HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-19 - Newport Harbor News Press:v.-..s-N_.._u Rug & Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Cleaned In Ycu Home SHALITAS Persian 1-. Clea11lng Wortls IN DICK HACKER'S 3420 Via Udo HA. 4328 F. R. HERMAN, M. D. Announces Hi1 Return from the Armed Fore ea • to Resume the Practice • of Medicine -, 120 Tustin Ave., Newport Beach Phone · Liberty. 8-7282 From the ltart, make your wedding an occa· alon of long remembered good tute and dJa.. tmction. Invitationa 11et the tone of formal perfection. Conwlt WI on any problem you may have. Quality .Printing at ( Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 lalboa llvcl. H•. 1616 THI PINDT ••• YIT LOWm PllCID Early A.merteaa NEWS-PRESS Publication Days . • MAPLE FURNITURE • • • • tul'JW~.,.. Opell ,,. .. ..,. .. t . MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY IOc•M1a1 .. Dehere4 1114Pfkm1 MINKS ........... Fully let out skins ... MINK STOLU I'' I Ht I lopaJ. Puttl IMftr·Blut a. .. o.. °""' .. 11111'tiM .,,_ ..... -'475 lpmlaadMUlbit '129• '291 ,,_ . .,, I ~ -.: ltf. -'595 Rtt . ft '''' STIE 1i09J STll.E ,.,,.., el cetwM -10% Dew .. Up te • fvfl Y"' te pey SAVINGS UP TO $-400 ON OUl PREMIUM QUALITY MINX •795 SAITA All FUR ~~MPAIY 308 NORTH BROADWAY IANI'A ANA KJ J.odjl • • Clrculallo• 21,000 DI kfl ••I .. "" ............... ...... ....... 0.-.......... OOllta .... i...-. ..... i..c-a ............. Lay-a-wily ; ilow • • • • ~- Select yow 9ifu now white .+oclr1 ere .. complete end fresh. A smell cfepo1it wlll hold eny erticle 'til Dec. I Ith "N FABRICS (AwMl1fonrant to Jfl//U ,._.. Wool f.alta Water repel)enta Halloween Materiala CUttinr table 177t·A Newport Ave. CoataMeta * ,,, 0LIDO 1441 VIII U. ... • ., 2t54 w,·11 Help You Write Ads That GET RESULTS High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 NEW5-PRISS llUG ancl lllllllAllTS This ....... It n11111ery fot ..a to .....,. out $$$$$ no-.. nct. of doLr'I $$$$$ ..... of tMreh.ftdi .. et • NCrif'tce. Thfl stock fftUlt be PnOved before No- vemMr I.+. Every fteM itt tM store N4f11••1U 'Awow ltU4J1 from S 1.00 &eh Remnents at RWi•i6oe• Pnc .. Some ROOM -RU91 lfoedtoom W ... t~Wal (Mw in 1tocl) Reducect Al Hool"• ..... lr.W..,. 20~. eff"' this sale. .............. tUJlfll ._.._ ... w~DIC& 11.&C&D .. ... ...,._ ...... .., ... ...... .. ........... Wll1'f m;. OAtJR M'mnm QUS. rtW BA VS 'IOU> w ..... Our service Includes not only well- to-wall carpets but beaUtiful cus- tom draperies, the style and treat- ment desired, -YES end at PRICES THAT ARE MORE THAN FAIR FOR THE QUALITY OF MATERIAL end WQRKMANSHIP. ~ Please let us estimate the up- holstering of yo"' worn-out sofa and chair too, -YOU'LL BE A~AZED AT OUR PRICES. Terms 11 low •• ft04Nnt clown end three 1yeen to pay. YES, we Wl11 .Je• yow Mrpet on the floor or In the P11 dnn Rug CleenlncJ Pl .... DRAPERIES Dirk Mark Pr ROOR COYBUN&S * 0.. ..... u. •••• '1-----------------------------· Fancy Local Colcncl Frying CHICKEI WINGS 39~ c .. . .. • ' OUR "OUEEIS"'~:i~"FHID All-American Deals You A STRAIG.HT ·sAVl:N GI t ........ COf f E Al ., ··--'J.lh ~·"•••r• TOMATO SOUP Tai Can WAH " . ~ • ' • E-HIGH VALUES COST LESS · JICI! : - ~®?:-::=: NHF··"a~g·g·a· A1~ M1 ... 5 Delicatessen --------, s Golcl Medal Slflecl FLOUR 1-1111.. 45c IADY BUN DBJCIOUS IOW CAl.OltE, ~.OAL CTN. • 6 No. i c. ICE MILK .,,... SS d ...... =. ...,. ....... 111 = ~.! ~ -:.. '=. , ........ AIAm11h1R'a - -,_... -.. 1t • c111s1 01 Scha 11 ................ ,.. ----.......... , .. ,ar '-' • car..11 ... A1111f llwl ~ .J; : : ·, '' · : IOLOGIA. r;-:---..~ ....... ~ :.SALAii . ... ,,....,...,.. .• s latla'1C...d .. , I I I PICllCS l .,., • ._LMll .. eom· I I msm e I ,..Ma.. - ... Mr. I _._ WAllll I 4'4-1.11 I I 791 I I I L----------J OllGON CIUMY atlESI !~~! '~c,_11ER ~ 49~ ; • e>iz,.,_ I TILLAMOOK •:M 55~· YEAll -. c ALIX ~EEf I e TAMALES I IA TH SLICED 6-0z. ,_ 1 IOLOGNA. 11·c • I SOUSE, or ~~ I I PICICLl-PIM. I HOUY GUNULATID UM.I. SACK ' llTTY CIOCKEI 40-0%. PKG. Cllt IA cane LW 11'- •.w UOUORS CiiER ~*9 57c VARIETY BAA.GNNS ,,_ &JXiiii._l•-M&. rrom lllC9'T .... , AIUMBIW•-""1 QM. ,29 : BOWLS RUBY PORT • Reg. 49c lacll! f--1-• ~~-J-.::!C~i==-=IM=-===flf1H P;..;;.;A~Gl;.=-=E=---1 1_11 ~: For s .___ ______ iiiE"""w11E 1125 : WHU SUPPLY~ 9DOWNIY ca ,. ' H•. IOIM __,._ ... 24tA&10MP&-. 9 NIWPORT llACH J.-COAIT lllUWAY AT TVITIN OPIN t:ll AJllT. TO tlOO P.M. DAILY . e UIDlll •OYI e CORONA DIL MAR e SAN CLIMINTI -..._ ..._ .... , ....... , ..., COAIT 11 .. IWAY AT MRll• -& CAP•IO 1U1. .... , ... A.II. 1'0 ,... ..... .., ... AM. -, ... ,.._ t A&,. t NL. ..... ,.,.., ... PA&E 4 COASTAl SHOPPEl ,. WEDNESDAY, OCTOIER 19, 1955 LIDO sHoPs CLAlllPllD .DlllCTORY ~OIB-• 11• II PIUU -Dlaa.r -..,.._ UDO~ MM Via I.Me -...._ "" AtJTOllomLS DIUIZ I !f .. &Dd ... 0... NlcmJS fii/2 ·-................ MUJf ........... --at BAND ._._, • 1 Raio& MUVlaUle-_.__ BAUDIBON LIDO amAVIJfO lnJe ......... -.. .. _ ... Vial.Me-....... BUIJ'l'Y P&al.OU LIDO ULOK or R&1JT'I "11 ........ -llu ... ,. .,.,.. 900& CAR ••Viau..-..... '* «J•m•• a..,, ... VIJfCSlft LIDO DatJCl9 MltftaU..--...- ()ASPE'l'9 a ~ .,.. .. ams ............ _.__ ()ATlaDJO lllCW• .... UDO ••am ............ _.....,._ ('othhc-<Wiw a ..,.. llCIU'9 or LIDO .._ x_,,... ..._ CLOl'lllNO -...... lletal 8IDW'SLl/9 8110P roll Mmf ... Viau..-......... CLOIBING-W-'• 11eW LA llSIJlf'& . ........ h ............ 1. LIDO •.AJllllOlfa ............ _ ....... ..,. m.uJIDOQl'8 MU Via U.. -...,._ ll'tT YAGAWOJlfD 90'7U =~ .... DllVO SftJSD YDfm:llf'l"9 LIDO ..0.. MAVlaUle-...__ EUJCnlO OOJlf'D.AOlOm LIDO l:l.llOllUO ..,..,......., _ _._ ... n.owr.a l'l(lW• ..... 1.-o ...... ~~~ FOUNTAIN, Qlllll. VIJlfe&Jft"S LIDO _,.. MllVlaU..----- RAMDa~ FVum.Ja DtCa llAmD "'" ,, .. "* -...,._am GDT 8llOP ~ UDO Mt"Kft Mll\'laUle-.... _ IN8UUNCZ .&OD'IS w. o. aom. DfC. .... Via ...... -......... INTEIUOll DECO~ llLAJ!ICllS nn•neo• A.IA .... Via ...... _...__ DK.a llACKD NM\'laUle-.....__ 001' Clll:IGlrl'ON A. L D. :r,c .:.., ..... _ ....._.., llAJl&ED alc:9A&D"8 LIDO llAJUl:&T MllVlaU..-....__ PllOTOO&APll STUDIOS OEMA&DT aTUDI08 Nit \"le Ule -........, .... llEAL 1:81'.&n UDO llEALTT A.IJ80C1A Ta Udo ...... • R«ll 1.AJ.t ..... , ......... _........,....,. P. A. P Al.JIU CfO. uunaN.-......_, ... \'OOEL COKPA.NT NII ns r..u. -llan.t tl'TI MY A."'O> a&ACll ai;.u.n I Vie r..u. ......... ome.. I II II l.aF.,..tte -~ 114& IA VINOS a LOAN &MOCIADON8 ~ aAUK>A 8A \"(NOS A LO.uf 4MOCIA 'nO'l'f A 8&¥1~• INIUt.Uon '-a Twm llOIM LoaN ....-,· .. u..-~u .. lr.&VICE ST&'DONS UDO UCIU'1l1.D MU 1'_,.... ...,__, 6PT lllOD---·· MDW cu. '9 9TOll& roa _,. MftVlaU..----.... aBOD.WOllEN •ut.ra ('Jr (lAl..DWlftA Mll\lel ... IU_. ron UDOW~ .............. _....__ urw.a• *8 Dial • .,,... ............ ____ _ WAl'<ll ... &la til«WWWI 6 W&~ _.._ UDOD9CG9 ... .... ...... WINDOW OOtW ~ .a&m..,.. ,,... ........ -·- STOCK UP AllD SAYE! ""9'ASPI Qli~-4issoMnc. fat· wcdl._ 5-frlin tMlltts. No finer nplrln mldt . 8ott1ts of 100 1£8. 54c Soothinc body nit>, ""'111t· Quick rtlitf for '°''· ldllnr musclu dut to Mr-tttrtiOft. Jpq.. "' J for 44t Mb contlctl4 pnMll ........ "*full ~. REG. 71t PINT llf UWIMO llMI C--. _..,.... ,., c.sr.u ...,., ...... UICMI. ~ ..... 2for Nt 1.M rwn• l .. 11111 1m-.iT, Wlllt• lk ,... ftr """" ..,..., .... Jhw Ut Zfef llf J,.., ,,, 2 for IJI ,..,.., MIOICAUY APNOYID· l'ml KLENZO I TOOTHBRUSHES ovll, 2efOW pref .. or tine tmun, Ill.,.. s1YltS. REG. 39c llf Cll.MP'S AINI• TAIUTS. Rlull. tllwottd, I ,r .. 50's JM llT WlTU IOTTlL YIClON. sttftdlrd I.It .-r •TD N TlU , flC'flllA. ...,_ IM FMTUI mtML. YICTlllA. standltd ... _ .. , .. n111111, flCTllM Ctlocu your fMritt frl(JlftCI of I dtli&htful lftw-Mtti rtfmhtf! REC. 1.58 EACH Jfor •1 ZforUI I * I.JI Jfor U1 ...... :::'l.::''' ........ .... .... CllNl,?Wlllk Jtaea MW PtaaUc ADHESIVE TAPE Jeall MILK of MAGNESIA~ l'e•ll PANOVITE ID •lllMJ I 112 CHRISTMAS CARDS jtHa! AEROSOL "llADY SHA VI'' Jmll ANTIHISTAMINE TAl!EJS' -'IE' ,., B 111· .... Uc • aonu °' 2J 1. ,... ... ,, .... ......... ...... ....... Qlfttt. ~--lilf !,.,.. 1£l 2k [llicltM ~ -lllNi.utM.I...._ ..,.,.«ldltJ " .,... tell ••• , ... ,.,.,, COl'StiPttioll. BIG BONUS BUYS • • • • • • ' '. • • • .. • • • :. ~ 4 J.tl VA&.Um IAIY DOU , ............. CflH. ~3.77 2.tS VALUll PLUSH CUDDLE IUI l ...... n.· . ..--fl111'1 •1•--. ::.. 1.67 SAVI 1.IOI llect,.x ti-- HEATIK PAD CHRISTMAS mE :.:r~~-~~-1111 ... 111 t'r .......... 1 ... • ';~ .. 1.69 n-.. IWlllMl ,..,, .................. ~ ...... .... . ..... .... ..... .. ""''' ... .. ........ -77, Ri9ht Reserved to JmlJJH7 TOOTH PASTI 3: .. atc WHITt lffiERS & NOTES ~=:;:::::i\ ., .... - Jiiii P\AITIC QUIK· IANDS Witt'"""· --. 91c ............. "---- ....... ....,._.,"" ~ .. '-'" fftwfttt ' .. .. ,,..... ""°"" .,.. ... ~ .. •1c - ...,, .... ,....., . ... ,.... ... . .. ......... " ............... 111Cltlld1nc lodlM Mil lrOll. 1DD'• REC.4.15 ....... ...... IOX ••••• •UNO-Ila..'-z•., • , 11UU CU Ylllm. lpecill, JO'a J fer • ltf IOIWU ~ lftlP, 4 .. ''".., '" UNll CllM .... 1 ,., '" "' llJ.UlV. ftt ..... I"' ._Me ,, . .., At llWU ncTIK W ..... I -. Zfor 144 J for tit .., ....-1 ftAlt Tlllm. 100'• .f.ZSO'I ,,., "' IM ~ •·11. M lple Y-ltlMitl Ttsk,""' ,,.,,. 1 Al llWU Cll lMI 11'.. plllt Zfor tJI dt IDMl ..,.._.. PCIUM. lilecllcklll. l % • ""' JfOt ., ,,, IOAll wnai um. ... ,,. "' lit IO#.llftOC ...... ltL Jfw"' Mt mll M lll• I ti. Jfef"' 21t C.IST11lS IUlll llf1 WUI NIB. ~ "'1tflll 2 ... , 1k CMIST1MS ... U"" ..... ..... c••Tll ,,., . , .. ClltlT1llS .......... t ... J ,., 11• 1'1ClllllTMASIUL111 l U. lSSf. U w 11' Mt c.tSlllAS Al-M WUP, Ill-dJltd '9\!Pt J ttr lie tof lm\I ,.._ .eTU. 12 Ntttt. tedt dl6tllt 2"'''' 21t nm L .. uam ' tlMlONS J tor Zit It LUI PUICU. fllo. 2 llltdi"" Jfor If I JI lllUCTMU UU HM. S.1111 r1t1>sll Zlod M •t1 "All-tMllE" Hll rt• IUllL "'' ""'' 11111 Pf"' J for llt , ~­.., ftt cel(, ~ dlM 1'11fwtt, IU. •• 11& Ill llUU ..,_~I ot , .. WJlll •911Y PWlllllUl llAll 111111. ..,. llt IWlfTI PUmC CMS, IUOrtM ,...., st:1'es ,., ..,... --CMS. roo11"1G!f %11 ----~ All""'"'· a.Mr, ltttttll lk IDALl aa.11. ~ N. 9t IDMl AilTlllPT1C Mii TMIC, S 01 7k ....... .-JUB. P'wfllllld. 20 ,o.t• • tA..-....... !llalll. J~ ti. Jtor Ill J ltf UI J for tit Jftr. 2 ltr ,., 2 fOf "' tier 1't 2 for 71t 1 ,., "' lit 111111 YlllW,.... ""· J lfldl 2 for llt , ...... ,.u ...... ...,., ~ Cllolct ff 5'lldts 1 lot UI , ............ ~ u.11 .. 2 foe U1 1 JI ...,.. ~. nor11. t.ot<. Woodtf,. OL 2 ftft.11 , ......... llW• lMllM cw. • N. 21.u1 I~ --tnMIMf ltTlll. rlntic s.-n httlt, 2 •· t tor Ut 1 M lllSCAl "S ... Lil .... J5 OL :r tw U1 ,_. MIU.11.n. lol of • ~ Clloillt of Stoleit 'IN. •ote Gtr "'""" .. OrJ S-111 -2for uo ~I IOAll STllll MIU. I or. ~t J tor ., far C•"s ...... ,. lltf~aill!I ....... ..... .. .., flWt. ZS 111is. 1Sa IU.41t IU1'f .... POUND PArER .or ENVELOPES ,.,... ... lllltfl llfttsll. ==--....... ... • • ""'SKIN ANTISEPTIC FACIAL TISSUES =·~:=~: 2 for 39c ~ =~·l!!.':"~~ 11~1:::.=11" , .... - !:'--· 2 ':.1.51 ~-=-.:..... 2=1.76 3461 Via Udo, Newport leach Prices Subf •ct to F•Cl.NI Tex Where Applicable • LIDO DRUGS Limit Ouantitiea HARBOR DRUGS 3J01 E. Co.+ Hwy.. Corona clel Ms ' NOW YOUI NIWs.PRISS IS PUILllHID~ 3 ,..... . ···- Monday Wednesday Friday °'*• a•rOH CAD ~1 ........ . ...... .., ..... .., ~?..~~~~ 009TA llaA ., .. _..,.,. ..... OOIWl-iA Dia. llil .. o..&tlWJ. ACO&D'9 L&GClfA 8Am .... ~ a.u.804 laL.UfD .............. RWl'Un AAm .. 0.... 11w7. BE SURE -INSURE ..... llA1'am ftA!fln .... " Olll:r ..... -... .. ,. Ill.I &. c:-.. _..,.., a.-... 11'.ir - 1st M1rt111e l111s OM MOMa. •u•n•l99 -· IMOU9"1AL ... o .. c•T11• ... ..,_,...... __ ....,°""' ( ......... -~,_C.-•C..0 ... --............ MU9t••-· TllUllT OU .. eCMMfn' MO --.0 Ill. I. Ill T NOttnlA811: a•N1tlMe ..... - ltOtN.IUIH SfltfT • SNfTA~CAU'· ltllllllllY Ulll c.. ••• , .... Lee,.,....., ... ,,_._, ..... YM\. (hk.eee .. ~ . .. -'-.. • ~ • I .....,. •• I t ......... ,. ITAF,!!l!j»ocf ION ELl:ONIOAJ. OO!ft'IUOIVU .... LDlerQ' ..... u• ., .... A.-• ..,.. ..... To 1ntroduee tM new WINl'll:LD, OU.AJUJft'lll:O OVENPROOF CHINA, we wlJl lift AISOLUTELY Fiii ONE (1, 52 p.c. Mt of STAINLES8 ITEEL fl&~ wan to tM tlnt 100 bu)W'I of a •rvict for li&'ht (8) Dwiq October, NOTember, December ODJJ. TERMS u low M '2.7& per week. IN ADDmON, ult about our CLUB PLAN u4 bow you may earn at.rt. piece. for llALl'·PRICE. INSPIRAnON CHINA CO. 3034 I. C1•1t.Hl .. wcr1 C•••• .. W. .......... 6274 NOW WI-All PIOUD to ANNOUNCE that Weather -Bird Shoes ARE AVAILABLE EXPERRY RT .. A W.. Y.tety of ..,... The anan.t new aboee afoot .•. dnlr MW ..,.,.tSou at tbe IDoft ecaeomical priee Wasemlller• s W•"r 'W .... o.a ... 1n41 Hali• •t1. -llis wlU STOP-You Sp1cW Pw c••• ••11 .... p111•h BRAKE REUtl 117" P01D -CHIVIOLIT AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUAIANTllD TOP 9UALITY UNING FID 1000 MIU CHICK· UP Courtney & Lester 1196 ,.._,_.. llM. C!Mtc Mwl U 1-11'7 ~--------------. COASTAL: SHOPPO ,A.. I Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL •nd HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMamCIAL SICUlll'Y PA110L Kl 2·7fm LA TEST HAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllD SHOP &.u.MA TllEAftS llLDO. BA.LllOA o,.~ .... ..__ L8.lllpS and Shades F• • ,.,._. flt ..... .. ,.., ...... Tlte WIP •All .... MOWnNO Enchanted Cottage .... a. ..... .__ A.aa ..... a .a.11N High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 l8. -S POUND IAG ... » ..,,.,.......,.. ... 0 ••• , .. .....,,. ... I ;1111 ul _ .......... ,.. .. ..e;a WEDNESDAY, OCTOIEA If, ltll KA TIE'S CORNER Balboa Island • Short Orders (Burgers & Chili); • Home-made Pies & Cakes •· Home-made Breed & Do-Nuts • Dinner { 6-9 p. m.) e Breakfast Al• Carte Food To Go e Call Harbor 5715 ()pea t L m. • 11 I>' .. 4alq -aOMd We4. Park A•e. a Apte (Ferry St.) 4:t ...... Mldll t..w.d wtllte« ~ •111•-111 1 :.z .:w. .. 6 ,,. CRISCO 111 .. 69' :::: 63'1 ....., 76• ,... UIOliL•ll ~-...,~ -J.a.• ~~~='(BISQUICK-:35' 7i33'l -= 18c: '= 26c Fresh Every Day ! t ....... ":i.: ~ • ........... 7.. HEINZ KETCllJP mra an ,_ llm IOASI • 010PS .... 591 PAUDE DEIEIGDIT ..... ......,., .................... -...... ...,., '~30c LARGE EGGS ~~~ ... 6:t PINEAPPLE JUICE .::.~-~19' ,.._,...., 2'-r1k CWy the~..-. plrupplu ere 11..d. TOMATOES ··==-~ 2':15c MAYONNAISE.:=:~~ U9' ftOll8 9017IUI ...., ........ .... (........, ... ~, .............. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa --- 1 lrxw1s1 eoJtA( SHOPPER r WEDNESDAY, OCTOIB 19, 1955 CAL C'S WIN ON TD MISFIRES BY TARS For Camplete MARINE NEWS MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE SECTION 111 the Frlclar Edition NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS PRESS INli - Save Tl•• and Mwy . Nothing Down-36 Mo. to Pay ,. .......... 5 ft. 1.40 ' ft. -1.55 HallCl-Spllt Grapes take 5 ft -1.40 '.ft. -1.55 ...... .,. ...... 5 ft. -tic ' ft. -$1.19 Spltt-Ral 75c ~. AT NO OBLIGATION TO YOU c.11 • for "........_ or 11..-u. 7our --te ..ct -trW ........... --, .......... ,.... •• " .. '41 ..,,.. a ~-.._ f'MwoM r-. Local DeliYery fnef CHAMBERLAIN & SON Ucensed Contracton 188 E. l"Jtb St. u 8.aol RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SKA.LL U0 lltll 8t.. N...,.... ..._. Barbor WS PARKES· llDUY MORTUAIY COURTIEY & LESTER 1196 ....., ....... C•a .._ Ul-11'7 ........ .., wi.. Part)' ae.ta1 Item. J40J •. Cout H11 .• l 'o-ul II• 11.aJ'bor 5071 NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily Ft'Olll the Sea to Y • 25~ ,0.nd -Cleaned Free Sold Only the Day CaucJht NEVER HELD OVER I I • I I I I • tit ... foot of the Newport Pier WFU GUDlY HCU YOUI PUIOWI JOI CltllmW DBMIY ••••••••••• 1.:-•.~·--: -............................ . ........ ,.,.,....., ..... . . ... ,._...... I 8~ s~·.,__. I :--...... -. I • I I I ·---------------------------------1 •. IY._ ................. .: .OOASTAL SHOPPER Edlttoe of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1955 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ , ........ , WITH SAWE Oetober 19, 1966 Newpon Barbor ............. tier Pia ... WOolltel .& _. ......... ~ ......... , ,_ ....... , tlae woolma. Tboee of JOG wbo have pmebMecl a flM ·---....... tbe put few moatlle have PIOllUb .._ ... of Woollle et.di· ed npt ..... lllde t la e sw•ten . . . 'PleMe llDI. ••-t yoa pt • NIM Woolffe. tlO we_. ~f.;: ...ten ........ ... brtsbt." ......... .. •• nter strt. to ear Biil IA.,.. • • . Wiiie wUW • • • eo ..,.· we ..,. have • Woellte ••• And your old pl Sal put Woollte t.hroqh a rugpd teat before •he whiapered aweet somethinp in your ear! You ought to 19ee the n~wa­ papera 1pread out all over the floor with wet sweateni on 'em! "Revive. colon" "Mak• whitea whiter'' it •YI on the package . • • One guinea pig wu a two year old white Job • • • tired and weary from many wuhinp. r re ye d around the edges, with a stubborn apot on the front that even the cleaner couldn't get out . . . Actually I took it out of the Thrift Club box • . . Sure it came out ot the Woolite 1udl with a clean face and a whole new leaae on life! Sure the atubborn •pot came out! Every sweater I wuhed looked like it had a new coat of paint ... And fluffy! And a o f t ! "No ahrinking, no blocking no ~ matting." How can Woolite and in cold water, mind you, have 1uch 1Weater- ouferou1 result., yet be eo kind and fentle? That'• the Woolite o it! 8ta-Puf a. ecramlag loud '1a new•py«ir, ndlo ud We'illloa aat.ty for public attention ••• St.Put • aot a 90ap. detersmt or wat.er aoftene.r . . • 8ta-P1lf • a rime to be u.ed after 7-. elothe. have IOIMI tla'"C)l tb.ar flllal rlMe ..a.. to -au, them aof\ Md fbdlr • • • Ollly ball a mp fall lia Dfl4!df!!CI ••• Sta.-Put u,._ up to ltA lilopa . • • "New MJncle Rla11e'' • • • Wbell you OJ*l the door of YOUJ' wuh.r, you'D nrst aodee that your clothe9 amelJ cllf • fe1"1t . • . Nest roa wW • O.d them to feel dlffere•t evf'a whee w-et . • • Tbe1 wto be aof&. aot •tiff • . . Bathtowea. evea wbea wet.. have the aae_ studlq oat oa them ..• Tbl9, yoa laave ~to ... t;:.:n.·: CIOlne off Ute be wttll fnr- er wriaklee. Sta-hf Ulo help1 ellmleete •Uc la .Alb aad ayloM. Before we clean the ru~ and upholstered piecu, let• tAke in the f?M concert o! the Orange County Philharmordc •.. Of courae the one and only Frieda Belin.fante will be condflcting ... Santa Ana High School AudJtorium. Oc- t ober 22. 8 :30 p. m .... That'• thia coming Saturday ... Al9C> or intereat to the muaica.lly in· d ined ia the Philhannonic Worbbop at Orange Cout College each Tueeday . . . OCC hu kindly donated the apace ao Frieda and would be muaiciana or thoee who put their inatrwnenta in moth balt. yun a.go can set to- gether and ha.• a Jam ... aion in a cta..ical mood . • . Money! What'• that! lu.t t_ornt and play •.. Olatlaenpl~ um u.e ... o.. • •· rlfte Joi> of onnll elnehg, but to-~ ......,. ... quick epotter- apper ... Fut bee naee '°" '*' • moW rq Md apply OD 9pota ••• Slnlpey dulp ........ tba MAW-,..._ -: .. IAa-OSll-.... ~ abeorpdoa ... ,_ w • ..,. •.. Doelm-t .... over t1*tJ ................... , ....... tlla&~ .... , .. ,.. ...... n. ..... ., ........... ""' ....... Ive~~ tllet rehuee p• •4 an· ... Com1q Tueeday, Mot&& be:r 1 u.a IOll.Unuinf f(W fOllR couecuttve Tueeda)'I ... Or&ng'e Coast Collece Cook. inc School. aponaored by all of the Lido S~opa at the en- trance to Udo IeJe. the SouU.· ern Countl• Gu Company ud u.. Udo n..w. United Nations Day-Monday, Oct. 24 Excerpta from a proclamatloe by the Preeldeat of tbe UDlted Stat.. on thl9 Teatb Aaalvenary of the Ull.ltecl NaUoas. . . . . Whereaa the United State. of America wu one of the nation• instrumental in •tabliah· ing the United Nationa bl an effort to aave 1uceediftg generationa from the ICOW"ge of war; .... Now, Therefore, I Dwight D. Eiaenhower, Preeident of the United Statca of America, do hereby urge the citizen• of tbia Nation to obeerve Monday, October 2-t, 19M, u United ~ationa Day by meana of community pro- gTOma that will demonstrate their faith in, and 1upport of, the United Nationa and that will create a better public understanding of ita problema and of ita aima and acbievementa. · 1 vwt the Oraage Cotlllty Amerba Aaeodatloa for the UDlted N.UO.. table this weekend In ov lobby. Ollly whem every Oo.ewt otflcW; Ovic, Bellgtoaa aad Edueatioml leadel'; and the cltU.eu of every eoantry work together In a cooperative .,utt for the bemeftt of all manldnd wW then be._. Prognllll towarda Peue. LM U. N. Day .,, OM of Declbdon. towards th.II go.I, Md Jet there be a ._. Propw towant. Peue. · CHOICI 9UALITY MEATS u. 8. Oltolee Boa ... ROUND STEAK lb. 89c U. 8. Cbeice-T-a-e, Olab or 1.09 P'TIRHOUll STEAK lb. IUebard'• lle9t Qmllty 79c GROUND ROUND lb. 0Marlla1er 59c LINll IAUIAGE 1-lb. O....llayer I-lb. 59c SLICID BACON IXTIA·FllSH PltODUCI .....,.. lht-How, c.nettaw ~ MUSHllO OMS ·-·~ 19· Ell:-.....,, .... N..._ APPLES 3i-...25c FANCY YAMS 3 lbt. 25c IYllYDAY ST APL.IS IJuia'old Pve AA nUHBUUER lb. 59c FRISHIGGS doa. 53c B ..... Y--c lb. C&D 79c FRllH COFFIE MA YOllllAISI qt. 49c CLING PIACHIS No. zJ caa 21c F'OREICIN P'LAVOllt8 a.at.u Tla7 8llOllED 43' OYSTERS ..... _. ..... .1~ - Kade ID Eac~ JAMS a 49' JEWES -····-·-.... • ... Jar Serve with e..-•- CalNla 91' GUAVA PASTE uos. F..-DemDark 1 l t MARZIPAN ____ .... 1 ni. Norweg1aa T.P.C. 49• FISH IALLS ...... I& OL f'RE8H aAKl:D THUJ&8DAY Onqe 1-9 or CHOO. 6127' DONUTS ............. .. F&IDAY l°Laiaiii.Yr.E ~ .. 54' J 8ATURDAY F311dv.l . 17' SPICI CAKE ···-.. ··--" <lotf• 0-W..U- CDfNAllOl'f 1122' ROLLS -·--~-- .. ANT"Y • fllECIALil ............... .., CHUNK TUNA ~ ua UJ . __.. .... aos..u.•129•· TOM. SAUCE .... '1 ·~·.,.,.....· 22• TOM. JUICE .. oa. r- e.re.I-ti OL Ile 2129' WHEATIES I OL •..• BAbra MllAXF AST 29' COCOA'"' N ··-·-.,__ ..._ 25' CAKE MIXES,q ........ . .._,., llllw he TAST·I: 35• DRISSlttC. , -· ,..,.. ... a..na ..... oaa&1:9 3123' JIUO ,.. ____ .... ........ h t 8IUPPY ., .. , DOG FOOD 11 ... r llil ,_ ........ Ana 21"' TOWELS1ae-• .. °" '-.,_. WAUD 2135• PAPER ... -..._ 'Je Ott...,_ 59• TIDE DEftll.OENT ..... t . P'AE8H f'"OZl:N Btr.JMJ'• nnrtNo 1 ot CHICKENS . 1111 OL l!lmokey '"'• ~ Beef 49' SANDWICH . . ~"" (,..,_ a lllackweU CLAM 27' CHOWDER 11-. l.AbJ'• A8PAJLUil18 M# SPEARS It_ .. UMtJ"11 ORA.~OP: 2129' JUICE .... -.. 10-. --~ _.., 1PW••A ~ OO'l'Ollla .. a _. .. ..a i United Netions luildin9 New Yori City PA&I I COASTAL SHOPPER Science lecture WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1955 Slated Od. 24 Mesan Named In $25,000 Injury Suit rlllr. for llmOlll the 100 -~ta were ber h~band aad -Dtclc. ''Chrtstlan Scltnc• and UI Dtck placed 1ourlh and MAio Ille· Torcb of 8plr1tl&al Under•ta.ml Kenney, head mecf'lanlc at C.r· In,-" will b4! the 11.1bject of • ver Cr11ft. wu fifth after a bad le<-lure Lo ~ rad1ocaal over St.a· ..... t lion KFWB 1980 kcl Monday WinnlnK time waa rn mph <>Vt'nlng. Ot·t. 24. nt 8 o'clock, • --I from Thll ly • second Church ot TriL.-Dunks Wht ' Chru1t. sc1enta~1. Lo• Angelea. UW The lecturer, Muy C. Hollo- way, C S . of Shrevtport. La .. I• 111twn1bc>r or The Clu i1tl11n Sci-For F\Jlkrton's vors•t,¥ wa tu pr110 F ULLER T 0 N. 1 OC:NS l IANTA. ANA. 10CNS1 IJIJurt• all•1e<4'>' rec cl vN.I 1n a at.atloft w•ron-car crallh et Mn and J'rench 8ls .. Santa Ana. June 21, Harry 0 . H11mburg or Santa A.na Monday 1o~hl 13&.000·plua dam.... In a .,,it tllrd In Su· perior Court, aqu1t1I dunk"d A"1the1m High 27· 11 In firxt Rame of the ntwly- formctl Sunl!et Watt'r Polo Lea· gue Wednesday. lnd1en B'e won 21-a and c·11 38·2. Runburg naml'll Rolph L. Hamby, hl11 fat11,..r, C'lyd•• L. Hamby of Santa Ana. Brure J. Smith of Costa Me111 anti L. D Ootttq, Sant• Ana car dealer Hamburc cla1ma he wu a pu· ~r In a car drivt'n by Smith and . owned by Cofhng. when It I t¥aled with nne opnated by Ralph Hamby am1 ownt'd by his father, 'Clydl'. The plaintiff rhargu ~'the de· feoduta were CUllty of n!'gh· 1.ae. I Mesa Woman Is Flnt to Finish Mn. Richard ( Mar.:el Mc Ken· D•Y of Coet& Meu. n!cently be· came the flrtt v10m•n n er to ftaJM U\e 1111 mile Colorado RI· ftr Marathon In her Evinrude· powered C-E.tta. She ia office .. ..,..,.., at Carver Craft. mhill NOW SHOWING "TRIAL" -PLl'8 - Derothy McGulni "WYOMIN& RENEGADES" Wltll l'llJI Can1 •• TflC'ludclelor ni. race became a fam11:_ a~ !..~~~-'!!~~~~~~~ .S.•fr ,,.., ........ , ... ................ .... ._I .. M. PHENIX CITY •TDllV -~.....,.."· ···-......... Ill --... -·····- STAITS NDT WEDNESDAY MESA THEA TIE <::! Choice Well Made When You Choou . . . . . . enc" Bo11nJ of Leetureahlp. DR OlXNN T. SEABORG. U, C ec1 entllll ·"IC we 11tarted today to build up the eclentlllc m•n· power t h I 11 country need.'!, It would ta ke a eeneratloo.'' Mesa¥/ --""''' HELD OVER THRU TUES. JClh '""""'"'•• ,._. GUI JAii 11111·1ussa1 IOlaT ... THE TALL MEN (UOI~·~ 0NIW'5coPC• Aleo !W>IHt..cl Klilort• 8tarl11 WedHeday ''lite Phenix City Story" ''leftf)CIZI'' Baby Line Bed ... $28.95 s T • 0 L L E Peterson Folde Rola Folcla.Sieste . R $16.95 $22.95 OSTA MESA 1809 NeWI*' Ave. l'LaT 1' A.AD PAD '1.tA ~&Ii&_,., ....... -........ ..... u.r UJd lllGll CllAIU ................ ,, ..... ............ 'mGll CILUll (It,..._) JU.II l&C '• "7Wff* l&AT . tua ' ' , L A y y A • D RAT SHOP Abbott Step-Fold $15.95 OthfoNI t'rom eis.t.') . . llGGEST IN HISTORY Touchdown Sale on new, Mereurys went over like a BANG! Thanks to you for your wonderful response. We were out to prove that: you doll't have to go out of town to J:et a Kood df'al on a new car and ·many dJ9covered thlA and b~lped WI top aU our pl'e"lom sales records. Thanks! NOW WE ARE LOADED WITH Ilg M Trade-Ins BicJ larga,n1 -Save SSS 51 Ford Vic. . S698 50 Nesh 2 Dr •... 298 46 Dodge 4 Or .... 125 55 Linc . Capri $3ff6 53 Lincoln Cpe. 1898 54 Mere. Mont. 4 Or. 49 Ford 4 Dr ....... 198 ................................. 1898 55 Mere . Mont. Cp. 54 Mere. St. wg 2398 ................................. 2598 52 Mere. 4 Or. 1098 53 Mere . Cl. ep. 1698 47 Ce".fillec 4 Or. 598 54 Mere. Conv. 1998 50 Pont. 2 Or ....... 598 55 Ford Conv. 2398 54 Linc. 4 Or. 2498 53 Ford 2 Or. 1298 51 C~ev. 4 Dr ... 798 53 Buick Conv. R-H, Dyna ............... . .. S1692 BU\' ON S DAY MONEY BACK GUARA.?liit'fE~ BANK TERM~ OR NO DOWN JOHNSON & SON Llncoln·Mercury 900 W. Cc>ut Hwy. 1 Block Eut of Bay Club Dealer Ntwport Beach Liberty 8--5545 NOW SHOWING E ve Sbows Stan l :U Coat. 81& f..-2:M ... ALFRe:O HITC HCOCK'S • TO CATCH A THl•P Color by TECHNICOl.~ Sf'.COND t•t;ATFRE .lllAJlA l .A!'o"'E RO!'!'IASO BRAZZI 11\TA_RTS Nf'.XT WEDNF..SDAY HlSTOIO"S GREATEST ROMANTIC ADVENTURE ... , r-·ow BROl'CHT MACNIFICDo'TlY TO THE SCREEN ! ::=-KIRK SILVANA DOUGlAS AN GANO. Color by TECHNICOLOR ..... ~ ... -Plx!sta .,.. ............ .. A..UO ·-n.. Treasn of PottCho VIia" UD'S MAT. SAT.: l :U "TllE DF.8PEBADO" . 171-lot lract Map S1bmitte~ Elgin Gates· Off for Big Bunny In'f'Mtment Oo. eiallmlt- ted a t.n~U" tract map to UM Coat.a MN& plannlnc C<lllUll._.OD Game HunHng with AITows Oct. 10 tor a new wbdtn.ton to Wtdnuday, l:l(in T. o.t.. fll ed ~ M ln Sul Arn. 8"*"" Include 111 k>t.e. 111~ COUt Hl(hW&.J ...,.. tlD mora-. and Melt .._.. Hen. IO. · Thia tmpro~t wu aa· mboot bl • wttb ~ '°"' ud ln ,...,_,._. IM ..-ta to nounced In ta. N""•'"'-...,. I pm m•t a sWde wllo lau acr'8ed to eraJ weeu .,. and u er.cu1 a1'TOln before h• r-•ta _.. '° direct tM party and abow Mm •~ Wtlaon 8t. from a bl& Calitom.l.a ap1n. pine fw ha. amrn. subdJmton whSch tbi.I compall1 ~ hu bffn an udMr ,_ oau. ..Uta a. ~ wtt.ll hu Ju•t eampleted. '!be new ,..us. wtnnlng Ula ju.nlor cUID· maktas ha. trtp poMl&bM u tile tract utendil from Plac9ltSa p!orahlpt1 ln. Colorado ud l!Mot· Coeta Meaaa 1ot b1m W. bow• AYe., wen put Republic St. tDa deer there. Now be bopea to and made lpMi&l M!'OW9 for him Wlall• part of tide tract, ..,,.. mboot anytJUac that tuna up ID to UM 00 blr prne. Beonett al.a dennr on Wlllon et.. la alnadJ .urtca. barring elephanta, niDoa took can fll th• pad t1n1 ao Ula ln U!.e dt7 ISa!ta. Uw bulk ot and Cape trutfalo• and ha a. oar-equipment would arrtft ln llbapa tM Jota .,.. ta t.be county ud f7lnc a couple of rifl• ~ to \IM. oai.. a. t&kln1 a photo· ap)>TOftl Of tM traet map wtll Jut ln C&M he meet. up wtt.b Jr&phar. J0119Pla a.nnaa, wtt.b have to wait on annu.aUon ot one o( them. b1m ao ha wW Mft •UU. ud tbe It.rip Of land !ylnr betWadl Oolnr Oil a ll&fui ln Alrtoa la mo\'Ulc ptotiulw to pl"O'N Illa Coat.a Mua and the at.ate botpl· not UMt complicated job lt Olloe p..-.• to Me trtanda la JMI'• tel ac,_,.e, which hu alrMdy wu. Oatea declared. Fly1n1 tram to come. been •tarted and I• pl"t9ently In tbe h&nda 0 ' th• county boun· Warner 1·n 801.. la1e 'P1·1ch' da~,:.::U~~~. pl&nnlnc com· • mlulon arru-d tor Lacbaton of a Mon~ membt'rlhlp mMllnC chamber .. ter committee. wtll l~tt. alley aJonr Use north boun· of Auoclat.ed Ch.amber9 ol or-p~t WUU. H. Warner. board dary of th• tract, but action on Co t IU be held TU of .upel"ri8oH chairman, who wtll tbl9 wtl1 await oompJet.lon of an· anre un Y w •· •J>Mlt on th• 1'2 mWJoo llood nexation. d•Y nlcbt.. Oct. 2& at Loi Alam!· control bOnd laau• M ht-been tOll T\lrt Club, Frank VMMla wpo~. ..Kia talk la Utled, "arines Deny Balboa Brawl Injuring Man R&ncll. lt WU allllOWlcad taday "ComprebenelYe 11' I 0 0 d Control by LH Winterton, preald«nt. The Plan for OraJ\1'9 County." AU city reception wlll be(in at I p. m. mayon and counrll membera are wtth dinller at 7 p. m. invited to attend, It wu announc- ~la Lalce. chairman ot the ed. Loe.al Women Hmt Jo Anne Sueu, 16, lTOI Park Ava., and Hulon A.. LoakAl9. 5', North Holl~ood. were brUl.eed IANTA ANA, (0CN8)-Three w.ben a car driven by Jacquelin• you~l El Toro M.artnee l'rlday K. Wat.eon, 16, Sll G<>~enrod Aft., pleaded Innocent on charce' ot niniud one driven by F. J, Lo&k· robbery, rrand Uleft trom a per· ., accordlnc to Newport Beac)I eon and ...ault bJ m..u of ~ poUc. report.I. MlN su... wu llkely to pl'Oduoe rr•t. ~ treat4'd && Ho&&' Hospital and Hnt harm. TM allered crime wu In home and Kn. Loal<ea went to Balboa Jut July. her penonaJ phy•lclan. Superior Court Judp Johll ----------- Shea accepted the pleu from a~ eoott P!nn.,. 21 : 1.ee H..._• Paces Illy at.rot Rosen. M. and Jtobert Upthuvy Boardwalk B 111 y Lou.le Wolltulk Jr .• 23. Smith t a k a e on h~"f'T4'el.Sht Th• trio la a.cculled of beallnr Jobn Holm&D In a lO·rouAd video and robblnr Gabriel Hall.eek of bout at ILlaml Bea.ch Audlt.oriwn. Loa Anrel• on July 22 tn New· J1L Oct. M.. port Beacla after a round oC ban ----------- Local Men Plan 7-acre Tract SANTA A NA, ((>CNS! -Th• county plannln1 commlulon on Oct. 11 approved a t entallvt a11b· dlvl11lon map whlrh w ould put • n~w dwelllnga on eevl!n unln· corporated ro11nty 11r1~s Sanctlnnl'd wu th~ followln,: · 'J'rart 2826-aevtn RCrte •Ill th• eaal •Id,. of Newport Av,. :ll?O feel IOUlh of La C.:11hna Dr , norlh Tu.8Un. d1vlded lnlo 24 lot11 bY Kenry Qat ee a nd J<'l1n l.vttle. Newport Beach. Pelkey lwCJlary Told In u.. beadt .,.... Judp Sb• .. t a jury trial tor th• defendant.a Nov. 24. All a.re free on baJJ. Th• Ulree.ome a.l· lecedly tooll 1100 lD cub and a 1180 wrtat watch trom Halkdt. EU.Ube-th B Pelkt>y nr 18941 D ... X to be hit Maple Ave , Co1ta Mua. informed Cbarlea I(. 8utterflt14 bu beell Coat& MMa police Ocl P tha t $1 lMued an J8TOO Coat& 11 ... city had ti.en lalcen from htr llOm• bulldlAC department for OOG9tnlO• wt\Ue •he wu out nf 1own Vl•ll· u-at a ~ a l 3417 ~ Hamil· Inf. Ollly ... , ,._, •1 O&rNr ., ...... ,,_ KEEP lllEAST OF THE LOCAL SCEIE; Complete News of all the 11111 ~1pp11i1p 11~ social events, sports, marine 1ew1, pl11 pa1e 1fter p1ge of money-uving advertili11. Y 01'11 fi1~ 111 . . of these i1teresti1c features i1 The Prize Wi11i1c ltwJpJpJr. SUISCRllE TODAY, PHONE HARIOR 1616 OR CALL AT OUR OFflCL 2211 IALIOA IOUUYARD roAft&L lllOITD UMio8 ot PA6E 4 • PART 11 -N~T HAUOR NEWS-NESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOIER 19, 1955 Classified NEWPORT BABBOB NEWS-PRESS Ivery Monclmy, We.nday •d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C.Utal Shopper Ad9 NII .. llle Wecbleeda1 N.-.p,_. 4 LIDee 1 luerttOll $1.00 add1. Unes .U ea. 4 Llllea 2 laaertlou 1 J50 add1. UDes .U ea. ' u.. 3 la8enlou %.00 add1. .... ~ ea. t Liam 4 lueriloM !.JO add'l Unes .U ea. .. ......_ Wuted Ad• wW ..-1\'e 11'7• dllM'out. Caah I• "'vanoe onl7, M1NDl1Jll AD IM t UNE8 ~to Lou lt-Bulldln1 ~~ REAL ESTATE LOANS COMPLETE PAINTI_N_G_ IDtere.t Rate ~'ti& 9'i Laue qulck.11 made •• the Ba7 Ii Paper Hanging Service Ana aad Co.ta MHL Sine•• or EUGENE 0 . SA UNOERS muJUple unttA. New or old. Be 600 311t Strfft. Newport Beach wt. aaCI ••• by re·flntnd•I Harbor :i97t or Har. 4446. ttc 70ur ....... t lc.n. M.inlmum a - .,_... Mo cbars• ror prellm!· Ml'7 appraSM1. PhoM &aata Ana Klmberl1 a_.esa or wrtt• 1 ARTHUR A.. MAY ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM Install the a bove cheaper than moel. A.i.o Ml1 TUe 6 Unoleum. CARPENTRY MJMOa ltllPAm wou ltO JOS TOO DlALL .. 0. •adt -10H a lldloa ....._ ..,. S...-. KIO UUc CEMEN'l' A 8UILDING All lta.da FREE ESTDlATlCS Llbert.1 a.e1oe Adams Plumbing Rep•lr -Remodellnr NEW OONSTRUCTION 161 Cecll Place. eo.ta ...... l..Jberty 1-1021 13c211 Let u1 tlnleh your Remodeling Paint~. Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing ELLSWORTH OONTRACTINO u 1·71161, u &-6262 Up24H Real Estate Salesmen:. We otter you tip top COIDJllilatou, whole-hearted co-operation. atenalve adver&lD1 and a n_,-mpao. ioua offtce With an euc:utJve'• deU )'OQ caa call your own. Opening la Um.it.eel to two NJemnen and one NJ.woman. . SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. ~ • 32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor Mee H-Sclloola. ~ Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Cuhien a.nit M•t Wrap- pen. Make $80 to $120 per wk. can tor appointment to team more about Ulla trainlna. AL TYLER Schools l9-llele w_ .. _w ____ _ LADIES: Read our ad under clualltcaUon H -Super Mar-at Tratn~ AL TrLl:R 8chool.t 1811 N. Broadway, Banta AAa. Kl T-3611. HU GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! 1811 No. Broadway Our new, hll'htr 1t&rtl.nl' was• Kl 1-3511 and frequent incre-rtvea you 9t tt thla opportunity. Opentnp now ------------·ror - Real Estate School TELEPHONE oPERNrORS in Santa Ana We will tnJ.n Y.OU and you'll ,... ceive many other benefttl. Apply - M4 .,. No. Main S treet, Rm. 211, Banta Ana. oooo aava. ~. ..__..... 1-1. ru QoWearoCI. Ooroaa ... Mar. 1teJO Washing Machine llDVI<:m 1-~ ...... --.... ............... '4 (n&r) lfewport ... oa.ta ...... Liberty M.50I .. Liberty 8-m'l. Mtf c Kl:NXOU .Lll&am&U. ....... and DO T lledbl dlta. •too for llotJa. ...,... "'°· llcJl O'ICllll.J'll .. Merrttt apt. I a I ranp. ' tiiurn., ••· •arbor HM-W. ltp20 October Specials WABBllR.I J'rlCtd&l.r'a. auto. loob ...., m .ao o. Ill. auto. a )'ft. old completely checked ·--·--·-·· .... -... -.. -·. 199 Euy Spin drier, l'Wl8 pert. '59.&0 Kenmore wrtnaer, wortu pert. $411 RAN OU JUc1o Chet, oven Uler. 31" 159.&0 O'~t• • Merrttt. il" top COYer. perfect eond. ,_ ...... $49.50 Noq-e. II'', •cept. cl-.n _ ...... $ell RD'RJOERATOR.I ...._..........., e TY 8Pl'Nft ......... ... .... nturM. irr.cs.-tn. • Or'l9M. ._ UM ..... ns. ............. .... •Yiqa.Opea~ ...... ~.-If-. ...... ..... ..._ TV & Radio Repair Fait Service UT '600 T .AXE8 a l&rl" equl t1 la a 1... MJ:RCUJ\Y. Call .... LDerty 1-4.nl JDomlqW -&tt.r I p. IL 10tle 1IU CAD ti lectall ITOOO mt • v~ ..... oar. •t11&-W w ll1ka U.... 1'Jre tn.Mpott&Uoa .., 11..o.. ~ 1Tll alt• e ._-. lTUe R• :reN.. ........ .U. U1J ~U~==·~·~_! .. ~~·~ .. ~----­~:;C9 ~0:=" llUDO-Motor Overhaul UpMB RENT a piano llDW Joa lluy. All tenll reet &DoW'ed. Oood ~ Uce plallaa u low u '6 ,,_ month. DANZ-.8CllKIDT .. Pluo-.... 610 N. M ..... ll&ata .A.AL J A.NSS!lN couo1e piano w1Ul built ln 0rrw &U•ch-t, D_,. new. Prtftt. party mu.t MIL Harbor 2160-W. JOcJ2 Bl!:AUTl.FUL famoua maka blonde Spinet piano l.n perfect condi· tJon. Save IUe. Uber&! trade. ConvmJent tenrui al- SHAFJ:Ra (Stnoe 1801) 421~ N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Pbone Kln.berty 2-ot72 QUALITY TELEVlSION SERVICE NO MONET DOWN * with this ad * 8 ey1a. $48.88 ' 8 Cyla. -SM.88 Inchadee boU-labor and p&rta. New rtna., wn.t p!M, valve pind, fltUap ol main and rod bM.rtnp. llxpert motor tune up. 80-d&y or •.ooo mile auarant.M. (NO MONlllY DOWN). REBUU.T ENGINES -tJP to 15 MONTHS TO PA.Y- Built In our °""' facitor)' bJ llkilled madlintata. Don't coated with the middle man. Bu7 CUNct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK roRD _ ...... _ ... ___ .. -... -._ .... •m.oo CHEVROLrl' -...... -... -.. -.• IU8.llO P LYM. A DODGE ... ----$165 ~· Lou Corn.pl!Gdant Ooddmt&J Ute tuuru~ Co. Non-union. 2a YRrl U J>t!rlenoe. ------------ Compare and aee -Palntinl It Paperhanrtng MEN 6 WOM!!N prepare I.a 1pan time for unlimited opportUAIU• In Real Eft&te. New cl9- wedtl7. A.I Tyler l.rultnactiq. A~ tend tint ennin1 tree and ldnl about thJ• p-Mt fteld. Call « write now. 9:00 to 4:00 p. m. SaYel apt. e1M clean ·-.. -..... M5 Montsorn.-y Ward. lat. model. 9 cu. tt. ... _., ... _._ ......... _ 189.60 Ooldspot I cu. ft.. •tra nloe U i .50 Vacuum cleaDere •8.&0 to I 18 .60 HOME SERVICE 'Ul 9 p. m. 778 W. 19th LI 8-8676 C.HRYS. A DI: SOTO -·-·--1170 STUDEBAKER ....... ····---·-1110 OLDS A PONTIAC 6 _: .. _ 1170 BUICK .... __ ....... -...... ___ 117~ tu .._.. x.a. auaa All& " 11Yer'7thinl l'\1&l'&ll teed HUDSON _........ .. ......... _._ 1115 Loan C&r • Vree TOWlnl PACIFIC TELEPHONE BILL COKER Har. 478!1 or Lone We do the work ourselvN. Beach 1·0t13. 88ltc ao ·Jan upvtence Y Newport Harbor B.P.O.E. 1787 M..tl r1U7 'naund&J I p.111. Via Oporto -c.ntral A ft. N.-port Beads Albert H. M&lUlewa, Es&lted ltuJer 10-871 h111 Otdck HAULING tru?I or! .UyUWa1. Ailyw1\1f• Uberty 1·21'6 H llcpp General Contractor PAINTING M. W. ROSS Lle«Med LI 1-3.321 280 Ayoudo, Coata Mesa 88ttc Paintlnr, Paperhanging ''The Finest Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar !112 38lh St.. Newport Beach P h. Kar. Z.04 or 1M7·R. l()tfc FOR RENT SkUJ SaW9, £Jee Onita. Pollahere. aU lypee or Sander•. WhMlber· UCENIJED rowa. ttc. New Work -Remodelln1 BOYD'S HOWE. J . MILTON McKENZIE KIO W. COAST 8 JOHW AY Harbor 8399-W 58ttc t..lbertJ I-MIO. NeWJIOrt Be-. nuc CARPENTER Repair Work DOl9 Tow. Rome Heed l\e,.srtnc -.... ,.., .. , Call l'raU. ~ MIU .AJI Wortr Oa&ruteed 14ttt Elec. Tool Repair SllU lawa, Drlllt, Sanders QUJCJ< S ERVl<.:Jt LEWCO ELECJ'RJC CO. 6M No. NtW)IOrt Blvti~ N,t Bch. LIMrty 1-UU Ht.le WANT TO SELL A CAR? IUY A TY? RINT A ROOM? TRADI A TRAILER? SWAP A IOAT? Llcarued .. llUIUJ"ed. BaUatacuon suaranteed. i:.ttm.tM tree. Call Johnnie, Ll S.2687 a LI 8-628e 81tfc Painting, Decorating Paper Baqtnc GEO. BURKHARDT U <.."l!NBll:D CONT!UCTOR 111 W. lltll St.. Co.ta MHa. Llbert7 1 ... 2. PIONEER SHEET METAL HEA TI.NO, ventllattnc • •hu t metal work of au typea. lnduttrfaJ. rulde11llal, commercial J'RU. aTDC A. ft8 LI 1-2237 l p22 Rd 0 11 Sprea01nc D riveway• PARKING LOTS Sub-dlvi.ION our apecJAlt7. W• turniab any type oil to YOW' ap.- ctflcallon. Larre Johll -•mall Joba. Frff .. umatu. At.Cl wa- ter epreadlnc. Modem equlp- mm t. LEllJnJton 1...00.. OU· more • Pact. Hunllnaton .Bch. &lie "A'a" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TH• HWW m&CIWI• procw:• mf'th· oel. ~ble prk -A verase 2 i..,. ...-._U&I blind Only $1 .00 8Undl ,...,.iACt •"4 rrbullt. Yree Pldl up uid de.llnfy Work done by a ppolnlm.nt Plume Uberty 1-llTOI or JUmberly 1·12'T4 Pi>trc H . H . HOLBROOK OEPF,.NDABL.E PLUMBING A Pl-om ,l I ""9p.au "'*""ce M.a1ntal11ed ~H&rbOr tU4 I ttut 9elilloll 81..-d .. l"f....-purt 8rarh p6p AJcoboUc. A.oooymo!M W nt.e P 0 Boll Ml Nrwport 8e.&c:A ~ Pltoee Ha~ •7N ~bare Your Oar ... -----------WANT par11 ... 11> llha1-. tar and nitt to dlt"'lmtn111·n Ln< Mlt"I.-• M011·P'r1 work houn 8 30 • m lo :, 30 p m Har •633·R l~r,O Th• N_..,_p,..,.. fl'U hll•hre m"" t la.u1f1M Ad• lh•" a n\· olhn " .. ,., .. paper tn Ulf' a t,.. Thi• 1~1v!f'rahlp wu atlaln" t ,...,.,.11v N4"1 e-PT"9 Cla.utll~ Ad9 r t ruuJt..t ' Al Tyler School Hill No. Broadway, Sant& Ana JO 1-Mll·Kl ~3'99·Kll t-2611 Uc is..-.sttuattona Wuted ---Roy's Maintenance eou.M clea.nlnl'-J'loor wu1.111 Wall wuh1n1-w1J:1dow cleantn1 VmeU&n bl.Inda. Uphol1tery In.lured. Free EaUmatea Ll'batJ ,,_1W. ltto EXPERIENCED GARDENER »00 MO. MINIKUK GU.AR. U you quality . America'• areal· .. t •al• opportunJty. A n.w product. Lt t t I • compeUUolL l!:arnlnp to f600 per week. Telephone Harbor 6274. 8 to 12 only. 18c20 llXPERil!:NCED waltreu wanted. J'ree deliYery 8TROOTS HDWll. Houeewaru 1102 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mua W1COOJCWOOD 4 bumer A «rill 1u atove, la.mp It top cover $26. Harbor 3324 ev•. 20c Apply at 8NACK 8HOP, 2306 3%-hnaltuft for 8&le II. Clout Hwy., Corona del Mar. _______ 18_u Mesa Woodcraft TOUNO man tor llcbt factory work. e&ll Harbor '447. 19c21 Unpainted A J uvl'nlle Furniture CLOSll OUT, II dr. 30" chHt 111.95 Ctllld'• HWd. rocke,.. .... $11.~ Hwd. Boeton roclura ....... $14.86 Complete Une unpalnted ~. IOfl and hwd. OA..Rl)JC.NINO 6 yard worlt by day BELL ON TERM4 wee.k or month. Irr. DCLICATICSSEN caaa. •uo. Liberty ,_.U8 attn e. auc ONll • tt. retrtaent.or ....... ~ J!j(), ------------· ONll W,. cOm.mwc. Nf111. $75. Mllnru and Pett f\nWlu Ordan taken for ahuttera 1121 Harbor, C.M.. ·Uberty 1-184!1 CLE.UllNO 6 UWNINO by the day. Experienced. l!lal~ !Aland pretttn<I. KI a..ote. tr Swedish Massage Ladle•. -by appotntment in your h~•· Formnly mUNuu et Arrowhead Sprtnc• Hotfl Pleue call Harbor 479' or Har. 70. J&:21h 1 SC.A.LES, $&5. 1 GONDOLA. $26. Cell owner U Mm mom lnp or I ROOMS l>MuU/ul new modem alter II p.m 9tfc tumttun lDcludee Df"f" ran~ RJDCONOITIONED Royal lyp.- wnter, U ' 111" Emeraon TV. $!j(). Ph. 1..l:Alncton 6-2986. • re.frtc. Sacrlflct , v~ rea.on · a ble. SH a t 1110 Orchid _Ave., C. 0 . _M. After e p. m. or S..L 20c21 19c21 -----------~ Season Ticket Books 8 INOl..ll BOX BPIUNOS A: mat- t,,_ like n-. Hud maple bedatead ·~· L.1 t-7011. 20c21 FOR 8Al.E Newport KA.RBOR ------------ COMMUNITY PL.A. YEIUI U .&O per boOk Mra. Burt.on Ryad-1• -Harbor 2347-Jt. lk21 Retl.Ded wb.l lA woman 11Md.a ~ worlt A: wUI do baby all tillc. Call H.ar. 309 or 1%1 • 27th Bt., KINK d.J9CI llW8kTal tut coat,-* Newport. J8p10 H . 8ldu. mu Md --.n'a; ......... )O:rm.-.r, etudio Royal Danish Lamps CER1'111ED ORIGINALS 160 YEARS OLD ICXCllLl.JCNT car. o1 JOU~ ehlld- ren. tl"rwdom Hom•). '10 WMll Of' U per •Y· a.at---. Uberty 1-322'1. lk21 OCNdl. upboWtered c h a I • e 1-c"•· tQ)' •• odd d\a11'9- 1111.0VIMO, ..i1 clMap. lll 3111\. N.wport or liar. 110-J. l ldO NltW It \Aiied a.ptone. IC11oup Experienc'd gardener tor two ,,.uoa. Reuon&bte. u LANDSCAPING 1-1.... 18c20 JIAHDJU.J>S Copper lampe. ha.ad blown cry9lal-arrtTtnc Stat• 900ll. JCCQU18J'nl tor prdn lil'hUnf', paUoa, poola, or erfeo- Uve for Indoor llfhUnf'. Wr1t.e Box 118 WhttUu , CaJttom la tor a ppl. 8p22 and CLEAN UPS Uberty S.lW SOtlc QV A.Ul"IED Molhrr wUI man~• your bom~ .t <'hlld foT SHORT VACATION pa'lod 11r WEJCJ( &.'\OS rr hireneft cuhan~ u 9.1377 l0c23 ~rwlnc and Allenll"n• BAB\' th1ldrrn'1 A: ttf'n · airr doLht.. for lh~ hnrtJ l'> tll flcu r• a 111• .. 1altt) 11•1 •87·W l()p ~~w~~---- Beacon Personnel 100'f. ~mploy~r retained agency NO rre coUected from applicant BOR8E.L£88 CARIUAOIC arttcl-. PORTA.BLS ran Jla&tn $~. 2 h&J\lttll' IA.Mp, b&J.ltree, old u.... ~ t'leclrlC hot platl $4; rtace. JOO artlcift '1 00 each, B&ke ovtn for top ot atO'Y• $3, cortM ta.ble. LAJU1EN Antlquu , Wu.h ... IDMhlM 110. 411 39Ul 202 Ocun, HunUnatOft BHdl N.-port 1*od. 18c20 ____________ 20c_ Fresh Hearing Aid BA'ITEJUJtS We 0 1•• MB Gl"Mll Sta.rnpa Gunderson Drug Co. Mahl Sl. at 8aJboa Bl•d , lialbo& Harbor tll~ Htto Custom Draperies Hepplewhite PRJVA T'E OWllfll" dl•pnoelniz: 2 IA• UqUI' nl&hO«IUIY l'hral.Jt (I( c1raW• era. C<Htl '600. WIU tl'll tor 1190 n . leu for both PUSRMAN'S 27~ Y. t'n••t tlwy Coron& del )h r. Hiu-12u . l k U BIIDBPRl!At>t'I. 11tp e~re. t tc.-SS--Bo&ta Sunnl"'9 H..,..,_,,., 31 yn . In bWll.nllM. _ '-~---- LUCILLE DOCORATORS 03 f!. Ba.I~ Olvd Nearly New Apparel BOAT STORAGE ALL S IZES. rea.onabll' ralM. Ap- ply a l yar<t otflcf'. ~Ot. 'TH COAST C"OMP A.vY. ~ t"'l"Ol't Bh'd. •l 23rd 8 t . ~t'WJ'Ort 13<1\. 2U w .. hav"' opr:n1n,1 r r u ..... uuve KATEY DOANE.-Kl.ndtlJ'• rauo o •·n-arv. t<>r t v1u•h •Imo• 1721 P! Cout Hil hW'lly •. ,...k ~n.t IJ<·•k 1 lr1 k ..al••mr n Ct1rnna rtrl Mar tc21 A Int boy BE ACON PEK.SONNF.L lAcen\yl FIREWOOD rRrl! D~t.JVERT 5 MP Jon:-:SON n11tbl'>1u'd mo- tor, JO tt •kif( antt OArL 1 1811 u .,.ny t-MH:1 tec21 I H l·ll•t !llr.pc1n a. h ---Xf:EP RltSTAU'RA:'-1 llt:Lr, l •ry wood, Eou.11Jlt u. t'all T mn Hulrhll\JNJI\ GLASSPAR Av.ltl<n 111 t11nt •1111 wtn~ll'lli. l'llnVll• tnr 'I t1 "' curt•i"' c:u•hl<>na. llJhl..t and har 1-,... Jnhn~n 26 hr mulnr, battn" ~1Ar1f'T •t-nni: rnn • trola. twn ,... t a nk• flVt< Superfluous Hair k•ll'lt~n w&ltr~N " domNtl<'• ~A Y \'I E W t:\Cr'L.O''•lE~"T If a. '1>1\? 2 J '"•rmao,.nuy rt movrel from lau \tf'nry 2'77 \\ l ""\u t H"'') enn. Irr• r.>~bro" • an.: nu r j :-:--.rt 1\fo11~h t.J ll·&002 8 RY n-n • ll "" · --r-A ~·· r lln-)' rart ,.1Lh n• •11•.,.U • • n111rr IWf •lln& l llr 20 new ra.nva.a P.a~I\ s UI Hab)' l:L.l..&J'ol L BR Y ANi R r. I -bou.111>' • rn.1at' bat.y Ullnp l.lltn . tl•IM of e.1u1" H.r lt17ll WOliLO Ilk-"" Ar"TI\"f; Rt-:AL l,.J 11·1B!IO 2tlc t fe E.C\TATF. MALE~MA ;o.I frtr i.~·.u - mnnt.hit nhl I ll:r nf'"'' Sl'TMI Hu •SOI. Y,vrntnr11 19p2J TRADE ~uUM 70.tt. allll. K booner. SPECIAL BUY! Ol!:M'.ONSTR.4TOR model, Wle new lovely Kimball Spinet piano with built l.n Lowrey Oraano .. Save $300 on thi.. Uberal trade. Con· vmlent tema at- SHAFERS (Slnce 1901) 421_.23 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana P hone Kimberly 2-0672 Oran&'• County'• Orsan Hdqtra. HAMMOND Orran.. All modedt. Some wondertul b&rpJNt In \I.ad oraana. 11neraJ makH.- ,.,.. pncUce roorM. Trade In your old lnatrumenL 0 A.NZ·8C'BMlDT, Home of tbe world tarnou. Hammond. Bent.a An~. ){aiJl, GOOD ptaytn1 practice pl&n09. 119 P7, Pt up to •tM Spinet type miJTOr piano. a beaut,. only $1116. Ea.w.t term.. DANZ-BCHXIDT. 620 N . Main. Santa Ana. 100 pano•. Open Friday nJpta. 8.ALE. Orand .,._. Xany won· dertUI taarraiU· Mu1 tamou. makM. Prlcea from Ul8 Up. Belch lncluded. DANz..ec:RXIDT. &JO No. M.alA. Banta A.DA. NJ:W CAR OUARANTllt: Block m uat m"l our 1tandarda P lua taxes, gullet.a and oil Open S unda)' 10 a.rn. t.o 2 p.m . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily I to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA. * PORT OR.ANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPL~ 2200 W Cout Hhvay Newport Beach LI 8-f.t20 '54-45' 2 Bl'\ Roadmuter _ •oe& '52-32' A nder1K>n, excel. . . $2290 '113-27' J\oadmuter, perfect •1n1 '03-14' Happy Home -· .... fOIN5 ·~1· Param. 1 Brm. _ Dt.count PAN AMERICAN Paramount-Ken.eklll Traveleae-Terry 8.ltfo fUCVTIA• l>lm't folpt -u.. ''J-Waated to Keat p-.al ""'"-...,. Orpa o-- cert October ........ p..111. -wa.- .onlc Ball, co,_ IU. "' ~ more. au.ta AD&. No edP'Lwlcie A _ 1_ rtll1 IDlllkel w.l I« all ...... of u. ..... DA.HZ~acHKIDT .... ta AM. NO Nortll Jl&la. GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS Rentala Wanted "• .... &pY ........ ta ... .................... 7ea/t• ............ ...,... .,... ............. . ,._.., The Vogel Co. -"· Ole. ..,. .. Jf..wport .. ~~ .... ............ &-.. ............. "' .n s. eout e1 .. ~ ... .._ ~...,._17U Udo om.. Ml• 'Y'Sa Udlt Harbor U'71 2102 N.wpan BIN., oei.a 11..a 41 DODO& ~ t. ~ l.JbertJ t.ae-T ''9 FORD "" L plclrnp W. '!j() STUDEBAKER~ t. pickup ------------'60 FORD V-1 \ot t. ptckup MA"MJRE OOUPt.E do nol drlnk '62 CHEVROLET "-t pane,I or •moke want. 2 bedroom '62 DODOE "' t. pickup HOUSE A: 1u. at HO l'1lODUl '62 JNTB:R.NATJONAL ~ t. mulmum. U 1·73". IOa2 pl<'kUp 't:.3 CMC ~ t. plcllup '60 C.HEVROLl:T ' t. pickup •64 owe ~ t. pld rup. hyttra· ma Uc lnl\9. '&2 C.KllVROLl:l' l L puid '•1 OMC 1% t. L2' atalte '113 ,.ORD 11.t l. l r atalle "&~ roRn reoo. 2 apee.c1. g 21l UrM '&4 OOOOE t t. 4 JIU'd ctump 2 •Pff'1. a 26 tlru '60 CMC model 660. dump, 2 1peed •• 00 u,.. We ba-re UI• l&rftllt H lectlon-of ulPd trudu In Or&ns• County llff ua w°" burtnc u 1 typ. or idae of U..S trucll. W .W. WOODS CMC o r;AL.ER I UH9 E 4th 8t. 8arlla A"a o~ Sunday A. M.. TNdc H~ for <>nan,. Co. Jt40 f"ORD -Oood tranaportaUon • ~ runninc car. lnT M~I., c.o.ta MM&. U 1-15'16. llp20 l M I PLYMO rrH t door. W. W. Ure• nuSl1>. Very rff'&n. 1395. LI 8· 7011 2t>c22 ("'() f'(V ALa<:'l'l'NT LADT WANTR tn n-nt HM.c'h frnn• rottJl,r:f' RNU•onabll' Call mom - lnp M ly Her. 4Jl T 20p211 CORONA. or.L M AR ch~ l bdnn. llou.ae tum. P'lreopl&ce • rumM"e I DO m1> Cote ... lltudJo a pt turn fM l~I ll·491 T 2')c21 DELUXJI: l bedrm untuna. duplea. L&rw• bt!&mect ltv rm Knott1 ptne klk lw-n. JMll UO, ...,...,., laundry. &ardf'nf'r, auto. wuhf!r, watf'r furn A<lult.e only Lnq . Ill...., • P m. m Roc-hf'11t.,. '" • t'na1A M-. 2flr22 A 'rTllA cnvT. n-2 bedroom front apt. Oe.rMc'e cn.p.. pr. l<rn>ly yard n ..... to ~ U bnrv. °'1yJI club.-... t o appracl.aU, tor MS MO M1 Plumer. Ru . .2tt0-J. 20cn Cboice Winter RmtaJ. oa Balboa laland la Udo 1.&le 8m&1'I • CIOCJ' °' l&l'I• • ~ •n to noo --~ FIND A WATCH? I ----c>Hl<'f' Har. ~ 18' 20 C AMI' trlUler, f'x.t elJ Mndlll"n U-&hoot1'. lftMtruoUnn H OO Al1n trl1Prt11.tre drlt'f', nldl'T F..xcellNll for rh•rl u Want profW'rlY or •ml\ller bo•l. 1220 W. Jla.ttio• Rlvd . Nffwpor Har. 3032. 39ttc 1 IMO CHRT SL&R Coupe. rood tlr"f't. motM In ~ CON!SUon $M U 8-HM. JOc22 VOGEL CO. HIRI A MAID? LOCATE A JOI? WANT ADS HA 1616 ------------ CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS en;oy 111 ...,.~ time IM contrac- tor • l'llllmln1llrm Ull.Jr r a Jft'· u al rontractor w1th 211 yean t~~tt Cl~• Tuu and l"'r1 PVl'f 7 30 pm Atll'nd n,..I ~HIOn rru 8ef;ln an) time AI Tyler ~hou1 \81 1 Nn tfroac1way 8&11ta Ana. P'tl. Klmberly 2-tt2e or Kl T-3611 tte Jones Birkel-Richardson OltOA.N 9TVDJO lAam to play tht mlshlY WURUTZ£R l:Vl:LTN J O NJ:ff. )(1r .. 300 Holm· wood On••· U 1·1012. 20c33 China Painting °"" ... ~ a... Otdela Ta.IMa Now ..... ~ ...... MAN W ANTEU for ma111nc mom moelt'I ,,..,., motor 176 Lf~rt)' ILnd hl'lrlt •hl\f' ... nrk l'art ttmr 1·380• 200 Ma«nnll11., (:oitl• A p9lf •l N"""porl Harbor Mrl'I\ 20r2l N1>Wll·P""8 221 l R•lllO" Olvd N I'"" port Bf'Mh I ~r20 WA:-:T S ALES C':IRI~ flrm'l«.ft4'nl A,e 20·33 A rply HMbor 296• llk-21 12 a lll WOOL H onkrd rntt A p11.d $:!~. Crib A me.Hr'""• S7.~. BUC«V Sl2 • Va.nit)' $4 3071; H"holn.1JMO. Corona drl Mar. 20c2l • - -i"'F:WL Y OVERH.A lJL.£D WASTE EXPERIENCED JTOCny C'ltrlt.t JUNG PU1.D:B.A.TOB W ~ S t e •d1 rmplo)iiii•nr fTITln! Kl 3-ll 98 20c22 worklr.,-<'Ondluon• H ERSHEY'S MARKET SPOT 0 1..CJ 8 U W<Y, 146. laall tree with 200 Mann". 81\lboa l•laJVI mu ble 1.39 60, hooked rur 132 lk21 u t or 6 lovely Victorian <'arv@d -------------chair• rrvat.AI <'handl'ller '60, WANl'ED REUABLE ""'Oman to mublr l11bl,. H O old orgca.n car• t1>r c:Wldrr n Mu•t bf' a\ 111 $160. tp1nn1ne wheel S47 6-0 a ble on 1hort not lt'I' Apply A"tlq\111 '1uk S211. old l"IU'e Ivory ~8i... Wri t O<"re n F'ront, Nl'W• Ch In r •,. 1trrl'n Sl 7,. 90Wld port &-ac-h 2<1<'22 11111vlt 1m•Je<-tor $160 for trade) u1111.11uat old dlnlnc wt with MEN PART TIME china cabinet 1175, •Pl n tr11'. '37 l'>O. old (\In•. anUque ch.alra. JewrJry. old china. ooppu. braaa. C LIPP ER KE.XL SLOOP 20' E11tr• Lari11 Cnrkpll E~ctlltnt <"ondltlon ttlll MJJ:V. Oou1'9 H O - R,.llotro~. CoTOna det A fltr 4 p m . 10'7"' Mar. 20c21 IOI M&rlM An.. Balboa i-... Ph. Ratbor Ut or H&Rof tlSl R-. Bar. 1118-1\ or R.u . aoot-M Ntlla A 'ITR.ACTIVIJ 1 and 2 bdnn.. tun.. Call ownrr Herbor 312tl·R 16p2lh 19!1@ Clft:V. SEDAM. ICIH!eU..t , rondltlOll radJo. beater, Unted CLASS A t.:-Runaboul It motor irt.ua J l)t An.a6e. IJla1boL Bar. UUlltJ• paJd. 1 or 2 cb..IJdnm. LaUDdry rooat. B L U II T 0 P APT. Mur&L '°8 NfW'POrt Btvd. 3 h" on mot~. Ha rboT 3892 2791.RJC.. l.Jc21 ~ ~----------~ TRADE 1947 STUDEBAKXR a.am,... for MJe.. ~ oftw taa.. Uberty l·JOfl 1"20 LUCR.ATJVlC T AVERN 8 'SJ· :-n:ss. 8-.n Fttnando Valley. 18!12 FORD • door Md&.a ptpea. for u lllnf or charter bo•L 3t noeed. d~ radio &D4 IM&t· or ovrr. 18448 Vtntura BIYd er Oood eondtttoa. U. ._.., Taruna or ca.II Olcltene l ·t14.8 ___________ 1_ep_21_ t:rpt5 lt41 01:801'0 • dr delwi.e Mdan. H--f"'T--lN-lJ...N--0----cru-I boar--d-2 OrtCin&J ~L lliPOCllt.a. foC cockpit.. 22~ hp Erlnrude. UtM. Rad.lo. HOO w M9t ~ Controla. tn.Jler. aklle. llnea. otter. Hu. IOt5. lTUc tl~i.-t H OO. H•r. J 31~J . ------------ 20(22 M BlfJCK Otntury IUTI .. Hard Npt. ....._ jut .....,,.. the Al'CIM9. T•Uo ~~One bedroom no -· T-.rl.)'. Pftf. a.illl1t&. If.., ~ a.pt.al and Al'llllM. ,.. OtJ aM"' llar 1113. "· 11P20 DAUTD'tl'L .... 2 ~du· pa.. UIUt.9 ..,,..,_.. bf IV"" .,. •. ni. Nth. Kaatt1 ,ine kit· dlen. Adult.I ITS -'61 Plum. l t 1 Oo9ta Mea. PIL U ....... ttdl Nli:ED 4 to work evenlllfl 6 Rat. oportunilJ to Hm '51 ~r wk Car nee. A pply Mr. Aah. W ed. I p. m. lanta AM T MCA JOO W. Cburcb, I . A. ltdO 11&Mware. etc. We buy A mp. ------------top. blue 6 wJUt.e. A.11 ntru 1.000 m 11 • •. H'Tt5, Owner 121 Via LI~ Herd. Ku. 2'81. TEAR.LT or W!ntAr. 'Watmrvnt. 1 Bed:nn. tum. a.lmolll II"' A: nf}' cl-.n. JWuonabl .. Adult. no peta. ,....,. 1Uetl&rd1. 51 t MU> St.. Newpon.. Mar. 4Mt or TOpu t-<llll8 ,.,. ' Br11'\1' lttma In. C H A R L IE DA V UI, 18M I!:. Anaheim. L B. HEmJock '°°38 . -Check Claal!led Dlaplay tor out· 1ta.ndlnr ~hu In ~ can 1MJO •• ' II Ii; II I I ,, I\ I" Ii . - ) -... --_ .. Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Ol!TERS • Deutbttul lMns. Apt.-Cabanaa. Utilities paid. with - Yacht aUp accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2002. 34tfc Yearly Rentals BALBOA I B&DROOM tum. apt. y1ew of Bay JM month. PENINSULA POINT I BEDROOM hou~. larce fenced yard. 2 car prace. tumlehed sin month. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY YRL Y SM ln1·l. utiltlles. l BR houae turn. Ventt'<t hN1t. Close Udo 11hopa. No pe ts. ALSO 2 BR furn. modern upp<'t'. y rly or winter. Rear 222 331•(1 St , Newp0rt Beat'h. 171':.W ---- NEARLY naw Newpo1 t Be;irh 1 bedrm furn apt Hdw rto.11'~, tile kitchen & bnlh. C.:nr11ge Yearly $65 mo. A•ltJlt!< only Har. 3547·W. or Har 2218-H. 20c22 BALBOA IS LANU f urn. 3 bdl'm apt .. suitable tor 4 people. $100 mo. winte1. $150 mo. yearly Wate.r paid. Harbor 338U 2~22 --&1:1 E. Balboa Blvd. l8c20 1 B. R. FURN. apt . -~6~ pr r mo. Harbor 1807 on yearly lease to couplr. Call Harbor 1264. 20c22 BALBOA I8LANO- FURN room. homa privUecee. on Heliotrope Aft., C. o. M. N'lce borne fo r young man. Meal• If deatred. Reaaonable. Har. 611H 20c22 00-Bealz H19c.. ____ _ P"OR LEASE-Lot approximately 60 by 200 ft. C·2 zoning. Fadnf new Charle11 St . Co•ta Ml!H LI 8·M72 20tfc Office Building For Rent :'l:F:\\' ,,~r.re bldg. Centrulty IO<'at- ed. VltirJr1< 1•arpeted. Window •ln1pes. 1500 11q fl. ltleal ro r Ins nr 1·~al eit ate firm. Ph. J im nt I.I 8-34~4. 7c20h ------<:OA!'.T Hll':HWAY. newbuiltimg. l\Oi.1 st1 fl off1h•. Sultahle 1n· s11rlln• P, attorney, et1'. $90 mo. Rl'SS FU~l>,_\LI ll-6~4 I. 20lf 53·A-8u10lnf'tt8 Rf'ntals -----------------Cot 19th & Placentia C: M. FOR RE~T two btlrm. home - 1 ~love & ref rig. f11rn. I lnolude11 store room & l wo offke spa1:es. $I 00 month. OR will rent sepa- rtt lely 1 ofrlce at $711 and 1 at $00 month. Atao small s tore 1100 mo. Call owner Liberty 8-6223 mornings o r afl!'r 5 pm. 9tfr lleaut:1tul • bednn. -3 bath home. North Bay front-Lovely P.tso -Pier and float. By moath OI' until June l~lh. CLOSE IN, BALBOA. ~'11rnl><he\.I l bedrm. apt. yearly. $60 mo. S MALL SHOP. 2 lots extra M·l Gu .\ water p!lid. 408 E. Bal-zonP. 30th St. & Vitia Way By boa Blvd. Har. 2070 l 8tr rn11111h, or te11se CORON.A. Dmt. MAR- tJNFU1\Nl8HJ:D l bedroom apt. aouth o4 hlsh-y-top location. BLANC'Hll .A. OATES, Rltr. NBC REALTY CORONA DEL MAR ,yenrly , rurn· 32n<I It Nc;wporl Blvd, Har, 1405 lahed 1 bedroom a pt. 1nelut1es uUUliea. Har. M09. J8lfc ----- Ill Marine, 11&1 JAle. Har. 1671 or 1872. FURN. B&cl»ielor apt.-Corona del Mar--110 week-Har. 4381. 20c22 l'UJUf. IArl'• alnf1• apt. Ocean ...s-. f50 mo. yrly. rental. utll. pd. Newport Belpu. Uberty I-HIT &ftp 2 p. m. 20c22 OORONA QEL MAR I BR'a, imtumi.ahed. over 900 aq. tt. l'V·· laundry, excel. condl· lion 6 location. No yard work. I.Aue puo. l Bl\. UNP'URN. APT. -Cloea In. I>Wp., tUa, sv .. Iota ot •tot'- ... ..,.ea. Excel. tor qi. party or oouple. S70.00 per mo. VOGEL 00. HIT ll. Oout fUc1tway Corona del Mar Harbor lTU -Hubor 1477 48A-Apta. for ._, Charmlnc Barbor Haven Apartment.a -Patio.a NllW • llOOK, atreet leval .. Nau ~ ~ diatrict. Quiet, pl-t. cxcha.&•e. ~e dJ.- BALBOA ISLAND, turn. 2 b<lrm. apt. 'Very attractive. wttll h•'<\t. TV aertal. $80 mo, wlntllr. $1 l(J yrly. lnl'ludes uti11t11>11. Ai111lt11 No pell!. Har. 1370-J . 18r20 CANAL FRONT.r.GE. 3 b1lrm. tlu- plu apt. ntcely !um, F trepltH,e, KW tlooni. r arage, &uto. wllsh· er. $110 mo with utllltl•·ll. A vull- able until July l. H it.r. 221 8-H, 18<'20 --------FRICE RENT. I bdrm. partly furn. rear apt. In t'Xchange for looking In on owner In front, 317 Onyx Ave., Balboa Island. 18p20 '8B-Ho118e9 for ~nt COSTA MESA new 3 brtrm. 2 bath unfurl). hou11e $95. $90 on yrly. lea M 8~ Bearll St . (1ff 19th A Melt"r 20<'22 WE HAVE 11ev..ral r twl•'t'. 2 01 3 Bedroom home,. fut• 1 rnt lmmedlalt p0ue11111on C.11 ue tor appo:nt mt-nl tn 11h11w One l bdml aont<i ror bu1Jlni>a11 JC. 17th St. W. A. TOBIAS, and Aaaoclates, Realtor too t:. 17th St . CO.Ota M•·- Llbe1 ty 8· l I 3P ,,_i. 1umdr7, •tA>....r• room-. ------- ,.,...._ '82.aG up. Occ:upl• en· BALBOA ISLANP f11rn 2 81."<lrm tire atr.et. Oood aupervtalon. uUI. lndudl-n. Chllt1 OK •100 M&'I'. 1501 Haven Place mo. to Junr 10. Mu"l ~"~ lO 1 Blocll South of 8~rb 8dmol apprt"c1"t'" Hu . 2n:l:l-IU< AUIO FURNiaJUlO API'8. 21lr22 WINTER JU TJC8 ~t.fc N!:WLY DOCORATED u11r11rn 54-Buslness Opportunities -------· ------- GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNJTY READ THlS Htt VI' upPnlng fut• a l'Hp<lnlllhle pllrly l'f< V" bit· .. f lnVl!!IUni: $15,000 C.ll8h In 11 n0Urm11I corp. CAN BE ACTIVE OR NOT PotenUel ea rnings for flr!lt yr, tremt'n· t1vuB. MuMt furn gnot.I character Ii rr••dll re f, Muat be euy to get 11lon1t with. F o r personal ln- tervl~w write Box Q-58 this new11µaper. lncludr phone No. and brief resume. Stnclly confl- llenllal. lllc20 M-Mo~~--·~ ~"---~ WE SP l':C:li\LlZE 1:-1 t..<>ANS & rJNA:'-IC'INO nx HOU:>ETRAlLE:RS Autoii, 1-'urnllure & Sttlt<tlr' One Day Service l.(J1uu from $50 tu 11 ZOO <lr mun- CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION l~\18 Hat bor 131vd , C.:n11t11 ~h•eA LI l.S-171>1 Op<'n Fn<Jay1 till 8 C:lo...,.-1 RlltUNIAya-ltr CASH ... fo'OR THI 'S't' lll·:fo:l 11' \\'M. H llut:r MORTC~A<;fo~ r!A;\!J\l~I; SINC.:f<: IP,,11 ltlO!I ~ Ill S H SA:'\IA A~/\ DllLUXIS modern tum atudlo a pt. UUllUM paid ST& mo. Corona del Kar. Bat. -.i-R... 14tfc; nn .. 8e<lm1. hnu,.e, r.n 1 .. rit" lM. M"ref"ned por.~h. lAtjlf' knt·hrn - h lMRF:r.1.Y :l·<I HI 1411 mo Ptf'f l'ldrtlv rut1j'l~ NO COMMISSION 687 Victoria , C'oata M"'i111 I.I Udo Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. apartment.. hnlMllwd. OU.,ea. Tear'ly or wfllt. retal. Har. N 71l. 8-8t7:i. 20p21 NEWPORT ISLAND, l'r>Olle~ 2 BR, unfurn homf'. ut·~llvnt IO('aUon $110 mo un vrarly le•llll!. C11ll Hu bor 1261 ~Oc22 7d0 a B.EDROOM, 2 ba ll\ unf111 n111h .. t1 -------------Uke n.:w. $200 H•rbar 1\11011 or LIDO ISLE l.Jberty s -16211. 20cn Ha.rbor t«4 attic NO TmARLY. one ~-f\lm. apt. D •a r -tar. ClOff to IUclllardL Har. JOM·J attf'r e • 106-ltUI It.. attar e 20tlc BRAND NEW llNF'l'HN 3 bl'•t- rm . 2 bath. 11bl gur11xl' h<lrttt" 4 blocks trnm l'<'nlt'r flf 1 ·11,.ta Meaa... lmme<tlat .. <X'l'llp:rnf·,· SlOO mo. Ll ft·22AA f'Vl'll 1.11..,, ry 8·3767 W1·'?2 rQR I-EASE. 'T'wo bf:{lrm unfum h 0\1"4' Nl'Wp<111 DlwJ I! b•l\'l" ti•" Archu Ll 8·!'.1714 «"II <1f'• r 7 p .m . 1&20 No Appraisal Fee SALl"A'i H.l!:fl NANt:E CO~STRUC:TH>N c .. 11 tvr ~~rr .. Fut Comm1tm<'nla on Kc-•1rJl'nce.11 an<1 Untl11 only Don I. Hudd~eston 1 li~ E 17th ~l COSTA Mf..l'IA LI 8 t1'•4 I W 8 °6:.62 I.I.JI\':" H J u , ""'6 C.111 t.~1Vr Bil\'. MVIJ,;1<:-.1zi,:. OR R P.f,.1:-I AN('J:: \.\I' ijuy Tru~t O••c\11 N £\\I 111<1 t~.\I 1:111\ :-,,\ \J'.\1;:-- irt 1 (IA N Al<.'111' •Tl• •N 3366 Via Udo l'h HH 4'JW •10 LIDO ISLE 5 Income Units OOUTAL 8ROPPER Elltdoa of ~EWPORT ~Ar.AOH NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PA6E 9 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1955 A BRANO NEW 3 bdfm., 2 ba th French Regt·ncy wtth aJI· eJec. kJtchen beamed celllnr' tars• patio, merc ury aw1tchea, lmpreeel.ve entry. A MOOl:R.."J PROVlNCJAJ- The fL'lut ot wall-papers, dra- perle• and rup lhru-out. You'll love U\la home and th• price le rlcht. a bdrme.. 2 bathe. Paneltnr In livtAI" nn~ and den. NEAR NEWPORT P IER. '~ blk.. • to ocurt, 1 blk. to Bay. ExotJ.I !D-~:B4~e&l~!!_.~b!·~t.~te!!.,. _____ _:a~:R~!l!Nl!!._~r.~:.e.~! .. ~-----1ent l'flllaJ area With terrtttc HAVE A FAMILY! It ao. you'll love tht. 3 bdrm., 2 be.th hotne on f'Xtra large lot car- age 11tre-d for 2 atry. over 2M Sq. Ft. and it'a under $30M. FOR LEASE 11p11ciou11 Lido home tiutefully Ir complete· ly rurnlshPd 3 bdrm11., 2 batha. \\'lntrr nr ye11rly optional. NEAR LIDO OD quiet at..-t, ukln&' 124,000, abowtnc an- nual of $2MO. 2 unit.a. 2 bdrm. down. 1 bdrm. up. Complete.ly a.nd newly fllmlabed. CORNER LOT below market price, compare It for price $12.1100. CORONA DEL MAR Shorecliffs loveliest 2 Bdrms. conv. den. 2200 sq. ft. Wondert'\J.l out· door living. A distinctive home, Asking $49.~ BAY & BEACH REALTY -lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 potential l.Dcome. Thi* dMn property al.ao lncludea adJ<>lnine vaca.nt lot at the low price ot m .aoo and on.1,, 11aoo down.. See thla today. TWO BIIDRM.. HOMll and 1 BR. rental. CtoM to ~ and ~ Ill very quJet nel.fbborbood.- SU,19() •cellant terma. 1"8 000011 Roy.I I.Ano.", power bnlcea, poww at~. ft A H . WW U~ Tlnted &'lua. llvery extra poMtble. Plua cuh tor equity ht homa, Income prop· erty, ncant lot or lru.et deed. Sllll .t.T 108 McFadden Place,- Pbone Har. HO, evenlnc• Har. ll288·W. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 108 McJl'adde:n Place Har. HO Eve. Har. 2!12&-M Har. 11268·W ·--------------- , ·Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom, P 1 bath, F. A. heat. H. W. fiool'll, shake roof, lots of tile. F1SHER built. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., Oct. 22 & 23 384 Mira Loma Nort h of Del Mar, just off ·rustin Ave. 4 lots 80 x 150 fronting on a beautiful lake, with a view of the Back Bay. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Coa11t Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 CORONA DEL MAR South of Blvd., 2 bdrm. home on large lot. Hu nice kitchen, service porch, dining ruom, Living room carpeted. Patio, fruit trees, fenced yard Very nice. See it. $22,500 Income. 2 bdrm: home and 1 bdrm. garage apart· menl. Clean property close to shopping. 521,500 LIS TINGS NEEDED. PLEASE CALL US. RAY REALTY co. 34.H E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar (Across from Bank in COM) OPEN HOUSE Har. 2288 Friday -Saturday -Sunday 11 -4 :30 203 Opal, Balboa Island ('harming ptnc> paneled Cape Cod home, 3 bednrus .. lovely patio, 12 ft. Wizard boat with dolly, 5 HP J ohnson motor with on shore mooring included. DORIS BRAY, Realtor & ASSOCIATES 2.16 Marine. Balboa Island. Harbor 20 or 64 Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home oo Sea- 11hore Onve. Knotty pine livmg room with dining Rr<'a. Formica Jotchen, 1 bedroom and t .. bath down, 3 b<·drooms ;ind 1 '.: baths up. Solid con· 11Lru rtion, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car ga rage. enclosN.I yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 CLIFF HAVEN OUTSTANDING 4 br., 3 buth home, 2 living room.a, carpeted. Ideal family home '37,1100. CORONA HIGHLANDS 4 BR., 3 BA TH, rumpua rm.. 2 flreplacea, room for pool, ler· rifle view, on 2 Iota $411,000. 2 BR .. I BATH. J1re. view living room, room for pool, wide lo t $27,600. OOSTA MESA $1000 DOWN -ranchy 2 br .. HW nra., fireplace, BBQ $1 t ,711C). Claire Van Horn RJULTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-4277 REAL VALUES NIM' 8 ROOM STUCCO 3 bedroom.a .t: large den. Large living room, entry hall. H dw1!. n oor1. Bath Ir .,,, double gar-age attached. Only $3000 Down Wll ALSO HA VE aeveral fine building lot• on eut 11lde and r ood neighborhood. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvt1. Co11ta Mesa Ll 8-1672 Evu. Ll 8-4120 Want a Cheapie? Two bedml. fumlahtd hou9e on Eut 16th, Coeta. .M1>aa. '691'10 - only SlllOO down. Move right In COST A MES.A. Gardm paradin. Owner leaving area. Three bed· room home. Owner aay11 make offer regarding price and term11 Art C. Kistler Co. Re11.ltnn1 Nl'Wpc>rl Blvd .. Newpm t Buch. Harbor 11226 WE HA VE qua.Jlfled buyer• I 21 for 2 o r 3 ~room locf\I hom<'11 for $1000 down and lerge month· ly paymenlll. ORANG E COAST PROPERTfES 18117 N('Wl'Orl, CnJOta Meq LI 8-1632 Eve. U 8-AA03 Business Corner IN CENTER COSTA MESA re· duce<! prlcl'. Easy tt rm11. DAN A. JACOBSEN', Realtor H11rbor 5691. E ves. LI 8-6682 ---------- 32 FT LIVING RM N&ml' a ny rra.11011oble down Jlll)'mtnt Ol1h•r w1•ll bulll Early Cahfoml" stylP 3 be<!· room. 2 bRU1.11. Hni;:e ganige 1un d,.ck. AaJ<lng $25.000 lmmedlatt" N'curu•n<'y FORD VERRJ~DER. Harbor 4263. l 7lfC' BALBOA ISLAND ' Bedroom bay front with pMI' -4 boM. "5,000 ,..,. SUPERB loeation, uoellmt deelp, abac*t ...__ 2 unit. each with prtvate patio&. CompWely r.n. $28,500 LIDO ISLE f Bedrm., I bat.4 Ss-cioua lh1nc room 6 den. Choioe comer looation. $39.eeo W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park. Balboa Ialand. Harbor 2442 GOLDEN RULE VALUES· ATTENTION e AREA INDUSTRIALISTS Move your organization home. Why g&mble with your life driving the Freeway? Nearing completion five (5) well constructed concrete buildings. Ample paved parking area. All utilities. Each contain 4800 square r~t. For Sale or For Leue. -- $1000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. hom(.>o-2 yrs old'. Living Rm. carpeted-Birch cabinets, patio. Large lot on quiet dead end street. Mo. payrncnt.11 lesa t han r.-nt. Full Price $10,500 PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd., Co1ta Mesa (acrosa from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har, 4366 -LI 8-2103 ---------_" _________ _ BALBOA PENINSULA Farewell Sale! Owner forced to move inland -Must sell 3 bedroom 2 bath Cape Cod home on large corner loL Heavy •beamed ceilings, many built-in features, load11 of clost>ts, spaciou11 patio with nice cabana, double garage with 11undeck -ocean view. $32.500 -Terms flexible. BEST BACK BAY AREA RESTRICTED HOMESITE -surrounded by beau· tifu.I homes. Large enough fo r home and pool. Full Price $6,950 -Terms BALBOA PENINSULA -EXCLUSIVE First time listed -3 bedroom 2 bath nicely fur- nished home. G. 1. loa.n, monthly payment.A including taxes S80 J"ull Price $18,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY 1150 W. Ba.lboa Blvd.. Balboa Hubor. 126' OWNER TRANSFERRED OPEN DAILY UNTIL SOLD 487 Esther St.. 1 i Block oft Irvine B<'auliful Bu.rk Bay Area Dream Home 3 bedroom & den. cu1>tom built by "Ll oyd C. How· ard''... Large living room with mammoth fireplace, sliding glaRR doort1 to gorgeous patio. Bar kitchen with Thermsdor oven and range, dishwasher, di• posal. Brick BBQ. large dining area. two full bath11. Exp<•nsive carpeting and drapes thru·out. Sprinkler system front and rear. Only $29.500 EZ terma. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor 3320 W. Coast Hwy., Liberty 8·7773 "At the Arches" UDO ISLE WINTER RENTAL Tltl .J1tly I Ocean f'ronl 2 bN11 m f111 n1 ~hnl houae. Forct"d air 11 .. a l Ir itMf/11¢1' Waler p111d J flfl ""' ~i!•'! \\' LOANS for Homes Do You Have to Move to a Dry Climate? $495. TOTAL moves }'OU In l o •• ~"­ room. 2 b11Lh homf lmml'(ll&t" Jl')Mf.._UUon. 2029 lt11r bor Al vil f'o.ta Muo. LI 8-1761. Ev.-" I.I A-4il8. Har :l004 M 20c34 Extra Luxurious Custom Quality RAJU. Y u:ntu:rn.. 2 bdnn. A 2 ~ boma. Har. lOU. t tfc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS OtJ) &dDa ~ Blanche Gates, Rltr. Ill Marlne A"· ....... b1an4, Bar. ltTl Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT WINTER nue I Bft. f'\lm., UtU. pd. 11\0 mn I llft. F'urll .. UUI. pd. '80 mo. 1007 JC. Ball>M Blvd. klbotl Har. J3i8 t:ip28 NEW l..AROlt APT. unrurn nur !Meach. b11y A ~rk. Hwt1. nra . 1Srb 1m} . icanic" m -3Kih st Harbor 3624J. tlk2 I OELU XF. FUR!I>. APTS. Blnc-ln a \lbla $30 mo. tnd up 104 E. Bay An .. Halboa Harbor 130. ltfc Attention bachelors, gals. couple! Furn apt. Nf'wport &ac h l bctJ· room. r•ra1e. ulilll1N1. ntar t!•n21 NEAR <X.'l':A N A BIJV f'11rn 2 bfodroom A l'ltf'J11nit l'lft • ll(llr· •se 11P ll71h :-:rwrnrl lk11rh 1Sp20 :10 yr 1"1tll ... Consfruc ; .o:-. Lo e ns :H;l!: 111 lk :-. , 111.Z.I' 2r,1:i l::A~T 1·1J,\,,l ULVlJ f.....<HUht ~fl \,d f1 \lli •1 •1 '\ krp "11-ilt .I' .\lv l\ I •;,11,,~ 1 '11 SMAl.I~ 1£Ul'l\l ho111<•, '""•f'l"l·h·1 Mt-lr<> 1.11 ,. 111 ~''"'• 0.;1 1 ,p ,, rurn prlv pat111 • •u1tt1111 .. fo1 Hiil. couplf't lnq lflflfl S"\\p<•rt __ _ Blvll . co~ln M r"! "r ( 1111 [,(I 8-3792 111121 57-:-~~<·;•!_~;'ll lllt· \\arfr1I LJOO IS L.IC :-;gw ~ b~Hflfll. z l'Hl\'\T!l'.1111·v .. ,,M~ fr•»I• ""'" l>lll h unf11rn. '"""eo t o P"rman ,. 1,,.,, 1•111 .. •I ,, ~"l••ntt.tl 1 11 ..... ent t••nanl $200 tTh> t'he>11,. l''"I' 11 ·1 , 1 1 .. 111 111 1 • IOl'at!nn. Mr S1111w l'll'nk1rk \\ r.i. 1 111 •I• "'" ,,, J• '' 11.,,. l -:l2J I, .. v.•ntll£A 11 11•1 SYivan 0-3G91 49--Rooms for K.-nt VIK INC HOTEL lhll K B 1tlbl,11t l!lvJ . Uo)li.,11 1!11l IJ<1t fo 'o!l.I ROOM~ &< Al'AHT~w~·1 i.i 01ty \\'41••k Mnnth R('Jll h..-11tl1>!1 Ill lj ttll)IUI VER\' REASONAlll.J-; HATE:-! 1:.. ill 1 .. 1::1) \,A:" I !:Ii 'It I I. tU ur11I " 11 fH J q 1: I t. \\, ,.,. I fl I •d t I Jtd lll I \I 1 l II I I ' I '" "·'\' 0 1 h ip \...1. u ~., ,,a I" it1;tn· t"fll 1111P :d hf •'h '"'' t"(I H\.\11\ I lu•lo\\ to ... l ,,1 :r 1uo•hH tti••1 J•t ROOM with kll('ht'n prh'll••JC'"!I 5 ·,-i ·,•ii $I' '"'' """ 11 1 1,,.<1y µref .. n c--1 ;o;u ,. 110111 .. w 11 h i.:, •· 1nf.. • •II ~ 11• i1 .. 1 l·l••i.I•· I.I whlow ~·~ H ... 1tirn1I~ "''' 11-1'1~11,, :'l:l'Wptirt 11111 I.I 11·7172 1;1(E1>:;-.;1,f;:,11F' • !--1<;\ f.~HT~ tt• 1111) 11\i 20 3112 N•"A'l••I \ Kl\•11 ~•'\\ pud "'" ·U1M ba_y A bfoach SM Y""' ly ~II ROOM f(•r 1.<.11rklng m an SI\ 1111.t LI 8·1409 16Uc Si Jl"I Wl'rk Prw alf' l'ntnrn• 1' _ 123 2i.i h s1 , ~ .. wport I l'lf<' GO·A • Comm..,rdul, lndul'itrial BALBOA-PENINSULA. L1e furn -------- 1 BA a.pl. w w carpel, furn. CORON A DEL MAR. nl'ar n('r8 n heat. uUltll• a r a ra•e lnr l, By Studio bdrm. Prl\'lllt" l'nlrAn1·p me. or pl.JI'. Har. 17211 atter a bath $30 rnn Har 1 l:lO-RI< I ,. •· 17Uc °' Kar. 3573.w . 20c21 nm 1.r:ASF. 11( w hliti; ldl'll.I 101 1111tn 1IN\ltr nr pKrkR~t l"l<>•" 1:.:i:i: Hnrbnr Blwl T'h H n 1611 20c21 Owner of 60 acre cattle ranch m Munett~ wanta to 1 rade fo r a beach house. What have you 7 Ranch i11 all fenn•d & cro~s fenced. ZO ac. of perm&neot pas· lure, 12 ac rt>s alfalfa and balance 1s now dry farm· 1n~. Pienty of wdl water! Ranch will carry 100 head of cnttl!'. 2 housc.s !good ones) on property. Taxes . S li5 per year. Ask mg prK'f': $55,000. Please call us fur furthc·r info rmation. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1 :>05 'vV Ba lboa Rl vd. Harbor 5188 ft! \VANT ,AD will cost you Ill onl y $250 and it will rur. in all 4 issues A Minimum ad is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 S1•wpor1 Harbor Nrwl'·Pretts Monda~·. \\'Ntnf'8da)' and t·rkby editions, Plll8 the CoastaJ Shoppt'r, Wedne9da~ $111(1,0()0 \'lEV\. nt Hul.lr•r & tJ>'ettn Fee lnl <>n Cliff [lrtvl' f•lr S!l7~'' Cll/lh, ORANGE <..:OAST PROPF.RTIES 18~7 :'l/l'Wport. ('011\11 M PS8 LJ 11·16;{2 E\·e. W 8-6803 BAROAIN lot 72 rt. by 170 ft. m Sanla Ano 1111111t l'ltCl1111lvr reiu- tlenllal d~trlrl R e-t n r tr1I Kl 2-2290.-2141 North Ffow«'r 2()c22 l CHOICE COR NER ACRE. ,,,.,. t1enth1I 130 by 300-22nd Rntl Sant11 Ana Av!' J l 2.(t0(), Harbor ooas:.:.____ 2111';!2 I -· -10 Acre Grove 1-0N TUSTlN A VE , nt&r Onrnge, Submit luW (!own nr tro<le for j t h111 1u·ea I [JAN A JAt;OHSEN. RNlltor Har ~6111 Ev~• LI 8-63 17 60-A • Commerctal, lndustrlaJ M· 1, Placentia. JllO' x &30', •~""'· with 11nml' b11ll11i11g•, Ar In h11art n( ln<l•r~trlt<I ... ~ .. r Hl'l' Ui,r.oo ll'fJ1'18. GREEN LE AF'-SEV£RTS Re.ally 3112 Ntwp0rl Blvd .. Newp<>rl K&r. 2MI. r;.,._ LI 1-118' 41 Ranch Homes (\•ntraUy located for all activities in Greater New- port Harbor Area, y<'t out of eeaaonal congestion that p<'nallU8 so many srf'aa. These homeiJ have everything. even wall aales. Three bdrm. $21 ,950 F'our bdrm. $22,9'W> HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave .. 1 Block No. of 17th St. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th & Irvine Liberty 8-2664 or Liberty 8-3123 19c2-ilt Trailer Park-Spetial SANTA ANA -ANAHEIM. DISTRICT 3~ SPACES $12.000 annual grOM income. A·l locatioo, clean 1mrk un city gu, waler Ir aewer. 8bade tree.. Very little attention needed. Retu.rn1 approximately 60 percent on cub lnveetment. Better blllTJ on thi1 ·one! First time offered. No telephone information. PLEASE. EllRY down payment h&ndle.. OSBORNE -FORTON REAL TY 2323 W. Coast Hwy., lat Port Orange) Newport Beach co. i ' • ) ' OOAft'AL 8BOPPD FA.tdoe of PA•E 6 • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19. 1955 a a.• r.tue ''We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area families are Inspecting tbete exquisite homee -noting their comfort, con- ..-itence and central location. More and more families who prefer a home in a re- ltricted quality community &re moving into their Inlne Terrace homet1. Drive in today and He for youraell the many out· 1tandinc features of thia remarkable corrununity. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Coe.at Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4ff8 For J'wther lnf ormation * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bolda a Leuehold FAtate in Irvine Terrace, 8-een Say, Bay Shorea and qtff Haven BILL'S BEST BUYS YOUR CHOICE Two or three bedrooms for only $1000 down. 8oth of theM lovely bomea are on newly paved It curbed •treet. and on .ewer. See thue before checking them off your Hat. Both priced under $10,000 CLOSE.IN-EAST -SIDE $1500 mov• you in-nearly new 2 B. R. home, fen<*! yard and 2 car garage framed for apt. above. Full price only $8,900 -Bal $M mo. FIVE STAR VALUE Or aball we aay a 1ymphony of 1tar values! 1. Top grade hardwood floon 2. La.qe llviDJ room with fireplace 3. Bath and thrM quarter f.. Forced a.ir heat -Thermostat controlled 6. Tutetully decorated. Beautifully la.n~ped and fenced ll'ull Price SU,~ 51.~ F .H.A. loan at $82.00 mo. Inc. Tu.ea and Ina. W. A TOBIAS and ~OCIA TES, REALTOR .. you11 llke our friendly Mrvtce" '00 E. 17th St., Cocta Meu Liberty 8·1139 Vogel Values -Costa Mesa INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY U50' comer on Barbor Blvd., best locaUon in town. lhoftr Sood income. Call and let ua ahow you thla excellent buy. NEW 3 BR. HOME _!ll!::!B!•!iJl'il!.._!!t-~------__:11!!::•!•!!!.1~El!.e.!!!te!._~~--U Bee'l'.atate NOW HEAR THIS Duplex Near new 2 Bedrma each, one rented, owner in other. Owner's apt completely: furnished. Good location, only 1 block to fine beach. $:5000 down Full price J.1CSOOO Brand New 2 bedroom home with large 23 ft. living room, extra large R • 2 lot. PLENTY of room to build another unit and have a nice patio between them. Fine location. Only 1 block to beach. 4701 River St. (near S. W. corner of 47th & Balboa Blvd.)'. Open for your inspection $3,500 moves you in Good terms. Full price $.12,500 Bay Avenue Duplex With marnificent view of bay -only a few feet to the loth St. Beach on the Bay. AND extra large patio with barbecue. -o-on't miss this Terms Exclusively by Je M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. S5(D) Down 1531 Ocean Blvd Peninsula Point a a.droonui. 1 !-i Bath, I ear prap, Fenced PaUo, Ota.ed lund.c:lt, at.o .... A: ~~tor Sll,&00 S5(D) Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shorea J..&rc-UYlnl'f'OOll' _.th n,... pl&A:t. J'Ull dlJUn( room. I ~ room.r. t c:u r~ Oomplelely ftfld~t.4 s1a.rioo S5(D) Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point 3 ~room.. l ~. BaUI. 2 ea.r 1ar&1« Bay view. l.4r1e 1'""tntt4 yard. 81.0ve and Rdr11ualor Sl9,T~ Bay Front Special T ~' B&tN, a cu ,.,..,.... Pt.r • aup. rumlahed Ml.000 Near the Newport Pier BALBOA ISLAND SOUNDS LIKE WISHi'UL TBINKING BUT rrs TftUE! Lovely Ire. ll•. rm. with fr. pl, 4-bedrma. 2 bathrm.s. 1unny patio, comp'l turn. Yr .• round home nea.r villap. •24,95(). DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when inveated right! Thia 2-unit prop. ahoW'll territlc potential. 2·bdrma., one unit, 3-bednna. in other. Comp'l turn. At~­ tive .i.rtor. Nea.r Bay, Xtra gu.t room -we could go on but COMJC IN AND LET US SHOW IT TO YOU ! $23,~ with xlnt term.. CORONA DEL MAR HEY! MR. FIXER UPPER! Here'• your chance to make tolll• do\acb ! Older but Sood l·bdrm. home with vent.ct tu.ruace beat ud plenty of room for lovely view apt. on back of lot. So. of h1·way I All thla for •to,500. WE BAVIJ THE KEY. $19,8601 Yep that'• th• full prtee fof' W. lovely 3-bdrm.. 2 bath bome. RuttW patlo. Comp'I re· deco.rated a.nd remodeled. Xln't loeats.on. SEE IT TODAY you'll be eo Jlad 7011 dtd. CM. L. Ull) Open House, Sun. Oct. 23 2 units, tiieplace, dble. p.race 309 Amethyst NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 0602 -4623 Vogel Values Full price $25,500 Har. ~1 Houston Values Baek Bay SIG L4 QAN41U WAT tnfONTRUOTl:D VDW OYW Baek Bay ttem hq• Uvtnr rm. of w. a bdnl1.. J ... wtn mod· •I'll n.ew heaa. 0..-UJlloua. WW take lot u put. ~n lmt.d. Sat. 6 Bua. 11·11. View Lot $5000. O•~BMllh:r-. M-1 Lot $7500. NR. Pt.ACllNTIA on JOt.b "'1th old 2 bdrm. hoUM. ~.. In.to. ca &boY• L.ytle LIMrt.T S.26-42 Newport Hts. $7400 aooo, ow.r 2 bdnn.. double I°.,.. -... ea a ta.108 let. ftM aetgll· borhood. Submit oo UW barg&tll! Newport Beach NEAT, ecentort&ble 2 bdrm.. dbla. ,.,..... All ~. only 2 bloclu from ecean and Bay. Full prloe oal7 ll4"e0. UllOO down and fTO.. ,_ -. en b918AM. M-1 Acre Choice HJOH AND LEVEL. lket M·l dUt. H qTa, oab' U2.&00. You won't ~ at UMeit pnc. a.rt yeul ror s.... 1n1.o. hUU.. u I-Hit Pri. So 'tfishing Lake 5 AeftEA l.ncl 2~ AC:N U.p. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS MORNING CANYON Outatand•ns view of ocea.n. canyon, and hWa. I bdrm. and den home, 2 batha, carpet. and drapM included. Only $87,500. $12,00 down will handle. • 2. SHORECLIFFS EVENING CANYON ROAD View of ocean and Cat&Una, cuatom built 8 bdrm .• 2 bath home. Encloeed patio, separate dlnins room. Thia home ta deluxe In every detail. Only $41 ,500. EXCLUSIVE wttb ua. Shown by appointment . 3. FffiST TIME OFFERED Thia attractive 2 bdrm. home plus gue1at room with private bath, paved and enclosed patio, furni.ahed complete. Only 1~ block to ocean front. Choice atreet. Our EXCLUSIVE, Only $22,500. Better hurry! 4. FffiST TIME OFFERED Two bdrm. home plua large rumpus room. Nice patio, fenced yard, hardwood Oooni, furnace heat. No 1arage. Zoned for 2 unita. Only $10,750 full price, and $2500 down will handJe. EXCLUSIVE with us. Shown by appointment. This 1hould sell quickly. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, R.-altor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona dal Mar. Har. 41 (Office located next door to Cororta del Mar Bank) Vogel Values -Lido Office ti -tr ti LIDO ISLE First time offered tor 11&le. 2 comfortable bedrooms and large den, dining room, attractive living room with raised fireplace. 1:i 1 baths, a pleaaant and at· tn.ctJve kltclien with loada of cupboards, crue tJxtures t.hl"Oughout and what wardrolle 1pa~ I Immaculate in every respect. Drapes included for full price of $27,MO For Rent Furnished! BAYSHORES -2 br. -1 bath. Very altra,(:tive, nearly new fumlshlngs. Sl~ per mo. to June 15th, $1~ per mo. yearly lea.ae. No peta. THE VOGEL CO. 3418 Vla Udo -Newport Beach Har. 4971 Evee: Har. 2998-R ll 2191-M LI 8·5297 CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ou~ view, 4 bdnn. Den. Dining room. 2 batU. Haruwood It ca~t noon . Barpi.n at '45,000. 8ubmJt down. CUTE llllall 2 BR., comer. $17,500. Will trade tor larger home. NEW 2 BR.. and den, 2 bath.. Low t.enn., si..:500. Draperiee, rtove It fully land.ecaped. BA YSHOll!'.S 3 bdrm. b.ome, large rooms. Pro- tected patio. Attracth•ely pr1ocd at $24,750 BAYSHO~ Bar1ain. 8 bdrm., Uv. room 16.x20 f°U'epl, fenced, covered patio. Rf'ducecl tor quick Ale -$18,500. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertiee. Har. 1775 -Evc1. F.dith Maroon, HYatt ~ J ohn Ahcnab, Harbor 6359 Lou Boynton, Bayal<S. Dr. office. Har. 3297, ~ Hu. 2871 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand IArre UTtng t"OOtn, red brk. fireplace wtth ralMd hearth, HW floon, 1 Ui t.tU, all elect.rte ktt.chen. J!::irtaior redwood Ir .tucco wttb all dicbondra lawn. Newport Harbor Realty Costa Mesa Three bed.room home on extra large lot. Fireplace. thermo heat. hudwood Oool"ll, dlap .• tile abotttr, patio, 2 fenced yardl. 4 ~CJ{, FHA Loan, $&4.20 ::! ~a::' .. c!~.::..10;!: 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' r-..tJ ,_ ~. Allie fllll at IT'S A REAL VALUE 3 bedroom home eut aide of Cotta Meaa. ll5x1& ~ room, spedou. kitchen wtth breakfast area. tile bath . .tth lltall ahcnm-. Redeconted tteet1tJy. Nloe lawn and la.nd.caping. Low financing. $11,000 FULL PRICE. 15 ACRl'.8 M·l-3 ACRES R-4--60'ri0 Bids . M·l THE VOGEL CO. 1702 Newport Blvd. Collt.a Mesa Liberty 8-5597 Eveti: LI 8·H57, Har. 1380 21/2 Acres C Zone Located on Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa Property la PARTIALLY improved and leaeed to solid. worry free tenanta. Income $6000 per year. Priced at $M.OOO -with $30.000 cash required. bal. on attractive terma. A good 1ound sare inve11tmenl W!th IJ)RGlatTon po811bitruf.i. RUSS FORD, Rltr. 1800 W, Cout HJghway ~rty 8-6141 Probably Your Last Chance to buy & 30 x 104 ft. level lot in Newport u cloM? to the beach u this one ia. If you hold it for a )'e&r' or two you can't mia making younelf a lceg· full ot silver dollut1. $2,500 -terms. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. IOI • 32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor 5868 • Jam and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Pbone Harbor 1607 In Corona del Mar per month. Priced at only $12,750 Corona Highlands View Vacant Lot at $8.000 la now the best buy 1n tbe area. Includn bulldl.nc plau -call now tor particula.ra. Vogel Co. 2867 lt. Cout Hy. Corona del Kar. Har.17U Har. H77 LOVELT 2 bdrm. hou" and 1 ------------------- bdrm. aputm~nt In \'try Sood Jl)('atton cloe• lo 1hoppln1 c•n· ttr l')()uble 1•ra1• WI: HA YE CHOICfJ INCOME l":'~ITS R.ETUR:-;JNO 11'~ llnd 12', ON THE lN'\"ESTMEN"T Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. lluJt.otL MlllUJ>'e Uetlllf Bu•lne• Broker 3185 E. C:O..t H.11hway Corona del Mar Harbor 2162 WILLJ:-.<O AND ABLE BUYERS DOUBLE TROUBLE One ot our clienta hae It. Hu 2 propertiel a.ad would like to try for 1. Offen a DUPLEX. both sldea re.nted mo. to mo., hdwd. fln., fireplacee, dbl pr., Xlnt location just stepa to lhopa, Ba.Dk, etc. With mogt 2 B. R. home1 selling for u much. It'• a STEAL for aure at $16.000, terma can be arranged. Don't call. Juat_b~ a chack to R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 277' for Income properUN. all prlcee -------------------- up t.o '80,000, Give ue the de- llllll &nd watdl 'em ror OR.ANO& COAST PROPERTil:8 1'87 Newport. Colla Naa U 8·1832 F.ve. U 1-8801 CORON A DEL MAR -Let Ult turn l"ar apt pay t.he mortrar• on t.h h1 3 bdrm 2 bath bom• M&ny "bullt·lne" 6 lot. of •tor· •re sp•c:•. noor ~,.. drape• A ~pUa.ncu lllelu6-d In price of S~.000. Sanor ~M. UdT Channel Front Duplex. only 3 yean old, close to civic center. $10,000 down, lowNt prtce one av&llable. Ocean Front Balboa Apartment hol18e plua 4 rental.I and extra comer lot. Abo 8 units cloee to Balboa pier. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd and Newport Blvd. Harbor MM Newport BMch Barbor lf05 I 4ucU. t80 n. ..it. • bt. eul.f\I 6 •lect. pwnp. Cloee to B•1 &re&, OD ,..ed roed. A rood dMJ wttb tf1'1"1U. Call ua to - Sft. ph. lkymoar BA. 52tl·W. Houston Realty Co. • ASIOCL\TES eot c.nw et.. o.ta ,,. .. LI a..11 • LI 1-778' WATCH THIS COLUMN roft THll MOST eantull7 Mlect-- ed nlu• 1n .-ch of our di.ttnct.-17 dlttmmt HA.ft.BOR .UU:.AS. CLIJT HAVEN THEJ'Ut'B A MILLION DOtLAR.s worth of II~ ln UU. roomy 2 bdrm. • sun rm. home. nrepl., eloeet. raJore.. l 0 tn.&Jt \1'98 ! On.17 MOOO dn. -r .L UT.800 BALBOA 112' Jl'RONT AOJD on OcMn Bh•d' 3 bdrm., J -'4 batJUI, p•tln btr mougb for badminton. Owner m~ Inland wanta onera. COSTA MESA I ACJlU tor subdJYllrlon. Excel loc:aUon '5000 down. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2t06 N~rt 81Yd., Npt. 8aM.b l:uy PU'killl Bubor ·~10 r o R BALii ft' OWNJ:K-.....6 bed· room home. 11'. bat.Ila, land· llC&ped A: fenced. nu. loan. rr.dom !Mime .,.._ Call Liberty l-aSI momtnp or aft.er..... lttto, C.2 BUSINESS ZONE. One full acre Wlth 8 two Br. unlta, a new home (aU have pn.aea), an oftke a.nd ample room for more unit. a.nd buaineN offieee. ~.500 with termA. TWO -2 Br. oJdu hom.. on lot 62\..2 x300, PLUS atn lot 42~ Jr 800-eJl for SU.MO with reuonable temu. 7 Income unita all f'umlabed.. N•r Blvd. Ir marketa. $43:> mOGtbly income.. Price $30,0Qll G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Once In A Lifetime: A Ftx-It-Younelt 3 bed.room home for onJy $8,000. Large living room with brick fittplace on a level 65x165 corner near the Santa Ana Country Club. Sl,000 down. Very euy tenm. Not a junk heap-- Really dnn. Huny --tim-oae-1'0C't be- availab&e very lq. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. ~3 32nd SL, Newport &.ch. Harbor 5888 A.ft.er & : 00 Harbor 2203--J Lido Isle IAt WI ahow a ebarmlnc 2 bed.room home with 1arre Uving room, beamed celling. real euta kitchen with \laf!d brick breakfaat bar, forced alr heat, sunny paUo. Completely furnJ.abed lD Eerty AJDWleaa. Priced at onJ,J '22,800 OSBORNE -FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port ()raqt) j Newport Beach U 8-7882. Har. ~15' JJ:'f'I& I . .. !a=:!•~•!!!ll!..!•~.._~!e.!!.. ____ _!a~-=~ ~-tate ________ _ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND CORNER BAY FRONT: Charm. 2 B.R. tum. home- patio-ground space on front of lot for addi· t ional unit. SEE THIS. Only $31,500 • B. R. F URN. HOME. A bea~t ' uilt for gracious year round living. Unu'! ly tr. patio. Open for ins1lt'ct1on. F riuay. Sa r y & Sunday. Let us show you ANYTIM E. 324 Sapphire. $31.500 Xlnt. terms. Bay mooring included. $13,900 ! ! ! Here's a honey ! Charming 1 B. R. home. Dbl. garage. HURRY FOR THlS ! INCOME. Attractive home and apt. No. No. Bay and Village center. Both units furnished. This is a buy. S19.000. $6000 down. SO. BAY FRONT. 1 :! Int. Pier & Float. Lovely 4 B. R. home. $45.000. Top location. Call us to see thie. W e have the key. CLIFF HAVEN OWNER MUST SELL! Let us show you this beautiful apa~ioua VlE W home. THEN -MAKE OFFER! CORONA DEL MAR SO. OF HWY. Unusua lly charming 2 B. R. home on comer lot, artistically landscaped and fenced. ONLY $16,550. AND WORTH IT. TOO! ! ! SHORECLIFFS OUTSTANDING VIEW 4 B. R. 21~ Bath home. Top loca tion. Thi• will •Uit the moat discriminating. Show by appointment. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VDOtEft.S OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pbene Barbor 1871 or 1672 VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * CLAUSTROPHOBIA CONSCIOUS? Let ua abow you thia motit attractive U:t yr. old 3 B. R .. 2 bath home located on profe881onally land.caped corner lot in one of the nlceat a reru1 witb view or Back Bay biU. Ir eurrounding country· •ide. W /W carpet.inc. HW floor•. la rge wardrobea It aUd.lnc claa dooni to a completely fenced back· yard ~ed for outdoor llving. h.ll pnc. -only $18.500 witla FHA 41h~ loan @ $84 month. * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hiway Llbertv 8-3481 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Jrer th• diecrim.in.atinr buyer we have a beautiful b ome with permanent bay vi~. 2 bedroom.a and panelled den. l..a.rre living room and dining room. eoaannJent kitchen, fully equipped. Finest residen- tial ..,.... 121.500 buya a five bedroom bayfront h ome. Small down a.n4 owner will e&rT)'. Idw •ummer home for tars-f &m.lly. Dapm. Two bedroom. each. Ocean vi~ from up- ,... Mee l"MWential atta. $22.~. N-.r C.Uaolie c.bu..rcla. SlO.~. $2000 down. Nice three bedroom boUM with two bath•. Family nttds larsw heme.. Co..WWr trade for !our bedroom house .. c.ta Meea. I acne De&I' memt&l hoqllal and 9Chool Zoneod R-4. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES UM>G W. &JM& Blvd. Harbor 5188 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA .Acijoininr a..utiful Santa Ana Country Club, Eut of Santa Ana Avenue. off Orchard Drh·e. I Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes No Down Payment Non· Vets -Vets Sa.Jeaman on tract. eve-ry eftttn00n and M"l'. SANT A ANA MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana. Calif. P honet1 KJmberly i'-416S Ll~rty ·2657 (Evening• Liberty -41 61 12c25 S61 Monthly paymtnt.a only $61 after few yt>a rt1 Nf'w hometi $10.750. Three bedroom11. 2 bath11. $896 Down Liberty 8-2657 Inquire 252 E. Palmer \ tfc • P. a. palmer incorporated developers North Bctyf ront of Udo Isle In A Tradin' Mood? On over 80 feet of t he very beat Lido B&yfront. StriJ<ing modern designed by Ellerbroek. AJA. The setting, view, beach, pier. planting and home are the very finest po8sible. 3 bednn.a. and maid's. 31~ baths. This home i8 like a preclou1 jewel and Are you tired or that cloeed·in feeling ! Get rid of it on this beautiful 181 acre Bouquet Cauyon ranch. Modern adobe borne, 3-ear p rai-, 2 'bunk rooma, 3 sWl bam and tack room, 4 running •pl'inp pro- vide an abundance ot water. Price $!50,000 -~ down or will trade, prefen llayfront. Call Dave Oabu.m for detaillt. 11hould be seen. It'• exclusive with ua and we have the key. Charm 4 bedrm. 2 bath built-in range Ir oven, walled patio. Used brick fireplace. Excellent buy at $30,750. 3 bedrm., 3 bath, large patio, Lido's wideat street. Hardwood floors, weatherstripped, COMPARE at only $34,500 furnished. Income? 6 unit.a on exclusive North Bay, 80 ft. front. Lovely beach & view, furnished & rented. $105,000 terms. 2 lot.e wi th over 100 ft. frontage, ~ned tor 6 unit., ~nough room for pool. Bayview. $38,000. 70 by 90 foot corner, beet pou ible location $23,000 3 Bedroom, 2 bath• This houae ha.a IT, and u a. Bonus -a.n unaur- pa.saed Ocean and Bay View. It UU. ian't .sough, check the following feat urea: -Lovely landacape, planned for _.y car.. -2 patioe plu• enough room for pool. -Wall-to-wall carpeting in all nne. including bat.ha. Full price ... .. . .......................................... -..... $24,500 You ju.st have to 11ee it to believe it. Call me and r u ahow it to you. Bill hnwworth Ready, Willing and Able? Then •ee this 2 bedroom It den home. It's loaded with top.notch features, open beam Cathedral ceil- lng, hand .. plit •h&ke root, 2 UM<! brick fireplaces, ocean view and beautifully landacaped. OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 p. m. 24.8 Eveoin1 Canyon Road, Shorecliff• p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 XLNT BUYS e BEAUTIFUL B&y Shoru EXCICLLE?lo'T opportunity to buy a a bdrm. wtth fireplace. fnr only 118.!IOO. 16-000 down. Better ca ll now. • ACACIA, Corona del Mar 2 AEORM. w1lh flrf'place on nice romtr. near the bhlff Prlrt JU8t r ut Owner want" ACTJON. e HONEYMOON Cottage 700 BLOCK. PO!NSE"I"M.A. '11 tt lot Extra nice lllld completely t um111hf'd . S 1 II ~00. Ttrmll e HAZEL DRIVE, COM P ANORAMIC VIEW of bl\lff an(! OCMll. OuUl.&ndlng 3 l>@drm , flreplac~. lot• ot paJalln1 Phont> for app"t . NOW. •OCEAN VIEW ON 11tl8, 2 etory m0<14!m Almoet n-. Aikin« '31.000 Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick Rl':ALTC>RS R RAYi"·" ,......,, • ..(" Ruu A•"OC' 312 Mannt A v• B11lboa i.~nd LOTS WATERF"RONT LOT bf>autlful v1ew Walk to J•o>al Offlrt and l.oldn Rhopp1nir Ctn I ,.r ('ornphtt, "'Ith b•1lkh,•11I Sl!lb()O, l"rm• BAL.DOA f'l'.:;'llJ~Sl.'l.A "UY d,., a1rab1, bulldlnlf alt" F irm pn,.,. $10.~ ~E'W'PORT HY.ICHIT~. nlrt n•lrh· oorhood Wall( lo M M•ril'r a Miii' ahQpplnr: dllolr1,.t l'Hl,.127 '• J.~~f) Tf'rm11. l•k ,. lr'll-t llf'e/1 or t'QUll)' Distinctive, Balboa Island Bayfront 4 bedroom home. 2 full bathe. Hae large private pier and float. Best view and year round living location. $15.000 down will handle. It's time to buy, Finest Unobstructed View in the Area $10,000 under replacement coat and only 3 yeara old. 3 bedroom•, 3 baths. Large living room overlooking aU of Newport Ha.rbor. Th ia magnifi- cent home can be purchased for u.uuaually low down payment and excellent terms. You mwat Me tbiR home to appreciate it. Full price $t5,000 Deligh~~ ~~~: H~!d Style Choice Balboa Island location near the bay. 2 bedroom• and aeparat.e guest room: large living room with beam ceiling. Ni~ patio, barbecue. Shake exterior. Nicely fumi&bed. Let ua abow you th1a attra.ct.Jve. Uvable bom.. Full price, ~.ooo The Vogel Co. 208 Marine A venue. Balboa Ial&nd Nat door to the Poet Otti~ Har. 444 Eves. Har . 8059-M -Har. 4.248-R Or\e of Newport Harbor's Most Lavish Bay Front Homes Complet<>ly furnishe-d and beautifully appointed. Pier and large finger •lip. Sandy beach. FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Tops an <'Ve ry respect. Selling due to illnest In family. You m u•t lff this~ Full prloe $89.500 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors Peninsula Bay Front! BEAUTIFUL AND SPACIOUS ON ~A ST BALBOA PENIN"· SUL.A. • year1 eld. Cpper nlct-ly fumiabed, 2 bedroom• plu1 ln upper, 2 bedroom. down. L.aun· dry and uW.lty rooma. 3 car ~a. Prlvat11 beach and pier r1rhta. '60.000. tenn1. Peninsula Home! CUTEST 211. bedroom a nd 2 bath home on the PeniNulL 2 1tory with <>c..n view. 2 car garage "and •u.ndeclt. Completely redeco· ra~ oot.Alld• and In St" I\ before you buJ • • . S 17 .!IOO. S4000 dn. Lido Isle Home! 3 BEDROOMS, 2 balh.11. 45 ft. lot. Lar-t• Uvtng room and all tbe convenJmcee you would expect lo rind In a lovtiy Udo illt- home 13&,000, tf'rmJI Balboa Duplex! KER.E'S A. 81..EEPER. Not onl y be<'atJM It la a d&ndy 2 unll naw. hnt.h f u.mlahed. but bKaUM lilt'r t IA •flOUl'h STOUnd ana whereby one more u.nlt rould be addf'd plua 3 s~-A -•II value at lte.&00 and 1'00<1 ttrm11 Balboa Realty Co. Oppotutl!l Bank of Amerll'a R"llll Of"'tl~y Al Com ,.1111111 ltd l~t 1 Jack l'lnkh&m J'""llhln,. W!'bb 700 F: Balboa Blvd. R11lboa Phone f13rbor Jt77 Cliff Haven TroJy an Out.atandang pmpHty nt unuau111 1l,•1gn. • brand n"'' family home r1111 l!f warmlll a.nd chann •.• 3 bdrlT\ll 2 bath Redwood Ru11\1c with 11 kit< htn you can"t "'"'"l r111a a PA110r&mlc \"1ew from t.ht rooftop obffrvaLory F'11ll prlrt I only 128.600. vt ~ •how ynu lhl11 tnd11y' Back Bay COASTAL SHOPPt:R t .tl•l•1• Of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PAR.,, 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1955 , a •• ,...._ BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Modem apt .: oldtr front house Shnw your ability at "do-it-yot11'8f'lf. Rf'ducNi for qu1\·k sale -$19.950. 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE. floor fumare an1t fire- place. Small lot. Reduc.-d for qu1t·k s1tlt> $1!') ~110 80 fT. BAY FRONTAGE . On Little Island. pier, flOl\t, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is close to th<> llSking p rke. BEACON BAY. Bay front. Ofh'n drl'um,·d 11b11ut. rarely Be<.'n. Exquisitl' 3 brlrm . 3 oath homC'. Thermo kitchen. Part I~· l'1W. pa tin Pl.l.: S 1 h.t rm. apt . done in the same goo<lt tac:tf'. F'11rmsht'tl - few exceptions. Shown Friday nftC'rnoons 1inly $59,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Largo lot. ehnrnling 6 bdrm. 3\~ bath house. Dining rm., modrrn kit· chen, disp., dishwasher. lolli of <'Upbo11 r<I~ n11J closets. Plus unus ual 2 bdrm. apt. O\'<'r 3 t·a r gnr- age. Both units all nt>wly furnisherl in Mc,dt•rn1'. Ideal for home and income or ~uests. Ha r. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYntt 4 -6~:!2 John Macnab. Harbor 535!1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Is It Smart To Wait? Are you post poning buying a HO~tF: wa11 111g nnd hoping that real estate prlC'1·s will snft1'1t" !'11m f' have wailt'<l for a lnng t ime. Too Ion~. r-h-<111~ h1lf' life is passing by. lt"s lakr th11n you tlt111k. Why not get SOMETHING out of lift' whill' you <'.111 1·11J11.\' 1t ~ Plenty of fine opportunit1r!'I for h"mc buy1·r~ t•Xtbt today on LIDO ISU :. FOR E:-.:AMPLE On LIDO ISLE a 3 twdronm. 2 bath hnn1<• n( t·hnrm. character and value. Ew·rytlt111g you :11 •· l11ok1n~ for in a home together with lari.:r s un d1·1·k Thia home has f e1ttu r{'R I •liJ numc·1 0111> t 1> ni• 1ll111n in an ad. This you MUST !'EE. 1'1 11·1· ~:1 1 ,7~11. - Nice terms. CONS 'LT US FOR T.ll>O"S Fl!'\t·:.T LIDO REALTY AS~OCIATES 3400 Via Udo I J .11 h11r 11 11 (Acrose From Richard'11 ~1.11 kd J•;111 1.1111t•I W. G. 1Billl Kemplun • J ••>-1·ph ll 1:11•hman • Virginia Man&<'n • BARGAIN OF THE YEAR we have the keys Here ill a real homey 3 bt°'tlrn()m 1·11\1 ··~·· (I f 1RW equare fot>t. L 1v111J; room I lx30 ft"<·t. H11orn 111 jtaraJ:t' for l!ll<'C'l'in~. plu11 hobby 1 •'<lnl .111.J la1111d1' Ne11tled m &Jl orchard 11f 13 bcr\nnb (1 uat ll'l'\"b, t Ir· ang<'fl, grape.s. lcmnn10. )l('lH Ian . f1p•. "' • wadn~. In· qualB 11n1l guavl\..'I. Bt•n11t1f11I I 1\\!1 ron•I i;h rub,.. A dr eam pince for 11. family th.i t h:i-4 :\ ;~r .1nd clud to puttt>r an th<' yard. Al l this on 2 lar~e l•l~ 100"1:!.1 1 ... 1 All 1111hti1,. in and pav~ alley and 11trrPl. Jn ( ·.,,.,,, ~lt·~n. JU~l 5 minutes from the OC'C'lHI. Full prwe $1 ~.~l C ;rn,d T1•m1,. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Nev .. port Bh-d, ="\•wp .. rl lka1 h liar. \ilS O<'F.AN .. '"R0 :-.1 nf'Ar N .. wport Pl"r 2 Int• on C'l'rnn :,ih 12!1 St 7 l)Oll or "'"II h111lol to •ult 1 .. nan1 2901 Newport Blvd.. Newp<>rt Beach. Har. 5226 Bay Front Speclalillt.9 OSLY $17.6(1() w111 buy lhl1 ~au· --------------- Ulul OWNl:R B UTLT 2 yrar old Homer E. Shafer 1 RP.Al.TOR lM M 1 f.'arMpn Pl111" 11,.. 140 p,,., tl1t r ::~:II·'.'~ At Har '12&1t \\' Balboa B.\ YF"RC'\:-.-r n 11p1 ... 1 '2 h·lrm Ir I I b-Jtm 2 11r 113111 ~• f11r· n111h•"I S:H '1/kt T~rm~ M11thl run~1<11'r 1 P"'" ff\r ''""'"' M,.~n ln t .. 111• .. prnprrt \' Ocean Front F'l 'R:" 1 11 ... 11 m 2 bi.th hull•"' & I b•lrm 11111 ''" r J!llllll:I' $1~• ~.i~1 Trrrn~ OL DF'R 4 bdrm """~.. r ,, , .• •I lllf hl'I' I lnl\ $21 '.11<1 Pl'PJ.F;'C 1or R&lhl t Rl\"1 tlli · ';~II bl>lh ur11\" n u .. I\ f111n Onl) Sii O\'MI "ill htrn•I ,. Coast Properties :IO I f: 0111\>. a R\\'I) l:hlboA H 111.1 l1or :!fl~•'! ·J~,Jlj 11nol H>1l(l -' ' LIDO R-3 2 :10 fl lot11 ••n "So. 811'.\' Front SJ I :)(Ml "•rh C'11 II T I> Roatra I Har l~~-W. or RYan 1·60211 18llc C-2 Business Lot On :"f'v. ~rt Blvd. 11l Jndu1tr1aJ \\ 11 )' Ox 162 f\ t'a \J OWTif'r, HIU'bor uoe. l8t.lc I Fisher Exclusives 1. One bedrm .. Corona del Mar $8250 2. Two bednn .. Corona del Mar $12.500 Will CJ .$1230 down. 3. Two b<'drm. New-port Hts .. $13.500 Will trade for 3 bdrm. 2 bath Newport Hta. 4. 7 units 13e.lboa. $35,000. Wall trade for 3 bedrm .. Santa Ana. 5. 3 bdrm., Costa Mesa. Full price $9350 with 4 1:'' FHA Loan. 6. 4 brorm .. 2 bath. Costa Me~. $11 .500 FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Bl\'d., New port Beach, Harbor 44 29 2 Open Houses 1-5 P. M. 483 Morning Canyon Rd .. Corona liighlanus. 2 Br. partly fum. R-2 lot. The bargain C1f the day: 2572 Circle Drive. Bayahoret1, N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath. extra 8hower. compl. furn .. encl. patio. BBQ. fire· place. Espec1aUy deaagnt>d for outdoor li\'tng. Cor. lot 1 : blk. from N. Channrl. Priced to aell. a.nd BARGACN. Ex~ll. hwy. frontage, Coronll del Mar. G. H . LATHROP, 3635 E. Cout Hy .. Coro na del Mar Harbor 5442 E vea. Har. 6680 2 bedroom. 1' bath home with 14!pa.rate rumpua room. t1rcplare.1 dll\.. l"OC)m, •nt'loHd pa tio, work· llhop and mlllly e:xtra attrRctJve fM llH'f'll Fae<'• Country C"lub. I $4000 dn. "1th t1C<'f'll,.nt l!'Mnl Builders Attention I Lil 120' it 252' on 11ewe"' ... r an tie '"''llJ!'<t I Into 2 loll. JIJ-~LOW MARKET AT S&O'IO I Bay & Beach Realty HI~ Nt.,..'J)Orl Blvd. (.'011t a Me1111. Calif J,ftH>ny ~-• 1111 r,,.,.. 1.1 8·3010 R'TNC 8 PL.ACE hume F lt for • KlnK 6 Quttn, Se~ thi. lov11bl,. 3 bc-Urm . 2 bath muterplt'l.'t 2 )'Tll ol1J. Cllrpeled W/W , 11Ju 11 allr11ng doorw I I) p.1tUo Mounlal11 ,., .. w . Only Jll9!'>0 down OltANGE COAST PRO PERTIES 11'07 N'wport, roeta MeM Lr 1'·1fl32 £•e. t~l M!03 At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE IS A WO;\OERF t:L plen ot bueln... property for 11aJ' with excelt..nt tvma Lof\C' term I~ pendanc. lotaJ1n1 approx. 1225 a monlll. N • 1 prop- ,r\ y, plUll 110me eu h wlll be con· al1lf>rl'd In 11 lr•tle f'ell owner W 8~2'3 mom lnr • or &flt'r I! p.m. ttt c " The Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ANNOUNCE That they are now fl('n·ing the Harb<1r /\rt•I\ frnm their C<'ntr&lly !orated new home, ill'6.lgn<'d hy FREDl:':RICK BOGDON. AIA. and built by LLOYD C. HOW ARD 401 N. Newport Blvd ., Newport Beach WILL TRADE Thill 3 bdrm. & den 2 bath beaut. COmf'r nm Haven home. For 2 or 3 bdrm. in N~wport H\.8., CoetA Meu. or Corona del Mu. to S J!i,000 Call u 8-1421 20<:22 _,