HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-23 - Newport Harbor News Press--~ ........ -.~--- NATURALLY IT'~ OAS -ISTUEEf LIGHTING·~ -Southern California Edison Co. officials t oday made public a photograph of one of t heir signs, p:iinted over the Gas Co. messai?es, but not completely. Edison offic ials said the pic ture w Rs taken as "evidence" that the signs -furnished by the d cctric utility to San~a Ana Park Estates, a subdivision, h ad its trade mark erased and the blue flame a ymbol of the Gu Co. painted on, a long w ith the gas utility's slogan . The move was said part of " nmning battle between the two ut ilities. Otherwise the sign, with its mcssa~e of "greater conve,1e nce-<:omfort pleasure." pertaining to elec- tricity, was left as it had originally oeen painted by Edison Co. artists. The addition of the Gu Co. meesage made the sign incongruous. ... 48.th YEAR -NUMBER 71 Kennedy in Statement on Gas Sign Deal J uaun Kenntdy, dlvtalon chler ror Southern Counliea Gu Co. m reply to Oran&e County New• Service atonea devrloplnR the News-Pr·e11a' exclusive revelalJon or the gas-electric controversy ariAing, at noon luued thla at•te· menl. "The.at are lhe tacl1. The tract In question 11 tht Park11 • Rand development. Th a l lrnrt had 11igns adverllsin,g all • t>lectrlr llitchens, To the best nf our 11n· 1lcrstand10JC the homt>s 111 the I ract were n'>l t>qu1pprol \.\ 11 h '.!20-voll w1rlnc. \\'htn w1• found that out we 11pproachf'll the tie· velop<'r an•l n~~<"d hi.1 perrm~""m that we 'strrp 1n' Naturally Ila (,;8.11, tnslead O( the All·Pll'Cll IC ~•~n. The clen •lopcr cxp1 ciu;cd no objection to this being <!one. AL that Lime tl was our tlnn under· i1tand1ng that the tract 11lgn11 m quuuon belonged lo the dt•vel· oper. .. ' NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 19M TURN BACK THE CLOCK FOR HOUR'S SLEEP THAT EXTRA Remember that hour of sk f'p yvu lost •·•-'l arn 11 g • ""'II, you gl't It back Sunday whC'n the state n l111ns t1. ~t11n1t1t1<1 tlrr.e !rom lta daylight &a\•!ng summ. r ~:'\U.1:er All you do la tum back the clor k one hnur ~un1htv 111 I L m. or Wht'n you retire, driCt Into Slumber htn•t. r"l11x • "'"' en,1oy It. NEWPORT HAS 'IT' I HELIPOT CHIEF SAYS Vice-president Don Duncan in Report to Chamber of Commerce :-;ewport JjC"ach hiu "IT" from a n 1nch1i<t1 ml 11lanflp-01nt a ~ Wl'll 111< bf'ini: the mo:<t hP11u11ru1 tour· 1st c1>ntl'r rn the 'A'Orltl, 1111"111 rrs1- WEAKNESS? Mesa Just Needs More Cop ·Help dt?nt11 "'rr,. lnfon 1eol \\'edn,•11i:lay Gt1P~t ~p,.,.krr Onnnlr1 r 011nrr111, \'Ire-pi f.•lr1t>nl and j!'\'llt 11•1 lll lVlll· gl'r or H,.Jip1ot 1 '1Jrp tnl1I mem· brr s nr the 1·hru11bt•1 of r11lllml'rt·r the ~Ile 111•xt tn llOAJ!' Ho11p1tlll was ~l<'rted after " s<'Rrch ot several yenr" !rom Santa Rr1rbar11 lo l:ir.n 0 1('go. "W e hnd te11m11 hf'Bdl'd by our key ml'n 1•..,mb the entire area and l hl'v 1111 l'rltlf'd nn Lhe Nt"'A•· port Re.tt'h 111te •" the rmt th11t tlllM pr acllr&ll)' 1•\'t'ry require· I ment." Duncan 11ta tt'd He 11pokt' at Lht' C'ham~r·11 qu1tterly ,.,.,.. slon In l'ewport Hubrlr \"11l·ht Club. PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS . <ias~Electric War "Alter the sign• were changed wg .were told that the alp1 had been put up by another lia ll1ly with the u pectatlons thal futurt' homes tn lhe rnibdlvlslon would be equip p ed w1th electrlc krtehl'na. When we were ln!ormed ot tlul we Immediately had Lht 'naturally It'• gu,' ltnp removed. An Orange County paJnter wu en~~ed to do the painting. "Nolhlng that could be c-on· atroec:I u a form.a.I complaint on lht. matwr hu been received by the l'U company w thl1 rno- menL Tbe l'U co. bore lhe coat or lhe original painting but the builder wou.ld not i..t ua pay lb• repain tlnr bill." HeUpot I pronounced hetl, nor R.erelpt ot the Buttau or ~rim-hrll. acrordlnK t~ DunMlnl w1nl· lnaJ lde'lllClcaUon and Jnvuu,~.. erl a place lo conM>lldate oper- tlon'1 alJt-month aun.mary or crime a tion1 or U lnataUatlon• In PaM- hf.lldled by Coat& Mua police oe-dena, South Paaadena, San Glib· pe.rtnant today caused p011c~ rlel and Alhambra. The company Chief Art McKence to tlngf'r a dulred to s-et out or the huaUr weal< point of Mea-. law enforce-and bu1t1e of the city. Duncan ment. said. away from labor competition f'A.REWt:LL TO THE ROSES -City Park Superin- t e ndent W. C. MacDonald, t oday announ&ed h i.a res- ignation from his Newport Beach poEt. He la ahown in city'• o utstanding rose garden. -Sta!! Photo City Park ' Tempo Increasing Builders Decry 'Heavy Handed' Gas Co. Action cried by county bulldeni wbo claim the tee ia "r•tratnt ot tn1d•" .. .U..l electrlcal product&. OCNS revealad Wednuday that 110me bullden are planning irulta agatn1t (CoeUDllf'd oa Pap I) He pointed to the llne aho\O'lnlt by other planta and tn a place that u actual burrl&nea bad ta.k· the employe• would anJoy llvtng HARIOR WEA THD en place within the city Umlts from THING OP' BEAUTY Ja.nuary throurh June wltll only The new '2.000.000 plant will three clew.red by arre1t and two be a thine of beauty. looking Tempe.ra&uJ'ee tlle pMt weell la tM otherwlee. "Tht.t ahow1 the ncc1 more like a tine home or hotel Harbor ..,.. wens for a laryer force,'' McKensl., aalrt. than a manufacturlnr plant. Dun- Blp Low Othuwt... McK•nde expre-1 can told the chamber. It II being Saturday, Sept. 1T ...... TO ell hlmaelt aa pltued With the Meaa deatcned by James L&ncenhelm. Sunday, Sept. 18 ........ e4 e2 crime record. Ot 37 act ual torgc:y "°" of Hay L&ncenhelm. tha.mbcr Monday. Sept. 19 ... -.. M 84 anC: be.d check• n:ported d:uing or commerce 1ecretary. workln1 ~ ... pt. JO ···-·et 64 Lba llUl-monl.b period, 12 have be•!ll for the firm •et Pereira and Luek· Wednqday, Sept. 21 •. ee ell cleattd up, etitht by •rreat. Smet-man, dealpen of the Dlaneyland Thur.day, Sept. 22 .• 67 e2 the papu·ba;i('ta uaut.Uy ,...a.'l' a hotel and Benrly Hilton hotel Friday, Sept. 2ll ........ 60 M handful of cheek.a. McKuu::1e tern1 ln !Wffrly HUb. ed thu1 "very (Ood." GrouM wtll be brolrm for tM Of 111 a ctual car thtfta. five have new plant about the tlrat ot the Who'• "cooking w ith gaa," thanlu t o the tacitly admit-RECTORS' INSTITUTION !:~:~e~~:d.!y .. ;=~.~· McKc1Wc !::·t ~~n~:Jth;['~~~Ube•~ ted "under -<:over battle;' between the So uthern Counties The 1tate'a "ottenau reporLM • Ing tuU blut wtthln two month•. Gas Co. and the Southern California Edison Co. in their -.. II.at for ea.ta Mua ran Uke thll: Duncan •t•ted. It la planned to comyet1tion for Orange County's burgeoning new born!! sub-OCT. 6 AT ST. JAMES ~~~~~ ~rr~:~· R~~~r;,ct~~~~ :~ ~:cr:U::';!!~~~c!o~q~11~~ division business? ele::lric company trade ma.rk on actual. Aaaault with deadly we.-ment and empJonq are moved Foliowlng the Nt wft. Pr'u e:it· e&ch 1lgn and painted over 1l lhr pon. Lhrff, two actual tlearf'd oy The comp&ny La now employtng chl.\l\'r ~tory WedntJ1llny, revi•ti.1ng blue blame 1ymbol or the pa Co arruta. Thetta from lockf'd cl\i. 860 people and expecta w ln- thl' $r,;, gas connectioti rec rhttrR· Thry also paanted on the electric A new era launched tor St. ot rellgloua education at the Day two actual. Grand theft anJ em-crease th11 number to 1200 to t'd by the Gu Co. for nPw homes company"a 11lgn11 lhe ga.-coin-Jamts Eplacopal Church hi.st Sun· School and Mn. ~as wlll be beulement. th.._.., three actuel. 1~00 af ter movlnf. Chief Quits on Oct. 15 'Parks. Recreation Don't Mix.' MacDonald Claims • with ",ill-electric kitchtni<," wr>rJ pany'11 alogan "naturally It'• gu ," day when growth necelMitated school nune. The family In· NarcoUca. one. unround,d. Miacel-WOMEN ON PAYltOLL lnked out lhe utillly'• cr<'WI hll•I he aMcrted. two f1UTI1ly snvl~e hour11 and cludu two daughter•. Loulae, 16 laneoui 1,1011y, two. two actual. About half of the employee• W. C . MacDonald. 505 Club H oUB(: Ave., Newport Rea~h ln\•atled the SantB Anu P:ii k I.EFT A l~OE'SO two Sunday achoo! 11easlon11, wlll and Yvonne, 14, 11 living at lMl Arson. one. one actual. will be women and lhe company pa rk superintendent since 1928 has resigned effectiv_, Oct. EM1Lr1. p11rlly o"n"d h y A·r•>r "However." E•ll<•k said, "The be hlghll1thled on Oct. 6 al 7:30 Miramar Drive. f ot111a Ah.>w 121 of!enau repot1· hopes to enllat number• ot local 15, h e staterl today. "Park and recreation w ork dQ not Dono Id O'Connor. and p111ntrtl the gas tcllow11 didn't erase the en· p. m. when Lhe Rt. Rev. Francia In Canada the family Uved for ed. 111x u:1roundeti. 1 ta actual. 20 I hou11e..-1ve1 on the payroll. The gu "blue f!erne" ll)'rnbl•l over lht• I Lire lllg-n wh"n th~y painted In Eric Bloy. Bl~hop of the Dlocf'se a number or year1 on board thf'lr clellrt>d by urHL and aeven t.y company la not looklnr tor ex· mix," h e said. R ecreation is taking CRre of kid1. Par k ::>oulhern <..:alHom1a Edison Co. If I lherr 11logan .. a~ a rallull Th• oflt Lolls An,getleh11. ~r.uldeJa hlll in· crui11er for the rector covered other mNna. perience and pretera to t ra in llll w ork is making things grow. II ,, 16 t ti· · · ~ · ~ at 11 on o e .... v. o n H some 5-to eooo 11ea mtlea each "• new employee• Ttre com""'""Y la algn11. The b1 boa1 us. o .cm, lrRc-t manger stalPd the argn ,. elony arreat.. made by Co11t~ · _.. "There were n1•I men enough or other pest. proudly prol'lulmtid "11ll eh<" r 1t· . I Parke, rector and the Rev. Rollo yur In hne of putorBl duty. Mu a polic' In the i.ix·month l>Cr· now tbn.n._stn~. lta preM'Hrtboemploy-around rlty hall to trll me th•Y I A ramlly mM M,arDonald hA• home11 .. Ill lh,.. Hano Cnnalrurt:• n j re~d: M. B<IU , 111111oclate rertnr, A re-"Thal'• one reason we feel right IOd lncludt: Robbe1 y, two adult..t, ", ab o "''1n .. ewporrrt Ar r an~• were going to 11et me bar k Into a beautiful p•-'r· which la • C . ; 1 Mo 811 Edick man-':-;aturally, It 11 g a 1 •tr ~ et cepllon wtll follow In lhe Pariah at home In Newport Harbor " both 1 ed A I\ usea an e ort to tncour-,. c - 0· 5 i:lra~' J rl( ' lighting" Edison c-o. o!f1c1als re· Hou1e. aaid Mr. ~u. who claims hi~ re':,• · d S:ult with 1t1cadlt age them to move. A dt'p1rlmtnl a aeconflary Job. Th~ rlhrlll thtnit small Park In lt~lf. Ht hu ager. lllC Ollt' • l porlf'dly 11t nl ou t a new crew M Pa k II d t wife 111 one of thr beat deck weapon. ve • u ' two rt' eu · '·1• I hu been el u h l 1 knf'w about It was w tn 1 ~-crowdf!d everything onto the 26·fL KE:SSt:Dl' IS:S'T Sl"RF. I to replal'e the defaced signboards. chur~h ne~/ a::~nca.;d ..=,~ bands on lhe cout. t hree m111decmtanor compllllnt.c h l with• ti P :n l r: 11.nt to ! K•n to get orderll about my own lot It w111 hold, Including a "hand· Meanwhile, this tureni)on wh1'e I l'o~lolti dcf1c1t loday CIUlle In· hi d ll J l 1 ~ B A1TF.SOA:SC'E GROWS f1lf'd. Burgla1y. twu juventlt a, one I e ~ ti nllnc nr an tran11· bu1tnua. l'ni out." kerl'hlrf" lawn. fie hu a lemon lk . al s u ea u Y · "1cr. oaa came 11dult, one ml!ldrmeanor com· por • 1 on 0°' employeea lo the I MacDnnalt1 ha11 nlll.Jlled all lhl' J uslln Kennl'dy, wei nown. JU\ 1 to the 111cture ot t he Southern rrom Cortes Island orr the cc>ut Thia year the Day School open-1 new 11 le. ne reaaon ror the mov-,. trtt that supplies lhe nf'lr;hbor- d 1\'ISU>n m en.•gcr .of the Gas Cll C..:ounuea Gu <.:ompany "pena lly" ot Vancouver to Cumpton t he eil will\ 120 chllt1ren In six gradM p alnt frltd. Auto lhert, lh:-e~ j•.J· In date a t Ill Id city ,.arks in tht' 2'; yot1.ri1 he h1~d. 11.n oranice trH and ualeaa. tor Orange C..:ount). 11tnt h1• anvd· rharge made to cuunly bullder1 t1rst of th• ye•r where he ~rved Church allent111nre hu grown un-vtntle, one adult. one f'lony com-bf th wl • aoh 1!m ea cou hu been In <'hlll'lte The palm Th•· Mod)un11lt111 hav,. ralaed ti 1 t h r 111 t t> ' ~ ~ ~ plaint riled. Forgery and cha kJ, rhngl d e r c 1 ttren to local I trte11 arounJ thr u ty he li:••t in gators n o l e ie o P1 u ~ who install elect rte rang ea in new 1111 pri ei<t-in·ch11.qte a t St. 'J'imo· i trl al l!Ume 11<·rv1cea this 11ummer t wo adulta, two frlony C'omphuntJ scMoo 'r1 u 5 rlrnr 1 vacah on.be ~-'•al. ranl! a n•I nursr .. I throu1:h two rhll<ir,.n Thi' bny. \\'. C. Jr. lhr1 rla.lm of . u.t.1hty . "sw1tchtn.f{ 1 homes. thy's whllP takin"' a oamAit~r ot no more eeats were 11va1lable and · au e an ..,., c am r p-il " 111_.,. r>11t thruuli:h lhl' Unlver11ty h d 1 1 ,.. A~ ' ' t iled. Attack caaea. two JUVen1 lc .. d 1 h-,, '' · their baby 11la~,.~ r 1tv lswni< 1111' e enled l!.n.) ~1 m.1 prN!t~.a-Anaheim Department ot Light, pll.!llor rlmlclll training unfle r the vtstry 1s conaiderrng expan• d 1 ent wu n c arr;e or the meet· or C1thf111 naR 11 1 B1-rk f'll')' and he lion or complAlnl reaching l 1m C slon or the hu h b dd ont a u t, l'lnl" f'lr.ny compl,lrn 1 ' d , __ grten berBuse hr h11s b1tltlP•I th!' th th 1, k t A _. .. . · · Power and \\'al<'r SuperrntentJtnt Slllte h11plaln Rtncar at Nor-c re Y B mg tin rtletl. Act• Involving chll'.! ... 11 .. lnhg an k .__,A,g 1 enhf'1m lntroducl'd 1 qullrk and 8 .. 11111111a i.:ra,.,.l',. The 18 now "'1 ~ ••n ° me ... Reganlmg the blu' fllun•· wh11·11 Gt'<>rge Oelkers told uc:-;s today walk State Hollpital. addition to the eut side with a d It f 1 f 1 J ,, spea er. 80 lntmduc-rd were th 600 1 h •·a Tht d1111~htn 111 Mrw. L . M. muahrc>om"d over the Ed18Qn c ''· the nor th-county city Ill losrn , . • po11l!1ble balcony a bo,·e. according II ~ , one t.ony romp alnl I e1. Mr. •n•l Mrs Al Wut hal, who I mor' an ro~s 1trouno t " N..-l!mn, l1v1ng nf'xt dQOr to t he atgn11 In II cn1orf11l m11nner. lt'a\/· from U lo SlO p<'r mont n on ear~ F A.'Ul.V C'Ol N~El,.lSO to plans made eome .vean ago. Na. collca, two adult1, one mlsdM· were celebratlnir their ~Isl wed-1 rlly hall pro<lure " vt1lumr ur M 1H l>unklflH ,.o thllt gTAndp" doea sng only the Jer .. nd. "of. cour.-e home that Is being built by aub-Mr. Botts was Pilucaled at lhr Costa Meaa Ml8Slon nn Orange ' meanor aJld one felony compltun• din annlveraar . Slanlt ' detail· but1s tvrry yrar be• nu~e he wat. h1' bl'~t tft 11poll hrr two dBu h· ll• gu 11trtt~ ll1thttng," Kennedy ,11,.h.ltrll who Ile> not want 10 pay University o! Manitoba and S L Ave. 18 In lhe plAnnlng atage rilrd .. Htt Lnd run, one adult. fin'" ed g th chR ~ t > c·hes ovu t'll' h lrl•hvldua l plnnl It aatd he w'flsn L au re of lhr paint· the $~~ "pennlty" gu main in-John'• College, Wtnnlpeg. ha s t with a Bishop's commit Lei', head-rnll'deameanor complaint flle•l memt>e~ahl ':rtv: !hlc~o:::;~~ I 11nd ordPMJ <iul lhe "Prny gun Ill '"' s An I flo thry b •1 • • him ln(. undcrll()(ld a contractor hlld Blallatlon fee and &Ubsequenlly In-done much fam ily counaellnjt. ed by John w. Donnelly as ward· r~tw ahow 2JJ ari~l\ta ma<ie I~-\'e!lerda y ':nornlng. the fl rl't llgTI or mllflrw. 11phltl11I 11niun1I. allowed the sign change.!, ll!lml1-llta ll itas ra<'illlle~ instead of elec· Thill wu whal brought him to en. elected earlier In the month. vo \ nr "even uven es and d · ----------- ted thrre !11d !!('I'm to be an "un,1er trlc. The flguro-. Oelker ll pointed Norwalk where a n11tton • wl'1r It Is hope.I that the flvl' clAlll· 11dull11. Four were rr leaaed, 11:'< ~ouni:l" or "unde1 co\•er" b~tt Ii.' out. could zoom to "rantalltrc pro-tr11lnlng pro1t r11rn IM In <>Her t. A 1 ronm !>tru<'llll !' will hi' romplttl'c1 ml11<lemeanor complain ta and LIJI 1olng on t>rlw111•n the two ut1hty portions when the total amount St. Ja111r11 he will bl" In charge by nrxl 1tprlng. f Plony complaints ttled Gohathl!. 1 of 10311 Is added up u r h month To lldd fuel to the rl11me11 turn('J Approximately 1()11 homra are blue by lhta a11bdtv1s1cin 11lgn ll't· bemg constructed in Anaheim each ba;k, An11ht•lm Mun1c1p11I Di'pl. 1'f month. The monlhlv lou or power Waler and Light ortlc111lll report"d rrvl'nll<'. subsequen'tly, the power t h• publicly-owned utlllly~·ould chief showed could lncreue 100 loH untold thou11an<111 to lhr t:u per cent f'ach month "untrl It to· Co. bec1W1t or th«' $fl!'.> penAlly tn-111111 tnto uie mmrons •nd billfons .. 1talla tlon f er. I berauae no onf' know11 when the Orani:• County rcmtractor1 and t'onstniction boom In I.he city will bulldert tod11y l111tt'd what thry end. termt'd further · hta'')' · hsnded a ction ' by the Southei n C'ounun Gu Co l'A~:SOT o,1ke1 a 11a1d thl' Southern Coun- l:XIST Ilea Gu Company "lnstallat1on IA\'s It cannot charge" tor , ... 11ervtce to homt1 ti.om helltera.1 which Install elect rte range facill· Tbt gu utility b r•l on lncoml' rtt't11,raton anJ othn gu ap· tlu •'Al preventmr the rt\·,nue pllancea-but 1n1l11lJI a IO:llA stove from reaching the rlty. beca1111e muat be on the property In orJer I moat bu1ldt ni are not tlght1n1t the to show profit. gM company'• "penalty" M t1. ln- l:dlck salt! Gu Co. men 1•11d stead are romplyltlg by lnatalhng lnVlldtd their property a.nd drl't'· gu ranire arn•rre. crated tr11c-t 11gns put up by the The penslty la le\'led only It the Southern Cali fornia Edlaon ('n. to homea are equ1 ppt"d with electric announce the "all tlt'ctrlc hcmies." nmge.11 or rarrlillea ror 1ame. The Edlt'k said t.ht te 1lgn11 adver· gu utility 11ay1 It cannot ui1t tlalnJ the tract w•re turnlahed m f\lture years It the t.mount thty by tht Edlaon Co. In addition to would "normally rectlve" durln( telling electrtcal adv•nt11gu. the the ll!etlme of ~ ra.nge In e11ch .Cpa al'4l contained thr tradt home la not paid. Gaa orNclala H id mark 1ymbol or the elertrlc Com· lhty make no profit on f:'U water pany-a c-artoon ch11ra cter rail~ hntena. air condlllonlnf. retnirera- "Reddy KllO"'"all " 1 tor11 and home furnacu -then The tract manajl'er .11111,1 a rrew 11n11~. they u 1d. do not u11e enough nf Gas Co. PmplnyttP t"llm~ l'l'll., gu the tract and pa1nled out Ll\c , The penally charce hu wen de- Tars Open Grid Season Here Tonight nnJ Backfield Coal•hea Don Burn& and Bill l:il'1'n11u. h11vr been varl- ou1ly 1<elt<'ltd lo tlnl11h any- where trnm tir~l to third. Lael 11eason. lhl' local ladll wrre de- ff'a led b~· l hamplon Anal1!'1m and aecond place Full!!rton. A ve t ~ r a n b&cktltld. with qulckn1>u and death, 11 respc>n· s1ble ror t ht ht 1th rating jl'IV\'n lrwm·a squad. Thtre'1 Otorae By ftn~L PHJLUPS Schulll al quarterback, D11ve Tl· F1nt <1!t1r111I chance for Coach mura and J ohn Hopk1n1 at halvo Al lrwin'a 195~ t d1tlon or thr llnd Charlie Berry. an all • loop :-;f'"''P'lrl Htrbor Union H 1 g h pro11pect at fullback. All the boyr. ~rhonl Sailor Pltven to demon· saw plenty or action last aea.llOn •tn te Its prow~M before Harbor wtth Berry rating stcond team llrra itnd tan11 romee tonight at at h11 bucklnr back 11p<>t. Ta mura i :30 on lhe brll!'ht l!THll Or11ngt' wae honorable me.nllon all-le•lt'\ll' C'04l11l Coller• Pirate Stadium I (OoftUalll!CI .. fttp: II) turf. Thal'a thl' time of k ickoff In N t.h' tint locaJ prep tootball gamr eWS•PNU of the 1euon bet-tn t he T &n and Exctllllor l l'• a prartlce rray Clrculatlo but In vltw ot the tact that ft Sanlf, .Ana'a Saint& dn1bbed Ex· relalor tour touchdown• to ont In Today a 1cr1mmagc thl• ••eek. N'llult ot the oontflt could dl'tenntne 1829 ="ewport Hubor'• c-hanrH In th• s unset lAAltllt title c-hue th.ta JeAJIOn. Thi' ~lllor•. u nlltr Hod Coach Jrv.1n, Une Coach John Mc:Oowu Copl .. Tomorrow Marks Kids' Day Here ThoUMn<la ot Harbor area ele- menl11ry 11chool rhlldren will rup lhe benef1t11 ot Kmwan11 Inter· natlonnl Kid•' Day tomorrow. For Newport Beach yo11nar1trr1. :-;t..tport Harbor Kiwanis Club 1 " haa a rra.nced a II a m. to noon tour ot the Llg-httr Than Air Bue with d'mon11traUon• lnclud- ln« bllmpa, bt'llcoptera an<1 jtl plan1a plue a frM t.ldo Theater ~how at J :SO p.m. Up on the Meea. Ooata Me• Kiwant1 CI u b will at um pt to dupllc•te Ila prtvtou11 Kita' Dey pro,.ram wtllch broufht a natlon- 111 award. '"'41 Meaa prorram In· rlud• pony r1d•. rolltr alcatlnit. movlea, awtmmlnc at Oranr;e Cout Oollep pool and •port.I s.nd prlle awarct. at the park rrom 1 ta • p m. Actmlaalon to all tvtnl4! 11 a i.-ce.t Kid• o.~ bllttoe. WHY WE CAKE -Donald C. Duncan, \'ice·JJres1dcnt a nd g c n"r') m :>.nngc r of H eli· pot, lltandlng, wu guest apeaker at N <?wport H arbo r Chamber .-,f Comm(lrct> quar- terly memberwhip meeting Wednesday 1n Newport Harbor Yacht Club He told audimce why Helipot Corp. chose Newport Be a c h locatJon . J.'rom l<'ft at table Maw19 Staaley, cbam btt prHldent; W illiam M. Sample. w o rkM m~nagPr for H eu. pot: Otto C. Bixler , technkal director ; Dawson T~alord. uelRtant t o vtrt'·prr~ident and ta chuce of new building project Jack R yAn, Helipo t com pt rolle r . -Bec kner Photo I • PAGE 2 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR N_EWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1955 HOLDING RIM DOWN I • ~~----------~~ •·God gront u~ the 'erenity to occept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (.A. . .A.non.) BRUSH COUNTRY ~~~_,._,.,-~~_,.__,.__,,~~_,._,.__,._,._ By EDITORIALS JOURNAL HORACE P~RllD . Right-of-way 'Out' for State Freeway Widening We were pleased this week t<:. receive a dispatch from the California State Highway Commission declar- ing Cout Highway 101-A from the Arches OverpaM to Main St. in Huntington Beach a freeway. The restric· lions that this declaration will bring with it do oot please us. The opportunity does. Eatablishment of thia route as a freeway is a ser- vice of notice upon property owners fronting on the highway that' they face a limited acceBS thoroughfare. If the State follows its pattern or the past it will mean a widening program in the near future and that set back lines will be established at once. The opportunity is this. _ It we in Newport Beach very quitely join hands. wltheour neighbora o! Huntington Beach we might be able to &ccompliah something that we all desire with· out hu.rt.ing any private citizen. Quietly now -here is the idea. For many moons the State of California through It.a Division of Beaches and Parks has been complaining that' more land was n~ed in the Huntington Buch State Park-. At one tffile tl\ere wa.s at least lo.ud threats ot a condemnation action against the Southrm Paci!ic- Electric Railway Co. which owns a strip between t he highway and the State Beach. Paci fic Coast Highway from the Santa Ana River bridgt'. west<.'r'ly to Main St. in Hunti~ton Beach co•Jl I bf' widt'ned to frt'eway status oy the simple utilization of right-of-way of the railroad. This would sen ·e the Highway Commission in accomplishing itf'I order, the State Beach and Park Commiesion in accomplishing ·ts need11. and of couri;e would serve all the public. l That is aurpotit'd to be the reason state agencies exist.) Now th<'n. if the above were accomphshed. there'd be no reason for the Southern Pacific-Pacific Electric right-of-way to exist easterly of the rive r through New· port B<'ach. Simple isn't it? The state could widen \he highway to full freeway width. lence it too with only the one access at iOth St. between the riv«>r ancJ Bitter Point. We presume that if the state was in an acquir· ing mornJ 1t could ~cl the riJ?hl-of-way all the way ad· J8<'Nlt lo Mr. I3ann111g's la nd, traGe it to him for t.he highway frontage nC'edC'd betwe<.'n Bitter Point and Ral· blln ntn.J. Tht're t•f 1:ou rse proper construction would rc'lu1rc that nn overpass be built. To maJ<e the State Highway Commis~10n order really fu m•t1cin wnultl rt'quire thf' utilization of some 1! lhl' ·ag1wy land C':t~tcrly nf Hal boa Rl\'d. What ..he ~tall' would th<'n do about the intolerable bottlenerk that it wnulcl crt'ate at thf' A!'('hes O\•crpas!' is not ~o i:;1mpl<'. l 'p to nnw this has bet'll a i:chc•mc· t hat we prnposed to the Go"ernor or California. . Ry rltt('n<!I ~ the frr nw clesignatinn through HunttnJ::lon Brnu1 r·,.:11l up to l..i·n~ Bca<'h woul d brin'! a means for lhC' l'11mmntion of the abominablP tight -of- way o! the !'P-PE a JI the wa~-. READERS WRITE Ot coune the State Highway Commission is 1up- poeed to keep It• secrets from the State Beatoh and Park Commission and from the State Landa Commtuion a.nd from the Public Utilities Commission. Ac~ording to Governor Knight, in a letter to this newspaper. care- fully written. worded and complete in minutest detail, it just isn't right !or Stale agencies to work together. Really now, between just ua people of the coaaUine who would like to clean up a dirty mess cauFed by the deplorable railway !!tility, go along with the state in widening the beach park for every one to enjoy, im- pro\'e the highway for everyone's use, wouldn't it seem reasonable for the governor to step in and inject a little horse sense into his fellow workers on our behalt'! Maybe we are too na.ive ? Mesa Taxpayers Seek Redress of Assessments The News-Preas is in receipt of claims by the Free· dom Taxpayers League, Inc., of Costa Mesa, charging the county board of equalization (county 1upervlaora) with permitting Inequities in property aeseasment throughout the county. The claims are not too 1urprla· ing in light of ta.x criticism we have 1een in recent yeara here. The Freedom Ta.xpayere League in time pa.at bu ra.iaed several pithy i11ues of local significance. We are glad to see the league intere1ting itaelf in taxation. We wish every taxpayer would. Then, po•ibly, we would get more intelligent government at all levelJI, including the county. What taxpayers and voters of the county mll8t real· ize is that Ora.nge County, a cow and citrus county theee many yean, ia fut becoming a.n area of burgeon· ing population, ever more urban. They mu.st t&.ke into consideration a board of supervisors whose 11ctual gov- erning atta Le decreuing as .ita appetite expanda for more p6wer and funda from the public puree. The News-Pre11 hu brough~p this point before and re- iterates it. Insofar u the board of equalization told the Free- dom Taxpayers League representatives the individual property owner must make out his own application for equitable usessment the board did its duty. However, were it not for the attempts of taxpayer aaaociations, taking the lime and trouble to 1tudy the out-of-line auesaments on various properties, the individual tax- payer would be a lone dissenter, crying in the wilder- ness of governmental halls. oftimes devoid of sympathy for the one oppressed. He'a only one vote or one re- search man, depending on the noint of view. While we are not in po815e1Sion of the individual case histories the league presented the board of equali- zation, 11itting in the county seat, we imend heartily their attempts to let right ~~vail. ' nation WM founded on the rights of th~div a point some politida.na tometimes miss. It's hea ng_ to see local citizens uaert them.selves a.a electors of thit1 Republic. Traditionally, America. baa encouraged and nour- ished small busineas. Its foremost need has always been a.nd always will be venture capital, which comes from the i.avinga of individuals and the retained eamrnga of business. It talcea ve!"ture capital to start a new bu11ine88. 1md mo~ venture capital to make it grow. In put year., a.n important source o! such capital wu the savings of the successful person, who found pride and fa.scination and who would ta.kt the risks In the hope of profit..-from giving a financial lift to a budding enterprise.. But today this aource has been fairly well choked off by the extremes of progreMion In flagrantly di11- criminatory ta.x ratea--con!iecatory ratn which harass economic endeavor and penalize economlc l'IU<'Cess. AFFAIRS OF ST ATE By HENBY C. MacABTRlJB Here ~ the unratified Trttaty of Temecula. u worthleu u 1ome 18 other similar Tndian treaties aignf"d up and down the length of California during the y<'ar of 18!\1 and 1862, They aet uide aome 7.488,000 acrts or about one-four.. teenth the total area of the state M permanent homes tor the Indiana. Th• Unlttd Slatu I other land11 wlU1ln th• boundarlH Stnate deluged with protr11ts C>f the l 'nllM StatM nor .,,.., from Callrom l& citlzrn1 retuMd 1.haturb lht people of the Unltfd to ratify these treattu, ::lll\lH In the t rff UM and en• In 1044 the. Unltt'd Stale• JOymrnl lht rtof -. court of Cl11,1ma awardtd aome Art. 4 T n aid th• aald Nation• S:l.000,000 "tor nonrulfillmtnt or 1 f\f lrdlan11 In th•lr sublri1lence lhue trutlu , but the mnnty wa1 while rtm ov1n1 to and ma.kins approprlaltd and lmpoundtd for th• Ir •rlUemtnt upon lhe •Id ultimate ust In a manner or rrflerv11tl.in. lhf' United lll&t .. manner• itlll to be dr ttrmtnf'<1 w111 rumll'h them fr" of all THF. TkF.ATV: t"har,;e with 2~ head of Beef "A TREATY OF PEACE A="D ca ttlr to a vtr•1t• ln wel1ht &00 . I pounda, 3~0 1111r k1 of nour of 100 FRIENDSHIP. madt &nd roncluil· pounds and ea('h within th• term e.t at the village or Ttmecul&, I or 2 ytar1 from the dale ot Ulla Caltrornl& belwt'en lhe t:nlttd Tr,.aty. Statu lndl&n Agent 0 . M. W n-Art. !> Aa early aa convtl\lant z1·nrrllfl or the one part and the afttr the rat1r1catton of Ulla Capt.lllns and Hearl Men nr the I Trraly the Prealdent ind Senate. follow ing :-.'atlnn~. viz : The na· 11n con~lderallon of Ule promlffa tlon or San Lula Rty lndlanM. and with a alncei-. dt1li-. to •· tht ~ah-we' -u . and tht Tribe of c11urage aald NaUon1 In acqutr- Co·co m-cah-raa-1n1e the Arla and habit.I of clYI· Tiii': ARTIC Ll'.:S llzed Ith•. The Unlte<1 Stat .. will Art 1. The se veral Nation• altoi r11rnl11h them the tollowtnr above • mentlonf'd <In M know-11rt1rle~ 111 bf' dlvld!'d amonr ledgt the t in1tt11 Stales to be them by th,. A!!'ent acrordln1 to the aole 11nd a b11ol11le Sovtrtl1tn lhf'tr 1upt r llv11 numbera a.nc1 nt 1111 tht 1<011 and terntnry celled wnnt11 •luring l'ach o r the two t o lht'm bv 11 Trtat v or Pf'llC'I! yt11r11 au<'rret1tn.c:-the 11ald ,..tltl· made betw;en t hem and the Re-, ..:atlon. vu:: one pair of alrnnr public nf Mexico. rantal11nnio ~d ont red nannel ArL 2. The i;ald Naliona or ln· llhh L ror l'll~h in an and boy, on• d I a n a acknowledi:" themulvPll lln~ey gnwn tor t•ch woman a nd jolntlv an<! 1<ev1?rally under the I girl. 7000 y11rd1 ot Calleo. 1700 txC'IUslve Jllrl&dlcllon, authority. I ya r.h of Brown 8hll"llnr. 70 11nd prot~rtll'n of the t •0 11..,t p1'unt111 elf !'rotrh T hrut1, 4 do&- Strlts 11nl1 hrreh\' btnl1 thrm-rn pHlrs n ( 11r11111or11. 14 do&l'I\ telvu h1>rf'Bfll'r 11; r,.frain from thtrnblea. :'IOO<l ~Hdl!'ll, nne 211 the romml11.11lon o)f all nrts "r point Mack1n1tw Blanket for each ho11tlllly Md ag~reHlon towards m1&11 and wnm1rn ovtr flftHn the Government or ritlzen1 there-ytara of llJ:t. 7000 P ounds of of. 11nd to live on t,.rm11 of peace Iron and 8000 P oundtl of Steal: ant1 friendship among themat>lvt i< a11d In hkf' manntr In the tint 11nd with a II other JmJ111n t rib<'• y ra r for the Jlf'nnAM•l UM of whlrh are now or may !'nme un -the 1111111 T11hu and 1111 their joint 111'r the protr<'tlon nt th" United prupt>i ty. v1~ 1:\11 l:lrnnt1 Maru Stntt~. end hlncl lhl'm11elvr!I tn ri nrt i Sta ll11111s. 6,t<l Youni Cowa ron!orm tn an•I b" ~ovtrnerl hv anfl 36 Bull~. 20 ynlk or Worklnr the law11 a.nd r pgulaLJons or tht Oxen with yoku and Chaln11, 20 Jndllln Burt'Bll made and prnvlol-1 Work MU le 11 or HnrMa, 42 td thert'fOr by the Congrell!I or plo11gh11 llal'(lrltd 1l1H, 340 Corn the Unlltd Statu. Hot 1<, 14 0 Spadt1 and 20 Gr1nd- Art 3 Tn promnte tht! !lt'llh'-stonr-'. SACRAMENTO, ICNS) -Ev· 1 ten lndt'pendent of tlHf lnttnllnns m,.nt 1tn•t imp•l.l'"'"" nt .. r Mlr1 C 'O'O~t:~T OF AOF.ST arybody talk11 about the wrather. or tl:r cloud 11t\f't1f'n, thAl ll(lntt :'\allClns it 19 h•'rt•h\' ~•iput,itrol Th" i.1111 k rnumt'ralrd abovs but nobody dnf's anything abnut 1tnrm11 havt r e11ulte<l In lncrtued ""'' ai;rf·r·I th&t the following 1Ulol the prnou1·t thertt:1r ant1 nn It, a crut 11,t.1mor1st rem11rk('d r11ln, othtu havt not bt'cn strert-Dilltrlt 1 nr County In the ~tale I pa r t or portion ther..or •ha ll be . many yurw !IKO· H owever. It I ed at all. snd nlhtu havt b"en of Ca lifornia •hall be and la k Ulf'd. tX<'hAnled, IM>ld or olhtr• Mark Twain wvr alive today, he f'O rh11nred that ...... rain trll ht'rl'bV llt'l ll J1Ul forrvH (nr th .. wise r11 rtt d With without the rnn- w nulc! havt lo <'hanr" the line than wnuld h3ve falltn without 11111e uiie 11n11 occuiia nn· or th" sent and dtrtlllon of the Ait,.nL to tht' txlent al !cut, that 110mc· the Btorm tHdlni operation ftfor<',llld Natlone ot ln·ll•u111, 11tlll Art. G Tht United Statr11 will bol1v 111 tryln~ to do 110mclhln~. "Conclu11lve df'mnnstr11t1nn n( rt'.•t rv1n1: to th,. Gov,.rntnent ur I al~n f'mplr"· &lid 11ettl,. amun1r Thr latHt rtport on Wt'ather-!ht errer tlvPn"11" of a ith•t'n pro· thl' t 'nllrot1 Slatt'!I "II m1nrrals llll•rl :'\a t1111111 el or nf'11r th .. 1r makln,; comH from the State (Tam for artificial m(ldttlratton fnunll thrll!on To w it C"nmmtn· T own" lln•t Settll'mcnh , One W11ter RuourcH Bo&rd, In a bul· Of prN'lpilallon la not pnll~lble on rlni Ill Int Snuthwect tnrn,.r or pra•·t1r11I rrirmtr. "''''° 11h11ll 1u- lttln tntJtled "Wtalher Modlfica-the t bast11 ~ a v;;:able data1 on the Slln J11cinlo CNlnt :rnrl 1-11n. 1 ptnnt,.Qll all 11grlcultural opera- ttnn Operation• In C11Ufom la". Jn pu opt'ra t onll. ' n111ura ""· ninit 111oni: t h.. Snuth .. 1 n 8 nd U •na "'llh tw11 Au1111an111, m rn the bulletin a.re ruult.a of a com · r~a:lllty nth prl!C'ipih tinn ~re-1 F:astern hnA nf lht !<Mn ,,,,1 thr "' p1111·11r11l knowlerl(e 11nt1 1n- prrhtn11lve tnvt-•tlrs tton of rain· ~ u e!I lllJC 1 11 11,.lf'rmlnAt on San Gnritl'l\ln Grant. thrn .. e nin-du,.trlo1111 h11b11~ On" <'11rpl'lllt .. r, m!lklnir operatlnn1 In thla slAtt. owe;•tr. a pp 1~allnn1 In 1 r111;irr I nlni: Blonir tht Routh,.rn 11nt1 On• \.\ hr!'I·" right, OnC' Rlark· lnrl111hnir atudlea or posetble f'CO· ope~11 nn11rl of t "1 pr nclp r n a F.11~trrn hn,. of the u me to tht •111.1h nn,. r1r1nr1pal Sch no I nom lc 11nd lPgAI lmpllca tlnn' nf ran nlmdl:r.l.e tl txprrrmPntrf rAn 1r1vP NorthC't1111"m rnrne r lh~•,.nf,J Tf'n•h"'· lln•I 1111 many Aol1t11nt theM opuatlon1. iu;th n r& o~d 0 bl I' :cllv<"n<'ll~ thenc,. d11C' F.1111 In thl! E11~1 ,.m T r.11 lirr~ aJO tltt Pr1111lden1 may MODIVrED WEATHER w • ~.0~~ ';all ~t ut:rte 0 I b1111e or lhe $irrrn Nrovn!fa Mfllln· l11•f'111 p111ptr lt1 rn•tnirt 111111 N11- Thf' lnvHtlg-aton ronclude that u~e&11cr~'com:il'n~a:lo~s 11 ~e::htd lllln. th,.nre nn ,. Snul ht' riv I ll•'n• In re1t•llnl('. wr111ni "'", and the evidence lhty hAve uncovered fl t h 1 th 1 ti t I 11tr11t11h l llnr 10 thl' i:tnf'rlll rh-In lhr d11mr11t1r 11rl11 upon the rt~rdlni raln-m11klng Indies tea " er e rng Y nve1 If• Inn r 1 b r 1'1 n111nw11 l11hr1r t A 11 the th" w,.ather In Calltomla hu Into raln-makln.c:-Include furlht'r ~=~.~~"~on II \:~1n i"~~u~ :.:~, ::;"~·;:; "'" '" ni.ar1,.;Y~\\~',~kmrn an<l ~t,n modi tied. encouragtmtnt and &llllSt"-nCt' fnr Nnrth,.n11tl'm r nrn"r nf lhr r.rAnt T1·1 .. 1ir1 " tu h,. m>1 ln1111ntd and "Althouih It 11 not po11lble t-0 public and private llitrnrlell en· of ~11n Jo~" Ml \'11llf'. llttnr,. 1111,. p111t1 liv tht l 'nllttJ l'Ha l,.11 for S credit without re.ervatlon the 1agtd In rain-making : and thllt to ,,,11 rnrnPr, t hronr,. alnn1r lh" I ii" lt-1111 .. r F"lve )'"11r1. anrl u a Cram en t 0 SI• de 11• g ht raln-makln• on.ratlon11 with the at!dlllonal lnvt''l11tatlon be undt'r-'' ' l ,,,.,. I hrrcaClrr •a lht rr••Jd•nt t!lffC'r•nce in p";eclplt•tl~n whlA'" t:lken to utabll•h t he t>xtrnt to •• orth,.ut,.r n Jin,. of th" Mmt '" •h11"11 ''"' n1 111!\·l·"Abl,. Th• ~l:n1't ,.1I ' I ... " ""'' 'Aihtch weather moc1iflrRttnn nr-th" ~nt fh\\l,..!11.t"rn "'?rnr r. th~nr,. ... TI wrrt obMrved. thne I• no rea111>n-•rlltloni mav .__ r•ll•d unon tn on & d1rPrl hne tn tht> !'nulh· ~1:'11<~ \''Il l 11111,, rrl'l'l 1u11t11hle I Eli. :-.=nte · The foll nwlng ,,. "' 1 I• ownM by I h .. T'Rrlflr Eler lrlc bl d ubt that th t t • ""' ~ r ,. I s .. I 11 .. [) I • e O ~ II amnun • 0 ftiml•h • n· .... l'OIJrr • nf "\'Jl\•r. ra ... tern rnrnrr nl I ht> nr11nl nf · ""' n11•1>~. ~hnp11 11n., w .. 1-lntere•l 1111 It fnllnwJ!t !l:e\\'ll·PrrM I R11tlw11;· ("n \\'ro hrll.-ve thf' 11<'· · ll ti f _ .. d t ~ " ~-r • ~ ( prec1r a on rom flf'n1e I! nrms ~. O~fJ',Tr.~•,a ... ,.:-v-:,....f\'•, Ttmt'<'lllR, lh<'n<'r nmn•ng r"unll 1 ·1~, 'r tt-1' 1H1 r1111m•.t111 llon "' Pdttorl11I rnmment Bntl a lttlrr ri11!11ltll'n nt th1q hl'llrh l\rl'I\ m11v SACRAM}l;;llTQ, CCNSl -The culture priming Ole pump for dltf t t th t "" .•u·~ .-• .-.-.-., • .-. 1 ,. In were eren r nm OH C'xpec • \\""'"n ~toud •• ,. .. 1n.,. ••. 8 • flrllt thr 8111rt 1tran1 mrhi<11ni: 11 lw I r "'',,,I T"Mhtr. ~IC'rh11nlr •, r rinl .. d ll\l'I Wl'f'k In rrrly b\' bf' (nl"\\°llrt1Pt1 (nllnwtn"' thr flov-' LtajrUf' of <"alltnm la rltle. hu new bus eett. . nn th b I t d d II • n~ •• .. -~ i\ I "« " llfl l! o Unl!Pt e attrmpt-... 1 C lit 1 \\"t_.l • ll'nrth 11n<1 F:aF1 ,,, p ~ , IP 11·11 ''" l•I ~. 11 n II A .. 11111tan111 G"vem nr Knl~hl l f'm nr's h1t<1p•t <r••lnn In March.1bten advlsd to put 01'1 lta box-WATER l:SSESTlAL 1tnrm1," lhe bullttln U)... • ..,, n 8 om a, ll ""as 1x orthe1111trrn ~ntn"r 11nrl rr .. m nh""" 11r11·tf1rot1 'Intl fnr thr pro- "rrt•mh•r "('I 1na~ l flM. I "I ( h halltd all a mtan• ti( ,.,,v .. tnplrut . • II r th hi I ' • • ' "''' lnir glovN &lid battle for a 110lu-"Indu1try I• not lnttrt1led tn n one o t I' pr0Ject11 ana· rain wh .. rrvrr rlnudll fnnnf't1 th,.nr ,. on " 11t111ll.'hl I r .. '" I h• ,.,. ••n < r ru I<' prnp1'1' Y E<111nr \\'hil" we 11r<> l:T<'~llv lntrrrst-• coming h•r• unfa .. It 11 11"0"-l'"•d •ft 1ncr~·e ot 90. rwor ('•nt nlar• of h"""nn1n" In 1 1 l t r lh · llon lo Ca lifornia a WAier prob ~ • ·-" _,, J -• -· ~ ., ,,. • Hnwtn•r. It hun't worktcl nuf ,. ~ ... .. " 1rr"' y " 1"1 "'> e par-0·k•r•f1,.1.1 •·11·1r~rn1nr1 "'1 In rrPAtln ... lhli< 51 rln or "·Arh . lhat .. ,a t•r I• a val la bl• now," he nv•r ••"'~tat Ion to a I f I I • " °" £ • ' •• ., ,. ,,.-I n < r ~ E r~ r c &Ill 0 lhll' Wll\• 11nr! without thf' ,..,.h· O("('f 'P\' t"ORE\ T:R "" ,.,,. ··•'lt'llnt .. "'II""'' thl'lr B.k·1~fl··I" ,...11ll!nrn1a tn•n A ~1111" r 11rk. "'" •!n not ltm. The advl<'e cams from A•· Id "IL v. ill ot I l 33 •lorm.1 wu notf'd." · ' 1 f( 1 t'-I , ., ' " rhr1 1•h thro lol•11 of tsktnir tht l11emblyman Fra.nc11 C. Und1ay, Sil • • n move pan a nlr&l knnwle11i:e th•t J O"ll Inn Tn hnvt snll tn hr lll 11,. ,,, I 'Ill r r, Hn• " tx• ,,,.,r ""• thl• o,.11r S ir 1 hf're on the bul1 that IOme clay, A1 llhwough phy11lcal mech11nlsm•1 fl'rrlni: rslnf&ll, It 111 1111rn rttnl l"'i•lllrl nr 1-.11ntry f••r lh~ •rl" F (llo •!n\ , f .1~rw1ry In thf' y .. 11r Your 111181i:nN t"lltnrrlll rrr·ri, .. ~~;P1 ·n~brhty f~~ It• PH11~nt 1co~-Plactr county, who 11 chalrm&11 w&t•r will be anllablt" ex 1t hertbv It 111 pou lbl" to to ""Y that only In rrrtAln In· I Ullt ll nd ,,,.,.,111.,nrv nr ~""' In•! ,n , r , 11 1r .. 1 t 1n,. 1 h"u'Ulntl Y.lght et1 tw lhlA nf11rro \\II• tl1•1·1111v·I rnunt\" 1rr11•1, ,. 11n1J I" nnt owntd f I It t ( u .. " r inn "'a r~r l' r rnper Y ~ n of the Alll!lembly commlltte nn He &Mtrlf!{l th11t no part of modify the &mount a nd patt tm l•''n<',.11 I• t h,. 0 p,.rllllnn ,.rr•All\'" 1'1111nn• f11tP\'1•r P rn,·111r •I ll'n' "" h •'l 11' I F1ft)' 'l'Y.·11 ' b~ n11r R•·ai•I or l •11 t \'101t< And b\' th•• c 11 , ... r Himnni:i•m Bell<'h lcnnsrrvatlon. plannlnit anr! public 01111 l!lllle can be pro•ptrou• :tor~~K ~'a 1~~ndl~~~ •u:~,:~ In \'l';-w of r 11llfnrnl"'" !!'mW· lhHr 1~ '"._"""~'' tn t~"' r;r.\"•<n Tllt'.\T\' ~11.,r:o IL '""rt111 th11t "C' "'' nlw11ys be-nn•I lrlv•"·1•P r<>•lple 11~ini: iolllcl workl. while the rest of the •tate 11 w tni: ~honare of watf'r In •lmMI m,.nt 1 ( '""I 111trooJ l'1R1"• lh,. 'lh1• 11,,1111• ''"A'' "'" lhtn In •· h111111rl f••r Lhe Boll<H <:h1r 1 II r b l 1 1uffcrlnr from economic lnaubl· hlch lhl•1 mechsnlsm optnit!'ll 1111 ar,.1u i nd In v jew or thr r1ch1·nf-w11•: nv•r 11 11v pri11 .. n ,, •1~n,.l l1v 1111 , .. n.,.rnrt1.llnwevtr, .. 11 r P " r:trh ttrr rtl't>ll~ ng The Placer aaaemblyman, who Ill d th l lh l l 1 It. ar,. n cffd nily rompltJt It has · Bl"l<h •1!llnl•·•I hP'Wl'rn ll11n11ni::· on rrlvatr rr"rr11,. J h ktd l bl y, an & e • & e • a un t t d · 111 re11 tl'r nr"d (nr w111,.r rn11lln· 1111111 T,.rrrl1u·,., ""ti 11\P rr i:ht Jn t!""ll 111 ,.,,., 1, rr .. r In thl' typl· t on Rrnr h 1111t1 !'11nvt Hl'Arh 111 . · 811 wor on WA er pro ems f'Connmlc11lly anct waler-wlte. ye 0 beh th~termlntd, hthe l"'JKlr1t Ut!ll 11t11t11t'~ of 1h1M llOll~C',. mn•1,r•t11blt•h 11n•I n111inf111n nn\0 M111· 1111 "fin" 1 t111t "' 1111rh " ron• \\ •• will "1'1'"TIAI r hnwevf'r, for 1<1ml! yeara, lfave mtmber1 I H y1, w e er anynne u drvr -1 . r Orani:,. l'to1inl\ Thr ""' l11~r.1 l'OI· l htmr£h ynllr 1.,lltonAI~ Anti nl'Wll· l'f 11 ll'Jlll;\lfl an anaJyali1 or the On financing, lJndtlay &aid 0 lld the ablllt t bt&I rt t· ctrtainly wn111!1 b «' """""" Th!', 111 1v n•I, nr I'• ~1.• 1'11hl11• 1\1111•1-llM<I \\1\11 th" f•>ll•1wln11 "Add,.n- t nr111l lo flrn Rr ltllr k fr!lm r."v· f'AI" r 111111 r u hllr .. pi nlnn mRY r r!lbl!'m 111 11 ronwnllnn htlcl In therr c:oulrl be no bettl'r Invest· 1:., control ofy ra~n~llll :,.::0:~ta con1 1nllt•I over11tlnn nt lhe rrtln· 1n 1t•. Rrh•onl Hn11•r•. H111i.r• (••r oh1 In 11111;• lh.", (';,,v,.111m,.n1 nf r rnor GtlOth,ln J Knight 11ntl hr ll rOll!lt>d llllfCICi!'ntlv t" hrtv.e San P'rancl1eo. mtnt ot the 11late'1 171\ million d 1 d meltPr• '"hn11ld jtt\'r ttufft•iront 1111· A1t,.nr~. T•Hrh"r• 11nl l"rtini•I !hr-l '111 '••l 'S1 ,1t "~ 11n·t the a•Lual ('thPr a rtkl!'11. mli:ht nfrrr """'" (;iwt'innr Knll':ht forr.efully re11I-, . Rainy Day fund than In 1tarttnr over ea re •r•a•. 111 r•n wh1rh 11 rrn11r11m nf rr1rn· f"''l'"""~ 1111'1 ''' h .. •brr• ,.. 11 I'""""'' 1 l'f '"" T r111 ,.r11tn Cranl exf1lan11l1011 tn lhP prnhl't'1 llP lhl' lmp•lrltlnC"r of lhl!I llf''IUI· Thr major porllon11 Of Ole llOmt O( the hul{e water projecll C'J,01'J) l'P:P:OISO IArlty mlg!lt h11 b111ll fnr l hr nun• """°' 11"''"'"""v ("r II• u•ro• • 1nn ,1 rii;r•" llftl!Tl rts purrhSfle. We )lllVP hrrn \\'Mk1ni: rr r ~1•·•11 (or pnbhc u11e. I problrm, ht pointed out. ..,.. that nl'C"l'/1119t)' (l'r flC'Onomlr lld\•anC'f'· The t vldf'nC!' 1ntllr11tes lhllt of· (Ulllrf'. I",. !hr r1ot.-1 t1on ( ( thr ln•llllo• lt1•' •u1 I (; \r1nn,rnt .. ar .. u to ffveral \'t11r11 rn <'lf'Rn up thli< lhf' llUle la laced with th!' nee-ment Ltkt"'1~e he r1e('l11ret1 th11t ·----------------------------11'h<> 11J<i•I :-.1111nn~ an<I 11 ~Ir tr1l11 • ":I .. ,1. ""'"' f'"I tl<in of '"ITI· . I Slnrere1y }'0111 ti All r ti t t . . I h \Jnalrhtly mr1111, hOWf'Vr1 th!' prn· • rt1 Y n <'rta nr a • ron1 wa er Ullt'lanll nil m nney, lnclurtlnr I An• • '1t·h nr 1 ""' hr1 t'hv rne:q~·· t • 1 ·: ''' '"11"" ,.~I• 111 t n lh,. al)nva perty ''" priv111 rly owner! &11d llkr \\'111\am C11lllennt <ltpa.rtmtnl: th1t completion and runcls the etate hop,., tn nbtaln SCENE . AT THE CAPITOL 1h1111 rhry will ""'""r rl1t1m Br y dr" r 111,.•I Jn•l1an C:r ant." ,..I~ one h111C o r the 11&nd 11trlp Srcrttary-Managn le,;llllatlve acceptance of • al&te from lhe r1rh prorred11 of Ult! _ _ wster plan: t ln&nClnf of the city of Long &sch. 11hn11lcl ht plan: aolYlll( of Ole STe&l prob-dl\'ertf'd to thr cflnHrv&llon of lf'm ot lhe &A& ot ort(in .a. Ole n&tu,..I naour<'!' of watf'r. Formerly Ult Newport-Balboa Newe-Tlmea and th• Newport-Balboa Pru• A Depvictable Lot'eJ lmtttvdoa for Over Forty \'ears Enter'9d u Sl'OOnd-Clau Matttr at Ole Poatoftlce ln Newport Beach. Ca llfom la under Ole Act ot Much 3, 1879. PuWlahecl F.wrJ' Monda.Y, Weda-., u• Frtd&y at Xf'Wl>Ort ~ C.W,. b7 Ille Jl>CWPORT llAJUIOR PrBUSRL~O COMPA..~Y Ttltplil~ Hanor HJI Qwnl,,.., t. Pabltab L.«al SotlcH aed Ad..erttaeawntl of All &i.41 BJ DeclrM of th 8upertor Coart of Or&q9 Co. I.II Ac:-tJoo l'o. A-tnn Ml'lllbfr C'alltnmla :\'t''°pap.-r Publ11bert1 A1111oclatlo. Mrmbf'r Satlonal Mltorla.I AIMM>d&Uon Ml'mlw'r nf oranie t 'nuoty Ntw11 ~n1«"fl the area ot denc1enc7 and Ult 11e1ect1on or hlch pr1or1ty pro· Jecta for Immediate conatrucUon to """• areu of pH•nt de.fl• cl ency. j l.;1'1111!' llM! h I hrn11i:h Rlrhard «11r· •"'"IT•' <1•n·~·11.n Wltl h" hrn111ht 8ACRAME:o.;TO.-IC):Sl -The Tht ptople In oOltr c;11anmun1tl .. ~ P"n1••1 ''•ht•\'l•I r .. r Rll • lllf'~ II ,, I Ii) 11.r , 1 •·n """ l'l'llf1lt1tlnn1 titanic •t ruiitlt' for lhf' !;1mg nr CehfnrmB lt~llllll\' 1111' I.IX•'' "l'l"'a1• ""If t rrlA\n rt'I'"''""" 1•'1 11·~···1 l"'tolnlnl:' C':trpf'nl!'r POl~IS i·r PROBl.f:~I Brach oil royalty mciney. amnl\[11· tor lhl' Im pro\ .-mrnL, '"'''J: l~··Arh lllnll~ "'111 I •".•ull "hrn 11,r , ,.,,,.<: '" "' I I 1' ' I ' "' Jrihhyl~t ~ fr11m Lindsay l l'ld Cal1forni1t 1 city lnit to approxlll'\a tely St:lO.OOO.floO l"'"11ld put In rnr nm.h1nir. a11 r11r 1,r1ld~ II• '''n"'""''" in s .. 11 "'"" ,,1 r • .: ur '',. l,;1nl:' H··1 .. h hattle offlclal11 nnthlnc that h1U1n't beC'n at the moment. and t•tlm11tP'!I Ill tte taxpayt 11 a1 e r()n<'trnNI I' 1'"" 1111 ' 1' I'• i< • r I '' ..., ' '"I' ,., ltrf11re th" lri l"la· u irt t>trnre, anrl nothlni: th"l eventually at bf'lwt'tn S2 and 31 The 19:\:1 lr111,1111 111r line n•1•" 111 \\ ! ;,. 11.t ~1'1111' ,.11 11 "' : • 1 1"" nr.·• n DRY CTCLI: IUN every d\'I(' 1"11•lr r In lh" lllate billion, hu be,.n irolni: fin be· hea,·y lobbying, d!'ff'&lrtl h\' • nr ar1 mil Into th" "''"" ,. 13 / "' I •1 i 1 · A q.,, r .. ,. 1;,,n,.111! t. ... on- Conntcta of lntereat 80 tar should have In mind at tht prt~ I tween the atate and thr city nr I \'Ole a ml'MUre whl<'h wnuM h"'"" tam t hat a ,-roup n! ,.1, v 1, ;•rf'· hi J I 1.•,fr11•n ,, "" I• h14mlllnir ent llmt . Lonr Btach lh11 11ummer. unnb-1 taken r 11re of L11n11; H••Ao 111 hAr-~ .. n:1111""' w•it1 h "'''·hr1t •0 ir· "" at '• "• riil r r 111 .. •.,,.for At• have preeented major blocka to • iolvlng theH problem• and If His addru.s, however. ""n-e~ to truslvely. but nevertl'l•let1• effl!<'· oor nt,.<111, and 111m1'<l "''<'r th,. main antJnymo'll.ll 11 lhr ri o rni t •111•; 1;.1 1•rr.I 1-:1lu11tnd 1; Brown, tN i tate la fact'd by a dry cycle. point up lht probltm, &n•I (•nee tlvtly ln10far u Ule 1l8t e I• ron· I r"'t nf the otl re\'tnu,. tn th~ 11t11IC' timC' wtl1 Rt'1 lOjtt'lht r wllh ti,. n• r • '"' • 1 1h .. til•IC! would flle lu whJch Inevitably tt will be, "lht< agaln bring It t o the mind .or ; cerntd. I ror the benrf1t of a ll Ole I'' opl" ltoattl or rtlr• clon nn.t •l•r ,11n•I •.I' 11 .. rtr v l' k tu r,.rn''"r runda pro b•m le iolnr to be heighten-lndlV1dual11 who c&n b,. or 110m e I Th• 8tlllt ot Ca llfomla. In vie,., I The city apent thn11aanr111 uf •lul-lhal the Lctit.-0" at lu•l k""fl 1·1 1 .. , •• 1 h the Saipr,.mr <"nu rt llMl&tance lf'gi,llltl\·ely 1n 1trtlln& Of a 8upreme Court dtclalon. ('Of\· Iara on lobbyl•la 11nd pubhr tPlll· lurnda off th,. V ·'l II• a• h , .I '• •11 n l'r l"•lm11 n ll.IM'1 hu ftlf'd ed and .. rrevated almoit beyond the b1tll rolling on the wi11er pro-lt'nda that half the Loni:' 8'-a<'h llOIUI reprr1ent.allvr1. aa wl'll u 1 attle. an.I '"'lU"t\ ,... "',n lh1t' .,,,,,. • .. : tn'*'n 11nt1on 1n th" Mal- compi-.henelon," he declared. Jr&m. 1 oil royalty revenue and aJI ol c1nalderable 1111m for fnn•t and I th,. atll ll' > ... It"'*" 1 hl:'111 in 111 l•.n , ,,,, II" rr•i1ir1t"'I tht pre- H1 pointed out that cltlu ban :-.=n ont I• more aw"r• of the 1 the revenue derlVl'd by Lhr clly llqunr for le1p1lato rs Thi bill ba ttle to equ1<l11.• Iii.. 1r,.,..,11,., ""''"!: l 1olg1 /ff 11o .. 1,,,, An1ele1 •• much and probably more 1t.ake ltgi11lat1Jre's r!&lllanre with the from Ult aal• of dry ,... belnni; nevtr rtached Lhr ital!! 1ten11Le. I Ml:iilORITV l'OMITIO:O-. ,..,, ~11r,r ri.111 ,,. 1 •1 1111o111 11 a Juda• In aolvtnr the water problem• water problem Ulan UndMy wtlo t.o all the ~nple ot Callfom l•. but wu defeated by a cu1111l• ut 1 .. l•"llr 1 h" , .,.,. fic111, 1111l~ltle or lhsn do aplcultur&I lntereat.a. for h ntd lo mgtnf'tr ,;veral rt1lher lh11n the cltlz,n1 of Long volte In the usembly A rtpre11,.nt11t1ve ot tl111 grr•·•I' lh' Ar.;:•,,.. , ,11101y. ••n Iii,. t heory economlcall)", the lack nf w•ter u t B<'ach. l \°SEW WITH ALAR~ pointed out that Lonr; Hell< h l11 11h1t thr ,.:a lt' • IUlnot ittl • fair tor lnduatrlal purpo.u rept18 blll• throuirh the two houiu for LOSO BEAC"tl SIDE Mu.nwhlle, ma.ny <:a.llfornla cit· only o ne mcmher of the I..rair11" t r11tl ff'lr 11" 1 r1nt,.ntlfln• In that BE:-.i REDDICK. PUBLJSHER ntw b111lnts• from locattnr In water dtvelopment. Ytl al lht Long Bucb, JTanl•'1 tldtland• I• are vlewtnc the Long liur h and that It!! f\Q11lloo 1~ to th-' rminty \\'lLl~IA M A ~I OSES. Editor C.&llfnrnlll. thu.s diminishing tht lut aualnn ot lh1t le&lalature with uet of revenue from tho~t' aHuaUon with alarm, u p.clally dtlrlment or lhe ~opl11 tn fllhn •Jo rr,..11119 n ta.HI Loi An(tlu 111• OR:\tO~n 1-;. R()l'~TREE. Advertising Dlr~tor I number of JObl anllablt tor a leaa Ulan a million dollllri wu land• hmrnd -to 8,._.lllc purnnsr• u tile lAaf'J• or Callrom la Cit-clUu -lhert'fore. ll ahn11f1I not u • .,, L-• "''tSTR _. l d t •-I r~· ,,.. h lh ... 1 1 prn11r rourt hu •f'nt the r•'lUNl C~S A. ~ 0 NG. Mt'CharucA.l Supe •• n '" '" f">Wlnr popu .. l oa. I •P"roi>rlalfld for conUnuure of l\1rh 11 commerce , navigation anct lea 11elped the Loni Bea.ch lobby-&\'e e a.,vantait ()f "1byln1; -----------------------------, ~ thtre are only 14 ~pie ,. rt11h,.rlu . claim• ti 1tho11lcl hrwe lat.a aeek an advll.flt&I• tor one u Klst.Anr .. fMm the l~fO.CH! It 111 th,. rhlrf J11•11r .. nt lhr aupr,.me Sl"'B~RlPTIO~ RATES: out of nerv 100 on the lanl1 1n lhe prnJTIUll, and the mea11UN to all lhs money to be U•"rl u It city whirh la not enloyt t1 by other H I! 1r ri10rt "'tlfl 111~'> I• h~•t1 ot the X"" port Harbor St1u-Pn-.. Trt-Wedl.IJ . ' t t t d .... -t I• Or&llfe Count~. u .oo JW>r yt"a r : sa.oo 11111 "'"·: SJ.SJ"''" moe. Ois l"nlttd 8tat ... lndu1try mu't cru e a• ronc wa er •..--en 1eea tit. It hat planned to u"' the communttlu . t'nlt11• th .. '"'"r•I 'r ,1,,,.,..,ra a111t .. • Ji1<111 1,.1 , .,,,n, 11 "'hlrh ... Ouhld11 of or.nae ('ounly J1.00 (W'r 1"'' 1 ta k up Ult job load, wtUt -.rt· wu J" ... t.4 ,..,..M toe-111\AAlc.lpal pu~. Becau.e ot thi. -l•t.&nc• f lVtn ' ll(rttl to t.hl1, It l1 likely that tll• a1J118 Jud&" 1n IM lance1 hke t.IUa. ' ,, , I I • t • • . ..... ..,.. .. .. -· ~ -·-... ,.. .. " I l -. ' . ,, ... HARi .OR ,o~ BILL P HILUPS, Sport.a Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PAGE 3 FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1955 SAINTS SCORE FOUR TO EXCELSIOR'S TD SANTA ANA. (QCNS> -&u.ta Ano High School I Coach Lester t Bual McKnight today wu in an optim.islic mooJ after his club poured acro~s four touchdowns to one for Excelsior in a scrimmage here Wednesday. The t•o&ch rttd1n~ to aort out Mt>yt r at r11tht half, Dave H urk· anyonl' &I' outslanrtln« In \\'t'd· burl at ldt h&lt and Larry Bjork· nP~cl11y·a art1v1ty. Ont' thing he l&nd a t "full. , I.._ , , I Se em f oi l111 3 ~ Aut o · Lif e · F 1 r e witll tilt Stitt F .. lwan C•llP•••~ GM/ ' u S..1011 a W. L LH41o I.. r.. Cal.- 133 E. lith St. COAta MN& II k I'd W IOI It e lt In« 4 3 k Id 8 Into r;;-;;-;;--;;,;-,;;;-,;;;-._.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;a lhe scrinllNllt«' The deftonse wu "10&li11factory", accordln1t to McKnight. There Wert' no long runs on offenae. Hta first >'tr1nic backf1t'ld 11howe<l Art Melgoza at quarter, Ronnie your lt} fJ i8 * AVAILABLE NOW EBB TIDE Trailer Park SAILORS ON OFFENSE -Probable starters agaimt Excewor tonight include, from left to right, in bac~field Halfback Juhn Hop- kin•. Quarterback George Schuitt, Fullback Charlie Berry ud Half- back Dave Tamura. On line End Charles Vandervort, Tackle Dir.k Nabora, Guard Gary Deems, Center Jack Smith, Guard Jerry Sam- sel. Tackle Larry Harper, End Paul Lorentzen. -Rtaff Photo lndude1 a .rwimming pool and clubhOU# for re"'}ent1 • Free Centralized TV Antenna e Children Welcome SAILOR PREPS LAUNCH GRIDIRON SCHEDULE IN BUC BOWL TONIGHT ARGONAUTS TAKE ON PUENTE IN OPENER GARDEN GROVE I OC'NS l -ra .. 111 Card~n GrOVf' l\\11'1111:1'11 184 m tht ltne and 1!\7 1n the back· I r, .. .,. Practice 1 Fray with May Determine Tar Excelsior Fall Hopes The preparationa are over: now the boy. get down to buaineaa. Coach Al Irwin and his Newport Harbor High School mentoring staff have given the Sailor football crew all the gridiron fundamental8 and training that can be gotten srroN In three week• of plg1kln I drill•. front wall averape 184 lbe,, U'9 But tonight. when th• Tare baclfnald Hll. rluh with Excel11lor ln a prac· ON OFFEND II<'" trav. It'll bl' up lo the younr· Hne'• the oft•n•v• ltarteN .11tf'ra lhl'mt1~IVl't1 with ram• numben: l :SO tur Ko n · Quarterback Geo r r • 8cbu1lt Coach Don AvtrY exp«I• h11 dewted to I. t t I n r detenMI Oarden Grove elevt'n to r «>rform ac&lnst Excelalor'a comblnt'd T a litUe llhupn Ulan In a re<"t-nt and UCLA atnrlewtnr manuevera. acrimmaice when It ph'Y" h• .. t ll) ._ • Bern&u wu able to .llCOUl the Pumte in the football o~n,.r tot • •-r Practice GH5 I Piiot. ln th.La WMk'1 11Crtmmage qainat Santa AD&. and he r .. both here tonight. ' EA1ly l"lllPt or mtl'1t-~l to Har- ported lll:celslor employed R<'d Garden Grove tumed In a •pol· t;.,r ar .. a l'""I' f<lolball lana find• ___ .. _ _, t t ""·"b k ty performance lJI a acnmmace -· a J • • m o ,..., ac acainat Lone Bnch J orJa n e&.r· Monteb<-llo ''• f"llru~ Santa Ana eplna, bandoth and Une plunlt'H lier tn the WHk ,., Riv• r>hlP anJ An11ht'11n v1. wtU. '°"'• ipttad aerial act1vl· ttfi.llan•I• s .. pt 23, a n1I Anaheim tJea.. Th• Arronauta will tac• a , • ._ Lu Vt-KU Sept 30 1 Irwtn waa stvlnc h.18 defen11vr t.m which hu el1ht 1 .. uennen I;:::::.======--=:....:===. linemen fnatrµctlona In npup retumln(. tncludint two all-Tn- blocli:IDS which en1bl11 UM boy11 County M clu and 'wo othar 1 to clean '1ip bl front al tlllwl and at.art«',.. 1 attn l1l8h th• p&Mf'r. The ram• will be • battle be· MA.IOlt L'llrnllY tw"n two .pUt T tnma w11.h BE SURE -INSURE -.It.II •uc-an: !ST.uni v ,_,.._ O.ly '"'"-Hart.or U 1t JIU r.. c-t Hlt•••7 c-*I Mu of the new Halecrelt la bentlful COSTA MESA Harbor Boulevard• 8abr Aw. WM~---IUI Tf'lf'J>uon•· 1 .lhnt~ 11-1492 • • • Large Patios Space for Cabanes Telephone Acceuible • Popular Prices e Excellent View • Ocean Breeie • Location only • couple of minutes from bey, beech, ocean, boat ramps end fish in g piers Ell TIDE TRAIUR PARK IWpb Lamb, Owaer <'°* ..... LlblriJMftl Kickoff 1 lme 111 t!Cheduled ft)r I I 1) i. Ralvu Dave Tamura (20) 1 JO p m. In munlrlcent Or&111fe / a nd John Hopkina (11): 1"ullbaclc ,·..,1111l ('nlleite P irate Stadium. Charlie BerTy ID ): End8 P aul Outromr of the first Harbor area l Lorentun (~8) and Cbarlea Vand- prt-p football irame of t~ eeuon ervort (341). Tackle• Larry Har- m n\· dett-rmlnl' Sailor chanres In per 138) and Dick Nabor1 (48); th•; Sunset Leagul' lhUI fall. , Gua rd• Gary Dffma ( .. ) and The 11t11rtmg offensive lineup Jf'rry 8a.m11e& t 481. and CWlter tnr the loc11l1 1nclude1 eight ~n-Jack Smith 12!)). Th• junlon are 1or1 and th~I' jun1or11 while th• Vsndervort. Dl'ema and l!lamMI. 0 ,. ft n 11 1 v, lineup contain• two The deten1lve array for the j 11 n Io r a, Offenalvt>ly. the back · Tara Include: Only on• m ajor Injury bobbed returning QuarterM k J im Dun1· up to hamper the Tar (11da dur· Yin dlrecllnc Gard»n Gron an•I lnl the training period. 'J"bal waa all·ll'&g'\141 Henry Rodarte. !\·10 1 a knee Injury which aMlt'llned J l)6, runnlnc th• Puente ottenee nnt atrtng Tackle Dick OTerby. Rodart e&rMd .. loop honon at Jeaat throup tonl1bl'1 com-u a a1nglt"wmg fullbe<'lc last I bat Lo• of OYerby forced lN•ln year. while FullMck ~ .. Smith to ll!Jft Nabor1 from left gu11r11 8-2. 194, waa r-hoMD alt • lt-"ltU" 1 to rtrbt tackle and mon lam111'1 tailback. lnt.o the ruard alot. Oardm Grove hu It• own a.II· I Irwin hope9 to have Overby ready to ro acalnat Montebello Orange League player11. Mannlni.t 1~novncin9 New Ford Trucks r1t-ld anraan 163 lb~ .• Ole fflr· End1 8111 Lamb 132\ and Nell "ard wa ll. te6. Dl'feMiVl'ly. the Mt'lcalfe 1311 ; Tack lea Nabon1 and Harper; Guard• Detma and Rorer TAR IAIES Early I 41U; 'Llnebacken1 Schultt. Berry, Tom Niquette (17), Larry Cutro t 181 and Tamura. Junlora are Delma and Bill Lamb. SET DEFENSE l"\nal workouta t.bta week were on the rival fleld next Jl'rld"Y· r1itlt tackle wrn be e.1. 241l· 1 pound ~r&i• Auuc. All -c 1P Other IOUH have meant the Small 8choolt1. Don Ho11Tn11n w1111 aacrlflu of depth. End Bob Gia-11eeond 11tnng all -lnop bar k and I ham chipped a knuckle bone and two MCond . tf'am hnl'mtn. Tony 1 bad hi• milt In a cul t'arly t '1l1 Walllclt, iuard. and Kti•th Mon· week. J'lu loWfl'fld Ole boom on Tackle Bob 81\al«'r and Fullback ltt. tackle. I Karlan Pauley. Ler: mlMrlu Dffplt• the cut that P11Pnt -' temporarily deeked Guard Pete drawa from an rnrollmt'nt or khulber(. 1 JOO -agamat Oanll"n Grov1"~ Offtcla.la for t.onJrbl'e i o: Ref· 2400 -Ul«'Y w ill m11t<'h the Ar· ~ for'56 Neeme Issues Roster of 58 tot C Squad ertt JCarl Encman. Uneman gonaulJI In w«'ilt'ht. ------------Ralph Long'botham and Umrlr• Puent• w111 UrW a 177-pound SAILOR C'S . Rffll' Gttene. avenijfe linl' 11n<I lfll ·pound bsC"k · SCRIMMAGE A aquad roeter of ~ C J>lrakln LAGUNA HI hnpetul~ waa INUed today by <:oach Emil Neeme of lht' New-1 Co.ch l!mll Neem•'• New- port Harbor Rl(h School ITfd· port Harbor mp School C !Ton fl'a-tpta. The rOl!ter, ac--tordlnr to pC>llltlon: tool ball teem will 1ertmma,e Quarterbacka G ary Picken•. Lacuna Bl'ach on Dav1daon Rng'r L111k. Halfback• Denni. Field at 3 p. m. Monday. Tucker. Robin Swinford. Steve The tiff will ready hf• lad• SlmQfWOn, Chuck Remlt"y. Stne for f1rat rl'gular contaat or Huehn, John H a 11 k e I I, Dave tht lt'aaon, a practice 10 a l H&mmon d. Crllllf C11dwalader. l"ullbllck• Ten y 8 a gwe11. Monttbl'llo Thureday. f;lf'nn Morrl11on. Mike Randall. rrobable •tarting hne II p Mlkt Vidal and G!'t'gg WlllOOn. Neenie indica ted, will bl'. F.nd• Emeal Slm11, Dean Rick· Quarterbuk Gary P1cken1. t lla, Daniel Rogert1, Earl Lrwia. Tim J onee. J im Jewl'll, Kirt Hall H a I v • • John HaakeU and Larry O.UL Lewta Fronaman, Dan Hammond: Fullback Lloyd J'ortunt, William Dock. Terry Baptll; Ends Larry Gary Ctaric. Cart Cotton Mid Joe C.ntll and Gary Clark ; Taclc· Amoad. Tacldea Dan Arlhor.r, Robert Pttw, Gary Engle. Howard Oil· 11trap. Mike Hayn. Bill MUler. Dave Moody. R1chArd 8 chllchen· inavw, Ken \\'allacr . Guarda ~nta ThompllOn, Dick flai-. OeotJ• Mcfarland. Ph11- llp M.alUoull.. IUcllard Leonard. Tom Irelud, LuTr ON111. lAOn Atwood. C-tera Mike ~r,.e. Gren Gilbert, T'otn Hallt'U. Bill Stone. Manapra for th• C Tan a~ Chudl Xnmtt and Dave ,,tch. lea O a r 7 lllng1• and Mike HayH ; Guarda Dick Ralnt'• and Tom lreiana. and Cen· ter Mika Geor~•- RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL -_. at.. Newport 8eeeJa lluMr 1111 LIDO PLAZA OFFICE BUILDING Under Construction NOW LEASING! Located in the Lido Shopping Important Area with Street-Front Offices on Via Oporto and Fabulous New Offices Overlooking Newport Bay New Boat SHp1 Available to T enanh Have Your Bo•t H. Front of Your Office •Can• Keho CwtlWtloll Co. or Edwl11 M.,...y 0a,,...,.. ... • ....................... .., .... 11,. .... all ~1" to tile fin-truclu ot1 lh• Ameritan r09d-1W• F0<dll Now! Most horsepower per dollar! NI W I More horsepower In every model • •• up to 26~ morel Ivery e,.tne Short ltrokel NEW I llgger copacttlesl New Drtverbed Cabsl New Lifeguard Mlfety featuresl 'NEW I New ltyflnt1, new "leodenhlp look"I Over 210 moclel1, from Pickups to llG JOISI c ......... ., ....... .a.o_ how mu~h JI-t.RYel i. .. ,.,..i by !lhQrt Stroll• m · r.,.., R.alt: i-trlctloe, --,.--'*po••· N ow-'66 Ford Truckl (ivt you a rhoiCfl of 1trtn Short Stroke Y-8'a and a Short Stroke Six. Horwpower increuea up to '.?!;'\;. More power to ret you rollinc fut.er, aave you tim@ all lht way! More l!Mtt- ~ pn dn/lnr tliart on11 odt" tr~Jc liM -proved hy compariaona of net hon. poww and 1Uf.-wd tin priea of call trucka! New Drirn~td Caba with full-wrap windahitlda nit drivinc ltrain. New Life- auard f•tunl riv• you protection you can't pt in an1 other truck! S.. th• new lord '!'Neb now, at JOIV Ford Dealer'1! No otlter truck give• you oll of tlteN '56 featv,... NIWf 8-lt. ·~n· lq>,... few bv.Uq loMr. Aleo, e~ft. Pk np. GVW 6.000 lhe. HfWf O..~ter Ufecuard n.rinc wt-I belpe protilct driYW Item "'81nnl eollllM. Only Ford h• It I No enra ~. HfWI Liferu&l'd door latchee sf,,. added pro. tect.ion acainet dOOl'tl jarT1n1 open in an acddetl•. HfWI 12-volt irnitiOI! for hetl4ir atartioc, .,..._ ~rformanoe, rreater •leetrir.I re.r~. HfWf "Special" Y-3 enr;1-with ucluaive hood lllr l t"OOp, t -bvral cvhur.tor and dual ea.haUlt •)'Wt.em ••• lot eatn power and s-fonnue.I HrWf T ubt1-dr• nan 16" t!OOler, .... ..-. mlleac'tl Stand.ard oe ""!:! f'otd Tn•t HIWI Sodl~ ahau.t ...i.._ ln -~· duty •cl,_ °'*9t.e aa much • H~ eoolwl NrWY run~...,.p wlndahlald llW!tlard °" .u e.be. N•• tull-wnp ,_ window M low estn ~. ON Dl8~1.AY f'fllDAY-a•• YOUfl N•IGH•OflHOOD f'OflD D•AL•fl THEODORE ROBINS roua J'OllD DE.AL1lll 8Dr<m m1 -<Ol"f 11Aar.rwa. IOL&l JlOO W. Cwt HICJllway-Newpott leacll-Liberty l-M71 I ' . • •A&°E ~ • PART .I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY . SEPT. ll, 1955 PIRATES STILL PACK POTENT 'BACK PUNCH hl• be•t qUarttn.ack, wtU kl• ovrr. J ()n•• waa .idellned tlr•I it11y ol pr1cttc1 with a split fin· 1tr callMd by a mapback. ROMO adda th• tullb&ck. quar- ttrb&ck and ldl panS po.tUon• are wtd1 Opul. BordM Gru,pr, 1t.:rUn1 left J\l&t'd ...Wt mut Contra C:O.ta. 9tU1 ....._ tM in· Iida track. 1 32~ 17 .~, 11 ~~~,~~l Lou ot Fullback Mike'Haaa and H alfback Ken Ree<t doean'l depM\·e Coach Ray Roaao ot a etrong backfield (or the Orange Coast College Pirates but it c('rtainl:v does re- duce the depth. quartrr. At lh• •IK"fl•I calllnc A p&lr ot &Mi~ Jol.11.S Ula Bue 1qu1d w. --k: Alp!u1n10 R...111lru trom Woodlab H 11 h. t.M"kle, 22, &-11, llO Iba. and Dll-- l1rd Starr, HUlltlnaton ia-ch. 20. ~-!I, J~ lb&. lt&JT ...... nrwt II.fin« halfbaek tor the ou ... Attu all, Hau wu ..U-Eutern Blot, how•v•r. thf'rf''1 rhllllc1 U11t Conference lut -..on !Uld Ro5-0 Phil J on,.., t1bbc-o:i by Rn1110 11 n.tea Reed u "my mo.t depend- able be.ck, iv.a It he I.I one 1tep 1-AO;;;;;;;;-.-.. ... ""'-..-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ' ... "~: ..... .. ( . . .. .. . ·· SAD.ORS ON DEfo'ENSE -Furnishing the Jinl' !:>ulk when Excel- sior hu the ball tonight will be, kneeling, Tackle Diclr Nnbo•'9, Guard Gary Dttma, Middle Guard Roger Early and Tackle l..arry Harper. Backing up the llne will be. atanding. Halfb&l'k Larry CJU1tro, End Bill Lamb, Halfback Tom Niquette, Quarte rba~·k George Schuitt, Fullback Charlie Berry, End Neil Metcalf, and Halfback Dave Tamura. -Staff Photo THE SP ·ORTS WATCH By BRJ.. PIDLUPS Obvioutly, everyone ia waJting with bated breath for Phillips to tab the order or finish in th,. Sunset Leaguo? football frolic• o! 195.5. Arter all, l am the aage who pickl"d Brooklyn to c·o p the National League basebaU bunting and Archie ~fnore !ti put Bobo OlllOn awey with "''hich could n11'an det•11l hy a ••Jot-bt'tt1r hal•nePd te a m ·"'ow <\\°t-no lonipr talk about Wht'lhtr lut'h •n 1Jr.\'f'n ex 1~!1 in Clf'\"t-land tn the Amtr!can Loop. the Sun~et loop. I rann"l ~~\'. a. ... t<l••· I .. wu rootlnJ for tht-l h•vt-n'l oba~r,·1•d thl' other Rr<:I SOil. And I wu much too aqu11tJ In ac!Jon THERE'S ALSO ROCKY SYSTEM WHERE REF COUNTS UP TO 10 SACRAMENTO, IU.P.1 -The St11\e Athletic eon\- n11a1ion 11ys lt h1.11 •chrduled a .. nee1aJ mtttlng In Ln• An(elr• ¥.'edneedlly lo htllr ar;:-~mt-nl1 on 1dr.pllnn nr the "10 point m111t" •Y,.tt-m <lf -c<>Mni; b<n1Jn1 bou~" 111 CaJitom lL Rlnr acorln.r I• now don .. by lht Au11lr11 l1• 1y1t.-n1. wh~ch providu for the d1v111on (;of 11 /)(>Intl pt"r rouml Under th• n"w 1y1lrm. thr "''lnner of e11ch roun<i woul•1 lll'•l 10 point.a and lhl' loatr 110mt-th1n1: undt-r 10 The romm1.-Jnn alM 1111ya it will rt1...:u11.1 othtr rul" ~·h•nl(l'J!, 1ncludinJ • p1·o"IJ1!i1n tnr r~\'fn<I l( • der- l1rauon If t1n l'rtor it m,.,, .. :n th,. rompllatlon of ••·or" r1rd•. PCL Statisffcs St.al11tlc1 •how that Geor~ Mielko\·tch. Oakland outfleldrr, and Lou Krt-ll<lW, St&tlle pit cher. 1opprd the P•cUJc Coa.at Leagu• in bt.ttlnr and chuck!na:. Metko- vl<"h hit .33:'.o. Kretlow won lt. Jo111 l . R ed 7'fW1gt-r. Hollywood, won the n101t gamt-a. 23. Bob Garbt'r. Hollywoo\I, "'Al atrtkeout kln1: with 198. Stt-ve Bl!ko, Lo• A nj!:rlt-1, topped home run •lur- ,-LnJI,' with 37, E11.rl Rapp. San [)jt'('O. l<><>k the RBI UUe with 133. Ntppy Jonf\I, S11cr11mr.nto. ..,.,. .. leader In h!ll w1th 206. Th• currl'nt Mt• nine uncar M11n11Kt-r Bob \Ver~ .. 1 I• compoaed .,.,.rt to ro rl'llt on the limb In Moor1'1 bid for Rocky'• crown.) -----------------------------·lof r 11chPr1 Wa}-ne Cou1httt•, The reaeon f_<>r pleklJ\I( Sl'v•-1 Jt-IT}' Rice and. Don Lt°IKh. C&t- Pt'Rir:Lr PftO'IT.c"l'1\"I: po_rt Harbor to take \hi' 111•1ble• WIN-R LOOP SET cller Tony Lombardo. Flr•t Bu1-th11 .-e1aun he" hfil'n bllJP<l u 110n I 15 - Uu! Bailor.•' ~11-~•n!nr b••kf••ld.1 ·----------------man \\'ally Y•1lbrock, SKond And tht-re·a no qu<'•tlon ebout Jt M h t o A o t Sacker Don C&rter, Shortatop belnr a 1100<\ one. perh11p11 b<>~t ere an s pen gains Bob \Vt-Utl an d OuUleldtr• in U>• ••~•IL Bot th• look of C•o•a• H~'"· Jim Nowkl•k &od ranting a nd ra vlnl:' rrom C11rot .. n Buddy Pierce. Grove n1alo:e1 a guy prt-tty •u~-1 c T 0 t be 2 pldooo. II "" m .. , '"'' ,,. of. Orona eam c 0 r ·w oo. ·-"' ... w. w•· ..... back or the other boy._" ,, R11RD FOK HAAS Bl.it Jim Hurd, TO"ho turned In 90m11 territlc punting tor the Pl- n.tH ln thtlr ttr•l oulln1 tht1 -..on. ha. taken O¥er tor Haa•. whJJe Bill Hurieon, the Hunttna;- ton Be&cb /1uh, hall etmwn wti.at he can do from e. h&ltb&ck poel- tlon. Stvt1n1 backneld e.plnet San Mat.o on the rive.I gridlron Stpt. 30 wtU be Hurd •t full, Hurlmon a.nd BIU McKenale a t th• halV<e• ·a.n4 Dick Ellner or Jim Coon at "Check your tire pre111:'r• often Low tire1 mean poor; mile•9e.11 Courtney & Ledw '"'"*-u 1-tlt'r JI!( 116llEW1911& MERCURY H ~-THUR., SEPT. 29™ But a rt1r -.ttnr thr tloubll' take which occurr-4 wh•n Coach Al lrwln he•rd hi• T•ra had hem M)«ltd for top spot ftn1lh in aome quartt-,.. the otht-r d•y, 1 h&v• decided t.o approaeh thl1 .. ·hole thln1 from. a dlfft-rent \·ie"·rwtnt. 1 would hate to - IJv•ln aU!l'v a ntck Jnjury. Ro. let'& b ... lht-11 Sunaet lAa- icu.. HltcUon• on ~ order In "·hwh r o11ehe• hll\'e ht'"·111lt'd fhflr \'t-ry ,.11llltf'nl·t-with the leeat Krnery chrw1n1. J udging from the 1crt-am1 uf &111ul1h rt•· lnll' t n>m lht-pr1ctfce fl•ld.ii ovt-r Anaheim an<t ~\lllt-rton way. th•y'\l ti. lurk}' to ft•ld a t1am.. i nd l-011'\t oppon1nt1 no doubt "'"~h lhl'y ""'0Uldn'I. two thln111: Ellhl'r Co•ch l)nn I Ina: with Oran11 Cou t CoUt-r Anry hu llO liltlt-h~ l•n't 111 lk -bo)'1," Lane Tlpo r ttd. !"The lnr. nr h•'• got 1 " niut>h h" 1~11'1 -The MeBa Ml·rchanl~. '>''ill OJ>f'n their Orange County 1 ·~~1~·f·•~f~oi'i"~·~~!~~~i~ii~~~iiii~~~i~!~~i~~i~ii~ii~~~l~i~~=i~~i~ITTJ-talklnK Wintl'r J,,eague comroetition a~ainst the Cort•na Merchantn Or•nK• •n•t llunlin i;:tu" Ht·•" h thert> at 1 :30 I'· n1 . Oct. 2. i{usin ei:<s .\fant>.ger Ed Lane -'\n-a:et lhl' boUnr11 S!"li• h4-r1111.•" , ~ th')' •pre•r thin all uv•'•' l'rrp nounced tod:1y. All Joo r) !'f)llte.s ta wtll start at I :30 p. rn . tootblll rontinuP• th~ fr~,. Joub-F1n,.1 s•l Ill' .. r n : .. ""u11,.1· 1h11· 1 Southem C1IUoml1 Mun1clp1t 111ltut1on Jll'l up th•~ ~~n,,..n ".'untl l•·a1::u1· 1n.1ui1.,. Cui.II\ )l•'M. Bt-nt-flt h1•urance plan which whlrh llH!ln• )'"II ~nll;o llnl'•' l.:<11'"111 '.\l ,.!'i'h:•nlM 1t11 •! A\hlrtor~. cover1 a \$-player rOlter for SIO '! I pltnly of hor~•. i'.hu.·r n1111. ~>t nt ll A•'•. ~:! ~h •trnr,, p~r yellr phi" a 12 reglatrat oon I LOl'IJ:RK. \\'t:•:i •t:K:-; ~ 111h•r1un nn•l 01 nn1:•· . I Th•' n'>Wnt .•· 1 .. ,.~1,,. 11 .. ,. J(.,11,.,1 ft"P Olhtr Hm1pro ln11ur•ni:t- LY.AST srt"YERIXCO ~'\illerton •nd An•h .. 1ru , ... 1 1h~ ~1 ,,nw 11,,.1 na.~~t"'ll A ~·<l'\<'tR ·, ro~l~ n,m SJ& plu1 II ,..per )'t-•r 1 nRtur1lly ,,..,.epr.<l lht'nl~fl'''"' •1111 t1on t<> t•ke •<iv11nt11.,te of thl' f J~t player, N'port• 1ho ... ·. On the o\her h&.nd. thr \,.•al moan1 have ortgina\l'd in the ar- l'a or G11rdrn GrO\'e wherl' the brlt\d new Arron•ut l'ntry ~ .. r m• to hit.Vt' the n~c••~ary matertal to remove the llil.dem trom the Colonteta' cr.nlum. of conl~nunn. Tho~,. •·n1r h .. ~ ---_ don 't nt'1'1I 1 r ry1ng t(!V.'rL thP)' r~:::~;;~;;r;r~rir:rc~l-,,;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;-==~r require 1p&ct' tn 1·ro:.-•t1 " nt-"' oct-an Hut th,. o·olrl f11 <'l r•n•~1nr lhal !'r. ... ·port Hnrb<ir ha" nr vt'f = \\'hlch would illtllcate the pap ICO)p'1 wlndu;-In thl• ordar: Gar- den Grove, :'\'ewport Harbor, San- !11. Ana. J'ullerton. Anaheim. Hunt1n1ton Beach and Otan1e, S ow by putt111r •.he S.Uot• 1econd, don't J•l me wrona:. J've 1p!e<I not a •lnrl• l••r dribbling down J....,.·ln'• chttk. Likt" I 111.i<\. I don't we.nt • double-take lo ll!'h'fl Al 1uch e. 1t\ff nrck he"ll bt! unable lo w&t<'h 11uch •• Ch•t- lie Berry. DllY<' T&mur•. John Hopkln1. J..arry C'111tro. P11ul Lor- r.ntzen 1cor1 th,.lr 1ouch1lo ... -n1. U?lo"Y; OX LOCAi., It ju1t happ1n1 that 111y much rlo1t-r conl.M't wltl'I lht-Tar drlU ""111ona thl& ran h•• m•de me aware ot the lack of Un1 depth flOMl'Netl b.v Ole Se.iloni. a lack ITS TOO LATE l(Ottrn pl.Ill the two of lhr.m 1n recent yee t~. at le•~t. not all ln lht 111m1 l"R~On. S&nta Ana eanu th"' third apot role, l'ven if Bui '-fcKnlJthl did qut-atlon wh .. th'r he h11.<1 fO(llhn ll playeni or rht-l'r lt-•der1. I'vt-110- Uced m any a cht-er lradt-r t v11.rie- ty fPm•lt-1 "''bo've to.st-ii a n1r.1n rurvl'. And Bus h•• Knl .:>ml' I ta•t r&mbl1n1 b1rk11 nn hi~ S1lnl squ .. u. \\",'U kn""' inure •rt"'r to-1 ni.ht'1 Rln1ie.>1. when t h' T1 r~ lan11!t-with E:xctl•l<lr. G•rd~n I Grovit h011t1 Puent.I, th'" Coloniits 1 journry to Redl1ncl1. S•nta An• 1 t-nr;are1 Rivt-nilde and Hun\Lnl(· ton Beach flirt' f_,AJtUnot l:l,.11rh.' Got a bur ket handy ~ l n11y h""'" lo etart b&ll1111t out myself! I when you ar yow car become "HeadlillM" lt'A tlmti No"· to la\'Mtlpte thfl addN:I SAt"t:'f\" t•t:A - Tl'Rt:S nf dri,·intr: •ith .. APPROVED SAt'ET\' Rt:l.T In thl' r.ar. Automntt'·" f'ftKf,nttn and &f~ty conault•nlA ha\'f' pro,·NI b,· M"luaJ tnts that \'OUR MARGIN OF SAFF,- n · JS ISCRt:ASED OREATL\' ·-)'OU dri\'f' or rtde .. a rar equlppHI •1th APPRO\'l:D SA}~ET\· BEL~. R 6. L Auto Cllnic B.Ue llpw--H-llo - 3001 Nowpo<t llh·d. NOW)>Ort heh -Save Timmoe•-aa,nd Mon.y Nothing Down-36 Mo. to Pay ! [JJJIJ~•·" ~ll11l~r~ ••Nail-on'' 5 ff. 1.40 6 ff. 1.55 Hand-Split GrapHtake 5 " 1.40 6 ff. -1.55 ''lalketweawe'' 5 ~. 98c 6 ff. Sl.19 Split·Rall 7Sc ff. AT NO OBLIGATION TO YOU Call V<t f1>r Htlmat"• or br1nr 11& your -"~l• .. d "'" •'Ill i.... pl,.11.M>d In Alto'" 1ou how ln•n:pe•lv<1 h 1<1 '" llulkl e. ,.,.., .... rt'dwoolll t ........ Locel Delivery frff! CHAMBERLAIN & SON Uc:ensecl S88 L 17th SL LI J\.6901 Contractors C0&ta Mt'U LI ~·69!1S ., ~. ,' ! ., J, f NOW OPEN-4f ~<tfl8~ LUXURIOUS RANCH HOMES Nearing Completion •.. some ready for lmMHfate occupancy ••• ,1690 lo 1650 sq. ~. of Llvpb\e Area C.ntrcitty tocot.cl '-oM on;v~ M. ttl• Or.otw Newport Horbor Ar•o . . yet out of teosonol crowding and troffk <eftfe ... on lhot ,.,..ii" ,. ""'"1 r~tlot orecn. LOW CASH DOWN • IASY MONTHLY PAY MINTS • PricH .. Sll,910 and $22,9SO S-.._., IMovMfvl ....._ TOO.A Y there'• Mfhl"I Uke tMlft I" the horlwtr .,.. .. t"--pr•. ~ ... H:arbor-Mesa Ranch Homes trvine Ave., 1 block Neorth of 17th JttMt ,tion• Llllorty 1·2664 • COSTA MIS.A EARL W. STANLEY 1111ter , l•ctwo .. e "''"' ju1f loo!<: Large Loh • room for poot 1650 ~· It. ltvoWo area J ond 4 ledl'OOMI 2 Berth• • Lorge Th thowen HeoyY Codor Shake Rooh Di1tlndivo Firepl"" lheoem lulh-in laftl• ancl Ct-en AWorwood Cal:tlnotl and Pon~ll"9 Nutono Capper °Kitc:h•n Hood onil Pan Gorbage Di•pOMI .....-Air HMt lullt-ln Ciotti• ......,,.... • ....... ,..a_.. . Matier .......... ~ ..,.. .......... , ............ . Mod1rn..,il 11Wff1ti .,_,.. Ct11Mploflo ......... ......,lne c ......... ........ Loree DotiiW. o.,... Pi,.,.-.of Wa" Wo "0111 of s"'og, iteat,Jll.!JLlrafflc 6ettfenecksl" S•e tft•H ha1111f11f !tomes NOW .. before they're AU ,9onef ' -J NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PARf'1 -PAGE S lllllllllllllll!lll!llllll!lll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~llllll!lll!-~-11111!!11111-....... ~~!!!I . FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1955 LOCAL MAN . MAKES FIRST NEW DELIVIRY NOW AV All.ABLE -f'\dvanced front end and side styling of new 1956 Ford, which makes ita debut today at Theodore Robins. Ford dealer, 3100 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, is emphasi7.ed in this view of Sunliner convertible, one of many new body styles which Robins will place on display. They are ready for immediate delivery. Grille has bef>n widened and lengthened. Parking lamps h1we been worked into chrome housing• which extend around sides of fender!:! A new- style hood ornament is recessed above the special Fairlane Ford crest. On fendar Roy 0. YouNitone. ri~ht, owner of Halboa Boat Sales. 300 W. Coast Highway, above concludes f1rRt l'ale of new model Mercury inboard craft to Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Bennett of La Canada, shown with their son, Vance. Yourstone just returned from New. York wh,..re he wa~: appointed Southern California distributor for Rich· ardson Cruiscrq, -Beckner Photo c Ir D h c I w·thd is new ornament indicating "Thunderbird power." standard in Fairlane model' Mr and MrL Keith C~l1n~ 14 • e • ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- 0 ins aUCJ ter Er~ " ~ ~ ap an I raws with V-8 engine. :~00~,-~:·~~ept."~: ~,~r~~,~s.: ~~.,:. 5 JA~ft&Hl Mesa Dairy Plans I Ch I p1lal. , ~A:-\TA A-:o;A , (OC':>:Sl-After s ar ey NOW SflO\\ ING hl'llnng un 11 l\•tr11c hl'1tlth dep1<rt· MESA CITY FUNDS RETURNED TO TOWN BANK BY COUNCIL l'~ri. aod Sat. NOW SHOWING , Mr- the doth Mlle! Sit£ f fJlflt ' •• flWdeD Kid~ Mat ~t. "Lov• Happy" ~111111•o1r ... 1 by Kh" ant• :'lint Attraction \\1111am lloll1f'n "Love Is A Many Splendorecl Thln«J" "SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD" In Cinema.Sc-ope Color by Dt>Luxe "Women's Prison" ment report S ri. Caplan WrJ- n!'iotlay 11ftf'rnoon r•ffert>d lo with· IT lk t• 7 dr11w h1~ apphn \llC\n (or pt'rm1!'· a a 1ve alnn l11 l'llt.t bhi-h a da1rY on tht l • 80 111 h 11lclr or Glsit>r !\VI'. lldJll• Cf'l1l tn th" l'HRl bank •if the Fi p • t ~~~:: ~~=8 Rim , north we~l of 1nger 01n s The planning cornm1s111nn, how- evt>r. clPftrrl' I act1lln on Caplan'll Coat.A M ella cit. councilmen c:nnd1tu1nlll p<'rtnil r eque!'l l t ) w1111 pointed nut that hi• mii;:hl will be pointing the finger at COAta Mesa 111 going to kttp It_, money at horn .. from now on. It wu decided a t the meeting of the city council Monday night when the coundl voted to tranilfer city funds from a Senta AJI& bank to the U.S. N11tlon11I Bank or Co&tll Mes&. Until a new law wu paaeed by tht reC'ent legislature It wu illegal to ketp city funda In a baui< that was partly owned by a city official and fl& CoµnC'1lman Ch1.rlea TeWlnkle ts etockholder in the local bank the money wa.s kept in S11nta Ana. b.-abll' to flnrl another uae for Counc1lmnn C h a r I e 1 TeWlnkle thr Janrt. I when he returns from lhe meet- L'apla n planned a maximum of Ing ot the League of Ca.Ufom la ;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====== 800 <'O" s ••n h1~ p1<>m1~··11 'f>I<' C1tieit at San Fran<'1sco, because healt h dt'part mrnt aa11t tht l1111d th• me~Ung MonJey night only Just Delicious Food! was tn<> lnw for u~e e~ a d111rv · luted a n hour 1111 compared to Th N Art St 1 For rearvaUona -ll&rbor 2'7Z6 three and fOUr hour lll'll"IOnll when e ew egmann s Ht~rrtnc DOUCJ Beattie Goes all five rounc1hnen hll\'l! been COLONIAL RIST AURA NT Ida Lupino to Andover School pment. lODGI AND USTAUIANT SHOWPLACE Of' DIE OOA8T 1 "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ Do 1 t •1 d ,1 However, lhev had to admit & lounge = ug 118, 11un o -' r. an " 1 ~ -Jamu s. Be.atue, 203 \'la ~. n· there w<'re no conlrovers111l top· ~IMI Dlnnrr ~lrctloa at Popular Pr1N'll Dancing Every Night Old Fashioned Chuck Wagon Dinner Thundays Mesa ~'' Start~ Wtd. l .. " rd_, .... ,,._ KA'nlARINE HEPBURN \l•u "Adventures of Sadie" tone, lt>ft by plane Sunday nlpht 1cs on the Monday night agenda, 2332 W. Cout ff\l'Y on Marioer'tJ ~file for Antlnver, Masa .. where he will the pinball ordinance tor Instance, I =;~;;;~;;;~;;;~;;;;;;;~;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;g be a Jlmlor at Phillips Acadern~" being put· over to give TeW1nlde I )I Doui;la.., a ttendet1 :"el4'POrt Har· a chanre to have his say on hOJAI bor t.:nion High SC'hool f11r two · aoon the ban shall be put lnto yeani. ertect. CRUISE THE CARIBBEAN on thf' S. S. FLANDRE-FRENCH LINE Of>p6turet1 from New OTlrao.-Galnetoa lanuary and Februal')' C.D.M. TRAVEL SERVICE Cr. Cout Highway a Orchard Oorooa del Mar Harbor 12-16 *Mutual Theatre A~ency DELUXE LUNCH 11 :SO am. -1:00 p. m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES 3 :00 p. m. -1:00 a. m. I g N Mal fAMlr I * RE 1 .. AQtlA-IMOW . .,. ...... ........,..._ t PAii !IOI I IU ·-·......,.,.. • MOal UC.-DMT --, WANT MIDWAY POMONA September 16-0dober 2 Grando/lo 's AU you can eat $1.9.5 ! formerly of Heml•t 1 c:omplete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAGHE'ITI e LAS&ONA BOHi: -MADE RA \"'IOU e STEAKS e SEA FOOD TOOD TO GO Special Sunday Buffet Cloeed Wedneeday .lut South of La,tuna R\'att -1-6.'iOR 511 lalboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 )E Af 000 I -"' • • -I! U f f E T OPEN DAILY 12 NOON-12 MJD:\'lOlfT, MO~. 6 p.m. Tll. MJD. I -• VILLA MARIN A September Weeltly Specials • ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday ThWlday Friday Saturday -Oct. 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 This week we will serve a FRIED CHICKEN DINNER for $1 .75, or you m•y order our SWORDFISH DINNER for $1.50. Continuing with their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners et e 9reatly reduced price during specified periods as indicated above Ville Marin a restaurant offers weekly specials Buffet Luncheon De i1y $1.25 Menu Service Aveileble All Afternoon Dinner Dance Aquarium Room Saturdays 7:30 p.m.-12 Midnight Dancing 9:30 . p.m.-2 a.m. · No Cover Color TV in The Lounge Saturday-Sept. 2~ ''Ford Star Jubilee11 6-8 p.m . The New Honey IHI play for Saturday dancift9 at Vffla Marina For VIiia Marina reservations phone Harbor 3930. A·drian Entertains • at the Music Ber Nightly (except Monday )j VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMP~RABLE e AVAILABLE FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES The next time lybu plan a dinner party, luncheon, buffet or cocktail party, to ct lc:bralt a birth· day. a.nnive niary, engagement, wedding, reunloo, home-coming, boo voyagt <:ir "what nut," !JleaM(t call Mr. McGill a t ~arbor 3930. He will adviae you about menu.a, Ml'Vice, decorat1ona, aetting8, etc. For smaU intimate groups or for large galherinp the facilitiea at Valla Marina ca.nnot bw surpaaed in the Harbor ateL ' ' ' "' "I l SEAMAN OF YEAR THE HONORED BY LIYC Commodore M. A AnnC'rson. 1.irlo Isle \",icht Club, presents N""T1ort Harbor Chi;:n:- ber of Commercr lrophy anrl 8caman nf the Year plaqur tn \Vaync Hughes, Bal- boa Yacht Club, owner o f J11l11nd ~ielndv. Jim K ilroy, I .. IYC. rig:ht, WRll second in Cla.s.!1 A in hi11 hdand Clipper Serena ---------------- PAGE b PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDA Y, SEPT. 23, 1955 Crack Aussie • LADY ANGLERS I~.'' ST;.;1.1. (~lr!t. Rayl Mr\.RSHAl.I. in rewgnition of NC'"'1frt H ltri>or !..Acly .Angl<;,r1 Foun- 1 der'" Day. SC'pt, !3. 1tr1!l, t ht' rlub ;-elebratt>d its l!ixth anni- 1 \'l'rsnry 111 the )?'.eneral 1nonthlv a~se.nbly t.tonday e\'t"llll\Ji': The foun•\nr~ nnd p:ist pr(~idr>nlP were int roduced and I fi-~.hing trip~ ~1.nd l a~:·~ o.f r,a.tiuluus t:arly-da~· fi ~hing l'.'ere I'· J•01u1n11nl .up !' of ~un\f'1 .1.1 -f'uninl•'•' n n "' ,i:ont' our u on .\1 1A J 1n1 •:\!all !1 :-:;• .. vf'n· 1hru1•;ht11 of thf' p.a!<t .•e11son a n• 10 htr •<·ore !'>\t-8 •·•rd 1!'>!11ry J •• 1 1 ... n8· ,10 .... ·n., •ui pi 1s,,.,1 .. , . .,,yon" h1· bo11 \ tnit l"''" of thr~r lii:;h!rnini: i:11n1,. f1~h 11 nrl \\'On Ille }11rk·1>01 ">'ur nnre in 01~· lil t I h111I ~...,.,,,, i:oo<I luck I" ei11cul~t ~ t !'>I J \\'hilt n~t ­ th'r r;•h ...... hPIOI')' f'nOURh to rat• ,. 11 upny. nur p11.ud m~rubl'c "·•~ not to he rhr111f't:t out CJf • I""" .. u.-f11111 prea1tlent 11nd non-l"ful,i:t nl 11·1\h rrml nl•cf'nl"e.ll or on·d ~f)f'liker. l'ntertain•'<J th" ,.,. "xr1tin.1t n~hl ng trip11. ,,. h i I e I fi~tun<: "'ll~ no! "'hllt f'OU!<I bl' h11v1ne h~r 1•1c!111·r l '<kt'n <1f hf'r tf'r .. ~lf'd li.•!l'ner11 wuh !hi' '·h.,w.•' ••i<ll<'d fllblllou~ thi.• )'l'il r. lht'TI' unut111al ra!ch. an1I \'011r11 Truly Knd wh~·•" thP ,·lub >I''\" fnPnd<'tl was ,. definlle improvenit'nl ov•·r rllll"d K~n! P 1tr hfwk who 1<11111 YnuMI 'l'ruly'11 Otl!!1n11 l rOl'Y -'O\'· lthe two prt'\'IOu.t yrllrll, T~e r uo ,c:nt ll h111i.: out u r It 1>rlo1t our tlr111 ~tip.•. A11i:. 27 11nt1 I of bluc·lin tuna "''11.'I rrportf'<.1 to l..n"k!I !1k" th111 n>1~h1 b" th<' Sept Ht w1y bark •n '•ll. 1•·11s have !Men tht' br-•t •ince 1932. rn<1 oi our 11~1111111: l'f'rl<>d the ITIHI 11n!\ brought pp•!~ of t1<u::h· •n•t 1n1<ny of our g1l1 <'lllll{hl run1 hav .. 1 .. n 11nd thr n1ll.1 lu1 tcr ·from lhP aurhi>n('e. A l lt:I' th<'lll for' the first lln1e. 1 to otate hllVf' 1.11 lc1t to rnn1~ 1nt0 lirn" il w1111 v.Titten, I wt111 ~ \\"n•tln,1t up the ""n1'0n. vur 11"'"" "'1'ler11. \\', .nn,y b,· f"t't'ccl '-"''"'l'l"t,. nOl'lt'~ Ml fli<bin, ll!ld < •• 1 I ''I , " ,,,,,. ,.,,I '"'''''' h1.•l !1111 w11 s nn t><1111 d Sulun1t.I " '"'·"1 ' '" '"'' ~ rny forsl f"llperu•nr'f' Wllh B n1ol ,k,.,pe•·<'•I b~· Ge"r.itt io'usl~r 111 i;:11I~ or bt•\tr1 ,1·c1 1>-·tl'11p" uur "'"! ,, ... 1 .,..,.~ Hbtiito•t " h•·· ·h'lo1 1,~tieut •nan ir lh"'" rver v.·;1.~ !lf'"l•·l·t<'d hu~b11 11d~ >1·nuld "lll't••· b<•t1.l '" <ll'Oll hne. IH••1 i.,.,.., 11 " ,.1,..1 i·arryint; 12 rno•nlbo!:'~ 11"_' <'>Ille ~"mf' h""''" [U.,llll r,.rl lllf'"I~ BJll'-Mi l My pvrll'R }"BI olun•· on Iv the W••lll\ t'll•I nt CllltHlulll I t ro1 11 th11n•;<". 111 pr .. f>'r.,n•" t• flubbinit Mnd L11nd !11htwrl11h .,,.11~ • oe•utliu! d•y Mflel' the thr ,.ub~HlUlnl lt nzen <"oni:lornr1 · styl" th" clc.,(·np11un~ nf Ult> nut -~un !'11n1e up owe left at 3 •· n1 ''~tlon~ llH>de.J (ft t:kJr /!IHI lPf'hll\(jllf' .... II~ 1110~1 ftn1u~1n11: 10 nu1 nl•I "<1 ll~~ I of tC>11ay. TKl' THIS Sf'Kll"T: One p11r11i:rap~ in partl<"Ul11r I •·.,,·nen Mr11. Ro•~ 1Dick1 Gr~l.r\' i;ol th(' tu 11t .. 1b11co1•e hook-u11. "The nolfty ('ngin' >1'Bft 111len<"td ·• II.• the lln('hor ch11 in sang ou\, j1m11g1ne dropp!ni: 11nchor for 1<!- bacor .. fi.•hini;-"·"~ I i:r~n :, Dick'a 1tou1 C11k una 10<1 hent 11lmo~t <!ouble 1111 &hf' fou,c:ht ht r r111h and 11hr foui:ht 1t Hke •, veteran. When the df'11dly book J "''"" S>tfel.v r11.ffed bl'fllnd the ,1111 I -the "''ei£hl .,, . ..,, estim11te<l lltound 12 Iba." GERALD ·s. SINYKIN, M.D. ond ROBERT E. SCHMITZ, M.D. Announce the Opening of Their Office for General Practice ot ------------------1 Racquet Team MARINE NEWS In keeping with our Foundera' 011.y celebration, the roun<1·lablf' dl91:us11ion .,.,,... reaumf'd 1"'•hlch .,,., haven't pr1cticed in thr e e ye•r•l 11nd by popular vnlf', 1l w11a d"cided to pul it blll:k Ir.to I effect. To complete an .. njoyable I evening. Mr•. Frank 1K11therinel 420 Jasmine Mar """ TIDE Time Hlcll DAYLIGHT TABLE "" SA vrNG Tl!'>rF. HL Due Monday A 11fttra!ia'11 Da1'111 Cup tenni11 <·t~111np1onR "'·Ill mak .. an exhlbi· l l>'•n •PJ"'llrRno·r on B11lt>011 B11y I l'h1h f,'oll rtll at l JO p.n1. ~fond11y, !'>toler. fe{n!11hn1ent cha!rn1an "''ho j never fall• to come up with aome thing 11pecl11l. baked and decor· attd (u.tng club'• colora-blue and 1:old) th• dehcloua birthday calla. del 5001 Corona Harbor MARINE CARBURETORS Rt•paini -Salt"S -Part~ ZF.!'li'ITll lo STROl\t:BERG GEO. J. MEACHEM ~-1 :_~9 "'· ('oast Hi,;hn'at.)' Lllwrty 8-18.Q Coretl'!., dP.I Mar NURSERY Fall Sale Roses -No. 1 Grade Parented Rases In S CJGI. can a"t Ins than lare Roat Prices. Reg. $4.00 $3 .00 $2.7 5 Naw $2.95 $1 .95 $1.70 Trees -Fruit Trees in 5 CJGI. cans Rayal Apricat Babcock Peach Nectarine . ' . Thunderbird Prune -" S 1.69 Ftowerin9 Peach -S 1.79 20°/o Off On All Our LarCJ4t TrHS Parl<lng t:ntran('f" IHt Goldl"ftrod l"nday Sept. 2l 8•turd1y l ept. 2 .. Sund•y ~pt. 2~ Monday Stpt. 211 Tt1t1d•y Sept. 2j \\"f'dnelld11 ,\' Sert. 28 Thur..i1y Sf'pL :?? 2.JOptu. 41 7:08 a , n1. :1 ~. 1 12 p. rn. .J.~ PAClFIC STA~OARO 11 :21 a.m. :!8 11.1 l 10•36 p. "' H 1U t 1 ::Ji• I' •n ·r1:0.1E 11 :01 ' " " " 09 .11 0.7 f;1"1ni.: lll"mon11lrat1onll ot thrir pro"''t.•-' 11 \ the nets >1·Hl be the htK three uf l<cn H.oaewat!, Lt w Hoad IUld Rex H 11r1Wlg ,.·hoawept all Da\·111 Cup m11tche11 againat tht Unrtrd St11\f'11 fo rre1 11t Fol'f'al Ht!l& to rtgiun the trophy em· hlen111t1<: or tnterna1ion11! r11.cquet Here Friday! NEW'56 FORD! -t .29 p. m. 4 fl l'i :3ti • m. 4 I :•1.26 r-111 ~ ~ II:~ 11.m. t I 8 :11 pm. f> 1 7 .11 t1..m. ll :f>l p.m. i .:11 a. m. 7 2!1 r m " " " ·'] 11 :!ii p. n>. I I :48 n n1 n.2:i" m 12:2~ p "' n:~J 11 rn . 12:ti8 p. m 1:2n a. m. 1:32 p. m • f"lKST FULL LAST SEW QUAJ<Tr:R MOOS QLA RTER MUO~ Sept. 23 Oct. l OC't. 8 uct. !ti '' °' 2. I •• u • •• !.O aupren111~~·. A1rtini; th" rxhih1tion will be fourth nu•n1ber or the t•·11n1, Nea l .. Fruer. Capt. H11rry HopmlUI will IM on the 111del1ne11. Gu,Rt• et the club Mond ay a nd Turgday, to altent1 the mlllchea, will !n<"lutte \\"illl11.n1 Kellogg. own-'r of the Lii Joll11. Beach •nd T en- "'' Club, anil hill "'"lfe. 11nd Mr. 11.nd MrR, ~·red SrnAll. A U~tr1111!an' !ll•!ng Jn th!~ country, P .. rrr T. Joncft. a long-un1e net n11tnP, v.·111 111&0 !!lay at the club h"re for the m11trh""· accompanied ----------------------------•, hv hi~ ~\~l~r. Mr~. 1"'Hewelyn I L.iro.,,•n Too Late to Be Classlfied 22--lo1tl and 1-'ourll.I -~--LOST l11d 1"1 l("reen \1'1111'1 Re,.•ar(l. j H11r l~P•l·R 11ft•·r •; !lr ll ~Oiiltuation~ \\'antl"d COLOR~:D \VOl>IA~ w1~1\,.8 w .. r k t-y <11y Klinh<"rl~· :l·i'l~!o.:l ~•p ll HOl'SEC.:U::A:"'ING d1ty Pr"t'"r \\·~~1 Llb,rly /o-:!!1!11 lh' hour 01 R".''· Brilho• I !•>f'!\ SZ-t'urniturc (or Sale l>IAPLE d1n1n,c: table tit 4 rh11ir~.1 S2:':i. Al11n Blonde Dun,·11n Phyft" 111.hle S21'l. Liberty 8-;111P> !'!ell \\.,\~Tl':!' 1 ·~,,i "f0 h11pn11u1 ~ Point• 1ng an•t StRn1a n11h1J'" t'Mll .11111, H11rbnr !6Hi \>" ___ , cor.fFORTABLE APT .1 "")1\1 & 1:arage. r!oa .. 1n St'il'l nln. \\'Inter rtnta\. l 11'l-2Jrd St. ltpl l BALBOA ISLAND f urn. 2 bdrrn_, 2 ™'lh home, P11tio It firep!a.,e. Ao1u lta. nn r•t."'. LI l!-7624. Avail. nov.'. llclO EM.PLOYED \\'OMAN to ah11re nicely f urn. hnmi> T\' 11 1110. wu hP.r A rtryet. P!r . $40 p<l!r mo. 960 0o,.....'T>Od, r ... ~t• !olcaa.. after 11:311 p.m. Slrl I 43-A-Apta. for Beat CORON A DEL !'>!AR 1 badrm. Newly furn. So. of hlp:hlo'ay. Adult.II. No peta. Ut1I. tnrluded. S70 yrly., lff9 Mr wtntar only. ~at tlO Iri•. 9cll I BOJllM. MOME BY OW!'i!:R.. Count.rr Club ll.f'9L Jmmedlat• -.occupancy, atb--u .. t..-ma. - LI 1""3382. lkt11 At 19'11 & Placentia in Costa Mesa 1.T . \\' H. f'Ol.l.J;to;S I A bufff'I thnner·w•ll follow th"t ~londRy 11 ft1"1·noon f'xhibition be· hlrr <'111b '"""1ti••r11 110<1 th,.!r \ gu;,~t~. li11ry LRnd1 nK F"·hl h~i~. ) H" "'!'"' l•·•I h1·re A11 i,: 4 f1·un1 Heh• "l'h'r !'1111\y Sqtutdrnn 1 at I th•• H111tn F 1.-Jd :"'81'111 Aui11h11r~' Air Sl:tt1<1n 1t l S11n Y1<ulro, t1.nd ha.• '""'" 1<;.~ti.:11,.oJ <hay 11~ 11 fl l).:ht lU•!nH'IO! Lt. W. B. Collins Now at Pensacola ~~ SOUTll COAST CO. 2llrd ill :>:e .. purt Bh·d. Horold I. Johnson l"r"l"'llar Krpaln t:oh1mblan ud F f'deral """"'""~' l'ho-Harbor 6'l0 21'1 I \'Illa \\'ay. Xewport Beach CLOSE-OUT 1955 JOHNSON St:AllORSt: OUTBOAR ·D MOTORS All Siles 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric t'Ndf..lntt &nk Terms FACTORY APPRO\'ED SER\'ICE Complete Part11 Stock See Us For All Your Boatin9 Needs . - The fine car at ha If the fine car price! With ••. with :new Thunderbird ..................... ;.·· f.,r ·.~+l. Fnnt l1r1ni:s you thr fff'Sl!"'!'I -\ff'ty n"'"ll in a !{"ll"flll lHJ) ... l.1'N:USrd r1l'lll1tn . In Pnnprr11- 11rin wi1h 111n•••r.~111f'1l. mf'(l1r11I lll.AAlll"\llUun11 a nr! AAfrty e.lJ-.rr1."'. Fo•d leamM the <'IW!e or m05t ~"r1ou~ inJut1~ in •CC'identa . To pro•i dP. ext ra prottttion ai:-ain..: theae huatdl Ford devP.loped tht ne"' Lileruard featurM d~bed at ricbt. But thtl'f! ia 1ti1\ more wonderful new.! Ford hnn~ you Thunder!:.ird power in a modern deep- bloc:k \' -8 . , . Thundt'Tbird b-.u1y, too .•• rich new interion ••• quality throu1hout. See it . , . try it ..• you'll ~ the '6fi ford ll tbe {111t car at half the ftne car prioa. '.\"• ?OZ-.h.p. Tiuntderbird Y-8 .p.. • ...0. 11h!e 1n Fordomat ic }''1irl&n1'11 and Station Wll(on&. In Ff)rdomatie Cu11tomlinffi and Mainlin• yoa ran hal'e the 176-h.p. Y-8. And Ford'• ~ 131-h.r . Si• is a vailable in a ll 18 rncxt.i.. styling Thi" nr• 'Sli ford lria like lite ft 1 Mill \'ou'll fin1I the qme rraceful Jin•._. t.he .me Ion~. low ~i!houette.,. the u.me duhlnc appeuo- anrr ... ~1 yling .. ·bieh hP.lped the f•buloua Ford Thunrlt rbird to win America'• M.n., f'ord·~ 11e• Uff'fllard feu....-.,.: a Tlfl'W deep. rrntrr rif'l'•l{TI 1tPPrin11o·h"'!, to act .,. a euablmi. in l'\'<'"nt of acc:illrn! ... doubl~p door Joela !n re<lu(;(" chancP of rlnon openin1undf!r1hocll . 1111tinnal parirtin1 for rontrol panP.I and .m vi'lllMI tn hrlp I~ iniuri"I . , , optional -' l}f'!t11 to hfl!p keep occupant. in IN~. Come in ••• See the new '56 FORD Friday THEOD·ORE ROBINS Your Dealer Since Ford 1921 ' 'l'KERI: JS A \l,"ONOF.RF't'I, p1~e I ot b1111\neM property for .,.IP .,,·1th u <"ellent ti>rn111. M-L prop· I erty. plu1 9'!mf' <'~111h .,,-111 be <"(_In• ~ldeN'<I In 11 tr1de !~~11 n.,,·ner I~ ~-6221 mornini:• f:'r .111f!rr :'i p.m. Pt f r '3100 West Coast HiC)hway ~ewport Beach Phone Liberty 8-J471 Oii Mutner'• Mill . ·~···~ • ' I L.a••ove lound Over t heartnr l>d<I~ Jude• o J . Dodc•INEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA°ff t • ~1'1 1. • • . Tuuday &nd ""bound ovf'r tor FRIDAY SEPT 23 1955 1 C. C. Landrove. l · .>fanll<' 1u 1 a1gnn1ent In !';upe1111r Court 1 ' ' ' larrealtd Sunday on two • haq,:es !"-Ppl 30. H1:0 bail wu ~et a l E b d R ds Th C L ASS IF I E ·D Of alluk. had hll' prl'luntn.ff\' $!1000. very 0 y ea e SQUADRON HOLDS BARBECUE At Balboa Power Squadron'• annual barbecue Sept. tlte~ine Past Commander Bart Hender11on behind Mrs. 10 at tbe buffalo ranch, Lt. Cmdr. James E<lwarda Henderson. One hundred and sixty members and Jr., with his family around him. watches Rex Albright their families dined, sq11are danced and sang through aerving children their first buffalo meat. Jn back· the evening. -Beckner Photo ground Is Monte Grimes in straw hat and at end of Gorton Visits Harbor; Meets Squadron Brass By J. C. rt:A~E A member of the t:nllt<S States Powt'r Squadron'• Sa!I Course 1 Commlll~. R. E. Gorton oC Bol· i tonn. Conn. vt..neo :-,!ewpori Har· bor Ju t Sunday, Cor conference with 9qUadron men here a nd to 11ee our rapidly growing a nd busy sail boat. harbor. 'CLEMENTE FIRING WARNING ISSUED Xaval bombardment of San Clemente Island thl1 wetk wlll endangt'r ves11rl11 too clo1e to the acene oC npt>ra- t1nnl!. l' S. Cout Guard of- Cl<'1ab w11r n manner!! Under fire will bf' Cutle Rock Friday from 8 a.m to ntlr1n1ght anti during dllylig-ht houra Saturrlay a nd Sundll)'. Pyrnmtd C°O\'f' will be un· drr fire today from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Power Squadron Enrolls Largest Boat Handling Clas$ So popular 111 Balboa Squar1ron's tea were 1tlll befn~ l lR'Jled In t.l. II f8ll course In ruollng that enroll· o'dock on Stpl. 12 at the open- ing se~s1on or the la1 gl'st clu s 11nd thirty-five men and women 1 tn the local Squadron'11 h111tor)' I from the Harbnr 11rra 11nd many I ~early 200 mt'n and womf'~ ar· rl\'ed at :-:ewport Harbor \ acht from oull)·lni:-c1tlu hll\'I' 151i;nt>J Club fnr thla free courae In Small up for the frrr rnurse tn 11m~ll Boal Handling 11nd Safely. The boat hRnc111ng. 1111fety, 11camanllh1p llf't1alon had to be primarily taxen ' &nit M.,ocl1t1tcl l'llbject~. Com·, up with finding enough ch&lra anrl m11ndn Curt!~ Dosh and Course 'tablt11. Comm:rnrler Curl Do11h. Chairman !:lmer Lii Lanne. say Ltrut. Commander Jamea Edwards RECORD SET they are renlly put to It to find Jr. and course chairman Elmer LA Put Comm•nd"r Rex Brandt r ha1r11 nnt1 tnlilt'11, let 11lon~ text· L&nne, were gocratlfled "'Ith the a nd Phlllp Smith, co·cha.trmen of book11, whk h ere 1<01<l out an ' tum out. Balboa '• Sall Course u corle<I Gor· 235 s u ov•r the a rn11 I • ~ ' · At the el\me lime, Stpl. 13 ton on his tour and fj!ported thut 1gn p Many ot 1hr l"nroller~ nre men n!.,.ht's enrollment or Hl8 at San Gorton 1ud t.he t1atl coun1e outline I I " haa been re-written ancl on the who hnve cru ~l'•I or 11&1 eol cor j nernardlno. Balboa '• auitlltary many year11. many nre k1:1rntn~ 1 course cor that geograph.lcaJ aru, bula of report• from squadrons fo s d their flr11t nsutlC'al technique.!!. Of · added to the mrollment here maku acroaa the countr) • II being made r qua ron ttcera fttl re11pnn!e tn lhe l'O\lrse ll Jonk a.~ though Balbo8'11 group more anr1 more a1lapta ble. Thill. cnml'11 frcjn1 a rapidly 1nntaslng I of \'olunteer ln•tructors wlll be 1 aay• Gorion 1• the way 111 which p•1 Cl lnh•re11t In booting o( &If k1nc'ls. teaching eaC"'l)' and competent cou1:oe1. gl\'en by the Squadron!!. I ot ass from blUI' WRler ral'tng to L'pp.-r boatlni; tn a t ltUt .fOO men anrl a rrl\ o at 1ui h • high degree ot Bay outboard boftllng. Al.!IO. It women thla fall. undt1•tantablhty a n<I contribut ion comes from nn lnrreasmg recog· I to the 11tudent'1 nttd&. Gortt>n la Twice the size of any prevlolll! nit.Jon of thP 1upons1b1IJty for • f I A bout 3:l ra1rt, roJeos, and ~athf'r1ni: up Lhe rf'&Cllona rom enrollment, 1s that nf Jut Mon-knowlt>d"e nn the part oC 1klp-.. harvest festivals t.ake place u ch Announcing • • • • BALBOA BOAT SALES ROY 0. YOURSTONE, PRES. • Distributor in Orange and San Diego County for MERCURY Boat Com- pany of Burbank featuring 16-20 ft . Ski Boats and 22-26 ft. Sport Cruisers, available in single or twin screw and Southern California Distributor for RICHARDSON Cruisers ... both powered by GRAY MARINE -the finest true marine engine available. Demonstrators Available in the Water for You • Also Good Selection of Used loah • BALBOA BOAT SALES Mercury & Richardson Dealership 300 W. Coast HiCJhway-at lay Sltore Traffic SiCJnal d1fftrent •quadron1' ex~rlence day nJght'11 Balboa Power Squad-per1, in the prrvf'nllon of ac-autumn In \\'uhlngton StAle, aC'· I with the n il cour1111 gl\'en for the 1 ron'a Piloting cla.u. Two hundred cldent. cordfnir: to the National Automo· f1ral lime two yeare ago. ---- -bile Club. T here I• now ta.lk ot breaking ~~=:__--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ thf' counP down Into two dlvl11on1. one for beglnnf'n. and an advanc· e.I part. tor tho11r who Wll•h to lnrn the flM polnta of t heon • 1 Gorton 11111•1 there 111 dt'mand In I 11ome @Q11adron1 fnr a course In I rftclng tt c hnlq11P s. and t hl\t t hrougho11 t th!' rount r,\', tlle 11afl bollt men are an lmportllnl put of 1 the 1quadron11. I Rranltl and Smith plan to ~et I an11ther co11r11t In 11111tng under w11y htrf' proh11hly nf'xt t1prlng. Th!' rou"r wouli1 be nl'f'n to men, who arr members. anr1 to women I who hl\'e palllllrl pllotmg. NEW CHEVROLET 6 Passenger Fully Equipped Sedans for Only ••• • • $ 00 Plus tax & lie. D 2108 Ocean Front Near Newport ·Pier Newport leach • Phone Harbor 5 Watch For Our CLOCK STOPPER CIRCULAR largaln1 Galore r.ortCin holrl., th,. •q1a dron'• high· f'Sl i1f'grf'e oC :-:a\'lg-11tnr 1md aaJr1 thal. conslantl)'. 1q11at1ron n11llon·' al nfficers a n<t oommlltrt membf'rs are doi ng u he I• doln11: this week. comhlnln,; their bu,lnl'~~ trip~. nr ma kin~ "rf'rl11I trlr,.. to mt t'l mf'm· b.,r,. anrl lool o!flrt'rs to the ~nr1 th11 t &II aquar1ron r ourll'• a hall mttl lh11 nrl'<ll' or 1ht N>11ttn~ m"n anrf "'Om"n ,.\~rvwhf'rl'. 1n Utt' In· lrrt:<t of 111Cr1r: r omr "tf'n<'}' and more boahnJt plUllUN! Yes, this week-end, you Can Buy a BRAND NEW 1955 MOTORAMIC CHEVROLET START YOUR X·MAI LAYAWAY NOW! ··c•rc'' Electric Hair Clippers Whitson at Meetinq !': 8 . Whlt11on f:lt'rtrlc11\ ln- t r ector or Nt"'P"rt Rr11 !'h. I• one ot thr mnrl' lh11n 2:10 repre~nl· at I\''" attf'nc1tni: th,. nnn1111l mrtl· lnir nf lhr fl n11lhw"J1trrn l'\t ctlon 1 oC 11,,. lntf'rnat1nn11\ A1111ncl11tlon nf F.lert rlcal ln11p.-rtnr• bl' Ing 1 hf'ld thl• "'""I< at lht' J\ftir1111on Inn In R1,·rr11ldl' Mrm bf'~lll of lhl' SN1lh· Wf'l'trm i:if'cllon 11re Plrrtrlr11I In· ,.r t rtnrti fr"rn r11 llfm'Tll11. A rtinn11. ?\"l'\'llrla 11ncl H11w11 11. Asl'Clt'l11t• m rmber111rf' tltrtrtra1 t'l'ntr11rto" I Anti Mh"r !:"1'<'111'" 11nrl lndlvldu.al11 0 lntt'rt'itlt'rl ~~lertrtr11I 1111fr ty. I Local Men Artldfnl bt't Wer From MILLER CHEVROLET CO. for only $1998.00 This is a full sized b passenger model equip- ped with radio , heater & d efroster, directior1- al signals, electric wipers, e xhaust extension, outside mirror, grille guard and many other deluxe extras. LOW, LOW GMAC Terms! You can buy this fully equipped sedan for less than a month bv Dnn•M su11 M your present car -paid for or not -will \\' ~t1lbnl\ Rh··I 11n 11,.nrv ~ut htrl-.nd MrGrq~nr "' 1 ~.'1.-l,,..-fl~~·bly COYer tfte down paym•nt. B~r Aw. wa11 rtp<lrtl'.t to police rf'<'ently. ~lrPowtll P.llld hi' wu g-ntni; eouth nn :'\'.l'\\"f'<•rt Blvd whtn McClreior'• r111 f''.llll'd i>\lt 1 In front nf him f rl'm th• n(lrlh· •a~l ramp oC the •WtrhPad. Four Hubs Stolen Theft oC four hub r&p1 from h'I parkf'<1 car wu rtpnrtf'<1 to pottcp rf!rrnUy by Otto L. Aumllek Jr of -:-Jo• W . Oct'lln F'rC1nt H11 eald the car 'tl•H puktrl In frnnt of tht hnu•f' when the ln1u1 orcurrl'rl. Stabb at Peart PE AR L HARBO R. TH 1FKr.-ICl -Elmt r F Stabb Jr ra dioman ftrlt clue. CS:"\, i>f 247 :-:t"·port Bh·1I . Cn11t1t Meu. re· · t urnw 'hf're Au.: 1Z 1bnar'1 t.he 11\1bmarine \:SS Sttrltt 1Cter a nx·montb t our In the Wuttm Pacific THIS OFFER GOOD THIS WEEK-END ONLY Before You luy Any Car ~ompare The Deal with MILLER Chevrolet Co. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. N•WJHM' hach Blue CANVAS BINDERS Proptr achool 1ize i" 2 °" l rin9 1tyles . . . 89C Our most populer number. to hurry for youn! l·H•le hi••• r.u 71 SM.hi Filler Paper Fit. 2 or l R••9 1;.clo11I ,,,;., wide or • .,,0.. 25c rule. 1•101 ' •~•eh. ,., ... ,epef, 1'0 ...... '""' r..-. UI "-" H e Uc hnpertad Ha•dwHH Mnlc .. LAUNDRY BASKET • 14f' ..... 111" ...... e 11 , ........... _... ,......., '" """'"'I Ge... f., a+••lllf fi••w--4 •r .~ilclr ..... .,.. '"' s1.St 79c Yelwel New H ly ..... • Wll"• 120 .~ .... ••d 60 •••• , ...... ~ ••• c11 Complete I-Volume Set' ENCYCLOPEDIA Ha1Hl10M• Gold·f mbo11ed Hard Covers! lllw .. nte4 ediclu 1~1l1lly wrltte~ for u!.eel •••I ~ 3" ........... .... "0:!!1 Wi•li ••• ··a utc!." ·"··~ ..... 11 , , •• feuional t-fl'•· •d· iv•h~le atro~e celli1•I. TEA POTS o ....... , .... , .. ,,.,., ..... ~ .................. :., , .. , ......... ..,... ... -.,,...,.. ALARM CLOCKS ......,..,......., .................. •O-He., •'••-fw '•,•tt4•~• 1,, • ••~et-•~••I loy.te-ru tlo •'•"' •~wf-•He. II·" ,.._, ~ PiM', ... -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1955 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT County Board Rejects Plea 1 of Mesa Folk ----------------------------l!:ffortll ot a Frffdom Taxpay- 1\Jo:\\" YOHI< NUON l:O~l~E:\'T Dow .Jon .. • 1 p.m . ..\\'f'ra1tn rre Learue committee to get the F1lNI by H. 1 • \;a1111dt', I •!'Kn \\'It· 30 Jndwnr1al1 . 41S6.7!) up .79 County Equalization Bo~rd lo fol· ll'r C'o . Santa Ana. 211 Rails .. 162 27 up !'i4 low Ute comm1lle-e'11 1uggesllon After a m1x .. 11 u11ening amt elUI· 1:1 l'llllllcll 66.47 off .03 to equa.Jlze Orangr County t.a.xea Ing of pr e&8ure on recent 11ofl 1 p.m. volume t .240.000. I were tuUle, Jack Ree&. pre11ldenl g ruup11 eualalned lnvNHmcnt buy· BID ASO ASX PRl('ES of the Jearue and me-mber of the- ing of ael<'ctrd 11let'l11, oils, rub-Bank uf Amer.ca ... 43 1,. •411 comml 0 llee t old members at thf' hf'r11 and bu1ldlnc 11tock1, t'-mar-Bet'kman Instrument .... , 24'\0 leaguke • q uarterly muting th ta kPl <leve-IOpe(f a firm ton!'. Seara Calltomla Bank ......... r;51,_.69% I Wet' · w1<11 among the early features re-Disnt>y .. 341r37'6 I With the l1>ague aecretary. H el- 1pondtng l'\Jrther to go•tp that i.·tnt Weitern Bank ..... !'i6 '-a ·:'J7 •,. en lA!emtnr. Reee gave the equal· 11pht newa may be forthc•omlng to· Cl8!!llpar ..... 26.i.·3._ I lroUon board flgure.s ehuNlng Ir· day. Montgomery Word howe\'er, Hall Scott MOtors 61 •• 71, regul_arttles of a1Set1amcnt around renclt'd to cuinmc-nl11 th Ill no spec-Interstate Engineering .. 10 '• ·1 H 1i lhe county, he reported. Prc-aenl lal aclton I• contein)llut;:;I to.la~ Markel Ba.skel . 2l ·221\0 on lhe board we-re Asse-ssor Hugh Among the UUIU"I! prrvlou11ly Mayfair Markets .. _ 9.9:... Plumb and Supervisors W illis H . w eak the cu11per 11t .. b1hu-.1 with Minute Maid . llS'i.-18•, Wa rner. C. M. Ft•11lherly. R. J . Anaconda a mong lh•J:.c obi\' to I Serunt ,. 1-~irst Nat. . . :-,9.571~ Mr Fa<lllen. Wilh1un H H11·sleln f irm up. Lor khetl.I arul Republic Thnfly urug 10 ': .11 1, and H .. ln:t Kal11er. A viation al10 Improve<! The ll&ller Tree:.w«t H 11.ga,. AJ181'8~men111 and tax .. s uf 10 hu encounlA>red seWng on del'lar1-\"an Camp St!11r1~ . 1 ~.-1111 prn1wrtle9 m the rounty wer" t mn of the UIUlll QUllll••rly dlvt-t.:.S. Nat. &nk San (Jiego 23.231, pre~t>nle•I tu the board, Hi'e~ rt>- dend1 yesl er<la&y.. \\'izard Boat 2,.310 pollf'd, 11ome of thc•m ,.11 .. w1ng TexWe1 malnt.alned a firm tone huge 1tlsrr1•!)C'n1·1e11 \\'h<'n l h" lnrludlng Amerl('an Vtscost', Beau· Fret'dom Home!! 1r111•t wu-< put nil and United Merch1nt11 the lat-GAS•ELECTRIC' on thl' markt>l the three b•·<lroom ter rapondlng tu a Wall Slrl'l'l homes wen• taxf'll approximatrly J ournal comment rt>g ardlng In· Contlnul'd from t'tnt Pare Sl08, but whl'n the tax bill was form ed buying In this is11ue. lhe Southtm Counlles Gu firm. figured 1n l!l~~i It had JUmpl'd to Bt'V 011,S The ctiarite. Oelker11 t old OCNS $164 and for th1:1 ~-.·111· lhty a re- Ph11Upe Petroleum. Gulf Oil. loday, "has been a imbJect of much lo be more than ~:?00. City Service and Rtrhftelr! prov1d· dt!l<'usslon," In the c1ly council Me-mbtr11 of the bOllri1 told h im. ecr a firm tnne tn the> rut lll'l'tlnn I rh11mber11 rn Anahei111 "Ai< yet. Ref'll ~lated, that pa<'h pir•perty on well matntelne<1ln\'t•st1>wnl1.>11y· \\'l''\'P not fc11 11.ulatrd any plan or 1)wnn 1\0111r! hR\'1• to ftlp hi~ own tng. anythtni; elJ\,• .. he lllal!'ll. I arphc-11u on f"r an equnlliauon ot R ubher1 adv11nc•e<1 llJ:"lun undPr The r h1tf of Orange <'ounty's hi!! l/IX<'li In on1Pr lo let thl' the leader11hlp M 1:ondrtr h, L". 8 . only mun1r1pally -own~<t power le11g-t1t• i.ppl'11r rnr 1111. 'l'h1· h n11rct R ubbf'r and Gener111 T1rP. This ro111p1rny "tlltP•I that m11ny or thP aflmlllt><I the1e air 1r1r<11111l1 l1P-t 111 c roup a ppears q111tP "npnt.lt> ore"· h111l•l••r,.:. 111.'<htng tn Install the Rll!lt'~8mrnts rn the <'"unt1·. hP tencilng Ile galn11 whh I' :-4 ft111)her mo1 e modern eleNrkel In nl'W ~nit!. Th" 1••111.,'\le mel at Ulr and General Tire p11rlH 111111 I\' at· tiom•'S. have 11pprm1~h"d lhl! rity U>tn11ni: homl' trartlve. :>:Pt for bol h 1·.,mpanie11 in Rn t>ffon to have rl\'lc father11 1 ------- ta eXpe<'lP<l to a pprnx11niH1· $6 l'•'r ll'l'lrn th•' $~!'> ,.h1t1:; .. tt,> thrm 1n ahare w1th polentta l of turlh•·1 I "xrhan.i:c-for tnFtAlllllJ:' fhl' Plt>Nrtc· JAR GAME Improvement 11.11 outrut of nt•n· :ipph .n .. ,-.~ l!n\\•'.,"' Oelkt'n• 1<al1t rubbt'r produrt11 inrrea.ot'JC In ltml' th" tnnl•ll'rs 111111·(' m Pt ·with •h"· I , ('ontln111>d rrom f.11'!11 Par" there would 8J"pl!llr In be excello>11t r1w11r from f•lllnl'llm<'n ''Th:it en•I \\'rctnn RIRIM i\11. :>:1i<P1 proJCpect• of <11\'lrlt'nd lnrrf'Rc1•s Ill' \\ •1111.t h·w .. tis f'<>Ylnl( ll r··nKll v on Hf'rl ,. "'""' tabht' I "'""t valu· the prt'lt'nt payout 111 Only OnP 1•1p n( 11 J1"'"11ly." ~IPlktr!I 11t1ttNI. ahlf' playrr fnr thr Tnts nf! his third of l'arnmgt. '\"OTllr:>;c; C'O:>;C'R f:Tt: lfl'd plj:ckm Jl"rfor m'ln1 t' T he rails have bl'e-n In & •·on· T l•' <'11' Jl"''· "I <'ht Pf 11a111 lh1tt But thl' kl'\' tn ~.11lor s11rce11:- 110ll•1allon pha"e for the J>elll Wl!ek pl,.OS \\t•rp h1'1'li;-f•11nrnlatl!d Rlnng In thlll fllll'll fo11lb1tJI (ru)ic-hlllj!t'~ and arl! In porollon to rritrN>ntl to lint>,. 11( 1•1111111111! Hume or thP <'ulll l'n whlll huppens bllw• .-n lh•· r otallonal bll}'lnj:'. Thr b•'lll!r q11al· t" ""'" l••r·•·i~ 1l11u11~h 11-lv••1 t1~m~ tarkll'i; whr1t• ,. lar k ol 1lrp:h .,, lty U.surs appr11r ltk••ly lo bl' fav-of "nil Pl•r111 lu1, hc•n,. .. whrrh the lhP big probll"m 1 For rnmplrtP ore<t 11mOnJl' \\hich ""'""I l'nrun l'""'I' '""'l'nnv \\oulr! furnish tll'tlUIN. P<'P Harbor srorl!!. l'arl Par1fit'. Ranta Fl'. ~111tth1•i n RAll11 H t1Wl'\'PI h•· ~lat•"I no ron,.rPll' I, Poi:e 3 1 a nd Rnulhl'rn f'Rc1r1 .. 11re nlll'R~· n1ovt•s hanJ hl'•'n 111 ... 1 ... 1n that d•· --------------- tavel~· pnre•I. rec-tion. , I stn:ARl~n t'~CF.RTAI~ Th,, rnwrr «hi."' was q11h-k 1•1 Annoitnl'Pmt'nl or rr1r1• CUlll hy point "Ill th:.t "lhf'l e Ill 1111 nprn I P fl7.Pr anti Mt>rr k fnr hydro-rorll· conrt11 t with lht• 1:11~ rnmpnny 11nnl' brnui;:hl 11nme prl!1111u1 e nn n11 ~·l't. Alth011gh "'" hrwe experl- Shea1·1ni:. HnWl'\'l'r 111ni·1· 1 h111 nlso en1•1•d ~11me d1,t;l 11rhrng "XPl'rtC"nC'· 111 a reflf'l'llnn oC. thP r'<rl'llf'nt rl'· es ' 11111l11 brlni; r1hlRine.t with n1Ne· (J,.fko>r.• pnint1•rt out. lhor 11nlll'r corlln w!' te•>I that Sheanng 111 at· th .. !lllmt> I '••hhc llttlll<!s t 'r1111n11s- trll.('t tve on th" curnnt uncert1,lnly 11tnn law w hwh granl11 tht ga11 11111. <'Tl'All"c1 b\' thC" announcem ent tty perm1~~tnn to make lhe ln-1 With n~rvoua 11elllng Rpp11renlly !!lsllauon eharge 1( nn g11!I ranjle 11111>1!1rtlng in the c-oppt'r11 anrt 11n I 1s u~ed, ~he eleclnr uullty con nrc1nlv lldjust mPnt hf'lng m11•te b\• make a similar charji!e If a ga1 the mnton . look for llt'll!CliVl'IV rangt' Is llS<'•I. "HllW!'\'Pr," he alal- tlrm tnM ove-r the hah1nre nf th~ ed. "we have no plans for making t18 y such a r h&rgt'." DEATH NOTICE THO:\IAS \\ 11.cox t'uner11I 11erv1re11 for Tho1111111 C'yrns Wll<'ox. i:l, of Milw11uk1·P. I W11<. Will br hc-1<1 tnmorro1w IU 11 a m . In Parke• .. R11Jlr1• :11111t u· 11ry Chaprl. Cn11ta M"'ll \\Ith the I Rev. Charll'll f'. ll;inol nfflt•111t mg. ~fr. \\'llrnx rltNI Th11r~d:I\" morn· Ing el HooJC Hl\llf'l\RI. Hr I'!; J Mrs. \V1lc"x werr l•n lh1•1r wn~· I to Cn~t& l\11'1111 lo make ltM•1r h ome llnd wh1lr nr11r thr1r t1est1n- a tton he "uffcre•I 11 h<•81 l 1<llll<'k . H t' was & n11Uve 11f $t(1ughton. W is. &nd " nourr<I l' !'. P11IH'" /offi<:<'r. we ~ fnrm••tl~· :i~ll<WlfltN1 w ith the FU I. s11rv1\'<i11< Rr!' hi~ wife, Bertha rt. And 11 ~on. Frrink Downe. of •66 F:. 19th l=:t. Co11ta M.._ Entombment w 1 I I hr in Harbor Re 8 l MPmori11 l 1'11rk snau.aoleum. I • ( • piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. Parking Tickets Validated, All Senta Ane Parking Lots th GOOD QUALITY fOt LISS SINCE 1116. 1Ms 11 ,._ s-n Santa Ana 1tore'1 way of thanking you, our cwtomen GIMI friends of Orange County, with a ator•full of extra savl,... Off All P11ST QUALITY MERCHANDISE. You can always put yeur eonflclencie fn every item you buy at Sean because it's boclred by ow 69 year1 of giving "Satisfaction Guaranteed or Your Money lack." Come join the thrifty millions who know ~ poya to SHOP AT SEARS SANTA ANA AND SAVE. Hurry ••• Sale ends Mon., Sept. 26 HurrJ! AnlllYtf'llf'J S1Yl11p fer W11111 IMI mr11 2.59 V•lue '"•' '"*"• •• .-.,.. "',.,....., _..w.., ,_., ,..._ Shoela .. or'\u<kle ire. To,_ ... 1 .. ,, rip .... clooi•9. Glrlt' 7'·1' .•.....•..... , , , ••.• 1" 1.91 Value Jeraey llovtet, ....i...., Orto.., (Our.,.. Aoytlc flMtl ....i•kle 1" with gloner rapvlo1eolo,., 3 lf't'-Olrlo' ob" 7.1' . , ............... .. 12.95 .. 16.95 All-Weother (Mtt, ••yo• ••d -·.,. <•"°".,..,..._ ..... ··•····· .. 1"°° loa1, fin.d or lr••ch ttyl•. wl.+t ........ , •• he1a. s; .. , 10.11 .,-- 2.91 '1a1tlc Honclbe191, with t+tot -.._ ...... 1.1 lecrthH·look. w.,.. .._,. totily. olwor• look> l•ke o ,.m;..,, r.,,..lte .. It ..ton 1.59 Nylon Olan1, double ....... Me4e ....-.itr fw Seen i.,. • ,_.. f'10l'liufacfurer l lock, wt-1te, l.to...,,.,, bi.I .. er e-'411. P.,vJer ti1'91 . . . •.. ............. ,.,. 3.91 ancl 4.91 Umbrelle1, .i, .. beevti..,. .......... 1•4••. ""'-...... 2" fobr;cs ... 1olid1, ploodt. i..rden, _.,, .. lft your fovo•tl• <elen ...•• , •••• , .... , , • , , , ?le Sh Hr Nylon1, 1uoro•t..d .... ~·•Illy ..... tiful 4ull •• 1.i. .•..•••••••••••••••••• n-' •• ,..,..,,, "•• thodot. ""' a•" Aowle11 le• 19111 i....,1y . . 9.91 Corcltu HI-Top Olrtlle1, 1111 2~ l"c+." .i.o .. -111. s..i ........ ....i 7 •or •••••ch lo•o elathc. ri•k .,. wlllte. Streight, -.. •. fwll ltip ........ , ••• , •••• , 3.91 Elliptic lro1 with Corcltex lnMrtt, hold• IHo'• ,.._,.. •"" ,__ ,.,,..... otely o«t••uoled cu pt. White •ylo• hill .... 32.36 A1 32-40 11 32-42 ( •••• , •••••••••••• S.91 ,,ofenional White Shoo1, with 100111 oolea that ebMrll fon .,.., ~ Oetig"•d o" K""'''" 10111. Wldtlla A.C.f, Sire• ,.to 4.91 Nylon Trlcot Sllps, • ap.dol buy. Ool•ty .,..breiderH .i.-11.,i... trlelt ond nylon lor. 1nH th Ofll bodlc.e. Wtr.lte, pl,.k, bfve, Sfa.• 32""0 , , • • •••••• •. •• ••-·•. Wol~t lei.9th Gown, 30 d•"lor .,,._., trice!. L..oty •"".....,..We. White, pl"k o•d blue, $i1" 32-40 , ............................... •-•••••• .. . 711 2" 411 l" l" Join the Crowds! lnlHn•rr Sa•llp fw 111 aid 1tr1 411 s.so lerill• w .. 1 a.veniW. Jedlet, -,_..,. "' -. w_.,.....,. .... ,. tot!•,.,..,._ .. 24•1. repr-..... ...t. Cloolc.e J-.., .. , . , ........ ••••··. 3.49 Cenluroy Su1,..wler '-"r _,. •"" .._., :0'1111 ._ ..... -· 211 Oouble k•-. lido pod ... Mo...,. i.,_,., .... ,...&, •-3-10 , .. , ..... , • , •• , •• •• •,.,. loya' Cetton Sport Shirt, ...,,.,., 1..,...._.11yt. i. ...w .. -- Gayly-«>lored ploldo •"" '•"••L Shet 4-16 .................... , . , . , . , .. . 1n loy1' Stt-etch Sex. 100'!f. Nylott, 11r..,.,. Ill,.,_.,._.,.. i..,t ._..,, tt•ipM ••d ergyt .. I• ....... (7.~, ..... i..,. (f·l 1) ..................... . 3.91 Volue, loy1' lut Sole Oirf9nl1, bull! .. ~ tt.. w...,..., ••or o"d 1..,r of ocil•• boy•. SlrM I~. Ivy -.. '"" ... IJ,95 10 14.95 Men'• Ooltl a...tl Sh-.'""'"'"'-.._._.... cuohlo• i•1olot, Wide cholc. "'feN t1yle1 ••d celon, .. ,._A.If , .. ............. 1011 3.91 Cortlurey Shlrt1, •••"'•" ••d "'"'••I 'llerlM ~·•Illy. Hlth·,,,.,W loll colo11-chorcool 91oy, pl•k, lllecl< Hd ..... ,.. SI-S.M.l , ..... , ..... , , •. , , • , , , , 3.91 Spart Shlrt1, l••t al__,,,._ rwye• ........... 1 .. ,,,..,... ,.-_ White, pearl like bultont, Ao •••I•.,...., ......... "' ffot . 2" 2" 79c Men'1 UnclerwMr, oyl.., 1eiof....,. ....., .. """dcl ..... Mofl, u•denhlrtt, T·"'lrt1 ond "'•"" AN 11-• ' . • .... , . , .•. 41.50 "W•y1icle" Wente4 h i"· ....., ... •• -... hltlll!P""' wllll ~b•••• e•d •ub. lofell lf'tfi"I, • .,.., teff ..... 1. Aft ti•• ......... . ] ,., 1" 34" 5.47 Hercul .. Mo~c~ Wotti Ov~te, ~' --11 -.. tw •• il.l .. W ............... ·-·· ... 4H colott of or111y ... , 11,.... .,...,, Weill u~. ,_ 1'~. _ 1.95 lenralble Men'• JCHlret, ,__ .. -...,..._ ....._....... .,. S•op lo .. e•od. oloah ,... .... ._, ....... Me.'1 al-.•............. ····--···. tpol <M•tfO•f; ti" fre ... , N!_., ........... U.-• • • • • • • • 11• lJ.75 Suede llewM, I_,.,. Mew~_. ......... We~ ......... 12.75 Nylo11 lle11M, l"'w ...... _...,...a-. W-~...... 1144 wo1hoblo S........ _,. ........... ,.. ...... 1.tl ...-! .......• , ....... ·•~·· •. ln1IYtn1rJ S•le tf •••1111111 ltw 19c he,.,... Mtnille, _.... ......_ ,..._ , • ...., ...,. ...._ ~ Arbonritoe Ta,,.ar1Kttfell• •"" ......._ ..... ~.,. ...i. .. , ........... ••••·-···., 17-Jewil Orvin Wrht,,....... •"" ..._-""-......_ '-16" wo111••., 11100, Chol .. 9' It..,._. e... •rl\r ...... ·············--·-•· 49c Challl1 anti ,......, ,,....._.., ...._ • ...,._ .. I• 3' I• or l6 i•. -W. , .... Ht ....... • .... 'f.-4 , .. ··----'·. 9.95 lrenlnt lffrtl, • .,W.........,. •41 tr to...,....._ J" height. Vo"'llafed _, ..,. -...4 i.. ....... · · · · .. · · · · .. · · .. -·-· 2.49 'od anti Cever Set, twio tey.. ,.4 tt1 .._ ...._. _. 1 n woo•• llotllc edge for ,.. .. ,.. Ill.,..._. .... 11"..W ..........•••••• ._ •. 1.19 '1altic W•at•lto .. et, a.. .... -...W.. ........ .....,. roti110 .. 1. '" 1 oo401t-h•1 ....... ...., ................ . ,,. ...................... 49.95 Towef All Steel Voult C•IM•.--. .... -' "-_... Jfl' •oti11' wi11it "to"'bi"o'io-. kN~. l2·"'4hel •'-" . . • . • • . • • • • • • . . . • .• • • ...,.._..,.,.._ • ···-···--._.......· "'•tol i..,. •It!. lull .,. • .,...,,.., ,,.. ...... . •• · ..... · ......................... --... .. .,. .,. Chiltlron'1 O•"'"· your ckk• -,_ • -........ "'"'· piobetl I•"'•• rl•t hlu , <Ill•-checlen, eMI ....... Jo .~ '. • , .. 109.50 '•wef Mower, 11-1...., c,.,......, 111.~ ........... a..... .,.. ••' ~••n p., -'· ol .. •.Au-le ,....,,_ ......... • .................. . c...,.....,. 6-woy S.bre Sow,""" ...... ~.~_.. - ................ -.... u .. " -_, .,,... "' -. . . ..... . _High Quality Pri11ting~Ph. Har. '''' I A1ll!'fllt'J l1rph11 for the Homt 9.9S Witt.ti 1Ne41-Corpet, _......, ellect 1-ec1 by high-cvt ..... le-twill ,U.. I -'•"· f, U. IS·ft. wl4•h•. Sq. yd . . .. , .•.... , . , 1" 6" I .SO Twitt lroe4te-Carpel, do•M, ti9htl1 i...h1-.I wool o•d ...,... •rfl'91. J rol-f, 12, IS ft width1. Sq. ~d. 4.95 T11ftecil lfMMMlll Carpet, •-yorM o• o h....., 1ubb•rta..! 4114 lied. f , 12_,_ wld1ti l colon Sq yd. 49.95 S.lptvrotl 11191, high tfyl..1 co"o" tvh loc\ed •••o ......., rvbi..rln4 ~ 9•12. Clooice ol 1 tofotL 12c Llftel911111 lllltritl Tlle, ... oeelo4 ..,,+-. Con'I .,..,, oll. 1..y .. ""'-"· Sleya d..11 i.,..... . . . ...................... . ]99 3811 10• ... ~~..!~':",!::7~:V::r::::::::::::M -• _..,. . , , , ,, ..... , , ... tq. y4. 1 H !;!:.~:~. ~.'~:: ~~~ 1:':..:· ...... lot ,..,. ·-·.. • . . . . • • . • • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . 99• 4.91 Nyl ... ,rl1elllo1, H.al.ffidi 1e "'9 polr. Woah e o4 24-1..di Toltle Medel Televflion, .... 1'1CV c+.o"I' for clear•• plciu,.... run treoof-e,. for fuff ... We<, lnotelt..1, Mrwk>ed, 9uo1oolffd by $eott Sllvert•tt• l-ley c.-ler 19" Mo4el, Hi·fl Clollty1 h•led, tilted,-_.., 11-. Al-hllrocl IO•t .. lh 21-l•ch ..,.... . ........•. ,, •... , , Sllv~e T~ l-4of, rlcll -· lfl."1 .... t•cl..dn •llci"t "'ort.l•e, :S •"'~ ............ t Ml '°" _... ~'"'Seen S.11to A•o 17.95 l•ble lotlle, livltl ht -.... 1 .. , ,..,.,,.., .-y hi '""• tllcle-rvl. 41ol . .._,, ,._..., ..-i-.t. S... J 07 4.,.1,.. 111&..iol ..•...••.••..•.... 119.ts V•lve J..ilMll 0.. ..,..., .,..... i. i..,., ol-'c docl, 1 "•u• 11-. lie 9rW41e -"" -• ........., -..le lit................ . . . . .. . . ..... I(._..,. Ovollty •2~-0.. 1-.e, fv#r -etlc. Jvll ... ii, fwt .. II. Coelit -pi.to ....... wt.lie yeu'ro • ....,1 a..111-M l.•p, clod, ic. ... r.-. 94.00 Yehle 1(--l ... ry Sowf11t MMhiM, ,._ " .. • 1ebvllt l ullt f.,. _.,, ,._ "' trewltlo free ........ S.. lllla .. S... S....e A,,. •.• I(--Tonli CIMftW, • "'-""' •el...t n.. _..fwl ....... ,,_ 1.., .,...,, ..,.i-t9 wt.I• ....... 41,. •"" rM0t• fl>e ct.... .,_._ .. your h-• , . Ptt111lly S11e 9.9 (11. "· lefrlgerator, bi9 fre.Meed ,..,.... -. _, .hnt ••-· ~i::sheH d-ll••01•1 1lrdi"I ha,,.ji.w.., I yr. ,,...on;..., "la• 169.95 1Cet1111-lrener, hgetfip •"" ..... ...,11olo lot "oit«low•" -tort. Tok• the 11i.1,.. •"" 111911•1 ewt .f lr..,l"t · Coll for <1-0-oil.., 11.7 Cu. l't. U•rltht ,,.. •• ,, .coo lb, ..,pee1ty, eot ... ta•• ,.,,.,,.,. ,.,, 1 ..... •"-'•"' ••111-blo 1hel•01 ,,..... loocu,., •"" w•loodlot 279.95 Vol11e Cel4e~ PNner, 10 cv. "" wltll .. c1.,1 .. "foacl-fl•der'' ••• ..,;., I• ~"" -" ro,..... foodo, w i.. "'"'"· '""""' light 249.ts Val" Au..,..otlc W•.tler, bit f.fb. -cltr ••b dlol -olt eutoMot\c _ ... , ,;,.,., opl•.4ty cycln. S-lefl·ln ......... ;, .... 5 p• , .... 19.95 Wrlnter-Wfther, 7-lb, -....i1y tlu , wltt. ...... wri.,.., wfety ,,_, • ..i.. ...... " et ......... -20 07 •••.•••••••.. 2" 189'1 24995 15995 1411 149'' 18950 73" 29" 199" 134" 24411 249" 199'' ,, .. AllfMlllftYt. s,.., .. ....., ltlfhlh•g ..... Priced Low 69c Oil filter leflll1, .. ;., ....... 11eo el .~ .. •••'-.,.....,_...,. ~ ..•••••••• , 49c .~ ...... ,_ ... ilirt •Ml •""'-· s. .. ?Ot -4uri"f tolo Hwvy D11ty MvfJlen, r"lt ... _, ....,, _.. _.,. to give b.tt.. .,..,,,. .,....i.... '"' ci.... ''1· ''· .... "' , ... ...,1111" o...i -··elide 91t All w .. rher 0 11, ,., P•-lubm.tt ... l• ..., weoth .... 1 ...... .,..i ... ofnc!.My o•d fl'9••r1 ••-.. ...n ..... I• , __ .,.., Ot. Alftt9te Hl-"111 ,,_I_ 0-llM, hleh ~ • ..-.,, .... "'-"'e. "'"' ........ t.11 _,.,,., 1119'1 ..... l...dr. Al IMn. Chtl. 29- 29.t- 4".,... ....... P• ..._.. ...-...... ..._ .. •ilM9e. At M ........... ~__...., __ ,.. .. _.,. ''-' 1" fl4 , ................ ~ ...................................... -........... -w.A.,..,_,., .. ....., ...... '1!11110W......, .......... . 4t." Uettc lel t .... M ......... I ..... .-.,......., 39'1 ............ _... ...................................... _, .......... . ...41 ................. .!I ...... .._, ...... -39'' ,,_.,..,.,Jc.--~............ ···················· '··~········ .......................... ~ .. .... ............... --4 ..... 1 ....................................... . ., .................... ., ................... 1•• .......... ...., ...... ~.---·,.. . ....--. .................. . M.He.~---. .... llV ... .._.,. .. ,_ ......... w.. .............. _._ ...... .....,,,_ ·········· , ... 5611 54"' .... " ......................... ,.. ... ,_ ......... .... ~ ...... ww.. .............. _, __ ..... . 1J9" 11.fl ... f.,.o M1 •II I c:.w..e, -.......... .._Ill ...... • • •.' •. • • ,1111 ..... .._ ...... ..._.,.. ............. _ ...... . J" 4 ......... ~ .... ~ .................... ~ ........ ...,... ................................. _.o.1 ......•.•• -•.. l .29H--.tW ....... _.tl .. ._.......,,_...._ ... __ 2" 100 "'· ... ~ ....... , .......... ...,.. _.....,.....,. ............ . ~ ~ ........ .., ...... 1""""..... 11" flaw..4 .. iw-., ~ .................. ......, .. ·-~· .•..•.. ''"" .... 1716 So. Main St. Santa Ana T ... phOM Kl 2-3961 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 LIDO ISLE YACHT CLUB members and guest.8 at South Sea Island dinner,-dance gathered in South Pa- cific atmosphere at Lido Clubhouse to discuss LlYC's Assistance League Slates Don Loper Fall Fashion Show Late October Date Set for Big Benefit Event b The gla mour &nd sophi.st icatJon o( a Don Loper fashion showing inevitably creates a maximum of inl('rei,t, so it ii! with anticipation that the Assistance League of Newport Beach announces such an event to be held at the Balbo'\ B11~· Club on Oct. 28 following luncheon at 12 :30 p. m. A w1nll'r a.n<I early 11prlng collec· S11e11><. Chn 1 les Sulll\'ftn, ftncl Hay \ton from t h111 outslanctlng dealgn· Langenheim. er w ill bt 11hown and 111 expected HA \"E T IC'K£TN to 1iraw many Southland fuh1on· m tn•f,.d worncp This a fra1r Is" trat11\lonally the h1rgl'~l pa1 ty of the yf'ar &iven by the 1 .. 11gt1f', l he procel'<I• r olng to I ht> 10upport of It.a yarioua phllan· t h.-op1c11. TO ~AKE PLASS Ticket11 may ~ procured by call1nK lhe followtng mPmbel'I!; Mmes. Paul Rogtrii Harllor 29il, Edward Brooke Harbor 173~. Ro· land Wrlght-Llberty 8·2:520, Hay L&ngenhelm-Ubtrty 8-2211, o. 0 . Sueaa-Harbor 2 17. Lu.ncheon WM 11erved prlnr to the meeting, the ho.~tu11ea being Mmu . J(ola nd Wnght. F.. C. 'l'w1- cht'll, Byron Wel111. Kennl'th !'itar- ite. Hay Langenheim &.nd Edward M111ett. Bendlin Baby Mr. anrl Mrs. George Bendll.n. 32~ Roche11ter St., C'ollt ll MU&. were partnta ot a _girl beby SepL I Mrs. Edward J . Brook• announc· e•I ill the SPptem~r meeting of l hr ll'agu .. the following commit· te .. mrmbtr~ who a re already at worlc tor t he event; Mm u . Wll· ltsm Kirby, M1tr11lrall Neidecker, J ohn Moore Robinson, Clarence CM pl'r. Lawrent·e P t111ter, Virginia H1tl1·h. Bvron W4!'11ll. Luter Lowt>, f'nul Rogn'll, John W.-blltf'r. 0 . ·G. I 4 at Hosg Ho11pltal. I Hostess to Alpha Phis The a tlracllve patio a t the homl' ot Mn. Wllllam W. Burrl11. 844 Via. Lido Nord. was .etting for the festive luncheon llhe p ve W•dneaday, SepL 14 tor the <n· ange County chapttr of Alpha P hi .Alumnae. Twenty th re• m<P"1bera from cha pVrii lhrough· out the cou ntry were pru f'nt. m any of them new to t h1• a rea tn recent months. A bUffet luncheon wu aerved a nd atterwarda Mn. Richard Lar· aelere, preslda.nt of the (TOUp, conducted a ahort buaineH m~t· lng. Work tor th• Oranr• County Heart Auoclallon wu outlined 1 tor the year a nd eeveral mem· 1 ber11 vnluntttred their time tor extra clerical work at the Santa Ana office of the Heart All80· elation. · Mrs. John Blaich. eteratary • treuurrr, reported on the last meeting. held at thl' home of Mr11. TPd Luckey, Santa Ana. I She •I~ rea.d an Invitation from Beta Pl chapter ot U.S.C. to at· tend the Founder'11 Dav Ta al the chApter hOUM OrL ·tJ. A fund raising plan for the Heart Auoclallon Wa.<1 decided on tor l'ach meeting. Mrs J . H Rigg• voluntttred to provide the first aurprhie itlfL Mra. Paul Bailey. 311 E . Wash· lngton St.. Sant& Ana, will be the ho11e~ for the first regula r fall meeting nn Monday. Oct. 3 Renee Marciel of Florida Casuals and "After-Fives" Sebastian Sweaters and Skirts Made in Israel Dyed-to-Match Jo-en's Gowns Featured Exclusively Harbor Area • '" Shown next at Fashion Show at The Lancers, the Santa Ana, Tuesday, Sept. 27-12:30 p.m. • Jo-en~ ( (oppoeite City Halli 333i Newport Blvd. Harbor 5'l86 first annual Seaman's Races and wit ness trophy presentation. -Gene Ross Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II . PAGE I FRIDAY, SEPT. 23, 1955 KAFFEE KLA TSCH SERIES AT ST. JOACHIM SCHOOL A series or kaffre kla lachea wtU be held each day, Sept. 26 through 29 rtt 9 L m. In St. J oachim Parochial School, Costa Mu a ao that. molhen may becoma ac- qua1ntt-d wttb members ot the 11ehool 00.rd. - First board meeting wu h~ld Monooy with Ole Rev. Thomas Nevtn In nrr!Pr l o pr,.p11.r,. llllmes for first meeting of the Mother• Club on Friday at 2 p. m. In the •c:hool. Ort1cen ot the Mothen1 Club for the current achool rear are: Mmu . Walter Muter, prt!ltdt'nt; Jamea Mc· Mah1t.n, vice pl't'1ident; Robert W nite, 11errPta ry; Elmer Wirte, trea.aurer; Marvin Lonr. hllltorlan and Wallace Miller, parllamf'ntarlan. fo r th e long lean look .. seamless stockings f 1767A Newport Avenue Costa Mesa Liberty 8-7•43 I To Be Delegate at Zonta Dist. 9 Conf ere nee Here Son for Winchesters Mr a nd Mr• Ray \\'inrh•s tn. 398 AvO<'ado St . Coala MH a. 111" parent• ot & boy born Stpl l{I al Hoag H04!ptt11I. Kendrick Daughter 1'hf' Krnnelh Kendrtcka. 1300 DulJlhlno 'J'trnac<P. are p&nDt.I of a ):Ill h11b• bom Sept. 1e In Hn11t H••tiptl•l J ------------ Miu Mildred Crand<Pll. C. P. A , ot Oak Park, Ill.. tnuu rn of Zonta lntematlonal, w111 be the International repreeentatlve 11t Wortd TravelOCJue Series 1 the fall conterenc.-of Dlst1·1rt 9 1n Nt>wport Beach Oct. 7, 8. 9. Mlaa Cr-andell qualified tor her 8 . 8 . In acc.ounllnr by attending nlrht ecbool while holdtnr down a tull tlma job during the day, I irraduaUng m ag11a cum laudt . Sbe conllnutd her atudlea I n nlfht achool a I t he unlverslllu Of Loy\lla. l\'.orthwtstem. OePaul and llJ1no111. Crom whlt'h ahe ri•- <'.-tved her C P A. degree. She la a ch11rl1>r member ot --------- Toastmistress Member Panel A !uur • nll'mb,•r panel discus· .. . •ion with M ri< Lero\• Antlerson 6 BEAl'T IFl'L C'OLOR F ll..MS OCT lO·APRJL 16 ALWAYS ON MONt:>A YS "PAG~ANT 0 1'' PERl"' "SWEDE~" "COLORFUL C'OLORAPO" "BA\' ARJA" "W~STERN CANADA" "T llE AORJATJC" Prll'f'S · $3.M . $4 .70, $6 M, llnr Tax I NF.WPORT HIG H SCHOOL AL'nlTORJUM Make Resen •atton• Nnw ('OKOSA Dt:L MAil TRA\'IEL IU:R\'ICE St'lt'l t E. ('out tttctaway -llA. I ut THt: ffObtu'A!-41':, 3U6 \'la Ud1> -llA. ••CM 11cltn)( Rs mu.lerotnr \•Ill featur.-· • MILORECl CRANOELJ.,- lht' ~"Pl :."I mel'tlrq;:· of llarbo1 T rPas11ri;r ''' Zonta l nternat1onnl Tn1111tm1st11>_.J< Club a t Ho1tpltal· 1tv Houi<.-B1tlb<1a. tllrll. Albert lht Zonta Club ot Ook Park and has been lnttrnat lon11I l1 t'a11urer i;:, Juhnenn will "•ltp·up" 1111 ~lnrt 19:\2. has t rt vtllf>J m tht prl!'s11lent fur tho• l'Yenlng with l';lite•i Stat 1;!t and llbrmul ,.1811_ 1 1-'rnaltll'nt M r>1. l\'.a11lne H Ill act· tnJ: 1u ll membl'r nr Ole panel 111~ many Zonia club• 1 1 Othrr p.tnel members will bl' The confrrence open1 F riday M1s:4 Charlotte Skinner. Mrs evo•ntng, Ocl. 7 a t Balboa &y Jay p ~frKll l!'li)n a nrt Mrll Rick Club with " J:et·acqusmted Jllirly Cochron ond luirn. There la " full ~ch<Pdulr lln •. Edwani MlrkoVJch wUI ~ or event11 for Saturday wt th a 1 Toastmtlltresa of h forma l banqu1>t and progrnm that C d f ~ j t t evening' ntjChl and a Sunday mol'ning 0 ro na e Mar ~!~:lre~·t~~;s, ~~~h~e:;~e/;.~~:; b1eakfast. " I L----------~--=====~-==--~=~ and Awardf', Mra. Francia Clen-1 -~r~ltx1ro~l1t;M~Hu~R l ------------------------------------~ Ri•k. f'V!llu&tor. The Invocation will bl gn·f'n by Mra. J ewell I Wolf. the plt~dgl' by Mra. Danltl Rogeta OAnd a talk on parliamen· tary lt1w hy Mrs. Ray Trautwein. Pilot & Family Vacation Here Mr. and Mnt J D. Vincent of Honolulu •:id Richmond and their two children, Patrick and Rober t. arrh~d Wf'dnuday at Ole home of Mr. •nd Mrs. Roy Keene, 1078 Eut Ocean Blvd. and •111 re- main until Monda y when Vincent. TWA pilot. leav .. 1 for Tokyo. There will be trips to E naenada and Disneyland during the atay. 9uick Service FOR Roller Shades Standard Shade Clothe and Cu.tom Specialu a • Drapery Hardware • V anetl&n !Wada ()ALL llAJUIOa IN THE SHADE SHOP U1 Siad St., Newperi ~ ae.&de Ute ·-omoe YOU CAN r At<E OFF 'NC HES The Easy Staaff er If You Way Are TOO... Y. tt. .._., al a: ,.M r.,, la teW NOT ill,,_., bvt .. INCHES ... • TAP'I MlASUU YOU d 1M ~.d ..td Mi•ted ..Mn yo. blow for .... very fnt time •• the STAUFFER SYSTEM e111 do few YOUR figwe! At ftle St•wffer Syitem, yov wil IM told how 1°"9 it will t•~• ~ ~hitva .,.,,. clttired ,.., .... iOM. e ROY CARVER PONTIAC NEWPORT BEACH HE SAVES YOU MORE BECAUSE HE SELLS FOR LESS 1. Open Lot low location 2. Brand Ne• Dealer highest quota possible sales to establish NOW IS -THE TIME TO SEE ROY CARVER PONTIAC A Name Worth Repeating Roy Carver Pontiac . 1400 W. Coast Highway PJione: Liberty 8-3466 Newport ·Beach I PAGE 2 • PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS . --..... .. ___ - S'r'ATI:: llEGEN'T OF DAI{ ~!rs. i{uth A11pcrson l<ouse, l\'e:-;t Loi; 1\ni-;el1's. C'l'll l('r, v-·;1s f"aturcd spea.k· r r a t la rge lUn\:ht·on Tuesd:iy 111 Nev.•pnrl i'-l ll rb.•r Yat·ht Club. 011 h1 •r l<"ft , .\!r". J 111<eph \."is 111 k. state l'h!iplain, Ont:trh'!, ~lr!t. t..:d~ar Atkin;;on. Ful!t•r, Snnta Afonica, reporter general to Smithsonian Insti- tution ; on her right, Airs. Stanley Manlove, Riventide, C'X-recording secretary gener al and Airs. Horace Don- nell, Los Angeles, state corresponding secretary. -Staff Photo DAR. CHAPTER HOST GROUP Red Cross FOR SOUTHER~ COUNCIL First Aid State Regent Speaker at Yacht Club Luncheon ~ounding lh<' kl'ynnl<' fnr a n<'"' 0;\R ~·<'ar. ~rrs . Ruth Apperson Rous, 8l11ti~ tl'J.:Clll. open~d the Sf1 uthern Council mect1n,i:: Sl'pt. 20 ;il N<·\\'port Harbor 'Yacht Club. SI.for'! an <l fl:.em blage of 35ll ,[:'Uf'sts she quoted 1'.l i:os Gertrude S. Carrav.·ay, p r e>sidC"n t i;;enern1 l'. S . !J AR. \\'ho r ('rf'ntly 11airJ ''Our 1·,,n.•t 1t•1•u1n l1 nnt Ju•\ ~ St\•eral nr-w cour!IU In Rid Lowe, regittt11.r; C. F . l.A nder1. Cto1.~ tlr.~t ald i re •lartlng thl1 ~t1t11 r<!~i1trar: Earl corkette and month. A nine hour retre1h1r C . f". Dtl1"1n\aon col!1 borated · Inn I courae tor thnat holding \'a.lid the l rTknfemenlJI tor the lunch-card1 ur tnr tf'nf'\.l•al w ilt at.I.rt eon 11 nr1 lnlltrurtion 1t"111lon. ~fon<111 y "venln~. S<'pt. 211. 7:JO An Amtric•n fh1g nc<'11riffl 11 to 9:30 at ~!•In ~chool a udltor- pt!'m1nrnt plac• in the ba l!ronn1 I !um ln CO!lfa lole111. Mr11 .• Vemon 1u1<1 '"''f'tlll \'Pry nJd frio mP<\ p11-I "-!1thfW1 wHI h1 the ln1tructor. per11, an old ~p1nntni:: wht't'I 11n•l 1 On \Vf'dnf'aday ,.venlng, Sepl. a JOO yt"ar r>l<I Ailk coin!c>tl \.\•ere. 28. a 1chQnl 1tandard ll!I hour on display. A flnrAl arranJ:PrnPnt rour1e will be g!v<'n by Mr1. Ray waa <lf!al~f'1! h ~· H 11. rt I e In 1 't'r11utweln 1t :\fain School audl· . liiTATr; HOA.NO 28. Kn ad\·an<'td nine hour coura1 F !o"'"r11. I torlum. Al!!ID on \O.'edne1day, Se:;ot. ?ole.n1bera o! t he ~lat" f'llf'<'Ulh·i vdll b,. given 111 St. Andre.w1 •. ,,, \\dl1MrH ,·.,11 .. 11 t'h,1p1r• l>t'>a r•I 11, ... ~ent wer'p ~lnir,.. EdlJ:llr r re1hyt .. rl11n Churrh by Loran nt Obhi:nt1•n1 9, :-: .. r L1 !l 1nrrf'ly l "'"~ 11··~""" 1" lh•• i.:ruup f,,~ th" A Fl!llf'r, 1eportt'r i.:~ncral 10 1>< __ '_"_''-"-'-'-~-"-·---------!ll'~t 1.1 11 ""'"·t1 ni;. ~l •n•·•· \\, I!. · . . . 11. HLll "r Salt' lt L• a contr11"t T n tl, rr.t:•'rll ; A . L. P on k1,.,. llnrc l ~.m11h.•on1.11n ln1tJt11t1"n . _Jov ph l·"fH~T ~t::-::-:111 .-. "'hirh h1nJ4 citlzenm u well a~1 Anue ll.••ll<•11.un. "'r" !'l'lo:l'n t~; 11,,1. i' 111.n•k. rha pla1n: llorac<' Tionnt'll, J ohn Hell yer, John Brought.on, '"P""rt '' 111,.r l•lc kl"I', t rr1i .• iut'r, ~·ount Charn1•1Pu.~1, hr,1:11.n1z1nj!: !fll'retary; Francl 11 D1wson. Richard Lovt -lhe go'"'mn1~nt to lt1 .--· corrl'1<pont.1 n;;:: ~t:"rrei i rr, John J . h1.n1l. Vlln Hayea. X. }.1. Phoenl.w:, S~fART PULLO\'i'..'.I{ bl oUl'I.' in khaki a nd b!ar k and t:qw.red 8la c k:1 n10dl'!l.'d at thr 0 1\H. fashion sho\v luncheon 1n J'l.;',~\~·1 •ort t-f:irb"r Ya('ht (1u b b.\· ~I r~~ Dou~las 13tt(•]] are adn11 rf'd by ~I r~. l". t ;ordon 1-luds,,n, right. -:5taff l)huto Calendar of Events SA::-;"T,\ ,,:'\'A l:l.IF:Ll. 'h,tJ . ho•~..o. fn!l!:\,,n .. hn11· h\' BnnltLn ~ Slpt. :6, I• .10 J' rll hrlH" h Pt:RLl ("lT\' \\'H!Tl:"1; , l.1 ..... • T-9 r 111. ~"i'L ::~. ···~ni:~ 1 ·"~"'t Colltgf l"\r>f'lll I\ ~:.;;; LIDO !."-!.~: \\'(l~IE:-.· :' ( ·Juh, Lido Cl1,bhl'n~r. :'l'pl Z7. lZ tlo"n. 1 lunt l"IN'l!1 11::•! r~r+!1' 1 1 ST. JA~tt:s ,\lt11 r (;nil,! uh· .. r , 11,· tea, :'>I r~ l~rrt 1;-"""r h»n:r 1:'9 \'!a Knr r n :' t<> 6 I'm . ~-r1. zi;t I Jl'.;\'JOH t:HF.1~1,, ~ .. r t. Z!'I l r-''' T\r,e Cn .. ~t 1"iuh I ""'""'"""' n:A. c"""'" :•I \\'om,.n·~ .-.,nn• 1:. Z-~ p m F~r! 29, Vlnrrn1 :'1l1111111<'l11 h""'~ ::~.; Via Li•I ' ;::,,1,! Juli11n C. Brook~. tr,11 •t1rt"r an<\ C. !:. H olloway 11niJ Doui;laa Bu· Challen Lan<1t."r!I. /'f'glslr11.r, 'IL Sprcial i:ursl. :'>tayor Dora ' G<'nt•tnl ,·h11.lrm11.n. M r~. Anne, •:O.tr11. E(li;:a.r, Hill 11i·a.• Introduced I Hnrbe1KH1. rrptirlo>d on the re<·l'n l by llle r.-g<'nt. bPnef1t f11,.hion •hO\.I', cllt<I J)Jlrty Prize winnrrs "'·ere Mmet. lunrheon h•ld •l the y•~ht John Linaon. Di11:1an Tubb 1. Frank Ballt"ntyne, Ra ymo n d • \IE~tnt:R...c :uonct. Berl<'. \V. K . \\'ill'.'', f..connlt! B•rry. An 11ud1eucl!' or 300 .. vi•wl'd P. F. Fernan. Forre.•t A!hndt"r, ney.· f11U ~1~·!f'11 11h.-,v.'l'I b~· L1dn Bnll'" :'>!t P.rl!!e. Frank Elhot. F11 11hion1 .. n<t narr•l •d h~· V•rn11 $1dnf'\' f't'ck. J11.rk Dl11.mond, r I :'>llll•r lo!odel11 who d1~r111y,.!I Fr11.nk C. I'frf'w ur S•nta P11u)a, bl'a11t1 fu1 co11tun1r8. "'Ith 11 b1t rk· Earl \O.·r!ght of Placentia, ~1!111 "''nunrl ot riri.:an music b1· HAZ<'I Anita ~tOl'r!~ and :\Illa Dorothy 1:\!n<. i,:,.nnP\h• n l'll ....... ,, :\!mt'~. F'lndon or J..condon. Eng la nd. ~~~~~~~~...::...~~ REDUCE u·hile yo u REST! NJAGAllA HO Mt WflGHT CONTROL PROGllAM • NO 015110BING N ECE55All'I' Thr' am"'"'fl: nf"' \ "'"'' r..Juc1n,; r!Jn '"~''off pot1nd1 '"hilt 1l t""'' tit •!-. "J'h!cn· mu><1t•. ht 11111fic., •~in, avoid1 .,.t alo.tn• 1n11 t l!trn ol .on1n1'.>n, <;Ullk d1t'r1: ,No d1'roh1n,t n«<"'••rr- t-0 l'lr•CU••I' L~ 1hr llNJT .In i1• m31tora1 '1:'0RK .. hilt ,l'~" Tfla•. "'""h TV, rtod <>r ..,. .... P<o•·t co )'Ollr!t'H ho"'· t'&•)' ti '-" :·1;,--o~i+li -c~~P~~-,;-H-oME . ~EDUc-1'4G--• : PLAM 111111 1tn1 lo; LESS t!N• 580 ' '.. ·'"··--··-·---·---··--·..! ir S~ICIAL 30-0AY llNTAL O'fll HEALTH STUDIO Call Now for INFORMATION FREE D<monstrallon Harbor 0767 Balboo Inn Arcode ~0 CO~T Ol 0 1\lG."'TIOM Jt."XIOR ~'.HELL •l f\nr t . !'lounn\ H lllt HPrrr,.:1on !'rntPr, _qrpt . ;;,) Fl ":":!• FAl!t. Ho&)l llo~pltlll benellt. 11 a m. to mldnltr. R~n­ cltZ\"{'11~ H•\lr,.,..,m. ('I(\ 1 .,....,, yO\I•;"•" co~ •~'I, .i.o..t o•d play, i.. cooM.,,,, 111 -~.H.-1111 •IO OOOil ~b.co_,.,.,.-,.~ po.+~tfl fot Ot;I;~. f .... ST. A :-0'11H~:\\ .. f: t'A~ll lO:"' •hOY."lunchron, • 1, l .\ 1 10 p. n1. p A !" H ~: r. I.~: :-; I c loftmbtor· I I 9hlp tc11. Rl+'hll l•I !<1rw"'1 1 ho:otn ~ 193 D<-1 )I 1r, '·.,~111 :\l r•11., .1·:) t.m. Ocl. 1:.:. We Give S & H .Groen Stamps ~amp Fire Sirls Have Fall Drive Camp 1'11'11 Glrl1, Blue BIN1~ and th11r 1 ... chr1 ln th.la atta sl&tt thl1 WMlc the annual mam· I IMlrah!p dr1v1 which Pltnds un· 1 IU N<'Y. JO. 1' h 1 m-Mnhip ooaunJtt" m1t lut W'Mk w1lb tMlr d:Wr- ma.n., Mn. SMtelt. Church, ISO Conrr•M It., Coit& M--. to di.I· ~u .. ••p;i.r.dlnc of the ClllTlp nr1 Jelsur .. ume proJ"'&rn ot tun; and frlendahlp. Camp nr1 m~ben "'lM.1'11. by doing" In the tt .. a. Qf th• M"nD craft. -home, cnatlY• 11.rb. out· doon. • tninuer., blla1nua. sportt and l'll1TI .. and c!Uunahlp. Mn. Church announced. • II 1 would weloom1 cU11 from &nJ int...-t.d (lrll, .... T to 10, a.ad lldUIU. Her phon1• U U . 11-&IN. Calll w111 &bo t. takm by Kn. Em•t Laurtn, Or.n&'• County Camp rtN lA&der1 A..oci&Uon chalnnan, at U. l ·li77J. Island Folk to Improve Park "It II ftt'}' l(l'&Uf)'tJ\I' • to ... how ... neroualy N.wport i.l.&nd peopl• b•11• contnbutld to th• g!'OWlnl' fl.Ind tor be&uUr,tnr our !stand park.-and at W1 time our i:-oaJ la tn eight" 1111.td Mr1. Ke!t.h R!rna, ptealdent ot Newport l•- /attd lnc,, Wh<'n !he IOl'JUP m<"t recenlly a t I.he home ot Mr1. Da vid hulkntr, 403 ~9th St. I \ On B. C. Visit !:, •'.I'·~ (",,81" ~·I f'•• \e ~t !10 111 ·1 Lo· An,::t !t~ A ll'l'<lTI 1-•r !11il11h 231 Columbia . "·her'" •ht w1U 1·1•ll FALL COAT EVENT! Lido Fashions hove mo.de e 1pociol purchuo of full length ·100'/, wool coah. ldeel for woar In town or et tho beech. Sterting at * Terrific for Football G.,. .. fnr """1 " hf'r •nn, 1..an~l•Y thP. home l'f B('<trton1•, 1n Mno. Rima outlined dei..1!1 of !he projt"ct and •lated th.at e1ti· I ma tu WUl M ready In October, 11 which Ume work ca.n be 1t&rt- td. lt Will !nclud1 bulkht"&dlng . park plantln1 and 1urtacln1 of a play &r'l'• "'I th decornpoMd I (T&lllll. Nnt to Standard Service Station 3419 Newport Blvd. • • • Make tracks to the store • • • where carpet values mean more • • • No need to go on that carpet "SAFARI" ... by that we tnean that long trek from 1tore to 1tore trying to decide on the proper carpet, color, and price. Let wi help -we have all t.be facillUt!ll. e 0.. of U.. IArpat ... a...t ~leotlODI Lii Oran,'~ Coll!lty. • °'"" 1.000 r.n..-... aq ... e Qullt)' at 8eiialble Prte. • a Ou-pet. IA4 o-.,..... Ss.,.rta e ' Elpert Mec:balaltJe e PIH.I of TrQcJuo ~ TCN ell'..t.EUW.•~ Nothin'J Down H rnnnth~ to fl•J' t..ow Rank lnW,..t ma11land~ Nu-Pont 100';'p Xl'l,O~ CARPf:T • NU· POL"T !a 1H mi~tJOJ. br<'a1111e or Lt'• a.I.I "'II'°"· Her" •t la•! l• • carpel "1thou! com- prom!IK' -the p~r/o"""nc" ot 11. m!Tl!.cl• fiber 71/11., lhe t'Y• •pJ'('1! of a uniquPly dlff•n"nt quality lnol.'. Completely lnstelled 40-oz Paddini- F l11•wlf.llM, Tack le•• lnat11 ll1t!on &nd Door :'>lerall • Th!• tune!! loop fabric of 2 00~~ nylon ' glve1 you all tht 1u~r1ervlc• .. dvantllge• -long "'Mr, frtlh and V1brant color, 1pr1n,po M'lllUtnce and l'ffl•tllnr1 to pun!~hment. \"rl. NU-POL"IT dries •II th!! 11114 put.It a broad •"pan• of r-ll~Jl'"t b,.n11 r11 on \·our floor. $1295 .q. 7d. • ~ltdf'•! SN It. feel It. imllc :in It -you cart h11.ve the car· pet of totnorTO"'O In your bnm. lo4tly 1 _J ~ • • • • C'11tto" Frll!W-ln•lAllPd Ml.~. ... • \'\-:-;")'Iota In•,..,.. ., ... .. . • "-T"'·""" Jut.all.., N .2t ... • ""· \'t-·:"071 ... Ina!, P .15 ... • KJ-Lo· ~·001 l.aaWJe.d •1n.1.& ... 8286 Gar4en Grove Blvd. %00 VDS. F.A.!JT OF H"Y ll9 ;rc\' )'d. y d • "· ... OPEN EVERY EVENING 'TIL 9 P.M. • I I I ~ Hamett T. Kane. Famed Writer. to Visit County !l-':'\TA A~A 10{':-.;s1 Onr nf I A•U111.ina Gov1•1 nor H 111 nf Am,.rll'&'s l.-ad1n1: contrmpur· 1 L111w, II brc11me an overniJ:'I .11• y nov• li•18 will ~lay 10 Cai den ht~I 1 • It. r " Brn1t•IWll\' hit ••' U 111"!11111 J.ll!'IUrC' Orove for " br1d tm11• 11"11'1 Sin• e th.it l1111r. Kanr h11• '" 1r1unth. thnr I'd m;mt'ruus h1,,.t1J1 w111 no" Harnt'tt T Kirne. 1111th111 ,1( u1· ''''" inl'Judmg "Thi' ~t·and11 lo11 ,., 18 b"'l ~.:llt•rH .. nJ BolJk ·•Jf·lh" M1" r.111«kfont." "TI1P Lady " A rlir\" 1t111' K nil ut h~r B•X>k -nl t.lonth d11li 11l'le1·t1nn" w ill b•· th<' Thi·-\11111111 H••lt•rtinrl~ Hts i·lo-. 11.ue•t M Mt , and Mrs P11l M1• h· (1 1Pnt1 .. h1 p with a1wth.:r fl\me•' ll•'ls. 1234 ~ Q1tllf'U. Plan~. O<:l 20 :-;,.w 01 l.-&nH1n <'ll\t1 mn1i<t DtJrn· tn 2C 1'f1rhaeh1 111 a """"II wnt C'I lhV 1"1x. br1111j?hl i.bQut one ol or OC:-O:S anrt nrw11 eJ1tnr or ht!! Ill< •I famollll rer ent p11blll'•" radio KWJZ. tton:<. · [), ar Dorothy Dix,'" pub· Kant, who re1rnlu 1n :-;,,w ()1. lllih"'' fl'lllnwlne lhf' W<Jm1rn·,,. l,.an.11. l.11 making hi~ t1ri<t trip to deal h the West Co1u•l In 1•onJ11n1•t1011 "'I'll" SniilinJC R·'li~I." Kan"'·· with the publkal1on •>f h1M n t'W book. "The SmUing Rttwl" tiy n~w I~ nk. 1teta1l11 \ht> llftt l'lf Btllt' Doubll·c.h1y anl.I Co. I B<\Y(I th1 mo"1 .:lllmorou~ ot 1111 The author wu 1).lllo:d into ('1 v11 \\'11r ~pl"~ w orl<! -wide film., In lht' 1•1t1 ly Th .. l'HllllJt' hR" tir .. n a , i••ll• thh tll'll when he quit 1\111 J•1ti "" a reporter Jor 111., New Orlt'IU\ll fr1e11t1 111 th .. Mt•·h&i'ls llUll'l' uolh item to write It book enlltle<I. 1e1. ll11 •·d lo >1i1plrlnJC writer" 111 "Louuuann Hayride," Th" bi1uk work llh"llh thr•,lli?:hout the :<outh told nf the political bal'kground , rn;J ·"•utllwe!'lt DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the· Newport Ha rbor News-Pre~s is guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p .m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday and Friday. I[ your 1 paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper . Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -"'edn~days Co1u1tal l'lhup,,,-r AdJI run In fh<> i\'l'dm.,•dll,\' -'"""''·l'rt•M .a f,inP8 J Insertion $1 .00 add'I. linffl .2:'> f'a. l Unett 2 ln8t"rtlon'4 l.50 add'I. lines .2:) .-~ 4 Lint'!; 3 Insertions 2.00 adll'I. linf'lil .2r» ea. 4 Llnt>s 4 Insertions :!,;;o add'I. lints .2:) .-a. SlluaUon \\antl'd Ad~ will rt•t•••lu• J.~"~ 111,.t•uunl. C'ai;h Jn aihanrc onl.)'. Ml~l!\ll'~t AO I!' 4 LIXE~ I ''!~~}~\~ct-~i:-~~'.'"~ ~ FOR RENT :kill Sa-JClec. Or1U1, Poll.lhen . lllJ typU of Sanders, WhMlbar row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY lt>erty 8·301, Newport Bcb J8ll• Adams Plumbing Repair -R emodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 162 Ced ! P lan>. Costa Mesa. Liberly 8-7~27 PAINTING M. W. ROSS U ren.sell LJ 8-3321 280 Avocado, Costa Mesa 86ttc Rd. Oil Spreauing Driveway• PARKING LOTS I •.l_~!~.:.~~~-­ COMPLE'fE P AlNTlNG Ii Paper Hanging Service EUGENIC 0 . BAUNDlll\8 ~ ai1t 8t..-t, Newpon Beec1 Harbor 2'78 or Har. 4448. tf, Elec. Tool Repair 8kJI 8H•I, DriU., ........ QUICK 8ERVICll LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. 1:>6 No. Newport.ams .. Jfpt. Bch Wberty ~U. f'tlc CEMENT I& BUILDING A.U KJJlda FREE ESTIMATES Uberty 8-8109 CARPENTRY nu ·MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SK.UL • H. 0. .A.adenon lOU It Balboa Blvd., klboa Harbor 2'60 &3tfc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. PrOIDpt ~r a.me• M&lnta.ined Pbone: ~ '"' O'BRIEN MOTORS -~peclal Notlceia I 12-Building Sen-Ices Y Newport Harbor Ip . !';11b-rlivisb n11 om spt:claHy. Wt t111-nlsh any type oil to yQur spe- 1•1flcalion. Large Jobs -small J•>bs. Free e.'lllmale.~. Also wa· lt'r sprt<:.a<hng. Modern equip- ment. LExlngton 6-4008. Gil· more A Page, Huntington Bch. laol Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach plrp 1680 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA DODGE -PLYMOlJTH USED CAR BARGAINS! SS DoclCJ• V-8 Lancer Hardtop Blaek a yellow 2 tone, ao.ded "itb utru, Low low mileage 55 DodCJ• Cust. Royal 4-door Pow. •teerlng, JM"''· brakei., pow. window~ Aut.o. Trans. -Bf'auttful ! SJ CheY. 4-cloor Sedan Bed a whit.e 2 tone, powerglick>, Rltdio, heat, low mileage 53 Plymouth Suburban Overdrive, ndlo, ht'aU-r, Low mllea,;e, one owner 54 Plymotlth Club Cpe. Auto. tran.., 3600 actual miles. You've never MJen one cleann. 52 Cadillac Coupe De Ville All the extru plWI ai.r condltionin~. A 53 Ford V-8 Custom 2-door Honf'y! Auto tran&., radio, heat. lmmaculatf' ! 49 Chev. 2-door Sedan A-1 condJUoa throughout. 49 Chrysler 4·door 6-cyl. The eaeaae.t ued car • OranKe County. Stt It. AIM> -A SELECTION OF GOOD TRANSPORTAnON CARS amting, Decorating lltfc ------------ B. P. 0 . E. 1767 I Paper Hanging Meetl c.very Thursday 8 p.m. IGEO. BURKHARDT Via Oporto -Central Ave LICENSED CONTR.AC.."TOR Newport Buch l . Albert K. Matthews. Exalted Ruler 878 W. 18th St .. Costa Me.a• I.lberty 8-8628 11 B~ldin~_aU-rl~~M~-BION RICE, Inc. WINDOWS -DOUBLE Hl'~G 1-2 x 2 ft. 4-2 11 x4 f l. 3-211 x3 tt. 1-Caaemenl l 1,x2 ft 3-Slh11ng au h 2i..,x21, (I I DOORS 1 l Screen ~1,,xl\ fl 8 111 l Metal garai:e d ()<•I ' 11t1ting 1 GB:-1 ERA t. CO~TRA l 'TORS -. Re&1tlenl1al, CornmC'J'('1al. Ad•lltlOM . llp18 WINDOWS. FLOORS ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile Mfgra. Dlstrlbuton W holesale prices to Conlra.clora A Tile Settere LI 8-7493 68t.tc CARPENTER Repair Work Doee Your Home Need Repalrinl or Rernodtllng ! Call Frank, Uberty 8-t9M A ll Work Guaranteed Httc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 8xl0 ft W h ' & W · I Call Har. 49611. 9"11 I as 1ng axing I ln!llall the abo\'e che11~er than I etc I most. ~ISO .seU Tile .. brnoleum. RESULTS I · Non-union, 2:"; yeara experience. IRESfDENTIAL. & OFFlCES I compare and see - GET RESL"LTS'. • LI 8-1623 BfLL COKER Har. 479~ or Long The New.11-P,·e.s11 publl.ihl'll mn1•e • 3d:'i Bl'Bch 7·S9i3. 89ltc Clu alf1ed Ads than a ny vther _ _ I ------------ newspaper 111 the ar,.a, This G I C I Painting & Paperhanging leadership WM a ttained ht't·uuse enera ontractor We do the work ourselves. News·Pres!I Class1fler1 Ails gl'l r esults'. • C811 Harbor 1616, l!li)' "J want to place a <'l11s:110ed A<1." And start a dverll!nng r~llults coming your way. LICEXSF.O 30 yeara experience New Work -Remodeling I Licensed .t: Insured. Satisfaction guara.nte~d. J. MlLTON McKENZIE Estimates tree. Call J ohnnie. H arbor 0693-J 58tfc LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 Bltfc PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATING, vent Ila~ A 1heet metal work of a.U t ype1. Industrial, residential, commercial FRJCl!I l:STIM.A TES LI S-2237 8p22 PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 • 3lat St. Newport S.acb Harbor 3178 22lfc PAINTING? Call POP'S non-union •hop. Ca.n uae new cuslomeu. Oranga Count y 20 year•. Kl 3-9161 or Ki 2·:";931 after 6. THANKS. 97p11 Alcoholica Allonymoua Write P. 0 . Boa Jal Newport Beacb. Cal1L Pbone B&rtlor' 'TN Ope•· Eves. & Sunday _ u 8-72'72 ______ r CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS C~ ... 01# tremendowa Miec1i0fl of Ql,oMy Uted Con at rocli·bottOftl pricfl. Al t+i0tovghfy Safety-C1'eclc.d 16 woyl ... ol bod.d "" by Clwyll.,'1 • of Quality I Save H1ndreds--Huge Savings On th~ Executive Cars I Wtadtors - l New Yorktr 1952 Chrysler New Yortcer ........................ $1295 Sed&n. 2-tone Bro\\ n. Fully f'qUippt"d Local one car ownt>r 1953 DeSoto V-8 ............................. m ................ $1495 • 'f ~ 4-door sedan. 2-tone Blut. Ver~· cl.-an <'.&r. Powf'r stHring. Radio 6" hf'at.>r .. 1949 luick Super S.danette ........................ $495 Radio, hf'akor, D~·naflow -A rf'ally t'lf'an C'ar 1953 Chrysler Club Coupe ........................ $1495 Lttht Vf'PO. Radio, hNtflr. powt>r !lfttrln~. 1952 Hudson Hornet ....................................... $1095 4-door Mdan, dark gnoea H~·dromatlr, Radio, Heiat4'r, lm.mat'ulatfo t.hrouthout 1951 Mere. Sta. Wagon ................................. $995 Radio, o\·n-drin-. St\\' til'tlf', Mot-0r o\·tr· haul. >:x~llf'nt wood. J MAS\' OTHt:R~ TO ('HOOSI: FROM LOW DOWNS -LOW BASK PAYMENTS All Cars Can,· the Crown Warranty ).A>Olt fl\r th,. C'hryalrr "~ltrn nf Quality•• l'f>al: Lou Reed Chrysler-Plymouth DHl•r 1200 W. Coast Hlthway-U 8-3486 • - £\.[CT lllONIC "tCOlllOING MACHIN& ACe OWNTIHe INTO THE FUTURE OF BANKING ! The future of banking is here-tot#oy f for with the devet. opment of ERMA, Bank of America brings to bankin1 tht wizardry of modern electronics. ERMA ... Electronic Recording Mactline Aceountina .•• is the fabulous machine· process which will relieve benk personnel of tedious. time-consumin1 tash, en•bftfti " to serve you better. ERMA will perform with light'"n& speed and compfttt accuracy the compleK chores of crediting deposits, debit· ing withdrawals, recording new balances (at the same time checking for hold or stop-payment orders), and do th• en· tire job in one tenth of a second I EltMAwill also ,-emember the details of all transactions and, at the end of the month, turn out a complete printed statement of your account. The development of ERMA is another example of Bank of America pioneering-of its long tradition of leadership. ERMA required more than five bugy years to de1l1n. d•· velop and assemble and represents the climax of our vn· relenting search for new methods of meeting tM benki"C needs of California's e11tt·eKpandln1 econo~. .I• TSuttk of Amtrirn NATIONAL n~n..-tt ASSOCIATION •••••• ,,., •• l ...... " ................... . UIMA -••"'• 14.ltf d.ecle•. 7,979 -tuMe - l 000,000fHtof ..... " ........ ~11 .. 1-v .... •-J •lft'l·rootft ............... OllOltd .,,, Its_,, .,, ~,,_ ... , fY'l-~ol-­ f1mrif1C 2.5 '-of _""'., '-IEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I · PAGE l FRIDAY. SEPT. 23, 1955 Superfluous Hair P.nDADmU7 ~-troaa fa« .,_, Mp. .,.... __ Ul4 b&I? liae 1Mpe4-No •°" twemns. llLl.mt I. •T ANr R. & 1...ldo'• .... of ~ ...... 11711 LOST-Udo I.el .. 8 e m09. old. er. 1"•1 marktnp. HU'. 1121 even"'911 t -llM d&Jttma. .ve lri\&.en. wltb dark . Call or uahl«b 1c9 Beacon Personnel 100% tmployer retained a geocy MO fee collected. from applicant We -.... ••cell. opt9inp tor Top \yptaa, 11tenoa. uecuUve l80l"atarJ. en-. bk'IU'.; retail ofo.. 8'1ppl7 ..i..ma.n, A rore.11"' motON mecbaalo, Nle de a.a ......_ final•) Wabateanoe anao. BlllA.OOM PERSONNEL LOST -o.tk brindle a Tl· old UJ-lht Boxer. Reward. '°''* lttta It., N-iiort S..Ch. lpt ------------ Super-Market TRAINING C~NTER Grocery Cashier• a.nd Meat Wrap. per•. Make $80 to $120 per wk. Call tor appointment to learn more about thla tr&lnlng. AL TYLER ScbooLB H U No. Broadway KI 7-$Sll 94tf Real Estate School in Santa Ana MllN 6 WOMlaN pr.pare ln IJ>&A Ume tor unlimited opportunJUe1 ln Real E.lt&te. Nnr claMea wMkly. Al Tyln tn1truct1n1. At· tend tlrat eventnc tree and learn a bout thla ,nat neld. Call or wnte now. Al Tyler School 1811 No. ~road-y. Santa Ana KI 7·3511-Kl r>-3•811-KE S-2~13 tfc China Painting Day a.nd Eventn1 ClUIM Ordere Talren Now Phon. Liberty 8-&MI Hlfc CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY Jn apare time for contrac· tor'• examlnatlon under a gen· eral contract or with 2~ yea.n eiq>erience. Claaaea Tuee. and Fri. en1. 1:30 p.m. Attend flrtt M111lon free. Begin anytime Al Tvler School 18U No. Broadway, Santa Ana Ph. Kimberly 2·•226 or Kl 7-3~11 tte BIG DEMAND HIGH PAT PRA.CTICAL ·NUR81D8 MllDICA.L IJDCRrl' ART BOMll 8TUDT HJsb 1c:hool not neceeuey. Many .. m while tbey learn. Inf. mail· ed. Write now, united 8cllool of Nuratns. 01.ltrtct Ofnc., Lomita Cal. &c18H SP .ANISH TUTORING Btudenla A Adult.I Harbor Hte 8o14 Swedish Massage LadJea. -b7 appotntm11nt la your home. Formerly m .... u .. at Ar10'!!'he&d Sprtnp Hotel. Pleue call Harbor •790 ~ Har. 0292. EXPERlENCED GARDENER JcU GARDENING A yard wor k by da y YOU w1J1 have aa opportunity to adyan('e .ta our firm. t>ecauH of our prt1eent ••· p&111lon program. The etartlng ulary I~ 11;ood &Jld you w ill r<'l'tlve fr4equwt 1nc·rl'8sr1<, loo. J obi now fnr ; TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - M4 '' No. Ml\ln St reP t Hm. 211 -Santi\ Ana 9:00 to 4 :OO t·.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE i:.ltfo Is your retirement Income Inadequate? Are you restless in retirement? Do ,VOii Whllt l•'l'l'"Olllblhly 11n1! IUltlt>il lll<'•1tnl' m I JlO~ltlOn With dlgnlly • ""' want m at u r" J:enl lrrnrn 1ft1<lrnK rn J'O"llton ;,~ l ru1<l to ~"n't' nrw lll"l'"tm,.nt .,, C'ount11 111 ynur l\rr11 Slll"" ability e!i,.«lltllll. \\'rtte b<>x :< ~2 lhHI p•1p1•r. !IC'll S ALF.SMAN S•1hu·y .l l'ttmm!M1lorl Mu11t 'luai1ty t•lr N1•"'rort. •~ Harh<'or H.-~l !\l <>mr>~111l P11rh H11r tl<>r 11l G11~lt'r Klmtwrly ~-11~>11 lkll MAN H\'t'r 18 mtellrgenl &ood wurk1•r lo t;,. gf'n<'raJly Ufll'f•I In furniture 11tnre lJb. 8-6:)18. 9Cl1 WIDOWEH 111 hie 60's wlahee to •ha re h111 6 room home on Udo with neat re.11pectable unencwn- ber <'d Widow betweo>n 46·61 In "•change for bou11t•kttplng. Oan live in. I pay food A •m&ll wac•· Referenou •changed, itv• tull partJcula.n. Box H -49, N_.· PrHa. lcJO ICXPERI111NCED Flbergl.u1 mould· ~ &llo experienced boat buil~er aa pwmanent employ ... by N-· po~ Boat Mfg. Wrlta Bo• r -4T th1I papn f<W appL 8c10 EXP. WAITRESS dlly, coclltall A food. Henry'• :ZlllO Coa11t H lgh"".&,Y NewporL lclO WANTED-X lllmen, furniture M- ..mblen la pe.Ultt n helpen -• t.l 8-6332. 8c10 TOU CAN ADD $36 TO '60 .A ~&It io your preunt lDoome. Part-time Jtawleigh Buetn_. 11ow. open1 also full-Ume. 8M a & one. fCTr full pertlcuJare. ~ Watlun.a, 207 Gen.-va St.., Bant· lngton Beach. Or wnte R&wleigh • '707 JC.. .f9th lilt., L. A. ll8 Pr I /JG LADIES. Re$rl ovr art under ctueltk a Uon 2' -Super Mar- ket Tnonlng AL TY L!:R 8 choole 16tl N. llroadwRy, Sa.nla An1t. l<J i -301 1. 94tf week or month. Liberty s-et39 alter e. 3Uc C ~o~~t'~e~:n: • ~.,.~11~~~~&11!:': _IR_O_NIN __ G-_W_ll_I -do-y-ot-1r-l-ro_n_l_ng-ln Rrfl'rl'n<'l'll r l'qt11rt''1. Call Har. :1284 bt'lWt>"n 9 &. 11 II m -4 Ir my home-11 per hr. LI 8-i36~. 45 pm. 7r 9 8pl0 -------------HOl'S~KJ-:EP~~R. lh'" In or out . Roy's Maintenance Hsroor ~~11:) 1p10 Houae clean.1111-Floor waxln& WOMF:N-J'l:JX. ~""~ t)f(. type. 1er. Wal1 waahlng-w1ndow deanlnc 11terw . t1k 'kpr llll)('k wm k. wait· VeneUan blinds. Upholstery re,.~. 1Jnme~l1r MAI.I':. l'le<'lronln In.lured, Free E!ltlmatu I <'nj.ttn<'er & I 1>t hni<'lan 11alu and Liberty 4t-13ll2. ltfc lr"nerllf .Tune Var111r F.:mpt. AJT.•Y 4021io Experienc'd gardener 32~11 • ~pl !Mi. opp. City Hall: LANDSCAf>ING EXl'F:RIF:NO~D crn1meUo ct. ~Mtlf and CLEAN UPS l'lrrk. C:undt>rllon Or\lg, Bait)(!•. Liberty 8-1659 Hsr ~I~. 8cl0 SOllc So. Calif. Bible Culle~e hu DE· ~ENDABLE YO~NG PEOPLE AVAlL, for PART TIME EMp. Su.ell a.a houie work, h•hy alt· ting, J&rdentng and chllu!teur. Pleue cot1ta.ct Mr. 1inamr'"- KI 6-1178 &ell CLll:ANING 6 IRONING by the day. Jl:x]>erlenoed. Balboa lllla.nd pretened. Kl 1-8096. tl PlUO fUCPAlR-i.dy "'11.1' many yea.re expertence In Or1ent.al rug repaJrt~. 818 Main 8t., Hunt· ln&'ton ~ LExtn~ 8·T118 • Tp9 SO-MlsceJlaneo• SEE the NEW RCA Victor TV's at SOS RADIO Balboa Island Harbor 0780 TV !B.'TS roa RDT I08 liDIO, Balboa llMDd Jfart>o. 0780 DAJltCING INBTRUCTION--1..&Un .. A.lller10&n "' th• prt••C)' ot yov own home. Mature colter• 1tUdent. w.u q~ llietru• tor With uoeD.•t rel. Barbor------------ 11111·1\ ...... 1np °' eo. ..a. Nearly New Balboa laland. lolO oooK 1or pnvat.. tamll7. i&" 1a. Apparel Good aaJary, nlerenoee. Wrtte .....,-y DO~·· PMlta .. 1-60 .... ...... tell J7'1 .. OoMt ~ QoltollA 6el Mu. tG21 • !! ,.., " ..... nRaT e&aal 1M1n1t._. OMI llar. "7. 9Cll MO'l'llERA JU:LPER , day•. Htlp ..ttll llou.. work .t: J thildr,.n. U •·ITN . Tl'f t • WlLD MINX CJAP&--4n rood con: dJllon. C&ll Barbot' 2487. 9< 11 WOMENS BLACK CO!fnJMEM aroUllll yr. 1900. All 1l:iu . HaH Tound 200 yr. o"1. W&l n•tt dr1nk· Inc t..slile, mu~rrm plee• 221 29th St., Newport. 0t-1n ' ! • l SO-Mltw!ell&aeou. PAGE~ . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 , 1955 ... I 11-. .\utn S.•t\'h''" ~-Ap!!c.~~~-:4::_- Fresh Hearing Aid --,---. -------------- '"• 01 .,,,.8:._~ Stitmp• (n"'-,~-""-'"-11-"-"--'°-'-!la_lo_. ____ s_Z-_•_·_•_nt!~-!2.!' S..'6 -'Buy !roru a local deale r who will be here TO!llOH.RO\\' to ba,·k up ~·hat bl' i>clls TOD .. \ Y: '1-!Check These Used Ca1·s -~~i~,~Ngvgl~~T-11A 1..nc•' -1 bdrm. ~aut . turn. :opt ~ "" h11 y frnnl t'UI. pa!4 j'l\\11\,• h~11.~t1 Wllll•ITIJ di•t&n~ "h''~I''"~ Sn , 1111<.h'en or p.t. .. J!i~ I·• $\>!l * with this ad * Gunderson Drug Co. COME QUICK 1 M•ta SL at Balboe. Bl•d.. s.Jbolt. fO--A.utoe ud Tnackl -10.-.4.ut<Oll and Trut'k§. 40-.4.utOA for Salfl ti Cy!s. , S Cylll, ·-· $41' 88 11<1\'.s1't)!\' H.t:AL1'\' .~•''' t'.•,,lt•I' ~!, ('(1.9{1 ;\!N il Hubo• "'· HU. CAPITALIZE ------ GA ~'P'CR~ 6: 8A.'l'TLJCR 1u 111,·!11d• ~ tw•lh i;•l11't 11.n 1 11.11·1~ !\'~w n l\,c)'., "l•~t l"n• 1·nl'<' i:11rul. ll\\11111:• •>: 1n11 1n "'"1 r.i-1 IJ.<.•nni;~ t:~1·~11 111,,111r \lln•• 1111 1•u.,1u~· ur -lJM~I oulo· i;u•r11t1tr .. l.l ll ·tiPl t •""• Har. C.291·'''· U,\ 1.1h IA '"' " 1',.1rn1 t11 r11. hou1e, 1•1·!y t h•lr n1 tum. "'1nt,r tll\f' H&J'bor ranc' II ft 1'rlJ!.dalr-Uvi111 ON TH"'.SE """ drape•, t.WJI mower • r .J-. CLEAN CLASSY CARS I\ <ill>'!' Pt M!'l [.<•W :.'f>.1:l·R . -\'rnetlan Rllnda. Har. 20ll•Jl. _______ .. _10 -CLOSEOUTS-1:'\'\) ~!(1!\'E\' L'l l\\'!\I R C~Bl.I LT E~G I NES Tt :.n \\'I NT E R SPECIAµ; I M'. DIEJ..JC.A.Tl:Ul:N .... 1180. ONE • tt. r1frtcw1.tor ....... MO. ON'E 1ar11 COl'N'IMlrc. ...me 11a. l SCA.LEM, JM. l OOK'DOL.\ l:nl. Call OWJIW LI l-t221 "'-hi .. M' 'h l :ll l:LECTRlC bkllk•t. 110 ; pl!IOWI, •het"l• towel•, k1leh1n m:.-. <h~hl',.: books, ra•v bol t, t i<". I BetCan Hay, alt•r 10 ..... tell ---------~---- G/HL.$ Sc.lw1nn bicycle, ll ~i· I \\lalt<'r H•ii:en l ron1, Sl~ LI 8·2881 9r l 1 --------- t'ft Efl;CH Ha viland. lf n ·ic• for 12 111\'lullinjil;' CO\'llrl!<.\ 11trvln:;: olbb· r ~. i;r .. \'y turtl!n olt •OUp tur,.~n -1n pe:rtttt conu111on. S480.C11. CiiJ: Harbor 860 or "'r\t,. r 0 . Hox t03, Coronu Dtl ~far ltC l I ------------F OAJ.1 robbtr boll 1prlnKt It mal- t rt~• fKoylonl nearly l'I""-'· Al· &Q Swedl1!1 modt'rn birch 6 ;:la ~• fillree t11hle :"!4·•n lnn.c. tkr. 4 29:~R l#Cl 1 MARLIN medium tackle. Norm Bt'll:R rnll~r gu1c t1, Ptnn 9·0 rtel 6 Sl11.n Clift btLt. ShouldP.r hameas & del•t"htbl~ htad 1111.ff. LT 8·35:'.>P &<.:11 MOVING CO.\! PLl.;E hOLiffhol<l 1 n11:~ 1nclud1nii: upr\1ht 1..1 1·43111 turnlah- pl1nn II~ 11 ------------ FIREWOOD Jo'RE& DELIVERY - l •rv wood Hl"-24 '' len.cn1 Call T om Hutch!n10n Htrbor 2fl3~·J. 8ttc LADIES SUIT. Si~e 111. F ine quaL- \ly. dar k m11.roon CharmrPn H11r. IOtfl, klO ---- . NEW I PC. C'Ul\vm'> •llC"nONAL ········--··----------. 1111.U MODEJll'( TAaLS UKMI OOC.A.a. T.._BL&a 4Pl.A8TIC I PC. l>JVAN 6 OfAlJll •rT TOPI ------·-......... -.. -... ·--· ' ' ~ 88 lt.50 I PC. Dltlrrr& iw. 1.1 IO a 41 EXT Tu1'..l H·--··--·141.$8 6 DflAWDt CHMT .... _ .. ,_ ........ -.. -.. -.. --S23.Ci<I I DI\. SAl..ICM DBL.II:. DR&SSER ...... ~ .. -.............. -.. -.... $44.~0 °" PC. ALL METAL BRIDGE'SET ....... . sorA BED -F'()A}.( RUBBER CUSHlONl!I :t PC, YIR!:PLAC I!: TOOL SET It gTA.ND 2 PC. \.\'ROUGHT IRO!\' DIVAS 6 CHAIR BAY FURNITURE ~2i E. 171h ~-"'" Stort'front Parkin& OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 SJ 7.~ ,187.00 S 6.P.) 'flfl .~II I ~•II! :1 ;\l ~.•" Tt'rm~ !IO-'-'--"B-'-"=P.r.Plla=•co-=-----l ~Z-fo'urnJtW"fl for Sale . Sept. Clearance \\'A8 H~R8 Norge a uto. almo~t new l lZ!> G.F.. llUto. 4 y ra. oht. 1.:omp!i1tely o·h""ked _ 199.ao EllRY Spin <lryer l•te mod. l et9.l'i0 PRAC..."TICALLY nrw, C:rt'fn bro- c•dl! love It'll.I, and red tlrt'!1de ch11!r 1!'.130 Mir•m11r Balbo11. Apt. '· 8pl0 RANGl-:S :\t1.r1~ ('hrr :16 1nrh high broil- er .. 16'3 O'Kee!e It Merritt 4Z", <:lea n - oven thermo ··-Sft .. l'IO ~·ri,:11\a1rt' t'lf'r. •o·· h•ll! modtl Jl!luxe . S89.50 !\'"rfe 3.11 1n J)t'rf. rondltion SM \Vet1lin1"hOu!M'! ~tct. 3A'' ov .. n un1l!r, lop condition 11!.19.50 S21)0 TAKES almnftl nt"' 21 lnch co111tO!e Mntor-ola TV. ll older 1tylt' bPdroom tt'U, l dr11p le•f oak kitchen ftel . Or w\U 1ell 8tpara te!y. LI 8-4574. 6t'R WINTER STORAGE;. Rt~FRIGERATORS G!bltOn I cu. tt. latl! n1od"I. Jll!r- fe<.:ltondLtlon ··-. ,_.. .. '75 Y.'ettinghoual! 6 cf. cll!lln S39 50 - Serv,l apl. slKt', v,.ry n1t't' S69.50 Coldspol. Pf'tfl!Cl ahRJ>i!, apt. 111~ S4 il.50 E\'Pt)'thln1 Guar11nlPt'd Ii Boats or Tra ilers $65 for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Launchlnl' Sl.24 Fence<! -Cutrde<I Storage Space * "EYE POPPING VALUES" * '55 Ford Thunderbird $3198 Pow ('r S tee r in j!' !RC'Uuced f or Qu1i·k ::iale J l'OV.'l'r Urakl'li '52 Mercury Fordor $1098 Radio, Heater '52 Ford 4 -door . s 998 Radio. Hrall't tl{C'du1·c\I for Quick ~ak•I Ove !'dn\l' '55 Hillman 4-door . $1298 Radio IRNilLC'<'d for Qutek :-;ale 1 Hr ntC'r '52 Austin Convertible s 650 I Reducf'd fnr ()uick Sale ~ '55 Lincoln Capri Coupe . Fully Equipped t ReduceJ for ciuick . $3798 Sa ll"l One OY•ner '55 Mercury Housecars . . . $2689 Coupes and 4-iJO<•r . Fully equipped. 5avl' almofit S.lOtlO. '51 Ford Victoria . $ 798. '50 Mercury Club Coupe . s 698 'Radio. H eater iRrriucerl fn r Quick '53 Willys Hardtop Coupe . . . '52 Mercury Station Wagon .. . Make Offer $1650 Radio, Heater. MerC"om ~t1c -::\3.000 "r1~1nRl '53 Studebaker V -8 Hardtop . $1298 R adio, HeRter, A utomatic. New P aint & Ne..-.· W \V ,titeh -l 'I' lo I~ llh•!\THS '\\) l 'A\'- Built 111 our "'"n l<1C'tor~· hy tklll..,1 1n11ch•r11st1 l'l.111 I t'"ni.•n<I wilh Lhr 1111<!.JI,. '""'' llny rt11,,.-1 R£JlUILT and IN STALLED :-:HOHT llUJC't..: S ,\\Al.L Fl'R:O. APT ~I) for roup1P. I .-h1l<I o k. 1-'urn. rmt. 11,.1 •11d ('old w1t,.r. prlv•t• ,.111r11 n•'•' & p111·k!nf . Slnl'l• a;. tihl $:t11. \.IKJNG H0Tlt~1 ~·0111' $1:.!!l.~111 , F!. ll i..lbOM BL\'<I., Halbna. 6el2 CME\ ltlli.E:T $\·IH r.o - I Pr.Y~t & f\Ul"'l;\·'. CH R. ~·~ ,\ n•: ~OTO ;;TL'l)EHAK•:n I ii.I'S & \>0'.'\TIAl' 6 Jll 'U:J\ . .... $\f•."• \\·11.1 ... 11"1<' 111.\' hnm1 "''tlh lady S\70 1 .. 1.111.. l'n\'•I• rnnm 6 bl.U'L $1 70 ( Hnr 11 1!•!1-J. k l l $1 1'0 - HCOS(•S Ln1•n Car ~'r•'" To"·1ni: :-;}-;\\'!'AH UIJ Alt A:'\TEE Oh.wk rtnu1t •11•••·1 01,1r slilU1!11rJ6 l'lu., \"'"'~· j.:t•slt"l" 111"1 ui l n11111~unJ;1)' 1u 11.111.1.,zp 111. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS <Ji"'" P11!1y S lo 7 NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA.STA ASA ·l'!-T rail.-..,. -------------- * Star Fleet * ::v 11 , 11~1 .. 111 111111! h\'. rn1 U Al.Jlf)A • IS l.A:O.n 2 bdrm .• ~n1•ll FA turnac,., pr, J>6UO ,t. lurg~· ln1•1oited ~·ftnl. N't'a r bu~1n ..... ~ SO.\ n1ro, wtntef', t1r.. I }::~r!)~ Ha~._:128-P.I. t tfc HACHF:LO R APT. atparal1 Unit. 1howPr 1412 \\'. Oc-11.11. Har. :!II\; k 11 \VATEHJrRO!'lT - YEARJ .Y~f"l !R:'\ D~:PB.::0.1. ltT'l'Ert DUPLEX ""II.II. S•pt . 2.'>, SS:.. lnrl. ulll. & R'"I>'· :! blk•. I " Lido Ctfl· !Pr. Hiit 4882. wk. t'no1• nr T op1z 1'1·081 6. l piO \\.LST BAY AVE. 51uplu. !I bett- roon1, :! h111h, turfi .. S1 10 month yearly or \li'lnt t'r, 1•19 \\'. Fl•J' A'''. Ra!b<>ll. 98pl.I LIDO lSLE ol.rw1to· k11 11,.th bdrm F'urn- 1~11r i ,·un)p1 .. 1 .. 1y, 1nct. 11'" ·rv, , 11111,1, t•\l\Ll1~ 1~. e11·. CAllA !\'A B ACH.El.OR ll.!1'1 One A two hdrm. t> :. 1u. •••nipJ. 111111 ,\J.:;u 11.p111. i,lhort t~m1 11.nd ytarly. l'll1I<> I Ull\ll•ll• ;<"" al I.al 4, Al.SU. Lido Homt• an<1 B ayFr<>nl ·"'""!"'t! ,\!11r11r1p11l Tr~drr l'lirk Honie• an•I apa rlm••nlt. ·1·1·1•n1. t·~)1 t:• !•!'i1 ,9 LIDO REAl.-T\. Associalt'ft *PORT ORANGE '*1"00 "'" Lo<o, 'fllAJl.C:R ::iALE:-5 1----------- '""' Sl:PPLI ES LIDO ISLE :!:.!00 \\I, l.'l':l!<l H iy,·ay. Y l-~All l.Y 11nrurn 'l M rm Ai 2 Al·y,·pn1·t 1,;cach I.I 8·4420 I b1101 hn1nt l iar 101:1 4Llr ·~1 ~:-. :; ni 1t .. 11<h1•11~1ci Si 49~ -----~~ :12' Aud~Ti;<lll. ,., .. ,.1 S.!:.!11!'1 ~1 ·Hx I \)•11111 •PL ('l1ulCI' !()f'a- Draperies Free o .. rh· .. ry STROOT'S Hd•,., .. Houtewarl"s 8E;08 PR£ADS. allp cnvt'rs, etc.-1802 Newport Blvll .. Cn.ta Meat Custom Outboard Marina 202 £. Coast Hwy Harbor !!130 CARS ·:-.1 2;• c ..... 11~1,.M"r P••rl..,.l Jl ~fi~ I t!l'lh, yrly. or w1ntf'r f'ur11"''" ~.:? !~ H'lp/'Y 11 .. 1.11., $1)P!> lwaL 11111 lfl49~ _ Ori ·"' ·t i' 1 ·~1.1111 1 H1111 .. IJISll'\Jnl l l'AN AMERIC AN Furnished J •111 .1u1n11nl -K ~n~k•l! Hard.,.·are. 31 yr1. In bua\ntM. ! :::;--;;:;:::;:;;--;--::--:;:---;;-::-:;--::~ /------------~·~'~'~' LUCLLLE DBCORATORS BY O\\'NER. 1 cu. fL s~1..,.el ref. Winter Season SAVE THESE CLEAN ON 3,',L(•· Srn~ll .1 ~r1rn1 "p1. utll1t1"~ r "•'I H•r. ~4-408 r:. Balboa Blvd. 8l!c "Attention Prospectors" l:RANIUM CORE DRILL 6 HO fl. drcli pipe and related equlp- 01t nl-p!u11 4 whHI drive jttp plckup--F'armcr Mc:Cabl, 12111 l"e\son St., Garden Grov1. 8p10 8!:0SPREAOS 1-·ouR \\'HITE CHll:Nlu.E mo. old 17 each. ""1· H•r. 8c l0 For thoae: who want the be•t Konkel's Interiors Uphohtery. drsper\f1. btd11prtad1. l'>t'w phone Uberty 1-7973 2030 Ha rbor Bh ·d , "'" E.1Um1tt1 COllta Mt•• ''"' Movie Projectors FOR RENT I-MM 16-M?JI 35-MM HOBBY anl1 ~lODEL AIRPl..A.NE SUPPLJ.i:8 Mears Camera Shop 1782 Nt wport Blvd .. Co•t• M~• Phone t.I~rty 8-7042. Pr U' Lovi!Ly ant1qul! dt'Jlt l l:l:I. Old aidtboard 120, 1 nliqoe o1gan S130, TV l1rg .. $C'Tel!n S9il .. ~ Anliqut' bed~ tron1 S5. Table rR<hn S:I. old r<>cken• S6. lll11hog . secrl!t&ry U9.50 Ml c>ld Chln •~f' st'r~f'n S18. "Gnnt' wl1h the Wind'" l&n1p• tron1 125, Cofr, .. mlll S0.!'10. •ti.II nr 6 lovP.l)' nlit Victor111n ch11.1r1, round ()Il k with freeal111r compe.rtmenL l..L ke new. Har. 2107 a rter t p.m. klO S2-FQrnJttlf'e for Sale DUNCAN P!lyf• dlnln1 ltavt1. Cood condillon. u 8·43411. l •bl,, 3 De ll CH ROME round ublt. red torml· <"a top. 2 chltra. Har. :W41·R. "'" 15 Jo.,-, I NBOARD BOAT S l~O.­ Powt'red ""'Ith 2 '~ h p. La"'llOn t'nrine. Phil Johnatonbaurh Z9311 \\'. Caul H lgh.,.·1y. Newport _e .. a~~~-·--~-~I Boat Repairs ROBERT VAUG HAN & CO. 1600 W . Coast H wy. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCUR Y PQO W , Coast H ighway, Newpor t B('a<'h l .Iberty 8-5545 ' 1\~:l >l \;\l TltAl\,~;H ! u ..i.11· S1 :1 mn 1111 11 , f.t'• 11 ..... 11 T111 1•,1rk Ion .. bu l11n ap\ R11 y ,.,, ... , l!;Mt~~· 2~•::;. ,,. ~···A-~1 fh•I \lr ll & u11l !n<'I, S.,t, mn OnP b•·drn1 11 pl 0c .. ~h \'l"W. "11 h I gA.11ili::f •~:-. "'" .\]-~~4:!!.~0;,_;lt<-c::.n::;_I ____ 3 bt'1l1 m 0C'F:A !\' FltOST hnm~. "''"!I lurnl•h•1!, 1:111·11~~ ln•·I Sii:> n1n Renta ls Wanted \\'e need apl1 and buU!ICI Ln a ll 11ecl1ona for bUt h wlntrr· and y~ar'1 ll'a•e. F'llrn. or unturn. r.t you llavt a vat"anry • ~ br1lrn1 "Ill, ul1I 1111·1. l '"n ln~ull point S70 mn. \\',, handl~ 1'IM1n 1111d d<'l<ltn b!• New port Beach '"lllK/.<1 (>n/y. •1bla lt'n•nLI. UPHOLSTJ:R.ltD loun,.e chair. prt! phone todt y Contour ch•lr c•tell l' table,1------------1--------------The \'ogel Co. Joseph"1ne Brose, 8\\'0RDFISH CHAIR a llYe bait Duncan Phyfe mahor . b1"111.k· tank 21:1 lido N ord J.Jdo i.1 .. ~ulcal, Radio, TV 40-A.otos and True.kl 40--A.ulO!lo for SaJ1• 3ZUI \\' C:.t. Uwy .• N,•,,..J><.lrl Brh R It f a11t room tct. Upbol1tt~ rock-~~-----1'11"01' t.lbo•rty 8·3481 ea or er. kitchen tablt • 2 c!l1lr•. 8111 6 Sun. 9 to 11 a.m., Ip RAMKOND O R G A NS. World 208 Z.l1 r1ne. B.'.1100& laland l!•:.!fl \\'. Hll lholl Hlvd e .. d 1complttt'J de.it 2 eh&111 CLEAN famOW1. All~. Al'° .. ver-Outstanding Values GMC 1 Phone Harb<•r 444 :-;~"'''"rt s.-arh. Har 11l72_ b11rtau. 5 canvu chlLira. 21 2 al bl.rJLln• In uMd orl'l.rl•. Y11u 266~ I':. C.;Ja~t Hy., Coron11 dPI \f.ar flr lO Lido Nord. Lldo 18lt'. S•t • Mooring Space c111 aave on th1M tine a rs•ns. At 2612 N e w por t Blvd._ TRIPL E CHEC l'\ED l 'hon .. Harr.or 1 ~11 I . Sun 9 to 11 1.m. 9p DJ.NZ.BCHMlDT. 020 No. Main. 1.111o Ofri1•e, 3416 \'ia Udo \\'l :'\Tl-;H REl\IAL.. F'nrn_ J M rn1. -$1 pt"r toot tor ll&.ltabl1 Cl"ll1-fl. Sa nta Ana. .BC'tWPe n 25th & 26th St!'. USED TRUCKS 111\rl>or ~fl~I :t:.?1fc 11pr .. !\'o bed,l1n,1; or linen. 1:1111 9LOAN!: DAVl':NPORT. fl I0011 2t 01 \\'. Cout Hlgbw1y in 01 .. 0 NJ·;\\IJ~uHT I _ It "·•t••r 1,.1, s~~. 3706 ('hnn<1I cuahlorui, do ... ·n tllllii '"'· -Nc\li·port Beach, LI 8.t27 I 9kll FOR SALE-P•d''' --ood B flot ·0.1·'''·"· .\l:1n lnr11lly en1 pl. 1,, •. i.i -> " 47 STt·1•EllAl\EH ':I ,,f.lllip ~. &Ce, .. ~·port 1 n.,, tit' Har. 31 11-W. llc!l 1---------------1 t'l&rinet and cu e. Good rondl· ·~4 FORO \'.II forJ\' Furd·n·trl>•\1t' .. ,9 l'll t-:VROJ.~:T i-;111,111 i,,.,1 \\'1111t1 I "' :.' b·ln11 h1>u.•e. P••I· __ --------------· "cFT. LOY.'MAS 8 2P"i;:-fLiherT. Ntdw lion. Call Harbor 233;.J after 6 litr. ,_. "'· n••w lt>p Sl!'>t•~ j .,,0 ,.1,,._,·•oLE.T '.· 0 P" 11 ,.1, ly 1•ir n. \\'" hlll't' RJ'ph11nce1 '-/ $1!;,.-.v ~10:'\"TH. attl'llrllv• 1 A 2 DBL. BED orthopedic nw.ttre .. • r11wn & cabin. 0 .. notl. ra e ... " ·i I" ti 1 1 t 1• 11 pd I .'" .•• ,_ "-'·• off••. -• W, on prop•ely or what ha\·e you~ p.n1. or S11L or 15un. 8p10 'DO PL\' i -J r .. btr·., • nlc,. (•nc s~,~.'· •1 ·~,1 C ~H· '·; I. plr k\'\• 1<nn1e 1111 n. \ o~ It·~. "1 "1"l'<'. j ''rm. lH'O apt• I . ,-;", •,•:,•· " ,.,..,. ' "" IU'.\' \I 1 l <'I\ 1-.1v ll!oll !'''''"''' •"'"' 11ro:•• '11\' r"'11n. A•l\111• ('only. ,., •• Hamilton, Coit& Me~&. W 8-fl~3 1 Call Ll 8-2t3I or }far, 1002. 7c9 .\!AY \.\'£ j&dul~I ilore &lid uae 'I)(\ !"ASH "600" 2-ilr · O'ih · rud10. ·~2 !:'\T~:f<!"A·I,' 'T. 11 ·, ' , J'll ll['I J.:IL;a~·· \\'1 1 t ~ I\,.., 1·.;:1:. thilL T• •I• Al"T. ;\l (ITF.:L, 4113 NeWf"lrt II htr . l:()Oll rubllf.:r i nd n1~h ., k ·~,:? Cl!~:\'H.01. · · 1.111> Ill! r · 8c 2i PT. !..A.TE MODEL Expreil your 1n1all 1Lztd pl1no for 1'\n-0 •1,. ,,.,, ·ri:i IM..ll •UE: ,, 1 1,,-klll• 1'J J•~1· I j 111••·1. !\'.-"·1••1rt ll•••rh, )Ulft 11.IOQ•"t' 1--------------c · XI l ditl n t"ully !tr months~ Phone Har. 4894-\'I " ,,., · ' ---th~ Arrh~•. 7411c inic H l wilb butfJil. 6 ch.;lr•.-t'QU!ppetl. Cbry~lt'r Cro1''11 en· afternoon a. p.m. 9cl l 1inderpnr•'tl Al , 14:.!~ ·~• ... tc ·•• l. Jll•r.11!' llldt":• tll•· 11 .. ri. .. 1 11r•11. Ten11 n\ft "'•IL· 2 HOR~!. F URN DUPl..Jo~. yrly. DUNCAS rHYFE mahoKanV din· ruiAtr '" -.. con ° · ·~f) STliDE. Chii ip, 4-dr .. cl<'lln, ·~:i ·~~,1t : ·~ L 1'1~"':!' I 11 l.'>Tl·:H Hl·:_-.:T,\,.S w11.nt!'•I in l _ _ __ _ Liberty 1·62117 att1r l p m 7p9 ~~~! ::~~~~"cr~~t'~wtfa':. ~-~o;:~~ I -ILUOl---0-ND--O-R_G_A_N_S_.-,.,,-.-.-,-e, ,49 FORD V-S 2-dr . htr, """' ni:1t w tran~ oni: 1'11"11" 1n Y"Ur ''R1·•11··1r1 I'>-I l~ft~t' 42ff AvocAd(l. ('ol'(lna o1tl 111 modtll. l"rte practice room•. ':0.2 Cl\J;\'l{ULET 1 1 p1111cl ' I .\,.,. l(J;X ltl-:f'HS. lt,altor. 2307 1 ?il11r No pet• or rhlldrt-n. 8el0 Mesa Woodcraft Unpainted • J uvan\11 Fum lture Lar~• r a uo Chair . ..M ....... l~.9:1 lk>l•kc-~ 28 It 3C. , _. S7.43 4-Drawer C ht•t _ ..... S8.9:1 I Compltte 11.ne. un~lntf'd turri. 80f t 1nd hwd. Mtnwa11 and ~n tini~hl't Ordtra taken for whutter1 21 2l Harbor. C.M. Ll~rty l-l64t'i -------------"-10 Com1 ln and play on any m odel. ~:!~~d !t~~t !~~9~h~;; Is inS 4~~ ·;,11 r?;~;;~~;~~ y.r. dullq•. ~ .t i'• • .,1 \\ l?;•ll•"ll Hl\'d, H11r ~1~6. u .., -''---------- \\'~::.:r~Dne~? 4~u~. t;~'::i ~:~':~ i::m.0::-oc!e:1~~:6;u~~:d i~: TF.:R~1S TO SUIT YOU :,:\ Fc 11to F:.nn 12' ~\~kt•, '•'I\' 1:1: . ..;1 •u!\'~IHL.t:-1 .-;1·1·1.~: .... ·ally 48-A-Apt~. for Rent l••W !lll!"Rl:i' "'11)'11•~"·1 ,j,.~11 •• ~ 1"1>111 IH>U.'" 1 {'tul!tt-130,000. Sfnd p11.rtlrn· Spinet Modeill. It you think T RANS PORT ATION C,\O_!.'-; · 11 f Y ·ly / ·54 l•LJl•1:~: ~~ii . 1l1Jr1111. 2 ~P··,.·I 1111·n "'' pllrl111. ~· uru. ~•r D I F A t 1Rr1 to 211'1 Central A\'t'., Sfll you cannot play. come in and .46 BCICK ~et\, F.xt"l. nlOlt•r. 11,.,nol ~ • l I !In.,. ~111.;11 ""II trllltl<'•I e UXe urn p $ Beuh_ 8pl0 t th Jd t Hammond ~., 1 ri·~ ~n·,. 1 • • • ry • wor amo~ • bo<Ly Sl:\!i :'l~ F~~flD Ff~•o 2 -"P•·~1t. 1' ::~. 111 .. s ,1 .. .,. \\'111 \.•k•• •·'<.cr llrr.i ""r~· of o .. e A l"-'O b<lrm, ""'Ith teltv11lo•. Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent MlllJ' to plaJ', Chord or,.an. You 'i l FOR!> rin · •1< \1 r<" 111• 1•r 1 ,. .. ,,, pr"f"'r1' l\pt.• II<•" F.··lll ,\,·a 1111.t>lo for 1ummf r or ..tn· wW be a1ton!1h'd lo find you l • · '' ·" '' \\,•11tt'(l\•!str'4'kf'1ln1111~e!l\•11•k~ !h•~ l•'•flf'r Ocl• l •r. A LSOytarJy >~. i:.n play In flftt't'n n1inlltt s. f~xl l. r lll\brr .\. \"1' $!:.!!• \<>Iii "'"f :;.~ llflL!.~ in 1·hc• .. ~e DANZ·SCH MIDT Piano A 0 11:11n ·3; CH~:\·, (J"' .s~"· 111111"•>" J!l'o fi .,,,. :-.,,. 1, ,~nr.11.1i1, .. rf••i• 1.,_ l ''~·t ·tt:-; l "r :.! l•olt·•u 11 .. 11.,. In ll~11rt of 11.ctL\.,ty -Lota nl table 120. sount1 mo\'le outrlt J.17ri nvo OY!:RSTUF'F'ED chair• M A merlclll1 Le&'fon 213-15th St. 1'.lC'etinga 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p .m PRl f Co. Home or the Hammond, '"""''· :Srow u ,th,. '""" '" •:"'•• 1n <:1>r"n 11 •I• I ~1.1r ~111.'l" ,,....,. \ r>•rkio~- 1120 No. Mt1.!n, Santa Ana. F RANK LE FEVRF.1 1,al n1ont'y. m:<11 Hv 4,,., 1C• """' tn S60 /Yl7 F.. Balboa 81.•d, Whoa. 1,.,,., 1 ~r l'. ti. li<•l< 32 I' 11.M.l ll!i.rbor 3600. Mtte lnr tradt'I old pH t'her Ii b.,w\ f'1Ch-I davtnport, red print I i .'>, ... 111 S19 .. ~0. J•rgc mttlll fteurln<'I bW t'OUl'h e r1u•n $15, Ll 1-11328. St2:1 pr. C hlne-"t rhr-"l 133, W&th-fl37 \'lctorl&, C03ta M,,.._ 8clO l -----=~-==---- lng m11 ch1ne StT.60 Buffpt 510. -~ ---TRADE dtskt 7.~ . .,..nod ~tove S15,Anli-D I ' F "t que bed -"t't.11 5:0.0, nuttmii r'I molor a e S Urnl Uf9 S•O. flah pole11 55 ••. A l.o old Chui1. cut i;:lau . br....., Ii t.1\\'t'r pLt're1. lan1pi1, old plr lure". cuna., etc. \\'t 1.lso hke to tra.!l.e. i nd bU,1' th Ing 1. Brlni:-ilt'ml 111. CHARLIE DAVIS 1~ It Ana - heim U:ing Be1ch 65·0139. PHILCO fr1t'£tr, 14 cu. ft. 185 GA1''FERS • SATTLER tan11:e. •ulomatlc oVl"n conlrol•. Lat t' n1od,t. ll'lt ntw ...... .. S16t'i APT. SlZE ran.cu. fr-on1 S29.50 SMAU. HIOE·A-BED. 1uilabl1 tor trailer . .-$6& 1874 Harbor Blvd., C<.>1t1 Mt&ll 30-A--Swapa. ==---"-'-"'"'-------l n.A-Antlquee TV TO TRAUI: for portable l)'PI'" -------- ;;;~~~ nr Ootr Club•. H•;~~ Royal Danish Lamps ----------1 CERTIFIED ORIGINALS W ashi~vx~echine l ·ytar l'U•Nntel on Jobi don• and on UMd wu.IM" 24U\ll, !:IO YEARS OLD HANDMADE Copper l1tnpt, hand blown cry•t.a.I -arrlvinl' Stalt• IOOn. EXQVI8ITE for l'udtn ll111u.nr. palloe. poola. or 1Nl"e- Uv1 tor lndoor llrhu nr. Y•rltr Box 111 Wl'!lttt1r. C&llfornla tor (l"e&I') Newport Bl .. emw. w.... appt. 9p22 Llbe.rty 8"""'°3 or Uberty 1 ---------~ 8-4327. Mtfc ANTIQUS rrwn bUrtau. e&r'Yf'd USED AUTOMATICS S39.50 to S99.50 ~ll•rl"9d ln81.&Jll'd. ruar.ntftd. Tlrm11 a'r'&ilablt' Henderson's Automatic Wuber Service 1141 Newport BlvJ.., Colla w- Ll 1-7108 (n MI' Oolf COUNI) pr tic tTOVS 123. '·'°· Both 1..1 11-114 1" !mall a arvel ret'T\1. In ••t"I. cond. ("all l cl l I Ylct.ort&n. .ota. b1&c.k wooden rockw • Unooll'L rocker. 21 2 Ude Nord. Udo lait. Sat • lllB t to 11 a.m. 9p ---O••efttotd Adi an rul. b7 folk.I wtle .... N&UJ toolr:IB1 to bay. We'll Help You . Write Ads That GET RESULTS ' -~~aTY ' OllOAN flPSCL\L LOVELY ua•o H.UOIOND lpl· net orpn 1n pUf.ct ecmdtt.lon. Bil' •Yiq'. Coa..s.t \am\I at SKAJ"D'S 11..-CCo, (Binet llOT) ~1 -UI K. •TCUMN, Santa Au Phon1 llam1*17 l-ol7:11. BABY GRANO. Spi!c\&I. Only 13 PF'.R MO. RENTS rood pTac· I 41:5. Good tone and aeUon. tic• piano. !At t.b4 klddle1 \eam . B1r ri;r1l 1 t ock of wontl1rful All \erma t9llt It you buy latt'r. rr•nd p\tno. In Orange Co\l1\ty. DANZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 Ko. Main Term1. Santa Ana . 100 plano1. Horne DANZ · SCHMIDT Grfa t Pl&no l of th1 Hanunond Orra n. anJ. Orcan Stor1. 1)30 No. M•ill. S&llta Ana. Home at UI• Ham· j sM.Au:;s:eT 1tut11., uprt1bt piano monl1 o,...an. ... n11 tuU Ill k"Yl>O•rd In Jllrfaoct 1 =:c::;::=::o:::::o:---;:-::-c:-,-.,.,---,,-- con\l!Uo11. Tt'mll. $t6.C.O do"'-n • J:UtCTRONIC 0 I\ 0 A N. II•• 116.33 per m o. at-• 1410. l:uy Tlnn1. I SKAFER'S :\lu1lc Co. talnc• 11Ml7) D ANZ-SCKlCDT, C.20 No. Jll&l,11 , 421·423 N. Syr•mnr1, Sal.ta Ana SUila A11• Hom• of tM HNll· Phone Klmbl"rlv 2-0872 mon!'I Orp n . i \bl n'"-'.•PR!••I "-'hll h JH'O\!! .. l t'IJ f"f lllt .. l!r,! Ill!.~ ~J,.IP.lJ (.;1,U/l\J } i';ll'd.,u /\>1- <l•u H .. ,.t .. r, llhl•'" l{l .... /lo lll ol .. r sHa1. J ~wt. tt•r. 1s:.t,.\\ ,, ro /•,.rf•« I 8('\fl J ,,H .. uuH~, tu1r11111-to .. ,,;;-. Lido Isle 111 Nr""P"'' ll'lJ:l't " th•l ~1 "r H11r :.::u\1 ... ' "' ""~ :? 1 •H '\ hdrn1. u,,f11rn 1 ... u~r l\-1\. 1 .. 1. •·I J ~I 1" :'\•'W!1l1rt 1·•~· 1 1,,,,1 t'1111ph·.;.. 2 °h11'l r0n I.I ~-11.\:• , :•I '11 Bayfront One and l ""'Q bdrm. &J'&f'l,meai... F1.11nl"h~d . Ga.rqe11. Yunr or wluf,r r,.nta!. l~11r. M7tl, T<OO ~T1 '1oJr> APT. UUllU"• paid. Ma .J~-Apt.1J. I; 11011~ 1 1110 80t l..11.rk•pUr, Corona del ----~----:.1~r 7o61 Chou·c Sun1mer H.t·ntal;i on Ralb11a f11h:1nd & l.11!H 111le !'tll•ll '''· cuty or lllrge Ii \JPIU1e i :!I 1 .. s :al\J rnunth VOGEL CO. ~'<>8 ~l;•nr.e /I.Ve. IJnlbua l ~lttn.1 !'h flnrbur 444 l>t n"rb<~r :lli'il It .. • H~1 1 0~1\-R nr ll11r. 3i"l::O'J-;\1 6~\lr R ~:NT AL •' SPECIALISTS l'1!1 E•ln:1 Cr•lf: Blanche Gates. Rlt r . :ll 1 ~1a·1 ne /l.v~ H,.lbr,11 Jsl•r. I, Jt 11r 11171 7:tt fc ~ t,;l<:'I>. ~ IJ.lltrn. apl. 11.t 31 YEA· I ro~ llA Y nrllr HARBOR 11· [,ANIJ 1Gro11 from Bal~ la· lar.•I $::. ""' tlU J uly I, tnclud- I 1111.: l"f l LITlt~s. 1.Jt,i. gar .• """ •111 1t't 111ri;:e Lnclo1ei_t yard, pint: 1~•1\i,: ', tJlk . l•o prlvai.. beach • ~""'l! l>t•itl l I., Jt.l docklnit' prt-,,,,.i:,••. ,. ... ,·t>.V 1 .. nn1" ,.ourt. Nn 1 • ·~ "'' • h1l,l rrn f•Ml1 Har. 2711(1, "" ~ .. ~ 1 '' 1nrjlilre 27 8-corl H•• l~•r lll77 nr •ny ReLltnr. 1 \<•II mu. nn y,1 r1y ll!Uf' 7ttc l•f':l.l'Xt: f'~'I{~. APT8. ~1111.:1• • 11-•l~.t· s1n mn. ari<'I UJI 1•'1 ~: II:••· ,.,,.,. ll11 l~a Hftrhor !urn ~ i••lr 1•1 JCHr rurna"" '"" 11 ". 'JI·•• I flun dt'r l< lr••e l l2fl l!r 1'• l.l,\l.111•,\ l:>-1.A!\!• .. 1 ~1l~hlo iJl't· 1•'·11: l'.~::.;T 11,~Mn fro,nt fumhoh· , 1 :.! 1,.,.,,,. .... , .. 111,1 1·11uu...., pal•!, p·f1 l)("r~1 .,, lnt -~r,1n Ht 17!\ llfl t11u nl Ii i"),.11n l"1<ll l'pl•n<I Yl 'k•1n :i :.!IH14 uw1.~r. kl \ "'"'f ~ 1 ... .,. .. ;: 1 •• !r• I i' l •U r11•t, .. l "' ;>' M I P "' 11n•r ~un l•J ... t H " •l lpl .. ~ ~,·,•,. \\ 41 ,,. , 111.':I ~!Akl'<·JI ~1 1; I !"~'' I.I ~·44::" \h 1\ !I t:l •lt M ~ l 'I{" Al''I l !• I 1tl • "' l'.ay •1r10· ,.,,., 11· · • IUI•:• \\ l~A '' /<\~ :-;"ll'l-,r: ~r .. f h ''IJ Ml.J:>iTll L "'°!rrr1. N1 .... 1y t urn ln•l 1111111 _,, • ICll11'Kr. tll" l;•U• fl, ol ol•to .. ,, 4•11' l'uµpy A\• •·o "•n• u~I ,, ... ,, Alto) 1(1.,..Jy fum , """m In rH1•••1 .. hnmP. llll ..... ,.., 11 .. ·n,.r, ll11r!:ior ~'42 kll !\o\"\ j •I .I)~ "" p,, ....... (lr )1 II~! I 43-Apt•. a Bo•ee for Beat 4&-_:'_ets. Ii HOUMe for &eat I 5S-llODey to Lou FRIDAY. SEPT. 23, 1955· Bachelor's Luxurious Peninsula -View Hideout of Bay I TRUST DEEDS ror the PRIVATE INW8TOR 8';'., lo 107. ntW'D , v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS THR.£1: CHOICE -new-3 b r. 2 btith, HW tlrw .• one wUh \'law a.-...Bea1 ___ ;;......_&1_11ta_ ... a. __ .._ ____ a_-_....;;.;a_e.1;.;;......:;Ell;:;:.ta;.;;;;;.te._ ____ _ BACK BAY NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E 5 On Plano-Cuatom tura.ftu,,._...Larce Living room with bar -di.lhett -pot8 and pan• -Bunk bed. and bath downatairl f<W ,,...a. A coupl• might be happy here aleo. $1&0 month, yeana leaw PHONE Carter Darnell, owner, Lehtcb 9-2158 during day or Harbor '121 enntnp. 4<:9 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Deligbtlul livinr. Apt.-Cab&nu. UUlitia paid. with . Yacht alip accomodatioa.. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or re1ervatiol'J, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc 48A-AptL for Bent CORONA DEL KAR, yearly 2 - bd.-m. duplex and 1-bdrm. ap&rt· ment. F'unlilhed Incl utllitlui. Harbor Moe 2tfc Channing Harbor Haven Apartment. • Patios !l;EW 4 ROOM, atreet leve,L Near 11ehoo18, •hopping d iatricL Qul•t. pluaant, uclu1lve. Oarbare die· poeal, laundry, 1torag;e rooma, garage, '82.M up. OccuplH en- tire 1treet. Good 1upervJ1lon. Mer. 1601 H&ve11 Place J Bloclc South ot Hlfb 8<'hool Al.$0 FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATES 61fc F UR NlSHED clean 1 bdrm. a pt. Bay view. Ga.rage A all uUllUu Included. Adulll only. IM mo. Com er 18th St .. and Bay Front.. N•wf10rt Beae~, Har. 12:rr.:r. - lclO BAY F.RONT 2 bdrm. furn. apt. Pier & float for 30 fl. boat. Lea.,e Oct. l to June I. Priva te t~h. U 7 Ed('ewater, Balboa. E Dgewood 2·2384. Cell 48·8-Houaes for Keat LIDO ISL.E. 3 bdrm1., 3 bat.la ''°"'" on annual bu la. fJeaUd swimming pOOI. Slip for 40 fl. hrn1t. Bea utifully tum. ExquJ- ~11• m111dc pllu1tert1, 1hrub1 . 11ountl patio A: pool. 3 Qlr gar. S800 mo. Inquire 41 Balbo& l'ovl'/1, NPwJl(lri 3cl8 FUH LEASl:C REAUTlFUL new Jrv1ne T"rrace unfu1 n. view home. 3 BORMS .. 2 betha C•ll HarbOr Jii 6 or Harbor U48. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor ln•lne TWT&Ce Office Corom~ del Mir. 33t!c l-T R:-1. :SE\V HAWAIIAN l bdrm. hous ... Ulsposal. manog. kitchen. tropical wllll8 .t. patio. Winter SM plu.~ utllttle.s. H11r. 4000 ror arpo•nlmenl 7c9 Wl:>\TER Rl!:NTAL Sept. lo June. 3 bf><!1 m furn. SS~ mo. 115 E B11lboa Blvll Owner 3110 Heath· •·r-Road. Long Bea.ch Ph. 39· 3597. lp9 <:OSTA !\fESA WORKl:-IG woman wlll llhare her home wllll l or 2 women. AU modern conve11lenc· r11 Nice patio A den. cooiung A all privllegl'~ !\take my home ynurs. LI 11.:rn~o even1Jll11. ittc BUSINESS BLDG. With patio, 00x9& lot. S~ ptr month. 113 22nd St., =--~wport Be&cb, KI 2·H98. 96l"l0 DESK SPACE with phone 1ervlce 130 mo. ll07 E . Balboa Hlvd .. Balboa. Phone answering aervlce alao avallable. Har. 3606. 86tfc Cor. 19Ul I& Placanlla. C. M . FOR Rl!:NT two bdrm. hom11 - (1tove A: retrlg. furn l tnt"l11de1 a tore room &: two otf1ct' 1pacu , $100 month. OR will rent atpa· rately I office al S7~ and I at $llO rnonlh. Abo •mall at.ore St OO mo. C&ll owner Liberty 8·6223 momlnp or afttr S p m. 9tfc M-BuelnflM Oppo~!_I~ ORANGE JUICE .1: dJJll' shake st.and. Cout Highway 2 'I n1tlu aouU! or Corona del Mar. Year TOUJld bualneu, uk for Norm. 3tfc NICE LITI'LE CLEANL'JG SHOP Sell cbup or takt trade. 2720 E Coast Hwy, Corona del Mar. 7p12 YOUNO EXPEHlENCEO BUSI· NESS MAN wuhu lo purchau •II or lnterut In going bu1lneu . Hard 100<11, manufarturlng, d l1· trtbutor or mtg'• agr nt, Or1U11e Cowaty area. Write Bo>t G·48 lhts paper for appt'"" 8<'10 CASH ... FOR TRUST DBEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BA!llKl :>\U SlNCE 1931! 1609 :S. BUSH SA:O.'TA ANA KIMBERLY 3·7118 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SAL!:S -REFINANCE co~smuCTloN Call tor Free Faat Commitments on Ruulences and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St . COSTA MESA 1'~\rRN. COTIAGE. Winter rental. LI 8·S~l LI S:W month.-320 Marine Ave., B&lboa bland. Har. 180fl. 7c9 TWO BDRM. In Bayshoru , f\Jm . or unrum. Available Ull JUl)' 31 $110 mo. "C .. THOMAS, Rffllor, Uberty 8-662i 8c10 TV;O BEORM. FURN. HOME on r•entn1ula Point. SlOO mo .lhni June 111. 1968 or Sl~ mo. on yrt1. ll'Ue. Move r lcht 111.. -ART C. KJSTLP:R CO., Harbor 11226. 9<'1 1 F URN. 2 BORM. HOME, PLUS 1uut cotlaie on c&n&l with flo11l. W inter rent&I. See al 4108 River Ave. or call OXlord '18-1&1 ,.,·.-nlnits. or OXtord 4-r.etlt daY1· 9clt U DO JSLE furn. 3 bdrm. home. 1 •,, baths. pra.ct. Utll. tum. Reuonable pJ1ce lo ril'ht ten1.1.t. Call OW11er. Har. 2150-R. 9 trc PlilN18ULA 3 bdrm., turn.. flr9• place, recrnUon room. double prag•. no pet•. Rer. 13311·R or Har. otll72. 9Ct1 Wl1'TER RENTAL.. Cott.A~" al 1009 F:. Ralboa Blvrl. Home cc>mtort1 -bftlh. turnace UlV· WE SPECIALIZE 1N LOANS .t: FINANCINO ON HOUSETRA.lLERS Autos. Furniture &. S11larln One Day Service Loan• trom SM to $1200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd .. f'o11la ~en Ll 8·7761 -Oprn F rtd11y.s !Ill 8 Clo8el.1 Saturdays--trc YOU CAN BORROW MORE TAKE LONGER TO REl'AY rAY LESS WHEN YOt: BORRO\\' THE SANTA AliA !'-IORTGACE WAY 206 Spur~eon Bl11g Kl 7·4168 ~cl8 LO.A..N g TO IS 1,, ll..1> 1MP RU VIC BUT. MOI>llRNlZE, OR ~ANCE W• Buy ~ Dtedl NJ:'WPORT B.ALI30A SA VlNGS I& U>A.N. ASSOCIATION !3M Via Udo. Ph. Hu. 4200 u. moetlll, praf(e. Adull..t prefer-------------- red. ~ T·2'8&. tell LOANS for Homes 49-Roo1119 for Beat ROOM for 'llt'Wtdnc man. Hot and cold '"'tar la room. i-.t. Ul• trance J8 per weN. 12lJ-:Z8lh St N~ ppUe N'IJW, ~MARTLT FURNDRllD otftca. 2 ... Harbor, Ooe\a w-. ~ '" -'° yr, Lo6M Construction Loans aD: BOB 8.A 'ITLER n16 £ABT COAST BLVD. Ool'OD& del Nu Hl.l'bor S ... Jl.p. POIRIER MORTQAQll 00. Metro We Ina. hlldll n a -111• ~ 8% Peel bta&e SANTA ANA MORTGA.O& co. I 200 8purs~n Bid•. Kl 7·41U 5ol8 Wanted 2 OR I BEDROOM waterfront II home In ca.ntJ MCtlon. Buyer wtJtln( WILLARD L. KILLION. Realtor 330 Newport Bl•d. Hubor Clf>OCI DUPLEX 2 bdma. uch, bdwd. tloon, both wtita have fire- place., laundry facllitiee Ir garagea. Built on choice corner lot.a. Excellent con.truction a good buy at $22,500. Fir9t Ume offered Ir EXCLUSIVE with us. OCEAN VIEW LOTS One of t.be remaining choice view Iota on Mendoza in Corona Highland.. View ot entire harbor area. Lot run.a from Mendoza to Detsola. Lot No. 130. Priced at $11.900. Bettei: hurry at this price. 58-Beal Eetate Servlae ill SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE SURE BEFORJ: YOU BUY Complete tnvutlgaUona A reporta. R"preaent non-rutoent la.ndlordl. 35 yr1. covertn& Arizona c\ New Mu.lco. Phone Har. 3434.J or cont.&cl C. B. Brown. Rt. 2. Box 994, TuCJJon, Ariz. 96cJO Do you want the finMt in a 3 bdrm., 2 bath ocean view home ? ~ have it. Custom built by preeent owner. Carpeting wall to wall It custom drapes in· eluded. Beautiful lnclosed patio with sliding glass doors from living room. I .arge lot nicely landecaped. First time offered. Priced at $41.500. EXCLUSIVE with us. Sh own by appointment. . CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRlCE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. "Bar. 47 (OUice located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Terrific Duplex Buy EAST S IDE. Coata Men .. Separate CORONA DEL MAR fenct<t yu da. 2 bednn1 each. hdwd. nn Priced low and fin· Expan..ive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. anced well, D• • 2 b •'--U-....1 ood •-t fl ALSO call ua for other Income In· lDlDg room. &UY. ua.n.aW 1"11 carpe oora. vestm"nta. Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Real~r 434 32nd St , Newport Beach Harbor 11691 Ev111. Ll 8·6317 BrlO 61-Real Eetat.e Exchange LET'S DEAL NOW TRADE allnlctlve 2 bedrm. tum. modem hoiae Ira DeHrt Hot Spring1. and 3 Bl!:DRM. HOUSE • guut M ute In Eut Glen Oak1 Canyon. GltndtJe. for HOME OR JNCOMll In Coit.a .Mua, B1lbo11 Island or Harbor Area. ISLAND RLTY. CO. 498 Park An. Balhoa lal&nd Har 377 9c11 NEAT AND TRIM UNUSUALLY nice 3 ~drm. homt wllh picture wtncsow1 In !M oc room. Lge. bedrma., breakftut •p&tc In mtldem lmmJM:ulate kit· rhtn. 1 yr. 1,1t1. Sewtrs ,atrPel• A: curbs m a.nd paid ror. L«•· llon-Coela Mua niA built. $1925 dn., $63 mo. 'rotal P rice $9385 Greenleaf-Severts REAl!t'Y INC. Ha.r'bot-2M2 -Evu Ll 8·M06 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Bch. CIOMd Sunday11 Very very Special ! M-1 ZO!l.'E -Cute cott~e wtth lrr~ -Room for STORES Jn fronL Manufacture In the rear. Price Sll~ term•. W'H~T AN OPPORTUNITY lo DOUBLE your money and Income. Harbor 4548-M. Early bird •peclaJ. a.m. 6 "'"l'I only. llC'l O .LITTLE GEM Eng111lh Tudor cottage So. of Blvd .. Corona drl Mar. Older but creat charm. Huge archert Uv.-dlnlng ar~a. Won· derf\.LI for enlertJLlnlng. 2 Bdrm.i.. den. 2 fireplaces. a charmer al $16,CIOO. Euy term.a. Exclu11l,·e agent. FORD VERRl~DER Harbor 42113 e'·o . 3477, 93t!c SHORECLIFFS nearly new epac· lou.s, quality, ra.nc.h type home. 3 bdrm.. 2 b&lhll, den, Wttlled patio a. lge. <1ble. gar. Situated on canyon, wllh bea11UfuJ view of ocean .t hlll.9, W.W. cat'pet· Inc. All modem appolntmenu. 1 blk. from beach. Owner H1r. 2302 -240 Momlni,: Canyon R<I. !IC18 Doctors Attention 4 UNIT J.tODERN DLOO, on I20' x l~' Co1ta Meaa b1u!llnes& lot. Oood Prof-lnnal locauon. lde&I for Oocton1, 01111t11t.., medical or X·ray lab. Or nt.her profeulonal uae. Plenty or parktnir. Pnc- 131.CIOO. -rt>nn1. ;-\EAL J, MARTIN. REALTOR. Har. 397~ Ll 1·1774. 8c10 NEWPORT 2 BR. HOMJ: • 1 br. apt. n•r Bay 6 Udo 1hopp1n1t rl'nler. UO.~. term.a. W1U la.Ila loL or T .D. u part pllyme.nL HOMER E. SHAFER ~140 ZW. Har. JUT·M Kar. 15H·M a a ... s.aaa. BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. Pro· tected patio. Attractively priced at $24,750 EXCEJ'MONAL, 2 bdrm., 2 bath din-room. extra lge. liv. room. All glaaa to patio. Carpet. & drap· eriee inc. Rarely found at $24.000 BARGAJN. 3 bdrm., Llv. room 15 x 20, flf'epl., fenced, covered patio. Can't be duplicated for $19,500 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiee. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lal&n~ Lido Isle SPACIOUS L.IVABlLJTY f.,i.. lures Ulla lovely 3 bdnn , 2 balb home on a 45' loL l7x26 paneled lh1ng rm , paneled den. Wonderful patio. Shown by a ppointment. Balboa THI: FINEST piece ot Income properly on BaJbo& Blvd. Own- er1 juat reduced for cu h-out. 4 1ln1le apta. 6 dbl•. a pt.a. :l atngle rma. II 1r•racu Rtduced to H0.000. $3~.ooo dn. Open House 3 to 6 Daily 609 Plumer St., Costa Mesa 3 bed.rms and den, Jl.2 baths, large liv. rm , firepl.. separate dining area, brkfut nook, built in oven and stove, diapoaal, 11ervice porch, FA heat. 2 car gar. Lot :57 x 120. 6 months old. TOP VALUE at $14.650 with $2600 down, BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 Announcement We wish to announce the. addition of Ht:nnetta McFarlane and Jack Teagle to our aalea·•force. Mrs. McFarlane wu formerly with Mrs. Mabel Fit.miorrie and is well known an the area. Mr. J aclt Teagle wa.a formerly located in Crestline . "' We are very happy to have the11f' two outstanding persons in our organization. W. E. FISHER & ASSOC IA TES 3024 E. Cea.st Highway. Corona del Mar Ht.rbor 5032 CLIFF HA VEN 3 BEDROOM A truly outstanding value for people who appreciate I\ really complete home. Fireplace -Dicbondra -Fenced -Separate play yard-Weather stripped-Carpeted-PLUS. PLUS. Below replaccmrnt cost at $1:S,750. With "xceller~ Terms. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor H41 Open House Sat-Sun. -1-5 P.M. 405 Holmwood Newport Heights $24,500 Picturesque 3 B. R. -2 bath bome. Beautifully landscaped. 3 car garage on alley, level. Price in· cludea drapes and wall to wall carpeting. Be sure to 11ee this Before You Buy. FRANCIS J. HORVATH Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd. H&rbor l428 Liberty 8-~101 1-»as. NU. I ~ or oftlcea, -. 2&a30. One ddl. Lrw rmt. Sldt&ble fbr,... tail ....,._ or ottl• 607 It. UPPER BAY Open House SUNDAY, SEPT. 25 aalbe& J!lttod., Har. HOe. Mtte Offtee · Buildin9 For Rent 361 22nd Street Open Daily 1 to 5 p. m. Vf't'y fine 3 bedroom 2 bath new home. Large lot 60 x 330 with trees. etc. for Qukk Sale $21.~ t•rm•. 304 • 306 Da.blla, Corona del Mar 6 unit.. 2 fumiabed, garapa, garbage dlapoul•. PRICE $62,500 S19,MO to 22.~ XL.NT. buUdlnr lot on Bt•rra V11ta 70•HO, amonr ftat•t llomee H~OO I CORO~A DEL MAR CUTE 2 b.r .• l'OOm for Wlita, rle»e to mkta A tranap. R • 2. Alk~ .. 112.llOO TRADE Palo. Verdel view home I for Harbor area view home. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 1 2731 W. Colllt Hwy. LOOK! $13.~00 BEST OtJPLl!:X. Altrac· tlv•-lmmaculale, on R·3 lot, Newport Hta. LI.Ile new. T ip top rent11J a ree a t a 3 yr. ago prict . SE!: TlUS! Wa ha\'e the key. C'LIFF HA VEN Sl2.400. A dandy price. Just ll•tt'd thla 2 b«irm . flreplare. and .. take It euy .. Doll House. Ju.t a Uttle C&rden to care for. bound 'round by a tall reMe, Only 4 yr1. old. ll'1 a honty. Low dOWl\ payment, 122.~. BAC K BAY Farmhouae. Luxury home you can atford. BeauWuJ, charming, colorful. Call u1 and •H Ulla 3 bedrm. • den, 2 bath, ahake root 1>a...,.in. REX RECHS 2307 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 111113 $1000 MOVES YOU INTO II Ire. I bdrm. home. E>tr ellent E . aide Coat.a Me11 location . Paym11nt. on 4% 101.11 lnrl. taxes A: ln1. Pnc.- $991)0, BURTON B. BECK Rltr. I& lruJur. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Har. 221 6 LI 1·71182 8c9h Costa Mesa How Can You Miss THJ15 CHARMING home on land· •caped A: fenced 80 x 130 loL 2 bdnn1. ONLY 177~ "'ith tnm. Balboa Two Ocean Front lota. Zoned tor dupluea. S9500 each. Coast Properties 301 I:. B&lboa Blvd., Balbo& H&rbor 21168, 211~ and 4e00. CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUSES on cor. lot. BoUI :l bednn1. A: tlreplacea. l ba~ t L hea t. Both ln.ed. $21.~ Very choice buy . ALSO V lo.CA NT LOT , aouth or Hlgtl· way. We atao Mtldlr exch1U1ge~ 6 income property. G. H. LATH· ROJ', 31136 I!:. Cout Rwy. Co- rona del Mu. Hubor llH :! l!lvea. 6880 11<:1 J BY OWNER three bedroom hoUll! one year oltl. ln1ulated. carport, 2 car rarage, l&rl'• lot . io'HA APPROVED. For quick .. le 110,000.-2074 Monrovia. Costa Meea. LI 8·2820. 9pI 1 CLIFF HAVEN VIEW LOT LI 8-6640 ATTRACTIVE LARGE SHAKE VERY MODERN Large ptdure window, 3 bdnna. A lg. brick pallo. FamUy size din· In& rm., larce llle kitchen with bullt·ln dining an&. 2 BATHS, ~tall ahower, Iota of llle, pulJ. man. BeauUfully landaoapcd lot &Ox ll'>O, fenced. private allty. Extr11 large 2 c11r g-aragoe 22x20. VACANT 1 11 :.i YEARS'J)LD. like new. Priced low tb sell at 516,500 Very attractive terms, open afterncuma. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97c11 S395 DOWN I L\1MED1ATlt POSSESSION, 4 bdrm., :i bath homea. f'ull J>rlre 110.~oo. 1 2029 H&rbor Blvd, LI 8-4761 -I (Evu 1 Ll 8·4 718 or H arbor 10114.M. 99c13h $1900 now:s J!"la you 4 bdrm 2 bsth hom~ M onthly pay. ~•nta l i e. Electric heal in batha. Oub d1&pollal. L&ndacar· J*!. Clo11e ta 11chool1, 1hnpplng A: tn.nsporl&l1on. OJU.NOE COAST PJtOPERTIES 18a7 N"wport. Collt.a Mu 11 LI 8·Hl:l2 l!:vr. Lt 8-6803 A REAL HOME 3 BR. STUCCO, l \. bat.hi, flrt· place, floor turnacea, hardwood noon . 1200 1q. fl. L&rre dblt . l&n&"t', Iota of c:t menl. nlct f ront and ,...r ya.tll.I &JI fenced and pavf!d aJl•y All l'Uml.lhed tncludlnc Orand Plano. All thl• tor 1800\1 do~'TI. Or1ve by 234 1 l:Sroa.<tway Call u1 or -rour brok.,., I ..... e ANNOUNCING! ! e "The Provincial., MODEL HOME • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OPEN • • -J'rid.ay -Saturday -Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. Located on Harbor Island Road 2 bedrooms, phll den 3 bathe Shue root Two flrepla.ce1 Lot .. M ICJ#T Be&utJtul pan6, Large sunny patlo Forced air heat. ~ diepolal. Westinghou.e d.l.lbwuher Fine cabinet m.tallationa Built in bar and retrfgeratloa Built in e1ectrio mtcm and me Delightfully decorated Expensively lan~ RNtrlcted UM o...aop.d By ~ L. eoop.r, Ino Built By John 8. Clark.. Qualtty Buildtr For preview •bowing to qualified on.ii. Call John Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening' phone U &.Q88 VOGEL VALUES-MAIN Of FICE fr n * Swimming Pool 'n Everything Deluae quality home with all th<>11e dem.rable fea- ture• 1uch u 3 1pacioU1 bdrms., 11.l"p living room. big airy kitchen, lovely fireplace, oak floora, forced air beat, 2 batlw, •hake roof, patio, grapestake fence, and located in the beautiful upped t>.y area. Below reproduction oo.t at $23,450 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY TRAILER SUPPLY & SALES A good going buaineas. Shon increue each month. Shows net $7500 first nine m06. Full prlce $13,000 * * * THE VOGEL co~ 3201 W. Cout Hlway, Newport Beech LI 8-3481 OCEAN FRONT Completely furn. 2 bedroom home and duplex. Located in top rental are&. Nurly new. Out of town owner anxiows. Aaking $31,500. Submit on down payment. OPEN SUNDAY 121 -4 7th St. New 2 bdrm., ocean view 1 2 block to lx:>ach. Sl 2,500 full pnce with low down payment. Large R-2 lot with room for extra unit. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Ha rbor 4091 Near the Newport Pier 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' I NCOME -Nice 2 Br. home and •ix rentals. neat & clean -all furnished, near tran.soortJi':ion and market , monthly incomr $435. Price $39,000. Term11. RANCH STYLE-near back bay-2 B. R. home, double garage, Hwd. fl oors, fireplace (uaea brick) shake roor, redwood fence, corner location. $12.700 with terms. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 B.R. home, neat and clean. double garage, large lot. A real b&rcain at $9500 G. ~WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport. Blvd. LI 8-1601 Open House Sat-Sun. 1-5 P.M. 2043 President Ave. Costa Mesa $1,500 down Mo11t attractive home in area. 3 B. R. Oen, a.nd f&!Wly room. Fenced and l&ndJap<:d. Only $11,9')(} Owner out of towa. AnxioWJ to i.ell Trade for Redondo propu~ NEW ottlce blq. C4111lr&Uy loot· td. noon carpettd Window 11rapeA. 1800 -ca t\ ld•I tor Ina or ,,_, •l•t• tfr m Pt\. Jim at 1 DUNCAN HARDESTY, ~2 Newport Bh·ci . Newport Beach Realtor H"r. 4718 HOMER FRANCIS J . HORVATH 1-tu lt<Jr Realtor kar1;. ~4~AFER 3420 w. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport BJv1'. Har~.--2 ___ p;_..,._· _Ku __ u_a_T ·_M_"_"'_·_.,. __ .w _____ "_~bor 1428 L~rty 8·51 01 NELDA GIBSON, Ll 8·34&4 io•!flh • 306 .w~nne Ava. Balboa b land I • PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS '6't-,1tnl Eotat. FRIDAY, SEPT. 23 , 1955 a.,,........_ Newport Ocean,, Front Duplex -2 year• old nicPJ y fur· nshed.. Income 121~ per week in Aummer, Sl80 per mooth In Winter. BMt beach location-Terms, Call Mr. Bradford tor appointment to see thie ne\11 Hating. Near Catholic Chllrch. ~Ocean Front Duplex. $17,500 P'urni,ahed -Tenn.a. Balboa $1 ,500 down -3 bedroom fumished Beach Cotlage near library. Newly decorat....>d -fireplace. • Full Price $10.500 BAY AVENUE DUPLEX Furniehed -$18,500 Bay and Beach Realty 14!)() W. Balboa Blvd, Harbor 1264 "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area families are inspecting theae exquisite homes -noting their comfort. con- verrience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home in a re- atricted quality community are moving into their Irvtne Ten-ace bomea, Drive ic today and ~e for yourself the many out- standing featu~ of this remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert lrvtne Terrace is located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Hubor 4448 For Further lnfonnation * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuebold it.tale in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore• and Clift Ha\'en MARINES Here's . Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms • Forced Air Heat • MaMive Stone Firepla.ceti -Built in Range and Oven ... actually every IUXUfY feature and in Orange County'a finest location. Big Estate Sized t.otH suitable for pool and patio ~ . Drive out Firat Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill A,·e. Geo rge M. Holstein & So ns, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf Corona del Mar Vogel Values Completely Furnished 2 bedroom home, aouth of hwy. Ney,·\v c11rpC'ted. Kitchen baa diap. & exhaust fan. Price ia only Sl 1.500 wit h just S2.000 do,~rn. Wonderful View in Corona Highlands Thi.I :l bedroom home includes washer, refrigerator. atove .I: dnpea At this low price of ~1 8.:)00 South of the Highway 3 Bedroom. with a rumpus room, inside BBQ. lo\'ely patio, l :\1 baths. $27,500 The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Coaat Highway CoronA drl ,_far H&r. 1741 Hllr. 1477 A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B. R. t:a,, fireplaces, HOWD flr:-.. good heat. Dbl. gu. AU in good condition and 1n handy location. Bf-low nplacement c~ at $16.500 l unii.._.-2 bdrm. 6 den home, HDWD flr..,2 fire- pl .. li· rooma. plua 2 B. R. apt. over dbl. gar .. on lg. lot. Couldn't dt,1p'l for $26.500 -Priced at only $23,000. R. L. STRICKLER, Realto r 3622 f · Coaat H•·r . C,,rona dC'l ~t Ar ('ar ~i'-;-& WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST t:•retully Hlect- ed v1luee in each ot our dletlnct- \y d1tterent HARHOR AREAS. CLIFF HAVEN l!>t~lACUl.ATE 3 bdrm .. lot1 of 1 ~upboarda, di1hniuter, dl1poul, mere. 1v .. 1tchff. Beautitul land· .caplfll' •l 1 priee that make• ~enll!'. •<r.. G.1. loin •nd only Sl3,tl00. BALBOA PENINSULA ITS CHAfUUNQ INSIDE'• OUT! •, blk. lo Jetty. Modtm Pro· vir1clel, 2 b<lrm1 .. loll of rup- board1. 0~4 loin. $01;f8 mo.- Only $l8.WO, CLIFF HAVEN RANC H TYPE TRIPLEX-Com· pltrely n1Qdem-bu1lt !n antl'n- nu, thern1(1 heat, garb. dl1p .. 11prinkl!'r 1y1tl'n1. 2 bdrm•. Ln rech a pl. A low. lo..,· dov.-n pay· nil'!nl • you'r"' ln b1.111lne111 ""'ith a homl'! pl11s incon1t'. Muriel M. Pinover Realto r SYL\t'IA THOMPSON Aa!!Oc . 260t Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Euy Psrk!ng H&rbor "610 Circumstances COMPEL ME TO OFFER MY IRVINE TERRACE HOME One of the original furnished modela, 2 bedroom and den, 2 bath -patio. With beautiful vi~w of ocean. PRICE $27,500 6 clW1ively listed with Earl W. Stanley Realtor SHOWN BY APPOlNTMENT -Cal\ 1.t IRVINE TERRACE SALES omcE Oppoaite Irvine Coast Country Club. Highway 101 or Phone Harbor 4448 LAST ROUND-UP 1------ Dtn1e.nd he• exc~ded eupply ..,·hrn th!'~ lrf ell r one--lh1t'1 au s ::.ooo 30Xil8 R·2 WI' can riVe you a package deel-homa 11.nd lot. L.t'l'1 talk. $ 4 .MIO R -2 ideal duplex •ttup, nl'lr 1ton.-bu-., f't<". S 6.9~0 Nrar See••lew. South 1ld1t ~v1tl-our blt11t d1tal. $ ';',9:-iO J~x1l8 R·2, IAvel, hu huge 1"'8 for patio, S 8,000 Canyon 11d" view lot, low· l'Sl priced lot In thl HlJh· )llnd.s. I llJ~(l(l \'lt!w lot 40' front, 80' In n.-11r. perle<:t l ll'Vtl du· [>lfx lot Wlth y1rd to 11p1re. $1~,000 Top ot thl' world In Co- rana Hlghl1.nd1, unmateh · I'd Yl\'W. SI T,300 On H11u1. • sleeper. Ylew nf Se<:ond beach • ocean. $ 6.~00 Bick &y. 1hop e.ro1.111d f1r1t tht n come ln and bl.ly lilt be.11t deal 1.v1llablt. ALL F.XCLUSIVE Wint RAY REALTY CO. 34t( F.. CQ&llt Hy .. Cnn:ina d el Mir Herbor 2288 I A.-fOll11 frctm B1nk Jn COM I Open House 38-04 Ot:ean Blvd., Corntor Orchid GORONA DEL MAR PANORA~tlC BAY It OCEAN VlEW 3 nice bed rrn1., 2 bathe, l1rre hv>nK roon1, be 1ure and aee lhi• uni'! todey. Pnco<d to ff/i. Term•. OPEN HOUSE 706 ,...,,-k~pur-•~rl ·S•l -Sund1y l ·~ P .M. Ch11rr111ng 2 bf!.drn1 firepll CI'. ~nl lrn1l'•I p11.tlo . , , $2~00 down h1111<Ue1. JOO fl_ lront•gl', b11~1nl'~~ pro11- •rty on !!: 17th St. A n:•l r QOd buy i t $22.WO. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R, R.ayle-C. Trl\'11. C. Ru ... A8-0C. 312 Marini' Ave.-RalOO.. Uland GOLDEN RULE VALUES SALE or LEASE JNDUSTRJAL BLDG. -2000 1q. IL Cl~e·l n. on ~""""r. Ll.rge lot. Fencr~I. A rl'1I bRrg1ln It Stt,f!O()-ltrm1 M-1 CORNER \\'. 10th STREE.L -ClOl!l'-·in. on J 11e..,·er. 140xt 26. You can't M11t th!~ 11 1 $10,!IOO. R-4 ACRE II)EAL loc1.t1an 1cto11 f rom Hoa.,: Ho1p1t11.l -.lu1t off St1J)lrlot . Roo1n tor 1( unit•. High and ~ry Sf'• thl• 11t only 18!100- tf'rfn•. PHIL SULLIVAt:l & GEO . T. EVERSON 1866 Ntwport Blvd., COllA. Meea t i rroN from Colt• Ml'll. Bllflk) BILL'S BEST BUYS A LITTLE PAINT And a little elbow grease will cure this wel.: built two bedroom. Decorate &nd aave. Hu hardwood !loon, fireplace & dining room. Top Joc&l1on. Be· ing offered partly furnished for only $1,000 down. Full price furnished, $10,600. 1Jnfumiahed $10,000 CUTE AS A BUGS EAR Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, 11,:.! bath home on new curbed a.nd paved atrdt. Natural finiah mahogany paneled kitchen cupbo&rc11. Immf'diate polM!Uion. Priced at $9.850 $1600 down. $67.50 mo. G. I. RESALE Completely redecorated large 3 bdroom on finest street in town. Hardwood flvor1 and carpeted, breakfut and dining room, fireplace 11.nd large double garage on paved alley. $7,200 G. I. lo&n on property at preeent. Full prir.e $12,950 W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCl.ATF.S. REALTOR "you11 like our friendly service" 400 E . 17th St.. Costa Mesa Ll~rty 8-1139 Large Family 7 Here·• your beat home buy! LIDO ISLE home with 5 bedroom.. 4 baths -and completely furnish- ed. J uat move in ! Like Ranch Life 7 Charming modem home on 9 acre ranch near his- toric old San Juan Capistrano, with view of the hilla and valleys. 250 Avocado trees and room fo1 that many more. Fruit treet galore! Absent owner will trade for incom'e property or Trust Deeda . Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. H11.rbor 5505 Newport Beach !Opposite City Hall) 1 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~ BALBOA ISLAND Choice Little Island location -3 bedrma .. 2 baths. A few atepe to the water. $28.500 completely furni8hed LIDO ISLE Unusually nice corner location -large lot. 4 Bdrms .. 3 bath home, spacious living room & di n Beautifully decorated and landacapt'd. $39,950 terms. BEACON BAY Beautiful water front location. 3 Broroom . 2 bath -plus guest apt Only $12,500 down WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaaociates 1306 Park, Balboa Ialand Harbor 2462 J'hone LI 8·6761. 1 --------------------~--- lt\'111, H11r. 43e6--LI 8-2103 T"o'O BEDRJ.t. Homa with dtn111,1 room, 1 bedrm. hom• • 1lttp- 1n1 rllOOI with bath. Dbla gu. !eundry rm, rru1t trff.a on cloae Jn h11.lf •er~. ruu prtc1 $lJ,!\OO l~rm•. ORANGE COAST PROPi:RTU.::S 18.;.7 Nl'wport. COllA. MtM LI 8· 11132 t:v•. W 8-fl803 View Lot on Bluff. •l..e1.1rhold1 N feet fn:i111111. ~o. 302 Klnp R~<I, \\•e•l nf Pink lfo uee. Own•r \V. ~: TtnEyck. •<Mt Paetf1c Ave . Lnn,tt 11..-1.:-h Tttephone Lonfe' n,.~, h •·~ tir 8611·29'!! ~~ NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOT ~ x 127 lot. walled in. Hu gar&ge. lawn. trees, etc. Ocean View, cloee to mar keU. lat time offered. Attnctive location $5,500 LOW PRICED HOMES Small home on Santa Ana .I: CJay SU. AOO one on San Bernardino nMr Clay. Call for detail•. 3 INCOME UN!Tll St~ month income. A.Mini( pnce $$IOOO. Thia is worth in~tigating. NBC REALTY1• CO. ~d & Newport Blvd., Npt. &e.rh • Har. M.36 • a RMl l!'.Qto Newport Heights $1 ,500 Down! !T'S TRUE-a real opp()r1un11y to a ••rr..tdl VOGEL VALUES ()""'" • nL~f' propl'rt~ 1n tht HQ' 'E ""'"" wl». •m•ll dow" ,.,. 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BA y FRONT IV1 ml'nt. 7 yr. old 2 btdrm. 1n lront and a l1ri;tl' fe'Utst hol!lt In n"er j Ent lOll'd pello -1>'C111d •hlnlj'.lt I roof-carpeted l•'xl9' ll \'!ng trn, I\ hdwd. floor11 -db!. g1r111e. ,cc. "'" bl\'f' the kt')'. ,.~ult Pr!cl' 11r..MIO n,et of Tl'rn11 Newport Hei ghts View Home LOVELY HOME only 2 yr"· <>Id H111 firtplacn -extra large kl!· chfn-220 V . Fulld1n1ng 1oonl- hd1>·d. r1oor1-... nclal«t tuh, eic. e!(', AND THIS TOO: A l11rgl' gueat hou•e w1lh full bath! Dbl. ger_ Laundry-workllhop-al!ty, etc, SE:E THJS TODAY: The full prll"e Ill only $111.9~. P .S. 01>•ntr ,,..Ill t1ke S~:'l()L' down. Choice Ea stside J BDRf.f. n<"lr Irvine Av•nllt. '\'ell loc1ted 6 yr. old. Hd,,.·d. ttoor- dbl, g&r&l(I', 1Uey l'ntrRnce hon1r , C.1. Loen ·~;. $74,112 lncludt• ta.xe11. $2000 dn. Full prl('e - $12,000, Ba y & Beach Realty 111911 Ne..,·port Blvd. C011t1 Men, Cehf. LI 8·11111 E\'fll, U 8-3010 "C'' TH01'1AS "~" THOMAS Cliff Haven VERY FlNE 3 bdrm. home ~n ex· ce!l!'nt eondtuon. 110 rt. Jot, red- wood fl'nte. ntar ..:hool•, hdwd. floor1. w to w c1rprt1ng A drep- e•, tlreplec-$111,000 with lo,,.· monthly p1yment1. Corona del Mar BUSINESS JNC01'tE PRJME LOCATJON Jn heart ot C.D M. 1 •, yr•. oh!, 8 uni~ con· si.tinr; of 2 xtore11 & " •Pl• I Exc,u ... it 1nYe1tmtnl tor lhl'-In· vefitor. f"ll'M11e phonl' tor corn- plrlt d!'t1I!• Bayshores PRICE REUUCED C II A RM IN G RANCH ST\'LE home on l'Xlta lg•. cor. IQt, built around IO\'l'lY patio tor nll XI · mum outdoor livtnc. 3 lge. bfd· room•. 2 b•th,,, p•.L#.eled IL\'. ""'· with l'&lsed ht 11rth firl'place. rholce lnltrior deccir.11tlnJ. match Ing wallpepl'r e nd draperiee. Jl*rk11y n oor1. ''" 10 w tllrP!'tlnir:. r>rt~·1•:inning kltl'h!'n Sho..,·n by •ppolntnient. "C" Thoma s, R'ltr. 22• y,•, Cout H"''Y· LI a.M27 "C" THOMAS "C" TH01'tAR Enjoy & Income Home Or buy fur tNVEST"-tENT 5 UNIT APT. HOUSE EACH 1 bedrm. ! A 2 b<>drm. can be edded 1 J u11t • )'tllrl old, F'lRST TJ;\fE OFF~~Rf:r'l BEAUTIFULLY d!'illl(nt!I 1on<! built by l'••lern M1•ll'r bu1Ldl'r FOUR GARAGES & parklnK 1p1tct Laundry rrn. Jnc. Auto. "'1111hl't, Attr&CU\'t RrdwOOd frnce. Sctl't'n• 1Jl~y 1ldto. In like new ~ond1l1on throught>ul. ~e ltod high 1n A!· tl.dene. ju11 oft Lek!', •Pr on .. block lo new 1uptr mark!'t. 1n,1 I •happing center. Ne•r tr1n,•PQr· talion. •nd everythinR ENJOY the mountain 111r. lhP 1 11· perb Mt. \•!f'""'· l:"CO~IE 137!1 per month S~""·"r~ 1n end ptud. Full prier 5J>.3VO. $1:'!.000 da,,.·n •mlnlmum1 B1l- 11nct c1n n.. p11d off 1n ts1llDlhl}' paymtnta l'lf 1 ·~ n! or1gin1I b11I Lnc. inttrel't y,·rltf owner. R. T. J1cl'lh110n. 9Q "' Ll\J Floro'.• l')ri\'e. A!te1!,.na. CHI . nr phnnr SY 7-t Ofl.~ l()t AJ!polnlmrnl •n ~ .. c pro•p,.rty. 8<'10 REAL VALUES .1 BEDROO~I home, thl'rln'l h r111 H1rd"''001t tloora. Ille. Thi~ +• a home for thf' futt1r,. f~j I"'' ( mo. \l.'t\h 4'. inll'te11t. B,tt,.r """ \his Qnl' !od11.y' ! I \\'~: HA\'F: .!l'ST LIST~:IJ 3 !11('•! 1 bU!h1lng ln1~. F'.11 ~l ~l'I!! Pl"l"'"' j tn &I'll, Bu11r1 y<>ur o"''nhQnll' 11.nd 1 K&\'I': B. A. NERESON ' REALTOR 1962 Nl'IO•port B1•·d CC111t1 !.{l'&A LI 11.1a;2 E vu r.1 8·4120 THREP: \ovel,\' be<'lrm~. l tile b11th!I., cll rp•lt'd. flr,[>LR C<". rnrc- .. 11 111r heet, l'nrlnlll'r1 e!'n1ent 1 p11tio. Dble ,1:11ragt l><ndM llpPf'r1 I room tor IWlmminr poo! 01 tcnn1~ r our l. All thla tor $'19.•,n tlQ\l'TI, Surpn1'1'(!: On Kintt• pllC• \O'lth VlfW 100 ORANGE COA!;T PROPERTIES 1s.·,7 r\t¥-•port, Coat• ,...,... LI 11-11132 £Y,. l-l 1-11803 Oc ean View NE\\-' HOM£ • lne-0m1 or J ll flll hou-e, both turni~hl'<l. re110 AU f'('lnvenle11c<'.'1 rncl. J!orb. dJ•p .. (Ira.It.,._ $23.000 BARGAIN al:· eounl iMn•-OPEN DAILY 1 2:1~ ·48tb St . :(•,..fW'lrT 8e1<:h. 99ril3 Pier aod Slip Full Pri«e $89.600 BALBOA ISLAND 4. BDRPtf. ~ 3 BATH -BA YFRONT HOVB Pier and Float -Full Pnce $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM.-3 BATH & MAID ROOM-BAYPROlft Pier & Float -Fun Price $70,000 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOJOI \Vith Gue11t Apt, -Full Price $65,000 3 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOO With Guest Apt. -Full Price ~.000 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMI! PiC'r and Float -Full Price ~7.f500 4 BDRM. -2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOd With Guest Apt. -Full Pric. $5!,000 2 UNITS -2 BDRM. EACH -BATJ"RONT Full Price $42.500 2 BDRM. - 1 BA TH -BA YFRONT OOTl'.l.Gll F'ull Price $31,~ 4 BDRM. HOME -$39,:IOO 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. HOME -Ull,800 2 UNITS -$34,:IOO 2 UNITS -$~.000 2 UNITS -$22,000 2 BDRM . HOME -$18,:IOO 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,900 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,000 .. BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-'32,1\00 . BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-l311,l\OO VACANT BUSINESS LOT -$24,000 MOTEL, 'APT. UNl'l'S $12,000. INCOME FULL PRICE $89,000 See us for choice property in BM.oon B&J and Bay Shore Are&. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue. BaJOO. Jalaod Next door to the Po9t OftiM Har-444 Eves Har. 3059-M • Har. 4.~R CLIFF l"I AVEN 811 Clift Drive Three bednn. & den home. Exoe.llmt · oac.ditJon. Newly carpeted. Beautifully Hindeoaped tront uid rear gardens. COSTA MESA Architect ·a former home, Beautifully lanMeaptd, delightful patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. nu. flnane· ing. Easy terms. Only $14,!KIO Call Liberty 8·2664 (Ev• LI 8·7C681 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and lrvine. Newport Bffcb Ocll OPEN HOUSE call for appointment 243 Ocean \'iew. Newport Heighte :-itop by and s<'e thi!i 3 bdrm. home with a terriflo Oct :t n \"it"''· HaR l '1 bath. Fil'-ld atone fireplace u1 a li.rg<' brigh t I •. ft Se.1>erate dining room, .very <:On\·enl1•n l kitcht'.ll . J-'ull Prire $25,fiOO . Se eu.1'9 to 11(-t• this: LIDO ISLAND Call Uft to see lhift beautiful 3 bdrm. 1 ~~.i bath hom• nn a corner lot . All the modern convl"niencea. "ART " ADAIR, Realto r 1666 Nc\ll·port Blvd .. ~ta Meta, Calif. L[ A-3791 Ocean Front Home $22,500 \'ERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea· ahore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dlniD1 area. Formica «:itchen, 1 bedroom and \-~ bt.tb down, 3 bedrooma llnd 11.:.: batha up. Solid ooa. ttruct ion. concrete' and piling foundation. 2 oar garage, ~nclo11ed yRrd . Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor 3113 Ne111'pori Blvd., Newport &ach Harbor 1011 1 ;, l ......... BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor CORONA DEL MAR HOME AND INCOME. J'or that retired couple. A ipedoua and beautlfUl one bedroom Rlome. Luge UWlt room A mUter bedroom. Picture window overlooktnc terraced pRlen. Hardwood floors. Fireplace, •s*cioua kitchf!! .• ALL TB1S plu. charm· lq ODe bedroom apt. Now rented. And BELIEVE IT OR NOT the lot me la eo x 118. Priced right at $22,000 A TIP TOPPER. 'l'hi8 4 year old 2 bedroom home la Uke new. Located ln nlce neighborbO'ld, cloee to 8Chool8 and ready for Immediate occupancy $H,7'50 BALBOA ISLAND SEEING IS BELIEVING SO. BAY l'RONT comer. Charm. 2 B. R. attrac- tJftly furnllbtd home --····-······-·-·-········· .. $31,lSOO SO. BAY l'RONT corner. Pier A Float. Lovely 4 B. R. home ·---·---·-·---·-·-----··-$47,'500 NR. NORTH BAY. Spadoua 4 B. R. 2% -beth nlcely tunlilhed home --·-·---········-··---'25,'500 NR. SO. BAY. l'lnt time ottered. $15,960 Ador- able Redwood home. Unuual beaut1tul patio. 1 Ire· B. R.. and i mn. Thil place you will want. rt 18 " ctr.in bouM. UDO ISLE LOT. 62~ ft. wide on W.t Side of Y ella. YF.S ! Ita only StS,'500 BUT HURRY! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VDC8Eft8 or KULTIPLm Ll8TING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa laland • Pboae Barbor 1m '1t 1m LIDO ISLE Jut a daDdJ low priced home. 2 B. R., lovely patio. Many colorful tlowen. Immaculate cbndition. 3G ft, lot -Only $23.500 Very euy terms. Ano~ JOOd one--On Lido • 8 B: R. • 2 B. Comp. ndecorated and on a rso ft. lot. All the rooma are 1up. L. R. ~. Patio 23x2• Approx 2088 llQ. feet· Tb.le S. worthy ot coulderation for $35,000 RA.VE YOU Tbe cs.ire to ll'f9 n-.r the ocean wit.b an unau.r- pa-4 YIMr of the bMch and nrrounding country llde -ot mo why not look at UU. 3 B. R. home that will stand the ICl'Ut:iny ot the most dilcriminatory buyer. A home built with empbama on comfort A coava.leDce and with lta larg9 playroom 6 patio - la ldea1ly suited to entertaln.ing. Prioed to .ell tur- nlahed at $57,l500 ~ - Thi8 two bdrm. cutJe bu alp and a flare that yod will like. Ita deta1W for comfort and bu a f 1h% loan payable $78.08 per month lncludJDc tu.ea It lmura.nc~.890 down. Full price $115,000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE M16 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Bar. '911 or Bar. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-K Har. 1380 or LI ~297 Open House Sat-Sun. -· 1-5 P.M. 401-38th Street Newport Island Reduced to $19,500 Special reduction on this ideal income ud nsidence duplex for 30 days. Formerly priced $21,500. A nie9 home and a nice income unit to pay the freight. See thi.t 3 B. R. and 2 B. R. unita on a corner acroa the ltreet trom the bay and a park. Pr'9ent trut deed $12,000 -Terms on balance. Jl'RANCIS J. HORVATH Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. 2216 Newport Blvd. · Harbor 1'28 Llberty 8-5101 ONLY $4500 DOWN HANDLES THIS 8 Furnlabed unit. on 3 Iota. Balboa Blvd. corner. TRIPLE A rental area. RED HOT! BARGAIN * BARGAIN TWO J'OR PRICE OF ONE IN NEWPORT 1 Bedrm. houe plua 1 bednn. apt. over garage. Both tarnlahed. Only $3000 down, balance $80 mo. FP $12,000 THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED BEACH HOUSE Ya Block to Beech or Bay. $2000 down. h11 Price $10.~ ·ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor '5226 A House Bursting with Charm! ! I * * * DIGNITY * * * THE RIGHT ADDRESS 'Bl4nn. Tbe third bOUM trom the South Bay. Tbe blllt block OD the laland. Mu.st be 8eeD to ~ It'• • terrific bupin. We haft 8aJ troDt. that an t.be choicest.. DORIS BRAY, Realtor It ASSOCIATES 216 Marine, Balboa laland. Harbor 20 oT'M ' ... ....,.., , a .......... .!•::!!•!!;!!.;, a!!!a !!'•~--..!•!!;:!•!!•nlt•!!!t !!*'!.---~ NEWPORT HAllOl NIW$.llRISS -PART II· PAM 7 • FIJDAY, 58'1". 21, t• .. i a- p . a . · p a ~ ·m e r i n c·o r p o r a t e d . . . developers of Udo Isle .. I Exclusive Lid~ · Home Exel of arid rma. dra pa ti uaive with ua. If you demre • larse lot, plellty light, eeparat1on from nei1hbon, larp l'OOml an oversize garage, here'• the......,.., a bed· , 2 bath1 plUI % bath ln prq9. ~ peries. fuml8hed by a decorator. Beautiful o. 'Available with fUrniture at ftl,500 or with carpet, drapes, ltove, refripl'ator and laand.ry equi pment at $39,500. ExCt"llent tenu. Mod • tra1 area Eve LARGER HOME on 2 lot.a, corner of Udo Nord. ern ln every detail, with all baDt-ld' featuna. bednna., 2~ bath•, lanai with1ebeca( Jarce cen.- patio with tropical planting Terrific muter · bedroom 1uite, very large living rdom ano dininc • . Brealdut room, laundry room, boot hou.e. rything a family might desire. North Bayfront Home On lng over 80 feet ot the very beet BA YJ'RONT. Strik· piodern deliped by Ellerbr'Oflk, AlA.. The let· , view, beach. pier, plantlns and ~ a.re the tilrf Ve 3~ tho ry fineet J><*fble. 3 bedrma. and maid'• room. b.t.U. Thia home SI like a lfteloua jewel and uld be eeen.., We have the key. B COD hom ARGAIN. 3 bedroom home built in 1941. Fine ditJon. You ahould 1ee It if you desire a 1maller e. $18,2:50 Ne You ho •iJe OU dlch lt y wport Isle Waterfront Home will fall in;love with this immaculate 2 bedrm. me, with 1 Vath, ltrge kitchen, dining area, good living room. w to w carpet, garage, patio for tdoor living. Situated on a fO ft. corner lot, ondra lawn, lovely flowerm, good pier and float. ou are looking for a waterfront buy, t.bil ia it! $27.~ p. a. palmer incorporated 0 le hanson co., sales management 3383 Tia Udo, harbor UM)() Hot! Hot! Hotl OwMr 1aya: •1 didn't even ret a cbancl to Uve ln my boua I qent m.y Ume plannlnr and ctr-mtnc of my home, tta 3 lovely bedrooml, it. cute ldtcllen and paneled dln.lu_room. and tta bis beautiful ~ room.. I know tt'1 built real rood. e&Ull Bob #on. built ll" Thia owner baa been tranderred to Vl.rainia-Whlle we &dvocate commutin1, thla doea IMlll a little far. • He 1&11 tell tt llOOOOO----···-----··--.Priae $24,CSOO Opn S.ue lftl')'day 12 • & p. m. 15U Dolphin Twftee, 1mne Tenace · Udo 's Best Buy ChannlDs a bedroom 1 % bath home. Comer uaed brick llreplace and Iota of built In featul'e9 Desicn- ... for year around llvin&' and priced u a 1ummer hol:ne. Exdualn with ua at $25,CSOO ror detaila ult for Kincaid $1100 Down _ (plU. lmpounda) Brand new three bedroom bouae In ea.ta Meaa. J'ull price $8700 -l'llA term. available. U thW one doee't flt your partkular needa we have 2:5 more homee that m.-y be boucbt for $2rsoO down or 1-. Call BUI hrnlWorth Now You Can Uve in • Exclusive Shoreeliff s 3 B<lrma Dinins Room 1 Ba. 527.000 Terrific Val. 2 Bdrma. Dining Area 1 Ba. $27,500 Ocean View 2 Bdrma. Din.mg Atta 2 Ba. $31,000 Nioe 2 Bdrm.I Den 2 Ba. $36.500 New Provncl 3 Bdnna. ··Dining Room 2 Ba. $37,500 Large Rooma 2 Bdnna. Den, Din. Rm. 3 Ba. $37,500 Modem 2 Bdnna. Den, Malda Rm 2 Ba. Sle.800 Beautiful 3 Bdrm.I. Dminc Room 2 Ba. $-i~.000 Picturesque 2 Bdrma. Den 2 Ba. $49,500 M.aplficent Vacant lots alllo available. Take y"ur choice, then call Dave Osburn · p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout ~hway -liberty 8-6573 Bal boa Income! ONE OF THiil FEW J'INll apart• buUdlnp Jett,. I two bed· part menu • • . two turn. block atnactun. plalter- Onl)' J .Ye&n old. Beauutul perty w1t.h ,.,..,-.., J.ockar • laundr7 ..... '80, tenna. LIDO ISLE . Houston Values ment room a Cement ed. pro J'OOIDll 7 Unit Income! BALBOA LOCATION. ramoua .A.put.met.'' altualld on .• room tor addiUonal ooe double, I a&ncl-. AU ed. 8w1Q rental area. - "Scott I Iota . blq. turn lab PCl.000 • twma. Bay Fr(;>nt Duplex! A. f.rrrt.E J'IX'IN BUT POSSIBILITIES. 2 bed· up, 2 down. Fu.mlahed. 2 lacea. ~ pier, prl· beach. S37,500, term.1. NDDS WHAT rooma ft.rep Yat.e Bal boa Duplex! HERE'S A BWEIL VA.LUE. Hu bedrooml up, 1 down. Lower • 2 OPEN DAILY 1 to 6 p. m. 123 Via Genoa-Lido'• wic:te.t ltnlet. Lovf'ly NEW a bdrm. 2 bath with 3 car garage. Carpeted through with nylon vi.coee carpeting. Match 1tick drapes. Be 1ure to .ee thia before ~u buy! $37,500 with $17,'500 down 3 Bedrooma 2 batha on '4 ft. lot. Sunny IOUth patio. $31,500 * * * * View Lot 4-5 x 125 with Panoramic view of the entire New- port Harbor Area. Less Than Rent 1 BR. home on 80xtO lot. Ibid. Npt. Ht .. klc&Uon. Room to build Inc. unit. A at.al at 17900 wilb 12000 dn. 2 Acres M-1 OFFICE. •hop .ft aep. warehoUM bldca. Center ot Ind. &H&. Pknty of room tor upanaton or can be divided Into 4 par~'la. Come ln .ft aubmlt your needJI on all or part. Xlnt. terma. 2 blks. from ocean NEWPORT BEACH N.at I 8. R. dble. gar. 01\ly 1~00 dn., B111. 170 mo. J uat thlnk -Only 110,!IOO tum. E'ff Int. PeUtte u 8-54117 Lido Isle Special ' . ........ .......... BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNl'l'I. Modin 1 WnD. apt.: older fiW how. 8bow your abW~ at "do It younelt'' Pl,IOO eo n'. BAY J'ROMTAQS. On uttJe lllud. .-. float, fcnaal' b4nL Mme. Tbe laAcl-ftlae ta cJoee to ti.. uJdaa prioe of sn.ooo st111Nm sun.pINa MARINI: A. VJ:. sn.aoo BUSINl88 LOT KARINE A. VE. Cl su.rsoo ~ BllACON BAY, Bay front. Qftea dn&med about. ~1 .... SxquJidta a bdrm., 3 bath home. Thermo ldtcbea. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done ln the ....... sood tute. 1'unUlb.ed - few uoepUoaa. Sh~ l'riday afternOOftl oal1 $59,CSOO LIDO NORD BAY rRONT. Luse lot, cbar1DJDc • bdrm. a~ bath houe. 'DID1nc rm., mocSena klt.- chen, -·· ~wuber. Iota ot cupboarda u4 cloeeta. Plum 111luued 1 bdrm. apt. °"" a ear P.I'- .... Both 1IDIU all .....,. tunltMd bl Jifodlr- ldeal for home &Dd baoolDe or ,..._ I Har. 171& -1!M1. lldlth Jlarooe BYatt '"8211 John Macnab,-Balbor Ga. • EA~L W •. STANLEY, Realtor 228 Martae Aft., a.IM 1*Dd Lido Residence? ! Wby WN -We bue a Beauty I Featurtnc a large~ muter bedroom apMaln with dreuing room and bathroom plu bis ddlDc glue doon onto a large 1UDdeck. . and do1tutaira , • • • Another two bedrOOma and 1 lf.i bath. Lt-, rom with eliding glua doon onto a 80Uth patio. &ma1 area and a dream kitchen. Al.lo an extra bll &ams.. dry room and garage. ThJa home ii only Mftnl month• old, located on a ltreet to ltreet lot and In· eludes the new drapes and carpetins. All yours for $31,7~ Come in and we will &how it Ir work out your t.... ..• and Say .•• We have an lmma.culate two bedroom pnniDclal Lido IaJe cutie for only $22,700 Udo Income? Waterfront 7 bedroom·~ batha includln1 new fwo.. ftiture and drapes and carptltins. 189.000 -12&,000 down to quallfled buyer . ••• and ••• Wai;.. front-Lido Nord 75' fron~ 7 bedrooms, 6 batU, full dintnc room. B. ~· Q. room~ Bup livtn~ room. Tb.it can be leued u two or three unit.a. A clear 30' lot can be f()ld oft of thJm fron • ta,e. Vacant now .. We have keys. A ten1ftc buJ. Call ua for further detalll. Lido Realty ASSOCiilT.s 3400 Via Lido bu bun .,_. completely modernized, eryth~. Heavy turnlture ed. Hu extra room for ona untt aad 3 sarase1. 118,500 terma. Priced at $15,000 Not a leuebold . I BDRM. 2 ba. bome, 70dl lot. Spacloua lanai /,; paUo. Lovely ------------------- lnclud mo« Sood Upp er Bay Area! 0 VERLOOKINO · S.A. COUNTRY CLUB, and a pip. 2 bedroom.1, 11.11 a l&rl"• llvihs room bre&Jd'ut ana. t1replace. den, p wtt.b 1" b6 Ula. Luc• prace bk1J'. rwnpua aad treeMT room, 000, 14000 down. "1t.b 117. Acres 198 ft. on Monrovia 630 ft. deep. Between 16th It 17th St. 2.86 acrea. Sacrifice a.t $4800 pi?r a.ere. Lilt your rental.a with ua. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Barbor f718 home. Rm. tor pool or expanllon. Low Uk.Ins prtce ML 123t. Back Bay Lot wrrH VIEW, In rutricted ar.a. $5000. TRy lo beat It. Industrial Corner 111,200 BUYS 186' on Placentll\ with attractl\•e 2 br. home .ft 73' for shop. Exe. loc. tor home .ft bualneaa. See it. ,.Eve. Into. on the.n Lytle LI 1·2542 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Presents Balb oa Realty Co. Op poeite Bank of America Roea Greeley --------------Houston.Realty Co. One of the loveliellt homet ln the area. Per'lll&Amt bay view. Excluatve re11ldential area. Three bed· rooma or two bedrooma and den. A houe unually well built with every modern convemence. A patlo planted with choice abrube. Truly a graclou. home! Appliancet1, including ltove, refrigerator, deep freeze, wuher diahwuher, included in price of $52,500. Terma can be arraared. See Ethel Shirley ellua Ed Lee AJ Com Jack Pt.n.kJwn JOMpblne Webb 700 !:. Balboa Blvd., Mboa Pbone Bartlor 8211" J'OR 1'H]g WOIU.N wbo lilt• lit· chlldren and wbo drtvff a We tl&ft a well manased ool t or Mle at a vary re&• • prlc.. u. car-- pf'IKh IJOD&bl .\HOT OOIUfllll for • market ln rapWy Sf'OW1q Oran&'• Coun- ty. Partl1nc lot LI alre.dy a t1 Ct ln. Fitzm onis R'lty. Co. Multlple Ultizls ....... • ---Brokw J.J& a eout mp,,., OarOll& del Kar llartlor 1112 Your "Castle in the Air" Can be your home IOOD lf you eoa.nlt a Kultlple I:Iatinc Realtor. He can 1bow you a wl«W variety of the cholceet value. In your price ranee . . . and be knowa bow to draw up contraeta for the most convenient tenp.a. Yo~·u find It 1*J1 to do bu.al- ne111 with a REALTOR. Phone or ,drop tu to 111 one of the 275 reliable MULTIPLt LI8TINO RJCAL. TORS ln the Harbor Area. • Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '10 12bd St. New"pOrt Beach M60 KO. INOOIDI, ..-r Oll------~---~-----~--..,.--utM:lr ams. 111,000 down or H wtD take I bedrm IMMna u dowa. KIMlt .ii. t•T OR.AKGll 00.\ft PROPDtTIJ:a Newport. Costa M- 1AI -...u..uoa LI I · YOU C A.N'T TOP 'riU8 I Wben NSWJIORT llEIOHTS can btq ' I bdrm., I ~ bomt ~ ........... dlllpoeal. la )'OQ wtUI tenc«t )'U'd • I car ,..,..,.. for '"° W'ltla ODl1 talOO down. lime ottered. Call owrwr for SH lat appo&ntll\ .. t. LI~ tp10 BALBOA ISLAND 2 un!ta furn. eeparat. P&Uoa. ..,....., furniahed $19,000~. • • bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. ":. ~ Can ~ "'well ,, • .,,,,.., $35,000 BA YJ'llONT8 Jrom Pl,&00 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe Martne Ave., Balboa llJaDd • Barbor SQf It ASSOCIA. TES 509 Cenur It.. Cotta Meaa LI a.ten or LI 1·7714 LIDO'S BEST I BDRM .. l~ tl&t.h home. t.,.... paMled UY. rm. Is•· bedrma. with man llsed cloaeu. W. W carpetinf. 45' lot make1 a apac· lou. planted paUo. Payment.I ot 1122.10 mo. are leu than your R.J!lNT. P.8 . Ill a a,;, Loan. BURTON B. BECK Rltr. 6 lnaur. - 2823 W. Cout Hwy. Har. 221 A: U &-715el lcth COMPLJ:I'Z CO)d Btorar• f"lant w ton e&pacll)'-<lftlc.-ecal• Exclusive Balboa peninlula point OCtlUl front bome. Four bedrooma, three bat.ha. View of jett;J. TWo pat- ioe. Only $29,500. Bob IUdpay will abow )'OU. The owner aay. ''Whew! We've outcrown our I W.. room, 2 bat.b contemporary bome." A.cram the ltNlt from Catholic ehurch and Rftde IChool tn Oolta Meaa. Very reuonably priced at $10,9CW>, S2000 dD.. .or will trade for larger home. See Wilma Boap. Good older 2 bedroom bou.e with ltudio ap&ltmml for lncome. Near library, atoree and beach. SlJ,800. Tenm can be arranced. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 8111 -Jo.dins dock.a off •tr•t p&ttl· -------------------Inf. 8 • t up for immediate bu.inut. a.crttlce price. To ,.... produce would co.t "' &pill what you can bµy t.h1a tor. OIUNGll COAIT PROPlllRTm8 185T Newport. Coeta M .. LI .. 1U2 EYe. LI l..aGI OPEN HOUSE 1·6 P.M. DAILY 2512 Ctrde Dr. Ba)'lhore9, H.8 lllHCL. PATIO, J18Q 6 J"IRllPL. IC9peclall)' CIMlcned t'ol' oat.door llftQf. I Wra.. I MUI. atn lboWw. OompL ,...__ oar. Jot. ~ blk.. from Ko. <>•eel Prte· ed to Mil. 0. ·H. LA TBROP. Mal 'J:. CoMt 8'97 .• Bar. MU i:.ee. MIO tell * FOR SALE OR LEASE * M-1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SANTA ANA 21,000 aq. ft. relnfo~ coll9t.ractioD, elnat.or, all pbue power. • iD. water ~ lAeat.4 • 4.2 ICt'M with s. p. IJNI'· OSBORNE REALTY CO. ma W. Cout Hwy. (At~ Oiap); New"pOrt 9eaeh LI 8-7M2. Bar. ~ ' / YOUNG EPISOOPALIANB of St. Jamee Fellowahip held their fint meeting of the fall lut Sunday. It wu ai.o the firat time they had held their ten'ice .in the church instead of the Pariah HoUM, and it wu led by Miu Jane Enright, preaident, with the Rev. John B. Parke eerving u organiit. Afterward the 59 young Pf'Ople and their le.den had a moooli«bt ride around the bay on the chart.ered Bay Queen. Mn. A. AlezanMr Bamlltcc ia advt.or and Mr. and lira. BW Do.ta are ..u.tant.. Lett to ript (rear) are Bill~. Judy ll'ef'SUIOU, Joan Waggoner, Cynthl& Smith, Diane Manon. Front, Patricia Knapp, David Alen, the Rev. John Parke. and Barry ~an. -Normaa Wakeman photo Retreat County Group Will Hear Rev. R. H. Bell of Church Women Th• annual retreat of Southern Calltomia-Arlzona Church Women Oct. a and eat Mar C.... Balboa lll&nd. la tint ot th.re. ••ent.I J>l&nned when the uecutlve board ot United Cburch Women o( the Barbor Ana met ln Oo8ta Iii.- Park. 11ae Rn. Robert •• R. s.u. l"NP9 wW lie Kr. Bell. tM "'"· Blerra 1lladn, b4l&d of t.be Com· Chaclee BNdy. ucl Mn. Ou1da mJMioo ot Bplritual Heallnc tor Rice. 8\IJ'Pft hour ta at • p.m. ------------------------t.be JC Wcc>pe.l Dtoc.M of Lo. A.n· wben pot~udl 11Upper la Mrnd. PAGE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ,... PwW ~ tM even!n&' .,.uer ~ _:r.:t::r -::1 ~."'!: FRIDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 at th• Oranc• County c. r. o. table eemc.. a111o a di.lh to paa. meet:inc Oct. l , In tlle nr.t ....._. A·IC bri11c deeNrt.; lrP bot dUlb· b)'tert&n Church, 1111 No. Orui9 -. ~ Mlada .. Womm repr-riunc eo counclll are expected tor the r.,...l, amons them national. atate and local of- ficer&. Ouut apeaker tor the tint evening will be Dr. Llndqulat. pu- tor of Hollywood J>J"Nbyterian Church. Then will be a bualneu 1USlon the next mosnlnr wtth election and lnatallaUon of oltlcen and a luncheon apeaker. Mra. (;MM.er Fiehu. council prealdent. and Kn. P. F. Baines are on the plannlnr eommJttee. World Communi' day wlll be obeerved Nov. 4 and will be chalr- manntd by Mr•. Theodore Hauan. Theme wm be "IMldlnS IAatlng Peace" and 11ubject, "Give U• Thle Da)' Our Dally Bread." Third on the apnda la tJ\e an- 11ual bualne• meetlng of lhe coun- ctl aet for Jan. I , 1956. Laymen's Conference DR. JOHN DOLLAR SPEAKS SUNDAY AT N. B. BAJYrIST Dr. Jobn Dollar, Mad of t!M public nlatl01111 department ot Berkeley Ba.,u.t Dt.tnlty 8cbool, wtU &peak at the 11 a. m. Mrvice at nnt Bapu.t Churcb of Newport Beach w. c:omtnr 8W'lday. Sunday Bcbool la at 9:t5 a.m. &nd Dr. Dollar will ad· d,... th• Mu.It ci.,. at that ume &eelOl'dJnc to the putor, th• Rev. Herbert John.eon. At t.M 7:30 p. m. a•l'Yice Mr. Joeuoa wUI preach on "Wby the Church Una." Firat pot luck dinner of the year la lllaUid for S.pl. ao at the church, with a planned menu. WITH UNITARIANS Will Tell Merger Plan I to Universalist Group Mernbera and frienda of th• UnJverMllft CommunJt)' Fellow· lhJp will bur & ntport Oft the COO• ••tJcna ot the Un1..-en&U1t and Unit.arl&n church• at Detroit lut montb at the momlns aerv1ce of the F ellow.hip on Sept. :la. Mr. and Kea. Lloyd Morri«>n of report Ob tbe JJ&Uonal meeUnc of the .A.Noclatton of Un.lveTW&l11t Women whleh took pt.ac. a t th• l&Jtle Ume. TbeJr talk wiU be fol- lowed by a quuUon perlod and a IOCl&I coffee hour. J . I:. Pinkham. u s Via Ban Remo. f rom Bl. James' Eplacopal perlah will be among the 200 Eplacopal laymen from all 8oUUl· em Callfomla cJ\urcJ\u who will at tend the 11llth annual Laymen'• Conference or the Dloceee 0 f Loe An~lea Saturday at the s.n Marino, attended theM con· Huntlngton • Sheraton Hot.el ln nnUona u well u jolnt -Iona PuadenL of the two bodl• where profreu Thi• propoeed merger which would five the IJberaJ reUrfou. forcu a denornlnaUon of n .. rly 200,000 membera Will extend tbe lntluence of liberal relJgiou. atU· tudu. The Fellowahlp meet.I every Sunday momlng at 10:30 for Sun- day ecbool and di.lcuulon a.nd at 11 for church aervlce. The minJater la the ~v. Frederick W. am.•. toward the merser of th .. e two 'Reality' Is llbnal poupe wu made. 'nley will Science Theme Rally Day at Pastor Returns n. apostle Paul 1-rMd the Christ Church Ch h D reality of the t•cbtnp ot Chrlllt to urc uty Jewa ._,hen he wu mad• blind 8111\da,y will be R.ally Day at and wu arte~ b •a I• 4 OuUt Cburch by the Sea. with Putor Robert B. Gronlund re- tbrouch the mlnl.tnUON at th• promotion ln all clu.lea through tum1 to the pulpit of the N-· dlldple. -Ananlu , u relatAld lJI lb• chlldren'1 dlvhllon of the port Harbor-Lutheran Cbun:h Tbe Act.I. Jn wree 10 ot Cbapter Cburcb 9dlool. M,... May Delosier Sunday alter hl• annual vacaUon. I we are told. "And ltra1ptway ta cha&rm&n. Hla eennon at duplicate ""1ee1t be preached Chrltt In U1e Byna-The Woman'• Society of Chris-at 8:30 a. m. and 11 a. m. will IOIUU· that he I• "th• Son of ,Uan Benlce hu provtded coplu be "Tbe Lord of Ufe and Death". Qod." ot tbe Bl'bh, revtaed at&nd&rd Mr. Gronlund and bla ra.rnuy 'nit. itory In lhe llf• of PuJ ..-.. for all fourth gradera spent the put four week.I ln the II only one of lhoM relat.cl In w11o baft paaed their quallflca· mld-we1t vt1ttinr their famlll• tbe Leaon~Bennon on ~•lJ"' Uolb tor ~cement. ln hnneraburg. Iowa and Du· to be "'ad In &I.I Chrlat&all ; Procrun will ~ In the church lulh. Mimi. Ttiey retumfld to Co· Bcltnce churchea Sunday. at t :IO un. atandard Ume. Mra. ala Mua T\ftlld&y. Delaaer will M uallled by the Sunday l• alao Rally Day and A puaage that cornlal• th.la Bn. Roy C&rlaon. Wiiiiam Mc-promotion Sunday ln the Sunday tram "ScJen~ and Health W1t.b DoMld, Mb. G. IC. Tohlll. and 8chool al 8:30 a. m, with Satur-SeJ to the Scrtptura" by Mary Mb. Mabel Stabley. day Bchool lncludtns Junior Lu· llabr Jtddy read&, "Mortal• are beranl, c~lr and conflnnaUon miuqualnted with the teAllty ot tmtructlon, &lat.cl to ~ctn Ocl 1. Ave.. Oran6e. A.t f ::5 the ~S hour wW lie TM mee~ llt&tU at 4 p.m. led by Kra. Klldred McPbeeterw With a tellowM.lp Jaoar. At 4:IO followed by U.. OaWean Bou.r a t Kn. Robert Bell wtll ll&Ye eJ1ars9 T:SO When Kr. Bell brtnp am.._. of medUaUom. n. prayer hour ....-. on "Row t9 Wonblp the followa at 5 p.m.-"Leaden tor UMM Matter ... Salvation Army Needs Many Discarded Articles Brtpdler Wllli&m J . Parldu, manaa-• of the Saln.Uon Anny Socl.al Sen1ce Center tbat Mn'• thle area, announced Y•lerday that be&innlns lmmedl&t.ely U\J· one bavtng any kind of aalvqe maunal aucll u dothfns, ahoel, runutur.. dlahea, m.att1'9111e9. ti.cl· ding, atov_., radla., home appllanc· ea, toy1, bicycle., trlcyclu, ru,... rqw, brtc-a -tJrac etc., are uked to call Jobn.llon It Son. Llncoln- Mercury automobile acency WbOM telephone number la LI b • r t y 8·6M5. Bripdler Parlrlna polnted out that all re-rmue recet•ed rrom Baln.Uon Army 1'tlrllt Btoree above actu.aJ operaliJlC COit.a i. channeled rtfhl back Into the re- habllt.aUon procram-Be aleo aaJd UM propam requ.1,_ a con.tant In.flow of aaJva,.. material& to kMp IUch a latl'• number of men buly. Red Bhleld truck& ma.Ire datly plclr· upe t.hroU&"hout lhe_ar ... Costa Mesa First Baptist All .alvace ltema WW ~ re- f\lrbllhed ln the bl& Soclal &"1ce Center workahope which provtd• a work. therapy procnm for a Ttl• Rn. P . G. Neumann wtll dally averac• of 125 persona who have u hl1 aennon topic "Thi! cannot find employment Jn prlnt.e Joy or the Lord ta Our Btnllgth" Industry bec&uae of ~Ir handl· at the 11 L m . wonhlp eervlce cape. of nrat Bapttat Cburcb, ea.ta Donat.Iona of caatott arUcl• d~ Meea. SW\day Bchool conftt\ea at tnr tbe put 12 month& 11\al)led t :til a. m . w1UI cluee• for all the Salvation Army 8ocl.al Servlce ~ea. Attendant. are ln the nur- c.nter to p~ the amu:lng Mty. total of 218,580 lloun of work Putor'1 IMtrucUon ct..... la at therapy, to,180 m--. I0,100 lods· 1:30 p. rn. ai.o at the eame bour lnp plua very wti.tcUal ftnancl.al the ftttOUI BapU.t Tn.intnr aJd. f1'0UPlr wtll meet. At 7:30 p. m. Mr. Neumann wtll baYe u hia topic •-ni. J oy- tul DedlcaUon." WldDMday nlrbt al 7 :&0. Pra1.M and .._le Study boar, at 1 :36 meeUns of t II e board of deacou. 1 On Monday. OCt. 3 at 7:30 p.m. Mn.-Harry OWen of Santa Ana. formerly of Chi~ where 1he spent 12 y~ oae under tbe Conunwu.t rule, WUI be the IJ)e&ker at the Women'• • Mla- •onary Union. ~fnlhmenta will ~ Nrled. BAHA'I FAITH Preyer Discussion Study ..a.teDc•. bec&Wle matt.er all d Island Circles ~ty do not. reflect th• fact.a / ., aplrtt" (p. 21G). M . Wed sd To. Show Film CllOllL 1Nnll110l'O& -"Wt 1"r wt.dona lie worM Im• De Golden 1',Xt for tble IM-eet De ftY . Juo• McXel.y, dJrector ot ~ r&thw UWa eonttned to :::10)~;:' i!rlr:'lhJ~= w~. Sept. • la mMt· at CDM Church =:-1 :i~:~ ~-:-" ~ =ta~=~~-:.:: ,_. our npt*Mlmeu: come, IJll' daC. fw tM fwr ctrcJee ot noon and e?enlnS dt'f11lon of one bnnda. the tJowwa of ... Jet u. declan ln Zion UI• tbe Wom.'1 lledety at OluUUan 'TIM 8ec:nt ot tM Gt.ft". a ooune ln lilt~ coe· oe. prdea." ... , W.uan,p- ..tt o1 tbe Lord our God." 8enk9 ot tllll Balboa hland new tum • ~P. wtD be ducuns llartlnr 11 0 •day Conuaan.lty Ketbodln Cllurcll. lbown au.day, Oet. 2 tn tbe (Se t. 21) Th ... Wc h ..,, 1111 ..-. . nan' ClfU&Clll OP <lB&l8T M.artJi& Clrcle wtll meet at Community ClaurU, Oorona del P · e CIOUf9e ~"' lM •u'utu ......_ IKllltNTJ.8T t :IO a.m. at t.be 11011M at Mn. Mar. TlaM p1et11re la produced lly two unit.I In colJep credit, " o.ta ..... Cllillr. -"-U.. ......,. ._. NIU Donar, na an.d Ot.nal. UM Prot.e9teal J11m Oimm1-.. of lntanlt to ehurdl dlotr di· ..... U a4A1 -U ~I t.:'r" .. n.. ~ ~-1'lle ..... Ruta aide wtJl Wei Jta llMft• tot' the o.rnsat.1ona1 0ut.uu net.on and publk' ~ lllV• .... .,.., .,-°""'· . '-..._. las at t:IO a.a. at U. .._. ot churcaa. -;;"°;;,;;teec;;;:;;h;;--.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;imii;;;;;;;;;;s;;;~=;:::=:::;:;;:::;;;.: =-=. . ''" .. " Iba. Dou.Id e.,pp. m .u..u.,.t. 'I'll• a.1or P11ptm J'eJlowlblp r =-: ............. _ ~'= :::: Mary Clrcl• ... at Jt=• riJ .,...,,. u.. two ~. CHURCH °' • ••ous scnc1 ...... ._ tw.w .. 1111 "-w.. p.a. at u. home et Kn. 1.-. w at T p.m. and a llC-.I mow-Srne.t ......, ,....._, ..... ., , ? • r ., MW.• --:\~ ;:' W::..: t:: nan1 H.,.,....n. IH OnDd OaML tas at l :U p.Jb. 'J1Mr'e Wiil lie ltJNDAY ~ U ..... .::: te t:4 ....._ "'*" -1 19 t, ~ Orde Wtddil JDMta la tM DO ......... eMlp &ltd llO ol• P•"" 1 .. I -C10Md HelidtYt. t._lq at I o'dodl wtlJ pUMr ,...... wtll lie ,..,...,...,, Tla1e 11 l1llliH <JI .... ~ 11 ... .... J:Jlc .:.:--...:. ':::94 ..... .:::4 at the 1'ome of Kn. w... a tamll:F ftllft wt~ ---to LAG1JJllA ... ,. = =~= n ...... ,.. ., cw DP. --·• .. Bdlmld. -~ a& --~--. - Feast Night for Baha'is Defer Permit to Lutherans ID&fted tempon"'" la eia-.. ty plannln1 ooa•....._ Tbe CM)lllmlaa&cm deferred U.. condUJonAJ p • rm l t ...,.lcaU.. •UCl'Hlrd a public ~ OQ the l&IU,. Howner. PlaDMr Pat Anaold aatd "NoUL1D1 ~.-lie rained by • hMriJIC." Re ladt· cated nrarby pro~rt)' o .. .,. wue In fllvor of t.M ,..1&. . Tbe Baba'la Of lbe Harbor atta w•t to knta Ana Wedftddll)' la a joUat llN'V\CI ln the cel•b,.Uoa of Ule B&J\a•t rte.at of Ml1bt. Tb• Baha'i• celebrate montbl>' feut. tn whlcb \he attribute. ot God are dl.ac1.111ted a nd prayer and oouultauon Oft Uvtns a true tplritual Ute follow. &ANTA AN A . -(0CN8) Planl ot lM' lAatMn.n Cbutth 1111J..19ourt Synod to erect a eriurch and pvocl\l&I itehoo\ In north Garden Grove W. w•k were BALTZ MORTUARIES Coat.a Meaa Baha'i• wlah to &n· nowace t.b• date of meetlns for pr&Jer, dl.ac:\l.Mlon and .iudy of all reu.toua acnpturem ha1 bte.n cbulr9' ft'om rrus.y1 at I p. m. to Wedneldays at a p. m. C08TA KUA CHAP&L 1741 Superior Aneue eo.t. w.... Calli. CILU"llL JJY TBm-DA aaJO a Oou&....., Corona dti Mar, caut. PbolM Uberty 1·2W Pboae B&l'bor " This Church Feature Sponsorecl by These Local luslneu Firms GEORGE M. GRAHAM Rup and Carper.. tn AgWI Ave. Balboa ..... llubor 1%58 ART C. ICISTLll CO., Realtors 8-1 Front Bpeclallata l801 Newpott Blvd. Newport BMch Barbor 6%26 _Marlo's I•• t Set Hair Fashion . Complete 8tyttns Perm.anent WaYlns and TlnliAf M0'7 r...t Cout Hwy. Barbor 61M NIWP.ORT FURNITURE CO. "Complete Home FurnlahJn1• 262C> W. Cout Hwy. Uberty 8-UU . Ftff Or..,.. ClleYl'Oft Service . T1J'9ll -BaU•r1• -Acc.-c>rt• Complete Lub.rie&Uon 21~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newpol't BMcb Barbor 1516 MAC PILLETlll'S N.wport Beach Pharmacy , U08 Oceaa Float Newport 9-eb Barbor 6 UNlqUI CAFE Breaklut -Lunch -Dinner 410 SU. St., <Acroee from City Ball) hie C'-clt-THI ARCHES Uruon OU Dealer MOO W. OoM& BWJ. Newport a.di u 8-9083 Tiie lsl•d P.atlo Resta-.ftt ............. 11.ANCHI ma 'rt. Yam Shop aut-t.m 11111• Block • wtruct Wli • ... ..... Barbor 0880 CUSTOM AUDIO ..... A..ddr9e -Rl·I'\ -Tape ft«Orden m ...... _lfewporilleMJt .......lSOI l H. H.HOUIOOK Dependable Plumbl~ t801 W. Balboa Blvd. Barbor 4llf. DICK MACIB .-t- Draper1e1 -C&rpeta .-U~ Complet.• ,.,.. DecoraUns 8rfte. MIO Via Udo -...,.. all MAD MOORE NUUBY Cut 11owva -Pet BuppUal Balboa Blv4-at !ht Newport llwb NEWPORT HARIOR IANK An Independent Home Baak Coroaa clel llar TM Port Hole haldast H1 .. Xklni.ht to 11 A. M. Ul '7 W. COM& llJway, Newport .._ STAFFORD & SON ll:ltclrle&I Contractor. 110 R&vel"l&de Ave. Newport 8-ell ~8-2%18 Y111ee11t'1 Rexal DnNJ Stores Three locaUon1 to ~rv• You Newport lleacb .Balboa Coro1ta 4el Mu 2516 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor U8'1 HOWARD'S RmAUIANT Coffee Shop-Open 24 houl'I 19'5 W. Cout Hy. (a& Balboa Oona) llartaor 18%0 Lawte Wooclwortta Piao C.. Compa.i. J..l&e oC Nnr It u ... PlaDCle 2610 E. Cout Rwy. Hanor Ila IUTI llAUTY SHOP U..SW tM Nnr lleftacenment oC Mr. ht '°' N•rlM Aft. Barbor l8t1 •