HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-26 - Newport Harbor News Press• BARBOR ·' PRCSS , '8th nwt-~ T2 Nl:WPORT ld:ACB,, Cil.U'OIUllA. JIONDAY, BICPT ... 1811 PRONE HARBOR 1816 , DUOal:o IUlf mYm -Ralph Kypr, blanket-wrapped, suffering from bAck and IMK lnjariee, .. lifted onto ltretcher by ambulance attendant., yacht.men &Dd Cout Guard Miion from ~ Kirk'• sloop Frolic which picked Kyger, iu. dMd wUe ud tbe body ot LMlie Jack Steen, Venice, from eea following boat col- llllaa ~1 afterDoaa. -Pbato by BW Mo.. (Kore Pbotoa Pase 2~ Part D) 2 Die in 2-boat Ocean Collision AUTO MAKES LIU SUI AT LANDING HAUOI WIAJHB .1 Ta,1n••t11efM1...-1a-.. lla*r --.._., .......... ~. kpt. JO -·· M WeclhMcl&y, W.pt.. n -• U 'l"tn1Nda7, .... • • -It u . J'ridq, Sept. II ... _ ta to ~.Bept.U _ta 10 8'1Ddq, Sept .• --.., 6' Meda1. Sept. M --11 IO DEATH PWNGI Man ,Dies In Car Off D1111 Point Clffs 8J' LAUT &aa --~ ... DANA POqft, SJ:PJ'. »-COC· NI) -Walter -Tata, 28, to 30 yean, of 232 Tratalsar IAJ>e, Su a.men~. a pual.Jt.lc alAce a hunt· lJIC accident u montbe aco. early today went onr a J».tt. clUt W. 1a hi. car, hurUnc htm and hie wheelcbair onto the rocu. Tatel' lt6a convertible ~tt the end of GrMD Lantern St.. tra doWD a 100-tt. alopt>, u.. 4ropped ott a lSO-tt. Sheer cltt to tbe rocka below. Bia cJothinc ..a rtp. ped ott h1m u be waa tJu.nc trom UM auto. Coroner'• deputl ... .uJ1 •orldn&' tbel.r tDftllUpt1on, belMwd he 11\A;r ha•e M-. & .wcJde U DO aldd ma.rkl .,.,.. •'1detat at th9 clUf .q.. 'l'My fowld no Dot. 1mmedlate17. FOBl'.Bl' JIBE -Nearly 2000 &C-tt.9 of bruh, tree. and puture were burned over on the Irvine Ranch in a brush fl.re that nept tt> Laguna Canyon Road lut night. Worried hou.ebolders, firemen and apectatora patrolled the linM of the fire preparing to b&ct fire u the flamea swept down the hilll and canyona to the hJShway. Scon1 of State l'ore.try truca. county &Del city rip were naahed into the area to contain the fire on· tbe we.terly aide of the Laguna CanyOll Road and away~ from hundreds of homM id 'the CUJOG- -f1Wf Photo by Ben Reddic:k Man. Woman Dead. 2. Hurt as Speedboat Cut In Half A COW.Ion at Ma between the 82-ft. ICbl)()JW' r.capade n and a 20-ft. speedboat at • p. m. y81te*y clalmed the llwe ot Mn. Ralph Kyger, Santa Monlca and LNJJe Jack lteen, 35, Venice. ~ tbe XYCVL At thl.I l1IM. Luktl .Ud, • c&btJl cru1Mr tow1nS a dor7 p&IMd nearby a.ad tailed to &id tboM in tu ... cS.pit• tbeAr cr1• fOt JM!p. &m&m aacros Mn. .,....... bu.band ... tu• te Boq HmpttaJ for t,..tmmt ol ti.ck and i.d injllrie9 art. be. 1m wtt• ud atMD .... broqllt Jato port ...,.. ~ :u.tJ-Kirk'• '6- tt:' .soop l'rolie. AMUNr .,..... ~. Xldl'• J'rWJe. ....i "" caws-LllU. ..,, ........... u. -., u.. ..,......., ... ... NIC\l9d ud ~t ...... up. ........s tllell' ... ,.. ... A car trt-4 to p to M& u a IUblnarilM at the 1.IUa 8t. ~ Saturday wtaa tb9 auto ot Paw McGuire, WMt- miJla.t.r, backed down the nmp WIW onlf Use top WU 'Ntb1-. McGuJ.re wu attempttnr to 1oe4 a boat on a traUer when th• car brak• Jiit *-. po- lice NpOl't«I. Ya• pual,...S f:rom U.. walat dow1l lblc9 9bot acddeU7 ....... thl.I ,....,., made bJa home wtUa hia at.t.r, Mra. J'raacee J'owter, .._. ~. a.ton hie acc:acs.t JM ....a & YoluDt.w ftnmu. for 8u CS-ct.. Bia ~ ,,.. ~ to Dt..a ll.ort:u&rT. au a.n.t.e .. u. ~ ecllUnued. l"ine Co. Leases 2-mlle Brkle Tral · 16 8-11 1900-acre Laguna Fire Brought ·Unde·r Control · , la a stat. ot Uod ii '6f Ii .... JI. t.-d a Ille rtar wtaiola Lab lA.lke'• ...,. to om.. .... oaacbt-Goad .... fOI' --.t !(... ... wUl un a ftOOl' ana ol 11,000 Sroclll. wu: Be aid be crted fW IMlp fW UM The ~ w ... .a.o.rd Xn-'• oth .. and that rroua pulled th• Inboard ~t. en route from UU. ol them .a.o.rd whu. bewu A'Waloft to 8aa Pedro wtwn they taJten lftto a dift&'hY whieb 1:9ca. I09t t!M1z ~ ta choppy wat.r. J*ie ll'• cnw bad iowwecs. capt. 'nM1 cam. aJonptde S.C.l*le II. Cooper toldJn•..Uptora Eec•{'&de eommand.c1 by capt. JUMe Ooopw n. und9r' fl.Ill 1&1111 and •peed. had tor ·her new own«, Wllll&m H. to drop 11&11 before belnc able to Konn, r..o. Ancel• oU man. Lulte come about. port Bartlor area wu unouc:.d ... ft. today~ Oen. Clark of the butt&lo Won Oil the MW .tnactUN wtD TaDCb when tM di8c\OM4 that the llt&rt wttb.ln to d& Clark tat.c1 ln1ne Co .• '"--est&bUabed & 2--•t-ya . 1 ,._ -~ upec:u to naab oonatructJcm OD tmdle trail tollowiftr tn t.M ,_.. the $100,000 bulldln&'· 11\ i. wartt- enl directJon ot Kac:ArtlnU' BITd. tnc wtlb TV atatlol» to ha.. U... and return. ~ aow. u oa.•of the atuac- Thla trail wtll t1ll a lotlc t1Jt Uona wtllcll h• ~ will dra'tr need wttb the out-of-door tr-at.em-Joc&l uwell u tow1lt attedance. RUSH BLODGET SUES WIFE FOR . DIVORCE .Ud they halled i:.c&~ II. ult· ottl~r Brodd• Mid h• would tq •for a band beu1ftC to potnt ba .. to at.ate in· hia report that toward8 8aft Pedro. Luke and Kyser had bHll d.rtnldnr. lt1 ot th1I area and It i. apected Th• n-b&ll 11 pl&nned to bold Bot on the hHla of ha divorce that the opportunlUea whleb tbe 2000 people. INlt came threata aralnat hla Ute. &YGEA'S STOaY trail will atCord wtll develop into TM brtd&l trail la &lao deeiped RI.lab M. • Blodset. 70. 1081 Cout one of the Ha.rbor'a toun.t attrao-to be \Med u haJ wqon ride f'Oad VJew Drive, told Uguna Beach IA.It nlrht at HO&&' Hoepftal Uona. and there will be two crou <f"!l' police today. BlodJ"et declared Be Aid M wu tn the nu cock-Kysv related h1I tale of the ac· llvm u the trail wu opened trail• m&ktnr ft pcimtble tcrtlue the threau came from hJi u-~t~lbK1!-;:_ ~ ~t.-n• ~ ~= ctdent. Re a.Id: _ J'rld&7 1nomlnr thrw. Chicaio mm loncer or 1horter rtdee u borN tnnred wife, 02. who hu been .,..,.. ... , ~-~· -A large veeeel,.... be&rinr~ -re takiDI advu~1 ot the &onra prefer. living In the eut, but whom he mid KJ>rer had come about once on ua and caught ua bro&dalde. We c:halJce to ... th• sreat open lp&Cle bellevH to be on her way beclt A1111ey and a brother of Lew Blodset. But.a Ana attorney, formn city attorney of Sant.a Ana. Huntlnrton Buch, and Seal 8-ch. •WANTED SIXJUanT The platnWf clatma b1a mau Mt out on a c:ampal(n of pre- C-...... •hp• Ud u h• came about apin for were cut In halt. We were In the which th• 1rYine Ranch atroccs• Hearle Soft Arrives to the Pacific Coaut. Blodget for- anotber beartnr Luke knew "we'd water jult like t.hal I wu holdlnr and ,...... loud lft their praiae for merly lived In N~r! Buch. N lalt." H• a.Id th•1 did, i:.cap&de my wlt1'1 head out ot the water the are& u one of the moat beauu-Mr. and Mn. D .. fd Hearle, 211 Thurllda.V-Blodget filed a com· eWS•PreU JI atrildnl them amldahlpa tn the wtth my arm. I faintly Hmember tul they bad...., in thelr extenalv• Eaat Balboa Blvd., are parenta plaint In Superior Court In Banta IDOtor MCtlon, ~Jnr the llChoon· bel.nr tak1n &boa.rd &not.her •H· drtvtnc which had ta.ken them over of a t lb.. 2 os. boy bom Sept. Ana chargfnr hla wtfe hoodwink· Cl lafl era bow atay and r&kin( bu port eel." He u.td he tbOU(ht he wu all of the ...tern part of t.b9coW1-1t In Santa Ana Community Hoe-ed him Into conveyln&' auet.t to rc11 Oft lMnr. tn the water about an hour. try Llld deep .outh. pit.al. her while she wH alle.gedly con- 1.uke .aid a ll four .... Ulr'Own In ttrat report.I newtmen thought Another fMture which la abortJ1 tortlng with another man. The T oclay la tbe ._ and wtlen he came up Eecapade II wu the prope,rty of to be dr&winc card at the Bl.lftaJo C ..._ '----c"mplalnt wu f 11 e d aplMt ... •w Ralpb Ky,.r hokttn&' hia Mitchell Le!Hn. movie director. ranch and throU&'h the ranch to Gftft9rJ •-•"I"' VVll9 Fnlncet 8 . Blo<!Cet. Citizena Na-5830 wtta. Shlri.,.'• head and ahoulden But Mcran u.ld be had bourht the I.he eaUre Harbor .,,_, la an lm· Newport Cannery on Lafayette Uonal Tnat and LyOJU Van It wt of the water, crylnr t.o him blr tchooner from him lut Aug'Ult. men.11 dance hall and TV •how St. fa abort one eteam pump Stora1re Co. • 11114 Steen tor aid. Luke aid he She moon a t Udo Yacht Anchor-boUM which 11 now In the h&nda worth S150-$200, .!ohn Cooptr re· BJoci.et I• the reUn!d head ot Coples ,_..Id a ptec. of boat wnckqe are. of archltecta. Thia bulld(ftl la to port.a to the police. · the Calitomi& OU P r od 1.1 c e r • -----------------------___..bl 1tyled alter western hay barDa ------------------------ Wind-whipped Blaze Sears . Brusklad Canyon HUis LAGUNA CANYON, SEP!'. 26 COCNS)-A fire which awept eome 1900 acres In Niger aod Lacuna Canyons wu reported under contrql th.la morning by the Oranp head· qurters of the State Divialon of Fore.try. The irwtft·IJ>re&dlnr blue, which lnto the arti&. Dared at 10;'8 Y•lerday mom1nr. Mo bolb.. or otbtl' buUdlnse WU fOU(ht throU(hOUt the day were reecllecf by tbe ftre, but fo"' and part of laaJ nlpt by five fire-fftry offtctaJa Rid Mr1oUa cS&mase liner crew• ot 18 men each, 20 wu caused to the water lbed in truck• and four bulldoaere. Some u,. two cuyona. 2:M> fire fl,rhten Joined torcu ln One overaealou.1 d9puty yeeter-· the bnwh-covered ueu of Irvln• day att.emoon cbaaed out n.-..men Ranch. covertni Ole t\re, but ordera from WhlpJ*l by a 1~ mph breeze; th• fortatty beadquartent permltt.d,... namea reached the edre of Laa'Una portere and pboto(1'pbera to ,.. Canyon road In eome pl&cH lut tum to the ecene. night before they were bro~bt UNDE& OONTaOL undtt control. The fir. wu pronowiced Ulld.r OAUSE ~~'JL~OWN control at t o'clocll. l&et ftiCbt. a.ad Cau.e of I.he blaze wu unknown today four fire a-eww, tour dOMn lhl1 momlnr. and ro,..1try otftctat1 and 10 tire truca are ~I' rli$COUnted ~arly 1torle1 which u.ld fir• linN. • M&'hl plane had fallen namtn~ llRRY TOTES MAIL; TEAMMATES CLEAR WAY \ llBADY TO SIDE -Chief Puah-Ma-Ta·Ha and Gen Clark, oo boneback. ret a look at the map of the ne .. bridle trail at the buffalo ranch. with George Camp- bell. left. and David Olmat.ed. aecretary-manarer of • > Roads to Romance A.19ociation, pointing out the 2-mile trail which ruu north from the ranch aero. lnine Co. property. -Staff Photo by Bert Brlntun Newport Harbor High School'1 Charlie 8elT) break" looee around end on a 38-ya.rd gal.lop to let up IMICODd Sailor touchdown 1n the first quarter of Friday'• eeaeon opener for the Tars in Pirate StadJum. Quar· terback Oeorie Schuitt lowers the boom on Exceleior Guard Jeu Munoz (28) while Tackle Larry Harper (38) wu on. band abould ual.stance be requind. In background (<M) ia Ouard Dick Nabors. The Sailol"I defeated the Pilot. 20-0. (For full details &ef' Harbor Sport., Page f, Part 1.) -Stall Photo by BW Pbilllpe • . , - Gxcepl PA6E 2 • PART I . N~POltT HARBOR NIWS-PWS MONDAY, SEPT. 26, lft5 .. God grant us the aerenity to accept the things we ~nnot eh•f\99: tht c:our19e to change the things we can and the wiadom to lnow the difference. 11 (A. Al"On.) EDITORIALS (;;:\ ~ BRUSH COUNTRY I JOURNAL ~m •• -. President's lllne~ Sees . Conjecture on SuccessOr U.., can.not make a proftt oa' pa 1UppUed 1 bome It ft bu an all...i.ctrlc kltcben. We flod th.18 a rather bard to bMJeft statement. Bu.t. at UJ rate. to "~ a phrue, tbe SM cu malD CODMOtiDo cbarp tJM Ou Co. ins. on new homet with alkJeetnc tttcheDI Oil'· t&1nl1 beUea aome of the prtnelple9 of printely OW'Dtd 0 0 -wa. tMJ ,...... tt. • & ._ .__. tM& U.. •utW Wll oopy." ..W B....__ "ft 18 • • ,_,. • ... c:autM ,.....,,. J1 wtu.o.tt -* Ult ....... W. ftUMr el Ult cae.ra. M...... .. , tortoll .................. U..t "lllbatlaJ .. Utt ~-~ The popularity of Prelident ~ower, lhown OOD· tinually by Gallup and other polla, bloe.omed to tta ftn.elt fruition in tbt gup of dllmay that followed the an· nouncement that the ~dent la 1erioualy lick with a heart allment. PoliUclana the nation over began to &eurry a~und &JMI try to put together the pouiblllt.lee of a probable amiouncement that Preeldent Eiaenhower, should h49 tt· COftl', will not be a candldate \n 19'§8. Wh1M web an announcement bu always been a pomtbWty, Republicana bave cheered tbem8el•• on with Wlaadul tblnkiQ1 that their ''lb'' ~ take to the fl,.ict ud IMd th-. back into thl White Hou.. Some hid bMn wprrJed over the effect of Kn. ~· mne. &Dd U.. fact that the bu been pr'90tieally ID reUremeat IOCla1ly .an~an attack of intlueua. Contlaued denlop. ment ot tbe Pnmdent'• property at Gettywbu.rs and th• Daenllonra' IJlcreuiDJ tripe to their farm bave a1io added more d19Counpment to the Republican wheel· ho,... ~ they cared to admit. Californ.la la l.D a leadlnr poeitlon u fa u Republi- can PolftJca 1' concerned, abouJd the Pftal<lent retl.re. Governor Ooodwin J. Kn!sht. Vlce-Prelldent Richard Nixon, lealtor WUllam Knowland and Chief Juat!ce Earl Warren oampo91 put of the bard core around ~which a new Republican organiution will have to be built. Knl1ht's recent majority makes him an oui.taiiding leader in this state and put.a' him in a position to outline policies his party.,inuat follow to win. Wanen's popular- ity. which was nationwide before ilia remarkable Su- preme Court decisions, some believe ha, grown steaaily during his short term on the bench becaUBe of them. Knowland, alway1 popular m California, has Jn. creased his d\ature u a national figure by his clever leadership ln the Senate and the ••Y he hu been able to steer the President'• program, through the troubled waters of a minority aea. Nixon is the question mark which only time can aolve for the Republicans. Always an aggressive fighter, it is entirely pouible the vice-president will seize the opporfu,pity t-0 p1rove 'to hla party and the nation that he hM powen hie oppooenta ancJ even 1e>me or hla cp. workers have tried to deny b1m. Nixon'" tripe around the world and to South America have broaden~ hla out- look and helped stabilize the United State11' position abroad. President Ele.enhower ha.c given Ntxon many opportunltit's to grow as a puty lPader and even bis friends have be-en surprised a~ tu1 breadth or vision. However lt may wotk out in the next few weekl. the Sta~ of California and the leaden it haa produced will be lt'ading the van when political forces of the na· lion come to grips next summer. Dusk Need for Safe Driving "Slow down. It la later than you think". Thia 1tate- ment by the Californis Highway Patrol Is baM!d on the fact that the change In time from Oayli,;ht to Standard brought dusk an hour earlier. "This meane that dusk will come at the time mos~ of u1 are ready to drive home from work," Patrol Com- miuioner B. R. Caldwell points out. "It Is also a peak traffic hour and a high accident frequency period calling for extreme caution by every driver and pedt'atrian. "Every pe.rson who operates a motor VPhicle during the. huardous houra can help ue solve the a\!company· ing accident problem." The Commissioner Usted the fol- lowing suggeations for added safety driving home at duak. Use the headlights. Remember it is illegal to uee par~ liihta aa driving light.. Allow extra time for slower driving neceaary to ata.y out of accident.I. Stay alert and be ready for any ern.-,ency that may pop up in the roadway ahead. I The County Utility Fight The Newa-Preu expoee of the current competition bltween Southern Counties Gu Co. and Southern CalJ. fonla Edlaon Co. for the houawl!e's cooking heat aup- ply abowa how important la Mre. Oran1te County. .. We hear bleat.a from the Gaa Co bellwetberw that Form•rly th• Newport·Balbo& Nt'W'l·Tlm• and th• NewporMl&lboa PrM9 EnC.rfd u hcond-Clua Matter at the P09tottlce tn Newport Beach. C&lllomla unddr the Act ot Marcb a, 1171. Qin,,.. ........... Lef"al Nobel. ... Ad..U.•1ata el AD K1Ma 9J .,.._ •f U. lleperlor Ootlrt et Onlww 0.. a. A.u.. N .. A-ti• II..._ c.ur ..... 1a N•••J•per hMleMn AMMM.U• .,....,.., Nattoft&I Utortal AIMdadoll Member of Oraqe Coa11ty N.-&!nb B~'\" REDDICK. PUBLl!HXR WlLU.UI A. MOSES. Ed\tor ORMOND £. ROUNTREE. Ad,'ertillng Director CllAl'U.ES A. AR.\ISTRONO, Mechanical Superlntmdent 8t 'B..'K'RIPTION RATES: NtwpMt Hubor .l'l'"""'·l"rtM, Ttl-\\'HJ(IJ la 0....,. o.-aeQ', ... oo pu Y"..&r; N.oo •I• mo1.1 11.u th'"' mot. Out.Ne of Orure Couat7 f'UO per )t.ar • ' . r • ·-. public utWUM. ' How man.y tbDM have ft beard Ult ebant that privately owned utility compamea can do the job better than pPblic! O>tmt 'em. Yet lien ID Onnp County, a f)uab field whoae putoraJ 11CeD• ill ~ to tbl at.- tack of bulldoaen ripplnc out dtru JrOY# sn4 arm.s. of cra.ftamen erecttnr tract bom• IJl tbelr place, ft ... a utility leulnc oa the protectlve arm '! a Callfonua Public UWltl• Commi.ton. rul1q wbieh wu etttctivt 1n the war year of 1M2. In brief, the rule lllowa the Gu Co. to ~· the SM iu main connection cJwp when-the boutboldef hu an all~ kltcheL We find lt without reuonabJe buill a bup ut.Wty falling baClk on a faTOrable PUC nilms to wap UJlder. cover war ap1nllt lta electric ~competitor. In faet, 1'btn iou get down to it, ii you u. l.D bualneu, la there any protectiq power suaranteelnr ' your commerclal effort a conmteat. coatJnuou ·e per cent ~turn OD your lnveatment ! We doubt ft. In yean put we have all read of the utilJty stanta reque.Un1 rate lncrea.ae. to cuarantee their lllockholden di~ndl and to finance COllt of ope.ratfooa. • We think both utWt1ea are btg' enoqh, efficient 'enough to mind theJr own b\lllnete In competJng for homeowners' businea without penaJizlng their potential ct11tomeni. Most Orange County realdeota either have moved here or are doing so becauae lt' 1 the beet place ' to live they know. And they'll be heTe long enough to contribu~ quite a bit to.the utilitiea serving them. Our City-200 Miles Long Ute &a 9-Ja cau.na. ...,.17 • wtao U"' t\ltet!1 la ... ~ *'bal'7 Ud • ..W .,.._ Ai. It barL Hoi ....... .. ff97 • 19 • Moai In wtUcll 70U. wtll r-4 •U. Ida-·· l&UMIJ "-W ~ ... ,.... porUou and lC. ..... ""famoue t.tMf' ...... .... linty u.a. .-4 .,.aa... ~ .. ., ~ ...... ....... Under Competition the Cuatomer Can Always Be Right n.e ..._. ot w. novel I.a ''TM Ude aom .. phuM. Journe.:t of tM ,,._.," bJ AA· / llU'l'OllU.JCI' ..., ton.lo .. ,,'"'° Ble8ff ... ""' Z\a9t .. .. ............... ,... pultliaMd by Roq'MOe lGttUa b&NI.'' Udt la & ........_., ...,. Oompu7 ta thl ... at tbt .a.•• .... .., Ulllt tt .. a ....e Ume we.a made a MllMtlOD Of Utt nu-.. b7 111111t111 ... Llt.enry OUild. .. tt ,.. ..... • ftll .. Ulll ~ ot J)ta 1-. GOpJ Of W. U·,_,...a4 ~ oa ~ 106 ,...,. el .... blft yout library ebelve1 you have a by 0.. nlclmamf ot J\aaA Oolo- moderaa.l)o ftluabi. book. If not rs4o or U.. l'lule u toW &o ,,. you C&A purohue the new ,.._ •rro Blanco. boa Jw.a WM -4 prlllt. bed al.Nd by a wUd lriall llallor UCl'l'IHO. JIYft'S&IOtll .. d out Of a .-u. Xa:Sda 11rl Not only la UM book txcltuic *M • mo.t pl'90od.. -.,. t'tl.l.e and myaterloua In contut. but ~·b.adecl bGJ aD4 b.la IM&ber th• author blm.Mlt wat a 111.Y· ha.d been ailed trom her tamu7 1tery even to th• publiaher that alter the mtMUp "1tb the aa1lof' accepted t.be manW10ript. H • r • wbo alao ab&ncl0ne4 tti.m. WIUt came U\lt q cllln&' maniq,orlpt hi• r.cs bead Md ~ iou,I. .._ &el'ON UM editorial deaka, l h • tellfsent b'tlli Mood a.tar wrtur hidblr ~hind a aom de throqll Ilia ~ h• llle.ed plume, and threateniftl to wtlh-muq aood Ud .., .. bad a& aa dra• and 6-troy lbe maau.empt • ...., .,. UMI be leamecl W.U. 11 anr at~pt wu made to ftnd Dl 1110 and ..._ .un • _, ------------------------out hla identity. of 12 be ha.d an opportunity to AFFAIRS OF ST ATE U9U&J1y fame and fortune will Jotn tll• train of Ute 8puliab la· rout out the m09t atubboro baah· apector-0.nerat Don J'!nnta .... tul auUtor Md aomeUJHI what budo In his lOIJI' of lMpl 1111 ti t. lhock. For bl.ltance Hoqtlton Baja Callfomla from IU Yf#'I Mlttlift Qo, OMe bed.• virile and Uf to 8M .................. Jaa mucullne '"1ter wrtUar ~r a diMm ud 1Plrt'-' knlftnt .,.. 8ACR..UOl1fTO. (CNB)-rrom amorttu the coet In a &1•en pel'-nom de plume of Cl\a.rt• mcbert ~t UM ,.,.. ttetimony Ulr.1~ at a btattnw iod of ;,tan! Cn&locJc wtloee ?OPWar worJu · ftYl9 AD\'llNl\JW of Ule ~le.l eenete Interim · FRO &PACE Included "Wbere the Batlle Wu Th• t.dvmtune uicouat.ered u oommlttM on eo~mment admln-U the fair ncnr h&e ip&c. to ll'ouJbt." an6 "ln the Tenn....,. they p&u fr'om Kl•lon to Mi.- i.tnllon. headed by Bcnator five away to enrich a c&rlllval MeuntaJne." When "Mr. cra.d-Ilion .,.. .t.td U4 Gdtull. A U•· O.Of'lt Miller, Jr., of Contra Coe-operator, 'thtn anot.hw sooct quee-dock" wae ftna117 nu.W out taa pbl~ ..-a ftllpu\ ta county, It appeare reuonably Uon l• why lhould the people ot trom llith1ad UM pea ..... b•. tUoucll tM.,. of U.. '*>IL The •Yldent Ulat Ule wool la betnr the 1tat.e be tapped for al() mll· or 1 mu.at eay ahe. turned out relaUoluiblp of the J..Wta and pUlled OV•?' the public ey11 to the lion to provide more apace T And to be • aww~faced little wom&n. Jl'rancJ.aaen. "1Ut the ln4lalui and tun• or an ulttmatt ~dtture Ulla tn the ~e ot a d«Unln• Her name wu Kary Kurf .. tM ••ttllat ot U.. uea of about '30.000,000. au.endance at Ole Callfomta etate and ah• ..,.. .it out of d.l&ra.et•r la .._,.t out .a-tl)t. Ruse Thi.I conclualon 11 T'tiachid .. l'al?' and !lxpoliltlon. The pte with tile moat maaculine Mr. bl&ck pe&Tle and yellow •old a rtault of the drum beaunr ro-wa1 down more Ulan &o ooo for Craddock. 1 • aplce the ato1'7, w1tll rnn • tale tn1 on 'In 8acramento for a new tl'le 195'& lhow, over the JtM camca au& of ta. loet u.uur. ,....Oft of (Ed. Note:· Here la an editorial which appe&M-1t&t• tatr. to tM •rec~ on th• year. After the book'• quick rlM In Banta TaabeL · f th T Ci ""'---bu-'-ed lite OU North lh.cramtnto tree-Another development ~aulUnJ popularity Rou&'hton MlttUn 00. l'l'Oftl th• ._fbdllac u h• m a recent i.aue 0 e emple 'ty u~ PU uau W"1 acqulHd by the at.ate aom• rrom the commlttff tieannr wu wu • •• bit. nluc\.NI\ to pull l•v• kl• It.om• town Of ... by Ralph Turner. "Mr. Turner is well known in our com-Y•rt aro. The Qlatm la made an tndJcatlon that too ma.ny n11• any unneceeeary uel•ton.a from J~ d~I Anoyo tn th• •tour· munity where he ia a property owner and &e8110nal reai-that the old fair 11t~. •lluated gera an ln th• pie tneofar u out th11 cloHt. They lhuddeNd to ap of Don nrm1a Md h1a .. ..,.. dent. Hia scholarly review la worth the concentrated now •lmoet ill the middle of the o~ratlng the ft.Jr .,.. concerned. think of th• publle'1 r.ctton 1f tnend" 1\ood ln the ~I "As capitol city, J11 too 1JT1a1J to a<:· The fair board hlrH a lf'cre-eome i'cUe-faced, 'tMn·ased Cf.rl I puM<I. ebe lilted ber foot t~ atud,y of every Southern Californian, particularly we eomod1te the J*>ple and the ex-tary-manager at a ulary 0 c $12,· atepptd forward proclatmtnr her· 1eratd1 a Ilea whJch had flopped of Newport Hacbor'11 area who have water problem.a l\lblt11 which elloUld belong to eoo per yeer. However. Utt. ...,. aett u Fierro Blalleo, Whlrh trom the e&rtMa noor, aa4 1 cu db 'ed Loe _. ..,..1 Bif) Ole fair. cuUv• apparenUy haa UtUe to meana ll'le Whlte 8r&ndtn1 lron •UU ... lier perleet IT&Ce ot an ave,tri t o escape ~ ... ea. T OTHO DIJllOC'TION 11&y about lhe ronce111lon ... u the In Encllab. monm9rlt." To U1e tlme wtltD We who live in thia fantutic area loosely known a8 The testimony Offered before board O( directors Of lhe fall' ·Houf!lton Mttfllft haWanr, tlad at~ two ,..,.. of ~ o,. metropolitan Loa Angeles get an intereeting and de· lh• Mlller commttte. would Mem award c011tracta. But even Ult a noaey W•tern repruent&Uvt Sa.nhudoe t.ltblutly lft t.Mtr pert• U. point In the ot.Jler dlrecUon. board of dJrectora. which ccn.111u ln Kr. Rarrteon Ltuacler, &nd ti• loua journey, he found withta tached view of ourselves in an article which appeara in In fact. lhe fair had ao much o! a aroup of men who are. de-Sllerlock·bolmed the mystery un· Mell &partjo m t.M mul.. ean- the current islue of U.S. New1 and World Report. The apece unoccupied that it handed voUnr only a part or t.belr time Ul he pierced It. The~ w9"1 • 1ludo had """ him, •·• 1rnan article is iupplemented by an .interview with Mayor a carnival conceuion some 30.· to th• fair. can't malce tta decl-few cluff. Ttl• eut.hor waa f!Ull-~kaf9 of ,old mon.y. 8o m ucll 000 IQ. ft .. worth $100.000 from 11\on flnal. Thia re.utla from th• 111.,. wttl'I lit• In 8&J•. and th• pld u I now owned wuuJd make Poulson. The two combined &re a bit frightening. wll.lch Ole cam1 .. 1 conct'Sllon de-aulhority of the atate depart· phlloeophy that cam .. UM book me • rich man .._ la "Heattn." I t th · 1 d · t riYed from flll.000 to U0.000 and ment of finance to 1tep Into UI• I• not tha.t of • younc perean. The atory buma Ud Mldt your n prospec • e magazme cone u es, t.a a. grea ' Ole ltatt' ll'Ot a cent. picture. and lf It wlllhea, cancel Th• llldJYldual "tlad talent u • ln~t WIU. an o,..,.ll•lmln• great sprawling city 200 miles long. It would be the big-Th.la roay copUtute 90me ex-out the awards made by Ult wrlttt Ind knew hi• fllltOry. lnt..Nlt.y-thlll -.. ot the old gest city in the U .$., maybe in the whole world, and it pta,auon ot why the Callfomle. board. i..w..ter t bro u I h ontou1 C.Utorniaa. would stretch from Santa Barbara to San Diego and the State F&tr and Expaaltlon con-Ac.Tl ALLY HAPPENED ---------·---------------Unuea to work In lhe red. 1U1d Tllla actually happene(j, tht Mexican border. This city, even u it exiata today, "de-co.t the tu-payen of ca11romla tel'Umony reveaJf'd, during an fiea political divialon and economic dogma," but its between a hlllt mtlllon. a.nd a ama&ing round of awardl and wondeI'B and Ila worries would be compounded in the million dollara annually. rewna.11. ret1d ndln1 or acUon1. lt la turthtr eYldent that lf tha and tl.nally nmoval ot one car- vieta that Lies ahead. llO-CaUed civic promoter• In he· nlval conceulonal1"9 from the plc- Sacramento Sidelight Thja great new metropolis, preeent &nd future, runmto have the.Jr way wtth th• tu,., In rawr ot anolheT. &J.CIUlill!N'l'p, <CNll -Once puled, but the mtlk control law. l b d . , d ti d' l•st•lature. aftd Mieure '-uthorta-Couraea In b\Ulllu1 ad.m!Jliltra. araJn the druml'.,. M9Un• to oontJnu. on, wt•.. t .. • pu .... _ ...... p unges a ea 10 a contmuoua an apparen y unen 1ng u r th ,. .A r "" " ut"" _.. on or e et .. te to KO t.he... ton 1tr.a th• tact that a 1ln1l• tncreue UI• prict ot mUk In 1nr robbed of mlntona or dollar9 boom. although any one of three facton could 1top it.I with conatructJon or the new flllr. executive he.d of an mterpr\M, Ca111oml.. thla ume not at Ule aMuelly by reaaon of th• fact growth and give it serious trouble-water, traffic or that the coet of the lnstaUation to ~ out poltcl" or • bo&rd retaU price level, but th• amount that at le&at one productt-ret&tl· smog. The metropolitan Los Angeles of tomorrow would probably n1Yer could be amortised or dtftotou, la lmporl&Jlt to paid fann•r• for market mUJc. •r bu otfft'ed for year• to aell under the preaent ay1tem of oper-eound buaint11 procedure-. It Dairymen wut pr1cea fixed to mint at two cent.a a quart under need enough water for 10, 12 or 15 million people. (The aUn• In lh• red. The quNtlon would appur, thenfore. that con-t.M Jevel.t ln effect 1n 186' point• the pr1ce ftired b)' .th• ltate. so-called metropolitan area, including Orange County, 1• ulced, lf th• fair can't make fllcunr authority In the r ovem-ln1 oui Uley have underc~ne two The dairymen may h••• bffn now containB about five and a half million, hae gained It.a own operating txpen.eu, how ment -operated •tat• fair i. reduoUoni ln the put thne out·bld for the mll1' dollu by can It expect to finance an in-hampering. rather than helptn1 yura, once In J8~a. and a .. aln In Uie Tee.matera' Union, which i. 23 per cent elnce the last census and contains 42 per at&llaUon o! '3,000,000 and the upoll!Uon. 1864 when th• l>ureau of mllk a potent factor tn cn.trt~UoD cent of all the people in California .) However, the firat ------------------------control determined that a lowtr and which malAta.iN a •u.tk· supply or new water for millions of new, thirsty people level ehoulc:I bt paid tq the dairy· t.ory was• ac&l• for lt. nienabml. SCENE AT THE CAPITOL m•n In view of reduced comll of It W'OUld be wireuonable 'to IUP-is not forseen Ulltll 1976. By that time we will have im-hay and ceed. · poe. that UI• di.trtbutlon of th• ported a new supply from the Feather River, 500 milea Now, th• dalrymtn claim, reed couumu price paid for rnllll to the north. Can we hold on without more water for prices have lnc~aaed to the point oould be aplit ~ eqult&a.!7 -. IACR.AMl:NTO, (CNS) -An progTt.tn wa1 In the proceu of when th• 1863 level i. neceeeuy tween UI• produeer Md dJetrlbu· another 20 years? Mayor Poulaon think.a we can, &nd &lll'louncement by AMemblyman belnc defeated, wen wlUlnr 1.114 tor them to make a profit and tor but UiU a. what muat ai.ppen continue to grow. Jack A. Beaver, of Redlanda, to ready to talc• care of UI• public, lhty han uked UI• Bunau of uni.. th• •tat• pnce • ftatra Tb ,_ afraid tha ll the effect that a sul>-commltt.e• but one• the public prornun wu Miik Control. at.ate department oome alon• later and tap Ute e mayor "' t smog never wi be ellm· on cenerat tnaurance h• hell.di wuhtd out. Ui1ee appear to h••• ot arrtcuJture. for ti .. nnc• to publJo tor lhON nilUt money, inated completely, becawie of our peculiar climatic COD• will lnveallgat• th• current it.a-centered their acuvtuu on 1n.ur-11tablleh 1 new level. which adlfttttedly WOGld .._ Ute dit!ona and tempen.ture invenion. U.S. Newa itaelf only tu.a of health lnaurance In Call· ·tn1 aroupe, ratber tbt.n lndlYldual <JtJ8TOUA PA\'8 ...., way out. •-th t bod kn h tomla, could well •.rve to rtvtv& f1.mtllc1 not connected With any Fundamentally •ny coat In· PVaUO aoaKD ~mmen... a no Y yet owa ow to elimJoate ft the aubJecl ot aoclaUsed medicine. aJ>eelttc sroup. Wbtle thll i. un· creue In th• price of maP1'•t T1M dalf'Ym• ~ • M1 pol.nt and meantime Angelen04I are aelf-conacloua and embar-which haa betn dormant now for dersta.ndebl• -private companlu milk at UI• farmer l•vel ulU· Of UM taet that O&Mtoral& ... Ultd by their noxloua plague,• which they regard u 1everal year•. a,.. In th• wain ... to make mon· matt.ly wm ttault In lnereUM c.o one ol ta. lowNt boW. eoeu aomtthing that almply abouldn~t happen to auch a. nice Beaver unounced that many ey -It ne....U.eleal doel not th• ultimate coneumer. And um ln UM a&Uoa. 11,,.....,., u... can· peopl• In California t~I there 11 1M1rve the nMda of al.I Ult people la what Ule bouaewU• baa to not be UMll u • cntMioa wtim climate. aom•UWI~ out • ot • 1tep ID the ot the atat4. hr the peraon who look forward to undet the mono-& C!Mta •ton wt1.I Mil m1Dc enn .A. for public tranalt to relieve automobu:...· ... _~l'P.'.1c~'it1...i.ua tuunnee eoonnt•. t b • doea Mt ban • couection wtUI poUaU. nu1k control IUpenteed ~. It Jt • .,. &lJowed to by , type o latna made by pa\ienta a l'fO\lp, It la dtttlcuJt and ... Md directed by UM at&tt Of C.U· the atac.. It la, la fact, only f\lr· ooqemtion, the maguine thinks that headacn may be and iu ... JllU• by doetora pl'NI•• l4 HCW"t proper con...,.. foft\la, wlllell ac1t1 under a law tMr mdtnee Chat UL• PUbUc la incunble. It'• probably too late to e.tabllab n surface uid hoeplt&M. It l\y bttn bro\apt o\lt ,,.... p&IMd b7 Ole atat. l1ft*ture betq PObbed ot u.. rtfht to P'U'· or underground transportation, two and a half million POUOHT 'l'OO'l'll. NAIL Yloullly In w. columa that tt a. at th• beh .. t of tloUI mllll ti. ICM.le 111lUll 111 a .... ,.uu .. inar· It a. eurpNIJI&' that It 11&1 IAcWDbent apoa UM prtYat• •· t111111lt•• &Ad pt'Od\loen. ket. ..,..... Ute la&lrfenae. or pulellger can already are rolllnr in tbit county aod taken le11alators w. kin• to dia-Wl"Ulce comp an I• 1 to make It would Mtm r&th• oWioua the etAC. leltal&tare la u.. nor. more are added every day. rover the prtY&te bMIUI um.r-"-Ith lMUrUee arillabl• to the that UM pHc .. paid to tarnier1 maJ ~ UUYltJ Of um In· Del lte th b·' ula ance ii not al.I It w.1 touted when hi ... ot the people at a NUOn· cannot be IMHUed \Ull .. Ulere d\111l17. P e pro ~ema. pop tJon continuet to boom the medical ueoclatlon and prt· able prloe U • y.a_,lto htalth In-I• aa lllcreut to UM lllttm•t• Tht ataC. ..,_ llOt ~.VI• and 80 doee businea. Jobi have grown fuler than the' nte lDWnnce comp&nlea fousbt aurance pro..,... la to be kept COM\lft\er. u dlltl1butorl would prtoe Of brMd, wt, ..,.caw ... number of people, and the ara la more sta bit and per· publlc httl\ll lnaurance toolll &.nd out of C&ltto,..U.. W1'ea Ole pr!· 1N '-th to 11" up Uletr profit.a. or OU.. CIOINDMIU. ael4 la rro- manent than It lookl, even though one-fourth o( all An· natl. and ~n•Uy muapct to ..u com.,U.M ran. It '* J1m6lt ......,_ .,.. ~rtu&Jly 1uerutffd OWJ lltona. 0.. fll u. prtela make It a dead lawe. a cert&lJlty Ulat Uie drl&JM wW undef' U\e •t&te lawa on prtce-,...,... W117 •Ult llu ..._ Mil· ceJenoa change their addreuea once a year. , Minor atternpta to . revlw Utt atut btaUn1 ClllC. apla fllr Ult nmn.. • .. out for tlda .-t.roa se Uie Other observations yielded by the aurvey: public Ilea.JUI lMurance profl'UI •tabli.tunent of • torad and FOLLY or OONTaOU pt"Ollt cltrlnct ,,. tM d.letrt"'8tor From 10 to 25 cent.a must be added yearly to the have been made 1ince former mandatory 11...iua llllNraaee .,... TM 1uuauoo brlnp to U1llt _. Ult tMt Ulat ,.....~ ....,.. Governor llarl Wuren IO\llbt It.I tem, which admittedly a. fawnd th• toU7 Of •t&tt control• Oft • IN fw UM lftJUt iallUV, ... \ county tax rate to meet growth prcblena which require adoption a t Ulrte ....sou ot Uie af1111ow 111 maay people, !Ni oa oomaot1tt1 Which la ui .a ,_. aa ...... ._.. ta ,.,.wat• a fairly ~onetant $1:50,000,000 ln capital lmprovemenUI leiV.11lature tn lb• lat• 1840'e. But °'' oU,er 1'an4 '8 oppoae4 b7 la· era! '-"' u mlDL A9 ... t t*>' ~ la ...._., Joba. oallfllr· each year. ..cb •Uempt hal been 1... .,. dl.tdUM WtM» MUe\te uaat ua. pa. amew, th• qiril1MJ IB1Dl oc.· ma. w.. ._., oua. ttac.. eouJd fectlv.. Ole tMory ~ pneral· f\l ture ot Ute oouatl)' bee la UM ~ Mn .,.. ~ to M .. a ,.,......... • UM lftllk Lb9 Angel• county &loot bu 110,000 old ap pen· ly tbt th• pr1nte 1DWra11ce IWlda ot prtftte •WpftM. •n.e ...,., ,,.._ aia .. ao.1 .,.. ocmtnt act. 1fonera, compared With 117,000 ln the whole atate of cemJMUllte are t.U~ care ot UI• Til\&I. ._._,, _m .. wtU -----------------------New York. 1ttuaUon b\ a .. uat•ctory man· aa.mtat tM MW.. ot oona,a.&ate eer. and wtll ... k IOluU.. te tMll F M Cabe Writ E\rentually (or 80 Mayor Poullon tb.lnb) there Now llMnr ..-u.. w. Ute-cornplalnta. n. ....... It ..,, anner c . I es ... should be 110me kind of borough aywtem to tie together ory, ~b\edJy ba•m1 heard prebabl1 w111 i..w to .._ oa & for governm nt p••rnna h'-'" h Mm• ot tM •tori. roea. U'O\lftd YChmt&rJ ......, al~ U... e -,,_es an area w ,.... now u an in-c.u.torn&a oa u.. dittWalu.. 911• oould bt eom• ,..W.'°'7 1a ... finite variety of political unite. The future Ide of Loe count.red ln t.M pnnte heallb a4opt.s °" uae 1Ubjtet. Angeles is not a question of abeorbl"-territory, but of tnsuruoe prosn.m, coupled with Voluntary plans. ..Y• Beaver. the central city and it.a aatellit.ea becominr pa.rte of an th• expen.e of a prt•at.e pro.,..m haft tllper1enced unprfffdent.ed for petWoftjl_ oU.. Ulan Uloet con· _ .. 1n the -..at '"'· ,_,.. Mid "orvanic whole." ••v~-r-• • nt..:ted with 110me 1roup. ~uoU)'. ht t"J.I It Ill lm· How il will all work out. ••e don't know, '>lit we set \\'IU.L'IO TO AID porlAnt lo l•k• • rlOff look at the impression that We haven't aee.n anythlno }'tL Tiie private lNUrance CGmpaft· wht\hf'r lhe JIUblll' I• 1t~tt1n1 fUU • 1-. •"1cll at th• \Un• \he public value on lta lnv .. tmmt. ' Tbe ._, tt pta to Hoamatma Collftlltiall U.., the mof't t read about aome Governor. and !enatora who wut to pt their Htd• *led ta a P'reMdtntSal Rut ... 1:¥tdently they forpt t.b&t Nomlnat&q Coe· ventiou and PMdentiaJ Raca have Ions bMli known to toucben Ridel even'bttt« than a bonaftde 1'uwy. (&ll rip&. ...... , • , ' I CQUNTY DBD-llCOIDINGS UP -ova AUGUST LAST YIAl LorHlzn F11~ for 11.~ l11k NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS-PART I· PAeE J MONDAY, SB'T. 26, 19U ' 0.. ,_. p .. OllMp ~ ........ -.. Allpll&. .. Ul ,., -... Jtllr ....... ,. -.... Tobia Sl11 H .. an IACI II P I lte IAe ...... el IMt JIW• M 1 J. S to a Bia ia.H II a· 6 'l'r9ll Ce. ...... 'l'rlll& ....... __... ,_Un p tM fMl ....a. ....... -,. -* ...... ,. ... _ -- ........... -... IM ?-I sf I ..... ~ WM&:11 .. tt '1e a Ms • .,-............ a... .... C' ... ~ Cl.:~lllPllD DlllCTOIY ... .... .. .-& ... ca.·,. ..... ...-. ~ Wal ....... ..__,. ud INI& ... ftW la .... •...-t· ..... -.. .. ...... .. _.._ .. .................. F .... ,,.. ..... ... ... ~-·· 11'1V " ........ ,,.. Kia .... ~............ .... -Denllr -...... ....... .... .......... ... \Ma 6Dullk, ~ ., ....... Ult. l'lu. lo-.... )Id .. IOI. ..... 1't .. Jely ... -.. ~ UM. ........... Ills. ....... II& ...... U80 •aJllUl .. ....., __ .,a11tn ~ w. aw• • ww.u..-..._.-, 111rrn-a.....o..r.a..-., ...,. a.._ tt-... A1J'llGmDM•• "''FF ---------------------... .. ......... ... .. .... ... ...... au. ... La ·-... .... ....... ... ....... rt a' • ... ... •• fi\jl_t_ DISIGNID TO FIT ... ., .. ._,.... ... OJ.ea .......... ..... .. Ill-*., It ,, m Olup .... II O•••n• ............... -.--•• Architect . Molds Office to Conform . to T ewaln eo.1:1 ~. r n ·-.. ... • .. ... ~ 7lttllwV&'Otf'1 ede_. •a ..... ~ ... ' .._ ..._ .., •' --... t1 a " n a M 'Diet 111 .. ,,...... ... ., ....... ,. -., .... ,.. ... _...._ _ _., ... ,., ....... .._......._...._.,.... .... _.. ....... M_ .... u ................................... ,... ... ... 9'** 451' I 1lloocl a. of eOlt hRU'lllM ad 'l'nM C ,:• 11U.0-'1'='fl !_"!._ to all io.I ... t.l 11kJ I 8 tz Prul•t aw& :I. Lllll _., -_, -- .. ftll'Ua I . IAG'll80W raqta redwood ,._. wttMltt ... "1IU 8111t at '8Tll. dis r toa ., •11111 toclQ'. W tla ..... -~ - W-. .trdsiC-t J. R.t.t ...,.... lat.arlar P"""• 11 ol ... Mii ., ftla ....... a ,... M1i1uis U.. Lim Mpll9 UGI Dt.VIT PA-.«ml ...... u uaoupt ol ~ a 'ftltnlt; ridwoocl ud tb> wtaa a ....._ 111 .... tM ...,_ ._.. an. 111i11*s a. im_ u a --.. UDO Ul.OJl;;mt.'Dft' MW olftce 1 l le, "9 *lfped .,Ot ol ~ Ul Ule ........ "'*" _..... ... M tMl .. , llie ......... U .. ..,.. J&U ._.. ..... --. - ..,,_.. the llartMw UM for tM TIMre AN ~ UW ol ..... llllitioa ..._ ...S _....,, .... ~L CHAU ENGE -Ol,'icea ot Architect J. Herbert Brownell riae from a natural outcroppinc of rock abov! Coast ftlcbway. llateri&la in the bWld· iDc and UWTOunding planting an in keep'ng with the rucged terrain. -Staff Photo 11etat ipOt. t....s plMtM, .......... lillu6s A•1•• ...._ fll tM .....W ...._tb' a title omc.r. ,___ B0Cma Jt w a• an out.cropptnr of wood to •rn &a ,_amp&. of CIClllUDlt.t.ee DUMd by tu weltan ta a nattft of Lane Beach. 90C>ll OAJI& tuc•. proJecUnc. eroded rocka dittarent bUlld1nc ma'9rl&l&. dl9taloD ot <>rap eo..~ ~-NII Tia Udo -....._ MN l>Mlde Cout Hlpway whS e ls .. wan -.... modern .,,.... ell"' Ocmmantr;y ~to deal w • d 11-eA 1um11. ·-I llUGE RESIDENTIAt COMMERCIAL aeemed to bedlon for a .man ol the o1d fub!cmed rru1t11a wttb tu probMm o1 tnn.aporttnc OO-•-.,....... iua___ -ff-H bulldin1 aatun.l to the lllt. to at.ow WU «*SIMCI ,_ .. roam. «Kmts. JM»ptal p&Uenta, .... ..... UCBAKENTO -(CN8) -VINCDrT UDO DlltJoe perch high on the roclul and AD Ort•tal prdm ill Illa-tad oded~ Oct. s, u :ao p.m. Ill the ' . Mil \'la L*-....._ ... overlook the bay. Allo, lt WU a by an out.lid• CQUl't acceaable Red c..... chapter om~ Banta Tbe eecnta'7 °' 8ta&e'• omoe to-CAJaPJm • DUPEBlllS challenxe to Brownell to 4-lp throup audlac alnmlmlm doolw A.Ila, tt wu announced by Kn. d&.1 an"Ol'N*t s.uuee of & DIOll •ansxa - aomethlnr which would utilise from the conterace room. Hilda Ractmond, board llWa\W, __,. fUUo oommlol stm to Frank NM Via I Ida ...... ma tht. unuaual .etUnc to tbe tul· ~ n&AftllDiT ...., Madi tbl Wlltve ~ ct l. WoodlaDd, 611 TU«bl ...... ---. ELOPMfNT PLANNED FOR COUNTY leat. . n. >•p4ecape wu enM44 tw OOOCA.. The com.mltt. .peagto Newport Beadl. ()AT'IQ'NG 8DC.PLE lllATJ:IUALll minimum maint.nance and mui· complete a plan for coopentl" ..,.AllD'8 LU>O WA-W S I mp I e m&W1&la, ~ mum •be"Ollll•t el ta.a D&bln1 aetSoa b1 nz1om acmdeil. m Power ln lt.a Jut puticle. '9 cha~. Mii \'la U6a -Bar-.. W .......... La.ch Ambitious Protects for West c-t; Area .UC .. u roada, sonlnr and drain· u.ed. rorm the enttre atructure. alte. Rt~ -. 'nhaape aid. _ Joba W'oater ~--ni.n.a-a ......... p Floon are moaUy wood cover.d &rclltt.ect. wortcad pm., jade 'J'be dlapter'• f\IDd ffW eut.-n "'---.-v--- ar;roken Bol.ud and eotrey with carpetmc and plutlc mater· planta, YU1oUe •a •• • ll\IOn lltate flood di.ea.at.I' "1ctbna .,... ~ or u:.._ would ba•• rtpta to otrer for lala. aulaot., .... booe and other u. total.I '8800.07, an4 CClllt:rUlution ucltl11 ..,.. aale Ule land to the ludoWMn The ncepllcm rqom and CM1\.o uaaal plant.a tnto ~tible com· aW1 are t11dtl1nc Ill. a1tllouCb the OLO'l'BING _ .... ..a ln tbe orpniaUon alUloup the alde lloorinr la ot l\andformed .-U.00. 1'tle7 .,.._ to be ~-tund dnve baited aoUl4I t1IM aco. N I w BIDWl:LL'll &BOP n>a llEJf If' llM OOOl'D Ul• plan la a eUvely betnr worlled owners could Mll lhrou1h other brick to add texture and tntereat. U.. from the roeb. Contractor All tund9 ~ will be forward-NII Via IMo -..,._ tNI • Aa.ahelln hpr Co 11 alao a .ourcea too The entire root la expoaed 2·tn. for Ule job wu Jlm Knttt. eel to the N.uaaal Red Oraaa Dl9-........ . 0..-G80Yll. (OCM11> -· · • ..., had, lt wu .tated. OLOTlllNG-Wom.'1 ..... ; ,_ ........ .,.... • from part ot tbJa plan. Attendlq the meeting were .An • ortmt&Uon clam fott Red .. ....... OCllBUlllMd t ll I 1 (2) A far • reachlnr lndwitrtal H WMt 0 ratll"• County land· Stanley Office Handing en.. 'fOl\mtwa Ill ftriowa .... ~ ::i::b ..... Mlt -.._....,.. ••tlllS a Wiit ..., ~ent plan ta a top prior-ownera. YiC9 la Mt for a.pt. 2t t a.m. UDO f'~Nll .. d 0 r I ... I .... .,.. '*1 .. the .... 1enwal ...... .. NUT n:MION to noon wtUl additional • ort•t&-• -' o..p OoUlal;y backed the project above by tha Ana· Nut meeU~( of that rroup 11 tSaa tor' . ladl•, 1 to I p.m. M1I .... ~d. -Jlarhr lftl -• ta .... ~ cle-bet.m au.., Co. u chief devel· Oct. 3 at T .30 p. m. a t 8701 Sale of Harbor Mesa un·1t votuni.:-.!t ,..t rectater'ed will 9BADD001l 8 ftl 11!1 l ...-q ...._ JMlll to. o,.. on th• new lndllftrtal C4D-<Jarden Grove Blvd. In Garden be tn~ Sept. 21 and • at NlJ Via I.Mo -_._ M'n =. ~ Are' .. tapr Oo. ter tor;, Oranre County. OroYt. -·--beadquarUnlnBanta~ V.IGA.llOND BOOR I• «i•> 'fte tourth plannlnJ move· --r-lmport«S Sportawau ~-191~ llVOA& CO. P U8H . m•t 19 ..,.,...,.. by u.. w~t· i:. W. rlther, promment aou.tll· wall _,_ for the ftre ~ Commttt.. cllalrm• and m.aa-MM Via Udo _ ~r IOCM At ._. two .....,., J1u1 .,. 11'19 proJac:t la a1ao belae put mms.ter CM•bar of Oonvneree land dneloper and prui4*lt of of ..m.ble papwa. cllsUMUft ben wwe Mmad at the meetiDC· '111111 1 • 1 .. ..,,,,., OM ~ now aad ta vt~ ~ bu bad talk• with vlJ1oua B and K Homee. Inc.. announc*1 ftreplacea, 8dect hardwood tJoon, lldWvd T. Bal7 of K.wport aired .tit • ......, MmM!a.1 DODD be!nt pualled b7 Charle7 Tbat• IUrftY aped•llata lncludlng the the &pPQ,IAt.ID•lof the .llarl 8&.alt-IAdl'fldml .U.tklll to ...,....... a.di Ill a manber ol the -.CU• ...._. tftilllM tM ...t OraDp cller and otller uttutlv• of .Au-ltulord fteaaard1 rroup. ley ottlce u aclualve ..-apnl lq oo&on and deoGl'&tllm., Mu7 u.,. commtU... .... 1hpmmt tonnd&Uon ktm lupr Co. w~ ooetnla AJaotber tri<tty O'llaMSf. th• for the ''Barbor M.a R&DcJt abab root., and mu7 otlMr out-iiiii---j;:;;j;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ wtta • bofe t. l'Ul u.o.t IOOO acru In the ,..,,...,. cMallw poup i. alao interuteo Hom•". Th e dewlopment, fl ~ f-.turae too ~ ._ .... a 11 .... mL a.cor,onted area eoutb of the trt<iU• A. in thl.a niowmcnt wllb an eye CUilom atyled homea, are located to ._tjcm. --. =*'=&U.7 lmo'wn lndu1trlal pl&n· to dewloplng the weit Orange on C&brlUo St. between Imn. Tbe RaDall a.am. AN dedped ~ m ,...,,,, .. CIC all fllur atac coocem 11 working on lb• Count.y lnduat.rl&I. ruldentlal end and TUIUn Avea., Coata Meaa. to ntJ.ect u. penoaallU.. ot "' • ·~•t prh ..... Jl'OJeet llOW alon1 with 9ouUl4rn coaunerdal potellll~ll and form· Fisher atated, ''The ituley ot• Ul.a1r oceupaata.r ~ ~ • t1Jt r ' s ll&as-1n tM 'flMt PMUk Ral.lroad inte.reaL Inc a coune that may Jud to fice wu aelectt'd to ttpruant lb• u.,.... ill uWft4 "1 ~ .,_ ......-()nap Oomlt)' ana (J) 'fte wMt Orange CoWlt,y ruture lDoorponUon of t.M rreet· aala tor thia .ubdiviai.oa bec:auN ftll dlelptas, oolor ..nat1oM, • ..... • tlMlmtrta1 ~t dnelopment fO'ln~tJon, a com· .., trl-eltJea area. of their I~ 1tandlnr l.n tha South-dh1dual.1Md l•n...._...q alld t-. ......_ ..act ....... mSWou o t p&etelJ' wluntary sroup haa aa-ODJy 4&11Alte acuon toward l&nd, and their reputaUoa tor tu1'9 ecatrut ba ~ ..._. ...... lbl pa,J c:laec*9 Uld ~t. llOU8C*l alma ot tonntni: a 11-eq. completion on t.lleae four develop-l&l• of quality houalnJ. 1baee la.ta. .a -... .., ..._. ~ 1a&s cit.r from llol-. CIUp:. to mant projtct.1 that 11 -n at thi.I homu baY9 been buJ..lt tn an area n.e tet411W ..,.... ,_.. 111r ttO •'«I ..... ..._ mtfd, alld ~ w-.. Ulne 11 the bu&• tract project 1peclflcall.y etltctt'd to border all IDOR fJlnlUliM nmJt.a r,_ Ullll ~ tc IOJID 1112 Jl9C ..... u ....... Aw. ucl Wlnt.9raburf meetJon u packa1e ( 1) above Harbor acUvltlee and rec:re&Uonal taat41W ..-Uoa ere ha '*"• ~ ...... • ... --* are u .,.. • the aoutlL u d the eDOrmou.a indullrtal pro-fadUtlea. yet tree from lb• con-Md ht iuac ....... ~ tlllow: ftU llolud. Qar4-Oto" .._ pain menUooed ln project (21. 1WtJ• ot U.. Maell .,.._ W. aoc lee cw .....,_ w .i Gl&ft fW90r ..,_ and Harbert L. V. Cot• Tbe oU\v pla.111 for wut Or· ban UoMd only product.a that IPloC' Md ooaon. (1) A ~tie dnelopmmt f.,, WeatmJJU.ter land uee ~· anre county remain only ln the b&w met the moat lt(id quallq ~ 11ioee9 DOW ope& ,_ la-"°,_ ... ......_ -.at u i&M tl.u.t. p&t t.be orp.nia&Uon lon "talking'' or "conjecture" 1tate atan~ni. an4 tha ftneet work-npectlaa.,. ...,,_. "1 _. 8taD- lleldl'9 Ila U. -----Ofan.ce pther with hope:a ot repruent· u tbe focwi ot all &oulbern Cal· m&11ahip avaU&bla. Tbeea three 197 npwi intatn.. wttll tM CllllaltF .,._ _. ., tft ...._ ... .._ liuMlownera ...,_ ,_. ltontl& i. more and more tumed and four-bedroom hom• wttll ~ _. omc. located al tba aodel II ltPl llOW la· tbl ma1Wac to emmental a1enclea on matteA on the wut Orange County area. liveable area ot 1800 to 11160 aq . .._. • .._ .-.o1 pg Rr·:/d'j Mixtd Cr;ntYf:l l ' ~ -....,. ot open t&t'll\ ft. are dealJlled for the juruor t ... ~~~~.,: Mesa Church folk in Suit ~~t::,ea:~lh~r~a::~:~~ WILCH'S 1'IM ,plaa would pennJt land The ntwut In cootemporvy -mlllV ....... to &ban bl UM de .. lop-Over Property Control atylln( ln a rnldential aru ill Robert llWd and J'tUCe9 BuAdy llADY MIXID -.&. J1 ill acttnlJ betas puabed what B 6 K Homea have ln· ot N.wport Balboa Ba"flllp Uld CONCl.DE • tM llGHM 1n..imat Co~ corporated Into "Harbor Mna Loan A.9oel&t.loa ol Newpcn UI 0 ,... WQ. IAac 9eac11. cleftlo.,.n ol th• Ranch Hom•". '!be beauutully U 1"91 +awllbll' Loe A.Jtoa deftlopmcnt 8A.NTA ANA tOCNS) -A \a Mn a St. and the main church dealped born.-•lresa comfort· Beach wwa IA CIUC.,-0 l"Wll\17 ocm4 lllmA • ., tMl oomnmnlty. Coat& Meaa church dlepute wu property. able llYlng with large. fenced to ait.end .._ operataw cUn&e ol Qnlble1 a JIWy • .._ ._._ J 0 ha Murdy, brc>uPt out In the open here Jut The plalntltta .... rt that Baker back yard1 for Calllornla outdoor tile .Amertcaa 8aY1DCI and toa.n 8 C staa ....., _. el tbme luldownen and the week ln a declaratory ,.uer and wu hired u church preacher on living and ample room Cor pool, 1-. WJ9 Here'• decorator Ii btautJ = ecoll• 111 ~· sroo::i; ~~~ol ~ fir -= (EXT-Dl'P A) made with lOOCJ' waterproof Jhlt, ao you Call me It out- doon or in -for new ho m • u or mnoMHns. Bu all the aatural warmth and charm of real wood. Ji'.atY to apply. FA.9y to tlnllh. .. tt eoon. WAID·HAlllNGTON WMIR CO. llltW.0.-BlsllwQ N_,.,rt ......_..... ""11 DllCG STOU.S VDl<Jmrra UDO Dal1• MaVlaa...w.-...._ .... IUX1DUCJ ooN'iaA.aro• LIDO &l.IWDIO MK Via Udo -lluti. &m n.owllB8 ll1mA.IW"8 LIDO K.Umm OorMCee-T .. bl• Arrancea1•t.a ... n.LMo-........ l'OUN'rAIN,GIULL ftlfC&Jtrl LIDO oauoe Mil Via ...... -....-. .... -·•w.rrr STUDIOS NII \'la Udo -llarhr «OI "1aNll'UU DKS llAaoca MN Via Ude -Sanor &fM Gll'l' 8ROP ...... ..,._UDO •&WW Mii Via Udo -...... - IN8UMNCE .&GSN'l'B W. 0. StJ<JK. IMO. .... WIAUilo-....._MM ll'tiZIUOB DEOO&U'OU BLAJf08m nn.&Ea80M AsLA Ull Vla Uolo -aa.tt. -DICll. llAaa:a WO Vla Lido-...._._ DON CJ&l:IOJITO)l A. L 0. ..... &mporta ... VI.a.....,._ llartlw ., z.s 8lacb dirf'e)oplnc f1nn u -quiet llU• action fUed In Superior Jun~ 1, 19M. One of the terma. kltchw. with copper faiu and Inatltut.e. TM tour-da7 tr&1n1q ~~~~~~~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~;., ... tt,. omd1nl*l to OCNB that Court by truateea Jn the Church th• compl&J.nt aaya, wu that Ba· hood11. built-In rlllll• and oven. ~aalon la ....,,...,.,. and cu. iii KAUEl'S f . . of Cbrist of Coata Meaa. ker would be le&Nd Ule panonaie garbage dlapoeaU. aldenrrood cab-tomer Ml"rice pnctlcM w betq alOllA.&D'I LIDO WAUW Plalnutt.a tis the..-utt an Oeors• tor a one-yur period or hi9 em· lneta, rolled and coved tormtca attended bT a.tap u4 loaa MIS Via U6a -a.nor ... D ~ •~.. v--H -....... --~ i--· · drainboard•. Tbue homu fe&• · .._..., ._, · ,.._.., - p -J _... ture extra larre •lie tUed ahow· Jun.kw ~ ,._ ""'F lltate X.... L. Wldt.. Tbq ~ Ulat OOV!li'TSA CLAIMS era, large waJk..ln clothea cloaeta. tn t.he union. u t.nwtee. they al9o NJ>reMDt a Althoup hla employment tvu liijm;!;;;;;,;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!imii!!i;;;;;;;;;;iii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmiiii consrePtlon of -.. thaa to per· t.ermlaated 11.q •. lh• p&alnW:ta o LUf'l'A 4JIA., ,(OCMa)_...t.a. -. da1m Baker at&)'ed on at the pa.r- A.M NI¢• a. C1 8oO&I W.., N....S deleftdanta are Put.or aonaee ... be,ond an ut.aton _... ..,,13 t "21 • • tn8le Tea .Uer Jr~ OUl&nd ll. Oor-of tJme. '!be paraonace renta for .IAMll D. General Contractor & Builder t WJ'aht ...... ...,._Ida fDl. ._, Lan7 Poel}' and J'ennan &. f711 a month. lt wu cont.ended in ..._ • ....... t ..,.. tw. vanu. th• CCllllplalnt. ... o..t...._ ..... .... L&AVJr: l'OLDf -· ~.J_ ... __ ... ~. OOllOJlf& DJ:L llAA x .... al °"" -d•)e .... ,.... .., ..... t,a and otJltn .... &OW ............ ta .... ..W.y CIOft• .. ••' acaalll ............... ttlftd that bec&UM two-thlrdl ot ~======~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~ --~ ... ---•W&7 from Ule chllldl trust... ln.Nfentd. • 111 lb ~ .......... ~ ..... ~ tale pla.PaUff dlunll and Mt up tM cluarell oorponUon abould be wMle a -• u.eAr ..,. sroup and .,. boldiq _..,.. With t.tie -.-119 ..... De tM ,_. ...u.p In the Odd Y'ellcnn Ball, m. --up •11 bail Oft ........... Oolta x ... ..,. ..,.Wd tM amount ta !Mu The p&alntttta contend lb• d .. el .....,.... la ewft. '-41.nta baven't helped support ~ eomplalDt ebarC9d Holla UM Churdl of Chrlal corporation Wida~ bl9 llJlb-power9d .._ atnce Kay it; nor have they at· lililsle...., the tipeed llm1L tended meetinp tn the church at ;;;;;;;;;;;::::;;:::;;;;:::;;:::;;:::;;;;;~ the comer of Walnut and Church CONCRETE Satisfaction • ... Tet, accordln( to the complaint. U.. deftQd&nta all•J• rlrhta ln the .... .._ ~ to tt1f~JWn· tUh" boJdtnp. 'nle plalnUffa cla.lm to own tile panonace at 186 Coe· ....... 1•111'• ............. State la1es 11 licenses SACRAMDITO, tCNl!!l -D. D. Wat.ton. atau real eltata com· mlulQner. announced i-uance of a real c1tate broker Uefllae to Clayton B. Ru11. 312 Ma.rlne Avt .. Newport Beach. Wataon a I 1 o announct'd l•· suance of ten ttal u tate aale• man llceru1e11 In Newport Beacll. The permtlll went to: Paul E. Bif\, 2901 l'eWlM)rt Blvd.; D11nlt'l D. Driacoll • n d ROBERT FORBES PLASTD Poca IT llll~Y 'AY AND SAVI e TWe MW atudent. rrom New-Carmen V. Mllatetn. 310t Cout ~-.ch ..roUed at the 'uni· Hwy.: Robert E. Hal'dmy, llOI j,j.!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!~~~~;.I ""'"' of Redkn4a wt week. Newport Blvd.; Jam1e W. Len· Tlliq are lamea Nc.b&rd Eve.rPC>n. non. 1600 W. Coe.at Hwy.; Jobn • ,. o1 a.orre T. 11tren1011. 220 w. Nattk. soe w. soUi et.: • • • ..... :.·,.-,__ ... wlUll • ......... , ....... ..... 1 .......... .. ,_ ........ ~. • •artr e.nl3 BAYT 711 w. 17111 It. ........ . \ ~ Dell; and Sharon Sherrill, Clau!Se D. Punu·8mlth, '731 W . &ClloltUl en. • Cout Hw~·.: Eileen L. Rapp, ...... wu ,nduated from 1303 Balbo& Blvd.; Helena M. H..,...t HarlMlr tJnlon Hi(h Va.nee. 3341 N"'l>Ort BI• d.; ..._. UMI )l1aa S?Mrr\U. from Glenn O. Wa rtot'd. ltOI Newport °"81'9 OMM CoUap Blvd. MAX W. POPE l11e. SOUTH ~ORST conSTRUCTIDn CO. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAltOS OR TOO SMU.I. ......... !f ........ LIDO PLAZA OFFICE BUILDING Under Con.traction NOW LEASING! Located in the Important Udo Shoppin<J Area with Street.front Offices on Vie Oporto and Fabulous New ow ... Overloom~ Newport Bay N.w loet lllpa Avelleble to T en•nh H•ve ":<Hr loet la froftlt of "!tour Office e C.H e ... Can liwtlola Co. • 1c1w111 Mu: 1ey °"1: ..... .. Eve: UbertJ MOii PBO'J.OOBAPll 8TVDIOll ODllA.SD'r 8TUDI09 WI Via Udo -llutlor tm ........... oro. ........ _~1111 VOQSL 00111'.ANY Mll Via UM -..... r .-n BAY AND B&A()JI UAlllT Via Ude .,.... Otllee llU~-S....IMI SAVINGS II LOAN A880aADONS BZWPO&T &U.llOA UVDH19 a LOAN AMO(ll&ftOJr 4 1&1'lnp IMt1tutlaD Lone T-Home 1--Ulf Via Ude -...._ _ SEBVJOE ftATIONB LIDO UOBnELD NU K.-po" ... ..........._. - SllOES-.llea'a lllDWEU.'8 ll'l'OD nJll -...vi.u..-....... 111oa; woDN am.rs or C.AUl"Omfl& Mlt Via'* u. ... Vl90rA"D"NG --W&apa .... u.._...__ W£IUlllD'Am ftlHIDl'Pll W.Mal -PAE• LIDO Da1JOA llflftal.Mo WINDOW OOVDUNG 11111 au• lllOP 1'at te ._.Gain Bar. II& llmE'll UGI Plll.&'l'I: 8QVAD -From left, front row: Kan.ager BID Abram.Mn.. L. G?MdieJd, J. Fcgert.. G. Jobuon, T. Baca. H. Grulpr, R. Sewell, E. Martinez and Larry Bergeron, equipment .uperrillor. Second row: J . Gleu, J. Kennedy, B. Watlnna, J. Coon, H. WUUemeoa, R. BoblnUy, B. Sueu, H . Holbrook, B. J{n.ipp, K. Reed. Third row: G. Bolden, J. Hurd, E. Elmer, M. Hau, P. Jone., G. nint, K. Wood, L. Li~pton. T. L1viapton. J. Ru.ell. R. Moore, L. Ruoff. Fourth row: C. Reich. D. Campbell, B. lfcKen .. D. Gat· ley, P. Patin, J. Oenpacb, R. Kennedy, A. Keplinpr, J. Aabbaurh. B. Ebargaray, G. Crawford, M. Torre.. Back row: Coach• Bill Poore, Bob 0.borne, Ray Rouo. -OCC Photo HARIOR YACA!ION ova; IOYS' CL• OP1NS Ill.A• POOllALL TODAY ,,.. ,.... ,... r• 10 W .. pt •b""'1 at ....._ .,., a. el 1:11 ..... ...,, ....... AUlleUe DUlder RM KyM!PIH A.I ftft,la ..... ..,,.. .. tM ...,..... ........ ... at .,._ ._.-Oil* ~ • ,... , Tl.me mtto·w ••• ~ • ., te ,....... ~ Uoe -, 8oJs' au • after ,.......... ~ ..._ troa ~ to UM1r prtaca,.ia st•ln&' ......... to ... tMlr ,... ular edlool ""8. BoJW mu.t ...,.... tw UNA&' ... &rulpolta• u. 11oae. ,,...·t.tMU f« io...,...... ... at 1 :11 p.a. .. wJl -KaeK'Dtee Mi4. Ellftt.ll ........ tu. 9"r ..... row, lalP eclMIOl '°'8 w~ at l :lt p.a. TolDclnott'I p6ckUp fw IDtll .......... II: Ud p lcbool. I p.m., at. Joacblm, l:OI, ...,,..., l:Of, aM ~ lllulp, 1:11. Wedaeidq tM -..... fw ...ail and· .... will be: 8t.. Joachim, I p.a., 1iu7er, l tOI, Bora.c:. ll:Mlp, 1:10. Adulta who wcWd W&e to ..,.. u ~ tor tti.•fall propam were ulled to eo11taet KacKtm... · POWl!HOUSI liveni~e Hi l1tten Pad lli1b 21-11 pearec1 to be a aeon. n wu eaU- ed Melt OD a 1?"'&1l7• floWHW. Halftlack Elnore Gate. bit paJ dirt ror the St.lnta earty tn tM t.biJ'd quarter wh• he lllammed over from ftve )'ardl out. Jobe Lut.s booted the atra po!At. le.Snt tid Jack ac-........ a nw. • ,ant IOOl1q ..-trcm llaltbadl Dave Hurfllurt wiUa on- ly 11 MOOndll ....,.sntns. BANTA A.NA (OCH8)-1Uftl'-)(eyer wu hurt bl tbe aecoad ... ll1Cb llcllool t\lnM4 aoo. a ..-rter' aacl didn't ... a.c:Uoa .. IW1ft. bard • .........._s rum.ck malllder of the ccet.t. Diek Bmlt.ll aad a powwllloul ;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;i ~..U.:..O'ftls.:.-= IOBN 1roN ll' I .apt -UM wbmer'• fteld. M.. AM w ..... llmlUt ...... -a Ta-JVd, 11 ........ ..... fourtb ....,_. pllop up UM mid· ... &111111 T11i1 dla. lie alao llarnled IO )'ardl .rJI ........ Aft. Pri11te Polill • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL co..-cw. llCUln'Y PA•OL Kl 2-7027 SAILOR ELEVEN SINKS PILOTS 20-0 IN PREP PIGSKIN OPENER 'o~ fw a tnacfidowa -a tbtrd ..... l..Delt7 ....... <>.--- t. aeNlll pum. ~;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~!;;;;::;;;;~~~~~~~ JU..,.... puneMd out a 11-0 - a.tie l1rry Proves Stew 111 .Fray wlffl . Pal, of Long RUns By BILL PBILLIP8 Showier the potential of championahip timber, New- port Harbor High School'• Sailor football crew weigMd anchor in Pirate Stadium Friday night with a 20..() victory over Excelaior'a Pilot Eleven. ed and tpun f rom thell' OW1' U to the Tar 47 wbue they faced a third and one. Tlme th. de- fenalw 8a1lora r ot thro~ wttb them, It wu Harbor'• ball on their own 49. Cutro ankled end for 21 yard& and a paJ.r of lchultt touee to Lorentsen were on the mone7, th• aecond com.lnr ln a fourth and aht clrcumetance to hand the Tara a tint on the rival I. At thl• point. nerythlnr went Actually, UM Tar ottenae un· the Sailor llx and barely manac-wronr and Excell1or took over leubed for appl'Oldlllately fin ed to ecramble back to the 12. on the Piiot HI. minute. of tbe entlre coat.t. Al· llEKllED IN With five mlnutea, 17 aecond• BILL PBILLIPS, Sparta Uttor PAGE 4 .. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 26, 1955 ARGONAUTS HA VE TO COME FROM BEHIND OVER PUENTE tboutb l:nd · Paul r....wau.n wu 8c:hultt rot ott a a&·yard punt remalntnr In th• cont.eat, ,... ei.r all nlrbt. euUy lllpplftc be-when the ·Pilot.a hemmed them defen.tve tactic.a by Niquette anc! Jond U.. PUot aer1a1 (\lard wben· tn and P.:xcelalor took OYer at Hopklrul and th• naabin• of 0.ARDEM GROVE, (0CN8) -Poace milled the atra polnt. .,.... a 8allor J1U1 wu cooklq, la.at uncorldnr their lln(l..;.u,r Guard Jtm s.nt.o and JDnd BW Garden Grove Blp llcbool'a foot· The econ wu the third play aft· Qaa.rtertlack Georp llchuitt wu fullback tplnnen, bandoffa and Lamb forced a Pilot punt. Ta· ball team came from behind to er Ponce recover9d a tumble oo llnallle to co-.t•U1 ttnd the amuhee. Halfback J ohnny Arre-mura toted tti. r.t:um to UM ri· ICOH two touehdowna in tbe ftn· the Puente 41. ....,.. dondo ended and a..-anUhed val 42, then acampered for a ftnt period and defeat IUrprt.atnrty Midway throUp tbe MCond V-.Ume, Coaah Al Irwin la&d' off tac:kle tor a tlrat off a tull-on the 29. Cutro went for five, '~!rctPuen~, 20-7, Friday nl(bt period Puente reooftl'ed a tum-'11 dllfeulft allpment bard a t back tpln. Halfback Jody Fenton no-pined a ea rove. . bl• and took to Ula air with all· ~ all U. way. I>Mpeat pen.. Arrendondo filpped a pa.II t.o and Quarterback Buddy 'nlomp-The 1954 Orange L •a I u • Leacue baclta Ben.t7 Rodarte and trau. lllloell6or oould manac-Ralt'back Freddie Munoa ror nve. aon mo•ed to the 11 for a tint. champe, who uter I.he Sun.eel Bmlth plt.chlnc to llix· two Jerry ... a. U.. Tar II )'al'd line -.rty ~ battend hi.a wa:J to the Mld·lin• t.ot~ by Fullback Van Leatue thla year, 1Cored once ln Daweon. After rea.chln1 tbe aix. 1111 ... eecon4 quarter. ni., nn-21 tor another ftnrt. ,,_ the Pomeroy, caatro and Thompeon the fll"lt quarter. but trailed, 1-7, the Warriora were bait.I ln the • ,..... aDowed .. ..noa.17 llaOorw Sot llON. TMkle IArry meant a ftrwt on the 4. at tbe out.let of the tourt.b. line, but then 1'Ullback 8mlth • a. ~ dumped tb• next au:el-But with a TD a certalnty by Her• l:!yr!U Kandencbeid Jlttebed to Da-ln llM •d OPID!r8 lllD liar Mil eanter f<W a lam t.o the 8allora' reaerv• backa. the dron llM tlna1 atx of an et(bt ..,. to U• the aco 1.._ Wa l"lllDIMll aiarue _,.,. opened the Newport se. TackJe Jim attack came acropper. Bucc..lve p1&7, •~yard march an4 1'all· re. YM bait time lead • toucbdown ruaa ot n.. Ud 10 yarda b7 Ba1ftlacll Art Otlmore. fte tint :::..i Ila banca.d UM ball tn u.. J*tod. aaata AM la U mprtnt.or Romde Keyet' 900med .. ,.... fw wbat ap- \\ ,, ~I I l~e lic~ar~ leeso1 Comp1y '••c•• Dell• ..m Can 11Wll1• ....... __ '1// All we say is ..... "'sEE lf •• :nw rr. ••. : :-. "'' "' ......... .. ,........ ......,.. ..... ,.. If'• tlte AU-NEW Smith-Corona ·~~~kt'-SICllTAllAL .. ,. ........ . ,.. .. ~ . ,_ t02Nertla ..... ...._-.._A.m-D .,.,__.. I I IM bid for a.11-a.n-t Leasue Rum .. y planted th• rouowtnr louea euddenly found the . Tani back Dkk Ponce convert..s to i..tie connrUd to fl•• Puente ..._. b7 ecortns a defenllve victim back on t.be 8a1lor 40. back on th• Pllot 30 with fourth *'" Ute A~uta <a .11-1 lead th. 1-.d It tie.Id untJl the fourth haMDWD wtthin the tl1'9t min· The Pilot.a bad to rt rid of and (Ot.l and 11 aeconda remain· with elfbl· and-a-ba1t mtnutll peri~~od.~---------J..-~!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!..J •te el play and MtUnr up an the ball. but once aptp Ule Tara lJlS. to P'-1· :. ~ one before the tnltial were tnpped deep at their own That wu uouCb Ume, bow· An lllt.erceptioa ol a pue .-n-9ftdad, end of the l'leld. £xeeietor teok ever. Lorent.Mn ran richt oo out ehort-etttulted another thnllt on • l:lteelafor P'Ullback Jack 8reMe over once more oft Ute Barbor of the Pilot J1U8 ~ and lbe Puente 21, but then Guard h4ed f<W a pMI lhortl)' aft1r 45. A 12 yard aerial etab, from Quarterback Gene Hubbard lofted Georp AlJeft lntercepted a Gene UM BaUor kickoff wtth the JICr· An-edondo to End Dick O"Berr one lnto hi.a anna for tbe tlnt.l Smith ,... and raced 43 yardl akin on t.be Ptlot 37. From 'b1I meant a tlrat on the Sallor aa'. acore. Berry' a conftl"lion boot to the end ..,..., Re wu aided detenatn outalde linebacker po-Lorent.sen put on bra.kea by wu blocked by Tackle Walt.on by a block by Blnd Bill Snyder. aitian. Berry plucked the pelota emeartnc the oppollUon o.n a par-Pott•. Garden Grove Jumped oft to a out of UM alr and ambled 50 tlal bobble back on the Tar 43. 8-0 lead in UM tint quarter when 7Ml'I untouched by human band. A whole horde of white clad 1·11 T Quarterback Eddie Rice puaed H• added th• connnlon boot and St.Uora M.n1t l:xcelalor hos-on I ers •• 01 24 yarda to Don Homnun w!IO Newport Harbor led 7·0. the mldfleld ltr!Pf. It canted tt U.. lUt aenn to 8DON. The rtvala wve unable to move TlJ'ed of belnr buffeted wben p th f T •1 With their UCLA anclewtnr of-tbey found themaeln1 once &pin II ers II tenae and the Tan took over on back on their heela on their own their own 25. From here, the en-11 with at.art of th• third canto, f 25-9 w.· n Ure backfield functioned behind the Sailors rallied torcu and or Sood blockin1 to move 75 yuda gave Tamura the porkhlde. On for Ula aecond tally. aucceaalve a c: am per 1, devioua TAMt11lA n.AVEL8 Dave depoalted the porker on the Slippery • hlppery Halfback Sallor 31, the Sailor 42 and tbe Dave Tamura '"I'~ around end Pilot 44 for a trio of first do'Wtll. for 11 and the tlr1t Sailor flrat But a Schultt aboot wu lnter· down. Smublnr Halfback John cepted by Center Harold Gray to Hopklne craahed for nine. Then atem the threat. Gray returned Berry took a 8chultt pltchout. the pelot.a to the Tar 47. b.-S for the lldellnea, found Such M.lfl'ed youtha u Guaro runninr room behind tome ftne Gary Dee,m1, Ouard Rorer Early, bl~ ud rambled 38 yarda to Guard Jerry Sameel and End Neil tbe Pilot 9. Two play1 liter. Metcalfe made Ure 10 mleerable Hopkin.a buhed over few the TD. for Piiot bac:ka that the Sallon Berr, C011Verted. quickly cot tbe ball agaJn on the That pretty much took care ot Tar 15. Once apln Tamura tile B&Uor oftenH for the ball sp.rked a drive out of dancer, pme. A1lde from aome brilliant allc:kertnr to a first on the Sall· end acurrlea by Tamura and CU· or 34. tro and a pt.Ir of 8chultt·Lorent· Another eparklinr dub. thJI -connec:Uon.a, the local lada Ume by Baltbac.lt Larry c.utro, 8Mllled l&lllfled with theJr 14 moved the Newport attack to the potnt marstn. But the dereum 43. An offside penalty and a pt.Ir Tan lbow'9d their mettJe. of l.ncomplet.a Schultt pltcbee. A 1oac Drcelalor punt pinned one tor 16 yU'da to Lorentzen UM 8allan deep lnto their own who 1nal'~ It out of bounda, ...,..tor7 jult before the aecond Jolted the Goba to a halt. tetlOi lipn. Bafetyman Tom TllA'r8 AU ...... matted the aplnal on Dnperately, the Pilot. ll'l'luh· .ColOnlsts Show Attributes far ·Defense of Loop Title ORA.NGID, ((>CNS) -Ora.nre High School'• Panthera were con· llderably tamed ~ Difbt fol· lowtnr a ~-t defeat at the hand• of the TulUll Tiller. ln the lltUr of the 19116 grid rM:e at Chapman Coltec• Field. The Panthera held the Tlllel'9 t.o a O·O deadlock throurhout lh• flm Pfrlod and for .ometJm• lt appeared u thoug'h the Eaton· ilea mlg'ht pull a tot&lly uni~ for aurpr1M. But early In the eecond period the Tillers broke the ecortnc Ice when Tallb&ck Robert R1YU bull· ed over from the three 7&rd lln• followlnc an 11 yard bandott trom Fulll>M:k ll"red Bearle to ncht Half Paul ooroaa to Rina who charged the ball to the Pan· ther 11. INITIAL IKX>a& Shortly after t.h1ll and toUow· In( a fin yard pu. from Seari. to Corona, Rina obarfl'd otW wlUl the Initial eoore ot th• night. The ClOnYenlon WM ma..d aad the Tlllen enJo79d a l-0 Mad ovu Oranr• at thia potn\. Later ln U.. aame p.r'°4 Nvu tamed a pa19 to 8earle lood for 12 yardl and the Till_.. had another tall)t. Tllll tame the eon- V'ft'lllon ... ~· wbem Did BW Vaqtm boot.I U.. ball ~ (00l'f8) -PWl• HbHftf, the third ·~ Of· throqtl the updSbt.o to stn Tl»-... • ""* 8IC084 bait 91rttcb t.r'ed a breaklnr point. It came ln Un a 13-0 lead u U.. bait ended. ... n>l 1 tq '°l'ltMr wtUa ef· the form of a 71· ya.rd touch· LONG llANDOPr ....... .......Uoa, tbe Au-dowa ND bJ Ha1ft1ack llk:bJ llui7 ID UM Wrd ,.W a II .._ oarw...,. pr'O'Nd ~ 1m ... ft1U wtth barely ttw anJnut• J&l'd haDdoU from IUYU to ... tD ..,_. tMlr eMlnploa· ot UM period UJl(Nd. Joe Avitia s-r• and a llll ,.,.. pa19 fr'OGl .... n..., alitat lly oomlnc ... the con....son ud Ana 8earle to NYU aDowed the ._ ..._. '6 def9t a atroq, 7 ft&lb7 T\leUa tamlMIE t.o Gllarse t::: .... " •• , •• teua. J0-11, ~tlll~~·-11· tbe wlnlDC ... J'U'dlr for Uae ..... toot i.-. IDchldlq -v-. .. ...... 1'\111, iacore and the Tl1len )Mid a lt-0 • --f//I * II trom Ana-~ b7 .~t block.In( clown--laad a... tile ,.._..n .... • tlM ...... ·--..... part ot bSI ~-Udrd quart_.. ~ O'S I u .... a dull ...... UM Colonitta toot! MW With the ..,.. a .... lM nWa llM ..._,..,...~Mart. At U.. anen minute mark wttb Oranc'e • t.M wniq end W.... .. a ftlllttf malt lllld It .. tbe thlJ'd period, A.ttla re-of t.be tally the Pant.llen ftn&1ly 'WU frimU1l1 tMlr Jack ot tJm cnered a ~di tumble on bit pay dirt In UM laet period ..,.._ wlddl _.ed to ll'f'I tMlr IO-yant line. Joe carried to when Ropr BaJuahua blocked Jlbd1Mdl a ltroDc edp. tM 11 Jard ltne. then ecored the an attempted T'Uatln punt on lhe It.._....,...._, jullt tbat..., wtnnSnr toucbdown • the ant 1\Uer 11 yard line. n uw playa durtnc the .!!lUl'e ftnt Mlt wMa play. later P'UUblldt J"rank Keadowa t.be brMJra _., to tall a1f91 AaabeJm acored ln the nnt carried oftr f<W the t.o\IC.bdown. fl'Oln lbe AMIMtm •r:· ftle period on a pea from Quarter-Pete Meldonado. pl&~ with an Oolcel1t.1 traded. ll-1, at tM Mell O.Orse Dena to End Gary In.Ju~ hand, booted the eac.ra ~ Jl'Ndmc:k. I point_ • I SAVE SAFELY At Or•nge County's le.dint Home L...dir19 IMtitution CONTINUING TO PAY v:a'ro PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 Al AMOUfth OpeMCI 0.. or Wore The 10th of the Moftth brw FroM the 1st LAGUIA FEDERAL SA VIN6S I LOAN ASSOCIATION mo-& .... ..._, n t-un LAGUNA BEACH WE'RE .......... ......, .... ~ .. ...................... ....... ........... llldt .. ~ -~ IF'4eif • •IM f.l .._ 1t """far • ?"r1 I ii ' For dMre'e .......... •OW. Im ......... wide .... I • t ............ --1 .. 0-, IO peck• widi ................... , "f'lrial oular" ~ .....,. ..... .. ., ... wt ....ay ..... ...t ..., .......... - ,_,_ .,.. ... 11 n.r. ....... .... ~ .......... ~.....,.""' _,.,..., So pt -"' ... .....,.' ..... -ow. Wq/ RIOIN' HIGH I • •• SO VVE'R& TRADIN' HIQH I LOCAL ~ NICI ow ......... ,,... .... __ 1!9,..._ 12us• .............................. ..................... ...., ...... ,, t -·-.... ,,... l•'"•r• Deel Wzlel&'!..oo"'• fft toctayt OLDSMOBILE ----wun r•• ....... , ••••" ••• At Ye1;1 0L•1•01n1 ••ALll'I •---- MILLIR CHIVROLIT CO • 1M W• ~c1-.-1 Hl .. •.,,1 NIWPOIT llACH ------------1 I A I I•• L-• 11 YI I A •tLY I------------' , ··· 1, ... I • i . . 6J. •• . j ; 1 : j l J c ~ l • Scdwclar Rivals Play In llt EhJM ~ence Up Nortll 1955 JOHNSON. IU.809a OUTBOARD MOTORS Allllll 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 21 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric ~----~ J'A.Cl'OttY APPltOVIID Rllvtcm Complete Part. Stock See Us For All -------~ :J Sere tfll N@w ... the '56 FORD/' _Ji W/tk~)202·h.p. 1kunder6irrl ¥81 ._. ..e, .... W •1 H .. •, ·ru. at llae kllllcila el ,oar..._ · Hen'• flOWtl' •In.& llae MU.. ff .. •, U.-.t r11p 1..,. for laelant ,....._Hen'• liew caald•ee a aD ywr d1Ma1. H .. •, IOl.Ja.p.• Thuaderbinl "p .. deliftr9d eooch u tilk. cpaiet u a luU.by ••• by u cs~ diMp lih ck v.a cape! ......,..,, .. ~A.W'-'-' ,...._ w._......,, _/; W/tk~1kunder!Jfrrl styling I AM -'1 ........ ltl You'll -the duh and d...&e of cbe Thuoderbi.rcl in all 18 new Forde. You'll thrill to the blnty of the° loolo low Unu, the bfo.d IWHpin& hood, &he acitifts eillloueue. You'll be cielish&ed by 1 choice of ttfteahi.n&o new body colon and ncidng, new.color-keyed Luxury U..ns• ullerion. In. 4 thrilling series ... in 18 6rilltant new models! The 1im car at half the fine car prl~e .• :56 FORD THIODORI ROBINS - .·· . •2n:l 1111lf 11~~1 i~tl~ rJI ;~!'iii • 1Ji 1i'li i &1 pni '~I r 1:f1i!r11 E 'Ptiijlill:!J!~r1 1!1'i 5 ' i 1•1!1ill}1 1• •1li:!Pi!1 1 1i!i~l'~ ,.,~cal!.' · I.Bl I (~·fl hi tfu1::htiL r:~ .. ii: l 11 ·!·1~ l•~ I 1 !1 IE !rt~ 1 1~!!:!:11 ·,11 .. =I/; s ·'II r i1 l~:1•, .Ir!!~~ ·~ . 11.1 ild 1~1L ihh 11111,i!as~ iH ilEi ii ~h1v hf r ffU !dr , ... hi; 1h1l!!d~r~J},1h1 !! !,11flfll,h~ !t rrl~tJd hll~:I Ii 1 I •J• ~ ill dll,.! ;: ;,. > •• '"I 'll 'If ( I '=r ,,, ..... r .. ].J II ' i. I ii I I I · I I i Sli:t l'JJ I ·1.2! 1ulfl1h,,;h;t, h;!;;HdllHH 1 11!i,1J:1!~~!,i:, 1!J:i1ii tiiu~al;:: := 1:11 ;;: ilHHi:1l~d11,r :;~~-i! , II ~ 11ua;u111 11rr1~11;!1~~m!1mnnun:!i~!m1I!WU!!i!!-'r!limmm~;1'.H1r1'r11~,. 'f !i11:m11rdPiU!i;rm11 ~1;1r1:~1:11fmmn!il~~1f Hi~~!~t!~!i'n.;1?e11~m;:1 •1•:!iJi!i 1•!,11~1t1'111!:11 . ~ · - ll"'b''' _n 1rl:* ... J.hfi • .1ij1m~li:~;!~!!!!. l!mh rJ!!!rl~1:1.!:.!t t.-l i 1i~;r--!;! ' ti• lti'•' !'i'i'['r' ,2h! !J i"!i 1Jrij 1 .. 11 lril":' ~!'lh·~ n:21 fir J~:-~ ·~ · · ·-~---·~--------..... , .. ~ ·~ i rs 11i = ··r•r i .I! It. i &1. r1 •. "' ,; •f f f l!Jt . 1,:1!.r~!11rf :1:i! ... iu .. fhnll1~m11u1:i;hu. Jin .. ll,n .. umdl ..... 12 .. IH.!.. ni1l!dlll:IJMl.lf .. ;biih1..I1:i1 i~!ui1.1Ullr 1illl! .. Hrr ,fl~.r.~~-l,ii.. rll,llnh 111 ·•·•·· Cl> . Pf f 't"l;lj1JJ'~''f ~JllJi~ 'lllll'Jll:w J ~~I il'I' ,11:rt11· '. iJjlf1•,!jf~l1'Jijf llU!Jt :~ II' 1:11 'q'''11 QI !I 'tll!f .. llJl'f •'1 il!f'InfJllJ' '111111111"''~1 'llllflll' 'I ·--------. ---. . ... -. --. -r:· I lJ' ~ ,,, '·i Ill f '•' ~ .. ,~ Jc t1~s,. f II t~~r~~r f srr•1; ~, wJJi! I I 11111111' 'i·' 11•1c l ~all" .. rf 1•111 ... 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Ubm:tl11tUt1Ur..1 ... l:1d.1. .• ~.dJlrstraJ::rl 111 •• 111111 II ultrnlrM1.J ... ilhirrrl .. flur.IHll . rntl1UJJ rlHt lfmsl '.=. 0 r+ : fi'llll:if'~!''il'(lfj!~lltlJIJfJ~iJIJ!'lJJ:11"tjJ1l:J;!flS;fl!illlfll!::!l1!i!l!!'-~IJl!~ji6i~li~~(~f1il~fl1Jl:i~l~f!J!i'i!'Jl~fl~fi!Jf1~jiljrf!fl!f~f!lfl!lff~!f':!~i'~!J·. ·t;:iS . ~ . . 'flff~;l:(r;iff 1;:,~~1:•,•1rJ1;,1Jb1J,.;;J' Di !,~ll .. gJ'{l11 .. 1;:ri11r"; ;1J!. 1 lf!li~ra1!:it111,.iJJ11tr11;1111;1;11;&1glil:J1:1 .. ~:~1·j~11 ~-ll!f l~l'!ll~!iif :;t"'''!.i:!;11:111,1r.· _ _ . _ ,,,. I t P' I I• . t I' I I' i ·f~ '!I •.. . ~ .,.,,, I • I rt• •, .. f • l ~If 1,111 ,,, I ., ii· ~ .,r-; ... ~ I i ~1.~~r s I r ,r . ..,,,,, I . 11~ifr~~tl1:lr!~llr1l1!l11illlI!fJ1J1,J ,l1lf ,Jlrlftl11rJ,J1, !11li!!l1!lt;i litf.J!lrllfl,~s,1l1li.~atl11f til!r~~f ttfr1i1l11rr~~rai ~JI~ r~fil~1l1r~ lf,!f l~111:llfr~1 1lrr ~ t:S . · l!iiji'!f i!~iJl•1·1~~!U!fi!j!lit;:;~~H~!!!lt!illL : ~ lll!jjlif !!if !l~H!f :i~if i'~?r:Jt!;l!!l:p~!!il'~P!lf !~ilf !f QJm1m1!if' li! al!f~i~P;if ~ fiJlljlf !if if Qill!if ! < . . 6 IJl•r-•·,·h' .. 'Jl! .!i1111·~ I 1 f")lil.rfl.Jil1•1!1:~jiffi 0 l"(iltffr'~f(K11 .fr;I ~J!l .. !fil 1~i 111'1• t''l'lf~·!'1'i[[l•lfi!r~1&1.~i~!J[ilkiil (il;t1r111qf~ •il~l,•••:Jta.!·~IJ.!fl' ,....r ·~, ntthbt rl lif'lr 1l!.t.1hJ i~~mhs HhfflMh. ..I ' cfi:di .. ~rslrM h .... I.I ' ihfull i ff hti!.1,lr..uhls;mf~rftf Hch1U hU~mt .... 1hh fiJtMrl ,, ,, ~ c:t;l lm;11!·,11mt11r,r1• ~i. IJlif1ff j'if!J~~HJ!f m. nap!1f1';:.il=1• n:!I Ml!!(!~pn~m•~il r11mu 11:1~1p1m =iif 1tt 21·1:!~~f iJ: ~ !!r!f :1m;u. !l!'!Pmm;nu !!!If t: rflt:n1a· ~. ~ ~ ' r' l • 1 I i;U f ?'l!d1'i1ci&1• k~f !' f 1f !isisi=~~ g!f !! f1'[11 .. ! .. •1~m,h 1.Mi:1. • iJ n ~u l!f 1: r~ ;mh!!td.i~nill!1 hll ~ra!~~i ~ ~ i i~i; ~;~~! !!f ~if 1;.f!11ii .. 1 lH•iH fl' 1£• I 1 . • ~ •• ~1 .. rh. lti!._ rli 1.i !.· .. t~ .. '·~''afa!t••UIJ1. •f"'f1:1••t•11· 111. laiti1~1r1111;;rft•;rrJ•·1rt·1--~~l''l111;1•111a1IJil-~;..~~ Ja111aa.-a-:Jt"tt1a!JJlilf~llrfiiiJ1r1:r·· ir1~:·51 ...... . • , fj&1,r111'1ti ft( ii nll 1 1'1':ri,,s : 11 I rr1 ... ri.t II 1'l,J~1 E.1 f J t''1 I ~s~~ 1~1HJJrrg•ldtljj· (• .. •f I :1 11 'J 1,111 ~ ' •1"·;1p··~ t I -:!W&I! i~!:11f~;~!ltl1 ': !21!iJl~ •}. .. !t ! 1i•i:' J .. Jii 1fi~i1'frt1?1s! bia!t ! ,a' i ,,H1r;: : i!j;!mii:r:J!J!i slr1~;!1!'iitM:i~;! 1 ;'Js. . _ , . . IU!t; 19! ;rna1!!11ti91,!miG!viihf nMldl!J,iuf 1b:t~!iit id;Jb1t,hlhr.,1l1lr11mf1,1hlr a:lmlftt:il1~!n § Jt;i1.r11bldu3.,!t1E,f ,b~hnhu1 drhril " . :. · ·· NEW MEMJIJCRS ot the Olildren'• Jlome Society. Barbor AUlliary, were bcaor gU8ltl at rtea in the home of Kn. Howard Lawton, 1220 W. Bay Ave. Left to AT THE ·PHJLllARMONJC soCIFJrY·J "Nearly New" fashlt>n ahow held at &1- boa &1 Club c:Ommenti.t.or wa.tl Mrs. Juliet te Milliken (left), shown here givin~ Jut minute directiom to Mrs Edward I~Jter (Virginia Andrews) ~math, lire. How- ard Lunney (deldper Dorotbv O'Hara) and Mrs. James Halliday, all of Lido lale. 'nle luncheon ev~t wu unique, entertaining and a smash succesa. -Terry Boria Photo Philharll\onic Fashion Show Is Acclaitned Notable ·success Tttoee who • modeled lnc:tuded: Kl"9. Lindaey YOGngblood, Mn. Ro~rt Gardner. Phylll.e Bedl, Barbara Goold. Betty' Holliday, · rtaht (st1ndtnsl are llmea. Martin Mangold, Edpr B. Witmer, Tom Md>oupll; -.ted, Miiia Jettenon ScoyjJle and WUliam D. Clark ot eo.ta Mela, Mn. F.clward Leeter Smith. Mn. Tod Oviatt, president. headed the board memberw who were h<Mlt· --, Kmea. Don A.ndenon, Larry Howdl, M. S. Bernard, La1n011, a Payne Tbay· er, wmtam CWiett, Robert Barn•, John Oertly, David Ballentine and .,.__ Carol J0De1. -Statt Photo County Women Support ~~f t=.~ ;bo Ka;::. •iiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ,APORT ;?, I MR. 6 MRS. LARRY LUECK and tJM6r Newporter, Peca Setter, ncenUy lawached. Conc_en .SeSso ..... · n PT.01·ect ::..UdJo!t r.':' ~-:-cdtn-~~ , .... ' {alf WJlo Ji&d . ~J.ecf ~ " ; I Installation Plans Made for Mes~ Bethel Orchid chryMnthemwu agaiMt t.M ·pink and grf!~n Some .o 8boP11 and · •meee " d ol . from •1Uiou9 .,.... of u. county ecor the Balboa Bay Qub created a fest1ve atmospht>re contrtwtecS to u. oecutoo'• .ue- for the Orange County Phllh&rmonic Society's aparklmg c:-. and United Air" Un• do- "Nearly New Fu!Uon Show " whieb nettf'd ovef' $1500 to-nated ..me. of MiM J'raDCel ' Ke~ wtM> pnMnt.d u lat.r-ward the 80clety'a budget goal of $50,000 for ita 19M--56 mt.ton lklt whlc:b Wutnt.ed concert lle&801L wllat-.nd wtaat not! -to do an ,,.. llotblra' C1\lb al Job'• n.upten, Betlle1 111, met at tbe bom• ot Jin. Robert 8petb ..... cenU1 to plan for tbe c!Omtns ln-lt&U&Uon and other ac:UvtU. of Nearly toO women trom many went to P'Ullerl<!n-ttu . An orig'f· the Joblq. •reu gathered for U... Juncb..i n&J by Dorothy O'Hara. a abeer pacldar tor »oQc~ traY4-lnc· . )fothe1'9 appolnted lo commit-and unuuaJ •tfle 1baW whlc:h bro~ wool aflemoon dttA, wu 1Ulll1'0Ha8l.& tea for purcbutnc c:ancklabra wu followed later by th• ale. WOla by .Mn. C)lar._ Petereon. A larp c:ommttt.. ual.i.d and to be re.ponatble for the ~ on the premlle9, ot the many n.. Per Power ort,r tn.al, a lime-Mn. Kaxwen «turs-, eb&lrmaa, -.e. and decoraUon.1 tor tile In-fuhion Item.a whlc:h had been do-colo.red coc:kt&ll dress made of In arraqtfts the nenL Decora· lltall.aUon tnc:Nded Jim• Jack a&t.e4 fw the neiit ti)' lea4lnC Indian -.rt fabric, waa won by tlon. w .. deelped aDd eacuted ll&rrff. J. J .-KcOua, eaaiu._ Mil· l[lbope uc1 numerou lndlYldU&la. Kn . Ma.r:tJn Ere:~. The third orl· by Thehfta P&ddodl (Mn. l'Nd· tcm Stellar and Renert J...._ tta-~-tto&P o~ ~~.-~A p j;lack Jeney top rte) Hope. ~ by~ W· ~ Deml 8mltb. s\IU'dU el ....... llNlllelil. ........... .. ~ ~ .. ~ taupe fU11 cock· H. Henabaw a ad' Mn. wa'l...- UM beu.I. outbed Ule ldeclule a.-1 .._,. .... t • dlrflllee . taU -llklrt . dt-"'1~ and -.:uted Schoenleld. ln claup Of al clotb· ________________ ...., _ _,, ____ tor ttio. attmdbls the fl"Ud mnaD U1Ua11 tl\lc:h a. Madbe.p. bJ Mus~ Webb, wu won by lnc and mercbudlM .U Kn. S E A L A R K I N G ..son at Bacranlento 08 NOT oollan and eoetume jewelry. . Kra. Allen Keith of Beacon Bay. Carl M. Boewell with Jin. 1,,,. ,..11• · MODEL OOWN8 An elegant ort(inal black bat, C. l'ralller of Lacuna Beach u Ae'IOUDCllDellt ,,.. made ot a Two of the thrM on,tn&J. mod-MltlJMCI and donated by Mrs. G. mercbancn. coordinator. JI r a. .:.uR.,IVA {Ji L !WAI< '''"" ·,;1t1/ ~ STAITS WID. "Female on ,.. ' I ............ .,U-.... .. "TlneHOln to Kiii" nm OllGAN roo CAJf PLAT AT OlfOltl ...... ,, ..... c ............. lttoY1a ... w ..... ~,.. .. ...16 ... ., .... -•... ........................ . DANl·SCHa.DT ma flAJIO • ...,. nou .... ,_ ...... All ...... ...... Or..- .. Ml• dance far JotMe and thelr eeco.,.-ela b7 L&a'Un& Beach destpen ~ Wl!lder of Btta wu auc:-BuO Pet.non waa &n c:Mr,. al • -.. 1-. and II.lee pel'8Ql\Ul lnc:bad- to be beld at the Buattnctoa ed Mn. MJldred Alley and 11111 -Jf.. .... ..... £m .uk>RAI> TYPO NJ:WPORT ot Banta Konica, Kt. and 8.-c:b Paftlon. on l'ridaJ. A.llc:e Ida of Santa Ana, ai.o w....I!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BJ GINNY (11118. 1'.DWA&D LE!tlli&) 8lllrll • JLUUIOR: Bow rood It l• to be Mrs. Richard HoUler of Newport Af::r -~ ~~ lnt.tm N E Yr P 0 R T H A R 8 0 R Opal Sheehan ot HunUqton I bOme &pin • •. Catalina. l:urope, Reisbta. Ted Bebr of Puadena sun e.vv,... .-. .. _.eata •r-8-cll. New Tork, Afrtc:a. Honolullf, '" (and my! -wouldn't tb• ~ = by ,,.~_um.led bJ 1n charp of the modela wu ftne tpaa for ftc:&Uontna' .New-8m1tha of Udo lale like to Join co-.-..._ _... XcGuul Mr9. Olln r 8. KUJer, ...UUd by pon..., but there la ,so p1-ce like th• line-up). · an~ Mn. Ray Trautwein. Mrt. WlWam Taylor. Tbe coordl- our *-1ny Bay for sncef\IJ. ~-ANOTHER NEW YACHT Will In :r,bera ~t tor the meet-nator of all Ule coatumee llbown cSUna all round llmc. la there f IOOll .team into N.wport Barbor M~ton e ·=· <>;'J111 ~ wu Mn. Alfred B. Payne. Jr. A be&ut7, the black hulled Wbee ta. O.Orr• W&lkerw ot ean lpetb. ~ Ro., Jobn 8;!,.•· of Emerald Bay, UIMt.d by ~~ craft A q u 11 a 0)1DC the Bal-Marino brine Ulelr newly Jaunc:h-Charle• Ary Jr N H Ed~ Francte Olbltut. Wardrobe 'cllaJf'- bo& Yacht Club burr-and bear-ed '7 tt. tJrin dine.I Stevena Ra Albrlpt. Leo~n! . Robeeon man ..,. Mn. Ket ~fill. autlt.- IDI' proud owneni the Bemard <eruJaer down from 8t.oclcton and Ray Trautwetn Barrla Da.sci MRS WINIJ'RED BARBRE Women's Editor ed by Mn. Robert .udJ and LATEST HAIR STYUN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAlla SHOP Belli, I.I moored at the Balboa c:brtaten her "Poll.lea" at their Can LoftlJ Kn ' 11 ' J · • Mra. Douglas Roeech. Yacht Club .,._ and llWNDered llew adorable lky plnk Udo Nord IOll. 'smttb, Pa:.'°Coo ~ ac~ -PRESENTATION' MLllOA 'IWll:& ... at U.. Catalina latbmua, whl summer home • • • prealdent, Mn. ~ Cnt.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II • PAGE I Announcer Ju 11 et te Milliken waoA 8UNI. aumw two, Neptune bel.on ·ORANGE COUNTT Phllhar-MONDA y SEPT 26 I 9SS made the fuhlon •how vivid and o,.. ~ ..,_ lel•-~ ~~of~~ -~~~~~~ • • ,am :~·~u~~~~~~l~,~~~r=w~~~e;n~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~55~55~~5~ cWco II .uu "abUlldinl'"· (P.8.-knl ldM>w at th• Balboa Bay Club Ch nged D t r Ju.It talked to Georre Jiljchaud a whlrllns Wc:cul ••• 500 smart. -a a e ~ A.J>r.HOLIC WOMEN HOLD and le&med Neptune .Upped ln· ly dreMed temmu , •. more · ~ l. t.o ua. s.1 Y•terday.) later about th• maart •tyJ• of for Club Dance · · , Hot IO tor number tbree • • • bonor.cl dllipen who were pru-TEA AT LIDO ISLE HOME Oma and LAnJ IAaec:k ot Downey •t at Ule VIP table (Dorothy Dated for Friday, 8epL ao tn- eouldll't watt for UM flnlahlnl O'Hara, wbo modeled one of her atead of OcL T i. the bee.tit to 11 c la••, 110 lh•r craft, Pac. llllh rowu; Per Powen, who• ,dance 8J>Oft.IOred by the 0ran,.e .. tt. (tm't UlU a ftttlnr btp·lengtb-.Ut dlnner gown mad• C-Ounty Women'• C1ube, Junior UIMf) wu a .. mc>ied at Rm9n'• llUCb a •t&rt11n1 effect!; and membenihlp. ud ~ at a local boat yard Karri• Webb. wboee loftly "P-The d&n~ will take plaoe at by a umlle4 Olu. wttb too su-ta &rate. were a hit • • • all 0ranp 8UMy BW. ~Uon. Center Ill toutlllS tu proud be&ut7 wttb County destrnera ot now · •. l'ull.erton. will be Informal with cb&m,..,.e. world famoua Dorothy O'Hara an Hawailall •tttn1. Coup._ Will TM C&thoUc Women'• Council of Ou!' Lady ot Kt. Car· mel Pariah la rtvtnr a mem'benblp tea cm Thuntda.y, Sept. 29, from 2 lo 4 :30 p. m. &t the hoRle of Mra. Vlneeul Salmac:ta, 21~ Via Lido Soud. Mnt. J<Mtepb Arnold. membership c:h&tr· man, i. In c:harce of the affair, ... lated bJ Mr.. Robert Trem- bly u co-c:h&lrma n. I Invltatiol\8 were malled from the home of Ml"9. WWlam O'Bryon, c:OCTUpondlns J1eeretary, aided by Mr9. J<-hn Storch and Mra. Karl Millet. Council Pre&dent Mn. J. 'w Cammack and member• of the board w111 8Crve u h09te.uee PA.OS BSTI'l:R'B Malden Vo1· from Udo I.Ile, and Per Powent di.nee unde.r a •tar 8t11dded tropl· ... t.o u.. Catallaa Jftllmu tor and Marste Webb from Lacuna. cal al<y to tbe mUlllc · of Lee ua. Cona1r Yacbt Club'• 8b1Ddlr JOHNNY NEY", that t errific: Brown and 1\1• OTClleltra wblSe at "Cat" Harbor ahowed ber off hair •tyu.t at tbe Bay Club, en-hula rtrll wend their way ~ peat adftntap • , • wbat a tert&lned Benrly Billi'• ~en throup the crowd. ------------------------ °1ad)"' ••• llbe ta the ultlm&te Younc when •be comblDed a va-Tb• benetlt atfaJr will pnmde At M . c · In tboaebt. word and 4-11 A c.allon' ,trtp With "cotff bualne•" proc:eeda t.oward bulldlnS a ph7'" eXlCO lty lnl yadlL In a OOllfennc.'-at Johnny'• ar· •lotherapy pool for the crippled Vacatlonl!lr a t Ule Hotel Del PACll Bsrn:R la back in Ill U.Uc Lquna S..C:b abode • ' · paUen(a of Oranp Counl,Y. The Prado In Mexico City la Mn PARU:.8 • RIDLEY llORTUABY "'cndle'' tor the M!ClllU for wait 'Ull JOU ... tbe new •tYI• pool Will be loc:ated In Santa An& G . · which lu OWMn could DOt wait • • • do belleft that Southern adjacent to th• new Santa All& l.oria BRUleel, ll02 So.-Bay, Formef'l7 GRAUEL OBAPEL • . • lNt ftlc:b wU1 dellibt tbern Calltornla IWr 1tyU.U, l I k e Juntor Oollep pool. Balboa lllan~. UI ......... , t-C.a .. _. 1.AertJ 1-SUJ &ad 1-NN ·B . ead wtMll .. t:h• JWY' r•tl 8cMathem Califomla cl'"8 dntrn--------'-------- 1*-"mak•Ull" on. Watt until ~ U..:1~~ the pece tor th• an c~rtatnly wwkin1 ·like mad For Perrymans 1'D'& .. UM t• tt. wide hlk" ••• lmqtnel Bob Hope. Johnny ' t..untlry serrice tleluxe .•• •t l»rgaia prices/ WHAT IS tT7 Jndiriduall1 Wuh~ appanl Duff dried by filtered atr-fl&.t plecee proteMlqully trooed. Tour c:Jodi• ud llneu an done up ONE unit-Go mis• UJ19, rao UMIPUi mulal -ratuoft water, s-U. c:ontrolled 809~ WHEN AVAILABLE • • • Service wttbln tioun u urrent. t>ecau11e we do eftrytbJns rtrtit bere. HOW MUCH ••• . It is • bar9ain ·bundle too • • • • Olly $2.15 for 23 Iba.. WHERE ••• pu•a ""S&aVJCE Wl'l'llDf 8011U -Wll£N Jll'IZDllD"' OOMl'LnE IAUNDEllB ... a..EANUB ........ I tne toam rubber toP1*1 ... t In CBILDREN'B HOJlll l!IOctety Mercq, and Lii Brvwn • . . The Jamea Pmy m&111 JIM ..; u.. palataal coclcpitl -tbe for-board dtuta.ined •hr. new mem-eounda like Hollywood! ••. will JCut lttb 8L Co•la M~ are lllic:a topped4n':'c pDql -tbe bera at a JonJy luncheon at Jane report next W'eek oa "The Law-' · OOlllJllC\ . l U U • .ton (Jira. Howard) Law90n'a c:h&rm· nmc:ea" Bal, Int.....aUOG&le next parent.I of a rtrl baby born Sept. wttb lttap ona! And for the in&' Newport Ba7 l'ront bome . • . Monda, at nine at their Bel Aire 11 at Hoas H09pft.at. eklpper ~· tamUJ, "little tt cllattlnr on the irpec:lou• terrace home • • • .oundl wondertul with aay 'll*MP' ••• for tbe wtM>le · ~: lhuldent Tody (Mn. Tod) sueata requuted to appear tn .DIOGENES Throws Light on Subject PERHAPS THE YEUOW·~ WILL HELP Mt . SPOTUGftr.HIM FOR AOVERnSING SBMa rT PAYS TO LOOK • ... THE 'hAsstFJEO" PART ~~lOVl TELEPHONE BOOK .. ...._ derD yacht ta c:o•ered QYt&tt. Eleanor (Jim. R, hJM) "All Nation•" C91tumea . , . Ola· wttla ,...._ .,.. ap!ut "la· Tbay.r, Patty (Jin. Wllllam) 111• and her IOll Paul attn,. ._..... • ••• anlJ MU· C\lJ'lett (cha!rman for the Deb hue top ,.,.Uea. whether at tac u4 an cmteni of Ball. Dec. 21), and new llMlllMN tbetr Lido hie IUJnlller home or tbe *1· t Jleedamee Jldsu Witmer, Martin at their town hauM ••• OVER OTBD WCKY boat ownen Maneold. WUUun Clark. Jefftt-AND OUT • .... .,. ktMltl-\y waiUq for aoe lco'rille. 'lbomu Jlc:Doupl. ----------- ......_,..,. .... m.ck ot 8Ult& and 1'IUh ~ • ......_ Kr. 'iad Xn. I>uT.a Hud-LOOKING I' 0 R WA ft D TO: ..,., ., a.Gilda. Kr. and Kn. l'\md Fair eat aaturda1 at our (IU'.V.D.) .tlurb,· I'. X. BJTClll tradlUonal Jtendno\M Ba1Jroom • • tboe8 Hoq H09pit&l pla George Reunion ... Oeall 1. Oeorp. Dot --,,......, ati.dld a m.-ate tlt.mily ......_ ...-\&)' at 8pub, Me'#. rr-\ ,... II .......... ttam ...._ ~ 0..-. w,..a.s. U\alt, ., ,,.,. ~-............... u ...... ~ ...... --......... .at ,.... ,.... at ...... "°*"' fir., (,.._., •• ..... v.. ..,...,1 ' e Wanted! u,..... ........ _,... ..tfl We ..... ell•"" lef lleolrAM ~-I .-_cl.. ,.._., .. -.... -"4 .............. .- ....... C.ll • --_.... .. ••4 .,...1oe1 .. ,_ ..,_..., (If .. th4) ........... ....., ..................... Olll~l- .. l CANNOT FINO MY HONEST MAN MY LAMP,At.AS, IS OIM ~-r lh«l lly ~out of IO JWOpk 11•1uide to thou wllo ••II or ~e -hcific T•,••11 PA6E 2·'MT11-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-rltESS MONDAY. SEPT. 26. 1955 ' FROLIC IR\NGS LOAD OF Directed by Andy KJrk, Balboa, right, his aloop Frolic ia pulled into Harbormaater'• dock, oa.rrying two dead, one ~ju~ Lonnie VlDccnt, aecond from right. bac.k to eamera, holda line. Body of Lealie Jack DEAD, INJURED TO DOCK Steen, 35, Venice, a drowning victim, is t<' left ot Vincent on deck, while weman guest.a of Frolic ia farther up on port bow. -Beckner Photo Jim Bath Wins Gold Pin for Essay Contest • At COIU Mua Or&n&'• Thure- day night Don Stern.a. Granie Master, pr('sented a &Old pln to Jlrn Bath. FF.A pretldent, for ht. wlnnlng ea.say aubmltted In the k>cal chapter from 24 uaaya IUb- ·mltted. Conteal Is National Orance and Plant Food Council of America oont•t. Now t.be aeeay ioea.. \o NaUonal Granre for nau!Sn&l compeUtlon. Bat.h'a topic w a 1 "Ca.lnln&' Oround Throucb P'ertJUty." Bath put tum~lf ln plac. ot plant and pve h.la reacUona to llClenWlc management &lid feed· in&'. Parenta of membera attended meetlnr. ' TAK.EN AlllOSI: -Newport Beach police and lfm)ormuter offtcere canf\aUJ remove tbroud-cowred bo<fy of lMlie Jack Steen, 3&, Veoice from Andy Kirk'I ff.ft. aloop Frolic which picked up Steen'• body and body at Mn. Ralph Kner and her huab&nd wbo wu injured in boat Col1l8on 8 mlleA out of Netrport )'99- terday afternoon ID cbannf'l. -st&tt Photo BEA.Dl' TO DEBARK -Lonnie Vincent. left, New- port Beach d.nlgrist, a gueet aboard Andy Kirk'• 1loop Frolic, droJ>I boat bumper u craft wups to Harbor- muter dbck with two dead and one injllttd aboard from ycwterday'1 colliaion at 1ea. From Jett. Mn. Peace Officers' D•a Dm FrlclaJ 'l'b1rU9Ul uaual <>rup 00\m• t7 P9ace <>mean dance wUl be ..... J'rida1 Dilbt at u.e ~ ..-llaDnola, ....U.C at I o'dodl ud IMtint 'Ulltll 1 LDl. L1Qr1atoa !f obW• orcbeatra will proftde mu.le. acoordbl&' to Capt. llan'y Lace. Ttclleta may be ob- talned trom any polJceman or law enforc.m•l otftcet". BE SURE -INSURE ...... llAuaD ft.&NLS'I .......... OlllJ ............ ,. Ul6 E. OoMt mp-.1 0.,.... .. ...., A I -lf .... -e .. ::.: ~:-:==-.:: ......................... mDl'r 80UAO ti • .... OrMse Olml7 ... ....., er.--.. " .......... a.-.... ... o.ea ~ ................. .0. .... nwnon •tm.CALS. .... , .... , ••• a-... '"'"' .. ,, .... , ... ..... ...,. ...... ...... , .. fL .:::.: ==I,.. ... .. You law• IO«vo _,_ PRINGLIS .,_..,_ ........ u,... Fr•• Fiim! MocCarter Treated Vincent and Dorothy Cqam.elman, •ated on cabin roof. Foreground, lhroudo(l()Vered body of Mra. Ralph coaTA. MJ:.BA. CJLU>mL CHA.Piil. 81' Tllll RA BAL 12 MORTUARIES for Crushed Toes Kner, 31, Santa Monica, on whom Vincent ana Kirk nu Superior AYGllM IUO &. eo..I& lltrd. v. 1:. Mac:CuUr. e~ Dopood worked 90 minute. to try and revive with artificial eo.t& K... Calif. CGl'mA del Mar, o.M. 8t .• Coel& Mua. Loe A.n1el• n....., • ., a•-'t Ph ~ LDMrt:t a.1111 l'boDe ,..,._ 4.1 ~per man. i. reported to be dotnr _ _:reaipll'a~"'~o~ni. ~~~~iii0itoil!iiiiiii!!iiii!ii!ii!iiiiiifiijiijijiiiiiiiiJiijiiijiiijiiijiiiiiF ESCAPADE II DEBARKS COLLISION SURVIVOR Led by Newport Police Capt. Walt Dyaon ·acrosa decks o! Harbor'• Cout Guard cutter, George Luke, 37, Manhattan Beach, carrying handkerchief, leaves 82-tt. 1ebooqer Escapade II which picked him out of sea yesterday afternoon following ooJURon with the •reedboat. in wbicb Luke waa riding and in which two penona, a 1DUl and woman, lolt • U... ._:_ Beokner Photo ' well a t Hoar Hoepjt.al where ht wu taken ThUJ"llday afternoon af- ter ~ atruck by a car on the freeway near Norwalk. Toe11 of one foot are broken and cnabed and It la allll a quuUon aa to whet.her ht. right cheekbone i. fractured. Boldea that h.la ~ and body 1merally are ti.d17 brnlaed. Smith Girt Ion Mr. tnd Mra. C. L. Smith of 539 lrvtne .Ave.. announced the birth of a pl 1n Oran1• Coun~ Hoaplt.al on Sept. 12. Th• baby welghed 9 lb.., -% os . Harbin Girl Ion Mr. Uld Mn. Allen Barta. 2085 Tburtn 8 l, Coeta M-. are pa.ren~ of a itrl baby born Sept. 111 at ff~ Boaplt&l. • CANYON Fl.AMIS FINALLY STOPPED l'lre roared &Cl'Ol8 MU'!)' 2000 aa. of the lntne ranch and down towards the heart of Laguna Beach la.It ni&ht When_ it W'U stopped ~ pictured here ~l the begin.D.lq of the divided highway Into town 1n Lacuna Canyon. Tboa.tandl of epectaton attracted from the Cout Highway I and IUf'r'OUJl<img citiel ~mmed the Lasuna 9-ch City roada leadin1 to the canyon during the beicbt of the fire. Tbe f1allM9 swept to within 100 feet of home. in the thlckl7 pop. ulated Lquna Canyon d!Mrict ha.t inland of tbt • tnine Bowl and \he Fe.tlval of A.rt.I lbowpoada. -SW.f Ph"t .. Jleping in St"!' wiM l'e growM o/ our -4Na ... anJ o(.a~ing :J,11 ParaJ11/ ' THI NIWPOIT HAllOI AllA IS GIOWIN& • (N&WPO&T 11&.&0B 1IM OEN8Ua U.JJO) NOW 11,541 HAS INCllASID ns PUIUCATION TO MONDAY-WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY (PLUS TD OOAATAL 8HOl'PD ON WZDNDDA.Y) 5830 Paid Circ~latlon Tbe Lupat Paid C\l'C1llatioD of any aew1pa,per la tbe Harbor Ana. C.OVen the entire city of Newport S.Ch, Including Balboa. Balboa Ialand, Lido Ialud, Corona del Mar and the City of Co.ta Mesa. The· tuteet growing and one of the we&lthielt marketing areu ln Southern California. Blanket eo..,... at the Orup Oouty Cout LIDe, includinr Newport Beecla, Oo9ta 111-. Lapaa ._. and • ......._.....,la a\railable by uain1 the OOA8TAL SllOPl'Ea. Phone Harbor 1616 . for Representative Newport H11tlor News-Press Newport ..... Calif. • • lHAL N011CI ~ tNtt-Juica bulb!• ..... .. JtOIUl'8 AT 'Ima CXW1'. -4 ~ at Maj.,,,. t.e07lllila °"9 -101 mpwa,,, Orup ~. ta u. Oll:1 ., JI~ .... O..tJ ., ()nap, ltat.e ., a.a. · DILIYllY GUAR_4NIDD o.ll;e, of tM Mewpoit 11utaor Nen-Pr.i. ii 1W It 1 Carrier bo,a ril cWt.. tMir pep11'1 t. fen I~ • ~. WICIDmdaJ a4 Prtd&J, U ,oar ...... II .. Mou .. by tbat Mar ..... Mil llaftol' 1111 .... '1f1S .m. wlll 111taf ,.. ...... . T""9I CllMI& • _., ...... 1t11• ..... , ..... c.. ,,.,. ....-... lonlla; ... aiai a .a.. tr..- ud •rfprrt., &M ...... lae ..... UICI tail dllRn. _______________________ .. u.ef .. will -.... -10:11 ---------.--------------..... ----... IMla at ... taa•UdW ---t o'doc:ll LID oa ta. Ta -9' ... n,.1a.eiw-... .-aa annp lU.,,. omt par oeto11er. ltii at a.a_,... i. Cla • ................ -a.. ,...,. ....._,.. ~ta 1811 t.e ~t "' ~ ---a... lM. .. u.. -v. ., ... 1*. ...... die J\al'1 Olut JU •• ~---t.e aws ca ' lh• talMalataoa ta tile MCIGdq ,.__ ::, g::.at .:ii:: • .. c:; ~ ...... a trt.i fll .... -tl •WU ... 1'.I ,_ -L qt N.wport 1leacb. Ooua\J Of ()r. ....... •111 th• a..r ....... •t.t.Ds tM blUir· ...,._ Btata ol 0111fio1t11L NEWPORT llABBOB NEWS-PRESS • hi>' k ftil a,.. ..... 9eOtloDa ... counted, ~ • , .-. lie .... UM .at -.,. Oil t.e Koch. Tnack totala lJICluded Dat.e4 8.,t•ber II, -"==~, 'lllf lf'-....• ,._.ell •elaacleil .otMr-tbaa pu1 qer N~ JIODIA:l'L.A.JfC H Pu b ... D 1...ewt..__. LOST l&dl• 1'"91\ wallet. ft.ewvd. Har. 119()..K &n.r I . tell LOeT-KulU colonel female cat NEWPORT HAUOI NEWS.PUSS-PAlt lh PAM I MONDAY, 58'1'. 2" 1911 ___. ..... _ ...... • •a I I .. Swedish M•uage FreU Hearing Aid -~ appa&atmet .. BA'rn:IUD I JUUi' ~ W•Gt9MBO..... ...... •17 ........... at AINWLrf Gunderson Drug Co. ..,,_.. BotM. Mala llt. at a.J.boa Jlhd.. llan.o. call H.aJ'bor tftO • Hu. auw au. ..,. Olt2. 10.H ~ It a.\Tl'LER .... pe~ener ,...... • ft. Jl'rtgtd&h-lntn6 nn. dl"apea. Lawn mown .. Venetian Blind&. Har. IOll·R. and CLEAN UPS lc.10 LibetVS-1• 9 rr. DllI.JCATlll88mH e._ •1&0 • ... ONll I It. ""11WalOI' -···-JOO. ONI' larr• oommerc. nfrll'· '111. 1 ICAUllll, ... l OONOOU an. • !iii....~ taln:l8IUPll Th ean. W'JLlU. LOtnaa '9()1UaANC ~ .. 41111 --.,. ._ _.. ..... ._. ..... -----------V•w Ivery II•••· W1•11*'f MCI Friday OOAS'.UL SHOPPER -Wednesdays 5-Belf W•ted Call own• LI I.au momanp or after a p.m. kll red collar, Loat near Bud'• · .. ,. -at ..,., ... ·-· Ll•AL NOTICE MAT= a<>WlC ..._ 1• ta • ~ llTATm or CALDUUflA Monat OW DIBlm• ootnnT OJ' ORAJfOll )-. Ota----tr:* ......_ ta .._ llOm'GAG Oa September 11. 11A. ...,_... .., NW. Nones a mm OIVD: ma. u.. ~ a MCllt.WJ ..... ~ tMt Jobn Wehrt and Irma R. Public In and tor ..ad Ooaty as .. vs a. _. OUpeen WelUt. 11.ortpcor. WlloM addrtM and at.ate. ,.. •'17 _,,...,.. .... .. .. we • ....,., lOM la Ut62 CJw1a Vwt.a A••ue. In NORKAN BOJUllRANC.. WJL. rkstt _. • .._,. tile Clty ot Dana Pol.Dt. Ooanty ot JU LOUISE BOIUl:ft.UfO and ....... ....-~ ._. ... ft'A'ft. 9114 Orup, atate ot CabtonUa. in· M.A.T.u.m BROWN, lmowa tome at. -U ,6M _,. cm 8ml-t.tnda to mort~e lo Ku: C. to '9 u.e ,_... whoee ....... , tM ....-; 11.i.. ..,. • Woltt Jr .• Kortppe. wt.Gee ad-an wbecrlbed to th• wtWn In· .,. ... ir., Mlf tl'Mlls. ..,... ud dnm la W Z. Ballloa BoWtvard, atnanent and ac~ that ,_,_,." • ..._U.-.,. oa aa-ta UM Ctty of Newport Be.sc:O, U..7 uecuted tbe ..,.., • ... ~: 1.... ... -Oomat7 of OrUlp. State of Call· Wttaeea my band 9114 oftlcl&I ...... ,.1111 tNcll&. tornS&. .-L fte M..,.a Gow ol \rtimo bl AU tlzlure. and equipmet Of a (a.I) w ._..,. ... tbe .utll-c:erta1n oate ~... known 1&1 AN'Hll JOllNIOH sue a•· at W......_ Pop'• raJSIOU8 at..k Bouae and Notary Pubbc bl and tor AD Azz'Mel A.ti-* .. ,.ad,_ OUla ta....._ et,... .... ....... ft tot.n.d .... C1UC1 )ooated at 811 Z. Balboa Boulfo-8ajd 0omlt7 ~ 8t&t.. The pvt:•t>srs w1ll DOC ~ NlpOMibi. tor DION Ul&D one lnOCllTeC:t J. M. Yard. 1n t.be Qty of Newport Ky Oommt"'on 11KpAN m..ti• oC aa a4. ,,_.,. Ute rtpt to correc:tl7 caa.tf1 aey and all .lMpsl .......... of IDcr'tUe a.di, County ot 0nnce. 8tate of April 20, lNI ada and ~ aA7 ad D0t ~ to nilee and npl&ticmL SIM WU lbocrD at &aU1Ja Cal&tonit.a, and Ula&. a.n. aecuted No. 111 M..,._l"rem t;lljlll Wlld.14 A._ ....... Ule ..t 11\0fta ... ol \be am• wlll be di------M-.. -.---11----Claulflecl lllclex "P Ht.S la can J'Uty 14, and bftrad and tile coulder&Uon the.,. NOTICll TO Clll:Dft'OU ,. ta troeb. tor peld at 10:00 o'clock a. m. oe 1 r-.1 Notleae BIO Df(]U!*R UM 'Ul .., ol Oet.ober. lttMI, at an'.&TID or WILBSLKIN .& J 0.... el ftulla C..t;J' ..... llDra.r ,... ,.,. Sn tbe e.crow dieputment ot Ula ftED!ll!'OIU.. w.ao. ... • ....a Dbwhn ~ ..... CID total .uicla9 Bull of .A.Jn.._ N. T. Ir 8. A. at WILLOW r.AD W.A&D, .aia 1t p p w 0-.. ....__ e•-t •-·--·---·-•. mid a.ab Balboa Branch, ln .the. u a a•c w1• r11i1a -·-.. -_.._._.._ ....,_,._ ot WIU.OW r. WA.JU) Du 1111 • .. JIM ud ..... • lNI: Jal7 Ctt7 M_,ort a.di, Oounty NO'nCE U Hl!llDT arYmN 11 ....... ._...... i• •.au .,. .. oompuect of O..U,.. Stat. ot OLUfonila. H Pw h tl,IU oan tM ... date ll6t, Deted S.ptember 20, 19515 to the credtt.on ot and all penou 11 au. Y.-Ou ..._.. Of U.I per cent; JG17 JORM WERT, =: :..ia::s = ~~~~ ~~ ~ Jl9..-et,T .. _,. epJallt It,-Kortcqor wttla t..aa. DeoMl&l7 1'0UCben ID JI ~ .tJdm la 1tM. u tacHaN ot 4T.I tlUlA Jl. WEHRT, t.be ottJce of the a.rk ot the au-It 8-ltll .Alda WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL Ii OFFICES LI 8-1623 lc16 General Contractor Bu.r_rera. Cott.a Meaa. ~. Ll. 1-9002 • 10oll ll Scllaoll, lut.awdoa Super-14arket TRAINING CENTER Grocery CMhlen and M.t ._'J'raa>- pers. Mak• $80 to SUO ,_.. wk. Call for appol.ntment \o learn mon a!loUt tbJa tra1n1D&'. AL TYLER Schools KI T4611 NU Real Estate School in Santa Ana JOIN A WOJimN JINllU'8 ID 1pan t1mA tor 1mllmlt.d opportualtMI In Re&J m.taw. New c:J.- "9ellly. Al Tyler m.t:ru.ctblJ. At- tend ant nmlll& tr.e ud Jeana about thl8 sreat tSeld. Call or write now. Al Tyler School 1111 No. BroadWay, a.at.a AM XI T·a&ll-ICI 6-lfft.D l-231J ttc China Painting em\; JU.IT tnacJul u aplnlt Kortcacor perior Oowt"' th• Btat. ot cau-n ............. LJClfNBm>• Day ud 1IMlltq a... Beacon Personnel 10090 employer nta1ned apncy NO fee eollected from applicant -- We have ucell. opeaJqa tow Top typl.IU, .ten.. ....U•• .ec~t.ary • lypet • blr.'kr,; ntall ate. 1Uppl7 ealeun.an, A J'orelp moton meclwllc, nlte deak cierk, (male) Matntenance man. BEACON PER80NNEL (.lpllc7) ua-ai.t MftPQlt a..ck l1R8T clul ....ar.a call Bar. MT. ICU ODU.a YOU will han an opportunity to advance Sn our tlnn, became of our p,...t -.. paulon procnm. Tb• atarUnc aaJary la rood and JOU w1ll 1"9Celv• fnquent lncreuee, too. Jobe now for: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -•m -610i No. Kain au.t Riil. Ill -lluta A.II& t :OO to •:OO P.X. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Tltfc truckl, a hike ol 22 plr' ~<:_~UT .JR., tomi&. ID and tfW the County of H ......_ ......._ --··--.. 81t.Mf••• ...... No. llJ _ N..,. P1"ela t,,-;:J6 Onmc•· o.r to Pre9ml Ute Mme, It Batp w ..... Ordela Take Mow New Work -Remodellng PbCM Lllaert7 MMI tttte . wttll tile ~ voucbara, t.o M Iller° • JlfODJOS or INftJrl'JON TO the UAdlnlped at Ida or h« •.& ew.,. J . MILTON McKENZIE TUTORING Harbor 6399-W 58tfc ENOAG& IN TU a.u.g OP place ot buam-. to-wit: •B AftlllDIU..1111.mo•• .Al.oomOUO B&~GU WILl!JllRT r. WA.RD 11 ___, te a., S.,t-lier 16, 1'65 c/o HURWITZ • RtTRWJTZ, IS .... It ... ,_ ... DMa., .tn?lea.._ Att.orneJ9 at Law at.A All..._ TO WBOK tr KAT CONCERN: 2111 Newport BlYd., MIWl)Ol't II ..... 98 .......... . NoUea la !>-.by stvm Uaat fif· Beacb. Calitonia M • ..._., ....... TV Jft'H my., BAWAll-.A.rmy t.., da711 after the above date within 8'a mont.bl atter the nnt : ~()Ma, Pm Jacki• W. Qal'k. U. waio. th• undenllped propoMa to MU pWIUcaUoll ot t1Ua notice. 17 1"-*odl e, A*!e, Uv. at 112 V\& Xu· a1oabolic bevvq• at Ul .. pNm· Dated September t . 1918 u Bpedill AA.&1••1M1.._.,..~~•...t-. It., N9Wp0f'l a.ch. recently a-. d..crlbed at follow•: WILBJDRT P', WA.RI> • AICtoe W..W part. La batt.aUon ll'al.nl.nl 890f Cout Hlpway Adminilllrator of the Ea-.. .A.ato. for a.le Mid ~ UM 23th Inta.ntry N_..,ort 8-cb tat.a of Mid d.cedent.. •.& nr. a Pana l>t'trtacm oa th• lalan4 ot Hawaii. Panuant to llUCh Sntenllon the HUftwrrz Ir HURWITZ tl ..._ 9en'lce TIM two-day t•l wu divided undenlped ta app~ to th~ De-.A.ttome19 at Law U :::::.. .. t.-.. pllaN• def-. nlfht pertm.-il ot Alcohol~ Bever-.• 2ell Newport Boulevard : W..W to 8-l and attack. The I•· Coatrol tor laauanee at an alcohol· Nnport Beach, California " Apt&. & a---fer SIM , 18 about 200 mllee from th• le beftn,.. llceDM for t.heae pl"em· Attorney• tor Admlnlatrator 61-.6. A,... tor a.. ta home •taUoa at lcbofteld ..._ u follow•: No. IOI 61-8 a... fer ._., • °" O&llu. Trf. On·aaJ• Bffr N...,....,_ t /12, lt, H, 10/J, N .a-0 TN9er .,._ Clerk, eon of Mr. and Mra. M ao-for JI-a .at.. Clark. 618 WMtaiuter Aeyone delllr1Jlc lo proteal the CUTll'ICAT& 01' BUSINKU e.A. .... 8-luuance of such Ucenae may flle Fktl.a.. P1nca N... -.. a-a...,.. l• UI ammun1Uot1 bMrn tn a verified pr'Ot•t with tbe Depa.rt· M ._. Jl19c. •TY Kort.al' Compen,y of lhe -.. flectmwat. Re attended ment of Alcobollc Be•erac• Con· TM ~ do hereby cer-II IMor.-a Ofnc. Ccaat JuaJor Oollep be· trol, at S&crunento, Calltornla, tlly that the7 are CODductJQC a ,.... ~ ~ '= ~tlea ~ Ute Arm:y lll Sep· 9t&UJ\s S'f'OW\da for den1al u pro-tall tumiture lNlln .. at 2820 W ...... -~tot:.:;;-v1ded by Jaw. ,... ___ • u•--N--.. .._A.. --1 ber 1114 aad t. a rnemMr of ARNOLD K. TWErl'EN. -.-.. ·~u .. ay ... .,.... -11--.,. Wutecl Chi fratemny. LEONA D. TWEETEN Cal1f.. under the flcUt..toua firm ... a.a l'.ata&e w..w name ot Newport J'untture Co. No. ea N.-..Pr.m t/Jl,1&6 and that aid tlnn la compoMd ot ------------t.be tollowtnc penona, wboM &S,DI._ .... Notlom Loses from Mall NOTICE OF INTENDED 8ALI: namea and addreuea are u tol- NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN: lowt, t o-wit : Newport Harbor That EDWARD F . O'BRIEN, [)e.nlel V, Hay•, 1'2' ._.__. EDWARD F . O'BRD:N, .JR., and TV1"., Corona del Kar, C&llt. .JACK W. O'BRIEN, Vendon, JOHph B. Loupl1n. 111 B.UO- U. and Coata Meaa police whOM add,,_ La ll80 N.-wport trope, Corona del Mar. caut. week of theft of cbeclut Boulevard, In the Clty of Coeta Wltn ... our handa thla 10Ut de.)' mall ah• bad dllpatclled Meaa, County of Oranae, Stal• ot September 196ll IM ..Sd llba placed four ~-of CaUtornia, lntenda to Mil to J~ B. Louplla oontatnUll' c:~ be-A. C. Bll:A'M'Y, Vendee, wboae Daniel v. Haya tbe 0ac and maU bolt addreN !a 3707 W•l Balboa Boule· STATll 01' CALD'ORNIA ) -4---8M found t..bne en· Vard, In th• City of Newport COUNTY OP' ORA.MOil >• 1~ Oft the ll'ound be-Beach, County of Or~e. Stata ot On thil iOth day of September, the boll later, one check California. th• followtns deacrtbed A.D.. lttMI, before me, ROBllRT l1Ql.U mlutAa-trom an en· peMIODal properly, to-wit: F. WIIJMl:8, a Notary PuMlc All atock ln trade, flxtUJ"M, In and for aa14 County and ltat.a, equlpmer1t and CoOd will u fol· pereonally appmnd JOSEPH B . >ow9: All le&Mllold lmpro.,.n:-ta, LOUGBLJN aD4 DANIEL V. C-C ..... hlt •ma. an aeewori.. pvta, btna HA.TI!l&, known to m., ROBl:RT AM lturpoua ot llOO S. ~ and auppll•: all ahop equipment. F. WUJJQ!I, lo be the penona recenUy compla1ned to all .mee equipment u preeently wboM Dam. are aub9crlbed to tiWpOC't 8-ell police Moul two OW'fted by 0"'1'Mn Moton. lhe wtt.hln IMtrumeat, and ac· ears la 8a1bo& Pvklns Lot. '111• II.at i. to al.eo Include all lmowledced to me that t.bey ... _.. tM autoe lla.d bee-a llMN Ile.ma of the aboVe nature that ecuted t.b• aame. B. P. 0. E. 1767 WINDOWS-DOUBLll HUNG 1-1 Jt 2 tt.. '-21i;Jtt It. S--2~&a fl. 1-cu.ment 1 ~x2 tL S-.Slldlnc Klh 2 % x2 ~ n. DOORS 1-&:reen 31-txl ft., 8 in. 1-Ketal ~a.race door( 1UdJnc) WO ft. cau Har. CHe. kll Painting, Decorating Paper Ran,tnr GID. BURKHARDT Ll<::mfUID OONTR4Cl'Oft IT& W. 11th 8t., Colt.a K._ I.Jberty ..... BION RICE, Inc. GmNl!RA.L OON'I'1\ACI'OR8 RetldenUal, Commercial, AddlUona. Barbor •H-W. tlpll CARPENTER Repair Work Doer Tour Some Need R.apala1q or Remode"nc? Call ........ Llbert7 l-le56 All Work <>uaranteec:t 74tle ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUK [ t.Mtall th• above cheaper th&n moet. A180 aell Tll• Ii Unoleum. Non-union. 25 yean experience. Compare and ... - BILL OOKER Bar. t 7t5 or Long Beach T-5913. Htfc Painting Ii Paper~ We do the work ourwelve.. 10 yeara experience Ueen.aed • lnlared. 8&Uatact1an l\IU'UltMd. l:IUmatea tree. Call Jobnnle. LI 8-2687 A LI S-:S289 81tfc COMPLETE PAINTING Ii Paper Hanging Service l:UGENJC 0 . SAUNDERS 000 ai.t Street. Newport Be&cb Harbor me or Bar. ''"' tt.c Elec. Tool Repair ,_re &Jld ..-.re beeolnJ.D&' an wollld be aonnally Wied l.n t.be IN W1TNJ:88 WHJ:Rl:OF, I ._._., Panou uaJmown. abe openu-of ™• ~ uid haYe a.er.unto Ml m7 hand ud '"" alOWly ~tune the whlcb la now located ln the p~m-attlxed my otftclal Mal the ~ '"'91dc1era. lMI lmown and 4-lenated u lt80 uid y-.r In thla cuttf\cate rtrat Newport BoW.Vud, c.o.t& X-. above wrttlen. CaDtoT111& of a certata automobile ftOBJCRT r. WUJ,IRS 811111 Bawa, DrUla, lan~n QUICK aEl\VICll LEWOO ELECTRIC CO. 8ldll l&wa, IDec. DriBI. Pou.Mn, t151 No. Newport Bml,. Npt. BclL aD tn-of Sande.n, Wh..u.r• Liberty a.asaa. "ttc FOR RENT dealenblp bu •In•••· known u Notary Public In and for .. Id O'Brl911 Molont, and located at 118<> County and Btate. Nwport Boulevard, In UM Clty of lllo. 909 Coeta Meaa, County of Oraqe, N_.~ t/12, 19, 2', 10/J 1918 Stale of California, and that a aale, tranlf., and ....,-nmut of the l'fon<Z OP ll!fl'Z!lfDa> 8:U:E Mme 'W1JI be made and tbe con· Jf011Cll II BJIJlllBY OJVJ!N: ald ... Uon Ulemore wtU be paid 'n\at Mu c. Wolff Jr., Vaidor. al 10:00 o'clock Lm., O!l~• Ith wba.a eddNll ta 811 JD. Balboa dl.1 of Oct.oMr. 1961, at the .crow Boulevard. l.n the Ctty of N.:iwporl department ol Bank of Amertca Beach, County ot Oranp. ltata ot N&Uonal Trust and S&Ttnp A.-C&l.lfomta. tntenda to aell to J ohn 90Ct•Uon at Newport Beacb, 1n the Wehrt and Inna R. Webrt, Vendee, rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2830 W. COAST BIOBW.A.Y ~ a.Mia, Newport 8cb Sitto Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW OONSTRUCTION 112 Cecil Place, Coeta M-, Liberty 8-71127 98c12 All KlDd• FREE FSl'DU.TES Llberty 8~109 CARPENTRY 29tl MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO UlALL Clt7 ol Newport Beach. Comlt.1' ol wtaoaa addrema S. J3I02 Cbula Vi.ta ------------ B. O. ADdft800 lOH IC. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Oraqe. et.ate of C&Ufomia. A'ftllue, ln the Oty ol Dua Point, n.t.ct Beptanw sa. 1N1. eowity ot Olulp. 8tate or Cal1-1mw. F . o'lllUJCN, tomta. tile tonowtas dw:Jtbed per-- Vendor llOG&l Pf'OP9't7, to-wtt: EDWARD r. O'BRIEN, JR. AU ftJttm<w. equlpmat lllld ~ Veador wtD ot a oertala cal• .. •IClaeu, JACK w. O"JllUEH knowa .. Pop'• ramoua Staalt Vendor B09I, -4 ~ at Ill & a.1- A. C. B&A'!TY boa Bolalnard, la tbe Qty ot New· v.-. port ~ Couty ol Orulp. " .. 111 Jf ..... .,.. t/11;11 8tata ot c.lltonda &Dd that • --------------.U.. tnlllter aD4 ~ent ot JfOllCS CW INIPDD MUI the -.me wtD lae ....,,., u4 Ute MOTICll 18 mDT arYD: ~ Uwailfoue wfU .. 'nlat NOIUUM BOJaBmU..NC pal.4 at 10!41 .. ._ &. a., • the ~WILMA LOUDll ... -.. ttll A3 of Oatoller, 1 ... at U. 4.l'fO. Vendor, n.. addz98 » _.,., ~ ol s-J1 et llt lrt. A.__, OoroM ... .._, ~ Jf. T. • 8. A. at aid ta Ute cny ot N..-,o.t ...._ J1aab s.aoa 8PaDcll. • u.. Olt7 Ooa~ Of °"9lll'll. ..... ot o.b-ot Nft'pOI'\ 8-cJl, Ooullty of ~ ....... ..._..to_.. to JfA.T.A.L.m ..,.._ I~ of cautcimS&. lllt.OW!f, VetM, wtloel ...,.._ Dat.t Bept.embe.t' IO, ltlS. la Ult 8. a. 101 111Pwa7, ID U\e MAX C. WOLl'I' JI\., aq ot laAt& AM. Caanty Ott 0r-v..- PAINTING M. W. ROSS M. OU ~ Drt""'&79 H&rbor HIO aauo PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATINO, YentuatlJle • ....,_t mataJ wQl'k ot au typea. Indwitri&J, JWldmUaJ, commercial l'R.D DTDUTU U 1-mT ap12 PARKING LOTS Bub-dtYtldom our mrect&Jty. We PAINTING tanUb any t.7J>e oU t.o J'OUI' ..,-. Iml:IUOR -EXTDIOft ctftcatJoa. Luc• Jobe -amall LICl!Hll:D -IN1lt1Rl:D Jobe. rr.. •tunat.ea. A110 wa-Glenn J ohnaton ter apreadl.n~. Modem equip-801. ai.t at. N.....,an ._. mtnl. LExlllrton ~. Oil· 1110n • Pace, BunUJISton Bcb. ___ a_.artiar __ n_,. ____ 11tte_ ltfo ASPHALT TILE PAINTING? GR.A.DE or BJp achool aubjecta. Har. 4870-J . 10p12 CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS 8Tt.1DY In spare Ume for contrac- tor'• aaminaUon under a sen· ual contractor wlt.b 26 yean experience. Clauu Tuea. and ll'rt. evu. T:IJO p.m. Attend ftrrt •Nion tNe. Bef1b anytlm• · Al Tvler School . ttu No.-~ay, Banta .A.na Ph. Kimberly 2-t221 or KI 7-a&U ttc BIG DEMAND HIGH PAY PRACTICAL NURSES MEDICAL SECRETARY HOME STUDT H1Jh acbool not neceaaary. M.any earn while they learn. Int. mail· ed. Write now, United school of Nundng, Dilllrlct Office, Lomita Cal. 15c:J8H SPANISH TUTORING Sludenta • Adult. Harbor '4.41 llcl4 PRACTICAL Nurse with know· Jeda-e o.f natural heallnr meth· ode. Har. 4870.J. 10p12 QUALIFIED Mother wlll manace 7our home • child tor !HORT VACATION pe!1od or WJCJ:K ENDS. referenet.a Hchan~d Ll 8-8317. 10c23 --~~-----------EXPERIENCED GAlIDENER GARDENING •yard work by 4-1 wttk or monlh. Liberty 8-t139 alter e. lllfc IRONlNO-Wlll do your lronlnl' ID my hom-11 per hr. LJ 8·7366. 8pl0 Roy's Maintenance BOUN claullDc-Jioor wut.nc Wall WublJle-wlndOW ~C Ven•UUI bllnda. UpboJater7 Iuured. Ji'l'M llltimatu Liberty ,_113.2. Jttc So. CaUt. Blbla CoUece hu DE· PENDABLE YOlTNO PEOPLE AVAD... for PART TDIE EMP. Buch u house work, baby all· tll\I, prdenl111 &11d ch&ufftur. Pl-contact M.r. 'nMma,_ Kl 6-1178 kll CLEANING • IRONING by Ult day. Experienced. Balboa I•land preferred. Kl 3-tOM. ti DANCJNO llfSTRUCI'lON-Latta A American In 0. pr1Yacy of your own home. Mature collea-• •tudeat. W.U ~ed lnalruc· tor wttla ucellet rd. Barbor 2.16T..R nm.lnp or Box '81, Balboa hlanct. lc10 COOK for prtnte family, liYe ID. Oood aaJa.ry, nir ....... eee. Write Box l-60 thJa paper. tCU COLOR&I> WOMAN wiabee work by day. JQmberly J..'211. 9pll HOU~G-By hour or da1. Prefer WHt Bay, B&lboa. Llb9rt)' ~ lOcl 1 __,_ a "u 10'• WCI w .... J'fN' local .... ,,. wtD ....... ..,.. lta&e Ott OIUtonia. U. fol. JOllJf wmRT, lowtq 4*crtbed penon.al '"" v ..... AlwD.lnum Wall 'ni. Ktcn. D1st.r1buton Who~ prtc .. \o Call POP'8 ..,...._ .. Oll1ll TOKOR.ROW to Mdl up W'b&t be ertf, to-wit: DUi1A. a. WJllll\T, All ltocll lJl trade, fiat.w.. VmdM ~ent and 10<¥S wW ol a No. tl1-Newe-PN18 f/11/all • Contractor. A nM a.tt.en LI S.7•93 88ttc UM MW CUltomel'S. <>ruse .ala TOD.AT! a..ek the -.ct Oounl,1 20 ,.,.. It.I l~H1 or can ta Ute clarffted MCu.t to-m 1-INl alter I. TB.AND, Ae .. , t 7p11 _, Is your retirement Income Inadequate? Are you restless in retirement? Do you wul ~bUity and added tncom11 ln a po9ttsoa 'W1th dlpJty! We W&lll mature 1UU.men de&11q ta po.Woe !JI trult to aenw n-lnnlltmeat eccounta In your-.,... ... abliity eNent1al. Wrtt• JIGS K 51 lhl• psper. tell SALESMAN -8a.l&iy • Oma•'ns'. -Muat. qu.ailty for -..,ort w Harbor Reet Memorial Psrll R&rbor at Ol.ala' Klmbt!Tly ~-Ullol tell W ANTED-.Millmm • turn. .... Mmblers. LI. IN32 lOcU HA.IR DRESSER WSUt fOiUowtna" will better your preeeat COlllmU- Ilion. Marlo &mart kt. Hartlor &104. lotto WANT room A board on sround floor for elderly temp. iDYalld lady. Jn quiet Cbrlatlan home l.n Newport AreL Box .J-61 th1a paper. 10cll WIDOWER In hi.a eo·. Wiab• to ahare hi.a e room home on Udo wllh neat r.,pedable unencwn· bered widow between 66-61 bl excha.n1• tor houaekeeplnc. can live In. l paytood A am.all W'l.le. Referencea exchanpd, five tull partlculara. Box H-49, New•· Preaa. lc10 EXPERIENCED Ftl>«11Ua mould· er, a.Lao expertenced boat builder u permanent employeea by New· port Boal JU(. Write Box F-47 thla paper for appt. lclO l!:XP. WAITRESS day, cocMall • food. Henry' a 261-0 Cout H~y Newport. lclO WANTED-M.Ulmci, tumJture u- aembler1 • palntera helper• - LI 8-t312. 8c.10 LADIES: Rad our ad tmder clautflcatlon 24 .-Super Mar- ket Tral~ .A.L TYLER 8chooll 1111 N . Bro&dwll)', knta An&. Kl 7-S&ll. H tt HOUSEKEEPER, live tn or out. Harbor 6683. Ip JO WOMl:N·PBX. 1en'I. ott. type. aeo. 1t.eno .. bk'kpr .. atock work, wall· ,..., <lom .. u c. MALI:, electronic enrtneer Ii technician KIH and general. .June Farra.r EmpJ. A,ccy., to2~ 32nd., Npt. Bch. opp. Ctt1 Ha1L mxP!lRJl!!NCED co.meUc A dn.IC clerk. Ounderaon D~. Balboa. Har. 11111. lc10 SO-~ Nearly New Apparel KATEY DOAJ1E.-R1ndell'• PatJo 2721 JI:. Cout Hlcbway Corona del Mar, tc21 WlLO M.JNK CAP~ln Sood COD· dftlon, Call Harbor 2'87. tell WOliOlNB BLACK OOftUJOCll around yr. 1900 . .A.U ..._ Halt nMMI toO ,r. 01<1 Wun.it drink· 1ft1 table. m11N11111 pteea. t:n Jttb St., Newport. lplO MOVING COllPLllT'm bou.Nbol4 turtlJlla- ..... ~ upt111ll ..... u 1-Ull. J llLIDCTRIC bliaAUt, 110: ,mow. • ..... tow.Ill. k1~ ~. c1w.., bOolu, row boat. etc. I Beacon B&y, atter 10 Lin. ICU SEE the NEW RCA Victor TV'a at sos RADIO Balboa Island Harbor 0780 -I J l'RllMCll B&Yllaa4. ""1c. lw l ttic:hdDlf ~ .....ms CD& ... rra•Y tureea • aoup tune D 00.. -ta perfect conditloll. UIQ. call Barbor llO or W'l'lt-. P.O. Jlca .OS, Col'OIW. Dal Kar J'OAJI rubber boll ..,nap 6 ICt l mat.-a.a (Ko7kll\) nearly ..w. Al ao 8wedilb modern ailrcb • cott .. table, M-tn. lonS. Bar iltnt IC1 . 1 JUJU.IN medlum taelde, N Becc roUer l\ddel. Pl9ll reel A 8taa Clatt Wt. Dgq ham ... • detadulbl• bead pit LJ l-U69 tell TV SETS FOR RENT SOS RADIO, Balboa IaJand Hart>or Of80 lpl BOYS OVl:RCOA.T 6 ntt .... l • to 10. Pract!e&lly n-, co.t ff() ' aell for • each. PbUco u~ In. table model TV PO. lllOt Broad St., N.-wport Hetpt.a. lOcl I BA VII 'l'WO BllA.UTD'D'L l cna.. mond rlnp, ( lad1el) A 1 man' • rt.q, YUi tnde .,_. ~ O PIJ'moUth. Car mwt be In condition. Wrtte BcllX .. U'7 w . WU...oa.&aX.-. 10p1 l m..VJ:R J'OX 3~ '10. O' Keefe 6 lhrntt tab'-top *1v • Pt.M. tabl.9 auo • • Klllc. lwn.-<>M llbop. -Ma1n . mmtmstcm 8-cb. 10cl 2 IDlD8PltllADtl l'OOft WBlTll CBZNILt.m bed ..,....-. • rno. old n --. Har 1'188. lcl 0 ror UsoM wtio wut a.a ~ Konkel's Interiors t1pbolat.ery, dra&*1• llUpcoft. ~ New pbone me LD>erty •1tTa ...... te8 .. a 2030 Harbor Blvd., Oollta M Hol Lovely antique doak 112~. 01 d llldeboard UO, a.nUqu• orpn 1160 TV larce acrffn $911.60 .A.nUqu • d beda from $6, Table radio N . ol 60 rocker• H. Mahog. HCretar')' $Jt. 50, old Chlneae KrHn JJI, "Oon • wiUI the Wind" lamp• trorn '21' Coftee mlll $7.60. aeta of e lovet y k 6 old Vlctortan cha.Jr•, round oa table $20, 10und movie outfit 117 (or trade) old pitcher • bowl aeta $19.&0, larce met.al ttcur1ne • 11~ pr, Chlneae chHl SM, wuh Ina-machine 127.60 Buffet 110 duke 7.60, WOOd elove 116,AnU que bed •eta '60. outboard moto J.40, . f~h poltll $:1 eL Aleo OI ChiJla, cut glaM, brua A alive piece•. lampt, old pctW'•, etc. We alao like to trade. an buy tb I DI•· Brin< tt.ema CHARLll: DA.VIS 110G ll. Ana helm Lone Bea.ell ~111. FIREWOOD P'Rt:ll Dl!:LIVD T Dry wood, J;ucatyptua Can Tom Hut.cllln.on Harbor 2838-J. ltf LADLES SllIT. Sl.&e 11. rtn. qual tty. dark maroon ChanDeaa Ha r. 1046. kl 0 Custom Draperies BEDSPQADS, allp conn, etc. Hardware. a1 yn. bl ~ LUCILLE DECORATORS Har. MH 60I II. Balboa lllYd. ltt 0 "Attention Pros£ectors '' U1U.NruM Rll Dlm.J.. 6 11 () tt. drill ptpe Md related men~plUa t wbeti drlv• J• ... p 1 0 pkkup-Fa.rmer Mceat>.. 1218 NelllOn It .• Garden Qrove. lpl IO-! !!!!J! TV TO TRADm tor portable t)'Pe ..wt~r or Golf Cluba. Sltll-1\. .»~11•!!!!! H&r tpt bot' 1 BT 0'9nCl:ft, I cu. tt. ~ re wttll CCllll • a . . ' . ' ~ t .. ' • _.· . .,,, 'A6E 4'. PART 11-NEWPOltT HARIOR NEWS.PlESS te-Aaea ... '1•-•• MONDAY., SEPT. 26. 1915 ! ~-'·•r•nt.,..-! !l!:••mnllr-a ..,WI ........... !•~·~·!!! .. !!'!•!.!-~·!!!!Ir!.__!._...._. ..... • OOllE QUICK J ' ' ' . . . CAPITALIZE ON~E -CLOSEOUTS- NEW I PC. CUJlvm> amoTIOICA.L -----··----... Ila.a KODm.lf TA.Ill.II LAKPa -···----·-···· ua ooa.&. TA.91..U (PLld'l'IC TOP) ---·······I 5.81 J PC. DIV AK 6 CllAm llST ········-··-·-····-------.,,1 19..60 & PC. DIMWl'l'W (W. I.) IO a ti UT. TABLll -----MUI • DRA.Wll\ CBmT ·······--·········-····-····-··-··---·····'23.00 I DR. 8ALl:K DBL& l>ftaUIR -··----···l'•.OO a PC. AIL llllTAL lllUDOll arr -·--···-·--··-····· .. 111.00 aor.A. BICD -J'OAK ftUBBD CUSHJONS ---·-···1187.00 Outstana111g Values At •12 Newport Blvd. - Betweell 2Mh • 28tb Sta. la OLD NEWPORT 'M »'ORD v.a ..... ~+matse. Mr .. w/W, ...,. ~ -8"llll 'IO PLY. I-cir~ llltr., a aAce _. - 'IO HA.al -.oo" 1-dt., O'dl'., radio, blr., pod rubber &lid IMC!l. oi. OnlJ ···-·······-··········-·-·---Pta ·oo 8TUDll. Cb&l 1p. •-dr., ~ un<.lerpnced at -··-···········-UJ5 '•t J'ORD V-1 J-dr., btr., - paint, lat. ''9, Car a. In all around Up top lhap. .......... $'4.11 TERMS TO IUIT YOU TRANSPORTATION CARS • ._ Bl1ICK Md. Exel. motor, food • bod.)' ···············-··············-..... ···-s1sa '11 l'ORD. conv. 48 Mere. motor. lbccl. rubber 6: top .............. 1126 '37 CIDV. cpe. N-batt.ry -'66 Rent.ala Wanted "• .... a,ce ... ~ la al ~ fw Mell ..... ... .. .,... ............ ...... u,., ...... ....-q. ... ...., The Vogel Co. IM'l W. a.t. lhr7~ lf.wport .. ..--. u-..v ..... tOIMa.nM,a.a.i.lllud .............. Lido Peninsula, Eut Slat St., Npt. Bch. onaa DIUPttul u.ms. -~-DU UWltiee paid. wtda •T a eo.. RJ .. Ool-. del Mar Pbone ~ 1Hl Yacht .Up aooomoclatloDol. Udo omo., MJI 'Via Udo ~ MT1 lltte WDft'l:R RJ:NT AI.a .... i.1 tn th• Harbor &rM.. 'r9nant.I wait· DUIJ, w.klJ, monthly, yearly. 1W &pp&. or ....atio1a. Call Bar. 2912. ..... ~ m J'OUF YM*ld• io-tB-A...._ a.._ da.)'. REX RllCBS, a.altor, UQ'f ----~r...· ~-------W. BaJbo& Bl~. Bu. l!M. ttc WATmftl'l\01"'- UNJ'URN. 1 or I bdrm. ~ Tll.ARLT-.-ul\N. tn Corona del Mar amc1e we>-l Bl:DRM. VPPat DUPLEX man. By Oct. 1~ rent to aeo au · 11th It . ..._ incl uWtti• 1eue, nt. P . 0 . Boa H C.D.M. 6 Ian&'•· J MU. to Udo Oen lclO ter. Bar. 48U. wk. end9 or Topaa f-olll. lplO I OR 4 BDRM. untum. bome 48-B Bo•11 for a.& --.----LIDO J8LE. I bdrlna., I batha bome on aanuaJ baaU.. Heated 9Wimm1nC pool Blip tor 40 n. ~L Beauut\IDJ f\lrn. l:q\f!• &It. au&de plut.lf'a. ebnaba uowad paUo It pool I oar pr. MOO mo. 19qu1re 41 a.iboa ODY-. Newport. lcll CORONA DEL MAR bpeutw Barbar ua4 OOMD YR, t Wm. D-. Dtn1nr room. 2 batha. Hardwood • ..,. .... Barpha at "5.000. 8ubaUt dows. BA YSHORES S bdna. home, larp ......_ Pra- tected s-Uo. Attrutm!y priced at SM.ftO BA YSHOft.6 acepUonal, 2 bdrm., 2 Wla cla"lllLt extra i,.. liv. room. All slue to patio. au,-• draperiee ~ Ra,..q found at Pf.000 BA YSHORES BarpJn. I bdraa,. U.. room Sidi firepl., fenced, cov.red patio. Cu"t be clupUelW ._ $19,800 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BATSllORD 11....ar Bar. 1775 -ICftL Dtith ..liluocm. BYatt f.Gll Jolm Macnab. Baniol' 18 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 llartne Ave., Balboa Wad I S PC. J'IR.m'LA.CK TOOL u:r 6: ST AND ·······--·-·-..I t .M J PC. WJ\OUORT 11\0N DIV AN 6: CHAIR ···--··.$99.:SO FRANK LE FEVRE UU:O CARS A.~~~t!~ED!~~ .. '· : ln N.wport llels'lta or Corona Wl:ST BAY A VZ. dUpleX, I bed- del Mar. Har. 5319. felt room. I ba~ tum .. SUO IDOlltb J'OR LID.AU i ,_,.i,. or wtnt.r. Hll W. BaJ AAOTU'UL MW In1n• Teirace BAY FURNITURE "When Pr1c• Are Held at Bay" •JT It 11th ,.,_ aontroet l"al1UQs OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 !!! ..,, .... 21112 N.-port BlYd.-HA. 6021 Newport Beadl. California 2 OR a bdrm. 'lmflmL bouae. Bal. ' An., a.Jbo&. tlplJ \llllWn.. ~ llome. Jale. c.D.llL or N..-port pre-------------I Bl>JUIS.. I batba fered. Couple • I cblJdren. LI LIDO ISLE Call 11&11*' 1 no or &an. ""-~. tPll BACHELOR and one Is two bdrm. liJt.L W. STANLST, a-Jtor 8!K. and _ _... Ima. Ternoe <>me. WH.A T AM I Orn:RJ:D ! Cad 'H conv. rebuilt motor. Plutic top. r 6:b. punclui. proot - ur.., on• owner. eanc110m• cu. !'8~:;A~et!~~·~·~·-~·~!'----aptA. rt i.na ,--s· o..o.a dll Kar. aatte Al.80, UdO BolDe9 and a.., J'roD Bome9 and ~ta. Hu 1MI. tell Fumished CHEV. '41 Streemllned coup.. Ideal tor blstl 11ebool or oollqe Winter Season boy. LwnuioUI nd • whit.I LIDO BEA.LTY AMoclatel MOO Via Udo. Rartlor "" J'UJUf. 00'1"1' A.OZ. Wint.Ir ,_t.111. '60 monUL-SIO M&rlne A"-. Balboe lal&nd, Har. UGI. lOclJ lltlc------------TWO BDRM. &n s..,ebo,..., tum. a .rally complete home. . J Fireptu. -Dicbondn -r...s -.......... ..., yard-Welther ltrtpped~ PLU&. Below nplaoement oollt at sia.no. Wltla •• net Tenu. l LIDO REALTY BOAT STORAGE A.LL 81Zl:S, reuonable ratu. Ap- ply at yard ottlce. SOUTH COAST COMPANY, Newport Blvd., at 23rd St., Newport Bch. cu1tom uphoi.t. Rabullt motor. 8m&ll 1 bedrm apt. uUUU.. paid RA:H, WW. 11111. Har. lMI. US mo. tell One bedrm a.pt Bay view. ,.,.... ASIOClATIB or UDt\un. An.Uable W1 .IUlJ 31 LIDO ISJ.E SUO mo. "C" TlrOKA.I, a.Jtor, 3400 Via Lido TilARLY unt\lm. I bdrm. .. 1 _Llbert __ Y_&-6U'f __ • _____ 1c_io ------------ 2U l'AIRLINl:R. clean, l.oaded. Wlll ----------.,.., --trade. Ll 1-41710 a.m. or p.m. llTOVS t.n. ainau Servel retrlJ. latte ll50. Both tn excl. cond. Call u a.Mi•. ecu M-Mmleal. 8adlo. a r v 1100 FORD CU.tom 4 dr. o'drtv•, R. 4 H , U.Srta. 8t.lety tubes 16715. Pbone Har. 1380. 8c10 lMt CKmV. J'Ll:rrt.INB Delux 2 dr. Mdan. Qood condition, Radio, beatu, cu.atom upoi.tery other extru -CaU t a.m.-41 p.m. !IOI 30th St. Har. •038. tpll 4 uW l.ncl. NII mo. One bedrm apt Oc-.n view, wlt.b bath home. Har. 1013. 4Uc TWO Bm>RM. FUl\.N. HOKIC on prap IM mo. ------------ 1 bedrm OOEAN FRONT home, well tumlahed, pra,. tncl. 185 mo I 2 bedrm apt, uUI Incl.. PmlMula De u"e Fum. Apts. point $10 mo. We handle clean and dMtrable One 6 two bdrm., wlt.b ~ rent.ala only. Mu.t bt Nllpoft· Available for IWllJller or wtn- albl• tenant.a. tu. ALSO y-.rly 1 ..... hnJMula Potllt. SlOO mo .thrU Juu 11, 1IN or '160 mo. on yn. leue. Move rl&'bt in. -ART C KD'l'Ll:R oo .. Barbor ane. tcu J"URN. J BORK. BOMI:, PLUS ru.t cottac• on canal wtUa t>oaL Winter r9lt&l. S.. at '108 Rlft1' An. or c:all OXlord Ul-111 ~ or OXlord •-1111 daya. LOAMI TO BUIU>, llD'llOft BtTT, llODDJllDW,, OA Ull'IMAHCll "• ..., Trwt 0.-. Hl:WPORT BALBOA uvma. 6 WAN A880CIAT10Je aM1 Via Udo. Pb. Bu, UOI "-- ......... BA.CK BAY THIUllll CllOJCll -__. .. .. t batJl. llW tbw., .. ~ ... --·-··----flt.• ...... XLNT. blllldtas lat• --\Ill* TOa.HO, ............... at-raraJtue for s.&e _ ORO.AN 8PllCIAL LOVELY USED B.AlOiOND Spl· net orpn ln perfect condiUon. Btr •Yin&'· Convenient term. at 81LU"ER'8 llualc Co. (Since 1907) '21-US N. Sycamore, Sant& Ana PbOM Klmberly 2--0872. '8 PONTIAC lt&Uon wqoe, 37U , I!:. Cout Kll'bway, Corona del h B ln 8Mrt Of acth1ty -Lot.I of Josep ine rose. par111n1. tell ------------CORONA. DEL MAB New & Old Mar. 8c10 Realtor 60T !J. Balboa Blvd., 8aJbo& u fl.arbor aeoe. Mttc LIDO 18LI: 1Um. I bednn. borne. 1 ~ b&Uul, prarw, prb. d1q UnUJ June. R.euon&hle price to rlpt Unaat.. Call owner Har. 1160-R ttlc CUTll t b.r,. roam tllll' ..._ .._ ,,., _ • ,.,. &..-. to at1rta. • ai...., a. 1. ....._ LOANS for Homes Furniture l'in.iahing Antique 6 Modem Zol&tone Elt.lmate. 6 Semce Liberty 8-7951 Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Placentia. Co.ta Meea lOpl~ DUNCAN Ptlyfe dlntnc table, I l•v• ~ condlUon. LI MMI. kll 1920 W. Bal~ Blvd., It~ FORD convertible R 4 H, Newport Be&cb. Har.4072 o'drlve, -ttr.a, COJltlnent&l lt.lt, lclO crum coJor-1. Exc.Uet condl· Udo Isle ~ PER MO. RENTS food prac- tice pA&Do. Let tb• lt.ldcliee learn. lion. Owner Kar. 2'26. lclO Ba .. .lront $87 .~ MONTH. attraCUve 1 It 2 J 1 FmNUULA I bdrm.., ham., nre- A.11 temw rent It you buy later. DAHZ-8CIDODT, 1120 No. M&1n STATION WAGON, ext ra clean Santa Ana. 100 ptanoa. Home Ford 0 , new motor all utru bdrm. tum. apt.9. UW pd. Laun-One and two bdrm. apartment.a. place, recnauoe room, double dry room. Adult. only. BLUJ: l\trnl.ahed. O&rac•. Yearly or prqe. no peta. Har. 1Ut-R or ot tb• Hammond Ora-an. new paint 6: -l cove,.. $260. Har. 3791-M. lclO TOP APT. MOTEL. .OS Newport wtnt.,. rmtal Har. 1176. Jiu. 4011. 9CU Blvd .• Newport Beach, ju.at above 7c20 ------------ SMALLEST •tudlo upri&'ht piano with fU11 II keyboard ln perfect condiUon. Term.a, J4e .. oo down • IUl.S3 per mo. at- BHAJ"l:R'S Ku.le Co. (Slnce 190'7 ) •21-03 N. Sycamore, Sant& Ana Phone Kimberly 2--0072, ILUOlOND 0 R GA NS. World tamoua. All modela. Abo eever- a1 barfailu In UMd Ol'pn1. You can .. v. on thue fine orcana. DANZ-SCIDflDT, 520 No. Maln, Santa Ana. MODEL A, llHn. whff11, W. W. tlree. en&'{ne 8000 milM, no dent. $76. Har. 6142 evenlnS•· lclO Ole .ArcheL Tftfc ------------W1NT1CR RENTAL. Cottace at FURN. 2 ROOM apt. at 11 BEA 1008 E. BaJbo& Blvd. Home 2 BDRK. FURN DUPLEX. yrly. le&M. 421 Avocado, Corona del Mar. No pet.I or cJilldren. lc10 19114 FORD Country Sedan-Ra· RENTAL Y dlo. Heater, tinted stu. 6: under SPECIALISTS •~ILi. $20t:I. Har. 1866-W 8clO cau lldaa Cralc t949 M.F:RCURT conv. Lowered. Blanche Gates, Rltr. nOHd, drtv .. llke power ltffl'· 111 Marine An. Ing. Good Ura, paint. -t ~boa laland, Bar. 1971 Tlttc l&5 l BORK APT. 1 month fl"M CON BAY near HARBOR 18 comtorta -bath. turnace thef'- LAND acroea from Balboa i.. moatat. prap. AdUJta prefer- land. te6 mo. till ,luly 1, lnclud· reel. Oa 7-2NIS. 9cll IJ16 UTILITO:S. Dbl. pr .• vcy quJet lar1e lnclOMd Jard. JIUlf_ 11:• •--., ....._ pons. -.; blk. to pnvat. beach • __ ._ • v~ 1mall boat ( 18 fL.) dock"'-pn· NEW, SlUR'n.Y ll'UR.NISHED viler ... nearby tenni. court. No ottlce. pet.a or cttUdren. C~ll Har. tTM 1999 Harbor, Coeta ll~ ... Llbart.v on Sat. Or inquire 27 Beacon a-naa. 9'ttc Bay. Har. lt71 or any Raltor 1100 mo. on Jearly leue. Tttc 2 lllor• or ottlcee, one 21x30. One --·-·--_.....,. Construction Loans TRADll Pu. v.-. 'ft.w ._. am BOB 8A'l"l'L8a for Bal1>or arw Yi.w ......_ lall &A.8T OOAft' BLVD. ao.... ... 11ar ...,... ... Claire Van Horn Rep. PODUD MOftTGACm 00. ahU'O Lit• 1-. ,.... ID. Mm UA1Jl'Oll ..,. 2'111 w. OoMt ..,., u '"""' WWI SPlllClA I JZll IN LOANS It J'INANCING ON BOUu:TR..A.U..J:RI Aul04l. J'urnltUN 6 8&lariee One Day Service ~ from aoo to 11100 or mo,. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 11tl Harbor Bl~ eo.ta Keea LI 8·11&1 -Open Friday• UJJ a Cloeed Baturdl.y.-Uc NEAT AND TRIM UNUSUALLY alee I.....__ lliOIDe wtt.b JlktaN ........ tn Ja .... room.. ic-. badnu.. .....,.. 9paCe In ~ tmlllMllkt. ldt· chen. 1 rt· old. ......... .au.ta • curb& tn ud pa.Id tor. i.e.. lion~ x.-. I'll.A. bldJt. $1925 dn., $63 mo. Total Price $93M Greenleaf-Severts FOR SA.LE-Pedler wood B flat clarinet and cue. Good condl- uon. C&ll Barbor 2337.J after • cover•. J like It but e&n uee the money, Th.at'• Wl\y the bu· g-1ln $406. (the JO to pay for thle ad,) Har. '702. for~-. Har. ltll. lclO YEAR ROUND RENTALS-One Ua2a. Lo1f nnt. 8\llt.&ble tor re- taU bl.Wn.-or office. &OT ll Balboa 81~.. H&r. seot. Mtlc YOU CAN BORROW MORI: ftti.LTI' INC. ~-1-l:Y•Ua-NOIS lllJ Newport BmL. ~ ..._ 26 719-ot •• , ...... TWO OVER8TUl"FICD chaire M e&eh-1 davenpor\, red print $15, bed eoucb peeon IUS, LI ~5321. 661 Vlctorla. eo.ta Meea. k 10 10c12 p.ni. or Sat. ctr Sun. lplO _FO_R_8_ALE ____ l_t6_3_KU_. -ST-ANG MAY WE (adult.a) atore and UM epecla1 mod~I. tranemJalon juet PRACTICALLY new, Gr•n bro-your amalJ alaed piano for Will· overhauled, exceJJent condlUon. ~ love eeat, and red nreaide ter monlb.a1 Phone Har. 41'4·W Top •Pffd 66 mph. UlO. LI chair. 1630 Miramar, Balboa afternoon • p.m. 9cll 1·2173. 10cl2 Apt. •· lp10 BALBOA ISLAND, anllable Oct- ober &. lvp 2 bednn. and aun porch tl.amlahed upper duplex. Winter or yearly. Har. 5668-W. flfc COMFORT ABLJC APT. I room 4 ,.,.,., cloee ln MIS mo. Winter rental ll&-23rd St. 9pll HAXMONI> ORGANS. J'\JU line, 41 A 8ervloe KAPLI: dlnlnc table 6 • chain , all mode.la. Free pracUce room1. -· -__ ato__________ e,ALBOA. ISLAND tum. 2 bdrm., 126. A*> Blond• Duncan Pb)'fe Come ln and pJ&y on an.7 model. M t 0 rh I 2 bath home. PaUo 6: fireplace t&ble U5. Liberty 1-7018. 9c11 The Great Concert Orsan, the 0 Or Ve aU Adult.I, no pet.I. LI 1-TW. Avail Rome Model, the Church and the NO MONEY DOWN now. . telO 1 t!PHOL8TERED club chr $18.00 Spinet Mode.a. It you think h d 4 chrome b'°"kfut rm. chair•. you cannot play, come ln and * wit this a * EMPLOYED WOMAN to llhare 12.00 each. 1 Oriental rug 9ll12 try the world tamou. Hammond, nicely tom. home. TV, auto. 147.&0. Call momlnl'• LJ 8~328. euy to play, Chord Orran. You 6 Cyla. $48.88 wuher 4 dryer, etc. '40 per 10c12 will be utoni1hed to tlnd you 8 Cyla. ----···-$58.88 mo. teO I>oswood. Coeta MeM. -------------can play ln fifteen rnlnutu. Includu · bot.b tabor and p.rt.a. after 6:30 p.m. 9cll bedrm. 6 2 bedrm. apU. tum. A.1-o room wtlb private .at.ranee. &01 E. Bay, B&lboa. 10p12 Offece Buildin9 1 BDRM FURN. apt. nur -ter For R-nt cloae to J'UcJ\arda. ieo yearly :v Kar. lOllJ. after • or 104-29 NEW ottlc. bide. ~ntrally 1ocat· TA.Kl: LONGER TO REPAY PAY LUI WHEN YOU BORROW THiii SANTA ANA MORTGAOl"i WAY 206 Spurceon Bids. KI T_.tel lc1' SJ9lj DOWN St. after e. 10cl2 ed. J1oon carpet.ed.. Window ------------ drapeL 1JOO eq. ft. Jdul for 1nL 11:1_.,._1 .._._._ W-_._. JlOIEDIATJD ~Olf, 4 DELUXE P'URN. AP!'8. or real .-tat• tlrm. Ph. Jim at u --.,_ --bdrm., 2 bat.la bolne9. l'u.ll Pltoe Blncl• • dbi.. UO mo. and up u ._3464. Tc20h '10,&00. 10. 1:. a.y Ave .• Balboa Harbor-----------Wanted 202t Barbor Ja\fd. u M111 -aa... Itta -• .. Tll .. _..........._ BUSINESS BLDG 2 OR S BEDROOM waterfront ( .. TW9.) U ., • -- BALBOA ISLAND. Clean 4 nicely • home In canal Ndion. Buyer _10MK. ______ "°_111a_ fum. 2 bdrm. apt. Sun declt, Wlt.b p&Uo, 60d6 lot. SM per waltlng. pr .• furnace. Yrly. 1-1120 moeth. 111 22nd SL., Newport WILLARD L. K.ll.LION, 111 0 ..... 1 8c10 Beach. KI 2-lUI. Mc10 ~.-~~ Very very Special ! F OR RENT-<>ce&n front turnlah 330 Newport Blvd. Harbor MOO 4!d 2 bedroom apt. uuuu.e paid, 59-A--Be' ••Beat.le Royal Danish Lamps CERTllflED ORIGINA~ 1~ YEARS OLD DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano 4 OfT&n New nng1, wrt1t ph11. va1ve 0 _ •-•- Co.· Home of the Hammond, rrtnd, t1ttln11 of main and rod Choice Summer nc:D~ OD 1120 No. M..s.n. Santa Ana. bearinp. l:x~rt motor tUDe up Balboa laland 6 Udo lale ntfrta'erator. 104·26tb It. 1715 p.r m on t b. Clean. Call Upland, YUkon 3-21UM, owner. tell DUK SP.A.CJ: wlt.b pbon.e Mrvi~ 68-BeaJ Eeta&e 8eJ'vlee UO mo. 60T J:. BaJboe Bl~ .• M·l ZO!OI -cut. oottq'e wttb u.. -ltoom f(W 8TORD Sa tronL Manufa.ctUN tn the ,_,._ Prle9 fU,800 tenu. WHAT AH OPPORTUNITY to DOtsm.11 )'OUr money and lncollle. B&ltlor ~M. IC&rt.y bUd ~ a.m. .. ..,. onl)'. le10 HANDMADE Copper lamsi-. band blown cryat&l -arrtvlnc 8tatee .oon. !lXQUISITll tor carden llt'hllnc, paUOll, pool.I. or etfec· Uve for lndoor llchtlnc. Write Box 170 Whittler. California tor appt. tp22 RECONDITIONED USED TV SETS 10, 12 .. 17" PICTURES From $23 to 145 SOS RADIO, 322 Marine. S.lboa Ialand -Harbor 0780 9pll 90-day or •.ooo mHe ,uarantee 8m&U 6: ~ or larp 6: del\la (NO MONET DOWN). $76 to P00 mm~ REBUILT ENGINES VOGEL co. -UP to l& llONTB8 TO PAY- BuUt In our own factory b)' lkilled machlnllt.L Don't eontend with tbe middle man. Buy dlr«t. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK JOI KadDe A.,.,. B&lboe 1ll&Dd Ph. Barbor ff4 or Barbor 2161 Rea. Har. lTM-R Cit' Bar. I06t-K Ntlo $10 MONTH. 1 bedrm. Nicely tum Balboa. Pbone auwertnc Mrvtce ai.o an.llable.. Har. MOS. llllc Incl. utll1llet1 4 ..,..,.., Ul• bat.b Cor. lttb 6: Placentia. c. M. 4 kltchen.-409 Poppy Ave., Co-l'OR R.llNT two bdnn. home - ron& deJ Kar. Al.lo lovely tum. (at.ove It retnr. turn.) tnclUCS. room ln pr1Yat• home, 110. w.U. at.on room" two office~. Owner, Harbor M42. tell 1100 montb. OR wm r.nt •pa· CORONA Dl:L MAR 1 bednn. ralely 1 ottlce at STI and l at Newly tum. So. of h.iPW&J'. S60 month. Al.lo •mall at.ore 1100 Adult.a. No pet.a. UtU. Included. mo. Call owner Liberty M223 Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -Bil BURE BEJ'ORll YOU BUY Complete lnv•Uptlou 4 report.a. Repruent oon-l'Mtoent landlordm ~ yre. cov~rtnc ArUon& 6: N- Me.xieo. Phone Hu. 3434.J or contact C. B. Browu, Rt. I. Boa tH. 'l'Uc.on, Aris. NclO lltOO DOWN 1eu YoU • Wra. 2 baU. home. Konthl7 paJ· menu S7t. E*tJ1o Mat aa bAtha. Ou1t dlilpoaa1. t•~ ped. C1oea to ecMolll. ..,.,,.... • tramport&t1oa. OR.A.NOii 00.A.IT PROPiiR'l'Dlli Quality Television SERVICE IS B•a.,8~ FORD ···-··--·--·-U2UO CHEVROLrr -----IHt.50 PLYllL • 000011 ... aw Cl!RYS. 6: Dll SOTO ---S170 STUDEBAKl:R -S170 OLDS 6: PONTI.AC t ---1170 BUICK -----·--·-1115 HUDSON ----··----S175 Loan Car l'rM Towtn1 WINTl:R RENTAL tum. 1 bdrm apt.e.. No beddinf or Unm. JU and water ~d. $60 month. Children welcome. No pel.8 3708 Chanel Place. N-port i.- land. Harbor 1217.J. $TO )'Tl)" .. 1 .. for wlnte.r only. _mo __ m111. __ ,._or_att_er_l5_p_.m. __ ttt_c See a t ••O lriL tell -80-laoome ~ -----------_ H B I •• ~ ...... . ' 1151 Newport. Ool'ta 11..a LI 1-1132 l:n. LI ~ J4 rr. LATE MODEL l:xpr- Crular Xlent condition. Fully equipped. Chrya1er Crown en-Rome Service tu 9 pm. sfne Sacrtflce by owner or wtll 778 W. l&t.h -LI 8·8e78 t.alce auto tn trade, Har. 2403·J. 8c18 lclO ------------TV PHILCO, 12 lii Oon.olette, cood WANTllD TO BUT from owner condition HO. Nautical radio, nt.arly new •5 ft. twln ecrew Liberty 8-3682. 2228 W. Cout crul•r-$30.000. Send p.rtlcu· Hlchway. 9p11 lara to llt C.ntra1 Aw., Seal S-Ch. lplO SPIN JCT PIANOS. ·Wondertul buy1, Some 1UghUy damaged In TRADE ab.lpment. Rental retum1 and trade In.a on orp.n1. Mirror -..iut1a1 TO.ft. am. 9Ch«*Mr. Type Spinet.a a1 low a1 $19:1. lllrceUent tor charter. Want EuJ t.erma. propertJ or ama.11• boat. 1220 DANZ-8CHXIDT, 620 No. Main, NEW CAR OUARA.HTl:lll Block mu.t m"t our at&ndardl PIUI taxea, gulleta and oU Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily I to 1 Stat. Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA W. lklboa Bl~ .• Newport. Har. Santa A.na. Home of the Ram------------- lttc CANAL FRONT,\Olll, a bednn duplex apt., nicel7 tum., fire- place, bdwd. nre., rarac• and auto. wuher. $110 per mo. wtlh UUllUea. Avail. tlU July t . Harbor 31547-W. l0cl2 BALBOA -l bdrm. beaut. turn apt.a. on b&y front. UUI. paid, private beach, walldnr dlat.anc• •hopping. No chUdreft or peta, NII to $90. HOUSTON ~TY ll09 Center St .. Coel& Meaa LI 8-etu evee. Har. 51M-W. tell IOll. attic mond Orpn. 41-Tn&m WINTER SPECIALS H rr. oLA.U WJLUU> wiua,. II.ABT GRAND. spec1.a1. Only *PO TOR G * mote OOlltrola • tn.Uw. Rartlor S•t5. Good tone and a.cUon. R AN E SMALL rtJRN. A.PT. aoo tor J1ft. Tttc BqJ'll'l • t 0 c k Of ~derful TRAIL.ER SAi.ES couple, 1 child o.k. Furn. Mnl crand ptanoa tn Oranp County. d SUPPLIES Hot and cold -tfl", private OORONA DJCL MAR, )'MrlJ I • bd.-m. dUJ>Jd .iid l·bdrm. apart-NlCJ: Ln'TLI: CL&ANING SHOP ment. Fumlabed tncl. utiliti• Bell ch•p or t.ak• trade. Barbor MOt ltto 2'120 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de) Charming Harbor Haven Apartment. • PatiOI NEW • ftOOM. 1treet level. N-.r ltChooll, ahopp"'-district. Qul•t. pleuant., exclu.lve. Ge.rba&"• dt.- poHJ. Jaundry, llof&l'e l'OOIU, sania. '82.50 up. Occupl• en· Ure •lrfft. Oood aupervlalon. Mar. Tpl2 YOUNG EXPERJ:ENcm> BUSI· NUS KAN wtab .. to purch ... &ll or Interest in lobW buGll .... Hard f'OOda, manutacturtna', da.· trtbutor or mt ... • .. ent. Oranre County .,._ Writ. Box 0-'8 thla paper for appt. 8c10 xrr. 1501 Saven P~ 1 Bloek SoUtb ot H1S!t School ~!!'Z '1o Lou ALSO FURNISBl!I> A.PTB. c SH WINTJCR RA Ta 15tfc A • • • roR TRUST DllJ:DS ruRN18HED clean 1 bdrm. apt Wll. B. HOLr Bay 'f'lew. 0&rap It &ll uUUU• MORTOAOI: BANKING Included. Adulta onlJ. SN mo. aINCll 1tao. Comer 11th St .• and Bay J'rcnt. ltOI M. BU8R ' SANTA ANA Newport s-dl. Bar. 1167..J. KD(Bll!RLT 1·7111 lclO ------------------------WINTER STORAGE Boat. or Trailers Terma. an entranc. It parklnc. SlnCI• 12S DANZ·ICBXIDT Qreat P\ano 2200 W. Cout Hiway. dbl tao. VIKING HO'l'Z4 9021 '8-B-ll091e9 for s.t and Orpll Store, 620 No. Mall\, Newport Beach LI M42() I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. tc1 NO COMMISSION No Appra.lal l'ee u..t.a -RD'U'fAHCK OONS'l'ftt7CTION $65 for period Sept. 15 .. June 15 Latmdilfts IUI l'mced -Ou.anted ...... Space Outboard Marina IOI II. eoa. ll'wJ', a.nor lllO C'l&AM lcll Mooring Space ll per ~ -........ cna-.... MOl W. Clout lllP..,.., Mewpott Bledt, LI~ Nell Santa Alla. Home ol lb• Ham· ·~· 2 Br. R.c>Mtm-.t« _ U4t5 A.. NEWPORT HTS. I b:lrm ._ moad Orpn. U-# WILL ea.re my home wtt.b s.a .. ., and pra.p. Unt\ml. Feced ' Andenon, ~l. ~-12296 aloee. Pr1vat• room 6 b&th yvc1. 175 mo. JMI' round. Ph. llLl)CTRONIC <>RO A N. laft 'D-n' J\oadm.....,., pwfect llltll Har OCM.J tell 2 UlO. ll:uy Terma. '61-l 4' Bapp7 Home -···-· f595 ' ' LI. 1-2121 10p1 DANZ-8CIDODT, 020 No. Kalll. 'l6-0 ' Parain. 1 Brm. -Dacount BALBOA lSLANI> I bdrm., l YEARLY l bedrna. t9na. _.,.... Santa Ana Home o< tbe Ham· PAN A.KER.ICAN amall FA. tunsac., pr, paUo apt. Jl:ncloeed paUo, complete mond Orpn. • Panunount·KmM1ll 4 laJTe lncloMd yard. Near pnncJ. A d u I t 1 ft•9"ftA* Tra....a..Twry buata ... S711. mo, wlnt.r, 1125 ... 9a.t.. and aun. UOl W. '8al• IOlfe )'earlJ. _Bar. 1111-M. tur * Blvd. ~ BOXllR PUppl A.KC ~ J UDRK. TR.ULER for .ale BACHELOR APT. Mp&rat.I unit. llUJ &. r.:· Welt <16 Bubor '40 ft.) .Lee havtn Trlr. Park 1hower UlJ W. Ocean. Har Bl"-. Santa Ana. liU a--08151. 2931 W. Cout Bwy. tell 21>1T. tctl lclO n • TRA.ILllR .. CABANA OOX2.4) -J'or a dependable u9ed car, aff ------------For ea.le or trade for aman.r :rour &ocaJ dealer wbo wtll be berr 40-Aatoe for a.le 1162 MARK·ll Jlll.G. Reel. Perteet 11060.-LI 8-4420. tel I l unit. or WUJ ..U aeparatelJ'. A.190 TOMORROW to back up What b1 electric rdrt,.rator. reuo«labk. Mlla TODATI CMca the Witt Lot 21, Municipal Tra1ltr Court. can la tale cl.ulifted 89CUOa tA> tpll di&)'. 10pl2 Cab tor,..._ Fut Commitment. -~ .... t1..Sta only Don I: Huddleston 171 z. 11th St. 0091'-'.llDA LI l-3G41 U .... , T'fttnrr ou:oa for UM PIUV-'ft IMVm'l'Ol\ ·~ to 11>1' retuna BAN'fA AHA KOltTOAG• 00 !06 lpurseon Badl· JO T_.111 lcU • Terrific Duplex Buy II.A.ST SIDE, eo.ta M..._ Separau fenced yarda 2 bed.mu eacb bdwd. nu. Priced low and fin. anced well. ALSO ca11 ta for other Income tn- vHtmenll. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Realtor •a• 32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor Mtl Ev•. LI 1-4317 llclO LET'S DEAL NOW TRADll att1'9Ctlve 2 bedrm.. furn modem hoUM In 0-rt Hot Bprinp. and S BEDRM. HOUSE .. .,....t bou.e In Eut Olen Oau Canyon Olendale. 8HOR.ICCLIJT8 near17 Dft' 1111*>- loua, quality, ranc:ll t~ ....._ I bdrm., 2 b&t.b.I, 6-. WllDed p&Uo 6: ~ dble. pr. attmt.ed Oft c&nJ'Oft, wtt.b 1Mautu.I ..... of oc:.u 6 11&1111. W.W. cupK· lnJ. All ----~ 1 blk. ,,.... ....... ow.. Bar. UOI -MO Kom1nc OMlJoa IW. .. u Docton Attention ' UNIT llODllllUf llLDO. • UO' • UIO' a.ta ~ t , -lot. Good Protw'O"&I .... tlaa ,._, tor Doet.-9. n.tllU, ...._. or, X·ft7 IM. Or _._ •amaa 1 .... Plmt)' "' ,..,. ,..._ 8l1MO, Tenllol. NUL J . 11.A.RTDf, ~ -· llTI U W"'-... HOMI: OR n:~MJ: in eo.t.a NEWPORT Mn&. Ba.Ibo& b1altd or Harbor .1 ,a. ... 6 I llr ..... ..,. A.-. ., A I.ND II: iSIJC .... ................. ISLAND RL TY. co. T.D. -Jal\ ..,_L .S Park Ave. HOMER E. 8HA1l'ER Bel* bland Har. tTl _._,,.. tc11 ........ lllf.111 ... -... n a.a·~ CUTll 1 bdnn oottap la Conma del Ku. Only l8250 OnlJ l bloclr from lfsopptn1 cen· t.-r It tn.naportaUOft. NIC41 Jard rrult u.... It soaed tor 2 unlta. l:llcellnl tem:ia. A bome that caa rro. u J'O'U tunil7 "'°" .. Har. '4•. • 10cll 7 . r . . , . .. !!•~•!!•!!•~r...~!! .. L----~a~-:::!a.~..a~F.a~ta!!!!te!.._ ___ -~-:_!( ..... ~_r._ta_t.e ____ .!!a~~~·!!·~·~--~~ .. ~:.· -~~-!:·~·~-~·!...!•~au!!.'!!!1!..-___ .a a.a...._ -----rf!WPORT HARi& ~ESS -'ART II· ,A .. I MONDAY, SEPT. 26, ttH Newport Ocean Front Duplex -2 yeara old nit't'ly fur- nahed.. Income $21~ per week in summer , $180 per month 1D Winter. Beet beach locabon-'I'e~. C&D Mr. B radford for appoinlm~nt to aee thiA n~ Uatinr . Near Catholic Church. Ocean FTont Dupl~it. $17,500 Furniahed -Tenna. Balboa $1,600 down - 3 bedroom furnished Beach Cottage near library. Newly decorat~ -fireplace. Full Price $10,500 BAY AVENUE DUPLEX Furniahed -$18,500 Bay and Beach Realty · H!SO W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS I II DUPLEX 2 bdnns. e.acb, hdwd. floors, both units have fire- placea. laundry facilitiea & garagea. Built on choice corner lots. Excellent construction a gooo buy at $22,500. First time offered & EXCLUSIVE with us. OCEAN VIE W LOTS One of the remaining choice view lot.a on Mendoza In Corona Highland.a. View of entire harbor area. Lot runs from Mendoza to Desola. Lot NCJ. 130. Priced at Sll,900. Better hurry at this price. -Ill SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Do you want the finest ln a 8 bdrm., 2 bath ocean view home! We have it. Custom built by present owner. Carpeting wall to wall & custom drapes in· eluded. Beautiful inclosed patio with sliding glass doors from living room. Large lot nicely landscaped. First time offered. Priced at $41.500. EXCLUSIVE with ua. Shown by appointment. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T McCIDSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. t7 <Office located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) VOGEL VALUES-MAIN Off ICE ;"r * '(r Swimming Pool 'n Everything"" Deluxe quality home with all those deslritble fea- tures such u 3 apacious bdrm11., large livipg room, big airy kitchen. lovely fireplace, oak floors. forced air h('at. 2 baths, shake roof. patio, grapestake fence. and located in the beautiful upped bay area. Below reproduction cost at $23.450 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR. THE M08T unfuUy Mlect· ed vaJuea In each or 011r dittlnct· ly different HARBOR AREAS. CLIFF HAVEN lMMACULATE I bc1nn., lota of cupboard.a, dlahmuter, dlapoaaJ, n1erc. awttchea. Bea11tttuJ land- .capln&' a t a prtce Olat mak .. tenee. •7" G.L loan and only $16,aOO. BALBOA PENINSULA lTS CHAR~UNO JNSlDE a. OUT! •,. blk. to Jetty. Modern Pro· vl.nclal, 2 bdrms., Iota of cup- board!. 6'.( loan. $61.•8 mo.- Only $18,f'>OO. CLIFF HAVEN RANCH TYPE TRIPLEX-Com· plelcly modem-built In anten· na.a. thermo heat, garb. dlap .. 11prlnJcler 11y1tem , 2 bdnrui. ui t-ach apt. A low, low down pay· mt>nt &r y ou're In bualnu .. with 8 home plu11 Income. . Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON Assoc. 260• Newport Blvd., Npt. Buch Euy Parkin( Harbor 4810 Open House 360• Ocean Blvd., Corner Orchld CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC BAY .It OCEAN VIEW Circumstances COMPEL ME TO OFFER MY IRVINE TERRACE HOME One of the original fumiahed models, 2. bedroom and den, 2 bath -patio. · ..... With beautiful view ot ocean. PRICE $27,500 Exclusively listed with Earl W. Stanley Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at mVINE TERRACE SALES OFFICE Oppoaite Irvine Cout Country Club, Highway 101 or Phone Hubor ••-ts BILL'S BEST BUYS 3 nice bedrma., '2 balha, Jarr• living room. be •W"• and we thia A LITTLE p AINT one t.oday. Priced to aelL Term.a. And a little elbow greue will cu.re tru. wel! built OPEN HOUSE two bedroom. Decorate and .. ve. H~ hardwood- 1oe Larkapur-Fr1.·Sat.-8unday floors, fireplace Ir dining room. Top location. Be- Ch&l'mlns ~-6 t!d~~.. flrtpl&u. lng offered partly fumi.ahed for only $1.000 down. encloeed patio ••• '2500 down Full price furnlabed, $10,600. Uofurniahed $10,000 handlea. Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, l 1h bath home on new curbed and paved s~t. Natural finiah mahogany paneled kitchen cupboarda. Immediate poaaeaaion. Priced at $9.850 i-1600 down. $67.50 mo., G. I . RESALE GOLDEN RULE VALUES SALJ!l or LEASll INDUSTRIAL BLOO. -2000 aq. tt. ClOH-ta. on aewer. Large lot. Fenced. A real buratn at. IH .500-terma. M-1 CORNER W. 17th STREET -ClOH-ln. on aewtr. H Ox126. You can't beat thla at 110,600. R-4 ACRE IDEAL location acroaa rrom Hoq • Ho11plt.al -Juat off Bu~rtor. Room tor 1' unJt.t. High and dry. 8'41 lhia at onJy ~ term•. Completely redecorated large 3 bdroom on finest street in town. Hardwood floon and carpeted. brealdut and dinln1 room, t ln!place and large double garage on paved alley. $7,200 G. L Joan on property at preeent. Full prtce $12,950 W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ••you11 like our trlend.Jy 1ervtce" 400 E. 17th St., Coeta Meaa Liberty 8-1139 Large Family? Here'• your belt home bu.y ! LIDO ISLE home with 5 tiedroom.e, { bathe -and completely furnish· ed. Just move in! A good goinI~u~!!-!.Rsh~~~~~~ ea~h m~!~ES PHIL SULLIVAN & Shows net $7500 first nine m0&. Full price $13,000 GEO. T. EVERSON Like Ranch Uf e 1 Charming modem home on 9 acre ranch near hi11- toric old San Juan Capistrano, with view of the hills and valleys. 250 Avocado treet and room for that many more. Fruit tree. galore! Abeent owner will trade for income property or Trust Deeda. •• ..A. • ,. .. . .. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Lido Isle Sl 'At'IOL"S Ll\'ABILJTY fn· t ure11 Lhl• IO\'t l)' 3 bllrrn . 2 bath homl' on 11 •~· lot 17x2a p&Ml~ llv\nlf rn1 . p&ntled dtn. Wonderful patio. Shown by aprotntmf'nl Balboa T HE FL'l\EST piece Qf lnrome property on Balboa Blvl1 Own- ers JUSt reduct<! for ctuih·out. • alngle 11pll!. II dble. apts. 2 11ngle ma. 9 garages R,.'111('el\ to $80.000. $35.000 l\n. Open House 3 to 6 Daily 609 Plumer St., Costa Mesa 3 bedrms and d<'n, 11 ~ baths. large !iv. rm , firepl., separate dining area. brkfast nook, built 1n oven and stove. disposal. s~rvice porch . FA he:it, 2 car gar. Lot 57 x 120, 6 months old. TOP VALUE at $14,6:50 with $2600 do\vn. BAY & BEACj-i REAL TY-Lido Office 3112 Wayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 Corona del Mar Vogel Values Completely Furnished 2 bedroom home. south of hwy. Newly carpeted. Kitchen has disp. & exhaust fan. Price is only Sll.500 with just $2.000 down. Wonderful View in Corona Highlands Thia 2 bedroom home includes washer, refnge;ator, lltoYe Ir drapes at thll low price of $18,500 South .of the Highway 3 Bedrooma with a rumpUI room, i.nllde BBQ, lovely patio, 1% baths. $27,500 The Vogel Co. 2ee7 JC. Cout Hlghway B ar. 1741 Corona del Mar Har. 1477 1866 Nt'Wporl Blvd., Coit.a Mua (acrou from Coat.A Mesa B&.nk) Phone LJ 8-6761. Evea. Har. '368-LI 8·2103 ATI'RACTIVE LARGE SHAKE VERY MODERN Larre plc~ure window. a bdmu. It lg. brtc.k paUo. Fa.mily a1M din- ing rm., lar&• Ul• kitchen w ltl'I b•J1ll·ln dln.1111 area. 2 a.Ams. Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach H1nbor 5505 (Oppoaite City Hall) 11t&ll shower, Iota of We, pull----------------------- ma.n. BeauUfully la.ndaoaped lot 60x150. fenced. private &llty. ~Ira large 2 car ca.rage 22x20. VACANT 11 :.; YEARS OLD, like new. Priced low to eell at $16.500 Very attractive terms, open afternoons. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97cll A REAL HOME 3 BR. STUCCO, 1 §i batn., fire- place, tloor furnacw , hardwood floora. 1200 aq. tt. Larr• dble. rarace. Iota of cement, nice front a.no rear yard• 11.ll fenced IUld paved alley. All t umllh«! lncludlnc Grll11d Ptano. AU tl\U tor HOOO rtown. Drive by 2'4 Broadway. Call u1 or ~ your broker. HOMER E . SHAFER Harbor HO Eve. Har 1137·1' Har. 2429·M TWO B!:DRM. Home with dining room. 1 bedrm. home It aleep- lng room with bath. Dble gar. laundry rm. trult treea on clOH In h&.ll acre. tuu prtC9 $12,600 term•. OJUNOlil 00.ABT PROPl'lRTJllS 186 7 N swport. Colt.a Mua Ll 8·1W En. Ll 8-MOS CLIFF HAVEN VIEW LI 8-6640 BALBOA ISLAND Choice Little Island location -3 bed.nna .. 2 baths. A few stepa to the water . $28,~ completely furnished LIDO ISLE Unuaually nice comer location ~ large lot. • Bdrm.I., 3 bath home, epacioU1 living room Ii den. Beautifully decorated and landscaped. $39,950 terms. BEACON BAY B4auti!ul water front location. ~room, 2 bath -plua guest apt. Only ~12,500 down • WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A880Ciatet 1306 Park, B&lboa laland Harbor 2~2 NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOT 50 x 127 lot, walled in. Hu garage, lawn, trees, etc. Ocean View, close to markets. , lat time offered. Attractive location ~.500 LOW PRICED HOMES Small home on Santa Ana & Clay Sta. Alao one on San Bernardino near Clay. Call for detail.a. 3 INCOME UNITS $150 month lncome. AKlng prioe $9000. Thia i8 worth in\Wtlpilag. NBC REALTY CO. S2nd 6 Newport, 81\'d., Npt.. Bearb Har. M3e l. ' Newport Heights Sl D 1 !a~·~·!!!•!J.Ella~!! .. ~---!a!::::•~·!!!..!• &!lltl!!!•!.----,500 own. lT'I TRUE-a re&! opportuniL7 to own a nice property ln tJM He16bta wtlh a ama.IJ down pa_y· ment. 1 yr. old 2 bedrm. In h'ont and a w1e l'UNl hou.ae ln ~. l!:nelOMd patio -wood abln .. le roof-<arpeted H'xl'' llvtn&' rm. 5 hdwd. tloo.-......dbl. raras•. etc. We ban the kq. P\LlJ Price f ll!..f'>OO. But of Terma. Newport Heights View Home µ)VELY HOMll only I yra. old. Hu flreplacea-e:ittra larfe kit· chen-220 V. P'Ull dlnlnr room- hdw4. floora.-enclo.ed tub, etc. elc. AND THIS TOO! A lar1e suut howae with tu.II bath! DbL car. Laundry-worlllhop-alltY. etc. SU TH18 TODAY! The lull price ta onl.J f le,960. P.8 . Owner will take U 60" down. Choice Eastside 3 BDRM. near Irvtnc Annue. Well located 6 yr. old. Hdwd, noor-- dbl garage, alley f'ntrance homt. G.L Loan 4%. S7•.112 lncludee tax~. S2000 dn. Full prke - '12.000. Bay & Beach Realty lllN Newport Blvd. Coat.a Meea. c.llf. LI 1-1181 J:vea. LI 8-3010 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven VERY FINJD 3 bdrm. bome ln eJC· cellent condition, 110 tt. lot, red· wood fence, near echoola, hdwd. floo"'. w to w carpetlq • drap- u, nr.plac&--418,000 with low monthly paymenlJI. Corona def Mar BUSINESS INCOME PJUMl!: LOCA TJON In beart of C.D.M. l~ yn. old, t unit.a con· ldst.1nl of 2 .tor. .t: f apt.a. Excellt-.1t lnvutmf'nt for the ln· vestor. Plea.e phone tor com· plete detail•. Bayshores PRICE REIJUCED CH A R )( l N 0 RANCH STYLE home on extra Ire. cor. lot.. bwlt around lovely patio tor mil.Ill· mum outdoor UYlnr, I Ip . bed· rdoma. 2 baUu, paneled Uv. rm. wtlb railed hearth n~piue, choice lntertor decoralln&', match mi wallpaper and drapenee. paruy noor., w to w carpetlnr. prt....wtnninc kitchen. Shown by a ppotn tmf'fl t. "C" Thomas, R'ltr. 224 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-6627 "C' THOMAS '"C" THOMAS Enioy Income & Home Or buy for INVESTMENT 5 UNIT API'. HOUSlt EACH l bedrm. (A 2 bednn. can be added ) Ju1t • Y•" old, P'mBT TIME OFFER.ED. BEAUTIFULLY dul(ned a.nd built by eaatern Mu tar builder. FOUR OAR.AGES .It park.inc apace Laundry rm. Inc. Auto. wuher. Attra.cuve Redwood ftnce. Bcreena alley aJde. In like new condlUon t.hrougboul. Located h1Ch in Al· Laden&. juat oft lAlle, app. one Lloclt to new 1Uper market. and ehopplnr center. Near transpor· taUon. and nerythlnl'. ENJOY the mount.a.in air, the au· perb Mt. view. lXCOME $375 per month. Sewer• ln and paid. Full pr1ce '37.600. 1111.000 down (111lnlmum) Bal· ance can be paJd oft In monthly payment.a ot 1 ';',, of ortrtnal bal Inc. lnterut. Write owner. ft. VOGEL VALUES BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT' HOME Pier and Slip FuD Price $89.tsOO BALBOA ISLAND . 4 'BDRM. -3 BAm -BAYFRONT HOO Pier and Float -Full Pnce S78,000 BALBOA ISLAND .. 3 BDRM.-3 BATH Ir MA.ID ROOM-SAY1'RONT Pier 6 Float -Jl'ull Price $70,000 4 BDRM'. -3 B.ATH -BAYJ'RONT HOMll With Gueet Apt. -Full Prine $&&,000 3 BDRK. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMS With Gueft Apt. -Full Priee M6,000 3 BDRM. - 2 BATH -BA YJ'RONT HOMS Pier and Float -Full Price $:57,tsOO • BDRM. -2 BATH -BAYJ'RONT SOMJI With Gueet Apt. -Full Price $63,800 2 UNITS -2 BDRM. EACH -BAYJ'IU)N'!' Full ~ "2.~ ~ 2 BDRM. -1 BATH -BAYntONT OOftA(JI: Full Price $31,500 ' BDRM. HOME -$39.SOO 3 BDRM. - 2 BATH -FURN. HOKE -P8J500 2 UNITS -$M,500 2 UNITS -$28,tsOO 2 UNITS -$22.600 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,600 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,oeo 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,000 BUSIN.ESS PROPERTY MARINE AVE. Sll,IOO BUSIN&<;S PROPERTY KARINE AVE. SS,&00 VA~ANT BUSINESS LOT -'2','500 MOTEL, APT. UNITS $12,000. INCOME FULL P RICE $89,500 See UI for choice property in Beacon 9&7 and Bay ShoN Ana. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avecut, Balboa 1llud Next door to t.ba Potlt Oftlce Evea Har. 3()6g..)i( • Har. ~R CLIFF HAVEN 811 Clift Drive Three bedrm. & den home. Excellct ccm41Uoa. Newly carpeted. Beautifully lanC:S.Caped front and rear rardena. COSTA MESA Architect'• former home. Be&utifully land8capld. dellghttul patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA ftDaDo. ing. Easy term.. Only $14,500 Call Llberty 8-26M (Eve. LI 8-70M) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 16th and Irvine, Newport Bee.ch T. JM:Obeon. 90 W. Lu Florea --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~--~ Drive. All&dena.. Cal., or phone SY 79'095 for appolntment to aee property. 8c10 THREE lovely bedrm•. 2 tile bathe. carpeted, fireplace, forc- f'd 11lr heat, encloeed cement patio, Dbla 1arai• landteapped, room for nrlmmlng pool or ten.nls court. All Ulla for $69~ down. Surprlaed? On Klnp place with ''lf'W too. OR.ANOE COAST PROPERTU:S 1M7 Nt'wport. Co111.a Meaa LI 8-11132 En. LI 8 -U03 Ocean View NEW HOME It Income or rueet hoUH. both furnllhed. Pauo. All convmlencu Incl. rarb. dlap .. rarage11. S23,000 BAROATN llC· count lllnua. OPEN DAIL.Y 221·48lh St.., Newport Beach. tl>p13 Costa Mesa How Can You MiM THIS CHARMING bom• on land· ec.aped 6 fenced IO 1 130 lot. 2 bdrm-. ONLY •TT&O wttb tnna. Balboa Two OcMn n-ot\t ~. Zol\ed for dupl•• 'tlOO ... Coast Properties IOl ll. ~ Bmt., -.J)oa llubot" Hat. lel7 and .-00. OPEN HOUSE call for appoint ment 243 Ocean View, Newport Hetiht. Stop by and tee Ulla 3 bdrm. home wttll & t.dftc Ocean View. Hu 1 % bath. ~ld at.an. ftnplaoe ln a large bright L. R. Sepuate dln.1q room, ftr1 convenient kitchen. Full Price $25,600. Se nn to see thw. LIDO ISLAND . Call UI to .. \.hia beauUful 8 bdrm. 1% bath home on a comer lot. All the modern convenlenole. "ART" ADAIR, Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Costa :t.li!M, Calif. LI 8-3792 UPPER BAY :Ml 22nd Sir.et Open Daily 1 to ~ p. m. Very fine 8 bedroom 2 b.Ut new home. Lars• lot eo x aao wtth t.reM. eto. for Quick Sai. '21,800, tet'IDI. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport 8".ch Bar. 'Tlf . • ' . PACii 6. PART 11 -NEWPORT HAUOll NEWS-PRESS''!•~·~•!'!...! .. !!~~!!!tr!......, __ __.!!••!!::!!a-!!!.I !:!l.l!!t!!tk!,_ ____ ~·~-~-~11!!*~te~_....--~·~·!!•!!!._1 .! ... !'!:!tr~·-----·~~-~-~l.l~llell~tt!._ ___ _!a~e~e1~11~r..a.~~-~---- MONDAY, SEP'I'. 2'. ltlS Iii .......... UDO ISLE JUllt a daDdJ low prtM4 ....._ I B. R... loftlJ patio. Many oolorN tJowwa. 'lmmMUte .,.._. 15 ft. lot -Oa17 '28,DOO VflfY ..., W-. Anotber rood~ Udo • I B. L • 18. Comp. redecorated and cm a BO ft. lot. An UM ~ ue larp. L. R. 2'd>. Patio 2'rM AfPl'OI' ._ ... fHt· Tllla .. worthy of onaekllntloa fw Sl&.000 RAVSTOU The ct.Ire to lift n-.r U.. oceaa wttJl aa ~ pa-.d view of the beech and 81UTOUlldinf ooantry aJde -of 10 wtly aot look at Ulla S B. It bome that will 1tand U.. 8Cl'UUny of the mo.t di8crtmiD&tory buy91'. A home built with llllpbula on. comfort 6 CODYeaUence and with ltt laJ'l9 playroom 6 patio - l8 Ideally 8ulted to ent.ertablblr. Pne.d to .u tur- a.WMd at $51 ,BOO • NEWPORT-HTS. TIWi two b4rm. cutie bu lip and a flare that YOQ will like. lta d.etailecl for comfort and bu a ''11~ loan payable $'78.08 per moath indud!Qr tut. • tmuranee-ft.890 down. 1'u1l prtee $15,000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3U8 Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Bar. '97\ or Bar. f972 Evee. Bar. 2191-ll Har. 1380 or LI 8-8297 ONLY $4500 DOWN HANDLES THIS 8 Fumllhed Wl.ltl on 3 Jota. Balboa Blvd. corner. TRIPLE A. rental area. RED HOT! BARSAIN * BARGAIN TWO FOR PRICE 01' ONE IN NEWPORT 1 Bedrm.. hou.e pJua 1 bedrm. apt. over prap. Both f\lmiabecl OnJy $3000 down, b&lance $80 mo. J'P $12,000 THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED BEACH HOUSE ~Block to Beach or Bay. $2000 down. Full Price $10,500 ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport BJYd., Newport Beach Harbor f522e A House Bursting with Charm! J ! * * * DIGNITY * * * THE RIGHT ADDRESS t &drm. The third bou..e from the South Bay. The best block on the Ial&nd. Must be 9fJell to realize it'• a terrific barpln. We have Bay fronta that are the choicelt. DORIS BRAY, Realtor · ~ ASSOCIATES 216 Marine, Balboa Ialand. Harbor 20 or M p. a. pa Im er inc or po r a·t e d developers of Udo Isle Exclusive Udo Home Drdulm with ... It 1VU ............ lot. pa.at, ot llPt. eepuatiaa from Dlilh'*' larp rooma ud an oftnl8e ,.,..... hen'• tlM ..... r I '*I· ...... 2 Mu.. .... " bath ba ..,.... Carpeted. .,..,...... . funUlllled by • decorator. Beaut!tDl patio. AftilUle with fUrnitun at 5'1,800 or wttla euptt. cln.ple, ltOft, refrtprator ud laundry eqw.--t at pe,aoo. JCaeDmt wm.. . LARGICR HOKE on 2 Iota. eot'MI' of Lido Nord. llodenl ta n.-y detail. with all bullt·iD f-.tuNI. 4 btdnm., 211. batha, WW with barbecue, la!p CID· tl"ll patJo with tropical plantm.. Teftlftc ~ bedroom 8Ulte, Tef1 larp Uvtq room u4 c1JaAnc area. Breaktut room. laundry roam., lloet boa9e. ~ a fam.ll7 mlrbt delire. ·• North .Bayfront Home On over 80 feet of the very bMt BA.Yl'RONT. 8trik· inl modem. dMiped by Ellerbrwk, AL\. TM llet- tlq, view, beach. pier, planttnc and hoaw an tM very finest pomble. 3 bednu. and maid'• room. It,) batha. TbJil home ta lib a pnlCIOUI jew9I and should be Men. We hue the 11.,.. BARGA.IN. a bedroom bOIM built in lMT. J'lne condition. You ahould ... tt If you deelre a llD&ller home. 118,ZO Newport Isle Waterfront Home You will fall ID Joya with th.la lmmamJata 2 bedrm. home, with 1 bath. Jarp kitehaa. d1nlq area. roOcl me Uvtni room. w tow cupet. ,.,..,.. patio f« outdoor Uvtq. Situated on a ~ ft. COl'MI' lot. dlchondra lawn. lovel7 tlowen. good pier ud ftoat. U you are lookins for a waterfront buy, Ulll ii it! '27,tsOO - p. •· palmer incorporated ole ban.son co., sales management 3333 vta Udo, harbor 1GO(f' Hott Hot! Hot! Owner 1a.ya: "I didn't nm pt a chance to live in my bou.. I 1pent my tiJM pJannlnr and dJ'Mllling ot IQ)' ~. tta 3 kwely bedrooma. ltt cute kitchen ad puleJed dininl room, and ita bl< beautiful UYiDC .-oom.. I know lt'1 built real good, ca UM Bob rorbee built it." Th1a owner hu been tran.tf erred to VlrPlla-Whlle we advocate comnwtinc, thll dot11 Mem a little far. Ht aaya ..U lt llOOOOO ......... -................ Price $24,000 ()plll Hou. everyday 12 • 5 p. m. 1W Dolphin Terrace, Irvine Terrace Udo's Best Buy Cbarm1nc S bedroom 1 % bath home. Comer Uled brick ftnplace and lots of built in feature. De9lgn· e4 for ,-r a.round liviq and priced u a au.mmer home. EWuatn with ua at $25.lW>O l'or tMtal)I aak tor Kincaid $11(1) Down (plu impomuu) Brad MW thne bedroom home in ea.ta Meu.. Pull price $8700 -FHA ten:u available. U th.la one doMn"t fit your particular Medi we Mft 25 mon holDll that may be bought for S2C500 down or i.e.. Call Bill l'uuworth Now You Can Uve in Exclusive ShoreeJiffs I BdnDa DbUnt Roam l Ba. $27,000 Terrtnc Val. 2 Bdnu. DtnJnc Area 1 Ba. UT .MO Ocean View 2 Bdnu. DtnJnc ANS 2 Ba. $31,000 Nice 2 Bdnm Dea 2 Ba. $38.MO New i-ro.ncl S Bdnu. DIDinc Room 2 Ba. $37,SOO Lup Roo!DI 2 BdnDa. DID. Oba. Rm. a Ba. $37,800 Modem 2 Bdrma. Dea, Maida Rm 2 Ba. $38,800 Beaut1tlal a Bdrma. Dtn1Ds Room 2 BL ~.ooo Pietlli.que 2 Bdnu: Den 2 Ba. "9.!iOO Mapi&ellt Vacant lotl &l8o an.tlable. Take your choice, the call Daft Oebunl p. a. palmer incorporated ole banaon co., sales management 1100 •• eout b!P""1 -liberty s.a573 Balboa Income! OU OJ' TD J'ZW J'JN& apart- mmt ~ l.tt. f two '*I· room apulmtllu •• , two turn. Cement blOck .truc:tun. plut..r- ed. Onl1 I 7e&n old. Beauutl&l propert.)' wtth sane-. lock@' room.a • laundr7 ....... tMma. , LIDO iSLE Houston .Values 7 Unit Income! LU.804 LOCA'J:ION. hmoul "'8co(t .A)IU'taMlli.°' ldtuatad OD I Jot.I • • • room for addf Uon&I bide. one double, • *l'I• All f\anWlbed. lweU rent.al ana. -pa,ooo, terma. Bay Front Duplex! OPEN DAILY 1 to & p. m. 123 Via Genoa-Udo'1 wtdMt ltntt. LoTNy NEW 3 bdrm. 2 bath with a ear ..,..... Carpeted throup with DJJoe Ncc.e ~· llatcJi aUc.k drapes. Be IW'9 to ... We before you buy! $17.SOO wttla i11,f500 down 3 Bedrooma 2 baU. OD 4' ft. Sot. 8\Ullly IO\lth paUo. '81,809 Less Than Rent 1 BR. IMml• Oft IOdO kit. Drcl Npt. Ht.I. laatlon. Room to bU1ld lne. Wllt. A. •t.J et STtoO wtth '1000 di\. 2 Acres M-1 OJ7ICE, .,, 6 Mp. wanbou. llldp. C.t.r ol lad. .,...., PlentJ ot room tor expuwlon or e&n .,_ dt"1cltd Into ' ps>etla. Com• tn • n .bmJt )'OUr lttedl oe al.I Cll' p&rt. Xlnt. tenna. BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Modern 1 bdrm. apt.: older front bou.e. Sbow your ability at "do it yourself" $21,500 80 rr. BAY FRONTAGE. On Uttle Ialand, pier, float, fonnaJ • bdrm. home. The land value ii cloee to the uk:ing price or $78,000 BUSINESS BUll..DING MARINE AVE. $32,500 BUSINESS LOT MARINE A VE. Cl sz•.500 BEACON BAY. Bay front. Often dreamed about, rarely aeen. Exquiaite 3 bdrm., 3 bath home . Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done in the aame g<><>!i · ta11te. Fnrnwhed - few exceptiom. Shown Friday aftemooDI only $59,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot, &banning f bdrm. 3'h bath bou.ee. Dining rm., modem kit· chen. diap.. diahwuher, Iota of cupboards and cloeett. Plua tmu.wed 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car pr- ap. Both unita all newly furniahed in llodeme. Ideal for home and income or ruHtt. Bar. 1775 -Eve.. F.dith Maroon HYatt ~ John Macnab, Harbor 6359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Karine Ave., Balboa Ialand • Lido Residence? ! Why 1ure -We bav.e a Beauty~ Featuring a large carpeted muter bedroom upet.alrt wtth ct:re.ing room and bathroom plua bis tlidtn1 gu doors onto a large aundea. • • • • and downataira . • • • Another two bedrooma and 1 lh bath. Living rocm with .Uding glul dQon onto a 1<>uth patio. Sunny area and a dream kitchen. A1ao an extra bJ6 laun- dry room and garage. Thit home l8 OD.ly eevenl montha old. located on a It.reel to 1treet Jot and in· dud• the new drapea and carpet.l.nJ. All youn for $31, 7~ Come in and we will thow it 6 work out Yf1llJr termt. ••• and Say ••• We have an immaculate two bedroom provincial Lido lale cutie for only $22,700 Udo Income? Waterfront 7 bedroom •'h batha lndudinc new fur· nJture and draJ*I and carpeting. S89,000-$28,000 down to qualified buyer. .•• and ••• Water tront -Udo Nord 75' frontap 7 bedrooms, 8 baths, full dininc room. B. B. Q. room. Hup Uvtnc room. Thil can be leued u two or three unlta. A. clear IO' lot ean be 80ld off ot thta fl'OD· ~. Vacant now. We have keya. A terri& bq. Call UI for further detaila. ------------------------------NDDI A LITn..Z nx·m BUT 2 blks. from ocean Lido Realty BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES PRESENTS THIS HOUSE hat an irreli.tib~ charm ! A quiet neighborhood with permanent view of Bay. Virtually a Bay Front home at much lower c09t. Two large bedl'1'1UI. and beautiful paneled den-large living room and a dining room. Forced air heat and cooling 1y1tem. Overtised water beater. Loada of cloaet.t, even ..D attic. Obie. prage, storage room and additional bath. Choice thruba and ferM in 1heltued patio. Price tnclude9 8 appH•ne. and drapea. Only $15,000 to handle. FOUR ADJACENT Iota on Cout Highway, Laguna Beach. Wonderful location. 1.oned for buain•L Qwnu will take eome trade. Make offer. WHAT P0811BILITIJ:8. I bed· rooma up, 2 down. J'urni.bed. 2 (\Nplacee, wnd..:Q. pier, prt· .ate beach. UT ,llOO, t.erTlw. Balboa Duplex! ~· .A. 8W&LL v .A.Lum. Bu 2 bedrOOma up, 1 down. Lower bu II.-eompletely modernt.d, bu n...,.uuq. H ... "7 tumlture bleluded. Hu extra room tor on• mol'9 unit and I SV-C•· Slt,llOO ~ terma. Upper Ba~ Area! OVDLOOICINO I.A. COUNTl\T CLUB, and a pip. I Mdrooml. den, pl&aoe a J.arrw unnc room wtth brMk.tut &rM. fireplace. 1 ~ be.th&. L&rs-IVIC9 bid&'· wtth ru.lllpull and frMRr room. 117 ,000, ''°°° down. * * * * View Lot 4S z J.Z with Panoramic 'riew of th• entire New- port Harbor Area. Priced at $1S,OOO Not a ieuehold. Acres 198 ft. on Monrovia e30 ft.. deep. Between 18th 6 17th St. 2.se aCl'tL 8acri&e at U800 p-~ acre. Ult ~ l'llltali with .... DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor *2 Newport BmS. Newpol't Beach Hanoi''"' ~llWPOl\T B&ACH N ... t I B. I\. dble. p.r. Only ·~ da., 8&J STO mo. Ju.t th1nJl -<.>nly 110,500 tum. m•e Int. PtUtte a.QO Via Lido ASSOCIATES Harbor"" Ul·Mn ~----~~----~~------~--------~ Udo Isle Special I BDRM. J b&. home, TOdl lot l!lpado&aa lanaJ 6 paUo. l.oYfly llomt. Rm. tor pool or expe..naton Low uklnr prtce. KL t23t. Back Bay Lot WITH VIl:W. In ....incttd ..,.... l&OOO. TRy to beat It. Industrial Comer fU,200 BUTI 116' on P1acaU" wtth &tt.ract.lve 2 br. bomt It 75' tor abop. J:a.e. 1oc. for home A bu.an ... ~ It. SYe. Into. on UltM L)'Ut U l ·J&U . * FOR SALE OR LEASE * M-1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SANTA ANA 21,000 eq. Ct. reinforced construction, elevator, all phue power. • in. water system. Located on •.2 acreti with S. P. spur. Excluaive with OSBORNE REAL TY CO. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor G188 Balboa Realty Co. 0ppo111u Bank ot A.mWica Roe9 OnekJ 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562, Rar. ~lM eve9. -Houston Realty Co. Ocean Front Home $22,500 VIIRY ATTRACTIVE ,.., round home OD Sea- ~ Drtn. Knotty pine ll'finr room with dlnlns area. Form.lea ldtcbe.n, 1 bedroom and ¥. bath down, 3 bedrooma ud 1 Y, batbl up. Solid eon- ltnactloA, concrete and pWn.c foundatioL 2 car garaie, encloeed yard. El:cellmt beaeh. EARL W. STANLEY, R•altor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 41 Com.Um lld Lei Jack PSnkbam JONllblne Webb TOO m. BalllM Bl..t .. 8alMa Pboae Hartlor UTT f'IO MO. INCOM:a. comer • Hart1or IAYCl •11,000 down or WW take I Ndra !Mme u dowa. io.t ..n. Oft.ANGii 00.A.IT PftOPJlllt1U8 lUT N.wport.. Coet& w .. LI 1-llQ ~ LI 1-eaoa YOU CA.JM' TOP 'l'Blll W-. la NEWPORT HmOHTll can ,_ buy a a bclrla., 2 be.th IM>m• wtUl ftNp&ace. ~· ~ f....S Jard 4 2 car ..,.... for SH,llO ~ ODlJ' IUOO c1oWB. i. time Clftend. cau OWIMI' rer appaMltmmt. LI l...ata. lplO ~~----~----~----~~~~~ I llDAK. BOIOI BY OWNl:ft. ·Announcement ~ Q\lb ..... Immediate eo11a,11Dey, ~ lenm. -u WMI. h11 . Your ''Castle in the Air" Can be your heme IOOll If JOU oouult a MulUple Lillt1D&' Realtor. JM oaa lhow you a ~ variety ot ·th• -ehoice.t ftlu. ID }our price ranee . • . and be know how to draw up contract.. for the mott connnJent tenna. Yw'U flnd tt pay1 to do bual- neu with a REALTOR. Phone or drop tn to 1ee one of the 215 reliable )(tJLTIPLE LISTlNG REAL-• TORS ill the Barbor U.. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '10 Did It. w. wWl to al!DC'DDCe the addition ot Barittta llcJ'arlane and Jack Ttqle to our ..-fOl'09. At 19tli & Placentia --------------- Mn. Mcl'arlan• wu fo~ with Mn. Mabel 1"lUmorrt. aad l8 nll known -m the ...._ llr. Jaclr 'hacle4WM form•ly located Ill~· We ue ftr1 hapPJ to haTe thelt tn oetat.aDcll.q pel'80IMI ID oar~ W. E. ASHER I ASSOCIATES 302f & Cout lliPRY• Corona de1 11&1' Barbor 5032 in Costa Mesa TllaS D 4 WOlfDlll\J'UL J11eot ,,, ---.....,.n, ,_ ... wlU. ...u.t Unu. 11·1 ,.,.. stJ', pkll ...... wtU be CIOll• llder9d ID • trade. OaD owner U I-au D*'Dlap w attM I p.m. tttc BT OWHm Qn. llednoa 111oU.8e ... ,.... aid. llulul•Ud. cvport, I CG' pnp. Jarp lot. .FHA Aft"ROVm>. 1'or ~ ll&Jt a10.ooo.-IO'f6 ~ Coeta M-. U a..1120. ' tpU BALBOA ISLAND 2 aita tun. ..,...i. p&Uoe, ..,..... turm.btcl ft0,000 ' bdrm. --wtt.b 2 bdrm. Inc. apt. tv.. c.. be ..u ftDanced "5,000 BA1'J'RONT8 J'rom fll,&00 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor I08 MartM Aft., 8&lboa Wud Barbor 502 .. • A880CLU'U ---------------------------IOI Center It., Ooet& x .. LI Mtll or LI a.nu COMPLETI: Cokl 8t4r&p PWlt 126 ton c:apadty--otnc.-.cal• -ao.dlnr doc:U off •trtet park· lnr. 8 • t up for tmmedJate bum••· lacrtflce price. To r~ procha<lt would coet ""' art.Jn wll&t you can b~J. t.hla for. OR.A.NOil COAST PROPICRTIJ:S 1157 Newport. Coet& M'Na U 1-1812 lhe. LI l-4IOI OPEN HOUSE f:'G P. M. DAILY llTl Clrdt Dr. 8a)'UoN9, N.B. mf<L PA.TIO, B9Q It J'DU:PL. ~ damped tor outdoor 11~. a bdrm., J b&th, irtra eows. Campi. tura .. oor. lot. ~ Mk. from No. Cbanael. .Pric· OCEAN FRONT Completely furn. 2 bedroom home and duplex. Located in top re.ntal area. Nearly new. Out of to1VD owner anxioua. Aalrlng $31,500. Submit t>n down payment. OPEN SUNDAY 121 · 47th St . New 2 bdrm., ocean view I/~ block to beach. $12.MO full price with low down payment. Large R-2 Jot with room for extra unit. J. M. MILLER CO. 20~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4-091 Near the Newport Pier ed to Ma O. R LATHROP ------~-----~~---------------- ... &. Cout Hwy., Ha.r. MU ...._MIO tell CX>ROMA DEL KAR TWO aoua• • ..... 1ot. Both J ........ It ftnplac-. 1 ha• r. L ....... ... ....... SIUto 'Yert cbalot •• A.L.80 VACA.Jn' LOT, MUt.11 ot HIP· .., . .., ................ It 1ncOmt pr,,,.rty. O. IL L4TB· ROP. MU I:. 0... Hwy. Co· ran& dtl Jlar. JlaAor 644%. ~.MIO tc:U A Pair of Winners Duplex -2 B. R. ea., fireplacea, HDWD flra .. cood beat, Dbl. gar. All in good condition and m handy location. Below replacement cpet at $1&,500 2 unit. -2 bdrm. Ir den home, HDWD tlra., 2 flN- placea, lg. rooma, plua 2 B. R. apt. over dbl. gar .. on lg. lot. Couldn't dup'l for $26.500 -Priced at only $23,500 . It L STRICKLER, Realtor 3822 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2774