen•nce Wllh women " -An· thony J. PetUlo. CHANOIS STATIONS I #EVIi 11101101 M!J TV/ Sii .... IS IUll\I .... C-11o o•d try hi H.,•'• TV .,......., will\ o llo"' of Nei'I llOKT PIOM YOUI fASY (HAIL He -.ft. .. .... ; .......... ;. ;...<t,, No ,_. •rfvl .. , .... ,, ......... ,1 .. tvre Tvlle lllot dovli>lee the pl(lvr• , ......... c ..... i-.... , .... k .. ,1c .......... , ..... .. c.leoru . SU THI COM,LITI UNI 0, UNITH OUAUTY TV ,ltlCU AS LOW AS 15995 for 17" -=-EA~S~Y~T_ER_M_S_._ .• ____ --4(~~ STEVENS & SONS 1819 Harbor Bh·d., CotJla MeM Pbonr Llbt"rty 8-2S01 W@ !Sf'n11'f' All MakMI and ,.odPll Good location, u t1I. pd. 721 ~ Poppy, Corona de.I Mar, Afte r 5.30. Har. 0630-M 97c.99 ATTENTION ! ! St..:MMER, WINTER Rental You don't have 1:0 dig down Newport Boch f\lm. 2 bdnn. a pt . av\lll. Sept. 4. gar . utll. lnclud· efi. !li<'&r Bay, Beach. Yard, Weekly $65. Winter ratu 170 per mo. Ye&rly S81S Mo. CILll Ll 8·H 09 97c99 BE SURE -INSURE wlt.h MA l.'1llE ST A.~"'LEl' lnauraMe Onl7 Phone Barbor U'1t SIU E. Cout RJrllw.,- Corona del Mar M.ATlllt:SSES Boat• -Bomea -Trailerl lrreruJar 8bapee Uberty 8·1301 OOS'l'A MESA MA 1TllU8 00. I Jl0 :S ewport llJTd. PAB.KDl • RIDLEY lllOBTUARY Formuv OIL.&USL OBAPllL llt~-o.ea ..... LDertJ &-NII ............ . .·:. -; .-.~:-.: ..... -· ....... ~'";.. . ·.. . . .. . . .... • • .1:0 step up t:o a 0 Rocket:"! AlthouJh the rait. n l'Tl4lln dor· Ubcrt~ l-'1011 Qo9ta M- mant .elected etrength developed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ ln tho aJrcrr.tt MCUon w1lh \:nlted Aircraft th• feature. CO~lJDATIOS Thia tnue haa been U\rougb a lone con1olldaUon. the ettect of which Appear to be dlmlnJahlng. I A.a evtdC'nced by the rrcent, u cel· I lenl NCOnd quarter n port. Earn· lng1 for the yeoer ara vipccted to top S9 per aha.re. Since regu dleq I of the outcome of the jet t ran11port competition. t..:n lled Alrcra.tt will eu,pply th• all Important eng1n•. t.be company st..&nd.I to be Import · anUy t>enpflted trorn commercial production. 'n\e comblnN a ppeal 1 of an ncelle.llt fl&mlng• ouUook, 1 relatively ~ Tfeld ud con-I Mn&U" appral-1 ~ curnnt ea.mmp l'ILt.e llUl'l'Ml that United A!rcratt 9boWd be amons the lteadera In the fl"OUP· I Oa the ~OllAl7 lllde, 8t&nd· ard Otl ot J'Dd1ana ,.n.c~ dire d&ma.l'e to tta Indiana faclllU .. and Colorado J'Uel re~ lat dia&ppomtnMel o"" decl&l'ILtion of tM ~ dl"'1delld. Oft1ett.tnr ui-"°'"""· wel"I new hts'la re-rorded by AmPr1can Potub and Cllrmk al \'l11klnJ' Inc. With P~'·1oul leadu1 lo ara •4· by ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompaniments WH!N YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAM DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE COl'OllCI clel Mar nu E. eout e..,. a.. 1190 • Let'• forget the low price for 1 minute. Ld'1 forpt our~ appraital policy. J111t think of the~ plr11~ of driving an OtdamobiJe! In actiola. tbett'a notbiq lo 1arpU1 the "Rocket"! Y oa f'* the n trt aafety ol ita tt1dy reteTV1I of powwl And for ~ tbe "Gt>-Aliud" look la in a dua by it.elf. Tlsat'1 wby thit la the f11teet...uing Otd•mobiJe ol aD time ••• tb1t'1 •hr OU. ii outfrininf ell .ilttn j,. r l""°'itr! Come in todeyl1Ra •h-: thf'tt'• • .. Rockrt" ler _...,.pocket ! LOCAL DILIYIHD NICI Otcltmoblle "II" 2-Door Sedan et low 01 s2465oo tolM ••"•· Y°"' "1<'e de-d1 ""°" ch>lc• of -.fel .,.d bo41 etyte, ~tloftol eq.,.p..-o"d o"•-1H. h ie .. _, ....., ollghlly irt od'iolflirtg co"'"""'''•••· OL.C>SMOEllL-E ------Ytltf "" •1oc1n IOOM" ••• AT TOUI OlOIMOllLI HAUl'I I ----- MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 W• C111t H'911way NEWPORT BEACH . Liberty 8-2261