HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-03 - Newport Harbor News Pressl l I ' r FreiW-•J:-~to ~ - Skirt -.G , WAY 01' 'l'llZ FCJTtJBE -Thia 11 how the state propoaea to route new freeway which wtll by·p&u Coron• del Kar area of Newport Beach city limits. State Slys · HAUOI WEATHB HARBOR T....-.--....... ...-.. ._ PRESS ...,_,.,.. ..... . RIP Low Tueld&y, &-pt. 21 .... 86. llT Wedn-'ay, &pt. %8 •• ta llT Ttnanday, Sept. 29 _ 64 ~ Friday, Sept. 3() ·····-64 &S Corona del Mm: BJ-pasS . Told by"""''~ Saturday, Oct. 1 ........ M ft 48tb YEAR-NUMBER 76 NEWPORT BEACH. CA.Lil'ORNIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 19M PBOD ILUUIOR 1e1e Sunday, Oct. J -·--··· 6t Ill Monday, Oct. 3 ··-···-119 Ill Plana for the NrOUtlng of Cout Blpway u..,._ .. Hitchhiker Stabs Local Teacher! ·Cllfford Mahler, · fforlce Ensign Instructor. Hurt Stabbing of Clifford Mahler, «. Horace Enalp School mathematic• teacher last night at a Laguna Beach home, waa under investigation of Laguna Police today u the victim wu treated at Hoag Hospital for cheat and abc:r men wound&. A marine hitchhiker ia eought u hia auail- ant. Mahler' a cQndlUon la dee· 1 ~att.er t'Yldence on the Oo« crlbed aa "only fair:· ahowel.I a atruitrle en•uf'd. poHce Mahlu. who teache11 7t.h and Mid. I th grade math. bu bten a At 11.1:1 p.m. a Lacuna ~ch znathvnallca l1U1tnlctor at ~lllcn phyalclan wu called by Mahler. «hoot 1ince It opened In l!H.8. He tnated the man there. Ulen Mahler told Laguna Beach po· ordered hi• removal to Hoai HOii· ' lice he picked up the hitchhiker pollal where another phyalclan who demanded SIO from him. pl'rformed 11Urgery. Ho11p1tal at· When Mahler told him be had tl'ndanta reported Mahler df'acnb· not that much the hitchhiker in-ed the Mtchhlker •• a Marine. alated Mahler take hlm to ht• Laguna Beach police Informed .borne. the teacher Aid. OCNS they Intend to lnu~ate The 1n1tructor took the hitch· the YicUm more thorourhly when hiker to 2MO Pala Way, L&run• he 111 phyllrally able. 'Mre hoeplt&I Beach, police reported. Then the Ust11 Mahll'r·1 addre1111 &1 2e7% aaaault took p I a c e and blood Pala Way. Laguna Beach. PIRATES SWAMPED 20-6 BY SAN MATEO COLLEGE An lnepll't'd. not-to-be-denied, the Bulldor;1 were unable to ad- Colle&'e of a.n Mateo took the vanc1> bf>yond the OCC 411-yard meuure of OCC Ptratu ln their 1trlpe. Held for downs, they klck- 8aturday nlrht encounter at San ed a high .,.obbly ball to Bill Har· Mateo In convlncln&' fuhlon. Flnal ri110n who tumbled on about the Kort was CSM 20 • OCC e. JO-yard marker. J im Connor rt · Opentnr k ick off wu ta.ken by cover!'d for lhe San Mateo team. Pirate f!'nd-me.n Jack Kennrdy on in eight playa on the ground they the 211-yard line. A nice 20-yard advat1ced to the OCC 9-ye.rd line. return to the OCC ~ went ror Manuel El!calt.re. then 11hot a n&Ul'hl when the ball 8QUlrted out beautiful paaa to Mlkt Smith who ot Kennedy' a arm11 aa bt wu g'anr; wu all by himlll!lt In the rnd zone. tackled at thl1 point. Recovery ror Jack Thur made the P.A.T. Scott the Bulld~ was made by M. 7--0 &1n Mateo, wtth 11lx mlnutea Smith. left In the flret half. Play aee·HWed back and forth Rt>crlvlog the klck·ort after the tn the flnit ptrlod with Orange flrt1t T. 0 ., Orange Cou t wu held Cout holdlng the atronc CSM 11trlcUy to their own territory &11d running and p&13ln&' alt.ark In thl'y were unable to ahow any check. Ball control wu domlnatt!d <'On11i11tent attack. Two flnt downa by the Bulldop u lhf'y malnl.&Jn· were eamf'd In the Mriea before ed po9MUlon for 2• playa to only a backfiPld-ln-motlon penalty and eight offenatve ettempu by the a ~-yard loN play, on which J im PlratM. I Hurd wAA temporarti, Injured., OClC HOPl:S HIGH • forced thtm back to their own 26- o nnse Cout hopes n!ma1ned yard 11tr1pe. lll(h. however, u tbe vauntt!d GOOD Q1,('g K.1<'1' p&l9Ull (Une of San Mateo wu Hf're O.nny ~tuon, In for Hurd tllrotUed by &'ood J)UI detenae. and klckin( from ht. own 111-yard Pirate defeMemen we.-. aucceM· hnl'. got •"'°"Y a terrific qulck- f\11 l!\ knocltlnc down four or the k ick to catch the Bulldop nap- ax pulff aimed at them. Ha.r-pin(. Kick WU r<><>d for 55-tlO ri90ft lntc'c:epled one ot Connor'• yards. With the b&ll in play on touee ln thla Mr\J part or the approximately their 30-yard llne sam• and ol tM two compleUona, CSM exhibited the beat footb&ll or on• went for no pin and the other the <'Onte•t u they marched the tor only 7 yard•. A• tlT'llt quarter 70 ~ with auort.ed line playa .aded CSM had the ball on the and p&MM. To end the driv., Con- 'OCC 21 ·1&t'd line. nor completed a pua rood for 20 Qood Plr&t• line pl&, MVed otf ,Y~ lO 8cbaaJte fM the t.a<:h• the Bullq t.hl"Mt u Ule eeccnd down. Th~ ai-ln kicked the extra period 11tarted and Hurd kick~ 1 point. A.IJ the whll!lle end~ the nl~ out of ~er. After t.aJdnr I half It wae San 1-tateo H -Oranre tM 11mi1 •\JI*~ .0-yard Une (Ooa'*-d oa hp I) CLIPFO&D MARl.Q llAL '9Ullr Police Report Crime Front's Action Serene Whal do the police do an a "quiet" week-end ? A1lde from a couple or bursl&r1H to tnveetl&'ate the toUowtnc are aome of th• "quiet .. lhtnca they did to pau Ume: Answtred a call from a lady. H . \'ery drunk, couldn't r•t Into bed or find 11lttpln1 plJla. omcen called her doctor for auurance that the pllla would be all rtcht and cave them lo her. Picked up boxer <log and deliver· ed It to owner "Mth llC'ket. Delivered me ... g'e to party on a bo&t. Ru1hed t.o Santa Ana to p t 1pec1a1 type or blood ror H~ Ho•plllll In an emerrency. Talked a drunk party Into be- ing quiet. An.wered a poe1lbl• wife beat· ln1 call and fOWld an argument over child diad pllne. Hubby took hla thlnp and walked out In dla· J llll. Stopped boy1 ahoollnr a ir riflu and ln11tructed them on city law. Took meaaage to couple to c.all a Sacramento number, Woman uked help to r et Into her apertmm t wtlen ahe loet the key. Officer crawled lhrourh ID'llUl window. JUST a quiet week-end al Ule poUc:. .talion. Clrculatlon Toclay 1851 Copl .. TRAILEa PARK LAYOUT, RENT PRICES DISCUSSION DELAYED PllbUo dWple.y ot tba MUDlclp&l Trallu..P&rk Commltt•'• final npoct wtUl 1&7 out ot tba pt'O~l-1, modentl&ed apacu and propoNd 11.ew Jeua .chedul .. will not be rtven for two WMJr.a, City ,,,......r Jobll 8&llor9 informed the N-.-Pr ... toc1&7. Tbe ..,au 11111 new park plan w .. to have been made pWIUc at UM atT eamicU'• adjoumed me.Uni at f p.m. today. ll&llon eaid tM Tr&Uer Park'• oommlttM report will not be .............. '" TARS TRIM MONTEBELLO 18-0 THERE City of Newport Beach in the Corona del Kar u. ha .. .._ forwarded to city, county, ICbool and Imn.e Oo. ntnc1• "1 the State Diviaion of Hlpwaya. E:apemion of & 2-.U. por- tion of the highway to tun tr.way lltatua with tM reloca.. Uon or UM ro.dWay ~ '"'9 lwtter ot tnumattal fl'Ola a quartu-mUe lnland ot It. ~ Dtstrtct ICqlDeer JDdward T •. No .ant route la 4cpk i.ct UpoD UM fVt1l to at:r J:lqlnew Bart w.-. aeri&l phot.orrapll ahowtnr tbe m-fono.n: J1neertn1 detaila. ~ Kr~ w.-: Plana call for the c...U. ot 1'4f11!9ece I.a aw. to U.t por- The acurryl!\( baltMckl of lhr.e cloverleaf lnterc~. GDe UOD ~ ~ Cout Hllbwa1 Newport Ha.rbor 'Hl(b School'• at MacArthur Blvd., oac:at 1'&rr i9n... ~ptB. B, ~ Sailor iTid mac b In e broke a clAUa A'H ., and one .t ol & mDa' Wilt.trf7 ol a-.. lM to O.• '"llllle aconleu half. tlm• :~at -..tmy of the N.wport Beach 80Uu-.t Of~ 8-cb . Montebello Friday nlJb rd city Um.Jt. toward Lq\m& s..ch. A Nklcation ol the Pactnc AW ... ot .... ,_ ~ altt Ba'fm __. tmt.aUeUou aa ll-0 trtumJ*. u,. Tbe ~A.,.. d&:o..,_ Md 0.. ~ tD ..,. • .,... Ule _. .. _.. -..., ti.11 anto the .nd '°"• f~ Coach Ule me below Urie city llmUa ol CQmlnllDjtT ot Coron& dlll Mar IA ._. _____ •_-___ .. ...._ ___ ~_--_.,aouadl. ___ • __ -"-_____ Al lrwlD'• 8unMt Learu• Tari Newport Beech ..,.. In opm CCND· the City Of N...,.,ort 8-ch hu were Da\te Tamura, Lerry C..tro l1'7 on the 1n1M OD. ...... ...._ -. ,,,,... tw 8"WIU ,..,.._ Mesa Move North for lnd~stry?. Closed Session of Civic Officials at Nelson Home By BERT BRINTNALL and Jody J'ent.o11, 'nle MecArlhur BIVd. im.o .. .., Tiie ....-.. ..,,.. tbla p~ Jt WU the MCOnd at.ralfht It woWd e.ppear from U\a MTta1 rMlipmenl adopted by the RJp. thrft • touchdown marfin racked pbotOCNpM. •oulcl ~tat. tM "'&7 Commle9on w a• deferred up by the local ptgaklnner1 while relocation of Mm•·• Dd?e-Ja ,_. ~ comp&.Uoll ol &D Ja&aft.111 holdlnr the oppoelUon acoreleM taurant at th• nortJnreet comer o1 ~ P">Ject on the ~ &11d Hta the •t&«e for F('day th• MacArthur Blvd .. c.out !nit'· h1Pwa1 wNeh -were oblllilted nlrht'• loop opener In Pirate Sta· way lnteraecllon. to ClODlpJete due to pa.a COllllall· dlum a1aln1t arch enemy Fuller· Th• propoaed ArouUnc ol the ment.e. ton. hllflway i• on a corridor of land Now t.b&t Ulie illter1m project In other l&mH 1.nvolvln( Sun-200 feet In width reMrved for UM on U.. ,,._l bfltlway i.u ._ 1Jt League team•. Huntlnr;ton pUrpc>ee by Ute Jmne Co. It wouJ4 completed ud la Yiew of JICCIJ ••II Beach defeated Tustin 20-0: Ga r-lr&VtrM th• hlllalde belwan the ...., eehool -d .ab-di~ ... den Grove wu downed by Bell-Inland home development. and UM v.loplllent., tt Sa n~ that U.. nowrr 27-7, and Anaheim'• de· IOUtherly boundary or the Harbot rout. be adoptect lJl order tbM Ille fendinr gnd championa dl11poeed View School uid the propoMd new rtp_t ot way cu be protaet..s .ad of Lu Veru In the Nevada rt· Catholic High School projected be-the new "-"lopmftit ~ .. IOTl H -7. (For full detail.I, lff t ween Jumlne Ave. and Poppy nt the hlFnftT daltp. IL S. ..... Harbor Sport.. P-.•• ~-e. Pa rt. 1) Ave. poMd to nlocat. the )IOltMa el Jmportance of the move OD t.b• RoGt. to aa mawa on UM~ Court of Honor Tomorrow Night part of the Dlvlalon ot HJ~hwa.ye Mrtal print and ~ tt N a at. thl1 lime cannot be ovenmpti. tull freeway. alsed. Only a fort.nlcht aco the In 11eCCIC'd&Dca with t.be ~ Highway Commlealon declared proced11 ... ad~ 1ty t.be caw .... Coaat Hl1hway weaterly from t.be nl& H!pway CommJ.aGaa tw • Arche1 Overpua to Main 8l. In terminaUOQ ot t....,,.t ~pie at YSA Bul•1d1·n· HunUncton Beach a t..-.y. TbU nat •t.ep leadlns '°a rout...,_ fa would leave a pproximately a mil• Uon e&n. for the 8t&t. ~ A cou rt of honor will be held of the highway undulgnated lft. l:npeer, or ht.a autborited ,..._ tomorrow night by Youth Ser· ,:luded In Ute approach11 for a pro-aentaUve or ,..~tau.,._ i. vl«!1 AM<>Ciallon al Youth Ser-poMd Upper Bay br1dp a.croee confer with UM Board of .... r. vlcb bulldlnc. PalJ11&dea Road and Nrwport Harbor. VI.eon, or City OoundJ. fW ....-. Acacia St, Coat& Mua, Jamu The propo1al 1Ubmltted to ~ end with their t.aclullc:&l etatta ... McCandlllh. Explorer Poet 43 ad-City of Newport Beach for 1tudy local chrlc CT0UP9, aDd to prWd• vlaor, announced today. and recommendation would appear and ~d 1Uch mMUnp .. ~ M The award presentation w ill tn Indicate • full Freeway type nece_,.,. to acqualnt tn~ Expansion of ·eo.ta Meaa to the northward and solution atart at 7:30 p.m. and variowi corwtrucllon. The propoeed new lndMdual1, otttctai. and ct'flc. w badgu wlll be prNented Seoul.JI roadway would leave the Coe.el other (1"0Upe wtt.h the lnform&!Ma of that city'• urgent need for industrial sites was in the air of Troop• 43. 68& and Explorer Hlgh~·ay approximately 1000 fMt developed. Hownwr, prior to air· over the week-end following a council meeting Thursday Poau 63 and w . The public 1, we1terly ol M .. cArthur Blvd., and lfl&' ttll.I 1tep. w. wt.ab to llllllelt night at the home of Mayor Claire Nelson to which the pret!JS Invited to attend. An attendance by.pua th• Corona del Mar bl.wl· l berew1th two prt11.ta of ~ ~ trophy will be awarded the troop neM dl1trlct completely. A.cCHI to ed route adoptioll mep tor 7tlVI waa not invited. Some 800 acrea the north 1ldP of Baker St.. la havlng lhe mo•t (Ul!!l!ls which 1lreeta and property eouthuly Of nv1~ and COllUMnt. ud for I• Involved In the move. ln1 the market tor water. The should .~Ki•ler accordlnJ to troop the propoeed Freeway route w. ouJd I whatever review JOU m.,-dMla PreMnt a t that mfftlng were c ty. at the aame time. la bad1y I connection. be vla the th'°" propoeed Inter-adY1aable wttll ~ Clty ~ aeveraJ land owner• In the •~• In need of acrear;e which can be _ chanrea. 11'1.nt.a. north or Ba.Jeer St. and around developed for induatrial 111tu . The the lntenectlon or Baker and farm mt n would like lo hook Brlalol St.a. Amonr; UteM were onto lhe clty'a 18-ln. main along W. V. Penfold, owner ot Penn Baker St.. for which a contnicl Optical 6: lnatrument CO. on 81111· hu been let and on which work tol, Loula Rankin or Santa Ana, 11 expectrd to 1tart momenl~rlly. who own1 cOautderable acH9(• So tar the city haa not decided ajotn1n1 the optical plant and Al whether to Mil water to people Perry, prominent poultryman who llV1ng oulJll$1t ~ii• city llm1ts. IJyq north of Balcer and •eet of Arhe Swartz. water auper1nten· Brl1tol. dent, &taled today. / Penfold declared hlmHlf ror Immediate anne11atlon to the city, .. dld Rankin and Ka70r Nel9on I• reported to bave declared. "You're• ln.'. exce\)t of oourH for a lllllrl• of form&Jltlea which wm take a few w .. u . Perry, with olhen Uvtnr alonr Wb1l1> the farmer• nred the water they are 1Ull hollllng nut for better sonlnc than the city w ould ordinarily g1ve t.tlem. but It 111 under11tood the city la plan- ning to offer them an A·l raUnJ NEWPORT 10 WELL IN FOR 200 BBL. PER DAY Produdnc In exee. of JOO ber- ~la per day ot to ... anvtty oil w ith only a I per cent cut la N'""l>OTt 1"111 No. lOIUllk In the munlclpal tideland• by Ult Mon· terey OU Co. In Ule W• New· Port ..,... No. 10 waa put on t.be pump ,Uterday and produced 209 bar· "'1a for t h• tll'lt 24·bour Pfr1od. ....... '° Ql,r v,.,... "JI/NI J . Sa1lora. the "New 1"D appeara to be the beet of UI• bwlch:' Acoontlnr to city rePorta Ule pump '8 only optraunr at ~ per cent Of tbe •J>ff<I betnr ul'ed on otha' weU1 !n ~ atta Tb• ctrtta rte waa •kidded rrom lite JO to •tart another w•ll. No. 11 at once. The nt'W well "10 eeelt the ~11me aoM of prntlucUoo Ill~ ~ Ho. M wu .uU. • t • .. - BOW rr LOOKS -8trt Webb. city ~rat ricbt. aplalM to Cny Atty. Kart Lynn O.vil, kft. Oty Mana.pr Johe 8aJJon aod Countc1"-n Le. Wlldtt t~ appear· ance of mte·1 MW frMWI)' plAn inbnd of Corona ~I Mar r1t y hml\a or Mewport S..Ch -Staff Pboto , ~~~~----.----------------~--~-~. ---------~i - '· EBELL CLUB bid !~ell to summl":r with a card party on Sept. 22, will bold il11 first luncheon aeuion on ~t. 6 at American Legion Hall. Above at'f! !.In. Amelia Gamble, party ch.Orman llnd two membera o! her committee, Mn. Byron E. Wells and Mra. Net.on Holmwood. Stat!' Photo LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFllD DIRICTORY ·APPUANCEI -Bo•••oM Part.I -Dea* -.......... UDO &LSOBJO M14 v .. U6t -....... ,,., .lVTOllOlllL!l DEALll:U N-and UMd can NlOILEllTS ITUDC•4•z• ___ ..... Mll Pf_,.n ...,._ -av. 110 UDO allA. VlNO lltl'O ,_. .....U'• s..,. tor •• ..... , ... U.S. -Ban. ... llE.UJTY PAllLORS 1.100 s.u.c»1 or 111:.t.tJTT 1411 NpL .,.,., -llal'. llff BOOKS llOO& ous .. MJt \'la Ull• -ll&rtl.r MM o.uaa.u a 11tq1p11oo \'INCENT LIDO DatJ09 MtlVlaU...-......... WITH. PLANS COMPLETED for the Zonta dlatrlct 9 conference to be held here this coming weekend, members discuss arran1ements for the Carni\'al Din- ner slated for Nov, 4 at Balboa Bay Club. This itl Zonta's bi& fund-ra.iling erent with proceeds 1otng to .choJan.bips, yyouth and pbilanthroplc work. Left to right are, 1eated, Mr.. Tbomu Norton, dinner chairman: Mre. Harold Robertaon, president ; Mmet. James Ga.llagher.-Meara Photo Ebell Club to .Open Season With Musicians on Program 0"8PETll a DBAPElllD DJCa JIAo.Ea 14H"'l'~- O.lTEBINO RICllAaD'8 UDO MAWSZ'I HSI Via Udo -Harbor UU Clothlng-Chlldrens a Wut. .JT.R.r!I!. OF LIOO Card Luncheon Junior Membership to be Honored Luncheon Guests will IM conduc1ed •I tha t.fay 3 luncheon me1;tlnF=• Thl11 !J the ~ual pro1 ram v.·hich hu long bffn -one ot the moet popular with lhe m11n1bl'r1hlp. for lhl•l day the mu111~· 11nd <;1ni.n11t tl<'r"rt- ment. nt Or11n1r coa1t college g\vt' 111.. f'ntertainment. Ebell rtvea to,i,·o M'holar•hlrJ annu1<l1)' to the 111<>1\ out1ta ndlng 11tud<"nl1 of tbe11; df'partro .. nt1, i.1rll . P'tet· aon point,(I out. Sf,Q:S s,.,•port Bh·cL CLOTHING -Men'1 Betall Bl l)\\'ELl:s SHOP toa tu:!'< l f,U \"la Udo -H.artlor OHi -. For Lido Women Pre-nuptial Event for Miss Pridham NEWPORT HARBOR Series U1\njj: both fiction and non ·tlC· Uon, Mary Greer Sc11rborough '11.·l\l tell a bout ·-Today'• \\'orld Through Tod ay'• Bonk11'• when 11he &ppl!a.rs Friday at 1 0:4~ 11..m. In Ne\~1port Pl Phil! he1<1 their n~ aeMlon of the 11•aaon at a momln1 corree in U1r i:ardrn of Mr•. !:. C. Car· n1an '11 homP In Lagune. llcacb. P.t r!I .• John s •11Jnger prt'~fd!ng. Nex\ v.'ill ne on No••. Hl at the S&nta Ana horn • of P.t.r1. l'blUp John. Wllh 1'1Ulllt'rou1 1unt1 an1t cou•· 1.1·hl<'h huni:: in both llv lnfit and Harbor Yacht Club. Thia \a f lr11t In• prearnt. It wu alml'.>61. a fain· llininK 1·oan1a. th• whili!1 lapera. of the bQok r•Yltw IO@ri...a aponaored Hy nff:tlr whf'n !\tr~ l'11ul Par· lhe minh1t11re br1d,. and itroom by South Cout Alumnae club of r1ah •C11 rflly n l'r1<lh•un1 and Mra. and pink dec::nrated l'Ake v.•lth 11.p-Pl Bt'ta Phi. Mn1. ScArborou1h, •l-------------- Dav1 d I Prltlh11J11 • llonnlf :\"ev.·-prorr!ate 1nacrlpUnn. Pl Phi from Texaa, dlvldf'a her rli1 1 •h11re11 hn1tcJ111 d<Lllf'~ l:l\ a Gueat~ join~! in p~!"'ntinK lht l ime between her Balboa and Loll bridal ~ho.,.,·er honnrln1o: U1t·!r ~!•· 1 br11lc-t!P<'t with hrr chna"n ~t Angele• hon1e1. t fr 11t1d ~!~\t'l'•ln·lll w. ~1 11111 Vrlrna r,f J>uller,v •"d In bnng1n!l" ataplea Thia )'eaf the aeriea will begin r rhth11 n1 Th<' 11.ffalr "''-" htld for \hr nt'w kitchf'n, •• well aa .,.,•\tb a ten o'ctnC\t coffee hollr !Uld Srpt. :?l _Rt lhc 11n111P of !\lr!.1 nrore per11o,nal g1ft11. \' St ' I gue11t1 "'ho an dea!re may alay for Pan·!3h, 2lJ :\tontP l&\8 · <.:oa-Gl!.me1 keyed to the thl'me luncheon at the r1ub. prov1d ll'lg ta 1>1t!4. o,i,·rre played w1lh prrr.r• 11:oil'llil:' tq reurvatlon1 ha1•e been made the !\1111.S r rldhl!.111. f!l!.U,\;hl~r or ;\Ir~. Jame• T'ha mholm, COM Ol•-' r ''' .._ rrev!ou• day at the yuht tlub. }.tr anrl !\lt.!I. 0 l . rl•lhllnl. 1• · 1 u .1n 11v.·11r<lll to 1>tr11.. Robert S. ThOlla holdil'lg ticker.. ate "re- Or11ngt Avf' • ('Qllll!. '-fl'!lll. "·tll Prldha rn and door ptlZ• to P.fr.s m\ndt<I to torrec:t two dalea. 10;h\c:h ~ome the br\11<' .,f J trry \\'1ne11-L.am bf'rt J.l<F•d·lln. · N '' •hould read "Jlll'I. 13" 11.nd "M11rcb bur' cf Alhll mbrn. nn • 111' • I Tho~e prf'llenl · inclu'ded lhe II."' a ccordlnll' to Mra. Thomq \\'t:nnt!\'G llt:Lf,S honorM>, hf'r moUlrr. P.lra. 0 . C. Fto11t. pubUclty chairman. In Jl rrp111g \\·Ith thf' theme f Pridham and her in-andmotbtr, 1 _____________ _ Ducky Details for A.W.S. Hats Th~ humble duck ~ncl her rrathere.d frll!ndl! "'flt atlnrn the top-pletl'.-1<ported by coe.d11 ot Orllnge Coaat College Ill the an- n11al Au oel11!,..d \'Vomf'n Student• dinner Oc:t. 7. ""·era !ht whltr o,i,·eddlnr bellJI I Mr• . .Sarah J. 1>1oon of San Gab-- rlrl: Mn1e•. R . It. Pridham. f'nt..nk l;tOAll ot Chowchilla. E . \V. Tradl\inn dlctatf'~ lhat 1111 Ulose I a ttending. v.·omen atudent1 and women facully member& altk1, I concoct the :t11nl~t ch1peau11: ln1·1 Island Wn.ter a.i;lnable bttora 11'.oinc to dinner. P'riu• are. aw11.rded In lllYeral THI!! OR<JAS ''OU C"A!i P.loon and J . L. McCandleaa ot PL\1' AT OSCF.! \\'hil.tlPr, E. 8. J.loon of Torrance. lhe .. onderful -H.•1 t l'rldhan1. H until'l(l:ton B~ar.h HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN n.. wi.oa. r...m.o c... f1a.J ll ~'IU.-l '-I ind Frl'<,I Lembka of Redondo 88.rh, all a unt. of !he bride- rlrcl: J Alan c-ou1l n11. P.lme11. Vtrne Tu c k f' r , Bak,r1f!eld; Jame• Chamholm. Cla Nmont: Howard F"olll"T, L. A. Tv.'Yman. N11l1 Llro,i,•t'll)"n and Wltll•m Mac Fad- 1;n, Redondo Bf'arh : Kenne.th Martyn. Huntlnjl"lon S..ac:h: \Vll- llam E. ).loon. T ornLnce ; RJchard Prhlh11.n1, Loe Angelf'11: Jame 11 Mllrroj, \\'hlttltr: and rrom Co1- ta :\f<'la. MmeiJ. Lambert McFad· ll ln. J9obt'ZI P.lc1''1ddln. G<>rdon Rltachk1 and Huel Kluuman. T k T • cale.goriea: tor U\e. tunnle.t. pret· to a e n p th~llt, mos l •trllsh, ~d mott un- ui;ual. The event la ~hedu ted u Around World a g et-together fnr l.'oeds and .,.,.o. men. Cynthia Bell nt thf! Bell Dw11ht F. Mc:K\nney~ wh o 'Slstera rttordln1 team will f'n• wrote a conll'over1lal 1erl111 of i'-'-'-"-'-"-·-----------artlcle1 on Loi An1ele1 tor 1 national magazine. le.av~a hla borne on Baltio. I1land Oet. 12 on a r.tg-aar trip around lhf' world. He !a to cov'r m~t ot th1 trouble 1polll u well •~ .ome for1otl1;n landt auch aa Ethiopia and Af~hanl1t.n. Benefit Brunch on S~turday Th• troubl• qota on thl Itiner- ary lncluda lndoneata. Slnrapore, Jordan. ESYPt. Cypru11. Yugoalav- \a, htanbul ~d tha Afrlc:an Cout. Hl1 ltln1;rary w\U also In· -------------l c:1ud1 India. Paklltan, Be.1hdad Alpha G1mrn ll ~ltll alumnae are holding lhelr 11nnu1.I fllM\lon 11hov.· • brur\ch on Oct. 1 11 10:30 11..m. !n Santa An11 Eb'll Club with Harbor 1hop1 parllclpaUnf and Verna Miller ~a comment.- tor. Lido Fuh1on11 will preaent late•t rown• anl\ 11h0ff -will be by Rull''• of Cal1rorn!a. Brat Shop .,.,.Lii pte.11enl 1tyle1 for the younger 1et. " .. ' ,...,.... ... ,,_.__ c.-ia •d ,,.,,. lttoY--'f Surprise Event for Pastor's Wife and v.mNCUJ1. Th• only part ot th1 trip. un· lli l'l• rtach1;1 JT&nc• &nd Spain. which wUI ba n1tru1 I• th• tlr91 ao da)'11 on th1 :ill,000 ton liner Orc1d11 trom VancouYer B. c . to 8ldn17, A.u.trall' Yi& 1'1JI. Tl\• rut ot th• trip by •Ir and tnln may be roUfh. Thia 11 a benefit 11ffllir tor Or· ans• County Socll!ty for Crlppl· 'd Ctlild"'n and Adult.a. T1ck1tl '"' a valla ble •t UI• door. w11.y11 and mean! rornmlttee. Tb1 annual Tin.el Tea will tak• pl1c1 Dec. I at. 1 :t6 p. m. when t he Junior and Setiior Ebella will m«rt to1et111;r. Jun· tot• will 'again fPature a ba.:t11ar ""'Hh gltt.1 available for Chrl1t- m11.a giving. Hol!d11y table. door and ma.n tle dec:orallonll v.·lll be ahown, and "Chrlatmaa Around the Worhf' wll1 be theme of the I pro1ram. Luncheon will bl followed by Mr~. Lloyd Wbltt 11pellklng on "Philosophy Through Your-Hilt,"' at the Jan. 5 1<c1111lon. ART EXHIBrT Two eventa are on Ill• rlllen· You Save 1ocr0 Presc:rlptlons •• PRING L E.S PN&ntptlo•• nlled 'tll 10 p.m. _____..... ____ _ Film! \\1111 MCb ron or b&arll and ..,hlte. alHa IJ'f, l tO, tll, ltO. I It ktt t11UI aa for de\'f'lopiq &Del prlatlRJ, .... "''Ill ....... JO&I • roU of the -e alr.e FR.EE. ............ ,.. ...... .. ... ..., ....... ,. ..• ...... Orpa N"' • ......_ DANZ-SCHMIDT On tilt prtlf'lft of a choir n · he&rMI Mra. R. H. Pou. wltt of Ule pastor of th• C:O.t& Mu& Southern Bapti1l church. WM wmmonlld to lh• church 1ut Bat• urday nl(tlt l\'Mre tr1tnd1 had plhered tor a 1urpr!M btrth· day p.irty l.n her honor. After an •Vllnln1 or 1am1;a, r'treallm1ntti wen Mrv9d. Th• honorN wu p,._tlld wlfh many l(\ttJI and I pur11 of mon1;y, McKinney h.u M.a on many toretrn ... 1pmant11 to th• Or· lent, Haiti. kn Dom1an-Ma- leo and 8ovl•t Au..&&. 'n!.• dilft· cult trav.I ~mt21Ui tor mOl"t rr thUr trip ~ mad• by Corona del Mat Trattl lk"1.ca. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS mo PU.NO a oaoAN l'J'OU: • a tmrMl'I for All ...... "-t:nond Orpu Ill 1-lll .. lit No. Main " BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A f.'IESA CHAPEL Ji.Cl superior Avenue <:o.1 a MeM. Calif. Phon• Libt'rty A-2121 CKA.PEL BY THE BEA ~20 E. Cout Blvd. corona del Mar, Calif. .Phon• Harbor f.2 DAN'S IARID SHOP a&UIOA TD.a.TU: BLDG. .......... o,..~ ..... ....,.,. ltore thu.n 40 tabll'1 "'ere !n pJ1y wht'll the w1yR and n1 .. 11na commltte•• ~n1 ,,111Jnetl !It a ran l party an<i dt~.9crt !8111 h1 Se.pt- 1n1bt'r, l>l r~. C" 111 b \" reported Th' •PCOnd year \Ill"-p11rty ha ~ been hthl, It pronlilK'a lo beco111e on<' of the regular fl"ature~ uf th.. l"tn•or r lub tor Jt t oncludt'I 1Umnll't on a g•y 1nd ln!or·mal note. CLOTHING-"'omea'a Reta.II LA A&Dlrt'Jt r,Q0 V1a M ... -..llM-bor f.SIO LIOO FA8Rl.0SS s•1• Spt. 81\'d. -llartio9r 1111 i;;11A DOOCK'S S•l:S \'la Udo -UarlMir H11 ''AG.4.B()~·o HOli8E lmpo"etl Bport-f'at lf.'!6 \'la Udo -tlaRor JOO• DRUG STORES 1'JSCENrs LIDO D•uo• Ull \'la U4e -ll.alilof. IOOI ELECI'RIO OONTRACroU LlhO EU:CTRIO s•2• 1·1a Lido -Harbor f.191 fl.OWERS KJCHAKD'S J,100 MA.RKZT Cor11&-Tabl1 Arranrem•tl Sf.SI Vie. Udo -81.rNr !Ill f'OUNT.llN, GRILL ,.l.:\"C.t:ST'S UDO ORVG'11 Ufl 1·1a Ud1 -Harbor IOOI FLUIES a ALBUlllll <IF.IUIAJKDT •TUDI08 lf,lll \'la Udo -Hartaor "°' t'URNITURE DIC K MACIL.E.a • S.&tO \'I• IJdo -HarlMlr f.S~I Glt'T suor RICHAkU"~ LIDO WARK.ET UIS \"la Udo -Harbor tA:I INSURANCE .lGF.~ \''· 0 . BUCK, L'liC. l400 \"I• Udo -Harbor ttt4 J INTERIOR DECOR.lTOR8 81.A.\'CIU: FVl.JlJ.:KSON A.l.D. If, lt \'la l.l4o -Harbor UH Dll 'K MA.CKF.ft 14tO \"la Udo -llarbor 41U nos C:R.l:IGHTOS A. r. n. Mal•• ln,port• 600 \'la Mala1a -Harbor SSt1 MAliKt."1'8 K1CllAK1>'8 UDO MA.RUT If~ "'°~ -p DAY j \ llf,SS ''la l.ldo -Harbor !813 l'llOTOGRAPH STlJDIOS 11 tiEJUfARDT 8TVDIOS Friday, Oct. 7 He Brings the World to your doorstep! Your newsboy is your never-failing link with the whole wide world. In summer's blistering heat ... in win- ter's biting cold ..• in fair weather or foul .•. you can count on him to ~eliver your newspaper With cfock- like regularity. In serving you 10 faithfully and well, he i• learning le1son1 vital fo his own future ..• mo•t of all, that the price of •Uc · ce1s i1 enterprise, responsibility and unfla99in9 attention to the bu1ines1 at hand. Maybe that'• why 50 many newsboys grow up to be ~ come leaders in our community and r -notional life! I 1.&JG \'Ii. U do -Hwtlor U01 REAi. F..STATE 1.llJO, Kt:ALT1' ASSOCIATES I Li!ln Salta .t: ~ntAlll I &400 \'lio Udo -IWbor "" r . A. l'AUIER IXC. 33!13 \"la lido -Mrbor 11\00 \'OOt:L f 'OM.l'A..'°Y Jtll \"la Udo -Harbor •l'fl BAY A:"o"O llEACR RE.t.Ll'Y \'la Udn 8rld1e ornre 311~ l..af'•)'t'lle -ll•rhor Mft ISAVl.SGS I:, WAN ASSOCl.lTIONS st;""PORT 8A.l.80A 8AVIN08 £: WA..'li ASlj()C)AnO?'ll A Savtn11 l n1Utulion Loni Tl!rm Hon11 Loana 3!1M \'I• l.ldo -Hubor f.tOO 5ERVICE ST.lTIONS I.Ill{) KICllt'll':l.h Sii& Sewport ft1Yd.-H&r . .. ., SHOES -Men'• 1110\\"F.1.l:fol NTORF.: FOR MJ:N 3-4'?11 \"la I.I.to -Harbor ONt SllOt~~. WOMEN Ml l.t..:·:-; Ot' CAl-IYORSIA lMIO \"la Ucli-RA MM l'JIEATRES l.100 THEATRE CflnA111t lh\11 f"lper ror prorram \'I,. l.ldo at Se. .. ·pett BIY4. Harbor 21 14 fO\'S LIDO TO\'t.A....-o 144? \.la l.ido -llAnor JH4 rRAVEI~ ACENCIES HARROR Tff4\'F.:L AGl:SCI' lf,I& Se .. ·pnrt Blvd-lbr. &62t UPHOLSTERING -' DICK MAr'Kl:R 1410 \"la Lido -lb.rt.oor UU W.lTCll BEr.ua \'ISC.'E!l.TS \lo'ATCH a£P.t.11' I.JOO DNl'fi.'i I u.• ,.'-Udo WINDOW OOVERINO Titt 8HADP: lliHOr N111.t to PD'lll Ofne&-H.ar. IM ' . MRS. THEODORE NORMAN TIBERG -Gene Rou Photo Ti berg-Kissinger Vows Repeated in Oneonta Church . NEWPORT HAlllOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE J MOND~Y. OCTOIER l, 1955 FUTURE BALLERINAS are &earning bulc lteps with Fanya, who bu opened a new studio in ballei. tap and acrobatic dancing at 2912 F.Ut Cout Highway, Corona del Mar. Each 1tudent ia given perwonal instruction keyed to needs o't the pupil in developing grace and poiae. Fanya bu operated bef echool In ChlQco IUCCe88fuUy for many ye&ra, would like lo cl09e it and give all her attention to this new echool. Yf An Opera Workshop for Orange County A FAREWELL & BffiTHDAY dinner w as h06ted by Mr. and Mrs. I Dorothy The Orange County Musical Art. O ub announces their O'Hara l Henry Lunney of Lido Isle at Balboa Bay Club for their son Falcon IL to I sponsorship of an opera workshop in order to give to upir- R) who is serving with the U. S. Air Force and wilJ bC' stationed in Germany for \ ing local singers the opportunity for training necesaary to three years. Falcon, who was observing his 20th anniversary. has attenried achoo! comp<'te in professional singing circles. A1 a companion claaa in Swit.zerlahd, is no stranger to Europe. -Terry Boris Photo I ror muslcia.n1 who a.re not sutt1-1 -----------------------------------------c~nUy ~va.n~ ~r operat~ Ru~~ ~rKt~ ~ t~ oo~rv~ I work a courff In bulc muB1cian· tory, who la a teacher of com- Calendar , of Events sh ip will be (iven. p;>eltlon and • composer of ln- lematlonal r eputation . The opera SEALARKING Both courlM!a will be under the cl&M w11l be under the direction 1 dlrecllon of the Loa Angt les Con· of Glynn Roae who la at preeent servlltory and w UI carry colll'gl· dlrect1ng the 11euon of the Seat- 1 ate crt'dlt for accredited atude.nta Ue Opera company. He la alao 1!. duired. The , mualclanahlp clal!S dlrtttor of the CollJT\opolit.an Op- By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LF.sTER) SMITH ABOA RD TYPEE WOO JSLE:' Morino fnf'ndll at thl' Boll><•• Bay Pl'~LJCITY wall be held \\ edneaday evenings era Compa.ny of San Franc:laco BUSY. BUSY, WEEK ll hu been I Club SatutdAy night ... t'O< k· \\'RlTING ChlllS. a.nd the opera clua Friday ('Ven· a.nd the Da llu opera 8'-llaOn. .round ... ew rt ... It all •ta rl· t111la tn the 11cemc Lanai toom. i -9 P m. Room B E 8. Orenge 1nr:a 111 the main atud10 of radio " po " 1 ... d IU11h bulfel and tnjoyabll' Coast Colki;:e. Oct. 3. stauon KWJZ at Fifth and Mam lnterutf'd mua1clana •h o u Id ed lut Monday, that u11ually dull da ncln1t ar~r . • . about. Kae EBELL TRAVEL 8N't1on 7 p.m. st... In Santa Anll con tact Ole president of the Mu· day. whl'n the famed Australian and Ben MacGhuihan fmlt'rN1tani: Ebell Clubhouae, Cct 4 I The d au 1n mualclanah1p will alca l Arla Club at Kimberly 3· Davis Cup Team a e<7om panif'd by dinner ronvt r.utlon1'l8), Ruth and COSTA MESA Homemakers. I be under the d1re<:Uon of Morria 1404. the "So bt>aut1ful" famed Davui Hugh Wallace. Kathryn and RoM Commu.nity 1tfethod1sl Church, 10 Cup put on & most terrific exhl· Castendyck, l'\orma 11nd Duke a.m. -Suga r Factory tour. Oct. ~. blllon tournament Ill the B11lboa Woodward (who a r1> now in Hon-FRIDA y AFTERNOON C LUB Bay Club . . . with our lovely olulu ), Mildred a n It Howard oo. k 1 11 h o Flriit Lady Mayor Dora Hill wel· ' "''ct on. " m. wit r. • .. · Moore. Mildred and 8 111 H<•rvey. l G1le11 Brown on ··.t•u111tan", Oct. 7. coming lh• playera • · • boxlnr Fannie ar.d Al Cloud. . . 11urh • ,. It". Fran IM ra. Doug) Brown flJn. a regular Cherry Co't.e A U ST. A !'.; DRE \.\ S FASHJON w114 her mother Mra. Tllomlll reunion. show-luncheon Oct ~. I :30 p. m Youth Workers Planning Big Hollywood 'Y-Day' Herron. &116' her beauUtul dauith· A SAlL "ABOUT THE BA y EBELL CLUB 12·30 p m. lunch· Y·Day In Hollywood a cUviUu ter ~loraa del Amo who left brought fort h news th11t Dolll<' eon, Oc.L 6. conllnuu to CTOW at the Orange yeatel"day for the University of and Howard Ahman~on·a lovely ZOXTA DIST. 9 conference Coa.at YMCA aa etaffera began M&drld ••. alao BIJI and Toby S1riw la beck at their dn>amy 811Jboa Bay Club. Oct . 7-8·9. I "serious orranlzing and plannlnc " Wilcox I back from a thrilling Harbor Isle waterfront ..• Har· I PA N HELLE~ I C Member-for the Job of trans porting more aummer In Honolulu). Lucy a nd riet and George Prleger'1 home i<htp lea. Richard Stewart home. than ~ younl(llll'l"A and adulta Don Woodward, Val IMra. J ohn l reachea the he1ght.t in lle111gn. 393 Of.I M11r, Co11ta .Meaa. 3-~ lo lhe film capitol Oct. 29· Clark. J o (Mrs. Bud I Albrii:ht. decorating, and livable b<'auty •.. pm. 0 <'t. 12. Also word was rttelved from ~tlona for lll•. all • day nent can be eeeu.red at the Y. P.O. Box 307. Coeta M-. KJ 6- 2372. GolclH hy Anlvn Mr. a nd M:ra. Paul Goldtn. 313 3%nd S t.. are pattnla of a boy born Sept. 23 at Hoar H.,ttal. Alben Have Soft The William AJbere, :113 Aca· c1a Ave .. art paren~ of a baby boy bom Sept. 23 In Hoa.r Hoe- pltal. Mayhllgh Da119hter Marine S/Sgt. and Mn. ~rs• H. Mayhugh ()( Co11ta Meta are parenta of a girl baby born Bept. 2:1 at th~ U. 8. Naval H09ptt&l In Corona. ORT -;;~ .. .1. CORONA DE~ MAR-11AllRt'lllt1: y Starts Wed. ·"ILOOD ALLEY" .. Cllle1naScope ,...,. ...... _ ...... . .. Jo Bixler Ca m08t wondt>rful and lllllJ buiislng about Harbor I • the Hollywood Y. event ap<>ruinra. • ump •• alw&yaJ, Von Zerbe I VIP Tale, found M a r y trnd Griffith I Ulal bolt IWlt"hes will again be Now at home at 424 Larkspur Ave. are Mr. and Mrs. of the tourna.ment1. Ad 1.M rs. Page visiting Msry'a ramuy·~ County Junt"or ~rvl'd after the Holywood Bowl Theodore Norman Tiberg, who honeymooned at Carmel af-Ken1 KendaU. Mrs. Walter Mt'l-home tR.oy and Mrs. ThomMI 1 varltty ahow 110 the c:rowd of ...... &IDLE! llOJrrDAaY ~ G&ACSL alAftL "Ccnlval Affadc" ter a mldafternoon e&ndleJight wedding in Oneont.1 Congre-Iott, Mary tMra. Jim > Carroll, and later dancing 11t th., B11y more than I0.000 can vtew Ule Allison and Dirk LoveolanJ . Ev Club ••• Heard from Tmlv I Mis Clubs to Hear UCh A -C&J1rorn1& homeoomlnc ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~-----~~~~~~~~ ptJonaJ Church. 'fbe bride ii tbe former Joan Kiain&'er, and Plue White. Pat and Vince Tod l Ovia tt that lbe lndoclrtna· football rame on f\Jll al.Oma.ch.a. r dau(htn of Mn. Hounon Jonu Healy, Dorothy 1 Mra. Oaorcel lion mttUn( for lb• n-mem-1 St t Qff • Ou'ke Cox: general eecret.ary. Locke ot LcN .Anple. and the neddlne and down UM fr'orlt. Tardie)'. and Wayne fl'eM'f'll. hers of the Childem ·11 Hnml' g0 • a e JCer 1 siud mtereat al the YMCA . 18 late Major BYTon Kia.in,.er and Matching laoe formed Ule heart (Ulat handllome and popular new clety will t~e pla('t tomorrow very high for lh• Y-0.y event the bridesroom s. lb• eon of Mr. •haped plateau cap whlcb conttn-BBC m&n&.ger). !Oct. 4) al her Lllllt h lanf'I Sp<>dal courteal!'a will ~ tit· "becau11e It alwaye geta our and Mn. I . JC. T1'*'. 117 Onyx ed 01• Ull''M tiered elboW lencth W1IJLJt IN BEL AJR Monday home • lf'n•le•I to Mrll. Eug•ne i-:ott ot l.school -year YMCA program ott AvThe .• R-. Ht ..... ......__l•l G-y =~t• 8.ohr:h.i:rrt.:: a~-=~~~: e~~ eve. Oladya !Mr.. Paul William) D~ YOU HAVE a Roo<I tune :i:;;~·:••.f ~~Ole e ~edCelrabllonJ Pre· to a rtytng start .. . •• ~., ..,.,, ~ ·--r Lawrence and her aon Paul Jr.. ~ 0 "' n 11 u 8• umor The blitgeet lu ka will be to -rtormed the double ring vow twlned wilh lace and Ivy Juvea. at the wo~derful fund fiur · · · M C'mber~h•p st a dinner given In hne u p tranapor••t1on and volun· ,... Llc:lo lale 11UJ11mer reeldent.t. en-OVER AND ou-r .... exchan1e In whic.h Joan waa fiv· OLIVE GRUN tert.ained with a "Bal rntema· • • j ht>r h•mnr nt the rlrqu!' Rl'st 1tur-teer adult lr11dt-rshlp. he added.I' en ln kffplnc by her snndtather, Altendanta were gowned In tlon&l .. , Invitation• for whh-h ---ant I~ Fullrrton Ocl. 11. The dtn· J Plans are Ming made to charter Wallace Janee Sr. Sbe waa beau-olive green wool Mltalha with were mailed In Semiramis Hotel. C b p k 105 n• r "•II pre1·t'd<' lht> flr"l reclpro· a bus tor Newport Harbor and tlfUJ In ber wait.a length gown matchln( aau n cumberbunda h•V· Cairo envelopes l l&mpt'd with VI· 1 u ac t•lly 1111'' llni: whwh "ill ~ .. held Co~ta M••"8 ynulh!I and adulla. of ptnlr PD' de .. Ui appllqued in" aaah end• which flowed to I •-.,, .... all I Ill La Habra with Mrs Nott as Aa 0~11111 many will go with the I I .. o ,..., • • • .-e.,.., came n H C k ape .. ktr with natchlnr A encon &Cf! a l I.he n oor. Slipper• were of olive l'XOtlC coat.umu from all OVPr the ( as 00 -out I . . I fa mily ID private cars. y mem- •tln. They wore headbal'ld• or world and danced around the 1 So announced Mr• Lloyd Mal-• ber1 and gueets In Huntington Stork Shower Honors Mesan HonorlnJ Mn. Cbesler Thomp· .an, a aprpriM .tork shower wu held on Sept. .J4 at the homl' of Mn. PhJU\p Wadlworlh. 2081'> Pl!M!enUa Ave .. Coeta Mua. Co· ho8teUea with Mra. Wad11Worth were Mn. Carl Ruuell and, Mra. W . W . !tephans. A large 11tork decorated the retr-.llment table. Invited to the affair were M mu . WIWarn Schick. W. E. COftman. R. IL PON. Roy Craig. COra Yoder, Cheater Carter. E. H. H•terly, Thomu Sellera, Mt1ry H&ll, Juanita Hebert, Gwen Mil· !er of TUltln, Roy Inpund110n. Bue McMaln. Claude Knox, V. L. Miley, O. L. Spencer. Maude Ditz· Jer of Munokee, Okla., and Ml•· " Bonnie ChaJ)4!11 and Jl'ranc:et HMterly. Ivy lravn and carl'led ba1ke\I fountain In the 1pacloua patio ... f Cub !'\<'out Pack IO:S l'nJn~·"'t Ion-. P• t'!o1tl,.11t 11r Orange County Beach a re hopeful of UlJlng Adlool of Ivy with pink camallona. The I flral prize for the beiil c011tumta 8 lwrly opening MH1on Sf'pt 23. J uniors. al the board meeUnc bua faclllllu under tr acher au· 1 entourage Included Mra. Byron In the grand march went to Ba· with a r11m1ly rook-oul nn the hf'ld Al lhe home of Mns. George pervlalon apln thla year. Jack Badham u matron of Hon· lalneae dancer11 Anna E. La Chllp-beach. Brothera 11nd "'"l"r• J•iane<I Ri·ay. 42~ Thalia St . Laguna "Plana tor the Hollywood Bowl I or. Mmes Robert E. Badha.m. I elle a nd her ucort, Mark Boyd I in lhr relay rarl'll and 1:11me11 Beach. • variety ehow are well underway 1 David Llndquillt and Robert 01ll· 1 · . . needle11s to aay, the prize wh1rh r~ecertt>d thr hol-rlnr.r 1:m· Mrs. Duane V!' Del of Bna. and,. on I.he ba.lla ot pa.at years, ham. u bridesm&td1. The flnt winners wer~ alan the prize danc-n!'r which the boy11 <"MkNI '•ver credential chairman, rave out It will be a cood lhow loaded namer! duo 11.re cou11lns of the er11 of tht' evt>nlng a.a they gll<led braziers loan(>d b)' the Subnrnr-1 Y"ar books. The dl11trlct fall con-with top l&lent from the scrffn, l bride. ru ound the beautiful p11t10 floor lner11. J r<"renoe will bP hl'ld at th,. Hotel telev11loo and radio -headed Stanley E . Tlberg •lood with ... other Newporter11 there. the Artern•ard. t he boy11 11&ll'tt'le.I El Mlrarlo1, Palm Rprlnga. cm· -up. of courae. by Art Unkletter.1 his brother as but man and Herbert Vinc,nt11 f Lido l11le 11um-around thP fire for l'OnJ!'>< 11nf1 Dec. :I and 3. Mr. YMCA ot the ahow world." gur11ta were uehered by S. Olenn mer rf'llldent.a 1. bulldf'r John V III-presentation of 11warth1. Thi' lltl· I Rl'portmg al the La Habra Cox ll&id. Hickman, Byron and Robert Bad-cher 1 the Eboli wonder) and pre1111lve Bobu t rtremon)' wa& nirellng wlll bt' Mr1t. Leon Wut ------------- ha.m. Daniel C. Patch. Richard Judge Lloyd 11.nd Helen Nix ¥."ho I lerl by Cubmuttr R.o~rt S. C&rtl· or Plac-entia. rivil deftnl!f' chair- !... Paul and Joh.n C. Penney. rec-ently aold their U do home to nrr as Akel•. the lea•!Pr A 11 ... 1~· man. fltre11i-m1t f11mllv defenM· Church decor&Uon11 wrre o f live In Fnmont PIJlce. Loa An-t.a.nl Cubmaster T !'ll Witmer pr.-· I M;ii. Billy Hlnellly of Costa Men: fem trees and othPr 1rTetnery. geleit ror the Judge lo be clollfr l!ented the new Bob<'11t11, Dolli:' I on .. OptraUon G I ·· wblle duties William Wllllam1 nng "Becauae" to his cou rtroom. Ba llantine. Fred Balla.nttnl'. J11rk or th!' new !'rafl.ol• c~mmitte ,111 and "The Lord'tt Pray!'r". Hr Is MlLDRED AND BILL CARS-Kim ble, of Den 5~. J , J . Rw1gnr1. be explalnNI by 1111 chal~n. a fratt>m lty brother of the bride-TEN wlnlng lUld <fining lhl'lr Den 1: Rollin F 1rlrt 11n1I Steve .Mr11. Dalt Drager of Capistrano p oom. . Chtrry Cove, C&tallna and s11n Slmmolll!, Dl'n 2 Bnd Roh Ma<'-8 eac:h. Mra. Arthur 0 . Chre11l of AT SAN OA.BRJJ:L KAy. Den 4. An11he1m. way11 11nd mc-an11 chlllr· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mns. Wallaoe J one. Sr. Cubm1111ter Gar!1ner lnt rod11crd mBn. will repo.t on the benefltj hoeted the reception for their I B £ "t f Jen mo1t1er1> who ar" Dt>n I. dant·e ln be held SeJ>t. 30. at gn.nddaughter at their home In S ene } or Mrll. John &\vt~srt: l>t'n 2. Mr1< . .f'ullerton. a pt\y11lolh!'rapy pool San Ga briel. Mothera were alAIO Hale Field; c Den :i 111 now b<>infi\' proJecl . e Wanted! In lhr re<:eivlng line. Mn . Locke Scholarshi 1orme<ll Uen 4, Miii Sterhn~ ====:::=::::::===::=:;;::::::= Sees Rush Week wearing 11. brown lace sheath w1lh P PanR: Df n 5 Mr" H Pay11"' olive .,,.ttn hal and .an orchid Thayer: D•·n 6, ~tra. J 11ck Hrart-.,. Anolhe,e In the RriH Of de,: b H I k~• r h I Say It With L:,1i11191 •• h,1._. .. SK01>- .,,.,1 Wo he .. ell•"'• f., cor11age ln which both tonn were ury. t " 110 ""' ""' 11r " P In Bert ea.rd parties g\Vl'n by nlf'lll· ( · ,,.. 011 I' ph~k -t mlng"led: while Mrs. T1berr wore ormin;r ... ., • ' ... rom ... 1 • Dior blue tatfeta with matching bere of Coata Meaa Friday After· tee end tt e Orr. n11rt' at Willamette dtt•'•-I• IHnlMu I , . ...,.. -·l•I ,.,.,..n1.. -., .. flt'!l "d It ., ••• ., tt.eA .,,., bolou C.11 vo -.... Mr-. Arthur Kramer, N. Bay Front, returned Sept. 26 from a trfp to 8all'm, Ore. where her daughter M&ry waa entered u a f're•hm•n at Willamette Unlver- 1lty. a cce380rie• and white orchid cot· noon Club for the nurse•' 11chol11r· Earning awards ovi-r the 1111m· •hip fund wa.a co-ho11te~ed Mon· mer 'HI P . Rubr:1 Swigart, o••u Ffo••tt llag'I!. day by Mra. Paul V. P11rke11 and b&dJ!'e : Phil Orrtll'y lhrcP 111ulfP I b• w,,. :0•1•1fetl .. ood OPl"elu l ol '""' l"•J>e"7 lif do· For the honeymoon lhe new Mrs. R. D. Fla.herty 11t thP home Mrs. Tlberg wore • ault ot off· 11il\'er 11 rrow11 and Honk Thapr, Party Rei\tal Item• white linen with brown accet· of the littler, 1910 Fullerton Ave .. two wolf llolver arrnws ~l'n·1," 3.+0J E. V0t13t Hy ., <.:urn11a dt l Illar '''•d) We h•" • re1dy .... , •• , ,.,. .... ., lhtl•91. Ool!ta Meaa. I I r I sor1u and while orchid cOtl'IAJt. 11tars wet" aw.Hf et to 'H Harbor 6071 She waa ltT&duated trom Pan· Enjoylnr de11Bert and card11 Stromberg. Rn11•p r•ow • .il, J tm ('all Harbor 1100 dena City College, her huab&nd were Mmee. A. H. Small, Ch11rlt>s Barbee. Hchf'rt Sw1s:-ut Hn1I !'h ·p f rom Occidental College where h• Hand, A. R. Morrl110n, Reuben MrCook. wa11 afrlllated With Phi Gamma Day. C. B. R idley. Ntllie M. P11ck 1or. wel<"Oml'rt brl\'11 who O..lta. Hoeffer, Winona J . Shaver, Alex have tran11fen NI from olhrr a1 • Muter, 09Car C. Weatherby, Har-eas. Rottrr Grol. (ron1 Fl<'verly ry E. Wllton. J . P. Cooper, S•m 1 Htllf!; John &111l!<'ranr f1om Pack Johneon. George Lind, Florence 187, Bayshorca an•I Clifford Stan· Joint Kiwanis Meet Conner and the hoeleat1ee. ton from Glendttlf'. On the way north the two •top- ped at !acnimento where Mn. Kramer vtalled a former CIHa- mate, MrL Wayne P ollock. They epent thr. day• In Portland •hce t.heoy vitlted relatlvu. Ulen ..,.nt on to Ole untvenilty for orientation and rush W'ttk which Hided w1tla MlM Kramer pledr ed to Pt Phi. TbU wrek Mra. Kramer'• a unt. )(ra. Mary Pattee of Brentwood. la Jloueegue1t and wae honored at a lundleon and brtdp puly 1'Nllday. Plac" were 111.kS for N!'wport Harb o r JC IWlUllan• held an Inter-club meeunr Ulla p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;:::;;;;:::;;;;:::;;;;:::;;;;:::;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. etpL noon at Hotel Laguna. Thunlday th• Klwa.nlana will hold their UllUAl luncheon mttUnr w ith Ed- ward I.ff RUNelt, director ot Or- •nr• county health department ae spf'alter. Wortcl Trawelog• Series I BEA \J'l'lll"UL COLOR FILMS OCT. JO-APRIL 11-ALWATI ON MONOAYI '"PAGEANT or PERU" -"SWED.EN" "COLORFUL COLOR.ADO" -"BAVARIA• "WESTl:RN CANADA" -''THI) ADRIATIC" Prlcet: $3.GQ, $4.711, $41.00 One. Taxi !"l!:WPORT HIOH SCHOOL A UDl'rORIUM Make ReaervaUo.na Now OOllDNA DEL MAR TR.AVllL MEB\'JC'F. INS ~ E. c-t flla'h-,y -RA. ttte TllJC llO()&CA 8t:. lttt \'ta LldG -RA....._ Furniture hy tentury-oltl Slill Corona del Mer Balboa Island it's here .. ... a new PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY SERVICE ~ Natural -Looking Magic ·Curl Perm. Designed to Last 6 Weeks. so Xl:l:D roa mQll'l"LY PIN-1JP 1088 LMt• '"'"P ..,..,,... alW .......,_, Kf'f'JM' laalr at)'IH la -~ -.. ALICE HARBOR 2844 FRANCES ALICE of LIDO 408 S2ad SL. the Post Of~ ~ Newport Beeell -.. WANT TO SELL A CAR? BUY A TY7 RENT A ROOM? TRADE A TRAILER? SWAP A BOAT? FIND A WATCH? HIRE A MAID? LOCATE A JOI? u .. WANT ADS Jmt Col HA 1616 f . . , PLANS MADE FOR OCC COOKING CLASS ,Mesa ........... Okay I Small s.bct1v1s1on ' Four two and three-pare.I .ub- dlvllllon application. were approv- ed by Coata MHa'e p!unln.1 com- mlaelon Monday ni1ht. Th-lncluded thoer of HolU. A. P'oater at Meyw-Place ud Anaheim St.. PH.rl A. Goodman, at Santa Ana and Del Mu 8t.1.: Chrtatopher Story Jr. at Banta Ana and 2Srd St., and Cleo rtk• on Victoria St. Upholstery Opewlftts A limit•d nu111ber of openlnp remain In aome dayUme upHbl- 1tery cl ... t'I at OraJ\l'e Cout Coliel'e. AlthOUl'h more Ulu 100 adulta have rertatered tor upbol· llery cluet1 to dau. addiUonal elud•nll can be accommodated In aome MCl;fon•. lnJormallon f(I&)' bt' obtaln9d rrom the Adult .Ed· ucaUon oltlre. IU'ITllSMD ' CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THI EASY • WAY AND SAVI e ••••~res GMCret. -rlr wttll a .... olpndnd•• ..... .,.... ..... ,.,..... .. ,.., ......... .-. Uberty l-221J • • • REALLY SHARP -This ie a guillotine, but you don't need to worrv about Kennv Ingram's bead, he is juat t11rning on the hydraulic fluid that propells. the ram tha·t forces the blade through stone which the guillotine is built to cut. These machinea are made to shape atone for building blocks and other uses and the company has one cutting block of Indiana limeatone 18 inches thick and 8 feet wide. Thia is a Costa Mesa concern, Ves(M'r Co .. which operates on West 16th St. near Placentia Ave., the street that is now 6 inchea deep with dust and has more holes and bumps than a ml\p of the moon. -Staff photo Devioted to good cooking, this group met recently to plan for the Orange Cout Col- lege cooking cla.as which will be held next month in Lido Theatre under sponsorship of Richard's Lido Market. Standing from left, Lou J. Caenar, Gaffers & Sattler rep- n111entative; H. E . Griffin, Southern Counties Gu Co·; Hugh Mynatt. Richard'• ad- vertiaing ex~utive ; 0. W. "Dick" Richard, market owner; D. C. McAlpine. Lido Electric. Seated, from left. Miss Ruth Klumb, Dr. Norman Watson. OCC ; Mni. Lloyd I. (Sallie.) Fleming. Richard's Market writer. -Staff Photo 2 NEW HARBOR PLANTS pany makes electronlc1 d~vlce4 most of them 1maJJ and miracle pl'rforme~ lo tha unlnlUated. Among them 11 a new device which is placed in Ul.e blood stream 'and when It enters t ha htart givea the allt11dlng pbyal· clan the blood prHSUre In u ch chamber ot the heart. enabllnr him to pn~t hie dlapoele be- fore operating. a.ta -·---TnUen .,....,... ...... l.Dert7 ....... 008T4 lm&A IU'IT&l:88 00. sue NWpert .. .._ PAINT-BEFORE BAY :y 711 w. 17th St. THE RAINS! Hom·e ant1 GarJen >AGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 r· THEY GROW HIGH ON NEWPORT ISLAND! HP111lhw11r tomato pl11nt 11een in many a day and mlle 111 lh111 8 f1>(1tc-r g1nw1nJ: at lhe home of Mr. and MMI. Jo'red J oyner. 403 •IOt h 51. Nnt only does It produc<' handsamr le1we11, but lhr frurt 1~ 1·orrl':<p<>ndingly large. 11lotc:i Mrs. Joyner, holthng Ufl fin<' nnt Y<'I rtp..o Stflff Photo Oil Industry Open House Set Oct. 18-16 An Oii lnfl11stry Open Rou..e, thl" fm•l 1tff111r of 11.3 kln1! ever 1 to be-h<'lll In Ortlnlt" County. wtll br •t•i:ed In Huntlngtnn I Bea('h from O<-t. JO through 16 Con111~tini: of a laritt' numbrr or 1inrmlll<'<1 d1:1playi•. <'Ill ·away mndrl11. An1f mo\'lel" dcpfctlnc all I phu~r!I nf 011 prod1t<"tlon. the 11how \'till be> opl'n free l«' the public I from I to 10 pm. rlally. accord- In~ ,., Bob Burke. Newport I Beach. ('hnrrman of the Orange Countv Co11st OU Information Commlttf'P. 11poni1or11 of the show., "The 011 ln41uslry Optn Ho\19t will bo• nn 1nterl'11tln1t. in-apbJc exh1blt1on. rfesfgned to 11how Or-1 a nge County resident.a how the orl 1ndu11tr)· operate1 and Ju.at how Important It is lo the econ- omy oC -thr County," Mid Burke. I '"ll wa~ decided lo bold the Open House m 0l'tOber to coincide with Oil Proi;re~ Week, O<'t. 10-111:· Burkt' added. I f<eatly Mixed Concrele Jn •plte or the Cement Sbona.-e We Are Ma.lda1 E\·ery Poa11lble &tfort to 8aU.f) tbe Neea of OV Growtq Community. Por CoDCre .. -Cal.I Va. WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE 1'5 Commercial \Vay COSTA MESA LI 8-Mtl Qa!K1 a e..., •J& Budqtoa Bell. Les. Mllt MAX W. POPE Inc. Gl:RllAL CO~TRACl'ORS 401 Bo'-A,.~. 1 "'"°' off Spl. Bh'd. at Ut.b , ( DON'T LOSE HEAD . OUTSIDI SPICIAL Mesa Firm Has TO DRAW 1000 FAMILIES 100°/o W-. Resistant PAINT •••••• • .. SW Guillotine for Mon! than 1000 new famllles pital and the new HeUpot plant. will move Into the Newport H•r· Like Helipot. the Statham oom-Chopping Slone bor area within the next nine ------------------------- Ry RERT 8RL'ITNALL Thr word r::ur llotine hu an un- ple11sant .!l(lunef of something to loM your head about. but the Vl'!!per Comp11ny on West 16th St.. Co11La Mesa, makes t h f) m rver.v da.v and think nothing of It No onP hR'l to knit knoll Into the paltrrn for them erthl'r. some of thl'rr mac-hrnu work automatl· cally The! Vesper i;urllolrne8 cul stone. Inslra•I of tht> blade drop- ping of 1t1:1 own weight they uKe a hydraulic cylinder and put so much prt'l\Su rr on the cutting ed.i:e that It will bile off chunks of stone 16 ln('heio thick a nd 8 teet wide. This company 11rarted abo u t elr::ht YP11r8 ai:o rn Glt>ndale and recently mo\"l'd lo Costa Mesa. The11r "tonr c-11tllng machrne11 are la rgely madr on lncllvidual ortleni month• to help make eleetronlc11 device. to be turned out In the two plant.II planned jWJt nor th of Hoag Hospital. according lo Don· aid C. Duncan, general manager ot Helfpot. and William Cagney, fonntr owner ot the two sltl'l!. who h&1 jual eold the eecond one to Statham Laboratories. AddlUonal emp1oytta for the two planla wtU be obtained local· ly the companlu expect, to bring the pa)'Toll totals to more than 2000 men and women by the end of the yN1r. The Statham Company, o f whrch Lewi• Statham 111 pres!· dent, expect.I to st.Ar t work short- ly af~e !l111t of the yertr on a pl~t to coat about $2 m111lon. l it will rover abo~t 100,000 1q. ft. and will be designed by an cutstanding archlle~t to tit Into the picture formed by Hoag Hoe- but they nre popular enough to cement of one color and atones be ustd in Au,.lr111ta. NPw Ze•-1 o( another 11 beauUful result i11 hind 11ncl Clln11da 1111 well iu the achieved In building block•. Unit ed Stntes. ' The company, which belonp t.o The company recently rl'ctived Oeorge Vesper. all10 maku many an order from Ontario for a hydraulic cyllndera tor different machlnt' to cut cement block11 It companlu and d~• oU"r high works automa tically and by ualng gi-ade machine work. JAMES D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 600 Coe.at ISJvcL CORO!'<.\ Ot:L MAB LET US HELP YOU WE HA \'E MANY SUOGES· TIONS tor rwnodellnl' •udl aa !Ito,..., tablnf'f.11, brNJ&:fut Mn, l'tC". All of "lmplf' c-oniotruc-Uoa with lnexpeaah·e ftr pl;rwood. PRONE llAJUIOS ,, .. .HANGING STORAGE IOX REMODEL YOUR ATIIC OR IASEMENT Put " ... te • .,_ l" ""Ork ""Ith thla eaa7·to-malo1 nr pl>""'ood raraa"e •torace unit. Ufl1 up ou\ of the way w~n a ot la m.. ~ • for ''" plalla. l\'e -1 M ftaWa walle Md ttoill1l«9 "1tll 11clat. •V.C. rood· looklnl' ftr pa,.rood. Gnllel for • cablnet.a. RU\·IM .-d floor C)ODftnldiOL P'h!e l9lld1"•1 Idea booldet.. EASY IUDGIT TIRMS ON ALL PURCHASES WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. 3300 W. Coast Highway Newport leach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 1-3411 ROBERT· FORBES ELLSWORTH CONTRAcnNG 2032 Placelltlo-COlta ..... • l11ilder PHONE llAABO& 1108 U 1-7951 Pltoa11 U 1-5262 RHEEM WEDGEWOOD Ranges Dryers Liberal Trades 'illlDTS Easy Terms 1802 Ne"PC>ri Blvd., Coeta Kela L1bertJ a.M28 Your LeadinCJ Harbor Area Rheem Wedgewood Appllace D...., .. Here's why all your cooking is ~ than ever with a new GAS range! Tlllll FOi TOP llf111HS llTAIY IAIHCUl CUCI ClllTUL nlllCtf'I IYU Ml IWT CllTllL Automatically 1hut1 off Turns rne•t• •utom1tlc· Glvet you precision bak-Gl1nce Into periscope for Set dl•I to u1ct h11t top burner when pre·set ally under quick, clttn ln1end roe1tin1 bytuct wide, deep view of oven n11ded. 0.1 oven hHl cookinr time 11 up. No G11ftarne.G11btollln1l1 tlm• end t1mper1tur1. and''1l1ht control"of won't very.0.1"-tcon- pot·watchln(. And Gii fnt-itmt 11·we1 flam•· Turns oven on end off It beklna-roestina.Nonetd .Untly citcui.tet. No hot sill'll YoU 1001 heats. k11wd fta¥Or. tl!MI you Mt. tCJ •~ oven dOOf. apots-no coot comera. ~~~n•-·• .. -::v .. GAS' GIVH Y=-~-=-~TICAPPLl~I I N01CJ9-Tappa11-0'Keefe & Merrltt-We~wood · Gas Raft«Jft Jake's Appl1anCes SAW -u1an 9.5594 -SDYICE Our voh1m" of.,_, __ ,... 1• lowNt '""'" ...... .._. ,,... t.. 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ·MESA .. 1 GOOD AND BAD -Typical of gridiron action in- volving Newport Harbor High lut wee~ are these ahota. Above, the Sailor varsity diaplaya the type of blocking which downed Montebello lS.O. No. 25 is Center J•ck Smith. Player with white nose guard at extreme rigllt is Dave Tamura. Below, Tar B players rush up to stop a Montebello ball carrier y.-hile auf· fering a 31-0 aetback. -Staff Photoa JY JIVE Junior Win • Stars .Tar Reserves Whattver N~rt H a r b o r High School'11 Junior Va nilty Sail· or eleven doea agalnllt Anaheim'• JVa on D1\'ldaon Fi4'ld al 3 p. m. tod11y. Coach Don Bums wu m ighty proud of hl11 <'hari:ea &11 they defealt"d Montebdlo 25·8 on tht' rival gridiron Thurlld11y. "The boy1 played better t han I had hoped," Bum a reported. "The backa showed good ball 11andllng. the linemen "'lood work up front." FINI: M>B8 tn the line. nne Jobe were turned In by Tackle Bob Shafer, Ouarda Jim Bento and Denny Dalebout. Cmter Bob Allen and Enda Bob Vlllasrana. Oreg Ad· &mll and Bill Miila. Came ottlcials !!Ought Duma after the Tburtlday contest and commented upon the near-pertec· lion 11lgnal cslllng and ball hand· ling of Qusrterback ~ne Hub- bard. Bums t11bbt'd the halfback play of Jody Fenton and Bud Thomp· eon a.11 outstanding. LltUe need11 to be aal!l of Fullback Van Pom- eroy. who charged 48 yard11 tor one TD. Sophomore George Mii- iiken &1110 rlln hard from the fullback berth. OOOD GAJNS Glenn Bufnrd. rn nt haJf tor only three ofCenaave carries rip· ped otr elgbt .yard11 per play. The !'Coring went like thl1: Frnton on a 111 y1r<S duh oft left tackle. Thomp,.an on a cut· b11ck for 20 yards. Fenton for five on a quick opener over left guard. P omeroy on the 46 yard &'allop off 11 pltchou t around Jrtt end. Hubbarcl. Fenton, ThompllOn an1l Qua rt er back Stan Schone. completed f ight puaea. Fenton toaeed lo Thompaon tor 10 yllrda. Thompson pitched to Pomeroy tor 11. Schones hit End Bob VIUa· srazia tor gains of 7 and 10 IUC HARRIERS GO FOR HILLS Oran.,. COUL ColJep croN country barrlen t&U to the open road tomorrvw ac&Jnat Cbapl'B&ll College. u they romp over the 2.7 mlle Petua Canyon couue In Or· an.-e. Runnlnc, the r o u l t for Coach Wendf'll Plcken11 Will be Pirate.a Arnold Brandt. Bob Swede, Fred Varela, Jer· ry Worthy, Jim Hargrove. Monty Ghh1elln, J oe Purdy. Melvin Bartz nnd Jerry Shif· fer. Thf' Buca ranked eecond In Eaalern Conference c r q 1 1 country at&ndtnp lut aeuon when the 8J>()rt wu accord- ed varalty recocnlUon tor the flnt Ume. Replar EC com· peUUon ln lhe crueUlng eoe• open Friday with oc talctnr on Santa Ana and Fullerton at Santa Ana. RAPID RIVAL RIPS LOCAL B'S INTO 31-0 SURRENDER Rapid Ray Padilla ecored the fint ~ti.ma he cot hi.a banda on the ball on Davidaon 1'1eld Tburaday attemoon in pacing Montebello's B football eleven to a 31-0 triumph over Coach Chet Wulff'• Newport Harbor High Sch<><?l lightweights. SUll, the loca.I 111.da 1howed de-~ yard return of Hallback J>rw. finite Improvement a.a the game ton Ruah'1 punt. The 11core favored wore on. often battling the·tr au-Montebello 19·0 at end ot the tlrat perlor rlvalll to a standstill. Wulff quarter. It wu alllo the halftime tabbed Jerry Websltr and Alltn count u the Ta r B's collected Bor111 u t he out.standing defen-themBelvea defensively to enjoy an 1lve performen1. Quarterback Herb UOl!Cored on period. Yee did his beat t.o uncork the Linebacker Leo Lopez finally completely botUed up Tar detenM. proved to his teamm&tes In the lillSOLE TllR.EAT third 8t&n7A that Padilla could be There wu on.ly one Joca.I 11c:or-•lopped. J ust u the Montebello lnc threat. That came In the third phantom appeared on hl11 way to quarter when Jim Bchonu heaved another TD, Lopes dropped hi.In a 20 yard pue t.o End Stew BelUI. aftt'r a. 2& yard 1'\111. But rival Betta Upped the ball J.nto the air Quarterback Chuck Farr rammed with one hand and caught lt with . over f rom the 3 to make tt 26~. the other, tht'n t ore ore 30 yards A penalty cancelled what would before bt'lnS downed on the Monte-have been a M yard TD calk>P for bello 10. Montebello an«! tt WU not unW the yards, and · Hubbard connected With Fenton for 10 and Villa· Very next play the nva.i. Inter· gra.na tor teVen and 10. In add!-' cepted another aerial effort and uon, Hubbard lntere-epted two thelr afiutout wu MCure. t\nal eeconda ot play that Roser Kelly connected with Dale Sa.mp- .eon on a 15 yard pua play tor Uie f1naJ rival markers. rtval toue11. Oil the same'• fint ecrt~e Finl downs favored tht' loca.I play, Padilla carted a h&ndott ott griddera 18-4. tackle and romped 70 yard• tor a POTE.ST BACKM &<'ore. A 3!5 yard carry on lhe Backf ield stall11t1c11 found Pom· same 11lanl Wll.'!I good tor Padilla's eroy leading the pack With an ~ond TD Ken Dougha.11 <'On\'erted. Mr . .-S Mra. EuJ'ene Boru.me· zek, 763 Center I t . eo.ta M:..a. are parents of a boy born SepL P11dilla'11 third tally C'ame on a 23 at Hoag HOllpltal. 11.4 anrage on elitht tot!'s for THIRD TAI.LY 91 yards. Thompl!On wall !5.:1 on 11 for 59 yu<l11: Fenton r, on nine for 4!5 yard.11 and Hubbard J.1 on sax for uven ysrds. au on <11Jarter 11ne11ks. Sta~tlng JV · 11~eup : Enda M iiis and Villllgl'ana: Tackles Steve Watcher and Tag Atwood; Guards J im Bento and Denni. Dalebout; Center Allen; Quarterback Hub- bard; Halvu F •nton and Thomp· aon: Jl'uUback Pomeroy. Mak .. 1st Morf9age loan1 on 1ound Improved real ••tote & buyt (ru1t o..dJ. .... N ..... It. • •1..a..rty S-1' 11 ..... ._CefHwele wtt11•11ll1lll1,lowc..t STAllDAID STOVE Oil Want more rut, steady heat thia winter? Call 114 now for your sup- ply of the modem fuel. Standard Stove Oil. It's '1003 distilled to bum clean, aave houaeworlt. Lighta in a jilJy, always bums smooth, now. freely. Sevea money, too •.• dwft'1 more helt ln every drop. And count on your Standard H•tlltf Oil H~ to take over all your fuel tupply problems. If you havt-a pre111urt-·typt> burne r, ask u11 for S~ Furnace Oil with Tht>nni.!lol. RESIDENTIAL .. INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL ,. ,..,., tfftclllt #ff'rnflMtll._ Sentct, a1 CLAYTON THOMPSON ti1 90tJI a.. Newport 8elda llu'bor wa 180& W. Balboa Bh·d. • SAILORS SWAsHBUCKLE THROUGH sr:::. ~~ SCRAPPY RIVALS FOR 18-0 WIN ~1~:,:-;:_:: Tamaina. Castro, Fenton Cross Goal for Ten in Second Half 10 ttnt .dowu to M•&elle8o'• bobblq cork. nuuWic •t.Ylil ud Utne. Harper wu lb• _.. ..,... ••t all UM ~y. llerry'a con• oe det-... wtUa 11.Jt cle&n ..... ftnloa boot wu naMd wtde. fQllOW9d bJ kbutU wttla 8" Seton end ot UM Wr4 canto, and llaltMdt Jobn · BopldM ud lhe Tara •t.anacl a aa ya rd Ouud ao..,. &arty wttla taiur Sy BILL PB1LL1P8 marcll trom Ulelr owa ,J , Ta· eacJL. The awuhbuclding Sailoni of Newwrt Harbor High mura .,..,.. tor a tint °" UM A.Mo ~ key ettana on KoetebeJIO U . Utt.le K&tMdl S. ~ School proved entirely too big, rough and tough for the lArT)' c..tro 91* tor 15 Jard9 ..,_ ~~ a.TJ', Ta.1 ·-·, h . l .d. F .d . ht d .... __ ~...:. Uaa• _,_.._.. .._., 1.11ea Nabon. IMJl . Mil· Montebello Oiiers on t e nva gr1 iron rt ay mg an on uo-_, CArT7 ~ .......-alt• aBd mu Lamb. ·u ·th h l h lf t h the porkJltc\e on lb• Oller II awiunped the acrappy oppos1 on w1 t ree ut a ouc • llMIJtl1 alter \be fourtll .-n. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii downa, 18-0. · opeed. It marked the aecond straight bobble on Newport's 3!5 to atop 'l11ree IUCCelllt\09 Tuaura i... 1hutout tnumph for the torrid the drive. rnAllt a nnt on UM 11. Tamura Ta.r9 by a trio of TO.. first out-Tamura and Berry 1lu1ged out a1ammed to Use I UMS ~ Inc of lhe .ea.eon belnr a 20-0 a tin1t down tor lhe lo<'al1, then trampi.d a .a.w ot t&clller9 to drubbing of Excelalor, and pre-Bchultt punted out on Ole Monte-the 2. Cutro ripped aero.a. Apln pared the Goba for official launch· bello 32. Tat'klea by Sc:bultt. an· the ·converaJon tailed. lng ot the Sunset J..earue 1ea.on other deten1ive terror from tUa Middle Ouard Roser ~ly, an· aplnat arch enemy Fullerton In linebacker poet, and Berry con· other dettnalft eRftam&n aplut Pirate ~tadium here next Friday tained the Olien. Thia aet up the OUera. plopped on a looM nasht · recovery of a tumble by Tackle pork on the Montebello 1~ a WORK Te 00 Jim Taylor on the rival 30. few minute.a later. With two ml.a· But Coach Al Irwin and hll On the tlr1t play, Tamura tore utea to l'O· lnrin Mnt In tbe coaching staff dJacovered after around end ln hi• aenaational reserves and they quickly r.- the paJr of pracUce crui-that the Sailor tootball craft aWl r~ quires 110me work. Although com- pletely dominated by the Tara, Montebello managed to batUe Newport to a 1tand.1Ull in a aoorelua first halt. And once •rain It wu .more the detmalve play of th• local Jada that turne the Ude of wclory than any dom· lnatlng often.ee unlea1hed by the Gobi. • HARiOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.I F.ditor NEWPORT .HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 Pri11t1 Po1ill • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMBC!At SICUlll'Y PATROL t<I 2-7027 Nor haa the aerial potential of the Tara been realized as yet. ln the Sood right arm of Quar- terback George Scbullt and the clue tlngera ot End Paul Lor· ent.&an, the Sailors have a scor- ing pWlch which could mean the dllterence between weannc a champlonaklp cro'll'D and continu· lng to play ae<:ond fiddle to the Anaheim Colonlata thla HUOn. Vail Pitches 3 TDs as Oilen Thump Tustin NOTICE FEW OOMPLEl'IONS Majority ot 8chuitt'1 pua at· templl agaln1t Montebello were nullified b;ii fumbles &nd a hard ru.1hlng Oller line which forced George to eat that plgllun. Only one completion wu made from Schultt to Lorent:zien. that one gOOd tor aeve11 yards In the 1.e- cond at.anu.. Schultt drew one first down through the airlanea on a pit.ch intended tor Lo~ntzen when Montebello roughed t h' pasaer. Only other local aerial which ,...in.ct yardage wu Schu· ltt to Fullback Charlie Berry tor e ight y ardJI. But the Sailor ground game, once more paced by 11Jppery-hlp- pery Halfback Dave Tamura. and the defensive fight dlaplayfld by the Tar forward wall and Une- backer1 proved more lhan enough to queU the Olien . All fired up with tht'lr tir11t halt auccea• ln conta1ning the lnvadera, Montebello opened the second haJf by reellns off two first downs from their own Ja to U.. SaUor 3' tor Ulelr deepeat penetration ot the c:onteat. Here Tackle Larry Harper. who played aponded. Halt'back Jody Fent.on, a wba.le of a r-me. ncovered a HUNTINGTON BEACH. COC· NSl-HunUngton Beach scored It.a eecond atraJcht l'rid win l"rl· day night with a 20--0 victory over Tuatln. Bill Vall toaMd two touchdown paaaea to End Don Jones and one to Hal!back John· ny McKee. Jo}ln Farguhar con· verted after the tint two tamu . Vall hit McKee on t.he third play after openlnr kickoff wheD he hurled the hoghlde 24 yard.I. McKet-carted It 14 yard.a Into the end z.one. ln the second per· lod, Va.ii patched 20 yara. to J one1 tn the prom!Md land. Cl!· max of a 93 yard, 111 play marcb wu a p... to J onH, who 11111 the lut 15. ~ 801J'DI OOAft 00. llnl a Newpon 111v4. THE SURF FISH FRY Owned and Operated by Bert & Jo Uoyd of Coste Mesa Serving the same Fine Home-CookeCf Food So ~eny People like * Our Specialty * Jllmllo Sir.mp Fiiia '• Clllps Tasty Meat DW.. Aho ll:IO a. m. -'J:IO p. m. Dally at Bttaomhle Pricee • • Al yoa cu 19& of 8brtmp, nab or Meat Spedal tor fl.90 ladwtlee Coftee. T• ... ~ -Clalld'e Pia .. 'J6e 5 p. m. 'til Clloelq Md all day 8aada7 Top Trade-ins Today ! Top Resale Tomorrow I LOCAL DEUVlllD PllCI OW-.Wle ...... 2-0-~ ..... '2465°0 ~ ..... lllcol ..... ••"· Y-IHft 4",....t1 ..... doob of _. ...... ...-., atyle.~· ...-_ ...... __ ..... f'tbl....,..,. '"9MIY "' e4joWl!e " .,......, 00'1'09l•R D•ALING DAY9 AR• M•R• ..... AND WS'LL. M•ST "'°"MOR• THAN HALll'WAYI Onr to Olde ID October ••• th1t'1 tbe llDU'telt IDOH yoo oould make! , And it'• amart in W. big w171! f~ yeq pt die "Rocket" Enpe <i Old.-ob~ tlut hu tet m •.ll·time popalarity record. Seooodly, you'll &nd that oar "Oetobfr Ofer"-m yoar preteat car it terri6cl ¥id fmally, die OldtmaWle yeq My today wW "-" it.a ••lat. Any way yoe loM at it. thit it• time for aetioe. So come inf Tiw"'' a •·Rocket" for ""1 podiet ••• a deal that'• nsJ>t f« you! --~-----------------------~ 01-C> S IVI 0 El IL.. E Yllll IMI ''IOCKll IOOM' .. ••AT YOUI OLDIMOalLI DIALll'll MILLER C'9EVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast HlcJllway NEWP.OIT llACH .. . • 'A-.E 6 · PART I -NEWPO"T HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 POLO PIA YING BUCS -Above, members of the Orange Coast College water polo team show the bas- ketball·t)'pe pelota employed in the exciting plunge paatime. Below.· an action scene demonstrates the hockey aspect which Harbor area fans can .witneas • during the polo tourney in the OC pool tomorrow and Wednesday. -OCC Photos HORNETS GET BUSINESS BY OLD PRO; LOSE 20-19 GO f ULLERTON, tOCNSJ -Ful· Prllko, former profuslonal tool· luton'• Hornet.a handled lhe LA:! J ball player tor the R.am11. hit Angelu Cubs F'riday night. b11l Fullerton'• George Barrera, bul couldn't combat the sdOlllonal left with .a 1Jeevelen aport coat. one -two punt"h of the CUbs· The ofrlciall! sent Barrera to the proruw1onal rtghlf'r -roach and I shower•. and lf'fl Prltko. the an ofticla1'11 '1ellberat ion Kn•l lo11l pugilist. treto. 2<>-19. It wa11 a rough and tumble war Coach Bud Daw!IOn'a YrUow from elart lo fmlim. F'ullerton Jacket.a tallied twtce an the f1r11l et1ll ll'ads in th,. sf'rit'a, •-3. a period and once In the second 1 strae11 which would appear near quarter. thrn wt>ro• held 8Corele83 termination. by tht-rt--charged Cubi1. Lo• An· 1elu ma de two extra polnU. FUiierton ju$l oM, and FJ C lost the g&mf'. Friday nig"ht. In F\lllerlon Sta- d.lum~ the Jiomet11 enter tlll' 11tlff ll:astt-m Confertnce racf', playing )loal lo Rlvualde Mid~·ay 1n the final period. with the Hometa leading. 19-13. tht Cub• 11tuttrl a drive on thtlr own 34-yard line. However. ~­ fore the play wa11 over. uveral ,Player• were ballllnc ll out on UM turf. Oame oftldaJa ' Hparated the br8wler& and ~nt them out of the rame. Enroule to their re· 1pect1ve benches. the two pl.ayer11 went a t lt •Jain. with Prttko. LACC head coach. jolnln~ lht flr;hl. Trio of C...ies Means 3 Tallies for Corona Half Santa Ana Dons Fumble Victory Away to Vikes SANTA A N A, ({)CNS) -Hold· lnr the 1tron1 Long Beach VIJc· Ing 1 M:oreleas tt halrume. the ... aa 4na eooe,. 0on. tumbled •-J' their e.llaM .. for t.IMlr tint victory o.t the ... .,n ln the eee· ond halt and loet lfi>. The Dona ahowed a world of Improvement against Long Beach over tht-lr first two gamu thl• aeal!On, with botb deferuie and of- fense sparkling at timu. Th e Dons held the Vlklnca for dowl\ll on the Don two yard line u the deft>rll!t' tightened up. 11topplng three ruonlng play11 and knock· Ing down an altempted ·pa.as just mlnutn before the tint halt ended. Fumbltll W('rl' the <iownfllll Of ORANCE, l0CN8) -Or&ngt> the OonM Thf'y lMl lhe ball 10 Hlgh'11 Panther deven loat their tlmt'll t1toppin~ 3.,v,.ral or thl'ir ~cond practice game of Ult foot-offen111vt> dnvt-<1 bv their own m1s- b1ll llt'fll'<ln to Corona Bl11h 2i·O take~ Five fumbll'll in the fir11t Friday night. Thia Fndlly tht' half And :he Mme number In the P11nther11 Nark Oflt!b a lonlt' Sun· ~t l..eftjrue 11e11~on llj?alnst Santa u cond halt 11toppe1I tht> Don~ Ana ~~ld11co::enevi-r lh"Y thrratene<I Corona h1ghhthtet1 lh••ir Vlr-Three long runs by Viking run- tory with the runnmR uf Half· nt-ra 1>1 oke the back of the Don11. bAck F reddie Zlnglt-r. " sptPd Charle\· Morrell 11campered 62 nvrchant who rHll'd off nms or I y u d' tor the llnit TD. and rhun· M. 70 11nd 50 y9 rd11 fnr 11 lotlll ky F ullhllrk Dirk Romo got otr ot 17:'1 yard11 on bul three carrlea TD runs of u and I:'> viuds. Longut run ot the game for · Orance wa11 a 4:'> yard gallop by I Don pa.-.ser11 completed 10. out Ma.11 Darrow. 11 surpn11e lllarter. of 16 passes agln.st the Long That ennt took plart In lhr l!e· Besch .!!4'Condary tor 126 yard• cond quarter. Zingler returned gained throuch llle air. The Don two of Darrow'• punts for TDa 1round game clicked tor 42 yarda In the tlr1t and second ptrlods. r\lllhlnit with 011 ROOrlqun be· then added the third s rorl' In 1 Ing lhe workhoree picking up 34 ecrimmar;e play yards Darrow, a lreaoly hamP"rl'd by an The Long-B~ch tUl!llle waa the ln1ury. wa.11 hurl sgam In the f1n11l priwtirP frey tor the Dons. third 11t11nu. It Is not known when M they travel to Skn B PI nsrcllno he'll be back In 11ct1on for Coach to opr11 Easter n .t.:onferen<·e play llddle Eaton. next 1-"n•h•y nlghl CLOSE-OUT 1~55 -JOHNSON SEAHORSE OUTBOARD MOTORS All Sizes 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Trad•ta. Beak Ttmt1 FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Part. Stock SH Us For All Your loafing Needs WATER POLO TOURNEY AT OC TOMORROW AFT , SAINTS DEFIA T CHAFFEY HI 14-13: -RIADY-FO~ OR.ANGE SANTA A.HA, (0CN8)-The Banta Ana Saint.a defeated Ole Olalfey HJ1h 8dloo.I Putht-na he.re 111ul'9d&y U -11 Next Friday the &alnll open their 8UNet Leepe «hedule at Or- A new experie~ce &nd aport.a thrill ia in •tore for in-anae asatnet t.M relatively ••k Panlhen. terested sport.a f&M as Orange Cout College, for the finat With so ~to co In the o~tn1 hA1t asam.t Chaf- tty, Saint QUarterback Art MelJoM wafted a 32 yard aerial time. hosts t he 10th Annual Jr. Colleg~ Water' Polo Tourna-Into the arni. ol Jl'raAk Carter for the ecore. John Luu ktcktd ment tomorrow and Wedne11day. I the extra point wb.ldl ,Proved all Important. Chaftry Ut'd 1t Originally scheduled for Long Beach. a last minute up In the third 4uartt r. • plan change brings the e'(t-nl to· Coach Kroll hu an e1tpenenct'd 1 Tha 8alnt.a came IMlck with a i9 y&rd TD N o by Half· occ·s txcepllonally fine watei startlnJ llne-up com11stlng ot lett back Dave Hurlburt. Araln Luta converted. Chaffey racked polo tank which, according to and nght forward•. 8-0b He.mi n up their ~ond tally In the tlnal atania. But Ulla time the Cou·h Joe Kroll. ranks v.•lth the and Alan Hodge1 both from I tytnc point attempt waa wldt-and Bua Mcknlfht'a boy1 held bHt in 1hl11 part ot thf' rountry Huntlnfton Beach. Sprint mao on tor tht-victory. ROl"(;H GA~IE Ma1t Bowman and ct>nter • baclc • The game. 111 played, 18 a crou Walt Weae.I are al.to from Hunt· MICKEY wtwf't-n basketball and hockey lnrton Beach. Left ruard. Lee FOR LAS VEGAS with four quarters of aevt-n mm· Bay• of ,Downf'". rlcht g"Uard, utl's H <'h A m11Jor foul occuni Blll l:namln&l'r ·rrom Anahtlm wh1>n a J)layt-r 111 attacktd In 1uch and JO&lle. Dick Harrlaon or " wey u to endanger ht• peraon: Ne'("port Beach complelt the a per•mnal toul 11 made by hold· llne-up. Rying Flynn Makes Like . Twins with Pair of TDs Ing, s1nkin~. pulling back or Im· Standln& by and ct-rlatn to lief' p,•dlng 11 player not In p<ljlse1111ton action wlll ~ Jim Tlbbll, Dick ot th" ball: a technical foul 111 Stuckey. Verle Roaenow, Bud comm1tte<t by holding on to any Tira and Douc D'Arnall. Jack rails or ftxtures t-xcept at atart Shlelda 111 11ldellned with a brok- uf play holding tht-ball under 'en hand received In the pra ctice ~S VEGAS, COCNS)-With Halfback Mickey Flynn a.= =--t =-., GARDEN GROVE ARGOS ~ BOUNCED BY BELLROWER GARDEN GROVE. l0CN8) -punl. but cltpp&q WU ..._ted O•rdfll Grow Htch &chool'1 foot, and the penalty ereaaed UM Tl> b&d team loet a touchdown and which t"OuJd II.a" Ued U. *'°"• ••-1 •. llOd pullbed Ga.-. °"'" bade to I la OW1l p&1 llfte. 1n1 ~nallsed 1~ yal"dll with four mtnut• to 10. Then Ila dupera- t.lon meuuru tMickflred and ~U­ t\ower turned • Upl ball J&m• into a 27-T victory here last Fri· day al1ht~ Tiny Don Hoamun raced M yarda down the 11dehnea with a Ogle Manly .Arts SACRAMENTO. ICNS) -In· veallfftlon of boxlnr and wre1t- tlnc will be effected by tht A•· Nmbly Interim commlttff on ,ovemmt-ntal t' ft I c I e n c y and economy. sub -committee on boxln«' and Wt'l'atlln«. beginnlnc Oc:t 17. •rrordln1 to Frank O. Bont-111. ·chairman. Huringa are 11cheduled In Lne Angtles for thrff d11y1. Bums Earty llrds O.~n Grove alW weat IM th• \flctory and IDddle IUce took to Ute au . But two lnte~ Ml up touchdowM In U.. lut two mlnutea. Bir and .10\IC'b &eunower drow for two t()UfhdOW1l8 ln UM ftnt period aa It• blJ, two • platoon line mauled the Arconaut tor· ward wa ll . Fullback J erry Soren.en craab· NS over from the ona and John De8mond converted the nnt or his thrff boots. Sorenaen acored on the 10th play of Ule brulatn.J 1ln1le wine march. Followtn,. the klckort Tackle Bob Crane recovered an Arson- aut fumble on the Oro" 18. rtv• play1 later Tailback Chuck Yeyna cruhed the weak 1ide trom the five to 1eore. water walking on or Jumping irame with l.BCC tut Tuuday leaving the Wildcats bothered and bewildered after hia 75- f rom the pool bottom. etc. One afternoon. He may be out •l.11 yard touchdown gallop on the opening klcl<off of the game, m•J•W tPul removes a playt>r from weeks. h A h · Col · I ed k th 'l'he Brooklyn Oodger11 aiurumed the g·1unl! Ill! doei1 four ~rsonal No admiaslon l1 charged at the t e na eim ontsts cont nu to ta e advantage of eir tht National Leasue , lead th11 fouls. Fn•e throws u t awarded matchea and the public 1, tnVittd opPQrtunitiea in defeating Laa Vegu, 14·7, here Frid.ay llf'UOD on Arnt us and Wt'f't! for trchnical foul•. to help Pirate rootera and achool night ln the conUnuance ot the Flynn alao 1<:ored the 1econd n•ver headed. cllnchlng the pen- Garden Grove then •lopped a drive on lta onr, and mlditi11y through the aecond period Ho11- mun bolted 12 tor a toucbdown A mild form of mayhem. re· ofrfclals make the tournament a heated uriu between the two touch down later 1J1 the u.me flrat nant Sept. 8. the earlleal date ~ 0 H N 8 T 0 N E • I quiring i.ple11dld i•ondltionlng, the 1ucceuful affair by' tumlnf out leam1. period when he nAbbed a forward In b&Mball hi.1tory for the circuit. U--& -w~a.- 11port le rapidly bl'comlnc a pop-en maaae. Lt marka t.be eecond r-ar In a pau lrom Quarterback George ...,... ~-• ~-· ular spl'<'ltotor t-vent &nd thia lo-Orange Coaat College 19!1!1 wa-row that Anaheim hu defeated Dena on the Wlldcat'• 15-yard took po19eulon on the Anaheim 'V ... Ade ..,,.. m l 1011ml'y wtll provide an ex-ter polo: Oct. ll. OCC a t Santa the Lu Vesaa club by ona 'touch~ line. 20-yard line and their 1u1talned -~ ~"'~- rdltnt opportunity for many Monica City College, 3:30 p.m.; down. It la alaot.he. MCOnd mtory Jl'UJlback Joe AvltJa, who con-drlYe fObb'-d 80 yarda for tb"! MVtu •·- flNt ·lime vlewt>r•_ to tttt some OcL l3. Ml. S&n A.fttonlo at occ. tor the Colonlat.a or the new-1t.anUy gave Lu Veraa trou le only touchdown. LDert7 .. '!U .._ very fine te8JT\3 In action 4:15 p.m.; Oct. J9, El Camino at born JHO crtd ... aon. ne&rly every Uma be carried the ;:::..-=~~~:_-~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~=:;;;:;;;~~~~~===~ POU> SLATE OCC. 4 :16; Nov. 2. OCC at l.4>11 The touchdown run by Flynn ball, kicked both conveulon Fu-st 1:eme of the two day Angeltl City Colleg,. 3: l~; Nov. was pulled oft 1h the Mme lt&r· polnta. ..,.an e ..... ....._ e "b'bU r II AFFORD 6 1011 "NllL8 and OOQ' m.l:O'l'alOAL 0Qlft'SAO'l'Oll8 ..._.1.DetVl-HM 111.......... ...... .. ............ llt'rlf's will be held at 3 p.m. to· JO, Mt. San Antonio a t OCC. lllnC manner u In the pme Howevtr, the Wlldcata c&mt' morrow between Mt. Sac and 4 ·tr.; Nov. 17, Fullerton at OCC, aplnat Redland1 a week aio rfpt back In the aecond quarter Lonr; Beac-h C.C.: 11econd gamt. 4:16; Nov. 22 and 23. Playoff when Mickey raced 87 yard• al and put tofether a powerful Ht· " p.m. with S11nta Monica C.C'. tor Southern California. Junior the beglnnlnc of the .e<:ond half. lea of line play1 tor a touchdown meetinit LA. Cit v College; third College Champlon1hlpa at Lyn-It had a ahockln( elfect on both 1eored by Quarterback Gary Ro· s:ame. !I p.m. f mda El Camino wood. teama. mero. Jn Ulla drive, Lu Veru versua Orange Coa st and the fin· .::.::: _________ ~ _ __::::::.::._ __________ _:::::.::__:::_::::._::.::::._::::::__:~:::.~---~-~-..::::=:==::=:=:=:=:::::::::::::=:::::::=:::::::~ itl Tuesday game at 6 :45 whe11 Fullerton JC. mel'ts E .. l L.A. Jr. College. On Wednuday, play wlll re· sume 11l 2 :4!1 p.m. with lo11er11 of gamt-a l and 2. Lo3er8 of gan1H 3 and 4 play at 3:30 p.m. Wlnner11 ot games 3 and ' me.t 111 4 .15 and wmnera ot came• I and 2 at 5 p.m. The conaola· lion llllt' wlll be decided Al 1 p.m. Whl'n wlnnt-r• of gamea & and 6 battle 1t ou~. The cham· plonship match •l 1 p.m. wtndl up the two dsy t-vent aa wlnnt-r1 of gamu 1 and 8 meet to dear- mine the trophy holder. HOME LOANS LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VlNGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To S.rv• Yo11 LAGUNA BEACH AND SAN CLEMENTI QUICK 24 HOUlt SEIWlCf LOW LOW "REDUCING INTEREST RA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMINTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHfTIC SIRVICE FREE ~U~O~IRS' PARKING ESCROW SERVlCI. IPfltOllNTlY OHMTID LA6UNA BIACH 221 0..• A.,.. PHONI HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. ii C.mtno RMI PHONE. ~Yecinffi 2-11'5 Of HY ecintlt 2-1196 -. • Even witl1 all its length and luxury city driving is easier in a 1956 Lincoln luux>ln breah wilh the pa.JI to prove ~ and lnury cn.n be combiMd with tn1e $porl.S car ~lity. And the acid test of the new Lincoln'• astonisbjng maneuverabil ity is found on crowded city str~ts. You 'II hardly believe the effortlet8 ea&e with which a Lincoln threads through traffic. r or here i11 more than a car of length-with the lea n lnnk nf an arrow. (0\·er a foot longcr in the frame than la!lt year.) Here is mori-than a car of luxury- -with richne11s in every detail. Hrrr, above all, is the fine cu yo. can tlritit. And that'~ the result of the power of the new Lincoln- 285 hol'$epower-the most powerful Lincoln e•er built. It'a the re.ult of Lincoln'• more advuud hie,.._..,..., .. _" l _..le Ut!MM's -~ _. n... ........ zu..io~·--"- transm1ss1on that not only gives fa&ter acceleration, but gives it with a smoothnc!ls never before known. And it's the rt'lluh of Linroln's impro~ tuepension th ai helps make turning ~o raFoy. Come in and drive the ne~·, long, luxur(om Unooln. Discover how responsive, how maneuverable a tntly big car r.an be. And you'll discover, loo, why 1956 la the ytJOr of the Lincoln. LINCOLN Th• only compl•fe/y ,,.w fin• car Don't miu the bi9 television hit, Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town," Sunday evening, 8:00 to 9:00, Station KNXT, Channel 2. JOHNSON 6. SON, Lincoln ·Mercury 900 W. Coast Hlejhway NEWPORT IEACH '-======:::!.I I Across from lay Clllb Ub1rty 1-1545 NEWPORT HARBOR N~WS-PRESS -PART I. PAGE 7 • MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, r 955 WHAT HAPPENED, OFFICER? Judy Collini, 13, daughter of the Raymon<! CoUln1ea, ot 1614 W. Ocean Front, 1truclt down u ahe aoaed Balbo• Blvd. al 13th St. Sept. 26, tell1 polfce otttcer 1he didn't know what hit ber or what happened. She wu riding bicycle acroaa, police Aid, when car drtven by Mn1. M. JUgp. 18e E. Del Mar, Coata Meaa, ~ Into her. Judy auffered m&lnly from attock, offlcera .. Id. -SWf Photo Marine Enters Guilty Plea in Fatal Accident on Mesa Marina Cpl. John C. Shankel. 20. ot Camp Pendleton laat Wffk pleaded guilty lo one count of mlademeanor manalaughter I n Santa Ana Munici pal Court and waa held on $500 ball. The charge was flied by Coata Meaa police department after a two -car colllalon Aur. ,23 at lnteraecUon ot l\'ewport Blvd. &nd Bristol Ave. which tool( the lite of Glen Hom· er Blaylock. 28. ot Corona. Police aald Shankel ran the crashed broadalde Into the atatlon wagon ~ing driven south on Newport Blvd. by Thomaa L. Blaylock, 38, brother of the de· ce111ed. Both drivera 11u!fered major In· juriea and were ho1pltallzed. Chief Art McKen.zle malled a warrant for Shankel's arrest to Camp Pendleton and It wu eerved a1 .te>On u the euspect wu able to leave the hospital at the Marine Bue. boulevard atop while travelln( Probatlon hearing for Sha.nkel waa aet for Oct. 7 by J udie eut on Brlat.ol Ave. In the early Cella Young, aitUng In Municipal momJng darlmeaa. Hia 11edan Court for Judge Cameron. Slate Agriculture Conference for Counselors, Tuton at OC A conference of counselors 11nd teachtra of agtfculture 111 South· ern California junior collegu and DEATH NOTICE In th" University or Callfoml• I wlll be heh1 at Orang' ('or.at Colle~e on Saturday. Oct. 8. I It IJ expected that 100 ln- 1tructon will be present for the mc>etlng which Is scheduled to start in the Spee-ch A tta build· MARTI~ CLE\"ELAND Ing at 10 a. m. Dr. Ivan Crook· DP:LASP:Y 1h11.nk1, prrsldent of the College Rosary will be rtclted tonl(ht of Sequo _ ~d ch&lrma n or the 11t 8:30 o'clock in Baltz Mor tuary, Lla!,-.on ' mmlttee on Agrlc11l- Corona del Mar !or Mttrtln Cleve-ture. will pre1ide durtna the land Delaney, 70, of 800 La.VfJ!ta, st>sswn. Laguna Beach. who died Saturday Dr. Basil H. PetrrM>n. P.rf'ai- atter a short lllnu11 In Hoog HOii· dent of Orangt Coa11t College, pilaf. Mua will be relebrated to-Will welcome the gue11t11. Other mor row a t 9 a.m. In Bt. Cather-parUcipanta wall M Richard R. lne'a Church, Laguna. Interment Barrett, tn11truclor in agtfculture wlll ~ In Holy Sepulchre ceme· a t Ora nge Coast College an d lny, Orangt>. p1&.nrl m!'mber: Oscar H. Edlni:tr. A uguna Beech Realtor, he assistant superintendent, M t. San was In Newport H11rbor real e11t11te I Antonio Junior Colle~e ; an(! H1tr· C'lrclu for bu1<tneM ht tran11acted ry R. Wellman. Viet> -president, here. Agrlcultur11l Sclencff, Unlnrlllty A native of Brooklyn, Mr. D•-of C"'lhfornla. Janey had llvtd In CaJJfomia U ------------ yeara, or which the la.al 20 he re· Sa Tell Tl.-.&.. 11lded In La~na. He leavu hlJJ Ya9e I • mrrr three aone. Bru<"c>, Coat.a Mesa: Nicholu. L3guna: Fnuicla, Sa.n Clemente: his daughten, Ruth Hill. Beverly Hilla: Mary .Jane Ford, Crain. Ind: Natoma Hall, Richmond; h is 20 grandchildren. Theft of a tlre and wheel tak- en from the trunk of hla car puked near tbe Little Bay Trall· er Park waa reported to police Sept. 9 by Charle11 C. Savage of 872 W. 18th SL, Coata Mesa. CATCHES HER FIRST TUNA Cherter mem~r Mr11. Fl'ed Lanlldownr. of Newport Harbor Lady Anglere. WhO nf\'H tH!fore bot.ltd 9 tuna, nnalJy ran( Ult bell on club'a laat charlAr Sept. l 4. brlnGlng In theH two bMutlea. to •'1n °'" boat jackpot, another flnt for htr. - Kent llitcbcock Photo -· THI FAMILY IS THI SOURCE OF AMDICA'S STRENGTH • • • • • • • Its decisions chm I the cowse of America's future. Our,, •• ~ .... . wfll remain f. IO IOfNJ m every family hai the right ·to •now the truth vlgllantly.. we CJUCll'd this right Freedom of the preu is euential to the preservation of • free democracy. _ 9nly insofar as every family has unhampered acceu to the truth, can it form sound judgments and act promptly and wiaely to protect ih priceleu heritage of opportunity, liberty end iustice for ell. Your newspaper is dedicated to safeguarding your "right to know" upon which all your American rights 10 largely depend. It will relentleuly fight any infringement on this right •.. will broolc no interference with ih atl'edfest purpose to bring you "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth." HARBOR PRESS :r .. I I PA~e •·PART 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEws-PREss p·,rates Swampe .. 1 !· " MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 . g . O..U.ae4 ,.._ ,,,... ..... CO&.ll 0. Stullnc the 2nd halt, S4UI Ma· teo rttelved alld Pete Kine r. tumNI 27 yarda to hi. own •O. yard line. The P iratea held ID mid- TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Ma.e M 1 -.wer Unr acroaa the old 11lrport •northward annexation "'~ "' "'9tl ove lu C'Onnen with thf' e ltabllahNi l.'<'la\A Mr••· nrarly all the people tewer line. Penfold would like lo nm th nt Bakr r St Wt'M! antaton· • C'oatlaUINt from Ftnt Pap -the wbol• U't'a a.round the 1 tsuc and att111ded the city C'OU.ll· Which wall enable them tt• Mil COWlty airport s.oned M·\ &nil r1r 1 public hf'artnr and aald ao tbe(r property for W·l uae It thty permit• '°" houafng developnll'nl in no unrl'rtaln terme. At that ~ave them free to tranl!Cl'r lhrlr I In the •rea ret\.laed. ltmr thry bell•ved thf'y w.re to ~ SHE'S READY FOi TREASURE HUNT 1'14rence Haven.11. 7. of 621 Heliotrope Ave., lan't l•ktnr any .dhaAcea. Hert' 11he gel.II an •hape w1tb neceuary equipment for t'1! an.nual Coron& dtl Mar Lobster Bake and TNuure Daya· t~re hunt, Oct. 16. MIM H•veM attend& Harbor Vie-8c'1ool. ~8taff Photo field and Klnf punted to Hurd on NZW YORK NOON COJOO:NT the OCC JS >-.rd •tripe. After an -Complied by B. C. Oa,..ide, unaucceaa!ul M rll'a. t'1e kick wu (Dean Witter 6: Co.J SANTA returMd by H~rd with the ball out ANA, OC'T. 3 (OCNS) -&econ· of boWldl on about the San Mat.a : dary H lllnc conllnuea to make IL· U ·y&rd line. F rom here the Bull-aelf evident u the teettnc ph&.M do,p a,'aln put torettlf>r a touch· ptevallil. New• of a late chance down drive wbJch lncludrd two In the Prealdent'e condition hu completed pUMa from Eecalara to aleo brought In aome precauUon- Smllh. Ont> for S )"(lrci.t and an-ary wlJtnr. Since the market allll other for l~ yarda. Dexter Mull<'n hu to prove ltfflt In thla aM"a concluded the CSM ecoring Jor the there .ii UtUe lncentlve tor accrea· effnlnc u he dove over from the alve ~~--. From the overall l ·yard llne on an off-tackle m&rket polnt of view, Individual amuh Thur mlued the kick. lauu and •peclaltlu wlll no l'IKATt:~ PERK l 'P doutl\ reapond t o favorable di'· The Plrate11 ~gan to •how 110me velopmenta. However. until 01111 tire after taking the klC'k follow-phue ta complete, feel a policy of Ing Slln Mateo's final touchdown. aelected IC&l~wn bU)'tnJ la re· Bill McKenr.le produced the lone-quired. eat ground gaining play of the \\1LL llA.LLY rame. tor either team, &a he turn- ed In a bnuttful 27 •)'&Td. hlp- t wlsUng and l!ld" ateppinc jaunt down Ole 11deUnrs. Jim Coot! waa letting fly with aoml' nice paaaea but they railed to connect and H111Ct wa11 forced to kick u t'1ird quarter ended. Starting the third ~rlod wllb thr ball on their own 18-yard line the Bulldog• moved It to their 26-ya rd line. O n Ole nut play.Ron • Bobln11ky Intercepted EecaJa.ra'a palls un t he CSM 30 yard stripe and took oft li ke a mad bull to re- turn the ball. along with ffVeral would·bl' lt1rklere, to the 10-yard hnr. Phil J onu and Johnn' Oleu llhowed o11ome nice l'oal Une work ln the 11erle11 of playa t..Mt follow- ed. After Clea• had advanced to tht' 3·yard llne, Jonu went over for a acore only to have the play called beck t>ecauae of an offatdr penalty. With one lnurvenlnl' play Into the line. Biii RanUc>n took the ball on the five yard line and went ovl'r for thP Pirate.a only score. HI• kick falled. Score wu CSM 20 • OCC 8. There -~ five minute& left In the b&IJ came. San Mateo held the ball ~ kJck-off for only three playa be-'°" klcktnc to Hurd who took lbe A.a candldatee for t>.tter than averace perform&n~ .. alter pree- 8U1'9 eubaldee, feel that aeJected aittratt..a, dru,p, motora and atffl• are 1n po9lllon to rally. Regard- leu of any uncertainty which mll'ht develop recarctl.nc ceneral buelneaa ouUook. ~ alrcra.tt in· duetry le uaured of an excellent volume of blJ.liJ\-for yeare ahead. Mc.Done.ll Alrcratt, on lbe American Stock ICJtch~l'e. re- V>Qnded Laday to receipt Of $&30· million of ordera for It.a a dvanced "Voodoo." Since a very •Ubet&ntlal pickup In &al• and eamln,p la Indicated for th.LI company over the next few yeara, the laaue'a b~alcout Into new high rround lndlcatee good lon,.er term potential. A.moll&' other 1uuea bna.kout Into ~ ht&'b rrouncS lndlcat• Sood Iona• ten:n potential. Amonc oUwr A.- 1uea which a ppear llmllarly at- tractive on weakn... are North American. Boetnr and Grumman. the latter le tn a.-a t wt.lch eup- port ti .. been demoutrai.cL In farms to other poullrymrn, whlrh PROTt:cr AlaPORT bt• 1l'rvt'•I by the Dyke water Co .. they could not do " they C'amc Re believe. Ole county ahouhJ b\Jl ~1·t1 thl'n ttt. advent ol t.be addition. th• uaua.I year end extra or M cent.a la antlclpaled ao that yield at current prlcea ta a rela- Uvely ceneroua T per ce11t. IS OOSSTRt:C'l'l\'1: wt.sh. At tht u mr tlmt It will protect the airport while the erl'll c-U~· lint' 11lonr Balll'r St .• wtth Into the dty undtr any of the la 1tJ1t clear or houai.ng as hr 1h,. prn111tl!e of Mrtropolltan wat· exlatlnc-city aonlnit ~gulat1on1 I ha.• Men ·other aJrpotla rutntd er, h1u• chan&l'd the picture, they Tht'y would be free to rontlnue ~ •ye. by tn('.roachJng ru 1denl'· sllttl' Some o( thul" peq>le ha d their poultry 'W''ork ., Jong u ... HJa company ma.k4'a hPavy an· . In the paat have caUed atttntlon thr,v wanted, but tht-v <'ould not tnlrht shipment• and he belle\'l'l'I h1•&vy loMt'a of hen• dunnc the lo auch drura a a Amencan Cyans· 11rll It to another poullr vman. tbJa biulnea le only In tta sn-s uniml'r hot •~II and water hU mid. Merck and Schtrlng. The lat-· fancy I ler'• performancr to date hu been .,. ·" .. o:. • A:-.i. ·.s•xATIO".' · TJ", 1.... · • J i1uildenly ueumed an unU1Ua1 Im• m011t con1tn1ctlve. A.,m e r I c a n Ju8t how 800n lherr will be any At the time of the original porta.nce. Cyanlmld la In an accumulation annu11t1on of lhl'lll' farm• de· area and whereaa turther l ame will pends on the city'• conUnulnit be required t o con.olldate prevlou1 Its expansion aloni.: the 11outh calna, fel'I an 8\'entual penetration side of Bak~r St, Al pruent th~ of the prevloua high.a may bt> ex· Perry 11nd otht'r r111 m 11cre111:t ii peeled a.nd at current leve111 the not contig11ou• to tht city llrnlta. laaue Is attractively prlcrd rela-' Thi' r1 ty ts prr~rntlv rxpanillng tlvt' to eamlnga and proapecta qr along Bakt1· St 1•n both 11\d u ,,f a dividend Increase. Mtrck hu Ba bb St . bnt llif~t 11111 •'ti~ will b4'en through a •harp &dJllllment nol rearh the Prr 1 y fU op!'rty followtnc earlier-gaina at the tJ me I Wlll<'r anrl ltWl'rl! a r t thr C'l'UX I o( the Salk v-ccfne publle1ty and I or the north rnil devtloprnent or entail• a minimum or risk at prea-\osta Mua. Pen~ld 1led 11ru H,. ent levels. # la working on bulldan~ 11 prel!.l!urf Although deeUnes were pro- nounced In m1rny laaues during l Markrt 13uket com. early weaknl'aa,_ this 111 largely due I Mayfair Marketa to thln neu of hrds whlC'h la natural Minute Maid 20-22 8 ~·10 In the uncrrtaln baC'ksng and till-Sec. F lr8l Nat'I Bllnk Ing phue. Should lht market be Thn rty Drug ablt" to hol/J around tht' mlc1-day Van Camp g,.11 .,~ood . le\'el. look for a 11elected lift to-t:S Nal'I Bank. s. o. 16,-7' .. 59-&3 10..J I 8·7'a ward• the close. Wl:r.an:I Boat 21 i.. .22•. • 2•,.3 Dow J ODl'fl ! p. DI. A\·erqs 30 Induatnala 4::>9.08 off 7.64 20 Rail" ...... . 162.21 off 2.8• 115 Utllltlu 62.:'>7 off o.~7 2 p.m. vllume: 1.960.000 n . J,490,000 on Friday. Local Sloc.k Uat Bid Md A.lk Bank of America . .. .. U\4-.a Beckman lnatrument ......... 23~ California Bank ·-········-5•~-58~ Dlaney l Walt) -----·· ·····-32 \i -311" Flnt Weatem Bank ·----6'-M% Olaupar ......... -.... -................. 2"·3 Hall Scott Mot.or• ........•....... 15 ~ -41 Jntentate EnJlneerlng __ 10-U '>' ·--DI BT-- COLLECTIONS Aecouata -N otee -Q alma of .... , kbtd or dollta-aoywbere 1JI Aau1ric-. "No colleeUon11 -No fee." We 1wh-u ee au coeta. CREDIT BUREAU of Wee~ Orure Couat1 fonnerlJ Crecllt Bareau el Newport ae.dl. l.acwaa BMdl llolld Coata ...... 10t R.lveratde AH ., P.O. Boa IN NEWPORT BUCH. CALIF. the Richard Beeson Comp111y Landscape DniCJn and Constructloa OOROSA DEL MAR J>HOSF. llAJlBO& UI . KATIE'S CORNER Balboa Island • Short Orders ( Bu r9ers & Chili ) • Home-made Pies & Cekea • Home-made Bread & Do-Nuh • Dinner ( 6-9 p. m.) • Brea kfast Ala Carte Food To Go • Harbor 5785 Call Open 9 a. m. -11 J> m. dally -Closed Wed. Park An. ~ Aiatf' (Ferry St.) BOYS' CLUB RE-OPENS TO SERVE 1915 MEMBERS bell and ntumed to the OCC M- yard line. J onte •tarted a eerie. of Pirate runnlnc and pua plays completing one to Harriaon but al- ter a 10-yard lo• waa forced to kick. Aa the ball irame ended CSM had pouqelon and final acore wu Only in Fbrd ... Y-8 power ~@ Aft.e:r havlnl' beesl clOled tor crafts and approved aupervt.ed 20·6 In their favor . .. veral week1. the lloya' Club of a ct1vlUee. tbe H~r Area la now re-opl'ned Due to the double MMionJnc of GAME 8TAn&'nC8 IUld .ervlng ll11 nearly 2000 mem-COllla Mua 8Choola thla year, the Game •t&U.Uca ahowe4 the Plr- bert. The club wu <'lo11ed from Boy•' Club le openJll&' at 1 p.m. &lea completely outplayed Wlt.b Sept. e to 26 for n(!('drd rep111re lnstnd ol 2:30 p.m. u 1n pnvioua San Mateo rwi.ning lM playa to 41 and pamtlng to bulldtn~ &nd yea.r.11. Club boura are fN>m 1 to for the Buca. l'INt downa were t2 equlpml'nl. At the 86me Uml' the 5:Hi p.m. and f rom e:3o to 11 :30 to 4. Ban Mateo t.hrew ,lt ~ Boy1.1' Club 11upervl.IOry l!t.llff took p.m. Saturday hour• .,.. from 10 with I complete for 77 y&rda and their well earned vacallon11 alter a.m. to 2 i>..m. some Saturday two TD'a. OCC connected on two e n extreml'ly busy 11ummer or ac· nlghta are reeerved for teenare i--1 out ol 10 for 10 yards. ltvlttes. dances and special actlvlUea. Yarda caJned on puelnr and run- Th' gymn11.111um floor hu been Volunteer &dult teachlnf and au-nlnir wu CBW S09 and OCC 108. compleLely refinished and t he ~rvlalon la •UU needed ln aome The one encourqinc note, aa doorll 11nt1 trim throughou·~ the art• and craft.a department.. .tUch far u the Pirate ~ 1"n re11t of th4' bu1ld1ng hu bffn ,.._ .. laalhercratt e.nd copper work. con«mrd, I• the fact that &«a1n painted. The rront or the bulldln& rr1day nlpt lapidary cl._ .,.. the loc&l lada were a.bi. to capltal-h~ bt'cn re-palntl'<I, also. very popular alao. The.ae cluau lr.e on a acorlnr opportunft:y. In Thr Boys· Club memberah.lp would be held other atternoone and both ram••· to dau , the oppoeiUon year began Saturday. A total of evwilnp If edd.1Uow aupervlalon hu had the Plratee botUed up 1111~ boya &nd YOUQS ,._ crom ..,.. anil&ble. Alao needed an I with tMtr b&cka to the wall and II to 18 veara or ap J~ tile lnlilbu~ in archery on Mrtalll .ot Dlucll of a cb&n~ to find out Boya' Clu0b during Ila 19,.. .__ .ttcn-.. 1\lolt wfiat tftey can do on offenae. aon. Co11t to each m•ber I.a but 00ACRE8' COMMENT 51 per yea.r. A.11 l'lloeO'lbcnl muat Coach Jt&y Roeao remarked a.f. now re·rl'itlater for aouier yeu Toylaad Safe f=omd t•r the pme th.at he le,lt the oC tun. companlonMI~ athlltk::a Recovery of LI do Toyland'a team looked llfelua. Said Ray, ' cube aquare 1 ate, containing "I waa dtaappolnted. We made -------------nearly 52000 In non-negot.lable11, mi.takea that hurt • , • looked Too· Late• to· Be wu replbrtt<J to oeorce Hoag. ttJce a. mental ta.pae to me on <111e atore owner thla morning. Olen-or two oc~ona 'when p&sa r.-cla.~Ut-....1 dale police noU!led Newport ==~· were completer)' by Ulem· ..... S.acb otflcera they had found _the ,,ate which waa taken Sunday Bacldleld Coa.cb Bob Oabome 4S--A ts ~ H ,_ Rlat atterneon from the shop on Via aald. 'Tbue will probably be a +~ · -~'!! ., -Ltdo. Burgtara aleo took S50 In complete overh11ullnK or our back· COSTA Mt'llR 2 Mrm. turn. hou~e. clll!h f'rom the till. The llllfe con-field balled on what I .. w Satur- g11r&1i:e I • hlld okay. Water l<'nts nppar ntl di t b day." pd. SB:! IRh1t·~h 92002. I ed. e y were un 8 ur • Bill Poore had thl1 to aay, "I 13cl~ thought the boy1 did a nice job. ------------We have lot11 of work to do but bdrma, g11rba1te Mn. Spencer Hlll't they eh.owed Improvement. Bor• NEW APT. 2 dl11r . guage. ca.nal unfum. 382•-J . NMr · beach & i C C den Granier aeemed to be molt yr)y f#nlAI Har. ft Olltptoft nnfl Improved a.lid Flint, GraNtleld 13cl5 Mr.. Nellie I. Spencer, veteran and SewPll all played the kind ol """R RE""T ------Balboa Post Ottlce clerk. w•• In· game I like to 11tt." •v " FURN18Hlt0-u tlh· -O JUl"\'•I Friday night In an auto ff t'1elr ahowlng In the San lies palc1. RPfn geratora llll J uly M t •.. P l 1 llll -2 &pt:<. :!llO \\'. Ocean 11rrldent near the Compton area. a'° game u11' rates wl I ne~ front-J b<lrrn lirepl&ce patlO Shr la ln Drllnower Hospital. •o to get down tn anloua work Uu11 ~ar"l!'.e _ B1tby OK. STO 'pr mn : •bone.-were broken, It 111 reported, coming week. First Ea11tt"rn Con· a nd tO• 2~11h St. 1 • 2 bdrm. bu t l!hl' Is being treated tor 1terat-ferent'e m11trh la with Cha.tfey Child O h: SSS pr. mo on chrs anil abrasion•. lhl11 Satul"flay afternoon. OcL II, premllle• Tur~ e•uaang llnc1 Shr I!< thl' mother of Al Spen· at 2 Pm. In Pirate Stadmm. Wedne8day. Ph. Tullon 321-1:;4 'cer, dlre<-tor of Harbor Arl'a or Hubor 08 11-M. 13c I Boyi. C'lub &.nd is understood to h11ve bern rJdinir in a car driven 43-A-Apts. for Bad by ht>r 111l!ter. Unlt ta St&tl'11 factorln produe· td 700 m olor lruC'kl! 11nd buaee11 In 1904. &rcordsng to the NaUonal Automobil e Club. NEAR Ba y & ocean N*w 2 bdrm . Kaiser Appointed rum. lilt k1trhen. 'hth a. ,.how· SA="1 FD . NClSCO day. Mllo W. Bcksnll, Lo11 Ange· ~r. S7.'\ winter reatal. Hllrbor . '"""" • OCT, 3, lei<. chalrmllll oC the 11tatewide 1781-M. 13,.1r, I ( OC'NS) OrRnge Count.v Super-hl,1:hw11.v C'Om mlttre 11nnouncl'd the -....:. Vi11or Heln:t K&t!ll'r. ('oi.la. Me11R, formaUon or the ltTOUp for the ha11 been e ppolntl'd to the fedrr· I purpolle or a.n11lyzlng all 11~pec:ts 488--Hou!M'• for Rent I al-aid htJ(hway .study committee Of Ult' prnp•>.11111 for Rn a ccelerated FURN COTTAG"' _._._ or the Cailfnm lB S~llle Chambt•r I fl'der11 I highwlly flnt1nC'lng pro· .. -... ....,.-rPnlRI ot Commerce. officli1l11 said to· gram. 320 Mnrsnt Ave. Balboa l:<l11nrt. S~O month Har. 1808. 13cll'\ 40-Autos for Sale l ff9 FORD. S6!l fOlf equity. buyer uaume psyment.a, ntw 11eat I COVfr!I. J(ood peat,,, U 8·4636. t3c SS-Boats. ~uppU~ TRADE LUCRA TJVE tavl'rn bu11ine11.-, S11n Fernando V111ley-fnr 3:1 tt or o\'er crui11t r fir 11porl f11her. WT1tr. KREYER, ~4:19 Colum- bus \'an Xuy1 or phone State !HJ9M. I 3p2S ~~~~~~~-1 BICAUTY o~r11tor for new ahop. LI 8·6649 or LI 8· j032. P. 0 . TRUCK GETS COLOR Altei-23 years ol building V-S's, alter buil<frng more v-a-. than all other rnaken combined, Ford now introduces the new 202-h.p. Thunderbird Y-8•-the 11uccesaor to the conventional V-8. Whether you drive in mountains, on plains, or through city st.reel.3. in.st.ant-acting Y-8 power makes all your driving more fun ! Al:t01 thia new Ford engine has a deep, solidly-built bk>ck. As a result. it's a qlliet.er, smoother-running engine with a far grea\.er life exped.ancy. Only in Fbrd ... Thunde~bird styling ·~ All 18 of the,_ '56 Ford models are styled tiff .... the Thunderbird-America's m06t desired dream car! Uke the Thunderbird, Ford has hooded headlights, jet-like t.ai11ight.s, a classic lattice-type front l('rille, and low-to-the-road stance. To match this modem exterior, Ford has created an interior dkor thal'!I right up to the last minute. You'll find glamorous upholstery fabrics (combina- tions including nyloM, woven plastic.'\, and vinyls) which arc the textile iodU1U7'1 newest and proudest ereatioll.i. You -"-" stoe them. Only iii Fbrd ... Lifeguard Design Ford (or '56 makes the flnt major eontn"bation tn drt9a' and ~ wet.y in accidents: ur~ Design. It's a new, exch11ne family ol Ford safety features. For exampie, Ford'a new deep-center steering w~I acta as a CU8hioo on impact.- and Ford's new doub~grip door latches give adckd JW'O"' tectioo apjNlt doors 8J)ringing open. YOU can h8"e optional lt?at betta and special optional padding for the control pand and Man vilon. Put your family in Ford. Yo.a'll be thankful yoo did. .. ,~,.,... ............... the fin e car at half the firie-tar price '56 FORD UcJ!i ft-Lost and Found New trl-color paint job on one of thl' Newport Bu.ch Poet Ot· flee tn.ick11 111 ~nlng noUce u It makr11 the round11 from 1TMln THEODORE ROBINS ·Your Forcl Dea/el Since 1921 LOsT!:S1sml'1t <'Al. male wN.r· ln1 small C'otton collar. Lo11t on Pffti.ula. Rew11rd Har. 5182-J.1 • 2011 Miramar. J3clO • po11t offlcr to the 8tatlon11 1t &lboa lllland and on Balboa ni- llllld. accordtni to H. f>v.yne Thayer. poslmuter. plcturf'd n111klng a dispa tch order to Fred Naltrl.88, driver. A requut for bht1 lo p&lnt the po8t boxtt around t oWT1 In the new rl'd. white and blue moll( ha.a a1ao been laaued by Thayer. --at.att J'hoto 3100 West Coad Highway Newport 81adl Phone Liberty 8-3471 .••. ., .... ~· • I I ' ( I / SCOOPING SOUTHLAND NEWSMEN ••• . NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I MONDAY, OCTOBER l , 1955 .. ' News-Press · Exposi· ~r_oves And When t · ou Pinball Payoffs · Here! · . 5hi~k . o !J;clurej! REX RECHS' SHOOTING TOMMY AND 4'0HNNY HAGERMAN BmTHDAY PARTY ~- r ' • Gas Co. 'Blackjack' 1 · · Charged by Builders! , For ALL the News and Pictures •• , • It's Always anJ All ways Your · . . I . Orange Co. News Service &· YOUR HARBOR ., PRSSS . + SO' llo•th ..... • •• ,.el'Y BAIUIO& 1818 - 2211 BALDO" BLVD. Newport Beac1a 'I I • . . j • .. - {fovernmenl f:xcepl . " f>AGe-2 -; PART 11 MONDAY, OCTOBER J, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' ''God gront us the '49renity to acc;ept the things we connot chonge: the courage to change the things we can ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) .. --BRUSH COUNTRY By EDITORIALS JOURNAL HORA CE PAR&D Newspaper Week Is Noted with Exposures of Gas Co. The N e)\'port Harbor Ne ws-Presa today la fortunate aa it n otes lhe week-day start of National Newspaper W eek to have positive proof in the Corm of two weeka of running stories and editorials which prove incontro - vertibly this news paper practices what many preach : A n e w s paper is the g u ardian of the public tru.at· We a re grateful. indeed. to be the instrument which &houl.8 o f v iUany whether it be c riminal or political. As the P salmist sang. "The lines are fallen unto m e in ple a sant places", which. If we may repeat in all due r evere nce has been the lot of the Newj·P reu. Thro ug h e fforts of the publish er, editor and staff these recent w eek s h ave seen the News-Press alert its readers and Orange Cou nty News Service members to two of the m oat abhorrent of utility practices: comme r- NO COMMENT By .JAMES W. DOUTHAT WASHINGTON -Somellmu It la protlt.able to review econo· mlc p"dlctlone made In the put and lo check on thelt l\ccuracy- tor th' Ucht of ex~rlence lllu- mtnat.u the future .. For example, only 1 e v e n mont.bs •co Leon Key1erUnc. who wu ChaJrman ot P.-..11ldenl Trwnan'• Council of Economic Advleon, wu cont.ending-that unen'lploymenl wu rlalng dan· c eroualy ln the United Slatu &nd promi.ed to go hl~btr "unlea1 c ovemment uercl1u Ill appro- prlau role In llelplnr •limutate tJ\e economy." He alio npOrt.ed that a recent "Shallow bualnua upturn I• likf'· Jy to lose momentum In ehorl order." At uacUy the ume time. George Humphrey, the Secretary ot the Treasury. wae explaining that the Admlnl•tratlon h a d 'been alowly gelling the S"OVtm- mt>nt'11 financial attain under control to help the economy ex- pand and 11<1 make constantly more &nd better Job•." NEW OON'PIDENCWl "The lnvrl!lmtnl or mon,y In nots. pl11nt;. and t'qulpmt nt whlC'h 11111ke:i JOb• ha.I been 1Um· ulete<I," he l\dded. '1Conndeice hu ln('r<'ll!ltd In U.. IO'lernment am1 In 1 hr mnlntenan~ of 8GIUDd pollelf's '" the fl.llun U '"11 u in the nb1ll\'' or our trff econ~ my under l'Uf"h poUclel to con- atantly rlevelop more and better job11. bel ter living, a.nd more n- curlty Cor all. 'nle economic gain• wt are naw enjoylns are tlnn evidence of the tact that thla confidence I• jU8Ufltd." Both of theM ~oomlc analy-au were given before ~ llenate F inance Commltt49 ln t.Ht.tmony on the Dtmocrata' propoeal to give a $20 tu cut t-0 everybody. Mr. Keyaerllng 11ald this wu nec- u su y tn 11t1mulate lhr economy by lncrra11ln~ per11onAI 11pendlng. 100 PEKC'El'fT \\'ROSO Mr. Humphrey -.Id Mr. Key· 1trhn1t w1111 "100 percent wrong" •nd that lhc tax cut would ln - creue an lllready unbalM~d budget by $2.300,000.000 and thlll wouht produce lnllallon which w ould '"cheapen our dollAr 11ncl lose All that we havf' gt11nerl m&n\• times over." W~ll. what happent'd ~ Con· fT"M did not foOow Mr. Ktyvr· I llng'• advice ... and the follow- ing took plan• under lhe Elsen· hower-Humphrey pollcle1: Unrmployment . . . ln•lead of lncreaalng • . . bu plummeted from 3.347.000 In January to 2.· 237,000 ln AUJUSl. Employment hu luped from 60.1~0.000 In January to 6~.483.· 000 l.n AUgutL Orou national product jumpt'd from $367 bUllon In the last quar· ter of 19M to 13~ billion In the ae<:ond quarter or 19~5 . • . and the coneenaua II thal It will cllmb to $300 bUUon or higher by the yct..r end. The Import.a.nee of oblalnins the beat advice pouJble a.lllO l• Illustrated by what took place just aft.er World War IT. At that lime Prulde.nt TrU· m&11 wu advised by c .1.0. and New Deal Economl•ta that there would be from 8 to 12 million unemployed 'll.1tbln a tew monllu. COMBAT DEFLAnON Aeling on this advice. hi• pro- gram wae dJr.ected toward com· ta.tllAS detl&Uon.. Mr. Truman adl'teed the l•bor unlone that lnduatry could aftord lo 1.ncreue Wl&'U without In· cnulng prlce.e. That wu the lllrnaJ for th• labor untooa to lll&rl a senea or •lrlllea which produced the flrsl round of WI.&"• Inc~. What happened then! Pr1cea naturally were lncreutd to meet the hlgtler labor cot1t.I. Then labor 10ugbt and obtain· ed. through costly atrlkea, other rouodl\ ot wage lncrflllU -and each lim e pricea had to be In· creaaed to pay for the •ddf'tl cot1\ or labor. Tbh 'Wall one. of the major C&UIU of the ln!laUon which ff· vlNly depreciated the purcbu· lnr JlO~r of the dollar. Now whlll hap~ned to the pre- dlcllona that there would be rrom 8 to 12 mlllaog unemployed ? What happened W&3 this. lllllttad ot trom 8 to 12 million being unemployed. the number or em- ployed llOOn pu!Nld the 60 mU- llon muk and there lVU v1rtua11y no unemployment at that time. So It would •PPM!' that l'ood advice la esaenua.J tor l'OVem· mmt ofnclal•. The blc que1Uon Is: trom whom 11hould the adY1ce be obtained T Farmer McCabe Writes ... Read about a bunc h of people who try to p rove their religious faith by lett'n a rattler bite 'em, then gettin' over it •••. D on't kno w why they do n't try t o prove their faith by puttin' their hend11 tn a wild lion's mouth. C ourse they could also test trnt electric chairs. o r walk clean across the desert in August barefooted •••• after all one is jest as sen sible as the other. Fanner McCabe (all rl&'hta reserved) .IOIWPORT~ HARBOR RE-W~6~PRESS Formerly the Newport-Balboa New1-TI.mee and the :->ewport-Balboa Pru• A O.peadable Local IDAtltutloa for Onr Forty l'ean• Entered u Sec:ond-Clue Matter •t the P<>11totr1ce ln Nnvport Beach, California under the Act of March 3, 1879. hblltlw!d t-Vt-rt Mooda)'. W~y and Friday by tlae ~EWPQftT HARROR rntLISH~O CO~ANY t u I Balboa Bh·d., Nf:WPORT Bf:AOI, CALJF. Phoae ...,.,.r 1111 Qm&Uled to hWW. Lef1ll N•U~ and Ad,•utlaementa of ..til Ai.cs. By Decree of dlie l!Jllpelfor Coan of Oraare Co. lD AoUoa No. A·ll1ot I•• Member Calllol'llla New11.,.r PubUlhen ANodaUOtl lllmber N.a-al Edltortal ANodat:loa ~ of 0....,.. County Ne~n Sentce BEN REDDICK. PUBLISHER • • WUl 10( A. MOSES, Editor Ol\MOND E. ROUNTRJCE, Adveru.tnc Director CKARLE8 A. ARMSTRONG, Mechanical Superintendent llUB8CIUPTION RATES: t . Newport R&rt>or !\"e,...Pnou. Tri-Weekly Ill Oraare Oounty, "·" ptr yH.r: h .00 at:r m09.; Sl.&3 tb'" m09. r Outalde of Oru1• Oowaty t'f.00 per year cial blaclynail and atte mpt to •teal the public'• land. (FA. Not.:._ T1lla oel-Q Berac. Park• .UI ,_, wttll SM Uttle-kaewa Jaiaterta.I tMltll ~ 11M d..-,.cl 11P t• 1118 ...., tripe lato dlie Mc* et111Dt17 la .....t ,...,..) By pure chance tbe p ubliaber month• ago stumbled in on a aeulon 1n Sacramento where the u ndercover fight wa.e lint mapped against that city'• oil land.a by a gaa utility. H e learned their plans, reported them in · theee columna. Then, a s ister utiHty. another gae company, recent- ly came in view o r N e ws-Presa and editorial scrutiny w ith its practice of "black -jacking" Orange County buildera into paying the notorious $55 fee to connect their s ubdivision h otnea to ga.e mains-when the hoUR18 had all-electric k itchens. A real situation , indeed, call- ing for maximum publicity that the public might know . And, t o blow another gas bubble, alo ng fell South- ern Calif~mia Gaa Co. plans into our laps last Friday with disclosure that utility is the "ange l" for the battle to wrest Long Beach tidelands away from that city. From a newspaper-rather from an aggressive news- paper's point of view-it was a natural, the twin-headed utility being unmasked in two weeks! • Sacramento Sidelight How OCNS Covers Orange County's Big News Front PARRY NOLINA -Often m.i1taken for a yu•cca. an interesting desert plant, thi1 one waa photographed in one of the rocky canyon• on the desert aide of Pinon Flata. 8ACRAM1!:NTO. (CNS) -An· nouncem~nt by the 8outhem Cal· lfomla Ou Company l.brough At• tomey J ohn A. Flemlnr. ot Loa Anr•IH, that It I• flnanclally be· hind the battle to return cerU ln .-.venuN rrom 1tate tideland• held ln tru1t by the city ol Lone Beach. to the at.ate or CaJlfomlL where the at.ale aupreme court nae held the money btlonp, at leut ~llevu the air of my1tery which Lone Beach aupporur1 have atternpted to make an ta.ue. Fleming. ln a public atalement. 11&ld h• had ln the put received both moral a.nd financial auppcrt trom lndlvlduala and org&n!A· lion•. Ole Identity of which u an attorney. he had not divulged. "QUITE WILLING" He 11ld the Southern Caflfom· la G11 Company now la ''quite wllllnJ(' to go on record In the • " Rl'll<'h <'IUle. u "official• of the company believe that • vttal And rum.lo.mental principle l1 In· volvtd." The principle. brteny. which al· ready h11 been decided by the 1tate 1uprtme court. 11 whether or not 1111.Y local ronmment can benefit f r o m income derived rrom a trust gT&nt ovf'r and be· yond the purpo9ts of the trwst. u W?itten In 1t11te law. Lonr Be&ch otncJala conttnd that all of the mlUlona or dol- lar-. pourinr Into lta cofter1 be- long-to the city. This contention wu challenged ln a t.axpayert wit. and the atate auprcme court In • ruling IHL 11prlnK htld thRt ~O per cent or all r evenue' from oil, &nd a.II nvenue from dry gu, 11hould be returned to the 1lale of California. OOMPUC'ATE MA'JTEllS To complicate matt.ere. the c.lt.y ot Long Beacb now plan• to continue thl' legal battle by op- potlng a 11ult filed by the at- torney general, which 111<ks the court to ln11tn1cl the rlly tn Tl'· tum the t\Jnd&, The role or the Southrrn Call- The New1·PrH• today pruenu. u pert of It• ahare In fomla Gu Company, u y• J'l.m· National Newapaper Week obeervance. a graphic, typical Inc. II two • fold. ulde trom the central lntereit whrh he main· account of how Orange County News Service. the telety~ t.aJna ehould be taJir, by au clU· circuit or which thl1 newepa~r •• a charter member, work.t. We have juat ret urned from the Borego Valley, and the Many reader•. no doubt, rud the lelleu "OCNS" on dale· &en• of Ca.Utomla In the cut . line etoriu without knowing too well what etand11 bf'hlnd late September days o n the desert are truly beautiful. With Int.ereat ot the company, he them. For an lntert1tlng txplanallon. read the tollowlng Mld, polnta to l.be ta.ct that cu1-the latest member of our family, "Little Joe the Jttp" we tomer1 of the ru company pay By PAT MICHAELS made two no teworthy trips. K arl Bennis, our old deeert 1Ubeta.ntW tuee throufh t h e company, aa au utlUty bllla In· It waa 10:26 a. m. -Juat o ne hour a.nd 34 m inutes to guide waa in charge of t our. and b e picked two honey•· elude payment.I •tor taxt1. deadline time fo r the five newapaper members o( the An.t ot couru ·Little Joe took KAJlPEll'S FLATS 'Tbertfore." he •t.atea. "the company ferla that In aJding my Orange County Newa Service. The Santa Atla OCNS newa to th" rough goln~ llkt A duck We drove to a narrow opanlng etrorta. 1t 11 moving In the In-bureau had juat placed it'a third routine call of the m orning to water ov"r booldera and :~e 1:: ~~ .~=.~ :.,~~. ~';:. ~:i~ teresta of its cuatomeu from to t.he Orange County Coro ner's o!fi~. "We haven't any-through sand, up tortuoua tralla go no further. Beyond ua we th~'T~:e '::~:~\ocaJ illuatlon thine at the moment." the. volce1 work and pla. y ln neighborly a•· and unchartf'd hlllatdu he purred could Mt a larre flat "m ..... tn on the other end or the llnf 11oclaUon. mwrlly along rnJoytnr the out· the dt9trl hlU1 that Karl told 11• lnvolvinc lnte~•la of cu U9tfl said, "but the men art out on a I OIST EFFORT· lnjl'. wu Harper'• Fiala. The story he ~eth:1;r~~. ·~~dndou't°!'p=f! call now. Two peoplf. On Coa11t OCNS I• 8 cooperaUve move-Pinon F"lall wae our 1econd told wu lntere1Ung. J.lany years Highway near Seal Beach. Auto ment on the part ot the men who day'• trip. At the Anza State ago a fAm lly by the name of ~ltlo;:e;ur!":iU:~, ~': eu~8:o: accident. That'• all we've got." ro1 med It. It'• Job I• to 1ather Park •IKn east ot the Valleclto Harper. It you could call a newly Cnroner·a office mean• death-the new11, bring It to you. Jt dot1 Road we took the narrow tlllndy marr ied couple a family, decided munlUea Into annexing to the mo11t often, vtoi.nt death. lhJs through rooptra tton. and the track to Pinon F'lat• high above lo utabllAti thl• area aa a cattle city of Long Beach, partJculany The reporter on duty at Santa aid ot t he telet.)•pe network It u1 Up a 11andy alluvial ran, the ran,1te. Therr wu only one draw-In the Lakewood area.. It hu Ana. flrM a mu11ge to the I hu ut1 bll11hed In each of tht tracks wove smong a vast fl«'ld bar k -wat,.r. Harper hired an bten evident thAt wuch repruen-OCNB teletype open tor In the offlce11• I of Mt1cal plant11. BedrO<'k mor-Indian and ror two week• ht tetlona Involve oil mohlea and di KW1Z "''ith'-Ra o nsweroom. n m J u11t what ha, OCNS done? tar11 and ancient mHc:al pita eir-star<'hed Pinon nat• a.nd Harpt'r free gu. 1econct., nve teletypa machlnet ln There have been hundred• -clf'd with blackened 11tones lndl· Flalll for water but to no avail. "XO MOR"'L RJOH'r' 1calt.ertd 11ecUona ot the county even thouaande -of dndlln e cated a once numeroull Indian Feed wu pl•nUtul If' they could "We contend that the city ot 1lmultaneou1ly •puttered l h' beat.a Uke th• one we told. They I popul1tlon ,;athert d and roqted only .alve the water problem. Lohg Be,ach hu no moral or 1 .. mu•s• Into their new1room•. go unmentioned almo•t dally. For mucaJ. one of the 11taple11 ,,, Th faJ right t-0 uae fUnd1 &nd re-"Attn. NB: Fatal on Cout HI· othen1. OCNS has rf'ctived con· thflr diet The mescal plant f'Y dttlded If they could t'On· -urc• ..... lo -< t th 1 1 •truct 10me eement and r<X'k -""" n ... nr 0 ' peop e way, Seal Bu.rh. Tw.1 Oead ·· l!lderable fame bloomll but on<'t' and then dlr11 "lfl k .. of the •late H a whole to the All wtrf \hu11 aw1re. but the OCNS rovrrage nf Jut Yl'Ar's l\ncl Ill th111 llm,, of yenr \hf' 10 ~ ~ I~ c11trh thf' ~ow ...-at'r eole advani.,ge of Lone Beach." meuage had been aimed for I Oransf' County Grand J urv h· to l 2 toot dried eta.I ks ot the an• t e utrl r1ln1 u1ey mlcht Flemlnc explain~ turtl:ler that 1'f'wport Beach. quor Uceniie probe wu ~que meacal bloom give the lmprualon J ltore fnour;h tor the ca llll'. By the Oas company had not bertt~ S£\\'~·PBEBS ROLL~ Dally tor R ptrtod ot thi e" nt a ~host-hkP forest. On~ nf the wsgon thf'y labortouaty frtll(htf'd fore announced Ila aupport o"t t d lau an ' · 1 11 tn cemerll. carttnr It u far "' A ew aecon • r. an · 1 monllu, lht new1 11trvlct •COOP"~ m• mber• or our part\' art Y ca • h "1 h 1 di t.l'I Ju at.ate nfrlclala In ettempUnc to swerlnK meaaare c•me fro.m the all opposition _ slarllnr w11h td th•m "J:hl)l't allcltR" 11 "Y ~kt b t en. oa knic 1 •tll<' rerain the Lonj;' Beach money, u 00 f the Newport Har· 1 1 on P•<' u1T01, J>&<' et! l o lhc-lt dulr!'d to see that the A••• newi .r m 0 .. -.. the ori11n1•l tllecovery or the I· Pl.Al'\T HODOE-r o o r.t: Jtlte of lhP ta nks. The huice tank" ~ bor Nfw11-Preu. NB Rolling. quor probPr'a hidden beadquartt'r11 I wiu '1eclded on It.a merit.a. N ow At lO ~I the reporur-pboto· ln a Sant" Ana Junk ard. Al we ,atne<l altltut!f anfl thr were con11tructtd but 11..tth cme that the decialon hu been 1™1df ftT&pher cllspatched t r 0 m thf . . y vnrlno11 )l(e zon1>11 lnlennlnr;letl major l'rror No prov1111on "'"" by lhe supreme court. and t he bf'ach community had reached thl' f"l~O BO~El.LI we hRd " hoo~ffo-po<l~e n( mti.c11I, mAlle lo tmpty them of 111n1I ctty conunuea to tul•t the de-Id t th __. I t d For four month•. 811 a ruull \'Urcu J11nlpe1e incl va.r1ous cac-that wuhe<t In Toda y thev ar .. clllion, he aaJd that Southern C•I· &cc ~ ' g~ ~r""' p le u;e11 I ~n of the liquor Ucenae lnve1Ugat1on. j t Wh~n the ~ad wun't ~andv u~IPM bfcau1e. of bt lnr; . nne<t lfomla Ou and hi• other cllenta thh• 1 ory. I ""ew tm tnhu es "b elrn. newspapers throughout the llOul h· It WIJI 1lf'fplv ntltPd and a,.-111~ W1th sa.nd A llu•out Jwellln• e waa 1w n".ng o e cur 1 d d II be t 1 , • ' "' "' which are joined ln the California front of the otrlcea of the Gar-an • a.n no ama num r 0 "" full or tl)Ck. l.lttlr Joe crawlrd w .. con11tructed and for " few Tldelandl Protective Aaaoclatlon d o N , enforcement a,.enclu hunted for <IRmtlly n\•fr them In four-wht el yun• lh" Harper• 1tru,;glrt1 with en rove '~ 8• the "mltull.nc key" Former ''Wiii continue to endeavor by rum plare8 and copy were put · · -dt'l\•e, 1.,w r;N1r. low range. , th" dra~rt Flnt1lly they 1t•v• up Fourth Dl11trlct Sal•' Board l\f t o th 1 U t every proper me1U11 to aulet lhe Into proc<'Mlnc Immedia tely -,.. I T he thmg 1 nnw bfgan to no-o m vc " r npera nn11 o more duly con1lltuted authorttlu of the atory ~1ng punched out on EquallaaUon Membtr Wllll"m " tire w11~ the "II 1 h1we never favorl\blt cllm"• In the Larun11 the 11tRte and the l!t11t.e lrgillla-the lntcrcnnnecled teletype ma· Bolnel~.1 OCNS ;anged 'tr b"n;~tl h11tl th•• 11 pp1r1 llltion or lhP 1t1r Mount11 1n• ture to recov,.r tho11e monlf'll I hll ti h t hs -0 ngman. r li . 0 <' e h< t 11 • xh"larattnr: /\ ch nu w t 111 P 0 ograp rlrst to Cind lhl' 11rlt • "ll tlrrl, 11 '11 11~ '' 11" '' 1 · ttOSt:V~fOOS HITf: which belnntt lo th•• p~ple or werr bring tl<'veloped. A!! lhe I !ormt'r "liquor l'tar .. The re .. ult· w&rnt \'l'I rool hr•'C7.e wa~ hl nw the 11t11te or California!' story rollt'd from the teletyprs. lnr;-exclusive. fi ve • p11rt ""rl,.11 In,.; gr~tlv, lhr Bir woio h1tnf' ''"' • \\"I\• II K11 1I rnrt M111 ll11rprr AFFAIRS OF ST ATE messengerll Wf're 11e11t rrom lhr or artlrl<'s In <><:~s 8 re wrre vrl •at1•fyin11. vo11r lnnR~ •It•-!<hi' "'·" 11n ol•I l11dy Shr 1111lt1 Anaheim Bulll'Un, the Orange I uot.ed throu hout c.r.,.;;:,, •• , 1'c-~111ntle<1 Clerp lnh~latlr•lh '" l't'\'"' lh11t lllol' hl\d llPPnl her honrv- Dally !';rw11 an'1 thr FUlll'rton I q d rl A It In Lonit Wll~ mu,1·I; ~ 11,.11.1111,1. moon tn the httle dugout dw•ll· Dally ~l'w11-Trlb11ne to pick up ""c:m•mn unltnzo~:blem•,· loo, pll\)' rd 11ctio" from th•• ~t11n1alllllng Ing on H11rprr's F'l11t11 Kllrl the plcture11. , 1 l Yt P t 1 B I atmO!<phrt., about 11.. rtu• air prom111e.1 hl'1 lhat the nut tlmf' By HENBY C. MaeARTBlJB At noon, the fu I 5tory or the lTadlUon. the American reSJ 11 like rot.I. "'NH mountain "Jl"n'! I an mpor an par n ncwl!. YI h" WM 1 h• rt h• would take " tragedy et Seal ~ach. replete cormdered the w&tchdo Pot our wi<t,.r w119 vrrilv Rn .:·11tmo~ph1>r-picture of the t!ugout a nd aent1 with p1C'l11rrio. wM 1olllng trom l8.11d. Thus. OC!llS, wo~klng In Ir fo11nll\ln or y1111th tt to h"r Tiii• hf' did and was SACR.AME:-rr<> rCNS) -Ded· !cation of the lllalf'"s new De· partrne.nt of Employmrnt build· tnr. located on the C.pllol Jrfall ln Sacramento, a alructure which conl'9 neerly two 11quAre blocu and toata ll"mf' IT.000.000. renCW'I! a question In 11tate tln&11clng t hat hu bf'en booted about for eome Ume. Thll II the reluctance ot 11late ofClcl&l11 to seeure private fln&n· clng for lll&te bull\llniz11. on llJ1 arnorllr.&Uon ba11111 through ren· lal~. whlrh would re11ult In ul- llma IP ownership l\f the pr1111erty by the el.alt. RF.PAY THROt'Oll Rl':~TALS The new department or em- ployment building ta betnr tlnan· ctd tn thl1 manner, albeit the capital Ill public lnslel\il or p1 l- VAtt . Fund• from the 111.Ate'll dis· ability ln&urance money. All ot which 11 contributed by workers. Are being "loaned" to the 11tale, anti the S7 million. plua Interest. will be repaid lhrouch rentals tumllhtd by the federal govern· ment. U the lllale'a d.l.labWty ln1ur- ance fund h .. .ufflclent re10urces to warrant "IOl.lllnc'' 1tven mil· lion dollar• to the i t.a.le of Call· fomJa, It stcnlflee one of two thlnJ'8, eJthu the tund 11 taking too much mODeJ out of th• pock· eta of the workfns man and wom- an. or 1' 11 not paytnr enOU&'h dlubllity lnwruce benef'lta. In 191M, th• dlaa.blUty ln.aur· anc• tund took In more than •lx llllon dollar• more Ulan It paJd out In benetlta. Thi• In ltaelf waa a lmo1t enou(h money to fl· M.nce the new two <'lty block building for the at.a.t,e. FUND C4 Cllml> AWAY But Actll&lly, there u la the tund at th• preemt tJme mon than St'3 mllllan, ph.11 anouser $123 mllllon caalMd a.way tn, the federal 11nemploym«1t lnll\lranot tund. which la adjudged a worker contribuUon ~d lnto u.&t tund prior to lhr time the Bl ate leg11-the preio11es In Sant.a Ana Radio A• .. a h11r."°t into 1'1non Flat• 11mplv '"Plll•I h~· lhf' gr111eful 1 .. 1. · · unique cooperation. loane\I Or-~' t• r "rll t• n Jw 11 .. r 111"1n for hu1 la lure drcreed that all worker K\\'lZ wa1 gwang Orange <"nun-" ange Dally Newt1 r~rtf'N< to thf' \\ <' f1t11n•I ll w1111 e kind of I 1t111i;h mnthPr contrtbuUon11 lhould go Into di•· tlan11 the fact.a ot the arcldent :'\ewport Harbor :-.:ewa • P ru• to brtwtrn lllJ:h"r hill~ 10 thr r11q1 ability. ln1tead of unemployment on Ila noon nfws. 1,.xpose pinball o~rauon11 In the ow•tl•iokini: \'alltrrln nnt1 th,. l.>1· I 1tn1 1·1111nt1ni: ti!" d&y• whtn ln1U rance. Another scoop had bet11 chalk· beach Icy .lt•lllA Mo11nt11 lna 11n<I a low"r I '11n rf'turn to thl11 8h11n(T11A Thus. the dlMblUty fund hu e<l up • l\nolher deadline m11de. c · I 1¢rn11p of hills lo 1 hi' wut dr"i>-1 high In the clear &1r ot th,. dee· on tap more th&n $266 million. Few olhtr nrw" organlutlons OAllDEN OllO\'E 8C'ORM r mi: mor" ebniptlv to thf' dt'll;rt ert mnuntalnll. It I am tlt•p· llO a 101111 of $7 mllUon• la. com· could work ao fut. It wu a Garden Grove Newl! n nur Jn the Vllll••v and on lh<' pointed an my 11rcond trip. t paraUvely 11peaklnf. mere pea· Rf:AL ('OOl't:RA'nON undercover new•man w ho bro~t hlll~t•let i:rew th" 111ngle-le11ved 11hall bf' ..aU,.tltd, for I am 111r• nut.a. The unlqu<' roopf'rallon or the a Disneyland labor dlllplltt' wl le r ann n plnP In prMn,.lon Dnttrd lhll n11 "Arthlv 11l mo11ph"'I" ran Jn addition to lhl11, the fund membr r newl!Jlaper11 P!'ld radio opt•n by atttndlng 8 llt<'rtl IAIXlr 11mnng 11 w11~ thi· 1'l11mp-llk .. h" 1111 h•·1t\·rnl\• .. ,. thRt I ,.xrcr· took In S~O ml!Uon lhls year. up ' alatlun which fonnrfl OCNS el· 1 mettln!J In Sl\nta Ana. An Anll· I C'.tllfnrnut .Jun!pr r with mnnv of lrn• ,.,, nn my tlr<1I trip. But It to the Pnd nt Aug-t111t, enrl ll<'· mo11t t"·o years l\ltO hlls been heim Bulletin woman rrpm'1er th" JUntpr111 11101.-.. " kill"'' hv " It 111 I """ll "mll kf' r Rmp" \hl'r11 cording to the department or t'm· celled "a miracle or modrrn re-wa-" callf'd nn by Radio K~\'lZ 10 1111nncr hll lr 11,1,.tlrt••I' ~•;11n-on .. vny '•J•pt1rt11n11v 1,.. brrath• ploymenl rl'porl, expe,ndtd nearly porting,"' anti "the moet ame.zini.; ht'lp get lhe , \rll~lc lltnr~ trc-m glln~ thPlll •'it! .. l:iw 1 .. 1 <' 11 t 0111 ''""''''" "" Inns: u pn11A1ble th11 S33 million. Ohvlously, 11ome "ur-Journllll~t 11· rntlfavor n! the de· a mother who 11 ~"11 h11'1 btl'O klll· l'lttlhi ni; 11 ~ wt• llrnvr tiv 1n the ''h1~"lh 11! v11u1h:· whll'h f'r&Ull phu ill necessa ry In Rn lns11n1nre cad'·· E•tltorl! of the natlon'I\ c•d wh••n 11hot b.V R phiym1t tr. 1 Jf'l'f', 811.1 h,,,,. w 1111 niw "' thtt 1•i r n f1•w hl)ur" fhr ~rim" nf operaUon of thta kind. leading rRr!io • television nPwe a male would urvPr be Rbll' to rint'el ""' "nds .,f P a11 ,. Xol11111. A nur hl(hap<'NI. m~l'h11nl:tr•! r lvlll· INSUJLA.l'liCF. PROPOSAL maga zine, Spon10r, 11ald that OC· 1tet the (Rr t11 ol 11 time hke thAt plant nftt'n mt:ilaken l•rr 11. yuccn za.tlon Sever.I year1 aro. an ln1Urance NB nl'ws 11 "gathered with In· From the Orange Dally New11 concern propo11ed to the •late tUaUve and Impact • creation came thr 11tarten who coven><I th&\. It erect building with prl· aforethought." numfrou11 plan,. crMhes In the ,·ate capital. Its own capital, In Ju11t wh11t Is OCNS? How w1111 backwoods r11nyl)n errt111. From fact, leaae the bulldlnge to the IL formttl ~ \Vhat does It do ! the Fullerton Oally New11 -Tn· 1tate. an.d u the-end of lha I Thue are all q11111t1ona that are bune reporters hRve tr11ve~d to 1>mortlzal1on period. thl' bulldlnr lcommonly l\llkrd nr m. embrr11 or I rtre" An1J 11u11ltn1 llt'ene~ to tirlp would belong to the 11tate. Sn fl\r, their repre11ent1Uve11 the answtr out thf'ar member11 no bulldlnp have been con11trucl· are eaay -and a.II too readily All thl'~t ant.I thou!!.l.nds mor~ td U11der thll propoeHlon Yet a pparent In r11ch IAllUt of a mem· hav~ been accompllAhed by OCN'!I throughout California, the de· ber"e publk lltlon or broadca11t. dunnit the months •Ince IUI In· partment of employment 111 fl· OCN8 hu A record that 1puk1 c:eptlon. OCNS hu bf'come 1}'11· nanclnr building, of leaaer cost of I prout!ly onymou1 with honP11t, factual re- course than the S11cr11menlo hnd I OC:"S ""'" rormetl to give Or-portln.1t It h11J1 received awarns quarterl!, wilb the dl9ab1llty In· ange Co11nt1Rns ta11t. ac<'Uratt.1 from auch organlullon~ "~ \he l sur&nce f\Jnde. compn"hen111ive report.s nn the hap· Junior Chamber of Commerce AcceptMce of prlvatf t'apital penlnci ot 1ntert1t to our arta. and the Frat<'rn11 I Order ot tor •late conatrucUon would nol S.hlnd Ila torma Uon wu an In· EagleL only eoln numeroua problan• tor ten1e dHlre on t.M part of each lllUORT n-rt;RE the at.ate It.Ml!. but ln addition publlaber, each owner. each edl· We'r. proud ot OCN8. We're wou14 put prlnt.e money to work. tor le bring reeldenl.I the tact.a. proud of the role It hu played. and In the long run. probably the detal11 -all tHter than hat.I -not only In Orang'e County would coat less than tlnanclnit a ever been, done before. but In the history ot tree Amer!· bond luut. Jt 11 generally con Orange 'County 11 unlike many can journall1m. ceded that private con1tructlon othf'r Areu of our nation, Jn We look towud the future with cost.I 1-than buUdlnr by ·the each community -whether It be newer conndence, born ot our !at11te, a procedure which l• <'Om· &Jong the coutal ahorn or nMI' monthl of provtnc aucc.... We pllcated by extel\Jllve red tape. the foothllla behlnct u1 -we proml.. thOH who hold faith In The major l!ll!Ue, however. la have &n lnt..n.ee lnternt In our OCNS that we WiU keep our Whelber or not the wor1ttnr peo-oommunlty a.ffair• •nd the like atanda.rdl and our b&nner hlltl· pie wtio pe.7 the dlubtuty tu attain of our Delfhbora. We art n er• wW be anot.b# lO:H ebould have that tu loW'tted. or a tut · l('T'OWlnr aru. oor clt1'• a. m. -uoUsft' hour and 14 receln more ln bu9'1ta. It LI not boundanu touchl!\s each otMr. mJJIUt.ee to d...aln•. 4Dd, wlMn the hl•tory of g'O'ftmm.nt. how· nualtnc tn cloH attecuon. n-. Utere LI. be ~ that OCNll tVfr, to lowtr tut1 once ~ we area J1ant community of wW bring you the et.ory u It ba'N bMll Ml&blllllec1 bomM and people, w ho think. bappaMd. the Wa;/ IL happened. END o•· THE TRAIL -F o r little Joe. the Jeep, on Pinon Mountain. entrance cut through solid granite by t he Harpers many y <'ars ago i1.1 now impasuble. -Pboto1 by H orace Parker \ ) • N!WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE J MbNOAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 ,OCC Site for High School Yearbook. Awards Oct. 11 A-rda to outatudlnl hip aehool )'a&rbook alaff memben wm be made at tba Yearbook Oontermc. to be held at Or~ Oout Collete on Oct. 11. Tropllh,. wlll M p,,_,t.d to lba "0Ut1tAndln1 l:ditor". "0Ut- 1t•ndln1t Photognpby JCd.ltor". "OUt.ttandinf Art Editor'\ and "Outatandlng Sports l:dttor" In Oranee County lut )"e&r. Tiie award• will M made during lhe dlnn.r following the afternoon conference at the coUere. t:XHJBrr o t• (,'0\'E R8 On dlaplay throu1ho11t the da,y wlll be an ellhlblt of covera from the s . K. Smith Co.; an ex.hlblt o! enft'&vin&: 1ry Hoyt's Harbor Engraving: a printing exhlbfr by Mclnnla Printing and Publlablnr; a dl1play of lllhofraphy by Llthographlc Arts: and an anay of high achoo!, a nd college year- the Yearbook" will •tart la UM Auditorium at 4. Mra. lblr1ey ft.lee ot Newport Harbor Blab lcllool will dltcU• "SelecUoa and Deve}opment of Tbema". NII• llOD Cartfea of 8. K. 8m.1Ua OQ. will present lnformaUon on ..... Jectlon of Cover and Btndin&"'· Wm. H. Seaman, Huntlqtoa Beal'h Hlth School. will dl8tUlll "Salee and Dlrtrlbutlon". FOl11C W01ll(8HOP8 Jl'our work.ahops will .,_ Clllft• ducted Mtwl!4'n II and 8 p. m. These wfll llt' In the field of "Copy Preparation ancJ PrlnUnl''. conducted by J o h n MclJUU.t: "Dummtu and Layout", conduct· ed by Jack Cannlcott; ''Technl- Cl'\lt!9 to ...-t &n _11npa,~1. led by Wendell and Harlan Hoyt: and '·Yearbook Photorraphy", Mike Hatchlmonjl. PAI.UN llONARCR -Bemard.Domries of Garden Grove who recently returned books . The Yearbook Conference bu been pl1umed to provtde advice snrt help on publication problem• for high achoo! and colle(fe Jour- nalh1t11. The conference wl\I 11lart at 3 :30 in the Art Center Gallery. A general -Ion on "Planning A dlnne.r will be held In th• Student Center at 8 :30 wlth Ron Armatrong. Jludent body preirt. dent. aa muter of ceremoniea. Dr. Ba.all H. Peteraon will prea- ent lbt' award11. anc\ Ben Reddick. publll!her of tht N~rt-HaTbor New11 Prea. 111·111 be the main llpellktr. f~ a hunting trip in Africa it1 ahown standing beside the 6-ton elephant he shot ln ~e Tanganyika territory. The pachyd~rm waa the herd bulJ and it required five ahota from Domriee' high powered rifle to drop the huge beast. The elephant was hia tim kill on the aaf&ri. 100 POUNVS o•· .~UR\' -One of the trophies bagged by Bernard Donnies, Gar- den Grove. on his recent safari to Africa, was the Jeopard' he brought down in almost total darkness. The large cat, shown ebove, borne by two native porters, measured 6 feel, 3 inches in length anii weighed nearly 100 pounds. A single shot through the heart killed the animal as it climbed a· tree after the bait tied to a GARDEN GROVE HUNTER RECALLS BIG GAME JHRILLS OF TRIP TO AFRICA high branch. • --~~~--~---~--~ bera. He 1ald the camp welcomed the fowl for dlnner after eaUng animal meat for a Joni period. Domrle• dlaclosed the weather wu made lo order and wae nt'ver too uncomfortable. However. one thins he definlUey dlall.kea about Africa la the cursed t11et.se fl y whlcll he deacrlbed aa "the blg- .(•t little thinr on earth.'' They are -abo\rt u.e atae-ot-a..borlliLfi)'. or honey bee and. he explained. you can swat them with all your might and can't klll them. New- comers to Africa will swat them and think thty'v<' killed them, but the devlli! wtll only climb up your leg and bite you on the calf or thigh. They suck blood and awell up almost double their 1~e. They kill cattle anct horus In no Umt at all and generally make Africa "hell on euth." llhow to varloua clu.bl!, ori~ tlons and perl!Onl. When uked lf he would Wr9 to return lo Africa for another hunt. he replied he would leaw tomorrow If po!!Blble. He a&ld be would like to take a group of hunter11 to Africa. maklnf v - rangemenl3 and ahoWtng them the ropes based on hla . own eit· ~tlenca. Domries -Travels 7000 Miles on Safari, .Taking 41 Trophies By n.v DUNCAN "We were crouched In a clump et tau grass and bushes with our gun1 at our sides. It was almost dark and we could barely dlallnguleh ·objects at the ~ge of the cleating which our blind overlooked. A" the ehadowa leng- thened we begs n lo h e a r the night sound.I of the nocturnal anlmall that Inhabit tl1e African Junitle -a long: forlorn howl, a muffled growl. s startled anorl or an occulonal chirping of a rooatmg bird and lhf' chattering of monkeys ~ettllng down In tree top1 to altep. •·About 50 yards from u11 atood a tall lrtt In which the l'&rcaH of a Thompson gazl'lle hung. put there about a week ago to at- tr11 ct our prey --a leopard. We had camped In the vicinity for more than a week in an etcort to sdd 11 ltopard to my colltction and t011lghl was our final at- termlne if the animal were truly dead and not jllllt playing opos- sum. we approached It, guns ready. 1 had llhol it d.lrecUy through the heart -one of the luckiest shots I made c1uring the entire time I was hunting In Africa. The cat meaaured 6 ffft. 3 inches In length and weighed nearly tpo pounds." , Thl11 Is but one ot the many exc:lllng and interesting storie1 Bemard Domrlea. Carden Grove, tellll of hia recent big game hunt In Africa. Domrlea' detailed pre- paratlona for hla trip were told by OCNS in May. He depa.rt.ed May 8 on & plane night which took him lo Shannon. London, Parl11. Rome, Athene, C&lro. Ad· dis Ababa. Tel Aviv. Madrid, Lis- bon. Ankara and Nsirobi. SHOOTS ANIMALS, F!LM Durlnr hill six -week sa!arl, Domrle1 traveled more than 7000 tempt. TEN~JON HJGH mllea through Africa and collect- "We waited for what sttmt'd f'd 0 trophle11. He 1J11<> eX'posed b.our11, b~athang !IOttly and dar-approximately r,MIC) feet of 16-mm Inf nol to talk. Suddenly there colored motion picture film. 1000 w11 8 nolt4-from somewhere out c:olored slides and lnnumenble In the near d&rkneaa. I mu11t blrtck and white snapshots He ban jump'd flll1thtly bl'cause ~atherf'd a wide variety of sou- Jtff, my while huntei". put hlt1 vw lr• from •lmost every major hand on my arm and M>nlY city hto vuiited upeclalJy Cairo whiipered. 'Easy! Ju•t elphants and throughout Africa . Hi11 tro- pusing by.' Shortly therea!tt r phirs are now being prep11red In came a mutrled und«>scrlbable Nairobi for 11hipment home. Short- 1!9und which Jeff llJl.sul't'd me was ly after arriving homP, he was only a prowhn1t Hon. J wall Ix>-Informed by Safanland ht' got sinning to give up all hope of lhf' largut number of animal11 getting " chance at • l!•opard ln be taken out of Africa in tht' H It Wflll now 1lmoal too d11rk past five years. lo aee. I A bull elephant wa11 DomrlE"!I' "We WAiled a kw minutes firat kill In Africa . He shot ll more. thE"n the 11tlllne113 wu brok · In the Ta.npnyfka territory. It en by the u cfted cha ttl'r ot hun-took five shots from hi.~ 375 hh dred11 of monkeys. Magnum rifle to bnng the 6-te11'1 "Suddenly there wu a llllght bea11t down. The tusk11 weighed rualllng from our tret and we 97 pounds. Attu stalking a herd could' faintly 11ee a 11hadowy form of elepha,nt.s for several miles on the branch from whlch the through Mnse junglt he got Into 1au1Je wu Ued. Jett. my white a favorsble position to shoot. he hunter. hl11sed, 'Shoot!' Taking uld. quick aJm. I •queered the ~rig· F.LEPRANT INSTINCf 1er. Thtre wu a · blinding fla11h There were about 20 pachy- and a deafening crack from the derma In the herd plu1 11ome baby rtne followed by the 11ound of a ontl!. He said 0 he aimed for the heavy object hilting the ground. herd bull and at the fir11t ahot, CA tJTlON rs ED which 11tunned the hugE" animal. "Jett told me to atay still a Lhe others beg11n to mill around, minute. then he slowly raised excllE"d and confused, llE"arehlng anrt turned on his fluhllght. for the l!Ource of the noise. At There In the bl'11m lay tht atilt the second shot. which a lso fail~ forl'(l of a leopard. Though I WRS to down the bull, the other ele- fllled w ith ehttlon, I neverthelet111 phant11 formed a tight circle appro11ched the animal cautious-around the 111Tiall ones. Each ele- Jy and tossed a stont on It. There phant In lhE" clrcle faced outward wa11 no algn of life. with trunks held high, e~h "After at>verttl attempts t-0 de-searchin1t the breeze for a tell · EXCELLENT TROPHY -One of Domriet' prbed tropblee ia thia cape buffalo, commonly called water buffalo, which he ahot a few daya after leaving Nai· robi on bia aaf ari. The large ~al wu killed with a tingle ahot. Veteran huntera in Alma couider the cape buffalo Ule moet dutgeroua beut on euth when wounded. but Domriea' abot· killed it imme- diately. An encounter with one of these anlmala later In hla trip almo.t proved d1aaatrou1 to ht. wtUte bunter. tale scent th11~ would t ell them ' where their enemy hid. After flrt ng a couple of morf' 11hota. the bull finally fell. lllld thr others began to retreat but nor before 11ome of them tried to ' get their fatlPn comr11de to his 1 feet. When the hunters stepped from their l'Onl'ealment, the l'le- phanta fled. Domrlea said he put one mort shot Into the elphanl's head to make 11urr it was 1lt>i1d l'he followmg day. he add1•d a rhinoceros to hls bag. but nvl until after some mighty close • ca.I.Ls. Domrlu confeHed the rhlno- cel"OI' gave him hla wor&t fright He wu told th11t the tsetse He alao p lana a trip to Colo- rado t-0 take hunt("f'8 into an i.o- lated area for deer hunUnl'· H• particularly 111 Interested ln tall· Ing huntPrt1 who want trophjee snd h11ve 11 limited amount of time. All In a II, he eummed lUe Af- rican game llhoot up by •yinl'. -"It was the grt'ate11t tutpel'i•oe of my lite and l heartily reeom• mend It to all aportemen wbo enjoy trophy hunUng." -ny 11 the main factor which ------------- keeps clvllluatlon trom Africa.. Shull Due Home of the hunt. The na tives had been following a trail through graM that towerl:'d over their heaca un- til they caught sight of one of the ugly beasts. Taking caretul aim, he fired and dropped the animal, then pumped 11 couple more shots into It to make 11ure. How .. ver. at about that lime. a11- other rhino. which he had no 1'1t>a ws11 near, charged him. L.uc:klly. he pointed out. h .. was In a clump of buishes and the chuging form crallhe<l through the gt"al!.ll about tour feet from him. Then, to maJce malh'r11 worse. a RPrond rhino c:harg-t'd hfm from the rear and PM!lf<l within Ir, ft"et of hlis hid- EGYPTIAN SOl;VENlRS -Bernard Domries, Garden Grove, spent a few dayb in 'Cairo on his way to Africa during which he visited the famed pyramids, rode camels and collected a wide variety of souvenirs. Among those shown are, left to right, a tray inlaid with ancient Egyptian figures, an ebony figure head (from Nairobi), letter openers made of bone and ivory (on the floor), a camel skin hassock, a large hand-woven tapestry showing a scene of the giant sphinx and pyramids, two inlaid jewel boxes, a camel saddle made of camel skin upon which he is seated. and a large circular brass tray, etched with Egyptian hieroglyphics, to be used by Domries as a table top. -OCNS Photo When the fly t11 gone the game wm alM> dlaappear u peat num· Gary A. SbuU. machinla\'1 lx!rs of people will Invade tht male second clan. U.S.N., aon of continent. Mra. Earleen At.klna, 308 Palm WD.L SHOW n~ St .. Is acheduled to arrive at San Diego Sept. 30 aboard the attack Domrles 11 now awaJUng the cargo ship U.S.S. Skagit after • arnval of hla animal heada and tour of duty Jn Ula tar eaat. hide• 1rnd the numeroua aouven- lrs he acquired in Africa. Much of his lime 111 beinf •pent now editing the MOO feet or motion picture rum and catalo(\ng the many anapahola a n d colored alldes. He la going to edit tht movle film down to • feature leng'lh film which he lntenda to ing place. • 'TRAPP~D BV RHISO~ Domrle11 11uld ho moved out of the bushl"!I and !!lowly backed out of the -arett. He could he.ru· Lhe rhino11 charging b1u:k and forth sea.rchlng for him. bul bt'cau~e of their poor eye11ight and th<' wi nd blowing townrtl him. thPy couldn't loc11~ him. The native11 her:! f·led lt>av1ng him s lont' and J eff wa.11 in the jeep too far away to come to his aid. Domrtes ad- mltltd he I hougl'll h111 tlmr hAd come and didn't think he would i:et out of thl11 fllluatlon aJlve. The rhinos, he reported suddenly turned and r11n oft through the tall graM. The rhino hl' hsd shot well double-homed and weighed in the neighborhood of 3 t ons. The front horn on the creature's nose mee- sured 20 Inches In length. Dom- rlu polnlM out that a rhinocero11' horna are not of bone or Ivory I Unued on and dt..ppeared Into aa other homtd animals. but ot the tall grl\M and didn't return Ughtly entwined hair which i~. 8 8 1 to complete Its job ot poaaibly sharp 11nl1 hard a.s any bon .. horn kiJJlng the wblte hunter. JeCC'a The next morning. the Safari am1 was bauly lacerated and he moved on lo a new s rea where I Wll.'! brul11ed considerably. Need· Domries got a cape buffulo. '"Jl11· let!..~ to aay. any thou1tht8 of Hip· monly called water bum.1.. A. popo~mi •hlla ppured and Dom- well aimed iohol brought th" :1ni-ri•'8 n1.•ver >'hot one. ma.I down and th,,re WHS nn un· I His t1·ophy hsl Include!! a U!!Ulll excitement about the kill. IBri: .. sable nntelope. 11 lesser ku- Howtver. cupt• b11ffalos are con-I du, two gre11.ler kudus. two oryx. 11lderetl b~· experts to be the ml)Sl I on•• wnler b111:k. two wllderbeests. dangemiu animal on earth when two wart hoirs. three impalas. woundrd. one roan ant~lope, two Cranti< JEt"F ISJl 'Rt:D J::!lZrlle~. one gerenuk , three Domries said Jt>Cf waii seriously Thompl!On gazelles, eix r.ebru, rought•d up by 11. huffatv when two lop1. one vrlbl. one ateln- thcy werr hunting hippopot11rnus. buck. two dlk dlk (world's amaJ. The nath·l"ll were following a let1t a ntelope about the 11lze of a tru1I ll'ading to a river. There Jack111bblt1. two hart.e~eat and, W8.ll l:'i-foot b111J gr&1111 on both or sll things. one puff 11ddtr. ~hll's l)f t he trail. Suddenly a cap'-' plus of course. the leopard. ele- buffalo. which had apparl"ntly phant and cape burfalo. Jxoen rtow1g m the gT&sa off th<> BIROS ABl:lliDAl'l."T trBll and wa11 startled at their Africa is a bird hunter'a para- eppro8rh, charged and caught ilise he reporterl. There ls no 11- Je!! on Its horn!! and threw him m1t on blrda tn Africa and "l high In lo the air F11rtu11ately. killed about J 16 sand grouae In Wle large c09 • like animal con-11bout one &Jiu one-ha!! hour's tJme and one morning killed 148 geeae within a short Ume." he .aid. He alao ahot rock pigeon and guinea fov"1 In larire num- ' Where's .the smart place to put your savings? Today mil/ioru of Americans will tell you tnced ~ople_. People who really know cbelr that the smart place to save your money is communities. People who are right oo \bl an insured Savings and Loan Association. spot when you need them. They'll give you three good reasons w~y this So it's hardly surprising that AnwrkaM ore is so . . . now putting mort of tht ir luud-t!arnrd """"P 1. You·re smart to put your money where accowtl dollars into iMwrtd Sa1•lngstlltd tot. it brings you txctllt nf rtturru. Insured Sav-Associations thon tht'y put on)'Yilhtn tlM. ings and Loan Associations can invest most And here's another important poiott When of their funds ill t.ouod, stcad)'.:payiog home you're thinking of buyihg a home, remember mortgages. They really mile your money -lliii't mete ~ssociations ire the-ftUioift'•~ work hard for you. est single 10urcc of home mortgage \oana f l. You're smart to put your money where T)ley make liberal loans. They tee to it that you know it's saft. In these Associations, it's you get the money quickly-and • moder· protected by good management and sub-ate rates. staotial reserves. A'nd the Federal Savings Shouldn't you get to know • and Loan Insurance Corporation-an agency an insured Savings and Loan . of the U.S. Govemment-inaures your sav· Association inyowcommun· ings up to SI0,000. ity? You'll find it's a mighty l. You'rumart to deal with/~y. txpt"ri-good place to do b~irldi1! JJ66 V i e Lich NEWPORT IEACH Heritor 4200 CALIFOtNIA c.,.,._. coaONA OB. MAit Offiol .............. ••i.._, ... __ ----·· --· I M07 &.f C...t t-ltksaj H.ttor 5220 f.,.... .....,, •1ar I,., I t • , ..._.-ti ........ ._ ........ SMl~Y .._ •• .,_ .... PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1955 EHlotts Have Son LEGAL NOTICE j UfiAL NOTICE rtw Ed E.lUotta. l'f2 \\°Hl· ------------mwter Ave., Coat& M1aa, are parenta of a boy baby born Sept of Newport Bffch wall hold a pub-1 19M, at the hour of 8 00 P. M. In 14 al HO&g" Ho1pltaJ hi' hearlnJ WI' the appllca tlon of the Council Chamti.r• of th• N-- 1!: ~"'1!1 .s.mc- Pain ting, Decorating Paper RUIM U-&laoola. ..... .,..is Super-Market TRAINING CENTER J R. LONOl..E\' tor a variance port Beach Caty H.all, at which -I No. :!tll to permit: A •Ide :vard on lime and place any a nd all ptl'80l\8 Phelps Da119hter u. corner lot, ha\"tnK n•,•erat..J front· lnteruted m1y apJ>4'ar and ti. heard Mr 1&11~ >.tr1. W11li:im = Phelpe llg ... to be sel·b4Ck 16 fl. In ptare thereon. , ot 168i \\'nltller St . ros:a Mesa, of a required :!~ fl on Lot ·1· j RAY Y COPEUN, GFJO. BURKHARDT UCSNu:D CONTllACl'OR 111 "· 1ltla •t.. ea.ta Kaea l..lbut7 l-f81I Grocery Cublan &Dd M•t Wrap .,.,... M&M iao to auo ,.. wti. Call foe' appcaun.t ... ...,. IDOl"e Uout w. tralnlaC· I announced tho blrlh of a boy on ,T r11ct 1116 or tbe Shore Clllr Sec-1 sec,..Lary NeW]IOrl Beach I Sept. 11 In St. J oHph Hospital I l ion a nd located on the comer City Plannln&" Comm'-'oo Tho new ~by we1,fied 8 lb.'! .. of Momin~ Canyon and Driftwood :-<o. 817 Newa-Prtal 10 S/&6 t OS. P.i>adt. -------------1 Jl:ollc:f' 1• herrbv rurther li~n I No. A-.lt111 BION RICE, Inc;. AL TYLER SchOQlll la f4111 NU La.AR LAHO&ft LEGAL NOTICE j lhat 11aJd publlc hearing wtll be 1 :SOTl<'F. TO C'&EDIT01t8 -------------hAltl on the 2\lth day of October 1 SOTICE 1 \~~5. ot Ole hour of 8.00 P. M.. In t:STATE Ot' WI L HE L II I N A l'tl' Cound l Cho.mbort of the New-FREDERICKA WAllD, &l&a l'\O'fl CF. Of' l?\"TEN'flO.S TO i:ort ~ach City Hall, al which W ILLOW ti'A1.':: WAllD, ab Harbor , ... w. lpll J:llperi•ced •Mmmtal'J ~ .. ~. fkoo.cblq ......... tu7 •bJ-cU. can 11u. ~ before t :IO L m. lle.H CIR( (;I.AT E •• Pt:TITION RJI;. lime ami pill<'(' ~ny 1tnd all pent0na WlUA>\\' F. WARD ~ L.ATISO TO A.S.SEXATIOS lntereuted mny nppc•ar and be hHrd NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVl!:N OJ-' c.•t:n TAJN TERJU'rORl" ·ro thlllreon to the cred(tora of anct all ~reona THt: , CIT\. QI•" .St:\\'PORT HA\' Y. CO£' ELIN, having claJm1 aKalnat the Mid 1le· flK\C'lt t·sot:lt Tnr: 'NSF.X-Secretary N'l'Wl~irl Beach redent or aald eat&te to file them CARPENTER Repair Work DoM Tour a.-Meed...,..,.. ............. , Real ESf.te School in Santa Ana ATION ACT 0 1" J91S City Phmning C'ommlulon with the nece..aary voucilel"ll In Call FruLll. ~ 1.-M l&J'f6WOMllM ......... ..... VACATIONING IN PHOENIX Picking up !ine eun tans over the Labor Day weekend were Mrs· Theodore T~man, 2026 E. Ocean Front; Balboa, and Tam. 5 I left ), and Ted, 10. They were spending a week at Arizona Manor in Phoenix, while Tesman was there on a business trip and to try his luck during Arizona's dove hunting season which opened recently. - Phoenix Chamber of Commerce photo Your Parakeet Can Talk if You Will Train Him lniz. Strain. Being Born ; Street, T h.e Revnlultonary War, Swift. Strp by Step In Seit l!lducaUon; Taylor. Herb!! 111 the Garden; Thompeon. Youth'• Companion ; T1 l'cktr, Commit t ee Common Sense, Unlttotl Slates Govern· Ha. that younir par&keel that •Budgulgar or Shell Parakef't M m••nt Org&11lzlltlon Manual, 19:>i· tx-ramf' a membtor of your fam· a Talker; First -Prize Storlt'e. ~: N9'flCJi: lS HEREBY ~J VEN I ;o.;o. tll6 News-Press 10 3/~ the office of the Clerk of th• Su- that the following nomed 11eopll', perlor Court of the State of Call· to wtt: BARB.ARA A. SW ART't, \·arla.n•'l' 1 111'1\rlng Pf'nnlt tom la, In and for the County of ROBERT WILCOX. PAUL CALO· ~OTtC'E oa: J'l'Rl.I<' HEARi.SO Orance. or to preaent the Mme WELL, EUGENE H. CHARLES, NoUce 111 hereby given tho.t the w1Ul the necu.t1Clry voucbtn. lo JR., JAMES D. F ERGUSON, MISS Pl&nnlnc Commission o( lhe City the underlligned al hla or he1 EARL MARTIN. BETTY LOU of Newport Beat'h wit hold a pub-plare of bu1lneu. to-wit SODEN, MARILYN CAL.DWELL. I hl" hearlnJ on tht' appllcauon of \VIL.BERT F. WARD MARIANNE CtlARL.ES AND MR. and MRS. A. J . LOONEY for c 'o HURW1'TZ It HURWITZ, RlCHARD SWANK. wlll hereafter 11 va riance to permit Side etil· Attorneya at Law circulate a Petition relating to the bnck of 3 ft. on new construction 2811 ~ewport Blvd., New)>C>rt ann.•w•tlon of certain Inhabited n~n~I "-llfomla -11nd l fool on rxl11tlng one car ""'~·· ·• ..-territory. to the City of !'Jewport ~aiage. New construcUon wUI con-"'ilhln !H'1 mnntha after lhe tint Buch. County of Orange. State of SUit of • two-l'ar attached garage p11blll'11t1on or 1 hi• notlc.>. Ca lifornia, under the Annexation to the dwelling on the front half 1 DaleJ ;.~p!Lmber 9. 19~ Act of 1913. T h above-mentioned i>( the s ite fat'mg \\"e.,tminster \\'ILEErtT F. \\ARD peu<>ns are the na meA of t he peo· AVl', find tht convt•nlon of an at· Ad111lnl1lllllOr of tht El· pie int.indtng to circulate lil t! Pl'· \l\t hel1 garage lnlo a 12.x23. bed· late uf Hid decedent. Utlon. room on Lot No. 24 . Blol·k l'\o 8. HURWITZ & Hl.RWITZ The territory sought to be an-Trt1C'l No 27 :;nd lo<'&tert al 419 Attorneys at Law nexetl us uei11gna1ed u "Harbor \\'Pstm1n11t!'r Avt-All In a C·l 2611 Newport Boulevard Highland~." 11nl1 the specift r boun· Zone. Ne•·port Beach. California dries of 11all'I trrr1tory 11rt' a11 fol· d I !'l•1t•l'<' I!' herrby furthtr gwen Attomeye for A m nl.ltrAtor lows th3l 8111<1 pubhC' hearing wl.ll be No. 60!1 Beginning al 80 angle PQint hf.'ld on th.-20th day of October News-Pre:u 9 12. lll, 26. 10/3, M in the boundary line of the City of Newport Beach, BAid angle point being lJ\ the we•t· erly line of 17th Street, 110 fl'et In width as described In deed recorded In Book 401, Pare 4 77. Official Rect1rd11 of Orange County, California and bearing north 2:1• 21 ' 0:1- weat and dlata.nl t9.63 fttt from the moet euterly ('Or· ner of Lot 18 u ahown on a. map of Tract No. 1218 record- ed tn MUlcelJ&neoua M:ape, Book 37. Pacea 47, 43. and •~. Recorda of aaJd Orance COun· ly ; thence cenerally northujy alone aald City boundary ltne to a.n anfle point ln aaid City boundary line. aald anrl• point • beinc In the touthwuurly line of Block 112, ot lrvlne' a 8ut>- dlvi1Jlon. u recorded ln Hlacel- laneo~ Record Mape, Book l , on Page 88. Record• of uld Oranre County, and beinr dl.t· tanl 1290.00 feet aoulheuterly of the aout.heaaterly line of Ir- DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa la guuanteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papera t)e. fore 6 p.m. on Mond"ly, Wednesday and Friday. I! your paper i• not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 161G and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Ewery Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Co&.lt&I Slaoppu Acta nm ln the Wf"tDMday N9'n-Prela 4 UJlf9 1 luertJoa $1.00 add'L llDN .25 ea. 4 Line-. 2 lnertiou 1.50 add'L llDN .26 ea. 4 U.ee 3 luertioaa 2.00 add'L llaee .25 ea. 4 Uaes 4 luertlou 2.50 add'L Uaea .25 ea. .. ....._ W-t8' A .. 'llrUl reemln Ja" .-,_c., OMlla la ..._ ..t,. llONDIU1I AD 18 ' LINES 4lJ Wortl Ouaru~ Htt. \ ASPHALT TILE LINOLE\1)( I llultall Ole abon cbeapu t.ban ll\09l. Al8o ..u Tlk • Unoa.um. Non·unioa. n ,..,.. ~ Compare and ... - BILL COKER Har. •7" or Loai a.ch 7 -MTS. ltttc Painting It Paperbangine We do the work ounelvee. 30 ,..,.. upertece Uoaued A luured. 8atl.dact1on ~tAed. m.t.tmatea the. call JolmDS.. LI 8-2687 Ii LI 8-5289 Sltfr Elec. Tool· Repair lldl 8awa, Drll1a. 8an4-ra QUICK Sl:RVICBl LEWCO ELECl'RIC CO. t6' No. N•wport Blvd .. Npt. Sch. Liberty a..a:sa3. Otte CEMENT Ii BUILDING All Kinda ·FREE ~TES Liberty Ml.09 CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO 8M.u.L B. o. A.nc!ttllOD 101' IC. Balt.o. Blvd. Balt.o. Hartlor 2'llO Ut.tc PIONEER SHEET METAL Hl:A TINO, venWaUnc • aheet met.al 'llrork of all typee. lndulltrlal, realdtnUal. commerc:laJ FRO ES'MMA TES Ll 1·2237 lp22 Adams Plumbing Rep.air -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 162 CecU Place, Coeta w-. x.n-ty •TNT 11\ 1N:enlly ahown algna of be-1919-~4; Freeman, Phy:ucs Mach• Upton, F.tectronirs for Every- i rnmnit to talk yet'! Perhaps you Simple; Freuchan, Jee Flou a.nd one; Van 0. Water. The Captain ran find out how to teach him Flaming Water: Called It MutJny; Wade, The UN from & book l\l the public JI· Garnier. Salaz.er. Glbb1a, Wood Today; Waldo. Tht Complete brary. The Budgenpr or ~hell Flnlahlng and Refu11ahmg ; Gro1· Rouncl • the • '.Vorl<I Cookbook; Paraktel, by Feyuabend. Mtt. Down to the Shlp11 In the Wilham•. Bandoola ; Wlnwar, The vtnt Avenue aa ahown upon a map of Newport Hetcbt.s and recorded In Mlacellaneoua Map Book 4. Pace 83. Recorda or 1ald Orange County; thence norlhweaterly alone th~ aouth· weaterly line or aald Block 112 a.nd al<>n&' aald City boundary Un• to an lntenecUon w1th the aouthe&aterly Jlne of aatd Jrv1ne .Avenue; thence aouth· westerly &lonr the toUtheut- erly line of aald Irvine Avenue to an lntereectlon with the aoutheuterly prolongation of the northeuterly llne of 20th Strfft aa ahown upon tl&ld map ot Newport Helc ht.s. AJd point COMPLm'E PAINTING DEADUNES tor-placing or cancelllnc adl are: ASPHALT TIL.E For Monday Publication -Friday ~ p.m. 0 --•• ...a.mmonds Ambaa, a dor Land of thr Italian People; A An adventure tor the lady of .-. " the hotae Will be The Complete World Atlu; Womu In Berlin, Anonymoua : Around-the-world Cookbook by R echt. Explalnlng the Atom; The Yevbook or Agrlcultu~: Information p J eas e Almanac. l9:W. Marke~ and Yoat. The Wal<k>, father mlcht get a Up 19"'"'. I Rd.)·. luard, An Innocent Bane of Drug Addiction. from How to Play Your Beat ,,., l Golt All the Time (Armour) and on EVereet; J oye. He Wu Not tor tbOH with lnqui.tll'H mlnd My Son: Kaufman. Six Plays v · . . N there'a Many Worlda: S~n and (Glrtl; Kautzky, Painting Trtea1 lSJttng Urse Llnsren ( Raakl.a I and Expl&inln« and Land.lcapea. In Watercolor . 1 thr Atom (Hecht), one among CKor:i~y~. rger, c a v" l c a 11 e or Group to Ask manv on titomlc aclence now on ""' llbra,.y llhelvea. Other non-Mellon ~rner. How to Become A Sue· lnr luilu: t"esetu1 Manufacturer'• Repre11en-Increased Pay Adda.ma, Homebodlu : A g a taUve; Loomia The Hotapur StG· Khan. Memoln by Hla Hlgllnesa, ry; Lucu. Greek Drama for Ev· Mrs. Baell Peteraon and Mrs. th!! A~a Khan, Alexandrr, The eryone; McLau-=hlin. 't(ew Life Challen Landers were among tron Cradle; Anderson, How to In Old Land.•; Marx. Life With members of the board of dlrec· Draw With the Light Touch: Groucho; Maxwell. R. 8. V. P.; tor9 of the Vlslllnit Nur1ea AHO· Armour, How lo Play Y<>ur Be1t Medary. Eacli One Teach One; claUon of Oransl County who Colt .All the Time; Atwater. By· Mix. All A~ul Houae Wlrtng; met reC11nlly at the Community wt1y11 In H&nd-Wuvln1t: Aytr, Mo~ouae. MaUnee Tomor row, Center Building In Sant& Ana. Directory: Newspapers and Perl· Fitly Years of Our Theater IClftl; Mie11 .Alfreda Oe.nlelaora u ecu- odlcala 19~3. Murray. Weight Lifting and Ex· live c!lrector. reported on the Benet, John Brown'• Body; erclse; work of the nur9ea, the nurnbtor I Rd) Berry, Southweat BI u e :-\eJ90n, Central Mathematk s of !Jalltnla each nune vt.lt.s In Book (Olft): Blond. The Dr ath for the Shop ; Ochaner. Smoktng a day and the &T•t number of nt Hiller'& Germany: -Bocca, The and Cancer; Olson. The P~try milts each nurae muat travel to Woman Who Would be Queen; of Dylan Thomas; Pollat'k. Ca· make her caU..'The Vl!riUnc Nur- Bradahaw. t Wish I Could Paint; reers and Opportunities In Sele· 11ea are registered nur11e1 'llrho go Bul"k. My Several World11; nee: Queen. The Great Women to the patient's home and give Carl. Mountain.I In the Dell<'rt : Detecuves and cPlmlnals; profe.1U1ional nuralng care on an <er!, An Encyclopedia of Modern Ra.skin, Many Worlr.111: Seen hourly but• under the direction American Humor; Ch<'rrlll. Fin· and Unseen; Rayna!. Plcal!l!O: ot the patlenl'a own ph}'91clan. l?l'rprlnta Never Lie; Clegc. Jcv.•· Redding. An American In India; The need of nilalnc the tee tor Plry M1kln1t tor f'Un 11nd Profit; Reinfeld, How to ~ a Wlnnn thes& calla ao that it would more ('ookl', Fiizhlln~ ln•lu1n,. of The at f'hP!!.'1 ; Saro!'. C'hnslmu Lll?hl nt'Brly meet thP co11t per visit \\"e1111 · mg and Dt'rora~lni; Outoloo1 M anti w&ll •h11cu11s<'ll. The V111,tlng Nur- Df'an. Report on the A tom ; lnJoor!>! The Saturday Book ; !'"" ,\~soc1allon I-' a Community Dietz. Atomic Science, Bomb3 end I Rauerbn1ch. Me11ler ~urgeon; Chut Agrnry; "° people unable Power. 8nd Eml'rl!Qn. De<11pi. En-i:; .. uth Amer1<·11n Han<'H'>(><1k. Spt•1· lo pay for thrlr r11rP ni11y re- ('yclopr11ia of Ch11ld CerP Rnd hnl(, MAthcn1alJ<'ll Madr Simple: celvl' this i1erv1L'i' on a p11rt pay Ouhlance, (Rctl: Fl'y erabl'ncl. Tht' l'l•m•'. The A 8 C "' l:luat 81111-b1111111. County on Church Area For Wednelday PubUe&Uons -Tueaday 1 p.m. Alum!Dum Wall Tile For Friday Publle&Uon -TbUl"lday l p .m. )(fCJ'L ot.trtbut.ora NEWPORT llABJ!IOR Pt:BUSHL~G CO. Wholeu.le prlcea to H ll BaDooa Blvd., !\ewport Bead!. Calltonala. Contract.or• A TIM 8etter9 4lJ Claaaltled .U.,mm& be paid tor Cull la advuce of ,....eett.. LI 8-7f93 68tfc The publlahent wtU not be re_apoMible ror more lhan one lnco"ect ------------- al10 be1ng an angle point In the boundary line ot the City or Co•ta Me1a: thence con- unuln( aouthwuterly a I o n It aald aoutheuterly line of Ir- vine Avenue to an lnter1ectlon with the aouthweeterly line of 16th Street aa abown upon a map of Tract No. 112:1, re- IDHrtlon of an ad, relll'rve the right to correctly ctaaalfy any and all ada and to reject any ad not conforming to rule1 and resuJationl. Classified Index corded ln Mlacellaneoua Maps. Book 39. Page 7, RC'cord11 of aald Orange County, 11ald point of lnteraecllon being an angle point In the boundary line of said City of Newport Beach: thence aoutheuterly along the aouth1A1eaterly line ot ta1d 18lh Street and along the boundary line of aald City of Newport Beach to the point of beginning. Dated: Thia 3rd day of October. 19~. No. 8111-Newa-PreM 10/3/M CERTIFICATE OF BU81!\E88 Flctttloua 1'1nn Nam,. 1 F'lmeral Notieee I Carel ot Tb&llk• t Fuaer.l Dl~ton 10 Bu9t-Gulde l I BuUdlac Matt'rlala 1 ! BuUdlnr Kf'n1«:ti 1 • rert0na1• 16 f'Us-e \'our ('ar It Traa•pnrtatlon IT Rootlar 18 Beauty Ald9 10 HM!tb Alda H Loat ud FoW14 H 8chool1, lutructfoa is Slt-uou Wanted It Belp WaotH so~ SO-A Swape SO·B Applla- St Wantt'd to Boy II Funa.lture for !Sale l!-A Antlqof"!' 11 Boat,.. Soppllell H llaak al. Rad.lo, T \' The undtt1Jlgned do hereby cer-14 0op, Cat•, P~t• Ufy lhat they are conducUnc a re-se l'oultry WI tumlture bl131neu at 28:!0 W n Uvr•lo<'k • Cout Highway Newport 8«!11rh. S8 8pN"lal AnnounC'ftnent Calif.. under the t lclllloua firm It Aut04l \\ant~d name of Newport FumJtu r" Co 60 Autoll for i-1&1 .. and that eald flmi la compo11"1 of 40-A Tlrf'fl 1; Part• U Auto 84'n·lre the following pereorui. whofte n Trallen names and addreuea are as fol-u Alrplanf'I IOWI, lo-wit: , n Want.eel to Rent Daniel V , Hayea, 1'24 Serensrle ti Apta. &; Hou-t or Renl Terr., Corona del Mar. C&llf. '8·A Apt•. for Rf'nt Joaeph B, Loughlin. 8H Hello· '8·8 Hoa-for R4'n\ trope, Coron& del Mar. Cellf. &8-<; Trall«!r 8paC'4l Witne11 our hands this 10th dl\y &t Room11 t or Rf'n\ tt·A Re9t Hom"" of September. 19~ &t·B Room Ii. &ard 12-Bulldmg &me. Courteous Newa-Preu Clu11llled Ad-Taketa are trained to 'W'rlle effective ad1. Through long experience and a thorough underatandlnc of adver- llaing we can put your want.a Into words that gel action. Let ua hf.'lp you 11ell: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINF.SSES CARS&: TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER The~ News-Preaa Claaalfitd Ad· Ta.Jeers are experts and they a re a t your service. JU11t phone HARBOR 16~ FOR RENT Sklll Saws, Elec. DrtU1, Poll.ahera, aU t ypea of Bandera, Wheelb&r· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2830 W. COA.ST HIQBW A Y Llbt-rt7 S-343~. Newport Bell title Let ua flllt.h your Remodeling P~inting. Decorating Paper HanJing Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing l!:J..1..8WORTH €0NTRA.CTINO LI S-7951, LI 8·6282 12p28H COMPLETE PAINTING Ii Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 , SAUNDERS &00 Jlat Stnet, "Ne11rport Beacll Harbor 297' or Har. «U. Uc AJcohoUca Anon,ymom Wrtte P. 0 . ._ Ill H_,_i a.c.ia. Calif. Pboee e..ncw tTto WANT a ride Into down tO'lln1 L. A. Mon. thna J'rl. Worldnc bo\lra S to 4 :30. , WIJl •har\ upen-. U S-7911' 12c1' Superfluous Hair p_.....t.1:7....,,.. ,.,.. face Cicero Made Headlines in Daily Newspaper, B.C. SANTA .ANA REPTEMBER 30 Joeeph B. U>ughlln llt lka t, JMllW'. Daniel V. Hs~·e11 U Stotta & Ottlcfll STATE OF CALIFORNIA H ·A Bualne:H R~ntah General Contractor anm, lep. SJ*ow• ud Mir Uae •aped-Mo mcir. tw rtnc. ICl...l..mf L. llllY AMT L a. Umetw~ .... , ... 18 ~ s.t&te. N .. ..._ '"91d7. Al TJ'-............ ~ t4lld ant ....... tree ... ..... McNt tJaaa ~ Gald.. Qal • write DOW, ll~~~~=i. 1C1 T-a&ll·ICI ...... JOI a.1111 tfe China P ~inting o..y &Del s...m. a... Ordua Taaa .... ftaM LDlllt7 .... CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSMCATION8 aTVDY In apan llm• tor -trao- tor'a uam.lll&Uon under • a-· eral contract.or wlth • ,_,.. expuiuc.. c1..... T\Ma. ud rrt. ..,... 1 :10 p.m. Attmd 8'Wl ..... tr... BertD ..,,,.um. 1~ No!/~!,.Y~oo!_ Ph. Kllllberly 2"'211 ,. JD T-1511 tlo DRE88MAKINO la Alteration.- Women·· It chlldAna cloth-- doU clotha, m&tun.lty amocka. men·a ahlrta mad• to order.- H&rbc?r t 87-W. llclS Experienc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 IOt1• QUALIFIED Mother wlU m&ttace your home la child tor SHORT V .ACA TION period or WEEK ENDS. rdarencu e.xchan&ed LI 8-8377. 10d3• EXPERIENCED GARDENER GARDENING It yard work l:IY day week or month. Llbel'ty Mllt after I . Excellent Cook aua (maJe I cook. but lr1 , Chauffeur, nurse, courier, veraatllf compan· Ion, On lut poeltlon ti,,. yeara. Excel. loelll rtf. U 1-7~71 l?J>U COMP.ANlON by reGned middle- age woman. Good di.pcMl!Ua.i. Xlnt. driver. Prefer home nitH. R.deren«a. Har. ~3 or 3603-J l?pl4 EXPICRIENCl:D SECRrl'ARY. - Lecal It ceneral otf\ce. Public llft\O. work my office or avatl- able tor )>art-Ume work your ottlce.-1686 E. Cout Hlway. Corona deJ Mar. Har. 11442 alter 3:00 p.m. Ll S-7127. Jlpl6 PERSONALIZED 8 Jr: RV IC JI: 1RONJNG8 -ata.rchlna-__._d. lq . Bachelor 8.,_clal Shirt.a IOc alao Hand Waalllnr -ALTER· .A TIO NS Mra. Hath.away 80I Palm Dalbo&. • 11Pll Manu.acrtpt Typ1ns General typll\S Ex'perlenced LJ M310. llcl• CLEANING • D\ONINO b)' Use day. Expe11enoed. Balbo& Illand preferred. Kl a-eoM. U Swedish Massage IAdlu, -by appotntmmt • your home. Formerly m .... iae at ArrotrtlMd Sprlnp Hotel. Plaa.ae call Harbor 47H oir Har. 02H . lcH Dress up your home! Old or N~ Low FHA Payment. CICR.UIJC T1Lll FmfC'ING Kitchen drainbou'd. Cb&la ltnll Ba1hrooma ahO'llren Grapeatake FORXICA ASPHALT TILi: Metal waJJ tile Unoleum When Cicero wu maklnc htad· line• back In the Finl Century B. C',, th• 110C1al and political ,,,WI ct th• day wu recordeJ In • rially new1paper. Slaves copied It by hand onto a!leet. of p11py· r n1 ... 1th Ink made of COpJ>f'r 1J1tl· fAte. 11tew4!d oit·hoovn. and ruin 8Ql)t. Thim rKlpe wu very popu· lt1r; , .. t>en It w.i1.n't belng used for Ink. It 'llFH uwd for treating burn11! (OCNSl -Orenge County P ll\n - 11re publishC'd annually. To k eep nmg Comml1111lon went on rttord th!'! prel!ttl! rlllllng t.&ke11 more oppo111nr; e11tabl11hmrnt of church- than 372.000 tons of Ink a y••ar, n on properUtl leu than two COt"NTY OF OR.ANGE 1111 U Bwil-Opportunlttee On thla 10th dlly of Septembttr, N MOllP)' to Loan A.O.. 19~. .>efore mt, ROBERT 5t MODf'y Waott'd LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Udo'• ...... at ~ llar .• ,. VeMli&n BU~ Ovem.d Gane• Doon •·s mart" Int.nor Shutt.era FrM t:.Um&tM That cnve:rnment • ,rontrollfd papc-r of Cicero'• day. a prod\lct of tl&ve labor,' hu grown In thl• ro11nlry Into the mighty Amt'TI· ran frf't p~11s. ~t'• 11top to think a minute about how lucky we are. Mor• than 11.000 neww- papera keep u.a lnfonned. ao that nothing oan happen to our llvea, hberty. or welfare "!>('hind ou1· hack11." At least 7.000 1ener3I 11nd trade mapalnea are rub- ll11htK1. and more than 8.000 pubU· r aUona ar,. put 0111 by bu111nru f1rrn11. rh1b11, and orpnlUtion• Beai<!t11 the~"'· mllllon11 of hoo1<11 Ink formulu h11ve chenp:ed 1111 acres. Comml111lon voted to re- much as new11p11pl'r11 111nre C1-commend denial of application of cero'a lime. Today's Inks arc the Church of Cod for a Church complu mi11tures ot pigmt>nts At Gilbert St. Wllh CommlMloner 11nl'I dve~ with oil!!. varnl!1he~. John Ollmor,. dl1HJ1t1nr on the ancl dryer11 r arf'fully prepanod to grounds he felt a church would meet l.he epc<'i&ltzed need• of the be a valua ble addition to tht printing lndusll')-. ){any of lhe area: a nd on appllcaUon or th• lngred.ient..a come from petroleum. AaKmbly of Cod for a c:JlU1ch In Petroleum g~' Into the llq11lda Ult ~n View dl1tr1ct. ln ne1lh· and Wlllll'fl th11t help m&kf' tt.e tr cue wu there meana ot pro- lnJt dry qutcklr. now 1moothly. vtdinc th• required parklng. an() color n enly. Black 111 ;tlll Deft>rr~ wu application of Jt. thf' most popUIJ\r r olor ; thert' Are H. Bauman for c1labh&hlng a hundreds of 1ypu and va riou!I church ot Jehovah'-' \\'llneuea on 8hadee of It. Petroleum 1tep1 In Ora.nee .Aw . eaat of HanMn Ave. hrre. too, to wpply the carbor. The,.. wu no oppo81Uon 'to the blar k ullt'<J u a ('Olortnr agent. applic1&tlon11 of l..uth•'ran Church, It you immttlmea fl'el a t;tt M1uourl Synoo. for C'hurc:h and ~·Ampe<I u majl'azlnu, n-1p11.p· parochial ac:hool on Kalella .Ave, crfl and booka pll• up, don't fl'l't up11.n11lon of the A-mbly of and t\Jme. lni>tead, thank v!:lur God t~Ulllu In Garden Grove. luclcy 11tara·}ou·re In a land where 1 to Include a paroduaf da!' 1d1ool yo tu al"tl fortunllte enoufh to h3\'t 1 •nd tor an 11ddltlon to the IAtJn all thl' rellablt Information you American Mtt.hodl1t Church In ntt<l to ~ta)' trrr 81Anlon. F. WILLMES, a Notary Public 5'7 a-.l r:atate WantH In and for aald County and Stilt~. • pert0nally appeared JOSEPH e . Speelal NoUcee LOt:GHUN and OAN1£L V. HA YES, known to me, ROBERT F. WILLMES, to be the penon1 whoae namt1 are aubecrlbed to th11 within In1trnmrnt, and ac- knowledged t'o me that they u · ecuted lhe aame. lN WJT:'llESS \\'HEREOF. t have hereunto aet my hand and affixed my official eeal the day Newport Harbor B. P. O.E. 1767 " M~tl nery 1bunday I p.m. VI.a Oporto -CeJltral Ave. N nrport s.acll Albert R Matthe,,,.., ICu.lted Ruler and year In th1w cert1r1nte ""'' ll--BalldJD• 8et\icf11 above written. "' ROBERT F'. WILLME~ Notary Public In and tor aal\1 CoWlty and State. "lo. 809 Newa·Pr919 9;11. 19, 28. 10 , ....... l llMri• NOTWK or PUllUC 0 NoUce la --,i.-.i t.be Plan~ Commt..ton of Ule Clt7 PAINTING M. W. ROSS U ci«nMd LI 8-3321 lt!IO Avocado, COlta M.- MUc - Harbor 6399-W 58tlc n~=L~-*~.!·~"~~~--=~I __ _ WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL It OFFICES LI 8-1623 Sell Rd.. OU ltprMdlnl' t>rlftWlya PARKING LOTS Sut>-cUvlalon• our apecl&JtJ. Wt fumllb any type oU t.o your.,,._ c1ncauon. L&rre Jobe -amall Jobe. FT'M •llmatH. Al8o wa· ter 1preadlnc . Modem equip- ment. Lb.lqtOTI l-40CMI. OU- more A Pqe. Hu.nttact-~ lltfc LOST-Calleo colored famale cat red coU&r. Loat n-.r Bud'a Bur,_.. eo.ta Meaa. Reward. Ll •t002. cl& H BlG DEMAND Rl<JH PA.Y PRACTICAL NUR8E8 MEDICAL lmcftrr.ARY HOM& STUDY Klp 9Cbool not n~. Many earn whil• t.IMy lea.ra. I.nf. ma.li- ed. Write nO'llr, United Bdlool of Nuntnc. Dtftrtct Office, Lomita Cal Oclllt SPANISH TUTORING ltucknta 6 A~lltt ll&rtlor .... lcl& Hbme Moderni&atioD Co. Telephone LI 8-2237 lie• Roy's Maintenance ....... .......,._,,._ WIUdllC Wall~..._ .... V..UUlllilbld&U~ InNnd. rr... z.umatee Llllerty 1-1112. lUc WOltlAN to do llpl hoUM '!lrork ~ daya a week 9 lo 12 on Udo. Kar. 2800. Uc14 HAIR DRESSER with toUowln« will better your pre.nt eocnm1.1- 9'on. K•rlo lmart llet. Harbor 1110&. lOtfr .• [', ' Ir ) ' ' I) r JI ~ j [I [1 "' I ' .) I J I t ._"hoehaeooa -----11MU1l,....AILm1*1&-tw a.t •' NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PUSS-PART II· PA.;; MONDAY, OCTOIU J, 1915 Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained .acmcy MARCHANT •I• ct. ca1cul&tor TV & R d• R • If&. N...., motor Bicycle 1100. a 10 epalr Sal.in tlnl.ah twin Hudboarda. F S • 19'8 INTERNATIONAL halt toa ft.llDIDCOIU.TllD n.lceJ tu11l. l plctcup wU.h ateel bumper tM'k bdnn. ape.. ,_ny ,!t.&J MT .ao $2~ LI 8-H70 fklt IDclud. utll. A.duJu JUI w. 8&1- Cor. lttlt 6 PlacanU&. c. K . FOft IUDNT t1'0 M1'1n. home -------------------------- (-..W • retrt~. turn.) lncl&lcMI aa==·~-~·~1'!!!!' !!•!...-----~·!::!•~·!•L!Na~!J·!..-----,twin dre.ae.r w 1mlrtor • nit•· ast erv1ce •tand.t J815. -3eoo ·Marcu•, N~rt Beach. 1 lc13 &ACRIFICIC ••rs• ~utty ln • UM boa Blvd., N-i>ort. Har. W9-w ator. room • two otnoe IJ)&Otl, .. NO fee ooUected from applicant Reuona.ble. Servtce calla tUI 9 p.m KNOWLTON ELEC- TRONICS LI 8-1120&. MERCURY Sun Valley. Call 12c14 LARGIC wine chair, chl.nt.a cover- ed eood oondlUon '311. Har. 4400. U cU owner Llbeny &-1223 moni.lJll'1 or after 6 p.m. lOUo 1lp24B ~·~~-~~-~-~~- ~~~-~~-~-~~~ We ba,,• openif\I"• for Hc:retary ; top tn>lat. lesal aecretary, 1tore Prlv&te party offerc HAMMOND 42--Trallerw Spinet orran model M·2, beauU-------------:~:::: male. • part tlme de.air ::»:::B-=:::::~"~P!~:,:!~~~~----Cul dark wt1lnut t1nl11h. L lktf * PORT ORANGE * new UOSO. HYatf t-U38 UpH TRAILER SALES BEACON PERSONNEL (.\ctney) W ashing Machine «JllRVlCJ!} M-~ Oata. Peta Newport Beach OIJU.8 1-year cuarantee on JOba don• TWO CUTE KlT'TENS are looklnf ud on l&Md wubers. 248814 tor a home. One or both frn. (rev) Newport Bl., Ooeta Meaa. Ll 8-11759. U c lf Uberty 8-4503 or Liberty ---------- 8-4327. 64Uc YOU will ban an opportunity L adftDoe • ou.r arm. 40-Aatoa ud Trueka U.. ot our Pre.t¥t ex-MA YT AG Dutch ovell gaa stove. 115 CHEVROI.Jl:T Betalre cJ11b cpe .. ~ ~~ry la Bendix mangle, Broil Ktng table loaded, Including continental kit Coad and )'OU will receive broiler. Fedder·• Dehum1<li!1er. Sell eql•lty. buyer can· aHumt hequeJlt lncreue•, too. AJl exc.-el cond. Har. 11884. J2C'lf t<onlract. Will take trade In.- Job& now for: Ha.r ~227 or 401!7 eves. llcl3 and SUPPLIES •2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 'M-411' 2 Br. Roadmaater .. S«N '152--32' Anderwon, excel. •... f.12915 '112-27' Roadmaater. perfect Slllili '112-U ' Happy flome -·-··-_ ~95 'M---41' Param. 1 Brm •.. DlllCOunt PAN AMERICAN r aramount-KenaklU TraveJue-Ttrry 85Uc WA. Tl!IU'RONT TLUU.T FURN l a.dnn upper dupla nearly aaw. •· lnt'.l util. 6: pra...Je. 2 blu. to Udo center. 5il-ae It. Harbor '812 or 2313. llpl3 DllLUX J Bednn l\am. apt ~ 81k to ocean. Oorona del Mar Adult.a. OW'fter Kw. •7. eve•. Har: 6311. 12cH CORONA de1 Ma.r f'l&m 2 bdrm. duplu.. rum&ce heat $86 mo. df-Y· 2522 8-vtew. 12p14 l BA ·fumiahed ap&rt.n)eat-S66 per mo. on yearly reue to cple. Call Harbor 1264. 11c13 OCEANFft.9NT APARTMENT-I sood locaUon-nicely tumilhed all tacillUea tor comfort, aleepa •· 1100 month. OR wllJ rat Mpa· ra\el,J 1 ottlee at $7& and 1 at IDO mont.b. 4Jao 11mall 1ttor. UOO ano. cau owner ~ t-asa morntnp or after I p.a. lltc NEVER AGAIN~ WILL rr Bil POSSJBLll TO BUT a lOOx.100 rt. corner lot In heart ot Balboa lll'tth a complete Mr- Yice at&Uon. flllly equtpped, ,-rou u.lti1 over $80,000. baa • bdrm. home. plenty room for expan- aion. The price and net Income will plea11e you. Call- AL TYLER. Broker &07 E. Balboa, Har. 310e, llcl8 TELEPHONE OPERATORS 32-Furnlture for sale 191)5 CHRYSL~!Mtllr~ RA:H. SUNNY AC.RE TRAILER PARK _ Apply _ -;.._.__ pow•·r s•.e<"rlng & brake.a. f'tea-Save 6It% No. XaJn Bt~t BENDDE $80. Green Oaveno, A. Ron11blf'. Ll 8-1329. 13~111 $86 ,pe.r mo. l.ncludea utUittH. ------------See it -lTM W. Oceanfront WANT INTEREST In buatpeu or Newport Beach. Har. 073.w. tncome. ln~eat half of $9600 llpl3 equity In Santa Barbara triplex Rm. 211 _ Santa Ah& r-ray 11llp cover Jl:'l. Red Daveno ------------NO CHARGE tor c.-hildren on yn. t :OO t.o •:OO P.11. $10. Rug 8xll blue flax reve"*" )l'ase. Near Newport Blvd., PACIFIC TELEPHONE Ible UO. Harbor 3867, 12cl4 _4_1_-_A_o_t-O_Servlee________ 11tores, echool•. lH E. Wilson. OCEAN FRONT, l&rl"• J br. tum. Co•ta Mesa. Kl 6·1MO. 13ttc upet&tra apt JTl5 mo., winter. 13111c 9X12 l){PORTED PERSIAN RUG 1:=-=x!"P::-:::Jt-R~l-8_N_C_ll_D_eoo_k....:.....b_o_UN_ Orlr. coal $600. Sacrifice at keeper, llve in. $116 mo. Har. 11110. LI 8-31169 l2c1' 15977. 'llc13 DAVENPORT -Bed, mll.lchlng FEK.U.ll, .ecntuy .. t.mo; .ieno; chair ln dark red, 125 for both. l1J>lat; 1en'L office; bookkeeper• .C.U Harbor 3Ge2-W. 12c13 typlat; houukeeper • cook; practical nurae, live In; wait~•· MA.LE, .. 1u; m&ehlnlat; boat builder; factory; .-enaral. June Farrar Empl. A('cy .. t02~ - 32nd, Npt Beach. opp. City Ball Royal Danish Lamps CERTIF'IED ORIGINALS 1!50 YEARS OLD Motor Overhaul uw. pd. Hoo w. 0cean P'rollt. _ Har, il6-W. 13c1' NO MONEY DOWN *with this ad * 6 Cyls. ----·---UB.88 8 Cyls. -·-----··-$58.88 Inctudea botb labor and parta. New rlnga. wnn piu \'a.Ive grind. fltUn11 of main and rod bearin&'•· Expert motor tune up. 90-day or f ,000 mUe guarantee. (NO MOl\'EY DOWN). 47-Want.ed to Beat Renta.ls Wanted W • IMled a pea aDd bou.e9e tn al aecUom for botll "1at.-and 1Ml"• a.ua. hnL or untum. U JOU baYe & TaeaDCJ, pboDe ~ The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Cat. Hwy .. H.wport BdL Phone Ubflrt7 WUl DELUX!J FURN. APTS. 8lns1• 6: dbla. '30 mo. and up. l<M E. Bay ATe., Balboa Barbor 63ff. 8Uc BALBOA ISLAND-Lovely l br. apt~ down.at.aln front. Nicely tum. Two adult.a $80. leaa tor one. utlJ. pd. year around. - ATlanUc 1-0lell or writ• 1128 Lorajo Rd.. 8&n Marino. llclS 208 Martne, 8aJboe bland Phone But.or... BALBOA ISLAND . 6: utra loL total •18,&00-$2()6 i.noome. COl'\Blder boat or7 - Write Box 0.IWJ lhla paper. 13pll5 CASH ... FOR TRUST DEE.OS WM. B. HOLT MORTO.AOJD BANKING SINCE 1930. leot N. BUSH SANT.A Alf.A KDIBIE!flLT &·TUI NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALIC8 -UJ'IN A.NCm CONSTRUCTION VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE * MARYLAND * •• MICHIGAN AND GEORGIA TECH are rated tope in football UU. ~k by expert. ud we rate t.hia home buy tope in the Harbor Area, thia week becau.e, for $23,500 you get a deluxe custom quality home with all of th0te dellrable featurea euch u a swimming pool, 3 apacloua bdnnll., larp living room, bi& airy kitchen, lo\iely fireplace, gleam· , ing oak fioora, forced air heat, 2 id.e&lly IJtllatecl bathe, heavy Jhake roof, patio~ grape.tak~ f enoe. etc., and located in the beautiful Upper Bay area. Thia w hard to duplicate. Call now for appointment to see. OCEAN VIEW LOT LARGE, CHOICE corner ID Corona Rllblandl. ... Under market @ $9,800 * •* •. The Vogel Co. HAVE ope.nine• tor 2 11" wire REAL EST A TE u.lumen. Top <'Ommt.JJlon. , "C" THOMAS LI 8-M27 HANDMADE Copper lamp11, hand blown cryaal -arriving Sta tea .oon. EXQUISITE tor garden UfhUne. patio•, pool1, or effec- tive fOT llldoor lighting. Write Box S'Tt Whittier. California tor appt. 9p22 REBUILT ENGINF.S -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by akllled machlniat.s. Don't contend with tho middle man. Buy direct. 2887 E. Cout By, Corona del Mar NEW BEAUTIFUL, tumlahed % Phone H&nor 170 LI 0 bdrm. apt .. patio, carport. Yrly. do ftlce, 34.la Via Udo rental or to July 1. 130 & ... u Fut ~!:m~u 3201 W. C.out Hlway j2cU DISHW ASKERS and other re ... taurant help wanted. APPLY Bayview Employment Agency 2827 W. Coul Hwy., Newport Beach. Liberty 8-&002. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ............. -... ·-·-'129.50 CHEVROLET -.. ···--· 1149.50 PLYM . .t DODGE ... 1156 Harbor 41171 ._-1702 Newport Blvd., Costa ){eaa _>-_ve_._Hat __ 'bol' __ 15_7a&_. ___ 13c __ u Liberty 8·6~97 -tr * * -tr tic ENJOY UVING on the oc-.n D • a...ldacaH udddolDita CDIJ CORONA DEL MAR on . u eston Espanaive Harbor and ocean view, 'bdrJD. Diil. 173 E i17th St. Dining room. 2 bath&. Hardwood A carpet tlocn. 12<:14 CHRYS. a: Dli SOTO ---$170 STUDEBAKER --.. ·---··· $170 OLDS It PONTIAC 6 ----$170 BUICK ---·-·--$175 HUDSON ·····-·-··-·-··---·'-J175 Loan Car Free Towl.n1 __ W_INTER ___ RENT ___ A_LS___ front. Near Newport pler. s1n.-i. apt. with Jdtclumette and ba.tb. WANTED Kaid ..mce. utlliU• pd.. TV. COsTJt. MDI.A Sarp.in at $4.5,000. Submit down. M.All'l'ER barber tuU or' part time Vlal& Barber Shop. 809 W. 19 St. Coeta Mua. lJclll PoatUon open for PARK FOREMAN APPLY O.pt. or Recreation and l>ark•, City Hall, Newport ~ach or rull Har. 3131. Cloalne date for Clltng Oct. 111, 19Sll 12cU E X P ER l E N C E D drug clerk, r C•mal• I Permanent pj)eltlon. Write Box M·M C/O thl• new11p11per llc13 TRADE . Be&JlWUl 70.ft aux. achooner. £xcetlent for charter. Want property or 1maller boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 3.9tfc: a rr. GUSS WIZARD with re- mote controls & tra.Ue-r·, Harbor 2178. 7ttc " BOAT STORAGE ALL SIZES. reuonable rates. Ap- ply at yard office. SOUTH COAST COMPANY, Newport Blvd .. at 23rd St.. Newport Bch. NEW CAR GUARANTEE Bloclt mu•t meet our •tandard.I PlUI tu:9, c-uket.s and oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. Lo 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 7 Stat.e Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8..U.'T A. AN A TENANTS WAITING tor all part.a of t.he Harbor Area. Perh&pa we can help you tum your va~cy Into a profit. Phone 111 your vacancy today. REX RE(;HS, REALTOR 2307 W. BaJ. Blvd. Hv. 51.116 NpL •11~ per week. Barbor 6091. -tr * * -.tr Uc NEWPORT ISLAND. yrly. rent.al, 2 bedrm. f\un. apL 4 av..--. Adult. onJy. No pet.. Harbor l\3T·M. 13clt SMALL hoU8e It pr. Couple A --- 11ta ~r .. old ,trl. To J70 Pu--U.B-11.,_,. for 8-t ma.nent. l.l 8 ... 64.2. Ucl3 ------------ WORKING MOTHER •1th t1ehool age .t011 desire. •malJ bou.e or apt. In Newport &igbl.8. Furn. or uncum. Ll ~1237 an~ ll or wed< enc18. 13clll LARGE 1 ITORT HOIO:-Zoned M·l. CIOM to b.eart ot town.- Cail l.l 8_.Tet evu. Har. OM. Uc ta NEWPORT ISLAND, apoU-2 br. an.tum. !M>nu, ~t loca-- l.l l-6M 1 Ll 1-aeJ TRUST DEIIDS for t.b4 PRIVATE lNVl!STOR 8'7o to .10% return SA.NT A AN-4. MORTGA.Gll CO. 200 Bpurseon Bld(. KI 1 ... ua k18 LOA.NB TO BUILD . .DIPROVS Bl.TY, MODJIB.NIZa, OI\ R.l:rINANCZ We Bu1 Trut Deect. NSWPORT BALDO.A 8A VINGI Ir LOAN A8SOCIA TION UM Via Udo. Pb. Bar. UOO u. LALHES : Read our ad under da.aslflcaOon 24. -Super Mar- k•t T11lining Al. TYLER School• 1611 ="' Broadway. Santa. Ana. Kl 7-31111. 9tlt 2tt ----------48-Aft& II ROWJes for Bent 43-Aat& & ROllM9 for a.t FAlRl.lNER. clean, loaded. Will i:_ Uon-11111 mo. on yearly leue. ------------ CaO BartloJ' uu. 11cn LOANS for Homes trade. U 8-6il0 a .m. or p.m. COST A MESA. Lars• 2 lt,ol'J .,. -IO JT, 1.-. W A1'-'T room .• boAT'd on lf1VUnd floor fnr eldt1rly temp. Invalid ht!\)' In q11!et Chn.Btlan home In :-.:rwpMt Aru .. Boit J -111 thb1 ~~pc 13p 83ltC' -Cabanas Marinas home. Zoned x -1. CloM to heart Construction Loans Nearly New Apparel l:.\ Tf:V DOANE,-Kln<lell'1 Pat10 <?721 E. Coaat H.iglfway l'ullJnl\ dtl Mll.r 9c21 H ft. BIRCBCRAPT 7.,. h. p. St'ott Atwater. Excellent rood. Reuonably prlceii. Har. ll:i9·W 121'\4 M-Mua1ca1, Rad1o. a r v $5 P~R MO. HENTS good pr•c· tlc.-e piano. Let the klddlu leam. All term1 rent if you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 620 No. Main S11nta Ana. 100 pianos Home ot the Hammond Organ. HAMMOND 0 R GANS. World famoua. All models. AlllO aevar-Fresh Hearing Aid I •I bargains 1n u.11e<1 org-ana, You BATrERiltS can save on tbe11e fine orcan11. \Ve Give S4tR Green Stampt DANZ-SCH!'flDT, 520 No. Mam. G d Santa Ana. un erson Drug Co. ORGAN sPEc IAL Main 8t. at Balboa Blvd .. Balboa LOVELY USED HAMMOND Spl- H:.r1>o1r 51~. 98tfc net organ ln perfect condllHm. 81~ A ving. Convenaeont lem111 at r.?l'\Tl.E R~lelgh lA>nton sport.ti SHAFER'S Muelc a>. 1Since 1907) •· ·o~~ rv11n11 y racing bike. New t.21-t23 N. Syca mon·. Santa Ana ------------ 1· n .l H;i1 097.t 847 Dav.side Phone Klmberly 2-0672 Drive. N•wport i2ctf ------------HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line, at town. Call Ll H1tl, Eve11. BlllD BOB••-_ Jlarbcw •Jte. llC13 DA&.&~ 25U EAST COAST BLVD. Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. 1100 KO. 008TA MS8A. NEW I eor.a clel Mu Barbot-... lldnn. hoUM. rarbap dt.p. Neu Rep. POIR.mR MORro.OJD co. llCboole. abopJIUi.-. Larr• yard. Metro Lite lM. na.c1e ID. l-61U Children o.k.. Bar. 1380. llpll '9tte OFFERS Delightful living. ApL-Cabanaa. Utilities paid. with LIDO Yacht .Up accomodationa. YOU MAY LEASE wltb opllon lo buy If ao dealrec1. t.hlB be&utlful J bdrm., 2 b&lb, 2 patio uneurn. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfe DAN A. JACOBSEN, Re&Jtor 113' Hnd St.. Newport Beach Harbor 154191-Evu. l.l 8-&311 Yearly ~entals BALBOA 2 BEDROOM t um. apt. View oC Bay J811 month. PE."NINSULA POINT STUDIO APT. Ut1lltJea paid. JU------------ mo. 61\4 L&rkapur, Coron& deJ LIDO ISLE. I bdnru., I b&Uw Mar. n cl3 home o" annual buia. Heal~ Nimmln,-pool sup toi: •o ft. Choice Wint.er Rent.als on boaL Be&uutuny turn. l!:xqw- BaJboa l.sland Is Lido laJe alte lulde planura, abnlbe Small A NWV or aar.-e 6: deluu ll.l"OUlld p&Uo 6: pool. s oar pr. --, S800 mo. Inquir. 41 Balboa $7~ \o $300 monU. Covea. N~rt. 3elt VOGEL CO. PENISULA 3 bdn.n., tum.. flre- 208 Marine Ave., B&Jbo& Illaad placf, ret'.reation room, do~ble Ph. Harbor t-H or B&rbOr t101 r-vqe, no pet&. Bar. 1336-R or Ru. Bu. 17~-R or Har. 3059-M Hv. 4072. 12c l1 2 BEDROOM hou.e. large fenced MU. WE 8PllC1ALIZll IN LOA.NS 6: J'INA..NCINO ON HOU8rnu.JLJ:R8 Autoe, J'umitun A 8alarie9 One Day Service Loan• from J:IO to U200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Barbor Blvd., Costa Mua Ll 8-1751 -Open Frlday1 tW 8 Cloeed Saturday._ · tfc YOU CAN BORROW MORE TAKE LONGER TO REPAY PAT U:SS WHEN YOU BORROW THE SANTA A.NA. MORTOAGll WAY 2~ Spurgeon Bldg. KI 1-•1es 6c18 yard, 2 car garage, turnlahed ------------4S--lloomll for Rnt u2~ m{lnth. WINTER RENTAL Furn. 1 bdrm. ------------57--a.l EMale Want.eel epl.9. No bt•ddlng or ttne:n, gas 2 ROOKS adjolnin« beth, private ------------• NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY 1115 E. Balboa Blvd. Barbor 1601 ul(I walt•r paid. $411 mo. Chll-enlrant'.e tn prlnte h o m e . drm wrlcome. no pelL 303~ Hu. 1328-J 430 Avocado St., 32nd St .. Nrwport. Near •toru 6: Corona del Mar. t2clt transportation. Call Har. 1217-J sue WA.N:I'ED-LOT~r 2 from own- er by prlnte party. Give location. abe A: price. BOll N·M UU. piper. 12pa HA VE $1000 to Invest, want old BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooma. tected i-.tio. Attractively priced at '2', T&O BAYSHORES exceptional, 2 bdrm., 2 bath din-rm., extra lge. llv. room. All glue to patio. C&rpet,e 6: draperiet inc. a.n.ly found at $2{,000 BAYSHORES Bar&ain. 3 bdrm., Liv. room 15x20 firepl .. fenced, covered i-tio. Can't be dupUcat.d for ,19,:500 SEE US for BEA.CON BAY and BAYBBOIU!8 propelti& Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon. HYatt .a22 John K1cnab, Barbor 18 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa i.land Costa Mesa s ruRN. UN1T8, beat loeatlon. C·1 lot 68x3~SJ0,000 down. A Real Fine Home 3 BR. FURN., ttnpJ&ce, M&t ... Double 1araee. l&J'l9 lot, MOOG dn.-23t Bro.dw&J. Look at lt, then call UL Newport Beach I rt.JRN. VNlTB, 2 Jot.e, J pn!l'll, near pier. $1&,tNIO tun price. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR lot McFadden Place Har. HO Eve. Bar. 1131-M-B&r. 2ll29·M NEVER AGAIN WILL IT em POBSIBLll TO BUT a lOOxlOO ft. comer lot In heart of BaJOO. wltb a complete &er· Vice ataUon, fully equipped, S1'GN •&lea over $80,000, baa t bdrm. home, plenty rooril tor npan- •lon. 'nle pr1ce and net tncoma WfU pleaae you. c&J1~ AL TYLER, Broker 607 E. Balboa, Har. Mae. Uclf END or MONTH SPECIALS BACl!C BAT s BR.. din. I b&tll. b&rdwood nn .. n.--···--····--..:--·---$22.,aoo J BR., daa. J b&tb. wall ta wall Cllll'pet --··---.. ----lt,960 10.1'0 BLDG. lot • ...,._ Vi.ta. LOW at -··~······ .. -··---.. -aeaoo CORONA. DEL KAR C'f.1Tll 2 br., cloM to mlrt.I., R-2. room for unlL A.lk1nS _ U ,900 COit. LOT wttb alee apt. °"" pr. R-2 ...... ~ .... __ 10,000 10 ACR.1:8, or rnora, levv, n•r FrMW&y, 1 mlla fl'Clft\ El~ Xlnt. Nnt&l araL Claire Van R&ALTOR 2111 W. Cout Bwy. LITTLE GEM Horn u a.iu11 lln,-Uah TUdor cottap 8o. ot Blvd.. Corona del Mar. Oldar bUt creat charm. Bu I • IU'Chect llv.-dlninr &ft&. Won· df.rful for entert.a1n1n1. 2 Bdrm:a.. den, 2 ftreplacel, a charmer at $11,500. l:uy term.& llxchwve acwnL J'ORD VERRINDl:R. B.artm 4213 evea. 3C77. lltto .\~TlQl'E Kentucky rlflea ~o .. sound mov1' outfit SHSO. rare old l\'Ory Chinue 11creen 1200, nice 111ahog. cabinets $65 et. .. player piano SIM. old kitchen rablnet $20, a.nuque desk 127 .150, olc'J phonog-raph 1111. wood •love $22.:>0. Chinese carved chest S~. flld 11ulky J.411. ol<I sl<leboard S27 .110. apt. range 120, electric range U O, nil'e wuher $22.llO, old guns. •ntlque china, cut gl&a1 curios. old jewelry, bric-a-brac, ~lt' We buy. ull A 11wap. Bring Items In. CHARLIE DA. VIS - t8M E. Anaheim St. L.B. 6110139. all moorl.s. Free practice rooms . Come In and play on e.ny model. The Great Concert Organ, the Home Model, the Church and Lhe Spinet Models. It you think you cannot play, come In a nd try the world famoUJJ Hammond. easy to play, Choro OrgM. You will be a.1tonl1hed to find you <"ll.n play In Clcteen minutu. DANZ-SCHMIDT Piano A Organ Co. Home ot the Hammond. ~20 No. •t•ln. Santa Ana. ATTRACTIVE I t1nd 2 bdrm. furn. t BDRM. APT. furn. or 1.in.furn. Yearly t24-43r<I St . Newport Rea<:h. Har. 30811-.J. 13plll Office Building houae or what have you! Har. Very, Very Special." 0873. 13p14 Doctors Attention ROLLA w A y BED con 11prlng-1n. nerapring mat treas complete 1.20. ChildB ch•t or drawer• $11, toy <'hesl S3, elect. hratf'r $15. ~20 Mar,Uerltf, C.D.M. l2c14 ROLLA w A y BED. buslnette. tee- ter bahe, 1& gauge Stevena 11hot gun. 21.s hp, ltlitn outboard- KJ 5·1690. 12cH Jl'IB!!ROU88 camper flt11 any halt ton pickup. Foldlll&' top, built ln bunka. watt'r tank. l<-e box. etc. $195 LI 8-cno 12c14 For tboee who W&Dt t.be beat Konkel's Interiors Upbo19tery, drapen-. allpeonr1, bedapruda. New pbone J'rM Uberty 8-1973 l':attmat. 2030 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Me• teen Custom Draperies BEI>aPR.&ADS. 1llp covara. etc.- Hardware. 31 )'T'll. ln bll.llneu. LUCILLE DECORATORS Har. Mlt 4.08 II. Balbo& 81~ BU.: ~~--~-~~~--~ Here Come. CHRISTMAS! HOMS~. Chrl•tm.u Carda. Kayette Photos co~,,_ del )(ar. Har. &la&. lklll Quality· Television SERVICE Home Se,..lce til 9 run 77S W. 19th -Ll 8·8676 6c:18 SPECIAL BUY LOVJ;LY KIMBALL Spinet piano with bullt ln Lowrey organo.- Save S200 on thia. Uberal tr&rlf. Con\'enlent terrns at- SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana Phone Klmbf'rly 2-0672, SP l N !! T PIANOS. Wonderful UUl10e8 pa.Id, I or 2 cl\lldren. Laundry room. B L U F. T 0 P APT. MOTEL '403 Newport Blv<I Npt Bearh, just above 1he Arches. Hlfc N'EW MODERN llnfum. aepan1te 2 bdrm. unit "'1th garage .. aduJt..9 only. Good eut side location. Also larger unfum. hoWJe In ="•wport Heights. LI 8·4965 43-A-AptB. for Rent Lido Isle Bayfront J3cl!I One and two bdrm. apa.rt.menta. Furnished. Garqu. Yearly or winier rental. Har. 1567~. buys. Some 11tghlly damaged In 7c20 ahlpment. Rental rHuma and trade Ina on organa. Mirror CORONA. DEL MAR. yearly 2 - Type Bplneb u low Ill $1911. bd:-m. duplex and 1-bdrm, apart- Euy terms. mrnt. ~ml1hed Ind. utlllt1n . DANZ-SCHMIDT. 1120 No. Maln, 317 Marguente. 2trc Santa AnL Home ot th• Ham· ------------ mond Orran. BABY GRA.Nl>. t!lpeclal. Only I ""· Good tone and action. Blsce•t • t o c k of wondnfUI gTand pianos In 0Tllng-e County. Tem11. DANZ -8CHMlDT Great Plano &nd Oiyan St.on, 1520 No. Main, Santa Ana. Rome of the H&rn· mond Orp.n. ELllC'mONlC 0 R 0 A :\. San f' 10: mu, Temu1. Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NEW t ROOM. •treet Jeve.I. Near 11ehool•. ahopplng dl1trlct. Qul!!t. ple&8&1\t, exclusive. Garbage die· po11.1. laundry, 1tora1e ruom.a, pntg"e. '82.50 up. Occ11ple1 en· Ul'fl street. Good •U~rvillon. Mrr. 11501 Haven Place 1 Block South or H.lgb &-hool ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WL'\TER RATES :Stfe DANZ·8CRMIDT. :120 No. Main. 2 BDRM. tum dupln leue Ull Banta Arla Home of the Ha.m-July 1 No pt'lll or chlldren. 428 mond Orp.n. A\•OCAdn. Corona. del Mar. 12c14 ---.... FlJRK 1 bdrm. ho1L~e. l blk. trom ~ean Alt hay. BaJlx>a. Willter rent.a.t Also lurn, bachelor apt. t:pstam1. Har. 1781-M. 13cl5 CA;>;AL FROJ\"TAGE. 3 bdrm. d u· For Rent 86-lacome Property NEW oftlce bid(. Centrally locat---------~--­ ed. Floors carpeted. Window drapea. 1500 aq, tt.. Ideal for ln1. or real ..U.te firm. Ph. Jim at LI 8·3'5C. 7c20ll New and Terrific pl .. .x apt .. nlrely furn .. fireplace.------------ BEAUTY SHOP and o.mce down· 1t.alnl. 2 excepUonally ntcelJ tur- ni.lhed apt.a. up1ta.1r9. You',re- GOT TO SEE thl8 one! h<jwd. firs .. gv. le: auto. waa.ber. $110 p<-r mo. with uttllUes. Avail. lilt July J.• Har. 2218-R. 13c15 48A-Apts. fo1' Rut LIDO ISLE YEARLY un!um . 2 bdrm. A 2 bath home. Har. 1013. ttfc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one 4 two bdrm. apt.a. She.rt term e.nd yearly. ALSO. Udo Homet and Bay 1'1"ont Ho~• a.nd apartment.a. LIDO REl\LTY All6ociate. 34()() Via Lido, HarboT UO 89tfc RENTAL t' SPECIALISTS Call Edna crat1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. • 311 Manne A". Malbo& llland, Bar. tell T2tlc BALBOA ISLA.'JD. available OC't· ober 8. large 2 beilkm· and aun porc.-h rumtaMd upper duplo. \\'Inter or yearly. Ru. M&S·W •tic i DBL.I: GA.RAGE aull&ble for annal! manufacturing. M·l zoned Large fenced lot. HO mo. call Lr 8·3S81. 1Jc l3 DAN A. JACOBSEN. Realtor 434 32nd St., Newpart Beach Harbor 154191, Eveii. LI 8-&e82 1tc13 * APARTMENT COURT * 8 Units $18,500 DOWN DI health force. aale of tb.ia almost new Eutside Costa lieu Court in top year-round location. 6400 19q. ft. of living area, plus garage., priced below the cOllt o( reproduction. All unite are rented, income $600 per month. Tot.al price $52.~. let T. D. $M,000 at $340. ·per month. EXCLUSIVE WITH; Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2552 Evee: L1 8·5405 or 8-3188 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 26 Y ean oC Le&dersb.ip " ---- M·l ZONE-cute cott~ with treo. Room for ltor- ea tn front. ManUfacture In the rear. Pnce $11,500 Term1. WHAT AN OP· ~ PORTUNITY to DOUBLE your money and tncome. Har. C-:148-M-E'arly bird epeci&L A..M. 6: evea only. · llc13 VIEW .HOME ON CLIFP' DR. NEWPORT H!:IGHTS FOR SALE OR WILL TllADE thl1 2 bdrm. 4' den home 1 ~ bath, very conv. kitchen ll'\at npe'll• onto the paUo. Gluaed Jn dining room, fireplace, fluth In wall of L.R. W /W carpeta. One or lhe beat built horn• on Cllrt Dr. C&ll owner at LI 8-3192 da)'ll or t..I 8-~ evu. llcl3 A Steal ' ' OWNER TRANSFERRED. 3 bdrm country club homf. F.P., w. w. carpet. patio, fenced, l&ndacap- ed. Reuonabt-ternU1. Liberty 8-2059. 12cU 60A-lndaatrial Lota M·l . Placentia. 115' x 130'. level. wtth aome bulldlnp, Ir In heart ot lndu1Strial area. Price $24,&00. Term•. ORJCJ:N'LLU'-UVERTB, "-ll7 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Har. 2M2. ICvea. l.l l-$1H TOMORROW to badr vp .Ut be llll& TODA.YI Check the ued can ln lh• d...efled -.cuan to- day. • ' UNIT MODERN BLDG, on 120' x 150' Coat.a Mesa b1atne11 lot. Good Profeaalonat locaUon. Ideal for DocJ.on, DenU.U, medical or X·ray lab. Or other profeulon&l uae. Plenty ot pa.rklnc. Prte»- 131.1500, Tenn•. NEAL J . MARTIN, RLUJl'OR,, Har. 3975 u a-11n. &ell At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE 18 A. WO?l;Dl:RJ'UL pace of bu.tnea propertJ tor a!e with excellent term11. Lone term leuea pendln(, t.otalln1 approx. 1223 a month. M -1 prop- erty, plua 110me cuh will be con• aldered In a trade. Call owner LI 8·&223 mominr1 or after 5 p.m. Itta Costa Mesa How Can You Miss TKI8 CHARMING home on l&nd· ~ped • fenced 80 x no Jot. 2 bdrm•. ONLY $'7750 w1tb. trm1. Ba Ibo• Two Ocun l'tont lou, Zoined fw dupluee. •9'500 Mch. Coast Properties I01 m. ~ 81..S., B&Jboa Barbor :reaa. 297 and 4e00. I I I ' I 'I IJ.t: I ' ' I I I I I • • I• Ir 11 Ir 1 ' P~&E 6 • PART 11 -EWPORT HARBOR NEW>PRESS U-tte.1 &tate MO AY, OCTOBER 3, 19'5 _a_~ __ .... ___ r..eaa.e __________ ~a~.:!·~!!~'~Dita~~·~------~a~•~ee1:!!..l~~~-------a ._, r...tate a ae.1r..w. ......... a • ..,,..... CLIFF HAVEN 811 Clift Drive Three bed.rm. 6 den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landscaped front and rear prdent. Costa Mesa Arcbit.ect'1 former home. Beautifully landscaped, delightful patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA financ- ing. Euy terma. Only $14,500 Call Uberty 8-266-i (Eves LI 8-7056) EARL W. ·STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach 12cH Lido Trade , Open afternoons for your inspection Sparkling New -123 Via Geno1t Large 3 bedroom 2 bath, 3 car garage. S<•uth patio. Built in Tbermador atove and oven. G. E. dishwash- er 6 diapoaal. t Copper plumbmg. Entire home carpeted with high quality ·nylon vis<'ose. Rubber padding. Matchstick drape&. Gutte-nJ & down spouts. Lido's Best Buy at $37,500 Will take amaller or older Lido home in trade. Thia ia your chance to get on Via Genoa, "The amarteet addrea on Lido." DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 4718 INCOME· NEW INCOME UNIT BARGAINS THAT ONLY WE CAN OFFER We will deliver a brand new group of 12 two bednn. deluxe unite in a good section of Costa Mesa that will grou 'OVer $11,000 per year for just $79.000 full price. 1 ~ down with balance on 1st T. D. at 6 % and about $425 per mo. Sounds impossible but we can do it. Here's anoither -Duplex two bedrooms each side 1 :: block off Harbor Blvd. For aa little as $2500 doW'D on a total price of $14.200. Easy tenna on the balance at 6~'-' Other income deveJopments available as well as our building service for rental units. We get top financing for our quality built multiples. Specializing in income units & Houston Values 2 Acres M-1 CHOICE rNDUBTIUAL AR&A- COAC. otnee bid& .• al\op, ware- hou.e, ruolln~ 1tor., Nicely landKaped. H\gh, level ground 8prtnk1en on 1 acre, au fenced. Ftne buy fll $27,000, term.I. Ad- jolnlnl' vacant acre ai.o avtJl- a ble, al 112,600. • BILL'S BBT BUYS MUST SELL All thi.a well built two bedroom home need• ;.. cleaning up and paint. Hu hiu'<iwood noora thni- out, fireplace Ii dining room. Top location in town with street lighting. aewera anJ paved aUey. Can be had either furniahed or unfurnished with only $1000 Down. • Newport Hts. $7400 APPLE PIE CONDITION GOOD OLDER 2 bdrm., dble. ,.ar.. ''And hou11ewlfely clean" myriad pretty colon. with fine neighborhood on a 60x106 neatnesa pet10nified. Three bedroom.a, 1 11~ bath lot. Submit on thl• bargaJn ! with all improvements in and pd. for. Only 6 mo'a. Full Price $7450. old. · Full price $9850 with $1600 Dn. Balance $67.50 Mo. A NEAT 2 bdrm .. only II yr1. old on M>x2aO R·• lot. This beat.a FRESH AS A DAISY payinir rent! Takes only $l!li00 Anappealing neat 2 Bd room hCJme in perfect dO\ti'n. , ' ' • taste; unbeatable· value -perfect location. Nice Npt. Hts. Area Heatalator F. P., Hardwood noon and din.ng room. FULL PRICE 17900. Neat l bdrm.. "May I show Y,OU through ?" Full Price $9950. on wide 80x90 R-4 lot. Truly a $3000 On. bargain, tt'neat area. w lo w e&r- ~t. atove It refrlf . incl. Only CHOICE INCOME 140 mo. on ~ance. Rm. for another unH. Have home It In-Duplex -Newport Height.s area . Two bedrooms come too. each aide, plua l3x18 Fiberglus Rumpua" room with Eve Info. on theae P etitte LU-~487 each unit. Nice 65' x 135' comer lot, beautifully Lido 3 Brdm. Beauty WONDERFUL family home on 2 full Iota. All room.a open on apac- 1oua lanai It pallo. Plenty room for pool. A1klng 137 .600. Make offer. Drive By landacaped. Owner moving eaat. Muat a~t 1100n. Full price $17,~ $5000 Down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly aervtce" 400 E. 17th St., Coeta Meea Liberty 8-1139 30111 CLlFF DR. Get •n eyeful of -----------------------the view. Then call ror appt. to aee lnalde. A11klng 11a.ooo tor thia 3 bdrm. cor. Wiil trade tor 1maller 2 br. V Check These Values Corona del Mar • 1. SHORECLIFFS 604 Heliotrope, cdm Outstanding view of ocean, canyon a.nd hills from SJm ON. buy1 'th!a 2 bdrm. home. thia quality buiJt home. Hu two bednns. ,plua Clo11e to buslneu. den, 2 bathB, w to w carpet.ing, dishw&11her, garbage Placentia E. 17th St. M·I COR. with attracUve 2 yr. old houae It dble. ga.r. 76' of v11cant Placenua frontac• for ahop. I 11,200 full price. Eve. lnfo. on theae Lytle LI 8·2642 Houston Realty Co. It ASSOC IA TES :109 Center St., Cos'ta Mua LI 8·6911 or LI 8-7784 CHECK THESE disposal, shake roof and many other tint' featurea. Built on canyon aide of Morning Canyon. Full price $38,000 -$12,000 down will handle. JT WON'T LAST LONG. 2. FOUR UNIT COURT -60 FT LOT FinJt time offered. Two unite have 2 be-1rma. each, with private patios, both have fireplar.ea Built on ground level. Plus two apta. built over 4 garages with 1 bedrm. each. This is choice property and should sell quickly. Priced at $33,500 EXCLUSIVE WITH US. . 3. SHORECLIFFS LOT BARGAIN Npt. Heights Values Just listed this 60 ft. Jot on Evel'ling Canyon. 11m DOWN buy• 7 year old 2 Truly a bargain at $H, 750. Half cash wm handJe. bdrm. 1n front and large gueat This won't last long. hoWI• In rear. Nice location - FuU price $16.a<>O and term.a. View Home 2 YRS. OLD. hdwd. ttoon, full din- ing room. fireplace, very large kitchen. Belt conalructlon. PLUS large guut houae wllh full bath. Dbl. garage, laundry, alley en- CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank I 1 d. 'd 1 trance, etc. Full prict' ONLY n lVl Ua S 1111.9~0. Owner wm take l4W<> VOGEL VALUES BUDGET BUILDERS, INC. Liberty 8-7750 down. 2129 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Costa Mesa Special LOCATED NEAR SHOPPING Almost new 3 bedrm. in Newport Height.a. Located 1 block from stores. This is the popular ranch style -apllt level design. It ha.s 1 l/:! baths, fire- place, hdwd. floors, and a 3 car garage with an additional 1.:: bath. A real value. $18,500 with $2500 down. CLIFF HAVEN Attractive 3 bednn. home near the H igh School. Excellent location. Has fireplace,, hdwd. floonJ, dbl. garage, and a nice fenced rear yard. A very neat and lovely home. ·s16.000. Good financing available. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedrm. a.nd den home in excellent location - It's 1 yr. old and has 2 baths with colored fixtures, aele<:t hardwood flnJ., fireplace, sliding glass doors overlooking patio. Many large closel.9 and large 9unshiny kitchen. Sl 9.500. price includes w to w carpeting. ELTON BARNETT -Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. Liberty 8-2772 (Located 1 block N. E. of Hoag Hospital) Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedroom.a • Forced Afr Heat • Muaive Stone Fireplace. • , Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and in Orange County'e finest JocatJon. Big Ertate $.aed Lota suitable for pool and patio! Drtte out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tuatin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May PT tl Cl RESALE In choice location. 8 yra. old. Hdwd, tloora, dbl. gar.- alley envance. Ownu will take 12()()0 down or make offer. Fine neighborhood tor children. Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newport Blvd. C:o1ta Meaa, California LI 8-1161 Evu. LI 8·3168 GOLDEN RULE VALUES NBWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BEDROOM HOME. hardwood noora. !lrep18ce, beautiful kit· Cht'n, bulll In stove and oven- Pullntan bath. 2 car garage - backyard fenced. Only 3 yean old. $2600 down, full pr. $13,600. Forced to Sell 2 BEDROOM HOME. hardwood n oon , only 4 yeata old, s-ood 11ect1on. 2 car garage. need• paJnllng. Can ht' h•ndled tor around UOOO down. Aaklng pr seaoo. Estate Must Close ON A C-2 LOT-2 unit.I, built In 1947. Room for 12 addlUonal unlll, Eutslde location. Thia property can be dehvered tor 110.eoo full price. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 186& Newport Blvd., Colt& Mell (acroaa from Co1ta Mna Bank 1 Phone W 8·67111. E\'t'I Har. 4366-U 8·2103 CORONA DElL MAR TWO HOUSES on cor. lot. Both 2 ~drm&. a. flrtplacta. I ha, f 11 ht•RI . Both lt'lllt'd, 121.600 \'pry tlw1ct buy. ALSU 48.'I Mornln1t C1t.11yon Rd., Corona H11rhla11d.,, 2 BR pertly t'Um. R-2 lot. Th" b&rgaln or the riay ~ G H. l~THROJ'. 3836 E. CONt Hwy., <:nmn .. rlPI Mar H•r 11442 E H 11 !\f\80 12cH Newport Heights Charmer 3 bedroom home. only 5 years old pn Ont' of the best streeta. Not leasehold. Large lot, 6& x 130. Beautiful lawn front and rear. Co'mp1etely land- scaped and fenced. Large patio with barbecue. Tile kitchen. Service porch. Valance and traverse rods and other extra.a. A home you can just move right into. Full price $15,760 ~ down. Spacious Two Bedroom On Catalina Drive. 15 x 22 living room with red brick fireplace. w to w carpeta, curtains an'1 drapea incl. Service porch , double ~a.rage. Large patio with lawn and complete landscaping. fen.:ed. At- tractive red brick, knotty pine & stucco. Shake roof -ruatic. 6 yn. old. Very Jesirabl~ 4 1~ r;.. 1st TD. $15,000 full price. Two Bedroom and Den On 1 acre of ground, Eut Costa Mesa. Close in . Fenced corral, tile kitchen, breakfoet area, dining room, Hx20 Living room, hardwood floors. Country living in the city. $17.500 full price. 6 Income Units & Two Bedroom House $435 Month income ' Close to transportation and markelf:. The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5597 Evea LI 8-7457 OCEAN FRONT BALBOA 2 Bedroom apartment a.nd 4 one bedroom apta. Extra vacant corner lot. Fine renW di.atricL $9000 down, full price $26,500 1st tame offered. Multiple Listing. LOW PRICED HOMF.S Small home on Santa Ana It (!lay Sta. Aiao one on San Bernardino near ~lay. Call for details. 3 INCOME UNITS $150 month Income. Aeklng price $9000 Thia i1 worth invetrtigatinft' .. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd Ir Newport Blvd .. Npt. &:ach Har. 5536 7 Unit Income! BALBOA LOCATION P'amoua "SCOTT APARTMENTS" t'IOH to Bay. Situated on 2 lot.I ... room tor addJtlonal bulldlnc. 5 One double, t alnrle" all tur- n1~. S,.,ell rental record. 136.000. terma. Bay Front Duplex! SOME PAfNT AND A t..rM'l..I: FIX'IN wlll convert lhla duplu wll.h 2 bfodroom1 In u ch unit Into a terrific Bay Fronl pro· perty. Sett poaalble BalOO. rPnt- al area. Fuml1hed • hu 2 flre- placta, 1undeck1. private beach and pier '37,600 with tt'rn11. Balboa Duplex! HERES A SLEEPER. Nol vnly becau11e IL 111 'a 2 untl now, rurnieht><I. but hu enouKh ground art'a wherf' another unit plus 3 iiaragu c1rn be a11ih d. A dandy value for Slll.:w>O and lt'rm1< Peninsula Home! SP LE ND l D HOME FOR A LARGE FAMILY Spaclou1 4 bedroom. 2 bllth home with Ocean view from upata1r bt'd· room. Lovely large Jiving room with Oa1tt1tone fireplace. Nice mod,rn, with attractive shrubs a11d n ower11. Only e yean old $23.~00. 15000 down. Balboa Cottage! ONE OP' THE LAST !rood beach homu and only 112.WO. Fur· nl11hed and on East Bay Av&- nue. Very good condition and <'Ute u the dlcken1. 111000 down takea It. Balb~ealty Co. Oppo•lt.e Bank of Amtrica Roaa Crttley Al Comellua Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Jo1ephlne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 OPEN HOUSE Sat. It SUll. ll·5 2t3 Ocean View. Newport Hla. HARBOR VIEW home. 3 bdrm .. l ~ baths. Thi.I home I• leu than 1 yr. old. hu appr. 1420 sq. fl. A large Jiving room over- looking lhe Harbor, L.R. hu a lar1e Flt'ld Stone Fireplace, hardwood Ooora, aeparate dining area and a very convenient kite. Be aure to itee Lhl11. Short on Cash 7 OWNER WlLL HELP -Says he'll take a low down payment: balance, eaay terms. Leu talk It over. 3 bdrm. on Balboa Blvd. near Npt. Harbor Yacht Club. F uU prict' ltllOO End That Search REDUCED for a quick aale. you 11mply mu1t see this 1plr-and- 1pan home to appreciate the nlue offered m lht. 3 bdrm. home with hardwood floors. fire- place, aeparate dining area. a. fenced. Prlct' rt'<l\Jced to Sl~.600 VOGEL VALUB BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME Pier and Slip Full PriNt $89,500 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOW Pier and Float -Full Pnce $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM.-3 BATH It MAID ROOll-BAYFRONT ,, Pier A Float -Full Price $70,000 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYJ"RONT HOKE With Guest Apt -Full i'rtce ~.ooo 3 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOKE With Guest Apt. -Full Price $65,000 3 BDRM. -2 BATH-BAYFRONT HOKE Pier and Float -Full Price $57,500 4 BDRM. - 2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOKE With Gue&t Apt. -.,Full Priee $53,500 2 UNITS -2 BDRM.. EACH -BAYFRONT Full Price $42,500 2 BDRM. -l BA TH -BA YJl'RONT COTT A.Oii ,, Full Prict $31,500 4 BDRM. HOME -$39.MO 3 BDRM. - 2 BATH -FURN. HOME -PS.500 2 UNITS -$M,500 2 UNITS -$28,500 2 UNITS -$22,500 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,500 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,eM 2 BDRM. HOME -$17.000 • BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$32.~ BUSIN~ PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$39,500 VACA.NT BUSINESS LOT -$2-i,500 MOTEL, APT. UNITS $12,000. INCOME FULL PRICE $89,500 Exquisite 2 bdrm. BAYSHORES home. $24,000 terms Full price See us for choice ·property in Beacon Bay and Bay Shore Area. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balbo'a laland Next door to the Poet Office Har· 444 Evea Ha.r. 3059-M • Har. ~R Lido Isle Balboa Also j THERE's No Q u Es Tio N about the quality In lhl1 3 WE NEED USTlNGS. Call u1 It bdrm .. 2 balh home on a 46' THE t"INl:BT placa ot ln.oome pr operty on Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Own· u1 ju1t reduced for -.ah-oul you are thinking of aelllng we lot L.nge paneled LR. It den. can be or great aervice to you. II dble. apu. 4 aincl• apu. s 1tnc1e nn1. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1666 Newport Blvct.1 Costa Mtl!A LI 8-3792 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES PRICE REDUCED! Exct'pllon&lly nice rtnch style home featuring the u JUmale In lnte.rlor decorill· Ing. 3 lge. bedroma. 2 lge. tile bst>i.. deluxe kitchen, din. room, paneled lh•. room, built around lovely patio. even room tor a swimming pool -'36.000. Harbor Highlands CHOICE LOCATION on Irvlnf' Avenue. beautifully landaca~ 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, fireplace. dl•- posal. hdwd. tloora. w to w car- peting It drape•. REAL V Al..UE Al $18.600 CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATE 3 bdrm home nn 60 rt. lot, fenced, nt'Ar t!Chooll'. hdwd. floon1, w to w rarpet1n1t a. drapes tnclucted In Askin~ prl•'' nf llfl.OOfl wilh lqw monthly paymt'nla. Corona del Mar BL'SlNESS INCOME-I 17 year11 old lnclud~ 2 8lorea A 4 apt.I. Excellmt location. Call !or com· plete Information. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. C:0.1t H1way, W S-6527 ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOMA~ OPEN HOUSE 1 • 5 P. M. DAILY 2672 Clrcle Dr. Bayahon•, N.B. ENCL. PA TIO, BBQ It lll'IREPL. Especially d11lped tor outdoor Uv1J11. 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, stra ahower. Compl. tum.. cor, lot, '• blk. from No. Channel. Prlc· ed to 11ell. 0 . H. LATHROP. 3&3& E. Cout Hwy, Har. iwn Ev~1. 6680 12c l4 Wonderful patio. Shown at your r·onvt'nienrf' • ' l'Anl'el F11m1ehed or unrurnl1hed. Reduced to S80.000. IM.000 dn. Open House 3 to 6 Daily 609 Plumer St., Colt& Meea 3 bedrma and den, l '12 bath1, large liv. rm., tirepl., separate dining area, brkfast nook, built in oven and stove, disposal. aervice porch, FA heat, 2 car gar. Lot 57 x 120, 6 montha old. TOP VALUE at $14.650 with $2600 down. Ready to move into. BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3M3 For Your Plenty of Convenience P arkin9 Sp~ce EARL W. STANLEY'& cent.rally located office at Bayside Drive and Coast Highway, baa now been staffed to cover the f'Xlensive listings in Home1 and Income. for sale, in all sections of the South Coaat area. MR. LOUIS F. BOYNTON, now residing in Irvine Terrace, with 25 years of experience in Hllins "Quality Waterfront Home&'' in Seattle and lately in WeJJtwood. Bel Air and Brentwood hu joined the Stanley salea force to be at Bayside Drive Office. OUR NEWEST LISTING A REAL BARGAIN-CORONA DEL MAR $5,000 DOWN A new home of 2 fine bedrooma and convertible Den. 2 baths. Living room approximately 15x.23. De<:orator designed curtains and draperie.. The moat modern attractive kitchen. A level 60xl15 ft. lot , aprinklera &r)d bea"'tifully landscaped and fenc- ed. Stove incl\lded in the low price of $24,500. Shown by appointment. Call Louia Boynton at Harbor 3297 or eveninga H~bor 2878. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor BAYSIDE DRIVE Ir COAST HIGHW A y OFFICE Harbor 3297 or Harbor 1775 , BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES J'our nicely tumiahed unit., well located -euellent Income retunui. An unusually clean and well kept property you'd be proud to own. $36,500. Terma can be &n"&Dged. Here'• a nice older home that bu been completely remodeled and rigJit on the OCEAN FRONT for only $20,.f-OO. 4 bedrm., 2 bath, FA heat. Renta for $500 per month in the 1ummer. $8700 movea you ln ! Very cute brand qew 2 bedrm. home. Only 1 block from beach and 1 block from Cout Highway, on an elltr& large lot. Fun 1price only $12,500, $3500 dn. Llvtn1 rm. la 24 ft. long. wiJidowa are all ateel auh. Aak for Bob Ridgway Mu.t have l~r home! Three bed.rm., .2 bath mod· em home acr088 from Catholic Church and grade BCbool. $10,900-$2000 down. WiJl trade for Ea.at Costa Mesa. 4 bdrm. See Wilma Hough BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l:so5 W. Balboa Blvd· Harbor 5188 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA Adjoinin1 beautiful Sant.a Ana Country Club, Eut of Santa Ana Avenue, off Orchard Drive. S Bedroom ,..-2 bath Modern Homes No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Salesman on tract every afternoon and eve. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana, Cati!. Phones Klmberly 7-4168 liberty 8·2657 (Eveninga Liberty 8-4786) 12c25 LIDO ISLE Ju.st a dandy low priced home. 2 B. R., lovely patio. Many colorful flowe111. Immaculate condition. ~ft· lot -Only $23,500 Very euy terms. Another g ood one-On Li'.io . 3 B. R. • 2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot. All the r ooma are large. L. R. 2u30. Patio 23xU-Approx 2086 aq. feet· This is worthy or consirleration for $35,000 NEWPORT HTS. Thia two bdrm. cutie bu sip and a flare that you will like. Its detailed for comfort and bu a 41h ~ loan payable $78.08 per month including taxea A: insurance--$4,890 down. Full price $15,000 Exclu.aive with ua THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE a •..a~ . a •• ,.._.. a RMI ratate p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r .. P o r a t e d developers North Bayfront In fact. so feet on the NORm BAY. e unit.I nicely furniahed. newly painted and ct.corated. Lovely pat.lo smnc maximum privacy to taeb wilt. Thia i. outstanding In enry way -... tlWI for sure. It'• th• best Income property buy n bow of. Full price including fumlture $105,000. Tenn.a. FOR A FAMILY WHO LIVES SMARTLY A.ND BUYS WISELY! You'll enjoy all the W't'ndertul atfvantqf18 of Lido living in th1a BRAND NEW S bedrm. 2 bath bome. 12 by 12 dm, 2 ftl-eplac•. paper paneling and colors tutefullJ ~ 30 by 17 ~tlo and 21 by 22 prage. The kitcbeD la fully equipped with bullt·ln range and CTteD, dlapoeal. diahwuber and fan. Ready to move Into today, • and only $33,500 North Bayfront On over 80 feet of the very belt Udo Baytront. ~modem delliped by Ellerbro.k, AIA. Tb• aetttng, 'riew, beach, pier, pla.ntiq and home art the very flneat poeeible. 3 bedrma. and ma.Id'" 31h bath-. Thia home ia Wee a~ jlftJ and ahould be aeen. It'• exclusive with m, and n have the key. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hUJ&on co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1800 of Udo Isle Udo 4 Bedroom A vail&ble tor ~e on a •3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Hu your need for an extra bedroom grown T Then th.la may be the auwer. 1 bedroom and bath down· eta.tr., 3 bedroom8 and bath upstalra. Priced at S30, 760 and available for trade. WHAT DO YOU HAVE? Move Right · In Completely turnlabed 3 bedroom home, carpeta, drape. and all applia.oce1. A down payment ot $2800 mov• you in with P'RA terma on the balance. h1l price $10,000. • AU for Bill Famaworth They Are Going Fast in Shoreeliffs BUT we •till have a few good buya: 2 bdnm. Dining Area 1 bath $27,~ Ocean View 2 bdrma. Dining Room 2 bathe $31,000 Very Nice 2 bdrma Conv. Den 3 bath• $36.500 New Provincl&J 2 bdrm.a Den, Din. Rm. 3 bath.a $37 ,500 Modern 2 bdrma Den, Maida rm. 2 bathe $36,500 Beautiful 3 bdrm.a Dininr Room 2 batha U5.000 Picturuque 2 bdrma Den 2 bat..bJt $(9,500 Magnlfjcent TAKE YOUR CHOICE, THEN CALL DA VE OSBURN p. a. palmer incorporat~d ole hanson co., sales management 1100 w. cout hl1hwa:y -liberty 8-6S73 $5,(0) Down NEWPORT BEACH OUTSTANDING · Balboa Peninsula · Point 3 BJ:DROOJa, 1 ~ b&tb.I. Fl.re- place ln larp u~ room wtUl d1nlnc area. racee cawet lanct· .caped Qty Pv1l. $5,(0) Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LA.ROii u~ room WSUl ftft. place. J'ull dln1q room. I be4· 1'00m8. I-cu ~ oompi.t.b' redecorated. Bay Front Special Pier & Slip OCEANFRONT B~ BUY -BEST LOCATION Home and lncome -Wonderful View! Double Gar· age, extra large living room., beautiful .kitchen.a, nicely furniahed. Only 2 yeian old. Scheduled Groa $3,700 Full Price $29,000 -Tef'lll Evenings Call Brad.ford, Hubor 0289-J OCEAN P'llONT bulldlng aite. with aiatlng duplex on rear of lot. Room for S bedroom 2 bath home on front. FuU Price $17,600 Furn. BALBOA BALBOA BAYFRONT -3 bedroom.a 1% batla hOme with bar kitchen, neat u a pm. completely fum18bed -aandy beach, pier privilege., all thia plua cu.t room and bath over garage for $38,750 firm price. No telephone information. To aee call Harbor 1264 TWO BEDROOM HOME. PLUS INCOM!I AP ARTMl!iNT. Never before bave we offered 1ucb a dellchl!ul 2 bedroom home on thl1 fine.at corner location. You wut ~ a mazed at the well 4.- licned. larre and 1unn:r-~ht rooma. lt al.lo hu an attracUve fireplace, dlnln~ room and a galaxy of feature1 that WUl pleu e the moet d1Krtm1nat!Jll buyu. JN ADDITION, Jl hu a darUAr 1 bdrm. -i>L over ·~ clOIJI 2 CU Jar&C.. (Tiie apt. Mi rented for f 70 mo.) TH Z MONTHLY PA nmNT8 ON TKia PROPJ:RTT WILL Bl: 191.00 MO., to q\l&llfted bQ)w. Call now tor turt.her detail& on dn. pmt. ~. Open House 3eo. OcMn IHYd., Comer Orchid CORONA DEL M.AR PANORA.KIC BAY 6 OCEAN VIEW 3 nJc• bedrma.. 2 ti.~. W,. IM nr room. be .ure and ... UU. one today. Priced to ...U. Ttrma. ) ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAH 7 MONDAY, OCTOIER J, 1915 a B•lr..tat. a .... ..,.... BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Koduu 1 bdrm. apt. l oldll' front houee. Show your abWty at "do it younell'' $21,MO 80 ft. BAY' FRONTAGE. On lJttle hland, pier, float, formal • bdrm. home. The land value ii c10llt to the ukinc price. BUSINDS BUILDING KARINE A VE. Sllac>O BUSINESS LOT MARINE A VE. Cl S2•,&00 BEAOON BAY; Bay front. Olteb dnamed about, rarely aeen. Ex.quiaite 3 bdrm., 3 bath bom&. Thermo kitchen. Putly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done In the aa.me sood tute. FunUahed - few exception.a. Shown rrtday aftemoona cmb' $09,500 LIDO NO~ BAY FRONT. Luse lot. channlq '6 bdrm. 31/, bath bouae. Dlnln1 rm., modern kit- chen, diap., dlahwuher, Iota of cupboardl ud cla.et.t. Plu. unuwed i bdrm. apt. over 3 car pr- age. Both unit. all newly fu.rnlahed 1n KoderM. Ideal for home and income or sue.ta. Har. 177~ -Ewe. Ed.Ith Maroon RYatt .em John Macnab. Harbor 5188. EARL W. STANLEY, Rulft>r ~Marine Ave., Balboa Ia1and Lido Island Home e 3 BEDROOM -2~ BATHS . e ON STREET TO STREET LOT e LARGE MASTER BEDROOK .. WITH ADJOINING BATHROOM AND DRESSING ROOM, BEDROOM HAS GLASS SLIDING DOOR ONTO LARGE SUNDECK. e MODERN KITCHEN -DISH- WASHER AND DISPOSAL e LARGE LAUNDRY ROOM e SEPARATE BREAKFAST AREA Thia home ii but 11eVeral moat.ha old &D4 IDo1udM drapea and wall to wall carpetiq and can be youn for oa1y $31,7:50 tmu For all Udo bOIMI and b~ Connlt with: . LIDO REALTY 3400 Via Lido -------------~--------34.16 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Eves. Har. 2191·M Har. 1380 or LI 8-5297 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished Evenioga call Cox -Liberty 8·7237 aean 3 bedroom beach hou.e. $1500 down, $75 mo. r Full price $9500 ;oe ~~~ :~~-!undAy CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL -VALUES Pier & .Slip 3 bedroom, 2 baths Balboa Coves. Vacant -let ua show you. S29.950 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orange) LI 8·7562, Har. 5154 eve. DON 'T SAY I DIDN'T TELL YOU When I u.y "I told you 90'' Buildlng Iota are more and more ecarce and more and more money. One of theee daya we'll look around and -What do you know -NOTHIN.' We still have a few tucked away, plenty high but plenty good. Hurry, golng fut. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Mar H&r. 27H HOME SITES . 66 x 110 Residential R-1 ···-·-··----SH75 ca.sh. 66x110 R·l On sewers ..................... -.$2295 cuh. 70 x110 Corner R·l. Sewers ............ _ .. $2395 cub. 121 x 130 Two R4 Iota, eewers ............ $1400 down. 30 x 104 R-2 Beach Jot half blk to surf $2:500 cub. 66 x 140 Back Bay R·l .......................... $6000 caah. 80 x 104 View. Reetricted ............... __ $650() cub. 70 x 125 Back Bay. View. ·····-··-----$7500 cub. 120 x 100 Cotner, Block fenced ······-·-·$8200 cub. 45 x1271 z Cliff Drive. Harbor view .... $9700 cub. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Bay Frontage 40ft. Thi. ia an Ideal 1ummer or year round home for the Near Newpt Har. Yacht Club Ii Bay bathing beach. Bay & Beach Realty H50 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1264 . executive with a large fam---------------------Uy, $88,000. NewPQrt Harbor Realty Jim and Sally Newlin 615 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Lido Isle a BDRKS.. 1" b&Ul.I. Jarr• Lanai, •a.rs• 11•. rm., dln1nl nn., bar. Al.I electne&l equtpt., Incl dl.lh· wuher, d1qaMl, eqUlpped for auto. clotMI wuhtr. By app't. only. By own ... KI a-oeu. lJcll Ocean View· ~ HOKll A Income or l'l•l b OUH, boUl tum!ati.d. PaUo. All convweneu Incl. prb. d.lap., s~ in.ooo BM<LUN ac· Your "Castle in the Air" ·Can be your home aoon if you consult a Multiple Liatlng Realtor. He can show you a wide variety of the cboiceat valuea in y our price range ... and he lmowa how to draw up contracts for the most convenient terma. You'll find it pays to do busi· nea with a REALTOR. Phone or drop in to aee one of the 275 reliable MULTIPLE LISTING REAL- roRS in the ·Harbor Area. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors •Ot N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach count IDntM. O~P DAILY --------------,-------221-41Ul I t., Newport a.ch. ttpU S395 DOWN Ready for Next Summer 1 1857 Newport Blvd. Costa Meaa DCMllDIAT& POBSEUION, ' Owner intended to move in next June but h&1 un- apected need for cub, ao will sell hia waterfront home at a bvga.ln. Acrou channel from City Park srounda, it bu heavy cement bulkhead, pier and float. Two bedrooma, garage and nice yard. Leaaed 111ltil next June, IO income goea with it. The furn. iture la Included and at $21,500 it i.a the beat wat.er· LI 8-1632 Eve LI 8·6803 · bdrm., 2 b&th hom ... J'Ull prtce --------------------fl0,600. Ocean Front .Home $22,500 VERY ATI'RACTIVE year round home on Sea· ebore Drive. Knotty pine living room witb dlning area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1,1 bath down, 3 bedrooma and 1 ~) bathe up. SoUd COD· • ltnlctlon. concrete a.nd pWng foundation. 2 car prace. encloeed yard Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3µ3 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 2029 Hattlor Jll..s. U MTfl - (mYea.) U 1-4111 or Barbor IOt4M. ltelA UIORSCLD'l'a MVlJ' _., ...-.C- ~ .,aallt.7, nDQ t.Jpe !Mime. I bdrm.. J t.lba, de, walled patJo A ~ .. Cle. pr. •tuat.d oa CQ10n. wtUa beautit\al Yltw at ocean • Mu.. w. w. eerpet· an,. All modtrll appoUa&mmt.1. 1 bDL from beacb. Owner Bar. JI02 -JtO ........ c::u,,.,. M. lell CBOICJI UPI*' ba7 .,..w_ 1IO .IL ll 1IO • JIM k. mut ot a.at& A-. CM lie ~ aneo '°"' aot.. o..w waa .. '1t'lee fer ... 000 .... -· UIO lJcl• front buy In the uea. Good terma. ALSO, we have a beautiful 3 bedroom wurnlthed house for rent. Exclulive with Willard L Killion, Realtor Harbor 5500 ! Cha.nninr 2 bednn., tlrepla«, encloted p&Uo • • • $2&00 down handles. JOO tt. t ront&ge. bwrlneaa prop- erty on JC. 17th St. A re&! I OOd buy at f22,~ Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Raylr-C. Tra,·i... C. Ruu, Auoc. 312 Marine Ave. -881boa llllLlld 10 A CRE mountain rlLllch about trn mtlet from Fallbrook In De- luz. Cood well, over l~ avocado lrees. • yr1. old. Sma.11 un!11rn· l11hl'd howie. all electric. 2 acre• f1>nc-ed for puture. 2 reaervo1r1 wlth plplnr to each tree. Family orchard. Thia 111 a real bargun due to owner• 11tckneat 19~ about ~ down. Al.lo •o a.cru In n me area. all fenced $13,&00. 10 ACRE mountain retrea t In Cleveland Forest 1' milllll Crom Sanl.4 AliL Bprtnr on property 11600. Sam tmml!, Broker. Har. Charming 2 bdrm., fully fum. home So. of Hwy. between shopping area A: beach. Very clean, excellent condltion -move rlcht in wtth a low, low price of $12,950 We're Lucky 'cawie we have l 3 bedroom, 2 bath home 1n Corona Highl2lnds with an OCEAN VIEW tor only $22.8C50. Some of the features Include: entry hall. plcbue windows, fireplace, HW. !loor1, patio, circular drtft. Curtains Ii drapes included. 5% Inaun.nce Lou at onJy $8f.OO per mo. Better come 1ee ft .oont Low Down Payment On a real good buy! 2 bedroom hom.. tirlpl&ce, patio & BBQ in excellent location. Total prioe la only $13,500 . Down paym't $3,000. It la now rented on a month-to·montb buia at $110 per mo. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Highway Har, 1741 Corona del Kar Har. 1477 IOH ·R. l3cl~ -------------------- COSTA MESA ONE OF THE MOST LOVELY landacs~rl J bdrm. homes In Co.ta Mesa. Completely Ir beau- U!ully tumllhed. tor only US,&00 u cf'llent term11 Back Bay NEW COlJJl.'TRY ESTATE on half acre. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, uled br1ck fireplace. Bullt. In range, enal'k bar, etc. Only 121.600, low down payment. Thia h1 t n1ly topa. Ocean Front OCEAN FRONT rtTRN. DUPLEX on &O rt. lot, only l'Z0.000. Term1 Nutt 1111ld! Art C. Kistler Co. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Bcb. Harbor &m VERY WONDJl:RFUL view home. Select netpborhood. 3 airy de· llll'hllul bednne., 2 tile, heated balha. Natural cablnt l1, gub dlapoeal. 220 electricity in kit· chen. w to w carpeUng, fore~ thermo heat, tlttplace. Slidinf alul doon to patio. Bee. Buy, Dljoy. 14950 dn. I ORANOI: COAST PROPl:JlTtl:S 1M7 1'ewport. Co.ta )( ... LI 1-ltn i;...., LI t..-oa Bl<LBOA ISLAND WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE? Cosy 2 .. be4roam houee -Comp'l furn. Fireplace, PLUS cute baeM- lor apt. Teriffic Income PosaiblliUea. FULL PRICE $19,000 -good term.. , CORONA DEL MAR Lovely VIEW 3-bdrm. 2 bath home. Lp. patio, firepl. Xlnt cond. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT I $19,870 Tel"Dl8 ii deelred. • NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .• Balboa Ialand Barbor :5()2 BALBOA ISLAND SOUTH BAY FRONT -excelleot t&mlly home. 4bed rm.a., 1 11:! bath.a. Half interest in Pier -Bo.t Included Price ~.000 Terma • • • • COSTA MESA Two R· l retidential lot.I, rettncted area 7Sz80 ft. $4000-wsoo WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOclat. 1308 Park, Balboa ll1and - .. - i j PA6E I· PART 11-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOIER l , 1955 POLITICOS VISIT NEWPORT HARBOR Visiting Congressmen, above, dined at Balboa Bay Club last Sunday prior to· departing on tour of Russia and Scandinavian nations as a commerce committee. From left, Congressmen J. P. O'Hara, Minnesota: Walter Rogers, Texas; J . I. Dolliver, Iowa: Orrin Harris, Arkanaaa: John Bell Williams, Miaiuippi; Los Angeles Mayor Poulson, former congreuman; Morgan Moulder, Mluouri; Carl Hin- shaw, Pa.saderia, and Corona del Mar resident; Kent Redwine, Motion Picture Aaaociation. Above they examine Davia Cup diaplayed at club before Australian tennis champa ataged exhibition matches. -Terry Boris Photo Leddy Gets 3-year Probation on Admission of Check Coant Helms flow Member ol American Legion Sec1rity Commission I ,. BE SURE • INSURE ..... MAU•ICE NTANU:1' ·--·-.,.,. Piiio" Hart.or H,• IS 1 G I!. C'+Mat RlpWaJ C'o..-a df-1 Nu Wl\il Helma, SlllO Wut Ocean Le(fon, and the progi-am ot pro· Front. ha1 t>Mn appointed • ~line thl• obje<'tlve 11 VNIC'd In 111ember of thr NaUonaJ S~urtty t NatlonaJ 8!'1'11rlty C'omrnl11· 'Commluloa of The Amt'fican Le-al n. ------------ (1on. 8tate ot California, to eervt' The Amt'rl<'11n Lr,non from lta a thru-year term State Com· blr!h haa bee n thr torf'mosl , muider Jo.eph M. Ji'ar~r an· champion of naUonal 11~ur1ty., 'nounced today. J,C"fionnalru, being war vclt'rana. .Adequate naUonaJ MCUrlly la a inade reaUallc by batllttlel!I ex· I m&ln obJecUn ot Tbe American periencee, art' kttnly aware of / MESA UPHOLSTERING U.,..olatul•I A Drapery tl64.I N•·11L l'Uvcl~ ()o.ta ..._ UM,ny a-4,ll America '• nl"ed for a stron1: de·) feMt" In lht'~ tlmu of pt"'I. ~1--~~~~·=i~·-~ilil~l~m-Thouaanda of plecee of lltt,..· ture are 1uppllC'd to lnttrl'11!.C'd lrwo Couples Seek 1$18 000 Payment lndtvlduata by the Natlonttl Se· • curtly. Commlulon, lncluJ ing in· frOI H I Pair formation on the Air 1-~or<'e, 1 411 • • Army and Navy, ~ well u ln- (oc• tormallon a bout our current Mtr· SANTA ANA, 81CPT. 29 chant Marine need11 . I NS)-Clahnlnc Tut c . and On• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ____________________ _ G~ Le. Of Hun~ Beach had no permit from the Corporate Security Mpartment to MU atock ln oil. Mr. and Mra. Herbert Al· den and Mr. and Mre. Harry M . 1 Volk, all of Lot Angelu. today were eeeklng a payment of $18.· 000 In Judge J ohn Shea'a cham· ben. The pla.lntlfta allegedly bou~hl one-hl\lf of one per cent of 100 per cent grou onn1dlnr royalty I at a price of $6000 of all oil, gu and other hydrocarbon produced, eaved and aold;' They. 11.-ek return of their money pll.18 Interest. Harbor Area Man Inherits Estate SANTA ANA iOCNSl-George S. Fnuhlinf of Newport Beach. eon of the Late. George H . Freuh· ling who died on Sept. 211, u next of kin wlll Inherit an tal&te Including relll properly valued at 170.000, under ttrm• of the will tiled for probate by Lloyd H.1 FruC'hllng:, executor. AllO named In the atatt>ment of the executor were two &T•nd- chlldren, Patricia Ann and WU· Uam A. Fruehlinr of Newport Beach. I WonderincJ How to Sell Your Home. • • Car ••• Furniture ••• • f ' I TRY CLASSIFIED WAHT ADS SANTA ANA, (OCNS ) -Or· ange Cout College Student Jcr seph C. Leddy, 21, 218 Onyx Ave., Ntwport Btach, Sept. 23 'IVH given thrtl' ytara 1traight pro- bation &fter lllJI plea of guilty on a bad cheelc count. He told Judge Sht'a : "That 1 realise now I wu hurting other people." Call HA. 1616 A second bogua check charge agalmll the former Harbor High School atudent wu dlamlued by SupC'r!or Court Judg-e J oh.n Shea. Tht' probation department re· portt'd !Addy admllU<I cashing 11. check.I ranging from 12 to $50 In Newport Bt'ach area bars and liquor 11tore1. Leddy. who aaaerledly go a bad <'Onduct dl11eharge from the Mar- ine Corp11. wae ordered to malte full rutllutlon. PLAN REPUBLICAN ROUND-UP -('harles Wheeler, Corona del Mar, county co- chairman. Max Sturgte, Lido, county chairman and Mre. Richard Teachout. Balboa Bay Shores, pr~sident of Newport Harbor Republican Women, discuss lists of Re. publicans who will receive invitation t'l attend Oct. 9 outdoor GOP love feast honor- ing Howard Pyle, former governor of Aniona, now Eieenhower assistant. -Staff Photo Givson Soll lol'ft The ~v. and Mra. 'Mlomu M. Glvson, 2876 Rlveralde Drive. Coat& Meea. an parenta of a boy baby born Sept. 2e at St. Joaeph Hospital. l11Yestrnent Talks at OC for Public Allalyzlrlg 11 nd appralalnr ee- cw1Uea wUJ bl> lhe t opic d!Kuaa- ed by John L. Kt'rr, Pretlldent. Kerr and Co.. at lbe Oranl'• Coul College lnvut.menl.I lecture Oct. •. 7 :30 p.m. Ken-I• a well k11own lnveat- menl analyst and bu appeared on a number of lnve1tmenl.I prcr (Tam• al I.be coUere. The Oct. 4 meeting will be the second of alx • lnvutmtnl1 lectu~. The next mttllng. on Oct. 11, wtU be conductf'd by Lout• Zltnlk. He wtll dl8cuu dynamic upect.ll of the 1tniwtng economy lrom the tnveAlor'11 standpoint. All lnvfftmt>nta lectures an open to the public without cbar'(e. Office Practice Class on THSclay A new office pracUce dau for adult.I will mttt Tueeda;v even- lnp at Orange cout conere. 'nle .1ttond 9'Cllon hu been fttabllahed becaUH of lncreAMd <*l!and for tralnlng In the UH or tranacnblng and dtctaUnr ma· chtnn. P.S.X.. dVplica.Ung ma· ·chtnea. and electric lypeWTlten . Tb• cl11111 11\&rt!'d on Sept. 27. Jtestlt..rallon can be made at the .Adult EducaUon office. USAF Academy T •ts Compelltlon wm abortly b. ~ tor young men wtahtnr to attend the United Stalet Air J'orce Academy, Oon1ru.n1an ,_.. B. Ult announced today. Clndldales mual be from 17 to D ,..." ot •~f and ahould writr ta. C0"""""1an a t 3H Old -Office Bulldtnr. Wuhln1- '-D. C. SU in Ccnll Tak• A rou ot 23 11 bill.a wu l'tol111 from the home of BIDie C. ArtJ\ur. 2144 C&nyon 011vfl, Coeta x .... ahe.rllf• dt'pullea said Entry wu pined throash a bedroom window. olon~ We have just Purchased the BEAUTY BARN 2827 Newport Blvd. ancl will leaf ure m,. Attt!rl, famous Heir Stylist, formerly .with Walker's end Refaels of Lonca Beech. eforraine is back, after a three year absence. Call HARBOR 1595 FOR COMPLETE BEAUTY WORK WHEN IN REDONDO. VUIT JOLON'8. IN RIVIERA VILL.401: at PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS