HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-21 - Newport Harbor News PressI • Clrculalloa 21,000 ·CO ' • DlatltlMlted .. Newport 8wll. BalhcMI. ..... ....... Corea clel .. .,. 0.... ..... Lapu, Soatla ......... u4 Butlqtoll ...._ ' •. b I,. .... ti, 1165 llartadr 1111 "1111-KOal CC...&JIW - -............. · nm -diiW A.llD ~ moma lll:lllW'OllCDfG ..-, _. 8Vl'l'UD , LATEST HAIR STYUN& FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S U...SHOP u1ao• m.m m.DCL MJaQ& .,_T ...... , - ATTENTION • llOAT . OWNERS FULLER MARINE PAJNTS and VARNISHES have proven tftem- 1eln1 t. I». the ri9ht prot.cfiH for yovr boe+. fl09+ and anchorege. FULLER Pll1111S e Mier Trhn . e Porell & D.a ..... ,,.,. .. • Ederlor Full Cot. FULLER • Sllll&e &' PAINTS SlllllC)le • D•coret , -.... •• 1 • Fuller-Glo • All c .... v ... 1s11 • Interior Full Color SPICIAL COUR I bY FOR . YOLUMI PURCHASES. Ful'-~al .. 1 .. Esp1clally ........ for l1adl Climate! FOllGIT Hclwe. . . ... Yotu FUiier P~nt Dealer 220I W. I••• Awe. ..... .,, ••••• -HalNr 116 1he NEWS-PRESS . Monday, Wednesday, Friday Delivered to Your Hom• Three Times a Week 50c -PER MONTH -50c OPBi lllDAY tlGHIS 'Tl 9 P .M. Parking tickets Validated, All Santa Ana Parlcin9 Lota Pri11te Police ' WIWiCNMICI,_., lllSt Fltal Tnfflc Slim-•.., ... at Lii SPEEDS I • • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMaCIAL SICUln'Y PATIOL II 2-71'D For Complete MARINE NEWS D BALTZ MORTUARIES 008T.4 ..... CllAPlllL 1Til .,...._ ...._ Ooilt.a ...... c.111. 'ftaet 1.a.rtJ WUl CRUISI THI CAlmlAN CBAPa. ft TIDD UA -.. 0.-8IT4. Cot'OD& .... 'Ku. Calif. ~ ...... ... .... S. S. FLANDRE--FRlNCH LINE o.,. ........... ~ J~_. ... ..,,. C~D.M. TIA YEL SEIYICE Cr. OoM& 111Pwa1 a Ordaud Clo.-. clel ..., . 8'rttor' lMe *II tul n..tN A&Wf here's what wei1 · do ••• * l•p•ct LlllllMJ . * C ... dl. Entire System for ...... * Acid Hy*-'lc Flulcl • Ne•ded * 1111,.t Drulils for Scprlng * Adlud ...._ for Full Drum Contact.- FOR ONLY 99. c ..... , & Lesft. .. 6ooclyHr Dealer ' llNJi ....... ... ......... -u .. ... GOODfi.EAR lrl•1i Yau the lest Tire l1w1 If tlle Year I The new ••• ( C'll~ A T TH ES E LO W PPICE5' -IAllNICr ........ -~ ..... 6.70. 15 ., •.... $t4AI• 7.10. 15 21.11• 2•.7•• 7.Mh 15 2a.••· 2•.a•• ......... I Ullil h fits ... .... .. , •• , ,..._ -· k& , -.• ,..,,,,,,__ ...... A ...t ~ .. ,.. ... ~ .. ••Mt ii ""Y• low• .,.. • 1eldy for • l'Nlf ...................... --....-.. ~-------...- C0utawr & a...ter &oodyear Deeler 1.MJfW ........... O..... .... .._u•1m Quality Printing, ffarhor 16i6 2108 Oc-.n Front Ne• New,.+ w..a ,_ o.. CLOCK STOPPER CIRCULAR ,.., ,..wport •••ell • Phone Hart.or S ......... ...... • STAll1' Y-X·llAI LAYAWAY NOW!. "CMc• Electric Hair SUPPLIES c ••• MARINE I . SECTION In the FTlclay Edition NIWPORT I HARIOR lflEWI PREIS Blue CANVAS BINDERS ............. ,...71 ..... 1 Fiiier Paper '9tt 1 .. I Ri"t ""4 ... t "•i11, wl4e .. ·-· ere ""-· h tof ··• ..... ~ ......... , ....... _ ... Nl9' ...... '" ----· ... .... riff .... .., ......... .LAUNDRY IA.SKET ........... ,,t' ...... .,,_.,...., ....... ................ , he4 .. '"""' ..... .... -cto11J ..... ...,. .... , I JO tll..+1 .... 60 . .... ,.,. .. ~· . c •• , ...... , ..... Set ENCYCLOPEDIA H••d•• .. ..,cf.l•IHt11o4 H•rd CoYertf 111-"eW ertict.. .,...i.., _ ... .. . ............ . .. 3" .... .. ...... ... " ......... Clippers W'ttll ............ .. ............. , , , •· fMaie11el ..,,,, •'· , ...... , ....... ..... ,., TEA POTS o ....... , ....... •'···' , ... ....... .... .. ......... ~. . .. . tac 69C , .... , ......... ~ ..... ....,.. ALARM CLOCKS ...., ..,._""" -........... ..... .. ...,...,...,.., ... ,.......... ... .. '°'""' •'···· 19' ,.,. ........ 1'' . ........... 11.tl ..... , .I •• i J I I · 'PAGe 2 WEDNESDAY sm :i~o~rsAL SHOPPER Hmbor Elb Cop lllill· PrilOI ~· J .. ~ tMu1q lh•la.nocent Plea by ~:s;~Y1!o~ar~:i:::-c.: .J;:'.~ ~·~ • • • 1 ... Cit P-d•• T •M I .I 0 t ver~~,=~.:e~t!e -=~ /4V9N fn Attadl Mua. . • Ml .. tr. • ..al. I 0 sH P Rothwell Child . erm e I• I c1.._ tor It.le,.... .. E~I ·-·· L D 0 S Jf..,.,rt ..,._ ~ Clllll QCNI ) ~ CO&\llal Re wu a 11taa 11erput IAftA AHA, COCICa) -... , ~ ~ l -llWD The ~ lloOnr... 1U ...... tam plM_ed lCQ ill 8.UITA ANA. ( -111 tbe p&r.t.roopttt Mc:H"1'1 c\&M el ~ ... ta el ~ · ~ ~ .... an par. ,_ ..,_ti at u.; recmt JClk.I ry H. McNdl. 33. who g-ave SOS ~rirnlnal rtcord dated . from 111411. tory attadl OQ a 1~d O.. ' J, • C L A S S I F I I D •ll of L llor _., bora ... 11 bowllnc tournament ln Pue.den& Bay Ave.. Newport BeaCh. u Ma Udge lti.a aoted. la Mua (1rl Robert Dawtd A.1- at Hoe.s a.,ttal. · addrPI at Um• of arr .. t Friday . ' I Dale Whitacre wu tlret ln f \be H rb era Friday pleadrd 1¥ocent beo Mallll t• .._081 a.... D I I I C T 0 I Y P9mmpr e&r-trailtt comblna-elJlg1ee wttb 177 over three WU Mntenud to prlto~w or after "l'llebtt C--. 8· J'. oolurnnlst-1 torr Superior Court Jud,.. J obn on'°"'"' tt.pro.ted , ... tloM _,. lalPOlftd &A 131 C.a1i ram• while Bnice Vlnton WU term preecribed by c I there are more treea per Shra and ukrd for a Jury lrlaL edot9. bvyt 1rwt 0-.. Al'PLIANOES -Boa.elaold fornla traffic accident. d~ enenlh with lat. plaadins guilty to p&Ninr a Sl50 ap ta In Sacramrnlo than people l Thr Jud•• aet trial tor 9;30 , ............. • .._....,, 1111 Parta -Dealer -a.ntce 196', l"<lpOft.a ta.. Nat'-! Aut. ~ltaerw and BUI Abbott cop-bol'lt cbeck. pu capita. It alao la the pl'r a.m., Oct 10. Ayera, whOM a.d· I ._ .. AH. c.tMertlle LIDO EUCl'IUO mol>Ue Club. pell ~ la dDWl&M. KcN.U. a aitrlbbontd former capllll or C&liforniL dreu and Al• weren't d1acloeed. ii, --------· NU Via Udo -...,._ "" AUTOllOBD..B our pe N-and uMCt can Nloa.Ea'I'& ft'UDSB•KW Sale& 9entee ..... Ul6 Newport BIY4. -... Ill BANKS ...-. ., America n a u "" Via Udo -Bar-. ... BARBER SHOPS UDO SRA VINO KUO la IUctweU'a 8ton for II• Mii Via Udo -Ban. .. DAVl'Y PAawBS LIQ() BALON OF llMUTT MU JfJ', .. .._ -..,, UM BOOKS BOOK C.\.81l NU Via Udo -llaner 6tN CAMERAS a Suppllee \'ll'lfo&.NT LIDO DllV08 Ull \'la Udo -ear.or IMS CA&PEl'B a DIU.PEBID DICJIL llAO&ZB MMVt.~ml CATl:IUNG JUCllAllD'8 LIDO llA&JlEl' Ull 'na Udo -Rart»or lltl Clotlalq.a.Jldrw a .. .._ ISU'8 OF LIDO .... ,,..,..,. ..... CLOTHING -llea'1 BeWI lllDWZUJI UOP roa ll1J1' MllVlat.We-..,._ .... CLOl'lllNO-Wome.'1 Betd LA ll&.IXS N9Vla~r6111 LIDO F A81110N8 Ult .NpL alvd. -11.ar1tor wn 8HADDOCll'8 UlJ \'la Lido -Barbor 1117 VAGABOND BOVU: =rted 8portawear VlaUle----llM DRUG STO&F.8 VJSCE.,TH LIDO oauoe Ufl Vla Lido -llanor - ELEC!'IUO OO?n'BAO'l'OM LIDO ELIWl'UCl Nit Via Udo -~ tlt1 rLOWEU &1CRAllD'~ UDO ICAIUlET Coraagr-Table Arruice1r1..u uu \'laUdo-.......... FOUNTAIN, GRIU ~a.vrs UDO oauoe Mil \'la Udo -Ba.rtior - FRAJIE8 • AlalJD OEUIA llDT 9'ft1DI09 Mll\'laU..-HAltlw .... F URNITURE DICK 1140 1LU JUO \'la Udo -~r UU GIFI' SHOP RICllAllD'lt LIDO ~ MU \'la Udo -Haner 1121 INSURANCE AGEMTS W. O. BUCK. l'NC. UGO \'la UM -...,._ U.. C-.'TERIOft Dl'XX>BAT088 llLA..'liOllS "11.&&1180M A..1.0. NII Vla I.Me -....._ UM DICK MACK.Ea MtO \'a. Udo -~ Uta DON caslOll'l'Olf 4. L 0.. Malaca lmporte MO \'la Ma.lap -llarhr lnl 1'1ARD:l'S &MJM•IU)'• uoo llAA&l:T .... Vla Udo -0..-W t.821 PHOTOGRAPH 8TUDI08 oa••IU>T sTunms .... Vla ....... -....,.., .... B&A.L DTAU · LIDO a&.U.n AMOCIATD Udo ..... Reta&. .... Via LWe -......_ "" P. A. PAIM"CW IMO. .... .._ ... _..,._uee vooa. 0011r~ UllVlaUde-..,._U"ll MY AKD KACH ll&ALTT VlaU.. 11.rtfceOfftee 11 u ...,._,.tt. -...,._ INJ 8.l VINOS A LOAN AMOOIATIONS M&WIOaT BALllOA 8A \'1X08 a LOA.l'f ASSOCLl no11 A 8&~• JnatltuUoo Lo"-Term Home Lo&u .... \'la LY. -~ tHI SERVICE nArlONS UOO RIC'llJ"1EU> 1411 N_.,.rt ..._liar. tlt1 IHOES -llm•1 NOWY.:LL'te 8TOll& POii JllS1'f Ull\'laU..-.......... 8110£8, WOMEN 1t1ru ·111 or <JAu:n>llHIA .... \la UiM-8.A .... l'REA'l'llES o..Jt w. ,.,... ,. Jll'OlftB VlaLNea&N ....... ...._ ...... u, ron LIDO mn.IJQ) NUVlal.Me---... ~=--~.g~ 1616 1'...... .... -· .... ~G ... IU(Rp. MJIVlllU..-........ WA'l'QI SEP.Ala \ilJltlllllr8 WATCW aR&m LIDO Da'OOA .... fta ...... WINDOW OOVDINO TD UUDE 8llOP Nm .. .._. om-.aar ... ' Mo.day.o.ly Yillcents ICE CREAM Hand Paek Quart• • 59c lland Pack Pinta • 30c Old Fashion ~pl. S9c Bulk Style 1 I& -"'PT ftllVP -lie RINSO .... W ... 2r ..... ILUE l..&rcf' <'4lfltl'" POT CLEANEIS-.. ak . 4,_15c DISH CLOTHS-..~2 .. 16c ;-APER TOWELS _ __2 .. nc PAPER NAPK .. S . ___ 2.1r . ~OILET TISSUE __ . 6 _ 4r ....,.. llAlftftl .. ,., ..... ,..., ,.-..... s5" COMFORTER ,., ..... ..._. ntra v-. Ha.,,......._._,lU6 "-..... lMN'tdl ~ (' .......... ---•"E 11&8&11\'Z Ta &IOllT 1'0 um!' - •• Starting 111unclay, Sept. 22-thru Mon.. Sept. 26th. Clllllaecl by · "Star Shopper" TY Program TelewlMCI over Cllannel 11 • Ma•My 10:30 to 11 :00 a.m •. .. _____ §~ BROMOSELmR _........ . 57c PmR PAUL. MOUNDS . -3for 25c COCA COLA .. .... __ . ___ ... _ --.-.... 45c FILTER KING OLD GOLDS Outoa.. s.m 95 NEW WHITE LAVA. ~,.mr ~ ~--13c BRYLCREEM", .. ~ ... ., 1.1• ,.aJ. ______ W VASELINE HAIR TONIC~.... _49c BAYER ASPIRIN ... ~,. __ 62c BA"INE • ------·--___ _93c a-•~ S4" s341 s641 Vil AMINS .... 1 lit ..._ . uo &&be. ....... __ KENT CGARETTES . sr L I M CIGARETTES -·.... s.m 95 ABSORBINE JR kL _ . __ S.W 25 VICKS VAPO' RUB ·~--79c Brillo Soap Pach -15c SILVER RIPPLE H•Wlu GIN M••hat· .._., s.. .... ...... ..., .. Proof Cecldal ' , .. "1TJI Wlthlley • FIM s.m14 '2'7 ..... s4~ $,fl AT UDO STOii PARKING AllA MQNDAY-IB'T. 2' 10:JO A.M. TO 11:00 AM. * The stars of this half.hour of fun, dunta and prizes will be the 1hoppers themselves. When KTTV's popul~r llLL WELSH and the shoppers get together anything can develop end usually does. Valuable merchendiH will be awarded to the luclry "STAR SHOPPERS" of the day. A.a.. DICL llOOlla., TV ,_. *7 .t &TTV• ..,,...., ........ ... ...... -......... -............ ...... MOOU .. a_,_,.._,... et....,....._ iiifitEi McifAslNS 3 OFF ' NYLON STRETCH sox _7r _s.mn ........°'""' ..... BOWL SET .. JUI _ ' _33c ... thB11 1-..-....... rAp HOODED DUST PAN DiiPER Pli[ ... H _______ s.m• iRW iiif ... ~: s.m" Uouii TMIKE iiP: ... __ sr PUlifCAsnLE SHAMPOO ~11 MEbiCfliD SiiCii-s.m 21 _, I' . '• 10-Day Meeting Series by Healing Evangelist You Wiii Find Best 111 Every . Thing You Need I• WANT AD PAGES - Df ~ OOmrTY .._...... ft•••rta u.--·fo •. Mmm\lalt)' ....... .... --lllYl'*I by --poup ot awu.t.n Ill Uwlt commuatty. ~.,.......,,u for UM m .. Uns .,.. made tlaNlalta w. l"IUP ot .......... tbe7 .... p..-t In • '°47 -Ule pl&UCll'lll each ....... ., ... ..-. •nnf:ttq ............. u.. ......... T'9 ..,,..., urua-•t. .... made la Ha, ... Uoa wtUl UM committee of 11 •••.... l&Jal· •ler-. and all ott.rtnp ...,..ftd are annou.nced pubUcJy tn th • mwtJ.np. llY&n,p.lbt Oral Robert• comu to Ulla dt7 becM»e ot lb• lDY1· tau-ot • ~ • IDialat..tl who ,.._ r' t a Ulla local ...._ lh ..... wtUl ~Ir eup- pert ... M:Uft &llUtan~. He op..-. no churdl OT SJOU• Of 11117 eort. INt duil'99 ~ to pr.-cb t.be 1~1 of dell~ tor -i. m8Dd llAd bedy. a. la -.aJllll no'1lody : he la acalnat --ly .tn. fe&r, demOIUI and aJcam... K• will not •top hl• prMCIUDc or praylns to deb&t. or arsue W1lb anyene, but dnotu bl• n · Ure Ufe lo lht mlnlalry of Ule r'fl'in.J metUn111. North Daughter Mr. and Mr1. Jerome L North. 200 Collin• Ave.. v. parent. ot a daushter, crwuaan Carol, '°"' Sept. 10 Md welitdal T It.., JO oa. Tb• motlwr la UM fortner Be-nrly -.Clac.14. TM couple baa a eon. 1'llch&rd, two ,..,.. old. Maternal pudmolher ll Mn . A.IUMtt. Beclat.old. .... ~ ...,...CMI ... _ -·~ .. ... if)~-·--~~<~~ --------------· 008TA llESA lTot N.wpon lllhd. OORONA DEL MA.a .. c-a •"7· AooaD'a U011WA mACB .... .., 8.u.llOA 181.AlCD ............ Jll'EWl'OllT UAOB .. c-a llWJ. _ .. , 1 TARS IN FINAL PRACTICE DRILL COAST At: SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 I WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO FRIDAY GO ror tll• ot.hu. But llDce Owr\1'• THEY'RE lnJw')', Olaa.nl Dlcll N....... Md ~ ·=· -:::::, ~ LOOKING p~ ....... all ... -.ui..-t wun""SllS ... .. .... LAISl Slit • • • · 29' •ftlllYMS -.. -( LAIR SIZE •••• 2Sc ovt r lut year," Irwin adda. LOOK l:Lt'8n'I: to,:;: .• ~ tile...,. ai.t FOR YOUR llOllle of UM lada wtM> tall to rMUy •Wt tJaC etuft ln .,.. AD maae w1U UDC9ftl ta UM wtltt. h•t of llatU., Nell M .,.uu.t Jbcellilor J'l1day aqtat. IUFFA SOLD ON IUC IOWL ''The Mil amall foo.,..U •ladium I've IMO.," wu wt.at Coach Hal Butla of llut Contra Coeta VUdDp Ud to aay rriday nleht U.Ut new Pirate Btadlum. ''I UMulht Napa ud ... JON State ..,.. the bMt Ull· Ul I took a Jeok at W. one," Butta a ..... 'ltr .. "d• ~ people ...,, da)' .... x.w...,.... a· rrwt .a. .. l&IMtJ tWr ..... ... tMllr ...... n.,...i .... ,.. ret • ..U. ftq "-' .. ~. belfw, ..... JM. ............... ,r SS..._._ .... ,dMe lh•r ... ta. I c I nm BISCUIT MIX ::~·~".: ~ 29- CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 ~-2~ HIGHWAY APPLE SAUCE 0:a~?1'lrr -:10- 0IERUB CANNED MILK ·~· :10' COTIA&E OIEESE ~~~~~ •• , :la- MELROSE VANILLA WAFERS ::-~ :2~ lllNlll• ••mu•~ FAOAL nsm ·..., .._,.._25c ._,_l0c"~ .... 1 ... 15c ~~ .... ~----· .. TOI.ET SOAP l90CMI •Me .... .....,,........... 10 -4"' wlot I ......... ._..._ ... 7- ............ ...., ....... ... ,_....,._ ....... .... 111811,0l.D -· 1-...,.~--6°·u4 ..... ....,. .. ._..,,,, 0 • - J I ~~~~~Ml~i~Bl~-~-~y~~,. JMfllY MID 11 POI • fUnl, Nin •llB ( ... ••• .. <If, .. .,, BLACK BEEF SHORT RIBS .~~"':.."!:"".:..;... •· 29 TEA PlA TE BOILING BEEF ::..~=== ~·ftc -e ·A•'""69c 7 .;:&!:= . I .... SLICED BACON ~~ ~:a: CANADIAN STYLE BACON '! FRANKFURTERS l•Y "SUNIY IAWN TOMATO JUICE f~q~ol11y u,._21 bro"Cfif 'vre ....._ ( jute.from-• ripeftld....._ '°"-C-' ........ ._,... ,, ...... ..,..., ta m..-·MA.~r ......... -. . .,...,.,. SLICED BEEF LIVER =~::~ GIOUND IEEF VfLlll 3"' ~ i.°" ...... ,_. fl.ac •• 7 ~ 1t°'9 ln.-ct._ ~s~~!~P-~!F_. =: .. 4C)' ~ hof ~ tlkW ..w ITALIAN YARtm I I arou 11ouu o.1.1)' • -· t• ..... (f'ridaJ tU t p.m .) ............ , ... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or PAD.ING ON LUG~ PAVliD LOI _,.. PA6E COAST Al SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 , 1955 IAUOA WOMAN, HURLED FROM 'SEAMAN OF ·v~r HONORS l cAR~,~~~A!~~M~~~. ,~~~!" WON BY WAYNE HUGHES ::~':ed0'rr!~"h~· c~:~~;~~~. ~== :::~n :7ur:; I a t It. 18th Bl. and Newport Blvd. llhe wu thl'O'W11 clear of .. ._... ot tM ye.,.. ._ U.O ~t llk.lppered by Cliff Tucker lht car •h• wa• drtvlnr except for her le1• which l:iecame en· laS. Yacht C1ub'a ftrat ...... ot Wln'an Yacht Club. tangled In the door, leavtn1 her body d,....(1111 th• pavement lle&man'a ft.ace 19 Wa.JM Jluebm, Trephi• ,,,... awarded a t LJ. aa the car ducrtbed • aemlclrcl• alter the tmp&cl. •kipper of Ulaad K....,., llal-TC followf.Dc • d.inner p rulded She waa truted a t Hoa1 Hoapital for abrulon• and boa Y~t C1ub, ..,. ...... th• OYW "' Oemm9dore )(. A. Ander· l'Onlu.wfon1 l'leCf'IVed from pavement bum•. police u ld. Drtvl'r Newport B • r It 0 r ObUllter el. Mil &M ftaclng CemmlttN Cha.Ir· ot the other ca.r wu Nicholu JCarl Henntra.r. 62, of 39t Vic· Comme~ ~ trefllr la DlUl Una Wllllama aad Dt~tor y•terday'a ocean rutq. ltelUi c.m,.. torla St., Co1ta MN&. l!'tt'at In Cla.-A OM&n ~ 'nm• fW the amaulated rue~ ------------------------- waa 8ymfonl, .... ,. .... "1 .Al ot tM "'mu ovwtloard" portion Adama, of Loe ~ Y&Oht of tlMi nMIU b&•• 11ot been com· Club wtth hrana ta MCCIDd ,....,. put.M .. 7et. aklppered by Jtna KJlrep ot Ln'O. ------------ Jl'lrat In C1&M • 0... ft&ol.DC f or which be won a ,.ad eup wu Hu(hea, with ~ place t aken by Oeorr• p...,... ID Oyp- •Y tor Wln'ard T&dlt Chait. Com· Ins In third I• lhl.I elua wu SANTA ANA , (0CN8 ) -Pro· bat• ot th• WW of Ida s. l'raul' or P-.deu. who died Aur . at , wu aousht In auperl•r court here Jut week by a Mph-. W illiam H. Mead. 736 111& Lido Nord, N ewport llcach. Ml'ad wu named admlntatra tor In the will. Per- 110nal prop.rty ln the utat• wu e1Um6.ted at 12200. You Wiii Rnd Mn. Brintnall Passes Suddenly Hra. Berth& I. tHall) IJrlnt••ll died wddenly ln COltt.a Meaa Fri· d1y nl&'ht. She had been atrlckl'n with a atroke about three houra earlier. Mra Brintnall had bttn llvinc ln California 16 months at 1711~ Eaat 18th St .. Costa Mesa. She wap the wife of Berl Brint- nall. Nf'wa·Press editorial staffer. She WH born In Michigan and had hJghut 1t111dn In her clau at Olympia H igh School. Aft,r- ward •he 1tudied art In Cooper Union In Newport, N'w York where 1he won a ~holar11hlp and studied undl'r private ln11tru<>tor11 in Seattle and at Oranre Cout Collese. Shi' recently held an l'X·· hlblt In Costa Mesa a nd wu re· QU•JJted to hold a Mcond one at the Ume of her dPaih. Mre. Brintna ll wu a mPmber of Emanuel Presbvtl'rlan Church and the Aurora Ctub Ln T&coma and P'Tlday A'fternoon Club In Cosla Meaa. Survlvor1 • Include her father, A. 8 . Hall, two a.t.. un, Mra. George W. Campen and M"'-Lloyd Voile. ot Sum- ner. Waah. Cr·ematlon 1l'rvice wa11 held at Parkl'l·Rldley Mor- tuary. Cotta Mesa. Best Doris Drake Hurt I in SA Collision In Every Thing You Need in WANT AD PAGES SANTA AZ\A IOCN!'l l -Onr- IJI F. Drake. 26. 117 •._ 28th S I . Newport Beach, 11uftul'd major lnJurtu Frtc!Ry night whtn a <>Ar In whu·h llhl' WAI riding Wlll 1lnick b.v a hit·lnd-n in vehltl•. The Injured woman waa taken lo Santa An• Community Ho11p1- tal. w ntrl' It wa,. detPrmln<"d 11h<' had fiUfftrrd a pos~lble frartu rl'tl hip. She WM with J ohn Bl11hnp, 24 , Sauita Ana. The accident occurred al $. Brlatc.I S L and Delhi ROlld. A 'U coupe uromed oft the 8 111hlp auto, d opped moml'ntartly and thee con tinued on lb way. Santa Ana pohca -.Id. King Leaves for Yeterm1s MeetinCJ Col. Albert B. Kin)! of 11 27 W Bay A•e.. an a uoclate In lh• l"f'&I .. tale f rnn of Balboa B3y Propert.lea. l~rt Sunday by m1h· lary a.ire.raft In company wllb other Wl'et COut repreNnlativu to attend a national con••n Uon or MWt&ry Order of World Wan. Col. Kine la rep,._Ung Or- an,.. County. AmOl\r th• ape&k· e111 to be baa.rd at the con•entlon Wiii be Ad.mlra.I Carney, chair- man of th• J oint Ch ief• of swr EDMOND D. BOLES, F'Teano publlc relat10n1 exec.-"The value ot public rtlatlONI ta urually moet obvlou1 when ••t ,....ant." RESfDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL HO JOB TOO LA.RGlt OR 100 SllAU.. -...... .N..,.n.... ........ 1611 L.lllltl,, write N.x1 ... IMIYft·•~ ,,.. t WWU.C apparel nan drted ., fUt.and atr-l1at plec.a pw11.e=·07 .,_. Yow eloth• and ..._ ..,.. clG9e .. OMS ..at-.fto mlx- 1111' 80 ....,.....,. lll&rlla -nlneott ............... ...,.. WHEN AVMLAIL& ••• .... wftMa Mun If ....... MoaUJe .,. ..... ,a'•~ ..... WOMAN IN SUICIDE TRY UNDER TREATMENT A brokf'n marrta&'e apparently HoepilaJ for trl'alment. Her hu•· wu responsible for a aulclde at· b&nd, Louia, I.I a aervlc• atatlon tempt by a Lo11 Angelu matron operator ln Loa An1etea. thla Monday In a &Ibo& hoatelry, Officer Don Burdull who lo· police reportf'•1 ,She wu in critical v•Ugated the cue, N ld t he wo- <>ondltlon al noon from an over· man had made a call to Loe An· dose of 11111:;. geJea but when the connection wu Mr11. Kath1yn l.Jagoff. 802 N. bad a clerk had the party call back V•m•onl An '., who regl11tered y ea· tor a better connection. terday 118 Mr11. Kathryn Snow, a At that. time ehe dld not an1- woman in her thir ties, wu found wer. InvNtlp llon allowed aha wu unconscious In bed by a maJd, a unconactoua. She left two not.ea nearly empty vial of aedatlve9 ~vtnc martial dlfficulU• u the nearby. She wu taken to Hoar reaaon for her attempt, police aald. DONNA BIGELOW of Corona del Mar ia pictur- ed in wool jeney dreu from Jo-En's in Newport Beach. l l I• one of the m a n y faseinsting fa 11 faahiona to be preeented al a fashion luncheon at the Capist rano B e a c b- comber'• Club on Friday. Al8o showing Ni Marilyn'• of Co.ta Meaa. Gloria J'icklinc ie commentator. Terry Boria Photo lla•rt s.n1,.. ... Helicopter Sq .... &AN YSIDRO, (P'HTNC)-Ger')' K. l!llaunt. alrma.n appnnUce, USN. -of Mr. and Mrw. .lolU't I:. Mitchell of H I! Centw at., Coeta M-. 11 aemn1 with If.at. copter Ullllly Squ.a dron 1, llutd ftt ~ R,.am f"ltld NaYal AUJlllla.ry A.Jr llt.atton hl'rf' Blauerl rtJ>nrled for duty ,..,.. Car Clouters Get Fat Haul 3 'Jobs' • ID There wu a 1pate of car rob- bertu over tb• WMk •nd, three h.avinr bH ft broken Into and bur- 1Jartaed. The ca.r ot Phil P Aruire of Lo• An1elu wu broken Into j whll• parked at Chrl11tian'a Hut 1 and a tleld glau, pair of panll and two ehlrta taken. Clinton E utman reported to police that hJ1 car wu broken lnto at 218 Via Palermo and a N mple cue wltll llot worth of 1Jaaa and chJnaware were taken. ni. car ot 0 . Helale, 111 Sap· pbtre Ave., yielded $600 worth of men's and women'• cl0Uitn1, ba told polio•. We are all acuJpton, worldn1 j out our own lde.i.a and !-.Yins th• lmp"'• Of rnlnd on the llody u well u on tn.tory and mrable, chl9elllnf to hiper exc•llmce, or leavlJ\s to rot and Nill the mllld'a ldeala -Mary Baker llddy Ona out ot every ttve motor •elliclea cbec&.d for aat• mecbaa· lcaJ CClftdltloa I.I reported -,. lhe NatJon&I Automobile C1ub to be In MM ot ..me. atunt.loe. PAUQ.SIDLEY llOartJil1' r~ O&&DlCL CllAJ'l:l. llU'l'llDllU ..... -----~ ~ ........ LDeltJ ...... ooeirA MSllA llArru:M 00. llM ........... BE SURE -INSURE .... In Au,u.t from th" Nava.J Traln· 1 11111: Centtr. S"n 0 1,.go llAUIUE ft'ANl..EY 1-..ea o.17 ..... lluMr "'' U16 E. 0..-. llllttW"1 ~fort l'nl<'rlng ll'lf' Navy m M.-y 19~. he 1 ll<'nd~c1 Newport H.,.. ~ ... llar HOW MUCH ••• .................... . °"'Y $2.15 fOf 23 lbl. WHERE.... ca. a pura -...nca WIDON 8 0 1"118 -"'hi:N NU.D"CD" OOllPLETE IAUNDEBS ud ~EM. . • Rosalie . leac:Mcf at Dana Polllt: 1 Folk Resaa1d DANA POINT, S.pt. 1t (<>CNS) Coaat Guard h•dqu&nen at Lons !leach Monday azmouncee tM al.nk· Inc ot tba 14-n. aporuftahillr y.cht ft.cm.lie off Dana Polnt yaa- t.da7· a.Yen peraou-a.U un· ldmtifted ...... aald r-.em.ied. Oout Qua.rd autbortllaa at.aled the c:ratt wu diecovered on the beach, 1000 yard& w•t of Dana PolnL A. larp hole wu found In the bull ~ ottlc•n a&ld MYen per- llOlll were aboard. Six reportedly were taken off by ttahlnr boat Cuey 8 . The owner of ttle VH MI waa aald to hav~ awum u.hore. Throttle llamed 111 Rear &cl Collision U.. caUM et an ~t ,....,._ day at Ca.at H"1'-Y and ._. ward Road, poUce reported. ~ E. Nelaon of llan ~ told police th• throttle of lu. -.. 1tul'k and ht wu unable to a'l'CIHS 1tr1ktnr th• rear of a ear 4lrtNll by Jamee Croaa of &all Di&l'O wt.ct A 1tuck throttle wu app&rently waa •lopped tor tratt\c. • • • Make tracks to the store • • • where carpet values mean ...... • • • No need to 10 on that carpet "SAFARI" ... by that we mean that lone trek from •tore to store trying to decide on the proper carpet , color, and price. Let ua help -we have all the fac1litieB. e o.. et Uie ...,.._, a8d ftaeat H ll't'tlona In Oranc~ O-t7. . e OYw 1, ... ~ -4 8ty1H • q.llt7 at ....... Prtcw. e I Oarpet ... Deoorattnr Expert. e 'J Espert ....... foe • l"let!t of Trucb AaallN& 1' oia ., ....... ICfftdeat 8en1-. NotWBt Down .. _, ... to pa7 Lew llllollk la..,.. mculanJ~ Nu-Pont l~ JlfYLe!f OAllPt:T • NU • POINT LI a.U "''roe~ beeau.a el. lt'a all •11'-· R~ at lut LI a carpet without com- p......U. -tbe ~-rtet of a miNcle flMr ,... U. eye .,,... ot • -a..•'7 ~ ~ ... e Thia tutted k>op fUinc "' 100'1{. nyloll ..... ,_ .,, Uw IU~Cle ~ -'°"& w-.r, tr...a. 1111111 't'Olnat color, Completely Installed t<>-oa. Psddln1 l'lawl ... TackleN l.nst.alla lion and Door Metala 'Prtnn~ ud ~ to Jl"!ftl~ Yet. NU-POINT dOM all Ulla •-' put. • bt'O&d ·~ ot ~ "'8•t11 on your noor. $1295 ... yd. • Bealdel! a.. It. fael It. -lk Oii It -you CUI a.&ft UM e&r· pet "' t~ .. your Mme ... .,, • • • • ('eet-......... r , a• .. ... p&. . , . ._ ;\'ylell ....... ., .. ... ,... . , . ._ TwMd ....... .. ... ,... e RY'J'. \i.-l'f:f'-...._ ..... ,.. • Ill-Le ..... ....... ...... ... ... 121& G1r~e1 Gron 1114. zoo YD& un or llWI'. • . Md bave OM oil oar 1pee'n'de eo1De to your bome for a FaEE E8'1'111ATE OPEN EVEIY EVENING 'Tll IP.I. CIW!ll II ilr News-Press Want Acls Have That Necessary DR/VE/ BUY, SELL OR TRADE THRU CLASSIFtlD - Fer AS.. Hit DANCE PLANNED .-· Job's Daughters Have Active Fall Schedule Wh1n Job'• Daulfl;ttr1, .. th .. IGT met Tlun .. day evenlns at rrtda,-Afternoon clu.bhou.M. C1111· la Me•, It WN l'Ubattlute night. luMUtutea ~cupled 1tatloia of the officer• and the Jatler 1&t Wll.h tha Bethel Choir. Hol\Qr'ed filuMn Dot!.na Hamllton pre1!ded and announcement wu m&d• or eomtnir event.II of lnt•reat. Prial wer• c1,,_. to the 9'1n· aen of UI• recent doughnut Pie. ..,.bar, Cooper rece!'t"ed finit p1M ''" HlllnJ" 211 doz., Janet llobtl Hcond prize tor 1.52 doz. ead third p~\q to Lorr1lne Cul.b· kn for •2 dos. Jaw•lry with tha lob'1 DaUJ"hter1 emblem waa Utod aa pr1ML Barbara Cooper 1'Ct\Y9d, &n additional priz.• trom th• DoNut 1hop, a red .weater. The honond queen preM"nlM the ·-Recently .om1 ot the Jobie.a from Belhel 1GT Hrv.d aa cour· ...,. oftleera l l th• LA,.una "SEVEN emu OF GOLD" .. ~. Color by De Lue ''Women's Prhon'' ........ Ida I.apt .. Mesa~ 8-ch .. Ulel. OYMJJe ~ Ro• M1rla Anderaon, Marjorie Knoll, Janet .A ry, ind C1.rol Mc· Mltlen took flirt •~ i:ul!at offi· ceta. Vl1!tora apendlng were Donna Ham\L\on. Lealle Ary, Ca· rnl• Herr. Donna Albright, Mni. Df'llD Smith, cuerdlan of Bethel 11'i7, Ralph Herr. a1aoelate cu•r· d!an of l~T and Mra. Herr, etao Mra. Re11 A!brti:hL deputy g'l"&nd guardian ot Diatrlcl 3. Seal Beech and 8111 Clemente al•o aa· 1i1l1P.d In courte1y nli;:ht. On Sept. 23 the Jobie• are be· Ing given their flr1t formal d1.l\ce by l11• South Co•3C Guardl1n Council. The da.nca I• for ell Southern C11.U.fomia Bethel•, Job· lea and e&cort. only. I t \11!1\ be at l11e Pev·A·Lon ln Huntington Be1c h. 9 p.m. l<r l a .n1. The gr1.ni'I guardian'• offlcl.tl vl11t I• lo be on Oct. 8 wltb Sin Clf-mrnte and La.1una Beech Betlleia vt11ttiic and ... i.ttnr 1JI the work. -... Han• ..;:;:.,,·-· " ··.....:........,..· Chri1ban-- Andersen ~-... -.~ Danny Kaye ,-w:GMMiC.ot.-O" Olq.,r ""&•,. • Canepa-Norton Vows Said Saturday at Mount Carmel Balboa Island Home for Popular OCC Graduates l'or Mr daul'ater'1 nupU•lm Mra. Morton WON • dre.. of belr• sued• oloUL. • ll<Mded lut.t &nd avoc.cio pell ~ wjth a eor...,• ot Cymbtdium1. T&liaman bowa held white chry1&11them.wna, yellow 1toclc ~~~ ~ t.11,::ece,::,s .. 1111.:.n:;.:: and rladiolu to pew endt, martini the white cs.rpet.ed palh-Canepa Jr. of N..,.. Cuyama, par- way ln Our Lady of Mo1111t Carmel Church down which Ellu.. tntt ot tM "'1tierroom. Mn.. C.· • - N d h f" d "'n Thomu Fra a.1:-n~ -N 111111 Uld -""• two· beth A.IUI orton, aug ter O .,.r. an ,1111. • • nlU.J.JI Cl.d• with • Phalaenopala orchid Norton, 1815 Cliff Dr. walked Saturday morning to meet her coraqe and bluk pat.uit 1 .. tn.r br!derroom, ThomN Andrew C-.. and k'awn tweed IUlt and black ~- epa I.I!. WIUtln lb4I -.nclU&rJ' --•rl• f\ec.aptloD WU Mld at tha Elkl wer1 I a r 1 • ltPk1t. ot bronM yi:i.ww P'ROCaS Club wheN ~· brtda'1 t&bla wu -et wtUI al.Iver candelabra. gu• China chryU11themum1, yellow Th• brtd111'1 attendant. w1r1 •tu ud etJter ~ tn au• atock and gladlolu a nd while rowned In 119le yeUow cryt;lal· lUITll'I colon. Mi• l(arllyn C.· pom-pon chryA.nthemun11. Simi· t l hr tuhloned wt.th bouffaJ!l n•Jlll, .i.ter of th• bl1dtip60m Jar fiowan ware In alW v.-. aklrta tn •trftt length and prl.n· Md Mn. Ronald Comer ....-.ttd DOUllLI.: KING e-. bodice•. 'ntey wort velv.I ill Ml"Vlnc. Mrs. Jvaii Hoffard. Th• Rev. Stephen Kiiey ~r· hat. and the rna!de, Mls.ea Dar. sl•ter ot UM brld•. Jl•Pt tht' f ed th do bl rt lt 1 die Sehaerer and Lon.lynn Mllrre, l'\INt tiook. Orm e u 11 nc r 11 n curled yeUow China cbryNJJthe. which Belly waa given In keep-Muma with croton leav.. and llO!lf AT OCCl Inc b,-Jt.er falh•r, ati. waa 1ovel) bl'Mr!I velvet atreamerL The rn.. TM Wide wu craduai..d from In "'1' waltz Itri~ prtneeu um cit honor, Mn. Jttcha.rd Mc-N~ Barb« Union fttfb gown of white allk ahanlunc. Carthy, e&rrled • cuc•d• or Tat. Sch091 and Or&J\(9 Clout o.11c.- 1ama.n rotota with croton letVN •h•r. lh• .,erved u director ot Thir. •klrl waa bouffant. th• bod· and Wown alrt1.m1P.r•. llUlirUctt.J. Jler hUlband -. end· i<"e fitted. with long-polnted Wa.1dell H•Y• eerved Q bM1 \l&t.d trorn Ball:erdltld Hlcb ~\et\'el •nd wtdll JIOr'Ualt neell· ni.aa ~ gue•U were ulhered bJ' School and Or•nJ"• Coa1t CO!lep. .lne edged wtUt *' and bead· J Kirkland and Clift Ht tt. Ing. A pearl and rhlneaton• •rl"J" & MrTld .. pre•ldent of I.be aopho- crown held her lhort veil and W'l::DDINO HUlll(I mor. rl&M. lh". cur!"6 wt:lt• roae• and l\lle• UOfd Hol&(f&fir played tht After h<!fl.e)'1'1100lllnJ" at an ot th vm.Ue, ct11t•red 1"'1th a cor• prt.Jude mu•lc and 'lli'eddlng mar• NICC or wtill. CatU.y• orchid-, ~ and Jark Kennedy Mnf tllf latter 11f'Om lat..-with lift .. Av• Marl&" and '"P&nla A.nl'•l• going away c01tum11 of black lcua"', undiacloHd de1Unatlon the coup\1 will be al home at IIO~ The Or.nd C&naJ. • who "'1d1 hi• trtp tn behalf or HlllWI tw ..-..,. 'Rt -. • ,..tnc ~ wlll ~.... & 115--mtnut. colottd tum dtp&ctiq' wtiat happem; troq, t.h• Lima a heltl!!r I• givM by an .A.me-tor.a farm"" onUJ It reaehea • ref\lc" tuntl)r in a.many. Hts t.J1p tncluW • tour ot AU11trta, Switaertand. r r a rte e, Wut O.nnany, ud ....._ llarltn. •Y trav•llnc on third • tlua tnW and •t•Yln&" la youth ho.11· ttla, Byrd WU &bl• to tt.come acquainted wtlh a 1\de of Euro- pean Ute often o't"erlooktd by the avl!!rap tour\1t. A gTe.duata of UCLA. Byrd .. now t•clllnJ" r.nrtlah IOCill 1tu· dl11 and malhtmatlca at Hollen- beck J \Ullor HIJ"h Sctiool in Loe A.nielea. t>utlnJ hla two Md one· halt year• In the lle1btt1 h e aervtd In Hawali, tha PhUlppinea. an« Nortb China. Tll• procrun. optn to UM pub- lic. wUl btJ1n a t '? :30 p, m. tol· lowlng-a 8 :SO all·chutcll pot· Nr:k Wppef'. Double Event for CDM Couple ""· Ud Xn. Nonu.ti rtbGer- &ld, ~81 Berra In'tv., -• llorier- td on their 20th Yltddlnl" &l'\nl· veraa.ry when .er. ud Mni. Al 011411 tn'flted a pup or tnendli to uwr horn• on Popp1 AY .. ror dinner. Pr.ant anio111 othen w • r • Mu.rs. and M.me1. K11nneth D<!U, J~ Hood, Ra.y Purdy, 111> QwaJd and Mra. S.ll.y Brown, b,o~ (\J .. t ot Kr•. Charlea.. COAST A~ SHOl'l'llt --;--I W!DNlSOA Y. sm. 21', 'ttll Entertains For House Guests Mr. U4 )lft. a Lo. P~ 12s 28lh at., havt had u r.c.nt boUM cue•t.a Kr. and xr .. Jolut PbWlp.1 ud da\.llflW", Mi. Mari• l,)'nM PhlW ... ot S.U.W.. WuL Mr. PAWJpe la llrL PMqiut's brotlr.u. He Md IUI .U. ....... dowa for U11 lO 11&7 •"7. _... Joltled by tb1lr daurti-ter, who cam• Jater by plua. BicSchft by Kra. Poupu1 to -l her rel.Uv91 wen X..... ..ci Mm•. JMA roeta. Jui.• MartiA. Cb&l"I• P&llnw, JUDM LockWood. ltephm B14a.se, ud Win-. Maralli Ka.'1ct:, PhW1p Orl.h 1.nd lrt. s . aaou... a.1eo Mr•. nomaa Cantllld of a... "'- 'OBN8TONE'8 Mew A-Wrecken [! ... A..•111 ...... _ _._ 20'1~ Plaaeada Ave. Ullett,-.. ,.1. a.ta ... NOW Youa Newport Hali• NEW5-PRISS IS PUILISHID 3 TllMs • •••ks Monday Wednesday Friday FAC CARD PARTY FRIDAY IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC How Heifers Go to Europe )[r1. Brown 11 from Thomu- rille, Oa.., a tonner H&rbor ""'· I =========~~~ denJ who I• "1-1Un1 fllP)' old Ii tnenda ln th• •NL Card pt.1 .. ol U.. hartlicw -wiahinJ" to 1ttend Ula nnit of the d..-rl c&rd pl.ttl• al. \ha -IOn 1ponaored by th• Friday Afternoon Club card aectlori. m1y do .1<1 aceordln1 10 Mn11. E . I. Moorl!!, cU'"d 11ttUon chairman. ,,1ttUnJ" at uie J:rlday AftemOOll tlubhou-.e, 18 St. and Anahi!!lm. Coat& M-., on F'rlday, t.pt. 23. 1t 12:S0, playt'rl i re a.ailed LO brtn6 tb•lr O'llFn fOllr-aorne and m1y pla y •h•t· ever lhe.,y wl1h. If not Jn a foor90me. the comrnltttt wl.ll try lo plate playera, •he llllt'I, R-rv•flona al'lould bl mada with Mra. l!(oore, U 8·1'i23l) b7 )Vedne14a.J'. Republican Women Hear The atr&Jr wu ?lot oflly .. •u~ prt" weddJnJ event but w • 1 blnMaJ «leDNtloa tor JO', Flt•• A Lo9 Anplel tMCbtr wtio M:· O.,.l!i . Many Sll'ta ..,,,.. pr-l• 1111 lM coupl .. ca.mpanlf:d a herd of helf1r1 lrom -.~,.!ij~j!~jjij~jjf the Unlltd St•lu lo Gemu.ny In the -mer of ltt.!I ...tll Hiile Mi u:pertuic:ea at the J'~Uy Nt(ht pt'Cl(l"Ul'l ot the Ba.Ibo& la- 1-nd C.Ornmunlty Met ti. o d t 1 t Church on W-2""417 tYRniJll, S.,t. n . H• 11 M&rahall Byrd ANNOUNCING NEW GIRL'S f ~~·'T't'=~Spot=~ .. ~~1 1,~.h~-~?~~~.e~~~~ ,!~~.:~.d!~ SALVATION ARMY TILIPHONE CAU STATION GYM SUITS Offieial Typo Boy's Gym Shorts & Shirts-Gray Athletic & Gym Shoes from $3.50 SWEAT SHIRTS AND PANTS-· -.... -" S•d4'' "...-.•••=· ... ___ .. LID 0 7-i.·c.::. SIU~t : Kkblllals.t. ............. , .. ~aa-oNll •1 1Uw'Mll1 th• i..o. AllJ"ele• Cenlrt.\ Repub-Anselu Youn,. R.publlean Club, llC•n Committee and 1Wf 1'11.f.UI· lDUDbl:n.htp cha.lrma.n ot the ll&la Mr on Vice· preaLd•nt NLaOft'• T"'1lq A..publlclUI Club, protctn.ct la.•t ,wo tour• or C&llfol""ftla, wtn c"-Srman for UI• 2~1.h ~ addreaa th• R<l'publlcan Wom•n·a atonal Pt.tr1ct ot Loll All•-191 CIUIJ ot N-i»Ort HMbor at lo Couaty. m1mber1.hJp drtv• pl""OJ"T&m BepL n. RtpubUce.n Roundup s..r. 22 at 10 a..m. \a Udo ~tr-. ._. ls al&lld tor Oct. • at U.. Hla toplc ...ill M "'WMt U.. a.-..... llaae:b -4 MtaAI wdl <Ulhow•r A.4mbalstn.Uoll. H .. Ac• bl ~ by Bll.rtt.• at ekMoe r ompllllhadM. · of tb• Proft"UD· Mr1. Jtlchud Tuchout wU\ pr• 11de 1.nd R.oblrt l!I. S.mea, chair· ma.n of th• Oranl• county Re· pubUca n Central Commltl-will Introduce the 1pealcer. J\ou-lout To Match Funds for Girls Club Building Fund Dttc:\Ullon (ff • l'\lnd r1laln• campal,rtl to ralM S~ to match • tlk• amount of.tared for a new bulld1n r W"M tba ma.bi vrd•r ot b\lllln•• M••J' ai(bt .\ a ~ clal meellPJ" of th• peeuUv• board of tM Glr\1' Club of th• Harbor Ari!•. 'nt• '"°°° offer waa con· unJ"t.nl upon u.a club"• ~tnc • like amount. Th• ~rd dft.ld-4 IU t1nt _..,.. and ~ proj ll(:t wtU .. • Ma -r1et1 ..._ W1lll ~ndlllC' act. frora U.. pro. f_.onal n1ld. 01.ber bu•ln..-of the bo8rd wu the dttllllon lo kM:p U.e clul>- 1-.,_, °" T u.114•1 u4 ~ .-tnp "'°"' 1 to •. ,__ fl/f Tu_,.,., "' . .._,,., ud Fr14ay. Uld f.-1 :IO to ' on weelldaya. The reMcnaUOn of Mra. \VUU1m O"Brt1n wu ao· «plf'd •nd Mr9. Albert t:. John· .on el@<'ted 10 complet• th• la.It two ye.1r• of the 3-ytu t.-m. The .... rd al.o d.clcsad Ula& \.U Olrla' Cl•b _.,.re would ..,.... tt· ,....,,,l':n\a • f I•' \bl 1'1"1• l'ehedlllM for llaturd•Y aftemOOl'I, SepL 2•. et Jiarper School. · Robert Norman At Navy School Rob9rt p, Norm&11. 613 Bolla AYL , la 11.tt-.iflftir lM Na~ ln· 1\rvolOI! 8~ool 0-t •t tN tr. s. !"o""av1/ TralnlnJ" ~nt1r. S&ll DI· !!J:O. Ha la 8oal$W&ln"1 M11.I•, JC. 1, attached !Q s u/t•r• DI· \•111lon 11·18 al Banta ArlL He Club Leader Cius A. pu11&mefttary pracUc1 cl- for lead•nJ &lid mm'lber1 1f or· pnls&Uona will bt offered b,-Or· an11 C().l..lt Colle&" 1ta.rtlnr lltpL 21 1t ;;JO L 111.. ne clue WW bl t.a.ucht by Mr•. Kenneth Cool· tnr . It will meet once • •tek, '* W•••d.,.. a t tllil c.u.iuruty Cllm'c1'. 111 w.ucv.,. .... 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Your NEWS. PRESS Is Published Monday Wednesday Friday Tho10 Having Salvego ltom1 for tho Salvation Army Pl•••• T olophono .IOHNSON & SON Uncoln-Mercury Dealer 900 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beech 9.5545 I 11.,. & Grey Singl• or Doubl• Hood•d Sweat Shirts GENUINE LEVIS-for i..y•, & "'"n _,... ____ _ AU AV.lllAJILI: lfOW .&T • Balboa Island Sp•tl114J Cha• ()pm Doll7 M -7 M m _..,... """ ...,.. *' ..._ ..., Shake Hands With Yourself FOR MAKING THAT llG SAU USULTS COME FAST WITH YOUR CLASSIPllD AD APPIARS 4 TIMU WRXLY IN THI CALL HARBOR 1616 I I I • PAGE ' =--'"'"'------~____.._ ---------------------------------------.. ---~-;._ · COASTAL SHOPPER 11-r---------------------------------. wEDNESDAv. sur. 21, 1955 . POOR rosmoN PINNID DOWN MRS. ·MCKINNEY SENTENCED TO 90 DAYS FOR CHECKS aAMT~ AN~ (OCllfll) -a trqte •tmMN. 9lll tt lllaa ~ mUilt be euf• wayw .t Nm 111-.M • ~ ta. ~­earntas a U.tnc.H ant. We'll ._.,. to make ta.. M9t So •shed lupel'S« Oourt J\adp ot U.. •tuatJca. llM'1 made a Robert O&rdner W.clnelday .rter compa.te ..,... at lier Hf•. 8be 1ae ~ prob&U. and 1911• ba1 -~ eftwlded IOclety. tenced an attraeU,,. mother at JUOOI: ftlED TO HELP ene, Mra. Al\n II. McKinney. M. "I m~ a tuW• et~pt to ad· tonnerly ot ·Ban... to jail for Just her. 1 ..idom l"Ull 1tr.1rtit IO days. probaUon ... I feel eonttnued Ho.ewr. tll• Jua•• ordered UM probation II out of the quMUon Mntence to nm .eoaeurrenUy (on . . . I've lived with tlll• caM top of) a 90-d&y term lmpoed ever 8ince I 1&'111' ah• wu ar- on the ltlender defendant by Ban· nated ap.ln • • • BOW'evar, I PIRATE PASSING PERFORMERS wi.,. adn't OrulC'• Cout OolJase tarow more ~ t n.at ..... the query beard unonr t11e 0000 .,,.cta&on alt.er Ul• PlraLel bad cert&Ul Yictory anatcbed from their pup ID Ule DD&l mammtl ot pla7 a,.ui.t r.alt CoD°'tra Ooata ca the x-rrtda7 ail'ht and bad to aetU. few a 11-JJ U.. eo.oti Rey ao->'• anawer to the queatloa wu: '"We -·t a po.ttioe t. do mu.ch throwtq." • Dlaml.n&Uoe ot Ule 11tuaUon laryely beara RoMe out. 'nM .8ucJI UJued t.h"4t ,,.-. complet.tns a pair. boUI from Jlm Coon to BUI B&rrlaon In lhelr M·yard TD m&reh in the t.hlrd quarwr. ot 11 aenaJ1 unleuMd by th• Vl.ldnp, ab WIN oomp&ete, one aetttnr "P tha NCODd period taJ.17 and the ftna1 on• rotnr the dlatan~. .A.Ide from th• Pirate•' two TD marah•. bMC tlle7 eould do lD the •rht other tlme1 they s ot hold of th• ball ...... to reach their own H and 13 and the VUdnr •l. Otberwi• th.y w-. pln.ned SM.Ide their 2~yard Une. ta Al\a • Oranre Munlclpal Court ma't allow that child to have an----------------------------- Judp Howard c.m.ron.. ex~Yict for a mother • • • 8o Cameron Mnlellced Mrs. Mc· by lmpoelnr a jail term I'm .... ICJnney att.r ah• pleaded l'Ullty duclng the char("• to a mJede· on two petty 'thfft ch&rr•-tak-meanor ••. " 'tnr county r..ii.t check• while Mr1. McKJnneY'a buaband, a bold1nr a job. ,.,,.. other aim!-Manne, ta due back trom Korea Jar ch&rr.. apinat th• dertlld· any day DOW, accordinr to ber ant were dlamlued. attorney. rO&llEll CllEC& ~E ~~~~~~~~~~~- <Jardaer lut ,_.. plACtd the Pa.. Weed Finishes prtmatuttly l'"Y derendant on HORNETS GET STUNG! San Diego · Knights Show Midseason Form ·for Win three yean at.raltht probation. Anny Radio COW'M llhe pt•ded sutJty to forJ1ns FULLERTON (OCNS) -Art Powell and a well-roun4- checlu on a Banta Ana advert!•· FORT KNOX, KY. -Pfc PaUl ed San Diego JC grid machine proved to be too much for Ills -..ency, L Weed, 20. 10n of Mn. Dorothy Orabblnc a deek for 1Upport. D. Weed, 1802 Clay st.. Newport Fullerton'• Hornet.a Friday night. Kra. KclCJnney, a Bo.tton u . Beach. r ecently compl.ud Uie 12· Coach George Schutte'• Knighta, who appeared to bit In sndtlate, told Jude• O ard n1• r week radio commUllJc&tJonll coune mid-aeaaon form. ran and paaaed their way in Fullerton Sta.-throup t.Mr-etaLned •Y•• Uiat at Fort Knox, Ky. "'It'• true 1 nm trom reality, but Th• c:oane tncluded the alud>' of diu.m to a thrilling ·.n-2G eeuon opener. m7 eb.Ud come1 ftret. I wa1 tum-typee ot radJo equipment.. code. Ple,yed befol"9 a well·attAndJn(" th• former Wh!tU• HJsta ... ed down on eo Job Interview• be· eendlnJ and recetvtns, equipment crowd, the lnltlal tray ot Ui• J9M 1&tl0Jl kept th• Borneta on the ...,... I waa on probation. I wu maintenance and pn.ctlcal work H&.on found 10 t.ouchdowna be· verge of winning' moat Of the ..._. le mow five tlmu. Once under 1lm\llated combat condJUou. night, with hl• deft pu.ua.. I wu held tor five hou.-. by men Weed, a tonner atudent at Pua· Inc recorded,. bait on p&aael. The C&mpbell attenmptad aa .,.._., Smpereon&tlnf police offlc:tre." deoa City Collea-a,, entered Uie Defenaele .. game HW IOme tllree completed 19 for 348 Yarde and The Ju d re commented: "I Army In Augult. 195• and com· recorda go lnto th• booka. two two t.ouc:hdown1. RoM!e RobertJI SU.. •"'70!1-i. al'Tffd tbl1 I• pleted bulc training af Fort Ord. belns aet by Fullerton Hornet.. tied . a .cbool record w2Hn be --------------------------Key to th• Kn!chta' IAll'PriaiJI&' caught five pa..... He lltntehed victory wu tbe aU·around play hla recepuona out tor l~ 7U'dal of 180 -pound former All -ClF and one TD. Panthers Spot Weaknesses After Valencia Scrimmage ORA.NOi:, (OCN8) -Oran("t Blab School'• Panther. are 11Ure ot a number of thl.DJ• •tnct hold· ln8' a llCTtmmar• wllh Valencia High Bdlool F riday. They will have to etrenclhen lhelr ,,...tnr. They wm have to bol1ter their ftld IJ>Oll. They will haYt to learn to eueta!n a block and rollow through oo a tickle. But tllourh the Panther9 d id not break away for Ions runa, lh•)' did snnd out their yard~ through the elow, methodical route of a few yardl at a Ume. In recen t drllllnr, Coach J:ddle Eaton hu been poundlnc pau offtn1Je and deteru1e Into h1a club. He'1 att~mpt1n1 to tlollter pu.r detenH ae It ap,,.ar1 tb4_ P.ant.b· e,.. m•y have a faJrly rood com· bo ln Ma.x Darrow to Norm P'oe- ter. Ple y of irucb men u Ken M.llla a l ll\llback, J im Crawford al a ut.r<J. Dave Todd at. center and Darrow al tailback hav.. bttn aome of the brlrht 1pot1 In P an· lhu pro.peel.I. Oood yeeJ'I are lookM for from Fr&nk M•dow• a t fuJl~ck end Bob Blv•n• at rlChl S"UArd. Tht' play or Rosu Bacenhuu and Neal Bandlck at 1.tt tackle la a1AO lmpreulw . A nfJW a ddlUon to lht' .quad I.a M , 1$6 lb. blocklnr bar k Larry Bowtn, .-ibblnr for l b• Injured ... Pete Maldon&don. out for a num- ber ot week1 wltb a fractured hand. 3 Boys Amtstecl with leer in Car Three BunUn~ BdclJ teen· acer• wer. arrested b7 Newport polJc. Tueeday and charged With po ..... lon of alcohol under the JuvenUe code. Tb.y were releued to lbelr p&Tenta. PoUce nw them ln a car Y•· t.erday moml.DJ and •lopp.<t them on U.. bunch ~7 w.re t.ruanll trom acbool Offlew9 Mid uw, round t.hre. open botUee ot beer In lh• car, each With a 1traw In IL One boy Nrllt sn• !da 8"• aa 111. but actmJtted h• wu only 18 wbm be •w fl• wu t>elnr held ror $M ball u an adult. police Mid. Real R .. ged U. UCLA bouttd one of football'• all-time rree.t Unu Jul H UOn. ll wu tag-(ed u the "Immovable Seven" and compared with Notre Dame'1 "Seven Mulff" of 192• and Fordhwn'1 "lntn 8'ocU ol Ota.nit• of UM. be ~ U. ICIUop ..., or arranged eanai..., oa ...U plaru, wida • lilde dWt °' ... S&lltt Oii ........ ---..... IU~-:Woid .... by mack from.._ ~P IOCI boue r•dil~ aod a c,...ia- uuioo •ldii ~ -• pttny .. ia ..... Coail S-..1 s1ar1mpa.- Cocbai1 Slua: Mia ...., 2 tbsp. PftPU'd .... r'lditb, ~ cup tlCllDllO -p, ! chip. cblli ~ 2 ........ ;um. dltb of T~ aod 111t ., -. flanker, Art Powell He t.a.llltd three toucbdowna, caurbt five .,--. for H yarda, JTOU.Dd out Chaffey Drops 0• anotbv 99 ya.rda to remain a • lleftre t born to tll• Harneta Cb&ttey, flnt E&ttern Cont_... U1rou1bout the warm nlfbt. ruJJertoo countered wttb t.beir •tar performer, Gary CUnpbell A aecond nrtniv at pmeUme, mce foe tor th• Oranr• C-.t Collqe Piraltl Oct. I here, wu Friday n!gtit defeated by Ante- lope Valley 19..0. TWO TOP SPORTS CAR MEN TEAM. UP FOR TORREY RACE Two ot the Southland'• top sport.a car dr1ver1 will team up ror the Torrey Pinta road racu Oct. 22-23, tt waa unounced to- day by Race Chatrm411 Ray l'nlc and Joe W•l-an. n.,. _,.. "-llDle. ~ RoUJ'- wood. and Cy T~. of Lo.I An· ire.lea. for two yeanr bitter nvala on a race coune aboerd MO Sp,._ clala, yd palt ot tlle flret order once the checlrered fl•« bad nut· tert'd. Their enl rlee were the fll"lll re- etlved by the 1pon110rlng C1.lltor· nJa Sporu Car Club tor the 1lx· hour endunnC'e at'l to •t&rl a t noon. OC'l. 22. They will drl11e a new atock MO .. A H fl\vtlo~ -bodlfd IA >lana·type car. T'hl• 11 Ille model due to hit dultr 1howroome la· tu t.hJ• rnon th. Jn flret day'a featured over· ll!OOcc race tor modlrt .. d... the hueky T edor .. <ill flil"l the 2·11ttr Ro"8.ll Brtstol SJltrlaf. A full prO(Tftm Cit 1IX·"-l'tl, 1larUn1 at no<>n, 11 11tl tor the RIGHT AT HAND day at ractnr. J'or Use o day•. a new Weet Cout •n- Y record ot more Ulan 100 drfv· t'I .. expected, battertn1 lll• 111 r11 lop mark Ml at Santa ..pt. M . KeanwhUe, race omd&Ja ha" nouncect 10me or tha CUn'ft omlllr out of the •~ta~ t tbe acenJe coune DMr i.. Joi· a w1lJ be w1deDed. Tbe ame attem followed a t Santa Bar· a wUI be Wldertak .. at Tor- 1· llnce It pt'O'fed ao popular th driven. OthPr top drl,..... d\11 to com· te are Pla1l HW. Santa Monica. ernn Mona, and :l:ml• Mc· fe., BeTerly Bl~ &Mo drlYinJ he 1&m• type ot e&r. ICrnle cur~ t.ntly la lhe bottut name In fflem n clns. baYinC' won Ute ta Barbara fMt\ln lut x- ri&l Day w.Jcen<I. corning; bacJt ne month later to ecore at Han· t n Dam, and then rnaklnr It hree Ill a row by wtnnlnr apln l R11nta Barbara thta tnonth. Mesa Police Rnd P.O. Mail Box Near Station One ot Colla MN& Po1t Ortlce'a Ume W'&a nttt1end and turned mail bo•• dl-ppear~ In a hurry over \o Poatmutf'I' Mn. R&8d early Tul9day mornlnir 11nd It OllL took unUI dayll~t btlorr Mt~ True to It• ~ of belns ot police .._•ere able to loc:&.te It , 8erv1c. to lbe J'O•.rnment. the pracUe&lly oul.llde their lloor. bolt recorded a clu. for poUce 8,i. R. I:. Neth and Ottlcer to work on-perfect lnd•ta· WUUam 8aV11t'9, on duty at 2 30 lion of -• he&dlirbt ot tlle .,.. •.m~ beard a eruh out11de the h!cle lnYOlftd. 1taUC11 trom dlr.-cUon ot Newport------------- Blvd. and 20th BL When they ln·c L .Iv e. d for "•Up t4d, fMy dlllCOVtred a j!Te&t ouen, ... a.mount ot duet In the area but D• b un,a_ no •ehlcJta. IYOl'ce y YW .... Came d&ylirbl and U!f'y fO\lnd SANTA. Al'lA. -(0CN8) - a vehicle had •truck thl' pos t Charglns utttm• cnielty, Palr1· office pickup mail boJr on llOUlh· cla A. COberly Saturday IO\ll'ht •ut comer ~ of Lhe 20U'I St. In·" divorce trom c. J. Coberly Jr .. ter9tCUon With Newport Blvd ~ 1 ~ Vla Lido Boud. U do lale. The balttted box wa11 found on The plalnUff uka fCTr cuatody th• IOUlh aide or the u~ldence of the couple'• child. Thi Cober· •t 2000 1'ewport Blvd, whrre a 1y1 wer .. wed Oct. SO, 1t'3, ae- w1r e f~ hid bf't'n knockedcordlntt to the eomplalnt. dOWl\, Among the Item• Uated In com- T1re marka. \nvestll'ftllnn r.-munlty property b1 the J.>lalnUtf vealed, u tended 168 reet to Ule went two late model car1. a 10- potnt of lnip&ot With °'' mau rt. power boat. ~tt.. 10-me~r boil;. The box traveled J t 1 feet lklop. Mnk accowit tn Hununr· Kobe Ille. Mid VALLEY MAN RECOMMENDS JUDGES IE 'PUT TO GRASS' ~rt P. J'10'lll'er or Sherm&n Oakel NeeDta b&viaS traf· no otnc.ra tnterfe~ with hln. wt1en ne u doh\J llO ae BaJ. boa Blvd. on a bu8y F rldAy night. Bul, tb&l ta not a marker to the ...,.1 h• r.M'l!t1 h&vtnr Ju4ge DonaJd J. DodS9 tine Mm St7 for bel~ lti a h1,1ny. He WT1tt1 th• Jud19: "-or 9'.19 JCNr COUrt-pt'Ob&bl7 l.&ke 1nan1 .tM mD&11 &own reeort dlatrtet.-tak" l1bert7 ot Ui• tact t.bat IMllJ people tnvolvtd ln tnlldemeanora a.re In t#tlrn for th• WMk· f'nd only and the rlnf'• therefor. baMd on all th• tratno w111 bear:· . • He s-on In b11 letter \o tti. JUdp .ncloalns • cet"U· ntd check, that he lhlnkl th• whole JUdlclal ay1tem llhould bt revamped and P~•nt Ju~ "P\lt out to irru&'' ... r . •, .. ~ .. ... '" ... ... . . ., ...... , ...... , T '• ~.:'. -,l • •' .. • IF yo·u HAVE Celebrated a birthd<'v been on a trip entertained guests painted your house with stripes been promoted bought the bed Washington slept· in eloped had a baby sold your prize cattle been shot moved been married · sold out cut a new tooth at ~ years or older been in a fight stolen anything ' \' I • \ '. . ... """" , . "·~~ ".., t T . ' •• OR HAVE DONE ' ANYTHl"G AT ALL! That's News-Anti We Want It Telephone. send ·a Post Card or come In to see us at 2211 •••• •c1. Newport l1ac• HARBOR 1616 . \ . ..... Hwllor 1616 - I \ ' i 11 II ' I I " " " VICTORY OVER VIKlNG.S ELUDES Wiater leirle , lowli•r · Ope111 PIRATES; FRAY ENDS 13-13 llE :'.-:-"r~~.; •.I ·' lal 111119 lucs Lead Ullfil Last SeCCMds In Stadium Dedlcatfon ...... a.. ... llUtaln.cl Cb.U I...-Mrted off wtlb ...udl or u.. .-. D&N and Brown ta1r.1n1 illff! IOGJITT DtUVm .n. wtth 1IM4, Jeriny kolt of With 'Saal OCult.n. Oofta'• rnU9 Art'• C&t1 1"011ed • whopping 202 Cl( ..._t,.. bM:b open.liq at tull tor blP, pm' and Doo Kay a 1'-m and ~ Jtrn MS fOI' lllP ..-t•. Roee ud Mc&.an. t\rbl.f a r-. n.e ll&O lcn.lcll. rur llhow• Victory, .o lone .oucbt by the Oranp Cout Collep Pir. u. Vtk1np sr'OllDd out n ,..roe. Bottuott Pal.nUnc 1.n u.~ IM4 at.. wu within their grup at ded.Jcatlon ot lu.h '300,000 ::f !i1:.~ 2 bet:i!m~ ::· ;:: :!na::p.of 1~.B&=~ Pirate Stadium. P'riday 11.icbt,. only to elude th-ha the ftul N.lled u..u ,._ 211, Larr)' · Z:W.Oa of Dumond minute and 54 MCOnda of play. J\OM fadtd tor a thlrd dOW11 Burkhullt Palntlnr hl1h .wrle1 co..ch Ra)' ~·1 Ntllills ~••· Guard Bordell Or&11cer with &T3. Forylt Hardwa,.. hlt:"h Jtuc. MJd a lM a..d oY« ...i,p. l'Olltd out ot ~ -t1M VI• Md (you 1--.d It) Kennedy t-.m Mrh~ll roiltng a nice 2691. ty, tut ~. r.uc. OoQtn. kinl' to &Dd the J"tn.te. looll: ruMed a--•tblnf tlen:i. The Thu r 1 d1.y Comme~la! ea.te,•1 Vlklnl.,· but 1 1pectaeu. -· Ra.9 U'INW, the pu. alnlck Ken· ahowed N-i><>rt Tackle, hl1h 1a,. U-yard ~ play fOl'Ced tJwi Wit~ mm.-OJ*&Unr jQ UM n..t,Y'• hanU, boiuiced risht back team Mrie. 21574, wlth Babic Eutem Contennc. ho~ to T •iot, J"UllMck KUui Hau al&in• to RoN, .., RoM •ccepted th• BlacJcman of Cotta M•aa Fur1tl· Mt.ti. tor a 11·11 daadlock. nwd two JVd& Haltb&dr. Bill ln\'lt&Uon and thrnr It apln. ture Ukln1 high ram, with 190. la final &na.lyala, n may ban keltaaG• tot..d a Mndof't to UM TM offtc:lala f..Ued to look kindly Tbur.iay Junior Scratch 11 bem fallur• to t&ka to Ula alr• 115. l:Ynar Oii • kMp made It a on thla "try, try araln" •!fort tied. with The Man and The Aral plan .. u-.a!TU that denl.lld th• first down on th• I. Aft.er Hol· and Md.cl. tha p.lota de•d 00 th• Shop with three 1•mea each. 111 OCC plcaltlDMr. "that loac awalt· clan cr&cbd to tM t , S ... w '°9t. Bue 17 where the maeamen took the Friday ),flll:ed. B. Alurata ed triumph. 8o ... er tor -op-on. pd U.. a fouled up play OYet' JIMlt befol'9 halttlme. walt&ed oft with both men'1 high enln1 a--..l vtctory lft I.be tound" tM Romo raint.Mh ~-One• •1•Ln th• Plratta at.ruck gani• and •trle• with 201 and brand new at.Mlham bafora a fln• 1'1tb fourtll doWll ud KO&! to 10. fut In the third canto. Hal!b&ck Me, while RI ch •rd' • Market crowd of aotn• 0000 tana W«• ht, ~t m their new Biii Harrfaan, up from Hunt111.1· latched on to hlcb. te&l'l'I aerie• tha K._n they t.ook th• ti• acuWt a114 •htt• wa.ltwmt, u., ton Btach. entettd the tr ay and with 11117, and Vlrr!11la Paul.->n Ult u hard ~ d.t'eat. Ptratu ro. to tb• occu loa. Mc· bl• running: and pau 1nagg:ln1 took Women'• blch 1ama with ftall llCLll:VEU Xeaaia apad aero.a 011 a trlcky added to Quartarback Jim Coon·a1>_88_. ----------- Tat uu. Zaet Contra C.O.ta VI-Nft1W' that b&f'f1ed tM Vlltl.nca. pualnc aparliled th• Buce. kills enw tinllly belte'lee It will Hue con.,.rt.lld rid tha Ill.ace la4 PITCH Acr Argon1uts Give and like Where lack Concerned lui<>ek cnrer hlcbly·touted M-.lo 7-0. JC ill Cout C<mf.,._,,<:41 cotnP\llU· H&rrillOn made a •p•rklln1 tll· TRW..urr nm&A.TI yard riuiba.rk of a punt. Ucht· tion tb.l.s --. &nd K-.lo la fa'IOl"lld for UtUa Roea Bowl honoftl. Add to that th• facl the Vlklnc• dl'Ubbed occ 19.0 m Jut 71ar'• opmer and an upward rwinl" ln P1rat• Jrld fortun.1 la ln41cat..a. Willi tour rnlnutaa to 10 rrt· day 11l1ht. tM lkaca appewed to ha•• ~ UIMSv control Thay had recovered a Vtklnl twnbl• Oft tile rlY&l •1 and war. bani.· merins dMp ln th9 oppoa1tJon'• territory -""" they ..... )lall..t on th• Vlk!nr 32. Lookltls t or Quarterback Man Mckaan, ona of tbt top ~n la junior eoU ... porkhkla clrcl-. to •tart hM\'lnc th• Jone onea, ~ kott Quarterback Dick El· aneT In at .atety for llle Bu~ to protect ..,..UU.t ju.t a\ICh al· tc»"ta. But on tba Ant play, K r· K"" unoork.ad -to Hallback o"'.,.. O&rrill wflo aeampe:red fl•• yarde ..... :C-• to tu• tha t.. 01!1 UW1 Pinta 31 and l"llllop unmos..ted lnto tha prvm· ......... •&'ITU: roa ns. OARDEN OROVlll, f0CN8) - Dafeaal.,. -"' lly Kennedy ropl.rll' tha eldellnni to Ml th• and M-i>ort Harbor'• krr•l or ball on tha OCC t-l. Coon pltched (\Ile, Bnlca Knipp, twice brok• to Harri.an for a flrat 011 the up Vlkin1 aerial OU.ta. bVl Ko-Vllc,inc 31, rnbted In a no l'•ln Kean'• ~I kept ~ Oran1• l'fOUnd play, then hit Harri.on eo..tere la a hole nznalader ot on th• Vllili"I' M . Bill wu com- Ule tint lfUU'ler. ~ KcKMD pJet1ly tn I.ha clear and JtW!vel· mi-4 an op-"'iuilt1 for an 16· hipped lit• way to the rlv•I UI ~ • f f Garden Grov• •lr•nclhened ont J•rd punl relura for a TD, 9"· or anoll'ler Int doWn. On e. 1:111« trappN wb1n h• t.ook Bau' pitch.out, Hurl.on awunc to the ot Ila weall •pol• thla week. but ctukJc ll1ck oa UM VlklnC IO, cut· 7, lo.t (T'OUnd In another, tins ba.ck to I.he 115, Uta tun· Hau •larnmad almoat to tht Lett aide ol the lln.e recovered 111nr a"")' trom an CKlC ta.ck· 5, mlulnc a tint by ala lnche•. -.. down lha liaf\ •datlaea YDW and worae yel. \njurinl' ll~merll. lta upeeted atren(Ul when Keith hie -n blockare akrwed h.lm tor Jt a~t'd Hrloua when a atrelch· Montet:. who •• •till workl11g. re· a dumplnc ob tha mldtl1ld •tripe. llf w•1 required ~o ca.rry the ported for night p r•cllr1 In 1ood lt waa lnel'ttable that Kc· All·ltutem Conlerenc. bur klnc ..nouch ahape to a.erlmmare. 'lllr Kaa.n'a terrtllc tt MOWd ba.c:k to U.. tltldhouM. Howt-ver. JIWl nr H ... waa •bl• to return t the returntnc All • Orange Lea.gue ~,. oft. °'1• boot lllopPad dead 0 on the occ I aad .,. oC'fll6d9 bench later. 1toNo reported the pealty plll1led th• local& Oft thair lad rot a knea lri the •plne OW1l l. TU!ac !n'er oa u.. Biie which • pp a r • n l I y pinched a IJ, • tourlll dOW1l paa. KcKea.n nerve. to .-Ullbacll. OIUe MeClaJ Ht up Wh~ another Ila• amuh fall· a ttrat Oil tM g ud Halftiecll. lld to rroa the ~. Coon quarter ~ DtMl!'CUl1<l buck.ad It onr. llfte.A&d on fourth down f or I.hi Tll• eYer • pr-t Kennedy yard•&•· A McKeruile pHchout tea.mad ap with TackJe Geors• carrted to tha 2 and on lh• ne:11t J'\tlat &o block the try for u:tra· endar, Mcken.ale clalked up hi.a ::_i. ,.:.,...mns th• Plrai..a· ::-"!1~ 0~!het:Q~~~-=: ruz1i.c11 JLm Hllf'd rot into ling: th• •l•c• for the McK-.n-O&rvl~ ti. toae. tackl• had been running on hi• owa to cet In al'lape. MO\'~ llA.Cll Montee will take over lefl tackle a11d George A I I• n wUI mov1 b&ck to hla len ruard JoD. The IUt. halfback poaiUon grew wtaker whe11 C ar I Unobtrom came up With lntuUnal fl u end WU cl•en tb• W«k ott. Hbw- ever, btfot• the promt1tng back h•d taken 1lck. )la had Deen d•· motlld to third atrillfl'. ...... 11()1'11 ' COAST Al SHOPPER PA&E 7 WEDNESDAY, SEf'T. 21, 1955 Lock•• Gets 4 MCNlths on Plea Admlttl119 Attad& c-.... w- $200 .. .,... • .,. ltuth Grau Undaay, •l •oL.;::========================~ 8.ANTA ANA 10CN8) -Jtol>- ert. o . Lockran, 21, a racantly dta. charred Martna. Jo'r\day wu -- t-oced to count)' jail tor four month• afttr hi• pill)' plN on attempted atlark, known .. .Rulli Or.ca To~nd. ... and Dan. Harrlpn., ... Ea.ck ftocll, ""'°""ed ttnea on drunk charsu In N-port Juetlre court followtnc thtlr arraat by eoai. MeM pohcp at 1 :6.) a.m. Tueeday, The woman, dr1v1r of tM car Involved, waa tined 1200 and htr Ucen11 au11pended tor llO daya. Harri11tn, a paaH.llliPf U.. tbiP DELIVERY GUARANnED Delivery of -th'1 Newport Harbor Newa·~ II guaranteed. Carrier boy. will deUver their paptt1 be.- fore 8 p.m. on Moad'\y, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ta not delivered by that hour pteue caU H•rbor 1618 and your carrier will brinl' your paper, Two char1• of alatutory attack ..-a.hut tha ~t~ndant wer1 dle- mialed.. Ha hae an undealr•bl• dta- charre. Lockran ,. ... •r~led with an· oU\er r.tarine. Fr•llk Moore. 21. after !hey uaertedly attacked a 17-year·old Hollywood cirl follow· !n& an all"ged 1<·lld party la Co.t• M IPSB. auto, w•• tined &Ml for belnc I ~-------------------------­ drunk In • ca r. hur bottlea of l --------------------------bffr wera found In th• car Wblch Moore aln!ady hu be<e.n aentenc- ed 10 • yr.ar Jn J•ll alter plea.din(' rullty to 1tatutory •ttack." Judi:e Joh11 Shea denied prob•· lion. He 11ald he wu ma.k ine IL a four-n1011th 11e11lence for Lockran IKI he can atart. the •~ond Hlllt'.,.. ter a.t lh• UniveraLty ot Mlnne.ota. By hi• judgment, tile chars• Wit.II 1topped by ortlctr• •l 2e<l2 Newport Blvd. an•r th• Ltlldaay Yehlc!e 11lrui:k • parked car rt&· l~t{'f{'d to P. L . Albright of 702 A\'OC!ldO St. a t lfllt Newport Blvd. Garrity 5oft lanl Marine CpL and Mr•. De.vii\ Michael Garrity. C09t.a Maaa, IM'· C•me p1renfJ ot • eon bom Sep!. 1{1 •I U . .8. Nava I Hoepltal. l.("•ln•t Lockr•n automa\Jaally wu demea11or. The victim,., ... cont•rt- reduced from • felony to a mla· ed Ulrough lhe Hollywood USO. O'BRIEN MOTORS 1880 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA DODGE • PLYMOL'TH USED CAR BARGAINS! 55 Dodge Y·I Lane .. Harcltoo lllack II y•-I loae, Jooded wt£.. -1-.... mileoc• 55 , Dodge Cnt. Royal 4-ci- Pow. •tft.riq. pow. brakela.. pow. W-.SOW.. Auto. Tram. -BeaaUhal I .. 53 Chev. 4-clo« S.claa Rod II wblle % ~ .........-, -.-~--· 53 Plymoutll s.blwba• Ovenlrtve, radio, bM.&er, Lo" mae.p, OU Otl'IMll' 54 Plymoutll Chib Cpe. . Auto. trim., l60b adaal mJleL Y oa"ve ..,..er .-. OM dat.De.r. 52 Cadillac c.,... De V• All the e:stna plm alr ClODdlt:loalq. A BO.JI 53 Ford Y-1 Cntotn 2-ci- Aato u..n.., ndlo, be9t. hniuculat.el 49 Chev. 2-ci-S.d• A·l ~ Ulroqboat. 49 c....,..., 4-claor 6-c:yl. The dieulNi med car • Oraa1e Coaty. See-IL Classified ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Every Manclay, Wocl-clay aad FTlclay COASTAL SHOPPER -\Vednesdays C-.&U illt.,..... 4• nlll ta tM "'~ N-..P,_ • U..... l lautloe Sl.00 add'L u..e. .15 -. ' U.. 2 luertiou 1.50 add'L Uaea .%5 -. 4 Liam S luert.lom 2:.00 add'L llDM .J6 -. ' ~ ' luertlom %.50 add'l. bee .%5 -. st*-*-,, .... Ced ... wW ,.....,.1.s,-. ctia<'O~t. C.all i.. ... _ .-Jy. JONDIUM AD 18 • ll'"l'!8 DJ:ADUNJCS for placln1 or cancelllnc •de ar.: For Korwb.J Pub.UcaUon -FrlOI)' 6 p.m. For WedMaday PubJlca.tlone -Tuead•y 1 p.m. For rrtday PubUcatlon -Thurwday l p.rn. NEWPORT BA&llO& PUBLISRIN'O 00. Hll ~ llh' ... N~rt aa..dl. c.atfora& AD ma..Hli4 4* _. k pak1 lor C-h bl ed"t'Ut'fl of ptabU..aioa nte publl&here will nol be reaponaibla tor 1nore than on• lncionert ui-uon or an •d. reeerve th• nrht to oorrectJy claulty any and au a4I and to reject any ail not oonlorm.ln1 to rule.a and tts;ulaUorw. Y Newport ff•rbor B. P. O•E. 1767 K..U '"'7 TbundaJ I p.m.. Yla Oporto -Centr&I A••· Ne.rport e.ach Albert H. Katthew1, balled RW•r HAULING truh or? Allytlltnc, Anywh1t • i.n..rt1 a-21•& Mtfcpp lt-Bul~S.""­ General Contractor l.JCEN'8£D New Work -RemodeUnc J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 069J...J 58tfo Rd. Ou apreadlnl" Drl"t'eW•J• PARKING LOTS· Sub·dlvi.lona our apeclalty. We tuml•h any type: oll t.o your ape· ~tflcauan. i..rll'• }Obie -email 'o bt. Jl'rH •tlm&IN. Al.o wa· ter •p,...dkic. Modem equip· ment. t.E.lnf1.on 6-tOOI. 011· more • Pqe, Huntln,rton 'Ben . 6Uo ASPHALT TILE Kclta&n eon'larted te d•Y th lluu t II at openlnr triumph. tboqll tha l•YOred Vllllnp Md \ft Mttl• for a ti• run .. Until 111-. U1e K.-mea lad all the way. End J-.c:k Kennedy, a cMtan.a.,. terror ror u.. Buca. •t up Ul!Ual tally of th.a COfltut _.,.n Ila bloclrad a pvnt ..,.lY lai tM ttnt ~· TIM Mii tM punt1111 ael bJ boomlq a M-yarder .,.,._ tba Bue&' naat Off...... "'°"" titall«L ._...,. (•llo •'-1') pl&Dled lla.lftlM'.k Ma.au.I 'l'WU.p oa the Vlldq' lJ. A McldSeid .. moUO. ,_.ity -"' tba ~ Mell i. UM ~ .... , ,,._ .,... u..,- DEATH NOTICE A •Pholnore. Dlek Arthur i. AL80 _ A SELECTION OF GOOD 1:!;-:-!!-Mbol 8enlce9 now rvnntnl' wtU. th• tlrwt unlL TBAN8PORTA.TION OAKS Aluminum Well Tiie Mf(T•. DtatnbulOf'I Wbol-.1• prlc.,, to RECAU 'WAR llRDS' South Coast Co. Building Wings for Hlspano Suiza .AlfJll&nM of anolMr llay .... C\anw Oft UM .,lldYUte"' adp betnc ttoCOl\lltnacted at So• th of 0.-place• .,, "wut 1;1p of Cout CO.'a plant oa Newport laaltnatad at.ripe Mid Ille -..hole Bl..S., ftrf' u.. In a rww mo-n. aectlon le made of raraf'llllT ntted about to M made deplcunr I.And· put., ..u atued topther. J:nn· ""'h"• life. tually tba truna •ill be rOftf'&d Parta of old p-.. w.ra w1Url linen which will be f1"'" ltfw1ht In trwn u tw away a 111W11 nrnl.ah tlnlah. er-brae U F'lor1d• tor dv.pUcaUon and lnl la 11.1ppUotd by four alMI 1'1reia aotae f/111. the o&d pl-rrni had with tumbockl•. --.,·, ..u built In ~ Tl\• It -a ta-.ortt• t11ck ot o.r- puu ua beln1 buUt ot ~ fl. mu IPI• ln LM nrwt World W .,..UC:• W)llch la n:peMft WIU' to .... ti\-. lwace wlTW "'-dap, acrordiftC \e Lao .... • .... 1, °'""""' an4 then fill th• Ida!. '1.~,_dent ol the -pany. I eut wtlll Ill,,_ IOldW, wti\oh ...... p ,.ru .... Mine m..s. I ~ polWI dow1I to loolt .ouc:h to retlt two Hllip&no 8W. pl.,... Uk• tba WU• lo paa. lnqtrtJori. for ..... Kuu. u.. a....... When UM pl.an• WU Jl'INllU••red ,...._-on. -...1 ru.r. U-WU. -id~. • MAKE A NOTE To Buy, Sell, Trade -----------I Th• Ar"°nauta ha.,. bftn bold· Painting, Decorating BA&aY rtATTDT lAJ twice WJ1 driU. durtils !JI• ft..-IYeS. & S•JIGJ put week 9ince l'Chool op.i.tnc -,........ U • _ Paper Ranstnc P'unen.I Nl"Ylc• tor Haf"r7 ·-b l l -'• '• ... ed y oona rue lan.1:~;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;jJGEO. BURKHARDT ~-nat~, 70, el J'20 VI~ a__...., acboo! opened h-to- p:da RQad, Lm .4.lla"•l•, •all •1. U'*'6W> OOHT-..arca 11:Mwa la N_,.n :llartlor, "wlll .. Tad&J' 0:.U 0. A9WJ' '9M. ITI W. 1SG. 11C.. 0mta ·- - w ... .....,... '° ..._. ~ to .Ill....... • Ullart,. ..... _,__,. at ll r..a. la ecrmmace Jordan Rip. Clttet """ llfllflllaf II-' Cit v .... , o.,.l ol tM a.a-. Jaci.w.od P&n CemetaJ7. He diad a.pt. I& la Boac" H.,.tal, WU a retired dimlriet rnanacw ot Am10W and Compu7. 8UTY1.'.'0ta .,.. bla ...u •. Kanon; a aoa. ftobert C. ot PaJoa Verda&; bill blOUM:r, Mn. Marpnt natr lff7, Hollywood; a brother, Oiar- 1• W . of Hollywood. Balta MortULJY, Coata Maaa Oapfi, ln dlars"• of ~enu, K&TLllAT k1 I:. Ke7, M, ot Y1ati. CltJ'. died hpt. 10 In Ho.c Hoepltal. SurvtYOl"ll ..,.. hla ""11•. Valma; t~ ltOllll, Robert of TUia&, Okla. and John ot Nar7 a vlll1; on• ct.aUV!t•r. Mn. Leola Compton or Ha•lllom4o and lleTen ,rnndchU• -8-Sr• and Interment ...W be bald 1n Marf1Ylll1 wtth Ba.It.a Mortuary, Co.la K-C b a p • L torwardtn,c dlrectora. • Resld1ot1 Alk Aid lol SINlt RlpClk n. riut 17th L!Lt. lmprovement A-il liOfl, In a l<!"tter to th• ~ M-City Council recent· ty da<lared that due to lhf' Importance of U!e •lrttl trom a. blatn"" and lra.tf\c 1tandpotnt Ulf' clly al!ould bear ruo•t or the w•t of tha etreet'• lmprovemenl, At the lll(llPlllOll of C!IJ M:&J1 · •r•r G•rce Coffey ~tlnn .... poatpontd until lh• propo-t rn .. - ter plan tor lhe rtty 11 •pproved. $1000 Mesa P1nnlt JUChatd C. Crlll&le St!pt. 1.1 look out an $IOOO Coala Nua city b\1Udln1 penntl tor cOl\&ll'\lt• Uon of otflt t• •l l!l2l l'\ilh•rton Aw. Gordon B. Jl'indlay wu nern· 9d e<1nli-attar. CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS Sa•1 H1111drecll Hu.-Savl1191 OD three F..s.ecutl\'e c;.,.. Z Wlndi.on -I New \"orker 1952 Chryller New Yorti .. _ .. _ .......... -..... $1295 Sed&o. 2-tcillf' Rro"Aa. Flt.Uy eqlllpped LocaJ one car owner 195l D•Soto v.a .... -.......... -... -.. -·-Sl4t5 .a4 llOC>r M,dan. 2--tonP Blue. Vety deall c.ar. Pt>'l\'f'r tlffrln.:. R..:tio A "-ter 1949 Buick 5 ....... Sada11otte ........... __ $495 Radio, h"a~r. D)·nano"· -A ......Uy dMm ml' PAINTING M. W. ROSS Wcet\99d LJ 1-b2J JIO AYOCa do, Coate. M- f .. to Adams Plumbing Rep.1ir -Remodellnc NEW CONSTRUCTION J412 C:.01 Place, Coata M-. UMrt)' 1-7827 Mell FOR RENT fflnll lf•w•. l:lte. Df'Wll, f'ol.laboara. all t)'J>U ot ~ "1MelMT· rv••. Ile. BOYD'S HDWE. it30 W. OQ.l.8T BlllllW A 1' UMrt7 w.Ja, Hewpoft ._ _,. BION RICE, Inc . OENEIU.1. OOl'CTlu.CTOll8 1t..ide11Ual, Cornmerclal. Attdttlons. ap11 WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL I< OFFJCF.s LI S.1623 Cov.rteo\Mll Newa-Pru• Cla.111ned Contractor• • Tiie Setlera LI S..1•N 68lto ASPHALT TILi: LINOLEtlll ' ln1t.l.U lh• a.boY• ca.per tha.a moat. Aleo .. u,,.. • Uno&-. Non-unlOll, 16 , .. ,.. aper1-c.. Compa.ra and --au.L COK:r:R Har. 4TH OC' ~ U.di 7-6'71. ltt./o OOllPLEl'E PAINTING .. Paper ll&octAc 8en1co EVGENll O. u.UND-. &00 Jlll llr'Mt, Newport AMcll ff.a.Aw ,.,. ... Kar. ..... th Elec. Tool Repair· 111u e.... onn.. klMkn QUICK 8ERVlCS LEWOO ELllCTRIC 00. ·~ No. Newport Bl"t'd. f'tpt. Bdl. LIMrtJ 1-1113. •ttte Painting 6 P1pertianctn.s We do the tr0rlc ounel...._ ao ,.,.. ~ ~.'-ed. --......... ,,.._ Cd .. ...,.,, LI S.2887 .. LI ~ llltlo CEMENT .. BUILDING All KJnda FREE l!:S'l'lllATES · Llborty MI09 au CARPENTRY MINOR REP.llR WORK 1'10 J08 TOO 8WA.J..,L, 1:10.~ 1014 I: Balboa 81'"1~ B&lboa Hamor 2.00 Utla 195l Chryllor Club Coupe ............ __ , $1495 A d· Taker• a re lr•ln~ to ...,,.Ile I------------- THRU WANT ADS HARBORl616 WANT ADS Gn RESULTS ON RENTALS Your Acl Runs• nmea w .. kly In Claaaiflecl Ua;ht lltT?f'n. Radkl, h~ter. power ~,. 1952 Hudson H11r11•T ................ ___ .. _ .. ,_ $1095 4--door !Wdu, dark Ii:""'" Hrdromatlc. a.dlo, fft'&lt"r, lmm•n11ate throa&bOUt 1951 More. Sta. WC19011 --.. ·------$'95 haul. ExoeUent wood. ~A'."IT OTlfF.R8 TO CH008f; l'llON LO\.\" 1)()\.\'NS -WW BANK PA \'Ml:l'-"'TS All Can Cany tll• c ,..... \l'arruty 1.-k tnr IM Cla,..,.,.f ....... ef q..lltJ""' .... : Lou Reed 1treet1Ye ad•. T'm'oucb lone a:11p.ri~nce and a thorouah und•r•t.andtng of &dver· Cl.tnc .... ca11 put 1our want. Into ,rorda U\at ,-..t aet1011. i..c_ WI h"IP you wll: TOOLS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS .. TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR Gm' A TENANT nND YOU A JOB Gl'.7 YOU A HELPER ,.._ 1'-•Pnml ~lied Ad· ~an epnta ud U..1 •"at ,...... ~. Juat ,.,_ HARBOR lilt - ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TMJ: NEW ma.china p~ me.IJI• od R~•aonMlla Pr1CIJI, A ••ta&• I tape r..ident1al blind. Only $1.00 Bltnda repaired and rtbullt. Work dona by •f'flOl1Jtm1nt Pbone Ub<-.rty 8-~701 or Klmbfrly H274. pptto H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt l'tep&ir hrTtee iit.a.lntatn.., l"ftm•: Harbor tit• llCU ..,_. 81"'4., Newpmt ~ ... PIONEER SHEET METAL lll:A TING, ventU.u n1 '• _,, .. , metal •ork ot all t1141, lnduatl1•1. ~denUal. «n'!'lmerc1al ntD: EITIMATE& U a.t1111 lp22 \ • ; • COASTAL 880PPD Utlea of St-Funlttl9N for .... ~!st!! ~~Check These Used Cars PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 COME QUICK ! ! -· TRADE 8-11tuut 7().ft. &WL ........... PAINTING JJn'Dloa -D'l910A ucmru:o -INl1.1Rl:D Glenn Johnaton 601 • 3181 8 t. Newport S..- Harbor 11 Tt lltto PAINTING? Roy's ·Maintenance llOUM c'*ntn.c--noor WU1las wan WUIWlc-wtndow eJMAtns V...UU Mind& Upbollitary JllNl'M. ..... J:e!•Metee Liberty •ian. 1Ue DAT WORK DJl:&D\ED A cook· lns. Own tranaport&Uon. Color - ed wom&n. KlmtMirlY 1-9383. CAPITALIZE ONT~E -CLOSEOUTS- NEW I PC. CUJ\Vllt> 81lC"nONA.L ....... ·-·····-····-· .. ············· f118 ... llODERN Till.JI: LAKPB ·····-··········-·-····--···-····· .... I •.U OOCAa. TABLES (PLASTIC TOP) ...... _ .......... _ ....... I M8 Exc411tent for charter. Want Pl'OJlert1 or •ma!Mr bo&t. 1120 W. Balboa BIY<S., Jf..,...t. Har. &031. SIUc 1' FT. GLASS WIZARD w1U. ,.. mote controla • ualler. li&llM>I 26il. Tot P' ADU.lNl!:R, clean, loaded. WSU trade. U 8~Tl0 a.m . or p.m. NI.le BOAT STORAGE Buy from a local d...1er "'10 wU1 be bue TONOJUWW to back"" _wbat ht ..U. TOnATt _._ __ A_atiae __ ud.....__T_luab ____ 4~1---no. ___ u_.mll __ T.,.J111 __ e11a ___ 40--A .. __ u_toe_f_o_r_Sa1e ___ _ CLASSY CLEAN -CARS --- Catt POP'S non·Wl1on llbop. Can tpl 2 PC. DIV AN • CHAD\ arr _,, ..................................... I 69.M ALL SlZl!la, reuonable ratee. Ap- ply at yard otttce. SOUTH COAST COMPANY, Newport Blvd., at 23rd Bt., N.wport Bell. * "EYE POPPING VALUES" * u..e new cuetoraers. ona,.. ------------ County 20 )'MrL 1<1 1-.111u °" Experienc'd gar 0 dener I PC. DINm'I'Tlll (W. I.) 30 x•8 l:XT. TABL.ll .... _ .... _ .. U8.U ' DRAWllR CHUT ........ ................. .. .................. $23.0u I DR. SALEM DBLE. Dllll!88ER _ .......................... -....... U •. 60 Kl 1-11t11 atte.r a. TB~ LANDICAPIN 97P11 and CLEAN UPS '55 Ford Thunderbird . . • . $3198 REMODELING · No Job Too Small Fl"M m.tlm•t-l!ll.ly TertM Kttchena l!ltdlnr Balltrooma Tll• Dta!nboardll Fen~ Formica Pa.lnt111r RoollnJ It: Stdin,J Roome Added Cabinet.a A II work by loc:&l con tractor• Pleue call tor tree u Umat• Harbor 4818. TplOh 1'-Pe~ A.lcoholica AAoDymoaa Wrtt. P. O ... Ill Newpon .... oa.ut. ...... llubol' 4716 ntOM THIS DAT FOJtWA.RD, J W1LL Bl: l"UUPONlmLll for NO DEBT!! other tba.n my own. AILAN O. HOJSJNGTON. 8p !!::!-atz &Jdll Superfluous Hair Pwm&DmU;J NmOYed ftom face anm, lip. .,,...•ow• Uld ba1r ... .U1*3-No mon tweeans. J:L.LSN L. BRYANT R. IC. UM'• ... ol ... UlJ Bar. •1• ti• L08T-Udo lele. 81am-ktltUl. • moe. old. Cram wtlh d&l'k lftY marlllnp. 1lcwvd. Call ~'· 1121 rrenlnp or LIClll~b l-21M daJllme. . Td L08T -Dark brtndl• 6 yr. old .. ..,. lt.ewvd. '°'~ lttb Sl., N..-pon Beach. 8 p9 Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Orof'•ry CUl&*'ll aDd 111..t W~ ~ra. MU• NO to 1120 per Wk. Call for ~polnlmenl to i..m morl' &bout W • tr&1n.ln«. AL TYLER Schoola 1111 No. Bl"OMttr"7 Liberty 8-1859 I Otte MAN A WOMAN will do ••nt ral houM'W'Ol'k. noor waJrtns. win· dow d.-nlnc. Fut workere, WbJt-. 1~ Jil. IOt.h Bl.. Cott.a Mua. LI 1-2983. pptl So. Callt. Bible Coll<'ge hae DE· PENDABL~ YOUNG PEOPLE AVAIL. for PART TJM'll EMP. Such u boUN work, b&by 1lt- t ~. prdanln1 a nd chaulftur. 0 PC. ALL MET.AL BRIDGE IJCT ......................... -...... $17.60 8 0 P'A BZD -ll'OAM ftUBBER CUSHION! ................ U87.00 I PC. J'IREPLA.CE TOOL SET• STAND ......... -.......... f 1,9_, 2 PC. ~ROUGH'l" IRON DIV AN It CHAJR ......... -..... $99.~ BAY FURNITURE "Where Prtcu A,.. Held a t Say" U7 E. 17th ~P Storefront Parking OPEN EVE'S 1TIL 8 Coata Mel& Term• Pl-contact Mr. Tlnaman-29-Help Wanted .,,. o a u--~ Kl 6-1178 l cll --------------------~...1PJ!u-UAlllJC9--·----- CLEANING It: IRONING by lhe H OUSEKEEPER -b&by care- da7. Experienced. Balboa llland Uva In. LI 8·62111. lc8 W~:g~· Clearance preferred. Kl J-eoie. u BABY SI'ITJl!R, d&Uy, momlnp. Nof'I"• a uto. almott nf'w .... $126 OJ!:. auto. ' yn. olrt, ~ompletely Har. 3279.J. lc8 cheeked .. ......... .. . ....... $99.50 R UO Rl:PAIR-t..dy with many y,eva experience In Oriental nJg repa.lrlng. @11 Main SL. Hunt-SO--Mbcellaneou Euy llptn dryer lite mod. $09.50 RANGES tncton Baa.ch. l.Exi"&'lon 1·711 3. ------------7~ Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIJl8 M"l'fc Chet . 3& lnr h high broil· DANCING INSTRUCTION-Latin • American In t he priV11cy of your own home. Meture college •ludent. WeJl quallllf'd lnetruc- lor with u ctllent rtf. Harbor 2111T·R ennlnp or Box •». Ba lbof bland. lclO 29-Help Wanted Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO fee collected trom applicant W~ have excell. opll'nln~• tor PBX OPICR.4TOR8. T op typlalJI, 1tenoe, exeeuUve .. cret.ary, typ. lit • blr'kr.: ntaU of('. •upply NIMm&ll, bOUMboy It Forf'll"J'I rnotor1 mttha.nte. nlle d • • k el~rk, (maJI/') Malntvianc. man. BEACON PERSONNEL •ta-llat (Acwncy) Newport s..cb ouu..a YOU We Gtve &l&B Ore• ltampe Gunderson Drug Co. Main SL at Balboa Blvd., Ba.Ibo& Harbor Ill~. Httc 3 l"ORMALS like new Stn to 11& l lfTll'Y twef'd jumpt'r f l'l ~ 8 lo 10 Hsr. ~284-W. 8c GAFFERS • ~A'l'TLER l'U renge. 8 ft. F rlKldaJre LI~ rm. dr11pe11. La"'" mowtr It Venetian Bltnde. Her. to18-R. 8c10 Lonty antique rluk 1120, Old 1ldebo&rd $20, anUque Of'l"&I\ l lDO, er ............ . .......... $59 O'Kef'fe • M tM'ltt 42", <'lean - oven lhennn $49 ISO P'flg-ldaire elf'«'. 40" late model rleluxe . '89 ISO Nnrre S8 In flt'rl. r ondltton $65 W•Ullfhouee f ll"('t. 311" OVl'ft tlmer, top ronthllon $69.50 REFRJGERATORS Olbeon 8 cu. fl. l•te model, per- fect condition 176 WutJn~ou11e 8 rf . rl~an $39.1~0 Bflrvel apt. a!u, very nice H 9.llO Colc:t.pot, perff'ct ahape, a pt. •lae ...... ... .. . ... ••9.60 ~verytbtnr Guaranteed It: Free Delivery l!l'mOOT'S Hdwe.. R ouHWaree Jll02 N9WJM>rt Blvd., Coeta MN& TV larg<1 11ereen 1911.60 AnUll'£e ------------ ~d• from ~. Te ble radio '5. old 52--Funltare for Sa'- n>rkerw U , M~. Meretary Nt.60 "' C.O 0111 Chine~ l<'rttn 118, "Gone PltACTJCALLY nl!W, Oreen bm- v.·11t1 the Wind" lempe from '21'. cade love rar, an'1 r~ ftrolde Cofte• mill $7.60, 9l'la ot 8 lonJy cha ir n30 Miramar. Balboa otd Victorian chair•. round oak A~ '-8p10 lAbl• $20, llOWld mov1e outfit 1175 cor trade) old pltchel' • boWI UOO TADS alln09t n-21 lncb ttl• 119.00, lars• mel&l lll"lrlM• 00"80le Molorola TV, 2 older $126 pr, Chlnuc cbut $35, wuh· l ly1e bedroom M'lJI 1 rlrop leaf In!:' m•rhln• 1.27.M Buffet 110, oa)( kitchen ""t. Or w11l 11ell du k.t i .:';O, wQnl1 ttove 115.A.ntl· Mp9J"altiy. Ll 8·•1S74 8r8 que bC'!d •tl• 100. <1uthnArd mot.or u o. tlAh polta l.'S eL AlllO Old SLOANE DA VF.NPORT .• IC)C)H C2l1n&. C\lt 11.ua. brua • .Uvtr cuahton•. down n ued $125. - 2l! WINTER STORAGE Boats or Trailers $65 for period Sept. 15 .. June 15 Launchln&' 11.26 Fenced -Guarded Storac• Space Outboard Marina 202 P:. Cou t Hwy. Harbor ~130 8cl2 22 PT. MXRCUR Y Expt91 c,W.- er, a moe. old. 1!18 radio. 8J>ffda 230 rn.p.h .. Have •~ In boat. WW tacr1rtce for 13950 term• or trade. Owner. Har. 1211-R. lc8 16 FT. INBOARD BOAT 1160.- Powered wlth 21., hp. Law110n en11ne. Phil JobMtonb&ugh 2938 W. Coul Hlchway, N-port >3each. LI 8·9124. 7p9 H , H.P. BRJOOS It 8TRA1TON cu motor with clutch f6_'). Snowbird dolley wUh haul out Winch It 1ta1nlH1 1tff.I cable $76. LI 8·3342. le8 CHRYSu;R Crown 2·1 rear I~ I CYL. BUDA di-I . $7~ GRAY marine dlUt'I, l&rltfl' port a, eo m . m. lnJec~re Sll~O CAPITAL &f'ar V-dr1v .. MA.RINE 8UP.M.U8 CO. 2:1• l 8. MaJ.n. t:Janla Ana Kl m~rly 3-341 0 U-Muakal, Radio, T V I JT& ----MA.HOO. oom btneUon ooneol• It tn. TV. AM • P'M rad.to a nd 3 •peed a uto. phonocnph. C'oet ovel' '800 nrN. perltr t condition. New p1ctur~ HIM w1lh r uaran- lee 1275. 771 W. J9UI, U 8-84178 ecll WW !a&111• -opportv.nlt.y t.o act.aae. &II Olll' ftrm, becaa.. ., °"' p~t ... p&naOll prccnm. ptf'<lea, 1am,,_, old pk tune, cunoe. _R_•r_._3_1_1_1._w_. ______ w_ •le. We at.o llJI• to trade. and OBI. BSD «ltUtopedlc "-1..,_. A -LA.ftO--IC-ho-,,.-.-o-r _c_b_W"C_b_e_lect.rl--c bl.fy t ll In• a. Brinr le.em. lA. _ .. 0 ... Male• offer oot w . oriran. n"'. Climate proof, very Tb• llt.&l1JAc aa1ary le iood and )'Oii W'IU receive trequ.lal lacreuN, too. J obe now for: .. TELEPHONE OPERATORS C'HARLDll DAVll 180& IE 4-• .,.. • ..-· bl ~ • 71 • •-9 H &rnllton, Coeta J.feea. u t-4!:'13 reaaona e n • ... '"· "" brim Lone BnA'h ~-Ot~ll lc8 1JlJNCAN P HYFE mllhocany dJ;: • • • • • Power Steering (Reduced for Quick S&le) Powet' Brak .. '52 Mercury Fordor . . • • . • • . • Radio, Heater (Reduced tor Quiet Sale) Overdrtw '52 Ford 4 -door • • • • • • • Radio, Heater (Reduced tor QuJck Sale). Overdrive '55 Hillman 4 -door • • • • • • Radio CR.educed !or Quick Sale) Heater '52 Austin Convertible • • • • (Reduced for QuJck SaJe) • • • • • • '55 Lincoln Capri Coupe . Fully EquJpped (Reduced for Quick Sale) One Owner '55 Mercury Houseears . • • • • • • • Coupee and '-door. FuJly equipped. Save almoet •tooo. Low MUeace • $1098 . s 998 • $1298 . s 650 • $3798 • $2689 '51 Ford Victoria • . • • • • • • • • S 798 Radio Heater (Reducf'd for Quick 8ale) Fordomatto-New TlJ"N '50 Mercury Club Coupe • • . • • • • . S 698 Radio, Heater (Reduced for Quick Sale) Overdrive, New Tire. '53 Willys Hardtop Coupe • • • Make Off er '52 Mercury Station Wagon •••••• $1650 Radio, Heater, Mercoma.Uc -33,000 original mllM '53 Studebaker V -8 Hardtop • • • • • • $1298 Radio, Heater, Automatic, New P&int It New • W/W Ur. SAVE ON THESE CLEAN CARS 40-Autoe f or Sale at JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 900 W. Cout Highway, Newport Be&cb Liberty g..~ Reel Estate School -Ap1111 -111'~ No. M&tA ltnet FIREWOOD FRZI: Dm.IVl'lR y Dry wood 11"-2• .. 1~11,-UI C&1l Tom H utr htn.on Barbor 181&-J. In« ~l wllll buffet. 8 chalr11 - Llt>ert7 l-8U7 alll'r • p.m . 7p9 H AMM ONn O R O ANI. World h mou•. Alt mndtl• AlllO ~· •I t>.rpJna tn ua•d orian e. Yau r"n -.v., 011 tho" fin,. or«•n• DANZ-.l!ICHMlDT, &20 No. M.a1n. 8ant& .An&. GMC We're Clearing the Way for the 19fJ6 fords! in Senta Ana Rm. 211 -aan1.a Ana 9 00 lo 4 ·OC> P M. Mesa Woodcraft Unpalnted • Juve~ FUmlture FOR l!IALE-Pedlu wood ' flat TRIP LE USED CHECKED TRUCKS tr.mt A WOKEM pnpu. tn IP&"' PACIFIC TELEPHONE r....rce PaUo C'ha.lr -· - -$3 95 clarl11tt &11d cue. Oood C!Ond1• Um• for unUmlt.d opportunlU• 13llc ta a.a r..ata. N.._ ~ -------------... 1111 • .U T)ltt tutructtac. A~ MC>TH£Ra HELPER. d&ye. Help lttc Bookcue 21 • S6 ._.... .. -· 17 45 lion. CaJI Harbor 23U.J alter e •7 ITUDl:BAta:R ~ t.. pickup '411 <.;KP:VROt.r.T Suburblln AT THEODORE RO~INS YOUR 1'0RD DEALER ------------•·Drewer Olaet • $ti ll~ p.m. or Sa l. or Sun. ~plO t9d ftl"llt ..-1111 "-Uld i.ani wtUI hou.ee work It 2 chlldr~n l.AOCE8 Rl11T 81 .. 1t. rine qual· 1 Complete line u:npe.tnttod tum. eott ------------ lly. darll marooa Cb&mwo Hu and bwd. U PF.I\ flCO REl"TS coocS prac· '60 CKEVl\Ot.ICT '~ t. ptr kup '61 OMC "' t. pickup allout Uli8 l"'Ml ftel4. Call or U MiH. 7<11 ln4&. 8r l O ltflnW'IUI .nd Dert fin~ tJce piano. Ul th., k iddie. learn wrtt. ... AJ TvJer School CAPA BLE WOM.AN 8rn'f;R for lSU No. ~. Slltlt.a AM l hr ~ery Sunday momln~ Custom Draperies Onleu takt11 tor ahutt.u All t,.m,. rent Ir )OU 6uy later 2J2J Karbor, C M. Libert7 8-1~40 OANZ·SCHMJOT, 020 ?\o. Main Sitnl & AnL 100 planoe Home '62 l.vrERN A TION AL ·~ l. plrlcup '112 CHEVROu:I' '-'I l pand ·53 oonott ~ t pl«'llup 'SS Ford Thunderbird • 'S3 Chev. 4-dr. Sedan IQ T4Sll·la 1--M41t-KS 1--1111 Ph. Har ~12-J. lc8 BKDSM\JtA t>S. •Up covere. ek .- Hardwa~. 31 yn. tn bu.lnN!lt FREE Eln'IM A Tl:S TWO O\'T.IUITUFJl'EO ehaln '6 nf lh• H•mmond <>rc1.11 ~ac.h--l davenport, rN! prtnt SI:\, '&a OMC 'i L ptr kup '6' OMC ~ L picku p, Hylfre· mallc lrana. • • • $3150 ... s 875' '54 Mere. Monterey, R-H, Merco. $1995 '53 Ford convert. R-H, Fordomatic $1295 '51 Studebaker Champ. 2-dr., O'd. S 495 'SO Mere. club coupe, R -H, w-s-w S 695 tic WANT MAN ON Y AC'HT fonlKk bet! rouch lr"fll l llS, 1.r 8-0323. China Painting o..y ud ~llllq 0... and r e.neral malnt•nlln('f' P"llll lime Writ• rt"tt,...~. 11ua lltl- <'&Uona It U Pf'C'ted pa7 to ~ 0-66 uu. paper. ep.11 Hu ~oa II!. Balboa Blvd. 8t!c 157 Vktor1L Colita loft ... 8cl0 '112 CKrlVROt.rr 1 t panf'I ·:;o noooE • yd dump. 2 .,,...e. t :OO U~a Order. Taltni lfow ..... LINrt1 ....... 9'111 ~D dJ'\IS et.on a1 .. 11 Attention Prospectors" BENDIX ettM. dr)"t'r no. modf/'1'11 m y • )~ltow C'Olll"h With bol· ..tei;. 140. 2 •rm Ch•trw SJO and •U-12111,_ ClllntM l\Mk,.d nll' 'N FORD F&OO, 12' ltak". VV"f law mu-.. ·~· DqlXJE • 7d. ®mp, 2 l'J>"d, • 26 llrM ------------lad7~ a pply ln ptreon T\lmu 1100, •m.il hookl'd rur ·~ - E1tttmlu~ ,._,.,1um rltan6 115, IT\:OT la...,.. time for ooetrac· tAlr'I ••mlnAtJGa UDda & 19D· en.I ._tractor wtlll • 7t&n .. irpartanc.. Claue1 T\lee. ud P'rL ..,..._ T:JO p.m. Attend Ant ..... on trM. Berta anytime Al Tyler School tell No. ~. knl& Ana Pb. XlmbU\1 2-~m or K1 7-~ll lie BIG DEMAND RI<JH PAY PRACnCA.L NURSa MEDICAL nx::JUn' A.RT B OID!! 8'n.IDY -.,, 9Cbeol aot ~ MAiiy •m wtltl• Ulq leam. Inf mall· ed. Wrtt• now. 1.Tnltlld School of Nuntns. Dlatrlct OUlee. LomJt.a Qal. lcJIK SPA~H Ttrl'ORINO ltudeat.8 A Adlllt.8 Jfar1KI~ "4t L&dlH , -,,. appoUtall\t ll\ YoW' llom .. r~~\l.M&t~ lprtap Botti. Pl .... c&Jl Ra.ttlor 4"8 or ll&r. DN C St.on. 2&4.2 Weet Coul tlla"'-J', N.wport a.ch. k 8 roll • "•1 bed 11n. Alao l•bl•. flrl'J'l(llC't ll~('n, 81 .. l'lt IWttpeT, rard tablee. boudoir lampe only 64 FORD FeOO. 2 1J>M(S. l ·U tlrM RE.AL EST A TE., broker Ol' ea.IHI· man for Balboa Wand omct . Eicellent opponuntty Wr1111 Boa C·U t.hl• paptt for a ppt I tel a f..-. dtJllan tach. Pbone R ar. ~. 8c We a.r11 ovn-.locke<t on Wlf'd t ruck• wllh ovtr 3:1 unit.II to l'hooH trom. No r•uon•bl,. offl'r. re· tultf'd Now la Ul• tim e 10 aave BEDsPRJ:ADs '50 Chrysler Windsor 4-door • • S 545 r eal monty. URANIUM CORE DRJU.. • 11 O f t. drtll pipe and related equlp- menl-plua • •'hf'el dr1\•e Je.p pickup-Farmer J.f e<"abe, 12t1Jt Malllon ll .. Gardtn Gron. lplO r~~~:~ ~~~ ::!' Dale's Furniture aprsr:T PUNoe. woedufui w w WOODS 'Sl Ford V-8 cust. club epe., R-H •• S 895 LADD:8: Read our ad urider 3i84_ klO PHU.CO rreeU!t'. 14 r u fl • '8d buya. So aliC'hUy duna,-.cl !JI • • I Ill U 2• •u .. ,__ llhtpmcnt. ft.etltal retunw and C MC DF:ALER '53 F d t lb R H 'd • $12 (" ... ca on • -0 ptr ~-OAYFERS • 8AITl.&R r&lll:'C. or cus c cpe AS nt n..tnlnr AL TTLD\ 8cbool1 hr tboee who wut the bell aulomaUe 01'f" eonlmla_ Late trade Oii OrJ'&"-1 MlrTor 115-19 I:. 4lb SL Sant.a Ane • • • -1 0 rtVe "T 1•11 ,.. e--"' s t • K k 1' In · Type s u low u 11'6. '"'--IUD4&7 a m. Ki 1.'Ji, 1.'v... ... ay, an a ;:· on e 8 ter1ors A~~1al~k~-:: ... rrnm 1~1: P-4.y Trudi~ tor Oran re Co 'S3 Ford 8 cust. 4-dr ., R-H I Fordo. . s 1195 Upbolltery, .,.,....., 1Upcon'9o LL DA~Z-8 • 920 No. Maia. C H I L D R JC N ' 9 l\\,"RSE. U&hl bed.sprud& 8MA HlD£..A·BED w atable tor Santa ~ Home of ~ Ram· 4.1 POH'nAC mt.at.ton wacori. 3711 'SO D d C t ~ ..J $ A75 hou.dlN-ptrlC. Lh'e tn 1175 mo. N-phone P'r'ff tr1'1ler M:I mon Orr.a J:. Coul Jllpway, Corona <1tl 0 98 Or0ft8 "t-OOOr • • -r Rrler~nre• requlrtd C"11tl TI.r UIMl'ty l-7111J Ee\tmat.ee JIH Harbor BJYd , C"ot ta MtM __ _.__________ Kar. klO 3%3• bel~ttn 9. 11 a m A 2030 Harbor Blvd . Colt.a M!'..MI ----B~~~~ ~~~0~n.8~dal. ... ~~ 1....,. ro•n "ftn-'bt• .. & If '52 Ford Victoria, R-H, Fordomatic $1195 8 pm. 7(9 ----------9tc-13 SS-Boats. SannflH -....., n. ,., ••u " • a:.i.:. BlggN•t 1 t oc k ot wonderful o'tlrh•"· ww 1 lrw . contlrlental kit '54 F d h F d HOUIEKMEP~ U•e In or n11t LEJCIA 2F S1JM:M.JCRON lf'n.tt CLEAN l:'rllM plnnn11 In O'"'""l"t COUnty trl'1tm rnlnr"'I t:xceJlt11t condl Or ranC wgn., Or Omatic $1895 Harbor 68t5. 8pl0 JO lftOde1. Uc bl meter, cue .. Mooring Space T~rm11. l ion. Own~r Har. ,,.. 8'-10 WOMEN-PBX. cm ·1. olt. type. ·~· ~ t!~~· .m:n:m~1~:r:; St f)"r foot for .aluble CrW!lt~. o~~dz ~~;:!"~~~. :!~~~o. ~~:.1 19~~ CHRYAl.l:ft .,., REGIS 1 '52 Ford ranch wagon. overdrive $1395 1teno .. bk'kpr .. 1toc.k "ork, wall· U2l-'i\l'. 8cS 2401 w. Cout H lrhwa y Santa An• Home ot lhe Ham-Nf'w York"r o.Juse coupe. full,v 'SO F d 8 4 d R H d • $ 595 r-. domeiiUc. MA.LE, electronic Newport Buch, LI 1-1271 Hell mond Orpn. t1qulp~tl pnwar •ie.ms. pow"r Or -Obr -1 OVer rtVe en,-tneer It ttchl\lctan ealM and TWIN ID!:Da, bloeck dlnln1 Ht. bl"ltku. hfl'•l•r. i.,... ndln, ww J•n•TILI. coffee t.abLe, new cha1J' ell ollo-:ie FT. LOWMAN 8portJteher. ~ew EL.ECTRONlC' 0 R 0 A :"\ S•ve ttr"• F.ll'<" fTOnt ~·11, etr 'SO Fo d V-8 I t k $ 495 J une FIU'T'IU' !;m pl. Arey . 402 1~ man. Table lampe .. a utom•Uc Crown • cabin. w knnta Tnidt $0 0 Euy Terma. I ,.&mOUll 2t.() h.p. -ctftl/', 8/)0() r pane rue . 32nd . Npt. Bch. opp. City Hall 'll'Uhl.nl ma.c.hlne. reuonabte -on pm~rty or whll l tin .. yrn1 • DANZ·SC'Hlo<n>T. 320 No. Maln mlleA Ntw car g'U&IW!tte. llAVP Liberty 8-TMO. era Call I.I IJ-24:11 or H"r 1002 i r9 S&nl& A~ Home of lhe Ham· $1IXIO. Nevajo red 6 and rolor I P. S. EXPERIENCED cosmtUc • drllf ------------mond Orpn.. Ted Rffd. LJ I-HM. 7cll <"lerk. Gunderwon DruJ , Balboa. UJCA 1-B C..uacR4 Wllb cue A Har. 011>. ll<'lO new eoated J:1mu I.I lme WIDOWER 1.n h1I 10·, ...Uh• to ------------ ehare hi. t room tlome on Udo With n•t ~le unmcum· 80-B--.A.f!a..c. FOR SALE or TRAOE for 111nlt ber~ wtdow betwttn '6·13 In h h dolly . Traller for b<>al up-to 18 LOV::LY U8ED HAMMOSO Spt-coupt, FordomaUc. f"MMo.. WW nfl'l orr1n In perfKl condition I tlru. Perteet OClllcbU.. o.rner. BIR" 11&\'lng. C'on,·enlent tl'rmll et Har. 14.15. 7c9 SHAFER'S Mualr ~-I Slnr • 1907! ------------ '2~·423 N Ryra morf'. Ranta Ana 1t•t LINOOLH 9J10rt ....... UH Phone Kimberly 2-0672. o'4'tft, WW u.ree A a . ~ti IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON 1956 FORDS STARTING THEODORE ROBINS om. ~I~ :ao; :::i·.~;.;;. W aS i~.!;!aC ine feet lone. HA ·l39~·J. 8p Jc1' "-"•~CH a chang"ed. ,.. ... tun 1·,.ar g'UUU&.el -Jobe dODe 2t FT LATE MODEL E~prf'Jll Quality Television ------------putleul&n. Boll H-Ct. N_... and on ued ........_ U.UIA C'nJIMl' Xlmt condition . Fully EXPERIICNCED Pr-Ma 8c10 (,...,.) J(..,_t Ill. 0.ta M-.. equipped. Cbry1ler Crown •n· SERVICE &1n• Ser rtnce by owner or Will "" .. tl'Mil ,. ........ 8" ICntll, 1ltO W1111WeP. ea.ta Kea. lcA YOUJt FORD Dll.\LER SINCS 1921 3100 Wetit Cout Highway, N@wport Beach "On the Mariners' Mile" LIBERTY 8-34.71 OPEN EVENINGS GARDJCND EXPERIENCED FlbeTJlaN mould· Liberty M:503 or Liberty lake auto In trsde Hn 2403-J S>-Dop, Oata, Peta OAJlDENlNG A ya.rd worll by~ tr,.-~eeeed -.t ktldu 8-f327. 64Uc &JO MODEL A. lll·ln. whffl•. W. W. 19:1<1 PORO <.:uatom 4 dr. o'drlv .. wee)( Ol' month.. • u permanmt t,mplOY"' by New· ------------Hom11 8e,.,,tre lt1 9 Pm. BOXER PupplM AKC ~rt11tered Uree. •n11nt 8000 m iles, no R "' H. 1klrt.e. Sdtly tubee $1175. Liberty M JH &Rer' I. ltle port Boet Mis. W11te Bros P'-47 18 CU. FT. CO)O(}';RCIAL ~ WANMllD TO BlJY from 0"''Tlf'r 718 W, ltth -LI 1·8171 11832 11 6lh, Wt1t ot Harbor df'nt.I ST6. Kar. 11142 evt ntnir• Phone Har. 1380 klO ~ lhl• paper tor appt. 8cJO l'.!rep freu•. ukJnr $18. Owntr. n ... rly new 4S fl twin ac:rew 8cll Blvd., sani. AaL K l I~. klO ,TY.......,..y ffiO~"lNO or~ -Har. l.2Ul·R. · 8(-8 crul1er-S30.000. 8tnd paMlcu· ------------•10 ------------110. POAD ONDU, l1llrt-Ra· J.aUDdry work.. a.190 .......... EXP. WAn"R.1188 day, eoeltt.a.tl Ian lo 219 Clftlral Av~. 8HJ SMALLll8T atl.ldlo upnatal ,uDO ------------1H1 CADt!LAC, ftadlo • htatn. dJ•. R .. ter. Unt.d.,... 6 Uhdf'r 1 Uerccu. Mra. Balba~ IOI It food. Benry'1 2"0 Coast llY OWNER. t cu. ft. "*"'1 ref. Beach. 8pl0 wtlh full 88 kob<>•rd tn perfect -F or a. dependable wed car, ... 721 '>i Poppy, Corona dt t Mar 1f'al. U 09:). Har. 1866-W kld Palm BL, B&J~ tel Kt~ !fewport. 8cl0 with trtt1lnc compartm•nL Like condition. THm•. S41l llO do111;rn It your local dtaler "ho will be bn• alt • IO ep new. Har. JTBT an. e p.a. ldO OUTBOARD MOTOR I hp SEA $18 33· per mo. •l TOMORROW to back up what he tr . pm. STATION WAOON', u t ra cltan IRoHJN()-Wl.DdoJ'OUZ ...... ~ WA}.'TED-JGllme. ,.,_. .. _ ltnfO DELUXlt. 1tM mod~I lliAF'ER'S Mu•l<'CO (81nce1907) 11tlll TODAY! Check lhe UMd '47 CADll.L.AC • dr. eedan, motor F"ord •I. nnr motor aJI utru IDJ' barn~n I*' llr. U I-fill. ~blen A palnte"9 belpeno -USED REJ'RJO. 11 ft. • one U tUe uM!d. Co a l l t83 new. 421-03 N Syl"amor~. Sani.. Ana 1 ca,.. ln Ule cla.Mt.ned MCUon to-It body ln top condlllon U OO new paJnl It eeet ~ni 1250 tplO LI 9-tllt. ~r 1n ~t U.. 1st Udo Soud. Ip Price l.W Ll I-WT. k Pbou Klmbarl.7 ~73. •7· llu . ......_ .... Her. lftl•M. le10 ' ' 'I II ~ i I • I tl-6!9 ~-.... . '8-Aeta= a Bow for 8Mt 43-A,eta. II Bow for S.! '9-Booma fOI' ae.t ROOM. prtvat• horn•. private en· .... OOAftAL illOft'E& Utloll of NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E 5 WEON£SDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 II CllllTILER Wlad9or, oristD&l ....... Loaded •MM,......QOO a '--· Har. 0'711 -KJ .. llOt.. lc:I B•chelor's trance, adjolntnc bath. J.ten only. Corona del Mar. R&tbor 132fH. eca LOANS for Homes o• -IO Tf, LoaM 1/2 Blk. to Udo a-......... a •• , ..... 41 CAD~C Q -' ctr. eael· .... -41Uen. ~ u.r.. -..... 8nSA • .,.. ...... I~. lc:I On Luxurious Peninsula -View Hideout of Bay rtano-Cutom tumiture-Large Living room wtth bar -diahea -pot.a and pan. -Bunk beda and bath downstairs for guest.a. A couple might be happy here alao. $160 month, yeU9 l~. PRONE Carter Darnell, owner, Lehigh 0-2US8 during day or Harbo~ 2121 evenings. 4c0 BALBOA Ull.AND, nolll wttla !::t- chenette. priY&te •tnnoe and bath. Thermo. controlled heat, elec. refrfg. Near bua. dlat. f8 week one, 110 two peraona. WlJI. ter. Har. 2l28·M. Tttc Construction Loans ad BOB U'M'l.JCR l&lJ &AST C<a8T BLVD . CoroD& del Mar Barbor aaaa ..... POIRIER MORT04QJ: CO. Metro Ute I-. J'llDda ICl. 1-l!llS Utto RIORT NEXT TO LIDO SHOP· PING -DOCI'OJUI, SHOWS 2· bdrm. apt. wttll peft room and bat.JI, dbl. IV· Aoom tor tine ne• home on front ot 30 tt. loL P&Yed alley f15,&00 f8.000 dn . or offtr. VOGEL VALUES-MAIN Off ICE 'tr -tr tr Motor Overhaul I Jft) KONIJT DOWM * with this ad * • ·0y1a. Ul.88 I C,18. .. .88 ,,., w. ...... ,.rt& ... Jtai-. Wrilt pm.. ..... pM, tltu.p ., .... Md ,.,. ....,..._ Drpert motor tune up. ..._ • •.ooo .au. pll'&Dtee. l1'0 ltOnT ?>OWN>. JUCBt1ILT llNOIN!:s -UP '9 II llDIUD TO PAY- adlt la eur owa tact..,. b1 *1lled ' =••!nl-W., Dea'& .... With ti. aWdle man. Bv, direct. mtJILT m INl'l'A.Jl.J!!D aa.r mAXK Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 3ht St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt..Cabanu. utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodatlona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or reeervation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc roaD --Sl2UO G-A-& B~ CllJIVlliOUl'I' -IHUO c.= 48A-Apte. for Beat PL'DL 11 J>OIXIS -S1M BALBOA YRLY. ClmrL II Dll 80'l'O -'170 ll'l'Ul)••xa ---·-1110 ot119 6 l'Cllft'lAO I -'1 TO MJ'mll[ S171 BUD80lf .. __ S1T5 Laa ON rr... Towiq xmw CAJt ov.AllANTD JUock amt mMt our RaDd&rda Pl1l9 tu., suket.· and O.U Ope lluDM)' 10 a.m. t.o 2 p.m . BELI.ES ENGINE REBUILDERS ()pa n.1ly I t.o T 8tMI -..0.CS NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA ANA. * PORT ORANGE * TRA.ll.ER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hlway. Newport Beach LI 84'20 'H-1'' Happy Rome .,, __ ,,, $6115 Lovely duplex , 2 bdnn. tum. up A: I bednn. dowa 190. t.&rc• 1 bdrm. furn. apt. A gar. Ille• neighborhood $85. Also Winter rent&la. Al 'I'yll!r, 607 B&li.o& Blvd. k8 BALBOA -1 bdnn. beaut'. tur n. apte. on bay fro9t. Utll. paid, private beach, walking distance abopplnc. No children or pete, ft6 to $90. H OUSTON REALTY &Oii Center St .. Coeta Meaa LI .. 611 I evea. Har. C298·W. 6c& l!KPLOYED WOMAN lo ahart nicely tum. homt. TV, auto. wuher A: dryer, etc. U O per mo. NO Dopood, Coala Mesa a!tM' CJ :30 p.m. 6p8 BALBOA I bdrm. furn. hou.ee, winter or yrly. I bdrm t urn. apt. Low Winter rate Harbor 2636·f''. 7ttr WINTER SPECIALS SMALL FURN. A PJ' 160 tor I couple, l chlld o k. Furn. rm a. STUDIO APT. !urn. 11ultable tor one bu1lneaa pert0n. S•6 mo. 808 Larlupur, Corona del Mar. See after • :30 p. rn. 6c:8 CHINA COVE, Baytront turnl.lhed apt. Opena on large, .ecluded patio flftMn feet from ~h tide. Furnace. atorage, carage and phone. A vaUabl• tor leaaa or winter rental Leu. 1126 per mo. EJlce.llent value. Ph. HYatl •·2206. 93l!c CORONA DEL MAR, yurl1 2 • bd.-m. duplex and l ·bdrm. apart- ment. Furnlahed Incl. uUUUu. Harbor 6tot 2lfc Charming Ha.rbor Haven Apartment.a • PatJoe Nli:W • ROOM, at.net level. Near •choola, abopplna dt.l.rlcl. Qul't. pleaJ1ant, exc:lusln . Carbe1• dis· poeal. laundry. etorac• rooma, raraae. $82.DO up. Occuplee t"n· lire alrt-tl Goud aupervtalon. Mgr 11101 Haven Place J BIOC'k South of Hl1h Srhool AL..80 .. "'URNlSHED APTS. WINTER RATES Otte Channel Front ROOM for worki.nc man. Bot and cold water lD room. Pvt. U · trance $8 per week. 12S-21th Bt Newport. pptto 67-Beal FAtate Wanted Wanted • LOT U .11 J'ronlap a 75. BulltbMd· ed. With ttn• v1ew of bo&ta and beach. •n.ooo run price. Tnrna. BUSINESS BLDG. 2 OR 3 BEDROOM waterfront. home In canal aecllon. Buyer waiting. WILLARD L. KILLION, With patio, 150d8 lot. 186 pa Realtor month. 113 22.nd St., Newport 33tl Newport Blvd. Harbor 55011 Beach. Kl 2·1411&. HclO NEW, SM.AR'n.T FURNISHED ottic:e. 1999 Harbor. Coat& M-. LJ:ber1. • 8-3333. llt 1.c'c i 1toree or o!Clcea, one 28x30. One 12x2~. Low renL Suttable for re· tail bWllneaa or office. 507 E. Balboa Blvd .. Har. 360&. 86ltc 68-Rea.I Eatate Sf'rvlce Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE SURE BEFORE YOU BUY Complete 1nvesUgallon1 It reports .. Repreaenl non-rea1oent landlorda. 36 yra. coverln&' Arizona A New Mexico, Phonf' Har. 3434.J or cont.act C. B. Brown, Rt. 2. Box 094, Tucaon, Ariz. 116cl0 Office Building For Rent NEW office bldl'. Centrally locat.. 80-1.noome Prop!!!2 ed. Floore carpe!Ad. Window drapea. JW<> aq. tt. Id..i tor in.a. Terrific Duplex Buy or real Mt.at• nrm. Pb. .Jim at J:AST SIDE. Coeta l.feaa. Separate LI 8·3•M. TdOh fenced yards. 2 bedrma each , DESK SPACE wltb phone eervlct Jl!O roo. DOT E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. Phone a.nswertn~ 8UV!ce alao avallable. Har. H06. 88Uc M-Bualaw Qpporimaltlee NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL Next to cor. ltth A Placentia, In ao.ta )(.._ I ltedroom home, eicc.llent C011ditlon. Plua a anal! atoH 1n niar. Plency parlWts It room tor expanalon. Immediate ~•Ion. Jl'or aale or tr.de. call owner LI &-8223 mornlnK• or alter ii p. m. 11lfc hdwd. firs. Prlc:ed low a nd fin· anc:ed well. ALSO call us fur other Income ln· ve11tmenu. DAN A . JACOBSEN. Realtor 43' 32.nd St .. Newport Beach Harbor lletl Evea. U 8-6317 8c l0 61--Beal Estate ~chan!9 _ VERDUGO WOODLANDS GLENDALE LAROJll BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME $26,000. Take arn.aller homto. lot8. or bualnue property In BMch Area for $16.~00 t'qUJty. Al..a ('OIUlldt r bol\l lo 110.000. ANrehu 1·72941, 8 lo !'i 6r8 ORA.NOE J\TlCE A: date &hake ------------ 1land. Cout Hlrbway 2% rnlla .auth of Corona del Mar. Year round bu.min-. Mlk tor Norm. Slfo NEAT AND TRIM Ocean Front CLOSE rN ON SEASHORE Orlve, 1 bdrm. blr rm• .. tlniplact. Lge. plate 11&• wtndowa. 1ar. ftOOO On. UOO mo. or otter. Bayview Realtors Hllr. 3371 2306 W . Balboa Blvd. Newpurt Beach BACK BAY THREE CH01CE-new-S b. r. 2 balh, HW firs .. one with view .. $19.9~ to 22.~ XLNT. building lot on Sierra Vllllll 70xHO. among tmut hnmea 16~00 CORONA DEL MAR CUTE 2 b.r .. room !or unit•, clOH to mklll. It tranap. R • 2. A.a~ . .. . ----··· 11%,WO TRADE Paloe Ve.rdea view home for Harbor area vlC'w home. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LOOK!! U MJ77 $13,600 BEST DUPLEX. Altrac· llv lmmaculat,, on R ·3 lot. Ne\\'J>Ort Ht..t. Uke new. Tip top renllll area al a 3 yr. a11ro pr1ce SEE THIS: We have tht> kty. CLffF' HAVEN $12.•00 A daney prtct'. Ju"t llltt'd U1la 2 bednn . flreplf•C•, and "lake ll t'UY" Poll HOllllP Ju~l a Utllf' p.rden 10 C'are fur. t>n11ml 'round by a tall ten1:e Only 4 yra. old. Jl'1 a hon"Y Low Jown paymf'nt. Swimming Pool 'n Everything Deluxe quality home with all t.boee dee.irable fea· tu,_ 1uch u 8 1pulowi bdrm.I., luge Uf'lng r<>Gm • big airy ldtehen, lovely ft1"9place, oak floon, forced air beat, 2 bat.ha, aha.kt roof, patio, grapeetake fence, and located 1D tM beautiful upped bay area. Below reproduction emt at $%3,450 BUSINESS OPPORTUNfN TRAILER SUPPLY & SALES A good 1oizl.c buaine-. Show. increue MCb month. Will net $7500 ftJ"lt nine maathL Full price $1S,OOO * * -ti THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach Lido Isle SPACIOUS UV ABILITY ft•· l Ul"M thl.I krnlJ 3 bclnn., I bath bome 011 a 46' lot. 1Tx28 paneled llv1n1 rm.. paneled den. Woncs.tlll p&Uo. lhcnm by appotntmenl. B.lboe THE FINEST piece ot IDocae p,cperty on Balboa BITd. Own· en Ju•t reduced for eull-out. 4 atncl• apta. I dble. apta. I llialSe.,.., ...,..... "'4IMd to tlO.llOO. •.ooo - Open House 3 to 6 Dany 609 Plumer SL, Colt& w .. 3 bedrma and den, 11h batha, 1&rp b . rm., flnfl.. separate dining area, brkfut nook, bunt kl a.. and 1tove, dilpola.l, llerTlce porch, FA be1t. 2 ear gar. Lot 57 x 120, e montha old. TOP VA.LUii at $14,650 with $2900 down. BAY & BEACH REALTY-lido Off"ece 3112 L&fayette, Newport Bea.ch Barbor MU 'COSTA MESA The Best Tow..°" Earth' -ai-n· Roecbnuter . ___ l lM '56-24' TflT)' . _ Spec. Price 'M--41' Panm. 1 !Wrm. _ A deal '6--41' Pan American Di.count Hot and cold Yo•att r, private __ D_E_L_U_X£--FU--R-N-.-A-PT8--.-- tntranCI! • parklnc. Slnll(le 126. 8 Lnrlea .. dblll. 130 mo. and up. NICE LM'TU!l CLEANING SHOP dbl. 130. VTJC.INO HOTEL. 901 104 £. Ba)' Ave .. Balboa Harbor Sell <'heap or talc• tr-.de. UNUSUALLY nice 3 l>fodnn. hom' with picture window• In 11...ing room. Le"'· bed~ . breaJcfUl • aii-c• In modem lmrnacWalo! lcll· ch81. 1 1r. old. s-u• ,11:-.. eta la curb• In and pall! for. Loe•· tton-Colrta Mua. mA bullt. $22.600 SACK BA y F'armhoUH l.-u x111 v hullt" vou •an affo rd Bea utthtl, t'llll; ming, colorful. Call wi and at-e lhl• 3 b~rm It d<'n ~ bath, 11hake root blfitRln INCOME -Nice 2 Br. home and m ....._ __. & clean -all fumiabed, near tnuDortation Mid market, monthly income $4~. Price $39,000. Tenn&. E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa.. k f2 63"· Strc 2720 It. Cout Hwy .• Col"Ona del Mar. 7pl2 PAN AlLERICAN Paramou.ntJ<en.all I 11 Traveleae-Terry * Star Fleet * ao t L cu.torn IMlllt -UY. rm .. dinette. kit. MU\. bdrm. ruzn. lebed compt.t.e11. I.Do&. 1 r TV. china.. eutinMla. etc. CAJSA.NA. I a 10. compL f\lrn. 4L80 Ml1o turnuw. .... al Let ., N..-pon Munlclp&I Trailer Park TOpu 2·1'>411 16pt " rr. UNlVEft.SAL Tudem Awn&q. H W JleMitr Double alnlle W W Carpel A1 ahape. I~. 1640 N-porl BIYd . Coeta MMA El Nido T'r'aHu Parle. Aell tor Han. Ip •'1-Wuted to Beat Rentals Wanted "• .... afJla .......... \a .. ...UO.. few llliOlb wta&er u4 ,..,., ..._ """"' or mfQn. u JOU ........ ....caDCJ. .... t.od&J The Vogel Co. 11t1 W. o.t. llWJ., N..,ort .... ...... K.-t7 Nm -......... 9aaea llMad ~ B&rtlor"4 IM7 Z. Cout By .. Corea& 4eJ Mu l'bone Bartlcw 17t l Udo omc.. 14.11 V1a Udl Barbor fffl lat. COUPL&--Man '9e&lly ..apL - Wantl l •I Wrm. .,.._.put· ly tum. We Mft a,,....._ • .me tum. ci-to N-port Clt;J llall prefund. Need J&rre ,.,_.._ Write ._ U-31, thU ,...r. lltt WDI I liii\ l\J:NT A.LI ...... ta UM llar'bo~ are&. Tleuta wail· s.i. Pbon• ln )'OUJ' neanet• lc>- tta.1. ft&X JIUDC'H8. "-ltor. 2307 W. BaJ)M Bl...._ S.. Ill&. tie IWllPONamt.a '*"'UI a..QJ _.,_, ......... I Wrm. ...,_., faft. w ,.udJ n.m., Te&rty ..... -..-aw.a~ .... WW ..-_..._t ..,. et '7fN' paupwt1 . ..,..... ......... t!lll 1111*'· 'f ct Furnished Winter Season Small 1 bednn apt. ulllllln paid 545 mo. Oii• bf'dnn apt Bay •lew, 1 aragt la uUl Incl. JM mo OM bednn apt Ocean vi-. w1Ul ,a.ta.I'• S~ mo. I Md.rm OCJCAN l'l\ONT home. well tumtahed, f&.Y'•I'• Incl. ~ mo 2 bedrm apt. ulll Incl • P•nlntt1la polnt $79 mo Wto h.ane!te clean and d .. 1"111• r•ntala onty. M\llll he rnpon· elbl• tmanlll Josephine Brose, Realtor 11120 W . Balboa Bh•(!. Nt wport Beach. Har •072 8c10 8Al..80 A I SLANO, tum. :I bdrm. lower duplea, wtnler rent.a.I a vall· able now. AIM>, 2 bdrm. and •un porch uppv-. anllabl• October 8, winter or yarly. Har MM·W . •ttc W'tNTl:R R.EN'I'.U... )'urn. l bdrm. •pt•. ?fo beddlnr or Unm . p.a It -IM pd. toll. ITOt Chanel P1a«, N_..,ort Wand. ~tic M T.IO MONTH. attracUve l A J lldrm. turn. apt.II Ulll pd. Laun· •'7 room. Adulta o•I)'. BLUE TOP APT. MOTEL. •03 Newport 111-#d .. M_..,ort Beach, Just above Ole ArchM. 'f4ttc l\ENTAL-2 bdrm. In Baywhore., turn. or unfUm Available tul July 31. "C" TROMAS, RealloY'. u: lo-6627. 8pl0 2 SDIU1l. l'UR..'11 DUPLEX. yrly •-· '21 Avoca.do. Corona dtl Mar. No peta or chlldl'l'n. 81'10 WATERFRONT - YCAIU. T-Fll'ft~ l Bll:DRM. UPPER Ot 'PLEX avail Sept. ~ $&"1. lnol uUI. la ,..,.,... 2 blkll. tn Udo Cm· tu. Ra.r. •la wk. .nd• or Topu t.olll. 8pl0 Wll:BT BA. Y A VPJ. dupln. S bed· room. 2 bath. f\lm., J I 10 month tl'11F01Qf. l ., I Mina. hoUa )'*lrly or wlnter Hlll W. Be1 Ill 0.-... Mar ...... -••••• B&Jboa. 98pl2 .... .,. Oct. 15 l9t ..... ------------...... "'-P. o . ._ n C.l>.J&. WILL JtENT 2 bdrm completely 1c1e """'-Min-. ftreplace. W.W. car-,.Unl'. IOftly be.ck yan'I with ,.uo \o couple. Rubor ~79 or !' 'If! f ' • LI 1·15760 after 5. k3 a..6oe I -.. ••tall OD r .rnn TAT :1r. bJaD4 A LidO l&le BACBJCLOR and ene It two bdrm. ..... 6 ..... W ..... • ..._. • apt& l!lllort tftTn and Y•r1.y. 81'1 ta -·-~ ALSO. Lido Homff and Bey rr-t VOGEL CO Romee and ~vita. • LmO REALTY A.9McJatea -....... A-. .......... ttee ""&Udo. R&rilor "4t ft. ....._"' • ...._ 1W ltt.to ... .... 1fll.A -... ....x ... .. 1 -.Aft. l ..a. ,,.. M W'1111 -· 1111.. a.JI W J JLk RDT AL 1 Mntl. flam. .. ...... ..,. .,., llan. 1-.w. epe LIDO ISLE T&.UU. y _,.,._ J Wrra. It J llata a.ma. Bar. Jlta. 4tlc '1JJUf. 1 Wnn.. apt. ~ loca- *"-7rtf. -wtlltM. hrnace .... t. Bar. 1Nl·ll 7d Ill CU.. •cle. apt. IMfte na .. bar klt.cllen • cnn1n1 u.. 1 aduJt TIO M&l'l'Mf1l•. 10 u11. to 2 pm. pl-. kt BALBOA ISLAND. Cl'an A nlctly !um. 2 bdrm. apt. Sun deock, rar., furnace. Yrly. J~u• $120 mo. 1111 Opal. 8c l0 Jl'UftNJ8HED clean 1 bdrm. apt. Bay vtew. Oar-age • aJI u UllUff lnclud~. Adult.I only. ~ mo. C.mer l&UI 8t .. and Bay n.itit, Newport Beuh. Har. 1267-J. &cit BA TJrRONT :i bdrm. t um.. •pt. Pin ft rloat for 30 fL tio.L l~at• OC'l. 1 lo June l . Private belU'h. .a 7 Edg,.waler, Ba.lboL E~ewood 2·23A4. 4t't Deluxe Furn. Apts. One a two bdrm., \l.1t.h televtldon. Available tor eumml'r or wtn· teT. A LSO y-early leua. ln Heart Of act I Y1t y -Lot. d pe.rklnc. 607 r; Balboa Blvd . Bal~ Rarbor 3808. Uttc Lido Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. aput.menta. rumurhed. O&rlilrff. Yearly er wtntw rft'ltal Har. M Ta. Tc20 ITUDIO APT. UUUUN ~d. U C mo. I04 Lark.-pur. Oot-ona del Mar irt FURN. 2 bdrm. a pt al 31 BEA· CON BAY oe~r HARBOR IS· UNO acroN f rom Balbo9. la· land. IT~ m o tJJI July 1. ln<lud· Ina UTILITIEA. Dbl. l{'ar . ""' quiet ia,.,. lnclOMd :fV'd, ptnc i-t•· ~ bile. to prt7al4 beach• •mall boat 118 f t.) docltln~ pr1· vllf'l"M• n..rby tennle oourt. r\ o ptta or rhUdr.n. Call &r. t7&e on Bat. Or lnqutre 27 8-con 8Jl7. Rar. 1177 or an)' Realtor. 11oe mo Ml yearly 1.... Ttte UDO ISLE. a bdmla.. I llelt\9 homa 91\ annual Mallll. Be&ted swtmmll\I pOOl sup for .o tL boat. S.Utll\11ly tum. Ellqul· 11 I te tnaide plan tl'rw, darube around paUo It pool. I car pr. $&00 nio. Inquire ' 1 llaJ llioa Covet, N-iiort-Sett roR LltASE: BEAUTIFUL n-Irvtne Terrace untura. Ylew borne. 3 BORMa .. J bethal Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor 4'4&. &.U\t. w. Wf.ANLEJ' ~ta. ~mn• ·1,rrace VUJC. ON'ona ... Mar. llVo J'URN. NJ:W BA W ADAN 1 Wnn. hOUH. ~ llt&lios· kttAlbc. trof'CaJ wa.lla A patio. Whaler llO 11ua llllllUa. Har. •ooo toT ..,,.U.~L Tct WIR 1 liil i6i!ftAL Sept. to J\IM. I bedrm film. 165 mo. l 10 JC. Bala.ea~. O•Hr auo Healh· er ft.oed. Lone llach. Ph. at· llt7. lpt 008T A MESA WORKING woman wt1l lh.n he:r bom• "1tll l or 2 wom•. AU mockm ft'll•mlmc· -1f'" ,.u •• 4-. OoolmlS . uJ "'1..U.C-· Male• my llom• J'OUl'I U: MTDO eonntnp. Ttlc F'URH. COl'T.AGE. Wlllter rent&l. IOO sioelll.~ Mart11e A•e .. lleJboe IalMd. Har. J~. 7ct WANT i3000 boat or have 19600 equity Sant.& Barbara triple-a It catra lot, tot.al IJ&.&00. Jnoom• 120~. C'orullder haJt ot eqWtJ ln bualnf'M a., work.In• partn~r. Wnt• Bo& Q·32 Ula ,,.,.r. •pa YOUNO EXPERIENCED B USl · NE8B MAH .......... to pw Patt an • ....,... .. _...,...•• Ha.rd J ooda. manutacturtnc. di•· tr1~1tor or mfr"• a.cent. Ora.nre County area. Write Box C:-tl thl• paper for appt. lclO NO COMMISSION No Appralul Fee SA.LES -RJl.l1"1NANC1C CONSTft UCTION CaU tor FrN Fut Commitment.a on Ruld•ncu a.nd U nit.I onl7 Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. OOITA MESA LI --~1 I.I a...a~2 WE SPEC lAWZE 1:0.· LOANS It VTNASC 1:-;o ON HOU&rnlAD.ERB Auto.. )o'\lmlture • Salan u One Day Service .$192:> dn.. $63 mo. Total Price $9385 Greenleaf-Severts REALTY INC' !!ar boc 2M2 -Evu U 8·!110~ &ill,,_,..... lllYd.. N-port Bc"ll .,.,.. .,, .............. Very very Special ! M·l ZONE -~ute 10tl111te With trtt11 Room for RTOKF.S ln f ront. )(anufar tur• In the r<'ar Pr1~e $11.600 trmu \\'JIAT A~ OPPORTUNITY to DOl'fi~E ynur monl'y and lm·nm• llatbor 4:'i48·M. Ear1y bird 11p.., la.I • nl A PVff onJy, IV 10 YOU ('A :-;'T T UJ' THIS' \\ hrrt ln NEWPORT H)o:H:HTN ca n you bl.IJ' a 3 bllrm 2 hath hom.- wlth n~plar.. ~arb•~· d .. ~1 trot~ y1rd • ::: car Kar111te for $14,"° w11h only 13~ <10wn lat u rne offut!IJ. CllU owntor tor •ppolntment. U 1·68!>2. tl plO LITTT..,E GEM El\""811 Tudnr COtlAJ• So, nt Blvd . C'~ronA dtl Mar Older but l'J'Ol charm H u s:• el"Ched lw ·d!ntoJ l rt'a Won- dtrf0cl for wnttor11llnlni: 2 Bdr~ dr n, 2 flN'fllAC'U , a channn at Sle .!>00. E&!tJ' vrnu.. Eiitrlu111ve •J*"' FORD VERRtJllO!';R H11rbor •263 evu 347i. 93Vc -----THE BEST DUPl.Jo:X SJ3.t>OO - Sff llua lmm11r ulal' 111ttr11rt1u 18118 Harbor Blvd~ Coln.a Men I • -11 l«atM b•illrltnl( In :-;l'w· LI 8·1TIU -O~ l'r1days Liii 8 port Hfllthlll A FTll h1t) • Hu Cloeed Saturday11 -lie I l>IM. Gr 8 Lo91111 from I~ lo Sl200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION TOU CAN BORRO\\. ~tORf: - -- i AKI!: LONGER ro R F.PA y SHORl&CLJFFf' ntarh· nl'\\ 11p3('- PAY LESS I tom , qualJty, n1nr h t~....-h11ml' WlfE="i YO\ BORROW :\ bdrm. 2 hlllJl•, tl~n "':llJNI THE I pt1Uo A lg~ dtM irar !<1tullt...:f SANTA AN A MORTGAOli) WAY Oll ca.nyl\n, Yo llh btoJlllltfUI \'ll'W 206 Hpur~fOn BlcJ1 Kl 7 ... 168 ot OCH JI It 11111.a. \\ \\' r• 'J"'l· klS lnlt' All mnd<'m 11ppo1ntm.,nl.1 LOA.l'iS TO ijUlLl>. DO'RUY1C BUT, MODERNIZE. OR RUINANCE We Buy Truat Deed. NSWPORT BALBOA SAVl:-.JqJ 6 LOAN ABSOClATION 1"'61 Vla Lido Pll. Har. '300 tie TRUST DEEDS tor th' PRIVATE INVESTOR ,,,_ lo 10~ rNurn BANTA ANA MOR'T'GAOlt CO. -r-• "-•-• "•' "-' , .... QO fx'l8 JU:AL ESTA TE LOA.NS I IDtenlt Rate 5--61,!,, Laue qWdll.J made In lbe Ba)' Ara ae4 ea.ta M-. llnfle or mwttfle .Sta. ~"' or ol4. .. .n.. and ••• by ro-flnanctq 1our pneent loan. Mlnlmum u - J*'M. No ch&.rp rw Jnllml· DAr1 ~ Pbone 8anta I bile. f'rom ~lll'h C'Mnf'r llar 2302 -2t0 MomlllJ' Canyon Rd f>r1 8 .~~~t~~:.H~!~!!~~. I x 160' Cos"' ~ua b111int11.• lnL I anott Proft"1onal ln<'ltltm. Idr.U tor Doc:tci111. Dtntl•l• mt~hr&I nr X·rav lab. Or ntlttr prnft1111lnnAl u11e. Planty of puklnir Prll"P - U U100. Trrm~ NF.A L J MAHTI=' RF.Al.TOR.. . ,.,-.. uv•v I 8r l0 NEWPORT 2 BR. MOMS It l br. •rL near S.y la U do ahopplnr (t nt.-r 110,IMIO, t.rm11. Wiii •all• lot or T .O. M part pa,.menL HOMER E. SHAFER H..,OOr HO tv •. Har. 11 37·){ Har. "29-)( Ana Klmllerl1 Mt» or -nt. --------::~=-:::::: -VIEW BOMll ON CLOT DR. ARTRUlt A. MAY Mo~t Loan C°""'8poedeftt Occidental Ufe l..uunuloe Co. m aoaai ...._ S&ata .ua ----------~ -caJ.J Ba.rbor 1611 lo pl•c• yo11r Ad Oft lh1a pap. ~ Adi an ,.. .. "1 folU wtto ..... rw.lly Joollill1 to '"1)'. NEWPOftT H!:IOlfT!I f'Oft SAU: OR Wil.L TRAD& t.hla J lldrm. It Mil home 1 ~ M th, n'f'1 ('OnV, ll I l c.bl'n that .,,..w •l• the ,_110. Oi.-d la 111n1nr ~. 11,..-plar• nu11h In wall ot L ft. W \\' rarpet•. On• nf U\e be.ft bUUt homl'• oti Cllft I DI'. Call OWMt at LI 1-3792 da)'9 or U 1-&See «V«DlJ\l'L ttc:T . REX RECHS 2307 R11lbnll Uh·.I llutbor ~1!16 $1000 MOVES YOU lNTO a l«i" 3 bdrm hom• Ex~llenl IC •Id• L'o.l• Mna loca tion P•>·m~nt..t on •~ loan ln<'I. taxee • In• Pr1- S9te)O BURTON B BECK l'tllr 41 ln11Ur 2U:I w roul Hwy llnr n 1 .. LI 8 711112 Costa Mesa H ow Can You Miss I THIS C'HARMJNO home on land· eeafW'(I "' fl'nrerl M x 130 lot 2 bdmu ONt.Y li7!i0 with t rm• Two ~nn 8~~~?o~ 1.one-t for I duplC''IC" '9~ ,.uh Coast Properties 301 E Halboa Pll\'d . Aa ltoft• JIArbor 26~. 26117 t n I •800. A'ITRACTfVE LARGE RANCH 8TYLE-nea.r Mok bay-I B. R. home, double garage, Hwd. noora, fireplace (u.ed brtek) ahake roof, rtdwood fence, corner locatioa. S12.TOO wttb ---. NEWPORT HEIOHTS -2 B.1l. home, Miit ud clean, doub&. prac' 1arp lot.. .l. ..a -..... at $t80() G. N. WELLS, R .. ttor 1810 Newport BIYd. Colt& W.. U &-1801 A House Bunting * * wit+, Charml I ! * DIGNITY * * * THE RIGHT ADDREJS 4 Bedrm. The thJrd bou.e from tbt lo9tb a.,. The belt. block on the laland. Mu.t be .. to ~•lize it'a a terrific bm'faln. w~ have Bay front. tbat ..... tM ...... ,.ER~H~~~ERN 1 DORIS BRAY, Reat+or 1.-r~,. plrtur,. window. 3 brtnru It Ir ASSOCIATEll Iii brick p&llo. f''&111Uy elze din-2US Ma.ri.M. Balboa laland. H&.r°bo!' IO ar M lnJ rm, l•t-£e tile kttrht'n wit.I\!--"----------------------. b111IH11 !lln1nr a rc• 2 RA THS. "'"II llhOW('t lot~ of ti~. pUll· ma.n Hl'1ut1lully la ndAMpre! kit l!llxl "10 ft'nc~ prlv1tf' allt)' IC11tra hut • 2 car ~r11ce %2x20 \'ACANT 1'. YEARS OLD. hke new .I Pn ced low to 1el al $16.5001 Very attractive teMM, open llfl<'rnoon11. 2307 S11.nta Ana A,,,. . Costa Mcaa Owner. ~ar. 4661-W. 97cl l I A REAL HOME I Announcement We Wlilb lo &rulO~ the addition ol H~ McFarla.ne and Jack Teagle t o our aal~ to,,._ Mrs. McFarlane wu formerly with Mn. II.a.I F·1tunorris and i• "ell known m the ana. Mr J Ack TNfl~ wu formerly located in ere.t.tl.ne. We a.re very happy to ban theee two out•"rl'ml peru na in our organiaation. W. E. FISHER & ASSOCIATES 3 HR STl'('rO, I ~ ba~. fir.-3()24 E . Cout Hlgbway, Coron• del Mar p l111 '" floor fttrnace•. hardwood Harbor 5032 n oo111, 1200 aq rt. Larre dbl• 1------------------------gangt. lob of r<'mt nt, nlre f'i'Ol\l Md rrAr yaf\1JI all fenced •ncf JlAVN1 allC')' All 1\1mUihtd lncludlnK <lrand 1"'111nn All thi. tor $1100/\ dnwn llrtvt by 234 H~'1way C11U u• or -10llr brokff I HOMER E. SHAFER 1 •• • • • I H&I' IJST·M Har taft..M I S395 DOWN I oonJDIA T1I POOllltllll()lf, .I CLIFF HAVEN 3 BEDROOM A truly out.atandlnJ val~ for people wbo appw11t• a really complete home. F'ireplace -Dfthondra -Fenced -Separate play yard-Weather ltrlp~PLUS. PLUS. lv.lnw :---•----·-.+ rtwt at Sl!5.7!W'I, With ----"-t Tt"rma. LIDO REALTY ASSOClA~ 3400 Via Udo H~r 4+44 bdrm . I beth hom ... "''II price ------------------------- 110.SOO. 2029 Harbor Blvd. LI l-'7e1 - I EvH I U: &-'711 or Harllot 3-0eOf. tkllll 11 toe DOY.-l'f 1tt l.I ,.... • W rm J baua bomt' MoeUlly pay- menta f 71. ~ hMl 111 bath8. ~ 4&l'peDl L&ndacap- pef. CIMe ... 9Cboole. 1twrpplnf • tf9"-9pOrt&tiOT\. 0 1\AJf0£ COAST PROPl:Rnb 18-'1 1ffWJ!Ort. °"ta ..... J LI •ltn l'!ft. U: ~ Open House SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 304 • 30e Dahlia. Corona dt"l Iii ar e unit.a. 2 tumlahed, pragn. gatbegt d~. PRICE $62.000 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe Mutne Aw. Ban.a. !aland Ru. Mt II ' I ' I i 11 11 ' 00.lllTAL llBOPPEB -of ·r~ ..... FAtat. lllZ!!-=:!·!!•!!'.!f'A~ola~tac_ __ _!a!!=:.!!•!!eol!!.!lil~'*~'"~---·l!!•!:::!•!!!eol!!!.!"!!•!!!!•!----~·!!=:!!•!!•!!'.!"~-~ .. ~---!!-!=!R!!eol!'..Clil!!~!!!!'"!..----PAGE 6 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS __ co...:=;:;_---- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 WATCH THIS • ••• ....... .,_._. bl.a. Newport Ocean Front Duplex -2 ye&rs old nicely fur- nsbed.. Income $21~ per week in, summer, $180 per month in· Wint.er. Be.t beach location-Term11. CaU Mr, Bradford for appointment to aee thit new listing. Near Catholic Church1 Ocean front Duplex. $17,500 I"umiahed -Terma. ~lboa $1,500 down -3 bedroom turnfihed Beach Cottage near library, Newly decorated -fireplace. FuU Price $10,500 BAY AVENUE DUPLEX Fumillhed .-$18,tlOO Bay and Beach Realty 1450 W, Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" Mor. and more Harbor area familiea are irulpecting theee azquillt.e homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. Mort1 and more families who prefer a home In a re- ltricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Tern.ce homea. Drive in today an41 aee for younelf the many oul· l'tand.Jng featurN or thi• remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert · 1ntne Ternce Y located on Cout Highway opposite th• new Irvine Coaat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor '"48 For P'urt.ber Information * For Recommend&Uon, we rerer you to anyone who belds a Leue.hold btate in Irvine Terrace. Beacon Bay, Bay Shol'ft and Cliff Haven -----··----------------- ,; CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS 1. DUPLEX CORNER LOT Located on cboice St .. 1 unit furnished A fu rnit ure included lD price. Con11iat. of 1 bedrm each, dbl. 1ar. A beat buy 1t $17 ,500. Euy terma. 2. LOT SOUTH OF HIGHWAY · Y• they are hard to find but we have onf!! Level, aoned R 2 full pri<:ll $4 .~. $2.000 down will handle. Better hurry. Eulua1ve with ua 3. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED Thi.a immaculate ocean view 2 bednn. and df'n home, 2 b9th•. carpeted WW , and drapes included. Yard hu aprini~r af9lem.. fenced comp!riely. Auto- matic door o~er in 1arage. Many other rrne feature&. Truly a 1ood buy and only $37,!>00. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Rea.It or 3+47 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (otnce located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) Corona del Mar Vogel Values Completely Furnished 2 bedroom home, 10uth of hwy. Newly carpet~. Kitche-n bu diep. It exhau1Jt fan. Price i• onJy $11 .~ with just $2.000 dnwn. Wonderful View in Corona Highl~nds 'lbil 2 bed.room home includes .. ·aaher, refrigerator, 1tove • drapM •l thhJ low rrice or s 18,:w:>O South of the Highway I a.dro«Dll witb • rum.pu. room, in•id• BbQ, lovely patio, 11\i bath•. $27,.000 The Vogel Co. Corona del Mar .~ ' A P•ir of Winners Duplex -2 8 . fl. .... firepl&ON, HDW'D flrl .. rood beat. Dbl pr. All in soo4 condition an4 1n h11on dy loc.t.tion. Below ~t 001t at $18.flOO 2 lmit.. -1 bdrm. 6 11.n b .... , KDWD fi rs .. 2 fin-· placM. Jc. rDOIU. plu. 2 B. R. apt. over dbl . 1ar .. on Jc'. lot. C.UW.'t du1fl for $11.500 -Pr~ed at only $21.llOO. . R. L STRICKLER, RHltor iluJ ll. 0... Hwy.. Corona cW Mar Har 2774 • ' COLUMN P'OR TH&:: MOST car.ruuy H ied.· 9<S valuu tn e11.r h or our dlatlnct· ly dltterent H.ARBOR AREAS. CLIF'F HA VEN lMM.ACULA TE 3 bdrm., lot.II of cuptio..nt., dlahmuter. dt.po.al, mere . .wttche.. BM.IJUtul land· •c11.pln1" at a prh:• ll'l•t malt• HnM. 4). G.I. loan a nd only Slli,1100. BALBOA PENINSULA ITS CHARMING INSIDI!: • OUT: •,;, blk. to jetty. Modern Pro- Y'lnrlal, l bdrm•., loUI ot cup- bo»rd•. 11".ir loan. Slil.48 mo.- Only Sl~,500. C\.IFF HA VEN RANCH TYPE TRlPL.EX-Com· pletely modem-built In anten· nu. thermo h11at, f&rb. dltop .. 1pr!nkJtr 1y1tem. % bdrm•. in each apl. A lnw. low down pay· ment • you're In buatnua with 11 home plu1 tncnm111. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVlA TIIOMPSON Aseoc. 2$04 Newport Blvd., Npt. s.a.ch E&Ay P arking Harbor •1110 Circumstances COMPEL ME TO OFFER MY IRVINE TERRACE HOME One of the original furniahed modet., 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath -patio. With beautiful view of ocean. PRICE $27,500 Exclu.aively li11ted with Earl W. Stanley Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at mVJNE TERRACE SALES omCE Oppo1ite Irvine Cout Country Club, Hi1bway 101 or Pboa. Harbor «f8 LAST ROUND-UP 1------ Demand h•• excffded .upply whtn thl'ae a1 t all l"One-lhal't all I :3.000 JOlllll R-2 ...... can ctv• yoo a packa&t deal-hom.a and lot. Lot'• talk. BILL'S BEST BUYS i t .Mlo R·2 !!tu.I dupll!"x 1etup. noiar •lore-bu.ii., elc. A LITTLE PAINT I 8.9~0 Ntllr Seavlew, Sout h aldl! Level-our bf:•t deal. I 7,&ao 31ixlll R·2, Levl!I. hu huge ll"lll fO!' pauo. And a little elbow 1reue will cure lhill wel! built two bedroom. Decorate and aave. Hu hardwood floon, fireplace It dining room. Top location. :ee.. Ing offered p&rt.ly furniahed for only $1,000 down. Full prlce fum.lahed, $.10,800. Unfurniahed $10,000 • 1,000 Cllll)'On aide view kit, l&w· e•t priced lot ln th• H irl'l· Jaru\~. CUTE AS A BUGS EAR I 9,~ \'1 .. w lol 4U' front. It()' In rear, pi!_rltt'I I h!VI!] dU· p!e11 lot w ith yard w llp&l'I!. 11:..000 Top ot th• world tn Co· G rona Highlan<b, '-!nmateh· • ed vl.,w. On Ha.ti'!, a 11,.•·p.r, YI- of Srronrl boe-1ch • ocean, S s ,:>00 Bark O..y, •hop around r1n1t then t<>•n• In and buy lht bl!•t deal ava ilable. A l..1. EXCLUSIVE Wini RAY REAL TY CO. 3i 14 It. Cnaat Hy., Corona del Mat Harbor HM I Ac roll• from Rank Ill CDMJ Open House J604o O<:~an Blvd,. Corner Orr hld CORONA DEL MAR l'ANORAMIC DAY 6 OCP!AS VIE\\' s nlc1 i-irm. .. 2 balh.tl, l&rJ• llVll\f ronm, ~ I Ut• and -thllo on1 t""'•Y· Pr1cl'd t CI atlL. TflTn1. OPEN HOUSE ~(I! Liork•pur ~·r1 ·S•I ·lillnday 1-& r· :u Cha rmlnl' 2 bednn . t1r1pl•c•. ~C.J.n_.1 p aUo • , • S?)(l() doWYl h&IHllr~ 100 ft frMt&Jlf, l1u•1riU11 prop. iJTIY "" Y.: lTlh Mt A r,.el l ood buy at 122,MlO. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. R.yl4!-C. TravlL C. Ru., A..oc . Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, l ~/~ bath home· on new curbed and paved •lket. Natural tiniah mahosany paneled kitchen cupboarm. Immediate pol'•-ion. Priced at $9.850 $1600 down. $67.~ mo. I. RESALE Completely redecorated large 3 bdroom on finest at.reel In town. Hardwood fluon and carpeted, breakfut and dininc room, fireplace and tars• doubi. carace on paved alley. $7,200 G. l . lou. on. property 1t pf"Mf:nt. Full prit'A $12,900 W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCI.A TES, REAL TOR .. yeu 11 like our frlead.Jy eervice" t00 I:. 17th St., Cost.a Meea Liberty 8·1139 Large Family 7 Here'• your beet home buy! LIDO ISLE home with 5 bedrooru, 4 bath• -a.nd completely furniah· ed. Ju.et move in ! Like Rench Life 7 Cha.n:ning modern home on 9 acre ranch ""'° bUi· toric old San Juan Caplatrano. with view of the hill• and valleya. 250 Avocado lreet and room fot that many mor~. Fruit trees galore! Abwnt owner will trade for Income property or Trua:t DNdl. Willard L Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd, Newport Beach Harbor M05 I OppooitA Oty Halli ll2 M.ar1nt A•·•. n.J~-~-'-'-"'I ---------------------- GOLDEN RULE VALUES BALE °' LEASE L'llt>Ul!Tl'UAL BU>G. -2000 aq. tt. ~In. Oil H Wtt, ~I la.t. J''11C1d. A r~I bar11:aJn •t 114,600-totrrn• M-1 CORNER \\• ljlh 8Tfl>~f.;r -Cll'!M-Ln. an -er. l40ll12&. Tm. can•t bt"at thl1 at $1'l.'°° R-4 ACRE IDEAL.location •.:,_·from Hoa.a" HOllpltal -Jllal oft Supw1w. R<>0m IOI' 14 \ll\IU. HlJh rand dry. &a lht. at m1fi' '8600- term•. PHIL SULLIVAN & -GEO. T. EVERSON Pho,.. LI 847tl. £,·-. K9r. '318-U a·210l T\\'O BEDRX. Hom• W'!th dtntna l'l'>Om. I bedna. hom1 A allep- 1ai room 1"'illl M UI. Dbla pr laundry nn. truAt U'-Oii c.k>M 1n halt •.-re. n.11 pnc1 112.MO t•rm-. ORA.NOE COAl!IT P ftOFDlT11:8 1807 ?>.-port, Co.ta .... U 8·1UI I:". U 9...0S View Lot 1'111 Blult. I l..naehold) .. ,_l fn)IH"(e. !'lo. 301 Xinp fload, \\·~ ot Pink lio.-. Own« "''· I': TienE.yck , ~t heltlc A•• .. IAnJ Beac;h Tal•phone Loac' f4t1Ch 4•&foM M te6-ltl. llpl - BALBOA ISLAND Cbolct LiUle Iaiand localioD -J bed..rme., 2 batha. A few etep. to the water. $28,500 0091pletely furnlabed LIDO ISLE Vnu.ually nice corner locatien -larp lot.. 4 Bdrm• .. 3 bat h home. •pacil'lu. Uvin1 room A dtn. Be&utit11.lly decorated and Janet.caped. S39,9MI tenn•. BEACON BAY S..utitW water front location. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath·-plu. cu• apt. Only 112,500 down WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AIMCiat. 1308 Parll . . NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOT bO x 127 lot, walled ... a.. sanp. i.wn, a..; .. o..n.vtew, -to...-i. ,._-. A---'6.l!Oll LOW PIUCZD HOllU l!lmaU boaae oe SU.ta Ana 6 Qay 8t&. A.llo OM oa S.. ........, rw Cla,. Cor'I.. b M•Ue • I IMOO>O: UIUl'I llllll -111 --.. prioo -· Tblo .. wwth lo...tJpllos. NBC REALTY CO. -·- Newport Heights $1,500 Down! VOGEL VALUES rra TllU&--a raU opportUntty t.o °"" a nic. Pf'Operl.Y Sn th• ~u with a m'n&ll oown pay- D'l•L T )'I'. oW J t.trm. In tront and a ~ ru-t bollM tn l'Mt'. Ene-..t paUo -wood Min«'• r.ot--earp«ed 14'alt° Uvinl' rm. ~ noo~bl. can.,., etc. We haYe the k1y. Full Prlc• s1a,aoo. 8-t. of ~rma. 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOMB Newport Heights View Home LOVEL T HOME cnly 2 yn. old. Ku tir•plac•-•tn. l•1Te kit· chen-220 v . Full dinlnl' room- hd'lrd. floo~ncloaed tub, etc. 1tc. AND THIS TOO~ A larse cu•t holafl wllh run bath! Dbl. ru. Laundry-work.thOp-alley. •tc. BE!: THIS TODA T ! The full prtc• i. only Sll.160. P.8. Owner wl!l take St&OO down. Choice Eestside. 3 BDRM. n.u Irvin• Av•nue. Well located 8 yr. aid. Hdwd. noor- dbl. P~•· alley l!ntrance hom•. G.I. Loan t~. ST4.8% lncJud• tu•. $2000 rln. ruu pr1c1 - 112.000. Bey & Beech Realty l&lNI Newport Blvd. C09t& MeN, Calif. U 1·1181 Evu. U 8·3010 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven VERY FINE 3 bdrm. homa In e.x· ce.llent condition, 110 n . !Gt, red· wood timce. near echoot., hdwd. noo .... w t.o w carpetlftl' A drap- u , n~place-SIB.000 wtth low monlhly payment•. Corona del Mer BUSlNESS INCOME PRDa: LOCATION In h••rt or C.D.K. l Ii Y"· olll, t unit. con· .Utln« ot % 1loreit • t a pt.A. l:xct:llent invutmenl for the In· v1•lor. Plfla.e phon• for com· plel1 dtl.•ll•. Beyshores PRlct REDUCED C HARNJNO RANC H STYLE hom1 Ofl ••tra I&•· Nlr. lot. built around lovely patlo for m••I· mum outdoor llY'lnf. 3 1111. bf!d· room.. 2 bat~. paneled llv. rm. with r~ hearth flrr.plat'e, cholc• tntenor deoor1tlnC". m a tch lnl" wallp•per 1nd drape.nu. parkay floor•, w lo ,.. . .-1rpet1nr . pr!H ·w!nnln,11'. kltrhen Shown by •ppolnUnenl. "C" Thomes, R'ltr. 224 Yt'. Cout H "'·y. LI ll·t.:117 "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Enjoy & Income Home Or buy for INVESTMENT !\ UNIT APT. HOU:$£ ICACH 1 bed.rm. l A 2 bed.rm. r11n bl add9dl J u•t ' y~ar• old, nRST TIME o r,."'ERF.:D 8EAUTl.1'\1l.LY dulJ"n9'<1 11nd built by ... 1ern M""ter bullde.t P"OUft OAf\A.GES . p&Tk lng" lf}9t'e l.£undry rm. lnc. Auto wuh•r. Atlrs.cU•• ft.edwOO<lll ff'nce. 8creen1 all•T •Id•. ln Ilk• new condition lhraUJhouL Located hlr h In Al· tad<ena. ju t orf Lake. app on'I' block to new lfUp!!r markl!t, and ahopplnl c.iter. N~ar tra1111po,.. talion, &nod lfvl!TY(h lnif ENJOT Ule lQOWlta1n a ir Ul1 I U• Jl'l'fb ML VI-. • INCOME '376 pw month. Sewer• In and paid. YUU pr1ce SIT .!KIO. Sl&.000 d,,_n (rl'linlmum i Bel· Pier ud Slip Full Pric-. $89.MO BALBOA ISLAND \" f BDJlM'. - 3 BATH -RAYFRONT - Pier and ,,a.t -hll Pftoe STS.000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDltM.-.'3 BATH• M'AJD llOOM'-RATnolft Pier • ,,oat -run Pr* '711.000 ,. - < BDJlM,J-3 BATH -BAYiilrOMT -- With Gueet Apt. -l'uD Prb Sll.000 3 BDltM. -3 BATH -BATJ'llONT llOllll With Gue.t Apt. -l\aD Pt1ol -- 3 BDltM. -2 RATH -BAT'fllOMT llOllll Pitt and Float -ruJ1 Prtoe SlfT ,IOO < BDllM. -2 BATH -BAYJ'll01ft _. With Gwt Apt. -Full Pr* 1111,llOO 2 UNITS -2 BD!Ul. EA.Cl -BA.11**9 ~ run Pr* "1.llOO 2 BDllM. -l BATH -BA~ OOft.Mm run Prioo 131.l!OO < BD!lM. HOKIC -Pf,llOt 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. WWW --- 2 UNITS -'8'.llOO 2 UNITS -$28,tlOO 2 UNITS -$~,tlOO 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,500 2 BDltM. HOME -$17,llC!O 2 BDltM. HOMll -$1T,000 BUSINESS PllOPEltTY MARINI: A VE. ..... ,llOO BUSINESS PROPERTY . .ILUUNE .\ VE.--.IGll VACANT BUSINESS LOT -$2f,JIOO AfOTEL, AM'. UNITS $12,000. INOOMJC FULL PRICE $89,500 See ua for choice property in "Mom 8aJ and Bay Shore Area. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenu, Bal"°'-Wuid Next door lo the Po.t Of!"toe Har 444 Ev .. Hu. ~M ~ Har. °'8-Jl - CLIFF HAVEN 8 11 Oiff Drive · Three bednn. & den home. Ez_cellent con4ttklo. Newly carpeted. ~auti fully l&n<Wc1ped ff'ODt ud rear 1tardPn11, COSTA MESA Architect ·• rormer home. BeautifuU7 kndeceped. delightful patio. 3 bedroom., 2 bath. nlA. ftnaDe.. ing. Ea•y terma. Only $14 .500 Call Liberty S-2664 <Evn LI ~T05t) EARL W. ST AN LEY, R..Jtor J[)tb and lrvinie, N...,_t 9-eb. ... t.nea Un " paid off In -nlhly ----------------------~en.ta of I"'• o! or1g1na l blJ Inc:. tnt~..t. Wrtt • own•r. R. T. J.cobeon, to W. ~ n.re1 Ort••· Alt.adwla. Cai., •r potion• BT T~Ot~ f or appo&ntm.nt l o -praperty. kl 0 REAL VALUES S BEDftOON 11(1,,..., lh•rmo heal Karitwood noon. Ult!. nu. u • l\Om1 fer !Jle f•ture. S.l!T per m• . ..-Ith t~ lnt-t. Bettn-- thl• -today ~ WI: flA VJ: J UST U STED 2 nlr• bulldln& let.I, l!ut 1ld•. P r1ced to Mil. Build 7"Ur own.Mm• and 1av1! B. A. NERESON l\ZALTOf\ lNJ. H.,,,._.t BIW'd c-t.a w-.. TRJd:E lo-nly Mctrtna. I tlle • batM ~t... ttreplac•. fOl"l'· -9 air h..t._ afttteeed cement patio, DW• Pl'&'• land-.::appPd. ,,,_ m -'-"'lll.c peol or t.M.11 .w-t. A II Ulla tar NtM dDwa. •lolt?f'I-' ! °" k l ... p.._ With .-t... too.' Oft.AJIOE COAST .....,,......., .. 116T N_.,ert, C.,..ta M- U l-1U2 S.e. U a.-02 Oce•n View l'fSW 11011S a ._ • ..-i ..._.,, Mt1t. ,.......... .. U.. All ---~-··· tncl. farlt. di., .• ..,........ QI.OM aAAOA.IN -· eem.t to-. OPEN DA.JLT m,,... llL. M~ a.ell. ...... OPEN HOUSE call for appointment 243 Ocean View. New,,.rt H•ptl Stop by and ~ lhiJJ 3 bdnn. home witlll a t.-rt:n. Ocean View. Hu 1:i,. bath. F\tld ._. ...,._ in a large bright L. R. Sepen le ...UOr ......, .....,. conveni('nt kitchen. Full Price S~.r,oo. Se ... to M-"f' lhiA. LIDO ISLAND Call ua to 11ee thl1 beautiful 3 bdnn. 1% •U.-... on a comer lot. All the modern ooaven--. "ART" ADAIR, Rultor 1868 N__.. rt Blv4. C'.rwt. ••----..... ~ ~ Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTltACTIVE year rW1M1 llioae • ..... a.bore Drive. Kn.t.ty pine livinc roem wiUI dbtJnc ' aru. Formica kitcben, 1 M&room aM ;) ~ do~, 3 IM!droo-. 1nd 1 1 :i batM up. lelid .,.. .. struct.io11, concrete and pillar f ... 4au.a.. 2 ew lllftl'., enclo.ed yanl. Eircrllet -.a. EARL W. STANLEY, Re•ltor llU Newport lll>d., Newport lleodi -Jal ' ~I I r . • ' • • ) a ... r..tate • BLANCHE A, GATES, Realtor CORONA DEL MAR HOKE AND INCOME. For that retired couple. A 9paeiou and beautiful one bedroom home. t.rp ~ room le muter bedroom. Picture window onrtootin. ternced 1arden. HardJrood noora. nr.pLue, .-eJoua kitchen. ALL THIS plU6 charm· bac CllM bedroo.in apt. Now rented. Anet BELIEVE IT OR NOT the lot Ihle la 60 z 118. Priced rlsht at $22,000 A TIP TOPPER. Tbil ' year old 2 bedroom hoKM S. lik' new. Located in nice neighborbOl>Cl, cloee to KltooJa and ready for immediate occupancy · IH,m> BAUOA ISLAND SUING 18 BELIEVING 80. BAY l'RONT corner. Charm. 2 B. R. attrac- Uwely fumtahed home _ .................. _......... . $31,ae>o 80. BAY J'RONT oorner. Pier le Float. Lovely 'B. R. bOIDt -....... -........ --··---·-···-.. ·----.. -· $•7,l500 Nil. NORTH BAY. Spadoua t B. R. 2% bath moety turnlabed home -.. ~ .... -.... .. .._ ......... ~~.fSOO Nil. IO. BAY. rlnt time ottered. $16,960 Ador- able Redwood home. Unusual beautiful patio. 1 lp. 8. R. and l am. Thl1 place you will want. It ii ll dream houee. LIDO ISLE LOT. 52~ ft. wide on W.t Sida of Yell&. YES I • Ita ODJ7 $18,800 BUT HURRY! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtar MDQll!!R8 OJ' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1811 or 1872 ' LIDO ISLE JQlt a dandy low priced home. 2 B. R., lovely patio. Many colorful flowers. lm.maculate condition. 18 ft. lot -Only $23,ae>o Very euy tenna. Another good one--On Lido . 3 B. R. -2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a &O ft. lot. All the rooms are Sup. L. R. 2b30. Patio 23x2._Approx 2086 eq. feet. Thia ii worthy of con.alderatJon for $35,000 HAVE YOU Th• deelre to Kw nar the ocean with an uneur- pemed view of the beaell and IUIT'Ounding country ... -o( llO wby not look at t.hil a B. R. home that will stand the 11C1Ut1D)' of the mo.st dilcrimlnatory buyer. A home built with maphalil on comfort & OODftnie.nce and with tu large playroom It patio - S. Ideally suited to entertaininr. Priced to .U fur- nlabed at $57,SOO Thia two bdrm. cutie hu sip and a flan that you wtll 11b. It. detailed for comfort and bu a'~~ ball payable $78.08 per month tnd\ldina tu. • luurance-M,890 down. Full price SU5,000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE Ml.I Via Udo, Npt. Bcb. Hu. tm or Bar. W72 ~.Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8~297 1 BLOCK TO OCEAN Brand New 2 Bedrm. home. Extra large lot. Plenty ot room for addlt.Joaal un.IL Only $3600 mov• you ln. $12,500 full price 8 Complet.ely tum. unlll. Fine location. Top con· dtUon It income $10,fSOO movee you in. $32,fSOO full price. Ocean Front Homes · Comp~ly tum. Slffpe ~. Plenty of room tor 2 adctitJonaJ uruta. $17 ,:500 2 Bedrooma. eomplfltely turn.lahed $17.000 2 Bedrooma completely furniahed Wlth cew turn!· tare. R-2 lot. $20.000 Good terms on all of these J. M. MILLER CO. 20Z W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 Near the Newport Pier -CORONA DEL MAR l!lxpan.alve Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. blning room. 2 batba. Hardwood & carpet floore. Barp1n at ~.000. Submit down. , BAYSHORE8 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. Pro- a.-•MI !'Mat. ._._, .._.. e ._, lllWe ~--!!:::!a~..a~l'Ml!11411!!!! .. !.--...t---00.&Sl'AL IBOl'PD ._,_ el ~:!!!'!~~~--~=:.=...!==----.. ~~~~::--~ ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • 'A&E 1 p. a. p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d • __ WEONESDAY.~~:.:':: developers of Lido Isle Exclusive Udo Home Escluaive with ua. U you ct.in a large lot, plenty of light, aeparation from nei.cbbon, ~ ·rooma and an ovenbe ranee. bere'1 the auwer! 3 bed- nm., 2 bath.I plm % bath ln ,.,.,.. CarpetM, draperies, turnlahed by a de<'Orater. h\lt1ful patio. Available with furniture at Stl,800 ar with carpet, drape., atove, refript'&tor ud 1a111ldry equipment at $39,!500. Exeellent term.I. LARGllR HOME on 2 Iota, corner of Udo Nord. Modern in every detail, with all bQUt..ln teaturea. ' Mdrm.I., 2~ batha, lanai with bubeoue. S.rp ... tral 1>9tJo with tropical planting. TenUlc muter bedroom IU!te, "9l'Y large Uvtng room and dining area. Bruktaat room, laundry room, bo•t hou.e. Everything a family might deaire. I North Bayfront Home On over 80 feet of the Vf///t'Y b8lt BAYl'RONT. 8trtlr- ing modem de.tgned by Ellerbr'Of'k, AIA. The aet- tiag, view, beach, pier. planting and hom~ are the very tineet poeaible. 3 bedrm&. and maid'1 room. 3 'h batha. Thia home it like a prec1oua jewel and ahould be eeen. We have the key. BARGAIN. 3 bedroom home built in ~7. Fine condition. You llbould aee it it you d•ire a 1m1Jm bome. '18,ZO Newport Isle Waterfront Home YOU will fall In Jo.e wttb thil Jmmaea1ate 2 bldrm. home, with 1 bath, qe kitchen, dlnlnl area, lood aise living room. w fo w carpet, garage, patio tor outdoor living. Situated on a t-0 ft. corner lot, dichondra lawn, lovely flowers, good pier and float. It you are looking tor a waterfront buy, tbta t. it! $27,:500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Hot! Hot! Hotl ()wnM' 1&ya: HJ dkla't even r•t a chance to Uve la my bOUN. I .pent my time planning bd dna.m.lng ot m)' bome, It.I 3 lovely ~. Ill cut. Jdtdlea and peneJed 4ln1nt room. and It. bis beautiful UYb1f room. I bow It'• built real good. oaUBt Bob J'orbM ballt It." "ftlJI owner bu been tn.Dlferred to Vlflblla-Whlle we advocate commutinc. t1Ua 40ll IMID a Uttle far. • He...,. Nil It 800000 •....... _______ ..... ..Price S2.t,f500 Open Boue evvyd.ay 12 -5 p. m. 11534 Dolphin Tewace, lrvlne Terrace Udo 's Best Buy OanalDI a bedroolD 1 % bath home. Corner med brick ftrepl&ce and Iota of built ln featuro.. De9iln· ed for year around .ltrina' and priced u a aum..mv home. Excluaive with U1 at $~.:500 J'ol' dMalll uk for Kincald 11100 Down (plUI impounda) Brand MW thrM bedroom bowie in eo.ta Mtaa. Full price $8700 -FHA tenna available. U thfa one doec't fit your particular needa we have 26 more homee that may bl bought for ~ down or le9. c.n Bill i'anwwortb Now You Can Live in Exclusive Shorecliffs I Bdrma ~ Room 1 Ba. $27.000 Terrtftc Val 2 Bdnnl. D1nb11 Area 1 Ba. $27,:500 Ocean View 2 Bdrm.I. Dtnlng Area 2 Ba. $31,000 Nice 2 Bdrma Dea 2 Ba. $36.500 New Provncl J Bdrma. DinJn1 Room 2 Ba. $37,500 Larr• Rooma 2 Bdrm.a. Den. Dtn. Rm. 8 Ba. $37,:500 Modem 2 Bdrml. Den., Maida Rm 2 Ba. $36,800 Beautlt\11 3 Bdrma. Dining Room 2 Ba. $4.5,000 Pictureeque 2 Bdrml. Den 2 Ba. H.9,:500 Mapl&ent Vacant loll a1ao available. Take your choi.tle, then call Dave Oabum p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hlchway -liberty 8-M73 Balboa Income! oNJ: or THiil n:w ruq: &p&rt.- ment bu.lldlnr• lett.. e two Md· room apartment.a •.• two tum. o-.nt b&ock .tructure. plut.er- .... Onb' 2 7ffn old. BeauUtul ~ wtUI ~... looker room.I. laundry ..... .oo. terma. LIDO ISLE Houston Values 7 Unit Income! aALBOA. LOCATION. runom "8oott Apartment.a'" 1Uuated on I Iota •.. room for additional bWC· aa. double, t 11n11-. All tumi..hed. 8well ttntal .,.._ - 13&.000. terma. Bay Front Duplex! K1mD8 A. LlTrLll rIX"IN BUT WBA.T P088Dmn'Il:8. 2 bed· room1 up. 2 down. Fu.rl'liahed. 2 ~ INndeck& pier, prt· ~ ~ NT.IOO. t.lnM. Balboa Duplex! DIUIH A IWELL VA.Lum. Ra.e · I ti.drooml up, 1 down. Loww Ml~ eompletatJ ~ llu ... ~. a...,, tumlture tacluded. Hu ot.ra roona '°' one more unit and a ~-· a1e.ooo f'OOd tum1. Upper Bay Area! OVERLOOKING 8.A. COUNTRY CLUB. a11d a pip. 2 bedJ"OOGla. den. plUI a larse IJ'rlnS room w1lh brw.ktut ar-. n.r.pac.. 11' ti.U.. ........ ,.,..e b~. wtlh rwnpu1 aad ""9er room. 117.000. 14000 dotn\. Balboa Realty Co. Op~te Bank ot .America Ro. o,...i.,. Al Conltlh.11 Sd Lee Jack Plnltham Joeephlne Webb TOO ll. BaJbo& Bmt., BaJbo& Phone Harbor U TT FOR 1'IDt WO~ who Uke9 ltt· U. eblldi"ln a11tt Who drtY• a car-We he.,.. a well ma.naced pl"9ldlool for u.le at a YWJ ,__ tonable pr1ce. A HOT COR.Nl:R for a m&Bet In a rqit411 l"Owtnr Or..nce 00\Jn· ty Cft7. Partr1nr lot 11 alN&dJ bl. OPEN D~Y 1to5 p.m. 123 Vla aeno.--udo'• wict.t lbwt. ~ NEW 3 bdrm. 2 bath with a car ,.,...... Carpeted throuP with Dyloa ~ earpetin1. Kat.di atiolr drapee. Be 11\U"e to _. t.hit before you buy I $37,~ with $17.~ down 8 Bedrooma 2 b&tba on f-4 ft. lot. Sunny IOUth patJo. Sll.600 * * * * View Lot (5 x 125 with Panoramic ~ew of th• enttr. New· port Harbor ArM. Priced at $1!5,000 Not a lea.Mbold. Acres 108 ft. on MoDJ'O'f1& ao (L deep. Between 18th It 17th SL 2.8e acr-. &crttlee at $4800 pu acre. Liat your renta.la with ua. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 4711 Your "Castle in the Air" Less Than Rent I Bil. home OD IOxtO aot. l:llol. Npt. Ht1. locaUoa. ~ tolNUd lne. unit. A 1t.e&l at t 7toO with 13000 ctn. 2 Acres M-1 omcz. •hop • .. p .• ........_. bldgw. Ce.nter of Ind. &nL Plen~ ot room for f'~fllUUlon or can be dlvldf'd tnto • par<'tl•. Come tn A 1ubmlt you~ nttd• 1111 all or part Xlnt. ttnm• $8175-2 Bdrm. CLOSE IN. Obi. cu. A.U ftneed, A neat borne at f2000 ~ IDft. Inf. Peutte LI I-MIT Lido Isle Special I BDRM. J ba. borne_ TOKM lot l!lpaclOWI WW A p&Uo. Lavtly hoaM. Rm. tor pool or uparuilon. Low ukln~ prtce. ML ti3t. Back Bay Lot Wml VIEW, tn reetrteted an&. l6000. TRy to beat It. 2 Exel. Industrials 1. 831.ilt290 lot with 40xf4' bid(. Can I-for 11880 'fT. Only fl&,000, terma. I. 111.200 BUYS 1&11' on PlacenU.a w1lh attractive J br. home 6 86' tor shop. Elle loc. tor bome • bUWi .... See lt. Eve. Into. oe UM99 Lytle LI •"42 Houston Realty Co. A A8SOCIA 'n:I ~ Cet.er St.. ~ LI M911 or l..18: LIDO'S BEST S BDRM , l ~ balh home. La.rp paneled Uv. rm. lj'e. ~ •. w1lh man 1lud cloeeu, w. W carpettq. '6' lot mak .. a lpaC· loua pluted paUo. ~ti et 11.22 10 mo. are 1-tbaa J'OUI Rl:NT. P.I . Jta a 14' Loan. BURTON B. BECK IUtr A lnlur. 23.U W. Oout JIW7. Har. 211 A LJ 1-TIQ BALBOA ISLAND 1Dft Ol"J'lllUNO. 11u11 2 bdrm. tumJabed boaM on Sappblrt. no. ~ le ti.replace. Built ta tNT. lmall lot '1UOO SubQilt down. TWO UN1TI. )(odeft l bdrm. apt: older ,,_t hoUM. Ibo• your abWQ' at "do it yourMlt'' $31,&00 TWO UNITS LDtll NZW Modern 2 bdrm. bouae, with su-t l'OOm 6 b&th. PLUS I bdrm. apt. llleollle J4,800 yrbo. IO ll'T. BAY J'RONTAGE. On Utile hland. pier, float. formal ' bdnn. home. The land value ta clOM to the uklns price of $78.000 BU~ llUILDINO MARINE A VE. '32,ee>O BUSINESS LOT JUIUNE A VE. Cl ~.500 LIOO NORD BAY l'RONT. Luse lot. cUnal.q • bdnn. 31;) bath boua Dln1Df rm., moden ~ chen. cllsp., dJllnruber, Iota of eupboardl ... cloeetl. Plua un\lllUed 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car ~ ..... Both unlta all Dft'ly furnlllbed in KoderDe. Ideal tor home and Income or rueeta. Har. 1716 -Eft9. JDtUth Ji.arooG HY att "'8222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 6188. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 221 Marine Ave., Balboa Ia1and .. Lido Residence? ! Why 1un -We have a Beauty I reaturtng a large carpeted muter bedroom upMaln with dreulng room and bathroom plu blc .udms gtu. doon onto a larp wndeck. • . . • and dowmta1n . • • • Another two bedroom8 and 1 'h bath. LMns l"OCllll wtth .Udln& gl&M doon onto a 90Utb patio. S..., .,.. and a dream Jdtcben. Aao an ntra bts la-.. dry room and ganp. ThMI home 19 onb' ....U montbl old, located on a lltrMt to .tnet lat an4 • elude. th• new drape. and earpettnc. All yuan for m ,m Come ln and we will llhow it le work out JOU!" t.91. · ••• and Say ••• We ha" an im.maealate two bedloom prv'ltnclal Lido Ia1e cutie for cm17 S22. TOO Udo Income? Waterfront 7 bedl'OCllD '~bat.ha~..., fur. rutUJ'9 and c1ra.,. aD11 ~· •.ooo -saooo dOW'D to quallfted --· ••• and •.• Wat.er front -Udo Nord 7:S' trontap T beclroocn.I. 6 baU... full din1nc room. B. B. Q. roam. Bqp living room. nm c:aa be &tued u two or tm. unit.a. A dear 30' lot can be 90.ld oft of W. fron- t.age. Vacant now. We haft hyL A t.nn. ~. Call • for turtb• details. Lido Realty 3400 Via Udo BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Presents One ot the loveu.t hOIDell ln the ara. ....._t bay view. Exclu.tn 19identlal u.. '1'brM bid.. rooma or two bedroom9 and den. A bou. anu.Jl7 ~u built with evwy modem convtnieoce. A pMio planted with choice ahrubs. Tnaly a lfl'8doa9 bomel Appll.ancH, includinc rtoYt, refrlgentor, deep tree.. wuher dilh..,aber, 1nclu~ in price of $52,500. Term.a cu be arranpd.. 8ee Ethel Shirl.,. Exchllive Balboa penlmula potnt ocaa fJ'Ollt laoma. Four bedroom.a. three bat.ha. V1ew of jettJ. Two paa.. 109. Only S29,ooo. Bob RJdpay wm 9bow JOU. The owner aaya "Whew! We'n outpown our I blct- room, 2 bath contemporary home." Ac:rom tM lltnll from Catholic churCh and grade 8Cbool Ill ea.ta Mea. Very reasonably priced at $10,880, l2000 dL. or will tntde for Jarrer home. See WUma llOQllL Good older 2 bedroom houae with .tudJo apartmmt for income. Near library, •l9rM and beach. 112,&00. Temui can be &.l"l'U)pd. ~ paUo. Attractively priced at s2•.110 F~ • R'lty c 1nmorr1s • o. DI: US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propartie9. Mll1 Can be your bom. 800n l f you couult a Multiple Llating Realtor. Be can ahow J'O'l a wtd~ ftlWty ot the choicest n.luea in your price ranp ... and be bowa bow to draw up contractl tor the most convenient terma. You'U flnd It paya to do 00.i· neu with a REAL TOR. Phone or drop ln to aee one ot the 275 reliable MULTIPLE LISTING REAL- TORS ln the Harbor Area. OOMPLrI"E Cold •torar• Plaat 1JI ton cap9C.ll)'-OtflC. I CIMI BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ w. Balboa Blvd.. Harbor em John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, 'Realtor 225 Marin• Ave., Balboa lal&nd UPPER BAY 361 22nd 8tnet ()pm Dally 1 fo 6 p. m. v.., tlae a bed.room 2 bath new home. Larp lot eo x 830 with tree.. etc. tor QaJM S.S. Sll.&00 ..tenna. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 3802 Nwport Blvd., Newport S.ach Har. 4718 8lm-ltrokft' 11• IC. CS.. RIPwa.J Coroea del Mu Hal'bor 2UJ2 UO 32nd St. rs Newport Beach MIO X O. INOOMZ. cormr 1111 -------------------~ m.4. SllOO .,._or Wiii •• 2 .,.. 8-ne .. .,.... Miii& ..u. ORA.NOID COAST PftOPatm 1~7 Newport. co.ta x .. tJ 8-1~2 IC'ff. u .... BT OWND. lcrNlT I Mrm. and l1M'l ~ mtwcl. nra.. a.... ....... OllDlmt ...... ... ....... ... ..,..~Cl* ... .. ,....... .............. , .. . 4lmtet. ..,. ........... 111111. R.luoflaW.. Jlr. Dc9oftll. l uo a.r •t. .. BALBOA ISLAND 2 unill tum. eeparate patio., pnie, tumJah@d $19,000 4 bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. tnc. apt. turn. CaD bl well financed ~.000 BA Yl'RONTB J"rca '81.800 NELDA GIBSON, Re•ltor I08 MartDe Ave .. Balboa hland Barbor 802 Aas. 8 • t up tor Im med.lat.a liulnQI. 8acr1ft• ,no.. To ,.. produol would ooet ~ ..,._ What you can buy Ull.1 for. ORA.NOE CoAI T PROPf:RTIE9 1•1 Newpor\. eo.ta M._ tJ 1-1132 En . tJ 8~ OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 P. M. DAILY 2672 Circle Dr. Bayahor•. N.B. CNCL PA TIO. BBQ A FIREPL. -.,.a..n7 clamlped tw outdoor ....... I WnD.. I MUI, stra ......... Olmpl. f\arL, eor. aot. "6 blk. ,,_ lf o. OHNI Pr1e- ed to ..U. o. a LATHROP. MS& m. Cout Rw7~ Hu. NU l£w9. MIO. W * FOR SALE OR LEASE * M-1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SANTA ANA 21,000 eq. ft. r.mtoroed comtructJon. eleftt.or, au phue power. 'bl. wat.r ~ Located - 4.2 acrea with S. P. IPW'· OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Cout Rwy. (At Port Orutp)' NIWpell't a.ell LI &-Tea. Bar. 11M ~ .. ' - • OOAB'l'AL SHOPPER EdJtioa or _NEWPOltT HARBOR NEWs.PRESS -WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 ------------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~- lleO aAISlf WITH SALLIE *** Gay Ninetie9 8 a le t b h week-end! Ah gentle rader' come aee oar lliatem a n d brethren all be-decked in tl9e plub and plmne9 of the Nine-u. ... There will be a prime tor the IDCl9te9t adorned ~ ployee by customer vote . . • & come eut your ballot for tM lady or gmUeman that t.a.lrM yuar fancy . . . Our store wW be decorated too, but fabaloaly ! ..': !,' L •'h"'.: '::& Y• -1 -.Joy M pet ... ..-. • ..ar-..a 11 ... Dk ...... ......,. ••• Coffee: -O±tt1 el..._ ... « .... -a .. ,... .. • • I Dlt. ..,,_ .. ..... _ ........ ..,, .... . ..................... p • .,.,,_ _, .. llMM Oftl' • .,, .......... .............. MW It. .. -*•lwut c.lra: ..... ............ ,... ... ........... .-n., ...... -.a .... Ilaire • ......... eaW water: Let ............ -• griddle" ••• ~()Me: ... .-.now.~,.....-.. ..... ".,... .... 5 egp. ----..-.eaa-.. .. 0 'b ............ . .. tmp°h-, ... ecP ......... (bet It ---.-n.aa. u.. u.e ..... .... OW.). Bean eont.t too thia week- md ... Gue.a the number of cotree be&na in the g1ua jar and you win a priae .•. They will be Folger'a coffee beam • • . Jl'olger'a coffee juat ~ bnted their )~ ~ ary ... They've been in buiai- -llince umo ... .leri°• of Udo. rtpt ~ t:lle.U.•N=lll"-.. .. place ... .,.., _. fry ,_ tM Talmt ......... p'-eat ~ ,.... Fair .... Beas AesWp"J,•••1 vu•-..: ,_~1 •.• ftle ............. _.. +e a ..... for ..... .. y._ dlllll ....& .. ..... 1% ... --....... wtll p.e, .... ........... Mub Not.ea. .. I would lib to know if I coWdn't ba'"e a autognpb Puppy (q), and U you couldn't 8eDd it C.O.D. pleue cauae I'm not ab~ bow much it iL J would like the color yellow tr you have it tr ~~ not pink. Ky ~ddre. i.a ••• Cl n d 1 Wallace, Palmdale, Callfom.la. P . S. Send u eoon u pomible I need it very llOOO. Thank you." ~uto­ pph b o u a d a, Kf:mnine thoppe. ...... ,. .......... - f••r .._ ~·· _...._ A triad of m1M ....... , -...... ., .... . -tller"e ud .... ..... n.' ......... ,.,_ ........ x.w. I • • ... -i'tdl ia a letter' ol ~pre. llllUoD for tbe .,..._re and eatlllfadka ...... l'IJNl9. eel wbeaw•• we did oar •arkettnr at JflGr •· OllllDt marbt. We Mn al- _.,. recei..S eoart.ec. and frlmdl7 w•tca. ........_.. •ti I~ ol podll. ad .... 11 'eal pr lee a cm ~ food." ... ~ -~ .. -~· .. ,~ ...... ~t.o .. t.erea& .... Family Surprize Next week. Jobi RlcW-ard'• .. ov .. IUeJa • ..... ••. i...d" Oelebra- tto.. Sip •P. t b .. Weeil. llOW, to will from badrede of ...-. your •trJ Uld rtdee .. tabaloaa DIAey· land. Ghr• a w a y, '1VUf hoar, du.rt.1 our tq s . day eelebrattoa aed week. a~·· • ,.. fAIDlly tniM - from Rlchard'L Sign Up Today Dl11hlcJ was the taYorlte lllcloor sport •lat IM 1190'1. Lllla11 R ...... ''TM AM- erlca11 leallty" and "Dlalnond .llM" hdy Mt ... eatillt pace. Now Rlcllarcl'1 1s _... ........ pace ..... Haabor Area mc1 ,.. ........ 1no .......,. to prove It. Come visit .... little co•try ltON a. .. lobby allCI cast yw vote for 1M "Alwerlca11 lea11ty" or' "Dl••111d Jim" of llcllard's. COFFEE lb. 79c NEaporaW CAN. MILK 11 can 2 for 23c 1890 FRENCH 6 OI. 25c Dulpld AA BUTTER 11». 59c Gay 90's Cookbook · • • MEATS • • • ICverY boUMWtte'1 book.8bett ehouJd have a copy ot the "Gay Ntn.u .. Cook.book." Al a ~ 1ou·u t..i Ule wvmt.b and ~' ,, U,. 90'• and at the Mme Ume pl1I a wonderllll appncllLUOft of CQOklnc . u It ta toda.1. AY&J.lable from u,. Booke&M. i.. landen or Buftume. 8prtag IAmb [Wet o.m.e T..ter Tu&y 8prtll1 I " ......, CIACKRS .. ..... "" ..... ..,.. PICICLD .. -·-·-· .. ·-- DI .. .,.-Jlf_ ~\Mis II' POUND CAICI .... ·····-··-HK -. c-......,..irr .. --2 11' POU & II.ANS .·-·-···-,... ................. 11' NAPKINS ·-.. ·-·-·-·--...... v.a.-u-. 2 -~ YIGETAILI JUICI rw A~ Del ..... -,. .. -2 .... •.::• STIWID TOMATOD & OWletta ~ .. u....... 37• APllCOTS .. ·-·--.N .. ·~ -LEG O'LAMB___ •· 19c ••• FROZEN FOODS e • • LARGE LO.N CHOPS .J~ 9t SMALL LO.N CHOPs ..... 129 ._........ 45c FRANKFURTIRS _ ......... WlllMN..... 33c DILL PICKLES _ .. _.. -. ,.. • • e IAKllY e • • nn:u .o.&T 8WMt. °"~ .... LEMON IOLL .. ....-• PW.ID.1.Y ()pm T., PEACH Pll 51' ---. .-ela RiNcH IOW . . . I ,0 , 17' SATUaDAY BUTl'EJUIOL"i 4 21' COFfD CAICI --.. -tor ...,.., rt l..A,rer 97; MARILE LA YD CAKE ,. ... • •• PEARS BOY'BERRIES 14 oa. 21 c G'NBEANS 10 os. 2 for 3 1 C FISHSTICKS so•. 33c PRODUCE • • · 2 Iba. 2 5 c CHicKEN THIGHS _. 7tc EGGPLANT eaeh 9c ,.,.,. . ...,.. 'Mk PAPAYA FLOAJ -.. ~ ,..1.1- U. 8. No. 1 lweet. 8pu1ab ONIONS TNfl-hJ• 'IGe C~ONUT SPECIAL~ ,..1.1- MiAPPLE JUICE _Ji J9c ...... -16 ............ ..................... 8P1JC1AL8 FOR SEPI'. D, ta ud U, 1955 .... tu ........ -...... .._