HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-31 - Newport Harbor News Press\ I f - • co v--.~11 , Bade-To -School FASHIONS Personally Modeled by Your own Cl.uimates DUNA TONNE PA'IT!' PORTE PAT"rr BAGAN at Friday & S.turday S.pt. 2 end 3 • roa Md,_, rn.d9.,. ~w--... ... Sldrh I . 91 I up , ............ 2.91 ·,,,. s ........... . • • p M"C.....U • 9 c-f• ''Ch9Y' Da7 9· Open Frid_,y 'til 9 • 1 llJ • Harbor lfvCI. Coit• t.4.sa Ph. u 1-7566 Wial rflll, nv o It .,_ kll,,. ......... .. _ _. ................ ., ............. ,,,,,.,, .... --~-..... ..,..,.. .................... ........ --·-· ... ,,,, .......... ;97· ._ ... ..._,Alla ... _ .............. ...... ................. , .. , SJ.IO Sanitone Dry Cleaners' National Contest! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEin & CO. , DREAM WARDROBE ... ud a FREE road trtp to ~o for TWO oa UNITED AIR LINES I Plan now to enter the na- tional Dream Wardrobe Con- tHt epon80red by the Sanl- tone Dlmlon of llmery ln- d u 1 t r I ••. Inc., ClnclMatl, OhJo. ''I pre/.r Ba..UOM to .,._ "°'11 ,,.., c~o"'"" ~OO•H" (Sample &Mtence. I know I can truat 8anl1.0ne to do a bettier job on everythlni f rom chlldr•n'• clolhe11 to flnut evenln1 wear -yet It co.ta no more!") It'• Ju.at u euy u that and you ml&'hl win a '"new you'' ... evel')'Ull1'1 f rom lhoee to a 11amorou.a new hair-do ..• cul.IAJ to evenln1 we&T anti all 1 m a r t I y 1tyled for .. FleJd'•" by Ule world'• fONmOllt ,,..,,..... n. t1ra prlM ..UU..r alee ,.U • round tr1t w ChJcaco tor TWO on nlted '"'lrlina ... wtlh a day•' hotel.' me&Ja and tu t fa,... paid for by Sanl- tone Dry ClaAlq ~rrice. ln addition' w lbe tlnt prlu • ot 11,-000.00 Drum Ward· robe, UMn a re 26 olhu ·-· wonduful prlu•. 0....., ,,.,... "' .. , .. , ,,, 4' . ..... ........ ,..._ "" ... ,....-....L.r·..._._. a'••-....._ UDO c••ANIRS 11n ... ., .. 11wc1.. c .... w.... u..ty M014 . INVESTORS, Are You Earnl11CJ 6°/o For 25 yeara we have r= 69'0 Fint Mortpse for a private money clieDteJe from Cout -to • Cout. We offer a com- plete collection • e r v I.cs • without charge. WrU• /or I r e • ~-""" ,.,..,~,, w. ---f!S'- -' eoJW:ttoho""· . ....,.._,_ . .._ W.IM ...... "" ........... Sf ............. " .. ..... -.~ Dohe··--,..... ... Get Ready . for School! Sltlrts-7.tS to 1i.9s Blouses-2.50 to 5.95 Sweeters-3.95 to 24.95 Take advantage of our layaway plan Open Friday Nights We slY• I a 8 Oren 8 t&mpt It Pays to Buy la Coeta .._ Smca I • Paris .-clat ....... Pricft too!· FMhfo...W. 1ellip -•• for UM! 7oua1r~r w t : Oer k rM cl,_, , ... aJq oat t. a w .. trt e f ~v.orlaa.._. ,tM•a. ... ,,...,llHI wtt .. ..it-,... t.-a-. / Sins 7-14 .... 7.95 Marti.ct .... to $5.30 Very Chic-Very New ... for very youn9 Fashion Plat es Adorable Polished Broadcloth Print- Re41. 5.95 Reduced to $3,10 ·:i M. e f-\ldt·H·~O'f BOYS SHIRTS Cottons-6in9ham1 Flannels-Plaids CHK.DllN'S SHOP clothes and toy• for girts and boys Im -...., .... LIWtJ' l-1Mt C..-If..._ C.Uf. .·"'Y -•SJ.ti Cht•sec•-hr $1 • .,a Si1e1 2-12 ' I J ........................ ....... o.... ......... v... .... I..-. ...... i..,... ............. .... NEW OWNERSHIP BUDD & JEANNE CARR ...... ,.... .. ..,., ... FI n e Meats e Top 9aalffr e ,___. Service e Choice Cuh . --- TV Star in Person TODAY "Wrangler Jina~ ...t Ws llorle •codllle" w111 a. ••ra .. ..._ , • .., 1w ....... .,1 . tfl WI .,f.!• ·• .. 1 t• t. c••• lllJ~ ••1111 a1U sAMll it fuAun MIATS Wlllt S& H Mme STAMPS * 4t= iOONO CHUCK _. __ 49: cs 2 ...... WIENERS a.- COLD CUT Y ARl81ES I SALADS AK AllOtJT Jim' AT W1101 ••u• rum roa YOU& DllSP PIDllZll&-CtJT '1'0 YOU& oaDt:• •GROCERY & PRODUCE DEPARTMENT• ,.............. $ 10 c.. c..-Style c.n ........ llD.1 ••••• .. 59 . ·~Dr ............ • •• SYIUP ...... ___ 3fc • lrALIAN DIDllNS .I-. ....... •c 2'94 ..... 1 c 2 ltolllw for JOc . e POI THI IDT .. uns Ale Ylell'All B II TOWN ~ iiiD• •ss GRAPIS _2 .. 15~ iAN'INAs ___ 2 .. 25c GiEiNcORN _ .... _._ 4 ... 1SC ONIONS 3 .... 10C 5.,. Wllll S&H Gr••• Stea ... Sam Cox martt!1 The 119 Friendly St.re -S.rvk• With A Smne Newpart Awe .. C-..._ • i I .. 9 ., ............ • S1pt. Everett Rea Greets New Maa Teachen at Sept. 2 Meet Graham-Earl . Vows Spoken at St. James San Francisco Honeymoon for OCC Honor Graduates Weartai U.. dabitlllll a( bridal 10WM ud camlac wbtte orehlM, Uliee of the val117 and ~ Mi8 Bar· Mr& Ann Earl followed ber attendant.a down tbe atm·reped ..W• ol St. Jamee Ept.copal Church on Sunday, Aue. 21 at t p. a to repeat 1'• wed4i8'I •oft wtth ~ r.ter OrMaln. 11lle Rn. Ral,et ...... Qnham of '1ar1da ...... Im· ,...Uy a.-oclat.ed w1UI t b • Mi>Or Qaabry ot R.ochut..-. N.T. cb.-u tntertm rttlor, ,_.. r~ ~ trtp lo Ian Frand.c;o to.-.d lh• double rtnc Hn1oe a.. ..,.. Mr.. Or.h&m wore a wbtlll united lha daur;bter of )(J'. Up\ ~ llUI\ w1. th pll\k vtlnt and Mra. K enneUI Earl, ttl Vla haL Sotb lbt a.nd her h1&1band Q\16\e a.nd tM IDl'I •f w.... ... ..,. ~ ,,.. J(.-port O..._ G Nlul.la, o...ona da1 Mar Harw U.S. ..... ldleol ud aM Y,. Jam• 0 . OtUlialll elf _,.. honor (ndUatft Ude ,._ H .. Tork. from Otanr• Cout CoU.,•. Thay ..,.,.._ UCClllUa and .,,,_ la wtU be et M1M at laGI &M\ ..,._. by her father, wu a o..a m.d .. Aft. 4. cMnUac bride In ber ,-own ot _______ __..__ __ l uU.. F\uled rutnu b&rlded wttb aanow lac'• tormt d th• ltny al....._ t!dged th• round nec.k· Jina a11d ~ l.M f\&11 akl rt. W!dU -ept to a cMpel tnlln. A •latuu cap IMld tulll'leu of lba br1daJ nil and a llU'aad oC peM1a ~mpleled th• ft\Mrnblit. Mn. O.vld D&Yid.on attended her l&aer u matron oC tlonor, ,.,.,,., a boultant frock ot aqua c:tfW\altine, ~ nel hal and ~ a lll•f of n-. Bnct.• "'aide Wf'rt' the MIPH Madre rulWtchL Barbara Brickey, ~ ty Horton and R«-nH Hov1a. They •·on ldenUcal 11owna of plJ\lt crywtall1ne. Hl ha ta and carrW old tuhlon~ lliouqu.ta ot l"Ollt&. IW'fO RAAD Uttle Oilvld ·M. Dav1d9on Jr., oaphew ot the bride, ,.... l1Af ...... JU11• Glbaon Orllllaa Jr. Jent .._. man a id lo llJa broUI• and ,,..ta wt>r e uahered by Tom I •oau. 1Vllll&J'I\ D09i.. David DaY- ktaoa and Den ~ rw her d&llctitwa nupttala Mn. J:arl wore M ir• nylon lac• • w1dl long tol"90 bodl« and ruffled akJrt In ~Ire d~tnl to eocea b...,.. at the hem and a matcll· In• erchld cwaate. Mn. OraMla .,.. fOW'lled tn pll\k cotton lace • I wtU. ............. . Mn. PMlt Wtldmaa .,.. °"" ~ and 1.0 11....,. -w 0 IMd MOf\ Rob"' and ~ Lord'• ~· (M,aJott). Olturc.b deoor&Uol\I ,... •bite claryMll· lh•um• u• ,-reenery. • AT PAUUI HOUIS a.iaate were .....rftd ln Ult P&ltlb HouH ••here th• br1dt 01 t&"8 wu centeNd wtUI a n .... U_... W'eddlnr ca.kt 1urrounded wtdl white 1tMIL Mn. rr.d R. luc&ml and Mra. lutton Jr. cut and le1'Ve4 Ole ca.k' whUa Mrs. J1tOJ Cobb and Mns. ~· 8tm1 ..... ,wich. M ra. Roll.y Pulukl ... la eharl'• oC the ruut book. .,..a JUHU at the weddtnr WU't U\t brtdaetoom ., fnl'ld · motkr' aJld coualn, Mn. H1rry ( 11111 broue cro. ot U.a\7, ..... wl1l -. J>,_ ... c.n- f'"'Ml'l\&11 Jamu B. Utt lun· day at SUvtta49 Oommul\llf Qiurch tor him ta l&Jla '-ck t.o Wuhtnrton, D. C. fer J>~· ln( ta the ,.,_,.r ftoern at the' natlon'• Capitol. The croae 11 DOW Oll di1pl&y In ~ ~ ""*-a.t ~ IU'1!01 L l-'o Matkl't W1'll'rt It will r'f'm•ln until hkf'n to 81lverado Sunday • OfllcW ... FootlNllls .... 2.4t Special 1.99 Ai; 'Paper6"1f= iliEr scr Pendi Tablef __ 25c COMPASS -··-1f= Qui Ill Pen_ W tnon Paper. 25c 1au% 68C CDp Bolrds ···-'7 AflS iiblet ·-lf= beliixt Binder_ 'S" i~ Binder _, .. CiiiYls 1lnder 9lr , .. • • 6ltil • Wall w D8* Shal'pcner _ Streich Socu 7f= Sti'eidi Socks Sf= Lux s.., .. ,. sa. v21c 1.,. Sim V15c Surf I K • Aid eiu.·, ...,t.e fUlllb'. ,,.. ctub Pin U y • uqaa1nu .. Uo plaaAlq tA> aid th• Has· p our • • • --~ i.ut ..w w&Jt tor Wardrobe ... ....... tltul.-., ......... ...... Local F __ :11es ........... and .... out What Wh 111.llU " u.. ...eN ..._ ... I lmsl<'•l pl.NI are .. UIU.-R-fer Rat•• Ra-• ._ -aupp y ... flOla for faU. on. Mri• ln ~ -YW. TM .... ..., ~ '""9 mUlr. .... • .,......_ 9' dMlr ... pW ••tal ,.._a uny Jill.., or ne ....,.,. _., la .._ ud 1111 paUo at ate boll!• et ...., 4 • -.t _._. s-t .,.. a ea.IW!l.U.C. ,.Un•. wkli. tweed wtU. Mack ..a. al N.... 11DCJan'd. ,.. S.rra ~ T9t ~ ...... ftnNr ..... 0tMn. at~ w ith &a.lt&Uoll tlw coUar aad cutta &a ......... . . -r aad aacbw ....... t. 90W t.aJce Lile •i>e ot tlll't)e, liuV -.art tor j\uUon. 0:+-en ~ wu ..tttq oo WadneedaY 1Uwr'9fde. who bad bHll !IOUI ...,..... .,.._ • dud&a • a Ulll ...a a.w ......aa ~ ..... ....... ,_ • ...,,_ ....,... an· iu•t tor the week ot Ml'I. .... of *V\W90d. 4 llllllMa "! ...... eoat taWtoa. ,_,.. • __ .._. -' SM l'mn•· K.Mne. Mn. Grovtr Sowder of .... d6 Hollywood. a charter member. WU iw-t Md WU al• hwee "-56 ..... h c ..... '° Kra. Wl......W te p~t ot iu .. t oc MN. 1e..... wtqtaa U.. ,,_, Ulll ,,.....,. at Ute b•r pnddaupttr Pamela down. bwlln,. -.ton. Mn. Roy Kaaoe ud Mr& Dia Pullar WW9 ap-lfeJlt lllMUq wlll ':e lepl l IOHNSON a ION -UNOOLN -MERCURY potat.d .. • ....iu. to ,.... •l tM b-e et Mn. Iara l:llull ... dlue acbool elo~ for UM 1115 Vllla Way. ... w. o..a lllPW11.1 ftandaJ. Sept.ember ltb BARGAINS GALORE! .... ....... "'11 .... , .. w Cal ·a. IMenl CW. Lvnch lo• co111plat• With YOC\I• VM bottle. 4.lt COMF01iif_::•6" w a ...... tntn \'Wit..,~ lAms Ule 11nWa Qa8W Ouwta.W 24·hr. Service oa.,~ lunch Pails I ... 1.15-ftc r..... Carry-All Case .... 4.t5-3.4t ~ ......... rn.r ................ ..,4,. lnecl Stallone y --~-..... ... INYELOPES .... ,.. ·- Co•r•••• u.. of 1a1 .. ·1 , ...... .... T--'..-0' =,. s1so Colonial .,_ ..... LU -..o.... ....... Jlf .. ...... Tooftl lrUlhes I... Sfc--2 hr 7tc .... lfc--2 hr ltc .... 2tc-2 ,., ltc pclCJH Fffttl 598 10... 25c WWte Hone Scotcll FfM ,. Shady Grove a&.aWD •noor 287 ' I J ·TOMMY THRILLED BY TREMENDOUS PARTY ~~:,,=: THllVIS CADY 11 ·ESCAPE DEATH IN ::...-: ::::~ ... ~ n•••s TOO FAR ~~~~..:~ ..:::::~:, :.: SPEEDLINER SINKING ......... el& tr• 1 " .. .... .... ..... ._.. .._ -.,.... •"'4 trom M-1 mm taken trom the water M:.:r:--W. .......... .._ . ... I 1 ...... .... .... .... .. _.... .... • ...., ..... S&turday wtlan We1"t Arthur L. Ue11, Robert '" ... wUl ....... ... .. .. ....... ep .. dllnu. out Ganpttd, Ray Oqood, Clifford ._,._ If_. tM*ft .. '9 • • el .._. • II ..._ ~. IUlk s mile• Mell Joeeph Wu.on and Tf!d J. ,..., ... ~ X.. .... ~. o.. ... • ' l .,._ .,, tM tNt _, of Ca\allna I> ~. Memt>en o( \M crew ........... ., u.. Ollla .... ..... wu • lac rt1p.... ...._ lncJUded Capt. I>anald Montiom· By BILL nlLLIN ,_... A•llttMm a p· 1 tllila 11 ....... ,.._..., .,., el ... men wen rnem-uy, Nlc:Mlu ... Jil&tU. and , _.,. ...... _. I .. wm ._ .... 9'•¢'7I.... ._. fll .. Llekbeed Air Man· Don.w ., ... 61. Little Tommy H&germu wbo a wk ap coWda t 9"a a a. 911•1• ,_ ••*1• ..-a a. ancs u.. other O.bltle towUta oa th• NCU> h uL-'-•-.._._._ ... _ -..... ... _ .__... U...... ..... "'Id '9 --. Uar. ... .-wm•. .._ boat Bl&nehe W. had the ~d upon aving & ~ for aw ~y, •may -1IOt " ..,... _, ..._ -. ., .. "tr, a •~tt. cratt. w added tllrtU ot taklnl' p11rt tn a ... but aix after OCNS and tM N,...Prw ~ ,u,tat u.. ........ ......... .. JHl•9 .. 1. n. KW. 21H ·-rMCUe. Capt. Marcel Hemaadu of the mwicul&r dystrophy 'rietlm to all loutMra Califonla. W&COMll .._ 14__. • ......, 1111a It.. ....,. A.n.e, e.e:a •ii r.ported hl• boat wea tlndiq "..,"' ..,.......... • t. .. a...t Qlaard. ...i. on Ole rocke tor ~re· J'or a boy celebrating hll ~ .... ~ uuat~, at WU Fi T L .._. ....... n. CllM& Cl9rd repq1t llllotr• delectation wtien h• al&tlted UI• •a pretty tremendoua party JUt ,....,. Uld Jelma1 .,.,..., II_ •.•••In ru-..a•-~-.._ ltr M , belaa taklnc two men who bad ewwa ......._ • bl th• patio ot hJ1 court NII• \M -1J' ""*-,._ wM ~ ~-...._ WMlll ,._,. ~ not In U.. next three hoW'ft Irie pd ••ee et fU·A Htb 8t., Ollt& ~~ ~J:'; TILi Up I••. Ml-." .__·L~ ........ • .. mn ~ life hJ• crew plcked up the ~ II.ML ........_. ... _._, It., .... _ .., __ ,,_~ a gum MIUl9 --NY& ,..-.. ...... ped ..-tioard. !!'t eaid that heavy ... bl'Mlt· ..__._ --_.... .... fll -.._ ...... to the Ill&' over Speedllner .,.... moN DlJoylnr It aJonr . w ith Jaia ...., a.lie a •....W.U ..,...,..,..,. D 1• H ..., ...._ ., ..... -.i1l ..._. _. • etJMr9 _.. ptcll· than th• boat. puro,. ..W baa· ~~· b=~oti!~-;b~4:. ~ ::-~ ic:: = •.::: I 1• IN :_ = 1= :::..': -:.:-• ,,.. .. pumtnr di•. . -..Olcall7 able Mother Mra. WU. tM eourt front the H&pnaaa .,. 4t Jf_,.. ._... "±m•H7 -.'fnMe ,_ .. ,._. ..... ...... fll ....._ ~ Im· lella Rac•rman. atartled _, tM ...... WU Wlley 81dnner, mUl7 ...... a .. ..., ....... wtlljlD '---............ ..,_ ......... Jhwpoli IM&cb eo YOU CAN'T HAIDLY llQdden elllntlon beatowed U.-J.an okWt Ulan tM .._... Uae fMUl~.tldl 79&f, ... ,, .... .,,_ .-.t-.......... -..... .-.rn to tll* bom-. .. , bard·prHMd IJtUe tamUy. M)'a. rial bl Md u ...alt ~ a •t a., O. ~•d•-·•nae•• ~ ......... ...,.. ......... -... ..a reach ... maln· GD THAT NO MOU Tommy'e birthday party wu .U.lle ·~ yara ap, Udaaer llS8I I.-.. MSCllaul wUI ....... _......, U&Ul'let,,.. mrtl .,_ T ,o'cJoell 7uter'-'ftMft t .._,....,... alt.ended by Mayor of Coata ..._ :::..!° .:'"°~:ula&ad ::::-to 1itat1 ~De ... .,.,_, ......... Ill l•w _. .... -C I I _.. tMa M bOUn i...-h~o =el~. -. Claire Neleon, end th• ,a&a.. ac: • ou •· h'om Ule thltNlltJ el .. 10!-...... ,_ W-: tr¢'-... _. 1119{~ esper-Ud U.,.. .._. *9rta tram llalet. t.oci. Art McKenzit. TMn 4ppeutnr w1th Ute Martne ~~ ... wW ..... IMr ftl f ,._.,., .,. ...._.. ..._ fti1ir ._.. tlnal:t llroupt a Joell•.~ lfl!WPOJ't ..,._ wu a C!lerok" Indian la twl _. ,,_ """9 .. uadrou -4· teeo 4..,.... la M..,.n. ...................... Ill•* tweli& X-... IM!r and bor Yacht~ WP~ np11a. war bonnet and aU. eM 'aa twe-..U t..W.1 . at D la tllle _. ..... wdl h .. llft ...... ,. ... ....... M ...... a& ._.. Olup. to poUce 8undey by a.tee tbe" wu a cowboy who ...,. Tore ,... Col. Robert a. ,.._., ritl7 Jll.lto• a v••t.e et OIO ....._ ....._ llme _. *" _.. 'nit ._ -.... --&ebcft L. Tanner of Loe ~ COASTAC SMtWil , ..... WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11 , 1955 Tammy a •lx·iun. end a ..,t• ef tM ,.....i It.a.ff et U\e Na.al alee. a. tc•fl...., ........ Ill ... .,. ...... ..._ ... ._.. C. -..._. .... and i....L __________ _ a.a wtie pull.ct 9 wa.r urow eut AU ltatMa. Ul4 Capt. Palrlell O~ ... .... Au. ._ •11!1~1!11~1 _______ _..!~ ... !...!-~·~!el!...:L~c~c~··~I~' _21~-~:::=========::~-=====================:: et tll• redllrin and prwnW tt ......... wttll U.. Muiae Air ....._. latluua. fl'&C••t•C .;. to Tommy. ._.... ,....... Oo-•••d. ....,.. ,.._ WIU&ts. ~ wll ._. ... u .... All ., pU7 ....,.. ................ -....... llAJUNE8 JIAJWll .,, ,.....i. tot Temmy ... J~. -t•'"''• w .. Jf..,_n 4Jld there were the M~ 4a4I lat.er ,....,_ Doa ......_ a..dL t111e 1:1 Toro K&rln• Corpe --. h'om Ootualllu. Olaio. .,...,... Jellla Cue, ............ ~ IA· who c.me IWinrtnJ 1mart17 bltil Marta, & llup IMl"Ul4a.F eaka. v .... OelJep. wtll taM .,. a tM paUo i.Q6Ylhe drUm .... . lltUa .,... ....... lilu .... tlaelr bll' borne ud tnnnpeq ..C WOllSJ'lf AUlft ldcltu-1 w9fti a& var.A.= cl.rum.a ~I In the ~ te ...._,.la tM Mekpowwl, ._, Ud tM ....... Mate play "Happy Birthday To TOU I" MM Oiil wtleel chaire ot ~ Cue ........ tlUlilll& 811 Wllal more could a boy WU\' ... 1~ and eemq Uld .. Ai. '•stb8 ._. .... wUJ Botll Tomm7 and JohnQ7, •· --.. tM aaxlou XJW. ..,_. M MN. '-* ,....., .,.._, .. aware of UI• advanced etap el ._ ..,.. twr i.... 'h9ee tile ,._ AllM ,,......'1 • M• their ten1ble di• .... have -'d: IC-1u l>}'lltrephy Awa '•tile TOltL De llM ...._ a°ft 11 "W• want to be M.arlnee wlMa ., ~ 0 '• n I• ClowatJ wwk at o.I'** Val.A .... •• ,..... up." J'rlday, ,.._.., ~i Mn. Jo 4aae Ii.I. r.-eeMe Olllep. wu made booonrJ m-• et IO'I. .....,.. D ..... t1', Im. he .... ------------" ... Kn. ~ ,,...... • UM lllth IWJ• Company ., ............ ., tM --t ....... M Ansted lleech lr&l1a• Bue, .. well .. ...-Ill ~ deputy manbal "' .,... ......... ~. wttalGle ...... Kanb&l Joe Montoya of ~ " ,.,...,.. WU Ki. ...... laata Ana JudJcl&J Dlstn• .,,., ............ ,....., .._ for Shtl )(ON tl\all 1000 lett.rf ... ef & ... -..&& fir& ................... ~ ng stn. poured In oo Ule boJ'• ~ ot U1e prwnite wen boo11r ... AM ... WM I' ?1 .... 1amee. but t.Mre -N alee ..,.. .... ti Ule llllllm lls' Youth , ..... , like a TV .. t .,,..-it.ed b)' .... llWm .... wtaa ......... _. ftft, ~tlUdt. lant& Ana. and • .... -... .. .._ ,.,,.., la the t9"11 of a b~• .... *!.. ..... fll • 5 •• ,..... ... ,., .... we '1f .-.a. -..ball trom Santa Ana 1'm4 pa.µIX. W ............... CJillllle. lloy1' Department. wblc!a .... 911& .U a UL Jue& .. 111fW kt IW ,_ 1:111.., ....... Miit • tl'Ullpolla t.MID to ...................... ~ ... ,. a -II. .... a.. tain at Toauny'e puty. ._,., ...,, ..., wMle a& ..... ......_ - MRS. HAGERMAN THANKS HARBOR FOR PRfSEHTS ,.... _ _.__._.wm ...... .,..,... ,,...... Gtart ..... ,. ............. ... ~ -.d ...... ... ... ...,.. ¥••• ......... ... ._. a.. ............ . .... ..., _.. ..u.4 • .... 'MrL W1lle11a H .. ermaa, caDed dia:r put:r. '!'omlny -11 ~. et llelll a-c. .. tats -UM NewJ)Ort H&rbor N_.Preee Oruase eouaUone ~ Uw _. fteh. ,,.., ..W 11111 ..._. ta.ea 111\d OCNa today to "thank u,. ~ '9 UM pbpt ol t.be 11 tllle)-............ w? ... pe6ple o: ~· ~ ,., saU-~ Ma"-,....,... .......... --\M7 ........ \111 Tommy'• blrU\day pe.rty IUCll ,.l ~ta and u.. Ja Tol"o not l'O la « IM wCM1W P • .._ a wonderful '""l." .._ ......_ ~ ..,.... -.m .., .., ....... U... . Tl" mothe:r o1 U ·reer-old Tota· to \Irie ecw \o ,.._.t ~ ...,...,.. p,&d w ••a ta. m y doomed .-Ult -tt el eue-,,_ ...... ..._ .. ~ ,.._ .,.,.... ...... mt ... culu dyatrophy. u ld lb• youUI d&nce1. tnr UI • IRrtm.mllll. IUDmr lltr\Mlk and h11 equa.lly·IU .~6·y•r-old Sia blA&'• c:U" were 4-at.ed, him cm t.be 1111at _.. aad Jett ~ther. Joh~~Y· were •Ull o~n· a.Jona-w1lh many p..-nta. OYtt lib~. .4 ettlilee ~t WU Int preMnla, They &n! alUI U · 1000 birthday carde '"" recet"4 ellll*S lly Kn . .4JJoe B. "°1ee n v1ni by Ole two lade. ot ... Kal1Do wt.a tclld poa. Th" two brly1 we,.. feted In a the IMMi ~ Of Ma·•d• la\ l•h birthday party which blot· Mre. ~·nnan eald lbe two ----------- eon1"<1 1rom an OCN8 N"ve\aUoa youtba .. .,. 8t.W ~,..._ta. Two _._ doUIM9 ~ fll lo t wHk that neU . .her or the Alld they ba•• all the ~ ll...-tock wW be ....,.....,. dar-- youncnen tiat1 ev"r had • birth· hood younp•" helpb\S t.Mm." lDc uae ..,_ deiJ9 ~ t.be ltat.e l"air. ...~ llOOO bad ot CM be9t ,_. Wad I~ Ila the ..u-... be .. ..,.. peUUon tOf' Gae tbol••Ma ol awvda preNGCed eecll 7M1 to ahlblton Ill ......... Juaior MOW YOUI Newport Hm bor NEWs-PRESS IS PUIUSHID 3 Monday Wednesday Friday Mesa Tutors Hear Talks September 6 MIM Anne Ho.pue. curriculum coordmat«, wtll edctr.. the &ept. • Costa ..... d'-trlet ~re meetiq at t.be It. A. ......... Oil 0'Drnlopln1 lnl· u..... _. Of1.linaJ Tblaltlnr In CllO' •·" /JI. edded feature of the euelon wUl be an add.me by Belo Bettwnaa. ch.lat et U. bureau of .i.tmtary educ:alloll. Stat• Department ot l'.duc&Uon ror Calltonll&. Known t.JlroUCboul the u nlted Stat.. ea an out.taadinr ectuc.a- tOf', Ml• BetterDU wu uked to ro to Japan .n. WOltd Wu U to aid the U.S. In brtnpc more d9nloer&Uc torm ot edu~ Uoa to t.b&t country. A dynamt.c ..,..ar ..... called 1lpGll to llD R&SIDENTIAL..fNDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL *>JOB 'I'()() LAROI: OR 100 IMAU. ....... ... ...... •"'*-' -----0 •-ca 2~aa. SOc PAllY A.. AIOI CAii ......... ~:..· ... •• .. ••-.a.A.-n·w 3AI ~i:-.c::·r=P1¥1M1 I ., --; ..,,, .. ......... ---------~~,. 6'!:1.M •=t.ae --~ ........... .,,, ..... M ~~ EDWAm ......,.,....= ........ , Alw9yw .......... . ,....... .... .... CU,MONI BEVERAGES ALL FLAVORS 2 ""' 35' AllO Sodas • Mixen Wies Nm lftmW ...._ .... SAT .. 918911 f, J, J, 1'SS. Al WlW&Y ST•S • • m. (Thn Sundly i1 Shwes oPel ...,, ft09S 8CM7U .., ........ ..... (~ ........ ) ...., ...... .... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENT'I' ar PA.UINO 01f I WP fAVID I.Of • r- • Hewpoll Ht1'h01 Hew•·''•" i1 9rowing with New,,_,, ff•"°' • TIM NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS meke1 no effort te cever ......... or nation-wide effeir1, itut we DO itrint you ALL the new1 of the H.~ AIM. plu1 coverage of Orange County thro"9h the f ecilitie1 of tf.e Oraft99 Co•ftfy News S.rvice. · Y ... are yow keepin9 tn 1tep wttti tM LOCAL NIWI. tie H 0 U I N IW S, tlte COMMUNITY NEWS-The NlWS ,.portec1 • -Iv your own neiqhb7~· ,od NEWSpap.,. CAN report 1t? . Three Newspapers Full of Local News anJ Pictures Each Weel MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY For ONLY 50c ,., 111C11111i w• .. ..., ..._ Hire• ••• w.•WJ to your ......._ Sub5crlbe Today To 1he Most Complete, Local Newspaps In The tt.tlor Arel 2211 w. .. •• llvd. ~ Newport l1DCll t • I -\. r • •J - . J \ • a..c.e loy ....... ~ I OtMn la 'W' llA'ft'P-..... _ ._ _~ .,......., ..... l.IMlt7 ..... OOft'A JIEU IUn.... 00. 11.M ......... -- IOBHSTOHE'S ..._A .. WNCll1n .,... .......... ... ... .,. ftl IL Illa Aft. a.-. .. ,... Ollila .... Pri11te Police • MERCHANT PATROL I and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMll&CIAL SICUllTY PAROL Kl 2-70'D IALTZ MORTUARIES 009'l'A ~ CILU'Sl. lTU..,._A .... OMla ...... Oalll.. ...... ~ l-GJ1 CIU.PZL BT Tim U:A -&. Cout ams, Corou dd Kar. c.a1JI. ..._....,._a • APORT -/ (l,,)/lOlllA I..,, ... ,,,,.,,~ NOW IHOWIN• .. "11le Mce-'I St..-(' __,i ......... . w •• reo1or ......... of Trlpoll" FOil JO DAYS OHL Y EXTRA sp BONUS ALLOW AMCE ... ON Regular 515'5 SILVER KING BAftERY * IUllB -., INSULATID * J YEAI GUARANTEE ONLY 513'5 .. .., ', ........ . 12 Volt ..... , M .. H ,... ... 14 ., .... .... ...... ,.. ............... -. • llT•-.~e-tlaW...... ........... ~ CclM Auto Theft 9••"• •••• a. Draws Guilt Plea LOCfl • ...., ..... lllalJdlaf at ai• .. Ottu ..... C. .....,... hller &t a pnca &lloft tT0.000; l)oa l"rul7Ua ... tM ealeeman SANTA AMA (OCMll - Wlw ...,,.,.. O. P...ara.1 Wed· ......., pl.a4e4 ~y -• mi> ...... Ot' MAW tMtt cMl'S• al· Mor9 lh&D a '...,-tw mllUon doll&ra lD ..-._ .. been t&Wed ;::;:;:c;;;:;;::;=;:;;:::;;;;;;; -onctnall7 ~ dlarr .. w1Ui FUMl lWt auto. a feloQ' • la thre. tnnNCUona tMo\&&'b eal..rnm of ~ Vo1t1 Company otn<le9 It WM ......_, here over lh• weekend . ..... 7 a4mltted ~ • ..,. owMd by WIUJam F . Vue.. 'l'be nbicJa wu Mola la Corona 41el Mar OD A\11'. 1'. Pl'OMUon U.,. inl' ud pt'OQO\lftC«l\ODt of Judi· mut tor Pendray -r• Mt clown for 2 p.m. Sept. 11 by But& Au Onnc• Munlelp&l Court Jud.,. Howard Cameron. TN blc tran..cUou lllcl\lllhd th• Ml• ot &UM --.... lncl~ Doft Atlduaa .... ot 904 Via Udo Nord. -~ Kr. and Mn. Gena.rd LI Wenaw at a flcun bl ucee. ot 190,000, HaJ Viera ..i ... man; Art H&ll ra. M> Ward J""1! ror a price In _.,... of Sto.000. ealHman Pete Rajkovtch; Ruby L I D 0 7 1r. . "': . ,-.. ~· ·:*j ~I ef:o .. 1~'7.* ~,~ .•. ·1,..s AiWAYS FAIR WIAnlElf Giii ICBJ.Y~ DAN DAllEf Cm CllARlssE ·DOLORES GRAY MICHAEL KIDD _ .......... CIN•M.scoPC _. COUMt ~"--"" ••-.,._ .......... "aOCMlllDe 8WIUl:THSAlltT Ollt SPY? .... L.OVE .. Ollt TlltAITOllt? M·G·ll'e 'rN• .....,..,. ~ Cnl RIE • ..... WI.Bii Am FUll:IS • ..,., mas -• ...,. °""-. J.lt,. MrMll,. • 8088Y DRISCW. · a. alm S..... Ned Wedmncla1 '",,._., ._. "CKAI. auar ..._ ....... "ONS Daaa& .. "MARrY maJca Rad\ bautifu1 mu.tic.,._,,,,,., ...,, " . ~·· -A,W., ,,_,, "Make room for my friend MARl'V Ht'• capt!" -0-, n.- MIU.IT·• u.. ... , ....... ...... .,..,....., .. ..,,....., .. __ ,_ =- ....... 1111 • t i• "'llut.,-l :ot .t 97 :19 Stan. Nest w~ •• DOl:'9UI ()()...,. llD.&. ~ ..,..,.. -1 .. -.itt -A?do Kar "We're No AIMJ•h" .... ''Doctor la Tiie ....... ML Siii 11• C.OU wme.-18111 TOP TUNINe -...ano n.. flAYMOll ....__ z ...... 21""-c.-.. JV .,..., ?Hit'-TOP 1\INIMO. WMa UHP/\'HP .,. .. _. Me......, .... ........ ~..a....w-. lOWIST Pll<I IVll fOI & ll•ITM TOP0TUlllt conou. _., 219'5 OIANf 11 .. IC"m ...................... _ ..................... ,.. CINalAM ........ T ... .......................... aNUts ,..,,,.,,.. -i..... ........ 'Wirt. .i.,....._,.._......_ • ..... .-............... ..... ...... _...,..,_~ SPIOAl "l" OIASSll .... ,.... ..... _ .......... c;...,. r-. ,_,. ~ • PflOVIO -~ ,.. .. ,....._ -. 'f\(, tl5· '·. Stevens & 50111 18'71 ..,.,. .... c.ta•-....... u 1-SIOl w ................ ........ SUPER-RICH LIDO-M4 l , .. 1.u.. ,.,._ ._. "OM ., ... ...... ..,... ......, ., .. O' ... ~. C»ll lrxc;! g IJDO sHoPs C L A S S 1' f t I D D 111CT0 I Y, AftU&llf<D ~· t tll ..... -o.a.r-~ UDO aaonlO NMYlllU..-a.w""' ~O'IOMC'al'IJI! DUlm " ........ cu. Jn<W'iS ncD™m ................ 1'111' ...... ...._--.At IU.NU ---~· 11a.1tr•aA MM Via U.. -...... -•·-aaon UDO mAVDG 11110 .............. -.M91VlaU..-....... JllCAO'rl' PAia.OD UDO MLOJf IW ~ M111' ......... --.ll'N JIOOK8 8C>O& CAR MU'V)-IMe-..._&eM CAm•SA8'tn .. •UllCSllT UDO D&1'0ol ~n.u..----- CA.Rl:'n a D&.U'ZldEll DIOS MAcmsa .... Via • ... ..,., "" CAi'WNO ....... UDO MAWXft Mll'flalMe----- n.ttla&·<>'' -a ,.,.. ~ IW UDO ................ CLO'DllNO -.._ •• lletal JllDWa.&/a ..,.. roa llEJll MllVlalMe-......... CLO'l'JllNG-W-'• lletllll LA ..ors _ .... ,,, ............ UDO r+amc»ra 'MU 1' ... ...._ -...,._ llTl •••!JOO<S"8 KU Via I.Me -a....r ll'n oauo noaa VDKSJl'l"8 UDO oaooa MUVlaU..-.....__ WOVNT.UN, ORQI. VlNCDTa LIDO D&t7Gfl Mll\'laUM-...._ .. f1lA)IDAA.UatJMa FU&Nl1't1&E DIC& llAca&a NH V• lMa -_._Ula GOT SHOP UCllAllD'8 UDO MA9M"ft Mii Via ..... -..... - IN81lMlf<JE &OEN'D "'· 0. llC<m. ll'fO. .... \'la I.Me -..... "" IN'D:IUOS DIX>OM.TOllS -....ma l"t1UD:ll80ll A.LO. Md\'laU..-........ DIC& ~ MllYlau.e--..- DOJf <lmllOlll'01' &. L D. ~=--..... .., ftlO'l'OQILU'll 8'ftJDI09 an••llDI' att>Diue MllVtaU..-....... U'AL ar.&n LIDO a&A.L.n AJUIOCCA'l'D Ude ....... Reta.la .... \'la ...... -..... "" P. &. P••Ml!:Jl llf(l. __ ... _....._ ..... \'OGEL OOllP A.JO' Mii \'la I.We -..... twfl SAT AJlfl> KAaT 11&.t.J.rT \Ila ...... ~om. IUJ......,....._..,._,... SA VINOS a LOAN MllOCl.&DONS JrS1in'O&T M.LllOA U VING8 A LOAllf ANOOIADOJI' A ,.._, JJlllltltutkla Loe& ,._ Rome 1-- ...-n. u.. -........ IDVICE 81'.&DONS LIDO ILICm'mLD Nll Jlf-..n ....._..... 61tT IBOD-._.• WW&Ll.'8 IJ'l'OmZ roa ll&N NII \Ila I.Me -..,._ INI 180£& WOKEN lll11&"8 "" CALD'OIUflA ' NII \'ta LN• BA ... 11Q!ATRD LIDO ~D& ~~~,a-...... u, ron LIDO mYl..AlfD INUVlaU..-...._9N l'&&VEL .&CENaD •A!UMMI DIAVSI. ~ M111'..,.rt .... -· ... VPBOLRDING ~ llAClmS MllVlaU..-....__ WAIUI &SPAii& tlH<&R I W W&ftlll ... ADI UDO m t7G9 ............ WitlfDOW OOVDIMO 'Imm ....,. .... K .. tie PM ornr .., .• • YOu Wiii Fl rid I Best You . Need •• WANT AD PAGES • Uunt/11 writ-. tle/ue ... •t w,.ill pric•I WHAT IS IT? -· lndS9tdUnllJ -..becl-weuia&' apparel Dutt drild ..,, file.red ~l ,._ Jl"Of••reDy .,.._ Tour doU-&Dd 11-are ._. up OHll unit-no mix· UI" IPO um&plq marU -ra!neott --.. .-u.~-... WHEN AV AILAILE • • • llllt.toe .SUiia ....., JI mw•t. Nc9uee ... do tlftl')'tldaC rtstit It- HOW MUCH ••• It is 1 b.rtein bundl. too llt ...... .,_o.e. ... ......_ ........ ....... • • • • only $2.15 for 21 k WHERE ••• casa pura "'U&VlCI: Wltlilli llOCIU -WHEN ~'EDEJ>• OOllPLETE IAVNDEM ud CLllNE88 THE E·L·A·S·T·l·C·l ·Z·E·D LINE • tlaat si11•• you th~ .!'!i:f!G. eo..'t.., Bleck SueCfe Navy Calf Bleck Patent Fil of your Life THE 0 GLOVE" BY s.~ yovr children back to a.cfoiool in our properly fitted Edwards shoea. ' . ) FO~R SALE To q.llflecl 111JW1 Boys' Jeans -·······-······-··············-·········................ 1. ,.- Very Choice lulldlllCJ ' Loh Oii ColllM lslcmcl Boys' Sox ······-·-····--·-.. ·············· 4 pr. far 1.00 · t1•1aaHr "7 ,..,..._. In lecMlful IALIOA IAY Boys' Sport Shirts -·---·-·:---····-·-· 1.tl boa ................... ..... Boys' & Girls' Cenv•s Oxfords __ .. ,_ 1.tl 6irf1' BlouH•· ·--···-··········-·---1 .ti ....... New ..... . Buster Brown Anklets -··-····-·-·-····----···--Jtc BIG--every way but price! Cotton Slipa, full skirted ..................... _. __ 1.tl ..... ,., ....... .-r ' ~ AJI W. &GOO' or _.. Dreuea, 1-14 ········-····-·-······· ............... I off • •M Orha 11-•-p"'c•ck. ~ , • Prhate plen permitted wtu. .,.. ,_ lup ...... .. -181' fro•tllp Iota. All ...... ..... ........ ...... brtdp _ ... wltll a.lboa ....... Aa -- .. -f18'7 frat foot. Pacific Estates. Inc. OI' Geo. McN-... ...... ..... ... #6 0.... ........ ..,. blwt, o.m. ... 7.,......, ................................ Cardigans, 7-14' ....... -4.tS 4-6x ....... _ J.tl Pull-overs, 7 • 14 ......... 2. ti 4-6x ·······-2.Jt • .....,... .. , .. SclMMll s.pplles DONALDSON'S 5 & 10 ,00 ..... St. -IALIOA 5J... meml>ert of tlte Newport Harl:>or CliamlMr of Commerce take this opportunity of welcomirtt the followin9 persona encl eatebliahmenh into the meml>enhip of thia or9anizetion. They too 4'eclicah tftem1elve1 to the betterment end 9rowtfi of th. entire Newport Harbor ., ••• A.O.IU.llK• Udo Paltl Oe.t• ... h.11 ~ .... Jlf..,.,. ...., .... ca -h.11 ... 1'•..,.... W.ILCllftOJlf Udo ftMlt,J' A moelat• ....v-.u...~ llAAL L. DA VU o....s. • ....., MJI Vie I.Me. 1'_,.... • llOY ....... n.n.. .... IMI" ... °"""' Jf ......... ....... JSlt'•.,, Udo .... ,...,.,. . ..._,,..,.,. , .... w. 1WOIUft'Olf. ,.. •Dwtfta ... M,QM wwwaa r . SAUllBtJaY ...... 111......_A ............. ............... nna.c...._. 14',~ NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce ... ., ....... -· •. ·. . ..... \ CAROL KLEPPE WED IN SAINT ANDREW'S a.-lef'e9D1 ~ a.. ~ ------------------COASTAi.: SH0PPY :::uln .. ~:u:.::1n~~ CAMPUS HALLS WILL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST J I, 1955 PA&! 7 .... --.. 8lllort lllUtt .. down =:::?-=.:t:rM~ RESOUND TO FLATS Tbe .. ooatla1ata1 i!A..,... N&C)lee ............. ......-t- IW. moditl t---• IMdllllll tMr NWnl wUI M at i.c-e el• potaU, ...._ lfl-.d eo-llattGll -..,t. ,,. at 1J80 .... Colt. oollar d.Aela '9ocmM • mport ..... Red'••· *!rt Mell ,.... ... wilht>ut • ,,._ MW 11.ra. Vopw wu Ue. paduat.ed tr'Gm ..... ~ llJO Tbe ..... Uuatal lntlu.ce" 8dlool and ,,... a Ja1or at Uni-ccmuw to ..,.,"._ t11e mpon White 11adoli wen m11Md on the altar, tall candelabra .... t1 ot IWD•Nh At 19 a IMrt ,......_ Kuy Nft•••tll &Dd pews marked with utin ribbona and 11adoli formed .. _...,. et Dllta s..,. ... .,. ot pau.a Md ..mce· 1nw.t baet~und In St Andrew'• Pl9byteriaD Cbureh for four l'al'tt;r ud Ml taaQr -.mW-llM-e • b..-added. hr ....-pie .--' . llatp ID tb1 Soa.atMa Chlb. Bw ~ atrt.-. plajdl. mU.Nd Ronald Vogler and Bride Will Live in Redlands o'clock rite. on Saturday which united Mba Carol Grace luwbud wu ,.nduated trom llt. taecta and~trut collar fac- Kleppe of Loll Anplie9 and 215 38th St., Newport Beach. JOMpb mo llcbool et. .J~ ln1• are • &Jone with !llll&lJ and ....w Harbert Votllr • .,. Kkll., trom Cbatt•Y Juni01' Col· onr·all p ti. 'ftl• molt popu- ot 11.ra. UMI Ma Hen.rt llm•l ronty .uter: Du1tJa a1'erTlll of i.,. and Ulll"'9tty ot ~ lar collar et b U.. one- Vcqw ot Upluad Newport &ad llwwly Pa1p of w1len Ille WU· a member of Al· piece wtd with a allpt DOtl'm ... JUNO Loe ~. childbood frtlnd• of pba Oamrtla Nu tratemlty. R• roll. openinc to a deep neck. UM '1rtde. All w.n IO"D*I In or-a. al.to a 1M1Dbw ot Oal1tonia Not to be onrloolled an the Carol, claqtltn ot Mr. UMI elaid plDk c~ -p1Dk Teacber.. AMOCl&Uon. Natton.al perenn1a.1.-lavorttu -b&Dd8om•· Mn. B~ Carletoa Kleppt, •tia a11,.. Bouttaat lldrta W.l"I Education AMOClaUon and of 11 t&llored ~ wtater wu fiYU ta Jceeptq "7 her ta Mllilt lenftll and bodScea bad B.P.0 .1:. w1l.lt• woola and t.IM blada that fatMr ID a clo9We rtnc eeremoD1 wtde eooop neellltn.. and tun el· -.,.. completely wubable, b.lply pertonn., "7 U.. an. Jun.. bow JeacUa 1i1Nne. Tbeb' MIMI-colortul Ud 90ft lletb ai..ut. put« ot use ..__ ..... etrdeta ot orchid towa and loolla u budaom• In · church. balJt wtt.h orcll.ld pUlll nowen city tuhlon.I u ta country de- ffer bndal pw'D WU .. ... and U..lr bouq\Mta _,. of Qu .. n 11,.na. Ntwlt•l .... ro,. and Leather Gloves 4(Ulalt• Pandof'a of New York IWabeUI f1adloll. pebble tweeda wtlll criap hand T ....... stria will be ftat Oil thetr bMla W. f&ll. bat tbe qMllty and •ut.ly of thalr flat-Meled aboe. are at a MW htsh. ,,.ti an atyleci in DIW •then. tat\lnd Mll'- facea and a wid• color ranp. llOllt an Usht u a f•th« aad aoft u down. Soft llip-au an an· choftd with e'eaticllld thro&tl or ..... Hilb throat lines and cOwiten otf• an Orteatal look. Stacked leather beela will tr.cl the campua19 ot htsh achoola and collepa OD mmt of the new fiat.a. Saddle .Utcb1nc and leather~ add IUJ'· face intet"elt to limple line llhoem. The new "fiddle ahank" make.a the llhoe IOle lib an h~ and provides an Wuaion of •limneM and grace. For clnm-up, teen aboea in nede and smooth leathen taJse on aueh deep colon u henna, dark avocado, cherry and garnet. Blues and cbarcoala will go to partiee. Moat of the occuion ahoea have medium heel.I. m.odel .tyled "wttll bouffant tulle n.owa -ODU. and clear color contrut. Jeney A B . h d aklrt and -· tor'90 titted bodice and cotton lweeda an cuual re ng t an . 1 WANT AD will coat you only 5250 and it will run in all 4 iuues A Minimum ad•ia 4 lines. ,... •• ~ 1616 lfollday, WedllHl"raJ' Md PrtdaJ editlw. ,,_ the eo..tal &bopper, wedaeeda,.. of Import.cl a.&AtUl7 lace Beal· AllaDDa Arra.nap, d&upter of favortl.u. Worldwide op• oedpd lb• wld• v n~kltne Mr. and Mn. lalftdor AfNll•P Tweed plua jerMy ... fovortd Take to Tub and ......, .i..... &ad a .catter-ot louth Oete, wu a cbarmlll.&' combtnaUoa in cuua1 coonb· mudl femla•Md with bow trtml, rnt1• C\11"1 aad aoft c 0 l I a r. Cwtt aad pocket det&1l. 1be ~ _______________________ _. tn ot MqUilMI aided In llCC*l· now.r rtrL nat• Jueey 11 popular, too, ~ Th • line la ldlllplt -'-...Uy tilled or ,_ ______________________ .. .upuy bloaltd bodi~ and pleated. '°"4 OI' ..... tbed lldrt. tl:I lbe pwn'I femiD.IM .a.-Robert Voeler ot Upland 1tood llnlllp, tr Im I and ooet\11111 Bln•t new• in 1'°"9 la leaUI· em e 1 n ...,._ ll&lt ....... ,..... ot wiUa bia brvth• u pvomam&11 blou9M. Dark Jere ~ .,.. er In all colon tMt can be toeeed matdda CbulUD)'. u ,,,.. u.. and UllMni w-Robert Kleppe In tine tuhlon fi"rm and look In th• wuhln1 machln• or band· s . ,..,.a-.:brc*lend coroaet wtdcb ot Loe .A.Dse.IM. brother Of UM wondertul under brl&ht comtwn• laundered. Tb. D. w wood« po rtsw ear M ted T . bUt 0t to1c19 of UM pure 9'111 brtde; Aof9r Kleppe, brother of coat.. flovem UI called L&undwLeaUI· U ones lfi bridll1 Wum6oa ..U. A ...U llclu· tM l"OCJID; Calvin Parker ot Up-PUA IUD.A.OU ., and owe their complete wub-dlpartm tll be-N Fall T• "* "' w11!t.e orebSdll wttll trail-land. • C!Ollt,. friend and Douc· Corduroy, velwt.een &Dd fel· ~Uty to :1dn-:;::mm: ~ ,:~n.;::r llk• a a.:m.c of ew 1es lJlf rtbboea caUC"t wtt.h • .,._. lu Xtrllpatrtck, of Gvdm Grove, 'Nt are beauWUll)' .Wt.Id to or cape, • aa , •• ~n. Ule NaUoM aa c-1 ct...-. •U. ... carried. friend 01 th• bride and trattr-tuhlon'• llltm, lllmpl• ltne. be-Wubab&e lloT .. nt&Ja U.etr take on charaet.n.tJCll ot ltal-nae moet lmportaat lnDo-.. DEUYERY GUARANTEID Deli.-ery of the Newport Harbor New.Pre99 la suaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papen .,. fore 8 p.m. on llond,y, Wedneaday and Friday. U JOlll" paJN!I' ia not dellftl'ed by that hour pleue call BuiMll' 1e1e and your carrier will brine your paper. llA.JD8 DI l'DIJl JI.Icy brotber of the brtd•ctoom· ~ Of their tature aad rtcb ortctnaJ color and ru.t. after 19-laa, llaat lnd.lan, llcotUall, ..,1• Uoa tor tM -aeellweet ...,. 111 Ule llrldal -~ _,. MJm Olona Tolle of Lacuna colon. Vemt wW be 1Mn more pe&ted wublft&'I wtt.h 80&P or de-1J.8b and Chin-fuh.1--to eoe S. U.. plllltel U• t.hat wtU :::::=====================~ MJm ~ 8clllllUee o.f Loll Beach. eorortty .t•ter of UM &nd moN ln ..ita. aft.emooll· i-r.-t. They dry without 1Uf· menUon Jut tll• ...._... be wona ril!lt Uuou&ta U.. will· ~ -14 of boeor UMI UM brtde. ....-oaowt. to-nentnr coata, theater coal.I fminc. ebrinkinl or 1t.retcb1n1. Thi bold •trl~ and .wuh· ter. Pla.ytd ap.lnlt U.. . dark c I ·fiec1 lllrtdelmaidl. Mi-C&tberta• AT a&Dl..A.NDS and atteraoon d..-e lhiJI yeu. N•:::t eolo,""d -:d an w::"~ wek1U11 cut of Jt&Llaa lltJ* a p-toned Mia t.hat -C\lft9lt.ly A.Isa Jtoaela at tt.dl1Dda oo&Jep Alt.er lb• recepUOG. MJd at Ult The velvet llbtath. tn hand-~o-.. y1t: '::":a;;.o'"' ou ~r In a!llrtwal.lt l!pCWt dr9I.-f~YOr, ua-loft pute&a .,.. mo.t e SS I I ~ ot U.. aincs.: Roberta dlurdl, the youa1 coupt. left for eome Y&rlation•, l.I 1NtUn1 • •· ry ot rou1h • tntured wtat.er cot· • IC!t.JY'I •• J... Hoelrtnl ot Ool&Hlde, llOI'· an WMll.tcloetd deetJn&Uon, oa trend for fall. ll le oft.a lrlm· W,.ldn1 It. &ebut i.. a l"OUP tou and 111.ky ~ Thi Pattenild .U..U are aa.o med wtlh braid, tall.le and •UL of brUUant dMp-dyld llu• whlch •tub neckline wtt.h at.and • up - Twllc Nit. and CClllYW t I b I• lDdud.. nd pomecranat•, anU· collar 1s a un•r. Kedlt.ern.nean Jumper dr-look •peclaUy que r-. Blrd ot Pvad~ Jel· f•tuN tbat look.I ..0 tn aold· wall 1D v.tm...a. AWMMne tull· low ~d • tawny Or&l\I'•. 111Jky eel-top tor110 ltylN. Clear red• o-...n Motors Iona, ottea waahable, an """ Way' putelll make an other d __ ... ,._ DEEP TEXTURES Lustrous Gaining Pile Fabrics Popularity • In .........,,LDent ook>r MrMil nui .. A .. an ~· ...... ,._,......, .,... lD pa1tel lbadea of ftlftt. r--..... &eadlnr color• eftdon.d by llWI· Lat• day dreutl ad\teve a trom J*le pink to Ice blue to a y ll.aJ saJa air th~b the u111 of 80ft. ahlmmtrtn1 yellow. n Y· From India come paWey and warm, rlcll colon tn lllk bro-lllm lln9'and nanow contoun ..,1 J*ttern• that are -u ban· cad• (eometlm• wlUI a metal· dominate the 1tyle tnnd and co-dled In lk top dayttm Uc toueb). lace&. net.a. chlttOl\I 9"dln&tl w1tll lh• llendtr coe· d ':? • • at\d vel••tl. l!Pletn .. tin•, In toura of thl• MUOft'• lllllbouette. ...._ lb wnp&round 0 r J"a~ricl l1WI tall take Ulelr Cuhmere, alway• a fuorlte, jew1l·brl1hl or llOft hun. and llldlvtdual delall Inductee Miid· tu)' • lllm lkirta. allkl. ~r eu• ,.._ t.be •l-.Ut llnlpUclty ret&tnl It.I piaoe u lffder In t.&tfetae are popular for tonnfl .Ulca.d or mibrotdered clNifJU.. woola and •)'11thetlu an tbe fa· In tuM-'• IMdUl1 t,_da «>atlllp. alU.OUp camel tl&lr we&r. contrut1n1 appllquea. tiny ebella. YOt9d fabrk •. l'l&ft&CO, llama and alP"a a.re ,.....i. or tu trim. Clan plald8 an ot prtme Im· maklll.&' two-fold n.w1 tn eult· •l:r'Ofll compeUtoN. lynUl.UC r portanee in wooi... wool blendl lnc a-ta1une and rich Ju-. coallnp-Upt. warm' and W'Oft• C 1 T d Raad • printed lbort1I lloVll ud textured colt.oea. 8t11M nm troue 1Nrlae... l:1peelally Im• dertully thick _ are tnc....ins 0 or ren $ ful,9 al the wnat Willi & pMl'I the pmut from the blOUMd poruat .,.. IWNrioul1y plwib ill populartty. • Sh1•rts map cw llu,. ,cuttlin.k butt.on •heaLb to the low t-. 1nltu WOOiens. elpnt broc&d•. •t· ftDlU 81tA80N lll Fall oopled ttom men i dtliJM. Otb· J>lcru• or ba.cll ftlwt trlml pro- tn• &Ad hand9om• trau!Uona.l en ebow dalnty boWlmot or n.ur •Id • brtpt toudM9. TUtane ..,ntMUca. now nnnly Mt&b-Tran•u-&i fabr1q will en· ComplemenUnr UM trend to •11.t motlt• han~ to the may be UM auUMaUc AQDtu.ti 11.ttied lA lh• "y • • r • 'round" Joy a lonl --thl• )'MT. 0.. derll·toned cloUMI. ~ conUA· back of UM J lo••· or ta,,.un Amertca.n "9.11ecy, catepry. liped tor either cU'WLI or IMll to pow la fuhloft Import· Loncer 11ovH, In four-lo-tl&"hl h'C• and blaaket·y or t 1 • y . hr -UM p 11 • ooaUap -d m--7 -.r, tbey are -1 on.a ance. llh.lrt·wla. The top tall buttoa lell&'\ha. ate favored to Dark b&CJriroun41 nl'U" ,._. hm1IJ7 neec... notaMe tor U...r ...UturN of lllll or 11711UMtJc a.dee will -, .._t .-, ,.at. _,. ...... __. ..... _,,,_ ~· !Jpt W911fllt, .,. top tullioe JV91 w1~ eottoa. ""'°" _.,. pAM W. ... ...... Oil ta.. ...... • t.111 ...,.. arm ,.._ .,_.. ~ t Ill• new• w'*t Interpreted le au· la ta t.111 nublled and """9t1 lllcti · lt)'le llide. .,._. 1"1pe1 u4 ._.. ac:.re. aoM • a. wool- tumn'• lllm or lll&ltattJ ftu'ld ~ for e-..& w-.r. ht ..t dMalu wU1 M ,._-te'IM, 11'--. b Cuff G • -. .-at)' coU.ou Ud ..._ coat.a.. 8ur1a.c• tnteftlt la Cft-more formal t&llhlclla. •UM. ~ wtUa COfttrutlac coUan l" n::DC 8 &ID ..... ._.. wool • uir. 11nthltice. at.eel Ill ~• -Un11 by lneor-pMua. and baralJ!eM ..,. epot· ud n-J*tt..,.. oe pleat4d Twuty .,.rcenl more ablrU llrttllfl ~Inf tw..rui .,.. caa- poraUnc tun, Neb aa .,_,,.., Uplfld. front& w1tb rteG<h curt• are be.IA& U&.I drt• ta•or·ll... ni. mao· or mllllJl. or otJMr predoua ftbe.n. TwMd hu d«flnlt.ty com• to 11'• llhort.~r polnl lllllr1 eoU&rw made t.haa Ulrw ,..,. ••o· LaUorlns ot tau 'N bu ..._ \1'S IM tttE WANT ADS Dod11 ...... 9 ... Costa Mesa See TheH Pickups! llM OlleYl"Olet ~ tom Beatier-Low..._.e Lib MW ING Pord V-3 ~ toa Beaiter-Eseeptloully deu 193'1 a... ~ toll Bod1 perfeet -Slaarp I 1611 NewpOlt •d. c ........ u 1-7272 • want to buy , sell, rent or trade? CALI. Harbor 1616 · ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER NEWPORT llABBOR NEWS-PRESS lnry .... ....,. w ..... , aH ,,..., COASTAL SHOPPER -WednfJlldaya a..-1 ....,._ ~ ,.. ..... W.-....Y H ..... ,.,_ • u.. i 1...u. n.oo .cld"L n... .t6 -. • U.. I lwrtloM 1.60 . .cld"L 11w .25 -. • U.. I ....._ Z.00 .cld"L ..._ .25 -. • u.. ' lwrtaw 2.60 .cld"L ...... 16 .. ......... WMIA4 A9 wUI ....... 11% ....._L a..11 .. ..._ ...,. llINDltTM 4D lA 6 LL'aa D&.U>UNlllJ f«W plac!A&' or eancelJJ.nc ade .,,. : Few Monday P\i.bllcatlon -f'riday 6 p.m. J'or Wednaday PubllcaUonl -Tueeday I p.m. l'or l"Tiday l"ubUcaU--TbuNday 1 pm. .NCWPO&T llA&BO& PUllU8BJ...~O 00. Hll llaolMe Blv ... N"'P9rt 8eada. Celif•~ Claulflecl llldex I..._.. Nettc.. I ~ el 'ftaak• .,.._..,~ ...... a.. .......... ~ JI BWl#4 ~ ............ llRMre T_.,OM .. ~ ....... 11...,... ..... '>' .... Jta-IUIAMI n .._, _, ,._, U8cMela,~ tl~W-&M It .. , W&MH M lll111Mr rr• ... AS ..... ... a A,,..._ 11 w ........ ..., n,..,....,..,.,.._ .. lt·Ail~ ......... .............. T\' 16 0..-. Clale. .. ~·· .. P..Ury ., IJ•-•-<11 I .. K~ A •-t•t ....... " ..... .. A.Gia,_ ... *An,.. l'utll 61.A. ......... u~ .. ......... ., ........... ........... -,., ..... ..... ,.... ...... ............... 61-()~ ..... .. .._,_.._. .......... .._ .... ._ ....... ............. .. "'°"" • °""'" II-A 8 ht r a.We M 8 'Q °"9ft_,t._,. .... _, .. ._ ,. .. _,w.w '' ._. ir..taee w .. Wod V' Newport Harbor I 8. P. 0 . E. 1767 11..ta "9ry '!'hnltay • p.m. Via Oporto -C.ntnl A ... H.wport Beacb AlMrt R. llat"""" l:u.lted ~ 10 • , -OUle HAULING lrull arT .A.DJt,lltnf. • .. ,......,. Liberty 1-1141 PaJ.ntinc A Paperban&1.o.c We do the work ounelv.-. IO,._,.. aperl•n LI.-.. 6 ._,.._ ~..,...t.M4. r.tlmia• ,,__ Oall .JoMllle. LI 8-2887 A LI M289 81tlc Adams Plumbing ~pair -Ran~ NEW CONSTRUCl'ION I ti c.d.I Pl.ace, Oollt.a lit-. t..nerty a.'YIJ:n ASPHALT TILE ,. 1um.1nunt wan TUt MIUL DWtributon Wllol-i. Ptk• to Coat.raeton • TUt h ll•l"I LI 8-7'93 Mttc H.H.HOLBROOK Dl:PENDA.BLE PLUMBING 4 Prompt "1fialr lkmoe MaialalMd f'boae: 11.anor 6tJ4 teol JIAJbo9 tA•ct.. N9W1*1 ... ell Pb ASPHALT TILE LlNOLEUK I lrul.aJI lhe abcnoe chMper thaft moel Aleo H JI Tile A LlnoJeum. Non-unlOfl, 2tt ,.~,.. u_,.r11nce.. Compere 111d - BILL COKER Har. "" or l..onr S..ch 7-&en Htre CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Tour Home NIH Rep&trtn1 or Rtmo'81lrlCT C&u ,..,.... lhert1 1-4164 All Worll o..natMct T4Ut CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO ax.u.L R. o. AJld- 101' a Balboa BlYd4 Balboa Ru11or Hao Ulf• Elec. Tool Repair RD 8awe. Drm.8, a&nden QUICK 11:1\VJCZ LEWOO ELECTRIC CO. &II Ho. Newport BITd.. Npt. 8ch. 1!~~8!!!1!'!!!!111l,! .. !!!:~t'low~~--u.t7 ~. UUt • • • 1 v v Check these Used Cars 00.U'l'.U. SJIOPl'EB Sfth=,el !! !9 W..W, • • PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ... WEDNESDAY, AU6UST JI, 1955 LIFE INSURANCE BUSINESS CARDS ~ .. ttaweed ta"9. SW· af ... ,. ctma tltO, rrtnc11 doc)(, pr. af ~ Har. toel-M. tTctl ...., r.-a ~ cM&&oer .... .w ....... l'OMOIUlOW to -.CJI llJ what llt eeli. TODA.fl GMC TRIPLE CHECKED • FOR RENT a11u1 ••••. l:lec. Drm.. Polll.Mn. aU t)'l* of Sand•re, Wbeelb&I· row•. •tc. BOYD'S HOWE. MM W. COAST m oRWAT Uberty 1-3486, Newport Bch llllc Pai.nting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENBll:O <.:OHTIU<11'UR 878 w 18th Bt .. Con• Mua Uberl y 8·M21 NOW OPEN Factory Dlatrlbutor STACOAT Paint • Vamlahea Htch Qua lity Low P rice 1Aua1 In P olyvll\•l• White .... $ ~.81 Co lor• 14.12 NEW&OLD F\lmlt11re Flniahlnc AJltlque Is Modem Zola ton• Wall Paper 6 Draperlu t. lll&tdl Paper Han(in( J'or ttU-tH call H 8daooll. Jwl_ u11r ........ Mt• ua CONTRACTORS LMdlq N....a.,. di•· 10oe ;::,':,. ·~ us !!: !!'!; !!lf!H .0-Aato. wt Track• 40-Aotoe and bucU ALL CLASSmCA'l10NS um..r ~.qoallt7 °'"14' .. -. JC.a& -' ,.._. ...,. CWed. rAJJU,.IJQll II rt. twta acnw1. ----• • ---• - · 21 t. M fw .-U.. u....... U10N WJDn 1:7 tlte baD. loaded. At con· ITUD1' tn epare time tor con~ eent.allTM. aucoemt\al ...,.n.n~ -t T •• f A-'• ............. -,_ .. ,T • -_.. P. 0 ...... Colt& M... U• ••• oo. u ... 10 -uc ..,T .._ -U ·-• 4-ired lJI benJd.nl', ""'9tn ... _,. er&l contractor wttll SI ,..... mill~ pu..UO te1e•1M1, LI HW LI ,_.011 CLmAN ...... CA ci..... 'l'\le9. ... au. .... ~ ..... ~ Mlle M • s J'rt. eVu. T:SO p.m. Attend ftNt cndit.. or tnd~t. WIAMN .. i d LL OotlnCJ 1D•C8 11eaaion frff. JHitn anytilu Mesa Woo crarr ll .... foot ,_ ..--.\. cl'UJMN. Al Tvler School SPEC. AP'tmJDJ: '1Wl'B V.pUited i. 1u......n. l"\anlJture s.01 w. eout lllpway ltlll No.-Sro&dway, B&nt& .AM ~ THOllOUGR TRAIN1NG H " •nlloeM ···-·-.......... -... IT.110 Nww,...t lleaoll. • Neto Ph. K~, 1-4121 or Kl T.Jall HIGH ULARY .... JlaJ&of. Wu'drGbe .... • •. Tl II rr. riaa:ING ... t wttllout U. Maple Mlc-ud ....... -........... 11.&o aotor, ......, r.uonaW.. Mr. -----------AND OOVMJlUUON "-,. .. , U.t •,.U.t.I ftarn. toft ~ TOO • lltt It., N-· at THEODORE ROBINS YOUR FORD DEALER USED TRUCKS WE ARE OVER8TOCUO AND M\.18T UNLOA D 4 T ONCE. WE HA VE M USED TRUCKI IN STOCK TO CM<>OeE FR0)4. tNCL. ALL P()PU U.I\ MAKQ JN f'ICKUr8. PANELS. STAK· ltl AND DUMP S NO REA• 10 HA8 Lll OPTSR Ql'Ul&l>. NOW IB THE TIME TO IA VIC 80ME REAL MONEY. Wll C A ft ft Y OUR OWN OOH· Tl\.AC1'8. w . W. WOODS ... Jlwd. port ..... Nctl STRONG LEADS IQ111ru u4 E>en ftai.bu OMC DmAtzft Ordvl t&k• tw lhutten KllVlll\ UalJD 11 h. p. Mercury 11 1 28-Sltuatlou Waatecl CL&ANINO • IRONING by ~· NATIONAL ADVJCRTI8ING nn -·~. c.x. Tn.-. .. 1-llfl IC&rk _.IO, outboud motor. LI et&·lll . '°' t. Banta Ana ----·v ,~,,. l l. M t H dt R & H Os>«n Sunday A.M. day. Experienced. Ba.Ibo& Ial&a4 UFE INOOMIJ MTtl alt.er • p. m. Mc:tl ;r'T Mercury on erey ar op. .• Trucik HeadQuartel'9 for Or&rll• Co preferred. Kl S.e<IM. t.f IN ~ YEARS ORIGINALS IO ft. CAaDf ~UiallJ\ 110 Gray M $2295 --------- Mariae .nita•. ••u t&aJc. head. erco. • • • . . . . . . The Swedish Massage Reply s-T·SS t.hla new..,aptr. ~~~=-dlnMr •••n!ee ... ,.u., ... ,. J '53 Ford cust. club cpe. R & H, 0 .0. $1245 '56 L. I LAOIES.-by t ppolnt!Mllt In yo1n tTett CUftOX »l'DDUIDHO JCxceU. cond. Moodnl' aftll. IMCO n ,J~y mueeuae at A.now· PA.1\T TIME CUITOD~ for ft. ...... ~ llcl = =. ~.::Ort .. ':1~= '52 Stude. v~ Cmdr. 4-dr. Auto. s 895 is Coming head Bprtnce Holel. church ln Nawport is.ch Call Drastic Reductions '51 F d 8 c t A d R & H F d s 885 PLEASE CALL Harbor t T95 « Har. 11111 or Lr ~ Mell U IU\t1t.. 23 ft. lloop. TOP MIDU'llel' buy. Or US • "'t r • 1 Or 0. OT Hubor 02tz. lllptl -p to uv 7V • fllOO. G&Uty, &UL eqtM. Blip '53 f d 8 ...d R H F d $1-,05 TWO WHrrE WOMEN WANT WOMAN tor PMN.I ._, w•ll, ON a11JCMla. 1>a•1 Q , atf&• IO, JU~'• Yacht .Andll«· Or CUSt. ,.._ r,, • 1 Or 0 . L7 h OUM eleanlnl by d., or con-~ .::im::· .-: !:'" = rat..::=.:,::.-. ..... .. ... '53 Mere. Monterty, R-H, Merco. $1895 tru l ~7 .... th. rul -• -'· Bos 844 t.hi. ,.... ..,.. 1961 llo. CeYl .aft. i...,... 9c1a. NOl\THILL "'~or, 16' c.halA and Thun ., Sept. Stlt Johnson & Son 900 W. Cout Hwy. flclent. ~ferenc-. Klmbert1 llU• 100' .... " .. lln•, aao. -.rd~ '50 D -!.. c t A .J s ... 75 6-ntt. t5p1 MEN Is WO¥Sl'f 1t'Ui.cl tw Ml laddtr tor 30'-W boat. f20. Ntw O~e Orone -..OOOr • • • • 9t Linco ln • Mll'Cury Deal• GlRL CoUep aludtlll -~i.. ~ or pt.rt won plloDe Lr WTH i!ZAUT. BLUE Plll81.Uf ktu-. ~!! ...... ~~-.~~· :~~ca~~ '52 Ford Victor·, .. , R-H, Fordom•tic $1295 c tm.YSLl:ft.-L&t4 ll ' ........ Is ..-t. WIU be BIMlltn helper. Mell male. fl~ .... ~ ... .--, ..,,._,,. _,.. ,_, u u 221 .. --Mether ~. tau.. .... Mll\p, c ll t. p. H' lift ru.. I F ,.d h F d • 89 Wln41*>r, nut .. me.U• 4"¥1. MK LI I-I ,.._WANT ftllAL UTATll &Al.. ~ ftmt Bar. JTlt..J, fT. Wlacb b&D4191. I tor 54 Or raftC Wagon, Or OmatlC $1 5 6 n tru. EJ1eett. -... th""I"· Aubrey Ell1worth LOCAL mlPLOTE>, *"' 11\Q M.4H Cll' "'°'*'· haWR ... ~ MU ff.lo. laq. lot Vla Mentone, I • • out .. T6. °"'· OW[I ... QanlU)ly 1611 Plaeerltl&, eoota M... wtU ..... fer 19ur ·~ ta Harbor ..... Top ~ Udo .... WMk end9 or Crut· 52 Ford ranch wagon overdrive • $13951 drtven. Drtw It all4l )et yeur exch&q• for ,_.... •P'-or \o en• wM wu\a '° aake OSX.T4 IAtU"ll\. tr p&aaer "fl .. ._.... ,...k di.Tl. l&ptl 1 mechtl\lc dleck It enr. Llbef'ty Llberty 8-79~1 cottqe. JCxullent refertncea. moae1 .. a.ot .,,... .. """'-rout.we • ~ 'tt'oodw9rtdal l .. CDU CKA.ft CnalMP ""th '52 Hillmen Minx 4-door . • • • s 595 8-TUt. tlpl OEllEN'I' 6 BUILDING lf&r, 3027-R Mpll ~u.~~ ~ ::'.,: ~. U ....... llf' eleotrio • 11..,,. Uk• new fl.OO. '50 f d 8 ~ ..J R H d • HERll HOW! Al l KWll DJCPJCNDA.BLll colored lad7 de· -JM. Bar. Utl-W. Ula KNAB ckuC ili8M,...;,.: "'· I.Aile Wharf, 1'41 Via Oporto. Or ..-OOOr, • 1 0V8r rtV• • s 595 U'lml Wt M Y• tt...a ........ FREE ESTDl.ATES 1Jrt1 houaework. U.. ta. I M7 ' tfs., ,,.._, .,.,_, .._. ,,....._., .. ,.. can that ha" btoa cm eu a.t week. No dilldtta. .... eel1 Arti.tlft10J'f A.LL BOn Mel. ...... ctaaln. ~ .... -,., alliout IO 4&19. WUI MD tw Liberty M109 Loq ._... ., .. ..... Tllll NmW•P!lllU i...., tUlal INl-J. ... SO H. P . OR.A Y IL\ IOOUT COMMERCIALS ...,.,&J ln•dred doll&N _._ •tt carrtu applJcaUon.I fol' rout. bl 0011 'CU1U KacOretw INU, D. D. topT •pe. ": Vlldal'• marlret "1•· 'Ill J'o,. !Wada ------------th-Ml.t.borhoode:-Port J3f Cout p.ay. W•....._ ... Wiii'"' •·---ZXPEIUENCED .~ -"' • "-'· l tM aodel 11•. t'7ctl ' F d F k R -.-.. '"' ,,. ·---.. PAINTING? GARDENER ~~~~ m.uueeo. N'1 "•TC1lAL CllD>Jl ~t-4 51 or -2 pie up, -H .... S 745 l :~~~~·~~ GARDl!NINO ls~work by daJ u1::.:4uC::-,.:e: . ...s ...... ·-.~~~~= :::u:,.:.::.::-tS:::SC: '50 Ford v~ Panel Truck •... s 595 ~~io:--':wi..U:::~ ~ ~';.! ~=!~a. aho~ week or llMlfttll. ~!lc~tppl~~·t tll• = ~ ..,.,.te. lHf ~lie. ...... • ... ~ 1f~ 8-cll. '54 Ford F-100 p·1cLup $1295 whol--.1• u... t. dMJ ..... M k County 20 y ear1. K.l S·tlH °" LDiHty M1H an.er f . Mc9I ....,_ C. K. Lr 1·101a. ~1 llU. 1'°6-W. tTctt It • • • • • • tor Dtek, Ute WMl...S. &t- Ki J·Nll a tt.r D. THA.NKI. -----------Ne_...._. D U boa lllYd.. Johnaon Is Son, UAcoln >Cen:ury _________ •_1_•1_1 Roy's Maintenance ~~ ~ .. -=: .=: ~vc:_.,:~ =.--: 11 ..!!&.. i:::~J:.~~:°.: THEODORE RQBl~'S DMJ•. 900 w. Coul Jllp-y. H Pl Rouot c!•Phil'-l'loor ...... 8aturd&ya. tte ....... AJ9e tW7 wicker ,.,_, fiM. lllU• \a ........ 4·1 -a-,., lt6S 11.0 . ~2. XlnL aonditlOl'I Ouse ans Wall wubl.nc-wtndow delnlae AJQiiOil ttw.. IM Me. o.a ......_, Lt, MU. IJIOO. 11 ft. -.uMat. ia.ooo rnU-. TonM&u • Ur• VeettJ&n bUnd.a. Upllo11Ur7 PAA'I' TIMS J '° lleq .._. 9-eta. Met M''._'I 6 JI~ MW ,,.mt ~. cover. wind wtnp llJI0.-21' LIBDTT M»l l'aluNd. ...... ~t.M ~~ ~ =c: CD..UGC lr1lu. »ft. ~ II , ••• •111• 0&11 LI •..-07 YOUR FORD DEALER SINCE 1921 Uni ltt., ~.-pert .... Mel lOtro LlllerV 1-WJ. • JU. p Nfurei&. 0.tact '*k lob• lltlltU.. MOO. l O-ft. 0tJ. •Tl. Mel 1964 n..uTWOOD IO 1,_..i. ----------~,,,..,_rienc~'d ardener 800 ot JollMoll 6 loe. Uaoola ... ODut ._....,, Jf..,.t " ll.p. euntoe bait mot.or and 3100 We1t C.out Highway, Newport Beach k cr1Aee. b7 owner. Har. 1100. COMPLETE PAINTING _...tn' LAND ING · Xercwy .... w. Cout lap. ....., JIV, a?N. . Mc C' NO. ltOI N orw at.reet. "On the )larlnen Mlle" •1. A Paper Hangina Service wv. N........... Mel """"a-dt.. .. ,.. ... CADD.LAO ... I..,,, ... n. r.:UGl!:Nll 0 . IAUNDlll\8 and CLEAN UPS DID w..-........ waat-!!! !•!!! ?"! .. p ... llllllCllCft.UT ............ ... Liberty s~3471 oond. pmoe,t. ..... ... .. ". 600 31al Street, Newport Beach Libert)' 1-1859 ed. 111\and hUo. IOO Ku1M .uR a4Ia _ Orlllttl ret.... 1-t-W. T'6 1\. .. 9aott ~ tOWft fMO. OaJJ Rat ..... .., Ht.rt>or 2174' or Bar. •4'8. Uc aot.le Ave., Balbo. lldand. Mel ... _... fM. Qa1I ID ..af'8. If w . "•-•Me ..._. S.... Mete • KAN • wox.ur wm do ...., INllXPlllUSHC81> Cim.. .,.. ti ~·-" • -at lll-40Ua at.. NOW FIRST AGAJNI tt~ CADILLAC c.,. d• vus. ,w. General Contr•ctor bw.••ot'll. neor •Uiq, ... to ... • 8laift. ,.. ,..,... W eshina_Mechine ..,....._ •1 -• o.c .... a.ooo in11ee. ouu. ,.,,,. l..lcw:Ma&D ....... >• ... • .... tOT letll It., M~ ..... .. • .-;;;;;; TRADE .-cS. ..... ..... •UU-'9 "'ew Work -Remodelln1 wtitte. 196 a. ~ ...... a.... ..,._ 1 .,... 114 ...,._Ill!• ,. .. • -= ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS· "' .,_.. ~ .u ~· ,, M--. LI...... ,,U ... __. ~r-u ......,.. TO-ft. aaa.. llClaa••· W/W U... II,.... t...-. ........ . J MILTON McXJl:NZIZ ,_,.._, • ot.omo .. ..,..... .... , • -" • .. .,....,.., tor c:hu\.er. w-t ..-.... ""81 .... . H bo 0693-J &ltf oo TOUK oWM, ru ...._ s aar .. et-•~.-... .... : (JW) ,. • .,.., a. a...a....., , .. ...v • .....-..._ u:ao W ARRA.NTEED _ar_r c =1'0~:."!-.:;::... ~ :-:;u.. ~u.;-~-All ~ M&OI • LD.: :a_llalbaa 111~ N.-pon.=~ '"'- PAINTING peUnf or wti.at II.aft ,.uT "-· Jt11f'W r.AU.AA ~ ~q .. aodt>le. LI l-tlTa. llpl '°2~-IJnd I t.. Newport a.dL MOa.aa ~·I-. ft. •• n• lt n . ..U.OtH 6 8'T91VA.lft' Ca.crom IL 6.-O U' Hall) llc1 • ..__. ..... 1-..-...0.. ..... man.. ta A-l WORKING M,__....• .aud ean P-..\ ..a.a ----. M. W. ROSS U 1·3321 • LI 1-78:13 280 Avocado, Coeta I.ft• ..Uc 14-P.,,..,... _.. ______________ _... ____ AJcoboUC8 A.nonymoue Writ.a r. O. llolll Ill Newport 8-cb. CaJll ,,,_. HarbM 4TU !!::9-.utJ &Jda~~~--- Su perfluous Hair .. nna.n,oUy removeo ff'OID tact ann., l•C-. ~•brow• Uld ~ U.. M&ped-No "'ore tweea n.a, mJ.ZN L. 81\TAl'IT It. IC. l.Uo'• Salon ol 8uut7 Har. •1• tlo ft-Lost ud P'oaad V&......._ ----------------------........ run ..... foe.in l'\lb.,.r In my home dllya. Jlf-.-t BU. Top $ $ $ a. & DICLVD wrtrcw ,,..._., ~ ' ... paw ••• sna. ar-. LI 1-7114.. Mel ~ wttll U-. all ala.ml· UM .......... ,..,..-.ca. PA. TINO POGTION8 folr ..... • = ~ Dlt eoMltita = -· ....,. , ..... _n-__ B_!'f..._W_..W______ f-.19 .... a .,,_., MN o6 • U& i&AT ......,: ...._ 1"'- STANDARD "719111•• .,. como.c ta ~· nu.u. P1iiiiiO ftlDtc . ..,_ ... 0 ,.,.. ""' o-•-''"-• STATIONS PL&AU cos. .... .mew .. l lto. llTI .,_, l>rtfia, 1f.-. 1M II *'21 .. al .,...._ Put& ~ '"' tM a.caPt1 ....... port .... u .... ... ::IT ..... w ....... to J'CNr llClCM JW wtllll to ,U.OIC CBJW, '..._ tl&t W, UU. ..,l wof1l. Low t.... ....,... --_. ...... "111tw .u.MI09'I' JrSW ,......_ -. f ft. R u Of*'lnl' tor ltalloQ Sal..., ... At .. Jt-40 O""P Covnt.T ~-Day---fO-Hour Week H l(h lltAU'Unf .. y J!:Jtctlleet s.n.tiu Good opport.untty f'or Advan~mt Appl)' ST ANDA.RD ITA.TION8 --' • dlr'otM. aAJMJA..IK .,_ MO, I .... ._ .. -., H. M J:mploymmt '4ft1. MO. LL 1-tOll. ..... ...,,... ff,W. II ft. ... ..,. 222 E4uJt C.ttr It.. Ana!Mbft ¥aDJIO tan', 116f W. ONlll J(Eyatone 1·1111. "91 11W7. LI 1-JJOI ..... .., A.N'l'm>-Woman t.o do 11\7 Sept. C leer 1nce • nmLCLUT t11111t11s ~ wubinS It tJ"OfttnS tn bw llOIM JtD'ftl<ml'-ATOM • ~ = I._...::. ..,_,. wetll. Libtn., l -&Tllt . Mel ntJoo 1 .,_ pert • ..._ ti•M ......... ttlM. o.t fT1IO. ..... limCBA.NlC for o.n .. Tal Moton a.rTel T flL deM ---Tt.M .... ,.,,,... ..._ A r.a ....... Dahlia &nd 0out mainr-1 Det.Jer, B1'att •·10M. u11 tor Ooldapot I d . l'ood _,., -N.11 t& ..... ... -.a. ITU. Chae:=_!~ ~ Mel. Mel :~~ ~--.......... WA.Wlm> TO WT Mii •t1 P'ullertoa 018R WA.&BD. -. W\Wnc It ~r• autom.. ... ..._ •a la _. ..0 Mat. ,._ M a SO to t :• L& able t.o wwk. ~ • aJPt.-O.&. automaut. aut....... •11 "o _. -.e a rOOlll J.foncla.y • ~ tW JAi Oout mp-.,, M--::1 LAuaderall -·-.. --. U •'91 Mdl LADIES: Read ._. .. uaW ....... 8edSa. ,_ ..at. ... WAJ1t9D 9Ji '9at -._ ko\lta, LOST 1 IM11"" -=olt •ho--r n R.4JfOD u ._ .. • n.....rty l ·l il3 n-1~...,. claul/lcaUon M -...,._ M&P-""lt~e • ~ ......... tt. ..... -tll M ....... -~oo ... ..-... _ ~ ... ktl~ALTTLD8eltieOle. "'-'I.,... .., --~ -~ -.. ... LOST rARAKEET. aqu• blue J81t N. Br~. llutta A-. W~ ~--;;;;, ':: •t•~ .... ~-T~·h.p. brt'ut. "tut~ crov.-n • thr03t Kl T-S61 L fkt Fresh Hearing Aid tlAI PL.EASE call LI 8·24H &le GUU..S Urrau:D r..~ ~ ..... _ •M =· :--..:,-'-· = --YOU "• Gift ua a.... .._,. LOeT •• pair or '1'"" nm 'h1toca1 Gunde-""n ~ Co. sun f l&U<l't . lt'fMn fen• ~ward W1U ban -oppertunilJ' & ov Ka.r. SIM·\\'. Mel to adn.nc• ta wr n.r... Maia at. at Ballloa ~ l'nl0<7!"8 ID>wa. ...... 1802 N~ 81N.. a.ita ._ !!._?! !?J\ ..... 1' V LOST -In Cotta Mua. L&dl .. E~ln dlamo.nd A platinum wn.t -tc:h. Reward. Phone Harbor eTP3. 98pl ~e&Utt ot our p,_t •· ~ 116. lltte ----------- pul'lon pro(T'&Dl. ~ ,_ .... The ltarUnf aaJary t. ANTIQUW:S -Old tvmJlun, tut C"ood and you wW NMJft 1i.... lampe. old ptctww, cloGlu JIOt.LTWOOD W ....... ..... ~\Miit lnC1'dttll. too. t tc. Barplnll plor-.. Ba,. di. ...... llM ..... 0.-. ....,., aPIWSt 8nlC1A1A m&'11'D'U'L ...... ll&Det .... 0.N .,.._ ..... rm&.al ,. l8rL IA• MW ... ,,. fUI. C-•. 25 Weeks in writing and may be repaired by any authorized international r epair Service Warr.nty Dealer in the United States, Canada & Alaska • • • • ' 1952 CHJ:V BEL AIRE Sport Coupe. RadJo beat.er, Powerlllte. 2 tont: grttn. Im· maculate car. One owner. Ooly $109!> 1~1 STUDEBAKER V-8 C.oupe. U ght green. Low m.lJast . Automatic t rau iulon $ 590 1ta NEW YOIUCER ' door Sedan 2 tone Wowli, TbS. Ma honey f'ully loaded $1295 11N PLYMOUTB ltatJoa Wagon. beat.. ~ DeLuM model Radio. $1995 UM J'ORD Cub Coupe. Low mileap . Light blue. Ov~. ___ --···-· $1495 LOU REED CHRYBLER·PLnlOtmt DEALER U00 W. Cout Hlsbway. ' Pb. Liberty 8-UM U-ll~~-v __ '56 Uncoln is Coming Th W'S., S.pt. 8th Johnson & Son 909 W. Cout Hwy. Lincoln -Mercury De&Jer IACRJJ'JCE I W11 NEED TRll ROOM. Will n il our 'IO Mon. clu ...,,., r&dlo, h .. ater u4 ••••••• tor U 26. 1n .. ~a Ur••l u k for Dl<"k t.Jle Wllot .. ult r at Johnoon • Bon, tJncoln Men:ury Deo.ltr, too \\'. rnut Hlirhway. N•WJ!Orl O..rh. Motor Overhaul NO MONET DOWN * with this ad * & Cy1a. MS.M 8 Cyw, ···--·W -88 lncNdee Mta labar and part&. Nnr r1naa. ""1at ..,tu. Tai,,• rrtnd. ftttiq• ot fD&A8 a'hd rod ti.&r11>1a. l!lr,.rt met.er tune up. 90-day or •.000 mt~ ruuanlea. l!'-:0 MONP.:T now :-;1 REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY - 8 \llll In 011r own fa.ctory by ~kllle<1 maC'hlnleta Don't ('Ont,.nd wlUI tht mlddle man. Blly dtr .. rt Jobe now tor : oounu tod-.Jen. CbarUe De.N. =.., ..... tallle.. la.t7 U--&hoolil. laetl"Q('tion TELEPHONE OPER.ATOU 11°' a. AMWln •t.. l..Oftf Bch. .n. a p.a. tTett ._.... LOvmLY~OW­ ..__ 8p1Mt paao la ,_,tel REBUILT and INSTALLED etMtUoa. Tw1N toO down and US1CD PLUfOI, ......... .,tneta au:HT & praetk9 plaao u ft u llt . .O per mo. IA 'Im 1200 on &nd uprlghU. Ooocl pnc!Ue• II per mo. lAt t.M ldcldl.. IRotT 8 LOCK ----~---....;._--ell0-1A lttlc S M k -Apply -8TUDIO ooudl Is pt.eJec table uper-ar et M4% No. M&tn atrttt a A• 1TOYW. apt ..... 1ern1 boUl ,.. .-..att1cm. v.,,, TRAINING Rm. 211 -Santa .AM retrtc .,t ..... IWaltwe Is ~le. JIM. Ha. t Tcet 8 :00 tD 4 :00 P.K. oH. Ir t:11cll. c:maAP. O.U -----------.CENTER PA.Cl.FtC TELEPHONE Bat ONLT .. lrd.. u WOOi.. "'1111' ULL. ........ IMd..., GroeeOf" ~len &nd M•l Wr&p-Title tT• flam., lnelludll 4labea. ut...00. ~,...Malit PO to 1120 per wk. ----------------------ntns .. tile. J\ealloll&Me. 1111,t Call for &ppolntmt nt to ltam DA. VSJ'fPORT. I WnL -... pa JSUI. N.wpott. ttp more about lh•• tra1n1ns . Beacon Personnel r&ftS' wu1daS =·•·= ...... AL TYLER Schools • aprMdll t.o mac.ll • mlac. D•le's Fum'1ture 100)0 empJoyv retalned ba.t hol4 1t.ema. av. NN-1il. u 1111 No. BrotdwQ Kl T~ a,gency tTett Hi!~ ~ ... ~ ... ~~lt6 I E NO lee collected from ,._ ~,... ... t • .._ L&t. ....a 8erTel rwtrtc. -.. It» Ree state School applica.Dt Konbl'• Interiors i.,.. ............... rofr11'-. s t An ~ ......................... _ .... _ ·-taf In an a 8 We ba.,. uc.U. open.tnp fw 111 kll di '"--1 lfl. ..._,..,.. .. .IO v, MEN • WOMmf 1"pA1'0 bl .,_,. TOP TTPlaTS, .__, ~ H.w ,._. ftM O'~ ll ~ ....... UM u.e for un.UmJt~ onor'halU. aecNt&rJ, lJ'p.t. ~1 LDtrt7 I-ml --·... ..... UAL 0000 oozro. tut. ta Real r.tata. Nnr ~ dOIDeltJcl -put-. It llft la, 611 a sn. It.. o.ta x.. ........a ottlee delka. -kl7. Al 'l'Jtw ~ •• .A.t.-H~y _. cnt!ntmamic. maa. 11e11 11T6 Bartlor lllYd.., Colla W.. uad nnt.,......,,.. ud....,. BtiCON PDIOMNl:L 4-wt•• .... ......, ...a,,.,. CR&A.P "°" CilR Uh ..... ..-.. '* I"&" ..._ Clall • flQI • ue Wll ,. no. 1ota. ~ ,.. no,,., ..,...,,. wnt. ...... <~> -·•· .. ·--....... _ .. ----~--__. _ _.._ ......._ .1&11~ .. ~~~ .. :=.m .... =:.-:: =~ ~=.::::= ~~~==~ Kl f-llll·la I I•• D 1-lal l or tw'olil• .... 19 ....._ whll U •TITl Mc:M LI I-Tiit. tleJ I tt. die.,... ..S -.,.... .. "9111. !.._,.~---::~~~--BAT 6 BSACB a.UJrr La>.VMO 8TAftl lnll ..U. O. & JS.A :qtlny , I 1""1.i..a Pafn'1n aw ~ M...,.n ... -. ..__,.. • ...._..,.. aa. z:::.. .... . • ._.. .. , ..., .--.~ ....... -. rwo Tw w a ~:wr.-., ._ _. • •1 Clzliaa rmn CLA9 , •w --~ _. no. 1 -.... • ...._ -.. •• ll'UllAJr .... 0..-. ~ ""' ed. Olll ar. MT efter e = ~ ...... oMa 6 ...... 611 6 1M811C1N. Wl'M.e -X • ~,.,,.. l.Dldf NM1 Niii ,,__._, • Iii ..... e,--...... - --i. < .up.u, uod Klmbe.J Spinet pla.noe .. low" '111. t tU, ti•T leam. All Urtft•rtllt .,,.... lt l'ORD -........ -.. -·--11211 ~o ,..,.. • perfect eondttNn. Con· &nd up. a;a.y t•""a. One •lJ )'OU buy lattr. CHEVROLET ...... -.. -.. --I Ht~ \"tnltet lenM at-tamoua ma.kt ... t 11lpU7 DANZ-SCHMIDT llO No Mala. PLYM 6 OOPOP.: ... -·--·-l lM 111.U'W\'8 M\AllC1 Co.(lllnc•l90T) darnt.ced In •hlJllnait. 8ru1d l anta Ana. lOo plan~ from CHR YS lr0880T0 ~-··-'170 611-411 Jf, a,umore. &ant.a Ana JMW, BIJ •vtn1. wblctl t<1 dlOOM. 8TUDEBAJ<p;R .... _ ..... -11 70 P11efte JU.mberly 2-0872. DANZ·ICIUUDT Bii Plano 1tOr-OLOR • PONTIAC 8 -·-1170 f'UI Mon. f>20 No. Maln, Ault& TV, R.C A. lT". ltattllenl c-on lll· BL'ICK -· _ ..... _ ....... _ 11 7~ BA.XMOND OROAJllS. Full Une, AllL Uon. JIYt t»ttn r~flntl1llnn,.d, H t:OSoN · ·· ···--·-.. l t7ll all m~l.a. rr .. pracUce rooma. f T&. I.IMrty ll·i H8 1111111 lA&n C-u l'tM Towtnc Come ln a.nd plt 7 on an7 model. WON lH CONTEST, oouJda'i ..U !\'£W CAR O UARANTElt '"'-Ol"Mt Concert OfT&ll, the for IJ 7G~ Wiii talte 1126. Niow COSVERT YOl•R p11nr1 t11 •n BIMk mu•t rn~I our all.ndarda Home M~I. lh• Olurch _. tM 21" WeaUnctiou•e t•llle m odt'I OrJU!.. l 'M'<I Lnv.•rt)' Or1t""" In £'h)a t•.11r•. 1t""'k"t• 11nd oll lplnet Mode&.. U you tla1U TV WIUI leKa. Mr11. 8mllh Ll tine • rnnllillon Qt~ T~. Op"n Sund•)' JO a .m. to 2 p m, r:; ~·:,l;:;~ ~ 1-TlTI. Mel !:0.:_'6 <1ov.·a uw I le •6 pt" mo BELLES ENGINE :: : ~~rft~1:; ~ ~-Ont of ~ .. w o"4'• I KAR R'S MwileCo.1S1nr('1to71 REBUILOERS ,~ ,,_._ plt noo Juat .... now. 421-ttl ~ i;ycamore S•nta An• D~ ~ .~= ~ ~~c:;•h':!°:d ~ ~11~ I f'hont KJml:W'rly 2·1>e72 I OP"n (J11lly 8 lo 7 8t1t1 Bonded Co. Hom. ot tbe HaaunoAd, ~l lnetrumant. Th • ---NEW LOC ATION HO Ho. M&tn, 8anta A.a&. ... "* wtll H tonlah you. HA.MM O:>:O ORGANS Lltllt ua,.d 310 E l 3 d St. USED TV SALE ... -. 1r, u · • 1r ~ . .., ................... TlllUGI. "' w. 1ttla at .. Calt.a ,. .. LJWtJ .... Tl. Mel -WWIUiWWWAID ~oo. ~ .... _ntee. "*-1'3.- loe..lltla It.. H""'°"' 8eaeJl. -· -..,,. llld OIMr puda .. !Qw ..... ~. Ont only ra.mou.. "*"1 to pla.y I as r I Chord Organ Ont beautiful ~ANTA ANA DANS-8CIDIID'r Bii Blore, 6:10 Splnr-t M o.It!. WonMrlul for --- No. Ma.In, lanl& A.ti&. Open churcb or home Vrry llbtraJ t Somebody wants ~ l:ra. H Vln& on lhut two lovely In· I 9\rumeni. \Mt uatll rurnlturt. br1c·a-brac. laDI Tllll 8CllOOL aAJro DANZ·!CH~lDT· ~:IO .., M••• -.. now taklnJ up -ii•c• 11'1 70ur NCNT A llAMt> Dm'l'RU'KJ:NT • "o. ...... ,_,. J' u ,.. M .. ptr -. wt ... rent· It.lit.a All&. ~" 't'd&J JC.._ lind " buy•r wllil &n •'1 In N-• 81 a...,., • f\lt_.. ~ ,.,._ Claaalfled. J ual pb.ofte Bar· ..,_ 15--n.-_ n...._ Peta lliJ9' 1118 6 My: "I want to pla~ B~I ..... 0.. (&mee 1toT) ==-::: ::=:=:! • ClaMltltd Ad." and & ~ UJ-411 Jf. 1J ....... ._ta .Ana JaMATUU wbtte poodle .,. ad·t&ller "w 11.elp ,ou '"11.e .. Pllw '"Mel ... loGITI. at llWd. LI ... 70. .... .,,....,.. a4. I• 11 ~--ul Trwa I 47-Wanted to ~nt .... mani.a e1utt c,.. 11111• Rentals Wanted '1-Wanted to Rent 47-Wanted to Rent .... t JDOtor • tlrq . Make .... Hu. llO·J HpH We •-' apt. and bou.ee ln au ... uan. ror botb wUit.er ud ,Mr-1eaae. l'urn. or unturn. RENTALS WANTED I etGl9 • ottl<*, C1D1 JldO. One 111111. t.w ... i. 8\dtable for ,.... tall ~ or oftl06. ll01 m. Balb6a BlYd., Bar. l80I. llUo WftlMAN Mln• Narlc v . 4 dr. aed&n, n-battery. elect. ruel pump. Owner leaving for Eu· rope. Sacrifice at 1600. 430 ~c- ..._ Ave , Corona del Mar 9k91 1201 U you nave a vacancy, ptlone today The Vogel Co. W. C.t. Hwy., Newport Br.h Pbon• Uberty W481 AREN'T YOU 20t Manne. ea1boa t.1anci HAPPY 9 I Pllon1 Harbor 4« · 2H7 I!. Cou t Hy., Corona del \{.&t Qr' TOtJ'ft!: !lfOT. lhl11 n\'Wl! Phone Harto1 1 i·4 l ahou.ld make yon an. We're Lido Office. 3418 Via Lido erowded a nd need the room We Harbor 49il a21f<: baYe reduced our uaed car prlc-_ _ _ _ • e100. 1100. and ""'" more. WANT Bacl'lelor apt. nr 1 b1lrm, '&&! are on their way, W e want apt .. waterfront &r: irround floor, to lie ready ae eo1H and r et a c1111 Oavtnport 87'i'20 96<'98 r..i et.I 0 11 a u1ed car. We --- ha•• MY&ral that are near 30 daJf old. OOod cars, too. See "8-A,tttf:, ~ !J~Utln thla week at. Jobntot1 Ir l!lon. lJ1'eOla Xeroury, 900 W. Cout Rlc'lway. ASK FOR DlCK, the WHOLESALER! Rentals 61 CADTLLAC 4 dr .. recent over-FUJ'lNJ6HltO HOUSE, 2 bedrm1, haul, 82,000 mUea $295. Uberty 2 bath11. Yearly leue. Single gar 1-TllJ, 98cl 1961 3ACUAR XX120 mod. Road· •1-. Pract. new, iilLL or TR.ADI: for real property, 1121 W. 11&7 Ave. Har. 12941-ft. t8p1 ANOTHER RENT AJ. t h&l la most 11nu1111aJ 4 bdrm .. 2 bath house In beautiful locatlon; lovely patio, dbl. •ar••e. We need rental U.Unp lo aat.ldy th• eonatant demands of new people comin1 into the area. Call Duncan Hardeaty, Realtor Har. 4718 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERs Delightful living. Apt . ..Cabanu. with Utilities paid. Yacht slip accomodation.. Daily, weekly, monthly, yeuly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfo ... A. • 0 •• ••tali Dllml'. DAC21 wtth pbCIU ~ .. mo. DO'T ID. JlaJllcia Blvd.. BalbeL PltoN &Aft•-. .. moe alM aYailable, Bar. leol. Ntfc 1'0ll RIZNT -1"w , , .. amo. ~ ..... Uoa wttla -~­'l'aa .pen preternd. Jt1I w. Cout HJchway, Kewpoct Beach, c.ut. u a..e1ot. 18ttc ~ .. t •• 9.te"~ Dress Shop '3900 HandlM Box 3111 i...cu-BM.ch NEAR NEW PRO~ CITY HA.LL 15 CA.Dll..L.A.C convertible, 1or1•· out blue • white. Only 0100 mllea, ertr\nal owner. HYatt •-te&O. 98pl FOR SUBOIVISION Oranr e County. 80 acrea In _4_8-_A __ A..,.fc..t.. __ f_o_r_aea __ i __ _ 48·8-BollNtl for Beat Next to '*· 1tth Is Pl&omtia, ln Oo9ta Meea. 2 1*troom bome, uoellent oondlt.lon. Plua a amall .tor. In rear. Plenty parklnc 6 room for upuYlon. lmmedJate ~iOD. J'or Mle or trade. e&lJ OW11« LI l..ettl mominp ow after I p. llL lllUc lt'8 PLYMOUTH • dr. Rtbullt motor ·tnstalled year a10. t26 JU...,. An., N_,,ort Beach . ~..-.. Ncl 4SK FOR DICK 1'Km WHOLll8AUR. A real buy on a ..-ear. We h.a" aeveral 1oed IO 4Q U ed CUii and want to mo"9 them. Priced conalder- abl)' under the mar1cet. !ee at 900 W. Oout Kttllway. J ol1.n110n A Son, Lincoln Mercury. You can aave. W e would nther you aave than wholeaale them. Your • ,;aJn. See ua IOOn. 195e • 21' CU.tom Built • Terry "NEwPORT' Model On !>lllJ>la y Btartlnl' ll:PT. 6nl HDrl SOME OJ' 'n1E F'!!A 'l'URES: Jl'ull .... da.ftllport cw hldt'·a-bed Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Mullipie Uatinir. Broken Buatn-Broker 1135 ll. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 CHAJ'lMlNOLY F URNISHED atudlo apt. Vurnace heat. cen· tral. Available winter months PO month. rwo BDRM. cottage, good heat, 2 car gara ge. Winter a86 mo. A 180 Bay front rent ala available. Grare Dayton. Rental Dept. WALDRON REALTY 308 Marine Ave. Harb<lr 234. 98('09 WEST BAY A VE. duplex. 3 ~­ room, 2 b1 th. furn , U 10 month yearly or wlntrr. 1~19 W Bay A Vf',, Balboa. 98pl 2 RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crase Blanche Gates. Rltr. Sll Mar111• Ave. lklboa taland, Har. 1871 72tfc and upho19ler-td rocktr or euy ------------- r llalr Choice Summer Rentals on PLUS F"11U 1ln double lMod or full 1lze twln ~ BaJboa lsland & Lido lsle Small A coey or large A OrlWle '78 to 1100 monUI PLUS VOGEL co. CHINA COVE, Beytront turniabt'd apt. Open1 on large, HCluded patio fifteen feet from hllfh tide. Furnace, 1torage, garage a.nd phone. A vallable for leaae or winter rental. Leue tn5 per mo. Excellent value. Ph. HYatt •·2208. 93tfc BAY VIEW a pt on Lida Pen1n· 1ula. !'t e w and attractive, paneled lt?!nr room, Mwd tln .. 2 bdnna .. bre&ld'aat bar. Un.turn. Ul'8J)t for new stove and ~trig. For yrly leue $1211 mo. Har. 2751 ask for Mr Butler. 86trc A TTR.ACTIVl!l oee&n vtew 1 bdrm.. 1pL, partlally turn Suttable for r ouple. 176 mo. yrly. 966 W. 16th. Costa Men. CaU t to II, Har. 80. 80tfc FURN, Bachelor apt., private. Good Joc:at1on, utll. pd. 721 ~ Poppy, Corona det Mar. After 11:30. Har. 0836-M 97c99 ATTEN1°ION I ! 81..'MMER, WINTER Rental Nt'w port Beat·h tum. 2 bdnn. 1pt. amil. Sept. 4, gs.r .. uttl. lnclud- r.ct Nnr Ba.y. Beach. Yard, Weekly U ri, Winter rstta $711 prr mo Yt:arly '85 Mo. ('all Ll 8·1400 D7r99 BALBOA JSLE. Slnf le apt. \'ear around. Relh1ble 10bcr adult. $1)1). utllitl•• pd A Tl antic 1-03611. or wnte 1128 Lnrsln Rd , Slln Marino. 98c1 J 111.tK• ••ardrobea, ehMt ot draw-~-.. --,.r, and to ft. f!ll overhead JOI ~ A"8., Balbc.la tlla.nd BALBOA 1SL.ANO, un!um . l bed· WILL SHARE new •paclou.e ocean view home wilh )'Ollfll' woman. Very reu onable. '88 De Bola. Corona del Mar. Har. SNT..J. Me CHANNEL FRONT furn. I Nna. 2 bath, bdwd. floore, ,.,,, no.t. patio, BBQ, rowbo&t. S.pL 10- June 30 a100. mo. ~ Ma.rcu., Newport. Mpl FOR fl.AL&-A880CI.A T&D llJ!:R- VICll 8T4TION, 28th • N_.. pcllrt BlYd.. Newport Beach. Come tn or call Bar. '821 Tenu C&D. ti. &rrUl'ed for reliable party. Jtonald'• A.moot&t.ed 8er- vic. J81' Newport Bhd.. N-- ,..t Beach. 98c98 1'HRl!Z bdrm. tum. hoUN, dbl•. OPPORTUNITY saz. fenced frcnt • back $111. 'nu1Ttla&' ~eentq bUlw. waur pct .AvaU. Bept., •to June OpportuaJt)' to make pod m~· I0-110 llat 8t., Newport. 98ii1 ,1 tor rtrtit partJ. Kake otter Lido Isle to llox H-98. thia pas-, 18Uc 2 bdrm. Provincial lnterlor, com· M-M!!8l, to Loua pletaly turn. Avail Oct. J tor -----1..-------- wiat. 1136 mo. Patio, ftrepl, NO COMMISSION dbL saz. tts v1a Dtjoll. Harbor No App-~--' F-•871-W. 90c4 ,...._ """' aA.LJ:a -REJ'INANCll l BllIDft)(. J'URN. Ball:loa. ftr.-OONITRUCl'ION place, re<:r•t.lon room, double CaU tor rr... p.rqe, no pet.a. Winter rental. Fut Commitment. Har. 1336-R. l8ct on Reatde.ncea and Unit.I onlr BAYSHOR~ unfurn. A.DOR.ABLE J bdrm. b&m·ted farm houae. Choice corn.,-lot. Encloeed .Patio. WW le&M t·O reapon.tlble tenant for $200 per mo. Ovn1er, Harbor ~II. Mel BAl.80.A ISLA.NO, :Z bdnn. fW'TI. houae. TEACHER.I o:nly. $110. mo. 8chool tenn. KI1nberl7 1..&H T. Nc:l Don I. HUddleston 173 E . 17th St. 008TAK!:BA LI a..t>Mt Ll 1-8562 Wll BP&OLU.IZll IN LOI.Na .1i J'INMfCINQ ON BOUUTIU-ILl'IR.I .Awt°' hmttare A hi.art .. ------------Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -U llVIW mrota YOU BUY Oomp.lete ln.-.tlpUou 6 nporta. Reprwt -ftl'Mllat ~ 15 ,.. ~ Alt-. • l'fftf x.teo.. hClM Bar. MIW w eontact C. B. Browa, • .. Baa n., TUCllClla, A.rt&. Mol.O ~ ............ !!!"I! Riverside County SA.Lii oa 'l'R4Dll for .__ Jll'OP- ert,'. to MIN ln1,ptecl litoclc ........ I liloU8I& ld4ial fw lier- -, ,.... eatU. or maaU OCftl· m....al a.cs. J114atn m Park· man 11 .. 14 OIM4a, plL 8)1nn CMMO. l9ca DllSllRT l"Oll BILA.OB 1 Bdrm. bMaM • X.C-. Jot Ill Palm Vll-..._Tlsde tar I bdna. beach ti.om.. ec. toe Palla DeMrl. 9Tpt9 82 ......... WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THiii K08T oantully aelect- ed ftluee tn eaeh ot our ds.tinct· .. ditf.-t JI.ARBOR ARll.U. BU.BOA. PENINSULA. N1llW 0 1'1"111UNO-m04. Provln. S ~ ~ blk. to Jetty. Loadll of eupbouds, garb. dl1p. dble. ......... Ont)' 118,&00, 0 % 10&D, $111.48 mo. CLIFF HAVEN '111.1100 1'UY8 THia aparJd1na' 3 bdrm .. home. Lo..-ely landacaped patio. Quiet at. ·~ O.L loan, tor eotn~rt A aeeurtty. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA TROKPSON, Auoc. 280• Newport Bhd., NJlt. 8-ch ICuy Pllrk!nc Harbor ~10 BALBOA. attract. mod. beach • type home. 0c"11 vtew from llv· l.q room.. plctu.re Wlndow.. I bdnna., bat.b plua dbl .... ..,.. nn. loe&Uon DI. 9WtrnmlnC beed:IH. Good lacome opportunJty. M:U..t be llOld at Oll~t by JlOll4'M.. own- ., dtreot. Oom• a.nyttrne, ] 229 W. Balboa Bl. 98pl 80 .A.CR.ES fa.rmland, JU11t $3000 a.an. 299' down, ~ ca.ta )l-6 Banta AD.L OR.ANGE COA.8T PROP1mn't:E8 186T M~ Co.9ta x .. ublnei. Pb. Harbor 444 or Ha.rbor 21~1 room g-arage apt, Large llvlnl' It-. Har. l7M-R or lla.r. 30~9-M room A C•I"-.• f 66 yearly tu.ta. t..r6e..,.,.t.e~. ai... ttpe ___________ .. _~_" Har. •048-W. 98cl COROl'fA DEL MA.ft, turn. 1 bed· ronm houae l60 mo. on leue. redecorai.d. Near achoo.Ill, •tor- ... ateepa a.-au Dalllia. 11p11 One Day Service LI l ·HH m... LI 1-aol totlel ... la'fU.W)' UYlllOR.&8. a.pt. I thru J une. rt.Ua l\lm, 2 bdnn. bou.ae, Bay view. V•nleid floor ~ 1J ft. ot Ellclowd pallo, dl•p.. Bendb 1-.. wtndowa on paUo aide and wuh .. twin A kin« alu bed•. man7 other outat&Ddtll• featUP'ta 2191 Creatvtew, &y•horea. 116c98 rAlft'J.8TIC BUT TRUii &Al.BOA IllLANO. wtnttt nnt- •1•. 2 bdrm $811. mo,, 3 bedrm. '711 .. loci. utll. 12' A&'ate. On preml.u Sat. AT..e-80112. 118p99 CORON 4 DEL M.AR. WDt'1"lCR RENT .U.. Furn. 3-rm. houM. 1ar. A .... u. h pt. 18 to JUne 1&. Ha.r. 3Ttn..JK. HeM 1-... lllO ..&.o flJOO -Jl)Of'e Cil.11' .. .A.OC!D'i'ANCZ CORPORATION 1ael S.bor Bi'fd., C-.. Mesa B'OR U:ASJ!l LI 1·7'1&1 -Opell Frtdaya l lll 8 :z bedrm. tum. 2 l>atb, rvqe, ~ CIOMd 8ab&rday.-ltc BACK BAY to n.nd now. Thia I.I lovely for an.&Oo. !f.arbor a 1 $t. t8t/cr You can ... and order thla beau- Utul trailer on.ly a t OCEAN J'RON'T -1fp1clou1 1 or :l bdrm. EnCl(laNI pa tio. volley ba!l court. lovely view. 8ummtr and Wint.r rent.at.. Sr• at 7104 W. Ocean Front, Newport Bch. or O&ll Bar. 1232-W ••trpt Mon. • Tu.l!ada)'. 88p3 U:"iF"VRN 2 bedrm opt 1811. mo. un leaH . 81lboa bland. Call Har. 2U6, ~l A tlO&t, room tor JO tt. boaL $125 mo. W\Ul June. Court..., t4 LOANS for Homes LITTLE GEM brokera, ~ Rtver, NewPorL '" -IO yr, ....._. ~liab Tudor coll&&• So. ot Port Orup Tra.Uer lal• 1110 W, COM& lll.,._aJ' Phone LibenJ' M420 M_,ert ..._, t Tctt ROOMS, COTTAGES, APTS. DAY OR WEEK UNF"URN. l bdrm. apt. quJet. Phone 1All1lh t-21J~ Mdl • BlVd.., Coron.a dtl Mu. Older c1on 10 Lieto •hopp1nc . A11u1c.a Construction Loans only. Yrly. lt'ue S60 mo Owner BAJ..BOA 181..AND-2 b<1rm. turn. but Jrt.&t c b&rm HU C • Llbforly S..3668. 98<-I 84!pl. 11 to June. Ph. lJ l-~228 aa BOB L+.'1"!1..D a.rched IJv.-<Unl.nJ ..,...._ Won- ------------9k98 1&1.1 Jll.AJIT COAft BLVt>. dr.rl'ul tor mlf'rt&llllnJ. 2 F'URl". I bdrm. 11pt. 011 BAY FR0 :-0-. BALBOA ISL.A NO. Wlntu rental LI 8-3381 118c1 eoniaa de1 Mar a.nor 3881 B<tnns.. dfn. 2 flr.tp~a. • a... POJJUD JIORTGAOC co. Cl~ al 11e.~ f:uy a&.tllO I.Me a.. ~ IQ. 3-.61~ t.erma. ll:xclualve a~ent. J.'Oflti rRAILmR IPAC.a, ~ wel· come. 8U11a7 ._..Trail• Park cloee '° ~ 6 b:'Ulaport&Uon 6 H.wport ~ 11' &. WUMn, C09ta M-. Mel WINTER-I bednn. ooe&11 tront. knotty pine. paUo. AUJO 2 bed· room 1tucco, fenced yard, pr-WOO ARMS APARTMli:NTS Ii &C'e· lnq 3001 °"9an P'ront. THE BLUE TOP MOTEL, '403 MARINA. Bay front apart.n1enla Hp98 Newport Blvd., Ju11l a bove The ror lease. 3408 Via Oporlo. t18tfc ------------- 61ttc VJ:JUUHDl!R Harbor 4%63 evu . .un . 93tlc LOU8 1'0 Bun.D. llD"ftOVS 8UY, NQDaNJZIL Oil 1'8'Dl.t.HCS * Star Fleet * ao n, ....... ~ -u •. rm., 1..rcbu. Htrc LIDO ISLE llACllllLOR a m1 one .t lWO bdrm. .,,1.a. Short tenn •nd y,.arly. ALSO, Udo Homea 1.nd Bay J.'ront diliette, lltt.. ....... Wnn. J'una: labed eompletlilJ, lneL lT" TV, cMaa. -un..a., «o. CAllA..NJ. Hom• and a putmf'nt11. I 11 10. ~ ,..._ AlAO LI00 REALTY Associates paUo ...,.._ ,.._ U ft. l.oG Via U do. Harbor U H 48B-Boaeee for Keat AUC. 2t to Sept. 1~. 3 bdrm, l " bait\. ,illlt.ra l&t. patio, BBQ. l:Jun dtck. Ii bllrr. ooun. blocJf; bay. AdUIJ.1. Own!lr w~lld&ye BALBOA ISL.AND, Oc:t. t-0 JUne. Harbor 2.Y.l2 Ev• A Wft.kf'11da Fum. 3 bednn. 2 Nth.I, 8ay Harbor 6009-W tl&c:98 Front Garage, No l>f'll F or ------------ app't Kar. JffO·M. 03t1c w • ...,. Trut Deed9 QWPORT BALDOA &AVIN08 A WAl'I ASSOCU'nON u .. Via Udo. Ph. Bu. '200 Ue It's Ranchy I BJCDR.M . 2 balb, I car &~e Dnve l.ly t ll lntne, Newport Mta. Uleci C&1J \II for ti.ta.ii. DAN A. JAC068EN. IWa!tor '34-32nd SL" N9\&'J>Ort Bu.eh Harbor &091-Evtt. f..,.( 8·6M3 eac1 VOAST.U. SHOPPER !'.dido• of NEWP.ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PASi 5 WEDNESDAY, AU&UST JI, 1955 a._......., "We're Moving ~ to Irvine Terrace" More and more Barbor area tamlliea are lnapectlng theee aqw.tt. homee -notin1 their eom!<n, con- venielloe and central location. More and more famili• who pref er a home tn a ~­ atrlcted quality community a.re moving tnto their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive ln today and eee for yourself the many (lut - standing feature. of thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, Corp, built by Macco exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Heme rt Irvine Terrace la located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "'8 For Further Information * For Recommend&Uon, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate in lrvinP TC"rr;H·e, Be.aeon Bay, B ay Shores and Cliff Hav<'n ---- LIDO BAY FRONTS New 3 B. R. & den-Delitthtfully furn. Pirr & ft,.,,\ S89.500 -70 ft. front ag<', 2 yn. oJd -Lido Nord -3 B. R., 3 bath, nry well located. Low price of $59.500 with pin & fl oat. On euy terma, can buy you 1 lovely home. LIDO INSIDE HOME 2 B. R. plus 1 B. R. Ir batb ove~ gar. Cnmp. fu111 Excellent home or income -$2S,500 FOR A LOW PRICED HOME You can'.t beat Lhia immaculate 2 B. R. C1n 35 ft beautifully land9caped lot for $21,500--$7000 down. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt, Bcll. H&r. 4~71 or Kar. •972• .,.__ Bar. 2111-K Bu. U80 ~ L1 8-~297 SHORE Cllf FS DELIGHT Kay we UM1W you a Nfreehing home that feature. a large Uvine room with beamed ceilin~a. pant.ling It lee-fireplace, 2 spadoua bednna. & den with fi~­ place, 2 gl.eaming bat.ha. lA.rp aunny ltep-aavmr kitchen. If BETI'ER HOMES It GARDENS have not madt a portrait ot the rarden. they hav~ miaac-d a bet. chllMlling It colorful for your pl<'asun." $49,950, ncellft'lt finn.ncinit avft ll:tble OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port OranRe) Newport Beach LI 8-7562. Ha.r. 5154 C\'C• ATT'RACI'IVE LARGE SHA.KE VERY MODERN Udo Isle Special ONI. Y S37.:;oo W'-R T!* • .,.._ ... mu. B9tfc ... at Lot t. Jf.wpocot Jibuiiotpal ................ eat-It. t6p41 1961 Spartan Roy•I Mansion "1N'TEft nntal film, 2 bdrm. Ir 2 bat.M. A dult. only 2104 Mira- mar Dr1v1, Balboa. 97c99 8ALBOA. WI.Otar rf'nl&l.t. a bdrm. rurn. houae .t l bf<frm. fl1rn .tu· Pl"X 406 Han:liq Ir 416 I • & Bay. Call e<>lleet AX 1·9307. 93p98 LlDO ISL.I:, winter rental. Thrte btdroorn. 2 bath hom,. Carpri... dl"ape., l'ICPct. •tove le retn• .. C\4m. Llbert.Y 1-2173. 9~c l ROOM tor working man. Hot attd cold wat..r In room. Pn ~­ trAnce JI per ~k 1u.-'uu1 It Newport ppUc Lli.>O OFF'JCJI; !PA CE -Will wblet rpac• 11Ultable for attor· nty1, en&1neu1. etc. Approx. 16xJO In 1hoppl11J ana on Vla U do. Call Dnn Cole attemoona only. Har. 4830. lltttc RllAL ESTATE LOA.NS lntm.t Rate ~"'" 1.-.. qWcklJ mac» ~ UM Ba7 Al'M ar.J C4ata w-. Si.n6.l• or multiple QDl\L Nnr or old. S. w1ae and ••• by r .. financin1 1our sw-t IOUL Minimum a - ,__. .l'fo ~· tor pre.1J.m1. lW'J a~ no. But.a Ana Klmberly ~ or W'Ptte CORONA DEL MAR rum 2 bed· room, Uv rm l tx2S.. Pl'\• w .,,, CVJ>tlt, J&rb. dl.lfp, lAta f>t r)<JMt apace. <Xf'a.n •ldt ot Hti:hway, 4-3J rernteer Sll,!!00 ~ your broker g pl liiSO Ol'f '• ACRE: Ntw I bckm houH. llArdWOO(! noora '2.!0 AY'O<'t.40 St.. Ct t a Mt.. T'h Ut>eny 8-1807, 72ttc l.A.!Te picture wtndQW. a bl1rTna, .. lg bnck pauo. Family alu din· Ing rm., l&r&• Ule lotcht>n with b1dll-ln d.l.n.lnJ &rM.. 2 RA THS, .. w1 11nower, lo\JI of UJ~. p~U­ mM ~AUUfuJ.ly lari~ped i<>t eox1:.o, ren~ pr1vate alley. f:xlra Ill'&'• 2 car ,..,_,e :Zh2IO. Bin -;o UJ'T. J >, "''' r .. ,,.,, i b-ln11. :J hr1lh JU·:Ar 'fY ... 1111 II\ r11 , d.n. 11 .. J.t <me h>lrm "J't'O l tl II <ull1l flll tllll'llll W\lh v~ry apa1 "'IJ• pat m b~w•o•I Am · Jlle 8pt1Cf fl>r f"Mll f'of lol•'il l!:vt 1nro 1,q1,. I.I ';::,42 • ft. l)UIWl I&, hrtll beda. O..dtn ....., UO 'V. i.t ftlltla. ttpf al ft. Olaftl W'Jlpt trailer. .-.-.1661. ...._,••vi. ~--. t ltte *PORT ORANGE * TIUJLER SAt.F.s ud SUPPLIIB Deluxe Furn. Apts. OIM A lwo bdrm . wu h televl1ion. .A. •ailabl• for 1ummtr or win- ter. I.LIO )'Mrly leuu Ill Heart or activity --LJ:1110 of p&.r>cill.J. 601 E Blllboa Blwf il11.lllo11. Harbor HOC. &6trc Udo Isle llOO w. Cout IQway. • •--·"' LI 11 .. u'W\ On• and two bdrm. 8pntml'nta. Apcwt -~ l\u'nlA.htd. Oarag~!I Y t'llrly or ~ a..., Heme ..... _ .... Winter rtntel Har ."!67,,, 91c6H E A.Ilea 1 bdrm.-·-· 1120. ........... _~ ..... 24' -"·-· A 8~1 MODERN furn. apt . carbair" ........ Ttrr7 H-....... We'U DtiaJ. dt1p .. ufll. pd --Adult.s, l\Villi PAN AlO!IUCAN yrly. 175, H11r 08!'>3-R 9:>cP8 FOR LEA.S.I!: T\'\'O BEAUTJFUI. n-frvme Terrace un!um. view homea. 3 Bt:IRMS .. 2 bat.ha and 2 BEDR.MS., t bath11. Call R~tbor 17711 or Harbor 4448 EARL W STANLEY, R~toT Irvine Ttrrace Ortlce Corona deJ Mar. a3tJc P'URN. 2 bearm homt . by mo or yrly Oar11ge, Avail 8~pt. l~ 111 7 W BA)', Newport. HILrbor 3SH before noon, 8';lfr COSTA M!Cl)A, New ;I bedrm houH unrurn. 011rb. dl.!lfl. Ther· 1110 ('nntroliert hf'Rl Garage JSO nw OJ<fora 1;.45;;1 llic!l9 l'F:WT'OR'r Sub U-11~1' • bf'drm OF'FJcg FOR fUlNT Civic Ctnter l..o('atlon, 2l'x24'. 160. ~r month. C'HARLES E. HA.RT, RMltof 300 W. 88lbo& Blvd., Npt. Bch. 12c5 NEW, 8 MAJ'lTLT rt.JR?ftSnD oftlce •PAC't 1999 Hs.rbor. Co1tA M.taa Ubett~ 8·33!13 ~ttc BUSINESS BLDG . ARTHUR A. MAY Mortpee Loan Corrupoodent ~tdml&l Ute INNnulc. Co. tU 8outh Mm llAnt.a An. pp lAiruna V&Ju~ Oct-an V lr-w Lou l-6-0-x 16-0. bnlh tor S."mon 1-6000 aq. fl J~rio 51-8-1 r.iate Wuted l-LAg11111r" e11<'h•~tv11 S'i'Mo WANT WATEIUIWNT M·l -AD!I~ IPSEN, ttF.ALTOR Newport. Cll-.ii wallJ.nl. \'\'hat Frank W Hiii ft'rl\nt'll Blm le .. . • a.-., __ .. •-•t I Harbor 6119!1 HY •·~OU. 87p1 ua•e you . .._,. .......:111, ,,,_. or, Harbor &lH, Pl tic MOOER.N 3 be<lroom, 11' batll, .......,. n. r H .,_. 1'80 1q. ft. l ~ yr. oltl. WA.,• .,.o ._y ront ome. ",.,,. OPEN FOK lNSPFX."l'lON ClpAl.I OnlJ. Write Box g.34 lhla SAT .• &UN. AJi"TERNOON. paper. 96P98 601 Jl'ullerton Ave., Npt. HU, 7Wc Wlrll ptttlo. ~x91S Int 181} Pft 58--Ral Esi.&e Service mnnlll. 113 22nd It , Jl>ewport -------------Bnch Kl 2·1498. HcSO ..... &l·KWllW l'lan!-.,.,,, 16Uc BA y FRONT. t 'arnal.lon C'O"l' 2 bnlh furn, 0c<'Kll View t...t th«! 2 t.edrms .t h&Ul dtuh~n2· -Store eu·1ld"1ng duplex, winter or yesr lee.-.e. 2 atn.irs par )uur ient on ~ bdrm. R.adlt .. nt hu t, lf&rblli:e b'drm. 11pt. u p 1 t a I r • Har Moo~rn. $M Mo. Suit.able inaur· SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 We handle your aalu, .. crow1, V. A. 6 P'. H. A.. prt1c:e-1~. SM ue batof'e you ma.le.a a deal P . 0 . BT OWNER 8 bedrm. cuatom houH, frnced, pauo, wvr cari>et. nre p1u... nrar f'1>untry Club. ~682 Club Mefl& Pl. l.J 8-20&11 87pW ,,_ ........... Olep. Hllr !1206 ll:ltrt 11\l _ OH!i·J 9ic aric~. real t11tate. ,Ptta. etc. We Need RENTALS --P&rklng h nllllH , P' A. H .. L QNE B.li:DRM . nlctly !urn win-COMPL!t'TF:l..Y r11rn. :I bedrm. Call Her. 20;0. 811tfo t•r. Adult~. Gara1• 156 mo hnmr 1n1•i •lieh""'• waahlntt me· _ -------------------------Bolt l~l. Balboa Island. 88r 99 __. ar.. Winter or 111.1mmu ...... ..Ula •. l l8-38lh Nfwpnrl 93llc rhlnf'. 1lr11p~~ 1.Ao11s~ t)nly Takr JlEX RECHS, Rltr. LARO!t 1 bedrrn avt. unfum -....,. Bl'l'd. ffar. MM I Otep . atove refrl1r. It garllJitl' 9~t!c Nt>"r t.ido !'lboppin11 <'rnler ytl)'. rental, A vall 8l'pt 18 Hu . 36~1). llipll &llNTA.La NEEDED-Ocean front 6 "-' ft«ll homN or wtiat ..,,. 191.1. A.L TTLl:R, IOf E. .......... Har. leOI. Mel IOUPUl-MU localt1 -pl. - Willlte l or 2 bdrm. bou.te part· 11 turn. l\'e hu•e applla ncea A TWO UOIUIS. rum. apt. Encl . patio w1t.h BBQ. $110 mo. yrly. or $16 mo winter ln.:.I. ulllillu, 403 · 39th 8t . N,wrort Bu ch. Har 21 U ·M. 1'6c98 eome tum. Clote to Newport I Tli:ACKEflS A TI"ENTION Clt7 Hall ,.,..,ened. l'lHd la"f" I "'4m. 1 bdrm. apt Marini' Avt rvac-. Wr1t• Bos U-M. Ulla I Balboa l•l&nd No cl11ldrl'n· or ,.,., N&t pet& Bar. 00'9;.it N plla 2 chlldrrn onr HI 2131 tJnhm ~ ~ Ave . COlll A M'f'lll llTcllt •-'Noae~ FOUR bJrm . :l btlth home, very n1~, Yearly lcue aept 111 <.:10&11 to U11y 1 lthn rentall 8V811. ¥apt ltl 607 Ii:. R11 ibt'Hl Bh•rt, Har. 36-06. 98rl ------------WINTER RJ!lNTAl,, I brm . KM.II front. Avail. Sept 12 MO mo. l"hone Lakeview 8-1~ Mel F't"R!ll 2 Wrm home plua l'Ue81 ('Oll... on Clll\•I WIUI noeL Sept. JO to J uly l~l • .00 en lt&H. a.. at 41°' JU•• 4.,., or Cl6lJ OXIOC'd U•Jel. llal LOOK AT THE RETURN On th.ii amall piece of rent.a.I property. 4 unit.a completely furniahed. Near Orean It. Bay with Blvd. fl'Ofltage. Sho"9 U800 )'Ml'. $10,000 will handle. Full price S27.500 THE VOGEL CO. 3301 W. Oout Hifhway, Newport Bea.eh LI 8-3481 l TRIPl~EX -Ct..1F5" HAVEN. $2,7~ Oown. 'JV,•o year uld. :l bc1nn1. each, nreplac.. pa Uo, ,..,..,.., dlJJp.. larp "'1ll00-, ,..,...... atorage room N•r ll<'hl><ll•, r hurehl1. llboppln« Ht,760 r . P. W 8-"9" H p99 ftA \'E TlfJ: l FTNll8T con1tn;ct· ad atorw In Ula Harbot ~ U9.600 . .Mlgbl trade. What have JOU f R•it Recll11, Harbor 1166. 95tfc NllWPORT ~Gilf'.t'a. by owur. Xl11t. v a.lue, 3 bdrm. w1~ ...,.._ rm. ott car.. w. w. carpet. &- ro-&1. diahrruuttr, 220 wlTlnl'. themioalat control h-t. Full price $10,M>I With STM>O loan. 1M ..... Au, LI a.IOU. Nol VACANT 11: YEARS OLD. lJke new. !'riced low to Mill at $1&.m Very attrutive tenna, open arternoorur. 2307 S&nta. Ana Ave .. Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97cll ----COllONA DEL MAR l'WO ROt:8Jl:I on ,..,, lot. Both 2 bedrma. " t1r..,1~. I bu f a. hHt Sol.It 1..-J, all .&oo. \"rry c.hol<'e buy ALSO 8 L'NfTS FURN. Full price - St\6.000, $7200 Income. Out of loWll owner H ,ya Mll. o . H. LATHROP. JUI E. C-..t Hwy. Corona de! M:u. RarboT 3461. EvH , 11680 Mel 10 Acres ON TUSTIN A. VE.. pf'Odu<:ll.IC or1.n11;1 • a'fOC&do pov .. O..S tenna. C&U u. for oUlier ~ DAN A.. JAC0881lN, R.-ltor 0 4·32nd St .. Newpott 8-cll Hertw,r &e91-~ LI l-al7 9841 L.AOUNA BEA.Cl! ft OWJQIR. Near Hlfh lcbool, attraeUY"e I bdrm • l I~ NI.NI, ftrep~. lmot~ pine ~. ~ tat beat.. us.too. u o Onoela.Dd Driva. Ktatt t-4lt&. Mal 00 TOU WANT M·l for 11116 bual11-1 0... f our WWI 1M11t a P"'ltY UttJe lllo\JH wtUl tt' f 'Ttlt'll -UU. 110 t\, froflt. It.a a it.to&) at sn.aoo. can Ra Redla. ---h.M. ...,. • Houston Realty Co. A ASSC'J\l ~T~8 ~09 Ct'ntf'r IJI I ' •\JI M""" U Miii i 1.1 8· 7184 By Ownc-r -A Bargrun ! J RORM .. 2 b11.th hom, lnvf'lY cornrr. 7~ rt IA nrlAt·llflf"I l'>t. Ba.ek ya.rd eompl '""""11 F A. Unit h,.at. hwrl nra .. 1•rb 1111 r w to w ""rfW't •'1'1 drAJlHI. $17,500-Trrrrut 1998 Jrr1n• Av~ ----~-------~-IJl .900 oo Klng1 Pl•l'e 1' bath. <:arpetlng, l.o'rely -Lo..abt• - On.ty ""°· cso.m. ORA.NOE COAft PftOl>E'P. T1ll!8 1861 N~. Cott.a M .. a U a..1m l!ve. LJ 8~R03 ISLAND PARADISE for sale or trade! a USTJO twta eMlDI n•lled on Bart.an Ja1aD4. BooUi~ li&r· bor, ~ .-Un. boat, ,..... lu OI' Glun ID 7our V'lll'ft pn.,.te 9099 trlU1 ... plete privacy. CoentJ ...... wtt.b ftnllar• • natw• mm 1--ter piped from ... ~ '° -.t>1na. S.U 0tr ~21.oOO. Writ.• to- diaJ ....... 1,, i..,... ... di, nett IHOM'X:I-11"1' I w .. 2 b4lt.b. 1(-.. ~ '8ldra--,.a. me to ... u &l me' at •-t1IAA r8l'l~e­ ft)9tt C09t. f.2t,t6(). lmmetilate 'I t•oa. ... UCJt.ft. little • "' . .- OOAftALmott•Uttfoeof a .... r.w. PAM 4. PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WANTED .NEWPORT HEIGHTS ocean front Corona del Mar WEDNESDAY. AU6UST ll. 1951 . ......... ........... LIDO ISLE Exclusive With Us 3 bedroom.a, 2 bathl on a 70 tt. tree lined street. All electric kitchen. J car rarare. South Patio. Loaded wtth atru $37,!500 On Same Wide Street 3 Bedroom1, 2 bath1 and hobby room. 2 car gar- are. Extra la.rse patio. $34.500 untur. or S36.000 tumlabed. I Bedrecme, 2 bathe on "' lot, 2 car PRC.. South Patio. Excellent v&lue at $31,500 DUNCAN HARDESTY; Realtor 2M2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. f718 GOLDEN RULE VALUE Owner Must Give Away Muat eell tbia property thia wef'k. Out or town owner wJrH u. cUetl'H9 call. 2 bedroom home with hardwood noon -2 C&T garage. Baelryard fenced. Home la • ye&r1 old. Do you want to make a TERRIFIC BUY! See u.e at once. Take. around a Sl.000 down. ANO'I!HER BARGAIN $1:SOO Down We have been commiNloned to 9elJ thi1 3 bedroom home with 2 car gara~. Hardwood floora. Houae i. about 3 yean old. Exceptionally farre kitchen and bedroom•. Back Bay Area. Full price ia only' $10,700 ·Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18M Newport Blvd. Co.ta MHA (acrou from Cotta Meaa Bank) Phone Ll 8-6761. EvH. Har. 436e · LI 8-2103 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2 Br home Hwd. floora. Stucco and pluter, large double garage, lot 60 x 125 .iewer in Ir paid. $7500 with $2000 down ind bat. $50 ~r month. I ru.l \•alur 1. BUSINESS ZONE -N1~e 2 Br. home plwa 3 rent· ale 72 foot frontage (approx. \• acre) with room for mort units or trailera. $22.~ TWO -2 Br. homea on 1 ~ ac~. plua adjoining '" acre all for $12.500 with amall down payment. Thi• 111 • good tnvetitment. Prr~nt Income $1()6 month. AT'TN. B\JlLDERS 8 tar~~ Iota all aub-dMded S15.600 with good term1'. Small office for rent -Newpon Blvd ~ month G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd . CoelA Meaa. LI 3-1601 .t. ft.J:'l'tJ\l:D COUPLE uvm oN B&.t.UTD"UL MA.JU. GOLD A V1L IN OOltON.4 DEL M.4.R ANt> HA V& AN IMCOMIC TOO. Never befor. b.ave ...,. otteNd .-.ch a ~tt\&l 2 bedJ'OOCll llom• oe thla l'IWt comer k>cat.loa You will be am-.-d at th• well ck· alSJ'llld, larS• e.nd NIUl1~t rooma. lt al.o bu u attraeUve ttreplace, dinlnc room ud a pluy ot ttalurw tb&t will pl-the . moat dh1crtmlnalfnr buyer. IN ADDmoN, lt bu a da.rltn,r 1 bdrm. apt. onr ..,.. cloua 2 car,..,..,... (Tbe ._ ia r.nted for $70 mo.) TB I: MONTHLY P.4na:NT8 ON THIS PROPl:lllTI' WJLL llZ S.-r.IO MO., to~ M)ter. Call no..., for ~rtber detal.111 oa dn. pmt. etc. lRlS, CORONA DEL MAR South cit the htway. lmm&CUl&tA J bedrm. It dm home. can Har. 20'2 "°"" tor appt. to .... 530 King1 Rd., Cliff Haven One year old, I lledrm., 2 kth. Outatandin&' truy at SD.TSO. Xlnt. ttrma. Oa1l DOW flDr appt. LOT ON OCEAK BLVD. CoPOna del K&l'--OM ot tll09e "hard to ,.et" butldtns Jot.- Ju.t !lated at s1 ... ~. •wa .an ai.o •~ow you ol llen. Owner Must Move! ThJa very attractive 3 B. R. hou.e wu buJlt to be owner'• permanent home with all of tht> extru • not found in the u1ual Spec. House but busineu necemltate. moving inland immediately. Han4· pen-ed hardwood floon throughout, Larg~ family kitchen, built-in •tove and oven, dining room with built-in BBQ, unwnu.lly large bedrootnf', apacloum w&lk-in cloeeta. 2 Bathrooma, twin buina, mirron. lot.a ot tile. Beautiful wood paneling throughout with hand-hewn redwood exterior. Large comer Jot. Owner will consider vacant Iota or trust deed• u part of down payment or will finance to meet qualified buyer' 1 term1. JI, L. !. Usting Prtce $26,500 BALBOA Bay Avenue -Income 2 B. R. home, large Jiving room-1 B. R. apartment MW prag-e and bachelor unit attached to prage, all nicely fumiahed. $!5,000 wrn handle. Bay Avenue -Duplex 2 ti. R. up, 1 B. R. down pit.Ml large nunpu. room. Completely P'umiahed. 15,000 down -nnn price $18.MO We have yearly and winter rentai.. Immediate occupancy! BAY & BEACH REALTY . 3906 Seashore Dr. Vogel VUs J BDRM. turn. bee.ch cott•r• All PLEASING MODERN ctua front. Good loo. B~t aw1mmin~ 6: aurl flah1n1-Rapp. · Sl 2 450 2 B. R. '• comer tireptu.. I«· liv. rm. etrJ ..... 1 in kitchen, 2 car garage about ~ bloek to -1=t:. 305 34th St. Home It 1ar. a pt. t\Jrntahed. Nur Bay • Beach. chMry kitchen• tUe. Oreenhoua• tor t uclUlaa • begonlu. 8 x 12 workahop plua laundry rm. Conalder 11&00 dn., wtll trade up or d.n. or t&k• TD'a. -1-. newport t.land 411 38th Street N"' Duplu, 2 -2 • bdMn. apt.a .. knotty pine. u~ brick, ttreplace built l.n ranee, H/W tlooJ', red· wood rutia.• dlap., bat.her'• ahowv drNlinr mom, laundry. -.....,.,. nloe home ...tlh lnoolne. -Xwwtn. 0<'.4!1Ul fnlnt 3705 Seashore Dr. abopa. Tota.I price of $13,500 mcl.._ ..... Nfltl,. 6 auto wuher. Houae now i.t.d • ... '9 .._ buia at $100 mo. South of Highway, Harbor A <>oe.n Ylllr 2 Bdrm .. 2 bath home on 40 tt. lot a ..... ....., to Ocean Blvd. Ideal aituatioe fOI' SU-. "" .._. ager in lower bdrm. with Mp. beth. v..., atta_Uw interior and excellent ccmdltJoa ~ ... do"1l payment wUl handle 6 ..a ,.... ti ..., ' m,eoo COAST HIGHWAY BLDG. 2 Store. 6 2 aparbMcta. Oood ..... _,. with higher income poMlble tr 1" • IJl.114. "9 apartment& are fam.18hed an4 t:be Dorieel"a ..... are fi.niahed in A.ah Wood -natmal ~ •=- air heating, etc. The total pr-. t. cmb' ..... Plew call t.or appeint..m tD ... .._ -. .. 1et the income eeh.dule. A. .... k t d CORNER DUPLEX E . 17th HM W. Balboa Blvd., Ba.lboa Har. 1264 BUSINESS PROPERTY Bea.ch houaa, wtth bltr rooma 1t With 1arac• ~ ti-. I B... f-.)} .... Both have tlreplacea. The lll'Vl*t¥ ... Kl I at repair. One unit ia on a leua: the~• a ..a to month buia llO the new owur -M.w Jl•H •ion it de.ired. Out ot state ~ U. '9 .... (Which means an unu.ua.lly poi ~). '1-.a ... lng price ii only $22,MO wttla nu. fta9a•1 ._ )'OU Me it you'll •PM it'a cm11 al .. Mm II S'S WUta in '°"1l.. "§f ~~~7£ ...! _V_OG __ E_L __ V_A_L_U_ES ____ --M.-A-,-N--0-f_f_l_C_E_ Bf.~~-~~ o:;,n.:._ = In. Call Har. 2<K2 * * * Frank James & Linwood Vick REAL TOM ft ~)'l•-C Tt9Y1.a. c. !\um, AMoe.. 312 Marlnt' Ave. -Baltioa lalAIMI Upper Bey Area! ONLY ONCE -IN A BLUE MOON Can w. otter you a bargain IUte thi.. 3 bedrma. plu.a penthou.e with bar -f bath.a on choice Bal· bo. PeniMula comer -FURNISHED for only 128.000 OVERLOOKDCO l&ata Aaa eo--ALL try Club. J bed:rOGftl and ct.. L&r ... llvtnc" ..-:m and llN&kfut area. J ftreplac-. lepan.ta 11•· 1•"1'• bulldlnr w1UI "'inpua It rr-r room W1t.h ~ baUl. Baeu· llf ul homf' for only 117 000 ••• 14000 down Peninsula Home! IDEAL. MODERN HO>O WJTH ' BltDJ\OOM8 and 2 bathe. OcMll view trom upet&.lr bed· room. L&tp UYlntr room trtth n~e fireplace Bu;y It for your family .•. IH.aoo. '8000 down 2 Unit Income! ONJ; OF OUR 8E8T V ALt.11:8. J ,,.uoe. cio.. V> .Ba_y and ec.u. both rumtahtd Botll '" ~ood <'<>DdlUon 10x1oa tt kit. 11•.eoo U 600 do- Balboa Duplex! ~ROI: LOT . . . ROOM roR THE ADVANTAGES ot cuual beach living. S minut~• from Bay or Beech, yet on a Beautiful com er lot in CLIFF HA.VEN. 3 bedrm.s. ff den -2 batM-oall floon.. Ru.tic llvin1 room. Beautiful patio and prile land· ecaping. Real qu&Uty construction. Hud to dup. ht. at the ulcing pr1oe of $36,000 NEW DUPLEX % bedrm. eech -150 t'l. from beach. Slidinc clue doo,.., large wardrobea. o~ be.am oeUinga. OOM ao 8boppin1 d.iftrlct. Jl'ull price $19.~ * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 1~1 W. Oout Hiway, Newport Beacb LI 8-3481 ONIC MOR.I: UKIT PLUI I ''C'' THOMA.a "C'' THOM.AS ''C'' THOMAS ''C'' THOM.AS OAR.A.OES. Lo...,er hM beM modem lMd and b•v74umJtur• LIDO WATERFRONT l.n both Included 111 Ml• pna.. BHl loca\lon for bot.h Bay and OcMn -•mrnl~ IJl.&00 Wtt.h l~• Balboa Lots! AIK TO BEE 0\11\ 3 ft-I LOTS 011 B&lbo& Boulevard • • • clOM to buei.neM e«!tlOn. ltt.&oo for a.JI I . , me)' "" -• -.p&J't .. I DOCEDl.A TE POSSE.9SION-LOW DOWN PAYMENT Completely tunai.hed (or unfurnilbed) charmin1 S bdrm., J bath. new w to• carpeting, alm09t new applia.DCN, lovely ~ocl. patio, barbecue, PIER 6 SLIP -Owner will oouider trade. LIDO'S BEST BUY at $50.000 A y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2306 W. Balboa Blvd. M-1 OJITEJUDO AT NOT Yl:8Tmft· OAY8, OR TO M O RR O W S PRlc»-BVT TODA Ya-ACT Q UICK! I DO YOU want a pretty UttJe Provincial tntenor home on 109 trontac•~ ~ YOU CAN have )'Otir llualn-In 111• t'Mr and wha t • loc.-aUon' Don't wall en lhla. lt.t $1 l ,&OO t.oday 6 t•nn., Tou'lldouble 1ovr money! REX RECHS - Realtor 2JOT B&lboe Blvd , Newport Beadl Ru. BIM-S..-ve YOUT num~ Ev•. LJ'bert7 •·1838. LOTS:- NEWPORT HEIGHTS VJllRT nw IZJ"I', l'ood loce· tioft. &ollltT\ot 4.9&0, t.rma. The Vogel Co. Balboa Bay Front a BdnN. I WM~ turn. ..., I t b h&nd • Wodted drape. w /W oarpeta, HelaleJ' ahutler1 Unv ·out. ft la a dream corns tnle It 10Q .,. look.I~ for l:ari7 .Amer. «Mlcor. 2 paUoa. BBQ wtt.h alee. aptl, pier and •llp, I car pr. 'With parktnr .,,ace W&Jon. A•ltinc S70,000 ShoWJi UJytlma ~ appoint· ment. ... lftl ... wrr: 'ftllia i.--I b I _. .................. ,. M ...... W/W ......... 11 I tM mad ..... , ....... ... fte ...._ ..... 11 ti ~ ........ ...... I ....... a I !N $2 M • --~ ...... ,..,,, •1"""9 w11 "' ~­......_ Excellent Income Duple. Located cloee te the Lido ......... -& ..... 11treet. Completely a.nd newly t. ' ', ._ Loww _. 2 bedroom.. upper one Md.room. ... ..._. ....,_ inc a fine return on the tall taa ' ' ' ,.._ el $24,000. Upper can he ma4e •ftllMll to•.., owner. Exclwiive with u .... at ~. LIDO CORNER Lot speoial •+ $12.500 BAY & BEACH REAL TY--Uclo Office 3112 La.fayette, Newport Har. 18'1 -· .. ..._ Looking For A Buyer For Your Home? What. ia a JUrbt Prioe! I 1>'· BALBOA PENI.NSULA Balboa Realty Co. Commercial Income -Corona del Mar ~ ~io.:a .. Nl~~. LOTS Where can You find a ...,_., How much cu the bu,_. ,., .._ T la a new mortcace n--.ry! How 1A the buyer roing to pay t.be dltt.._. ! Oppo•ll• aa.nJc of Amerle& l'NVF8J'ORS A 'ITENTION I Con.ea.ta of 6 1"9'0t.al I Ro• 0,...1~ unJtl. 2 storea and f ~cbel.?r a.pt&. Examine th. Al Conwl11a Sd Lee • · • ..... ,_ f '--Jack Ptnkti...m J~plllne Webb mv..i.ment poea1billtJ• ot .u• lDm property. NEWPORT WJ:U.. l.OCATl:D ft.J LOT-Near ~ .... .,., .. ~ Turn your probleDlJI over to a lt&ALTOR -t.be man who haa made re&.I .tale 1ILla tuDu.. ,... feaion. -~ IC 8&.119oa 81¥-d • B&l~ HOMERE. SHAFER Both Buyer and SeUer ebeu.14 MCUn tM ~ 11va.ilable coun.el ot the penon be9t q~ to aerve -the penon qwified to u.ee the pro(..mon.al l1tle. "ReaJtor." CORONA DEL MAR R-2 Int IK>Uth of Highway. ~t buy at S4.500. 1-~· Harbor 1277· "Cu THOMAS, Realtor REAL VALUES 224 W. Cout Hlghway, Newport 8-cJI Uberty 8-~ R4a!Lor Jl&rbor JtO-l:ve. Harbor 1117·.M COSTA MESA 1 eR HOME .... , 10nlJ1c. w ouJd "C ' THOMAS ''C'' THOMA& "'C" THOKAa ''(_-THOMAS Costa Mes• ~142 lot on M~a Dnve Back Bay \'sew $6,500 <;ommerc1aJ on E 17th Strttt, 62x300 lot with two well built build.mg• ~ 9q. ft. noor area. Excel- lent lout1on near Irvine, $35,500. be Ideal for l&Cht lfl4. SX.E I 'T'H.19 one today, It won't lut. -------H C Y Misa N rt H bo Board f R It 1 ~~~ ~l-~INO LOTI !tut • Its "peachy keeno", This THl~~o b~~.., l&Dd· ewpo ar r 0 ea ors •1'1• n••r the C.untrJ' Clu• ~ .. AO~T -IO .. •w!: ~ 410. 32nd SL N-lleMla <'.ood ttl•tl'i(\. 1 ~t lht~. t BACK BAY BEAUTY !tun~ yo.a'w beeli ........ ....... ... ·--r-· RAY REALTY CO. 101a MK23' ukinc for.· Shake 1"00f, aru.tio nnch laome.. Soft S.lbo• B. A. NERESON and 1cne11 ooton thru out. su. ! ! a becirooma 304 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Har. (Aero.a from Ban} in COM l Har. 2288 1tc>.1;rog PLUS OONVERTIBLE OEN. Only 122,IMSO. Euy 1NI N•wport Bhod~ 0oet.a M.-...__ u t. t...... -t. "-p't ool LI 1-1en S\-•. LI ''"'''° .--. •U• ..,. MJOWll .,,., ap Y· CORONA DEL MAR $850 DOWN BICACH 8MACX, i,, llloclt to Expan.atve Harbor and ocean view. 4 bdrm. Den. ocMJ1, HO. mo. "111 pnoa MllO. Dining room. 2 bat.ha. Hardwood 6: carpet n oora. LOT on tttb at , nHr .,....._ ..iy Bargain at ~.000. Subm.Jt down. u ooo. La.wt C'h&ne. t« klw "'"c. I !lom..Cte. S~~S tor Blr.ACON BA~ and BAYSHORES propertiee. •USINUI B UJU>tNO on N-- nar. 177~ -Evee. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-822~ port Blvd. $950 6ow11, ... 11a John Macnab, Harbor 5359 tcw fltU d.-t\a. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m M.artne ...,,.."" ...,_ Wand WATERFRONT LOTS he tttae. A-..Mb top loaaUon.. _.._. to $780 per ... '°"-Cal 80W ............... . OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2aa W. Clout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport 8Mcb U 1-78'2, Har. 51M .VII. ... • N.B.C. Re•ltv Co. -.ct A K_,.,-t Bml.: "~a-ls Har. 1611 or J 40I View Lot o. Bl utf. (1.-..hold) M f•t trontaca. N .. 302 XJnp 1'oe.d, w.-ot PSnai llOUM. Ow-nar W. •. Tml:yck, to41 PactfM A.-.., Lons 8-ob. Talepboae Loq BaacJt ~ • ..._,..., Npt ISA.180 1\Z DRJVm. ll-1 --.eh lot. ~ 'blk. to aourt. P&OO ..._ OAA.NOIC 00.uT Pt\UPD'llU 2167 N~ Coeta X- Ll ... lW IDva. t.1 I~ El Retiro Eastern Home A llecluded corner -"A peek" of a view. Such lovely tree.. Loc.ation Newport Htl. Idea.I tor you 'young decorat.orw, or retired coupa.. Not a abake root fannhoUM and ltl old•, eo what! ! RatluJ and rugged. Lot alone worth $7.SOO 6: you can't put a price oa thoee l1"1. Opportunity knocb h.,... $18,900 See thla ! I REX RECHS -Re&ltor 2807 Be.lb<>. BJvd. Har. 51M lC'W LI S..SUS SS SUPEREXCELLENT SS Level 30 A.C. M·l INDUSTRl.A.L $1.000 -. Twana. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. Har. 221 • LI I-7~2 . ho OoM.r\ rr-t Jot.e. Sonad fM dupl-. tMOO ...ei. Coasi Properties IOl &. 8&!Me Bl9d.. a..tboe Hanor *I. MH and .aoc>. Best Buy in Town I a. k. •iacoo. Mubl• ran«•. nice n,..,aac.. lars• corner lot, car- pet.. drap4111. mJ~r. NUlfe . .,...tc. A W. M. lnctu~Ph.111 bachelor .,t. .. u pn.c-. ( i.uecs at 160 mo. I Nice 17 located an.t, 100 It. from _,, A.JI tbia '°"only S7GOO & 8-r I:.. 8l\ater, ~tor. 11a.rMr UO EYe Ru. 1117-M 1480 MO. INOOMJ:. IU,000 dD~ Im"'9"d l'orMr. HartM!r 81vd. Tak• leeaJ I bdrm. hem• u dn. peymeont. OIUNOI: COAIT PROnJ\TD!.9 1MT Newport, Coeta w .. LI ... 1112 EYL U 8-4t03 DO you rMJtT W&Dt a BUY., ' M&lta otter. UftOICNT. MUllT UJU., ._uW\&1 Back •Y nearly "-M&k• roof term ~. I bdrrna., 2 Mt.ha Olori· -forever .W. ot ky and mounta.tna. Ku. 81.M. tell Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round ho-. ea a.... ehore Drive. Knotty pine livinr room with dfnllla area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom a.ad ~ batb down, 3 bedroom• 11nd 1 ' :J batha up. Solid ..,. atruction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 ear rarage. encl~ yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Re•~or 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Seech Harbor 1911 NOBODY WILL BELIEVE ITI There have bettn MO lotl So. of Hiway D..,. tM Ocean for ao long, we might be doubt.ell but ,.. do have two ria-ht now. Zoned R-2 on qw.t. tl'M lined street. You can DOt irteaJ them hut U.., AJl9 worth the price. No oalla, pl ..... jua Wini' 1fllS check book to R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodre, Aleoclat.e 3622 Jt. Coast H'fl')'., Oo1'0na del Mar. Har. m6 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND 119,000 HOME A INCOME. 2 B. R . home -and S.Chelor Apt. Both unlta tumilhed. $6000 down. BMt location, nr. No. Bay and village center. $24.750 Xlnt. Term11. Charm. Cape Cod home. Large Uv. rm .• dining rm., kitchen, 2 spaciou.a bed- room.., 1 'fl baths, plu.a gue.t room and bath, charm. l&ndac&ped aunny patio with B. B . Q. House bu F. Place. F . A. heat, beaut. wd. floors, and la built for gracioua living. Double garage. A home you'll be proud to own. SO. BAY FR. FIRST OFFERING. Ch&nning ' B. R. home. Pier Ir noat. Pnced right. COSTA MESA Buaineu property. E. 17th St., Z.One C-2. 100x.300 $22,500 DON'T MISS OUT ON TJllS. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 CHOICE LISTINGS Tb ... propertiea ue among our ebolceet buyti. Homee for every family. See them befoA buying. a bedroom• Oil BA.YP'RONT. Older, but a cood fam· Uy home. Partly furnilhed. Just reduced to $30.000 8 room home on Cl)rner lot 40x90. Two ~ooma and den, 1 ~ batha, fireplace, hardwood floon , large walled patio. double carac• atreued for apartment. Permanent bay view. $~.000. Terms _ Two bedroom, 2 bath home on S.y Ave. Nice patio with BBQ. Room to build another ho'-· $5000 d()TfJl Good older 2 bedroom hoUM and bachelor rental. Near town. library, tranaportation. $12,500. Excellent terma can be arnnged. Back bay view lot. One of the f<?W fee lot.a ln the area. 126:11185. $15.000. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 97e99 ........... a._........_ ........... a a..ar.tate ----- p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle North Bayfront Large Family? In fact, 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 unita nl~ly tumlahed, newly painted & decorated. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to each unit. ThiJI ii out- 11tanding in every way~ thia for sure. It's the beat income property but we know of. Full price Including furniture $105,000. Term11. For a family who livea mna.rt1y and buya wt.ely ! You'll enjoy all the wonderful advantagee of Lido living in this BRAND NEW S bedrm., 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den, 2 flreplacea, paper, panellng and ool- ora tastefully blended, 30 by 17 pat.lo and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen ta fully equipped with built-in range and oven, dJapoaal, dishwasher and fan. Ready to move into today, and only $33,l500. Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bedroom.a Ir 3 batba, new wall-to-wall carpeting, vek-y nicely fu.rnJ.iied, fine condJtion throughout and should be seen i.f you are considering a bayfront home. $55,000 incl. furniture. Term.a if de.ired. Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. Ii 1 bath plua a ~ bath and small bednn. ln garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. 'l'1lia home ia In fine condJtion and if you would like a home to uae in the summer and hav~ ua rent it for you In the.winter, thil abould be perfect. $18,380 Term.a., p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management S333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Then be certain to .ee this moet attractive hom~ Uuilt eqeclally for a family with four children and designed ao mother and father can have (Ut-11ta and privacy. The children even have their own ·livlng room, what could be more perfed than that. Nice patio, nice yard, four bedrooms and thr~ baths. Priced at $3T,l500 and with terms made to fit you. AU for Bill Farnsworth Picturesque Provincial Spacious Brownell de.ign includee enormou. )hater Bedroo~ auite with His and Her dreuin1 rootns and bath. Guest room and bath-cozy den, 2 fireplaces -Iota of u.ed br1ck and redwood. Heavy shake roof -ocean view -Juat a step to exclusive bathing bet.ob. Price $3e,l500. Open Sunday from l·fS. 2f8 Evening Canyon Rd., Shore Cliffs, Corona del Mar. Drive by or Call Dave Osburn Back Bay Beautiful Early American Home. Two larp bdnna. and a den plus 1 % bathe. Thia ii one of the cute11t houaes we have seen in a long time. You will fall in love with It the minute you aee !ta low hanging heavy 1hake roof which accentuates the warm eo1y feeling of the entrance. It's too bad a hoUH llke thia ever hu to be .old but Mll it we mu.t at only $2'.750. For detail• eall Joe Kinca1d p. a. palme~ incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. eout highway -liberty 8-M73 Houston ~Values BILL'S BEST BUYS Cheap Acre JtASTSIDE , Onlv $11,100 CORONA okL M.AR 2 bedl"OOm Wlfl.LE OTHERS SLEEP home. Only a etep to BIYd. ehope moo and SM.80 mo. buye It. You can pic.k tbia one up for only $1000 dn. Spac· eo• RIU.JOTRO..,. RI~ tor fou. 2 bed.room-FURNlSH.ED-~ B. W. floor.. tlxer upptW. B~ tor car. apt. dining room. firepl&ce and ID tC>l) location. Sewen NewDort Heights in and paid-paved alley. tun price oaq 110,eoo. OCEAN \lmw s bdrm. • den home on beauUtul cor. lot. Drive SCHOOL DAYS put 3011 Clift Dr.. 1111,000, 131100 dn. mak• It a ptck up. Dea.r QJd Gold.en Rule 0.,.-.Thil lovely two bed· M-1 $15,000 26eo eQ. rr. !Ud1. oa thlH. w alley ~ar. Sell w1lb or w1lh0\1t leue of flM per -· PlacGIUa room 19 cmly a block away tna 8arpll' Scbool All •arse room.. Urdwood noon, cUutte u4 hrMkfut area. Completely fenced. l'ull price 110,900, with $1,~ down. COMMERCIAL ACl\J: -can I>« cut lnto 2 60'x300' lot.a. II year old nice 2 bdrm. knotty pine paneled home and workabop or JUelll hou.N. Only 110.600. Room to build unlta. Exclusive Listing E. 18th St. I JNCOMll H OUSl!:8 plue alee 6 yr. old 2 bdm\. home. RdWd. n oon -lo,•ely tlreplace-ttoublt l&r•J-WOrklhop-pll UI t1111tru 1131.,'xJOO' lot-('IOM In. Wiii •ell 2 lncom• llou-for 111,000 - 13,000 dft. or all I WnN tw le 000 6n. SEil THIS TODAY I Full price 3 hou .. e 124.~. OOA.8'1' AL 8BOPPER E41tl6a of NEWPORT HA!lBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAM 1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST l I, 1955 a._......_ BALBOA ISLAND QUALITY ISLAND HOME a APT. One of the Ialand'a fine honiet, I bdrna .• lge. dlntn1 rm., 1% bath•, delightful Ufbt living rm. opening to partly covered patio. The attractivt-ly furnlahed 2 bdrm. garage apt. with full bathroom eama owr $1800 per year. Extra '4 bath in garage. Outatandlng buy at $38,000 with 112,000 dn. FIRST OFFERING. 8atall 2 bdrm. house on Sap- phire. Floor furnace, fireplace, furnlahed, built 1947. Small lot, only 118,500. Submit down. TWO UNITS LUCE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convertible either 4 bdrm. home with 1 bdrm. apL or 3 bdrm. home wtth 2 bdrm. apt. Gracious Uv· Ing ·nn. leading to ueeptional patio. $10,000 dn. good terms. 60 FT. BAY P'ROJrt'AGE. On Little hland. pteJ, float, formal • bdrm. home. The land value la cloee to the aaking'f)rice of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32,SOO LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot , cb&rminl f 'bdrm. 3% bath bouae. Dining nn., modern kit- chen, clilp.. diabwuher, lot.a of cupboard9 and cloeeta. Plua unuaued 1 bdrm. a pt. over 3 car fa"" qe. Both unit.a all newly furniah~ ln MoclerM. Ideal for home and Income or (Ueeta. Har. 1115 -Efta. l:d.lth Maroon KY att 6-Un John K&aaab, Harbor 6869. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J2t5 Marine Ave .• ll&Jboa I.eland "IMMACULATE" BMt d..cribea our MWtet u.tJ.n1 of Udo'a llll&l'tMt two bedroom home-Jt'• done m Provtnclal decor. Replete with lhOM lllD&l't interior window ahut- te~ brick tiftpla.ce. J'ull price onty $22, TOO, terma. (By the W&7 lt'1 a very •hort walk to tM Clubhouee). LIDO LOT Forty foot frontai• ud ia throqh street to llt.rMt. ,12,7IO. --.U.0- We have a mtall Udo lot 11.000. (We WS... thlt to be the lowest prioe of any ava.llabie lot on Udo lal.uld). VALUE V A L E Ave. I'll'. ltdll at. U r;ve, lnfo. Pb. LJUe U l ·JMI BROADWAY VALUES Large 3 bdrm. Bath bu tub It at.all abOW'er. Com- pletely re-decorated in It out. Double png. on paved alley. $.wen in It paid for. h.11 price l 12,G60. With S3000 down. · Eastside Duplex I YRS. OLD. Hdwd. noora. I bnft. each. J r u ·•i"e in ~lWffn Clean. '3.000 dn $16.260 t\111 LI DO REALTY Awoc1.atn LJdo'1 Moat Experimoed Salee hr9onnel Bill Kemptoe -Joe Grohman BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and l bedroom income apartment. An exclu1ive bom. ...,.._ wtth fine beach and large lot for mother • children, and dock 1pac~ for a amall boat f or dad. Priced $28,l500 furni11hed- Good temu1. Owner will u.ten to cuh. Ph. Har. 04 for appt. u Aq. tenant paya $77fS rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE A unit motel apartment. The &•t unit of thil type ln thl1 location. Incom. tn ace99 of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Next door to the Poat OHice Har. «f Evea Har. 3069-M -Har. ~R * EXCLUSIVE KINGS ROAD * Commandinc an unexcelled view of the entire Harbor aru, this apaciou.. almost new M~rn offers th• ultimate ln rracloua living. It bu t.hree unu.ual bedroom.a : famiJy room open- lni on a covered paUo; atudy, a truly beautiful kit· chen with alJ the built-Ina, and a living room you mu.t .ee! Price: s:H,500 17500 down. Shown by appoint:DMmt only. GREENLEAF -SEVERTS REAL TY , Inc . Harbor 2552 8112 Newport Blvd. Evea: Llberty 8-3186 Newport Beach Special-$8200 0000 a bdrm. bome on rear ol JOOd.10 Jot. Plenty ol TOOm l4 build. Own• n..s. only 12&00 down-Exel. location -l!:ut· CLOSE IN •Ide, lfflnJ le b«lltvlnc on t.hla one! 2 bdrm., bdwd. floort. 6' cement block wall en- bdnn. In Newport Ht.a. Are& tof 17900-Lot I• 80xDO. Only 140. mo. on belanc 2 blks. from ocean! NEWPORT B!:ACH NEAT 2 hdrll\., dbla. pr on &llfy. cloaea rear yud. Bbq. and outdoor fireplace. Newly decorated lnaide It out. Walkins cliltanc. to mkta. It downtown ahoppiog. Full price only ~. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ''you'll like our friendly ..-vlce'' •oo E. 17th St .• Co.ta Mesa t.1Wt1 1-lUt Only U llOO down, j u1l think----------------------------------------- 0.Uy 110,llOO tumllht'd r Westside Baraain! I BOR.M .. l yr. old on M • 110 loL Incl. KUb. di.Ip , W W e&r· pet.la&'. fenced and land.caped. drapea. bulll·ln brkt•t. nook. belt.er Ulan new! Only 110.llOO 6\i,. s-n. only MO 60 p.r mo -bal. .,._ Info. P9lltte LI 11-6487 Houston Realtv Co. • il80ClA TES ll09 C.t. 8 t.., Coet& MIN LI 8-11911 or LI 8·778• CORONA DEL MAR CHAR.MINO 2 br., p~. nn for unit, clON to m.utreu and transportation, R·I ....• f12.500 OOR. LOT w /Dice apt. "" pr. A-I t4000 clown. tull pr. 110, 000 I IUl. 6 d .. , e&nJ'Oa .-1.w, pro- vincial ... .. .. '27,llOO t BEDROOM, panorunlo ocean VI-.. . .... . ... __ l 3T,&00 BAYSBORES I BA. PLUI pr. unit. ka. plM BALBOA ISLAND Excluatve LitUe bland -nearly new -' bdrm .• 2 bath. t.ut.efully tum . -Charmlng patio -a few ateps to Eut Bay. $28,!500 completely furnllbed. ---- ClOM to Shopping Center-Cory modem-2 bdrm. cove~ patio. s1e,950 fumi.ahfd ---- Outat.anding value -2 unlta, S3000 ye.rly income $5000 down WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park at Marine. Balboa Ialand Harbor 2462 And A.Noclatu ''OLD SAL TS" LIDO WATERFRONT, PIER & SLIP --------------------tnt.. t paUcl& bkteL ~r IH,IOO Three bedrooma, 2 batha, priced to ..U NOW. $49,500 Top loao •vailable. A REALLY CHARMING HOME One of CORONA \HIGHLANDS niC*t. a bed.rma., 2 ti.th•. ~auUful lltchen with buJlt in ranee and and oven. Separate dining room. huge den. Very attractively decorated. Excellent location. $31,500 Unna. WANT TO TRADE FOR PASADENA? Puadena owner of modern furniahed 3 bdrm. hom. n.l'IMd at $17,600 with eq11ity of Sl0,000 will . acbanp for tncom. property ot llimilar prtc. lo Bay area. Call u on thil. MARINERS ISLE ~L TY au Marine A,.., Balboa i.&and Harbor '711 9&98 OPEN BOUUI ..._ 1-t a.JIT IU. VEN I BA. GIL .... t.o1r ..,._ t1UIO OSBORNE REALTY CO. Claire Van Hom R&A.L 'I'Oll 2323 w. Cout Hwy. (At Port Oranre> Newport Bt&ch · LI 8-7:s62 Bar. 515' eve9. ITl1 •.~.,..,.u...,., ~~~~-~--~--~----~~~~~ lllt1L'l'IPla V1lrr un. on Aalm • V""-1ia M. lt'e tlO tt. deep. Pr1oed to MIJ -On17 S3t&O. OR.ANOlll COAST PROPERTJm 1861 N9Wl)Cll't. o.ta M .. Lt tl-1632 11:n. LI 8-4801 a&AOll llOIOI ·~ .............. ft. i-.. ..... ~ ... ... f ll,llOO. m6o ....... Call ·-·····... ..... .. Balboa Island S8000 dowu baJ ~· rmt for t.bUI attr. ' Bdnn. home near bay. ---- 2 Bdrm boIM plua su.t rm., bath and 1 Bdrm. apt. Furn. $28,300 NELDA GIBSON, Re1ttor I08 Kutne An., Balboa l.alanc1 Ila"-lJOI • $5,500 Full Price BUYS A CLEAN, well conslNCl· ed 1 bdrm. hoUN Separate r•r- Gene v~ -VlrJtnla Manaon 3400 Via Udo Harbor ~ •re. Wall to waJI carpf'U 110'• --------------------170' lot. 8 Months Old l V, BA TK-1 bdrm. and dfn- Wall to wall cpl. Knoll)' pin• panellnf , Natural wood doore Cut~! n .1100 dn. •11.ooe l'\l.1J PTlce. Best Buy in Newport Height.a f\p;l)UCED from lll,000 t.o 1111, t &O. Oc.an vt.w. 2 yn. old Wood ahlnJl • roof. Hdwd. floorw l'"lr•· s>la.ce. no v o tn l~e k ltchm Ji'U1J dl.nlnc room. Pl u.e 1 1a rt• JU•l ~ W1t.b full bath Obi. f&reJe. •D THI.I TODA T I WW ta.lie tt.~ dn Another Special Newport Ht.a., Sl.500 On. CARPET!:D U vlJt&Toom Hdw>d. fiool"L Large klldlf rt 2 bdrm clean T yr. old. Lo·n ly Ml(hboT- hood. Oueet houM 111 r.r with tull ~ balh. l:lldoMd pUlo and bbq • .ic. Belt of t.,,.,,.l Choice Location Ea.at.Bide N!:AR "WHITE K~VO" HOM1: Beacon Bay FIRST Time Offered Beautiful 2 bdrm. -elm. 2 b&tha, dream ldtcb& It brkfirt. bar, dlnlnt room, Ip . llv. rm .. woodertul patio. F. A. heat. l.Alxurloualy fumlabed. tu.Uy c~. lmmeue wardrobea, !l ft.replacee 6 BBQ, laundry with waaber Ir dryer A dMp f,.,..., Terri& tema. HURRY ON THTS ONE I View Lot Cliff Haven Let-. deep lot. wtt.b '52 yr. leue. located Ktnp PL. with view of Harbor, llJrToundfd by beauutuJ homes. One ot the few left.. Buy now, build thla Fall. Offered at Ul500. term.a. On "Little" Balboa Island Perfect location, S bdrm.. l '1 bath, jmmenM Uv . rm. with firepl. Oo.e to Eut Hay. $28,!W:>O, tenm. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. v v SHORECLIFFS 3 bdrm. Hdwd. tloora. 8tp. dbl. JUST LISTED J&r. AUey entrance -JlAtlo - tnee. etc. r u11 prtce s12 000 Ocean view home, located on corner lot~ TW'O larr• O.L Loan A rul v1clu~· Will take emall dn. ~dnns .. plu.11 lovely den. Built around paved patio. Bey & Beach Realty ltM Newport BlvJ, 0oeta M11a. CaJ.IJ. LI f.1181 !:vee. Ll 11·31!'111 VIEW HOME Newport Heights IAB.._,.ns. TW'o beclnD. • den, ,.uo, luse ...,..,.. Mu7 ... tru. ( !'f ot leMabold), Undft' 127.000. part down, bala.nce tnial dffda.. Owner, LI t ·S37• Evu. t 7ctt ONE or TD LAST J"Z]lj LOT8 W1Ul WIOt.1.r'lxt.able Harbor 6 o..a...., •am nrt..., ~­~ Jha., IMOO. OLUfom 00.Aft PN»MID& 1191 N...,,.,.. Coeta Mtl& t.I •tm .... U ...... BeaulifulJy landscaped. sprinkler 1ylltem. Com- plett-ly fenced. Carpeted waU to wall. Autom.a.t.le ~arage door opener It many experu1lvf' feature.. Thia home t>riced to .ell quickly at $37,500. Shown by app't only - ·CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRtCE T, McCUI8TION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located nett door to Corona dcl Ma.r Bank) . TRADE WANTED MJ AeT'9 P1ac~nUa It. and1or 26 ft. FairUner twta acre•, for Udo bouae or lot. LI M710 beton 10 a. m. or ofter fS p. m. • ' LllO MAlllT WITH SALLIE "Hey Sia! la tbll a Groe- •ry Store!" I felt a t:ac at my aldriL Betaftlbac from a Mombo ...._at oar aew Udo Shop IUq 8taclloe of Ballroom Daaebag I WM pnettdag my new at.ep ap our front walk. I loOlr.ecl down to .ee a eoaple of .. little people" ataadlag hUad la balid. "'I'... tbla Is a Grocery St.oft." ..W I, ueamlng my I·~ )'O!I -bat-I woa't • teli"-uy- body-who -you -are esprw- aiOll reeerved for celebrtao tiea. 'Thea why doD"t JOG bug out a alp!'' We'N Mom aad Pop Alto from Mars. We're golllg to opea up a GJ"Oeel'1 _Store ud we made a apedal trtp dowa to .ee what you Earibua bad to offer'' ..• piped Pop. "We've beflll maldn1 the rounds and iwe've never leeD UlyUhng like th.ls." "You ain't aeen nuthin yet, wait'll you f et i n •id e," thought I u eacorted them up the front walk. "For Earth'• Sake, Pop, the doon open by themeelvea and I hear Organ Muaic," Mom aquealed. We had now reach· ed the front lobby. "Where'• everybody f.etting the ice cream conea, • from Pop, 'Tm hungry!" "Right over here next to the Bakery. What fla.yor would you like!'' The crowd waiting t o r double deckers widened to Jet them thru. Pop had to wait a couple minute. while the boy f'uiiabed h an d packing a c o u p 1 • of quarta. Mom thought ahe'd Wte something !rom the Bakery inltead. She aettled tor a strawberry tart. ''Gee, su.. t.hie ta.ate. just like G.ran. dma thought ahe UNd to make." . . . "W~ do all our baking right here beh1nd thoee swinging doora," aaid I, "Let me know when you. have the opening oC your new Grocery and we'll demgn you a 11pec1al cake." ••What'• thoee •taln for!" from Pop between bit. of rre.b Peach. '-rhey ad up to oar Meaanlae. lt f~ wut to take .-e pne .... to Mala wttb yoa, J'O'l'U n.d eome a-a ..,. apetalra ••• Or lf yoa Med a caa opeeer or a ~ of extra b&U. tow• • . . Pop grabbed llom by the llldrta. ... ....,. goee wtld m a place Ilk• tbat!" • lnakle the Grocery Depart. menl Mom apotted the Oiok. tuona Wild Mountain Bla.ck· berry syrup ... "Pop, lan't thUi the ume syrup W4' found on the table of that fancy restaurant we etopped at tor brealdut on the way down! Why don't we get eome eo we can have It on our panca.kee at home!" Mom then decld· ed u lone u •he wu here and didn't know when a.he'd be back. ebe'd better lay in a aup~ly of rare fooda ahe couldn t usually find . . . Thrff abopping buk~tulla later, I felt I abould tell her, we'd be glad to apace a.hip her anything ahe WMted after ahe wu home. We were aJ. way. receiving lett:era from people who viaited \Ml here in the wmmer requ.ting cer. lain delicacies be amt them .• "And rm 8o1a8 to ...a • a freah Blueberry pie for dbuter •.. Bana•t W o.e tllaee I WU a ~I" I told Mom t.o try my ndpe fo.r Updde Down BhlebelTy pudclbl«: Whtp up a nit.ft Nke mh ~ te dJ. nctlou and pat ba ab pu ... Thea brtac a box of blueberries. •weetnecl to tu~ aloa" wttb a llttle water oa top of the atow to a boU ... The. poar tlle hot mlrtve oa -of • <!Me hatter ••• Tfwa hUe . . . Tbe benlea aD .. to the bottom. ''Real George." .w Pop-••• your at.ore • . . I ... now why )'Oil cllda't baft • alp up .. ,,..,. ••• •1. 8ll. there'• ....... , lb We aanlMe ... u.6-.,..! .. ''WIHn'• your a..-1111p parked !"' °'Down on t • • beach.'' WhUe ... .tuW th~ir rurch.-. away, I put.. ed a few Richard'• Udo }I.,.. kfit 1Ucke" on the out.Ide .. . Zoom ... they were JOM .. . "Nice ~pie." thouiht I u I waved Joodby.. 1 . OOABl'AL 8ROPPEB !'AIMloa of NE\VPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, AU&UST JI, '1955 FRESH TEA ~·~.pk,. 48 bags per pkg. • • • .., ~--~----~~~----------Buat' a Pean an heavenly too t ••• ••• the aboppbap fllle. .llbe, U yw uve to, bat via.It oar aew florW 1hop. Meet Bob. oar tlorlat. ud pt aequblted. Thea. plot your eoa.ne for OW' Dellcateuea, - II_.. aad Proclaee. TMe a beutni oa oar Bakery, Frou.a Food9. and .Ir. De- ~ Store oa the llegnal•e. See bow amooth you ...U tbrough ahopplac .•• wlMa JOU aet yoar Miia for Rlcbanl'• Lido Jlarket. . .. lals"I • • . Je/icafe~6en TlllJIUlDAY iiNG CAKE 57; ···············--- CRUM CHllSl .. , ......... 1-os. &1; PEARS No.I~~ rBIDAY ;MC9H Pll ............................... 54• FiiNCH IOLLS· ....... -.1 for 11• ..... All ~ llO{JJI 39' Cll4M DRESSING ... s.... . ctti&. 0 W:Ks IJIOU!D 33' UTVllDAI' ai-u,~ • 22• CINNAMON IOLU ' for MAYONNAISE Quart iUim'": .. ~.~ .. -.. --·---··--Jb. 59; ~ lat Gnd9 23; MARGARINE .......................... .. 11eU7 Ol'Mbr PIE OIUJ8T 2 35• STICKS .. ... .. .pq. '°' • •....em& 1.Jpt Ilea& 27; CHUNK TUNA ........... h u. ......... 35' IONED CHICKIN ........... --.&'• ..... 39' LUNCHEON MIA T .... 11-. • .,.... D9c:k AM&'cL Fla~ & 59; SOFT DllNKS ... ~u--for WaleW• 23; elAPI JELL y -·~-·• ...... ........., J.erse.... 29; fliliD OUYES ... No. i -coo•iiS· 37' _, .......... --.11- • FACiAL TISSUE ..... 2 f.r 29• P~KJNSwa 2 for 19' ..,..... .• ..._..._ 25; FOIL WRAP ... _ ............ " "· Few Awt-·de W..._.. ,.U ALL DITDGINT . 1w.. pts1.L FROZEN FOODS ..... ,,_, ........ .._. 1 '' FIYING CHICKINS CH.C11N THIGHS . 1-1a.. 13' • ..,... 2 .. , FIENCH FlllS . ._ for A ..... ,. 2 35' GIDN PIAS -.. ..... for OiANGE JUICL-. 2 for 35' ........ SWISS STIAK-OAST IEll' Ol lllF PAml PLATI II' lllOZIN DINNas_.u ... CLOSED LABOR DAY! LU.a CA11 .... 11• • • • m•alf ... 59. . WHOLE HAM Butt Eada • • • • lb. lie TURKEY'S llMU~av1. ... 63· "'Boe-. ~ bear~ ,_..... Bklbard'• ........ GROUND BEEF •b. 39· RA&la'• .._,_ SAUSAGE ·•· '°" 39· Ra&la'• .,.._,....,. SLICED BACON ·•· 65· PINEAPPLE • 1r RQMlftiE .. ----··-·-2 ,.15c ._J .. 10c ............. ONIONS .... _ ..... ·' / YWll fhlcl a Uclo SIMtp ••• ................. --. OUYi'LoAF 29¢ •.. ,_ ................. 1-oa. a.--.Oua ~•• CllAM HRllNG ............ '1'1 FLOWERS, J'LOWERS, EVERYWHJtk.E ••. c..n the Richard'• non.t to order your bouquet • • . cor- np . . . or remembrance. Come aee our n.etr combined GrMD.bouM and l"1ort.t Shop. Now complete, m every deta1l. Say "hi" to Harry, and meet Bob, our fiorUt. formerly with the Statler Hotel in Loe Ancelea. Here you'll f"md th.e mo.t modern noral abop ln all j / the Harbor Ana. '/ J . . · ~ • • to flt your nery need ! NClll ........................... "l • •