HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-09 - Newport Harbor News Press.. - • 48th YEAR -NUMBER M Marie Cleo Ellord. M of 2152 E . Ocean Blvd., was injured early today police re· ported when the roadatel' 1he wu driving wu involved in a crash with the eedan which wu parked. She wu taken to Hoag Hospital where she was treated for a pouible akull fracture, head and finrer lacerations. Her condition waa reported u "fair." -Mlke Healey Photo HARBOR HIGHLANDERS DISCUSS ANNEXATION HARBOR Wf.A THIR Templ'ratu'" t.lle ~t wHk ta Ille Harbor arf'a "''rrf': Saturdlly. St>pt 3 114 64 82 60 62 64 &3 &7 A community aeulon for Har- bor HJchlanda ruldenta to dla· CUM propoaed annexaUon to New· port Beach Jut nlrht drew a pack- ed audience at city council cham- ber•. With Gene Charlu acting u ct.airman ol the mu ting. a re- preeentattve poup or aome 100 home owner11 heard Newport &a<"h offlclal1 and Harbor Hll!"hland1 folk W k over vuloua polnta In· volved •'ISASCIAL A SPE<'T!'4 Expla!nlng the financial 1tr uc· l ure of the dty wu Gordon Sick· ler. city finance officer, while Marcy Schrauder, city clerk and a realdenl of the hlchland1, t old of Ula 1tep1 neceasary for a nnex•· t lon. Sickler 11 planntnr to be· coma a realdent of Harbor Hlth· J.anda' Unit No. 3. He anawered quNllons on the l"elatlva t.aJt .ituatlon In the city, eo11nty and Coeta Meta. Mlaa Schrouder cecalled lhe an- Miation'a proJIOMd boundariea have bMrl approved by the county boundary conunlaslon, bu beew a pproved by Ula cHy ~ eommiu lon. She pointed out the aal atap .. for Harbor Hil'tllanda annuatton aupport.era to publiall a notice of Intention to circulate an annexation peUUon. After thlll , la publlahed the city rounrll ac· John Hagerman Rites Held as Marines Attend knowled&'U the afCldavll ot pub- llcalion and approve11 the clrcuJa· Uon ot the petition. TWO TRA8B PICKUPS Indication. from tho.e pruent at the mH llnl'Wel'1! the rNidenll rmerally favor city annexation. Hearty applal.IM Vffted Sickler'• mentlontnc of two truh p lckupa .,_r week for city rufdenta. R. D . Swank, local lumber firm e.·ucuttve and Harbor H1ghJanda r'tldent, commended N e w po rt Bea<"h Elementary School Dlttr1cl for takln&' on the education of Sunday, Sept. • .... 76 Monday, Sept. 6 ... .. 76 Tue8'1ay, Sept. 8 77 Wtdn•day. Sept. 7 .• 78 Thur9day, Sept. 8 .... 76 Friday, Sept. 9 . . .• 70 Tax 1 late for County, City Rises &3 Cents hlKhlanda children during the an· A total county and city lax neJtatlon proceeding•. He expl'ff•· rate for Newport ~ach today ed apprecla lion to Cotta Men wu announced by Le a Eckel. Union School Dbtr!ct 0UlclaJ1 In county a udlwr, the fl,ure belnr helping mua thia po.11.11lble. U .4973 pu 1100 compared lo $11.· • MRS. DELPHINO GOS AWARD PreeentatJon of a plaque to Mn1. Alber1 Delph1no 1623 Mesa Onve, Colt.a Me•. In recognition of ht'r wor·k 111:111ru.t L'om· mu.nlsm and for Wt'lfare work of t he Amtncan Legion wu made yeeterday by Ray G Ballman, J>03t adJu•ant, or Ute CO!lta Me• poeL The plaque Is ln11Cnbed . ""The American Legion cita tion for mentortoua aerv1ce. For mtr1tnr1ou11 service and loy8.l rooperation, Julia Stevena Delphlno or Co:.ta Mesa . Cahr. la awarded thla cltaUon In re<:C>Knillon tht'reof by Co1ta Me11a Post No. 41'>~. Oepllrtment of Ca llf<'m1a. th" Amf'n<"an Legion, Uti1 aevtnlh day of Sept., 1 9~~." Th" ritst1on wu 111gned by Ballman and L&wnnce H . Pt'lt'rrnan. post romm1.nder. • Staff Photo TOO MANY DOGS? Mesa Board Hires Teacher nw _k)awarz' Opposition Harbor Hlghland.11 children re-8e04 for the paet flacal year or celved Coeta Meu Union School an lncttue of .83&9 unta. Dl1trlct aulhorl•tlon Wedneeday The county rate lnslda tha city nlrht to atund Newport Beach la ll.41 comJ>llrt'd -to U .24 J.aet Elementary School DI 1 t r I c t tlacal year while Newport Beach achool1. The Meaa board ot true-tu rate fover all) decra&Md 6 tff.11 a pproved the move In view cenlJI. Tot a I Newport Beach of Harbor H lrh1and11 belnf In pro· acbool taxu. ext'ludtnc unuu. -of &ru'IUAUOJI to Newport !'OM from '2Jl~ll of lut J't&I Beach. to $3.lMI. a ppare11tly Nt1ect1ng Superintendent r., •rt t t It.a the N ·cant p • r 1100 H&rbor Over oppoatloo ot PrNldent Re& lnfonucl u.a &ioard be haJ polntt'd out. "However, It any of Hlch Bcbool dlrecl taa for bulld· Bradley Sch~ , ea.ta M ~·a r.c.tved five aJcned letters back- lha Ka.rbor HJ.rhlandl partllla lnf purpoeea. Ulllon 8cl\ool Di.trict Board of ln&' Mr11. Miller and one 1nony- d0ft"t want t.balt ch11dren to attend ~nty nood -trot clY-Tnlateea Wednftday hl(ht approv· mowi letter oppoeing hrr In rt'- N-iiort Beach 11e1'oola untU the t.rtct ~ dropped from .1988 tut ed rfCOl!UllendaUon ot Superln· p.rd 10 the latter he ob11t>r\"l'cl: &rt'& la voted tnto the new dla· year lb .1108 thl• year wb.Ue lht' tendent :Everett Rea to hli-. Mra. "Alter rea ding It, I don't bfoh,,v,. trlct. they can rontlnue In Coat& I barborL...dlatrlct I•., 1 ~ Carolyn Miller of 9Z3 A rbor St., I ••ould h&\"e iogned 1t r ather. At MHa achoob ." • C<Wu....d " .... I) COit& Meea, u a fourth &TM!• tir11t I lhouitht I would turn 11 19TH ST. BUILDING FOR B ·OF A's MESA BRANCH / tenchtr at Main Sc.hool. over to lht' po.~tal a uthoritie11 lt Schwan aald ha had bffn ap-wu u nladyhkf'. ungentlemanhkt. proached by "aevaraJ people who C'O~otESDATION U:'M"F.R conalder her a nulMnce In tbe Rea 11!110 ruJ a conrhlt'nt1al lt>t· neighborhood In which •he llvu. lt.'r r1 '''" e n Ohw school whf'rf' Appro1umately 30 per110M aimed Mre. Mlllrr JJ ... t taught in 1!149, a petlt1011 regarctinr her harbor· which recommendt>d her work Ing too many canlnM In her Do11rd member11 C. Chisholm ~ openinr ol Bank of Am· front•~• and a dept.b of 80 fert, hOUIM!" Brown ~ll Al Ugdt-n approved end there will be a paved park· SUPPORTERS SPEAK Hell'" r .. c11mm.-m.tallun. Srhwar% SANTA ANA IOCNS) The erlca'a new Coila Meaa branch lng area both In front of and Appe6Jing to speak In favor or !llltd, "I wont lo go tlll rernnl a.'I u me Marlne1 who two .,..·eek• ago I before CbrJatmu seemed uaured behind the bank. E i(ht tellf'r Mr1. Miller were Mre. Mal.colm oppo11111g th11<. I que111 Inn the tl)day with the announrement -tndowi ••• ...Inc ln• .. 'I•", an Reid and the ~v. Jamea Stewart, 11ountln1•1111 of hiring Rnn11'1Jllt' there Played a joyou1 "happy birthday" ~ -~ "" .., ~ that the b11nk ha11 ll'Ued a loea-eacrow booth, and all other d• mtnl1ter of Mr1. MUler'• church. 111 coM11ler>1l'>lt• opp<111111on tu. I lod t T d J ohnny I d · d h me Y 0 ommy an f lion on 19th Sl. juat Wt'llt of partmantal e q u t pm en t except Mrs. Red 11at Mrs. M11ll'r owne hope WI' wall RvP n" furlht.'r '1111- • HARBOR . , PRCS.S FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1~ PHONE ·HARBOR 1818 New Oil Activity Due in Tidelands SAND GIVES UP I RING, AGE 146 Newport No. 10 Halfway; State Well Site Sought I A wl'<lrl•ni: 11111: w1,rn I 4fi yo>ari< a~n WRS fo11nll \\'Pd· nes.1&y hy M ri<. Jnr Phllllr11 of :12~ r oppy Ave, s t C'hins t'ovl', pohr" 111t1d Sht Ill kt'f'r· Ing It ror ltii 11ghtr11I nwnt•r. Mrs Ph1llir"' tnlcl off11'rr8 thP pl111n g1 1lrt h11nd h1111·" the• llll<l"l lpllC•n. ":S-Lr tn f'M A J'I al H , lb09 " Stf'pped up action in the Newport Beach and lt&a... owned tidrlands by oil firms involved today promJM4 plenty or pl ay in the fall search for black gold. Rt.'ni>wr1I oil artlvlty In New-TecllnlcJana for Monter_,.11\ae , ______________________ __ pot Ht>Al'h and 11t11te-owned Ude-hie-Seaboard oil companl• ..,.. lanils w1•11t a nd ea~t of thl' Santa in Newport Beach today to -· ,\na R1\·t r loomt'd here with dta· mine the 1fte f or the propoead l'l•"llrr that :-:twport No. JO drll· off·ahor9 exploration w.U Wlltdl hn,.; rrl'WI hll\'e puee<1 the 229&· Monter•y Oil Co. will drill Into tM rt 111.11 k In th .. lr 11earch f M oll ~tatr tldrl11nd1. RecanUy Ule CON• 111 lhf' 3420-fl. lt'vel. panlea paid a 13% mWJon bon\MI SUBDIVISION Storm Drain Refused to Halecrest Mo·nnwhlle. Monlt rt'y Oil Co .• lf'Rllt' opnators of t he cit y-owned t11lt l11nd~ snit the tw o large lari,:P ore.11n p 1 r c e I • recently awarde•I thf' t Ir m by the ~t11tt 1.11 n d s Commls1non. 111 Applicat1on of the nty nf l'OI· "' hl'duled ~onn tn bell:'ln it11 flr11l ta ~ePn on b"halr of H11l,.c1t.'llt 1 \\'•·ll fnr Ill•• "Ill;> we~I or the Co1 p. to Wit' 7~ fl'et (If lhe olrl 11 v, 1 >1ml nor lh vr Cou t Hti:h· San~• Ana Air BRiii.' 11ght·nf·W8Y ""'" for a storm 11ewtr and oullt'l lo lht' etate for the rlfbl1 lo pro- duce the tldelanda oft ahor9 of the Runtlnrton Beerh State Parlr. Ae- cordlng to E. E . Pylea, ot Mtm· terey, It la likely I.be ft.rat w.l.I under the •la~ contract wW be loc1ted a pproxlmately 800 t .. t Wt'llt or !ht SIUlta Ana RJvar Uld I~ feet Inland of Cout Hlpway. <'ON'FUM1SG F..A.8EKENT1' OitflcuJUr1 to be ltratihtl'ned !>lll are conrtlclinr eaaementa for :1ralnaite rtilchu , 110na 'l'&J'lance• from Huntington Beach anl! r•· ~lricllona of th• atate hlrhway lt'pa rtmc>nt a nrt the 1tala lantia comml1111lon atrurt111 I' Wnl! dt>mt•I \\0t'dn1•s1l11y night by S11m111t1on L1111tnrl No. 6 Th,. •1ra1n would hovt tAken carc> of run-orr w11tc·r rrom H11lrr rf'11l 1111boii\'1111on on f1okt'r St near Orani;te <'olll!t Cnllt'Jt't' Thi" "' 11 t o be con· 1<1d1>111blv 1leep1•r than NPwport :-:o 10 1f brnui;ht In 11ucceasfully will mP1<n M•lDll'r"y must immed· lllll'lv •ink an off~el wf'll to cltv- own1:.1 l1oio'land11 JUlll rasl of lh<' rivtr. 11rrnrrt1ng tn City J.illn1gl'r J <lhn J . Sl\llon , C<'nnttnllf'd ne Pac• IJ\ Mesa Hold Woman, Station Owner Up Victims of Bandits The 1111nitallnn 1l11Jtrlrl rttt•nlly was dct.'derl the 2~-ft. w1t1., rll:'hl of way by the government frlr trunk sewPr hnP8 lt-a•1rn~ from the former nir baJO<e. Lee M. Nt•lson, general manager of tile 11anltalion d111trict11 11a1d the dem11l wu m11de on ad\'1re of rollMl'I who felt the diatric:l c.ault.1 ba lla.ble. for an v poaaible flooJ problf'ms that mlithl matenalJ:ite 1r the alorm werl! a pprove<I SANTA A~A SEPT. 9 (0CN8) P'J'eler told the robber• to "h~lr aewer _Three imoolh. talklnrc youns youraeU." Mra. Hall Informed thf' ban•hl~ helol up t ht' El Toro Mr· duo "1'11 1et It for you .. Mesa Awards Two Street Contrach \"ICe 1111111 .. n 23922 Inland high· lli'rflre and hl11 t mployu """'"' wRy JOI Jai;t night and escep.d ord1>red to "11t&nd ovtr there by with $200 the TV." The owntr rrmalnr I in hl• cha ir bec-aulC' of an lnJUrl't1 Sht>r1ff"9 11• p11t1o>< aalJ the v11·· knee. One of the l!Wopt <'tl i hpp..-1 tam~ wrre ow11rr Emmett P . Low b1Jrler on two gratllnp; 11n1I rr••if'r ll not emplovre Nellie L. H1.ll behlnd the bar and. with a glOVf''1 paving JObio WPre 11wardt'<I C•tn· 1 , hand. removed the cuh from th,. tractJ< bv lhr ('o,.la Mt'H C1I\" 131 \i iq:inaa Place, COflt.& Meaa. regtstPr. The ~eta thm ba!'k· rount 11 · Tue!'llJy night. M. F: ThP '""tuna 101rt deputlra they crd out the front door. ran to • Hurst bf Santa Ana .:ot the job.;. ""'r" wntr hlng TV m the cafe waiting car and took off aoulh oo to grade and p1<Vt' thr int .. i .-t't. abc!UI 11 40 Twu ~URfleClJ! entered Hag-hway JOI. ta.•n ,,r H11.m1llon end Maple Rtll tht> plRI'•' One stood near the A third 11.111pect waa "en nul· fur s r.w6 i8 HnJ Tul!lm unol F.11~1 ''11•1 ,,, lhe ba1 . Tht olht>r &Aked I •Ide the Clfe while the holrlup 18th Sil!. tor S6l!H. iO fur ,.,.11., l(.lli< progn>ioaed. C11.1· ~fanll~l!r C:t'ul i;e c orr .. , F r' I• I filllol he lulol lh .. !IUl pt!Cll Deputte.. hurrll'dly lhrfW IA9 wa:< aulhonzeJ tu nt>gol111lt' " hi.' ,J i: .. 1 1 h• k,.\' lu the gaa pump. roed block11 alonK 101 aft.er a ronlnu l fnr lilflllfo:hll'lllnJ.: llUI lh• Th••11 tl1,. :-;,, I WUllpt'<:t pru· fall from J.~re1er, Saven llUapacta rorn. t nr \\'t'11t 18th !'It and 1't>w-I 1tu1·P·I • ~r, • •I automauc and ~re netted. All w .. ,.. taken bf>• porl Rivtl 1.1 ow1 ... 1 · Tl11.~ '" H.. fore the v1rtlm1. None wu held, Hagerman at their New1>0rt RPach ' Harbor Blvd. aafe depoilt boxu." two v11.luable doga ant.I one hiut a sentu'n 1n tht> comm111111y " home m&r<"h•d to a aomber not!' Jn announclng me location, The bank will aoon aruaounct litter or puppies. "She IS now Ab11<•nt frorn the 1Yll1rJ nlt'dtn11; I thle morning u they acll'd u Vice • pruident l ra E. Ogden. t.hl' nunu of the offlcere Who ~~\dv::d.to .. 5twhe~epau~~lryu.f"1.nMe rp~r,.Ro'n'.~ wor"'meo~d::nf E~~c~t 8~111 ~nf proce!l8d hl'ad of the ba.nklng firm'• op-will hNd the 11talt, Ocdm e&ld .... ~ ~ ~ '1 ... ru '" ,. • "~H Rn · pallbeare1'11 for Johnny'• funeral. M r. Stewart 11&ld, "We havt rerently appolnl!'tl tr111<tP .. , thi' Pr11 tlon.11 departmf'nl for Southt'm Marine Sgt. Bob Ca.uy will llnlf California . l!ald lh4' new branch • • never hlLd a t eacher who bu dont' Rev. Robrrt c_:mnlund, wh•1 wa11 on Johnny'• favorite eong "Pear11 In will flrl!l open in temporary I Fn•e Truck BldS a finer job in our Church School." vacation. __ _ th~h:•1!:~;cea Wf'rr held In the I qu~~~:s. wlll bring much n~E>rlfd Taken under conllderallon In SCOUTS CONTI Nu E TO cha 1 of Brown'll Colonial Mor· artd1t1onal banking 11erv1~: to this :"'e"·port Bu ch <"lly hall at 10 1 pe h M Sh jCJ'Ow1nir area quickly, Ogden I a.m. tht1 mom Ing by City Man- tuary. The Rev Joeep r ane 1<aid. '"and will allow u1 to i1tudy ager John Sa11ore were f l.,. bld11 ~.fet~;l•~~:urc~•:m:~.~:un;; ~:~, r~~l~~~e:tsp~~1::e:te:t r~;: on ll nrw <"itY fire tru<"k. BE ON TOP OF NEWS ( th b h ... h Blct. "'"" 1ut>mlltf'rl b\' Frank terment follow~ wHh •4'ml-mlh·, lure or e ran<" "'e ave . lrued two unit!! or a three-unltl Albro, Albro F1r1> Equipment; lary honor•. a t Melroee A bbfy i •tore bu1ld11!J jul!t construC"ted. Dick Cornrll. Mack Tru<"k•: M - ~tty a nrt we are noV.· installing 110.· 1 R. Sova., .AmerTcan La Fi'ince ~ J ohnny wu m adt an hone rary I ooo worlh of f1xtur,.~ to C'Onvtrt I Jack Ru,;glf'I, SHKr•ve Corp .. member or thC' Marine Corpe when I the 11p1ce lnlo banking quarter11. and L. J . HArdy, Crown Body and ha told urvkf'men "l want to be Thi! branch wlll h&VI' a 40·[!. 'Co&<'b a Marine when J JroW up " llABINE TRIBUTE -A. .quad of Marinel in full dreu un11orm1 carry _the body of little J ohnny Hagerman to it.a final l'Mting place in Santa Ana eervtcee today. The Marin• followed the Rev. Joeeph W. McSbane from the chapel u eerviCM concluded. Johnny bad alwaya wanted to ht a Marine. H• d1ed Tuelld.ay at tht ... of 1~. -OCNS Photo By T.n-BAftTOS YELOWSTONI:, WYO. 1 DE· LA YEO) -We are balling 1000 for Explorer Post 17 ao far 1.11 beln,; in on ell the new11 brta k11 ac.roe11 the country 111 concerned. I Today we l\aw a fore~t fire hap- I ptn! We were drlvln,; 11long whrn we 1111w a bnll of 11,;hlmnj!' hit a hill11ide. ln a matter of 11econd11 there wu e l!"Jant puff a nd 11oon we 11 aw flame11 i<predlflni:. We 11ped lo a ranger with lht-wnrJ and fire ff.1th ter11 wrre '"'°n dlM· patched. W~ have seen moat of the wonder!! or Yrllowetone. we've ,Kiined a day. we hopt to gain another halt de~ 10 that we can be m Sacr1m1>nlo for Ca lifornia'" Birthdll'". A<lm1!li1lon Day. todRy Ml Ru!lhmon• wall nnt' of thr mol!t !'J>t'<"lllrular monument" we have 8t'"n It 1ll r .. ,.11~· 11 "11:hl to ll"f' the itr"lll r111·1•~ pzang out from tbt' moun1e111 of lltone. V\·p havP st'en a lut 11f wild gam e tn th1~ ar•a. t,..Rr dt>er. b11an 1111.i 11th .. r \"at1•l 1!'~ Of rour~ \\,. htH"t' ma.t.. I hf' 11111ntls of th,. g"Hf'l I< Thert-'' 1. 101 or , ountry to rovtr b1>tWPr11 Yelhiw~tont' and Sacramento m 1 ehort tame that 18 r l"m1lmng tor u11. W• hope to 111>e l'alt Lakt' City. Can!On City. Nevada and then Into Sacra· men t o. One thlnr that lheae boy• are g-olnr: to bring home w1th them 11 a dt-mand that we of N~wport Harbor perpetua te. anrl mark for v111Honi·hkt ue. \ht famoue, cult- ura.1, unique 'Ir unu1n.111 I spoh on "ur fou Utnf'. The boy1 ha.~ ll.lltfd alloul UM! aton• abcNl th• rai lroad cm tht' l\'f'WJ)ort r1Pr And aome of them l'Wt'ar that thel r d&d11, or olclf'• brother~ or uncle1 11aw p11rt11 or railro11rt tr1un11 wa11ht'd up on lh•· hrRch that wf'nt off lhr plPr in 11 11torrn. The boy• t11lk of the 11tor1('11 or Port Or11nJ!'I' 1nrl 11bo11t lht-llttlt M1.oU11on lhAt Harry \.\"Pl<'h llll"'I to talk about Th .. v want thrm marked, ju~t like m11C'h IP.~~ Im· port11nL lhln1111 have be1>n m1<rki>d anol tnJoyPd nloni.: lhr way l:ly the time we hit l"ewporl Bearh l\nd homf' n " x t wt>rk we wlll hnve rovt>rf'd JQ,000 mall'.!!. il<'rn and t'njoyrd our nRllon'11 c11pltol and been trt11lt'1I kindlier. mort' ron11ldenitely th a n wt f'V••r dre11mrd <"OUld tw po1<.~1blP \\'f hllvt' met no 11trang"r"' \\'t' f&me thrnugh Cody. Wy11 11ntl that 111 whl'rt' lhl' boy11 realh bl'l(&n 111lkln1t 1b<111t plan.11 111 m11rk .1111mt-of th!' out..tand111K JJQant• or HJ lei ,.,t In :'l'ewport Uta ch c•o..tv "1<~ I he honw of l:!Urtklo 8111° 11nrt I hr y rP111ly takp advant&J:t' of II ll 1s 1mrpri~ing how mu<"h mor1> intert~llnl( 11 made the 11111all 1 .. wn News· Press Clrculat~n Toclay 5819 Coples MEN BOTH HOOK, BOAT SAME MARLIN Charles M. Weinberg. left anrl Gil Wa ynr. reter. both Lido Isle, together caught and boated this marlin weighing 166 lbi;. in 53 mm11t('(4 on Labor Day. One angler u'*'d light. th<' other medium tack Ir. thf' f ii;h taking both bait.A seconds a put. The m~n hesitatl'd cutttng one line fo r fear it would tirngle thP-other and they would lose the fish. At right is Skipper Tf'd RuMelJ who operate<l Wemberg'11 boat Dolly. -Kent Hitchcock Photo • -·' • 1PAINTING SCHOLARSHJPS OFFERED LOCAL CHILDREN Youni;11trrs c,r the Harbor Area are otter..s tW'9 lldlol&r· ah•r• m pa1ntm1t hy thf' Brat Shop of Coata MM&, tn coop- uatlnn Yt1th the Znnta 1pon11<>red ldlool of PaUIUft6 tor Children. Al• 1roup1 .re from 8·9 lnclu.tve and 10 to 11 Draw· 1n11 1hould br made at home and any medium may be uMd. crwyon . .,..ncll. chnrco1l, otls or wallrcolora. Thi' rnnl,.st doftl'S s~p1. 20 and p&ctur.e wUI be Judfed Sr pl. 22 by Thelma Pach!O<'k 1Mna. Fredric) Hope, director, 1nd Mra. Jay n ompson, both teachera of the claaaM. Pk· tu~• will ~ on d1epl1y at thf' Brat Shop a nrt tctif>l&rthlpe are tor the wlntu rl&llff•. Edwin Edicks Honored at Farewell Event ).f(ll'IH an'1 W omf'n of ttle }.f()(llif! h•Hl 1 potlurk dlnne1 at the 1'1onse Hall, Newporl Beach. 'l"be Gov· emor Ott tll• lodr• and aenlor ro· rent of Ult women were pr-taent. PreMnted to tb• Edlcka were I M1Mt1 and J palra ot plllow c--. Nn. l:dlck and the children left for thelr new home on Labor Dey, Edick will follow u aoon u h• can &!Tall&• hi• bua.lnu• a.tfaln . Are Prettiest .at Twinorama Jl'or lh• aecond con11ecuttve yur th~ twin dau,htl'r11 of Mr 11.n~ Mn . Calvin Wtll.!. natlvl' Cotta Meaana now llvlnc 1n Lake· Wood. were fln1t placf' wlnnert In I.he Huntlnrton Beach "twln· orama" c:ontnt on Labor Day. Cynthia a nd 8)'1vla Welb. e v•&r • N., f<>rmf'f )ff'Mn11. 111•Mt t 1111t aw1rJ aa pr•ttlHt In !hi' e to 9 )'•&r old dn-a&oa &A4 f\nt aW&rd &a Ula pNtllaat tH-ulMti.. ot all ..,.... Matema.J and Pat•'· n&I rrandp&nnta .,. ,.r. &11<1 Mn. A. r. Ztnn. 22&1 Ora.nr ""· and Mr. and M,... C'b&rl .. WeU. ot 177 Albert Place, both Co.ta MHL 9•lck Service roa Roller Shades Standard had• ClotM ud Cult.om 8pocta.IU• • ora,_,. Hardwaro • Ven1ttan Jl&lau CALL llAIUIOa IH THE SHADE SHOP 6U UM 8t., NNpOrt ..._ ...... ....... Oftloe Many tar-ell arfalr1 have Vernon M1th1>w1. 697 W. 19 St. been (lven the tu t two week!\ A ~et·to1elher 1pa1hettl 1up· p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;. for the l:clwin C. Edick family per wu hf'ld by a church 1roup of •OS E. 111 St.. Coeta Meaa to 11ee camp croup plcturu tllken rt1ldent1 for 26 yean, who &re I thla aummer. Thoae preaent a t leav1ns t.hl1 wffk to make thelr the home of Mt. a nd r.rr1. Floyd tuture hom1 ln Suaanvllle Hubbard were the John Cla.rk1, A.monr thoae entert..tn1nr were Robert Patty•. the Davi• nrth1 . Mr9. Henry Schroeder, 6011 W u t John Donnf'llya. P:dw1n Edlc~a 1 Bay. Balboa.. After canuta a a nd the hosts I • I apapetll !I inner wu Mrved with The Flremf'n'1 Auxiliary· ...,rmtt The Beauty larn Is Sold! I (Tony Melum) will be in The Barn September .. through • • Sooooo FAREWELL PARTY for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Camp- bell, cenU!r, wu given Tu~sday night at Bay Shores home of the William Harvey1, left, with the Robert Crownera, right, a.a co-hosts. Scorea of guest. arrived by bicycle to join ice cream party. Campbell• are moving to Santa Barbara. -Statt Photo a cake decorated w1th J'OMI and &t La Po1ta fnr dinner ind Mr• I "Good Luck Boota" (01.Df away Edick took hl'r turn ent.rtalmnr (lft. were preeented to Mra. l:d-the Auxlllar)' at the Fire Hall. lck . PreMnt ware Mmei. Lew1a Troop 28, Girls Scout .. mothf'r• Cock. Robert Jette. lbeldon and daughten and leaden held Smith, Marpret Morrie, Barbara a potluck dlnnl'r at thl' Girl Helsel&nd, l:dwtn J:dJck and the Seoul Hou1e lo honor Mr11. l!ld1ck hoeteu, Mra. Schroeder. who bu been a leader for 11v- if anyone wants to eompletn about e permanent I've given-or WANTS A NEW ONE NE WP ORT HARBOR Wonlen's Calendar of Clubs Brownie Troop 50 Membert of Brownle Tl'oop ~ and their lead1t1 Mmee. W . C. F l11her and Rich Ritchie enter· talned troop mothera at a ret· 1ogelher recently a t Coit& Mu& Park. Member& of lhe troop ln· elude Claey Fisher, Pamela Wing. Susie Hille, Fredda Yo•nc blood, Ka thy Kelly. Kathleen G!bson. Betty .Ann Ritchie and Jeri K. Houston. See Me Soon Harbor 1595 Membera of the Coel& w .. eral yeu1. Guut. were Mra. Har- Flre Department Ud Awr.~ ry Hilliard. Mn. Vernon M1thew1 had a Saturday aventns • and dauKhter Sonya. Four plec,.~ bur. rer try :t.nd party &t th• park. or lugcage were presented to I Ed l:dlck wu preMnt.ed with a Mn . Edick. 1plnnln1 a-.el with hi• name •n· Member• of the Lov1I Otder of craved on It and th• yea.re 1933 .....::.:.::.:.::::.:....::.:_::.::._=·:.::.:~.:.::::_::::_:.=:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women'a Editor JUNIOR E'Bl!:Ll. board met Sept. to 1955. Mn. !ldlck we.a preeented with a white llWe&ter. Farewell dlnnen w1,. 11ven lut wuk 11 the Robert 8peLli and Harold Eby homes end an f'&r1y morning pa· tlo brt.Xf11l by Mr. and Mrs lat the home ot Mra. Don Hay~on. p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 CREATIONS BY DESIGNERS FOR OCPS FASHION SHOW Ona ot the hlghlJghl.I of the "l'fl'&r1y New" f&11hlon 1h1,w to ba •t&«f'd by the Orang " C-ounty Philharmonic Society on Sept. 20 at 11 :30 a. m. In &Ibo& Bay Club, will b.-original crutlon1 by leadlnr county d"11lgnrrs, Margie Webb, Ptg PO'Nel'I and Dorothy O'Hara. An 1Llrllne repreaentallve will demolllltrate t he packing of a 11Ullcu1 for alr t ravel. ConlrlbuUon1 to Ula aale hive been made by many county merclwlntll, both In wt11nn1 appartl and door prize•. Lunch· enn w111 be followed by the ult, g-armenta being mt.ckf'led at lei<11 t h11.11 ro~t. They will be 11h11wn hy 20 lx'aullful girls. for mrr pr0fe11Slon11I models. Only a few re1ervatlon1 are available from Mra. Gunnln1 Butler or Mre. <'11rl Bnswf'll !<'Ir th~ Harbor Art>&. UC EXTENSION 'Music of Today' Series by Frieda Belinfante Frieda Rellnfantl'. conductor I ancl lecturtr, will a1ve a aenu N T h of 12 We!'kly lectur11 nn "Mu1ic ew eac ers of Tnda \'" this tall fnr t:niverslty I of Cllllforn1a F:1tl•n•lon, a~c-nnl· I Feted at occ tnr to Mra.. Marit&rel \\ ollon, hue! of C'lll!l11r11 I ThP Faculty Te&. honrirlng new ff,.r lectur"•· 1ta1 t1nJ.:" T11tl!day. 1n1truc;tQr1 &t Oranite C'olll'l Col· Sept. 13 In room 130 of Newport leJI waa held Mont1ay l'Vrnlng Harbor Union High School. l~lh from 7 to 9 at \he hnmf' of Dr. St. Md Irvine Ave. will bo a llnd Mr~. S.oll H Pl't,.r.•on. 215 dltcU111lon or the more 1111n 1f1· Rt An,lrews Rnlld cant experimllnlll ~In m~111c11I 1·n1 n-~ew fa.1•ult v lllt'nl b••rll whn po11lt1on 11lnC'e 18 .ti. ="0 prcvinu& were honored ~ere: Dr . 11.ncl Mre. musical tralnln1 111 rf'qulred, &r-1 Dona ld E. Pehlke, Mr. a nti Mrll cnrt11 n( to the lecturt'r. Stephen lllu<'. or. Jane Mat11on. Report.A of prognm1, way• and ml'ana project.I. Social tea 1latet1 t Stpt. l l, horn!' ot Mni. F'r~man I F111her tor membtrt and e-uesui. l Of'n!'rll mf'etlng Sl'pt. 29, Irv ine Cou t Club TOASTMISTRESS, Harbor club Sept. 12, 7 .30 p m Hoepltaltty Hou!e. Blllb'la. All Interested In· vlttd. HARBOR ST AR. OES, Sept. 13. 8 p.m. Fnday Altf'rnoon clubhou11e. I Welcome and birthday ftle tor ~fr. and Mrs. Ma.x Owf'n, Incoming I wort hy p1trnn ant1 worthy mat· 1 ron. I DAR F ASHlO::"< AhOW luncheon. Sept. J6, Newport Ht1rbor Yacht 1 Club, 12 noon. FRIDAY A P'TJJ:R."'OON Club, Sept. HI. E lwood N. Chapman. psy- chologlat, 11peaklng nn "Your Altitude 11 Showing" I PUBLICITY WRITING c1us for t preM chalrm'n of clubs. Sl'pt. 20, 7 p m. noom R 1-: I!, Or11ngl' < ·oa~t Coll!'ge. ALL PUBLICITY PF.0· PL.E PLEASE ATTEND. P KILHARMONIC. ··N earl y New·· t11sh100 show, BaJl>na B11y Club, 11 :30 a.m. Sept. 20 SUMMER OOTT0 ='1 cud party or Ebell Club. American Ll'g1on Hall, Sept. 22. 12 30 pm. Finl luncheon meeting, Ort. 8 I ZO!llTA CLUB. conferenc" work· 111\0p. Earl Stanlry homP 9 R11t1-1 der Roft.d. 7 .30 p.m. Srpt 22 [ LIDO l SLE \\'0}tE1''S C'lub, I Lido Clubhoufte, St pl. 27. 12 nonn, lunr ht0n a11t1 ra rd8, j ST. JAMES Altar Gu11'1 ~1lvl'r tu. Mn. Rert Brewer home, 129 t V11\ Knrnn. 3 lo ~ r' m. I Barnes Guests I From Honolulu Miu Bellnfante h111 conducted Meur, and Mmu . Robert s. Val· orrhH trU In Holland and Swlts· etl. Wllllam f'o(lrt", Kenneth E. n land. 8he 1tatted her 1ucceN1· Ht.ens, lrvln J Kogan. Anthony Ouul..I at the home or Mr. &1111 ful career In Europ. u a celll11t J. Sully. Mr•. PaullnP Hott. Mra. Mr1. H. I. Bu nu . 31:1 Drlrtwonrt a nt1 her (Ttat tal•nt for cnndud· Genev1eve Ma rtin. ~tr. M d Mn. Road. are lhe1r 1on and daughll'r· lnit became appartnt when ahe Stuart K. Jnman. Mis~ F:llllnt In-law, Mr and Mr1. W. G. Bar· 11111rted a 1tudfnl orchealra In MAllOll. Mrs Mina Harper Hutch-nee of Honolu u. who arr!vNl Am1terdam anl1 IOOn became lnson. Mlllll Ruth Klumb Mr. and Sept. 1. will 11tay tor three wetk11 known &a the flrat woman with ~t J s F·I ' .. bolh here 11nd with frlent11 In Lrui h h b h t S b • r11. 11m f'.ll • • tzgf'n J... Mr. ,.r own c am er ore ,. ra . u • anl1 Mr.11. Howard A. Kay, Mr. Angel.-. Al'quenUy •h • Wlll Invited to ron· and Mrs. Robrrt B. Fnreat. Lu· Wltb cool trade wind• blowing t111rt thfl Oreheiitra lie IA 8ulioll«' IAn Scott '.\1 p t 1 p ln the bl&nd.I, the couple u p«l-Romande. c . · 1ss a nc a a yne, Ml 8 11 t t • U 1 ll MIH Franc"• M. l..awrtnce, R&· ed faU weather htrt . were nnt 1 u e n in • 1 n vera Y mon \\'u h11m !Ind Mr. llnd Mra. appreciative or the loclll warm F.xlen1lon lttturu will make up H "IA.' d eta weal.her, and found the water col<l •n ~redlled two untt roll:Bf. 0 ar rui. __ Reitl•tr&tlon for th• 11erlu will All f1culty member• a.nd their tn comparleon lo lh&t ot Waik iki. k'.~\ All America's Kids love }tJ Cl!!!11., • Sure-feotecl, ffteltle4 111ctio11 ••IH • s11,..,..1lftootti hta14• , .. '""'' • Vel\tilote4 11,,.n • ,1111-proef eyel ... • Sclefltltlc feot-ce11fa,,..111t ... , • l•y··· y•vtt.•'· ,,. ..... . 4.65 5.98 6.65 all-round fun! ,4f """'° ~;, u.s.IT~ds PltO•~ ® 111!1.ll~lllsl Colors: e Black or White Boy's Official Gym Wear WE OJVE I a H ORl':'ES STAMP"' orr.s lff~DA\' 10·6 Nrwrci~T Ol~TM«NT IT~ NEWPORT BEACH 0. t.be Oeeall Front at llDd It. i Otte Short Block fl'-. l'iiewpMt Pw ~---be acceptf'd at ·the flrat meeu nir. famlllf'I enjnyet1 a Fac-ramlly Mr. Bam11 la wtth an Import-ex· Stpl. 13 at 7 p.m. In room 130 picnic on \\'e<lnnday In Costa port firm and hi• wife I• buy!'r Thts 11 the only rnurH offered Meaa Park. and t&ahlon coordinator for 11n -------------exclUllva d r .. &hop. here In muelc by UCLA. ~llllllllllllllllllllllll~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiii~lllllllllllllllilllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllil vour ~bJl * lnclud~1 a Little uagt1t botebolJ fi-ld In the new Hal4cr11t In N&att'fal COSTA MESA Hnar~l!au.A~. ........... ---&IM fttoe•o .. lib•"' t '"1 LADIES SADDLE OXFORD I.a b"'wa and wilt~. blaek &lld wtllt--d Wlftft Rt.C'K OoodyMr 9"l'lt Mle $499 n••t to Safeway -Costa Meta Teated and Commended by Parents Maga?ine GIRL'S STURDY MOCCASIN f "omt• In brow'Jl""&nd blar k Double 1tttdlH llO~ Boys Brown Oxford Mo<!CUlll Toe II• 1 to S s3" LllCI 801 EeoaomJ rlac• ta. ...._. ._. .. PIUNGIES ~ae -_...,,.-•• lftC bu)'e In t~p-1nde aappliM ..... th4! r ta. f or 8A\'JNG8! So-.. all LIM! rtabt an•..-"" io ti.ek·t.o-.eliloot -JQst •b:ldr Ult' low, low prlc-ee la tall• lld-Utrft lwMI for PRrNGf,F.'lll. •e. I .. u...e. ...... School '•RcUt .~.-- ColllO&eMI .... 1&111 balf·olnt ~ 11.M *-279 Glamor Lunch Kit & mClat UI nor7 i.~mo-la.00 T•L MidCJ4tt Pettcn Sharpew •o• of u, .....,..... Colon Crayolas, req. ~c Yahle IOc Rul1r1 . _ .. le I le Skrip l11k .......•.. I~ 11111191 I Oc ProtrKtor .......... le 5e Reh1forceM11ts -.•... - 25c School Scissors ..... Ile le Pink Pt1rl lranr ..... ~ 21c SftH Iott Book .... I le I Oc Senich Pads . . . 2 for I le Sic Zlpall Holden .. ·-... 2tc IOc II~ Tei Tablet ... le IOc Index Cards . le , -~ ..... ~ .. ·· s 149 . :"lt'lll1'111.,,.. ... _ ...... ~'· Howlf,v On(ld,. '"'"" Ran1f'r o .. ~Nl'"d '"IM.l POll1 f£1 , ..... -· • pnclllOl _, .... oo•;::eu. . ...,, .. ~·••"· •"'· 19C .. ... , .. (•uaranlf'f'd I.Ill \ "'"" 89c Metal Lunch kif I.Ill! \ nlu,. 79c 100/0 SA V E /c On Your PRESCRIPTION AT PRINGLES PreecrlptioD1 Filled Till 10 P.M. WAXED SANDWICH BAGS 10c CANDY BARS BABY RUTH. HERSHEY, MARS, NOUKDS, UlfO. etc. Soft, Hard. Me4lum TEK TOOTH BRUSH POND'S FACIAL TISSUE SCOT PAPER ~TOWELS Two or ThrM Row. R99. !i9c Value. Box of 300 2Sc ~ahae (Llmlt). J SO 1beet roll 20c va1 .. (Limit). ILICTRIC RAZOR ... Yw a-. ..... 17'5 We "111 04,.. T ...... t• T-OM ..... Store Hoar11 9 a.m. • 10 p.m.. Sun. l l a.m. • 7:30 pa. Wt .... ,..., t•• a'-"t t<> Lhnlt • , Prk •• 0 004 \II.-a••••7 ...... 1l • .. ,. I J t I I .. : ' • 1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS."'RESS -PART I· PA9t J ' FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 MR~. FHEDERICK R. STONE -Jarr<'ll·Snyder Photo Stone-Brumley Troth Plighted in Fullerton Garden Reception Held at Edwin Brumley Home • ln a caodle h ght service in First Presbyterian Church of Fullerton. Mi~e Susan Ann Brumley and Fredrick R .Stone plighted trot h in a ceremony performed by the Rev. Walter Link. The bride ie the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Brumley of LA Habra H/ights and 901 North Bay F>ront, Balbn" l•h1nd. 11nd the b,.l<ll'· 11tues l book. Backg round mualc ~room 111 the l!f>n n( ~Ir 1tn•I Mr11 waic playrd by thP 011tTell Brew- E rvm V. Slone llf F~ullr1 ton t r orchelltra. The r hurrh Wll!I d1•r11r1ttl'<I With AT C'AR\t EL 1tle14101t. rllrnRI ion11 Rnfl 11111 10 11h· ""'r the week Ill Catml'I the bnn11 M11rt1n R1111hut plnyl'1I the new !>hll. Stone wore an olive nr-i:11n prl'IUdf' 11nd mnrrhr• 11n<1 ),'l'Cen WO<•I >'heath dre1111 with 1111lni11t wn11 !-;lrt H1trk1'1 lllark vr lvf'IPr n du11ter and black l.S Tf'U ,t: A.SU l'IATIN >ll'l'i.,<l.IOTH'll, , , I MRS. -Folsom Photo Robert dillespie III & Miss Mary Wright Wed at St. Andrews -Folsom Photo Stillings and Klein Vows Couple Will Make Home at Andover Newton, Mass. Aisle ribbons were in pink. tall candelabrii bore pink candles and fl owers were white glad!oli and pink larkspur. forming a lovely setting in Corona del MAr Community Chur<'h fnr the eight o'clock ceremony wh irh . united Miss After a honeymoon at Mt. Baldy Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Lomune Claudette Stillings and Bud Klein. The Rev. Edwin J . Gillespie Ill will be hea<ling townrd their future home. L. Gomkl', JlAlllor of t he church. was 11.1111h1tecl bv the Rev Ray-215 Herrick Road, Newton Center, Maas. The couple mnncl 1.. Hazlet In perrormlng exchanged ringa and vows in a late afternoon ceremony in thti rto11ble nng rite. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church with the Rev. James ThP br•rl,. Is the daughter or Mr 1<nd Mrs, •·. B oyd Stillings. Stewart u officiant . The bride aunta of the bride. Mm1·1. WAilet 216 Dt1 hllt1 Ave and t he brldl'· 111 the former MJu Mary LoulH Reed, Henry Hunt. John Lehn~ i;:rooln iA tht! l!On of Mrs. R.11.)" Wrlrht. daughter or Mr. and Mra. hardt and Jam4a Lehnhardt, Rll m•inil HA%let a nd Mr. J ohn J . L.ewla Weet Wright. 4014 Chan· ot Garden GMve, MmC!s J ameal KIPlll, bolh of Long Beach nel PlacE>. The brldrgToom I• the T. Wright of aalboa , Robl'rl l.ori 1tine w1ts charming 111 her eon of Mr. and Mra. Robert Gil· Lehnhardt of Bell Rrn.l WallC!r brida l gown of nylon tulle and leaple Jr. of Mlllvllle. N. J. Lehnhardl 9f Downey.. Anolhl'r 1Bl'C over lllllin. The skirt wall CAHILL GOWN aunt, Mrs. J . D. Miller. b 8 d b1,11ff11nt and the loni: 11leevrd Mary LoulM wore a Cahill orl· charge of the r1.wat book. a saiat,.<I b10•t11·e had a portrait colla1 A g-fnal of pure alUt t.afhta in Ivory by Mn. Earl Henry. tiara or 11et"d pe11rlll encl pest"l 11hade a n d In prlncue atyle. For the honeymoon the new lll'll111n11 htld the fingertip ,.1'11 Btautlful C hanUlly l11ce ln11<'rta Mra. G1llPap1e wore taupe wool and llhe carried a bouquet of with aequlna omaroented t b e with black velvet acceSM>ri"" She white r11m11tions 11nd 111rph1tnnt1io nry full aklrt. which had a chap· wu graduated from Anahrlm NORORITY l'ISTt;R~ el tTaln. Similar lace om11menttd llChooi., Univeriuty or R••dl&nds thf! portrait neckline of th• lonir and AndO\'t-r Newton Theo10,1cal Aleeved bodice. A J uliet cap or School. A t Redlanda ahe wu a la ce and Med pea ri. held the veil member or A lpha Sigma Pt 11n•I of brida l 11lu111on a nd lb• we<I· Sigma Alpha Iota. H«'r husb11n1I d lnlt' bouquet wu of cha mpagne attended ~11llville 11chools. Bloom· aplder chryaanthemwne. field College. New Jerat>y, and M111 J o!!eph F·eq wson v.1111 m11- tron of honor a nd Mu•11 Ann Sr hl!'f.?CI w1111 b11de11m1wl They arr I'm 011ty siiltf'rll or the bnde and werf' f.?OWne•I ah kl' 1n orchirt 111111' And nystahne. and l'Arntd bouqurtll of orrh1d &llttrll. Mra. l!:ug-ene Grimm of \\'hit-JJ finishing aeminary in J)rPp11r11· liE>r wal! m a tron of honor 11nd lion Ctir the Pre11byter111n mini· mat~ were Mluea Norma Lehn-atry a t Ando ver Newton, Ron11ld Plel'l(·11t, cou11m of tile b11clcgroom. wa11 be11t man and near gue,.ts wtre u11hr red by Jack Ar· nnlrt. II 11trm1t v brothPr f'lf thr brl<legrnnm, M d F"red RlllhngA. I brother of the brirle M1"11 Marg1tr<'t 8 ch11rle plAyed 3!1 prelucle (A\•nrllr 11el!'l'tlnn11 Of th.. rouple ''"" th' tral!lllonal marchl'io, For tlJP "''' "'11111,,v Mr~ Still· in~!! Wll~ 8ltl1 Pd Ill 11n 11\}Uft rib· l>On l<nit u rri.• with rn11tch1ni: hat. a.n<l whll 1· •a r n11tlon 1·111 Hl l?e Mrs. Hazlet wH11 11ttirrcl in pink laffl'la with pink hnt Anll wh1lr ga.rdE>nia corsaj!e M-rio E&rl Plc..-111. a unt or the br111e1?rnom. 1tn1t M1:<11 Janel Mnaa. trirnd of th<' b11dr. a1clr<I with recrplion 1!rt111l11 '"' dirt "'"mbl'r'" of Prn•c11la Circle or th,. churrh fo'OR TRIP !\ORTH hardt and Kathie Miller, cousins Boston. Mas11. ot the brl(lr. They were gowntd -------------- In mauve pink cryl!talttte with fitted bodlCfla and bouffant 1k1rt11. 1hort vPll1 to m11tch and C'urled crea<-enl bouqueta or chrya11.11the- muma In the aame color. Farewell Event for Ted Neffs A bl11ck and white pin chrrk suit wu selected by the new Mrs. K lem for the lnp to north· rrn C&hforni111 and Ort'gnn. AC<'l'I!· l'Oriell bemi: n! bl11ck V!'lvet 11ncl her co"'3j.:P the rentrr fm m hl'r brida l bouquet She WAS g-ra•IUR· ted In Jun!' rrom LT. !o;ant11 D11r· bara cAmp1111. where ~he was " mem~r of Chi Omr•ica 11ororitv • 11nd Delta P hi t·r~llon, n1111nnil1 Drummond, Mr and Mn. Hubr rt I hono r fratt'rn1tv. GROOMSMAN Robert Dunham or M1llevllle. The br1dfo wl\ .. ~owrwd In tullr Both yllung people 11ttendrd N. J . wu be11t man and ushf!rll H onoring Mr. 11nd Mre. Theo· <lore N eff or Co~ta Mesa, whll Kulrler M1 • Grant F'uller. Mr. Mr. Klein wi·ll ~ gr11du11ted in and Mr11. Cheater Fi11her, Mu111 Februllry, 1956 from Un1verallv Allen. Mr. a11d Mrs. George Sul· ot Sou1bem California . He I.a ~ Ion, M r11. and Mrt. Woodrew R ad· member of the USC band and ll')', DeWitt Worce11ter, Mn. and orchutra, wu chapte r pre11ldt nl Mrs. Brya n H11ye11, Mr11. Robert of ' Lambda Chi Clpha tr11ternlty. Luckhardt, M1'11. Clf'm Lounsber· The couple wlll rr11ld11 In lng- ry, Mn . and Mn . Sanborn. Mr11. lewoocl. • SPECIAL t·,.rry·Mo,_ t'l.A l'OROl'SD ORASS l'lt:t:D Rf'd Mar !'lTt:t:R MASI Kt: IA Y ·NURSERY , C'aeta M .... •IU F.. lllh !!U. ( _, I rvtlMl) • ,, .. •' -- ~ seen in lead!ng flMltdon m91alm• -•. Two r or the Money . • . ou.r wondertul .W. with two skirts ... the Minx Modee Daily Double that givea you two complete a.tfita b the prioe <:A one! Imagine .•• you get a ttgur.tlattertng ,,.._ In smart checked acetate and rayon nanoel, b9ndtd in the solid tone of the alim-bne •kirt •.• and a checktd skirt. paneled and flared. Brown, o• ford grey or roy~, Young-in·beart. ._ f "> lT. I 7 6 7 A Newport Avenue Coste Mesa liberty 8-7431 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 o\'rr ~kmncr 1011an, lhl' bn1t11·e S1rn J oAP StRltl College Wht!re the were the Rev. Frank Haven11 of 11pphflllNI w 1 1 h rmbr11t<ll'red brnle wu afrlltated with Alpha Loa An i: r It a. Jamf'it Wright. lr11vr11 111•1 w11h p1'111lio An<I l'P· Chi Omega and thl' brideiroom brothrr or t he bride. Jamu and qutns. A 1·rown or pra.rl11 11nt1 l<('· ":llh Theta Chi. A pretty part Wllllam Lehnhllrdl have just left for \.\'11ltn1&. fl'I· erids g ave a f11rewcll party 11t Ille soc1111. hall of Coicta Me~• Community Church. The fo rmer principal nf Evl'rl'tt Rea ~l·hool w lll tl'\l rh se\1f'nth and eighth gratll.'11 Al t he p II I 0 II Vf'rdrll School. Amadott• Ra111011. Mra. Robert Bennl'll, Mn1, Ou11laf110n and Mre. Jtlln Crawford. IN JUST 5 EXTRA SECONDS! END NIGHTLY PIN-UPS! • q111n11 ronfmrrl f11llnel'11 or lhe or the reception wu 111tng1ng or Mh!I Virginia H unt and MiM veil Anti thP br11lal bouqur t wRl' tht'ir 11weetheart song by the Patricia Lehnhardt. coua11u of of wh1tt t11hern11" hrgnniA~ 11n<I brlrte's 110ronty 11lsters. the bnde. • • r v e d as candle· •lephAnOllio Aftl'r lhe hon!'ymoon the cou· lighters. They were irowned alike F.11rh of lhl' rive All»ndAnt!I pie w ill live In San J oae in yellow cryatalette with long wnrr 11 rhffe1 enl ~hA.J,. or pink torao bodlcea and full 1k1rt.a. rr~·~t1tlrltt . r11ng1ng from fl A Ir Miu Rut.h Armstrong wu c;r· pink to thr J0 ll4' worn bv !hi' Calumpt•t Camp g-anlal and Mra. Gordon S1ndford. mAtron of honor. M 1 ic J \\' M rll college frlen!I of lhr brn1e, 11ang J r , Je11nr11e Har~rnvl' 1 ~-~~81,n111_ Events Slated "O Perfl'r t Love". w nr th!' M1 .. 11t•11 C'11rnl Hill. ·' Chun:h decoraUona for the WM· The pr•yer itroup ot the <.hurch l o v.h1c:h the NefCa bt!longed. pl!ln· ned the party with ~lu Thelm11 Allen aa ho11te11~ Birthday Fet~ \elt•hraling the birthday or 6- Yt'llr •11<1 Kennelh Backman. a p11rt ,. Wttl hl'lr1 Tuesday 11fter· noon at thf' home of h1~ pa,rents. Mr 11n1I Mr11 :-lorm11n Backman. 20M 1-'eileral AvP . Co,11ta Me11a. ,.,. lnirh11. Rarb11 r11 M1nrr 11 n !1 1 dine and reception were In All ___ Brt'n!I& Sorty l Severi•! ~cnl.L au planned .!or_ while. Mr1. Wright aided the ~TASD WITH GHOO\I m•·mbers of Calump1t Camp No. young couple In n celv1ng, wear· After iiamr,11 lhe Rf'v Joseph Mcshane !l11ng Mrs ··Gu1S1!'" Gu.nat,on pre~ented the :-0('ffll with a copy of Old Te,11l11mPnl an if F'iflr A rll. R efrtsllmenl.Jo Mm- pletf'cl the evenrnir F I ( t e e r. younglHt'rS PnJl>Yt'd gam• s 11nrl 1n•hv1due l cupr11kes with <011nclll'll 1tnd de1111ert Pre· "nl were Jerry liopklns, Danny Hnd I •rn111e MoAl.11. !'tiayelte 11nd RaynE>ll Luntrk, Kar,.11 a nti J udy Ch111nberl111n, Sherr\' Fn11ter. Pel· ,.r B•n·um, !'!ht r"r y Buck lend. K1tth· 111111. flPhb\' Elliott. RllnflV 11ncl Hut h B11rkm~n a ncl the ho~­ Set pin-curls that last twice as long! ing a long loreo gown ot broru:e R<>nnlfl Dn111 nf Amthl'lm wAll ;!!\, Wnmen·ll Auxiliary of the taffeta and lace W1lh oonage ot hrJ<t mlVI 11 n<1 llllht'r~ WPrP G1l· 1 Sp11 n11<h \\'ar Vt'lt'ranll. The 1t'w-11p1dcr chryM nlhemum11 to m111tch hP1 t f'h!'~lt'1 ton nf Hell (;11nh•n11. in~ '11 rle ml'l fnr " potluC'k and e cce1111orle11 In brown. H1trn11on Sanborn gave th" J<r1th Storm nr Alllll1"d.t, Ro· I AUNTS LEND AID bert F"l'nR of l.1n•ll nn<I Hi•i hf'rl lune he11n on Thursday, Sept. 8. tilrPwell praver 11ncl lhr g-rnup jolnr<I l'and:o 1n t h!' frllm•·,hip clrclt-. R n bbln11 (lf Bie11 Ill linwhng Gr,.rn • l11bho11se In F'or th1• rr1rmr111,· Mill. R111m-81rnt1a.:n Park, Santa Ana. '"" wore A 1·h1rn1pH1:"n" Lf11 11lr Th .''' 1 Cl b II llh!'8lh With pink IH'l'Cl<llOTl~r 11n/l I .. ll Q Wll u WI meet Ill whit e nrchl<I C'Otlllll.:t' M r~ St•ml' Collta M .. ,a P&rk on We<lnM<lay, wa11 111 tlrPC'I In h,.:ht blur Ince Srpt. 16. r<1r a pot luck luncheon, nw•r t11Ht'l11 with bn11rranl 11k1rl encl on Wednesday, Sept. 19, th• Hc r fll'IWPr~ "1•1 r Chl•l!f Thl' r1•,•clvin~ line r,,1 meJ In • •'•'"" b\· " po tluck dinner. 6:30 lhl' J:llr•ll'n or tht' Brumley homl' p 111.. a t !ht' American .Lc!gion I a 1;,7:1 l'.:ut n 1r1)lhffi R o ad., llall in Sant a An11. The Auiulla.rv w hei e 2~11 Jtllbl~ w. 11> Wt'lnm1ed BllzttAr will be held Oct. ~ it I Jl.t 1ic_~ Joan Bnrn1ll'\' krpt thr 1 :102 Spurgt-on St .. Sant.a An&. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tl 9 P .M. Parking Tickets Velideted, All Santa Ana Perking Lots Lending reception aid were Pre1enl w ere Rev. and Mr11. ~k-orr e Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 2515 E. Coast Blvd. ...Corona del Mar Harbor 3'499 Just returned from 2 month cross-country T •aching Tour •• Fecwlty Member for Netio~al Auociatio" of Dence end AffUiated Artists Classes Now All Forming Types of Dancing • t nr soft . l11•tin~ ptn-cur•. •t·(hair a• ynu U!luallv do ... then• quick ~pray of nf'w Revlon 'Satin-Set: •.• lhat'~ all! U I dry, comh out ..• for Aoft rin·rurl' that la~t <lav1 '''"J!t'f I •:-;e1in-Srtl h~ld~ ."'"" h11ir·rf.,, 1110 ... 1hrrr'~ n11 larqul'r In malte heir stitJ, aticky or flak y'. Huy n,.w H,.,J,,n ·~alin·~"t:'. 09-)\.1!1'U 135 ....... _ ... Ifs the one and only Pin-Curi Spray-Set! TURNER DRUG 2542 W. COAST HWY . PAGE 4 · PART I -NEWPORT ~ARBOR NEWS-PR ESS FRIDAY, ~EPT. 9, 1955 READY FOR CLASS -Balboa Power Squadron top bra.es makes final preparation.e for the opening of t he fall Piloting course next Monday night at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Gathering the practical lnatruc· tion11 aida. are from left, Lt. Cdr. and Educational Officer J ames Edwards Jr.; Cdr. Curtis Doeb, with the charts and the claa11 outlines; coul"Se Chairman Elmer La Lane, with posters and receiving bouy1 from Edwards. -Beck ner Photo Ex-Balboa Woman Arraigned • on Probation Violation Rap SANTA ANA te>e:-lSl -Ann 1 Judi• Gardner Hl probation 8 McKinney, formerly of Balboa, hearing and 1rnlenc1nc fol' the wu a 1Talgned In Su~rlor Court defend&nt Sept. H . He continued Department • here Wedneaday on ball at 11000. a formality. a probatton-vlolaUon charge. Mn . McKinney wu put on Mu . McKinney wu brouc ht ti.-lhr .. y-probation Jut year by fore Superior Court J udce Robert Ju_dce Gardner atter •he pleaded G•rdner from county Jail where ruuty of forging a 1trlnr of checke •h• a 11rvinr two mont.ha attn on a Banta Ana adnrttetnr ftrm. •he admitted t.allJnr two county Fl•• count.I ot taltln,r welfare welfa.re cheek1 white holdln&' down checka were dJaml.ued •r a.lnel a Job She wu sentenced In 8&nta the defendant, now of Downey, Ana-Oranj(e Municipal Court. lut F'r1day a!temoon Red Cross Flood Drive Is Success; County Goes Over SANTA ANA (OCNS l-South -Uon and a apecial C9rd party em Orange County cht.pler of the l'l•en by the Garden Orove J'ranre Red CroM WednNday tarminated ue •ubmltted. It a d rl v e r or flood d i.uter con-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim trlbutlons after Ellsworth Bunker, Red Cross pre.tldent, announced the 110,000,000 national t\lnd had been over subsc.ri~. Orange countl&rul have come lhrough with ~218.H to aurpua 1~000 IOUght. Tht l'OUnty total will be boosted even mon when totals from lht rtood rellef day held at !:I Toro Marine Air !!It&· Missing Items R«ent nlr ht thlevtry In New· rort Beach included t. tup~r· ware i:arbai:t ct.n, ~ fttt of 1trttn plullc i:arrten ho11e with nnule a nd 100 feet ot plullc coatf'd wire clothesline. !"twport Beach police reported. Mr1. Al· ma Cronin ot 26112 Vl1ta Orin reportert the m issing garbage on and hose and Paul Clifford ot 208 H th St. rrportf!d the clot he1llne taken. ~ 2nd lie) w ... IUNJ: ALLYSON .. Mesa~ Two Bir C-ecUee BliMPHJlf;Y BOGART ALDO RAYr: "We're No AnCJets" Alao "Doctor in The HHM'' Show Startti 7 p. m. Start Nest Wed. Don_.d O'Connor "Francis In Th• Navy" Alao Tony Curtt• "The Purple Mask'' la~ ····· SQUADRON· COURSE STARTS· = :0~ Chapman to MONDAY TO TEACH SAFETY th:a~:~: o7~:\::r~ .:ni:::r! Enroll 50°1' Practical Instruction Due on ••Know-how" for Those Aboard ahow wlndlnr up t he 1ummer M p •1 va catJon a t th• Port Theatre In ore UPI s Corona del Mar thl1 Saturday at 1 p,m. ORA.NGl:-Wlth enrollment ex· 87 I. C. PE.ASE How a bout U kl1',g out eome trto• life lrulurance • If you ro aboard any boat, at any tJme, you ahould have JU•t 1uch lnlUr· ance. wfllch 11 the practlc&I work lnr knowledre you wlll pin from Balboa Power Squadron'• coune In Small Boat H&ndllnr and P l- loUng. The trf'e courae will ti.- ctn nut Monday nl(ht a t T:30 o'clock •l Nt'WJ>Ort Harbor Yacht Club. Johnny Olllord, manaier, offera peeled to be 60 percent &bove may need to know. not only the h la yearly treat to the local kid· tha t ot tu t yeaT'1 totaJ alleJld- m tthod. but th• tanrua1• ot (Iv· diet with a program fe•tUrlnf ance, Chapman Collel'e will ll'"t 1'11' &nd tak ing ordera. If you upwa rd• ot 3:}0 atudente when are a t the whrel or titler, do Abbott and C01tello In "Buck cla11u b •r t n September 12. you know how to read the &1d11 Privatu " pha popular comec:!lea. Worth ~mard. ''ice pre1ldent. to naviptlon, to prevent accl· Al Oxford put It, "It'• 1trlctly reported today. dent. There ha ve bten m&ny who for free No admlulon needed but Meanwhile the coller e prepared have not known, to their IOITOW. • •mile. c rln or a l&UJ'h." to welcome frfthmen and trane· Do you know to oper•t• a fer 1tudent. with an orlt'nt&tlon ra.dlo telephone, and where and wttk proa ram. September -e -10. Tty .ome of these queeuona on for 11.&e. &nd Ulen decide to take thl1 weekly, ten -week COU"9t, which le n (ht at your door. ''Th• lite you .ave may be your own." Tha t i1 u (ood at how.to caJI ln a dtetre11 alpal ! k:now1 It all. f"or the trve It&· pN!lf'nled by uppu-C'lu.untn and Could you tell where you were man i. humble and lc..nowi there members of thl' faculty Civic 110 that your aulat.ance could le &lwayi much more to learn. leaden and c 1 t y orttclal1 of find you. Do you know how to ln the Pttotlnr course, to beg1n Orange will paruc1p&te In tht' handle Hne1 IO that the knot• neat Monday nl(ht. the bulc you UM wtll ba lht rigbt and rclee ot aatetv, reecue, com~tent program. . aate one for their aped.al pur· opert.tlon and nece~ry fund&· O Rl!:STATIOS \\!:EX poeea ! Do you know about tow -mental prlnclplea wlll be glvrn.1 On. the orientation we-ek IC'hed- tnr and betnc towed! Do you Practical demonstrations of n· ! ull' 111.. •ocla l events, campu!! know the proper way to heav'e p!odlnr guollnf', buoy1, fire tight 1 toura. lntonnal~nal aesalon11, rn· a line. You m lrht h•ve ju.t one j inr equipment and the u11e ot 1 tr1nce rxa mil)atlons and choral chance to do It correctly and In llnu will be a pa rticipation fea-1 group I ryoul.I. Thi• year'• prv· 1t a aa 6n the hlghw.y. WHAT. TO OOf • It yo11 art aboard a boat from time. Do you know all about ture tor aJJ 1tudenL1 in the chu11. 1 gram Ill b1ut'd on a.n oriental which the skipper fall& overbo&rd readlnr cht.rl.I, IO that you know All can benetlt greatly ft'om themr, wHJl many of the &OCl•I do you know how to brine the how dffp the water Ii, where tbl• couru atartlng Sept. 12. at evrnla pe~l(td with Chlne11t and boat around In the proper man-tbe wbrnerrtd reeh and rocke Newport Harbor Yacht Club at I Japlhh t namu. , ner, in the ahortu t Ume aad do are. what 11 the nature of the 7 :30 p. m. Chapman Co 11 e 1 e 1 1tudent you know the method& by which bottom for &ate a.ncborinr ! Do jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii you can gel him a board &(&Jn! you know the a<'cepted rulea of Do you know how to read the courtesy and the accepted way light. on boat. at night in 1Uch to ny na11 aboard a boat. &nd a manner u to avoid accident! how to read them! Can you tell from her ll(hte, LEGAL LIABILITY what kind ot boat, how blr and Do you know about your Jia-N 0 E Da •-th W k h h d.... 1 th ....... t w1th ow r»D very au e ee w ere ta ""• 11 • .,.,.. blltty u a n operator of any boat T ~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ which you mlirht collide! Do you know thf' motor bQ&t (f thtre i11 a tlrf' aboard, do law, and the lnternstlon&I r11IP1 ynu know about fire t'Xtlngul· which are enforC'f'llhle In the ~htr11, anrt hnw the different courta ! t_vpet1 must be handlt'd ! It there It you know &II the •nswera to l1t a ltsk In the hull. 1111ch u t.beM qur1tlon1t and tht' thouaand1 may be reu11ed by a throur h hull more which could be asked, you titting Klv1n,; way, do you know are lucky. for there &N! tr:w who hr.w to pluK It up to pN!Vf'nt thr know even part ot the answera l>ll1tt'11 •Inking! io the lntll&U&Uble 1lore ot know· Just Delicious Food! Art Stegmann's The New . COLONIAL & RllTAURANT Lounge ~I~ Dtnnf'r St-lr-r tlon at P opular P n r ... 2SS2 W. Cout Hwy on Marlnf'r'8 Mllf. Oo you know who haa the right ledc e and technique ntceaa.ry to or way. betwrtn two power boat.a, the l&tt •l po.11ible boating. Bt· two aall boats, a powtr boat a.nd ......,.. ot the ik:lppu who 1&)'1 he a a~I boa t! Do you know how =jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~============~====~ to alcnal, and when to do 110 • and when not to do llO. If you were pu alnr a docking area &nd heard aeveraJ whJ1tle 1lrnal1, would you know what they meant by number and durauon ! Now Showing rt might u ve accl~nt. Do you Robert S ewtoa know what tor 11rna1e mull be •'TL-•---hComber" given a nd what they mean. It , ... ......_ you a rt asked by your 1klp~r l!U~rllnc Haydfo11 to ht>lp him when h• may be "Tim~ck" near land In a tor. do you k now ______ -.. __ ,... ____ _ how t o lltttn, to rtad the con· 8un., Mon., Tuea. dttlon or the wa.ttr. to u.e & lead line; moat Important tnrtru-'amN C&p4'J "R•n For Cover" ment '! Then plecH ot know-how may aave llv11 and the boat, Also SHORTF.N SAIL ''TaRftflnYika" Do you know how to help ··~ ahorten .all in rough weather! Start. Wed. Do you really know the proper way to rfff a ma.Jn eaU ! Do "llack Tuesday" you know the l&fe and prop.r "H-u's Outpost" way to put out an anchor and wn &o help ret It abo&rd &(&Jn. You NOW SHOWING ENDS MON. ROl!IALIND BU 88ElL-l"EllNANl>O LA.MA8 ''THE GIRL RUSH" For reservatfoDA -Harbor 2726 ------------------ VILLA MARINA counlM'hns aen'1ce, v.1p rontlnue Ulrou1h th• orientation ~rlod. R.ept.rv Dnery Owena recorn· mended etudente -klnr p d· a.nee niport aa et.rQ' u poaalble. a.... ta Ula aft.,,._ _. evenlJlC dlvtaton are to .,_ .- on SepL 12. w1tll 90me H .. ,..,.. 8',11ed COW'-ottered to t.llle pa• eral pubUc. Grando/lo 's (formerly of Bmietl compl.te menu for the f emily t PDZA e IU'AOBSTrl e ~ONA BOllE -lliDE ILA\'IOU e 8ftA.&a e ltli rooD rooD ro oo s 11 1a1boa 11vd. BALBOA Harbor 4131 OPEN DAI.LY U NOON·ll IUDNIORI', llON. a p.m. TIL IUD. BALBOA Open 10 a.m. DINNEI SEIYED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY c•n AIN'S CAllN SPAGHETTI by ROlll with all the Gourmet Accompaniments WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE Core•• clel Ms 2325 E. Cout Hwy. Har. 1180 September Weelt/y Specials A~l\-.: BAXTE&-&OCK BUDION-.IUl.l.E ADAMf\ "One Desire" ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREATLY REqUCED PRICES NEXT TUES. NIGHT ONL \' WORLD PBDllEBE OF Starrtac PbJ1Ua Yarwood aad .. °'91&1"• Cloal7 <Alt 'ncke t.e on .a. now a& ._. and Lido Adult& tl.__,mdon 'f(e....(Jhl)d 26o CW 7our tidre .. earty-Llmlted 8appl7 STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY Glet111 Ford "llltemlptecl Melody" Richard laMhart ''Tiie Good Die Young" llld'a Kat. kL I :ca "Go1" ' Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 During the •bove calendar week, we will serve a NEW YORK (bone in for flavor) STEAK for $2.50. Or, if you prefer seafood, our l:"iALIBUT DINNER will be $1.50 this week. Continuin9 with their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners at a greatly reduced price during specified periods as ind icated above Villa Marina restaurant offers weekly specials Buffet Luncheon Daily $1.25 See Color TV on Big-Screen in The Villa Marina Lounge Aqverium Dinner- Dance Saturdays 7:30 p.m.-12 mid • ''111e McConnell Story" CIHlllGScope SUPPER CLUB Menu Service Available Sunday -Sept. 11 4:30w6:30 p.m. Dan.cin9 9:30 p.m.·2 a.m. :'.'\o. WCll'MrColor ' . "Pirates of Tri poll" PAUL DJQ.EID PATIUCIA lllDDINA • Fr••. lack· To-School Show Sat. 1 p.m. Abboq a eo.tello "BUOll PRIVATES" ComecllH too! presents Arthur ''Madman'' Walsh & Company as featured on "The Steve Allen Show" recently * 2 Shows Nlthfty * Dlnl11CJ DancinCJ Plenty of Parkin9 for Patrons of Vaux ' Mary Martin '" "Skin of Our Teeth" Watch for Future Color TV Feature1 The New Honey hes play for Saturday da1tei1HJ at Villa Marl11a For Villa M.111a reservation phoM Harbor 3930 . No Cover VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARAll E e AVAILABLE FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES· • The next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon. buffet or cocktail party, to celebrate a birth- day. anniversary. engagement, wedding, reunion, home-coming, bon voyage or ''what not," pleue call Mr. McGill at Harbor 3930. He will advt.. you about menus, H rvice, decorations. 1ettinp . etc. For small intimate groupt1 or for Iarce ratbering1 the facilities at Viii& Manna cannot be Burp~ in the Harbor an&. EVERYTHING FOR EVERYBODY AT DEDICATION OF NEW OC STADIUM Record Harbor ThronCJ Area's Looked for at Pigskin Opener wilh an tfficlenl pump •y•ttm lnatalled for drain•&•· PL.\ YU SPACE The flelJhoUH tncludta larat dres111ng room• for the OCC team 0 Co and for the vi1ltang tum The N o doubt telecasts will be coming from range aat mitors druaini re.om can allO College' a opulent new football tladium in the near future, I be used u a clauroom tr needed. but for opening grid dedicatio n,• featuring the Pirate eleven Equipment 1toragt 11pace la pro. · C 0 · Vld<'<I on tht home team aldt with against East Contra 08ta. range County will have to be a spec ially constr11cted and alr· satisfied with kilowatts instead of microwaves. Carrying conditioned room tn "''hlch eight the play-by-play for football fllni. chan~u of air p.-r mtnutt takt unable to get Into tht 73!>(1.11eat The 1tadlwn ltaelf represents place. Afler pr11ctirt, unltorma Bue Bowl nnt Frida:--night will an important contribution to all are hung in this room to provide be Radio KWIZ, OCNS mf'mber Orange Count Y· Local high quicker drytn« and thmmatlon of l!IChoot.. civic g-roup1 and others odors. £xctlltnt showers are pre•· A rl'corJ thronK la anllrtpa ted I •~ expected to find numerous 1ent In both dreaetn" rooma. Flrat , at the !Int Hat bor arra pli;sk n " u1e1 for tht beautiful new aid equipment and a modem clash, tor many reato0na : A look tacllltiu. ., lpool a 06 t k I a: the ata1llum which may well £ w,.ir m 11-l!'P an are n- 1>4! the finest gnd arena for a Dr. t'tterson, an ardent •porll eluded In fac1lltits. two-year c<>llf'ge In the country: I fan .. baa been llOlldly behind con· Out.Ide rtstrooms for both men dedication ceremony of the bowl: atructlon of tht. badly needed ad-and women art located at op· all the color and excltl'mrnt that dlllon lo th• college e&mpua. poalte tnda of. the fleldhowie. Re· gots on when nulumnal madnea~ Orut palna have been taken to frtahment bootha take up each J1triket1 this nation; and tht fA<'l I makf' It one or thl' mo11t modem tip or the fl<'ldhou~e and ttC'kf't that this la tht sixth annunl I.I· 1111.i best equ1pf)f'd plants of lta booths anti entranct-gah'I 11rt' ona Club football cluslc kind anywhtrt In th.-t•ountr\' J1re<;tly m front Prior to the k ickoff. the imappy DOLLAR DL'TAJl..S Pirate band will paradt' onto thl' tleld under direction of Eustace RoJ&s and Howard Kay Furnish· Ing acron1panyment will bP lovl'· ly yell leadtl"l!I Bonnie J ean Alden. Pat Henderson, Pal Rnn· dall an-:t Cynthia 011git along with Joe Limon. Al,ao l!ltruttlng their stufr w111 be thl' 11<mg lead· tra. led b,v Stevie Sticher of Sun• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I. PA&i S FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 Wednesday Scrap Tolly DeM&n:o mall• ha tlrat rin& •ta.rt alnce lo91AC Illa waiter· we1cbt cl'OWll to Carmen VuWo tt.l'aiMt Chico Vejar In eo.ton Wedneeday nl(ht. Harbor ArM tlg'ht fan.a can vtew the bout on TV at T p. m. Vejar la c~Uy n~ th• C1'f'lt Of a 12·ft(ht win etre&it. Jie """ a leadln& welter whan he went lnto the Army tor two )'e&r'L Slnot hi.I dl8Cbar&e, he bu ~red e1(ht 1traJ(bt wina. Campbells Hawe Soll The Stanley Ca.mpbella. 2196 Oranre St., Colla lf .... an PAl'- enta of a boy born Sept. a l.n Hoar Hoepl t.al Slltht lnlwy Man Ffnt l11dia• Drll J'ULJ..ERTON 10CNSl -Oii• .u,ht Injury O«UJ'ftd &.9 ftnlr• ton Hl(b 8chool opened auu-t Leacu• toot ball dr1U McmdaY · Halfback Georae Smith. r.tmn· Inc ltttennan, waa rll'ated a di• wrtat.. &mlth aat out moat of laal .... eon with a ahoulder injury. OoAch OU TUcker and A.Hlat.ant Jtm Bu.ab expect Smith to be one of t..betr ftnNt perlormera. The tn· jury wu not deemed eertoua. TUuday, junior vareuy and B tMma at.artM practice hue. Mill lm&ha wlll mentor the B'a. New· oomer Dick ikaln will co.ch th• JV'a. DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE! 11et Brach. The dedication ceremony ILIM!lf will p I u n g e tht atdlum Jnto a blackout with a 11lngle apot· light reating on the American Cost or the1 11tad1um Including f1rlJhousl' an cl bleachers for track with Jand!IC&plng. turf and equipment WM $296,e:io. Present 11eat1ng capacity m the 11tadlum ls 73:10 wll11 provi11lon bring made to rnlarge the accomod11t1ons to 20,000 Outside uatlng IM trar k i11 ll~iO. No track Is Included with· in lhe 1tadiwn waJl1 but a large nnil 11 adJl!Cent to lh• out.Ide b('m. Prus box facllilu•a handle &ctlvllitll lnaide or outside with tQURI a cce1111ibiH{y. Spectalora art prrmltted a much better view of lht pl&ymg fh•ld through elim- ination of lht running track. Each aeat on the allghUy curved bltachtr aertlona Is exceptionally Kood from a spectator standpoint. In the driver's seat is Line Coach J ohn McGowan as a pair of Newport Harb or High Sailor linemen practice their charge on the drill fie ld. In background, C ol\c h Al Ir- win instruct.a Tar ends. -Staff Photo flag a" It \a raised whlle tht • THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL P~LIPS There's no question in my mind now that the foot- ball eeuon has started. I've made my first fumble. ----band plays the N1lllonal Anthem. "Our hend1ri1 tor this .sea11on Taking part will be Dr. B1111t1 H. r11mr trnrn th .. rhapel Those with Peterson. college p~ident, Dr. plni·••, for prnvrr br)Oks, WP ktpt Edward Milum, rtpreunllng the for our side Qf lhl' fltld We may I Uona Club, and Louis Conrail)', have n• ,.tJ for them. \\'e •hd 10 board or truateea hf'ad. tlme11 In a rC)w Jut ~"·11r!" Opentng ttremonlu w ill con• But, best or ell, \'OU dc)n't have elude with 11fnging ot the Alma to worry about , .. 11ert1ng 11phnt· Matl'r by the colltn chorua un- er11 whlll' attf'ndlng Uut· 11nl1 T11r du direction of ; .. mee S. Flu- $.'Tld gaml'll In Pr1ale 8<\wl this gtrald, wtt• tile StateF .. llmwt C•pl9ies ~1 8-1011 .·~ ,ers Proud·Pil 5laoei are d .. i.lllll rl111t eo lel JOUDa buy f .. • clefflop ...,...., : : ; ha.ilt rlP, fcx &ocas.-io• ecoaoa1. com .. eocl a. .. Mow Joe die aarec:bft -lt'flc-. .. ... co&ot. aod black. lack-to-School Special -$4.88 llellllar llM V.a.. Luckily a sports write r haa plenty o f coaches, players and fans on hand to assure a quicl< r ecovery. Besides. how do ~u know anybody ia r e ading your stuff unless you ~nson Or. 811 .. 11 Pctf'r&nn, pr,.xy Durln1 hal!Ume. a page&nt and o( thf' plare. ~alt1 all the l!'llU paradt, "The College Strvta Ita a11• or fir, 11nt1 not l!luppol!ltd to Community," v.111 be p~eatnted. trphnter. mcludm( gaily decoratt!d floata TV and motion pictures or a c- tion on the field h&va been well tal<t>n can ot In the lighting whtrh suppllt11 80mtwhat over 2~ p. anywhere on the playing area. A prua box Involving three .aeparate compartmenta for oper· aUng the eltct.r1c acoreboard and P . A . 1y1tem; for radio bro&d- cutlng: and for r epreaentallvea or the prus, 11 set wtll aboTe tht field with a platfonn on top tor use of the TV and motion picture ca.meru. Th• field ltaelf la 10 feet below &TOund level ii WAIEMILLIR'I W. l Ledla I... c. c.1r .. mal<e mu~lako for relldt'r ~ to down Or&ngl'. 12-0. Do"'-ney, Jll. correct 7 13, en.1 the Oill'rs, 26-13. And Ir Falllnr on the elu.ive plg11k1n presentation or comp a rat Iv• that u caped my grasp wu Don scores doesn't mean lt'11 grlillron L. Cantrell or 725 W. Wilson St .. glory time, what <!OPS? Costa Mua. HI• ll'lter. 1l11tNI Did you know that Police Chit! Sept. 3, re&da: Al't McKenzie of Costa Men 11 "Congratulat1on11 nn the tine an old friend or Olympic diving covera ge ren<h'rtd lo Al Jrwln chamri Sammy Let!, who plans I head coach or the Newport Har-to take up rPsrdt>nce on the Mtaa? bnr Hlg'h School T11r111 l ft'el S'fact. Art mo~d to be a lifeguard that thl• ye11r will either sur-at the Olympic pool m Expo11!Uon pu1 or parallel tht 194!1 iu•aao n. Park, Los An~eles, and bt'came CThat wu the ynr I"'1n t11bbel1 acqualntr-rt with Sammy. Later, u produclnir h111 be"t Satlor lht ch&mp giH'I! McKenzie a phy· aquall. I !deal examination In hl11 profl'IO- NEEO A ~DLI! I 111onal capacity aa a doc. And It "Thtrl' waA onfy one thmg that that doti-n'l prove ll'a . a 11m11.ll di11turbtd mr a bout vour refer-worJrl, just IRkr " lnnk at Art enct lo the 19 dub. The Fulle1-Big 111n't he~ ton ~smt'. which wa~ our onlv WHP:Rr. ('Rt:OfT'!ii llt'F: lnu . wa11 lhr l'\IXTH "' nm• 1 Lack of apace prevented In· JtllmN. • Ph1ll1r-h><•I to i:o 11nrt rludlng the namPs of th& latl11 11ey ni:ht 0111 111 r11bllc that tht who ~rt elected t•am captains '•9 T11r11 won all lht1r g-amu ex· ot the au: Midgl"t Baseball tour- cepl tht' l~;ct •>ne I ney winning nines, 1111 pictured "\\',.. went 1111, from t hrre to Wednesday. Receiving their F.lks knrrk nut Rn11emHd. 34-19; San-Club trophlt9 from Max Pope ts AM. H ·O: and the final were, trom ltft, Oink Felker. B a g11in11t Downey. 40·0. lncldent.a!Jy Dodgers:· Grant Nairn, C Gl11nt11; hert are aome~mparatlve l!ICorea Bob Twtddtll. B Indians : Chris you mlrht ca~ to Kl•nce at just McLachlln. Y out h Center C tor rontuel~ -I'm 1llll con· Braves; Harold Cah1well. A Car· tu~tt when I look ·•t them." 1 dlnala, And Dean Pease, A Braves. FIOURJ!: IT OttT Arter last year'a football 11ea· Tht 11.-on:11 Cantrell sent along I son, Coach Ray Ros!IO la not tak· 1how lh11t Newport Harbor in Ing any chancts with hie OCC '411 11m1111hf'd Orange, 41-12, Down· Pirate eleven. He'11 going to cle· f':.. IO·ll. llnri Huntington Bf'&.Ch, pend upon a 1ure-firt 11ub11Utute. 4 2-6 Y tt Fullerton. the tum I A• he rel•ted during a preaa pre· which bral the Tari to deny view of the lul!h new Orange them the loop rrown. could only Coa1t grid atad.lum Tutaday night: Fagot at San Dieqo SAN DIF:CO, cFHT:'\CJ Cpl Charle11 A. F'11go1, son Of Mr11. Francr11 E. Fagot ot 8H Olen· ayer, La R'\lna Bea.ch, !1 &ttendlng the Radio Telegraph Operator School tll the M11rlne Corp1 Rt· ('r\llt Dt>pot here. T he ('OUr!le COV• ers lyp1nF:. m11p reading, bu1c rommunlcallons prOC'f!"dure and !leld appUc11..Uon. BUC BOWL PERT; TABS DON'T HURT 01 a n.:e C'••&lll C'ollri:,.·1 new ~oolball 11lad111111 mny be m11n1- t1rent. hut gnd prh'"l! lh!'re ate "'II w11111n t •'l!...~ctn for lh111 Ill 11.'!"n 11 pti:iikrn "lat t nt n,·e !'irate honw ront~t~. Genernl ad1111s:1111n ha:< bN'n llH 8l $1. lu~h Mhll<•I Siii· <lents with ~tl••l••nl 80.1\· Car41 ha\" 111 •h,1: up stJ cents, and < hildrf'n 1111.ier 12 get the wholf' wurk11 fre,. for nothing but the effort of get- ting there. T ickets may be purch&eed at the bu11lne113 office or the rollege or at the atadium be· fore game llml'. And tht lime of that fll"lt game: 8 p.m. next Friday In the 1Jlxth an· nuel Llona Club football clsaa· le between tht BU<'ll 11nd Eut Contra Costa. and dramatic 11dta. The paft anl 11 directed by Wllllam 0. Payne and Robert Keat. OCC art and drama lratnlctor1. ASTONISHING Worldagmu'a 8tore ·~ Barbor Blvd. 183 E. 17th St. Coata Mesa PERFORMANCE! And that's only half the Chevrokt story DIM .. mt ••• Ol111HER£1 Great Ftatanre beck up pbeYFOlet Perf-. Afltl-DUM ~-Boll-Rtx» St.ri"6-0ut- n~ Rt1tsT Spri1111-Body by FW--U-Voll El«Vieal ~-~CM~ A ll1htnln1-qulck power punch thllt maku your drlvln1 uteri That's , one of the reasons for Chevrolet's wlnnln1 stock car record-but It'• not the only one. Not by • Ions shotl Astonishing perfonnaDOe-t.he lizzlina ac- celeration of Cbcvrolet'a new "Turbo- Fire V8"-it take& that to win atock car racet. But it takes a lot more baidea. Cor- nering and handling qualities really count on the NASCAR • Short Track circujt where Chevrolet's ting-just u they count for urcr and more pleasant hi&hway driving. And cvco the high-priced cars don't slice through a tight tum u neatly- 01' handle as sweetly-as this beauty. The record pr~s 11 ! Come oo in and aample all the things that a1ve Chevrolet ·~ winnmg ways. We're lreq>mg a key rca~ for you' •Hof4etw1 J\.-1 I 'ieA I., 9'oclt Cor A11lo •0<;"11 NOW'S THE TIME TO IUT! LOW PRICES-116 DEM.S f ENJOY A NEW CHEVROLET ~---·-·-----------------------··--·-------·----------- MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 Ww CMlt Hlgllwcay NEWPORT MACH S.Z26l I -"'~ It I S'J'BICl'L'Y OPULENT -That'• how thf' uchited'• drawing (above) conceived Orange Coast Coll~ge'a new grid atadium which will be dedicated next Fnday nJcht durinc the B11ca' fint game of the wason. You SAILOR tlNE INJURY MEANS WEIGHT LOSS Irwin Guard are looking over the field house and entrance into the bowl itself. Below, a ,ompom routine by OCC aong leaden should convince all males in the a rea that this is a game they gotta aee ! -OCC Photo HARBOR ,o~ BILL PHJLLIPS, Sports Editor PART I -NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 LUSH BUC CINCH AS BOWL DE DI CATION ROARING SUCCESS Tht1e • no qut'11llon but what lhe Sept. 18 O!'ange Cou t t'olleJte J?rill opener and atadlum dedic11Unn will be a rtcular c1rrua an<1 a rou ing 9Ucceea. The clash between the Harbor 11ru P1r11t,.~ ttnd Ea!lt Contra Costa marks the 1mcth snnu11I Linn" C'lub fontboll game hue, and U ons from all the cou t&l rnrnmunidte will be in 11ltt ndance. (rpening ceremon11 -at 8 p. m. nut Friday will Include P\'f't ythlnK nect!l4!!11ry to a colorful t>pectacle befitting flrllt f11ty nn izrer n turf of lht lush ntw Pirate Bowl, coeting a.lmo11t $:10() MO 11nd 11tat1n1r 7360 1peclato111. Tho predlctect huge n owfl will ••'t lhe BUC'l'l'lnPl?r bl\nd with yell and aong 1Padtr1', an 1rnpres111w1 11\'.ttratton <"!'remony, Allll 11. dramatic haJ!ltm• pRg\"llnl and p11r1tdt>. E'tward Miium of Newport Beach w1U rt>prt1ent the Uon• f'lub rn the tJtd1ca..Llon ceremnny. C'heiee reMl"Y«"d llt'&ta to r the <"laMIC' at $1 25 per pPrton are on nle Crom 1111 Harbor Rn•ll L1C1n1 11nd at &lb'$ Sporting G<.od:.. C<MOl& MPsa.. 'RAY FOR ROSSO! Golden Bear Grid Great Undaunted by Bad Season Although Ray Rouo, bead football coach at Orange Coast College, au!!ered nothing but setbacks in Eastern Conference play with the Pirate eleven last season, he hu a trio of championship aquads to his credit. Two of Lhem came whU• men· tor Ro•o la Bob Osborne, an Switches Nabon from to Cover Overby Spot Loring at Chaffey In 11148 and '47. all llm• rreat from San Joee State l'·orced to drop about 2:5 lb8. or valuable weight in the ln ·•t. t:h11ffq wu Utll• Roee and torrner Full~on High and .line due to injury of a first strmg tackle, Coach Al Irwin Bowl winner nncl named No. One Fullerton JC ha lfback. Bill Poore. :wa nevertheleaa satisfied enough with physical condition Junior College tum In the na-new thl• aeuon. 1• developlns lh• 8 . . . I tton. Chaffey 111 iecond bome forward wall. Poore, from Colo· ·of his Newport Harbor High Tar gr1driers yesterday to send I game on the Bun·anrt>r •late thla rado School of Mlnu. haa been pro· them through their first scrimmage. 11eason. The P1ratu copped the duclnr linemen al Huntington Torn ligament• in Tackle Dirk a11 IOOk•n1< ""P"' 1slh· gooll 1t11111ng I EC trlle in 1 11~1. Beach High the past thr" aea· Overbv'a left knee t 1tU!l••d the lh" vrt11 1 Rou o, All Cout <.:onferenc. aone. lou of weight on the S11llo1 fot· A ,.,1phumur" who 11nagg~d Ber· I guar.J on Stub Alllaon's 1939Call-------------- ·,,..ard wall Ovt'rby w1111 injured n1111 " mltrr~t w as Fullback I fomla Golden Bea r•. haa ~n on :f irst d11y of pracl1rt Bat kfieht Georg.. Milliken. sc&Jlniit 1n 11t lh• mentoring end of lht fall :coach Don Bum11 repor"d he 168. Senior Tom :-.:1quette. H6 lb.j paatlme for 11 yurs H• hu been hr11rd the 11n11p al t ht' Instant of ll<'B I bllck, mad" a . gooll ah ow In <oach1ng al UC'<.: for e1ghl years. ;1nJury "u clf'u ftlt " p1i1tt1I shnt ' the ,., nmmage by picking a holt With hnut<·lf material, ROllllO '.l.11.!!t 11ea~on o,,,., In hrok.. ht• an1I !ltampt•r11111 -10 yds ~1quette h11s don' welt by the Buca. Be· •riJlht l"Jt fl11lel1 to l<'tttr w1lh th .. \'&rslty a11les the amgle ronference diadem WATU llKATEU SAlU , SllVICl ••f ll•Atll Joi! Pfb:!of J IHMS 10 PU Clttl DOWN "'-"• Har-U» · SOT Nt.ttlOI ~ IAi<l M'8'"'" 1hnu1th h .. •!ti.I u a he dropprd upon lhe Buccanur • Allhuugh It'll nothtnli: "r 11111!1 JV. · brow, Ray Ml110 brought Ulem ln th1a 11me. Ovtibv \\111 be onl Jo;h· Fti~n._!18 lb. s lba_c~ 1n ·~i H111 Cml('tnn1r a1>mcy from 10 d&y!l to 'two wteklt "nll fanothrr ll"mor IHI:\ Riso ahown '" attr11nmi: 11 number of top po11111bl.\' longt1 Th11 hrou~ht i:oot1 t'llrh· b111J r11rr.nn11. Bernau athlete.. lo Ura.rig• Coul'a cam- fi SURc -lNSURE ..tu. ahtfl or Dick !I011b•ir~. the 1 x lb 1111111. I pu1, rapidly bttomlng the m011l 1'ex1111 tranllfer. from j:lllll 11 (o -beautiful and complet. JC 1ite MA ti&IE 8TANL&T ._,_ Oa.11 Pllolle llarMr ,.,. tarklP, leavm~ Saborlt g11a1d KWIZ C f un the \\'1'1tl C'oul po!<l open !nr l'llh• t Prt1• Sl'h11I· overs em Handllnlf ti!• backfleki hopefuJa Ill~ E. C-t Hlpway Coroaa dd Kar berg. 166. 11r Jc-11y SH11111ol. 1:,11 S ftb II T • h ;:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:=; The f1r11t , .. ·11mm11i;e lilt<lt'd I\ 0 a OftlCJ t 1ood half-hour \\'Ith th•• f'Xl'!'I ' ienC'ed Tars t"ll\>!hllll{ \\'l lh ""' SA XT .... \:\'A j(ll':'\S• l•111:<l bov11 whn l1kr I" 1le1, 11~,· 1m.t lh1' 11•pnrt,, lrn111 Ill,; \\ 11rl11s l'l1am· ro~k1r h•'rer11t~, lrw111. L 111•' 1 111 .. nsh•J> \\'""'"" s s .. n bull 11111rnn· Co11rh J ohn :'>l1·t..:owl\n, 111111 b111·k 11w111 111 f..,rl11t11.t, I irei;:on will be mentor11 Uurn~ 1111>1 Hiil llrrn1111 b1 .. 11.r. ""l nn R1111tn 1-(\.\ JZ tont)(ht. expr.-11st'<1 pkruur1• w11h I h ,. :->tnt111n 1111111a~,·r Hal lJans an- ...-r11m f r>r 1h111 f'R 1 l ,. I 11 th•· •""" no um"" lhAI R tTang.,nwnts we rt '90n. · I m•dP thr1•ll!(h tht: rooperatlon of ~ Big gun Ch111lle Beiry. tllt> liO J>.,rtl11111l 1.11!10 station t\POU tC1r lb. fullba ck was k•'pl f1 11m the lht "" "' ~ brnad1·11J<tl' bodily cont&ct riloni.: with :;,afety· Po11lan1I 111 "''l'lll' of thta year'• man Bud Thomp11un And H&lf· C'h&mp1oni.lup pl11y·nff.s. Tonight back Larry Cast10 All thrre the fina l .... 11p11 in the i:omptt1llon wtr. auffenng n11n1>r n1111ei 1eio I wtll be hthl But oft the drill• to clRte Btr· Sltll nn•lt>ft11 t1»t 111 .. tht' Ora nge 11au tabbt'd BPiry. Quarte1 brir k L.iuntttrs. h"Rdl'\l h~· Alar p1trhtr O.Or1• Schulll a n..i Da"e T1U1111ra 8Prtha Rai:an LUlllCATIOM -CAa PO\.llHIMe AO&OSS FaOM 8Eil8 8.un'.4 A.JI.& • BACKto SCHOOL OFFICIAL GIRL'S GYM SUITS BOY'S GRAY GYM SHORTS & SHIRTS HOOD 'PF' GYM SHOES HOOD 'PF' HI-TOPS White or Black CONVERSE ATHLETIC SHOES "All Star" Lucky Boy SUPPORTERS -SWEAT SOX etc. SWEAT SHIRTS -blue or 9ray SWEAT PANTS -blue or 9ray SINGLE OR DOUBlE HOODED SWEAT SHIRTS C9ENUINE LEVIS -boy'1 or men'1 -p1 ....... ,. ..... ..-oot .... - AU . A\'All.AIH.Z NOW AT Balboa Island Spou tlR1 G11• OpM 1WJ M ..... ,. M tn Marin. A'·f . Ha,._ .. 1 ...._ ...... BUC PROBABLE ·srARTERS SHAPE UP AS LIONS G~ID GAME NEARS Rosso Hurries Drills: Shwts . Elev• 1111'ouCJh Pau Pal terns Hurrying preparationa for tint Harbor a rea grid gigan- tic of the 1euon Sept. 16 when the Orangf' Cout College Plratee dedicate huh new Pirate Bowl again~t Eut Contra Coata Coach Ray Rouo today waa sending hit• cha.rgea throug' h pau pattern•. I Btll McKenalt' and Bill Harrbon. th mor• halvea, and Mike HaH at tull-"We're 101nr to row ~ ... k " R d "\.Ve've -c · thia wuon. oaao aai · Thi.Ir 11vee RoNO •t'ven veler- never had bttlf'r puMrs than we Iara and tour rookiea for a nice have In our three lop quarter-blend Of UJM'rlence ana aet-up· back1, Dick El11ner. our lettennan, and-co .The front wall averarM alrnal c a 11 • r. and newcomtra a 11<>lld 194 Iba. with the backs Brue• Knipp from Newport H•.: av.raianr in at 174 Iba. Bl1aut bor and Jim Coon from Brea. brut.er on the lln• Is Grauf1eld d R dda "Our enda An OMO • ' Ilion .. o(A'luntington Beach. all Ea1ttm could be the be•tf poe • · I Conftrenr• tackle l&!\l ll'&Mln. Atrtal minded \i\.~artera and Graa11~eld tips the acalu at 226 JIUe • flngered wlriflnen add up lbe. . to an air full of footballl. I TOP P llOSPl:CT PROBABLE 8TARTEll8 j Urhteat ta Ct'nter Wood, welsh· At th• aame tlm•. a pretty lnr in at 178. RON<> hu tabbed aood Indication of probabl• i t.a.rt· Wood u "best center prospect Ing lineup In th• annual U ona for many yeara." Kenny waa All· Club ~Id clu.a1c agunal Eut BUJ\Nt loop pivot man tut •ea· Contra Cos ta could h cleaned aon. Re r ot hla chance lo move from RoNO'a commant1 and ac· Into the Bue.' king row when lion on the tleld. Jut year'• rerular center. Maaon It sl&ek1 up like .thta: Jack P'.nton, from Ora nge decldl'd to Kennedy a.rid Ronald Bobln1ky. drop football In the face of eye end•: Oeorre Flint and LarT)' trouble. Gruatltld, tacklea; Ron Sewell Backfield w elyht. on thla ten· and Jim Hearn, cuardll; Kenny tativa tlrat •tr1n1 find Hau Wood. center; Ellner, quarter; from Lacuna Beach. All·Eaattrn Tar C Eleven in Grid Drill An early turnout of Newport Harbor High School C football hopefuls la currently work1nc out on the htfh 11chool field at 3 ·30 p.m daily undu Coach Emil Nteme Conference la.at 1eaaon. packing 180: Elaner of Vista. 1 7~. honor- able me:ntlon EC despite being hsm1trung by In juries Jut ytar; Hamson ot Huntington Be11ch. 172, one of the but backa ner developed by the Ollerll. and Mr· Ken:zie of OranJte, 170. va3tly improved from h111 frolth ~eunn with the OCC tleven. ROOKIE PAJR The o~r two rookie ltntma n are Crom out-of.atatt. Boblnsky the 205 lb. 6·3 end. from Ham- lhow wt.at he can do Barton wrter9d knee troubl• believed to bt a Upment atpar- allon where the knH join• th• calf. X·nlY• havt been takt'n to determine thla. He rould be out for th• aeaaon. Reich got hi• hand atepptd on. a.rid It'• In 1 1pltnt now to ab· aorb th• prr-•ure. Kennedy I• worktnc out tn ahorta t>ttauM of I a brulaed hip. AUD ONE MORE Jol111nr the top paastng trio of El1ner, Knipp 1rnJ Coon !luring thr week'• aerial driUa hu been Al Kepllnrrtr from Hunttnirton Buch I Roa90 haa mad• II clear he 1 1111 t ready to make deflnltt C"ho1ce amon,; hi• throwing quar- terba<"ka, but It's alao obv1oua Ray enjoy• h1• 11tuat1on of being burtt'd In tou lnir: talent. E l•ner he favors tor h11 footwork. ball handling and expenent'e. ''He r:ets aet better for the aerials. but hf''• nnt as 1harp." the coach 1ummed It up. Coon throwa deep and wu top puaer ·i~ hl11 confl'rence at B~• IHl Al'&IOn. anll Knipp Bl 133 lbs. l!rf'w ft()ll!lo'a ll l'l'olade u "11. barrtl nl 1:11t11" u Wtll aa a 11mart algnal rallrr. All In all. ROJ11110 mark1 hl11 buks 111 being ~tter th11.n avrrage. DF.EP AT WINOS • As for h111 endit. Ro11w fljC'ures 1 he hu six all vrry rloi1e In ablll· I ty. Besltle:. J11ck Ktnnl"dy, llf'· lll(nated by RMS•J llll "Ont> of tht I bt11t 1111-arnund athlete!! and fo<H· b111l plll\'l'rll 111 OC'C," and Bobm- llky, th; !Ht mr l111li'J! TPrry Liv. I tnitston of Montl'b4'1lu. Roger Ken- nt>lly o' !IOt>PrllelP. Rob Sun.• of HunltnJ.ton B"ll<'h ilnd Rf'tCh. Ter· r 1y. b1othl'r nf proitrrd<1f'ra Cltff llll"'1 Ho-.1e L1Vtn1l1lon. '" highly rattit by R"'"'O 11• "a chip C1ff thr fllt1 bltit•k Coach Chet Wulff wtll mentor the Tar D eleven. which w1ll op- en workouta when school 1tarta next wl'ek. mond. Ind. and Flmt. th" 20!1. 6·4 Rut floMO mute ll verv clur tackle. from North Phoenix. Arr.t lht fm•t two jt&ml's of the &e•· Varll1ty b11ckf1tld Coa<'h Btll Bernau from Pepperdlne will handle th,. Junior v11ra1ty Sa llora this H&aon after final dec111!ona are ma~ on the vanity roatt r. Line wtf'ran• 81 t' Ktnnetly. 1um. tho8e i.1:am111 East Con tni 180. atx foot enll fmm l"rtdlf'•, C'n.1a nntl f'h11fft'\'. 11n• habit to Sewell, 178, from Garden Grnn . lit'" 11 IN or shuffhnit arounrt be·' •nd Hearn. 1110. from Downey fl)rf 11 fln11I first atnnit 111 df· Thrtf' new pro11pttt11 turn~ c1dt•1t upon Th" hnt hl'Rt nf ac· out th111 wet'k: Gordon Tobia, 171 lion will trmp?r tht team lb. tnd f rom Oo"''ney. Bnrrlen l Granger. a lt'\lllrd from Hunttni:-Membership MHt I ton Beach who quickly r aught Western Style JEANS He&\')' 10 ou oe Sanforiaed Doublf' KnH> Oouble Slkhed Bar Tackfld Rinted E\'fl')' PaJr Gu.,-antN!d Sizes 6-12 2 pain tor s2.n Wasemlller'• Worklnl{llWI'• Store Ill" 1 1 Harbor Nvd. C'oeta MNll JV g-amu With Sunlt't Lta11lle foe. wtll be played at 3 p.m. the Monday followln,; adtedultd var· 11ity g'&mn at the oppoalle fitld. The JV 1quad c1pen11 ill pra<'tlce HallOn here agaln~t Montebello Sept. 29 11t 3 p.m. Saint Grid Slate the coachea' ">'"~· and Dob Lang N c x t 11u11rt,.rly ml'mbt'r11hlp Crom Palm Sprlng:1 Don Le11fh '"""lln!t of Newport Ha rb n r from Anaheim der1tled basr,b11ll Chambi'r of Commerce will bf wa.!! more to h1a liking 11nd turn-ht"ld at N"wporl Harbor YQrnt ed in hill mol1>11kins. Club at noon, Sept. 28. It wu an-i:============= rs.ll'R\' U ST noun1•r1! l u d a y by Presldt'nt -For the finest In Commercial On the arnlca and nld ba ntlai:e M11ur1e St11nley All mtmbe r11 are Printing call Harbor 1811, .Job roll wert Kennedy, E ntJ Charlr1 ukrll lo stt.,nd I Printing Department. Santa Ana Hieb School foot- ball schedule for 19~6. St>pl. 23 at Rlvera1de; Sept. 30, Chaff,.y; Oct 7 a t Orllllgr; Oct H . Ana- heim: Oct 21 at Garden Grove; Oct. 28, Fullerton: Nov. 4. New· port Harbor. Jl:ov. 11 at Hunt- lnaton Btach : Nov. 18 u Santa Mon tea. R~1<'h and Brue• Bart.on e>r Nf>w·, ---~=---==================~. port Harbor, &nd Ct'ntPr l'hll &ep.ln • lla&aae--. • ......._..._ J one1 ot Laguna Beach Jonea Injured a Cmger on a snapback the f1n1t practict' aea· s1on and required four •lltchu. I He l!hould be rudy to ir;o tn about a Wffk. Th11 boy 1a a alttpn :.ince he hu n't had a chance to STAFFORD 6 SON MNl:LS and DOC'' ELEOTIUCA.L OONTUCl'OU P1i1otM U~rty 8-!Ut 1 to Rlnnicle 4 Yee• s_,.,. 8eadll • Lowest-price bi g car you can buy ... and YOU'LL GET THE BEST DEAL NOW! You'll !'ave money If you buy your new Plymouth now ! Your Plymouth dealer can give you the clo1Ht deal of the year right now becauee, of the low-priet 8, Plymouth l&lM gaina han '-" the hipelt at the .,.r. You'll get a high trade allowance, a mt down payment, a nd Jong, liberal terms. Your present car will never be worth more than it is today, so don't delay. See IOIJZ Plymouth dealer Mtel. PLYMOUTH- LOU REED & ASSOC IA TES 1• W. Ci•t tl .. wr NIWPOIT llACH ·- TOP TROPHY-The covet~ Potter Perpetual Trophy denotes the high point aklpper In the 22 race aeries aailed by the Non<alma of Ntwport Harbor Yacht Club. Thia year the non-calm commodore Craig Cadwalader was the winner of this award which wu preeented to him during the annual award dinner by NHYCe Jim Weblter, the committee man that'• always ''on the job'' for any race. Rear Commo· dore Judd Crary pruente the second place trophy to Buddy Wannlngton who "atood ln" for hl• brother, Jim, unable to be preaent. -Beckner Photo CRAIG CADWALADER WINS I. B. POTTER PERPETUAL Neptune with 1klpper Art Kil· lion la dolnr a good job too w1th 2• fl1h. l''rt.nk Frecla ls at the wheel of Neptune. Look• Ilk• theae boy1 are JOlnJ to hit the jackpot. Third boat ln the rroup I.• MARINE NEws · NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART I : PAGE 7 FRIDAY, ~EPT. 9, 1955 TIDE TAILE Dale Time m. n-HL Hl1tb ~ Low 1''t1day !'I' 12 a. m !1.2 8 :41 a. m. 29 SepL JO 3.32 p. rn. 113 11 39 p m. O• Saturday 6.36 .._ m. 36 l O •9 L m. 3.0 Sept. 10 :,.01 p.m. ·' :'o Sunday i :31 a.m. 4.0 O:•O a. m. 0.0 Stpt. 11 6:U p.m. !\I 12:14 p. m, 3.8 Monday 7 .~ a.m. ··~ 1:27 a. m. --0.3 Srpt. 12 7:12 p. m. 6.0 l.13 p. m. 2.0 Tutsday 8:27 a. m. 4.0 2.08 a.m. -O.• ~pt. 13 8·02 a m. tl.1 2 :02 p. m. u Wednesday 8 :~7 a . m. f>.2 2 :43 a. m. --0.3 Sept. H 8.47 p. m. 8.0 2 ·•6 p. m. 1.0 Thuraday 11 :3~ a. m. ~.fl 3 :18 a. m. -0.1 SepL 16 9 38 p .m. ti.8 3.38 p. m. 0.6 DAYLIGHT SAVINO TDCIC ~ Ci) Cf • P'lR8T rt71..L LAST NEW QUAJIT!:& MOOS QU.urrEll llOON SepL 23 Oct. l S•pt. II Sept. 18 LABOR DAY REGATTA DRAWS. BIG TURNOUT 182 Yachtsmen 'Beat 3-clay Racing Serles Heat' Held In Here • ----July-August Series Sailors t Trophies 'CLIMINTI NA.VAL RRING DANGllOUS Commodore M. A. Andere.\ of the Lido 111• Yacht Club recently rreunted trophlu lo wlnnlnc ~klppl'r11 nt the July and Auruat Mrle.t. Thrte cl..aee ot boat.a a.nd two dlvl1lon1 of Snowbird• wttre reprf'Hnted. Approximately &O boa t• competed In H ract1 In the two-month period. CADWALADER '1''1N!.il Jn th.. •lrht·race July aeries, Craig Cadwalader Jr. won lht senior Snowbird dlvlalon. John Hukell wa:i aecond ant1 Pete Geib was third. Jn junior dl'tlMon. Oeorge VAndervort, later declared junior • Junior ch&m~lon of lhe :"ewport • Balboa area by the SCY A, WU flraL Sandy Eutm&n placed •econd. Burke Sawy tr . flttt captain of th• Udo nett, was third In Ule aerl•. In. the 1'..e.hman1. John Colllday won the July 11r1ee. Jim Lewi• took the Aurust Mrtea. Bob Wannlniton led thl' Dlnkltt,na In July and Bob D•crett •-th• August eer1e1. The W1Mer of Ula BnoWblrd I clamplonlhlp, HUkell, wa. Ule winner of th• >.uru1t Hr!.. tn th• HJllor dl'llalon. Cadwal&der wu ucond and Jim Warmlnpn placed thlrd. In the Junior dlYI· •Ion, Vandervort repeated, Sandy Bredin placed eeeond and Judy Primm wu third. ISLAND CJl Ul8E • . M&rtnert1 are warned "' the U s. Coeat Oua.N of du· ae... fl"CSI Naftl ftnnc at the follow1nr plac.. OI\ San Clemente la&&nd: CuUe ~. Monda)' through rTlday, a a.m. to mld~bt; Saturday and Bun· day. dayllcbt houn. Pyramid C o • • , 11111'9• day and 1'rtday, a a.m. to 8 p.m. MAlll NE l TPBOLSTmlJfO BOAT OOVEU BALBOA CA!f'Vil UOP H ...... 224'h 2 ht St. NIWPOlf UAGH .. ...... Sept. 15 ...... 11 I IM ¢hi p.11 .. ~-~ ••099P ..... Ovtboartl 'M•rt. Ml I:, OoMt llWJ. ......, 1111 TOil !'Md UJe om. ........ W.Aft Ad; M wtn ,,_.. ,._. OUR PHONE HAS UIN CHANGED-THE NIW NUM•I Liberty 8-2276 • . ' STAFFORD & ION Electrical COfttructon 110 RIYenlcle Dr., Newport IMcla The trophy pruentatlon wu preceded by a. crulae to Shark Ialand for lunch and a awtm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:;~~~~;~ Inspection and Series Winnen Get Summer Trophy Awards Gordllo 11k1ppered by Paul De- veny, the boy from Santa Bar· ba.ra. Junior Ntllaon, hi• wheel· man. hu helped him a ccount for Vandervort won a 1ulta.bly prt· iii Happy D a Ya. Dan Thomp110n, sented bucket. Fleet captain Saw· Some 182 1klpper1 and crew• NllYC. yer announced th• wtMer1 of th• commodore CraJr Cadw.!ader Jr, of the Newport Harbor Yacht elub Non C&.lma wu awa.rded the l .B. Pottu Pe.r-petua.1 Trophy tor tha bell OT•rall performance ln the 19M NHYC 1NJT1mer racln( J>r<>JT&m. Pruentatlon wu made by J im Web1ter. Harbor founder cf the lnowblrd clau. Jim Warm· tn(toll wu eecond In the 1e&· 10n'• atandlnp and Peter <fflb third. · "beat the hut .. of La.._r Da.y ALBATROSS -Picaro, E. nr1t nl-t n1-t .... rl .. -rat ano Yu &Ir. It wa• Newport 1111 "" Lumpkin and Pintado. Dave Wll· •" •" .... · ,.. ' h W• k nd Ith r1 t .. l" second In th11 three-race ter'IN .JL'LY Sl:RJl:S: l e way. S11w Ben Arnell on r.e .,., W a H U o COil ltami . ooth VYC. Whl Sabre He waa unloadln' a full ractn.i in th• Labor D11y Revr· ·" LUDERs-1• _ o ••k ••·r, Jolt ch •tarted at 8 p .m . were HI flRh. Water Skis Tuuday (8 race•) Snowbird · • " ~ .,.... "' Hukell and Jim Warmln(ton. Sales I Rentals Div. J. Cralr Cadwal&der, Jim load ot happy puunsera, every· co.apon.eored by Newport Hai .x>r Farwell. NHYC: Zeat. Ed El~n· Dick s-et uliated Commo· Warmington. Pete Gelb. Div. n. I one toUnr albacore. Yacht Club and Balboa Yal'ht behu!, BYC; Lost Fortune rv. dore AnderHI\ wfth tb• pruenta· Tom Gatu. Bill Uoyd. Jim War· San Ditgo marlin fishermen. Club Th 1 1 di F'Ted Gltdhlll. NlfYC. tlon and extended the ..-utude Jone • thl' sporting boya, do r1.ght well · · e c LUU were 'ven Y • THlST' "" l ·'I •· -v1d d betw th t l b th · .._. -Anc enl p,... can. ot th• partJc1.,-Uns aklpper9 to Tbur9day c7 r&eea) Dlnkltttn. between IA J olla and End nlt1111. BYeC lnttn .... • wo f" u s w1 Georse Cornn, NHYC; Fla.II. John • ··n w·-. •en. •·rl aa-• Commercial men repoJ<t m an y rurut I u1a ocean courMI ~ .. .., " --~-Bob \\ armDl(t.Oll: uhm&n, John marlin a.re clo1tr to •hore than tor eight or the larger boat Ca.zltr and Brigadoon. Dick Wit· and Mrt1. Richard Manellua for Colladay. Oliver Criuy. . Snow· most plea.surt boata are trolling. fletts a nd ~HYC'1 Non • calm twer, both BTC. thelr work on th• race commit· bird, Div. I. Craig ~ad, .. tader. Albllcore are tUll running good dock the at.arUng point for eight INT. H -Green Drum, Peter t.M. Bill Coberly, ,Jim \\ armlngton; oft Todoa San toe !eland. They are lllTlall boat clauu. ' Serrell. BYC; Jet, Tomr.w Thom· piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~~·~:::: \\ arjone, Tom GatN, llWlnctnc out Into the steamer I BROIL •~ Sl'S ~·vc~c; Whllk, ¥,;Ulla ' Grant ~ T rop'11.. were allO praented tor five aeparate Mr1ea and & boat ln1pe<:tlon. Commodore Har· ry Mann and Port Captain Ed Wannlnitton ln1pected th• Leh· rnana and Snowbirds ent.er~d In the competition. Of the thrtt Lehman• entered Jlm Le,.,1a' Sur· prl•e Twl11t WAI judced be~t malntalntd. Of elfht Snowbirds Judged BHI Coti.rly'• Novla w1111 flnt. Sandra Steck'• Porn-A·Poco 1Hcond and Kathy Wall'11 Bluttte third. "ear Commodore Crary award· ed th' ln1pect1on trophlu a.nd 1he tollowtnc Mrl•• trophies: Al.'OUST UJUES: lane now. Comme~lal fishing In E ven betnc out on the water MERCURY _ Chief, J"k H•· Tuuday (8 races I Lehman. ~an· the north 11eem11 to be excellent I was !lOl much help on S&turday nauly, NHYC: Mlnnov.·. M. P'. cy Corkell, Win Fuller. Snowbird, but, the weathu 11 rough I and Sunday since the races were Stoughton, BYC; TIWcum, How· Div. l. Cre.tg Cadwalader, Ronnie \.\ant • haven in a roui:h sea? I moeUy dr1ftlnr matches under ard Wt.rd, CBYC. Merickel: Div. ll Bill Lloyd. P~U Into Mls~lon Bay bru~attr. the brolllng 11111' but Monday'I OCEAN R.AClNO -Symtonl, J h Sh I. J I W It• elmtl&r to B11lbo&, !l " open I even ta were bleeeed with a bri•k A.lb41rt MarUn, LA YC. o Sn t dame d Sm d &rJC08ne. •) to the publl<' And hu a t1a.ndv Westerly which whipped up a LEHMAN Bubble, Tom S a bulr dayDaln J ucn •,Y· C dracele little holtl. Anchorege walt>r ia small chop and the reaulttnc now r , v. , rag a wa &· 13 rut deep Ski.hill. Little Dipper. Fr~ .Mil· der, Jim Wa rmington. 8111 Cober· ' •pray over the bow w11.1 more ler, Jr., and Got Damp, Dana ly. Div. Il, John San1el. J im War· th11n welcome. Morrla, all NHYC. Jont. Bruce Cheaeboro. PC Fl t R All lntonnal dlnner dance at LEKMAN·12 -No Name, Har· Thuraday (5 races! Dlnkllttn, ee aces NHYC Saturday evening formed ry Bourrelo1. BYC. Bob Dllggetr. Ll'hman, J im Lew· p&rt or the eoelal 1lde ot the Dll\"KrM'EN -No Name, Bob 111. Snowbird. Div. J. J ohn Huk· to Avalon Back resatta a nd Sunday &ftem oon Daggett, NHYC. ell. Craig Cadwalader, Tom Galea f saw the 11&\lore rathered at Bal· 61'.'lPE -Our Gal. Marty Div. II. John Sh&mel. S1111dy Bre· l'ewport H11rbor's PC f14''t will boa YC for the trophy present&· Burke, BYC. din. Jim Warjone. launch the itart ot It• race Uon ceremonies. PENGUIN -Spook. Wee Pril· Complete r.-lta ln the 18 by and Challenger, BW K.nnedy, __________________ .._ _______ from here to Avalon 8&~ at clamM were aa follow•: both BYC. FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS By THE OLD SPORT It wu old home weclc laat week at San Diego with many of the local boy11 whooping it up. 9:30 a. m.11 off the brea.kwater RHODES -Sea Bee, Hook METCALF -Neptune. lAn· &nil th~ be buoy. It wu an· Bearcialee, NHYC: Flreny. J. Kt· c NHYC Mllnct'd tnday The return l"ac. well. BYC; Whim. John Ptarry nySN~~BIRD _:_ Novia, Btu Co· hl're will l!tart a t 10 L m · Sun· NHYC. ' berly and Zombl,, Cr&11 C&dw11.la· day. PC -Chllllenge, Dick Deaver. d,r, both NHYC: No N-.me, Gtd· Churk and J onnie Jame.eon w1ll BYC~ Slnbad. Ed Lllmar, VYC; ney Tilden. prm1dr 11 flnl!!h llnr 11board Pan·-=========================:::::; ,,r1r. r1n111here r&11111ni: between Ir htr and the cu lno. Panoply ta to be the committee boaL Coast Guard Wcwns of DamGCJe Navigation Aids MARINE CARIURITORS Re..an -Salee -Pub ZENITH a STROMBERG GEO. J. MIACHIM W9 W. Oout Blahway Liberty 8-1.MJ Down yonder we aaw twin Gene Hatch and hia Native United Statee CMl'lt Guard of· b . . . flcl11 l.s beUeve local mariners Son nng m another full load of albacore. He hit San 11hould bl! -med of cet"t.aln pro-1 Diego with at least 25 tom~. I vt11lon1 of Till,. ll3. Code ot P'ed· 1 Jo. Deem nn Dot L broug'hl to co after tho11e broadblll. Tl era! re~'Ull1tlon11 whic-h make It In 5 ton-ti.Ill lnad for hl11 38· i looked Ilk• Al Forglt In the pul· lllf'glll tn C1o 1111ythlng that will fnnter. Where'd they flnll them 7 pit. That C'ombo evrraJ:'t'll one In Hny w11y Impair 11111'fulnesa or ! Turtle Bay, about ~00 mllea be· I fish a day tor thrte daya off damage a1d1 to navlgatlon. Pen· low the hclrt1n. It 11how11 what I La J olla. 11ltlP11 tor surh c111mag11 nm from I overflahlor up here h1111 done. And 11peal<ing or tho~" plank 1 i r.oo tn 12~"10 fint'. t1r tmpraon· j That place 11 a fl1herm1n·1 para· 1 boata. They're a plucky little mPnt fnr trnm 30 <l&ys to one dllM'. flept or :18 tootf'r!' with a plank yeAr. I And. boy. that'• a lonir wa :v to whlch r1uU1 33 to 30 feet ou t bl'· Jn ca...e the d&mar• la done travtl all by your lon,.11omt In a I ynnd the hull A w ire rulplt Is by any kind of ll l>nat or raft :l8·ft. bnat. Vern Woodward la an· baJaitt'Pd on the end of the plank th• code nolu lb&l the cralt othu lone wolf. He taitg~ alonir l and the h1nponner 1t&nd1 out mAy be ~f'tud to ht'lp pay coat In Se& Spray anc1 brouirht In 5 thtre to \\'1tl< h fM the fln11. Of rtpalrll. In ad•llllon the boat t nn anothf'r full ln&t1. Gueu l.OOK FOR RROADBILL~ owner, or mu ter. mu11t nle a ~ll the brave ))(>ys uen't In the All_lb!!._Jllank boys..-do-J.a look rnpon cow•nns. lh' 1!.ttlde.DlL-.10.J.a-•=::.i:: army l tor broadblllJI, If you han a URi n'&l"t~t nrrt(''r In charge. I U 'C'llY 8TIUKF. 1,; 1:00<! rue of J1tler11. get in lh&t m&rlne in~pectton. J im P'la.harty hit S&n Diego crow11 nest atop the mMt 11.nrl with l:'l ton1 of alb&core on you'll be all by yo11n.-1r. You Harold I. Johnson Lucky Slrlk,. Jim livu at Av11· wnn t be aoing any place -just Jb Inn IUld hu quite a mackf'rtl lonkl.ng tor a p1fr of fln11. Th•t"ll Pri>JM!llar Rtp&I,.. hi11tOf)', but or &II the tr1p11. J im <:a.Im you down lo fllce the wnrl•I. Columblan and Federal H l<I tbll WH It. • : man. MloneA~=r 820 J u11t picture thl11. J lm 11:11<1 Alert h1u H brnlldbllla to It• there were bro111lblll ln th• mid· 1 crelllt and -4\er running male. 1111 \'Wa Way, Newport Beach nle ot the alb1u·nr,. ct rrle. Yf'I· lnwtall wPr' hUtlng and c1nlphln wne m11klng Ith• [Til!!.tnlble on the jig whll,. th11 •lby11 were t ry· I In,; tn ff',.d at thr 1111me llmf'. I Man. wh11t a thrre ring C'lrcu• (lf p11ral1l111'. Th11t'11 Turtlr Ray I Afr"llln /or you. And th'r" Wf'r•' nt hl'r old :'lli-w- JW'rltr• down thu. C'y Miller. tht 0111 m11n of the <if>f'Jl, h1u l P tnn ' albat"orf' lo hl11 o:-rtdlt. Th•l'• llflme nl!llnf for • l(lnf' wnlt., 81°• nfarlng 70. 11C1 If you v.·ant tn 1tay healthy. h •h on 11. 341.rt. lone wolJ boat. ln"ll.n8 1U"T C"OSTI.. ,. , KeMy Hlg(1nton 111 trytng to• l'lrown Illa 90FTUW• ~cause he built a new boat at high pr1cea. Ktnny did • rood jnb Of It too. But then, the tollowl.DJ day, Ult •~ ralM on a lbyw came throuJb and helped Ill• hanrovn a lltU,.. Kenny dubbed hi• n'w ~at P it F•1~·d another Nev.1>0rter v.·u In 1 8an Dl,go. Chick Rawlins bM a I buutlf\11 anchorace and moorln1 at UI• llOUthern port. Thie pl11.ce S1 really a delwrt hanf'Oul for commerrlal flahennen. Who waa that harpocaer Bobl Jhwort'h ehlpP'<f on hi• Alert th11 WMk. Tht ·h11rpooner claim• &b put out a hurT11d ca.JI fM an txpert man W1U1 the •ticker ....... -~ ~ UHclWl .. rcl Boat Ba.,.alns 1991 Harbor ..... Costa Mesa Daily 'til Sept. 18th WE HAVE 'EM Those quiet JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS All Siles 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Tnde.tn1 Bank Tenna FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Pam Stock See Us For All Your loatint Needs Slllall Sa .. ,,_ ,,_ SOUTH OOAST 00. II~ 411 N-..rt lllft. You A a t h o r h e cl TBALOO P1berglul Dealer ID the Barbor area. Brine your tftMilo. ,.... proble1D9 to ... $111.00 Pacific FilMwtlau Mil w. OeMt 11W7. l'1a. LI t-H '7t LYU A. I IOSllN & SON AcroM from AU·Ammcan Mkt. 2127 W. Cwt Hwy. Lii arty 1-1171 RANCH ESTATES by CLIFF ·MAY Created by your demands ••. Cliff Mey, the net ion• a most outstanding, e ward -winning re n c h h om e de s i g n e r hes brought to life a modern ranch Htate that is spectacular! IN TUmN The Fabulous "lel·Alr" of Orante County! This site has been named Orang• County's most beautiful new home development. 80' lots and highly restricted for buyers who went Hclusion. Just 38 Hlect ranch homH-80°!. were sold opening day. See these homes end you will be convinced - priced from $13,800 to $16,500. 3.4 ledrooms-2 laths VETS -NO DOWN! (Only costs ancl lmpo•uh > From the beach go straight out Newport Blvd. to U.S. Highway I 0 I (First St. in Senta Ana). Go out I 0 I to Redhill (Just past Tus- tin High School) and turft right to the homes et Redhill and Ir- vine Blvd. G1 ... M. Holltalft & Sw. 1•~1rs Pk. Klfllla1rfy 2·3493 for lttfonnatta• _ ... ·~ .. P.A:GE •. PART 1-lilEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESs i---------------'LaVeme ' & .. Ls FM>AY, SEPT.'· "55 MESA EMOTIONS MIXED ON A>a EXCLUSIVE FREEWA y I SMOG SERVICE TOLD 1a .:~~~ .. ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ,,. Jury Trial In -------------s1d Foster Dies TODA Y'S N. Y. STO~~ tn LA.; was REPORT & COMMENT Island Resident 'Sit-Alert' RepCN 11 Another News-Preu Will .. Service By PAT MICHAICI• SANTA AJfA., (OCNSl-Ever.-pandinc Orange Coun. ty New• s.rrice will be(in .ervtc. Monday of a.n excluaive and unique •rvice. Through the Newport Ha.rbor·Newa Pl"t'N and OCNS-radio KWIZ news room lrl Santa Ana, manbera will fumilb readen and liatenen with up-to-the· minute Information on h'«Wa'!f con1ld•rlnl' •dd!nir a 1lm1lar efn1t and 1moe ooncUUOu tht01.11'hout to tn.lr radio department. louth•rn oauton.l.L l!llt..al•rt I• th• rMUl t of con-rr--., tle-upa will b4 known certed action by lh• coonJln•t- bi1lae,tlJ', their e&UHI e.nd prob-lns rouncll of South•m C.Jlfor- ab• leafth ot llm• 1l will t&kl hi• law enforc•ment lfenclt• a drtnr to get throuirh ea.th and t h • Southern CallfomL& arattlo del•>'· Broa.dca1ten Auoc!&t/on uUlh::1nc "'1!110-AJ..UtT' a •~la/ radio frequenr.)' u a mean• of lnformlr.c the public nf anythlne In the publlc Lntere1t. l:M.l:RGl:!'OCV USA.Gr: c..-m-Ma,c~I ? • p tt D th 1'>1t O th• ~og Coo .. N oM mo.hm h•U mMI "" elTe ea quentJy, hut it \1 not lt1' l"lne City M1nager Geora;e Coffey SANTA A NA, ICP'J', t IOCNll) -N EW YORK NOON COM· told council member• Tut-.day nlctlt ht get• con1ta nt We· phone complaint• about. The IOl\I" ti• tle•r• objeeted to 11 th• one pl&y!Mt by I'"• c1T11m vendor' u the)" dnve •bOut tl\1 Mt.._, . C01.1nclln1an A. L.. P inkley, .,../,o 1ell1 ll"e erffl m hhnH lf, w111t on record u nQI 1n lv11'11nx to vote fflr anything Iha! woold hamper hi• c:ompe:tll\on i nd th• rmtlltr wa1 r'f'ferred 10 Don Dune&n. city 1 ttomf'y. "Whal'• th• mattt·r with the old togie~ !" d'n1anded Mr•. W&lter Weim,r. ""Tho~• wa(QT11 don't r11ake half the noi .. lh1 1ruck1 do and the k 1d1 l1 k1 thf'm." EDUCATOR IU TAX RATE SET SANTA ASA !OCN8l --Ac• MEN'T-Complled by a. c. a.r- cu&ed ot bu.tine a 21-Ytar·old Lil• 116', o.an Wltltr 6 Co. -Ttl• An(ele1 coll..-e 1tud11Dt to d•atll market oJ*led on a nrm ion.. '"'Ith a 1Uck 1n N1wporl Beach. pa)'tllg little a ltenUon to ldopUoA Robert H. La\'eme, 33. of San of a 2"'-per cent red\llCOUllt rate G•brlel yc1terd1y pleaded Innocent by .ix mott. federal ~...-n blnka. and .. kid for a jury trlal. lndieaUnc thl• dtwloptftftlt ha d Superior Court Judge John l!ltlea been w•ll &nth:lpal .. d aNI di ... Jet the m&111l1uet1ter trial lor 9:30 counted. 1.m. Oct. 17. Prevlou1ly, ltl• ju41 M'anwhlle, most of the recent df'n 11d • rnotlon by Def. Alty. 1 .. der1 ere firmly 1upportlfd at Jamu CantUlon to di.mi.. the. their hll(tu. U. 8. Stie-el. All•irtleny ch&r(f'. • 1 Ludlum, and Republl~ Steel art. Jud&• Shea held lhe Only ~NUI amOJ\8' \he 1trong 1tttl 11aue1, bf>fore him "'"... 1'."hether the d•-UM latter coiittnulnir to r•flact feni:lant a<:lld wUtl "riea.ontble It. .xpanlioq pl•n•-U . I ." Stffl Horace Ensl"gn Co11ti•Ded trem P1Nl Pap furce" In the elubbln1 to deat h or appeara well 11tuated to ant1el- fn1m .0278 to .0268 and the cowi-rvtnl" ft. Perrett on July 23. pal• l'xcallf'nt ,.m1nc1 and a ty rn01qulto lbl;.lemen\ dl•lri Th• Judge explalnl<I, "l don't problbl• dlvtdfnd incr1a.M, while Treated at follow your arsumenl. The quN-.All•rheny Lu d Ju ll1 l'I• been ff'Jt frvn1 .011 0 to .0080. Metro-tlnn I• whittler the d1fe11d'"t act-through a period of con.0Ud1Uon polltan \\'ater Dl1trict 1111 thollch ed rM.aOn&bly." and •P~tr1 &ttr1cuve. H H "t . , I.he Co&atal MunJeipal Water DI•· Cantlllon contended tt11 prOM-Dlg osp1 a t r!ct t nr Newport B@ach dropped cut.Ion bued H• chug .. on te1U-OILS rN Ll:AD n"IOD)' Of lh• detuidant &t a pr•-Otlli Ire fl"'1 W'lder kaderlhlp Horiu:e Ell.elm -veteran l\"ew from ·30 to ·27 per ltOO. Umlnary hurs n1. Ht ... ertad that ot R.o)'&l D\l!eh. which advan("ed ' • · 1 Tht Iota! ra te 1pp1Led to net ed Into a new ht1h g-round and Al· por t Bf'ach Elementa.I)' Se llool 111.x11blt value: ot aJI properly In p~v~.'.;. W.~e:!"l)'ln. i:.,~e:~•rrett Le.ntlc Rttln.lng Co .. which con- Dcll trlct educator who r'f'tlred lllllt I.he city Jaat year wa1 15.6010 alter h• Mid he NW tum Window ttnu .. 1ttr1eU•1. Earnlne• of Al· ye1r. today 11 In Hoq: Ho11pl!al I.,, will bo ... 1300 •• ,, ''''· •·. I I d b S h C I h • t II "' --plo• H•'ll be trlod by ju Lanllc Ret1nln1 Co. ar• t1Um&ted mp emente y out ern • -Wtler• e wu t1 .. en o o.,.•\nr • krl said. Tht county aanttaUon .---· f1· Uorr.11 law t nforc.-nmt a1tene!e1, e ere b r • J t1emorrt111.ge Monday The defendant ll tree on ba.11. In thl J ,,...f.110 ran,-1 ttll1 year. the u• of tht 1le •lert 11y1l1m nl1tlt a t hl11 home, 307 E. 2t•t $t .. 1'"' rate for Dlatrlel Ii roH lllcht-pendtn1 court dl'termln9tion of providLn1 111c1L11nt eo•,r'l'e tor for public Information w ill be Co11.t. MeM. :·~11fryo:11.r .. 31i94 lut year to .SM-& h.11 c-. th• 12 d111idlftd Which afford• • "'I t .... 0 ' d ' 1--------------r1turn of II p • r cent. M'rl" m• 1 ("ft! • n m~n in Ho1pi!a.I 1lllendant1 ltlla after · emergency _ either n11.tural or noon reported hi• condltlOTl 11 Tot&! rlile l ppllad to land and Manikin left lald rumor• have bffn heard which man mad• -eondltlon1. i 'falr,'" improv1men1.1 only, ~fore e11unp-•re contrlbuUng tow&rdl prtNnl Ue of th•ll' v11or. wl!h moat unit• acUv• ud •t.n:lnl:· Aluminum Ltd. hu •ncouDl.tr«t a IUPPIJ' clOH to th• hl&'h. but II well •Oppof1td and In potl,Ucm to b..-k OUL Elee.· Uon to ltop orde.-. Ill North Am- trleui broqht lr«C"Ularlty Into the avtl.tlon MC:tlon. alt.hOU(h doe· Ing and. 0..rT"ett corp. hold'" •ell. \l'o'\th n cell.rit crowth proepeet. &nd 1.-r-L•• muiaiemenl. Gar· r•tt 1ppear1 very reaeonably pric- ed, alfordlnl" a better I.ban 5 rier cent return trom th1 Indicated S2 ralt. lf•v1 noted tn th• pul lh• t'Olll\rueUv1 performance and potential In Amencan C7uilmtd. Cul'HnUy the il•u• ta rtfleettn1 the potential of 1 dividend lneHaae and hlcher 1ar11Lng1. At euTl'ent L••tl• Uie lNue hu r.cov1red lo within 1tr1k1n,-di.lance or H1 1961 hll"h. Wh\Le .om• conenllda- llot! m•r be rtquir~ prior !O penetration. the L••ut-("OUld be quLt1 dynamk . Ratll'le an excel· ltnl rtcard and oont1nutd One Sid J'Mtfr , et, noll'd f()(lf- ba!I .na tl'll("k rD'-r h '"ho turn!'d out tor t-.m• ror o\•er 30 YNni 1t Manual Art• Hl&h School. Loa Angele•. d~ed )'••tenlay at Doc· tori Ho1pn1I of a heart •llaek. H1 t.d l'f'lirrd In lOtl~. F'o1ter hid h~f'd In N1wport H&rbcn' durint · tht 1un1mer mont~ ever 1lnl't building-'hi. hom• at 331 Coral A vt. tn th• t:ar\y 1120.. The brllhant (1(-clde:nta/ 1"'1dll'OQ i nd track 1t1r, ~K•n 'tU • ea,..r h• UllI It )olenu1I Arl.f •nd that n.-.t year h11 footti.11 te1n1 won th• 1!alt hllf'. fou r year• Later w•r"' cit y ch•mp. &nd Urd ror th• UI..., In 1023. Purine the 1032 Olympic Gamt1 he wu 1n ch•rre of •roortll event. at the Coliatum, w.a •I"" a<;llvt 111 p1't'par1tloiu tor tl\e an- nual CoU1eun1 Rrl•y•. J.'m trr (1 1urv1Ved .by hi1 wif•', ltlhrl. 1nrt • dauctiter, Rub&.-.. o.,,., ... _. Funtral H f)"l("el 1"iLI be l\rld 1001ntTQW In C'hurl'h of th• R~e..iona/, l"nre•t Lawn. rrowth pl"Ollpt'Cl• feel flnanc:e1 are Tha n>•rk•l'I abiht)' tn 1hru,: ("on•um1tive 10 !hi t rerard Amer- 1 :iff tt>d•Y'• ~·r!Mtlt• neYI .. I• rnoet \("All Cye.ntmld h11 • very a ltrae· ~nitructtv1 l l'!d with llem&nd eV1- Uve longer term '"ommlttment . :tent In • good 1111 ot quality i.- wlth favorable nea r ttrm m•rke! 111111, look tor a flm1 clOIJe. pott.nUal. Amonc higher priced 1pe.cia.Jty Luuu. dem.t.nd for Reynold.I Met· al1 when ia.utd·•lock hu rffllllM In a "'"Ide 11.ln once again ("&lltne 1ttentlnn to Aluminum Ltd.. Royal Pow .lmiM I p.m. A,._.,._. .. !O lnduatrlall ....... 474.1' off O.H 10 Rall• . ····-··-Hl2.48 up 0.111 Iii Ul!lllltl ... :_ e& 42 off O.OI The lnlormatlon Wiii be eathtred "1 a unique machine tn1t11.ll1d to- 4ay ln Ill• radio KWIZ nf'WIT'O()m, It l1 a eombln•llon radio recetv- ft·tn.narnlttu couplad tn a ~pee· lally-d.n..d tape recorder. TM Titntt wtU '9 part of what otflcl- &111 l•nn the "•lg·t lert warning lr,fll•m." Thi only unit author· bed for lnat•Jltti(ln ln the county WIU M the one •t KWJZ. How- a..r, th• 1herlfr1 office i1 N id Th• meua•et will be •en! from lion• wilt be the •m• u "lhe Saen a blon&I wil" wa/kln1 atnn1th. Sine• th. lllU• 1 ppev1 En1lrn wu named prlnc1pol ot DI '" 1 0 1 a-" d lat 1 , J H 3 ••••••bl• bl , _ _. Dutch, N1tlonll t..ad, Mlnneeota a member unit to all other un\ll. Newport Beaeh 111 1920 when the _"."-''---•-•.·--------I •u n •Y · erry IPI of '06 r-"'aaon• y pre.,.. on t p.m. 'l'olume: 1,400,000 va. l ,280,000 on Thured&y. Each receiving unit wHI bt 1urn• ·-hool •·•· o• <h• o<o•• t•o•t Newport Blvd. told pollca Wed-Ill own merit., ft'I tha t Atl&nUe MlnlnJ an~ Mfg .. Goodrich, &nd I One r.f the h11"de~I •~ell for .. ' ti I' b '"" •---. .. " ,.., " naeday one w• .tolU11 1-""' "'"'""f CO hu a-1 Prot:tor and Ga mble. "'"hl("ti are in , mon t n kPep I• hi• optrunn of on •u oma ca 1 Y u•• ...... i-and liter de1troyed by the 1&33 Pa-, Wal'-• TakH . ..,., · .... --· mlt!er of th• or1,g\natlng point. earthquake. Jn 1930 he waa elect· " 1• HltT l orl;;;;;h0";;;;;•0'°0H;;;;;d0'0m;;;;m0t0H0.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;A;;;;l"0m;;;;lo0~;;;;;;;;;otoe;;;;;0k0•0h0"~·-·,_•;;"";..;;',"•·~pot'-l"tl;;o~o;;;;to;;;;;0w000•0k;;;;;•0•0•0.00.;;;.-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;h0lm0~;;;;;10r.;;;;;;..;;..,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-; If the machine L• not •m&nnfd, ..,d iuperlnt•nde.nt In '"hure of G. M:. Oood of Arcadia told po- thf' tape recorder a ttached to Ule 000 pupil• lh the loea.I ICh()(lle lice V.'edneaday a pair Oil blue each unit will ·autom11.Ue1\ly rt• and rec•H• !hat after the earth· denim !rou1t.n and a brown -.1- eord U'le meaaag,. Then 1 •J>e• quake the pupl111 were 11eattered let contalning $18 and Jde.nUnca· ("111 aign11J device w!ll be Hl otf all over town, e\uae1 being held tion wer• taken from hi• unJ0<:k· to call &tttntlon lo the fact th1I In the Ebel! clubhou8'. prlve.le f'd car parked at l&lh at. &nd 12-1..o.t and Found LOST-Ma.n'1 2 car1t d\1mond 1 meuage hu bffn recorded. • home•. re11taurant, churc:he• and Ocet1.11 P'ront. rt laln o ti N The unit wtU tell the IYJl"' and even In an old mortuary. ~·:.Uta':.~; ;:;n:ew:3~,· ~~~~ntofof ~'~~~ne~l~~er e:~.c:~~: En1J~ helped design and look OIL ACTIVITY call RYa.n l-8293. t. 1 durition ot the_ unerren'"Y· the '-fler con11trueUon of the Hor1ce exact a r,. 11 affected, nainlng £11111~ 1chool IUld devoted moat bolUldll ry 1tr'''• or apecifi'" toe•· of hi• time t n 11Upl'rviston &nd \Ion of oecorance . .,.•iU give rf'• thf' bu11in~111 tnd of lhe !!Choo! DISHOMATJC $7S. Tnp load t lec-commended route• or course of 11ystem. Irle dlahwuher, run• eood. Wiii &ctlon tor people to follOYI" find Deciding lo r'tlre Ln 19~3 En- dernon1tnit•. L.Exlngton 8-33117. namt the ore•nl&atton send1ne 1\p recon1mended 1dvancen1ent In Hunllngton 8"aeh the Douir· 1111 Oll Co. t• making prov11lon.1 ror the tnfll1Jlal!on of a Kobe un- :lerground pump to place Into pro- :lncllon the1r No. 1 .,.,ell Into th' lld1lan<.111. The eorqpany ucured th• I,._.. of 320 aero of •tale 1ldtl1nd11 pr11cUc.Uy under the Huntln({ton Beach Munlt.ip&I Plu. ff\"' well 11 drilled to a bottom of '82!! feet and h• been (>IU(ced bllt.k to 3800 feet. 3et the meuage. of h l1 ;'1nctpa.1, Roy Andersen, --------------lt1 bulc Wit' will b4 c:entered and he hlmt~lf b-Pe11.me U 110Cl1te around free.,.·ay tr1fflc. It will 1uperlnte;ndf'nt tor one year. At t•li which •rta i1 e~mpl,tely the meeting the board m1mber1 IPORT FlliffJ:R SO ft. 81.s ft. bloc:ktd, or nearly ao. by wuhed· expre-.ed w•rm apprecia tion tor beam ,new en(\ne, new 111 out brtda-11, l&11d1/ld1111, denM tog. l:n1lgn'1 work In devtlopine Ille t111k1, 35 wa tt radio. 2 bunk.a, fir• or a tnlftc accident, It will edueaUonlll l)'•t•m of the cl!1!rlc:t. haad. Uve ha.It taaka. Aho Ct'l'e adv&nce warn.ins to m otor· En11i~ c11mf' to Cal\fon111 from Gr&J' Marine •nl"ine 120 h. p. till of expected tn.ftk: pe11k• hi• n11.tlve K11.n11a• ln 191."l to do Jndle&Uon1 are th1 weU will be On1 '60 h.p. lfudeon Invader, durtn1 each day -W&Tnlnc lt a· cnduat• work at UCL.A 111d • good produe1r. Th• I-to complelaly overhauled. A-l eond. -v.ler• when t.IMy can 9 peet practice tea.ch ine . He taught at Ooug'lu Oil lle1 .eaward of Ocf>&ll. LI 1-7002. 3.c:6 long de\aya on trwway1 and tell Oce&nvlew until employed bJ Blvd .. M\we:en Flnit and Eighth 29 rr. P'Zl!IKfNG BOAT, ~m­ m ercla/ or pleuure. Rebuilt .ri- etne, -1\lp to 1hore. A·l condi- tion ll~OO. Ill ft. 1allbo1t. ma.ln- 1111 • jib, new p1tnt job, com· plete 111~. Call LI 8-3.907. l et 40-Auto. for SUti the ti.ete•t IU'-tltute route• the Newport Beach boa rd. 1trett1. av•llable to the motorin1 publ!e l EnllKfl. wu 1trongly in f&,,or to reach main lrnnt.nall. of brlehtening eourH1 of •lu\l y ~f:~' "'JLDCAT \\"ELL Tl'le Ufl1 of th• 1tg-a/ert 1yateml to nui.ke them more &ttractlve to At t he other 'nd of the County allO will be 1xt•nalv• Jn cu 1 ot pupil•. Add!Uon of better and ::if On.nre. Continental Oil Oom- naUonal or loea/ danger <Ne to mor• lll~tr&llon• he believed hid p&ny i• wlldeattlne between o.n.a radl1 Uon, r..irplollv• I( .... or h.lghl been of dt!!nlt1 benefit to th• Point and San Juan Captrt.rano velocity w1nde. It a llO may be pup1l1t. 1ppro:11:1n11tely l mile """t or the UHd for fv1eu1tln1 danger •re•• MiS11ion near ~I Rio St. by 1nnouneinc lo ~11lde11t1 ("tr-bit to th• ....,.pie of Orange coun-\V!th the redoubled oil acUrity, JtGS CHRYl!ILER Wtndaor &.On· I •·-N B h h Bei l taln local hazard•. ty. s o many of l tle nelghbor1 1lhe City of twport -.e 11 f lll•I owner. clean car. Slg-ilert tr&l'flc and 1merg1nryl w!in llve llmoni: U• !riv.,-! the been receiving mol"9 adv1ee from nffer taltu. Har. 07 18. 3e5 Information wllL be m•tle av11\l• fretwfl)'• earh Usy. Mmt of them 111 oil •ud!tor-produ("Uon ip«Lal· able to member new1papere be· workln1t \n the Lo~ Angel•• 11.rea.!l11t1. ShtpJ>"'rd·Pendleton, th• f1rm 48-A-Apta. f o r Rent fore deadline t a.ch day, g1v1n&: thHt up·ln·t h• n1fn11te 1nrorma-whlcn lH '"mployt'd to guard the lt t!•l bulleUn1 &nd lntorm1111on 1 Uon on our a/rea.dy-("loggr d frl'f:-Cit)' of Lo11g Be._ch muniol.pal oil YEARLY 1..EASE. NEV.' unf\i rn. on ftttw1y ltld ot ll.er <!0nd1Uon1. way• \II neceMary. Ttlrou11:t1 our L!llllinJi: oper11Uon1. 'nle ronetm 2 bdrm. gar. a pt., 1'1111 \11.undry AN011fl:R OCN8 l!lt:KVlCE broe.dcfl~t &nrt \hrOllftl OCNS r c.:elvtll $ 475 per month from rm. $85.-'f20l Seaitlore Orlve, Th• unit w11 broueht to Or· member n!w1paper1. ·we will be !'ewpott Be1ch to check MOfl· N•wport. Jc 1n,;1 County throuJh the effort• able 10 lnlorm the g'l"t'lltt11I 11er· terty'• oll oper&Uon.e for th• city. 1 ot n.dlo KW1Z pre1ldf'nl. Ern!1I centai:e tit Oran1o:e County 1~11i·1 Sailor. fllplalned tha t ~hould '88-Bomes for Reat Spenc,r. Spenw r I• a director of dent• 11.boul tr11ffic, weath'"r and r.tonter'f'.>"• dr!ll1ng o~ratll'!nl ln- Ule Southern California BrO'-d-11mo11 pn •blem11. Thl11 i11 a 11erv1c•1lo the 1tatt UdeL1nd1 pool prove ONE B!:DRM. HOUSE nJRN c11tn'1 .Aleo<'i•llo11. that ,..t' of r1dio K\\'IZ 1111d OC-1ucxentul I.be f Ir m ' a eontn.ct N.._r Ctty Hall. Newport Beach "We IHI." Spencer aa\d t oda y i\"S Art rroud t~ 1rtd to our fll· wllh the ctty malice& an off.et U 8-325;'" 3eS "!hit thl• Hrv1rl! wUI bl! v11lu1-elhtlf'll," .,.·ell mandatory. • SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! ON GUARANTEED MEATS Selected Eastern ... , from Nebrasko-Montana SIDE AGED -WRAPPED -QUICK FROZEN FORE QUARTER HIND QUARTER • SPECIAL ON STEAKS • u. s. GraclH N. Y. Delmollico STEAK U. S. GraclH POlt..tlouse STEAK ... Special -One WHli Only U.1.GndodOllOICE SIDE OF BEEF lb. WE GUARAN11E OUR MEATS lb. lb. 45c HARBOR MEAT CO. 411 JOlfi St. Newport 81adt Hcabor 0718 MILLER'S LUCKY 7 KAR· KORRAL Orange County's Largest USED CAR LOT . 700 W. COGlt Hwy. Over to 65 Late Model Ccn & Pick-ups lflese Choose from • • • • • at . Ridiculously Low Prices 1953 CHEV Conv. Cpo. R-H , Pwr. Gl ide-- WSW TirH-Bluo with Bluo Top $1495 1951 .OLDS Holiday Cpo. R-H, Hydro. - WSW Tires-Croom with Black Top - Interior Liko Now! ...................... $1245 1951 DeSOTO Cu. Clb. Cpo. R-H, Auto- matic -Now TirH ............... ~ ................... S 665 1954 FORD V-8 Fordor Sod. Jot Bleck with WSW TirH ......................................... SI 195 1952 HIUMAN Convertible, R-H , A Goa Savor! ................................................................ S 595 1951 PONTIAC Chioft•n Doluxo 2-door, R-H. Hydramotic ................................... S 695 1953 CHEV "2 1 O" 2-door. Sold Serviced by Us! . new and s 995 1953 CHEV Clb Cpe. with all Chevrolet ecces1ories ..................................................... S 895 1949 MERCURY Clb. Cpo. -R-H, Over· drive .. S 365 1950 IUICK Convertible. R-H, Dynellow. Mochenicelly Perfect! .. S 595 1951 OLDS Super 88 4-door sedan. R.H, Hyrdamatic. Original thruout! $1095 1951 STUDEBAKER V-8 4-door. R-H , Auto- matic ................................................................ S 395 1951 PONTIAC Chieftan Dix. 4-door sedan R & H ... .... ... ...... .... .. .................. _.. S 665 1952 CHEV Bel Air Sport Cpe. R-H. Power- Gl ido $1095 1950 FORD-V-8 Station Wagon. R-H. Over- drive S 695 1951 PLYMOUTH Belvedere Hardtop Con· vertibht, R-H. New Engin e plus New WSW Tiru .............................................. . ...... S 695 e e TRUCKS e e 1954 CHEV. t Ton Pick-up. Dix. Ceb-H-12,000 actual miles 1953 FORD t Ton Pick-u p. Fordomotic ............................................................................................... . 1952 CHEV t Ton Pick-up -Hooter end 2spero tirH ............................. -............................ . • 1950 FORD j Ton Pick-up -Hooter end 4-apood tran1mi11ion ....................................... . 1946 CHEV It Ton Flot Bod -2 1pood root axle and oxcollont rubber . 11lese and many more to dloose from at Miller's Lucky Seven Kar Korral may be boucJhf -With No Dawn Payment $1195. s 995 s 795 s 595 s 295 MILLER . CHEVROLET 700 W. CNll. Hwy. UIMrty 1·2261 • ' ·- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE BEAUTIES OF TWENTIES They called the decade "The ltoaring Twenties" and thia picture brings memory to DUUlY of those yeara. This photo wu taken June 25, 1922, abowing the bathing beautiea in their then 1ather daring 1uita. COXOl9llOW -Jut like now they had traffic jams in 1909 herP. Model Te mAlllcl a 11p rib 10wboat1 and vacationers at the beach. A-~. .,,, , EARLY LOOAL PICl'URE -Thia photo waa taken in 1896, fou r years after townaite wu laid out. The better campsites then rented for $8 a month-quite a eoatrut. DOWN AT STATION -Balboa'"' beach at Station in 1910 was aun swept scene. Developers of area at that time tried to aell Iota from $100 to $300 TIUNGS PICKED l 'P -With twentieth century only five yean; old when this photo waa taken, AND LOOK AT IT NOW -This 1955 view of Lido Shopping Center area recalls this onre was part of swampland McFadden brothE>rs bought in -.ch. Bat lb 1012 ba,_.. -.p.;n.d. "But that~ 40 mllee trom Lo. •=11Jee!"° juet one year before city incorporated. there were only 54 votera. Of theee, 42 favored incorporation. the nineties for $1 per acre. Now the city'R year- round population la officially 18.541. thousands more In aummer. ' Historic Newport Recalled Old Days Here Saw Incorporation Voted by 42 to 12 Th• C'lly (lf .Nf'WJ"'rl Bf'&;;h bfo~an Ill IHt round with th .. "J.~ahulnu11 F nrtin" nn St>pl. I. Now tl11 C')'dt> nf liff' 111 r11r1c1ly appro.,chlng 1la 1:(l1t1t!n Yf'ar &nt1 f1tt1t>th an- nl\'f'rs&ry. The Cit v nf ?'\ ~wrort Bf-al'h w•8 mcorporst C'<I St'pt. I, l!l\lfl 1'h .. \'Nf" wu U to 12. Although the lity'a tu11tory datt>d nt'&rly & hall et>ntury bf'fore 1t11 mcnrpor11llon. 1t wu lhto mf'llMf'r l>Pglnn.nga of & munlC'i[llll d1recllon tha t bl'ought 1bout thfl u!tun11te df'· velopmenl th&l we all • nJoy today. ll w1111 f1tt.1ng that th" g1 .. att11l rrowd11 In tht' hu•- tory Of the City n O('kPd \n the 111\Vtr llr&no1 &nd bay11de bf"achf'a ol\rr t~." an111vrra11ry W!'ekend. Even lhOUj:h lhf' reorl!' W'ff'I driven here by heal of th~ inland a reu ru1- d ent11 of the City #If 1'1'"' pm t AP11c·h r an h*' proud that lhl'lr pr~d•·l'e><11<1r" h11t1 &f'f'll tit to preMrvf' ,·ast the exp11rtM'1 nf l'ac1fl<'· WL~hed 88.lldll. When the McF\1dden brot hen1. Jwwa anrt Rob<>rt, atartetl their lumbf"r bunneic" 1n 1873 wtlh a 11h1pmf"nt hf ft'm·I' po~t11. It r11n b4! &&Id thst Newport Buch w11a born There wu not much morr th11n a do.-k and a small "''"rehouse ill th11 Oran.:~ <.:ounly harbor then. Now 1t la one or Souther n C'aJ1forn1a'a moat noted n 'llnrlJI a nd yacht harbors. Buy 1887 the McF'.td•tf'n-had b\Jllt • pie r, &nd their lumbf'r bu111nl'l\3 h .. t1 hrsnrhf'd out into gener&i ahlpptrjt. To rromotl' Newport Hubor, the b1other11 built 11 1111lr(lad to Sant& Ana. It wu compl~ll'd an 11192. The enlupr1aJn1r brothffll alrudy had purc~d 1000 acru of awamplanc1 from the atate &t $1 &n acrf". The land lncluded the entire Nrwpart dl•- tncl, the pen1n11ul& from Ninth St. to 40t.h St. and what 1• now known u Lido a.nd Bal- boa hlanda. Th& town .. 1te w•• l"d nut 1n 1892. S3 t;A.\IPtUTt:~ Evi.n in tho11e d&ye b8rk rounll v ran. hera and townapeoplr 11warmcd tu thr b<'1<rhe11 1n horee-drawn wag1m11. Tht bett,r i<rllllhllre campaltea rented for u much a11 $8 a month. With the comlng of the r11llrnnd. tou1 li<l busineNI boomrd. In 189:1 thf' M; "'8dl1»• a built the Newport Holel. Th" br<>U1er11 m11'1ft no charge tor pa.uage on the nltl1·f111t1 110111 Santa Ana to the bea<'h, for •II whn l'llllor to Newport were certtun to bl' ; ur.tnm<11u on on• way or another. Jn 1899 the McFadden• aold th• 11 rail- road. The brot.heni dldn't knu,\ 111.tl ,. buyer wu &n •cent tor t he Suulht'm Pac11 u, an orgamzaUon tht')' conaldut'd an "i-nemy ' They had hopl"d their line would remsin In- dependent or be JOlnf'd to the Santa Ft The line which the }elcF&ddena ftarf'd h u conlnued to bll(hl the d owntown &rl'll of old Newport with Ill un11chUy ""J>Ol &nrt r&llro&d yard that 1t la• lf'aacd &a a lum~r yud. Although th• mlllnlinf" which the Mr- f 'addcn• built to f"nOOUr&&f" lhe a rowth &nd developmf"nl and link the city Of !l:f'wp<>rt Benrh with thf' county 8t'&l a t Sa.nt& An& hH long C'f'a.wd to eJUsl and tl8 ril'hl-<>f-way hu b"rnma the propel'\y of the at11tf'. the line which lhe S outhern Pacif ic w11a to u t 1 n I through \ti P1u·1rtc l!:lectru:: Railway 1uba1d- lary, hn11 also reL'!"d to atrve lht1 <'lty The Mr Fat1d"n" trlt thf"Y h11rl brf'n tril k • I'd They deculrtl 1,, pull 1111l of Nrwport, a n<t ln 190:1 tlwy ~ .. 1c1 their rror .... rly tn II RlVl'r- 111.-te rPBltor. W1lll"m ~. Cnlhr.,., Th" rrire "'"" $~,OJ)l)O •• ,Jl onrluuw 10.0fHI lot .a. nA1.n7'>A '"'·"~·o ""~ Ball><1a hl11 nrt. 1110 "' r•'" wu rBIHll from the 11en wh1 n I h" ha 1 bor w1111 rlrf'l11tf't1. Tha.s WUI! \hr b!'j.;lnntnl( "' yPllll' nl 1nll'nl'IYe harb<'>r drvelopm• nt. ln 1906 Nl'Wf)f•rt Bi'•l<h "'c'~ in111q11ir11tf"<1. F ew prople Wl'rt> h\01ni; hr1" th••fl 1'h,. 1nrnr- poratlon elf'<'ll"n brnugh1 ••Ul 11111\ ~" vot,.r1<, 42 of whom ra vorl'•I •·•lullh~hmcnt ,,r a mu- n 1clpaJlty Collin,. 1<n1I an•·thq ""•h· <1""'''1"''• A. B. RoUS!<Pll<' llOllJ:ht In "''II Int~ rrnm $100 l'l $300 tosch But rven •l." lat .. 11s 19 12 reort" were savon1t • \\'hy th11l 11 4'1 m1lt10 trnm J..;,,. Angr·le11~ • To<1Ay 1l I• r•1n•1•l"' "'' ""•v 1 'lmmottr•( d111lllllt .. A,. ha.rbtJr work pri1gr~.-. ... 1 ''''"r lh!t ..l't'llrl!J !l:e,wpon II• R• h Ii··• am, l h,. pl1t~ p->rt •If lhl' ('Ar lfu ' :-low 1t hall A r:wirmMPnt populllllon ot nP&rly 19 f~llJ ~ fl gUr" Whit h !lrouhlU In I h- Jl\Jmmtr. Anrl lh,. Jl••rm&nenl population 111 ""'r 1n- <T"lllnni:. Ch .. mht•r nr ( '(tmmPM'll l"rf'llldent Maun~ Slanl<'y pr11nlA out. CllOWDl:D I.ANDINO -Balboa boat landing in 191S had the 1U1M -.pt' vaaaUoaen .,.dy to ~nt &aoata .. kldllJ.. STEADY, BOYS'-Theae lovt'lieR in tht'ir da~· of 19??. drew more appre- ciative glancet than laughs an th<'se bathing su1~. -Olri photos from oal'sdd7W' ol Nnpon Hacboc Chamber oC Con>merce, Security-Fint National Bank of Loe Angelee and Title In1mrance It Tnurt Co. through courtesy of L . A. Herald-ExprP~ I I • (}overnmenl f:xcepl ~rom PAGE 2 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY ''God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change: the cour19e to change the things te cen end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) JOURNAL By EDITORIALS HORACE PAU.ER City Workers Do Fine Job We are willing to concede that the paat few day. have been at lea.at allghtly unuaual, to say the leut. We'll even concede that they have been d"rned hot - but not too uncomfortable here in lbe Newport Harbor area. We tnust aay though that there are many deserving ot the congratulations of the community for the work that wu done to keep an overly jammed comm~ity on U\ even keel. Water department men have been sf retched around the clock to police preuures and reserve, to protect the vital supply ot Ure substance. Street department men have loaded their equipment to capacity in effo;t to keep our city and lb beaches presentable and tidy. Firemen and lifeguard.I have worked long and arduously, and the Ha.rbor department men too to assist at reecues, and faintlngs, and near drowning•. Hardeet preued ot all though has befln the police department. We have no envy tor t he job thoee boys in tana undertook to keep traffic untangled &nd a rec- ord number ot people and can amoving. It ia recommended heartily that the next time there 11 a particularly hot Sunday that the people ot Newport Beach ehould make it a point to drive by the conglom- eration or streete that merge at Balboa Blvd., Newport Blvd., and McFadden Place. Cara were backed up for ' &Imo.t a mile ln every direction, not only on Sunday, but on Saturday a.nd Monday too. Tired, aunbumed, aandy, &nd wet people in hot cars on hot days, all eager to get out of town and kome. And tired and swe.aty and hungry policemen worked late and lire· leuly to direct traffic, untangle bumpers and "beefs" and keep their own tempera on those hot days. Y~. we Un in a awell town. E\·ery one who comes h_.. think.a ao too. There a.re thing• we can do to im- prove our aituatloo, there are improvement.a that cer- taJnly n~ to be made in our town -but really now - aren't you glad that you live here? Admission Day Anyone 105 years old would be thought quite an· cient. But not "Miu'' California. She'• atlll young and fair, beautiful u ever, and ln very ~ood ahape. Her houahold had grown considerably alnce Bhe finit sta~ taking In "boarders" back there in 1850, and ehe hu taken on some weight-the weight of In· fluence. Famou. for her good looks and "sunny" diapoeitlon, people from all over the world have come to visit her. Mott of them have stayed. Politicans in Washington are anxloua to plea.e her, and 1nduatrialists who once thought she wasn't attractive have been n.tshing out here to get acquainted. Her claims t o distinction are many: ahe has the beet farmerw, hu buJlt more homes in a decade than the next several 1tatea combined, baa the moet caTB - about one million more than New York-haa the world's biggetlt bank a.nd the finest banking system. le grow- ing futer ln acutal population than any other elate, SCENE AT THE CAPITOL &nd la ltlll ti\• home of the world'• center or entertain- ment -Hollywood.. But with all her 1&.ln• ln influ~nce, population, and preatip, Mill CaUtornJa remain. a romantic figure. On Sept. 9, when lhe obeervee the fl4h annlnraary ln her eecond century, her many loyal admiren will give her quite a party, tor ahe'a q~e a gal! Jail Due False Alarmers High eplrite and 1ood tun are fine but Newport Beach police and tire departments are considerably miffed at the would-be clown• who turn in false calla for medical aid, whether heart attacks or auto accl- den\ lnjurlee and other wild g<>OM chases. Those who telephone in these calls apparently have no Idea of the dangers involved whenever a city vehicle roan down the 1lreetJI, eiren acre&ming. In addltlon to th.la there ia the wute of lime and t.axpayen' money which goea with a false alarm. The time la more valuable than the money 1f there Is an- other, legitimate emerpncy call at the aame moment ctty equipment la rolling on a f &lae report. Vlolaton , and there have been aevera! in recent month.a, may not know lt but their jaU cells are already reeerved by irate police. OCC Stadium Dedication Slated Next Friday Night One week from tonight Orange Coast College will dedicate it.a new stadium which will provide seats for about 7Wo persons. First game to be played on this new football field will see OCC's Piralt>s bl\ttling East Contra ~ta College grid Iron warriors. The new stadium, built at a cost of nearly $300,- 000, baa been long awaited by Cout CoUege and the in- atitution'a aporta fana. It will play a prominent part ln tuture college function• whether of eporta or ac&demic nature during the yean to come. Wbereu OCC football fan• formerly had to travel to Huntington Beach to eee a "home" game. now the pleuure of attending a grid battle will be much more convenient to the Harbor a~a. Although Cout College'• football &e&,ijon last year wu far from lmpre..lve, we have hope tha year's team will talce advantage of what bu been termed by the New1-Preu aport.a editor "one of the finest two-year college 1tadlume" in the country. The at.&dlum can be exp&nded euily into a capacity of 20,000 eeata by adding top deck on the stands and closing in the ende. Sufficient lighting facilities have been provided for either television or motion picture cameras from atop the well-degigned pretia box which has accommod&tions for 10 members of the ~·orking press. In fact, everything's reAdy for next Friday night at 8 o'clock when officials and civic leadera dedicate the etadium which will then be turned over to the foot- ball squads in the annual Harbor area Lione Club grid cluaic. See you in the atanda. , -· throufh which the highway cam-th• wheel or a.n automobile h&a are can be cut dovm. This would an lntf'rut In death11 a.nd accl- appaar to be .omewh"l of a 1Ug-c:lent1. It m1y rome to the point ma on the lntelll,;e.nce or the peo-when the drlvinit public wtU have pie-In a highly Uter•le 11late. u to u11l1t the law enfor cement The Big Take AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENBY C. MacARTHUR It 11 pointed out tha t tn the lncorporated cltlu , m a n y of wh1r h have had the aalu tu anyhow, the tax gou Into the gtn<"ral fund .tor uae In provldln1 municl11al urvl<'.l!'I 11uch a.a fire pl'QlPCtlon, 1treet llghtln(, car- bAgP colleC'tlon, ~wer Nrvlce, UbrRI")' and recreaUonal faclllUu. DISAPPEAJUNO TAX SACRAMENTO <C"KSI -So tar. no thorough 1ludy of the et· feet a combined city and county r ovemment would have on the ultimate 1avlng1 In goverruner.t admlnlatratlon hu been ma•lt. but with the lncreulng popu1 ... Uon of Calltornla. 11nd the rtslll· tint lncr,.a1lnK !Axu In moat part.a of lhe 1tate, lhe 1lgn11 point to an tvtntusl 11l11d_v of thl• t\"t•r All CallCornl& becnmt's mo1 P 11r· Hnwt>ver, the 1&lee lax alloca- , (1:4. NoM -ftle col_. lty Ro~ Parker wUI dMI wt~ u.. UtU .. knowwa i.t.kirieal fact• ....... dreci«ecl Ulf Ill l\l• _, &rtpe lato .a.. Ncll eoaatiT lll ,_., ,...,.._) The inland counties of Riverside. San Btrnardlno, Im- perial and the like are conetantly agitating for more tral~r aitea 'n the atate parka along the -coutline. ~ome place where an inlandfamily can park their tralltr for A wHk or two or even juat a weekend. The bearh areas ol aouthem Oran1e County and northern San Dle10 county art the loflral 1pot.a tor lbo\11&nd1 of the34 lnla ndera. The Orlt>fa Hlrh w1y J, ~Ing: uHd more and more each day, and le on the agenda of the State t o lmprovt. At preffn\ we hive two 1tate park1 In thl• IV'ltral area. The Doheny State P•rk comprl11ee 48 1rru \I.1th 72 11parts tor tralltrs, parked In th" uplAn1I 1rta an• tht bt>l!ch krJlt !'pen Cor trana• lenta and trallerltes. Cordially and patiently lh17 dlsru.t.ted the problem ••1th me. In the tint pl1r1 the 11t1 te park hu no' dt11lrf' to ('ntl\f'l't" "''1tll prlvll«' capital or lnduJtry. Trail· er park• ther feel are enterprl- th•I 1hould be run by privet. r 1pltat. Y t'• .. 1ume that thet h11d room for JOOO tnllera. the HAPPY CAMPERS -San Clemente State Park draws many campers to lta camp.it.ea overlook.ins ban al l the time a nd as the prob· led to the C'ounty 11 expected to Jem1 of tbe ao-calltd 'f ringe ar· to 1ntn the general f\Jnd and d i•· eu' r row, the need for iruch a ~' P", r u general expendlturu 1tudv upon which could be baaed I on a county • wide bul1 while con1~ildatlon1 fnr the benefit or the unlncorporattd area11 conlln· tax • paying cltlzen1, gTOWI u ue !Cl pay 11peclal district t11.xu well. I tor Clre protection and other com-ocean. CONSOLIDATION" FEARS m umt v 11ervic!'a. 84 campsltt11. a.nd a bout 100 plc-1 trellnl' 11 that durtnr peek Both pollUclana and civil lier· T hu", the ni-w county nlu ta.x nlc tablta anil l!h1>lter11. On a busy mnnthe the ipacea would be tull vtce per11onnel view con.aollda· o1 1 perct>nt, which will be C'OI· I with many beln1 tumtd aw&y. Uon1 In (OVl!mment with a jaun· lecttd by the 11t11te 11 nrl allocated Sunday u rnany u MOO lndivl· If the State Per>< did tor point diced eye the flnt bl!cauae or both to cltle11 11nll counties on an duala will v11ll ttlls bur h t o of dll!cuqlon have a aetup for a the theor~Uc.lll lo.11 of patronage. equal bllsll!, will chan,r th!' tu awlm and picnic Tt;e other Sun· 1000 t railer• they wouJd be COfl· and the eee<>nd beouae or the compleitlon of California conal-day when I wu down 1htn. fronlf'd with "city prow.ma." tu.r there may be lay-ort11 Both rterably In thoat counttu which there were •o trailer• parked W1ter. aeWAA'e. utllltlu. pollC'• ot theae view• arc untenabie for lldopt the mul!ure under the Op· and fir• protec'Tloq w ould be folat- the i lmple reason that a 'city tlon11I bula provided tn the law. acro11 the highway wa.!Unc to ed on them a.nd manpower w one and county govemmtnt woull1 The ntw 1111lu t11x ~111 lll'l\"I' get In. even though the ranger or the things th"Y are lhort. necU1arlly need a governing manv prnblt'ml'. nntllbly rro\1d· 11111'1 ht dn11bled It th'"' would Thrf'i! thot111a.nd people livtn& board. elected by the p'ople. and ln.i:-for unifnrnlil\· in rnllt>r ttnn!'I. ti. inv spaces before the nnt night and <lay In an art& prt· a1 tar u the joba al"I! conc,med. and It Is Pxprrte.J 1l will n-turn 1'urst1iw ll<'Till' a rrobltm. ""·hereu 10,000 th• work must be done anyhow. more r"Vl!nll" to lht p•rtiripllt· Jlt'nplt ran be handled nicely nn The object of the conanllrta.tlon lnit rities a nd rnuntl"11• t>tr11u11e 'CLP:.\f£:\°TE l'ARK 1 a day b&11l1 w1lh a minimum nf V>'Ould be to avoid dupllca Uo of th" morf' Prtlrlent coll.-ctlnns San C'lement t St&tf' Park com· peraonntl and problema. Adoption by the 1t11te lrgln~la-mad,. by the .!late. pm1es 111me 100 1crt'11, much nf flPACl':8 Ct"RTA.0.ZD tura or the option&! one-cent TO \REA TY: l'ROJU.F.'\f!il It w(irthl,.u. r i ndt'tl. ~arh cliffs In many way1 the trailer alt"• 1.tlu llul bill for cities And coun-But on the othrr hlln11, It wlll A 1"° In thr nur flllllr«' thl' fH'"· Mil camp111tu provide much Uu nnln'· un th" n-d for •t11dy wsy will tllke a blR rhunk llfC mor• of a problem cartnr for a ,... ... ,. ~~ ~ rrt&te some prnblem11 which r J h "" t 11 r ~ ot the rnnsnlld&tlon thf'ory. 11hnuld h&vl' be!'n crf'A t,.d •nd the ront C'lf 11 t 1111 "" ra. e f,.w l!C'Ore people In a limit~ For lnst11nre. th• Loa Ang•Jps t I •pllC',,,, ~O ramp•ittt!, snd about &r6a , .. an day vl111ton . And for ~ ~ 110 \"et1 on.1r ago, 11uch al" pro11per-1 A th ~ '" county t11x rate 111 11cheduled to tlve ron11olld&tlona for the bene-llO Pll'nlC' "h" 1 "u crolla e thl1 ru10n additional 1pac11 fnr be fncrn.ae a bout 21 cent lhlll flt nf the taxpayer. t!trf'e t1nd pllrkel1 up nn nne of l'llmplnr and trAll11r1 wtll prob•· year. In addltlnn, the county T Rit exp.rt.a believe th•t mo11t the t!lde 11t reelt! is lh,. usual line blv bf' rurt&llel1 In prttotnl f&<'l · plans to lmpo~' a one cent 111lt11 of the countlu In Caltfornfa wlll M lra llerlles waiunir fot a t11pt11ce. )lt1u ra ther th&l'I 1etUnJ &aide t h h I For many month11 now I hllve d .. 1 1 f th I u u w en t e aw gon Into et· mnvP very aoon on al1optlng the th t ll ult nn11 room or er "· feet next yur. $(1me expert11 1 tax h1J.•I my t )'P nn an ar"ll 11 It 11 admitted and a known h II~-e: t f prOgl"l.11'1. U COIUlli.tl ·'('l"IUltt be tUrnt'd lntO • "-'ondtrf\I) fll "l th&t nrlv1t• tr·"er p&rkl 11,ve flg\lred out that the a&le11 a .... n.. o ace a loaa In rtvPnut .. 11 ·k t h t ur' ,,. ' ,.. ~ ...., tax aJont w111 ~oat the •v•rage t th d pu., C' pru I l'noug pr AS llrl! full llurln,. neak 11ea10n1. It ' ~ ~ · un t'M ey n mllve. ThPnr .. tl· brnu11:ht in b•l1r nn thr F'1•rin11I " " ta.mlly In th11t rounty 11bout $42 callv al 1e11st the ,.111,.11 lllJC I.• 111.oin 11tln1ltt,.d that the private ,..., h h 1 th In '· · Cnvr mment. Th•~ "'"" AllHll! tr11ll!'r puk operator weleomr11 ,.. yur, .,. 1c n e u.n cor· should have Anm~ effect on lnw-th h t s M t 0 porated areaa, II! an lncN!ul'. ad· erlnR" propf'rty tax rat,.11• but 11<._ 1 •t t mout " · "0 11 " l!"L'IOn&I and permanent ru•t• SA.CR.AMl!:Jl.'TO, (CNS) _ Al· nation 1n the numbu of auto· well u a reflecUnn on the ability ll~nclu of C&llfomla In Melng ot th• atAtt'1 law en!orcement thlt the danKerou1 drlvant a re offtotre. However It 11 neither, u kept off the road. Thi• ml&ht be a certain percent of the people a help. but unfortunately, there wtll alwaY'I drtve n ckleNIY, and I• no -..:y of knowtnc j1.1.1t wbm the hJ&h'llny patrol c11111ot be a-a driver become1 a mena«. pact.<! to malnt&ln a 24-hour Then, too, there le tJwaya the w&tch on T0.000 mUea of paftd J>ONlbWty of bl!tte,r enforcement ded on top ot thfll 21 cent pro· I tu111ly, It may not work out C'rt"k ju~t 18 Y"11 1"A'""' thr city r11ther than trAn11lf'nt and week- perty tu lncraue. ~y. lhllt I hmlt.~ of !\t1n C"lPmrnt,. llnrl tit· end V11lton . Unle.,. trtmendo111 t,.nrt11 to th,. n,·np111111 J1111t l!Outh rate• are charji;td I dnubt If °'" t.r rrery holiday week ·end It mobile d11th1. not only on h~l­ a ppear1 nec,.uary tn write !!Orne· dAy week-end•. but aao on nor- thlnit ronc,.rntng the unwarrant-mill Wf'f'k·ent111 Whtll Ult popula.- ed. u11nK•uary and wholly lntx· Uon 11.ftrta mo-.tn1 ln H&l'Ch of eu11ble dMtrucllon of human life ~reatlon. on California lllghw11y11. Th• word Holoc11uJt senerally la a11on11t!'t1 "'1th the rte~tructlon of lite by fl,.., but the 111rtlnn11ry l&)'I It's Any '"1trt11t !'r whnlelllle dHtrucllon of lift';· ~o lht' lrrm "Callfoml&'1 Hljthw11y Hnlocaust"' 11 nnt wholly out nf lint. TILAFFJ(J 'l'()LL Th• lotaJ for the .-itlre nation lut ...,ttk·end wu &l'OUnd fOO d1'1'1. 11.nd thus, California had 1llghlly bl!tt,.r than ten perrent of &ti the dt>l\lh1 tn f8 1tatee. Thia is tle10p1te the fact that Callfom iA nH!cla.ldom hu bean prea.elllnit hlghw..y Mftty, c&re· Cul driving. and the UH of good Judgment In han<llln&" an 11utomo- bllt for t ht'l'"' m&ny Yf'llr!'. At times. rep1lll1on llppeara tn be effective. but 11remlnJ(.y. nClt In Ulle pa,rtlcular lnata nce. Sacramento Sidelight ro.d In California, no matte.r at the bl!(fnnlnr end of drlvtnc-. 8ACR.AMEl1lTO. (CNS) -Rf!. I A :I.'\ lo fO-mlle snt1 hntrr toute how large the hlfllway patrol '"" which l1 the drtver·a llcenM bur-acUon to lhe susgullon made In Ovf'r 1tlmosl 1111 of the roAl1 trll· panda. eau. The couri. have held th.at thla column recently that ll<lme ver"""· not onlv l'lnw • mov1ng One might MY that lt the to drive an automobile upon Call· thourtit be ~ve,n lo changing trurkl'. b11t oth~r tvpt11 nt 1low · "°IUMe driver want.JI to kill tornla'1 hJghway1 la not a r l&ht. the method nf allo<'allng it.ate mnvlng Vehldu hlnll"r trartlr. hlmaelf. Jet him r o &head, but but a pr1vtlege. Jn thl1 cue, th• hlg-hway tund11, to provide tor Wilh nppoalte mllvlnjt' tratrlc, Ui• neither I• lhl1 a aound 11ttJtude, dr1vera· tlcenlt! hu almoet un· the con1tructlon of needed ro11d1 lllff1rult1e11 anti ll11.11gtra nr PftJ!ll· tor the a lmpl• raaaon U!At every Umlted authority u to who may, with the .-u t11x mnney ueed on Ing 11re 110 numn ous thst the dl'l\lh llnd every 11cclclent occur-a.nil whn may not rer elve a drl· thnse rnl\ds, hRs hePn VRrled snd pru1l,.nt driver I~ rnnt,.nt 1 n lnir In C'11llfomla 11fr,.C'ts the ver's l11~1>naP.. It 111 a fair llJl!IUrnp· vehement. cra\1 I 11.l a 1mall'1 pArP. Thr rMt ot lht drivers .. P'lrf.l. the lion t h11l If the law1 are not "' pre<llrtl'd, POme mtmb4!r11 nt 1 •mo11nt nf g11~ 11~,.,1 to prop ,. I 5tron"' enou1:h, the itate le""'RI&· the a1111embly, who11e conUnu1ty 1 veh11·tr11 ovt r thl~ rriul f! ,,. trf'· recklr11• drlvrr t ndan1ter1 thnu "' "'' j tfl 1 d t 1 d b .. ture would br gl11d t n 11trengthtn n O ce 11 t enn nt Y lut mtnofn11.!'. l>uf fhr q11r1111nn 11' who re11l11,e lhtrfl are Clther peo· them. 11mQunl or h11ron t hey hrlni: hC1me how much nf tlw IRX ,.. .. 11ec•t•"I Dunnr the Labor Olly week· end, '1 penions 101t thPlr llvr11 In automobile accldent1. Thi,. wu &lmoat double the aame Wttk·tnd Jut 19a:r, and none or the u · pert.a 1wm to tcnow tha rea.on pit on the road, and aec:ond, con· tor their dl11tr1ct11. hav1 con&lder· 111 bt>lng "~"'l Ill 1m1,,,,, ,, ""'' NO JU:~n:oY BEF.!11 Unued dealha and a ccident.I do The ulUmate aolullon, nt courae ed tht iu,;gutlon utter here~y. four -latll! US. 40 ~ Al lht pruent moment. there nothlnf to lower the lntuunce hrelmat.aeltW1~ the Ulnldlvld~altl driver NOT BACK\VARD On the nth"r hAncl. H11:hway ""''' OeartJl1, V • • r or un iuc,, me u j On th• othl'r h6-d. civic l•ad· o.Jlfom&a l•dl t.lle appeare to be no eultabl• method ratu. e hJ h d I t ad t ~ ..,, ~ 8!!, fTnm Tntr k<'e 1.. ni.111 •rlPn,' eryone ueea 1 ea ns .: 0 1 ere In are&l!I lhll" main highway!! wblr h wu 1 rtw rle.I t h,. ••110,. cl11v. j A Dtl 'th l....a ILMllllka fw O.W rer«r y..,.. t'.,,.. .. W = K.-... ........ •••ti •f AU lllall .._ ti .. ~ o.rt el OrMi'9 0.. a. A.-.. No.. A-11111 .. , ' eo:!Mqu~~~. ::.:=,a:.blnd ~=Ycf~eil!•~~~a~·· wtl~r~I~ P~~g~f ~c:e11rt~~· d:;~c:~ ~=t ~~! ~oJ::n l~t~;: ~:~~ ;~·.~.~int~;'!,, .:~,~~ -v .,, • 11 om a ecene. present meth~d or allocation on v !nit the «'nllr" ln p h•l'-'r"n U1r•e Fanner McCabe Writes e •• It'a 1etttn' eo that here lately no aelf respecting abeep ia rolnr to be caught not wearing It.a zippered cotton coat •••. not eince aome Dude at the New Mexico A.rrlcultu.re College came up with the ide& that dreuin1 abeep would make better wool. I can jeat see the abeep berdera bnia!'ing each sheep'• wool every momlng and d.reulng lt In ita new cotton coat afore turning it out to graze .... wonder what self respecting cow• will w~ar thla year. Farmer McCabe. (all rtrht.1 rtMned) Bravery ll not eo much fearleumeaa ae a wllllngnea to 10 ahead in -i>it. of ODe 'I f9'J'8. lhe bula of population. exclu-two point., Th,. n"xt 1i11··~tl11n, •Iva of c'rt11ln 11um1 dN!llfll&l~ th'reforr, fl! hnw nlllfh 1~ hrlng rnr rnAjor hl(hway11. la archaic 11lphon ert off othf'r rnul«', tn kr-p and 1hould be ch11.nged. up Route 89 7 The IUS'fl!llllon wu menly lhat traffic rounl1 or e1Umatu Df:\"F.J,OP HEA \ \" ROl Tr. be malnt1lne11 on varloua hlKh· Thi• 13 not to 111v th,.n• 111\ould 11ny1; that lht gu tax money be no roMb betw'm 1 r ll\ll\•ply , collected for u~e or lhoee high· l.eolatl'd points, but 1t 11hn11lcl he way1 be exJ)"nded upon them Cor obvlnua that the mn~t 11•,.<1 rn11d four-la.ne routu or lmprovemenu 1ho11ld be the flr1l tu \•,. 1i.-velop· u needM!, a.nd th11t when the ed Into tnur nr 1lit·l11n,. h1J;hway11. neceuary npan1ion11 i re made. whichever I• n'ce.~•l\r y tu h11 ndlt th• 111rplua monln for that par· the traffic without the trl'mPn· Ucular hlg~wa7 be dl\·trted to dou1 lnconvenienru un•f Pr.:""" by other routu . the public 1t t he 1u r11••nt lime . Thu1. the public would get f\Jll VS. fO, or rour!'r. '" nnt th• .. 1ue tor the dollar• '"pended only arterial which would br 11f· ror p.1 1>Jr tor the hlgh'llR)'9 the fected If new plans wi.rr Rll<ipted. public uae1, ralher than for th• All of Callfom1a·1 heavily travtl· countlu In which th• ruoUne 11 td routu would benefit f rom a purcbued. plan ot thl• type, 11n1l th" tr11·, 8LOW ~ 8POT8 vellng public woull1 br 11rr''l'd to lltcently. the~ wu orra.ion f?'Mler bentOL Evenlu11 II~·. the to travel U.S. 40. bttweef\ S._ 1urphu monlu from the m1111t cnunento a.nd Truckee. \\'Ith the lleavtly tru•led roat11 could b,. "ctpllon or th• four-tantd pol'-\IMC to lmpl,.ment the nrxt most Uou of thl1 rt>M. thw major heavll7 traveled. and 11<> on dl)wn naUOD&! artery coruUtuCH about tti. line. I nf S11n 0 1111fr,. II h,.lnnitl' tn th" pr!Vllte Of>l!Mllor ran bl'Mk evn M11rln!'11 11 n<1 l'11mp r,.n!Jletnn 111 nn ahnrt ttrm rentall. r1 r11rnl bul l dn11bt IC It 111 UMI! PRORl~r;~ REMAIN" V"ry m1wh by lhPm. r nrt1r11t11 rly A ,, .. r 1111 this dlllruulon th11 1( ynu rontr11l't It with thr u•r probl"m 111111 rf'malna with u11 It woulrl r""'l"e 11• A J'Hbllr h"9r h The "'e11thl'r la hnt. a farmer In 11n'1 r 11mp1 n,1.: llrP!I If tnf>IJ)l"h PC1rrl11 11rrMl'I! l'l tA!te the lllll• J'rl!'ll!lllf" ~ "~ hro11cht nn ilnulJl wnm11n snit tl•f' klt111 lo the bl!a"h a I"""" ro11hl he rtrAwn 11p 11nrl tnr 11 ,,.w t1llVI! Thtv "hook up In !'V,.nl nf hostlhtll'• It i-oulrt I hfll C11n11ly t r11ll"r 1n~ hf'lld fnr be tak"n nver 1mm1>11l:1 trly hv th" M il.Ill. th"'" fln'1 e'•erythln.: thl" mlllt11ry. Arc:or1lln.i: 1" m\· cull Anti th" tr11 ll,.r nn behind lh• 8pt<'t1nm1>tl'r thr Man nr! hllVt fllr 111 " nu11111nrr Thl'f" 111 only "llJlr<1x1m11trly 18 r'1 mil<'• nC bt'&f h one thin I( th,.v r11n dn, n11111 th .. from S11n C"ll'ml'nt!' to Or!'lln8ldr lrllllt'r hPrk In th,. r11nrh a.nil TAl.K T o l'\T/\TF; l11kr I 1Up ln lhf rP•ervoir trv- \\"llh 111111 · h"t hrA1lr.l 111• a" 1 lnJC t11 •'"I .. rr 11r1~t th,.lr hnt rnnt11rt,.d ~nm•• "' thr ~111•,. J'Rtk lrlf\ In I~•· ho'llrh rr'>pl•• ll"t" Wll'I h 111·'•1 \\l\c'll' \\hht I,. lhll ll"IUllC)n7 (lUlf'n hllnol l""IS n( \ralll'r~ l"llld hr :.uhP'' Bl'SV Bt:ACH -Doheny StRtr Pllrk fumi'\ht11 rec-· re&li<>n for thou.sanrlR of vacation<'"' ftnd wed<l'nri · er11. -Photos by Horace Parker NEW PIP~ UNt; All the new mains being laid by Newport Meaa County Water District are a com- poeition Jcnown u transite. Many of the old iron p1~ in thf! diRtrict were cut ur by electolysis. con· st.antly causing break11 and wat('r failure. In all th,re will be nt>arly 12 mile" nf new mains. l 1.500 feet of it 10 inchM in di RmPlt>r. Ruch as is being laid in the picture a bove. -Staff Photos WATER DISTRICT PIPING DON PED.ERSON TAKES AUGUST RACE SERIES FOR VIKINGS LEGAL NOTICE CERTlnCATE or llVSC\"£88 FlC'TITtOl'8 FlllM N A..llll: LEGAL NOTICE ON THIS !alb day ot A~S°UBt A. D. 196:1, batora n1e, ROBERT F. WlLL.\n!:S, • ~otarv Public In Don Ptdt1'110n won th• Au1uat ... n~s rare 1taged by the THI: UNDERSlONED dOM here--and for the aa1d County and State, Vtk1nc A1110<'1allon, with Jim Ramsey a11d Andy Gra m In at r· by cwtlfy that ehe la conducUnr • --•"· ... in d 1 •--rarpet and d rapery buatnu et 2919 r.,...u.inf ... ere · u Y comm ... lon· c:>nd and third placea. Other ,..ctra fl ntahed aa !oUowa: Paul E . Cout Hlr hway, Corona de.J ed and awom . pcnonalJy appeared H tnnuay and R..y Luken. U•t•r Neufeld. Jim Ag'n•w a nd Mar. California, under Ula ftcU· PHYLI.18 J. P ATIN known to 111e Bob Harper, Dav11 Gr11wold ttnd Archie L<x·k 1tolta nnn name of Bon., Marche' to be lba parwon wboea name la The lut thrl'• art n4'W memben ol the 1u1&o<'lat11•n a nti 1 and tha t u .ld fl.rm 11 ooiflpoMd ot subacrlbed to Ula wtthia lMtn.i· u e sl..lllni Vi king No. 13. the toUowlng peAOna. whoee namee I mant, and acknowledl'ad to m• The final ~nu rare for the aeai.on will be held Sun,i..y, 11n full and place1 of realdenc.e a.re tha t eh• executed lb• aa.ma. u follow•. to-wit: IN WITNl:88 WHICREOF, 1 a1art1nc at V1k1n1t'• Port at 2 p m. The annull.J meeting oc j have hereunto aet my 'hand and th• u•oclatlon ~be held the aame day 1tartln1 at 10 a. m. PHYLLIS J PATIN affixed my ottlclaJ ....i th• day _________ .;.:..__________________ 2919 E, Cou t Highway and year ln Ulla Certtttcata tlret lnterclub Trophy Winners Receive Awards on Series .. Corona del Mar, Call!. above written. \·\I rNESS my hand thl1 26th /Bl ROBJllRT F. W11.J..MJ::8 1 .tay or Allt'IJ•t, 19611. My Commlaaio.n Jlhtptr'H •'PHYLLIS J . PATIN Novwnber 16, 1966 STATE OF CALIFORNIA I No. 1861 New.-PrH1 COUNTY OF 01\ANOE )N . 8/21, 11/2, 9, 1~, 196& LEGAL NOTICE LIGAL NOTICE T rophiaa were pruentl'd rt· Snowbird clau. Bill Lloyd leJ 2~ cenUy to winner• of the 1n-onJ entrants. C'&rol W1lllam• pieced annual lnterclub 'frophy Se nu. aecond, Torn Gates wi• 1 h1rd Trium ph.ant aklppera a mong &O Trophlea were preaentt'd by Dick AD\"'EKT18&11E.NT l"O& BIDli competitor• In four c.laue1 anJ Sweet. Gene Baum, vtce-commo· Notice le hereby ctven th.at the Boa.rd ot Tn&ate. ot tbe Oranft dlv1111ona were awarded troph1t's dore ot the Snowbird a»0ela t1on Coa.~t J unior College Dlalrlct ot Oran1a County, hereinafter referred on the bul1 of their perform· and head of the SCYA a rea com· to u the .. Owner", wUl receive up to, but not latff than 2.00 P.M. ance in ""en of lh• e1ght-r1rP mltltt. amt Buster Hammond. September 23, 19&&, --1ed blda (or lba award ot contract for ...,-ept· aerlea 1umor program director of the ~ bide for a Science Bulldlnc ot about 20,000 llQu&n feet, ot ooncrete After traveling the c1rcu1t M Balboa Yacht Club us1a1e-rt wllh j alab, g rade beam11. and calaaona: aolJd brick and wood·atud-and·plu ttr the tour local yuht clubll, Cr&lg trophy pruenta t1on1. wall•: •ttel framlng and wood root oonatnlotiOD; asphalt Ula and cera· Cadwalader Jr. wu declared win· Two new clus1•11 Joined In lhr mlr tile floora; acouaUcal Ula ceUlnp; compoalUon, tar, and gravf'I nar or th• l nterclub Perpetull.I Interdub Serio t h11 yl'ar. Prter 11nrt ropper rooti.ng : aluminum projected wtndowa. Such blda ahllll bf' TT-ophy for 1955. Lanny Coon, Cra.ry took thP honors In the recelvtd tn tha office of the 0wn«'r, ln the .Admlnlatration Bullrtlng. wtnner of thla year'• P'llght nf Lehmans. The Dlnkltten 1k1pper11 Orange Coast Collefe, 19951 South Harbor Boulevard, near Coat• lbe Snowbird•. wa1 lut ye11r'11 bowed to 11killf11l httm11man1hlp or Meaa. Oranre County, Callfomla, a.nd ah&ll be opened and publicly lnterclub wtn.ner. Bob D•Rirrtt. read &loud a t the above 1tated Um• in the Board Room ot th• Admln· S11eond thl• year Jn the u mor J unior ttnd 11enlor d1v111inn 8n,.,w· lit ration Building. 8nowbll"'I dlvl11lon was Bill Cobf'r· bm1 ektpper~ engtt)(t'll In team Each bid muat oontorm and be re.ponlllve k> Ulla tnvlt&tinn, tha ly. Ronnlfl Ml'rtckel wnn t h• racea prior to thl' trophy . pre· plan•. apecttlcaUona, and all other document& compnalng Ula pertlntnl third place trophy, All crl'Wll of 1enta t1on. Vlt·l'·<'nmm,.,dnrt B&um <'ont ract document.I. CoplN ot the Contract Document.a are now 9 n thf' winmnJ boa l11 In the Inter· prf'lll'nted C11dwala.d1>r, th& rap· file 11.nrt open to public t.napecUon in the aald offtc .. of the Owner, and rlub aerlt • recf'lvad troph1r8 lion nf the winning NHYr team, of Rlchind J . Neulra and Robert IC. Alexander, .ArchJt.ect•. located al alnnr wllh U111lr aklppen. with 11 •hln\' nf'w burket 1111illlhlv 2379 Ghmdllle Boulevard ln th• City at Loe AJlplN In Id Cou ty _r_n_t_h_e_J_u_n_1o_r_d_l_v1_11_1o_n_o_f __ l_h_e_111_e:....·"-<'_l1_ .. _11_"_n_rt_f_11_1e_11 __ w_•l_h_v._•_11_1t_r. and Rtllte and may be oht.alned at •lther place by depoe~lnl' JllOnM ff'lr f!a<"h Mt. Thie dtpoelt W'lll M retu.ndf!d If the aet or 1eta of Con· I nirt Documenta dellve.red are returned In pod oondltton within fin day• atter the bid ope.nl~. Burglar Takes S40 from Home fleparate contract blda will be recehed tor Oenenl Con•trurt lon. WILL BE COMPLETED SOON Burr lu y ,.,f tw,., 11p11t 111rs hf>tl· _ mom, In her hnme wa11 N'port~ to polfre Saturday by Mrt P ayne 'LUCKY 7' Turner Drug Anniversary Plumbing, HeaUn~ and Ventila ting, Eleotrt-1 Work. and Labora tory Equlpmt>nt. Unit prlcf'll niqu111led for excavation, concrete, ate.I, etc. Compltllon time reque1ted to ba aet by bidder•. A •l•tement ot f1nan· cl11l condition and depoAtt or 10'1-of the total bid by cwUtled check ! or blrt bond or t-uhler'a chK k I.I required w1t.b each bid; labor anrt mattrlal1 bonrt and per formanra bond requtred ot contractor H lf'Ctl'd Each bid aha.II be made out on a form to be obt&lned at either of I Thavn nf 1708 Mirt1mar Drtn. Gushf n11 Wafer Fauceh . Expected F'oriy dollu a wf'r• taken '"'m '=ii three wa.Uet.t, polk a 11111d. -Party Slated the Hid ottlcee In which the Contract Document.a are on tilt. I Each bid 1hall be accompan.led by • cer-W led or cuhler'a check payable to the Owner, or 1at11tutory BJd Bond ln favor of the Owner. in Newport Mesa County o·istr•id Inveat•S"•Uon d11e1oud t h e downata1r11 doo1'11 to the h o m • were loc:k~. The outJolde door to the guu t room upatalra was un· locked, Mr• Tha yer said. How· ever a police do( chalnl'd in the yard apparently w11,. not dl11· Seven )•ears 111 bu,lne'u 111 thr execuloo by the bidder u prtnclPf.) •Dd a MUafact.ory wrety company present l~Uon 111 being ob•N·ved •• surely, In an amount not le1a than ten percent of lha bid. The chKk today by 1'1Jrner n 1 ti)?, ownelt by 1 or bid bond 11ball be given u a S°U&r&ntea that the bidder wt'll execute Verne Tuml'r. Tht rnnrif'rn Rtor,. lhe Contract If it be a warded to hlm In contorminty wlth the Contract 111 1ituattd on C'oMt Highwt1y al Documenla a nd will pro,1de the aurety bond or bond• u 1peclfled T uaun An . I therein wllhm five d11y1 fter notification or the award of the contract By HERT BRl!\"TSALL About a yeu ago Newport Mua County Water 011trict wu In the lhrne11 or el<'rtlon to change the form of the rorporatlon and later to rnte $3110 noo In bond•. Within a hout 11x wei-k1 the new rlPlnll' will be all ronner ted up and feu· rtts t h••l 11111'1! to dnp 110met1me• nol t>ven drip will all hi' g1JAhlng pl!'nt_v or water for 11nyone·11 uttl'. Tht11 may not h11ve bro111tht W. K. C'alty, serrtt1uy-ma n11jl'er, any more g ray hair•, but It haa cer· tainly llept him hu11y . A 11 legttl work conne<-ted with the bond Is· aua hu been <'lrarl!'d up, the bonrl11 IOld and the contract lel to N. P. Van Valkenburc of South Ga.tt!, for $~4.679.11. Shortly 61 ~ feet or new malna wlll be laid Some of the old mauu1 had been thtre !tnc' the d1ya of lht apple <m:hard3 for which the lantJ WOii or1i.i 1nally laid out. A p· plC'11 fatlf'll u a "rop because the tur~rt w1nlen1 wt-ri' tno warm anti thf' trees 1hd nnt hH ve any dorma nt Tf'n dollau w•rt taken from periort J Thay•r'1 wallf t, $10 from the wallet of Mn . Ja<'k Ad11m1 of B\lt houl!e b111l111n1: fhrt not have Loll Anll'elu. 11 houioP ,_'\1e,.l t1nt1 any t!nrmanl per10<I The book~ $20 from tht wllllt't of hf'r h11~· 11now thal Pven wh1lr thr new I bi nd p1pu ha ,·e hei-n gmnjl' tn th<'rt -------------- have betn nl'arl\' 1111) nl'w c1u1-I tomera adrttd to the roll~. All t he $150 in Jewelry new accounts are gr ttmg meter 1 service where old t'Onnect1ons hsve J-L from Home to be changed meleu are put In j u.en Soon Caley hopu to have all lhe cuatomeD on meten1 as he ftl'I• About Sl~O In J<'Welry waa tal<- 1t will make the chargea more en from th!' W111ia('e G. Smith uniform. I home. 490 W alnut P l&N'. Co1<tA Mua , a om el lm e Aug 30 o~ 31. 11 ccor d1nii to P"hce report• Thi' J"w!'ln was 1n a I box In a • ht st 1tnll waio tBkt'n whlll' the-f11m1ly w111< movlnJC into lhe hornl'. Mr11 s mith told Sgl. Dave Cr•·icx Keys Stolen from Ignitions of 2 Can lo the bidder. To celebrate lhjs f'\'ent. T urntr said, lhe 8tore 111 featurlni; 8 threr I The Ow11u raaervu the prtvil«'ce of rejeclin&' an)' a.nd all blda or dl\y annlVPri<arv J<alf'. Solm4' 300 to w1uve any lrregulan tle1 or intorm&IJUea In any bid or la th• bidding. door 1l'ifti1, hni~r·y rCJnh•stl!, frtt Puniuant to tbe Labor Code of th• Stal• of CaJl!om la, the aald bllll<JOnll and &•fl~ for all IAunrhrll Board ot TTu1teee haa u c.ertalned th• ceneral preval.llnf rate or per lhc onesion. 1nark1ni; thl' firAt diem wagee for each cralt or type of workmen needed t o execute the larg<'·i<cale ob.st-rv11.nre rondurled contraota which will ba awarded the aucCMatul bidden: and lb .. a pre· here by Tumrr Orui; vatllng ratf!1 are oontalned ln Mid apeclftcatlon. adopt.ad bJ the Board, and are u tollow1: A II Ha r bo r arr a reR 1 Mn t.a h 8 v e -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ bffll invit ed by Mr. and Mrs. Tur-• ner to \'i.atl. the 1lort dunng the ttnnlver11ary relebratlon 11.nrt re· t·eive their tree g1fu Amon& awa.rdl are • aandw1c:h toaster, radio. C011mellc aet.t, ca meru and other items. Tomorrow night w11J 1ee lhe main 11wa rd1 given away, Turner 11&1d Rut that isn't all. At 3 pm. tomorrow the dn1g 11tore w11l feature a talenl show for ch1li1rl'n from i to 17 Vl'&rS, Turnfr s11.1d, with prizu Co; Win· ner11 Tom IJeJorta. Hollyi.'nod emcee ..... ,11 be 1tl the store l0<lay and lC1murrow with th• latt-l!t pop· 11ler re,.ordmp. H• will bl' 1n r harge of ft11Uvitlu and con1t11L11 I CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS Un the more p1 aclll'lll lml'. l ht Two 'e.fden u \old riol ... e Cllt I iotnr' Is futurlng back lo in-hoot key1 wt-1 t' lllktn f1 u111 t.he 11:111· supplle,., <'Osrnetll'A. vitamlnM anti lions ur their ca n. Auic .10 while' hou,.ehuld men ·hon<1ii1•· ,.,.11,.t·lal· parkeit In f1ont or their hl>lllt'll Iv I ho1ten fur the annlvcrMury I COMe ... ow tr~ .. Mctto. of Ouority UMd Con ot rodt-botto. pricu All lt\ofOUQhty Sofety-Checlcad 16 woya .•• ol bodied tip bJ ~··.of Qwolltyl t.1 1 a, Slyvltt C11ckuvlrh of 32:1 1, l'\'t•rll Spec111I p111 t•hal'I"~ It ave Anada an.t Robert W1J~un of 131 be .. n mllrl.-to mak .. t hl' 1tff111 r 11 46th 8t w.-ra th• vlrtini• c1f tltf' m•mora bl• onit In the .11t111·e 1 , k•y 1natchrr hlKlorr. Mesa Schools Cooperate with County Civil Defense Planning 1952 Chrysler New Yortcer ..................... $1295 Sedan. %-tone Brown. Fully equipped Local ODe tJU' OW'Df!lt 1953 DeSoto v.a ........................ " .... ._ ............ $1495 . DRILL SAVES TIME -To save cutting up pave· ment the contractor laying new water mains in Newport Mesa water district area uses a drill to bore holes under the road through which he shoves l ·in. copper tubin~. The drill is turned by compressed a ir and at the same t ime a stream of water is forced through it washing out the mud and clearing the hole. This operation is faster than ditching and saves pave- ment repairs. Men in the picture are sho\;ng the t ubing through the freshly drilled hole. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO l.ARGIC OR TOO IMUJ. ...... }If........... --- lnfonna11on relt ued Crom the oCtlce or Mr. £ A. Hta.. SUJX'l In· tendent of Co1ta Mua Srhool1. re· vealed that lhe achool11 of l'obta Mtaa are act1v1dy cooptr11lln1C with th• Offlct> of Civil l>.,ftn11e in Santa Ana. Meeting• ha ve be•n held with Mr. R. J tCubaJ Morna. Ani11tant Director of Cl\11 DeCenst 0 1 ange County and Spurgeon Spa rk•. Je· puty director for the purpol!e or brlnRlna-the Coata Meu Schools to lh~ top level of prepa redne"8 ror the maximum protection of the ch1ld1 .. 11 in 1 ht' um .. of t mer· gency Rea hu appoinle•J R IJ I-let k· el man to! the a.J1nm1st r e t l\·e 11taff 10 o., the coordinalur of sr h"°I ftt\'ll <tefense program Mllltole.t by I the principals Herber l Ward ot er -Ml:l Gordon Imler or Main ~chooL T hia committee wlll be In I :los~ rontact wllh the Civil De· I rentoe authorlt1f'll In sa.nta A ntt at ttll time• In working out the de· Censa program •• •et up by the Clvtl Defenae otflce ON& OB llOBlt 8VBIECl'S-ENTER ANY TIME 4-door lledan. 2-tone Blue. Very clan l'&r. Power ateerin~. .RacHo & h~r 1950 Ford Conv. Coupe ........ .--.......... -........ $645 Radio, beater. Overdrive. Cnam eolorf!d. D~lent top ~- 1954 PlyntOlllll Station Wagon .. _ ........ $1995 J>e.hue model. Automatic &nmmlMlon radio, beetler 1953 Chrysler Club CHpe -................... S 1495 Light gnlMl. Radio, bea&er, powew 116eertng. 1954 Ford Club Cet11pe ....... "'"""" .... -.... $1491 1951 Heat.. overdrive. A ..a7 a&e.a C!U'. Mere. Sta. Wagon "_,;,_ ...... -..... $995 RadJo, over-drive. New tlree. Motor ovw- haul. Eseeleat wood. Oa.11 1950 Chrysler Wl11chor-----------$675 ,..._ eedaa. Ugbt grey. Loe* oae owner. Low mlJeage. ltlANT O'l'llEM '10 Cll009& FROM LOW DOWNS -LOW BANK PAYMENTS Al Cua o.n,. the Orown Warranty 1.-11 ...... ~ ..... ot ~ ........ , Lou Reed Chr-pl.,..,.JlllOll'll Dealer 1200 W. Coaet HkJhway-U 8·3486 Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 NE\WORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II . PAGE l F.RIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICI CIA.88(f'ICATION I APPRltNTJCE8 1 }{_, be amployed In 90fformMir .,._. ... \Soa 1n1.& ot lb• C&lttomla L&bor Cod .. CARPENTERS I I Carpenter -·--····---·--·---------·--·· 12 90 Floor~er -···---· . S,1(1 Mlllwrtg'l\t ·-·-·· .. --·-·--S tO Saw Filer .... ·-·--· .. ·······--···· 2.98 Tabla Powar Saw Operatcw __ .. I H CllMENT J'INJSHERS: Cement Ftnah• ············--·-···-······--············ .. ···----2.W Cement Ftniaher (Compo11ltJon or MuUc) -····-·---· 2.H& 0.mant Floor nntllhtnc Machine OJ>-tOC' _ • :r 99& IRON WORKJ!:R8: R.tnforctnc Iron Worker .................. ·-------·-·-U& Metal Pan Sett•r . .• . .......... ·---·-······-·-....... 2 311 Metal Pan Setter Worldnc P'oremaa -----................. 2 ~II Metal Pan Setter Helj)l'r ...................... -.. -............... --······ :I 17 Structural lron Worker .................... ----·····-.. ··-· ..... 2 ~ Pence Erector .. .. ................... ·----........................... 2 11:1 L.ABORER.8: , Laborers. General or C'onatrucllon ......... . .. . Operator• of TMder• of Pneumatic a.nd Electric Too111 Vibrating Machinea. and 11lmllar mt"l'h~ loe&. not" atpa.ra tely cla.M11fled her•rn . Miner I Hand or Muh1ne I . Motor man .. . .. . Cement Dumper ion l yd. or hnR•r mixer• and h1nrthnR bulk. cem•nt I Aephalt Raker and l ronl'T' Buj!'gymobile Man . Conrrf'te <'urn Im~n·1C111a M"mhran11 nrllltrll, !Corf', n111montl, or \\'ajton I f'nllera f All othl'rll) Gu It 011 P ipeline Laborer . Fl111tman • Guttrd and or \\'Rt<'h111an 2 41 2 H z 1 1 'J 41 :• nn Gu It Oil P1relln11 W rnprf'r-Pnt Tt'n<lr1 11nrl l"n1111 Mnrt :'41 Gu A Otl P1pellne \\'rl\ppPr 6 tnrh plJ'<' 11nrl n•·r 1 2 !14 Sewl'r Plpfl I..ayf'r lf'Xrh1dlnR ('a11lkrr1 Aewer PIPfl Caulkl'r 111111111: C1111lk1nR lnnl~ 1 ~•Wtr Plf!4! C'1111lkl'r f rrmf'nl '"ln111 1 Tarman 11 nrt MnrtRrm11n Wlnrtow C.:le11ntr OPERATING ENGINF.P:R~· A Fni.me--Boom Tn1rk A Ir Comprell!ON' OJ'lf'nitoi Roxman t'lr 1'l1xn R"x OpPratf'll lron~H'" nr 1111rh•ll plant) • Concrete or A11ph11IL ~prl'ttrlmir, l\IN·h1rnu 111 T11111r1ni. ~ :l!l :' 12!1 2 ?!I z .11'1 2 'Ill or Flniah M11rhine OJ"'rllt "r 2 "I C'onrrete Mlx•r Ope rator J'll\'lnll' ''I'" :t Of\ Concrete Mixer Oper111or mobile m1"'r :l M Conrr,.te Mlxrr Opn11tor .·kip l\'J'" 2 ~'I C"nncrett Pump nr Pumrcrete <Hin UpPl l\t nr 2 11!1 Hea\'y Duty Rl'palrman 2 Pl\ Heavy Duty Rt'palrm11n Hl'lper . 2 :li'I Eleva tor Hoist Opertttor .. 2 ~I Hlghllne Cableway OpC'rator . :1.1~ Material Loader or Con\•eyer Opertttnr 2 49 Motor P a trol Operator, lnr luiling any tYI'<' <•f P""''er blarte 3112 Oehko.h or Toumeap111l Opl'rator nr 11\\' Jtl 2 9:1 Pavement Breaker Operator . .• 2.81 Roaa Carrier Drtver . .. ..... -.. ..... ... 2 tll Roller Operator . .. .................................... 2 111 Skip Loe.der Operator-whet>! type .......... _. .................... 2 fll'I l'lcreed Operator . .. .. .......... 2 6:'! Stationery Pipe Wrapplng a nd Cleitnlna' Marl\lna Oper. 2 81 Surface Heater and Pl&ner Operator ... .. . :I 118 Tow Blade or Grader Operator ...... .... ...... .. .. ....... 2.118 Tract.or Hl-Urt Shovel Operator . .... ............... ... .. . 3 118 Tract.or Operator -Bulldozer, tampu, -.aper or dr111t type •hoV.l or boom a ttachment& -···· . .. .............. .. 2.8ft Tr&ctor Scraper CJ' Ora« Type ah<>"Nl-tandem -··--.. 3.2• !'ren~ X&chtne Operator -·-··· .. -··-····-··"·-·--··· .. ·· .. 2.90 TMJCK DR.IVER8: Drtn111 of Dump Tnu:u '--thaa ' Jda. wa &.er Javel ... 2.3011 DriHn ot. Dump Trucu.-.i )'da. .,. .... thaa I 7ct.. W'a.kr te.aJ -·----·· ---·--............. -....... ... . . 2.Sal °"" ... ot Dump ~ JdtL .,. 1-tNtn " 7da. ..,.i.er level -·-·-· ···-·-············ .... ···--·-···· . 2 336 Dri•en ot Dump !'ruc~ll )"d9. bul a-. thaa 111 yd1. water level -·--·----· ··········-····........ ......... . 2.3811 Drlnra ct. Dwnp Truc.U-16 )'da. CJ' more waler lev<'I .. 2 68& Drtnr1 of Truckt, l•l'&l JMYIO&d •paott7 1-than II tona ..... ... . ....... ·-·-· .... . ......... _ .... . Driver• ot Truck-. legal payload capacity batwttn I and 10 tona _........... .... . . . ..... --·-···· 11311 Drtvan ot TruclY, legal payloc.d capacity between 10 and 16 tona ......... ..... .. ·······---···-···-···· .. 1.181 Drlvera of Trucka, lefal pa.yload oapadty betwun 16 and 20 tona ..................................... ··-· ...... .. . 2 46& Driven of Truck.a, Ieca1 payload capacit y ot 20 tons or more .. ..... . .... .... . ........ ..... . .. Drtve111 of Euclid type Spreader Truck• -....... -.. -·.. ... _ Drtvera of Dump•ter Truck• . . . .. .................... . Ortnr1 of Trarurlt-Mlx Trucka under 3 yfl8 .. l)rlvera of Tran11ll·Mix Tru~ks 3 yda. or mor,. . 0 81 .t. 011 Pipt'line Working T ni.:k [)river, lnr ll1<lln{ Winch Trurk and a ll 1lz._·1 of Trlit•k,. Hoot men Oumpcrete Trut•k, Jeu than 6t, yds. wat .. r le\'i•l Oumpcrete Truck. 6 ''ll yd11. watl'r ll'Vf'l "ntl nw•r Ho•• Carrier Driver-Hlghwuy Wa ter Truck drlver-unuPr 2~11111 JC•l IndµatrtaJ Lilt -Truck 1Jnv1>r 'Wa ter Truck Orlver-2SOO li(UI. tir mm e Truck Grea.11er a nd Ttreman . Truck Kepa1nnan Truck R•p1urman Ht'lpt>r \Varehouae.ma n-Clerk . Allbeato. Worker 2.683 2.68& 2.611!1 2 !14~ :U ll!I 2 f\111\ 2 611:'1 2 :16!'1 2 30!1 2 366 2 41!1 2 86!1 2 •11'1 2 :16!1 3 1:1 3 40 liricklaver and Slont in11110n Brick Tender . .......• 2 411 Tiie Layer or Selll'r . (l;l.EC'fRJClANS: ~leetnclan--Genl'raJ Foreman -........ ... ··-.............. . £leclrlcal Foreman -·· .......... .................... • F:lectrlcal Sub-Foreman .. ........ . ................. . .............. . Ele~lrlctan ---.•. • ..... -........ .. ............................... . <.:able Sphrf r ....... -..•............ _......... ...... ... ... .. .............. _. l..ATHERS· :1 11:1 3.92 3 !lfl 3 :Ill 3 20 3 :10 Lathtr .. .. .... -.... ·--·····--···-. ...................................... ..... a .e11 F·oreman LaUltr .......... ····-····-········· .......................... ·-·-·~·· 3.T76 PAINTERS : Regular Bruah Paint.er ................................ _ ......... ··········--J.70 Druah Swln( Stage ... ..·-~·-··--··---·····----···-2.9& Iron, Steel and Brtdge .................. ·----··-····---2.911 lron. Steel and Bridge Swing Stage _,, ........ ·-···· .. -···-3.2'1 Spray Oun or Sand Blaater ,. ... ···---·-···-2.1111 Spray Oun or Sand Bluter Swing Stage -·-····-···-·-3.20 Pr.Int Burner• ---·---··-······"·"· ......... --·--··-·--·······-3 70 Paper Hangl'ra ------··· 2.8211 Carpet, U noleum -·-····--···-··-··--····-·· .. ··-.. ·-·-·-3 Ol Gluier and Cutter -····-··--·---···-----··-.. 2.&8 Plu terara . 3.•3711 Plaatw Foremu ---·-3 118711 Plutar Ten,,er ·······-····· 3.18711 Roofer Foreman -··----'T.f""-1.12& Roofer ....... ·-·-·· --2.87 Shett Met.al Workl'I' --········-·---···-.. -···-·············· .. 3 00 Note : All of th• a bo•e craft.a wbJ~ to trinf• ban.tit.. OVICRTIMJC RA TD1 FOR BOC BAalC ftlA.Dlllc lnctdtnt.I k> ltle rralt Involved. Overt.Im• abalS ba paid b won ~ .. wot ... ,.Wu clay'• or -k'• WOl1I and M Vie Nh b ~ of UM •alt tn· volved HoUdaye M banla Nian-ad to llbAll be dtMlnad to be N-Tear'• Day, Decoration Day, lndapend-Da,J, lAbor De.y, AnniaUca Day. TI\ank.agtvlnc Day, and Chrtatmu. U MJ of UM abo" bolMaya tall oa 8unllay, the Mone.I&¥ foUowtnc llhall ba conatder.d a l91r&1 hnllday. 4 •hall be mandaw7 upoa U'la Ocmtnctor &o whom a contrart ii a wal"ded. a.nd upon all wbcontracton under him. to plly not lf'AA than .aid 1.neral prevailing rat• ct per d1flm ..,....,. to all workrntn f'mployed In lb• M4MJUUon ot the contra.ct. No bidder ma.y withdraw hra bid tor a perk>d ot IO day1 aft•r th• date eet for the ~nlng of btda. &a.rd of Trultffa, Orana• Cout 1Wllol' <"'lll,ge Dt11trlr t, Oranre County, C&llfon1111 S1gn~•l B H. PE'TE'RaON, ~retary Publllh · September 2 &nrt 9, 19!\!I Open: 8e.pte.mber 23. 19M-2 00 P M No. 1361 N._·Prote .. PAGE '4 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-ft~ESS tt-Penoaalll FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor N~w.-Prua t1 guarantttd. Carrier boy1 will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday a.nd Frif.a"Y. U your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednes~y and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Co:ul&I !!hopper Ada rua ln the \\'eclaeedaJ Newt -PrMe 4 Unt'8 J ln1ertloa i1.oo add'L llnee .25 ea. 4 Uneti 2 lnr.ertlona I . .;() add'L llqM .Z5 ea. 4 Unf'8 S lnl!lft'tlona 2.00 add'l llaee .26 ea. 4 Llnes 4 lnsertlona 2.:wl add'I. Ua~ .25 ea. 1 .-11ua1loo \\anlf'd Ad•"'" rM'f'h 't-U~;, dhwouol. (la•b In a4vtn('e only. lll~IMl'M AD IS 4 U.~t:S OEAOLI:'\ES for plad nr or cancelling •d• are . For Monday Publlca llun -Friday ~ p m t"or Wednf'l'rlay Publications -Tuet!day 1 p.m For Frida\• Publtcatlon -Thursday 1 Jl m. AJ\..'Ohollca Anonymoua Wnte P. o. Boa all N_,,orl BH('I\. Callt. Pbont Ra.rbor 016 !!:::~lJ~~~~~ Superfluous Hair Perm&nenUy remono froai face anna, te1a. Eyebrow. aad tl&1r Une abaped-Ho more tw...Sna. EL.l..l:N L. BR 1' A.HT ft. E. Llclo'1 &&loo of Btau11 Bar. 2611 u. 22-Loet ud Found F'O ND-0111 gold band wec!dlng rlnr at China Con . Har. 2~40·J 3p LOST Grf't!n walll'l v1c'lnlly of N.H. Yacht Club conl&lnlng ldtnUflcatlon A a ppro1dtnatt ly U O. Finder UI Invited to ldep money b11t pltase return keep- l!ftkt wnllet &. ldtnUfk 1t1on paper:. to Box A ·42 tht. paper. 3~ U>ST, Girl'• ahell dec<Jni.lf'<l bu- ktl puree containing prucrlp- llon glas•u • wa.tleot. Uberal reward 2227 Cliff Dnvt, New- p<>rt Beach or C'aL Ll l ·UH3 a fter e 3c5 24-Schools. ln11tructioa St:\\'PORT H ARBOR Pt 'BLJSHJSG co. CONTRACTORS ~'?11 Ra.lhoa Blvd .. l'it"l1°pOrt BraC'h, (.'alJfornlL . ----I ALL CLASSIFICATIONS .o\11 Cla!Ullfltd Ad• mu•t be paid for Cub ID advure of pubUralloa. STUr;>Y In •pare lime for contrac- The publ11he1 s will not be 1 uponi11hle ror more thi n one lnrorrtct tor 1 examination unclrr • 1en-lng~rllon or 11 ~ Ad. rPSrr,·e the right t o corrtctly claulfy any and all eral contraC'tor with 211 yeara at1s and tn rtJrrl ftny 11<.1 not conforming to ruleos and r!!lrUlatlona. I txperience. Cla.ue1 Tues. and Fri. evu . 7:30 p.m. Attend fint --11eulon fru. Beg-In anytime Classified Index I ~~"-~~-~<:." I Al Tyler School I Fun•ral :0-otll',. .. ! ( 1trl1 nf Thank• ...... n .. ral n1,.....ior .. 10 nu~lnri.' c;ultJ,. I I R11lll1ln1t \fat,.,lal' I:! l\ulldln~ Sf'n •lrf'!I I 4 l'rnu•nal• ''' l'lharf' \'nur Car I fl TNUlapo•rtal Ion 17 Roorlnit I H ~auly Aid• '.!O H.-.alth Aid' '!'.? b•"' and l"nunll :!4 Sl'hool11, 10 .. truc-llon !II 1'-ltuallnM \\'anl'"'ll !I) ff,.lp \\anl•d ~n Ml•~llan•on• . 1811 No. Broadway, Santa Ana NOW OPEN F"aclnry Dl.1t rlbutor STACOAT Paint It Vaml1htJ1 H1g·h QuAllty Low f'rlce Polva-Tex l.alr11t In V11111b Exlc-rlor • lntrn nr S3.118 gal. NEW &OLD Ph. Klmberly 2·4228 or J<l 7-35U Uc Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Gro<'ery Cuhler• and Meat Wrap· per1'. Mftke $80 to 5120 per wk. Call for appointment to learn more about this tra lnlnf. AL TYLER Schools 1611 No. Broadway Kl 7-3611 9•cl WA ?'."TED w.,.kly waahlng A tronlng In my home. AlllO ..-w- lnf . Can P'c.!" !-JP It deJ1ver. Mr.a. Halhawlly. 303 r alm AYt , Balboa. 99p2 COLORED LADY wlahH ltou.e work by th• da.y. clea.nlng and eook1nr . Own trlllUlportallon. Kl ~-9213. i;tlp2 $-Help Wanted ../ STANDARD STATIONS Hu opening for Sta tion Saleemen AgH 18 • 40 Orange Coun ty 5-Day--40-Hour Week High at.a.rtlng pay Excellent Benefits Good opportunity for Adva.nctment Apply ST ANDA RD STATIONS Dahlia and Cou t Highway Corona d•I Mar Ch•lU'"•n and Spadra Jl'ulltrton 8 :30 to 9·30 a.m. Monday It Thuz-.day•. WANT REAL ESTATE SALES· MAN or broker. Familiar with Harbor t rt'a. Top commla1on to one who w11ni. to ma.ke money • not a CTaid to work HOUSTON REALTY 509 Cen· tu Sl., Cott& Mu a . U 8-6911 -Eve. Har. 5298-W. tic ATTENTION ALL BOYS - THE NEWS·PRESS 11 now taldng carrier applications for routu 1n theH nelghborhoods:- BaJOO.. Wut Newport, Balboa 11., Newport Helghi., Corona del Mar and COr;la Meaa.. U you are 12·1' yn , old, and havt a bicycle. apply at the Circula- tion Dept., Newporl Harbor Newa-Pre11, 2211 Ba.Ibo& Blvd .• Newport Beach, between 10-12 L m. or 4·11 p. m. only except 8aturday1. ltc OPPORTUNITY ror reliable ntat appearlnl' hlg:h 1chool or college 11tudenl, with car to make r ood earnlnp. Aaelittlnr Ful.ler Brush DeaJer, part time Kl 3-2100 for &ppt. l c3 M ·\ S"apa 30·8 Appllan<'MI SI \\ant.-d to Ruy Jl'um1t11rt F'ln1ahlnr Antique • Modern Zola tone Wall Paper & Draperies to match NEED SOMEONE t o ca.re for child 8 mo. -my home Mon. • Fri. 8 -._ Start now. 2063 Maple A venue, Coeta Mua. I Real Estate School LI 8•3990 2P3 :I'? t"urnllur• for Sall' !'l'?·A Antlq11r11 S A F lNE OPENING for good real SZ-Funlture for Sele CHEAPER BUY THE DOZEN -NEW- 12 PC. MODERN LIVING ROOM GROUP Include. bf'<I divan, lounger rtuur. ottoman. 2 •tep end. 1 cocktall table, 2 3-way ta ble lampe, 1 3-way floor l11omp, l llWh'tl bau TV arm rocker, 9xl2 AxmlMttr r\lg. 9x12 rug part. $429.50 VALUE AT BAY $297.50 .. CL&A1'f Mooring Ss:>ace St Pf'r foot for •leab'• cn.i!Mre. UOl W. Oout Hlrhway Nrwport 8-ch, LI 1-42'71 Mell TRADE Beautltw 7~n.. aux. edlomer. Excellent for charter. Want prop.rty or smal.ler boat. 1220 W. Balbo6 Blvd., Newport. Har. sosi. ltlfc FAIRUNER. c:lean., loaded, Will trade. U 84110 a.m. or p.m. UUc 11 rr. ALUMINUM BOAT. Like neow, 5100. IOSJ Miramar. Bal· boa. lpJ BUY THE TIDULL or ~- BUY BUICK Henl bow )'Ou proftt MW -&nd for )'Ml'I to oome. l. You Pront • * ......_ de&! I. You Protlt o. U.. ..., ,.. mu .. I . You P?'Otlt oa U.. J1111a .. Mlt Value. arr OUJ\ J'.IOtnWI 12 PC. MA PLE WOOD ARM rRO\.JNCIAL LIVlNG ROOM GROUP lndudea aofa bfod r tatform rOC'ker, club rhair. 2 atep end, 1 rntfee t11ble. 2 tabl .. lamps, 1 floor lamp. 3 m111c:htn1 braided 13' WIZARD, Mark 20 Mercury OD Profit Sbarinr Loac DMJe outboard motor, both ona 7ee.r we are sivinc todaJ • rug~. 61'!l ix6 Jx'\. old U 76. Har. 03711-J. IP' 1~ Bu.ieb $439.50 VALUE AT BAY ~299.~ ' 12 PC. BEDROOM GROUP lnd urln 6 •lrw lloublf' dret1t1tr. ~x-t(l mirror. bookcue head- board, 2' nlte 1laml1, mel11I ~I ftllml'. lnnuapring ma ttreu, matching: box 1pnng. 2 b<ludolr lampa, 9xt2 Axmmaler rUJ , 9xl:l ru11; pad. $339.M VALUE AT BAY $249.50 12 PC. KITCHEN DINETTE CROUP 111\.ludu 38" 4 burntr divided top Welblll jtU ran&e, 8 Cll fl Ph1lrn r8fn gerator, croaatop freezer. chiller drw . C'ri1r er, butttr keeper, 1ht lves In door 8 ll'' a.ah dinette 11t t. 8 rha.1r1. 31x48 Nevemar tablt , 10" nip h•a(, wi th buffet. drop leaf kllrht n utlllty table. klt chrn radio $619.50 VALUE AT BAY $488.50 BAY FURNITURE "Whe1·e Prict111 Art H"lcl 111 Bay · 427 E 17th Freo,. SIOtf'front P11rk1ng ro~t a MM" Ttrm11 ~Mulcal, Radio. TV !:LECTRONlC 0 R G AN. JOO. ....,. Ten'lll. DANZ-SCKM.tDT, 620 No. Sllllta Ana Home of lb• mond Orpn. Mal.n, Ham- CONVERT YOUR piano to an Of'l'tn. Uaed Lowrey Orl'tno In fine condition, 13911. Ttrm1. J40.~ down and 518.411 per mo ··-SHAFER'S Mualc Co. (Since 1907 l 421-423 N . Syl'amore. Santa A n• Phone Kimberly 2-0872 T V, R C' A. 17". Ex1:ellent condl· Unn. J ust httn r"<'Ond ltlt>nf"I· SMl 00 Llbf'rly 8·7H 6 Hr3 ---HAMMO Nn O RG A 1' S Worlll r11mou1. All mn<Jeh!, Al!OO H VM• TERRY'S BUICK 'ot Walnut H unUnatoe BeaM LExington M588 I ... VOLKSWAGEN TRADES OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 111 bargains In use<l oq1:an11. You 'M CORVETTE.· ~rftct lhapa. r11n a11 \'e on lhf'"' ft nl' orir11n, Ukr n"W, Lot.a ot utra uU... 29-Hete Wanted GIRLS YOU will have an opp<irtunity to adv1&nre In our firm, becauM of our prell<'nt 'ex- pansion progr1m. The starling 1111.larv Ill r;ood and you wlU recc-l vt! frequent lnl'rl'n!lrs, t uu. Jobll now for · TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - !>14 '"2 No. Main St reel Rm 211 -S11ota Ana 9 oo to 4 ·oo PM. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 2c4 DANZ-RCHMlDT. !'>20 :-O:n. Main. Goar. mlleaire 12.000. ll&OO S11nt~ An11 32-Fura.Jturf' for Sa.le -JO~N TliE sc_H_oo_ L BA ~n -·~' FOHD RAN<"'HWAOON. radio. Rf:NT A BANO J NSTRUMF:NT h•t lf'r. I ply tir .. · -· JIM& Mesa Woodcraft RS low All $:'! per mo with rtnt- Al to a pply on future purrhaM UnpalntPd it .Juvenile Furniture "' Modern !> dr. desk -·"~. . .$19.911 SHAFER'S Mu111r f'o. (Since 19071 Sturlent dei1k SH.9:5 11421-423 N. Syr umnre. Santa Ana Secllon&J Bkl'11.teA trom J 0.16 Phone Klmbl!'rly 2-0671 Complelt hnl' unpainted furn. 1ott and hw<.I. -~ PER MO. R.E1'TS 11.0Cld prac- Mlnwex 11nc:I Deft flnlshn lice plllJIO. vt the kiddies learn. Ordcrll taken tor ahutters All tf'rmll rent 1f you buy l11ier 2121 Harbor, C.M. Liberty 8·184~ DANZ-SCHMIOT. !120 No Mftln --S11nt11 Ana 100 pianos Home 'SOFA, Club chair. Dre&,lng tablt of the H11mmond Organ. k chair, D11y he<!, Coffee table. f'I<' -116 Ap<llC'na St .. Balboft l~l11nd. Hu . 3730-M l p3 SALE 'IH VOLKSWAGEN pluUc mttttor. condition . .. ':It ~~ORD r1111tom f"()rdoma uc hdan. ~ W ondotrt\!1 .. ltltl dull RAH , .. JM!ll '/j:l VOLKSWAGEN plrkup, wnn- dt rful condition S 14PI\ CO TI ON GOFF VOLKSWAGEN DEALER 2118 Newport Blvd . Npt BMch Trlephone Harbor a 31:5 . 33 8<1at ~. SuppllH ~• Mu11tul. Radin. T \' Paper Hanr mr For rstlm&tee call I in ant.a na ut•t• aaluman. Box Z-41 this aa:N A WOMEN prepare 111 IP&" pa~r. 3cll 13ttc CHROME DINETTE 4 cha1r1. time for unlimited opportunitJ• ___________ ,___ --------------green formica top .S. plutlc up- 2nd Anniversary ll~ Doit"· ""'"· Pf't.11 !'16 l'nultry ~7 l~h·l'tllnck !Ill SJ>f'd &J ;\nnuunumtnt llfl Autn11 Wanted 40 Auto. for !'al,. •ll·A Tl,...s I! Part11 " Auto Sf'n•lre 4'? T rail,.,.. 0 Alrplan•• • 1 Wa.nt.l'tl tn ~nl •a Aph. & Ho-for Reel •II-A Apt11. for Rtnt 411-R HouJlf'a for Rent 4H·( • Trallrr SpaNJ •O Ronm" fnr Rent 4fl·A Rt8t Hnm" 49-R Rnnm & Board ~o l\f'nt. MIM'. M Slnrr" ~ OfnrM :'l~·A 8 1111lnf'u Rl'nlal" Ill Rmdn""• Opporhlnltlu Mt Mon,.y In Lnan ~ Mon•' Wanll'd 67 Rut -.:111ntt Wantrd Special Notice. Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Meet• every Thunday a p.m. Via Oporto -Central .Ave. N~wport Bl'I C'h Alhert H. Matthews. Exal~ed Ruler Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Placentia.. Cu1ta Meaa Liberty 8-7951 lc3 Painting &: Paperba.qtnc We do the work ourael"8. , 30 ycar1 erperitmce UUllMd It 1.nwred. ll&tiafactJon iuarantffd. l:aUmatea frN. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 8lttc Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 182 Cecil Plttt, Costa Mua.. Llberty 8-7527 98cl2 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL H. O. Anderaon 101' IC. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2~ 83ttc -----------1 Elec. Tool Repair l t--Bulldiog St>n·!<:_n __ _ PAINTING 1:00.'TERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -I NSURED Glenn Johnston !IOI • 31st St. Nl'wporl Beach Harbor 3176 22t!c Skit Saw1. DTllll. Sanders QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4:58 No. Newport Blvd .. ~pt. Bch. Liberty 8-8383. Otte PAINTING? Painting, Decorating Ca ll POP'S non-union 1hop. c an P.a.per Hanging j IUe. ne.w c:uatomna. Orange GE.o. BURKHARDT' c ounty 20 yeau. Kl 3·9161 or J<I 2·51131 after II. THANKS. l.IC'l:NSED COl\'TRACTOR 878 W. lfllh St .. Coina Mu • Lllx'rty 8-8828 COMPLETE P AJNTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGE:O-:E O. SAUNDERS M)() 3bt Street. Newport Beach Ha.rbor 2978 or Har. 44'8. ttc General Contractor LICENSED New Work -RemodeHn1 J. MILTON McKENZIE I 97pll CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Bom• NMd R•P61rln1 or RemodtlJq 1' Ca ll Frank. Wbertr 1-ttM All Worlr OuarantMd 1Ute FOR RENT llcill Ba••. !:lee. Drtlla, Pol.laberw, a1J l7Jltll et 8a.nders. Wb"1bar· ro ..... etc. BOYD'S HDWE. Harbor 0693-J Mt!c Hao W. CO.UT HIGHWAY ------------~ l-3U4. NCWJl(lrt Bcb •tto CEMENT & B~ING All Kin~ FREE ESTlllATF.S Llbe.rty 8-8109 ntt ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile Mf(TI. Dlatr1buton Wboleea.lt pr1cu to Cantn.ctore A Tiit 8t\t.n In Rea.I !:It.at•. New o,l11.9H Beacon Personnel SCHOOL gi rt for molher!I helper. holstcry $26, Oak play pen • weekly. AJ Tyler ln•tructbaJ. At. 1 child 8 yrs. Small Salary conv. high chair StO eaCh-280 One Maple Spinet By Bllldwln 20'4 off Ont Small Slelnwav Gracnd. Two Slylf' "B" Sttmwttv GrMd.I. Onr Nt w BaldWln Grand. Save $800. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS tend nnit ev~lnc fret and levn lOOo/o employer retained room • board Har. 6190. 2c4 Evtnjnp; Canyon. CDM. 3co about tht1 (TUt tl1ld. Call or write now. agency Al Tyler School NO fee collected from 1811 No. Broadway, Sant& Ana applicant Kl 7-3.511-Kl 5-3'89-K..B: 1-251! ttc China Painting Day and EYtlWlJ 0..... Order• Taktm Now PboM Lrberty 8-6648 ~ltuattou Wanted tUft Wt have excell. openings for PBX OPERA TORS, Top typist., .tenoa, axtcUllve aecrct.ary, typ- ist -bookkttper; c:lomeeUca - part time A live In, Duk clerk, waltresau, nlte desk clerk, I male) Maintenance man, houu- l>oy and bu• boy1. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. Two In Camlly C&ll Har 4388 or Wrtl:e Box W 38 c '0 lh111 new• paper. 2c3 POWER MOWER Craft.Iman, like new $68. 1l mll.i<P.11 mowing easy. 411 Siln Bernardino St. Ll 8-2040 3cll NEW TYPEWRITER c1111t 165. Sell for $40 LI 8-3396 3c5 SO-B-Affllances Sept. Clearance REF RI CERA TORS Philco 8 c f. pert. cond. S109.:IO ServPI 7 <'f clean . . 79.60 Uaed Spine.LI from JU O. Mlllly olheu 11:re11Uy reductll, Laurie Woodworth Piano Co. 2610 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Coldspot 6 rt. good cond. 54 l'>O Harbor 3382 We11t1nghOU9e, cltl\n nina ok 39.~0 JcJH \.\'ASHE RS HAMMOND ORGANS. Full Une, WE ARE OVER8TOCKED A Jlo'f' MUST UNLOAD AT ONC!: WP.: HA VE 36 USED TRUCK" IN STOCK TO CHOOSI: Jl'ROJiC. I NCL. ALL POPULAR MAIO';" IN PICKUPS, PANl':UI, &TAK· ES AND DUMPS. NO R!:A• 80NABLE OP"FER RP:Jl"ll8f'JD. NOW IS THE TIME TO 8.A VE 80Mll REAL MONEY. WI: C ARRY OUR OWN OON· TRACTS. EXPERIENCED GARDENER BEACON PERSONNEL (Arency) STORK LINE baby buggy, In good • condition . LJ 8·866:l 3c5 Frigidaire au tom . top cond. 89.60 1 all model•. l"ree practice room•. G.E. automallc. l11te mod~I 99 l'>O Come In and p lay on &ny modtl. Launtferall . . ...... :59 50 'nle Great Concert Ortan. the w. W . WOODS GARDENING A yard work by day week or month. Liberty 8·6139 after 8. 3tfc RECREATlONAL DIRECTOR re- cently rtlumed from E urope, Wu t Jndlu . Oerlet pOllltlon u traveling companion. P .O. Box 267, Beverly Hille. llc& SHOWBOAT'S SKIPPER M a st e r 1 unli mited. Av.liable u hore or alloat. Kl 2-38'0 lp6 l:xpen ••nced middle aged womu want.I com!>anlonshlp job. Prt- fr r nitc-1 at home. Har. 3503-J 3cll Roy's Maintenance Newport Beach YOU CAN ADO 131'> TO ~O A WEEK to your pttttnt lncomr. Put-dma Rawlel1h Bualneaa now open; aJeo rull-Ume. See al once tor full partlcular1. Roee WaUmui, 201 Gentva St., Hunl- tngton Beach. Or WTlle Rawl.i1h'1 4707 E . Ot.h St., L. A. 68 P r 9/30 WANTED woman tour 11oC~moons a week. Lite hoUJlework, tronlnr A !'ook dinner for 3 Rt>ferencea required. L I 8·1543 after 8 p. m. 3c!> WANTED-Mill men furmture &a· eembleni A painters hf'lper. Cllll LI 8-6332 3C'5 WANT part time waltre• 311 Pa.Im, Blllboa. Cll.11 after 8 KI 2-UH 3c5 WANT -Permanent cleaning wo- men. AlllO 11lter wllllnr to do lronlnf . Har. 2112 3c5 Hoiat cleulnr-J'loor wasinC Wall wuhlng-wlndow cleanln1 Venetian bllndL Uphol11tery In.lured, P'ree i:.tlmattt Liberty •·UH. JV• "IC.AW 6: ~ 'Wllntlld ~ur llflr1: _C_LE_AN_lN_O_lt __ IR_O_NIN __ O_b_y_Ul_e Ume janitor work Ft w hour11. 5 eve.11ng11 a "·eek Wrtte Box d&y. Experienced. Balboa l.iand X39 thl1 paper. 3p4 pr-efernd. Kl 3-e<>H. t! BA LL ROOM D ANC1NO IN· STRUCTlON In the prlvary of your own home. By ma tu re college mlLll, qualified tnatruc· tor. Excellant reference•. Coup- les or indlvtduai.. P.O. Box 4311 Balboa Island. 2c4 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 IOtf e 00 YOUR OWN, I'll help. l hr., dar or w..X. Concrete block wa.1111, ftOfte YtflMr, patlOll. c ar- p.ntertnc or what ha•• YOll ! RMaOrlablt . LI l-837& 91p2 WAITRESS wanted. Mac'• C'ete, 8204 CoM t H"''Y . Newport Bch. 3c EXP. BABY 8JTI"ER, 4 hre. ~r day. P'lve day1 wk. Har. 2419-W after & p. m. 3c:5 WA.NT a boy for Saturday mom· tni yvd work, corona del Mllr. Har. 4852 Jc4 MIDDLE AGED COUPLE to manage apt. hou1e. Referenl'u r.quJNd. J M. MILier, Harbor 4091-2026 W. Balboa Blvd .. !':pt. Beach.. 2"' Fresh Hearing Aid BATI'ERIES We Olve SltH Oreen S t.ampa Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa Harbo;-61~. 98Uc ANTIQUES -Old tumttun , cul glau. lamp•. old pictures. clock• elr.. Bargftln1 galore. Big dl11- ~ounlll to dt>alers. rharlle Du1a. J8(lll E Anaheim St , Long Bch. 6:50-139. 29ttc F<>r those who want l.be beat Konkel's Interiors aUpcoven, BenJ1x. r una o k . • 29 60 H Mod 1 ... Ch h d the RANGE!'; I ome e, ..... e urc an O'Kec~e" a Mc-rrlll. 42.. ovrn Splnet Modele. It you think lhl'rmo. 49 50 you cannot play, come In and . try Ult world famou1 Hammond, \\ e~tmghouae, eltct. timer. t 1 ,...... .... o y late model 69 50 euy 0 P •Y ....... o,... fTan. ou Ro c-r a pt. elze 20" . _ 29.!IO will be u t on11hed to find rou P ' CllJl play In tlftten mlnutaa. STROOTS H OWE.. Houaeware1 DANZ-SCHMJDT Plano A 0r('tft 1802 Newport Blvd .. <.:oela Mu& Co. Home of the Hammond, 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. GMC Dl!:Al.EJ\ 815-19 I:. M.h St. S&nta Ana OJ*l Sunday A.M. Truck H•dquartel"I for Oran&'• Ce 19~0 FORD CONV. O'd,. MH. Cream With bladr top. W w. l:xctll. cond. Owner Har JU&. 1c& 1964 M. 0 . TD MAllX ll la H · Washing Machine S P l NE T Pl .A.NOS. Wonderful cellent condlUon. lllpUy modi· buy1. Some 1lightly damt g'td In fled. never raced. Cell 'Ntween !';l!:RVICE l -year cuarantee on job• done and on u1ed wuhera.. 2488!4. (rear) Newport Bl., COllt& Mte&. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. Mtfc 11hlpment. Rent.al return• llJld 10 a.m. It T p.m. Har 1111. trade ln1 on orf&n.1. Mirror tpl Type Splnei. u low ~· JU5. ------------- !:&1y term1. '51 MERCURY IPOKT'I eoupe, DANZ-SCHMIDT. 620 No Ma.In, mercomatJe wblt.e .. w. UNA. Santa Ana. H ome of lhe Ham-RAH. leatltw ~-tlOO mond Organ. 615 Redlan~. M9WJ)Ort Bll"'ta. Upholstery, drapertH, bed.spread•. N('w phone Uberty 8-797:\ Free ~RoatA, SupplieA SPIJllET SPECIAL8 Ll 1·30ll after • p. Jn, 1a F..stlmatee 2030 H .. rbor Blvd , Coiota ::~ BOAT STORAGE ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. GO<'k\&JI, dumer dre.s11e11 • Coorllin&tu. CUSTOM DRESSMAIUNG Ph. Harbor 11268-R 88c3 BEAUT . BLt:E PERS lAN lcilten. male. $l(l tt1lver a nd bl&r k. $:\. Mothrr pedtirrr NI. father non- pedlgrrrrl. P hone H11r 2789-.J. eVl'(I. 911tf Wlll8TINGHOUSE elect. range, clock control A timer S7:5. C ros· ley Shelvador re.frig. •~•. M&ple SeC'relary 160. Har. 311te-W ALJ.-SIZF.S, reu on11hlt rates. Ap- pl)' ftl YBrt1 om.-... SOUTH (•OA~T CO~fPA:'\\'. Newport Blvd . a t :tSrd ~ , !l:f'V."J'll'lf°t Bell 2tf -------------- 24 FT LA TE MODEL Expre111 C'm l&er Xlent c<>ndlUon. Fully t qu1pped Chr)'Rler Crown en· rme. Sacrifice by owner or will tllkt' euto In l r&de. Har 24()3-J Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent 2c4 ' lr3 AmenC'an Legion 21 !'.·l~lh St. -----------Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m MA HOG f .,xten110le I TA Bl.E $3~. PRtf Conlon lronrr '26. 2 • 30 In. ecreen doou . U 8-41S21. 2c4 Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8-KM 18-MM 3:5-MM HOBBY an4 MODllL AIRPLANE SUPPL11:8 WINTER STORAGE Boa ts or Trailers $65 BJl:AUTIFUL blonde Hallrt and KILLMAN eoDT.Uble. .,.,., .... Davia Spinet piano nnt&I re-COftdlUon. MW top ""-tlrft. tum. Uke new. Save $12~. Conv. lah Car s.nt~ IOll W. a..t terma. LOVELY Mahopny Qui-LI 8-4TT1. 19' bra.naen Spinet piano tn perfect condtUon. Terna SOO down and JTl:TO per mo. S"AVE HOO on •llrhlly uffd Kimbal Bptnet piano In perfect condJtlon . Con- venient terna at- SHAFl;R'S Mu1lc Co. (Since 1907! 421 -423 N.•Syacmore. Sant& A.na Phone KJ.mb«rly 2-~72. BA BY II> GR.AND. Special. Onlr S 4116, ~ tone and acUon . Bl11Kett 1 lo ck of wonderful i:rsnd plnno11 In Onnl(I' County. Tt'rmll DANZ · SCHMIOT GrPat PllU\o and Or~n Slor,., 620 !lio. Main. S&nla AnL Home of t.h• Ham· mond OrJCan. !:',_Do~"· Cab, P"t• Pl 'RE BRElJ Miniat ure poodle p11Jlft, blar k & brown l'1mberly 7-1838 2c4 0-Aato ~tlee Motor Overhaul NO MONET DOWK * with this ad * 8Cyt.. ... . 8 Cyt.. ---.. . Ineludt1 boUa l&llor -4 JU'& NllW rtnic•. wrtn ptna. Y&ln itTlnd, flttln11 of main and rod bt-artnp. l!llpert motor t... up. 90-day or 4,000 mile .,...,...t ... (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINEI -UP to 15 MONTHA TO P4T- Bullt In our own factory by *1lled machlnl.U. Don't eonlalMI wtth the m iddle man. eu, dtrfft. REBUILT and INST ALLD> SHORT BLOCK FORD ........... SUUO CHEVROLET ·-·· IHt.50 House Plans LI s.7•93 68ttc Swedish Massage ASPHALT TILE LadJee. -by appobltment In HOSTESS part lime. ,,..aJtru u fl.Ill Ume. Bu. boy1 pa.rt time. Jl'ry Conk full tlmt A: di11b 'lt'uhen part time. Apply Snack Shop. 230~ E. Co1111t Highway CD)(. 2c4 Mears Camera Shop SI: C R 'ET ARY. conllt r. open; 1712 Newport Bl•d., COit& Mua 8ecr91.&ry-1t.eno-to 1300; Steno Phone l..Iberty 1-700. Pr U -Bookkeeper t o S 300; Olhtr ------------- for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Launchlnf S 1.211 Fenced --Guardtd Storer• Span SMALL lo'OX TERH.IER female, S month•. H'ld 11hotll Wonderful children.a ~t 55. Ll 8-20'2 2c4 FOR 8AL.E-Black Cocker Sp&n· 1~1 pup. 5 mo. old. 814 Jumlnl'. Corona del Mar. 3p6 PLTM. It 000011:.. 1165 CHRTS. 6 Oil SOTO --1110 STUDEBAKER ···--.. --ano OLDS A PONTIAC I -1110 LIBERTY H2&1 your home. LINOLEUM Formerly m......,. at A~ 1.U. WINDOWS, FLOORS Wuhing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL Ir OFFTCES ' LI 8-1823 ( tut.all Utt aJ>oVt cb .. ~r than JnOlt. Al.lo Hll Tl.It It Ltnoleum. Noa-wuon, 25 ,.,ar1 upertence. Compare and ... - BILL COKER Har 479~ or Loni 8-c.h 1 ··&913. 'Htfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS U t-J.111 • LI 8-1823 -Ou8l!led Ad. are rH4 by fOlD I who ..,.. ~ally lookt.nc to buy. \ 2IO Avocado, Colla Mua tetf• ' Sprtn,-. Hotel P l-call Harbor nte oe Ka.r 0292. l cl4 Somebody Wants that u.aed rum1tur1. bric-a-brac. etc,, no• ta.k lnJ up IP&tt la your prare. Find a buyer wtlh an ad In N..-. Prea Cluaitled. Jiat phone Har· bor 1818 .tt aay: "I want to p~e a ~uetned Ad. .. nd • ~ ad·l.Utr w1U htlp 7ou Wl1te an atfectlw -.If. polllUona. office. dom.,.tk A i eneral. -Ma.It electronll'I en- &1n•re A technlclana. JUNE FARRAR. Empl. AJcy. 402 'i-32nd. St N'wp<>rt Beach cacro. St. from City Haiti 1c4 LADIES: Rud our ad under c.laulllc:atJon 2' -Super Mar- ket Tra!nlnr AL TYLER School.I 1811 N. Broadway, Sant• An._ Kl T4111. 9'1c8 PERliUNENT COOK It bouae- ~· U"9 '" It• Me. Reit- ffmCU ffiiUlred. Jtar. 3627. 1c' USED Atrl'OMA TICS S39 .50 to $99 .50 DtllveNd In.It.all~ suaranteed. Terma anllable. Henderson's 4utomaUc Wuber Sa tice M'8 N...,,ort Bml .• eo.t& M ... LI 1-TIOI Cn-.r Oolt 0Nnt) pr tie , Outboard Marina 202 I:. Cout Hwy. Harbor 6130 ~ -----------THIS AD SOt.O 2 Snowbird•. on,. more to 10• With •and dolley • conr 1700. 17 ft. h.lcon 5660 7 ft. pram $40 It other bur•· 2MT W. Cout 1f1111way, M-· port. U 1-1201 JcD BOAT ILIP ffW ""L Acoammo- dat1 10 to 33 ft. e.ftA. ~,.. 11 a.nio. en-ll&r. 1llt.J Jc 311 FORD SEDAN Good thap., '76. 1181, A&"al•, 81lboa 11· land, Har. 34&8-M l e& ~4 01.08, 8t •uper 2 door lt'dan. Hydromatlc, radio, het.ur, WW A etr. X1nt condition. lllre """'· Mu1t u ll Ll 1·1200 Jc& 19~ OLDS luper II. &~r. 2·tone W l .W., power 11Au\n1. 1mmt c· ulat> throo~tlout Pri"9t• party 11.87~ 2063 Harbor Blvd .. COit& M-. lpl BUICK -··-··---·_:_-117& HUDSON ----.. --··· --It 1' Loan Car """ Towtnr NEW CAR GUARA.NTl:ll Block miat meet our I~ Plua Laue, 1aalteu and eitl ()pc'n lunday l O a.m. to J p.a. BELLES · ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily I to T l\&te ~ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. LUfTA. A.JI.A ,,, ,,, ,, II 11 ,, It I! I I \ ll ~ - CRftTSLE!\-L&te 81 • door afd. Wlncaor. nuld·maUc drive. ft.ill 6 extru. E>H'tll. <'Ond. throurh· out 187~. Orig. owner. Cautull.J driven. Drive ll •nd let your ml!(ht.nlc che<:k ll over. Ubercy 1·7Ht , 98p3 'ao PLYMOUTH, 2 dr. sedan. per· f eet condlllon $6~. Hu. 230U.f 2c• I 1960 CKRYSLl!:R New Yorktt MdlUI. R 6 H , W . S. W. G<>e>d condiUon. Har. 6072·W. 2c• 1 '1-A.ato ~ Reliable Garage 2106 Harbor Blvd., C. M. Ct.rttul, rxpertcced, economl· cal repa1t1nf . 3c6 U-Trallen I *PORT ORANGE*' TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 '62-U ' Happy Home ...... -.. $596 '62-29' Roadmuter . 11895 '/'>6-24' 1'1"rry .. Spec. Price '5:>-41' Para.m. 1 bdrm .. A dettl 48-Aeta. & Roaaes tor Bent 43-Apb. •. RouseA for Re'!_t 48-B-RoUMe for Bent Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsul a, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful Jiving. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilitie~ paid. with Yacht slip accomodations. Daily, weekly. monthly. yearly. For appt. or reservation. Call Har. 2992. 34Uc 4.8A-Apta. for ~ot 48-A-Apt~. for Rent LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT APT. • LEASE. Tastefully decorated. furn. or unfum. 2 bdrm., 1 bath (enclosed tub & showt>r) all electric kitchen. W W carpeting. Patio. Laundry & gar· age included. Avail. on nr about Oct . 1. OWNER Har. 3224-W 90tfc FUR..~. 2 bec1rm. llama, by mo. or yrly. Garare. AvlUI. Sept. 1.5. 1117 W. Bay, Newport. Harbor 3886 before noon. 17t.tc1 Lido Isle 2 bdrm. Provincial Interior, com· plelely fupl. A valL /kt.. 1 tor winter $1~ mo. P iltlo, n repl., dbt gar. 211 Via Dijon. Harbor '678-W. 90<:4 PENINSULA POINT Fl.'RN., 2 bednn. home. largr en· ctoeed y&rd It patio, Winter , rent&I $100 per mo. No pet•. Owner, 173• Plaz.a del Norte. Hlll'. 2e•-J. 2c• TWO BEORM. unfum houae. 2 car r arage 6 playroom i 16 mo. or $70 on yr. le&11e. 2~H N~wpt Blvd., Co1ta Men . LI 8·7620 3c4 LIDO ISLE. 3 bdrms., 3 bath.I home on annual ba.a1a. Het.tl'd swimming pool. Slip tor 40 fl. bo&l . Buullfully tum. Exqui- site lns1<1e planters. ahruba :u·ound patio & pool. 3 oar gar. $800 mo. Inquire 41 Balboa COVE'S, NewporL 3c18 FURN. 2 bdrm . .lit eleeplng porch, gar. Yeu ly. 3701 Ba.Ibo& Blvrl., Newpor t. :Sp6 M-Moaez to Lou NO COMMISSION No Appralaal Fee SALES -REFINANCll OON8TROCTION C.U tor Free Fut Commitment. on RealdencH &ad Unit.-only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St. COST A M ESA U 1-6.~ l LI 8~2 --WE HEED USTJNOS. We HA VE buyera! Flne.t ntw orrlce In Harbor u et.. Willard L. Killion. Realtor 3341 Nrwport Blvd., Harbor MO& 3c6 ------------Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE SURE BEFORE YOU BUY Cor1plete lnveaUga t1oru .l reports. Rt>pre11ent non-restoent l!lndlorda. 35 yrs. covrrlng Ar1zona .1t New Mexico. Phont Har. 3434-J or rontact C. B, Brown, Rt. 2. Box BEACH CO'M'AGl!: % blk. to _s_s..,•_. _Tu_M<>_n_._Ar_1_ .... ____ 98<:_1_0 <1ce1U1. 2 bdrm. rum . $!10 yrly, '115-46' P&n American Dl1count I _________ _ PAN AMERICAN ~Apt. ... &: Houses for Rent 4K-A-Apts. for Rent Paramount-Kensk llt j Travelu~Te,.ry CHANNF.I. RE:"TAI. 2 hr . 8:'.M c l rum .. O•·t. 1 ttJ M11y 1 ~12~ -------------month. 1951 Spartan Claire Van Horn R I M.ans"1on RF:ALTOR oya ll.ll 2731 \.\'. C•>38l H~·)' LI "·4:?7i l\3 n'. DlNl!:TTE. twin ~ct.. I 2r4 Co!llllder trad~. 420 W. l"t ------Tu11lln. r.?p6 ATTRArTIVF. \\'tnt~r Hrntnt~. l<"'11rn <linettt. kit .. bat h. bdrm. Furn· l~hed <'Ompte.1 ety, Incl. 17" T V. rhina. r1tllns1'1~. etr. CABA:-; A II x 10. Mmpl. furn. ALSO' p1<1ln !11rn1t111 r'. Nt'W 12 ft W1zar<1 7 1~ hp. F.vinruue mt1 I t>N• Ill 1. .. 1 1 N~'"'l'rlrl M11nlnp11 I Tratltr Park. Har, 0821-R 9~p9 ----------- 111 ;t Bdr•m , :l bAlh 11 r 1 $11~ mo IZI 2 Rillm , 2 h'1lh Apt $100 mn. 131 3 Bdrm . 1 hath h<1u11e SltO m '1 F.11rh hu u le. TV f1rcpln•·t-i;arai;•• rlispn~al. RALBOA RF.ALTY CO. Har :l2i7 71)0 fl: R11lb<"' Blvd R 1dqot1 2~1 F o n SALE Small hu1111e 1sa1ler C."-OSTA MESA 2 hrt1 m. 11nr111n with new ""'n1ng $1 7:'>. -411Bay.1 Si~• mo t·o~\a M~11• Jfl:I DAN A JACOBSEN. Reull(lr -----------43( :!2nd Sl , :'\'rwpw l F:frtll'h 47-WantNI t-0 Rt-nt Har :'169 1 F.v"~ I.I 8-:11162 Rentals Wanted 1 w11''TER-REN'1'ALS. New , 1ml· W o need apta and llou.aea tn ail I ruom furn apt $60. 2 hdrm .. 11tcllon.t for bOtb winter t.nd hoWJe S70. Av111l. Sept '..'!'Ith. yrar'e icuc. li"urn. or unfum. 206 F:. Buy Al'•". Hall)t)n. Har. It you have a vae&DCy, 1 796-M. 3p5 phone to<lay \\'!S TEP. RENT A LS Fu m 1 brlrm The Vogel Co. 1 l 2Ul W .. cat. Hwy., Ne<wport B<".h ~ Pnone Llbt•rty 8·3481 21•11 ;.tarme, B&tboa 1.aland Phtme Harbor H4 hou~e $6:'>, 2 hdrm $711. bat'hd or apts $25 .ft $3tl. new l hJrm. ""' . fsn•plnre $ill Ph. for ap- pointment LI 8·26H-1008 W. Balbo:i. Bh'Cl 2lfc 2667 E Coast Hy . Corona del M'&r ----- rlione H•rb<•r 1711 CLlF~· HAVF:N, Two bedrm un· 1.u.1o Office, 3416 VI& Lido furn. 1'ripl«x neft<' schools. 'Yard Harbor 4971 ll2t.fc mvlntAincd. water pd. Garb. dlsp. tan autom. heat. Owner 272 Broadway l.l 1:!·2776. 2lft• Deluxe Furn. Apts; Har. 3440-J 3c6 61-Real Est.ate Exchange 011e & two bdrm., With lelevlalon. A,•at111l!li-for 8Ummer or win· trr A LS() y11arty iea.9ra, In Hearl nf activity -Lot• of parking Mi E . flntboa Rl\·d., Ball:>oa Harhor 3fi06. 86ttc Lido Isle Bayfront • Onf' Rnrl two hdrm. 11 p11rtm('nls. l"urnishr<I. Ga.ragr s. Yearly or wrn\cr rrnl&l Har. ~67:1. NEW MODI!lRN un!um .. separate 2 BR. u nit. with ga ragelJ. Choice Eut Side location, Coatfl Meaa. Qui,t Mber ptople desired. Ll 8·4965 3c~ 49-Rooms for Rent NEWPORT JU:IGHTS, private t>n· trance. full tile bath. 431! San· ta An& Ave. after 5. 2c4 OFFICE FOR RENT Clvlc Center Location, 2l'x2•'. $60. per monlh. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor nx .. ; HE[lRM. ntrd.v furn. Wlrl· 34.20 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. 11•r Ad11I!,,, Garaj!e s;,5 mn, 92cS J ltl .tilth Newpl>rt. 93tfc ------------- 13A l~HOA ISLAND, {)( t, to J une. J"urn. 3 bednn. 2 bath:<, Bay F ront Garn~·" No pel11. F or a.pp't Har. 1990-M. 93tfc LH>CJ All~tS APARTMENTS .lit MARINA Uny fron~ apartments !nr IO'l\se, :HOS \'la Oporto. 98t!c NEW. SMARTL T FURNISHED Office. 1999 H arbor, Coeta Mtaa . Uber~~ 8-3333. 94Uc BUSINESS BLDG. With paUo, 50s96 lot. $85 per month. 113 22nd St., Newport Riverside County SALE OR TRADE ror beach prop· erty. 80 acre lrr lgated stock r&nch, 2 houses. Ideal for hor· 11c11, reg. cattle or amall com- mPrclal ht'rd. Inquire 823 Pt.rk· man Lr., L& Canadt., ph. Sylvan o-~340. 89c3 FOR EXCHANGE VPry modem, 11 room home. Hdwd., tile -2 fktptone fi re- plal'e11. lic hv. rm .. drn. paUo. 1 1~ bslh, dbl. gar. Car port. Beautifully landscaped, 7 yr. old. Nur everything o( impnrtanl'e In Upland. Widow Lady aay11 ae.ll tor INCOME property -Thia rnutal area preferred. Ph. U plan Cl YUllon 323-193 <lr' Har. 0811-M during thl11 coming week end. P l'arl J. Smith, Real· tor. 420 E . 7th, UphU1d. 2c3 REAL VALUES FlJR!li. STUDIO APT. Rea.son· nhlr . l'ermRnt>nt tenl\llt prefer· reil r.110 Jasmlnt'. Corona <tel Mur, 3c5 Beach. Kl 2-UH. 9ecl 0 2 BR. HO.ME approx. 8 y,... otd. M·l zoning, over 100· frontage on good St. Will take 2 or 3 br. home In trade. Priced lo atll. S.tter look thla one over. WAN TF.D yriung lady to ahare apartment. 435•~ Heliotrope, ( '"' onu ot1·I Mnr aflu 6 or Sat. Har 3640-R 3cS FURN Hal'lielor apt. Private. Coot.I lol'11llon. 't 1hth.'s pald. 1211. Puppy, C'orona del Mar. 2 •tore. or otnce., one 28x30. One lh26. Low rent. BuJt&ble for re· t a.il buaineaa or otfice. 607 E . Balboa Blvd., Bar. 3608. 88llc Store Building · Modern. SM Mo. 8uJtable~ lnmur- anct . res.I eat.ate, gt!t.w, de. Parking ft.cllltiea, F .A. Heat . Call He.r. 2070. 89ltc Har. 063!'.l·M 3c ------------- M·A-BusllaeM Bentai. FOR RENT, unrurnlllhed 1 bed--------------room apt. In Costa Me."6. 193T DESK SPACE with pbOM Mrvtce S30 mo. 601 E . &lboa Blvd., 1/2 Acre Rancho 2 BDRM. 6 DEN home on s s acre, A-1 sonlq . All fenced. It you want country living, lhitl I.a It. Full price, only $10,960, term1. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1892 Newport Blvd. Co.ta Mesa LI 8-1872 Eve11. LI 8-4120 .. --- Houston ; Values Full Price-$7450 2 BDRM., I yr1. old, 60x260 lot . Submit your down. owner mov- lnr to Di!'"' rt. A real va.1u, ~!~i~i~.0!~v s~~~~~ gar,. walled patio. 11 . ., bedrm. turn. apt. In rear. ptua atorare room, 11.1\d 2 horse llart1, on •, arre, only $4 11()0 dQwn Good ttm11. $8175-2 Bdrm. CLOSE-L'>'. neat &11 a pin, rto11bte gar. &: riu-porl. all tenred, Only $2,000 dn . ll 's 11 "Buy". FOR E:ve J.11fu on ab.we Pe11t te LJ 8·54117 Corona del Mar 2 BDRM. l"IOll<'·m home. i tl.100 S3:'100 anrl $66.~0 tnr l. 4 ·~· Int. 604 H.,llol rope, Mul!I co-op. Npt. Hts. Special LARGE n LoER nbt·sE with view of bey. 3 b<lrm . .l den. din. r ni. &: !l\ln rm. C'or. on Cliff Dr. Only $1~.oon. 11rnall dn. Good terms. M-1 with 40x64 bldg. WITH or WITHOUT 801111 leue. 831vx290 to alley. This 111 a givt away at Sl!S,MO. Lido Isle 70x88' LOT. 3 bednna. 2 hath, 3 yr. old BEA tlTT, I.Anal opena to big palln. <'ompete prlv•cy. Room for J>MI or olh"r develop- men t. P •. of 137.500 111 Wt'll bf'· low reprn<fuctlon co11t.ll Shown by app't. only. Eve. Info. Ph Lytle LI 8-2&42 Houston Realty Co. .lit AS SOCIA TES 509 Center St., eo.ta MeH LI 8.g911 or U 8·77114 M-1 OFFERED AT NOT YESTl!:R - DA YS, OR TO M ORROWS PRICE-BUT TODAYS - DO YOU want a pretly httle Provincial lntenor home on 109 • t ronL&.ge ? ! YOU CAN have your bualneq In the rear-anrl whftt 11 location' Don't wail on thi.. ltll $11,11-00 today 6 tu rns. Act quJck I REX RECHS- Realtor 2307 W. B&lbo& Blvd. N-i>art Bearh. Har lllM ATTRACTIVE LARGE C'Ol 'PLF: Mnn il'lrnlty .. mpt. - Wanta I nr i hilrm. house part· ly lurn. w e havi-appliances .ft FOUR RM. unrurn. collag1•. $~0 ,,.,mt' rum r·t<>sP. to 1'ewporl , mo plus ul1httes Suitable for C"lly .Hall prcft'rre;I Need large I 'ouple M w1lh I child. 3227 day ~arnge. W rite Bo -t U-36, thlll St .. Newport Bt"tl<'h. LI 8·~~~~ Hnbor Blvd. or Liberty 8-~H 3tl Balboa. Phone &J\.IWerlng aervtce ------------- SHAKE VERY MODERN \,.~::e;,.R Hl~~TALS wa.nt .. dfl8tt~ I RENTAL .I lhl! Harbos· ><re11. Tenitnto wait· r 1n,. Phnn .. 111 your v;irnnt'ie11 lfl-SPECIALISTS CHEE.RF"t;LL 11unny w1lt»r f ron t "PL. Lltllc bland I win tar) 1 or 2 bd rm.s., i;'arbage d isposal. heat t'On trol. l'lose to village., adullJ!. 12212 GN1nd ('anal 3c5 t.J90 avall&blt. Har. 3608. 8ettc FOR RENT -Fu.mlahed omce ln aNocl&tlon with an attorney. Tu expert preferred. 2912 W. Cout Hiebway. Newport Beach. C&llf. LI 8.oll102. 88tfc B A C K B A T R E R T R I C T E D Large picture window, 3 bdnna. 6 Homeaitea. We ht.ve two with 1 lg. brtck patio. Family alze din· back ba y watn vlew at $6,000 1 Ing-rm., large tile kitchen with cuh each. b111ll·tn dining area, 2 BATHS, ORANGE COAST l'tall ehower, Iota of tile, pull- PROPERTI:ES man. Be11uU!ulty landsooped lp,t 1857 Newport, Costa Meu. 60xl~O, fenred, private alley. LI 8·1632 Eve 1..1 8-6803 Extra largp 2 car rarare 221t20. -~~~~~~~~-VACANT NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 * BALBOA APARTMENT BOG. * $17,000 income,'per annum 22 Unit.a With 9200 .q. ft. of living area , all in ln Cl.au Condition. Top high ~ntal location. $24,500 Down Total Price: $85.000 Jl"or further information ca.ll GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor ~2 Evea. Liberty 8-llse 25 Yea.rs of Leadership INCOME PROPERTY 1 furnished income unita on 90 tt. frontage on BaJ. boa Blvd. Many sound featul'l!lll identify th.la pro- perty. Location, aize, 1tablllty and regulatory ... panaion restrictlon. among others. Thia ia the init.lal ottering on the market ot tha valuable property and exclu.aively through tbM office. Priced at $f&,500. LEE CASEY OFFICE Z721 E. Q,ut, Hwy .. • "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor a,.. f8mtnel lft ~ these aqu.lait.a bomea -noting tlbMr om:Dfiol\ oan- venience and central k>aation. More and more ~ who JINf'il' a home ID a ,.. atrlcted quality commumtr ._ mo.tac II*> tt.w Irvine Tenue homes. · Drive in today and eee tor ~ ttll maa1 out· atanding features of t.bie ~ onmmunlty. Inspect built the ~ model homee, Ma.coo Corp. furnished exquisitelY, by Martin & Von Irvine Terrace ii locaW on eo..t mp....., ~ the new lntne ac..t CounbT, Cub- EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUBIVll A.GllNTI Phone Harbor «48 For Further lo.touz.Uon 1la1· HE X ru·:C'H S .. Realtor, 2307 I w: Ralhoa Blvd, Har. 51:16. tee C&ll Edn& Cr&lg \,·.u ·n :n o:-; LEAS F: 2 be•I· Blanc~1~ M~~;;~; Rltr. HA LBOA, LITILE l SLA="D turn. apt Sept. ll~ru June. $85 mo. 11til. ln~luded. 1 bdrm., lg, llv- mg nn. f ireplace garb. dlap., gar a: tar gi> tot. Adult 11. no peu. l1 ti Crysta l Ave. Har 2378-J. Dress Shop CORONA DEL H AR, ocean view home • 44 Cabrillo. Corona High· lluuu Owner m ust tell. Submit traClea OPEN HOUSE SUl'i"DA Y 1-6 p .m. 1t For Recommendation, we refer J'Otl '° anyone who hold. a Leuebold r.ta'8 in Inine T~ Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and CU!! Mann 1~:! YEARS OLD, like new.---------------------- lf•UITI art \\'a!••rfr11nl &. l('l'OUlld lialboa l!!land, Har. 1671 !lf•or D:t\'o np•lr! 6-7i:!O day-72Uc 1 mr "' \\'I'll" Br•ll \'-40 Newi<- T'ro•t.A :lc5 R~: pons1ble family of 4 wa.nt win· Irr 11·nlr 1front rentnl 3 hdrm nro11r11t $Jl)(l m n M rs Ht1n'"Y ROOMS, CO'IT AGES. APTS. DAY .. WEEK OR MO NTH TKE BLlJE TOP MOTEL. •o3 Newport. Blvd .. j11sl abo\'e The An·hl'!! 7Hfc LMi . 44 lh i:it.. NPwp,.rt li<'lll'h . , ------------- :IJl:I !~-=--~~·!'.: !'-1!'!."M!S ------\\'fi:ST BAY AVE. dupln. s bed· j room. :! b:t th. turn., S1 tn month year I~· (Ir win! er. t 41 !I W Bay A VC' • R1olhM . 98pl2 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle .t~A-Apts. for Rent L'NFt:R:-.: 2 Mrn1, up11111tr11. J<ll r. n~t Yt.'a.rly renllll MO month. :i Ii A.lvsrado l'lel'". 0 11 ibnn. Har.. 0190·\\' 11'3 APT. t::-.:F\'H:'o1 2 b•lrm~. & i:nr nn ~rC'IUdf'.I xlfl•••I 2 Rlks r101n !'I hoot!'. shop~. t r11n~ k r O. E. !'!ldl', l'. M Avail S~pl. l~o. 2c7 48·8-Rouioes for Rt-nt FOR LEAS£ TWO BEA UTTFUL new l rvtne Terra<'e lmfurn. view homca. 3 BDRM$ .. 2 bath3 ant.I 2 HEDHMS,, 2 baths. C:All Harbor 1775 (lr Harbor 0 48. EARL \\'. ~TA.'\LEY, R ealtor I rvine Terrace Office Corona d1·l Mar. 33ttc W l;\"'l'ER RENTAL Sept. to June. :J bf'c.lnn font $65 mi•. 115 E . Dal1Ju11. B1v1L (lv.•ner 3110 Hc!ith• "r H1111ol Lnng Bearh Ph. 39· :1r.n7 lp9 $3900 Ht.nCllPI Box 3~1 Lag\m a Bea<'h NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL Next to cor. 19th & Placenlla. In Coat& Mu a. 2 bedroom home, txcellent condition. Plus a ama.IJ •tore ln rear. Plrnty parking & room for expanl!ion. Jmmt'dlate possession. F or sale or trade. call owner LI 8-6223 mornlnp or after r. p. rr.. 9Hfc OPPORTUNITY ThriVi.ng houllecleanlng busine88. Sma1J Ir cozy ur lar,e 6 delwte 17:! to $300 month L.l 8-3!\88 lr3 SF.PT 1r, to June 15 -4 lxlrm. Opportunlty to make good rnon· ey for right pRrty. Make of!tr to Bo• H-96, this paper. Sflttc -2 ROOM, ~ b11d1elor apl 1 VOGEL CO. or 2 adull11. Si'r.. "''" 1•n lf"11~c 208 Marine Ave., Balboa Lsland C\cl 1 to July l llllL 1nrlu<l•••L P h Harbor 44' or Rarbor 2151 or SJOO mo. on yr lease. gar ReA. Har. 1786-R or Ht.r. 30:59-M Private bea.ch & drx:k pn\·110,1:;>.~ &4tfc :-;o pet• nr 1 h1ldrf'n Be.iron -------------1 Bay n<'llr Harbnr lllland. l111r. OCEAN FRONT -Spaclou11 l or 2768 lTF'\ 2 bdrm. Enclo1"1 pallo, volley , ATTRACTIVE <><'ean \'iew 1 l)lh m. ball C'OUrt, lovely ''lew. Summer I llpl,. partially furn. Suitable for 11nd wlnlf'r rentals. St>e at 7304 ruuple, Si'~ !l'l(l, n Iv. \\'e~t :oulc W 0<'r:an Front. Newport Bch. M cost.a Mrl<a, <.~:ill. 9 to ~. Har. or cal.I Har 1232-W axcept Mon. 80 llfc 6 Tueaday. 88p3 LIDO RENTALS 2 BEDRM.. 2 halh•. unfurnished. Big patio. DrapY. Th.ree \·ears olct Stove and oven (h11lli. In) $175. mo. A lllO WIN'1'1JR t.nd yearly rtntals $95. month and up, N:&AR WATER. one b1trm. rum. llpt . a t 30t '~ 34th SL ='11!W· port Beach, close to Rlchftnls A vallsbte nfler Sept. 1 O Yri~· $60 mo. Har. 108tl-J. 1,.3 CORONA DEL MAR yrl. !1tm 2 bdrm. duplex, 1 bdrm. apt in. dud. utll. R&r. 5409 2t fc LAROE l berlrm Ap!, un.rurn. hnll'<C $6i.. :11 i Ah-a rado l'lsce, Ba:b,,a . Ha r. orno-\v l cJ BA LBOA I hnrlrm. furn. house. Av111I S~pt, 1~ wlnler nr Y""rly. F-xtra 111r1• Ho'asnnable. 1 22'~ F.. Halbua Blvct. 2p7 ------------ ORANGE JUICJj; .lit date ahalte gtand. Coa.st Highway 21, mUca aouth of Corona del Mar. Year round bu~lne1111, a.sk !or Norm. 3ttc F'URXIS.HED W I TH PIER -------------- Loveh· 2 b11droom frnced yard one ·block lo L!1lo ahops -~M--__ M_o_n_e_.J_'_to __ Loan _____ _ Reasun11.ble to reh11ble rouple WE SPECIALIZE IN for w1ntt'r mon ths Apply ~19 LOANS 4' FINANCING 36th ~t. :'\ev.--port, 2p• ON FOR RENT-Apt. by week. month HOUSJ:TRAILERS or year. 2-hedroom11. nicely Autoa, Furniture It Salaries fumisn!'d. Retrlgeratnr. ut1Ut1~..., One Day Serv"tce paJd, Winter rate $1 00 a month. Owner on premJses ne.'Ct Sunday. Loana t rom '6() to 11200 or more Arldress 2410 Wu t Ocean Front. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE :--:ew'J)Ort Be&eh. Phone YUkon 323-193, Upland before then. CORPORATION 2r3 1898 Hubor Blvd.. Costa Mua 3 BEDROOM i'URN . .Balboa, t!r• LI 8·7761 -Open Frldaya tul 8 Closed Saturday&-He LOANS for Homes p!A re, recrct.tlon roam, ~bl. gar --------------a ge, no ~ta. Wlnter rental. H nr. 1336-R or Har. •072 2c4 DAN A JACOBSE.N .. Realtor 434 -32nd Sl., Newport Beach Har. !S6!1t Eveli, U l-56e2 2c4 LI'ITLE GEM Enf llsh Tudor cottare So. tJf Blvd., Corona ctel Mar. Older but grea t charm. H 11 g e u che•I liv.-dlnlng &rel\. Wbn· 11.-rrul for enlert&lnlni;. 2 B<lrm::., den, 2 fireplace•, a charmer Ill $16,:'>00. F:ai;y t.erms. Exclusive 11gent . FORD VERRJNDER. Harbor <1263 evea. 3477. oatfc OPE.~ HOUSE 1-5 P.M. DAILY I 26i2 c1,;1e Dr. Bay1horu, NR. E:";CL. PATIO, BBQ &. FIREPL. Especially designed for out<loor I lll'lng. 3 bdrm., 2 bath, xtta 11hower. Compl furn.. cor. Int, 1., blk. from :-.:o. Channel. Pric· ed lG aell .. G. H. LATHROP, 38!'15 E. Coast Hwy . Har. :'IH 2 E\'ell. 5680. 99c3 LUXURIOUS VIEW HOME on Priced low to sell at $16,500 Very attractive tenna, open afternoons. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97cll Costa Mesa How Can You Miss THlS CHAR~UNO home on la.nd-, 11C'aped .ft fenced 80 x 130 lot. 2 bdrms. ONLY $77~ With lrl!UI. Balboa Two Ocean Front Iota. Zoned for duplexea. $9~00 e.ach. Coast Properties 301 E. llalbo• Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2!168. U\97 a.nd 4800. MALT SHOP GOING BUSL~ESS. e11tabhahed 18 years. all yet•r IQCa tlQn OwnPr retlrlnJ from overwork. Wiii st.crl!lce for quirk 11al•. King's Place. 3 be<lrms . 1 3• N B C R I C tile hAlh!I, carpete<I \\' tn W . • • • ea ty 0. Forced heal. PaUo enclo11e1l.132nd .tt Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Room f or swimming pool, S11ie llnrbor 1406 cuh. pr1ce aet a t 119,950 with $69Ci0 I ORANGE COAST $2600 CASH PROPERTlES Buy.11 R·2 2.11ne bn111·h l<>t, '• hlO<'k 1857 Newport. Co1ta Me"a to aurf. LI 8·11132 Eve LI 3.gso3 OR.ANGE COAST CANAL FRONTAGll:. large turn, Duplu. :: bedrm. with 1 'It bath A 1 bnn. with large sun <le«k.. 30 ft bulkhea t.led lot, $2f1,l)()O Har. 3Sf 7·W. 2<'4 PROP J:;RTlES 1867 New port, CoRla Meaa LJ IS·1632 Eve LI 8-6803 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES h-00 Vt& Udo, Harbor 440 (Acrou fi'om Richard'• M.aritet .Entranca \ D~p., 11tove retrlg. & ~anLice. Neer Lido Shopping Centi>r. yrly. rental, A va1I Srpt. 18. Har. 3869. 9i pll UDO ISLB:, winter rentt.l. Thr" bedroom. 2 balb home. FurnJah· fd or 11n!urn. 1180 mo. LI 8-2173 G,. -30 yr. Lo9M -C-1..E-~-A-N--fi-v-e _r_oo_m_h_o-u11-.. -. -Oo-u-t>le Ocean View NEW HOUE a-lnrorne or (llc>•t hOUH , both fum11hed. PaUo A lt convenien<'4'1 Incl garb rt~p .. ;;aragee. 123,llQO BA ROA TN at. 1•u11n1 lllne'lll. Ol'F.:--1 UA lL Y 227 ·4.8t1' St.. Newpnrt Beach. 2c• LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one 6 two bdnn. apt.a. llbort term ud yearly. ALSO, Lido Home1 &nd &y Front Hom• and &p&rtment.a. LIDO REALTY ABaociates U OO Via Udo, Harbor "4-4 89t.tc n-1 NEW-2 bdnna., very at- tractJv.-mode.m furniture Sil5. month. 104-Urid St.. Newport Be.ch. ttp8 CHJNA COVE, Bayfront rum1ahed apt. Opens on large, 8ecluded patio fifteen fret from high tide. . Fumact, 1torage. irarag e a.nd phone. A\'Bllable for leate or wintn rental. Leue $1 25 pi>r mo. ~l!:C't.Uent ,.alut . Ph. H Yatt 9·2206, 93ttc B.A.Y VIEW &pl on l.ldn Penln- 11ula. Xe w and attl"ll('t!Vt', panelad living mom, hdwd firs .. 2 bdmt11 .. brea.k.fiut bar. t:n!Um. • llc8 WINTER R E:\TAL, t\ltrnctlve 3 bdrm., ('Omplf't elv furn. ocean .homr. s tu...,ed In pallu. $1l!i mo. Avnil. now. Call Harbor 2313 3tJc a BEDIUJ. turn or unturn. reuon · able rrnt. A\•"11· ~~rt 1; • 713 Ooldenrod. C D. M. Ct.JI SYC"Omore 2-3282 3o except f<lr ntw atnve and re.trig. Lf:wely bay front home • bdrna .• For yrly lta.•e $126 mo Har. 3 b11th~. "'l!ltrr rental. Har •MS 27tll uk for Mr But1111 6'lfc -a~a Construct1·on Loans earage. EXll'& work ahop a.nd chicken equipment . 211 Ill. Wal· SB BOB SA'M"l..ER nut P l., Coatt. Men. 2p4 2&11 EAST COAST BLVD. 0oroaa del Mar Barbor Illa ~p. POIRIE.R MORTQAQll 00. MMro Ula Ina. F\IDda KL W 115 61tto LOANa TO BUILI>. DO'ROV& BUT, KODllRNIZJI. OR Rm'INA.lfCll We Bur TNlt Deeda NEWPORT BALBOA llA Vll'f08 A LOAN .A.SSOOl.A 110M l!M Vl& Udo. Pb. Bar. UGO da LIDO 18LJ;, c.hotce 35' lot $1 0,500 . 2 bdrm. home. prb. dl.p. dr.pee 6 ct.rpeta, etr. $21,500. Hu . 4133 2c4 CL.Irr DRIVI: VIJ:W wi' l'ff stmpk. Caah out price '9700 One ot the lut "1i.ir tote on lhe drive. OR.A.NOit OOAST PROPERTIES 1867 X~rt. Coet. Mesa LI 1-1132 J!l¥a LI a.8803 ... 911p13 $395 DOWN IMMEDIATE POi&J:8SION, 4 bdrm., I b1th bom.. r ull price $10.600. 2029 Harbor Blvd. U 8·'181 - t Evet.) LI 8·4TJ8 or Harbor 1 aoeot. ttcUh EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY WE ARE PROUD TO OP'll'ER OKE OP' 'l1IE MOST CHARMING HOKD IN THE ENTIB.J!l BAY AREA. The graciowi Jtvi:ng room, den, dtntDf IOOID and muter bdrm. overlook the beautifully landJicaped patio. Dream kitchen. tremendoua wardrobe, 2 fireplaces, and BBQ, carpeted, guest suite, 2 bat.he. laundry room, dble. garage with additional parking area . 100 ft. from private beach and pier for your boat. Furnished and decorated ln ~uJstte ta.ne. Offered at $45,000. Good term.a. YACHTSMEN A TIENTION! Beautiful 3 bd.rms .. 2 baths, and maid's quarters, a -car garage. Protected beach on wt<k let..-pl~ a.nd alip tor 35 ft. boat. Jwrt Liated ! Terri& location. Offered at $73,:500 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Har. 4781 CLIFF HAVEN Three bedrm. & den home. Excellent condition. Newl y carpeted. Beautifully Jandacaped front and rear gardens. COSTA MESA Architect's former home. Beautifully landecaped, delightful patio. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. FHA finane- ing. Easy terms. Only $14.500 Call Llberty 8-2664 (Eves LJ 8-i05G ) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newpo rt Bearh COLD llTORAOlll PLANT F"rPe&n, cooler 6 1tor~e room•. 12~>-ton l'apsc1ty. orrir ... ll'ledlng d<X·k.• 4·M I lol11, Parking ar~• S11r·rlfil'c> pr1C" $~0.000 ORANGE t'OAfiT PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport., CoAta M en Ll 8·1!11'2 Eve Lt 8~03 COSTA. MESA. S bdnn. home with detac:hf'd dbl. iu Xlnt con- dlUon. L&rse lot. tenced. LI 1-l~T I~ CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUSES trn ror lot. Bnlh :I b ... trm• & f lrr plnr"" I hu , II h~111 H11!h '""~(Ill. U J,5IYI. \'~r\' < h<>ll"" buy. Al.S O v A(' A :"<T LQT, anuth (If Klith· w11.y. We a !M> ht.ndlr •cballgr1 A income property. 0 . H.. LATH· ROP. :lUll I:. (;out. HW)'. ,,,., rona dt l Mar. Ha rbor ~Hi !:\19. aeao. , .. ~ --.....· .. • ' I I .... I I . I I - ' PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS R"-Rf'al Esta~ ft-Real r...tate ft-RMI F.atate a-RMI Eatate FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 I ---------------------------------- Corona del Mar Vogel· Values IT WON'T LAST LONG! We ju11t aold one like thia in a week'• time & it waa on a 11maller lot ! 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. 60' lot ocean \'iew -under $20.000. Need we say more? FIRST TIME OFF~RED ~o. of Hwy. -2 bedroom home, HW floors. patio. disp. & di1hmat1ler PLUS 14' x 36' garage which could eully be made into a 2nd unit-h&B plumbing & one room ha.s already been partitioned. We think it's one of the ht-st value11 in town at S13.950! Good financing. too. HOME & INCOME Another Firat Offering for SaJe. Corner lot with separate 2 bedroom house. HW flool"8, patio. dining area, fireplace PLUS 2 bedroom, furnish~ apt. & 3·car garage. House wired for tlec. range -also many other excellent features in thi11 clean. desir- able property. · The Vogel Co. 2667 E. CoHt Hwy •. COM Har. 1741 Har. 1477 e ANNOUNCING! ! e ClarPnre L. Coopf'r. Inc .. Developer 5 Exquisite Bay View Homes (rmly 3 left} by John B. Clark. Qu11hty Builder located on Harbor Island Road Features: e 4 bdrm., 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. Ir den e 3 bathe e Shake Root e 2 fireplace• e Swimming Pool "1! deaired" e Lot 1izes average 65' x 125' e Restricted area e Clever Provincial, Hawaiian and Ranch type homea e Forced Air lfeal, Garbage Di1poeal, Westinghouae dishwuher e BeautifuJ Paneling e Large Sunny Patios e Expensively Landscaped e Wired for Hi -Fidelity Music e Fine Cabinet Installationa e Built-in Electric Stove & On•n e Built·m Bar & Refri~eration e Delightfully decorated Shown by appointment only to Qualified Clients For preview i;howing Call J ohn Abr il HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone LI 8-5386 MARINES Here's '(our Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy l or 4 Bedrooms - Forced Air Heat -Massive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and m Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sized Lots suitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red HiU Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Selected Listings Lido Isle:- Pr tt Decorator'• own lovely home. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths plua studio apt. Completely furnish~ at $39.500 Lido'a bet1t buy~ Back Bay:----Charming Colonial! Paneling, raised brick hearth. built-ina galore. 3 bdrm1 .. den, 2 bath•. plenty of room for pool. Drive by 413 Sivra Viata, you'll buy ft at $26,500 Bayfront:- o utat.a.nrung home. ha.a everything ~ Large boat allp. F1ne11t 'view in the harbor. Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Bh·d. Harbor 550."> • 3c~ Don't Miss These! OPEN DAILY 10 A. M. TO 7 P. M. HARBOR EST ATES New 3 and 4-Bedroom Homes with 2 Bathrooms · S375 Down S69 a Month inc. Int. $9 ,375 Full Price Paved. Curbed Streets -Large Lota -Sewer• an and pllid -Garb~e Diaposal&-Aluminum Sliding Windows -Colored Rock ij.oofa -Natural Aah Cabinets -Many Other Desirable Features. Drive North on Harbor Blvd., turn left on 19th St. 3 Blocks to Meyer Place. We'll be Happy to Show Yoo the Outstanding Value of Orange County-But Hurry! Exclusive Agent More Than Half Sold Now! 4 Models Ready forlnapect1on W. A. TOBIAS ~ 400 E. 17th St. LI 8-1139 * SEE BEFORE YOU BUY! * OPEN DAILY HOME & INCOME 117-47th St., 1/2 Block to Beach Unobstructed Ocean View Nice Ocean View NEW two becirm. or large R-2 lot. Plenty of room for extra unit.a. Only $12.500 Low down payment. 40 yards to Beach $27,500 Full price Submit terms. SEE TODAY 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. WANTED A RETIRED OOlJPLE LIVE ON BEAUTIFUL MARI- GOLD AVE. JN CORONA DEL MAR AND HAVE A..'l lNCOME TOO. Never befnrt h11ve wt oft.red aurh a dell&hUul 2 bt'droom home on lh11~ flnMt comer location. You will be an111.Ud al the well de· 11~.1td. large and aunny-br!gbt rooma. I t aJ.AO hu an attracllvt tlreplace, dining room and a faJIUCy Of fealUrU Ul&l Will pleat• the moat ditcrimU.llnc buy4'r. I N ADDITION. It bu a darling l bdrm. apt. ovu apa- l'IOUA 'l car garage. (The apl. lli rl'nted tor $70 mo.) TH E MONTHLY PAYMENTS ON THlS PROPERTY WILL BE $9~ ~ MO. lo qualJtled buyer. C:ttll now for rurther deta1l1 on dn. pml ttc. IRIS, CORONA DEL MAR South of the hlway. Immaculate 2 h4'•1rm. 4 den home C11ll Har. 'ltWl n<•W for appt. to su 530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven One }'t'&r ulJ, 3 beJrn~.. 2 bath. (J11t ~tand111g IJuy at $22.760. Xlnt l tr 11111 (•II now fl:>r 11ppl. LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. C (ll \I08 11 .. 1 ~1tr-One of thr;is' "hi.rd tu gl"l" building lols- J 1111t hst.-d 11t $14.700. •we can 111110 iohow you olhfrll E . 17th Bl SINESS PROPERTY Th111 might b' your Jut chance lo buv an t>X<'l'pllon1tlly good busl· ne11s lot, vme C·2. 100 x 300 for unly S~2.~00. Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R Rayle·C. Travi1. C. RUM. A111oc 312 Manno Ave. -Balboa Island WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST carefully aelecl· e1l valuu In Mt h of our dl1tlncl· ly dlUuent HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA PENINSULA NEW OFFi:RlNG-mod. Provtn. 2 bdnn.~y i., blk. to Jetty. Load9 ot cupboard•. r arb. dlap dble. 1•.-..•· Only 118.500, 6'« loan. $61.48 mo. CUFF HAVEN 115.DOO BU Y» THia 1puklinf ll bdrm. home. Lovely landllCaped patio. Quiet St. •" 0 .1. loan, fOf' oomfort .ft MC:Urll)'. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON. AMoc. 2604 Newpnrt Blw1. Npt. Buch E111J Parking Harbor 4610 CIRCLE THIS BACK BAY l BEDROOM- convertlble den. Shake root. ar· t 1sllc. "'""'' 111n1·h hou~e. Exclu· .,,., 11 r('11, Only $22.~00 -S« 1 1'11• Hu :11:111 :Zc' J. M. MI LL ER C 0: Near the Newport Pier Balboa Bay Front Hard to Please 1 :I Bdrma. S b&th• beautifully tum. w I t h hand -blocktd drapea w /w carpet•. Helnley 1hutters thru -nut. It la a dream come true tr you are looking for Early Aml'r. decor. 2 paliOJI, BBQ with elec. spit, J!ler and •lip, S car 1ar. with pukln1 apace raJore. A1klnJ $70,000 Shown anytime by appoint· menL It 10. th11 rharmlng 2 bedr m. ho1ne In BA YSHORES 11 tor you. Value 1a written all over Ill ht.Cl'. When we H Y it'• a bar&aln make u1 prove It. Jt1 cu1tom mace appolnt- meru1 are In excellent lute, Shown anytlma by appoint· ment. Excellent Income Duplex Located cloee to the Lido Shopping area on a quJet 11treet. Completely and newly furni.abed. Lower unit 2 bedrooms, upper one bedroom. Both leased show- ing a fine return on the full furnished price of S24.000. Upper can be made available to the new owner. Exclusive with ua. See it today, LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 Evea. LOTS LOTS LOTS Sout h of Highway on t ree lined avPnue, quiet street, level Iota. 1. 35 x 118' R-2 ....... .. .... . .. . ................... $7950 2. 30' x 118' R·2 . . ............................. $6950 • I Also 30 ft. R-2 South of Highway near stores. etc $4500 BACK BAY level Lot with view of bay . . .. $6500 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 2288 (Acro11a from Bank in COM) OPPORTUNITY FIRST TIME OFFERED 2500 IQ. ft. busineaa building & going business on Newport Blvd. near Lido Shopping area. Only SH.700. $2.200 down buys this whole deal, lock, stock & barrel. Jllneu makes thi1 forced aale im- perative. I r· OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy., <At Port Orange) Newport Beach. LI 8-7562. Har. 5154 evee. lc3 CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean view, • bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 batha. Hardwood 6 carpet fJoora. Bargain at $4-5,000. Submit down. Har. 4091 1/2 Blk. to Lido Center 3 BR .. 2 b11th hnml'. Obit g1ir111tl'. Room for on,. mnrl' unit. Pri<'I! 1111.1100. Newport T\\'O FTR:O.:ISHED Ul"ITS Prir" $12.000 $3000 i1o'A'n Balboa THREE rental units f11rnlahtd Excl'I condition. Potential In· come U:IOO. Price $22,000 ocun front 3705 Seashore Dr. Beach house. with b1f room• It good view of oce11n. clo•e In $4000 dn. $11)(1 mo B A y v E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. Subdivision CHOICE LAND In UrlLnitt> Coun· ty: Some ' tor mode11l prlct•I homu anl1 ll0"11' for hl!jh pr1red homH FOR RENT TKl:RIC la a kltch1111 ran&• but no BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. borne, large rooma. Pro· other furniture In thta 4 b<lrm. • tected patio. Attractively prfoed at $24,750 2 bath home In a ~utltul Jo· cat.klcl In Corona d•I Mar SEE US for BEACdN BAY and BA YSHORES propertiea. • • 1 Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt •-e222 Fitzmorris R lty. Co. John Macnab. Harbor 5359 Multlpl• LlallnJ. Brok•,.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ButlnN8 Broker 313~ p; Coul Hwy , Corona 11,1 M11 r Harbtir 21112 RELAX "START LIVING" In IRVINE TERRACE We offer the ONE and ONLY home which 11 for sale on the bluff in IRVlNE TERRACE. NEW three bedrooms. Two bath" wilh breath· taking panoramic view of Harbor and ocean. Priced at $38,500 Exclusively listed with EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR to inspect. drive to 1119 Dolphin Terrace or call at IR VINE TERRACE offke, oppoaite Irvine Cou t Country Club, Highway 101. Phone Harbor 4448. LIDO ISLE-ONLY $21,500 Ruy11 th111 most attractivf' 2 B. R. home-a:i rt. lot. Like nf'w-Altho 4 YJ'8. old. $7000 dn. 114~ mo. and y·ou will have a charming homf'. NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN OLD SMOOTHIE WITH OCEAN AND B• Y VIEW Large corne.r lot, trees. lathhouse. lovely yard, 2 bdrms .. 1 bath. newly redecorated. hardwood noor.. furnace heat, double garage-ne11r everything. ROOM FOR EXPANSION. Full price $18.900. $5.000 down. KINGS ROAD-VIEW LOT 67 ft. On Cliff aide $5500. Low aa $1500 dn. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. •972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8-~297 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1,265,395.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service of Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 32nd St. Newvart. Beach Ocean Front Home $22,500 \'ERY ATIRACTlVE yur round home on S.1- $bore Drive.. K.notLy pme...living room with dining area. Formica k itchen, 1 bedroom and 1 :: bath down, 3 bedrooms and 11 ~ bathe up. Solid con- etrucllon. concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garag<'. rncloscd ya rd. Excellent bC'ach. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvli., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' THlS IS IT! One acre with 3 Br. home, dbl. garage, work shop. sewer 111. F.astside. $13.500 with terme. Fi L<1ts-66x175 all subdivided. $1950 ea with term•. We hke this one. 2 bedrooms. bath & 1:.: on one 1 ~ a1·rr. All kind of fruit trees. & nice neighborhood. Price $10.500 -$3500 down. G.-N WELLS, Realtor 1810 1'ew1~rt Bh·d . Cm1ta Mesa I.I 8·1601 CORONA DEL MAR Completely charming view home. 3 bdrm1., 2 bath1 unfurn. -exc. financing. S 19.li711 BALBOA ISLAND 4 bdrms .. s<1uth bay front -pier floal ahowplac.. ~7.500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A venue Balboa b land · Har: 602 .. I I fi . I • • ............ BLANCHE ·A. GATES, Realtor CORONA DEL MAR HOME AND INOOME. For that retired couple. A •pacioua and beautiful one bedrom home. Large Uvb1r room A muter bedroom. Pictun window ovi!r)oolclna t ern.ced rarden. Hardwood nooni. Fireplace, •paciou• kitchen. ALL THIS ptua charm· ing one bedroom apt. Now rented.. And BELIEVE IT OR NOT the lot aiae ia 60 Jt 118. See thia one NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor llElolBERS OF llULTlPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 VOGEL VALUES • MAIN . OFFICE * * * Here's A Good One Look At These Features 1. a lAfl'e Bedroom• 2. Nice Den 3.' 2 Bath• 4.. Forced Air Heat 5. Cedar Shingle Roof ft. Beautiful Fi.replace 7. Approx. 1500 !IQ. ft. B. Nice Corner Location 9. Full Prico $17,2.'IO 10. Only $2,450 down Went To Build Thet Dreem Home? On one of Balboa Peninlula '• niceat 11lreet. -1h - block to bay. We bave 3 very choice eitee. Call for particulani. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach Lt 8·3481 v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS 1. DUPLEX CORNER LOT Located on choice St., 1 unit furnished &: furniture included in price. Conalata of 1 bedrm each, dbl. gar. A beat buy at $17,500. Euy terms. • 2. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished . A beat buy in 3 separate unit.I. cloae to ocean. Ex- cellent location !or rentale. Thie ahould sell quickly at Sl:li.000. 3. ONLY $14,500 For thlm 3 bednn. home. double garage, hwd. noon. Cl oae in and ha.a GI loan. &tier ~ thie today. 4. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED Thia immaculate ocean view 2 bed.rm. and den home, fbaths, carpeted WW, and drapea included. Yard has 11prinkler eystem, !enced completely. Auto- matic door opener In garage. Many other fine feature&. Truly a good buy and only $37.500. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRtCE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 IOf!ice located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) OUR BEST LISTINGS New 77 ft. waterfront on Lido Jale. 4 Bdrma. 3 ha. All electric kitchen $7.6,500 ALSO ON LIDO NEW 3 bdrnu. 2 ba. all electric kitchen. 3 car g&rage. 70 ft. street $37.500 LIDO ALSO 'Year old 3 bdrme .. 2 ba. &: hobby room on aame wide street. $34,500 AND 3 .Bdrm!,~ 2 ba. on 44' lot. $31 ,500 Others 81!1 !OW RS $1·8-.SOQ ACRES 2.88 acree. 198 feet on b-ionrovia. 630 feet deep. Between 16lh & 17lh St. $13,iOO VIEW LOT 4:5 ft. view Jot. o~:erlooking all of Newpnrt Har· -bot area. Full price $15,000 WINTER RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? There ha\'e been NO lot11 So. of Hiway near lhe Ocean for 80 Jong, we might be doubted-but we do ha\•e two right now. Zoned R-2 on quiet, tree lined street. You can not .teal them hut they ARE worth the price. No cal!JI, plelllle, juat bring your check book to R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodfe, Auociat.e 3822 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 27741 BALBOA ISLAND Four bed.rm., 2 be.th home with view of bay. Beauti- fully fumilhed. Obie garage. $26,50(), ucellent tlunclna'. Room t& build. DORIS BRAY, Realtor llldp MJU-C. D. Lak-.J ..... Blodcett-W. W. Peanioo 216 Marine, Balboa Ialud. Harbor 20 or 64 - !!C-==Be~al..!-~!!...----.!~!::l-•!!•!111LJ~i!!'!~----!•!:;:!!•!•!!.' !!-!!!!! .. !---....!•!!:::!•!!!•~1.!lll!!lllo!!to!!-__:.· ___ NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRESS -PAltT II· PA .. 7 0 FRIDAY, SEPT. t, 1911 p. a. palmer incorporated ........... ·--developers of Lido Isle . Open Deily 12 to 5 100 Via Dijon -t bedrm., 3 bath. • North-Beyfront In fact. 80 f@et on the NORTH BAY. 8 unJta nice\)' fumiabed, newly painted a.nd deconUd. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to ea.ch unit. Thia ia outstanding in every way-af'e tbl1 for 1ure. It'• the be1t income property buy we know of. Full price including furniture $106,000. Ten:n1. Little Bergein! 2 Bedrmc. and bath plua I/:! bath and bunk room. Fi.replace, 2 car garage, patio, excellent condition, 200 feet to perfect ·swimming on Lido Nord. $18,2~. Terms. Adorable 3 bedrm: 2 bath rutic farmhouae. Will be finiahed in about 20 daya ao you still have time to pick colors. Open beam ceilinp, natural wood cabinets, uaed brick fireplace, furnace, cemented enclosed patio. Thia is a •ery good buy at $25,500 with $10,500 dn. and $120 a month. Beyfront Lot 67 feet wide at Bulkhead line, pier privilege, take extra large boat, perfect locaUon for your bayfront home. $45.000. ~ North BA YFRONT Lot, !52 feet wide at ,Bulkhead line, bulkhead in, pier privilege, ~.000. ole p. e. palmer incorporated hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Cliff Heven THESE ARE . Shhh I! II Doo't even tell your frleada ibout th1li one. l:&tly American-Beautiful u-4 brick flrepl&o.--3 bed- l"OQma. 2 bath.-Built ln llt.OV• and oven-Carpet.a and Dra~ View. Priced for lmmedtal• aaJe at $21,MO. Remember don't tell &nyaoe, ju.t call me -Sincerely, Joe Kincaid. Picturesque Provincial Spa.cioUI Brownell deaign include• enormoua Muter Bedroom suite with Hla and Her dreuinK' room1 and bath. Gueat room and bath-cosy den, 2 fire- pl&ctJe-lota of uaed brick and redwood. Heavy I.bake roof...o...ocean view-Juat a atep to exclU1lve bathing beach. Price $36,500. Open Sunday 1 -0 248 Evening Canyon Rd., Shof'f' Cliff• Drive by or ca11 Dave O.burn. $1250 Down And you can move into tbb cute 3 bedroom, 11).z bath home. Leu than 1 year olci too. Bettt of all your monthly pymta. wUJ only be S67.50 Pr:lce $9SOO • Lerge Lido Lot Beautiful 50 ft. corner Strada lot ····--·····-$17,500 Building rlan avallable. Call Bill Farnsworth p. e. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w, cout highway -liberty 8-6573 GOOD 2 Unit Income! TruJy an Outstanding . . PROPERTY or unu•ual dt•lrn: • These propert.iem are among our cho1ce1t buys. br•nd new family home tull ot every family. See them before bu)ring. Homes !or A SMALL DOWN-PAYMENT 18 ALL YOU PAY ... nt:E TEN· ANT PATS THlt REST. Ona (of our better v•lnto•. 2 s.epanla 11nlt1, ru1nl8ht'd. 2 patio.. ChoiC41 Jocallon near Bay and Ocean. 11&.9~. 14800 do\Oo·n. warmth and chum .•• 3 btd· f'OOJTW. 2 bl.th R4d ... ·ood RILBllC with a kltchtn you can't rul..lt -tull ot Ole Jate•t tetlnemenll •urh as touchplate switchea. In· direct U(1'1llng', cedar rhull and new L ahaped cloaell PLUS ahower and bath ott raral'I \tor your swimming pool) Plu1 a Panoran\tc View trom the rooftop observatory. Full· P r1c1 only 1%9,ISOO. Lfl us ahow 70u this today! Went e Rench? "'ITH HORSI: CORRAL8 -doc kennels -l&r11 modtom 2 b&d- room 6 den home with WI.II to ..,.all carpeting. muatva f ir.- pl.ca. forced a.tr hut. MJll.r•ll J*Uo and pn .... te yard on >; a cre, fenced rl.flch clo" to tht country club. Price! You'll be turprt1ed! IHl,800 wllh just 12.~ down! I the riaht investment OCEAN FRONT 3 bdrm. home, newly remodeled and decorated. $15,500 unfurnished, $16,000 furniahed. VIEW OF JETrY -One of the finHt bomes on the ocean front. llneas forcn aale, 5 bedroom. on BA YFRONT. Older, but a &ood fam .. lly_home. Partly furni.ahed. Juat reduced to $30,000 6 room home on corner lot .OXOO. Two bedroom.9 and den, 1 ~12 bathe:, firepl•ce, hardwood floon, large walled patio. double garage lltr'MMd for apartment. Permanent bay view. $25,500. Terma. Two bedroom, 2 bath home on Bay Ave. Nice patio with BBQ. Room to build another houae. $5000 down Good older 2 bedroom hou.e and bachelor rental Near town, library, tran1portation~ $12,500. ~cellent tenu can be arnnged. 3 Unit Income! Stp1mtt cott•g• wllh duple:ir: tn l"ff.r and dandy rt.nter, to.o. W1 have the rec:ord1 ... loc::attd on E1u1t S.y Avenue clo.. to tio.t awlmm!ng beache1. Nicely tur- nlahed and ln very &'CIOCl con- dition. 123.7&0 and food i.mui. Belboe Duplex! RERES A SW!:U.. VA.LUI:. H .. 2 bt'l'lrooma up and one down. Low1r has been completely mod· f'tnlud. H•vy tumltur. indud- ed In both. Hu 1:ir:tr1. room tor one mo~ un!t pl11.B 3 r-r-1.._ &1&.:!IOO. tenn11. Peninsula Home! FAMOUS DOCTOR'S HO:W:IC \VlTH 4 B!:DROOM8 AND TWO BATHS. Bllualllt on two larra com1r lot. ... •1.11-11 for privacy. Badminton oaurt.. p&Uo and nl~7 land.IC&P9d. Belutlf'ul carpel.II and dnpee. N0.&00 air.d rood ttnM. BALBOA ISLAND QUALITY 18LAND HOllE 6 APTj.,.O... of ll!o tllu!d'• -11om-. • bilnu., Ip. !illntnc ...... 1'4 batl!o, dolJcl!ltlal U,ht Urine I'll. opool!>c to portl1 OOYered patio. The attncttw.Jy f'unUahtd i bdra. -apt. wltl! fl!l1 bathroom Mnll onr •1100 ,... ,..... -"' bath In prqe. Outot&a41DS bvy at saa.ooo wltl! s12.ooo c1n. TWO UNlTS. Modem 1 bdrm. apt.: older f'rcet boUM. Show your ability at "do It younelf'' $21,500 TWO UNlT8 LIKE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convertll*I either ' bdrm. home with 1 bdrm. apt. or 3 bdrm. home wttb 2 bdrm.. apt. GradoUI UT• ln.J rm. le&din1 to aceptional patio. $10,000 4n. '°°" term&. I eo rr. BAY FRONTAGE. 0. 1Jttlo tllu!d. Jller, -~ formal ' bdrm. homo. The land n.lue lo .-to the uJdnc prleo of fTl.000 BU8INE88 BJin.DJNG MARINE A VE. '32~ LDlO NORD BAY FRONT. Larr• lot. charmlnC 6 bdrm. 3~ bath boua. Dlni:lc rm .. moden kit· ehen, diap., dlahwuher, Iota of cupbo&rda ud clo..U. P!U1 ununed 1 bdrm, apt. onr a car IV" .,.. Both 1111lt. 1111 ""'IY rumlahed jn lfoclon!I. Ideal for home and Income or guesta. Har. 1175 -E-nL Edith lf&l'OClll HYalt .,_ John Kac:nab, Harbor ~· EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine A.Te., Balboa Ia1and Lido Triplex There Lm but very little proetrtY son.S for tnoame on Lido llland, 90 we an pleued to otter tldl money-maker In th1a Prime location MS.000 rail price -Terma. LIDO LOT Only $8000. Save a •pot on lovely Udo for 7'0'U'- iaelvM. (We think you will never buy a Udo lot for leu) and aay how would you 1111:• to W,-• 411 lot for $11.~. Term.! We Cot tt! Lido W eterfront Homes with Income We have n.,. $89,500 up. <All for detaUL We lnvtte you to 'f'ialt our friendly am.. ud &e· qua.int younelVM with our many "LIDO LIBT- INGS," Exclual•e and Multiple. AU for One ol LI DO REALTY 4->Ctat. Udo'• KOil EKperimced Sal«l9 Pel 9auel BW Kem--Joo Orobmaa a.ne v ... la!!cl -V1rp.ta v·- 3400 Vie Lido Harbor 4444 IS EQUAf. TO A LIFETIME OF Ton.. Hert I• your chance to buy Into Eaat 17th Street'• n<'lurl1hlng comm11rclal bu•ll'IUI center •• , &0':11300' C-2 lot vdth 1mall hoUM now rcnted-Ellctl· lent locaUon ••• 112.~. Full Pt1ce. u vou5!~ t~!~~!1vant•r• • Back bay view' lot. One of the f~ fee lot. in the area. 125x165. Belbo.i Cotteae! LIDO CUTE, NJCEL Y FUJtNfiHED ISLE AND LOCATED ON EA.ST 4 bednn•., I ti.Uta, apedoui, UY, room 6 din.~ BA y A VENUE · • • c.loet to Bay. cor locaUoa-a wonderful famil7 home. ML a9() $12.600 t.&ke• this dandy Mach ' •-n&l'lo • home With only IMIOO dc:Jwo. ·-·-.. Sieei-8 peop._ and In food con- dition ... "'"" ~· " .... ,. BALBOA ISLAND •1~.000. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. ot thla opportunity to buy thl• complet tly redeconted 4 yr. old 3 bdrm. home In N'twport HUI. Yet1. fireplace, hdwd. floor•. unit hut--& rte.I barre.In 1t juat 113.&00 "1th 1. 1oM •% G,L loan. Harbor ~188 lc3 Peninsula Home! 3 Boclnna .. a b&ll!a ~ llopan .. dll!1ac rm., .....,.. ----------------------18PA.CIOU8 4 BEDROOM ROME inr lanai It: dila Bey & Beech Realty 11196 Newport Blvd . Cotta Mtu. Callf. UlM!rty 8-1111-l:v•. LI 8-!tM LOTS:- NEwPoRT -HEIGHTs VERY FE\\' LEFT, good Je~11.­ tlon. llOJl13.iY.-1•960, terms. BALBOA PENINSULA ONE 0 1" THE NICEST LOTS left, 110.600 -See thl1 Ont. R -2 \'IAn!Ur'"RONT LOT. 110,000. 8mall down paym1nt. TWO OCJCAN FRONT LOTS. cor· nl!.r, 111!1,600. T\\'0 BEDRM. homt and 1 bedrm . 1pt. nu.r Bay and Udo Shop- Plnl c.iit•, onlJ ft0,&00, tenM Homer E. Shafer ...., .. , IOI McJ'&dd&n Plact at the Pltr N fWJ>(lrt. Bea.ch Harbor 140. En. Har. lLl't'·liL A.CREA.Gii BUY VALUE VALUE BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment-. - An exclualve home area with fine beacb and large lot for mother le children, and dock 11paet. for a amall boat for dad . Priced $28.500 fumiabed- Good term.a. Owner will llilten to cuh. Pb. Har. ~ for appt. u Aug. tenant pay• $775 rent.al. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The fineet unit of thia type In th.I• location. Income tn excet11 of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the Poat Office Har. 444 Evem Har. 3M9-M • Har. 4.248-R pooo p.r acre with Uberal "'1na.l---------------------- IO &el"I fl.l"ID.. loon. fMd7 tor wbdlnd1DI'. Bldp., ban\, well. ORA.NG& OOAJIT PROP!IRTIES 1861 Newpcllt. eo.t.& M.-. u 1-taa r.. LI 1-M01 View Lot oo Blutf. ft..Mhoid) SI reet fftlb&,..e.. Ho. 3'11 Klnp Ro.d, Wut ot P1nll: Houae. Owner \V. E. Tci:yck, 40f.l PadftG Ava., Lion," Beldi. Telaphon1 Lone 8-ch 4-IO&e or lle&-291. Hpt f'OR p.A.La OR LLU:&. _M-.rport Beach. Bay frontqe. 400 f•l v.·n11 lo N. 1u,. ... MO L ... erly Dr1••. Bevwty Bma. or phone CR.l?I-1-&UL Moe GILT EDGE POST OFFICE Owner wi11hem to Kil new Post Otnce, 3e unit motel, and 245 ft. of bu.Ill!._. frDGt.act adjacent Post Office. Located on llarinen Mile, Hi1hway 101 Excetlent return• on· your lnve11tment. Muat be 90Jd u l unit. Will exchange for 11Ubdiviaton l&Dd, or waterfront bom• for put. - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (At Port Onopl Nowport -cb LI 8-711412, ll&r. lnM eveo. with 41 baths. Ocean 't'1nv from Phi. atb"actift 1 bednn. apt. upst.alr bldrootn. L&:rr• llvtnr $11.000 d""9 roo111 wUJI flAptOM tlNpli&ce. i' • .';:"',:;;,~1;."'":;;.::." ~ CORONA DEL MAR dDW"n. Fine 3 B.R botM, acellent JocatloD-& sood fthae,. Belboe Realty Co. Oppotilte &nil of Arntrle& ~ GrMlty Al Conilliu. $15~ WM. W .. SANFeRE>, Park at Marine, BaJboa bland And Aoooclatao Realtor- llart!or - Jac.k Pinkham J09t'phlnt Wtbb _ 700 E, Bl.Ibo& Blvd .• Balboa. 1--------------------'--- Phona Htlrbor 3277 --------- CORONA DEL MAR CH.ARMING 2 br., pro"l'U11:tal, nn. tor unlt., clOM lo mll:t•. and transp. R·2. AIJrtnr .... 112.600 COR. LOT w;nlca apL ovtr car. R-2 l•OOO dn., FP ........ 110.000 ' BR.. panoramic oc::-.n vi.- ..................................... --··· 137,600 BAYSHORES ROOMY Early A.merlcan beach h011.Be, 2 br .• PLUS 11.r. unit, kn. pint Int.. 2 patloa. brkf1t. bar ............. • • ..... _ 122,600 CLIFF HAVEN 2 BR., :iilnt. locatlon -tO'I' •I• unturn.. or fot le&N tum. - Very 1.tt~Uva, Claire Ven Hom JU:ALTOR ITll W. Cout HW1, 1J l-U7T 45' WATERFRONT Pier 6 Slip available, Sandy be&ch. 11 ... I B. It. 2 hath home, tars• Uvlnr room. l"uD dlAlDc room, built'ln ldtcb•. Wall to 'wall cvpotlq • .,_. 2100 .q. n.. Owner will conaider $5000 4own tna quallfled buyer. AU thl• for 1-thu. SI0,0001 BeauU!ul ( yr. old home, quiet on...,y lbwt, eic. to ooun and bay. Nioe patio and fireplace. a.t buy on Point ~ay. $16,000 tor quick lale. Newport Heights -$2,500 Down Near HJrh School -St. Jamee Ro&d. 3 B. ll. hOIU, Hardwood floon, larse lot. BAY & BEACH REALTY lt60 W. Balboa Blvd., Dalbo& Harborl2N t..A.ROlt INDUSTRIAL BLDQ. ----------------------~ &O a 93 oltlce. R•t rooma - manut&e\.w1nc. -wbo2~.-n­ tall or 1lor.,-e. Lona ttno i.a.. or •ll. ORA.Nell: COA.aT PROPDTIU 11&7 N-i»rt. eo.t.a :w: .. U 1-1&!2 Ev. LI 6-llCIS I1f BA.UIOA. What W'1 all oldn but ..,-nlc. I bdna. bOUM. Clo9I to •••>ddbJ, ... .,..,. thlfll "-pr. "1Jl pr. ftt,IOO, Twr:nai. AJ TJ'I• ft.-1 m.tat.. I01' E. .....,._ llar. MDI. let LIDO BA YFRONT LOT. 35 FT. Pier & Slip Privileges -$29 .SOO BLANCHE A. GA TES, Re1ftor 311 :Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand --1•n w ReligioW! Science Women to Organize A fanilly plcnh: wpper ln Utu of th• monlhly pot ltl(;k WNe.117 heir! b7 Chun::h of Re.Usk>u lkl•nce, l• iw::hedu~ for tontcht In l.&(u11a Beath •l Hat..ltr Park. 'T'ha Rev. lrt1 Turk hu U · nounctd that 2 p.m, P'rlday, 8epl. 2.1 ti U\e data W. for a m..t.inr of tU women ()f Ula chun::h, to be held at lha homa of JNnla Mi:Kl1, ~2() Mo. St. 1be purpoM ot the m~lllll'. ta to (ll'SanlM. a wom•'• 11'.roup, alec:t otncar• and draw up the by·lawa. Baha'i Study ea.ta M-n• Mr1. Leo RoVill. Mr•. Edward M irkovich .nd Mr1. Berni., Chaae attended a lunch•on •n•t Bliha'I ,tudy froup at th• hnm• of Mr•. H. W. Perry, 1 ~11 \\' 8th St .. }Ju ta Ana. DiNctory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES tn. AMIN"A·a l"~ert.. <.111u~ l~th St ... SL Andrew• Rd., acn>M from H igh School Ltber1y 8·3773 l"••tor: Rrv. Jarne1 S. Stewart ~ualty )lellsodJ.t 420 W. 19lh S t .. Cotta Meaa Liberty .8·4~~2 ~v. Jo ... ph \V, McShana tii. C:..llu~ll of Chrhl lO:xl Church St.. Co.ta Meaa l.lberty 1·~111 D. G. Hun!, Mlnl•ler t:hrl•l Ctl•rda B1 TMI ... ConimunHy Methodi1t B•lbo& Blvd. at 14th, S •wport Harbor ~%29 M11111ter: Rev. Roy Carlton !liL .lloachllll ct..r• Ite•· 01'Ule Ave .• COata M•M Llberty 1-1091 Jo"•Uit'r Thoma• J . N•vin rtrat ..,...._, <»i'ldcll or Newport Balboa Blvd., llltb 6. Coun It.., N...,...< Harbor 3563 Libtrty 1-3072 Pastor: Herbert G. Joh!Yon N ••-port BartNor LutlMI,_ O..tth 2501 CJltt Dr .• Ntwport Hel1hu LI'Mrty 1-a&ll it.v. llobert Gronlund A ta11 of Gel 12nd It. 6 Elden Ave., eo.t.a X.• Liberty 8-3711 Jle¥erend M. C. Cflm\c. Pu\or ............. , Ad.-tMit N•wport Blvd. at Bol-. at.. Newport Halptti J:lder RJchvd I.,.. LJberty 1-UU Ctn.udl of tlM N...,_. 1~ Anah•lm. Co.ta M- Pa•tor: Rev. Cllv• WtW- Llberty I · 71111 nnt (,'tn1tt• of cti.rlllt. .... tin a3os Via Udo, l'f""J'Grt Bae.ch Harbar 2t21 Ulllve,..Jht .c-.1'7 Fe._....p l:btll Clubhou•, tU& Balbo& Jlhod.. Mlnlater: R••· F . W. Jllnf• l"lnt ......... Bltf'dOt a.rm IM) w. Hamlltori. eo.ta w.- Ll'Mrty 1-2413 Pa1tor: Dr. Richard H . P- c.r... ....... 0..-.ult)' Clillrdi Can1re1atlonal 11.1 Heliotrope A••· Harbor 6237 P••tor: Rev. l;.dwln C. o.mlle .,,., Baptht a.well 811J1t& Ana Ave. It Mapolla eo.ta. Meaa Rev. P. 0 . Neum,ann a.uni of Otar Lad1 of Mt. Cat'lllel 1&•1 \\', Balboa Blvd., N•wpoft Harbor 02l• P'athtr Stephen Kiley. P..tor J'•thrr Gtilrt;e P1maMU1 APL Pa1tor Clu'bt ~ Ch11flltl ol Coota M- {Mluaurt Synod) con.a Mua -2ut.tlt .Jl&Y. Lolb&r Tom~ St. """'" E ...... s-1 3208 Via Udo, Newpal't Jkacb Harbol' JJSO Rtt.lor: John H. Parkt ~t. ,,,, .. v ..... y JIS Maruir, Balboa 1111.a.nd Harbor 0214. rather Stephen Kll•J, Paator J'aU!er O.Or1• P~ • AML Paator t:nitl'l.I ... Ot•tdl Orange Ave. at 23rd St. Coslll Me1a. Uberty A-&303 A. A. Kaden, Putor ... Ibo. • ...., C-mumlty M'1ttallt4 J l~ Apt1 A•e., Balboa l•land Min/it.er: R.tv, Donald SaP'P Cllart'h er ~ 8dtace "Sclf'nce of Mind" La1111na Beach A rt Gallery ~07 Cliff on.-HTatt ·-72A4o R.ev. Irl1 Turk, Minister Cftrc'la of ,.,._ Clntlt et 1 .. tier O.y 8-.lata Friday Artemoon Club Hou .. ea.ta MeM Llbtrty 1·31'8 Bl.Mop: Peter Dalebout ' ,, • -.... -,.,.._,..., . .._ --• Home and Family Classes at OC Evening College Ten d•ff •rant tOUl'M• •n homt Lm. lo tJ. A cia-will mHI at , and tamtly l1vln1 will ti. a vatlabl• lha )(J.dway City Woman'• Club-- to •c:tun~ of the rommunity u a hau .. T'llund.111 from t a.m. to part of th• Oran11 Coa81. Coll•• 11. and 11.nOO!w cl&M at the l"Ol- adult e<Juc•tloii pro,,-am •lartinJ" l&f• Monda)'ll trom 9 a.m. to 11. ....... te elllOll fw 'lpboia"f'J and J du.\. n1ay do ao Tbuf'lld&J. ~ t11r•llur1 ~ t('Oll.,e 16at6p.m.atlJle8tudwltC-t• • BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA Mlll8A CHAPl:L 17•1 Superior Avenue ~a w-. cant. Paone Ubel'ty a-2121 CHA.PEL B\" TH.l: SEA ~20 IE Coa•L Blvd. Corona 1.1<'1 Mar. Cllif. rhone ttarbOr 42 Sepl. 19. , Adult cl.....,• are open to all Furnllllre rtC'1111h1nr. tau(ht by adult. Without reetrlctlon. R.,u-CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE AltrM Pl)'Tlt', will· bti rtvtn In trt.Uon Jn all th• 1bov• tla»u l:,,..C HNmu. foundtr, a11thor of "Sc.ienc• of Mini.I ·· Slglrr f'•rk, We1trnl.n.1ttr, Man-with th• n ceptlon or th' collqt SUNDAY 8E.RVJCF.S ) I Lm. day• and \\'edne8day1 fl'i)m la.m. cl&.Mu In rumllur• refl11Jal\ln1 [ .laalor Churr;h Uld Nurwn· Ca"' 11 Lm. la 11. Two ampu. cl._ wtU be and uphai.tery Will be held durLn1 a.,.. lrl• Turk, Mln111,.r t•ught. one on Mond•Y• and W8d-th• fiflt mffttn1 of each cl.,,. on l.A.Gl:SA BEACH. UT GAU-Ell\' ff\.•tl 4-1!14. av1 cun o.. ntldaya from 1·• a11d anolh•r on I ,"'~•::•:M~k::o~I ~·~·:•:•:· ~·~·:· ~A~d~"~'~"::•~h~o~~==========================::; TuNday1 •nd 'nlur"1•Y• from 1-rn. (j,\&DENINO Hom• gardenln1 wtll be uu1ht by J.'r.d Lani Wtdnetday •V•n· 1n,1 from 7:30-10. ll!ter1or d'" I caral\on, under th• .upervlalon of I Mr•. Ch•'18llnt' Frederick, Will ti. given Monday a11d Wl'dneMl•Y I even1n1:1 from 7:30-9:SO. Lamp- 8h•<i• makLn1. t1upt by Mr1. G.lady1 Aldtn, wUU mHl at the Community Church, Corona deL Mar, Monday• from 1 tn t. A cl ... will be held at thr H11nt1n1ton eeaen Ha.pltallty Houae ¥riday mornLnp from t -12 and Fr1d1y 1ttemoan from 1·4 a .:l••• W\11 ~ held In the Prl!lby!eri•n Church, Wr1tmln.lter. , A parent educatton work•hop wt\L be taufht by Mr1. Alma Grild! at the Bay•' ClubhoUll! In Cotta Me,.. 1tarUng 11 10 a.m, on Mon· day •nd Tuell.lay. Ru1tm•kln1. by Mr•. Marla11 HarrllOn. wLll be or- ferl\l al the St'al ~arh City Hall Mond1y. rrom 9'12. •t O.C.C. on Monday• from 1--. and at the Prnbyterlan Church In Corona del Mar on Thuraday1 from 9·1%. SEWING Q.t.£, l>A'Q. YOU'n ~WEllf " -, .. COMMUNITY YOUTH CENTER bas $280 earmarked for equipment, gift ot Junior Ebell Club. Here (I to r) Mrs. Stirling Pa.rill, put president of the club, presenta the check to Grant Howald u Mn. Jame1 White, second \'ice Pr:e•ident. amiles approval. Men ot the community were buay laying fonra for exten1ion of the building. -Staff Photo Sewln,, t1u.rht by Mr1. Je&fl Mathew•. ,..,u be ,.twn at UI• CQI· l<'I'• Mond•Y and Wlo!lnuday evenlnp from 7-10. Another cl._, t&UJ'hl by Mn. Ellubeth Mllltr. wtll meet at Newport Harbor Hirn 8chaal Thundaya rtom 1·10. Tal- lorln' wtll be tau1ht by Mn. Mat· h-• at th• colle'• TUelday and Thurlday •ven1n1a tram 1-10. Universalist Fellowship Sermon 1ubjttl or lh• minilter tl the Unlverull•t CommWllty F'i!llowlhlp, 013 W. Balboa Blvd. on $unday. s .. pt. 11 w1ll t>ti 'The Rellgion of Je.u.1 v•. th• Rellfion About Jt1u•." .M. ThomJ*!n Will hv•n upholstery cl&NM "'111 tM ,iven at th• 001te1e. C. J. Shaw wtll te~ Monday 1.nd WMftead&)' from 7-10. MandaYI from 9-13 ud 1 lo f.; Wednaeday1 from 1-12 1.nd l·t : TU•tda.Y• ud Thu~a1• trom 1·12; TuMday and Thul'9dayf'rom t.f.; and Friday• from. 9·1% and 1- 4.. Ed. Danca1 wiU t .. cb. • cl._ Tuaaday and Thuraday from 7·10. PAGE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 9, 1955 play violin •tl~tton• tor th• pre- lude llfl::t oftertory uallted at the piano by Mn. Frederick Ring•. There Will alao be a .wrmonett• for the chUdrt'n. CATERINO Voallonal catert~ ud putry nJllklnl cl.-will M taurbt by Mra. Sibyl Mauerhan. Ct..._ will be h•kl at th• ReereatLon Center, HuntinJIOn a.en. on Jl"rlday from I 1..m. to 12 and Wectnaeday, 9 TO READ MESSAGE Although ttachera wlU be pre· -..nt to mf'<!I the chtldren a t Sun· day lcllool on !ept. t 1 a epec:lal Rally D•Y t1 planned tor them Gn Sept. 18 at which time the autwnn qu..rtt'r will otficlally belJUl-Churches in Warning to Labor Movement The l"e\1011o•1hlp mttt. each Sun- d•Y at the Ebeil Club H-In Oalboa far Sunday 8('.haol at 10:30 a.m. and mornlnJ' wonhlp at 11 L. A. Presbytery Meets Tuesday What ii be1q" couJdtP'ad a "'W'amfnC" to the Jabo!' ~Vtmnit In th• United Stale& that "It hu &n obUp.UOh to bl truly demo· crt.Uc" and lhat It mull. "'Wl!lgh JU every act In ~ ll&ht of It• l'f- lacl upon tM IWl•ral welfare .. I• C'Ollta.ined ln the "Labor O.y M'e1- ..,., .. lMued by th• N1tlQnal CouncU of Church• and requeated lo be r-4 U!. ~I Proi..tant church· a1 in Aeptembef. Adda Ute Coun· ell tta pl.rt: • '"llllll fobl'C'•Uonl. ot cvur .. 18 not &II obll(atlon of labor alone. Such u obllptlQn llM upon •Very ar1ant1.1Uon -aa upon •very lndl- 'ridual-ln direct proportion to IU power. Thet obl~on 11 nol dt•- cb.arpd, f• any-n( ~ua, wal•aa u.... ia a maxlmwn pn.cuc.aible d&fral of •mployment and oppor- tun!Py toe •mpklymtnt and crM- tl•• n:p...-ioa la equaJJJ avllll· a.bl• lo &11 mea and women r.prd- 1-or (lreed, nc•, IOClal etatu., Qr national oc111n. It ii aot dll- charpd unttl julUce hu bl'l!fl don• to ev•ry chlld by U.. pro- Yialon ot load eduoaUanal oppor- lunlty 11.nd by tM elimination or CDM Church Groups to Meet The art. and cnti. rroup of Oonii&-dfl Kar-C-01T1·m·u-n 1 t y Church wtll meet Tuaeday, 10 1,m. In th• church aoclal hall and will br1RC" MCk luncheone. Hoet-. Mmet. R. W. BaJlty. Go•• Crable and C. K. Cloee, Invite 11r0troe<:llve memben to attend. Mn. Ray Bchw&rts WU! ht ho•- tea1 on Wedtl-.day ta th• Read- lq Adventure rroup at ht'r homl'. 80fi PolrieetUa Ave .• th• lime 1 p.m. Mn. Chm Martin and Mr•. Herbert Le.Ip w11l be uaietlntr ho1t-. Relef'l'attoR11 are uked. The Churth l!chool Guild metl• Tueed•Y at the home Qf th•chalr· man. Mn. Uppttt. '113 Hr.:llotrope A•e .. 7:S0 p.m. Mn. Lo...ell Ne,.•· Ion and Mr.. M. J. Shannon wt\\ ltnd halt_, aid. M'emben ar• uked to bring 4on.t1llono for th• wtllt• el<'Ph•nt booU! which the rulld will 1t1rt 1.t th• Lo!Mt•r Bakl', Oct. l!i a nd "· th• .iu.m u a bret:dlng place lllf'ftT'lnt and delUlquency, :oe"OT LDlfTED ot .. m. 'nlc.e approtelaUDI' boUI a ~plrltuat and lldtnUtlc approacll (I) rr.l1gton end a Jlft-e•nt•red Sun- ".Nor can our obli&11.llon. bt d•Y ..choo\ progTam a.re lnY'lted to limited by th1 bordefl of our awn 1 _•_•_n_h_l_P_· ---------- Calendar for Saint James J'llla.1 m..tJn&" of tbe awnmer e-1<XI. of Loa Aol"tl• Praabyt•ry -wtll tM held neat TUaod&)' llnd Wlldr!Mday 181pt. l l ud l•I at Pretbylerlan Confe~nc• Groul'\da, 1&601 Sun1et Blvd.. Pl.cine Pa.II· ..OM. Pn.idlnf at ll>• .. mJ-anual two- d&)' meetln1. which will 1ttract mot. than &00 mlnt.t'n ud lay· man from th• 16' Jocal church .. In. Loi AB1tla1, Ota.nga. &IMS SUI country. on. ot the areatut of all new movt'mt'nt. of our century may weU be what W• ca.II 'l«hnl· cal ...t111.1U1ce'-a al'larlng by thOH ••ho hav• ""1Lll thoae who have not al th• llnawled(e and the l'Mllhadl wl'l-by a better and mor. abundant Ht• for U\1 people• o( the· •<K°ld can In time be created by their own effort and U'lrou,h their own ll'UIUtuUons. Whare et.ark need exU.u -any- whare In th• world---0ur obll,a. tlon I• to 1hara (oocl1 a ll(l, to lhare 1enenrualy and without tho111ht of return. Thera 1.re no •UfPIU8M, In Go<:!'• •lght, v.•hi!e there ullt. a llnJI• hungry per-'°" anywhere an nrth. The 1"•· tlonal Councll of ChW'(lhe• com- menda American Or&"antud labor for Ila effKtlve wpporl or Inter· nalklllal progra.rna dlnct!M toward th•• enda. Sctiedule tor tha Wfflt at &alnt tM•o Countlu. wtll be Modtntor Ja1nes' • Church, Epl-'Copal. Via 1'1\0mU l . Nalbach. of Vu Nuye. U do, tx-«in• on Sunday at 1:30 ua.t.ci by Ula l\n'. N1cholu M. L m. with Holy COmmUJ1\an fol-tyoya. of L<ln1 BM.eh, vlc .. rnod- lowt"d by 9 :30 Jo'amily Service and erator. urmori. Momin& prayer and lier-Dr. 0 . scott Mchfl&Dd rfl Ban- mon I.I 11.l 11 11.. m. ta Ana. 1tat.cl cl•rk of th• PTM· Monday at 8:30 a.. m. I.a optnln1 byttry, will lntroduc• th• dock•t of SL Jttmt a' Day School. and eerve u 1eneral apedllar of \Vrdllf"lldlly. 8 P· m, .• Senior Ololr th• bualn-84!aalOM. Off\(llal no.at rehearsal &Jld Thunlday, 1):13 L m., la the del1pta1 will be RuLln1 Prayer Guild with Holy COmmun· Eldtr Ne18an G. Roae. man.acer Ion and n .. a.11ng 11trvic• at 10:30. or U!• confeftnc• JfOWldll. l"rlday at 3:30 JI. m . 111 Junlorl ::___:___ _____ ..:_ ______ 11 Choir "'h"•~l 1. n d !tunday, Sept. 18, 1t 11 :1~ a, m. lll opening or the Sunday School tor r.:11 -- .iona. Dakota Trip Of lllADO\\' Mr. Mid Mra. W. C. TUl'HI' and pwiddau,hter Judy al. 200 I:. 22 -------------•st., c.o..ta :w:-. wtthth.Ud&VP "Our f"t'n•raUon UvM iand dOM It.I work under the Yery lhl.dow Pearces Visit Son of i-lble unlverwal cataatrophe. Mr. and Mni. J. A. Pa&n:e of Mu\'1 rapid development ot wea-1~9 Broadway, C08ta Me-. have pona of totaJ det1tructlon hu not retum«l from a l'<l(I> week•' vl.tt yrt beel1. matched b» CCltre.pond-with th•ir 10n and tamlly, U\1 Ing progreu In the development Alfr<'d Pearce& of Sacram•nto. of ln1tltuUona and relallon.hlpc The M"nlor Peaf<le• -~t north whu.h .CAA and ww tX1nl"1Lluch . .tor 11u hWth which i,, !'OW weapon~ and 11par• mankind trnm mu(lh lmpro,.ed. Sh• la a t•cher death by hl1 awn h11J1d," in Coeta life• Main eUool. Christian Science Talk Will be on 'Substance' The wordll ot Ja1U1 tram J ohn (f:171 "Labour not tor U!e m~at wh.Jch ptrl•htth. but for th11.t meat which endurtth unto t-ver- luUn1t Ute, which the Son of man ahall gill• unto you : for him h1th God the 1'1.lh.,. 11!&1· M." comprl• the Golden Text for the t.e..on-Sermon on "Sub- 11tance" to be Nlld In all ChriB- tlan Science churche• lunday. l• the ooty eubalaJlee, the tnvW!- bl• And lndlvll!lbl• tn.rlnlte God. Thing• •plrifu&\ and •ternal ..,.. 1ub~tanUal. TI!lnp material and lemporlll ate ln1ubatanllal," fpp. 4&8,335) At Lake Tahoe Mr. And Mre. C. B. Rudd ha.Ye returned from 10 daya at Lall• Tahoe. On the V.'&Y hom• lhty 1topper! 11l S•n Fra.nellat to \'ttllt old frie11d1. the Julee Ct.mi-. t.-'1 family, Mr. and Mn. Wal- ter HepPl!'f'le and 10ll. Rkb.ar4. or !62 i: t2 Bt .. ha" r.tunttd rrmn a thrae wetlta trip to Yellow-•ton., Montana and the n.litotu wMn U\ey 'l'llllted trienda. Form- .,. ,..id•ta ot South DU:ota. tll•1 Yllited tba 81.a(lk HIU. 1.nd the .Ruab.mon Mem_or1aJ. M.YlnJ' \h•ed th.era when thty c:ould -tch UM pt'Offtll ot UI• '#Ork. Murphy Daughter Mr. and M.r1. Humphny Mur- phy Jr., 701 JU111ln• AY•.. are parent. or a d&uchlar. Maurtn• K&Uin1ne. born s.,t. 6 In. Hoag: Hospital. Tha baby. nm child for th• ooupl•. w.tirt:ed 1 n.. t• os. Maltmll &nndp&nnte art Mr. and Mn. Andrew Balley, Loe An· rel• Md HM Ch&nnt'I J\oa.t'I, and Mr. and Mra. KUmphr., .Murphy ot La Jolla. · At Corona de! Mar Community Church That lnHI 'IRlbatlUlce 11 of th• ,eplrlt and not lo bt found In m11.terlal thing• Ml accentl!d by 1--------------· I Paul "''h""9 h• l&yl ln hll ll!f'Ond Bennon topic for tM dupUcatl •nicn of n1omlnc wor1hlp hald In Conwia dtl Mar community Church wUl ti. "\\'hat 11 The Blble!" .At 1 p,m .. th• 'Ile•. M- wln Go.nk• n.. und that all hlJ'h ecb.ool .tudente lnt.nltad In Ptll'f1m F•llOW'Llh\p m..i at th• churcll tor a pl&n.nlq --.ion. Grant Chapel Permit lollU\l'm Calltorn.ta Bibi• Col- le1t at ~-Newport 81"4 .. Ole- ta Mt8&. Tuaedl.y took out e J,SI .000 Me• ctty buUdtnr; ptor· m.tt tor coutrucllon of a Chip..\. & P'. !Uftl wu lilt.cl u roo- tr.ctor. lett"r to th r. Corlnthl&Jll. "'\\•e look not at lM thlnp which &re ltftn, but at the thlnp which ""' not lffll: for th• thlnp which a.rt lffn &N temporal; but the U\lnp Wbtch are •OC """" an eternal .. (t :18). .Explaining th• Chrt1tl•n Scie- nce vl•wpolnt ..,.. th• •talemente --------------1 from "Stlerw:. llJ!d Health with Pilgrimage Play A J'T'OUP ot local people who 1"nt to Hou,woad to -tM Pl\· frim&("I PlaJ mclUded tM Rev. Md Mn. Roy eut.oft. M'NSI'&. and X-. Harold mu.. William Mr· Dmald and llan>ld Arthur. A da!J.ltller and ..n-ln·law ot lhf" Arthure .,.. muaban °' UI• CUL Key lo the Scr1pturta" by Mary Baktr P.:ddy ... Subltanca i• th•t which 11 eternal 1U1d lncllpable Qf dll('.(lrd and dec•y ... Sph1l Ult 1ynonym of J.lind. Soul. or God. lJI th• Oil.IT real .utretanc.. 'Ille 1ptrttual u11\vaae, lncludin' lndlYldual man. I• a campovnd 1daa. "fltetlng Ille dl"'-ne: eub- 9lall~ ol Bptrlt," Aleo. "Bpl,rit Florists Convention llr. and Mt1. John M. Hartl•ln Of Corona de\ MAr ..... ul atland the California State F'Jorl•U .U- 10Cl1Uen CM Ven lion J'r Id a y 1-------------- lhrou~ Sunday a t Sacr-.m .. nto. Mn. Hartlein plan• to p&rtielpat• In the c:onftnUon. Hoag Ml'9. J. A. Prtni\e of Uf, W. Home From ------------IWlllora IL. COllta M-. U. n- Van Drimlen Son tumad ....,,.. '"'"' HCJl.I Rotipl· t•I ...,..,. -DI :wwt OU"lft7 rec.rt17. -.. la Mr#" &..-.s Mid able ta haft '111tora. Mr. and Mn. Robert Vu D~ !tn ·~ wtleomtnr tl'lelr ftrwt child, David Reaaale&l, t1oml------------- Aug:. 30 In Sant.a Ana Commun'" At San Di ty Hn11pltal. Re W'llfbed 1 Iba. ego 7 OJ:. ~•trmal f"Udpanat. ..,.. Ml'9. o.orr. >.z.J, 16th SL, ii Mr and )Ir•. Da"4 l)n.a' ot • 1"19tlllC' ...... ~ ud .,.__ ui Baltio. c-... map. . lt 11 a wiae f•tbet who tali::n time OVit now aad then to bt chummy w ith hie boy .and to participate in hie aporte. The lad in the pict\lf• MUM bi t pl•aeur• &I hie dad pe1par• to •pitch him a fe•." Thi bond of compuionehip benoHn • rood fathtr and hia aon i1 on• of th• mot;t h•lpful inlluencn that can come into the lifa of a boy. Boye •ho enjoy 1uch companion•hip 11ldom co .. tr•y. , What a 1trili::inc contrail w• oburve in the other picture! Cuilt and fear &re •ritten on the faca of tha boy with the 1tolen fruit. He h•• •tarted on th• lone •nd p&inful road that lead• to dlauter. Ju•enile delinquency i1 on• of the cr••t aoci•I problmui of out time. UnwholHOnM inllv.•nc .. are a\woad in tM world •o lMd children ••tray. Without p•rental ('lidanc:e. ~ many of them drift into evil w1y1. • counHI of th• Church 1n meetin& thia Oar .......... .._. ............ ~1... . .. . '=.tr ... "'•••••• • ,j; w..,..' .. ,Loo.. Jj ..... n .. _.:• a:-.=: • 'fr. t:::r .:.::ff.1-,. : II ................. ~ Parent• n••d the ht:lp of Cod and the rn,-naibility. Lw,111g-~~~~ii;i'~ '11111 Church Feature SpcMllOl'9CI by These Local Buslneu Finlll -' • ILANCHE IENZ Lawle Wooclworttl l'luo Co. Th• Yarn Shop C'llart-A.-ibl•-Block il lnttnlet I08\..i 11...._ Ave. Harbor 0880 CUSTOM AUDIO Publle Addr.a. -HI-rt -Tap.. Recordtrf '11 -114. N-rt JIMch -1506 GEORGI M. GRAHAM Ru1• and Carpet. 12:1 A&U-A•e. 8elboa Island -- ART C-KISTLD CO., R...iton Bay P'tant SpeclalUit• %901 Newport Blvd. Newport lleach 11.ubol' 5%28 MarlO's Sllwt Set Hair FashioM CompMte Bty!J.nC Pumanent 1\11"1ns and Tlnl!Jll l40'J' l'Mt ClaMt RWJ. Harbor 5104 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. %6%0 W. !-. Hwy. Llbeny 8-11 IS ...... o,.,_ Chem>11 SerYlc1 Ttra. -Batttirl• -Atc•810rlff Complet1 Lubrication 1100 W, a.u-Blvd., Newport -h Jlarbor llll5 MAC l'IUITID'S Newport Beach P1larm1cy 1108 0-. ,._t . Newport 8'ach Jlari>or5 UN!qUE CAFE Braktut -Lunch -Dinner '10 ftdo 114.. <"""-'""" City Hall) hie Ci.ci-.THE ARCHES Union Otl 0.aJ•r , -''" ~ BWJ. N""PO'i -· u-.eoa ............. t;:ompltt• UM of N_. 4 Ul!Od Pl&1IOO %610 E. C-t """. -- ELITE IEAUTY SHOP SIM Martae A.\'L Harbor 1811 H. H. HOLIROOK 0.pendable Plum.blnJt tsol W. a.Ihm. Bl"d. DICK MACKER Orapt>rlta -Carpeta -1Jphol1lwy Compll'tl Free Deco,.Un1 l!ervlc• M20 Vla Udo Harbor 4328 CUt F1ower• -Ptl SuppllM IWbo. Blvd. at %1•t Newport BMeh NEWPORT HARIOR IANK M\dnltrhl ln II A. M. 2217 W. 0oMt Hltf'&y, Nt!1'·port 8-r.h STAFFORD Ir SON El,.ctrtr.111 Contr1clor~ 11{) Rl\·pr!!tide A\·f', Nf'Wport Bea.ch l.Jl:M'!r1}' S.145H Vl11e-·1 Rexall Dru9 Stares Thl"'e loc11t10111 !(I H'~''" You Newport Beach Ba.lhna Corona df"I Mar llarhor %11'1 HOWi.iD'S RESTAURANT Coffee 8hop-OJl<!fl 24 H'>l1r1 ll1M5 "'· Cout Hv . (at llolboa e.oir> H.uhor $820