HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-12 - Newport Harbor News PressFabulous HARBOR PRESS • .. .Sth YEAR -NUMBER 68 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1965 PRONE BARBOR 18le FIVE CENTS H'BOI WIATHll T ,,......_ .. ,.....-..... .,.a..w Tueed&y. Sept. I _ TT ti Wedn .. day. Sept. T -71 .. Tbunda,y, 8epl. I _ Tl la ~. Sept. t ..... -H tT B&lurday. Sept. 10 _ .. T3 .. Sunday, ~pl. 11 ........ T3 ti Monday. Sept. 11 .. ... TO IO New Dinner House Set Don Dickennan Planning $200.000 Project Here New· Water Plan to Help Shortage By WINIFRED _BARBRE A $200,000 luncheon and dinner houRe deeigned to be the ''world'• moet amuaing and debghtful waterfront ren- desvoua" bu been planned to be open at a rettlodeled struc- ture, 2607 Cout Highway in four months, it was diacloaed 1 1 toclly excluaively to the New1-Prees by Don Dickerman, tatnnaUonally famoUA nl(ht club I be hla own studio w1lh H.Hl. draw- lmpre-r1o. Ing tt.ble a nd work bench. where Dulped by Dickerman u an his whlml11cal and colorful decor •t.abUAhment. uniquely Newport I wlll be In progrus of making. Harbor.Jn f~llnr. tule and decor, There wlll Llso be hi1 own com<'dy the n-plaCt! will be known u the art fl'llllval, th<' Olp1y-doodle Art "Olp1ydoodl1." It will ca ter to 1 Callery. with prlu uamples of e v<fry pocket book, w ith plenty of the .. "modem 11Chool of rlilltortlon- •Gl•rlalnmenl tor a.II, he aald. lats on display. The tWO·ltory bulldlnir l• DOW belnlJ remodeled and will provldl' aeatlnr capacity for eoo but will k keyt-d to hOAplte.tle lnfom1ality .A. J30-1t. hall w!U connect the two ..,.. and between them will be var· toua rc,om1. alcovea and nook.II w ith 11urh namu a1 "Beachcomber'11," Yachtamen·s." "Polynealan." "Buc- ranl'er'a" !Ind evl'n • "Harmony Thrre'a also a "Haunted Wall" where portrv.lta come to life a.nd brt!llk lnlo the conver1111t1on, Nt>w YorkPrl 111111 remember "Cap'n" Don's fabulous n&Khl clubs. 110 loo do n-sldents of Miami and Hollywood. For over 40 year11, while in the night clullbusrneM. hi' ha.<1 been atoring up ldeaio for S1TD\:' SITES -There's the reservoir, City Engineer Bert Webb, second from left. tells city council membens this morning at pre-council meeting in city man- ager's office. From left, City Atty. Karl Lynn Davis. Webb, City MAnager John Sailors, Councilmen Sandy MacKay, Lee Wilder, Gerald Bennett and J. B. Stoddard . Staff Photo A place where ho11pit111itv. tnfor· M I D 't molaty and romancl' reiKn supreml'. ora • on rN-ONE PLACE BOAR Ht.ST UA \'S • Jn lhi• "Dl.lneyland·under-one. It wu 30 year• ago when on a I Room '' root" mucb or the amuaement ta boar hunUnr expedition to Santa I It The •built-In ," and the "Harmo.ny Cruz Jaland that be first uw the nsu ~oom" ta a eound proofed barber apot which he wanted, and now ehop with four barbeJ'W to cut hair (Coallnu.od Oft ..... 8) U.S. Mar·1nes and give thl' overworked blatneaa man • 1have while hla lady •It.I 1• • 1•d ' ln. rodttna chaJr dinlnr room a d· IW I RIS I S jornlna-. I One of the room• will be lnat&ll· D SI I d ad Uld completely fuml1hed, UJlr a y a e • 1ld• down, onr one of the b&ra. Derogatory remarka about lht Umled Stales Marine Corp11 ur- ly totlny saw battJe jolne<t be· tween Herbert Hilton. 23. Camp Pendleton Marine and an umdent· itlrd r1v1llan who fli-d when eev· l'n lr11·111 pohct>ml'n, ShorP ratrol Bl BUSINESS GROUP MEET 1 TO FEATURE FILM PROGRAM Balboa Ialand Bu.1inua AaAOCiat1on will hold 11 m eeting St>pt. 20 a t 7:30 p. m. l-0 view a film. "rroi;resa Hrp<trt -Past and F'Uture of Oran(• County." Doris Bray, i;re111dent an· nounced t-Oday. The meeting wilt be h<'ld at Park A\'e. Cafe. The film will deal with Oranire County'• ama:itlng rrowth. 11he aald and will point up the tncrPu inr growth u pf'ct.. •>f the Newport Harbor uea. Dl•cww110N1 of aanltatlon faclh · tlea, puldnr problema Alld Chrlstmu program wlll be on the acend& alao, ah• added. J u ~nter of a ttraction wm be the H s t 24 beautlf111 rt!dh"Of'd mannl'kln OC· ere ep 1 curyiar ll tlf-11. who will be wi red toi IOWld and will tell cu1tomeni below what llhe think& of them for tnvadiq her privacy. Ca hfornl11 HIKhw11v Pat1nl and l f IRE Everybody hu bl• da.7 and th" Laguna Bl'ach 11quad c a r 1 a r· <*1ldren of N-port Harbor will nvt'd al Merle'• Oriv~an • .cene not be torrotten thla year. a ccord-or the aldrmlsh, DEMOLISHES HOUSE. BRUSH ACRES Thrre •UI be lhe .. 8erenad4 ~m" wit h eoflelt Rawaila11 lnUetc fer thOM who like a quiet and lovely spot ln which to diM. Jn another ,,_ one ca.n pay borwlhoes, ehecktt11. r1n1t tOM and w ctlon dart•. chr11a If be can find All opponent. The be11chcomhf>r wlll b4> Invited t i' "dr1111: up a rock," "have a ~r ba~I" or "teke a couplP of life prurrvl'ni" antt lAbll' na~ry 11 a pt to hf> M ythinlt' from 11 bath towel. baby'• ahirt or a vdndow curt9411. f'HOWROAT PLANS It 111 hnJM'(I that arra_njtl'm enll! car: be made for a Gay-nineties ahl'wbo..,t 111r rnnd1llonf'd and 8011nt1pr<>nfed, wlth a OlxJt-land IMnd for danrinr •fll'r lhl' 11how, Dtrk,.rman P id. • "C11p'n" Don'• headquarteni wlll tn1 t~ Klwanl• lntematton1l K1d•' Wh<'n Newport otucer11 he.a rd Day w llJ be celebrated ln Newport l\n all-c&r11 broaurul warn of HI Ka.rtior on Saturday. Sept. 24, ca.ra t n route to MPrlP'11 for a Allen A.abworth. cb&lrman of -pub-ir•n1t f11tht. a nd wbl'ft lhl'Y re· llc nl&Uona. Newport Rarbor Kl· Cf'lve<I a 2:U5 a .m. report of a w11n111, announced. I "flli?hl In prnJ:"rrAA". th .. lor11l gen· "Prcllmlrwu -y plan• for local a.-. darml's were u11limed to break Uvity .,. now bernr formulated It up H11t11n wu tumf'd ov .. r to by the <'OJ1\mlt tee.'' Roy Younlonc., thP "'h<•rl' l'at rnl w1lh no <'haq~f'11 prealdent. ialrl. Fr11nk C ranrtnlfn, filed. fllhl'r cnntr11t11nl.8 fled In Butane Tank Explodes to Start Silverado Canyon Blaze Sunday L incoln Grindll' And Herb Thoma11 &11 auto before que11tionlng. I are a idlnr A11hworlh on the cc>rn-1 Thi' M11 rine11 llfemed to have ORANGE. SEPT 12 IOCN8l- m1tttt. th• 111l111lt1on wl'll In hand today. I Apprnx1ma ll'ly 100 firefighter. Al!nworth 11ald younrter• m11y get lhf'1r "Kld'11 D11y" button• 11t ftllY s:orl' in the Harbor area dl11- playlnir; • l<law1mli! plllC"'<'&.rd . n , .. button will rnllllP eitcb chlltl to TOURING SCOUTS DUE fl"ff l&dmlNlon to the Lighter lh11n BACK Air S..e show on Saturday. SPpl.t l 24 Mtween D a. m . and noon tu1d the fr"« 11how at Lido TheatrP IN HARBOR TODAY PACIFIC CASTS UP OLD GLORY Jo:\•en lh" P111·1f1<' Ol'•'lln r ,.IPb111 t NI < ·1111rornl&'• &1tml.11· s1un 11110 t hP 1 'nlon f'rld11 , .. l'PJJI !I ~1 ~l11hlhl'ber nf 1 !'(J9 \\' R1tlb<1" RlvJ Ji tt I ii hP \\Ill! w11lk ln1t &long the wnt .. 1f1ont F'l-11tay morning whl'n thl' w ,l\'PS rn~t up an A"'"' it Mn fl•li? •l 1\111 fN"t Helipot Head to Talk at ' Chamber Meet Irvine Co. OuHines Deal for Expanded City Supply By BEN REDDICK FOR 'BIGGEST' Park M Ht Tomorrow An 111f.,r 1111tl •• 1111fon uf lht nt v p111 k, h,.11r h 11nd r"Crl'ation rom· 1 1111"""" 111 11l1t11»l fl)r Ii o'r l•wk tn· mu1 1•ow nli;:ht •I r·lly hall Bnh :1111111t1 r•"f'"l1nn •llr,.•tr.r will '11• aul lilt' ffif'f'l&nlt, h111 '""t '411h U1•• ''''"''"~~ion J-•ot.f *"" for ,-,. ... f''!ll JllO 11 nd J'llr'llN hne Will hi DICKERMA.~ BtiSY -Don Dickerman, above in typical Dickerman-designed back- ground. today is engaged 0 in preparing plans for new "Dipeydoodle" slated for Coast Highway location. H<' has int"restro busine~ kadera in the "enturt>. a r or- poratiori II Turn»il nutlo b<•a yt1<'lll 11 •·n~1._rn 11ppa1entl.v Ion ov•·r · board. Stahlheber 1111d the n11g had 13 Ila.Ta In the blue field v.·tt.h a fouled anchor In tht> middle of the field. It wu on a ahor t flar1tatf. BOUSE EMB!:RS -All that i11 left of the home of Ll.rry Wilson. S1lverado Can- yon. a.re th~ uh~ a~'\itu1t the side or a hill. The house and the two vehiclt>11 in the foreground were destroyed after a butane tank cxplrxiPd 11nd RprN\d f ire above the canyon. -OCNS Photo News· Press .Clrculatlon Today 5819 Coplu Methodist Rite Unites Young Costa Mesa Duo Mary Sinclair Is Bride of Dean Lee Williams Mr. and Mra. Dean Lee Wllllama ehoee Sllverado Can· yon ln which to apend their honeymoon after their wedding in Com.munity Methodlat Church, eo.t.a Meaa. The Rev. C. F. Hand performed_the eisht o'clock double. ring ceremony whi~h unite.st Miu Mary Sinclair, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Walter Sydnol 279 Eut I OU\ St., Out1t1 otte~d f1li<"ltallon1 In Coet.a Mu i . and the eon of Mr. Thompeon Hall of the <'hurch. I 11.nd M.n . Ralph E. Williama, 2064 where recf'ptlon aid wu lf'nt by M•yer Place. Costa )baa. Mmea. Llnroln Barnett. Elmer f WfflTI: BROCADE Clark, Cl1lr1 Net.on and Hufh Mary, who wu 11'-en In keep-Sanda. Inf by her father, wore whit• SILVER DATE Al M:. &nd ).Ira. William• ••· 1l1ted their 1e>n anti h la bride in rere1vlnf , It w11 a m•morable occa1lon for It wu alto thei r own 2Mh weddlnr anniveniary. brocade In atreet lf'nflh with fl&~ aklrt and molded bodice, t roop n•cke<1 and with brlef aleevn. H e r I a c e ed&ed veil wu held b)\ a pearl rmbroidf'red corone.t. and \he carrlN1 a 1hower a rTanpmenl of carnallona, or- chid• and 1tephanotl1. Mrw. w~ .. Klrloff, matron of honor, waa go111-ned In yellow bro- cade and carried a noeegay of Thi new Mra. Williams wore a blue 1111t and 1tarden1a corsage for the honeymoon. She waa (Tad· uated from Nl'wport Harbor Un- ion High School. her huaband from Harbor Hlch School and Oranre Co1111l Coll•ge. Thry will be at home at 20~ Myer PlaC'e. Coeta Mega. . • MISS VlRGI NlA MARY SHEVLIN hit• dalslu. Mrs. Roter W1rd Jr. &nd Ml11 Unda Adllr, brtdu- malda. wore pink brocade ind blue lace rHpecllvely, and car· rlt!d white dal11y nollf'pya. WlTH OROOM Addison-Shevlin Bill Kuhlmeyer wu beat man a nd guula wer• u11hrred by Del Rey Williama. Roger A. Ward Jr. and Jo~ph Jarred. Harbor Star Will Fete Top Officers Vows • November In Mr<a. Wllliam11 wore for her 1&1ftW1UI ... w... r1o~•r• Party ..... ..._. J40J K. t.'ONt 811 .• Con>M 4d II• Harbor 60'71 THB OaGAJlf l'Otl CA.If PLA.1'~1 , ....... , ....... HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN \\'e alao laYi&e JOU t. -.. ud h7 UM ..,. ft· 1•1 Sptael Or.....-.Now A..aMll DANZ-SCHMIDT BIO PIANO & OllOAl'f llTOD . lleaquact.eN few .&.JJ ..... tlammood 0r,... IU 1-&ltt ato ~o. Mal• 110n's weddtnit lrl' blue broc1u1e with navy 11ccessor1u and pink <'Am&tlon cnr1111ge. The mot.her of th,. brlde wu unable tn att,nd. The Howard B. K. Willieea ot 101 Via Wazif'ra have an- nounred the engagement of her daughter, Miss Virginia Mary Shevlin. to Bruce Addison of New York, aon of Mrs. Robert ._ __________ _. Field Pearson of Greenwich, Conn. and Mr. Douglas M. P. -P'nr the ttneet In com.mercl&l Addison of New York City. The brid~1eet'11 father, Mr. Printing call Hubor lt!I. Job Printing O..partm.nt. MR. le MRS. DEAN LEE WILLIAMS Bernie Alden Photo T11ll b11skl'll of while 1l11hll111 a nd lllll branched ca ndelal>ra fnrmf'd 11el t1 n g for thl' ntt' l>frs. Peter Panl(le ll&nf aa pre· Jude. "All the Thlnp You Ara", a nd "'I Love Ynu Truly." Harhor Star, 0 E.S. will hold a relfUl&r meeting and part~· on Tu('sdl\y t'\'f'nlng at lhl' ('n11t11 Mess Jo r11!ay Aflf'rnoon t·lubhouse &L 8 p m. The aff1111r will be a welcome to Incoming worthy pat- ron and worthy matron, Mr. and Mr1. J.f&x Owen, and wilt alto celebrate their blrlhdaya. Matthew J o!M!ph Shevlin. 11 alao I ;;;.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;;;;.-~~~~~--. a resldE"nt of Nrw York City. n ., betrothal w11 revealed to 20 clo11,. fnf'nda a nd membera of lhe f11m1ly who were bidden to a onf' o'clock lunC'hf'On 1t Perlno·1, Los Anj!tle~. on Sept. 9 MRS. JOH N MARTI;\; \"l;\;CCNT -De Mirjian Photo N EW POR T HARB OR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1955 ICE CREAM SOCIAL FOR MESA EPISCOPAL MISSION Membere ot SL Ma rgaret'• GuJld completed plana for a benefit Ice cream l!OC!al when they mel at lh• home of M111. C11l Hall, 186 Flower St .. Costn Mt'1&, on Thursday eveninit. The llffatr v. 111 be a fund raialng C'\'~nl for lhe Costl\ Meaa Ep1.11copal Mlas1on, and will be held Sepl. UI from 6 to 8 pm, 111 th" home of Mra. Henry Sl'ely, 281* Mesa Drive. Ml'!'. T. H. J ohnl!On Is 11:ener&I cha1rm1tn and will be aid· l'o1 by Mmu, A, J. Aune, C'. W , Thomas, Georr1 de Roulhac, H. R. Henrie Seely and J . \".'. Donnelly. Planned for a later datl' Is a rummace Ylr, and rlonallon• will be pic ked up by Mr:i. Donnelly, U 6638. . FIRST ON FRIDAY Friday Afternoon Club Programs of Interest The party wu postponed from lu t 11pr1nr bec11ll.9e of lhe 1llnru of Mra. Owen. Dl~1tarlea from all over Orenite C'ounty and two or three from Loa Ansetu are ex· peeled to attend. Stephens Alumnae Meeting SANTA A~A (0CNS) -Tbe ftf'Wly orjf&nlzed Or&nge County Stl'phen1 College Alumnae Club will m11t al 7 30 p.m. Sept. 20 In thl' home e>f Mn Le-on J nn .. s. 1!>62 C&n J uan Sl .. Tustin. All tonner 1tudenta of the Mil!& Shevlin a ttendf'd J.larl- borough School, the Umver11ty or Colorauo wher" fihl' waa a mem· ber of K11pp" Kappa Gamma 1or · 1 orlty anll w11a itraduatf'd from Stanford Unlvt'r1111y. Hrr flllnt·• attt ndPd W iibraham AC'lldemv, \Vllbr11h11m , Mass. and the Un.I· ver111ty of Connecticut. He wa9 an Air Fol'C'e pilot In World War II w ith r11.nk (lf lt'COnd lltut~n11nt. T hP wedJ1ng 111 ~el for ?\O\'. r. at St. Jamu f:pllcopal Church. Group Approach Weight Control Classes S,lated The first of 12 meeun11 on the COiumbia. Mo <"<>llegf' are •nvtt~. "Group Approach to We&.i:hl Con· ll is not neceMary lo ha\•e been l I'' 111 b h IJ M 1 s rraduated, Mr11. W L. Mnnlry or ro w e e on · .ont ay. epl Santa Ana, pre8111• nl, Mid. I l_li. from one lo two o clO<"k at .lhe Other rert•nll\' narnl'I'! otficen J. arrn liureau Hall, 1918 \\Ml of the group ltr.e Mra. YTed Wet· I Cha pman, Oranre. aaya Marian ' ae l. Omni:<', vice-proellldenl; Mlsa Pl'enllss, home advtaor with th• Barbara Ellerbroek, TuaUn. secre· Unlverelty of California Acrlcul- tar)'. Mt 8. Arthur Esterbrook, tural Extension Servtcl'. ~mon Helchta. oorrn pondlnf 11•• Anyone · 1nterHted ta w1tcoma crNary. Mrs. Robert Fergu80n, to a ttend t hu e ml'rllnfJI. They l F'ulk1 t.on. treasurer: Mr!. I.Aon wUI contain Information about J onts, 11oclal chairman: Milll ba11lc nutrition that ran be 11ppllet1 1 Ruth Tolr. Anaheim. Hlstor111n: to low calorl11 mf'Als &1 wrll a11 I inti Mrs. J ark B~l tntr, Anaheim family meal planninr . publicity. In addlUon to the nutrition and food 11reparaUon lnformallon thve will be mMUJ\I• on r roomJnc. Council Report 111mrl• ex•rclHI and book revl••• in t hll three month N '1•. Sl t d f Thi approval or dla pprov&l ol lnlereatlng &nrt IMtruCtl\11 wtll chairman nf motion picturu . a e or Olht'r people Ot the fTOUp hU be lh1• thf'me for lhe monthly I InstallaUon of offk era In Mey • pro\'ed to be an etfecUv1 lncen- mer1tn1ta nC lhr Co!!la Men Frt-1 will ha\•e a new and entlrely dlf· I Toastmistress ll\'e In keeplJ\r men &nd wom.n on day Afternoon Club durmit the feanl mualcal progrem given by 11 welr ht control profT&D'. In Or- romlng club yur. Mn. Paul H. Harbor High School under the The flnt fall meellng of Har-1tn1te County lut wtnter 10 wo- Roberta, <'hairm&n, and member• I dir~Uon of Clinton Sawin. bor Tou tmlstre111 Club will be men In a •lmllllr project either of Ut1 prorram committee ha ve held at 7:30 pm. tonight at Hoe· reached their welfbt roaJ or made planned a full prognm for the pltallty Hollll<'. Bnlboll. T~mla-1 mark ed profrMI ln that dlr9C:Uon. nine mont.ha penoc1. Othf'ra on the World Pol1.t1·cs treat of the evening Will be M l.u commltt~ are Mra. Sherman Sal-ter, Mra. lx W. Covert and Mn. Charlot le Skinner and 1pcaken 1 Cardigan Coats In CI T h J.t mu. }~r&llCJB Clenuenen. Edwardi W. I:. Nickell. ass aug t Mirkovich a nd Jerry John'Son, Cardfpn coata of all tenrUI• The f lrwt prornm, on S•pt. 16.1 Toplc-mlAtreu wtll he Mr11. Ray 1re Important fall eo1tume newi. will feature Elwood N. Chnpman b H ho Q Trautwein; Lexlcolof1 .. t. Mn! .. lf'-1------------- pyecholor111t, lecturu and out-y ar r uo well E . Wolf; Tlml'r 1rnd Awardll,, 4landlnr authority In t he field Mrs. P11ul Mora lln<I e\'llltHl!or, Gloves for Fall THI llJMAICIC lCt16410. 11 Md! TV. Ho~4•• .. • t••i•e4 Meh•t•~r lllo<. ••-Z...ith loyel "X .. di•ttlt willl 16,jOO we1tt ef ,lctv<•. ,. •• ,, (.,. •• .;.,., Te, '"""'•· t11 I O·lftd> l••llh ····h•t ... ,, ••.• 11.a.1. 18 .-....o •• ..-. TURNS lET ON and Off CHANGES STATIONS I #EVIi 111011 ON MJ TV/ HI ... II llUIYM. C-.. eft4 "'Ill Hete'o TV,_ ........ willl • fie• of 1tM ltOHT ''°"' YOUI lASY CK.t.ll. Ne -40, 111 ................ •Medo. "It -· ••'•' ,., ... ci ... 11 •• ..e ,.,. •••• Tvlle lhe l 4eu111 .. lhe •••tw• ,..,.., •"4 CW·l-... , ••••• ,1c ..... •h••,•• ••4 ........ Ill THI COMP\m UHi OP 11Hm4 OUAUTY TV ,.,CH Al LOW Al 15995 for 17" Vincent-Barry Wedding Held nf human rtlat1on11. 11pcaklng on The Newport Bay area •Jtaln Mn1. Jaye McKalsen. I "Your Altitude 111 Showing." Thia Utll fall wHI be one ot 17 com· The lnvocallon will he given hy Glowa AH ahown ln a n rlety ~ Held Sept. 26 in Westwood Community Church were 11 a vlaual prorra m, p1'111ented munlUea parllclpattnr In th• Mrs. Rtrk Corhrsn and the plect~e of <lark and U(ht lon11 with EASY TE RMS••• rites which united Shelia Rae Barty, daughter of Mr. and with whlmay &nd cood humor, to World P olltlca dlacuaalon rroup1 by Mri<. Pill Berg•r. A rouncll re-1 rh11 r·browna. black• &nd Ucht 1how the powerful force that at-project offered here under the au•· porl by Mn1. Arthur Mii;-haeh, a ' J:r• v:1 predomlnanl Mra. George Barry of Beverly H ills anci John Martin Vincent , tltud• playa In everyday life. plces or Unlvnalty of California dlsru:<slon on committees by Mrs I - ------------STEVENS & SO 5 son of the Joseph H erbert Vincents of Lido Isle. Bidden to os CALJFOR~,A Exterulon and th• American Foun- 1 L<•roy Ander11on and lhe ~arl b,:, "Th• nuab&nd'a the head of lh• N the C'Cr<'mnny and reception, held in the Guden Room of In October, Mrs. E. E . Coulter. daptlon for Political Education. Mr•. OanlPI Rogers wil t C'lnse th'e ~~~~e ~~d ~~Ye ~;t~~rh:I t~• 1879 Harbor Bh·d., Costa Meu t Director a nd Curator of Bowerw art of a na tional project, the meeting'. Anyone Interested In ' Y n. • Bol·Alr Hotf'I. wtre 200 l'\IHta. my and Sant.a Monica Clt,y Col· Memorial Mueeum In Santa An._ local group 11 planned to provide I Toutmlatr,.as C'lub actl\·lllea 1, In-fin,. unlll either o~~. of Uu•m 1 Phone UIN-rty 8-2301 •·oR~tAI. GOW~ I lrfl', 111 presently itattoned at wlU •peak on the Golden Era In dlacUMlon of 1clentlf1C'ally org&nla-vlttd to llttend lhtl"e m•tlings. 11t11 rts lo prove It. -Charley We Sen•tC'te All Mmkf'• and M~I• Th ~11 I I I C~pPend~on~lh ~U S.Cal••om•·nNov•mb1r ~Ub~nf edln~~~~~ln~The1W~ fJ=on=r=s=·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~ " .,r ' " w1ts gnwne• n m· Marin• Corpa. He Is aff111ated " ... ~ .. , " rort,,•I whllt l8C'l' ovn ~11 1 111, fas; I with Phi Bet.a Mu tratem lty. a mlWC&l profTlm by th1 Oran11 prognm entalla three ten . wuk Is h } G hi11n• I wllh bnu!fant l"kirt with Coul Colle11 mUJ1lc department, seaslona w llll atudentt1 meeUnf C 00 roup IW••i l•r•tn O\'tr 11 \~('re scat-j After a honeymoon In n ortdl dlr.cted b1 J amu Flt.qerald. once a week for two houra. tn • • Mtln bows A llltln cloche the rouple w1ll be al home In la December a Chrtatmu play The Newport dll!cuu lon meet· H S tnmntl'tl with !l'Nl purls ht'ld1 Loe Ani-elu. put on by Newport H\[b_: 1.;nlon lnp i re H t for \\'edneaday even-onors an born fold• of the three q1111rtPr lenirt.h I Hlfb Scbool 11tudent1, 'dTrected hy lngs, 8 to JO Pm., •ls rt In(' Oct. tlluslnn \•e1l 1tnl'I 11he C'l\rned a Q C Al h Ph" Rober Wanta, will follow at br t1k· 11 at S&lnt Andrew• Presbyterian Membt'rs of th" Cl1U111fled Etn- cur a•!" of whllf' "'~"· and while! • • p a IS fut at 11 L m. Gu•t night In Ch urch, eoo Saint Andrew• Road. plOYef'!I A8'10Clatlnn nr <"0~111 Me-orchid~. • Juuary will feature a 7 p.m. M n . Kenneth Coollnr and Leland '" l"ninn School di.1 rlcl honnl'td Miu \"ircinl11 Htd1tr. maid nf MeetWednesday dinner la the clubbouae, followed L. WUdu , who een·ld In the aame Harrison !l11nbnm. form"' bu111- hnnor. wnre pale blue n~t m by Dr. l'red M. Judeon •PMl<in. capacity tu t year, afaln will nrsa manai:er of tht ,rhool 1\'S· ballen na lm111h. lon_1; "h1te kid on .. n •1 a Great U fe." •ponsor the locil gToup. tern, at a fa.rt well p11r ly Wedn~-~10,·r11 1tr: I rR1rll'rl 11 r!l~C11rle or 1 Alpha Phla of Oranp County A poUudt lunc:.heon at the Feb-Coordinator for the Southern day evening In \"Illa Marina. fuchsias L1n1!a Jt an \'1nrl'nl wu llnd putlcularly new arrlva.11 In ruu'J' mMUnc will have membera 1 California pro(Tam la lAOnard Owrn Kidman, president of th• flowtr s:lrl. l h1 area, are Invited to a ttmd ot the Junior Friday Afternoon I Klein, pr11'1clpal l'tpreaent.&Un for usocla Uon, presented Sanborn C'srl \"ttni;llano \\'IS best m11 n th1 first tall mtetlng, Sept. 1' Club u honored rueata. The pro-University of C&lHomla Exten-y,·lth an tnil'avl'd wl"Ut watch 1 a nti ""hrni lnrluctrrl JM.,ph Ht't· Ill the home ot Mra. Wlll~&m ft'J1I w111 be f1ven by u chang e llon. Pruent were Mesers &nd Mme! brrt \'tnC'l'nt Jr . \\'11l1.1m \'1nr •nt. Bun ll, SH Via Udo l'ord. etudinta trom 8&ntl Ana Coller•-Informatloa concem!nc the dll· ~&nborn. Haro'd Steck, ~rirt All11n Jarobs. Jeck Hauck, Wtl- 1 A.nyon• who wlahu to IW1m cuae:on fTOUp, t-and openlnc Cawthon. M11ck McCarlnt\', Rw- tr1td Mltt!'lb<'llh. and C:lt'nn \\'1tl· may do ., before lh1 lun cheon MARCH T!:A dat• of ITOUP mMUnp l.n near-•ell Thomp11on, Ollbert ~UUlken ter1. which will be eerved at I p.m. A rec:lproctty tea In March W1U by communlU• la a· ... 11abl1 on ,.... a nd Alfonso Soto; Mm••· Ruth I~ MAJU~Pl <'0Rr1' A abort bulinua meetlnf will pr•ent Cla.rk Allen entertalnlnf qu•t to offlc• ot Unl"Hnlly ot Taylor, Mlldr•d M11tthev."11, Amel· The bride 13 a na tive C°Alif<'rn· fCl'lnw and plana for the f111l i nd with a pro1Tam of "F'olk M\1t1Jc CaUfomla Extenl&oft, Lo. AngoelN la Drommond. Roberta Cophen· t11n 11ntl ll t:rnded Hollyv.·Nl(\ r ro-wlnttr 11ehedule will bl' dltcUAMd : ~~und t~.~ World " The a nnual 1 l•. &&ch g-roup 11 llmJted to Ullrty-avrr, Barbus Ch11pm&n. Leona f1'11~1nn1tl ~r'nnl The t>ri•ll'l:°ll'Vlm Alrha Phi• whn 11r1 plann1n1 n DA~ In AJ'lrll "111 folio\~ I two participant.II. Indlvltlulll enroll-Seddon. May C1mpbl'll Jun Kirk· ls " t"ir1 ,..~.,,.,, ..... " Cal1'<,rn111n lhe t hemt e>f a hat • •how. ht•h: lnl'ntl _,.. 112; ma rried f'nuplu pnlr1l'k, Miu :lfarlon Plll"l'nna. Mr .. • •• A tltnd th~ aff~or m11y c&ll 1 ll~htf'd by a talk nn More Hate mey Wtroll JolnUy for '18 Thf' j Ktl!m"n. Henry l!'l~nZll'r. and attrn11'<1 rro"'T' Mllttlry Art1 I<'· M r~ Burn~ at H11 rbnr 40PG hy Mrll. Albl'rt Launer, atate , .. U1clude1 r~ malMiala, J'ranll Otl I • l•undry serrit1 d1/ux1 ... •t /wglin pritesl WHAT IS IT? lndtvtdu.ally wuhect-.e&rtni apparel nutt dried by ftlt.ancl air-flat pieces prof1ufonaJly lroeed. Your clothee and Unena are done up ONm un!t-no mill· ups. no unaiebU1 marlu -ralnaott watv, rwiu. caetroUed .,ape. WHEN AVAILABLE • • • Bert1C41 within boun ll UJ'IWll becau.ee '" do neryUl&nc rtpt Mre. HOW MUCH ••• It is • ber9•in bundle too . onty $2.15 for 23 lbs. WHERE ••• casa PUl'CI "tJDVICE wn.O:. ROL'U -WllE!'f ~r.r OOMPLE'l'E IA UND~ and CLr;A.~ r:RS Martaers 11111 N tw port ae.dl -----------------------------------------------------"' / .. JUNIOR EBELL CLUB'S second vice president, Mra. Jamea White, triea her hand at pounding stakes at foundation forms for extension of the Community Youth Cen- ter. At left ia Mra. Stirling Paris, who presented Grant Howald (background) with $280 check for equipment. At right is one of the men working on the project, which is a community affair. -Staff Photo State Educator Speaks to Costa Mesa Teachers Miss Helen Hefferman Outlines Social Study Misa Helen Heffernan, chief of the Bureau of Elemen- tary Education of the State Board ot Education, spoke on "The Social Studies'' at a general meeting of Costa Mesa teachers and administration penionne! held Sept. 6 at Everett Rea School. AfflHated with lb• state board for 29 yeara, KIH Heffernan waa pruldent of lh• naral department of N!!A when •he 1erved u ad· vaor on education al General Meadquarlen In bolh po11t • war Germany and Japan. RE\'l!SE BOOKS la a parL • , , Teachar1 the mo.at t't&llJIUc job In erlca today", •he added. YALE SURVEY h&ve Am· Much of Miss Heffeman'11 talk wu ta.ken frort) lhe book "Youth Outlook on t he Future" (Double- day Doran) by two Yale Unl- ver1lly profe1180r1. from a 1tudy made of youlha 18 to 20 yean1 of aire from 10 countrle•. who aOJ1Wered quutlonalr... M o • l were 1t.rong tor lntematlonalll!Jl\, 15 pf'r cent for world r overn· mant, beUavlnf "We mwrt have one world or none". AU except Germany, South Africa and Egypt favored r&C4 equality, lhOlle moat naUonallaUo thought there would be a third World War, •h• brought ouL M111a Anna Ho1par1, cuniculum coordlns lor. was reneraJ cha.Ir· mBn for the workahop. Several teacher• apoke on project.• con- dul'led In tht'ir claMe11 lael yru . There were art a.nd mu.aic di•· playa and dlec:ua11lon of audlo • vilual materl&11. E . A. Rea, dl11- lrlct 1upervlaor, welcomed the group and Ml11a Ho1per1 apoke on "Crea tivity In lha Curri· culum ." Adult Classes at Santa Ana Y -Ollerman Photo NEWPORT CUB SCOUT PACK SLATES FAMILY COOK-OUT Cub Scout Pack 105 of NeV1tp0rt Beach Elementary School will be oft to a rouaing atart of a n••w year of cubbing on Fri- day, Sept. 23. There will be a big tamlly cook-out for all l>l&Ck membl'r1 and their famlhu. Boyl! mlerute<I In becoming Cub Scoull are upeclally Invited to sttend. Ocean Front 11t Ninth St.. at 8 :30 p.m. will be location of lht C'l\rnpflre and thoioe a l- undlng ahould brlnr thf'lr own p1cnrc-1uppe1·s-1.nd wieners t o rout. Coffee, milk &nd lee cream will be pro\'lded by the p&l'k oonunlttee. Thtre will be special Campfire Bobcat ceremonies wht're n-Cuba will be welcomed by Cubmastl'r Rol>f'rt S. Gt.rdnt'r and achievement award• will be given to the boys who have earned the awarda over the 1ummer. The new Oen Mothera. Den Dada &nd committee member• will be lntroducert, and brief ouU.lne ol the yea.r'a program, 11nging, and gunee will round oul the evenJnr. Pack 106 18 for boya between the a1e of 8 e.nd 11 Who llvt between t.ha Newport 11Chool &nd the Penln11ula Point. New dena are formin&' and parent.a are mvlled to Inquire about cubbing by calluig the pack coordinator, M u . Edg&r B. Wit· mer, et HA. 6891. or Cubmaater Gardner at HA. SH&M. FEATURE WRITER NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3 MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1955 Barlow-Albers Vow Exchange Honeymoon days will not yet b€-over when Mr. and Mrs. Noel Leon Barlow Juve Santa Barbara for 5\An J oae. where the bridegroom will attend San JOM! State College. The aon I of Mr. and Mria. Ronald Barlow, 232 Agate Ave .. and MIBa Phyllis Albers. daughter of Mr. and Mra. W. H. AlbeJ"8, li6 ' Uonta Vltta, Co11ta Me1111. 11x- changed ring• ind vow• In Trln· ltv Lulh,.ran Church with the R~v L.. Tornow per forming lhl' c-eremony. 1u1t with ahrtf' acreMorlu and pink ro1ebud corsagt. Membtra of I th• Luthf'ran CullJ aided 'A1th reception detail•. The ntw Mn Barlow wore a Phyllla. who was <'~•·flrlt'd anJ given In keepini: by hrl' father. wo~ a wa ltz len1:lh i;own ot whit' l&ce over ~lln, lhe fitted bo<l lre hav1ni; lonit 11let'VeJ1 anrt a r<'tt'r Pan rollar. A bandl'a~ of lace with rhlne!!tnnea anti 11e· guln1 lltlrl hf'r vrll and 11ht r 11r- rlf'c1 11, whtlf' Bible with while ro,e~ and Mltn 11trf'&mera. MISTERS A'M'E~D 81aterJ1 or the couple were at- t.f>ndant.s. Mlaa Joyce Albers as maid of honor and Mllll Mona-Rae Barlow u brlde.amald. They wore Identical gowns but Qf different color, thl' former In yellow pol· l.al\ed cotton and the laltl'r In aqu1<. EaC'h wore a h~addreu of carnatlonB In a al.ade to match her gown &nd carried bouquet. of 1lmllar flower1. Thomaa J onu of La Cre1Centa wu groomsman and uahera -re Jerry Thompson of Huntington Besch and Hall Seeley. White aalln bows and atream- ers decorated the alale for the bridal proceaslon and sanctuary flower• were white and yf'llow , d&hllu. Cl'lnton Sawin wu cir-1 ganlllt and ~ne Bojena of Van Nuya Hng "You'll Never Wa lk I Alone" and "The Lord'• Prayer". AT-JlEC:gp'J'ION GueaL1 were received In Trinity l..uther&n Hall. In the hne were 1 Mr11. Albers, who wore a pink I !IUll with white acce11aoriu and I cora&f!e of red r011ebud1, &nd Mn. Barlow, attired In a gray taffeta San Bernardino At the Cradler Barrel By t'ARO y.(ros l'lp ~ J111t a quarl"r of a year more Ill Chrlelmaa. 11 ·11 gall 1p1ng 11p futer tha11 you th r.k Why not gel lhe ah'lpplng out of the way r ight n 1W, whllt' you can kl!'ep cool in your bathing-suit. We have In mrnd the wonderful collec:llon rot pnnta and or1g•nal paintlng11, ceramic1. enamel on copper jewel- ry &nd other Item• al T he Cracker Barra, 128 Agate Ave .. (lhe ferry ll.), &Ibo& bland, l! you've had run here 1n 1ummer, capture tht' 1ayety !n a picture r·1r your friend.I. Sandy and Elly Enfield. lhoae Inimitable Cracker Barre,1· 'lea, will alao .. ,,t In framlnl tnd maltlof your choice. One-tw<>- etcht Arate Ave. .. Bal. Jale. (adv.) ' Class Reunion The 1930 itr11<lua Unr claaa of l Syn Bt'mllrd1no High School wtll hold a clas~ reunion on Nov :'i st the NatiC1MI Orange Showl building, San ~emardlno. gather- ing al 8:30 p m and with buf· 1 fel dinner at 8 p, m . llccordlng tn Roy Mar11a.-~I~ Carnation Ave Ruervaliona nre to go out on I • ' Oct. 1 and tho~e lnlerut.ed In Exploding La B a ttending ahould write to J~ne ffi p urns Skinner. P. 0 . Box 309, 3870 SI· · erra Way, San Bernardino. Mrs. Howard Langley Confined to her home on Udo1 nat1ona1 and local f<>a ture on lhe Er~~·~·~ •• Isle. Mu . Howard r Nancy 1 Lsng-rl!C"enlly complett"d deM>rl -mc.d-1 \ ley Is slowly rl'coverlnit fr•)m 11er-1 erne home or famou11 golfer I 5 3.~1 :n~z~ · :C loua Mcnnd dei.:ne bums. 11u1-Lloyd M&ngrum. Built a t the I · l.lllned when an orl l&mp 11he edge of lhe v111ley's golf couru. 1 Starts Wed. wu hghUng u plod('d ln her j Mangrum 11lep11 from his llvln1t ha.nd. l!eltln~ hPr lnslttnll~· a -<lre room to "tee otC" tor & practice! ROBt:RT MJTCHt;.M Laat year ahe wu appointed to a 11tate committee to 11tudy and rf'vl11e all state textbook• on so- cial studies. These are now being prtntrd for diatrlbullon next year anti are dea1gned to form a com- p rehensive curriculum to meet p resent day needa. The polnt WU atreued by M.ia• Helfeman. that thl! 11tudy WU lpol\IOttd by lht stale. The fall term of adult claBS!'ll from hl'nd to fool. round, 5UfELLt;\' WINTt:RS " 'Rl'l&tionahlp' 11 the key word In modern education need•". the •pe&kf'r atated, "811 beln1 lnltr- related to the lndlvidu&l and to the llOC'ial who~ ot which ea.ch at the Santa Ana YWCA, whu·h I Flrat a id wh rendered bv her The f11mu1111 fRmily enjoy home wm open lh11 wet>k, Will Include hu1b&nd. who thrn rusherl · her ll!e tor the mont h of October both evening and dayUme acllvi· to Hoai;: Ho11prtal for further only. the balance of the year lies of lntereat t o housewlvs and treatment. frnda J,.loyd actively part1cipatrng employed women. Member1h lp In In exhibition matche& acrou the the YWCA la open lo any wom11n t 'IRfoiT AID country wtttv-Mr•. Mangrum ac- Election of a at'cond vice preal· 18 years .ot age or older, and I• Acrordrng to the Jll<"tor In companylnJ; him. dent will be on the agenda when required for partm p11t1on In any charge. "lntmedhtle treatment 111 Election for A. L. Auxiliary "' "The Night of The Hunter" ltrtlt blue atl .. t!l and matdlin. J•t'k•l tor ,.Nnf away, with a wh1lt' ro.e co>,..._• trom her br1· 1t11I b011q11r1 Both eh• and ht1' h1111b1111d we,.,. l"raduat~ h'om :'\rwrnn Harbor llnlnn HIS h l'~·hool an1I both 11ttt mted Off.nit• Cout t'nllti:t They will be al h11me 111 31110 Monterey R.oed, S&n J NOe WAVES SPECIAL Complete $10.00 1710 PennaHftt • New Locatloft 357 N. Newport llv. Crouroada Villap Center Bldg. oppoalte Hoag MemorW Hoapital Liberty 8-2412 Glln; B.aul'I Sl"f' Post 291 meets tonight The f1r11t ·On Monday evening Janice w. un" of the factor11 elimlnatrnir the Denver Guests American Legion Auxiliary ofl of these actlvitle11. 1 of pnme importance 1n bums and • vice pre11ldent. Mra. Gllbert Opel. Murdock will start & six week tlfl ded complk st1on of Infection.! RANDOLPH KCOTT As ~n in leading fashion magalmeti I M R b J J tht · fill ti r l Id Arrfvmg Friday for a two reir gned and ra. o ert . serf es of personall:r:ed group fn· n s .c:ue, a P 1r11 11 Briigs movl'd up from aeconrl to struction In l!Plf • improvement, I tmergenry c&lle. kept In the weeks' vuul at tr.e Robert Syph· flral vice president. leaving her I c&lled "Accent on y 011 " On Thurs-ho1111e by this family for jus.~ erl home. 2020 Contrnental Ave .. own po11ltlon open. day evening the "\\'eight Drop-such dlsa11lt'rs provrd invaluable. were Mri< Syphert'• daughter "Ten Wanted Men" Two for the Money ... our wonderful auit with two skirts ... the Minx Modes Daily Double that gives you two complete outfits for the price of one! Women's Calendar of Clubs One new membt'r was accept· pers," a we1ghl control club. wrll I Mrs. Ulni;:ley. whon feature I a nd eon·ln-law. Mr. &nd Mr1. ed recently by lransfrr, Mr•· I reorganize under the leaderithlp ot stor lea (111 Soul'! Cout home11 S. A. Stoddart ot Denver. Colo- Herald G. Spies. llOll 38th Sl , who Mr11. Darrt'll Truby. with a Wf'Pk· appear exduslvely in the Sunday r11do. Many fncnda are calllnlt' camt from the Bell unit. ly program of "weighing In." ex-Picton&! Llvinir Magazine llf the 1 al the Syphert~ lo meet the Mrs. A lbPrt Leutwyler. pre11l-erc1sing. and tlL~cusinon ('>( mutunl Los Angtlu Ex&mlner, hlld just • young couple and a full program I denl, rrporled the Aug . :u fash· prohlems On \.\'1>rlneitd11y the l'\'f'n· flnl~hPd An Rl!~lgnmenl photo-: of 1lghlleeing 111 pl&nned. • Ion show and card parly a 11uc-ing IQ'rn clu 11 taught hy Mr11. grarhlnit L1Jo House. a model ('olor hy Tl'('hnkolor Imagine ... you get a figure-flattering jacket ln smart checked acetate and rayon flannel, banded in the solid tone of the shm-line skirt ... and a checked skirt, paneled and flart'd. Brown, ox· ford grey or royal, Young-in-heart. aizee 7 to 17. TOASTMlSTRESS. Hsrbor club Sept. 12, 7 :30 p.m. H~lt.allty Hou~. B11lhoa. All lntere11ted In· vi led Cf'~s In provtdlng fund• for lhe Georire B. Janlga wilJ resume fol-home dP~IJ:TIM locally. reh&b1lltatlon program. lowing & week's vacation. Nt'xt party for f11Mbled veter- an~ or the Long Bra<"h Veler&n~ I Adm1.mstrauon 1:1.osp1L&l wi.1.1 ~· Da las Guests on Rrpl. 21 in Amrrk11n Legion Hlldl with Mr~ Herhert. John~on Dallas v1111lo r11 lai<t Wl'ek at u chflrrmsn tht' hnmt1 nf lhl' F'rPrl Ynuni;blood APPLE VALLEY Followlni: hl'r recovery l he ~rHt'r will fly by rliarter pl1t nl' lo Apple Vl\llPy where she hu & commltmrnt to do both a -.HARBOR STAR. OES, ~pt. 13, 8 p.m. F'rtday Aftt'rn<><>n clubho1111e. Welcome and blrthd&y ff'te for M r. and Mrs, Max Owen, Incoming worthy patron and worthy m11l--------------[family 1938 Ft!i1ulll Ave .. Costa M•'-ll, were Mr. and Mra. Pearson Lido Decorator ron. Higbies m Hawaii &nd their t1aughter Joleen. Dur- 0 . C. ALP HA P HI, Scpl. 1'>. t p.n .. Wtlliua BurTI• home, 8H V1a Lido Nord. t>AR FASHION ahow l1111cheon. lept. I!\, :"<ewport Harbor Yacht Club, 12 noon FRIDAY AFTERNOON Club, l!epL 18. Elwood !".Chapman, p11y- cholop L 1peaking nn "Your .Altitude la Show1n1t." PUBLICITY WRITtr:o clue for pre• cha.lrmf'n of cluba, Srpt. 20. 7 p m. Room B.E.8, Orangf' Coa1t CoUeie. ALL P UBLICITY PEO· PUC PLEASE A'n'END. Lf'a\·inc S8turd8y tor a lhrrl' W l?f'l<s' v&C"11tmn In Honnlulu. Mr. anrl Mrs. Clurncl' Higbie nf R11l- oo& l!!l&nd were feted at two bon voy~e evl'nt .11. Mr. and Mra. Rob- ert SL Cla.lr. Abalone Place. f'n· tertamed with a dlnntr. olhtt guest• lndud1ng Mr. l\Jld Mni Ho-rd Strother of OaklMd llnd Mr. and Mrs. Paul Almquist. An· other party wa1 hoat.ed by the Clinton Aridrea a t thf'lr home, "Thi' Dock." P HIL.RAllMONlC. "N. a r I y At Golden Lakes New" fublon aho.,.., Balboa Bay Club, 11 :30 a.m. Sept. 2Q R1rhard and Phillip M1rkov1ch. RUMMER CO'M'O:'ll t'llr<I party 1 1~4 Rochutor St., Cn11ta MN&. t Ebell Club Amen an Le 1 \\tlh two frn•nds. Na th"n Varney o · r & on ,,n,1 Ronald Macdonaltl. a pen l Hall. Sept. 22, l 2 30 Jl 111 Finl ~everal day• last W<'l'k at the lunchf'on maeUng, Ocl. 8. Gold.i\ Lakf's In the !Ake Sa- ZO!\'T A CLUB. conferem'l' wot·k· brlna country. Richard Mirko· ahup, F:ul Stanley home. 11 Rud· vk h ta al1trllng hl11 n r1t yeu at der Road. T:30 p.m. Sept. 22 Occld.ntal Colltge th11 wMk SANTA ANA l:BELL l'lub-while Phillip "''Ill bf' a aopbomu~ hn•t\.C, fuhlon 11how by Ra.nk11'1 'e. at Fr~o State Collegf'. Sept. 28. 9:30 p.m. bntnch. LIDO l~LF: WOMEN'S Club. I H h D ht Udo Clubho11•e. Sert. 27, 12 noon. a 8 &Ug er lunrheon 11n1l r11rd• ing !heir 11t&y v1s1tl! were m&da to U111 m l!Ullon at San Juan C11p-NOW in Texas 111tr11no, Dlaneylanl9 "'d Knnll'• Berry Farm for dinner and 111i;:ht.· Miu Bl&nche Fulker11on. :\418 11eelnlt'. Via Lrdo. Jdt llUlt Wf'l'k for Hou11- At Naval Hospital Second Ueutenant and Mr1. Rllymond Coragloli ot Coaona <lei M•r announced the birth of a boy Into their family. The b&by w111 born Sept. 6 at US. Navlll H011plt.&1. CoronL At Sacramento Mr1. JCdna Baker, 17<>1 L&kt Ave., la vieAUnc a •Iller tn 8ac- ranwnkl for two weeu. ton, Trxa~. whne 11hl' will 11uper- v1s" the d<'C'Or11tlng lllld fuml1h- lng of a laritt hom' fnr Bf'n· JIUT\ln Cl11;'\fln, wholll! yacht Valor 11 kept at t.nchor In Newport Har- bor. Thi• 111 third trtp to Tl'XU on thr• 11"-'l1gnn1t!nt for MlSll F'ul· ker11on. !\nrl 11he will be gone two or thre11 week•. On Coast Trip Mr. &nd Mrw. Willia m Tougti, 410 Clay St.. w ith d11ugbtf'rl Gail t.nd Carol, are vaca Uonlnf alon1 tht cout of CallfomJL 10 Open DINNER SERVED a.m. from 5:00 p.111. ST. JAMES Allu Guil•I s1lwr lu . ~I r~ Rrrt llrf'\\U hn111C'. 129 V111 Knrnn 7 to fl fl m Rrpl 211. lt'~l()R F:RF.l,L. l-rr• 2fl, lr- V.MJ• Coout ("lub. .Mr and Mrit. Le1<ter B. Heha n( 21148 \\'u tmlnttl'r P la('e Co1l11 Mt~11 welromPd the 11dd1Uon t)f I u ii1rl tn th-Ir tA mll\' ~he w..,. I DANOINO NIOR'l'LY oor n ~rrt II 1n ~t ,Jl\.•f'rh'11, H,... 1 BALBOA r1t I an<1 Wt11:hed i lb~ • 01 --------------------------- LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME sz49s PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALllOA TllEAT!m BLDO. BAJ.BOA oi-..-,...1 tlanl Ila.., Man on flying Trapac Flia at Opportunity I MISSED THAT HIGH mPEZE AGAIN THIS JOB IS FIUEO WITH FEAR! stir THE HANDY YELLOW PAGES W1LL UST A NEW CAREER 1767 A Newport Avenue Costa Mesa Liberty 8-7~31 FOR BUSINESS SCHOOLS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN ntf "Q.ASSIFIEO• PART Of YOUR TELEPHONE SOOK PAGE '4 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS LIVING ROOM CORNER-Magazir1e and music bullt- ins lend themMlvea to attractive decor anci make good use of s~ace. Indi~t lighting runs !>eneath the bot· tom book ahelf. Cabinet.a below open to reveal a record MONDAY. SEPT. 12, 1955 player and record albums. The small table makes a handy game table. Next to the stone fireplace, the cor- ner is a family favorite. -Staff Photo TWITCHELL HOME IS DESIGNED FOR FAMILY j:;;ATlm: !Tripp Fined Limited Problem Ground Space In Three-Level Is no Home California Plants Offer Garden Ideas I $500 in Home Permit Case G. L: T ripp, 743 E . 20th St .. PRL~'1\) C~L~. 'GO-Book l.azes built from floor to ceiling in the den of the Twitchell home magically swmg open. as shown below, t o reveal further shelf and storage space. -Staff Photo GARDENER'S CHECK LIST l. Sow tf'eda of all pt'rennial bed<hnc planu wit.bout d•· lay. Moat J>t'rennlai. llffd . ..i now will bloom ne11t )'•ar 2 Thue b 11 I b • ahould be plantt>d now; freealu . anr· monr. ra nunculas. and ral· I!\ llhf'~ •·-' S SA\1t> •par e an the &•rdPn for tulips. hyacinth•. and •laffo<hls. Theat bulb• wtlf'1 bt' avallsble 11horlly. f DJfrtc•uJ I aolla <'&n bf' made morl' frrllll' and triable. Your nun l'r)'lllan wtll ad· vise the type of Mlil con- dltlontr to us<' O. Wlntt>r rtowenne • w r" t peu can •till be. planted. MESA UPHO~.STERING V .. eteiertaa • o,.....y tl6U 111 .. t. BIYd~ Coeta M- UMrt7 ~,.. ROBERT· Re:/dtj Mixtd Concrell: WELCH'S llADY MiDD CO NC Im Ill 0 l 11111 W_, . 008'1'.& Ma.& u ...... ~·llWJ•.48 11 ............ a....-..i• FORBES ... ., PH ONE llA&BO& l lOI MAX W. POPI Inc. COMKEAOIAL e DSVD.OPllSlft 407 Bola Ave. Jul off Spt. Bh·d. at 15UI Netrptri BIMll t.nerty ...... ARCHITECTS "Are .vou a native Californian r" la a question trequ,.nlly posM Calffornfa realdentJI. Gardener11 in Designed for the • b11y front with cocoa brown walls. Coral this Goldrn Stille ask the same Costa Me11a. was !Inell l :ICIO for fr;;;:;;;;;=.;:;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;.;.~=~·=-~;;;-;; ... ;;;;;;;_:;;;;:;;;:;;;;. building a house without a per· J. Herbert Brownel1 William Blurock Ph ilmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind view. privacy and to a ccomodate clnnamoo brown and gold 11hade11 1 que11tion nrtrnUmu when they the family hobblea, t11a E . C. WI~ tn other furniture complete are 11etklng aomclh1nK new in the Twltchell home at 328 Buena the mood. gardening world. Vl1ta Is 11tyled with cont.mpor· 8oD Bnac•'• bedroom l• de-Gardening with CaJllornla na· l ry romrnrte. l:ftry -pert of the corat-s 1.1.ka a du, with bUJll·ln Uves ii 11llmulated by many situ· ltome '" llvl!d la. dra-N and many abel'Nll tor h111 allona. Some gardtnere tum to The hnmt' I• t11'11lgned on three tropht-. W...U. a r. of combed natlvt>11 when they want to eaM IP\'el11 tn makt bf''lt 1111e of lfmlt~ plywood. The muter bedroom 111 up on itanlenlng chore11 ... they r m11nr1 11part . IT•Y and pink. Ll&ht controls for eelrrl clrought • re11111tant type11: Gll''l!l rnnm and bath u e on the entire hOUH are centered in other11 colle-ct nal1vt11 u tht lr the g'muncl ll'Vtl, 1111 11rr lhl' 11ew-a panel under a shelf whiC'h vocation, br1ng1n1or thl'm back Ing rnom 1n<1 wnrk 11hnp and den form. the headboard for the bt>d. to rr•lde In their yard u a plea - for lht tiimlly hobbll'.t1. A t1r1cl-A pane.I of the celUnl' metlLI ant reminder ot vacation enjoy- ou• two-c11r 1tllr81tf' occuplu tM ~ to achieve the radiant heat-menL Many gardenert1 work with a~a next to the 11lley. For con-In~ 11 built lnto a cupboa rrl to nat1vP11 1111 they do with a col- Vf'nlrnr". an elPvatnr 111 h11n(1y form a dryer for wet bathing lrctor's Item. tnr llftlnit 1orroctrlu 11nd othtr suit.'! II\ one bathroom. Nativr11 1<1ld by nurserymen on bundlfll to thl' 11trond noor hv-On the roof of the homt'. 11.n tho whole are dlllf'llH end peal ln" 11ru an'1 third n oor recrea. ample n creaUon and garden resistant for they have been tlnn uea. a.rea 11 available. Part of th• roor through a period of aelectlon and On the urond levt'J 111 the hv-I• encloeed ln glaas for protecUon hybridi:tation. ln1t art>& tor the family. Although In the winter. A brick barbecue Provide Kood !lraanai;e and esC'h l'onm ll'I llPll<'lous. two brd-la built at one end of the roof. you'll xuffer no troublea Crom r 0<>m11 two bnth11, Ironing room. A rhanning window box and port-OVl'rwalrrlng .•. llnd like any kilcht'n llml llvinit·dtnmg room s ble Jt&rclen blooms gayly ju~t newly utabll!!hrd plunt, natives cnmb1n11t1nn 11re r1P11i 1tnf'<I Into the-outside the enclo11l'd gl11s11 ronm. just rlantrd need regular, dPep JevPI Mr. Twltthell designed his own wniermg unUI their roota are 1-:ll'rtrlr ra \llHnt hrnl ronducted home. his fourth. ttnd ar ted aa f Ill hia own contra ctor. fh inly estnhllaJ1ed. When you , mm nu•t11I cc n.1i11 I• 1111&<1 for ll!'<'k IQ phuit a nlltlvl' in vour ht'at 1n P\'l'i v rorm1. All floors arr11, rhl'l<>~e nne thRl Will adapt of lhc twrJo11tnry houire 11re con· c I s · k• Wf'll lo the 111t1111tion. Crete l!Upl'nrtt<I by ~teel joists. oup e ee 1ng T11lk "n;itivrs" Wilh your nur- The hell l. tnntrol!ed bv thermo-11eiyna11n ... he'll have iui;;ges· 1t11t. r1111111to down from the cell· 1 $15 250 D tlnn11 for t hose best auit~ for lni:. j:l\'lni: 11n rvrn w11rmth amages your locale. throughout the ent1rr hnw!I'. t ------------- P lat!' gltu111 wlndow11 a long the llvin~ room-dlmng room front of the-home overtook the ba y. P'or privacy from the noin or play- ing children, no wmdow1 open o n this 11ldt'. For ventilat1on. lou- verl'd t r11n110m11 belo"'' th!' win· d ow11. betwe•n the dtep windows a nd the fl oor clrnp open. For dt'cor. 11utumn colon , rich in beau~y ~nd re1l!u1 Jn tone, are uiied an the hving room area. Cclllngs are .tO(L gold to blend CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVI e • ---4 ltal'e .. almpllf7 yovr CODCrete "'Ork wtUt • load of p~U..-mJ.xed ttm•t •.• prelMU'eel to your o~r at a •'ias· Uberty 8-2213 BAY agY • • • 711 w. 17tll St. SANTA AK A 1ocNs1 • . A S.elc 9uiet Title HunUngton Beach couple Thurs- day (l)ed suit In Supu lor Court here, aeeking Sl~.2:,0 damages an co~ecuon with a two-car traffic pileup ln Full reton ucenUy. Pearl and Anna \\'11900 were the plalntif!s ag11lnt!l Kl'nnrth O. Sample. The ph\ini1Ha llllege Sample waa guilty of negligent clnvln~. They were triwehng wut on Mapll' St.. with Pearl driving, and Sample moving north on Spadra Rd. Theo crll.!lh occurred I a t the Maple-Spadra lntrr11ecllon a bout 9:35 p.m. Both plalnt1ff11 US<?rl they In· curred personlll lnjurlee. SA:\'TA ANA IOCNS1 -Q uiel Ulla to a piece of property at Bay· aide Drive and Acacia Ave., Cn· rona del ~tar, wu •ought In Su- perior Court ha r • recenUy by J uha M. Fo1111t against Bessie £yerl) The plaintiff auerts the defendant ha.11 no r1~ht to claim Jn I.be prope.rt,y. a.,.an ...... --. .......... _ ITAFFORD & ION "NJCL8 and DOC" ELSOl'BIO.U. C-0.NTllACl'OU PboH UbertJ' 1-tnt 110 IUYenlcle AYM• N....,.rt ..... RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO IOtll St., Newport 8-rJa Barbor 2W mlt recently by Judge Donald J Dodge. The Judge r cm l t t e t1 ~ of the !me for 60 d11y11, If in the me11nllme Tripp brll)i;:s the howe up to •prettlcation• ot the building code. The bul!<f1ng wu orlgln11lly 11up· posed to be a two·cllr g 1tragc. ac· cording to A. J . Volz, auperintl'n· dent of th" Coate MeM builrllng department. but at present hu partitlon:J and plumbln~ for a duplex residence. A1 11uch It wlll have to be moved ~ feet from the rear of the Jot, Vol;i 11ay11. lt now hu a five fool 1et back. Vou also listed numeroua other deficiencies In the conslr\JcUon. Don Dungan, c 1 ty attorney, stated at the-trial that It the houae Is not brought to conform with the code the city will de· moll11h It and char.re the demoll- Uon cost~ to t he pr?perty. D09 lites Boy Hoas: Ho1p1taJ notified New- port Beach police r e c ' n l l y that Robert Santis. ~. or 210 Amelhyat, was bitten by a dog owned by W. Scon Biddle of 204 ArnethysL I Here'• decorator beauty plus econ- omy. Deep par- .Ulel g r o o v e s create atriking pattern of highlights and shadows. It's Exterior fir plywood <EXT-DFPA l made with 100'... waterproof glue. ao you can u~e it out- doors or in .....J for new home a or remodeling. Hu all the n a t u r a I warmth and charm of real wood. Easy to aµp ly. Easy to finish. See it aoon WARD-HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. SHO \\'. 0-t HJl'lnra1 ~.-port BeMh-Ll 8·1411 41" '• ' '! t I I I \ul·• • • ·'" , • ai . ..,.,..,. f t • " • r A ' • I ' • 1 1 •t ~ • JAMEi D. RAY G eneral Contractor & Builder 600 Coaat 8h·cL OO&ON.t. on NA& P HONE BAJUIOB •1U Vacation's Over. Richard Pleger • • time now for DAD to get back to work- Concrete Patio Tile 14c ecr. 11" Portable Barbecue COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS AND SUPPLIES + Flagstone Rrlr.k A Cont'rtlP ~<'alrr -------- Phone Liberty 8-1128 Uberty 8-1129 Keith B. Collins, Inc. 2075 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • Complete Line of Ace High & Piiisbury Rabbit and Poultry Feed + Fertilizer ! 1, Cu. Ft. Sar~~ 41c Compl"'" un .. of Plast«inCJ, ~•1onry anc Cement Finishing Tools lnHCticide Sprays, Need KUlers 200/o Dis( * All Prices GOod Mon. thr• Sat.-Sept. 17th -Daily Except Sunday ~ 7:00 --------------------- FLAGSTONE Al Colon -All SIMI -Special CuttinCJ Hearths •nd Mantles -Mosoltry, Patio, FtacptoM S:JO (_ • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART ,I PAGE s lad c••· leportN MONDAY. SEPT. 12, 19SS T'vo·o bMI chl'<'k•. tor S40 111'14 Sll. ea1hed by twu 11tfft'f'1'nl ma durlnc A ui;u1H, w1u1 ttport•d lo C.:..ta lfr,,. polu'• ~··rt. :1. Bot.b cht'("k1 ""'•r• re;:elv~1I hy Craw- ford.a l'h&nnacy. t8Ck N•,.. p ot'l INYd .• rrpor1• ·1how. MEMORY PROV·ES GRID BOTTLENECK FOR VAN I O H NS1'0NE'a MeH A-Wreckers : ' t 1t -·-··;.ii••'-<• ,, "1 " .. ,. 11° ..... .,,, .. -... .,. , • ~-• j .. .. '- A:'\'AHEl).I ~OCN!Jf -\\'ilh ttw t':it•·~ptlon or ~vtl'lll Anaheim Colonltta who hAVI! tallied to com- nlit lh•ir llUl,1p1menta •lril'lly to nio>rno1·~._ Co•ch Cl1ut,. \'1.n Hoore· bekt' lt'rnu•d tilt first 1•!1P.l!k of footblll pr1ctlC'• •• "typical fm- tbl• Unie of the year." Thi• ht.a hiP.lped 1low down the procrl!u .omewha t. but Van Hoorebeke, Uni! Coach John \\'al· Jin and A•lt . Brant Cowaer ht.VI! bffn worklnr 011 thla bottlenedt a11d ••pt'rt to hav• lt cleared Garden Groven Hit Drill Hard GARD&N GROVE (OCNS! Jl"ourtHn leltennen report.ad to Coach Don Avery from th• Or· 1t111e l>t•(Ue champ\on1h!p 9qua<1 of lut tea.on when th• Arrr nauta opened tr1.lnln1 for entry In the Sunaet 1.l!:a(Ue Monday. A~ry·1 grld w.qu•d went Into hard drill lmml!dlt.lely, line• Ill openlnr conte1t 11 with the de- fendlnr ch•mplcn ele~n from Anaheim. Top man returninc to. h•IP mu the neW'ly ln1llll•d 911lit T off•nM l1 All·CIF. Small 8choola. Rll'lnald AtU.. Th• 11ant tacJde at.Md• e-1, 2~0 lh1. OVER. NOT -Harbor Boyt,' Club Midget Bueball aeaaon ia through for the aummer, but the memories linger on . Hare Gary Cl&rk, third sacll:er for the Harbor Red•, Onnge County Midget champs, joins a rival runner in watching a third out. -Staff Photo Among-All-Or1.n1e loop relflm• tt• arll! E lmer MIUIOn. half; '-----------------------------I Keith Montee, tackle. and T ony NEW LBSC 49ERS INCLUDE PAIR FROM HARBOR AREA W1.lllck. gu1.rd. Avery. tonner Wuhington Red 1kln pro lackle who 1tlllldl e-e. 2~ lb11., ii ble111ed wHh 1. tight for the key quarterback 1lot be· tween l1at year'1 blocking back , J im Dunivan, and Eddie Rice. f...or..·a BEACH -Co•<'h Mlk•' 1r1P. given a .iti::ht edge by &ck-Tran5ie nts Collide DeLotlo 1t l..ong Beach State field Coach Bob Dowl1ey. AllKl'"!n Co!lep i~ puahln.i; 1ppr01\m11.tely th• I"'lnnlng are R..Jph ChallifouJ: Minor accident occurred Sept. 4 40 pro.peclll through two dally 1nd Tom F1ren. at B11y1!de Drive n!;'llr Marine Ave. ae&i:llon1, molding the tlr1t grld Nell Peek. former L BCC VI-betwttn ce.rs driven hy Oer&nd lqUld In 4~r hi1tory. The new king who won •ll city and all Loui1 'Colonna of North Hollywood elevl!n f11ce11 Oec\dental on the le&JU• honora 1.t Jordan Htrh and Jay '\'allace Gould or San Mt.- rival ,,rid Sept. 23. look• IUr.e be.al bet for itarUn~ m1no. Both c1rs we.re le1vtng • up Ln • df.)' or t wo. l '..t Auto l'.n• "ll'• a muat that v.·• r .t th-,Uld At<'1'1'aor1 .... •••isnment1 down pit." ll&ld Van: !075 Placf"..Dlla A\·~. "JI eapecially 1low1 do.,,,•n V.'allln l Uberty 1·101S CoaU. ,._ and h'"' y,•ork with the line. How· ~;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iii;iiii::iiiiii;i;iii;iiiiij evrr. I rnl1ht add tM.t lhl II.Ill Ii te cloNr to cany!.nJ out It# u-- alrnm enlll lh&t lh• b&c.U." Vall addld that the,.. 111 n.o •· cYN for not h•vtnc" all"Mdy .,.._ come tamlUar wHh Ulllfn.rlle.tl. "John IOM1 a lot of Uma when he ha. to 1top U'I• prosr--of h\a work uid t.am u.tpmata." Thi Colonllllll ha" c o na a throu1h lh•lr' nm WWk ot drW In cood .Maptl w1Ui only a t.w Wfb muade p\l.l.W ncud. Anaheim went t.hrOuCb a doub- 11 ....aon l'l1da7, w1tb a SO-mlll· ute .cnmm.,... In thtl 11ttemOOJ1. "Mo.t of th• boy1 1:1'• pr•tty .or• ud t.nder 1 t Oita poti.t." Van ,Mid. Ma ir." 1st Mort;ag• Loon1 on tound Improved reol ••tote &. buy. ·1r1o11t o..dl. , .............. e • ......., .. ,.11• ..... A-.c.tNw• Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL • CALL COMMDCIAL SICUllTY PATROL Kl 2.7027 CLOSE-OUT 1955 JOHNSON SEAHORSE OUTBOARD MOTORS I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric MARLIN CAUGHT ON BROKEN ROD F. 0 . ''Heinie" Au.tin of Lido Isle, left, showa 171-lb. marlin he caught In 60 min- ute. Labor Day, using a rod which broke in two place• after hook-up. George Aua- tin, 12, center, who Mrved a.a deck hand and Tim Harkins, skipper of Austin'• Diaper Dipper, apliced rod togrlher while angler fought the fiah. T\\'O LOCA~ quarter. He ii clo.ely preued by .parklnl' lot whll!n the fender-bend- Among the hopefU\1 lilted on Frank I.cono who w1111 'leld gen·t ':':_:':•~P~""'.:::: .. :· _________ 111 the ro•l•'r are two from the Har-eral at compton JC and w1th tM 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. 25 h.p. Trad .. lu bor aree: Jame1 Alexander. Cos· San Pf!dro 1tmlpr01. l•----DIBT---- t& Mua, 24~lb. t&dll1, and Don 10 HOPEFUL8 CUit ralL 180, lb. h&ck trom C06-No leN than JO hopetul11 ire COLLECTIONS ta MellL Cantr"'ll wu quart""" bl..ttlinc tor the two halrhack back on t he 1949 Newport HU'· po•ltlont. But Ed Barkedal• and .t.-.ru -NoW. -a... or •--------------·lbor HJ11;:h S11tlor el•nn. one of Gene Ashwill appeu lop• at ldt 1MQ" !dad of ~"" ta the belt In Tar Krld hatory. hllit with Dick 8"1lrllttr and Arrtfll'k:&. "No collect:tom -No • RAMS FEATURE TV PRO GRID GAMES The twice -defeatf'd Lolo Four n1en are bfttUl1111;: for th• Ivi~ Seaton battllnr It out at 1 fee.'" "'• adt'&llce all eotta. tullback tp0t. Ron Krl!dell. 208 I ht b lf Cltl:DIT BUllEA..U el lb~ .• from Hunttnl('tOD Bea.ch and r gReat :f ·the lineup looks like: ,.,..._. Oraa1• C-ty Johnny Ouparlu of Monttbella Gene Gllltea and J im O'Har1.. I f0Tm1P.rly er...tit Bureau of end1; Herb 1"nner and AleJ:.t.n· Newport a.dl. ~ BMdl &ad en.ta II-. FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complote Part. Stock ' All See Us For lloatincJ YOIW Needs An11:ele11 Ram1 wlll feature profe1r$[nn11I rootb1111l telecu t• In lhe l111rbnr llrell for the n .. xt twn w'ekendll. Seturdl y at 8 :30 p,m., H'll be th• RAma ~·s. the Philadelphia lmprov.ment In drr. tack!•; Bill BMl!fey and 204 RlnNSde Awe~ r.o. BoJ: IN Blll P rirr. gu1rd1. and Ron Al· l>on Prosf)ects be~rt~M~"~·~~~·~·~··~-~~~~~_'.'!::::""=:'='"°::;";T::;:B£A;::<;a.::;:o:•;•Jlf';:.::'.!~=======================:;;::=:=:==:;:;;;;:!I BATl'INO CHAMP -Showing the power in his awing durin Har!>or ~ys' Oub 1.li~g_et ,.&seball .s:ta· ion thia Bummer ie Steve Simonson. Steve capturro tbe Harbor area A League swRt cro\ltn. and perform- ed for the Harbor Reds. Orange County Midget dia- mond champe. -swr Photo · Elli:,le1 In 1Jnlveniity ot Den· !ANTA ANA {OCNSl -Rt· v"r 10l11di11m In an e11:hl bltlon t urn nf Matt Mccalla and th• <'ontr1t. llddltlnn nr Biil Com 1>tt to I.he Then. Senf. 2:\, cnmee the Don footblll ll(jUad lmprovad th• Natlon1l Fontbllll lAllg'UP pro 19!115 flTll!f'f!et11 "6mev.•h11t f nr the Santa An1 Co\ltg1 rlt'tl'ftl lUt OJ)f'ner between the Ram11 11nd thelr 1rch-rtve.l1, the Wttk. San Fr1nclai'.o 4g..,._ from McCa.lla retum1 lo the Dotui Kf'tllr S\11.ttlum. Friday nl~ht Alter II hitch In the N1.vy, welP· in a practice fr11.y between lnK Jn i t 210. lo bollltf!r fhe l'en· the 1ame team1 In t..oi An-[t"r Jl"'lltlnn : Cotm!tt. • 22 ye11.r Jl'ele1 ColilfeUTll. th• 49eri old Unem11n l~m El Cent rp. hi.I w1711 31-10. 300 pound• dl1trlbutt'lt over hl1 --------------1 aOt fnut triune and pack• • lot of football .. vvy. KINDA THIN Oilers Not Gushing with Grid Talent Coach Don De.Yi1 \1 Whipping' hi• 9qUad Into 1hape tor th•ll' tough 10-game llCh~ule with rnurh and ru1a:ed. nlft'hll.Y &Crim· m11.gfa. The Don1 open th.-tr 10 g11ne tchl!duh F'rld•y •p!nst CIU''l.ll It At:Ulll. HorHts Hustle for Really lkJ URiform li li'.°';TJNOTO:" HF.A.C H -I f'ULl.ERTO:'\', !OCNS) -A <0Cl'>S1 ->.:<\ Go-ld11rd ml11:ht be ltot.11\ of IH plR)'l'TI ·were on roa· 111!!111g pr"\\'' V.'l1h 14 !ett .. rmc.on ter ot the 1 9~ ver&!on of Fuller· returnir.i.. l'l . h111 Huntl11gt•n t on J unior Coll•ge football te11.m BParh fnotb11U le•m. but he J[Ot tht~ wttk. Aml)llg them wu onh· 2:1 mrn nut fot pr11cllce. John Klng1ton of Newport Har- And un tnp or th11L one of h\11 bor. lel\crmt'n. ('"enter Carl Chn11Uan-on thr 11111 l.t no leas Uuui .on, 11 ou v11cat1on. three ClF telllT\ men1b!'r11. 11 a1\- GoUd1 rd dor.'!ll"t upect lo pick league player1 and one all-tt&ter. up more than 10 mor• candidate• :-.'ot 111 uniform WI.I Chlltlle ?ofc· v.·hen 1l'hool open1 today. Murlr)•, three-ye1r all-CIF U ck- '\'lth thl1 amaU 1qu1d he'1 tak-le from \VhJtUer. Orange Hi Grid Boosters Roll High Ing It pretty 1uy. He doe•n't MC'MUrtry. a aOO·pound•r. prov- h1v• •no1111h to hold a "al acrlm-ed too 11rg-• for 111y Horntt m112e and he l'lln't r l1k an lnjllt)' equipment. Coach Bud 0..'fnOn"• lhl' with " 11c:rimmlljj:•· Ueuten&nte beJ&n reconnoltertnr The only bright note 11 lhllt th• countryalde for a .ize M jllr· young&ter• 11 being 1h1ped up. his entire 1tArltng t>ll!'W11 w1ll be 1ey. 48 ptnll and 101~ TT1pl• E The boy• will p!1y "fl12 ball" veltorJt.111, but after that. there'• lhoee. meTJtor• In th• &1"11. tootb11\ 1,.llgtle for which l• 11\mllar to touch foot-not "'l'H'•tigh to man l'\'ery po~I--------------- ball In that bodlly contact 11 \ton. into Gear ORA.NOE. IOCNSl -WI t h Jtin1 J't>olb&ll about to nuk1 hi• lonJ: awaltl!d 19~5 appearanc1, Oran,.•'• Qu1rlf'rbl.ck Club II 11et- a•olded. Confusion Falls Fullerton Over tlq Mt to r oll Into hl1h 1111r J'ULLERTON I OCN'Sl -Af- to ~t th1 Or•n111 Hl11h School ter ll ¥i"ffk"• pn..c:Uc,., the 1!tua· footbaU club. non 1r Fullerton Hljt'h. i• Ju11t T'h• boostrr'• have plannfll me· a bclu t •• contu111!11g •• t~ nr1t 11y acUvlti•I fW" lhe C'urnint .... .Jey ot ¥rfd Jrlll1. IOn, tncludlnJ: One of ttle i..m·e co·rl pl.ama. Pllreh-or f1r1 m1ak1 tor Manuel 8.andavol, a ~u&nl \llJlt OHS l'f'ddl.ra. ..uon, hu ~ lhlfttd to !ack· Plua tor 1J11pply o! 1..,fru.h-ll', Sonny Owen•. 1. helfbeck. menlll to '111lU111 end P&nthf!r '~ rPc11>11Uy IW'lll'hed to end. footbeJ.l1ni followinc 1pune1 In Jerry F l•h"'I· & h•lfback. >A'IJI or- Oran••· I !&inaUy mo\•f'd to qulrtlfr, arul AUlhoriMtl \hi. purchl.M of a no\11• LI hack at ha.It. n .. w len• (or • mo\·lr ra111era t u\ Tom Bite!. fine c•nl•r Jut peril\ bt tt'er t!lm1 ot OH~ yrar. hu movtd to (Ul rd, .. ·hll• c•me1. Arn1ond Coron1.. 1uard l1•t .ea- Othtr pln.n• &t i In lhe workl 9on. h11r 1111c,. been 1hifted to tor I. .. r1e1 of Saturday football centft. Clyde F'laher. a quarl•r· cllnlr•, "'·1th )"OUJ'IG•teni trom Or· ller k for thlt 1111 )'fllr, 11 now 111re tchool• to rec~lv"' r -chlni;: .h 1lhn1: 11 •n .-r.il ~pol Don Bell. fl'Oll'! IOt'•l n1,h 81.'hnol player~ lt ful 1bKrk lll~L :·Iler. 11 workln1 1.nd C010ht1 11 'ol·tU M from col-a t 1. h111tbark poal11on Th" 01Jer1 have been holdlng on" tlrlll " day, ind In the light 1cr!n1m11re1. tl!llng tn th• pps 'IVlth the blJ: bag•. "A phllo110pher·1 a guy who dONn't .-ry over 11plll•d m1lk, but oonaolr• him.elf 'lll·llh the UlouKhl tl'Llt It "'''' four -fltt.h1 wa ter •nyway:··-M1ry Mayo. FfJ@TBAll ~ East Contra Costa J. C . 41111 Annulll Uo1111 Club Oamf: DE DICATION PffiATE STADroM, 0.,11°1 ........ 11.00 'R11h ff. ~. C11 rd fOt -t•ndrt I? F,... FRIDAY. SEPT. 16 • 8 P. M. ' Now,-du.-lng GET THE BIGGEST TRADE YOU'VE EVER MADEi LOCAL DDJVDID PllCI OW•••••• "II" 2.-.... a...n ..... s2465oo -...... , .... .- Your car"• wort.h more than ever be,.ore ••. come In and get our-B i g . Deal-today I Yoo' .. wui.1-.-.p-Qowit'1 dmetof'~A/ for ,,,.· .. e nner m.1de it euier lh111 it 11 tbill month f,.,,, :YOfJ 10 own 1 a..biac "'Roclet" E:.p-cul N.,.. yoa eao thn1J to the gl1mor 1od ~ ol '"p-ab•dn 1tyli1141 Md "Roekd" Eogme power! And the ldl'pi&i11~l7 in .. prin ..• our t-OUI 1ppr.-.& .•. pi• \Op r#ik V•lue ••. - 9lllHl "--fOf ..-tioa! Md.e ap tor "·bit 7ou' .. e bem ~ ••. make 111p your ..md to gw111 10 Old.--4.yl OL.C>SMOEBIL.E ¥1111 t •I ~1oc•1r 100•··· .Ar r o•• OL•••••11.1 11a1.11•11 MILLER . CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Hl!Jhway NIWPORT llACH ""'-Ubetfy S.2261 .. WAS! Nfii ·~ • Gxcepl PAGE 6 • PART I .NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1955 ''God ljlrant UIJ th. aerenity to 1cc•pt the thin9s w• cannot chang•: the courage to change the things we can and the wiadom to know the difference." IA . Anon.) EDITORIALS • -' 1-• ' .... ' • _.. ,_.._ ..I t'··· -, r""' _ ... .,;..~--- NE\\.' LONG BEACH BRIDGE -Thia •pan i1 under construction in Ea•t Long Beach acrou 'thf' Marine Stadium. It i• de11igned aa utilitarian 5lructur• to Long Beach.Bridge Offers Idea for Upper BaY, Span Official• of Newport Beach, the County of Orange and the State Diviaion of Highwaya ahould gather in eut Long Beach within the next few day11 to obaerve the new bridge being built acrou the Marini" Stadium lherr. Not a flouy, gold-lined dream for the benefit of engineen and builden, but rather a utilitarian atructure for the benefit of the taxpayer a.nd motoring public ia the bridge which will ftlter traffic from Belmont Shore onto the Coe.at Higb,..ay j\ut wwterly of the San Gabriel River. ' , Then have been no yowi. from yachllmen that sailing veaaela with high muta will be unable to pu1 under the bridge. There iii no reuon which would die·• tate that they would. Sa.iling yachta ban never been able to Kil under &n)t bridge in the uea ol Lone Beach Marina but they will pm cUy by the eHmlnation of the Ocean Blvd. Bridp. Such ahould be the conaideration here lf we actu- ally want to get a "high" bridge that wtll give reason· able acCftll to the Upper Bay and permit it.a ultimate development u quickly u poutble. The Irvine Company hu indicated It will go along with any plan that would ettate a new high bridge. How high ii yet to be determined. It ia alm<>11t certain that wherever the Lridge iii located will be the one greateat damq-ed land-wiae and In the u.me vein probably the sr-.u.t benefited in the over all vi'"'. Time for ua to have 1otten a high bridge wu in the put few ... iona of the Legialature when conaidera- tion wu being given to more and more bridge• in the San FrancU.Co Bay aree.. It wu even decid~ to build a tube under San Pedro Channel connecting the mainland with Terminal [eland. Our problem ehould have been 90lved then while we have had a 11enior UMmblyman r~nuntlng Orange County and thia area. lndecillion on the part of County and State official& precluded thia J>098lbility. Now, however, move• ahould be pre.Med before every committee of the state dealing with highways apd bridpa and traffic and before every meeting of the coun· ty and city when budgets are being conaidered for road work, demand.inc a new higher bridge acl"OM the Upper Bay. We feel there h1 little cha.nee of getting a deluxe " million •uspenaion bridge. We feel there ts almoat u little chance of getting a prefabricated "Wuhinglon State" type of bridge brought In for.rperhap. half aa much expenw. There might be a little more chance of setting a bridge-higher than the exieting bridge-rie· inr from the Ulnf; rampa rebuilt along the same route now uaed. . We do recall that when the Seal Beach Ammunition and Net Depot wu being built that the contracton built JICBWPORT ~ HARBOR .NeWS,}? RESS ,._1,. \h'9 Mnrport..lklbo& N-..nm• and tbe N-i->rt.·B&lbo& Pn,• .& D11 fnW-LNW ._.,tattos ,., ~ Forty y..,,. Li..9 U hcond..Qw Matter at lb,; Pmtottlce 1A Nnrport a.oil, Calltomia Ubd., th• Act of Much a. ll7t. Qra"fte4 ........ l..c"lil N.UO.. Md A~rtle1M11• af A.II EM? a, 0..-flll Ulit ...,._. Clovt tit 0....-. Co. a. Aecloll No.. A·llftl ........ o.ltt'Gnta :N"........-......... "~"­ ·---N ....... Sdit.rW Amici••• .. _._ .t 0rMi"e C-'7 N-. ~ BEJf REDDICK, P'lJBl.l8Hlm WUl.J•M A. MOU:S. l:dlt.or ORMOND I:.. ftOUNTRE.I:, .A~ Dirtctor CRA.RL&a A. .ARld1'RONG, Medlan\al lupmintMldallt filter lraffic from Belmont Shore to Coast Highway west of San Gabriel River. -.Staff Photo new approaches for the atate highway bridge a.nd then lifted the-ce.nter-aegment right into place...on.. the _pre,._ vioualy constructed bridgeheads. Such a syatem might ~ worked out here. But, at any rate, the people of the Newport Harbor area should demand a definite plan be determined now, for the mo•t that we want and the least we can accept iD the way of a new bridge to croe• the Upper Newport Bay and im· prove our pouibilitiea for earlier u.ae of the upper por· tion or Newport Bay naw a part or the City of Newport Beach. Only in this way can thia area become truly pro- ductive for Newport Beach. Pin Ball Operations Here Due for Airing Tonight Tonight'• the hour of decision on what the city c:ouncil bu in atore for pin ball machine. in the City of Newport Beach. The ordinance dealing with putting the ''pin•" un- der a one-roof location for bttter policing of any po•· 1ible pay offs will be u p for aecond reading. And both aides of the pin ball machine operation probably will be aired rather thoroughly, legal counael for Clyde Denlinger, Balboa, co-owner with Ja.ck Fauet, Santa Ana, of Beach Amusement Co., having promi&ro he will preeent hia client'a argun1enta. Denlinger pre- fen to ha.ve the 60 machine. in operation where t hey now are houaed rather tha.n group them in one 11 pot. Hia counsel contend• there baa been nothing but "new11- paper talk" or any alleged pin ball machine pay offa. We'll admit the Newe·Pre• gave aharp focue In it'a exclta:ive "new•paper talk"-which conaieted of a • page one banner when five 1oca.I placea paid off thi• newspaper'• aurvey team of two men, one an Orange County Newa Service reporter, the other an.expert pin ball mac}line _player. So we will stand on our "talk" de«pite any legal eagle'• attempte to ma.Jee light of newapaper enterprise. The aituatiori facing the council, judging from their individual opinioM expresaed, ia whether to combine the pin ball operation to one place or to let the 60 ma- chine. licenee feea run aa ia until expif"&Uon at the end of the fiecal year, June 30, 19M. Meanwhile the City of ea.ta Meea. bu given first reading to an ordinance which would ban pin ba.ll tn&· chine. there 30 day. after pauage of th9 m&uure. Thia action lut Tue.day night followed an undereover, official city probe of pin ball operations in which defi- nite cub pay off1 we~ ma.de to "out.aide" pin ball play- . en hired by eo.ta. Meea officiala. So. from the hilltop and beaohside point of view, it would appear-both city eouncila are moving againsl pin ball operation in the twin clties becau11e renonable ground.I exi9t for th* control and/or removal, Free Seamanship Classes Operatinr a boat, arither power or satlinK craft, i1 not quite u llil:nple u ptt1nc in a modern car and !!lep· ping oa the ftartff. ~ and lack or knowledge in the correct handling of boata by both neophyte and to-ealled HI· aoned •kippen an blamed by many local yachtamen f or 110me ot the accident. a.od injurle• which occurred J'90llP.Uy In Newport Harbor. The"-.. no ucu.. for lack of knowledge on the part of boat ownen and operaton when 1uch vari~ and expert COUJ'IN u offered by the Balboa. Power Squadron and the Cout Guard AU11.iliary are made avail· able to the public at no charge. Nor ii it required that thoee 1ttending the counea own their own boats. Correct knowledge of boat hand.line and aimple 0011rteeiea of the .:.. may N V• a lift or prevent further ln(edMI: in our waters. Power Squadron c.._ .tart Monday at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Cau1 Gu11rd Auxilt•ry cl•NIH will be announced l•t,.r~ . , " Three'• A Crowd! BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE P.tUER (lld. Not1: 'nl\e \lo • •'"""-tllu11tre.t1n1 that th• p\a....1n1 of -1n<1rnoratlv• plaqua. by aoqmmentel romn1lU1on1 and hl•lorical 1roupe 1hould bo canfully check I'd by comp..lrnt au! horll 1e11 10 be Wl'"I thal !he e~te and 1Yeni. ant h11tor1rl\lly acruratr. 81'1t<'r th•C llL•lory ~-rnaln forr otlen lhan falwty rl'l'n".,..lll<'d I For nearly five yeani I ha\'e he1itated to write or publicize ~this material. But lnaamuch u Temecula i11 my "hometown" perhap• it ia better if one of 1ta ol\·n "boy1·• be the fir-et to discuu the errors in its one and only hie· torical plaqul" rath~r than aome cold outaidf'r who dot'ri.n 't lo••e thf! rown .. ll• hl•lory. people and environ•. tn the hu•ll~ and bu•tte or a «1mmunlty girdlna: It.elf for a h11tor!c11I celf!braU011 mo~ enar~y I• ,.llpen<led In pl&ne for lhe ectu1l celebration tha11 in the chec.-kln1 11nd rechec.-klnr ot hJ1torlcol fact•. Old-Umel'I ere thr t1r1t to bt con1u1tt<I and rumnre they hl'ard In lhrir youth •111"1' with !he yea r• until thry b~ome fect11. Utlle lllought 111 11 lven lo ron.wltlnf tr11ined h111tori•n~. bl'c11u~ lhry !rel U'll11 111 11 nttdt .. 1111 wa~te ol llmr Whl'n '"llll-and-llO"' rl'mrm- ber• "'•<>mebody"' talklntc about 0Ft1C14L rt.AQl'r. Th, plaqur read• u follo"''~: TREATY OJ." TE.MltCULA-IN THIS ADOBE. JANUARY ~. 1~7. "A TREATY or t·EACI: A.ND TRIENDSHrr WA.8 MAnE A.ND CONCLUDED AT THE VII.· l..AGI!: o~· TEMl:CULA, • BF.• T\\'F.EN THE UNITED STNTES AND THE SA.N 1.UlS REY. KAHWl!:A. COCOMCAHRA 1:0:• DIANS."' TREATY \\"AS AN IM• PORTA!'l'T ,.ACTON IN FUR• THERJNG kEl..ATIOSB BE• TWEEN sotrrHERN CALIFOR• NIA INDIANS ANO IMM!· GRANTS. - ----''------------------------!the p•rllculer l'Yrnl w11y back 1!n - . 4DOBF. WAS M'rATION Q,..., MAIN Mii.TA.RY ROAD BE· TWl:EJ\' LOS ANGELU AND ARJZONA DURJNO CIVJL WAR. LATER WAIS BtnTl:l'trmt.D STAGE STOP. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. -.UTllUR ftA("K JtOMI: AGAIS It we1 • 1unny •nd warin Sun- day, <>n Oct. 1. 19~ when .., 1 l<>yal Temeculan 1 returned for -----------------------------1111• celebraUnll', of Ule Temecul11 Cl'ntennlal rommemorotlng-thl' 1lpln1 of thr unratlf\ed lrl'aty of Tem&eula between th• Indlan.1 and thP. Uniled Stal1'1 S"Yern· ment In 185%. We had a bll crowd that day, ono of thr lar· 1111 for nearly a century. Old t!!!'er1 and 9!fl9U!_t;l!Y folk wrre there. MARKER PLACED BT CALI· F'ORNIA CZNTENNl.AL OOM• MISSION I N COOPDA.110N WTH TEN~ 8lT8lNl:8S· MICN"8 ASSOlAnON, Dl:DI· CA.TED OCTOBER lit. 'llCIO. SACRAMENTO, fCNS) -A on 1t1.t• U<lelanCS.. and fill a roy- renewed effort to chang• the alty bonu• on acrtagl'. formula whereby the •late dlvl-Already, Pein::• •ye. approx· 11lon or be1.che• end perlta gel.I lrnallly '6 million ha1 been re· 10 pl'rcent of the •tale'1 revenu• t urned to th• •late throurh the frorn 11<11'-land oll f und.I will bl' rt:eent le-• AT&nted In 111• made at the 19~ buqet 1e.111lon HWltlnrton Beach ar"l'a. He vr:• of thf.! leg\111.tur~c<ordlnt" to p&et11 -revenu1 to-I" • C.r beyond J~n M. Peirce, 1tate dlrector of Ule preYiou. ten million dollar nnarie e. 1 •11.nual f'lirura, but ti .. not defln· Prlrco u.ia thet In view of llte ••tlmate on how much money the fact tl\e 11l•l<' 111. operating wlll be rN.ll&ed by Ule •la.ti'. on a "'deficit" bl.•I•, tha t 11, Peirce feela that 17 million 11 &pending more money than cur-I Y"•r L• autrlclrnt tor develo,p- Nnl rev1nure will cover, hr te,l1 ml'nt of be•chet and .park1, but th• beach"' and park• 1ttuatton point.I out lh11t. It mort fund• lhould be rhanged to help.e•c•pe are nef'dPd the leg11latur• could U\1 thtt•l of new ta:J1N nl'xt a.ct In llpe<'ial lnetanc1'1. year. TO GENERAL FUN I> SO SUPPORT p11r; Shortly after Governor Knight Tho finance (ltrec:tor'e approach bec1.me lhe •le.ti''• chief exttu· to th• problem I• ... JaUvely •Im· live, h" Indicated thal he fl'lt pl.I. but 11 almoit a aurtty th•t the bulk of lht tideland fund• It will find no !•vor With the lmpounded by tbe tlderel lt0\9 1tala d!Yie(on or bl'ache• •nd emmant, wh!clii Wl're returned to parke a11d tht 1tatl' park comml•· CaUfomfa •nfr Con~11alone l ac· 1\on, both or which con•ldl'r that Uon, •hould go Into the ,rener•I the rich oil royalty reYtnurl fund. Knight cnoltd on thl1 Idea, •hould be drvoted to thr •cqulii· howeYl'r, Uld d!d not pre1111 l•Jrl•· tJ(>TI ot mot" beachl'I ind park•. latl"• •ctlon t., dl11turb th" for - Petn:e u.ld h• would propoH mula. that U!I' prl'!ll'nt revenue be ··rro-Actually. the •l•le rl'!'elvl'd zen" by the lecllll•lurr. Th I• back about Sllll mllllvn do1!1r11, prea.enl rl'venue. h" 1111ld. l.ITIOUnt• About half of thla went to the to aboul ten mtlllon dollare 1 general fund. lnc/udlni: the reg· year, and beach"• •nd perks r fl· I u1ir 30 pl'rc,.nt c•.lled r~r _by law. c1lve1 a"ven million. relrcl' aald •nd 110m~ 70 pl't<11nt "'hlth w•• hr would requrat the 1rovemor to 1 • tl'payml'nl to the ll""nera\ fund• ••k th" legi1lature to ftf!l'.&e the lftom monle• prevlou1ly advanced Income for bcarhl'll •nd park• at to bl'.11chr11 and p•rk11, Thia mean11 1even rnUU on. wlll all revenue that llOme 133 milllon wa• tr11ne· over and •bove that amount to ferred to the beachl'I •nd park• go Into th~ ~tet,·11 gener•l fund, fund1. but lepletlve approval unleu Olhen•:!M djJ"QC\~ for ll'f'· for l'Xptndfhtrl' O( t.1\1' bulk or clal appropri•tlon by the •l•te lhl1 monr;y wa.e not forthcomlng- l"&f•laturi. •t th• HIM acnlon. The ,aver- Hf'GE R-Ol' ,\ 1,Tfp;.111 nor wtoeo<t 1. me•Wte which would he•• dlppl'd Into thl' rund, and !he eJ1pend1ture or th1a mon- ey •w•lla Wh•t Knla:ht term1 •n onlerly l.Jld compreh1n1tv• pro· grl.ITI from lh• 11lat11 d1vl1lon of JI ?tarted wlth • patRdf! on J'ront 8ttMt. Hawthorn• of radio 1nd Tell'Yl1ton fam .. w•~ Grand Marlhal followf'd by 1111 uwal bond-. hor1emen. and olbl'.r rroupo which rnake up a pe.radr. Mre. Alice Machado my old frll'.Dd of nearly 30 ytcar• wa• lhe cuul of honor •• th.. oldut ruldenl In Tl'ml!CU!•. Sh., ,..,.. oldret In Y"•r1. not rl'11idenrl', althou11:h 11h1 h•d llvffl lhf'te for over a half Ci!ntury. From th1 pre11tnt town w1 tr•vl'1l•d to Old Temreula on th., Paub& Ranch, ""here the pre1rnl headqu•rtf'rl for the r•nch ia lo- cat.,d. and Mt•. Mechado 111 a nice Jillie ceremony UnYl'Lied t h• pleque on the old Wolf Bto1'*. Now thl',. are bronM ~­ placed by a rwpon.lble CQlllml.•- IJlon to mark hi.t.one.J ._i. ILnd pl1ce1 for pre:Miiit.-aii"d tlOl'l'I· Ing-reneraU011•. The1 MoWd ._ aecurat. and a ulhanUe. Tit UI• fir1t mlM!' l'fl"Or 11 made ln the plequ1 li..lf and aw.i t;ha rank· eat bertnner In Calltontla . hi•· tory •hould have picked tt •P· £LEIO:NTAL Ea.SO• "ADOBE W A8 BT A TJON" ON MAIN KILITARY ROAD Bl':· TWEEN LOS .ANQl:LEI AND A.RJZONA DURrNQ CJVlLWAR. LATER WAI BUTT1CIU"ll:LD ST AOIC 8TOP." The Butt1rfle1d ii.,.. wrre torl'td to ceue OJNtaUon u 1. teault of tha Clril Wu and 11ev· er ran att1r It. '11111 ti UI• "rft. moat mlnor, and 111t mo.t 1lar- h'lr etl'Of" i. • lone chain elf mt1t.all:n. WOLF STORE -Temecula'• hilltoric&l plaque wu placed on thia long-Mtabli1hed inaUtution. -Photo by Horace Parker Tht dtpartment •of flnanc;r ea- pecta oH royalty revenue• to ooar trernendou1ly dunn1 the n? ll t y11•r, the rea1on betn~ !he adop· lion of the Cunnlngh•m·l!lh"ll oil b\111 • •hlch OJl"'n up wlldcat drllllnir bl'achr 1 and p•rk• tor future dr--'-----;-------------------------wlopmttt. 1 · 1--------1SCENE AT THE CAPITOL Sa.cramento Sidelight 8AC'RAM.ENTO fCN81 -Tlle aUacke on thl' CaUtornl• Sta.le Boenl <lf !:quallzatlon. with re· !•lion to Ila recent order• to 14 countll'e lo rlllH th~!r aaH ••- mrnt vatue•. art1 aomewhat amu1- ln,-, t.o .. y the le111t. A. couple of Yl'•r• ago, th1 board wae un<l•r attack .., fu .. It. ad'mlnl~tr•llon of the liq· oor law• of Callfornla ... con· cf"T11ed;-971d •• dtvl!llopml!lltl tum ed out. prob9.bly ju1ttflebly IQ. Pftr.&SUR.IC CO~'TINL"ES N"c;...,., ho•.,Hr. only t.,, mern- bor1 of th• old board are left. but even wi, the pr....UNP at.HI le conll11utn1: to re\\rve U\1 board ot morr IA It• P'<""'"' Olld d'U· li111, and eventuelly. to Wipe It out e.Jtoa:elher. I ffowner. tho• •ho ant oppoa· OI\ to th1 br!•rd"1 ectlrin• 1noofa.r u t~.;. eesrlll!ment ,.,rdrr t1 con· cemed, ~ho,1ld t1k~ a l(l(lk at Ar- Uele XIII. Sttllon 9. ot the eon· 1Ututinn of the •lete of Calif· om le . which •a~·· !n p•rt that the bfletd"• du\;~• tnr.lud1 thl' Job of ~u•l11lni;r thr •·velu11!1on of thr l "-X•bll' proprtt}' In the MY· ''""l t ountle11 or thr 11\al• for the purpo~"" nr texAtion." Cf'rtalnly thl1 1 ~ r lrer lan· cu•1e, e nd Jn •fl°KI. t.hil 11 what the member• of lh• boatd at· tempted to do whm It ordlli"ed the 14 oountlee which had, ac· cordln& to boud tnvuUptora, low'"t •-•ment ra tu than the r1>•l of th1 countlet Ot tht.. it.ate. EQ11AL TAXATJOS 1 Without doubt then. when the paople of Callfomta •dopl~ the ammdml'nt crt"ettnlf th, board of l.CJU&U...U°"' Mell l9. 1114, Ult1 fu1J1 lntrnded thet there 1hould be a pwemment arency created to -Utat the ..--s Y&\u•· Ulllll of\ propNPt1 ln ell counU• of thll et.ate •art I07Tlewtlff"9 111• Mmtl. !JI-by poulbly t'ttcum· ...r1Un1 lh• machl11ot1on1 of 10m• l"'ffilnty , .. nor wtto m ight wo11t '" 11"• 1'111 rw'"rl• e bf1>ak . SACRAMJ.:J\'TO. ICN8l A r o w o f mePIYe proporUona With the o•lh 01 1111 •ta e aJT1on1 •lete f.mployt1!!1 ovtr lhe th<': 1 _.. 1 ' forthcom!nic l'lection •• to whe· and with e ncrea1.,.,. amount• h tht' ita.t• •Ubvent• t th ·I lhl'r l ey w\11 Integrate t h• 11tate ti th ... ' o '-coun reti rement 11yetem with thl' ftd· e" on t' 11 o property v•.I· 1 I uer. lncludln the h 1 d!• 1 era o rl 1ge 1nrt aurvfvor• ln- b ti ~t h llC .. ~ tr ct •urance progrllJTI I• unrler .. -ay •l 11.1 vrn on1. u .,.,,_ome ln· tll" preRrnt time ' Th• e.-.oc:laU011 oftlctl itaJd It had In "enonymOUI" e&U r f! - que•unr t1'11 placement or ad· vf!rtl1ln1 which would oppoM !JI" prog-r•m and Wider "t he , poUry on publicallon1" retuood to a c· Cl'pt thr ed. ere?.?.lngly lmportent that a111e1•· ment1 throughout C1llfomta h•v• ?.Omto uniformity. Tllt boll.rd tlll• yrar announced th.at lo• ~counu.. w~a "tteifvffi11: benefit? frorn the 1ta11 at the ••pellO? of thOM counUu •·h\ch trll>d to etay near thl' 1tat• ....... ,.. Ob'101.11Jy, tt .... lhe dut1 of th1 bo&rd or equal· lsatlon, under th• m•ndat.e or tl'll people. to eqU&lllO the.. .._. 1'.lrlh1>r. the otnc(U •t.tltd thf!re 11 a pr-ovlelon ln lhe oon- The boerd of dlr•ctor11 nf lh• 1tJtutJon which p!'Olllblta th• pe.· Cal!forn!a Stat., Employ,e• Aa-p..r froni IU:Cl'pllnir a.1vertl-. aocia tlon l&al :0.l•y recommend· menu. lntrnlcal 10 tbo pollcll'• nt . ltd lhll\ th" :'17 flOO fmplay~r• Of .!E.!. hoard ot dlrtt\Otl. !!'-1111re· v.?10-1ft liltii to ·m~·-·•-··w t m<'nt.. OOtIN"nT.S' R UE A CRT 1oc!e lton vol"' 1n favor of JOllllnr; • cannri acctpl adverllit.1 nlf the frderal 1,.1.up, I und11r tlif' ltl'ner•l policy wh!rh 11 compeU\IYI •1th A•llOtlatlnn· Legl~letlvl' ecllnn wa• n'r1111-11ponM1r"d progn.m1." a llflOk.,•· eery to cell thl' rlrrtlnn. 1'1'11• ml.II tnr th• AMOClabon .. ,,, atti(ln i...·•• t•k,.,, and t h,. f!m· ployee11 '"'lll vole In Nnvemb'r u t" '"·hethl'r or not thry fl\vor 10- ln1 111 wHh th'!! fl'df'tlll~. When Ule board ~rtonned lte l'~F. FORCP. H'lwewer, WI• Jll.ftl'I' ,,..,... puh· ll•h wh11t !! cell• an "rip"n tor· um"' and l h" next LllllUe. eccoM• lnlf tn rf!prrH.nt•flvea. w1U 11?.ivo leHrr• on lyith •ltlf!a nf Ule emel· 1am1Hrin qut'1tion. duty th1.r11 w ... U lrl'lmt'(flate hu" The word h111 lfOne nut now PF.Cll'lllOS M4DF. and ory on U\1 part or thon that thl' board of d!recto.-. of COW1tl• which II.ad hffn deriY· the uaoclation t• atlempllnit to1 tnr benefit.a bocau11 of low ... fnrc• th• am•liram1!1on rtown the Thu• lhe boerd nt direct.ore •nil ~t.. Tha couri. wel'I aAk-throate of th" ve•l mau or l the ir~peral roun•l'I for the &11· ed to rutraln Ult! boatd, i nd 1t.te l'mploye,1• throu11:h !hi' ap-lt()Cl&!lon Ii put In 10mewha t ot teatlmony we..e pr1eantod beforr proprl•tlon nf ~.000 of !hr .. m-•n •mbar11""1ng pn•lllrin. for th• a ..,,..,t• lnt•rlm committee ploye••' monry t o prumotp a •lmple rrllMln thet f.h.,ae dlrr.ctore whkh potntod to 1n eYtntual fovnrable tll'Ctlon. I and rnunr U 'T\l'mber• heve eJ- ccunpalp to aboll•h lha board re•dy dttltted on bl'half rif lh• 1 Thi• waa tl,.nll'rl b\' offlci•l• of men1bl'N!hlp wh•t 11 l!"O'xl ror the compl'l.,ly. lhf' aMO("hation, wh(> 11•ld lh•l lhe l mt'mbt>r,.hl" wlthou1 h•vln• tho 'Ille old board 1.cqul•Ol'd lo the 1· requelt of t he M(lelatur• thet It S:'>.QOO 11 lo ~ Ulle•I fnr the pub· bl.1·~!n11: flf ~ ll'n•ral •le.-tion, l1<:1Uon of e p11mphlo•t ""h!r.h '"'hlo·h "'\II not r nme un\ll NOY• conUnue delay1 In eq\l•\lzallon w ill ~ve th• f&rl•, ion <\ th• f1 rt• en•b"r for 1amt1 •l• 1eare. Howe.-er, when lh• n-ml'mbl'n look off onl,:.', The p1a1nphlet !1 In Ille pro-Ol)J\•)n.,n!• of lhf emal11:em e- Lbtlr coa.t1 &lad wnit to w ork, Cf'1>• Of prep•t•Uon •I th• pr"· !fvn ~•\" 11'>1• typ• .. r acU"I\ In• UWy doctd«I to carry ovt th• Mnt Um• anJ LI 11 r un!1>u1pl11 led I <llcalf!1> nut f.only • "1e11t'' r"I" ()n mandat• or th• con1Utu1Lon. r•-1 t~al el/ ,.ernplo~~f'~ i...111 ev .. ntu1t-n1"n11, .. r~ whv •ll~MIU•"" w1t11 the &ardlHa of Iha preaaure• they I) r .. rrl I' a IUIJY. lho•rd'1 poll1·1111. but l )AQ l"•d• to kn-woWcS .._it n--th• or -.\Rked """hf'!ht'r <.t nvt lht Jl•m· the u1111npllon th1t 1hr C•lllorn· dt'r, Nearly JO yaar1 hav,. elap .. phtel., 1:on1a1n..-d 11>,r f11 ••t,. which l• ~la t e f:n1pl"Y""•' A,..•><'l&tilln od llnco th• board ord ... ed an would m•kl' thr •n1•l1e•m11Hon "''hh•h !n ~tfe(t 11 • lab<ft union, f'q\11.llaUoii ot eounty ...,.... und1'1lrabl•. officl•I• ot thr A•-11 "1•omp•ny controllt!I" hy th• rn9\0I I.Ad • Uliai tnterlm, cou.nty ooclatlon ••Id thl'Y dldn"\ know 1t1.t1 ....eot11 ..,.,...tly forrot Ule but ueumed thti employe1>1 wo11ld l \\'hether !he •l1tr tmploye1 ,.,. or11flnal mnnd&ta at th4 peoplo. havr to 11,eclrl• th•l frir them• tlr1m rnt •}'•t"m JO>lll up ""111'1 'nl• tact tht.t maay eouau. •h·•· lilt fr<1 .. rh! r~tir ... mr nt 1y11111n "r wen btcon'f9ft-.ed beea.UM elf How1v•r, th• C•Ufornla ~talc not m•k'• l1ttl,. rlifff!renc• t 11 added dwtcU w(Wk ia J1Cret· DnployM1' nf!w1paper, whlrh 1• the public. b\Jt l l'ltl fact Ulat any tab)o, but Oft a. ou.r Mad. tJt. dl~rlbuted to ell <!mploY"''· r•· Hrm•nt nf thfl Jl'lPl.ll.atlon I• board liu •tarted t.o do lta duty tu-s "' 1ccopt adwrt11in1 from lden14<1 th• rlcht of apr..-0. und...-th• eon•tltttUOR ud INN'4 oppono11t1 of Ul e .c.ato -toder&I throu&b ~ ., l.d.....U.C '9 ba "°'""..... Ufl tfl tt.e ef"l'Ol"ta, ,.t1Nm1T1t U1110ft. ....... ( HARBOR ,o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor NEYiPO~T l:fARB~OR-"lEWS,PRESS~ eART I PAGE 1 MONDAY. SEPT. 12. 1955 EARTHCj)UAKE? NO,E, MERELY BUC SCj)UAD ROCKIN', SOC KIN' • It'll b9 rock'em • IOCk'•m •kuU cruhlnr to~ Coach Rm.y H.o-"0'11 On'lnge Coa.t Coll"I• Nratca remainder ot lb• week "''1th Ural game of t he M"a.on 1ga inst !:ut Conlra Co•ta'• Viklng:o next Frid9.Y night. Roua <Uld h i• et•!! ha\•e clv•n the boy11 1111 thf' nccuaary Flay pattfrns .I.lid from here on H'11 a Cll.8C of •<'quiting poh11h through hard boclUy contact. Rosso has 11eparatr<1 h!a 11quall 1.nto l"'o platO(l n.t of about rqUQL a bility ror the T(lugh acrlmm.,c -.tou io n.1. ··you 11 re on your o\\·n," he lol<l hl11 chargl'•. "It'• a lough decl11\on to iwelcct a 11tartlng lin•up. J uat rcn1em~r that dcalre mwy be mo1t Important." Thf! Duca r~ceh·ed a boo~t at taek!to .,..hJ,·h n1ey re11ult In • at.arting fOl'W•rd wa ll 11hlfl. H.ay 1otcKinney, 22, lllJ, frvm Houeton, Texu. and Ol.ry Jobnaon. lllJ, t rorn OtallJ'e, out for practice for the tlr•t tlrne, we ... te•mh1g up 1-UU· fully at the po~t1. &th a re bi~. r•n1y, rawboned kld1, TARS DRllU UNDER ARCS 'WEDNESDAY! ... SAILOR-lNSPFAJn()N---Lookin1 on-and-making -notatiorui-of-Nnvport·Harbbr- H igh grid progreM after a full wee-k or drilling are (above), from left, Student :P.fanager Pete Lardner a nrt Coaches Bill Bernau, Don Bum.a and John McGowan. They watch, to the left. End Greg Adam11 11nag a pass and (above) Lerry Ca.1tro and John Grauer {below) pack that porkhide through the tire run. -St.aft Photoe VITAL STATISTICS ON NEW ORANGE COAST GRID BOWL Vital 1taU.Ua on the new Or· erallnlt' the M'Oreboll.rd IUld pub- anr • Coaat Collep football ala· He eddrc11~ ~y•tem. for ra.dlo dJum which will be drd!re lW broadrastinJt", an<\ for 10 work-ing reportrr11. Friday nlc ht d11rlnc Harbor ar-There 11 no running track In· ea'• flr•t gl'l d cla•h of t he 11~1tson between the P1ralu and East l lde th~ 1t&d1u111, 111a.k~ It poa- 11ble tu ~ct fans cl<will' to the Contra Coeta's Vikln11: c rtdlro.ri. The track field 11 lo- Sam, 11iey Mok• Pants Toa SmaH One ot Coaeh Al Inrln'• mor1 pleaant problem• during M.rly training ac190n ot th• Sunact Le&.i(Uf! darilhc.ne T ar football team at Newport Har bor Hll'h School Lt Sun Jarvie. Sam 11 too big. Thry have trouble t lndtn1 tqulpment to flt him. Tough. la· n't It! N..-port 11 ......... , .... faotb&JI """'4 will ,,......., p4 UtMt nm....._.._... .. up.t.1 w.a.-.., ,.... , .. ,..... OMch Al ll'Wta tndlatad" tedll.1• Aa bour '°"' ~ t.1k \9 ..... uhd to _, u att.... _.. llloa. wtU. etwl al ........ i.daJ, u.. '"*''" wm ...,.. s.w tMtr ,...W.r ea-~_.........., b'- WUI aid. Not tao 1&u.n.I wtUa .....,.. dll)"t • .crtmm.,. ...._ wNcti tadM U'I• nm ..u ., ~ i..a.u• trallltnr t.o&1 IDr u.. 'IV bo~llla. Irwin _..... It.. -ry... pic:al Of the -9 fll ftnt' ...... In• tM f1U." 1""' ... llif ...,, tlad th• "°'' La f\lll ~ .,...... tklfl: p.u.atar. ,_... u4 ,..t .. lq, th• ott1Mft ...... ..... ..... Mt u.. d.,.....,., \lldtl. J'\dlback O IU'tll 9'117, '9\ _. a11-r1nne. ................ ~ -· •ppeu.4 ••~ .,u.·DJr llf'on1, with P1W Lw a? Nd. CbUlty Vande ......... a\ .... Cllr7 1>ffm1 1t O\M!'d .... ~· O.Orp l ehWt' ,.,....,. ..... R419t of th• rriti,.. "'" .... 1ppuenUy ~ "'-WMl'i· n-. and th• ...... ., Ut.1 ,.., .... ,.., da)'I, lrwill ........... ··tt11y ••rt tu1it Paa tlltWSh th• m0Uon1." *' lrwtn 11.1\1\0Uftoed ..,. B Md C (1"1.&hrl ~ l!Mtl• ed out tomo"'°" al\lr ..-,i. Manbtn of tM C .,._. ...,. MM worldnr O\ll °"°" a ~ fin' I WMlr. \llldft llt~ llf CllMh l:lnJI N .. m1 . ..... • !llDIJl!I' . •Olll'O.&n' •-'7 Ga&V-.CB•._ .......... -a.... ... Llllertr ............ You law• 1ocyo PRINGLES ~a...wio,.... Free Pflml --....... ,,,, .... ... ........... ,.,, ... tit. JM. 1.10 llfl ... • ,_ •111 Jh• -·-·----• ,..n., ............... Co.t of stadium, lnel11dlng flcld catrd nrxt to the atadlum with hOUM and track bl•chara, $286,· one or the atad!um mounda UJ!f'd too. Plua coat or la..nds<:aplnfo:', ror t rack bltoach,rl. -----------------------------l turl and equipm1nt, 597~0. TQ· Uae or the dirt mounds. which tal: JJN.~. Ill •-d 1 h Ja rvi•, :!lallor ddmal.n. 1uanS Pl'09P'f"Ct. m1ke1 1eale• sni&n when h• 1ppro.ehe.. •II 270 ltw. nt him. Wlil!lll Sam turned out, rrw1n trn115f!d him t.M! blf ,..t pair nt moJeallina; on Ula prem· '-· 'Ibey dJdn't ttL Janie had to •I.art drWlng wHbout pads. ---.. Me &nr. CJ11iMwe M8011SIDVd BODY BLOW FOR BUCS THE SPORTS WATCH By llJLL PBJLUPS Top Guard Hearn Leaves School; Barton Doubtful Jwit u It taJra a heap of livin g to make a house a home, ao it taieo a hunk of stadium to make a campus a coll ege. And when today's J oe College says he'" going to ~hool for a ball, he, naturally. mean!\ football. Orange Coa1t Collrir;t 'I Pirate foot ba ll <!l<'vr n re<:f!h•W a body blmi.• Thurll(lay "''hen J im Hearn o! 0o ... ·ne.y, tabb~d 111 probable flrat 15tring guarJ, dtn drd not to attend OCC urtrr al!. So now that Oraase Coaat haa ir;ot ltMlf one of th• flnt1t two- year ptpllln pa.lace• In th• na· tiOn. maybs the Harbor ert a •houhl 1U up and take notice thllt It a lao h.aa one of tM flnc•t Into makini.; thf! prcaent Juah At \hf! Mme t lmt', Newport campus ., rt;ill\,\'. I H11rbor 11 Bnire Barton. heft,qt Along "·Ith !he nrw buildi ng hnr111an on lhf' 1quad apparently progr111n. r<'n1odrhn1: of oh! bul!d l"''lll he unablf! to play. Barton. lngs \rft on the prr mlaea by San· v.·to[ghl ng In 11.t 230 lb-'·· wu t11. Ana Anny Air B!~e hAs t8kf'n guard .I.lid ltn~backtr for Coach ~~~~•Uonal raclllttq In th~ na· ~~ll~~e J~cl:~~~· :1~~'C::::~:g F.r;;~~: t :~n.J';!~:r::;p 11..~a~lo~~k:~l p::: lt you haven't bee.II. out to Or· 1 nge Cout lately, you'll set a treat juat 1IYl.n1" th• ca.ropus the onct -on r. ho.ft t.M elthtUc or the pracUcaJ, OCC 11 a dr.am l•yout. And It'• fut beoom lnr; rn ic11 11tn1C'turra. ~lemor!11I Ch&· pc<:t hr Coach Ray ROll.•O and pel "''"' flnl11h<>d In 19:'.IO; \ht hill staff. Barton aufff'rr d a mus- gyn1n&.•!um and AdmlnblraUon cle .ecp1ratton at lhf! knee and b11!1dlng In l {1~2. h11 been advlseJ not to &eek Her•'11 runrlo"·n of the ntw grtd!ron clory l h\1 11caaon. bui1'1lng progrRrn : 1949, Tcchno· A.WAITS X-K . .\\'g mor1 .,, logr building ror vocational and Ho"''f'Vcr. Barton v.·u walling ON T1I& MAP ;.erhnlcal 1ubjKta. 19~1. slx eon· on 1:-ray• of t.be Injury before But appa.N9U7 It will take the crf'tf! trnn\11 rourlll. And l!bnlry making up him mind. opulent .a" Utt.e&o 8\lc e owl bulldln,i:-. 19.~2. Ulc .Art Canter. Ro&90 moved Mllnuel Tor re• lt•el[. to r..u;, put Ora.age Coa!llt bl11cktop Jlllrklng lot !or i tudrnt from HunllngloQ-Beach Into "the on Ul• rnap, alt.bough th1t !!I but pe rking'. 11 nd beef f('rding unit. l!'lJ&rd 1lot \'Rcatcd by Hea m. a 1ln1tl• It-on the OCC build-80;\ll: f'OK ALI. Torr,5 performf'd for the OHer1 Inf:' p~ which ha11 bel'n go· 19:-iJ, StuJcnt Center. :he un· aa a hall'bilck, but hA• 1Uf!!clent Inc on t~ 90111& time. Th!1 ye1r. df'l'JrounJ tolectrlca \ and campu11 wtight tor the !orv.•1 rd wa.11, besldet tbe ~t•dh1m. ha5 com e lightlni:: ~ystrni. 19~4. 8U.'\inr11~ Ro190 fet la. TotTc11 i t.and• 11IJ1 - r ompleUon ot thf! oul~~nil!ngly ~:dul'&t1nn hullrllni.; 11.n!I 11W!m-fO(lt, wt!~hs 181 lb1. comps.red bcaut\tul end romplet• aud!tor·1min( pnr.1 An<\ blral'l\Pr~. And l.o veter1n Hta.rn·1 tl·I O, lllO lb1. lum and mulle bujJd!ng. IUld 11. c-urrrntly on th<' M'hf'dUI<", !l('['ord· XI':\\' l)l'O Ot:T l•thhoUM, gr••nhoua.e 11.nd po11I-in.I:' to Dr. JlA~il H. Pl'll'TIOn, Two ~w boyi turntd out lu t t.ry produeinlt' un!t. 11 rc flnlah1nJt' of an ,.lj::hl <'lR~~· ~'e<"k, Gary J obn90!'I of Orange, \\"hid\ rou to 11hl'n0.' you con· room 11tld1uon to .the llhrary, rf':· !or t11cklf', and Dick Gatley from eh1s1 v,.,y what ll flO<'k or in\ .. r-l'(lod,llng the l pholst ... rr and I LeCl11.lre. ra. Johnson e-2. tlll 1 ~11t~ Oranp Coa.at Co!Jei" ac-Craft5 bullrllng 11n•t. a yr ar frf1 m lb~, wiu at OCC l•~t llf'UOn but t ua ll y cov•ra. Thtire you will not now . comrletlon °1 1 ne>1· Science dlcl nol turn out t or the ~rid unJy Mnd e"rytllin& tnJm tho:-bu!lt!lng gol1ath1 Ga tley hllll no football a thlf!tlc to the artlaUc 'but !IOnlt'· Peterson r•porlll . the preacnt eXpf'rlrnr t . but at :;.11. 1118 lb11. t hine for tha blrda ,.. wtill: Yr>u ~rl,.nr•. hnll<ll nlt" will ht' tr:on d A1"I 4-al&n•ted ai •·real fu t." c•n't to.al Ute vt.l'lcly. from its preaent locaUon and maybe Ro1110 can l1nd a apot for \\'hlch " what a Wt ll-roundrl1 m~d• Into A pf'r m1nrn t Agricul-blm. edurellon M ould be -A nlC'rly-tu~e bull(ling and the Clasavom Do1q: U.. Buo bootlq · durln& balanced varlet,y of ~ver\'lhing. building "'Iii be remod•led. Thi• pruUe• ae.1ona 1-..t -k. -r. Conff'rf'nee l11 1t Muon: J I m Hurd. full back 'from l;lunUn('lon Beach. end Bili Harrl90n, Oll•r halfbAck 11111,d tor a 1tartlnc P irate rolf!. All of them were gettlni:: orf nice punt.. Wilder to Gear<Jia for lnsura11ee Meet SEA I S L AND, OA., -'J olf. P . \Vl l d ,r, nt 109 Via Ha1•- re Rd., l\"cwport S..Ch , 1'.rrived a t Thr CJolet•r here Sept. 7 for the 1 9~S Field Underwriter• Group Conffrcnct. '\'llder qua\lf\cd for th• Sea laland Conte111nc, t.brou1h out- 11t•ndlng M rvlee to cllenl!I In t.be Loi Atlf f!le• area. Attendance at th!a mf!f'tlng pro,·hle~ an oppor· tunlty for adva.nce(I tralnlnr a nd an eJ1change of Jd,aa an1ong q11a- Llfler1. :\farried, With th.rec children. '\'lldcr la a merrib<"r ot the Liff' Und•rv.•rlter'a .A.ll&OC!atlon of Lo• A.ngelc1, and 11 active in 1everL! 90cl ll and civic organlt 11.tion&. "' l!(M)n ....., co,·err w t creen Capacity for football, 73!>0. h·y. provHled lhf! rno.t cconoml- For track. ~. cal n1,thod of conatruclin1 the Ora11ge Cout Coll-:,~• coul.dn't I nt him. Blf ftlll man U1ere Ollly welrMd In e t 230 lbs. 8o today · the 1earch tor brltche• moved to USC. Somebody •l•rtcd a nimor that big boy• ro thf're. .... Th• fleldhou" lncludu dr~sH· bl e11.r hf!ra. And the 1u.dlum 11 llO Lnc roOm for lb• Buu and ,.1s1l· bullt that addition of an upper Jnc team. Vleltiflr tum'a dre1111-d~k and closlnlt' In ot th• ,nda Inc room can al8o be \l~f'(\ for can provide a 11tlldJum capablf! of a cluaroom. Reetroom1 for n1cn h11.nd llng 20.000 peraons. 1-------------- &.nd women, refr.h.nltllt 11te nd1. !-------------~ -For the nnfft In Commercial Uckct booU11 and entrance gates are located at •acll end of the fleldhou~. The playing field Is 10 feet below c round level wtth a pump •yltcm installed t ot' dralnag1•. JCvery ••t la cxci!llcnt from 1pecl&tor atandpolnt with the bleachf!r 1ectlon.1 1JlghUy curved to give the boWL effect and ~t ­ ier aJrbt llnea. Tht r•'a &.n cl..::trlc 1COrebo11 rd whlcn can be clearly s ec n throucb Ui• stadium llnd field hghtln& Is of 1\llflclent in~na!ty to operate TV camera. or ta.ke motion pict ures from hlghe1t poJnt of Bue Bowl at op tbe PreSll Box. The Pre•• Bo-. containe three ,,par1te comp1rtmenta. tor up- •Weter Front Balboa Coves Jlrand .ew a b. r. Z batlll home. \'t~· c:ievf'r olt91&'n. Vm1r own private ~a.e.11. •·h""" ynu ~ .. q .., a pl..,... In kerp yO'lr t>nat. Re111 rl e t ti d $29,950 Okav Tract Plani Prtntlnf call Harbor 111111, Job • l "~'";""~·~Do~p~artm~~ .. ~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;:;;;::;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:::;;;;;~ i"lnal p.l&N tor McLean ii: ,._,. tol'• subc11vteion at th• aouthw•t com,r of \\'ut 18\.tl and Anahtlm Sta .. waa approved by th• Colta t.feea City Coune11 lu t Wf'f'k. The plan lncludu I .I a.c1111 whlcb wUI be dfvldf'd Into '' lots. the Richar~ Beeson Company Lan!lscape Desl9a a•d c-1n1et1N D)aONA. DEL 11..\.R 1'80NE •••9C)ll UI Ei,er ~wonae.r-- ~ ~ Santa Fe ,,. ill' what 'Santa Fe''nens? Back. in 1901, about 40 yean afur the Santa Fe Railway wu founded, the ancient Indian Ccou-within-a-Citcle design wu placed in a aquarc and the usinnbJr wu adopted u the of6cial trademark of tht' young ra.ilrotd. Southwest and Eut with fut, cflici~nt transportation ecrvicea. These-rails tcrvc your toWn; help it grow •nd praepn. And , no. matter what rour shipplnaor travel problems may be, S.nta Fe will solvt' thmt. Your local Santa Fe agent is right here in your town to help you. p,rhapt th• but thlni, 11bout ~Ill thui CQQ'lplete Ula con.1tn&c• f'ullb&ck Mike Haa1. AIL E.utern occ la th.et It b•IOn)>!~ In the lion progt11.m Oranp Cout Col· -,;;.;;;.;;_;;.:;;;.;;;.;;::;;;;:;:.:;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;:;;:::;::..:=;:;:;:;:;::;:::::::::::::::=; _ 1 of .., .,_ 0 1 'I ll'ite of!leie\1 ''I out th do. LA· ,..~~P a eo ... ll:f! iotr rt. en I I be &de The words "S2nt1 Ft" ~an1 Holy Faith. Today, that faith and Yision in America's future have built the Santa Fe &ail- way System into 1 vital nec - work of steel, linking rhr Ytst, You can dcptnd on him, u you c.an dtpcnd on the' Yut system he ttprsnta. In MAJ ot lNI l hf'y ... ,,. >1·!~ tier. a n add1t on .,..11 m to enoup to ro alone "1.th a fllr-the Trchnology buUdlnr . ••rlnr kMU'd of truatee• !n ••I· l::.1ctly ho• far· ..tar '"re tin u --b .,.. the taxpayt r11 a nd the coU.r• I ' a r"-"' -J'O'.l·ao ui...,tni: rru1teto1 Cati be Nw>wn by P.t.r· p rognm rwrutrtD& a t&J: lt vy of ] . Wh 21 centl per ltOO ._~ V11 l-1011 • r•port on attendarle.e. en uauon whkh could be caUf'd for 1 :!':.ic~."t~u~:n':.rr:'n1 "e: In th19 bud~t . rtollf!d al OCC. Thi• fall \here CDI'CATIOSAL TO~ '"'ill be mot• than 1200. not to t\?iat haa thia done for thr mention lh& l houu.nda of a(l uLU eollf'(I dl att1ct ta.xpayera l It ha11 who allend n!i;!'lt ~- 1h·en them at\ c:duca Uonel fac!-1 Xor t h'" addiUo.al Uw_.nd, lily ~·hkh II pr!OI~ to the who f'rida~· aJattt wW ltaTt community. \Vh'n Bue Bo1•:l I~ thronglnf t he p~t f11W1.lftc9nt ClfficJally df'dlcatf'd F riday night ~J.'.'.(\·Jl!At 11111.•ll um ·whlr h fl.n be dVnac t.M N rat .. Ee.r.. Contrl I deek~l en<\ r\ot1td 1n to ha ndla eo.t& •llnual Lkllut ctuh (T'ld l'Pf'•cl t1 I"! 20.0(l() "'ht n t ~.e !Ul\Jft' cl11h, '3.J tS.000 >111\ h 11va t;one H11 rbor srte nl'l'<l ar!u a. ... S . II. MMJTH. T. I'. A. "'-uta Yf! O.,.t. Hl:ul r.. 41h :"I. h o-kl l...U.'>4 • Jll 1-«H M.?<o~ &.. ... ..\.CUD'. PAGE I· PAkT l -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY , SEPT. 12, 1955 2 OF RECORD 5 MARLIN BROUGHT HERE William Benton, Upland. left, yesterday boated i94:1 1 lb. marlin on Frank Linnell's craft, Lyn. m 35 minutes After Linnell picked up Benton whose partrier. Ben Hese- mann, Pomona. right, t oo1< same time to boat his 159-lb. marlin on boat Happy Landings akippered by Gil Smith. center. Both marlin were Wfi~hed m at Balboa Angling Club. Three other marlin were brought in yesterday and Saturday, equal- ing total local catch of specimen this season. -Beckner Photo SIL!~A!_O~~ 12 New Teachers Hired by Hob.11nn. :\'"EIGHBOR8 A8818T N!'lghbor• ai..o e11caped Injury u they ruahed to th• .cene with Mesa School Trustees garrien h0111"11 In an attempt to Twelvt new teat'l1ers a.nd ab. quell t he flam •. Don Blahop, new dlatnct employee• were hired tnpped In a Oamlnc ~!Jy, wu and ont' resfgnaUon acceptt'd by pulled to aatety on a rope thrown Coeta M-Union Sctiooi D• by Albe.rt Mcl!:lhlnney, WU.On'• trlct Bo&rd of Trustees Wedne•· neighbor. day night. Wit.on'• house and a car and • New teachers hired upon re· Ant1h1"lm, seventh. Re" ~chool; Ml'8. Viola Str1tw, F\Jllnton. Har· per: Mr11. f,.,oi,. Watkln11, Gttrdrn C rnve, fifth. 1..lnr1b.,rgh School. and Mra. CArnlyn Miiier, 92ll Ar- bor St . fourth, Main School. Rl'1<11o:nat1nn wa:1 l\rrepl"d from Rnbrrt 8 Amf'!I nf Ilea Sc:hnnl ~OUN' nf 111 ht Rlth In tht truck In front of the home were commendation of superintendent 1mmedl11.te\y enRUlf .. d In the nam-Everett Rea w ere Mrs. Allenath H . Howewr, lba fire waa halted Balley, Puademi.. wbo w ill In· fn~ily. Four-Car Crack· Up Injures . * j loy ln)ures lack in ~I at l1adl Six; Mesa Driver Involved Scott O&lnea. 13. or no J>tne St., Santa An&, •u ttered a badl In· jury when tie feU from a l ·f\. Slx ptrson• we~ 111Jured m • Halt.ct on the bridge. S-chbOard he!ftll to the .and a t Main Beach. rour~ar rrash F riday ..rtemoon pulled In front or the h&.lted car. WUneues uid ht wu ~inc near the Santa Ana River bnl!ge I r 11.1 ked and walked back to lend toned Into t he a ir on towel• held t h h th r !'\ ' 11.lltstance • I by f'rlenda. He n'liued th towel1 on coas ig way, noi 0 1 "" • Genevieve Ma.aa.m thtn a111ert· after • toaa.. Gain• wu &ppltr· port Beech. r<ily a ttempted to 110""' tor the ently treated by a private doctor The Callrornia Highway Patrol perked car and collided with Ber· for hl1 lnju1i u . listed thfl> tnJllred u driver• Myer I ner'1 vehicle. Jt then tetucoped -- Btmt'l'o 67 of San Diego i nd Into the othefl!I. conflicting 1tortes y h A d rnf'\ l('\'f' M&S11am, 17. Hunllng-1 "''" told by ln\'O)Vtd drnrers, lht out s rreste ton Reat•h: p11sstnger1 tn t he for· p11trol u id. 1 nt<'l''!i t•ar Doris Berntr, 48 ; \\'11· 1111m Winter. 6:1. and Nellie Win· Here Mi•ht Be tl'1 . 66. both o! C:htcar.o. and E1l· BAIY SAYED FROM !b naha rapron. 68. 26:1 &y11hor1" • Dr~,;~· injured were lrtaled Ill POSSIBLE DEATH Robbery Suspects Hoag Hoi1plt.al. Dorl.I Bemer'• m· Utlle Kathryn Ann Lowe, 14 ·month-o!d daughter or !hf' juries were called major. the nost t:ordon Lowes of Phoehlx was minor. Four mlnon a n 1 one juvenile we1e b1'J()ked Fm 'ay mo11l1ng by Newpo11 pol1rr to. rouea1111on of alcohol alter a rh.ut In which the O~r11.tora of the other Involved ruahf'd lo Hoag Ho11p1tal yea· V!'hlrie.~ were Chef Maurice A :erday 1&fler •he awallowed ant p1111id. 53. 20:19 Ft'deral St., Coat e po1~on Sh~ wu tr,.altd and Mesa. snd Msnne C'pl. Forut 1 rt'lru~d. the hoap1tal 11ld. Thi' 11t'l'1tltnl occurred on Balt>oa 1 youths trtl'd to tvacJe pollr,. Al anted wtre Ha lord IA•ter Bt<lley, 20, of Pasadena: Jack Jray Allman, %0. nf Loa Allgeln: John Be.acbboard, 22. of A.dw\Jle, N.C. bland. According lo the patrol, the mis· hap occurred when Pauld'• car Burglar Breaks into Apartment Burglary of his Up!ltalr1 ape.rt· mcnt.. while tbe light• were on anc! two family dog• in the yard was rl'ported to pohcl' Sunday by John E. B•Jrkelt Jr. of 309 C&111.I St. I Officers said the front d0<1r tu the ap..1 tmenl wu forced by 11r1 lnilln.ment and then k1C'ked to apunll.'r the woo<l. Burkett 11&id R radio·recorJ pl1tyer. ll dock 1.nd $1 0 cash were taken Curtiss Fined $200 . I Haf\•ey Norrll. 19. Loa Angl'lea: Barb.Ira Carol Spllholu, 18, of Torra.nee ·anu a 17·)'f'&r-old Tor-On Drunk Drive Rap I ra.nce Girl. Bcd!ey WU alao book· ed for dUrturbing lht pt"I Ce etter 1 C:f'c1I Hrrbtrl C\Jrtlss. 49. of orrtctr s aaid he u11ed prof&ne 1 2366 Ora nge A vt .. Costa Mtsa., 1a11gt."1!;"· Wedne~day pleaded rullty to a Investigation wl'"h Lo11 Anselu drunk drtvln char.i:e In New-pohr'.l 1howed Bedley, Allman and f' . I Norri• may be Involved In a re· port J 1111t11:e rourt He waa fined cent ~ Anrele11 robbery. Thty $200 and his license waa 1uapend· I were re lea.Md t o l .o. Ang~lea om. ed for 90 day~. ce. s. Miss Sp1lht1lt1 wu taken to Cui lli!ll wiu u re11ted at 3 :08 I 0 r lll1ge Counly jatl and the juvet s .m b~· ('<>11\11 Mess pnhce. They nile was relelLM'<I to her molher. ""'<! 11•· waa driving an auto er-I After police finally 11topped the 1nll<'&ll1· on Newport Blvd. ar-ca1 , they old one boy took a """~ 11111<1 01111 I 7th !'t., Costa quart bot lit of berr from the car M!';;U. H .. ~avr hl1 oct•upRt1un u and threw it tnt<' a nearby ditch. I barl<'nJer. An 6lrp1atol waa ai.o found in the ---gl1,.ve compartment ot lht rar --------------- I 'Coast Story' Du• O'Howell Recovers Opt1m1s.u will see a color film \\' T O'H11w .. 11 of ~.09 29th St. Mary Price Ill tomorrow t<t lhr1r meeting tit leJ. ts 1t•1•uvnm>: r1 um a he111 l attack Mary Price, Balboa lw•uly par- 1 "The Ornnge Coast Story ·· A m lh1 Ua,h'r Real Hurne. Santa lor operator. was admitted to speaker from t he college will tell A nu. He aut Ct:reJ Lhe aWLCk -ai.r-S&cita A-fl& Com'Tnun1ty Hoaplt&.t 11><.ut me new program bring pro· 1 hi• home Ji.st wetk. O'HoweU has for treatment Aug . 30 She ll 1110l\''1 in trarnm1t or n11rlltll and been a rt-~ldent of !':ewport Har· able to SH friends dunng vlall· X·rR~· techn1c1an11 1 bor for nearly :'>() years. I 1ng houni. l'Tom creepln( through brush to atrucl flfUl grade at Mam S chool. :'\rw •hstnrl rmp11wee11 h1r"rl neta'bborinC homu by efforts of I Mrs. Kathryn J ohn!'On. Ga rdrn nn rN·omrnr n1l11t1nn uf Ru~mrJCs n.titibon who wet down the aur-Grove. fourth. Llndbeq :h School: ~l11n11):fl>r Mrrton nwwr11n were rounc:ttnc atta duplte being h•m· Mrio Eh7.11.beth Kay, Orange. 11e·: M111 V1qnn1a r nwcll "" 8rhonl pa'9d by low water pr euurt'. ron1J, M1tln School: Mrs Roiw dr1 k Al Mnntr Vull a l'< hMll, I"· Bobeon, ~leaaed Crom the hoe· Kt>hn. 890 Oak SL. sixth. Harper plarin~ Mr!'. R 11 b Y Cr111g whn plt&l lat nl(ht, N.ld he and Wll· School, Mr:< Ullia.n King, Long hat1 lo r••lllJm nn d•H"\nr'11 nr<lrrll. I llOD were Installing th• butane ll'IU! Bel\C'h, ~ev.-nth, Rell School: M1"i1 l'u11tNhRn« H ,, k" Mnrg1rn 11ntl tank undtr t he hnt1H whf'n th~y Sue McKinney. San Ru nanllno. John Ml'hlll: Riii! Drlvl'ri. r.eorJ(e notlct'd 11. luk In th• valve. f1!'l!t, Ma.In School; Mrs. AurlrPv They Tl'!\ In tum off 11 water NlchollOn, Compton, 11\xth. umi-Plllne a.nd Mr11 Vir•l,..l Ph1Jlir"""· heater but were too !Ille. Hob11on bergh; Lynn Olive, 11ixlh. Lind· l\nd c 1e1 k fur th11 nur .. e Mr111. u ld. bergh School; Gene $toughton, Stelll\ Meiotnn. 1\1.0 \\'S Ot'T 't'ht H 'j)IOlllon t.hrf'w Ho~n out T L T Cl •1 · of the hou11e, tra ppt"d Wllaton in· 00 ate 0 ass1 y ~Irle. anrl 1hol flaming t mb!'l':I m·Pr three nel,;hborlnK homes into thel ' jn'. bmah·covered canyon. V.·1111on b11ttered ht11 '"'Y 011l of 2--Card of Thanks 1 48-Aph1~!.J._0_1_1~-·---- I the humlng hnu11e While Hobl'nn THE HAGERMA1' FAMILY w1!1h· l A'rn;:-;TJOX ltf:At'T\' t11'ERA· hell'f'd the f11.m1ly t.'41 to expres." thank.5 t11 thl' T<)RS I( \OU "'" lrn1k1ni: for e Slx truck11 anti two 1tozer• from I many rriend.8 who l'Xpresa~l I 11h11p & h,;.,,,. 1·11111t11n ... 1 ~"e th111 Sth'erado, Or11ngt'. Traburo and their 11ympathy In flowers onc.J 2 Ii.fl 111 (11111 lumw with Wf'll ModJeaka Stott 01\'lslon or For· mua-.es c111nng their bNtavr· 1>qu1p111 ,J bf•.1111\· '""". Yurh· u try 1tatlon11 •nil eight unlll ment In the p&M1ng or Johnny lea11e ~ 1:,11 11111 2or..t T11 .. t1n. ..;. from the '.S. F orellt Service TUed Hagerman 4p 111 ~lo•!la I.I R-If>~'.! 4• t; to tha .tCene whtre flamH had b<-RUn lo lick I hf' <1ry gra.M of the hl1111 In the C')f'\'eland National 22--Lott ud Found LIDO ISLE Forut. LOST-Orange kltte_n Ylll.b ~.en YEARL \' unf11m 2 bduu. &. " collar In Cliff Haven area bath hnnw liar 101 :1. 4lft 'DIPSYDOODLE' LI S-1928. 4c RALUl.)A l~l.A:'\I• Fllrn 2 b1111 Contlnuf'd rrona l"lnt Pace ._,.~ Wanted Jnwcr t111pJI',, """ yar ol 11n.r plltlo W1nt"r Si5 mn 11111 p;wl Har. ~15~R-\\'.. 41!• twui. for hi11 "D1r~ydoodle." Then the now-bu11t11ni: hay front wu a at retch of frontRge oct•upled nnly by • full 11agrll 11chooner which he want"t1 to ronvert to a pirate ship night rlub and brlnr to It hi• plralt b1U1d And rrf'w from h\a club In Gr,,rnw1rh Vllhlgt. N- York City. ~!any of Don's frlencl5 w ill ~ tiart.nera 1n thl• biggest luncheon and dlllner ~pot within " radlua or 30 mllu and a l'f' JolJ'ltnr h im 111 h I • "Dlp11ydoodle" corporaUon. BEACH FIGHT Oeettaoed from nnt ...... the fl•hl waa pr-ovolttd by rema.rka made by one of thr Pht(leya u lht l'f'OUP walkf!d nff the pier. Wltne~• on the pier M id the youlha were <"1.Ulllnir a l'tlaturbance Just ~for• the fic'it. Bi;AJlBOWl:R TALIJ.8 STENOGRAPHER for contractor11 nffire. 11horthRnd 1·..q11lrt<1 LI 8 ?11 59 for Interview Mr. ROM. •r 6 \~-A-Apt-.. for J_!t_n_•~- WF:F:I{. Ml) nr YR. nCEA"' FH<r:'\'T, 2 h<lmt Apt. furn. t•h• SZ-Fum.lture for Sale refn~. nr I bdrm. 111'1 /u; 1 --fu"'l' :u ""' Ji.:>\r pa\w,, •1\1'"• 1 OVERSTUFFED CHAIR. J\111g1r , n~ J'h 1 'pllrntl. Yt 'kon :;21-1 · Chet 1tove. bunk berlll with ,.,. 323· I !l:l 4 • 1prlnp tl mattrea11ea • other 1-----------mlac. Items. Har. 600 -204 liA YFl<OXT 2 Mrm f11m . 111 · Pearl. Balboa bland. 4c6 P1rr & float for 311 fl bn11 19M PLYMOUTH Belvedere 8 cyl. hard top 1porta coupe. P ower •leertng, power bral<e11. radio. white w&ll tires. Uke ntw $2&-00. Har. 29te. tee ·51 Road.muter, 25 n. lllltt new, toilet. ahower, laY .. elec. ref. It hot W11ter heater $1495. With or w ithout exlnt. cabana. Sl'e owner Lot ST, Munlclpel Tn 1l- er Pk .. Newport. 4p6 Vllst ()(ot I to J uni' t l"rl\· .. ;, h1'11rh 4 17 E t1g"Wll tl'r. IJ11lho11 F:l"grw00tl 2·23114 4• • 81:0-Gl.F. APT. F\lrn. S1~ per r1 Yl'11rh· r11tr Incl 11t1ht1P•. ;111• R11y ;\\•e, BaJboa. Har· ':'4~·\\ 4rli 48a-Bomee for Rent OCEAN FRO!l.I. 3 Mrm. furn hou~. l '1 balhl. aar fenrr<l yd. 1100 ~r rnn \\'tntrr nr SI 3fl yr. leiue. A \'1111 :>:ov I l't1l prJ AIM 2 bdr m ,ara~e llJll , llli'f'J'~ 6 $;~.~).~ Wlttl!'r 111:1 yr. lrue. Anul. nov. ., uttl p.I, 1708 We.11t 0Ct-lln F'runt. ((-~ TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT -& COMMENT New York Noon Comment -to the hlfhl and .,.. potenU&I i.ad· F'Ued by D. c. Oarwld• -Dian en Sp«ulall\'fl mttrH t hu rotat• Witter Co., Santa Ana-ed to the 1erondary i.au.._ but u With Ule &.Jumlnum rroup carry-r •1nes are ron•olldt1 ted auch I•· Inc throu(h lut w"k'• display suu •• Bf'thlP\Jf'm StMI could M ot at,.n«tJI and u Individual ta-dyna1t111• IUM r••pond to varlou. lnnu.nc· 01\a And chtl1\1c&l1 &rt 1t ... 11y fll, th• market opened o.n a •teady 1 •llhough chana•• are not pro- tone. P rofit taktnr ts evident In nounC"etl. American Cyanamid Im· some of the recent IMder1, but proved al the openlnc t ollowtna a telect.ed buyl~ In new Jl'OUP• la sl'rv1<·e rp(•ommenrlat1on. Althourh helpln( to offaet thl• Influence. the asaue hu aet\led back wa fMI Rtynolda Metal and K&laer Alum· pur('hHr11 r an be undertaktm 1n lnum f ... turfld Hrly •t~n(lh. Th• t.nllc1p•tton or .. IUCCMtlfuJ tHl· fom1er wu atdect by a lead 1.rtJcle Ing of the forrn•r hel(hL In 8unday'1 T1mN u well u an Among apeclaltlN Babcock and acu va lnter .. t In the when-laeued Wilcox alao had the benent of •lock. KalMr Aluminum ai.o the urv1rt1 recommtndatlon. Con· broke Int o new hlch fTOUnd on \•era1on prHaur• I• evident on h1gh volume. Aluminum Llmlled United Airline. while WMt.l~­ 'tlll a ppeara a•rood candidate for houMil lil~rlc dipped on lh• l'Urther worlhwhlle (aln. atrtke new•. COH<len Petroleum STEELS 8TJlOSG Comp¥1Y advanC'ed to a new h1C11 St..U abeorb atock wrll clOM in antlclplttlon of continued faYOf'. able urnln&'• and the poeatbUUJ' Mn. Foy T1r111 111 Local Fire Alarm e>f a dividend lncrt&M. MOU: PROFIT Dl'E With -.rr-lve b\4)'int' llm!t.d Mrs. Florence Foy, U do Park to a M.lect fTOUP we .xpect tMt ruldent. wu credited 'Wlth tum: the market may be subject to a ing In a nre rtport Sept. 8 wtllch I Pf!{lod of further pront talU.n( •a ved butldlnc• adjoining 3112 La· tov.."rd the clo11t> f'l\yette St from poaalllltt damage whtn s he AW a rubbt1h fire a · nm..· ''°"" I p.m. AVf'n&C .. blaze In a box. Mra. Foy I• the 30 lnduatrlalAI .. H7.81 up 1.02 motht r oC Gloria Gardner. local .20 RailrOlld• .... 182.U up .14 ret l utate woman 1~ t;Ull\ln . ee.26 off .09 Sht-Mlled firemen when •he 1 p.m. \'Olume 1,380.000 saw the fire In the box a.djoln1n& two bulldtnga, She nolltlf'd an em· Bank of A merlr 1 .. '3 'i4 ... ployee In Bay and Beal"h Realty Beekman Instrument .......... 12~ office nearby who called the f ire CallCornla. Ba nk ..... 67%..fl :1epartme.nt which reaponded tht Olsney . · 181,.-0 ~ tbort block Involved and quelled I F'lnil \.\«Stern Bank 6i·6T~ Ule b.lne. I Gluspar .... 2"-a"' Hall Scott Motor• . . .• l-t - lnter1tatt F,ngineertn( 10-11 ~ l.ecJlon Meet DU. Market Buket . 20~-n~ Membena oC Newport Bl'ach Post Mayfair Marktl• 9-t~ 291, A merican [Agion w ill hold a Minute Muhl . 17"·17~ aeaalon Wednudiay night at 8 p. m Thrifty Drug ............. 10-11 to r omtn .. t•-.na elR t one meffi-lreeaweet ··--814·1" ber of !he executive commiltrt . \'an Camp Sea Food .. ·--71'·8" Don Munaon, poat adjutant, adv\s· L'. S. N1.t'I. B&nk. 8 . D. _ 23·23\. ed member• today. Wlz.ard Boat ............. --·-a.a" Bearbower &dmltted atr1ktng the elderly Phefll'y, police 1111.ld. W1.yne C&~.ntrr reportedly told officera h• thnw tho f1NI polrs into lht atort to conf\JJ!e Paul Sidney Pheg- ley and protect Bu.rt>owtr. Euh aide told pol'ct they would rtrn i complain ta. We'll Help You Write Ads ~ M-809lnet111 ~rtun1~ ATTENTION BEAl..,.Y O PERA· TORS. lt you are looking for a 11hop A home combl!led ~ th11 l bdrm. furn. homf' v.·n h well equlpf'M t> .. 1111ty shnp .. Yurly Jea11e I 1511 mn 2063 'l\wt&n, Coe- .. M..., LI ~I. Ml THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 DR. RL"'FTS V. vnn K LE.11'· 8!>UD, pru l ' S.C. -"EducaUon ~v• ha.a been lbt ma.in hoia for P9&C'·· That GET RESULTS 3100 West Coast HICJhway Newport l1adl Phone Liberty 8-3471 •• tn-. \ .. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER .12, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE • LIBERTY BELL -Explorers of Newport Beach's Poet 17 covered the story of their Vnited States from ita beginninga to the birthday celebration of their own 1tat.e during their 10,000-m.ile trip publicizing the coming Golden Anniversary of their city. Pictured at the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia. ltft to right, Explor- era Bruce MacGum. Randy Pf'eler, Doug Reddick, John Van Dyke, Thomas Baume, Kent Harvey and Doug Unruh. · AT DETROIT -Much of what makes the world goes round was seen by the boy1 as they toured great cities and plants and hamlets. They were privilC'ged to tour the General Motors gear and axle plant in Detroit. Here they are pictured with of- ficials of the Chevrolet Division who explained some of the functioning parts of the golden station wagon the boys were driving. Men pictured with the boys are V. Virge Taylor, operations manager of Chevrolet'a gear and axle division, and A. R. Roskilly, left, manager of Chevrolet Motor Di\'isions Detroit operation. .rAMBOREE l'RADING -Courteai~ extended to them by members of the many Scout troopt who attended the Jamboree or 1953 at Newport Beach were returned by the memben of Explorer Post 17 when thcy ''iAited the International Jamboree at Niagara Falla. Trading acene pictured above. LINCOLN TOMB -Tbe Newport Harbor young men viaited many of the nation'• shrines, memorials and famoua buildings. They are pictured here as they viewed the tomb of Abraham Lincoln in Springfield. Ill. They placed a wreath on the tomb of the great man wbo kept hia country from being a divided nation._ MEET GOVERNOR -Some of the n.it1on·M out- standing citizens were hosts to m.?mbers of Explorer Post 17 during their tour of lhf! country. They are pictured here as thC'y were. rt'<'eived by officials of T•tttr; OlJ'a' 1Juring the stop in the world's larg~t rity to 11ee one of the world's biggest buildlng1, the TJn1ted l':aUons headquart<'rs. and a trip to Yankee ~tadiuin to 11ee the Yank-o'1 ,le game. the boya or l"e~ l-1v1 l &01.h E>.~lorer l'o~t 17 owll up one of the the State of lllino1s. Officials with tht> boys are left. Robert Conn. President of the Rotary Club of Spripg- field and clerk of the state's Appellate' Courts: Cen- ter Governor Wm. G. Stratton. biggeat thlrlta. The quenchers w.ts lhP world's big- ceet Hller, a Coke of courire. left to nght, Doug Un- ruh. Lyn Barton. John Van Dyke, Kent Harvey, Doug ~dkk. John Vale. Brure MacGum and Tom Baume . • • 'PA~E 2 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1951 NEW ·HIGH -SCHOOL TEACHERS MEET New faculty members for Newport Harbor Union High School 11ther on the lawn in front of the achool to be welcomed by Superintendent Sid Davict.on, left Jn the group are Glenn Bulett, Earl G. Boyd, Mrs. Louise Grieuer, Robert HQuae, Miu Jan Ann New• MTLTOS L. STANNARD Stannard New District Head -; I or Phone Co,. Trio Hub Raps Rlvenide Nabbed on Cap 11teft Three RJversld• boya we.re &r• ~aled by Newport Beach police Sept. 6 a fter one ot lhtm ad· mlti.d lo polk e he took hub cap1 from 11. car <m Lil.lo Isle In pruence or the other two. • ._ ____ __,J...,fJJ!""'"'H. _Rober!_ Mon~i;ue_, _ !!l· wui booked for vagrancy and two 17 • yur • old rompan1ons were booked for lark nt pRrPntal con· trot, cufew. '.J'hl'y wl're rt !Paeed to thel.r partnte. Pollce aa.ld they found the hub cap1 under the front 5<'&l ot an upcn.a!Ye car the boy!! wcr(! drlv· l~. '11111 car 1>1!1onged to the tather ot one of tht ooy11 who p'N hJa permission for them to haft ill• car. Mela Polle• Probe $300 lmrtlarfn Costa Mua police had two bur~ to eolY• Aus. 2t, one tnwlvtnr loa of '200 worth of toola and th• other SlOO cub. Bible College to Build New Mesa Chapel burg, F.dward Newland, Lewi.I Palmer, Myron Pel· 1inger, Mill Dellr-Ramirez,. Lee J. Roech, John P. Roee, John Herbert Routledge, Mrs. Karry Lou Stal, William K. Straw and Miu Dianne Westlake. Not in the picture ta Paul Lawhom. -Staff Photo W. H. Mace Will 1p for Probate on Petition of Balboa Widow Couaty 8ro1p Asks Election to Replaoe Lyon i1 laembly liNTA .AMA. (OC'NI) -A a .,.a.I .a.ctton to ...,a..e. form· ,.uu.oe flW writ ., mandate wu • A.IMlllblJmU Leroy Lyon. ottkt&lly fl l • d .. llacrameto n. petltJon -· ftSed b)' th• A.q. It lA aa ef1ort by • rrouP attom.ey tcw the petlUOn•rs. LM• of <>r&ni• cou.ntluu to force ter Vu TataMt"N of lanta An& Gov. Goodwin J . ~\ to call -char1H that Oov. ltn1Jlat muat -------------~under conaUtutlonaJ and JOY· eminent code•. Van Tatenhov• ~led pemment code 1 Tl6 ~ M&ar tb• major order to t.b• et&te'1 top uecutlv•. The <lOde atat.te "When a vacancy occura IJ\ either houae of the l•fialature, th• fOVenM>r oah&ll • t once IAIN• a writ of el.eUon to ttll the va· caney." Van T•tenhove 1tat.ed th• code requlremtnl wu upheld by Altomey General Edmund O. (Pal) Brown ln a n cent rullnr. IT'S TRUE, NO PUILIC DRINKS M&nual Miranda Bece,.,_, Of Santa Ana. la apparently hard to convince. Newport police booked hJm tor drinking ln publlc on the beach on Sept. 3. He poettd SlO ball. Three hour• later Becerra wa1 back In j•ll~n the aame charge. Leroy LYOl\ll quit hll poet two month• aro to taxe a poattlon aa 1eneral counael with a rail· road. Plans for New .Model City in West Orange County Told VandervOl1s Win Junior SCYA Crown 111• louUlem O&Utomla Yacht lnr Aaaoctatlon hu named Ill f irs• Newport-Balboa a ... a Junior aa.11· tnr champion. O.Orr• Vandn· vort. 11, with ht. brolhu. Dlck. aa• t 11 crew. reprllellted the Udo hie Yacht Club. 'liley de· f•t•d I.he top junJor dlvtalon ttp• NMl\tallve trom I.he Newport lbrbor Club. Balboa hland Yldlt Club and the Balboa Yacht Club A four-race HMu wu hl'ld under vamble wuther condltlona 'lilt crewa ch&n&ed boat• each race. Wind velO<'lly varied from O lo 10 mlln per hour &nd ahifled 180 derreu H Vl'rel limn . Ed Warmln(ton• NHYC waa "".,. committee chairme n. He wu U · .Uted by Leon Ware, WYC. and Orrin Wrlfhl, BTYC. Bill Lloyd, J 2, and ..bl'Othfl' Ricky, 8 u rrew. wtre-1econd. Mu1haJI Wl'lght. 12. lllld N&ncy Buck. 9-year-old crt>w wtre third. Harry Frl1hm1.n. 10 and J ohn De.11elt, 9, were fourth. Bueter Hammond of BYC and lncl•cle Homes, Community to Churches, Industrial, ShopplnCJ I Dick Sweet. LlYC and NHYC Schools aerved on the comrRlltee with Gl'ne Baum. are& C'hRlr ma.n !OT Areas scv A. , Balboan Files WANT ADS Donald D. Lee, 2"1 ~land Drtn, nported hJa pa at.alloa at 1'1 J:ut 1 Ttb Bl. had been en· tered lun.day nt1ht b)' pf7ll\I ott a door and about StoO worth of toola taken. Mra. Marpret Woodrouib. HO J:ut 19th St., reported that 80fll• Um• Tbunday or J'rtday, wll1le abe wa.a worklq tn her prdeft. llOllle on• entered lhl'oUltl ill• bade door ot her bolnt and took her pune which contalned S100 la Wl'NllQ1'. want to buy I sell, rent or trade? CALL ....... ,., LIDO sHoPs- CLASSlllllD DlllCTOIY \PPUANCES -Bowllold r-ru -Dealer -l«'Ylee UDO EL&OTalO .... \'la U'8 -...,._ .,., \VTOllOBILE DEA• EM N-and UMd Cara mouan 1nros8.Ul&& 8-IM 8en1ee hrta H16 N_,.n alvd. -Bar. 110 !JANK.8 Baak of Amenc. lli"1' A U lut \'la Ucle -Butler Ul4 SARBER 880P8 l.IDO IRAVDIO NUO la Bl4hnll'• Store for lfte UH \'la Udo -......_r l1M BEA tJTl' PARLORS bfl)() ltAUlN or U.UJTY Hll Npt. Ill~ -Bar. tlTI BOOKS BOOK ()A.Ill Ult \'la Udo -11art1er MN CAHERA8 A 8upplea \'lSCENT LIDO oauoa S46t \.la Udo -Hanor IOOI CARPETS .ti DR~ DrCll MACU:Jl h!O ,,. ~ 6111 CATERING lllCHAllD'8 LIDO llAJIU'r 1411 \'la Uclo -B&l'Mr Uta V AOABOND BOVIil Imported Spol'Uwear MU Via Udo -BMMr MN I PHOTOGRAPH !TtJDIOS Ol':BHARDT 8T1Jl>I01' 1418 \'la Udo -Harbor UM REAL ESTATE UDO &EALT1' illOOUTl:a Udo Salee• "-ttala MOO Via Lide -....._ '66' P. A. PALllEJI INO. 1111 via Udo -......... 1111 VOGEL OOllPAKI hll Via Udo -...,._ UU BAY A..''D BEAOD a&ALTI' VIAIJilo Bi{Q~ --· ----1• II t1 1.aFayeti. -Rutlef-1141 1SAVINGS It WAN ASSOCIATIONS ~EWPORT BALBOA IA VINOS .t WA..~ A880CIATI01" A Savings lnaUtuUon t.ong T erm Home Leana IMMl \'la Udo -HarMr 6100 §ERVICE STATIONS I UDO IUCllFIELD 1 Mii Sewport BIYIL-llar, UST I §BOES -llea'1 BIDWEU.'1 llTOU! roa MEN Uta \'I& Udo -...,._, OM1 1 soor.s, WOMEN RUIZ'S OP' CALlrOllJlflA 1410 \'la IJCl-BA OU1 l'llEATBE8 LIDO TllEATU ConlNlt thl1 p&per tor prosrua Via Ude ,.. N-.en ...., Harhr tlU rovs UDO TOYLA..."1> HU Via lJ4lo -....._ 9N ru VEL ACENVID RARBOa TaA VEL 4011Jfm M 16 Newport.,..._..,., UM UPBOL8TERING DICIL 111.\CllR MIO Via Udo -ll&r1MM' '811 ~ Bertl• .,..., u. ol Br-. eac&ped Injury yeaterda_v e whe.n he fell ul.Mp at eel and drovt hJa aw Oftr k on the eaat aide Of the Nnrport Blvd. t1"ff'll'9y, halt a mile north Clf Westmmi.ter It-. :\ewport Beach police reportetf. '/( WATCH REPAIR H b 1616 AS FOR VllfCl:ST'IJ WATCH UP.ta '--___ a_r_o_r ________ cL_AS:_Slh_1£_D_AD_TA_K~_'R ......-_ ___,!w~~:r~. IM ~-·- -~ I R>OD. GROCERY BUSINESS . TRAINING CLASS TO START Tralnlnr In th• food lndu1try mlnJatraUon. He aJao ha.a had a lllld S"l'O«ry store operation will l'"&t de a I Of practical H • be available •t Orange Cout Col· perlmce in eupermarketa. IPge 1 t a rt 1 n K today. it wu R1,-l1tratlon .t.. now belnr t.ak· !lJ\nounl'ed today. vi at the colleg-e tOI' thia clau. A complt"te grbcl'ry laboratory It wu revealed. It i• probable. hu now been 11et up tor Ult nr w also. that ln th.e tuture the ool- datu1. according to Dr. Basil H. lege will offer tn-aervlce traln- Pt'tersu11. college pruldent. E gu1p-l lng for th<>1e already employed ment lnC'ludes modern cuh re~1s-in the f ood lndu11lry, Dr. Peter· ters, 11C•ie1, automatic c h 'I' k son c•oncluded. ><t&nds, shelves . display "quip· n1ent and mercbandJae The curriculum In lhi8 program i:t1 dl'illgned to provide a limited gent•ral b1H·kground in bu8inesa togl'tht'I' with spec!Clc 1m1truction 1n gronry rnerc·han.lising. The suggested 18-week program 1n· eludes si.le>1ma11ahlp, grocery mer- r hand1sinic 1 lnciuding laboratory ln.!ltruct1on l . mdust rial organlw· lion and labor relatwn~. and f.'lert1ve~ PLIERS HIT LEGS OF GIRL VISITOR Injury lo her niece'• leg Aul{. 29 by a pair ot pllera alltr;et.lly thrown at her by boys In a boat wu reported to police by Mrs. Morgan Sweeney of Cabanu Marinas. The injured gh·I la Sharon Blech1t, 16. of Pasadena. Mra. Sweeney told oftlcen the boys were in thf' boat We Five. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11-PAGE J MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1955 COSTA MESA ENJOYS BIG. BUSINESS BOOM Through M.arcb ll, 11168, eo.ta Sl. 11168, MIH tax oollecUou ran Meaa bualneumen enjoyed a 11· Pt.689.7e: ne,JM.90; UT.Ml.Ii month period it1 which more than Uld $23.3T2.3L Buain... UOIUM 4-ued to date on Ule MN& total UO m11llon worth ot buaitn ... wu WT ve, Hartsler hported. tran1Acted, t\ifUNll releued ,_. ty per cent of aale1 tut eol· terday by City Manaiv O.,rse ected by the city la Mt ude tar Coffey and Fi.teal Otncer capital expendtturea, accOl'dlllc to Kart&ler revealed. Qolfey. The city ha1 paid out U&.- ln addition, Ule City ot ea.ta 000 ln capital purcha1e1 alreedy. Men became a mlWon dollar buai-Cl'otal tunda lnvolved in bu.lln ... neu durinr lhe period from July handled by the City ot Coeta Meu I, 19&4. to June 30. 196&. trom J uly J, 196• to J1me 30, MANY LICENSES 196&, accordlnc to flKAI office rl'- con:la, amounted to $1,088,89C~80. And all lhe ttn&nc• Involved were proc..ed by Hartzler, hi• two regular clerlu, MMI. St.even ,,ana • pn and M.n. Dorothy ICW.. ant1 Bill Dunn, preeent cit~ plann.tnir repreaentatl\'e, who apent nine month• In the ri«'hl, two days a WPl'k. BY THE-BEAVTIPIJL SEA The early'-<lay Bal- boa oottage known u "The Little Grey Miller" i1 1bown u it looked shortly after lt was built in Sf'p- tembeT, 1920. The cottage atill atands at 1319 E . Balboa Blvd., and is. TIQW the property ot Mrs. Miriam Blaich. On the porch are Mrs. Mary Miller, her daughter Mrs. Blaich, and Mrs. Blaich's son John A. Blaich. ''The OCC program will pre- pllre atuden.ls IQ enter the rap1,t- ly grow lnl( food indus try and to Ad\•am·e arrording to their ah1ll- t ,. in th1l' rap1dtv •pAnl1m1t f;etd," Dr P"lerson ·state<!: The class wlll be taught by Rt1mcm W1u1ham . JrMlduate or the University of CaUfomla with a Maater'a degrf'f.' in Bus1neY Ad· Probation HMring on Check Rap Asked Add~ to the boom tenor of the mont.hl covered .y 'th• tli· uree handled by Rart&ler'• fiacal department wu th• fact that more than 300 addlllQnal bualneu lcenH8 tiave been tuued In ~ta Me.ea than .were taken out l1111t year al this aame Umt<. Majority ')f theu are new bu.slnes11ea a nd traruifer bU8fneues. according-to Hartzler. Barometer of the 1''..eaa bu11lneN prosperity le 11ale11 tax collection. bllllf'd on l pf'r cent ot aarh aalea :lollar. During the 12-month per- iod trom April J, 1954 to Marrh 30. 196:'.> the ftll<'al department col- lel'led $100,889.86. An<I Hartzler lll'idf'd: "What Wf' collt'<'t •IOf'll not rtflPrt all 111tle1 tran1111.l'ted in Cos· la Mu a ." Broken down. tMna&c.Uou. haruh led by the t lsral department (1v• • pkt11re or how •.'lte1U1ive are operations of th11 city. Include-1 were l 111 bulldln~ appltoatJona, 11.169 plumbing rrrmlt•. 802 •ll'<'- ltlral p«'rm1t10, "'lx Mrupancy per· mlls. 322 st reel ~rmitll. HOT bua1- ne1111 lirem•f.'11, 1709 MJU tax l't· tumfl, 2666 dng' hcen11u, 9:H blcy- ~le licf.'nSf.'~. 99 varta.ncea, M Mlb· 11vl81ona or tr~ta and 310 mill· NEWPORT-BALBOA PIONEt:I~ -Still going strong and proud of it. are Mrs. Miriam Blaich and a gas range on which she has been fixing daily meals for more than 35 years. Range was bought second-hand by Mrs. Blaic h's mother, Mrs. Mary Miller, when cottage 11till 'tanding at 1319 E. Balboa Blvd.. was fir!'!t built in September, 1920. ''LITTLE GREY MILLER" NOW BALBOA LANDMARK House Blaich's Built in Family 1920 by Was All Mrs. Alone On Sept. 10. a little ~rey cotta~e at 1319 E. Balboa Blvd .. will be 35 years old. and its owner, Mrs. Mariam Blaich, nearly twice its senior, will probably celebrate the occasion by taking two d ips in the ocean and by cooking her many friends a large meal-on a gas rai:ige which has bf.'en a part or hl'r d&JI~· life ~111ce the cottage wall built. And when the me1t l bu put thl'm in a contemplative mood. Mrs. Bhur h wlil undoubtedly tell her tr1en<ls about somt• of the many {'hang1•11 thal havP taken plarr in the Newport-Balboa Rrl'a In lhe third-of-a-century-plus of the cotta,::r's exli;t!'n<'o• O:"\LY HOl°:'•'Jo; It wa11 on Sept. 10. 1!120. that wo1 kmen first bt'gan buildm" the sm11ll strurturl'. Al the tune It was the only house In thlll part of the mainland penin~uht that face!l the sea. Outy two other hoW!es 111 the 111-ea, bvlh turtng the bay, f'ICl-"ll'.f ul<ini!' th<' l<and roatl then known o.s Co•ntral A ,.l'. The many changes llln<''-' 11120 have affectt'fl the Blaich proper- ty as th.-y hHVt' f.'verythlng ,,lsf.'. A t wo-sto riert building. ... N·t••cl In the <'Iii iy '30s. now stands be· twee11 t he 1·ot tage And th~ bouh'- vard, But the cotta1w 111 11till very n1111·h 1n ev1<.1enc•'. a livlni; remm.fo•r of e111 Iler dtt \'.R. Anolher HC'tJve me"mento •)( Balboa'11 "youth" la the haa·o.ly ga1t range wh1C'h ll!rs. Blaich pur- 1·haJ1t>d frum a 111>1·onrl-hanJ Jm~l· er in Santa A n11 1n 1920 1t.nd Wh)Ch hnll servrd her falthrully e ver l'lll• l'. Thi• 1 ani.:c, a rt I~· bran•I -nam .. tl "Rt'llable," s till turlR the r nokinJi: of picnic meals tor a... many all [>(I penion~. as well 1111 i<erving Mr11. Bla11•h'11 daily nl'•·•lll. OLD }'AITJIFt11. The range, whJch alread\' had SPPn severa.I years' serv1r" ·b··fore Mrs. Blauch !)ought lt In 1920, h1t• more than liwd up l o Jts bnrnd • naml'. The nnlv maln- lf'nance it's had during· the 3!'i year11 ur Mrs. Bla l<'h011 ownPr8hip ha.~ het'n a J'tl.an~r nt h11rner11 the or11:1na I ones Wc>1 e loo com- plicatrJ for Mn <. Blawh an ovt>n r\'llning. and a co11l nr two ot 11luminum pRmt Mr11 Blaich tovf'11 to rook on "Oh.I Rf'll11 ble " In fact. t he onlv other a c11v1ty which vie11 w ith cookm11 for hi'!' favor 18 11wim- Balbas skyline. One amatl "iren· t>ral store" 11ntl on,. 11mKll food m arket were the only cnmmer· clal establishments Balboa In 1920 we1< slrirtly a summer re:!Orl . poputatru by hnr<lell of visitors who came down via thr sole> route through Santa Ana-the Parif1c Co1111t Hl~hway d1d not Y«'l exli<l tn ~pend week- end11 tenting on the beach. In w inter. the small community wu compll'tely boarded up. DIS<'O\'ERR BALROA ll wiu on just such a Wel'ken(! outing that Mr11. Blaich and her mother ti"r1<t <liscovered Balboa. They were llvrng Jn Whlltier - Mrs. Blalch still spen.ls the bulk or her ye,ar there-and allt>ncled the annual Whittler p1cnlc on the l'llnd or thf' t htn little . k nown Balboa penln11ula. So enamorl'd wei·e they or thr beach ,·ommunity lhal they c;11m• back for two more weekend oul· IOI{!!. then decu:letl to build their original gr"y cottage. ln the in- tervening yea rs. the family has spf.'nt a good dl'al of its time 1n the r ottai;:e anti its environs Mrs. Btak h's son. J ohn A. Bla1t'h. d1o.I much of his growing up tho·re. Th. iopell of lhl' ocean strongly 1nfl11Pncf.'d J ohn. who sprnt th" w ar years in the Navy, and who .sllil hold11 the r1tnk ot Lieutenant Commander In the Na· val HeRerve. He now hves not too fllr away In Costa Mesa a nd ha" h1~ own 8Ummer home nl'xl tJoor to hla mother'• property In Balboa. ORt:AT llXPl'..Cl'ATIONS Mrs. Bla.il'h haa &een much changt In Balboa and expecls to 11el' a lot more. She's content with that l!late of ttilng11. how - ever. 11lnce change h1111 always bf.'en the ordn Of life. She knows some things will continue to giv,. ples11ure. hov.•ever. Such u a big wide octan h11n1lv tor twlee-dally iowlmming. nn<I A1 j!nnrl meal fo cook -on "Old Reliable.'' ~;;,;;.~ ... +m:.;,'=nL__;~_!...n,...11_&L oJ .nearly 70. 11h" lllill ta kf.'.!1 dnily morning a nd aft..ernoon sw1111.!I t hRt len ve manv ~·011ngster11 trslhng far behin<l I~ the 1<urf. Rivera Attacked _ bf Knifer; Arm Slashed in" Fray PLAN~;tXt• HlR DANCE -Young Republicans gather around to discusa their forthcoming dance at lnrine Coast Country Club. Fr<>m left, Mn. Forrest Allinder, Gene Charles. Mn:t. Gene Charles, Forre1t Allinder, Mra. Robert Manhall and Rob- ert Marshall. -Beckner Photo County Demos to Hear leader 11 $111 Dinner cellt•d hlt 1peaktnr enr•r•ment on hit doctor'• ordn1. Gov. Lea11at 11 one of Ule youngHt ,-ovemore ln the coun- try and the tint Democratic !{CW· Young Republican Dance Scheduled ernor of Penn11y lvan1a ln 20 yean . llxlh Informal dance epolUIOred lia n A. Kimball. former 8 ttre-by thl' Yountc RepubUcan11 ot Or· tary ot th" Nary, 11 ,-eneral &11ge County will be held P'rtd&y, chairman for tht Loe Angele11 Stpt. 13 at Irvine C:O.al Country dinner. C lub. · Orange County chalrma.n for Bob Bur)le, dance chairma.n. the dinner are Paul Dutt.on. kn-Mid ticket. are now availa ble DfomO<'ratll' Na tlon&I Committee I.A Ana oil dealer and r.-tn ft11 and rf.'l'tr'\'atlont 1hou1'1 be made StOO a plat• dinner at the Loa T.stenhov!', SMla Ana attorney. 11oon. Only JS<> couplet can be Anplu Biltmore bowl on Thun-Tk kt ta for the dinner may be acrnmmodat1-d. day e~nJnr. Sept. JI'>. Gnv. Lead· purchalfd dil"fCUy from them. A Bob Burke. Fortell AilJnder rr npl1re.s formn Presln«'nt Har-lut• d•ll'lrllllc>n 2.t_orange Co11n-an<1 D1111 Rolw'rt11. r>;ewport Hu- ry Truman who WA$ flrt g-ln11lly I'" '1rmncr11tl' I~ rla nnint to at· I bor are in oharre ot local ticket SANTA ANA. IOC'NSl-Oo''· Gf'Ort• M. Lea{h•r or Pennsyl- vania will be the 1peaker a t lhf.' echedult'd u lhe 11ptaker but can-tend the Democra t dinner. l&le1. Sht> hu 10 t1·avpl farffier "thl'~f' day,. 111 R"t t(I the WRtH. hrow- l'VCI', \\'hen 1<hP an.t h"r mother. Mrs. Mar~· Mil lf'1-. fln•t built the ~A l\'TA A:'\A IOC'NSl -Thom· rnltage known :.11 "The Lit tle 1t.!I F . Rl\·rra, 311 Ogle St .. CQst.a Grey Miller," thl' o~·t>on Willi so Me~a. 1mffrr'erl a r;ra11h on h111 lt>C.l Cl"llr at han<l th11t hiizh tit1l'11 of-nrm when h<' wa11 attacked by a ten 11wept up unr ler th1• p1lP11 on knife • w1i'IJH outsidl' the T11l- wh1r h lhf' <'l')ltaJ:e was built. bt•rt Cafe. 18021 Bu11hard St e11r- :"\ow, i;and a n<l 111ll h&\'t' left the ly Sat11rd11)'. cottag1> ne11rl~· a qunrter m1lr Shrriff'11 tlrput1P11 "R!d th re e trom tht' "hore. .•l1lch••!1 wrre requlre<1 to cloae ('f,(l~f:R TO St:.\ R1vrr'11 W(t\llHI. He WU treated S1•me of the oth.-r rhRngPs In by a Huntington Beach doctor. thr days 11ln<·e M rl'. Blak h saw j Rivt>rR 11a1d he was approached the "Old R!'hnbl!'" g11i; r11n11e tied 111 the raff' by a Mrxic11n nation· nn lhe hnr k of a ModPl·T F'or<l I Rh11t who invltrd him outside. for thl' lonK jnumey from hl'r Whrn tht>y ~tepp<'d out the door. home In Wh1t11f'r to Ba llioa e re I lhe victim said he wu aur- a kPy to th,. rhan,£ln11: h111tory rounded by lhrPe or tour nalion- of the tnl1re N"wP<>rt Hsrbor 1 Rhsts. One of them elire<l him &l'f'a. with a po<'kH lrn1fe, he M id. ln tho"P day~. for lnstt1nce, thP Tht 11usprcl thf.'n leaped back famed Pavilion wn11 a relat1\'ely 1n the r afe. Rlvf.'ra 11&id he waa new lamtmark. serving a~ a popu-locked out of the place. Hl11 cou- ular dance pal11ce and !LAI rupnl& 11in R ichard Sianez of Santa Ana a rudy rPferPnce point on thr-took Rt\'era to the d<>i'~Or. Orange St. Rezoning Set for Public Hearing Next Month Reaoning of OrsngP St .. bf.twttn Eil11t 15lh a.ncl 16th St.Jo. will roml' UJ' at a public heanng Oct. ll, It wu decided al the mPttlng of the city council Tue11da y ntrht. Suizr;rHtlon that t he ru.onlnr;r qUl'lltlon aWftlt 11<1nptlnn nt. th,. city maater p lu waa an-ered by City Manager George Corfty. who •lated that the propoeed n - ~onlnt fitted Into the muter plan aa preMnty desll'Otd and that It woul!1 b4! four m onth• or more bPfnrt the muter plitn co11M be 11pp1 ,,,.,.,! whtll' lhl' Orange It. )ob ehould be •lloved a.1Qn1 . • SANTA ANA tOCNS\ -Al'· <'U!<!'d of Issuing two worthles11 C'hecks, J o11eph C. Leddy, 21 , ot Ball)oa, A 11g. 211 pleaded guilt ~· on :me rount and asked for a pro· bation hearinl(. S,yptttor ,Court Judge John Shea complied, aettlng Sept. 23 aa the dale tor probation hearing, 11en- tencing • ancl rlra on the other bogue check allf.'gatlons. Leddy wu r•le111ed on hi11 own rel'ognizan<'e when Alty. Harold Leddy told the jurfge hf.' wiu cer- tain the,boy woul11 relurn for hu1 rourt appointment. The defenclltnl is thf' son of the attornry'11 nep· hew, The dt'fen<lanl'11 a ll,.gt'd bad ::hrcks werl' fnr Sl!'t rach, BOOM OROWl~(i And the t:>oom 111 appart>ntly n ill g-ro~1n_g', For t he u h.•s t ax :-nllecllon JllSt received by C'o:itll Mesa t or the three-month period en<11nll;' .June 30, 1951'1 waa $30,· 'H2 22. hlgh1'r 1t111n any quutl'r reporl<'d during the pn!\'lr•ua 12· m!lnth' period. By quartl'n en<lmg M11rr h :1 1. Sept. 30. Dtoe. 31. J9M . 11n•I MAr•·h r ellaneoua tran11actlon11. Suits Taken, Found Theft or a bathing-llUlt tram her own line and rlndtnr cl ~ b11thfn1: 11ultll which dtt1 not be- long to her family wer. reportett to prllcP Aug. 30 by Kn. M. Glickman ot 31 7 Coronado It. ShP Mid th!' sult11 were ~ ~ 11 hup on the 1ldewalk. "Th~~ct lilce royalty since their OK Used Carl" Treat yourself royally · at an easy-So-pay pric.e, with an OK Used Car! OK U~ Can are ftt for a king because they're thoroughly illlpectcd and scicntifica!Jy_ reconditioned. 'Though OK U~d Cars ca'iTy popular pricn, they carry our wrinen warranty. tool Sold.only by an Authori.:e<l C11cv1olet Dealer f MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Our New-Used Car Lot 700 W. Coast HiCJhway Newport IMch 1951 DeSOTO cu. Clb. crw. R-H. Aut.omatlr- New Tlr- $665 1951 PONTIAC C1'Jettan Deluxe !-door, It-ff, Hydramatl~ $695 @ 1952 CHEVROLET h Toa Pk:kup- R..i.r -d t "!>a"' .. ,...._ L"1»0l at Used Car Bargains 1953 CHEVROLET ('on\·. ('pe. R-H, Pwr. Cllld..._ WSW Tt.,._Rlue with Rlul' Top-- $14t5 1954 FORD V -8 F' ordo r "'"1. .ll't Black q1th w~w Tt"":- $1195 1953 CHEVROLET "t1r I-door. Sold MW' Md 1111'"""'4 by t•. :- $995 1951 OLDSMOllLI Holiday ()pr. R-11. BJdn.- WRW TI~,_ wttlt Wida Top--.fM41rinl' L8le N9"1- $1245 1952 HILLMAN Convf'rtl,,._~ Rad.lo-Heatf'r, A 0... S-w!- $591 191J CHEVROLIT Chlb Coupe wft.11 ... Ollnl'eW Al'<'f''"'Wl~ $891 Used Trucks at Sensational Savings 1950 FORD 1946 CHIVROLIT 1 ~ Tom Flat Bed--I 11Pf!'ld ,._, ut.J Md eaoel .... nUH- $795 $595 $295 MILLER CHEVROLET Lucky 1 K• Konat 700 W. Coad Highway 'A6~ 4 . PA~T 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY. SEPT. 12, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICI I ~~Bllllc1~1 -~'ltte ___ _ On 1h\1 IOlh d•Y ot SeptemMr to-"11 \ J, JI>~. btfore me. ROBERT El.MER J LARSO!'\ •· \\'11..1.MES. a ~Ot&rY Public 721 W Ualb<la l:lh'J 1n snd tor aid County and Stat•. Balboa, CaJttom1a pm1ona lly appeared JOSEPH B J.~ H. HOL.FORD LOUGHU~ and DANIEL \'. U6 S '1A" Stl'ffl HA YES, known to me. ROBERT T\u1lln. California 1-· \\'ILLMES, to be the ~r'!On5 WITNESS our handl th11 26th I whnu n11mea are .. ub.scr!~ to day of Au~us1 19M •he ~ tlhln 1N1trumtnl, anJ at'-11 E UllER J LARSON k"nwlcdged to me that lhtY f'll· s l'" H HOU---ORD tl'Ultll the aarne. ST.AT!-: OF C-AU'FORNl.A J:'\ WfTNP.SS WHEREOF. I , COl':\'Tl' OF ORA?\m: lu . hl\v(' hueuntu aet my h11nd and ON THIS 26th d11y or Auruat, nfflxM my o!flc1al ual the day A n 19~6. brfore mt'. ROBERT JI'. on1l year In 1h11 l.'erllftcate 1lr111 I WILLMES. A Noter_v PubUc In abm·~ wrltl t'n. I anJ for the 11\ld County t.nd State. ROBERT F WH.LMES re!!ldlng thrreln. duly <·omn1laa1on- Notary P 11bllc In and tor 11ild ••ti t1nd sworn, personally appea.red <'ounty t1ml Stat..-. ELMF:R J LARSON and F, H. ~IJ 111111 H.>LF'ORD k nown to me to be the ;\°('Wll·l're.tUJ P 12. IP. 26. 10 3 19!)~ j perMns whoa'° naml!a are 1ubacrlb· ed to the within lnl!t runicnt, and ('t :RTlt"H 'i\Tf: Of" 8('SCXES8 a1•kno\\'lt1Jgf'd 10 me lhAt Ulty t •U "l'ITIOt'S t'IRl\. ~Al\lt: exer utt'J lht al\ml' THE llNOERSIGKEO do here-lN WITNESS WHEREOF. I I l)y certify that they are conduct-I have hereunto aet my hand and '"' a boat repair bualnna at 2703 aJflxed my official ..a.1 the day \\' C'o:i.iit Highway. Newpor t and year In lht. Certlflrate flnt Bearh, Callfo1 nla, under the tlcll-abo\'t written. lh)US (II m name or AL .. FR.AZ I • ROBE.RT F. \VILl..MJ:S Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ounselves 30 )'UN flllperitnNI Llcel\Md It 1neured. SaUataclloa (U&l'&lltHd. ic.timaua tr.. Call JG!MUlle. LI 8-2687 6 LI 8~289 81t1c: Adams Plumbing Rcp~ir -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION lel? Cecil Place, eo.ta )I .... Llberty I-7&27 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. O. Andtl'IOll 101' E. B&lbOa Blvd-B&Jboa Harbor 2'60 UltC! Elec. Tool Repair EXPERIENCED GARDENER wttk or month. Uberty 1-~Ut atur •. Ille fll!CRl:A TION AL DIRllCTOA ,._ cenlly rtlllmtd l'tom Europe. W•t lndlM. DMll'M pa9iUOD U trav.IUlJ comp&nton. P.O. 9ox 2t7, Bever ly Hiila. lea SHOWBOAT'S SKIPPD M a 1 t e r a unlimited. A...oable aahort! or a.noat. Kl l ·SMO J:xperlm ctd mlddlt ac9d --. want. rompanlonahJp Job. Pre- fer nltu at home. Har. llOl·J 4d Roy's. Maintenance Houae ~11oor ....... wau ~-wtndow ow••• Venet.l&n bllDda. U plltolilUrJ IM\U'td. rre. Jl'ilt•matee ~7,._1U3. Ute Sidi Saw•, ~. Sanden QUICK llERVICZ LEWCO ELEC'I'RJC CO. CLLUQNQ It IJ\ONINQ ~ ._e •M No. Newport Bl'fd., Npt. Bch.. da•. ----·oe4. a.n.o. 111u4 Liberty t-ISU. fftte ,, -..-.-- TROPHIES AND MORE TROPHIES HOAT VARIJ and thal uld firm My Coinmlslon Expire. l.s compnstd of the followtng per-Novrmbtr HI. 196~ l'l'lnt. who~e nlllllt'<O 1n run and :-\n 11<1:\ ~tows-Pres• placu of ri>~Mence are' u tolloWll, 1 '29. 9 -!I. 12. 19, 19~ pre/err.cl. Kl MON. tt PAINTING? Not eurpriaing to anyone who has been around sail- ing circka wa.e the victory of J oyce IMrs. Alyn l Nielffn skippering her Sjohaxa in the Arbitrary Di- vision of Newport Harbor Yacht Club's annual Gold Coast Race. J oyce's dae , Bill Horton, hu been win- nlng trophica for many a year and quite evidently has passed hie tillering ability on to his daughter. From Jett: Alyn Nielsen. crew' meniber ancf proud of his wife's victory; NHYC Vice-Commodore Haruld Pearcy; Mrs. Nielaen; Commodore Harry Mann : Harvey Somers. whose Calif.-32 Amorita came up a winner again in her class and Howard Lawson who brought his PCC Diune in ahead of the fleet. -Beck- ner Photo DELIVERY GUARANTEED Call J'OP'S non-union ahop. Ca n U.N new cU1tomf'r11. Orani1 County 20 ye11r1. Kl 3-91Sl or Kl 2·61131 after 6. THANKS. 97pll BAU, ROOM DANCIHO Df· ~TRUCl'lON 1A tM pttftC7 Of yolk OW'D bome. 87 lll&tllre colle"e mu. quallfl~ tutnlc· tor. P:x°'llant nofermc. .. Ooup- laa or lndlv1duala. P.O. ._ U6 Balboa Ialand. ~ Expe~ Woman looku on Ang .. rounty JAii FrlrlAy at 1·20I J h H B ·ec1 Citizen Arrest :· p:~ly•!:;:tl· c~~t11·::~·~:~~:;l t:: I 0 nny agerman Uri DC'livery of lbe Newport Harbor Newa-Preu ia guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papera be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper ts not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. House Plans LIBERTY a.al51 lotlt and CLEAN UPI Llberty s-1• t.-Martha F ranCl'll Engle. J7, of arrf'&l Wl\8 L. 0 Tidus. Alpha as Commu·n•1ty Mourns Boy l!lanta Ana. wu booked Into Or-Beta M11rket lnve11t lp tor. Classified Alcoh0Ua1 A.ooaymou Wrtt. P. 0. Bas Ill Swedish LadlM, -by your homt. CW thtM MMttlonel Uw Ctt Valued CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS Come '" our tremendovs aelection of Quality UMd Con of rock-bottOl'll P"ices. All thoroughly Safety-Check.ct l6 woyt ••• all bocked 11p by Chry,ler's Sig n of Q11alityt 1952 Chrysler New Yorl&er ..................... $1295 ..... I-tome llrowa. Fully equipped Loaa1 Olle ear OW'Der 1953 DeSoto Y-8 ................. " ... _. .......... p ........... $1495 • 4-door !Wldan. 2-tonc Blue. V~n· dean C'&r. Po"·~r stftrin~. Radio & he-atu 1950 Ford Conv. Coupe ................. ~ .............. $645 Radio, heaur. Overdrl\·p, Cream eoloN'd. Ex~ll~nt top 1954 Plymouth Station Wa9011 ............... $1995 1..--hixf' modf'I. AntomafiC' tran11ml~lon radio, hf'alfor 1953 Chrysler Club Coupe ..................... $1495 U J:hf J:rN>n. Radio, hf'atn, powf'r 11tf'f'rinJ:. 1954 Ford Club Coupe ....... -..................... $1495 HNttc-r, O\'f'rdrh'P. A n-ally elf.an rar. 1951 Mere. Sta. Wa9on .............................. $995 Radio, o\·er·drlw. !111'w tirf"S. ~otor ()\'f'r- haul. t:xC'f'l~nt wood. Only 1950 Chrpler Windsor .................................... $675 -i-ctoor Mdan. 1.iJ:ht J.!rf'~. I AlC'~I one 0\\'11f'r. l,ow milf'&JCP. M'A~·y OTHERS TO ( HOOst: FROM l..OW J>OWN!i\ -1,0\\' BASK PAYMENTS All Cars Carr~· the Crown Warranty Look fnr the <'hry•lf'r "Sltrn nf Quality" ~I: Lou Reed . Chry1ler-r,ymouth Dealer 1200 W. Coast Highway-LI 8-3486 SA:-."TA ANA. IOC'NS ) -A ----------~ llttlr b(IV who wO bo!Jl Ju11t l!'I Son for I -Clechs N nrport BeacJa., Cam.. PboDe 11ut1or •TM r ormuty mUMUM at A.noowtt.ead llprlnp Hotel. Ml Pleue call Ha111or •TN # •r. Ytar:'I RKll In Orangr wt nl back ... "' that 1 lty F'rlJay -lo rl'81 A boy wu bom Aug 27 In furrvc-r. St J h '-' I l 'I un·' ~~~~~~~~~~~~-0292. LlttJ" Jt1hnll \' Hngtrman O l ' osep o OSpll& 0 ''I n u :-; ewp11rt lt ... 11·1; wa!§ bunPd a t I Mrs. Maui Ice J . Lo!CI~ h or .'1{15 f Meh u~" ,, blwy t -.•mdary. Ht Knowell Plan•. Cv11ta Ml'~&. Tht> dll'•I "" h<' Ji,1J hvt'<.I the p11s t n~w arrival we1ght'<.1 7 lbs. e oz I tour ) .. a1 1t a v1a•t1n1 vt mul!!'11lar I tJv~tr11ph.\' 1 •Many pt•••t•lf' 1111.:ht u lt why LEGAL NOTICE he l1t••I." l/1" l<••v. J oseph W. :\k· ------------- Shan~ of Costa Mel'& Communi· XOTICf: OF ISTE~Dt:D SAU ty Mctho1hlll f•hur<'h toll! !he NOTH.:E lS HEKED\' C IVE:'lt : small au1litnce that heard the final eulcii:y to th•• ('r!Jlplt>d but bright e,Yt•t boy. "l"o none ran answer why," the m1n1 s1er said, "Aul 1 think !hill eaeh of 118 hu h1it own mln1111 ry. Johnny HAKer· 11111n 1rt1111t h1we hAd his. Ht:'I life ha11 tourhrct "" n11,nv p<'rsonio mlllrte so many people atop and lhlnk .. 1'hr p"11tor w111 ref"rrln1t tn NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Coa•lal ~hoppn Ad• run lo rtJe Wffinf'l!day Smn-Ph'fla 4 Lints 1 Insertion Sl.00 add'l lines .25 ea. .i f.Jnf'!'I 2 lnM"rtionM 1.50 add'l llDH .2.'> ea. 4 Llnc>!' 3 Insertion" 2.00 add'L llnee .25 ea. 4 Llnr!'I .i ln!lerttonM 2.50 add't lloes .25 ~a. Situation \\ &nlf'd Adii "'Ill "'"rh'e 1~3 dh<'.ount. CaaJa IA advu ce oaly. Mixon·~ AD 1s ' u sr;s u•:Al.Jl.J~'ES tor ph1clng or cancelling ada are: 1-·or Mondny Publl('atlon -Friday 6 p.m. For WNlnrsday Puhlkallona -Tuesday 1 p.m. For F'rirtay P111>llrnt1on -Thursday l p.m. St:Wr ORT ffARROR Pt.:8USHJXO 00 . %!1 l JlaJhoa Bh'd., Newport Beach, Call~omla. -------------------------- ·"' Clu111rlrd Alla mu!lt he pa.Id fnr Cuh In ad\'&11<'9 of pabUoaUna.. !.!:::~ Aida Superfluous Hair P1nnane.nu1 ,_.., tl'OID face anna, lap. ll)'ebrow8 u4 balr Une -.bape4-No more~· ELL&N L. BRT A.NT R. a. Udo'a 8a.IOll ol Beuat7 Jl&r. 21171 "' 2Z-IA>At ud FOGDd LOST-GrffTI wallet Yklnlt,y ot N.H. Yacht Club contalninr Identification A approxlmaltly H O. Finder I• Invited to k"p money but pleue return lceep- aake wallet .l tdenUtJcatJon pa pera to Box A·4.2 Ulla paper. 3p6 STANDARD STATIONS Haa ope~ for llt&Uoa 8alemn• ...... 18-•0 Ort.nr-County 5-Day-40-Hour Week Hip .t&rlJnl' pey Excellent Beneftt.I Oood opportunity tor Advancement Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahl1& ud Oout Kl~ ConJll& de& Mar the ~hnrl ·llVf'd fame Jtttlo J ohn- ny and hi• l'QUllll)' • a!tllrled 13· year-old brolhl'r Tnmmy ret·eivf'd JU!il lwo week<0 ngo when ncw11· paptr11, radio nnd telf'vl1lon told about the boy•' plight and the elaborate flnt birthday party ever hf'ld for the youlha. On Aug. 211 Tommy'• birthday, Or· anirt C'ounty resldtnt11 joined h:rndii with Marinu from the El Tom M11nnP Base to put on a Tha l Balboa Pha1 macy Jm·. Vt>n· dor. whose adJresa a 716 t::. Bttl· boa Boulevard, Jn Lhe Clly of Newport Buch, County of Or· ange, Stale o( Cahfornl1. intends lo sell to Dona hJ A. Gunucrwn and Georgia E. Gunderson. Ven· deu. who8e a<ldreas 111 1681 Mira- mar Drive, in the City o( New· port Beat h, County of Oritnj.?t'. State or Cali!omla, the following ducrlbed periwnal property, to· wtl: The puhllshrr11 wlll not be reSJ'IOil!!lble tor more than one lnoorrect ln11f'rtlon or an 1111, resrrve lhe right to correclly clualfy any and all ad• and lo re;ect any ad not con!ormln .. to rulee and re6U)aUona. ctaaprnan Mid a,,..sr. LOST, Glrl'a ahell decorated bu-l'UDttt.ae birthday pa rty. F rldny, thf' boy who had al- w:w11 w11ntrd to be A Msnne. wu •·arr•<••! to hl11 final resting place by 111x Mn111r11 In 1h • 1<.• bhi.-11. He wu lald beside hla brother. D11vid 111..-0 & m11arol11r d\'ittrnphy vlrtlm. whn 1111'11 tour ye11r11 11gn. DEATH NOTICE Fl,O\'U ~t \RTIS S('01T all fucture11, equipment ot a Ct•rtaln Drug11tore bU!!lne&s. known u Balboa Pharmacy Inc., and located at 718 E. Balboa Bou- lnard In the Cit)' of Newport Beach, County of Orange. State of Callfomla Md that a 81\le, truufer and a.ulgnment or th~ ume will be made. and the con •lderation therefore will ht> oa1ll at 10·00 o'clock a.m .. on lhf' 20th day o( September. l9M. at the u crow di>partmtnl ot Bank or Amenca :-.<. T It S A. at •11ltl Bank's Balbo& Branl'l1. In thr Clly of Nev.1>0rt Bet1t'h. County or Or· &nK''. State of C11hrornut DATEn Srpti-mhrr 1. IRM RALBOA NlARMAC"Y INC Ry Lnnnll! R. Vlnc,nt \'enrlcir J)rm9Jll A. r:11nrt1•rioon Vcndre r.eorgta F.. Gt1n•lrr11lln \'tmfNJ Classified Index 1 f"u-raJ Sotll'M ! ('_,d uf ThankA 4 t"unPnJ Dlf'f'l'toni tn uu.tnl'•" (lultl., JI Rullltlnc-)fatl'rta.b I! Rnlldlnl( N-n ICf'!I l • J'••f"tJnAI• I~ i'lha~ 1·11ur C'ar 18 Tran11portatlon l'l Knofln&' J8 Brau!\· Altl• !I} HrMlth Ahl• !! IA>•I and f·mmtf !4 Srhnnl•. ln•lnu-llnn Zll l"ltuatllln• \\ l'ntl"d :?It 11,.lp Wanlrtl llO Mll&rf'llancn1111 llll·A l'l\\'&I'" :Ill-ff J\ PllJlllDl'f'll lll \\'n.ntl'fl to t\11~· JI'! t'urnlt "'" for Sale ll~!-i\ i\ntlqn,.~ t111 ~r.,11 , r.r1. nf .:12 RIVPr11 Trr· Nn 6n1 T'rc.~s !}, 12 M llll nnah. :-111ppllr• ll4 M1111lral. Radh1. T V ll:"> l>O&'IO. c '11 I.. Pf'h ri<1·r Wiii br tnmnrrow. 11 11. m. ------------- •t B11IC7. Mortuary, l'hapl'I hv ·'·"· A-2621a lhll ~r~. C'orons M l Mer. The XOTlt't; TO CREDITORH SS l'oultry 37 IJ \•1•11l1wk Rr\' \\· R. Hall of 1.Akewond ("omn111n 1tv <'hurch. l..11kf'wnod VIU111:e a nd Rt\·. t; 1· ("~mke nr ( ·.,mmunll \' ("h1111 h '" C"oruna d,.I Mar will nfflrlatr ~Ir Stnlt tl11'1I FrttlAy Ill Hoag I II ••r-11Rl Rrtrr R 11hrrt llln,.~11. He hR•I h''"•I In the (,'ommunity for I ht' f'RJIL five Vt'ara. H• WI\!! born 1n llllnolio nn I waio In the 21th l lf'Jrliol•l111,. nf W,·omtng In 1937. Th•• 1!N•t11~,..1 w&11 p11~t cnm- manJl'r or Kn111hl1 Trmplu a In ,,·,·111mnl{ whrre hr hved rirevl· nuiilv l•l romlni: ln Ca.llfom11<. HP .,.,.,.. 11 r"lll'f'd rAr ;J,.Alrr. HI! w9a 11 hll'mber nf lht Communlt,• Ch•1rrh In f"oMna def Mar. · Surv1vr•n1 8rt• hlio wir(', Edith I n( the homr &ddr<'it~: three s.,ng. J nmes nr \\'yomin~. JO.tlrph or '"'"It Bea ch. J ohn of Corona drl ~lllr, l't1:ht jfrlndchlldrf'n. lnl,.mmenl will be SunnyJ11l1le C-t>nwtrry In Lc>nK Beacb. -For the finest In Commerrlal Prlntlng ca ll Harbor 1616, Job Prfnl111g nepartment. El'ITATE ot• WI L Ht; l. MIS A Sil lilp<•dal J\n;;1•1tnl'"m"nt 39 Aut1111 \\'&nlf'll FRt:OERICKA \\'ARD. aka 40 Anti>" tor i'al,. \\11.LO\\' t•A \'t; WARD, aka 41)-A Tlrr• fi Paro WILLOW t '. WARD ~c-i 41 Auln !'ltn!I-., NOTICE l~ HEREBY GIVEN 42 Trrillr no to the cretl1tor<0 or and all pereon11 4ll Alrplan~ having l'la im.8' sg811111t the aaJl'f cJe· .f7 \\ ant•·d to Rl'nt ct'<lent or said tl tlll t t 1 th 1 <&II Aph. A: llnu,.... tor Rent e 0 1 " en <&8·A Aph. for Rrni with the nec·t.oumry vnurhe1 ~ In •ll·R n,.11..,.. for Ro•nt lh<' ot!1re oC lhe l"l<"rk o! the SU· 4"-<' Tra.ilf'r !'lf'llM' pcrlor Court of t he Stale of Call-49 Rnom11 for tc .. nt fornla. In s nd for the County or 49·A Jl#t<t Hom,.,. Orange, OT' \n pTtt!'Tlt thr 111tm10, •t-R Room k Board with !he nf'rr.'l.!ary \'oUl'hrr_., to Ml R1•nt, .Ml•r. the unrter:oignrd Bl hl11 nr ht1 -'~ filtor1•" '" Offtrr-1 , ;,!f. \ n11~1n .... ot l<f'ntnl• p ace of bu.11n,.1111. ~o-w1t: ;,~ 81111,0 ,.,." uppor tnnlllP• WILBERT F. \\ARn .U :\foni·~· t n 1.o:in c o Ht:R\VTTZ & H1 'RWTT Z. :\fi Mon1·\· \\ ant1•1I Attorneys a l Law ~7 Rl'•I 't:11111t!'I \\'IUlt•'d 261 l Xewport Rl\'d . ~rwporl Bt'Bch, Cahrnmla within 11lx months 11fler t he t1r11l Special Notlcett puhliratfon oC this notlcr ---~----- Dated Seplf'mher 9, 19b5 y Newport Harbor WILBERT F. WARD B. P. 0. E. A•lmlnl~trntor or lhe E1· 1767 late of llBJd dl.'<'edent. HURWITZ A HllRWlTZ M<'••ts <'V<'r)' Thuraday S pm. Altom eya at Law Via Oporto Ctntral Ave. ket purM cont&inln~ preacrtp-1:30 to t :IO &.m. tton ctaaeee It wallet. Ubual Monday It ~a. H ell rewal'd. 2227 Cliff Drive. N-- port Beach or eaL LI 8-11143 WANT R.&AL UTATll IALS8· alter t w MAN or brow. Jl'aJnlllar wtth Painting, Decorating Paper Hanlin& GEO. BURKHARDT L08T-M&11'1 2 C&rat d1amoad rlnJ, pla1n mounting-on N-- J>Ort Bf'ach near pier, Reward. Call RYan 1~263. 3c!5 UCENBED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 18th St., Coeta )lua Llberty 8-8828 COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENJC 0. 8AUNDl:R8 FOUND on be~. tn~ement rln,; and weddln~ band. Phone oxrord 6-t088. 4pt LOST Jar.I(• blar k ma1e ca t from Irvine Terrace. REWARD. - H.sr. %291 4pt !\00 Jiit Street, Newport S..Ch ------------- Hfl1'bor ~78 or Har. 44411. tic General Contractor CONTRACTORS LICENSED ALL CLASSIFICATIONS Nr w Work -RemodeUng STtrOY In 11pare time fnr contrac- J. MILTON McKENZIE I tor'11 f':iramln11llon unclrr a ir;en· Harbor 0693-J 58tfc eraJ contnctor wi th 25 yean I nperience. Clusea Tuu. and __ C_D._t_E_N_T_&_B_Ul_LD __ IN_G_ F'rl. evr11. 7:30 p.m. Attend firat 1es11lon free. Be~n anytJme All Kinlls FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 29U WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & \\i"axing etc. RES JOENTIAL & OFFICES J,I 8-1623 Al Tyler School 1611 Nn. Rro11dwav. Santa Ana Ph. Klmberly 2·422is or Kl 7-3611 Super-Market TRAINING CENTER tie Grocf'ry Cu hleni and Meat Wrap- per ... Make $80 to $120 ~r wk. Call tor •ppolnlmenl lo learn more about thlll trirtnfng. C A R P E N T R AL TYLER Schoo la E 1611 No. Broadway Kl 7-31111 I Repair Work Hc1 Doe. Your Home NHd R.epah1nt I or Rt.model.inc! Rea Call Frank. L.Iberty 8·1116t Estate School Santa Ana All Work Guaranteed Httc in FOR RENT I Skill Sllwa, Elcc. Or1ll1, Pollahera, alt t~ ot SandeJS, Wb"lbar- rowa. f'tc. BOYD'S HOWE. M'EN 6 WOMEN prepare ln rp~ time for unlimited opportunttlee In Real Eat&tt. New cl&aMI Wl'f!kJy. A.I Tyler ln.ltnlctJnr . At- tend tint evmlng fr" arid lu.rn about t.hl• CTeat tkild. C&U or wrfle now. Hartlor ~ Top conunl8'on to OIW wtJio WA n t.a to ID&JI e 1nOMJ 6 DOt afraid to wwk. BOUl!ITON JlEALTT eot Oln· • ter I t., o.ta M.._ U .... 11 -mn. Bar. UM-W. ttc A 'ITl:NTION .ALL BOYi - TIU NEWl·PRDS ll ¥W taldll,; earn... applJc&tJona tot routee In lh ... netp~:- Balboa, Wtet N.wpert. BM11oa b ., N9'rport ~ OllrmA d,J Mar and Coeta JI--. It you an U ·H f1"L old, 8M kff a b6eyde, app17 at U.. Clrala- tlon Dept., Newport Barbor N..,.·Pnm. nu ll&lllO& m.d . Newport 8-ch. behnee 10.12 a. m. or •-& p. Ill. ~ -.pt 8aturdaya. Uo P'INl'l OPltNINQ ft:Jr lood r-1 Htat e MltllbaL Bolt a-'1 thl• paper. l c5 Beacon Personnel 100~ emploJw a rt Red &ltDCJ NO f• coUect.c! !rom applicant We bave ucell. Oil t., toe PBX OPDATOR.a, Top ~ llmoa, eucuUn Mant.uy, W- 1•1· bk'kpr.; reed7 to ...., _,.. la"Y· dornMU~ time and live In. De* elerk, .......,..,. deak c:l .. rk. !maw) Me•• Me man, houaebo7, and .._ Mir dlllhwu her. BEACON Pl:.R.8QIRN'IL 'U·311t w .\NTED womaa four an-. a week. Ute hCJU.MWOT1t, ........ • cook dinner tor I. ~--­ required. LI 1·11141 an. Ip. m. kl S'PEEDY J~ ROBERT MANDIC ---·"~ 2611 Newport Boulevarcl l\"ewport Beach 2630 W, COAST HIGHWAY :-.ewport Bench, California Albert H. Matthe\&.'I!, Exalted Ruler Ubtrt:r 1-343~. Newport Bcb 28Uc Attorney• for Administrator No. 608 12-BuJldlng ~n1ces ASPHALT TILE Al Tyler School >till No. Broadv.'ay. Santa Ana KI 7·361l·Kl 6·341111-Kl!: 8-26U trc W ANTED-MJU men tundt:aft ~ aemblen It p&lnt.rl .,..,_. OID LI l .U32 W WANT part Ume ~ 111 Palm. Balboa. can .,.._. I KI 2·14118 k l LOTS ~ CAQS t..OOK .5'1"'1V ANO N•~E oi-. '\,..E C:VTS10E, BUT RE'l.<EM8Eq 1T S W••ll•r'.S INS•OE er n-EM T'HA,.. MAAI~ n-.EM GO! -- :-.ews-Preu II 12. 19, 211, lCl 3. M -CT.RTr.·tcATE o•· ru· .. 1.st:l'I!' FtctlUon• Ftnn Sam.- The underslgnl'tl do ht>reby cer· ltty that they are con,h11.'llng a 1 t · tall furniture buJtintAA at 26:•1) W. ('out H ighway Ntwport B<'lll'h. Calif.. untlf'r t hl' fl!'tltlou• flrin name or .Ne"'1>0rt F11mll11r• Co. and that 11ald rtnn Is comf>O~l'tl •Jf the followlnr J>t>r~n11 wholll! names and adllrtaite1 are .., fol· lows, lo·W1l f>anlel V, K&yea, 1424 Serttnade Tnr. Corona del M11r, Calif. Joseph B Lou~hlln, 6 U Helio- t rope, Corona de! Msr, Calif Wlt.neu our hand1 l hl1 10th day ot September. 19~ Joeepb a Loughlin Daniel V. K&yea STATE OF CALIFOR~IA. l COUNTY OF OR.ANOE ) ,. • PAINTING Aluminum \\'&JI Tile Mtgn. Pl11trlbuton Whotunle pr1cu to JYTF.RJOR -EXTERIOR C-ontr11rtori1 A: Tile Stttrr1 LICE:-.SED -L"SU'REO LI 8-74!J3 6~tfc Glenn J ohnston :iol • Jiit St. Newport Beach I Harbor 3176 2U!c Somebody Wants 11t11t llRt<.I 1urnlt111 e bl-lc·a·brac, ASPHALT TILE LINOLEL'M lnal&ll th• above r heaper thi'h must. Al~o J11•ll Tll4' & L1n11l~m11 Non-union, 21'> yon fl!Cptorif'nt·" C'ompart Rn<I ~ - en,L COJ(}:R H8r. HP.~ or Lonr Bnt>h 7·6Vi:l. ~9ttt l't1•. nvw taking up •p111.:e In your ----------~11;::·" buyer with An ad In New•· PAINTING Preu Cla.u.1!led. Ju.a~ phone Hu-1 M W RQSS bor 11118 la aay : •I w11nt to pl.ace • • & Cla11sltled Ad.'' 11nd a rourttoWI T.J 8-3:121 • LI 8-782! Bd•t&ktr v.·111 htlp you write an 280 Avocado, Cotta Mu• dt.euve •d. Mtlo 94Ue China Painting O.y and Evenlnr ClUMe Ordtra Tal&tn Now Phone Ul>erty 8-511~8 28-Sltuatlou Wanff'd ~-------------EXEl.UTIVE aecrelary 36, per- 1111nable, tu1. accurate d"J>'°nd· able 17 yra. dlver•lfltt•I uper1· encf' with top u ecut lvr•. de· 1h"f'• poc1t1on wllhln 15 milt ra· diUJI Newp••rt e.u h. Harbor 391${1-R •!t l'r 2 p rn. 4C8 ---------C<Ju.£(;F.:' girl want.. room and board. Will baby 11lt ror part paymf nt. KF.llorg 8-4i 88 after 6 p.m 4~ BADY STTTJNO by hour, ~y or wttk, by mat~ W'OMlln Har. HM-M fpl W.A!l;T -Pennantnt e--. wo- men. Ahlo altl• wtrun. -., do lronln~. Har. 2171 Jr~ MA N It WJl'"ll want.eel tor part time J&nltor worl!. F'nr boura, t. evenl~a a weell. Wnte Boll >.311 thl1 pe~r. JJ>4 EXP. BA.BY er~. ' bnt. ~,. day. F ive day1 wk. Har. 2ttt-W 1efler 6 p m. J r3 MIUDLE MJEU COUPUll to me.n~• apt. ho11"" R•f..-ecu req11lrett. .r M Mlllf'r, Rarbor 4091-20:11\ W, R•lhne. Rl•d .. N pt. 8t8('h. k• HOSTERS part Um,, walU- full Ume. Bui boya p&rt ti.me. Fry Cook full ti~ la f.1ah wuhera pa,Y time. Aps>l:J' 8-ck Shop. 23()5 E . Cout lllPw•Y CDM. ac. ll!-Funlltun tor Sale CHEAPER BUY THE DOZEN -NEW- 12 PC. MODERN LIVING ROOM GROUP l nclud• bed divan, loun1er cha.Ir, ottoman, 2 atep ent1. I cockta.11 table, J 3-way t a ble lamp•. 1 3-way floor la mr. I ewtnl b&.N TV arm rocker, h12 Axmln111er MJg, 9>cl2 rug patl. $429.~ VALUE AT BAY $297.50 12 PC. MAPLE WOOD AR M PROVINCIAL LIVING ROOM GROUP lncludee llOf& ti.d. • pla Uorm rocker, club c11&lr, 2 11tep end, l coffee table, 2 ta ble lam p•, l. floor l&mp. 3 ma tching hr11 lc1e!l ru11. b~8-3x_,, $439.~ VALUE AT BAY $299.50 12 PC. BEDROOM GROUP lncJudN 8 dnr. dou~· dreuer, 3(hc'-O mirror. bookt·ase heat!· boa.rd. 2 nit• •t&nde, m etal bed frame, ln11usprlng ma lll us. ma tchlnr box 1prtnr. 2 boudoir lamps, 9x12 Axrmnster ru2. tx12 rur pad. $339.:50 VALUE AT BAY $249.50 12 PC. KITCHEN DINETTE CROUP lnclUdH 38" • burntr divided to~ Welbllt K~ tanKe~ 8 ("u ft Phllco retrtaerat.or, croeetop frf41%er. C'hlller drw, l'r1sper, butter keeper, ahelvN tn door 8 pc uh dinette St-t. 6 rh11lr11. 31a41 Nevemar table, 10" filp It &!. with buHet, drop Inf kitchen utUlty table, k itchen ndlo. $619.:50 VALUE AT BAY $488.50 BAY FURNITURE "Where Prtcu Are Held at Bay" UT I:. 171.h Free lltorttront Parkb11' Con a Mrsn. T~r1111t OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 2c4 S2-t"'urniture for Sale OJRLS CHROME DINE'M'E 4 rhalrs, lfrten tor.mica top &. plut1c up· holatery $2~. Oak p lay pen 4t c:on\'. high <'hair $I 0 each 21<0 EvenJn&' Canyon. L'D~1 :Ml YOU will have an opportunity to advance In our tlrrn, becaU.N ot our pr.Nnt n · pension program. The atartlnr u.la.ry 1~ &ood and you wlll rccrln freque.nt lncreuu , too. Jobe now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - 1114 % No. Main Street Rm. 211 -Santa A na 11:00 to 4 :00 P .M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 73ltc O\'ERSTt'l-~FED chair & •lllV1•n· port. xlnt. con•tr11ctlon & ron· J 1Uon A ny reuona ble or(,.r Ill'· <'!'plt'!. Har 1093-R aftrr i pm 4r6 POWER ~fO\\'ER Craftsman. hkt new $68. It makl'J! mowing euy. 411 San Brm arrt!no St LI 8·2040 Jc~ SCHOOL girl n:>r mothers helper NJ.~W TYPEWRITER , o~l S6:1 l child a yra. Small Salary I SPIJ for $40 Ll 8-3396 3<'~ room .t bnard Har. 6190. 2<'4 _ B A RY 11tler, mature woman. II 11'1 Mon. thru LI 8-1413 aftf'r P ref. l '411 to F'rl . nne chll'1 :i. rm 4p6 ------------Y /1t 'HT .i,.1·k & 1111111. enginttr \\ r.1.-g11•1ng ,.x)'lerlenc... local 1rr,.1en'e. A-rhnne number to 8'-x B-43, lhlR papl'r, •.-e -L1111lf::; AVON XMAS 11ale11 ~lllr. nr.w ;\lake $2 hr. n!>Br k 1 TP \'11c11nrlrs In Coeta Me11a "''3 Kl ~·!•:;!11 •c-6 ------~ n 111 • h•11111,.kt'"f""r 1 ook. while . for 2 n•lula Liv,. in or Olll U A·!:'t~~ 4c6 \'o \ :"l:T • ~", hlr 111111t "oman ror n.il.1· ;<1f ln11: for orc11.1111mal aft t r· 11 ... ni-A " • ntni:• t'ni nnn. 11tl 1·11 ., .. ~ Pl•nn" H"r l'\~n I <lc6 • l" F: I. R ~: T A ft y. 1 onMt f OJ'lf'll . i;: .. , l !'lflT)'-~f Pl)ll IO $:I00, ~\PnO -Rnn!<k""P"• '" $ ;1(1(1 C'lthn r ·••1••••n· .. 111. ~ .iri111ri.111· & J..r11r 111l M11l1> f'l••1·11nnw11 l'n· J(llU'l'ts It: \.l'l'hnlt'tR ns. ,l\'Nf.~ .. -ARR,\R. F:mpl. Ai;C)'. W2' 1 :l:!nt1 !'1 l" rwpnrt Re,.r h 1 11<1'"~~ ~· r1 nm ('lty HAii i 21 1 l.Al•IF:S fll'fl•I nnr 11.d lintier 1·111~ll1fw11t1on 2• Suprr Mn.r- k-<•l Tl'ttnlni; Al. TYLER Schools 11:11 ;.; ltr,,111h..-1y S11nt11 Ana I I\ I 7 -3.~ t I 94ri! --f'F:RM fl NF.NT COOK It hou~!'- ko·rpc-r Lll'I' rn S 16!\ mo fif'f • • r1>n1, 11 r rr11 rlrf''1 HA r :\1'12~ 21 ~ STORK LINE bal>y l>ui;:gy, 1n i;;nod condition. LI 8-L'663 Jt'~ Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We Give Slt:H Green Stampe Gunderson Drug Co. Ma in St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 616. 98tfc A NTIQU E German music box, Steinway Square pt:tnn &. !\· pl<'Ce seHlonal. C1tll afltr :, r m. n ar 3~0 4r·a 30-B--Apy_u_.,.~~-·~~~~~­ W ashing Machine <;ERVJCr I -~·tar guarani~ on joba donf' and on used wuhera. 218814 trearJ Newport Bl.. Coal.8 MeM.. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64tfc --PH;HOM A Tl1~ $i!I. T1'r 1Mt1 l'lr;-. r r1r '111•hW1U<hl'r, 1111111 i:nntf, \\'r 11 £<1eml'lnstr&tf', LEx1n~ton 11·3:J6i 3, 4 OflHON fu ll ~17.fl kHM1Prl t'tnv;. In J:<i<i<I <'nnrlll•on. $:.!6. l.rh .. rtv k-674n. 4r6 S.,_Boats, SuppUPI' BOAT STORAGE A LL SIZE~. re"-'Onal>ll' rates. Ap· ply al yl\rcl of(w,. SOI 'TH COAST <..:OMPA.:'\Y, :-;"" l'"r l Rh•c1 . al 23rrt St .:'\r\\ f"'rl Ht h 21( ------- ~ta. suepUee CLl:A.N ~Aut09 for Sale 43-Aft .. ~ BC>Cl98 for ~nt "3--Apt-. & HCH1M!9 for Rut NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PA-E S Mooring Soace $1 pt!r foot for &altab'e cruaera. 2401 W. Cout Highway :'llewrort Bearh, u 8-6Z7l 96cll VOLKSWAGEN TRADES B~ut1ful 70·fL aux. achooner. Like ntw, Lot.a or utra utru , Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS paid. TRADE 1 ·~ CORVE1Tlt. ptrft<.'t ahapt. Excell<'nl tor charter. \\'ant Guar. mileage 12,000. . $2~ prv~rty nr sma ller boat. 12:?0 I DeUghtfuJ living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities with \\' R11IV.1a Illwl. Newpo1·t. Har. '~J FO.HO RANCHWAGON. radio Yacht alip accomodat ions. :1032 39tfc I heatrr, 8 f'IY tires 11~4~1 Daily, weekly, mon thly, yearly. PAJRUNER dean, loa.ded. Will 'M VOLKSWAGEN Sedan. rtd t r&tfr. LI 8-6710 a m or pm. plaatlr Ulterior. Wonderful For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 3Ufc 83ttc C'ond1t1on . $13915 13' WlZAl'tlJ, Mark 21J M~rrury '51 FORD custom club R It H., outboard 111ulnr, b()th one year F C1rdomullr Sl'\911 olJ $4 7~. Har (Jll79·J . :!pt Bachefor's BAL.HOA IS L.A.NO north '!)3 VOLKSWAGEN pick up. \\'Oii· j bay derrul cond1tlo11 $ U9:! On LuxtJrious Peninsula -View Hideout of Bay mnM1n1t llN•r S11pphlrt'. Xo !Iii• S 1:10 lJP11t nlsn ft)r 51111'. S3:'1 ll!H 47111 d.t)'JI t r6 COTTON-GOFF S.i-Mui,lcal, Radio, T V VOLKSWAGEN DEALER --2116 Newport B11·d., Npt Bearh I Tt lt>f'hOnt' Jiar bor 8 3c5 ELF:CTRO:'llJC" 0 R G A ~ $1 Ill 1-:.1il\' T··rnu DAXZ·S<"HMtnT. 5:.W No Santa Ana Home of the mond Organ Muln ,1-----Ham· ULPS dub l JI•• llytl1•1niat11'. ra· 11!0. heater. n1•w \\'\\' l1ru 11n<l ~ 1r1•1y lubtl! Runs g00(1 Xlnt. Piano-Custom rurniture-Lar·ge L1vi:ig room with bar -dishes -pots and pans -Bunk beds and bath downstairs for guests. A couple might bel happy hl.'re alsr>. S160 month, years lt>ast> P HONE Carter Darnell. owner. Lehigh 9-2158 during day or Harbor 2121 evenings. 4c9 C.:0:'\t\'ERT YOl"R piano to an '.!nd rn.r for ramlly Will l!tll to tot-ga.n I '11rrt Lowrey Organo ln highest bllldrr a bove S22~. Hu t tne rl'nthllon. 139~ 'l'ffm•. ~. •c8 48A-A(lts. for &at 48-A-Apts. for &nt H OB:, '''"'n and S l6 4~ J>t'I' mo --- al FORD -'64 Victoria , Forilo· SllAFCR'S M 1111I(' C'o tSlnCf' 1007) matlr, power strt'r1ni: power 421-423 .:'\. S)'l'amnrt . Santa Ana brakes. power l!f'l\t, tier. win· Phone K lmbt rly 2•0672. 1low11, r adio, hPater. conttnl'ntal kit. J~.000 mllea. A· I condition. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT APT. HAMMONfl O RGANS World femnu11. All morlel.!!. A llio sever• al bar~airu• 1n u11ed orga ns. You l'An save nn thue rtne organs. Prtvate party. $1976. Hor 364:!. 4J>6 LEASE. Tastefully decorated, furn. or un(urn. '154 hBlf·tCln CHE\', trurk All!O '48 GMC tnrck, hal!-tnn ht'&\'Y duty. Roth gooc1 t'nnrl Prll·11te party. H11r 46116-.T or LI 8-4.134~. 2 bdrm., 1 bath (encloaed tub & shower) all electric DANZ·SC"HM.IDT, 520 No. Main. S11nl.ll Ana. kitchen. W, W carpeting. PaHo. La undry & gar-. JOIN THE SCHOOL BAND ~~ age included. Avail. on or about Oct. 1. OWNER RE?\'T A BAND INSTRUMENT ~3 OLDS. 118 H111Jday, everything Bll low as s:I per mo. \\1th tent· a11tomat1c Har. 1833-K l~8 e l to a pply on t uture pu~hue -• - Har. :224-W a t MERCt'RY sport 1•oupe, ·:12 1 SHAJo'ER'S Music Co I Since 190i l Mw.t ll•'ll, go111g abroa1t. C'an 47--Wantt'd to ~nt 421-423 :-.:. Syt'81Til'lrt'. Santa Ann. n:range terms. Sri' &t 1211 N I Rentals Wanted P hnni-KlmbPrly :!·00i2. Bav Front, &lboa Llla.nd. 4c6 -• We need apl1 and botaea ln &l1 S5 Pl-:H MO RE:'\'TS gon<! prac-1960 F OR D CO~V O'd. R&H. etellon.1 tor bOtb winter and t it P p1nno. (,,. l the kldd1ea learn. C:n•a m with black top \\' W. ytara leu e. Furn. or untum. All 11·111ll' 11•111 if you buy JatC'r EXl'Pll. cund. OwTwr Jinr 2·12~•. lt you have a vacancy, OA:"\Z·St.:H:O.tlOT, 020 Nu. M.tin 2r4 phona today ~.1nta Ann 100 pianos. Home The Vogel Co. 11f tht' Hummon11 Organ. ~4 O LDS, 8 1uper 2 door 111 .. lnn Hydrom\lt1r, 1a1.ho, hel11er, \\'W 3201 W C11t. Hwy .. Newport Br:h SALE 2nd Ann iversary One Maple Spinet By Baldwin 2or, of( Ont' Sl'lllll Steirway Gr11.11d. Two Stvl<• "B" Steinw1w Grands. O~e New &lilwln Gran<!, save 1800. Ust<I Rplncl11 from 1460. MM y other11 J:r"atly re.111ce'1. Laurie Woodworth Piano Co. 2610 E . CnRlll Highway Corona del Mar H art><-r 3382 l c3K HAMMOND ORGANS. io'uU Une, all modrJ.s. F~e prartlce rooms. Come 1n &nd play nn MY mod<'I. Thi' Crtat Conct>rt Orgtm, lht Hurni' ~fl)(l<'I, the Church and the 'Spinet Modt>lll. If Y<>U thmk \'flU <'Mnol pln.y, come In and lry llw world famous Hammond, t'1t•y 10 pl11v. Chord Organ. You will bl' Mton111hl'1I tn find you "'n play In f1fttcn mmutea. DANZ·S KMlOT Plano A: Orgu C'n H•>mf' of the Hammond, 1120 No, Mn!n, R11 nta AM. llr eu Xlnt cundlllon, llkP Phone Liberty 8-3481 new. Mll.5t !!I'll. Ll 8·7200 3c5 208 Marine, BalbOa laland H ILI..ltfAN convertible. very g-ood condltlon, ntw top $4 75. Brit· l11h Car Service, 2033 W. Cout Ll 8_.771. 2r• 41-Auto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN *with this ad * 6 CyJs. . .......... -........ $48.88 8 Cyls. . ........ -........... $58.88 Inc:ludea both la bor and part1. New r1n~s. wr11t pins. valve grind, fltUng1 of m &Jn and rod bearings. Expert motor tU11e up. 90-day or .C 000 mile guar&nlH. (?>;O MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES Phone Harbor ... 268i E. Cout H y., Corona dtl Mar Phone Harbor 1741 Udo Office, 308 Via Udo Harbor •1171 32tlc COUP LE-Man locally empl. - Wa.nte 1 or 2 bdrm. hou11e part· ly tum . We have a pp1lance1 & aome tu m . Close to Newport City Hall prf'ferred. N~lf large garage. Write Bolt t:-36, thl1 paper. 98l! WINTER RE:-ITALS wanted in the Harbor &rt'&. Tenants w&lt· Ing. Phone In your vacanclt11 to· day. REX RECHS, Reallnt', 2307 W. Balboa Blvd, Har. 6156. He rnom apL Waterrront & ground floor. 0 11 v••npnrt 6· ii20 cl11y- llmt' or "'ritf' Box Y -40 News- PrtLL 3c5 99tfc 43--Apts. Ii. HouMH for Rent CHA:-.O~'EL RE:\'TA I, -2 br., furn . OC'l I to May I S1211. lllOnUI. Claire Van Hom KEAi.TOR 273 1 \\' l'oa:1t Hwy Ll 8·4277- 2cC W INTER RENTALS F\Jm. l bdrm h0tl3e S85, 2 brlrm. S75. bllchelor apta S2~ & $36, new 1 bdrm. apt., flrf'plare $i ll Ph. for llP· pointmenl LI 8-2847-1008 W . Balboa Blvd. 2tfc WATERFRONT -WINTER Furn. 1 bdrm. LQ\·ely picture win· down& pvt. beach. S90. Incl. ulll 2 blk11. tn LlrfCI Ct•ntcr. 1111·36lh St , Har. 4882 or Har. 2313. •p& CLIFF' H A VEN Twu bedrm. un- furn. Tn plex near 1cbools. Yard rmuntal.ncrl. wate~ pd. Garb. c11sp. fe.n autom. hut. Owner 272 Broarlwa_,._ LI 8-2778. 2lfc RENTAL t8A-Apt11. for Rent MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1955 '3-A-Apta. for Beet Deluxe Furn. Apts. One • two bdrm., w1th t•levt1\on. A....u&ble fM .ununv or .. 1n- tt r. ALSO yearly Jeaa. • ln Heart ot u Uvtty -Lo~ ol parklnr. &Oi E . Balboa Bh'd . Balboa Harbor 3608. H llc Lido Isle Bayfront One anrt two bdrm, a partmen t.a. Furnished. Oar&&U. YMl1y 'or winter rt nta.I. Har. N 715. Tei<> C'Hll:ERFU LL aW111y W'&ter front spt , Utlle b land (winter) 1 or 2 bdrma., pr~e dllpOll&l, heat 1 on trot <'l<>ae to v1ia.,. .. adulta. 122 1 .. Grand Canal. 3c0 BALBOA ISLAND. OcL to J une. Furn. 3 bednn. 2 batha, Bay Front. Carace. No pet.a. F or app't Har. 199-0·M. 83Uc 48-B--Hooses for Rent LIOO ISLE. 3 bdrmt., ll bathe hom,. on &1\nual bu la. Heated awlmmlng pool. Slip for •o tt. boa L BeaullJully t um. Exqut- 1>11 1' Inside planters, ahrube o i;·v1c E FOR RJllNT Ctvtc C'rntf't l.oc'alion, 21 'll.26'. H O. per rnonlb. CR..A.Rl .J:8 I!:. HA RT, R.-Jtor 30 0 W Balboa Blvd . Npt. Bch 92r:t 2 ato,... or ott1«'n , on!' 2!ix30. One 12x25. I.wow tenL 8111lat'tle tor re· l&JI b11.1lnNa or 0N11•e 607 E. e.Jboa Bhrd , )ia r. ~~ ll&lfa DESK SPACE w ith phone 141rvlC'• 130 mo. 1107 I! UalboA Blvd., Balboa. P hone an1werlnc IN'\'IC'• alao avallable. Har, 3006. lettc J'OR RJ:NT -Furn!Ahed otflce tn &.ll90Cla tlon 111•IUI an attorn•Y· Tax expert preftrrtd. it>12 w. Cout Highway. Newport 8M('h, Calif. U 1~102 A8tfo M-B..UU... O~rtnaJU. NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HAU Not to ror. lllth Ir PlacenU&, la eo.t.a MNL 2 bedroom Jlome, ~cellent condJUon. Plua a lm&l1 atore ltl rear rlf'nly park1ns Ii room tor u parulllon. Immed.late poeM•lon. l"or •Ill• or trade. ca.II owner U 8-82 2.S momtnp or attl'r 6 p. m . llltfa jrnunc1 patio .t pool. ll oar pr. -------------- 1800 mo. Inquire U Balboa ORANGll J UlCE 6 date ahake CnVl'll, Nf'WporL Sell •land. Cout Highway 2~~ tnUN F"URN. 2 bdrm. A: 1l1eplq Po~h. ~ar. Yl'&rly. 3701 Balboa Blvd., New porL llp5 BE ACH COTTAGE % b!Jt. t o 1.1cean. 2 bdrm. turn. llO yrly. Har. 3UO·J ~ NEW MODERN unturn., aepanta 2 BR. umta with ,..,.., ... Cholt'e Eu t Side location, Coeta Mtaa. Quiet 11<1ber peop1-delired. Ll 8·49e5 3c0 FOR UA.SJC , TWO BEAUTIFUL nr11 lnin. Terra ce untum. 'ltew bomea. 3 BDRMS .. 2 batha and 2 B.EDRMS .. 2 ti.th.a. Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor 0 61. EARL w. S TANL!;Y, ~altor Irvine Terr&ce 0ttSoe Corona del M&r. S3tfc WINTER RENTAL Sept . to June. 3 bedrm tum . I~ mo. 11~ !:. Ba.Ibo& Blvd, owner 3110 H•U!.· er Road. Lone Beach Ph. 39· 3597 lpll BALBOA-1 bedrm. turn. bOUM. A var I Sl'pt. Ui winter or yearly. Exlra nice. Reuonable. 122 ~ E. Balboa Blvd. 2p7 3 BEUROOM FURN. ,B&lboa, ftte- pla ct , recrr:itlon room. dbl. gar- age, no J)l'lll. Winter rental Har. 1336-R or Har. •072 2cf WINTER RENTAL, ZOO -8th St . H11lboa, 2·0f1rm. bOllMl '76 1· brlrm. houae SllO. f'urn 6' ulll. pt1. lnqulr,. 11191 Whittler, C'. M. LJ 1·~314 4cll 3 HORM., l ~. baths furn. hOWll', aouth of Corona del Mar. Y-.r round buelneu, Uk for Nonn. ltl• M-llonez to Loan .. NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee IA.Ll!:S -Jtl:FJN AHCll OONSTRUCTIOM Call tor J"r'M Fut Commitment. oe a.ldaDOM and Untta CJDl7 Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St. COSTA MDA Ll 1-6641 Ll ~ Wll IPl:ClALIZE IN LOANB Ir J'INANCING ON llOUBl:TRA.ll..IIRa .Auto.t, P'um lture A la.Jarl• One Day Service Lo&llll froru '60 to $1200 ot ITIOl'9 CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor BIYd., C1>11ta MNa U 1-77151 -Open J'rtda,a Ull 8 CloNd Baturdaya-tto LOANS for Homes ,,._,., ~-i.... Construction Loans SD BOB &4Tn.D 2614 &ABT OOUT BLVD. Col'Qlla 4e1 ...,. Barbot 1111 Rep. POIRDUl MO&TOAQll CO. W.00 I.Me I-. hDd9 KL 1-611!5 Coltto LOA.NB TO BUIU>. DO>RO\'Ki BUY, MODJ:RNIZE, OR R.lll"1N A.NCI: "• Buy Trwt Oeedl l'mWPORT BALBOA BA VIMa9 6 LOAN A.ll!IOCIATIOM HM Via Udo. P h. Bar. UGO th 67-Beal Estate Wanted WF; NEE D LISTJNGB. w.,, HAVF. buyere' Block mUAt meet our 1tandard1 Plus taxes, gaaket.s 8.lld oil Open Sunday 10 a .m. to 2 p.m. ioa Marine Ave., Balboa b land Pl\. H&.rbor •H or Harbor 2151 Rt11. H&r. l 786·R or Har. 3059·M 64tfc i ROOM, FURN. 1>11rhelnr &pl. 1 Av,.11 t o June 11\lh $1 in pPr mo. or 2 11tlt1lt!!. $i 6 mo. on leue ~iC't< S,.uhor~ Dr., Newport. 3341 N"wrort Rlvtl , HMl>or ~Ml!\ F'lneal n"w <>fflr~ In Harbor "r""· W il lard I ... K illinn. Realtnr Sf'TNF:T SPECIALS BEA'L"'I'lFUL blnnr1e Hllllel &nd Oa\'IS [-;plnet piano r·cntal re- l11m. Llkl' nPW Save $12~. Conv. lr•rml' LOVE!.\' M&hoititny Gul- b1 un11••n Spin,.t pl Ano In perfect rnn•ht1011. Term!! SMl """'" and $19 10 rwr mo ~A \'E $200 on shi:hlly Ul't''1 Kimhal Rplnet p18nn in perfect C'hnl111 inn Con· 1·emf'nt t,.rms 11l BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 to 7 Sta te Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA.:'\TA AXA LI DO RENTALS 2 BEnRM., 2 b11.th11, 11nfuml8hel1. Big pallc,. Drapu Three yrar!! ol<I. Stove and o''"n 1 built In I $Ji:) mo. Ocl. I to J uly I 11UI. 1ncludtd, Ownrr, J R. ('omw,.ll. iOO 3r~ "r $100 mn. on yr lelUIC, gar. Burr.A V111ta W 11y, 1.A111.ma ------ r r1 \'atP b<'ill h & rtn1 k pr!l·ilrlilell. a .. 111 h, H Y11.t t 4:lMll 4pa j 58-Real bta•-'2An riM ;'\;o pct.! or c hlldrrn ]'\oocon .,., <7'<"' Bay nl'&r Hai b9r hl&n<1. H8r. 49--D--- 2166 1TFc no..,ms for Rent I Southwest Fa rm WINTER M c1 yrarly monlh a rd up LARGF. I btdrm 8f'l. \lnfurn NEWPORT HEIGHTS, prlvat .... n. and R anch Service rental!! $!•~. Uisn . sluve rdrla. & "'ara'"c I r11nre, full tile h&ll\. •3" San· I ,. " " ,. 111 An& Avf' &ftn 6 21;4 BE SlJ'RF: BEFORE YOU BUY LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES :Near Lldn Shllf'plnir <:ent1•r, _ Complete 1nv1•11lli;:1itlhnJ1 A-refl()rta. yrly. rtntal, Avail . S<'pl. 18 2 ROOMS. l•lllel It ahnwer l"o Rrprt~!'nl nr1n·rr11I01'nl Jan<llor'111. H ar 31;5!1. 117pll hnui .. •l<ef'p1nii:. P nval,. tnlra nrr 3:, > rll. cow•rtng Arlznna .t N- \\ NT 11 boy for Salur~ay morn- 1n1: p.t.f "nrk C'l!rnno tfrl ~t"r 1;11r I"~•:! ;i, I SO-Mi?tffllanl'<tm '.H FT J,ATE . .\!OP EL Eicl'r•·~• S HAFER'S !'>tu.•lr Co. IRmct 1907) <'1111~r Xll'lll ,.,.nit111"n Jo'ully 421-423 N Sy1u·mort, !'anta Ana Ml'"rr-1 Chry,.1 .. , l'rnw11 en-Phnne l\lmberly 2-0672. .i•nP ~111 rlfir e-lw nwnl'r or will - R I• bl G 34110 \'111 Lltln, 'lr.rhor HH <..:JIJ.:'\A <'O\'E. Dayfrnnt furnished iOI; M11rgi1erltf'. <'ornn& rlf'I .Mer I .Mrxico. f"hone Har. 3434·J or e ta e ar age f ;\f'r(•S .. from Rrrhnnl" apl. Of"'Oll on lllrJ.rP, l!ltrluded 4~ I ( '•Ol&Cl c. 9. RrO\.\•n, Rt. 2, BQ• 2106 Ha rbor Blvd., C. M. j Mt1 rkPt Entrancei 1<'4 patio fifteen fl'tt trom hllt'h title. 994. Tlir11nn. A rh;. llec lO Cartful, <'xperlenrt>d, economl· L fDO ISLE r11rnace. 11toragt, g:1ra1e11 11nd SS-4Jtoree & Offleee 1----AS I S C011fters It R11ttler ~10\'r, szn. lA rite mohair co11ch ·ch11ir '"l't, SJ~. Bugu. 17 5-0. Ba thl· nt'llt. $3. lron bed3tead. 11prln1t11 $10 RM C'OUrh, '10. 3704J ,\\' Aalb<ta BJ\•tl 4c6 nRAfo''TJNG TABLF. .l d raftmg marh1n,. F;xr t'llent condition, Sli!) Phone Har, 4688-J or LI ll·~4~. 4p6 -A:-.OTJQL1ES -Old fumlture, cut 11111.u , larnpa. old plcture1. clocks l'lC Barralna (aJOte. Bl&' dla· coun111 lo dealer.. Charlie D&vl1, 1806 E. Anaheim St .. Lone Bch. 11110-139. litre .For l hOH who .. •ant the beat tAkl' 1111!c> rn lr:tc1e Hitr 2!01·.1 BAB\' \.RA?'>;J> ~pN•ral. Only 214 WINTER STORAGE Boa ts or Trail ers $65 for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Lllunchmg $1 2:-• Fenced -Cu11rclt'•I Storugt! 5pn1·~ Outboard Ma rina 202 E . Coast Hwr. S oilli•. Cnot1 tone 11n1l ~·l111n. B!i;;i:P~t 11 l n c k of wonderful itrllnfl phtn•>1 In Or11nge Cnunly Term!' DANZ -Sl:HMlDT t.;r••l\l f>lll.SlO Ami Or,1tan Store. 620 :'\o M11ln, SRnl R Ann.. lloml' oC Ule H nm· monrt Org11n. S5-Do~s, Cats, Pe_!a ___ _ PL'RE HHEU MinilllUre poodle JlUJll!, hlar k & brown. Klmberly 7-1836. 2c• FOR SALE-81&.ck Cocker Span- iel pup. 0 mo. old. 614 Jum1ne, Corona del Mar. 3pll 1·&1 rerR.Jrtng f'lo"e In 3r:l I phonr A v;illablP for IP118e or ''E\\' "!."A.RTLY ""''iRN"'Su..:oo 161-&al i'Al&J4' F.:11change BACHELOR an<I one & \\\'fl bdrm. wlnlrr rrntal. l..rMe $12~ Jl<'r 1 ·• . .,. ' r u " ,,.,, --11P1•· Shc,rt lt'ml ~nil )'<'arly. mo, Excellrnl vahtl' Ph. Jf\'11tt nfflr r 4.2--Trallers ALSO, Lido Homea and Bay Front •-2206 ll3tfc Jllll9 Hl\rb•Jr, Co11t" Mr u Uber'." Riverside County *PORT ORANGE * Hilmes llr.<I 11partmrnts. _ 11-3333. 94trc I LIDO RE ALTY Associates Ft.:RN. sn·o10 AP'!'. Re1111nn· I SAl,.JC OR TRAD!': fllr br ach prop- TRAlLER SALES 3400 Vin Lull!, Harbor H H 11ble. Pcn11&nt nl t enant prrfn· BUSINESS BLDG. erty. 61\ ""rll i1rfl(11tM etnclc and SUPPLIES I S9lfr r,.d 500 .IMmlnf', r ornn11 o1.-1 ranrh, 2 h1o11~~~ ldrlll for hor• Mar 3cll With pAlftl, Mxll~ Int S85 pf'r llf'M, r~I( r 11n le or "mnll com-2200 W. Coast Hiway. IT'S NE\I\' -~ bdrm•.. very et· -rnnnlh 113 22nd SI • .:'\t"''J)nrt mrrc1sl herd. Inquire 1\2:1 P a r k· Newport Beach LI 8-4420 t rnN1ve morlcrn furniture S75. \\ A:"1'F.D yl!u ng lRdy 10 ~hart H<'1trh Kl 2-14 98 96<'10 nt8J1 Lr, La t 1u1ud1t. Jih. Sylvan th 30• 32 d "t .... rt an111tmPnt. ·l :l:'l1, H t llutrnre -o 'J•u ""c3 '02-14' Happ,Y Horne S69il mon ~-n "' •• ewpo ,, .,, _ , corona dl'l ~tar l\Jlt•r 8 or Sill St B ·1d• '152-""' Roadm&11t~r . S1°9"' h <'ach. 99)16 ore UI 1n9 ---... ' ".. Hllr. :11140-R 3t·[> APPROXJMA'rFJ.Y F M() equity '6:'>-2~' Terry Spec, P rt1'P ATTRA<'TI\'.... \\'lntrr R t 1 Mod\'r n. IM M'o. Suitable IJ'\Jl\Jr· II-room h•>n•" """' I ;cu WN\0 •o.c •I J' Pnra m. 1 btlr111. A ·'•'·I '• Pn " s. I .,.,.._ u.~ f.'l ~'OR kENT, unrurnti;hcll 1 hrtl. 11nct , rt &I eala te, gift11, etc. w0<1d \.'1ll•1ot" 1>'<rhan1te for ln• '05-415' Pan Am,.ric11n Discount I 11 \rn3 Bdrm 2 bath llJ>I $116 room apl. In Costa Me.!16 1!':\j P11rkin,r !acillllel!. F.A. Heat. ('1,1111e l!r ,~ l , • .,.,. Mr11& or ,,. P AN AMERICAN rno. Hiubor .l:llvd. cu U berLy ii·:'.694 ('1111 H..r 1070 f lHfo 1..1.WL)'.-Lrn:nw W 8·3bi0. 6c0 :llf Konkel's Interiors U phol1ttf)'. dra~ri.., aUpconn. bedapreada. New phone Ubcty I-THI Fr-ff ic.tlmatea Coet.& M .. H arbor 6130 · TRIS AD SOW 28~0;1b1~ mor• to go, with •Md J oll1ty .t covu l iOO. l7 fL F&J<'On $500 , CL pram ~O .\ other buyL 2547 W. Cout H 1r hway, :-.Oew . port. u a-1t o2 3cll 81.AMESli: cat. aduJt. altered fe- male. free to good home. Har. 2439-R. •ce P 1tr11mnunl·KPnl!klll I 121 2 Btlrm 2 bl\lh apt $100 Tr11vt leite--T erry mo O!'>Jl:: BEOR:O.t , nlr,.ly rum wr11· 8~tfc (31 3 Rl1rn1, I balh hOllllt $1 10 !tr Adults Gnrt):t S~o:I mo -------------mo Jl6-36th Xtwp11r 9J lCl 1951 Spartan i::ach haa tile. T v 111~po~.u. __ _ INCOME PROPERTY iOIO Ha!Wr IM9'd .. Heu ORIGINALS A.Fl'E.RNOON, Cocktall, dinner clr--6 OoordlnalM. CUSTOM DUSS M.AKINO Pb. R art>or em-R Uca BEAUT. BLUIC PJtRBIAN kitten. ma1~. 110.-.Hver and black. I ll. /' Mothu ~. father non· J>f!dlJ"f'd. Phone Har. 2789-J. ev•. 118tr MAROO. tn:teneoltl TABLJC 13~. Conlon lmntr 126 2 -30 tn atteu doora. U 8·•627. :let FR!:lil, kltt«n&. Harbor 2818·J, flr,.plac.. gua~t h •r '"urt .. 1Ptk 111g <' .. un11~ 1111> .. 1 R I M • I BALBOA REALTY CO. ~ Jlpac1111111n t1<11 :"~ar ll1wn I· 4c oya anSIOn Har 32ii 7tl{) Jo~ H!llLoa .l:lli••I borm. apt. l'a~ly fu1n . ()("11n -------------3i rr. ODIE'TTE '"''Ill bt<I• Balbull 21 4 VI• w lfri llltl \'rl)' ll!t!> y;,.,t Con11der tr&dt• 420 \\' Isl ---·----tt;·n St. \.'011t1t M l'lll 8 t11 6 1·1111 Tuetln. ll2p6 COSTA MF'.SA 2 W11n unfum II>, 1111 II ll -40-Aatoe for 8Ue SPORT FISHER 30 ft 8•1 rt. beam ,new •n1lm1, new gu tanka, 3" watt radio. 2 bunka, head. Uve bait tanke AlllO Gray M.artne •fll'ln• 120 h p One 26-0 h.p. H udlon Lm·ader. rompletely ovtrha uled. A· I ron<I. u 8·7062. ~ 26 rr. P'ISHINO BOAT, <'Om· mel"('l&l or pleuure. Rehu!lt tn· J1ne. lhlp to ahore, A ·l condl· lion 11000. HI ft. 11a.l lbo11t. mA.ln- M ll 6: jib. new pa int Joh. cnm- f'ltl" $116. C111l LI 8-390i 3C'6 36 FORD SEDAN . Oood aba~. ---I J71\ mo l i6. 11a~ Apte. aa100. 1.. * Star Fleet * I DAN " JACOBSEN. Realt4.r land. Har. 1468-M. 3c6 U~ 32nJ ~l . :-.Ot wpo1 t .l:l.i1n h _ ----______ 30 ft. cu11tom built -llv rm .. Hu "691 Eve• U 8·r>662 111~ CHRYSLER New Tork"r tllnttlt, k it. bath, bdrm. Furn· 1 ~c4 Mdan. R .. H, W. 8 . w. ~>od lshtil com plt'ttly, ln! I 17" TV. - concilllon. Hu . t>Oi2·\\'. 2~4 t'hlna, l'\ltlnt1t'lt1. ti c. ("ARA:-;A WINIER RF.:-."TALS. New 1 betl· 19~ CHRY81...ER\~o-;wrt-­ &lll&I owntr, C'le&n car. Bel!I otter takee. Har. Oi18. 3c0 8 it 10, comp! rurn. Al.SO room rum . apt H O. 2 b<lrm pl\llo fum lHtre ~!'t Rt Lot 4, ko1111e SiO Avail. ~E'fll 2!1lh N .. wport Munlrlpal T rct.Her Pa.rk :l<i6 E. 81t)' A Vt. B•lllloa . Hu TOpa.a 2-~419 »6pll 1 7118-M 3)16 .'Ir> PLY MOUTH.. Z dr. •eda.n, per-FOR SAl..E. 8 maU hoUM trailer' SM \\'l~"TER rental to July J feel condition $61". Har. 2a06M with ne,,.· awnl1'f $170. n7 Bay. F'um 2 bdrm 11331.t W. Balboa 2c• Cotta M-. Jpa I Bl•d .. llie"''J>Orl. •re < 'ORlJN A OF.L MAR. yf'ct.rly 2 • 1l<.l-tl1 tJU\jltilC t.lOd l·btli tn ftf!Rrl· m•·nt F\Jinl•~ 111• I 11111lt1u . Harhor r,4011 :ltfc Furn. Single Apts. Ctmsole 1lovu Jndl vrrluaJ n!trlr . '-'onthly or weekly rate1 1318 So Cout Hlgh.,,.y Lacun& S..ch KYatt 4·9042 7 fum1whed income unit.II on 00 ft. frunta~r· on Bal- bu11 Blvd. Many sound fea t urP11 1r1i-n11fy I hi~ pro- p.:rty. Location. 111~. 11tab1Jity 1inrl r"gulat nry t'X· fJl\ni:;1on re11tr lct1ons among uth1·r11. T his 111 t ht> in itial offering on the mu rkt•t of thil vaklRblr property and ex<'IUAIVt•ly t h r11ugh thi• office. Priced at $•11,,000, LEE CASEY OFFICE 2721 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar k t ··~-----------·--------;m;--------------------------------------------......... ._ .... Ha.r. 0848 3tA . . - PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS n-11eo:1 ·-1o a •..i!'.abM -==----MONDA.Y, SEPT. 12, 1955 a ........... a ••' r...t.19 Corona del Mar. Vogel Values IT WON'T LAST LONG! We juat aold ooe UQ th&. in a week'• time II it. wa1 on a amaller Jot ! 3 becbooma, 2 bat.ha. 60' lot 0<:ean view -under $20.000. Need we ••Y. more ! FIRST TIME OfFERED So. of Hwy. -2 bedroom home. HW noora, patio. diap. A: dt.hmuter PLUS 14' x 36' garage which could euily be made into a 2nd unlt-hu plumbing & one room bu alrea.dy been partitioned. We think it'1 one of the best valuY in town at $13.950! Good financing, too. HOME & INCOME Another First Offering for Sale. Corner lot with Rparate 2 bedroom hou11e, HW floors. patio, djning area, fireplace PLUS 2 bedroom, fumiah~ 1pt. & 3-«r cuage. Hou9e wired for t-lec. range -alao many other excellent features in thi# clean, deeir- . able property. The Vogel Co. %667 E. Cout Hwy., COM Har. 1741 Har. 1477 EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER ONE OF 11iE MOST CHARMING HOMES IN THE ENTIRE BAY AREA. The graciou1 living room, den, dining room and muter bdrm. overlook the beautifully landscaped patio. Dream .kitchen, tremendous wardrobe. 2 fireplaces, and BBQ, carpeted. G-uest suite, 2 baths. laundry room, dble. ga.rage with additional parking f!.rea.. 100 ft. from private beach and pier for your boat. Furnished and deeorated in exqui.1ite taste. Offered st $45,000. Good tenns. YACHTSMEN ATTENTION! Beautiful 3 bdrms., 2 baths, and ma.id's quartera, 3 car garage. Protected beach on wide lot, pier and •lip for 35 ft. boat. Juat List~ ? Terrific location, Offered at $73,500 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa lsl&nd, Har, 4781 REAL VALUES Costa Mesa 2 BR. HOhtE approx. I yra. old. How Can You Miss M-1 &an ln&, over 100' lron14&e nn J ood St. \.\'Ill lake 2 or 3 br. hon1e Jn lr•de. Priced to •ell. Belter Jook th!1 nne dver. THIS CHARMING horn• on land· •caped "' fenced 90 x 130 lot. 2 bd1"TJ11. ONLY $7760 with trn11. 1/2 Acre Rancho Balboa . Two Ocean Front Jot•. Zoned for 2 BDRM. • DEN home on i., a.ere. duplexes. '9000 each. A-1 iontrig. AU fenced. lf you "'"·a.nt country living, thll I• IL Full price, only SI0.9Mi. term1. B. A. 'NERESON REALTOR l 1!192 N~rt Blvd. t:Ml• 1'fe1111 U 1·1972 Eve1. W l -•120 LITTLE GEM Engl111h Tudar coll•(& So. or Sh·d., Corona dtl Mar. Olcter but treat charm . Hu ft" Coast Properties 301 E. BalbQa Bl11d .. 8&.Jbo-. Ii.arbor 2651, 2a117 •nd f&OO. MALT SHOP GOING BUSINESS. elltabh1hed l8 ~·eara. all year location. owner rellrln& from 011erwork. "''Ill ••rrlfl<"e for qutc:k aal1. do:rful for <!nlt'rtalning. 2 ! . . . ea o. Don't Miss These! OPEN DAIL 'i' 10 A. M. TO HARBOR EST ATES New 3 end 4-Bedroom Homes with 2 Beth~o'oms S375 Down $69 a Month Int . • inc. $9 ,375 Full Price Paved. Curbed Streelll -Large.Lota -Seweni ln and paid -Guba.gt Di1poaala--Aluminum Sliding Windo~-Colored kock Roofa-Natural Aah Cabinets -Many Other Desirable Fealuries. Drive North on Harbor Blvd., turn left on 19th St. 3 Blocks to°J:Jey r Place. We'll be Happy to Show You the Outstanding Value of Orange County-But Hurry! More Than H~lf Sold Now! i Models Ready forlnapect1on W. A. TOBIAS Exclusive Agent 400 E. 17th St. LI * SEE BEFORE YOU BUY! * OPEN DAILY · 117-47th St., 1/2 Block to Beach Unobstructed Ocean View NEW two bedrm. or large R-2 lot. P lenty of room for e..xt ra unit.a, Only $12.500 Low down payment. SEE TODAY ' HOME & INCOME Nice Ocean View 40 yarda to Beach $21,580 Full price Submit term1. J. M. MILLER CO. 7 P.M . 8-1139 2025 W, Balboa Blvd. Har . .t091 Houston Values I Full Price-$7450 2 BDRM .. 9 yr•. olct, Mhr:ol30 lot. Submll your ctown. owner mo11- log to ~.ll!rt. A real \'&lu•. e:;i~i~.0!t S~.u~!~ gar., v.•&Jled patio. l '.i bectrm. furn. apt. In re1r. plu1 atorag• room, al'ld 2 hor~e b11.rn. 0 1"1 •; arre, Ol'lly 14,000 <town. Good It.rm•. $8175-2 Bdrm. CL.OSE·IN, ntat u • pin, doub!t irar. • carport, all f1m cl'l1. Only 12.000 tin., lt'1 a "Buy", F'OR Eve. lnto. on •bQ~·• Pt tit la LI 8-54.81 Corona del Mar 2 BORM. clo•e·tn home. Sll,100, 13!5-00 and l!le.110 Incl. -t.7., Int. 904 Hel!otro~. Multi. Co-op. Npt, Hts. Special Near the Newport. Pier Balboa Bay Front ri Bdrma. II Nth• beeutltully turn. w 11 h hand -blocked drape• w/w t"&rpet•, He\nley 1hutter1 thru -out. Jt I• • dre•m come tru• It you are lcokin& for Early Amf!r. decor. 2 patlo1, BBQ with .iee. 1p1t. pier and 1Lip, I car car. with p&rldn& lp&e• pl.or-.. Aikin& 170,000 Shown anytlm• by appoillt- mf'nt. Hard tc> Please 1 If '°· lhl& charmln& J bedrm. hoine In BA YSHOREIJ 11 for you. Valu• I• wrttlen all over It• face. When w1 h)' It'• a b•rgl..ln m•k• us prov• lt. It• c:u1tt1m m&a• appolnt- m•nta ar• In u:c:all111t ta.II•. Shown anytlm• by appoint- ment. Excellent Income Duplex Located clOM to th• Lido Shopping area on a quiet at.net. Completely and newly furnished. Lower unit 2 bedroom1. upper one bedroom. Both leued lhow- ing a fine return on the full furnished price of $24,000. Upper can be made available to the new owner. Exchaive with us. ~ it today. LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 L&!ayette, Newport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 Eve•. LAROE OLDER HbUSE w1t h1 view or bay. 3 bdrm. II: den. d!n:·.1 ------------------------ rm. • 1un m1. Cor. on curr Or. Only Sla,000. •m11.ll dn. Good Lerma. 1/2 Blk. to Lido Center 3 BR., 2 b&Ul home. Dble. garare. Room for on1 more u11iL Price Sl&.&00. Balboa THREE r~tal unlta tum!lhJ. Exctl. condition. PotenUa.l In· coma St600. Prlca 122.:!-00. ·ISLAND RETREAT 1n:he<1 lrv.-dtnlng area. \\'on-N B C R lty C Bdrm:i., cten, 2 flr'l'placea, a .3211d • .Newport Blvd., Npl. Bc:h. M l 'th 4Q 64 bid <:harmer at SHI.~. El.'ly Harbor ltO:i "' WI X 9. lenna. E.Jic:lu1!ve •gent. FORD I "'ITH or \\'ITHOUT .olld lea.•. OCeAl'I fn:int 3705 Seashore Dr. VERRlNDER, H•rbor i26J 1------------I 631 290 l ll Thi 1 ..., --- RELAX "START LIVING" In ~RVINE TERRACE We offer the ONE and ONLY hOJne which I• tor 1ale on the bluff in IRVINE TERRACE. NEW three bedrooms, Two bath• with b~ath­ taking panorsmie view of Harbor and ocean, Priced at $38,500 EARL W. ST~LEY REAL TOR ---( to inspect . drive to 1119 Dolphin Ternce Mcall at IRVINE TERRACE office, oppMite Irvin• Cout Country Club, Highway 101. Phone Harbor 4448. 2c4 LIDO ISLE--ONL Y $21,500 Buy1 thi1 moat attractive 2 8. R . home,-..M rt. lot. Like new-Altho 4 yn. old. $7000 dn. $145 mo. and you will have a charming home. NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN OLD SMOOTHIE WITH OCEAN AND BAT VIEW Larre corner lot, trees, lathhouae, lovely yard. 2 bdr1n11., 1 bath, newly redecanted, hardwood noon, furnace heat, double gara~near everything. ROOM FOR EXPANSION. P'ull price $18,900, ~.000 down. KINGS ROAD-VIEW LOT 67 ft. On Cliff 1ide $5500. Low u SI~ dn. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Ha.r. 4072 Eves, Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8~297 SOLD!· SOLD! SOLD! 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST • Totaling $1,265,395.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service of Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 32nd St. Newport Beach t Vel . Jf71. 93l!c l $2:iQO CASH ~x, o a ey, 1 11 & 1·11• Buys R-2 Zone bto1u·h tot, 1~ blO('k away •t Sl:i.000. OPEN HousE " '"''· Lido Isle Located on a comer lot on one of NeWJ'l}rt'1 very priva_te ialuda, this four bedroom, 2 level home i1 one of the outl!tandinf buys in the Harbor •rea. There is a very large living room with m&.Mive fire- place, a roomy kitchen wlih a cheerful breakfa1t room, hardwood fioors, 2 baths, plua beach •bower, a second fioor 1un detk, PLUS A LOVELY PAN- ELED APARTMENT WITH BATH, and 2-car gar. Beach hou1a. with bl& room• • 1------------------------good view ot oc:ea.n, cloa1 In. $4000 dn. •too mo.-t • ~ P. M. DAILY 2:172 Circle Dr. Bay1hore1, N.B. ENCL. PATIO. BBQ • FIREPL. E1i-:1ally designed for outctoor livtnr. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. xtra ahower. CompL. furn .. cor. ]oL •, blk. from No. Channel. Pric· ltd to •ell. G. H. LATHROP, JeM E. Coa•t H<4'}"-• Ha<". ~46J E•"f'•. 5980. Jc:) LUXURIOUS VJEW HOME on Kina·• Place. l bll"drma,. I~ .. l!J.e hllthll. Clrptlf'd \\' to \\'. P'on::ed heat. Patio tncl~. Room fnr aw1mmlng pool. Sale priNI .. t •t $1P,9M) With 1911MI ,..,,_ ORA.NOE COAST PROPl!:RTil:S 18(17 Nr.vport, Cn•ta M~aa ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18(17 Newport, Co1t1 Me•• LI 11·1932 Eve LI 8-880J Ocean View NE"' HOME • income or rueat hou1c. both furni~hed. Pallo, Alt 70x88" LOT. J M drm11. 2 bath. 3 y r. old BEAUTY. Lanai open• to big pa.Uo. Compet1 privacy. Room for pool or other tlevelop- mtn!. Pr. of 137.WO is well bt- low rt produc.tion co.ti. Shown by 11.pp"l. (ll'lly. l':\"e. lnto. Ph. Lytle l.J 8·2~2 ron•·c111enct1 ind. garb tlt.p. H t R It C .;:1ra.gc1. 123.!'oOO BARGAtN IMI~ ous o.n ea y o. rOUnl l!!nt .... orEN DAILY .. ASSOCIATES :12i·filth St., 11.""ewport Beach. r.ov Centf'r St., COiia Me.a 99pl3 LI 8-111111 or l.J 8·7784 --------- CORONA DEL MAR T\\·o HOUSES on c:or .. int. &:tlh 2 bf'(trma. • fireplace•. 1 ha• f.a. heat. B(ith !UAed. 121.:iOO, Very rholce buy. ALSO WATCH THIS COLUMN LI 1·1832 Eve U 1-6103 ''ACANT LOT , 10uth of High-F OR THE MOST carefully 1eleel- way. 1,1.·e a.1.-o f'lanctle exchange~ e<:I \"11.!Ufl In Mch of our dl&tlnct-LIOO ISLI:, cholca J:i' lot 110.1100. .. 1ocom" property. G. H.1..ATH-Jy different H.ARBOR AREAS 2 bdrm. homll". &"~· di•P· drapea ROP, 3113(1 E. Coa1t Hwy., Co-· " carpal•, •tc. $21,!IOO. Har. rona dtl Mar Harbo O-lil _BALBOA_eE~<:.1n .l -~"f2'J -- - --2C4 ~~. =--Jell~ NE\V o FFJCRJNG-mod. Provtn. CUFF DR.IVJ: VIl:W LOT J'M almpM, Cub out priea tt"l'OO 0111 of th• lut Yl-loOI on the drlva. ORANGE C048T PROP!:RTIICS 1167 Newport. co.ta M- U t -1132 l:vt LJ 1-MOI Oh E T&A.R HOW& NOT TR.A~ » .. 2 br. hom•. rump. rm. • Jllo!IO kn. pint" • tile kit. at 22tl i:lden, COila M•aa. Dlchondre.. btrrl1r " Ire.. 1 bllt. I:. ot Newport Blvd., clGff to ml!:a. " .i'hool•. Sleep& 7, 110,000, $2000 iln. Lib, term• 10 f'll"ht party . ... Cl.JFF HAVEN, b1 OWJltr. .J bdrm. hom•. 4"', G. l. IOU!.. "5 J!l)'mt"nt.I lnclu. tu• • Ullur- ance. dbl. car .• aprlnl!:lert1, patio, ff'l\Cfld, Slt.P&o or leN tor equ- 111 In ~. U .... U17. 4t'f S395 DOWN IMMl:DUTi: POSSESSION, 4 bdrm., 2 bath llome1. Full pr1ca 110,SOO. 2029 Harbor Blvd. U 1·6791 - (£v11.\ U l -67lt or Harbor 3094M. ttc:l Jh CORONA DEL MAR. oc.an v1- home 444 C&br11Jo. Corona Hlth- L•nd• 0--ner mu.t Mil. Submit tradq OPEN HOUlll: SUNDAY 1·6 p rn. ' DAJ"j __ A. JACOB81:N, RNJtor 4J4 -=n:ntt at.. !':twpOrt Bu(:h Har. 68111 EVN. Li --~2 '" CAN A.L TRONT AGE, laril! furn. Dupl•11:. :S btldrm. with l"" bath • 1 bnn. with 1•"1"• 1un d~k. 30 ft. bulkhMded IOI, $23,000 H•r. 3647-W. :Stt 2 bdrm.-only ~ blk. to Jrt1y. Loadi' of cupboardl, carb. d!1p. db!e. 1arage. Onl1 lll!l.1100, 11 70 loan, 5111.61 mo. CLIFF HAVEN $15.SOO B UYS THIS lptll'kllnr 3 bdrm. hom•. Lov1/y l&11d11C11.P1Pd patio. Quiet 3t. 60::-o .r. Loan, tor comfort " 1«ur11y, Muriel M. Pinover Re_altor SYLVIA THOMPSON, Aaoc. U04 Nev.·port Blvd., Npt. Beach l:uy Parkln& Harbor 6910 CIRCLE THIS BACK BAY I BEDR()(IM- convertU>M1 d•"· 8h&l!:t roof, ar· u1uc:, n•• r&11eh hoUN. E•clu- 1\v1 area. Onl1 SJ2,500 -llff tf'll•. H1r. &JM. Jc4. $6000 down $19,000 total price B A GREENLEAF : SEVERTS REAL TY, Inc . y Har. 2552, Eve1. LI 8-:'1405 or LI 8-3186 3112 Newport. Blvd. Newport Beach v ,25 Yeani of Lf>a'1er1h ip I ATTRACTIVE LARGE SHAKE VERY MODERN E M-1 OFFERED AT NOT YEgTER· w DAYS, OR TOMORl'.OWS PRICE-BUT TODAYS- Selected Listings Lido Isle:- Decorator'• own lovely home. 4 bedroom•. 3 bath• plu1 studio apt. Completely iurni1hM .1t $39.500 Lido's be11t buy! Back Bay:- c narming Colonial : Paneling. raised brick hearth. built-ins galore. 3 bdrms .. den. 2 bath11. plenty nt room for pool. Dri\•e by 413 Sierra Vi!lta , you'll bu y it at $26.!j(IO Beyfront:- outstanding home, has e\•eryth1ng ~ Large boat ,;Hp, F inest \•iew in the harbor. Willard L. Killion, Realtor Lar1e pl<"ture wlndo11o', 3 bdnn1. • It. brick patio. 1'"an1ily slu din· ~_[!!I., lar"'e • 1le k i•c:hen with bili!t·ln dlnln& a.rea. 2 BA'JllS, 11tall a how er, 1011 of tile, pull. man. Btautlful!y \a.nd1c:eped lot 90xl60, renced. private alley. Extra lar1e 2 car garage 22x20. DO YOU ·~' • '""' '""' REALTORS rovinci.al 1nt,..,iol"-Mml .. Ofl-l0i·l--~'-':~7"~=.""'~-·~ -3341 NeWl'f61't Blvd. frontage~ ! Hubor 3371 Harbor-~ ~ VACANT 1 ~~ YEARS OLD, like nl'w. Priced low to eel. at $16.500 Very attrectivl' term11, open aftl'rnoon1. 2307 Sa.nta Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97cll -ff A C t.: BAY RESTRI C Tl:D HOfllt'lllt•. "'"• have two with ba~k bay water vi1PW a t 16,000 o:Mh f'ar h. ORANGE C0AS1' PROPERTIES 18.';7 Newport, Co1t1 )(Ma LJ 8-1832 l:ve W 1•'803 CLl:AN liV• room hOUlll". Double trarare. £Kira work ahnp and t>h1ckan equLpm1nt. 217 I:. Wal- nut PL. Colt• N-. • 2.,. YOL' CA1'" have your bu1hieaa ln 230!> W. B&l.boa Blvd. the rear-and what a location! Don"t wall on thl•. Jt• $11,!IOO 1------------ tO<lay • term•. Ac.t quick : REX RECHS- Realtor 2J07 W. Balboa 81\•d. N-port Beach. Har IHM COl..D STORAGI: PL.ANT Freewr, cooler • alorar• room.. 12:i·ton capacity. Office. loadtng dock•. t ·Ml lot•, Parkin& •rM . SacnH<"e price S-3-0.000 ORANG!: COAST PROPl:RTIE& 18.~i Xnvport, Coat• )( ... LI 8·18J2 Jl:ve W 1-61<13 Subdivision CHOICE LANO 1n Orange Colin· I)': &amt tor modest prlc~ home• and 10TI11 tor high prlctd horn• 1'"0R RENT THERE 11 & kilchan ranc• b11t no other furn!tura In thta ' bdrm. 2 bath hom1 In a be111tlful lo· c&tton Jn Coro11a ctel Mar Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Mulllpl1 W.lln1. Broker1 COSTA )(£84. I bdrm. hom1 with lkaln-Broktt <!elathed ltbl, gar Xlnt c:!'.11'1-31311 f:. Cn1.1t Hwy .. Ccn.,,na dal Mir dll1on. Llrtf' kit. fenctd. I Harbor Jlll2 U l ·l26"l' Jc6 CLIFF HAVEN Thrtt bt!drm. Ir den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully land&c1~ front and rPar garden11 , COSTA MESA Archi tect'• former home. Be!lutifully landACaped, delightful patio. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. FHA financ- ing. Ea11y term11. Only S14.:w.>O all Liberty 8·2664 I Eve111 Lf 8-70561 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and J~1ne, Newport 8f'.ach • VOGEL VALUES • MAIN OFFICE {· Here's A Good u ~r One . Look At These Features 1. 3 Large Bedrooma 2. Nlce Den 3. 2 Batha •• 5. 6. "' 8. 9. 10. Forced Air Heat Cedar Shingle Roof Beautiful Fireplace Approx. 1~ sq. ft. Nice Corner Location Full Price Sl 7,250 Only $2,450 down Want To Build That Dream Home 1 On one of Balboa Peninsula's nicest streets -~S block to bay. We have 3 very choice aites. Call for particulars. .•. .,>,. • .. .... '~ - THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport. Beub LI 8-3481 • v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS 1. DUPLEX CORNER LOT Located on choice St., 1 unit fumiahed Ir furniture included in price. Consists of 1 bedrm each. dbl. gar. A beat buy at $17,500. Easy terms. 2. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished A bNt buy In 3 Mparate units, close to ocean. Ex- cellent location for renta.le. This should sell quickly at SMOOO 3. ONLY $14,500 For thia 3 bednn. home, double garage. hwd. floors. Close In &nd has GI loan. Better see this today. 4. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED Thia immaculate ocean view 2 bedrm. and den home, 2 bath•, carpeted WW, and dr11.pe1 included. Yard bu eprinkler system. fenced completely. Auto- matic door opener in garage. Many other fine fe.turea. Tl"Uly a good buy Rnd only $37.500. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRlCE T. McCUJSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 <Office lot'ated next door to Corona del Mar Bank) OUR BEST LISTINGS LIDO NEW 3 b<lrrns. 2 ba. all etectr1c kitchen. gara~c. 70 ft. Rtreet $37,50() LlDO ALSO 3 car Year old 3 b<lnna .. 2 ba. Ii hobby room on 11ame widt> lltrttt. $34.500 AND 3 Bdnna., 2 ba. on «' lot. $31.500 Others u low as $18,500 ACRES 2.86 acres. 19 feet on Monrovia, 630 feet deep. Between 16th & 17th St. $13,700 VIEW LO'r 45 ft. \'il'W lot. Overlooking all of Newpl)rt Har· bor area. Full price $15,000 WlNTER RENT AL LISTINGS WANTED DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle Open 04ily 12 to 5 , Shhh I!! 1 100 Via Dijon -4 bedrm., S bath. North Bayfront ,- In fact , 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. e unlta nicely fumlahed, newly painted and decorated. Lovely patio living maximum privacy to each unit. nu. ia outstanding in every way-..e thf1 for 1ure. It'• the beat income property buy we know of. Full price including furnnu~ Sl~,000. Terma. Little Bargain! 2 Bedrma. and bath pita ~ bath and bunk room. Fireplace, 2 car ga.rage, patio, excellent condition, 200 feet to perfect swimmlng on Lido Nord. $18,250. Tf\rma. Adorable 3 bedrm. 2 bath ruatic fannhouae. Will be finiahed in about 20 da)"I ao you •till have time to pick colors. Open beam ceilinp, natural wood cabinets, uaed brick fireplace, furMce, cemented enclosed patio. Thia ia a very good buy at $25,'500 with Sl0,500 dn. and $120 a month. • Bayfront Lot 87 feet wide at Bulkhead line, pier privilese. take extra large boat, perfect Jocatlon for your bayfront home. $45,000. North BAYFRONT Lot, 52 feet wide at Bulkhead line, bulkhead ln, pier privilege, SM,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1~ Cliff Haven V A L LJ E Truly an Out.at.anding Don't even tell your tn.nda about thia ooe. Early American-Beautltw ~ brick fh-epiu.-3 bed· rooma, 2 batJi.-Bullt in .iove and oven-C&rpeta a.nd DrapM-Ocean View. Pri* for immediate aa1t at $27,'500. Remember don't tell anyone. juat call me -Sincerely, Joe Kincaid. Picturesque Provincial Spadows Brownell deeicn tncludee enormou. Muter Btd.room llUit. with Hi.I and Her dreutnr room.a and bath. Gue.it room and bath~sy den, 2 flre- place.-lota of u.ed brick and 1"tdwood. Heavy lhako roof-ocean view-Juat a atep to ~xclualve bathing beach. Price $36.~. Open Sunday 1 • 6 248 Evenlhr Canyon Rd., Sho~ Oitf1 Drive by or call Dave O.burn. $1250 Down And you can move Into thU. cut. S bedroom, 1 ~'2 bath hoiu. Lea than 1 year olti too. Bat of all your monthly pymta. will only be M7 .'50 Price $9'500 Large Lido Lot Beautiful 50 ft. corner Strada lot ................ g11.:soo Building plan available. Call Bill Farnsworth p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M13 V A L U E 2 Unit Income! A SMALL DOWN·PATMENT ti PROPERTY ot unu..ual duJcn; a brand new tamUy home full of warm lh and ch&nn , . • S b4ld· room•, 2 bath Redwood R111t1e wtlh a kitchen you can't reellt BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath ALL YOU P.A.T •.. THI: TEN· .AN'I' PAYS THE JQ:ST. One r.t our belur valuea. 2 1epante unit.a, turnl1hed. 2 patlOI. Cholec home and 1 bedroom -full of the lateet rellnernenl• 1uch u touchplate .wltcbee, In· income apartment. locatlon near Bay and Oce&11. J18,f80. ueoo down. 3 Unit Income! S.pa.rata cottar• with duple11. tn rtat and dandy renter. too. We NEW'°RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAel 1 MONDAY, SEPT. 12, 1911 . . .., ........ BALBOA ISLAND QUAIJTY J8UND HOME 6 APT. OM ot tlle lll&nd'• tine bom ... a bdnnl., Ip. dWnr rm .• 1" bathe, deU,btt\al lllbt U...., rm. opa!Q1 to partly covered p&tlo. Tht attrutMl,y fUnlJIW 2 bdrm. ran,. apt. wttb tun blillrooin earu Oftl' SllOO per yqr. llxtra " bath Ill pn.c9. OutataDdlDc' buy at $38,000 with $12,000 dA. TWO UNJTS. ~rn 1 bd.rm. apt.: olMr front boUM. Show your abWty at "do it yountll'' U1.800 TWO UNITS LIKll NmW WlTR BAY VIEW ConvertJbJ. tither' bdrm. home with 1 bdrm. apt. or 3 bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. apt. Gndoua UY· inr rm. 1ead!n1 to aceptJoaaJ patJo. Sl0,000 da. good terma. eo rr. BAY PRONTAOE. On Lltt1e taland, pier. tloat, formal ' bdrm. home. The land value •cloee to the uldnr price ot rra.ooo BUSINESS BUILDING MAJUNE A V1C. IU,IOO LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Lars• lot, dwmlai • bdrm. 3 'h bath hou.e. t>tnlq rm., modMa ~ chen, dilp., diabwuher, Iota of eupboarda and cloteta. Plua unuaued 1 bdrm. apt. over I ear..,.. age. Both unita all newly ful"llllhtd tn ModMM. Id~al for home a.nd income or p..ta. Ha.r. 177~ -Evte. uttb Maroon HTatt ..all John Ma.enab, Harbor a.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa llland Lido Triplex There l• but very little property aoned for Ina•• on Lido Iala.nd, .o we are pi.u.ct to otfw tlall money-maker in thiJI prlmt location ua.ooo hJl price -Terna. LIDO LOT Only $8000. Save a •pot on lovely Udo fot' J'DUl'- aelvee. (We think you will never bu.r a Ude lot for lea) and aay how would you Uk• to buy a 411 lot for $11,600. Terma! We rot It! direct lighting, ced.&r che1t.. and new L 1haped clo.el1 PLUS •hower and bath oct carac• (for your IWtmmln~ pooll Plua & Pa.noramlc \'lew from the rooftop obauvatory, FuJI Price only $28.600. Let u1 •how you thll today! An exclusive home area with rme beach and lar&e lot for mother & children, and dock apace. for a small boat for dad. Priced $28,500 furnlahed- Good terma. Owner will listen to caab. have the r·ecordl ..• located on Lid W t J t H .. .!J..L I e Eaal Bay Avenue clOla to beet 0 a 8nrOn Om8S WJTn ftCOm 1wlmmlnr beac.hu. Nicely fur· • Want a Ranch 1 WITH HORSE CORRA.Ui -dor keoneJa --large modern 2 bed· room le den home with waJI to W&U carpeting, muslve tire· place, forced a.lr heat, Hparate patio and private yard on "' acre. fen('ed ranch cloaa lo th1 country club. Prlre? You'll be aurprlatd! 1111,800 y,rtth ju11l ')2,1100 dov.'11 l ! the riaht investment lS EQUAL TO A LIFETIME OF TOIL. Kera 11 your chance lo buy Into Eut 17th Strttl'• flou.rUhlnr commercial bU1lnea1 un~r ••• 60'11.300' C·2 lot with small houae now unted-Excel· .,ent locaUon .•• $12,000. Full Pri<'e. Steo Livelv D' YOU WANT to take ~vantqe of th.la opportuni~ to buy thll completely redecorated' yr. old S bdrm. horn• l.n Newport Ht.. Yu. fireplace, hdwd. n oon, unit heat-a rul barg-aln at ju11t 113.1100 with a good •r:. C.l. lo&n Bay & Beach Realty Ph. Har. 4U for appt. u Aug. tenant pay1 $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 un1t motel apartment. The finest unit ot this type in this location. Income in exceu ot $12,000. THE VOGEL · CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the Poat Office Har. 444 Eves Har. ~9-M -Har. f248-R INCOME PROPERTIES Year old duplex on peninsula. Two bedroorrui In each unit, plU8 an add..iUonaJ guest room. Corner fireplaces, good heat, d.iBpo6als. lncludea Bendix, carpets and drapes in upper. $28,500. Would trade on baytront property or accept vacant lots &8 • part payment. Triplex in Newport Heigbt..t. Beautifully decorated. Two bedrooms in each unjt, Disposal, fan, TV an· tennae, aprink.llng system. $:sooo down. nl•h~d and tn very l'ood con-We have five $&9,'500 up. Call for d.talll. dlt1on. l23,7M and rood terma, Balboa Duplex! KZREI A SWELL VALUE. Haa 2 bf'droom1 up a.nd one down. Lower hi.I been completely mod- •mlud. Ht9vy furniture tnclud· ed In both. Hu elftra room for one more unit plu. a prar••· $18,000, terma. Peninsula Home! rAMOUI DOCTOR'S H 0 MI: WJ1'H ' BEDROOMS AND TWO BATHS. Situated on two large corner lotA .•• walled tor pr\va.cy. Badminton court. patio a.nd nicely landac&pad. B~autltul carp.ta and drape.. U O,llOO and C'ood terma. We invite you to vl1lt our frttlldly otfteel and ae- quaJ.nt younelve1 with OW' many "UDO LUIT- INGS," ExcluaJve and Muldp&e. A.alt for Ou of LI DO REALTY Allociatee Udo'• Koct ~eae*1 8ale9 Pwaonnel Bill Kempt~ -Joe Grohmua Gene Vreeland -vtrrtnla 1'auon 3-100 Via Lido Harbor ~ (Acl'Ola from Richard'• KarJ1et Dsbuet) J:.lb~~~o~~~ LIDO ISLE A'Nlt LOCATED ON EAST • bedrma., 3 bath•, apaci0\11 Uv. room 6 den. Ololct BAY A Vl:NUI: ••• eloea lo .. y. I ti d rtu1 fA_,, h ,.., •~ $12,600 t&ku thll dandy ba&ch cor. oca on-a won e auu&Y omt. mu .. _, homei witll only $0000 down. $39,9M 81eepe e people &Jld In rood con- dHlbn .•. call to aee It t.ocky. BALBOA ISLAND Peninsula Home' 3 Bedrm• .. 3 bath• -Separate dtntng rm., c!wm· • ing lanai Ii den SPACIOUS • BEDROOM HOM!!: with 2 bath•. Ocean vtew from Plus attractive 1 bednn. apt. 11pst&lr bedroom. Large living $11,000 down ----1698 Newport Blvd. Duplex near hospital and propoeed ahopplni center. One of few Income units in a good residential area. 18 months old. Nicely pJanned t.wo bedroom units. room with flag!ltone Clrepk\ce. A large &nd modern home fl)r a CORONA DEL MAR lu1• family. $23.~. $6000 WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? Llbertyc~~ll~e~~~~ 11·3168 There ha,•e been NO lots So. of Hiway near the Ocean for eo long, we might be doubted-but we do ha,·e two right now. Zoned R-2 on quiet. tree iln.ed street. You can not steal them but they ARE worth the price. No call~. pfelt8e, just bring your check book to R. L. STRICKLER-, Realtor Dick Hodgc, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. BALBOA ISLAND Har. 2774 Four bedrm., 2 bath home with \'iew of bay. BeautJ. fully fumiahed. Obie garage. S26.500. excellent financing. Room to build. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Midge Mick-C. D. La.k~amet Blod1ett-W. W. Peal'IOn 216 Marine, B&lboa hJa.nd. Harbor 20 or M CORONA DEL MAR Expanaive Harbor and octan v1ew, f bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 b&thl. Hardwood A· carpet tloon. Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. home, Jars• rooma. Pro- tected patio. Att.racUvely priced at $24, 7M SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertlee. Har. 177~ -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt t-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Marine Av~ .• Balboa Ialand LOTS:- NEwPoRT HEIGHTS VERY FEW LEFT, &ood loca · llon. 60xl27!'1-lf900, lenna. BALBOA PENINSULA ONE OF THE NICEST LOTS ldt. 110.llOO -See Utt• on1. R·2 WATERFRONT LOT. 110.000. Small down p&ymmt. TWO OCEAN FRONT LOTS. cor· n~r. $1&,300. TWO BEDR.M. home and 1 bednn. apt . ne&r Bay and U do Shop· pl111 Center, only 110,llOO. terrn.1 Homer E. Shafer Realtor lot Mcradd.n Pla~ at Ui. Pier Newport Bescb Barbor uo. l:ft. Har. 111T·K. ACIUl14Ga BUT NOOO pu a.en wtth Ubenl Wiiia. IO acre fua. 80Qa r..,q for a&lldi'141aS. Bldp.. ....,.. well. OJ\AMG8 OOAST PitOPDTID 1&07 Nl'WpOl't. ea.ta M._ LI 1· 1tll l:ft U 1-4101 View Lot 09 BJutl. ( l eHebold) II f .. t traa~ Mo. IOI IDap Road, w.-Of PIU ._., Owner W. &. ~ 6061 PMU!o Ave .. I.-. 8-ch. Telepbone Lof\f a.els 6-tOM or 9&8·298. 96p9 ro R IA.LI: OR LEUI:, Newport ..... ..., .,,_tap. '<IO l•t. lfttt• to N ...... MO a ..... erly Ortve, Benrly Hilla. or • pt!OM ~.,, 1-lllL ~ Ocean view from upper apartment. $22.~. down, Fine 3 B.R. home, excellent location-a good nlut. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 4c6 Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank ot America Roaa Oreeley --~-------------------Al Comellu1 Ed Lee $15,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park at Marine, Ba.lboa laland And Aaaociatea Harbor 2"2 LOTS LOTS 700 £. Bt.lboa Blvd,. Balboa --""l'~------,,,,,,------------· LOTS lack Pinkham .Jo11.epbln1 Webb South of Highway on tree lined avenut, quiet atreet, level lots. 1. 35 x 118' R·2 ...... ___ ._ ...... _ ......... _ ........... $7950 2. 30' x 118' R-2 ........ -............ -......... _ ......... $6950 Also 30 f t. R-2 SOuth of Highway near stores, etc. $4500 BACK BAY level Lot with view of bay ........ S6SOO RAY REALTY €0. 3'"6 E. Cout Hwy., q,rooa del Mar. Har. 2288 (ACJ"ON from Bank in COM) · Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATrRACTIVE year r ound home on Sea· abo~ Drive. Knotty pl.De living room with dining area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and lf.l bath down, 3~bedrooma and 1 % bathe up. Solid con- atruction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car prqt, encloetd yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 Phone Hubor ll277 CORONA DEL MAR CH.ARMING 2 br., provt.ncl4!, nn. for unit. clOH to rnkt1. and tran11p. R-2. A11klng . 112.600 COR. LOT w nlre 11pt. over gar. I R ·2 14000 dn , FP. . . &rn.llOO • BR.. panort1mlc ()('ean virw ....... .. ............. _ .. _ . 137.!IOO BAYSHORES ROOJ'.tY Early A mt rlran brad1 hoU3e, 2 br. PLU8 ga r unit. kn. pine Int.. 2 p•tl08, brkf•l. bar .. .. .. .. .... .. 122.300 CLlFF HAVEN 2 BR , xlnt. locauon -for .. 1e unfurn , or f or leue tum - Vt ry attracll\·e. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·4277 LARGE J!'IDUSTRIAL BLDG. - 80 x 93 office. Rest room• • menufartur1ng, -whnluale-a · Lail or 1tou 1e. Lone term ltue or 1rll ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport, Costa MIM LI &·11132 Ev1 Ll 8-8803 t:-l BALBOA, what v.·a call oldet b ut 'l'ery nice I bdrm. hoWle Cl01e to •v11')1.hlnr, hu ev•ry· thine even aar. Full pr. 11 J.500 T'rm1. Al Tyle'r Real !At•t~ &o7 E. 8a.Jbo&. Har. 3608. 3c!I - 45' WATERFRONT Pier & Slip available. Sandy bea.cb. New S B. ll. 2 bath home, large living room. Full dinlnr room. built-in kitchen. Wall to wa.11 carpeting, approz. 2100 sq. ft. Owner will conllder ~down from qualified buyer. All thia for leu than $30,0001 Beautiful 4 yr. old home, quiet ont-way lttett, cl.oet to ocean and bay. Nice pa.tio and fireplace. Be« buy on Point today. $16,000 for quJclr: 11aJe. Newport Heights -$2,500 Down Near ffigh School -St. Jame. Road. I B. R. home, Hardwood floors, large lot. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor U8' CORONA DEL MAR Completely charming view home. 3 bdrma., 2 b&thl unfurn. -exc. financlnr. $19,870. BALBOA l~ND 4 bdrmA., aouth bay front -pier float abowplaee. ~7.500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine A venue Balboa laland Bar. I02 •• PAGE~. P.4~T 11 -NE\WPORT HAQOR NEWS-PRESS ,,,.._ -....-:: ' OH YOU KIDS Just like Mom and Dad USC'd to wear, although Mom and Dad might not want to admit it today, Residents of Montero St. donned ancient bathing suits for their annual Labor Day aitics. In the picture are Mr. and Mrs. Dick J ohnston.h•tr. and Mra. Duke Schulb, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Williams. Mr. ., ~ I MONDAY. SEPT-. 12, 1955 l 1Co11eil lo let · M1der Pl1n of, Mesa at Special Meet Tuesday The propoMd me.ster plan for either body would car. to ew e It Co.ta Mua. on which the pl&nnmc al either of their "'JUlar meet- commlNlon haa been worklnr eo inc•. He felt that council mf>m· arduou.aly tor we•Ju,. will come ~ra ahould approve the plan bt· &>efore the clty CCW)Cil at a •ped al fore It oomq up at future public meeunc Tue.-day evenl.n&'. Sept. U . hear\nJ"a. WaJter W•lmer. chairman of lht Weimer aid that Barney N.wport Bearll pollc• ••parlm111\ F'r1day Aft•r JarnH Boye• ot lll l Park Ave. rtj)f\rtert boya t.klnr 3nmrthln1t off l'lf a car. Booked wue M1.-harl J1,hn Hlitaln•. 19. and J . [I, ROOll<'\'l'll HoUM. 21. M ,\ TTltt;S:n;~ Bc>at• -UomM -Trallerw lrttcW.r l!ibapt'e Uberty I · lJOS COSTA ME~.\ MATTRESS CO. !UO X•"pun Bh•d. cornmwlon, told the council TuH· Franque. commlN1on m e m b e r, I day nl1hl that con11dflNollon of lbfl would fl1trlaln the comml1MSlon• 1 plan would l•kfl mon time than plan and rea.aona for deel1lons. --------------------------------------·--------------------. a nd Mrs. Guy Isbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Beeheymer, Mr. and Mrs. John Hellman, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strangman. Mr. and Mrs. Al Blakelt:Y. Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Wahner and Mr. a.nd Mrs. John Gores. -Staff Photo . 1 REMEMBER WHEN? 1 Montero St. 'Cousins' in Annual Shore Outing day swimmers who relaxed in the holiday sun to watch the antics. 1 Garden Grove !Limits Set ~Petitions Out I SANTA ANA !OCNS"l-Wllh It.a proposed boundariea termed .. de- finite> a nd e.xact" by the OranJ"• County boundari'• commls&lon, I proponents of a 11lxlh elua city of Garden Grove t oday sl't about preparing a notice of Intention lo circula te p1!tlllon11. Before the> group can move In j a lflCOnd try to form a city In the alowly growtng terl'ltory. It l must file !ta petltlon-elrculation Intention notice! with County Clerk B. J . Smith. An Incorporation try In Gar· den Grove failed earlier thl11 year. NO OONFLICI' The boundarlu comm11alon dfl· termlned the propoted city'• II· mlta do not conflict with Orance. Anaheim and trl-citle1 annc>x and Incorporation plane. Roughly 78.,00o acru and a dozen aqua.re mllu are Included In the plann~d new city. Council· men would be elected and all other city officers appointed. Population In the area hu ~ n llmate<t-at 28.000. BOUNDAJUE8 The boundulH : from Katella and Macnolia Avea. on the north· eut along Katella east to Euclid Ave,. eoutb on Euclid t.o a point about m idway bfltween Ch•pman and Oranrewood A vu., tut to 9th St., north on I th to Orange- wood. then following a 1talr- stepllne east to Huter St., south on Huter to Garden Grove Blvd., flUt on GardfJn Grove Blvd. to Berrydalfl St.. south on Berry· dale lo Wu tmlnster Aves .. wut on Weat1l'lln1ter .Avr. to Newland I St., north on Nflwland St. to Tral<X Ave., wut on 1'1-ask to Huntinrton Buch Blvd.. north on a ranUy curvtnr line ju1t wei.t of Huntington Beach Blvd. to Garden Grove Blvd.. flUl on Garden Grove Blvd. to Magnolia An. and north on Magnolia to Kat.ella. HARP._ SUPPORT CHILDREN PROGRAM The summer recreation procram at Harpu School •howed definite a1gn11 of be· coming an accepted routine part of the civic life Of th1• rnmmunlty a cco r d In r; to Pauline Gardner. suJ>flrvleor. ThHe were enouch children who had formerly attended to hf'lp carry out rulu and regu\ationa aet up the tint yf'ar. The prorram waa look· . ed forward to by bOth chll· dren and p&renta . The averar• daily &tlflnd· a.nee a t H arper School play- ground hu befln around ~. Since general playrround rulu of the achool weni kept. the numbflr of "new chll· dren" In thl1 area, who will be cominc to thl1 1ehool. a re well • utablllhed along- the way of rood playground procedure . Marines looked as Car Clout Suspects Two youth• from Camp Pendle· ton wue booked lnto Jail by BE SURE -INSURE wltll lllAVRIJ; ·8TA.~1' hLlwaecle Oaly Pit-Harbor H'76 111& E.. <:out llJcllwa1 Coroaa clel Illar Shade~ of yestc>rday were relived Rgam Labor Day In Newport Harbor when the> Montero St Co11sin11 made their annual trek llown to the sea.shore. Men. wo- inen and ch1lllren, they were 'all dressed In bathing suits ot the bygone days, forming a le.ugh· able 1 l)nt ra"t with the modern With the appearance of a ban· ner printed on a rollPr Ahade and nlliled to a broom handle, the group 1et of( on an impromptu p&rade of nearby atretts and bay fronL The Gay Nlntty bathinjf beauty rc>vlew Is an annual event with aeversl couples who are longtime 11 urn mer and year around r esidents ot Montero St, BALTZ MORTUARIES Nab 3 Juveniles for Petty Theft Thre.:• Lakewoo<I Juveniles were bookPd by Newport pohcfl Tues· duy under 1he juvenile code for pt>tt y theft after police ob1erved one of them take a bottle of 80ft dr Ink fi;om a truck on Coast High· way. The other two boys were rompanion11. Pul11:e found the trio after Alan \\'uodrit•k. 13, of 900 A rbor Dnve, Costa Mella, came Into police headquarters to say three boys l1Pat him up 11 few minutes earlier. Al11n'11 friend, Bfln Hugel, 12, uf 1929 'Wlllttler lit.. Coat& ~tcsa, tnltl police the three blocked their way and started fighting. When pohce spotted the Lake· wood trio. they also observed one of them take the bottle from the tru<'k. The l><>Y• wPre rflleasfld to lheir pari•nls. All the old bathing suits worn l are authentic orl&'lnala or repro· ductlona. • COST A MESA CHAPEL 1741 Supu1or Avenue Coata Mea. CaU..f. Phone Llbflrty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA ~20 E. Cout Blvd. Corona dfll Mar, Cali!. Phone Harbor U SAYE SAFELY At Or1n9e County's Le1din9 Home Lendint Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Open.d On or Before The I 0th of the Month Eun From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !U Ocean Aveaue Pbone: HY '-ll'7T LAGUNA BEACH OH NO, NOT THAT -Nancy Carrier, pert. young teen-ager in an attractive mod- ern bathing suit , looks with astoniiyiment at Neil Williams and Mrs. Walter Strarig- man dressed in old fashioned bathing suits. The three are residents of Mont ero St. and belong to the Montero St. Cousins group whjch celebrates each Labor Day by WATER HEATERS s.-,us. SUVICE a•d U'AIU Joe Ptb~JofJ TUMS 10 PER CENT DOWN Pllo•• Htrbor Ull for a good deal and - . a good deal more ! donning old bathing suit&. -Staff Photo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~============~ Craft Classes Well Attended Daily crafl C'lllstt!I were held In Corona del Mar. ~r-and 1----M'Ori!e-VfftTu 8CliOOiS. Olfl Harbor Mutflr's• Office. 36th St. Park and Costa Mfl.lln P11rk during the 1111mmP1'. Aver11ge 11ttend11ncc> WM a11 folloWl!. Coron& dt'I M11r. 10: Monti' \'llllll. :\0: Hal'pflr. 35; Cn· lltll M"s11 Park. 35: 36th St. Park. 2~ llnrf H11rhnr M1111tt'r'ro Office>, 7. Cl&Ne11 with i<ma ll 8 tt ~nrlll ncfl wne hl'ld In the nl<'rnln$: nc>11r JW!puler bee<'h ere&11. Chlld~n cut out doll~ and anl· ma.I flguru, made paper pup~u. atrung beads. mack> hat,., I' 1 n whefll,., peer Rhow,. And "J><'OI flgurf11. Te> maintain lnterflllt d1· rectors plannt>CI orculoQ&I week program" with roordln&ted ftctl- vltlu and lndla.n 11n<1 Hawsllan Wt'flk.t1 were populai. Thf' m11jority of chlldrc>n were> between five and eight y"ars old. Many Akllla wert-dl'veloped or lmprow ii In the he.ndlcrl!t pro- Jtram Including \UIP ot aciaaors. putt end paper. Opportunity Is al•o given !or using V1lrio111 col- n111 a nd developing original a.nd lma g1nllt1ve de11lgn1. An lnc~a",.fl In coordina tion Is elvdent in manv of Ult smaller children. · Betty Graham and Diane Fruh- ling. the two handlcra.!t teachera, found 1t beneficial to meet enry other Monday to exchang-e ldeu and coordinate pro~•· Sug- p 1tlons for future progl'11111 were discussed at lhfllr hut con· fal'WICe. The cooperation of d1· rector1 nn the pa.rk or &'f'OWlda wu con•iderfld to ~ H~ntia1. Probasco Baby lorn Mr. and Mn. Jack Probuco, '119 Newport Blvd., a~ parenta ot a 1!1rl baby born SepL 1 at BO&f H~pltal. By UslnCJ CLASSIFIED WANT ADS , • Your Ad Appean 4 times weekly in Classified We're matching Pontiac's record sales with record· breaking t_rades ! ~ You can put thia down for a fact. You won't W match our deal anywhere ei.e in town becau.e this one pay1 off double! For a ttarter, you'll get an appra.ilAI too rood to pe8ll by. we·~ out to make September another reoord-bretlking month, a.nd all tradea are fi,ured on a volume ~Your car can command a better 'deiJ t;,m a& rfiht. now than It ever will qu,;. For the clincher, you'll get a car that i.1 way ROY CARVER 1400 W. Coast Highway aheed or anythinf.,.... ite price ; : : ct.irned ..s en,ineered to stay new for yeen. You'll pt ttyle thataetathe fashion for tomorrow. You'll pt the advanced performance ot the Stzato-Streak V-8, l1ll!WMt engine in the indmtry. You'll pt the 1izie you mt* have for lllfe comer· in1 and aolid..aecurity --- You'll pt the !At.eat inpovation.s in iiprinpns. brakee and 1teerin1 to CUllhion the ride and make drivin1 an eft'ortleea p leuure. Come in for the deal with the double payoff and drive away a big, .ru,h-powered future-fMhioned Pontiac. You have the word of half a million ownwa -you'll never make • better hlly! t ''11 • '°'"AC'I llEAJEH ru11 TNE ru1·1 uumr u rt PONTIAC T1 .. ..., Pllone Ua..ty 1-1540