HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-17 - Newport Harbor News Press, ... FIRE'S WAKF.r-Wrecked furniture was strewn over the front yard ot the John L. Herman home, 638 West 18th St., Costa Mesa, after the fire which he admit.a he started. The chair at the left with its front legs beaten off may have been used u a club to wreck the rest of the furnishings, police said. Legs are shown broken from the table in tbe center. Herman told Mesa Police Chief Art Mcltenzie he wanted to get rid of his wife and so be st.artcd a fire with an estimated damage of over $12,000 to do it. Charges of burglary and arson McKeMie says will keep h im away from hia wife for some time if convicted. -Staff Photo Arson, Burglary Raps Jail Herman • Book John Leslie Herman for Gutting Wife's Home John Leslie Herman. 33, of 304 32nd St., is in the county jail on charges o! arson and burglary, following a fire Sat, urday night in which his wife's home at 638 West 18th St., Costa Mesa, was gutted, police reported. Answrr1ng t hP rt rt <'all Police eluding ch&lrs. a table and TV aet. Chief A rt McKr.nztt> Willi cont11ct-The houu had been flred In a "" At th.-11r1>ne hy Don Vaughn. number of spot1 and Interiors of aon of the late ,·onatable. F1 ank the ktlrhen and garage were com- V1111ghn. who told the c•h1tf that a plelely wrecked while the front man hart JUllt ltfl acting In a 11ua· part of the houae wu allo burned. pkloU11 manner. Vautthn and the The fire wu "hot~' and the Coet& <'hid went In th,. dlrrdlon the Mel& de~rtment worked nearly m1tn ha'1 l8kf'n and fount1 Htrman. lwo houri be!ore it. wu complete- blnod on n111 t111·e and hllnr111 from Iv out and atood by for another a cut In h111 Arm. lwo houn. tli,500 L08S HARIOR WEA THEI Tempera&area t11e pMt wwll a. ... Harbor _,,,. w-ere: Rip Law Tuesday. Oct. 11 _ .... a en Wednuday. Oct. 12 63 !H Thurl!day. Oct. 13 . 61 6e Friday, Oct. 14 .... 6• ~ Saturday. OCl, I~ •.. 63 M Sunday, OCl. 16 .•.• 62 M Monday, Oct. 17 .. -· 60 112 Grimmett. Tavis Held on Dope Rap A,.k~I what waa the maller Herm1.n 1,. reported to have an1- WPretl • llell. \'Oii know, you've bef'n up lhne " Lou lo the structure wu put SANTA ANA. OCT. 17, (<>C- al ~ by Ralph Ltt, nre pre-NS) -Three-men, accUaecs of \'enUon oftl~r. whlle the contenll, ma.r1juana Po•• e • 1 I o n. were • complete loss. were vaJuf'd al brOUjthl before Judge Cella Youns $7000. Herman aald he used ruo· In Santa Ana·Oranre Mun.kt~ line in ata.rting tire tn three or Court today. All went aeparate tour plal'u , police aal\I. path1. They were nabbed by New· Kf:R~A.~ !'4TATT.lfEST Asked what hi' meant by that Her ma.n t old Ml'KPnl.lt "You saw ll. l"VC' l rled to gel rid of her. "° I lll'l the joint on fire " From Lht' look• of lhe Inside or t he hou11" and the furnllure Her· mA-n 111u11t have rvn amok. police 11altl 1111 much ot thf' fumllurt' that wa11 not hurnf'rt wa.. brnkt'n. 1n· Herman 111 rPported to have via-port Beach. Coat& M.... and lted the hou~ t>arller In the even-I Sant& Ana police rece11Uy. Lnit to talk over mu1t&J atfaJr11 Prellmlnary he-11'1 tor Harold Wlth his wife. David Grimmett 22. 371 W. Herman wu to have been ar-Hamilton Sl., Cotta KeM. wu reigned this afternoon. contlnu~ to Oct. 2!i a t tha re· quent or hi• atiorney, Pet. El· • 1n Bond Warner Mrmlhly meml>f>rahip meeting ot A11:c1wialt'd Chnmberl! l'f Or- a n!,(•• County will be hC'ld Tuell· d11 v nti,:hl, Oct. 211 al Loa Alaml· t o" 1\1rr C'lub. F'rank Vt's11Cl1 Ranch. It wu 111mounced today by u'" WlntC'rlon. p~111\lenl. The N l'epl1on will begin at 6 p. m. with rtinn!'r at 7 p. m. Louts lAke. chairman of the Issue 'Pitch' chamber water committee. wlll prt'sent W illis H. Warner. board of l!Upervlsora ch11lrm11n, who w111 speak on the $42 million flood control bond Issue he h1u1 bi>tn e8}'.>0W1lng. Hill talk is tlUed, "Comprehen11ive FI o o d Control Plan ror Orange County:· All city m11yor11 a.nd council member• are Invited to attend, lt was announc- -1. hott. Chargee a(&lMt Jotln Lff Han· ry. 22. Orange. were diunlMed on moUon of ~p. D11t. AUy. Stan O<>uld becauM ot 1-ck of evt· dencp. Frank John Tavt1, 20, an El Toro Marlne. wu held lo answer ln Syperlor Court Oct. 28. Judi• Younr wu on Ula bench in the ablence of vacaUonlnr Judge Howard Camero,n. Bruce Sumner, deputy public defendn, reprnented Henry and Tavis. I NEWS-PRESS ON·THE·SPOT SURVEY SHOWS TAMPICO SLOWLY RECOVERING Anopheles Mosquito Dangers Cited: UN Aid 'Ne«Jled' Charge By PAT MICHAELS -(N~Preee Correapoadent) TAMPICO, MEX., Oct. 17, (OCNS) -A new threat waa born today to the resident.a of Tampico, Mexico -a city that i8 slowly recuperating from a mighty puling by floods and hurricanes. Thia threat comes from a lowly insect -the anopholes moaqulto. Amt'rlcan med1u.J ex-zatlon are conspicuously abllt'nl. pert.a Ill the a!'ene say the mos· 11 .. c am! rehabllllalion unit.I and qulto <'An 110 more damage than Its 1111bsldary \\'orlt1 Health organl· tha tidal waters that 11wept through z.allon are coMpicously 11bMnt. Tampko at depths of more than Mexican govemmf'nt orr1clal1 have 70 ft. The little ln11ecl. doctors C'omplamKI on•r the neglect of the atatl'd, coul<t <'Ompletcly undo I he world bnliy lo off1>r help to the mercy work of a valiant group of l!Omelimu starving . otlen IU pe<>· men alrllft1ng 1uppltea Into Tam-pie who Lnhab1t the "O!'> aquare· p ico from u far ~way aa Orangt' mile are11 l1lat Ls now under wa-~ounty. I ll'r U the rf'~U(l Of the nooda. It hu been two week• 1lnce the The complama were vol~ "'1th flood.a roarert through thl11 <'llY nr partkulRr &ni:"er ovC'r the tacl 60,000 populallon. The community I the world body 11 hl"allh rroup la la no~n with an addttlonal headf'd by a high Mexican om- 100.000 persona, even thouirh tern-c1aJ. porary houi1ln1t <'Rnnot ho~ lo ac· S.Caua~ of the lack o.f support commodate the reinilar reslrtenta from the organl.&allon which norm· of the <'lly. ally would be able lo cope wllh OCll:S learnec1 the plight ot the the problem of the moaqulto. Am· Mexlc11n lnh11blt11nt1 11!ter tlylnr ertcan offlcl.al1 fear one of the to Tampico with a plA-ntl<>ad or l•l'l'fllt epldemtc.1 ot mlllana on Orange County Naval Air Reeerve ~rd wlll llOOn 11urge throurh aervlcemen helplnr to <'onduct tha UM populace. Antl·byphold TM"- mercy airlift or food and medicine cine hu been g1vu every tttl· tnto the 11trlcken city. dent In lta re(julrf'd three do-. t".S. S~CH.f:<'T How.ver. there Is no a ntl-!Tlalaria All the nollef work ts being done vacctnt' nnne hu "''er bt'en t1e- Dnder thl' ctlrt'<'tlon of Amertran I veloJ't"li an4 Mwca.ia \IJ\ll.8.-..UCh 011anl· Within y.·M)u, from 111¥1"4 pow. • left ln tha 80dden Mrth by the noo<1. hure 1warma of the malaria· carrying anopholM will take to the air. Doctor1-1Uch u chief naval malaria upert, Capt. Van C. Tip- ton of Lemon Grove. C&llf.-'have expre11sed deep concern ova the poulbillllts of malaria. It could be the b1gge1t problem of the whole nootl," Tipton told OCN8. C'A~'T ~PRA\' However. malaria control la bof· ged do\1m. Tipton -Id Amulcan unita ha\'e not bttn allowed t.o apray D, D, T. on the area-which could poalbly 88ve the region from devutallon by malaria epl- demlc-bec•UM Mu:le&n doctora are afraid lo allow tha move with· out support from the world heaJth orpnlzaUon, hea~d by their of· fklal. MC'1tll'an official•. It wu pointed out. con1ta.nUy live In fear ot aJ\6· ared reprlal by hJrher-upa who don't rel the publlc.lty tor certaln movea. A• a rwult.. hue• quanuu.. of O. D. T., flown tn our Loe A.la· mH01 plane, Will not be dWlted on the moeqwto-~q ..,._ of the be.ck wooda. Wtead. u tM 'hure R.6-D piloted by Cmdr. Ken MUJer ot Oarden Grove, 1 .. v .. Tampico today after deUvennr Ila carro of food and m-11clM, tt la llChed· uled to ta"1 beck to Oorpua Chr11U lha DDT American naval otnc:tah had hoped would llop the •pldemlc. An epidemic. Ttpton ays. 11 1ur11 to come wtMn the anopholea take to tlle a&.r wlUdn UM D•t t"' ...,.. f '· / -HARBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH, CALU'ORHU., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1e1e GRAND JURY RENEWS PROIE OF 'INDICTMENT MA nER BANTA ANA, OCT. 17, (0CNS)-The Orance County Grand Jury win meet again tomorrow lo look furlhH into lh• "Indictment" mottler It 1tarled to tt-11 Orange County cltlsena about In a pru1 relea11e and then h1d llll mmd chanred by th• county rounacl, Superior Court Jud~e John Shea and Jury Foreman Bromll'y W. Hill. Juron are acheduled to mct't at 10 a. m. In lht' Depa~l­ ment 6 cl\Cl.mber• of Judge Shla l1Jmo1 row momtni:. 1 he meeUnr wu called to look further lnlo the secret malter the Jury probed at a n ea.rller acaalon. CAlOL DOANE UP AND AIOUND! Cvol Doane, populaT Newport Harbor Union BIP School (l'aduat• now at Oranra Cout .COll•l'e. abowri above u ab• eat.. auto under bar -.. power, barillf cut away cnit.chee_ canea and WbMI c'halr. followinr her n!CC>ftry trom lnjur1ea .nen.l week.I •ro lD ti.cf auto Mieldent. ca.rot -. tn car 1truck by wild driver m Corona Oel Mar at Coe.at Highway l.nt.el'MCUon. -Blatt Photo Elgin Gates Off for Big Game Hunting with AITows Ott for Attica and a Uoe la.tt Wednesday. Elgin T. Gate• of 162~ Cout Hlrhway. hopn lo ahoot big game with hls bow and arroW'I before he r ell back to Ca llf ornJa again. El(tn bu bffn an archer for year1. winning the junior cham- plom1hip11 ln. Colorado and 11hoot- ln( deer there. Now he hopee to ahoot anything that tum1 up In Atrica. baninR' elephant11. rhino• and Cape buffaloa and he 11 car· rylng a couple ot rrnu alonr Jutt In CAM he meet. up w1th one of them. O<>ing on a aa.tari In Africa la ZONE MEmNG not Ul4 complJcatect Job It once wu. Galea declared. Flylng from ht>re Wednffday night he upect· ed lo be In East Africa Sunday mornlnr and back hl!re Nov. 20. In Tanpnylka hr uperls to meet a (Ulde who h.. agreed to direct the party and show him pm1> tor hl1 arrow1. Gatta credlta Bob Bennett with making hl1 trip poaalble u lbe Co11ta Me11111 got him h is bow1 and made 1peclaJ arrows for him to use on big g-ame. Bennett BIA<> took care of lhe packing ao Ute equlpmt>nt would arrive In shape to UH Gatu 111 taking a photo- grapher. Jo~ph &-rman. with him IO he will have 11tllls and movtnc pictures to prove hl11 prowue to hl1 friends In years to come. Local Women Hurt Jo Anne Sueu. 16, 1708 Park Ave., and Marlon A. Loakes, 53. North Hollywood. were bruited when a car driven by Jal'queline 50 Delegates at Optimist Convention • K. Wataon. 18. 311 Goldenrod Ave., rammed one driven by F. J . Loak- ee, a c.. .. orrting lo Newport Beach police report.I. ~flH Sue&s wu Fltty delegatea from Oranre County Optim11t cluba met Sat· urday and yuterday al Balboa Bay Club for wh.at la planned to be the first annual Zone 9 con- tuence. It wu sponsored by pHt president. of the 11 cluba In the zone. Part of · the prognm canal1ted of dlscuu lona of boya work begin done by the clube In lhf' lil11lricl In an effort to coordlna le t'hl1 worth white program. An outllne ot what IA being don• to form new clubs al~ was d1scull!ed. Jack Gray of Anaheim waa con· vention chairman and V!'rn Wal· aon of Newport H11rbor and Matt Laborde of Costa Men. Optimist prealdenta, took put In the dl.a- cuuloM. More than 100 took part In lhe dinner dance held Saturday evenlnr and Sunday many of the deleptes played rott while their \ll'ivea wue entertained at a brldg-e party. Clrculatlon Today 1820 Coples trea ted at Hoalf Ho11pital and aenl home and Mn1. Lol\kl'• went to her Jli!r11nnal phy11lrtan. 171-lot Tract Map Submitted H unny Investment Co 11ubmit- ted a tentatlv!' tral't map to the Co11La M'sa plllnnlnr commlHlon Oct I 0 for a MW subdivision to lnr lud" t 71 lot11. Thia lmprovem1>nt was an· nounced In the N .. w.-Presa 11ev- er11l weeks a ito 11nd 111 directly a cro111 Wilson gl from a big 1ub!llvlsion whlr h thl11 company has just completed. n e new tract utend11 from Plact>ntla Avr . WC'llt past Republic St. While part of thl1 tract. bor· dering on Wilton St.. 11 already In· the city Um.Ila, the bulk of the Iota .,. DI the county and approval of tha tract map w1U hava to wait on anneuUon of the 1tr1p of land lytnr between Co1ta Meaa and the 1\Ata iw.pl· tal acreage. which bu "already been 1llrted and 11 p~Hntly ln the hand.I of the counly boun· dary commltUon. Membera of the planning com- mla11lon ar,rued for lnclu1lot1 of a 16-tl. a lJv aJonr the north boun- dary of Pt• tract, but acUon on thta W1U a watt compleUqa ot an· ·-'*- ISUll>AL PAI R -Winner of the be-at costumed pet.a in the pet pande at the an- nual Lobster Bake yc8terday and also judged beat in the show wu the "Just Married" pair of doge shown by Winnie O'keefe, Peggy and Cbria Fruer, shown abo\'e. They were judged by Virginia Watson. -SWf Photo Large Turn Out for Lobster Bake. COUNTRY OYER Galleon Wins Second Place In Contest C Special to lh• Newport Harbor !'liew1-PreN1 NEW YORK. -'"Galll'on." the annual pubhcallon of lll• 1tu · dentt of Newport Harbor t:nlon High School. Nt'•"port Beach. raptured 11eeond • plact honora here Thursday In a nationwide compeUtton 1ponaored by the Co- lumbia Scholaattc Preae A.1~1•· lion. rn th• ytarbook Judging. which pren•d••<I the conventnr ot Junior editors for thr l:lth annual co'1- f4'rf'nce ot ttut aaaodaUon , "0.1· Icon" won Ill awa.rd In the ct11u tor printed yearb<10k1 of Nnlor high Achools hav1ng from 1600 to IMO enrollment. The Judces rated the enlr1ea In the conll'lt. aubmltled by H- contJa~· 11chool1 In 1111 part.a of the' rountry, on the bUl1 ot typo- graphy, art. ni>we content and the llkC'. The w1nner1 recrived their award1 during the covrse ot the two· day meet1nr . which ended Ftiday on the campua of Colwn· bla University. More than 1000 stutlent edltore and their faculty adviJOOr11 atlendl!t1 thf' 11eulon11. Thr y heard from professional u- perls In the pull'll1hln1 field at a luncheon at the Biltmore Ho- tel on Saturday. Marines Deny Balboa Br-wl Injuring Man SANTA ANA. IOCNS)-Th"" youthful F,\ Toro Mar1nea Jl'rlday pleadr d lnnocenl on ch&r(fll of robbery. rrand theft from a per- 110n and U88ult by mean• of force likely lo protlure veat bodily harm. The alle1ted cr1mf' wu In B11lbna lallt July. Superior C o u r t Judire J ohn Shea accepted the pl,.., from Henry Scott Finney. 21 ; Lee Carol Rogers, 24, and R<lbfrt Loula Wollfulk Jr. 23. The trio 11 accuaed of bt'aUnJ and robbing Gabr1t'l Halleck of Loa Angelea on July 2l In New· port ~ach a.flu a round ot b&l'1I ln the beach area. J udre Shea aet a Jury trl11t for the defendants Nov. 28. All are t~ on ball. The threesome al· le(edly took 1100 In cMh and • 1180 wriat watch !ro.m Halleck. c ......... , ... 1t Oranre Cout Coll~• ot 19061 Harbor Bl•d. 1a.tt •Mk took out a 19399 Coeta M... ctty rulldlnf permit for buUdlni a cl&aroom and potunr 1 h " d. hmula.ro- Strambary lllc.. wu DUiied OOlr tractor. J Cafol King Crowned as Queen of CdM FesHYltles OM.of tie ...._ 'roblter ..._ N.pwt a.dl ever ... w to • .uccwtuJ .............. late ... atstat. Whilt .tlna1 fliurel on return. may not be anllable for a couplf of days. Tommy Fomter of t.lae committee in charge eati· mated there 1':ill be m<>f'e than $2000 tor the Youth Center development. lAat year the con- tribution wu jUlt under $2000 and Foat.er ·!JI certain Uda J'"I"'• 1'9- celpll wlll be ('t'C&ter than ln 1964. While Saturday'• crowd rot off to a poor atart. 8unday'1 rec4rlpta came lhrou(h lo put the fet1tlval over 111 fr&Jld 1tyle. Mm who wert' <'OOkln( lobater11 and lop alrtoln ateu1 werf' kept bu11y and much of the time lhC're wu • line- up at the Mrvln1 table. ~· {'r--.ed Hl(h point of the Saturday en- tertainment wu crowning Carol King •• Queen. The <'tremony followed a parade of auto• through the Hubor area. Carol, 17. 141 a Mnlor al Newport Harbor Union High S('hool e_nd liv,.. at 611 lrl1 Ave. Sunday'.11 pet parade brougllt a ho11t of 11mall t ry wllh cata, dop and ducka and. whe-n the be.rklnr wu ovtr. the following had be- come wlnnera: Kaiser, Farquhcr Recover at HOGCJ Two wellknown Orange Coun- ty men wtre rt>covering today In Ho•R' H08pital from recent treat- me>nt. Be.t Coatwn• ud bMt In 1how -two cSoca d..-d u l>nde and &TOOfl'l and labe.led "Jua Mamed:· ullllMted by WI n n la 'O'k~f,, l>el'l'Y and a uu rr-r. Th~ were judf'ed by VlrstnJa Wetaon. Best (r'OOmed q -Ltn J on.-a. a collle, J~ by .Franll. Jordan. Moet unuai&l pet-duck. Mark Van Dyke, Jud(ed by Mra. Jun Clark. Be.t traln-1 de>« -Mi.a. Tony Oaluc:cl of Glendale, Judfad by Kay Finch. But cat-Mark Van Dyke. Juctr· ed by Mra. Clark Blood. Bt'11t purebred de>«-a dadllihvnd. T't\ffy Travera, Judred by Jordan, The JUdlff dooat.ed the pri•• In each cl... and Mra. Braden Finch ai.o pve UM prlM for tha best In 1bow. 1n th• treaa1re hunt Saturday David lAurte and Biii a.nd 'hny Ca ~N worked tol'ether and found the buried treaMJre. Car Theft Rap SANTA ANA, IOCNS)-Jlllah Alnander Steven1. 29. a New· port Bt'ach truck drlvtr, Oct. 14 entered a (Ullty plea on a ('r&lld theft, auto cbar:s:a when 'hf wu amalKfte<I before Buper1or Court Jut1ire John Shea. Hein% Kal11er, t1flh dlstr1cf> au· pervu1or, wu In good l'ondltlon rollow1ng hOl!pllAltz:allon ror hlR''h Judge Shea ICheduled a probe· blond prl'11JOure and a klclney op-lion hear1nr ror Steven• at 11:30 eratlon. a. m. Nov. 4. Jim Farquhar. ownt-r or the Steven• admitted 1teallnr a Hunllnitton Bearh New11. who ca r ownrd by Wallace Spellman. wu ho~pllollzrd lut W!'fk. wu Tht 11efendant delayed pl• on a nid In fair condition with "very l buritlary chari11 unUI alter the rh11nre of rt'covery from a htarl probation hf'llrlnir. Ha la acc:ueed 11llen t. of brl'akln1t Into 3e Balboa Oowa. George McClellan Passes; Rites Set Wednesday Moon St>rvleff tor G"Orte C. McClel· fore buylnr hl1 home In Beacon tan. 46 of l3 \·11wl Road. "'"'o Bay In the aprln1t He hu bHn rtlt'd Saturday aft,rnoon of a a boRl owner here for the pul hl'art attack while .. ·orkinir on 15 yrar11 h11 'home, will be held Wednf"· Mr McClellan wa• !oundu of day nnon al the Uttlt' Church Youth Hou11t and La CatHn11. ot thl' Flowera. Forest Ulwn., both youth orpnluttona In IA Gl~ndale A PrHbytt>rllln mini· Canlldll. He 'll'U a Scoulmut"r ater Y.111 otaclate. lntt>rmrnt w1U II ror f!•e yeara and wu ar llve In be at Portst I.Awn. a(juar .. dance clrele1 of the foot• A netlve of Oa.lneavlll". Tu . hill community. Mr. MrClellAn \:ame to Loa An· I Ht ll'&VH hl1 Wife, Ruth l:li•· irel"• u a &T•mmar achoo! 11l11· beth of lhl' 'home add.._; hi• dent. He wu &Taduall'd (Mm twin ion a nd daupter. 1Ucharc1 P're_nkhn HIJh School, l..n• An· I t";fflrfe McClellan. Cal-P oly 1tu- 1elf11 In Hll7, then •pt'nt two I d"nt at San Lui• Obllpo and yeara a t Unlvenitty or We~lf'rn Maureen Ruth McClellan, Unlver· Maryland whe~ he wu proml· t 11lty of Call(omla.. Berkelty. hi• nent on the ct>llt1tt"1 vanity foot· 1111ler, Mra. Bert l:klna. Loi An· ball team. gtlu: ht• brot.hera. lAw1a w .. Moil of hJa b\Wne• life waa Murray J. and 0.ra.ld 'fl. Mc· ~nt In whol-le and retaU Clellan. all Loa Ancetea al?&. Balta ... In lM oU indWllry. Ht Mort~ry aided &a local ........ made bl.I bOllM la IA CUada -. ~ 1 THAT WITCH-POT Mrs. M. J. Shannon is holding is one of the many items of decor which the arls and crafts group of Corona del Mar Community Church is making for the Halloween dessert card par ty to be held at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 28 at the 11ocial hall. At right Mrs. C. L. Close is wrapping one of the gifts donated by mem- bers Rnd merchants and in charge of Mmni. Sidney Blac kbeard and John Meador. Mrs. Robert ~Jered1th is ~eneral chairman. -Slaff Photo ADDRESSING l NVl T ATIONS to the Surfsidera' costume dance to be held Friday at the Elks Club are Mrs. William Stabler and Mrs. William Bertuleit (I to r) of Cos- ta Mesa, shown here at the Stabler home, 6 Balboa Coves. Surfsidera is a social club for young married couples. ill planning a aeaaon of eight dances. -Staff Photo Island WSCS Hears Program on Indians NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women·a Editor I Relating aomelhing of the lift and cu11tome or the Na v&JO and Hopl Jndlorui, Mrs. Richard But- ton w1111 the kry llpt11.ku 11.t W!'d· nallday'11 mtttlng of th!! Wom11n'11 So<'ltt \· fir Chrr!<tlRn !;"n1re or the B11lbo11 I •land C"r1mm11nlly >.Jethnrtl11t Churl'h. With t'Ol1>re<l 1lldu 1he rel a terl the upt ritncr whk h iohr Anrl ht'r hul'bllnd. 11 PAGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 17. 1955 1~111 nrhlhrlmnlni:;1 .. 1 hat! whlltl GLENDALE POLLOCKS NOW living' 11t F t O"f111nce, Ant But· '"" wu a~«li:ntrl lo thr lnrll11n ('OUntr)• to s1111 In the rorrl'rllon AT HOME IN BEACON BAY (If \'AriflU.11 dlscall('S of tht' eye. C:trt..11 or h11nd-marle 10ilverware. bl11nkel11 11n.J k1Hchlnll d o 1111 whic h Ul(' Buttons rccl'ovcd from their Jnihan f1 1l'ncl1 we rt 1<hown The J'fOi;:.-am W3ll llnftnJ:t'd by Mr:o :O.llrhnrl rarl a nti m!'mben of t.y.t111 C1r<'IP. Harbor frirnds of the Allen Pollockl have been t ryinit l11 lorate thrm on Balboa Isla,nd but lhe Glendale family I• re· 1<11hng al 60 B<'acon Bay. ~lr11. Pollock wlll be m1ued from Oakmont Lee.gut of which 11he wu an actl\·c member. Pollock w1U commute to Loa A ni;elca where he i• chief of the Chamber ot commerce Con- ,·ent111n Bureau and eon Jim 11 gettlnc acquainted at Oranp L'oMt College. Jn the hu~n<'l'!'I 1<r11!11fln "t 11 n'clock ph,nio wl're rn11de Co tht j f1b11l'rv11nr,. flt thr \\'erk nf Prn~·----------------------------er and ~ .. lf-Dtnlal A II rlrclrs will mttt tor 11 ""rvire of wnr· 11hlp 1n thr c-h11rch 1'3nl'.'l1111ry 11t 9 a, m .. 0 <'t. 26. The 1troup slilo made arr11nJtrmenu tnr llttrnd· ln1t th!' W.8 C.S. Whittler Dis· t rll'l mf'"tlng al Fullt'rt!\n on <Xt. 2 SLATE WORKSHOP Camp Fire Girl Leaders . Active in Organizing Mrl'. Fount L. Lowt lrd lht .. ·or10h1p 11erv1ct'. Lunch W83 l\t'rv· t rt bv thl' M11rlh11 Clrcl1• undrr <'halr;,,11n .. hlp or Mrs. C'nmelhJS I Mr~ Paul Rodet. 123 E. Bay Thankartving enft• to the Camp Tlonker. Ave . was hostell!I to membe1'11 of nra and Blue Bird leaden. the Board ot the Oranr• County Mia Gwen H•rptr, field advi- C11.mp F ire Leader'• AMoclaUon 10r, wu pre1ent to diacuu the Son for Trahans Mr. and Mr1. Frank Tr11h11n. 202~ Anahtlm Ave.. Co1ta Mesa . art parrnt11 or a boy born Oct. 12 in Or11011:e County C.nf'ral Hollpit111. He v.·elghted 7 Iba .. 12~ or:. whl'n lh<'Y met la.at Monday to dlacuu the pro(T&ln for tht com - '"'-' leaderii' meeting. Oct. 19, 9:30 a. m .. ln the Methodl1t Com- munit y Church In Coit.a Mua. Sprclal ~ltl'll will be prt1tnt to demonat n t e C\rtatmu a n • .. LATEST HA~R S~ING FOR" HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IAllJI SHOP BALaOA 11IEA TIU: BU>Q. llALllOA Opa~ ..... 11e---, 1ucce11 of the recent rt ,UtraUon meeting ln Co1ta MelL Sh• re- port•d the development Of MVU· • CAMERAMAN NORMAN W AKEllAN f Audubon Group to Show Norman Waken1an Film • Lindbergh Has Dinner for School Faculty A aet a cquainted dlnnn for the Llndbfor(h 8<'hool fac:ult '" buaband.t and-or \lo1ve1 waa ho•t· ed Sept. SO. at Ula Imperial ft••· taurant In Ga,nien Grove by th• P·TA board . )1ra. Clyde Chrl1t1anaon r•"" two readlnr•. "Tb• Weddln«" and "Betty a t U\e ~b&IJ Oame". Sons; and lxlok tlUe• and f11moua aaytn11 were •<'t~ out In th• 1ame or cbaradu . Tho1e attr ndlnr were· M .. 1r1. and Mmn . l:vert"t t Rea. Ro~t Bruni. Clyde Chr11· Uan10n. Dea,n Giibert, Bryan Ha~•. W1llla.m Jotm10n. lA\lo•I• O. Klddn . Arthur Klttei.on. Lynn 011\•e, F rank O\'erlw1, Chu lu Palme•. Pa t Patter10n, Lei ter Rick man, )of J. WatkJnt, Garland Wttsel. Arthur Aunf', I •. J . Atchl10n. F. B. Hulett. Ivan Jll<'Ob..n. John Minor. H. L. Rob· ert.s. Bradlf'y &hwars. )lmell. RtcharJ B I a t t c r m a n. D. n. C'hur<'h. Dfolla Frazier, lubl ll• Norm1tn Wa kema,n ot Balboa 1 Cahfonila rattlunakea. Kehlor, 8 h r Id on Kirkpatrick, Island, biology Instructor at Pasa-1 The Sea llnd Sa.-e A11Jubon So· Thomaa >.tenltlu, Wllll•m C. Mid· dena City Cnlle~e. will presenl ril'ty 11ttks t o promote lnten•st dlt ton. 'J'hf'lma r owers, H. R. I in the ou1 -or-door11 a nd In con-Swindler. Jat'k Vance. C. t; Ba· his r11m . "Southrm Cr1 hfoml9 11erv•tlon or wrld-llre. 10 aJI of I con, A . A. Kitt11, Jack McMahan. Sell Cout." at thf' <Kt 18 met>t-Its mt-N1ngs art publll' "South· Carl Smith J r , Mt-~ra. Dkk Bo- in~ of the Sra 11nd 811ge . Audn· 1 t>m ('all!om1a Sn Co11i1t." ahowa 1 vet. Gt'OrKe Holman and R•y· bon s.,.-1qv Thf' orK •nlzallon ghmpsu ot collrctlng tr1p1 with mond Snyder. meets ll"c third Tuesday of earh Sftm Hinton, l'Urator ot Scripp11 ---- month In tte llOClal hall or the ln,,11tult> tJr Ckeanography a nJ Flr8l Methodist ChurC'h. s I x th I h1111 rl'mRrkable •hota o ( golden and Spur~c<ln Stll . S&nta Ana, a l l'8Klt11. r atllean11ke1 i nd man y 7:30 p. m. form11 or bird and reptile hfe found alonic t he cout of South· for ltou,. W&keman hu rtone out.atandlnc camera work. His ahota of the wattr ouzt'I were· wwd In Dhl· nt'y's A1·11dt'my A.ward winning mcwic. "Water Blrd11.'' The Moody Institute or Scltnce hu ustd hi• p1cturt 11 1rnd he hu worked wllh Ed l'df'y, c-hief flellf phn~graph· t r for )toody ln1t1tute. OT. Ray- mon B. Cow les of UCLA a n d Wakeman have 1ptnt much time In the pu t two yeu1 filmln.c em Calllom la. MISS BARBAR.A FURSE -R9'Y Huff Photo Furse-Mackey Troth Revealed Announcement is Made at Dinner in Glendale Activities of VFW Auxiliary When Mr. and Mra. Dudley R. Furse of Glendale and Newport Beach entertained at .. family dinner, white wed- ding bel1a bung from the chandelier above the buffet, an- nounced theme of the event. Beneath, among white Mn. LH Chathllm. sttond di!!· trlct president of VFW Auxillllr)' wa1 present for otflel11I in~· lion of tile auxllll1ry of CoHtllne Post 3~36. Coai. Mru , on Oct. 7. AU c-halrm11.n reporled on work for the first and llt·<'Ond quarttn J&rdenlu and atocJt, WU & rltt· te~ encasement rtnc and from It wer. aaUn atreamera lnac:rlbed In ailver, "B&be and Ed". Touted ln ch&mpape w t r e KJaa Barbara rune a11d her n- ance. Edwu d Lel11.nd Mackay, aon of Mr. a,nd Mnr. Wlllia,m 0. Mac- key ot R.lver1lde. Polytechnic H ICh School, Rlnr- aide; Btandlord Law School from The auxiliary Is to 11ponsor a Which ht WU craduated In June C irl ~cout troop and pre11ent I and la preaenUy att&c:bed to the thrm wllh a flag as " new pro- UBS Bon Homm'a Richard (CVA· ject. 31) ln Ban rranci.co. He la a On Sunday rventnr. <kt. 9. member of Kappa Sigma and Ph.I Coutllne Poat and auxiliary help· Delta Phi. He i. a lhlrd i:ener· I'd with the fill c11mlval at the atlon Calllornlan a nd hi• falher Long Beach Veterans Ho1pltal. la di1lricl attorney ot R1vtri11de M&ny membf'rs who <'OUld nol a t· County. I tend M!nt rookies for the rdresh- No date hu been .et for tht mM t booth. CoalUlne unit had wedding. charge ot thr popcorn booth. Womrn 11.ttrndlng were the Miu Fur1e attended M&rlbor- oup Bdloo1 ror Girl.I, wu cradu· ated UU. aprtnc from Stanford Urtlveralty wtlh a de(Tee In poU· Ucal actence. She 11 pruenUy at- t•ndlng Wright MacMahon Seere- ta,nal School. Republican Women 'Ttle bride STOOm·t ltet attendtd to Hear James Utt pre1ldent. Mrs. Yvonne Scott: Mmu . G. H . Noland, Warren Hampton, Jo11rph Dtthenea, May Buckland, Charin Smith, E. W. Olll"sple 11.nd R3lph PhelJ>I. Food and Wine Society Holds Planning Meet )fen of the Lido Ill• Food and Wine Society met Oct. ~ In t ht' club hou1e board room ror a buAlnu a a,nd planning mHttnc. Waller Gerhardt 'and Ralph Tan- dow111ky. two cha rter membera, conducted the meeUn1r. Mo•t Important Item of lh• agenda wu the appoin tment of a committee to drut a 1tatcment ot tht' club'• purpoee and Ideals. Commlttte mcmbe1'11 are Arthur Lt'ndeke, Bud Coward and Frank Carlton. On Tuesday, ()('t. 18 the men w111 hear tht committee report. Wedneaday, Oct. 19. a 1uklyald dinner cooked over Japanese hi· 1 b11.chlra ""'Ill be rtlrected by Matt Ober. Ober Will Instruct the men In prep.ration nt lht 1uklyakl. havinr lum"d bow In the Ontnt. 'Jiie dlnne1'11 art open t o all mm In ttl• Lido Ille Community Auoclatlon. Each dinner la limit- ed to 60 rNrrvatlona. Arnone tht active participant.. are Ken Kln11:1lry. Mario Man- HllL Hal ke, "Fata" Holliday. L. F. Le Ba n. Bill ChrutenHn. Bob Harrie, T. Dlnw1ddl. Jer- ry Rlchard1 an Vince Healy. al new ~oup• or irlrlll from Har- per, Main, Monte Vista and Lind· bergh 11chool•. A 11lmllar meet- ing Is planned ror the Newport· Balboa areL A tralnlnc worit.hop, announ- ctd Mn . EmHt Laurin. c.hal rman ot lha ueoclaUon. will bl! held al th• F irst Met.hodlat Church. Euclid and Stanford A ve11.. Gar- den Grove. Blue Bird Leadcr11 will meet Thu!'11day. Ocl 20 and Camp Fire Le11der1 will meet Thur!lday, Oct: 27, 9 30 to 2:30 p. m. ..... ""' • hr a...lac ... 8 ............ llu.11 ,_ ....... ....... Mil ............ ... Con,,.....nan Ja me1 B. Ut t It's a Daughter will be •ptakt>r at an open meet· Inc ot th• ~ubllcan Women'11 Club of N.wport Harbor arta on Tbunic:tay, OC'L 20. 10 11. m. In the home of Mn . Viola Friedman. 3317 ~an Blvd., Corona del Mar. R l1 t opic -.-.•Ill be "Aftal1'11 In Waallln(ton at PTeMnt". Jl'a not a boy, u trroncouslyl a,nnounc:ed, blft. • cul. born sat - urday. Oct. I to Mr. and Mra. Sandy Porter, 118 Via Lore11. She hM bttn named'"P&mela J ean. You Save Bay It WIUJ 10~0 ~ "' w.,. °" yo11r Party Rental ltema 140.t Jr. Cooat Hv .. <.:oro"4 d~I Jlo' Prescrlptiw at PRINGLES PrMertpU-• ftHM •tu 10 p.m. Free Film! Wltll1 Mell roU of blac'k and wlll&e, aaa.. 117, 110, tit, 110. llt left wttti u for •,·elo~ ai;:! prhltbta-. we wtll .. h 'f' you a roll of the aame 11lze FREE. MMter 8l:le Prtata at So t:11tra Cllarce H HOUR 8Ell\'ICE Barbor 5071 e Irvine Terrace t ln\'f'ly h~ i bfodrnam,., i bathe SH .MO I bfodrooma, t bath• 13•.~ Call Harbor l IOO To introduce the new WINFIELD, GUARANTEED OVENPROOF CHINA, we will give ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE ( 1, 52 piece set of STAINLESS STEEL flat- ware to the first 100 buyers of a ~rvice for eight (8) During October, November December only . TERMS u low ~-$2.75 per week. IN ADDITION, uk about our CLUB PLAN and ho" you' may earn extra pieces for HALF-PRICE. INSPIRATION CHINA CO. 3034 I. Coast Hithway, Coroea clel Mar PhoM Har. 6274 I ' 1st Mortgage Leans OH .. owot& au• .. •rM AND INDUaTlllAL ~llO~CllTtla We • ...,...,,, •t1wet• ~ IMttM..,.., Ct•eiMt <•· .. -· -1..-.1 f·-C..t .. c.. .. WC ..... ~ NO H••O•..A.ti.. eOt..tCt1'A1'•0•e Tt1UaT ouoa aouo"T ANO llClLD ,M. I . llll MOllTOAOlt 8ANrtl HO a1MCI. ••Jo t.a. N. IU~ u u n • SANTA ANA, CAllf J.IMI U1.Y ).Tilt Con~•• •"" lo• A"o•1••· SM •reM1tce, ,..._ Yorll, Ch1ueo THE OllOAS YOD C.Uol PLAY AT oxcr;: UM lll'Ollderfu.I - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN TtM Wllole ram111 OU Pla7 I& Wlttioal i-oaa? Nowt Ne Need .. Talle V-• Come I• and Prove It to,.,..,, "'• aa.o lllYlte ,._ '° -.. alld &rJ the -UammoM Sploe& Ore-Now A..u.Me DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PIANO .t ORGA.~ 8TOllE ~uuwra for All llodela Hammond Ors-• IU 2-$160 HO So. Main of IUll In the AUJI for &a.Y ... balmy f'\·rnJn1• PAT PREMO'S .-rt twf'&r for I CLAIRE McCARDELL J Balboa I •lanct HeYe1' .. t.te4 ••llYMOUllD ....... I , \. t~ate rmm thf' Mc>dlltranean conta iner 11UbjN'I and rut no•~r ·M t 1nm df'tr In ltp t ~II -• &tlorH and have bun STOWn .. Bo&k lht> bl.llba tor l"'"O to three' pro~·t Lbf' n .. w toll&J• from J formal bf'ddi.QI' pl&ftU &tnce UM boUr. betol"9 pl&llttq; Wl lMm b~ bU'1.t Hoine anJ Ga ruen 5'"E.~~7E. CONCRETE LloO sHoPs Ule Out.ch HyaclaUa U... an U. , AGRICULTURE LEADEIS MEET AT OCC Dutch RomAn and ""8cll l\cmU NEWPOllT HARIOR MEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE l Hybrtda and the H,..ctnthu. ... ureu., wb.ldl ptcmde a ...-q MONDAY, OCTOIEtl 17, 1955 IUUS NEED PLANTING NOW 1 Hyacinth and Dutch Iris Will Show Well In Spring IA ~ torma. Plat the BY· aclnlh ftft to ID lnoMe deep Ja r!Cb. .udy llOll: tutUb9 wtU!io'llt d1reett1 coatacttDc t.be buJbe and mulch O'\'ft' ~ bulbe d\at.nc the \\'lnt.er. J'Oll indoor CUllw., ..,... ct.l ,.._ are anDable. BTB&ID MDl"IJ:W. Tb• Dutcb lrt. l• a b1trid memb8r ot tbe •lboul brUCJh ot the lrl8 tam1J.Y • • • l.be s-ult ot caref\ll denSopmtGt by Hol· land irow-a-Plant W. tonn ot tbe Ilia tom to ftn tnchu deep lD 11UDD7, well d...med areaa. nie Tbere &. a rtcb prct.lllr u · Irt. &Ad t.bme two flower r.wr-Dutch In. ma.Ue wollderf\ll cut perience awaitlnr tJ\e ~nier ltu uwally mentioaed 111 tu Dowen .,. ... u u pl'den plant• wbo belin8 the culUvaUon of iuune brtath. ttM Ranunc:utw md dOmbtMd tn Sprtnc bcJflckn or Wiiie uua ran. By ptanttnc • lhe Anemone. m m&MeS drlftlnc alone pa.t.bL ..-UO. ot •ftral of tbe ta.or· 'l'llllP8 ba•• a paAd and ,to-411..,,,,,,. apenn.laa llDd An• ltee now C&llfontl& p.rdentn U · rlou.1 backfT'owMS and a rkb ...._ moae eoroDAri& are two 9JIK!u llUft them8elft9 of cre&t prden ltac• of beauty d&Unc from 9"· of UM Wlnd t"loWer. u the Ane- t-njoyment In t be com I n C eral centurlu •So· remlftd8 the mane i. known. Plant now thl"ff Spr\nr. California .u.c>cl&Uon of NW'-lncbee dMf> 1D rlch-well-dnlned TraditloD&l bUlb fa'f'Oritee are. H rymen. The word Tulip ti.elf eon. The apenntna blOOl'l\8 ln aky of caw., U.. Tl.lllp and Datfodll comH trom an ancient Pvs1an bhae tlowen: coronarta ortera -ftan'ta La t.be bulb world; but word m.-Jns turban. aod ftferw. ttniam ot bh>e, red and white. Ulen are an.alltt bulb no.er. Of coun1, to lhe 8bape ot UM nM RanuncWu8. compe.n~ to tMt ..i.o proye to be .,....t pr· lnnrt.ed now.r. Tulip. were pro-t.be ~De. l8 at.o c..u.d tbe den beaut I e a. F or lut.nce. bably c:ultt.at.ed nnt In ~raa TUrban or Persian Butlen:up. Satiiaction POUi IT THE IASY • WAY AND SAVI e ., 1 if,. r/ • ~~ ~ '., ' ,. ,,,. !' . i'... . •. . •.1 • .... ~,...r .... ... weft --• ............ < ... ... -····fill& .. .. ,. ........... ...-. BAY llEADY JlllX INO. • 711 w. 17 .. St. U..ben of the State J .iaiaon Committee on qricultme met ft OnDp Cout Col· lip 1ut week with coUep coumek>n. Attention wu devoted to problema of t.rain- tac. placement. and orpniaation or counes. Front row fl tor.) are: ErDmt A. Tarone, bead or the agriculture department.. Moc:te.to Junior College; Byron J . Kc- Mahon, Chier, Bul"f'&u of Agrictulture Education, State Depa.rt.ment or F.ducation: lhert'• the Hyacinth, lh• Dutch after ha~nr been obtained from Bloomillr tn bnllt&nt colon It Tl.lrtirHtan and Bokh&ra. The inUee a rood prden compul.lon. --owr noodle. and pnl18h bulb1 tbt-n epread to Tl.Irby, Vl· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~ wttll .uwr...s atmonda. enna and f1nally Holland where they became Ule cater ot wtld CHJCllEN CAPIU8 apec:ul&tion: two bulb8 ot a cer- 1 can chicken a la kin~ ~ cup cooked ham 1 can u p•l'ISU• tlp1 bread crum be butter tain type were llOl4 tor f 3080! ! Then ar. a gnat many Tulip type. to .elect trom. Thue many be&uutul varl•U• can be planted In aolld ~· of one color °" Add tb• cooked ham to th• blendtnr cllor9. acalMt ~ cblclren a 1& •kine and heat. Re· l'T'MDIS uad .,,.bbery, tac., move to • heat-proof sl&M pit alon11lde pool.I. P l&Dt Tl.llip. in ence. -Photo by Al Baker d1ab and top wt tlp1. rood 11<>1t tl\at hU bone meal and Dot wttb buttu 1prlnkl• wtlh well rottf'd manu,.. worked Into Dr. Fred N. Brigp, dean, College or Acnculture, UniTersity of California at Davi9. Jkck row (l to r.): Dr. Baail H. Pet.er.on, pre.ident of Orange Coaat College; 'Dr. Ivan Crookahank.a, premdent, College of Sequoiu and chairman of the Uaieoo Ccmmitt.ee: Robert W. Hodpon, dean. College of Agriculture, UCLA: Dr. Harry R. Wellman, vice-preeideot, University of California, in charge or Agricultural Sci· mu.t. J>f'rforct-. ~nd leu tJme \ pacluce, remon lo a eaMUOle cncker crw:nb1 and broil Ju.at IL Set tb• bulbe on a bandtUl cooldng. and add the .oup. Let t.hJlt am· '-r enoup to brown n'UJTlbll. of ll&:ld and conr with four lnch· 1 like the tl'fl\d, pe,_.ily, be-m« tor 15 mblutee. and twit be-9Al18AOE Wl'l'R H of clean eon. In wum dry C&UM JOU can be u pl&ln u JOU f0f"9 &erTtnr top I'"°' the rr-cll l'IUl:D APPLES areu 9Uch u Southe.m Callfor· Uk• 111 cooking or u eourmet nwd omon1'. 1 pork l&m&l'8 nla, conr wtth m lncb# of •oil. u you llice and with n ry Uttk 8HIUXP8 A IA IACK80~ 1 eua allced applea &AILLT BLOOMING utra dfort. nutmes l:&rll•t -bJoomlDC ot the bulb The trostn rood manufacturers 1 can c~ r'attbll Pape ......,.,. meat lnt.o f\at nowen t1 the DattodU or Nar- bav. been t he first l&rp food i, Ill. .autmpe round caka about a b&l1 lnch claaw. Ha-e ap1n Ute prdener proceuorw to move In °" the 2 EllctUih inutrlu thick. Put tn a cold frying pan hu a wealth of type. to IJe1«:l u-d with such tJunp u froMll Oooll U.. altrtmpe tor 1~ mln· and cook slowly. bro'Wnlnc evenly trom -ln 1h&du of Djlle yellow Crab N-bu.rg. frozen Soat.IM'.na ut.. la ~ wat.u to wblch cm both adH. Pour off tat and tow .. ••~eepe.t fOld, accented ln rrted Ctucken. fro&~ Breaded add a touc:b of ta.rracon. marjor· ••• it, and keep Mu.NJ" warm ...... and red. D&tfodt.t. make J'l.&b SUcka. et.c. am and thym .. warm Ule dlHM ln Oftll. DraJ.n ~anned iliced •P-excellent forerround plantlnc for Many of these fooda require DO l.n tM top of & dCliaMe tlolm, add plee Uld bnilllm ln balance of enrJ1"9Ml matrl&J &Dd (0 well &ddiUonal -inc. but Ul•re LI altrlmp. wMn ..-dJ, lllm.mer • -~ h t. Remon, sprutkle ln reek prden8 9'MS -ttend -catecory that does. &Dd that'• f-mlnulell and .. ,.... over wtUt nutme1t \Uld eerv• with al~ prdeft path8. the trosen T\' dinner.!. Pel'hafl9 toutf'd Dirl..ti muffin baltt1. •wi&r.e· Plaat Dattodll8 early ln Ulie tbe)' '"" made bland 90 that C"lllC&E~ rA. .... A SHEPJR:RD'S Pf'F. Fall -rtcbt awa.y. Set. them 1n t11e7 could be lmproftd upon. about four t.o 1lll lnc.bu deep and &ad. .,. you ~. u..1 are bland. I can chl.dten h't~ 1 can huh be eure you Mlect a .tt.e wtlG'e wt It wlllle coolllnc you add • 1 on\oa t.billly .Uc.d l pkr. troua muhed I.he IOtl dn1U "r'Y well: u ma- lltU. tarncon to the chlcllea. 1 u.p. p.prtka potatoH nure LI a9ed tt llllould !» woa11ed rooD AtJ'l'BO&-ar&a'I' ~ to the beef. etc~ you "' cup ~r cl"Mln .: ehW .auc:e dffP Into tM *"1 90 that lt LI Tbe curnat .op in cook ean tum out a pretty sood dllb. butter 2 tbsp. choPJM'd onion not tolxhln1 Ule bulb&. Bonam•l boOka aad maca&lne UUdee I.I 8-'• an lnat.an~ of a nne «Rted eheeae can be mlsed lnto the 1JOU ud ··Dort.cut OooUf7." ~-UJ> -...pt.able: rry onion smUy in the bUttar Heat pot.atoaa a.ce>rding to di· Y-.rb' top d1Wlllinp ot bonemeal Tbe ~ tor Ulla i..... S. . and .Ma done add th• paprika rectloM OD boat. Cover bottorn o1. aad .-.. wm lllld a ~ obviOIU: 9HID8 Mrs. A......-OIAllO& SftlNG ll&ASS and• lbep. -t.u. BUr -11, t.bm baJW1c diah with half ot U.. P. bu1b9 bealt!17. ti.a H~• UMe \e ..t w.U. ti.t , pedl:ace ,,_ .UU.C ~ add ddck-. tri~ u-t U--. taw.. ud top with a th1ck ~-R1e.bJ7 tr.er-\ ~ _.. ,;nth clll~ to take can ot, a l cam mlllbroom IJOUp ~y. tMll add -r cram. DD er of t.be hub to which you ban ~ t.o l'W'. &IMS ., car LO taJta 1 -~ tried oa.iolu not bc'\nc to • boU. bUt \natnd added chlli •uce and t.be onlorw. ber &1ftJ' fl'ela u.i -.. -. Cook ...._ u directed oo tbt ammer • f t>w mlnutea, then Top with 1-lance of potat.oee. 1956 CHRYSLER HAS FLIGHT-SWEPT REAR FENDERS The Chryaler New Yorker for 19"58 offers new fligbt-.. ept rear feoden which em- pbuize the Jow, .um. taut linea of the car. It features a new ~bonepower. Fire-- Power V~ engine, fully-automatie puab-buttoo drin, new center-plane brakes and wper-tafe UfeGuard door latche9 u 8tandard equipmft'lt. Cb.ryskr New Yorkera are available in a new four-door hardtop, aix-pa81e!lger lledan, Newport hardtop, St. Regis.hardtop. convertible ~pe and high-style Town and Country Wagon. Bot!' the New Yorker and Windsor modela will be on diBplay at Lou Reed and Auoc1ates, 1200 West Coast Highway, oo Friday. OcL 21. sprinkle cheeae over all aad bake aboUt 20 minut.u at 4~ ~ Ready Mixed Concrefe WELCH'S ·aEADY MIXED CONClm uac-'61i1W&7 ... 008TA IU8A u ...... Q9laCY • llW'1 •41i a-u.ctee ~ Ld.~ MATmE88E8 _______ ,..... ""' ........ i.Dld7 S-lJN ooes.& JlllaA llA.'l"'l'U89 oo. Hit N_,.,. lllYd. LIT US HILP YOU • TION8 for ~'DJ IOda M none-..w-t.a. bre&ldaat ban, ete. All of llbnpk! ClODtltractloa .-~Ye ftr plJWOOd. HANGING STORAGE IOI ................. --" .. t ... ..., ... _ .... JI>• ... Pfte• ....... 1111&,un. .. oat et tM .,,,..., ..._ Mt .. -. SM • fo~ free ...... UMODIL YOUI Ame OR BASEMENT lt'e -y "8 n.wt W.U. Md ~ wtUa ltclllt. ·~· cood· '°9klal tlr plpood. 0.-4 for mMMta, bullt-IM &ad noor ~ PPM remocWlas .... booklet. EASY IUDGET TERMS ON ALL PUICHASES WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. lJOO W. Coast Highway-N•wpott l••dl PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 8-1411 Firm Gets Permit 1 Local Directors I at Fi SACRAMENTO. ICXS )-W. K. ftCOI'~ • rm Slt'phen90n, a t a t e corpontlon , commiMloner. announcf'd t..-nc• &ACR.A.ta:N'l'O. CCNB>-ArU· ot a penntt to 8 and K Home•. el• cit tncorporaUoll for Callfbmla Inc:., '1I sttb st., Newport ..,.... • .. , , ._ • a.011harm ST AFFO•D 6 1011 "'MJ:L8 and DOC'' SLaCl'Sl<lAL (l()lft'SAOl'OU no.e Lntert7 I-Int 'Die cmly rm1nJlll under one manage11wat lletMc m .Ce&famia ml Qricago ,,.~ ..... l'f ......... RAY Rome 1&1• and Mo'Vlnr Co .. ()r. Beach. to •ll 1250 .u.r. al jjiiiii!iii;;;;;;;!iiiii;;;;ie;iii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!;;;;;;;;!;;;iiii!maii!!iim~e9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii anp county firm wtth 2&00 llharU etocll. ot ao par •tock, 'lnl't on tll• ------------ today wtth S.Cretary ot ltat. D I to ...._ •..a. Fran1' M. Jo~ •·IX us _. ...... D. Gener•I Contractor -~ Builder ntrecton are 0.. A. K~ aaare.. M.. Sutt.arfttld bile bffn 1101 Miramar Dr.. Balboa. aod 1.-aed aa 11'700 Coeta MM& city I 111 c.ill .._ Ralpll L Kephart. 211 Mth St.. llaUdtnc depU"tln«ftl tor coutru<'· OOIU>N oa, llAJl FBOd aumeoa· t• ROBERT FORBES and . Rob8rt A. Sdlwamb. Ut Ucaa of a ~ll at MT~ Ramil· ~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 31Dd ;t.. bOUa of Newpol't BeadL tAlll at. I ;; .... , PHO~"& II.I.All()& 11'1 MAX W'. POPI hie.- ll&SIDSlnlA.L e <JOMenaQAI, e DE\'Sl.OP111K.'ft AskUoat Slnta Fe·s new Tniler-on-Flat-Car ·Service CLASSIFllD DlllCTOltY AJ'l'l,.U.NCD -Bew b rtt Puta -o.a--....... UDO aJWIUO ... fta Uile -_._ ,,.., &UIQMOMIA DW:•• D8 ::r.-.::.:~:..:::.. .... ................ 1&1a• ......... _ ...... a•-nSBON UDO m&VCCO 11110 ............... - ....... Uile -_._ - BB&urY PA&LOllS UDO UL011f °" a&AtrT\' Mia JfpL ..... -.... .,. C&llDL\8 a s.n•• \'INCD"T UDO DlltiG9 ...., ......... _..,..._ C.d'EIUNO IU(lllAllD'8 UDO llAaDT MU \'la Ude -Ran« Ilia CWhm1-Clalldrw a ..,_.. IE&l'8 or uoo ... Jl(_..-t ....... CLODDNO -Ilea'• Betall B1D•n:u.:s ao• roa ML"il 1&19\la ...... _...,.._ CLO'l'BING-W-'• ..... IA ~-r; ... Via. hp ---tilt UDO FA81110~8 sues,._...__...,._~ tlllADDOCll'S MU \'la Uile -..,._ lln \·AG~,, BC>Ua& Imported 8pol'UWMI' 1&11\'la ...... -.,._llM oauo sroar.s VIJiKSl'TB UDO D&tTG9 Mll\'laUile-......... EUlODIC OONDACIOD LIDO ll:UlO'ISIO MM Via Uile -...._ t1't1 l'OCN'.rAJN, GRD A. YlllCICNrS LIDO DllUOA Mil ,,. ..... -llut.r .... OllT SllOI' lllOllA&D'8 LIDO •••m MIS\"lal.Me-_.__ INSU&ANCE AGEM'n w. o. aves. ixc . .... VIII IMe -llartlw MM INTEIUO& DWOILUOll8 BL.UICllS nn..&Dl80K A.LD. MllVllll.Me-......... I OKS IMcu:& Ktt t'lll Ude -_.., tm DON ca.aGRTON A.. L D.. ~:::,::_....__, llARU:1'S &ICllAIW"f" UDO M&aarr MU Via Ude -ll&ftor all PBO'l'OGllAPB 8TUDI09 ODllAllDT 8TtJ1>109 .... ,.la LWo -_._ ... UAL l.8'llD UDO mtALTY A8llOCIA2m U do ..8&lM It Rent.ah UM \rla U.. -e.n.e MM r. A. PAUii:& axe. suan. ... -....... IMI \·oon, COlll'A..'"1' Mll VIII U.. -.,._ tl'1I BAY A.'-0 BEACH &LU.D Via U.. lllM«• ~ 111% LAFa.1ette -llatMI' IMI SAVINGS a LOAN A880CIADON8 ME1"l'OlrT a&.LBOA a.u~ & LOAN ASSOCU'DOlW A 8&vtJl&'1 IMtttutlOft Lon~ Term Rom• LoaM IMI , ... Udo -llarto9r - sr..&VICE 8TA'l10NS LIDO alOllF'ID.D NU N_,.rt lllY<ir-llar. tn'f §110£8---·· BIDWZU.'8 8TOllZ FOii lld ..-v .. uto-...,......, SHOES, WOJIEN &ULE'll OF CALIFOR~,A Mlt \'Ill Ude-KA OSM l'llEllBE8 UDO 1'111:.AnE Coul&1t Ulla peper tor procna Via IMo .. x...,.... ....: ........ flit ron UDO 'IOn..A."'ID MU \'la LWo -llaltlw DM TRAVEL ACENCIE8 llAJl80& TllA VltL AGDOT' .... ~ew,,.n ~ .... VPBOL8'1'.llUNG DICS KACllE& .... Via ..... -ll&nor mt WATCH &D'AIR \'Dl~U'1' WATC'R llD'.u& LIDO D&TG8 IMl YlaU.. WINDOW 00\'DllSO l RESIDENTIAL-INOUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL . MO JOB TOO LA1lGI: OR TOO SKA.LL ....... "1 ..._ &w. Newport 8-e.la ,.. • .... .... .. 1IOlt U1tertJ I-nil H M. S"llH. T P.A. k•!t k De ..... 1• I . • II. ,..._ (1 U JS4 I Ill 1MM S4"1• AH", C4lt' I &. STUii\, O•• .,.. .... , 111 ".. ..... '~••• l.•ltl l O M• llAC'4 1 C.Ollf I TilS 8BADlt 81.tOP ' Jiies& ..... Of""9 ...., ... • _.l&,.Nw,.a ..... l 4 d I. ''C71 ~. l'7 JJ,~ 'dovernmenl f:xcepl PAGE 4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 ·-·-......... _..... ·--:..~,,. ... ·.-~~~-...... ,,..... •.>-= ,.. ... "God CJreM • h ....w+y to 1111pt ~ tnin91 we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) 'The !J1bl' ~ tlJll ~ ~ ~ ~~IC "sf6 • ·. - _,,___ .-ClllOM . - EDITORIALS 'Beat the Drums Slo~ly ,' No Parade for New~rt """"'--· .. ._t the dnum liowt;r and play the pipee IOwly," there will be no Vetenna Day pa~e in Newport Beach ineotar M oity oouDd1 ftnancial support ia concerned. At the Jut ooancil meeting the joint veteran• or- pn.iaatk>ll npnuatative uked the council tor a aum. aucb u IMt ,.ar'a $1000 appropriation which went to- ward feed.inc the participants in an outstanding parade Na..11. Although local veterans did not anticipate their fellon from other put.a ot the county desiring to hold another parade here thia year, it aeema the posts in other county cit.iH liked the parade here ao well last November they wanted a return engagement. ~ We can undentand the council's reluctance in spending $1000 for 1upport ot the parade and we can undef9tand the veterans' groupe wiahing to march through Newport Beach again. wt like it here, too. But, unlike Huntington Beach which holda a Fourth of JuJy parade and Anaheim, noted for ita Halloween festival. Newport Beach bu rarely shown any enthus- ium tor ob&ervancea which would commemorate the aacri!ice of the United States' armed forcea dead of all wal"I. In the laat few years. except for last year'• parade. crowda attending the various patriotic memorial obeervancea were more noted by their absence than their presence. At many ceremonis hardly a Corporal's guard turned up to hear Taps or a eulogy to the de- parted. We don't blame city council for not wishing to •pend city money on an intangible auch aa a parade wboee luting effect ia about the •a.me a.a fireworks off Balboa Pier on the F ourth of July -an event which co.ta about the aunt u feeding parade J;>&rticipanta. There must be aome answer when lack of funds for food prohibits hundreds of pan.de participants from providing the cut for a gala partiotic demonstration from appearing in our city nreets with their colorful bands, marching and equestrian unit.a. Now we don't ay there must be outward form to keynote patrioti.am by any ot ua. But when hundredl'I of parade participants want to come to Newport Beach and enjoy the city'• beautiluJ Harbor and noted shop- ping districts, it wouJd appear a way could be found. We don't know what the chamber ot commerce's military affairs committft could do about thil •ituation. We don't know what the va.rioua mttehants' group• could do. But there 1bouJd be 110me way to have an- other colorful parade like Jut year 's u a public re- minder the dead heroes ot Utia nation are not forgotten. The parade participants, who provide the transportation for themaelve. and their hol"'lff, probably would not mind bringing a box lunch aleo. But poaibly some parade-minded folkl ln Newport Beach have the an- awer. What'• your eolution ! Why Did It Go Underground? (Ed. Note: The following is reprinted from the Long Beach Pi'eu-Telegram editorial page of Oct. 2, 19M becauae of local interest in tideland& oil and· gas.) The preesUtt built up on the gu line and it 1prang ·a leak. · Let no one be misled u to what caused the Southern California Gu Company to disclose its financial back- ing of the attaclc1 on Long Beach's ownership of Its tidelands. The gu company kept the secret aa long aa it dared. It came out of hiding when things got t oo hot a11 a re11ult r Fanner McCabe Writes ... It aeema the main question of the day is-will Ike run again. He shore will. You pee I fi~ger he realizes that there ain't much he can do on hi l} fann but watch th• calveti grow fat and gath~r in the eggs. and day in and day out that's a whole lot more tir~ome than playtns golf. Wait an eee if I ain't righL Farmer McCabe (aJJ rtrhl.1 ruernd> rormer17 Ule Newport.. Ba.I boa N ew1-'nm• and UM l'fewport-Balboa Pres• A D•• tbh 1.-.1 ........._ fel' Onr P'ony Yean J:ntned u 8eeon'd-ci&al Matter at the Poatoffice In Newport Beacll. CallfomJa under the Act of March s. 1879. ......... ..,.,., .. ....,. ........... , ... Fricla7 b7 .... N"EWPOllT llAa80ll Pl'BLl8RJNO COM'PA.NY • ttll IW'-...._, HJ:WPOaT BUCH. CAUJI'. Pltoee llubw lllf ot an inveetigation by the attorney general'• office and the determined efforts ot the The Independent. Preu- Telegram to tind out who11e cash waa backing the anti- Long Beach achemea. The statement of Ally. John Fleming, the man who handled the project for the gas company and other as yet unidentified ''clients", ia quite revealing in this respect. Fleming said hia disclosure was prompt~ by ·'in- quiries" concerning his activities. And he admitted there • had been a deliberate effort to veil the identity of those backing the scheme. ·.'i <fr ~ He didn't say, of course that finally he and his associate& became fearful the gu company's role wu about to be revealed anyway, and had decided they had better move first in an effort to give the "news leak" the best possible interpreta}ion from their standpoint. He djdn'l need to aay it. No matter how they try to clothe their actions in piety, the gu house gang haa made a startling revela- tion that raiset1 the gravest que11tions of propriety it not legality. . Atty. Fleming's itatement clearly points to a .elfish motive. The gaa company serves area.a adjoining Long Beach. Long Beach baa a municipally-owned gas utility which hu cheaper rates than those charged by the pri- vate company. Some of these outside areas were and are considering annexation to Long Beach. which would put them in line for the more favorable gu rates. It wu a "bait" and a "lure," Fleming says. And aomehow he seeks to give the impression that bia company acted in the pubic interest in its long-concel\led attempt to divest Long Beach of its tidelands oil and gu assets so it could not offer these cheaper rates. Will the public buy the idea that a privately owned utility is acting "in the public welfare" when it 1pends its money in a concealed political attempt to prevent extension of a voter-owned utility? If the laws of California and the regulations of the Public Utilities Com.mission are not adequate to cover this situation. the~ould be made adequ~te. If they are adequate, they should be enforced. No consumer should be raced with the cynical at- titude that hi• money can be spent to keep up the rates be must pay a utility for the aervices he must have. No con~umer should be faced by a company that, despite the fact it has its own attorney and public re- la tions men. has gone underground to have other public relations men and another attorney promote ita own 1el- fiab interest. That i8 what happened here. The gaa company in this case sought to achieve its ends by giving financial aid to a "front organization." This outfit ' -ed public relations men (who never r egistered as lo~ylsts ) to campaign for the Allen tidelands eei.rure bill and against the interests of Long Beach and of thia area. Public Utilities ought to be public. Tbeee companies have to live in the light of day. When they go underground. although they have the resources to handle their affairs openly through their own honestly employed servants, they are violating what should be a public trust. If the gll.8 company wants to take an interest in leg- islative matters. why doesn't it use its own employee9 arid direct method.a inat.ead ot attempting to conceal ita activities? Doea it distrust the free and aboveboard channels available to everybody m a democratic atate? Why, i! it.a motives were so worthy. wa.a the gu company afraid of public OJJinion? .. ,. QMM ............. Lepl Netloft ... Afwrt--..• ., .&II ...... Mtlll~~ 11J .,_....el ... ....,._ o..rt .t ~Co. la Aca. N .. A•ll'NI ·--o.a...... New ;tprT .,........,.. A-.daU.. • ...., lf.u..I JWltorW AMcelatloll 11.-.. el o...ea C.-ty N_. 8ervkle B11N R&'DDICK. PU'BLISRER WILLlAK A. M081:8. EdltoT ORMOND J:. ROUNTRU. AdY1rtJ1lnc Director CRARL£8 A.. A.aMBTRONG, Mf'Cb&nlcal Supertnlendent 8t198CIUPl'ION RA TES: Newport ...,._, s ...... PPf111,, Trl·1"MlllJ • .. ~ o;::i.,. ..... ,.. 79': "·".. ...... ••~ tta ..... -I • , OrMp C-.ty ., ... ,., ,. .... How Firm a Foundation! NATIONAL BIBLE WEEK October 17-23 • Spec ed B1 Laymen's National Committee National Bible Week Starts National Bible Week, which will be observed from Oct. 17 through 23 thia year, has reached an important mileston&-its 15th anniveraary, The Laymen's Nation- al Committee. the all-faiths aponeoring group, feels that the Week bu helped a great deal in bringing about today's resurgence in religious matters. Campaign theme for thia year's National Bible Week ia "The Bible la The Rock on Which Our Republic Rests." Symbolic of the mighty strength that ia found in the Bible, an all important American landmark. Plymouth Rocle, ia the object that shares honora with the Bible in the national poster being diaplayed through- out the country. Jun a.a our great nation waa founded on thia roci. llQ may we, build our apirituaJ life on the great.e.1'. roll of all -the Bible! COURTHOUSE BEAT By IACK BOE'ITNER SANTA ANA. fOCNS) -lA.n- ky Kenneth William• . ._a cigar- nnoklng attorney with a fialr for tbe Shak .. peanan, la r-pl.Md by many u one or the rougtieat. tougtie.t proeecutoni In t b e Southl•nd Wllllam11, a mode1t dre•r and one or the few who 1Jtlll ln•l•t.a on •u.spendera hi.lead of a belt, 11 chief trial attomey In the of· flee ol Oran«e County Dllt. Atty. R.obe:rt Knffland. Alter four yean In the local DA'• dt parlml'nt. the 42-year-old Willl•m• can look back on a record or trial aicce-. Hi. de- feat.a hive bcft few and far be- tween and hi• triumphl numer- oia. Ht'11 never 108t a murder c:...e. He'1 tried four. With a record lllle thill you'd thlnk the curly haired proeecutor would be look.Ing for a larger hat band. But, thi• l1111'l the ca~. Wllllam1 blew a cloud of amok• toward the celling of hlll tiny office In I.he rourthou111 her• and confided wlt.h a .milt: GOOD 8LEU'ftt8 "You know thew trta11 are at least 9-10. on the ahouldert of the lnveatlptor and l have two food one. In Frank 01tand1boure 1.,d Joel Rayes. We •re excep- tionally fortunate to have two men of 1uch calibre. "Take the Richard110n c: a• e <Vernon Rkhar~ murder trial) for ln1tance. I walked Into the trial on Monday morntng wllh what amounted to a ~complete trial brier ret1Carcbed by Oxan· dabour&. Jt WU all there . . . the namN of the w1tneaae11. w h at they would aay, actually every thlnr from t10up to nut1. "And we have good ti.eking from the police departments. ex· peclaUy trom Capt. Tommy Tay- lor or Anaheim and Lt. Clarence i JohnllOft of Santa Anil. But they nn't wnrk with vou llkl' your own 1nv••et11:ator:1 " "\\'hill' 1l n13,· htivl' appe&red in lhl' Rlrhard11on u11e that I did a Int l'lf "''nrk and wa11 Wtll pre- 1 parrd. I RC"tuall~· llldn'l . . It I wa" Oiu1nl!11 bo11r" Ht 1 t ltl<lk at tht!I rile .. Ot:TAll.t:D f)()!'4~tr;R I \\'ilhRm1 11hOV\'cl a brtt r 1croe• hu de11k whl<'h detailed the baclt· ground of every pro..ecUllon -wit· nt• In lbe RlchardllOD . cut. "It 'll'U 0 11and1boure. Here. look at lhaa file." However, one cue William. hlm•lf did Uterullve r .. earch on wu Ute «Tillld UI~ tria l of Ar· lhur Gordon Eldred. u Santa Ana ...al u tale tycoon, who I• now *>lnr a Ion( tnm In ptiaon after hill c.onvtctlon. ··o.&nd&boure and I went MP· ant. path• ror two weetca." Wll· llama uclalmf'd. "work1n,; n1~t and dey. quuuon111r "vCTyOne WIUI any cnnneicllon W'llh lht C&N. W1Mn I _....,l to trial that Monday morning. we wnl! rHdy l ai.. M wu -Ylcted. DO mat· ter what jury wu picked. Elven lhourh It wa" la •lrange field we we~ too well prepared to I011e. But mot1t or the ca.eea don't al· lo me that kind of lime to get Wl." Wiiiiama , a I 1 o point.rd out. "there'• a certain element o r luck t.rvolved In trylnl(' a <'Me. the catching or the w1tne!ls at the right time and 110 on. "If a deputy I• food. ll'a be· c1u1e he hu .. ('ood Investiga tor In moel lnat.ance1. however." he Mid. PROSECUTION 'l'DIE The euy • (Olnl deputy dla· lr1c:l attorney. a JUY with an •P· parenUy unllmlted ~Ir ot foor-bit worda, hu ~n In the proeecu tlon end or law pr9ctlce tor .even yea,.., three years In Lo11 Angeles. In the IUchardlOft cue, Wll· llama admttted he pt a big break In that Capt. Taylor called him to the murdPr house. In northl'Ul Anaht'lm the day after the 1Jay1ng of the defendant'• aged fat/'er·ln-law. "f wu able to -the blood- •ta.lned walll. t he auapect'1 car. talk to the bf'aten v1ctim1 and generally get a good backl('T'ound u lo what happened." he u1d What ha11 been WllllRm11· h11rd· eat C811e? "Th1l'11 a tourh Ont' to answl'r." HI• face harde.ned momentarily. ''There are ao many dltrercnt type11 of cue•. I believe one of the moat dl!flcult was that llf pro1ecullng C h a r I e 1 GrHtllh. Anaheim's city clerk f Gr'ifflth WA.II OWlted from office for mal· oonduct In the Ball R.d. annl'xa- tlon) Tl wu the trial or a m111 who made a mistake. He wu a very fine gentleman. But, u they aay In the mountain•. he done wron11: a.nd that'11 all 'there wu to It." ~HARMAN TRIAL "The Shannan murller tr I a I wu hard. too, mm the emotion- al 1t1ndpoint. Defl'n~ Attorney Saro Or.-lzen toll! me t he imme thing. Hl"re waa a dau1thter who wu with. htr 11tep-rather up to mlnutu before be wu 1laan with a llllotgun. She aw him 11trugcte through the whole t.hing. ''And the Rlcha r<180n clM' wu loaded with leohnlc:ll upecta. For ln11tance. !Ive doctorri tesll· fled. There wu • lnn11: liiot of wltilt'IM!N and mo11t or thrm "'""' from Lo11 Angelu, "Yet, taklnc everything Into conl!.lderatlon. I believe a drunk dr1vln,; C"lfle waa the woriH. It •trung out for two week•. full ot headachta." ~ven tbouCb Williama would like \o puah the credit for hi• courtroom 1chlevement1 off on olhera. Jud,... and reporter• who are ln Ute k.now'U tell you he can hold h.. "'"' with the be11t of lht'm. W 1111 am a. wtw> lnc1dente lly. rla1ma no middle name, llvf!ll with hl• wife and IJ1npted bllv. Loreft. 4. 1111 a modetit flanta All& ~ . BRUSH COUNTRY J 0 URN AL :~RACE PAUD (11:4. NeCe -ftla oollMUI •1 Bo.-Partrer ...... .. tM ................ t1ca.1 fM't. lite .... ,.... ...... We mlMG' .,._ •t• u.e Mell -•tY a. ,_., re.n.> n.RST WHhE CHILD -This plaque commemor- ates t he birth of thr firRt white child bom nur here Christma1' Eve .. 1775 with the Am:a t>xpedition. Coyote Ca~on continues to be my Nemeais. For over t wo years I have made a number of attempts. Twi~ the canyon stymied us by busting up the car. To aeme people the trip would be boring and uninteresting. but I have heard "Coyote Canyon" n<"arly all of my life and I know more or Its hl8lory than 98 f>'r I point nr lnll'rel4l kno•'n u the ctnt or lht penplP that gPl "Fig Trer •· It wu her• on lhrou11:h 11 H Is th" rout" thou)!h Chri11lmas I've I 77!'1. that Senora which Anza t·a.mt, more lndla.n Gertnidt1 L!naree. with the Ans& arlfarts of lhf' Sauthem C'allfor· party gave birth to a baby boy. nia tribt>a h11vt bef'n round In it SalVlldor 1'1l•clo, th• eo~a.lled than nearly 11ny other amgle flral wh1lr child born ln AllA place, and It h a 11 thP 1ar11:e11t Ca.l lfomJa. Pro• and COila have year-roum1 11t ream 1n San Dlel(O been muUererl abOut thl• fll'tlt County. white c:hlld, u to whether thl• Each year around April they wu the IJIOl, and another 1lAtu have a JePp cavalrade that mak .. s the clllld wu a ne(l'O. Bolton, lhe trip throu1:h-a gait< outing the eminent Callfom la hh1tor1a n. of dust. ~e.-ding JE'eps a 11(! heer. 1n hut "Anta'11 Calif om.ta F.xp,.dl· And a ll I w11nl ii< to make a 11on1<" anil uat ng tht dlarita nr nlre quiet trip either up or down the expl'dfllon eel.a tthe dale ant1 end en)ny lhl' s 1i;ht11 But no. pl11ce \•try c:-IPArly. The only chal· ellht<r the ln•han i:Olli< or Fill' lt>ng!' 111 lhe "f1Nt while <'hlld" has deert•r·d thnt J shall t rv lll'td Hnil onP mli.:ht have &rTlvNt "•r- lry again, while the temlerr,.et ll!'r arounti tht MIN1lon11 -qulrn makt' the trip thrnui:h 8JI unron-11111be ~ cerned u can be ROCKY BLO('K l.ATE."T ATl'E~PT We were blocked by a rocky A sho1 l lllltt' ago Wllh Ltllh~ hill IM'l, nOlllnc the J•~p around Joe the JPep I mu1l1· enoth"r al· thru the bruJOh 11nd v.111nwa 11lon11: tempt Crom the Anza end ot the the cret k, we finally round a t11n· c11nyon. ""'hich would me11n ..:olng nt l·llke openln11: lhru a -amr down the caHle11t nf the two wttys. area. There could be troubl•• With supreme ronfldenre a n d here If we hit any quJck11&11d, hut friends expecting ue In Borego we got t.hrou1h. AJld, att.r bull· we left Ttm'1·11la. throuir:h Al('U· Ing our way throufh a curtain ang-a, over the gr1dl' to Cauhllla. of shrubbery -were back 1n then lo AnZA wh•N' w,. 1umed the creek bed. IMlUlh through thr valll'.'~· 10 lht' On down we went toward out Coyote Canyon ro11tl. next atop. "Mlddle Wlllowt" IC""' Stopping "t the lop nJ I ht of murh e11rly d11y Indian art I· g-rade before 1o:n1n !! tfown we look l vtty. Time and aptn -. t.bouir;ht aome pies On,. nr lhem a how• we wl're •topped nnly tn ha\'" what the •>lt1·tlmPrll r11ll I ht Utllt> Joe flnt1 hla way ouL Onrtt "turkey track ·· It 111 known by ,..,. mad" that mi.take made hv this name beC'llUlll! I hrf'e C"llnyona newcomer11 to de 1 •rt travri: form lhe head or CoyotP. Lonk-We straddle<l a bm1h and be<'amtt Ing down t he Ninyon on your ''" "high centt'~d" on t he boulrter left Is Horse nnyon with a hill It camo11fla1ted. range .ttt'paratm11: from thf' nrar-Ju8t •• we thought the wo"l er Nance Can)•un. whllr to your was ovtr and we'd get by M1t1- rl1thl j11 Tule Canyon It wa11 on die Wlllow1, 1 huge fan of bt>uld- lht. hol('bar k i<epara un1e H or " e er1< from a 11lde canyon block<'d and :-.·11nt'I' l"11n~·1u1s lh>tl Anu our way, Coyote Creek nowetl m11lle hi!< WR,,. n111 11"'"''" 200 In a narrow C"ha11nel 1JOm11 flv" y,•11 rs Rgn I In :11x fret wide an a heavy IA n• f'Rt:lr.K /Ollt-.,. I 1ell' nf wlllow11 ~twe..n the boulrl- K,.rl Bennis u111 drl'f'rl 1('111111' l'r ~hdt' anrl tJ1t1 ca.nyon wall. T ry wai< "'1th 11~ 1u111 ,..., hacl nt•t pro· 1111 we ml11:ht. w1thn11l a lot nt Cf'l'clr•n ra1 """ n lht• 1>n11om or work m11kln1t mad, w11 wtre th•· wo11h Whf'n ht 1<honk h1~ h1•ta<I Unppe•I 1mlle<I. Thr' hllf. ~umrnl'r lh11n· Rt•I ra1·1n11: nur step• we came dcr.'<t l'll ml'. lhil' pl••I !1<'8.'lttn hncl a1·r<'11s a 11tr11n11;e little phr nnmen- r1d1tallv Rlt .. 1•·•l th(' l••11 ,.1n In on nr thr t1e11rrt . A• lhe irun (Of'• one '4pot n .. ~hnw".J "' lh•· fur-r 'l"'""· cl1•11ert 11lreAm11 beirin t'l lllt'I r1e"k b .. ,1 l•V"t I~• r .. ,., Hl111v••1 flow. and 11vre enou~h we mtl our heads In Int' n.-w 111 II Rll " 11ny rrngPr of water 1nak1n~ thui (hllfl~"''' 111 ''"" ~'"''' ~,.,,,.,!,,, wu\' tlown !hf' dRmp rrt"k Of !IU1t11n1•r lhtt111l..,11<ll)t nll< ) he1I Rfltl hrnR<!Pninlt 1111 W' Wl'nl ln11leal.I or roll11w1nl( 1 h1• t·1 ,.,.k "l'" 111 •l bl'd wh1<'h •~ th•• usual ruutr, wr I ~ .. onr1> ajtain C'..oyotf' Canyon hul 1•1 l111 n •nto Eh.ll'r C'anyon i<1•1pp•·d U• We hRI! (11114'<1 to and "''"ntJ 0111 way lo the first p<·11r t rate ll BRUSH TUNNt:I. -J eep In th1a awa.mp finally made it to Coyote Creek bed. -Photoe by Horaoe, Pan. .. I . FREE~HEELING CONDORS END TAR HOPES FOR UNDEFEATED SEASON Tan' undefeatl'd ff'COrd ... •I • ('onoluaive •nd. tbe Sa.L\ora Mck In lh• cnnrnct Tackle lt&rrY Harper recov~n-d a ktc_kotf fumble by California on ~~~~~~ii;ii~~~~;\ii;i the Condor 10. Scatback L&rry • ca.tro tore off two, then .. roar ~ went up rrom N~wport 1tancb u .::::' ADfll. Berry ran onto the field. Hop· 1w-• P· • ldna punchl'd for thr~e and c.._. tro •II~ to th1 Cal one. 1>80tlTll'OOAIT 00. By BILL PlllLLIP8 .. Dreama of an undefeated eeuon for Newport Harbor High School'• Sailor football team came to an abrupt end in On fourth do"''"· Berry did a llN ,. N...... ~ header Into the end sone. Quar-.. __________ 11111111 .. the fo~ quarter on David.on Field Friday night u a gang te,,,_<'k Oene Hubbard con\•med of freewb'eding California Condor backa, operating behind a uid the Tar• led 7-e. . u-·~-· h-..11 th T 19 ,_ !oded f That proved too narrow mar-UDe uu.t outwe1g IC'IJ e are """· per man, exp or g1n. r:ep.clally when •~rylhlnr thrM touchdOWM and a 2t-T vie· ed re.ma\n~r of the flrtl half. went wrong for the Sailor• In tory. End Robin M•d recovered a th• fourth ra nto. 'nlere i. UtUe doubt that the Newport bobble on the Tar O . Wt..'ID t•r TOS Condon are the tou1hut. moet Then a CaJ tumble wu pnunced • etnclmt Jridlron machine i he upon by Quarterback George Ne"1>0rt p·u forced tn punt Sallora will ever have to face. Sehultt on the Sailor 241. From thl• fro:;' deep Ii their own territory. And ln view of their Injury rid· polnt. the Qob1 went on their Ca fornJa tool< over on lhl' Sailor died n.nkl which found Fullback longest march or the half and 34· On the tint play, Hol1nan Charlie Jkny appeartnr on the not entirely by dulrn. ' swerved off tackle and •bowed n Id t b ff I I his he~I• to the Tar llnebackere. • or ut one o en.1 ve Pay Schultt conneded on a pa .. to rl ti th di t · and Guard Guy Deem havlnr to Halfbi\!'k John Hopkin• for a first ~ nd n~ II e r 11tance nr the gn· take over at detenalve middle down. A no &'aln line 11hot by co~:erlli!n y.~~t·:~d mt•i:~ "~: linebacker. for the f irst time this Halfback Al Vieira uid two In· till 1 t h aeuon. Coa ch Al Irwln'a chargea complete aerial thrusts I a te r ~ Pf';;.)' n c anC'e for \ht turned in & creditable perform-Schultt wml Into punt form&~ u~a~t &gut eral F ance . u not or ong. . arrtrr re· · tlon. Thi' b111l got away from him. C'OV~rPd the C'ont1or kickoff on the APPLIES CLINCHER but with Condoni swarmln~ all local 29 when thrH Sallore were They came from behind a 8-0 Over him. 8 ch u It t craahed unable to decide •·ho should pick haltUme deficit to blut lnlo A I through the horde, •lashed for up the plJ•kln. SIJI play• later narrow 7-& lead. But just u It the Rldellne and crunl'hed h I 11 Holman icored on a tounh and appe11.r11d the Sallore mlJ)lt over-way to " first down on lhe mid-eix from 10 yards out. Luclll con· come the 1uperlor forcu thrown field 1lripe. verted and It wu 20·7 with time at them, a char(lnc. whlrUnr der· The pmetraUon petered out on rapidly runnlnr out. v111h by the name of Jack Hol-the California 42. Tackle BUI Brown of the Con- man. cu.t 1001e for two 1>rilllant 8AVL~O PENALTY ctor1 qu1ck1y recovered a Tar touchdown duhu to break the A. 1~. d • It , ed th bobble on the Ba.llor 39, Eight ball run• wide open yar J)f'na } aav • Gl#nn Fonl Stam Wecl. M-0-M KhOC'ldq ..,.... "TRIAL" -r1.n1- "WYO RENE GA Wida nu OUeJ .. Tedudeolor LONE TAR SCORE -Sailing over the hefty Condor line into the end zone on Davidaon Field Friday njght Ui FuJ1back Charlie Berry. It wu the only time the in- jured Sailor backfield ace carried the ball aa Callf or- nia downed the locale 26-7. Guard Gary Deem (44) ia on the ground amid rival Jep at left. Looking on Crom background ia Quarterback George Scbuitt ( 11) and Halfback Jobn-HopkiM. ~stocking-below Berry ia Tackle Urry Harper. At right ii Bid Paul Lorent· un. -Stat! Photo U C' -... · h Tara when the Condon d rove to playa later Anthony Melendres S • u ujt.nl may ave had 1 Th . k alah~o~t~ac~ro~aa~~rrom~~t~h~e~e~lx'.:._~T~h~e~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ their Jon .A.mett aplnst Wtacon-the ocal 10. e SaUora too _ . eln In the Coll1tum. but the Con· over on their own 14, promptly rlora had their Jack Holman _ giving Hubor area rooter• heart and that 18 a 111.lr idea of Hol· failure by f'Umbll nr . Ouard J im rnan'• talenll. Hll two clutch TD• R.eynold1 of the rtv1la rttovered Frlday nl&hl ran hla 1Corini;:: rec-on the Tar l&. The h&l!Ume iun orrt to 10 tallies In four garnet prevf'nl~ turtl)er trouble. HARBOR \)O~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport. Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 CAL C'S WIN ON : TD MISFIRES BY TAhS A pair of dropped passes which were labeled ,.touch- down" cost the Newport Harbor High School C football team a 20-7 defeat by a powerful California High School fleawcight squad on Davidson Field Tbunday afternoon: Thrr" long marchu accounted I the Calitomla 10. tor thr rival 11corea with the lone Coach Emil Neem'• Jada a~t local t111ly comtnc on a tesuaUon-remainder of th• half threaten- al 69 ya rd drive In the fourth lnJ . Quard Larry Chunr recover• qua.rter Thal brou~hl the IC'ore ~ a Callfomll\ tumble on the In· to 13-i In favor of Callforn1a. vadera 27, but. the Tare tumbled CAL SCORES ll right back . .,Just before the After Glenn Morrtaon d.ropped half, Morrlt0n broke away tor a a Ion~ aerial which appeared a 50 ysrd run on a 1tatue of II· certain Tar tally the Callfomla berty for a flrat on tbe Cal 21. team moved right down the field But the 1Core remained apln1t with J tm Stull 1coring from two them, 7-0. at the tnttrml1&lon. OLD COLUGE TRY ENDS IN PRE-GAME DEADLOCK AT OC Even before th• p.me Saturday ~t. Orange Cou t Col· Jege uid Santa Ana Collqe student.a were rtvinc It the old colles-e try. 'nlelr efforts en9ed In a deadlock. this season! Start ot the third period got Pirate atudenta uaed their he&da. 'nley tlfUred diartput- t.ble Santa Alla llCholan would attempt to make otf with the Pirate nae Off lhe Ct.mpu.I fi&C'pole. 'nley al.a ftcured lf the Pirate flag wu carefully removed trom the campua tlarpole ea.ch night, Santa Ana culprit.a could not make off with It. So, OCC atudenta nlg"hUy removed the nae. retumJnr It to place at 8 a.m. the next momlnr . But thl1 did not baffle the can Dona. Th• tlq dia&ppeared trom th• Pjtale pole afh1r e a.m. on• momlna'! 4 However, Oran,. Cout cou_,.. broke ntn. The Suit& Alla victory bell .uddenly turned up on the Pirate campw. THIS ONE FOR CHET Sailor B's Promise Win Over This Week's RiJal , California jumped Into the lead by marching 71 yardt In 11 play1 '\fltr taking the opening kickotr. Holman ripped off major portion of the yardage. 11ldlng off h ie own rtrht tackle. and 1wervtn1t for the 1ldellnn In bla.Jllng bursu of 1peed. Le.fl Halfback Mike hrrler jetted acrOaa the goal from th@ two. UtUe Sailor Saft'· tyman Bud Tbomp11<>0 11hot the gap to block Quarterback Ron Lucaa' converalon boot and hold Ct.Ufomi& to a 8-0 mar~m. llOlllll.1': EXCB.ASOr: F'rom that point. It Rem~ that the only lhlnJ which pre- vented the Condor1 from garner· Lnr more ac.ore1 wu the fur1ou1 bet Ulng of the Tan and a pC\l full of penalUea 11&pJ>f'd on the Calllomla tu.m. Fumblu featur- Tribe D•llks Wia FULLERTON. <OCNSI Fullerton'• vanity water polo Alter 1uffering a 32-G lou to California on the rival aqu.ad dunked Anaheim High 27· gn·diron Thunday, Coacb Chet Wulff1 N.-nnrt ff.arbor u In nm pme of the newly-_ .. r-· formed Sunaet Water Polo !Aa· High School B eleven promised they would "win the Hunt-rue Wedneeday. Incllan 8 °11 won tired ... str~1e intP biciwell& 9bclla ... JD8n L:idolal• s.11>0& Island ington Beach league game" for their coach. ;2M;.;...;an;;;,;;d;..;C';,;•;..;."-;;.;,;2·~----------------. The Huntln(ton Beach B'• tan· aparked by a 20 yard paaa play l1ah Oil the Colorado Rlnr tfDI t"all cl• with th• Tar B fore:• on trom Jim Sc.hclaN to Dick Sur-~TOP AT oavtdllOI\ netd at a p. m. Tllun-mon. EL RANCHO VER.DE MOTEL day. Aplnat Huntlnrton Beach thil INTEUECrlON OP' l ". fl. RJGHWA\' 80 a '70 WITH t:8 t6 The Standard M111 told 111 •Hit the one hlg pl111 In 911oll11n ••o.ters•t-Aetlon" PLUS ••• powers You "' new power from the hlrbeet octane ln Cbevroa bi.tmy -powtt for tou1h puUin1 in the fWJda, llDOOdl s*:k-uP on the hishway. PLUS" Deter~nt.·Aclion", tbt Owmin escluaive that cleans away carbu...cor'clepceita to md '°""' the ..,._ aint• came ol ..._ lroable. What'• more, the new Cbe¥ron o...,u,,. ooaCrol a maj« aource ol bannlul cornbuation aclda-tbey can ~the life and power of your qlne up to 135% lonpr! Get the bi1 plua in t.oday'• ,..,11nm for 7""' CM and truck. in both 0Mwron Supreme and Chevron Gaaoline. CLAYTON THOMPSON 180% W. Balboa Bh•d. Harbor W yardll out . Sam Bnu converted. SECOSD TALLY Th" T"r• charged bl\Ck with Tar California etarted the lb I r d End Larry Gentile c1ropplnr an· period with & march from their other TO·lype urlil effort on o,_·n 46. At one time. the rival.I wuut tabbed his charp •• w.U, t.b• local B'• will be point-PHONE M90I BLYTHE. CAUF. "Improving alowly but 11teadlly." tnc:;~f~o~r-t=h=e=lr~fl~rt:t~trt~um==p=b~o=f~lbeJ~~.......,.=;~: .. ;•;--;:~N;ewpo~;rt~.t~th=~O~rucl;~~~~~°";~of~AJbo;~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The delen~v• backfield Is the ~- biggest problem. th• local B mm· tor reported. Calltomla teored twice on p..-and racked up uiolher w1th a 50 yard run after - PIRATES IN WATER POLO fa<:ed • third and 20 1ltu.at1on, y•t 1t•lned their first down. Jack WlllOn acored on a 11hort rip through the line and the conver· 11lon ml11ed. Once agaln Morr"°n ttiured In a near-m iss • by the Tau. He tna1t1ted a pus from Steve SI· lntucepl\ng a flat. put. PLUNGE WIN ;a~~90~11';!1·~n;9! ~~. ~'~~ ~! lhe rival 14. Onc-e act.In Callfor- , n1a held •nd took ovQ" on their Fullback Rod WillOn 1cored the \one Tar t ouchdown agatn.t Cal from four yard1 out. Wulff aaJd Wllaon ran "nry well" duri.ns the 11u11talned drln whJch WU Mesa Woman 11 Fint to Finish Mn. RJchard l'ar~e) McK•n- Orani::" Cout Colleu w at e r· own tour a nd a half yard line. pt)lo .tesm t1efea ted Ml. San An· 1 When N~wport Harbor got the tnnlQ 11 11pla11ht-rs 16·4 In Pirate plgikin again It wu on their plunge Thur&day attfm oon. This nwn 31. This ttme they wrre not \\'ffine~ay at 4 :16 P· m.. the to be denied. SlmonAOn and Dave Bur '"1111\ 11gltators take on El 1 H&mmond took turn• rompln( ney of Colt& Me-rectnUy be- Ca mmo here 1 d d ,.._ came the flral woman ever to . a for long ga n11 aroun en • wt .... .-nniih the 116 mile Colorado RI· Bob Herm~n wu hl!rh . point Hammond cro111lnr the i o•I on a ver Marathon In her Evtnrude- m11 n -.·1th 11111: r oaJ1 followed by 11lx yard romp. Quarterback Gary ered C-i:.ta. She la office All11n Hndire~, 1. Mu Bowman Pickens paued to CHntlle for the = r at Carver Craft. 11nrt Bob We8l'tl. 2. a.nd Vcrl extra point. .,.e Ro:o!'nnw 11nd Bud Tlmz. l . But getting within winning dl1· The ra.ce became a family al- Cna rh Joe Kroll u~l• the tancf' wu all t he Tare could (lo. fair. for amonr the 100 .ntranta El \Rm1no cluh to be a good one. They were unable to contain the were her huaband uid aon Dick. In lht' 10th annual JC water po-Cal line thru1ta after the kick-Dick plared f ourth and Mac Mc· I·• 10111 nry 'held recently at \he oft. Thia lime Steve Poulaon Kennl!y, head mechanic at• Car- 0\C ltlnk. the Plrate11 and El crashed acro1111 th1 local goal and ver Crall, wu fifth afltt " bad C-l\m1no wound up In a 7-7 tie Boa~ converted to put victory out it.art. art"r rt'gul11 tlon time. of ruch for Neeme'• charru. Wlnnlnr tlme wu •o mpb. Thr Buc11 won out ll-8 In the nvr rllmP pr rlod. But El Camino went nn to ~srner con10laUon bra_rket honora ~y beaUng Santa Mnnlra 19-~. In a recent t>.ttlt with Santa Monica. the Pirate. rmerred v1c- torioua 7-4. ICAV....t1_..... C.-. T•nll1R. Notutol cob .,. ..... 21-W '*""• tubft hcetvtt blecli-011d· wMe ,,.-, too. UHf-VHI' '-· .... O"Y ........ o.MI• Mo4ef 21CU3. 11'1.00 dotn TARTER TEt.Zl,SJO~ UM It. Coul 81,·d. C.orou del Mar llartlor Mtl aod U'J llroectw1.1 f.ac'aaa llMC.la H\"att •-56lt SAYE MONEY NOW! D•lnCJ ow Stock Close-ovt of JOHNSON SEAllOB8E OUTBOARD MOTORS Good ltlys ... • 10 h. p. and 25 h. p. electric Tnde-IM BAU TenD9 FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Part.I Stock See Us For All Your loatint Nee• ROY CARVER PONTIAC 1400 1-3461 . \• PA&E 6 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS NOW, CLASS, LET ME Miu Nancy Ca rriMn, left. hol ds class for parents. telling t hem at "back to school" sC1:1sion Oct. 11 what PIERRE TO S.EE HIS MASTER Pierre Ill en roult> t<> Europ<'. 11tllng nn hrll nwn "IWCtal u .. k .·l which his mh1lrtiss. M r11. Carolan•• Drn1•1:1" 300 Frmlt'af AvP . I• showing h tm. Ht> wall ~leanH'1-brn111d for R11t1 .. rtl11m IR:'l week. From therl' ho• g oe!t lo :.1un1rh wlw1e 1"'1r ne e"Jl"• b to 11pend a year Then• he will M • h1" 11111~\l·r, J ohn A. !Jro<'i.;<'. eon of Mrs. lJnoege, ,,. ho 1s l'llt.:1111 .. 1111.,; 1·1mslnll·l111n fur thP U. 8. Government. :.Ir". OrOt'ge t"xpec:t" t'l i;ee olht'r paru or Europ. and vtslt (rlenu11 and 1w• "'" ~hr kn1 w in her young lAdyhood before l!he married and WE>nt to Venr:r;uela to IL coffee pla.ntatlo.o witb hn hullb&nd. ~ht hu b<>rn 1n Olltcor- 111a alnce 1920. -Staff Photo Mesa Planners Okay 3 Tracts . for Subdivision Development kvPral two to thrPe parcl l Harry \\', Taylor 111 16i2 l'la1·»n· 11u~vlalona were approvf'd by till-Ave.. Robe1 t CarlS-On. 246i 1 Coeta Meaa'1 plannin& romm\11-Santa An11 Av••. 1mrl ~:1v111 O. aton OcL JO. Lovern C't>nter St n<'tir l'nmona Approved were projeets of St. DEATH NOTICE Appllrnt1on by l111gh C Mar- ~hull <.:o for a ~ub•llv1:<1on 11t 16th St. ""''"t Ill Tu111in. wa.'I drfl'rred 1111 """'" thMe of Lloyd E Salis- bury nt 57.; \\'1·,i;l Vlctortl\ St .. 11nr1 th•' l'ro!P&•l11n11l lnv•·iot menl Funera.I servk,.,. for M rs Mil-111111 Bu1ldtn;? Corp. a t l!llh St.. dred Clalre H UlC'htnson. t 1. •If nenr WP11lmin1ster. Sl. 700 3111t St. wrro hrh.I Sunrlsv --- at 3:30 p. m. In Pat kl's-R11111')· I Ed• C M Mortuary Chapel. Cos111 :.1 .. :m ISOn o. en The Rl'v. Ewing Hudson. a"-"Ot'I· al• putor o! St. AndrfW0 ll l'l 1'8· 1 Tell Financing byterlan Church. offlclatl'il ~t r.11 Hutchinson died Friday nl~hl a t f Str f L• hts her h ome .a.fter an PXlPnrtrol ill-0 ee ICJ nea& She wa11 a nRllve ur I.er-1 nard, Kan. and came lo C11hfnr- n la ln 1927. had llv~ hf're ror two and a half yl'ar:c. Shr '" eurvlvrd by her hu11b11nu, Mll.'I a nd two eons. Bruce 1111rl Philhp. of the home; al11n htr mother. M,... Mtunle Bowman. Cremation wu In Melro11e Abbey. Too Late to Be ·c1aulfiecl %9-HPlp Want~---­ W ANT SALES ClRL. per mantnt. Age W-3~. Apply • I arbor 29:14. J9c21 . BEAUTIFUL new 2 i,.ctrm. du- ple"-Unite np1lra led by gar- age. Tile bath. Knotty pine kit- chen. Adult11 t7a.~•3 Plumer St., Co11ta Meal. Ph. LI 8-69M. 19c2l '88-Boa.es for Relrt WINTER RE;>.'TAL Tiil July 1. Ocean front. 2 b!'<irm. r11rn1.shed house. Forced air htat .. garage. Water P&kl. HO.-Ha.r. 3792· W. 19p21 f'oM1bl11ty of 1o:enern1 11trN•l hlo!hl ing for Co1<ta ~11';1a wa1' sren I 0 < t, I 0 1n a \01i<lt to a mf"eltng Of tilt' plnnmnr. l'Offiml!llllOn by th1 ee off1rl11I~ of lht' Southern C'111trornrn Etl1son Cn Theitf' men. l ' D Sbeoenh~lm. V. F' Martin llnol H 1-· Hsll. WPnt Into df'tall.9 en t lw \'" r1ous melhod,11 of fl· nanl'llllr ~lr<'Pl lighting. Se\'t'l al me111l>t'r11 of thl' ('Om· m1~1oon 11h owl'1I di11llnct Interest In the prn1<pl'<'l of lli;htln~ Lhelr I <'lly. On a ba11i!t of a h1tht for l'\'ery lhN'P 60-ft lou lhe Ed- t•on rompan~· nwn 11a1d they be· llcved the llghtll w(luld c011t 1bout I !'10 to 60 ('!'nt.s 11 month per lot. The company would pay for the lnstellat1on. I n r I u d 1 n g cedar pole1t. For 1lleel nr ornate polu \hr eoat v.•ould be hlghl'r Oil Talk ~ednesday Fi\'e billion barnl1 of oil can Ix' · 111Mt.l to C'allforn1a·11 re~erve H a plan for pressunng produc- tion ra.n bt' put Into effect. ac- cording to l.. A. Dyserl. oil ex· pert. \\ h1l will ftpellk Oct. 26 at a mrl'l1ni: nf :-;rwport Hsrbor Amt>r1e11n Legion rost 29 1. The plan w oulu foree air or wateor lnto oU poola to drwe out Ole oil which otherwl11P would remain la the rock.I, DyMl't eaid. MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 HAVE YOUR ATTENTION the next semester's studies hold for their children at Harbor View School. -Don Bush DEA TH NOTICE Ht'OH RIElro Servl<'e1< for Hugh ~ert, ~. formn Ntwpot l Harbor resident and afC1H11tc of Ntwport Harbor Lodge of Elka No. 1767, who pRl!ll· td on Saturday night at his Loa Angele!\ home, will ~ htld at 1 pm., Wednesday at Moreland Mol'tuary, Lynwood. Interment v.'111 be In ROiie H ill. Whittler A native of Delrolt, Mr. Reed f'ame LO California 18 years ago. hn\'lng bt•en an engineer fo r Gen· 1>ral Motors. He ownl!d the Atlu J>attrrn C"o .. Los Angele11. known for Its burner palterM and hl'avy mnch1ne1 y cnst1ng11. He Jlve<l here 11bo11t four year8, moving lo Loa Alll!Plel! 111 1953 Mr. R<'ed had just rt-tumrd home from the recent Shriner conven· lion to Honolulu, a junket on which Mrs Retd went along. J-1111 wrfe. Lfl \'f'rn1>, is hrs only 1111rv1vor. She lt\'N1 at their Los Angf'les art- dress Mr. P.ee<t alf1ltatt>d with the local f:lk1< lodge in r.tay, 19:1:!. Ht wall 11 rlrtll instructor for Elks Lo.tre 9!f11 drlll team prior 10 ('Om· Ing he1 e. ,, · HOME LOANS LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFflCES To Serve Y tMJ LAGUNA BEACH AND SAN CLEMENTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RATES EASY MONTHLY PAY:AENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC SERVICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE. EFFICIENTLY OPERATED LAGUNA BEACH 222 OcH11 Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1 177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. El C.mlllO RMI PHONE HYecintft 2·1195 or HY ecinth 2-1196 Pelkey Burglary Told E Uz.abelh B. Pelkey of 19M Maple Ave. Costa Mesa, Informed Costa Mesa pollre Oct. 9 that 17 had ~n t11ken trom htr home While. ahl' was OUt Of town vaft· Ing. • •IOSSr MAYol IULL FOi CH& D&1ry\ud. wlUa lt. popula- Uma Of t0.000 COW1I, oemo.. ly wtll COllt.ahl u.. "cn&a" of C>Nqe County llOdety. TIM u n I q u e COllllD.aJt7 plans .,.cl&I clric 111'0~ ~ ........ pub far oontent-s cows. A elate ot dYic otna.111 la reported ~ ~ ProponenlAI are MJd to be conliderlns "bou>"' tor m&J'· or, a JocaJ bull lbr di.Mt ot police. DEATH NOTICE M'a8. LOtJUI: BELL WALll:D ll'UnetaJ Mnice9 for Kra. Lou- Ue Bell Walk.r. U . lTTr Newport Ave., eo.M MN&, were beld today at 2 :30 p. m. In Park .. Ridley Mortuary Cbape1. eo.ta M-. WIUl the Rn. P. 0 . .N- mann offlctallllg. Mn. Walker di~ Oct. 14 at Hoa.c lfollPtal a.ft4-r an at.ended ma... llbe .... • natl\19 ot Karicm. m. aad .::ame to UU. state ta tn2, bad M ... li\194 ~ lince llSS. She wu a member Of rtnt BapU8t Church and ea.ta lil-rncla,J' Afternoon Cl\JIJ, eo.ta M-. 8urvtvora a r • btt 'm .... nd Willard 0 . Walker ol tbe -.-.; two ei.tara, Kta. LetU. o. ~ eer Of Unday and Kn. Benlce Leib ot n ortda: one brot!Mr. Htnry 8. Grant of IlUnola. lntu-- ment wu 1n W•lmJJwter Mem· orlal Park Cemeury. coU1~ 1596 Newport llYd. I CWW OONVENTION-Di8cuuion of the day'• program drew the above otri- dala of the Opt1mJat. clube' convention in B&lboa Bay .Oub together after a brea.k· fut Sanda)'-'morning: (left to right. seated) Barney Koster, Santa Ana. put governor of the 14th district; Dick Rogers, Loe AngeJes, new club building chair- man; Wilbur C. Wagaer, pa,t president' of Laguna Beach, registration chairman ; Ted R....U., Newport Harbor, put> preaident and ~rvation chairman; Cbarlea E. Compton, Burbank, governor of the 14th district. (Standing) Jack Gray, Garden Grove, put president and convention chairman; Lea MitchelJ. Anaheim. past prtai· dent and chairman of buaineu meetinp. -Staff Photo & LESTER Costa Mesa U 1-1197 wru GWKY HOLD YOUR PURCHASl FOi OlllSTMAS DRIYDY 10 MOIEY IOWI soc WEJiLY • • ••••••••••••••••• • \'OI DOWf COMI Ill• Tll$ NIW I • Ol'PHOMI IN ••• 11M. Munnt I ·1 .... .,.,._....,..,,.._.~ ... I I -.., su.tt. t .. ,., '°' w...., .... ... 1 I . ...,,._ .. ...._ I ' I o----co-.. .. ..,-I I OM-~ QC.0 0-I I I I ....... .....,,___________ I I <•"------llltT• .. ---'"°"'---I I 1111\0YID "-----------I t I Wlant·a AOOerM.__________ I ···································--~~ ••••••••••••• ~ ••..•• J r. COLO.MISTS CLOBBER SANTA ANA BY 32·7 Ar1on1ib Edge P1st P11then by 14-13 Count ,/ NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II· PA6E I MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 HORNETS GRIND OUT 21-7 VICTORY OVER LEAGUE FOE Th• Hornet.a .,.ound out 102 yarda on th• cround. 8~ • running pme lhrouf"°ut th• fOltl'Y night. th• Yellow Jackau att•mptf'd only 1S ~a. com· pl•tins fin tor o yarda. MEET MISTER FOOTBALL! You would llW-r lhl1' California Cont1or pigskin J)frformer ts dtrrctlng that football which way to go during lhl• bit of action r1'C'orded by the ~ew11-Pre1111 1>p<trt11 ramer& on David.an Flelc1 F"rlday night. And Coach Al Irwin and his Sailor• ar .. certoln the boll Wl'nt exactly whPrl" lht' Mval playe,.. told It to go a!ttr Ule Ta rs were defeated 26·i. -Starr Photo DIG DIVOTS Irvine Women Score Points in Team Play Trvtn,. Coa11t Country Club's fem\nlnP entry In Eastern n 1v1· 111on golf tl'11m play l'COrNI 11ev••n points to eti.;ht for Harlt>n<ls 111 Arrowhr&rt Friday In <:1nup ~ compl't111on Victoria acoted 9 to Relllaml11' 11lx. Tht'r• are C'>& women In Group II. accn1cllng to l rvtne Team (;ap- t11n .Mr .'!. Ralph J. Compton. WlnnPra in Croup 6 will play oft with Group 4, consl11ttng of ~ant& Ana, Clock, South Hill and R~I Hiil. Tl1<•se wtnnf'rs take on Southern D1v1:1lon wmner11. with Guest Day at Irvine Brings 69 Ga I Goiters R('gul11r irucst 1tay at Irvine Coaal C11untry Club drew 89 wo- men gotrer1 Tuellday. The follow- ing womrn rl'prest'nted country club• Indicated. AgrHd: Anaheim Is Eeven to hat Sunfft Leagu e varsity football roache• agree Ana- heim's d<'fendtng Colonists are the team to beal thll1 11eason. Newport Harbor' a Sa1lnr1 are given the bellt chance of replaotng Anaheim 1tnp the loop. A recent poti of Ule men- tora ratt<i final Sunsd Lfoa. gue atandings like this: 1. AnRhl'im, 2. Newport. 3. San- ta An&. 4. Fullerton, C'>. Hunt- ington Be a ch, 6. Garden Grove. 7. Orange. Casaba Practice Opens at Coast Expectant ot having one of the stmngut Orange Cou t College hfll'kt•l ball qulntelll 111 sC'hO-Ol h11- tory, the Piratn start r egular rourl prarUce 11esslons today. The 195:\-56 schedule starts with an alumni contl'Sl Nov, 29 11nd conl1111111 20 frays and tour tour· nrullent entrle.!1. Along wtlh a nl'w mentor. Stu Inman, the OCC dub will co11J1l11t mainly ot new men. F!t11l prac- tice tiff will be 0.-c. 1 at GIPn· cJale, First Bue Ea11trrn Confer- ence go w11J be Jan. 8, Riverside 8 t Coslll Mesa. lht tlnal1 against Metropolitan Dlvl11lon. Scores by Moody, Joe Avitia In Third 9u• ter Spark Win OR.A.NOil, {OCNll) -Garden Grove'• Arconauta parlayed two Ions l'Wll Into a 14·1!1 victory over O~• Hip Sdlool ln Chap-,. u LL ER T O N. «>CNS) -CW'tu.. [ndiane' haltMdc. rum- Kermit Wood, J'l&l'd. re«l"4 a lac lnJury. and will probably t.. out ot ~t1on for at leut M..-..1 Wttlu. H reportedly lllttered man Collere l'ltadlum Friday Followtnc a flr1t halt ftlled w1tb nJctit. tOp-Dflch deteMlve play, lnt81'- SANT 4 ANA, (()CNS) -The Anaheim Coloni.t. kept One wu • t 3 yard run a.round mlncled with nwnaroua punt a. their Sun.eet League victory atreak going Friday night in tnd and lhe other waa • 80 yard 01, Hornell 11ellled 4own t o punt rl!tum, both being made by Santa Ana Municipal Bowl at the expense of the Santa Ana Halback Don H01mun. itTound out a aatlatactory 21-7 Sainta. The final ecore wu 32-7, but at halftime Anaheim Garden Grove jumped to a 7-0 victory o v • r 8an Bernardino held a amall ~ lead. lead In the firtt period on the .:rhurld•y nl1ht. 1l wu speedy MlcJcey Flynn lund climaxed with a onl' yard flnt play from acrlmmage when Played In the fOCJY OTa.nge who ac:ored nnt ... hlttlnc Jen thrUlt throul'h center. John Luu Hoamun gT~bed the ball and Show SlAdlum. in S&n Bemar- tackle for 13 yards, to cap a U converted for the Salnll. charged 83 yard• around the Pa.n-I th• Eutern Conference yard drive on the fTOUnd. John The Coloal8ta went rll'ht to lhl'r end for thl' flrat acore. Full· 1 dlno, Baker mlued the converalon al· work I.a the fourth period. Quar-back Dick Ponce convertecl. l'l&ah found the hoat lndi~ le.mpt. terback George Dena mlxed nm-Followmr that quick opening I ahead at halftime, '1-0. Two break1 reaulted 1n two nlng playa with peue1 to right PI a y, the Panther1 •tltfened. Fullerton cot their lnltlal KC>re quick Anaheim acore1 Mrly Ill End Oa.ry Frederick u Anahelm There wu no further 1eorlng un-.. • .. 0 · tll Ul• lhlrcl period wh•n the via the braa ;.< route. verton the tblrd quarter. John Baker moved to Santa Ana'• 11 yard " ~ kicked a 52-yard punt. Saint line. At lb.at point Fullback Av-OHS grlddere lied up lhe ball- 88'Ptymen ease Tundar let the Illa 1ta.rted throu1h the middle same. W eekencl Football b1tll go right through hi• arms untouched for the acore. The Pant hen <'ame within ont l on tht' 10, and Left lend Allan ,r1naJ ICore ot the night came point of the r ival1 when Bob Two football 1amt1 In Loa An· Story re<'overed for An&helm on on r-thrilling 117-yard punt re-Bivens recovered an Argo tumble geltt Ml'mortal Collaeum over the Santa Ana 2 yard stripe. turn down the eut 11ldellnea by on the Garden Grove 15. Max the weekend will be bmadcaat AllRn Moody went over two play11 eub Rafetyman, Dick Crover. T he Darrow bulled ov'r t or th& 11cor" but not ttlevis;>d. UCLA's Bruins la ter and Baker made the con-•pl'tdy aenlor got excl'lll'nl block-but the conversllln wu mlssE'd. cluh with Ule Iowa Huwkeyt's veraion lnr a nd went 111 the way. Orange took over the ball on F riday nlitht, kicking oft the ln- LAtl'r, S11lnt Quarterback Dave the Panther 49 yard line and In teorsl'cllonal al 8:1~ p. m. Hurlburt latl'raJled wide from ht11 1 H • H I 13 plays had toured the !leld for The Delroit Llona of lhl' Na- 20, And Colonist Fullback Joe I urry•ftC) arr ., a score. Darrow aga1n tallied and llonal Football League Invade Avitia srOOPf'd It up on tht San-ORA!';GE. (OCNSJ _ Chllp-Pele Meldonado converted tor a home gmund• of the Los Angelee ta Ana 12 and went Into the end man Are MUer Marv Groll• lead 13-7 lead I Rama Sunday. Kickoff time la 2 zonP unmolested. ! hie Panther cro111 coulllry team With lf'llll then tour minutes p. m. Thi' L1on1 will be out t o Finally Santa Ana got rolling. to Ile third straight win of the J ltft In thl' c:onte111. Hosmun grab-I avrngt 4 recent 17•10 101111 to the m111nly on the clutch running ot dJatance eeason Friday u Oro.tis bed a Darrow punt on his own 4/l Rams. tiny Ronn I e Meyrr. Meyer •et a new record for the 3-mlie yard line and t.lppcd 60 yard11 for ------------- 11carnpered for 18 and 32 yard1 tn Cltrua J C course In Chapman'a the scorJ' Pnnre ktckfd the extra ' the ¢we, which Larry Bjork-euy 23 lo 32 wln. point r r thP victory. BE SURE • INSURE HARBOR AREA BUSINESS -. GUIDE AUTO llE,.AIJlS Complete Coll.Won Work Autd Patntlnf PATCH'S IODY & PAINT~HOP R. W. PATCH l'rf'6 E6tlmate• Try U a l"lr•t '186 Weat l '1lll SL COAt& MtA&. Oalll. u 8-7608 MARINE BEAUTY SALON E .rpl!Tt BtyU"g -81'oping Penno'le>lt& -Ti"Ung 8Mpt'niae4 bJI Violet HEAalNC AIDS The F'lbest tn Hearing c ..... 1.tolr lnl•ll•I• 5atiafac:tlo• Guaranl•e4 MAICO AUDI VO)( WE.STEllN ELE.CTlllC &on1('e Battrrtf'tl Corel• AN MakH ff. DALE RATHER "Henri up Ct"ter'' 809 x. Maln Santa Alla Kl t-5510 PIANOS WOODWORTH PlaDoC-~ B•l-'•i• Pia.M ••41 Or1••• Co••l•I• SI.ell UoM "'""°" ••,. 0.•u• SalH -•-1a10 -Service HJO E. C-.t Hwy. Har. 3!18% Holman Faces lilly Lightheavy Boardwalk B 11 1 y Smith take 11 on heavyweight J ohn Holman In ll JO-round v1d.o u al Miami &ac:h Auditorium. Fla. Oct. 26. Brubabe Hopefuls When UCL.A freehman football practice got underway tut werk. 36 grid hopefuls reported to Coach Johnny John11an. WATE R IU:A TER8 SAUS SUVtCf ••d ll'AIU J.011 P{!:;/:!of J ruws 10 ,u CINt DOWN "'-• H.,_ '"' '"'" MAURICE STANLEY lnau,__ Ollh Ptio-Harbor tnt "1& rh Ooa•t HJctitny Corona del Mar the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Construction OOIWNA DEL MAB PHO!\"E RAJlBOR l~ BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CHAPEL 1741 Su~rlor Avenue Costa Meaa. Call!. Phone Liberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA • 3:'.120 E. Coa11t Blvd. Corona del Mar. Calif. Phone Harbor 42 baed on hJ.e OW1' JO-yard ltne. wtt.h Tom Tracy Nro•ft'tllc t.b• tum-bJ,. ln "ven playa, "1.llerton wa1 In th• end son•. Oary Bagwell went over from .the two. Darrell Roberta kicked the extra point to tie up the pme. Stlcklnr to the gTOund, t h a Rometa acored minute. later. Ap.ln It wu Bapell who leap· ed over rrom the two for Ute ICOre. Roberta apln kicked the •1ttra point. · W ith jun aecon\U ldt in the pme, Oary Campbell toUed a tour-yard pu. to end Kl'n Cree· ory, lvod for 1lx point.I. Roberti kklcec1 the extra point maltlnc It 21·'1. • • torn ll1&nlenta In bl• lf'c. " ·--DIBT-- COLUCTIONS ....... -H .... -OU.el ..., k!al ....... ..,...... .. A--. "Neeell ..... -N• , ..... We M"nlaw eD ...... Cll&DIT a~V el w ....... OrMlp P-'7 l......V ~ ..... ., N_..,......_a..c-._.. ... o.ta ..... ................... .0.. .... Nl:Wl'O&T a&Am. OAJ.D'. T E R R TERRIFIC PRICE ! I F I c M E A T TERRIFIC IARGAINi AGED CHOICE U. S. GRADID I HIND 9UARTERS lb. •FREE• J month1 locker rent FREE with pwchase COmplete Proce11lftCJ inclllded with price HARBOR MIAT CO, 411 30tll St. Hcnor 0711 .luat off Ne•-port Blvd. Newport 8-t-h After Hom can Kl 5-%104 111 MarlM Ave. -Harbor 151 Balboa bland Corona df'I Mar OOM1NQ IN ,.. ..... •ne C>LD&NIO••L·~ l -A BAAND N•VV OONO•PT IN AUTONtATIO T""ANeM1eetONel CAR WASH 3 Minlltn LUSTERWASH Avtomatlc Cnr WMl11n11 nt ita F1 .. i:at y.,., o. .. a .. alot. Ph••lo•r H. H. HOLBROOK Sin~r 1930 N•w Co•atrvc.ll•• -llt••e4eU•r Wat•r H••••n -Di• ... t•I• Ftoor f "A•<•• FRt:t: F.STlMATl':!'4 NEW Low J.tTO!!S wu a tie tor C"'lau A category between Mni. Wilson Alk1111. Santa Ana and 1'trs. J er· ry Hel~nn. U 1lo Isl' Low net In Clluu1 A WM l.l t~e betwet'n Mrll. CJeori;:1• Carroll, Irvine with Mrl'. CeorRe Hannrburg of Ssnt11 A nll. Srcond In low net class A was )frio. T o m Henderl!()n. Irvine while M11. John Low. Santa Ana wu third. In Cius B low groN wu a tie ot 89 between Mrs. John Drury, Irvine anti Miss Rosalie Vance, Irvine. Mr11. ~.!Iler Tarr, Irvine. was low nl't with a 74 for Cltt1111 B. Sl'MncJ low net waa Mr1. Ben , Hrfltngl'r. Santa Ana . with Ti1. Thtr<l wu Mr11. T rrry Stephen11on, Sw1•rp11takcs wlnnl'rs Fr Id 11 y werl! Mr11. R. W. Foote with Mr1. Harold Smsll. and Mra.. T. W. Hl'ndersun with Ml.s!! RoRalle \'11nct Field winners werl' Mrs. HerolcJ Ayers with r.tr.s. Roy Ly· man. %%« W. Cout Rlchwa7 S rwport Beach. (1allf. Phone Ubert7 8-411% ( Ar r0811 From Port Or.nff') CONTllACTDltS CHAMBERLAIN & SON HOI W. Balh<>a Blvd. Har. 44SU :Srw1>11rt RrM'h GILLMAN PlumbinCJ Co. DRIVE Santa Ana. with a 7r.. .• , In Cln1111 C, low i:rroH was w"n b.\' Mr11. Bart .McHugh. 98. Ir- vine. "ith lnw net tied by Mr11. Vln('('nl ~almac11.. lrvlne. and Mrll. \\-.,llPr SC'hmldt. SanlA An11. with 7; l'al'h. Sttnnct I~· 11H we~ ~I r!!. C H Crane. Jn•lne with i9. Mrs. Howard Bult!'l'H, San Gabrtel, 11hot an 80. PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Br0Mt.-a7 -Coll.a M..- Pho- Lntert7 8..JUJ U 8-HH Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 .OPEN FllDAY NIGHTS '11l 9 P .M. Parking Tickets Validated, All Santa Ana Parking Loh G"'"eTnl Ctmlroctora ('ommerdal -R.eilldentlJt.1 F f'nl'llll' -Patl041 388 Eut 17th St. ('011t& Mf'lla U 8-41S01 MAX W. POPE, Inc. Gr•ttrnl Ca11trnrtora Commerclal -RHktential Industrial -Tract& U l-H8l DllUCClST CRAWFORD PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY 180-l :SeW]Mlrt Blvd. Pbo-Liberty 8-IUt CIMlta M.-, Calif. FOOD LOCK£aS HARBOR MEAT CO. Harbor Frozen f·ooc1 Lockrr ..... _ It c•olu ~ .... 0.lr •• w ... 1 ... i. r r1c .. a.-11 ... •-••h. c ... ,_ s •• 11i., Cutll•r. Wre"-181 A1 .. •1 c .... s •• 111., r1.11, T .. ~., •• c1o1ci.. .. tll · SOU1 St. Ranor Cr718 Snrport &eel! ~-.ow FURNnuRE FINISHING A ,.brf'y KU.wort 1- Plc Ii·•• u••P-llnoy aor..wo ,. ... ~ ...... !On n.-da u I-Tiil 8-. LI 8-4ttt Coe&a.._ c-tr•<ll"• -1t ••• 1r1 .. , a ...... 11,,, -Wottt H••t•ro Wall H ....... -neer ,. .. ,...CH R..,.. Kl 5-MO! :\"l'Wport 1\4'.M•h HALL'S RANCH CO. • Rallr h •· N'tlll Ell'" e Ftf'tlh D~ Poultry !US Rartlor Bh·d. l.fbert7 11-15Ha C041ta Mc11&, Ciallt. SERVICE STATIONS BAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE BILL WRIGHT. 011•11r r !00 Wf'llt Cout Hwy. Pit. LJIW'rty 11-914!\ x f "'J>O rt ""lll'h. c aJlt. ____ T.:.,;..V...;A...;P...;,.,.;L:;l;.;A;.;N,;:.CE;::;S;._ __ _ \'our Ouar&ntf'f'd TY and APPLIANCE !Wn-IC'fl For All Tr••• •I T•ll•l•I•• """' M•J't•1 -We1tin1hou•• ""•"••<•• Ph. Uberty 8-3437 188.., Hartin~ Blvd .. f'll'ta !'f,...a YACHT SALE.'1 CLARK SWEET n~D SCHENCK I A ........ , Tal'ht l'alf'e -('hartr"' CWl!f'ral ln1"1ranN> '- SPf'rln/~1"11 111 Jfnn"f' /Mwratt<'t' an · ll•t Rt. Harhnr n1 :St"Wporl (l(oa('b ALL TH• Bow oP PLU•D ••• ALL TH• ~ C>P G•A .. a I J--:r! ; l; rocldlag your ••1 ia ........... OldaatObilel lor 19561 J---rt ... powarfulty -· ro~1-th-en eatittly eew tdea In .. --.tie truamillioml }__,-! ••. jmt 098 of die ... 1 JDajor adunammll yoo .,_. _, oa la Old. b "561 Olrt•m00ill''1 new Jei.waz !!!£riM•t.ic will brinf you the alStOOdlelt. moet ul d;i;iD( e.e1·! Mm all the ~ta••y and poalti'H pow_. eooe• _, and ~ility tlaat alllioal of Hyclr•·M1tic Ownertl kllOW llO welJ, }IUt mt jor }~ ... aao\hn .. new Oldt id.ea .. OR ita way in di. t....me 'S6 ...dda I Oh-h-hl ~hose '56 OLDSMOBILES Coming Nove"'ber 3rd Vtltf THI "•OCKIT aoOM"• •• "' YOU• OLDIMOllLI DIALll'l•----- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 We~t Cocpt Hkjllway NIWPOIT IEACH Tlwnnan W...clc PAGE 2. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS !%-Lon~-!.!~--_ ~Hele WuW MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 U--hndtue for Be.le ~ for a.It .. -.. ---~-.;....;;;;;.; .. ;;;;...;...;..-. ____ _ Classlfied LEGAL NOTICE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday, Wednelclay '"d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Rt:SOLt.TION .NO. '389 c-ta.I llllopper A .. rwa ta tlM w.--..1 N_.....,_ ' RF.SOLl'TJON OF TRF. CITY ('(ffXC'll, OF 1'llr. mTY OF NEWPOMT l'lf!ACH DECIAR· ISO ITtl INTENTION TO ('AJ,.L F OR A S PECIAL El.ZC· TIOS IS CERT.US INH ABIT· '1.Jaee l luertlon Sl.00 add'L Unee .25 ea. 4 I.Jae. 2 luertlou IB> add'l Uaee .25 ea. 4 U.U. S luertlou 2.00 add'L Uaee .!6 ea. 4 Llaee 4 l.uerttou !.60 add't l1llfe .26 ea. t:O T F.JlRJTORl' C'OXTIGD· 81tuadoa Waated Acta wW rettfn 16% cllecouet. Cull le advance oat7. on~ TO ~AID (;JTY PROP08· t':O TO BE A"':\"EXED T HT.RE· llINDIUll AD 18 ' LINES TO. t'OR TRI'.: PtTRJ>OSF. OF l\l'IDO'M"INO TO THY: Ql'AL- 1 FLED t:Lt:C'TOR.~ RESIDJXO IN MAIO Tt:RRITOR\' TRF. Q1't·~STIOl'\ WHP:THt~K OR NOT 8AIU T E RRITORY "lllAU. tu: ANNEXE D TO THE CIT\' o.-S IEWl'ORT HF.ACH. AS D FJXl"SO A TIME DEADLINES for pl.aclnf or cancellinc ada are: F or Monday Publication -Friday & p.m . F or Wednuday PubllcaUon1 -Tuuday J p.m. For Friday Publication -Thur9day l p.m. l\'EWPORT HAllBOR PrBUSID.~O CO. l!ll BaJOO. Blvd., Newport &ach, OallfomlL AS O ra.Ac·t: WHt:S A!''U S~lal Notlcee \\ ttERF. AS\' f>t:RS OS 0 \\ s . JS(l REAL PROPt:KTY WITH· IS f't'CJf Tf;RRITORV M A \' Al't>t.:AK nt:t ·ORF. SAID C'IT\. C'Ol'S C'll. A S ll SHOW CA1"8E Wlff S f'C'tl T E RR I T O R V Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 ·~HOULD NOT BE 80 ASS f:X· Meets every Thu.-.day I p.m. ED. 1 Via Oporto -Central Ave. BE IT R ESOLVEll, by thl' ~~1ty Newport Beach C"rn ini-11 oC th,. f"lty of S C\vpMt Albert H. Matthew•, Exalted Ruler Br11C'h -------------- SECTIO:-: I That 1t l.11 lhf' 1n-tt"nl 1on Of the City Cnum•ll or lhe _1_2-__ B_ull_dln_..::10.-Se_.mc. _____ _ CllY or ~l'wpo1t Beach tn ca ll a ASPHALT TILE .. pnr1ol f'lt'<'llon lo be heir! on the 21lth •lay or f1N"Prnher, 19!16 In cer· LTNOLEUM 1n1tall the a bo\'e cheaper than rno•t. Alao sell Tile A Linoleu m. Non-union. 25 ye&r1 u1pcrlence. Com pare and •ee - BILL COKER Har. 4795 or Long "'" lnhahlltfl terrttory contlg11011s 1 o H al • 11 ,. propo!led to he an· nr'led I ht'rrtn. for lhf! purpose of ,.ubmllllng In the quallr1rd elec· tora ruldlng In l'Bld l r11·1tmy the <111e11tlon Whl'thcr or nc1l s111.i tPl'l'I· tioo' 1hal1 b4' 11nnexr•I tn lhe .City of '?'\~port Af'11i-h ' anrl the prop· f'rty 1n the ll'rritory subjertNl to taxation after annexa111in equally with property within Lhl' C'11y of l'iewport B('Al'h to puy the bondPd lnclebtl'dnell\ or lhe City or NPW· por t Beach 011utandlng or a uth- or1ud a t the da te or the tlr•t pub- Beach 7-51173. 89tfc FOR RENT Skill Bawa, Elec. Drill•. PoU.ahere. aU typee of Sander1, Wheelh&r· row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llcenaed LI 8·3321 280 Avocado, Coeta Mua Nt..tc Dress up your home! Old or New Low FHA Payments TILE It FORMlCA Kllchen drainboard& Ba th rooms, ahowe,.. F ENCING Ch&ln link Grapestake Venetian Bllnd3 Overhead Caraie Doon "Smart " Interior Shutter1 F ree Eetlma tea Home Mode.rnUation Co. llf'atlon o( the notice or election, 2430 w. COAST HlGRWAY for the 11r q111,.1uon. cons truction or Llberty 8-30 5, Newport Bch 21tfc Telephone LI 8-2237 t'nmplet1on llf 1n11nw1pal lmprOV('· l 3c2e m r n1 :1 S111t1 to>rrltory 111 descrlbc•d M follows Courteoua Newa·Preu Classified Ad·T a)(ers are trained to write d Cectlve ads. Through long expt"rienca and a thorough understanding or 1adver· Ulllng we can put your want• lnto word• that get acu on. Let us help you aell: TOOLS ~ BOATS FURNITURE General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodel.l.nr J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58ttc Let u1 tlnllh your LOST female Boxer, reddiah tan W'IUI white etreak on race, wtlt. fffl, .A&me TE88. Gtrl'a peL Reward. LI M32&. !Tclll • , H 8e~ lntruetloa .. Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Cubie"' &110 Meat Wrap- perw. Mak• $80 to U20 per y.ok. Call tor appotntment to l .. rn more about lhll trainlnc. AL TYLER Schoola \en No. Broadway KI 7·S611 H lf Real Estate School in Santa Ana M:EN la WOMJtN prepere tn spare Ume for unllmlltd oppurtunlU• In tt.&1 Eat.ate. N-CluMI WMkly, AJ Tyler 1natrucU11g. At· tend flr1t evenlnt tree and team 11>out thl• great field. l:all or ~·nte now. Al Tyler School 1811 Nu B1'Uadway, Santa Ana Kl 7·3511-Kl 6-3-ltli-KE 1·2613 • Uc China Painting o., and Evenln1 ci..... Ordere Taken Now Phone Liberty a.ae-11 .,.tie CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY ln apa.re tJme tor con\rac· tor'a e.ll&llllnaUon W\der a ren· eral contractor •Ith 2& yean experience. Clu1e11 Tuu . and l'rl. •vea. 7 :30 p.m. Attend ttnt eeulon free. Be(in &nytlme 1~ No~!~ay~~~ Pb. Klmberly 2-028 or Kl 7·3611 lfc is.-81taatlolaa Wutlicf --Roy's Maintenance BOUM cleanlnc-J'loor Wu:inf Wall walh!nr-wlndow c!eanllls VeneU&D bllnd&. Upbolat.ery Iuured. Free Eetim.atea Llbart7 ... 1332. l tfc EXPERIENCED GARDENER GARDENING A yard work by day week or month. Liberty Hl39 after e. auc CLIC.A.NING It IKONING by t.be Real Eiltat.e Saleunen It you u t plan.nln' ~Jns 1 chance and a... looklnc for whole·ht'arted co-op.ration. llb- e,..i advuti•inJ , a 1paclou1 new· ly f\J m l1hed olflce with an exec · utlve dt'lk you can cell your own you will c tt 11 at S EVEN ISLANDS REALTY &: INVESTMENT CO. !\03-32nd St . Newport Bch Harbor 6N8. OPl!:NtNO for man quallflt'd iu developm tnt A reeearch chem· tat. 1pec.tallsl.nf In tlberglu~ l1m ln1ttoh end adhUl\'es. PAClFlC LAMINATES ll'C 1919 Placentl&, Co1ta Meaa 17c19 l l..IVE WIRE REAL ES'tA TE SALESMEN. Top commis.lont "C" THOMAS l..Jberty 8~27 17c19 WOMEN ; 1evu al eecretary; 1teno A gen'I, oftlct>. MEN experlmen· tal machlrust: production con· trot; IThHt'rlal control (gov't. contraclal ; aaleit, New job1 dally, reg1a~er no~ JUNE FARRAR Enip't, Ag~nt-y. 402 "2 ·32nd St.. N .. wpo1 t Beach (Oppo1lte City Hall} 16c19 1....AOIES: Rean our a d under clllllllflcaUon 2• -Super Mllr· ktl Tru.lnlnf AL TYLER School1 Jl\11 N. Broadway. Ba nta Ana Kl 7-3611. 94lt GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, higher 1tarllng w~ and frequent lncreuu ct\'ea you lhll opportunity, Openlnp now ror - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We w111 tr&ln you and you'll re· celve many other benefit& ~,Apply - !114 'i No. Milin Street, Rm. 211. Santa Ana. 9 00 to • ·oo. p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE EXPERlENCEO grocery clerk. St rad y f'mployment. C o o d working condlUon•. HERSHEY'S MAR.KET SPOT 200 Marlne. Balboa h land 19c21 MEN PART TIM.E l NEED 4 lo work eVt'rungs It Sat. oportunlty to t am $61 per wk. Car nee. Apply Mr. Ash , Wed. 8 p. m . Santa Ana YMCA 206 W . Church.. 8. A. 19c20 ; New Furniture AT BAY , 2·pc.. BED DIVA~N SETS OOLORJ'UL PA'M'ERNS PLASTIC ARMS IDEAL FOR D&N OR RENTAi.A $149.50 Value . . . . ..... -.... .AT BAY S 87. 2·pc. BED 0 1\.AX SETS WROUGHT IRON $159.50 Value .... . . ... -....... AT BAY$ 99.50 2·(>( SECTIONAL,...TOP GR.ADll COVER8 $179.50 Value . . .. . ........... AT BAY $119. 2·pc. BED DIV AN SET DOUBLE COIL SPRlNO CONSTRUCTION-FLEXOLATOR.1 -FOA.K RUB. FOR ADDEO COMFORT $189.50 Value -··· -····-···.AT BAY $129.50 YOU SAVE 2·pc. LAWSON BED OJVAN SICT-TWO·TON& BOUCLE DOUBLE SPRJNU CONSTRUCTlON- BOX PLEAT $209.50 Value ........... __ ... .AT BAY SU9.50 SOFA HIDEAWAY BED r uLL 81ZI! ll"NER SPRING M.A'M'RESS -FOAM RUBBER ZJPPER Ct.:SHIONS -KEY ARJ.I $249.50 \"alue . ........... .AT BAY $169.~ 8-pc. )l.APLE WOOD ARM uvmo ROOM GROUP. PERFECTLY MATCR ED -1NCLUl>E8 SOFA-PLAT ROCKER-CLUB CHAJR-2 STEP ENO 1 COFJ'EE TABLE-2 TABL.E l..AMPS $319.50 Value .... ·····--··· ......... AT BAY $219.50 AT BAY t·rc-BEDROOM CROUP-l!'llCt.UDES ti-OR\\" DO BLE DRESSER _. 30x40 MIRROR BOOKCASI': HEADBO ARD -METAL f•RAME --JNN'ERSPRlNC MA 1TRES8-BOX SPRJNO $199.50 Value ... ··-······ . .. . AT BAY $139.~ tl·pc. BEQROOM GROUP -t-DRA W ER TRIPLE DRESSER -JOx-18 BEV. EDGE PLAT}; J.URROR- BOOKCASE H EADBOARD-METAL f"RAME -U. S. KOYU>N F OAM RUBBER MATTRESS tPla t · lum l.Abel) WITH MATCHI NG HA!ll OT1£0 BOX s r G. $319.50 Value ...... -············ .. AT BAY $239.50 hvtN SIZE l NNERSPRlNO MATTRESS ANO BOX SPRING SETS-l MPORTEO BELOLA:-1 DAMAS K 11CKING-GUARANTEED CONSTRUCTJON- METAL FRAME FREE $ 89.50 Value ........................... _ . .AT BAYS M . YOU SAVE MODERN D1:8K-UME OAK OR MOROCCO FIN. $ 44.50"Value ·······--·······-···············.AT BAY$ 29.95 •-ORA WE:R OESk -SA LE!!-1-P ROVINCJAL sn. n: MrrAL PULLS Hepplewhite P RlVATE own•r dl11J>09ln.S t an• t1q1.1e ma,tioc•ny cheat.I of draw- era. COil MOO. Will Mii for 1190 n . 111111 tor boll\. P USHMAS '8 27~ £ Cout Hw :v. Coron& del Mu . Har. 124'?. lk2l SS-Boat.. SuppUee---... __ _ BOAT STORAGE ALL SlZl!!S, reuon&ble ratu..Ar- ply a t yard office. Bqtn"H COAST COMPANY, Newport Blvd .. 1t 23rd St .. Newport 8'-h. 2tf FAJRLJNER. clMn, loaded. W ill trade. U 1·8T10 a.m. or p.m. , U tto 6 HP "\OHNSO~ outboard mo· tor. JO°'il. 1lrlff and oar .. 118!'1. U berty 1;1176. 19c21 OLASSP~l't. Avalon ltl foot wtlh Wlnd.llhle d. canYU top, I I d P c1.1rtaln1, cuahlona. llJbtAI ~d hardwa~ John.on 26 hp motor. battery 1tarter, eteertnc con- troll. two .... tank'· nve monlhl old, like new 117!\0 Har. ttlOl, Cftninl'L ltp2t TRADE 8-1.tW'UI TO-ft. aux. ectnemw. Excellaftt for cb.art.c. Want proJ)4'rtY or 1maller boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har . SOS2. Sttlc CLIPPER KEEL SLOOP 20' Extra LArse Cockpit Excellent Conditt• Call owm!r Harbor 3129·R ier21h CHARTER BOAT-3-1 ft.-10~ ti be a sn plywood -chryalar roval 2•, to 1 reducllon-com · pl,ttly nverhaul,.d S S. Radlo- 14000. Tel. LI. 8·i 062. liplt 14' WOOD fllhinJ boat .. trailer. J 76 or trade for car-aM £. Broadway, C041ta Mt'•a. Liber t)' 1-7982. lip19 CLASS A \I-Runabout Ir motor. a Itri. on motor. Harbor 38112 lk.20 TRADE LUCRATIVE TAVERN BUSI· S ESS. San Fernando Vaiiey. tor eaJlinr or charter boet. 38' or O'rer. 18446 Ventura Bl\'d, Tanana. or call Dicken• 3.9149 12p2!\ ~ginning Al t he point In the boundary hn<' of lhe C:lt \' nf Nrwpor t Bea~h. snit! paint being the Intersection of the 11011thwt'sterly prolongollon of I hi.' 11outhf'U tl'rly hne of Tus· t In ,, \'l'nll•'. f;O fl'et In Width 11 n•I t?1e 1 "ntrr line nf 15th Slrerl. 60 Ct>et in w idth u 11hown Ufll'l n " map or New- port Helght11. recordtd In Ml11rel111nem111 Maps. Book t . Page >.J, Herords of Orange Co11ntv. Callrom la; tht'nce noi 1111:.,~1 • rly n long the 1111.ld 11011 thf'll,•lPrly line of Tustin BUSINESSES Remodeling S 49.50 Value ............................. .AT BAY$ 35.50 • d.a7. Exper1en.ced. Balboa l.iand preferred. Kl 3~. tt YOUNG man tor llrbt tactory work. WI Harbor 4487. 19c21 A \·rn111• tn 11n 1ntt'r11ecllon with th• 11c>uthw•Le.rly Un• ot 16th atrttt, 80 leet ln width. •~ 11hown upon said ma p of 1't'Wport Ht lithls th e n c P 11ou1 he11!ltt'rl~· alon~ the 11aH1 11111Hhw!'"tulv line of 16t h ~t1Prt 11nol ·IL~ "011 Lhe111terly p1nlon,_111111n tu Its lnlf'rllt'C· t 1rm .... ll h t 1:.-M>Ut hu"terly Im" nt I l\'ln1• A\ en11r . 60 feel Jn width, as .. 1w wn upon •alJ m·•fl or =-:.-wp11rt llc•lgh ll'. 1111111 po1n1 <lr tnll'1 >11•1 1111n hPlnJ:" an 11ngle point In th,. hounlll\ry Jin•· nr ti " ('1ty 11f Xt'wpo1 1 Jlr.u h, ttu\n• f\ ~11ttthv..·t''' •1dy nlnni.: 1111111 M•lllh,.a8lr1 Iv linl' o( Jn ·1n1 ,\\f'ntw a nd 1lll 111111thwr"t••1 II• p r" 1 •• ng11l111n 11 nil nlnnJ? ~111•1 C11y l1<111n•l11 ry linl' lo 11s lntt'r111·r1111n wit h l hf' <'<'nit I Im" or the &fore· 111enll"""" 1:11h Strret. then<'e nnrthw.-~trrlv a long 1 llP Hl rl • ~n1 1•r 11nl" .. r IMh l"t1 1•i>l 11m1 11lnng i<nlc! t'1ly t. .. 11nd111~· lint> '" .t~ tllll'l••'l l lUfl 111lh lhl' 10111thWt'lll •·1 ly 1•• .. 111ni;.1t 11m nf lh" 111t11tllNIPlr11v '""' 11( Tra• t ="n 1 ~ .. ;\ 1111 11h11\\ II llf'llll 8 ma1• 11•1 .. nlt'ol In ~t1l'• • llnn!'fHJ~ M1111 1 :0111< 41; L'••i:1• 11\ or Hf'~'n1 d• .. r ~n 111 u111111;0 (.;11un· ty. 1 "'hi••• n111 ; t h,.nre north· e1u•lerh· nl .. n~ "111ot '"'"' h\\'t'lll· ,.,h· p111l11ni.t1111 .. n .111ol 11h•n.i: ~flhl !'dlltl1t'.1,.l1 1 IV 1111P of f'nl•I T1act !"11. IM<i an•I Rlcrng l'lll•I l 'lly h<111nolary lint' In lhe 1r11s1 Pll..~l•·1 I\· 1 0 1 n;>1 of 11ald 1'1a•t :O:ro 1r,".,:t, th· m e north· wc11t,,1 I\' .. 1 .. ni; I hr north· (''"I Prll· 11111• I r !'11• I T ract anrt nlnng 11111•1 1'11,r h1111n1la ry line tn l h<' '"""l nr•rlh1•ily 1·ornN 4,( t.:ilol Tr:i• I. tl1l'n•·e l!Olll h· \\ l'Sl,.llV aluni: thr nurLhW(llll • t rlv h11r or "·uol T r11< t nnll 11.11 ROlllhWPllll'JJ\' r r n I 0 ngatio11 CARS & TRUCKS HOUSEH OLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GE:!' A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GE:!' YOU A HELPER Thue N ew&-Preas Classltled Ad· Taker• u e expt rta and they a re a t your 8ervlce. Ju11t phone HARBOR 1616 Painting, Paperhanging r·~~;i;::~o~y ~:1~:;" :112 38lh St., Newport Beach I Ph. Har. 2-IOi or l!l67·R. l !ltrc I Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 ycar1 experience Licensed It Insured. SaUsfactton ruaranteed. Esttmatu t ree. Call Johnnie, LI 8·2687 & LI 8-5289 8ltfc CARPENTER Repair Work Doee Your Hom• Need Rep&lnnc or Relodaliq T C&Jl Frw.nk. Liberty l ·t9M All Work Guaranlffd H llc Elec. Tool Repair Ski! Saw1. Drilll. Sanden QUICK SERVICE LEWCO E LECTRIC CO. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing 8LLSWORT H CONTRACTING LI 8·79:H, LI 11-6282 Swedish l.Adle11. -by your bome. Massage appointment 1n r onnerly m.-u .. at .Arrowhead Spring• Hotel. Plea1e call Harbor 4 79~ or Har. 70. 15c2Tb 12p2tlR Rtflned white wo man needl d~ -------------work Ir will do baby 1ltUnc. • COMPLETE PAINTING Call Har. 309 or 122 • 27th st .. Ii Paper Hanging Service Newport. 18p20 $300 MO. MINlJdU M GUAR. lt you quality. America'• (TH t· eat 1alu opporlunlty. A new product. LI t t I e competlU011. Ea.mlnp to J!IOO per w~ek. Telephont Harbor 62H . II lo 12 onJy. 18c20 EXPERJ.ENCED waltreaa IWan~. Apply at S NACK SHOP. 2306 E. Cout Hwy., Coron& del ~ar. lit! ' 3-U:GGED MILK STOOLS-SALEM F INlSH 3.29 Value ··---··-·--··· ....... _ .... .AT BAY $ 1.99 ~-pc. DJ.Nrrt'E BET-BEAUTIFUL BATU~ BLACK WITH NEVAMAR WOOD GRAJN TOP-30x40x48 !:XT!:NDl!:D , 4 FOAM RUBBER BEAT CHA.IRS. $ 77.50 Value ··---·········-········· . .AT BAYS 48.88 TABLE LAMPS-PLASTIC 8HAD£-CER.o n c BASr; s 9.95 Value .......................... ·-··· AT BAYS 4.88 SPTN~ 1>lat1oe. Rental return•. Trade-ln1 on Orran•. t ic. Uke nt w. Th11 11 a d\.ance for a hie 111v1n,1. Op~n P'rtday evu . OAKZ-SCHt.UDT, C>20 No. Main, Santa Ana. TV & Radio Repair Fast Service EUGENJ: 0 . SA tTNDERS 600 311t Street, Newport Bu ch Harbor 2978 or Har. 4Utl. Uc EXCELL-N.... r child· ~Ml9eellaDeoua "',, cere o your BAY f URNITURE Re&.l!On~ble. Servin ct 118 1111 9 p.m KNOWLTON 'EU:C· TRONJCS LI 11·~2~. ren. !Freedom Homes). 110 w .. k or $2 per day. R.eferencea. P . t" De tin Llberty 8·3227. 19c21 am mg, cora g Paper Hanging Experienc~ardener GEO. BURKHARDT a~ CLEAN ~s LlOENBED CONTRACTOR 171 W. J 8tb St., Cotta Meaa Liberty 1-8828 BION RICE, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS RuldenUal, Commercial, Additions. Harbor t94-W. &pl8 PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATING, ventllallnr A 1heet m etal work of a ll typa. lnduttrlal, reeldentJ11l, commercial J'RDl E8TJXATl:S LI 1·2237 8p22 Liberty 8·1659 SOttc QUALIFIED Mother will manare your home "' child for SHORT VACATION pertod or WEEK ENOS. refert'ncee exchanged u 8-8377. 10c23 EXCL. cooklnll' • eerv1ng, thor- ough clea ning. beauUt ul laund· erlng. own tra.aioporl&Ucm. Lo· cal reterencea. Colored. Kl 3·:1993. 17cl9 COLORED woman w11hee day work-Call Kl 3-9889. l 7cl 9 MA.JD for general cleaning 11.25 hr. K imberly 3·2997. 17p111 SELL ON TERJ.lS UT. DELICAT~SEN cue. $150. ONl!l i6 tt. rdt!J erator ....... S50. ONE ]large commerc. rl'rrlg. $75. 1 SCALES. 165. l GONDOLA l :zb Call owner LI 8-8223 mornlnp or after 6 p.m. 9lfc ANTIQUE Kent U\.'JCY rsnea 130., aound movie outfit 1160. ra.ra old Ivory Chlne11e ecrttn 1200, nice mahog. rablneta 185 ea., player piano 1150, old kltch'n cabinet IZO, antlq.ie dr1k S2i .!IO, old phonograph 116, wood .11tove J22.60, Chlneae carved cheat U 6, oh~ aulky U !I. old sideboard S2T.60, apL r&nl• $20. elrclrlc ranee $t.O, nice wuher 122.60. old JUN!, antJque china. cut f lUI curios, old jewelry. bric-a-brac, etc. We buy, ••II Ir 1wap. Brtnr It ems tn. CHARLIE DA \'JS - 1805 E. Anaheim St. L.B. 6~01 39. "Whf're Prk u Are Held at Bay" 427 E. 17th Cort.I )ft'lla Free Storefront Parlung OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 -;--r-~-s-h_u..eo_H_e_a_ua_r_in_g __ A_i_d_, ~!:::~";:-J:t;;-;:: BA'ITERIES ('r and pump v .. ry ~(IOd l'On-w. 0 1.,. 8ltB Ol"Mll Stampe d1tlon. Malle ofCt'r. w ~-606.~ I i cl9 Gunderson Drug Co. --Ma1n St. at Balboa BIYd.. &Ibo& A t.'THE:--11c M,,nt• r• .'' llnrse • Harbor 616. 98Uc 1 11h~ b3nrl. 11nn hr1ll"of •llninit 1ahll' an•I Ii tl111 11~ $1•1 LI 11p2•H ----~------RENT a p iano until you buy. A II term u nt allnwed. Good prai-- U('e piano1 u low u '6 per month. DANZ·SCHMIOT Big Plano 1tore. 020 N, Maln, Santa A11a, HA~IMONO Or1t11n11. All modeda. Som,. W'Onderful bllrga1n11 In 11~<1 01'(11"8. Sever1l m1kf'1.- Yrt'e pr11ctlr,. roomto. Tnde In ~·•iur o\11 ln11trument. OA~Z-SCHMIOT. H ome <lf thf' world fs.mout Hammond. Santa An1. !120 1'. Mlln. 8-6987 afltr :'i.30. J8cl9 Custom Draperies -· --Gooo p1ay1nll' p,..cuce ptu101. OF.E l' f'•REEZF: J9 cu. It 1300 179 187. J 91 up t o 1196. Spinet BEDSPREADS. 1llp coven. etc.-Gu sto""· l'tulho couch, 11nt1quf' t~ pe mirror piano, a be1uty. Hardware. 81 yn . In bW1lne111. w<1l1mt ht •I baby 11trnll"r 300 only JJ!l!I. E"Alut tenn1. LUCILLE DECORATOKS Amethy,1. B1tlho11 111 }lA1hor OA=-:Z-SCHMIOT. :'i20 N. Maln Har. !le&t---108 E . Balboa Blvd Olit -W 17r19 1 ~11nta Anll. 100 r1 ano1 OpeJI GE:NUJNE Sleep·Alre 30 Inch -------------FOR !':A LF. Axminlllt r nt~. 12 x -----·--8tt.: I Ft lclay nlghl1. r twln bed lner11prlng mattrf'llll· N I N rn. 211'")', tonP on ton... lr1f SPECIAL BUY es It box springs With legs ear y ew ,,,. ... IJ:n ,. 40 Ol "nf(I.. part-Ot'mnnstrator motlt'I Chord or,an attached. 9 O reel with 400 yd1. A I 11•e<I :t rn"nth• Silo <"ill Hnr In perfect condition Sa ve $250. 40 lb. test linen lln,. nevrr u11t'd I ppare I 28:)0-\\' After ti p. m 17ct9 <'•mvenlf'nt tf'rms. Ll~ral trade Also marlin pt1le. Har. 0133-M. KATEY OOANE.-Kln dell'e Patio ----Ill An•I alnni: "111ol <'Hy hounda ry 4:16 No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Bcb. h11t> to Its 111t<'1iw• t1on with Liberty 8.8383. "ttc Rd. OU l!lprMmng Driveway• thr center lin·· 111 1 h·· &Core· !!::!'elf Wanted Beacon P ersonnel 100)(. employer retained agency 17cl9 BEAl;TIF'l'I. roi<e rlfvan M d while SHAF ER'S Mu11lc Co ( Slnr,. 1907) 2721 E. Cou t Hl(hway I f'ncl tablf'~ $1 10 8 x 12 white 121 -42:1 ~ Syr1mr1r,. Sant• Ana BA'.Al"ClNC acalPI $!1. bevel edge mirror $3, ~'Tought m >n floor la.mp w I th shade $4. DUGAS tire txtlngulsher SIO. Harbor t 23t . licl9 Corona del M11r. t c21 ~haJ? i 111t & p11rt hi!" """' $1~ Ph'lne Klml>l'rly 2-0672 . mt nllnnN1 l:'llh Strr1•l. thence nnrthweirtf'rly Along s111tl cen· Irr lln(' •tn·I RlonJ: 11nlol f'lty hounclnzy llne tn the point ot 1>o~g1nnlng SECTIO:O.-2 T h:il 110111 trrrl· tOI)' hereby Ill 1le.~l1o?TI1tlr•I aml IJentlfled for 1111<'h el<'•·t l"n pur- pnses 11ml f or lll!t' "Pf'" t he bnllot~ •t IUC:-h f'l('l'tlon II.II "R('llqllll't An· nex." SECTION 3 ="oll<'t' hereby l.11 ''"'" that on the 24th rlay of October. l9:l:l. 11t the hour of i .30 p m., In the Counctl Chambrrs or t he City Hll.ll of the City o r ~ew· port Be11ch, My per110n owning rt'a l property within eald territory ,_.., propo.111.'d In be annext<l and ll11 \'Ing any 1>hject1on to thr pro· rosed a nnNrn tlon may appear be· Corr sa11J C11y Cou.ncll and 1how 1A1111e "hy 11uch territory 11houhl 11ot lte isn 11nne.xed. SU<'h protu t tnllsl be 1n writing and ahall 1tate I he name or n11me9 of the owner or owners of the properly affect· «'<I by such AnnuaUon and the loc11t1on and area of such property In i.trnernl ttrma. It It be tound that 11 maJnrtty prot•t hu not ht'tn made u pru crlbed In Sec· u oo 3:'1121 or the Cllllfom la l.rl>v· em mt'nl Codt . further proceed· n~ ah&ll be ta.ke.n rtn accordance wlth the Jnw for the holdlnr or ·•uch 1pti-lnl el('ctlon. SEcrm :-:· • That t he City e.rk &hall <"<'rllfy to the aJopUon u..11 rmoluUon ud caUM t.b' • to be publlahed ln t.be Nev.·· rt llarbor Newt-Prem once a · ee.k tor lhe t wo w..iui p r10r to • aaid heart.,.. The above and forer olng Reao- \ution No. ~9 'WU du.17 and rer· ' CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY . ntt MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO BM.ALL H. o. A.nl!enoa 101• E. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 2460 83Uc Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 182 Cecil Place, Cotta Meea. Liberty 1-7&27 13c2tl uJary paMed and adopted by the CltJ Cou.ncU ol tha City of New· port Beach. al a recuJar mef'tlng t hert10f. held on the 28th day of September, 1956. by the foUow1nl' roll call \'ote. to wit: A YU , COtTNCl.1.)mN: Bennett. Wilde?', Mac.Kay, 8tod· <lard, Rlddrrhot. HUI. NOES. COUNCILMEN: None. ABSE!l.'T COUNCILMEN : Htcble. AT'l'EBT: DORA 0 . HILL Ma,70r MARGERT BCHROL'DJ:R City Cl~rk No. 82~-!'iew•·PrUll 10110. 11, "86 PARKING LOTS Sub-dlv1.ale>n1 our 1peclalty. We tumiab any tyJl' oil to your ape- cltlcatlon. Lars• Jobi -•mall JobL Free •Uzna lu. Allo wa· ter 1pread1nr . Modem equip- ment. LExlncton 6·4008, Gil· more It Pace. Hunttnaton Bch. 6lfc H-PenoaaJa Alcohollca ADonymoua Wrtt.e P. O. Baa Ill N twpOl't s.caa, Calif. Pbae•~ 15-Sban Yoar Car WANT rtd.e or rlderw Clvlo Center • L >... workinr hrs. s-:1. !I d1y week. Share ..-penM•. Harbor 2826.J·K. 17cl9 WANT pa.rUea to 11\&1'9 car and tide to downtown Loe AnretH Mon·l'ri work boUn 8:30 e..m. lo G:ao p.m. Har. 4833-R. 18p2o Superfluous Hair Parm.aaeaUJ nmo·Hd from face anna, lap. .,_rowa ... Mir U.. .. ,..,. Mo mon ~ 11:1..LEM l. MT £Nt A., a Udo'1 Salon ol BMvty lla.r. 21Tt di . • NO fee collected from applicant We have openlnr1 tor u rcuuva aecret.ary: top typlst1; 11teno1; week~nd deak clerk : l&leamen A lot boy. BEACON PERSONNEL (A.rency) Newport Beach STENOORA.PHllR; boollkeeper F ;C; temp6rary •leno: ln11pcct- or1 (Wlf' guage11: l w11ltrn.11: MEN, Eng. dr&ft11man. 1hlp clerk, 2 machlnl~t11. JUNE FARRAR EMPL. AGCY. -102 ~ -32nd St., Nwpt. Bch. (acroe1 from City Halli. 19r. NEED RESTAURANT HELP - llltchen, waltre1111 A dome1tlcs. B A Y V I E W EMPLOYMENT Arency, 2827 W. Cou t Hwy., Newport Beach. U 8-6002 l 8c20 Want Marine Painter Harbor 3881 l 8c19 PRACTICALLY NEW 17 na 18 f t. x 28 fL y.·aterproof ta rpA u · Im. 13!1. KI 3-8888. li pl9 OVERSTUFFED matching rouc.h A r h11lr. desk. wool ca rpeting, drapell. r nlf t:IUbJI .. bag. R('<lR· onable. LI 8·1830. 18cl9 RECONOrTIOl'EO Roy•I typr · writer. 135. 16" Emereon TV 150. Ph. IJExlng1nn 8·2986. 19c21 Season Ticket Books FOR SALE N'wport HARBOn COMMUNITY PLA YER.9 r U 50 per book Mr!!. Burton Ry8'1ale --H11rbor 23"7-R. 19c21 FIREWOOD I lfar 2:123 aftr r :'i p rn 17<_19 ....____ ------- SAl,F: r.rnnrl pl•ntiA M11 nv won• T \\'f l 1 •F:l~l XE mor111m ""Ill h<>J , tl"rllll b&rir11n1. M,.ny 'tamnus tir11n1I nrw 11'1111 thnn whntv,11lt" m11k,.~ r rlr,.,. from $:\"~ up r11•,. S!•ll r a Fnu n 111bh"r l fi,.n,_h lnrlul1M! FREE DELIVERY Ory v.·ood, Euca.lyptu11 C'11ll Tnm llut<'hln1100 H11rbor 2835-J. .e11t11 c\ linll'tn ltl"nl tor •lf'n 01 OA:"Z·S<'HMlnT, :,20 !"•• Main, II\ 1ng rn<>m. ~f1k"" 2 "'' rll Santa AnL I hi' I~ Prl\'8le plltl) ::111r, llscy· l:ltfc ~1t!e I Ir . C-'lrona rlrl Mnr J.R1 20 GE11:t·1:-:E Ru~l!lttn Sq111rr~1 C11p" ---matrhln~ murt 6 hat. 11 2!1 nr GRl-:E.!\" RF.fl Off.A :-.-11·11lnut 5100 for ra~ 11lonf' S•:t" 12 1 trim l"etll'l'l ront1ll1•1n t:t~. See It 11nyt1me 3&00 M1trrm;. Ha rhnr ~280-J t8r20 Newport Beach. li c l9 ---ll ~~tlqu~_ __ S0.8-APf~ I APT. sizt.: GAs RANGE 12:1 Roya Danish Lamps Harbor 11110. CERTIFIED ORIGINALS -------___ 1""191 150 YEARS OLD 0000 SERVEL Rernit"rat<l r, HANDMADE Copper la mps, hand Re1UOoablr. lnq. 718 Goldenrod, blown cry1lal -arr1v1nc States Coron& del Mar. JS<-20 aoon. EXQtJISITE tor gude" 1n:1111-:~fRF:R flron t '"',:rt -th" 1:1 r;'lt Pnttrr """P~ nri:11n r'ln· • "rl r1r1•1h• r 21 I\ r nt Ma· Mnh Hall Mrn~r l\lh • Ryr"· 1 lfiri• ~anta Ana. :O:n 11•tm1,..olnn A wnndr 1 ful mu111r11I I reat fm All lnvrrJ1 of thr nri:a n DANZ-Si'HM IDT. Kanta An1. !)20 :Sr>rlh 1-b tn. Quality Television SERVICE MINK dyed mullkrat fur coa l, .;; --· ----------lifhUng. patio•. pool1. or err"'" Wash.Ing Mach"ine uve ror indoor u1hu ng w r1t,. M•·me Service tll 9 pm H . Skill , l'llaJ\ and wome.n'i ; Box tlitl Whittler. Callfornl11 tor Sunbeam Mlxm u ter, 1tudln SERVICE c:ouch. uphoi.t'~ c h a I 1 e a ppL llp22 1-y.a.r C\l&RJlt.I oo Jot. done Jounce. to1 box, odd cha.tr.-and on "* waabere, 2-18114 MOVING, eell cheap. 118 :\l•t. lrtarJ Ntwpart Bl., Coat.a Meaa. Somebody Wants i76 W. 19th --LI 11·8679 k l8 Newport or Har . 310-J. l lk20 Liberty 8-"'503 or Liberty WOULD Uke an ACTIVE REAL ~EW It ueed nar•tOnf'. Enourh 8-4:327. 64Uc ESTATE SALESMAN for local f ot t wo palla1. Ro aona ble. LJ that u8t!d rum lture, br1c-a·brac, etc., now t.akJn s up 1p&c.e In you t LOVF:l,l' mltror ly pe u pr1ght piano In ~rfrcl • rondlUon Tl'rm• 111 80 .1own Ir IH.•~ per m r1 a t SHAFER'S Nu.11c ro. t81nce 1907) 421-423 N Sycamore. Santa Ana l'hon• Klm~rly 2--0e72. oCflce. Har. 380e. 18c20 8-l Mll. 18c20 KE.'\MOR.11 AutomaUc Vi'Uher MAN WANTED few mailln( room and back lhop work. Part Ume. Apply at Newport Harbor NeWl ·Pr.u, 2211 Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. lllc20 -a nd 220 V .Bendl.x drier 1100 PORTABLE F at1 beatrr I~. 2 for both. Hvbor t-160. 1tc21 burner electnc hot plate U ; -----L-·------- BaX. ovm tor top or eto~ SS : O'XEEn A N•n1tt apt 1a1 Wu hlnc machine 110 •ll 39th f'&n&'e. 4 bamu, 110 ffarb<lf' Newport lala.nd. 18d0 26:11-W. ltp20 ·~·· , n nd I buyrr With a n •rt Jn New•· P reN <.:laaalflf'd. J un phone Ha r· bor lllHJ It 111)· "I Y.a nt to pl1ce a Clautft~d Ad.." and a rourt('Qua ad·l,llkl'r Will help Y'>ll •'Tile &ll •ffttllve. ad. lo.-i\utos and Truck. --------1940 YORO -Goo<! tranl!lpor1atlon .tr Jood runnlni r11r. 1937 M1ple COila Mua. LI l-14i~ J.IJ>20 '·· .. . u-Ae. Bw111 ,_ .... '8-Aeta= • _,,IOI' wt t.1111 ..... , .. "-* MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PREss -PART 11 • PA&E J *** Cabanas Marinas J BDIQL fm9. oeean froet bome. x_,. N_,ort lebool. ~ mo. ~62~8~M!!al~!:,i'..~:.ta~te~---~ft-~:!R.~-'~FA~t·~---__;G-~:!R1~eal~Ee~ta~te~---_:G~· ~·~--~!:1'.11~--!!*-'~----Mo pet&. ror appt. o&D 11a.rt1or - ·~ Packard OONVERT'IBLE Radio and HaW. Power Windon. OriPW Patnt.. WODllwfal CondWon. WbJte Plutio s-t eov ... $395 COTTON GOFF VOLltSW A.CON DEALER t\ 11 N...,.,,rt -..S., Npt. -..Cll Te...... llaltlw I 1Tc19 18T l&OO T.ua:B a l&rp equity ill a lt:W IOCRC'IJJl'l'. C&D owner l.Jberty 1 .. 223 morntnp ~after Ip. PL lOttc ''' WJLLra n:ICP8'1'D. onr· drtn, h..ur, !fnrt7 ~- Lido Peninsula, ~t 31.st St., Npt. ~b. On"EBB Deligtltful livtnr. Apt.-Cabuu. UWiU. paid. with Yacht aUp accomodatioaa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. l'or appt. or reeenation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfe DELUXJ'l J1JRJI;, APTS. llfilJ I to 1J .,.. ud • to • ,... lldO JfaAA OC&t.Jr 6 a.,. 1'&rL 2 ) 3 WWW It ........ lot\ 6 pr- .... 111 ITtll. N..,,ort Beach. 18p20 aKALL ,__ ......., eomplately tum. priY. p.do, ( luJt&bla for couple1. Ihq. HM Newport Jlhod.. Ollllta K.. or c.&11 U 1-3792. 19c21 LIDO I8Lll NEW a ' bedrm. 2 bat.b un.tum. leue to perman- ent tenant. SJOO mo. Choice loc&Uon. Mr. Snow, DUnklrk 14211, nen!np Md w.tkendA 8Yhu 04e91. 18lfr * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES ' and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Blntl• A dbl.a. SIO mo. and op. 1M IC. Bay Ave .. ~ BartlOr u... ltfc ------------a BR It DEN, HW nn .. etove A Newport. Beach LI 8-4420 ·~· J Bt. Roedmaatu _ $449& 'lls--32' ~. vcceL • •. $2295 'llJ-IT Roadmuter, perfe<-t $189$ '52-H' Happy Home -·-· .. $590 ·~1· Pa.ram. l Brm. _ Dtacount Attention bachelors, gals. couple! Fura apt. Newport BeacL 1 bed· Nfrtg. 242~ Santa Ana Ave .. Call CLAIRE VAN HOR..'>:. Realtor, LI 1-4277. 17ct9 rwm. rarqw. uunts.. nea.r 49-Boolm tor Beat bay A: bcc>ada l&O yearly. CaJJ ------------ LI 8-1.ot llttc VIKING HOTEL 901 &. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor M93 NOW HEAR TH IS Charming Ocean Front Home ~o~pletely furnished, including yard furniture, Spanish Cedar wainscoatlng ms1de -Cedar shingle exterior . Dou hie Garage AND room for 2 more units. Lot size i~ 30 x 1021 2 ft. . S5,000 down Full Price $17,500 Brand New 2 bedroom home with large 23 ft. living room, extra large R -2 lot. PLENTY of room to build another unit and have a nice patio between them. Fine location. Only 1 block to beach. ed. N-paJat. .... Mat _..,.., Oood ~. One owner. '385 PAN AMERICAN Paramount·Ker.uildU Travel.a ... Terry &stfc BALBOA ISLAND turn 3 BR a pt. auttable four peopa. 1100 mo. ••Inter. Wat.-r paJd. Har. 3380. 17clt ROOlla It AP ARTMJl!NTI - Day -Wee.II -Month But locatkc in Bau.oa $3,500 moves you m Open for your inspection Goo~ t erms. Full price 112,liOO HTatt 6-S2N l &clt •'7-Wuted to Beat 19~ X .G. Good coodtUoa.. Xuat ...n. Azly ,__.w. oft• e.c-Rentals wanted upted. can 11art1or 1169. "• ..-a~ ud bou.aM tn .a lTcl.t ~ for tloUa wtnter aad ------------7eal'• ....._ h11l. or uatun.. '47 rolU> I door, •xtn.a, cood u 10lll .... a ......,, VERY REAaONABLll R.ATICS tt * "fl -tr 115cJ8 ENJOY LIVING on the ocean ------------front. Near Newport pier. 81qle ROOM wttb kitchen prtvtlecea - apt. wtth ldtc!MIMtte ud bath. L&dy pNfernld. Nice home wtUa l&c20 Maid aen1c., uttliU. pd., TV. Widow. "'2 Red1&nda Ave .• Sll peor ••II. Rart1or toll. N ewpon Hta. LI 8-TJ72 * * fl .er tfc cond!Uon. 1260 or make offer. pb-. toda' 31& etcnaJ r'OM, --rt. u The Vogel Co, " s••ar• .. ~ •··-II"' ll"' • ......... p•"""• .. n "' ' -•·---• "..._ 8·2484. 17cl9 ~"' ....,,...,,v~...-.. -.• .... a 1111 W. Cit. lrwi .. Newport Be*. 1 BA apt. w • carpet. turn. 1960 CHEV. 8Et1AN. bttllent ...._. Liberty Wt11 beat. uUliU. ll ....... bac:L 8)' c-oncltUaa.. radio. heat.., tinted 20I Ka.rtDe, llAibo& l.ll&ud 1110. or ply. Hu. 1'7JO after rtua. aoe Aft&d•. Balboa. Ha.r. PIMma 11art1or "' • P. m. 11t.tc Office Building For Rent 2711-RJL lkJl IM7 &. CCIUt By,. Corcma dal ll&r TRLT m IJlcl. uUUU.. 1 BR NEW omc. bkls. Centr&l.ly loc&t· Pbone llaRor 11'1 bouae tum. Vented Ma.t. C'loae ed. . Floora carpeted. Wtndow 11147 STUDJ:B.uc:ER Champion Udo Ottlce, 3411 V1a Udo Udo ,......., No -ta. ALSO 2 drspe9. 1&00 811. tt. IdMl tor in., for iiala. Hll'hMt otr« tall• Barbor 4971 --..--,_i J.,Iber\y e-208a llc20 not N-BIYd... eo.tA M-BR tuna.. modun upper. yrty or eatate nrm. Ph. Jim at ·-~ a-6H1 --or wtnta. R-.r 111-Urd 8t., LI a..UM. 7c20h '47 STUDJ: Ch&mp. 2-(fr. 111:1. tfc _K_.wport ___ BeacJL ____ • ___ 1_1_c20_ Ovudr1ve. R A: H "1ta!>le ------------ eronomkt.1 traaa, 125 dn. Pvt. nwner. Har. %913. Jtp WANT TO RE.Yr J bedrm. Ull· LIDO ISLE tum. home Cotrt.a Mea. prefer· YEARLY unfurn. 2 bdrm. A J ably f~ yard 17:1. month. b&Ua boa\& Har. 1011. Ufc Good mermc.. LI a..SI04. ------------- 18cJO RENTAL t'J For Leue In New Building 17 x 40' 1100 mo. 17 x n · ' 15. mo. 13 x 13' I ~. mo. In Lido Shopping Area Goa l2D4 Bt.. Nnrport Beach Darling Duplex With magnificent view of bay -only a few feet to the 10th St. the Bay. AND extra large patio with barbecue. Terms Don't miss this Exclusively by J. M. MILLER 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. c 0. Near the Newport Pier 19!\2 J'ORD 4 door Mdan plpea. noled. t1ec:kt-d. radio and beat· ~r. Good condJtlon. U . 1-1512 ltp21 ~~~-STO~-P~~~ SPECIALISTS ll&rtM>r-•3n 17clt ----------------------~.----------------~~~------~~--~ '$3 DODCE V-& •-dr. CUlly equl~ ~. l'Xcl. \'Ond. will take trade. $1%911 Harbor 301 2-R TOUR renw JoeM. Vacant rent· cau SdDa OW. ai. c:M you 11\0My oo to your Blanche Gates, Rltr. ~~~~?!!..~~L-M-M.ooey to Lout 53-.& .... _ ...... pbone for belptut MnSu.. Ten-Ill MariM Aft. -LOA.NB TO BUD..O. DCPROVE Cor. 19th It PlacenU&, C. M . BUT, MODERNIZE, OR 1k21 anta waJUng for all p.rla ot »an.o. lllam4, Bar. 11'71 ftttll FOR RENT two bdrm. home -REJ'INANCJ: 19~2 CAO 112 Sedan 37000 mt. the Barbor Area. REX RECHS Realtor 2307 W. Balboa BlYd. Hartlor 51!145 Newport lt RETJR.ED counple want to rent Holiday Apts OCEANFRONT WINTER C.tove It rerrts. turn.) &ncludoa We &q Tna.et Deedlt i t.ore room Ir two ottlce apa.c•, Hm\IVPORT BALBOA BA VINOS $100 month. OR wW IWlt Mp&• 6 LOAN A880CIATION ratel.y 1 office al ITS and 1 at UM Via Udo. Ph. Hu. •200 SM mcmUa. Alao amall .tore 1100 ua Vuy cl.an car. ll~~W W nylon ll"'· Take transport&Uon nr trade. Harbor 17" after e p. m. J7ttc J or 3 bedrm. hooae untum. I BR. J'um., UUL pd. .... l60 mo. mo. Call owner Llben7 1-1221 ------------morntnp or~ I p.m. 9ttc 11148 DESOTO 4 dr deluxe uda.n. by Nov. 1. Ph. LI 1..e198. 2 Bil. Furn .. UUI. pd ..... MO mo. LOANS for Homes Ori1t11111I p111nt 11rot11te. ro,; 17ptt 1007 I t Balboa BlYd.. lllP• R11dlO. 1250 or be1t caah ------------Ba1bo& Har.1J71 6,. -IO Tf. Loau otr~r Har. &otl'l. 17ttc ~A.eta. a a-16p21 N'1CW l.AJlGI: .A Pl'. anfu:m MU bHcll, bay A putt. Hwd.. tin., (Vb. cllirp •• prap. ~11th BL Ha.rbor M2"1. teen GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY Construction Loans ·~3 MC Mark U nner raced. 2 n""" tlrea. n,.w top. ucdlrnt m(>(or. very clelU\. Kl T-4363 lkl7 ~ BUICK Century Rlv1era Hud Yearly Rentals top. blu. A: .-h1le. All utru BALBOA 8.000 m I I r 1 S279S. Owner 2 B&DROOM tu apt. 823 Via Lido 1"ord. Har. 2988. Ba ..,.. ,,:r1-H c20 1 ..... monuci.. Vl«"W Of COOO-Tnnsrort.atlon, '48 F ord PENINSULA POINT 4 c1r . very Ort&'anal. 1285. Call • 2 BEDROOM hOUM, lar&• ftnced oen1ni1 Har e<N57 l7cl9 yard. 2 car pre~. tu~hed _ 1123 month. '4fl PLYM OUTH w1th ~Soto en· itln•. R A: H . good cond. 11~. 2203'~ BAlbns Blvrt .. Nl'wport S.ach Har :,301-w . J ipl9 -------------Hll~LMAN Minx 1961 Sedan. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY ~I~ .E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 18-07 18c20 READ TBI8 !\,CELT tum.labed, lted.nn. apt. Have open1nc for ruponaibll' party near llJcbarda ~•L 408 ~ ot t.nv..un1 115,000 caa.h ctubt.ou.. phone Har. 1982-W. tn a national corp. CAN BJC an BOB BA'ITLl!R 2611 &ABT COAST Bl.VD. eor-Ciel Mu llubor 3888 Rep. POIRmR MORTQAQJ) CO. ~ Lite I-. f'Unda Kl. 3..Sl.85 Utlc 17clt ACTIVE OR NOT. Poteall&l 5'1-8-1 &tat.e Want.ed FURN---.-room--prqe---ap-L_ex_·_tn_ evning"a tor nnt yr. ~en----- c le a a. l!leclrte re.fricendon. doua. Mu.t tum. J'OOd cbara.cter PRlVA TE party W&nla from own- PaM1 ray b•t. MS mo. wtnt.ar 6 credit nr. Muat be easy to er, b w priced re11c1t•nt111I Income Of' M5 mo. ye&rly. UUI. po.Id. &et along with. For pef'90!\&l In-property. Two to four unit~ Har. ltot-J. 301 E. Bay Ava.. terview write Box Q-58 ~ Write fuJI detruJa lo P. o . Bllx Balboa. 17cl9 newspaper. Include phone No. 3M. Balboa llland 18r20 and brief remme. StrtcUy Conti· BALBOA-1'1m apt&. 136, '411 A dellUal. l&c20 60-bcome Pro---. $50. UtlUUea paJd. Heart rd ------------~~~~~-!.~-~·!:!., •·"--- town. 117 It. Balboa JMft. Bar. 1898. 17c30 BU8INl:88 a.nu.. Wute J'OWll Very j:f><Jrl tundlllnn. ~cl'nt nverhaul. Ra<l10 Qoo(t rubbtr Mu.t luve t.own. Mak• offer. Ll 8-80&5. 17cl9 -Cb-o-ic:e--W-m_te_r_D ___ -.-_ ._-O_D_ WOMAN to abare apertment • •>CU'6W ~. oa Balboa Ialalld. Har. N STRUM I! NT M&nutactur- inr Bwrinua want.a to move to Coeta M-haa nationally ad· vtlrtilled and patented product. nffda worklnc partner with P0.000. capll&l Grand oppor· bmlly for the right penon. Box No. S-80, thla Nt>wspaper. •••APT. COURT, 8 unit.I, almost new In top Coat& Mesa perman- ent rental area. OUered away below coal oC reproduction 11t lll2,600. $18.C>OO down. Balboa lala.nd Is Lido lale aeo. Hell Small It cav or tare• It deJuu •Ta to aaoo -~ VOGEL CO. 20I MarlH Aft., Balllaa 1llaad CL081C IN, BALllOA. rumbbed l bedrm.. apt. y...iy. HO mo. Gu It water paid. .ol E. Bal· boa emt. Bar. JOTO 18tt 51>-Koaez to Lou lic19 Eve. info, call Aufder·Heide Lf 8-11406. GREENLEAi;· • SEVERTS ReaJty 3112 N ewport Blvd., Newport Har. 2~!12. ORIGIN AL OWNER 2 cani. both lmmac low mllease 19:'1C> Cad II Sedan. R A: H. hydro. 112~. Alan 19~ Ford Victoria. R A: H Fo~omatlc. 11860. For appL to ~ Call Har 2711T atte-r I p. m. Pb.. Harbor •« or Barbor n61 COltOHA DICL ~ ,,_i1y, tunt-WI: SPllCIALIZll IN LOANS Ir FINA.NCINO ON HOUSE'TRAILER8 A utoe, Fum!ture II S&Ju!H IO-A -Commerctal. lndaetrl&I 17plt Rea. B.ar. 171f-R cw Bat. ao:J9.M lJbed 1 bectrGom apt. tnclud• .. tte uUUU-. Ra.r. MOI. lltfc 41-Aato Senice Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * ATTRACTIVE 1 and J bdrm. furn. UUllUu paid. l or 2 c.hlldren. Laundry room. B L U E TO P A.PT. MOTEL 103 N~rt Bl\•d. Npt. Beach. juat above the A rchH 'T4ltc 8 Cyla ....... _.. '41.88 UNl'URNlSHED DUPLEX. One 8 Cyla. ··--·--$58.88 bedroom STO mo. y~ly Jl~f. adU.lta. Near Ra.c Roaplta.J and lncludea botll l&bor end part.a. Arcbea. 2H Catalina. Har 1383- New rtnKa. WTtat ptna, nlve w. l8p2o Jrlnd, fltUnp of raa.tn and rod ------------ bear1qa. l!lxpert mot.or tune up. 90-d&y or 4,000 mile C'U•r&ntf'f. '8A-AptL for Beat BALBOA 181..A.ND, f\anl. 2 bdrm. apt. Very attn.cUn, wall h•t. TV aerial. l80 mo. winter. $110 1'11· tnclude9 tltilltlM. AdUJU. No pd&. Har. 1J1W. lldO CANAL l'RONTAOE. a bdnn. ctu- plu apt. nicely furn. F\.replace, KW noon. ca.rare. auto. walb· tr 1110 mo. wHh uttlJUH . A'Nll- able uni II July 1. Har. mt-R. )k2(1 One Day Service Loana from l:ic> to IUOO or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Barbor Blvd., Coeta Mesa l..I 1·17151 -Open Fridaya t.IU 8 ClOMd Saturday-Uc TRUST DEEDS for t.he PRIVATE INVESTOR (NO MONET DOWN!. ------------Charming Harbor Haven Apa.rt.menta -Patios FREE RENT. 1 bdrm. p&rtly turn. rur apt. ln exchan1e tor loolWll' In on owner In front. 317 Onyx A\~ .. Balboa Jsland. 18p20 6"o to 10~~ rl'turn SANT A ANA MORTGAGE CO. 200 Spurirt'On Bldf. Kl i -4188 M·l , J>lacentla, 1ea· x 630', level. wtth tome bulld1ng11. &: In heart or lndUJttrtaJ area Pnce S2i.:wo Terma. OREENL&AF-SEV&RTS Rea.Jty 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport. Har. 2562 Evu. LI 8·3186 61-BMI F.Atate Excbang~ IN CLEA!ll sunny SU!'ILA:-.:O lalt 1700 1 1\1jung8 U f'll, blo<k !'\. Foothlll Blvd. Cor.y :I I 01 11tucco. nlt•e y11rd trl't'!4 extrn Int, oll fenr!'d Owner Flor1,1u 3-7402 or w rite lM~l Mather Ave. lip19 SS(XK) Down 1531 Ocean Blvd P eninsula Point 3 Bedronms, 11~ Bnlh. 2 car garage. Fencecl P11lio, Clautt1 Sundeck, Stove A: Refrigerator 116.~ SS(XK) Down -2631 Crestview Bay Shores Lari:,. lh·111i:room w1Lh fire· plac~· Full t.11n1ng room. 3 Bed room!'. 2 c11r gar:11(•. Complcl•>l,y H!'<Jl!coo1ted Sl 8.~0 S5(XK) Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point 3 Bedrooms, 11, Bath, 2 car g aragP. Bay v1t>w. Large Fenced y1ud. Stove and Rrfriger11 tor St9,7M Bay Front Special 7 Bedroom•, 4 Bath11, 3 car rerace. Pier 4' allp. t'Uml11hed $88,(1()() Newport Harbor Realty Jim anti Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Bl\'d., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 CORONA DEL MAR Expanaive Harbor and OCMD ~. ' bl!rm. Dm. Dining room. 2 batha. Hardwood II _.,,. &am. Bargain at $t.5,000. Submit down. CUTE small 2 BR., corner. $17,500. WW trade tor larger home. NEW 2 BR. and den, 2 bath&. Low tMma, m,noc>. Draperiea, stove A fully landacaped. BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. bome, large l'OOIDa. Pro- tected patio. Attractively priced at $~.T~ BAYSHORJCS Barpbl.. J bdrm.. UY. l'OCllll UidO firepl., fenced, covered patfo. Reduoed tor Quick aale -$18,~. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertia Har. 177~ -Eves. F.dith Maroon, HYatt '-4222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton. Bayside Dr. office, Har. 3297, ew Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa l.aland LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT New 4. bdrm. 3 bath home beautifully furniabed ln modern d~r. Completely carpeted. mahogany pan· neling. double garage, approximately 2700 aquare feet~of living area. Truly a value !or $89,500 oom· pletely furnished. Call for appointment. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Brand new ocean view home, 3 bedroom8 2 ~ F. A. heat, carpeted throughouL Built in Satin Bronze Roper oven and range -d.ishmuter. di.po. al plua huge double garage. Fall prict $23,000 and we have the Jrq. CLIFF HAVEN Kings Road view lot, Jeaaehold 671110 tt. a dand;r, for $5500. and only $2000 down. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb. Har. 4971 or Har. '972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-~297 REBUll.T ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAT- Bullt ln our own factory by ekllled machlnlata. Don't conte.nd with the mldd141 man. -cUrect. NEW 4 ROOM, 11trttt level Near acbool•. •hopping dl11trlrt. Quiet. pl-..ant, vcclu,,lve. Garbage dia· poul, laundry, storage rooma. itarage. 182.50 up, O<:cuplu •n· lire at..rttt. Good aupervi1lon. 6c18 -------·------ Best Rental Location Extra Luxurious Custom Quality REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK 1'01\D -· ....... _ ... ., .... -··-··· 1121.:50 CHl:VROLET --··--... -.• li ... :50 PL nL 6 DOIXJIC -fl" CBRTB. It DE SOTO --II TO BTUDmBAaalft -··--1170 OLDS 6 PON'TU.C I --·-Jl 70 BUICK -· .. -·--·· .. -·----1176 HUDSON .... _,_ ... _. __ ., ___ Sl71 Lou Ot.r J"r-. TcnrillJ NJ:W CAil QV.A.llANTEE Block mmt meet our et.an4arda Plue t.uN, ..... and oO Open Bunda)' ...... t.o s p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS M(T. 15-0l Haven Place 1 Block South of HJJb School ALSO FURNISHED AP1'8. \\'INTER RA TES ~tfc FOR LEA81l with option to buy If dHll'M, I bedrm. tum . .__ In Coeta ,._ DAN A JACOBSEN. Re&Jt.or Har. Mltl J;vee. LI 1·*2 net• BALBOA !BLAND 2 bdrm. fl-. home. p.uo, 2 car pnc-e. ftrt.. Dl:LUXlil lnOCkm tum •udio apL plac. . .A.d\&IU Gilly. UnW .lune 1 UUUUra paid 176 mo. Corona Har. :Ji1,~·M. -K•llan 1-31'1 del Mar. Har. OM3-R Htfc or ~ 1-lTU. 17ct9 1 BEDRM. iv-ce tum. apL by lRVIME Tl:IUUC'K cbannJn& 1 month. 80C1 MariC"Old. Coron.a "T' okt ..na-. llome. I bednu., d.i Mar. t7c1t t ltatlla. ParUaUy ~· Lido Isle Bayfront Match aUck drapu la 11•. rm. modem dHl&"n -\11 .. -t.o.al,J ..... .... ..... .... mo. 1111 --. R.2-mc<w rqAK Olll Har. ..... 17elt CASH ... FOR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKING SINCE 1930. 1909 N. BUSH SANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3-7118 NO COMMISSION No Appraia&l Fee lil.l:S -JU;FIN ANCIC CONS'DlUCTJON C&ll tor rr... Fut Commitments oe Rfftdetlcff and Unite on11 Don I. Huddleston Open D&U1 I '° '1 It.ate Boadad NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. One a nd two Wnn. ape.rtmenta, TWO bedrm flUn OCffA front P\JmllMd. O.,...t>•. Y•r1Y or bouae NO mo wtnter rerital 173 E . 17th St. Winter ratat. Ha.r. M71. li20 w. OeMll 1"l'ollt. Liberty TclO 1..-oT. 17clt , 008TA MDA. ---~~--------~----------LI l-55U LI 1-C611 SA.MT A. AN A LIDO ISLE LIDO HOIU 2 e.drm. l .,_Ua MCBm.Ollt aDd -11 tw.> IMtrm. unfum lllO mo. oa -... U--Tr.a.s apt.a. 8hcJrt t..-m and ,.ariy. P. A. Palmer It\c.-3333 Via 27 rr. 1947 OLIDm\ Tr&iJu ALSO. Udo Homea and Bay ll'ronl Udo. Har. 1!!00. 17clt bt'ell. t"Ondltloo. w ll.b 1ton ,.. Homea and apartment&. FOR L&A.81:, 'J'tro badnn. anlUnl.. trir 6 1oekt.. MOO cuh 413 LIDO REALTY Auo£!atea j home. Newpm BIY4. abcmt tlle E 18tll St • Co11ta Mrl'A. 3t00 Y1a 1..Jdo. Harbor OU Arch~a. U 1-1716 call attd T !Tr 11 I 89ttc 1 p llL. llc20 YOU CAN BORROW MORI: TAKE LONGER TO Rl?PAT PAY LESS WIDN YOU BORJt.OW 'i"HE SANTA ANA M ORTOAOlll WAT 206 lpaiyl01I BldJ. KI 7-41 .. lcll ACTION ACRES Cor builder or •ubd1vldfr, 4 •, &f'f"!I rut" anl o 21 lot'. ',. down It: ownt-r wall mbordmaLe. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18:17 Newport. ('0111.a M,AA LI 8-1632 Eve. LI 8-6803 32 FT LIVING RM N an'e any rl'!&llOn&ble down payment. Oldtr well built Early Calltomla 1tyle 3 bell· 5 t:nlt., furn with cxlra vacant lot for parking. 1 ~ blk. to be11rh 1 blk 1u L11y. Bo·!lt renlel loca- Unn, jtf.O.I 111rom ... Onlv S26,000 very ea11y ll't m! See th111 today. Stul'!:o Duplf•x & l h<'olrm rfllla~e. 2 ~1r~e11. Good lnrome for only $16.000. low rlown. Homer E. Shafer RE ALTOR 104! McFadden Place Har. H O E ve. Harbor I 131 ·M H ar. 2529-M .t Hiii. !1268·\V room. 2 bath!!. Huge gar&K!'. LIDO ISLE __ _ 9Un dtck. Aaklng $2~.ooo . Immediate OCCUpllllcy. F ORD 3 BEDR.MS I" blllhll L.uq,~e VERRINOER. Harbor •_:s:1. Lana i. ~r• iiv. rm . .' uinln& 41 Ranch Homes Centrally localed for all activitie. in Gre&ter Nft'• port Harbor area, yet out of 8eUOnal conpst:ioa that penalizea ao many areas. These homes have everything, even wall aa.fea. Three bdrm. $21,950 Four bdrm. $22,950 HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave., 1 Block No. of 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J 5lh & Jrvine EXCLUSIVE AGENT Llbert.y 8-2664 or Liberty 8-3123 19c2Ul nH S477. l itfc l rm. Bar. All El!'ctrtca1 Equlpt l THREE UNITS on halt acre. Im-Jnrl. d111hw&11her. dtspoMll, equip· ------~T --------- proverr>fl\ta are :l bdrm. horn•· & ptHI feor autu r lolhl'• ,wuhtl' LIDO R 3 Th dble. ra.rac• ahouJl1 rent for $85' By appointment onlv. By OWn· f -e Hottest yet mo.-1 bdrm. f\J.rt\. hou1111 ahouhJ I er, Kl 3·0583 171'1 9 2 30 fl. loll 11n So. Bay Front, I !'\Ii:\.\' 2 e.J rent for HO mo -8let>plng-room s:11,r.oo each. Call T. 1>. Ropr11, 1 "'· • ,1~n. <.:<.rona with b&th ah~ rent for $30 I Business Corner HM. J~81'1·W, or RYan 1~29. I Hll(hl&nila. w .... Ulfllel. dr•pejt. • llUc I fa11. icarbaxe di_,:> , &o.411 ol mo .. a ddll to $l i0 mo. l'1'0lle in-In r enter ro111A M"llA, J lll,600 \'I"""'"· 2 rnr tc•r•ge -Terme. come. WIU all for 112.&00 t t'nn.t Tem18 r; If. LATHROP. ORANOE coA~T 1 C-2 Business Lot :se:iri r. «oa.ct H1(hway PROPERTl.EA DAN A.. .IACOBSF:N, ~alltJr On Newptirt Blvd. al lndualrtal Corona dl'I Mar W7 Ne,•tport. Coela Mtiu' Harbor M91. Ev•••. LI 1'"'311 Way, 4axte2 n. Call owner, H.ar. :;442, f;vr1. ~. LI 8·183~ ,E ve. LJ 8·680:1 I i c 19 Harbor 311>6. 1ltt4 l7c19 ·. . ' I I l 'I ·- ' I I I ,I II I i I I I I " I I I ' !• I rA&E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS . C-RMI &tate a-Beal nttate ._.ONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 ----------- C-Beal F.atate -___ . _________ .._..__ ________ _ .......... a._.,...... lagwta Beach • • • Ocean Front T ou•a remember the Views all your lite! Your own euy .tep. to your OWN white aandy beach. In private tract. 1 ~ yn. old. lS ft. x 24 ft. livinc room, ~utiful kitchen and dining area, 4 bdrma., den and 3 batlw with a huge down.etairs nunpaa rocm &nd bath. Sun patio and aheltered patio. Offend at $M,OOO. e e e e New Subdivision • . . Lots Acceeible by wide paved atreeta. LEVELED yet bu excel. OCEAN VIEW. Sewera and util. ln. Near acbool, church, bua and new Alpha Bet.a ahop- pinc center. Price $5000 to $7500 • . • Term11. DOSS Realty Co. 392 Glenneyfe, Laguna Beach HYatt 4-7506 or HYatt 4.44409· 17c19 Corona del Mar Vogel Values 2 bedroom home, fireplaqe, beamed ceiling, dining area. Lovely patio with BBQ. 21':! car garage. Owner will aeO with low down paym't at the low price of $13,500. Corona Highlands BEAUTIFUL VIEW -2 bedroom & den home. nice tireplau, 11~ bathe, circular floor plan, lovely patio. Fenced. Priced at just $22,950. Choice Permanent View Lot. Special at $8000. The Vogel Co. 2661 E. Cout Highway Har. 1741 Corona del Mar Har. 1477 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES For the discriminating buyer we have a beautiful home with permanent bay view. 2 bedrooms and panelled den, Large living room and tlining room, convenient kitchen, fully equipped. Finest residen- tial area. $29,500 buys a five bedroom bayfront home. Small down an<t owner will carry. Ideal aummer home for large family. Duplex. Two bedrooms each. Ocean view from up· per. Nice reaidential area. $22,500. BAY AND BEACH REALTY -REALTORS -VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE INCOME -BALBOA PENINSULA BAY A VENUE -DUPLEX Juat liat.ed. Very attrac;tive modern duplex 2 Bed- room• in ea~h unit. Very large Li\'ing Roolll8. • yeanJ old -excellent condition, good location. $32,500 -Terms One 3 BR. unit and One 2 BR. unit plua additional room and bath attached to garage. Both unit.a rent- ed, one on yearly bui.s and one for winter. $26,500 furnlahed -$6500 Down. TRIPLEX -BALBOA PENINSULA BEST BUY IN BALBOA .One 3 BR .. 2 bath and Two 2 BR. unit8 all nicely furnished. Owner will sell on convenient term11 or would consider trade small house locally or property in Glendale area. 3 BR. beach houae furnished. Large Living Room. Fireplace, Near Library. Full price -$9950 -$2000 down. BALBOA COVES Oceanfront -Near Catholic Church .J 2 BR .. Den. l3 i baths, hardwood floors, bar kitchen, fireplace, BBQ. terraced patio, sandy beach, pier and slip available. $34 ,000. \ Oceanfront Building site with existing duplex on rear or lot. Room for 3 BR. 2 Bath home on front. Full price $17 ,500 Furn. BAY AND BEACH REALTY 14M W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 1264 Houston Values v v Best Buys Corona del Mar .. ~. THOMAS "C" THOMAS 1. SHORECLIFFS MORNING CANYON BEACON BA y Newport Beach Furnished -$10,500 WITH only S2~00 dn , 170. mo. on Bal, 2 Bdrm", dble garage only 2 block!I to beach. Il'• a bargain~ Outstanding view of ocean. canyon, and hills, 2 bdrm. and.den home, 2 baths, carpet• and drapea included. Only $38,000. $12,000 down will handle. 2. SHORECLIF~S EVENING CANYON ROAD HIGH level ground. 86 x 475, on View of ocean and Catalina, cuatom built 3 bdrm., Pt&<'entla. t hla 11 a real buy 2 bath home. Encloeed patio, separate dining room. M-1 Acre CHOICE at 112.!IOO. This home is deluxe in every detail. Only Ui,:500. N B t EXCLUSIVE with ua. Shown by appointment. ew eau y CUSTOM Bit., 2 bdrm. on wl<I~ 3. FIRST TIME OFFERED lot Firpi., shake rf.. Wesu 1de. near New City park. Only Sl!\00 dn., good term1. See thla. you'll Ion It. Eve. lnto. Petitte LI 8·:W87. Back Bay View Lot S!\000-FULL PR, located amid s2~.f to 130,000 New Home•. Back Bay View 3 BDRM. DELl.JXI!.: Home now ready for your 1nspe,•t1on. Ultra modern, t he finest rnr the dis· cr1mtnaUng • -re,.trlcted are:i. •11rrounded by new t1Xpt>nslve homes. Newport Hei9hts This attractive 2 bdrm. home plWI guest room with private bath, paved and encloeed patio, furniAhed complete. Only V2 block to ocean froni. Choice street. Our EXCLUSIVE. Only $22.500. Better hurry! _ 4. FIRST TIME OFFERED Two bdrm. home plus large nunpua room. Nice patio, fenced yard, hardwood floors, furnace beat. Zoned for 2 unit.a. Only $ll,500 full price, and $2500 down will handle. EXCLUSIVE with us. Shown by appointment. Thia ahould aell quickly. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor Beautiful home -view or ba y - completely furniahed In ea.rly American -60 ft. cor. lot -3 lge. bdrma. panelled den -3' i j tiled batta. dinlng room, pan-• elled llv. r oom With fireplace, lovely fenced patio, 3 outdoor bathing ahowera It dreulng room• PLUS attractive 1 bdrm. gar. apt. Thia diallnctive home la offered at $66,000 BAYSHORES I CharmlnJ Ranch atyle bom&-all lge room., 3 bdrm•.. 2 balhA. din. rom, delightful Hv. rm. oft entry ht.IJ, raJ1ed hearth fire· place matching wallpapere & draperies, ca.rpeUng. b u I I t •round attractive patio with room fo.r pool -Price RED11C· ED lo $36,000 Cliff HAVEN Exceptionally nice 3 bdrm.. fire- place, hdwd. floors. w tD w car- peting It draperies, very love ly fenc:t'd yard. near 1chool11, low monthly payment.. -A.3klng 1141,000 * * * BACK BAY BEAUTY 1. An unobistrurtl"d \'iew of the bay and hilll. 2 Be.,ruful corn<'r lot all fenced Ir l&nct..ped. 3. Custom built ranch style with heavy abaM JOOf 4. 3 bdrma .. 2 with beautiful bay vtew.. 5. Terrific kilthen with built-lo range A ~ 6. Private patio. 7. This is a beauty in every way, even to K11'CN17. switches and radio controlled garage dO<W. 8. A truly fine buy at $26,500, wtth k>w ~ lllJIDl. BALBOA BA YFRONT PIER & SL1P I Immaculate large home only 5 yra. old. 3 bdrma.. 3 bath11 and maid's room. Completely tarnMMd. A good value at $78,00G-T..wm. * * * The Vogel Co. · 3201 W. Coast Hiway BALBOA ISLAND First time offered I Charm. 3-bdnn. 2 bath home, designed and bit. for present owner. Lv. rm. 24x.H, 3 bdrms., 2 bath, beaut. lanai! Full dn. nn. XTRAS GALORE! Larger than average lot and just a atep to the bay ! PACKED FULL OF VALUE AND PRICED RIGHT -$38.000 ! DOES 10'" r ret. on your investment aound eood to you ? Thats what you should net on th.i.11 2·unit p ... perty. 3 bdrms. in one, 2 in other, comp'l and nicely fum. Lovely patio -very near the Bay and OH YES! S EPARATE GUEST ROOM TOOi All thia and more $23.500! HEY LOOK! Just listed 2 good full 11ized lot.a on Balboa Island $10.000 each. BALBOA PENINSULA XJnt. 3-bdrm. 2 bath home with ocean view. Sun- deck over garage, Lots of glass to lge. patio, Cute ba r k1tr hen. Knotty pine Iv. rm. fr. pl. You'll aay it's a good value for $21.500. Year rou.nd home. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Har. 0502 -4623 VIEW! Corona del Mar V1EW! ---" Near Catholic church. $10,950. $2000 down. Nice three bedroom houae with two bath11. Family needs larger home. Conaider trade for four bedroom house in Costa Me11a. CILFF DR-3 bdrm., older home l)J\ rorner lnL Luge ar roomy 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) "C" THOMAS, ARCHJTECT'~ OWN CONTEMPORARY MOD.ERN HOME. 3 acre. near mental hoepital and 11choo1. Zoned R-4. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboe. Blvd. Harbor :5188 The Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ANNOUNCE That they are now eerving the Harbor Area from their centrally located new home, designed by FREDERICK HODGON, AIA, and built by LLOYD C. HOWARD at 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach OWNER TRANSFERRED OPEN DAILY UNTIL SOLD •87 Esther St., h Block off Irvine Beautiful Back Bay Area Dream Hom! 3 bedroom It den, cuatom built by "Lloyd C. How- ard". Large living room with mammoth fireplace, 1liding glue doors to gorgeoua patio. Bar kitchen with Thermador oven and range, dishwasher. di&· poeal, Brick BBQ, large dining area, two full baths. Expenaive carpeting and drapes thru-out. Sprinkler •)'lltem front and rear. Only $29,500 EZ tenna. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor 3320 W. Cout Hwy., Liberty 8-7773 .. At the Arch•" S61 Monthly paymtnta only $61 after few yean. Ntw bo~ $10,760. Ttar. bed#oom., i bat.ha. $880 Down Uberty 8-266 7 Inquin :l52 I:. Palmer 18tfc t ,... 115000. Tr8de for smaller 2 ---------------------- bedroom . E ve. Info. on these Lytle Uberty 8·2!H 2. Houston Realty Co . It ASSOC IA TES 1109 Center St., Costa Mesa LI 8-6911 or LI 8-778' INVESTORS ATTENTION Good Bu.&neea Lot on East 17th St. 100 x 300 $22,500 BA YFR0!'.~~~~2~-2 bdrm. It ' Two Open Houses, Corona del Mar Friday · Saturday • Sunday, 1 . :5 p.m. l ·l bdrm., 2 rar 1(1\rage. fur· ni11hed, $34.500. Tt'rmll. ,._Ught ronslder 1 rade for Coal a Mesa income properly. Ocean Front ruRN 3 Bedrm., 2 b&th house It 1 bdrm. apL over 1arage $2!1.500 T erma- OLDER 4 bdrm. bo1111e, forced a ir heat. Only 123,llOQ. DUPLEX on Balboa Blvd. 118,· 760 both unlt.t nii:ely tum. Only 16.000 w ilt handle. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balbo& Harbor 26~18. 2597 and 4600. Doctors Attention ' UNIT MODE.RN BLDG. on 120' x 160' Col!ta Mesa bwilnesa lot. Good Proresslonl\I locaUon. ldP.RI for Doctore, Dentl1t1. medlraJ or X-ray lab. Or other pr(l(e8slonal use. Plenty of parking. Prlce- •31 .isoo. TPr ma. NEAL J . MARTIN, REALTOR, Har. 39i~ LI 8-1774. Dcl8 Here -There -Everywhere Prospector11 dig for gold. We dig for good real estate values, We ha\'e it or will find it for you. SEVEN ISLANDS REALTY It INVESTMENT CO. 50& • 3.rlnd St., Newport Bch., Calif Phone H11rbor 51168 l8c20 WANTED BlJSlNESS It COM· MERCIAL property. Have cllen- tel of buyera A ln\'estor11. Ap- preciate your listing ROBERT WHEELER. Ageril <42 P laza Sqt1al'e Orange -KEiiogg 8·1723 l iclO NEARLY NEW 3 bedrm. houae. w to w cupel.I. 18995 full prl~e. Low 11own payment. 9M Con· JrMI~ St .. C<•!!lll MNa. 17p1P 3604 Ocean Blvd., cor Orchid. Pa.noramlc Bay and ocee.n view, a 111<;e bdrm• .. 2 ~thll, lg-e. Uv, l'O()m. Be 11'\lre and aee thl• nne today. $40,000, liberal terms. 70& L&rlulpur. 2 bdrm. dolJ houee, open beam celllnl', fire· place. niu patio. OWner want.a action thl• w.ekend. Call Harbor 2042 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS R. R~le -C. Travis -C. Ruaa, Auociatea 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island CHANCE OF A LIFETIME · Now you can live in the exclusive Back Bay area in a beautiful Ranch home you will be proud to own. 3 Bedrooms, H a Bath. 11hake roof, lot.s of tile, HW Floors, disposal. F. A. Heat, and many other fine features. Distinctive styling by J erry Hoyt, and quality con- struction by W. E. Fisher. Located on a nice quiet atreet. Truly a great value for the discriminating buyer. Open House Sat. & Sun., Oct. 15th Ir 16th. 384 Mira Loma North of Del Mar just off Tustin Ave. We have other Fisher built homes. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 503~ Trailer Park Special SANTA ANA -ANAHEIM DLiTRICT 36 SPACES I $12,000 annual gro• income. A-1 locatiC>nt elean park on city gas, water It sewer. Shade treee. Very little attention needed. Ret\ll'W! approximJ,tely 60 percent on cash inve.tment. Better hurry on thia one! First time offered. No telephone inf-0rmat.ion. PLEASE. Euy down pt.yment handles. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY .:CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy .. lat Port Orange) Newport Beach REALTOR 224 W. Coul H1way LI 8-M27 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS LO.TS Bl:AUTlruL WELL LOCATED CHANNEL LOT Cloee to aboppln~ area and P<>«t Office. Complete w ith bulkheed. $16,5()0 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beautiful building alte. Walkln( dl1tance to ¥utner'1 Mlle 1hop. ping dietdct. 60 x 127~. Low Price of 15260 PENINSULA LOT Moet dealrable tot In entire area at We price. There will be no mor. like th11 at 110,000. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 10& Mc Fadden Place Hu. UO Eve. Har. 1137-M Har. 2~29-M Har. 5268-W. Want a Cheapie7 Tv.•o bedrm. rumlshPd ho1111e on Eut 16th, Coata Ml'aa. S6960 only SlOOO down. Move right In COSTA MESA. Garden pa.radlee Owner leaving •rea. Tb.ree bed· room home Owner u y11 make offer regarl'llng pnce and t erm11 Art C. Kistler Co. Rea.It or a 2901 Newport BIV<I.. Newport Beach. Harbor 0226 Here -There -Everywhere We hava It or will !Ind It for you lndu•trlal. Commercial, ReA1'1ent lat Rent.a'" -Sale11-Leue,. SEVEN ISLANDS REAL TY Ir INVESTMENT CO. ~ -32nd St., Newport Bch .. Calit Phone Harbor 11868 J8c20 13000 PllR AC!U& -SO &er. farm wtUl butld.lnp, Ml'ne. f!Xcellenl well. Rapid lncre&11e ln value can be expected. Euy term11. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newport, Costa Mua LI 8·1632 Eve. LI 1·6803 OPJ:N HOU8JC 1 -~ IH P'emle&f, Coron.a del Mar MODERN 2 Bdrm. tum. lo. nf Hlwy. Encl beck r-n1 Near IC.boot and .-.opplnJ. 111.60()- S Z Tennr.. <>wner. 17rt9 Designed fo r modern Southland living 1tnd feelurea desert stone entry into paneled living room with adjoining den and din ing area, all with 1weepiog view of bay. Sliding glass doors to spacious 11undeck. Deluxe kitchen with all appliances hand titted. Master bedroom with bath, has glassed walled gar· den patio. Two bedrooms and separate bath down- stairs. also with fenced patio. Large storage and furnace room: laundry room and drying yard. Double garage. This 1s not an ordinary home; so different you must see! For personal reasons thia one-owner home mu11t be sold. The asking price ia far below aoet ·at $39.500. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5506 1&18 "Country Club Estates" IN COST A MESA Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, Eaat of Santa Ana Avenue. off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Home1 No Down Payment Non· Vets -Vets Salesman on tnd Pvery afternoon and eve. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana, Calif. Phone& Kimberly 7-4168 Liberty 8·~7 (Evenings Uberty 8-4786) Ocean . front Home $22,500 12c21 VERY AITRACTIVE year round home on !ea.. shore Drive. Knotty pine living rnom with dinins area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and l/:i bath down, 3 bedrooms and 1 1 :! bathe up. Solid eon- alruction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 oar garage, enclo1ted yard. F:Xcellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 101.J I j I J I i t I I ,, I I •I ,I ----~ ------_,, y ' t . ·-~ -· . - ft-Real Estate ----~~~~~------------~----~~-. VOGEL VALUES . . New 3 Bedroom Home Laree living room, ~ brick fireplace with raiaed hearth, H. W. floors, JI ~ bat.ha, all electric kitchen, 9 .x10 dining area. The exterior ia redwood and stucco with dichondra lawn front and back, com- pletely fenced. A truly lovely home and onl}""-- $2350 down. • 3 BEDROOM plut 17x47 Rumpua completely furn- lahed on R-4 lo\ wjth room for 2 Duplexea. $MOO down $22,750 Trailer Parle U Modern apace11, plua • bowie. and office, patioa. Roada blacll topped. Excellent income. Close to store. and transportation. G Acre1 M-1 3 Acrea R-4 eoz93 Bulldlng -M-1 The Vogel Co. 1702 N"'J)Ort Blvd., Co.ta Me.aa Liberty~ Eva. LI 8-7'f57 Ii Har. 1380 BILL'S BEST BUYS LOW DOWN PAYMENT BARGAINS Eutalde -2 Bd. Rma., H.W. Floon, Curbed at., eewera 6 paved alley. Full price $9600 with $1000 Dn. W•taide -3 Bd. Rm., l~ Bath, all improve- ment. in and pd. for. Full price $9750 with $1500 Dn. Ball.nee at $67.50 mo. BACK BAY-YOU'LL LIKE IT. And it will like you. The kitchen ia what we call a livinr kitchen. Built in thermador oven and range, pantry, ahau.lt fan & garbage diapoa.l. 9x16 ser- vice porch for wuher, dryer and deep freezer. AU thia wjth three bedrooms Ir den plus dining 1 room & large rear living room. -M.L. #6399. Full price only $22,500. With $6000 Down. LIVE AMONG THE TREES-• Near Back Bay -Two yr. old 2 Brm. le Den home with Fireplace, Service Room. 2 Baths, Dbl Gar., Patio, and on a nice 60'xl.50' lot. All rooma are large. Redwood and Stucco with Plutend interior and Hd. wood Floon. Price just reduced to $19,500 with terms. W. A TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you11 like our friendly lel'Vice'' 400 E. 17th St., Co8ta Mesa Liberty 8-1139 BARGAIN OF THE YEAR we have the keys Here· i1 a real homey 3 bedroom cottage of 1850 square feel Living room Hx30 feet. Room in garage fo'r 1leeping, plua hobby room and laundry. Ne1tled In an orchard of 23 bearing fruit trees, Or- anges, grapee, lemon•, peaches, figs. avocados, lo- quata and guavu. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. A dream place for a family that has a granddad to putter in the yard. All this on 2 large lot.a 100x125 feet. All utilities In and paved alley and 1treet. In Costa Meaa, just 5 minutes from the ocean. Full price $18.500-Good Tenns. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 4718 One of Newport Harbor's Most Lavish Bay Front Homes Completely furnished and beautifully appointed.. Pier and large finger slip. Sandy beach. FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Tops in every reRpect. Selling due to illness in family. You must see this! FuJI price $89,500 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5226 Bay Front Specialist.a Lido Isle Let ua ahow a charming 2 bedroom home with large living room, beamed ceiling. real cute kitchen with ueed brick bl"'t"akfast bnr, forced air heat, sunny patio. Completely fumiehro in Early American. Priced at only $22,500 OSBORNE -FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562. Har. 5154 En!11. a . _ .... P a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART r r • PASE I MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1955 p . I developers of Lido Isle Lido Inside Lot Specials l . 50 fool comer atreet-to-.treet $15.000. Tenn.e. 2. •OxlOO perm. BAYVIEW acrou street from beach which makes it the next best to Bayfront $14,000. 3. :SO foot street-to-street $14,500. •· «xlOO with 85 feet on Strada $15.~. 5. •o feet atreet-to-atrada $12.500. 6. :SO feet 11treet-to-11trada $12,000. Lido Bayfront Lot Specials 1. 52Yi feet on NOR'nl BAY Bulkheaded A wall- ed, pier OK $49,750. 2. 66.98 feet on West Bay, pier OK $45,000. 3. 50 feet South Bay 1.0ne4 for 3 units, pier OK $37,000 4. 50 feet South Bay zoned 3 untbt, extra nice beach $36,000. 5. 45 feet South Bay, pier OK $39,500, nice homes each aide. New Lido Home Ranch style 3 bdrm. 1 a4 bath, forced air heat, din- ing area, good location between two nice 1 story homes. Cloae to beach, open beam ceilings, masaive used brick corner fireplace. Lota of tile & very good finish work. Built by John ViMcher, a quality build- er . $25,500 with $10,500 down and $120 a month. We have 3 homes on Bay Ave. in El .Bayo, all have piers, all hav~ their own lovely beachea, all are very good buy11 and certainly ahould be seen if you are thinking of a BA YFRONT HOME. 3 to 6 bedrooma, .,priced from $60,boo to $75,000. , OCEANFRONT 60 foot corner, best PENINSULA location. $17,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3383 via lido, harbor 1500 Men Like ' Construction Ladies like comfort. eue of mainttnance, both like . the pratige of a fine home in a good neighborhood. Here ia one in exclusive Shorfjcltff you will both lib. 2 larre bedrooma plu. den, with 1~~ baths, 2 u.ed brick fireplaces, 27xl 7 living room. Large lot beau- tifully landscaped. Evaluate the above facts, then call Joe Kincaid for appointment to .ee. It's Building Time A few fine sites still available - Cliffhaven -Corona del Mar. Udo !ale . Shoreeliffa. Let Dave Osburn show you. Estate Sites U you are looking for an ideal location for tha~ "Dream Houae" with lot.a of land around for pool, 1tablee, fruit trees, etc.. let me show you some beautiful view property that Is available in the Back Bay. Call Bill Fam.worth. Income -Trip lex -Income Beautiful well located 2¥2 year old triplex. Com- pletely occupied with good tenants that pay prompt· ly. That'• what we like to hear when we offer in- come property. The only reason that it is for sale ia because the owner wanta additional cash to expand h1a bU8inesa. Tbil may be your opportunity to take advantage and make a really good buy. Asking price $21,500 -&ood te.rma. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 ~. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Peninsula Home ! NEW LISTING. Cuttat home on "the point". Two 1tory with Ocn.n view from llvtnr room. 2 ~ bedroom•, a.nd l"' batN. Newly decorated. Flrept.ac., Dbl. J&ra«a. 2 more bedrooma could be addtd. Calll today to llff thl• one. $17,500. U OOO down. Top Location in Corona del Mar LIDO ISLE BRAND-NEW FRENCH REGENCY Balboa Home! WITH BEPARA TE AP ARno:NT IN REAR. 4:1•100 tt. lot-Both tuml.ahed. Patio between unit.a.. CIOM to Bay and Ocean. A dan· dy property a t $17,~. terma. Ocean Ft. Duplex! BEAUTIFUL. M ODERN DU· PLJCX. 2 bedrooma In each unit. One year old. F. A. ht at, double 1an.c-e. Finest l>Nch location. Bp&cioua rooma. Ideal home with lncome. $27,500, lenna. Balboa Trip lex! SEPARATE CO'M'AOE WITH DUPLEX IN RltAR. Each unit all'f'pa f rom II to I people, and a d~ndy renter, too • We have the rl'cord11. Local~ on Eut Bay Avt'nue clol!e to bf'll awlmmtnr be&ch. Jn very good condition. 123,760 e.nd g ood Lema. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo1ll• Bank of America Ro• Orttley Al Comellua Ed Lee Jack Ptnkham JoHphlne Webb 'TOO E. Balbo& Blvd., Balbo9 Phone Harbor 3277 Fresh as a Daisy Thl11 appullng 3 bdrm. bom• beait- Permanent ocean vi~. Short walking distance to best beach. Large, c.omfortable • bedroom year- round home. · $24,500. Small down payment BALBOA ISLAND A few 1tepa from the bay. Very livable, well kept 3 bedroom home. Patio and extra large yard. Owner will consider reasonable offer and terms. Top Location On the Penninsula Charming family home-3 bedrooma-2 baths. All year round home with ocean view. $23,500 with term.a. BALBOA ISLAND Attractive 2 bedroom home on corner bayfront lot. Recently remodeled. Adequate apace on front of lot to build additional unit. Full prict.only $31.500. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the POiit Office Har. 4+. Evea. Har. 3059-M -Har. 4.248-R lt'a a.11-tlectnc bulll·ln kitchen In· cludea -Trlf'o. oven-range, d111- poRal, dlahwuher, dllhmu ter It fan. Mercury awltcbea, be&med c~Unp, (Tty cpl.a. thru-out. 3 bdrma., 2 baths, lar,-e patio. A amart houae for amart J>4!0ple. HEAR Tl:US I Kit.AR THIS PERFECT FOR CHJLOREN Thi• lovely 3 bdrm. home W1tb 2 bath• on an extra Jarre lot 11 Ideal. Guage la 1treued tor 2 •tory. with over 2000 ft. ot llv art&. TRY AND BETTER THIS FOR UNDER 30~!. Thia St. to Sl. comu lot at $12,600 111 pr1crd lhouaanci. ~low any olhl'r romn lot on Lido. GOOD INCOME A tine buy near U do 1hoppln1 Center, quiet SL. 2 bdrmJ1 .. dn 1 up. Compll'lely tum.. uklng 124,000. Annual Inc. 128!10. • Bay & Beach Realty LIDO OFFICE 3112 La.!ayette, Newport Har 3843 CLIFF HAVEN OlrrSTANDINO 4·bedrm. 3·b&lh home. 2 llvln~ roorra, dining room, carpeted, ldeaJ famUy home tor dl.crlmtnatlnr buyer. 137.~ CORONA IDGHLANDS 4·BR. 3 bath, living room. rum- pu11 room. 2 flrf'plac,.11, 2 pauos. room tor pool, terrific view. on 2 loll!. U~.000 llfully decorated lnalde and out --------------------- 2 BR . 2 bath, lge. llvlng room. dlnlnit room. room for pool. w1de Jot. 127.500 SHORECLIFFS CHAR.MINO ll'rench provincial In beautiful 1etttnr. 3 BR .. 2 bath, BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Modtm apL: older front houee. Show your ability at "do·lt-younell. Reduced for quick sale !.-$19,9:50. 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE, floor fumace and fire- place. Small lot. Reduced for quick aale. $16,GOO. 60 FT. BAY FRONT ACE. On Little Ialand, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. homf'. The land value is close to the asking price. BEACON BAY. Bay front. Ofl<'n d~am'-<t about. rarely aeen. Exquisit9 3 bdrm.. 3 oath home. Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. dont' in the same good ta!lt<'. Furnished - few exc~ptions. Shown Friday afternoon• only $59,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot. cbarminr 5 bdnn. 31 :! bath houae. Dining rm., modern kit- chen, disp.. disbwuber, lots of cupboard.a and closets. Plus unusual 2 bdrm. apL O\'er 3 ~r gar: age. Both unita all newly furniahed in Moderne. Ideal for home and income or guests. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith MaroonJIYatt •-em John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lala.nd Is It Smart To Wait? Are you postponing buying a HOME waiting and hoping that real estate prlct's will soften! Some have waited for a long time. Too long. Mea.nwhile life i1 puaing by. It's later than you think. Why not get SOMETHING out of life while you can enjoy It f Plenty of fine opportunities for home buyers exilt today on LIDO ISLE. FOR EXAMPLE On LIDO ISLE a 3 bedroom. 2 bath home ot charm. character and value. Everything you are lookinr tor in a home together with large sun 1Seck. Thia home baa feal uree too numerous to mention in &n ad. Thia you MUST SEE. Price -$31,750. - Nide terms. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REALTY A880CIATE8 3400 Via Lido Harbor""-" (Acroee From Richard'• Market Entrance) W. G. (Bill) Kempton • Virginia Manson • Joeeph H. Grohman • ~ne Vreeland • DIG THESE DIGGINGS We bad to dig deep to find theae liatinp, but they're good onea and they're worth ll 2 Br .. HW flra .• Beaut. fire pl., bit. In range 6 oven, PLUS Guest rm. with Ba. and with oversize dbL gar., stressed for apt. over . On quiet et., In be9t area, just steps t o Beach It to 1hopa. 2 Br .. Rustic, shake roof, Big Fire-pl., paved pat.lo, dbl. gar., sprinklers, cloae to town. $5000 dn. 6 $90 mo. 2 Br.. HW flnt., fire pl., levtl lot, cloee to ahope, ONLY $11,500, good terms. 2 Br .. FURNISHED, fire-pl., paved patJo, dbl gar., 2 Blkll. to Bank, Only $5000 dn., $90 month. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 277' \lo1lh hardwood floora, fireplace, ff'n<"ed back yard with encloaed patio combine to make thl.a the top buy In the moet wanted Jo. ct\ lion ln Co1ta Mua • . • Full prll'e Ju1t $12,500 with a cel· lent terma. GOLDEN RULE VALUE HELL'V A GOOD BUY room to atore boat. nr. beach. --------------------- Back Bay Area Lot 120' x ~2' On 1twer1 .•• can be divided Into 2 lot11. BELOW MARKllT AT '9,000, With Unria. ·open House Add up these features: 1. 3 acres --value $15,000 2. Large 3 bdrm home approx. 1800 aq. ft. 9,000 3. Large 1 bdnn. home 4,000 Total Value $28,000 Just 1it on this property ... It will make you money. ·Full selling price $'43.000. Claire Van Horn RllALTOR 2731 W. Coe.al H*Y. R-2 LOT LI 8·4277 On Orange Near l~lh Strut GO'>d Rent.ii LoCllllon !at. It hn, $19,000· $3500 A SCARCE ITEM Neat knotty pine and shingle home, convenient lo- cation near a good beach. Lge. Jiving room, "fun type'' kitchen with lots of cupboards and a big bar. Unusually spacious patio with an extra ~~ batli & dressing room for bathen. Well built garage wtth room to build an apartment above. $18, 750 partly fumlahed 2 be&utitul1n~wCl:c!'m I bdrm. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO T EVERSON NBC REALTY co. w. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD ~:~f'=n;1~~~oramlo view ot • • 32nd It Newport Blvd .. Npt_ Beach Realtors 127,000 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Harbor ~M Marine and Park, Balboa Island. Harbor 246Z 123.000 tacrou from Costa Mesa Bank) -Phone LI 8-67&1. Evea. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 Bay & Beach Realty At 19th & Place!tia in Costa Mesi' Do You Have to Move to a Dry Climate? I 1"8 Newport Blvd., eo.ta x .. Ublrt7 8-1191 ET• LI 1-1161 CORONA Dl:L MAR-Let th' t urn p r apt pay the mortgage on lh11 3 bdrm 2 bath home Many "built-In•" It lotJt ot ator· 11re •pact Floor covertnga. drap.. It appliances lncludf'il In prtce of $23.000. Barbot 260l·M. H c27 C·2 LOT Center of Coeta MeA Ideal for ml&ll bu.in•• or ~e H OOO or wtn trade. Own,.r l.J. ....... l 7c19 21/2 Acres C Zone Localed on Newport. Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Property is PARTIALLY improvro and leased to solid, worry fr<'e tenants. Income S6000 per year. Priced at $65,000 -with $30,000 caab required, bal. on attractive terms. A good 110und aafe lqveetment with speculation poaaibilitle1. RUSS FORD. Rltr. THERE 18 A WO~DERP'UL piece or buatneu property for u lt with excellent Lerma. Lone term ea pendlnJ. total.Inf approx. 12 a month. M • 1 prop- erty, 10me cub will be C"On· 1ldert'd ~rade. Cati owner U 8~223 rn~nr• or atler II p.m. 9tlc FOR SALlll BY OWNJ:R.-4 bed· room home, l ~ ti.lbl. 1and- acaped It fenced. P'HA loan. F'rtttlom home area. Call 1601 W. Coast Highway Liberty 8-6141 Llbf'rty 8·9223 momlnp or Owner of 60 acre cattle ranch in Murictta wants to trade for a beach house. Whal have you ? Ranch 1a all fenced & crou fenced. 20 ac. uf permanent pu- ture, 12 acres alfalfa and balance is now dry ffl nu .. ing. Plenty of well water! Ranch will carry 100 head of cattle. 2 houaea <good ones) on property. Taxet: $17:S per year. A.ldng price : $55,000. Please ca.II Ull for further tn!ormation. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 alter II p. m. 18tfc • , -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~--.-----------:~==:=-.. lli-~ ~ •, I II I ( < I : I I I • 11 1 ~· I i i ' I I I I I i I I . I .., PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1955 IAIRD IA TTL.ES 4 MARINES IN FAST IAR GO I verury committee In Newport Beach in accord wtlh t.he Procla-1 LEGAL NOTICE mauon or Pr1!111Jent Ets .. nhowPr • LEGAL NOTICE ' Give a man rredll. Calvin L. B1urd .. 27. of 1630 Orange A,..... Costa 111 l'sa, I'S report- eJ to ha ve battled four Ma- rln•11 a t Ern11>'s ba r latt Oct. 7 H<' and J ONt> Angel Rojo, 21 , one of the M11nnl'1<, were ll rre~ll;,1 ()JI pt'ace disturbance <"Ounu as th<'Y we>rl' l'ngagP.I whl'n police arrlvrd. Tht' ot ht•r lllar1nrs. all that evei v community "nioperatl' j ('L'RTl t'I" .• ._. Ot' Bl'li'l:SE"'~ " .... '" •.,. cl'rttfv lhut h•• 1~ 1•on1luNtnir a ln a ppr op r I at I' ob11ervanct> t'lf'TITIOI '~ f'IRM :S:\~U: •'llJCl!\m 111,.1.11 1•1 ,,.111,.,~ bw1lnt'M1 throughout •>llr ,·01m lry vf th!$ The 11ndenogned does tw1t•hy 111 l~!I 111.i11,111,11 "'" <'<'-If\ t.le• the tenth a nmvt-rsary c>f \ht•. Un-• <'trltfy t hat ht> is contlucttnic 11 1 "111 ~a ,. l ':tt.t,11 1..,,, un 1,.1 t tw fh'tltl• 1ted Nat1on11." I e.statt• sAlea otrke sit 11 hl'<'nll•«1 111111 lintt 111111.,. ,,1 t '1 'l''l'PM Ml'- re1tl l'Sl•ll' brok<'r Rt r.11:i.:1::nd ;r.\I. 1•n1Hl\1 'IS llthl th11l M id DEATH NOTICE StreC'l. N<'WJllHl lk11th, t '11fllo111111: f1rt11 I.• •'••l n po~1'\t ilf the' lt•lh•w· that lilt> fl\•1111.11111 firm n11mt' •~ rn" p«1.,.,11., "hi••<> 11atn••• 11'1 f\Jll s .. , ... n l.Blan.tll Heally & · 111\'•'"\· 1111.i pl.1, ,,, 11( 1,.,,.J,•1wi• "'" •• t.OTTU: l'ATl't:Rl"O:\' ml•llt Co., anti Iha\ Hit> unoln-t••lln\1 $. '"""" Lottie .Myi\ll' f'atlenion, i;o, lll R lltgneJ is the 11ole ownc-r 1>( Ill" t '\HI. \\' T UOMAR Nsrc111sus Ave . d ll-d 0 <'1 lll at sattl nanuxi 1111~111•'"8 11t17 J.'tq 1d .. 11f A '"·111111 her res111en1·~. Shi> w11i1 b111 n 1n \\'i\At'.'tl) rny hnnil \hu• tit h •1·•Y 1 · 1 "1"' 1lt I !11111 C11llf. Knights Ferry, Calif: ll01l l1111l ll\'••t.I nf Oi•l<lb•·r lllllll \\'l'l'="F:-.:-1 Ill\ hll•h.I 1t11~ 13th hi're fur 1:? y1•11r11. She ti> slll'\'l\•'<l Samuel Ja<'nh H urw l\I d.i1 .. 1 ,,, i.,i.,., 1!' 1:'1 by 11. ua11vhter, Mrs. Poroth\,' Cul-8 SAMl'F.J. JAl'llH Ul'R\\Tl'Ti • t',\1\1, \\ '1'11\)MAS " STATE OF t'.\LlJ.'llR:'l:IA, NEW MG·A NOW ON DISPLAY . HERE design and looks. Showrooms are open evenjngs and Sundays to afford viewera extra time. Sports car's prototype smashed eight international and 29 Ameri- can Class F records at Bonneville Flats last year. fro1r. El Toro. wrre R<lbt•rt L. H1lbi>rl, 21; Howard 1 •. Dl'Ott. 23. 8 11d J ohn F fuly. ver. 177 ShorechCt Roa1I 1111d 11 C'Ol'NTY Of'' OHA~c;t-; 1'!1 ~l"I•• ,.f 1'111>1,•111111 son. Lei<tte M11•lt<'ll or M111t>111c' Re-On this 6th day of Or 1<1l><•r. w:.t. I' •n1111' "' l '' ''''~·· "~ mains wen• fflrwanl.il tod11y to ht'fOrt', \hi• llnll~rill'ni'<i 8 ="•l~ll\' 11( 1111, I.Ith 1111\' 1•r Odob«r. Klng11 Cit\' foi· 1;ervln·11 11n1t ln·l r bll 1 d f "d (' •1 A I' 111r.:\ h<'llH<' m\!, lkrnln'I • • '11 c nan or i1111 .ounl\' 11111 .. terment. B(lltz Mortuary. ( .. rona , 11 1 .· 1 \' 11111 ... a :'\1•t111·,· l'11blir In ar11I Itel Mut. 111 c·hargl' of 111 riu1g-e· I sta ll'. r •·rsona Y appcat •'< ~'111111'' (,.r tit•• "'"" t ""'"'" on.I ~tat•'. l Ja('ob H urwltt, known II• ni.· \" 1 1 1 1 ml'n 11' ht-the persun thtll <'Xl'<'Ul<-· I 1 tw 11''" 111• 1 ""' "1 ' '' '' •'lllllmii<- 21 ! HaUBken Motors, Inc .. Harbor area foreign car dealer, now is showing the new 1956 model MG·A, shown above, in their Harbor Blvd. showrooms. Jack Haus- ken pointed out the new model is very different in ----------~ UN D4Y DUE Newport, Mesa Groups Plan Rll.'H Atcll l'LATT \\'1thln ln111n1ment c•la1111111..: tu he:> "1'""'·1 t<llil ""' "' 1"''""11"11~' llf'• the llOh> owner of tht' ~1.,.1,11 ls-p1•111 ··d 1 'ttrl \\ 1'111•11111. known Mesan Named in S25,000 Injury Suit DEATH NOTICE MRS. FRA.SCll:S WRJTSOS Santa An&, Ocl. 10 (OCNS)- L.ast rite& for Mrs. F r&nces JO.t!t'- Dairyland Plans lo Ask County for City 'Services • Ceremonies Richan! Kenneth Pia\\. ~9. dil'd l 1 1 11 ' I'• n wh Oct. 16 11.t his re~l<lenrl', 2431 lanils Realty & ln\'•'!!lnwn\ c.1 11 ""' " ,.. 11 ' 1 "' ostt IN WITNESS \\'llf:HEOI-'. I hu\'e ORllJJ' 11< >llh" 1tb•11 t•> th<' w1\hln Fourth Ave He wa11 born tn .\It. 1ns1r111111 111. 11n1t u•·k111l\'l<' li.:<'d t o Pleaattnt. Mtr'h. !ind hart h\'NI In h<'reunto ~t'\ my turnil Kn<I ulriv.J 111.• \h11t lw <'X('( 11t1~l tlw 11am1'. Corona dttl Mar for i.ix yl'11rK Ht> my otrll'IUI lll'SI the rlay and yenr 1:'\ \\'JT:'l:f:~S \\ IH'l<F.UI". I have la sun'l\'ect by his wife. Y1olrt. ••f In lhlll i·ertificate Cirll\ 111>0"1' wril-J ""'''llHi• ,.,., nt\' han.t 11n.t a f- lhe home. F11n<>r1l arr nngemt>nt11 1~" nx .. .t 111v nffa•rnl 0 ,.,.,,1 th<' 1ltty an•t art' pending al Ball~ .\h1r111ary. • " P HIL RAS.TIA!\: ''"" 1n this ('• rtl'"t•'llll' tlrt1l SANTA ANA, fOCNSI -For ln1urles sllegedly received In a 11.ation wagon-car cra11h a t 5th and French Sts., Santa Ana, June 23. Harry D. Hamburg of Sant.a Ana today aought $2l'>.000-plua damage11 in a 111111 t iled In Su- pt>ri ()r Court. Hambur11: namt-d Ralph L. Hamby, htR fsther, Clyde L. Hamby of S ant.a Ana, Brure .J. Smith of Costa Mesa anti L. 0 . Coftlng. Santa Ana i-ar c1ealer. phlne Whlteon, 6~. 1623 N. Ro8e· SANTA ANA (OCNSI -The wood A ve., Santa Ana, wife of I Orange County League of Cities. ueputy Dist. Atty. Robert A. Thursday night. indicated It will Whitson. were held Wednesday watch with keeo Interest the afternoon In brown eolonial mor-new City of Dalryland'a contractl! tuary here. Entombment followed with the county for municipal al Melrose Abbey mau110le11m~ Rev. sc.-rvices. Gerald Bash of thP local Christian The new city. the county'11 Ch1uTh officiated. 16th. was vott>d Into existence Mrs. \'/hit.son wu a member I Tuesday by an overwht>lming ma- of the Chrh1tlan Church. S he died jorlty. It contaln11 about 3 .Rquare Oct. 9 in St. J oseph Hospital. mile11 and a round 1100 peraon11. It Survivlni:-are her hul!lland and 111 loca ted west of Buena Park son, Fr1rnk Manning of Lon& Mayor Crady Travil! ot Buena Beach. Park made it l.'lt>ar thf' League ---IA happy to have Dairyland join Local Drunk Cases Hamburg claims he wns a pa!l- 11engPr In a car driven by Smith Keep Police Busy the group. but Indicated Ute Lu- 11:11e wants to be aure Ute new rlly 111 able to cury It& financial load. a nd owned by Coffing. when it Newport Beach poll<'e W<'l'f tanrled with one operatec1 ~y I bu;;y Saturday night with lntoxl· Ralph H~mby and own<'d by h 5 ration cues. the followlni;c two fa~rr, C ydr. I boys compllcatlng lh<>lr cases by The plaintiff charges the de-being dnink in cars: fenda.nts were gullly of negll-Gene w. Wa.ggoner 11. 18. of gence. Costa Mesa w1111 f(>t1nd drunk In Harris at Alaska U ll car In front of Merle11 Drive ln; and David D. Peterson. 18, of St-al Bee.ch WIUI In a !l1milar Robert \\'. Harrl11 from Nr w-I t1te.te at the cornrr of Balboa port Be11ch is attt>ndlng fall ~e· Blvd · and l.!!land A ve. muter 11.t the U niversity of Al· a.~ka, Mra. Irene Gardner. regi11-Mason Daughter Born trar. annnunced torlaf . Harrl11 Is Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mason. 2~31 the son of Mrl!. M, K. Moore, Circle Drl\·e, are parents or a 2928 \\'. Ocl.'an Front. He Is a girl baby born Oct. l~ at Hoag freshman 1n l'tvil <'ngin<'ertng. Hospital. Property a1111rsamenl8 of D1lry- la11ct wlll be 11tudled by the leal(l.le. Dairyland propose~ to contra.ct with the l.'ounty for polite and fire protection much the same mannf'r a,, Lakewood did with Loll Angeles County. The League HlecW Laguna Beach Mayor Frank Wharton to repr1>aent it before the board of supt-rvi110ra. As..'IO<'lated Chamber• of r:ommercl' &nd other c1vtc bo· dies. The League went Into the county' a p r op o • e d $43.000.000 floort control program. with only Anaheim showing wholeheartl'd approval. Mayor Charles A. Pear- • Telephone11 have a new Jook these days. • {~ I , They have color. Color to blend with the interiors of your home. Color to match your furniture or you r drapes. Color to make them as decorative as they're use- ful in any room in your home. Color phones come in red, blue, green, yellow ... beige, brown, gray or ivory. Or in smart "two-tone" combinations of jet black with red. green, ivory or gray. Call your telephone business office about ex· tension phones in color for your borne. aor. aald his city wa11 behind It all the way. Buena Park ill on record with "conditional" approval. The huge flood bontl l11sue will bfl put be- fore county voters in the J une, 1956, primary. A local United :'\'a tiona annl- veraary com mittee hu been ap- Corona del Mar My C'o.mma111in11 ~:xp1r1•s .\ta r :1. Ml uhovt' wrltt .. n No. 621 pointed by Mayor Dora Hill t o 1 Thl're 11r!' Rn i>st1matt•d 10.000 plan effective Unltt><! Nntlon11 Jak~ll 111 W1t!<hln~tun stall\ HC'· Day cclebraUorui on Od. 24 Si-cordini: t o the :"1:11t1onal A11tom1<- mllar observance11 · are plllnned 1 bile Club. for Costa Mesa by Mayor Claire _ !'\ews·Pre1<s 10 111. Ii. 2~. 31, 1!1:,!\ :.1v ('•m11111••l•>11 1-:xp1rt'11 <'EKTlt'U'ATt: <W llt ':o.tst:~-. :!:!, I'•!'>!< t'1rtlllm.1" t 'lrm 1"•m•• I l\t1, 6:.!'.! :-.;,." ,..f'1 e ... • The 11ndl'1,.1i:n ... 1 '"" ;o h1•11•h\ r•111t 10 1~. ~t . :11 . 1 t i l!l!'I~. Local Men Plan 7-acre Tract Nelaon. I P-'"""'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rommlttee. announc:ed plans havr ~-• Milo G. Lacy. cha.lnnan of the ~ ~ &, been :onnulated whereby 11chool11. ........ ....,_,.,,.. • • churches and clv1c organl:tation11 U.lllfl s•..-s-i., .... ICOlo will commemorate the tenth &n-"..,. -· .lA8N -..,. .., nlveraary or the United Nation! SANTA ANA. (OCNS) -The during this wet>k of Oct. 16-24 county iplannlng commi11slon on with appropriate programs. Serv· OcL l1 approved a tentative sub-Ing on the <'Ommlttee with Lacy dlvi11ion map whll'h would put are Mesdames James Stewart 4 new dwelllngs on eeven unln-and Norman Wauion. corporated county 11cres. Local mem~rs or the Honor- San<'tlonPd wu the following: ary Commltter of the Or&nge Tract 2825-aeve.n acrt11 on the County Chapter C'ommemoratlng elU!t aide of Newport Ave. 320 Un1te1I Nations Week are Dr. tttt aouth of La Colina Dr .. north Bull P eterll()n and Mayor Dora Twltln, divided Into 24 lot11 by Hill. Henry Cates and J ohn LytUe. Mayor Hill appointed I.Acy to Newport Beach. th• United Nallona Tenth Anni· .. -~~ · ... ····-.. ~ .. • rices ln·at 00* • ~· cyfi~ b•11l,..u 1doo•. "'9o-tl-.f lo<ol dfiliv•'" p•ic•, L•Gef'M, ••• of'Cf locof ffu•• ••.ho .. ..._. NEXT YEAR'S FORDS ARE HERE TODAY! Loads of thrm -hecnu~t Ford u lir-t in prn.!11• ll<•n of the pace·srtting JC).16 motl .. t.. l..ond' of m•11l1•I, 111, hrn·~" from -~cau~I' Ford't1 a~•Pmlily plant ltrrr '' running at the highe•I rapadly "''"r. And 1hat. ,,f Mur~!', mran• the highl'~l t rn1lr·in~ C\l'r i:ivcn lu nr·w cnr buyert ! SO· WHY BE A YEAR BEHIND? Right now your Ford Dcal,.r i\ Vt•lumt' d,.aJ111i:. \\ liy nrit sll'(l inlo nr:.I y<'ar's Fo11l 1nc.lay. Tr•t 1lriH thl' 'ruklinii nP.W 19;)(, r nrrl w11h nr1e Lirl'J!Uard Dr••J!ll · .. nrw ThunJahinl Hy ling ... and net{ 202 h.p. ) ·fl rnitine. rou1/ 6e a rear)tt/Jeac// THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 • 3100 West Coast Highway Newport leach Phone Liberty 8-3471 I ' oa Martaer'1 MUe 'I (