HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-10 - Newport Harbor News PressIJ I I I I ' .~· I . ·BARBOR P -RSSS CALll'OBMU.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 18M PRONE IU.ttBOR 1811 DEATH CAB -Police, the coroner and a citizen are ahown inapecting the cruh car and body of J&IDE9 Manning at the acene of the craah in whjch the Mean wu killed Saturday morning. The Manning car wu atruck from the rear by a car driven by Roaald Lee Ecfmilon, 17, of El Monte. -Staff Photo san, Boy Die in ·ead Accident He1111ann of Costa Mesa Held on D111nk Driving Two ptnon1 were killed, two 1erioualy injured, and a major catutropby narrowly averted in the event. during the following a traffic craah on Harbor Blvd.. near Gisler Ave., Costa Meu, at 1 :30 a.m. Saturday. One man wu jailed for drunk and •peed driving' when he drove through pollca blocJradee at UM ecaa. n&I'· IUdl•Y MortU&17, Coet& Jil-. ro•IJ' ml8lllnc more than a ecore H.rrn&lln W.. ar...tad approa- ot police, wrecJtinC ucwman. Mid lmat.117 one bour alter th• cruh .-ctatoN at t.ba wreck. wMle tba ro.d wu •tlll blocked O...d are Jamee Orady Kvmtnc. by poU~. Hl&'hway Patrol, and U, of 19t I.:. 20th St., Coeta K..a. 11\ertlf• can. The enUre ar• wu dTtver of one car, and Rlcb.ard Illuminated with na.r.. ~ rad Arlen Barry, te. of Puent•. & P&I· llthta. Th• Hermann cv wu eencer In a HCond car. Injured beard approacblnc the .ecene on wer• Ronald lAa Edmt.aon, 17, of ltl Monte. driver of the car ln lh• Hlchway f rom the Harbor which Barry and Karl Thomaa Blvd., Bridge over the Santa Ana Wood<:ock. 16. of Puente, In Ed· RJver. AJl eye•· wer• Impelled to· JW)iaon car. were ridlnr: and Oecu ward the hurUlnr car u It bore Sonateng. 50. of Hll Albert Place, down on the acene. Shout• pealed Collta Mesa, a pUHnr•r In the out to oftlcera and ciUzelUI to Mannine car. bead for the open f ield. HERMANN BOOKn> NO EFFOaT N<n'ED Out on baJI on chargu of drunk drivt11c and •peed drlvlnf i. J . L. Hermann, 31, 1189 Minor St .. Coat& Me.a. Report• of t.b• California HJgb· way Patrol .lhow that the late model car drtvan by Edmleon cruhed Into the rear of the Man· nl~ -.utomoblle caueln( It to tum turtle off of lhl' hlfbway Into a plowed fleld. Both can1 were de- mollabed. Barry and Mannlnr were killed lmlantly ln the cruh and 8onetmg wu taken to Com· munlty Hoapltal, Sa.nta Ana with major lnjur1c11. Woodcock and J:dmiaon were taken to Hoar Me- mortal Hospital. The bo<llu of MannlJlg and Barry wu ta.ken to the Parku- Hermann apparenUy mad& no effort to •top until be firUck one car at lbe far nortbem end ot the blockade. Hi. car •kidded, tumed, and broa~lded throurh the entire .cene of the crash 11trlklng at leut two othei' ca.r11. Included wu the dt>mol1J1bed vehicle still containing dead body of Barry. The Hr rmann cu 11kldded an u tlmated 1000 feet before •top- ping. He waa tal<tn Into Imme- diate cu1tody and placed under protection in a hlghw•y patrol car w1lh a guard 11ta.Uoned to protect him from the crowd on the high· way. He wu booked al dawn at the Orange County JaJI on a charge of drunk driving and of recklf'N drlvlnr. mp DAM -National and local Republlc•n leaden sat totetber following a big Repubtican rally held Sun- day aftenloon at buffalo ranch at which Howard Pyle, administrative uaiatant to Preaident Ei9enhower, P" ua inapirins addreea. Sbown in above are Con- HARIOR Wl&ATHR Temperat.,... tae pMS '"'* .. t11e Barbor area •ere: lllP a... Tunday. Oct. 4 ···-·-M 116 Wedne8day, OCt. ~·-11 SS Thureday, Oct. e........ .. ,, Frtday, OcL 7 ..... _ ..... M 63 Saturday, Oct. I •..... le &9 Sunday. Oct. 9 .......... 63 69 Monday, Oct. 10 .. ·-··· 61 &9 BEU> BY IA W -California Highway Patrol Offioer LittleJomLof Onnce-la ahown with J . L. Hermann in custody after the man failed to •top for a j,ouce 610c1r- ade at the 1eene of a cruh on Harbor Blvd., near Gia· ler Ave. in eo.ta lieu. Hermann wu booked at the county jail on charge of drunk driving. -Staff Photo Comes Now 'Legal Advice' from County Counsel Ogle In Friday's front page of the New.Pree. w.11 uked the queation, "Who'• running the Ol"Ulp County Grand J ury'?" Some of the que.tiom )Je uked broqht ezprea.- aiona of IUrpriae by tho.e grand jurorw with whom we talked. All of thoee contacted who commented were amued the pre. releue they voted unenimoualy to have given new• media Jut Wedne9day at,ll a.m. wu summarily withheld. On the "advice" of Superior Court Judge John Shea, accordinr to County Coumel Joel Ogle, and the county couuel, the srand jury foreman wu notified the p...-statement ahould not be releued. That gentlem.a.n told the Nm-Pre. that be and "110me of the jurors" were of the Mme opinion after being "advised". But. according' to the .tate penal code, this ii hardly legal. The code p~ u.. srand '8ry nlut &ct .. a majority in JU Jndlctmenta or !a ay Jury aotion. Tiie penal code &lllo proYide9 the Dlmtet Attone)'-NOT THI: oomrrr ~be u.. .._.. .. ,.... to the crand jury, TM ,_.i _. paowldM u>vn. that the grand JwY• Plillldb:c Jndp cannot aid br otherwt.e meet with the pu4 JV)' without the grand jury'• invitation-almo by majority Tote. The penal code makaa no mention of any uei.stance to be given the grand jury by the Couaty Coumel. in thie or any other county. So where doee that gentleman fit into the picture! In Ora.nee County apparently only by cUltom-NOT BY LAW. Neither the county coun8el nor Superior Judge John She& wu uked by the IJ'&Dd jury to give advice u to whether the jury'• un1nimoualy voted-to-be-re- leued preea llt&tement 8hoGkl be pablilhed or withheld. Yet both, aceordinc to Co1IMll Ogle, gave their opiniom. That'• why we ulred the ~n: .. Who'1 running the Orange County Grand JUl'JT" For that matter, it brtnp up another point. Why ii Diltrict Attomey Robert Kneel&.nd 'yielding hi8 re- aponaibillty and authority to be the legal adviaor to the grand jury! Why 18 he permitting the hired civil at- torney of the Orange County Board of Supervieorw to presume to interfere with the county grand jury'1 pro- cedures '? in a word, Mr. Kneeland, what pouible ex- planation can you have for allowing thia to happen! The etate penal code i. quite clear. It aaya the coun- ty district attorney ie the coun.ty grand jury'• legal (Contblaed oa Pap 4, Part I) ---- in-man Ja.met B. Utt, Pyle, Uruted Star.e. Senator Tbomu Kuchel, State Senator John Murdy and Rob- ert S. Barn~. chainne,n.of <>ranee County Republican Central Committee. High County Official in Jury Report Buu..rrtN BANTA ANA. Oct. 10 COC· NSl~r&nJ'• County Super- ior Court jUdf'U Mid toUo•· Inf a lunchaon m"t1n1 today that they will luu• a Joint •tatalnenl on the subject of (Tand jUry pl'&R ... 1 ...... K • e t l n s tog"eUl.er •-1udS" Ket111eUt Mon1aon. J ohn Shea. Franklin Wut and Raymond Ttlompeon. Jhlced what •u decided a t the meaUnJ. Judge Shea told OCNB "We d~lded IOl'ne- Wns but •• can't •1 what It ta u 7K-" 'n>e j1a:Ut Mt.cl tM = Will a-. ~~-t • ._,,. ......... "be aid' allo. U.. .-.U-t -W aot M ~ ,nor to '-ro•'• echaduled fr&lld Jury maet-lnr. By Of'alllp Ooaaty New. SerYice OCNS learned today the prea. ~ to be iuued by th• l1Wld jury Mnrely cr1tlc1Md a bJ(h county omcl&l. Accordfnc lo Information le•rn· ed today, the Jury'• p~•• ttleeM wu ln effect, an Interim report, II.ting var10\a wronga the jury f~lt •hould be righted. Amonc the Item• ll•ted were the Atwood Rall <'rOllllng-which hlU taken MVtr&I hlg'tlway ·Uvu, the failure of 8her1tt'1 otrlcen1 to appear be- fore the jury on ttquut, •nd lbe cuUgatlon of a h1-h official. OCNS al.llO leam~ the preu re- ltue had been withheld becauee of the Mellon dealing with the of- ficial. Coun~I O('le and Judr• Shea ~portedly fell, unleu the Jury could b9ck up lb• chua-ea the llaument could malce the Jury liable. MacDonald in Decision to Stay on Job Everything'• ro1y with Park Foreman W. C. MacDonald, who rulgned ettecUve Oct. 16, but u of today hu withdrawn hi• rutg- natlon. "Mac" I• back a t work. "Th& whole Wng wu a ml•· unden1tandl.ng." City Manager J ohn Saito,.. told the New11-PrHe. He aalc1 MacDonald. who quit aay- lng park• and recreation coutd not mlx. appear .. d al thl1 momlns'• closed rlty council Hulon where council membera met In pel'80nnel Msalon on the torem&n'11 ~half. He 11Jd a meeUng of MacDonald and hlmaelt, tor the pru1, would be held at 2:30 p. m. tod1y in Sallora· office whl're ft wnultt all bl' •"'<plRlned. Mesa to Employ City Hall ArchftKt Start toward thl' nl'w Co•t.a Mesa city hall wu made Oct. 3 wMri the council decided to em- ploy a11 a rchltl'ct. A commlttea conal1llnc or all ,.five council mtmbu11 waa Instructed to take that •tep. At the Mme lime the coun· ell voted 111.000 to be put In ... crow whtni the city'• UU• to the hall •lte i. belnf c&Mred. Clrculatlon Today 1797 Cople1 Judges, Gra,nd Jurors Meets Due IROKEN ROLL Wagon Wheel Cafe Ruined by-3-Youths- Separate Sessions Set Today and · T otlmow In Sl Two •pecial eeaafom, one of Su~rior Court j\adp9 due at noon today, the other a meeting of Ora.op County Grand Jury tomorrow, were the fut-breaking development. fol- ·lowing the wkhholdiftg-.ef the jw-y'a-prw .re•N• aLJu1. Wednuclay. 11\e juron v o t e d thwi: "DuU-. Whenever t.be board dA Cun• Natl~ In ::: ~ Wl&lllmouaJy to mall• t.b• nleue, I o.f •uperviJlon appol.llta a Count.7 Y9 Mver 1 wen °" wv did then wer-9 &dv1Md by county off!. C~l punuant to Utt. ~er, II() rro~:. ~ -~ on~ the ciaa not to do '°· h• lh&ll diecbarf• all th• d\atJ• ;r Yo/;h~I. !nemC::~ Mua'1 Superior Juqe J ohn Shea told vuted b/ la• Ill the DtRrtct At· q •· u rt.... the Newa-Pnu th• Judcee' ~Ion lomey, other than thOM ot i. put.-wet .po .... po ce repo .,.., IJ •-.. waa due thl• noon to so over the c ProMCU ... r. Andrew K . Claude, owner, be-wtiole matter. He aid the prea Sa.Id Ork: "You b.ava to inn. llev .. the job lo b.ava been t.be ,.i.u. had bffn called to ht. at· poM the word 'Dl•trtct Attorney' work of three you~ ha wu fore-tanuon by pereon1 In the otflc• of In thoaa .ecUora !penal cod.•~­ ed lo ejact about mldnlpt when County Counael J~I Osle, not by Ins with the JT&lld jury'1 Jasal &d· with loud ta.Utlns and thrMt.I the Orie, Jude• Shea KJd, who, he vl.an) and MltMIUtute the word youUw became obnoxlcna. aald, wu "out on b~eaa." 'County Co\&Jwel' with UI• lllUJ>- 1"• ~pecta took th• place A.Med by the New•-Preu If the lion of public proaetutor." apart and t.brew tt around, poUc. rrand jury had uked him. by ma-WOULD BE aEM188 Mid. 1'117 pried out a window jor1ty vote u required by •t&te Osle &aid he would not have &.cl· 9Cl'Mft to flt to a .mall window law to rt~• an opinion on their ed to advl" the wlthholdlnc Of the lllto the men'• room and then pre~ 1tatemenl, Judie Shea aald preaa .i.temmt except It h&d not wrecked the window and culnS he did not know If there had been l>ffn made public record by the lo m&k• a place to crawl t.broush. a vote or not. He aald he under-(T&nd jury u a "partl&I report" They then kJcJred a p&Ael out of a 1tood ~ preu releue wu ltfl ln to the court. He l&ld h• would be door 1 ... dlnc to the lou.nfe, brok• the county coun11l'a office by a "remlu'• ln hi• dutlu had he not open t"Wo pinball and one clcarelle repruentatlv• ol the vand Jury. prot~ted the SRnd jurora by ad· machln• and a Juk• box. wreck· • lnr them and llC&tterlnr the nicJr-MA..IOa.ITY VOTE. vt.1111 thnn-wbalhtr they uked le. around; tllr-clsar·1 and The Judi• wu uked If the hi. opinion by m&jortty •ot.e u re· ctcarett• and papen everywhere. JT&lld Jury had, by majority vote, quired by law or not. Ol\e acrMd Upped over chaJn1 and •tool• and uked tor Joel OJle to g1ve them the (T&nd Jury acUon. by law lbrew .omethlnr Into a back bar ht. le1al advtce when the 1t.te mu.t be done by m&jortty 'tole. mirror, brea)\lng lt. pan&I code pro'tld .. only the Dia· Of t.be jury pNM mt.ement Two neon liJN w•re ruined and lt'lct Attomey (Robert Knaeland Ogle l&ld: "Thi• w~t a report lhJ'Own Into the debrt. on tba floor In Uii. COW\ty) i. their &epl ad-la any -.e ot UM ward u there .. wer-9 .,... u.,. on t.be b9c)t vtaor, upon req ..... Ra boeor ... ... DOlhtne to N filed with the '-.... wtlrt ' ....... ..W... pli4ld \Mt ...... UM jury ... ftnl coort" mUUnc It & pu..-C NCOTd. -.,111 1,. -:i':'! -•s a ••• ~~ .... ,._.. .,.. -,...._ e. m. 1t.·· •w:-··-· .,., ~· -De1ib11ct A! a ad ~ °"9 ..ae.. ....._. W M 11iM1 UIKd cM Mt' lle'°"I •· prt'ml-. OouDMil ud totd t.ba Juran both JU17 Fonmaa Brum111 KW ll be _. ol °*" UMd 90 bard ~ tile alt.onM)'a woudJ be aYai.lable at 9"ded tbe ~ .Utement ttled .._,. -Woll ... .A. .crew' ch1._ lMtJ' piMa!N to rtve !eSal ad•lc9. with the court u • report, <>rte -• a'-o brou6ht la alld wit. The county COW\HI told th• l&.ld, ''I don't nca.U If I dld but The damareT N ..... Pnu that MCtJon 271.42, 1 had con versation with 110me one ..Two thowiand doUar• may .tat• lt&t.utH, provtdea hi. duU•• •bout IL" cover It." .aid Claude. BIO NIOID'l -Tiu. ia what it looked like Sunday morning behind the bar at the Wqon Wheel, Colt& w .. bar, after 10me one ha.d done a "Carrie Nation" during the ni(ht. Whether it wu revenge or juat 80me one running amok a complete job wu done iD wreckJD& tbe interior of the place. -Photo by Mike Healy, eo.t.a w .. Polee. .~ \ ' " '"' PROPOSED HIGH SCllOOL SITE STUDIED--Viait- lng the 70-acre eite sought by Newport Harbor Union Hi&h School last week at old Santa Ana Army Air Bue were brass from the army and air force. From left, Keith B. Wylie, construction chief, industrial planning. USAF; Sidney H. Davidson, high achool Palos Verdes Delves into Neff Jecord McKenzie Issues sGfety Rules to Mesa Kids DIA TH NOTICE RAAOLD llALLOWA Y PTlnte paveel<I• 1ervicee we~ held lodey tn Harbor Reel Mem· orlal Park Cemetery for Harold Kalloway, 72, of Hll Weal Wll· eon Bt., Coeta Mea. Th• Re•. J oeeph W. Mcshane, p .. tor c.t Co.ta MN& Community )btJw.. dl•l Church, ottlciated. Mr. Kai· loway died Oct. 3 In Brltilh Col· umbla after a ahorl llln-. Be and Mu. KaJloway had ione there In September to vlall a biother, Arthur Kalloway. The dtteued wu • naUn of Ensland and came to thla coun- try wllh h1• iamlly 1n 111111. Ha had lived In thu community for 7 yuni and wu a urpenter by trade. Survivora are hla Wife, Ev- elyn, of the home addreu: two MAX W. POPE Inc. &AIDL''TIA.L e OOIOIESCIAL e DEVELO~"T 407 Bolla Ave. Newport Beeell Jllllt off ~pt. 81..C. aa 11~ Ubeft7 1-1111 ' superintendent; Captain William R. Myerw and Major Joe G. Watermann, both ~dquarters, 4.7th AAA Brigade; lilajor Harold E. Brown Jr., 8th AAA Re- gional Command, F'l. Baker ; D. B. Howard, Corps of Engineera, Realty Aaaiatant. MESA HIGH SCHOOL SITE NOW CLOSER TO REALITY Local Finns Get Stock Sale Permit led poaseulon ot ma.nJuana on SepL 22. ChanPns an .arlh!r not (Ullly plea. Steve P. lAndrove appeared to answer charsea of a ttack and child moleatlnr and waa allowed to plead rullly to attempted rape. The child mole.tins count wu continued pendlnr probation hearing on Oct. 28. Ready Mixed toncrefe In apt. of tlle Cemut Sbort.ce We A.re llaJdac EV•'7 P-ilile Enon to 8atlaf1 u.. NMda er OW' Oro"1n1 CoaunuaJty. ror CoDCnt. -o.u Ve. SOUTH ~Off ST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAROE OR TOO SMAJJ. -_. It.. N..-pon ._. 11arbw U11 i 'HOME : anti : GARDEN PA6E 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 PROPERTY OWNERS FACE SUIT OF FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT'. BANTA. ANA, !OCNBI -Condemnation procffdlnJ• have been t!Jed tn lupe.rlor Cou.rt by the Orans• County rtood Control Dlatrlct al'ainK more than & doMn defendallta tor acqulalUon of rtshl-of-way to con1truc:t the Eut Garden Orove Wlntenburl' atorm c:ballnt'I. 1"• defendant.a all are Involved with propnty betwwn Trull Ave. and 0.rden Grove Blvd. and betwHn Benydale Ave. and Harbor Blvd. Included are Belmont J. San Chn enlerprt.ff; Bu Chea Mot.or Co., Jewett ~velopment Co .. Inc:.; Jewett Broe .. lnc:.; the Orwns• County Title Co., Louie a. Ounn and Nell K. Gunn. t.hl! ~curttJ TtUe Insurance Co., O. N. Wooley, 8. N . J'ulJer, J'ir1t Federal Savlnl'I and Loan .A.modaUon of ru.llerton; and lhe rarmu• and Mercha11ta 9uk and Tru.lt Co. of Lons Beach. Al.AS! POOR IARNY ARD Mesa CoUhcil to Limit. Feathered Folk in Tracts Carl ftu-u ~ta hi• 1lgn. h took two Mparatt appllca· tlona to the Co•ta Keaa City Council and one to the plannlnc commlulon beCor• he put It ov- er. but aft.er u comical mtxup .. lhe at.aid' counc:ll chambere ev· rr txper1enc:ed lhe vote for the elgn varlanc:. waa W1anlmou1. The alp u propoaed waa more than 40 per cant loo larse under the recently paNed Costa Meaa ordinance. The gimmick on which Ru'"ll bued hia application wu that lhe 11111 wu dealsrted and built whtn Costa MeN M" no 1uch ordlllanoe. Th• plannln1 commtufon turn- ed the application down. The council foUowed 1ult. That wu meveral week• ago. On lut Monday nlpl RU&Hll came back and pleaded hla callelfe IO effectively that Mayor Clal.re Ntl110n changed hta ¥et• and fol- lowed A. l... Pinkley and Bert Smith with a "Yu." Riaeell grabbed hie 11gn de. alp and went out of the cham- ber with an expreaalon that ca~­ ed a epectator to nudp ht. wtfe wtlh, "Did you ... hlm srtn." lAter In the meeUns Ctty Clerk Arlie &warts came up wtlh the qu .. Uon u to whet.her the council thouJbt they had approv- ed the .tgn. Told th.at auch wu the caM Bwarta remarked that u It wu a variance dfaapproved by the planning commlulon It wouJd take a four to one vote to approve It. Plnkley reiterated hla mollon a1aln, Smith asa.tn seconded It. Charlee TeWlnkle re· marked that aa the llp wu built before the new ordinance waa ~ he would vole "Yu ." Rezoning Hearing for Mesa Due Oct. 17; New Tracts Okay -k. Tbe pl&t.1 tndude a tot&.1 of S02 Iota. Jess Pickett Hat In Ring lor.ai1la St.ts ,., New Fl'-to L A. GllCI Phoenix for Ass bl llonaua Alrliaee wtll 1tu\ em Y u oUtu dall7 round trtp conoect- lq Or&nfe County A.lrporl wlUI Lee A!l1'9l.. and Phoenl•, Art.. OAJU>SN Ol\OW <OCNBI -~l IO, It wu unouneed toda7 1-W. Pickett. o,mer of a Oar-by Prdtd•t l'odaund COft"rM. • Orove ..crow ftnn bu an· nCM&.llc:ed hla lntenUon to rua tor Thia will ~ve tl\e Harbor &rM Ule 75{)1 aaaeml>ly· dtatrtct ..-thne _.dally atrlln• tripe to Loa u ..-· Aapl•. Th• ,._ eutern t11rttt recen Y vacated by 4-mblymu wtll leave tl\e airport at lO:M lAroy Lyon Jr. a. m. aad arrive In Ptloenlll at Pickett. MCond aupuvtaortal di· a :JO p. m . The Loe Aas.a .. tU1tll r.ctor tor tl\e Jltepublfcu cen• will leave at ':lt p. m. aftd land tn.l cammm... acted -. Lyon'• 1 Loe A I ':iO camp&lp co-chairman for t b • ;;, rrunut~t:!r~l . p. m. - Garden Grove .,_ both llmH th al ... , ConwrM ann011noed It th•H la • rt ped aaMm ... yman ran enou1b acllvtly '°" Ule n-for office. Ke la the ftrel candidal+-re-fil1bt.. It wlll be "taiaed on ttle Publican or demociilt -to an· local ldledul• and perhape aaoUI· er n1pt will ... added. nounce ottlclally he will tu• for ------------- the pot left vacant by Lyon'• realpatlon aome month• aso. Born In Lons S-ch, Pickett craduaud from Poly H f &' h at'hool In that city and a ttended oria y~r of junior c:oller e ~fore enterlnc lh• Air Fotte durtnr World W&r 11. He acted u admlnlalrative of- rtc:er at Mlntt'r rteld ntar Bak· e!'lfleld, and after dlkha.rge ·con· tfnued on a t Pacific Cout' Unl- Vt'r1lty School ot l.Aw whtre he obt.lned hla depee . Now only 31 yeara of agt', he hu l~ved here •Inc. 1948 whm he took over the Wut Oranse County EM:row Co. Marrltd a nd the !•tJ1et of four children, hi' hves •t 12131 Gil- bert St. '- Arnone his ctvlc and frt\lt!mal usoclaUon• In addlUon to the rt· pubffcan central committee. are the Ilona club, chamber of com· merce, Junior chamber, Nallve Soni, Lon• Beach Alter Dlnntr Speakers Club. West Orange County Board ot Rt!altors, and Orange County Eacrow Aaeocia· !Ion, Raven Son Anives Mr. and M.r11. Peter Raven. IMS Mont.a Vl•ta St .. Coeta Mesa, are p&rente of a boy baby born Sept. 28 a t Hoa~ Ho.pltaL ROBERT l.tdlart Da ........ The Jack Burkhart.a. ltU ROM- rury Place, Colt.a M .... an ,.,... enlll of a (trl baby bom a.pt. 21 at Hoa~ HMplla.l. CONCRETE Satisfaction POUi IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVI e ... -aa..lll&b ,.. ,,._..._ weik Wtilt • ,..,. •f ,..1 aid• m's .. -t ... pttpuM .. your order a& a •.tac· Uberty 1-2211 BAY =T • • • 711 w. 17tll St. FORBES ....... PllOI\"I: IUX.BOR llM IAMIS D. RAY Gener•I Contractor & Builder •c-.. .... 00.UN& DEL KA& A.Dother rtraonlnl' pubUc Jlean.n. waa aet by ea.ta Mea City Coun- cil tcw tile nut mfftlns. Oct. lT. Thle hearing afCecta lot 60t tn the Newport Meaa tract on A.n&hehn Ave. between Weet lTlh and W•t 18th atr"ta. Thia propoaa.l wu u cenUy dla&pproved by the plali- nlnc commialton. Gen.Id 1-Trtpp evtdelUJ -.1 not opllmiat.lc of the wceeea ot hia appUc:&Uon for a vartanc. which wouJd make It poeslble to ~~=~~~=~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~ UM the duplex on the ru.r of Ila p At the meettnr Oct. I the coun· ell save the nod to four new tract.a Chet have baen approved by the plannlnl' commlalon the previou8 LIT US HILP YOU lot at 70 w .. t 20Ul at., u ,.. did not ahow up for Ule counc:U meet· Ing'. 'nle vartance wu rduaed by lN plannlnl' eornml•ton t he Jlf'f• vioua wMk an~ the council hu lUJ concurred. WE ltA \'I: MU"Y 8UOGE&- TIOS8 for ~odellJI& llUdl u ....... .w..u,~, .... ete.AD of .... ple~ wttll .... ,.... .. llr,.,...... RIMODIL YOUR HANGING STOIAGI IOX Pat ........ ,..,. te '""" wttll Uala _.7-'4P-..U. ftr plJ'W* l'•nc• at.rap DI&. Utt. •J out et tM W&T ...._ .. t la ..._ See CM for l1"N ,... .. A me Oil IASEMINT lt'e ... , t. rtaliN W.U. M4 ~qs wt~ Us•e. etnNlr, sood- looklq ftr pl.rrood. Gruel for ..,._&a. ...Ut-IM ... n.or CIOMtt'9ettoa. P'l'M ..... ocra'ha .... Molllet. IASY IUDGIT TllMS ON ALL PUICHASU WARD & HARRINGTON LUM•R CO. 3300 W. Coast HICJ•way-Newport lwh PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Ulterty 1-3411 OCTOIER --DRAPERY SAl.E MONIY. IACK AUAIANTll COLORFAST FAlllCS .... SJ.SO ycl. NOW ONLY e DURL~G OC'TOBt:a 14-LE Ler9e Selection of Decorator Colors Custom -mede in Our Own Well-Equipped Expertly Steffed Workroom -or - "DO IT YOURSELF" ancl SAVI the Labor Charte1 CLIARANCI MAPU FURNISHINGS lecl11etlon Up to 5·03 &.-pie: Prtet Wlas ·llMk a.Ir -............ _ .. _: ........... . We WTJ' • eemplet. 11ae et IUl'IClll • t. ·x ta tl'a'ftr'M track ... .....,., ......... • '111w .U will Wt-. u es,.r1••11 1111...., t. JOU ...... wtu...t ......... • - I Fults-Brickey Wedding Held at St. Andrews Mrs. Stoddard is Named to ·Board.of Heart Assn. Calendar of Events Preceded by pretty attendant.a in bouffant frock• of yellow cr}'8t.1.lette, Miu ~rbara A.nn Brickey walked down the center ai.ale of St. Andrew'• Pre.byterian Church between white satin roped pew. and tall ~delabra with apray• of beautiful yellow gladioli on Oct. 2 when •he plighted troth Mr•. Jamu 8 . Stoddard or .,enc1 wkh two other l'Mldent• or th• Harbor .,.... Mra. Hai.,n N. McEldoWDly or lkltroa laJ.and and Joe I:. Pre6nlnpr of Lido We. member. Of Ula utcUUft commlttM. t h • aNtOU.nNment •Id. to Mn>e on tba bolon:I ot dlncton of the Ora.nae County Heart A.I· llOClaUon f<W" tha comtn1 yMr, 1t wu •nnount'41d by Milo JC. T41d· 1trom of Santa Ana, praaldlnt of tha voluntear health a11nc:1 . PUBL1CJTY WRJTINQ clua. 7.9 p.m. Or&n11 COUt Collat'a. OcL 11 . HlOH SCHOOL P -TA r:so p.rn. OC't. 11, audltonum. PANH:ELLl:NIO member> MR. AND MRS. GERALD ARTHUR FULTS cut traditional Andrew's Preebyterian first slice of their church. -Var d with Gerald Arthur Fulls 1n • , tour o'clock rltir P"ol('>rlll!'d by the ~v. Jamu S St.,wart The brtd" ta the dau~hter ut Mr. a nrt Mra. Kenneth \\'. Brickey. 204 Vla Quito and th' brldermom 11 the llOl"1 of M ni. Ad• f'\J ll• nf Robert Yo'. JJ'ulU. Mnt belt man a id to hla brother Ind guaalll wtre uaher&d by Wllllam 11\alte. Jerry Oownln1. Hank Weber. Merlln Patrick. Raymond Edward• and Al Hortmaii. M•nhatt11 n Sffch. Att~r 0:1! ceremot1y 250 ,ue•ta BRIDE'S OOWS o ffer ed fellclt.Uona at tba ..... ,, 1 ly In her chun::h. Atterward the newly· .,,.., wu ove " wf'd1 left for a honeymoon In gown of whlte lace -d tulle ov· northern Cillfornla and after er aatln. Thf' lot1g: •leaved lare Oct. Ill will be at hOme at UKI bodice h•d a portrait neckline Urhthouia Ave .. Monterey, and lace formed a panel for 'the bouffant tulle aklrt wtilc:h away-AT SCHOOL ad to a chapel 1raln. The tulle The na-.\' Mt"lll. JJ'u!t.a 1ttended coronet embroidered with teed Alhambra Ht1h School, wheN ehe waa 1tudtnt bod}' chaln'llln and member of LI.I Moru: Pasadena City ColleKfi! 11nd w11 aff\llated •Ith Phenla Club. Mt. san Antonio COiiege and Orange Coaat Collel'e. She Mr1. S l.Oddard will .erva on the board ·or th_e volunteer b.-lth MRS. J_ B. STODDARD pearl• and the lhort vell were deligned and made by the bride"i aunt, Mr1. Ruth CMrlllo. The bridal bouquet waa a white or· Chld and 1tephanotl•, poeed on a white Bible. Precedlnf lhe bride w<'re her attf'ndant.e. Miu Nancy Giblon u maid of honor and bride.a· m&lda. Mre. Donald IA'e. Mra. Robe.rt Graham. M!11 Carolyn Tisdale and M iu Diane Hurley. Ali wen! goWMd In pa.Le yellow and c:arrled Talillman N,)llfla. is pa.et honored queen of Alh.am· I,:::::;;;:::::::;;;::::;;::;;;;:;;::;;;:;;::;;:. bra Bethel. Job·1 Dauchten. Her hu1band attended Redondo Union Hl1h School, Unlverlity of Cal· tfornia, Santa Barbara campu• where he pl!'d1ed Slitm• Alpha l!:p1\lun. He la now 1ervLng-with the U.S. Navy. Costa Mesans Will Hold Episcopal Canvass Dinner THE ORGAN l'OU CAN PlAY .t.T ONCE! IM........,.._ HAMMOND CHOl.D OlGAN wedding cake at reception, beld at St. Stockton Photo Th• "Every Member canvau" ---------------------------'---------------lpot luck dinner for Oct. 24. and A II thoae who plan to come a.ti aaktd loy Mn. Well• to call har at U 1·!1902 or Mra. Robert L. Miller at U . l-41624 and to at.ate It they wUI brinr a •lad, main dish or de1UMrt. COffeoe and roll• w lll be fumlllh!'d by Ole ,W.kl. Entertains For Altadenans Mn. WWiarn C. 8Uve~ of Altachna ~terta.lned Thuraday tor 12 ,,...t.a, member• of the Alla.da.a C\rc:le Of Jl1or.nea Crll· tendc Hom-. Mr. Mid Mn. Btav• en10n haVll been Yaeatlonln1 at t115 H1llolr'opa Ave. for .ame t.lma. 1--------------------------·llhia week'• rummage 11le plan• were dllcuue<t at lut Wedne1- day'1 meeUnf of St. Margaret'• Guild ot St. Jamea Chun:h. held In the home of Mr.. El.Jgene WeU., 171 Undt111 Place. C09t1 ~-. rulld chatnnan. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor N .. ! Ne~ .. ...... ._ C-In GRd l'rawe A buffet lunt"heon w.. both 1--------------------------preceded and followed by bfidla. fl.eetdqit.. of C.O.ta MtM and Santa Ana H•ctiu •ere Invited by the Jt"ry Mitrnber canva.11 comaUtt.ee under the ~rman­ ahlp ot Mont• OrlJ1H!I and "s.n- dy" Hamllton to attend the din· ri•r .. St. J-.-Pariah Hall on Morl<Wy •"'1in1. Oct. 2t. Pledl'i!I ..-HJ -ta.Ir.en Ill Wa tima to .,.pport the ""'°"k of I.he church for lllle and tl\111 building cit the planned Colt.a Me-ltpla- The buUdin( fund for tbe Mila· 1lon will be 111pented by Ihle week'• nunmare. aale he.Id In tha bulldlnr adjacent to the Colt.a Meaa Bank. M111. John Donnelly Of 271 Broadway. C.M .. 11 chatr· man and will accept doOaUon1 of clothlnr. dlahu. tumuUPe. booka. Take them either to her home or to the 1llll'e In St. J1mea Par· Ith H&ll any Ume th\1 week. or cal\ her at U . l·M.31. The aale 11 1latf'd to run f rom Oc:l . 10.lll. but wUI continue •nother week If conhi trutlona co.Unue to c:oma In. It ta Yowself Procleda w«1t to a fund tor u11e of lha Crittenden Home. £nJ07in1 IM>9pllallty Of th• bc»- teae were-Mme1. Marcuerlta Ap. plepte. H&l ·ur.nbarry, ~ Daniell,. R. B. )lcCowa.ll. Wllliaa Lostn. Clar.ice Oomell, &wart ION .. Durnoftt K!m...U ... Mn. ~ Jl"tacll•. all cl Uta I".-. den.a &rM; -. Champ Hu.c, Dn•n.Jd Bay and MrL Hurh ~. Balbo& Jaland. Bosses'. Night for Insurance Club Women's A. rida up M:arlcat St. I• 1903 Ian 1'ranctaco wllh view• of the Jtol -rthquake and tire de1truc• Una In the film "Operation Saft· lf\ard" hlcbli(hted tha BoalM!I •nd Publlc Rel1.Uon1 N l,;hl din· ner ,.iven by tbe lnaur-anc:e Wo- me• of Oranre County Wadnta· d•y even1nr •t Cb• Newport Har· bnr l!:lk• c:Jubhouae. Initiation of 1\1: •-member• Into the ~up and talk1 by Ruth (Mn. Alva) WU., dlrec:tor of ~gion 8 tile :NaUonal ~iallon or lneure.nce Women and Zelda tMn. Jame• Lloyd) Melanaoo.. key c h.a.Jnnan. rounded crut tha prQCrUTI. Nlnety membera Ind bo1111e11 atten~fll. Dorothy IMre. Ricki Cot"hran. prnldent pre.a\ded. Mr1. !\'ell Neighbour. program <'hllirman, Introduced Mrll. Wade of Phoenlll. Ariz., who 1poke ot the organisation. brneflt• and .c:ope ot the National Auociatlon of I;111re.nt"e Women. Mra. Mal· ..nlKln of San Dl,i;:o told of plan• for th• Re,lon 8 COl'lvtntlon to bl held In San Dleg-o ln Much. Everett CraWford or the Baud ot nra Underwriter~ or the Pa· rU'lc prt'1tnled the film .. Opera· Uon S•tcguard"' deplc:Un1 San Ftutc:llCO be.fort. during: and af- ter the Aprll. IA<l6, d\u.eter. F rom the early d1y footage.. the fllm pro(r'Ule• to the story of fire protecUon .ervlc1 In com· ntunlUee throughout the Far V.'fft by anglneen of the bowd and nn and police perlKlnnel. Kenneth Aken. Oran1e Ooun· t y tenor. preeented aelecllori• from "The Student Prince", "\Vitti a Sonr; In My Heart". ··wy Blue H•non"', "The World i. Min~· and •·Jumlne·Door". Ml8a Je•n P ond wa1 accom;-al\l•L Thi• w11 the fll'l"t annual i.iubllc rala· Ilona nltht of the ln1urance WO· men.e' l"f'OUP· orpnlsed In Aprll -of Ulla year. Hand Weavers Meet °"1l(I County Hand Waanl"ll OuU4 .... 111 mll!l 'nlunday, Oc:t. 13, at th• Roundhouat1, s.nu.,o Park, 8ant.a Ana' 1t 1 p.m. Mre.. John Holbert. who h.u Jud returnf'd' trt:1m a lour or Sootland, will ·~ on the vt ot h.andWHvtns In tM.t "°'"'ntry, There will ba an ~llhlbtt or prl• winnlns pif!Cff from tha Beattle Hand W•ven Guild • -· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 SURFSIDERS CLUB TELLS COSTUME DANCE DETAILS Ji. -t-• danoa .la Mled fOC' Oc:t. ll ~ t.ha lurt.idlrl, -\.al 4-nca elub, u optatq oC thllr wm1.ar --. n .w be held at Ula Ellltl Club, I p . .-.., wtlh Ula mu.tu Rojaa or· cbQtn. pla)'lna". eo.twn11 will ba Judpd. 'n!.lll croup •• ~ about ntna .)'Mn .,o, It.II pur· poM to 1mbla )'OUnl" maniad people t.mon,; newcom1r1 tn become better acquaint.d. '?bl rMmbentUp llJ limited to 10fl coup&a. but many at. tlla orlctnal f'"OllP ha•e dropPf'd out or mo~ away. Robart Boyd °' N-port He .. hlll la prtaident, Mre. J . D. Ferruaon I• MCret.&ry, Wl\11&.m Erwood le treUiu"'r and Wil· llt.m lkrtulelt I• vice preatde.nL Th• board of dlrec:lore al~ tncludall William !Jtabler, Paul Ce.ldwell, J . D. P'trJUIOn. Ro· bart Blalr and Edwin f'ln1ter. On the dance c:ommlttee ar. Mn. Sta~r and Mrll. Berl· u'a!t, In cha.rp ot d~on.tion1 and Invitation•. JAMBOREE EVENT • Halloween Carnival of Lindbergh School P-TA The HaUowean c:antlval to ba given Oc:t. 22 by the Undber1h P-TA wu tba m11.ln topic d\.-cu.11· ~ at the. bol.nt meeunr held W!'dneeday, Oct. !I. at the achool. Tha Cllrnlval. the Jack·o·l•ntern Jamboree. will takr pl~ on the llt"hool 1round1 trom l to I p. m. Mn. Jack McMl.htll and Mr•. Carl Smith Jr., co-chalrmtn of the waya and mean1 commltte.. reported that plN11 for the day Include movlea, gamaa, booth• of bakery, white elephant lt1m1 and Social Dances at Rea School handiwork. T'b.tre ..-ill be a chil· dren'a c:oatuma p•radf' durl!'lg the aftemoon. Taco1, hot dOJl'•. be•n•, coffee 1.nd dt •.et"U will be 11.t Indoor booth•. Mr•. Ralph W1l1rman. mtm· bef"l!lhip c:halrman. U1nounc:ed tM P·TA memberahlp drive wlll be 0.:t. 13 through 21. There wfll be. a priA tor the roo111 wl th Ula \arge8l pert:entlSl"e of member- •hlp In -Ch l'ft.dtl level &I Wllll ... • gT&nd prt&e' Mr1. Carl Smith Jr. w•• ratl· tied u c:o-d\alrm1n ot "'•Y~ and mean1. The meeting wu attended by Mmea. Henry Roberta. Ralph W•· lerman. F . 8. Hulett, L. J . At· chleon, C. I!:. Bacon. W, R. Mel· calf. Arthur Kltll. Jaek McM•· The Everatt A. Rea P ·T.A. I• han, C11rl Smith Jr .. John Pelle· llpOn.orlnl' • .erlt1 of llOClaJ titr. Albert Ogden. Phlllip Caaael. daneln1 lnalnletlon cl--. tor Letter Rlckman. Ivsn Jtle<)i»en, all .eVMUI and •llhth end• atu· W. J, Carl.an and Mr. Robert denlJl. Theaa laNOna will ba &1•· Bn..i••· ..,... ,._ ~ ll<n'. Jobll M. Parke bM -.tell, "No OA9 la Co.ta M-. elUMlr now or IU &IQ' Usne, • llUA obi.I~ to -..... av et. JllmN pui.-h, but ...... do rMl tn..1 ., UPHOLSTERING a .. • ~ ....,_...bmty CW' g I .. a -_, for tti.t rapidly l(r'OW!nc an• uee N-.&. ....., o.... .._ "'• ialM tlifli.t , ... "' -.. Md h'J' u. -..... .. !!lpmet Of's---N-A......_ DANZ-SCHMIDT 810 l"IA.JfO • Oll0.&11 lll'08 ......,....,.. ........ Ag •f OJrsw &J 1-llat and we ... ant all CO.ta M-peo-.........,. MTll llO So. lbbi ..... ...._ pie lo be pr-ton UU!! 14th lol l,~=:=:=:=:,,,=:=:=:=:=:,,,!~=:=:=:=:=:"==:=::::=:=:=1 be h1forrned of wha' la belnlf I · planned by the committee, to de- cide on tha time and place or 1larUn1 regul&r .ervic:ff and to 1lgn a pledge °' your f\nanc:lal 1upport either for the Mlulon or for St. Jamff pari1h." Harbor View P-TA Harbor View P·TA will have a11 It• openLn« prosram an open ho\191!1 on W!'dnetday at 1 p. m. with de11&ert and c:offee at that hour. Parenl.I will mMl le-ch1ra ln tha auditorium, Ulen ({) to clU111"oom1 where they will ht'ar about clM1Work for the year. The irvening b kr)'td to the theme. "Tt"amwork doea It, with your te».c:her, your echool and the pro· ..~- You Save 100/0 .. ,..,., l'rescrlptlon1 .. PRINGLES Free Film! Wltll '9Cll roll ot bi.eek •nd "'II.II~. Mtee 12?, 120, Ill, 1JO, 111 lell with 1111 fo' de\'<'lopUI« aad prlnUn«, ""' wUI 1h·e yo• a roll of the ..,_ ... FRl:F.. neatly en by Dorothy Jo 8~ an =:::::::::::::::::::::"':::::::::::::=;II tltl nm Wedntl*lay of every rnonth. Muter 81a.e Prl•ta al Sn Extra a..:rr.i t6 HOUB 8UVIC£ You'll still have cleaning up to do ... but it's • much easier job when you do your cooking ir:kci.ricaU11. Yo,u'll be amazed at the way pob, pan.a and other utensU. remain bright and ahiny without 1erubbin1 or acourlng. Electric heat ii the cleanest ever ... it lets you cook every day and still keep your "k.Jtchen police" dutln down to • comfort.able minimum. Kitchen walla and oellinc stay cleaner Ionaer, too, mo you aav• -.. Wn Say It With Pr.rtJ _ .... _ l .. H 6. Coad B~ •• COf'OIMI ""' II• -50'71 ... 011 redecoraUng. Jn addlUon to th• lnltruc:tlon perlod1 ~ danc:e1 Will be he.Id under th• 111tperrilion of Mr. Fer· cu-on, run by the lltudn.U, 1pon• 90Nd by UM P·T.A. and c:hapar- oned by par.nu. Th• nm Ou-.. da/1~1 for tha '8Vtmth pada ltudent. Will be «kt. 21, No•. 11 and Dee. t ff'Ol'll 7:30 l o t :30 p. m. Tha 111ht11 lrad• 1tudentl =;:==========5~~;;:;;;:;;:::;; danCH will Uke plac:e on Oat. 21, Nov. 4 Md ~. 11 from 7:30 to t :SO p. m. Aw•rdii for nonltJ' dMc. Md otlltt 1tunta deYl-.d by Ola ltU· dent• wtK ba 1l"'n a&-Mell ....... • ITAFFO•D 6 1011 LATEST HAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAll• SHOP ·-~"':."':r=°::""' . l ........ -DOC' SLSC'laKlil OOlftlLl.0!'099 ...... u..n,-...... lit ........... &.-N ...... ._.. M.L8(M. TllL\.Tm& KDQ. MlaM a,.-. 'r .... 11., Southern California Edison Company • - 01.Mre who will I.id tha Heart ahip t•, 39.J Del Mar, Coata A..,oclatlon u dJr«:lora .,. Mn. M-. 3-15 p.m. Ot"L 12. Ru-ll ' Rennar, Anaheim; Edwin HARBOR VlSW P·TA. t :IO p. Coa , Tultin; Mn.. Robert Dow"· m., Ot"L tJ, dN99rt la audltortum. lln1. Pie.CMtl•; R. Allan Beb· UNDBl!:ROH P ·TA T:IO p.m, randt. lA,una Beach : Stanley B. Chrl1tan•n and Vema Wllkm-. ()('t. IS, 1\.-na I • 9. Jl'\l.llerlof\; Robert T. Garrett, Ban N .D.G.W. I p.rn. Oct. 11, Ooal& Clem-le; Carloe F. M•rtlftes, LA M.1• Lq1on Hall. H1bra; Sidney J Adltr. Anaheim; ZONTA CLUB 11 :ti &.ftl. 0.:\. and Frank V . Cr•na, Robert 11'11"· 11. VW. Marina. nandes, Robert L. Lanni. and l:dWard 1-Rua111l, Santa Ana. CDW Lob9tar JIU;a Oct. :aa.11- J:lec:ted lo head the -..oc:tatlon 1 _""_..,. __ -_________ _ l'ICtftUy wara Milo K. Tadatrona ot Banta Ana. pruldant; Fran· di 0 . M&e.liay ot FUiierton. rice P""-ldent: L. F. WblttUer of Huntington Beac:h. M1Cr1tary and A. C. Waketleldt. Santa An•. tree.· c-s.. .... Mr. and Mn. JobA C.--. lfl &ut 26th St., Ooala M-. aN parent.I of a boy babJ bora Oct. I at Hoa,; Hoapltal Sll' STOOLS A ttAlortrHa ..... • 111111111111 .., ... ~-•la.-i.~ ~ ......... -s-.. loclr ia pA.ee. r.... ... ....... 4-S • ..\.I '•• ...................... oo1on. re. lllOCWa • ., ,... or •pholet•M. _... .._.-' I ... _ IATMIOOll STOOLS "* ..... -• .....,. ..: .... ...-.ModelM: ... -""'ort:M*balllldm.-.1..-. 11•-.MmllodllNI. .. ___. .....,.... ed ....... ..... • In --... 1• ~~r':lf.SJ s t•' 't 1 .. .-.AiM; .... ~ ... --·"'--·--.... ·-1-·-. .. ___ ... _ --..... e ····:;,:,,:» Shop at Yow Leis•• Our Ilg House-Wen Dept • Eltra'"' S,..! Elin ..... »11111 ...._ •o• t-C.> ,, .. .,..,r • ..--. ............ ~ ............... -. ---•1215 i ....... ci. .... w .._.1 .. 1n·-. ... ................... ---• •••• YIS. •• WIGIVI SI H:r'A':s FORGIT HDWI. co. 2205 w. ....,.,, llYCI. Open Sundays Nawp1rt l••cll ....... , ,,, I . - " I (}overnmenl f:xcepl PAGE 4 • PART I NEWPORJ HAJllOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOIER 10, 1955 ,_ ''God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot chan9e: the coureqe to change the things we can end the wildom to tnow the difference." (A. Anon.I BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL :'o..m .... EDITORIALS Comes Now 'Legal Advice' (C.tlllaed,.... Pap 1. Put 1) advisor. The code aaya nothin1 about the county coun1el havinc anythinc to do with the srand jury. Who'• idea ia it to give the grand jury advice not lttplly called for by the State of Calif om.la Penal Code! Read what Section ~ of the penal code aaya: .. ( lnquiriea and lnvestigationa: Riehl to &id of judge and da.trict attorney: Special coWU1el and invea- tigator. :, etc .... ''The pnd jury may, at all times, uk the advice of the court, or the judge thereof, or of the di.strict at- torney; but u.nJ-. such advice ia uked. the judge of the court muat not be preaent during the aesaiona of the grand jury. Tbe diatrict attorney of the county may at all timea appear before the srand jury for the purpoee of givinl' information or advice ~tive to. any matter cognizable by them, and may interrogate witneuea be· fore them whenever he thinb it neceuary; except that when a charge against or involving the diatrict attorney. or aaiatant district attorney, or deputy diatrict attor· ney, or either or any of them, aball not be allowed to be preeent beto~ aucb grand jury when auch charge ia being investigated, in an official capacity but only u a witnea., and be abaU be present while a witneu and after hia appearance u auch witneu muat leave the place where the -.id grand jury ia holding ita eesaion. The Attorney General ia einpowered when requested IO to do by the g-rand jury of any county or city and county, to employ llJ*ial coun.aeJ and apecial inv.tipton. whoee duty it ahall be to lnv..tigate and preeent the evidHce in auch inn1tiption to the aaid grand jury of auch county or city and county. The len'icea of 1Uch apeciaJ counael and apecla.I investigators aha.JJ be a county cbarp of aucb county or city and county." No where in the above do you eee a county co~I mentioned. Who Jet County Couruiel Joel Ogle and hia deputies in the act! Who ia t..rying' to amend state law by offering extra legal adviaora that abould, in all in· ltancea by law, be provided by the di.atrict attorney? la it District Attorney Bob Knee. land! Or le It C'ANDty CounaeJ Joel Ogle! We wonder why, in Judp Sbea'a original instruc- tiona to thil yar'a srand jury, he found it neceaaary to introduce the County Counael to the grand jury! He told the juron they could have their slene>gJ:aphic work done by Ogle'• office, that Ogle could help them aet up their jury committee.. Why! Be explained, ln h.ia writ- ten irultnlctiou to the grud jluy, that it waa "eutom .. ove.r put yeara in the count.Y. We ulr ,,...._.. 8bea. dom county ''CU9tom'' make •ucb practice eq~t to state Jaw u outlined in the It.ate penal code qaot.d ! Upon what 1ecaJ authority did the gn.od jury to~ man withdraw the jury'• pnu statement! Re muat have a majority of Tota of the jurora to iaaue any ltatement, recall aame or to iane an indict.meat. In Judge SIMe'a imtnactiona to tbla year'• irand jury: "An lnd.iYidua.I grand juror hu no more authority than any private dtiaen. A grand jury may act only u • body." Harbor Area Future Bared with Freeway Disclosures Future of the Newport Harbor area crept cloeer to the preeent thia weelr when two separate but certainly interconnected announcements were made by the Cali- fornia State Highway Commiaaion. Firstly the commisaion announced. that it waa de- claring the Coast Highway from the Arche. Overpa. to Main Strttt in Huntington S.Cb a freeway. Thia ia being done to protect the thoroughfare from fu.rtber d~veJopment of bu.aineaa fronting upon it. It probably alao eenrea notice on the Pacific Electric railway that the days are numbered for the rail line alonr the coast. Moet important though wu the preaentation to the City of Newport Beach of a photo grametric map of the propoeed realignment of the State Hig'hway inland of Corona del Mar u a full freeway. Thia wu the flrat complete piclurinf ot the plan although it hu been pub- lic Jrnowledge for moni than a decade. Right-of-way for the realipment of the Cout High- A Da, ht! a.... liulf? 2 • fw 0.. Fllft7 Y-.. .... a • ~ 11..-7, -~ ... ......., 3'J tlw NEWl'CM'I' 11Aaaoa l't7m.IBBINO COlllPANT llU ...,._ ...... NSWP<>llT llUC8. CALIF. ,..._ ....... r lilt q.·-. ................ Jlf...._ ... Amrt' .. el All IUMI ;; .,.... ., ......... o-t .. Onlp 0.. ...... Jlf ...... ,. way in that area bu been aet a.aide in the development of the Irvine Ranch landa. A corridor 200 feet in width bu been pl"llllerYed inland of the developed uea and between the echool pn>pertiea !or the purpoae. Y ean .. ~ the .tate engineer1 atucUed the route. They were penuaded to IO inland rather than to 1trip out a pater flt'ath throqb the heart of the buaineu d.i9trict. Accord.inc to atate offlCia.la, obligationa for the development of the pr.ent hiC"hway were finally dia- cha.rpd with the lmproyement undertaken there and compi.ted thia year. Now their plan.a are for the future. l'bere remai.na a 1bak yet to be finally decided. It ia the 'a.Upment trom MacArthur Blvd., we.terly lo the Arch•. So far aa dntlopmeat from MacArthur to the Upper Bay bridp ia concerned, there ia no worry. The bridre de.ip. nilocaUon it any, ia the big hurdle and then the allpment throup the Mariner'• Mile will con- front the eJllineera wilh a complication u great aa Laguna Beach or further development of the existing highway route throucb Corona del Mar. It ia certain that ~e atate, city and county would tangle with the federal government ii they decide on any major relocation of the highway bridge whJch wu built with federal highway aid funda. It ia quite likely that the ultimate development will aee merely a raising of the bfi4e and ita approaches an approximate 20 feet with little highway realignment. More than likely the project will be like the on.ea in the ~evelopment ot the Seat Bea.Cb area for the United Statee Navy Net Depot. There the bri~ center aegmenta were merely lilted on hlrber bnqbeada and ueed. There ia aome dllcontent in Corona del Mar with the plan announced for the relocation of the highway. Some bave aajd that It would 1plit the community. Tbu we fall to eee. How the removal of major throush traffic from µse preeent street onto. a freeway could apllt we do not bow. The route for the freeway bu been a certainty for a..rly 20 yean. Merely the ultimate de- velopment wu leU to be determined. Enginera atudied all the hlllaidea and apparently determined that the only reuonable &lignment, pde and .eparation-wia could be the ~ute cb09en. It ii. quite pouible aome conceuiona one way or another for school underpu1e11, overpauea, and crouover will need be made, but it doea aeem quite late for 1.ny major protest of location, alignment, or development tor a pro- ject that bu been on the boolre and public knowledge for nearly 20 yeua. Cleanjng Up City Now Good Way to Start 50th Year Plana, at leut tentative ones. are being made for the oblervanee of the Golden Year of the City of New- port Beach. Tbeae pl.aha include the dilcuuion of a variety of eYenla, celebration.a. and cooperative com- munJty enterpriw to commemorate the founding of the City of Newport Beach. M09t of the n-enta wilt be for the r-r 19C54 lmmedlately prior and aubeequent to Sept.. 1. The~ are 90me cooperative community efforta that are crytnc for activation rlcht now. Needed badly la a community wide plantinr pf'Oll'l.JI) to beautify parkway• and vacant lota. All the City of Newport Beach could take a pa1e from the book of Balboa where a beauty to behold ii the UttJe clty park created around the pier- he&d. The tree. and peenery enhance, if poaaible, the vutneea and blueneaa of the Pacific. Cert&J.nly effort.I llhould be made to beautify the front portion of the municipal yard fronting on the Newport Blvd. P'rwny jut IOuth of Indu.triaJ Way. A model for th1a project could well be the fine JQb that the Monterey OU Company bu done at the leue opera- tion in the West Newport area. In order to take full advantage of any project o( beautification though, it ia neceaaary that we all make a conscious effort to eliminate the litter that inf est.a our llreeta and by W&)"a. Not jull blowing papers, bottles and cana, but clutter on Iota, vacant, occupied, and neg· l~ted. A great at.ride toward a neighborhood improve· ment bu been made in one block in Newport Beach where buainea men of the equare block have caused to be hauled out aand and clutter and good, aubetantial ea.rth imported to provide parking on what waa an un- aighlly dune area. There can be little excuae for moet of the litter that lmpaira the beauty of the whole Newport Beach Town- ahip. Much of it la clutter that hu blown from city truck• enroute from populated a.reu to the diapoeal yarda. It certainly would be quite proper for city crewa to do aome clean up after their own trucks along the haulage route.. Speaking of city crew. a word of praiae ia due the men reepolllibSe for the new beauty we have acquired at our city ball, at the Balboa Park and in other aJJ too ama1J and seldom breather apota. We need more, many more. It would aeem that if the State of California can find the way to plant, encourage and manicure "Apple Grua" to apJencUd ground cover that it haa created alone our fi'eewa19 that we of Newport Beach cowd undertake IUCb a Pf'Oll'&lll in a amaller way along eome ol throupt..,_ couta.nll)' traveled by our community viaitol"'I. The State of California now bu a law fo deal with "Litter-bup''. We feel that eradication of thla pelll could be t!UUY accomplished in thia are. by the 1irnple expedient of tuf'J\lng looee a policeman, armed with several bookl of cltationa, with inatructiona to cite any and everyone found, aeen, or permlttinc. refuae of any kind to eecape onto any public lhorourbfare of the area. i AF.FAIRS OF ST ATE Ll'ITLE IOE mE l!ZP -In hi9 natural en'riron- ment. Little Joe ia aurrounded by a buardou. boulder studded. sandy wuh over which be will carry Illa friend.a to adventure in the deeert beclrlanda. Our two daya off the put two weeb were .,_t In Borego Valley with the desert weathv at fte bl9t. TIM Bor· ttgo and Ana State pa.rlr, compriainr 101De 500,000 acna. By llENaY C. 11acA&T1111a ia the aingle la.rge.t piece of real Ntate in tbe California St.ate ----------------------Parle ayatem. It ia 10 vut. much of it ia atil1 unaplored and IACRAK'ENTO, tCNSl-Jl'or a Over the put u yean. dllJ1ne one can penetrate into areu untrod by white man. Ou!' desert rood many year-. now. there bu whJcil Ulla writer bu bad ..,... country la the lut frontier ln overwlldlnlns ur.,. to W'Ulder bff:n talk of "•lreamlinlnC" lep cont&ct with almo.t uery resuJar buQ·bu•tllnr SOUtllem calltol"llt&. take over. laUve operaUon In Callfo~. and and budfet --'on of the lestala· and It la t~ UU. r-..on J enjo;r Mo.t tmportant Of al?. 4oe't lr)' a few thlng1 have '-n a.ccom· ture held, many annlMtl for lln· It. TIM oOler N&80ll la that tt to make a ~ oat ot • Cll'tlo• pll•hed which have terved to pro"me11t of opeTallon M" bee I.a eloee, not ln mllff but ln time. ary car. Con.tanU7 J 1lear taJ• brtnr the two ho~ more up-to-noted. Some cannot be d'IKted nm. and ..-in I am uked of towtnc hoUM trallen far· ta- date th&ll they were ln foll~ without ntanlll.-e ~ ln UM how far It ta. J neftr bother to 1tance up to tlM h-.t Of '1llll the traditional acUv1Ue. of the coa.Utu Uon of UM irt&te. 80 It check mueace. all I know la that Cr-Mk.. ~ an UarM facton put. U up to lhe peop&e of CaUfor.ua. ln thrM houn at ~rat. drtY• ln90lftd, elt.btt that ~ However, a lot ot obarYVa, eventua.JJ,y,. to clet.enntne wtietbtt lac 1 cu be down on the deeut. yar ttw IOIDc 1lp ,,.. Cl'Mk and rnany lecie1ator• u well coo they W1Ult dilansa tllat will .. .,.. By u.e _... token. cut.a.Ill areu wu euy. t.ti. pet'1IOn 1n.astas tM cede tllat leplallY• openUon time and moaeJ. ln neu'bJ met.ropOlKaa Loe An· tt1p bad a lot or ~ee. or datee batk to the horM and bu&· Admittedly, U..re 1• a l"'M1 seJn W'OUld take me three boun tJMy made It up Gilly afte 1*ln SY day., and "eeda 80me mt.Ion deal of rnum~Jurnbo in handltnc of n~wraeklnc car joc.keytnc. of dltftc:Ulty. to make It nt the . needa of a leptaUon.. 1Uch aa the readlnc llY Ll'.l'ILE IO& I nouce that eotn• at the pu._ rrowtnr and prorraat11e state. or blllt. a proc-wbkh ma:r y t..,.y we Jt'tt llc>Np lldt7 comtn1 out on Ute .tam ON TWO noNTS haw ~ food •hen It •tarted. u . ' 111 dro,,• _,8 eo and Borrero It.at. Park m•U.OU Tlle problem ii betnc attacked but whJcb hu lost It.a value ln = !~0 ~ d~ Oftl' ruf'pd certain toQrl Ulat caa be ~· on two front., nnrt. lhroup a tlle ma.w or meuune handl..s. trail& made a number of w1th an ordinary car. U you 4on t 1'-man committee w It b tech Dl'PLICAftON tvlL !:f.i can.' tn the bnub country mind Juttnr bruab 11Cl'1ltcbel on bouae ha..tnc M'ftn membens and OupllcaUon la another ml and were home by 10 o'clock lbe your car, a cbance flt punctartnc a l 20.000 appropriation to _,,ch which nm. up the lesi•laUve co•t ume nentnc. Tb1a entin trlp your oU pan mlles up aome wu.tl, out and recommend retomu, and and time. but In oorrect:in., Ulla, wu conl"ld ln our ,,... Utt.le pertia1>9 lo9ln1 all your oQ uid MCOnd, throurh a conference on there muat be a protection to ~ Jee Our maln faUSU• rullltnf JOW' motor, or U.. cbance the leptaUve prornu to be held the Independence of Use lndlvld\&a.I !: ln aa!nbltnf around the of wortu.ns boun to pt tM cal' 1n Berkeley Oct.obu 27·29. ..,_. lerfalator. de rt ac.ne on root rather out of tM blow and. or UM or- llOred by the 8c:hoo1 of Law, the The ratrtcUon on ti.me. lie> ~ the ~ •pe11t 1.; amooltl portun.tty ot 'lll'&Od.ftl' out tn tJM o.partment of PolltkaJ Sclence. <Sara for a rt',uJar ....-Jon, pre-rlA•·-UtU J oe d..n wn to pt IMJp -P and u. Bureau of PubUc AdmJJI-elude. PTOS-r &lid lhoroueb con---. e · aJliead Utd ll'y tt. but tllat t.m•t ~ Ott Ute U.f'renllty Ott lllder&Uoo ot matt.en ot sr-t Jtlo9t ,.opte m• lea.m to lo•• my l~a of a pt....,.t tt..rt Ca.Utomla. tmport wtUcll are Wore the .... tlM deeert.. It.a ban-en mud and ouUnr. Ttlt lepJaUYe committee 11 talature r~ COftlllderaUOQ, and ot-and blDa. the .arty momlnr and nmM l'mZ!UNiilir headed by StnatoT Ben F. Rulae. ltn. ne«Sed leplatlon ran by late alt.moon ~. the cie.r Jt. Wre maktnr ll new frtft\d, pruldent pro-tern of the st.ate the boardti unUI t..be -.utn1 ...,. *Me and balmy -thu durinc you t.aJte your tlJne f'tlUJ\f' ae· eena tt. It 11 (lvtn Wide lalltutde 11lon. to the detnmeiit ot prosrw tall aJld MJ'l7 "P~-Your ~ qualnted wtth th• 1tJomstha and under the joint ruoluUon which In the •late. ll wu feU ortrt-1lY troduct.or:y lrlJ>9 are bat lpalt wealmeMH of the de.rt, you11 crMled ll and can go Into any that lht' r?.rtrfclt0n on day• of a comlortable. air • condltiont"d dnekrp a UfeUme triendeblp f01r and aJJ phuu of ltlCiaiatlve oper· 1es•1on would 1tep up the lectata-motel, leiMJrely drlva along pav· thla otten nllaund.rwtood. 90-aJI• atlon live proc:ea--. but apJMlrftlUy, the ed roact.. and t.alJt at e•e-ry op· ed barren ref\on. My ttnt tnter- Lr.o181..ATIVE EllPE1lT8 oppC>lllte la true. portunlty With the people who eat waa my old bobby of many The Unlveralty Of Cautomla uwa, of c 0 u r. t . mu.t be lift there -get ac:qu&h)tt"d. )'Mra, the South.em C.lltont14 conference will caJJ together 1JOmc chal\,..O to keep up with lM It wu only a short two yean Indiana. Ttlen ca.me a .Wd;r of 40 people from dlflerent walk• of demandll or a gTOWins at.ate and aeo that 1 redt.cov~ the de.· deaert plant.JI, wbk:h lnclude owr llfe. but Including repl"fft'ntaUne to avoid btt-oml1t~ archak. Qin-trt. Althou(tl I had spent my too apec:in . and upon which ma- from the le(l1tature, •late ofrl· aequenUy, a proce. ~by early life on It, the ,.ean I 9pe11t ny fine boolUI for the laJ"l'lan rlaJ., mtmber1 of the pr-. they may ~ chanfed reactily, 11 away made It a t.J\~lefttnir have been wntten. Tlle a...rt lerllllallve repreM!ntalive• and necea..ry lllranpr. The tint few trlpt1 I anlmale came nnt. and now lh• unlven1lty faculty memben1. a1 Ca.bfornla'1 con1t1Lution la .uf· made lnto It.a Interior tecreUy polOCY of the re,.ion open9 well u vl11lton1 who 1re ~rti nclenUy out-dated to warrant an frll'btened me The brfcht. hot. another avenue of underat&ndlnc. on ltsi•latin procn11. entl~ rewrite. ret.lnln1 lhe~n eta~ of Ila aun on equ11-lly gtu· No Jonpr 11 lbe de~rt a bar· The flndlnp of lhla conrerl'nce the baatc freedoms fT&nled the In( white hJllaldea made me dlz· rm wute to me. in.re are lb• wHI be made avsllable to the ltf· clUaena. and relqaUnir law to the I)' and apprellenalve. The antlca yuccu, tlle nollnu . evenlnl' prtm- l1latur... probably tor action at code.!, rether than haYlnir It 1n· of thr jeep wending tu way up rOle. ocoUllo, lronWOOd treea, pin· the next cent ral JH'!llllon In lr.17. eluded In the con•Ututlon ltaelt. boulder atrewn W1Uhes. and up yon11. cataclaw, meaqulte and the Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO. (CNS I -The 'The major &hare or reapontl• governor'• conference on tn!flc blhty re•ta on the drlveni them· Mfety, whJcb ls under w11y 1n >14!1'1'N." the govt'rnor d«lared. Sacramento at the pre~nt lime "They att the onea wbo wt the may at Jeut Mrve to emphu 1ze cant In moUon on the hl1hwaya, the nffd for contlnucd e-<1uC'11tlon and It I• their conduct that m ark11 In the tine of teachinit young thl' dlfferen~ ~twttn ~ • .rety and people how to nbl!Crve the rul~ dl.!1&3ler. and re1t1Jl&tlon11 of SO<'lety which 'Th«' Jlr"ttnt deployment of will r.,1111lt In glv1nit them a ~t-trafflr offlcns over the it.ate al· ter rhance to 1Nrvive. fords lull! than 11 maximum ef· Mor,. than 100 de1r,.stt11 from f«"hve delerTt'nt to trarnc law hlirh .echonllll throughout the 1i..te violatnr11. An adequ1tt lnrrtur sre partlclps!Jn1r In the confer· In state a"'1 10('1tl tr11mt law tnc:C'. llnd from lhl~. It woulrl sp-tnfnn-em,.nt f)t'r110nnel llJ1reflr11 re1r that at leut aome of thr e!Ulentlal." yo11n1t p~ple are mten-11led in He 11a1t1 turthtr that radar 111 <tolnir what th11y c:a.n to avoid ll dealrable aid In (jetermlnlna 11utomoblll' arcldPnl.11 In t he the •J)4'Pd of vehlci.., but that tuture. It 11hoult1 ti.. con111ttered only u POINT WITH PRIDE implementat1on to a vigorous vi· In wtlcomlnR' th<' delegateti. 11ulll road patrol enforct'men1. the ~ovemor 1111!1 that 11.lthour;h He •dvocatt'd leg1slatlve f\lld· California "p0lnt.1 with pride" at ance In eetabllahlnr •tandante for Ill Mfety education prof(T11m In chemical tots for drunk <tr1YlnJ. lhe hlfh achools of Ute slate. FIXt:D 8PEJ:D UJOT8 that at lelllll 12 percent of thnse Th' ronrnor a111o ad.-ocated I 11Chool1 are offering Instruction fbre<J ~ Umlta. rather than 1 which dou not meet the highest th,. prlma facie limit wtilch Is .etandarda of aat•ty education. In dfttt today. He C\ted this dettclen~y u the ~ttmg down to th core of j re.Wt or laclrlng a eurtJclent Ute problem, the i ovemor II.Id number of control cara ~nd a the JUdlf• and proeecuton &rf' 1horta1e of profuelonal Instruct-becoming lncrt'ulnfly a-re of on . tbt VlOnnlly ot ttle tr•rtl<' prob· He a t.o At&lflf that while tbe 11,.m. Alon~ thi1 llnl', he adYocated .at•l• hu the flne3t •nd mo11t unllormlty of rrarttr fttf~.nt. mod<'m sy•t•m of h1ghwa>-. ln ' In an "Affs lr11 Of Stat•" 110me the world, It It 11 not uHd prop-I montl\JI ago 11 """" •uir•e11ll'd erly the 11~1e 11 not approarh-that grtater penalUes. and a lnr lta lf(>aJ. How t•r from lh• few J1ul 1enkocea for reckltu iroal It le, llf point~ out. la that drl\'lnr would be of mater1•1 aid California haa the r-eate11t ""c· 1n brlnl'lnr home lh• MrlouaneJUt oNI ot automob1lt '-'e•lhi1 on the of the lraf(lc problfll'l to the hlfllwt.y11 tn the nation. publlr ml"d. 8o far. not mu<'h ISDl\'Jl>t'il A1'1'E!li°Tl()S hu bftft done aJonr thU. lln41, Att•ntton tn the cam~lcn for and imtll Ult fl'"mot" irelll th• aafety, he 11tated. •hould be cen· co-openllon or the court.a of the ttf'9(1 on lh<' lndlV1d11&1. which state and th• l•«t•lature in woul<t pmV11tt at lta•l 1 partW tourhening: up thl! la..,., C&llfnr- ann·n '" 1 hf '""'""""u' prob· n1a probabJy Wlll Mt1tln1141 In lead lern. lh4 nauon lD t.ralflc de&lha. l tl'ep emti.nkmenla made the pit like (T'OW'inc in protualon all ot my 11tomach clutch. J al.so a bout you. The deeert fox. Ule 1tarted the Mrd way by ustnc raven, the roadrunner, tM kan· the hopped-up Plymouth u a garoo rat. quill. mountain ahffp, J .. p. With the reaull I bent thrM chuckawallu, aidewtnder and rat· oil pan.a and llCOt Into a half dos· Uer. and a myriad or Nucy 111- m unpleuant prediction• 1rd1 1kelter ovl'r the .1&11d1. And BOIUXG CAR the WTllhing and twtatlnc of llUld One of the worllt MLs With the m...,u with their ledementary, family d~ In a hot dnert can· Igneous. and mtlamorphic rocq yon, a bent oil pan. the cu boll· be&in lo ftln« a aonit of the land. lnf and atopplnir every 100 y11rd1 Moat lntere1Ung of all to me I• and with ,_ than a gallon of the fight or a borlitlnal and whit!' water. I learned a lot "' tho11t min In their <'Onquut of. and two or thr~ hours. I nevf'r move their llf(' nn the duert. Truly. now w ithout at ltut five gallon• a wondrrl111 and fa11t f•dlnK of •·ater Always tell people frontier, heAlthy 11.nd relaxln1t '' wher" you au going on the de•· within rally <tr1vlnc dl11tan<'I' or ert anrl It you h11ve trouble nick our Sauthem California metro· ,..Ith the car and don't allow the p01ltan arts". SIUJn'ED PALMS -Here'1 aa they 11hould look in contrut to the naked. crested apparition to the left. Little wonder the Hawaiian• call our native WuhJnc- tonia palm the Hula Palm. -Pbotoe by Horace Parker ' I I I I 'CLEMENTI FlllNG WARNING ISSUED. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 !4fWPOlT HAllOR N~S-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 K&rt.nen are warned by lbe u. s. eo..t ~ ot ttrtnr In t.be foUowtnc locaUona Oft a.a Clemente bland: CUtle Rock, I.Oday tbnMActa f'rida7, • .. ... to midnlCllt: Jlatunlaf' ... s~.•Uct.tbow9. PynunJd Cow. W~ and ~' 1 L SI. t.o 10 p. m.: Tbureday. 7 a. m. to I p.m. ELECTION nME. Annual Red Cross· Dinner Set Oct. 26 · Mark Soden, Cb&lmlan o( UM, Newport • Costa M e.a Branda ol lbe Amertca.n Red Crou. an- nounc.-s today tbe annual dlnMr with election ot otticer• a111t boa.rd members will be ht-Id WeJ· neaday, Oct. 26 at 6:4~ p. m. a t tlle &rt>or ffou!lf. 2280 H•r· bor Blvd., Costa Mesa. PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY 111 ..........,. -C011t& N,_ ...,_ .....,...... Liii·"" SAVE SAFELY Edward M . Scbotlland. AdmUI· latnUve Director of thf' Loa Anpl" Regional Blood Ctnt.-r wtU be the speaker for lht-even· 111,. SOUTH PACIFIC ART ON DISPLAY At Or•nge County's LHding Home L1ndint Institution All Contrlbuton to Red Cross a.re Invited t.o attend Uale meet· iftg. each bavtnr a vote on new otflcers. . Re9trvallons can be made oy calling Harbor 1~. Jenks Named New Tr1stee 01 Mesa ·Bou~ Art object.a of ~e South Pacific islands a re·now ori display in the Art Center Ga~­ lcry at Orange Coaat College. The exhib:t provides a· rare opportunity o~ local n:s1· dents to examine genuine products of the culture of Samoa a nd Melanesia. Lorraine Call, art student from Corona del Mar (left), holds a skirt made of beads and fiber. WilJiam 0 . Payne, art instructor at OCC (center). demonstrates the method of making tapa cloth from the bark of trees. Vernona . Oelkers, Anaheim. (right), hold~ grass skirt from Polynesia. -Photo by Eugene Tyler CONTINUING TO PAY -.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Governor Knight Proclaims th•• observance and participate to the fullest extent poaalble ln the programs being planned In many communJtlu ol Che State durtns that time. I BF..CDVD PBOCIAllATION -Bob Burke, left, Southwe.t Exploration Co. execu- tive, above ~vea official proclamation designating Oct. 9-15 u Oil Progress Week in the City of Newport Beach from the city's top official, Mayor Dora Hill. Herb Jenk.a Of eo.t.a Mee.a WU Wedn-1ay, nf&ht .elected to fUl out the terma or recenUy resigned Oil Progress Week in State PER ANNUM ALC ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 HARBOR AREA, SOUTH COUNTY COAST INVITED TO OIL PROGRESS WEEK acbool board member Edwin Edick Covt-mor GP<>Jwin J . K night folJowtnc a ~minute executive Yfll•erday procl&lml'd the week MAion by Costa. Ml'aa Union School Dtetrict 8-rd o( Tnuteea. or Oct. 9 lo J5 Jtf 01) Progrell.f C. Chlabobn Brown rnoftd that Week. Ha proclamation follows: Jmka be uked lo ftll Uie .. cant The producUon, processin1. dle- poalUon. '"Then a.rt • number ot tribul1on and use of petroleum reMODll for bla .elecUon," Brown In an lntlJlite variety of form• ..act. "a. opera.tea • necead\11 con.tltui. an Industry whJcb hS3 ~ aDCf W9're operatt...r • blS been -and continues to be -All Facets of Ofl Industry's Faclllties Wiii • on Display bum-la the acbool 41wtrlct. S. a major factor In the magnltlcent hu a t4acber's credenUal. Re (1'0'Vth and progTus of Oalltor-ALL OILED UP abo ha.a chlldren ln echool which nla. It is authorit atively estlma t- hu not too much be&rtn&' on a ed that crude oil and natural gas Ml.d•et Can board members qua.llflca.Uon... provide more than 90 per cent & After aecond by Al Ogden, Pree· of the energy requirl'd to turn Toy-1lse model drtlliq · r1p, 0...-tu productnK Ill•. IJ'Ola 1920 I D • ldmt BradJe7 8clnran placed t.b• the whela of commerce and In· eJay detormaUon modela that ~ 19~ -l&ttll aftilable to ace 1n1• board Oil record u unanlmoualy dultry tn our State. &how In a few minutes llow roca -a total ot ~U.000,000 battti. ft recol'llllMDdinc Jmka to lb• wper· All Ule people of Ca.Utornla W•r• mad• over mlllsoa. ot ,..,... of oO !lave been ~ trom Proc.... WeeL ~ f1t ~ llChoola. bwtlt d1r~Uy trom th• •tabW· a complete model oil NftMry aad It. In liMW, ro..,., •.000.000 I ~ ll ty and dynamic activity of the 1nany other attncU0119 will be llllarret. of oil were produced from eratAli b7 the plnt~elaecl rac:en petroleum industry. Through Its •hown at the trM otl lllduiltr7 U. Blmu.,ton Beach field &Jone. A.rrenpmfllta ha.ft been com· often ·~ that cnllted at operatlon•. mllliona of doUarw In uhlblt at 23rd and Oceaa in 1AJ10E PEllCl:NTAO& pleted for the atagtnr ot race. the ta.med In.d!ana.poll• ~y new and Increased revenues art- Huntmfton Bea.ch. fl'Om 1 • 10 "'Or au '&W'Md Y'&hlaUon la by a STOUP of quarter ~et 17 llUICll ia.rs-• ....._ ca.ra. channel~ directly Into our •late p. m. today tbrourh Sunday. ~ County. oil propertlee raclnJf can at the forthcmnlftg llucta publicity on such can tttawry, provtdlng tor vitally lm- The affair wtU be preMDted to MlCIOQDt tor 11 per cent. PhraMd OU lnduatry. Open Hou.e, whlch bu apJ>8ftd in rettnt national portant public servicu end ra- the public by the oil tDd1Mtr7 aaotller way, without oil In thle WIU be held In Huntlncton Beach magazlna. clUtlt-s which 01herw1~ would of Ca.Utornla. In obeerftnee ol county, each 0( ua would bave to today throuKh Oct. HI. The ca.rs The cara wUI be on dusplay at havl' to be malnuuned lhro11i.:h Oil Prosresa Week Wblch atarted paf', tor tbt aame a.mount ot lo-wiJJ a~r UJ1der the SAJlclion or the scene of tht-Opt'n Rouae. substa11t1ally h1ghl'r taxes on ln· ye&terday. Some 20.000 9Q· tt. ot cal iovenunent. .o~thing like the Quartf'r Mldgtt Racing Assn. 23rd and OcMn In HunlJnrtoo dlvirtual taxpsyel'I! and other 11c>g· n oor space will be occup(td by Jt per cent more than we pay of Upland. Beach from today throu(h Oct. menta of our l'ronomy. Jn add•· the modde, ellthlblt. and ~ now The unique quart.er nU.dset 11. On Saturday. OcL 15 and 8UJ1· Uon. thouaamls of Ca.hfornlan.'I which wnt Include. amonr others. · ca.re are powered by f cycle, 7~ day, Oct. 11. races will be held derive gainful employment elth· a cutaway worklnr model of a "Another point of lnlereet Ii cubic lnch englntt, and a.re dri•· In tlle aftenaoon. Admi9aon to er dlreclly or Indirectly from oil Jet enflne. provided by th• U. 8. oU production In the County, en by boy1 from 4 to lJ yean Ule race. u weU u to the many I and tta by-product.. thu.11 mater. Air Force. cutaway modet. ol W!lJc:h a t preaent LI approximat· old. They have proVfl'l 'atremdy other ahlblta at Ute Open Houee. rally stimulatuig the l'(;onomlc down • hole pumpe, evolut1oe of lDS tMI per cent of lhe ala.le'• sate -slthou~h excitement ~-11 trtt. w!'IJ·belng of all Californians. oil tran-iiortallon, a11d m&ll)' total oil producUon. A.Ji ot 19:M. other altnctlon1. at the end of the year, there Gifts rant;tnr up to $100 ln w'" 12.011 provtn ac:~• of oil value will be (lftn awa1. and land la the county. addltlonal p:Uet 1n th• torm of '-rhua It la dear that oil h1 oil, tlrea. batten.. and, oUMr a major lnduatry In U\ia area. In mercha.ndlae alao will be ottered. fa.ct. tbe major induatry. and It An oulllta11dln&' feawre wtJl be attecta a.lJ of our Uvu In one> a demon11tretlon ot nabUns an way or another," Bu.rke conclud· oil fire. according to Bob BvTke. ed. ''Yet many of ua know almost Newport Beach realdent of Souttl· nothing about the mt-thod.11 and wt-11t. Oran&'e County Cout chair· mea.JU ot obtalnin&' and p rocua- man or the 011 JnformatJon Com· lDS Uale gTta.t ruo'Grce. The ln· mlttee and one or the direct.on of duatry mow a.l thi Soulbwal Ex· the ewnt. ploraUoa Company headquartera. EVE&Y'l1DNO FUE ju.et oU Highway 101 on lhe weat "~erythl11g will be tr .. to tbe atde of HunUngton Beach. wm public," Burke .. 1d. "and WU pro.Sde an inlereating and entt-r• have pll'tlty or parking 9P&C' la.in1ns way In which to find available. It 11 our hope, and ll'l&t out 9'.0methlng about this aU-lm- of lht-oil company exhlbltoni. l porta.nt lnduatry." know. that the_ people ot tlt11 11rta will take adnnt.ac-of thle opportunity to see tht• apectacu. Jar 11how. th!' rl1'91 ever pf'Hented In Southt-m California.. Rldlsd Gives $500 Loa• F.d to occ A lllOO Joan fund baa been 11el "For """mplt-, wh.lplftoc:k drill· up tor acrtculture student. at Ina 111 rommonly talked about ln Or~• C.OUt College by o. w. Southt-m Callfomla, whn-e It baa (Dick) Richard ()( Rtchard·a U · been dtvelop4!tl to an art," Burke do Market. Htd. "How many k now what th• term meana ! At thla ahow. you A cJMc:k to e11tabllah the tund wtll tee an actua.J model demon· wu tuml!d onr to Elgla Hall, etraUnt; hoW It ta l'lone. In addt-OCC Youns Farmer advteor, thle Uon to lhtee unu.wal dt11Pla7' week. The mon•y wiU be made Jn motion and otherwlae, there a~ to atudenta 1n belpl11t; wtll be prl..., f;llta. no•etu" on Ulem nnance qrtculture 11roJect..1. every hutd. It ta an unusual op. ltodtnte 1n UI• acnculture portunlty tor the people h•"· procrani at Ora.nee Oout Col- and we of th• Induatry Commit· Jep .,.. •OCOUl'qed to .. tabllah lit! want enry one who poe.Sbly pr0Jtcta of their 0W11. tit.Mr ln can to come and eijoy tt.'' hortleulture. beet. ahM)>, poultry. Accordlnf to BUTtre, t-wtto crop and otller attu, In order IJ•• tn thl• a,.. tully rMl1M lb• uaat Utey may lam tannins by ntent to whtd1 Southern Call· actual tum m~eet. An op- fonaia olJ cont.rtbut .. to Ute C09t portunJ~ ill ai.o prondfd for of local ronmment. ~ta to make a profit on LOOAL nouaa thtlr en>Jecta while they U. MI u .. eom• ~ on lb• 1earn1n1• accordlnr to Rall. CllJ of Hunttncton Beac:h. tor tmtance." Bob Burke J>C!lnta out. --nt&t cJtya elllmated SIM • M tu.. Will total n .s17.23t. ,,,. .. Umat.d contribution of the oll lnd\Utry Ul•re to th• tu total Approldmat~y 500 •tu dent • &n Ul.at period ol Umt I.I Sl.· from the 6th. eth. 7Ut and Ith ITT.Ill, or 11 per etnt or all the rra• from RWlUqton 8"cll tu .. ._..ed In Hununrton Beecb. wtU att.d the ou lnduetry <>pen Teaff on oil property &<'count for Hou.. on Tutllday to -tbl oo ~r ~nt of ui. City'• tnUre many lnt~nl and tdllcaUoaa.I budpt for the )'WI". An ad· dWpl&ya to be Oii .,_ 'the,.., dtuoUJ 1J per ctnt ot the bud· ,.et.a ~re le aupplled ~ Uae ne Open Houae will be open oil lndu.etry In royaltlH and ll· to the publk. admt..lon t\"ff, cen.... trom today throurb Oct. 18 dur- SfwcM••• to s.. 01 Field Displays .. A.a to ..... people In w. mr th; houri of J to 10 p. m. area Will be aurpr1Md. I'm ,,....., Ample free p&rklne le prcmded to hMr t.Ml the Hunltllrton adjacet to the ahow'• location 11Mcb oUlleW u Ute ..,..nUI W.. at 23rd utd Ocean IA B1111Uftl't,On Ifft -ta the U1dt.d a.t .. todoa,p .... cb. -•. I RICHARD AIDS OCC PROJECTS AgricultW"e •tudent.B from Orange Cout College received $500 from 0. W. (Dick) Richard to be uaed u a Joan fund for student projects. Shown in front ot Richard's Lido Market are Leonard Mang. Anaheim, preaident of tbe OCC po1:'J1trymena As· aociation: Elgin Ball, OCC instructor: BiU Kale, Sanl.t Ana. tWJCretary of the group: Rkhard: and Tom Pate, Santa Ana. vice-president of the ueociatloo. -Photo by Al Baker · The '~vtl~mtnt a.nd proper utilization of Csllrorn1s 's vast petroleum ru1ourru are vitally unportant to l h e continuing atrength and security of our na- tion. To call attention to the manifold contributions o f the ~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~;: mt-n and women enragrd in t he varloue phases or the oil lnduiilry ~========~:::=:: lo our way of lift', the period of October 9·11'> lh111 year is belnf observed u "Oil Progrt-l!il Week" throughout the n1tl1on I hope that my fellow Califomio.na will extend appropriate recognition to llA'l"l'aESSES Boata -Homes -Trallen lrftplar Sbapee LDenJ a..LIOI 008TA llESA llA'l"J'UM 00. 11~ Newpon Blvd. e Wanted! li\tif'9' •" butl1tH1 prop. trtyl Wt h .. t <llelli1 tor dulr1bf1 h&l"'" I com· "'•rclel t»to,.rtiH -de .. ""'"d It 9r••t•r tt\19' •'Hf l>elore. C.11 w -f••• <o•••lftilo• ••• •PPUIMI of your propet1y (If d•· 1lr•d) 'We hln • tH#o/ ........... _.. lllltl-. o.a ...... 1 .. All Accounts OpeneCI On or Before The I 0th of the Montt\ E.,n From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL' SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !U Oaeaa Avenue no-: HY 6-1117 LAGUNA BEACH Your children visit a new world each week Each 'I'huraday, teacher turna a knob and the clan entera a new world-a world many are viiliting for the fiut time via the Standard School Broadcast. Since 1928. thia program haa introduced man's musical hertiage to Western chil- drrm. Now playing for it.a second genera- tion . the Standard School BroadcHt is probably the biggeat "clusroom" in history. It ha.a an audience of nearly J ,500,000 li11ten- er11 throughqut. the Weet, Alasks and Hawaij ... student@ in 54.000 claserooma snd adult listeners at. home. They bear• 1ympbony or chestra, a dra- matic caat, choral JTOUPf' and gu~t art i8ta. Standard provides Teacher's Manuals u program liatening guidee. Goal of the School Broadcast. ia Lo help list.en. ers gain an absorbing new interest. in music, and-through mwiic-a broader knowledge and understanding of the world around £hem. We suggeat. that you li11ten in a t. home to enjoy the world'11 beat. mu11ic a net to 1tain one more link with your children11' intc-rP!lts. TUNE IN ever y Thur11d11y ... check your newapapere for time and st.ation. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA pl•n• •lt••d to ••n• Y•• belter I I I I \ PAM 6 • PAIT I -NEWPOIT HAUOA NEWS-PltESS MONDAY, OCTOIEl .10. 1911 . \ \ OCTOBER 10th-16th 1 ·1010 P.M. \ * DO YOU KNOW HOW • ,,, -,, ,,, . • t I THE OIL INDUSTRY WILL TELL THE STORY! . MODELS . DEMONSTRATIONS EXHIBITS FROM · ALL PHASES OF THE OIL BUSINESS • FOLLOW THE SIGNS FROM 23rd & OCEAN BL VD~ HUNTINGTON BEACH. This Ad Courtesy ol Southwest Exploration ~ · .. · · .. -:% ~ . . Company ~ . HUtmNGTON aACH, CALIF. • . . ' ·' , • BEAUTIFUL TRY BUT HE MISSED Here's first play of the OCC ball game, after opening kickoff. In th~ Pirate wui over Chaffey 14-7, fans were treated to this spectacular diving try by end Terry Livingston of the local club. It looks here aa though the paaa wu good but seconds later t he oval trickled off the fingertips u an incomplete pua. TIM other Pirate coming up ia JiJn Hurd and lll the llpt uniform attempting to bat the ball down t. No. 11, Ronnie Schwandt of the Panthers. -8tatf Photo by Bill Phillipa NEWPORTS 'OIL PROGRESS' NOTED · WITH 230 BIL WILL IKE IMPROVING, MAY RUN IN '56: PYLE Guilt GOP ~ Sp1•• to Crewel of IOO .t Gcll1rlR1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&E 7 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Dew,_ I p.a. ......... N.w 1''* M-0.U.•t ' ,,...,. ... _, .. c. ~ (0... 11r _,.~AU. '9 lHI i-. MW Jrtftte ~WW. la 0..) lu\a Aa&. IO ln"lalr1ala ........ •H.11 ott 10.11 IO ll&lle ................ UT.to off 1.10 11-. ti••• No ()nap OOUtJ la the OOWltry lllor9ul Tl ,... 00T 0. ~1 a.,u....--,...._. • ..w ..., eet wllle ruwa. ....i~ '"""' LUn'A ANA. . 1 (.,.,..... > 11 WllU. •.. _,, ......... es.oo ott o.tt a t u.. wnaao ruc1a ,_....., m peroeat. -L•••••s ••1 toMtnaeU.,. o.. ,_,., \l'Olwne l,'80,000 " an..... ...,. •~ PJte. "hr the nm uae ta ,..... C:-... ta ..,.. ~W.. U.. M0,000 Of\ J'r1a.)o. ,_.... ao••w el Art.a& ... ~ le a let UJ la .-tN&a • mullet t0M WU .._., ....... llt.all ol America ............ •t"-4''4 now adaSl!utftU\1'9 ...utaat • -.... •• mM u• fer Ult ftnt tul1 t ......... Wl\U. toretp .._ llecJunu lutrumena ........ _ ... .Jl\6 ............. ~. \ell U.-U.. ta ,_... UM ,..,..._ .. t la ..-,_ .. w _, ,.ma,. ct-.,. Oaltfonll& Bank .................. M_.T\6 u..,, taet u.. tipt et tWr u.,.. trytal' to .. t wt et .-,.uuon u.. toq .-nod et o.....,.,. ... ... . ......... ·-··· 1\64'4 It a ... Mle&a .._..i.tf&U• le with ,rtftt• •ter?n.t." P71• ,_ta•t ... Rall loott MoloN ........... 0\6_.. le M Ntlar9M to UM WNt.e Mcl&red. u.. U.t u.. Prellldellt will M lnLtNlat• Enrtneerlns .. 10~·11'4 Rouee MSt .~ .., that U.., Wtndtas up hll ...,._ wtUl a ~~ are tacton cantrUt· Market Bullet Com ..... I0'4·11'4 'will !&aft to de Ula 111&~ orau· ,_ hard tacu • what Ma 1'.,.. •uaa'.....,. peert.alnl)', -feel M&)'falr Marketa .................... 1"·10 tuUIMI worll of to\&ftdlar ,..., .. •uat de If tit• ~ It to tUt U.. t phue i. part ot M:lnute Ma.Id _ ......... -... H ·lt\6 ••t.e ud rlactaa' .....-Ua to *'ta ,..,... .,s.....,... u.., ......_ 9ec. n r.t Nat ·1 Bank ........ -..S\6 wtft U.. elecUeL lll\Yt M ..._W t.e ...... 4Mll a --..l \e9UBS ,.n od. ftrilty Dl"l.ll' . . ........... _ .. , ·10" "Wt~ u., ,..., ot u.. 1a-.r __. 1m,......., ,..,a. "'"" the asuao aa.owa TNMw••t , .................... ~ ... , .. .. ....... eur .,,...... lil&ft a truth of wltat "61 Illa,,_.. ud Van ~P Bea rood ... _ .. _ Mti WV elMet ., ••.ooo.oeo, wtlU. wtlat wtU -...... lt -u.. Demeo ~ • decllat ., &ppt'Olll· u .•. Nal'I. Bank. •. D. -~ 1141 ....... ~ t. ....._ ... ooo.ooe ont. .. t tato otnot ~· · ~ .. on the Dow Joue .... Wlurd Bo&t ..... H··-· .. --••.a ... .. hr 1'&.,. aet Malll &Me "'!'My .,.. ...., t. kll UM ...,. nrtns UM ftnt hour, M1llnc t. ..._.,... It. ,..,i. er We .._trJ tu\Utk ._,.. Illy cll7 up. althoup aulll- "t Illa" ... ._ riqtq ...... ~"'fl·" II& Itta~ '"ftt la .. artt1 ...,aut lmprovemeat hu IMea WJ9 UMI ........ .,...,.. • U.. et Wit eouatry &I .... t. M to 11111'1.., t.o tNeUou. The lharp- ttrtett to a."'91 • Ul• U.. l\lt\td It wtJl M ladeeertlll&lll'9. •-el the '9cUae may IC&i.a be D o...U. ~ ud Ulw Wt a\let .. '9 U.. .,. .. ,. wtUl attltlllut.ed to a de&rth ot bide, -,... i"tU., U0 & ., ,_ U.. tru~ ,_ ft&t W9 ~ ratMr tMn YOIWIM ll1llfta' u both U.. ........ la 1'1ad&m•t&1." IMUtuUon&l and tndlq aeeou.nte • Nlft ..... -...Pt lM ,..., ,,.. suettas ... °'*'94 1111 ..... \.inporvllJ taktn lo \he ... Ult ln&telt ~'1 ta a.wt I ......... l'q\llllU.U 114.U. .... ~~,:t i:: a:-!:..'-: eeuat1 --.... _... tatroftoed n. tact tw lft&n1 lle1 ....... ftieJ wut a _ .... ta lftlM ..,. • .... ., ......, ..,..Mteau Ila,.. ..._ UuwP P'"'°"' ,.. -" ..-an ..._... u.. ,an, ~ i.w. 1aaa Mm a twtMr :=,4!!' U., ll&ft .._,a.t. ... ..u... ta• t '9•f•1 • ....,.. MUM el ~ ooaoem. Aa J'8t. All Ulf'WP IUt *" ...,_ All•u..._ .......... ,... et Ult U-. uw no lnd,&c&titn• of a turn. JIJSe ......., Ult U.... et u.. ... ..u.a ....au.ee: Ku DllOI' GIDfDAL ................. , ...... ._. .. ~ ., ......... , ... lllU. ................. ; ........ A--s ae.td&l&l '--In~ ~ =~ ~~ ...,_, ........ el Ute Teuai &q Malt ...... 1111,,ort ue lchw- '9 .-at Die ....W Mt M a -..ilallt... laJ, (>ewn ~. Palleo p,.. ou414&te ... \ ~ .., .....,... ..,._ ..... a.tMueM O-• daole lac., a-.1 Ttre ud Jllut.- u.at taJJ u.t ..... ..-.... po-u J .... a. UU. wt1e iaM Mt, Twa , OUW Ptoduetq, Mi. tlil&t. Ja Ult .... u... 1't teW fie wu 1-' -. ,.._ ,..., ..rt K.aNu aad Ttaa J'#t., ,._. ~ an. a. \A ........ Alulla, wMa M wu ~•1ft1U1 T1h .... 01111f1&k .. la l.bert a. no Ouct u-at VI~ uked about Loe ~ -oe. Oblo Jlll., 'Mew Tortt Central and ..._._t xaa. wW taJet ..._IM thta ... torn .... lhtlt· QltDll Kutia, Uae aatter ...n.et1n1 ~---~ f u.. omce., Pttlldeet. u be de-tl, wM ta~uced Pyk ametal OOQllllenle nprdtns anu· ~1'!:1f'5 eland Pr•ldml ~r i. .. u tor Kuchtl decl&red that clear· powtrtd, wate.r • baaed air-_ ~ perteet.ly capablt ot buuWnr th• with tha adftllt ot U.. l:t.Mnhow· cntt by the &.l.rtonie. 1'•1 th.at ••••--•--_ _... work at thla Ume and hit lnl· er admtnf.atraUon Ult co.mtry h&I when th• muilt t at&blliw th--·-=~A·--1 pro,,.ment ,. ettady. bad a new kind, the rtpt kind wW enjoy a better than av•~• alllo ''CANNIBAL ArrAC& .. Rough Roaders .Seek More Needy Navajo Food Donors PyS. at.led that tt te a oo.&O ot So•ernment a~ Wub.ln.Wn :co;"~·ry~.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So far u "Oil .Pro .... •• Wttk" ta concemed, \he "bla.c:k po.tblUty rlfht now that Ike which haa made lte mark all o•• •· Will be a candidate In ltM. tr the world and that men from gold" of lbe Udel&.l\de baa biou,.bt real pf'OIT'tl89 t.o Newport Ctttns effort.a of tht admlnl· all ranka and trom all pan. of Coela Mua Roup Road•• to-and a lar~e 11lakulde trucit could Beach with a .t(ll&l of beUer thtnp to comt. Mooterey'a N --itratlon lo bMd oft 90dali.m In Ult country art dtdlcat.ed to keep day l•ued a new plea few food be uHd. port No. 10 In lht city ltue arn la conUnUinf to produce at th• United ltata Pyle decl&rtd that rowmment ln power. donaUon1 to lh' needy Nnajo1 "W• especi&lly nted canned the mte In u cu 1 of 230 barrela per day. th.at conrrue la Ju.t befinnlaJ 'ntt ~ ~1 Pyle foUowtd a of Arizona. A •econd trip to Ult food -milk. potatoes. 11 o up, Accordtn&' to 11:. E. Pyle, vlc .. pruldenl of Monterey OU lo rtftrM the trend toward bul' dlMtr at wtlkb, tleeaue ef the Indian ruervatlon In the nt.l&'h· coffee u nd 110llda ltkt bea.n11. Do· Co., the No. l O wt.II blda to be tlle beat ln tlle field to date. taucruy. "We were alarmed to cold, men wtUt alMmlnf plt.chen portnr 1tale 11 planned for No•. t . nation• of flour 1houh1 be made tlnd how d.--11 ... ~ ..... _.,,. of cott.. -n ---pld.v. Produced from the tldelanda for Ult city ot Newport --r .._ .,...,__ .... -· r-Pollce Officer James Stoter, but not until late October or ear· _,. •trenched at W•• .. ••-An Pyle Aid ~l oat other time Beach 11 mo!'9 Ulan 1000 barnla per day of oil. _... ..... the Richard . Beeson Company ......._,. D•ltl •cl COftltnctlon 00.0NA DEL KA& PBOKll RA•BO& 111 member ot the Rough J\~dera, ly November ti.fore we leave llO and tht powtt th'7 -re ablt to W1Mft be bad been at Newport reported. "We are gelUflJ a lot It wtll arrive fruh." mu.ter Wlten any one of the Bel.eh ,_ UM 8e1 loQut JUth I ALJZ MORTUARIES of clolhlnr. however we i&Yt ,... .A.S.O needed I.a bar 80&p , blan· DEA TH NOTICE clamaUon to th.at tttect. man1 brancbta wu attaclced," he borM, It Md ~ cold. Ht aa1d A celved only two boxe1 of ~ 11.U, thr9ada, aeedl-. material• WlWam Dunn. pleinnlnr oftSo. deol&nd. tw would keep Illa talk e ort. tor COBTA KS&A CllAPEL CRAPJ:L BY THll SEA tor lb.-people, many of wttona and Jltavy winter ctoth.l.nr. Cull er, wu nuned ....utant d1nctol' TMa 11a4 OOIM Uclut la-94. tM bad_,... trom )1-prnM• 1TU ....... A•-lllO &. Coul m...d. .,.. etarvtnr." douUon.e for .... Of' UM of credit 1AKE8 llANMINO of ch1llan def--aad bLetruetecl lll.lallltratia t.bat bad ...... more tau.er tllat ..., JOU caa't ..... ca.&& ...... Cam. Oaroaa da1 Kar, Cellf, Slottr wu a member ot Ute oud9 I.I ftMdM and ahould bt runeral Mn1CM tor Jame• to ro to a mMtmr ln l&cn.m•· m1lUonaUw tllaa at any Um• ta ·-la 90 lftlautte let ·-l'O to ~ ~ "4111 ,..._. llu'tlOr f.I ft~~~ R<Ml~~to~~ed~to~~in~~n ora~M~~~·~~l~~t Ulo~Oc~L~1S~·~14~.-----~~h~~~to~~~·~Py~te~at.e~~~-~~~m~~~~b~t~U~~----------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~===~ Navajo ruervallon wb .. a IC'O\lt or by mall at TOT Ctnter St.. 20th St., Co.ta Mua. wtl1 be held - went to ucertaln actualilJ of CMt& MML All ot.ller ltml• can tomorrow at 2 p. m. tn ~ the redmen'a condlUon. be 4-ll••rtd at th.at addrtM or to Ridley Mortuary Olapel' wtth tlle 8lot•r A id one lruek tor Ult Fella Braddl at 1t00 Newport Rev. Jamea 8. Stewart, put« November trip had betn llned up BIWI .. 81ottr eald. of St. Andrew'• Pre1b,Urlan Spa1ldings ~ue lealton, Mang for Damages Mr. and Mn . R. E. Spauldlnr and eon11, no knoW7\ pruent ad· drea1, a re 11uelng Michael J enco and Jim Howard. dolnr bU1lnt11 u the N13C ftealty, and Betht.I Manr. for damacH u rMult of tllelr occupancy of ttle Manie' prope rty at 123 Via "Zurich, Udo lite. The Sptuldlnr• claim, accord· lnr to . tht pt.ptl"I filed In JU. lice court. that lh•Y rented lht Church offlclatlng. Muir property Aus . 1, ~ytn1 Mannlns wu ktlled early Bat· IMO for two -. .. k1 and IH for urday morning on Harbor BIYd .. a clt&lllnJ depolit. when hi.I parked car wu i t.ruck When they mo•ed In lbay by another car. 11e wu a naUvt found "fieu and other vermin of Sayre. Okla. and had lived In tn!Hted aatd premllU and aatd the Harbor area •Ince 1931. Ht n... and o\!ler vt rmln attacktd -• Mlf~mployed In hou• eltan· aatd plalntltfi, and each of them, Ins and maintenance work. Sur-- and bit them; caU1ins l&ld plain· vl•or1 are hi• wife. Mr1. Arlette tiff• and each of them rraat D. Mannine : a year old 10n, Da· p&ln, dl1COmtort all to tht plain· Yid R. and a nv. year old IN>n. Wf1' dama1• in the ium of 1200." Jamu Jr.; hia mother, Mn. A. M. Andrews, 3210 Clay St .. eo.ta The plainUftl mond out at Mesa: two brother•. Roy Mann· Ult t nd of the flrtt wetk and Ing of Art.on& and Ray of Tatt; bellde• dama&'H are u kln&' their thrff al1ten, Mn . Ada Mr.;-sllall rent monty back and coall ot ot Tuaa; Mr1. Anna Cllnli, ,'iorth Uie w it. Hollywood and Mr1. J eaale Wolfe OCC Bookstore Featured In Mag of Taft. Interment wlll be In Harbor Real Mtmor1al Park Cemetery. MR.I. avao: LEMON T 00 Lafe IO Be The P i rat• Book•tore a t Or· anp Cout Colles' wu featured Claulfled In tht fall luue of The Collfge ------------ltore, naUon•I tradt magulne. Funeral ""1c• for Mn. Su.le C. Lemon, 12, ot 200ll Sant& Ana Ave .. eo.t& 11 .. w111 be htld Wedn..-y at 11 L m. In Baits Coeta Mua Cha.pet With the ~v. P. o. NtUmfZUl. put.or of Flral llaptlft Olurell ot eo.t& M-. of which aht wu a member, otncla· UJI&". Mn. Ltmon died llalurday at hu hom• after an altnded W· n-. lht wu bom In Canada and had lived here for etpt Je&n. wu a member of th• ~tern atar ln <>reaon. ah• la eumncl tit h•r bu.band, WUll&m o. ol. the homa; two dau.rhttl"I, Mra. .,.,wa Dun· lap, and Mn. Donna amtlh of Colt& M .. : two 11C'811, WIW&m of eo.ta M--.. Jack ol. Portland, Ore., and a brother, Jolul Colldon of Canada; a1.eo n •• l'f'andehtldrtn and one mat -l'f'andc:Jilld. e re· mation wW be at W..t.mS!u'Ur Me· morlal Partl. LOST ln Balboa. heavy bamboo cant with curvtd ha.ndlt. Re· ward. Har. 287ti·W. 18cll I DEER RIFLml It 3 ahot gun1. CaJJ Llberty 1·3381 18cl8 The college book1tort la owned by the 1tudent body and man••· ed by Mn. Virginia Creely. It eerves the 1284 etudenta enrolltd In day 11chool u wtll ~ SOOO adull.9 who t&l<e cla1111es In th• t ventnr. Built In 19M u • part of tht l!tudent Center, the 1tore baa a 1elllng area of 30 x 2• feet and a nexlble counter arran&'ement. The store handle. tradt booka, SO-B-A,epllaDces Including paptrbacka, rtmalndera. ___ ..JW.__ _______ reftrtnct booka, 1tudtnt aJda, and WESTINOHOUSJI: elec. wuher A outline sertu . Other Items in the drier, nearly new. Har. 2320·W 1tort art notepaper, ~etlnr or LI 8·1181 18c18 carda, colleft pottery and .weat· era. 1'0ft 8.A..LZ lNO Model A. Makt off•. Har. ntf.J, lfcll New Catch-all Ordinance Okay on Flnt ReacllnCJ MU. MA.&TBA KOREN Funer&J rite. for Mn. Martha i-Koren, It, of H 6 Dopood St.. C:O.la II--. wtll be beld In Detroit., Mich.. with ll&Jts Mortu· &TJ, Coel& ..._ Chapel. aa for- wafodl.q mortJdana. Ml"I. Koren BA.LBOA-J'um. I bed.rm. apt. .. mo. ,.arty. incl. uuuu ... Ml mo. wtnttr. Rat 1000 18cll An emerp ncy ord~ance pt.NI· dltd Sunday at har homa. Slit ll ed by the Coata Mu a City Coun· aumvtd bJ tier huaband, Johll. ot Attention bachelors, ell la.at Monday n11ht conr11 all t.h• homt; OIM .cm. RoaaN Koren, moral dtpredatlon1 from protui· 10 and • lltpeon. Joba 1torm of gals. COUple ! tty lo pronltutlon. lncludlnr ft· lh• U. 8. Na., tn QQara; IMr · rrancy. 'nte nnr 1tatute SOM In• mother, Kn. z.d& K&tll9 el De- P'um apt. Newport Beach. 1 bed· to con1tderablt detail to d.-crlbe t.rolt. l'OOlft. ,..,...., uUUU•. ntar the •arlo111 oft~H• and prucrlb· -----~-----­b&J 6 be&Ch tao yeart1. Call td a penalty for their vtolaUoa. LI a.1t0t HUc An ord1.nance which came up 418 Ba TIT for a.t ta1 NO. UWltte1 p&jd. 1 bedrm. f\lmlahed houae to adult.a. til3 Bet"onla. Corona dtl Mar. Ph. Har. IM1·R ana. l8cl8 tor ttrtt n&dlnr wu adopUn1 UI• ltlia unltonn bulldlnr cod• for Colll& Mt• buUdll'l1 rerul&· tton. Kar1De Capt. aa4 l(n. Monta Clark Ow9D8 ot eo.t& .... .,.. pannte ot • boy lllabJ Mn Oct. 4 at t.ht United lt&tae Jfaftl Hoepltal In Corona. M.O.WW. Women Meet IOll P'lnt ladlH night meeting of Fire Prevent Military Order o! the World Week I M Wars wlll be held at Newport ' n ... Coat& )(-decldtd tie .. alonr on N•Uonal nre ~ tlon WHk Mond•J nlpt W"'9 the city council uked Mayor A very important inan As the General Petroleum distributor in Newport Harbor one of the most important men in the complex · organization required to make our Mo· bilgas, Mobiloil and other Mobil product8 available anywhere all of the time. R. L. Callis, is in business for himself. hia principal custo- mere are the Eleven Mobilgas dealers in NewpQrt Harbor who also are in business for themselves. 8011 CAU.18 To prosper in this highly competitive oil busi- ness, R. L. Callis and the Mobilgas_ dealers have to sell fine products with fast and friendly service. Just as we take pride in our Mobil products, we also take pride in the manner in which they are sold to you. Many of these independent members of the Mobil family are active in community affairs. They know that much of the growth and devel· opment of Newport Harbor depends on them as local businessmen and citizens just as we know that much of the progress of our company: and our industry depends upon them as oil men. During this nationally observed Oil Progress Week, we would like here to pay our compli· menta to Mr. Callis and the Mobilgas dealers for the fine job they are doing for the people of Newport Harbor and for ue. GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION (A Flyi,,, letl Hon• Company) • OIL PROGRESS WEEK -OCTOBER 9-15 1'01\ IA.LI: BY OWN~ bed· room home, 1 '4 bathe. land· ecaped It fenced. P'HA loan. Freedom tlome 11rea. Call Liberty 8·82al mom1n1s or alter 6 p. m. l8ttc Harbor Yacht Club Oct. 13 at.art· Ins with d inner al 7:30 p. m .. accordln1 to M. R. VerBurs. ad· Jutant. Ch aplain Zledmark w1U show plrt11res and lell of hla re· cenl world lour. Claire Ne&aoa to pr11p&re a pro-~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.. .,. ': :v--. • . -. ~· - t>tCT(ffiEO ABOVE is the lease site in West Newport Beach from wl.ich Monterey Oil Compa ny is produci ng for the City of Newport Beach more than a thouaand barrela of oil per day. Behind the landscaping are producing wellJI with Number 11 now being drilled. OIL SERVES YOU twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a year! On the road and in the sky, oil powera the the motors that turn yesterday's hours Into today's minutes. Farms are more productive, farm life easier, beca;ise of -oil-pow- ~red mechanized equipment. Homes are heated fficiently and economically with fuel oil. Ma- chines that depend upon oil for all of their lub- rication and almost two-thirds of their fuel, now do 96 % of the work in thia country. Indeed, America"s steady forward march to a still better standard of living for all can be measured in terms of OIL PROGRESS! Almost two million Americans, employed in thousands of competitive, individual enterprises, help the· petroleum industry play its vital -role in our way of life . . • and bring YOU con- stantly improved products at the Jowest possible cost. MONTEREY OIL COMPANY LHse Operaton for the City of N.wport leach Offices I• Statler Center hlfdillCJ, Los Aftteles , ' PAGE 8 -PART I--. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19~5 t ' I LIDO sHoPs HARIOR \)O~ IUT IT TOOK llG IOYS TO DO ITI CHARLIE BERRY LEADS .SAILORS TO 28·6 ROMP OVER FULLERTON CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY Fd acroH and converted. maklna It 14-t /Or N-i>e>rt. ~CIB-Boaebold Pana -Dealer -BerYtoe LIDO Q..r.cruO BILL PJfTI .I .JPS, Spon. Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, OCTOBER I 0, 1955 Barbor Boyl' Club sixth rncte flq footballers opened U.etr IJltnmural p!Jaklia ssa· .on at P lnte Stadium u preliminary to the 8a11or-ln· dl&n PNJ> club. Tbey lost 81·11, but It took 1'ullorton Boys' C1'41L _,,....°' ,.,..de,.. to do it · The l o c • l mldpt (l'tc1 touchdown• cams on 1dckott retum1. one ; by Ronnie Nu· ient on a •o:yard rallop and the oth•r by Mike Patrick on a 80 yaril scamper. Schulff..Lorentzen Pass Combo Overhauls Norton.Pe11ni11Cjton By BIU. PHILLIPS Gfl'ITY llt'DDY Once agsJn fUtlY little •Pffd· 1ter Tbomp110n aavsd a TD. An Jndltn forward-lateral culle WH unlea.Md that completely batned Ute Sailor defe.nte. Penn1nrton broke Into tlle d ear with only Thomf)IOn ~twe.en him and the coal. Buddy dumped him stter an 11 ysn:I plner. M14 Via LHo -......., ,,.., .&V'l'OllOBJLE DEAi ·ER8 N-and UMd C4rw MOU&~ .JiTUDw;BA •sa a.a.Senrtee~ MH Newport lllYd. -Bar. 610 MIGHTY MIKE HAAS SPARKS PIRATE WIN KID GRIDS Harbor Boys Club in Flag Football Win Hampered by a ahin splint and a hip point, Fullback Charlie Berry did exactly what he aa.id he would d o during spring football practice-;-lead Newport Harbor'• High School Sail9rs lo their first gridiron victory in eight yeara over Fullerton. BANKS llMJ&•f....-NT&SA "" Via Udo -~ 1616 Slamm!11w tor 79 crunching yardl, sco1~ng lwoJ TDs and boot~ inc three conversion polnt1. Ber· ry paced the Tara lo a come· from-behind 28·6 triumph ov,•r the lndlan J!rut In P irate Stadium Friday night. Hopkins Ht up the next Tar out on tht Tar 37, marken by recovennr a fumbl~ F'ulll>al'k Pt-wey Lsndry end on that1'uUerton 40 In the ftns.l Hal.fbacks Ron Fu j In o and canto. Hopkin•, Bchultt and Ber- Ceorgp Smith ripped and tore ry slaahed oft a tir"lt down. The through the line. tor two tiut Ind.la.na •rotN t,o the threat and downs. moving the Pi&akln to the iuddenly the Sallor'I fa(:ed a four• Tar 8. Fl'Om hers wtiat lbe Seil· th and fou.r sltuattDn. BABBD8BOP8 UDO 8llA VINO llt10 .. --.O'a 8tor. fw ... MllVlaLHo-~Ull lucs Down Chaffey 14-7 on 71 Y sd, J Play Touchdown Drive In pacing the Gobi In the a-ame Coach .-.1 Jrwln and h .. coaching 1tatt tabbed u the "game we mo•t want to win," Berry may have exceeded t he feat ot another gnat Sailor full· back. Eight years ago Charll11'1 brother Bob Berry 1cored the lone touchdown when lhe local lads defeated Fullerton 7·0. or• had t eare.d came to paas. Nor-Schultt calJnly aped a bullet ton pitched to Pennlnaton who st Lorentsen for s. nl'9t on the was all by hlmselt In the end Ti·tbe ll. Two BerT}' battering• zone. Norton ml1sed the conver-sccounted for nine yam and slon altt>mpt. Hopkin. addscl three for a tlret. BEAUTY PABI.088 UDO SALON 01' BEAUT\' MU Npt. lllYd. -Bar. 16'1e BOOK.8 llOOk OA8E Ml• Via LHo -Barbor t44M CAllEBAS a Sapph VINomrr LIDO oauos ..... Via ...... -llarbor aooa CABPE'1'8 II DBAPDIE8 DIOll 11.ACllEB IOt Via r He ......_ &Ill CA.TEBING &lOllA&D'8 LIDO MAJUlET Mal Via LHo -Harbor UU Mighty Mike Haas, all-Eastern Conference fullback, got off the bench and the injury list in the secona half Saturday afternoon to score the winning points for Orange Cout College's gridiron Pirates, 14-7, against Chaffey's Panthers in Pirate Stadium. There were 2000 witneasea on hand. Hua galloped 49 yarda oft tackle with Tony Beet. furnish- ing the block that broke him loote for the 11econd Bue tally ln the lhird quarter. Then Haas booted the conversion between the crossbar. That wu the ball game. opportunity to pick ott a Oulllen heave but It went rlfht lhrourh bl• hands on the 2. That proved fatal. Guillen mads a first on the II on a keeper end Halfback Ronnie Schwant moved It to the 2. Harbor Boy1 Club seventh s.nd el&Mh gnde flag football teame earned ptpkln victories o v e r Huntington Beach Boys' Club In eight-man (l'ldlron play Saturdey. The Harbor area eighth (Tsdera won 60-6 and the eeventh 1CTader11 emerged triumphant In a cloae 21-2~ tUJ1Sle. TAMURA OUT And Friday ntrht'a Sun1et Lea· gue opening win becomee even more eenutlonai In that Newport captljred It without the service• ot eparlcllng Dave Tamura. Hob- bled by a knee Injury during practice drill•, \Jle bobbing cork breakaway ha.lfback was kept on the bench thJ"ougb the tray. Determined to make up for C&atro sped on en ender to t he their lapae. the Ballon lmmeOI-2. Berry lu.ped aero.a a piled up ately launched a 66 yard much line, the ball bounctng from hi• which covered 69 ~arda by the han<U. overhead route. Berry crashed for Officials ruled Berry had con- seven, then SchuJtt ahowed Nor-trol of the pig-akin long enough '°n how lt wu dons with a 69 tor tbs touchdown to count. The yard p&N-Mln P'-Y to Vsndervort conversion ms.de the 1core 21..f who wu draned dOWll on , the wtth nve minutes remalnllll' In Fullerton •. the tUJ1Sle. FLIP TO PAUL But tbs Qob1, at Jonr lut CloW.g~ II Waat. It wound up on a mild note of travesty with the officials msrchlng oft three 11ucceaalve 15 yards penalties agalnat Cha.ffey when the Panthrr coach contln· ued arguing about a fourth down play which gave the Buce the ball In the final eeconda of play. Fvllback Lout. Hoyo1 t<:ored and Halfback ltd Murphy convert· ed t.o hand Chaffey a 7-0 with 48 seconds ~mining ln the nut period. For the e.l&hth &T&de 1 o ca I aquad, Pete Featherston started the scoring on an end run. Jerry Hehn then began to run wUd. The hu.wtltnr little quarterback Intercept~ a rival aerial for a acore, hung up two more mark· er. on ·end 111n1 and tossed a TD pua to Teddy Haddock. While Berry wu doing major- ity of the damage up the mtddle with hie 15 punlllhing short runs for an averagt 1lam of 6.2 yarda, he received deceptive offen1lve support rrom the 1uddenly aharp pa 1 1 I n g arm of Quarterback George Schullt and the c lue fin· gered grabe ot End PsuJ Lorent· zen. Berry and Cutro smuhed In· strutunr thelr atutf over Jl'uller-t~ the tlrle for a yard each. With tOft befoni 0000 tana, rel\tsed to the Indian Une bWlchecl, Schuttt be satl.stJed.. Tbs hun&TY bench tllpped to Lorent.Mn for the TD. wannen took over from the re~· The conversion boot was JOOd u!are and had to pron they could and Newport led T-t ln th• ftrst do It too. IEBl'8 or UDO ltll Newport BIYcl. CLO'DllNG -llea'a Retail lllDWELl.'8 SHOP FOR M.l:N Mii Via Udo -S...Or 9MI EIGHT TD8! Bryan Lucaa returned a kick· oft tor anotber scqre and Rapp fell on a blocked kick acrou the Huntington Buch Koal to sc- count for the eight touchdowns. quarter. Thompson Mt them up with a CLOTRING-Womm'a 8etall LA R&IQ I Mt Via ~r tlllO LIDO F &8BJON8 But the plgsklnners ot Coach Ray Rosso looked like a vutly Improved club wilb Bruce KnJpp and Jim Coon doing a bank up JOb In the quarterb•<'k alot. And especially w h e n Hau got In then!. The fired up Buce came right back to tie It up on a ee~"Yard drive. Halfbacks BUJ Mc le and Barney Ebarraray 11 ared turns w ith Muon to punch out four straight first down1 . .McKen- zie took s dive acroas the goal line from the l yard line. End Jack Kennerly converted to dead- lock the fray 7.7 at the half. Butch Vineyard wu the spark- llnr performer for the aeventh pade team. He scored on a 30 yard bootleg, a 22 yard end run, and 18 yard quarter 1neak and handed otf to Diel< Butterworth on an end around tor final score. Vineyard al11> tlJUred In all the convenlona. The Indls.nJI came ftfbUnJ 1' :rant punt retu.m to Ule Sailor back. Twice brllll&nt llltercsp-U . Hallback Jody l!'enton picked lions 1topped them cold. Before up three. Wanned up by that the lnltlal st.anaa ended, Lorent-nm play, the subs decided not zen went tlylnr through the aJr to tool around. boy. Halfback to pick off a Norton toss Inch .. Tom Niquette took a pltcbout, from the &Tffn Plrata 8t:adtum turned the corner and outran a turf on the Sailor 48. And In the Whole borcle of Indiana the 53 second quart~r. Thom~ and )'IU'ds t.o the roal. Berry booted a certain Trlbs.1 touchdown. the convealon and the locs.l root· Ult Npt. Blvd. -Ba.nor M'Tl 8HADDOCll'8 The Panther1 atartl'd threaten· mg right away, marching from the Pirate 47 t• the 17 befor·e the Bucs sUffened and hel(i. A 15 yard penalty stuck OCC on their own 1, but FuUb&ck Denny Muon punted neatly out oC dan· ger to the Pirate 49. After an exchange of fumblH In vicrnity ot the Pirate 30 at start Of the third canto, Guard Ronni' Sewell f1n11lly c&me. up with a Chaffey bobble on the Pi· rate 29. ln thre' play1, the Buca s~d 71 yarcla tor Uie wlnnln& margin. SUJ Via Lido -Barbor M11 VAGABOND HOUSE Imported Sport.swear aut \'la Udo -Hart»or MO& DRUG STORES \'L~CES'rS UDO DRUGS J.Ml \'la Uclo -Harbor SOOI ELECTRIC OONTRACTOR8 UDO EU:(,'TRIO au• Via l.ldo -Barbor ,.,.., FWWEBS Rlt;HAJU>'S UDO 11.AltUT CursagM-Tabls Arruigementa lfSI \'la Udo -Harllor !811 FOUNTAIN, GRILL Vl .... CE~T'S UDO DRUGS H•I Via Udo -Harl»or IOOI FRAMES II ALBUMS GtlRHAROT STUDIOS Mtt V• U4o -Harbor UM FURNITURE DICK MACKl:R 14%0 \'la Udo -Harbor Utl GIFl' SHOP Rl('ltAKU'8 LIDO WAltKET S~S \·la Udo -ffar™ir t8ta INSURANCE AGENTS \\. O. BH.'K, I.SC UOO \"la Udo -Harbor UU IN1'ERIOR DECORATORS BLA.. ... CHE ··v ~oN A.l.D ltll \'la Udu -Barbor NM Dlt 'k MACKER IUO \"la Udu -Harbor t.128 DO~ C KEWHTON A. L D. M~ Import.a &00 \la MaJaaa -Harbor SIU &IAKKETS RU'HAKU·~ LIDO MARKET HSI \"la Lido -Harbor 1828 PHOTOO&APH STUDIOS tiEIUIAJWT STUDIOS 1418 \'la Udo -Harbor '4ot REAL ESTATE UDO llEALTl' ASSOCIATES U do Sa.lea • Rentals MOO \"la Udo -Harbor "'' P. A. PALMER L'liC. aan \'la Udo -II.arbor 1500 VOOEL COMPA.VY 1418 \'la Udo -Harbor 071 llA l' A.'liD BEACH REALTl' Via Udo Brtd«e Olflc-e llU L&Fayett. -Barbor Md SA VINOS " WAN ASSOCIATIONS i--'EWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS a WA.'1 ASSOCIATION A Savtnga lnatltutlon Long Term Home Loans UM Via Uclo -Barbor UOt SERVICE STATIONS LIDO RICllFIELD Mll Newport Blvcl-Bal-. '81'J SHOES -Mea'a BIDWELL'8 STORE FOR MEN 1U1 Via Udo -Barber OMI 8BOF.8, WOMEN auu:·s OF CALIFOIUii'lA ltlO Via LH-.BA Ol56 1'llEil'BE8 UDO tBEAraE Con.lull Ulla paper for prosram Via Udo a& Newport llh'd. ....,_r 111' rc>Y8 LIDO TOYLA.ND NU Via Uclo -a...or HM From hert the lnvader1 punch- ed out short gainers for two rlr.t downs. With the p1gakln on the Pirate 20. Quarterback Hl'nry Guillen took to the atrlanea. Cen· tu l+enny Wood had a beaulltul Knipp earned an optional tor a tlrat on the P irate 49. Baca baahed for two. Then Haas cut loo11e to tuck w a y Oranre Cout'1 tint Eutern Contere11ce clash. SCAMPER IY IUFORD Glenn Buford heeds for lhe Dav1<1son Field sldellne1 on an endf'r In recent Sailor junior varsity grid game. Thie sft,r- noon, the l"ewport Harbor JVa colllde with Fullerton on the rtv11l 11rnliron. -StllfC Photo TAR C'S DROP LOOP CONTEST TO INDIANS Coach Emil Neeme's spirited Newport Harbor High School C pigskinners were unable to stop a Fullerton fourth quarter touchdown on Davidson Field Thursday afternoon and lost their Sunset League opener 7 ~o. Fsil11re of th1> Tars' long pt.I!!!· Yllr•ll! tor the winning margin. Steve Myracle alammed acrou from the 2 and Richard Homlc- zewakl racked up the extra point on &n optional play, Ing sttsck Crom Steve Simonson to Dave Hammond to jell t.c· ~unted for !allure of the Jorsl l11ds to generate fl aeorlng punch. Three times lhe fighting Ssl· lor C's threw bllck Indian thrl'&tl lnsld11 tM Tar 20 yard line befo~ the rival• ref'1111ed to be denied. The half en<le<I In 11 M'OreleM deadlock when a Gob threat died on the Fullerton 13. With two minutes to ro. 81· monaon one' more hit Morn.on tor a f irst on Fullerton'• 4:1. But s. series of long 40 yard thrOW11 from Steve to Hammond tailed to connect. Limit Entry in T01Tey Pines Race SCHUIT: HOT Shooting hi• serislJI llke bul· lets. Schultt tllpped nine tlmu tor seven complellon1 and a to· tal ot 115 yard•. Lorent.I.en. mak· Inc most oC hla catches ofC bu aho~ tops, nabbed tour, one for a TD. whlle End Chuck Vander· vort took one 10 ys.rder on a 69 yard pa1111-run to aet up the first Tar tally, and Berry bagpd a pair ot nine yard heaves. Bud Thompeon, aul1t1nr little Lsrry Culro aa flll·ln tor Ts.- mura. to1Fed once to Lore:nt&en tor 7 yarda and proved a deten· alve terror at aafety u h• st.op- p~d what appeared to be two In· dlan aco~• during the fracaa. Even with Berry trampllnr the enemy. the Sailor. may have With tni.....,t hsiptened, and come up with Uletr urt&I ~Ucs sntriee already starUnr to pour J\at ln time. All last w .. k, 11'- ln, for the l'lx-hour Ld<IChs·type wtn aad bU usl•tant.a drtlled the road race at Torrey Plnee Oct. Tan In defe111e against the fam- 22. the 1 p o n I o r I n g Calltor-ed Fullerton Quarterback Jimmy nJa &ports Car Clult hu announ-Norton to End Carl Psllll.lq1.on eed that the neld wtll be re-pe.selng attack. strtcted to 70 ca rs ot all cluaes. TlUIH.: roMPS Upwa.rda of 300 drlveu ere ex-Yet the Tr1be jumped tnto a peeled to compete In thl• race quick tint quarter Lead Friday and a tun program oC -i>orlJI car night on that very NoTton-Pen- ra.ces the followtng day. Oct . 23, nlngton aJr arm. Berry's quick· a Sunday. over the 11cenlc 2.7-kick w.a partially blocked and mile course. Practice 111 11cheduled trsveled o~ly 11 yards, anglln& for both 8aturr1a y end Sundsy. In the mornlnge. MOST POPULAR The 11eulde course, one ot the most popular In the wut. 11 lo- cated on Htghwsy 101. San Dl- ero -Los Angele.9, between Del Mar and L& Jolla. Hornets, Dons Collect Wins in EC Opener Taklnr Uls Pdota on Utelr own ere went wild. · 8. Fullerton rffled off lhHe tint In Ule dreaslnl' room. happleat downs which Included a trtclc,y 8&11or waa Hopktn1. When reall· thoufh ancient atatue ot liberty, satlon of what had happened Norton to Jerry J'label, sood for dawned on him. he started cry- 24 yard1. From the Newport 32, lag. He kept telllnr hi• team- Norton threw a Jong one that mate1, "We beat them! We beat appeared rM.dy to nestle lo l!nd them!"' Sonny Owens' arms on tho Tar Saddut cookie wu Tamura. 6 with Owens apparently three After rolling up all kinds of 1tepa ahead of S a t e t y m a n yardaJe agaln1t practice foe1. Thomp110n. Dave didn't get a chance to play But at the lut possible In-wh., th• Gobs rot -•t revenge 1tance, Buddy plucked lbat pork-on the Fullerton Jinx. Irwin hide rlJht out ot Owena' mitt.a, threw h Is arm s COMOllngly twnbllni to the greensward on around Tamura and promlaed hie the Gob 6.. heavy-beSJted haJ!baclt he'd ret OUM JlEOOV&U plenty of chancu rest of the -- Tbs Sa!lon ,-ot out of Ute hole son. "We want JOU wboi. fOlt Ute ta.st when Guard a..,. 0.-touctl sam-." Al aid. dropped on a loote awtne tumb-Irwtn told hi. cb&rces tlley had led by Fullerton on the en.ulnl' turned In the wont tlrst quarter Tar punt. Thi• P" tlls local of s.ny Us.m be bad fftr coaclled. tada the ball on Utst.r own 111. But he quickly added they show· Scbultt hit Berry with a ps.lr of ed tlle etutt when they reconr- ntne ysrd pltcbu tor a flrat on ed from Jhe Jl"ullerton touchdown, the lndlan 44 and first half Um• tlrst scot"ed aplnst them this rapidly running out. NUOn. s.nd came npunr bedt. 8ucce11lve teven yard plunc-Al Mld: by Caetro and Berry brou,tit "I want to Ulank you for another ttr1t and SchuJtt'• con-brtnrlng us Ulla win onr J'Uller- nectlon with Lorent&en meant a ton. You are the first Newport tint on the tribe's 10. Carrtu Harbor team that hu done this by Hopklna and Berry battered tor me. The CO&Chlnl' st.aft t• to the I. On the nnt play, Lor-proud of you all" ent&en wound up wlUI the b&ll A1ked who stood out Oil tbe acro11 the Joa.I line but a J>4111alty Tar llne. l.lne Coach John . Mc- nullltled the-appsrent score. Gowan cams back with, "'How Berry t m me d I a t ·e I y plowed many touchdowns did we SCOl'9 - back to the 1 where time and four! All tho1e linemen looked downs ran out almost slmultan· rood!" lla.rlY ontrlu Include a team of three of the new '"A" MO. Best known of the driver• In thta job w111 be Ken Mllea and Cy Yedor, one oC the rou.-hut com- blnatlona In the. bu1ine111. The othf'r three drivers In the Cold at lhl1 wrltln~ are Biil Pringle. Harry Hanford and Robbie Rob- inson. eoully, leaving the Tara wtth Ule "I'm happy!" connded Ba.ck- Fullerton'e Hornet1 anrt the nsrrow one point lead at Ute tteld Mentor Don Burns. Santa Ana Oona got otf t.o lid half. And so La all the H&l"bor .,.... ln11lder1 do Mt look forward to Mlh111 and Ye<lor tlgurlnr tn an overall win In the endurance grind, but more to a standout performance In the "lndn of per- fonnance·· competition. wherein cart of !lmaller engine displace· ft'lent rate higher, -1lbou(h nn- lstng far back. LOCAL ENTllD:8 Otht r entrtea for tbs sht·hour rsc:e are a.a follows: · Wiiiiam Rowley -Merle Baahor Nardi-Chevrolet coupe; 1Cd Savin· Bob Ok er. Morgan Plua 4; Har· vey Mayer, Devin Panhard; Or. Edward Boyd, MG Special; J ohn· ny Porter, Asrdvark Panhard; Tony Settem~r. MO Special; Ed &rker -Bob DTake, Porache Super Speedater, snd the Tlmee racing team made up of Art Wil- cox. MG TF; Bob WUI. MG TD; Bill Dredge, Sln.-er, and Sten Oredre. MG TC. The Sunday program Includes races for production cara under snd over 1500cc. :.o mtnutu each; a women's event. 20 m1nute1; modlfled11 under 1600cc, one hour; formula llbrs and formula nt, 20 mlnutea, and modltleds over 1500· cc, one hour. Enlrle9 close Oct. 12, Sa.n DI· ego Junior Chamber of Commerce and two othtr San Otero 11pOrt1 car cluba are tied ln on the two- day pro&Tam. lifting win• In East,rn Confer-A 55 yard tnan:h ln tbe third ence plsy Friday night. accord-period rave the SaJJora some Ing to Orange County Newe Ser-bresthlng room. Thompson made vice •port. reporten1. a 25 yard punt return aided by Streeslng a ground attack tor Deem'• key block whkh aprwar- the flrat time In over a year, ed to be going all t he way. From the Hornell defeated the River-the Tar 45. Berry. Schultt. Hop- 11ide. Tiger11 82·13. The Oon1 kln11 s.nd Cutro peeled off two bowlt>d over the San Bernardino tlnt <1own11. A 15 yard penalty Indiana 19-6. agalnet Fulltrton and a Scbultt The Hornets led the Tlrers T--0 to Lorent.un aerls.1 placed the at halftime, then exploded for pelota on the rival 2. Berry boom· tour touchdowna In the flnaJ per· ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiii lod1 to· make It a runaway. Gary r. Campbell 11eored t hree TDa and puaed for two otheno. He carried the ball 25 times and rolled up 126 yardl!. He gained 102 throurh the air. Sparked by the superb plsy of Hslfbac.ks Oil Rodriques an <l Carlton Davia, lhe Dons, foe of the Orange Coast College Pirates In Co1ta Mesa next Staurday night. ecored on a 65 yard pau- run from Rodriques to End Bud Dowling and 11ho!'t scampera by Dav11 and Rodrlquu, The lndlans were knotted with the Done at halftime. ecorlnK t heir lone TD on a 31 yard duh by Halfbs<'k Overton CurUa with alx mlnutee before lntermlulon. The D6ns blocked the extra polnt attempL Although losing, the In- dians led the Don• ln tint 4'owna. BE SURE -INSURE "' .... MAURIE 8TANLl:l' lllltlraDCle 0.1,. ,.._ Harbor 147' Ul4 r.. CHA BJpw-r Corona clel Ku Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL . and HARBOR BOAT PATROL • CALL COMMERCIAL SECUllTY PATROL Kl 2-70%7 ~G • .w.&...,,.. ... -.................. . ~ .. -... --.. ... ANAHEIM. SAINTS IN TRIUMPHS Detendlnr 8wu1et Lsal\IO p1d• Iron chsmploM AnshPtm clolleler- ed C:srden Gron 28~0 while th• Sants Ans Sslnll Wf're downlns the 01'1\nfe Psnther1 18-t n1da'f nll"hl. Or11nre County New1 ~ vice 11porh reports dlscloH. Spollln~ Gud~n Orove"s debut Into the loop. th11 Colonl•t.1 ahow· ed thty s rf' 11tlll the team to beat for the c-rown. Quarterkf'k George flena broke t hlnu open In middle or the llt'<.'ond period with a p11.lr of fl)l"lllo'&rd pa...,, Att .. r • 40 ys r<t C'onnf'ctlon. Dena hit Alan Story In the f'nd sons. n.VNN' AOAIN Mlckf'y Flynn wu spin th• les !'lln"' acorn with two TDs with flvP mtnutH of f'ach oth•r In tht third period. Both cam• on a pltchout around rtpt end. Dena ecored on a ao yard llMp. Fullback Joe Avltl" wu leadlnl' bsJl carrier with t1 ysrds. Aratnst Ora.nre. the 8&tnll jumped Into s. quick Jes.d Ill jWlt 1tx plsys" from their own '8. Lett Ralf Dave nurltiurt went on a 2~ yard nllop to deJIY'Fr the .,.... akin to the Panther II. Hurlburt carried tor the TD. Anotber stx play attack ln Uw second period from the ONns• 40 accounted for second laint tally. The la•t came before the half when Lett Half Tu~ tot- ed a Panther punt &$ yard•. ti.. acored from the ·0rs.nr• 11. 8AINT9 ClOOL Arter plllnr up u 11-0 !Wf· time tally, th• 8&.lnt.a oooled on. Oranre'1 Mu O.rrow Sot 1ooee on a eo yard scamper to tll• Santa Ana 34. Th.n Oft lllx p&ay hl(hllghted by a pass trom Dar· row to End Tom Vetter, Ute Panthers rot their Jone TD. Huntington Bes.ch. neirt i.cue foe tor Newport Harbot"'s ll&llon on the Ollera' tlsld Oct. 21 cap- turtd It. third atralfht prs.ctJc• triumph 21--0 over Corona rrtday night. The Oilers open their Sun· 1et circuit tray1 Saturday nl(ht against Fullerton. Quarterback Billy Vall paMed for two Oller TO. ln tbs second quarter and Jim Sterlin& dashed 21 yarda ott lac:lltle to tally ln the third ~riod.. Calltomla. who face. the Sall· OH here neat Friday night. con· Unued to trample Its oppooltlon With a 32-13 victory onr Tor- rance Friday nl&ht. Ro• scond tbl'M ttm-. Bolman t.We for Califomla wbll• Lucu booted two converslona. bidwenlt ....... _·1' ra.111e Bla.oe'Mst . GD rRAVEL ACENCIES llA&llOR TR.A VEL AGENCY Ml6 Newport BtTd.-Bu. NH Nev.rport took over on the lo- e&l 34 with minute.a to go. SI· m0ft90n coYSred moat of the yard- ap with a long loft to Olenn Morrllon good tor 4 7 yards. But wtt.h a tint on the Indian 13. Simonson'• t~ felled t.o con· nect. --DIBT-- COLUCTIONI Is 0 9 $I ............... C:..... tJPBOIS?EBING DICll MACll.E& .... Via Udo -llar'1er ml W .&.TCB REPAIR VINOL"'tr8 \\"AT<JB ll&PA.Dl LIDO oauos ... , Via Udo WINDOW OOVEBING 'l'llJ: SHADE llBOI' Nm to Paet omee Bar. IM .· Neeme·1 <'hargN stopped a long Fullerton march on the Sal· lor 10 In the fourth quarter. But when the lndlana next irot their hand• on the ball. they 11tu<'k to the fl"OWld to b&t Us acroes 36 Aoooaac. -No• -a.llM ., .., ldM of ••ta .., • ...,. la A..tcL "Ne C!Ollec"--Ne tee." \\'o llllYUM!e all eosta. CaEDIT BUllliD of Weekr11 Orup C-t7 fonner•1 CrMJt ....._. et Newpor1lleM!la. ......... ....mi ... 0os .. ..... 10t IUnnlde AYe., P.O. lies. -DWN&T M•OB. CA.Ur. ............... c..... ..... ...... .................... _ ...... ~ts.-...... 1••---.. -~ o...a..-.--.. ............ 175 ,,,..,....._..,.._._ ......... •••a ..-..... 4t• .. ••••t•&••• ...... ~ T ....... A _e•e t 1¥?1G.-A•••T.MS4ft Y.O". PAGE 2 • PART t I -NEWPORT HARBOrt NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 ... CHECKS FLOOD CONTROL REOORDS -Keeping a close check on Fullerton's rainfall and evaporation each week the Orange County Flood control District de- termines what measures are needed to combat floods, drough._t.s and ainking ground water level. Hydrographer H. E . Anderson, local resident, is shown above checking meuuring devices. -OCNS Photo COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL TALK GIVEN BY WARNER Supervisor Dlffen with West County Folk on Bond Issue county valuAt1on, would ca.t an estimated 3~ centa per hundred at flr1t and then go downward &s county valuation Increases. Ht added. the county would probably only iwll off about half of the bond1 at lhe outset to spread cOllta to taxpaytr11 u low as poa lble and ket'p a. 1teady aupply of money available &S work proJtcla lncru.ae. 3 Held Three juvenllee 1:1 and 16 yean ot a.re. a.re being held for trying to take a. wheel and lire Satur- H.OW STATIONS TELi WATER LEVEL STORY • Newport for Flood Man Is Hydrographer Control District By DON KEU .ER OCNS Staff l\'rfter Where should dams be built ? H. I. All TRUCK TO SHOW OIL FIB n FIRE FIGHTING Jhatillstoa -.cti•a ....... -SI0.000 fir-. truck Wiii UJ!e put a a .-rif9 ol *-Uc .._,..,.Uoaa ol \edUalqUC'a Wied an C'Olldlatinc ou n..acs ru... n-~traUona 'll't11 lie bekt w veral tlmf'S dally f rom today throufb <kt. 1e at the Oil l.Dduetry Open HouH an .~._.. .. oU .....uy dilplay to wbkll thf' publlc l• Ln\i ted -wtuch wW be located at 23rd and Ocean In Hunt· Ul(lon lkedl -lM a.boY• daU.. ?INS' DUE OUI JAN. 1 Mesa Pi1 1111 Or~i111ce Delay Contes 11 loc1111e1t Ame1ded FULLERTON, (OCNSI -How much water was lost! through evaporation during the five-day beat wave or lie\'• etaJ weeks ago ? When should agricuJturiata irrigate? How large should storm drains be to handle expected capacity? I With the aid of 11everal un· That l1 a.lmoet a )l&lt-l11ch Pf'r 24· Paa.!iilc<' ot piaball tlenalq "1 Counctlman But llmJUI aald be comphcated looking. 11llver pa int· hour period during the ftvt<-<lay I C-ta Mesa'• d ty councu .,.. put would llf('()nd tht' motion with the ed metal gad1tet11 tn<'lo11ed In an scorcher. ln July Ju t year a.n --"" laat ,._ Pff\"lllO that it not become f'ffect- unprf'tenllou1 wl1e fence In one •vaporallon of 1 113 lnd\ea was 0", ~:= U:ie ordin&Dce w~ h-e until~ nrat of tbe Tf&T· ·rorner ot th4' Fullf'rton .,funt<'ipal 1 rt'corded whllt' In February, U>M, I da) d~ t.o ct ptnball OWMl"I Smith wu told tha could not Airport, every one nf . thost' qut'e· rainfall accounted tor • waterj :::; tile am ;: Ole year to pt I be done, but that the ordinance lions can be 11nl'lwt>recl. Data re· I level ca.Jn of 3.13 ln<'hu. -.. _ _., ____ --'• rould ~ amendt>d and when Mar-. .. rid or them. ant! unau.......: ......... • corded fl'Om tho~ 1nstrumf'nlll 11 Knowledge galnt'd throufh Uie hlQU. caJkd for ous~r lmmeditlt~ tin• moUon c11t'd for want of a a cont rolling factor In lht ti~-rain p uirea and evaporation. pan 11 tl. law kame dfactln. I aecood the &mendmenl wu voted. tennmation <'f Orange County a playa a.n Important part tn de-1 WMa lM p&eball ordiJlance Thia delayed f\nal pul&Ce. I nood contr<'I r~mmendaUons. termlnlng Cle 1u~rfacf' water came up Coundl.man Bruce Martla Known u a rain station. the lnel 1111d the amount of Colondo lmmecbatdy mo'ftd Ill ~._ ~!&-.I. Jo• I fenced area. about the size of a River water that ahould be dump-WW........ lftS ft small garage, i11 one of three ed Into yie Santa An& Rittr mstntalned by the orange c ounty baaln to malntaln a con1tant level. Carter Anesf9d Mm"lne Exercise Flood Control d l11trlct. The othf're "Water playa • leading role m &re at Prado Dam and Jrvtne lht-story of Orange County'• de- Pa.rk. velopment." Ander10n rt'mark~. The FUiierton rain station 11 "and we feel lhe county hu the checked every MondAv Afternoon. belt wa tt'r r~ord1 of any •r:- H. E. Andenon. Newport ~ach. of comparable .. 11ze In tbe f'nlin h&~ been making the weekly read· United St.alee. C'tl8ler M. ~. :It, 230 Kna PlaC't'. ('Ollta Mea. wu an.led by OftlC't'r L. J. ~ Saturday •bf'n hl8 driving eppeattd rather alletchy. He ta cbarpd with~ drh1q. Inga tor eeveral yean. Known u FO& 1t YEA.&8 a. hydrographer, Anrteuon pr~ The local rain 1t.ation wu e.. Poiriers tlawe S- bably know11 mort' about Fuller-t.&bll111'1ed ln 193~ Dy Ole U. !I. ton's rainfall And !'vaporatlon Dtpartment of Agrlculture. Th• th11n any other per110n. flood control dlltrkt took o"ttr TWO GA VGl':S It.I o~raUon durln( the early put of World War ll. Slnct' then Ila location at the airfield bu bff.n eban(ed aenral Mr. 1111d )(n.. WOllam S. ~r. 12711 Dtane IAM. Cost.a M-. are parent.I ot a boy bom Oct. • at St.J_...~ HmnyS-.._. CAMP PENDLrI'ON, (P'HT·I S C) -Manne Pfc. Donald D. Wbitaktt, 10n of Mr. a.nd Mr1. I W. 0. Whitaker of 2917 Ora.nee I Aft.. Coata Mna. partldpat-s I ~OBN8TONE'8 Mesa Aldo Wreckers VaM A•to l'ar1a ... Accruutea Z0'75 PIM!eaU. Ave. LDer'7 ... ,... c.... ·- wtUa Ole l.t w .. t•ra KartM "'""' ~· Brtpde In an ampib'°WI t.ralnina e&lt'dN <'ondUttM here by th• tat Martne Dlvtaton Sept. 19·28. Tbe brip~ la a 1peelal com· mand con1l1tln1t of the Dlvl- aion'a ht Regiment. wpporunc gTOUnd f'lemMta. and avtatlon 11n- lta baM'd at El Toro. After fin day1 of tralnln& a t aea. th• Lfftherneek.s made a pra-da~ amphlblou1 landlnr nortJ\ of n .. by Oceanaldt'. Two d•,v• ot ma- neuver• ashore followed. ha addition Lo convenUoaaJ ahlp to-ahore a.MAUil In la.ndll\c craft, the 11ten:l1e lncludt'd a hellcopt.n opera.lion In which 1111 entlre bat- talion wu a.tr lltled ln an a.tta.cll on an "a.nemy"' po91Uon. llCA Yldw " ..... C-'-t•whhR. Hoturel ........... 21 .... ,..... tubal lecelwae bled1·•M• ..... ,,..,_, ._ UMP-VMP r-.~-.yW..p-... Model 21CT'3. IHIM ..... TAJITl:ll TELE\'UIO!f SIM E. CoM& 81"'1. Corou Itel llar Harbor Mil -4161..........., lApaa Bearll Rl'aU 6-6111 At thf' rain 11ta tlon the mOlt lmport&nt ln11trument Is the &uto- mallc rain 1tauge which. by a floating bsll In a tank of water attached to A capillary · action pf'n, keep!! lln accurate. pe1·petual rec<>r<I of precipitation at the aJr· port. T he cha rt <'n the gauge will measurr rainfall llccuratt-l:V to wllhln one ont'·hundreth of a.n lncb. Ume1. Slmflar recordlnr dev:lcf'I are melnt&lned at o t II er placn throu(hout the city. At tbe nood control channel crosalnp at Ray- mond Ave.. )fa.Iden Ave. and Brighton Way. tre tte<>rdtnC de- vicea to meuure the amount ol now t.hroufh the channel.a.. Mr. -~ Jira. Joq B. llarfty, .... ........ Roed.. eo.t.a M-. an panna. Oil a boy bore Oct. • al SL J_... BospltaL ' \ ' K•~ I As a chrck on p<>Mlble mechan· lcal failure a ~econdary mea.slh-- lng dev1cf', & 11tandard raln iraup, 111 used for comparll'lon. It la a steel lUbf' Aurroundf'd by a. larger metal tube 1lmllar to a. vacuum bottle. A funnel neck direct.a lhe ra.lnwater into the Inner tube. Anderaon r~ported tha t reeorda &re kept eo accurately that even the choice ot wood to be ueed u & dipstick or ruler Is Important. Cedsr la used 11lnre the oU. pre· vent the wood trom abeorbln&' molsturt'. The third device at the air- port rain 11latlon Is an eva pora- tion pa.n. four feel In diameter. A curved hook attached to a aUding scale quickly detennlJIM wh•t Ule rate of evaporation le. DUIUNO 8COIWllEB During lhe r ecent heat waVI which aw thermometer• near the bur.Ung point, lh• eva.poraUon pan recorded a lo .. ot 2.02 lncbu. During winter monU.. apecl&I checks a.re ma.de a.l the lime of rainfall. Row tun the ebaaaela pt la important lnfonnatioa ln ctetnmta1nc w1wn and wtwre M- dltimai t1oocl control project.I an ..-dad. SAVI MONEY NOW! JOHNSON 8EAllOaE OUTBOARD MOTORS Good..,. .. 10 h.p. a.cl 25 .. ,. 1l1cttlc Trade-... .... r... . • , . I M•N few fnlight fntnspoftotion nMCft ,_ qy 1Ntt ewe t"9 Pociftc: Electric Roilwoy AeeMt who _,,. 131 COfftlftUnities ift Soufh.n CalitonNa. few Nsi 1nilol* freight Mrvic.e to~ f,,_ '°"' 4oor cal Oft the fri.ndty '· !.. AoeM -,_ co••Uftitr. Hil •xpatieftcia qualifies him to help you f'OU9a '°"' ......... ~ e xpedita the MO•aMent of Ocl 7. IOCNSI l'\t'whope-Or· worrylnr about th• flood control enge county's t remendou11 fl oort now. but I won't worry It the control problem wnll 11pt'llet1 nut pt'Ople turn down the bontla." day n ight. They told Newport -------------FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Part. Stock good1 01ul odvit• you on efficiant poding and &ooc:ling. He will be happy to ...._. youf Thuraday night bv Willia Wamtr. TRlll:I!: CHANNl:LS chairman or l h t' 11uptrvisonl' 01borne trac~ out three chan· oftlc.r1 lhey had a flat Ure and no epare. IO they were lr')'tnc to a.hoe their auto to ret back to Loe Anrele1. :I'llelr victim would have ~en Jacinto J . Lopes, al.IO ot Lot Angelu. board. to n &TOUJI of !rn at th<' nels In the eouthweat county Newhope Property Owners A!>.· nr118 west of Santa Ana river. 11oclallon ot Newhope l'chool, 011 He nnmetl bulldlnK up banks of tht gTOllJl moved t•• 1turly pn11-Santa An" rlvt r as a kt'y to the H09C111 In Tralnlllfj albh• formation of l~a own l(l('lll plan. Patrick Horan.. bo•Uwa.Jn'1 1st Mortgage L1aas ON MO Ml& aualNlt-ANO INOUeT•IAL l'•Ol'1t•T11ta We ~eot•Mnl Ptlve .. wt4 IMtltuflonel Cl'-t&ooow•n w'4 L ..... 1) ftOM C-,. C-0 WC NACC HO H•8DNM.. •OL.ICtTATIO ... T•U•T ou:o• •OUDMT ANO MILD tlr11inaKe a11l<l'!lllml'nt district I He warnw that flood relier ma.le attonl! clue. u. s. N., 110n Tim Talbert. real N tate brnk-n ow from Prado darn along 11 ot Mn. Marie Lant. 308 36th st., MOltTOADlt ••Nl(INa t'r. acted 011 chll.lrman ot t he j 9i 00 11t'l'ond feet. S&nl111go e~eek '.1s a.ttendlnc the navy'• tire con -au•c• i.ao WM. I~ Ill T meetlnlf .. 111eti &Ired the Nt'W· 1n hlgh flood time~ t 100 year trol technician llChool a.t Great 1609 N. •uSt\fi~U~t; ~m~ AHA, CAltP. All See Us For Your loalkg PACIFIC ELICTltlC LINES hOJX' area flood problrm. A rel!O· frtquency I contrlbut~ 30.000 ee· L&kea, JIL He en le red the Mrvict (.,,._......,,.•~Lot...,.., .. , s... ••-'•· lu~ whi ch ~~~~~~d h~~ ~~ndbe~l~~li9i4Si.~~~~~~~~~~~~ii~i-i'ioi~iaiii~i~~i~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiii~~iiiiiii~ii~~~~~~i~~~iiiii~iiiiii~~~ "study" of the JlnllKlhle district thl' dam. euch ll.!! Sant• Ana can- formallon flBMrtl 11nrl riv!' ml'm· yon, poura down 9000 11econd feet bers were named on the study potentton in flood etate. gToup, Eddie Ma..rtins. Roy Ko-Althoup th-are on 100 year bayshl, J. L . Wll10n, John Ret'd frequency. tt a.11 lhree happened 11nd CIArence Humphriu. nil of a.t once lh11 county could not car· l'\1>whopl' are.1. ry It. He aid bulldinr up Sp.n- Rl:LP!t NEWJIOPE Uoitn cTMk and lht l!la.nta An~ river will amount to about on .. fourth of a.Jl the mon,.y to be 11p<'nl on the bond luue. Mt'nnwhlle. W a r n er differed mArply with Bn t-nrlli-r i'!latenwnt by Newhop<' property owner11' acting secretAry, Dick Mllchell. who chArgt'tl thRl "the $42 m1l- lmn dollar flood ronl rol bond I•· 11ue doee not help Nev.•hope area.." Wanier told the JTOUp tha t ''I believe the county flOt>d con- trol very mnteriRll :V bo'ner1t11 thl~ areA." Ht> dt'mon11trated Uu• pro· gTam with map• and intrnduced flood control tn~n<'rr H . 0 , 011· borne to g1ve deta1ll'. Warner traced the hutory or the flood <'Ontrol plct11re ln the cOUDt7 onr the put fifty years &NI pointed out that "80 per cet of the walt'r now com11 from etreete and developed a.reu. Jn the old d&y1, 80 per cent of the water •WILi from creeks and rua-ott from canyon and high land." H• added "Aa a public otnclaJ I don't propc>H to att by and not do 10n1•tllln1 on th.a flood con- trol matter. r.b. 28 the people wtn b&w an opportunity to vote In the county drain procr&rn. lf you people declde you don't want It. you can alnk or "1m. l'm The S11nla AA• river and flood water11 Lo the norut Whlrh would be carried o.ff b7 the thrtt dllCM 8 he pointed out. w 0 u Id "materially bf'nt'flt the Nrwhope a.reA ." COV!:JtAGE 008TL Y Howevt'r. Warner made cle&r lhRt to put In a. ay1t.em that would <'Ovt'r every part of the county would coil "IOme 1200 million dollars." Mitchell polnt-s out and Warn- er concurred that It wtll be up to the va.rloue loeaJ areu t.o put In their ~'ll local drainac• later- al• to carry th• water to the county'1 propoled major channel11. Oabome told OCNI the 142 million dollar bond l..ut, even If all bonda ,,,.,.. eold on today'• NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily Fro111 ... Sea to YOll 25' ,_c1 -Cl••••tl FrH Sold Only .... Day CauCJht NEVER HEI.D OVER .... ..., ..... ... .,... Pier Gn ON THE BALL Willa Ille Newspaper that you All the Local News brings Fint. your News-Press specializes In coverage of ·~~I scene happenings as events ••• on they happen • • • Subscribe Now! Home ' Delivered Only 50c A Month. HARBOR ~PRESS ..... , 1616 • . . AND WHAT A SURPRISE! -Mrs. Glenn R. Young of Laguna Beach and children, Janet, 12 and Denoia, 7, are greeted by their huaband and father, T/Sgt. Young, whom they thought in Tokyo. Dennia, who recently underwent hia third major eye surgery, had wanted to eee hia father. Here he get.a bia wish on "Queen for a Day" program over KHJ-TV with the muter of ceremonies Jack Bailey at the micro· phone. -KHJ Photo LAGUNA SERVICE WIFE HAS SURPRISE OF LIFE A surpriae family reunion for T/Sgt. Glenn Young, USMC, was arranged by Mutual Don Lee's "Queen For A Day" emcee Jack Bailey after hearing the story of the ser- viceman 'a young wife on a recent program. Mr11. Donna Young. 454 Hill St .. Young and her children to come Laguna Beach, a mother of two. lo the atudloa ot KBJ to place appeared oa the program lo wish her phone call during the course t or a long--dllltance call to Tokyo, of the program. where her hwiband wu 11taUoned. The serge.ant wu whlskfld Mrs. Young'11 80n had ju11t recent· from the airport and amuggled ly undergone his third major op-backstage to an exten11lon phone eratlon on an eye and begged to await hl1 wife'• call constantly to talk to his father, KHJ'a 1W1tchboard c rew then whom he had not ' sf(!n for the put on an elaborate performance better part of a yea r. u they prele.nded to connect her Working with Marine Corps with the "Far Eaat." ofncJal11. Bailey arranged for Sgt. In the midst of the telephone Young to be n own homt' on a convereatlon Mn. Young receiv· 11pec1al leave unbeknown to ed the big aurpriae. Ulllng an hill w1ft>. He then lnVlted Mrs. extra • long phone cord, l!lgt. Tregaskis Gift Books Added to City Library Youn1 wallced out from behind lhe .eel to greet bJ• wife and ch1ldren In perlMm. Newspapers of Mining Towns CaUfom ia Mlnln1t Town News· papen, 1~·1 880 by Helen S. Giffen ICompiled. ls reviewed by WllHarn Haarl!tad. Ora.nge Cout College librarian. Probably the m03t fuclnaUn,I chapter In California history la that dealing with the Gold Rush ot lS.8 that culminated In state- hood for the former Mex.lean province. Stories of almoat every type have bffn written about thls exciting chapter ln mining history. The gamut ha.a bffn run from Bret Harte's "Luck of Roa.ring camp" to this very In· te reaUn1 reference work on Cal· lfornla mlnJn1 \own new.paper•. Mra. Giffen, the compiler, hu palnataldngty conaulted mwity Books added to the Newport The Story ~r the Amertca.n CUp-aourcea to gather matertaJ tor Beach Library rtuMng the put \per Shipe; Fannin (, li4or\oign Oil lhl• tine bibliography. <nercom- monlh lnclude many S'ft "°'· and th• rne World; On.mm. Inc cUfflcultlee att..ida.nt to pro-duclng a work of thla type, the umea from R11:hard T regaskl•. In Life Michael Anrelo, vol. 1 and compiler baa attained a complete- new fiction are: ll; Nevin•. Ford: The Times. the neu which will be of rreat tn- A~lmuv. The End or Ett>rntty; Man. and the Company; Oliver, terellt to lht> re11earch historian. Dickens, The Wind.a of Heaven; Verdict In Korea ; Robert.a, Hoyt's The contents of the book In· N C I ped.l Of Practical Quo c. lude: front page reproduction!! Hutchinson. t he Stepmother; ew ye o a • R of famous newspapers 11Uch u Huxlt>V Thr Genius and the GCld· tationi ; Salter. Conditioned e-th• "Sonora Herald" and "Big des•: ·Kyle. Carolina House fYP I; flex Thrrapy: White, A Subtrea· Tree BulleUn": an alphabetir,al Langt\•111, Oust Over the Cily, 11ury of American Humor and ll11t of mining town new1papen : La Vanway. u uy H Feud; Mar· Th .. Woollcott Reader. j an alphabetlcal ll•t of mining r11•, G1d!'ron's Day: Morgan, Thr Gifts f'rom Richard Tregasklll town fldl tors. An Important bib· Gt<' II Man. O'Connor. Guns , af ~ . I llogTaphy concludes the work. \h1ckamau11:a. Qu1gll'y, The Ex· are; J.bercrombie. My Life to the Memben of the Orange County rhan11:r of J O,\'. Robbins, I~ Park Destroyers; Borth. Modern Chem· Library Asaoclatlon held fall A vcnut>. Ruck . Rnmance In Two lst.11 and Their Work; Bowman. meeting at Oran1te Coa11t College K<'ys ; Short. Rim rock. Sla111:hter. Beach Red; Cant, The Great Pa·' on Oct. 8, with William Huntad Fhizhl frum Natchrz: Warren. c:lflc Victory, From the Solomon!! u ho1t. Band of Angell! and Wouk. Ma r· Dr. Althea Warren of the jorie Mormngstar. lo Tokyo; Clifford, The Conqueal Graduate School of Llbrary Scle· Allio '" F iction (gifts) are: of North Africa: Colllton, The nee, USC wu the main speaker. Aldridge. Of Many Men; At-Superfortrea. Ia Born; Darnall. ly~h. The Thins Line: Aust<'n. What the Citl»n Should Know NDGW Qfft"cer Emma. Bax. A Grave C&ae of About Wartime Medicine: Davis. Murder: Blockman, Recipe for What You Should Know About Homicide: Chrl11Ue, Mystery of the Signal Corpa; Fl!MlhelU. Pom-G1·ven Shower the Blue Train; Gilbert, The Cap· pell Put and Preeent: F ord. tain Had 11. Wife; Her.ey, The What You Should Know About Man1ot Drive: Hoatovaky. The the Army: Greene. Whal You Hideout: Lewleohn. The laland Should Know Ab ou t Anny Within; Marsh, Artl11ll in Crime: Ground Forces: Halley, Pacific ' Saunders, Design for Treachery: BatUe Une: Hartney, What You Savers. The Omnlbu11 of Crime Should K n o w About the Air and StaffoT'(!, T h e Catherine Forcea: Hortman, The Seizure Wheel. of Tinlan: ln1tersoll, The Batlle M y 1 t (' r y Storleft are. -111 the Pay-off: Jansen, The SI· Bagby, A Dirty Way to Ole: lent War; Kelly, An Edge of Carleton, vanlsht>d ; Davis, Night Light: Lane. Wha t You Should Drop; Disney, Room tor Murder: Know About the Merchant Mar- Feniaong, Widow· a Plight; F ish· lne: HllrfCTOve. See Here. Private er. Take All You can ~l: Har· Hargrove: Macvane. Journey Jn- din. The Hidden Orave; Rock ing, lo War; MC'Phee. A Holl.lit In Polson In Par1tdl11e Rntl Stone. B11li; Mor~an. P. 0 . W.; Moore· The Man Who HRd tno Much to head, Mediterranean Front; Lue. Norton-Taylor, WUh My Heart At t. recent meeting of Conchita Parlor 294, N.D.G.W., members honored Mn1. Rudy Peterson. pre- lddent, with a cup and eaucer and han<1ktrch1ef ahowe r In celebra· lion of her birthday. followed by the serving ot a cake decorated by Mmea. Harold Graham and John Jacobeen., hoeleue1 for the evenlng.- Ounn1 the meeting plana were begun for a pot IU&k Halloween party to be announced J&ter. Con- chita Parlor will preaent a nag to Mariner Scout Ship Nal&d on the evening of Oc:t. 12 and all mem- bers were requaated to a ttend tt po11al.,le al the Scout Houae In Newport Bftlch. Followinr refreahml'nlJI color allde• 14•ere ahown by Mma . Don MW1cy and Chuter Poll&rd of tripe t&Xen by them tbroufh C&.11- foml& and the northern •tatee. Of IJltere•l wtre p1ctu re• of ml.al4ona, ttpecl&lly tboae ot Ml .. ion Sole- dad which the order hu bffn re- at0rln1. Next muun1 wlll be held Oct 13 at 8 at the American Letr1on Ball. Coata Meaa. Mesan Heads Cerebral Palsy Association Willia m H. Farnaworth. rut Htate broker from COJ!la Mell&. hu bt!en named tht' new presi- dent ot Unltecl Cerebral Palsy As!IOClallon of Orang_e County, taking over lhe po11ltlon from • Frank Te!!Ch, Simla Ana print 11hop owner. Otbt'r oJClclala named for the county -wide organization are: James Helm of Santa Ana.. first vlcc-prt'i!ldent; Dick Sl880n o f Anaheim, aecond vice • preald1ml; Ernest Saunders, .ecretary: Mar· Ion Chaee. recording .ecretary and Bob Kell y, truaurer. The la\.ter thrff are also from Santa Ana. During the annual election meettnr the UCP board of di· rectors formulated pla.J\4 to ea· tabll11h a Child Day Care Center In Santa Ana. The center would provide care tor cerebral palay children who are not otherwl1e provided !or; establish a care headquarten for parent.a who work and cannot ob- tain qualified baby aitter• to handle the afflicted chUdren and provide an environmental change for cerebral pa.lay children who could aaaoclate w I th othera ot their age group. Family Film For Lindbergh School P-TA Parente and friends of the Undber1h School at Coata Mea will be adviled of "way1 to get the most happiness out of ac.hool and home" when they alt.end the P·TA meeting Thuraday, Oc:t. 13. at 7:30 p. m . m roome 8 and 9 at the 11ehool. Everett A. Rea, district auper· lntendent.. will be Introduced. R. G. He<:kelman. achoo! paych.olo- glat. wUI preaent the film, "Fam- Ulea Firat'' and wlll an1wer ques· Uon• later. The P·TA mMnberal\ip drive atart.a Thund.a.y and runa through Oc:t. 21. There will be a prt&e tor the room with tbe larc•t percentage of memberahlp in eac.h. grade level and a gTand prl.M. ThUI year \o facl.Utate talclnc room count parenta will be uktd to aign u they enter glvh'lt credit to their ch11dren'a room. The travell.ng trophy will be pre- aented during the evenlJ\g. Newport Island Girl Honored at Birthday Fete tt wu Wednellday the fifth. and fifth natal anniversary f()r Vicki Palmer. daughter of Mr. and Mra. J&clt Palmer, 413 39th St.. when. she entertalned young friends tha t afternoon. Everyone took turn• at pinning the tall on the donkey, Ricky Weber receiving the prl.ze for be3t attempt and Adele Patter· son getUng the booby award. The birthday cake wa• aome- t'llng 11peclal. a real Swedl11h cake decorated by Mrs. P a u l Peleraon. In the evening there waa a birthday dinner with places laid tor Mr. and Mn. Peteraon, M.r. and M.n. Thom .. Poore, Mr. and Mrs. William P almer, Mr. &n.d Mn. Edward Teer a.nd the J&ck Palmer family. Afternoon fUesta Included Ka· Una Shields, Rita Switzer, Linda Neufeld, Kathy Schwager. Maur- ine Dowd, Jennie and Sue Hau. Deborah Riley, Adele Pae&raon. Ricky Weber, David Faulkner. John Siple, Brian Schwager. Jack and Bobby Carlch. Non -fiction I.Deludes; Bi11hop; The n.y Lincoln WH Shot; Bolitho. Jinnah, Creator of Pak· istan. Boawell. Bclcwell on the Granl.l Tour: Brldgmen. The Lone Jy Sky: <YPl; Brtnga, Clever In· trorlucUons for Cbalrmen: camp· bell. Eden: The M11klng of a Statesm&n ; Crouch. Your C&llfor· nia Governments in Action; Dol· 11on. Sorry to Be so Cheerful: 1n My Mooth: Pilat. Tht' Atom Spies: Pratt. Whal the Cltaen Should Know About Modem War. Reynold11. The Curtain Rlee11: St. John. lt'a Alwaya Tomorrow: PROGRESS REVIEWED Gilpin, Tilt Rio Grande; River of De11tlny , Hoare, The Mlaalng MacLeana: Ketchum. What le Ccmmunlam ! ; Klein. The Empire City: Lancuter, From Lexington to Llverty; r..andolt. Henri de Toulou11e-Lautrec; 1-la, High Si· erra Country; Lul'thy. France Apjnat Rereel!; Lyne11. The Tait. • Makera; MacKen.&ie, }l<y Lon Affair With the Stall' of Maine: Ma~r1 The Artll!ta Ha.nd- book ol Mathlal11 &nd Techni· quu; . Mitchell -Hedgee. Dtl.n,er My Ally; Raytielct. How Life Get.a the Story; Roddls. James Und: Founder of Nautlca.I Medi· clnt'; ShHn. God Lov. You: TU.n· nard. .American Skyline; Vander· bilt. Th• U vtng Paat of America: Wann, Dependent BacJace; W•la- mu, Mexico in lc:u.lpture: Whit· ney, Your Puppy: How to Seleot. Rt.iM and Train Him; and Wil- liam.a. CAt on a Hot Tin Roof. Non·fl<·tlon volume~ !1Jift111 are: CutJu, O~ybounda of th• Sea; Thomp80n. What You Should Know About the Army Englneer11: UUey, Lal'll Chance In China: We1tr&tt, F orward Ob"""rver: .wu eon, BeUo Beachhead: Wolfert, Battle for thl' Solomons: Wood· bury. What You Should Know about Submarine Warfare: Yett.r, mid-century edition. and Year, Your LileUme ln Picture•. Is Inspection for VFW Unit )(onday1 meeting of the V.P'. W. Auxiliary, OoaatUne Po.t 3S- 34S, found Mn. Francea Chath· am, dl•trl<'t prt11ident. here for her omclat lnsped lon. The ••· slon wu h • I d In Coeta Xua American LeJlon Hall. Sunday la date of th• eantlftl at Loec s..ch v-..na BOlll>'· tal, '7 to I p. m. Mn. Raymond loott •Mrt.aln· ed commlttea membe,.. on Sept.. 21 ·with chalrmm rtvmr qu.rtw- ly report& New merober rec4111Uy wek:om· M 111 Mrs. !:lien MHl'la. a trans- fer from Duluth. Minn. .. Rea School Students Now Get Fundamentals By MRS. ALBERT J OHNSON A compre.bensiv• progl'•m and caretully worked ollt achedule by tha nC'W prtncl,,-J, John Puffen· b&rpr, ln hi• ftrwt year at Coet.a Meaa Z.entt Rea Intermediate school hu accompHllhed a smooth rW1n1ng admtnlatratlon of 11Chool precedure. A gl'eaUy lncreued restatraUon baa nece•tated dou- ble -ion• lhl1 year with an lncnued llt&ff aad a caref\ally regulated routine. WIUl Tth pade J*Pllie att.Md• ln1 momln1 ci-e. and 8th grad· era tti. artemoon M•lon. a achedule of individual atudent help b.u bMn. arranged by teach· en of both -1on11. l:lg-hth rrade teach•,.. help atudl!ftt.t In the momlnp In Room S and 7 lh l'f'&dn"a an helped In Room 12 Jn the attem oon. With UM aplit aeaek>na th.la yev, nutrition per· loda &'re 11e1*SuJed for mld·morn· lnr and mid-afternoon Anne Ho11pera, curriculum roor- dlutor for the Costa Mesa schools. Puffenbarg-er a 111 I• t ~ teachers In the mornlng11 "n d afternoons with courses of 1tudy. All pupils are taught history. clvlC11, Englillh, 1pelllng, penmllrt· ship. arithmetic, mu.ale:, phy1Jc8J education. art &nd aclence, 1tate11 Puffenbarger, Who 11 a firm be- liever in pupll11 attaining the tundament.al1 of education. An· nouncement1 are , made from hi~ office twkr a day, ill lhe morn- ing and afternoon. at 11cheduled tlmta to prevent dl11tractlon from cluarooln routlnee. A safety precaution eat&bliabed thl• year la teacher 1upervl1lon of the a rrlvala and departurH of 1111 ll('hOOI buses. All pupll1 comr to school and return horn~ ln t ht tame manner •t all tllnes unlub parent.a send a written requut tor a change or come peraonall} for their children. No pupil •~ pennltted to ~ ptcked "4' b~· 'With the uaiat&noe oC Mim otlMr ~ U..... 1*A'ftta. • --------------~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11-PA&E J SBALARl\ING By GINNY (JIR8. mw ARD LESTEB) 8lllTB ABOARD TYPEa LIDO 1.SLIC. Kf'lly Thorpe'a ... Another pr.t· A brisk •II abt>ut the Bay yftl· ty blond bride, Dede t Mra. Jack· terday brou .. ht forth a ba1tull ot eon) Eddy a ccompanied by her newa. etunn1ng groom vialUng her fam· NEWS THAT LOVELY Pal ily, the To~y Wllcoxe'a on U do (Mre. l!:mery) Ran,on la home l11le, and enj0ytn1 a holiday at from Hoag-Hol{lllal with t h e ~e Wllcoxe's Bay Club ,ueat newe1t addition to the fam ily. apartment . They len tut l"riday MONDAY, OCTOBER I 0, 1955 Grand G\lardian of Job's Daughters at· Tri-Bethel Meet .. . T,_ th ..... th bo s pt :.!9 for An&ona where Lt. Eddy I• .... o Y ... a ewa, rn e . Th• comb1-ed Beth-1-of Job'• Di•••"•--...._ "'-•-and Upping the 1ealea al nine atatlone<'I with ttie Air Corps .. · .., w cw ......-• &l'VUI 'Vlllll- pounds . . Emery Sr and J r. CONGRATULATIONS to elev· Meea, Laguna Beach and San Clemente met ThUl'llllq, Oct. (Jo11h\ have been holding down er Skip Fickllnir. editor of the 6 th ll\-.tda ...... _ Cl b in ,..__. .• "'-· for tbe offt. thP .Lido Home fires while P11t , &t e "'n Y .IUt.emOOn U ~----· :1parkllng new CaplstrlU)p Beach • ...a: f "'-"• -'-d inJtiatl was on the hill .. grandparents. Club. mag ... alao to artlilk cial viait of the grand guanilan o '-AUUOnua ap on Mr. and Mrs. Paul Palmn of Dick Bt>eaon who ltaa brought '° ot 15 new members. Donna Hamilton, honored queen of Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. Ole much beauty to our Newport Be'tbel la?, Coat& Meaa; l:laln• Han11>n Jr. of Capistrano are 110 1Jcene. Rlcheberrer. hoeoNd quean of to au~ t.hla meetiq abou1d M delighted. .,. .... el .,8 .. , a--,..__911 ••• , and a t the J'riday AftA!moon Chlb-LOYEL Y DELORAS del AJno, ...,..,, • '" ._.. ..,..... ... bouae ( 8 30 that 1"11.inC NEWS OF THE Balboa Bay daughter or Fran (Mn. Doug) Gall BaneJI bonoNd qUMll of • : mo • Club'• traditional eocktall party B 1 Bethel llT ;,..,., ... Beach. jotJJUy All iu•ta and membel'9 wwe rown. leav ng via plane fo• the • --· Invited to ~ain at tbe cloee ol 1la ted for· nt'xt Wednuday (Oc:t. pr..-lded. All offtc• were oc-Unlverslty or Madrid and a vlalt the m .. un• for retrealllnent.a. 121. at which time the Bay Club with her father. Jaime del Amo cupled by lhrM offker• repre-lkll decorations an~ floral ..,... membera are gueata of the board. . . . Sliver Tea at the Udo Isle aenUn1 each ....,.ct.tw Bethel: rangem•nta adorned th• tabl ... Thia first fall party ot lht eea· homt' ot Mr11. Bert Brewer for Mrt . .A.Jn• )(. ~te.oa, grand The _Jlext meettnr. of BeU..l 157 ton Hrve11 u a wonderful get-the St. Jame. Cbureb Altar ruard.lan. waa weleomed and oc-will be niuractay Oct. 20. T:IO torether for the membert who Guild a grand eucceaa . . . cupled an honorary polllUon dur· p. m. at the Friday Anenoca are homl' now after being scat· ln1 Ute cenimoay. A noraJ lift ct bb tered all over the g lobe on 11um· MRS. ANN L"(CAN of Sourh from the combined betllela wu, u OUM. mer aa!arle. Balboa Bay Club Lacuna wlnnlnc tbe putel mink preaented to her aa weU aa mem· ------------- board of governora and their clutch cape at the very aucc... ber of honor c:ertlrtcatea trom wtv .. who will play ho.ta Include tul Hear Auxiliary P'Und Fair at each lndSYidu.at bet.Ml. Meura. a.nd Mmes. Carl l!l. Bak· the Rendevous Ballroom at Bal· INl'ft.ATE8 er. O. F. Colllnge, l!:. D. De.laney. boa. · · lnltlat.M -lcomed Into mem- Youth Worker Is Speaker for Rea School PT A Rlchard A. Emiaon. Felix Far· AT RICHARD'S <now called berablp wen; Constance M1ller, well, George Gaudin. Geor~ Hol· the ClubhQUMI alway11 aee old Robt" I--'• Maril"" Mill•, ateln, Emmett Jones. S. B. Mosh-frl ... VI H I I t l ., ' .... ., ~-en.... . . . net> ea y n enn • SllV;y Cooper, Jo Ann Shrader. er. Mark P1erce. C. M. Rood, clothes Pat aM>pplng James L. Rubel, l!l. Morrill Smith, · · · · ' · · Judy Jonan. Marjean Morlt.11, Ann Marian !Mrs. 8\lrr) Maple dreu· Winterton. Terry McGovern. Bev-"Wt>lcome, fe.llow coaches and Earl W. Stanley, A. E. Tiffany. ed In town clothea • . . Ev and erly Pa u I, Pamela Thompaon, linemen", waa openlnr atatement ~~rr;;an'i:eb~u~I~~-popular bache-Ptu1 White In l'ielr darlln1 new Julie Alcorn, Jackie Smith, Cora· of Mra. F. Roy J'ox. Hi·Y sn>UP car • . , Olbby Kraft &hopping lee Lareo.n and Charlotte Beaty. org-anlur. glvlnr keynote to her ABSENT FROM the Bay Club for a gue11t 411n.ner . . . JennJe Honored guuts Introduced In· la.lk on ''Teen-are Codes" before gatherlnr and rreally mlaeed, (Mr11. Dick) Richard talklnr over eluded Mra. Rex Albright, deputy the Everett A. Rea School P·TA will be former Dlreetor·p~aldent the tlnl meeting of the Cotti; gl'&nd guardian: Mra. Eater Whit· at their opening 1Maion .. Ken Kendall and bis charming Ito?" 11late~ for Oct. 28 .•. When . man, put irand deputy and pre· Comparing life to • tootba.I and beautiful wife. Ad, who are oh. when . can we talk that tldent 0 t Southern California game Mr•. Fox called th• plays vacationing In HonoluJu. papu lar Mr. Richard Into o~n· Guardian AuoclaUon: Mrs. Dean and pointed out pArta ln the THlS WEEK about ''"e bay 1ng a 11andwlch • mall bar where Smith, guardian. Bethel lM, Co•· game played by children, educ.a. "' we can all chat and alp ton. minl11ter11, parent• and ;roulh finda Mildred and Biil Hervey re· ' • · ta Meaa; Mn. E. V. lt.gan, ra1t workers. tuminr trom hou.erueetlnr with AT THE BAY CLUB, alway1 guardian. Bethel 1~7~ Mra. Hilda Another •pea.Jeer waa p;, A. R-. Ann and Burt Groves at the lll!e mofe old friends and neigh-Mackey, guardian. Bethel 167, llUperinlendent ot acboola, ..._ Catalhia Isthmus and this week bor11 ... Mr1. Carl Boewell talk· Laguna Beach; and Mrs. Lee outlined problems of the tut· entertaining Senta and Hart Is-Ing about the terrific Phllhar-Barna, put guardian, Bethel 4, growing Co1tta Mesa dlatriet but sac at thrlr lovely Bal&oa Bay monk bt'neflt ... Joannie Beeee-Loll Angfllu; gave an encourag1nr picture ol Front home , . . W!'iter Nan meycr givU!g the good newa that Al10 Ralph H err, uaoclate r roireas being made toward aJ. Langley recovering rrom her Dary Marsellus la up and about guardian, Bethel 167; Rell Al· levlatln,; crowded condition.a. "fire aelge" . . . Marian and after a aelge In the hospital . . . bright. pal!t alMIOcltite guardian, The meellnr opened wtth 88 Burr Maple of Udo ble, home Jo Albright talking about her Bethel 1117 : George Plett.JI. U· Invocation by Mayor aatre Nel· from a Mexican fishing exptdl· riew Irvine Terrace home and tell eoclate guardian. Bet h e I 167. aon and poatlng or the ~ by lion ... Dorothy 10'Hara.) and Ing of the "night before" when Laguna lleach : 1> a 11 t ffonored Boy Scout• of Troop 112, wt\o Hank Lunney, Maxine and Joe she and Bud had auch a good Queen1 Mary Ann Ruu. Janice ateo led In the pledie of ali.- Prelnlnger, and Margartt and time dancing-and dining with White and Jody Merrlll or Bethel g1ance. Hal Dlke telling abOut th t 1 r her old Marlborough f.al Caro· 157 and Nan('y Hiii. honored Mrs. Denni• H~la.nd, prwild9t. three day holiday In Enaenada , , lyn I Babcock I Stark a ong wlUt queen of Betbel 211, Loll Angel1>11. lntrodUCt'd Ult' new principal. OOTTlE AND HOW ARD Ah· Kelly Thorpe and Sandy and Queen Donna told Bethel mem-Jack Putflnbarger, who pruentild manaon back at their Harbor I11le P ete Burrou1rh11 • . .OVER AND bera of the cal'tndar ale a nd ad-the teachers. home and pl&J)nlng a pool and Otrr. vlaed them to obtain their eaten-The mualc pro(T&Dl aa &rrait\s· gueal hou.e .• , AdonelJ Mu,ale da,.. and atart dlatrlbullon Im-ed by Mra. Charlea Stanley In· nylng to Acapulcc;i wit h Betty 'ft W Th" W 1 mediately. The calendars have the eluded a piano 8010 by Miae Rome Roeenthal. and a day or two be· as IS ay recent inatallallon picture of all Anderaon, who gT'&duat.ed from fore joining Marie <Mn. Dean) Rene J. Boullet, 19. a nd Rich-om cen and cholr membera In the achoo! la.et year, YOC:al H • Banka m giving a tea and baby ard J. Fowler. 18. both Camp their robes of the order. lecUona b:Y Ula Rayett .. directed ahower for M.ra. Bette Hewitt at Pendleton, were to tell Judge Don· COURTESY VISIT by Jamee K1ndNd, mualc tnatrue- the Maaale'a Lido Isle Bayfront. . ald J. Dodge recently why the , Alao announced wu the comlnc tor, and comet number by tbe LOVELY BIUDI:. Mn. William police caurht them alphonlnc cu lnvlt&Uonal court.-.y visit to the latter. Badllty (Joa.n Bryan) with her out of Mn. Jamea C. N-Un'a a-O.briel BeUMl oa tbe ..-. A. ~ bCNr -ptet.cl • mother, Mra. Howard B~ at car at 1743 Ocean Blvd. Inc ot Oct. 11. Member. deelrtng ...SOn. Tha Fairlane Victoria It one oE 18 new Thunderbird-Inspired FordJ. Yon can - Tbunderbbd beauty In lu lon1, low~- Drive it today.! , '56 FORD .. with new 202·h~ Thunderbird ¥8 with new Thunderbird Styling .•. with new lifeguard Design - 4 #IW UfleCIMD llA.,.,.._oew deeop-center steer- • tng wheel. new double·snp door loch. optional new l)added lnJtrumftlt panel and nm vbon, and oi)tlonal ~ Ford teat bclu. - A glance tells you that the '56 Ford has the Iona. low· Imel •• • the daZ7Jing beauty of the Thunderbird. But wait till yn11 touch the itas pedaTI Ford flOfll like .,_. Thunderbird. too. With the new 202-h.p. Thunderbird Y-8 eagjne. 11vailable in Fordomatic Fairlane and Station Wagon ~ yo11Jl pus with new confidence. smile at hills. And there'• even bigger news-Llfepard Detipf With the C()l')peration of 11niversitiCJ, medical u~<r.iations and safetyezpera. Ford found thllt most accidrnt injuries were caused by the drt.w beinsi thrown aitain~t the steering polt, OCCU(MlntJ being thrown forward against hard surfaces, or from the car. So, Ford de\eioped a nf'W stt'Crin1t wheel with a cleep-<icnter structure to help progae yo\1 frnm the post ... double-JUip door locb to jtive added pro. teclion from doors opening under shock . , • optional c:mhJooinl for imtrurnent panel ancl sun visors. to help lessen Injury fram impact •.. optional seat belts that help keep occupants In 1e1t11. Come in! * the '56 Ford, drive it. learn what Llftwuud Design meam for the greater safety oE you and your family. the fine car at half the fine-car price ! -'56 FORD ..... T .HEODORE ROBINS J'OU& ro•o DEAJ.ZB HNCE ltll-(O:S llAJUNES8 IDLE) 3100 w; Coast HlcJllway-Newport .... -LIMrty 1-3471 ---------owT n , roao 'l'DAn&. limCA t-4> t111JJ1UM.Y •• r·.-..--------- PAGE '4 -PART 11-NEWPOR.T HARIOR NEWS..PRESS MONDAY, OCTOIER 10, 1955 OCC STUDENTS WIN ftOPHY Acrfculture atudenta from Oran1e Cout Colle1e llll wttk brougtlt 11<>m• lh• sold lrOj)Ily for tint plac• iftdalry Judcinr at th• Loa 4n1•IH County ll'alr. OCC atudent.a wera one of nine younr Farmer• JTOUP• to compete for top honor.. Dairy judr· 1n1 uam membeni (I. to r.) art: M.:rt1n McGrath. Coata M ... : Tom Pate, Santa Ana; Porter Taylor, ~na Beach. 5 Local Couples Invited to See Claremont Show CLAREMONT. -Several New· port-Balboa area memben o( the Pomona Colleee A,.oclatu 'have been lnVited to lh1> flnrt 19~5-~ dlnnrr prorr•m of the ora"anlz•· llnn on the C'ampua here Sunday Oct . 18. They are, trom BAiboa: Mr& and Mr11. Earl 0 . Corkett, 304 Buena Vista Blvd.; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. J ohnaon, 8oe W . Bay Ave. and lifr and Mr1. Wiiliam Rempel. 1810 8 . Bay Front. Bal· boa bland. From Newport Bead!: Mr. and Mn . Ira N. F'rlabee. 109 Via Venesla. Lido l ale and Mra. E. W Tha)'tr, \19 Via Yella. R•mpel 11 a member of the Boart1 of Dlrectora of the A.No- c1al... Jobnaon I• a lnalH or Pomona coue,.. Dr Clinton Ro.,lter. proteaaor or ~OVll!rnment al Cornell Uni· "''"""" and chatrmu ot the hnd -Photo by Tyler for U\e IWpublic commltlH ln- veatlcatln~ tommuniam In th• United 8tatu, will be principal eptak11r at the dinner. HI• aub· ject will bf' "Th• Current Poll- lle»I Sct'ne" Peters at San Dimas Georg-a Petl'r11, aon of Mr. and Mra. Georre JI'. Peter•. H01 Cliff Drive, It amonr the 178 'lltw •tu· dent. who re(l1lered this month at California State Polytechnic CoUege al Sa n Dlmaa. PelA!ra la a sraduate or Corona HIJh School and 11 a fruhman horU· cultural H rvlcea a nd lnaptctlon ma jor. No virtue I• .ale thet I• not enthu.alutlc. John Robert Seeley LEGAL NOTICE v A.&IA.NOE oa 1J8E PEUOT I a-rtar SOTICE O•· P,UBUC KEAJlL~G Notice S. hereby riven that the Plann~ Commlulon of the Ctty of N~rt Beach will hold a publJc tieartns on the &ppllcatlon of th• MAOCO CORPORA TJON tor a variance-#~1 to permit: A C'hanre ln wt·bacb tl"Oft\ I ' O" t4L.-t• on Bonni• Dooee ~· and from 11 • o· to l.& • o· °" Banl&na Drive. On Lot M. tract 1700 and loca led at 7tt lant.ana Drin. Notice 11 hneby furttwir rtven t.bat Mid publlC' hMrl.nf will be held on the 20th clay Of October 1966, al the hour of &:00 p. m. -ta the Council chamben of the New· port Beach City Hall, at which time and place any and ail per· .ona lntereatecl may appMr and b4! hHrd thereon. RA~ Y COPELIN, s eeretarx Newport Beac-h City Plannlns CommlMlon !'lo. 8lt-New1-Preaa 10;10/116 &E80Ltl'nON NO • ._ A RU()LVTION OF TD CITY CQVNOIL 01' THE CITY OF lll~WPOKT BEACH DIXlL.Ul· l:NO IT8 IN'l'l:lll'TION TO CALL FOR A 1jpl;(lJAL El.EC~ TION 1.'11 CJ.:BTAl.N INHABIT· ED TElllUTOBV CONTIGtl- 0118 TO SAID OITY PROP08- l:D TO ag ANNt:XED TH.EllE- TO, FOR THE PVIU1'0l!lr. OF Sf1BllnTING TO 1'ffE Q1IAL- 1•·n :D ELIXJ'l'OR8 81:81DING lN 8AID naa1TO&Y TllE QITESTJON WHrl'llJ:a. oa NOT ~AID T E R a IT 0 a 1' HHALL BF. ANNEXED TO THF. CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. AND FIXING A TDll: A.."D PLACE WHEN AND Wll£&E ANl' nasoN OWN- ING ll&Al. .PROPERTY WITH· JX 8VCB TEUITORY MAY APPEA& B£FOU SAID CITY COUNCIL AND 8BOW CA li8E WBY SDCB TE 8 BJ 't.O Ill' 8ROUl.D N<n' BE 80 "-"NEX- ED. BE IT R.l:SOLVZO. by the City Council of the City of Newport Beach : SllCTION 1: '11\al It i. t.he In· tenUon ot the City Councll ot the City ot Newport 'Beach to call a apeclal election to be held on the 20th day of December, 19511 In C'er- Wn lnhablted territory contlcuoua to u.ld city. propond lo-be an· neJtecl thereto. tor the purpoae of •ubmlttlne to the quallfl..S elec- toni rMldlne In .. 1d territory the queetlon w.hethft' or not aald terri· lory ahaU be annued to tbe City of Newpo~ Beac:h and th• prop- erty In Ule territory aubjected to ta.x.atlon ILfter annuaUon equally with properly wllbl.n tht City of Newport Bead\ to pay the bonded lndebtedn-of the City of New- port Beach outatandln1 or auth-orlud at the date of ~ tint pub· llcatlon of the notice of eleatlon. for the acqul81Uon, conatructlon or C'ompletlon of municipal Improve· men ta. Said te1Titory la describtod u follow• BeJ1nnlne a t the polnt In the boundary llne of U\e Ctly of Newport Beach. Hid point bein1 the lntenec:Uon of th• 110uthweeterly prolonpt1on ot the M>Ulbeuterly llne of Tu.I· Un Avenue. 80 fttt ln wldlb and the center line of 15th Street. 90 feel In wtdth u 1hown upon a map of N-· port Helrtita. rttorded In Ml.cellaneoua Ma~. Book 4, P~e U, Recordll ot ~e County, Calltomta: tbeoce northeuterly a.lone the .aid 11outheuterly line of Tu.IUn QUIZ KID Quiz Kid---7 Not necessarily. Jud • guy who'1 smart enough to heve found out about the amazing results from WANT ADS. Get cwion! le a 9•iz Kid ·yourieff • • • Inquire Today About Claulfled Want Acls CALL HAUOR 1616 21.000 Readers Could See Your Ad on Wednesday In lhe Coastal Shopper I .. _Ll_G_A_L_N_O_TIC __ l __ t~c .8!nicee __ Dress up your home! Avenue to an tntel'MC'Uon wllb t.ht IOUthWHltrly llne of itth street. eo f"t 111 wtdtn. u ahown upon Mid map of Newport Htlfhl.11 th enc e 110utheuterl' alonr the l&ld aouthwHtft'ly llne of lttb 8tl'fft and It. eoutheut•rly prolonpUon to lu 1ntenleC'· tlon wtth the .outheuterly line of Irvine Avenue, 80 fMt In width. u ahown upon ea\d map of Newport Help ta. l&ld point of lnteraeeUon b4!1n~ an anrle point In ll\e boundary line of the City of Newport Be&cb: thence eouthweet~rly alon1t aa.ld aoutheuterly line of Irvine A venue and IU aouthwMt.erly J> r o I o n1aUon and aton1 A id City boundary Una to It• lnterMCtlon wtth the center lint of the afore· mtntlonecl 15th Slrffl: thenu northweaterly alonr the Mid center line of 15th Street and alon1t aa1d City boundary line to Ill lnteraecllon with the aouthw•terly prolonratlon of the aoutheuterly 11.ne of Tract No. 1583 u •hown u pon a map rKorded ln Mlecellan~ua Map Book 48. Pa&'e 48 of Record.I of aald Orange Coun· ty, CaUlomla: U\ence north· euterly &lon• •Id aoulhw~t- 4'rly prolot\l•llon and alone 1&ld eoutheuterly line ot aald Tract No. 1583 and alone aaJd City boundary llne to the moet euterly comer of aald Tract No. 1583: thence north· w .. terly alone the north- euterly line of aald 'rt-act and alone u ld City boundary line to the moat northerly comer of u.ld Tract; thenc• aouth· weeterly alonr the northweat· uly line of H id Tract and lb aouthweaterly p r o I o neaUon and al~ nid etty boundary line to It.a lnlerMCtlon wtlb the cmler line ot the afore- mentioned 13th Street: thence nortl\wuterly alone aald cen· ter line and aJonr Hid City boundary llne to the point of be(lnnlq. SECTION 2: That aald terrl· tory hereby 11 dealpated and ldentlfled for 1uch electJon pur· J>09M and for UM upon the balloll at auch election u "S.aqulal An· nea.0 81!lCTION 3: NoUce hereby I.a rtven t.Ut on the 24th day of October, 1'66. at the hour ot.7:30 p. m., In the Council Ctl&mbtni of the City Hall of the City of New· port Beach. any per110n ownln1 real property Within l&ld territory .a propoeed to be anneited and havin• any objecUon to lbe pro-poeed annexation may appear be. tore l&ld City Council and •how caUM why IUCh territory lhould not be ao annexed. Such proteat muat be ln wrtUnr and ahall nate th• name or namu of the owner or ownera of the property affect- ed by aucb a.nn~a\lon and the location and a~ll ot •uch property In v<'neral term.. If ll be! found that a majonty protut hu not blMn ma~ u pr .. cr1bf'd In Sec· tlon 36121 of the Calltomla Gov· ernment Cod•. further proceed· In&• shall be &Ucn 1n accordance with the law for the holrtlnl ot auch 'Pftlal election. SECTION • Thal the Ct~ Clerk •hall certify to the adoption of thla ruc>lullon and cause the aame to bto p·ubllsh~ In lbe Ne111o•· port Harbor New1-Prua one• a week for the two wHka pnor to the said hearing The above and foregoing Ruo- lutlon No. 4389 wu duly and reg· ulary paqed and adopted by the City Council of thl' City or New· port Beach . a t a rerular meeting thereof. held on the 28th day of September. 1966. by the tolJowlnJ roll call vote. to wit: AYES. COt;NCU.MEN: Sennett. Wilder. MacKay. Stod· dard. Rldderhot. HUI. NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. ABSENT C01JNC1LMEN Higbie. AT'I'EST DORA 0 . HJLL Mayor MARGERY SCHROtfOER City Clerk No. 82~New1·PrH11 10/10, 17, 'M CEBTtFICATE OF Bti81N'f:.88 FJ(;'Tf'EJOU8 FIRM N.UO.: The onden1lgned doea ht reby certlty that h• i. conducUne a real eatate WH office u a Ucenaed r.al •tate broker at 503 -32nd Street, Newport Bea.ch. Ca1.lforn1a: that the flctlUoua firm name ia Seven Laland• Realty A: Inveet- ment. Co.~ and. thll1. the_ unde.r- alped 11 the aole owner of the Mid named b\Ul.n-. Wltn... my hancl thia 6th day ot October 196.5. Samuel Jacob Hurwtlt /•/ SAMUEL JACOB HURWJTl' STAT\ll OF CALIFORN1A, COUNTY OF ORANGE. •· On lhl11 8th d•y or October. J9M before. the unden1igned a Notary Public In and for aald County and Stale, prraonaJly appeared Samuel Jacob Hurwltt. known to me to be the peraon that executed tht within lnatrument claiming .to M the eole owner or U\e Seven la· landa Realty • Inveetment Co. IN WITN~SS WHEREOF, I have hereunto ael my hand end attl.xed rQY official 111a.l the da y ar.d yea.r ln thla certificate tlr11l above w rit· ten. 1/ PHIL BASTIAN My Commlu lon Explrea Mar. 3, 59 No. 821 Newa-Preu 10;10, 17, 2t , 31. 19&S DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu l8 paranteed. Carrier boya trill deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedne.day and Friday. U your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor !Slt and your carrier will bring your paper. ClasSified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ hery Moltclay, WeclHsday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Veuma a.pper Ada nm la U.. Wedwday N.,.....Prw ' U.. 1 luertlon SLOO add'L llaee .25 ea. 'U.. % IMertlou IJSO add'L Ulle9 .Z5 ea. 'LIM9 S llLlertlou 2.00 add'L U.ee .25 ea. ' U.. • llLlertlou 2.50 add'L Unee .Z5 ea. .._.._ w-ted Ads wW reaeiv• 15% dlaeo9at. outa I• ec1..w 0917. JIL."flJIU)I AD IS ' ~"E8 DEADLINE8 tor plac~ or cancellln1 ada are: For Monday Publication -Friday 6 p.m. For WadANd&y PubllcaUoia -Tueeda.y l p.m. ll'ot FridQ PubUcaUon -Thunday l p.m. NEWPORT RA.RIJO& POBU811INO 00. HU ...,._ Blvd.. Newport Beacb, OaUfornJa. All a.-tllad AM .. , be paid tor Oaall la lldvu.oe •f pllbll-.UO.. TIM publlabera will not. be ruponalble ror more than one lncorrac:t ln.Mrtion of an ad, reaerve the right to c:orrecUy cla.uity any and all ada and to reject any ad not con!orming to rulea and reaulaUona. Claulfied Index RESULTS GET RESULTS! Call Harbor 1818. aay: "I want to place a Cl ... ltled Ad." and atart ad•ertl1lnr reaulta comlne your wat. Speclal Notieea Old or New Low nu. Payment.I Tn.& 6 f'ORlOCA Klt.cben d.rainbo&rdl B&throoma. abowen FENCING Cbaltl 1 lnll ~s-take Venetian Bllndl O•erbead Oarqe Doore "Smart" Interior Shutten Free EsUmalU Home .t.fodemiution Co. Telephone LI 8-2237 lkH .FOR RENT SkfJI aa-a. Cite. Drtn., Pol191Mn. all tn-ot Sand•r-. Wll .. u.r. """· •t.c. BOYD'S HOWE. MIO W, C'OA8T BJOSWAT LJMrt1 ....am. Newport 8cJa lllfc Courteoua NJ1wa-Prua Cluaifi..S PIONEER SHEET METAL H1tA TINO, venW&.U., 6: .a. .. l IMt.al wotll ot all typaa. l.nduatri&l, remdentJal. eommercl&I RB ATUIATD U I-WT lpU M. OU Bp~ Drivewaya PARKING LOTS 8uMtvi.tou our •pac1&lly. Wt -f\lrniah any type oU to your a.,. ctncauon. Larp Jobe -att'lall Joba. Fr .. •Umataa. Aleo Wa· ter aprea4ln1. Moder11 aqlllp- menL oLExin(t.oft t-.ooe. OU· mcu,. • Pac•. HuntlqUln Bc:h. AJcoboUc. AAollJme>m Wrtie P. 0. ._Ml Kwpcll't .... ca1U. ,.___ llatlMlr•TIO titre Ad·Taken are trained to ..mu &Ida etfecUve ada. 'lbrourb Ions uperteace and a UperflUOUB llair thorough undu1tandin1 of adv:::::e"'r-:+-__.._, cu, removed from taee tt.lne wt ca.n put your wanta Into uma. ..,._ CJ...,,._ &ad balr worcS. that eet action. J3 lllaapecl-No more twMlilal· Let u1 help you ae.11: m.LEN J... BRY A.NT R. It TOOLS do·• 8aloD ot Bt&ut7 Bar. 201t BOA~ ~ FURNITURE BtJSINESSES CARS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Theae New1-Preh Clualned Ad· Taller• are expert.a and they are at your 1uvlce. Just phone HARBOR 1616 Painting, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 S8th st.. Newport Beac.h Ph. Har. 240t or 1587 ·R. i:ittc CARPENTER Repair Work Do-. TOiar Bame Nead R.epUltnC or Rem~T Call rrau. ~ l-4ICK All Work OlaaraDt.aed 'lttte Painting A Paperb.anglnc We do the work ourselvea. JO,...,.~ Ucan-' A: WIUred. aatJ.llfact.ioa ruarutead. EaUmatea ,,__ Call JolumJe. LI 8-2687 fr LI 8-5289 8ltf c Elec. Tool Repair ft1J Bawa, Drill-. Sanden QtnCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 451 No. Newport Blvd .• Npt. Bcb. Llb9rty 1-8313. f4dc CEMENT fr BUILDING All Klnda FREE~TES Liberty Ml09 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK HO JOB TOO SM.ALL B. o. A.Jl<!t'l'800 101. II:. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2460 13tlc Adams Plumbing Repa.ir -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCl'ION J82 Cecil Place. Coeta Mna. Llberty 8-7527 lkH Let u1 flni1h your Remodeling PaintinJ. Deeorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing ELLSWORTH CONTRACTING LI 8·79~1. LJ 8-6292 H-Loet aad Found FOUND on Oct. 4, Ladlea WTlat watch. City Par911nr; lot. N . .e. Owner ld~Uf'y It pay thla ad. P'. M.lddl•ham, 2~2 -7th 8t .. Riveraide. Calif. 1~17 LOST bom rim bltocal.8 WedJlee· day p. m. near A.JI ·American Market. Reward. Ph. LI 8-8&60 Stricker Marine Hardware. 2430 w .. t Coul Highway. 15p18 FOUND. TeMS. racquet near Hl1h ec.hool, 'nlura. Oct. e. U 8-~109. tec18 BIG DEMAND HIGH PAY PRACTICAL NURSES MEDICAL SllCRETARY HOME STUDY Hieb 9Chool not neceaaary. Many eam while lbey leam. Int. mall· ed. Write now, Unlted School of Numnr. Dlatrkt Ofnce, Lomita Cal. 6cllH Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Caahlen and Meat Wrap- per&. Malle 180 to '120 per wk. Call tor appolnlment to learn more about thla tr'alnlnc· AL TYLER Scboola ltU No. Broadway KI 1·36U t4lt Real Estate School in Santa Ana MZN A WOJO:N prepare In ..,.n time tor Wlllmttad opportunlU• In Re&I l:ltate. New ei... wMkly. Al Tyler lnatnlc:Uq. At. tend t1nt ...uni tree and lean about t.b1a cnat nut. cau ~ writ• now. lll~o!l~~~~L Kl 7·33ll-KI 5-Met·KE a-2613 Uo , China P aintin9 Day and J:Tentn1 CSU... Ordah Taken How Pboae Liberty l-6MI Mlle CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY tn epare tlm• tor contrac- t.or'• uamln&Uon under a ren· en.I contractor wlth 25 )'e&n apertence. Cluaea Tuu. and J'ri ...... 7:30 p .m. Attend ftnt aeNlon tree. ~gin ~lm• Al Tvler School 1811 No. d'ro&dway, Santa Ana Ph. Kimberly 2-422t or KI 1·3511 Uo J: X P E R I ENC E D cook hou.ae keeper live In. Oood referenC'eL Har. 4419. U cl8 Roy's Maintenance ~Wutecr .... ._._..._.__ ..... ____ ~------ DAWMAIUNO 6 IJ\e,..Uoe.- Women'1 • chJJdnba doU...- doll cloUl•. matemt(;J' mnoea, men'• ahtrta made \O wchr.- Harbor .. 1.w. Helt Expe~ener .. CLEAN UPS Libert)' 8-1ecf8 QUALD'ISD Kot.her will ...... J'O'lr home 6: chUd tor UIOllT VACATION period or W.. JCND8. ,., .... ,.('.. ......... u ....an. lOdl • EXPERIENCED GARDENER QAJU>&NJNO 6: yard warlt 1111- •eall or mce\Ji. LDart7 Mtat after •. ..,. Mallu.crtpt Tn*c OeMnl t7Pinc ~ LI Mil .. Swedish Massage LadJu. -by appollltmmt a yov.r home. l'ormerly m.-.uaa at Arnlwbaa4 SpriJlp B.otel. Pl-call Harbor 6 TM or Bar. 70. LICl!lNSJCD experienced ak.IPS*' al*l av..&ll&llla.. !or .boat m•tnt.en· > ance, WHldy or montlll1. Call Ra.rbor 1129-W Hell LADY for pa.rt lime worlt In clunlnc eatabllab.ment. Dper- lenced In meetlft6 public, alto aom• knowlad«'t ot allk ttmah· Ing. NEWPORT CLEA~ J08 Tuetln, Newport Beach. 1trc1T Is your retirement Income Inadequate? Are yGu restless in retirement? Do you W&nt reapooatblUty and ad<Md income l.n a poaJUon wlt.b dignity! We want mature rnuemen dealing In poe1uon of truat to aeTVe new lnveetment accounta ln your area. 8&lea ability ·-UaJ. Writ• Box K62 thta paper. Hell WlllTI: WOMAN t.o do bouae- work 1 or 2 daya per week In Corona d~I Mar. Call between e A: 8 p.m. Har. 2207. ltcl'l SEVERAL TOP NarcH WAIT· R.ESSJ:S, tray eervice, aeven.I ahlft.a. Maid tull ttme top Mlary. Mainlenance man. NO l"'l!m ~d tor th-joba. JUN!: FARR.AR Ernp'I. Acency, 'toa\fa -&aD4 ai.., Npt. \Acroaa trom City Hall) ttcn REUABL& • cSepmdabM ..,_ tor bo\&MCleanlDC oa eat~•· Own transportaUon Sl.28 !lour. Harbor J912 16clt TURRET LATHE OPERATORS Macbini.is, Hydrotel operaton First Class Only Top Wages New Plant TAPMATIC CORP. 845 W. 16th St., c.o.ta Meu l.5c17 WOMEN; HtWa1 -.c:ret.ary; Aello A: sen'L orn~. KEN apcrtmen- t&l machlni.t; productia con- t rol: matertal oontrol (l°"'t- contracta); .i... Jf.., jot. dally, recuter now. .TUN!: FARRAR l:mp'L A&'tnq. 402%·321\d St., N.wport ~ (Oppoelt• Cl~ Rall) lloll Beacon Personnel 100% employer ntalne4 agency NO fee collected from applicant We have o~ tw _.._,.. top typist, PBX.fiano1 llt(lft clerk. malt, 6 put time ~ clerk. BEACON PERSOlfNJCL UJ·31Alt V' Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 l2p28H COMPLETE PAINTING A Paper Hanging Service EUGENI: 0 . SAUNDERS Houae cleazS.1D1-J'loor ~ Wall WUhin1-wtadow c:leanln• Venetlall blind&. Uph~ry Insured. l'rea Entmatea Liberty 41-1332. 1Uo GtRL8 Meet. every Thund&y I p.m. Vta Oporto -Central An. Newport Buch Albert H. Matthewa, Exalted Ruler PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llcenaed LI 8·31121 280 AYOC&dO, Coeta Meu. Mtfc 500 31•t Street. Newport Beach Barbor 2978 or Kar. U41. Uc WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc . RESIDENTIAL Ir OFFICES L1 8-1623 3d~ General Contractor Painting, Decorating LICJINBED Paper Haqtnr New Work -Remodellnc GEO BURKHARDT J. MILTON McKENZIE • LICll:ND:D CON"l'ltACTOJ\ Harbor 6399· W 58tfc IT& w. 11th at.. eoet• M .. ASPHALT TILE Liberty s-aen LINOLEUlil lnatall tbe abcrft cheaper thu MOllt. ~ MIJ TU• It Llnoleum. NOD·union.. 26 yea.,.. aperienca. eom,.... and ... - BILL COKER Har. •7tll or Lone Beach 7·0973. ltttc BION RICE, Inc. OENmRAL OONTIUC!'OU lt•ldmUal, Commettlal. AddJUona. Harbor •H·W. &pll NURSE Under&Taduate. Udo I.ale Dmru day 11hlft. R.eferencu . Har. 1307. 18p18 R.l:SPONSlBLE couple on perudon w111 take CAM of and live on your property ( eatate I while owner le abtenL Excel. local ref, Bank and pereonal. Call Llberly 8·8388. or write Box R-.58 thl• paper. l llp 17 MIDDLE AGED Woman dealree po11ltlon u companion, ncep- tlonlat or Baby alttinc. Excel· lent referancu . U 8·7990. Hpll EXPERU:NCJC.O Drapery Meker want.a work. CaU Har. 347·R. J6p2'T Jl'ULL ChJ. Bkpr. and Acct. Call after 8 p m .-Harbor 21142. 14pl8 -----------------------8 AB Y SIT'l'tMC Matu,.. woman. l!:venlnl'• only. Call morninp or ah.fl' 11:30 p.m. Har. 1973-W. 18,11 IRONING or Waal\ln1 dona ln my homt 2'09 Oransw. Costa Meu U l..fMO. 14cte YOU will ha" an oppotbad'tJ to ad-ranee tn our firm. bec&UM of O\ll' p..-t e. panalOJ'I pm~ Tbt atarUn1 -1ary .. K'OOd and JOU wm "°"" rtaqu.at tn~ too. Jobe now for : TELEPHONE OPERATOltl -Apply -014~ No. Main 8tnlt Rm. 111 -SeDt& Au t :OO to 4:00 P.JL PACIFIC TELEPHONB TSU. WHJTll Woman for on ... halt d&J we.kly cleanlnc aputmsnt tor employed couple. Pbune Hartlot u 30-R HtnJnr•. Hell LADIES: Read Otlt' ad UDCler clu11ncaUon H -8uper Ku- ktt Tr&.lnlnc AL TT1.J:R 8cbooe. 1811 N. Broadway, S.nta Ana. Kl 1·3611. Htt EXPE.IUJ:NCIID llemoa atatioe attendant aalary It collUll1-tae. Jl!ns111U I n c 2408 If~ Blvd . Newi>0rt. Har. 1•. 1.lelf i ' ll!lp w .. w MEN 6 WOM.EN. f .JOO MONTH MINIMUM l!ILIOHTLY C8ED 1rMn daven· port: Ru1t arm chalr: 4811'.24" lln1e oak ma1 chJ111 cottH table. $300 vaJu• •ll for $100 . .'.'! to 1 p.m. weekday•. 230 Driftwood Rd., Shor. C\iN•. Coron1 dtl Mar. 16<:17 M-Mu~~al. Rudio,"" T \1 J0-1\ulris r11r Si.Ii• Uto\-Apt•. tor ftf!nt 1 .~:.:S.:,;B-::.......:H:.;o..:u;:; .... .:;..;l..:o:..'..:a.=al:;.... __ 1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 -PA~i: c REMEMBER-Don't "1t~tl -lbe l s-.-Clill---.-c~.-,.-"-.-.. -ul-.-,-.. -.-,-,,-.1,-u-RN--. _D:..\lP_l.EX ___ in_B&l ____ io_:i l.J.00 ISLE, s bdnn.., I ti.tl'ul MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1955 ve11.t Porter Heiop1 Or~t.n CQn· )lERCL'ltY Sun \'alley. C&ll "1" St. Rl!a•onable wtnler nont-l10111e on annu.U bul.L Ht•ud 1----------------------------- GUARANTEE S.ll by •PP N-. No Cnm~t 1tlon. Thorouch tratn1n1 prokrt.m Car Nttt-r)'. Harbor 6%74., l~c t6 I' VJROINIA. SOFA, btlj;I" back· ------------"""-------ground. G(>Od c1Jn1\1unn l ,"JO -I H11.rbor •907·J. ___ IS~ Fresh Hearing Aid BEA trrlFUI, •i>hd rnahui: Dun· DATrltfUl:S .We Olv• a.H Greeft Jtampa Gunderson Drug Co. Kain st. at Balboe. Blvd .. Blllbt\& ll&rbor &l&. NUc c1n Phyfe 01n111i: t:1bl~ 6 •·halr11 upholatorrr•I Jn ll ! u <' 10nt1qu<' 1 Vtll'el $300. All1r. new nu1hog. Uutfet. 5:,0. 430 A••a.r11olf1 l' 0 ,M ).°1c l; I cert. October lfi-1 p.m. -J.t•· Dl'l'ner Llbt'rt)' l -62%S mornLn11 t.l to r4;bt pt.rt)' 3 bdrm. • 2 .wimmtn1 pool. SUp for 40 ft. M-Hoae1 to Loaa 90-A . ~ lad.at.I 90nlc Hall. corner Oth A ~)'r•· or alter 0 p.m. lOt!c • bath i•r&(e A unn htat. pr1vatt boal. BeauUtull)' turn. Exqul· I ==....:.;;o:o;;,_..:.~~;;,:;.. ____ I n1on, :Swta Ana. No adTil!MLon. y•rd A patio. \\'Ill consider -'llf' Inside plaOh!ra, ahruM REAL ·ESTATE LOA.NS A w'lnderful n11111trel trtat for '•T OLD'S, 2 door. 12115· Motor yrly r.-nutl. l~c l6 .1rQund vaUo .I. pool 3 car car. Intar.t Rate &-61L&. M-1. Pi...c.nua, 16&' •tl.30'. Je\'d. all lover. ot lh• urpn. 01·~rh•ulW 6. nt""' batttry, Har. 1800 1110. tnqulr. 41 Ba.lboa n,. wtlh Mm. bulhUn1". • In h..n. OANZ·SCHMIDT. Santa Ana. 5201--'-"-'-·-"-·--------'-'-"-"1 Yearly -Balboa CO \'U, Nev;port. .Sell ':: ~~~ ~-: of lnd.cria! arra.. l'Tlce $?7.~ North ~lain. B LB Bo """'· .U-Tralle Lgr. 2 bdrm. houar. &y ''lew, pa. A · OA ISLA S D J bdrm, tum. mulUpla imtta. N .. or o&d. · "9 Uu, tieaull!u\ly lan~aped. Fl.Im. hon1e. pa!lo, l car C•r&&:e, ftre-'llria ud a" bJ .. "=·etas GREENL£AY-41i;VERTS. tte.111 * PORT ORANGE * or unfum. plare. A1lulta onl)'. Until Junto )'OIU' .,.-t lou. Miaimum •· Jill Newport Bh•d .• Nev.·p111 l Lo\'ely tum·. t bdrn1 .. Jgt den, pa· t. Har. 341.,..!.l-KJ:l!Ol'I 8·314§ ~ No ..marp_t.cw pr.Um!· ffw, IN.a. ~ u fl ·StM TRAILER S ALES • till, $;0 1110. wlnler or 190 n\o. or KEl\011 8·1723 i •c le M.r'J appraiml. ~ auta1 -------------Quality Television and SUPPL.JES yrarly, CHARM:I!-:0 l yr. old unfurn. AU IO.D:atMriJ l.et3J or W'l'ltei<IZl!:~R~-~~r.~to!!!!l!e ____ _ 2200 \Y. Coast Hiway. Two Largt tum. 1 bllrm. apta. 176 h(nn• .s bedrrn, 1 bat.ha. Modem ARTHUR A. MAY I· ~ ~'' •85 1no. yudy, M·~--• ·--~ .., , •. •-1 ~RON • DE• •••• I·• '"' N o . h LI 8 ·"20 .J~litn -View -lov•IY patio. -.. -• ...,_ ....... ,_. '-"' -~ .-.........-~ C\\'port oeac ..... Lge. 2 bdrn1. fu rn. 11p\., garb. ctl•p.. Ocetd lat LU ~ Co. tum pr apl ~y the 1nort~•i:• SERVICE Custom Draperies ':i4-45' 2 Ur. Hoattmaster .. St•~ w ·w ra r[lf'I, telot\'lllion. $1 00 mo. t::'.•~:fe~~:C:"12:~ ~:?;j g.s Sov.: JilaiD' a.eta 4-on thJ• 3 bllrrn :t balh h•\<n • 32.A-An_t!q_~~-----·~2-32' Ander110n, txcel. 1229~ or Sl!iO mo y~arly M.any "bullt·Lns" • lot• ot Rh•t• ec JS ·~2-27' Ro11.1ln1asler. )><'rff'rt $t890 See u1 f(lr n1ll~y Olh•·~. allU atudlo Ha.r. 4'"8 dllye, Jtclll pp •11:• ,,.,_ce. Floor rO\'tT'lng,a. lfo111r !'lerv1~e UI 9 p n1 776 \\'. 19th -LI 8·8676 BEDSPREADS, 1hp cover,, etc.- Hardware. 31 y.-.. Jn bU11tneM. LUCILLE D~CORATOltS Har. ~•-4(1.8 E. Balboa Blvd &U.: Nearly New Apparel KAT,EY DOANE,-K.1ndell'a Pallo 2771 E . Cout H1&hway Royal Danish Lamps 1 ---------------1 .~z-lt' ilappy 11011111 ·-·-, .. $~D~ apt1. $10 (IO't y,·r~k. $97 .flO COSTA 1.IESA ?\'E\V 3 CASH d,..~ ... appUanrr.a II\('IU•lffl tO-AuW. for ~ale ·:i~-4 1' Per"m.'1 Dfn1 ... Ol9Count ~07 E. Balboa Dl\'d., BDR'-l. 2 bath, untu.m. homt • • • In prk<• oC S?~.000. Uarb<>r CERTIFIED ORIGINALS -·--·"-----PAN AJil ERICAN H•r. Jll06 or eves. Har. 0823 garb9g<' dlap. large fl'nced yard FOR TRUST Dl!:l!:DS l~·M . Jtr:7 I50 YEARS OLD 19~3 CAl >ILLAC, 82 R•••IRn \'ery P•·•m"''"t·''•••kl'' l~clll Har. J380. l4c1S WM. 8 . HOLT lo"'' n11k>Kl(f' hy OrlJ; o .... ·ner ' " " " " MORTGAGE BANKING llA.~DM.Af)t: Copper l•mJ>3. hand sz;r.r> l hubor ~!JI . lflpl" Tra1·el..-z~·Terry LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL like-new 3 bdrm., 2 SJNCE 111SO. bh1...,•n ,·ry11tal kt·rh'!n,11' !Hal'"' 8.".tfc bKth untum. \'\ew home on 1509 N, BUSH SANTA. ANA. llilOn. EXQUISITE for lt'Hrllen f'OR SALF: 19~ FORD l<~A ill · For \ens.-wllh opllon to buy ;r dr-Ktnga Ro.td, i 200 per mo.. u.nUI K.LMBERLY 3.7118 • llghtlng, patio1, pP'!I•. or rfff'C· LA-"f;! town ~edan. mlle1<ge only 4:t F"'l'. DELUXE P.olla...,·ay,.;: 2 alrtU. 3 bdrni .• 2 bath. 2 patlo.s. nttxt J une, ttl•e for inill'.or Lighting \\'rlt@ !(1(10. l'rt•feel condit ion. S•rlll' is.~ j lieolrni. 38 rt awnln,1:. Atllc Unfum. WTLLARD L. lQLUON NO CQMmSST'J&N Hox &76 \\"hlH1er, Cul1furn1a for 1f 0111•ned by provtrb!lll "r,.Urt<'I t·rivl,.r. TV llllh·nn&. v~i y i·leun DAN A JACOBSE:"'. Realtor Realtor .l'-'I appt. llp22 (l!d rnaid R~h(K11\t•~er of P11~a--' <n i:O(}J aha1~. Lvt 231 llarbor ~>119 1 Ev •. 8• LI tl-tiMZ 33il Nr .... ·port Blvd. Harbor :'>~& No Appraiaal Fee - BEAUTll<""UL \'Jl!:\V l.o t .-.11 Chft Df'I", u tu u wt kna"'' U\,.~, .,.. lllllt 2 view Iota. for a.ale. One-It~. other $97\1\), ORA?";GF. COA.ST PROPERTIF.S 18.:'J; x .. 11·110rt. (·-.,~1a. !l.1 .. ...- 1..1 8-lt!Ji t:1·r.. LI 8-6!1(ll Corona del M•r. 9cll ••Boot S pll ~ ~P.-~~~~-1 lien•" RtallOn rnr 111<!11 -l'lnn ~a.hara P111·k. Paln1 Spring&. -,------------'-'-'-" 1------------'-"-'7 SALES -REFINANClC to 1 .. ,.,,e car for b11J11ne1R. Glt .. t.-.n I ~o phone l'lllll plf'll&f'-• _ CONSTRUCTION >-.y, H•r. t21)t or l S.:0.6. 16ctl> lipl8 DF.'LlJXE n101'1ern furn ~tud10 •PL Call for""" BAYSHORF...S Due 1ll11e.;s, o .... ·nrr ... -111 aerept &11,Y ~n111.bh1 off .. r , lrnns ur i.raJ e .tor 4 b(lr111. 2 b•th CL.EA It ho111,. In top ron(\itu:<n. \'11lut"<l at $29.500. C.:intact O\\'nt'r 1--1 Ji. 8203 or }'ou r brt1k••1 t"'I& FIREWOOD li"RE!: DELJVERY Ory wood, £ucalyptua. Call Ton\ Hu.tchlnaot1 Hartlor l83!i·J. l:)tfc BAB'Y bed with mattrru. e Yt•r 1ize $1.:i<l. f'lay pen $7.~0. Har. BOAT STORAGE Al.L SIZES, re•aonable r11ea. Ap· ply at yard olfier, SOt.'TH COAST C01'1PANY. N1<111'port Bll·d., at 2lrll St,. Ne\\·p1irt Bch. ,,, FAIRLIN~~R. rlean, lC>11JC!d, \\'1 U trad~. '-! 8·11710 1 m, or pm. 83tfc F OllO f>t -Furtlor11111ic Cnuntr)' Sq11!re 3fl,000 ov.·nl'r dn\·t n nuJe~. goo.:! tire,, Jl<.>""'tr 11lrer· lnj;'. R&H $2,l(I{):, H"r. 4511;, l~"'l j _ -49-Room• for Beat F ~-· •-Sl:!"SY ACHF. TRAlLER PARK Ut1!11Jrii, pau! $ifl mo. Cor ona.I ~=-~"':;:;=.~c;..'°';=c"-----1 aat ......,tnmltmenia S de.I l'.11\r, Har. OS:>3·P.. l ·ltfc RQO.\f tor gentle1nan. Pr"\l'ate on Re1ldenee1 and Unlta only ave 1---------· _____ , ,.ntra11ee . bath. Clo1e to beach, D I H ddl :-;U,..i_'HARCE for rhlldrtn on yr1. Dl':J.UXE 2 Brdm1. n1rn. apt. IJ.i Canal 4' Coast lf111')'. 110 JX'r on • u eston l··a~.-.. Ne9r :-1 .. wport Ul\'d., blk tc. {)('tan. 220 l'.laq.:-uer"\\e, \\•k. Klrllbf'f!y 2·0632 1~cl7 11l«rf!I, achC>ols, 114 f' \VUson, Cor(J fl1' •l"I 1.far, Adu.IL1 -no Co1ta l'.1 ~~R, Kl ~-1~60. 13t!c /IC.ta. Owner Har. 47 lOtfr ROOM with private bath 4' efi· 173 E. 17th St. \'1.E\\' HOJ'.!~; OX l'l.l~·F J)H :>0 J.t l:':RC. Club Coupe goad C'On·l ==-~=o77CCC""C---,-:;-,-,-c--l --------------I lnt.J\ce. Permanttil $4 0. Liberty COSTA MESA NE\\'PORT lfl:':lt:HTS dltlon-<)'<lr. R 4' II -n~'A' p111nt, f'JtA l."J'IALLY Xew uUhty trailer, \\'J NT~~R Large l bt!:!lrm. gara,i:r 8·:io98. lte16 U 8-5Mt tJ s.-&e2 F'OR RAl..l': QR \~'!LJ. TRAr•E ure~-$:>7r.-t06 38lh SI . Ne11·· bed " x ri•i Alt lllt el Capacit y 1111t. $6~ n10. uUl!lie11 piud. 2l4 I c7.o:::;--;;c:-:-::--::::-::----;::-c:--::c 1 -:-:-:--~=~==:-==~ I th1.t 2 bdrn1. & ,1,•n h11n.,· I JIO rt UeR•'h. Hllr 1~117·1l, l:l-00 lb~. !n..:J. hltrh. MaJ tty C~riu:•, BalbiHi..,lisland. 14clfl 1..ARGE Roo111, private balh, pri· YOU CA." BORROW MORE b1tlh, i·,·ry ruiii· kihh•!I l h.it ltifili 1·ha1ne, J1een!lt". Only u!M'd :iO __ _ __ ----\'Ile tntranct. 2 bf,\\a. SJ~ n10, TAKE LONGER TO REPAY oprne onto t he rnt•o (l\ll~~ • ...-1 111 -------------rnl!1'9, $!2.~. v.·a1 SZOO. Har. llEA(:O:-; UAY. i U.Jr111. furn, Av11.Hnble Oct. 6-321 lril. Co· PAY LESS :.SSt. 1 ~1 7 1--------------. ' 19:<i:t PLY~1UlITH' 8 tJl\'1<kr•• t111rJ tnp cun''-Excell. cnn<I. All 1•x· 1rall, x~ ..... t1r<'•. !'11. o ... ·nrr $1200. Har. 41 74-\\', 15ei':' BROADTA.IL % Fur coal 1i&c TRADE 38 • 40 purchaaed al J . \V. J.UCR•TfVE Robln11<>n . Uatd ~ ""'eeki In eaiit. " TAVE:R!" DUSl - 1.fak• otter, Har. De3t·R. 11.fter N'E:SS, San Frrni1.r1<1o Valley, 2illi'·R . l·lp16 h IJ b rona Uc! ,\1ar. 14pl6 WH"N YOU BORRO"' dining roo111. t1r1<pl1r 1·, fh11'h in t•u.•e A ~" J olrnl. !urn. "PL <0o n .,.,all at L.H.. l\' \\' nu 1,.,1,, , ,11., 11D6 S~erra ~ladre Bh·•I, San \"'KJNG HOTEL THE ()f !h1: br.•! 1,,,111 11,,,,ll'~ "n ('h!f J.l,,nno. 8yeamore 2·8ii!i, 'l SANTA ANA i\fORTCAGE WAY J)r l;1t/I nwn,·r ,,1 I.I i-.:l7ft:: 1 ~t'l6 901 J.~. ~~~~~r ~~~.~.. Ba.Ibo& 20:, Spurr~n Bid&. Kl i ·t 1118 day' or 1•1 11·~:'6<1 , 1 ··~ I •r 1 s ----_________ , 41-Wanted to R~ot 4. l:'icl7 tor 1a1hng or rhano•r boa.I. 36' or ovtr t8•46 Ventun• Bl\•!I. !947 l'.fERC. 1 door. H .tr H duul~. Rentals Wanted 2 HCJlt~f. furn. up5uura. =--•·f•r ROOJ1.1s • A.PARn.fENTS --------------"-'-'1,-.-E-"-.-,-,.-11111. z 11,1 .~ "''fl 1"~"'"" .,.,.. need •Pta u.a hou.au ln ail (l('t>11n. $~0. L:lil. Jl<I. by o11·ntr. Day -\V r.rk -l'.fonth LOANS for Homes tr\'e~ S27(1Q ,.;,~h 11 .. •i.11 n .. .-r A:\'TIQUE Kentucky rlflea 1:10 .. a.ound movie outnt •t$0, rate old ivory Chlnea a.crern S:ZOO, nice mal\og. cablntta $~ ea., player pi.aria $11)(), ol'il kitchen cabinet $10, antique <ltak 127.50, old phono.rraph SI&, wood 1tove $21.00, Chlntae carved ehe1t $t0. old a.ulky $4.5, old 1ldeoo.rd $2150, a.pt . .-.ng11 $20. elio:ctr lc 1-a.ng"e SW. nice wuh11r $22.50. nl(I iruna. antique china. cut gl ... ~urloa, old jewelry, bric·a -brac, ,.tr. \\'e buy. ael/ • a""'lp. Br111& item• ~n. CHARLIE DAVIS - lfill'l5 E . Ana.htlm St. L.B. 500139. Tarzen11, or r1111 Lll r k ... n~ 3·9149 12p:l!'i T'V••!1 r11rh~. 4 10"1·\\' ~xtra1. $2MI. II"' 1~17 -----------,u••• tor both wlnter and H9rbor lJiL l~c t i t:~~t lriration in Ba.lboa _, .,._ -\'EHY RF.ASO!'JAULE Jt ATES &'lfo:_20 yr. 1.ollU li:11taleR ar1<n ,l•l.•111 11 '!'1 ;•,, j••t1f. year'e l~ue. ,."'Urn. or unfum. $60 YEARLY J t>.tnn. turn 11pt l!X:.2& Llbrrt)' li·6:ll~• 1:.r1; TRADE '!i3 ~I G l'.fark II never rato.'<-1. 2 oe11• llr""" nrw lOll. r~r~11enl rnotor, 1·1<ry r!t11n. Kr i -4'.t63 t:X-17 u you have. \'&eancy, nr11r \\.'9lt r l'Joae lo /Ur hardll1---------------1Construction Loans phont!L tod•y Hnr. 10S6-J, nrted 6 or 1 0~-29 LOVELY toml,hed ~room•.· rrl· HAL.BOA \'ll'ITA Beautltu.I TO-n. auL echooner. Excellent tor charter. \\'1<nt property or •meller botl.l. 1220 \\'. Ualboa Bl\'ll., Xewport. H&r. 30J2. 39tfc Th V g I Co St .. •Htr 6. 1.Jpli l'ale b11t h 4' ~1·p11r11\e ... ntranel'. SD BOB SA'M'LER e 0 e • I ~-,,~~--~~-----430 A\'ocado, Coron>1 de\ 1.1ar l!il~ EA.ST COA.!JT BLVD. NE\\' 3 hdrn1. f11rn. J 1:...)0 ,\,,,,.·11. 160 mo. ecunrl,.I• Hh! f'7:"~). O....·nrr S \'0•11morr 3·t .'•i d 1::.r1':' l.001{ 3201 W. C.L Hwy .. Newport B<':h. lJALOOA ISLA~D Hay front. t Har. 1326.J, l!icl1 Corona del Mar Harbor 3881 Phone Liberty 8-::H8J hdrn1. ufll!.lilirR ne .... ·ly turn 11rt.1 ______________ Rtp. POIRJER MORTGAGE CO. 19C.O 2·dr. R l'ga1 D"lllK" Shult · h11k ··r Ch11mrion """"' lube\"5~ Hrrs, J61 bakl'd paint Jnb. Com. pl,.tody ('l\'rrhault'<I mot or, new ti.•11ke1 ol rlutl'h, O'drll·r. n•·W tin1••rl gktll.'!, new t·hrflnl•'. A !'<'It.I b1u ga1n . ~ •. ,. .tr makt> ufftr 11 3001 :-; •. .,...!J"'tl Bl\'t\, l"n\on 011 $tatir111 , H11 t. :'>4:J2. t5r l~ 208 Marine, Balboa l•land t i.") !nclutl, ut1l. Hur, 2320-\V. Metro Ute 1-J\alU KL J·~ll!i Balboa Phone Ha.rbor 4•i 1 ~><"17 55--StorN &: orne.. Ultle 21167 E. Coast Hy., Cnrona del ,\la~ cc7c-:--,----,---,---1 ----,-----~----1 --------------NE\\' 8 ll 16 Rat!, 1111"~ (IU!b<liortl. <:011111 URt• for tlu!'k rtr 1\o,·Q t 1.:yl. Gr11y11 -Tv.•o frt11h 11'~!r.r coollni;: un1111 fur b<>111 tn1o:1n.-~. Ford \'·& 111111"111~ 1•nn1·1·ra1011. Phont Harbor 1741 BAI.BOA l,1u ·1:e furn. I bolrn1. \VE SPECIALIZE l'N' Lido Off!u, 34111 VI• Udo rum . apt 11•11h ,cr11r .. Kr l:t•t pd Office Building LOANS .., FINANCING BAYFRONT Ouplt • l-:! b<lnl'I # 1· I bdrm , 2 CRI' l;!Bra~· fu• • nt11hr.11, J:U/.00 T"rn'~ l'.ll«i,hl ron•!dtor t r••lc f"r (•c,~t• ).Ir 1 Income prop•·rty. llarOOr 49;1 ~\nnth ur yrly, Har. J72.5 aftrr ON t702 =--~wrt1rt r~h·<1 .. eos11 Mt9a 6 P·"'· i:.pt 7 For Rent HOUSETR.All.ERS V8·60 S\OC'I. i·11,i:11lt·, :.> late Llhl't'ty 8-:>~97 D,.:LUX.t: F UTtX. APTS. !':E\\' office bldg, Ctntrally local· Autoa, F'urnlture • Salar11!11 Sln1tlc11 • <lbla. s:io mo. anr1 up. ed. Floor• carpeted. \\'tndow One Day Service Ocean Front '" S E:LL 01" TERMS 8 ~I. Ol!:UCATESSEN C•.w.. Sl:>O. ONE e ft. refrigerator .. . ... $.'.I(). O!"E Ja r11:e comn1erc. rl!'frl,g. 175. 1 SCALES, $6:i. l GONOOl~A $2,'I. <:all 0111·ner l~I 8·6223 mom1njf• or Chr~·slrr 6 l11du11nal roi:1nes ""'•th ~ .. , entnr purnp 12;s2 l~Ue1 Lle Gunlt>!I Gtu1•e 'L"!u~i:h 9·1318 I 1r .. ·17 :.o l'L Y :0.1 0t."r H, ~!'l.'"L.d l)"lultt 1 \\' A!"TED Homf , 2 or :1 bdrn1~. 104 E. 8 11.y A 1·~. Balboa. Ha rbor 1lrapr~. l~OO eq. fl. ld<!&l for Ina. 5344. &tfc or real ellate 11rm. Ph, Jim •l Loan• from l!IO to $1200 or m9re F URN 3 B"drni Z lm\h hOU."• • I bdnn Rpt , 01•r r 1:•ra11:• 525,600 T1<n11a 1 llr, H .t-H. Gr.'11.( r o1m!1!1on unfllrn. & g11r yrly b11,,1.~ L I LI ~·3•~•. 7c70h C ALIF. ACCEPTANCE 11fter 6 p.m . 9t!c COLDSPOT ref11g. $80. Oval rag n11r St!i • lwln all<!' HOIJ)"W('>()d l>Ptl 12~. U 8·il~~. l!klT Soecialty Sewing etJ'MUN holea, •lpper•. hernmlnl', men'• trou~r• cuffW, etc. CO:'>IPl.ETE: "''!th rn1inr11i,.. 21 ti 90 h p c•b1n en111,.•t Bn•! \llnk, J.~orctd tial~. H111·. :13!~0 lfH \ j 32' Lowman Crui~r Sl~ep!I t , SS, Chry1Jer Crown. Ex· ceUt nt condition. Aaklor $J9S-O. Cor111hler property lNde. Harbor 79(1-M. liplS $~:!~ •. 1:1 1~ 0< "ion Hll'd. t • IJ l'.1 8-!11:111 bt'IW""ll 8 ol 6 pm. l.k.17 H11r :!62tl-\\' 1 .-.f l~ ------ JAUL:All •;,3 XK 12r1 n1?d1fl1·1! Gla~11pt1r lO]' R & H \\'Jn•I "''nfi':~ T••nnr11 r r " 1·"' "'If" .,..h,.eb . $2100. Har. 4000 49 '\'ILLY'S ., 1tetion WRll::Qn o'drlve ri1118 good S.1':'5 or orftr O....·nrr. HRr J{lll ·R l\'A..'\'TED 1{1lra.i;•• 011 6th, 7th or 8th 1n B1lbo11., lh1 r. ~29~•·R.; l~p17 GE:<."TJ,E~IAI\'., d"Sil'{t1 t.,.•o bed· rooma. '"'O b at h• turnl11heJ •p•rtment. yt1rly lt l.M!. Udo l~lr prtf<'rred. Har. 22SO Ol' 1~1•. 1 ~p 1 Z .... ESJO \' LlVJN'G on the ocean rront. =-:ear Xt wpo1·1 pier. Single. ept. 111·1th kitchent\te anrl bath. )!Rid llllTl'ite, utl\il1et1 pd., TV. $1~ pt:r 111·e~k. Harbor 6091. 0,·U 'fi -1:.,.· "' CORONA DEL MAR l bdrm. furn <1pl .. i;:ar•i;:e an11 lauollry nn. $7!i mo, Har. 2:106-M.. l t e lll M·A-Bminess Rental111 Cor. 19111 4' P11centla.. C. 1.t. FOR REJ'l."T llA'O bdm1. home - (sto1•e & rerng. turn.) tnclude1 •tore roon1 & two nttlc' •pat•, 5100 month. OR will rent a.epa· rauily 1 office at ST!! and J •t $!>0 month. Allio 11mall 1tore $100 u10. Call owner Uberty 8·6223 mornln1a or after 5 p.m. 91-tc CORPORATION OLD JC It 4 bo.ln·n. 1101"", fut' "'' ••r heat. Only s 2:1 ~11)11 1898 Harbor Bh•d., Coat.a Men Ll 8-17!11 -Open FrtdaJ• till 8 Cloffd S•tutd•y-lfc DUPLEX on llalh<ol\ Uh·d --------------1 l W boll\ UflJ\9 nlo;-f'I,\' fUU\ $18.• t"lnlt •••DUPLEX, l br . .._ apL. 1900 11q. tL plua sa...,-. oak noor1. auto. fumacea., JovelJ l'J'Oflnda. Beat section Coat.a M-.A raJ buy a.t 51 7,500, Term.. i 11.ooo .... 111 handll't. Coast Properties 101 E. Ba.JOO. efvd . BIJboa Harbor 2eM. 2.'.'IP7 •n<f 4600. CONTOURED DRESS FORMS FOR SA~ OR TRADE for l•ra:er bo•t. 22 rt. Chr11 sedan rru\J1~r. tut _ Exc.,11 , condition. Harbor l337·R. t&t•t& 14cl8 WA!"T t.o rent l•"-11'.e =~=""""""C--O'C"-O'C"-C-0-We11t Nrwporl Park. VOLKS \\'AGON il:'J }lard top lillll·\\', alter~". Vicinity Harbor aedan rnrtnhr blue Onvw thrre n10. \\'"nr.1crful rond\uon 51.'lri•l .110 A n1•·\hl'~t 81\\hr>n l ~lantl_ HNt .1:15'\. 14el6 '" \\'ORKING ~!OTHER ""'Ith 1chool 11gr !IOI\ dt1lrr1 1111a1J hou~a or apt In ~-·pcirt H~!ii::ht~. Furn. ur unfum. I.I @·12117 Rfl tr 6 or Wf~k ~ntt~ 13r l ~ Lido Isle Bayfront M-Bwtlnesl'J opportwU~ El'e 1nro. ph. ~ Har. ss1Jt..1. Near Newport Pier 3 Unit.a fur11 . .,.·!th l'Jttra. l'acant Made for your -lnl conve11ienet. ~ ------------Too buay to cut out your own CLIPPER KEl':L SLOOP 2W p•tltml'! F:11lra l.arge Co<:kplt Bring-m•leria.l and patlerrui ExreUtnt COnd111on to ta and we wl.U cut them for ynu. Call owner HRrbor Jt 29.H Moel Rea.a.onable Pr1ce1 l6p2lh THA.NK YOU. HOUBE O P' TERRlN' Llberly S·t i92. 1r.c 11 S4--Maalcal, Radio, & T '' SPlN'f.'1' pllnO" Hf'ntal 1·tt 11rn~. ~ BUICK Centu1 \' R1\•1er9 Hard lllp. bhi .. & ""'h1!r All extra11 ~.000 1nl1••11 B<1~1 urr .. r 0•1'n"r 6:?3 \'111. !,id., :-;.,r,l liar. i!l88 l l r2Q STOP On• a nd t.wo bdrm. apartmtn!a. Furnl.llhed. Gar•gre. Yeerfy or wtnter rental. Har . .56711, <c20 \\' A!'."T I?>.'TEREST ln bu1lnte1 or !ncon1e, l nveat tialf ot $9:IOO f'qUity In Senta Ba.rbara trlplu: & txlra lot. totel SHl.000-$2M lneome, Conslrltr boat or ? - \Vrite Bo.x 0·56 Ulla paper. 1 3pl~ NEVER AGAIN •••A PT. COURT, 8 unlU . almoet new If\ top Col.ta MC!M. perman- ent rental area. O!ftred away btlow coi l ot rtproductlon al Pl.MO. i 18.600 down. Eve. W O. ('all AuCdt!'·Heide Ll 8·!i4o:I, GREESLEAF • SEVERTS, ~ally 3112 Newport Blvd., N.wport Ha r. l!i.112. lot for parking. '• blk. to bf'•ch J blk lo bay. S.•l rent.al loca· lion, J ood \ncomt Only $2'8.54)0 very e.uy ternla. See 11\ie today. ~l ultlple IJa.tlng Homer E . Shafer REALTOR REJ"JUG!:IU TOR, arnaJI 0 , E. • Admiral coneole AM/F'M phono TV. ReUOIUlble. 42'9 St\'lllt. Balboa. Har. 6891. lep18 Tradr0 in11 on Or1:•111. I'!<' 1.ike nr""' Thi~ \_~ 1 rh11nc~ tor 1 htg aaV\nl(11. Opr n Fn day tl'eft. ~I CHE\'RULE:'T llehure. hard top ronv,rllblr, 2 tone :tll l'X\rA~ I Ollt U"'ntr $811~. Kl 7-ZJ:r, I ~I~ S. SprU<'•, S. ,\ l~o·1{; YQllR rentRI tnar~ V•rent rent· 11111 ..:ni;-l yuu money CO (<.i ynur phnne C•;r helpful ~er1'!1'e. T<'n· Rnt~ waiting r,.,r a u p;1 r1~ of lh11 HR r OOr A•·ea CORONA DEL t.IAR, yearly 2 • bd:m. duplex and l ·bdnn. a part· n1rnt, Furnh1hed 1nrl. ul\Lllirs. 3lT M111·guerHt :!tfc \\'ll..L IT BE P OSSlDLt: TO BL"l' 1-------------108 McFarlden Place liar. 140 E \'e. Har. l 131·1.I Jfar. 2:'129-M. SOAP BOX Dl!:RBY CA.R, EnglJ9h ractnc bike, Allo Suophonr. All In good condlllon. Har. 29tt·R 1~17 AL'TO-ETTE for [I.fl.Jr. exctl!rnt condlllon S47:1. Call Ll 8-191 4. 16cli PATIO FURNITURE, Jaddtre. Stt of pott@ry dllhea for 8. amau cu heat.er. LI 8.f847. Jkl'i nrcr A TION WIR.1!: rec:order JOO, M'u!\lclpal Trlr. Park, office - N~rt. 16cl8 ' Charming-Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios DANZ-SCHMIDT . .;.20 ~"· .\lain Santa An9. 41-Auto_~c.1"""·----- REX RECHS Realto r 2JO'i \\'. Balboa Blvd tf XE \\' 4 ROO~f. lilrrrt le\'el. !'\ear TV & Radio Repair Fast Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyl1. .. ........... _ ....... S48.88 IS-A.pts. &l Hou~----- Dtoice W inte r R<'ntals un Balbua Island 8: Lidu Isle S mall 4 co:ty or larf[e • delwr:e $1!1 to $300 month Rra.'l<'lnablf'. • Serl'il'f' rill~ 1111 i p.m Kl\"O\\'l~TON F.J.F:C· TRO:"<iCS LI 8-:'>2l'l5 8 Cyls. . ..................... $58.SS VOGEL CO l lp:?IH Include• both labor and psrt1. • --------------Ne1v ... n.,~, ...,.n ,I pm•. VRl\'e !08 Marlrle A\'t ., Balbua laland RENT a p11•no until you buy. AU "''n \~rni rfnl aJlo...,·~il C()O{J prNr· grind, t ftti11g·9 01 n1a 1n 11.nd rod Ph. Harbor 444 or Ht1.rbor 2151 Ure pi11.no• R! 101., "'~ s;, p~r bearlng1. F.x(>frt n1otot t11ne up.: Re• H9r. 1786·R or Hlt r. 3059-l'.I a.r/\00!1, ~hopping ttlAtricl. Quiet, plrnA11nl, cxc1u~i1·e. Garb11~e rli11· po8al. 111undry. Jttoraf,;'e rvon11, J::arag<', $8%.:'>Q up. Cltruplr8 en-' tore etr,,,t. (:ood 11uprr1·111on. ~ff.:'r. 1~01 Ha''~n l'Ja1·e 1 U/r)('k South o:ir High Sthool ALSO ~1.;R:><TSllE:D APT$, \';JJ\'TEH. RATES ~.i re LIDO Y'F:ARLY 111\furn. b11lh )\Olllf. 1!11r. ISLE 2 bdrm. 1013. i lfC' monU\. llO·dR)' or 4,000 ll)ilo t;lu1r11ntce. I 64 ttc DANZ·SCllMlDT Bit P1•no.!1!""" (!"0 llfOXEY DO \\'.''! , -., LIDO IS LE REBUILT ENGINES AITRAC."fl\ F. 1 11nr1. bdrn1. fur n fl20 N. ~fain, Santu An11 . 1.;t l!i1 1 t~ paF1 \ <•r ::! ~hlldrtn BACHELOR 1111!1 one &: 1111•0 bdl'm. ='°"~!8-=:'"~JT!l'.!"~·~·~-!!------l ---~oOiiR;(G;:,;,;;:-;;-,s"P"•':cc·1i:AUI.~ --UP to 1:1 1110 :-:TH!'I TO PAY-[,11111\•hy r(lfHll BL u ~= T 0 p ap!". Shvrr lt'nn and yearly. Built In our O\\.'n ra~tory by •kilted Al"T. t.rOTEL 4<>3 :-:~ ... ·rorl Blvd. Al.SU. L!ilO llon11!'! 11nd 811.y Front Washl·ng Mach1'ne LOVELY !!SE O llA'-ll'.fOX D Sri· machi11lst9. Dco;i'l contend with :--11L Ut11ch, ju.'!\ Mbo,•e thr Hon1c1 11n" apartment.a. ntt organ In per!t cl condlt1'1n. to Id II B II t \ " " m '" !1111"· u~· ' r~·· ,\rrlh:~. 7~1fc LIDO REALTY A ssocia tes SERVICE Hlg R111·ing. Conl'cni,.nt t~rn1~ RI REBUILT ~d IN~"TALLED i.,.., suan.nt.ee on jobe done SHA_FER'S Mu9lcCo. I Since 19071 t,;XFUHN. Lnri.;r. 7'-'<'w /lfodern ! J·IO!l \'la L!du. J.farbor i~4f -d oa ~ "'Ubers. lUlll4 "'21-423 N, S~Tlln101•,., Santa A119 SHORT ULOCK 29 ,0 l B•oLr in ,1,1111,_,, ,s,.,. ~at ,,, S9tfr .(nu) N•wport BJ., Coeta M-. Phont Klmber!y :l·(lfl72. FORD --................. _ $I "' sunolfl''. ll'li•7 :ir11~ta>r•· Dr., Llbe 3 1------_______ ,CHEVROLET _ .... -............ S\49 O•O rty 8-45() or Libtrty HAMMOND Or~lln •. A ll 1n nd"ol.~. PLY/II, & DODGE _ ................ $!'.'•~• Xo·wpni t l!•pl 'i 8-4321. 84.tfc Somr w(lnderflil h:1r11:a1nM-'n CHRYS. & DE SOTO ..... -.... 5170 l'I Tf;-,--,·,·-~--,,c,,-,·"·-,~S;O Mesa Woodcraft UnpaJated • Ju .... nll• Furnlture ulled 01g11n~. Sr\'<'J'/<I nH•k"~ -S7C0f:HAKF:R -· $\in AlJ '~· h~ _ H"RI: Hoi<pitaL. Ft~ rrerUrr r .. .-,n1~ T r:1t!r 1n OLDS & PO~Tl ,\C.: Ii .... _ ...... $li0 ~~:rl 'lll:~1n: Hflr . 1311:\-\\'. l~p \7 your old ln11tru11H•n1 UlilCK .-.... .... . .. ........ 11;·, _ ---------- DANZ.SCH;\U DT. Honir of Che H t:DSON ... -......... ~-·-· :SI;~, world f1UT1nu11 H11mmnrul. SanlR Loan C"r F'l'rr T n11·1ng 4!:,~=.!'_P_L,'.!~i:.._Rent __ Ana. ~20 N. Mii in. NE,\' CAH Gt;ARAXTF.F: SPl':C IA L Bl lY \\·t:ST :-;E\\'P(.JllT BAY FP.OX,. 111lr"rt. n1fl<\. l hr Rfll 1.60 ~ RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Ca.II Edna CTaJ1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. t\t Mar"\11e Ave. lialboa !~Jan(!, Har. 1671 72t1c T\\'0 Rf;R/'.I. furn. Uflpet apt. l~-0 n1n, !II! Junr 1.5 Prl'f'r cnuplr, Student de1k "Pf'C'. 11 3.9~· )4" 81!dln11t door ca b. ... lt.7!!1 LOVELY KlMBAl..I, ~pin"\ r tiono l \\'llh hnll\ ln Lowr•Y nr1r11no. S&\'fl $700 nn \h11. \.1b••ral !rlldt'. Conl'enl~nl t trm11 11 Bln.:::k n1u~t n1tft n11r •t~n•IAro.111 P!U!'I li\X• 1<, .,1:.1~\\(·l$ :lll•I "11 Op<'n $un<lll)' IU n 1n. l o :I r Ill, ."tn<110 11111 f..511 :-;,,,., . ."l'"''~· 1\11.'I, Hlir. 2·11'.Hi·J . 1!1r1T 3C" Bar Stoot• 2.9l Complete line Ullpalntf'd f11rn . J1oft and hwd. Mtnwu an\t Dttt tlnl1ht1 C>rder1 taJl.an tor 1huttera llll Hubor. C.M. U~rty 8·lfl.t~ •nwooo \\'aketield btod comp. SHAFER'S ?.lua1ct'o, 1S1nt"r 1111171 421 ·423 X. Sy1:an1urt, SHnta ,\1\11 Phone Kimberly 2·067:? BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Op,.n Jly ll~ 8 I" i NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. ~it' 11!11 P'I H111 4fl!l.,\I l6iJli --------B,\Y \'IF;,·> Slud1n 11p1. TV, l(llr, rH '~J ,'\'F.~i:: l':Jl!f, l\"nn t ~ ~·011ng \\'()~IA :-: In 'IP•«' 11r•arl1!1"111 & ~"l'''!l~""· •·n f{.111•"" !~land Har_ .~Ii" \6c lS 1 .... ,,~ ,, 'n. 11 ... 11,,,1-1 Ill" IL1r. ),18 Bus1n~"~ $1.'> (10 I 1·1; Ut•L ln<"lu<trr1 Sin nin., "''lntrr. [l11IM.1 l.•ILln•I Har. 3!•flfl.\I' Holiday Apt.s OCEAN F'RONT \\'INTER a. tOOx\00 fl. corner Jul in heart of B11lboR "'Ith R rnmplele 11tr· v1 cc 9\et1on, fully equJpPf'd, (l'Oo9JI aah.:s 01•er $6(),QOO. ha .. f. bdrm. h'1n1c, plenty roo1n tor vi:ran- •inn. The pr1re Rn<I net inromc ..,.-,n please y ou. C11ll- AL TYLER. Broker l lcl6 GROUND F'LOOR 0/'PORTI'SIT\' READ THIS H11 ve 0111·niJ1f.! for rl'.apo:>nN1ble party l"Rpeble Of tnYel\lng $1 :,,f)O(} r111!h In R net1onal rorp CAN IJE ACTIVE Oil NOT. Potentl.tl e11rn1ni.;~ for flrtil yr. tren1rn- ol<1U!'I, l'.IUf'l furn . .I:~"' cha.t11(·trr & f'r~d•t r,.(. :'>1 n.~\ he fllll)' to grt along '1•!th. For per.'!pn•I 111· ll'r~·i1>111· "''rite Uox Q·t>8.., U1ls fl{:y,·sp!ll)(<r, lnrlud.. phnn(' No . anti bril'C rr~11mr. StrH,:lly r nn!l· J cnt"'-1. J5r20 -------------- Aluminum Awning Bu~lnep reA'1y In go. H11.lf !ntrre11t 11.~·a.ilJtble lo (Ju111lf1tod Jlllrly with f'al··~ <lr huA!nt~s a!lm, bllck· ~rnund. Approx. S3fl00 nttrled to ~"' it rn!l1n~. '''nle Bnx r -t•7 1h 1~ paper . l M l7 BEAUTY PARLOR SL'ITABLE r,.,,. 1 or 2 "'Per111nr11. 1nuet ~ 9'lld 1101\' 11t giv11way p111·e. Good loca \ton. low rent. ACT FAST. JAMES C HOW ARD Hhr. 1105 32nd &: X e111·port JJL \'d, t4cJ6 Loft aeat bed, autom Hotpoint ran1a like ne>A·, pr of nlatcli Hey'wood \\'K fld wing-ch11.l.ra. OdM:o h11h chair. Har l8S7·M. GOOO pl11,1·1n1<: prA<"li~e puorl•'<, J;p, S87, S9! ur In $1!1~. ~pll'lr\ type n11n·nr r•111no 11 hPflllt}'. orily $196. EaA1C'~l ltl'nl~. DA~Z·SCHMJ OT. :,20 X. l'.!Hon Santa Aoa. 100 pl11no~ (fprn F rulay n l11:ht11. 1 nn 2 nn. F11rn . c 'til. J"l. . ':.o r"urri l"tlt f111. St!U I!~>; E f:111.JIJU11 Bl1«I mo,1---------------1 llct6 ------SPECIAL BU\' Like ?";""' COWPJ..ET!i: bedroon1 llelR for l rooms. 12 x 18 WM\ rui: .l Pll\I. O.mon•tr&t\lr rno<Jel Chnrd OritAn retn1 , waeti. mach. 21 .. Ad-In perrert rond(llon. !S•,·~ s2~.11. l.,.'011ven1ent t••r111~ L1bo•r111 1111•!t mtra..I TV. Maple dto'k Liberty l -7et!i. 14 r l8 •t --------------··SHAFER'!" Mu~o~· Cll !~inr~ 1!1(17 , MAPLE Youth bed, lnnrrsprinii:1 ~21 -t Zl N Syr11mote $11.nl• >.n11 mattreu. hkt new. $20 •90 T'hc>n~ KJ 111hf'rly 2·0672 Coeta Mea& SI . C, M. Llbtrl}' -----1-1162, 15cl7 SALE tOrt1n!I pl11n"~ ~IAn.1· ""ln- drt·fu! b1.1J;a111l' ~l11n~· tanl!•U~ MAHOGANY d1nln11: room l11blr . m11k~l' l"nrr• f rnn1 JJ!l.~ u11 Wiii M•l JO In 17, buffr l. e nenrh 1nrludr1\ chain. Goo<1 l'OndlllOn S.1!1 -DANZ-SCHMIOT ~2(1 ;-.;o l'.1 11\n UMrty a.1614. 11kl8 I 8Jtnl• Ana. Cabanas Marinas Lido Pe ninsula, East 31st SL, Npt. Bch. OFFERS [)('fight ful li\'iUg, Apt.-Cabanas. \\'ith t:ti!itiC's pnid. ra<'ht slip occomodation11. Dally, \\'C'C'kly , nlon thly, yearly. F or appt. or resen ·ation. CaJ\ Har. 2992. 34t!c 111!>. H11r 1:178 l "•p28 ------~~ ATTRA •'T I\'~; t l11·11. I h•!1n1 kp\~. rl"~•· In "',..an ,(r 11.11 $i•~ '"" 113 • H>\11 ~! H u .~n"7 ·J :-;,."'!•>rt )1,.,,, II 1:1, 16 4·c1RQ.X,\ \>l·:L ~1 AH I t1,••!l1'1 lur· 55--Money to Loan LOA.NS TU B\JlJ..lJ. Da'ROVJ: BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REFPIA..NCE We Buy Tn.llt DHdt9 NEWPORT BALBUA SA VINOS It LOA.." ASSOCIATION 3366 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 4l00 '" TRUST DEEDS tu•tll'•I .1J>t. $~~month 1nrl 11111· t!"'' C11!1 l.lhtrty 11.::u:J•l l~p17 -- -for \hf' • t..K'~;,\:'>' 1-'l<OXT Al'T. s: .. 1 111" T'PJVArE l!"\'ESTOlt 1nd 11tUll••·• 1\leal for rodp!P I ti·~ 16 to•;. rP!uru · :-;1crp1~ :><1rr1r rurn ror • ,·,.ry S AXTA A:>:> l'.IORTG>.r.& CO. <'llnfn11 :;-n4 \\", ~r111n ~·1. 20... Srurg~on Bl<lg, Kl 7·~168 :-: n. 1111·. 4JiJ.\\. i~-1 < &cl 8 ' 61-Real ~te E•cbu1e .. Palos Verdes Estates F OR NEWPORT HARBOR AREA G I RESA.LE. 3 Mnn. 1 ... bath hon1e. i141J~ full pr1u. I~ !l<J"''n "''1th 4": 1nt~"''l. i,:,,1hrr st. IO!'•ll()n. ltea.lly coo.J. • ORANGE COAST PROrERTlES 1857 =-:rwporl. ('011!1 ~l e.sa Ll 8·15.12 ,.~VP. U 8-881')3 High delw:~ ranch home ""'ilh vle\\· 1--------------- frorn Ventura to Catallna. 3 bedrm., 2 bath le\'r l eorntor. ~fa.hog. lnter"\or, late11.t b1nlt·ln9, !!prinklers, etc.. wtn t r ade S2!i,OOQ equity for I n co m t , w11ttrfront or buetneu. Costa Mesa C -2 ~OX2~0-..,.•tt/1 l W<"I nr""' ltl~!' plua. !i rm. h<'lm r-mr>\\rm!,,..,1 -111 balirJI, p11 t10 . .521.000. O...·nrr, Roger \V•teon. l~l Eapl· fl o8a Clrele. P , V. E. HITE JN THE l~JNE o~· PHOGRESS BAYVIE\\I llAit . 3371 f'ronller l1-'i5flt 14cl8 FISHER & CO. SPECIALS 1. RETIRE ON $5000 PER YEAR! Live in this lovely home 1 block from Bay and let th9 rents from adjoinjng 6 units buy the groceries. S~.000 -Only $10,000 down or trade in your 3 bedrm. home in Santa Ana. 2. RETIREMENT COTTAGE I n Corona del Mar, and only $8250 full price-. 1 bcdrm. home 1 block from ahopt and tranlliportation , 3 block• to ocean. Fenced. Many fruit treN. ~17 3. VETS 2 BEDRM CORONA DEL MAR . Use your GI loan to buy thiA for only $1230 down, • bal. princip&l and int. at $61.M per mo. Near ev.erything. FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, Harbor 4429 CHINA COVE Waterfront Cha"'1ing Swedith Modern, terrific vieW. Perrett for a couplle'. V a cant, Jet u1 1how you. $88,000. Excluaive agenU, OSBORNE I FORTON REALTY co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Ne11,.port Beach tat Port Orange) LI 8-7562. Har. 51M e\'ts. I ,A8! I • 'AltT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 8%-Real fAtate MONDAY, OCTOBER I 0, 1955 ~=!fl!! FAai. ........... a •.a &tale BILL'S BEST BUYS _ V AlJ,lABLE GROUND , Zoned for buaineu. 3 yr. old apic and span home on 48.5x150 lot in rapidly growing area. Stucco and redwood, patio, BBQ. rur completely fenced. Priced for quick aale at $9750. See thia and arTange terma. DUTCH GIRL CLEANINESS Throughout, with carpeting in living room, dining room 6 halla. Better aee this three bedroom. 11 ~ bath home before it'• too late . On new curbed and paved at.reet -on aewera. M.L. No. 6280. Full Price $9.850 with only $1600 dn. Balance $67.50 mo. REAL NICE FIXER-UPPER lnaide newly decorated 3 bdrm. in excellent location. Breeseway, patio and other conveniences. Priced at $12,500 with $1500 down. Npt. Hgt.a. trea. RESTAURANT -GOOD BUY Golnr buaineaa on Cout Highway with 5 yr. leue and renewal option . Fully equipped and seats 35. l'ull Price $3500 -with $1200 down. Good terma on balance· Owner ill, muat sell. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" • '00 E. 17th St., Coat& Mesa Llbf-rty 8·1139 * * SELECTED LISTINGS •• UDO ISLE:- Here'a Lldo'a be.i buy! 5 bedrooms, 4 baths. completely furniabed. Owner m ust sell. Asking $39,500. Submit offera, we'll help finance. CHANNEL WATERFRONT:- 3 home. with pier le float. $21.500 to $30,000. OORONA DEL MAR INCOME:- Leued building in heart of buainesa district. * fr -:: We BUY and SELL homes! U.tinga wanted. * * * We are pleued to announce that Col. John J . Moran, Wayne M. "Lefty" Murdock and W. E . Hallberg, BROKERS are now auociated with "8 in our new modern office oppoeite City Hall. WILLA~D L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 15cl7 v Check These Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS, MORNING CANYON Outatandinr view of ocean, canyon and hills from t.bia quality built home. Hu two bednna.. plus den, 2 bat.Ju, w to w carpeting, di1hw&11he~, garbage diapoaal, eb.t.lce roof and many other finf' features. Built on canyon aide of Morning Canyon. Full price $38,000 -$1'2,000 down will handle. Lot value alone worth $18,000. 2. RANCH TYPE • Ju.t liat.ed cut. 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Paved patio .tr fenced for privacy. F · P. $16,000, $5000 down. Balance a t $100 per mo. See this today! 3. SHORF£LIFFS LOT BARGAIN Ju.t u.ted thia 60 ft. lot on Evening Canyon. Truly a bargain at $14,750. Half cash will handle. nu. won't tut long. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realt or U.7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (otnce located next door to Corona del Mar Bank I OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 P. M. Daily 2572 Circle Dr. Bayahorea, N. B. J:ncl Patio, BBQ 6 Firepl. Eepedally designed for outdoor living. 3 br., 2 ba., xtra ahwr. Compl. furn .. eor. lot 1h blk. from N. Channel. Priced lo aell. OORONA DEL MAR Two bouaea on cor . lot. Both 2 br. Ir rirepl. 1 hu .. A heat. Both leued. $21,500. Very choice buy. Also di Mominr Canyon Rd., CDrona Highlands, 2 BR. partly furn. R-2 lot. The bargain of the day! G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del kar. Har. 544.2. Evee. Har. 5680. 15cl 7 GOLD BOND Pier and Slip Duminr No. Bay Front home. 3 bdrm. & ma1d'a room, 2~, batha. Lovely large living room. dining room an8 lanai fadng on Bay. 47 fl. lot. Fine yard and 1arden. EXCEPTIONAL pier and alip. Carpets, drapee Ir aome rt"al fine furniture included. We t.hink ~ia la the bett buy o n the Bay. $73.500. OSBORNE. FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W .Coaat Hwy. (al Port Orange) N.wport Beach LJ 8-i~2. Har. 51M eve.. 36 REASONS that will completely "Win Your Heart" 1 U>vtly homt on WOO ISLE 2. On a lot and a half :s 0t111rnl'lt for 11nbtlity • Extra la rge hv,lnit rncm :> 2 clt'vt'r bt'drooma 4t lanal fl Plentv room tor twin bed$ 7 Clo"ei space go lore 8. All rooms 1paclou11 I! l.'ltra mode rn bathroom 10 fl'ull 1111Pd llle 11hower I J J'n yne fol'<''''' air unit heat 12. Stalnl~"11 !ll••c•I weatherstrip· ping 13. Life t1111e copJJl'J' waler plplng 14 Kiin •lrlel.I Interior woodwork I!! Interior recently dtcoraled 18 Kll rhPn ml'lwtu bkft bet 17 lnJlrect fighting 18 Oodlu of lluur JllUg11 HI Enrlo~rl walled patio• 20 La rge doublt garage 2 r Quiel, peA<'t ful nt1ghbo1hood 1 l!2 P11ved atrttt 23 Stwer& 1n 11 nd paid tor 24 Omamenlkl street ltghu 2~• No rongl'altlt traffic 28 Safrly for rhlMrrn - 27 Clun. 1111ntly pri vate twa1·htll 28. Comm unity d ub hoU11e 29. Trnnls couru 30. Ch1ldren'a playground 31 All utrhlree under1tro11nt1 32. Protective re11trll'l lon11 33. Excellent nelghbora 3• Below rrproOUrtlon co11t11 3:'1 lnclud~11 carpelJI It drapes 38. Also flrt11rreen 6 111ahmuter We have told only "half" of the story. You see the other "half." Prtce -S28.!!00 -Ttrm~ . LIDO REALTY A1111oc111to 3400 \'1~ U<l('I Harbor HH I Acron tmm Rirh111<11 Ma.rket Entrance) Houston Values Really worth seeing 380 La Canada Way BRANO NEW DeLuxf' Home for dl11crlmtnatin, family aeeklng large rnis . well planned. 3 b. r., VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * GUESS WHERE THIS IS Clue :ff 1 -Ma(Dif icent unomtructed view of Harbor #2 -Attractively detiigned 3 bdrm-den 2 bath home ::3 -Built on 103'xl27' l~vel lot :4 • Located in beautiful CLIFF HA VEN :r5 • Not Leasehold ;::6 -Fenced yard -room for pool ;::1 -Large Kitchen-d.iah waaber-<liapoeal-nook #8 -Separate dining room #9 -Two brickwalled fireplace•, cozy paneled den :: 10 -Newly decorated & landacaped = J 1 -$7500 down buya this valuable piece of real estate priced at $32,500. / MORE THAN AN ACRE STRATEGIC M-1 CORNER Present lea.sea bring $4600 per year with an excel- lent future potentia.1. M-1 zoned property in Coet.a Mesa is very scarce. Here'• your opportunity to buy a choice piece at the right price -$42,500 -terms. BETTER BUSINESS BUYS Delicatessen &. lunch counter ahowa gross $19.000 . . .. ......... -............ $ 6 ,500 Market well established plua inventory shows gross over $100,000 ......... _ ... _ .. $ 8,000 Beach concession -top location. Incl. living quar- ters, shows groaa over $25,000, hi net ... $10,500 Gara ge & Sales franchise grossing over $20,000 ........................... $13.000 Trailer Supplies & Sales. Showa NET $10,000 -great potential .. .. . ..... _ ... $13,000 Drug Store -Good location -terma ..... -.......... $20.000 Boats -Charter busineaa. term• • should net $12,000 ................................... $22.000 I Pre-School nunsery (25 pupils) includes Real Estate ._ ..... -................. _ .... $25,000 For these and otbera see: * * * The Vogel Co. OPEN HOUSE Sat. A Sun. 11 ·& US Ocean View, Newport HlL KARBOR VU:W home, I bdrm., I'-ball'l1, Tbl.a home la leu than 1 yr. old, ha.a appr, lUO aq. fl. A l•'ll• Uvlnr room over- k>oldna lh• Harbor, L.R. hu a la'lle Field 8ton1 Fireplace. hardwood noon, Mp&rale dJnlns ..,. .. and a very con¥911lent 'kllc. 8-INA to Me lhla. Short on Cash 1 OWNl:R Wll.L HELP -Say1 he'll take a low down payment: balance, euy terTTU1. Let1 talk It over. S bdrm. on Balboa Blvd. near Npt. Harbor Yacht Club. Full price StOOO. End That Search REDUCED for a quick Kie, you almply miat -Ulla epic-and· ·~ home to appreciate the value offt.red In thla 3 bdrm home With hardwood noort. rlre· plau. Nparale dlnlng area, A fenced. Pnce rt'ducedfo Sl&.800 Also WE NEED LISTINGS. Call u1 If you u e thlnklnf or eelling we can be ot creat auvlce to you "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. lHe Newport Blvd , Co•ta Mesa LI 8-3792 LIDO ISLE - - LOVELY a bedroom. 2 ~th home with modern kitchen. dish waaher, sarbal'• dhrpoaal. Uat'd brtcll fireplace. Loada ot cloa eu, and lo top It all, a larrt eoulll patio. The very heel buy •l S31 ~()() Duncan Hardesty Ru.Jtor 2'02 Ne~rt Blvd Npt. Btach 'ffarbor 4718 I 18cl 8 LITTLE GEM f r • -2 2 balh. ullr& modem. Copper------------------------ plumbg . rork fl. In tlen, radio Home & Income 3201 W. Coast Hiway Llbertv 8-3481 a y Enc1J.eb TUdor cottac• So. o Blvd.. Coron.a del Mar. Olde but ,-rut charm. H u C archt'1 1.1•.-dlnlnf area. Won derlUl tor enteru.J.nlng. Bdnn3., den. 2 f1replacu , charmtr at $18,~. Eu tuma. ll:xclull!ve al'enL FORD VERRINDJCR. Harbor '28 evu, H77. 93tl Mrrr l1u nr rh<1lrt Biu·k Bay I Looking for I Furnished Lido Isle A Duplex for Income? Here la a fine buy located 120 VIA YELLA A BEA UTJ Fl 'L walled· In 3 b<t .. 2 bath hume on • tloublt lol 70 x 88. Lovely pal•<> .le phty yard. Nr11r clut) Ask ing S37.C>OO Phrme for k~y rLA<'~;1~ .S~r~.~~th we/ 2 yr old 2 lxlrm hmu1t .l <lbl I gar Plu1 7!\' Of \'9<' PIAC•>nlla frontngt fur a 211()(1 A(} ft far- tory s 11 2o0 Ttr ms Thi~ IS • b11y £,., Info ''" t hl'~e L \'ll" LI 8.2;,.2 M-1 Acre CHOlCE l:'\O. AREA High, lt \'tl r"q111rr1t no fill i I fl Plarent 1a frnlg, r,.111 huy 111 i1 2,:;.(IO Newport Hts. $7400 2 Bdrm. House wh ich I• aep- ara te from a I tx1n11. Gar. B•y View Apt Flrepl•ce. Hdwd fl0<'1111. full ba., laundry, patio CAU.. l"OR APPOINT· MB1'1 Atok1ng S2ll 000 Low rtght ne.xt to the Udo Shop- ping Center on a quiet St. 2 bdrma .. down &l\d 1 bdrm. up Completely A-newly tum. New ownu can have uppe.r If nffded. Annua.l Income $2860 FULL PRlCE $24.000 By appointment only or OPEN HOUSE I -ll Saturday It. Sun. eC>a Ch.r~ N-part. LIDO ISLE ASKJNG FOR rROVl:SCIAL ON A •I!!' U>T7 A beautiful larce paneled llv- lnit room, 2 1pac1ou1 bdrm.a. pl us paneled den w bath which hu nex1ble u11e. The finest of wallp&pera and draJ><;'nea lhru- out. The blu~ .l white kltrhen 111 <'arned out 1n l>utch Motif Beautiful St. to SL Lot $12,000 2 Bdrm.a. Conv. Den -2 Balha. 30x24 Living Room. w1t.h br1<'k, du1hmuter • 1H1· Lot8 of room for entertain- poul. Laundry •n gar. f'A ing children. Built-in soda hN1t. Wardrobe It (.'upboard 11pece galore A11k1ng SJll,000 fountain. Large Lot. with cpt.a. It <lraperll'll OR . CAN BE SOL.D n:RNlSHED. Ctll for Appomlment 3 c Doctors Attention ' t. r I • UNIT M'ODmRN BLDO. on 120 x 100' Co.ta Meea bualneu lo Good Prott'Miona.I locaUon. Ideal for Doclol"ll, Dentin., medical o X-ray lab, Or other profe ... lona UH. Plenty ol parklnl'. Prlc- hl..600, Tnuw. NEAL '· MARTIN, REALTOR. Har. 197~ Ll 1-1774. &cl 8 At 19th & Placenti in Costa Mesa a e le )(, p· n- er GOOD OLDER 2 b<trm .. dblr itar .. fine n••lghborhoo<I on & flllx Ii)!! l('lt s utimll on t hf8 bu p:nln ! BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office THERE IS A WOl'loDERFUL. pltt of bu1inH1 property for l!ll with excellt'.llt lenn1. Long' tum leuea pen<ling, tota.Jlnr appro SZ26 a month. M • l pro erly, plua tome ca11h wlll be l'O •idered In a tra<le. Call own Ll 8·8223 momlnr• or after 0 ~m. 9U c New Beauty CHOICE W. 11ltle nr Nrw P11rk 2 br 11hake roof, ""'Ide Int S l&l)O dn. You Wiii IOVt' ll Eve Jnfo. on the.11e Petrllt LI 11-5487 I 3 Acre Farm 2 B. R Hs t: , dbl. gar., 2 well!t Exe ao1I It rrrrg On pavt'<l roa<l rlo11e In A r11re bargain at Sl6,000 with good lerma. E\•t ph l';eymour H11r ~298· \\' Houston Realty Co. c\: ASSOCIATES r,09 Centt"r St . Co11l• Mrl<a LI 8·6911 nr Ll 8·771!4 $1000 Down Mo<.le111 homt In bea11llful 11111 - rn11nrllnir11. N t't tlll <lret111lng llfl Newport He1gh111. goof! h11y 8t Si~OO NBC REALTY CO. 32n<I A Ntwporl Bii·<! ~pt Bt11rh • 3112 Lafayette. Newport Beach Harbor 3643 HARBOR ISLAND THIS HIGHLY restricted unusual Harbor bland home built for privacy for entire family, single story built around beautiful patio with pier and • slip, offe rs the ultimate in gracioua living. i. bdrms .. 4 baths c arranged a.s suites). Very large extremely lovely living room . glassed front and beet of all it is completely & expensively furnished in exquisite ta.<ite. -Full pr ice it50.000. ANOTHER GOOD ONE-On Lido. 3 BR. • 2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot. All the room.9 a.re large. L. R. 24x30. Patio 23x.24-Appr<?~· 2086 sq. feet. Thie worthy of consideration for $35,000. NEWPORT HTS. Thia t wo bdrm. cutie has zip and a flare that you will like. Ila detailed for comfort and haa a 4 If.:.?% loan payable $78.08 per month including taxes •le insurance-$4.~ down. Full price $15,000 Exclusive with ua THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8-5297 H.irbo1 !}!}:160 ------------------------ Business Corner In r l'n1 t'r ('nJ<IA ~frJ<11. $Ill ~11 Ttm1!t DA:'\ A JA\OBSEN, Rl'11ltnr Harbor !16!11 Ew i< LI 8-63 17 14rl8 \\'ANTF.D Rl'Sl:'\F.~!;; & CO~t ­ M~:RC'IAL prnr .-rty H.HI' 1·hen· l••I of buy.rs & Jn,c11to1s A p- pr,.r1Al,. y1111r hstini: Kt 1l1EHT \\'11 .. : .. :LF.H, Ag.11 1 42 Pl11t1< !-11411u1 .. I)' ""IC" l\Jo:llol'~ 1'-17~1 141 16 Ml'ST HE SU l.D •Jll II• l'l>1Jnt or pu;1r h•·Rllh F:~t 11 bl111hl'il b11 ol rol111111( bu111n<·u with 2 bdrm ho1111, 1.nd •II t"qu1pmenl Mllkt o""' A~krng s12~.oo tt1r 1111 ORA1'GE C-OA~T PROPERT IES tfi:ii :"t wport, CO!tt a Mr,.11 l..1 8·1832 Ev11. U 8·6803 CLIFF HAVEN Rl l Cliff Drive Three bednn. &. den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landacaped front. and rear gardens. Costa Mesa Architect's former home. Be11ut1fully landacaped, delightful patio. 3 broroom, 2 b1tth. FHA financ- ing. l<.:aey terms. Only $14,500 Call Liberty 8-2664 ( E\'ee LI 8-7056) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and lrn ne. Newport Bt>ach 12d4 NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BID POSSfBLE TO BU y rt r· a lOOltlOO n. corner lot ln he• of Balboa W1lh a complete tt vtce •talion, t\Jlly equlppec1, grou la.Ju over $80,000, ha.1 4 bdrm home. plenty room for expa 1lon. The price and net lncom. n· will pit.He you. Call- AL TYLER, Broker a-07 J:. Balboa. Har. 3608. I le 18 C· SHORECLJFFS nearly new 1pa 1ou1. quality, ranch typt horn 3 bdrm.. 2 bath•, dtn, wall paUo le lge. dblt. car. Sltuat on canyon, with beautiful vie of ocean It blll1, W.W. rarpe Ing. All modem appolntmen l bile. from beach. Owntr H1 2302 -240 Morning Canyon R e. ed ed w l· lJI. r. tl. &c 18 Costa Mesa I FURN. UNITS, but locatlo C·l lot &8x300-S10,000 down n, A Real Fine Home r11 IL, 3 BR. FURN .. firepl11ce, hetllt Double l'•r&«t, large lot, H OOO dn.-234 Broadway. Look at then call u•. Newport Beach ... 3 rtJRN. UNITS, 2 loll. 2 prar near pier. SUI 9110 tull prlcfl. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR lot McFadden Pl&('fl Har. 140 Evt. Rar. ll37·M-Har. 2029·M Cal~ It B&x,.ry . Sl ~.000 Cafe S 4000 00 Cltamng Alt'f.ncy S12 Paint Stort' .... , .. S ope II 2 fur lnMme 11n1u . . SI08 00 7 fur. lnC'oml' unll.11 . S37:'1 00 Wt1 hive the t>l<•t for lh,. It' •1l lnVf'lllm,nl LEE CA SEY OF'FJCE 1 2i21 E C'oot H11th"'•Y Co1 on11 tltl M11r Ha rbor 08t6 I I 1~17 NEWPORT BEACH Ocean Front building aite, with exiatinr duplex on rear ot lot. Room for 3 Bedroom 2 bath home on front. Full Pric~ $17,500 Furn. OCEANFRONT BEST BUY BEST LOCATION Home and income ~ Wonderful View! Double garage, extra large living rooma. Beautiful kitchen•, nicely furnished. Only 2 yeara old. Sched- uled Gross $3, 700. Full Price $29.000 -Terma BALBOA $3,500 Down buys 3 units 1 '.! Block to Bay . Excrl- lent income. Nicely Furnis hed.' 4 B.~. House. 2 B.R. A pt. & 1 B.R. Apt. Abse ntee owner anxious to aell. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbrlr 1264 two FOR THE PRICE OF ONE One bedroom home and 1 bedrm. apt .. both furn· ished, only $12,000. $3000 down, bahuw e $~0 mo. l Blk. to ocean. 1::. blk. to Channel. New 2 Bdrm. Beach Home 1 blk. to beach. Full price $12.500, $3500 down. Out· st.anding. must ACT FAST . Beach Cabin BAYSHORES TRAILER PARK FULL PRICE $875 TERMS COSTA MESA Lovely 3 bdrm. home set in most beautifully land- acaped extra large lot in area. Must sPc before you buy anything. Only $14.750 -$3000 down wall handle. Stop, Look and Buy 100 ft. x 190 ft. C-2 Newport Blvd. frontage. Full price $10,500, $2500 handles. RED HOT! OPEN -HOUSE -OPEN Beal buy on Balboa Peninsula Point, 2029 Miramar. 2 bed.rm., 2 bath, 2 story furnished. Only $17.500 eaay terms. Move right in. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach. Har. 5226 OUTSTANDING HOME on 3 Acres Only 1 yr. old, this spac10UA 2 Bedroom.. 2 bath home, beautifully built by a true craftsman. Wann knotty pme i.nt.erior with ued brick fireplace. Sep- arate dining room and "dream" kitchen with thel'· mador range and oven. built-in BBQ. bar, diabwaah· e r. automatic laundry, etc. Large screened patio, dble. garage. Located near Orange Coaat College, the extra acre- age should greatly increase in \'alu~. ma.king an ideal b orne and investment. Price and terma a re exceptionally attractive. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor STANLEY HADFIELD, Associate Realtor 1306 Park, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATl'RACTIVE year round home on Sea· abore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining a.re.a. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and V2 bath d own, 3 bedroonu and 1 1 ~ batha up. Solid con- alruction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage, enclosed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND 3-Bedroom home with 2 bedroom apartment. Lovely dining room. Beautiful patio. Home and apartment completely furnished for year-round 11\ling. Excel- lent financing. Lowest priced property o f thi1 kind on the Jaland. Top Location on the Penninsula Charming family home • 3 bed.rooma -2 batha. All year round home with ocean view. $23,500 with lenna. 30x100 Lot neu Lido • M-1 property • Now bu du- plex garage apartment on part of lot. Good income.' Attractively priced. SUMMER COTT AGE SPECIAL-BALBOA ISLAND 2 BR. cottage with garage, in top location, and full kit. Cement foundation, oak floora, good furniahinga only 3 yn, old. Full price $15,000 terma. Call t oday this will move fast. Owner hat1 moved. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue. Balboa laland Next door t o t he Post Office Har. 444 Evea. Har. 3059-M • Har. 4248-R ' ' -Real r..tat• 8Z-11 .. 1 !"..tale · VOGEL VALUES 3 Bedroom Ranch Style Nrwport. Helghta, near achoo!• and &bopping. Large living room, massive fireplace with built up hearth, sliding doort onto large patio. Dining room, 2 baths, WW carpet. In evtry room, lovely drape1. Yard completely landscaped and fenced, Thermador el~­ tric kitchen. Call UI and let ua ahow you thia at- tractive home. Terms. $23,500 full price $1500 Down 2 bednn1., 12x18 living: room., tile kitchen, break- fut area; dining area. Patio, BBQ. An opportunity for a nlce home with low down payment. TRAILER COURT 44 ~todern Space11, plu11 4 housea and office. Patios. Road& blac~ topped. Excellent income. BEST BUY, SEE THIS. The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd., Coata Mesa Liberty 8-5597 Eves. LI 8-7457 & Har. 1380 Your "Castle in the Air" Can be your home llOOD if you con11ult a Afultlpl!! Li.ting Realtor. He can a how you a wide \'~ riety of the choicest values in your price range ... and he knows how lo draw up contractll for the moat convenient terms. You'll find it pay~ to do busi· neu with a REALTOR. Phone or drop in to .see one of the 27~ reliable ~IUL TIP LE LISTING REAL- TORS ln the Harbor Area. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ' 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach DUPLEX CHOICE LOCATION, oullltanding value. Patio de- aigned for outdoor living. Close to finest Bay awim- mlnr. Ocean and Bay view. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION B2:5 W. Bay Ave., (Cor. of 9t.h Ir Ba.yJ Price $2!5,000 -Tcnna BRAND NEW 2 BDRM. HOME; large 14.x23 ft. living room. Beau- tiful bar & cabinel!I of natural wood. The lot is extra large, ample room for another home with between. Located only 1 blk. from Beach. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION $12.500 Full Price. -Excellent Term&. patio 4.701 River Ave., fCor. of 47th St. & Balboa Blvd.) Exclusively by~ J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Bl\•d. Near the Newport Pier Har. 4.091 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES BAY FRONT 5 ~room 2 bath nice comfortable older home with room for kida and run. Close in, Partly furn. One of our best buys. Try $29.500. Good Terms. BEAUTIFUL PENINSULA POINT HOME - $28,750 with $13,000 down unfurn. but completely carpet<."d and with custom made drapes. Laundry room, double garage. large master bdrm. with per- manent ocean \'iew. Sundeck . 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, forced air heat, 2 1,~ yr. well built house for perman- C"nt living. THIS HO USE IS ONE OF THE AREA'S FINEST HO~fES. Permanent Bay view at inside location price. 2 large bdrma. and beautifully panelled den. Every convenience. 2 patios. Store room or possible bdrm. and bath attached to garage. $15,000 will handle. lNC01fE PROPERTIES -Duplexes, fiiplcxes and 1 '-fultiple Unit.a. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa. Blvd., Harbor 51S8 CORONA DEL MAR Expansi,·e Harbor and ocean \'iew, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 bath.I. Hardwood & carpet noon. Barga.in at $45,000. Subm1t down. CUTE amall 2 BR., corner. $17,500. \VIII trade for larger home. 8Z-lleal-a ••I~ a •rJEllWe ........ p. a . p a I m .e r i n c o r p o r a t e d developers of Udo Isle Beautiful Lido Rlesidence Artiltic.i.lly la.ac!Kaped on very choice mite, 92 feet on Cent.('O Strada. 90 feet on Dijon, and •5 feet 011 Cordova Strada. Enourh room tor pool if d.u.1. Larg'e 3 bed.rm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for indoor--outdoar living-. Thia home 11 aet apart by it.a charm, even in this .ection of lovely bomee. $32,500 full price with tenn1. Fresh as • Daisy Oft Lido Ulo, ... •ppOollns ,....... ...... deoontod ud doolpod la perfect Iulo. An 1m1-tablo nJuo la tllo -perfect location lllOR -could bo. M•y I llbow )'OQ throuP tllll chanalq 3 - 1 % Batb Hame? Prioe : $215.500. J:xceUeat ftn•ndn& AU: for Joe Ktncald '. Modern ) Penoramic View Charm, individuality, tranquil 1.lmot1pbere all blend perfectly in thil fine 3 bedroom 2 b&th home-You will enjoy every minute in the lovely livtnrroom with its cheery fireplace. Very nicely turniabed by Barker Brothers. Carpeted and draped. P'urn1'bed price only $32,950. Terms. Of Harbor """ Ocooa '""" ,.,... ..... .-y -· Ille-quollty homo lacludoo 2 -phll Dia 2 e.111.1 -2 Jlapto .. Finpi.c. -all pomlblo ........ tarp,... 8lmplo com .. let. ~: $111,!IM C&l1 Dave Olbura for appolntmmt. Family "Growing? Analyze and Think Do you detilre the many advantage. of living pn Lido Isle for your children? If 90, you ahould ace thitl,- il"a a 2-story family home on Via Lorca. 4 bednna, 2 baths, forced a.ir fumace, informal kitchen with built-In range and oven, firtplace,-you ahould .ee this at only $30,750. Owner will take In amaller Udo home. Wby build ud .. t11ru.hyportou1oo ! Lot -- yon tllll ..,. I Bedroom 111. &Ill bomo cm Lido • I.de. Ballt ,,,. \11-hor la bla """ ~ -- ion. Fully carpeted and land.leaped. Price: $34.,000. .Mk for Joe Kincald p. a. palmer incorporated ole h1111Bon co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incoworated ole hanson co., ala manage-t 1700 "· -bJcllwq -a-,. _MIBTI XLNT VALUES Call Harbor 2042 • &!boa Bay Shores Home of dl.IUn~Uon, 2 bdrma. Owner hu to lea,·e area, aay1 ··1ell." E:o:clu.lv• LI.tine • Acacia, -Corona del M&r l mniaculate 2 bdrm .. cor. loe&· lion. Price Ju1t cut. Owrler U )'I HU. • Cliff Haven. 530Kinga Rd. 3 bt<l.nn .. 2 bath, modem. Sea - aon'1 belt buy at 122.&00 Call now for app"t. (MU1Upl1 II.It- Ing 6347) • Builders Attention J lot1. So. or Hl ..... ay. Corona det Mu. All go tor $13,000 • Poinsettia, CDM 700 Bllc. I l:ut Bide Otolce loca tion) Very Mldom do you cet an op- portunity lo buy a hom1 llke tl'll1 tor $19.500 turn. Tenna. Two Open Houses Fri. -sat.· sun. l -s p. m. "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMil ''C" THOMAS BEACON BAY We are proud to offtt one of the moilt ehum!rac: homes in thia choice Beacon Bay area, complei.ly and beautifully FURNI8HED in early Americ&n. Use of provincial wallpapen lend.a a dlatinetive at- mosphere. Located on a GO fl. comer lot with v~w of bay thia home hu 3 lup bedroolu, paneu.d dm, 3 1h tiled baths, natural kitchen with breakfut area, beautiful panelled living room with fireplace, full aiud dining room, aenice porch, I ou.tdoor .uelOMd bathing &bowen and dnNJD.r rooma, utn. large encloaed paUo, beaut.itul grounc;W &Dd 11Dd1e&pinc, 3 car garage PLUS 1 bedroom prace apt. turnlah· ed and attractively decanted. Price iDcludell auto- matic diahwuber, diapo..1. automatic waahu, atov• and refrigerator. Truly a dladnct:Jve home: built by Leon Yale -$M,OOO. El:ceilellt ten:ns. 72 ft. VIEW LOT ON KINGll ROAD -$8000. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224. W. Coast Highway, Newport a.ch· U 8-6627 Two Beautiful Peninsule Homes! HO. 1. DOCTOR'I BOid WJTll ' amtAOOKI. I MtM.. aUt- al4d -t-. ....... --... • • • waiw ,_ ,...,_,.. ·a tnn i. eeurt. ,.u. ... ..,. ... ---lle&utttul MlplU ... dn.pM. po.aoo, '--. JfO. I 8llAJfD JlfSW LUTUIO. •• Olt-. .._.. --u.. ,...,M ,... .tory wtt.k ~ ....... "--..... lllll t....: I N6 a 1~ ~ M_.,. 41omated la ... ..at. DclUa. ....... or.. .... ..... 1ooeY could .. ..,.., Can c. "1 to ... ~ -••• llT,&00, --· Bay Front Duplex I A urn.& KOKST W'D.L 001'- VSRT um ..,._ Wltll I Ml- rooma lo. eada amll lato a - dlrl\l1 Bay ~ JiCfQQ'. 8a9l poulble Balboa ~ ..--. I ru.,tw. prpdec'I&, p r I • a I. • '-di. aM. ....... ~ "' C'OUr9C. $17.llOO. tcrnw. Balboa Cottage I • 706 Larkspur, CDM "C' THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOliU.S ''C"' THOMAS DANDY FOR YEAR AROU1''D 2 bedrm. doll hoUH. Pr1ce ju.t reducM for 0111 event. Owner wanbl acUon. VIEW! Corona del Mar VIEW! • 3604 Ocean, Cor. of Or-A.RCHITECI"S OWN CONTJDIPORARY MODERN HOKE. chid, COM. Designed for modern Southland living and fqtuNI P&noT&mlC B.,, IJld Oc.an v1, ... Show htr th!• and you'll hev, de.ert 1tone entry into S-neded lrrinl' room with LO buy It. adjoining den and din.ins ana. all with sweeping Call Harbor 2042 view of bay. Sliding gta.u doon to 1p&clous •undeck. Frank James & Deluxe kiU:hen with all appliances hand fitted. Linwood Vick REALTORS LIVIKO Oft BE.A.CB COTfAGE J"l&rn1Med, 0. S:.... a.., A•e- nue cioN lo towll and &y. 81Msi-. pciople. and bl "'7 pod condition. You wW wsnt te - Ul'9 -· too. 112.500, MOOO dlt. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoall• Bank ol America "-Gnaley Al Corn1llua Ed IA& Jack Plftkl'lam J~ Wel* 700 E. Balboa Bl't'd., Balboa Pbool Raitior l7TT R. Rayl.1--C. Travla·C. Ruu, A.Moc. 312 Marine Ave. -Blllboe. hl&lld Muter bedroom wilb bath. bu gl&ued. walled 11.r- den patio. Two bedrooms and mepan.te bath down- ataire, alao with fenced paUo. t.&rce 1ton.ge ud furnace room; laundry room ud drying yard. Double garap. . OUT OF TOWN Fresh as a Daisy THIS apeatlng 1 bedroom homa beautl!uUy decorated ln- 1lde and out w!th encloted patio combine to make Ula I.he top buy ln I.he mo1t '11"1.nted location In Co1ta Me.a .. , Full Price jU.l $12.:K>O with 1:a· cellent I.Inn•. Tb.ii ii not an ordinary home; 80 d.ittlNDt )'O\I muat mee! P'or penon.al reuona UU. one-owner home muat be aold. The uking price ii far below cost at $39.500. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 334.1 Newport Blvd. Harbor M06. llclJI Cliff Haven TRULY AN OUTSTANDING PROPrRTY ot unU.Ua.J dMll"ft: a -------------------- b,.,d n~ t~lly homo Ml ol GOLDEN RULE VALUE wannth and chllrm .•. a Md· room1, 2 bath R.Wwood Rt.11Uc HELL VA GOO U W1th • k<t<h~ """ ,~·t mt.C ' D B Y Plu. a Panoramic VI.-from th• roottoP obeenralory. Full Prtc,. onl1 IH.500. Ltt u1 1how )'OU th\1 today! Back Bay Area Lot 120' x 2~2· on HWlfl. Can ba divided Into I Iota. BELOW KARKET AT Jt.000 With tenn• Bay & Beach Realty Add up theM featur.: 1. 3 acrea -· value $15,000 2. w.., 3 bdrm homo •pproL llOO oq. ft. 9,000 3. I.Arp: 1 bdrm. hollM •.OOO Total Valtle $28,000 Juat ait on thta property •.. lt will make you money. Full aellinl' price $19,000· l&H Newport. Blvd. Co1ta M ... , C&llt. u '""" """· u '""" PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON LIDO 18158 N.,.port Blvd., Coot& W- l'V£ !fZVD. -IL but J Illa.a "" aerc m BotJ Jim cu.,_. 1"' nnt IMO cam t.ak• It. llO AauDI ...w rmlin&" land. bonht"lq o.lua en.k. n. .. lata admlni.tn.tor .,. mail• olt•r. "n\111 eould b9 dewlopld lnto • fine rand! · ... u..11 plenl)' of water. TWO HOLL TWOOD 't"I-lot. .. Laurel Canyon. Trade fOf' mtn.. c&bUI. btM:lt lot °" w kat ti.ft you! 10 A.CftD Oii top ot. old a.ddJa... Md O'f'W10okinl' Black Star CNl.10fl, tormfl'ly • erna.ll ,..._ .art. 8pr1nc and old f aund&-- uon cull on propu't7. roR.aT l'lRl:I ARE COSTLT. lllOO tor -na.t'c &airt. SAM EMMES Real .:.Uta Broker " 28&1'4 VIII& Way, Npt. Har. 1CM'11. LIDO ISLE NEW I bldfOU111, I 1111.tll &ad hoblry ....-. J -.......,.._ mp M!Utll pall• on UM ~ alrfft °" Udo. nu. ~ 1111&7 bt had compll\e!J nu.t-.s. ta- eludlnf ,,.... Hammond orcan. W•tJaPou.M ...-, A dryw, carpel. and ~· J\994)' '° .... ... ... top 't'&lut .... -.....000, tenna. Duncan Hardesty Realtor t10J Jfewport B!"t'd. ?fpL 8-.ch NEWPORT HARJOR NEWs.l'RESS -PART II • PAGE 1 MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19$5 . . ....... . ......... BALBOA ISLAND TWO U1'llT8. )fodons 1 bdrm. apt.: older fr"Oat --,...... •bllltJ< .. "do It younolf'' $21,&00 2 BDRll. J'URN. BOUSE, floor tu.mace and fire-- p&.ce. Small lot. Reduced tor quic:lc: aale. $l:i,500. ' 90 rr. BAY J'RONTAGI!:. · 0. Uttlo i.&aa:d. pier, floot, fo....W ' bdrm. b ..... Tho Jud ..ia. lo .-to Ille uklar price. Bl!:AOON BAY. Boy float. Oft.a dnamod about, rarely -Ellqulolta 3 bdrm., 3 both horaa. . 'lbarmo ldtdMa. Partly co.. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. clooe bs the amt eood ta•te. Fu.nuabed - t• aeepUau. lbown P'riday alternoona only Sl!ll.IJOO LIDO NORD BAY· FRONT. Luge lot, chanatns I bdrm. 3~ batb ...... Dlnlar na., mod<rn ~ dim, dlop, dlobwuher, Joto of cupboudlo ud ci..ta.. Plw wu.-111.1 2 bdnn.. apt. over 3 car p.r- ap. llOtll -all ....ty funUohed la )ft>tlono. Ideal !or -oad -or ptola. Hor. 1Tlli --Edltll )f ....... llY•tt - Jobn v.,,, • .,. Barbot &afll. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Mutne A •e., e.nw.., hland CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Leese With Option Uaollotructed "rift! I botll'oom, 1 % lt&tlla -., -..to«rettt loco-. 60' lot. Jl'lreplaco, BW floon, ..... -..... ldtcbea "'Ill pool-· dlalac ..,.... l'enced yard plua tnmdecli: 6 ..... ,... rm. with ~ BBQ. Good ........ Will louo with optloa to bay. A ,_. opportunity at '2t.9C50 . View Duplex on the Main Beach Tlda ia a home 6: income tbat will thaw IB CIClll•t nblnl OD )'oar' ia...tmml. Built.-ln featur-. tnclllde ............ dlopomla. .... See t1111....iJoat - locotloa .. caly $31,llOO. Vacant Lot in Corona Highlands Tho _,. -lot buy "' tho ....... 108' fl'Oataca • -W'ill lacl>* plua for a 9 bedroom plua play. ......, -with 1 % ho.Illa for tllll '-pt1co of $8,000. -b..,,,! The Vogel Co. 2Lll07 E. Cout. Higbway Corona del Mar Hor. 17'1 Hu. 1477 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA Ad~ 1-utlful Sa.ala Ana Country Club, !Cut of 8uta A.a& Avmue, oft Orcliard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes . No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Se-·· ... tk....,. an.m-"""-. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. 206 Spwpia Bid&-Sa.ala Ana, Callf. Pboaeo Klml>erly 7-tl68 LlbertJ' S.:18!17 (~ Liberty S-t7IMI) . BALBOA ISLAND LaYely S.bdrm. 2 bath borne comp'ly and attraet.'ly rum. Sunny patio off kitchen; Xlnt location cloae to Villap. Pf,950 Terma too! Good year-round 2 bdrm. homo. Lota of knotty piM ln IY. rm. floor furn, fireplace, lltt'rice porch, near Bay and vlllqe PLUS real cute 2-bdnn. apt. Better Harry! $27.500 wit.b tenm if deaired. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 308 Martoe A ... , a.Ibo& loland Ra.rbor lJ02 EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY { Tour°"" print& beach. Qw-miar 3 bodna. 2 both home. Spadou.I ,-. la u.mg room, thamador ldl, adJ. delirbtful patio. ·---·•s.-t•pt. Price $80,000 -Terina WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor A.ad Aw>el.at. 1JOll Park, a.Ibo& laland Harbor 2'62 NEW 2 BR. and den, 2 batha. Low terms. $24,500. Draperi~. 1tove & fully landscaped. BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large room&. Pro- tected patio. Attractively priced at $24.,i50 For Mk or 1 ..... alnt. I bdrm. tacrou from eo.ta Kea Bank) 'Phone LI 8-6761. E-Hu. ~ -LI a.21oa Hen«•nl J-~-------------------1'<11 BAYSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm., Liv. room l:ix20 rirepl., fenced. covered patio. Can't be duplicated for $19,500 CORONA DEL MAR Xlnt. I bdrm. CHl:AP. BACK BAY 2 bdrm. • ct.I., beauty .. 111,960 1 bdnn. 2 btllh atucco .... 21.&00 701140 on Sterr& VIM&··-e.MO SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiea.. e-2 10b300 lmptvftd ....... .$39.MKI Har. 177:S -E vea. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4~222 C·2 lll:alOO W•t ctde -·-··· 15.t:iO John Macnab, H&rbor 5359 C·2 100• front on blvd. w!.th hou.. . ............................ __ 25,000 Lou Boynton, Bayaide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 1 rood~'°" -.abdl't' -·· IS,000 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Claire Van Horn 225 Marine A\·e., Balboa Ialand 2731 \\'. Cout Hwy. Ll I-UTT ATTENTION INVESTORS I ! * WANTED -$70,000 A $70,000 bi .. u-it U..t will l'eti1111 $lll,000 J1roM a year; net return $13,000. There ca ODly bt ona pla.Gt ilk• thJI in t.be worid. DORIS BRAY, Reeltor CLAJ\ENCll LAKE JIX llLODGllllT MIOOli )(!Cl[ 218 Marine Ave. Bul>or:li?orM 10.\Clm~ ............. '-mill& ,.._ rllUk90k la o.. hm.0......0,o't'WlJO&...,..... tr.I.',,.. old .................. Id ,.... .a elldltL J --, ...... lw JIMlun. I ,........ WI~,.,._ to .... U... ra111&17 .,.., •ml "* ... 1'-.1 buph .......... -----.... Mi ....... '° ... ta ... .,... .a ,..... n.uoo. It ...... ,..... .. Qe; 1 1 r... lt ... ,._ .................... tJ .~ ... -. ...... Jluo.llMoll 1k1I WANTED - A Discriminating Buyer Jmt. lillt*4. the rlnt lime oUeftd, probably the m09t camfortablt 2 BR home ao. of lh4I Hiway in C[))(. le . ........, llDWD fin., W.ely Fl"' pl. Loatla of tile, blt.. la oven • ranp. A loveJy Home -PLUS- A pmt room with o/4 Bath and an overaize Dbt Gar., 9ta I?~ for 1partJna.t. In bMt. neichborhood, ,.... """" to the Beach. 0.. ""d""''" -Pricod rl&'bt with liberal - R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 1122 I:. C-B"l', C..-del .llor Hu, Z77l • 1tAGE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY , OCTOBER 10, 1955 #. Huntingto11-Beach Crews RPchter Inducted as President -· Cleining Up Old Oil Sumps 1 °!,".~~~.~.0~ ... ~.~.~~~~.~~-~~.~, .~'"~·~· '"' EYESORE DISAPPEARING -City of Huntington Beach crewa are rapidly clearing up oil sump, above. which dates from the city's first oil boom in the roar- ing twenli<'s. As city picked up lots for tax delinquen- cies. the sumps wen• acquired and wiU soon become town lots. -Staff Photo Bishop Bloy Inducts Rev. John Parke The Rt. Rev. Francis Enc Bloy. bishop of Loa Anr;elH. <'On· ducted the service or lnatitutlon I Thursday night in St James Er1scopal Church for the Rev. J ohn H. Parke, new rector. Af· terward be gave an Informal talk I 10 the cong-regaUon In which he brought new1 o! the general con- !erenc-e held In H onolulu whe1e th!' diocesan <'ommunlon and I!!.!'· Cheon was held at St. Clemenl'1. p.t!!lOrate or lhe R ev. Paul Moore WhN>ler, former I e<:tor or St Jam!'s. Pte-&<'hing the tnaUtuUon ~r­ mon, The Rev. Wealey Haverm•le r1·rtor or the Church of the Mes· -'lah. Sanl.A Ana, spoke on re- ronr11ln~ of the goKpel to lhe worl<I. T he Rev. R-0110 M . Boa1. 1 1 a""t~tam 11•••t111 \l'&a introdut'ed trn t n11t ino.Jucted. 1 PIRATE HALF BACK OFF ON ROMP A f'ec•·1•t" .n 1111 Bu~hop a n d ~tll1 Bloy, r,,., .. and Mrs. Haver· male. local clergy and their wlvea was held afterward In the Par· !sh HOU!lf'. Oxford Show Due On this play, No. 31. Tony Baca takes off for a good Pirate gain. Baca was the top ground gainer for Orange Coast in their well descn •ed but surprising win Saturday afternoon over the heavily favored Chaffey Panthers. Big 1'\o. 34 in th<' background is Bill Harrison and the diving Panther escaped identifica tion just as Tony eluded his clutches. Score was OCC 14-Chaffey 7. -Staff Photo l'>ewporl BeaC'h Opum11ta will hear Q program t.hls Tuesday pre- s<'nted by a n.-)" membt'r, John Ox· Blessings evt>r wait on Vlrtuous 1 Cord, Port Theatre manager, who de<'d:.. 11nd tho11gh a later. a 11ure I ti< expt'cted to·pol on a good 1how. rewl\rJ, 11ucceeds. The club Ill to be host or ··Agua Encontrar O<'l. 11'1 a nd 16 at &I· BUS FOR PUPIL BY TRUSTEES 'STAND BY' LOAD STUDIED Wha.t to do a bout a 11U1ndby bua tor pupil tr1U111portatlon wu d11cussed by members or ?l:t>wport. Beach Elem<'ntary achoo! bo&rd T\1e~day night when told that the present buse~ a re not standln~ up to the load they are fo1·ced to Nlrry. Tu·o of the present buaea are breaking down occa.slon!l.lly and there 111 no way lo relieve them with any equipment Uie school now bu, Supt. R oy Andersen 11taled. Supt. A ndt>rsen ~s authorized lo lnv<'aligale a.II ros111. bllllles, Including purt'hase of a new bus. It was 11uggestet1 by board membt'r1t that It might be po1111lble to form /1 bui< pool with C04!ta Me11a intPrmedillte schools, Newport Harbor Unlon High School and Orange <.:oMt College by which 11tnnd- by buaea might be owned by the four achoola jointly and ueed by any ll<'hool whlrh !Inds lteelf In a.n emergency. Travel Films Start at High School Monday the series which la11t11 throu1thnu1 thf' wintPr are "Sweden". · C"nlo- rado". ··w el!lern Canada". "Ba- va.rla" and "Adliahc Hohday Seall-On llcket.8 may be obtam~ al Corona del ~far Travel SPrv1ce. JM2t, E. Cout Highvrny 11ntl Ill The BookcMe, :H 16 \'ill Lido. "Pageant o r Peru". ll co Io r- f llm. will open the 11rrond annual Haantad Speaks World Travelogue Sl'nes on Mon· Wiiiiam Haarstad, 0 r a n I? e day evening lit the .Newport High Coast College librarian, was thP School Auctitorlum. N&rrated by 11peaker &t the la.st meeting of Clifford Kamen. In perllOn. the the San Clemente Rotary Club. film .1how11 den11e j1111gle11, 13,000 H is subject wllJll "Philetely-Spr· rt. high Ulke THlc&ra. barren clall:r:ed World War Il Collectlon:· 1 deeert. great plant&Uon1 11 n d wealthy l!Olcl Md silver m1111'11. p for Sa He 1hnw11 Lima, the Capllol. Ill! ermit uter I colonta l a rchitecture and frll'ndly Carl Sauter recently took 011t cu1lom11, A.ncienl Inc& clvlll:r:at1on11 11 $6840 Costa Me11a city bu1lrlin1? and forN•t-covered m ounlainll. permit tor <'rrcl1on or I\ rlwellln1t • Willl11m Congre\'e bo.a Bay club. . '" JEF~I'S Of LIDO if or the children's smartest fashions ••• REASONABLY PRICED 3405 Newport Blvd. -across from Richard's ~T_h_e ___ o_th_e_r __ f_11_m_• ___ 1n_c_1_ud_e_d __ o_n_a_1_2_~_s1 __ o_ra_n_g_e_A __ v_~_._c_o~ta ~fr~e~.~~=::=::::===:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::========:=::=::=::=::=::=::::i XEPTUNE · E~Scapes seascape l'VE UVEO AT SEA SO MANY YE'ARS l'D LIKE A CHANGE OF SCENERY I AND WITH THE YELLOW PAGES HEL~ J'LL FIND SOME TREES AND GREENERY FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE ·cLASSIFJED'' PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK • 11( Tnasl1111111tPrs. mstulll'll 1nt·om· 11.1nn11 11111111111',I lheo offlceora for h ed the wooden derr1<•ks frll il11"·11 tmd 1111: t•C11<·t>1 • ''' H 11rb<1r T1uhtn1as· th,• 1i1;1;1.:\tl tnm before a i:rour H:n~1::t:~r~;.~ch,0~"y~ e:nd ple.-e by pit-ct' th..-lt1<·At1,1n \\ lCIJ l••r11 l'lub Tu""''8'' nti;:hl 111 lh~ "' i·111111t111u:<h IJ<. tht'tr Wt\'h an•I Y<'•t'I ut being w iped out. rlean<'d up and fine IWllh,. hutlt. Chai 1 Room a t !l/ewr•urt Hui bor ~lh'~H• :'lil'w ntrH't•r« 111 •'. Hub- •11 but tnts tln° bln"k It 1111'1 h1•1 11 Yet ht Club 1• h i t J k In one ot the c1ty'1 1>..-11t real· " ~ • b.1111 ,tl' t1•1', 14rf'N • f'nl . 11e . Jenl'e dllltrlct!! wue an otl well l«lld In ao many Crartions thnt 1l In a talk prhlr t o lh<' llhtall8· l'l'lllll'\, •••hll'&tiomil vl<'e preai- tj1stnrt llnd a block or lhht d1slrlcl WB11 lmP<J&Slble In A"I all ... 111 .. ltlll1 ltannu pt•lnl<'<I nut thll l th•" <11•111, Utll R.11nt'y, 11llm1n1st1 a lt\'(I Owllera tog~ther 0 nd "bla1n t1tla m"hl 111.rn 11181 kl'<I lh1· :.1 1 ~1 b11lh· I t .Ri k (' I JUllt de/lt'd lhl' lUIU&IJy Cleansing ' a v '" " Vh l' p11••11 l'O , I' Ill' llf!nl', ha.nd or lime. The old 011 sumps \\'1•re 11n11q;htly 1la~· 1•f lhl;a puhlit ~l'•'.tk1ng lll · '"l'ti lili ,. IUll C t'l-0<1 &<'1'1', tr,.118111• a d tl'ops ro ar 1111 (t 61 1111 I •";t11'7Blh111. \\'hll h \\'II~ <nunJ!',t 111 .1 t' '" I t t STKt'CK IT Kll'll 11 r ~ 1~ " ,. ,. u-"' 1•1 Jn.., t'l"r .HI 1111:, se1 gell.n -a -pie with tin~ hona•11 in tht> ar1•a l!l:!I 111 S1111ta A•rn Tll•• vn::11ll· unlit< Jn the .-arly 'twent1.-11 they 11truck oil In Huntington Be11ch 11nd lh•'Y had a boo m In t•nd 1111 boom11 Oklahoma \Incl Texas booms were babes in arms t•Olll· pared with It. Wine, women ano.J song wer1.1 r11mp11nt anJ tht' song wa!! th" 11ong or oil. Derricks llproi.:ted hke stubblt> and whert' a SI 00.000 church l.8 now going up there was o tent front which 11alesmen .old 011 1tcx:k t-0 suckers. kept l'Ompl11ln111~. so t:1tllll'1H1t.' r.ullon 1111s l(tc>Wn t.1 th .. point kept putting pr.-11:mrl' nn 111,• rti;ht wht•a.• lhl'I •· lll"t' 1 l11hi< :cl'liV<' 111 pl8t'l'll tryin~ ,to At'l ll l'lt'flll• ti up. oll 41' i<tnt1•;1 111111 l's l••rrit01 i<'>4 Fehren Can Taken l'KAIUUO<:t: Dt:('IUt:s ''"" Ill J111lSI ••011011 "'" 11'"1111.I Illa· 'l'h··rt "' ll :i-i.:1111011 ~aic can Then enm1· M11yor Hoy ~l'B· \i'ui lil wher.• the F.ni:h~h 111111.:· rrum ht~ 1:1.ft b11RI moored In bri<l~e and he II• .. hJ.od tu 1h1 14,.111•·· 11"~' 1" spokell, tr.mt nt ht~ h11m" wa11 l'f'J"Orted thlllg 8!><1111 ii H l' \\'llll hd(>e•I hy 1-·u11ntl• I .. r 1111.' Tu1Jst111.1,.,l{'f .. l•I pt>lll'e s .. pl. 6 by H. 8<'1 .. F'eoh- thp ll\f'l that A. ln L u( lhf' J'lt'\l'~ •ll~Uf11Z8lHUl I~ naJrh l' ~tlH't! .. ll'M ,,, z2n 1 C"hRnn~l RM tl. c-ame up for snhi for tllX<'ll anti he I ----- was a bl1• to KN the rt'11t 111 the St h D k W h S I nwnc•rs lo 8~l't.' to Adi. 1'\11 the ep eftSOn rUft 0S er tO en <'llY 111 tuk1n$: O\'t'r thr blork nnd Hubl'1 t Strpht'n:.lm I lolt ""''' Th,•fl ,,, lht•r oltl wuhlni: ma· "They au w.,nt lo the ~mten-clt•11n:ng 11 ur and l>h111 tly th<· l\llll H.1lht1.1 ,, ,... . was p11 k ... 1 up n.·· , h111.-11 om th.-reAr of hf'r home llary," recalls Bill Galliel1t'. cham-will b.-on sale 1t1 bu1ld•'rl' ,., n!ly 1l11nn::: un t h\' w1on~ sa.lr \\R,. l•'!'t•rt1•1I t<> JlOliC" Aug. 79 brr or cummercl' m ogul. ··eor th•·Y \ • ' Id 1 r 28 1 .. \ ,. le.1rnrtl Hhuut 1•11 lhl' h.11.i "' t'<••'"' 111..;h\l .1~ ll•·ar ll\m•· ,.,.,. h\ .'11, J1•.1n l.o. r111 o I ..olo.J four ano.l five limes a." mu~h way · sJys G.tlhennt• ··:-.;,," w 1· r.•• Ofl t<t'r \\"1ll1'1m $1111n•kr:. H11 •·,h111t• Drivl' She told llftt<'era 11lock Ill! Ull'y had " · rtlnke the Lil lllt'r!I pUl UJl bolltl' 10 1 111\rj.:<'ll 111111 \\tit\ <lnmk llrl\"lng. h1•r 1l.111ghler .ICllw ll hlrgP. blue Then lhe 011 wells ran dry and , h·nn up eftt r t ht>msd\'"'" · 1:<•n 1-1~. t H.1111 ,t.•d srrak,. 1 mil, .Jr1vf' .. rr \11th the machine. members of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce take this opportunity of welcoming the following persons and establishments into the membership of this organization. They too dedicate themselves to the betterment and growth of the entire Newport Harbor area: MAR\' O. OA\"IDSOX Mary &. Bill's Deli-Cafe U H E. ('OHi Jllchway. C OM TED Rn~SELI, Mary's House of Maple snz t:. C"O&llt HIJ?hway. COM LlT IA x ost::szo La Ca ntin& S2H t:. <'oa11t HJl[hway, COM HARR\' WHJTM.~X \\'h1tman·s Garage U22 E. Coa"t HJ1ehway. COM RORt.:RT F . C.ER\' AIS SOU E . ("oMI Hlr;h\\ay. ('OM ROBERT F. ;\lrt'ARRF..S Pottr r·11 Wheel 211S7 f:. C'out H11ehway, COM El~"'lt; .SARBOROt:GH Yam Shop ?'147 E. ("_,., H ighway, C DM MAR\' I. Dt:SSl~O.S Ot'nmc'a Caf P 2849 t:. ('ua"t Hlr;hway. COM AROt:.S C'AS~OS C'annon'R Foor! Cent"'' 21167 E . CnAAt llll:'h\\ "~" ('OM RU'llARU H. 1111.U A RU lnl'uranc<' S024 t:. ('oa. .. 1 lllt:h\\ll~·. ('OM k .\ \" UF:..\MA:'\ K11Vf'lle PhCILOl! ~0011 f:, Coa't Hlr;hway, ('0;\I W. O. BlTK \\', 0 . Burk. Jnrorporeteorl StOO \ la Lido, S P\\'J"Or1 RICHARD l 'Rt'TCHER Crutcher 1-·ound11tion S.tit r:. Cou• Hl1bwa y, CD;\I RO\' 0 . \'Ot'Rl'TO~"E Balho11 Bont S111e ... Beu: 4.\11, Hall>oa 1 .. ts nd W . P A t 'I . RRI T t: Sllhnlll'ltr Shup US'? Y.. ('oa-1 Hlroth" 11~. CO:\I OU\"ER f'. \\ A ltRt:S Van'11 C.:lraner~ ~!8 F.. f"oll-'I lll1t hi\ a~. ( 0 :\1 L t:. Rt:l.l.~IA S UOO <"11 H Orh r, S r" ror1 Rfooar h F.OWARD R. u :o:>.A HD ~onard t..:onstnu t1on \.:o lWl9 t:. C'OllAI Illa h\\ a~. ('l);\f JOHS lh f'O\"A~ M. n. susi E. < ·0-1 Hll:'h" a~-. C'O:\I JA \' s. lo!TOTTl.t:~n Ht: Barber Shor 70S t:. Ralhoa l\h 11 .. 1\111111111 I>. f ". Ul"S('A:'\, ''""· ~li:r. Heh pot (;01 f'l<trnllnn BUI ~fr•rlcllan •'""· So. l'11~1Mtc•n1• 1.01 ts t ; OH Kl:'\SO:'\ Yrllow (;a h ( ·11. 11( :°':•'""!""I lllS7 \\', ('f1R"I Hh1a~'. ~''"!'"'' ,f ,\\' It. LO:'llca.t . \" M II S0411 t:. < ·,.a,t Hlroth\\ a~', f'I>~ 110 \\.\IU> 'J. HILTO:\ ;\t'Olf' TV S11IPl! & Sf'I \ H"P 4'!~ Sht '°''" :\°f'\\l'Ort IW .. •h RORt;RT DORRIS Ro11l Butltlrr Mlfl s 1 .. t ~I.. :-.-.... I'"'' BfoRc'h \\'tLLIA;\f .IR. F.1.LlOTT ~er\'IC I' 811111on SOOI S.-wport Bh·d., S ewpor1 n :111n· H.\u. Tlr,. Srr\'lf'•' :<•H11 s .. u 1111rt mnt .. S l'wport UAS A. JAl'OBSF.S ll•·.11 1--:~1at1> 4S-' !\'?ml st., :'\'rwport Bu~b I " I .. l~BEl.L ;\°l'\1"('<11 I Bu1l1h•1 <1 Supply SIOI s .. \\rort Rh d., ~ .. --P<>r1. (._ R .\\' lt.\K\t:\· ;\;PWf'<lrl ('tty P1111lt1y 21C IO ~"" p11r1 RIHI., Sr\\l)Orl .JA-'lt:"' A. l>-TA ~l.f:\" I: J . L. i-Tt.Hot.R\\Al.O It'll 1)1)1 <;l,1!111 I 'n '.!!ffl() '\°I'\\ J•orl Hh 11., ~"" pnrt .101-. \\A l.K t .It " .rot: STARJl H11rh•1r l'111nt «.-n11>r .at '! :i'!111t ''-· :\°P\1 po rt H••&rh ,L\:\lt.s '" 110 \\A ltU :°':·H-<' 1!1.,•lly l"u. 3 116 '""1'11rt Hhd., ;'\r\\rort IHI'~ \\11\1.1.' I. 1.0 \\ t.1.1. II. 0:-HOlt~ ({,I.· I. ''"'" 1·1111t• :m111 '"" !""' l\h 1t., ~''"l't•rl \\ , t.. 'rt. ft II t.1.1. T r11 ~· !'ale" I '<1 ~'" :it .. 1 ''. ~''"I""' l\f·a<h H \Ill • ..\' .1 Ill IC\' It t 0nlf'}lil• c .,.,,, .f 10 :t'.?n1I 'I • ~l'\'llOrt 0.-a.rh NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce Maurie Stanley, President Hay Langenhrim. Secretary 1800 W. Coast Highway Liberty 8-1155 Newport leach I