HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-07 - Newport Harbor News PressWoman Injures Head in ·Fall • -c1rculatlon 21,000 ~ I wlMD U. t.U °"" • plp9. police TWO ,. _ I I ot a car drlftll b)' WaJtft' O W lnb G fs Superior coui:t Judie John Shf'a aid. Bbe WU treal9Ci by a doc• ~ ft ... PfPCO of Tucaon, poUoe 191tL •• .... ,. pronounced aenl~nce. Welnbeta.r tor Encl ,._L 101 Tiie Plp10 car wu appuuUt JO D &!-wu IM'ntenced to 30 daya tn jail Omc.,.. Mid -. appareUJ ~ Oii .topped and waltiq' for tramo ay ~ntence, In Newport Ju.lice court on two wMn atruck. bogua checkl0-$36 anti $i0 onu LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS t.ripped over the pip. which bolda Minor dam.,_ occurred to two J Y... Probation -to Karam'• P.Htaurant. Whll11 PONlble eoncUMlon. a cut on a • by ' piece of lumber -~-can Saturday at Cout HJp way the deff'ndant wu behind bar• the ript ldde ol her head, Mln· aUnc the parldnc area at Main and Poppy A n. when a car driv· BE SURE • INSURE SANTA A NA (0CN8) -Rich· police found he allO had puaed DAN:..S IAllB SHOP ned rip t hand and rt&'ht knee Beach. Bb• 1truck her head, the)' en by Roy Clitfonl Myrick of llAUJUE ~ANLEI' ard D. Wtlnberl'er, 6S, 813~ I:. H Veral olhl'r phoney chuka. wue auttered S&turday b)I Kn. reported. Ian Diep alruck th• rear end ..........,. Oa1J Bay, Balboa, Friday waa aenten· Wtlnber1er a dmitted ly t n r; g,,_.. Q .1-ol ---n-..a...... ••1• Ced lo JO d.ay1 ln jail and put ._.. .... O&rden Gl"Oft, I<--r -on three yeari probation at•-r about olbtr check1 which were LUae>A 'l'llEA'l'llS BLDG. ---------uu E. Cclu& ....... ., .... ---------Co,_ del Mar hl1 ,.uUty plea on a bad check puaed In Hunttnr ton BC'ach and IL&UIOA 0,.. ~ &Ian 8& ...... 7 ,.,_ .. ~ .... -w-• ....., .... ._,I_..,.....,.. .... ,.,~ ...................... . _...., ............. ...._ .. ...... .... ... .. .,.. !IM't ...._ ........................... ............ ._,.._. .... _,1 <-......... .,.. .... l:DW AJlD8 •oee .,.. priced accordins to ............ at ., ... ,~... .,. ..,. ... &II ~ .... _ ... Uli .. 1-911._ , .. """"''"""'· .... ,.., ... -·-· Two Storea to Serve You CIRCUS IOOTIRY .... -.o,.r,.. ......... a.urr .& .&?(,& OOft.& lllllA 1111 a. ..... m &. na ft. -.... ..... _...,..,. .... _,.,...., ~ .... , a...ni.v ...,,,. Everybody Read8 The CL A S SI F I E D Frte , Distincti-ce IClll llX •COLOR ~H rintld with your name wip Winter Storage loats or Trallen '6500 tor perloe1 Sept. 15. ~ 15 .... e11.1q •u• r__,.. -Otarded Btence S,..,. Olltboard Marlea IOI &. Oout Rwy. BanN .... For Complete MARINE NEWS MARINE SUPPLIES Can•• ,.. Special MARINE SECTION In .... FTlclay Edition NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS PRESS Olly .. ,...., V.I. N.._. .._.a.. ._ popa1s "-'-,.,.a w•iaM ~I 'n.. h11 .. a•n .... an,_ w ol .. .. ., ,.. .... , .. ·11 •;toz • .t..ckia1 ,, ........... ,... .._ ...... ct.Kk h Mto .. tically 1 ... ,.d, ,, .. , •1•iDH ,,_..._ aJw.doa. ()pea yow amiuot ICMlay. u ...... pen'"""N-f ......... prick W .... ,,...., I f lad. UNITED STATfS NATION AL BANK ' aKMaA • ..,.. • a .m · flU8lOll • Par IUCI • a um•• • ~ ... w ... lllUt •UllH ll"llf lllllUlll HIPllUlte • •llllt •UllU lllliU Sanitone Dry Cleaners' National Contest! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEI,D & CO. DREAM WARDROBE .•• ud a FBEE round trip to Cbleago for TWO • UNlTm AIR LINES I Plan now to •nter the na- tional Dream Wardrobe Con· teat 1pon.1<>red by the 'sanl· tone Dlv11lon ot llmery ln· d u a t r I e •. Inc., Cincinnati. Ohio . 91mpl, FtahJs Tll18 8e•telte9 la 16 Worde or I.- "I pre/rr Ba19'tOM to ord'9 tla'll dr~ c~o11tng becowH" CSampl• Sentence: I kn.ow I can lru.tt Sanlton• to do a better job on everythlnar trom children'• clol.hea to tln..t nenin1 wear -)'tl It COIUJ ao morel") It'• JI.Ill u euy u that and you ~t win a "new you" ••. nerythin&' from ahoee to a slamoroua new b&1r-do •.. CUU&l to eventna" w~d all un a r ti)' etyl*1 for "J'l.ad'I'' by the world'• fw9ll09t d•lpen. The flnt prtM wlll.ner al.o Sell • round t.rtp to ClaJeuo for TWO Oft lln.!t.ed .Atrl.IMa ... with s daya' bot.el, m.11 and lalU f&ree pUd for b)' Bani· tone Dr)' Cleantnc &enice. Ill addltioe to u.. tint prt.-ot Sl.,G00.00 o,.. 'fllud- robe, tber• are It otW .......maa ,n.... ~ ....... A....,lat4 --··-··-~·''" UDO C'1 •NllS fl .. lllMAICll XHMIO. II .... TV. "••UIM•• trel.,e4 M .... e•y ..-. ,.-z...-1eye1 ·r ci....- """" 16.$00 ...... ef plctllr• ....... C_ ..... ,.. Toi' T.....,_ lie 10.IMll z ... ,,.. •l'••k••' .... e~ .... ~ ..... ...... o.k ..... 409ts M......., ..... CHANGES STATIONS I #EVIi 1110110# .M!J TV/ ,_ II llUIVINe. C-.. ..... try ltl "-'•TV.,.. ..... wMI • lletft et It'll lllGHT PIOM YOUll LUY CIWL He .... • wlret, .......... •"'"'--,,... ,..... erf•I 1et he1 Cl"6~ee..e ,,.., ,.,,. lw"• , ... , , ... ~ ... ·~· "'--,..... ~ CW-\-... ••k•• ,. •• , .... the•I'•• ••4 ........ Sii TMI COMPLm l .. I Of llNl1M QUALITY TV NtC11 Al LOW Al 15995 for 17" ~fA~S~Y~TE~R_M_S~--~·----~'~nl STEVENS & SONS ~ 1m...,......,c...•- ..._ IAerty .... . "• ._._a JI"""-... ...,.. ----------J charl't!. La,.una Beach. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING Back to School Special! lll:MODELINo-&IU'AlllING &l:l"INl8111NG New Furniture llade to Order Complet.e 118e of Fabrice • 1-u..n Antiques Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK Effective 'til ·October 1st Permanents For Children under 12 year• $()50 For Children over 12 yMr• BRENEMAN'S A Motrt Complete Line of Beauty Aid.a Balboa Inn Beauty Shop 660 w. 17th St. MARILYN SMITH B14s.No.U Oaeta .... -LDen7 ...... Balboa Inn Arcade -Harbor 817 t..untlry serric1 tleluxe •.• •t IMrg•in prices! WHAT IS IT7 lndlvtdually wuhed-w .. rtn& apparel nutt dried by filtered air-flat piecM proteulonally lroaed. Tour dothea and llnen1 an don• up ONll umt.-no mbl· UJ18, no v.nltshtl1 marka -n in10ft water, l'entl• coritl'olled _.,.. WHEN AVAILABLE • . • 8erYte. within .... U UfS1Dl, becaUM •• do ~ npt bare. . HOW MUCH ••• It is • lwf•llt ...... too • • • • ...., $2.11 for 2J lb.. WIBE... C ••• p-~ ... "'Wt .. WllWWW 8DllJlla -._._ ,.,.__.,,. OOll'PLm'E IAUNDICllll ... CLE&Mm8 ... ,..,. ..... CLEARANCE ¥2 to YJ ·011 Group ... Values to 14.95 795 of • • • • • • Cotton, Values to 22.95 1095 . . . . . . Linen · and ¥alues to 39.95 • • • • • • 1995 Silk 2995 Dresses Values to 69.95 . . . . . . Final Reduction BATHING SUITS-Rose Marie Re id Cole of California DeWeese and others Values 10.95 to 22.95 . . . . . Now 7.95 to 11 .95 SH 0 RT S-Values to 9.95 • • . Now 1.88 to 3.95 SK IR TS-Values to 19.95 ... Now 5.95 to 11.95 BL 0 USES-Values 6.95 to 22.95-Now 3.95 to 12.95 All Salee Jl'lnal -No refunchl or exch~ngN LI.DO FASH IONS * OM of tbe Udo Shope 3• 19 Newport Blvd. Next to Standard Service Station Joining the A Leacu• Cardinali u cbamplont of tbt Harbor Boya' Club Midget Bueball tournament. with com. pletlon of the contest. Jut Wetk were the B League J:>odcera and the Youth Center C Brav•. Fl&httns l>Mk trem °'• ~ th• ·Park Olanta f9r tll• O ~­ of defeat cauaed by a flnt .-me SU• ....... loea. the Dodgera. .wept thl"Oqh The Dodru-had &o tlp t a al• ttral1bt r amH to o-nr"6ul ltriaU, u,aaaJ1 MUI• •urta1 tW the ln41au, 3-J We4Dff4ar ntr bt B p , alter llllttertlls a ,_. Mt.- and 11-0 Thurtday. b¥1l by t.ba Jnd.lana. The ~ NOT A LON remained wideteatect uiiUI the Undefeated In tourney comi--Dodren p.lned r1Yt1np wtth the tltton, the Youth Center Brave• W edndday nJpt wtn to force cop~d tlve etntpt cam•• cul-the Trtbe Into one lu t tra7. D'ltnaunr tn a •·• victory .. .,. BATCH or 111'1'9 BlnflN by Bob Norri.a, l\&Cllud ---------LoGkwood, W41C141y 8roeU, T- NOW YOUR Newport H•ltor NIWWllll • PUIUIND n ..... . ·--- Andenon, Gary Maper, Da.td Rau and Martin Taylor aocOWlted for 1l4bt Bwn rune 1!J tile fourth lnnlns Thuraday atp t. DodKer moundm\en Dick rel· ker ao4 Tom Andeno11. atruck O\ft i• rtvaJ 1>4ttfn Pd &llowed only one hit. a atnrl• by <Horp Brown. For the Youth Center Bravee, Larry Broering (Ot tlltra Off to • 1utak •l.Wt n urtd&¥ alght by bla,Un1 a two-run homer . Ch.rl• and Doa A.n4enon were on b&M on wa!U.. ftlUIUti~'T 'l'Au..Y Wlnnlnr run for th• C champ1 C6m9 lD tAe filUl l•&ni• when Bolt lfMlJ wu walked ..-1th the hap 111\fl(lq wtth Jlr•vu to force ta t Kore. Th• Olanta 11eored t .. e a.. the fourth on U\nll walk.a and a hit by BtUy Acker· man. Tbe other Glut l"Ull iam• 1D the tltlh u OrM1t Nairn atnclld "' ec:o,... oa a "1ld throw. Wtn-JW!c pltchen for tJI• , Brav• were Chrt1 McLachlln and David ~eU. wba p Ye up t"'o b&H knocka. Slate for Olen -~-.Ch Hlfh Scbool ~ ....... tor 196!1: Sept. II. i..,_. ..... ; S.pL 30, ~ Monday Wednesday fltdlJ ~ f, ()aron.a; Oct. lt at ; Oct. 11. Newport Har· ... , OcL II. Aa&helm; NOY. • al O&nl• Grow : Nov. ll, 8aat& ......... ---~---._, Hov. 11 a& Oran11. COMING .. ,.. ..... , ....... .. The All New · NIMt••" Fffrr·Slx LINCOLN •• JOHNSON & SON toO •• .,.... .... . .... , ...... --------- . ._.._ .............. Mctl-..... ..................... '* .......... • v ...... , •• ...,... • .... ,. "' eyelett All Amna's Kids love Cager fir Msbaall • all .... fll! ...................... .... eia.ye·,~· ..... ·• 4.61 s. ti '·'' asls#'tl ,, .. -,11111 Coloras e Black or White loy't Ofrtel.I 6ym Wear ws orva • a • Oa&slf nAJIP8 ObHne All S.fety ..... SpeciGls for 111un.-fr1.-Sat.-~. a.9.10 Koste._.fl., Columbia 1r· LP hc.-.1 • 12 Selectlw .... 98c PWTic RULERS .. 7• 8Up ~ 1'1,1tp11NOIL ~ ' 5c ERASERS·-······ ······~ ~for PfNCi'Liii.El _17• iiE1NFOfc'E°}iNTS 4c _ClM ................ 1.. 7ac BINDERS -·····-··········... ... .. 7 Ziff ER BINDER '1 29 ,....._ .... ~r 6 2ec p APER -·-·-·-tor 7 ................ ....,., .... ................ OfflcWSlu_W __ I' ... . '·. .... . c.tJt..... 17c PAPIR, .. • Mt'• 2~c KLEINEX _ ~ 6r RINSO .._, --·--· ·-· .. ILUE 2oc Larf'e ·····--·-g J ~riff\ Clwhtt. .... Dry ' .... . ~__) .. I f I . -' . ~ e k•·~· ... o.wu. ..... ,, z:::. ... ~~ $1.29 1.,1o ... ..... ,.....r .. 1r •r:: S4.95 rw w.a ., DMk S1.6t ...,.... w ... c .... 6lc Star Shopper TY PrOCJIWlll ...... Sept, 26 W .... fofSGmt .... Dclyl! lrief lat ........ O.• .... Tu • Otqer Coler &er·IM"'- $2,Jf $3.91 lcllool Lll9tch Kit $2." Paper CU,. C0111"9Ctio'9 ,.,., a. ...... hll 50c W--b I M la ......... ,_... 25c U9UID PLOW PENCIL ··--·-····-·-················ .. ···-·- iiLM'oNJ· i1iYALUE PINCIL -··--·nc ...""'9 ................ RUllll CIMINT .. --·-·······---• _____ 25• 1:110 ., - -au •11a. rair llG COUNT TAILET ······-. ow................. 88. LUNCH KITS, ..un&e Oak.le, ...._ ,... • ........... JD- ABC BEER ·····---·--·'"u &L -87c .. ....... G• 11lmoff WDIA ' COS Mme DICIALS 0.Y)' Orocket& ..... ZIPPER BAG --··----· 1 o-w--.. .... _... ................. •oWer iOif oN .... ---·--7'r f OLD CREAM ~.'t. 51 21 Can N ... O..ntfec S4 25 CREAM ~.i:M ., .. ····-·········-I Oan N ... ~ l>f7 8lda O ttW•f S4 25 CREAM ~.~ .. -····---I Cua N... $425 SKIN CREAM ~.~M -I Hall Price ._. ........ t ........ •11r FOIW.,_ fll0l8TUB& S4 75 CREAM ... IM .. .... ···········-I iOBaY"PiNs 2 .. 26 c .. ..... .... _4.95 Csry-All C:C.. s2so Saran coated, water repellent tweecl coverecl, all 19urpoae, AHt'd. colors, Inside deep pocket. AitiSEPTic 2 ... 4 7c iiflfEPiiC .. 2 ... 47c ., .. v ... fAitETs·= s~ SiCCHiRTN .• -89' l•x•ll Delae TOOTH llUIHU .... lte-1 ,., 7te .... Jtc-Z ,., ••• .... Jtc-2 ,_ It• I ot tlle All-CJr tll"lt tum, tl"om ment. PA .. I COAST AL: SHOPP!R WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, ttSS PIRATE TURNOUT DRILL GIVES BUCCANEER MENTORS· BIG LIFT FJC Grid JM.r Mio~ he wu a aa.mber lut 9))0t tn th• 1'\lah1n1 d.-part- P\illerton HIJh. La.raca l'lu aJ.nce &T•duat.ed. u l'orter. m -pou.nd ~nur and have th• two top Vldt h'om la#l -------------------------prospects llnebaC'ker laat H UOD, lnjurl'd bl• MUOI!, Bob Dunl\'&nl and J im Locals to au....-6' leg midway tnoaJh UM ......,. Moo~. So an enUre rtbulldlal' ,11911 • He WM an all-lffguer tnm Fial-job t. tn .tore for Uie ~· lerta., and eiq>eet.a to ea.Joy bi. ~. A deleptJon or aav1np u- B • hter belt lle&90n. toeaa uon ..... u.-1'9f1'911'nt- JOBN8TONE'9 ..._A ... W...c•1rr C'wd Aide Warta Md,, ..... 10 L.ttermen AmOllCJ 47 Grids • OCC Preps for Fint Fray w1u not be one to trttle with ng 1..-.t Ye&", the Hornet. won Ins New,awt .... Sa'flnp, ln· _ .. ould he m -'"• ... , -A· _..... •l it of 11 pmu.. but eocounw.d T111tl11 Grid Cioet P __ ,_ ... .... .,, a·-.. ,..., ... .... t cludlnr . A. r .... uer. preaident; ... , e·~. Brue:• -· h•a...-•lrht ...,,, won t Ilea.oft In matory or "'·~ H 8 i~~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ii ui -· --~ ·J -~" r•" • _......,.N COCNS) -Ten J •""'tin lgh chool ""rid ..:he· Walt-a. --. ,,... _ ___.. bold chain Ion at v~•v pet90nal In urtu . BaiTera wu • .... -.. ·~ .---"Ir P Newport lettermen from the li!U tea.eon In I.lid out of moet ot t he rarnee dule: Sept. 23 at Oranitl'; SPpt. Ralph P. ~. 4'nc ... ; -S 975 Piii I t'la A"- l.n.t7 ~"" eoe-. .,.._ Barbor High. were on band for Initial foot-with a knee injury 30 a t HunUnC"ton Bf'ac:h: Oct. 7, W. SteplMn 8rnttll. a111>r11M!d: aa. other Sailor• mimed up for b&1l drlllt Thunday nlpt tn Santa Fe ; Oc:t. H , Plux X: Oct. wtll all.ad UM mu.• tvw .._ Private Police Head football Coach 1"y Rosso and h1a 9tatf received CM Bue srld11'on crul11e uu. aea-rulluton stadium. OPERATION 21 at IA Habra: Oc:t. 28 a t Cttp-nl_...ry Con,,...._ of tM ftl- a ahot of hope over prospect.fl for the Orang• Cout College 80n. 'nley are Centu J ohn Er· Under th• (Uld&nce ot head Durlns the ott-aeaeon, h• un-letra no: Nov. 4. Bre~ -Olinda: lfomla 8aYinp ... IMll ....,._ Pl t "'"d t • th' f 11 afte 1 k t th 47 . ,.rt. Tacltle Harold Holbrook. coacll Bud D&W90D and hi• two derwMt, an operation. Porter re-Nov. 11 at Valuc:la ; Nov. 18. wtlidl w\JI N IMl4 tn ... ft&a-ra e ,.. • earn •• & r a 00 ·Re a .e ptg-Halfback Olc:k Campbell. End hard •• worklq ~l•t&nt.a Gene celved tom Upmenta tn the Phoe-Lacuna BeAc:h. oi.co hpt. aH. • MERCHANT akbmera who turned out for the equ&d Thu1'8day night. Charin Reich, Center Kenneth Martin and Oran Bl'ffland, the nix cont.•t. and didn't play dur-;=::::::::::::::::::====:::============:;. ''They're enU11uilutle," wu the 1 t 1 U ...-d to ~k a.nd J im Oerarpa.c:h. Gere-Bomet.a b&d an Initial turnout Ins the final fUIHL way t.he coachee nplalned It. u ye:ru a appann 1 1 pach, welchlng u1 at JT4. bu no of 80me 80 playerL A pautnr attack wu featured ••r...at year we had a lot of falae go at u etl"9\gtla now. hlll'h achool football experience. .. rl t r In all gamu lut year. Top t.hrow- enthu1tum -yelllnf and 11Uch. ~;~l'~•n ac;:;d:~ ~:;'~~ ... :! l.A!'p11t number ot prep pro• llOWi:=~.,.•i;:::•~ y:ar'~:... er waa Dick Larson. He not only Thursday nlirht the boy• were CU .. ___ B pek •• peel• at OCC turned up from .,.._~ -•-•-"' •.•• j t ,_ 1 l eel 11-0tn• doaen llcllool recon111, a .,.,.,.t to ue etoc · l ...---·--· -118 a.... • • b t bll at -• k more fnt .. nt on gettln~ down to N 1 11 Hunt nl'!on &ach. nine. Th.,. •--_ .. _ ...,, •·-t .. u eata . abed a n ion-mar .. ewcomera who tepee • Y t ddlU S Al K _..._ ....,,.....,. up -ee..on. f ard -•fted bla l the buelnt1111 at hand. cau ht the <'<>&Chu' ,. l'a Include &rt', n a on to u-. ep-Veteraia Nlturninf tor th• or y • •-· on <MMe. The bualntH al hand I• eacape All-~un!l('>t League Bo~ SueH of llnl'er. Bill Harrt.eon .. Manuel Tor-current campalp are th• fol-H&Tlng no adequate ball car- trom U.. 1rld doldruma Which Huntington &acll retumlnc al-re.a, J im Hurd, IAwrenc. Botr, lowtDc ftCUlan from la.et. year'• .Un &ut yiaz burt tM Horneta capll6sad the Buccaneer bark In ter a year out 0; ecllool · Kenny Roser Kennedy, John Nac1• and tlDe team _ G.orc• Barrera, ln th.tr conference. They won l:utem Conference play lut Wood ot Oerden' Grove. , aU-<:on-Harry WllUameon. PrenU. Puns, D&n Walt.we the peMDc Cl!'O'fVJl. but ranked Jn 7ear. ..,11,.. .,ua or 10 ference center ln 1954, and Pat-Fr ~~UNA LADfl a.nd Betit Jlmn.U. otMr Jett.ermen ------------ ..., ...,.._ rick Palm. Z:i. who was an all-om .... guna Beacb oom• due to report an: Say It Wltll A• a nuclnie: the OCC eoach· Ing at.all havf' 10 retumlnf let· u rmen. five back• and nve line- men. Thuraday nl(ht, Ptouo went to worJt "1th nine md11. Line Coach JUU Poor e with 11 tin.- men &11d four oentere and Ba('k Cor.eh Bob Oebom• with Z:I backe. around athlete at Anaheim aa•-J-., W _, of Ta.M A _. K , ~ aJ P Un h .. _ Mike Smith. wbo wu ouUt.and· er aeuon.a •&"o. • u .._n ~ u a pnp &Dd omaut Rob-Tom ftodcer, Jlm Stro&Jer, Ed out of tchool aw"111', but fto980 ta Koon ~ no hls'l dc>ol Pat.rtck. Don Wood and Don Tan- reela hie age ahould make a Mc N*1a ~ ns. Jhurree from IUt )'9&1"• dltterenc.. llclme tood laolr:i.c '°1a b&ve i... an: Dick Nolan, Clln l'ln· "-' TOUTZD TWINS abowJ1 ap h'OID oat« ... tat e. champ, .Ala: Ba.ca, Ger&ld Lind· .. ww. Mont.eMUo Hip contrtbuta a Tben'• ..._up of J......tte. ltroni &ad J . A. Brophy. PartJ llenW It.em. pair of ldenUc&I twina, Tel )' and PL; Jl"llDt of K. ~ .VU.; Barrera. 205-pound i'IUd. WU J.OJ B. COMt BJJ., Col'OftG "1 II• COMING September Sixteenth The All New N1Mtee11 Fffty·Sb LINCOLN to JOHNSON & SON ... w. ClOMt llwy. PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SICUllTT PATROL Kl 2-7071 Matmally. that'• juat to many .. eke. Roeao ltl oontldent a 111.1(- ttr ltftt nvmMr ean be converted Larry Llvtngwton., who po1sesa a .:m.t Jobll80ft. 21. llT, a ran-aa JJl-Eute.m Confwence -llulMw 60'11 ~t~I h•rt~p to Utt up to.a~~~~ &m~:=-~==~c=~=l=~~l=~~~~=•=r~.~~=~===========~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ They are brothers of CUft and N.C.; RonaJ4 ~. 11. Jem, to the forward wall anchoraae to bal.ance thlng1 UJ' a mite. But. U l.elt W>ul~ have It, first In· jury M t1fl .-J~n. nc'COrln., rlrht off U~ bat ThUradA)' nl&hl• WU wft&ln'd by a llnl'm&n. Center Philip Jones. • tranlfer from Tau A and M I.lid a for- nttr .....,.,. Sea.ch "'"' playf!I', 'brolM • ttnser on a 1napback. ALI. LSl"l'9&HJCJlf The retumln1 lettermen to the ""' Bue 1114 ed1Uol'I att: ~ter Ka.on Fenton. Tackle LarTy G,..,utd, ~4• .Jaclt Kennf'dy and Denny )(UOft IUtd Ouard Ron ~ ltnmien. Becka eNI Dtc:k Ellft• at quart.et", )Uh ff ... at tull aad O.OW,St Kol'*'. Bill Mc- Kf'naie an4 llaa Ree4. aaJ!ba.fta. Oebornl' Joella f6r pat Smpron- m ... t fNlft McKt!lllM. an'1 llb- ntr, pertormln~ c1e9p1i. lnj 1tri• Harbor Area Men Capture Shoot Honors N•t trap elloet ol Use aouth COUl Nae aa4 PUrt.ol Club will a.a MJd ~pt. 25 ~t 10 a.m. A--. etaMn ., \be ....... tftf abOot ..... ti-from J(--J*t ..... &ad ""'-~ a.ta ,. ..... Newport 8-ch rieton were Jteclman O. Jarratt of l-0 8-oo Bay, A M. Powell ot Ut PvUl· MtUa. ?l:orman w. D\&.IW'Ortla ot 412 Ha.ul Orw• W. II. n uanm4't 'TOI Pot.MetUa and ftftlll•th D l<Ulter of &08 A I De&J\ Plat'e. raolf Jim.A Top ahoota,. frotD Co.U Meaa .... _ Arthur H. Mf'YHW of 1•8 I:. ltUs St.. Woody ·MaUMwe of 111G Onnr• A" and M. c. lmttJI of IOeO Nrwl>Ort Bl'f'd. Othtr w1nn11r1 Included: J oh.n Ollennan ot 201:12 Sprur t. Santa Ana Relgbt.a. Jt.ck BuncUclt of Oren,re, Paul Van St•Un• ot 1\t•· tin, O.car Hurley of Paaadena. an(! from Santa An&. S. M. Mc· Ct.Ila. wrma.m p; "-ID•rt Jr~ r J. Rua.ell. Clanmce G. F1em· 101. J\.lc.h&rd Rldtr and Dennie Hayden. I &I C'OllPICT& A tot.al of a mat.c:.b• w.r• h•ld Wit.JI 14~ ent.11ea compeUng. Match •'Inner• were ba.ndlca pped u much &11 20 yard.I wtim ('Om- petlnf aplnllt non-W'tnnn-s Tiiie aouua Cout RJne and P u - tol ranp i. locat.ed out of Coro- na d4ll Mar on )(ac.A..rtbur Blvd. and la Ol>tn to the public. Ptat.ol and 11.0• matchn are held ont'e ll&C.b month and emaJlbore rlrlf' toum&maita. a.pproftd b\' th,. NaUoaal JUn e A.MociaUon o t Amf'rlC&. ere htld eT•r)' F'rld&)' nlchL Newport LAIWlt lel Clllb Loses, Tin How1e Llvlng11ton. profe111tonal wbo pJ.ned etate "°°pltlOD at l'Tldiron llsn. curt 11 now with llanunolad, Ind., ... DouC1aa Al· tlw New York Ol&ntll. Howle ton, 21. 185, u:-.. l"Yic• man from played with Ole GUult•. R.edaklna. ?-:. rh~nbc, Aria. 40er11 and B t>llt9 over a ten y•ar FllJlng out the roeler are J ohn rerlnc:I. Gina, 1'uUa tull'-ck. Md tArvon Other proepeclll Whl<'h may Barctaley, who pla7ed two year• figure heavily ln Pirala football ot !"&VJ' footlleJJ wtUl ~aaure fortllnee far the ....-. aeuon uland. from N....._ ere Oeors• Vllnl Arlaona prep NIOlft' DlULL8 11hot put ~lllamp. rrom North Ro... a.nnOllaM pneUce eH· Phoenix, Ari%.; Fullbac:k Tony .iona. lead&111 vp to t.h&t S•pt. Baca and Quart«back Jim Coon lfS Plrat.e Bowl dedlc&Uoll p me front Brea-Olinda fin1t etnnit'. with E. Contra Coata. 'WfD etart •nd JOha AehMqb. 22. O ·MT· about fS :30 p.m. dally. vlc:e man from Jeannette, Pa. Thia --Bue uattonne wall Newport Harbor ff1"1 eubmlt-be more colorful. a prevl-peek ted both lhe bltttelll and lbe ~ Indicated. Tiie OCC eleven llghteat men tW'1llnf out for the wUI etrut onto th• fteld la acar· <>CC aql&&d tlll.e falL Bruce Bar-let jenM9 aad red beolluta. Hel· ton, lfUN'd a.n4 llneb9ca.r, weigh· m•ta, t.hla • ._, wW be a at3n· ed ln at %30, with Quarterback danl ..._ "--&1111-e«I. with Bnaoe KDJw tJw upi.t at ua. -.. .......,. ~ i. lndtYl- earton. 19. et.and& eU: feet and dual head lliM. tar p,.,._, Kn. Peanon and ------------Harold Shandley tint.bed In an 18"' to 11~ tie. Aplrual RJvereide, the wtn- n1nr t l'am _... eompoeed ot Wal· ter Wood. Lew Pettfl &Dd )(ra. Brun.. Loldnc t.Mm• COIUIUted or Al Ox1ud, lld WUcox and AJaa Fllllerton, and Biil Briny, Al Wl1-and Roland B&lky. ON THI 9-T lr111 .·8o• S11set loop Fill loaip ~ OCNa foolll&D roundup ot Suuet lMcUe •lrW cl1edoMd the ~, t11i...t!n1 crtd notee ~)': Bunt1J111.oe JIM.ell Htp kMol wtD rnU. lu Md tor UM eoa.- 1ktn diadem •1~h a llr ht. fut ltam runn1J11 out of what Coac:h Ed Goddard nlll the Q-T. Santa Ana l'rid tutor l.Allter McNlght lan·t opUmiatlc about hi• t levm'• cba.n~ Ha .--u: "We'•• p t a Jot of JT"ft llJda. u p«lally up front. T~. ""' have eome p,..tty t•lr ktda eom· In« back In tM llacld.leld." Clalrt1 Va11 Roonbdce a lJo )lu a "ll'ttn" routine about nu de-- ff'nrttnr Anaheim rhampta: "Ow' JMJUad la «"'"ll and ntt'de k>ll of work." O&.rckn Oron , new to the Sun- IM't )oop. pb -atn _.. of doU.,.e driJle 0'"1' ~ of UM 14a• iue. ODMtn>CUon wU1 dtla,y t.be o~nlq of achool lborre - Wffk . Coach Doll .A'f'flrf, f-.r pro laclrle wtth Ole Wuldltcl- R.cdallina. apect.a to put .,._ add· •d drtll8 to pod - Gas T_. n.ft Told Thett of a pa tank trom IU8 1~rt. ~ moored a t Wt w. Bay Ave .... reported t.o poUce SatUJ'd&J bJ L. M. H.t.nletn of 101'"' W. Bay A-H• Caps s...dled HUGI LOCAL FISH CATCH WORLD MARK? Joe Patteraon ot Newport ........_, ............ ~llre&JUDI' Olaat Black .. ... lut )(.a.day. tlle Balboa Anitlns a. told ....__.._ ..... .,... ...... u.. a.up •&di ,.,... ....... aa at eu n.. Pati.r-...._ ed UM lllOMt« tn Ole llallP bade off BM cs--te -u.. Lott&t'WI. ..... 111 .. t..t ..... uni-..,.. aupr Mac11 _ ................... --Ju.. 1, &Dd lt the ll1M ....s t.9U out at lJO lb. a lt&lba. Anstlllc Oub epokn- ·-aaJd Patterwon'• haul would be a ,.,orkS rt"Cof'd. Lat•• HhJh Footbal Foot.b&JI alt ta I o r J.Ai'un& IHa.rla Hl&l'I l'JdJOOI thl• fall: a.pt. U ~t HunUnrton Beach . &opt. SO, Coronado, Oc:t. 7, El ....-Undo; OC't. 14 at Kater Del; Oc:t 21. e,..a-Ollnda: O<:L 21. La R•bra; No•. t al Valenela: Nov 11. cap1at.ra110 : Nov. 18 al Tuatln. l'fr&""pnrt Be&cll tawn bo'W'len Wl'dne11day loet to Rlnralde bu~ In the be.8t two out of tl'lrM &TffM matchee. ln a sp«l&I mate.h wH.h Lacuna Bead!. Wal- l"'eil r. Wolcott of Loe A.nr••~ told poUc. two bub cape -re t.U• f'ronl bl.a car wtule parMd In troftl ot lCK S. Bay An. Sat lll'd&)'. ~. CONCRETE ILOCKS 11·2.o754 Plllll·BLOCll ()Om.ANT -tlM &. .... II.. _.. Aaa rmacs -comca .um OOlWD:LI• m;.c)(SJI ~TOl&CINO 81'SZL _. 8tJPn.ID RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Oll 100 n•u. ....... Pf.......... -.... - ,.....,. ..... OltUlll CAICI J9-. .......... SAIAll WUP IOOl!IAMli' SPICE CAKE ....... w_, Twd Moll. .. ~#537c .. ~;-- ~ ...... 1 ... •• ClllEllOS,.,. ,.;IS< -=-~1' SYNt ::. ::2• *lot* .. ._.. 90 ... ~Seropw tor_.., '°"- INSTANT COFFEE ........... c,, .......... ..-i the ...... ,. -.-y ftovor CASABA MELONS PEISIAll MELONS HONEYDEW MELONS CRISP CARROTS ,.Z.:-.d Ila. FREESTONE PEACHES: 2 ... 25c <OUllOOll YRLOW NE 2 :!:25( SIYWI flESll mAD ~=· wittl ~ , __ ~ ....... . ........ DI$ a -.... 20c ........... 0 c.t'--lt•" _,. t I ... ,_,_. S111nll It.If .. 2Sc 1...1 11111 .. 3sc FRESH PORK auns .. 3r FRESH PORK STEAKS ::: .. 4r PORK SAUSAGE l~ .. sr 1!145c CHUCK ROAST = ~39-... QIDCl-.A.,.4•, ........ ~ .... • .. ·~ BOILING BEEF GROUND BEEF SHORT RIBS VEAL ROLL UIDAatOICI f~~,._..,., ... $electM .. -. lf'I c:t.« Vl1klf'l9, uso• CMOICI ..,, '"'"., trifft..-, eJltte lea"I lof'leleM ~.fro19f'. '°' ,.. .. 1,... ,'Hi r .• .;.· i-Af l" \ 'J I+~ BROCADI fOlllf I O A' '1Nt Ou •t1t• •·· TUI .. , 1"0 Wft MU 9RClm lms~ flL. S&f.. BME1 I. 9. 10. 19SS, Al WHJ&f STOlll I • AIU. (Tiww Sundiy 111 Slota .-. Suftkf I ........ -........................... i.._ ............. ~- noma.,.,... n.1171...-.. ... ..... . (~ ......... ) ................ 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF PARKING ON ,,AMa •£Vl'A LOI r \ 1 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. ' . '_A•_e_4_WION_ao_A_v._SE_PT._'f ___ ,~_5!A_L _sHo_m_~'AJR FOR CE COUPLE Shaw Home l•tl•d Burslary from UM.tr hOm• ot 189 cub wu reported to police AUJ. 22 by Mr and Mn ~ors• Shaw oC 610 Rlven6d1 Ave. In· vea~auon dl•clOMd there wu no vialble mea.n.a ot entry to the home. His Walet T•• Th.Cl ot h1a wallet from hla I.ID· locked car parked In front of '311,t Heliotrope Ave. wu reported to police recently by Noel Ren>lema• of w _.t Covtna. Re l&Jd no m-,. wu ln the wallet, only ldenUttc:a· tlon p.pen. LIDO sHoPs OCC CLASS SCHEDULES SET FOR SEPT. 19 START WED, RETURN NORTH CLASll~ DlllCtOIY A ..... , t l_.N et ..... f*-....,.) Tluanday T-10; eluw fw ~ u. llela ........... Ud porceJala Monday ranrect at Ol"up Oout ODllill'e T·lO; 'nmnd&y t-u; chlaa p&int- to .tart tbe ...-et -lt las W~ T-10; jewelry •· -' ~. 'l'llurlM7 t-12; J-elry It WU &Hounoed '°4a7, ,/" IMidlls ( .......... ) 'J'\IMday 7·10; Betty Jo McDaniels Is Jack Hansbrough Bride fte,UtraUae 111 open to all (...._.) Tlaund&y f·lO; jewel· adult.. J'or tbe ma,jori~ ol ~ r, O.t wax m.thod) Tue9day e., wb-. ao , ... u. ......,..., t-lJ Md 1~; jewelry wcauonal ceremony performed by the Rev. Everett Auger. The bride reg1atratttlon wt1l take pl&cle dv-Weda-4ay T-10; lapld&ry Clnter· ta the daughter of Mns R D. Taylor, 2000 Federal Ave., Inc the rwt mMtUas et tM e-.. md&te) Tbuncl& T 10· (bepn · · durlns ~ WMk of a.pt. 19, tt _Y . • • • Coata Meaa and Ouy r. McDan· molhu wu not prnent tor the In a mid-afternoon exchange of ringa 11.nd vowa on Aug. 27 In First Church ot Christ, Huntington Beach , Miu Betty J o McDaniei. became the bride of Jack Hanabrough in a wu 1t.ated. la oiu-wMN a nln&'> 'I'Ueed&y 7 lO, Pho~pby 1111, Hawthorne. rite. nominal materiala r .. la ~ ~~ U:V!:!s.4.~~.' :on: Betty Jo wa1 u corted to the MJX&D FLOWERS tor mater1&la Wblcb -.me tM Y y . '. on altar and itven In keeplnf by Church decorat.lon1 were tall J>O ... •loa of .tudmta, ~ day and Weclaeeda712.S~2, Tu ... her crandtalher, Fred O. Cole· bukell contalnins pale yellow lion will besln 8ept. lli at 6 p.m., :!i:d ~~.,"!;. w"e~~~~ man. She wore ChanUUy lace gladioli. whlte 1tock, pom-pon ln the Btu .. --t ,...._•-r ..... _ Y . Y • over l&lln In wa.lt.& length with hry ... _ bl•· d I hlnl •-..._ ..._._ . •u-Monday and Wednellday 7 • JO; titled ltodlce and lone •IHve1. A c 1a111. ... mum•, ... e P um c .. -an turniture refintuln1. Monday and Wedne.cSay 1•4 11 and fYPSOphlla with huck leberry uphol•tery, palat1Jls. eeulptuJ'tns, · Julll't cap ot lace and .-d pear leav.. and In th• background c:•n.mlce C•toneware), c:eramlca WBITIN'G CLA88 held her elbow lensth w il and three tall branched cande1-bra. and porcelain. cl\tna palntir.,., Creallve wnUnr Wedneeday 7-lhe carried yellow Polly rolff roreground wu ot low palm• Jewel1')', J&pldary, phot.osraphy, 10; Engllah reheaher, Tuesday with •t•phanotl• and b a b y'1 and tema. welding and woodworlans. and Thurlday 7-9 ; P't'encb, T'bu~-b~lh. the center coraar• worn Mrs. Tbomu Buahard w u or· day 7-9:30 and Tuelday 7-9:30,· later with her rolnr away dreaa • _ OPEN TO ..A.DULTS h t ""'"'•t and Mn. Louille .-cey, Public --akin•, Thur-... ay 7-"'.·30·. ot flowered poh• ed cot on. 11~~ -.--" ... • d ai•ttr ot the bridegroom , Nng' ni. echedule of claaMa open to aduJt1 lncludu: elementary and advanced als•bra. Monday an d WednHday 7·1: Ca lifornia HI• tory, Tueeday 7-t :SO; cheml•try, TuMday and Thurlday 7·10; dog obedience. Monday 7·9 and Thur. • day T-t; driver educaUon, Thur•· day 7-9 ; reo~phy, Monday 7·10; seolol)', Monday 7-10 ; lntrodUC• lion to Philoaophy, Tu19day T·lO; i>arllamtntary practice, Wedne• day t :S0-11 a.m .: penal coda. Wedneeday 12·S and 8-8; petro- leum production, Monday 7-9 ; •wimmlnc. Thur1day 7 • t and Tuuday 7·9; Vf'hlcle code and aooldtnt lnveat11aUon, Monday • 12.3 and 8-9; vocational nurllt.nr. • Monday through Thursday 7-10. Furniture rtflnlahlng ; Monday and Wednellday 9-12; Monday and Wedneeda y 1-4 and Tueltday and T hureday T-10; gardening 7:30- 10; Interior decoration 7:30·9 :30; 1a.mplhadt1 m&kln1 . Monday 1-4. J'riday 9·12 1.11d 1_..; pa,..nt edu· cation worklhop, Monday 10·2 and 1\lelday 10·2. rulfl'Tlakln.g, Monday 9·'12 and l_.., Thuraday t-12; S.Wlnr Monc1ay and Wed· nellday T·lO and Thurad•y 7-10; taUonng Tueeday and Thunday 7-10: uphollt•ry. Monday and Wedneaclay T-10; Monday 9·12 and 1-4 ; Wedneeday 11·12 and 1-4: Tue8day and T!lurwday t-12; Tuu- day and Ttlunday 1-4; Tuelday anc1 Thursday 7·10 and Jl'rlday publicity wrillns tor club•. Tuea· M1H Carol Lee Taylor atten • "IMc&U1e", "I lf6 e You". and day 7·9.· rea dln• l ""ed laboratory, ed her •later. She wore pu tel di • .. ~ •--"Tb• Lord'• Prayer". Tb• tra • Monday 7.9·, 9,....,,_ .. , ..... __ ... ay v een lece and net In baller.... d M d 1 ,_.,..,, • .. ....., 1 k Uonal Lohengrin an en e •· and Thuraday 7-9·, Monday and length and carried 1&lmon Q n __ .. I•.. bll d sohn wedd1n 1 man a•H w e r e Wednuday 7-9; Monday and camallona w ..... l'YPSOP a an l p•yed. Thurlday U :S0-2:30; blueprint r..-en • reamer•. B d St h U.ln Ot ......... Gueall were receAvld a t the readJng, Wedneaday 7-10; carpen· u ep enson, co ,.._ try (apprentice) Tuellday and bride. wu beat man and sueata church eoclal ball. Llndlnl' ald Th Id 7 9 J lhl were u1hered by V. E. RoMnow w1tb detail• were Mm11. Frank ur •Y • ; • ng (appren-and Jerry Worthy. Catchlns, Merl• K .. terlOTI and P. Uce) Tue.day and Thureday 7-9; For her daupter'• nuptlal•1 W. l:Wott. Mr•. Ill W. Coleman, mill cabinet (apprentice) Monday Mn. Taylor wore a crepe dreu, aunt of the bride, cul and served. and Wednelday 7-9; 1heet metal In naarnrk blue wtlll ctu.ty plnk the cake wtUl• Mn. P. w. Ill· (apprentice) Tueaday and Thun-r---bo l day 7-9 :30; teJevialon tr 0 u bl e carnaUon11 to match her bat and ltott prulded at tu punch w . Uoe>Unr, Tue8day and Thureday Ml~... Th• bridecr o o •'• The n-Mn. Raubroup wu 7-10; Weldmc. Monday and Wed· nesday T-10; WoodworklnJ , Tuea- day and Thureday 7-10; Thun day 7-10. Accou.nlins. Koaday and Wld- nuday 7 ·9; book.keepinc. Tue.., and 11\uniday 7-9; bwll-. •w. Monday 7-10; ~p tratn1n,. for •u~rvtaora. Monday a n d Thured&y 7·11; otttce mac.hin.., Tu.day and Thureday 7-11: otn~ pnc:Uce, W.idneeday 7-10; rMJ utate law, 7·10; ahorthand Mon· day and Wednuday 7-3:30; 8 :30- 10; typlns. Monday and Wldnu· day 7-l :SO; l :S0-10. Gerald Hurt in Hichs Crash Registration for St. James Day School Set September 9 fteptraUon of o1d and new 1tudent1 at St. JamN Day School will be h•ld rrtday, Sept. •• • a. m. to • p. m. th• Rev. John P arke, rector , announced. Nf'W children from ~ on• Drill for Oranf)9 ORANOl!I 10CNS ) -Coach ~die Eaton'• 191111 Orans• HI throup lllx are requlred to come w1lh their parentl u they muat take aa ent ry tu t, he N ld. New kindercart•n student.a and a 11 former studenll are not required to come t or ntl(Ultratlon day. nm da.y of IChool wlll be Mon· oay, Sept. 11. Mr. Parke announced one new teacher tor the 1tart, Mr1. Anne Kactal'T'.n who will teach the fourtll rrad•· He l&Jd 120 1lU· denta are upected Ulla y•r. Panther• 1tarted th• lonr hard -------------, trek down th• 191111 SunMt lAa· WA.TICll llEA'l'ZU 9-12 and 1-4; Vocational catertnc nr .. were hurt 1n a Ulrtt· and pu try maklns. l'rlda y 11·12; car mllhap on uie Banta Alla WednNday t-12: Thunday t -12; rr..way about M feet 90Utb oC and Monday t -12. C!Lapman Ave. ~ &Rtnoon. SU• sr1d rac• road today &I pnr.c-IALIS. lllVICI -• .,., .. Uc• unfurled In •• m .. t tor lh• a n 't 11 openlna r •m• Sept. 2S •1a1n1t (fO• .!!~c.!!0 o[d Tuatln. • .. u_..... ORA.al.A CIA.&8 Drtwr Gerald &. Blebl, 28, JOT Orama Monday. TUMd.ay ud AYOC&clo St .. Colt& M..., w. Thurllday 7 :S0-9:SO; mu.lo appr• t.a.lned ma)or lnjur1u. ~n.-n C"latlon Tuuda.y T·t ; tundamentall Robert J . LoYtu, 22. and Jerry ot mu1lt"lan•hip Monday and Aldi, lt, ot Camp Pmdleton, Wednellday 7-t . p&iJHJn,. (~) r1d1nc wit.Ill Pfo Oari T. ean-. Tuuday and T11ur9da.,y T-10; ,.. JJ. Mattered altpt IJUw1ea. A.JI •no fbe,.tnalill'I WedDeeday T·f : wwe tall• lo U\41 ~I• County Pia.no llntennedJa te) Monday1·t : Ho.plt.aL Drhw ot the other lu· Sculpturlni; Tuuday 7·10; W om· volved c a r w... Charlu M. en 1 Choru1 Tu~eday t -11; C.n Brown, M, ot 8outll O.t•. "We cannot ea pect much th.la fHWi 11 fll CIWT DOWN I ..._.._.., 1111 oampalsn," Eaton aatd. '-------------~ BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MJ:8A CHA.PEL lTU Superior Avenue Colt.a Mee&. C&llf. none 1...DMr1y a.wi CHAPEL BY TKll U:A ~20 &. Cout BlYd.. Corona del Mar, Ca.lit. PbODI Barbor U /tS His Business ... • Yes •.• lt'1 W. M&IMU to deliver yotw Newport Halttor News-Preu to yos door Mo1c1ay, w ... ,c1ay •Friday. ft's his lt•••sa .. 4o • pod lol» too. Y"' paper"""' reacll JOll ,.......,, -4 .. good cOllClltloll. His lol» ., ........ ... WYlce ... ,. ..... .. ....... 1.11,.. .. .. . ,..... .... 1crlber, M Mt ... 1•lt1crlptioll Mlow Rel we wll st.t ._ ..., ..... I-c-.,.-.-d-11tt-,-.-;-.;.~---------····1 I . l Newport ._...., News • Press : i n·11 ... boa BIYd.., N~•1>0rt &.ac-h ! .... ; ar.ws. Dept. I i I henby wieb to aubecri~ to the New- port Barbor New.Presa, and agrtt to p&J the Carrier monthly. (l!lame dilllculd oaJy 50c a month). cradu•ted from Hunt In rt o n Beach Unlon High School. She wu employed at the Bank of Amerlc:a . Newport Beach branch. for t lve yeara and served two end a halt year1 in th" WAF ot the U.S. Air Force. Her huaband wu graduated from Plqya Cen- tral Hlfh School and wu em· I ployed with the Clllzen1' Nation- al Bank and Truat Company o! I that city, eerved Cor four years with the U.S. Air Force Band. Both the bride and gToom are baaed •t Mather Air Jrorce Base where they will continue to 1erve until they are releued In No- vember. 1'hey will then 10 on an eaten1lve honeymoon. COMING September Sixteenth . . ~ The All New Nineteen Fffty-Sbr LINCOLN to JOHNSON & SON toO W. Cout H••y. APPUANOD-Be rrhld Parts -Dealer -lerTloe UDO a.scraJO Wt Via LWe -....._ .,,, AUTOMOBILE DUI,- New and UMd Can srouan wruon•m 8&18 8entoe l'Wte ltl6 Newport atM. -... Ill BANKS Beak of Amerka NT .. llA ltU Via Lido -llartiN 1111 BARBER SHOPS UDO SBA VINO llUG la ........... 8'-9 ,., ·-.... Via 1..Me-a.....1111 BEAUTY P&BLOBS UDO SALON or BEAUTY MUI Npt. ltmL -llu. U1t Laferty Takes Skin Diving Honon at luau .......................... BOOKS John t..ierty of Balboa won th• trophy for the greatut ag- rregate akin diving catch of fllh Aug. 28 off 8aJt Creek, 8 o ut h •lliiliii l..ag'una Beach. It wu a tourna- ment 1ponsored by the Newport Harbor 1ub marlnllra. Owr 100 penona, m1mbar1 and su..u. a lterded th• nuit which Now 8howlag concluded ln an Hawaiian l u a u Robert Newton M411u tncluded barbequed chicken ''The leachcOlllber" and apareriM, com, Bawa t t a n punch, fruJt1, abrtmp. 8t.ertblc ll&)'dl>a ''fl-L--1-lr'' Entertainment wu by Glnser ... ..,.. .....- Jack eon and Mil• Nesbitt ot Or· ------------- ange. Sua., Moa., Tuee. Bob Clark ot Anaheim preli· ,_ ea,..y dent ot Ule cJub. ......, muter ot "I• For Coyer" ceremonl• and In charr• of th• luau. HI• 3-year-old daUfbter Aho Martha, won the prtu for the ''TallCJClllYlka" be1t drellled lady. John Mllltr ot ------------- Balboa. treuurer ot the club, won Starts Wed. th• prt.H tor th• beet dru Hd "llack Tuesday" man. M.any a bl.1 dMl ha. been m.MM throu&b a imiall el.aMWed ad. MA 'l'l'aE88J:8 Boete -8--Trailen ll'Nplu 8laaP" UMrty a.-1101 "Hel'1 OlltpOlt" APO.~T JZ,,~. COllO/llA DEL MAll·HAll/U!ll/Bl'I 2nd lit Week ALA?'\ LADO la .lll!'lo'E ALLVS<>N "The McConnell Story" CIMllMIScope Wa.......Color -pt- "Pirates of Tripoli" PAl'L HESJlEJD PATRICIA MED~A NOW SHOWING ENDS MON. OOSTA MESA IU'n'KE811 CO. lut Newport lllvcl. ll08ALIND a u ua..t-FER.SA.NOO IAJIA8 - MesaW ......... *'' TwoJlls~ ll11llPll&l:Y llOOA.aT AU)() llA. Y'S "We're No AllC)eh" AIM "Doctor 111 The Ho .. " 8MwlManl1p..m. Mart Nut Wed. D...w 0'0-. .. ,,.. .... The Navy" AIM T °" y Ourtt• ''The Pwple Menk'' la a.-ISl!OfMI ''THE GIRL RUSH" A!'fN'E llAXTt:a-IWCll H UD80N-.11 U lt ADA.M8 "One Desire" NEXT TUE8. NIGHT ONLY Wfl.RLD PREMIERE OF • ..,..,..,....,... Yuw ... ... -OrMs• c-ty c..a 'l'ldlet. -.ue -........ aad l.ldll Adalt.e 11 • .........,aalon 1~'1ltld l &to 0. your Ucl&eta f'arl1-Umltect 8uppfy STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY Gle1111 Ford "lnternpted Melody" Richard lawhart ''The Good Die Y OtlllCJ" fUd'a Na.t. 8&t. I :ta "Oo1" BOOll OA&E ltll Via Udo -llartlor 6tN CAMERAS a 8applee VINCENT LIDO Dauo. UllVlal..Me-....,._ ... OARPE1'8 a DLU'Dllll DICll llA<Jm IUO Via Lide ...,.__ CATERING \.mo IUOllA&D'8 IO JIAMST Mii Via Udo -..._ml Clotbla1~ a lafaatl IE&l's or UDO MelN_,......_ OLO'DllNG -Ila'• ..... BIDWJCLl/8 llllOP l'O& JllUf Mii Via IM9 -_..., .... CLOTBING-w-·a ... LA &SINS Ml\'laM•hp ......... UDO F4Am0b Ult Npt. ...._ -_.._ llTl Ul.6DDOOll'S MlJ Via Ult -..... ..,, VA~lfD llOtJU Imported ·~ UMVlaU'---.. ... DBUGSTOm '-..._ VINOENTa LIDO DatJ• UllVlaU..-..... _ ~ OONftAO!Oa LIDO SL80'n.IO UH V1a IM9 -...._&'IM n.owaa UOll.&JID'S LIDO M+Wft ~~..__~ rQUNTA.IN, GlllLL \'DfCllDf'l"S a.mo ...,.. Nil Via IMe -..... - n•m a .u&IJMS l11BNl1'VU DIC& MA<SD UHVlalMe-_._ ... GDTIHOP aacmAaD'8 UDO •u•n Mii Via IMe -_..., .. INllUUNOll AGDTI w. o. aucm. arc. .... \'la ...... -.... "" INTDIO&D~U m..urOllS m«necar A.&.D. Ull Via IMe -_..., -DIC& IU.<lm UJtVlal..Me-...._&111 DON aaaoll'l'C* A. L D. :.~~ _ _...,.., MAR.lmlW UCBAAD'8 UDO MAruarl' Ull\'lal..Me--"-... PHOTOG&U'll ft"VDJOe OEUl.&ADI' ft11DIOe Ull Vie U6t -_..., MM REAL ESTAn:: LIDO ll&ALft ~·-­U do kl• la Re.taa. ...., ........ _ .......... P . A. pu -am, ......... _ ..... Ull vooa. OOlll'AJn ltll\'lal.Me-....... BAY AJfD -.&C. -.u.TW ,, ............ c-.. 1111 ~ ....... -..... - IA VINGS a LO.AN usocu.non JQ;WfOST ....... ~ A LOA1'1f AMOQ•tW A 8avtap ....... ... Lo"-,._ ..... z.... ... va.u..-....__ u:&VIVll numn LIDO~ UU 1!f"'l'"t •• L - - IBOU-llla'a BIDWSU.'S ft08 ... -MU v .. u.._..._ ... 1110£8, WOllD am..r:a OF OA.UrOaJfl& NH \' .. I.Me llA _, l'IUaTRU LIDO l'llKA'llU OcuWtw.,.... ....... Vlal.Me•X-...~ _._ tU• l'OYS UDO 'l'On.A1ID NUVlal..Me-...._ ... TBA VEL .&ODOID 11AA8011 Ta.Ava. AODCI' HllJir-.-e...._.... ... UPBOLl".D".alNO oroa 11.t.om NM\'laLNe-...__ WATCH &RA.DI vmoarra w.t.Tem -.Aa LIDO DlmOIJ Nil \'la u.. WINDOW OOVDIM'O 'l'U UIAD& UIOP ._. ...... oenn "•IN t I t ' aunt or th• brld•. and MIN Tbtl· Martin Luther ch"rell J"O\lf· 11'• druaJtlo 119"' Mub ,. __ ............ COAST~." IMO .... ma .\11-n of eoa;a Mau. Jofra. tra,al was pll•t.of7'ptleil 1a 1ta ~ , ,....... " rrM PAWi I Watts-Bergeron Duo Says Vows CUrl .. lpannan ud Miu Vlf-. •ttrety "019 locaU.n'' la Ger· W!DNUDAV, SIPT. J, ·1955 ~ ~!ta ,,.... ..... at tM Film to Show many. Produce.I lt7 Low. .. The.ft _of two '"'" ..,. ~ _____________________ ..... r---R«la•ool Auoeia'-• tJle film hi• cu puked ln the .A. IL •t MlN 111147 Whel.-of JWIMIU • • .. Mell .-.orM by c:burehee wu rtported to police .A.Qi. IT ... la charge ot rttte and )(1aa at Mesa Church Of oear-f.p aU p~t ~-by Ben Selt&er ot Laac .... Valma Grav.., coualla ot Ule la&~ TM ,......u-lilaa aa· cu l·U·l o.i. l&.onp OM7 brtderroom. kept Ole gueat boOk.. "MARTIN L U TBS R " t.be Nied record upoo record du""'-• G ... ..._.O__.... , ll41 tw ,._ .W.Ory, UMI la..., _,., &.,....... Widely herald~ moUan picture ......_ lltowa Ual'OUl'IMllt f9ntp In a I o'clock candleU,bt cefelUay ID It. Andrew'• Mn. Georgia Ann Gravel'. Cos· whlcll tel.la tM aory of the eeunt.ri.. la ll dltf•,., laq· P'fMbyttl'taa Duell oa lwlday, Aq. 18, lovely Patrida : MUI-:' .:~;.!:'0°'..:! church rtfonnaUon period w111 be uapa. ...__ .. u .... .i.-...a •-•L. ...UL.._ 1. D..a--..11 W brlde'a two grandmothera both ahown Sepl P at 7 :30 p.m. ta ------------ ._ • .,.._ .,... __ WVUI -·-....... ---atta, tile Rev. ot Modeato, 11tood In th• 're~lv· th• J'lr11t Bapl11t Church ot Co• -ll'or th• nn .. t •• Oommft'Ctal Jame1 Stewart elftciat!q. Tbe bride ii the daqbter of Mra. ln• line with the bridal couple ta Mua, Mapolta and Santa Prialiq ea1l llAl'Mw 1111, Jeb Berseion, 1Tll Plua dal Sur, &nd the i.te Mr. Arthur J. and pa~nta. Each wore a Carol .Ana Avu., Costa Ke... No PrtnUnc Depart.iPenl Amllng ro11ebud coraace. charge for admluion. -;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii Bergeron. The lwtdegroem II the eon of Mr. and Mra. Coy E. For the honeymoon, at an un· The hour and.'~ minute ru. I Wat.ta, 11'4 Oc.p Blft. · I ~closed dntl.natlon, the new hu had wide dlatrlbuUon In Ul• ~la wu ... rted t. tile Wall41e ot Ban Diep and Jamu rs. Wood wore a teat blue dreaa atrea and wlltll be ... J'J1da1 alt.r, 61cked with white atock. Smith of South Gate. d the rose and gardenia cor· tor the flrat me by a atrtctl)' sl&dloU and~· b~ by her J'or her dau1llter'~ wedding 11&Ce from her bridal bouqueL On .------------~ther•·law. ~eU C. John· Mra. BerJel"Oll wu 1owned ID thalr return Ille couple will be tlflll· ._. wore a c.bW sown ot turtiuo&M lace with pink orchJd at home at 10702 Dorothy Ave., whtta orsaaQ .,.,~ with cora1e to match. IMr a.cceuortu. Garden Grove. lkW•. Tfle Mme noweni ed(ed Mrs. Watta choee a aheath dreae ------------ tbe KOl9 --~-ua4 ~ ~ ot 11911• itroc:•, lendl.Jl6 accent fk1rt ende4 ... • ... 9'1' ~. • with brown acceuorie• and pink Tea and Shows .luJiet cap 9f ~ and ~ .. erchld&. • eontlned ~ llluaton flnprtJp Ruth Arm.atronc wu orpnlat nU &n4 .... "'"" ....... °"" .... Ben Morale• Mii( "Por You at Art Gallery thld ~decl 1'tth et.pbuloUI A1-e" ud "Youn la My Heart • pd pink ......... Alone". GOW'Jlf9 Qr rlJf1l AT CLUBHOUSE TM not. el 'ink .... eclloed Ollllt. were received at the Members' 37th annual prize ahow will continue throU(h Sept- Formerly GUUllL CJIAPEL 110 B~...., 1-c.la 11 .. Liberty 8-IGS alMll 8-NU In 1owna ot the brtd•'• attend· Elk'• clubhouae where gardenias ember al Laguna Beach Art Gal· pta. Mn. ....u ,..._ aa IW'Nua'9d the c&ke aad noaled lary and two one man ahowa were MokM ht Mortgage loana ... troe of honor 11,pd )Cmu. Do•· In th• punch bowl. Mra. Jame• huns-In lbe toyer pllery for 011 1ouncl lmpro•1ed real OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 r .M. ~ ~· ., r-o and .A.a· a.ltla ... In char(• ot the the monthly lea th!• pyt Sun· .. tat•. buva .. , .... Oeeda. p k r· k v ltd ....I All •NW Kpox u brldNm~da. 'f1>ey peat book. ,. ar inCJ IC eh a atea, . ... Showltoat to La ... hlll~::r. ..... Aftlta P.U -Clll h• 85 Cllitl --~-I . ............ ..., ... .... _,.~ ....... a ........... .,.._,, ,.... ... , 98 Deelr. Md to F:,!:PM"•C. 81&1a. AD.............. Ila .... ,.. aWred 1n plnk. nylon dot~ Laa Vegu, Bryce Canyon J.N1 day at •hlch the preeldent and , ... N. ..... It. • ••-"rfto ~7111 ,.n.. wttll acoop neeklln.., bout· ZiQfl National Park are on the bo&rd 'ot director• were boata. ..... AN. Celttenle Senta Ana Perkin9 Loh ._. Qmm. ...._ ...._ ..._... ~ •-......, ~t~~M~~~~~~~~I~~. ~ ~ ~~~ U~ ~ ~~~===:~~~~~=~~~~~m~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~m~~b~~~~ii~i~~~~~~~~~i~~~iia~ ,...,. f.ppllqued with 4aial•I· trip the new Mra. Watt.a donned honored a t the tea, a.re HUda r Ttwy "•r• plnk tutted ftl19 ~d deep turquolM 9hantUnr with Bnatow who will ahow landacapee l&ftted noeepya of plnk roe. wtUte acceuortea arid orchid cor· ot California, the Orep11 cout fl'"O\Dlfed -by w.lllt. Cl&l'UUca. ..... She wu craduated fl'om and New Enfland. and Paul l.Aa· flld boum• wt~ ptU rtMlea. Newport Harbor Union High Ulen, claert painter. Robellt Watu ~ Illa bro-le.llool, u wu her huaband. He Mlu Brtatow u.eea th• palette Pier 4' M« man u• uabsl JttenCed Oranr• Cout Collere lulile technique exclualvely and ,...,.. 1Uchar4 Runnell, J'rank and •rved wttb Ule U.8 . Army. hu developed her own Individual atyla. 8be bu been ln major Wood-Klein ·vow Exchange .aacnn. tn Loe Allfelea and the 8oUtlllud area. hu wm numer· OU award.a. Leatbera atudled at Chicago Art Inatltute, m&kee h11 home at Palm 8pr1np, hu won numrroua awarda and pa.int. th• deaert ex· clualftly. District Officer la a Mttlq of whi'8 flowen and aatin ribbona, aalow in of WACS Retires the upt of ialJ .. 11'911bra. Mi-. Darleen IClein repeat.cl YOW• 0c!:" ::::i,, i;t:!:::St.lh':° r!:! wtth Jack H. Wood on Aua. 'rt in Costa Meaa Community MIMlonary TraJntn1 conference or Methodi8t Churok. The Rn. Joeepb McSbane wu uaisted ~~!.:'r;!~~· 8con~~~~ ~~ro~ ~y tJae Rev. Cbarlea F. Hand in the double ring rite which Redlanda over a ~nod ot a wtek. 9.nlt4HI tM dau(tlt.r of llr. aad Mrs. lllllott 11 retlrtnc atttr at>rv-Mn. ~ aJeAa Jr. 9f CJu'd9rl M.1'1'1JlP, rttt ot the t>rldec:room. Ing tor four yean u vice preel-Oron ... tile aon elf Jib, ud Mt Uleme for the -Mtheart dent ot lh• San Dleg'o dlatrtct. Kn. B. 1. Woo&. 211 J"low\r at., lllrtm, eds-<! wtth pearla, which Coeta 11-. eonfl1*! the elbow Jen~ veil n.rteen. ~ .. th• altar and tor t.11• Wtddln( bou.queL From Oregon •Y h• tatlle.r, WU cha.rml.rlr IJI Tb• latter w.. a M&rtahaped Mn. ,CJeorse Gotldne1o1: Jl7.33rd -.,. br6dal ,own. a llandta ortci· fr'ame ot 1111 .. ot the ...0.,. eds· St., .bu returned from Ore&'On ·--1 of lace and &uUe. The atrap-ed wtth Mt 111\d «nt.-.d wtUl wh ... a.M vi.ailed nlatiftl and .._ MdJee of la• ,,.. co..nd Utlle nd ,_, and .,udenlaa. h1endl. Lut -k -. lrplllt at wltll a Wtet bo~ Jacket ot Ja«, .&QUA AND ll08S Ontario wtth bn d•urhler, Mra. eort .... ved ~ w1tb ..all Mr•. m.w B t .. ot Mona Moon. tllrne'fW MU&r. 1'be boult .. t 111&1· Garden Ol'Oft, _.u-of boa., ------------ ~ ~ .. ,.... wea.i ;!t: ... .,_•a;, 0 ..:z:: I ewood ueata a.riG eklrt WU • ... of beuttut t In 1 G '° -~ ,..... ...... ...... ...... .... ... lb .... It-. ................. You Wiii Find Best In Every Thing You Meed •• WANT AD PAGES .. Vary Oduttll ot ._.. AM. ..._ ....,.._ ...,_ of Jac'lewood .,.-ned ta '°" ptU tatteta and ...,. pM\a tor a WMk ot Mnt. qct. Head'pt~q ot net matdled IP'Nlllr•I"• brother, Sheldon 8mltll fOWn.a and bad whlte bloMom• and famUy, We.et Ocean J'ront. at Ul4I 1t4ee. Their noeepy1 we.re ~ ,.uow and dark aqua lhatur--M• ed earnau..a. e Jones Falls Plate Glau Qa.ar1olte Klein of Modeato. I iateoe et t.M brt<Se, waa tlowu Mo Clrl, --.rtnr a n oor Im~ rown of ..,ua net ove.r tatfet.a. whJte MJc.bM& Joa•. e, of '700"6 B• ftowen la tier M.lr &Ad e&rT')'tnc Uouo~ .A••· wu treated at a buk.t of roee petala. Hoar Hoepll&l tor cut.a unde.r am 0... Otten ot Santa Ana lent armpll and ca )Ua chla aaffered bfft m&n aid Ud ,uuc.a were .,,._ ~· hll Ul.rou.f'b a pa.aq Ulhel"M by JMlu Wood. brother 11.ue Wlndow a&turday. ot Ule bt14epOCllll, alld OrvtUe 4.nl .... ,. n.. I.alt.er ..... --..,.... .. caadl.upten. Mater Del Scheel•• ,._ her dauftlter'a •llJUa.11 Jiln, Klein WON a tuchlia and bladl n1lon print wllh tuc:hata llat and JIOYU. Mn. Wood WU J'a1l footMll alaw few MAtar De\ Hieb 8cbool: a.pt. u at Captetraao; Oet. 7. SU Odnel Iii.loll; Oet. H . lA(UU ....... : fO'll"Jled In maun rOM lace and net wtth bat aa4 acce.ori• lft Oct. 21 at Pomo~c: Oct. a Urhter -... Bot.la mo~ It a t Cllun.lllade; No•. t , SL wore coreape of crH.na. Md roW rtavi.; NOY. 11 at Mary 8w: ... tlu*' ca.maUona.. N ... 11. ~etfel'90I\. XTL PrentJee Tbompeott WU Ol'Plllat Uld J . )faleotB "* ...,, "Ahny9"', ''Tn1derly-', and ·~ Letd'• Prayu ''. wmrz .ur1> TD.IA>W Tbe eenctuary WM adorned wttb 9\lt• floadlelt, cluy9antM-"'wu &M .,._....._ wtth ,_ tlld Ukn a t UM kneellns ~ la UM ..Uti.de '"" .,,...,.... l~~~~l raenta of 11mn•r now•l'9 In wblte ...a~. Whit. and JalJow were .. l1"d 1n Thompeon Rall. where a 11·1-IW Mlle upped Wtul NP1J· c:MoC .. ~Wkleud "" ........................... .,, JCn, Kat. tJ.uk ., ........ . Daily 'til Sept 18th TESTED ANP COMMENDED $699 s5" s4" Chl .... 11 NYLON STRETCH SOX MEN'S WHm IUCKSllN WIUl ... ...._hle IU&N I to lJ.-.-Ownpqe 8pedaa MEN'S UOWN OX'ORD I'= ... Toe i.....,iM~ ...... ll LADIU SADDLE OXPOID 111 brnwa Md wMM, MMll ... wtat'-d W1IJft avm (fl)od.r-r welt .... SHOIS FOR TAP m;AHCINCI ,.... '""*' Next to Safeway 111 Costa Mesa . BY PARENTS' IUQAZD'I: IOYS' LOAPll saa.. ·~ to. 8tlll'd,J eole tor~...,.__ GIRL'S LOAFD ............ Crepe ... •Walldllso-tMt.- IOY'S ITUIDY ODOID • tu r.. i...... ........... TENNIS SHOES $1.99 and UP CHILDUN'S ICHOOL IHOU b ...... '1re"1I 8tvd7 .... / •3" s5" s4" ~ ) COAST"AC SAOPPEff WEDNESr>AY, SEPT. 7, 1955 Hub Cap n.ft Tolcl FULLERTON-BUILT STREAMLINED f ALCON · THRILLS AUTO ADDICTS Theft ot two hub cape rrom ht. car puked ln the 1000 block on We.i Balboa BIYd. wu ,... ported to police reoenUJ bJ a. J . llmall ot lM Ansel•· twwoocl 'Ca• TakH Don Harwood ot 1IO llboreolltt Ro&d told police A\&I'. n a hub BJ OJAWSKOE aAWLIN08 mph from a at&Dd.IUU tn a dla· I be marketed. However, tooltns c&J> waa t.akm trom hiAI car wbll• OCN8 ST.Ari' W!UTER t.an ce ot a quart.!' mil•. wu made to reproduee the eua-puked 1n mmt ot USTl Klnp rut.LDTON, (OC'N8)-Wlth BerrJ ha. had a STMt lnte .... t tom car on & Umlted bul1. Road recenUy. the ro&rinc llOUll4 ot dual a -la automobU.. ner 81nce be can l'OWEa PLtJll ------------ ha\J8ta, the pow'ft'tUl 9UJ'S• ot • Nlllember. He dron ro&datera Speclncauona llhow the engine 260·bol eepow.a enctae. aad tM and wu a •-* ot one of th• to be a modified Buick va with low, lftoOlfUl UMe ot a lllr'Mm· ftrat l'OMtllter d ube ID lloulhem an u Umated brake horaepown lined llod)', -nae J'alcon" com-Callfom!L Moet of hiAI car• have of 260 Berry l&ld tbe car welrha pletelJ deelped and bulit by been ''modlt1ed" to eome extent appro~lmately 2!!00 pounda, g1v-' Robert W. 8erTY and hla aon. and many ban been outrlrht lnr an almo.t Ideal weight to Bill Of J'UIJertma. would thrill &DJ ''hot roda''. power ratio ot 10 pound• per a uu-obOe •tbumut. DaAO IL&CINO horeepower unit. · The -r>Ort ear, jut completed, Dr1vlnc In "drac atrlp" compe-With a wheelbue of 100 Inch .. wu buUt trom the ground up u u on la antOl'\f Illa acUvltlu . He and c11rect -act~ quick ratio from an Idea akatched fr .. ·h&nd i. an aJrcralt enctneer by trade, 1teerlq , a tum radJUI of only la 1861. apeclaliSSnl' ln enctn• and power 18 fMt le needed.. 'nl• 1teerlnr . A (?'Mt amount of pla.nnln( pla.nt lnatallaUon. wheel tuma tbrM and one·h&lf and work w•t tnt.o the con-Be1T)l'1 aon. Bill, 11, a senior turna. lock to lock. stnw:tion ol tlle Mlf -dealcned at Fullerton Union Hltb School Brakee an ot tlle aelt~ualla­ automobUe. Drawtnp had to be lludylnf to ~ome a mechanl-Inf hydraullc type wttb 1u1pen- tnade abd Iott llnN laid out to cal -•nl'IJleer. la a competent me-1lon conatatln1 of tubular axlea, tull · tcale IAM on paper. It took cbanlc and played an Important leaf 1prtnp, roll atabllla~r In tr'Ola . J"ebru&r7 tllrouch Kay, 11M . part In the conatrucUon ol the front, torque radJua rod• In the Actual CCIGAnlcUon of a tull-Falcon. rear, a HotchJd .. type drive. and Ill-st mut.r plut« mockup be· He already hu eqll&led bis ex-a heavy duty double acting air- ,.. la JUM. pertenced fa ther's performance In plane-type shock abllorber. drag lltrlp compeUUon. The dream hu finally come llOLIMI CAST Jl'Ulure plana are not complete true, and the family and friend• Co:npleUnl' t.be muter In Janu-u to whe~ lb• Falcon will are eager to make tull uu ot It. ary, ll6CI. QMllM were cul for ------------------------ the act-1 conalrucllon of t h • · car. nu. ftaal atep t>er an In DIAMONDS OF SENTIMENT AL K arch. and the result of monlh11 :: .. ~tlclpaUOn wu rt'allsed thi• TYPE TAKE OVER MESA PARK Thlnldnl' ot the ra1con u • Mrd that repr-ta both sport and •pe«d, the family ch<>H I.hat name for the car lonr before It wu ready tb be unveiled. While the •leek-looklns road1ter w a • 8tlll only a dulp on paper. the f&Qally ~ad for a name that ~Id be truly repreaentaUve of the powertul and craceful mach- e and Wl&ltlmoualy decided f'alcon" would be tht' choice. Neirhbora and friends re11hzed major project wu underway in ,. prar• at the Btrry hom ... 1UI UI• whole family 11pendlnK 1any of It.I 1pare hour• thert. Dan lloore. Lone Be&ch, al110 tnto the act wht'n he helped Ul the pluUc la yup work tor UI• unique automobile's body. a nd lam HandlMma.n, Long Btech, ual.eted with the paJntlnr. The only portion or wor k that wu contracted waa tbe uphol- •tenng, done by Kal-Kuatom. P'uJ- lnton. Retumed from th• upbol- 1tn y, 1hop. the two -toned red and while Individual bucket Hat.I with matC'hlnr p•n«'lll and carpet- lnr macte an lmprn aJve 1l1ht. 8 LUK UNl'.:8 Harbor ana Mlqet Learue bueball went 11e11Ument&1 al Co1ta Mea Park Friday nlcht, one th• A Leap• All-Star came m arked end ot the youth diamond lleUOn. A.l.tenUon wu then turned to anotber type diamond, that connected wit h weddlnl' rlnp and aach. Coacbu Harol.d St.eek ot t he A Lea.cu• BraVM &nd Joe Jonu of the B Glanta preeenled John Lane with an award ot an all purpoee Mt ot R.vere Ware. You ~«'. John hu a wed· dlnr ~te with M19 Suaan B&lew of IA~ Beach Sunday. She wu on hand tor "'1day nl(ht'1 RUOn •11der and wu In- troduced to the t.111. The award wu additionally made In recognition of thf' many hour11 ot work John Lane ha. put in lo mtJ<e the local youth baaeba lJ program a 1uccea11. A1 &n aclded token of ap- pred atlon for Lane'• effort.I, the •nllre colll"cllon '"ken up at thl' Ult wu pre11ented to him. Miss Medes in Fourth Term as Derby Treasurer MlM Beatrlc• Jledn of Corona yean ago. They finance th• race with lhe addition ot contr1bullona from the •tart and tlnieh cltt .. and various aircraft C'ompanlu and allied lnduatrlu. More than ~ aircraft. nown by the lop women pilots ot the country, enter the <'Vent every y ur. It 111 cotudOered the nation'• top clvtllan avia tion compellUoa. del Mar will be Kt'Y1n1 h•r tour------------- t h tern\ aa All-Woman Tral\.llCon-p O S tlnent.al Air Race, Inc. Board of IL T ETS DOWN Dlrectora tr.anrer when the 10th annua l "Powderpuff Derby" PLANE IN FIELD i. held In J uly, 111~. Mra. Btlty ff. OllUee. chairman ot th• nlnt- Str,.11 mllned ftaturta are aeen throughout the car, With low-cut doora roll up window•. a '"'P- a roun1I w1ndllhleld. and a nn ln Ult' C"tn ter of the deck lid worna.n board. announced the race A larse tnanJr waa lnc:had9d .. .W 11t&1't July 1 at 8an Mat.- Lii• plan" and Ule d rh••I'• Mdt· _. t -tnee• .11.l17 JO at '11nt. li:mercency ~ ot bl1 1lnrte engine plane wu made •uada y IJt t..be fteld _,. U.. water ,_"'°" -1.Jt el Coro.a del ..., by John Sbet-plt I• re&atorced by a welded Mtdl. •tel'I 11tructure wh ich support.I Northern halt ol lbe 1tate will the dOOrl. wtndlfblt'ld, frame and ... s tart ol the race tor the 1n1trumtnt pan•I. The hudll&hll flrwt time. Thia wlll be tht ll'C· ere recelft(f Into the front air ond time MichJp.n hu b«n hllllt ~nop provldinr protection a n d to the TAR. Tbe race ttnl•hed Oflf'r1ni.t beller atrnrnllnlns . In Detroit ln 1861. In ullmatlng i>«rform&n<'• or The Nlnety-Nlnu. lnc . an In· the ca r. B•rry M id he expect.I a tem aUonal or....,U.Uon ol Ucen•· top '~f'd of 11bo11t \40 mpll. td women pilot.a. have aponaortd tleld ot Sa.nta Monica. He told po.Uce the ship ran out ot cu and developed car- bu,..tor trouble whe.n be Mt It duwn. Sheffield WU nyt~ out of~ Beach airport..Be took ott when retueled. ,.,hllf' It will 11•ulnll~ In II~ lhe race 1lnce Ill lncf'fltlon 10 ------------ 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Your NEWS· PRESS Is Published Monday WeclnesdlJ Friday , Shake Hancls With Yourself FOR MAKING THAT llG SALE ,.. - RESULTS COME FAST WITH , WANT ADS YOUI CIASSllllD AD ~PPIAU 4 nMa wall. y IN THI CALL HARBOR 1616 • * PEIFUMI FOi THE LADIES * IALLOONS * GIFTS Drawf•t• Held Dally Fri. & Sat. No ,.re .... Neceuery hf Tldefa Nowt TURNER DRUG 2542 West Coast Highway ,.. .. Parking Liberty 1-1153 Newport leach We Give S&H GrHn Stamps CALLIH ALL KIDS! FREE! $300. DOOR PRIZES e Radios e G. E. Sandwich Grms e Cosmetic Sets e e Thermos Travel Kit FIU YALUAILE Pll%ES AMATIUI CONTEST HELD Sat., Sept. 10th, 3 P. M. e Flash Cameras, etc. - GIT INTIY ILANKS Hiii! .. ,.,.... Values t o $25. Cosfume Jewelry • '°"'De Joria P.,.a.r MC •114 Disc 1/2 Price F 1.40 Dry CleaninCJ I Jecby R Certificates I ....... Sept. 9-10 E at Newport Cleanen ,,. .. Our 9peci&al ~Valae.TM iArplt SekicdCNI ~ .4.-. E Mlt to Turner Drug - • PlaaUe o W•~rprool 3Jc 10. -CLllBI 6c ACftl'UY Prolllptn ... in all our Preeerfpdoa Coepouclia1 al T..,....Dnaa • ... SHOE LA as PWTIC COMIS Je 16e IOllY ptlS I A.JI Metal P1aW !ik.111001 DU PONT Fil Fasltionetl NYLON Hosiery o 61 Oau&f' 0 16 l)f'nln . ........... •Al ...,~ .. .. ....... &114 ......... . Our BtrtW.y Gn•Awey t.t..r lmO. SUI QVALnT Gwt t .,_....,.. 59 ( ,u~ ..... Lunch Kits w1.-n Phi• .... u.. Filler Paper .,. 1e le Writing Tablet -.. Sh 19c Trplng Paper .,. ae 2 for Sc Lead Pencils .,.. ae .,.5 _. 3for10c School linden eowwe. ,.., 1.59 to 3. 95 Paste o.., ........ , ..... 11oc .. ·-··· .• 11 c , .... Alc..wc ACID 1M .. ... AIC..tHc ACID 1M 79' VITAMIN VALUES Yltmnln 'A', 25.000 Units 49' ... Ile Yltm11ln '11' 25 lllCJe 100'1 ••• 89c Yltmnlns & Iron Uquld, 12 oz. $1 .49 RputOi ~ lottle 100 ••• $4.98 ... 111erapeutla. lot. w/Mlnera~s $3.89 SIJMMEH TO/LETH/ES to leclKe Stock " ............... locly Powders ALL ruo~cu 1l2 ~Q~~ l~ PRICE ............... ! Nall Polish ., '· ,... .. ,,.. ·=i-· 98c DIJ!ln Cl1wr ~0,,..,.1 ... $1.00 ......... ...,.,._ ....... INck Shear-~'--::..r ...... --... -_ ..... $1.00 DeaclOfmll ., .... ,..., .. _ .. ·--... -~ _ ... 50c ............... 'f ... . Upstk* & Llqulcl Rouge .,. _ $1.50 IM Valwt tt~.I .._. lubble ICllll 4 I rW l'NCI TIT ----98c Box 400 CleaMlllCJ nu.- 11c ,5c FWHUGHT IATTlllS ~ ..... U.LP. Mineral 01 ltc .... , .. FllCTlll TAPE 6c Uke~J h• .... luy ........ ,, and Pocket Scnl11CJS t &t1i-t.u , . ., .. DNM 2 for 79c ff.tor. J.00 111-'MUI Shave LotloR 2 for $1.00 Lotion Both $1 .10 F"'"' 3$1" AnU1yme Tnoth P~ a Pro T ooftl lnllh Both 59c ,.,_ .......... wtlh All..,_ Tooth Paste Both 79c f',.... JScl OW.rodm' Tooth Powclltr ~~--~·-59c High Quality Printing, Pb. Har. 1616 • EMPLOYMENT RATE UP; INCOME LEVEL HIGH Local Firm's Report Polnh to Continuing Prosperity for 1956 Con.ai&tent gaina in employment .tand out u one of the moet important development. in the nation'• continuinc high level pro11perity, the Newport Balboa Savinp and Loan Auoclation report. in lta quarterly Buainem and Real l!'A- tat.e Trend11. · Th• September l•u• predict.I an all·tlm• record tor the Amert· can economy In 19:111 wltl'I th• e:11pan1lon momentum In recent month• carryinc ovu Into ltfle unleu beNt by problema of credit ••pan.alon, debt and price ad· van cu . UNEMPLOYJO:l•iT DOWN "Total clvUlan employment ,,.. cone beyond the 65 million mark (from 110.11 In March )," th• publication N Y•, "and unemploy· ment la down to !Ha than 4 per ciont of the work force. "Per10nal Income• a r. at an all-time hl1h and are tending to move upward. The average work· week hu lenJthened with aom• tnduetrt.. paytnr overtime rat.ea. "Retail a.IH haYe malntalned the hlrh leve1' which ware Ml In the 1pr1ng-and con.umera con· Unue to 1pend In record volume. Bualn... 1pendlnf 11 a.190 aUmu· lattnc the current expan.aion with lncrea-both tor lnven torlea and tor plant and equipment." CONCERN Ll:88&N'ED But In th• job fteld, where, In tfvlvall trom a receulon an In· er-In emplo)'Dlent i&I'• be-. b1nd ~on ot output, Ulere wu concern u late M lut l'J)fin1 over thla problem. At that Umt lnduatrial pro- duction bad tncreued 10 per cent from the 19M low, manutacl'W"- lnl' employment leU tba.n 4 per cent and nOft"l'rlcultural employ· ment 1-tllaa 1 per cent. Buch a I.al' 1' atUbuted to tut· ler UH of worken not lald oft ln the rec:..ion, but who had Idle time on thelr hand•; the tendency to lncre... the work· week Into the overtime son• with out addln1 help, and the normal, tonr ·run ..,.awth of tabor pro· ducUvlly. When aucb a tag provU1 too lonr. Buaineea and Real JCat&t• Trend• polnta out, the tallur• or employment and ·hence pul"Cha.e- ln1 power to rrow tn a balanced relaUonahip to production may bait a recovery at an early ata,.. But In the tut tour month.t, recorda llhow. the pickup In Job• to the tll million tot.al came about. 80MJC S KILLS 8CABCE Nottnr that unemployment haa declined atH dUy and now h a 1 lneled out to a bout S.7 per cent ot th• work force, th.e quarterly •19 there may be numeroua Job• wblch employera will be unable 1 WANT AD will coat you only '250 and it will run in all 4 iuuea A Minimum ad is 4 linH. ,... •• HwllOt 1616 N....,_. llarMr N"'9-Preee llOllday, Wzhxdey Md Jl'rlclay edltsoM, Ptm t.1ae Oouta& &bopper, w•••ya CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS C.-.. 911r LI I 1 1 I ...... el ~ ...... c.. ..... ~ prica Al ..... I ..... S f 9) Oec:hcl '6 wop .. , .......... .., ~··Sip., Quality! 1912 Cllryller New Y.ur .. --· $1295 ...... ,_.... IJrowL l'dy equipped Lo.a-. ....... 1913 D•Soto V-1 ·-$1495 ....._, ......_ 1-to.e Blae. Vuy cleu .... ~ .......... Redlo a hater 1950 l'er4 Con. c_,. ~-.. ·--·-.. -... --$'45 ..... ...... Oftrdrtve. Cream oolored. Ez«lellemt top 1954 Plywloatte Statloll w..--....... $1995 O.tu. JDOdel. Aatomatic tnm= .... 09 ndlo. beater 1953 Clrpler Clllb c_,. -·--.. -... $1495 U1ht peea. Radio. heater, power !Steering. 1954 Ford Clldt Co.---··-··-···· $1495 a .... ontdrhe. " really ... ear. 1911 Mere. Sta. w ..... -··---·--·-$995 11.aio, over-drive. New U.... Motor over. haaL Ezoellfat wood. Oa1y 1950 Chrysler Whldsor ........ _. __ .. ..-.. -.... $675 ~ tedaa. IJ&bt pey. Loml one owaer. Low ......... . JU.KY Olllm8 m <lllOOllK rao11 LOW DOWNI -LOW BANK PAYMENTS Al 0... o..r,-..._ Orewa Wanuty Lou Reed to till rr-tho sw-t l'f'OUP et p ltry L ~ :=!:' ot"::~raenc1 wtUi OU 05S COAST AL: St •OPPY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1911 7 ooet·plua.contract.," It add.I, "CA· ployen may .,. •bl• t.o utlllM from Heat~· I medi t Oc for ;~~~~£: u:~n:~~:ed] m a e cupancy durln, period.I of titpt, compel· Run s1 .000 N T ti E t t Homes IU~~~·~ econom1 JD41 al· ew us n s a es. ready be near 'hall' employment aANTA ANA. (OC'ft8) -1- under competiUYe peacetime con· -ta oranr• County'• poultry dltJona." lndlJ,llry wtU naa more than 11.· Clll:Dft OU'OaT ANT 000.000 u a -it ot UM bll8ter- la .ac!a a ldtuatloD. with rtld.ac tnc beat waft. demand tiw ,oocs., titper prioel nu. wu U.O pndloUon of could lie ahead, and lb• Nnr· tarm poultry ~ J olua Hiller· port Balboa 8a'rinJ1 and Lo a n man after a atudy la th• irt.ricken Auoclatlon concludee that It 11 areu Friday. H • Mid lo-• run the reaponalblllty ot monatary about 11100,000 now and another authoriUH to apply ''Juet th• l~.000 WSU show up ln the rtrht amount of credit rtatra.lnt future. Immediate occupuc:J Ma bem umnd buyera at t.he ~ lo- caUoa oa tbe Clltt May "Map· ll1ne Co•lr'' bom• by a apok•• man tor th• buUdera, a.or,. )(. Holateln and Bon•. 81tuat41d In a 1uburMI\ oorn· -MdlOoal .. .Wt." wt~ tta _.. b&tll and wt~ a paUo mtry. Ran.-, la prioe from '1UOO t.o llt,IOO, tMJ aN oftend to ••la lot ao doWll payment. The Cliff May oru.ttn lllatatoa are locateJ at Redh!U and Intae. To ... tlle tum.l.aMd model.a, 'f't· altora may drtn out nl'9t Bt. In Santa Ana lhroutb 1'utJn tA> Redhill. Tuna left oa a.dbW AYe .• wtiJcb la Juel put U.O TUa· --, COMING Sixteenth New N•1t•• Pffty·Slx LINCOLN to JOHNSON & SON to avoid lntla Uon yl't not reatrlct Production In th• next two lA> output." tour weeu prob&bly will be re· muntty with no lhroUJtl 1t .... t., th e homea are within mtnut• of atiopplnr centera and alao El Toro Marlne Bue. Un HIJb BchooL -------------------------- Mrs. Bents in National Sail Events Finals duced trom '° to &O per cent. Check• at lndl'ridual ranohea al\owed !OUM ran(lnc from 10 to %0 per cent, with th• aver&&• around 1:1 per cent. Orange Coun ty·11 poullrY popu· latlon la eel at around 2,:100,opo annually. Hillerman eJtplalned the •raJ•· er• who kept their bird• well aoaked have exl)trlenced little Mrs. W. L. Benla or Fort tou. Th• Huntington B •a ch Worth, T4"xa.•. who. with her dump ht.a been worked overtime huaban<I, was • gueat or h • r In handling the dPad bird•. aunt. Mn. Earle Fenton Hayden. Hlllerman reu oned th• worst lOH Van Dyke · drive, rec:enUy 11 over bl!cauae "the hen. may be left by airplane Aug., 2e for New fl!lting uaed to the heat by now." York City, where 1he will be a Lou In the rabbit lnduatry wu contutant In the final• of the eatlmated at relatively low. wom•n'1 national aalllng cham· plonahlp for Ule Mra. John Fran· cl• Adam11 trophy. Mr11. Bent•. who la the daurh· Edythe Mayo Hurt Auto Collision ter of Mr11. Harry J . Mareh of • Balboat. and Loi Anrele&, won the In preliminary .vent In the Fort On tar11, utate a1M loll. Ule three and tour bl!droom·two bath homea a111 or a conl4mporary ranch dulrn. Feature• cited by the aal!!a arent are larJ• •tone fireplace.. paneling. forced a I r h .. t. natural kllchtn cabinet., built-In range and oven and mu · Mal. Mccreery Goes Oii Army MaHllYerl FORT EUSTJS, VA. -Army rNl!rvt.t Maj. Forbl!a R. McCre· ery, wholl! wife. June. and chll· dren llve at WetHltu Orovea, Mo., recently completed two wMk• of aummu tralnlnc at F ort Eu1t11, Va. WISK PSOP\.& auv ~" US.EC CARS l'ROM MAlllC MCJJOIS CMAYIUll • "'-YMOVTH • HI ---· Major Mccreery h•11 returned lo Web11ter Grovta. He 11 em· ployed by the Ml1eour1 Pacific Railroad in St. Loula. The eon of Mrs. · Forbu McCreary, 41'.19 Poplar St.. Laeuna Beach, Major McCree.ry f'ntered the Army In 1936. He ~ a ~aduate of Ya~ !~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J University. I Worth area, then captured a vlc· A lacerated rlrht knee on Aug. tory In the diatrlct cha mpionahip 30 wu autrered by Edythe Mar· at Hnuaton. Thia gave btr thl' Ion Mayo, 31, or 420 Avocado rlJhl to 10 to Tampa. Fla., v.•here An. whf'n the car lh• wu drlv· ------------...---------------------------------------- she and her crew or two other lnl' wu lnvolv•d tn an accident r----------------------------------------------------younr matrons agtJu took first with anothtr at Coast Hlchway place, thus gettitlf the creen and Acacia Ave. Ufht to the final• In New York, Driver ot the other car wu which ran from Auguat 30 &o Gordon ~n• Cb ... of 1233 W. 8ept. 2. Almond A. St .• Oran.re. Miu Ma · Mn. Senta. known to h • r yo aald ahe wu rotnr wut on trtenda u Marcia, &alned htr Gout Highway when lh• braked aalllnr uperlence ln Newport tor a red ll(ht. Police aald h•r Bay, where her huaband won nu· car 1truck th• Ch&M car wblch meroua trophlee In lhe •am • wu walllng to make a left tum. lpOrt. DEATH NOTICE HAJUUrr L. llASTOH $11,000 AdlCMI Filed by Fallwr -J'l.aneral Mrvlc• f or Mra. &r· r1K Lowa. KNtoo. 16, of Sot North Parton, Sanl& A.n&, wW be Mld t.omorTOW at 11 Lm, 1n Park· ... Ridley Mortuary Cha pel. Coal• M-with the Rn. Chari• r . Kand otflclaUnl'. BANTA ANA (0CN81 -On behalf of hi• tbrH • year • old daufhttr, a HunUnJton Beach man 'I'bunday ~fht l l l ,071.84 d&rn&l'H In the wake ot a traffic accident M.ay 21. Mra. Ku ton died Wedneaday ln an Oranp Koapllal alter a.n u · tet1ded lllneH. She waa a native ot Richardton, N .D. and lived In 8-ta Ana for JI 7ean. 8bo wu a pcaUcal nllfM u4 a ~ber ettM~~a-.... ., Uto&l dty. Br1ng1nr th" acUon wu Joe lto•lu Of 7771 Qutleld 8t. Rt named Joe Wuerer, no addreu Sinn. H defendant. The latter UMrtecUy drovw hla car I.JI a 1'9Ck.I•• fuhton. caulnr; It lo plUJl&'9 Into Lorraine Roal• ~ .... ~_,.._.,...... aumYON are a daucbt.w. Mn. &.mard It. Bllrton, Coat& MN&: a aoa Even HecllenUable of Rieb· mond Annex. Calif. a elater. Mr•. C C. McCul or Iowa : tllrM brothen, Otto Kutoa ot Santa Ana. Gu.tav Kulon of San F'ran- cleco and F rank KMton or Mon· t.ana, ai.o three crandcllUdren. E-nt.ombmenl will be IA Harbor RMt MaWIOleum. ALIC& II. CA..IX A.lice Maude Caln, 71, died Sept. I at Rancho Loa A.mll'oe.. She re· atded a t 2f7S J:ut 220t.h Placa, Lone Dea.ch. She wu bom In Bra4ford. ltni\and anc! had lived In Calltornia H yeara. In Lone Bea.ch tor ~ aame l•n(th of time. 8he la aurvlved by one aon, Thomaa F. Oyu of WNtmlnatf'r and on• brother, . o.orw• EUia, •f 1 Loq Beacll. I &emcH will be held tomorrow at n &. m. lo Balta. Coat.a MHa 1 Chapel with UM Rev. Jooepb W. McSball• of CommunitJ Met.bocbst Churcb otndaUnr . lntnmmt wlU 1 be tn Harbor R..t Mftnorlal Park. Youth Stabbed by Gang While at Main Beach Police here are Meklnr a P11C °' Mn:lcan youth• who at.arted a t\,ltll on X&1n s.ach ln Corona dtl Mar early 8aturda7 m9mln1 antt alAbbed a Monter•J Park lHnager In the atomach. Taken lo Hoe.1 Hol'J)ltal latur· day wu Jam .. Arthur Clark. lt, Clark wu 1tabbed In UM 1tom· ach, cut °" the upper lett lllould· tr, halt a allfht eut on hla back at tht baM of hi• ntelt ~ a b41• wound on the lf'ft al\oufder, accordlnr to police. The atomach wound wu autur- ad and the youth traawfuTed to a ho11J>lt&l In Monterey P a rk. hoapltal att91ldanU reported. S&muel Jam• Vane., a tM n· •1• friend trom Monlf'rey Park, t.41d otrlcen1 h• wu lnYOl9'9d ln th• f ll'ht. v~ aaJd ela'bt Mui· cane ma.de rwma.rtta aboat str1' he, Clark and tour oUwr 70Uth1 were with. i....t.er Vance and Clark rot lnto • t11b\ ta.olml' * ot tM M..Soua.. ,,,. llUll)eCt ... .U.pclll dld tl'i• llt&Nitnr ... dea«ft.ed a • l'Hdlwa IMIPt. w..tp tq 150-HO wttll 1m1w1a llAIT evi ato a '9ek t&ll Llated M WllLHHI oil tlM tl,Jbt ww. eompuliona ot Vantt and Clark. Tbe7 wen Jamae Win· ltoa rtemtnc. 21, Robert Cbarle• i.o... 16.. DoMJd John Dot. 17. au ot Moftterey Park. and Don· a.Id Deaa khulae. io. Huntt.nc\on Afflerf»all4)h • Merle Afflerbauirh. 28 T1wl Road. today waa rl!<'upu au nc from a heart attack In a San I Dl•Jo hoepltal. Frltnch reported he wu taken lnlo the Kon• Kat Club Saturday nifht on hi• boat Schoolboy by !o"'orrut 0 . SmtYI Udo llle, who wu crultlnr nnr· • by In hia bo•t Tolucra You Will Find Best • '" Every Thing You Need in WANT • AD PAGES • members of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerc e take this opportun ity of we lcoming the following persons and establishments in to t he membership of this organization. They t oo dedicat e themselves to t he betterment and growth , of the entire Newport Harbor area: n"E\"l: rr;RIUS Bay,-'lt'W Employmfflt Arency S8tl \\', C'o ... 1 ff•y .. N_.,..rt 1-c 14TOODJ:LI, An<"hor C'eJe ~t:I W. C-_..t H•) .. ,.-,. .. p<•rt :0. ORM ftF.00 :-;orm S.gc Cn '?fllll ". ( <W'•I H ") .. S•" port THOMAI' .;. MEARS!" A \\M. H. f'RITC HY.TI tlnl'l(lr M"rl"" ~nK1n• ~rvlce !Mil ". Co.,. I H • > .• S ""l"'rt f:O\\' A RO t.t:Wtlil N .. w.,ort MArin11t RA<lln !807 W. C"nut Hwy .• Nf'W'!Mlrt ti. W. RU'HARD!"O,.- The M11 nnn a Bink 'nit \\. ("o"'t H"Y·· 'f,.wpctf't \.I . .ie U \ Ju11\ 11 !'h,.11 l'!'rvlr~ St&tlon '?llOO \ti. < na•t H•·y .. S_.,ctrt T. W. BKO\\S R•d 8nap~r Cat.. it!! \\. C'na•I H • y., :S.-port u :o:SARD ~. ROW .. ERRV Thl' Quutfr DKk !HO W. 0-t Hwy .. ~ewpcirt LL BO:OEa IAe Haven Motel ltM w. o-t Hwr .• N~ ll:lt.NU: CHUaCR Union 011 DMlfr .... W. C... Hwy ... N~rt llOll&ltT r. MA. Ill .D. Doctor lte 'r.419 An .., S-.ort r AtJL KO«K Howard'• R.eetaurant IH6 W. OoMt Hwy., N_.,ort .lt'Llli8 MO~RM.AN J 6 W Uquora . not"" c-t llwJ'. N~ UWIWll: 80.U Newport CIMnen 181 ,.. ... ""'-l'f.....,.n BNIUETI' A E. IWAJIYORD Crey!'lound Arent 1100 w. C-t "'-7 .. Jll_,,.rt CRAJU.FA 1A.'•r11mm Bud'• s.autr •~ton N44I ~ vaa o,ono. If_.,.,, TOM TOON l.Jrtfl Fuhlnna 1411 ,....,,. ...... , fthd .. ~ ..... ptlrt 01 !\('A~ & nos Mr A l,f'ISP: l.1'1n P.1...-1 r r ('fl UU \"la 1.Mf'. !\"'P''" MR)' • .IA"' OA \ J,il Th., Rnnk r """ Hlfl \la IJ'1o, Srwport Hl'HH .I. Pl.1 Mft, .Ill., H 0 n f)<'lnr 1'41 fl \ la ) ,hfo. '"" port ftl.~S('ffE W. t 'f "l,Kt:RM>S Orapioriu M lf \"I• Udo, ~P,.p;irt MR8. PAt·usr: Ht:RKMASS l..Mo SaJon ()( Rf'Atlly "11 1li f"Wl)O rt Bl..... s tlWJMI rt DA V1D C. HOOK 1191 N. "',,_ A•a.. BoU,.,.,ood 2" I'. BORD "r:r:U:Y Contra.ct or 1801 J;. "-'"'-"'"-· .,,_ 4Ll.L"l A 8BWOaTR Hutchen• Optical Supply Co IMI ~. Coe-t lllsllwaJ, CD" NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce llamie ltanley, Pr.mdent Hay Langenheim, Sficretary 1 ~ W. Cwt Hl .. wwy Liberty a.11 SS ... wpott leoc• ._ ____________________________________ _.---. OOAftAL •Mlm •Mt11a el PAGE•· PART It -N~WPO~T HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, SPY'. 7, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbor Newa-Prt. la guaranteed. cam. bo)'8 '"11 .....,.. their papen be- fore & p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedne.day and Friday. If your paper 'i• not delivered bJ that llovr pleue call Harbor 1818 and your carrier will brine your paper. ' Classified . NEWPORT BABBOB NEW8-PBFJi8 '"" .... .,. w ••• ., -.... ..., COASTAL SHOPPER -Wec1.nesdays Ooutal DorP'r A~ nm la 1be W~ Newa-l'reall t Llaee 1 1a1e1Uoa Sl.CMf add'L U.. .16 ee. ' L1M1 1 .... rtiona 1.50 add'L bee .16 ea. 4 Uriee I luertlou 2.00 add'L U... .16 ea. 4 Unee 4 lmertlona 2.60 add'l. Ihle. .16 ea. 81hadoe WuW •• wW receh'e 15% ~t.. CMll hi ~ ea.17. MOflMUll AD q & ~SS Dl!:A.DLINES tor plactna or eanoe.lltnr ada &H: J'or Konda1 Publlc.tlon -1"J1da.y & p.llL r or WedMeday PubllcaUona -Tlaeada.y 1 p.Jn. r• ,....., Puwa .. u. -'l'lllureda1 1 , ... Nl:WPO&T B.AJlBO& PUllLISIDNO 00. 1111..a.. ................. ~ ClaulflH l ... x 1 ...... Jf ..... I Carel of '1'11.aaJla ' r-...a Dtrecton lO .,._.••• Gcdde J 1 .......,., Ma&e.rtala UBaSW.s ~ H Peraoll&Ja l& 8llare \'OUJ' ~ H Tnaaportat!on 11 Reoftq JA IJeaat)' Alda ff 8-Jtla AJde H~udFolllld u 8clMol9. batrartlotl .. 81~ w .. w • IWp w .. w .. lll1ttt11'P!Dm ... "' ...... ... II Appl&ucee II w .. w C. B•y U P'aftdhlre for We U·AAJI~ II ...... N 11....... , TV u Dop. <Jee.. ...... M r..a"7 11 U1mtr• II~ Ae vm11•1•t ............ .. "' ........ t._A n...a ..... ti AUC.. ..,.._ •• TrMlen ... A..,._ tTW ........... I .. A..-. ....... , ....... , 6't·A A,..._ for "8t 411-B ff-for ~·• 61'-<' Tra&J.r a,_- 69 Roome tier .... , ... " ......... ........... ~ .. .... ....... N ...._a OMael N-A.. ft TT ...... M a ft OWwlmHk1 .. lllml8J' .. Lt.a .. .__ .. . ., ............... ... We 'II Help You Write Ads That GET R~SULTS Coun«>ua 1'•-Prut et.aulnect Ad·Ta.lc.r• are tralnl'd to "'1'1:e •f'fectl~ ad• '"'""1th lone up-rl•DI'• and a thoroucb undtral&lld.lnc ot advu • Uein1 Wf can put your w•nt.t lnt.o word• th•\ l"t acUof\. lAt ua hf'lp J'O'I •II TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • ORGETA~ANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER TheM Nrwa-Prell Oa.laln.d Ad· Tak~n a.re upe.rta and ca.., an at rour ""'c~. Jmt ..... HARBOR 1818 RESULTS Y NMJpOrt Harbor B.P.O.E. 1767 Xeeu tYtrJ' 'nlurada7 I p.m. Y1a Oporto -CantnJ An. Newport 8-cb Albert R. Matthew&, l:u.lt .. auMI' 10-Baalre .. Golde HAULING truh or? A..,.oi1n1. Al17Wb.ere Llbtrty 1·11'1 NUcpp Elec. Tool Repair SkU a.wa. DrU1a. landen QUICK 8mRVICI: LEWCO ELECTRIC CX>. ... H .. Newport Bl•d .. N~ Bdl. &.a.rtoF ......._ '4ttc PAINTING INTllUOa -DTll!IUOR LICIDfallD -Dfat7llm> Glenn Johnston IOI • l!Jlt 8t. M....,.on -..eh llar~ 11Tt 12ttc P&tnting, Decorating Pac-Ran .... GEO. BURKHARDT Llc:mMllED CONTl\.ACTOR IU W. 111.b I t.. Coat& Maa Llbtrty a.-aen COMPLETE PAINTING It Paper Bangi.nc Service EUOl:N1' 0 . 8 AUNDER8 &00 311l SLre.t. Newport Blach B&t-llor ,.,, or Bar. "48. Uc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM ' IMt&U I.be "°""' ~ U.U m~ .+.I.to MU TUe It Unoleum.. Non·W&l.OG, JI ,..... ~ Compan and -- BTLL COKER Bar. •m or Lont Beach 7-0973 19th NOW OPEN F u tory Dtat.rtbutor STACOAT hJnt • Vami.lb .. Bl&1I Qual.lt '1 -Low PTtc. Polva·Tu Lai.t In Vlnala bterlor • lnt•rtor '3 99 pl. NEW&OLD P'Umlture ,.,nl&IWls A11tlque It Modt'm 1.ola tone Wall Paper It .Draperiel to match P•J>f'r HanJlnr For otl~lff ~ Aubrey Ellsworth IOU P1acenUa, Coaa ..... Llberty 8-79t51 House Plans LIBJ:RTT Htal lOtto BAftBOR 1818 • u .... ~,~--­ 'Paintlnc • Paperbaaetq Wt do the work ounelns. IO,_,...-.••• u .............. l&tsduttoa paruteecl. &.umat.N""' call JoluWe, LI ~7 II LI ~-lltk Adams Plumbing Rep&lr -Remodeling NEW CONSTltUCTION 1U c.etl P~ c.ta IC .... LJ'Mrty • 7117 Ne12 CARPENTRY MINOR JUl:P .A.Ill WORK MO JOB TOO UIALL H. O. 4nderaoa 101' &. BaillM &lvd., 8&lboa Harbor 2650 83lt• Cl:la:N'1' 6 BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMA~ Liberty 8-6109 'PAINTING? 29tf Call POP'S non-union ahop. Can uae new cuatomer1. Orange County JO y para. Kl 3-1181 or Kl l ·atll att..r &. THANKS. 97pll Real Estate School in S.nte Ana ..... WOMaf .............. Um• for UDlimtt.ed op]IOrtUDSU• ta RM& l:llt&t&. N"' ~ ......,, Al 17* ~ ... tend ftrllt ...... ,,.. ........ a.bout U1le S"et ~ c.ll or '"1te QOW. Al Tvler School 1'11 No.-d'roactwa¥, Sant.a Ana ta f -1811-10 &-Ult-Kl: 1-2811 Uc China Painting Dt.1 tnd E•..UOI 0..... Ordaa Tpen Now PhaM t.1Mrt1 ...... Htle CLEANING • ntONING by I.be day. llllperita1:ed. BaJMa l•l&nd prefnred. JU J-eoH. LI Roy's Maintenance Bouae cleu1a1-l'loor wulll1 Wall wu t11n1-wtndow cleanlns V•netlan bHnda. Uphoa.t.ery ln1ured. FrM Eatlmat11 Uberty 4--1332. 1Uc BALL ROOM DANCING IN· 8TRUCTION In the privacy of your own home. By mature t'Olltp man. qllalltled tn.truc- tor. Exrellant n-ference1. Coup-C A R P E N T E R 1 .. or lndtvlduala. P.O. Bo• 436 Re~ Work Balboa 1a1and. 2c4 Do-. roar .... " ... a.,.Jrtn1 Experienc'd gardener • ••OfslhlT LANDSCAPING Cllll ..... ~ .... 411 Wen Ouarui.ed T4tle and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1859 CHEAPER BUY THE COZEN -NEW- u PC. MODERN LlVING ROOM OROU"P l nell.ld" bed divan, letm(ff culr. ottom&l'I. I 1t1p end, 1 1.eellt&ll table. 2 I -way table l&Mpt. l l.wey n-latnp. 1 -1"1 b ... 'l"V UM reeker, bll A.IUnllHter ~. hll ru1 pad. $4,29.~ VALUE AT BAY $!97.fW) 12 PC. MAPLE WOOD ARM PROVINCIAL LIVING ROOM GROUP lncludu aofa bod. platform rocker, rluh chair. 2 •tfp end, 1 cottff table, 2 table lamp•. 1 floor lamp, 3 matchln( braided rur•. 8x9-tx8~3x& . H39.t50 VALUE AT BAY $299.50 12 PC. BEDROOM GROUP lncludea & drw. double dreNer, 30x40 mirror, bookcue b .. d. • board. I nlte 1tanda, metal bed !ram•. lnn•r11prlnr ma ttreaa, mal(hlng box apr1n g, I boudoir lampa, txt2 Axmlnater rug, 11112 rur pad. $339.50 VALUE AT BAY $249.50 12 PC. KITCHEN DINETTE GROUP lncludea II" • burner divided top Welbllt p1 ranre. 8 Cll ft. Philco re.trlrera tor, croaatop tr-r. chiller drw.. crtaper, bu•ur ke.,,.r. ahelve1 In door. I pc. uh dinette Mt, I cha1n1. 311168 N1vemar table. 10" flip 1 .. 1. with buffet, drop le&t kitchen utility table. kitchen radio. , $619.50 VALUE AT BAY $488.50 BAY FURNITURE "\\'here Prk u Are Held at Bay" OT Ill. l7U1 Free Storefront Parklnr OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 FOR RENT 8k111 Bawa, l:lec. DrtUa, PoUab.en, .U typu ot llanden, WllMlbar· row1, etc. aouc _n-e;__~e•~e_w~aa_ted~~~~--oo YOUR OWN. I'll help. 1 hr .. Mesa Woodcraft day or week. Concrete block OlftLI YOU Unpainted It Juvenile rumtture Modem 6 dJ'. dNk ............ _ ... lt.M BOYD'S HOWE. WO W. COAST HlGHWA Y Llbert11-16111, Newport Bell llllc ASPHALT TILE A lwnlnum Wall Tiie Mtpa. Dlatl"tbutort1 Whol..Ce p...._ to Contractora It Tile 8etten LI 8-7493 &Stlc walla. atone veneer. palloe, c.,.._ pent•rlng or what have you f Reuonable. LI 8~37~ Hpl COLORED LADY wtahu houae work by th• day. cleanlnr and cooklng. Own tran.portatlon. Kl 3-9283. 99pl w ANTED Wt.ekly wuhln1 • lronlng In my home. Aao MW- .... Can pick up It deliver. Kn. Hathaway. 303 Palm Avt., General Contractor _a.J_IML ______ "_P, New wo~~·:modehnr Swedish Ladl ... -by Massage a ppofntment Ill J . MILTON llcKENZIJC your bOlll•. Harbor 0693-J We l"ormarly m&MtuH at Arrowhe., llprtnp Hntel Pl .... call Harbor 4Tt~ or Hu. om. wU1 have an opportunll.1 to •dVllllCI ln our !lrm, be~UH ot our preMllt ea· p&Nlon prorram. 'nl• 1tarUnr aatary 1a (ood a.nd you wtll receive fttquent lllcre-.•, too. J obe now for : Student duk . ... .. ....... $U.t& 8ectlonaJ Bkc&ff.41 from ....... fa.40 Complelt line unpainted fUm. 80ft a nd hwd. Mtnwu and t>.n ttnlabu Ordera t.&kfJ1 for abultara Jtll Harbor. C.M. Liberty l-1f4& TELEPHONE OPERA TORS SO-Hlecellueoae -ApPly -F h H rln Aid &14~ No. Main Street re& ea g Ra, 111 -Baata Ana BA TTEIUJC8 6:00 to 4 :00 PM. We 01 .. 8ltJI a .... 8tampa PAClli'IC TELi:PHO~uc Gundereon Drui? Co . J.taln St. at Balboa at..C. Balllo& Harbor 11&. Mtte PlllUUNICNT COOK 6 houe.- keepw. Uve In •1111 nae. ~f­ ereneea requlred. Har. 1117. l c4 PAINTING ~pN &CHOOL itrl tor S1ot.bera MJ,.r. .lHTIQU .. -Old rumJture, cut ctue. lampe, old ptctu ..... cloelu l tc. Barr alrul ptoN . Btr dt.· ClOWlt.e to dealer•. Cha.rile O.vt1. tlOI IC. Ana.helm I t., Lon r Bd\ . ll0-119. lttfc M. W. ROSS t.t 8-3321 • Ll 8-782! 180 AYOCAdo, Cotta MfM Mttc ------------1 chUd 8 yn. llmall Salary MAN It WOMAN will do (lner._a room It board Hu. SllO, k4 houMwork. !loor w&.Jdn1. will• dow cleanlng. rut worker1. wbJte. lH E. JOUa St., C09ta M-LI...... pptl BOUSEKEEPJtR WANTED. Two Lil tamU)' Ca.JI Har. OU or Wl1te Jlo1l W JI c/o U:Ua new•· paper. , 2c3 ror thoee "ho wut t.bt lleat Konkel's Interiors Upbolnery, drapertH, bedapr .. d&. ~~'!¥1"!!!.!-. '!!--.. • LAROm W'DfO C1141J\. ... eon• dltian. ~ ,.. .. .._ $71. Har. '400. tec2 -CARVED S~ 4talq table M In. aq. I&<>. a,.~ "'4tfet I' ln. lonr $3& 8pan11h hon chalrt1 11& each. Bro"'"' leather chair • ..., ... ua. a11 .. corduroy up)loltt•red dlVIUl Md 12~. Har. 1112...J. Jl\2 Poppy t "'' m..scraoKIO 0 Ra A ,,. ..\It $410. Euy 1'em1t. D#JfS.aOIOODT, MO ,.... .. .... kata An• .... •f Ute .... •on~ araa.n. CONVl':RT YOUR piano to &ll otpn. UNd t.wrey Orl&f'o In f\111 ce••IUon. Ute. Tenn•. $40.U down and fl&.•& ~r mo at- SHAFER'S Mualc Co. !Since 19071 t2l·U3 N Sy<"a mor• Santa Ana P11ot11 IU"'Mrty 1-otTI 8 0 F A. Club chair. DreN1n1 ta bl• • e.11.tr. 0.,. tted. Cott-. t.aatle. et..-111 ApQlln& It.. a.Jt.oa Jal&l\d. Har. 3TSO·Jof. 1p3 ------------TV, ft.C.A. 17''. Suell•t oeMi• tlon. Ju1t been reronditlone4. S.'11.00 LJbforty 8·'114~ ..,. C~N -~~- M oorin9 Spece ~Doe-Oat.. h~ Sl P" foet fer •l•ble erol•n. PVRll Bl\llD Mlnlature ~I• 2691 w. ()Gut Hlpway pupa. bla<'k It brown. Xlmberl7 NIW)l9rt Beach, Ll l-t271 Helt T-18341. Jct &A.Lil or trad-Plywood !llMP• IMALL POX TIDIUUlill ferna.Je, I gl&11 atoal approa., 14 ft. 111'4 1no11tha. Had ahota. Weaderf\ll •OU. St. Har. •$14•W. "c2 chlldrena pet $6. LI 8·20.1 Jet 8ACftlP'JCE, 18 ft. Ca bin t~ Crul"r with b&llamaUc 18 b.p. Scott Atwater outboard com- plete with control1. $4&0. 3400 P'lnley Ave., N•wport Beach. Har. 4898-W. t9cl SNlPE. completely reconditioned, good tall, -ins f'tnter llo&Td. eedar UI&. l306 Paclfle Drtve, CDM. Har. 3088-R. Mpl TRADE 8-uUlul 7&-ft. ... KbeaMr. .... 11 .. t for cllutw. Want pro,ensr or &Maller M&t. 1ne W. Batlle& lllvd., Ne,..,art. Har. 3032. lttl• ~ A.lRLINSR., clean, loa4ecS. Wiii trade. U 1·&110 e.m. or p.!ft, lltft t l "· ALUMINUM BOAT, Ukt new. ttOO. 2032 Miramar, S.l· boa. lpB BOAT STORAGE ALL SIZES, reuonable rat-. Ap- ply at yard ottlce. SOtn'H COAST COMPAN Y. Newport Blvd., at 23rd St .. Newport Bch. 2tt 11' WIZARD, Mark 20 Mercury outboard motor. both one ye.r old 5476. Har. 0378.,J, "' 14 rr. LA TE MODEL E"P .... Crulaer Xlent condition. Fully equipped. Cllry1ler Crown en- pt. a.crtftce by owner er wUl 60-A•&eafor..._ BUY THZ TKRIU. or '!'H!l YEAR - BUY BUICK Here'• how you protlt DGW -ad f~ ~U'I to ..... 1. TOli Prottt 011 U.. h'Ue·la d•l t . You ~t -the 9u)' ~ 11\UI'. 3, T OU Pnfll -Ole lftllt ... tale Value. Grr oua rtOtJJla on P?"Ofit l!huins Lone Detlt we an (iving today oa 19M Bulcb TERRY'S BUICK 6ot Walnut HunUnston ~ach LExington ~ take auto &a trade. Hu 2403-J . ------------2c4 M-:-Mmlcal. a.dlo, TV RAM'MOND 0 R GA N 8. World famoua. 411 •Mela. Aae -r- a l bargain• 1n uaed .,....,,. You can •ave on theae fine orran•. DANZ-8ClfMIDT, 020 ?fo. Main. San~ Ana. JOIN T10C SCHOOL BAND REN'? A &AND JHS'tllUxalfT GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS WW.4A80~ANI) KVIT VN&..oAl> AT ON<=m. ••A ' ,. S ZB-Relp Wanted • MIDDLE AOED COUPLE to New phone f'rH Ill low a• $& per mo. with Tent - . wm JU VII .. UISD TIWCU JN STOCK TO CH0081C nlO)I(,, INCL. ALL POPULAR M4~ 1N P1CXUP8, PANELS. ITAK.e Ill AKD DUMPS. NO lll:A- SON ABU: OP'J'llR ftEJVllEO. NOW t8 THE Tnn: TO I.A V9 BOM:E UAL MONn. ¥. .. C ARRY OUR OWN CON• TRAOft. VENETIAN BLIND STANDARD LAUNDRY STATIONS THE NEW machine procua meth· od. Reuonabl• prtcea. A"-ra&e 2 ta pe r..tdu1Ual bUnd. Only $1.00 Bllnda ~paired and rebuilt. rr.. Pick up &nd delln ry Work done by a.ppolntment Phone Liberty 8-0701 or Klmberly 1""27._ ppUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A PTompt ~pa&r 8tn1~ Mamt&IMCI Pholle: H&rtlor 6'h llOl Balboa lll'fd~ MIW1'0rt 8-cll HM openlnr tor SlaUon 8a1Nmen As"ea 18 • 40 Orancw County ~Day--40-Hour Week H lfh •IArtlnr pay IC•cellenl Benefit. Good opportunity tor Advancement Apply ST AND ARD ST A noNs DabUa and Coe.at HJsbway Corona dtl Mar Ola pman and SpadN J'ullf'rton l :IO t.o t .30 un. Monday It Tburaday•. t2ct pa., -~---------~ A &cob0Ue1 A.Douymom Wltt.IP.o.ac.m Mewport s-cJi. ~ .._...,_.,TM Superfluous Hair Jlwm&MD.U)' remonct from f&CI ..... .. .,..,,,,.... ud balr im. .,.,.. No more nrMll&q. &LI.ICM L. Bl\Y ANT R.. &. YOUTH W ANTlCD to learn drap- try • upholateey work, ml.lat bl -.dHIUou.a worku.'LJ l-6011. 9tcl Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO t.. collected from appllcant man..,-1 apt. ho~e Rderanc .. TtqUSred. J. M. Miiier. Harbor 4091 -2026 W. Balboa Blvd_, Npt. a.&ch. 2c• llXP&'RJlnfC3D Uaed Car Lot mu to Clean a.nd Poll1h Ca.re ft.at-en "41Ulred. Allk tor Olde . JOH1'fSO?f It SON Uncolft Mettury Dealera. 900 We•t Cou t Hlchway Newport Beach. HOSTESS put timf', waltruu tuU Ume. Bua boyw pa.rt time. rry Cook tun time 6 dleh wuhtn part Lime. Apply Sn•ck Shop. 2300 m. Cou t Hlttiway CDM. 2c4 8 IC C RETA RY. oonatr open, 8ecret&ry-1tea-to $300, Steno ·Bookkff~ t~ I 300; Othl'r poalUona. otttu. domu llc 6 smtral. -Ma.le electronic• m • f1DM'8 6 tedlnlclant. JUNE FARltAJl. ltmpl. A«Cy. •02~ 2nd. St Newport B"ctl ( aCTOlll SL ffom CUJ Kall) 2c 4 INTERMEDl.A,.. It t no· Clerk Or~• Co&at Coll•«'· lmmtd· lat.a Ope.nlnr . Split ahltt, 1-6 p m. • &:30 t.o 10:30 pm. Mon· da y thru Tbunday 8 a m to 6 pm. P'rtday. Sta.rtlnr; Sala ry. 1"2 per month Apply In per· aon to Bual.nua Office at Col- lere In Acllftlniatrau on Bid( 1991 O s. Karllor, Co•la MeM... UbeTty l ·Tt73 JCellmat.. al to a pply on future puN:hut 2030 Harbor Blvd • Coala x... a t - t9cl3 SHAFER'S ICllMe Ce (Slnce 1907) '21-U3 N. Syt"amOrf', Santa Ana lMI 21" CONAOLll TV 1111. Pho"-K lmberly 2.(>4172. Blonde wtUI doora. Pair of dlan· ------------ 11el beck barrel rhatra. nib7 Nd boll(I• 1100. 400 Holmwood Dr. u 8-4187 Mpl BUSINESS CARDS t10 tw P .JI 600 for I.TO 1000 for •.76 1000 EllabollNd carda • N Ma.LI ud pllone ord.,.. flUecl. LaON WHITm F . O. 8o1I 81. C09ta Me• U l -6160 LI 8-6011 MUI' ORIGINALS 4J"TSA1'100H. Ooclrt&l1. •t&Mr ...... • Coordlaai... CUITOM DR.UDU.KINO ft. H.utMw 1311-ft Ud BEAUT. BL.UJC PER.SUN lcJttni. mat.. Uo-4JYW aDd ~ ... M~ ~.fall•• aom· pedlfTHd. Phone Har. 2T8t-J. ff-"~ JOllN80H"8 blacll ftpre IOI attat... al&e 15, Uke new 112. Ai.a btauU!\11 3 carat Tt!tany l'BO\at.d Zlrooe $JO. Har. '"W ' ~ PER MO RCNTS ~ood prac• lice "aao. '!At t"• khldi.1 ltam A II t..-m1 rent II you buy later DANZ·9ClfMJDT, HO Me. Waln Sllll~ Ana. 100 plano1. Hom• ot tJa• Hammond 01,... SALE 2nd Anniversary One Maple Spine t By Baldwin 20~ ott On-. Rm1ll Steln•ay Qrud. Tllro Styl" ·A" 8letn111•ay Grand9 One N•w n.ldwtn Grand. &ave H OO ' U11ed $plntllt t rt1111 $430. '1&0)' oUltn ~nally reduc.d. L&urie Woodworth Piano Co. 2810 I: Coa11t Hlr"way Corona del Mar Harbor »82 1.a11 Udo'• .... of Beaul7 Bar. 2171 ti. We Nft uc~IL openillp tor PBX OPl:R.A TORS, Top typl.U, lteaoa, e.xecuU•• aecret.ary. typ. lat • boOlllu•per. oom .. uc.a - pvt time It Uvt In, HOUMboy ancl m&Jntenan~ man. lc2 ------------ HAMMOND OROANS Full line, all modf'la. FrH practice rooms. Ccne In and pla y on any moda The Ortat Concert OrJan tilt Home Modf'I the Church and ~ Splnl't Modt!J! Jt you think you cannot pley. cf)me In and try Ult W'Or ld !a.moua 11.,.,..d, ff.a)' t.o play, Chol"d Orpn. Tou Will bf' utClfttaMd to tlJld )'9U c.n play In fi(tr,n rataut.aa. 'Al& ... Foad BEACON PERSONNEL (Apnq>) YELLOW faced blu• Pa.nbtt '11-lbt Newport S."' WOMAN WAJ'li-n::o for ceneral cl1an1nr Wf 41&7 u ch week. CoTona 4•1 Kar. Rar. 3()87-W lc3 k>9t late yuterday. Hu. tof5, Hc2 WIT~· Corona WllJt. -.. kt.t ~th l"'ffn wallet In· •di. N Kary Sofloentce.n. "-&rd. Bar. 1860-R ~ It 8alaooll, luiractloD ' CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICAnONS rnn>T ta IJl&re Ume tor contnc- tor'• aamlnaUoa undtt a ren· ..a ooetnctor ._..Ua 25 ,_,. ......--Cl&W8 Tuu. &nd ft'-.,... ': 30 p.m. Att.ted ant ..... on free. S.fta M)'Ume Al Tvler School Hll He. ~. Banta Ana ~ ~ ·~ « J[J 7..Pll t.le Super-Market TRAINING CENTER 0roell1' OUlden and M•t Wrap- .,.... Mak• MO to 1120 per wk. Call f• .,,a&nlment to le&rn more about thla ~· AL TYI..D. kboola 1911 No. l!tro&dwa7 JO 7..P11 Nol WANT RJ:.U. aTATI: 8.ALJ:S. ACOOMPANlST fer Hlfh School NAN or Woller. J'amUla.r wt~ choral 1roupe. a hrt. a day Hutior ana. Top comm.l•to• Muat be «"OOd 1lp l r,.ader Ap· to one wbo WIUlUi lo ma.let pty Nf'w-rnrt Harbnr Hl,rh Srhl mo11•1 It not ah'ald to work. or Har. ~39-J after 8 pm HOUSTON RmALTT 609 Cen· ll9c2 ter St., C09ta Mee&. LI 8-8911 _E_LO_E_RL __ Y_W_OB'l_U __ Cn_o_t-ln_v_a_llll-l -ICY•. Bar. llltl-W. Lie would Ilk• companion to •hare Ai"lllN'nO• A.LL BOYS - THE NmWll-PRUS 11 now ta.kin( earri• applicaUona for routu ta Uli... Ml.&2llM>rtlood.t :- Ba.lbo&. W Ml Newport.. Balboa r. .. Newport Htithta, Corona del Mar ud Coat.a Mua. U you a,... 12·14 yr1. old. and hn• a bicycle. apply at the Clrcula.- home on Blllboa hliind No heavy -.·nrk or laundry. Sma ll 11ala.ry to rlaht pe"on. Har 2128-M. 99c2 LADIES: Rud our ad undtr claul!ln Uon 24 -Super Mar· kel TTlllnln( AL TYLER Schoola 181 I N. Broadway, Santa Ana KI 7-3611. 9~ Uon Dept., Newport Harbor ------------ N-..p,.._ 1211 Balboa Bl•d.. N..,..-t 8-ch, betwetn 1()-lJ ~IO-~:Jll94~~Cll~~Dx~~DU9~----­ a. a. • W P· IL cal)' ucept DELTA 8HAPJil. 12" planer ~ Ut routen It othtr woodworkln( OPPORTUNIT1' tor reu.Mle neat machinery. LI 8·26". Hp2 appeaftil,J ht1i. ~ool or ~· SODA t ountaae. 1toot.. counter. •tud•t. wtUl..,. to mallr 1_. c.ubonat.or, ..-iu. •how cu · _.,...... •••-hller Bruala ea, wMl tl.xtw'U. Hu. 015. tk2 o.s.r, ,.n ume. Kl 1-1100 tor .,pt. , lei J(AB()(). (at.MOie) TA.BLll 115 . Conlon iro..r f 24. 2 • 30 In NEJ:D IOM90MW to ura tor ec:rwm 4oor'L u .....,7. ie. dlJJcs I 9\0. -fll1 home Moe. • J'rt. I -._ atut now. 2oeJ Maple A •enue, ea.ta XtaL UwttO ipl , Doub'4 bed ... 1p'1nl' 6 mattnea. Good COfldlUon 110. 119 • alat at.. N..,...t ...-. II WESTINGHOUSE alecL ra.nre. clock control a Umtr $7~. Crot· le1 ISllelvador nirn s . ~. Mapi. Stcrtt.a.ry '80. Har. 3&el-1\' lc3 Sept. Clearance RJ:P'l'UCERA TORS Philco e c! pert. cond, 1109.50 Suvtl T c!. clean . . 7t 60 Ooldwpot II "'· good cond. 154.~0 WNt!nfhouse, cleM run• ok 39 50 WASHERS Frig1datre autom • top cond. It 50 O.Z, automatic, late mod91 " 3'0 Laundenll . . a1,eo BudtJt. n111• o.k. 21.ao RA.MOU O'Keelt It Mn?ttl. U " ~ th«mo. • . 0 .6() Wtatl~ ... eet. thnft", late 111ocht ...... .. ........ _ • ...60 Roper, apt. .... IO'' . -·.. . 2t.IO ITl\OOT8 llDW& .• .......,.,.. 1.IOJ N_,.i Blvd.. c.ta Mala I DANZ.SCHMIDT Ph,no • Organ Co. Home or lht' H81l'lmond. &to Na, M&111. 8tnta Ana . 8 PI I" I: T J'JA..'10 S Wondtrful buy•. IOme 1llchtly dllm•t:"<l In lttlpll'ltnt. RMlt•I ~turt1• and rrarte '"" on or1&111. Mirror Type Splnf'LI "~ lnw u $19:1 ltuy tum~ DANZ-8CHM1DT. 620 ~o M&tn. 811.ntA Ana. Home of lhe H•m · monrt Ort•n. SPl!"ET SJ'E<'IAI~ BEAUTIFt:L blonde H11llf't an.d Darla Spinet pl"no rental re- turn. Llu l\ew. aave •1211 COn• . tt'nn•. LOVEL. Y 'Mahncany QW,. br&ru1en Spinet planf) In perl,.ct condition. Tenna 160 do,.,n a nd $19 t O P"'r mo, SAVE 1200 on 1ll g'ht17 Utd )(jmb&J l pl.net piano In JMrfect condition. Con- venll'nt tenaa at- SHAF'ER 'S M.Yate Co. !8'nce 180'71 421-423 ?>I Byacmore. Santa An11 Phone Klmbtrly 2-0t72. BABY GR AND, !penal Clair $ 496. Good t.ont -4 Mt1en. Bllgfft I l o C" k of ""'ondn!ul ~d plano1 IA Oruc't Oeualy. TerT'lla DANZ• 80HMIDT Orut ~ and 0,...,. ltore, 120 Ne. Mall\. llant.a Ana Home of Ult Ham· ... Oqu. w. w. WOODS CIMO Dl!AlaR 8lf.1t •. Mil tt. Beat• Ane °""98uM&J .t.M. T..U H~ f9P Oruw• C• 19~ roar:> 0Clf¥. O'd .. Mt(. C'r~am with black top. W W, E·xcf'll cond. Owner ff..-1425. 2d 11'.'H M. a. TD MAU n ....... H ll•t .... dlU... 81lpU.r 11\odl• ft*' . ...,_r ,...._ ~II ~ 10 Liil. It ' p.rn. Har M27. l pl 'tll MERCURY SPORTll COUP' mercornallc white 1. w. u rea. MR. l•Uler .... l&UrJ'. Hot 116 a.dlulda, ~na,ort Het1hu, LI l-30ll aner e p. m. tel 19!\3 OLDS Super 88. 4-dr. 2-tone W s.w .. power "i.n"-. Unaiac- ulal• t~.-.. Pr1..U part1 •U75. 20Gi Karbor BlvdM Coal• x... lpl Mo+or Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e ey1a. ___ . __ $48.88 8 Cyls . .. .. --······-· .. --.$58.88 lncludu bol.b labor and part& ,.... rtnca. .,... .,..... n1 .... srtncl. fllUn p of m&Ua and ro4 bt1r1n11 Z.pert motor tune u,.. 90-day or 4.000 mile ruaranl~ (1110 M01'fft DOWlf l RltBUILT ENGINES -tTP to 16 MONTHS TO P A 1'- BuUt In our own f&ttory bF aldll"' inachJai.t.. Doft't eont•• w1~ the middle mu. 8u7 direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK l'ORD _ . ·--flit !141 CRE'VROLrr ....... -.... --·· IUt no PL nc. "' 00001: .... --·-·· .. ·-s1116 CH1'YS. • DE SOTO ... -.... _ $170 STUDEBAKER ........... 1170 Ol.08 6 PONTI.4C 8 ...... --'170 BUICK _ . -··--··-· ... ,,_-·-1170 BUD&OM ..... -----·-·-·. SJ70 Loan Car F rt• Tow~ K'EW CAft GUARANTl:lC 8lodl mu.t ..-"r 1l&nd&rda P lu• ta.a'•· 1uketa and oil Oi>«n 8'lnday 10 a.m.. to 2 p.m.. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS °'*"!>atty I to T llt.ate Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. a.urr.t. AllA l ' I I I ' • •, '" I I I ,. i ' I I , v v Check these Used Cars 1 43-Apte. & Bow for a.t 48-A,eta. A ..... for .._t '8-B-Bomee for Seat ~M~1 to Lou 00.ur.&L SllOPPD Ultloa ol LOANS f H NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E I Buy from a local dealer wbo WW be here TO.MORROW to bM:k up ... l lie 9a11a '?'OD.A YI A-1 USED CARS AT THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer '53 Ford Conv. R & H, Fordo. . . '50 Chrysler Windsor 4 Dr. . . . '49 Mercury 4 Dr., R-H., OD. . . '49 Pontiac 4 Dr. R..H., Hydra. . . '53 Studebaker Champion hardtop, O' drive • . . . . . . . . . $1395 $1395 s 545 s 395 s 395 '51 Ford V-8 cust. club coupe, R-H S 895 '53 Ford custom club coupe .. R-H, O'drive .......... $1245 '53 Ford 8 custom 4-dr., R-H . Fordomatic . . . . . . . . $1295 53' Mere. Monterey, R-H. Merco. $1845 '50 Dodge Coronet 4-door . . . S 475 '52 Ford Victoria, R-H, Fordo .. $1295 '51 Buick Riviera 4-dr., R-H , Dyna. S 895 '54 Ford ranch wagon , Fordo. . $1895 '52 Ford ranch wagon , overdrive $1395 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OITERS Delightful livin1. Apt.-Olbuu. UtllitJea paid. with Yacht allp accomodatJon.. Daily, ••ltly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or retlel'Vation, Call Har. 2992. Mttc 48A-Apta. for Bent '8-A-Apte. for Beat LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT APT. LEASE. Tastefully decorated, furn. or unfurn. 2 bdrm., 1 bath (enclosed tub & shower) all electric kitchen, W ;W carpeting. Patio. Laundry le gar- age included. Ava.II. on or about Oct . l . OWNER Har. 3224-W 99tfc 48-A,et&. ll How.ea for Beat ROOMS. COTT AGES. APTS. DAY. WEEK OR MONTH THE BLUE TOP MOTEL. 403 Newport Blvd., just a bova The Archu. 74Uc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one • two bdrm. apt.a. Short term and yearly. ALSO, Udo Hornea and Bay Front Homes and apartmen~ LIDO REALTY A.uociatea 3400 Via Lido, H&ltM>r._... 89ttc IT'S NEW-2 bdrm.1., very a t- tractlv&-modem turnllure $76. month. 304·32nd St, Newport Beach. 99~ '8-.&-AJ!f!. for Beat UNFURN. 2 bdrm. upata.lrw, pr. apt. Yearly Nnt&l J40 month. 31 T AJYU&do Ptae., Balboa. Ha1·. 0190-W lc:J APT. UNJl'URN. 2 bdrm1. ti: pr. on teeluded 1treet 2 Bl.ka. from 1chool1, ehop1, tran1. Ir P. 0 . l!. Side, C. M. Anti Sept. 15. LI 8-3611. l cll 2 ROOK, FURN. b&chelor apt. 1 or t adult.a. 175 mo. on leue Ocl l to July 1 uUl Included, or f lOO mo. on 'fT. leue. &'U · Privat e bee.ch It dock prtY1l~gH. No pet.II or d\lldren. S-con Bay nfa.r Harbor b land. Har. 276e lTl"C '52 Hillman Minx 4-door . . . . '50 Ford 8 4-dr., R-H, overdrive . s 545 1 OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM, upalafr1, duplex. ONE BEDR.M. furn. apt&, ~~ pletely redecorated. Modern ti: large tncludlnir a ll ullltUu ~ mo. yrly. or winter. H&rbor loet-W, or 317 Coronado, Bal· boa. 2 blk1. from TelephOne C-0. 'SO Chev. '50 Ford '54 Ford COMMERCIALS 1/2 Ton Pickup . V-8 panel truck . F-100 pickup . . • • THEODORE ROBINS S 595 Partly rum. tncludlnc ranr., ref'tir .. and garbage dl.tp. We.U furnace. 1100 by year: $80 by s 495 s 595 $1245 winter. 11708 W. Ocean P'ront. N.-wport. 99p2 CHANNEL RENTAL --2 br., tum ., Oct. l t.o May J-t l.25. month. Claire Van Hom REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. Ll 8·•277 2c4 A T'TRACTI VJI: Wlntf'r ~ntal1. YOUR FORD DEAL ER SINCE 1921 fl'urn. Ill 3 Bllrm , 2 bath a pl l llD mo. t9c2 2 BDRM .• FURN. APT., private patio, aat.o . ...ai.r, diahmaaer, car. Beaco11 Bay, print• beach, •mall boet Ue up, Winter $100, ply. tt&O m o. uUI pd. No pel.8 A..U. Oct. 11. Har. l U O. tllc2 ATJ'R.ACTIVlil ocua view 1 bdrm. apt .. partJallf tu.rn. Suitable .tor couple, 17:'! mo. yrly, WMt atde of eo.ta M-.. Ce.II J to 6, Har. IO l l!c NltAR WATER. one bdrm. tum. apt. a t 304 ~ 34l.b SL. N-- or omes WEDNESDAY, SEf'T. 7, 1955 FOR U:AS!!: TWO B&AVTil'UL 11-lrvtne 1'errac:. uat\lm, vi-llOlllH. 04)1, -20 'fT. Lo&na S JIDIU(S .. 2 balba and 2 BllDRMS., 2 bathe. Construction Loans • ,._.. ~ ......... 11wiome ~ .. Call Harbor 177~ or Harbor 4448. EARL W. STANLSY. Realtor Irvine Terrace ome. Corona dtl Mar. 33Uo 2 BED. FURN. HOUSE -New· port Hl.9. l or 2 child Newly decor&tf!d. Ref. P'enced yd. Patio A ft1l Sept. I. St<>. mo. ~aa Catalina, lp2 WINTER RENTAL Sept. to June 3 bedrm turn. J85 mo. 116 E . Balboa Blvd. Owner 3110 Healh· er Road. Lonr Beach. Ph. 39· 3697. lp9 SEPT. 16 lo June 15 -4 bdrm. house J6$, 31 T Alv11rado Pklce. B&!boa. Har. 0190-W Jc3 PENINSULA POINT Lovely furn. 3 bedrm.. 2 bath. maid'• rm. (If dealredl. 01sh- waaher . d111p., wa.aher It-dryer. Lge. encl. paved pa tio, BBQ. Aa ll. Sept. 1~ to J une 15. $125 mo. Har. OltO-M. 99p2 A VAIL.ABLE Sept. 16. Charming 1 bdrm. bayfront· tum. house. Private beach. $100 month on yea,.. leaae. Ideal tor couple or achool teache,... Har. 0692-R 99c2 LIDO ISLE New S bdrm. tum. J180 monUl. Avail Sept. 10 to June 10. Har. 6278-W after 4 p.m. t9p2 BALBOA-1 bedrm. furn. hou11e. Avail Stpt. 16 win ter or yearly. E1:lra DIC<'. Rea.aonable. 1221.i E. Balboa Blvd. 2p7 WlL SHARl!l new apa.clous OCl"an view home w ith young woman. Very' reasonable. U6 De Sola, Corona del Mar. Har. 2367-J 81:11 BOB SA 1TLlm laU JllA8T COAST BL VD. Coroaa dtl Mar Harbor SW ~. POUUSP. MORTGAGE CO. Metro Llta Im. Funda KL S-6186 d tlc LOA.NS TO BUJLD. DlPROVIC BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REl'IN A.NOit We Buy Trult Dffda NEWPORT BALBOA SA VIN CS A LOAN ASSOClA TION SHe Vta1 Udo. Ph. Hu. 4200 lie NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO:'\STRUCTION Call tor Free Fast Commitment. on Reahlent'es and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COS TA MESA Ll 8·5541 LI 8~~% WE SPEC IALIZE JN LOANS ti: FlNA.1'1ClNO ON HOUSETRAJLERS A utos, Furniture 6: Salarle. One Day Service Loa.n• from s:;o to 11200 or mor. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor ntvd .. Cost& Men U 8·776 I -Optn Frlday3 llll II Clo11ed Salurdrtya.-l!c 2c REAL ESTATE LOANS l'UltNISHED w IT B PIER -Interest Rate 5-5 Y2 % Lovt.ly 2 bedroom -fencfd yard Loana quickly made Ill the Bay one block to Lido ehop1 -Arta and COit& J.fcu.. Single or Reaaonable t o reliable couplf muJUplo unit.I. New or old Be tor wlnler month• A pply 619 WIM and eave by re-ttnanclng --36th St., Newport. 2p4 your present loan. Minimum ex· --_ penee. No char&'• tor prellml· FOR RENT-Apt. by week. month nary appraital. Phon1 Sa.nta or ynr. 2·bedroome, nlc~ly Ana Klml>erly 3_.e933 or w-rlt. furnl&hr d. Refrlgerl\tor, utlllllea ARTHUR A. MAY p&Jd. \\'lnl1•r rot.e 1100 a monlh, Morti. .. ge Lollll Corre•pondcnt Owner on prem! ... next SW\day. Ocddental Llto Insurance C-0. Addre .. 2410 Weat Ocea.n Front. 933 So Ill K&ln llanta A N~ B«.is. Phone YUkon u na 323·193, Upland befoni then. I PP 2t'3 3 BEDROOM YURN . .Balboa, tir&- p~. recreation room. dbl ra.r· ace. no JMOla. Winter nintal. liai'. 133 .. R or Hu. 4072 2c• 2 BDRM. HOUSE "1RN. I~ mnnlh. Water paid. AY&ll Sept. e to June 1~. 111 ·30th St., N.wport llMl'h. 2p3 (9-Boolm for Keat SS-Real Eatate &rvice Southwest F arm and Ranch Service -BE SlJRE BEFOHE YOU B UT Completr lnvuUf atlon1 4 reporlll. Rr prcMnl non-r,alaent landlords. 3~t }'rl. COVfrfog Arlllltln& .t. NC'W MuJco. Phone Har. 3434·J or • ('Mlt.t't c. B. Brown, RL 2. Box * BALBOA APARTMENT BOG. *. $17,000 income, per annum 22 Unit. with 8200 9<1. f t. of U'ring area, all ln lat Clue Condition. Top high rental location. $24,~ Down Total Prl~: $85,000 For further information call GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY. INC. 3ll2 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2562 Evea. Liberty 8-3188 26 Years of Leadership INCOME PROPERTY i furnished income unita on 90 ft. frontage on B&J. boa Blvd. Many aound featu~ identify this pro- perty. Loc&tion, aise, at.ability and regul&tory •· pan.ion reetrict.iona amooc others. Thia is the initial offering on the marbt of th1a valuable property and exclusively through th.t. office. Priced at $49,f500. LEE CASEY OFF ICE 2721 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. OMe a COSTA MESA Arehitect'• former home. Beautifully landacaped., delightful patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA tlnanc· tnr. Euy tenm. OnlJ $1'.500 Call Liberty 8-28M CE.ea LI 8-7Me) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, N8'fllOK 8-.tb 3 Beautiful Units On Balboa Blvd. Comer Lot Houston Values TWO UNITS complet.!y fU.m1allttd. Fun Pric~e~$7450 I BDRM,. t 71'&-GM. aQd60 Sot.. 3100 West Coal!t Highway, Newport Beach "On the Marine~ Mile" t2) 2 Bdrm., 2 bath apL 1 100 mo. port Be&ch. CIOH to RJcb&rda -------------1194. Tuc.t0n, Arh:. 96cl0 Pf'rmanenL oeee.n Yi-. larse •un 11eck, J door from ~. "9 blk to bay. Owner le&vinl' .,..._ A r eal bara'ain at. 123,950 l!:lr.c.i.lu t t.wma. aCll Tllm JfOW. Submlt 10\ll' dowlL, owns mo.· "WC.O~Ar...aftla... Llberty 8-3471 13) a Bdrm .• 1 beth bowie 11 to mo. 'u:r"' anti Trucu 47-Waated to Rent ll:&c:!t btY Ule, T.V . dt~ n~ptu., pra,e. .. BALBOA REALTY CO. 1 1-:i~ 1..a1 r :n • r1 • .or 11r•1 Rentals Wanted Hsr. 3211 100 1:. Be.Ibo• Blvd . .• 11.l.lor. t1u111 mallt' drl\·c, R&li We need apt• and houtd ln all Balbrn1. 2c4 ' M trH . r.xc<'ll. cnn.J. through· eectlon.I for llOth w1nter and 1.111 s117•, l)flJ; <>Wnrr (';1rrr11Jly 111 ,,., n ft•"''' 11 11n11 Jl't yo111 year'e le~. Furn. or unrum. • •' 11111•1 d1ri·k It ch'l'I Ultf'11y It you have " vae&nc)', COST A MESA 2 bdrm. unfurn. $7~ mo. " 7 1 1e 9llpJ phone today DAN A JACOBSEN. Realtor 0 4 32nt1 8t.. Newport Beach H&r. ~Pt J!lvee. U 8-08&2 2d I •1 • .... 11 ~-·· The Vogel Co. • ' • toni "111 'r \'rry $(""" 3201 W. Cat. Hwy~ Newport Br.ll. , 'l•ht1on. nl'w tor• UTll. ~rll· Pbon• Ubcr ty 8-3 .. l h ( r ~"'"' 1' r :.!"\I \\ t ·~:!I 208 Nartne. Balboa u land \Vl?\'TER R.£1'o'TAL8 Fum.1 bdz'1ll 1 1 ·' :: 1 I Phone Harbor H4 hou.e $16. 2 bdrm. I TS. t.cbelor ·., 1 1 ,. \fot 'Tll 'I ,11 ~· ·•nn. I'"' 2667 F: rout Hy .. Coron11 del \Jar apta 124 It 13:.. new l Wrm. •r , , ,11 11 11,11 $-,1•, 1t.1t ~:lOflM l'llo11~ H11rNtr t7•l a pt., fireplace $76 Ph for I p· :!c• Lido Office, 3416 Via Udo poinunent LI 1-2147 1001 W. --111 0 MiRYSl.nt X• v. •11111 fl II H \\' S \\' Harbo_r ~971 sru_c I B&lboa Blvd. 2l!c Yorker Cn<>d cot•PLr. i\!An lorally .-mpl ·-Cl.IFF HAVE'N. Two bedrm. un- 2f 1 \\ unl• I •1r 2 lxlrm. hou.se part· turn. Tn plu nt'ar achool.8. T::: • 0•HH.ill 11<n liar ~•Oil·\\' 40-A -Tirrt• .t Parb -------------·~~~~~~ 1y (urn \\ c have a ppllnnct'I &-r·1~..rntaln~f. watl'r p<1. C . ,..1mr fu1t1 ('losr to N,.wporl •l~~ll (An autom. heat __ Ownfr c itv Hllll ptr (fr1t•<I N!'t'<I larg.. 212 Uroa11way. LI 8·2118 2lfc goar:if" Wnte Ro'C I'··'"· this f'()\'R RM. untum. rottagr. 16-0 P6P"' 91Hf mo plua ut111t1.-a. Sult&ble for Tubele ss Tire and ~TER RE:"ITA L~ ont!'d ,;; roupl<r or w ith l child 1227 clay lhe H11rbor &rl'll Tt'MnU WAii· St . N~rt ~rh. u ··~906 Recapping Hdqtrs. I Courtney & Lester l"IP6 ::""wro11 Bl•d . C-oela Me• rHo:-;F: LIBERTY 8-1 1!)8 P6 P 42-Tralle.rs * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIE5 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8--4420 '!\2-t t ' ~1 Heine . 1611!'. '~2-29' R<Mldmuttr I Ulll~ '11~2t' TWTY --·-IS*l. Pr1c• ·.~ 1' Pan.m. 1 bdrm. . A det'l '&~-4f' Paa .t.aenc. °'8cOl.lnt PAM AMERICAN Paramount-Kemllll U 'T'ra~•-T.....,. 8Strc 1951 Royal Spartan Mansion 11 rr. Dl'.NW'l'TE. t.nn M4a Conl6d• tna uo w. 1Jlt 1'lsUJL t 2pt * Star Fleet * IO t'l. cuatom bu.ill -U". rm .. dinette, ldL, ti.UL Wna. F\anl· la!Mld completely. tncl. JT" TV, rhlrui. wt•·wh eto. CAB.A.NA I Jr: 10, oompl turn. ALSO paUo furnltu~. New 12 rt Wlsard 7'" hJ». Evinrude mtr lo a t Lot t. Newport Munlctpal Trailer Park. Rar . 082l·R. 1n.r. f'hOnf 1n your v11ranrlf'11 l<t· <IRy RF:X RF:<1H~ Rnll<>r. 2307 \\' A•llhoa Blv<l ll11r !11M trr 43-Apt... a '!_o_DIM"1t ____ _ 2cf RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS Call FAn• CraJr WP.RT BAY A ''P. Jui.iln . a beod· Blanche Gat es Rltr. l"O<lm 2 t>111h r11rn $11 n month Sil ){ rln A 1 r early or w inier 14.19 W Bay a • "' Avt , &llK•• ~"i•t'.l &lboa llland, Har. 1671 T2Uc ---WATER FRONT, l bdrm. lower. Choice Summer Rental.a on .. nrln"'<! patio l'IWI of pl•r a.nd Balboa Island & Lido Isle I floa t \\ lnler r~nt&l AdulU. Small A coay or larr• a: O.lun 1 100 ptr mo. Har. 43&7-J, Wr2 17~ to 1300 monlb VOGEL CO. tHA -Apb. for K8at 20I Mann• Av. .. Ba.lbotl la.land Ph. Harbor H• or Harbor 2161 Re•. Har, J11M·R or Kar. 30M -M t•ttc OCEAN FRO;l;T -Spacious 1 or 2 bdrm. EnclOMd paUo. •olley bill! t'ourt. Jovtly view. Summfr 1111d •1nttr rental•. 8H a t 730• W. O~an F mnt. Newport Bch. or call Har 1132-W exreopt Mon a: Tuuday. 88p3 2 BDRM. hoUM. unfllm Watl'r paJd. Yrly. It'll~ le~. Ill 40th It. Bar. •!164· 1l'. H l'2 -------2 BDRM., furn or unf11m. newly derorated hou-. 24129 Onnp Cll9ta M 1'8L 09r2 LIDO RENTALS 2 BEDRM , 2 bath•. untuna18bed. a, pa.Ho. Draps. •nn·-Y•llrt1 old. Sto,·e and «l''t n (bullt lnl 117~ mo. A l80 ', WJlli l'i!R &nd yurly rmt11l11 IH month and up. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES Deluxe Furn. Apts. One 6: t wo bdr~. with lelev1alon. AYllilable for aumml'r or w1n· ltr. ALSO yearly le&.Aff In Heart of activity -Lot• at r•rklng 607 F.. BalOO. JJlvd. Balboa Harbor ~. Mlle Lido Isle Bayfront Ont a.nd two i.drm. aputmenu . Furnilhed. 0&.rasu . YM rly or wmtw nntal. Hu . H711, llleG'I ONl!I BEl>RM., nk ely f urn. w1n· t~r. .Adult.I. Oar•c• ~II mo. l 16-36th Newport. t 3tft' BALBOA JSLA!lf'D, Oct. t.o JUM.. Furn. ' ~. ' llatt11. Bay l'roaL Guac'P. No pet& Jl"or a pp't Har. 1HO·K . tJltc W OO AR.MB AP ARTM¥NTS 6: JU.JUNA. 8q frollt apartment. tor leaM. 3'0tl Via Oporto.. tltJc Jl"'t'RN. Stuctio ._ Reuonable. ""'. 3400 \'la U do, 'lfvbt1r 4444 1 Arri's. from R ichard • Mark~t Entnmr t l 2c4 Pennaunt r~aa ~ffl"4. 1100 Jvrmlnt. Corona ll•I Mar toc2 Anila.ble &ttw a.pt. 10. YrlJ' .-0 -Har. 1....,,, lei LA.Rall I aJCDfUI.. turn. d'Upia apt. C&n&1 h'Olll~ 8m.all botlt dock. Auto. waatwr, l'&rag• 1110 mo. Incl. ut1lllle1. A vallable S•pt. 16-July 1. Har. 3647-W a!t.a 1 :30 p.m. 9tt.fc REAL NICE l bdrm. a pt., com- pletely furn. Neu 16th and BaJ· boa BlYd. 'i blk. ~ or bay. MO mo ART C. KISTU!lR, Co. Har. 6226 "<:2 BALBOA. UTn..E lSl.A?\'D tum. &flt Sept. Ulna JUn•. ta5 mo. uul lncludtd. l bdrm . Jc. Uv· lnr rm. f\replAce irarb. dlap .. ir•r It large lot. Artulta, no pel.8. 217 Cfy•lal Ave Hu 2~71-J 2c7 CORONA DEL MAR yrl. fum . 2 bdrm, dupln, l bdrm. a pt. tn- clud. ulll. Har ri409 2ttc LOVE.LY NEW 2 bdrm. fum. apt . 1 bllt to OCt&n or blly nn Ba.I· boa Bh·d. nnr •hoJl41, ~ll'. $100 month. ART C. KISTLER. Co, Har 6226 9tc2 l.AROE 1 ~m1 apt. unturn. Dbp . trtove r~trti A l'•r&ge N,ar U do Shoppln~ Omit.er yrly, 't'nl&I, A vall S!>J>I 18 Hai. 3C:S9 117pll BAI.HOA ISU NlJ l''Um 1 brm apt. Adult• Jl;o pl'lA. A vaJ.l.a!IJe Sl'pt 11. R;>uonablf'. Wbrrty 1·7824 99<:2 CRl:'lo" A COVF:. l:iay tront fumllheJ a pt. O~n• on l&f'IJT. a.clul1td patio flttttn frt>l from h1(h tide. F umuC" •tnra1tt. gar"e &11d phone Available fnr lf'AH or wlntu rf'nlal. LeeooM Sl26 per mo. ExrC"llfnt Yalue. Pll. RYAtt f-2206. 93ttc BAT VlCW a pt on L1(1o Pf'ntn· •ula. :'\ • w and attractlv•. p"°eled llvtnr ruom, hdwd !Ira •• 2 betrma .. br,ak!ut bar. Untum. e.xc~ tar MW •ton a:nd rr trllf. For yrly ltue I 125 mo. Har 276t uk tor Mr Bull.r M tfc '8-B-Bouea for Rtnt ---BALBOA J8L.A.NO. 2 bdrm. furn- l11hed houlle. Olnlnr mom. en- clOlled p11110 11nd g11rt1gt. Srpt. to Junt. 318 Ruby 99c2 ruRN. 2 be<Srm. hnmf', bv mo. or yr1y. Caraie. AVAii. Sf'Pl. 15. llli W. Bay . :'l:tl\'J>Orl, Hsrbor 3888 before noon. liitrc Udo Isle I bdrm. Pro\,ncla.I lntti lor. com- pletely tum. A ''1111. u, t. I Cor w1nl« 1123 mo. P•Uo, nrepl , dlll. p r. 211 Via OIJon. ll&r1>or 4178-W. toc4 PENINRULA POINT f'Ul'lN . t Mdnn 11ome l11rge fn· cl~ yard It patio. Wlntu rental J l OO ,.r mo. No peta Owner, 173' Plaza dtl Norl«" Har. """'1. 2d ROOM ... wor.W.. man. Hot and eol4 -t.u bt ,_._ P¥t.. .,._ ln.noe '8 pw -ll. Ul--.eth Ill Newport. ppltc NEWPORT HEIGHTS. pnvate fn· tranu. tun tile balh. '35 Sa n- ta Ana Ave. a fter&. 2<·4 orrn CJC FOR RY.l'IT r Riverside County SAl.E OR TRAD!: for buch prop: erty. 60 acre lrrlga.t!'<l atock ran('!\, 2 hou1<e•. ltlea.l fCU' hor- """· rtg. cattle nr a.mall com· mi-rrl"I h<'r'1 Inquire 82:\ P111k· mt\n Lr . La f'tinnd•, ph. Sylvan 0·~,34 0 80r3 Waterfront Pier & Float TWO IJF:DROOM HOJCE, PLU8 J b<.lrm. apL above double ,...,...... Buth rumlabffi. Near Udo Shop- plnir llrU Only 123,000. Out· sl&ndln• t~11. Owna _,. •n111ou .. $8175-2 Bdrm. CL.Os.IN, MM u a ptn, double gar. a: carport. aJJ f.it<'ed. <>Ny 12.000 dn., Jt 'e a "Buy", Civic <Aini.er LocaUon. 2l'd 4'. $&(). per mnnlh CHARLES K HA RT, R"lt..or SUO W. Balboa Blvd~ Npt. Bc-h 92r5 F'OR E:XC HA:-.lC:E Vl'I')' m od1·m. 11 room hom ... Art c. Kistler Co. Hdwd , tile 2 n..,111one fir<· FOR &Y•. tnto. on ~ htttt" U 8·Mlff NftW, SMAR"n.T Jl"t."flYISREO off1re. 1999 Harbor. C'n"I• Mt .. a Uber•,, pla cr" I" II\'. rm, d•n, palw 2901 l'rw port Hlvd , Npt. &oach I '• bAth, \lbl it•r. ('ar port llarb<'lr OZ2G. '91:2 Bu utHu.117 landltl"aped. 7 yr olll 1- Nl'ar everythintc of lmportanc-. ATTRACTIVE LARGE Corona del Mar 2 BDRM c~-ln l>on:-. t l l.1()(1. l3llOO and SM.SO Incl. 4-;' .. lnL IO• fftl1otrope. MultL Co-op lJl llpland WitSow lady a&)lll It'll 8-3333. t 4dc tor I NC"OME prnpt'rty Thh• SHAKE BUSINESS BLDG . With paUo. l!Oxt5 lot. 1311 pc•r month 11 3 22nd SI, Newport Bt arh K l 2·14118 ~<'10 rr>AJ1t 11 I M n•a prl'f errc·<l l'h. UplM1I YUkon :l7.1· I 9J (JI Har 0811 ·M during t h111 ('to111ln11 Wf'r k ""'I Pf'l1rl .1 l'<mllh, R r11I tor 420 E 7th, l'pl11..11d 1• :i 2 1tor,.. or ofOC'N , one 211'<30. One 62--D-aJ E 1211.26. Low rmt. S ult.able ror ,.... , •M: ~!ltale ta.I bua1nu J or of trt'f!. t>07 E. REAL VALUES &lbc:.a Blvd • Har. 3608 ~tt<' Store Building )(()dorrr.. I~ Mo S u1t.abl• IMUr· &J'l('f'. ~... l'lll•t~. ir1tl8. • l(' Park Ing f111 1lll lr11, F A. 11'-tt t CaJt li&r. 20i0 6flt(l 2 BR. HUMli: app~ 8 ~'Tl 01<2 M· I zonrnr . (JV.r 100· fnonlaKf' un ir»l NI \l.'111 ta.kf' 2 or 3 br hum" In tr11il,. l 'rll f'd ltl .,.11 ll<tl1•1 l••<>k tt11• un,. UI" I 1/2 Acre Rancho 5S-A-Bll8lnt'M R4'ntal• 2 jt[IRM ,. UKN tlJ•ll lt' on ·~ "' ... I A I T.11nlng . All frn• ... 1 If \"'I DESK ~PACE "'llh phone af'ryl1 t I v.111nl country Uvlngo, thl\ 111· 11 130 mo 607 F. Uelbo.' Hlvd . I 1111 I"",. cinh· 1111,!l!\n lf'1m.11 Ralboa Ph''"" """''"flng 'rnl•,. alM> avaJ lablr Har-_:111~1i6tfr 8. A. NERESON FOR ~ -f'urn1llhl'tl ofhre 1n ru:AL'T'OR .->("lallon l41th 11n 111torn,.y 1c;112 :-:~v.J'l<•rl l'U\'cl r ... ,,, """' Tu l'Xp4!rt pr<'ftrr,...I 291 2 \\' LI .'1·1872 Y.ves LI A·412ll Coa..t Highway, !';l'wp<irl Hf'•r h, --- CaJlf. u M I02 II If!' 1.nn;R1ou~ \'11':'1\' HOMS: on Dress Shop "Ing 11 l'lort 3 ~drm11 , I , lll•• h'\lhll, ca rpl°tf'll W tc1 W, lo'lfrt "cl hC&l, f"&tlO "111 lc>•Nl !(,,,,..., fnr 1ow1mmlnir JlOl•I Rl\lt• prli'<' rwt e l I 19.t~ with H 9!\0 cu h VF.RY MODERN N t H s . I '"''~" pu lurr w1ntlow . 3 bdrm• • p . ts. pec1a IJ: bnck f)llllO. F'U11lly 111.a.e dln· 11..ARUE CJl.OF.R Hbuam with 1ni: rm, lnrgc tllfl kllchc'n with I Vltiw or u.y, 3 b<lnn. • dftl.. din. b1111t In 1llnlng l rt'I 7 BA 'nlS, rm • 111m rm. C't>r on C.llff t>r 1lall •hower. l<Jl.9 or lU., puU-Onlv $1!),llOO, itmall dn. ~ 1n11n Rl'e ullfully land.Kv.pt'fl Int trrm11. flOxl">ll, f"l'l~IJ pnvate a llt")'. >:x1ra 1ar1" 2 cu s-ra•• 22ll20. M-1 with 40x64 bldg \·A c ANT I 'WlTll <>r WJTHOl rT IOIM lt u .. • 1 1: YC:ARS OLD, hke n ew . 83 '-r-"1~ to •ll"v Thia b •flu .,need low to seL at $16.500 •v.•y •t •1~· 01111 Vt•ry attractive terou1. o~n 1 Lido -Isle aflcmoons. 2307 Sant n Ana 1 71111~s· r.<iT 3 ~.Jnru. 2 t>.•h. 3 A n ., Costa MeRa. Owner. y1 Ql•I BF:Al!TY. L11 na1 0~1 Ha r 4664-W. 9ic11 In b11e ru•llU C'ttOlf't't• privacy. --I 1<.oorn fnr pool t1r OlMr devl'lnr- ment. Pr or u; 6<1() l• """" bf.· CLIFF HAVEN low r~prO<'luctlnn cnet .. ~hown hv •pr \ nnl\· 1':1 .-Jnf" l'h 1,;·ttt I J A·2MI CJXf: OP' THOS~ 8PAl:J0t;~ 3 1 h"'1ln11 lmmr11. h•l\o\ l !lr11 lar11:,. r~n< rd V>1t•I only $360<1 .Jown' I 'r.u.-~e1110 ~fore "" hoot Ol'ft\8 Stanley A. Smith, Realtor Houston Realtv Co. 11 A~80CLAm 11111 Cent~ 8 t • Co.t• Meea l~l A-111111 or l.J 8· 778' M-1 21147 i;' l'nual Hv.\" f"tort1n11t1,.I ~1Rr 1 0 1i·•·LJU:1J AT NOT YIWlTU- ll•rW.r ~~2 !19r 2 llA Y~. OR T () )1 0 RR 0 WI ORAN0 1t roA~T I rRt<.:£-etrr TODA Ts..-s3poo Ha.nt11u r·Rorr.nTIF:~ Hf)ll :l'\l 1 ~1 :'\l'Wrort ,.O!l\JI MfAa HA (" K n A y RF:!:; TR Ir TE fl DO YO!. want a pr.tty Uttt. l.llf Una BtlHh U .,.Jl\:12 Evt 1.1 F!-aAO:t 11"'"' •lll'll w .. h&•t twr• with P-rmrln• llll lntr11or home on JOt hn• k 1t11v .,.,.,,., '''""' •I S'I 01111 t rnnlllf" • • --NE.AR -NEW 11111 2~, Ll'ITLE GEM •u h ":,~hANC:F. c:O AWT I YOI' CA!ll h1v .. vnur bl.urtn._ t" l'R()Pf':HTl!-';S 1'11' rr:or an-t v.h"t a IO<'aUon ! PROPOSED CITY HALL F:nl(h'h 'T'\itlor •oll•ll~ Ao.•( 1\·,; ::"1•v.•r•n t. ro~lll M•l'll I l •onl w11lt on thlio Jt11 S ll.~00 ,... 9 h a. Pl I HI\ cl • I 11r1111s drl M 111 ! lid• r <'t'llt lo M r I I ... ar .. ntta. n I.I 1 .. 18.12 F.v .. LI IHIM~ lool"Y ... !I'm:• A• t 'llllrkr Costa Mt11" 2 bl'dl'0<1m hom" hill If! "f•I •·hum 11 u ~ • _ _ l'X<'rllml !'llndltlor. Plue {I. sm<Ul a rrh••• hv .Jlnlnt •""• Won· 1'C.ftl);\'/\ OEI. MAR. orea11 v1,.w 1 RFX RECHS - storf '" r,.ar PIPnly parktnr It iJnfut fnr 1>nl•rtalnini: 2 h1o11 " H4 C'.11brlllt1, CornOA Alf h· ' rnom for """rMlllnn 1mm,'1la tr H<lrm drn 2 tlrfl1IM"I'• " 1 .,,.,, n"·nrr m11•1 .11r ll ~ullmlt Realtor ~""Inn f'ttr 11&Jf or lr•d" •hRrl1M!r al '18,600 Y..a ~· 111ulr~ llPF::-1 llOl"Sf': FW;'l;'l>AY 210i \\' Balt>'la l11\·d. 11\Jl owner L t 8·6223 momtngA 1 rrml' ExdllAI\ I' "'111 1 H lRP I ·6 I' rn ="''"'port llritrt, liar Ill~ oroalpt .. pr OD pR mTUNITYlllll!'I Vi:RAIJlfUF.R.. llAtbor 42t~ l•A .... A JAL'Ul:iSll:." K"'lllotr Tin1vlng houHCl,.anln&' bu11lnu~ Opporturuly 10 male• rood mon· 1 ey for r l1ht party. Make offn to Box H-96. thla papn. 89l!,. Pftl('E R.EDUCT.D ,1,000 on bu.,· little C"ornna del Mar c11f1 with n.w fou.nlaln You can make It here 6: be bappy. Tenn. - LEE CASllY OU!ce, 2721 IC. Co.al Hcwy. ~ar. Ol4&. tk2 "'"" 3~77. 111Uc 111 1L ••I !'=t ,.rwpnrl H4-iarh -·1 H11r 'Wttl l I'""" 1..1 IVM2 i lllOCJ C:AHH OPr.N HOU~E 2r4 liu) • It 2 ?;in,. b .. u h lr•l. 1"' ~ocll l . 5 P. M. DAILY ... Alll f 2672 t•lrrle Dr Bar~horl'~. :i; R f']O[ DOWN 1 •HAN<a·: ('tJA~T fl!'NCL PATIO, BBQ & FiREPf, IJTJ f'ROPr.RTifl:H F.8'pttl11.lly d"'11lted for outrtn<Jr l 1 ~·.; l':ewport, oa.ta M,...aa livln&'. I b<lrrn .. 2 bath. xtr" DCM.l.IDJA'Me P0881:11810N. • 1.1 •lt:U I:•• r,r 1-4801 11hower. Compl. furn~ ror. lot. bdrm . 2 blllh tlor~ J"ull pri"" ------- 1.., l>lk. rrom No. Channel Prtc-110.l'IOO. t.100 ISLE, choice 3~>' lot 110,&00, ed to .ell. Cl tl l.ATKROP. 2029 K&rbor Blvd U tl-4781 • I 2 bdrm. home. J&Tb di119. df'JW• 34.16 E. Cout Hwy , J:far. M42 rEYH.I U MT.LI or Harbor ! A C"upet.., etc. '21.600 Htu ltVPJI M M. "d I064M 99clllb '123 lc4 . I I I ' I I I ~ I I ,, I I ' ,1 OOUT AL tmOPPD Ea1t1om of PA6E 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEONESOA Y, SEPT. 7, 1955 _ti.......... . ........... Corona del Mar Vogel Values IT WON'T LAST LONG! We juat aold one like thia ln a week'a time A: it wu on a •mailer lot! 3 bedrooma, 2 bath.a, 60' lot ocean view -under $20,000. Need we aay more! FIRST TIME OFFERED So. of Hwy. -2 bedroom home, HW floora, patio, diap. It diahmuter PLUS ti' x 36' garage which could eaally be made into a 2nd unit-bu plumbing It one room bu already been partitioned. We think it'• one of the beet valuee In town at $13,950! Good financing, too. HOME & INCOME Another Finl Offering for Sale. Comer lot with 11eparate 2 bedroom h ouse, HW floora, patio, dining aru, fireplace PLUS 2 bedroom, furniah~ apt. A 3-car garage. Houee wired for £-lee. range -also many other excellent features in thia clean, deeir· able property. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., CDM Har. 1741 Har, 1477 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More end more Harbor area familiee are lnapectlng theAe f'xquisite homea -notlng their comfort, con- ''enience And cf'ntral location. More and more families who prefer a h ome in a re- 11tricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Tern.ce homee. Drive in today and 1ee for yourself the many out- atanding futures of thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvtne Terrace IA located on Cout Highway oppoalte the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-448 For Further lnformation * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyODe who holda a Leasehold Eat&te in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore9 and Clift Haven 45' WATERFRONT Pier & Slip ava1lRble, Sandy beach. New 3 B. R. 2 bath home. largf' hv1n g room. Full dining room. bu1lt·in kitchen. Wall to wall carpelinF;. approx. 2 100 RQ. f t. Owner will consider $5000 down from qu11hfl(ld buyr r. All this for lf'sit than $30.000! Fkaut1ful 4 yr. old home. quiet onf'·way 11treet. close to ocean and bay. Nice patio and fireplace. But buy on Point todny $16.000 for quick Mle Newport Heights -$2,500 Down Near High ~chvol -St. J amPs Hvad. 3 B. R. home, Hnrdwoo.I noorR, large lot BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W....:_ Balboa Bl vd.:_Balboa / Harbor 126-4 LIDO BAYFRONT LOT. 35 FT. Pier & Slip Privileges -$29,500 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 l c3 Costa Mesa How Can You Miss TKIS CHARMINO h.nme on 111.1111· Lido Isle Special ONLY $37,500 Ka~ It fencf'<l eo JI 130 lot. 2 BIO 70' LOT, J yr. old home. I bdrma. ONLY 5i760 with lrm1. bdrm . I bath BEAUTY wllh Balboa h• rm . dant tl• A one "'rm open lo a colorful lene.l with * SEE BEFORE YOU BUY! * NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN FRONT 117 • 47th St., ~ blk. to beach, view, new, 2 bdrm. modern, luge lot, room for additional unit. $3,500 movea you in. Open daily. 1-Bdnn home, sleeps 6, completely fum. & fenced, on large R-3 lot-room for 2 additional umts. Full price $18,000 with $6,000 dn. Will consider local late model Cadillac aa part payment. Two hoUMI on one lot, leu than h blk to beach. One 1-bdrm. with fireplace, one 2-bdrm. Both com- pletely furn. Full price $27,500 term•. Ocean front Jot R-2, can build 2 unit.8. full price $8,750 J. M. M I LL E R C 0 . 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091 Near th• Newport Pier Don't Miss These! OPEN DAILY 10 A. M. TO 7 P. M. HARBOR EST ATES New 3 and 4-Bedroom Homes with 2 Bathrooms $375 Down S69 a Month • inc. Int. $9,375 Full Pri~e Paved, Curbed Street.I -Laree Lota -Sewera in and p&id -Garbage Di~Aluminum Sliding Windowa-Colored Rock Roofs-Natural Aab Cabinets -Many Other Desirable Featurea. Drive North on Harbor Blvd., turn left on 19th St. 3 Blocks to Meyer Place. We'll be Happy to Show You the Outstanding Value of Orange County-But Hurry! Exclusive Agent WANTED A Rl!TJRED COUPLIC LIVE ON Bl:A UTJ"1L MAR I- GOLD AVE. JN CORONA DEL MAR AND HA.VI: AN INCOM:ll TOO. Never before h•vt we offered auch a dell1httuJ 2 bedroom home on thla flnMt comc-r location. You will be &ml.Md al th• weU da· 11rned, ta.rs• and 1un.ny-brtr1Jt roon111. Jt ai.o hu an attra.cti'• tire-place, d1nln1 room and a 1a.1aJ11 ot teaturee that wUI pl-u.. mo« clacrlml.natlnr buyer. IN ADDITION, It bu a darUn1 I bdrm. apt. over 911&· clou.a 2 car f&J"&IL (The apt. la ~nted for 170 mo.) T H I: MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON THIS PROPl:RTY W1LL Bl: 597 .&O MO., lo qualllled buyer. Ca.II now for t\lrther del.alla Otl dn. pml. etc. lRlS, CORONA DEL MAR Soul.b ot the hJwey. Jmm&CUlate 1 bedrm. A den home CaU Bar. 2042 now tor appL to -· ~ Kmga Rd., Clift Haven One yNr old. J bedrm.. 2 bath. Oul11tandlnic buy al 122.7ti0. Xlnl t.-rm• ('111 nuw tor eppl. LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. Curona def Mar-One of thoee '"hud 10 r rt"' bulhllnr loh - .lu•t llate<l et 114,700. •we c9.11 •l'o 'how you othere. E. 17th BUSINESS PROPERTY Thl1 mttchl be your lut chance lo buy •n tJlr .. pUon&Jly (OOd bual· neq lot. sone C-2 100 JI 300 tor onlv 122 t>OO. Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick RLU.TOR8 R Rayle..C. Trav1a. C. Rum, ~. 112 Marino Ave. -Ba.Ibo& laland WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THIC MOST caretullJ Mlect· ed Ya.IUH In Mcb of our dl.IUoct· ly dltfermt HAJUIOR AREA.a. BALBOA PENINSULA NEW OFFERING-mod. Pn>vtn. 2 bdrm -only '41 blk. to Jettr. LoMla of cupbo&rda. sub. dlap. dbl•. rarac,. Only 111.aoo ...... _ loan, 561.48 mo. CLIFF HAVEN More Than Half Sold Now! ' Modela Ready forln11pection W. A. TOBIAS ' 400 E. 17th St. LI 8-1139 Balboa Bay Front I BdnNI. I bath• beauWully tum. w I l h b&nd • blO<'k~ draJ>ft wtw carpetJI, Htlnley llhutler• thni • ouL ll 19 a dr.am eom. tru• u you an look.Inc foe J:arly Amtr. decor. 2 patio., BBQ with elec. •pit. pier and .Up, I C&I' 1ar. wtlh p&rlllnl' ..,.oe plore. AMinr IT0,000 ab~ _,._ .., appoU\l· menL Hard to Please 1 JC a(>, thla charmln1 2 bedrm hn111• In BAYSHORES I• for you. Value la written all over lta fart . When we N Y lt'1 a barcaln make u.a prove IL Ju cunom maae appoint· menu a.re In excellent t.ute lhown anytime bJ a ppolnl· m.nt. Excellent Income Duplex . Located cloee to the Lido Shopping area on a quiet street. Completely and newly fumiahed. Lowfr unit 2 bedrooma, upper one bedroom. Both leued show- ing a fine return on the fulJ furniabed price of $2(,()()(). Upper can be made available to the new owner. Exclusive with ua. See it today. LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3&43 Har. 2999 Evee. LOTS LOTS LOTS South of Highway on trw lined avenue, qujet atrwt. level Iota. 1. 35 x 118' R-2 ....... -.. _,, ..... -................ . 2. 30' x 118' R·2 Also $7950 S6950 30 ft. R-2 South of Highway near atorM, etc. $4500 BACK BAY level Lot with view of bay $6500 RAY REALTY co. 34U E . Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Mar. (Ac.roe. from Bank In COM) OPPORTUNITY · Har. 2288 FIRST TIME OFFERED 2MO aq. fl. busineee building Ir going bwuneaa on Newport Blvd. our Lido Shopping a!"f'a. Only $1t,700. $2,200 down buya thia whole deal. lock, · at.ock Ir barrel. lllne.8 makee thia forced aale 1m· pen.live. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., ...t_At Port OrangE"I Newport ~ach. LI 8-7~. Har eves. lc3 ocean front 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 RORM. f11rn. Marti rnthge All gl&H frnnl Conrl Inca . Bf'tl awlmmlng A 1ur1 t111hlnf Rapp. $12,450 305 34th St. Rome • ,-ar. e pl. f\Jrnlabec:I. 1"eer Bay A 0-ch, cheery kitchen• tile. Grttnhoun for CucNta. A t>er onlu . 8 JI 12 workahop plua laundry rm Con11ldc-r 516(1() dn . wlll trade 11p or <In or lake TD'e. -Lf.f-. 411 "~·street Ntw DuplMi, 2 -2 ·bdrm. apu ., llnotty pine, uMd brh·k. ttrtplace bulll In r&nfe. H l'IA1 noora. ~I· wood rerb&ce dl•p . bather'• ahower druatnc room, laundry. -a vtry nice home with lncom.-. Kerwin orf'ln front 3705 Seashore Dr. Bta<"'h hoUtt. with bl1t room• • _.,lt)(J ''I""" of ocean. d1.15e In sc noo tin s11l0 mo r,, .. B A y v E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2305 W. Balboa BlvJ. Subdivision Two <>cun Front Ioli lontd for verv ep11c1oua pa tio "-y -"' • .. , ...... o ..... "'"'" uri.aoo BUY& THUi l p&rklins s COLD •TORAGE Pt.ANT d uplexee. 19500 "ch. pie 1pac1 for pool or bl!Jr bdrm. borne. Lovely landeca~ rr-r, eooler 6 trtor-.e rooma l'HO ll'E l.A ;'IOI> an ()rang .. t'o11n ly. ~ml' tor 1111>1lti>l 11•h ,.,I ho rof'J • nd !IOm r tor h•l'h 111 I• "'' hntlll'• Co•st Properties 301 E. B&lbo& Blvd., Balbea Harbor 2668. :l597 and 4800. l:ve. Into, Lytle LI 1·2110 patio. Qul•t 9t. ·~ O .L ao&a, 12&-toia cepti<lty. Otrlct . la.dlnlf f« eomfort A MCw1tJ'. docl!A. 4·M.l let.a. Parllmr a.rea. Houston Realty Co. Mur·iel ~ J . p·,nover Bacrul;,J~~a: ~-O~T A A910ClATES IVI PRO PERTIE8 -----------609 Center St. <.:oat.a M.-R It 1~7 Nrwport., Coet.a w- CLJFF DRJVE VIEW LOT LI l-7Tl4 ea Of U 1-113:1 Eve LI 1-taOa Fee almp~ Cuh out prtce 5tTOO LI 1·91111 SYLVIA THOMPSON, .A.Moc. ----------- Ont n( the fut view Iott"" the • 26M Newport Blvd., Npt. S..ch CANAL FROKTAOIC, l&r&• furn. drtv.. o n .. "'Gil COAIT Ocean View l!:uy Parkin( Harbor 4tl0 Duplu. I bedrm. with l"' bath "-'' a l brm. with larre 1un deck, PROPD\Tim NllW H OME Ir lncom• or l'lest 30 tL buUthHded lot. H6,000 MALT SHOP OOJNO BUSINESS. utabllahf'd 111 ylleni, a.II )'Mr locaunn uwn .. r ~urtnr from ovf'rwork Wiii THF:R~: •• • kltr htn rana~ but n11 aacrtnre for quirk aalt . other h11111turl' In th111 4 Mrm N.B.C. Realty Co. 32n.I • N1'14 r<Jrt Blv1I Npt Bch Ha rbor 14011 2 bt.th horne In a bfaullhal lu l'llllon In t'orone df'I 1'ht Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. 18.'17 NtWl)Orl, Coet& M-boUM. bolll tllM118hed. Pr.Uo, All CIRCLE THIS u-:r. •••7.u '. 2~• Ll 8·1832 Jl;ve LJ l-4NIOI oonftlllenc• \Jlcl rub. dlap .. BA.CK BAY I BEDROOM-~ ..,., " ~• -----------M'Jltlple Lli tln.. Broker• ,......,_. 123.!\0Q BARGAIN ac· convertlbi. den. Sha.ke root . .,.. CLllAN five room houee. Double SllWPORT HEIOJfl'8 by owner. Bu•lnMe Broker -c&lJ Harbor Jell '° pl~ your count lllne811 OPEN OAJLT tl•tlc. new ranch hoUIJe, J:xelu· ,..,....,. . .Extra •orll •hop and I bdrm . tlreplace. patio. dbl. 3 1~ E COAJ1t Hwy. Corona del tohr A• on tlll• pe.r11. 1274'lh BL, ~•wport ~ach. elve are&. Only 121.500 -Ike cbl.eken equipment. 21T P.J. Wal-aar•&f. ftn .. l'd A landac1~ yd. I Harbt1r 21!12 Hpli t hilt. Har. 11\&e. 1d nut Pl , C.O.t& X-. fp4 •~ 0 . I U3.000, Ll 1·2377. 92cl a a.a ledlM RELAX "START LIVING" , IRVINE TERRACE We offer the ONE and ONLY home wbJo!a Ill b · a&Je on the bluff in IRVINE TERRACE. NEW three ~rooms. Two batba wtth .... _. taking panoramic view ot Harbor Mid ooeu. Priced at $38.500 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR to inspect, drive to 1119 Dolphin Tern.oe OI' -.D lit IRVINE TERRACE office. oppoette Int. ODul Country Club, Highway 101. Phone"Harbor WS. LIDO ISLE-ONLY $21,500 Buya thia moat attractive 2 B. R. bom----35 ft. lot. Like new-Altho 4 yrs. old. $7000 dn. $1'6 mo. and you will h&ve a charming home. NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN OT ,n SMOOTHIE WITH OCEAN AND BAT VIEW Lugf' eomPr lot, t.ree., lathhouae. lovely yard.. I bdrm~ .. 1 bath. newly redecorated, hardwood noor., fum1tc-eo heat, double garag~neer @verythlnc. ROOM FOR EXPANSION. Full price lllUOO, $.'S,000 down. KINGS ROAD-VIEW LOT R7 ft. On Cliff 11ilie $5500. Low u $1&00 dn. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. •e71 Evf'11. H&r. 2191-M Har. 1380 M LI UJO'f SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1,265,39:5.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service or Newport Harbor Board of Realtors HO 32ncJ St. Newport Beacb Ocean Front Home $22 ,500 \.ERY ATTRACTIVE year rou.nd home oo Sea· shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with. d.inillc area Formica kitchen. 1 bedroom and 1 2 bath down. 3 bedrooms and 1 1 :! batha up. Sobd oon- et ruction. concrete &nd p1hng foundation. 2 car garage. f'nclolllt'd yard. Excellent bucb. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3 113 Nt'wpurt Blvd .. Newport Beach Karbor 1011 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' THIS IR IT! Ont' sere with 3 Br. home, dbl. prqe., work shop. IK'Wl'r 10 Ea.st111de. $13,500 with terma. ~Lots ~x l i5 all 1"1ubdw1ded. $1900 ea with t.enna. v,·,. Ilk<' thu~ ont· 2 bPdrocJm8, bath &'. 1 ~ on one '1"J .,.,.., All kind of frujt treea &. nice neirhborbood. Pnt·(' $10.500 -$3500 down. G. N. W ea tor 1810 N .. wport RI\ cl. Costa Mefta lJ 8-1901 CORONA DEL MAR ("nmplf'kly 1·harmmg view home. 3 bdrm• .. 2 bathe unfurn. E'XI'. fin ancing. $19.87(1. BALBOA ISLAND 4 b<lrm11., fmlllh bay front -pi1tr noat ahowptao.. $57,500 NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Manne Avenue Balboa hland Har. 002 ' ........... a •• r.tat. 11.ANCHli A. wATES, RMltor CORONA DEL MAA BOD AND INOOMI:. ror that retired couple. A mpadoa. and beautiful one bedrom hom~. ~ ltYiq room 6 mut.r bedroom. Picture window o,.loo1rtns -. led ...-i. lludwoed tJoen. l'lrtpJace, .,. .. .,.. ldtelaea. ~TBll plu Gana· ID&' one bedroelli apt. New . AM llllLOfVI: ft OR NOT the lot 8ise iii eo z 18. See thla one - NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor Ml:MBl:Jta or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Pbcne Harbor 1"1 er 18T2 VOGEL VALUES • * * * Here's A Goad One MAIN OFFICE Look At These Features 1. ltup •••w 2. Mee Dm 3. 2 Batha 4. 1'oreed 4P' Beat &. Cedar abinsi. Roof e. BeautitJd nreplace 7. Approz. 1IOG IQ. ft. 8. Nice Corner Loatlon 9. 1'u1l Prb 11T,2:SO 10. Olaly .... down Want To Bund That Dream Home? Oil one of -.i1toa Pmtn.ula'1 nJceat 1treet.. -" Woclr to bay. Wt bave I ftry cholce .tte.. Call • .... parUcu1an. *· * * ... . .... ,..... a ••I ~~-----1·!!:~•!•!•!.' .!=!!!p !tr!._ ___ ~.!!=~P!!M!!I_' !1'!*~·~------OOAll'l'AL lllOl'PI'& W1a el -N!WPCltT HARIOR NEWS-PRUS -ftARf 11 • PA• 7 p . a e p a I m e r i n-t-0 t p o· r a t e d developers of Udo Isle Open Daily 12 to 5 100 Via Dijcft -• bednn., 3 bath. Nortft Bayfront In fact. 80 feet on the NORT'H BAY. 6 unJta nicely fumiaMd, newly painted and decorated. Lovely paUo rtl'lng maximum privacy to eaclt unit. Thia la outata.nding In every way-8t'e thl1 for •ure. It'• the beat income pro~rty buy we know of. Full price Including furniture $105,000. Terma. Little Bargain! 2 Bednna. and bath plu1 ~ bath and bunk room .. Fireplace, 2 car sara1e, patfo, excellent conditloa, 200 feet to perfect swim.ming on Lido Nord. $18,2M. Term.a. Adorable 3 bednn. 2 bath runic fannhOUM. Will be finished In about 20 daya eo you 1till have time to pick colora. Open beam ceilings, natural wood eabmet., U8ed brtck flrtplac», furnace, CllMllted encla.ect patio. Thia la a very good buy at $28,800 wtth St0,800 dn. and $120 a month. Bayfront Lot 67 feet wide at Bulkhead line. pier privilege, take extra large boat, perfect location for your bayfroot home. $45,000. North BAYFRONT Lot, 52 feet wide at Bulkhead line, bulkhead in, pier privilege, $56,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1!500 Shhh I! 11 l)en't enn tell your fn.nda .a.oat Ulla one. ma.rty A9erlcan-Beautiful uled brick fireplace-3 bed- rooma, 2 bath&-Ballt in 1tove and oven-CarpetJi and Drapee-Oceu View. Priced for b1nudlate Ale at $27,500. ltemem~r don't tell anyone, ju.t ctll me -Since~. Joe Kineald. Picturesque Provlnciel Spacioua Brownell deeign ineludea enonneu. Mute. Bedroom 1ulte with Hi• and Her dreulllg room. and bath. Gue1t toOlll and bath~o1y df'ft, t flre- placea-lota ot u.eed brick and redwood. Heavy ahake root-<>eean view-JUBt a atep to exclualve bathing beach. Price $38.:SOO. Open Sunday 1 -5 248 Evening Canyon Rd.. Shore aatf1 Drive by or call Dave Oebura. $1250 Down • Aad you can move Jato this cute 3 bedroom, 1 'h batll heme. i.e. titan 1 year old too. Beat of all )'OUr monthly pymta. will only be $67.50 Price $9800 L.rge Lido Lot BeautJful &O ft. eGmer Strada lot ·······-· .. ··-StT,500 Building plan anllable. Call Btll F&rMWorth p. e. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout au.1tway -liberty 8-.5:573 Cliff Haven THESE ARE GOOD 2 Unit Income! WiDNUDAY. SEPT. 7, 1955 -·· BALBOA ISLAND QUALITY ISL4MD •on. APT. 0.. ., ta.. laland'• fine b--. I bdrma.. Ip. dintq rm.. 1" bathl, dellghtf111 ltPt Uvtn• f1A. openinc to ~ eo...a p&tio. fte attn.Uftb' f1miilbe4 2 ~ Pl'IP apt. wtu. fd a.throolll ~ over 11900 per ,.ar. Extta ~ .. th In praie. Olrtlt&Dd!Dc buy at $38.000 wtUa '1J,000 dn. 1'IRIT OFll'ERIN'G. llBaJI 2 Wna. h«N81 OD 8ap- pbJ... P'loor """*" ~. tvniabtd. built 1947. ~mall lot. ...,. ,18,50(). ltibmlt dowa. TWO UNITS LQ NEW WITJil BAY YmW Convwtlble eithlr 6 Wrni. home with 1 bdrn\. &ft. or 3 bdrm. h.,_ ~ 2 Wnl. apt. Oruleu9 II.- Ing rm. Jeadin1 to acepUoaal patio. 110,000 .._ &'ood .... eo rr. BAY rRONTAGE. On Utt.le Ialand, ...... noat. fol'!JW' )>drm. bolM. The lud •alue ta oJoee to the uldDf price of $71.000 BUSINESS BU!LDJHO MAJUNE A VZ. SQ,181 LIDO NORD BAY ftlON'J'. L&rte lot,~ 6 Wra '" ltath luMale. OiD1uJ ?1L, snodem ~ chen, diap .. dlahwaalaer, Iota ot eupbotrda ut cloeeta. PIWI unUUlll t bdrm. apt. over a ear'~ age. Both unita all 1aewly tunalllatd bl Modlnt. Ideal for home ... tu<De or ptlta. Har. 1775 -S... lldlth ,,.,... Hatt ..a. Joha Mecub, Barbor 88111. EARL W. STANLEY, Reeltor m liutne Ave., 9a1* W... Lido Triplex THE VOGEL CO. llOl W. c.o.at Hiway, Newport BMch Truly an Out.at.anding . . A llf.U.L OOWN-P.ATXrNT rs P ROPERTY ot unuauaJ du.lgn: a The.e propel"tie9 &re &IDO"C our cho1ceat buya. Hom. for 41.&. TOU P.\.Y ., . '1'1111 TJCN. brand new famuy home full ot every family. See them before buying. ART PJ. TS T1lfE R!!e'I'. One There la but WJrJ Uttle proJ*V 80Ded for.__ on Lido Ialand., 90 ... ue pleuecl to otter tldl money-maier ill tJl1I prime loe&tloP '415,0GO NI price -Terma. v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS warmth and charm •.• a bed-Of "' bell.er nl.uea. 2 .. Jl&l'&l• f'OOIM, 2 bath RedWOOd Ru.lie unlta. fumiabed. 2 pattoa. Choice with a kitchen you can't 1'9.lat OCEAN FRONT 3 bdrm. home, newly remodeled location nnr Bay and Ocean. -fuJJ ot the late.t retlnementa and decorated. $15,~ unf'urniahed, SHl.&O, s•eoo down UDO LOT 1. DUPLEX CORNER LOT 1uch u touchplate llWitchN, In· $16,000 furniahed. dir~t U.hUq, c.d&r chuta and new L abaped clo.eta PLUS 1hower and MUI otf ,.,..... (for your~ pool) Plu. a Panoramic VI-from Uie rooftop ONervatory. Full Prl~ oru, U•.600. Lot ue &how 70u Ult. tod&yl 3 Unit Income! Only $8000. Sa\le a ·.,.i OD lOftlJ Udo fef.,.,. eelft9. (Wt thAU 1W wtn nnw ~ a Udo lilt for le.) and aq bow would JOU !Dre to~ a fl lot tor •n.IOO. ,,..., We pt It! Located on choice St., 1 untt turnJabed Ir furnJtW'9 Included in price. Cona!N ol 1 bedrm uch, dbl. pr. A be« buy at '17,600. lluy term.. 2. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished A best IMt7 la 3 ee....,ua ufta, doee to ocean. Ex· celJent lotatJoll tor ,_ta.la. Tbla should aell quickly at SM.000. 3. ONLY 11',800 • r..r thla I ...... laeme, double p.rag~. hwd. noon. CSoee In aad laM 01 Sou. e.tW aee t.ht. today. 4. llHORECLlJ'iB JUST LISTED • ft'8 lmmaC111aU ._. "'9 2 bednD. and den home. t batha, c.,,_.. WW, uwl 4.rapee Included. Tard laa.a aprtnkler .,.ua. faced compi.tely. Au~ mat.ic door ...-tn IU'IP· Many otbtt ftn• ftatUtta. TralJ a rood buy and only $37,500. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. Mc:C'UISTIOH, a.Jtor 1'47 !:. Cout Rwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 fOffjoe located Dat .,_. to Corona de! Mar Bank) OUR BEST LISTINGS New T7 ft. "9'-fJ'wt OD Udo lale. ' Bdrm.a. I ba. All e1eebie kitchen $76,500 AlJIO OM LIDO NEW 3 bdnu. 2 ba. all electrlc kitchen. 3 car prace. 70 ft. ltPMt $37 AOO LIDO AUK> Y eu old 3 bdlma.. 2 M. • hobby room on 11&JDe wide .treet. 13'.500 AND s Bdrma.. 2 ..... Oil 44' lot. 131,500 Others u Jaw u S18,SOO ACRES t.M a<:ne. 191 feet on KOOJ'O\'ia , 830 feet dNs>· Betwem 16th 6 17th St. S13,TOO VIl:W LOT 68 ft. vifw Jot. O'f •toi...,,. all ot Newport Har- bor .... hl1 price $15,000 WINTER llDfT AL uanNOS W AH'J'l:D DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Rut.or ,Tl. 2802 Newport Bml. Ntwport a.ch Want a Ranch? wrrR ROM!: CORRAL& -dor kenM&. -&arr• modem I bed· room It den home wtth wan to wall~ ........ a... plaff. '°"*' air a..o ....,..t. ,.uo UMS pnnte )'&I'd Oil ~ a.en. fered r&ndt cloee to tM country club. Price! You'll be eurpnHdl 111,IOO W1th ju.t U .&00 down! I the riaht investment UI &QUA{ TO A urrrna: or TOIL. Her. la your chance to buy b1to Eut 11th 8tl"Mt01 nou~ eoml"MrdaJ buatn- center ... G0'11SOO' C-2 lot with •m&ll hoUH now nnted-Ellcel· lent locaUon ••• Jt2,&oo. r uu Price SteD Livelv IJ' YOU W Akr to 1tlte advan~e ot \Me opportu.nlt.y to -t.1118 oom,&ttely rfldecoratfld • yr, old 3 bdrm. home In Newport Hta. Y•, ftnpl-. hdwd. floon. t111lt ti.at-. real barraJn at Juet Jt3.IOO wtth a l oOd ·~ O.L loan. Bay & Beach Realty HH Newport B lvd. ea.ta K-., Callf. t..lbe"1 8·1111-P!Y-. LI l ·ltN LOTS:- NEwPORT HEIGHTS VERY Jl'1CW L.Sn', r904 loca· Uon. 00xl27'1.~, WmL BALBOA PENINSULA OIQ OP' TD HJCE8T LOr1I 1111. flO.IOO -... WI .... ft..I WA TmlrROlft' LOT, J10.000. ......... ,_,._t. TWO OCILUf l"llOlft LOTa. ~ .... '1l,IOO. TWO llm)IU(. ....... 1 '1edra. apt. ..... .., ud Udo lhop- ,._. o.ter, anJ7 f10,IOO, t.nu CORONA DEL MAR Homer E. Shafer ......... Harbor ud oeeu "'9w, • bdrm. Di& "-ltor Dbdas room. 2 batha. llardW'OOd A ear,et ftoon. 1• x...... P1aoe •t .. .._ ....... at "5.000. ...... ...... JI.nor :':.':..-::: lUT-11. la U1 for BEACX>M BAY IDd BATSRODa propertlM. EARL W. STANLEY, RNltor mMartDeAw..•D1aw.d WOULD YOU IEUEVE fT7 ._. .... Mm lfO Iota lo. ot m..y ...,. UM o...r. ................. ~ ... .. ... tW9 rtPt .... ..... ll-2 -qm.t. '"'" ............ T ___ .._..._._..,AU .................... ,....,....,JOW' ......... R. L STllCICl.IR. RMltor Diiis ••11111 ••• ih1• -a a....., .. a... ... 11ar. ............. ~for .... , .............. ..... ,,. .... oo.uT lllOIPWTua lltT ... ,_._ Oaa&a llaaa U•llll ... u..-. View lot -Bhdl. (I MN'dd) II ffft ftoontqa. No. IOI IDnp Road. W..t ol P\nk HOUM. Owner W. I:. 'hell:yck, •Ott Padtle A .... i,... Beech. Tel-:De Loft&' 8-cJa ,.,._ or ~. tepl tm M.1.8 oa •.a•n. w_,.. ....................... "*' .. Jf ....... -& .... -1)' °""-...,. -., or ...... ca..t .... l..all. .... • VIl:W OJ' Jin'TY -One ot the tm.t IM>aa. on the ocea.n front. n.._ torce. Nie. 5 bedroom. on BA YP'RO!ft'. Old•, tiiat a sood fam. Uy home. Partly furnt.htd. Jwrt reduced to $30,000 6 room home on corner Jot 40x90. Two bedroom.a and den, 11'9 batlut, fireplace, hardwood floora. la.rs• waJW patio, dollllie ........ 9ta I di for apertmeat. Permanent ba7 'tiew. $25,:M>O. Tw!M. Two bedroom, 2 bath home on Bay Ave. Mee patJo with BBQ. Room to build anothu bouae. $5000 down Good old~r 2 bedroom hou.e and b&ehalor rental. Near town, Ubrary, trauport.atlon. $12,500. Excellent tenu cu be &lftll.l"ld. Back bay view lot. One ot the tcw fee Iota in the area. l:l!ixl~. · $1~.000. BALBOA BAY ·PROPERTIES l:i06 W. Balboa Blvd. Hart.or 6188 lei VALUE BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom. 2 bath • home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An exclusive home .,.. with ftue beach and large Jot for mother 6 cbildND, and dock •pace for a am.all boat for dad. Priced $28,500 furniabed- Good term.. Owner will liaten to caah. Ph. Har. 444 for appt. u Au1. t~nant pay• $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The rme.t unit of thi• type In tbia location. Income In exceu of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Annue, Balboa leJand Ne:xt door to the Poat Office Har.«• Ev• Har. 30:59-M • Har. 4248-R GILT EDGE POST OFFICE Owner wlahee to Mil new Poet Office, 36 unit motel, and 245 ft. of bualn~ frontac• adjacent Poet Office. Located on Martnera Kile, Highway 101 Excellent returns on your lnveetment. Mt1.1t be 10ld u 1 unit. Will exchange for wbdivillon land, or waterfront home for part. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (.U Port Onnp) Newport Beach LI S.1882, Bar. 61.N ...._ • Separate cottage with duplex ln rear and dandy renter, tee. We h&'" Ua• recorde ... located on I!:&•\ 8-,y Av..,.. clOM l o 'but •wlmmtnp; beadle.. Nle.ty far-L·d w t rf nt H .. .!.&.L r nJehed and In very ,._. ... I 0 a e ro omes """ ncome dJttow. 123,7&0 and rood &e ... 1. ,., "''a.. .. n,.. •.IOO ap. c.n tor..., .. B.lbo• Duplex! We Invite you to .Wt our frtedl)' el.ftCM and .. KERU A SWl!:LL VALUJ:. Bu nUIJ.Dt -1.._ wUJa CNI' -...w "LID() J..mT. 2 ....-.om. up and ,... ...._ ' ,.,. _ _.. ._.., 1.-.r ...... er u· a .. .... w. .. a 'uwl ........ ,. ........... ••.Y tllrattwo ....... Al!ll ... 0.. ., .,d In both. Ku eatra ,.... ._ one ,.... unit pl111 a ~ $11,000, leTm.11. Peninsula Home! F'AMOU8 DOC'TOR'8 H 0 II• WTTH 4 BP!DftOOMS AND TWO BATHS. Situated on t.-o lal"ft comer lotA ... walled tor prh'&ry. Badminton coo.rt, paUo all4 !Ucol)' landKaped. &Mulltul carpet.e '11d draJ>N. NO,IOO -4 JOOd..,.,., Balboa Cottage( CUTE. MlCllLY '1.11lHl81111C:r> LIDO REALTY '-od•t• Udo'• lla.t ~ lalll .. I 14 8W ~ -loe Grobmu Gene Vreelud -Virpua "'""" 3«M> Via Udo AND LOCATED oN m&•T ATTENTION: Sunders end Contractors BAT A VZNUll .•• elOM to Bay. 112,* U>cee lh.1a d&.Qdy beach home W1th oeJy saooo down. New Subdivlalon ••. t;ota sie.,. 1 peopi. and ln l'ood COii· dJU.. ••. call to ... It ..... Peninsula Home! Balboa Realty Co. Oppolf~ kn.It of A.1Mr1ca Rou Gf'Miey AJ c.on.Jj119 .. i-1.a Ptakb&a ,...,._ Webb 700 E. B&lllo& BlY'd.. ~ Phone R&rtior H 77 CORONA DEL MAR A place for &.a JaClll* ~ tM b11 Wtl w. Lota an LS'VEL ud 1aa.,. a IDIJ90U9 ocmAJf VIEW. Stneta .,.. pa•td &IMS aD UUUU. IL lfeg .. .. mwch, bal ud MW Alpla& Ma Acl£"4 Center. DOSS REAL TY CO. 392 Glenneyre, t..,... Beac1t llT •'TMI • llT ~ ~ LIDO ISLE 4 bedrm. .. 3 batM, ll*k>• JI-#. 1"0elll • de. a.. .,.,r. location-a 'toaderful famil7 home. ML .. $39,91() CHARMING 2 br., proriAc:l.&1. rm. tor unit, cloee to .ut.. 8M tram1p. R-2. 4Alll:lftr --112.IOO COR LOI' w111tee apt. -pr. R-2 U OOO dn .• YP, ....... Sl0.000 BALBOA ISLAND ' BR., pa.norami. 9CMll .WW . ss1,10t a lledrm.a .. 3 batba -Sep&nt.e dtninr rm.,.._. BAY8HOU:S JAr 1&.naJ Ir den ROOJ.fY 1:ar17 AJNrte&at .._.. Pim attractive 1 btclrm. apt. hoUM, J br.. PLUI ,..,.. wall. 111.000 down kn. pine Int . 2 p1lle>11, brkl1t. bar ..... na,&oo CORONA DEL MAR 2 ~. JdaL loeaua. -for l9le anf\ln\.. M for 1-.. ti.ml. - Very attractive. Claire Van Hom REALTOR 2i31 W. COu t ..,.. U a.aTT LARGE INDUSTftlAL BU>O. - to 11 ts omce. ft.n roorne - manufacturln1, -•hol-1._r .. tall or 1tor&,.e. Loni' term leut or N U. • 0 &41fQll 0048T PltOPmTID 186 7 • N l'W'port. ca.ta Maa LI a-1112 JM U l-tlOI B.R. home, a.e.lleat loeatioe a pot ftJa. ~,&00 WM. W. SANFORD, Rea~or Paris at Marine, llalboa la1&Dd 8&rbor ~ Aa4 Aeeociltn BALBOA ISLAND Four bednn., 2 WJa home wttls .tw ol t..7. BeaaU· "'111 tunallbed. Obie ~·· S28JIOO, acel19t flnanctnr. Roca to build. DORIS BRAY, Realtor SACIUJ'JC& wat4lr Diel._. wt~ .... a.t. t.,... ...... ftrllplw. 117 ..... Pr1ee ,... IGdp Mk> C. I>. l•b Ja-. Blodptt.-W. W • ....._. duced lo .. u. hOl Ftnle7, ?few-218 Martne. BeJboa lllud. llart9or 20 or .. port S..C!h. Jiu. ~WIL ltd • c • ~~ .. , ••• MAl•IT WITH SALLIE ..,._._I, 1111 Newpwt .... 0111. SllllUMl"a .... lkms ••• Time: 1.-t l'ltday, .... glaalq of U.. --W 0., Week IJlld ••• ~ pen.tan: Bot • • • 'ref 8oaa -the Bit ........ f• the lut eotaple of dqai "We're Ba.tas a 8-& Wave" ••• Seme: "Tm You lle4 Bot ...._ from Y--, Y• Otta l!lee .. ... .. , 8*9tt ••• .&dioa: Crowda ol happy c.wefree P18 Md -dolll -"h& ....q , .... mt Ilic lu7 ----of·-··· ..... , .... ., .. - word ••• rct .... them J-* ,.... old eomforw.le ••• They llke Wq ._. ••• Tbq eome la their ._.. feet ... \'utoa. ...... of ct....or.......,..MtallM theh-faaey • • • (I ooUI PY. )'Ga -Tlvld .. .mpuo... bat I'm alnld aomeoae wlll reeosz'w •mm. .............. lq). TbOlllh the coins'• "°" and the llnel in frout of U.. checbtand8 lone, thOM play. inc the part In th1a Shopo- rama, lltill m&i.Dt&m the l r comfortablm-••• Tbq --.., eaJo1 be6nc ........ They -to oliDI to W. lut weekmd • • • W'Wl we «>uld .•• We'd lib It to eo on for- ever ••• What my bot little handl an t.bly atlemPtinC to •Y ill • • . T-H·A·~-K-8 ... all you oomtortabJe C. pll! ..• For choomn1 our • ket to be comfortable in • . • Thank.a for telling J o u r frlen<b a.bout ua when you So back home, tbua enabling \Ill to make more new frienm each year . . . Tbanb for coming back apin 1MZ aft.er year .•• • brtpt .... JDt .... layovllWe.........._ book • • • ne np-tec of oar _. .,.,._ 8llop of. fen uot.ber .......,. 1oa"ll fWwfalfortMM' yoe'•• left bebW • • • A ,.._..a, tet&er or.._ ~wtll_. ........ batter boaq_.. (...._ I luld a '"elJ time) ........ Y• Get W• looa .. ......... • • • la Delp- .... L ... 1-~· · Bbi•ca, ... w 0.-patall.... to ... ... reWtft9 1• Wt .. Mad ••• Robert 8eUoedlr .... _to_,,_ ..... ........ Flower aop .. t11ea....•.a.---no... •1 tlae a I e e • t tldmp ••• Pui*I lo ..., ....... ~.--­.... tlla&_.......,,.. .... no.a-una1 st • • • Bob .. • ...,..._ w.,...,.. r•1ar.rta1 ,.,.., ............. eodrWJ ~·tDi n PV • • • Be'D -_., ...... ,_ .... nowen. Rt wlll eome .. wttla .... Ot otlM!r llleM • • • help )'OU -· • rep)ar .._ ... Cbtn••· .... ...... tioo ...... , lie'• tlMr9 ud ma fb • launW c-· ... 2 te ••• time to luowae th.rotllh ov New Plower 8hop ••• 8ee .... nlrfs· erator --of ,,... -flowen ••• UM ....... .,.. .... ,_.. ... in. ... ae:rt time a poay ,.... TOW' mlad, 1oa'D cj--.b U..t thlnt for no.en th.a eornr In nr.t ••• ~U.: eruen, elutio buda, binde.rs. fillera, paper cllpe, pencil boue, are llned up = and waltinl for the fry to doodle O'fW ••• Tia a great decWon that mu.t be made ... Shoald be ch~ a blue pencil with a black eruer, or a black.f*lel wttb a blue erum-! Da.., Crock• ett. but naturally, woul4 be the new hero for the lmda box crowd to wonhtp • • • P"Jlera for ncuum bottll9 too, mom, can be found ap our Mezzanine Way •.• Here at 1Uchard'., ... of the Udo Shope at Ute •· b'aDtt tn Udo I*, New· port ~ c.utonla. OOAft'AL 980fl'D •1N= el NEwPoRT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7, 1951 A'HO -ALL FAIR MAIDENS Attention I All Youn9 Buccaneera Join in for Treasure Days at Richard's Brt.ns )'OW' 'llom and pt J'OUl' tioketa for Free Back to 8cboo1 Sbow at Udo Theater-Gext week, Sat., Sept. 17th. Limited to ftnt 7~ ticketa. Watch nat ,....k'• ad for tun dlitaill. Cast off for a hearty weekend et Richard's. Steel aboard end unlock the the secret Treasure Chest. Win • treasure surprize ell vour own. Stock up on a bounty of fresh fine foods. Get set for beck to school end the lest I days of summer. Here's the be9innin9 of • fell season of fun , for every· one, who shops at Richard's Lido Market. ' . - Ffowera for Fair Maidens Grand Opening Richard's Florist Shop B11g1F111Yoa1. Richard's will atay open tiff 7 P. M. b.9innin9 Monday September 12th. Sunday tiU 6 P. M. (r.ut 9'de ot Kadtet) COFFIE Florist Service Flowera -Patio Plants and Acce11ories ,.,....__ .. .....,.~ And W.WJ V SUGAR ...... on... DONUTS nu.DAI' ""Ill....................... 51c APPLE PIE --·--·-·--··-- (;A fMW.-iREAD ..., 2Jc Mft111DAY .._. .......... ldl-'ee.t•" -- -..... •. 6 1'tc OR.ANGE ROLLS '°'u.- -.. ,.. .,.._ Na 87 LA YER CAKE . --·-··. .... . c J./ical•6~en iiMIENTO LOAF: ..... ,..,. J9c ... ..,_ a...ll;J 31 SNAX SPREAD -· .. ._ c BUn'IR r..a • ..... • ...._ 25' PIACHD .. .1te. ·~ .. ...... i... ~ v ....... 25' APRICOTS .... ·~ - N.Mu ~ ,_ 25' Ivy Todds Mil , ... .,.. ... • a., o..... Oew" .._ ..._ -n !t I .. ........ ............ Illa. IDlll ..... ................ .... I 0 I 2 41' ___ ............ CHOC. DUii( . ...,.11' HALF & ·HALI -.... 2r Foods Kids Lle ~PLUroTll' -..... u ... ..... Olma&, .. ,.. •• I FJ, T .......,.,. a ~· 25f ALY · -... II OL • ., lllL• 17f l.AISINS .. plil. !f ..... c-SI' 9UIC -·---.. --.• mW~1:19' Ne 8islw-.I-* •rop la &lie,... ro;s 3 ~11' ....,.......,. & U t DI. PIPPB -.,_, HTI»iox ,_. ,,.,..47' 1b.79c s-lb. bas 45c lb. 59c Frozen Foods WAffw e pk. 2 for 25¢ .,..,,. 35' PERCH FILLETS 1b. pai1 . ...... ,. • 1· FISH mcKS 11-0L '1 tor "-11-t.A• 51' TIOUT . . .. _... .. 11-01. o.~· JUICE ·-2for 11' ..... ,... 2 35r GI. PEAS 10--. for "-'• . 99r CHICKEN IREAST 11t. IUtitard' .. ~t ., 79' ICE CREAM ., alllloe 31c ---~·· ·--...... CHEESE . _____ ........... cWM CHEESE.-2 hr 25c C0nAGE CHEESE .~, 21c iMoiiD OYSTERS,~ ... 3tc c._....,,_...,n , • ...._ 2 25 GRAPES .. .. . ... -.... c iAGS __ ,_. 2 •• 17' WAXID PAPll ..111 a 11' ~ 1...a, o-wc. ...... 2 9c SQUASH .... _ .... _. ·-.1 POt A iOiS :_:-~ . . __ 5 ·~ 1F BllF CHUCK ROAIT 1'--49c •• .....,.. wtWt ·-....,. Lmm ITIWBllF IPARIRIBI ........ pleu•• ,_ ... ,,...,. lletll'1T_...-a.dtoBlll DAINTIES "-· 69c 1'-· 59c n.. 79c .-' .. Y•'ll find a Uclo Shop ••. • • • to flt your every need ! IPECIALI l'OB a:r.t. I. I ud 10, 1N1 •