HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-14 - Newport Harbor News Press• co v.....,._,._._u Weaeeda7, Sept. H, 1965 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIER SHOP BALBOA TllEA'l'SS BLDG. llALllOA o,..r..., .... ..__ F66TBALL -Au.a u-Challi 0- DEDJCA TION PIRATE STADIUM 0-,. Adm. lt.00 WIUa B. 8. C'ard IOt' • l "ndl'r 1S Free FRIDAY. SEn. 16 • 8 P. M. SPECIAL PAINT SB'TIMID ONLY AS LOW AS * Guaranteed Expert Prepara- tion * Expert Application * Best Material * Thermal Baked Enamel in Oven * Expert Detailing NOT A FAST HURRY UP JOI, A 9UA JOI UKE WHEN YOUR CA~ WAS NIW. OVER 1000 SATISFIED CU8TOllE88 Term1 l~B ....... Gulde HAULING 't tra.ah or! Anythinr. Anywhne Llberty 8-21'1! 8etrcpp PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 501 • llat St.. Newport Beacb Barbor 317• 22t.fc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging uuntlry setYite deluxe ... •t b.rg•in prices! WHAT IS IT7 lndtvldually wuhed-We&riAC &pJMaHI nun dried by filtered air-flat plq• profeuionally Ironed. Your clothee and llneu an do.ne up ONJC unit-no ml.Jt· up.. no unalchUy mulu -rairuloft water, centl• controlled -pa. WHEN AV AILABlE • • • Service within houra if urrent, becauae we do everythlnr rtrht here. HOW MUCH ••. Clraalatlon 21,000 Dllltrtbwted In Netl'J>Ort Beach, Balboa, Balboa , hland, Coroaa cW Mar, COllta Mtu. &..guna. South Lapaa l8d Buatiagtoa Beach. But.or 1118 It is • b•rg•in b\indle too • • • • only $2.85 for 23 lbs. W:HERE • · • · c a • a p u r a 1100 Weet Cout msbway "SERVICE WlTRlN HOURS -WHEN lli'"l.:EDl:D" OOMPLETE LAUNDEBS and CLEANERS llariDen IDie Newport&..-GEO . BURKHARDT LICENSEDCONTIUCI'OR ·----------------------------------------------------' 171 W. 18th St., ea.ta lllM Liberty 8-8421 COMPLETE PAINTING A: Paper Hanging Service EUGEN.: 0. SAUNDllR.8 800 Un Street. Newport Beacb Barbor 2978 or Bar. ""-tfc General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Barbor 0693-J 58tfc Dorothy Jo Dance Studio 2515 E. Coast Blvd. Corona del Mer Harbor 3499 ..................................................... WINDQWS,FLOORS Washing & Waxing f Just returned from 2 month cross-country Teaching Tour OPEN FlllDAY NIGHTS 'Ill 9 P .M. Perking Ticlceta Vetideted, All Santa Ana Pe;king Lots Ptoud-Picj sa.o.. .,.. deei-'*' ri-IO Ill 10'iftl ti.., -• deft&op --u,; •• b9.lk .. -IN 1oo..-a.1 _,; com .. -4 &ft ... e!iow ,_ .. ..-.ed .. _ _,..._ • .., ~ ud Weck; lack-to-School Spedal ~ _ $4.81 ......., ...... v .... WASIMILLER'S Wortdapm.a'1 Ston ~ Barbor Blvd. 0.ta .... The NEWS-PRESS Monday, Wednesday, Friday Delivered to Your Home Three Times a Week Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 1i--SOc---"-R =M __ o_NTH ______ -=SOc-----a LADllS SADDLI OXPOID ...................... wllilCI: _. WlllTI: BUC& 0 __ ...... '4" .at te Seafeway -Costa Mesa -. Tested end Commended by Parenh Ma9esine G•L'S STURDY MOCCASIN ~ ............... 0......-... ........ loys .OWll Olfonl Kunda 'I• ,,, ... s3" '3" etc. RESIDENTIAL & OFFICES LI 8-1623 3clll CARPENTER Repair Work Do'9 Your Rome Need R.e'pe111na Of' ftemocleHftCf can l'nllk. ~ ._... AD Wol'll Gwlna&eed H&lo • ASPHALT TILE LINOLE't.J)( l IMtall the above cheaper than moA. A»o MU Tile • Unolwm. lfoa·unlon. 211 yeara experience. eo.p.re ud .., -~ OOIDR Bar •• ,.,.. or c_... ee.cb T-eeTS. ~ as Faculty Member for National Association of D~nce and Affiliated Artists Classes Now Forming All Types of Dancing Vacation's Ower ... time now for DAD to get back to work- COllCrete Patio Tie Conunat1 Irick ,,,.. ~ty Portable Barbecue SI.II + COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS AND SUPPLIES + 1 Pllone Uberty 1-1128 Uberty 1-112' Keith B. Collins. Inc. 2075 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa + Complete LI~ of Ace High & Pillsbury Rabbit and Poultry Feed -+ .. ~ u.e of .............. Mmwyand Ceme11t Fl11lslllng T ooh Insecticide Sprays, Weed Klll•r~ 20°/o Dis • * All Prices Good Moll. tin Sat.--Sept. 17tlt -Daily Except Sunday -7:00 -5:30 FLAGSTONE . Al Colon -Al Siies -Special CuttinCJ Hearths Giid Malltlel -Masoary, Patio, RacptoM . - .. -0.tck C'luCtled Dt.play for out· PAGE 2 • ~ barJalna in UMd can. COAST Al SHOPPER 1 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1955 ............ , ................ sHoPs BE SURE -INSUR6 CLASSIFllD DlllCTOIY APPLIANOE8 -Bowehold P&J'U -O.ler -llentee UDO lll&Ol'IUO HH \'la LU. -...,._ "" AIJ'l'OllOlllLE DEAIDI If .. UdueedC... N1tJWft ntJ...-•m ................. M.11 N ..... ...._ --·RI BAJIU ....... ._._!ft. u .... Via ..... -...... .... BUBER8BOP9 LIDO 81U VDIO lf110 la llWwell'• Store fw .,.. MllVlaLWe-llartlerllll B&AIJ'ft PABLOU ... IUO&lll ftAJlnaT ....,_ a.tr ............ ,. •ta Ill. CeMI ~-I ~=c.....= ... ==~1 I I I 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 Friday, Slxtff ... to ITAFFO•D 6 ION • MN-.. ... DOC" ....,....O&L OO«'ft.40IOM . ............... lltiu.....w.A~ .......... As They Say on Telewlslon By popular demand We are again presenting Friday and Saturday 80 Square Prints in Fast Colors 3 Y•nl-for S1.00 Be gure and .ee our Woolens, Fella, Nylon & Wool, Orolon & Pima, Corduroys, Quilts. Velvet.a, Batiks, JOHNSON -SON ~nr:~~erdr:;~~ ~~ n:J~o~,,:ftlty at other BARTIN E'S Distindive Y arclacje LINCOLN. ~URY our.a 111 E. 18th. u 8-2011 IOO W. Oout H"'l'· Costa Mesa, Calif. Mabt ht ~oga looru on 1eund l"'provelll raol e1tote & bvyt 1rutt Deeds. , ... N. ...... • •l•MrfJ I 7111 ..... a.., Callfor• Many a blJ deal hu be~n ma.de throup a mna1l ,c~ ad. • .. •• ' --~ • l1 • • ![.-)-, -.------=--~---:~I 1 r o u 11 , <• ~ u u •.• , • · · ·• · .. " L' • , • I . ------------UDO ULOM or a.en MU If ....... --· 1111 BOOKS Newport BNch U 8·5M5 h H '' L!;;;;;:;;=====;;;;;;;a;;:;=--------~ High Quality Printing-P . ar. 16 Now ()pea Eve BOOK CASE Mll Via Udo -Barbor"°' CAMDU a lappU. VINCENT LIDO P&U08 Mil Y1a I.a.. -llArtlor ... eAllPlll9 a DIU.PmlD ... llA()IUI• MllVla~ .... CAn:lll!!f O ...... LIDO ••95ft ........ a.a.._ ..... ... Clo~ ... ..... ,.... 09' LIDO ............... CLOllllNO -._,, ..... ........,. .... .-oa_ ..... Ule -..... ,... CL01111N0-w-·1 ... LA .... ... ... ...... ...,.., .... UDO r411110Jr8 ............. _ ....... .,. a•reocs .. ......... Ule -..... lln YAUMJID 8017U =-=~ .... oaoo noaa l'Dfm>rr8 UDO mooe Mil VlalMe----- ELl'DDdC OONT&&Ol'Oaa LIDO ICLllOl'UO MMVlaU..--...r•m FLOWDIS UOllAAD'8 LIDO M•&Sft Conaa'-Ta..a. •rnna--t.a NII Via UM -...,._ ... FOUNTAIN, OBD..I.. vntCEN'MI UDO oauoe 1411 Via U.. -llutior .... ..... -.a.a.Lamm GSP~ ft17»109 Nte.l:M. -....., UM FURNITURE DICK MACKE.& IUO \'la Udo -llarbor &Ill GlFl SHOP RICBARD·M UDO K.+R&ET ltQ \'la Lido -llarbOr Htl INSURANCE AGENTS W. 0 . Bt:CK, l~C. UOO \'la Udo -llarl>or U4' INTERIOR DECORATOB8 Bl..Al'\CRE ~A.Lit. 1411 \'la lJcle -llll1Mw - DJCll MACSD U!O \'la Ule -.._.,., USI DOS c aaOHTO!ll A. L D. M~ .... rta ' 600\la ....... _...,..,.,.,., PHO'l'OGRAPll STUDIOS OEllHARDT nuDIOe Hll \'la Udo -...._ .... REAL ESTATE LIDO KALT\' A880CIATU U do 8&1ea • ltent&ll UGO \'la Udo -Hanor '"' r. A. PALMER ·~c. 1331 \'la Udo -harbor 1600 \OOEL CO~ASY 1411 \'la Ude -....,._ 6111 BAY A."'O> ll&ACll as.AL TY ,.,a ucte Br1dirtt om~ W Htern Style JEANS Heavy 10 oance 8uforbed Doable K.aee Double 8ltched Bar Tacked Blveted EYery Pair Gaaruteed SitH 6-12 2 pain for $2.88 TOP TUNING II n La.Fayette -Harbor .... 1 SAVINGS '-LOAN .USOCIA TIONS ll>'llWPORT BA.l.80A SA\~09 A LOA.~ A8SOC1ATIO!'ll A S.Yln~· ln.tiUIUon Loni Term Home Loan.I QM \la Udo -llubor ute 1 SERVICE STATIONS UDO RICllP'lELD .. .. s •"1>011 lltTIL--llu. '811 SHOES-Mt.a'• BIDWELL'8 STORE FOR ML'l NU \'la LNe -Harbor OMI SHOES. WOON lll'LE'8 or CALIFORNIA 1410 na IJcl-'IA. "66 rovs 1.IDO TOTIAND "" ,,. Lieto -llartior *' DAVEL ACENCO:S llAIUIO& TllAVEL AOUC1' Mll N ....... 8hd.-8ar. llU. UPB018TDUNO DIC& ~CllD MM V1a \.Ne -..,._ dtl W A.l'CB BEPAJa VDfO&NT'S WATCll llUAJll LIDO DlttJG9 .... V1a Udo wnuow OOVDINO Tim 811ADI! SBOP Ned te Poet omc..-11ar. 18' 1 ....,.,,C7 Ti-. TUTMOll ......... Z-lllo :n-111. C-1e TV wltt. Z...lth 1°' TUHIHG. hlll-ie UHf /VM, eft-Me .... efty ..i.. • 16-4 ~ ~ tal>h•et. lOWIST PllCI IVll fOI A IllUTll TOP·THllt& COISOU1 oMy 25995 GIANT 21 .. SCUIN ... HO ... la._....,..._._ W..-21,._.a ...._ l<o el lVI CINlliAMe Picture T• CINluNs ...... -Zaelolo ....... ~ .., ......... ~H----· ................................. ..... -.~--HAlla SPIOAl "I" OIAU!i ................................ t--.T-. i.... ,_..._. "'°""° .. 1><i.,. ,.. .. _.... - Stevens & Sons 1 "i9 Barbor Bh·d. C O!lta M f'8A PhOM LI l'·UGl We l't-n1t'f' All MAllM amt '.\t!>d~I• Specials for lhun.-fri. Sat.-S.pt. 15-16-17 W9teh for St9r Sllopper TY ~ram Here Sept. 26 - 5 SAU DAYS KLEENEX 40011 4 tor5100 Uquld Deterciellt 42 OL Size 65c 12 OL Size JJc • lxce•• fw W••l•1 DW... Purchase Your Season Ticket H.,. OraftCJe Coast Football ••• StartinCJ wltll the Dedication Fri., Sept. 16ttl New StacH_. When OrilftCJe C°"t opet1 Season Cl4)91Mt Contra Costa from Northen1 C.alfonda QUiCi CLEANSER~'1 00 DoroUaf CiraJ' aALOS $4 75 ~~·~~~-,.,.,...... .,.s . COLD CREAM~6 uo I 4 u1ad pla~ • 7dlaw, pl.ale, t"U.- _,, blw, .,_, 1,.1• .... .... D>n .... o..,. C&E.Ull DEODOllANT A 5100 fi ;;s~~. 3. 25c -i'-iA-il_AS_P_IR-IN-=-.~-.. -,,-c .. ";T ~~~~~Y·TAL:~5· ~ Scot's Paper Towels ne1, Protea vour Y...u, , ... OoNa NGER Yet WEI HAND DELIGHT 1.u · Gi.t s1re-26c 1°'' SUPERPIENAM1Ns:i:~~~s795 NAl:lft ................. c ... -..... ~. S4 25 Fountain special ~ -~ .~. --... ...... , DEODORANT ~ •. uo . I SACCitARiN"'iiROPs ~-_ 99c g2~~~~E c~-Lp&WoaftbAOomNS,awo.ERLoUoe ud .... _.,, ...... af ~·· N lia••rt I• A_. 1o -• ........_-'...., ,._ R11. I.ta Mi>UJiii ASH ~~ ,.. · ·· -· 4 7c ·~t~i· iifH lOJiOti 5300 I BottlN .t 16-Mtlll ef ~ 59 9 8 TABLETS C ~~~-' C Rult~r Tlr . p!(c. nt M. Rl>c. %.)(< 2 2,C Rei. ll8e -N--.. -.... ·-·-.. leftle ef BOBBY PINS f« 50 KllMJ Siu ~95 67c Blae ZlpP"r-1 Ja.a6dfo P•wkeh s11• CANVAS BINDERSR~r. t.89 ~Portable Boa ot II 29c BIG VALUE PENCILS h,. ~ Laundry Cart a....tead u.. .. .... u•-98c METAL WASTE BASKETS Tultlllar Aluminum IRONIN& BOARD no" MfiAL WASTE BASKETS ...... 4tt LAICfte Wheels AU 1Mtal edJaatallle $5'9 M ·ln., tllllJ ., .... u1at4!4i, It &M-Jpl ..,_tmMta. 1'1YiESs Pride Of lllliana ST..,. Old ltndftl't MHOOP SHADY GROVE BLDD ""11 'Yr. Old eo P•oor s211 •eci. $4.95 CHiRifffRDOLfS~.. .... · __ . 79c s34• ABC BEER . .. ....... 8·1? o~ t"&n• 97c Mumm's Extra White Dry Hone Cham· Sc ... h ' .. Stop at Watch paCJM ..,_, Repair Dept .-Frowt ..... F1 ft It Gallon FfM $626 s424 of Stere All s598 Work Guarantff4 One Full YNr ' !! ~~: !!!-!!'!f!::~:tf~le!!!:nt~ .. ~ia!,_ __ .!'!!:=!~!!!!!!11~ .. ~rl~e!n~--.r. ... ,., Semo. 1% BaDctla1. Semt. H-Loet u4 .. _. P!°"~ u... ~~:!r °::.~I COASTAL:. SHOPPER P1 'INTING ''A's'' ~":ma PA IN JING?. ~~K" 0;:t w~~ ~ID!~ PrUiUDC 1>eparuneat. • WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 1955 ,A&! I A VENETIAN BLIND FREE ES'l'DLA Tl:8 ldentlttcatlon Is approximately H-Lo9t Md Po-4 H-LoH ud Fond ' O H N 8 T O N E , a HO. Ftndu la Invited to keep --------------------M W ·ROSS LAUNDRY Llbert1 M100 Cal POP'I non-union ebop'. Can money but p._ retum keep-, LOST larfe black male cat from Mesa AlltO W,..... • • •tt u.. ..., c:u.iomen . Oranre aake wallet A ldenUtlcatlon LOST, Olrl• ahe.U decoreted bu-Irvin, Terrace. RltWARD. -UMll .tu .. ...,. llOu:,-~ ~~T=-n::'. 2::'-7.!'-;rr=•i:,::;; ----------~~~~!:: :.1.:;:!~KX paper• to Box A-'2 w. ~~r. ~1~~ P~:-:-_;~ta~~!t. P':'.i~:i Har. ntl •pe aDd A--* lltle • ...,. ,.....tlal MIN. Elec. Tool Repair t 7p11 __________ 3p6_ reward. 2227 Cliff Drive. New· FOUND on beach. eni-qement I Z075 Plaeeada Ave. -----------Only $1.00 . D:ll lawa, DriDa, l&llcler9 LOST-Man'• 2 carat diamond port Beach or c:aL U 8-1M3 rlnr and wedd.lnl band. Phone ~r•1 1-'JOll C•ta 11 .. M. OU ·~ Dnnw&J9 QUICK HRVICJD House Plans rlnf, plain mounllng-on New-attn • 3c:5 OXforo 6-8088. 4p8 ~=====~===~ PARKING LOTS 8llMa rep.1nd UMI rMWk. LEWCO ELECl'RJC (X), port Beach near pier. Reward. :;=;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:::;;;;;:::;;======~ rr.,.. P1dl "P and .. u..., Call RYan 1-8283. 3e5 PAJl&..ES ·RIDLEY lub-dlVtlllone our eped&lty. We Werk done b1 appot.ntlnent U8 No. Newpon BlH., Jfpt. Ba. BALTZ .... ORTUARIES MORTUAB'f ll&nWlll UlJ t1'Pe oil ta )'GUI'.,._ Pbaae Liberty 1-6101 LlbertJ ,_.... '4tle UBaTT Ml61 FOUND-Watch Harbor 2082. 5p IV1 cltkatlon. l,arse jo1111 -9ln&ll • ~ t-a'lt. pptle lOUe ---------- Jobe. "'-•u.mat.. Ai. .. ~---------* epr-.dtns. Modem equip-FOR RENT l4-PerloDUI 24-School9, ln1tructton ment. Lmxinston l-400I, au- more ............. llcL &aw ..... --DrUJ.t. roa-.... A.Jcoholic. Anonymou.e CONTRACTORS tue aa ~ et ....,.., w...a..,._ ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ----------rowa, etc. Wrtte P. O. Bos 111 H. H. HOLBROOK BOYD'S HDWE. Newport 8e&cJl. Calif. STUDY In spare time tor contra.c· Pbcm• Barbor 4196 tor'• examination under a cen· DEPl:NDABLB PLUMBING M30 .W. 00>.aT BIQllW.AY tte eral contractor with 25 yeara A rr-pt ~ 1-1616. N.wport Bai •tic l'Xperl•nce. Clauu Tue.. and a.p.11' lemoe llaiata1Ded '"" abare YoUJ' Car P'rl. evea. 7:30 p.m. Attend tint Pbciae: Barbor 6G6 BIQN RICE, Inc. Dutch Girt ~ eeeslon free. ~(1n anytime ll01 ll&lboa Blff., Newport a..cb ... w ANT RIDE or will take rldel'I Al Tvler School p6p GENER.AL CONTRACTORS COOIClll , , , ••• .,. N to Weal Lo. Angl'lu. U.C.L.A. 1811 No.-:d'roadway, Santa Ana ----------~denti&l, Commercial, 1.., 111 N I 1tudent . Mon .. Wed. &: Frtd1y Ph. Klmberly 2-4228 or Kl 1·3511 Paintinr 6 Paperha.acinc AddiUo.ne. each wk. Arrive approx. 9 a.m. uc We do the work ounelvw. Harbor •9'-W. &plS Gocanut le.ve ap prox. 6 p.m. Har. 370&M ---------- 30 Ye&rW ~ MACAIOONS •• .23',.. 11op7 BIG DEMAND Llcenmd 6 luund. ASPHALT TILE , .... tit N ) HIGH PAV aan.tacuoa suuaatffd. Ch ... u... .._._ 18-Beaatz Alda PRACTICAL NURSES k21Dat.9e free. C&ll Joluin.le, .Aluminum Wall 1'1.ea.G 9 '"'""' ........... LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 81tfc Mlgn. Dtetrlbutora ...... & Al...oncl lee lox Superfluous Hair MEDICA.L SECRET ARY Wbol..ale prtcee to .._ Penn&ne11Uy r-OYed trom face HOME STIJDY Adams Plumbing Repw -Remodeling NEW CONSTRU<:nON 181 C«:tl Place, Coeta M-, Liberty 1-71127 Nc12 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK MO .108 TOO 8KALL .. o. And-- JOH & Balboa BIYd. B&Jboa llattior HllO Uttc LIDO /.:," .... , NOW SllOWINO m DLUIA11C ITOIYOf A CllSIS Df A WOllAN1 unr ........... GiiiifolD Euuo1 PA11£1 .... 8'l'ART8 WED. "-'""'1 lkltfart ''The Left HallCI of God" • AJ9o ''lobbers loost'' IUd'• Ila& Set. 1 :45 lllan "'-· "LoY• Happy" Oont:racton Is 'Ille BeUere COOIClll • • • • • • .,. N anm, lep. Eyebrow• and ha.Ir Hlfh 1chool not necueary. Many LI 8-7493 68t.fc ( .... •No) lln. lbaped-No more tweean1. eam while the;-learn. Jnf. mall· i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dutch c.J-Ill.LEN L. BRYANT R. a:. ed. Write now, United School of • .,.-481 Lido'• 1eJoD ol Beult7 Bar. 2678 Nur1lng, I.Jl1trlct Office, Lomita APO RT 11"'<· COOICID •• • • • • £7 .... t1o Cal. lle7 CO/ION.II OEL M-'ll HA/i/lt>R/#Jl9 Stam Wed. ROBERT KIT(lllUJI 81DLLS1' WINTl:R8 .. "The Night of 1h ~ JlANDOLPB 8C01T ....... ''Ten ,, Wcmtecl Men" Mesa~ ~ .. ,, .... Oulm1al, Sutar, Short- w..d, Molasw, rrult Nut ._ & Auorted COOKID ••••••• 25c,.._ ,,.... ( .......... , ANGIL rooD CAKI a-. w. .... ~ , ... ,.. .. , ( ....... , ~~~,~~~ ·-------------· 008TA lllC8A l11t N..,.n llhC. OOSONA on llA..& .. 0-. llwJ'. .lOOllD'S• LAGUNA B&ACR SU ~ BALll0.4 l&IAND .............. NSWPO&T a&.40ll .. o..e ..,., HELD OVER ENIJ8 8ATUltDAY Dl1tlC. 90CA910€ · MllfUD.. PAVUllW IC..l'l"IM:T1f MOU !· DOfCAl.D SIHODI &Af ~-.&.•IA-_,.TtoCl'I ~ More Laqha Thu "Mr. loberts" -======-------~--NEXT AT'l'llACl'ION 0-.W O'~r ~NC18 JS THE 1"A \-Y .. Tot17 C'wrtk "'TH£ Pt'lllPf.r. MA!lK .. lrt wttot you ...,. on o ful boalret ol foocf that covnhl At Sofewoy tove ..... lla.<'!1:r..~ ........ ~ n. ,..," ... " .......... ._,_ f.-Luca..-the 10NUS QUAUTT MAK. HALF & HALF ..::::. 18' == 33' WC8NI. Half Miik, hoH creom. Rich ond .01itfyi1>9 on ceNOt-. '""*-... ~ ... BUTIERMllll R•••••••• CMcoNlt Dliry DrlM :=-. .= 201c C•11l:zla•Mllk ::.-...::-..... .=ftlc .:1k llcne...,Milk .::tc ..=nc BUTIER :' •:: APlll ~.Grode A. ~r.d, m~. KETCHUP ::. (~1 7/u; BAKERY Special COCONUT ICID McNte !tie woy you'd molie lt-.. ,,.tz ,,~, ----- COSTA MESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avenue Coeta Keea, Calif. Phone Ube.rty '8-212t CHA.PEL BY TIDl SEA 3520 ll. Cout Blvd. Corona del Kar, Calif. PlloM Hanoi' u RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO 30tb St.. Newport Beada lbftor WI SMALL Siii, J k • .... EASTON GUii-RD POii Leon, meaty, .. nd•tl Serve o generous portion of the pc>JH1lor 1moll 1lze ribll Broiled, braiMd or borbec~-ft'1 o treat the whole family will love! .. ~ 011.&0-. 08.U'a llt ...... 1-0..--- 1.Ae117 .......... a.MM W.tTr:a to:A.ft.U IALU. lHYICI -4 HPAlll }ot1 .f!:tJ:Jof J l'UMI II PH CINT OOWM ""-H.,._, 1111 llATl'llE88U a..a.-a--~ ll'ftl'1llar ..,... LDertJ' 1-1101 • 008TA lll:SA 11A 'ITUU 00. 1160 Newport m.d. SKINLESS FRANKS ~~3~ SLICID BACON llOUllD SftAK .~~ !': ..... •u .. HAST .~~.~~ :: .. 69' CO••D ... .,::;:;~ ..... GllOUllD .. , == .. a. SALT PORK .. nc BEEF LIVER ..- c.,,,,.hl'• c~ See .... Whole Whltl ... t ~ ....... 39c lllet .. Ced , .... Uc 3._69' ==63c QM 3~(.M FLOUR~~: 39'~77' ·~PJ~M.PPLE JUICE ~ 19- . \SALAD DRESSING OU~ 30c WI.., w~erl.ul old-fetthlon.d ftovor (!1.f!' jor, 21cl MARGARINE Tl T a.te olone prcw.-lt-noiurofty ~. (DALEWOOD MARGARINE SPKIAl llYIODUCJOIY Offfl OI TOKAY GRAPES $=~~5-.1oc BELL PEPPERS~.=: .. 1~ scamper·--; -- liquid detergent 24 4]< .... ,.., ............. ,.. ...... UQUIDBl.EACH = :1s' ..=:26' ,,.~~--- PRUNES = 2 .:.15' c...,........ ....... ,.. ., ._ beeoct. -ct.. --•tlfa. ftA'rl. ...,._--'...., ..u 9PK1M-.. a. a. zzlil -. If. fl. "91. • Wliar 11m ••MU. ............ .... ...... ..... ._. .......... ..-. ..__ ....., _ _.... .._ ft'09& llOCU ...., t &.11'1 ... I..._ CP'r1day tU t p.a.) .................. 1722 NeWPort Blvd., Costa,Mesa PLENTY OP P.&a&JNQ ,O!( LUGE PA\'OLOT ' \ 00.ABTAL 8BOPPD £.cl._ o1 !!!!!=a~e!f:L,!W~•=W:_ __ _ PAGE 4 ·PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS STANDARD ~A.at. for Sale '3--Autoa for Sale 47-Waated•ae.t CLEAN . WINTER RENTAL& wanted ln WEDNESDAY, SEPT: 14, 1955 STATIONS POWER MOWER Craflllman. like n-,88. It m&kM mowlnl' euy. 01 58n Bernardino St. U 1-20.0 3c5 Mooring Soace 56 $1 per foot tor aaleab\e crul.aera. ll401 W. Cout Hlshwa7 Newrort Beach, LI 8~2'71 Nell OLDS club cpe. Hydromatic, ra dlo. heater. 11-WW tlrH and a&ttlY t ubM. Run. 1ood. Xlnt tnd car !or family . Wiii Mil to hlgheat bidder above '226 Hllr 11008. •1'8 the Harbor area. ~nanta wait- Ing. Pbon• In your vaca.nclN to- i• 8 ..... 11 ... ~Waated Super-)ilarket Roy's Maintenance TRAINING Boue cleul.q-l'loor wutnc CENTER WalJ tJaalll1·-w1ndow clMnin1 Vmetlan Unda. Upbolltalr'J Grocery Cuhlen and Keat Wrap-Iuund. J'ree llatlma t.ee pen. ~ MO to Sl.IO per wk. Ltblrty 1-1132. l tfo CalJ tor appomt.ment to leam CL&ANINO .ts IRONING by the more about tht. traJ.ntnc. AL TYLER Schoola day. llxperienced. BaJbo& bland 14111 No. ltro~ay KI T·ll5U preterNd. Kl 1-«>M. tt t'4ll Expe~ardener Real Estate School ING • Santa Ana and CLEAN UPS 1n Liberty 8-1859 MEN • WOMEN prepan lD 8pare Ume tor u:lt.ed opportuaSU• SOttc In Real ta. N-cia.-Swedish .Massage weekly. Al Tyler lnatructlnr . At- tend ftrat nentnr tree and leant about t hl• mat fteld. cau OI' Ladt• .. -by appointment ln write now. your home. Al ~ler School J'ormerly mlUlleUM a t Arrowhead Sprlnr• Hotel. 1811 No. roadway, Sant.a Ana Pl-..e c.all Harbor t 7115 or Hu. KI 7-~11-Kl IS-34-89-KJC 8·2M3 0292. tfc lcl4 China Painting KAN A WOMAN wtD do p neral hOUHWork, n oor wu:inr, W'ln- 0., ud &Y•lDC a... dow cleantnr. Fut workera, Order. Tall• Now white. 19-t E . 20th St., Co.ta Ptlcae LllMrt7 ......, HUo Kea. LI 1-1183. pptf l&--8ltmtlom w..w DANCING INSTRUCTION. Latin A American-In the privacy of EXECUTIVE ae<:ret.ary, 116, per· your own home. Mature collere 80nabla, tut, accurate. depend· atudent. Well qualltled lnatruc- able. l T yn. ctl•enifted a.pert-tor wtlh axcellant ref. Harbor enc• With top execuUvea, d•· 2UIT-R nantnp or Boa fM- al,.. poettlon wlthJn H~ mile ra· B&lboa t.land. 5c7 dlua Newport Beach. Harbor 3911-R attar 2 p.m. fct • Help ...... . COLLl>Oll (lrl want• room and WANT REAL UTA.Tll IALJIS.. board. Wiii baby alt tor part MAN or bro!Ur. hmill&r with paymanL K.l:llo1r l-t 788 alter Harbor .. .._. Top comml•lon II p.m. tit to one Wbo wan ta to make money A not a.tro&Jd to work. BADY IITnNO by hour. day or HOUSTON REALTY !lot Can- week, by mature woman. Har. ter St.. eo.ta w .. a. I.J M911 H 94·.M ,.,. -Zn. Hu. 5111-W. Uc EXPERIENCED ATTENTION ALL 'BOYi - GARDENER THI: NZWS.PRDI l1 now taldnc ca.m_. appllcatiou tor routea In CAROllNINO le yard work by day theae nelghborhooda:-week or month. Balboa, We1t Newport, Balboa Liberty 8..el39 attar I . Slfc i.., Newport Hal(hta. Corona 4el RECR&A TIONA.L olRJ!lCroR re-Kar and Colla Mea. U you an U -lf yr1. old, and have cenUy retu.med from SUJ"opa, a llllcyele, apply a t the Ci.rcula-W..t Indle1. OMNI po91Uon u Uon Dept., Newport H&rbor tra•ellng comp&Dlon. P .O. Boll New11·Pn., 2111 Balboa BlYd., 281, Beverly Hilla. lcl Newport Beach, between 10-12 SHOWBOAT'S SKIPPER a. m. or (·5 p. m. cialy except l&turcSA,s. Uo Ma a t e ra unl1mlt.ed. A...U..W. uboN or atloat. KI l -MeO P'INJC OPENING fOT rood real ape ..tat. aalMJnan. Box Z41 Ult.a ltxperltnced middle ac9d woman paper. )c6 w1nta companlOl\.lhip job. Pn· PlllUK>N ABLl'J TOUNO KAN tor fer nit.. at home. Ba.r. l&Ol..J .... entns 4uk clerk. Hu. JM8. lcl k 7 CH.RYSLER . PENNANT WINNERS Come '" ~r tren*ldowt talec:iion of Qua lity UMd Cort ot l'OCli-bottom PfKH . All rhor~ly Sofaty·Chedred 16 woy1 •.. oll boclied up by Chrysler's S1911 of Quolityl Save Hvn .. ech.__.H..... SaYblCJI On thrtt Es..cntive ()an i Wlndaorw -1 New Yorku 1952 Chrysler New Y ortcer .... ._ ........... _ S 1295 Sfidan. i.tone Brown. Fully t"qutpped Loe-al ODf' <'.ar Otnl~f 195J DeSoto Y·I .... : ............. -......... -......... .4. ..... $1495 ..&-door Md&n. 2-toot> Bhw. Vu:r rs.an tar. Power •-r1nr. RedJo & 'heater 1949 hid s.., S.claHtte ........... -........ $495 Radio, Mat.ff, Dynallow -A ,..,ly C'INn c.ar 1954 ,.,..._... StatlOll WCHJOR ............... $1995 De-hoe model Aatomatte tnMmJ.loa radio, h•ler 1953 Chrysler Chdt c_,. ........ -.......... $1495 Urht ~"· Radio, heat.er, power trteerta1. 1952 Hllcholt HOl'Mt ....................................... $350 4--dow Mdaa. W .& W., dark ~ Hydromatlc), Radio, Bnter, lnnnaealat.e thro 1951 Mere. Sta. WaCJOll ··-·-..................... $995 ~ owr-ch1ve. New u.,.. Motor over. Mal. lt.xoelltat wood. Ollly MA.NT OTlllCU TO CR0081E nlOM LOW DOWNI -LOW BANK PAYMENTS All Oen CarrJ tM Ol'own Warruty l~k tor tlMt Clll~r "llp ., ~tty" ,.._,: Lou Reed Chrysler·Plpl•zl• haler 1200 W. Coast HlcjllW9J U 1-3416 Ru opentnc for Station Slllamen Ase. 18-fO Oranl'e Cou.nty 5-Day-4.0-Hour Week Hl(b atarUn1 pay Jl:xcell1?nt Benefit. NllW TYPEWRITER coat $~. Bell tor l •O LI 8·339e 3c6 STORK LINE baby buggy, in good TRADE condition. U 8·Me3 3c6 BfGulltul 70-ft. aux. 1ehooner. 56 56 56 Good opportunity for Advancement Apply STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Cou~ Hi&hway Corona de& Mar Chapman and llpadra Fullerton Fresh Hea r ing Aid BATl'ERlE8 We Olva 8AH Green Stamp1 Excellen~ for charte-r. \\'ant propc1rty or ama.ller boat. 1220 W. B&lboa Blvd .. Newport. Hu. 3032. 39tlc Our 56',a are coming in I Real Beauties FORD -'6• Victoria. Fonlo· mallt, power lteertnir. po"·er brake&, power M&l, elt'I'. win· Jowa, radio. heater, conllnt>nt al kit. 18,000 mllea. A·l condition Prh,.te-party $197!1. Har. 3642 4p6 1 :30 to 9 :30 a.m. , Monday .ts Thundaya. W A N T IC D eapertanced HCond maid. Upetalra a 1ervlll&'. A.a· elat wtth 1ebool ar• child oe- culon.al plain coolclnr. Would con.alder couple, man and Witt'. Muat have ret.. ealary open.- Har. 0021-9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 5c7 STENO.; book-keeper ; ren'I. ofc. elk. typlel; reataurant; domea- tlc, male: machinl11t; electronic en1lneer le teen. otflc• trainee. June Farrar Empl. Arey .. f-021At 32nd, Npt. Bch. opp. City Hall. SI'M'ER for elderly woman. Part time II daya week. 3.27 Ialand Ave., Balboa. Har. 3'80W. llo7 Beacon P ersonnel 100% employer retained agency NO fee collected from applicant Gunderson Drug Co. M.atn St. at Balboa Blvd .. Ba.Ibo&' Harbor 511S. H ttc ANTIQUE German mualc box, Steinway Square piano le 5· place lleCUonal. Call alter II p.m. liar. 3543 4cll Lovely antique dining eel, velvet upholaterl'd, china <.'lloblnet $200. Old loveaeat $10. Sound movie oultlt $175. Player piano $200 Antique walnut tablea from $20 Lovely rare old Victorian chairs. Set ot e. Unueual amall old organ $175, WOOd stove11 from H . Old phonog"ruph $12. Nice hl(hboy •11. TV aet '29.50 BrUa beds $20. Old "1deboard $20. Rare old Chlneee ecreen $200. Large elec. fan $20. Flat top oftlce de1k 189,llO. lol&hogany secrt't&ry ff9.50. Antique lle•k U :i. Old bed Ml $60. Muaic box $125. H:t.nl'ill&' lampa S30. Old telephone 17.~. Many piecea antique furniture you reflnillh .ti •ve. Fleh polu. Antique runs, lov•ly old china. brau, copper, silver plecea, etc. We alao buy A nrap. Brtnr tum• In. C'HARLill DAVIS FAlRLINER. rlean. loade1I, Will tradt•. LI 8-6710 a.m. or p.m. & 83t!c we're having BALBO A lSLAND north bay mooring. near Sapphire, No 879. 51llO. Boat alao tor 11ale, $35. Har. t 781 daya. 4c6 CJUTBOARD MOTOR, l"xceollent condition. 3.5 h p. $3~. Llbl.'rty 8·7294. 6c7 38 FT. DIESEL. commercial ~port &!sher or work boat. 12750. Call Har. 2000-M ~c7 SNIPE NO. 9332. Exel. aail1. - Hot Sale to make room PRICES REDUCED 51 Ford Victoria $798 Reduced $200 T railer & llcceuorle11 $526. -55 Ford T hurderbird Har. 3873-WK arter 6 p.m. 6p7 $3298 !:!=MU8lcal, Radio, T V ELECTRONIC 0 R 0 A N. 1410. Easy Terma. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. Santa. Ana Rome of the m ond Organ. Save Main, Ham- ORGAN SPECIAL LOVELY USED HAMMOND Spi- net organ in perfect condltlon. Big saving. Convenient tenn11 al SHAP'ER'8 Mualc Co. (Since 19071 ~1-423 N. Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-0672. 52 Redur.ed $200 Mere. 4 door $1098 Reduce<,i $200 52 Ford 4 door $998 Reduced $150 54 Ford Cl. Cpe. $1298 '114 holf·ton CHF.V. t.ruck Al110 '48 OMC truck. half·lon hravy 1l11ty. Roth (OOd cond. Pri1·1Ate pa11y. Har '686-J or LI 8·46•5. ·~ r.3 OLDS. 98 Hull.Jay, everythlnK I e11toma tlc Har. ta33·R 41·6 MlCRCt..'RY sport CO\ll'f. '52. Must 11<'11. g omg abroad. Can 11:-10.nire terms. S"" at 1211 N. B•Y Front. Balboll ble.nd. 4c8 141-Auto Sfirvlce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl1. -.. -······-·----S48.88 8 Cyla. ···----· .. ·-·--·$58.88 Indudu both tabor and parlll .. New rings, wri1t plna. valve grind, tltllnra of main and rod ba&rlnp . Expert motor tune up. 90-day or f ,000 mtle ru•rant.aa. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGIN~ -UP to 111 MONTHS TO PAT- BuUt In our own f•ctory by 1kllled m.achlnl1ta. Don't contend wtth We have uc.U. openlnp for l>BX OPlllU.TORS. Top typUita, ltcoa, eucuUva MCnt.ar')', t;yp- iat· bk'kpr.; ready to wear NIM lady. dom uUca-part Um• and live ln. Deak clerk, watlreu, nlte daak cluk, (ma.le) Maintenance 1805 JC. An&halm St .. Lone Beach Phone ~1311 HAMMOND 0 R 0 AN 8. World fa.moua. A II modele. Alao Hver· al bargains In used organ11. You can aave on thue fine organ1. Reduced $150 the middle mlln. Buy dire-ct. RJ:ABONABl...E nearly new 80 tt. redwood picket fence. In 8 tt. aecUona with polU $76. Llberty s-111es. 11c1 53 REBUILT and INSTALLED Stude. V-8 Coupe sRORT BLOCK DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. Main. $1398 FORD ............... -·-.. -·-·--... $129.50 Reduced $100 CHEVROLET ,_.,,_.,,,,_ .. _,_, I H9.50 Banta Ana. man, howieboy, and bua boy 30-B-ApJ!UanCN J OIN THE SCHOOL BAND dlahwu her, . RENT A BAND INSTRUMENT BEACON PERSONNEL (Apncy) 413·31at Newport .s.cb W ANTmD woman tour afternoon• • wee,k. Lite houaework, lronlnr A cook dinner tor 3. Refettnce1 required. LI 8·11143 alter t p. m. 3c6 WAIITIID-MlU man llUTlltunt u- "mb14tra A palntel'll belper. Oall u 8~332 Jc5 Washing Machine .. 1ow .. $5 per mo. with rent- smRVICJll al to apply on future purchue 1-year ruarantee on Jobe done at- and oa UMd wuba1'9. 24881' SHAFER'S Mu•lc Co. <Since 1907) (rear) Newport Bl., Coeta w-. •21-423 N. Sycamore. Sllnta An• Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty Phone Klmberly 2·0672. 8-4327. &Ufc ~ PER MO. RENTS good prac· ORSON tull lliH kitchen atove, In g-ood cond.IUon, 1211. Llbe.rty 8-874-0. t ee lice plano. Let the ldddle• learn. All terms rent If you buy later, DANZ-SCHMIDT. 620 No. Main S&nta Ana. 100 pianos. Home of the Hammbnd Organ. WA.NT part Um• waltreu 311 ~Funaltun for Sale SALE Palm, Balboa. Cllll alter 8 Kl 2·1ftl Id WANT -Permanent clunlng-wo- ma.n. Al8o attter wtWnr to do lronlnl'· Har. 2172 3c5 CHROME DINJCTl'E 4 chain , rreen form.lea top Ii plutlc 11p- holatery •:ia. Oak play pe,n It conv. high cha.Jr 110 •ch-280 JCvenlnr Canyon, COM. 3c5 EXP. BABY llITI'ER. 4 hrw. perf OVl!'JR8TUP'TED chair 6: daven- day. Five day1 wk. Har. 209-W port. xlnt. conatructJon A con· after 6 p. m. 3c5 dltlon. Any reuonable offer ac· 2nd Anniversary One t.flple Spinet By Baldwin 20?0 Ort. One Small Stelrtw&y Grand. Two Style "B" Steinway Grandt. One New Baldwin Grand, Save HOO. 55 Hillman Minx $1298 Wu $1398 50 Chev. Convert. $650 53 Wu $750 Willys HJirdtop $950 Reduced $200 52 Mere. St a. Wgn. $1650 Reduced $50 Specials 46 Dodge $145 47 Chev. $85 PLTM. A 00001: ..... ·-·-·-•lM CHRYS. 6 Dll SOTO ----1170 STUDEBAKER ............. ·--·-$170 OLDS A PONTIAC II -·-1170 BUlCK ··--·-.... --.. -··-·-117~ HUDSON -·-·-·-.......... _ ... 11711 Loan Car Free Towlnc NEW CAR OUARANTEJC Block muat meet our atand.ar<la Plua tuu, caakeu and on Ope.n Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open 0&1Jy 8 to 7 St.at• Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. Reliable Garage 2106 Harbor Blvd., C. M. careru1. t'J!J14rimced, economl· cal rep&lritl6. Cloea In.. 3c3 STENOORAPHICR tor C<lftlrM:&.or1 cepted. Har. 1093-R llCter 4 p.m. .ce office. aborthand required. LJ -------------8-11511 for lntnvl-. Kr. &.. OV1lR8Tt.TFF1:0 CHAIR, Magic Uaed 8plnata trom $4110. Kally othara ,natty reduced. Tht!lle e&n &tt clean It carry U.-Tnllel'e Chet 1tove, bunk bed.• with L aurie Woodworth Piano Co. 3 day Money :C" Guarantee _*_PO_R_T_O_R_AN_G_E_* OJRL8 YOU aptlnp cit mattrl!INIH cit other mi.c. llama. Har. 800 -20' P aarl. ·Balboa Ialllnd. tee HlO JC. Cout Hirhway Corona del Mar Johnson & Son TRAILER SALES &nd SUPP~ 2200 W. Cou t Hiway. will have u opportunity to ad'tlln.ce In our tlrm, Mesa Woodcra~ Harbor 3382 .l c3H Lincoln · Mercury Newport Beach LI 8....(.(20 900 W . Cout Hwy. '5i.-H' Happy Home ... --·· ill95 becauae ot our p~t ea-Uapa.tnt.ed • J u•enlle rurnttunt ~Ito~~~ la Modem 5 dr. daak ....... _,_ .. 1111.llft BAM.MONO ORGAN8. Full Une. Newport &.ach Ll 8--~ '6S-211' Ro.dmu ter . -· $18911 ·~24· T«"rry . •. llJ!«. Price U Student duk .... . .. ..... $14.t5 all modm. JJ'rff pracUco room11. Jood aad JOll wt r.celH S aJ Bk tro •• '5 ectlon C&aN m . . ....... ~ come In and play on any mod .. l. ~0-:i:;.1ntC:::..,..• too. Complete Une unpainted tum. aott The Great Concert Or1&11. the and hwd. Home MO(!rl, th• Church and the TELEPHONE OPERATORS Mlnwu and Deft tlnlabu Spinet Mod~la, 1t you thJnk -Apply -Ordara taken for ahuttera you cannot play, come In a.nd 5U~ No, Kalil 8tnet U21 Harbor, C.M. Llberty 8-1845 try tho world C&mous Hammond, GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS Rm. 211 -Santa Ana I Ch rd O y t :OO to •:00 P.X. GOOD TABUC TOP GAS RANGE, ~r .~~ p a y, h~·' rgi&11d. ou 42 CHEVROLET '.\ t. panel PACIFIC TELEPHONE otd but clun. $111. Rur 9 a 12 w "" H lonla ~ to t n you ·•e CHEVROLET Suburban 0811 play In flflt~ mtnutu . 73ltc SIO. Olvan U!I. Old l'hAl1"3, OANZ·SCIDUD'l' P ia.no A 01"1"an '50 STUDEBAKER •., t. plrkup -------------Har. H90-R bdon 9:30 a. m. Cn. Home ot the Hammond. Ill CHEVROlJl.:T •, t plr.k11p I YACHT deck 6 ... t. •nslneer. !lc7 620 No. M~Jn, Santa Ana. ·~:z CHEVROLET '• t. pickup Wrtte stvlnr upule.11ce. local NEARLY NEW. •.US'htly Ult~ l(oOd 'Ill <:MC ,,.. t, pickup rt'lt'NmC.ff A phone number to t 1 S 1 S p 1 ~Ii: T PIANOS Won<krlul 113 OOOCF: '' t plrkup I Box B-43, lhla paper, tee urn ture. eot on&I rliwe-nporl, M CHEVROLF:T "'J t pldrnp matcbln( lar(e c<>ffff u.blt, huy11. ~om• •ll11htly damng-t'd In H)"<lra -matlc traNI LADIES, AVON XMAS •Ill• matching' lamp tablt', matching Ahlp111t'nt. Rf'ntai rr111.-n" anti •0 OMC \. t. tla tb<'<I start now. Make $2 hr. near lamp. yard llW1nc. $450 v11lue trade ln11 on oq~nn.• .Mirror !I• GMC: , k H •home. Vacanclu in Coet& .... _ tor $1:10. Private party 230 T VP" Spln<'l~ II• l(•W "" s111:. ' • l plr ur Y•ll"A arH. Kl 3·93111. iact Dnftwood. Shoracllrt• Comna Euy lrrm• j m•!1'" 1"'n" dtl M.,-. Thun. • rn. 6 to 7 30 DA:'llZ-S\HMJOT. 520 ~" Ml!ttl. l\:Z < H~VROLF.T 1 t JHlnrl 0000 houaekHper cook, whJte 8 L " ll S1rnt.A Ana Home of lhl' Hllln· :'I() OODGY, 4 y<1 <lump 2 JOP('<'(I p. m., a ., t.o a. m. :X-8 n "" 1 for 2 adult.II. U va In or out. LI d o " ''" ,,.,. 8-2&8&. ~ DBL. HOLLYWOOD BED. u cJ. mon rlfllll. :'>:\ FORO F~IVI. 12' •t11k4' con<t. $20. Har 21144 ~7 BEA\J'TJFl'L 81..0l'\OE MJRRf"lH M 110001': 4 y rt, rl11mp. 2 "l'"'"I pl&ll() 111 pu"f,.r t rnn<IHlnn T rrm11 8 2:. Urt>11 ·~1· Para.m. 1 bdrm ... A dul ·11~11· Plln Amerle&n Dll1count PAN AMERICAN Paramount·Kenaklll Tr•velue-Terry ~ltc 1951 Spartan Royal Mansion 33 FT. OJNIC'M"F;. twin beo<IJI Con•hit'r trad.-420 W. ht Tu.•llll 92~ ---------- * Star Fleet * .30 rt cuatom bullt • llv rm .. dlllPlte.. lilt. beth. bdrm. Furn- 1.11he•J C!'Ornpletl'I}'. Ind. 17" TV. t hlnA, eulln11el11, elC CARA!':A " 10. romp! rum Al.<!.O r11.110 lumllur't' SH •l Lot 4. ;\°P\lo J'Oft )hinlt'lpal Tf'alJer f>AI k 'l'Opu 2·"'419 ll:lpO 140 11 down 4 Sl 4 42 f' .. t '"n 34 f"ORI' F6M 2 "l,"'f'-d -" 2:\ t lrf't FOR 8At.,,-: Sm•t' hr oi•r-ti n•t_.r at-~ .... '"" 1111 ,.,.,.l vnlum,. tru!'k wllh nrw &\••nlnr; S17:. •17 Jt11y 1l1ty. 1tXX RllCHS, Rea.It.or, UOT \\'. Balboa Bl\'d. Har. 111151. Uo WA NTW ON LEAS&-2 bad· 1oom apt. Waterfront A p-ound tloor. Da\'<'nporl 8-7720 day- t lme or write Box Y -40 New .. PreM. lc5 '8-A,eta. !' Ho.._ \\"EST BA y A VII. duplex, I '-"· room. 2 bath, turn . •no mo11th yearly or winter. 1'19 W. SaJ' Ave .. Ba.Ibo&. MplJ Choice Summer Rent.U Oil Balboa lsland Ir Udo lal• Small • _, or Jarse 6 ~ 175 to POO mant.b VOGEL co. 208 M.arlDe Aft,. Ba.1'9oa i.lu4 Ph. Harbor ft( or Harllor 1151 ~a. Bar. 1786-a or Bar. I06t-K Mtt. LIDO ISLE f\l\CHEI.OR and one A two bdra. apt& She.rt term U d )'Ml'ly. ALSO, Udo Home. a.nd B&y Front Home1 and apartment.& LIDO REALTY Auoclat.. 3f-OO Via Udo, Harbor 46" lttt• IT'S NEW-2 bdrma., ..,. at• tracth·-mode-m t umttuN ff!. month. a0t-Hnd 8t., Nwport Beach. 9tp8 WINTER Rl:NTAL8. N.-1 bad· room turn. apt. aeo. 2 bdrm. hOWMI $70. Avail Sept. 2atla. 208 E. Bay Ave., Balboa. Har. 79e-W. apa $86 WlNTSR rental to JlJl)' 1. Furn. 2 bdrm. NI ~ w. Balboa Blvd., Newport. 6pe ATl'ENTJON. BEAUTY OPllRA- TORS. It you are looldna' tor a ahop A home comblned ... tllia 2 bdrm. turn. ham• wti. .... equipped beaut)" abop.. T e.rty la&M '180 mo. IOU or.em. Cea- ta Meaa. LI a..uz. ~ LIDO ISLE 'YEARLY unl\&rn. 2 bdr1ll. • l bath home. Har, 1011. •uo BALBOA. DLA.Ml>-J'Urn. I bnrl. lower duples. IUoa )'Vd and patio. Wlltt. '11 mo. YUi pa.Ad. Har, MM-W, 6tfo WJ'NTICR RDTAL8 "--1 Mrm houae NG. s bdrm. •1a. a.w 1 bdrm. apt .. nr.pa.e., STO. a.. 112113. loot 'N. Balboa Bml. ltlo WATERFRONT -WINTER F\lm.. 1 bdna. ~ pk:ture .... dioW'D&. pTt. beadl. "°' ....... tllttl 2 bUla. to Udo o.t.. 111-lltlt It. Har. 6IU OI' lllr. 1111. 91 CLOT II.A Vll!f, 1Wo --._ --tum. Trtpies ~ 9Clllool& y.,.. malftt&tned. water pd. ~-dtap. faa •tom. i..t. 0.- t72 B1'06dway. LI I-mt. 2lf• RENTAL t'' SPECIALISTS OaJ1 Maa er.as Blanche Ga tea, Rltr. Ill MariM Aft. a.itioa llll&N. a.. 1m n... ROOMS. OOTI'AGE8. A.PTS. DAY, WEEK OR MONTH Tllll BLUll TOP K~ tOa Newport Bl'l'd., 19' abaft Tbe A.r'CbM. T4tlc 3 RM. KOUlllll nJ~T turn .. cleul. Ill<> mo. to Jl&ne 16 or NO. mo. ye&rly 1-. Kl T-lHl or JU J-12l2. &tto -llAl.BOA ISLANl.1. tum . houae. flrl'pl•r• Avail. &ept. 21, •l•o t bdrm apt. Aduli... "° ~t• Re11M>nablt'. U IM'824. C'M"i' 2 R00M. Yl 'RN. t>.rhelor apt t or :l •dult.. ST:'I mn an ll'UO n, t. 1 w July 1 uUL tnclurt,.d, ••r I 100 mo fin yr li!'U4>. 1r111. f'rlVlllf' ~i\l'h It rl'Wk prlV\ll'JU. :\n !>(I> ".Ir • hlldrrn. Beacon n .. ,\' """r Hart>nr l•l-.nd lh r 1711& 1Tf'C WA.NT capable adult woman for ti.by elttin.g' ror O<'culonal after· noon.a A • 1e-nlnp . Corona dal Mar area. Phone Har. 58&0. •ct SHAP'F.R '~ ~foAI< f"n 1 ~1""" 19<17 1 .. C' .. :t • BOAT STOR GE •tralrr In (lrlUIRI' ("nun\\• rm rhe ""1" "'""" · 1"1 l..ARCHO: I .,..,!rm •rt Ul'furn, A 421 ·0 3 ~ ~yrlU!ll\r" ~1111t t1 AM Plion~ Khnhnlv 2-1Wli2 •'l~Anf'l!I llt>!l'('tll"fl of lllti"1 tMIC'ka 'Ill Rn11r!morr1 Z'I r1 hk,. new 1 1'1'1' -inv,. '"rrtl' • nr-aar . LA.Diil&: Read ou.r Ml under clualf1cllllon 2' -8 upeT Mal'- ket T?.lnlnir AL TYLER Schoola tell N. Broadway, Banta Ana. Kl 7·1311. 9'tc8 A8 18 -Ga.tfen le Sattler etovt', uo. l.af111 mohair couch~halr .. t. 1111. Buen. $7.llO. aaw- nette. $3. Iron bt'<l.11tud. aprlnp $10. Bed couch. '10. 370I W. Balboa Bl•d. •<141 01\ATI"INO TAB LE A dralllnJ machine. E."<rellent condJU011. 1175. Phone Har. fe86~J or U 8-t.eflt •s>t Upbolatery, draperit"I, bad.lpread8. N-phone UWty 1-1171 t030 Barbor Blvd .• Fre-• EaUmat .. Coeta Meea ttcl3 ALL Stzl!:8, ~uonablt ratu. A p- ply at yarrl nftl,.,. ~OUTH COAST COMPANY. Ntwport Blvd., et 23rd BL. Newport Bch 2tf WINT ER STORAGE Boats or Tra ilers $65 for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Launchlnit $1 .25 F'en('t(l --Gui1 rded •Sto"«" 8p1u·e Hllroor 5130 THIS AO SOLO 2 Snnwbtrd;-n;e more to ito. with Hml dnUey 6 covt'r $700. 17 ft F.icon ~llO 1 ft. pram l •O It olh11r buy~. OR.IGINALS 21147 W . Coast H11rhw11y. !'Jew. port. LI 8·1202 3c6 .uTm.RNOON, Codttail, dinner SPORT YJBHER 30 -;;-11 ''e ft. dnme.I • Coordln.at'8. CU8TOX DR.E!Sll.AKINO beam ,new engine-. ntw 1u Ph. Barberr nt8·ft stca lankA, 36 watt r11t.110 2 bunk•. hnd. Uve b&lt tllllk1. AlllO TOUN08TOWN dbl. .tnk. t l W', Oray Mar1ne "nJint 120 h . p, malclltna' 6 drawer tablnel 21!.ii .. One 2:\(1 hp. Hu1laon ln\·al!n, tu..7Ul I t, H\Jnllnrton Beach. C'Onlpltt•l7 o•erhaul~. A·kond L1:xfnfton t -7013. llp7 L1 1-7061. 3c5 BABY C1UB a.nd food mattre111• 2e FT. MSHLl\/C BOAT, com- Match!n« cheat. totlll 130. 288 m~l&J or J)leuu~. ftebullt fl!• Monte Vllta. Colt• Men. llp7 Kint'. •hip to 1hore, A·I conrtt- tlon S 1 llOO. 111 tt.. aallboat, maln· BABY ORA:-.U ~f"'l"ln l r1nlv $ •ll!i Oood tonf' 11n.I 11rl1m1 Bllrlt'Ht a t n r ll t>f ""1111trtf11I jitranrt pl&ft<.'8 tn Ort1n1111 r'ounty Term11 DANZ . SCHMIDT GrN1l f'110110 llnd Org11n Storr, ~20 z..:,, M11in. Banta An11. Home of th!' H 11m- mond Otitlln SJ>-Doe: _Cl.9:.t!'... !'!_ .. __ _ f"OR SALE-Bl111 k C'ot)lf'r S r•rn· l'I Jlllp. :l mn "111. 6U Jumonr. Coron" deol M&r .1pr. -~;J AMESF: CRl. 11111111 male. frre t n g u-0<1 home H11 r 2439-R •••Ii CO-Auto. and Trucb R11r- ()llll I ~ .. ; \\ n h•w• ,..,.,..,. 3!1 •lnil ~ to chnNte I tnlll'I, llhnwrr 1,., ,.1 .. , 1.,r • :-:,.,.,. I.Mn ~hn11plllf C•nl,r. rrom 111 priC't>A Anti term• t-hat hi>! Wl'ltr r 11 ,.1u,.r S\4JIO Wl\h yrly. rrnl•I. Ava il 8flpt Ill. r nn ""l t>e ma tr h"' nr v.Hho•ll ,..,1111 •lll!llOll S,.,. HAr )111\P l»i pll W.W. WOODS OMC DEAl..ICR fll!'i;l9 JI:. 41h St. lla.nta An& Ortn Sonday a.m. Trurk hrtll1qu1rte" for Onanse Co. &ce nwan Lot 37 M 1n1r1r"t T1,.1J. r HrNA t·ovr. H"yrmnt tuml•""" .. r rk Nt'Wf>'ll f 4pl\ •pl Opt r . "" larp, ,.,..-1udHt TIY f'f\IVAT!: OWNF.R ilfl"rlll rt p&l ln flfl<'"n '""' from l\tch 11<1,. '""" 1~. 31 rt. tanrt .. m "he,.1 ~ r umacf' .. lOl'lllt•· car·ace a.nrt • l,C'lrir tmlk,.11. llhow,.r •nrt 1011. phllne Av11llabl• fllr 1 .. ,.e or w1ntl'r r,.fllt l. l.AllMI I 12!\ ptor ,., '· rerrlg • hl'llll'r iroo'1 f"n n II "'" Elfl'r llt nt ""'"" Ph HV,tt • '"" Must 11ell 11t one· .. for , • •h • MF;P.<TRY J~:l3. Mont"~)' 2 rlr., l'rurc11111~t C-1111 at :l.21 Ill ~I 4 ·22~ ll3tto h"r't I np. ~f.-rc·CtmAtir. R 6 H , Nflf\\ p(Jrt 8 t•)tc h, ~r7 r:-enN AT P I •1(') A-PT Rft•...,.n· 111beleD WW u r .... Tint 1r1u,., 1 8111.. r11nnanent t•nant preru-nrl~n"I owner $1fltl\ 0 1y11 2J>JO 47-\Vantfod to Rent r~ MIO Jumln.. f'orona ""I Harbor Blvd .. flVl'I or Wf'ek e11da -------M )rll :l~ lrl11 ~T l I • a r -Rentals Wanted w.4N nm yr1una 1a<17 to w r• '$11 FORD Club ()OUJ>e 1275. f'CIUl\Y w. ""~o •Pl• llnd hlllJllH Ill .. 11r111r1~ .. nr -i11\'; H .. llotrn~. p hia J)9ym .. nla. I.I 11·20111 6'-7 W'<'llon" tor thtlh w1ntn 11na 1·1,1,.11,1 "'I ~t .11 """r II or ""'· ;4 Mu TO Mark a, R • H. Tlnttltt Y'"a~• 1"llJIC Fiim 01 unturn liar a&-i<J It :Ir~ m nd Mu1t llfll trnrnl'dll tfly H Rr :l62f tiri :1201 lll F'(JR!J SEl.>AN Oood Ah&J't'. $711. 116l'a Air•te flalh(I" I•· la11d. Har 3•8e·M 3('0 - ou have • va phone tod•y The Vogel Co. \V 1·,1 Hwy. 'llrw;><>rl n..r1 Phone Llb#rty 9.3 .. 11 wa '"•rlnt'. Flalboa lJll•nd r11o"P llarb<lr 444 or • oup r ,,.,. n1 ro11 .!.. •pon"u'"b"' ~!IH tnwn l • h"rm 11r t r~rtlv f!Hll Off'llft \l•w &7!1 mo , yrly 9~6 Wl'•t 181n ~I C-nl'la Mr•• •to !\, <'11 11 Ho r 1111 41fo -----CADILLAC 47 r onvfrt.lblt ('rim · 111~ CHRYSLER W lnda(lt II On• 21167 Ir. Coot Hy. Corona drl \1 • • ('<ttl\1:-IA Oli:L MAR. yn rly 2 • pl~tely rebuilt motor P l1111t1r Rll\111 ownar, clu n r ai· """' top, W ,W llr-••• R A 11 $!'>7l\ otfrr t&ke11. Jtu 07111 lC'6 H11 r. 1968. !\l'i • -19~ PLYMOUTH ~"IVf'll1'111" <')'I 19!'>0 FORD Pan~I aurhnjl' Lru1 k. Ari 1>mmodatlon11 for llvlng. C'11t1 Har. 3208 -1ter ~ r m r>ri CAO 19•0.:....'f pUIW'ng-er irndl1 mo· tor $100, Kar. 28M·W ~' i hM 1I tnp 11port11 l"OUpl' Powt>r •tMrtnr . powu br•kf'll. radln, wllllt wall tll't'll Uke ntw S2300. Har n•11 4ce M OLDS. 88 l\lptor 2 door 11"4an H y<lrom.llc, r•dlo, hetaer. WW Bt'I<'K '54 Super R1vlrr11. • new It etc. Xlnt condlUOn, Ilk• tubrleas t1r~11. NtW nl<'l!fl 1111\'l'r new. Mu.at Mil LI .. TIOO kl !).\ltf ry. 4 bbl. C'Uborrtor. Own· _ U 300 b&lance M ~ym•nta flltlnn, '"'"1.,.t• party. Can LI ,•1·r,,1 .. H"''-"' 1·11 Lido OfflC1', 3418 Via l~lfl" Harbor 10'1 .1:i1 tc ;;o t PLI; Mnn hH••lly l'mpt \ll;'ant8 I nr 2 bdru1 hou•" pa rt- ly tuf'n W t ha\'" 11ppllanrH It .-imt> furl) C"lo•,. tn :":rwpon t:lty Hall prefnrl!l'.I. 1"1'<"<1 l11p i;ar11.1r"-W n1 • Box T'-38, lhl' J14lpt'r. ll•• r 1 11•1 m 1loplex •no l ·l><lrm 1p11rt• f m• ht F'urnleherl ,,.. I ut 11111~11 . 11 o • '"" '.409 211 o l 'trnrm1ng H11rbor Haven A partmc-ntA • Patio" NI-:\\' 4 HOl1M. •lr,..,1 jf'Vl'I Nl'llf •• t•i. "" ~hllf'P'"' <lt~t rlct <olu•~t. plf'U Ant, l'Xl'htal•ll. 0.tbe.f t 11111• JlO•lll l•undry, •lONI• room 11, •araa•· 1112.M'I up, ()(ocupl .. "". "" all rt Onod euparv111tnn. Mer l &O t HaYen Place BOY'S BJCTCLll. rood condition. .-all 6 Jib, new paint jOb, cnrn- '==~~~~~~======~=~~::=:::======~.!.__!:Llbwt::':~7_:t: .. ~2&=:....---~6c=-~,,... 11 Ill. eeu LI 8·HOT. ac11 Q-• "r wlll u cnnc•. OolnJ nbm11d 1 19113 PLYlCOVTJt Mr. l:xcJ. I*!· Harbor 0179·W ~7 8·«1201 ~•Y•· , k T WANTED TO RENT-3 br llJO n or untum, houte CIO!Nt tn !Santa Alla bu1. Call LJ 8·912' 29~ W Cout H&1hway. LAe HavM Mott t l pT I 810('11 South ()f Hlf lt lcltl\o1 ALSO JI' 'ltNflllH~D APT!!, WJ1'1ER RA TU &lie r 'I ' : I I I II Cabanas Marinas Lido Penineula, East 311~ St., Npt. Bch. OFl'ERS DeUpttuJ 11v1or. .l.pt..()tt. n••. with Yacht al.Ip accomodation.1. D&ily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or reN1 tation., Call Har. 2992. 34t1c Bachelor's On Luxurious Peninsula -View Hideol{t of Bey Piano--Cu.ltom furnlture--LaTge Living room with bar -diah• -pot:A an.d pan• -Bunk bed.• and batb doWMWn for gueat.a. A couple might be happy here alao. $160 month, yean lease. PHONE Carter Darnell, owner, Lehigh 9-2158 during day or Harf?or 2121 evehinp. 4c9 43A-Apts. for S.t ' ' LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT APT. LEASE. TaAt.e:fully decorated, fu rn. or unfurn. 2 bdrm., 1 bath (encw.ed tub A: •hower) all electric kitchen, W ;w carpeting. Patio. Laundry & gar· •1• included. Har. 3224-W Avail. on or about Oct. 1. OWNER 991.fc Deluxe. Furn. Apts. Ona .. t..-o bdrm., wltll ~ A'f'&Jlable tor 1umnier or w'ln- t.r. A.L80 J&&tlJ ....... lit Heart of aetJ'f'ttJ -Lota or -· 007 E. Ba.lboa Blvd., Ba.lboa LIDO ISLE. 3 bdrm1., .S baUw home on annual ba.111. lieated -lrnmlnc pool. Slip for 40 ft.. boaL Bea1.1Utully rum. Exqul· 1-lte l~d• p\&J\tll!tl, 11hni1>1 o.round patio A pool. 3 c-r l'•r. 1"800 mo. Inquire 41 Ba.Ibo&. Ccn•, Nnrport. 3<:111 BUSINESS BLDG. Wllh patio, :IOJlllll Jot. l&5 eer moat.JI. 113 :Z'lnd St., Newpllrt ~ach. KJ 2-lflll. Hc!O Coste Mesa How Can You Miss T HIS CHARlaNG horn• on l&nd· tea.peel 6 l•Ced to :ii: .130 loL 2 bdrma. ONLY 17TIO wtlh t.nra. GOLDEN RULE VALUES BALBI or L&ABll INDVBTRlAL BLOO. --2000 1941. ft_ CIOH.ln, on aewer. 1.&IJ"• lot. Fenced. A r..i biU'fain at •1fi.MXl--terrn11. _.._._ OPEN HOUSE DESK BPAci!: with phone Mrvlce S30 mo. 607 E. B&ltxi.. Bh·d., Ba.Ibo&. 2bone an.werlnc .er-rice ..i.o 1.ve.i.lable. Her. 3606. Mlle Balboa M-1 CORNER Two Octlan Front Iota. Zoned for W. 17th STREET -cio..-111, on '-10 Marruertle. Corona d.J Mu BETI'ER MOVE FAST on thta Immaculate 2 bdrm. home. '1r. piece, hardwood noo~. Lo&dl ot lile A cupOO.rds Shl.nrl• roof, Near bett 1hopplnc 6 tr&ru1- porta t1on. Delightful lncloeed pat.lo that you muet tee to e p- pred&le. Thlll one n&J.ly epark- IM. lMtter hurry, ..ie.man on pr111nl.au to ehow )'Olli arollnd every afternoon. Good terme. duple>tM. P600 eacll. KWtr. 140:1tl 21!. You can't ~It thl• •t $10,M>O. FOR RENT """"""' oUl<o.. Coast Properties -...oclallon with an attorney. Tu expert preferred. 2012 W. S01 JC. Balbo& Blvd., Ba.I~ Cout Highway, N11wport BMch. Harbor HOI, 2097 &nd •600. Caur. LI 1-41102. 88llc 1-------------vu:w HOME ON CUFI" DR. ' NIJWPORT HEIGHTS M-BnelpfM Opportu.a.itlee P'OR 8ALIC OR wn.L 'rn.A.OE NEAR NEW thi.. 2 bdn:1. A den home l \ bath, very conv. k lteh"n that PROPOSED CITY HALL opera onto lh• pauo. Gluaed Jn Next to eor. lllth 4i: Placentia, tn dlnln1 room, fiffplaee flu11h In Coata MeaL 2 bcdroon1 bomt, wall ot l....R. W/W ~LI. One excellent condition. Plllll a 1mall or the beat built home. on Clltt atore In rear. Plenty puldnl' 4i: Dr. Oii.Ji owner at LI 8-3792 room few upl.Mion. Immediate d&ye or LJ 8-5:1&6 evenln11:1. po-ulon. Fot NI• or trad•.1 -~~=~~~~===~~ c&ll owner LI 8-8223 motnlnp ORANO!l COAST P ROPERTIES llllfc bu aevaral choice Baek Bay or alter 0 p. m. ORANGE JUICE A datll! ahake 1La.nd. Cout Ht(hway 2'Ai ml!" llQUlh or Coroaa del Mar. y_,. round buslneu. 1u•k for Norm. 3tfc AITl!:NTJON BEAUTY OPERA· TORS. lf you are looking tor • Ahop • home comb\nll!d ice Ull• 2 bdrm. turn. home wi th well equipped beauty Uiop .. Y"arly leaae $100 mo. 2063 Tu1Un. Ci»· ta Meu . Ll 8·t 8!':12. 4MI PRICE REDUCED $1.000o.n bu1y little Col"Ql\a dll!I M•r ea.te with r•trtcted honie 1ltt11 511000 to 1"8200. Two with water v\1ta11. ORA.NOE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Newport, Co11ta Me1111. LI 8-11132 Eve Ll 8-6803 By Owner -Model Home 3 bd.rm .. 2 bath home. Lovely eor- ·ner, 76 rt. lantt.ce.ped lot. Ba.ck yard comp!. fenced. 11".A. Unit b-.t., llwd nr1 .. 1arb. dl1. >A' tow carpet a.nd drape•. $17 ,500 -Terms 1991 Irvlne Ave., C.M. Ll 8· i 389 ,,, new fountain. You can make ll 1------------- h"re A be l'lappy. Tuma - f..EE CASEY otflce, 2721 !:, Cout Lot View Hgwy. Har. 08411. 6c7 R-4 ACRE lDl:AL loe&Uon &C'l"O&& trom Hoq- Hoepllal -J111t oft 8upartor. Room for 1• wtltt. Hla;h and dry. See th!• at only S8600- tenn1. HO\.\' ABOUT THIS! A perman- ent oce1111 vltw home. Loe1Hed al !!604 Oeean Blvd., ror. Orchid, C.D.M . 3 nice bdrma., 2 ba~. PHIL SULLI VAN & IUf' "''"• rn• .. ""m kl<oh~ 6' h1rge br,a ktu l nook. See GEO T EVERSON Calalin• from n1011t everv r m. • • \"Ou had bettet· co1ne • .~ for l8tl6 Newport B!Yd., Co.ta Mu.a your .. lf. Of'EN FOR lNSPltC· IA.crou from Coata Me111. Bank) 'T'ION A~"l'EHNOON!t. Phone U 11~761 . • • • Eve.. Har. '386-U 8-2103 -------------1LOVELY S BDRM., l'lt. BATH BAYSHORES RllOmy, Early A.mer10Rn, 2 B. R ., f>LU8 gu. unit. kn, pine Int., bkflt b&r, 2 p&UG.1 , .. S22.~ CLIFF fiA VEN 2 B. R., xlnt. location-for •&le unrum .. Qr tor leue. turn. Lo dn. CORONA DEL MAR Cute 2 B. R., pffiY\ncial, room t or uni\, clo .. to m]!;ts. A tran11p. R-2 ... -..... _ ......... .Ultlnc 1"12,500 home \1 400 ~-n .) .539 Irvine. Newpt. Ht1. EXCLUSIVE LIST· ING. • • • 100 1<-r. FRONTAOJ: properly on ea.it 17Ul BL A real p:ood buy at 122,600. Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. R.aylc-C. TnvUI. C. RUM, A.MOC. Cor. Jot 2 n1c& apt. OVll!r r•r. R·2 512 Martne Ave.-B&lboa I1land . "' 14000 down ... Full P:'lce 110.000 !------------- BACK BAY Choice lot on Sier"' VJ1t.a , 70xl 40 ,...,. LAST ROUND-UP M-Moner to Loan on Bluff. (L.ea.1u1hold) 98 leet rrontf.(e. No. 302 Kine• Road, 2 B. R. ll den. 1~ be.th, complete Vl'ut of Plnk Houae. Owner w. kltcnen, \f:e aerv. porch, patio, 1!!. TenEyck, f-0-tl Paclttc A Ye., aome v\f:w ... -··· ··· ..... 19.t~ ~mand l'lu "xcll!eded aupply when the11t are all 1Dne-thal'1 all ' NO COMMISSION No Appralaal Fee SAL!l8 -R.l:nNANCE CONSTRUCTION Call ror Free Fut Commitmente on Rll!•ldence'• a.od Unttt only Don I. Huddleston Long Buch. Telephone Long BMeh 4-fOH or Me-298. 9.5p9 CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUSES on eor, lot. Bol.h 2 bednn1. • flrepla.caa. l hu r.a. heat. Both lee.Md. $21,600. Very choice buy. ALSO Claire Ven Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cou t Hwy. FOOD MA.RKET with meal COWl· $ 3.000 301111 R·2 we ca.n 11ve you e. pack..,.. deal-home and lot. Ll!t'• talk. S 11,11$() Near &!avlew, 8outil •Ide IAvel-<iur best deal. SOxlll R-1. Ll!ftl, hu l'IUl'll! tree for patio. 11.ar'-' MOt. MUc Udo Isle Beyfront 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA TURN. 3 Ddn11. A NMptnc pon:h, • pr, Te&riJ. 3701 Balboa Blvd., N...-port.. , 3J'IO LI 1-6:W l U l-6~2 VACA~'T LOT, aouth of Hl1h- wty, \\'e al.a ha.ndle acbanr• A Income property. G. H. L.&.TH- ROP, 3M:> E. Cout Hwy., co- rona del M.at. Harbor IU42. Ew•. MIO. le& t•. On (ood corner In g n>w1fll' $ 7.1160 Ora111• County city. Clo9e to I 1.000 Khool1. Excellent oppor tllnity. Canyon aid.e .... ,_ lot. low· eat priced lot In the Hl1h· lartd9. 2 BDRK.. ruRX. BALBOA., fire- place, NIC!'&&UOll room, double ~. no pata. Wlnter rente.1. Kar. lSM-ft. or Har. 4072. llp7 OM and lWO Wnn. as-n-i.. "'1n!Jlbed, ~. T&&rl.J or wil'll«' 1'9'tal. Har. NTJ.. Te20 -~ RENTALS, 2-2 bdrm, homea turn. near b•y, Balboa 146 A 140 rnonth, C-.Jl Harbor 1#6-M. k7 CHEICRn1U.. IW!llf water front apt.., UtU. lllllaltd fwlnt.er) l or 2 bdm\I., rarb&ce d1.,...1 heat 2 control, eloM Lo vtll&p.. ad1.1lta. ID% Or-and Canal. 3e6 Bl:DkM. HOMJ:, Coeta )Cua. Partly furn. Yearly leLft St!T monta W 1-..i.sa. r.cT r uft.N. APT 1 bdnn. lOl'i ·atth 81.rfft, Newport BM.ch. Call LA.,,_bart 0.-HN or -_. .. ht. or 8WI. onl1 e.t &bo'f'e ad· dr-. Adult.a A 1 child only. "" RIUfT nUl:E ApL to tnl4'19 a,.O. c-ouple t01' MrYle-. Har. 3.sOI "' lJliFURNil'HED 2 bdnn. lloma la. .. ,......_, Jrnrnedial<tly awall· e.bla -)'eiar'e 1-. a in mo. "C" Th«nu, R'llr., L.I •-M21. "'' WINTER RENTAL to June. 2 bdrm. tum. 170 mQ. Ul\litl•• pd. o a,..... av&Jlabl•. 121 F.. Balboa Bl•d.. Balboa. k l COIWNA Dl:L MA.R rt\ldlo apt, 1------------- P'uni. HIS month, plue uUlltl-.. WINTER R..ENTAL Sept. to J une. Call u 8~4t1 7. &c7 I badrm tum. * mo. 111) E. Balboa Blwd. owner 3L 10 lfealh- WEST BATTftONT NS'WPORT. .,. ~ Lonr Beac;h. Ph, 3P- Mod.. turn. t • J bdnn. apta. '6117. lpO Uttl. paid '60 to MO. Clo.to to UDO J.lli. wlnlA>r rent..i. Three •to"9 • bUMl!'I Mar Mft..M. bedroom. 2 bath home, f'urni•h· epT ed 11'1' unfum. 11&0 mo. W 8·2173 "' CORONA DEL MAR 1'w"m=i"&R=--=RENT==A7,_-.-c"-'"-c-".-,~, Rl:A.UTIFULLY rtll'Uf, St\ldio bdrm., completely rum. (l('•an apt. I block from Ooe•an, fir.· home. 11.UMd 1n p&Uo. $11:!> mo. p.1-. ...... luit&bie trw ..,._.. A.'<'&11. now, Call Harbor 23t3 n-,_n. UUlltl• Incl., ,..,, 3!fc Ma J&&rlJ'. IW. IMO. &c:T 1~-~~~-~--~~-Lo'<'aly ba7 fn>nl home 4 bdrilu., BAY VD:'W ltudlo apL turn. Bal-3 balha. 'A'lnt•r 1'911te.I. A:Xmln· boa laland. Oarq' 'T"V. 170 rno. •le.r l.2tMI. 3e:i UUllUN Incl. 'A'll'lar, Harbor ,....W, lk·T TEAltLT upet &Jn tum . apL 2 bl.rm. Elth•r 3 men or 3 ladlu . aM m<lnl'1.-tll) 2\'.llll 8\., N..,. pol"\ Bead\. &p7 T'C.A.JlL T LEA9E. 1'mW alum. 2 bdnn. ,.,.. apt,. p&lM laundn' rm.. 1to•• 6 rwO'., SM-TUTT 8-ahor. Drlv ... S"-tiort ll~ Furn. Single Aph. .,_.._ JndlYid\l&J tefM• Mont.Illy or weorkly re.te• 1111 le. 0...... R t,,._.J LacuM lhach H'Tatt 4-ICM2 WINTER rmta.l, 3 dupiu 6 urport. Bl•d. Har. 41141·\.lo' bdrm. turn. ins Balh<>a ""' I HDJUL. 1 l.,, balhll furn. hou .... An.II t.o June J.5th 1110 ~t mfl, .57(19 8e1t.11h<>f"e Or.. N'"Wf'Or1.. Owner. J. R. Comw,.11. TOO 1 8'--. \/Wla Way, 1.Ai,run• ~ll. HYalt 4l&415 4RIJ \NE SPEClAJ...lZE IN f..O.U:S A l'INA..""ClNO ON HOUSETRA..lLERS Auloa, Furniture • S•l•rlu One Dey Service Loan• from S.W lo 1"1200 or more CALIF. ACCEPI'ANCE CORPORATION lfllll Hubor Blvd.., Coat.a MM& Ll 8-TTISl -()pan Friday11 lW I Cloell!d Saturo.y-tfe TOU CAN BORROW MORE T.UU: f..ONOER TO R.EPA T PAY LESS \\·HEN YOU BORRO\lo' T H £ S ANTA ANA MO RTGAGE \VAY 2<» sp1.1r1eon Bids. KJ 1-1161 '"' LOANS for Homes :I,. -)0 yr. L.oul.a Construction Loans sea: BOB 9 A'I"I'1ZR :l:ll:i .EAST COAST BLVD. Conma del M&I' H.&rbor 3lfll Rep, POIRl.Elt JilORTOAOIC CO. Mal.nl L.ua 1-. FuDU KL WllU U Uo f..OA..N8 TO BUILD. DIO'ROVIC BUT, MODERNIZE. OR RDINANCI: We Buy Trwlt 0-0. N'EWf'OR1' BAJ..BOA SA vrN08 A L.c)A..".; ASSOCJATIUN 3.SM Via Udo. Ph. Har, '* "" rnr 01 .. SAl...E OR TRADE -NEWPORT KEIGHTS. Bllt extra 1.-e. room& on two lev"i.. O'f'er 2000 lq. rt. on 2 Iota a ppl"OA. JOO It. front· a1"e. ()Qe a.n a.nd Yar19d vi-- App. S26.00l>-taka arnall home, Income or 11t T.D • .,. i-rf,.- Own•r P.O. Bole 161, BUbo&, Ca.lit. la LITTLE GEM •6 ACRES M·l on m&Jn hl(hwey 11'1 Ore.n1e Co. Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Brok•n Buatn-Broker 1"116 £. Oo&et. HWJ., Corona del M.ar Harbor 211);1 REAL VALUES \,. ACRE RANCHO 2 br, home. Appr<u:. II yl':a.ra old. Lou ot out bulll'llnt•. nlc• A-riff.II y 11rd.- Famlly lrult. Lot 1IH 8f'lx330. Lat wi •how you Olli one tQ<1ay. ~ T\Mk>r oottac• 90. ot Blvd.. COf'QNt. ~l Mu. O~ but ,,.._at Chllfttl. HU l a ~ llY.-4lnUIC" an"a. WOii• derful for entertainLn(. 2 Bdrm:i . d"n, 2 tlrepla«11, a ~harn•er •l $111.!l-OO. Euy t"ma. J:xclwllve .. e.nt. FORD VERRINDER. H•rbor .f2U it3llc NICE OUll.OINO LOT M) :-. 2/'JO, 1"2600. f vea. 34i4. Doctors Attentiorl B. A. NERESON REALTOR 4 UNIT MODER:-. BLDG. on J.20' t98:l Newport Dlvtl. Co.ta Mtu. x J)O' C:O.l• MHa bwiLn" .. lot. Ll 1·111(2 E\'1!11. LI 1-4120 l 11.600 Vlew lot •o· front, flCI' I.JI rear, perteet 1 i.v..i du- plu lot w1tll yVd to •P'"· 116,000 Top of Uie world ln Ca· ron& Hlp.Juilh, wune.tcll· ed vtew. $11,000 On Huel, • .:leepar, ,,,,_ of Seoarid beach A oc:e&11. $ •.:r.oo Back _,.. mhop around n,.UMo_1a_.bu,. UMI bMl 6-.1 ............. A.LL. EXCLUllJVK: WrTH RAY REALTY CO. S4t4 I:. Cout Hy., Cnrona del Mar Harbor 228'1 I Acn>'-11 from Ba.nk tn COM) WATCH THIS COLUMN Good Pror-•un&.1 1oc.auon. ldf'al l--------·-----1 lor oocwn, O.OU.l•. rnedic&J or FOR TlUl MOaT c&l'eh1lly ..i...-t- X·r&y lab. Or othifr pror .. lonal An-RACTJVE LARG E ltd ve.h•M In .-Ch of our d LallnC't• llff. Plenty ot J1'irk1nir. Prtee-SHAKE ly dltltrml HARBOR A.REAS S31.&00, T"rm~ ~f:J<L J MARTIN, tt F'.ALTOR. VEJl Y ~IODERN Har. 3073 LI 3-1774. L&rf'I p1ctur• window. l bdrma. 6 l(. bric:k pe.Uo. FiMnLIY E&e dln· 1'HF: BEST PUf-'LEX 1"13,600 -tnr nn., lar1e tlht llJlChfn .... 1th Rff thL• lmmacul•l• attractive bullt·ln dlnln( at ... 2 BATiiS, 6 .w"U lotat""1 bulldlnit In :-.cw-•tall aho .... ·er, Iola ot UM, pull• rort ll el~hU. A r,.al buy! Har ma.n. Beautifully la.n~~d lot :1'1~ toll.JOO. t"nAd, prl'<'at" e.tle1. ----I -!:llftra lar1e 2 car ranee 22x20. S395 DOWN L\l.M ~OIATI'. r<J8SESSIOS . • VACANT 111.1 YEARS OLD, like nt""'. Priced low to •cU at $16.500 Very attractive tennA, open aftetnoona. 2307 Santt;,.Ana Jive., Colita MM&. Ov."Tle.r. Har. 4fi64.W, 97cll Newport ffe<g_h ts $7600 SMALL NOME, l•rl"' lot, BcauU· flll •urroundlnJ• Need• '1rf'.llll• In .. up, •cM f1ct for qulek q le. CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATE 3 btlnn •• kll• of (Upboa.nla. dL1hmuter. dt.po&al. mere. llW'llChee. HeauUf\1.1 land- llC•Pln( at a pr1r• Ulat makf!I ..-n~ 4-. G 1 l<i«n and only l ltl.30<L BALBOA PENINSULA ITS CHAR.MINO INSIDE A-OUT: 't bill , to J"lty. Modft"ll Pro- vtnrle.I, 2 bdrm,.,. Joli rif ru?- board• 6~ lo•n "I 4A mo - 01'1)' S\A,O(l(I CLIFF HAVEN R A NCH TYPE TRIPLP!X-Cnm· pl~lety m~em-t1111lt In anl•fl· nllJI. thermo h!!al, r•rb. tlbp .. •ptlnllltr llJJt&m, J bdnn1. In ..11ch apt. A \nw, low di:iwn pl")'• ~t • :Jl"l'r• In bUlt-with 11 home ph11 tflconw. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor '"' U-aoor..for &ellt WEEK. WO. or TR OCEAK nu)Jn'. J Wrrn. apt. tum .. •l«". 2 lll.OOKB. tnu.t 6 ahow•t No PRJ\IATJ: lN\IESTOR I OPEN HOUSE ti % to JO'). r.turr. SANTA ANA ~fORTOAG& ro. 1-!'> P.M. DA.ILY 206 ~pu.rrl'()n Bldg. K l 7~~:1 2!':172 Corel• Or. B.ay.nor-. N.B. COST A MESA LOT 6:!>xl34 o~ MONTE v:eTA n• .. r Orana:e I t.. chot~• lot . H!'"'M or apsr1men1'1. SYL\i.IA THOMPSON Aaoc. :t60t Newport Bl'<'d .. Npt. ~h l:uy ParklnllL' Hvbor 4810 ,.f11C. • l Mtnrt.. apt. him.. ~kMplnf. Prtw•t.41 entranl'f .. fl~ce. ..,.., pa.Un, alee. rd" TOI )bf'l'U.r1t., Corona dfl Mar rt1. P'tl. Upland. Y"U11:011 n1-11M 4f"!I or lll•IN. 'el ROOM for ..-orllln1 rne.n. Hot and 57-Ral F...etate \\'anted BA YFRONT 1 bdrm. rum. a pt. cold water In mom. Pvt. •n· l\'J: :>;£ED L ISTINGS. Plef' 6 no&t for IO I L boat. tranc<t. 1"1 ~r ...._. 12S--28lh flt \\'e HA VE buye.B! 1-Oct. l to .June 1. Prlval• Newport. pptfc )'Ln"t new office In Harbor area. i-ch. 411 l:d1cwatcr. Balboa. W illard L. Killion, R~a.ltor i,:Nc;J... PA TJO, IJUQ & FIREPL. F.11p.ei1Ll y rle1lt;ne<t for outdoor h\·ln« 3 bdrm . 2 b11th, xtra ~hnv.·,.r. C'on1pl. furn, cot. lot. '" ll!k. f ri>n1 ="o ('h•nl'l'"l f'rle· &d tn "11 ti II LATllR(){'. 3!M F:. C'QUI Hwy , H11r. 1.\4~2 E """· Mil(). 3c~ ICDpwOOd l •JUt, 4et I ;ll:;:;;....;:8"1G::::,_;:;::"•;:..;Oftl";:::::::'-----I 1341 Newport Blvd., Harbor l606 llNOLE APT. P'um. Ull ~mo. NEW, SM.ARTl..T F"\JRN'ISllJ.~O ,,-le~ 114 F'RON'TAGE iJn North New- Tearly ru., l11cl. uWJU... ·JOI ottlM. .. • Be.1 A.-a., Ulloa-Har ~-·.··· '"' 4D ._,_._, Store lil4tre Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE !5UR!: BEP'ORE T OU BUT coin pl"~ tn ..... urat1on1 • teporta. otf•(ll bld1ot I"'""' f'll (lr tr•d•. Owner P O. A""' 6~1 . Ba.lt.oa, Cali f, !':Ir Ot.f: YEAR HOME ~OT TRACT s.·o l br. hnm,, rumr. rm. A- po.Ito kn.. pine • Ille lc1t, at 22•1 f:\den. Co•l• ~~"" Olchonnra, N.B;S·. ~~~!~l,,"co. Har. !':i!':i:\11 Qr lt O:'I Ocean View NEW HOME • lncom• or ruut hOllll, bot.h furnl11hed. P&tl<) All eon\·enlen«.1 Jl'ICI garb. ~l\Ap., !;"OUnt Uln-. OP£N DAI.LT 224·41th SL, N1wp<1n ~uh. 119p1J f' ARM LANO bet wen CcMta M-. A Santa A.nL Rldp , Nm,._ wa· ttl't' well, 90 arra pr1ced •l 1".)000 an ai:n •llh 21 ~'~ down • lmmf'dl•I•. ~ion. OH.A NOC COAllT PROPERTJ.E8 1167 Newport. Col!ta M'M U A-11.12 r.v.., U 8-4I03 detached dbt r•r. 41tkln... l£rt• lot. LI ... ll47 Xlnt ('Oil• fenC'9d.. ,,. OJTICE P'OR RE"-r at"le 0.ter Location, 21 "•24'. R•preMnL non-rea1oent 1-ndi.rde. l:!> Y"'· COVt'MllC' Artsona .. N•w M•Xlco. Phone Har. :J434·J or contact C. B. Brown, Rt. 2. Box '94, TuCIOYI, Ar11 0&:10 berrier .ft lr...,·11. 1 hlk £. nt I/ N• >A'J'<lrt Blvd , 'lo~~ to mktJ, A- ...,·11M:•. Sle,.p~-; $10,000, 12000 Open House SUNDAY, SEPT. 18 30-4 -306 Dahlia. Corona de! Mar FOR Ll:AS.C TWO aJIA.UTil'VL • .,, 1"1na Ter1'9ff _,.,._ .,._ aom-. a BDIUla., 2 b&IM Md 2 BEDltMI .. t bl.Ula. Call Harbor 177$ OI' H•tbor •ul. l:>JlL \\'. l!!T A.NLl:T. RM.Hor Jrvlne T'tft9ol Otnce corona d'1 JUt. 2JUc MO. per monlh. CIUJU.lt!I E. HA.RT, Re&ltar ldO W. klbo& 9h-d., Npt. Ek'h 112r~ 2 •l ore9 or ottlca, one 28x30. One l lx2!'1. Low ruiL Su1la bl11 tor tf· tall bwiln... or offl<;e 607 Jo: B•lboa Bh·d., Ha.r .. lll-Ofl. &llHI<; 1!!.-:-_IWal FAt.aae F.acbup APPROXl~tA'TEl..Y Jj~ ~q111ty ~-room home nMr UCLA \\'e•t· ...,.ood \'lll&re axo;hai!,Je tor in· rnm• !lr C·2 Cati& Ml!lM ot ,j. eLnUy, O\l'TW'r Lt 8-!l <f). 4c6 dn. l.lb. te1nu 1\1 r1•ht pllr\y .,. Cf..l l"t' llA\'F.X. ny <'IV.'n~r 3 bdrm. horn ". ~· 1; I lC>A". (~.5 ~yment.a inclu. I•"'" • inaur. anct , dbl gor.r .. •pr1nkl•r•. patio, r~nC'ed, 11 4 .9~ fl t I•'~ fnr equ· 11-y ln eath. LJ 11.2;i;; 4eil e unit.A, 2 fUJ'lliabed. garageti, garbage dhlpoealm. PRIC" $62,i\OO NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Balbo& 111lat1d Har. 502 -~---• oour.u. IBOftD lll'll ., NEWPORT HAUoR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAerl- WEONESOAY, SEPT. 14, 1955 · _...,_ a•='..._.. "We're Moving to Irvine T erracen More and more Harbor area famillet are lna:pectin1 theee ezqui.aite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location.. • More and more famlllm who prefer a home In a ~ 11tricted quality communttJ .,. moving into their Irvine Terrace home.. o 'nv. 1n today and -for JVWMrlf the tD&ny oat- .tandinc feature. ot thil nmarlr.able oommaaftJ. Inspect the model homea, Corp. built by Macco exquisitely fumished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace la located cm O:>ut Highway oppollt.e the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "'8 J'or J'artber Informa.tJon * For Recommtmdation, we nler you to &DytDe wbo bold9 a Leuebold FAtat.e in Irviu T~ Beacon. Bay, Bay Shores and Clift' HaftD Selected Listings Lido lsle:- Decora.t.or'• mm lovely home. 4 bedrooma. I batl:ll8 plua •tudio apt. Completely turniahed at $38,500 Udo'a beet buy! Beck Bey:- Cbarmiac eo1on1a1 • Pan•linr, ..-briclc -· built-ina galore. 3 bdrma., den, 3 baths, plenty of room for pool. Drive by 413 Sitrn Vlat.&., yau'D bu;y it at $28,000 Beyfront:- °" ...... dinr bo-.... ....,wnr ! •lip. P'lnM view in the lw'llar. i..,... boat Willard L KUGon, 33'1 Newport Blvd. Realtor Hullor llCI05 "" OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY-11-5 243 Ocean View. Newport Height:A Stop by and .et thill 3 bdnn. home with a lttriflc Ocean View. Hu 1% bath. ntkl •tone fireplace in a large bright L. R. Sepentl!I dining room, very conYenient ltit.c:hen. F'ull Priei! l~.500. Se .-Utt to att thi11. LIDO ISLAND · Call ua t.o M"e" th!. buutifuJ 3 bdrm. l * bath home on a corne r lot, All the modern conv•n~ "ART" ADAIR, Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd .. eo.t.a Meu, Calif. LI S..3792 LIDO ISLE 4 bednn11 •. 3 balhA. 1pacioll3 liY. room It den. Choice cor. location-a wonderful family hom~. ML 6260 S39.950 BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bf!dnn11 ., 3 bAth 11 -Sep&rate dining rm., chann- ing l&nai It d~n Plu1 allractive 1 be<lnn. apt. S IJ..000 down CORONA DEL . MAR F'tne 3 B.R. home, excellent location -a (ood val\M. $1~.500 WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor Pa.tit al Marine, Balboa laland An.d .A.uocl11te1 Y&rbor 2462 CLIFF HAVEN Three be<lnn. & Newly carpeted. rta.r gardens. den home. Excellent condition. BeAut lfully landtoeaped front and COSTA MESA • -u ........... y 1an , de.lighlful patio. Ing. Euy terms. 3 bed room , 2 bath. FHA flnanc· Only S14 ,5CIO Call Liberty 8-2664 tfo:\'e11 I.I 8·70561 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l'tb and Jn-iiw. Nftport BM.ch Jc~ DOCJ'OM HOM'.!: 3 bdrm . ow -WONDSIU'UL KAJ\BOR BLVD. rnrn•r Improved with 140-0 mo. Income. 11:'.i,000 down tom, flrfplar.~. mCldrm. land· 9C&ped. l'Ce&r lantA Aaa COWi• try Oub. C&ll Dr. Pttbody u 1-ioet -,,.., an MaM Pilau, QJMa X-. kl •• . . 0 1\ANO!: COAl'T PROPatn'E~ t•T 'Nawport, Coat• MN& J..I .. lAI &'N LI 8-Ml".\I I I ' l ( l 1 ' ... OOAft&L l90itla Wac .t 'ASE 6·'AltT11-NEWPORT HARIOJt NEWS-PRESS WIDNSDA Y, SEPT. 14, 1955 ............... p .. a. palmer incorporated .. ,, ...... . ........ ----- • RB.AX "START LIVING" .. • IRVINE TERRACE , Fully ~ contemporary home. Two bed- l'OOIU and dm -Two bathe. Larp comer, com- piet.ly mc.loeed. Patio with rarden fumit11re. BeaatitaDy land.caped. After few montJa of occu- ~. OW'Dm' lllu.t lllOft. Price $29,500 Earl W. Stanley , Realtor Shown by appointment -Call at IR.VIN!! TERR.ACF. TRA~ OP'Jl'ICE Oppo.ite Imne Cout Country Club, Highway 101 or Phone Harbor ~ ' developers of Udo Isle Exclusive U you want a large Jot, plenty of light, large rooma end an overaiud garagt!, bere'a the '.lnswer! 3 bedrma. 2 bat.ha plua 34 bath in garage. Carpeted, draped, tumt.hed by a decorator, Beautiful patio. Available with or without fumitu~ on Vf'rJ attrac- tive term.a. $39,500 Incl. carpet, drapea, stove, re· trtc. Ir laundry equip. $41.500 completely fumiahed . Larger Home Fine reaidence on one o( Lido's beat corners. Modern in every detail, with all bullt·in featurea. 4 bedrma., 2Y:: batha, lanai with barbecue, large central patio with tropical planting, terrific muter bedroom auite, very large living room and dining area. Brukfut room, laundry room, boat houae. Juat about everything a family might deeir... Price $59,750 Modern Charm, lnd1viduaUty, tranquil atmoephere all blend perfectly ln thia fine 3 bedroom 2 bath home. You will enjoy every minute in the lovely living room with it. cheery fireplace. Very nicely fumiahed by Barker Bro.. Carpeted and draped. Funli1hed pri~ only $32,960. Terma. Large Family? Then be certain to aee tbia ma.t attractive home built mpeclally for family of four children Ir deslsn· ed ao mother It father can have rueata le privacy. The children even have their own livinc room. What could be more perfect than that! Nice p&tJo, ryce yard. f bedrma· Ir 3 batha. Prtcect at $37,500 and with terma made to flt you. AU for Joe Kincaid. Shorecliff Open House Picture.que one story ranch .tyle home. Lola of uaed brick It redwood. Low .weeping heavy abake roof-Spacioua fioor plan, includee 2 bedroollUI Ir den -2 baths -2 fireplace.. Beautiful ocean view -Jun a atep to ucluaive bathing beach. OPEN SUNDAY from 1 · 5 p. m. 2f8 Eveninr Canyon Road, Shore Cliffe Drive by then call Dave O.bum $1250 Down And you can move into thia cute 3 bedroom, 1 'h bath home. Leu than. 1 year olci too. s..t of all your monthly pymta. will only be $87 J50 Price $~ Large Lido Lot Beautiful ~ ft. comer Strada lot ......... _._ .. $17,:SOO Build.inc plan available. Call Bill J'a.rn.nrortb Corona del Mar Vogel Values p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor~ p. a. palmer incorporated ole hamon co., sales management 1700. w. cout highway -Ubertj 1-6571 HOME & BACHELOR APT. ExceUeat location make9 thia 2 bedroom home even more deeirable. Kitchen bu dininr ..,.. It ia wired tor elect. ran1e. AttnctJve It com.fort.able Uvinc room. Patio It BBQ. Bachelor'• qtn. bu aeparate % hatla. Tbe prioe i8 .. rtcht" at $1f.!500-&nd we haw a pod loan committment. Two Outstanding Peninsula Homes! NO. I DOCTOft•t HOJIQ W1TB • b«troorna and two baths. 81tuat- .ct on l l&fT• comtt lot. . . . wall.ct tor s>rtfte)'. Jledminton court, p&Uo &lld nJc.Jy l&nd- eca ped. 8-uUluJ e&rpet. and drepee. »o.DOO. terma. Ocean View t,.2 BLOCK TO BEACH Brand New INCOME UNITS SOUTH of HIGHWAY No. 2 1PAci ou1 wo oERN _ • BZDROOM11, 2 BATH&. Oc"1\ 2 Bednn.· home. Extra Jars• loL Plenty of room for additional unit. Only $3600 mov• you in. 2 bedroome each, modem, year It a b&lt old. Lot. of v•-tn>m upetaJr bedroom. Le .. •••-_.... I 111. 111. _._ llvtnc room wtU\ ~one nre- $12,f500 tull prb 5 Complet.ly furn. uaite. nM locauon. Top con· dttion It income $10,500 mo"9 you in. ......, WO'UVU pane • ..x ... Np. •..urace room. eep. plua, Perteet tor • ..,.,. famlly, laundry room. Income: $2700 per yr. minimum. nuoo. saooo down. Total price of U..960 lncludel auto. wuber 6 dryer, 2 refn,., 2 bJt-ln r&IJ6• 6 ovena. Front unit com- pletely 6 nicely turniabed, dl8poeala. etc. "lt'a a dandy." Be 11Ur. to uk about tk Uberal ttnancin1. ATTRACTIVE MODERN . 2 bedrooma, finplace, patio, BBQ. 20a.2f prap. Attn.ctlvely deoorated.. Total price only $13,500. Out-of-town owner will coneider a low down paym't lo qualified buyer. Meue ca1J for appointment. The Vogel Co. *7 E. Coen Hwy., COM Har. 1741 Kar. 1477 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD!· 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1 ,265,395.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service ot Ntwpon h eh Ocean front Home $22,500 VDT A'l"l"JlACTIVE year roUDd home on S-· Mon om.. Knotty pm. livinc room with dininc &NL J'onnlca kitchen, 1 bedroom and '12 bath down. I bedroomi and 1 ~ bath8 Up. Solid COD· ..,..., mcloe9d )'U'd. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Reaijor Bay Front Duplex.! NEEDS A l..l:M'l..IC J'IX'IN BUT WHAT OIU:.AT P088Dlll.l- Tma. J bedroom.9 up and J dft. hmlah.ct. a.n.c-. l"lrepa.c ... -CS.Ck• • .,. .... 137,&0(), tenna. 2 Unit Income! J4tOO DOWN AND THE ftN. ANT8 WILL PAY THE RE8T tor UaJe dMct7 2 bedrom 11ome w1lb a Mp&ra t. beehelor and cul• UI lbe dlelt4aa, loo, 8oUi f\lmWMd.. 8a7 aAd ~ IOU· lion In Be.Ibo&.. Slt,Jeo S. UI• Pf1<'« , -It Balboa Cottage! CUTE. NIC&LY "11UnllotD A LOCATCD ON EMIT BAY $32,lW>O full price. Ocean Front Homes Completely tum. Sleepe &. Plenty ot room for 2 additional Wliw. Sl 7 ,l§OO 2 Bedrooma, completely turnt.hed $17.000 2 Bed.room.a completely turru.bed with new fumi· lure. R·2 lot. $20,000 Good terms on all of these J. M. MILLER CO. 20~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 Neu the Newport. Pier AV'ENVC . . cloae ~ &y-------------------------------------~--112.&00 t.k• UWI llJ>l•ndld tlom• and only $&000 down. WIJI •IM'p e p.oplt •nd In fOOd condition ~ CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS Upper Bay Area! . oVP.LOOK 1No "· 4 . CoUlltrr 1. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished Club ~nd a pip. 2 t>.droom1 and A best buy in 3 separate unit., clo.e to ocun. Ex· den J)IU1 • '-rs• IMnc room ceUent location Cor rent&la. Thi• abould Mii quickly w1Ut b,_atu l u-. I tlreplac-at W .000. u ~ carare w1U1 a rumpUI :7~.~~~"°::..n and ~ ti.th 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT Balboa Realty Co. I Loca~ on obolce St.. l unit fumiabed It funuture included In price. CoMiet.a of l bednn ea.cb. dbl gar. A ~•l buy •l $17.500. Euy tenna. Oppc* t.e Bank or A muu a Ra.. O~ley Al Comallua Ed !Ac 3. LOT SOUTH OF HJGHW A Y Jack Plnk~m JOHphlne Webb 700 Ir. Selbo& Blvd • &Jboa Phone tt.rbor 3271 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS BAYSHORES PRICE REDUCED BEA U1'Y and CHAIUC tlll thla lovely 2 bdrm .. l bal.11 borne d• 4. Ye. they are bard to (ind but we have onf' ! Lt>veJ, aoned-R 2 full p~e S-4.500. $2.000 down will handle. e.tur hurry u cluaivf! with UI'. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED Thia immaculate ocean view 2 bedrm. and df'D bome, 2 t.t.ti.. carpeted WW, and drapee included. Yard hu •prinkler system. fen~ compt.t.ely. Auto- matic door o~tr in garage. Many other fine feature.. Tn.aly a good buy and only $37.~. ~:~ed2C:~o~1o:,~,-:Ci1~ -CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ..,Ith lfe. na¥etone flAplac«, floor lo Mllll'll 11-doore on- to JHlUo, Ip. mt.7y hall 6 CUMl dOMt.. din. roont. •411'7 atlrac· u.,. llltcllen w1Ui bullMn oven PRICE T McCUlSTION, Realtor 34-41 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. ~ar. 47 <Office located nut door to Corona del Mu Bank) • l!Wft, 16ll20 n. ma.t•r btd· -------- ~ .. .!:::.d U::~ ~'~t·~ 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' to W . carpeUJ\S' Ul~out 1 b&Ulroom. tool. a deoorator'e TREES -TREES "&" lent of elbow room on 19 w 1 e ot. N1ct 2 B. I{. homt:, Clrtplace. double garagr "&" httle gUf'8t houk'. $13.500 1/j Blk. to Udo Center J M., J ll&UI hon\9, Dble. pr&Je. Jlleom tor one more wut. 111,600. Newoort TWO ruJlNJIUD UNITI. Price 112,000. POOO .,__ Balboa nmu ,..,t&J unit• tumtahed. l:xc«I condition Polentl&I lll· oome 16&00. Pnce IH,600. oeMll front 3705 Seashore Dr. BM.ch bou.e. wtUt IM• roonui A fOOd Yiew ot Off&ft, cloee In 16000 dn. 1100 1110.- B A y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2300 W. Balboa Blvd. A REAL HOME 3 Bil. STUCX:O, l" belha. fir•· plac' floor rum-. hardwood noo,.., uoo eq. tt. LArr• dble. •~·· lot.I of cement, nk« and paved alley. AJI f\lmlahed lncllldln1 Grand Plano. All Ulla for MOOG down. Or1•• by 2!4 Bro.dway, Call ua or -your . ........ VOGEL VALUES 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME Pier and Slip Full Pri<'f! $89.500 BALBOA ISLAND 4 BDRM. -3 BA TH -BAYFRONT HOME Pier and Float -Full Pnce $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM.--3 BATH Ir MAID ROOM-BAYJ'RONT Pier Ir Float -Full Price $70,000 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOME With Gueat Apt. -Full Price $85,000 3 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMll , With Gueat Apt. -F\all Price $85,000 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOME Pier and Float -Jl'uJI Price $57,500 4 BDkM. -2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOME With Gu•t Apt. -Full Priee $53,500 2 UNITS - 2 BDRM. EACH -BA YFRO?li"T Full Price $42,500 2 BDRM. - 1 BATH -BAYFRONT CO'IT.AGE Full Price $31,500 4 BDRM. HOME -$39,500 I BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. HOMJ: -PS.BOO 2 UNITS -SM.500 2 UNITS -$28,500 2 UNITS -$22,600 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,500 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,9(50 2 BDRM. HOME -$11,000 BUS~ PROPERTY MARINE AVE.-112.800 BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VJ:.-'39,:SOO VACA.NT BUSINESS LOT -SU.MO MOTEL,'m . UNITS $12,000. INCOME FULL PRICE $89,500 See ua for cbotc. property m Be&con •1 and Bay Shor. Area. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa t.la.nd Next door to the P09t Offiot Har 444 Evee Har. 3069-M • Har. '-2'8-R WE'RE LOADED! ! with Good buy•, au Excluaive, m COM. a.. ttM., On~ o( them might auJt your need.I. • 2 B. R., 2 ba., HW flra., F. A. h•l. garb. diap., tirepl., paved pat.lo, fenced yd. Only a few atepe to Ma.in Bf!ach. Only $22,MO with sood t.enna. 2 B. R. Ir den home, 2 firepl&cetl, hw fin., Rte. Bic room•. plua a 2 B. R. apt. over Jc. pr. Atl on •~ x 118 loL At Jeut $3000 under rep'I. coet @ $23.500 2 B. R. plum lovely encl. lana.1, lovely feqcad yard, only few nepe to town. $15,:SOO wtth alat ~rm•. R. L. STRICKLER, Reaijor Dick Hod&'e. A.oclat.e 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Kw. m6 ISLAND RETREAT Located on a comer lot on one of Pfewport'• wry private i1landa, thi9 four bedroom, 2 level home 19 one or lht outstanding buya in the Harbor are&. Thett la a very large livinr room with m .. i•e ftN- place, a roomy kitchen with " cheerful break:tut room, hardwood noon. 2 bathi.. plUI beach •bower, a aecond floor aun deck, PLt:1S A LOVELY PA.M· ELED APARTMENT WITH BATH, and~ .... $6000 down s1e.ooo total pri• REENLEAf-SEVERTS REAUY, "•· Har. 25:>2. Evea. LI 8-.'400 or LI S.3188 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport a..eJa 1111 Jf..,.rt Bhd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 and lb• '* of beritac• wooden 1hutteni meJl• tor an .xtrame· 17 ckl!Shll\ll lnter1or A HOME 0 WNEPl'8 DREAM rolt ONLt 124 000 -T9"'1\a 3 B. R. home, Rervfoe porch, H4 batha, flreplact . hardwood noora. forced a.ir heat, doubt. 1a.ra1t. larye lot. redwood ftnce, nice. lawn Ir oran1e trws, $14,500 with terma. 25 Y eara of Luderahip !wolfer. ------------------------- ANNOUNCEMENT We an pl•Dld ao announce \he 11MOCiatlon with t11i11 om. ~ HON.A llYl:R. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor a.ad .A..l80CIATE8 U09 Pan, Belboa r.lamd Har. 24e2 • Business Income CORONA DEL MAR lNVE81"0RI ATl'l:NTION! Con· eJJIUI of t unlta, l •t-t.nd • IHkchelor apta Check the poe- 1tblllll .. of thl1 nM Income P1'nJW>rty ."C" THOMAS, Realtor 22' W, Cout Hy., H-port Bfedl UlMrty 8-86%7 "C'' THOMAS "C' THOMAS Beautiful n.uiti c 3 B. R. home and duplex (all aha.Ile roof) 2 B. R. each 111de. A-1 location, a very rood buy at $30.000 with teMM. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. LI 8·1&01 HOMER E . SHAFER Har. lto, ~.Kar. 1U1·N T62t-M M.llO DOWM lluy1 dellfbttul view bome. I bdnna., J bet.lie, l'laturaJ wood eahlneta. W.W. carptt1n1. to~ air h•t. nreplace. Jn- clOMd "ment p&tlo, 1wtmm1n1 pool ...._ llt.NO. tun price, • °" IOJlp lt4MMI too! OfllAJfom OOA.IT PltOFDC'l IM tllf H-.ort. eo.t.a M- U t.JW S.e.U 1.-oa BALBOA ISLAND Delirhtful yr. round 2 bdrm. home with Income apt., dbl. car .. patio near the bay tumiahed $27,:SOO BEACON BAY Uaed brick. ahuttera, provincial p&pers It wood decorate lhla charming 4 bdnn. home full carpeted, cloeet.e plore a.nd numtroua featurH phaa a bay view. $40,000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe Marine >. ••u... Balboa laland Bar. IOI ., • COSTA MESA OFFICE CLIFF HAVEN Truly an Out.landing PltOPERTY of unusual design, a brand new family home fuD of warmth and charm ... 3 B. R. 2 bath Redwood Ruatlc with a kitchen you can't reai.st. Pl"8 a Panoramic View from the rouftop obet-rvatory. l'\&ll Price only $28,000. Let ua 1how you thil today! WANT A RANCH? W1T HORSE CORRALS -dog kennela -tarce moderu 2 B. R. 6 den home with wall to wall car- pet.Ing, muaive fireplace, forced air heat, aeparate patio and private yard on ~ acre, fenced ranch cloee to the country club. Price! You'll be su.r- priled ! $16,800 with just $2,'500 down ! ! ! ~ J" CHOICE LOCATION Eutaide NEAR "WHIT9 KING" HOME. 3 B. ft. Hdwd. tloon. Sep. dbl. gar. Alley entranee, patio, trtea, ete. Full prite $12,000. G. I. Loan. A real value! WW talre ·amaU down. LISTINGS WANTED teee Newport Blvd., Coeta Mea Liberty &.1161 For even.Inc lntormatJoa call: It 1'. Geddes, Mgr. LI 8·3158 B. DeFir LI 8-7221 A. Tiell Ll 8-3010 II· Bell Har. 2•83-R BLANCHE A. GATES, Re•ltor BALBOA ISLAND ACT FAST. BecauN tbi. cut. 1 bedroom home hu parque wood !loon. Bar kUchen, nlee bath with full tile shower. Vented heat. Double gar- ap. AND AT THE PRICE OF f13,960 IT WON'T LAST. BAY FRONT STEAL channiq 2 bedroom bOMY· moon home. Fireplace. Patfo. ODmpletely tur- nlahed. Shore boat mooring. Lot alone worth $28,000 . Thia i1 the BEST bay value at $11,000 ONE TO BEAT -For that large family a ._bed. room 2:\~ bath home. Ctoee to fine nrtmmJn1 beach. The prlet 126.M<> SHORECLIFFS EXCLUSIVE AREA -Out.at.anding -4 btdroom 2 bath home A top location with privilege of buy. lnr an adjoining laJ1te view lot which la one of the few left. See ua today u th111 la our EXCLUSIVE Hating and the price i1 rlcht "t $42.rocl LIDO ISLE BEST INSIDE LOT VALUE -Thill out.atandlnr lot bu 52' ! feet tronta1e and ia located on Ea.It end of Ialand. The price $15,!>00 BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1112 LIDO JSLE Juat a dandy low priced home. 2 B. R.. lovely patio. Many colorful nowen. Immaeulate condition. M Ct lot -Only Sla,600 Very euy terma. Another Sood one-On Lirio . 3 B. R. -2 B. Comp. ~corated and on a ~ ft. lot . All the room• are large. L. R. 2u30. Patio 23dt-Appl'(\X 2086 aq. fHt Th~ itJ worthy of conai<iuation for $35,000 HAVE YOU Tbe deeire to live neu the ooun with an unaur· pueed \1ew of the beach and "urroundinr country aide - of ao why not look 11t thl1 3 B. R. home that will stand the scrutiny of the most dl11enmlnatory buyer. A home built with emphasis on comfort & convenience and with It.A large playroom le patio - 19 Ideally 1uUed to entertaining. Priced to 1ell fur· nl.ahed at ~1.500 Tht. two bdrm. cuUe hu zip and a nare that you will lille. Ita detailed for comfort and bu a 4 1 ~ ,..,. loan payable $78.08 per month tncludinr tuea Ir tuurance--$4,890 down. Full prtee $15,000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 1618 Vla Lido, Npt. Bch. ffar. 4971 or Har. •971 ""-· Har. 2191-M Ha.r. 1380 or LJ 1-5291 ACREAGE ACREAGE MI Indu1trlal 2~ -IO Ac. $8.000 up. Residential 10 -30e Ae. $3,000 up. IUltTON a. DCIC, llLTll 6 JNSUR. .. W. Oeell Rwy llar. 111 6 LJ .. ,., ~ COUTAL lllOPPD UltlM el NIWP'O-T ~AllOI NEWS.PRESS -'ART 11 -PA&E 7 . ............ • ••• r..taae 11-lleel ....... .__.., f!!a!! . BAY AND REALTY -REALTORS WITH THREE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU NEWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE I I Bay Avenue-It's· Worth Your While BALBOA PENINSULA To aee thi1 Bay Ave. 4 B. R., 2 bath home. Forced AJr Heat. Nice kitchen, Iota of Ule. Full dining room, large living room. Patio. Owner will consider trade for Weetwood home, aame prit'e bracket, or would· take 1mall beac~ cottare a.nd BOme cub for equity. Unfuntiahed price $23,950 Have loan commitment of $H,500 BAY A VENUE-INCOME Duplex - 3 B. R. upper 2 B. R. lower. plua room Ir bath attached to garare. Show111 exc. income $6,MO down. Full price furnished $26,600 BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE 3 B. R. -1% batha, hdwd. flooni. Sandy beach, pier and .Up available. LISTINGS WANTED LUXURY AT LOW COST-De1!gned for comfort, nicely decorated. w /W carpetlnc : built-in stove 2 B. R. and convertible den; 1 ~. baths. juat completed and ready for oceupancy. $22,000 -Good financing. ~.000 DOWN -movea you Into 3 B. R. 1 ~~ bath NEW home with built-in stove, C()pper hood, W/w carpeting. patio, fireplace. A real value at $19,000 OWNER WEAK AND WILLING- MIGHT take aa low aa $3,500 down to qualified· , buyeni. 2 B. R., cutie, with l&r&• L . R., fireplace. Nice kitchen, patio -Cloae to Jetty. $16,500 -Unfurnished. INCOME-TRIPLEX Furn!ahed. Owner will consider trade local or Glendale. LISTINGS WANTED lfM W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Barbor 12M T. Cox LI 8-7237 K. Ollon Har. 418' For Evenlnr information call: W. Bradfc rd Har. 0289-J J . Kimble Har. 5336 Gloden J'ay, Mir. Har. 18M E. B. Cbue Har. 860 II. Chue Har. 860 R. Telfer LI S-3198 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS , WEDNESDAY, SIPT. f4. lM .......... LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE HOME AND INCOME Here la that rarlQ' -.-·a dupld that' lllOW'I a ... return, 2 B. R. loww, upper 1 B. R.. betla a..d, upper can be avUIUle. Loca~ a block tram the Lldo Shoppinr Arw. GD a ~ 1tntt. 1 ~ yn. old.. Newly furn. Exclulift wt~ • run prie. SM,000 TBRRIFIC LOT ltnet te ltrelt SlJ,IOO YOU'LL FIND IT HERE 3 B. R. 2 b&tha of real charm. 30x20 Uvtir ...._ Built-In Holly ranp 6 oven, dlapoeal, tu and ..., fine features. 2 yra. old ud ~ block fl"Olll N .. Bay. • . Only $2T,l500 • Lookinr for a wat.trfroet lltu' Uc1e t Hen .. ene with .Up Jl'URHI!HZt> 2 Bedrooma 8poUeea Double O.rase UT.!500 LISTINGS WANTED 3112 L.tayette, N~ lleadl Harbor MU For Evenlnr Information call: R.. C. Greer lllf'. Har. 2999Dick Norton Har . .-.w W. Lee Har. He.R Tom Campbell Mo ,._. ReJea Baum Har. 1218.W Ann Hutchlneon Rar.2MO-a Whew!! BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values BALBOA isLANo FIRST OFJ'ERING. 8maJ1 2 a.drm. tunalilbed .._ THE S UMMER CROWD HAS I.EFT and the yoUJ\&'l len an back to 'echool. It wu more ONLY TWELV.E LEFT than obYioua Ulat UI• popular· lty al Jonty Udo h land con· Yee we have BOld over one hundred of thne fine Unu.e to gnw. But .•.. home. aince August llL Why 1boulda't we at va.luea like thle. Three bedroom, :l b&thiooaw, large Uvinr room with dining room, gar1-ae dlapoaall. LIDO 18 AN ISLAND and th_..., "-tt a. .-...a treeta. 1"ul1 r1 90 much and Do more .•• AA· aewera. CUTU9, gu era • p&YWllll 1 P ce ot.ber ~· end baa cai. $9,375 wtth onJy $375 down. · ' Jof\led anolher hue• NI• vol· -. of horn• ..,. lot. -lb• A LITTLE p AINT :P:~ ~,!~e:.i~!tm::~ Aad a uttie elbow irrwe will cw. thi9 ..u built louthland9 -t d•l,.bktiorn.-ttio bedroom. Decorate an4 1&ve. Ku llardwood .. te ft.al .:.tat. move up J•t floon. fireplace It dining room. Top locatJon. S.. anoUler notch. tnr offertd partly rurnilhed for only Sl.000 down. D 't W it Full price furnlBhed, $10,600. Unfumiahed $10,000 on a ...• •.• until ft•a too late and UI• CUTE AS A BUGS EAR endulfe ln th• dubtowi plK.l\ln Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom. 1 ~ bath home ot tellln&' your tnll'lda • · · · on new curbed and paved 1~t. Natural finish .. Wh, only a couple ot years -.o 1 could have plr ked that mabopny paneled kitchen cupbovda. Immediate lot or ttouH up tor a tracuon poeaeulon. Priced at $9.MO S1900 down. $67.50 mo. or what tbey want tor It now." 11«.aUH ln • tf!'/lf more yun G I. RESALE JOU can tell tbem the ame atory • aplft. About "the Ume Sn 19M Completely redecorated large 3 bdroom Oil fln..t J u w an Ad tor a Lido Lot tor street in town. Hardwood floors and carpeted, only M.000. a.nd only a 40' Lot tcw •11.600, a.nd a nearly new breaklut a.nd d.inlng room, fireplace and large Full Price $6950 OOOD EASTSIDI: I BDIUllL, 11.n&'. Oar. OD all•)'. only 6 yean old. Reoo\ for uetber UAal Oft Uda 111111f lot. Uala I.I • mertftc. ! Newport Beach Fumished! ONLY U0.600, with U* dowa. 170 m onth °" balance. ~ sar. It'•~ 1 ·MeaM w Nae*. ... UM _. ""-11 Newport Heighh . P'U U . PRICE $7400 -2 bdrm .. dble. J&r. on a nice to • 100 lot. Jood a~a. l'f't .. t&UI on Ulla one' Westside Bargain! I 8DRM .. only 0 yrw. old on a IO ll.2&0 R-4 lot, tun prtce. ITOOO. with onl)' UOOO dewft. OeM term.1. Eve. Into. on lbeM caD P'IUt'-. LJ 8·6'1T Udo Isle home tor sn.110. ud bow l double rar. on paved alley. $7,200 G. L loan on 70 x U LOT co\lld have bo\ll'hl a lovely 3 $ 2 950 S BDRM., 2 BA TH BEA UTT only on Sapphin. '1oor turnaee ' ftreplaee. 9allt la 19'T. Small lot $18,GOO Submit .Son. TWO UNITS. Modin 1 b4na. apt. i okW' fraat 1'0UM. Show your abWq at "do it JOU1 lllt'' tlJ.,IOO TWO UMT8 L1D NIM' W1'1'll U.T VU:W Convertihle either ' Wrm.. .... --1 WI& ... or 3 bdnD. home with t bdnl. apt. Ota1h• IY• m, rm. leadlnr to aelpticeal r-Uo. '10.GOe a soe4 terma. eo rr. JIAY J'ltOHT.AO.a OD l.Jttae laland. ....... no.t. formal 4 bc!rm. bome. fte land valae la doee to U.. uldDI price ol ffl.GOO BUSINDS BUILDING JUJUN1: A VJ:. $U.800 LIDO NORD BAY J'RONT. Luse~ elaarmlDs f bdrm. 31h bath houe. Dlnlnc rm., modlfoD Jdt. ehen, dJap., diahw'u.her; Jota of cupboercS9 ud clOMta. Plus ununed 1 bdrm, apt.°"" I CU' pr- .,.. Both unlta all newly fundahed in KodM'M. Jde&l for home a.nd Income or rue-ta. Har. 1175 -Et--. IJdJtb KaroGll llTatt ~ John Macnab, 11.&rbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 223 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand unit Income on Lido for only property at present. Full price 1 ' a yra. old. On double lot. lpa.c- ua,ooo with u.ay tenna. loo," w. A. TOBIAS loua Jana.I • paUo. Wondufu l --------------------family homt Room for pool U ~~: 2 af!t~~ ::;~UI~ and AMOCIA~. REALroll ~~:ae: uuoo ~ dn. o-r. ~. VOGEL VALUES • MAIN Off ICE on '8.&00. lot and siuoo horn• "you1J like our friendly aernce" Back Bay and S3MOO I.Acom• property. 400 E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa Liberty 8· 1139 OORCEOUS N"EW VIEW HOM:E. NOTHING PUIKES UP VALUI: --------------------AJI bl( rma. Rfftr1ct~ aru. like the &nin! ot more • mo,.. Ready Oct. 1, 121. 150. e.. &Acl people. The hundrfld9 of eumm• OUR BEST LISTINGS l'UOta -tr1tndl and ....ten lov~ ..,_., mtnut.e of tl'ltlr lltay -many have boUJhl - olhtni have ntum~ home wtUI th• kin of rea.,,.ang-lng-their a/fain 110 that they can buy and Uve here too. Mm ~EM"I: H.l:AT of the In· land arua. comblned with ·~ and tll• dmN traffic. I.I puah· lnr the population our ..,. and REMllMBl:R Ulere IAI j1Mt ., much ud no mor~ There Ia a home Of' hom•lte on U <Jo ror you NOW. LIDO NEW 3 bdrm.a. 2 ba. all electric kitchen. 3 car garage. 70 ft. 11treet f7,MO LIDO ALSO Tear old 3 bdrm1 .. 2 ba. Ir hobby room on n.me wide 11trttt. S:W,!500 AND 3 Bdrm• .. 2 ba. on U ' lot . $3UIOO Othtn u low u $18,500 ACRES 2.86 acre11. 198 feet on MonroTia, 830 ff'et deep. compare. M-1 Cor. $11,200 tt8' PL.AcENTIA f'RONTAOE- btw.·. JSUI It 17UI St, Can dMde. M-1 631/n290 w10I tMO aq. t t. ffldg-rented at 1133 prlce - l l&,000. Ocean View Special 3 BDRM. L~ROP.: OLDER HOUSE on Clltf Dr. Level lot A pickup al 110.000, y,.z 1enn1 EYe Jnro. on th'" Lytle l..t 9.2542 * ft * MOST WOla:N KAVE SM.A.RT HUSBANDS Who will lnnnediat.ely recognile the terrine valu. In th.la custom built ru.Uc farmhou.ae type home. The Ideal floor plan featuree 3 1paesoua bdrma and den, larie cheerful llvtnr room with .Uchq 1ia.. doon opening onto the lovely patio and the hmurtoualy landec&ped ground.a with more than ample room for a large P'immlnr pool. You will IOVf' lbeee and numeroua ot~r oul8tandJng faturee incorporated ln thla lovely come-r CUit Haven home. Price $34,SOO -term•. '(t -a * THE VOGEL CO. For Lido's Beet Lietings Between 18th It 17th St. 113, 7'\() VIEW LOT Houston Realty Co. 3201 w. Co ut Hiway. N..-port Buch u ~1 Lido Realty Associates S•OO Via Lido Harbor "" LOW PR.ICE or aere or ·l ac~e fac· 4~ ft. view lot Overlooking all of Newport Har· bor area. Full price $115,000 WINTER RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor 4718 tnr 2 hJshwaya. Ready for .._ --------------------velopmenL httabk '4mla cm thl• ~ ac,. p•ec:•. CORONA DEL MAR ORANOJD CO.uT . PROPllRTlllll Expe.nasv~ Harbor and ocean view. 4 bdnn. Den. 1•1 !fewport. Colla M-Dlnlnf room. 2 bat.ha. Hardwood 6 carpet floors. LI 1-llU ... LI ...... Barga.in at S.6.000. hbmlt down. roR IA.LE OR LltAn, Newport Beach. Bay tron.._.t. 400 '"L Writ• lo N. Slricer. HO 8 S.v· vly DrtY9, BeverlJ Hilla, or pholl• CR4st'fi .. J-5111. ttdl Df Ml.llOA. .... ft Ml .... . .., ......... ..... c... .. e••> ,.... ... ...,. _, ...... NI ft· 911,M. ,. .... Al.-,.... ..... ....... Ml ........ ...,. ...... ... BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. Pro- tected patio. Attractively priced at $24,750 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHO~ propertitl. Har. '177~ -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt •.at2 John Kaen&b, Barbor &389 EARL W. STANLEY, Re•itor 22:5 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand -~ Ir ASSOCIATES ---------- ll)t Centar I t.. ee.ta Meea Lf 8·41911 or U 8· 778' RF,m ;c ED TO 1mu.. Owner aa.td. .. Bring-price down. MAU It a -.a1n we want IOme -le enjoy U\e harbor It CX'f&n view . to Jive In I hl11 ntw 3 bedrm , 2 13000 1~1111 lhaft list prk• .• .., ll o~n every 4ay, 1 to I pm. ellCtpl Mon. It Tuti1 untll aold." SM l U O Xln~I ftosd or Call- ORA NOE COAST PROPUTIEa 116 T Newport, eo.t.a X.. LI t ·l UI ... LI 1.-M SJIOR!:CLITFS nearly new 1~c· lowi. quality. ranch type home S bdrm.. 2 balh1, den, walled ,.uo It Ir•· dble. p r. 81tuat~ -MllJOn, With MUU191 ytew et eoeaa • MUI. w. "· ..,,,_.. lq.All .................. I WllJ """' ......_ 0... -· h02 -2•0 Mom1J16 Ca.n70fl ftd. lell INCOME PROPERTIES T eu old duplex on pen.lnaul1. Two bedroome Jn each unit. plu1 a.n additional suest room. Corner fireplaces, good beat, diaposat.. Inchadea Bendbt. . carpets and drape1 in upper. $28,!500. Would trW »&rt payment. Triplex in Newport Het1hta. Beautlfulb' decoratAd. Two bedroom• in each unit. Dtapoaa.I, fan, TV an- tennae. 1prillkllna ,,stem. $tW)O(') down. Duplex' near boapltal and propoted ahopplq center. One of few Income 1llllu In a aood rt9idaU&l uee. 18 month• old. NiMIJ p&a.ruied two bedroom unit& Ocean view from 1&~t ap1&rtment. $22,600. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1808 "· 8aJb Bfytl, Manor 1111 ... """'·-. -·-·· -\~~~ 't e 0 a A I I If wrrH SALLIE Sept. H, 1956 How much • YOW' ..._ worth, Mom! A receat 9U- vey made ill Cbleqo reve&l- ed that the avenge Mn. with 2 ~ spends 21 boun cooktq and prepar· lng meala, 10 houn cle&n- lng up after Mid meala, 15 houni keeplag the home bright and abJalag. 7 houn whll'Pial the wuhlag ma.-chbae and IJ'On around, 7 boun lhopplng (not hlgh enoagh • • • I could point out tbe same grocery cart pushers three or four•tlmN a day, every day ln tbe week ••• blfl88 'em) ••• U houn minding the small fry ln and out of the houae and S houni for misc. hoWlebold duttee ••• anaweraag phone, pnlenhlr;, mending, paying 6'Us, ......,..P.g hair retttor- eni into huAbuida bald he.d (had to put that ln becaU8e Rene over at the Shaving llu.1 recently eol4 my other half a jar of . M>meUU.g very new that la guapnteed to grow baJr or your money back ••• I'll keep you poet- ed OD this . . _, Jooka good though.) 21 hours cooking and pre- paring meals ... three hours ~~~ a day ... Do 1ou s pend that () long or longer .... You could, or you couldn't depending up- on how many of our conven- ience foods you squeeze into your three squares . . . Con- venience fOO<Ss! ... Some- times you feel lili:e you're pay- ing more for this lovely gold plated convenience ... Grocery Manufacturers of America made the foDow· In" aoet daeck: OMA 1ta- tlatJclau took a naUoaaJ avenge retaU prtce oa-va.r- lous braact. of Devil'• food cake mb a& SS cent. ud the price of two eggs to be addf'd u 10 centa, thua ma.kU.J ~e cake C09t 43c. A typical cake -yoa would whip ap wdaJcl iedude ~ ""P sbortenlng, l ~ cupt1 liu~ar. % egp, 1 ~ cuplt milk, * teupoon Mlt, l teaspoon baktng toda, S llqU&rM chO<'.ol&k ud 2 <:UJ>ll flour. Then OMA flit· ured out th.-~• of the ln- .:n-dlent.& you "'ould m1e from &\'era~e pritt1l u re- p orte d by ,;onrrutK'ntal marketlnit ai:;rnd<-S a a d New York chain litores ... The price MMDf' t() 64 cenu ... 11 ccntJ. mott than the p&<'ka,:ed .-a.kt" • . • Thf'D thrtt'll your Umt> mom ..• How mu<'h an hour dOH u l"Xp<'rirnrl'd balcn makr~ Ju1rc L~ .. 1 rnou~h freRh oranges to equal that in a 6 j ounce 19 cent can of frm.<'n l~I concentrate were figured to cost 45 ceolf! . . A 41 .. ounce 1 jar of !>trained green" bcaM fn1· th!.' baby a\'eraging arounrl 1 tn rrnto; 1·.-ai; fntmd to tM-3 cenls uncl<>r the coat of l'nn11i:,h r~r!th b<·1rns to pre· pnrr the· 1Ca:ne ~en•ing . . 1 I llf'rf''' ftnnthl'r "'a\· \OU 1 ran h..-lp t ;,,. Hoa,; H6'tpltaJ hui.d th .. n:-w m .1c h nt'f'ldf'd win~. T hr Auxiliary of thr Jioar. ; \1~p.tal art' hnln~ a Fund F::ir at thf' twn~z­ ,·oui. Rallroom Saturda)-. <k-tohl>r I ... Th .. Fund Fair '1i ll <'On11l!lt of thf' fol· lo\\ln;: hooth~ ... Whitr l::lf'phan:s, um, ( f hril't- mas l" comln~). SmaJI •'r)·, Frozen Food". S1'·fll"t tooth, Hats, Sfii:htl~· UIM'd <'loth· lni, KJtchc>n Com.-r, Don, C08hlm4' .lf'1''f'lry •.• Now the klea Is this: Donations are hadly nf'C"df'd • • . Wlll you b&kf' a caJcf', knit a pajr of AOCkS. crocht't a doily, make 80lne doll clotbetl ~ •.. no you IMve some 8U7'U• fro.en or canned foods . . .• at Richard'• or call me Bar- bor %828 ud rD eee that It le pleked up . • • Looi< Into yoar alotbfl9 clollet.. ,Jewel- l')' and bat boxe.. up la the ·~down ID tbe buement· • • • Coaled wbat you WW. to dve aud a buck will be 11emt to you home •.• N otldl&1 la too Ma or too ...... ' OOAS'l'AL SHOPPER Ultlo• of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -WEONESDA Y. SEPT. 14, 1955 New Store Houn: Daily 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Escept i;,.idaya 9 a.m. to I Sunday• 9 a.m. to 6 Qualil'J meal~ yt;;i'"'Chuck ~;1-a; •••• 1b. 39c lb: 39c i';;r il11 chop• -_.. Loa• oromict ;;;;r& Pork ---T :/)eAcale6~"n LUd f'pltt-4 Loat lb. 69~ lb. 69~ '63c lh. • os. 11111c1ADM-' ~n·· l)ltl88l' 1 \b. pk.I· Franks MarUnf'tll APPLE JUICE II Ht· Rn:-tr-.tt~•a!M'd SHORTENING -..... I Ill. f'all 65C PINEAPPLE .. KLEENEX . !00 l't, 2 for ~ All ~J•ulAt hrand• 6 25 CANDY BARS .... -........... for c How Will You Have Yout BROWN? Snacks & Sacb Good •• , tua.lltuMt IUC'E 2 21~ KRISPIES 5 \)-oa for " ....... lellll1ork• ~ VLENNA 23' FINGERS . __ ..._ ciACKERS . ...:. 32' ~ M..VDWJCll 2 17' IAGS -·----·-· iits111 2 11~ ··-·-pk.-. 7-L(;NCB IAGS M.J.I. RICE? 31 28' oz. c QUICK? 24 ••· 7. I.ONG GRAIN? 28 oa. 39. Alter a week of leanlng whatf IUdel We Mould ad- viee you to ehlldy hard. eleu yoar tM*h, wub beldad your eani, mhld your mom ud eat hearty of the aour- lshlng fooda Me ftxes, but IDvtt.aai yua to a party • a hap more fwl. Rave Mom pick up your ticket.a at our ehecbtande. Only 750 reeerved ..ta. Richard's 6th Kids Jamboree Fne Sltow-Prises Udo Th..ter, s.tdrday Monlq, Sept. 1'7, lO:IO-ll:SO ~ Crmoe ••• I~ ... Serial ~ ~ ~ Duf«old Grade AA BUTTER lb. 59. c ·AN. MILK ··· c•n• 2 10•23• Campbel'• Tomato SOUP m.zzanine S~or ....... ...._.T_.. 1-aa., ~rette Zlp~r 981 NOTEIOOK ICalUpUer PM(lfl &n wtUt Pfltda. SHARPENER lOJ oa. 31 .. 27·1 • l..wldl Box -wtUt TIMil'llt<Ml -OAVl' ..,.. ROCKm . _ -· . . I. ~ ..... rp&. 2 25c JUICE . ··-·--·····-·-·-·-·-·-·--,., II KJlldlt .t Luaf'll IUb lftUa fir wtUu~ul lh,.rmn.. 'tbermoe llot'tlM. Tl»rmoe Refill&, No~....,.,, ,._.r_.u., C,.1o&M. Ek'. .. ...... II.ad o,..,. 2 35 JUICE . .. . .--. ,M c FMtaHs Adlpp P·m er O,.._, a..t _..._ 74c DINNERS .·······-······ ............. - Tott'a 2 me: ICE MILK. ___ :.. . .. ··-.. __ .... '11- 1'11t!&8D.-1' ~!~~~~-·····~··· ····~···4····-•• 6 ;0, tt' COOKIES ··-··· ......... -·· 2 31, .PlUJ>A J' ·· ·······-doa. IWI llRRY "I Ito~ F'leJce ·····-·--····-···· o...._ Apple COFFIE CAKE • 25' .. ······-···.......... " ..._. ~at L&rwe ,.. .............. tor LA YER CAKI 17~ Here at Rkhard'• one of the Lido Sbope at the en- trance to Lido Isle, the new 11tore houl"I ~ 9-7 daily. ex- ~pt rrtdav 9-R ~undav till 6. SPECIAL8 FOB SEPl. 16, 16 Md U. UM FOOD 11.&n OI' DIS LIDO lllONI J