HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-21 - Newport Harbor News Press' . ' RARBOQ PRESS NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY, OCl'OBER 21, 1965 PHONE BARBOR 1818 ,. cnT8 WD'NE88E8 -At the court ho~ 'tr}ring to prove the conatitutiocality of the Newport Be.ach Euler Week ordinance wu a group of witneuea ahown above, Jett to right, J. B. Stoddard, Curt Do&h, Leland McCoUoch and Clarence Higbie. In front ia M.ayor Dora Hill. -Staff Photo Judge Questions Easter Week law PLA.IN'ftnl' IN CASE -Seeklng t o have the New- port Beach Easter Week ordinance declared uncon- atitutional ia Harry Brewster, Balboa l8land property owner, who iJ1 shown above with Mr9. Brewster. - St&tt Photo SURRENDER WITHOUT FIGHT lealtor loar~ Open Ho1se Die Newport Harbor Boerd ot Re- altorw wtll hold an open hou.e to- day from 2 lo 6 p. m. In the boud'1 new bulldtnr et 401 North Newport Blvd.. accordlnr to Chartea Hert. prffident. The bulldlnr back• up to Newport Freeway and tronla on Beacon et. Mayon Dora Hill and Claire Nelaoo joined In ribbon C'Utllng eeremonl"' at 2 p. m Some 1000 11q. ft'et of floor 8)>&Ce i. In the n-1tructure which lncludu a board commit· U. room, and genf'ral offlrH to •rv• Realtor membt're end Mui· Uple Ll11t1nc tervlc~. Space tor ~ut 20 care la provided off l trffl. The board bought the lot a year ago and let the contracl tor eon1trucUoo to one of Ila -- kn WM -~ Uae otflff In· llide the ~et and Ume limit ot tour montha. City. Plaintiff to Rle Citations. Submit Case Local Boy. SA Girl Taken on Mesa: Red Camarillo 1bree Callta .._ PoUce De· part.ment. pUr'lll .Uta yuterday ~ · Ulfte ..mi. .from Orange Constitutionality of Newport Beach'• Euter· holiday CoalJ' .pMrlllr• ome. In ta.klnr tal rdin 6-L. .a_ id t ' b S . 1nSo eu.tOcb'-bro ju....U. eacapeea By BERT 1181NTN ALL ren o ance wu uu.en un""'r cona era ion y upenor ttoal the· c.marwo State Menl&J Judge Raymond Tbompeon WedDeeday at the cloee ot a Hc»pttal. day-long hearing. The action WU broqht by Harry The pair, a J.7-yeu-old boy and Brew&ter Balboa Island property owner a , J..,;,ear-old strt ...,.. nmoved . ' • trom 10ll2 · P&llad• Road to the Aner the tHttmony wu all In, allty ot the ord&aance. Oranp CGllmt7 8"11'ta' J19YCho- Judge 'nlompeon 1111rprlaed tho• Jt wu then qreed that the patlUc·wa.rd, A«lllNIDS to SherUra In the court. room by ahow\nf an pla.lntltt'a attorney llboWd "-" a de urU• ~xteulve knowledre ot what hu week to preMnt h'8 u.t. ot ctta.-• . ...... happened on BaJ~ .l.ala:id durtnr uona after Whkll Da'f"8 W'OUid Paltce . Cldel Art XcKenkle ot Euler Week mvuiona. but he In-brtnr In ht. cltaUona and Judp 0... ID!:s:9ted ..... •· lunated that any depttdatlona Thomp!IC)n would take the cw .......... ,.... -la aanta would have lltUe to do with UM under a.dvl8emeot. AM n.. i. CIUllt a,c,_ lAe dec:ilion In the cue. Mayor Dora KW ~ u.. a.a ~· 11.-d .._ la which '"!be whole 1t....ubn ~-wuw i. tillM · tlle lltaad fw ta. .rMJ 111 ._ INft'CllUndtd by &r'CJW\d the ritbt ot iMp1eton to !fewport 9-ch and llbt wu fol-Ute law ellfDl"C9ment unit.. Sgt. la't"&de a man'a property at any lowed by Leland J. McColledl, 11...a Ooe Uld -Otncerr Jack l vtt- time at the d&y or night." Judge Curt Do9h J-Kant and Clw.rtee -.nd Carl·Ndroa were on hand Tbompeon declared, quoUnr lhe E. Hut.. • for eo.ta )(~ wtth ft"• Sheriffa P'ourUl Amelldment to the United nu. BAD OONDmONS depul*. Statea conatltution. The judge In-All th-wttn ..... telltitJed to 11M llM1tt'• -ottlce ncel•ed a tip of prea~nce of the e11eapees In the house when anothr r youth wu thre.tened by thl' 17-year-old boy with a butcher knife. The lntor· mant warned office ... a colleetlon of antique guna _. In the houae and the m&J~ ucapee'had decla.red he "would not be taXen alive." Shortly before noon, the law en· torcement unlta 1A.1rrounded the houae. Ottlcera were anned with tear p.a. but they had no trouble t.akln« the youaptere Into cue- ~. Capt. Herman St.all.I ot UM ~•riff'• equad lald. A public a.ddrea11 ay.tem In one of the police un.lta waa uMd to In· fom1 lM ellC8peell 1f they came out peacef\JUy nothJnr would hap- pen. The plalr fled the hOllpita.l Tuee· day. The boy I• from Newport Beach, the girl from S&n!Al Ana.. The ma.I, eacapee allegedly asked lhe youth who Upped deputies to help 11tage a robbery. Sailors Face Oiler Grids Away Tonight dlcated he thought the ontlnance condJUon. ta Newport Beach dur---------------------------- wu on thin Ice in lta unlimlW<S in· lnr Euler week and OYer objec· apect lon provialon•. Uone aou(ht. to bu.IJd up .a com-DECIDED TO LIVE DA Vl8 OtTl:RS JIOBE partaon betWHJ\ 1'1otou1 condttlona l"ndefutetJ in Sun1et League football cnm~llUnn, the Newport Harbor H11:h ~chool SalloNJ of Coach Al Jrwin f11c-e their ll('cond loop foe al Huntington Beach High Sc-hool gridiron at 7 30 o'· CIO•'k toniJ(h I City Allom ty Karl L)-nn Davia, In lht week1 ot 19~2. 1963 and pre~nllng the city'• side of the 19M. ~fore tlle ordlnanc. wu ca8e offered to bring In two more puaed and the compan.Uve calm wltn~-lo continue to ahow con· ·of liluter week In 1166 under the dlllon11 on Balboa llland during ordinance. Eaatu week. but Judge Thompeon Mayor Hilt teallfled there wert eaid he bellcvPd the teatimony about 30.000 vlaltora durt~ Euter would 11lmply be cumuki.llve Md week and th&t after the 19M tea· Lost. Out of Gas Navy Jet Pilot Hits The Silk In no way affect the conatllution-(0..t.lmled -.... I) BJ PAT lllORAl:UJ OCN8 WRITER HalfbAdc 1J1tvl' Tamura and Fullba<'k Chill hf Berry are ex· peeled t n tw 111tf1C'tenlly tt't'nve1 fi.I from lnJ11i;1r.-. 10 """ 11c-llon for tht• Mayor Proclaims UJ., U.N. and Navy Day for Local Ob1erv11ce ''I made up my mind I wu go· lnr to ll•e." That wu the atatement ot Lt. Daren · R. Hillery. \ISN. when he wu brought to the naval air ala· lion a t Loa Alamltoe after m1rA· culou1Jy 1urvtving a nl1thl·llme Tar... The Hai bor 11rn 11qu1111 1s M11~·or Dora Hill beamed out tavorl'd by twu tnuchdOWl\ll over 1 th1 tt proclamations toda~· which the Oile1 s. will iierve Ne.,.tport BHch over Ye11tl'rd11y. lnral prep f'ltvens lhe wl'ekend and next 11iursd1y •ufferM 11f'tba<'k11 ~l the hand• of as well. Here they are: th" Olien!. The ~e11•port Harbor I h 1 d u B '.11 Wf're itefl'all"I on Oavid.'4>n Her honor as proc a 1me nit· F1<'1d 27·18 by the Huntington I'd Stat ea Day for Sunday. calllna- Be11ch llghtwf'IJ.?hl1. On the rival on local cltlun.s to note the mo1t turf. :-\ewport Harbor's l."• were nnrly perfec t government tn edgf'<f 1·6. world history, yet whose citluna The Tar11 won croM country are In 1langcr of lo1in11; their meetA with th•' l..)1lrr11 . however. right• and privUeges through The l()('nl 1·ars1ty downed the Oil· complacency Her proclamation er harr1r11• %!'1-3 1 and the junior uk11 .. Amer1C'ant1 to reklndlr In varsllv 11111 the 11\me by an 18·48 the hearts of the people a love marg1.n and enthuslum for th"r own At Horace Ensl«n School. thl' ('ountry." local A football tum beat the 1 r10~1> on United Slates Day Fremont School team here 6·0. conw:1 the Mayor·11 proclamation. The Horl\C-e EMlgn D'11 1111fferet.1 I s<'tltn~ forth United Nat1on11 Day a 111-12 rever11a l. t For ad1llllonal on Mon1lay, Oct. 24. Noting a 11p<>ru, 1eoe Harbor Sport11 Page O. ron.,111tent pollry of thia nation to Part 1 and Pa1re 4. Perl 2 ~ <'ncouraice and .support the UN durtnr Ila tenth year. TIMI Uktd Jet.>c.ruh In the hllla behind Yor· local cltizma to obeern Uie day ba Linda. with "community proeNllUI that Lt. Hillery had been the object will demonatrate t heir faith la, ot an lntenaive a1r-11ea sea rch oft and 1upport of. the UnJt.d Na· the cout ot OT&1tge County 11lnc-e tton.s and that Wlll create a llettar u :30 o'clock Wednesday ni(ht public onderat&ndJnlt' of ttr prob-""-he radioed the aircraft car· Lema and ot Ila aim. and acbieft. rter from which he 11ened that meota." he wu out of fut l. He luuf!d TopplJlc thoee two da)'11 off. the unlvual "May-0.y" c a I I. com• Nny D&y. Oct. 27. llla}'er And that wu the last hurd from Hill. llerrelf I.be moUMT of • • the pilot until this morning when aa.llor on acUn duty, u.lled. all be c:&lmly hD!ed to a ranch hou11e cltlaena to ditlplay 0 14 Olory 11at in carbon Canyon &11d telephoned Ttwrrday and t.Ue p&rl in appro-Loe .Alemito1 that he wu alive. priate obMl"van~ ol tbe day u 8&.UICB 1118810N i. the cU8tom nationally for cltl.Mlu "to join llanda aero. the natlOG to render cratetul tribute to our mlthty ... • •lr Navy, and flve well deeened honOI' and recornlllon to the acllltnmftltl ot the men aad wo- men Wbo compoee Ila ranu." M41&11Wbile, mrma of jet and pr'opeller·planea from Loi Alaml- toa. Katth Air Force Bue and &om c.out Guard headquarter1 In 8an Dlf'JO combed tbe Orange County eoa.Ulne wtler. the pilot WU beUend down. "I wu onr Janel when I called May-Day." Lt. BIUery told OCNS. "I had Jl&lllfS OYeT the beac-h about etpl -in.lnutee before. I'd b1ed to tlftd lA9 Al&mltoa. but there W9N ., man} llptJI 11long UM coa.t I -1da't find It." nae _.,. ettleer had b e e n ' ''wa't"ed tttr< af'blr a ttem ptl n g 1 o I 1u4 a~ the UBa 8hangrl·Lll and Of'dtred to UM neatt1t l11nd ... becaue ot low fuel llANY ROUSES "1 COUINn't ret out of my mind that li..t '"" a lot of hOUl el " RJJlery aid. "I WU nying at allout 4:!0() feet. I kep remember· tac the plcturee of that plane that cnut.ett Into th~ hnuaf'11 bl "North Hollywood". The Ueu· len .. nt wu speaking of Monday nlJ:ht':o c-rnsh of mllhona1re play· boy J oel Thomt'11 craft into an apartmt>nl bullrllng a c-ruh that took tour Jives "I heacleJ out for lhe country. hoJ1in,1t to GOd 1· didn't have to bail out before I got clear of the home11:· HIJll'ry 11111J wht>n hia furl ran out there wt>ren'l any lig ht!! b<'low h11n. "I hit the ejec· tor 11nd got blown out of the (ConUallH oa hp II Big Mesa Tract ( O.ption Elapses! HAllOR W.:ATHB ~ ................ ... llarllor-wen: HJctl Lew Saturday, Oct. l & ... U M Hoven-Spiegel Rrm Lets 695-home Subdivision Die?, Sunday. Oct. 16 ... -... ti M Monday. Oct. 17 ........ 12 &:I Tueeday. Oct. 18 . . .... &3 N Wedoe11day. Oct. 11 .... la N Thunday, Oct. 20 ...... ea ~2 Friday, Oct. 21 .......... 12 ~ Barrett Firm Sued for $7165 The Roven-Spiegel Construction Co. of Loe Anselee bu a.llowed it& option on 160-acres of land weet of Harbor Reat Memorial Park to lapee, the Newa-Preu le&med today. Thia would &eem to put an end to plana for a 8M-home &ubdivi.8ion and it& annexation to Co&ta Men city limit. which w•re launched by Roven. Water Co. had anyt.lllnc lo do Spiegel Co. Jut Augu1t. With the 180-acr111. althouth Mra. 11p FOR SALE Arlyn" Lluu1dale. Garden Grove Jt wu aleo learned Realton attorney, la mother of Dyke. The J. S. Barntt Conctructlon Co. of Newport Beaeh Wedneeday WU IUed for $71M by • South Laguna Beach realdent. Llln.tdale and Honer, partner• l.n WATER SUPPLY! owner11hlp ot the 180-acrea locat· Tle·ln between Dyke Waler Co. Bringing the action wu Johll Engatead ot 31119~ Pacific Cout Highwa y. The pla.l.nUrt clalma the defend- ant, l'mployed to help to e~ct a aewer line for the South Laguna Sanitary Dl.etrict. uaed exploelvea near hie property. e<1 we1t ot Harbor Blvd. and and the 11().acre eubdtvlelon wu aouth of Ol1ler St . h&w lhe Mliet the water company. whlcll property up tor aa.le. Mesa city conduct..t a blc campatp to eup- ottlclel1 have already had lnqutr· ply the City ot Coeta M-with lea u to poaatblllty ot gettlnc water recently. would .tn'lc a welJ the property Into the city u on the eubdlvllllon property and M·l land, llrht lnduatrtal district. ·•upply water for the ~lop- Reporla that the Dyke Water ment. Enptud &Mt"rt.a hl.1 dwelllnr IU.ffered cracked waU1 and warped Ooora aa a ..-ilt of the defend· ant'• operation. Step11 oa hie prop- erty a.l.eo w~ damqed due to the dtiendant'• tunneltnc tor the Rwer line, •ccordtnr te the com· plaint. Co. of Oar.Jen Grove ha'1 put an Coat.a Meea Ctty OaulM:11 tunt- fnd to the propc>Rd 1ubdivtslon ed do111'11 Dyke wata-prepoeal.8 by not lllrn!nC eacrow papera tor the city r.cenUy after torm· 11ta.rttd the New1-Pre• lnvuUga· Ing Coata Meaa'a own water de- tlon. Alllaon Honer Co. reaJtor1 partmenl. In Sant.a Ana denied that Dyke Roven-8plelt'el 1pokttmen toM A camplalnt wu ftled In Su· p«rtor Court here by the plaintiff. lri1km11 Gets l-mo1tll Term P. 0. Parking Plans Must Be Revised Po9t ottlce parklnr ~ pve U.. builder, Frank J . O'Connor, a SANTA A 'NA. 10CN8) b..t Ume befon tbe Newport Vaug-hn ~ Brinkman. :z.. of Beoach pla.onln~ corornlalon ni- Coat.a Me.sa Wedneaday was em· day night and he and hi.a dt'91gner. I tenred to 11Lx months In Orange Roy Watkin•. were told to g"t a County Jail a.fttr hie conviction plan that woold enable drivera to on n.an-oUc•·peddltng char1tes. get otf RJveratde Ave. eu1ly and Superior Court J ud11:t Kenneth back onto 1t •llf•ly. E . MorriAon ii-saed sentence on o ·connor own• a motel and thr blond. Wf'll-<lre!\.~ df'ft'nd11nt other building• on lhc 11>1me plot The Judge prrVlou«ly denied mo· and he tne'<I to ronvlnce memben lions for a rre11t of judgm~nt 11nd of the commls,,1on tha t It would be a new trial. a.II right to Wle 110me of the park· Judge MorrllOn a lso dl'n1N1 pro· l"g 11p11cu around lhoar buildings b&tlon. He aentenc~ Brinkman 1 for po11t office customer parking. to :or rve 111x months eac-h on thf' J The rommiftlion rulrd that the two <"Ounls on which he wa~ ('On· po.~t office cOmPI under th" head vlcteJ by juror•. of •to1 e building. requiring a However. the eentencu wrre parking 11p11ce for each 200 square I )rderPrl to run conc111Tc-ntly. fttl of the building, or 2!> puking Brinkman was charged with 11cll· 11pecc•11. The commiS1Slon also de· Ing marijuana to 1in un<l~reovtr manded lha.t lhoKe 11pece1 be con· I Sheriff' a .i e put y In Nf'wport llgu.oua to the pol'lt otrice and have Bea<!h. f'llAY lngn11.11 and egre311 and not Brinkman 11trongly oil 111 .. d 111~ be •calterrd over the lol. aceusatlon and claimed he had,------1 bttn fra~. He aaJ<I ht knew o· s G the O~(ltl'fll who made I he II I f~l lfte"e et one l and went alonl? 'llli'ilh lh1"1r plan A rhrome dinette ut was 11tol· to buy narcotics. rn frrim hi'" garage at 6400 West The defenJant aald he thought Oc<·nn Av<'. rloy<1 Hahn r r ported I the plan waa to trap a narcotics to l"ewport Heac-h police yuter· pwiher In the beach area. day. the Newa-Preq lt\fy h.ad drop- ped lhflr lntettet In UM proper· ty and that Dyke Water Co. •d not entered the Nbdlvt.ion plane. NAVY IUlA88 DUE-New· port Harbor'• Navy Leacue wtU celebrate Navy Day, Oct. 27. w1th membera ot the Klwa.nl11 club at their luncheon at Villa MartnL 'n'lt Mavy Leitgue vtce·preeldent, Harvey Somera. haa arn.nged to have Rear Admiral A. B. VO&Mler. ahove. commander ot N•val Air Baaea, 11th and 12th Naval Dl1tr1ct, •~ak at the luncheon. Adm VoeHltr h• an Annapoli11 rraduall> and hl'ld Important poeta In both Wor ld W•r•. aaeumlnr hla p~aent poet tht. ~ptem~r. Clrcalatlon Today MAKING 165 MPH AND GOING STRONG READ\. FOR OPE.~ HOl'SE -Fare! Walker, exec::utive eecretary and Martha Hare. both or Ne'W}iOrt Harbor Board of Realtors, at.and aL entry of board'• new structure which will be dasplayt'd to trade at open houee thia afternoon. -Staff Photo 5809 Copl .. Thie apeed ahot by Kent Hitchcock, Udo lale marine photographer. shows Donald Campbell, aon of the late Sir Malcolm Campbell, renowned apeed kine, racing hia jet-powered Bluebird on aecond or 1-mile 11peed traps at Lake Mead Sunday. Hitchcock and hia wife officiated u race c.bairuwl ud ot!"acial Umer rupectively. Shortly alter this picture Bluebird aank when water poured in atem hole of jet tall pipe a.a apectator boat&' wake swamped her. Recovwy from 6().ft. depth came after &kin diver. placed alinp and then cradle under jet craft. (See atory pap a. Part II) \ • HARBOR MOTHERSINGERS -This group. organ- ized by the combined P-TAa sparked by Mrs. Edgar R. Hill, preeent mayor, is starting ita ninth year under direction of Mrs. J. Leslie Steffensen and under tpon- sorship of Harbor P-TAs and Orange Coast College, where it is an accredited course in the adult educa- tion program. The group meets each Tuesday at 9 a. m. in Corona del Mar Community Church, ia composed of members from Newport Harbor Union High School and Newport Beach Elementary School districts. Any Episcopal Women Hear Delegate to Hawaii Confab woman may join, baby sitting ia provided for mothera. Above (1 tor) in back row are Mmee. Allie Henniger, Arthur Lindeke, William G. Paine, Robert Ziegler, James Lawrence and Paul VanDegrift; center row, Mme11. Harvey Pease, Burt Procter, J ack B. Kemp, J . Leslie Steffensen, Harry A. Begg, Neal Selby, Vi- vian Edwards: front, Mmes. Patricia Boea, Jamea Gooken, Helen Watson and B. L. Beeman. -Kayette Photo NEWPORT HARBOR Calendar of Events SURFSIDERS Dance 9 p. m. Oct. 21, JClka Club. The Women's United Thank Offering was outstanding at the 58th General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, held last month in Honolulu, according to Mrs. Whitney Wright. who spoke before St. James' Woman's Auxiliary Oct. 12 in the Parish House. Mrs. Wright wu the flrat dtlt~att from the Long tulrt <>f churcheJI and 11Chool1 Beach Convoca tion nnd i. a pa.It which have been buJll or r"paJr· pruldent of thr a UJ11lla ry. ed. snc..I clothing-and needed aup- MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women·1 Editor PHILHARMONIC C 0 NC ERT Oct. 22, 8:30 p.m. Santa Ana. W.h School a uditorium. P?'OCeeda or the UTO drtft are pliu whJch havr bern mac1e eannarkf'd for mlaalonary work a vatlnblr from tJTO funds, ac· all over the world Thia year'11 cording to Mrs. \\right. • total wa11 $3.149.197 83. u reveal· I JU.:ADHl'~TER f'd by chlldrtn dr rued In many Al the Provincial Oinnrr one different national ro11tumu. of the 11pel\kn!I was a mlMlonary Ml1111tonary bishops rrom Ubtr· dt>leJ:a te Crom the Phlllpplnu PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 1955 C. M. MISSION Loyalty Dinner Monday at St. James Parish Hall THl:T A Supper 8·9 p. m. Bak· rr home, 700 M.aJabar Drive, Ir- vine Terrace OcL 23. COSTA ME 8 A Epl1copalla.n dtnner, &:30 p. m. OcL 2:5, St. Ja.mea Parish Houae. GlRL SCOUT Council luncb· eon. 10 a. m. Oct. 2~. Olrl Scout HouM. School Heads are Installed at COM Church TM Oomnumity Churdl, Con· C'res-Uoe&l, of Corona d~I Mar. lutalled It teachers and 1ta tf worbn oa Sunday. Oct. t . All Im,,..." ceremo.ny of dedk!&• lion wu hekl for: TM Rn. Normu L. Browa. churell 1 e boo l wpertnt_..t; Mmea. J. W. Randall. Mwtn c. O<>tnke. Claud• Scott and Martan Dae: Miu All« OalM. MIM Ann Benltl'lft. Mra. Y.'Uha.m Huma· -. lln.. Burt Prortu, Mr. and Knl. l.....u Newklll. Mr. and Mre. Menditla Hanrood. Mr. B1'0Wll. OU1 BianJ, Mn.. J ohll It 8a4Wr aad Jin. 8tlla.rt D . Brock. llUMIJl\lt.e t.acMn an: Mra. Howvct lloprt. Mm Nancy Bry- ant. II-. R.. It. lla.rwy. John W. J...._, JolUt-KMln. Han-ry r.u.. AJWt l\)'lett, K . J . Au· 11oa aad Mn.. TMm.u WWWN. Att•daaee wnta.ry la Mn. Vern amtt.11. ennlllmellt. llra. IUcbard nu.c.a and lln.. Ila.Ml Rom &a tM dM&rcb edaool lnuut'· er. TIM ft.n. ICctwtJl C. Oomll• la put«. . . . . Cho!ce Well Mede When You Choose . . . . . . Attend Session of Convocation TtlP Rn. WM&ey Havertl\&le. n~w d«-an ot the 1.An1 ... dl Convocation. pl"Mided TUMda.)' nll'hl at the flnt convocation and d1nntr mfflinl' In lh• Cpi~ eope.l C'hUrC'h of Ole M-lab. kn· l& Ana The delepllon trom at.. Ja.mea Included: The llna. John Parke aad Roi• Jo Bou, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alell• ander Ha.muton and Mmea. W1Lll· U.y Wrtaht. Dan PatUaon, .... lrtce AM!. Pftak CUnntnpam aad M. t. Kelln. Baby line Bed -...................... $21.tl s T ·• 0 L L I I Peterson Folde Rola ...... $16.fl Folda·Sieda ........................... $22.tS OSTA MESA 1809 Newport Ave. PLAY 'YARD PAD ......................... '1.11 BASSIXE'M'E . . N.N BABY LISE KIGB CH.UM ... . .... -.•. IU.M FOLDA·ROLA HJOR CH.Alll (It f .... ) tl'f.M TEETERllABJ; Jl'MPER SEAT . .. ti.II , L A y y A ""R D RAT SHOP Abbott Step-Fold ......... . .. $15. 95 Otti.n From f ti.ts la, Haiti. Alaska. Okinawa 11n•I whose flllhtr had bPrn a chlrf· The Loyalty Dlnnrr to be ht ld J 8·~902 or Mni. Robert Miller, L1 the Phtllpptn«-11. amon~ o ther" tam of a t ribe of headhyntera, at St. Jamu P1rish Hall on 1 8-6624. Kappas Honor Mrs. Stoddard ll nrl who!!(' mothrr was a Vl>Odoo-Monday. Oct. 24 at 6:30 p. m. After supper children will ad· practicing priesleM. Hl1 first ml· 111 for 811 ptrsons living-tither joum for a moVle. Adults will nl11tr ria1 duty had been to 1uc· In Collla Me:ia or Santa Ana and meet In the Pariah Hall to con· rei111fully conver-t his parent. to 111 not to be con!uPf'd with ll 111• alder: Plana for uttlnr up a Chril!t1anity. mil&r dlnn<'r for the rut of St. tempor1ry plBce of worlhlp In DANI-SCHMIDT presents Th,. true flavor of thr Ha.,.,'f.1i· Jamf'll Pnlsh on Nqv. 3. the Boys' Club wlUl provt1lon for Mr!!. .J amts 0 Stodc..lanl. 1000 an Island!! was evld<"nt at the Mrmbt>rll . a family eerv1ce and Sunday Ot•f'an Blvd wiu hnnot,.•I when 1 many lts11 anc1 lunchrons. whr rt' C ild •ill 1~\h St. Ml~gsre~I~ school; orfanl&lng a 8 u n d a.y • , n•tl\'• costume!! and trnplcal u "' ca. 0" on e ma •chool ~taff -~ Altar Guild and Kappii K:ipp11 (,11m111a J\lurnnu.P fla ~ d thl ti 'I Ing hsl to dealgnate what to Q ' ~· A1<soc1at1on~ ftnm Rant/\ B11rbara otwtr!ld mafe th I! convenrl Ion bring All lhoae not contacted a mtn'a team for aettlng up . r1 ou stan •nit' or e women e ,.. 1 · chairs, pulling away and tldyinJ to San Dtf'I?•' <Clrb1&t l'd Foun • "llttR Waltlnv to grrel Mrs may call Mra. Eugene Wells, LI up a!ter the service·. ('rll Day wit h 11 ltinl'hcon at thl' "'. · · "' · HuntinRtnn . Sheraton Hotel on \\ rl~ht with Je111 upon her arriv· A report of Ule bulldlnc com· on 13 Pr<'i1i<1lng wall Mn •. al wrrc t~r R«>v. and Mrs. Paul Theta Supper Party mlttte and to vote on plan1 "h 1 •1 1. council pr<'· 1 MonrC' \\ h«>tler, who ltrt Sl. drawn up for the flrat building• ~ ar e!I " ar in, area J . h 1 1 F. b l 11111ent. Honor gur!lla were ~n-Ami'' p&rill Rs • P ru11ry o Tht Ora.np County Kappa Al· to be constructed thia winter; a. , .... f Kappa nmon" '1" to St. Clement 11 Church In pha Thcta Alumn&e Club will t'n· report or the propoled budcet: } "8 r mem.,..,rll 0 · "' H I I S I d f I h ~,·horn wu Mrs. Waltf'r R. Smith onu u u. trrta ln thrlr hu11banrl11 and guHtl! upport Pe gea or e l tr lhe of Laguna Beach. , ST. CECELIA C.l'lLD a t a cock tail party end buffet mla.!!1on or St. Ja.mea; a.nd aelec· Put national officerl!I anc1 H · Luncheon was servt>d by St. auppfr OcL 23. from &·9 p. m. tlon of a name f or the Mission. 110clatlon pruldtnta Wf'IP 1nlr<>· C'rcl'lia'11 Guild. Mrs. J. H. Rii:gs al the homt of Mr. a.nd Mra. <1uced. Mu. J ohn Mock wa11 mt!'· pre!lirlt>d 11nt1 announcP<1 that I J ohn v. Baker. 700 Malabar Mariners Meeting trus of cerr momu :.nd pt el'c:>nt· ,ipraker of lht :O:ov . 9 meeting Drive. Irvine Terracr. All Thetas f'd th«' 11nnu11I ll• rvlrr n\\R1•I In will be Mrs J . Herbert Smith. are cordially Invited and should The Mariner!! of SL Andrew's at>Hnlla to Mn. OvetR C'ulp Hob· who i!I bringing a. panel of young call Mra. Baker Harbor 2291 Im-Preabyteria.n Church will meet by. Recognition was jllvf'11 to married p~ple from A 11 Saint.I' medla.tely. Monday. Oct. 24 for a potlurk Mra. Stoddard for htr oulstand· Church· m Beverly Hilla. -------------dinner a t &:30 p. m. Tbe prorram mg civic and phllanlhrop1c work T ht new cha1rma.n of St. pot luck dinner on Oct. :u. will beKtn at 8 p. m. wtth Dr. In thta rommunlty. She h1111 just J oan's Guild, Mra. Don Ferruaon. All Salnt'a Day, Nov. 1, 11 the Ewing Hudson pre1tnUnc tll• to· been namtd dlrtctor of Or11ni;:e 11poke or ph10$ ror a Chrutmaa date of lhf' nnt trrO 1erv1ce. pie "Uv1nc In Goahen". Tber• County Hearl A~!IO('latfon. lt'll on Ofoc. 7. Mrs. Henry Setley will be a mu1lcal prorr.m by which taku place twice a. year. ...-The principal apuker w1111 Mrs. aald tha t St. MarRlr<'l'a Guild The Balladlera with Mlaa Ruth Her-bert Walker, province d1rec· 1 will be Ill charge or the Costa Thrrf' will be Holy Communion Armstrong 81 director and ac· lor o! alumnae. Me11& every • member -canv11iu1 r• • "'l A m. companlat. TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America • r #, ~-Newport leach Branch .. ... Rolond A.. Wri9ht, l.{~-. ........ , CAR NEED CARE? Like many of your nejghbon you may have discovered that heavy summer driving cawed e:rtra wear and tear to your car·s rnftinr, chassis, brakts, tirrs o r painr. No matter ~hat it nttds you can make it good as nnv-and saft for winter driving-with low-con l'-""' financing. You'll 58\'C' time and rroublr if you have thr job done now and ra~· our of inm me in ,mall mornhly inu alment,. 1r ·s u~ily arrangril throu~h ~ou r 7~ J r•ltr or at our bank. I .1. ,,., . . -1 , . \ J ·~·-• .. I ·~--. ~ -. ~ ·'.~; '" --------------- SAFETY FIRST · Know where you've put your insurance policiu, S1Ving1 Bonds, automobile "pink slip,'' b irth certificate ? Im· portant documents like these, or any valuables you'd have a diJficult time replacing. c:ao be euily and ineipetuively protecnd in a S.ok of America Safe Depo1it Bo:r. You gtt the pace of mind of yar 'round safety-for only about u a da7. Ask us about it. ? Bof A 0~1z ~ :> • DID YOU KNOW THAT mort than ~.000,000 Californiant have savings accounts at Bank of America-many from right here in our county. Safety, convenieoce and immediate avail- ability are three good reuoru •·h y -phu the 2f!'t interest rh~r 1nings um. \X'hy not join thrm and o~ your acCOQOt .-ith us ouw. ''Pointers for the Home Organist" An informal pros ram of orsan nu"ic and.playing tip• condurtcd by OM of America•• fine orpnull 520 N-:-Main, Santa Ana Kl 2-5140 0,... ,,..., .... ' Porter ,Heaps Although profts!iortal organists are 111•d come to attrnd. thil program is primarily for home or· ganisu and ~pie who just like organ mutic. Here are 101ne of the worthwhile thingB Mr. Heape will di•cuu and demon!trate on the Home and Spinet Organs: • How to pl•y a !imple pirce in on,. lro nn. • How to play and arr1nge popular mus1• - chords, countermrlodi~. !pe<:ial rhythm•. • How to play 1pecial instrumental eff'rct•. • F.a.y rules for handling the dnwban. "Bring the Whole Family end your friends. There i1 no edmiu ion charge." MONDAY OCTOBER 24th 8:00 P.M. Cornn 5th & Syumore SANTA ANA ; FRIDAY, OCTOBER ~t. 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE l . your JbjD* include-1 tennil and handball courts for resident1 of the new Hokcrelt MR. 6 MRS. BEWLEY ALLEN, 115 East Bay Front , aailed from New Orleans Oct. 15 aboard the SS Alcoa Coraair, luxury liner of Uie Alcoa Steamship Co. bound on a 16-day Caribbean cruise. They will visit in Kingaton, Jamica: Port of Spain, Trinidad: Willem· atad, Curacao; Guanta, La Guaira, Puerto Cabello and Caracas in Venezuela.-New Orleans Photo News SIGNING OF THE CHARTER ma.kea Harbor Area Soroptimiats officially members of Soroptimists In- ternational. Signing took place at breakfast in Balboa Bay Club. Seated 11 to r) are Mmes. Harvey Mayer, president; Fare! Walker, recording secretuy; Lee Pratt, treasurer and Harold Swanson, director. Standing, Mrs. Lillian Willats, president of aponaor- ing Laguna Soroptimists; Terry Boris, vice president: Charles Davis, Laurie Woodworth. Miss Aileen Martin, Mrs. Wendell Ho~ Miss Nonna Perkins. Mmes. Arthur -Fitzmorris, Doone Lawson, Velma O'Brien, Ruby Miazko, Amanda Lloyd, J ohn Hartlein. Cor- delia LeMon and the Laguna extension chairman. '4rs. Rosalie Warr. -Terry Boris Photo In bentlful COSTA MIU thtbot Bo11levard l BabrAw. ........... _a.ue felepllo•• llb•rty .. 14'2 Pl'ejud1c .. , which see• what It plf'a &ea. cannot &ff what I• pl&ln. -Aubrey de Vere OPTI-MRS. president Mrs. George Burkhardt of Costa Mesa and Mrs. Walter Bucbterkirchen of Co- rona del Mar watch the fashion parade which the local group staged for wives attending the Optimist convention at Balboa Bay Club. -Terry Boris Photo PATRICIA KELTER -MRS. H.B. ROBERTSON · -Zonta Photo PATRICIA ANN KELTER IS A ZONTA GIRL OF MONTH Palrleta Ann K.eltf'r, dau&"hter of Mr. and Mn. Francia E. Kelter of N~rt Beach, waa chosen Zonta Girl of the Month for October, And received her pin Thursday, Oct. e 1t New port Harbor High School from Mr1.<. Harold 1 Hf:'len I Robertson prealdenl, of the local Zonta Club. Tb• Zont.a Cirla are cb-on Ulrlr aervice to S<-hool and commun.lt y, flneneaa of character, aetr Improvement, ambition and acholanhlp. "Pat" filled ell lhl' requiremenlll with her activity in G. A. A. aervlcr on Glrl11 League Council. u treaaurer of her clu11 for three years, l!<'n•1ce on Studt'llt Council, mt'mber of the honor roll for thrf>e yvars and l'lll • renUy u yell leader. Among her cla.nmate11 and tl'at'ht'r• 1he la k nown for her f nendly manner a nd chttrfuJ 11m1lc. ANAHEIM BRANCH I Edward Backs Named to l Advisory Board of Bank : HARBOR PLAYERS' president, Mrs. Elton Barnett, preaents a season ticket book for performances to Mayor Dora HilJ. -I. Mull Photo Edward Paul Backa of Pfacenlla and 1613 Eut Balboa Blvd. wu recently a.ppolntPd to lht' advillO!'y board' of Bank of America. Ana- heim Branch of which 0 . !:. Han· m~mber or a pioneer Orange Coun.1 ty family, h111 gra ndfather being the late AugWll Heyerma nn. finil doctor In the Gennan t'Olony or Anaheim. Mrll. Backs lis the daugh· Players Board Sets Date for 'Hasty Heart' a brit'f report on the progreq of rehrar'sRll! now under way at the Orange Cout Chapel Theater where the flr~t production of the seaJ!On will be held. Tha ~ard alao dlacual!t'd ldeu for launching a drive to sell the son 111 manager. ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Sam· I Prominent In clvlc atfaira and uel Krael'ler and a du "endant of u an orange growu. Bark• 111 a the 6'1rnartlo Yorbaa. Mothersingers of Costa Mesa se""on ticket booka anci plans for The Mothu!linger11 or Coi;ta Nov. 2, 3. a nd ~ have been the Mcond play of lhe season. Mesa have reorpnized for 19:'Ki· named Ill thl' dales or "The Those pr·utmt at the meeting :>6. M r•. Harrl90n Sanborn Is pre- Ba"ks Is prPaldent of Cltni11 Growers Inc .. cllrt>ctor of Anaheim Union Water Comp1t11y and the Crescent Wharf 11.nd Warehou11c 1 Company at Termina l Island antl I San Diego, a11d member of Pia· , centia City Park board. all!o var· 101111 civic and "ounty groupa. wer, Mme!!. Ellon Barnett, Ro-111drnt: Mrs. Louis 8. Stodd. n· Huty Heart" by the Newport bert Hartley, Cliff Gilbert. Ro· cretary-tre8.l1Urer; Mra. Walter E ------------ Har~r Community Players. Tht' bert FllU\egln. Donal<! Met a. Coffman. planlat. Jamee Kindred. Laur·te Son Arri·v- execut1ve board made the an· Dewey Tacklt>berry, Jerry R&n· mu111r director at Everett Rea •~ nouncement followmg l.he month· dllll. William T'.lmbellenl and School. 11 the. uew dlri>ctor. Cho· , The Robert Jy mt'ellng on Oct. 7 a t the Bal· Messr11 Burton Ry~dRll'. Paul ral practice will be held t'very Court St .. a re boa home of Mrs. oOnald Mets. Caldwell, Bill Wlneaka. Jerr y Friday morning at 9 a. m. at bab\' born Oct Orren Brooks, director. gave Evana. and Orren Brooks. Rea School. 1 pita.I. BUNTAIN & BROWN 'S ARCADE MAPLE SHOP MAPLE OF THE MONTH CLUBS September Dividend is Now Available MINIATURE COBBLER'S BENCH ASH TRAY Reg. s29s -for s1 oo Arcade Maple Shop "Tli#-CAo,..,.. of Yeitn·yenr -TM kr'lltc~ of 'l'otla~" IN THE ARCADE NEXT TO SF..Aiu. 1750 S. MAIN SA..V?A ANA Kl S-44S4 Laurit>". 20~ ·~ I parcnL• of a boy H at Ho11g Ho11· i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forgit Hardware . Presents ••• Portable TV • Very light weight ... only 32 lbs. • "Traveliud" steel cabinet . . • built to travel • Compact design . . . 1 :1 smaller than conventional portable TV • Dyna power speaker with moisture· proof aluminum voice coil • 2-way interference protection • Shielded t u n e r -temperature compensated to eliminate drift • Automation by G. E. -automat ic production techniques for longer trouble-free performa nce • Built-in VHF antenna -I UHF model is equipped with a special UHF antenna) • Underwriters' L a b o r a t o r i e a approved Model 14T007 Shown Above Model 14T009 • Terms Arranged to Suit Your Convenience SEE THE COMPLETE LINE. ON DISPLAY G. E. PORT ABLE CLOCK TV • Finest in Cabinet design e Ught Weight- Only 35 lbs. • Compact-! smaller than conventional portable TV's • 14 ineh Black Face picture tube e luilt·in Y.H.F. antenna •12995 Complete Terms to Suit ALL MODELS AVAILABLE! MOOEL UTOIG Al Forgit HardWare 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach H•bor 116 OPEN SUNDAYS .. PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 J Harbor Pebs 1in Sororities News of the collectate actiYl llH ot UM 11 stria wbo wW make U..tr bowa to ~ at UM AMI&&! ~tante BaJl. ipOUOl'- ed by UM N.wport B&rtMlr .AUX· lllary ot the Cbildnn'1 Home ... clety, are bel.llc ~ wttll ln· t•r..i by the many who plan to attend Ute ball on Dec. 28. 1 ny say pr"f'·ball partlu bononar the dtbutanl• u U..7 retum home for UM Ou1et*Aa ~ THANK YOU! .-v• FROM THIS GROUP of Girl Scouts two will be choeen to attend the National Roundup next year. Left to right are Melinda Leithold. Donna Cock, Marlene Daniels: checking Roundup requirements, Mrs. Ted Ba.mbrook, council president: Of the debutantee, ax who an l'nrolled a l U.S.C. ban pledpd 1orortUu. M&rl'&ret HirUI cbo. Oa.nuna PbJ Beta, l:Uubeth Ho- well pled,-ed Pi Beta Phi and Taja Tohill went Alpha" Omicron Pl.. Ann Gia.on and Sally Pfi.tf'r both joined Kappa Kappa Gam· nia. JMnne CUt.eDdyck, wbo t nuieternd t.b1a ,_,. tram North· Wlflem Unlvermty wae attlll&ted "1th the 8.C. chapter of Delta Oamma and wu IUl'Uler bCICICm!d by belnc elected MCntary ot the l!Ophmor. clua. Two of the ,-trla P&edc'ed Delta Del ta Delta. SU&UUle BetJI at UM Unlwnlty of Arizona and Con Pt>tfra. at Lone Bu.cb State Col- w FABRICS Peggy Bush, Judy Coleman and Harriet King. .........,, ..... David Vierling Hosts Round-up Harbor Girl Scout Group to Cl1oose Roundup Girls legl'. Melinda Lelthold enrolled al the Unlveraity of Calltomia. Ber- kelPy eampua, hu pl~red Alpha Phi. f.o JOV pM•IMb'C2'-.up• Wool felta J UNIOR EBELL'S community project this year is spearheaded toward a cleaner l'ity and based on Senate Bill 52. effective as of Sept. 7, which makes it unlawful. among other things, to "place, deposit or dump, f!ny garbage. swill, cans. bottles. paper. trash or rubbish in or upon any public hig hway or road. Herc 11 to r l ~rs. F'recman Fisher . president, and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, chairman, talk the project over with ~gt. L. \!. Phebus at the police department. -Staff Photo I on Birthday Ot the 25 Girl Scoull l.n New- ThrH of the deti. cho.M col· legee which do not have naUonal eororltlea. Elizabeth Beck. Jl&ry- P'l•e-P olnt SenlOI' Scout program. mount; CUe&ndra Hoyt, Occlden· "Above a 11'', Mn. Hambrook tal and Clare Smith, ~ Water repellnt.a Halloween Materiala Cutttnr table 1Mothers Club 1 porl Harbor prep&rln1 tor the Invitations lo a "round • up" Senior Roundup, Mre. Ted Ham- 11t the Buffalo Ranch S11lurd1ty brook hu announced that two and pointed out, "they mu.at renect Cout Collece. and practice the hlch ltleai.e of Plana ar~ ~Inc ma.de tor ma- 1779-A Newport Aw. c-. ..... Glrl Bcouung and be capable re-m;;;~~;;;;;;;;;_;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-; preaent&Uvea of our communJty." J:Blht'rf'd a gaoup or young lWO allematee W£ll be ChOlell U Names Officers I friend.ii to i:eJeb1ale the fifth ' INSURANCE WOMEN or Orange County h~ld thEir Bo58e1'1 Night ud public relations dinner at ll .. 1 bor l::lka Club. At left is Ruth I Mrs. Al\'a I \ ·a,;:.>. u1m:- tnr of Region Eight, National Association of Insur- ance Women and at right is Dorothy I Mrs. Rirk I Cochran, president o( the county group.-Staff Photo Council to See Camp Pict ures t·~1lu1••d 1~.t ... h! lhe-1uu11~ akall • .u; I' a' t•. :1• ... t• 1ny"111 c.tt· Newport Harbor Council'• repr.-blrt.hday or Davul lA'llter Vier-eentatlvee at the na tion-wide Glrl Offices~ wer<' el<'Clf'd when the liniz. son or the L H V1l'rllng11. '439 Catalina Drr\'P. Aftl'r a lun-:'11Mherit Club ,.f J ob's Drtui:httn!, h on at thl' bai bo•cur pit the Scout encampmenL The Roundup, which i.. not uJlllke a m\&Jl Boy Scout Jamboree wm be held dur-~l'tlt• t 17,; 1111•1 1tl the home of ~hrldren tnJm·e 1 3 hllyrrt.ll' 11uper- ·"lr:-[>.1v1d O u r. :-;,·wpN l llt'tght.<1. ~ b\' Eob ('ampbell or the \11, 1-:111 .. :.1 C1.11n 1.:1·~ule I ~anrh. burro n <lo•!l llnd R t riun trip. Ing the aummer ot 19!!e in Mich· f I lgan. Four lhouaand Se.nlor Girl r,. f1r1•1 <1 01 t •· • omm.: iiix Htghhchtm,: till' affa11 w A 11 months tt·1111 "'1" ..tNt•"I "" tre ml'• trng with C'hit>f Pu .. hmll· Seoul.a betw,:n the ages of 1'4-18 follow" Mrs Lowll Knox. pres1· laha amt hr!l talk on thl' hcri· will come together from all part.a den t. M111 Haro1ot H<'••bt'. ''1"''. t:ir.e an.-t nri<tnmi< or Indian rhild· or the United Statea. p~tl<lf'nt. Mill. Osby Andi'l!!Cln, ""~. Da\'iiJ wa11 rnll1&t•·ll :1:. an The aelecUon cordmtttee for ~<'1f'lar\' Mi:0 ~; I. C"htrro•h. honos11r v r h1Pf or tht' Ruffalo tr•· •lll•r Ram·h at n 1·e1 1•mo11y al t hf ~II • H:uold \\'11!-, \' '" rhu1r· roimr.I hnUlll' Hf' w..is narneJ n .on ,,f " romm11t«· lu pl.Hi for \\':o uka <'h<'ff' \\'a nr \\"11lkmg t ho· 1n,.tall11taon, • t" b•· hl'ld at J-:a~lt•" or th" ('h.-1ok1·., tribe. Vdl11 .\:~11na 'ill \\'o·dll"l't.I '"· Nov. 1:rfrP,.hmrnt11 \\'Me 1~e r rtam IM I:.! ::11 11 Ill App ... nio·•I lo a 1!'1tl a h1I!!!' "NlUn•l·11p" rakto dt>c:or· ' •n1 ,_,, d , r '' tun, :h'Ufl i ,l,·oru· n.led \\'1th Jndtsns and hor1tt 11. ',,,,,. , .. I ''I .11•·1•• "'' "' ~!me,.. F"11,•nr~ wr n· bnlloonR anti pnr k· I I: 11.1. •I •I '' 'ti c· 1111'<'1' :l:"."" u( i·uwtioy11 111111 lntllanri. fl·o, II : !I t:1 J , :~ •' lio · 1· anti P•rsent 1.,, It' Ol'bt11e S m Ith. 'l du'l r:, .. Chric;ttP Hn:.'<S Shel1ton Abbott. ;>.;,,. 1·1 .1,11 111'1" .1 ·I l!l. I Kl th.· l'h 1,l•·1 1, l'·''Y 11;<·m:1 r:< \\'Ulll 1 I' \'1 ,t) lh•" . t t t•l f ,:~ I :1·: 11' hnwnl.i I . ,., .• \' I h~· MRurc•n" n;1 I Claar.. Wilham~. C:re~orv Bult•. Efrynn N e I 11 11 n. Pam<>I~ Thompson. Tanye. LnVal· 1,. Oav1s van Hout f'n. Jame:< Mi' 1'1rr :'111 • It· .• '.ll>to.,l.t sn1l :\fatl; nnd Ht1':19 ;\lr<'ulloch, John :'Ill ' :-:n11th n1 hl'l'l• "· a nd EdJ11' F.1K1•n. J ohn Vltrllni: rn••('lll :\l th .. r~ .11 \\•re ~tsnr :'ll!ltun ~: .. tt r <'" T u ~'' r. •:. I. Hub< I I-;,., .J,n Eolkan~. I Crnln. 8e('IW. 8 1111: Ii. l 'h:\1 lt'>• L. Ary J1 , Robe1tun. W11f·t'y, Hitt· r1s An•Jttra.>n ft(•~ Ju:1n :tt·· <;nnn c;i ·n.1 l"l\' .1· I Ca R!'y :'ltl\11n o r:: \\'h11•· r f! Ru!':.. ~; V 1!111..rn P.rnl C:"'1pt•r H t'r · b 1 t .Ith k.«•n J;: L Ch11rr h. 1<nd Al brwht An!l tho.' Hvnor<'... IJ11v1d Vlrr· irn~ ('Im pr Mn:< W('l t' MrP r 111r· f'nC!' :'lll'Cullorh. Thomu ve.n Houten and Mr an<J ,.,.,, Vl!'r· lini:-. Harbor Women off for Europe the Harbor &rt'a wlU have u membera Mmes. Ted Hambrook, president; C. W. Crowl, John OcrUy, Everett Nunan and J ack Qul11~nberry. Final aelecUon wUl be made on the baais ot know- lt>t.lge and akJll In the rtelds of campin~. arta and crafts. mu.etc and dru111alics. Oirls must be H ye11r11 uld llnd have completed Golden Wedding for James Couple Mr. and Mrs. A. E. James. 616 !Wgonla Ave~ celebrated their goltlen weddlnr ann!Yel'Sllry· on Oct. 9. They were married 1n England and came to Ca lifornia In 1910. Among those present to honor lhl!' l'ouple wt're a daugh- ll'r and her husband, two l!Onl an I Ufe1r wlvu a nd 11x gTand- ch1ldren. The 1958 Girl Scout Cookie aale wtll finance the trip for the ,-Irle. Virginia Rylett (Mra. AJ) will act u voluntet>r Senior Scout Roundup co-ordinator for New- port Harbor Council. Four coun· cUa in Orange county, Anah•lm, Fullerton, Sant& Ana and New- port Harbor wm participate In the Roundup. • Canal Front Dvp~x SM.000 t'Olll p&etely fUn.Wilt'd Ba&oa .JI.owe $15 $20 4 Beaulg New Owner-Manager Dorothy Bell · from Pe99y'1 of Palm Springs "(:: PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIAL ~ Permanent --·-··-·· .............. -... ONLY $10.00 Perm.anent ... ·-··-············-····ONLY $15.00 ( Pricea Good Until December i.t) Specialists Diat:inctiTe BUr '11ntinc Hair Stylinc ~r and Ruor Bair Cut 50 I E. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2147 ()pm s ....... "' •JltlOln--t , ten.!e I l" .~. "i'' 1 • Ha11Ju1 l' •11n· Ch t• k F t r1l or r.1rl s. ""t" l:"I "J'rlnf , Wiii ops IC e e b .. >h .. wn · t 111 .1 111 !Oil O•·t 2.) .. 1 lh· .... 1 s.u111 tfou ... It fl' for l(a1naain as Mrs FrP.<1ric rThelma Paddock 1 H ope of C'onma t.lel Mar 11nol ~fr,. P<'rrv Marples of Balbnn 1 tstand lrrt Monda y by a uto fc11 Xo•w Ym k, will M ii the latlt•r f>tU't or the month for E11rnrt 50th Anniversary Jubilee Specials! A TTRACTJVE handkn1t Jar· kf't rompletH lhl1 eon11,.mblr mo•ft'led by Ra,·e C.'\l11h)' for Lt Rl'lne'1 al thr fuhlon ~ho" tor Wl\'l'll allnl'dsng the llJ'li· m11•t ronre~n<'e et Balbo11 1111,· Club Trrry B<>n11 Photo "l"·:i '•• all 1111. I• t•'ol o•lult~ 11n1I 11 .. ,., 1·111 1"1-< ( •r t h ,. hlnl'hron llf:.11 l•ab .. I B1r1 h hn~tt r '"'I Is· ni:I\' bo• n::·d,• lJ': r"llrni: Ms :< t .. st JOt•-..<1wn 1,( liRmllfllnll dull Takinr. 1khver:v nf a rlir 111 Sl.t11.,,. s:irn!o 1 ~ 1; o: I lllP or t hf' Gr rmnnv. lh•·v will ~pt'nd 8"\'C'I Ki . t:..itJ 111 lhr hun11> .. r :ti;1 Sam monlh1t 01oun~11: the Vkl 101111 , r111n· t:orl :,,;co11t H .. 11.. :1nr U6c8 Emntt>•. ::s 1r1 Vllln \\':iy "!llt>v.·•wwt 1-1 • ., lK•i r;11 1 Srm1t lrll'~. ~{'f'!llg not nnly the ninrr r -Artl"r lho· h11 lllf'll• •. mP!tmr. nolabh· ~111:hls but lravo•hni; Council 1!'1 (:u ,itwad I•~ ltlher UI · I r I f , ( 1 ns P Hill' "' 1 t' 1.1•1•11" 1 1 " • · 111 • wherl' to11n11t:. llf'lllom "'O. Th1•.v ens In 111'1'111111•!1: lt1111·nt11. nt,.thrJ.ff! 1 r <) \ 26 a t the "' and in 111 .. , tine nRl1nnal n•r,1U1f'· t'l'n<'i 4 innl'lr 111 <' I w ill return In· the spring. with C"o•.no. Ba boo fnr r11 ~t l!<'lll!IOll MrA. Hopi' rl'malnlnv to \'l~•t m• nl."'4 .. ~ n n t1t1Un f·,•d :"C"\':t 1 :,t11' 1 I Ch "" • .,;: H "''"" "~" w.1,. 8 111••se fnrnd!I 111 J'l:ew York, \\'e,.hrni: I' 1 Th rm«. 1 .. 1· 11 l'l(('t'Ult\'I! Ii t c. t A Th ill ' nn• r u ,,on 11 nn 1~ w ton. O C an1t Virninia, and n11 1nl • d11f'o lnr a l a 11•• "Ill llo •anl m Po I· I Ill r t b.-.. h " ,. rn•• This ••hM'l\"111 .. 11 •.n • mnole II Mo "" \VR!I I <' rr11 n r op· IO I: man.v 11rf'nt!' or the f:A ,t ,. 1111,.k" •hnnPr Coii"l ShP will ~ home th" oh1rrn·~ a th1 °1· \\f'•k n-.lion11 I Mr• \\'nltf'r (\\Ir wa11 J:'Ul'~t ' 1· x lest or J unr. tra1n111e • our1<" 111 ·'Kll'rt ' · for thP , venln1t an•I Mntl~l1·n p,. __ _ :'II \' h1 h "•· al'• "'""l ti1· ~hll 1 te1Fon. KUl'st of the hoi-h'..;, i;h11r· t •I hll4lfl'!'l lhl\11'!'1 onol Ill . pros ·145th Anniversary II r1.;t I ·'\' •tUH•n I ~pnr l· prr ltV•• M\f'mbf'r 1111! .. n I •II • n1111• II pl.in" ""1" Th,. "llllllpll'<I fllmih"' 11f th" Mr ontl M r!!. 0 <" :>.1elton. 2:!6 ;\Im ..... 11 F. :\",1,k \\'111.1111 ~pt11· olut> t,11, movt·ol rrum t~!' ast'a \\'nlnut St . Custa Me~a. <•h!.t'r\• I I gl'1•n Ill J 11 • k (/t11" nh• r1 ~-nnfl anotht•i will br· J<l'lri•te<I thf'ir l"ith wf'dt.11nt? a nn1vo•1-sun F'rank :'llrCurni1. k ·H .. lph \\'1lrn'( I Sunc'lny w11h a rl'C'epllon (1nrn 2 ~: r; ''"·Oii" ·1, .. 1 l111nolJ1.,, I; pr I'" tu r. p. m ~l1•mbr1is of F 1r11t 'I\" 111, ~l•lno·\ S"1111!o•r• f'~n 1 r tt Youth at Kem Der Southl'l-n Baptrl't Cht1r<'h Wl'll ~""''" !lurk•• T h .. mn~ \\ n·ulri Dan l 'IA~'. 1•1 )'NU 01,1 """ n( among rr1t>nrl.< .-xtrndlng <·ongrn Cumm1ni:., Jrohn l)l'llll"\' ,\1th111 :'lli!I F. F P i ... -. 1023 E IJ:ilbna t11lnt11m:< a nol he .. 1 w11•h"I' R<'lltl• ,. :.nil \\. B Tntt ~lvol 1• 11 JU01ur 1 ••ll"l:r JllnlOr The 12lh b1rthd11v nf Tnm Bn· f'Plt>gal1·:< to thr n111111n11t t om -:i ttl'n<hn,.: Krmri•r :\t rli tar ~· B B ' thd I ventllln In San F1 uni IMO :-:nv !';r t:ix•I. BOOn \'illr. Mn 1111· h I !' erry Ir ay 1 l·• wilt b" :\Im~; Hll mbtook, r1111l \'1•11r. Hr 1:. ll n1rnih1•1 of I S1llulr1ll. l"unnn Hn•I Tht•mll\ _I th,. hanil. nnd IH'll\'I' 111 w"iJ:hl l1rttni: rootbnll, 1111<1 111nrk,·1nnn· Homecoming Day at Occidental I Mt a n•I .Ml!< M1lla1J M Mii'l 1 K atherin.. O:.\'IJ,.on 1 of 2612 \'111t11 l:'lrt\'I' •rn•I Mr nml M11• Ralph Dl'aver I BllliP Burk" I or 117 ApolenR Avi• \\Iii sPl\'t' a• lha1rmen f,.r thl'• IHI'& for 1111rli· '~h•p Kl'ntprr. lhP nlllest 1111llt11r~· 11i-hool W{'~t nf thl' i\l 1~,.1~,..1pp1 1 Riv!'r, 11< tx>i.:lnn tng lb 11:.!th \'••or It h11M b<•f'n •lt'!'llJ:nRti·d an hunnr 1<rhool by th,. .trpartmrnt 111 th•· nrmy !'Vrry y1·11r ~Inc" 1Yl I wh<'n ry. son of Mr. 11 ntl Mrs. Mrl Berry. 50 1 Cliff Drive. wa:o 1·el• .. braleol w11h a fanuly drnnrr !ll his h1mw on Ot l 12. In thf' 1•ven· , In,.: Tom 11tten<l1'<I the llurb"r SkiJ'pl'r dance gu111p Ill the Bsl· boa Bay Club. lt1onal Hom e('nm1ng Pn\' <llll'rnn· nie11 to be heir! :it Ckr1ol••ntnl C:ol· lege. F nday. O<t ZS ;\t1• r u• R membfll" of th,. Prr'1<1<'nt • A i>~n· r111t u or ()('c1dent11 I thl' rllltOK Wiii! Plltllbll1<h1"I -1Starbright Night Spies Go South Slarbrlght Club or Harbor ~l..tr 0 ES . w ill hol•l it• 1 t>i.:ular Mr 11nt.1 Mrio HC'rnhl ~P•""· n.onlhly hm<'hl"nn mf'f'tlnt; \\'!.'ii - ;,~ 38th St lt'fl :>.1r•1h!a\ r .. r n ne!'Jay. Ort Iii 12 :Jo p ni at ~.x Wt>('k plruur~ tr 1r Thl'y 1 lh!' lodite rooms •l>•,·e thP l'nit- hNHIPll 11r.!!t fo1 =-:!'w Orlo•ans. 1•t.1 States =-:at1onnl Bank 1n C-11,... ma\· go on to F'lorld11 la :'lle~;i F. R. HERMAN, M.D. _A. :Jine ';J)ecoraling Servic" Awai~ You 120 Announces His Return · from the Armed Forces to Resume the Practice of Medicine Tustin Ave., Newport · Beach Phone Liberty 8-7282 ( . Uinktt Furniture /,y Ct111tury-o/J Slill Corona del Mer Balboa Island • Fruit-of-The-loom SOX SHEER NYLONS 1 3 1 3 • Non Runs • Black Heels • Outline Heels Pr. for 84c Pr. for •2•s Ladies Nylon Hose First Quality 51 Gau9e -15 Denier Pr. for Pr. for Children's and Ladies Re9. Value -29c pr. • e • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Pairs for 79c MEN'S SOX ••••••••••• e ••• 5 Reg. Value -29c pr. I 00% Helanca Nylon STRETCH SOX Sizes 9-11 ••• • •••• • • • • • • Servin g California Families Shoe Needs for the past 50 years • 1715 Newport Blvd. • • • • • • • • • 1 Hen to Safeway Pairs for Pair for 49c • ShoH for every member of the family • Costa ..... • GANG OF FLAG GRIDDERS -This gives you the idea of the number of kida out for flag football games under direction oC Rod MacMilli&n, athletic director m l'OB B0880 -Dave Roao, llOll of Orange Cout College grid coach Ray Roao, wu leading scorer in aixth grade football at Co.ta Meu Park Tuetld&y. Here he rompe .into the promiled land, flag1 &fly. -Statt Photo A'S, YANKS DEADLOCK FOR FLAG GRID FIRST n. Athletics ed,.S U. Red I Olt a..T wbil• the Y&Alreee wwe d rubblnr the Bra ... Sl·ll -ru.. day t.o Miid the ~cton lnt.o a f1rat place dMdk>c:k In Harbor Boy.. Club alxth rnde nae toot-.,. u •t&nd.lllp. 'Med tor third place were UM Ttrera, Brawa. WhJl• Sox and Cardlnal1 With 1·1 marlu. On Bue Harriers Edge Chaffey Coach Wendell Picken•' Or· •nge Coa1t Collt~e croH country team Jl'r\day edged Chaffey'• hanit ra 22·23 on lht tough new Irvine Ranch Lhree·mUe cour1e. Jt'rry Worthy tourtd the courM In 1&:08 for nral place. Team- mate Ji'Ted V&rella followed Wor· thv acros"' th• Une In 16:10. Jl'\rlt Cha.trey nmner to rome In v.·u J im Ltt In 18:20. Tht rug-gl'd ntw trvlne Ranch run 1tarta from Mac Arthur Blvd. n\'er back nf t he Irvine Co&lt Country Club and end• up on the hl11:hway a mile or 110 away. There 11rt several 1tood hill• wtlh the lf'alher l~era mo v I n r a1:111n~t the w1nd. bottom of lb• be&p .... the Red Boa and Olanta wtlb 0-2 marks. Daw Romo wu i.dlnr 8C0ttr of all playen TU-4ay. Re rack· ed up :U point. u the Tlfel"I beet the Olanta. 28-lt. Greg llmiU. and Dick PetUt each acor· ed two polnt:a fOT lbe Tirera. Mlk• Patrick a coounted tor 111 the Olanta' 18 point.. Brian 1-ia 8Coted all the win· ntnr counters u the Cardtnal1 lowft'llld the boom on tht White Sox lS·T. For the losers It waa Jed Houlton 11. Tommy 0Woodr\ch 1. Ronnie Nugen t 1,,-rked the Yankee victory with 12 polntl. followed by Tom Bryan, 7, Rod· ger Wat3on. II, and Jim Stutnlck. e. Denn11 Pemn acored 12 for lbe bopped Brave• and D o n Culver 6. A aatety by Jim Curtis for two point.a meant victory for the At.h.leUc• ewer the Red Sox. Har· old C.ldwell tallied the w1nner'• touchdown. o.ry Coiich .scored and converted for lbe ~ Sox. Tribe Meets OrallC)e FULLERTOl'l, (0CN8) -Ful· lvton High looka for Ill 1econd atra1Cht Win tontrht when the In· dl&11a meet the Orance Pantherw In Fullerton Stadium at II p.m. NOTICE THE SURF FISH FRY Owned •nd Operated by I SAILORS, OILERS ON I RIVAL TURF TONl~HT NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· PAGES FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 1955 or Harbor Boy.' Qqb. GQla an pia~ at Cost.a Meu Park. -Sta.ff Pbolo1'\ BILL PHILLIPS, Sparta Editor CLOSE OISERYATION ENYOKES PIRATE POLO WIN STRATEGY Cl~ ot>eervaUoll of ri-a a Olmlao'• ..ur polo team enabled Coach Joe Kroll of the <>nap c.out. CoDec• Plr&le 1p laaherw to nolve .tratecY wtaklt PH u.e 8'aa an M6'1 11·8 tnumph tn tbe OCC pool w...._..,.. A~r Oruice ea.a edged s-t m Oaauno ta the tOUI annual JC tourlUlmellt on the Co.ta ».-campm 11rTera.I wttkl ago, Kroll felt the rtnla--. not ln ttp.tDp ~tke. So Wednffday be lutnlrted Jda 11oJ11 to~ Wltll tM ball In the f1ret period. '11ae7 dad • and _.,. tnWnc %·1 a l the end of the finl )lftiod. But all that ~ took tt. tQG and won t..be rt.ab down. Paced by BOfJ lknn&D'a ..-loall. the 8'IQ &bot inlo th~ lead. Allan Bodce1 and BaK ~ added two poinu apJe«. EARLY TRICK OR 11tEAT1 Rosso Tells Bucs RiY Varsity Is fl'OSh Squad Coach Ray &.-, pla~ a tridi: oa bia Orange Cout College Pirata thia week. Be 811lt them apinlt what be termed the Whittier O>llege tro.b in • Anplated game. Turned out to be the WlaiUier' YUllity illllt.ad ol t.be froeb and no ooe wu aepwtiac cm die .-. al the .mm. m..-. But Roeeo aid b.la ..m .-....on for ar~ UM drill wu lo take a sood aook at Ule S.C: •ubeUlutee under s:ame eoaditloaa. ''What I •w ~ wbat I bad pre'rioualy lbouPt." Ra9o ad- mitted. O!\'E ~ But one' abl!l appea.red CBt.al.ll on th• Pirate !ant at.rtnc acat.mt Fullart.on Oct. 19 OQ lba --ol what varalty pe rrormera did agaln.ll Wbittier. ~ bu ba- dlcated be wW rnoYe Haltmdl Oeorr• Holden, who ~ tbe Bue rictory onr 8aDta A.Ila. lut w .. k, lnto Uw tullt.dt .pc>L "I have plenty of sood half· back.I," Rouo pointed out, .. but l'm weal! al full with lom of ~­ ny Muon and lnJ1.ll'im to Kille Hau:• Rouo added that~ Jim Hurd would probably lbake liUe back m1Mr1• ill um. tor the Hor- net club on the rival frldiroa. Kau appean detln.lte.17 out. un· le11 the doc givea hlm permiaaion to play wttb UM cut on hi. brokui mitt. sra ~"'IDo Att.buup Ute Don9 ban loQC .... tap rtn1ry '"" the Bue.. ~·· bo}'1I ..... .,._ t.hiAIWc Gt ua.. l:lorDeU -llillce ow ICut«1I o.rta..-. ...,. ~ Wide••J'. 1re an .at .......... me a tll~ to Fullenoa. -~ ~ -n. bo)'9 t.billk they .,.. C&pUM al ~ U.. eor-ta a real bat· t.Je_ • M•ris Menser of Al,.. c .. CLAREJIO!\'T -Dua C. Mor· rt., IOll of llr. aAd Mn. EW~tt Jlonta. 1%1 V• V«MSia. \a a melllba' al tM ,..,__ ~r AJpme C1ab tJUa yN.r. nie club'• .... -jedift i.. to lbow th .. ............. 0( -lam cHm"4nc. Jlonb ia a 1162 pwlmate of PllDtrtdp Preparatory 8dlool.. La Caaada. 4 ..... at ~ Oaaep. .. • a --ol the track aDd ailillc lama • Local Grid Guys Recover from Relapse, Key Injuries lnclian Apparently recovered from ·their relapse and a pol fuU of key injuries which followed Sun11et League \'ictory over I arch enemy Fullerton two weeks ago, Coach Al Irwin's Newpott Harbor High School Sailors head for Huntington I Beach tonight to maintain their undefeated loop record. Kickoff ia scheduled for 7 :30 p. m. on the Oiler turf. Jud g Ing from Wednpa<iay·1 of tne but workout• or the aea· I workout, H alfback Dave Tamura 1<>n ·· I wiU return to ottena1ve acUon tor TARS rollAKI' :' the ftret 'time elnce the Montebello noA·leaguer In which he ran wild. Should thl' Tal'll show lht' r>.· 1 lo"ullback Charlie Berry. who milll· 1 ploa1ve sharpneu against lh,. Oil· ed all but threl' offensive play• l'rs ton1s:ht whu:h hu been de111· a,fainat CaliJornla lut week, elso oruatr1tl.-.I on Oavu1son Flt'ld In upec1.1 to 11ee otrenalve action pracuc·e 1h111 wet>k, thty llho11ld only tonl&ht. . Wln by b<'tkr than thl' two Tll8 PIA~ !olHl "trU that fnvor thrm In th11t cue, • St.a.n Schones, the rapidly hnprO\"· There wu indJcallon at lhe same mg lhmJ 11tring qu11rter, wlll be time tbtL nrn If Berry 11 up to inaerled ror ganw uperit•nct . anutt Col'!le came time, the Sailor Schon"~ looke..t partlculluly g ood coaching' •latr may experiment a on posing Wl'<lne11d111y. lotting bit to 1a1ure the big boomer au!· tidmt rut. Should they do ao, eome fine long 11hot1 that aJlowl"l local roolera wtll eee Quarterback hu1 receivers to galhf'I In the pig· skin a t full llpeHI whlh• go"lwarw ~r• 8chu1ll movlnr into the bound. fullback berth with Genr Hubbard takiJll' over the •Ima! calling dut-New halfback find Dale ?llar· Its. tin, plucked out ot a g ym <'lass Tackle Steve Watcher hu re-- co\·ered from lhe Urht concusalon 1uffered early In the Condor fray laat week and will flll In for Bt>rry at the middle llnebackl.ng 11pol. Backfletd Coach Don Burn1 in· diceted Halfback Tom Niquette would draw Tamura'• defensive hatn.ck ualgnmenl agalnll the Oilers. CllGC& OCT ~ !'lot e.'tpected to Me acUon la End Chuck Vandervort. Chuck came up th19 week with the qme lnjury lhal hobbled Berry, a hip point. Terry Raran i. expected lo lt&rt a t L'le flanker poeiUon on offen.H. Th• Gobi got ao wprked up and pointed ao hu-d to knock ovu Fut· lerton that they IU!fered a com· plete letdown In t.ti• foUowtnr week of practice. Thia, combined with the nock of lnJurtea. aided Calt.fomia In bandlnr the local lada their tlrat eetback of the lll!&aOll. "Thl1 w ... k the boy• h&\'e come ti.ck to the 1harpneu they had belon t.be Fullerton game,'" lr· win reported, "and we bad two for Junior \"&rsity a ction. hu been coming along 110 flllll lhat Irwin wiU probably ln1ert him for a good hunk of expent>n<'I' It thl' Sailors sc:ore fast and often Mt"TVAL FOE There's only one competitive scor" between lhe 0 1le" and Tars, but that's a good one. New· port dnibbed Fulll'rton 28·6 whtle the Oilers wtrP downC'd H ·O by the Indiana. Irwin wamed his gTlddera that they cannot afford t.o let down again.st t.he lonr pu s· es of Huntington Beach Quartrr· back B illy Vail 1! they Intend 10 keep lhP Goba undefeated in the Sunset League. Two dropped paas· I es, both labeled T D. krpt the l ndJan·Oiler contest from l>fo1ng cloee. Probable starling lineup for HunUnKlOn Beach tonight Quar· t erback Vail. Lt-ft Half John Sterling. Right tlalt John McKte. Fullback Brad Woodington, Enda Don J ones and Dave Turnbaugh. Tacklt a J im Woolever and J ohn Bender. Guarru. Ed Doller and Joe Calderon Chrilteneen. an(! Center Carl New'56 DODGE Everything about it . says .§QQQ$$$..! FlSH ON THE COLOR~OO Rl\'t:R THI~ FALL !'TOP AT EL RANCHO VERDE MOTt:L lSTER~£MIOS Of' t'. it HWK\\A\' to• 11l \\ITll 1"14 M PHONE CMBM BL\'THF., CALIF. M~a,' .. t"-S-l)Or1 I. Ou• Hrand C'ua~on uf Artaona NEW SPORTS CAR CENTER Halllke11-Watson'1 COlllplete Sports Car C....., wUI be under COllltnction IOOll • Meanwhile We are ready to serve you with New Jaguar XK 1405 ell models New Austin-Heafey •nd the New MG-A SPORTS CAR CENTER 2201 S. Mala St., Santa Alla Kl 2·0756 Graduates of • n-·\~' . LOWEC.L ROSS . ' 1· GENERAL MOTORS TRAINING CENTER HYDRAMA TIC TRANSMISSION --9wUAUFIEu-D - HYDRAMATIC MAINTENANCE ADJUSTMENTS & REPAIR R & L AUTO CLINIC Newport Beach 3001 Newport llvd. Harbor 4606 l orn of Succett lo Chall~ the Future! The Oromotic New "56 Dodge. From the moment your finger preue11 the Magic Tmult pu11h-but- 1on control, you v.·ill know that tha daring new '56 Dodge a the newl'$t, the most excitinat car on the road! eoaring Jet Finl! t hat makl' this '56 Dodge the most distinctive car on the road. There i! the pl'llrtr nf .wrrrM-Ufl tn '.!:lO h.p.-in the hrralc-<11My thru!\t of new D odge eng1nt'I', \'.X and r.. THE MAGI C TOUCH OF TOMORROW It i11 the car born of 11uccess. born for 11ucceRS. 11.8 rt>\·oluuonary ad· vane1!S are your reward11 in the great Dodge ad,·ance-a di\·idend or exlna value made p08llible by the greatest aalee gain in the indwitry. Tbere ia the look of 11U'cn3 in the There ia the Jeri ri.f 11urrr11.• in th" e1Jort.le198 CaM.! or Maglt Tourh pu!h· buttono driving. Come see and drive the rar AmNi"a i~ talkin& about! New 'Sil OoditP- Tbe Success c~r or the Year! New• flct1ltl New 'S6 D.c19• •"tte" ••ert Amerlc•" 1todt car record. AAA c.lh It: "Matt -a&lftf 4-et1•tratieft i.. eu9-etlve hlltory." Bert & Jo Lloyd of Costa Mesa Serving the same l=ine Home-Cooked Food So Many People like ll * Our Specialty * Jvmbo Slwimp Fhh '• Clllps Tasty Meat DW..S Also 11 :30 a.m. -7 :30 ~Dally at RruoDable • DTIA • ~PECIAL DINNERS $1.00 5:00 • 1:IO p.m. l lK'I.._ 8otlp. 8elad. C'olff'le a .,...,,, c "flllcl'a PlMe Ilk 01I tM ONu l"roat -Nut to CM·J Drug DAN'S TV I u B-%!11 I 566 Newport Blvd. Costa Mes• BEATTY MOTORS AL .. _..,. ... ...., ..... Al'a 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty 8·7272 (}overnmenl Lxcepl :J.rom • ~ PAGE 6 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2 I I 1955 · "God grent us the ser•nity to ecc•pt the things we cennot chenge; the courage to chenge the things we cen end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Tar Football Team Model Morale Builder for Youth ln the rush of other mattera we are prone to overlook one of the great contributing factora to New- port Harbor youth -it.a high school football team. We aay it'a a contributing factor becauae win, loee or draw. year alter year the Tar varsity and the lighter weight (rid tea.ma have done much thia time of year to put Newport Beaeh and Coat.a Meaa on the apom map. Thia, we feel. ia in large part due to an excellent coaching ata.tf headed by Al Irwin, veteran mentor of the aquad in ita annual battle for Sunaet League au- premacy. This year things are looking up for the varsity which i• undefeated in league play although it lost la.at Friday to Whittier'• CaJifomia High School Condon. Theee "birds," to pun a phrue, out· weighed Irwin'• Sailors by 19 pound• to the man on the line. Yet the Tan lead them 7 -6 going into the fourth quarter with two Irey local boys out for moat of the game. Although the score ended 26-7 in favor of the viaitore they knew they had been in a ball game. Now while you and 1 would rather see our gang win each encounter, it goes without saying we would rather see the youngsters learn through competitive aport.s the value of batting aeemingly overwhelming odda and come out with their chins up and morale un- abaken. While many high schools the nation over are hiring men to function just u football coaches, Newport Har- bor Union High School hu never done this. Irwin. for example, has other activitiea as do his coaching staff membera. The prime factor in our high achoo! coaching staffs attitude ia for their boya to play the beat football they can but without aacrificing any ot their young charges' phyaicaJ wellbeing. Moreover, it ia euy for the Tara to get non-league game achedules worth playing because the learn. whether in a winning or losing streak, alwaya attracts a large-aiu crowd of Harbor rooters. Thia sbowa the school is behind the team all the way, a condition which shows student and faculty confidence in a game bunch of gridsters. Tonight the Tara wiJI engage the Huntington 'Beach Oilers at that team'• borne field. It will be a battle u alwaya, the Oilent beiq one ot the Tar favorit. on the fieJd ot 1poru battle. -aomething like UCLA and USC or Cal and Stanford. lt'a heartening indeed to aee auch apirit u the NHUHS athletic directon tum out in any sea.son. But this time. it's football. See you in the stand.a. United States Day First California this weekend will observe both United Nations day and United States Day -the former on Monday, Oct. 24. the latter on Oct. 23. There Is good r~a.eon for thia double obeervance. The Governor's UN Day procl&mation declared that in spite of UN's admitted imperfections, in theee times of tension Americana lhould give eerioua regard to "every avenue that may eventually lead to a better, more peaceful relationabip among all peoples." Tempering, however, any tendency to look too far toward Utopia-aa too many Americ~s are ,;,ont to do -United State. Day appropriately pr~edes UN Day. For, u the Governor says, "The hopes• of the world for freedom and for peace without fear rest heavily upon the strength of our beloved Nation, under the protection of Almighty God." 'The History of l\:1y Life' In every far-flung reach of this country. millions of people look forward ea.ch week to the appearance of their local smaJl-town papen. These papers are the running histories of the communities and regions they aerve, and there Is nothing that can take their place. rormerly th• Newport-Balboa Nrtn-Tlin.• a.ad lb• Newport-Balboa Pr- ( I l:nt.red u llecond-a.. Matar at t1'e Pomtottlce lD Newport 8-ch. Ca11fonUa under the Act of Karch a. 1871. .......... fl'IW1 .. ...,.. ""~ ... rrwa, ., tll9 NE~ llAABOlt PtrBL18RINO OOMPANY ltll ... ._ 8lYd.. NE\\"POllT llEACll. OALU" • ..._Haner HH QuaWled ......... IApl N•UeM _. A~ .. .t AD lllMll By 0..... .t ... .....,.., <lMrt ef Onitc'e 0.. la A.._ No. .a.~11m __ _. Oalllenla NMn~r ............ A•1•fl. N..W N..._.. &dlt«W A111 B11U.. ...... et Orui• l 'oaty New. 8entt!e Biil( UDDICK, PUBl.IBBl:ft WJILLUC. A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND It. ROUNTREE. Advertiatnc Director CHARLES A. A.RllSTftONC, Mechanical lupertntendent f Now and then aome old-time reader troublea to tell the edftor ju.t how he feel• about the local paper. That pleuant experience happened the other day to the editor of the Newa, of Hemet, California. The corre- apondent wu a woman who had liyed in the Hemet area for more than half a century. She wrote: "! have many fond memories of your newspaper and the people who have been connected with it. Not long ago · .. it o,ccurred to me that in the files of your paper is the history of my life. "Your paper recorded my birth, my childhood parties, my graduation from high school and later from college, my marirage, the arrival of each of my fo~r children and the death of one of them -and now, m more recent years your column• have been recording the arrival, one by one, of my grandchildren ... ls it any wonder your paper meana so much in our home and that we look forward eagerly to receiving it each week?" The country paper is an intensely pen10nel thing, close to the livea and work and thoughts and uplra· tions of all who read it. And it'a a certainty that no medium of communication and opinion baa so large a proportion of loyal, beginning-to-end readers. Humans Are Fallible "We ask thoee who seek to shackle free and open competition t o reflect on the consequences," said Henry Ford 11 recently. "The short-range effect might be to afford a mtuure of protection for those in a weaker competitive position. The long-range effect could only be to put a damper on America's consistantly rising standard of living by pena.li.zing the most important . man in our economic system -the consumer." There is another important factor involved here. Human fallibility being what it is. no one is wise enough to say with accuracy who may be and who may not be in a weak competitive position. No one can· do more than offer an opinion which time may prove to have been in grave error. A perfect example is found in the campaign of 20-odd years ago to shackle the chain• with punitive taxes and other class legislation, on the grounds that this was the only way to eave the inde- pendents from extinction. Had that goal been accom· plisbed on a national acale, it i8 obvious that competition would have been le88ened, at a t~mendoua coat to con- sumers. Luckily it didn't happen. But the independents didn't die either. They met the chain competition with merchandising techniques that pleased the public. So today cbaina and independents operate competitively aide by aide, with each dotng well, and each with ita e.tabllahed and reapected place in the community. When we attempt to replace natural economic law with human judgment -and, particularly, pollticaJ judgment -we are begging for trouble. We put road blocka in the way of progreaa. We discourage enter- prise and bring about stagnation. History is replete with proofa of that. Customer's Value Para11101)nt Customers are Important. Sometimea in big induslrie1 the customer seems far removed. One steel company recently reminded its em- ployeea of the importance of customers with this insert in their pay envelopes: "Before you cash this check.'.'.._the Insert read, "please think for a moment that the money comes en- tirely from our customers." Our federal and state governments are the biggest ''buainesses" in operation in our country today. We, as customers of government, may aometimes feel far removed. But those tax-dollars which the governments spend come entirely from us u cuatomer~itizens. either directly by income, property, and sales taxes, or in~ directly by the higher prices we pay for goods and ~rvices. It is our right, as well u duty. to see that we get as much value from our tax-dollars as we get from the other dollara we apend. Grass Roots Opinion WILDWOOD, N. J., LEADER: "We have become eo accuatomed to paying "hidden taxes'' that we may not .. a ceneral rule think of them when we go out •hopping. Something of the same thing is true in revene when we take home our pay en\"elope. We have become ao accuatomed to deductions for with- '-holdinc tax, unemployment insurance and social secur- ity p~um that we actually have begun to think of our 'take-home pay' aa being·our real salary." FORT PAYNE, ALA., TIMES-NEW ERA: "In a maguine article AJlen W. Dullea, bead of the U. s. Central Intelligence Agency, t.ella ~ that 'ma• edu- cation in Ruula may well become a threat to their own communiat 1y11tem oC government.' There ia more to thia article than we can summarize here. but it ahould make senae that the better educated the miuuiea of any country become the more they 1hould ht> tn· clined to throw off the yoke of ty,..nny that a com. muniatic llyatem puts on them." BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL ., aoucl; PAMA Twenty-five yeai'a ago 1 atood in line waltinl to ~C· iater at Riveraide Junior College. 1 __, a tM1. ldd tram out of the bruah country of Temecula and bad ~ th• football aquad. Now the complicated part •tarted. In thoae day1 there waa little 00r no guidance offered to ltU• ~ta: you took a cour11e bec&Ulle It aoundec.t 1•1Qd, a frh•nd ha<.I re- commt"nlle.I It. you hid heard It w11 a '"pipe"", thl' tt.arher w1&.11 popular or mo•t llkt>ly the rar ul- ly membf'r 1n rharitf' of rt'K°llll'r· ln11 lllid 0111 ynur r n11rst' In 1pltf' or your pl 11l•'ri \., J>OW\'l"I ot uprHUOll, •llhet" '" lecturn or by wrlllt'n word. A• I rtmember Dr. Ja•..,r. h• wa1 a short man of m.SIUm b111ld. fair complexion amt a.n In• veterate wear.r of bow tiH. Thfll mannf'r In whlrh 11e rombf-d hi• hair Willi to mt 1 l rad•mark he cumb«I It bat•k with • dl1t1n4(9 pe rt In II altno11t II) lh!' C"f'nttl y .. 1 juat a lit llf' lO t he ltft. PAnt" ('llOMM Running Up the Score Ont of the 111unl 1ha..·u~ courllt'.I at R1veni1Je J"Y"'' Vt'U "Doc"" Ja .. gC'r '11 U>OlollY claaa. If I rl'mt<ntbtr cor rcC'll)' It WU a MCOnd year subject. eo J heard It dl.9CUMt!d pro and con for a number of montb1. ln brief tbe oouna wu "tou1h.'" Doc expect· ed a lot of work out of hi• lltu· dent.a. with no Coollft( around. At th• .ame time It wu one of t.be moat popular coureea, becaUM "Doc" wu an active naturaU1t and made the courae Uve and hla lar11 claaeea covered the mtlre 11mut of aoology. lnaamuch u I waa majorlnr In football 1 •leer- ed clear of It. I apeu lft ~ p&al i..nae, M- cauM J ¥wn"t Me\ Dr. JHpr for n..rty a quarur of a cen· tury, yet r run aero. hi.a palha In the deeert eowatry oonUnually. Hla "Denlaella of t.be Deeert" baa bttome a 1.'0llector'a Item, but 1\11 n-book• u -11 u Nvtaon• and reprint.a of hw cld9r on .. contlnut lo pour from 0¥ p~· u With lncr•n1 popularlty. And thla lltll• man f1"0m IU-r- 1lde, who h o l d 1 lnnumenbl• echoluUc and 1elenUftc ·t.oeon hu ftrmly entnacbed "lmalf In th• "d-rt. ball or ,.,...... botl\ u. a f1'91.t writ« _. .cletlat Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO, !CNS)-Wben "dran" If the party can perauade thr chlpa a re down and the final Warren to t rad t the au~'llat \.lecla1on ha11 been made as to black robe for a polltlca l cam· whether Prt111dent Eisenhower paJgn train. Obvloualy. It prob- wlll s1;aln carry lhe Republican ably would not be to Wvren"1 banner, f'dltors or the United liking. pertonally •l least. H r 11 St itt.•• wall direct a ~ot of the fixed for lhe rut of hi1 hfe an lhankani:-u to who will bt> the lhe hlghe1t judlclal office In the GOP randldalr in case the gen-nation. regardleaa of what ad· r1t1I dl!l·idH to rl'tlre. miniatrallon Is In the Whitt' And word wu recl'ived from HOUR. The chief juatice 11 get· the National Edatonal AsSO<"iatlon Ung no younger, and the strain conv,.ntiun \n Chicago. Ill . from of a pruldentlal campaign 111 Wilha m C Werner. publisher of lryinr on_any mml, no matter lht' Alameda Tlmu·Star. that a I what his are. lot of the thinking ttlong this lint' 11lre11dy 11 d1rerll'd tu Chief Ju11tlce Earl Warren WAR RES f'A VORt;D Werne r. In a phont call from the l'Onference. said that a poll of the editor~ and publllhtra In attendance Indicates that aome 72 per cent are In favor of WarrP n as the GOP candidate. Second on the hst or favorites wa1 Richard Nixon. U. S. vice· prealdent from C1tliforn1a. Nt'llh· rr U. S. Senator Wllllam F. Knowla.nd. nor Governor Goodwin J . Knlrht were up In the run· nlng. Werner 11111rl. Chief JuaU<'e warrt n ma.de It rruonabl'f cltar when Interview- ed .-oncemlng tht' poa11lblllty of hi!! becoming a pr1>~idential can- dadatl.'. that he dOtJJ not Intend Ir neither E111enhowc.>r nor War- ren. then, are candldatu. the queaUon erlae1 aa to who the Republican1 havt with au!flclent vote--retllng ability to head off a Democratic land11llde In Nov- ember. 1956 ! If protocol wert followtd. Vici' President Nixon obvlou1ly would be tn line for the nomination, provided of courae. that he re· celvu the nod rrom the rPtlrinl( El1enhower. How~er, I.he expc111· uree concerning Nixon durinlt" thf' tut campaign. which Involved hl11 1upport by a poup or lndlvldual8 In Southern Calltornla. probnbly would mitigate -.gain.et hU. Mlec· Uon for thr prf'!lldency. At IC'ut. the expoaurei< would give the Democralll au I •ttnt matetlal to wage a blltrr campa ign. So Nixon to ~eek tht om ce. On lhr other hand. 1 he chief probably woulrl be counted out Ju11t11:t' couh1 change his mind., KSOWLASU STASDISO rspeclally in lhf' farr or publl& Senator K wt d tu hl h opinion. and 11 "t1raft" movement. no a n ran g Brfort lAk1ng tht' Job of rhirf In I.ht Rtpubhran rank11, but ht' j too hllll h111 dlsadv1ntagt11 111 • uslke. It was known that War· po8111blt rt11tdrnt1111 11 did ren had h11 eve on the na Uon"• p L i c J1 ale lop polltlcel ~pol Twiet de!eatt d RI• acceplanct by h1oor undoubt· · edly would be nil, and word ror v1ct·prealdenl. lhr chif'f lU•· comu from thf' editor's met llnit ttce might find 1l rnf'rv1<tlng to 1 Chi th l 1 t h comf' back 11 the only r ' 1 who n cago a t ven n o tr rould give thf' Rcpublll an• , I quarlera. It ll' (I'll Knowlent1 111 loo much on tht con11ervallve <'hllnCe of wlITTlm11; in l966. sldt'. Thia. tht n. leavt11 the OOP nXJ:D FOR I.If'!: with virtually • blank. whlc:h tht Wheltver c:ourae 11 taken. lt editors feoel can be fllled by War· l!IMumedl_v would h&ve to be a ren alone. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTHUR ll•rt.L 8E88IONS Ny room mate how•vcr, wu t&ltlnr; soolos-y and ln our bull H11lon1 he would tell atorle.11 of "Doc'11"' tripe Into the de.Mrt.- how he carefully kep! volumi· noua notu, done In a dainty band and the exqul1lte drawtnp be made of deaert fauna and nor.. And what tmpreMe<t ua moat be had written a book enUU.S ··De_nlatra of the Duert." Still I didn't dare take Ole courM and ended up a year or two later taking a courae ln soology el the University of California which wu bortnc lo the 'nth degTee be- e&UM It Involved primarily the diaaectlon of tht l rog. I know now that I mlued an educational experlen« that can nt!'Ver be replaced. Dr. lldmund C. Jaecer waa flnt of all an in· 1plrattona1 •teacher, hie tee.chins experience ranglnc all the way from a country school at Palm Springs to collegiate work. St· condly. hf' wu an a cUve natura- list and 11e1tnt 111t. lnter·uted more In the llv!ng animal than the drab dl11J1el'tion or a n embalmed ca11aver. Thirdly, he had great It i, 1etUn1 to M "dt•rt lime" alons the cout.al nlleya. a.ad I have beea uked time anlt t.p.l.o ll' then Ill .. good book on U.. Ca11fornl& <.l_,.ta. • 'n11rw la, and It 11 Dr. Jae1er'1, "Th,. C&lllornla 0-rU -A Vl8'tor"11 Handbook tn the Mohave and Co· lorado 0.1ert.a."" ThJa Lt a , work that haa 1t0011 tl\f' teet of tint• eolng throur many reprint.a and revlalona. INSTINCTIVE .ABILITY For ti\" be«1J>nlnr dHert val· tor It 1a a '"muat."' Dr. Jaew with hU uullnctlve lmowledr• or good teachi111« tella the atory ot lhe d-rt from the rock• lo th• Indl&na. th• 1111akH to l.be Palo Vude. a.nd lbe de1ert fox to th• ro&drunner In an lntu..Unir style lnterwonn a 1 a I n at • •t:ronc. back,,ound patte'rn or pentOO&.I experiences. Thia little book t&ku th• •'bu- renne11" out or tht d11ert coun- try. And u W~t Dlsn•Y 10 •Ur"· clnUy lilied hie mm on t.he •uh· Ject. It becomu In reality ''Th4 Living DeHrt." PALO VERDE TREE -Known aleo u the "green- wood tree" of our Qolorado Desert, the bark ot this tree i8 green and capable of photoayntheeia just like a leaf. When the tree leafs out for a brief period during March or April, it breaks out into a galaxy of yellow blooms. This has prompted the Mexican• to sometimes call it "the shower of gold ... -Horace Parker Photo SACRAMEN1'0. ICNSl -The practice or don1tm1t blood for relat1vt1, frlrnd11. or othrr11 Vt0ho might nt.;d tran11fu111ons h a 11 g"mt'd wh1P!!pretid popularity In lat' year8. parlfculsrly during World Wa r ll, when donora pve rre-ely to the Red Crosa tor uae of the arm~ forcu. sourcu In Fruno. for th• bank 1y11tem ln California 111 Interlock· Ing. In other worda. a donor In SCENE AT THE CAPITOL Los Angell'•. for m11tance, can Mo11t donor11 fell the g'l!t ot a pant of blood now and again wu l'<lmelhlnc other than a commt r- r1al operation. albeit thare were l'Omt. who received money tor lhe dooeUon. particularly lo private ho11plt.&11. These were known u proft'11ionar dc>nora. PICT~!.: CHANGES Severa.I thlng11 have occurred lately to cte•te a chance In the tilood picture. notably lhe com· mrr('lall&ai.lon of the enlefl>rlae 1n 111 leut one ara of California, ""rt th,. other, the growing' UH or hn•pll11f ln~11r1 nce which cov· rr,. all rxprn•I'~ f'Vt'n blood tran· ru•111n~ Th" • f'\o!l P11lol' Star"". and 'Firrht1u1th J•111rn111"'. papera pub· hshrd an ~lel('f'•I anti Fr~o 1•11unt1e11, ar<' In thr procees of pr•ntlnit • ~t1 '"" of storlH on lht' com ptllt111n on J'Temo rounly ror blood ··Nuded Of' not,"" aay11 one of the arUclu. "'lher• are tour blood bank.9 In rrt11110 toltay. with two 11howlnr a llvtly keeneN for b\s- 11m ea Uf•t would do credit to rival automobllt dra lerA. Whitt duc:lora ar• aware or t hi• muddl· e<l 1ltuat1un 111 tht> Frt11no blood bank fl t hl. on" that 1hould be a1 bl1tm1le.11 a~ t:Hf i<t.r"s wife moil laymen art nut 80Mr.Mn sn Of" 8HOC:'K "'To thtm. thl• nt'W• or rival· ry may N mf 111 11omt'th1n11: ot a I 11hock. Such rl'artlon I• reu1on· 11ble alnrt the maJor1tv o f ltonnra 11r P alt rutellc tn I heir mot I vu. Thry g1vt' tn &ave a lite ·· Bl~ bA.nlt11 in 110mt nther W C· 11t1n11 of ('ahtnm1a are 1<>mewhat '1111t11rhed ovtr th• muru pllclty of glVe In that city. and lhr girt credited Lo a patient in Sacre- mento, or any other city wht're S A C RAM ENT 0 1CNS)- Whenever a ny question or stan· dard plan" for tt1t <"On,.tnwt111n nf new school buildings lhruug·h- out thf' lllatt rnm,.,. up. th,. 11tatr 1rch1te<'t 011 """'" tH lion rn11ke!' h•uol no111ell bl'fni ,. lhe .. 1111.. leg11•l11· urt' A" a result. nu fllandard pla.n uperallon ha >< bttn adopted for lht entire 1<l11t,, or C•llfornia . tbere uau .. bank within the sy11tem. When banks operate out· aide the aystem. u they can and do. then contualon on the credit I• apt t-0 ensu!. Donor11, t.he artlcle polnta out. abould make cert.am that Jfr"oper credit. are ensured before a. rift ot blood IJI made. HEALTH IN8URANOK Undoubtl'dly thr .-11u11r 18 the fart that •lnng with vtrt111<lly n· ery 11r houl bullltlnir constructed, thrre i:o+>i; 11n elitht percent ar· ('hltecl"11 fee. which nvcr the p111l t ew YC"llrll h1111 rosl LIH' taxpayer11 many lhQ11111nd11 Qf rlollara. much or whlrh 11nrloubtrrllv rould hAve bttn 1111vert fur mor~ 11rhool r"nn· p1tol City school llY•tem. BAHi<' PLANS The ba.io1c plen11 dulgntd for the b<lard <'Om•l1t11 or 12 clu11- roon111, 1nr ludln11: two klndf'rrar- t,.n rM11111 11n edmlnhrtratlv• wmi:. • multi • purpoM room, lunchroom !'ltOr•gf' apace. and 1•- vatory fariltt lf'll Dema.nd11 f<w l!ldtllllon•I c:laa11· room11 s t the new trhool •ltte can bl' met by uxlng port.81>1• clas1Jroom11. which the 1r hnol til11- ttlrt already hu. rt•111t.v tfl ln11t11ll 11l • minimum .-n11t nn Rny ot \11 seleClPd Originally th,. b<•Mrt1 pl11nnl'll In t""On11tru<·t th" f1r11t. 1Jf lhf' five 11chOCJl11 lnvnlvt'<f 11 I • rn11t nf The HCOnd chance .In opere- Uon11. which la f"dut.J)y taking over IJlYOlve. bealth lnl!Urance. Since health ln1urance pays ho•· pjtal expenlff, and no rebate11 are aVt.llable for donated blood. It appears u .. leq, thl"refor~ for a donor to help a fnt'nd who 111 protected .by this ty of ln~ir-11t1 ur t1on half thr 111t'"d11rt1 plan $582.120, It e11t1matr• lh•l unlttr ance pe bren In opt'r11tlon. I ht.\. nt'w 11Pt11p, t hP 11r hool wm · • Thl11 11• not to indlcatr that lhP 1:<'¥1t '320.000 .• 111 wlll ,.,.h nf Ole Ae • ruult. 110me banka ar' j arr h1t,.<'b don't Pllfll lhe 8 ~r • ot hl'r tnur "Ln11~tlll'l'fl flndlnr lhemllt'IHa at the point ctnt Dra wan11 plAn11 and 1111per · Tht ar<'hllecl whn dr"fllw up Ul• ""here Utey an. aa one manager I vl11ln1? rnn~lrul'llon fnr 11nv build· 11l1Ln11a1111~<'<1 pl•n "V"lem tlltlm•· put I~; "reUlng mo~ money than I mi: •~ 11 rhurr w111 thy of hire. t ed that the di.Ill n; t wnulll 1ave blood · Thia, It wa11 polnttd out, But 1( lhr ""111" pl11n" •an be 11pprox1m11IPlv 1112 :11 0 In arThl• :;a)' tJt time force the 11y stem \Jlll'•I ov••1 1tn1I ovo•1 again, thrn I t~t"11 f"""· · be.nka to IO Into the purch~ tht 1axp11yer11 111 ,. b11un1t lo 11avr Thr• new flr h0t,l11 In f\acr"m"'nto of ~ blood from profeNlon· !'TA '\UARlll7.t:11 Pl.A.S will hr f'•.n•l 111rlt>tl wtth1111l etato al donora. an activity which "'""'' 111 th1io r1111t••n11on 111 .,.en 11ld •~ thf' unlfl,.11 •ll11trwt neYer ;outd take away the plea.au~ of m 1 ht' a• 1 wn of th· !';81:1-amento h•~ IM't'n 1111 110v"11~hf'tl ', and the •lplnc out by aavlng a •lift. I C'ltr Hn1111t .,f F' .. huallon wh,.n •ml\',, h•Jl)I~ in th .. l"1t v lhMl were OUTLAY INVOLVl:U I r .... ~nt ly ~ ••I01j)ll'•I IO 1<tund1H<l· rinMnrHl with .. t ale 11 111 "'" thu.e Actually. thl' oprratlon or 1 1z··tl plun f111 11ve rut ur~ ell'men-whlr h ''"' '" r•1nflt 1111 l•"I JH 1nr to blood ii.nk neceHltate• c111111ldt r· tary ,., h•1'•1• It .. ,.11mat ... 1l th11< ar-"""""lll tun •lf 1 .. 11 1tt•r v tu 81tcra• 11ble out111y for 1upp11e... equip· lhJ11 ..... ,11.1 ""''" nt>a1 I\• 1686 000 m,.nl•• rt1.. '""'"'""' ,., ,..,. eun• ment a.nd per111nnt'I It cannot be frurn u11g111al ,.,.~t f'w\lnlllP11 nut unu .. 1 .. ,,,.,. 11fr 1ti .. ~•"l" loar& operated on 100 percl'nt altrul•· I all, uf • "u' ,.,. "" 1t11 1111.,<'1 "11 ,,..... potcTAnl.t~ c l..A!ilio.tlOOJllK Uc prtnclplea, for the almplt ree· but a 11•><•d p111t 1on or th,. 1111v. Th" . arrarnrntu 1l111t r11 t, b1 10n that lht.e peoplP who operate 1n~1 Ulll' uf vurtebl" 1 h11•t1roo11111 whlcb have to eat th• u.mt e11 anyon~ Th111. Hr • 11r<llnl( tu lh,. litJllrtl, c·11n br 111'11ft,.•I .. 111Uy lo .itA>1 elM. and the peop~ who wpply amo1111(11 \11 111m .. ~1 11w rn•t Cif wh,.r•· 11tt• 11tl"ll'" rr,.lll"ll a ,rob- equlpm•nt have to .,_ p11lll. Thh1 two nl'w 11r hooh. whH"h tlJ1Url1 • Ifni. hav,. fur-thfr 111lve<1 th• tl• explalna Ut• n.~ MrviCe ff't for Uvfly 11pr11kln11:. lhl' t11x p11y11r .. nJ nAnc-101 J'IOblrm" r <1nfrontlntr UI• taklnr a pint nf blOOll. Anlt If • St.n •mf'nto wtll K•t "for nolh· c11y h'' rl'11M1n nt It.a W1dffPr.ad profeuional donor 111 u~. Ult lnr". Al IU~l. Lh11 llf"hC"'I •ytl\fm irrowth Thi' porta blf' r lu11rOOm1 r h11rft varlet. Min& normally Will hive that m uch addltlonJ1I 1n •ppnlntment.11 1r• nn a par •rowid 121. In IJ'I)' e'PenL 4oalnc room to 11ccom modate the bunitlnc with the reeular. 1>9rmeMS' ltW I• .. worU11 C.UM. I at t.be M&ml attudant• Ill the ca. ldaool 1U11CCW.. .. BATTLE LOOMS OVER I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • 'A6E 7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 . 1955 OCC FOREIGN STUDENTS JOIN UN PROGRAM 2 WEST COUNTY CITIES Did Dairy City, Los Alamitos Fint7 Fiie Corporate Papen SANTA ANA. 10CNSI -Bat-Jack L. Weav\ ·-··· -• . tJe Uno were dri1.wn today for •I i.t• Drive. hud:~ I pitched duel betwetn proponents thto Loe AlamitOI lncorpor•tlon ot two weatern <'OU.nty lnrorpor-Dairy City wou.ld Incorporate aled cltlea. more lh~ • equare mllra .oulh And ll'a going to takl' opinion of the tee•'nll~· hl<'Orporated city trom the county counarl to settll' I or Dairyland l..011 Alsmltoa boun- U\e iaeut, according to County <la nes cut into the lower s.cUon Clerk 8 . J . Bmlth. llf thl' projecte<1 011lry City rrom Thi' crux or thr matter 111 Bloom!ttld A\'e. on the wul to whe!h,.r Dairy City or Los Ala-I Holder St. on the e811l and 4!0Uth I mlloa filed lnlenllon to c1rculalt' of Ball Rl1 to Ct'rsltoa A\'<'. 11 Incorporation Ullona firat al-~·ould l 11 k e about 11 lhlrl1 off pe ' Oa 11 ,. C'll ,. ler the county board or .u1>ervl1-' • or• lo•t juriliillcUon In another Tr · C1l1u would have t•ken city propoaal-Trl Clliea. 111otot of both plan1w•I l'•llea. The : rounly bound1tnt'11 thi~ wttk ap-When the 1upervlsor1 lo1t JUr- 1 prov<'<! both Dain· Cit,. and Loa Ltdlctlon aJao ta u nddermlned. Alamitos bnundiui <'ll · Wu It balled on when Tri· I The lefl11l11ture only this nar Clllu tiled ll• notJce of Intention 1 pa.ued a law requiring-autn,·1~ncy I wtth Smith, acUng u <'lark of I petltlon1 to b<' rounded uri w1th1n th• board, or when the board act· a :iO-day period. Smith My11 hf''11 ually took action on the notice! I bef'n un11ble to rind anywherf' rn Trl Cllit!ll had 60 day11 lo brtng the act for eure when the t>O·d•y In lt.1 petition of euf(lclency. lt time 1tarb. • didn't. Thu11 the way wu cleared for any olber annex.ton or In-Ti WL--1 T k corporation movu In the area res, l1WWIS G en covered by the projected Tr I-from Gould Lawson Cillo. ' It ll 11 determined the M daya Some one must have nttdcd a lhould have btcun when Tri-Cit-couple of whetlJ< tor a Ja_te model IH filed 1'3 notice of lnttntlon car Ray Gould, 1300 \.\est Bay I with Smith, Dairy City ha11 frat I Ave.. anc:'I Howard Lllw11on .Ir., call on the area. Alty. Roger 1~00. Ha\'en Plac<'. both r~portl'd l ff.)Well. actng for Dairy Cltv, tu-to Newport Be11ch police \\ ednt11- td hJa notice at 9:o2 a.m. oCL lT. day the Joas of a wheel and tire Loa Alamitos got ll.s notice on du1ing the prev1ou1 night. 1 file with the county clerk more It may have been the dlrftr· 1 Lo · f than llJI hour later-at 10:43 a.m. tnce In tlrt11, but thl'y pl11<'ed the Marking United Nations Weck the Harbor Demo-charge of entertainment and Mrs. Bell z1er o re-Howe\'er, It It la found the ~-Joa. "arlously at 17~ and u o. eratic elu'Q had open house for foreign students Sun-fre8hmenta. The student. from Orange Cout College day Tri-Clllu circulation period Osbum w1·11 Proba-I d f h F ~1 th d" Ch h · C t are shown above, from left, front row, Sbenanar Hoa-beglln when the l!upervlsora acted •• I ay a lernoon at t e 1rst " e o 1st urc lD OS a on 1t1 propo1a1 then Loe Alamltoa SANTA ANA. (OCNSl-Pro-1 Mesa. Mayor Claire Nelson made the welcoming talk, aein, Widud A. Abdullah and Myung Sup Choe: back would be In the priority position. bate or the will and lettera tuta- -S ff Smith recel\'ed the Lo11 Alaml· mentary In the t1tate or John 1 and other speakers included Dr. Basil H. Peterson. row, Mayor Nellon, Ted DeFong and Hic)c~y. ta to11 petition officially at 8 a . m. Nel10n Oabum, who died Oct. 11 Dr. Giles P. Brown and Dr. Atiles w. Eaton. Sherman Photo yeattrday. Actually. It was hand· In Balboa, were •ought In super-I ed to him lite WedneBday after-tor Court here WedneM:lay by hlll Hickey acted as chairman. J effrey Stormson had noon. Howell and M. s. B<'mard wtdow. Barbara. Osburn of 19 Bay -------------------------tiled for Dairy City a t 9 a. m. l•land. executrlx. The utat.e 10" 12" 14" 16" 17" 20" 21" HURRY TV SHOPPEll SAVE! AT RELIANCE T.V. CLEARANCE SALE These TV sets have ell been reconditioned in our shops, and carry a 90 day guaran- tee with perts end service. All makff-IOIM like •• Television Television Television Television Television Television Television SEND US Seh . • • • $29.tS Sets • • • • $39.95 Sets • • • • $49.95 Sets • • • • $59.95 Sets . ••• $69.95 Sets . • • • $19.95 Sets . • • • $89.95 No Down Payment Easy Terms A Ct;STOMER and Receive a Valuable Gift Speclal Dl9Couat. to Sen iee People Open Sunday8 and Evtl')' Enllln~ Until 9:SO RELIANCE HOME APPUANCI SERVICE CO. 2102 N. Ma.In St. Santa Ana Kl 2·1M8 IU S-'7100 RHEEM WEDGEWOOD )'H terday. accord.Ing l o the @howed per10nal property In tx· .,__...._....,......,_..,_..._..,_...._.._.....,_.....,_....,......__,..._.._._...._.._.,, county cluk. cua of $10,000. I Ranges ~ 'ill!!!Sii Dryers 1802 .Newport Blvd., 0.ta ..._ L1bertJ 8-UM Liberal Trades Easy Terms Your Leading Harbor Area RhHlll W'"9ewoocl-Appllance Dealer Tired Liftin '? -- - ~ GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DRYER •••••••••• . . . and make clothes drying as easy as tossing laundry in a hamper! I fASTU TMAN SUNSMlllCI JUST sn A DIAL H•AMOllTMI Cas dries clothes in min. for "damp dry" (just ri1M Tllat's all It coats a typical utes-driu them d1y or for iron1n&) or "drl' 1fter lam1ly of four to Olltflll n1(hl. rlln or sllint I No you tou 1n 11nstd l1undry. 1n 1utolnttic lies clot!lts ·~~::·~:·, :~~:u~~:·~:,:::·~~liances Norge-Tappan-O'Kfffe & Merritt-WeckJewoocl Gas RanC)es Jak~' s Appliances SAUS -UIRTY 1·5594 -SEIYICE "90.r voh.lllM! of . .,_.._. .... ,... JM lo...t ~ Ud ~ trMk IL 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA \ .J~~~.J ~ ~ .J fa. .J .J ~ .J .J .J .J Roy Carver Pontiac .J ~ .J .J .J .J .J 1400 W. Coast Highway Newport Beach proudly invites you to a Introducing THE FABULOUS '56 PONTIAC with a big and vital General Motors "First"! It is with tremendous pride that we cordially invits you and your family to an exclusive showing of the truly remarkable new '56 Pontiac! We feel IUl'e that you will be aa enthusiastic aa we are once you've uperienced the thrill of gujding the spirited 227· horsepower Strato.Streak V ·8 ••• and enjoyed the outstanding smoothness of Pontiac's pace-setting Strato-F1ight Hydra-Ma tic•. Be the first to drive the fabulous '56 Strato.Streak Pontiac; eo,c ........... _ ON DISPLAY NOW • ·- ) . PA6E.t7 PART I ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS RtlDA Y, OCTOIER 21. 1955 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT -.. well~ lacl\de Wt.r· IMN.&mWt ~ Kop- pen 0o.. Ma&tiamal 1-4, Vau· d111111 Corp.. ol ~ CUinu ~ 0... ud U.ut.d Air· DIATH N011CI U.... tM latt. rt&ctJas a bet· 0...,. 8 . kb.mldt, U, o< IJI t.e-u.a..-pect.ed tMrd .....,uir. .. llla. •.• c.ta )( .... di4ld at WW. lllU1 .__ la a l'tlllill· 9da .._.Oct. to alter an extend- per1or ,.,.,., Co.la MHa. died tht. momtnc 1.n Hoac Hoepilal aner an utende<I 11lnt'1&. lervlc.. a r • pendin« al ParkH·Rldle1 Mortu- ary, Coat• ...... '>""*''' d DI._ AtWllt fNm ._ .,._ it 19 JOraly U1at a pat· ed lllM& Re wu Mt'8 tn rutnola ~W YORK NOON COMMENT al ill ~ Wn1 la alm09t Uanl ._ el l.miplutt~ wW p.....u Md Mftd ln )(~ wMl'e be -COMPILEO BY B. C. CA.ft· y..,.. U. lt!reulated U.. raJJ O\W' tM ~ ot tile daJ, ,.,._ WU IMmtMr ot a M...UC ~e SIDE. (DEAN WlTJ"ER It CO.) fT'OUp. We.tern Marylaad ~ tillulu1Y l.atllNllll*t bT tM ~ .. w COlll.blS to c.ta Meaa 12 SANTA ANA, OCT. 21, (0CN8) N -Yon Central: ud p_,... ... b 1 ~ .............. ,...,.. aco. He la l!Untved by bi. vaaia ftaUroa4. whldl ba" UM lkw•••• mdtftdua1 -... &ad wtte, Clara L.. ot Ole home: two benefit .i lmproftd ..,...... an paapa -.ell M UioM -tloMd 11011a, 1"'eodon 0 . ot tbe bome and fract1GM117 bettw, wWL a-.. aboft en ta .....-'* malltC&ta IAlter D. ol lllnneeota; a*> four STOMACH ULCEIS .. .,. EXCESS ACID QUICK ID& 0. llO COIT /, • '1 t ' ., . ', 1 ,, • NEW 1956 PONTIACS HERE Pictured above &a 19:56 Pontiac Star Chief Custom Four-Door Catalina typice.l of the new models on dlsplay now at Roy Carver PonUac, 1400 West Coaat Highway. According to Carver, distinctive new exterior colors IUld radiant interior design enhance the new yeu'a Pontiaca, featuring a 227 h. p. Strato-Streak V·8 engine combined with new, smooth Strato-Flight.. Hydra-Matic. LOST am&Jl dinner nng. gold up· phlrH It peari.. REWARO U 8·1091. 21C23 u.-&ltutloM Wlll!t_.ed __ PART Tua: WORK WANTED u doctor'• recptlonlat or u clerk typlat for general office work. .Excellent refereneca plu11 JC()Q(I quallflcatlons. Box V ·63. th\11 p.per. 21c23 I ia&AUTIFUL LADIES DlAM0 :-10 ; RING Boug'ht Jul year. wom only 1 month. Sell for 1., pnce SlOO.-lUI~ 3&th . Npt. H"A<"h. 21p23 VIOLIN -.Almoet new. pertecl eoadttioa. coet $70, with cast> ll&crlfte. JM. Har. 4263. 2Jc2f VUST SELL tor Sl76 ruh, cJue to llln-. lKt Chevroll't coupe. 2 dr .. hu 1961 engine ln.tlaJled lut year.-126-311t , Ne14•porl Harbor 310.R. 2tc23 BALBOA ISLAND fum. large 2 bdrm. Ir sun porch uppt'r. Vent· erl heat tlrep181'f'. Nlre yard. gar Winter $100. yrly. $1311. Utll. pd. Har. r>Mtl-W. 2ltfc :s6-M~ Wu.W MONEY : Want $4~. tnl1 tnat dttd rfftdence f'XCel lontlon. Pay ar;. lnlerellt. 11'1 bonua. $60 mo. All du. • yn. Har. UIS. 2ld4 • Irvine Terrace Two Lovely Homes (tiu:lu11lv" 2 bdrm•. 2 baths. 129.l'>OO 2 bdrm._ It den. 2 bfllh $'.l\.~00 Both complete w1th wull tu w&JJ carpetlnir 1.11d dra~11. fuJly f Pn<:· ed, t'lfPen•lvrly l1tnd11o~d. <.:a.n- not duplicate ll")('a tion". • Waterfront Duplex GARDE:>\ GROVE 10CN8) -c:Juded In lhe proposal Wed In Wut Orange County Property September. Owners Asso~·1a!lon membere wlll Un Brown, prealdent of the take a nrw lo(lk at the Garden as11oclatlon l\Tid chief 1po\leaman Grovf' mcorporatlnn 1asue through for the antl forcu during the thr eyt11 11f a C'ommlttee appoint-laat battle. Wednt'.!ldAy aaked "1 Wednesday night at a rt>gular membeu to con11id'er the 1.auea mPl'ting. thnt facPd th('m. ~n members. prlnclpt.I He i1poke lo a ratherlng of 28 ori:8niz.ed obJtttora 10 incorpor· personl! In the Sun Garden11 fire Ali on or th1ll community during hall who earlier heard 11upcrvi1<>r the un.sucl'•·!lsrul C'ampal~n Jast ( Wiilis Warner outli ne need for a "'prin1i1:. f111'e a lhfferent 111tua uon 1 county • wide n ood <'ontrol pro- In the C'Un ent attempt lo J:llln icram. r11y 111atu1 Brown appointed t hrPr asao· A porllon of tht>u area. Sun C"la llon member• to a "st udy and Gardens. has pet1t1ont>d l-0 be in· I report committee .. which he char· !'luded m \hf' propoM<t city boun· ged In mef'llng with pro-1ncor- d11rirs. pnratlon leadera to lea rn about Reimlt'nl!! living nort h or CM· the rurnnl rl.1Tlpalgn and how It den Grove Blvd . havt' been f'X· 11ffecled the weatern 1.re111 of the -----community. Named to the com- mllte.-11re Carl Lehamm. Willard 'h&pman. a nd Charles Muuer. EASTER SUIT Brown tolt1 his 1ucllenre that Conrlnu.-d from f'lf'lll Pace C'hll11Jte<I conditions In the Garden tlv1t1t•s sh .. rtt!'l\"!'d pellllonll rt· quf'atmg th11l !lnmdh111g he J•>ne to allt'viatr cnndll 1nns She ~wt thut the community w a11 arousf'd ovc•r the nl)IJll'. traffic conch I 101111. crowding oC 11trttl~ and sirt .. wRlk" 11nd dnnklng. Shi!' 11BJJ 11he hll•I vl11ltrd B&lboa l"land durmg 19:'11 o nd 11gain m 19:"i:'I whtn 11he found cond1l1on11 much better. u :sM SHOJ>LlfTl~(i C.rov\' a1 ea warrl\nted a nl'W look 111 lhe m<'Orpnrallon problem. ··Ra p11l ~rnwth In h01nt11 and llrPI\ 11nrl lhrl'l1t Of 11nn .. xa11nn by ne11(hbor1ni: rllll'S00 were thl' two frl<'IOr'I hi' C'l ted. New Cbevrolet Debut Slated Here Nov. 4 Thr r,..was Jess shop hfllng and de11lr\Jrt1<>n In 1sr.:o> lhan In 19:'14. llfcColloch ll'lltlf1ed ant! ht found busme11"' better In the qulel year. Thtrr were many fme boyt1 ind ye~~~~lTp;m<;=~~!ngae~ ·~~~ g'frla therf' evl'ry yrar. he 1181d. but all-Urne record.a for the automo- • STOUP ot objectionable youth• .... ..-..,.,.. Cllinrol•t. ~ la· t.Mt ae4 -In rw"""'-,_,. t.Nduce !tN pu9n1«er cant MOY. did not -m to be p~t In l tM. f nationally and at Miller Chn· Doah told of property oomaJ" rolet, !liewport ~ach. he had 11ttn pttvlou11 to I 9:i!I and • The new model• will go on dla· 11111d thal after the 19~ Eat1ter play 11multane<>u11ly al du.Ju week thr re wa11 • dtfinlte salea 11howrnom11 11r ro11t1 the country. Al· n'.'IUltance to Balboa 181-.nd prop· thol\gh tietall11 h&ve been with· l'rty. H .. "81d ther<' 111 "' trent! t~ held. Lht' company h.. rttported Wlj.rd permanf'nl ownt'rllhlp m thi forthcoming line I• the moet I :-: .. wpcvt Bea1·h and le.11s property I dlverlrifled in ll11 hletory. ror rent. • w. E. Flah. g'neral aalea man- "'\ ESQ.I: CA.ROUSING ager or Chevrolet. prl'dlcted one Maret. an nfflC'tr of the juve· of the romp11ny"11 most 11uc:cesatul 1 nih• crmrl, toltl or efforts to c:ur-rel.Ail 11how1ng11 After a ate&dy openlnl wtlh re- duced activity, lh• market turned 10mewh1.t mllted. Many IM UM which prevlol.UllY had been depru- atd and enjoyed eome recovery have now encountered profit tak· ln1. With the madtat In • natural rNi.etance area, lnterut i. confln· ed prlma.rHy to Individual luue1 reapondin1 to new• devalopmen ta. 8ft&L8 FUUI Selected 1teela a.re firm/ follow- ing remaru by c. )(. White, prea- ldenl ot Republic Steel, ot • need tor further price lncre&Ha to meet elU>&Nlon needa. ·us Stetl, Beth- lebem Steel. National Steel Cor· poration. Annoo Steel and Alle- ch.eny Ludlum. Improved under this ume lnfluenc:e and atnce all are con1ldued candldatee for aome form of dividend llberalls&Uon, they appear In • tavorable po.t. lion to anllrlpate newa. Report• that frel(ht traffic la Hollister Permit J. I. Holl11ter recenUy took out a Co1ta Meaa city building pet· mit for construction of a real· dence and garage at rie~ Victoria St. Estima ted co•t WU Ml at S9960. R. A. Mathen)' Monday took out a $12,000 Coata Me.a& clty blllldln1 permit for erer Unc a Nlidence at 480 16th Place. pe&ke fl ~ cloM Ml lta ,_ a ftrwa ..... ~ M d M Yell (ft&t· hl(ll, aauflpaUoa u IDCr.-a. Deur ,_ 1 p .11. • .,..._ puldelUJdren. lhrvtc. will be th4I diTidmd a t neat W911l'a ...._ held Sabarda7 •t 10 L m. \n Balta IJts. Rall.I barin&' bW1 _,.. • ~ --.eT.U oft O.CN ONta x .. Chap.I wit blhe Rev. '&&'lard on the reco'f91'7, w. fMI 11 Ital.la -··-111·" up o.• JOMpb W. Mc8babe otttc:lattnr. that UUI l'J'OUP ill capall&e ol i.-11 UtWU. --·--U .U up O.U lnt.rmant wtlJ be ln Harbor Relit tber 1-Pf'Oftll'ltnt. t p. m. ...._.: 1.000.oeo ...._ o.m.te,.,.. on.a NO'l'l'.D 1,JOOiOOO -Tina..-,.. Bel~ oUa renect • baft\a. x. r. I ......... .,... auaY BLUE mce ot ln...tmellt ....,...._ a.. A1D11'iou Telepbolle _ 111.. Mn. !baby Bhae, IU, UU Su· Servi~ i. a.mcms U. .. .., Aanoceda _ ............... ______ t6 I.Nu" 1.n u.. croup Uld. wWl_. ~ --··-···-·--.... tt , lnp approecbille M ........ DuPont -··--·········· SlT'ii et\JI appean .-.on•IPCJ' JdeM OeMra.I mlect.ne -··· '8 with the promWI ot 1oelUle Oeen1 Moton .... llf % year-end dindtad MWIL .. •t• Ke.1 OD.----·-.. ···-·---It% OU c:ontlnu• .ubject to ...,...,., Kew York C.t.ral R..R. ----"°" Wpport in a tMt ol it.a -,_. KertJl A.meriaea A.t&Uoll -le We Sell Confidence hlftl. ...,..,., --···-··---67 Althouclt aJrcraft.I .,.. llW. 8eatlMnl Calif. J:dt9oa -"'ii c1tan1ed. General 11re • Rubber a.aUaena Pacil'lc R.R.~-IT'ii and lkndlx A vlatloe et&nd oat 8tud&rcl OU ot Calltenala -·-14 owin&' t.o partlclpaUon ln the mt. UllJoa OU of cautonUa -·--48~ •lie proCRm and ~ aad ua 8t.l --··-···-· .. appear attractive. AmOlll' tndMdual S..... llo- hawk C&ti>et MtU. adnac«l to a new hll'b on Wall Street JOtU- n&l comment Unldnr t.be compeaJ with Aleunder Smitb. Ille. p,... 1um1.bly abo\lld merstr JlilllOU.- tlon1 be eucceufully completed, the tenM would favor Molaawk. SOUND JllP&OVU Howe Sound Improved allihUy, antlclpat1n1 third-quarter ean· lnfa. wblch are expected to 1l!Ow further ,-radua.I Improvement. with net for lht period eatlmated at • S2 annual rate. Other divene t.- Standard a.de Clotila aad CuNln lped.W. • Drapel'7 auawa.re • v...u.a ....,. CALL•• ... IN THE SHADE SHOP '81 ..... L.!f.,...t ..... ...... ta.II .... Otaoe IAY NURSERY '81 &. lTUa IL Rug & Carpet Cleaning Upholstery Clewd 111 Yow Home IHALITAS Penla11 I .. Clecl11lnt Worll1 IN DICK HACKER'S 3420 Via Udo HA. 4328 ANNOUNCING FOR 1956 a dramatic· new blending of power and style that makes power /sible and gives beauty motion ••• the exciting new l:xcel!Mt propt>rty con11iflt ing' of two bedroom• down. and l ~­ room up. Compltlely furnished. Pter-permitted. Full pr. S2!1.000 • Lido Isle T ou will flnd almple but luxur- 1.0U.1 llYtDC In th\I 2 bdnn. home. Only 4 yn. old, a really good hOQ9a wttb every up-to-lhe·m1n· •t.e feature. Only $27.~ furn. tail lawleMnt.U during Euler "Thlll Ill the blggN•t d11y of the WPt>k.11 prevlOWt to 1955. He tolcJ ye a r for Chevrolet rtee.Jen1.'" of lack of proper parent.Al con· Fish rnmmt>n l1'<1, "11nc1 lhty tradl· lrol. J>ftrtles ·\Q.lltlng 10 3 11nd 4 tion11lly i:u Rll nut to make It a a. m.. bet'r can11 11tar ked In a mt mnrt1blt' orc1111lon fnr lht> pt'<>- pyramld clear to the ci>lhng, pie who \"ll!lt thrir 11howroom11. malll'ioua mlllC'hler, dr11truct1nn of "Spel'h1l entertainment. decora· pro~rty and slerping on lhf' beach Uon11 nnd favors are 1111 ac-<'epled and In parka. pollry by thoul!.'lntb of dealer11. 111e exprn11C' In 11howroom trim OUT OF GAS 11lonr will run w"ll ovPr $3.000.· 000 Deol1•r11 want to be 1·ert11ln lha l the ba ck ground and 11etUng Coatlallf'd from Flnt race or the new cars c1o justice to "'ll wll1' a ht'<'k I their mnny 1mprovtment11 ·· pl11ne... hP Mttd of a JOit •• A feature al many .ihowlngl! th111 y1>1tr will be dcmonstraUon rl•l,•11 in a \IUpllc11tC' or lht' csr _1>owerSty/e"CHRYSLER v• (low, low dO'Wll If dulred I HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 OWNER SAt'RIF'JCE. must move Nov. ht Only $1 5-00 down - •ix loan. 3 bdnn .• dbl. garage. hdwd. flra. Beal ualJllde loca· 1 tton. Fenced. landscaped. bllnd11, drapu It ca~t11. Jo'or ~at deal el year ct.JI Ll 8·4M&. 21c23 W. L l.aMle L l l olr .. lSS L 17tb St. c..-.. c Ht:ARS CRICKF.TS The l1Pulen1111t landed in denirl' thst t•llppec1 11 full two mlnutea brush M>m<'Wh<'re m the hills. "'l off th!' P1kn Peak hill climb 111aw tho' plane go over I hr hill recortl Thr orr1c1Rll)' rerllfled and t hen I ht>an l a poof I ro11ld mntk WAS ~t in Septt>mbrr with hear the crlr kl'ts from 1he p11ra· a hl'1tvlly dl~icui11C<1 19~ model. chute·· I Thi' ofC icl'r said hi' s pent the 5 •..a.. G p "t nljlhl rolled up m hi!! parachull' mlTn •ts efml I and at dawn 11tartl'd out for l'1v1l· h·y South la11l week wa11 111· iZAtlon. He found a f11rm housr ~ued 11 C'M IR Mt>11a city bu1ldlnR I and wu tater plckt'd up bv Chino permit valueol 111 $6888 for n ect· police who took him to Pomona 1n1: a ,!wt>lllni: Ill 2006 Meyt'r Airport to meet the Los Al11mltot1 f'll\cr Helicopter th&t rt'turnf'•I him to - th~~;'· naval officers termed I Chatter Girl Born the pllot"11 e11cape from h\11 Ban· Mr. anti Mr,.. J .. 11w11 F l'haller. 11.hee jet tli:hler "'a m1ra<"IP." 707 L'entPr St . Co,.l& Me,.a . Ar~ Hillery 1111ld "l ju11t made up p11rrntt1 or " 11:111 b11by bnrn Od. my mind I Wilt! 11:olng lo hvr." 15 11t the Community Ho.•p1tal. ;::::::================;!~--~~~~ BE SURE -INSURE with MA l'.1111: ST A:\'1..El' luur&nce Only Pllone Harbor !4'74 Sil~ E . Cout Rl1tb"·ay Corolla del Mar \\"A Tt:U II.EA TENS SALES SUVICE ••d I HAIU Joe rtl.en~·~!ofc/ IUMS 10 'U CENI OOW" ~.,,,. ....,-.o, !tUO RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL -.. k. .Newport ....... Bart.Gr 1611 • You're looking at ihe longed, '°"9se, nat pow.m.I OwysW ..,... b.11t. Designed to wall·• ..... ol stJGng honors. Md Mfting the trend for ofherl to Wow wffh doth .... "'elte•• v.a-hwtca'• Ant dplane- type outomoeW• V-8 engine, now...,. more powerfutl ostist, positive feel-of -the-road every minute, every mi1el ... Pew .... eelll lrtlk" for smoothest, safett stops. They1t outlast the next-best brakes 2-to-1! Twe ... .. ..... , Clrr... Flnh • Highway high- Rdelity long-playing record player 1pins your favorite music while you drivel And-instant airplane-type heot- '"9 system gfves !Mng-raom warmth without waiting! S.. the "Pow.style" Owysler at yow OwysJer dealer's todayl 1-0.-1--1 Now more than ever ••• America's most smartly different earl LOU REED 4 ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT IEACH UIERTY 8-3486 ------POI THI 11Sf IN N. • 'Tl A WAI Ulr. A19 -a.•r--• 1Y PMI IOa 1W Me ITAnoMS ------. , \ ,. . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS F~AY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE TELL OF TIME - Gathered to talk over old timea in Prof. Gosa Brable a room were a group of former graduates of Newport Union Hlgb School who have children now attending the institution. Shown in the front row are Herbert Thompson, 520 Redland Ave.; Mra. Judson Sutherland, 233 Flower St., Coat.a Meu.; Mn. M.aN Newland, 54-0 San Bernardino St.. Mn. Dennia Hogland, 265 Broadway, Costa Mesa and Mn. Al Arden, 2066 Orange St .. Coeta Mesa. In the back row are Judson Sutherland, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beeeber Jr., 2005 Newport Ave., Costa Mesa. -All Staff Photo. Parents Visit Local Schools By BERT BRINTNALL Parent.a of pupila in New- port Harbor Union High School Oct. 11 aaw the big achool and learned something of the job the faculty is doing to fit thoee pupila for citizen- ship. They found other local achoola equally intereating. Following a meeting of the high school Parent -Teacher Asaociation in the auditorium. parent.a went to the rooma their children meet in and beard a resume of counea the BOOK DISCUSSION -Mrs. Jud Sutherland. 233 Flower St., Coeta Mesa. president of the high school P-TA, talks over the school library's new books with t he head librarian. Mrs. Norman Fleming. 438 Dahlia Ave. children ue studying. buildings and directed traffic. ... Every parent received an invitation to attend -and more than 900 took advantage of t h e opportunity. Students with a broad knowledge of the high echool plant were 1 t a t i o n e d throughout the The evening closed with th~ Mrving of refreabmenta in the cafeteria where parents had a chance to get together and renew acquaintances and diacuu experiences of t h e evening. ART WORK-Trying their luck at what their children like beat in Harbor View School kindergarten are thoae parents. From left. Miu Nancy Sheela and Mrs. Geraldine Williama, teacben and ff&ted, Mr. and Mrs. Burdett Harn.on. -Don Bush Photo .Longest ... Lowest ... Most Power.lw L.u1c01.ll of all time! Here-pictured the way you see it as it sweeps majestically by -is the new one that's been turn- ing so many beads. And no wonder. Lincoln for l 9S6.....: the longest, lowest, roomiest, most powerf~l LincOln of aO time -is far and a~ay the newest car on the road. h 's a Wftr. more luxurious Lincoln -obviously. And from hooded headlights t.o jct-pod exhausts, the refreshing, clean-lined Lincoln look goes beauti- fully with this great new size. Inside, greater aize meana more room, and the Ic1-room1 shouJdcr-room and hat-room (all increased) comfortably belie the snug-to-the-ground lowness of Lincoln's new silhouellc. And that's just a sta rter. Match this new Lincoln again$! any other fine car -on luxury, on safety, and c'pc.:1ally on performa nce -and you'll soon find out why we say this car is the fi nest in the fine car field. Most important of all, this new Lincoln is never too proud to prm e all we say. Come in any time and take a few turns behind the wheel. LINCOLN FOR 1956 ne olllJ cm1plttel1 new ear ID tlle IH mr ... • New 28S-bp Lincoln engine wich more uabw powsr than any other car • New LincolJl Twbo- Drive -molt venatile, most obedient of all automatic driYa • New 6.rm, yet gentle ride and efbtlal handling eue • New individualii.ed interion -29 co choose from • New aafety all around you: Retnc:ted steering column with Safety-flex steering wheel • • • triple strength safety-plus door locks ••• option&J safety belta ••• largest windshjeld area in any car. Unhtistakably ••• tM ~nest in tM {iM car {iel4 DAD ntRl'.:ADS NEEDLE W. W. Barnes. 134 Shol'<'cli!f Road. got into the chair where h is daugh- ter. Bonnie. ia learning to 11ew at Newport Harbor 1Jnion High School. and insi.stcd on t rying t o sew the copy of the school paper he ha•I I· "'n Ji?iv:-n in hi8 tour throug h the bi& ttehool. JOHNSON· & SON, LINCOLN-MERCURY 900 W. Coast H._•"Y NEWPORT llACH ACIW88 no111 a.u· cu ;a -~ - Religious Education Classes in Session Religious Dra111a at Two Churches Co~ from 12\• auas.nc. In I Dlr«tor &a 'HOU, IA.. \'\Ml. tM ft.rtl...S dlurdl to axi--Wntn of lh• llhlm&. Mn Lan· Uia.n.llluln-to Cod before the &I· ••r. anit Mna. V~I wer• fONntr-ly on thf' 111aff of WuaC'h AC'ad· emy, Mount t•lra.pnt. Utah anc1 tar wUJ be a cut wlur h lnc.ludea t• ....... a..l m\196c will M ~ '1 A-ed.ora ol tile eWra. 1.-. Vu DJk• of tile Z.- ._. ~ ... Mn. Lewta lad· Mr el It. Anl •a. lloUl ... N9&de Oft 8alMa lllJu4. Mn. IAnc• will .,...__ally IU• ,...._ t.be lat•l'l!l"wlaU011 of .,.,._ i.o. puU. w.--~ Dtucalloll 'n"9 y.ar the awocnm ot ,.. c.-1._ ._._ ~ thla m.Ut ID .__.time ~ t.rU1a111S 18 CHUICH OF llLIGIOUS SCllNCI .....a ...... founder, auUlor' ot "Setmce of JClad.M Nwnl ..... "' the Harbor and ottft'tld '° ~ I.a ~ Ca.la X... CICNIUDuaati... Ttae pro-tow ud ft" -1 ti» Newport a..dt gr&a .. ...._ t.be ,_.a cltl'C· and Hutlor VI-8cboola. la 0-. t•oa ot the Jia._.J'Mda committee ta W.. lltudenta ia _.,.... tlw whlela rwpr-U the United Pro-and llbt at Main and ~ tetit.ut Ourdaee &Dd U.. Romar 8cbooll an..u,tb&e for U.. --. cau.ouo Olun:Jaee ot Newport a... for ProteA&Dt 8t\ldmu Beedt &Dd eo.ta ....._ .,. aipem.ed bJ a ~u ... on ll&cb of lb._ ~ faith Weekday ~ l:ducaUaa of r,-rou119 provtdea tor the l.-denblp the Harbor Council ot a "m:MI. M it• ~ The dillctl'ea are .... Th• Rev. Roy A. Can-ot CJuUt rort.d from lbe 8Cbool t.o the Cburdl By the 8-i. CbaiftlWI cl'*9t dlurcll where the cla.MM of Ull• committee whk:b .-ia· t1re tauebt by CJ'l)WtenceC! teacb· cludeii Dr. IUcbard B. Pom ot r ra. At U.. cloee of I.be perlod UI• Coeta M-and JC.ra. P . r. 8'ia· pupu. an .ecorted back to th• .,. of Newport Htlpt.a. T.-chen 11cbool ln Um• tor their nut clau. for the Prot..tanl ~ are Mra. Puplla are releued for one period Cbnter Ftaber and Mn. Grant ucb w•k under the et.ate edU· Fuller. Botb h&Ye tauehl for MY· caUoa code, wtth the permlulon eral yean In the Barbor procn.m flf Uietr parente. of Wttkday Rellctoue Education. ...-taUoa WW tie (tven tor the MDU&! Uldoa ftanlrat1vi,.. ..,.._ Ttce of Newpart Ha~r CouacU 81DIDA 'f IDVICICS 11 a.a ,_.. C._.. _. NU'llfl'Y Oare 11 a.a. ........ !'91'11. ........ L&llVJI.& -.Am 6D 0+11.gn llYatt t-11M lt'r Qlft Or. of Chu~ ............................................. ________ ..,.., ............ -' WEEKDAY RELIGIOUS education ctu. for Prot.- tant fourth grade pupill are held at Cb.rilt Church by the Sea, here are led back to Khoo! buildinc by Mn. Cbeaur Fiaber. Not visible ia Kn. Grant Fuller with & 8eCODd cla.u. I Costa ~esa First Baptist At Uae rlnt .. pUet Claurt.la ol Co.t&X...~udlaata Aaa. ..... tale fta'Y, P. O. Neu• 11\&ftD will ..... .. Ma .. ,_ topic at tale 11 L a. wonMp Mrvk e, ''Oo4 J'w Ua". 8wl4a7 lcMol will ~ at British Actress Comes for Baptist Film Show --------.;;..---------------t :•6 wtt.b ~ ,_ aD ...... A nunery &a prcMded ffW MO Soula ln Conflict, newu t film u leue by Biiiy On.ham Evan1e- ll11tlc Jl'llma, Jnc., will be abown In Coata 1tft n , on Sunday 7:30 p. m. In the F'lnl Bapti1l Church of Coat.a Mn a. cornn Macnolla and Banta Ana Ave11, Tht plcturt wae filmed durtnc Graham'• world· publlclud Lon· don cru .. de. lt 11 a full future· ltncth tllm In color end It la throup K reen pruentatlone aucb a11 Ul.e one echedult'd for Colll& M-that the On.ham organlza· l ion anllclpa lu 11Ul'pUt1lng the 11uec.-of u u rller film. "Mr. Tau'' deacrtbed 11 ''The world'• first omuan wuttrn." whlC'b pl&)'ff to more than ~.000.000 per90M tn ft.e /lret two 1howlnp, and lo wbidl 13~.000 "dtcl1lon1 tor CllrUt" AA attributed. 11lle 9torJ ot "Soula ln Confllct" enciami--the Uva ot three typkal lndiYSduala, troubled with the .,....nt and co.mplet.Jy con- tuled a bo\at th• tuture. IOAN WDOllLL ff AGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 SPECIAL PRAYER SERVICE FOR ISLAND WOMEN A epeclal pra:t•r aervlu conducted by the \\:Qman'a So- ciety of etuuuan 8emee will be held at 9 a. m. IM'ectneeday, Oct. ff, at lb• Balboa Ialand Community Melhodlllt Church to <>Mu\le the Week ot Prayer and Sel!-Denhll. Kak1JlC plana for the .pec1al 11ervkt are Mra. Robert Jbbot.lon. procnm cb&lnnan; and Mrs. Fount Lowe, 1plrttual life cb&lrm&n. lnunedialely lollowinC" the ffrvlce lbe Martna, Ruth and Muy clrclee wUJ bold their monthly meeting a t the church. The LJdl& clrcl• wUJ han tu mteUng at 8 p. m. at the church. Joua WlnmUI. et&r of the Brtt· teh TV thriller, .. Epitaph for a -------------Spy," plays an actreu: Ml.M Wln- mlll will be at tbe Fir1t B3pU1t LOYAL TY DINNER . Spiritual Rebirth Necessary Church In perJK>n. Eric Micklf · ----------------- wood and Cbarlea Leno portray a jet pilot and a factory worktr reapectlvtly. Their netd for a llOUI. sat i11fylng religious ~xper· lt'nC'e Is realized when each a l· t1>nd11 one ot Gr&ham·a meetlnit• in Hurlngay Arena, London's vut stadium. Christ Church Services, 'March of Faith' Plans That we n~ be born !\gain through 11plril\1al undnatandln&" ln ot c1tr to entl'r ·into the k~dom ot God wlll be broulfht out In all Chrl1l1an Sc:1enC'e churC'hM Bun· <lay when the 11111>Jert of the U11· aon·Sermon ls '·Probarlon atter D .. Alh .. Christ Jel'Ull !13ld lo Ni<'odtmus, ''Exr,.pt 8 man he bom of water and of th,. ~pint. ht' C'annol entu lntn the kmg1lom of God'' tJohn 3 5 1. A puMge rtarl l>>' lht Flrat Rt'atltr from ··s~1tnre anJ Health w ith K!'y to lh" Sl·r1ptnrell" by Mary Baktr E1hly. "''~· "\\n,.n we w111t fll\lltntly on C<>tl an•l attk T ruth rl1thtc-ou~ly, Hr 1llrC'<'ll our path. Jmperf!'rl mo1tnls grup the u1t1m11tt' nC l'ptr1t 11ul perfection alowly; but '" hrgln erlfht a.nd to conUnul' tht ~t• 1fl' of demon· atrnllng the great r roblem of being, 1s uolng murh'' t p. 2M). 'T'he Goltlrn 'T'ext Ill from John 1:1.211: "Al! thP F"sther ralMth u p th!' dtR•I. nnd q11lrkcneth them: even "" th" l"on 11ulrkeneth whom h e Wiii." Universalist Fellowship and Services "F'at'lng-<?rut Juuu" Will be lhe • e m o n theme al CbrUt Church By Ule 8e&. Tbe Rev. Salvation Army Lists New Local Call Station ElfecUve 1nlJ'Mdlat.ely, UM 11ew YttJ praeUcal nhabWtaUon pro- teltpbon• call etaUOD. fOI' Bal-n· sr&m th... men han been "" • MCond chance, m.anJ ot whom Uon .Army .inc• plckupe will ban been .,..tond to lbeir rtpt· be UM Earl W. Stanley Real tul pW:• Jn aocl•~- &at&te otnce located al m ltar-"lt lak• a lot of Jal-nee to lne · A.••·· Balboa lal&nd. who" prvvlde a work pl"O(l'WJl1 for eo tel-s>bone number la Barbor l 175. many men,'' aid Brls-dler Park· The Salvation A r my Men'• lu, "and we aH th&nltfUI that 8oclaJ Bervic. Center wb!cb Mr· our many, trlendll rwnember u.e vM thta area baa Ju.l cone!~ whm they ban cUacarded arUclee one ot Use bulte.t yeara In Ill to dl.lpoN of." "W• are alway• lone hlltory. ncur-re1e&aed In need of all 'klndl of •lftl'e y•tcrdaY by Brts-dler William matertal lncludtnc clotllln(, ahou. r. PartUna. manager of UI• bl( tu.rn.lture. dlahea, beddlnc. mat· center, re'fMI that durtnc th• U.... •tona, radloe, booka. year Ule amutn,-total of 268.· n&p, r&c1!, appllancea, 1111c-&-bnc ~.:io boun of occu.,.tlonal tber· etc ... Pu1tlnl aaid. l\p,v. 60.180 meals. 20.no ioqtnp A fleet of S&IYaUon Anny Red plu11 wry subst.antSal ftnand&1 lhleld truck.I make dally plckupe Ri<.•1~tanre. w al! provided for bun-Ill B&lbo& laland and auounding On Thurst11ly. nr. Sbcl!lon ~h .. p-1lrt'dll of homeless and handicap-a..-and a phone call to Ula Earl a rd of tbt lfollywoo<I l'mnF"'11h11r 1 pcd mrn whQ for '\•ariou• reuoNI W. Stanley Realty otnce. Harbor Churrh addrf'i<itt<i the As!l(l('l11tlon hlld hf'<'n thrown Into the diM'.8J"d. 1T76 wtll brtnc a Red Bbleld of Unh·Prsi.hiol \\"omrn a\ the Thrnui?l'I the Sa lvation Army'• truck to home or office. h ome of )ltl'. Htnry llofmRnn .Ir . Newport Beach Baptist Church ·~· OrMl O.lualon" &a I.be title of the Rev. Herbert Q. J ohn· eon'• eermon for the 11 a.m. Mr- vke at U1e Ftrat Bapu.t Cburcb. 19th and Balboa BIYd. Ther. la a aupervUed nuraery durtnc thl8 mornlnl' worahlp hour. Cllurcb achoo! la at t :tl a. m. wtt.b ciue. for all &e•, DUrHrJ t.broulb adult. Eveninr wonhlp la u ffV• o'elock w1th the putor brtn(1nc the mffAl'e "Upttnr the Lampe of ChriaUan Faith.'' 306 St. Anclrtw11 Rnad. A l'howrr o f t'hlldrrn'11 11rhool l'Upplie:. for J ordan Ntljthborhoofl Hou,.e in Su!(olk, \'a.. was & ft ature or thL~ meeUng. Meeting• of tht' Unlvrrsallllt Fellowahlp &re conrlucted Sunday mornings Ill tht' Ebell Club Ho1111e, IU5 w. BalbOll Blvd. On SundAy. Oct. 23 the 11l'rmon 11ubjecl wtll bt. ''How c11 n the C'hurch help In pro· \•ldlng " fa\·OrBblll 1plr1tual ell· mate fM lhl' work of lhl' t 'nttl'l'I Nallon11 ~" 8~1111 wori1htp an<l muelc a round this thrmt> wm also METHODIST WOMEN SLATE DISTRICT FALL SEMINAR Fullerton Will Hostess New District Meeting I brinr box lunchea for a 12 :IO luncheon. Coffee and deeaert ma,y be purr hued. A nu!'ffry will be provldt'd. be pro\•lttf'c1. Officers and interested members of the Woman's Society For t he comlnit three m onlll• of Christian Service of Balboa laland Community Methodist th• RM-. Frt>flt rlrk Rtnge "'ill Church, Christ Church by the $ea, and eo.ta Mesa Com-•tnaa 11tor1t11 ebout J uua which are within tht unl1er11tAn<llng of munity Methodist Church, will attend the Fall Seminar to children In hl11 portion for the be held Oct. 28 in Fullerton. The aeminar, conducted by children. which Is a ft'lltnre or eaC'h oftlcen of the newly formed \\'hll · Sunday'• won h1p aervlC'e. On Oct. 23 Mr. Rln1te \\'111 tell 11<1me itorlu tltr O(ltrict, ~111 &ive opportunity a bout Je11u11 \I hlrh w"re not a C'· for workers ln the forty-tour local uptt'd by t hl' writtra or the goe· .ocleUee of th• dl1t11ct. to &hare pel•, and ftl11n "hy t h!'se Wtre not •«-epted. Sunday aC'hnol f(\r all &&" groupe Sncludlnf a.n l\1l11lt rli11cu1111lon C'lr· cl• convtnt• 11t 10:30 a.m. a.nd momln.-wor1b1p h4'Jr1M RI 11. A ~lal cotfte hour follows th" aero vice. na8T CHURCH OF CRJUST &CIL''TIST ... ¥la ll4'1, Ht•p0rt h•c~ breftc.f\ et Tltl• ~o''-• C~1ii1'c .. , Tf<lt r ~~t .. Clltltt. kMoiti;!, 1-...,., ....... World Order Sermon at CdM The Re~" Edwin C. Gomkt, mlnu1ter of the Corona del Mar C'cimmunlly Church, v.111 ·~•k on "The Significance of Symbol.I" Or L 23-World Ordtr SunCay- At d llj)ll«*le •rvtCU. t :•3 llJld 11:00 .. Jn. probltnu and methode, and to re- ceive (Uldanre and 1uggutlon1 from their dl•trk t offlctni. Opening at t a.m. wtth re,-lelra· lion.a, t.be meetlns will reach Ill INptraUonal climax 1n t he after- noon when Dr. John Black talka on the aemtnar Uleme, "Crown 1by Oood with Brotherhood." Dr. Blat'l<, re«nUy putor Of Trinity Methodllt Olurcb, Pomona, &a w · perintendent ot th• WhltUer Dle- trlct. Mn. J ohn Wittman, dlatrlet p"'11ldent of the W.8 .C.S., w11l pre- aide. llOL,,SO 8E8810S A apeclal featurt of lhl' morn· Ing ptognm will be lhe pre11enta· lion by Mr11. FT&nk Hild, confer· enre aecret11ry of mls111onary l'dU· cation. of the atuc1y books to be uaed in the current year. She wtll have b e I p f u I 11uggesllons for mtthoda of lllling the mattrlala. Bl'DGET M r1. L. L. Wlllla11U1, c1111trlcl treaaurer. will a nnounce end ex- plaln the b11c1gt t. Follow1nc roll ca.JI by Mr1. Charlu Robln110n, di•· trk t promotion t t'<:retary, the meeting will breaJt up at 11 :15 Into dep&rtmentat rllnka. Jn thtlM groupe, problt ma perullar to each of Ule 01T&nlaatton'1 offlc•1 will be considered. The alttrnoon prl')gram wUI open at l :ao W1th "Introduction to the F'1ve Spiritual Cla.uica" by Mi.a Clara Kobletedt, or ~ e w p 0 r l Beach, dlatrlct e«retary for mplr1· tual life, Spe('lal mualc and Dr Bleck'• addrue wlll follow, br1n,-~ tns tbe 1tmh1ar to a clOH. houna. JualOr Cburcb &a Mid la Ule 8m&Der ..aeluar)' at 11 L a Al t :IO p. a. Toutb ,.,..._. (1'0Upe m .. t ta Ute educau-..1 ualt. At T:IO p. m. th• color ma, "Soula In Confllct". wtaldl WU ftllHd ID Londol\"wtll ~ .aiowa. T'IMn le no adnl!Mioa char,.. Joen W\DJOlll, Eft&U* aet.na will be at U.&a NrTlce lD ,.,._, wm •peak of Mr G]*1eoca M- for-9 ud alter her eon...,...oa. OUlere being feature In the film a... Cliff Barrow•, O.Or,-e Bever· ly lt\ea. CollHn Towuend 1C'nu. Donn Moomew, famoue foolMll eter; Ted 8mlU\, Paul Mlck.t.n &Ad th LondOft Cn.w&d• Cbo6r. rri~y nlcllt th• x~ Deu(ht•u c:lu• will mttl In their OW1l room In the churrh. The U (11lhea9e Kffpera rlau will mHt at Ole I home of 'Mni. John Bllkfl' on Ole aame nlicht. Baha'i Lectures T he Baha'i• of tM Ra.rbor area joln with thr Baha'lll of Santi Ana Oct. 28 a t 8 p. m.. In UM home of Mre. H. M. PerTY. l~tt I W. Et(hlh St.. Sant.a Ana. lt&aa 11 Manilla Ltt will ape&lt oa lbe meanlnc of t b• B&ba'I Wol'l.d Faith. Tonight they wlll ~ar I Tuey Hamilton ~a.k at the YMCA bulldln(, ~ Cllurcll Bt .. , Santa Ana. ~~~~~~~~~~~~-' nrt•t ,_ ~ •• a. t• I wortd te •n al.-era-let Tim. I ;15. Some of the flnnt eal.nta I we ever knew had a bad bere· dlty, We do not have to be bound ., ~;~:;·'·FAITH i Preyer Discuaioft "0 l'Nnda! Do not forake wl8dom. Heutien to tM edor-tauoea ot the Supreme With lb• .,. ot lnteW&'•ce. No one ot all the peop&e ot UM world abouJd llUJfn-harm from ,_,, bandll or loftpea!" -aua·t lc:riplu,.. .. ........, ....... u• aururtw -.... o.ca...-..c.m. ...... u ...... -u ... u ..... ..,..,, NOTICE The NEW telephone cell station for SALVATION ARMY Selvage pickups in BALBOA ISLAND is the Earl W. Stanley Realty Co. Harbor I 775 * * in Corona del Mar telephone the John E. Sadleir Realty Co. Harbor 2'422 in Newport Beach telephone Johnson & Son Lincoln Mercury Dealer Liberty 8-55'45 Daily Pickups Tbe a.uor PU(11m l'ellowablp OtoUp la pns to lnlne Pan tor a picnic 9Up~ on Sunday t'Ptnl111 . Tb• Junior F ellowahJp mttLI a t the church Sunday f'Vel"I· •nl('ll et 8.30 tor f'\m anlf ftllow- •h1p. Welcome Will be stended t.o the Ttatuns &a.di• by )(n. aeors, J\awllM, pHllident ol tbe boeteu w.1.c.1. ,,..,.,p. TM hoel putor. the Rev, Hugh Lormor. wtll con- duct the momJ.nc' d.votJonala. The ho1t C'hurch &a at lH N. ~mofta A \•t • F'\Jllerton. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MUA CHA.PEL CHAPEL BY THll BEA The womtn are requeeted to l7U Superior A•enue 1520 It. Coul BITd. eo.t.& Mua, CaJJ.t. OoroDa ck1 1CAt, Callt. Phone Liberty t -2121 J'llOM Harbor U -~· ~ -~.:::.----= ~-=-~ ~-~ TH• ntD•NC• OP Tlll•GI •OT •••• Ho• 4o '" -.. the , .. 11 llliaiaa •he• the worl4 la ''"'" la lha4ow 1 Hew caa 10• be- llen tlilet "' la at hand •Mn ni1h1 Mt•• all ernadP •The frl .. e ef aol4 oa the clad1t1t doMI, the ,.,. of Ualu •tr•••inc •••r th• 41atHt horlaon, the ahl ... rlnc pe1ha ef ail•er •crOM the • ....._., waten ... thett art the e•idenct of what •• caiut0t wt ... the , .. -1 .. of 4und .. da1. • Well 414 the Biblical writer d"crlbe feltat 11 ~tbe t•ldence of thh .. • Mt wea." P•r la .... , ur,Ht ~r faith 11 !Ille .... r. eace that Oo4 la Mir ••• that OM caret. • Rellcl.- f eith I• no penacu to drive •••Y dark clolld1. The aomber clollda H well aa the bhat •'i" bel.nc to life. 811t faith i• ..... , path••r of pr01t1iH , beckoninc aero .. the 4at' •atara to th• brlaht horlaon. • Wt all aetd that pethwey of ,,_ite. Ad11h1 Mtd It to •••• •ad overc-• the mee1 di1t1arbanct1 of lift. Children Med It t• arow 11110 <Olllq909S. -rel 111ea and •-•a. • The Chvc1' coad• aallf tt1c:hee fait'-ia Ood. And realllar wer• ahip 4tepeM faltlL Atttftd the church of 1011r choice ..• attend It rtl'llul1 1'llE CllU9Cll roa AU . . • AU. POI THE arvaCH n.. Cllllfdl ...... ··-··lee· ... --lh lot IM bulid"'t ol --4 e-4 ctll-•ltlp " ... _. ............. """' ... '-· W11i-..1 • "'Cle9 Cliunh. 11•11n.r ._._, -ct..i-·-~ ewnl•• n..r ... 10..., ........ •-•hf tt9fT per.-oho"ld -·" ...... 1C91 ,....1 .. 1, _ .. """' -t th. Cll-.rcit TMy ..,. (11 r.. .. ... ..,. Ml• 121 ror hia cl111d1.., 1 tote UI r ... lh• ..... ...... --" ... -· 14) ,_ ............. 0.-h llNll, •itlc'i .... llit ........ -......... ~ ,._ .... .. dlwrlt ,....i-1, _. ,...i ,...., -.it 4-ty. Tiiis Churcla Feahn Spo•DNCI by These Local luslws Finns Fnd o,...... CheYrOll Serilce n. Port Hole lrealcfaat H ... u ... -S.ttertn -Acc..ori• Complete Lubrication %100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport a.di llubor 1616 MAC PELLmER'S Newport Beach Pharmac7 U08 Oeeall P'roat Newport BeeeJI Barbor 5 UN19UE CAFE Br.-k!ut -Lunch -Dinner 410 SU. St., CAero.e from City Hall) IEr1lle CWO-THE ARCHES Uruon OH Otater UGO W. C..t Hwy. Newport a.di u 8-906! 11le lslalHI Patio Resta...r JOO llartDe Ave. BLANCHE IENZ Tht Yun Shop Chart-A.uemblt -Bloc:k A lnalr\lct SOff ~1 Marine An. Harbor OMO CUSTOM AUDIO Public AddrMI -H l·f'I -Tape it.co ....... 413 nth St. Newport a.cit llarhor 1506 GEORGE M. GRAHAM Ruge and C.rpet.e 122 Agate A''"· a.1bea blMd Harbor 3256 ART C. KISTLEI CO., R1Clltora Bay Front SpeclaHete %901 Newport Blvd. N~"-port a.ch Harbor 6226 Mario's SRlart Set Hair Fa.Ww Complete Btyllnr Pum.anenl Wavtns and TtnUnr M01 EM& COMt Rwy. Harbor 5JM NIWPORT FUINnvlE CO. Complete Home rumtaht.np MIO W. "-8t HW)·. Liberty S..1 UJ MJdnlpt to 11 A. M. 2111 W. OoM& Jllny, Newport Beeda STAFfORD & SON ElectrleaJ Contractor• 110 Rh••,.ade Ave.. Newport Beach Uberty 8-%%78 Viftceet's Rexal DnHJ Stores Tbn. loca tJona to Sen •• You Newport &a.ch BaJoo. C.orona dttl Mar Tommy Wilson leauty Saloft 1615 E. Cout HWJ. II.arbor Jl87 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Cott• lhop-Open 2• h ouri IN5 W. Caua. HJ. (at JSalboe Covee) Banor "820 ...... Woocfworttl PlallO Co. Complete U ne ot New It UHd Plan<M 2610 E. Cout B"J'. Harbor SW IUTE IEAUTY SHOP Under lbe Ntw Manacenme.nt of Mr. Pat Harbor 18%'7 H. H. HOLllOOK Def)ddable Plumbln,- !801 W. Balboa Blvd. HU'bor 4624 DICK MACKD Draper1ea -Carpet.a -Uphol•tery Complt te Frff Oecoratlnc 8ervlc11 SUO Vla Udo Harbor 4328 MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flowere -Pet Suppl! .. Balboa Blvd. at 211t ~e•rport Beeeb NEWPORT HARIOR IANIC An lndependnit Home Bank Coroaa del Mar ... . • . ' I 'I l I ' PETDOM REPRESENTATIVES AT PARADE • Pet parade at the annual Lobater Bake drew many entriea, three of which are shown above, left to right, HARBOR HI -LITES By NANCI CAMPBELL After a 90Und trouncing by the California High School football team Harbor rooter. filled out the evening by going to partiet and dancea to bury the horrible me.morte. of the defeat. Bruce Baldwln'1 home found a Pallferl. Chuck 'McCarty a n d 1lvt-ly group ot Timers enjoying Shirley Dowe, Gwatn Mauger and lhemaelvea. Among-lht' gueata Gall Slmpeon, John ~ttler, Don were: Tom Counttr a.nd Saundy Zlmmert and Ja.cllie Nut.era. Swift, Wendell MaybetTy and J ohn Beaty and Marcie Bucana.n, Sharon Lymen. Dean Done, Gor-Butch Corderio. Jim Gerapach don Caulhom , Dick Moralea. Rieb and Mary Adams, Rod Zwtbell Faith McCara with her dog, Beau Beau, Elly Burton with Tuffie; Ann Michael with Queenie. -Staff Photo and Joyce ChU11g, Ray Fleem1.D and Cook.le Miiier, Van P omeroy. Ron Ralner a.nd Shelby Tunnel, Bob M'cCulll.h and Sue Thorn- berg, and Bruce and Patty Ragu. SMASHJNO SUCCESS The Doud of Control Dance tlltned out to be a unuhing 11uc- cua with an uUmated crowd of ~r 200. Danclng and li1lenlng to the terrillc band were Sue Du11ler and Randy Albers. Lynn Pease and Tom Murch, JOU1ne 8ueaa and Howard Mitchtll, Bob Johnaon a.nil Trltb Knapp. Donn Waldron and Karen Wagner, Bob Delong and Melinda Clemmons. Jack Smith and Jody Leib. Mike BarUett and Lona Loydt-. Roy DanlaJa and Carolyn Ca llis. Tom Niquette and Taccoa Hayr11. Jim Taylor and TooJ Burroughs, Ala.n Ryplnak.I and Sue Green, Pete Scbulberg and Patty Rllt-y, Dem· my Harwood. Carlton Daw10n, Bob Partin, Dick Surmon, Mar- lene DanJal!I anrl Bill Lamb, Bill Cooper and Carmen Nicu, Mat· Ian Koerner and Walt Howald, Mickey Hu kel, Tom T roolan and Vickie C.1enar, Jill Taylor and Larry Castro. Jant'l Jorda.n and Norman Howa..rd, Ronnie Keeler and Vickie Varnnd<'r, Danny COie and Ann Ben11teln, Dennie Brown. Berry Regan 11.nd Vicki WilllemM. John Hu kel and RUG ancl REMNANTS We are in desperate need for more space! This makes it necessary for us to move out $$$$$ Thousands of doll1n $$$$$ worth of merchandise at 1 sacrifice. This stock must be moved before No- vember 1st. Every item in the store reduced! Throw RUCJS from $1.00 Each Remnants at Ridicu!OUI Prices Some Room Siie Rugs Broadloom W1H-to-W1I (now in stock) Reduced All Hook Rugs and Braids are 20°/. off in this sale. More wall -to • wall ca~t h .. bee11 ._tailed by DICK MACK.ER la the Harbor Area tbaa any othff liagle Our service includes not only wall- to-wall carpets but beautiful cus- tom draperies, the style and treat- ment desired, YES and at PRICES THAT ARE MORE THAN FAIR FOR THE QUALITY OF MATERIAL and WORKMANSHIP. Please let us estimate the up- holstering of your worn-out sofa and chair too, YOU'LL BE AMAZED AT OUR PRICES. T arms as low as nothing down and three years to pay. YES , we w.11 clean your carpet on the floor or in the Penian Rug CIHnift9 Plant. DRAPERIES Diclr Macker UPHOLSTERING FLOOR COVERINGS 3420 Via Udo • • ...... KIDS · WHO. GROW UP, llCOME COPS GET RIAL TOUGH DEAL Juat btt.allM members ot the Ooeta Mela Polle. Depart- ment pew up and became polioeme9 doea't m•n U\ay .,.. f1Alahed with .choOL 'nwly ban to k .. p t.raln.tnr and atudy- tnr. Latfft coqniea Ole Meean boya ln blue hav• to attend. acco~lr\c to Police Chief Art McKeaaie, wlll be rtven by the Fede'al Bureau ot lnvffti(atloa for all Orance County law enforcement qenciea. J'tre-Arma t.mlllariatlon will take plac• Nov. llh lt. with "'-trol Procedur• Nov. 22 UlfOUl'b Dee. I . 81tee wllJ probably be at the 0nt.nre Cowlty Pee.c. Onie.,.. ranee and Orance Coul OoUere. Pat Buah, Bob 8mitll. Bob .Cur· ley, Don Babbi and Nancy Bry- and, Olll CUrty and Phy lea MU· lum, Evie Taylor and Ken Boden· bofter. Joanne Sue• and Howard Mitchell, Cynthia Beltram a.nd Bob Hender.tiod, and John Hop- kln1 and Nanci Campbell. 8ANTA ANA PA.aTY The Koala Club had a party Saturday night at the home of Ron Sleeper' In Santa Ana. Slnr· Inc an,a chattlnr were Joannr Suen and Howard Milcbell. ~n­ ny HenderllOn and tl'erle Holland. Pete Schulberg and P atty RJley. Rudy MarUnez and Nanci Camp- bell, Steve Watcher and Bre.nda Bamelt. J im Taylor and J l'nny Lund, Glenn Buford and Debbie Colem&n~ Ron Slttpt'r and San- dr11. Stonl', Lurry Cutro and J ill Taylor. Jot> Renton and Belly Pi- per, Tom Niqui>tte an<I Taccoa Hayes, Jim Molner and Dou NtWb<'rry, Dian<' J oye. Sue Sowden and Evie Tovlor t>nlerlaln<'d some frlend8 irom Anaheim Sundav. Dlant-and Wally Hahn. Sue a~d John Mary. and Evie a.nd Bill Van Klaveren spent t he day cook.Ing hamburgers and having tomato tights. The day ended with & v111it lo tht-Lobster Bake. The boy1 Art' all "Street Swet-p· er11", \' ACHT C'U 'B FETr: The Balboa Yacht Club Is play- ing hoat to the flrat meellng ot the J .J '1, a dance club. Members a~ Petty .Anderson, Ann Ben- 11teln. Joan Brant. Waja Com1ell. Judy Crumb. Vickie Caenar. Mar- cia M11Mllhan, Dick.le Lomu. Pat Parker, Loi1 Pelletier. Diane Riiey, Jerry Sanger. Margaret Swain, Gall White, J oe Arnold, Alan Baker, Tom B&ume, Dick BrldReman, Dennl11 . Colt<. John Sonleua, Mike Gaughs. David Harshber- ger. Ronnie Keeler. Roger Lake, Bruce MacGurn, Randy P ePl!'r, Da.vt-Pelll. Peter Rabil, Ra.nk Shultz. John Van Dyke, Stewart Bel&, C1rl Ha.II, Bob Burnett, Steve 'l't'lfer. Betty Thompson. Vickie Varen1er, Jill Blum, Har- net, Hayden, Nan Pierce and Jim Weal. The club la eponaored by Kr. and Mrs. Walter Bucht«klr- chen of Coron11. del Mar. Tri Sigma. lhe 11r11· honor club at Harbor. hall 14 membere lnlUated Monday night. Each of the Ktrl.I muat ahow oul11Uu1dln1f 1portaman11hlp, ~hOlar11hip and ae~cl!" to the Mbool. The New a1embera art> Lynn Penk. Jan Blum, Rachel Pettz. Ta c co a Haye.a. Jody Leib. Kathy Hort- man. J.farcla Dati11. Robin Hill, Mona B&rlow. Laurie Hendrlck11, B&rbara Dorkin. Terry Reich. Cla'l'ha Ce.nto.sl. Ann Lardner. OOSORAN TO CAROL Congrat11latlon1 lo Carol Kln1t who la lhlll yeu'1 Lobster Bl\ke Queen. Shi' wu \'Otrd ln •his honor Satur<lll\' aflt>mnon by a gTOllp O( dlSllng\.llllhNI jUdjlf\/l. Calendar ot comm~ !'\'l'nl3: Friday, Ocl. 21, after the Hunt· •111tton Beach ga me. lhi.' Rrbl'I ,.~iflh Quarter [innce. Frlt1ny, 0 <'l. 28. art .. r thP Cart1rn Grove i::•m<'. the F oot ball J arnborpe Sheet Metal Class Due Oct. 26 at OCC Shrrl metal journl'ymt>n will be able lo obuun Instruct ion in " new cllU!.11 optnlng at Otanir Coast Colle1te <Kt. 26. 1l was rt'· vealc>d today. The cl&sll will met>l Weo<:lnt:<day l'Venlni:a from 7 • 9 .30. Allen· tion will ht' devolerl to the llp<'· rial problems l.'ncountered by she!'l metal workeri.. Reg111trn· lion will take place in lhe flr11t meeting ot the clus m room 9 ot the Technology Building Rice WHI Probate SANTA ANA, tOCNSI -The Citizens National Tru1<t and Savlng11 Bank of Riverside Mon· day petitioned Superior Court here for probat' ot th' will of Henry C. R 1 c i>. of l'i1'wport Beach. who died Oct. 8. L!sll'd in the utale were $11,292.90 in cuh and commercial account•. and two $10,000 proml1c>ry note.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E l FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21. 1955 AFRICA-BOUND -It ia a lo.ng bow shot from Colt.a Mesa t o Eaat Africa, but a Huntington Beuh man left for the Dark Continent Wedneaday night with 12 \ dozen Costa Mesa-made arrows with which he pro- poses to hunt, according to Bob ~nnett, who made the arrows. The bunter, Elgin Gates. above took three bows 'of different sizes, known aa 70-lb., 65-lb. and 57-lb. bow. -Staff Photo lad Check Passed for Pair of Pants Jack W. Reinert of 317 Clay St.. ?l:«'Wporl Buch, notified Co11La Me11a police ot pullage of a bad check at the J. W. Reinert Department 1tore. 1816 Newport Blvd. this w eek. The check, pUI· ed Oct. 20. WU In .,.,,.an, ot a pair of paat•. Amount of the check waa pa With the IUlpeCt recelvln( n t .16 change. It v s wrtttcm on the United 8tata1 National Baalc. ~ maker waa "Verna C. Belll1" and It wu to ·.,. paid lo Ow ordw of ''Jimmie W. Slft'rt." '56 Chevrolet streaks up Pikes Peak to new record! What ~ eee here i. mtomoblle hiltory in the maJdnc. FCX" du. ia an actual on· the-ecene tbot o/. a camouJl.ced '56 Chevrolet ahatterinc the Piket Peak record in a dramatic, top·tea'Ct run. supe:rviaed and certi6ed by N ASCAR • • Here's rccord·breaJrinc proof that thi1 '56 Chevrolet haa the power, comerinc ability, and IUttDC98 of control that will make your drivin& ufer and more fun. And you c.9n tee and drive it IOOn now. Just wait! A IECOID-BIEAlllG NEW CHEVIOl.£T FRIDAY, NOV. 4 .,._ ~ ,,,. ..... c .. -.......... .,, ..... --""""-' ................ "'""'-·--- J'lle hot one's even hotter I MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 Wnt Ceat ...... , NIWPOIT llACH .. ... PAGE • • PART 11 -NEWPOflT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY OCTOBEP. 2! 1955 GOB GRIDIRON MARKS IN FIRST 4 OUTINGS PIRATE ENCIRCLED BY PANTHERS U 'it ~ not been for the California Condon' ont- aided 26-7 victory over the injury-riddled Newport Harbor m_.. School footb&ll team lut Friday, Coach Al lnrin'1 8ailon would have an out.tandlng p~p record in their first four pmea of 1956. .tanda tM Ht 1ard9 tor UM Bai· But tft n.w of the tact Call· Ion , MO few the oppomU.. The tonua Blah bandled the plpkln Tan b&Ye tlarow1I 14 atriaJa with TO tlm•• to UM Tan' SS the 111 compleUoea compared to the 1tatleUce ettll tMu out ~ten-r1val•' M ~ with lT OOlllple· lion that W. le on. ot the bHt Uou. But yarda,. Upe the IC&le• Harbor &rM andiron m&chln• for the ,..,.., 1111 to die rtvel•' ot &11 time. 174. In UI• 'ram• UM Ballon hHe Net Yarde niMlns and .,...ill&' played thu.1 tar Ul1a .-.on, the pula the 8&Uon ahead IOl J&f'd• local lade haYe bandled Ille ball lo 724. Newport ha.I Md one 20. Umee to oppoeente 210. Firat J>Ua Intercepted ""11• ptekln.J downe favor' oppcmente (namely ott three. That old bucaboo the the CondoN) t5 to Sl. But when bobble h&I found UM po1'11.hld• we come to Ule fllurH that WJelY bouactnf In fa'f'OI' ot Ir· ClOWll. the touchdowu anct con· win'• 'cbar&'M-'nle 1'ar'I haw VttalOlla, It'• au tor the Ooba. tumbled •"" Umte to oppo· nenl'• 11 mutta. 'Ibey MW re· OVT800U &IV AL8 coYettd t.Mlr owa ..--. twice The Tan baYe ICONd U Tt>e whU. the r1ftlr uw reoonrf'd to fl•e tor tlle rlftle, attempted oppoelUon lluttar • ftaprs tour 11 convu1lona to five fOT t.be rl· Um-. vale and bffn .ucceeatu.I on MY• The a.non bold u.. ~ In en utra pol.all to two for the eYerythlnJ ei.. OOllMCled with op~Uon. Total ecorlng favon UI• (ridiroa but lddtotta. Natu· t.b• 8allora '73 to 32. rally UM t.Mm lb&t IOOl'M the Both ruah!Ar and pualnJ rnoet don tbt ma.t klddas ott. yardap tawr Newport. RuahlnJ OOllPAJUaOMe Flag Plgskinnen Barney Ebargaray, Orange Coast College halfbacl<, ' la here in a rather confined position against Chaffey In a recent game at Pirate Stadium. The Panthers· didn't confine the Bucs long. because the sco re ended favoring the Mesam<'n 14-7. -Don Small Photo BACK OF THE WEEK-John Hopkha, an old Sailor standby thie aeaaon, proved particularly effective on defense against powerful California lut Friday and waa tabbed beat back by Gob coachea. -Staff P~oto Membera of the qht.h IT1adt nar toot.ball &U-at.ara at Harbor Boyl' Club Include Jerry Hehn. Bob Belrel, Jeny Queener, BW Arm1trong. Marti-Taylor, Bill Kmnedy, Dick Rapp, Pele J'ta· lhl'l'9lon. Jim Cb&UI. Bob Twed· dell. Teddy Haddock, JJ.vjd Per- u, Da.nny Cud, J im BuabllnJ, Jim McMahan. Brtan Luc a a, Steve Robln80n, Tom Sandoval, MJke X cClell&nd, Chuck Bauman, Tom Huber and John 81.nllM. Here are UM ooaa.,.,n-, the ftrat fllure ".,,_Uq t h • Tan, the MClOnd Ule oppoMl'lll: PenalU.. by yvdl: I0-110; number of punt.a: l~U; yardaJ• on puate: IU-UI; punUnr &ftf'• a,.: M.,41.1; nwnber of klcll· otf1: 15-8; yard&J• on klckof": Dt:t:M IS DEMON-Top IMJrformance by Ta r lineman was turned in against Cali(ornia last Friday by Guard Gary Deem, 190 lb. junior. Deem W<'nt both ways after middle linebacker Stc\'e Watcher was forced from the game with an in j ury. -Staff Phot<> SAILOR PASS MARK TO DATE Quarterback George Schu· nf the Newport Ha rbor Hli;h Sch11ol Snll"r foolbnll team h11s thrown W p1u1se11 this iwa~n. l'Omplt'lang 12 for 147 yarcJ11 a nd one to11•·hdown. He h1111 had two in tea c"ptlons 1 ga lnst ha'I tol<l!" tor a p"r· n•ntag" of fl3 G ,. n e Hubba1 d. ncond 'llnng 11ll(nnl !'alter tor the T tnrmat1on Tar11. ha.a a .500 aver11ge but hu heAved the p1i:11k1n only f'Jllr times In th•· first four games on the Sailor ~rhedule H t hll two !'omp14"tions, onl' fo1 11 TD. Tht• I' • • •' nn 1ntel'l't>pllon11 ll R'1tln11t hun 11nd h l:c aerial yar1l.1ge toh1I 1<lt1nd11 1l 31. The only otht>r Gob bsck l•l lll'<ll K flll"' 111 H111fb1C'k But.I Thompt1on. He complct- t'.t 1l for t<••W•n yards SCATBACK Dave Tops Tar Pork Packers Although ml11i11ng two of the I four iznme1 ployed th111 1t<•118Qn b>' tt-r :-.:rwporl H arbor High Srh•l'•I Sailor . H.ilfbark D a v e I Tnm111a i. ~tlll 3t.At111t1cal lop!! ------111< 11 brc.>nkoway back H,. can be Dick Nabors Leads Tars in Unassisted Tackling Llneman Dick r.fabor11. the 188 ry la mldJ le llnebRrkr r on 11r- Jb. li<'nlor trnnat~r from Texl8, rensc. 11uh. 1.-ada thl' Newporl Harbor Remainder of tllt' un1111slllled H l1th Srhool Sallor1 In l1ckllng tackle ltlll lookll llkf' 111111: Ent.I tor lht> flr1t tour gamr11 ot lhl' BILI Lam b. 11 : End Ch111•k Van· 1955 ~ridlron aeuon ~abor11 has Jervor L JO; Guard Garr Deem. pl;rnted 20 victims unaMh1ted t o I Cen ter ~ack Smith. Middle Gu11r•I da t<'. Roger Early and End Paul Lor· Starling out a 11 first 11tr1ng .. nt zPn, 9, End Neil Metchlfl.', 8, ruard. Nabors WU ahtftl'tl to Halfback Bud Tompson. 7, Quar· tackle when a k ry rnJUf>" forrl'd I terbnck Stan Sc-hone11, 5 ; Gua rd for.••ard wall 11huHllng b\' C'ut11·h J erry S1mll'I. •; Tackll' J im Tay· A l Irwin. lor, Halfback Jon Grauer, Tack· I cxpl·cted LO g1 t back in Lhe bual· ne11s or bettering his markl .1g;1in,1 lluntini:ton Beach lo· n1ghl. Llkrwlllf', Fullb1ck C h a r 11 e 8 4'rry, who missed all bul three play11 of thl' Cnllforhla game lut werk. rrmalnrd No. 2 ball car· rl<'r llnd the Tar workhorn. R EASON't WHY Two excellent rtllllona why the Condors defeated the local lad.I 26-7 111111 Frldny can thus be gi· ven no bobbing cork Tamura and no hne clobbering Berry. Berry t opl! lhe ll•l In number ot T11r totn with 30. tollowl'd by Tamura and Halfb&ck J ohn Hopkin• wtlh 28 each. Tamun ha1, galnl'd the moiot yardage, 190 Berry tollow11 w ith 1ri1 Follnwlng !"abors on the un1111· Je Jtm Rumuy. Tackle Steve a1ste<1 tackllnx llst srl.' Ha ltbar k watcher. Center Bob AllPn. ~. Locals Lose Pair J ohn Hopk ins with 16 and Qu!lr· Ha lfback J ody Ff'nton. Guard • . terhark Ge<1rge Sthultl with 15. Dl.'nnls Dalf'bout and Halfback T he Huntington Bearh Oiler B II Hopkin' 11 nd Schtllll •rr tlf'fen· Lan y Cutro. 2 Fullback Von 1 came from behind In th" lssl half 111\'•• nu t111tlt' llneba<'kflr s for the Pnmf'roy. Halfback Dave Tamu· here ye11tt'rday to defeat Lhr New· Tnr!I port Harbor 8 plg11klnnert1 27-18 B~·hinrl thrse boy11 com" Tick· ra , Guard J im Bento, Enil T1>rry Nt'Wfl<>rl'1 C grid aqulHI dropped I• Larry Harprr 8nd J•'ullback R&1tan, Halfbar k Tnm Niquette a 7-6 game on lht rival field to ChAr lle Bern• with 12 earh. Ber· and End Bob Vlllagnma. I the Oller fleawelght11 Custom Built-in Fire Screens All Sizes-All Shape.f ' Choice of 12 Finishes Heavy Mesh with Chain Pulls . --l :.:__·1 _ _J .::!.__J .... _ _I _:.~' ;. : :!J . - <"(~/ (--C"~'--r:<C ~/.~~---~tr:-::?C--.' sz5 9s Priced from f'or A nrage 29'' x 36'' f1~place Completely installed by our experts. Call for free estimate. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 W. Coast Highway-Newport Beach Liberty 8-1113 Tribe vs. Husky Stanford tanglu in a Pacific Coast crucial Saturday with the Washington Husklea, Upljl'lll'rs of the Southern Callfom h1 Trojans, 7-0. The gTttl l'luSlr will be broadru t, starting 11t t ·45 p m. 7th Grade Grids r111ylng on lhr Harbor Boy1' Club 11eventh grade nag football 11ll·llt&r11 ire: Dick Butle""'orth, John Brockman. Mike Davis. John Hughes, Bill Twist. Pat Hill Bill Scott, Neil McMllJan, Fred McGavran, Strve H oll1ster, Randy Hanvelt, Ru111!1!ll !Upp, Paul Stam, David Pare. Joe Le&l, Gary F\uselman, Butch Viney&rd, P1aquel Roa, Tom Al· len, Gary Markham, Tony Ciull- Ju, Mike ffl'rma.n. Mutln Rich- ards, Glenn Gardnrr. Richard RI· son, Danny Arnold and Mike Spooner. IST·S42; k.lckoff averare: 42.7· U .t ; punt retuma: 1·8 : net yard· as• pined on punt reluma: 81· 11; avera,. oa punt retum1: 11.0-1.10; ktdroft retum1, 7·111; yardaae p ined on klckott re· turna: 105-250; avera11 on kick· otr Ntum.e: 15.0-te.8. ' . lntroduc'ing A BIG AND VITAL GENERAL MafORS A new Strato-Flight 0,W,.1Cl?'aaeaW· with Pontiac's m-H.P. Sta• ll , .. ~ results in perfonmnce 10 new md •• ••delo• l\UTOMOTIVE FIRST"! it m..t lie esperim rad 6o ••• •'•••• ~ With ell that'll MWellt in ~lamour \:!!:,) -.ltd all 1lio1'1 ,realnl in .. ,o .. -the fabulou1 '56 Pontiu, n"w oo diitplay, await• your hand" on the whttl. And when you drivl' it, you will ~et the bi~~elll thrill in all your motorinp: e:a· perit'nce-bf.eau.e tl1i11 car it rrally loaded ~ The bis and vital Geoeral Moton .. fint ... whi<'h head1 iu lon1t lilt o( look-ahead fea· hlret, rou plH tlie two molt ad\loced hip:h· penonnanee 1lt'''elopment.t1 in the iodoetry: 1. An oll·n~·. bi~-bore S1rot1>-<St,_} J'-8 Pft8Ut f' I It al pw • 2 27 bl.zin 8 /tor M> po4A"' r a r yot11 l~tip. 2. A complNrly netr StNlo-11'~"' llytlro· Ma1ic• tlwu tkli11Pr1 11U1 luri~ "~o .. wntli a pnqoth '"'!e of JIOM"'' "' any •Pf'<'d. You DOW sweep from tak~ '° top perfonnarx:ie with the e..-e o( a uiJplaot. You iJow down for traffic, 11pMCJ up for paeeiDit-or gun for • hi1th l1ill with the cbanging pFt*Ure o( your toe on the w<'t'I· ('rator thl' onlr 1ipi o( effort. You may have had it 11mooth bftoft-bat ne¥tt like thit I h literally mua be f':&(W'ri· enced to be l:wlieved. That'• pknty-b.t there'• ID9C:h ~ ao male thie 1 daa.e to be lonJ .-bend. n-·. -'. --......,, .• ....,, f M Americe'a moC •liltinltM W , "'---'• the __ , o( big ...... wl llDed I .... leogth • , , the wily ol a _.. _. ride and mre-f'ooeed w ... Then .. m&Df, --r ~ ..... wbkh~.W.i...ty•thel' cw pMAem '-klmoln>W'• cam. B9t ..... .. aocl aee for yovaelf. T-. a a. ... • the .a haw..,_ new FCllaMlnc. _. T ... doc. Calaliaa J.rdtope.. 5-ple .... .... o( ita leb.lo.a c;....& Ill.-.. ..,,.. .. . 5-e • ,.ae -;or, llw:I' I ....... ._.., ,.,_ .... e.r! An ••••• - See and Drive If! on Display Now ROY CARVER ·PONTIAC NEWPORT IEACH 1400 W. Coast Highway Phone: Liberty 1-3466 ' ~. •• FALL SERIES CONTESTANTS MARINE. NEWS NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1955 Tl DE TAILE Date Time BL nm. BL Rip a- Friday 1:311 a. m. 3.2 4 :40 a.m. 3.0 Oct. 21 11 :17 a.m. •. a 7 :41 p. m .. 0.11 Saturday .......... - Oct. l2 12:16 p. m. 4.4 . 8:tie p. m. 1.0 Bwid&v 4:66 a. m. u 8:11t L m. 3.4 Oct. 23 1:61 p.m. •. 1 10:00 p. ni. l .O Monday 6:111 a . m. 3.9 19:34 L m. 3.0 Oct. 24 3:SO P• m. 4.1 10:47 p. m. 0.11 TuMday 6:38 a . m. • •• 11 :24 •· m. 2.~ Oct. 26 4:42 p. m. 4.2 11 :26 p. m. 0.11 Wf'dnHd11y ~·67 a. m. • •• 12:03 p. m. 1.8 Oct. 26 6:38 p. m. 43 11 :67 p. m. 0.8 Thunday e:tll a. m. 6.1 12:39 p. m. 1.1 Oct. 27 8:28 p. m. 4.6 .................. PACIFIC STANDARD TDll: ( - s.1111 Son ..... Here Mr. and fol ra. Jack SmlUl, JU3 Ne1111'J)Ort Blvd., ar~ parent. of a boy b&.by bom Oct. 14 a t Hoag Ho.pit.I. Harold .I. Johnson 0 ~"-::: ... c?\:) ..._. . a• till VIiia w_,, N ........ ..._ Leading for Fall Serles honore in the Lebman-12 . c1&ll following tut Sunday'• races ia Phil Green of Newport Harbor Y acbt Oub, apoO.On o! the •mall boat diviJ!ion on Sunday. Eight of th.e lncreaaingly popular dinghies are entered in this event with Phil' a two first.a and two seconds putting him 4 Y.i pointa ahead of the second place boat, number 109, with Kent Edler, alao of NHYC, in third. Beckner Pl\oto nuT ruu. Q UA ll'l'l'!R MOON Oct. 23 OcL 30 Cf LA.ST QCldTEJl Nov. e • HEW MOOJf Nov. 14 Yoar Aatborlled TB AL 0 0 Flberslue DeUe.r la tbe Barbor area. Brtac yoar ,..._ , ... problelm to .. Pacific FfHrll•• MOl W. C-t ~. ft. U 1-MTI A crou from All·~erican Mkt. TIME KEEPEBS-Waiting to clock Don Campbell's apeed try at Lake Mead. obeervera and timenl take a breather. From left, L. J. Novotny, obeerver; Kent Hitchcock, chairman of triala; Mn. Hitchcock at tim· ing device. HITCHCOCK REPORTS ON CAMPBELL JET TRY end when Henry J . KaiMr Jr.'a Hawaii-Kai, prop-driven unlimitad hydroplane, wm attempt tQ 1muh Campb:ll'• and the otttclal propel· ler 1peedboat record of 178 mph held by Stan 8ayree' Slo-Mo·Shun IV. Mr1. HltchoocJc w!ll function u reglstar and chairman ot all mite 1peed racing attempi.. lass TourMy Starts A SPECIAL PURCHASE ....... Praises Sir Malcolm's Son Sportsman as Some 100 limited and unlimited hydroplanH will compete In the tour day reratla 11et at ·Desert Shore. on the Salton Sea. They •tarted Ulla morning and will race t hrourh Monday evenlnr. The annual b... a nd catflah tournam~nt 11poruiored by the town ot Parkn, Ari%. opened Oct. Hi ll will close April 16, 19~. It Ill " non·protll tourney offering prlz.~ for junior and senior angJrr11 Fishing In I.Ake Hava11u above Pukcr Dam and the Colora<lo mvl'r below the dam. 'Never-Say-Die' By WT HITCHCOCK --Olfldal Althourh Donald Campbell. aon ot 1peedklnc. the late Sir Mal· colm Camp~U. came a CTOpper on hla recut attempt at brellkJn1 the unrutrlcted 1peedboat ract.nc record. the younr pilot of the jet· powered Bluebird will try acain. The boat u.nk In 60 feet ot wa- tu in Lake Mead lalt Sunday u he completed bi.I aecond meuur· ed mile. Bluebird wu under tow a t time of alnkl,,g and raiaed within 10 houra ot aalvace opera· t.lona. lto KPH A VER.AGE Ct.mpbell wu clocked at an anrare on both ler• of 1110 mph flaL Juel befol'l! the run he no- tified the committee that hll ap· peara.nce would •be aim ply a de· mon1trallon and not an all-out attempt \<> break h1' own attempt of 202 mph. Thia wu becaUH of unfavorable waler condltloD.a, th• lalc.e ti.inc too "rolly" W1UI iround 1w1lla. Al tlnt l.nepect:kln ot the ~ covered Bluebird •h• appe&r-s 1n worM lhape than ahe 11ru. Camp- bell thought It m!rbt t&ke u much u a month to put her back ln raclnr lhape. On more IV\l'thY atudy of the jet boat he decided he would have Bluebird ready tor another record try on Nov. 1 at I.Ake MMd. He COMMODORES CONFER ON RACE Hawleys to Race Twice on W ... encl Ourini: a vitll to Nl'wport Harbor Yacht Club Comm<>dore Mario P11n1 of the Club Naullco de Acapulco compared r'actng nol"" Wtlh NHYC Rf!Qr Commodone E. A. "Jud" Crary. rommodot e J"an1. who 11 one ot Acapul.co'1 m01t enthu11la11Uc Star boat 11klppc-r11. was mo11t interested in t he progre1111 or thr Cal!fornl11 plan11 tor the comlnr San Diego to Acapulco race tor ot•Hn racing yocht11. -Beckner Photo Robert Hawley and hi• daugh· ter. A n a. Newport Harbor'• M-hydro boat racers. will par\Jcl· pate In two re1att.u thl1 wee.k· end. They first will appear at in the C-Olortldo PUnr near Parkt'r SCHOONER MANUIWA RETURNS Ry ftF.RT BRl!\'TNALL Back In her home watert the 62·rt 11chooner M11nulwa docked In ~.·wporl Harbor Sundny a.nd 111 11!'01 1111 at Udo Ptnln1uJa Ship· yn rd tor rl'palr11. Thi' form..r San Pedro-Honolulu u c" winn.·r 1934-wait brought over bv hl'r new owner, J ohn r rtar h, ·who boUJ'lll her In Hono· lulu and Intended to aaU her on a long trip. probably lo the Eu t C()ltlll. PTUch allll lntendl to la.ke th11L trip. but hl11 Ideas •bout the tran1portatlon have chanrecJ a.nd he I• lookinc around for a 1mall· c-r cr11.ft. prob11bly a ketch. or a y1rn•l. thnt will hr more I'll.Illy hllndlt'd. Built in Long BeM'h In 11128 from an Edaon B. Schock deelgn, Manulwa wu raced In th.ii area by her then owner. Al Chrlltle. L3tcr ahe v.·u 8<>1d to Hal DUlln(· ham of Honolulu who gave her her preunt name a.nd won the Hono· lulu race and later the Honolulu· Kauai! race a.nd a aecond place In the Trana-Padnc race with her. Prllch repor'll a alow trip acroe1 th• Padnc haviJJ& 15 daya ot DQ wtnd at all and wb• be did pt "'lnd he had It ln pl8 . Wit.JI hl.m on the trip were hW wife, aaotlMr t'ouple and ttar. otller -. ... ot them Cliff John.an of N.wport Bffch. Jt W'U tbll t.rtp YIM CGD'rimed 2 w c•:a Here Two b&d checka turned up la Newport Beach 1'Med&y. Olla for U.IO ........... a& 0-.,. L. p..na•-. m A.nade Aft. It WU drawn cm tJMo Ba.nk of A.Dist• In Loq BeecJ\ aad IAped Clutr Wat.an. ~ otMr tor Ill WU H-.d •l R I c .. a r d' • m.ark•l dni11r11 C'.111 the Ba.nk of Amft'lcL Prlsch that he wanted an e&.ller Dam, Arla. boat to handle. He bu aa!led Followlnr that they will drive ManuJwa around the llla.ndi, to Salton Sea Reptt.a where aometlmu alone a.nd aometlmea many race1 are 1ehedulcd. (See with one man to help, but Ule Jone Hitchcock report, ~· Page) trip convl.nced him he would eith- er have to have a paid crew - which be cannot affo~r 1et a 1ma!Jer eratL The people who aalled wtUI him from Honolulu were "ru .. t.I" and I he Mid they wen ju.It th.at. MARINE CARIURETORS Rep&lra -Salee -Pu1a Zl!NITll a STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2439 W. Cout Wgbway Liberty 8-1.SU SAVE MONEY NOW! D..t.MJ OS Stock Clos• °"' of JOHNSON SEABOB8E OUTBOARD MOTORS GocNI..,. Ill 10 h. p. aacl 25 •· p. ellctrtc ra ••• llllMTm FA.Cl'ORY APPROVED IERVICE Complete Puta ltock s.. Us For All Your loullnt Needs lAJI• Arro'llo'hrafl br&llCll and 1 alped S:U.U.U. I . O'IU•li.,r. l'=::=::::m=========:::zs:::::::1:11:m-11:=-=:m:=mi==~ ll jiat llke hi.I father In that he ll a "never-aay-dle 1port.·• .-------------------------- DID~"T COMPLAL" He dtdn•t complain about the lhOUJ'llU-action ot the hundreds ol aped.ator cratl whON ~Ilk• had IW&mped and aunk the Blue- bird wtiUe ahe wu under tow tQ the dock. Ha CQMlrUCUon I• IUCh btt jet tall pipe, like an aircraft, la quJte near the water lln1 a.nd the hole for Ule Jet exhaust ca.n eully be filled by water while Bluebird la not Jn motion. NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily 1998 ~ llYd., Costa Mesa to offer NEW factory· guaranteed 1t55 IYINllUDU at reduced pricea. Thia Special in no way affects our policy of top service after the sale is maC:fe. From the Sea to Y • 25f pOlllld -Cleaned Free A p&lr of 1kindlvera, both •of the La.Jee Mead OJT&nlution, did a muterful piece ot aatva(inc. 'Mley dlrecled piecing ot tbe 1unk- en 2'h ton racer on her cradle which lowered and put under the Sold Only the Day Caught G~ -ftls Is a w.....,..~ to .............. ... NEVER HELD OVER Mell :waa• ... ~ .Just 10% Down 'bo9L Beeauae of phy1lcaJ conditloru I will be unable to officiate at the Salton Sea Reiratta thl1 week· at the foot of the Newport Pier or ask abollt llMf l.aywwr .Mercury offers 10 new safety features_ -1.. • - More proof of THE BIG t\A's leadership! l. .. t•ACT-&ISOHI .. STUii .. - with deeply rttet•t'd hub and J.spoke roniCl'l de~illJI ~nlh under impact Cir prC3eurc. The tlrive"r is ~lltr protrrte<l in case of accident. !. .. S&fln-ll&.9 .... l&llft, produrt of 5 ye.r11 of rtM"nrch, lrt y11u 5tt both farther ahead (up to 8() ft"t't mo!T) Anti l.N'ttcr (in fog. rain, 11now). Thl'rc·a leu glare, loo. for oncoming drivers. I. NIW SANTY DOOi LOOCS are de8igned to hold door8 clo~ed undn three times as much impact as former locks. Safety research shows there is mu ch Int likelihood of injury in accidtnt1 if pa~M-ngcra are not thro"'" from thP ca~. '-HAI DOOi SMITY lOCICINO DfYtC1• i~ nvailahle in 4-dor>r motlrla. Children cannut unlock and open doors until tl1e driver wes 11 kf'y. [,·crywhere you look in TR~ lllC w for 1956. there'• something DC"' to see or try. for instanre, nn &•<; 1ii~ new 12-volt tlcctrical system let' you s1ar1 fvtcr than e\er. Mt"rcury'1 ndu!ive.in·it~·~ld ball-joint front tutpenaion i! furlft'r improvtd to give you evl'n more IUJ>f'rb handling cue anJ comforl. . And nn: arc M is styltxl nt'W! in dozena of e1citing uy8, from S. .. SAflTT SIAJ •ft• ani lleMlrtly holtrd to floor euppnrt' anil h,.Jp protrct wraN'rt in emel"J?"nl'it'&. Availahle for llrivcr anti putengcn. wily adjUJted with one hJDd. ...... -._. .......... thick plaitric cushioning fil1eT wtth n~ lent protectift qualitle&. Keipe pnmat injuriea iD Cite o{ lmplc& ..U-lbe imtrammt puie1. 7-1. NIW ~ SUN1VllOll•, ... M&MWL SAlllY.Wftm Mlll.O. are extra aafl"guards for cmvu and pueengwl.r . . .. 10. ... tts. ANO 11 .... IAlllY ..... ¥ .. -Am •10¥9 14PITY.ollP •••u. You cnjo:r more uMl>U power than e•cr for 11plit-ucond pickup, eafer pauing. eMier hill dimbl~ StoppiD& action i'! tmoothcr, !Urer, too, ~ bumper to bumper. To accent its n1TI length, th~'• spectacular Flo.Tone color 1tyling. Inside, fabrics are Hen more colorfoJ0 durable. luxurious. For harihop fant, the ~t news of all is that Mercury's famou• )nw.silhoucllf' buuty i& now available in every eeries-Mcntclair, Monterey and Custom. See 1od drive nr£ BtC M at your Mercury de&ler'e. Come in t.od1y! For 1958 _The big move is to TH E BIG • ERCURY 0.0.'t .......... lillt ..... 1,1 .. 1111, 14 s..111 ...... ''TOAn 0' tHt TOWN," s.~ ... , ..... r .. , .... .. .... ....,... WN)rT ci.o-• J JOHNSON & SON, Lincoln· Mercury 900 W. eo.t Hh)llway NEWPORT •ACH Acrou frOlll ICly Clllb Uberty 8-5541 I .• • I .... ' PA6E 6·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR ~EWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2t .-1'55 ..;..--=----·Jc'"--~--- VILLA = .TY TO FEA'IVIE C Nt.rslng TOP~'";'""_ ...;g~':~D Cl .. Begins ,,,_. and S-trou. • Alhalt. may Nl'l.t• ,_. a MW r.atured um WMJ& ... d la UM vw. aow.,. on tbe l&rs• c1u1 1a Vocauona.1 Nurwv ... ~ ~ .._ • ._ Ud malata&Md bJ '!Vt• Tekvia· underw~ at Orui1• ~ Col· 1oa, eo..a Ciel Mu, wW Ille MU)' Mart1n in ~ WU.h .... ...,_ UWi ~ for ...,... t• M111Ac," ~1. Oc:t. n. tNm 6:80-T p.a. u d "Allee Jn ~ter tMft nw", ~ tl\ "Tort_... wnaa..,. 1.0-•u ... Md llollbJ a.rt1. aun-Dr. au u a. ,..~. Jif"ldant ..,, 0-. • "-' JI .. l :IO P. m. ot ~ 0.. ~ Ha.pa• ta1a &N peeU7 !n Mad et tn.in· POl·ter ~ C.erthe . In SA Oct. 24 aaot la.t ""•• St -·" O'· ..S ,_....... i-.w-aid. "l t ..,._. .._.. i. , .. ~ l'M*>n t.h&t tllMI ool- ert.. pioneer pbotocrapbft' la l~• bu lalUat.ed the ~ ~ ~tm~.!.botosnpb.y. c .... b .... ._ •. , ... , ..... eoft• a .,.._.....,...,.,. ·---dlaued ... ot alldeL ~ ..,.. Mid M o II d a '1 ..... of Lake• Como and ~ n unday ... 1...-a b'Olft )(agtott. th• MllUI cat.Mdral, T-10. 'nlofooqta tralatnr I• Ii"" UM Bforu Palaet. and L& 8cala la a""""' actmce, cbUd dnelop- wtll Ille ahown. A. phot6srapb1c ment. nllrlllq p~a. 1'9Y· journey of Venice bJ 1ondola cbolo1Y -.act nutrtllotl. alonr UM Grand Canal.. &a4 a Nu,,_ trained at Or a a I • Amet-ar orpaJ.lta W!M> Wte t.o foot journey to St. lllark'a and Coaat ha" lht' opponuntty to lllump tM k•Y• at boma will UM Dore'• Palace are aome ot take their cllillcaJ work at a t . tl&w UM1r tmUnp when Porter U.. aubjacte to ba treatf'd. Jc>Mph'a Roeplt.al In Oranr• and H•pa. world • tn•eMd orsanl•t. TMo lac:tW"I •"-wtll be ht'ld at Santa Ana Oornmuatty Hoepl· appa&n ID a ooecert OD the Ham-In U.. MW Oran,. Oout Colltge taJ. Durlnr t.ha •veo montlla or mond orp.n In Sant& Alla on lhe audltortum ~ a t T:30 p. m . dlnlc:al traln!nr atudmta .._.,,. ...in1 of Oct. 24. Patron.a are a.abd to brln&' pola. a 1tlpend for tlleir work la Ula B•pa not ~ will da~l• rold rtaua. or to purcJ\ue them bOllJ>llal. ' much of hla ~bour concert at UM door. No ctiar11 ta made The Oranr• Coa1t Coller • pro- to popular mu.lie, but will lee· for admlulon. gl'&m 11 accredited by the St.ate tv. OD It.I playtn1 and a rranp-The next Pf'OITl.ln, on Nov. 2 Board of Nul'1lln1 Eu.mlnna and ment, epeda1 lnetrmnmt.al .t· wW bl devoted to "Pane and by the NaUonaJ Aamoc!aUoa of facta. p1&)1n1 teclmlqu• and Envtrona". • Practical Nunlnr l:ducaUon. RA-- kindred point.I, It wu &n119unced. 1l1traUon la open at the adult The concert, aponeorad by the p Orcll education offlc.-to women 1T to n.u-Bolunldt Plano Co.. le aet Gii llGllCft M yeara of a ct. No tultloa I• for I p. m. la ~c ball, 6th Ordlnancea authortalnr chance charred. and ayea.mon I t.I.. Sant.a Ana. ln the depomlt.ory of city tunda lo ------------CONGRATULATIONS FROM ENTIRE FAMILY Gronaky, brother ; Mra. Ed Zuckerman, mt.er: Ed Zu- kerman; Irving Gronaky, brother ; Mra. Irving Gron- aky ; Mrs. Ernest Trattner, imter ; the. ~v. E m eat Trattner : Mra. Roy Gronaky, mother ; Roy Gronaky. father . The new en.aign ia now attached to the USS Gou , operating out of Long Beach. Hia complete family rejoiced, with newly commiaaioned Elllign Mosea Gronaky, 80D of Kr. and Mra. Roy GronU:y of Balboa, followinc formal commiaaion\ng eeremony at U. S. Naval Training Center, Santa Ana. Sha.king the new enaign'a band is hia former com- manding officer , LCDR G. E. Semple. From left, Art .Admi.ion will be free. TScket.1 Ule Costa Meaa National Bank. may be obt&lned tn advance at problblllnr dl.eorderly conduct and the Dana-lldunldt Ptano co. lltore. enforc:ln1 the re(latratlon of con· 520 N. Main It., Santa Ana. vtclld penou ,..re puMd by tba ''Porter· Heape.'' Mid an an-Oollta MM& City council Monda7 nOUIM*Dmt by UM ttnn, "la ooa lllpt. Rown Have ...., Soll The Joeepb Row91, 111 Victoria SL, Cost& KeM, an ,.,._t.1 ot a boy baby born Oct. H at Hoac B...,ataL of th• country'• bemt known or-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii ranlsta. With Wide uperteace lta all pbuea ot orran work, lnclud- 1n1 radio, televt.k>o, church mu- sic, te&chln• uad arranflnr. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Oldsniobile to Introduce New. 'Jetaway' Hydra-matic Oldsmoblle'9 revohaUonary new In the Jetaway Hydra-Malle. Im· Jetaway Hydra-Ma Uc Drive tran•·' provlnr both fuel economy and performance. First r;ea r ratio l1 mluton. to be Introduced on the now 3.941 lo 1 ln•lead of 3.~ t o 1. 19:1e Super "88" •nd "98" model• while third l"ear ratio hu been Nov. 3. i1 a new concept In auto· boollted from l.4:1 to 1 up to 1.M matlc gear shifting that lncor-to 1. Tht gear ratio In second por1tf'J1 8 u cond fluid coupllnr; haii been rtduced !!lig htly The in- to tran11mlt Ult .. mooth flow of ~~:!.~~~n ~=r3;~~io3!> ~.~~~ powu lo lhe Jrrve 11haft DttaJla range aftt'r a down11hlft from on tht' new J t>tawey wen• 11n· fourth gear. nounced touay by J. F. Wolfram, SHIFTING OCCl lRs' r eneral manager or Old11moblle Imperceptible ahlfUnc occura and vrre pr,.~r·lent o( Gt'nf'ral at normal· traffic i1peeda aa the Motors. dnvn depreue1 the accelerator FEATURED AS CWI SINGER Mer Mllu l• cut u a featured .tn1er ln a nJ1bt club In "The Pllenlx City Story," nfe film, which •tarted at the .,_ Theatr• WednMday ten. ot the corruption which drew head· llne.e to Phenix City, .AIL CHANGE OF FAIR EMPHASIS? Maskey,· Orange County Ag District Heads North to Meet "Thi' up1h1ft1 from r.r~t to It'· cond. second to th11 d 11nJ third to high a re smoother than ever betore achieved ID aa au t.om&Uc tran1mlNlon," Wolfram a~rted. ''Similarly, lht' down8hlfta a r e bal'\'ly pt rcept1bl... Jetaway h&a all the t'conomy and dependabll· lty of thf' Hydrs-J.f allr Drive pioneered by Ol<l11moblle In 1939. plus new Vt'lvet amooth perfor- mance." pedal, lhua ahlftlng the tranamla- 11lon Into third gear. wht re more p0wu h1 available for flt xlbillly and handllnr .,.,.. lll traffic litu- •t'-- Jet.away Hyd,. -MaUc le of simpler con1truclion. ualn1 fewer parll, requiring fewer adju1t - ment8 and providing u.sler accea· .slblllty of parta. The periodic Hy- dra-Malle band adju&tmenta art eliminated. SANTA ANA. 10CN8) -H.,dlscusslon a l the conference wlll Clay Kellorr of Garden Gron bP thf' changes from rural to and R&lpb P. Maakey of Newport urban Interest.a In the We11t and Beacll1 ar. reprl'lenUng the dire<:· whether the traditional agrtcul- ton of the 32nd Dlatrlct Agr!cul-turaJ emphuia ahould t>e supple- tural AaeoclaUon In Freano at mented by featurea lo recognlM the 33rd annual meeting ot the theae chanru . The delegates a leo Wutern P'aln A a• o c I a t Io n. wUI dlllcu•11 a dmlselon pollcle11 and Thu raday through Saturday. grtater public parllctpallon In KeUOl"f · M.ukey. and R. M. C. educations.I exhibits. Fullniw1der, 1ecretary -mana1er Climax of the annual !lf's111oru1 of the Oranl"e County FLlr, will Will be a 1ped al banquet Satur- joln repreeent&Uve1 of 248 fain. day night followed by a review ot expotltlona and allied flelda from talent available for the 19M fair California, Ari->na. Utah. Olcla· seu on. homa. Ore~n. Nt'Yada. Waahlng---------- ton. Tau ·and Canada. On• of th• major toplca for S7• Damages So1ght by Mesa Trio in Crash IANTA ANA. (OCNS ) -Mra. Dffnt' T. 8\-andt of 846 Victoria l!Jt .. Coil& Meaa. and two of her children, Kalhreen. :I, and Rich- ard D., 2. eoucht more than 17000 d&m'l'H In a ault rued in Su· perlor Court here Tuelday. Mesa for Petitions Improvement MrJ1. Owl'n F Halling app.-ared at the meeting of Co~la Mesa's city council Monday night with 11 petition for Improving Santo I Tomas St. Thi~ 1:. a banjo stl'fft o(( Ssnta Ana St.. betwl!"n Del Mar Ave. and M'"" Drive. The I council voted lo have th" legal and eng1neerlng work <lone to promote the imprnvrment dl1· t rict. The .amt' action wu takrn on a petition to Improve 18th Place between Tu•Un AvP. snd Santa Ana St. I f"Lt'ID COUPLING A new 1mall fluid coupling and two aprag clutches replace the familiar front rnctlon clutch and b&n~ In t ht' Hydra-Mal1c Drive unit. Powtr from the Iner~ output "Rocket" tnginl' 11 tran•- m It t e d lo the t renamilll!lon through a Ml or planetary gean located In the tin t coupUng. In A new "Par k" po111llon h a 1 been addd to the r ear aelection1 to provide additional HCur!ty when the car t. not In motion. A mechanl~J r ear shift Indicator baa replaced the electric Indica- tor ln the central Instrument cluaur. providing a more poalllve Indication of 1ear movemenL flr&t and third gl'ar the front Stock Sa•-P-lts unit i& In reduction and the new .. ,... "" 'mall n uld coupling 111 empty. to 2 Newport Firms Filling th.-front Oui<l coupling I glvu a 11moolh lraMlllon. put-SACRAMENTO tCNSl -W tln1 the front unit In direct drive H . Stephen.aon. atate corporation tor aecond and fourth gPar Thi' ~ond II b 1 d · commlu loner. announced IN ua.nce """ coup ng e n 11 lhe changt11 br tween the itnr ratios of atock aelllng permit. to two togrt her uilo a single contlnous Newport Beach firm&, flow of power C:..ar tran11ltlons The permit.I went to Budret 11 re made vrlvet ~mooth b~· the Bulldera. Jnc .. 407 Bolaa Ave., lo 11econd coupling. I sell 10,000 11harea, and to Newport The gear rslios 1n rlr11t and Shore11ide Company, 112 Wut third gear have been Increased Cod l Hwy .. lo aell 1000 1hare.s. Balboa Inn Cafe &. Co< kt~d Lo u nqe OPEN DAILY They named Alma E. Harper, no addre111 g'lven, aa defendant The plalntltfa blame the defen- daat for a cruh Involving their two vehlclea a t Htrhway M and llllh St.. Ooeta Mesa. Residential Permit I I exce pting Tuesday) Tha c1dendant ueertedly drove careleaaly and ne1ll1enUy, cau&· lnr personal Injury to the plaln- Utfe. V. J ohnaton on Oct. 13 took out i • $12.000 Coat& Mesa city build· Ing permit to conatruct a ru idenca 1 at 2186 Santa Ana Ave. E. L. Pat- tuson waa named contractor. • CocktaHs 5'rved 1 p:m. -2 a."'· • Dinner 9-11 p. "'· Your Chef • ".Pete" Mooney • "Try hi" d~Uclous cl.Inner menu" • l)aRCllMJ • Th..sday -Friday -Satwday with Charley La v~re ~ Frau WylW Fine Food Our Feeture O• n. Ocw • la•oa ......, Ot~J Park nu at ov Froat Door CWtlWHJlclrlled "Re la a widely-traveled con- cert artJ.t and lecturer. wu o~ f&lll•t and cbolr dlr.c:tor at St. M&tthewa Eplacopal Cbun:h, ~­ anaton. m.. and waa ru .. t eoto- i.t Wll b both th• Chlcac<> and Detroit symphony orcbutraa". dA.JloTA ANA, \0CN8 ) -Bur- f l&ra .looted a metal anack bar at ~ Irvine Coaat Country Club, 4111 Coaat Blvd.. over the week· end. t&kin( $11.72 wortll of bier, cl1aret.1 and rum. Sherltf"a de------------- pullea aJd. Entry waa plnad by Granclollo 's forc'?r; a door haap. Color Sllcles of Venice Show Set (formerly of Hemet) complete menu for the family WarrH Tool Robert A. Warren of 186 Wells Vl'fld colored .Udff tn three- Place, Coata Men . notified Meaa dlm1n1ioM deplctln1 Venlce, Me· police Oct. 10 that an elac:t rlc dlaval Marvel. will be ahown at dnll motor with uaorted drills Oran&• Cout Oo1Je1e w\idnelday and buffeu wu mlaaln1 from ht. eftJlln1. Oct. 21. PIZZA e aPAGllETl'I e LASAGNA BOllE -ILU>I: M VIOU e STEAD e BA l"OOD ,OOD 2'0 GO Sl1 ••••• llYcL BALIGA tt.bor 4137 garage. He 11et value on the mlal· Returnlnr to <>ranp Coul by Ing items al $311. publlo demand alter an appear-Ol'ZH DAILi" U NOON·ll IDDNJGB'l', llON.1..-. TIL lllD. VILLA MARINA October Weel/y Specials AS$URE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES I S-day Mo.day T•stlay w ... sclay n.nc1ay '"*' 28 s.r • .., 23 24 25 26 27 29 This wMk we wiU fHtuN • TOP SIRLOit" STEAK for $2.50, or you rMY Older our FRIED EASTERN SCALLOPS for $1 . 75. lft Continuing with their policy of dHignating certain of their regular dinners at • greatly reduced p~ice during specified periods as indicated above Villa Marina rHtaurant offers weekly specials MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW ' for Color TV "Family Nights" at on Villa Marina ' Big Screen 1n Tuesday Lounge Wednesday Thursday e Sports SATURDAY -OCT. 29TH. e Drama Dinner Dance Costume Party Favors Fine Food Budget Priced • Music Fun & Prizes Free Champagne to the man and woman judred "Beat Coetumea" TM New Hwy .... play for Sat•clay clucilMJ •V-. ....... ,. ......... , •... JtJO. VILLA MARINA FACILmlS IOI PRIVATI INIDTAINING ARI INCOMPAU• ' e AV AIL.Al' 'FOR LARGI OR IMA' ' PAITllS The ...i time JCM1 plaa a 4llDDllr ....v. bn1h-. ~ • eortosl pu'tJ, to nhtan&e a b&rth- day, unlvwry, ........,.t, ncSdiq, IWDloa, Mmt IQ 'nc, bcm..,,.... 06 ''wMt DDt, • ..... ea11 Mr. McGW at Barbor 3880. Be wUl ....... 1" aa.o.t mtaua, ....te., cleeoratioDa, Mttbap, tite. Jl'or asall IDtimate l1'0Up9 °"for ..... pdl • ..._ f1 llU• 8l V9a M•s'N _. t.e wrpemtd ila UM Barbor ara. 11" ICA YICTOI COLOI HIAD9UAITllS U&'l9a TSLKVIAIOJf ftOllD I. W. T ...... OOLOa ~ ...... o..t..,.,,,, 0.-... -· T' ctn•_._ Mtt t7t .......... a..-.... T 9 11 1 111'aM ..aal last1llltlw Ill Leading leat1mw11 _.. -C ... IR tWs ... lllCW•1 Yma I ~ ) J 1 . -----···------...... -----DIA-nt--N-O_TIC_I_ NEWPORT ~S.PRESS -ftART 11. PA&E 1 FRIDAY, OCTOIER 21, 1965 .... llYll'l'LS 6. aALDWIJf Adileb • _,.... DlilrJ, IMO ~ Jlhd., u a B&Jctwta. If, of lW Jll. a..u.. ........ ._. Bml. Bal*o wbo died al Mr t s.nMee rcw xre. M7rUe J .... lb' prochaieer, -lt et U.. • ....._ et ea.ta bome 8UDd.a7 D!Pt an.er aa a• ,. .. Clt.7 oauea .._ two ~ .. ,.. m.t -"* •· t•ded w.,.. were beW w--. cloned U.. dairJ ,_ 1tl ,.. II~ ol ~ mUk. fte petlUolul day at 11 L m. ~ "' wt~ .... a._ -a.. _._ Mortuar)' Qlapel. ,,_ a... .Jo-wwn ut&V)' r-.-la n~ ..,..,. ---Hp.la ,.,....... put.-ol o.i.- ot Oralllt oauat7. ,... .... nw u.. ~ .......-mwd~ x.tJlodLlt ~ Oo9ta u.. tirD.• when 111••··--• wlUa anoti. CIOmaplaiat. ..... oC!llltted. Ja--t ,,... ___________ 9'."I ___________ at Jl&rtlw lt.t X-W ·Pa& REAt SPOOKY TIMI AtllAD ~. A'..UW Of~ low-. lh .............. tMput 1 a1ne ,..,.. ......... ---., Gr* KtAI Milt Clmr'Clll ol Colo ton. llath'Oca•..._.. llllr-.. b&nd, ....... K. .......... da.ta', .._ Muswtte De 1>11""' ot tM ..., OoaUMa...i Kuti U wUl lllt at U.. approai· to Host Hallow• P•..., ~,;.; .. ~.;;;:~ :"::-=~~:~= NEW PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR HARDTOP Harbor Arel BoJs' Club Belvedere tour-door hardtop i8 an entirely new model introduced by Plymouth in it. 1956 line of cars. Aerodynamic styling, push button driving and powerful new Hy-Fitt engine are among outstanding feature.. Safety door latche. and other aa.fety items are standard equipment. Modela auch u th1a are on diaplay at Lou Reed Ir Aaaociatea, 1200 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. UI IJ _ --_. --. -~ Mdl tDc:rn ... lorirud Tlllb0it7, wtlUe UM deetd OUft -' ~ Oelondo u4 Mn. SftenU\ and tlfhth rraden ot ~ _... wm wttlM tile ear.a,aGP.a.:::;i of Kaw: w root,_.._.~°' u.. twmw UDCOID 0oeu...u1 the KubOr Ana wUl 1tap a ...._ ud .._.. far U.. Jllltlt. brc>dMr, --•• Bpoc911' ol II nWaed. 'n.. troal end fMtune a f\lle, dS• cut ._.,. Hallow .. n daDCe ud pal'tJ at~~ wUl _... u JONiMat&• fht ~ CCDb lrille topped b)' tbe a-t.l7 ~ bood Md tM fwr· the ~ Area 6019' au <>ct. b-4 of tbe d 1 a .. u. 1 ttt.., and a.. ;..~ pomted ltAr wldcla ..-up tb• dllt.lacUYe ooau...au 9lood ·STAR TEAM -In more ways than one does the term "star " apply to the crack sailing team of skip- pers Bill Ficker and crew Don Edler of Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Sailin·g Bill's sleek Star boat. Stormy, this team will carry t he NHYC burgee to new hono1'11 1in the forthcoming International Star Regatta in Havana starting Nov. 19. In the mean- time, they are 1pending all their spare time in per- fecting all the minute details of getting Stormy in ablolute top shape before the shipping date of Oct. 29 -Beckner Photo 29 7:SO ~ m. to 11 p. m. llolt ....... re ¢c tal ...-St· Cll'UIWt. Tbe MW Oallt1nental wU1 be lbowll -et hU· Coast Co.1989 In eommittee Chalm\U J'" "., tee: 1fW7 x.....a; ...-me xu. .tJWIJNJD 11. aDTOlf .. • aon. Uncoln-w.rcury ~. eoo w. 0out lllPftT. -~ Hebn announced U\al tb• p&rtJ ~; Jim 11evew, .-.da: ~ fw Kn . .A.cWIDe ~ -. ---------------------- r .--ond Spot FFA would be o~n to all •ttnth ud Jolm ... Mins ' J II ... and ry . ..,. ,., Cl( l1N Newpart E I .. 1· Pl So L ~ • • ~b~~~r~::~~ ~-= ::-..=_.~ .=. •t-~a:-=.~=: 1 1rge. trporl 111 •C•I Uvestodl Judging Di•trlct. A cbarw• or fl per lnO.U. w pit.at aft.II' • llbort Wnw, .,,.. • • couple Will cowr lbe eoMa Of In addltka to tM -a "aplrtt held et I p. Ill. toda7 la Park ... by S1perv1son II Mister Pl11 Martin McOraU\, Oranl'• Cout refruhment.e, new record., decor-ot a,1.,.._.. .,.... tM party Rldlq Korblu'J' C'laapel. 'nl• Collere. won third place among atlona and prt&ea. be announced. I09l8 wUJ ~pet.e r. ~ Rev. ObuSel r . .Jland wUl oftt· BA.NT AN~ (OC.NI) Tb t M&cArth 81~ alJow1ll Young Fumera at the 12th an-UPLl:S ONLY p11M9 aWU'ded ,_ ~I elate. Qoematloa will follow tn A "" -• rou • , W' • • nual Future Farmer of America OO co.bmM, Aa ....,.. wlll M made MelroM .A.bbey Omletery. bOard of 1Upervt1e>ni h&Ye call· tla• field 1 ~. field day live 1tock Judging con· Tbe p&rty opedn• the ~ = tcw tile Met coauae o1 tbe atpt A nat1ft of Ind.l&npoU., Ind., ed for a muter plan for the OI'-•• ~ .. tberly Mttma~ It W'OU!d teet held recently on a ranch of auccepful ancea or wll1i. otbw pn... wtJJ p to i.he ah• came to C.Ufomla la 111115 ans• County Airport. ..... e about 80 &C"9 to lift tb• near Pala, San Diego county. junior blfh ace bofl and (trll. c.......,_ CIOltum-. "'tMme" ooe-ahe h&d UYed la CO.ta x ... th• field the upuw&on room tt llMCll. Oranre Co a • t College tum The poUclea of the put llmlUns tum-. ~ mo.t oolof'ftd a.nd put 10 ,..,.., llJM l•ftl her On moUon of C. K . F•U\erly, ----------- tied for HCond In the Young adml1alon to couplea only and beet 04IUPM OOltume. huabud. Jam .. X. 8eltoa of tla• tb• board Wednelday afternoon Postal T9'l D• Farmer• group. probibltial' unauthorlud • x It' Al Sil pUt .,._. OU. put.tu. home adctre.. deltl'ated eaafnMr Hall K. l'rted· Guthrie Plans Okay llANTA ANA (0CN8) -Wll· lam W. OuU\rle Jr. Tuelday g-ot permlMlon from th• county board ot 1upervtaon1 to re-arrance hla trailer park on the eut aide of Whittler Ave. about 300 fett IOUth Of 17th St.. near COila. Meaa.. Shop Sweater 1'lleft Mra. Laura Hoag. 3428 Via U do, reported thal a woman took a $20.9~ twealer from her Shop Tue.lday. Tht woman had • email boy with her, Jofra. Hoeg reporlt d. DEATH NOTICE DJXOS T. BEU. Funeral urvlcea tor Dixon T. Bell were held today a t Loa An· geles. He died Monday In Call· fomla Hoapltal where 11111 niece, M l!ll Sellnabel Smith of Corona dtl Mar, hao bl-en called to hi.II l><'d1lde Will be followed. Hdu\ named OOUplee ma)' Ule aU the faclUUea land to draw' up the pla.nl for pre-.Robert Fahl, po1tal offtclal, WU Brlu Lucu to head U\e progTam ot th• club lndudlnc telntlton, Mtltatlon before It. to epeak on "Poetal Attatn•• at · ptq pons. lhuttlebOard. paddle lyward SOii Iona J'eatherly a1ao sot th• 10.ab•d th• mMUns of th• Newport Har· pool, and bllUuda. Mr. and Mn. Lawrence By· alp t.o bel'in neroUaUona with. bor Klw.nlan1 Tbureday aoon et Mesa~ HELD OVER TBBU TUES. Pannu wW ~ u auper· ward. llSO~ Weat 18th St., coat.a th• Irvine Co. tor acquialllon of VUla Marina R•t~t. A MCOlld .won atone wtt.h the commit let M-. are parent. ot a baby boy land northeut ot the pl'tNnt land· feature ot the prornm wm be di•· and memberw ot th• Boye' Club born Oct. e a t llt. Joeeph Ho.· Inc field and acroa MacArthur cuqlon of event.I of th•'**'' Kl· 1 •tatf. pltal. ~vd. Thie flta ~ wtth pl&na to re· wanla convenllon at kn Dteso. --~--------------------"' wu •on or the lale Wllllarn - NOW StiOWING El•e 81Mw9 8cart 1:'6 c-t. s-. trom t :11 ALFRED HITCHCOCK'S TO CATCH A THIEP Color by TECHNICOLO~ SEOOND FEATURE "ANOl:l.A0 ' RO~~Al\00 BRAZZI STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY HISTORY'S CREA TEST ROMANTIC ADVENTIJRE .•• NOW BROUGHT MAG:'\'IFICENTL Y TO THE SCRE~ ! Color by TECHNICOLOR ............ "*sfl ....... .., .. ALA() "TM TNCIW9 of Pwllo V•" DD'8 JUr. 8.U'.: 1:'6 'THE Dl:llPAH>o'" Dixon Beu. author of boy• llloOlal. and t he late Mr1. Sellra Bell of Corona del Mar. wa11 owner of the Dixon ~II PTcu In Los An· celee. Bealdta his nlec:e he ta 11urvtved by a 111ter. Mrs. Weir G. Smith. 11ummer ru ldent or Corona del Mar a nd a coueln. Betty Portm&n, now vlaltlnf Ln southern California . C.~l- NOW SHOWING M·O·M ~hnc-ktn1r Drama "TRIAL" Glenn Dorothy Ford McGuire I l -PLt'S - "WYOMING RENEGADES" WIU. Miii CaN'y In TM'hnlcolor s. 'It,,.., A~lly fll....d !fl .... >'"''• .... "°'1tiftg dro-I THE TALL MEN COUii .., M W1I I ON~·· AlM ~lf't't.d Short• Starts Wedatieday "The Phenix C lty Story'' "hnCJCdi" PHENIX CITY ~ • • . •TDRV A#> All110 .amm" "''• ·--·-1111 --·--·····- STARTS Nm WIDN .. AY MESA THEATRE c:! AERODYNAIWIC PLYIWOUTH '58 Re?olutionary new Push.Butron Driving ... first .in the low-price three! Fabulous new Aerodynamic Styling .•• bigger ... longer ... roomier ... as new as the jet age! Blazing new 9()..90 Turbo-Torque Power to give you Top Thrust at Take-Off! See the thrilling new Plymouth '56 today! Wldt a hg.odp to.la• alieaoe you aelect your dmin& range. >.. -., • 8ickin1 • ¥t ..nt.cia 1 Thea P!ymo.th'• hlly .-omatic PowerFlito-tbe nrid'1._,1"4 ...... IDOll edv8iiCO«l tnallllielion- tabl °""' k'1 the .......... in drtring -ad •• ,, .... , rl /lMta th.W,.iw 3. '• I ' .'lbe car tbat'•soinl pl!C!! with the Young in Hem.I LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1zao w. c ........ , NIWPOIT llACH I '\ PAGE I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOIER 21, 1955 AGAINST TREADMILLS? WALK MA, MERRILY AROUND WORLD OR.ANOS 10CN81-Merrtly &Ad her ma wer. wal.k1n1 toward the eut ,cout acatn today &tt.r • rulf\.ll Monday nt,a11t .,,_t wtt.h fn-da In Oran•e. the city wher. folk.a 1Ull bave ttm. to IN tnendly. M ... Merrily C\lmmlnaa and Mn. Kay V. Cummlnc• left Olfl!dora Saturday wtlh the a~ purJ>OM of walklnc their wq a.round t.be world. .. _.,. t.hey rMCtled UM Qty ot O~e. atopped In UM o.-a. .. Dail)' New1 otnc. to ue a tyJ19Wrlter to chronicle th.tr adwaturN aad 1pent Ule nlrht with Mr. and M,.. C'clnn.le a......w. WllJ' tM walk around Ule world T Men11y and her ma explaln9d It ua., -1: "We'n ~-not nu1111Jlr~ a protut piattonn, We're acaiMt 1peed-eUt'-6Jld tr.dmllle." Los Alamitos. Dairy City Boundaries Get Approval · SANTA ANA (OCNSl -The Oranp County Boundaries Com· mlNion Monday approved two pro- poeed n•w Incorporated cltlu - Dairy City and Loe Alam!toe. Boundar1• for th• projected clt- 1• were termed "definite and cer· tlJn," even thourh they crou the propolHld trl-c lUee Incorporation. Both planned clllea fUed notice of Intention to circulate petltaona ot INfflclency w1tb the county clerk. on Knott to Garden Grove Blvd and baek to the Loe Anrelea Coun- ty line. Newport Cops Check Burglary Wave in Area Te1t1tive Meu Maps Approve~ Two trnt•llve mape for 1ub- <hvU.lons wtre approvNt by th• C'o•h1 Meea ('l ty coun.-11 Monday n1r ht. &lll had bo'en announeoed .ome Wf'f'ka 111:0. The Al<See Corp. plan for 200 a cru 11<1uth nf Or- an&• Coa•t Coll<'ace betwffft Har· bor Blvd and Falrvk'w Road In• rludu ~ loll. Thl' oliJt.nal plan tor this 1ubdlvl11on ln<'ludl'd lot• tor atoru along Harbor Blvd . but In the appN'lvtJ pl.an provt· lion 11 only made for d-llln.p. The .econd plan I• for Oranp Cnut A<'!'t"ll at Baker and Babb Sll . whlrh !'&II• for 74 hornH. Edison Co. Award S o u t h e r n t:allfomJa ICdleon Compa.ny hu received lhe Safe· ty Mf'rtt Award from the ICdleon Etctlic I nelltule, the na Uonal or· 1ea ntutton or the elf'clrtc utility ln1lu1try. for cnmpletlD( mon' than J .3~.000 man-houn without a dlaabllnc Injury Edlaon la one of th,. r~w electric ullUUN In the nation to ar hlf'Ve thl1 out• •landing aafety record on a com· pany-wlde baal•. LEGAL NOTICE Zc>nla1 Clliaep or ..__..._., I h41arillp NOTIC'E OF PUBLIC HEAAINO ~' #H &MolaU.. ,.., A aerlu of burilarlu ptlf'd up Nolle~ la hereby (two that th• on Newport Beach police for ti<>· Plenntng COmmlMlon Of lb• Clty lullon r.cently. Good.I taken h.ad of Newport Bea.ch will JtoJd two a total vlllue of more tha n 11800. public heartnc.-on th• applica· BlU J . O.vl1 of Long Beach lion of rtported that hi• boat tied al I:. MORR18 SMJTll OLD GLOKY -Mrs. Frank Nixon poses at her La Mirada Ave. home in La Habra with a flag which ·son, Richard, eent her after it had been unfurled from the capitol flagpole. Flag is among her growing collection or souvenmi of inauguration and montha which have followed since her son became vice-president. -OCNS Photo MOTHER OF VICE-PRESIDENT NIXON EARLY FAlllLY PORTILUI'-Frank and Han.nab Nlxon are ahown with three of their .Jive boys in an early f&mily portrait. Young man with bow tie ia the vice-pretddent, brother Donald ia on mother's lap and Harold (now deceued) ia at left. Young F.c:tward.. now in Navy, waa bom 17 years later and another son died at age of 7 in 1925. -OCNS Photo Dairy City would take In ap- proxlm&tely 4 aquaH mil• IOUlh of the recently formed dty of Dalryland. 'Loe Alamltoe boundar· 1.. rou(hly--O&rden Grove Blvd. Uld the Loe Anp1-county line. alOQC t.ti. county 11.ne to Bloom· tl•ld et. Bouth on Bloemlteld to Ball Ro&d. down Ball Road to Millu St.. 80\lth on Miller to Cemt.oe, then alOftl' 1'9CC1Uy annexed bor· del"9 of Buena Park to Ball Hoed, eut on Ball to Knott Ave., IOUth Balboa Bay Club landing. had 601 VI& Udo Boud bffn robbed of a diamond brace-Udo Iale let valu.d at STOO, a diamond To amend OntlJ\&ftce #IM and rin&', value $600, and len1 worth RJ:-ZONI: t.ti. below deecribed ST&. property from R·2 to C·1H on Mn. Alle:n Sulur, 1300 North Lot.e 1, I . •. I , 8 It 10, Block Bay Aw .. 1tated a .et of ,olf ut. Tract 323, located Uld clube wu t.alten from her car bounded by Jumlne and lrla Oct. t . Str-eeta. and Fl1"9t St.net and Harold W. lla8on, tH ~th Ave.. the Coe.at Boulevard. TOUCHED LIGHTLY BY FAME OF SON :i.~0~~:itc~~ and Frank had aeon.a of rela· Or-.. ,..,.__,,.. WOlllCln's Duties live•. Here they opened their F1·rm'1 E1h1·b·11s ~H 1 J store. ''-The only one between H t..L-K H Bus Wbltller llnd La Habra" recal1I 8oulhw .. t Exploration Com-m OUleWITW ffP ... y Mra. Nixon. pany ot HunUn(lon Beach boiled . I " My MOU.Y BURREIJ. OCNS Staff Writer LA HABRA, (OCNS) -'Fame bu touched Hannah Nixon ligbUy. The mother 'of the most famous young man ln the county, Vice-Pn!8ident Richard M. Nixon, bu given vtry little ground to the limelight which often reflect.a from the nation's capitol to a street in Orange County. In a rambUn1 two-1tory home former ucretary In the Whittler on La MJrada Road. t.bc apry law oftlc• where Richard worked lltUe gTIUldmother geta up at w1lh city attorney Tom BllWtey. dawn to do each day many of the Mn. L. M. Dom h.. become aame tuk• llhe hu performed 11<>methlng-or a comblnetlon press for :IQ year•. agent-family frtend and helpmate She cool<11. !!Weeps. chat1 wllb and take11 over all or the rouUnP her friend• on the telephone. put-and special requesll! r r om teni In the yard. and above all. rnend11. reporters and from the rtrht now. maku sure ahe 11 vlce-preindent. at the beck and call or her a ll· Rl'SS HER HOME tnr hu1band. Thi11 Jeavee Hannah Nixon tree WORJU1!:8 ABOl'T IKE to manage the big comfortable Bhe 111 dttply conc,.rned over home and to watch over her hua· the 1tate of President E lsen-band, who 111 atlll a 11eml-lnvalld hower'• h"alth and ft>el11 a 1peclal after an a ccident In which he ll)'Tnpathy for Mrs. Eisenhower brokP his hip. lllnce hu own husband. Franl<. By nature an un11e-lflllh. ira· hu been serlou1ly Ill or conval· clous and unuaually hospitable lit· H Clng for the put two years. tie womlln, Mr1. Nlllon will dart She does not tll11cu1111 the poll· to the kitchen to 11quttu frl'llh aible future role her 11on may orange juice for vi11ltor11 she ha.a play In the natlon'11 government. never met before. feeling th&t the country'11 coa· "She'.11 jual the 1&me 11Weet per- cem now 111 for the Pre11ldenl'• llOn llhe alwaya wa1," aay1 an Qld complete recovt ry. family f riend. "Always Intensely She <loP11 manage to f:O to tnttresled In other people. She's church 1111 often Ill po111lble at alway.11 had a way about her that the Ea.tit Whittler Friend• Church made people feel they could tell where Richard and the boy• al· her their troubles and their 1oy11." tended during the Y"an1 the !am-FROM INUIANA Uy operattd Nixon'• Market on Whittler Blvd. CALLS FOR HELP About t be o n l y noUceable change In h~r pattern of living la an lncreulng number of re· quuls from people all over Or- anre and Los Angele.i countlu for specia.I ht'lp which they feel the vlce--pre11ldent might be able to arran11:e. Much 811 she would like to at· tend to these requealll. Mr•. Nix· on turnl! them over h> her eon'• Rannah Milhous Nixon may have Inherited some of her vital· 11¥ and love of peoplt from her family, and undoubtedly the ira· cloua atmosphere of her o w n homt wa11 a strong lntluence. The Mllhou1ea migrated to California from Jenner Count. Ind .. In 1897 and settled In a big two • story house In the middle of what la now the Whittler Quad on Whit· tier Blvd. Ten years latu, young Frank Nixon left Indiana. arrived 1n Lo11 Angelr11. and got • job tu1 ll 11treel <'&r motorman. Jt wl\ll at a puty givrn by the conduc- tor that Hannah and Frank met and a yur later they were mar· rled. The young motorman became a ranch foreman. bought a ranch or hi• own In Northern C&llf· omla. then 80ld It and returned to Yorba Linda all In the 11pace or three ynrs. How•vu. the Yorba Unda The 1tore thrived, became a 38 Harbor area Boys' Club mem· nelghbQrhood gathering place. ber1 durlnr t.hetr open bouae aa· and a ga.aollne 1tatlon wu added. lute to OU Induatry week Satur- It wu here at the ltore that day afternoon. nie local young· younr R ichard bep.n to dnelop 1tera Jett the Boys' Club aboard aome of the tralta which have their bu1 at 2:30 p. m. and went moulded hla per110nallty. Ra to the drlutnc .it .. north of Hun· lather believed In g1vlnc all the Ungt.on Beach for a 1peclaUy di· boy1 reaponslblUty. Richard'• job reeled tour by southweat otncla.la. wu to tltJ<e charge of the pro-An actual tidelanda weU was duce 1tand1. the tint itopptng poi.nt for part "I never drive by a fruit et.and ot the rroup which wu dlvM!ed ....W.OV& ,.,..... ~ .... &a.~ ........... _..._. ~ p ro- who pick• out the rotten apples, cedure wu ........_ b7 - - tht' vice-president la reported to the job u the boy1 mounted the have said. As a young1ter 1n r1, Wlth auured protection iuar- hlgh l!!ChOOI. he would gel up at llnt.eed by 11.fety headgear pro- 4 a. m., drive to Lo11 Angele• vlded by the oil company which for the produce and rush bacl< boa•ll! one of the beet "Mfety" to arrange the 1tand1 before recorda of any ln the na tion. clua Ume. Thi• wu the a~ From the rig, the boy• went ment he had made with hi• dad: to the model of the Pyle1 camp a nything he made he could put for boye malnt&Jned ln the High Into his college fund. Slerru ror boya of the oil pro- LA W I DEA CAME EAllLY duclnc rectona. .B:ach year eeveral I Colll"ge and law 11Chool had Harbor area Boye' Club Members long a.go been almo•l foreordain· are aelected for a free atay In 1 ed. according to Mra. Nixon, who th11 wonderful camp. From the 18ys her 11<>n made u p his mtnd camp model, the youlh1 went to at the are of 8 to be a lawyer-the camp kitchen where they en-1 "the kind nobody can bribe." joyed a renerou1 amoun t of chi· II beana before moving on lo lht I While Richard went off to col· main uhlblt hall which featured Jege, brother Donald stayed at 1 od la ·t r th 1 the 11tore to tal<e ovtr the mana-IC& e m • 0 many 0 f' n-~ement when hla father could dUlltrlea rlga and properties. not !'arry the load. It wu undu Main lntereata In lhl11 part of Donald's direction that the atott the demonstration was the ~lant put In a re11taurant. Don now oil (whlpstock) drllllng exhibit. 1pend1 a good deal o! hJa time Also of Interest WU the ahow· at the new ''Family Restaurant" Int of tool11 Ull'd In drilling. the a few mllu west of the market. •clual drilling of a concrete block. HI• community actlvllle11 In· cludl' 11ervtce on the Eaat Whit· tier 11chool board and work on fund drlvee for youth and com· mu nil v 11erv1ce gTOUps. A 'younger brother. Edward. who hu his muter'1 degree from Rlchard'11 Alma Mater. Dul<l" University, 11 now In the navy. The Nixon•' oldest boy, Harold. died l!Ome yffn ago. and another 110n. Arthur, dll'd al the age of 7. Whl'n It comel!! time for a fa- m1lv reunion, the Nlxon-Mllhou1 cla;, can 11ummon more than 120 from Southern California alone. Thry Include two Fullerton re· 11ldenll. Walter Nl.xon oC 140 N. Princeton and Mra. Carrie Skin- ner, 323 Jacaranda, brother and •Iller of "'ank Nixon. Home Town loost the 11amplt1 of mlnera.l11 brought up from ~27 feet below the earth and nearly 2 miles off the cout under the Pacific and the vlaual explanation of the use of the aelamograph. Following the tour of the oil propertle11. the group wu treated t-0 a aerlu or mltlget races be- tween boya and 11:1r1s 4 throur h 12 years of ag,. The mldgelll are real ''pee wee1" and created quite an lmpre11lon on thf' boyt who uper!enced being behind the wheel of one of those cani them- 11elvea. Broker, Salesmen Licenses Issued SACRAMENTO, IC!"Sl-D, D. Wataon, 1tate rut estatfo rom- ml1111loner, announced IMuance or a re&l eetate broker llctn11e to William C. P'laher. 2803 ="l'wport Blvd .. N~ Beach. lemon ranch turned out to be a rtal ll'mon -&nd wl th the birth or the fln1t three boys. Franl< Nixon dl"Clded to tum carpenter to augmtnt the family Income. Home Industry &'Ot a boo9t from the Cost& Mesa City Coun· cll Monday night when Ray I. Hartzler. acting city mana1er. wa,a authorl&ed lo buy 200 pllon.1 of paint for 1tl"fft •trlplng from Stroot'• Hardware at U.9~ a irallon when he had a bid of 12.23. Councilman A. L. PlnltJey wu 1tron1 foY' the Jocal bid and Councilman lkrt Smith MCODded hl1 motion. Wataon alao announct<I Issu- ance of real e1tate aaleaman ll- cenae1 to Sylvl& W. Thompson, 2804 Newport Blvd., Robert o Ridgway, t:IOti W. Balboa Blvd .. PhylU1 M. Kerwin, 2300 Balboa Blvd~ and Jean G Kerr. 106 Mc- J'addtn Place, all or Newport Beach. P E N I A C 0 L A, P' LA. cFHTNC> -Havlnr complet· ed Helicopter ni(ht traJnlnr Sept. 21 Navy Ll. Ori John W. F'o'l'·ler, 11on of Mr. and Mr11. W. R. Fowler of 218 It. Ocean FronL Balboa. and hu.e- be.nd or the formn MJ• Nan()' M Collier of San Gabrltl hu been tranafnred to Ht'lll'opter Utility Squa dron l. Ruai Field Na,•al Awd· huv Air Sta tion. San Ylidro, Calif. In quaJlfytnS u a hell· rnpttr pilot he underwent eight w~kl lraJnlf\C tn tile !"•VY'• Rt 11. K" ma n a nd Paieeckl h4'1copt.era. M>LD ILANCH ln 1922. lh• Nlxona aold the Yorba Linda ranch and moved to F .. u t Whittler wh•re both Hannah DEATH NOTICE atated a UO outboard motor and Nollce la hereby turther rtv.n REVERSAL OKA YS SCHOOL'S KA YO Ufa rtnr bad bHn ta.ken from that &aid public hearlnp two WiU MA&OlJS D. P'lft8DOION8 h1a boaL be held on the 17th of Nov. and Jerry C&ln of Van Nuy1 de-16th day of Dec., year ltO&, at Costa Mea' a clty council rtver.ed the plannln&' com- mtalon Monday nl(ht In t.he matter of a dance achoo! on Eut 18th St. ORA.NOi!:, (OCNS> -11'\1.ne~ clared '210 worth of clothlnc the hour of 1 :00 P. M. ln the MrYlce9 for Marcua D. Fttaim· wu taken from hl1 c.ar parkl'd councU chamben o1 the Newport morw. IMdtnr eouthlalld rMltor. at Evan'• Jandlnc park early Beach City Hall, at which Ume were held yeeterday afternoon ln Oct. t . and place any and all perllOna Orace Chapel. ln&'lewood Park Adrian Mlleaell of Lons Beach, lntere.ted may appear and be Cemetery. orrantat a t Villa Ma.rina, report· h•rd thereon. Mr. Flt.uirnmona al80 la survived ed that hl1 car parked at the RAY Y. OOPl:LIN. 8ecret.ary The plann1nr comml11lon had turned down the Melvin Hl(bff'• propoeal, but the council could aee no h.a.rm tn a home dance IChool for amall children and voted ju•t u unanlmoualy to a.llow the YVlanoe for a year. brother of Mr1. J . F . CrMmer of cafe wu broken Into and 189 Newport Beach Qty San R.aful, formerly of <>nnr e. worth of mlecellaneoua artlclu Plannlnr Comm!Mton J , F . Cnemer wu co-publlaller taken. No. 1389-Newi-~ 10/21,115 wtlh W. O. Harl of the 01'1U\(e p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Sledge Tools TakH 8A..ltt4 AN A ( OCNS) -ltarl ._ -.... o1 ua w. wu... -~ coeta tt .... i.ad Slleritf"1 d.-putl .. Monday that '62.to worth of e&r· penter'a toola were 1tolen from ht. lruck at Smeltz.er Ave. and Wright St., near Bo!-. DllllY New1 from 1907 until the be(tnnlnl of World War II. Mr. Fttsmonu ai.o I.I 1urvlved 1 by hl1 w1fe, Alice. of th• ramlly home In Lo• Anrelu. and a daughter. Mt11. Mary Rumuuen of Danville, Calif. New Office 1••1 Trautweta and Hustiu I a at -1' took out a Coit.a Mea city bulldlnc pennmlt for $30,000 for construction of a medical office bulldlnc at 849 w. ttlh It. llGGEST IN HISTORY Touchdown Sale on new Mercurya went over like a BANG! Thanks to you for your wonderful response. We weftl out to provf' that you don't have to go oat of town to get a r;ood deal on a new ear ud muy d!acovered this and hf'lped us top all ou.r prevtcu. ..-reoorda. Thanks I NOW WE ARE LOADED WITH 1icJ M Trade-Im ll«J lartJGiM -Save SSS 51 Ford Vic ....... $698 50 Nash 2 Dr ....... 298 46 Dodge 4 Dr .... 125 49 Ford 4 Or ....... 198 55 Mere. Mont. Cp. ................................. 2598 53 Mere. Cl. cp. 1698 54 55 Mere. Conv. 1998 Ford Conv. 2398 53 Ford 2 Or. 1298 55 53 Linc. Cepri $3196 Lincoln Cpe. 1898 54 Mere. Mont. 4 Dr. ................................ 1898 54 Mere. St. wg 2398 52 Mere. 4 Or. 1098 47 Cadillac 4 Or. 591 50 Pont. 2 Or ....... 598 5'4 Linc. 4 Or. 2491 51 Chev. 4 Or .... 791 53 Buick Conv. R-H, Dyne -...................... $1692 BUY ON I DAY MONEY BAOK GUAaAN'l'EE BANK TDll8 OB NO DOWN JOHlllOll & SOii U.coln-M••ry -W. CllMt Rwy. 1 ~ J!'..t of Bay Cl•b De•l•r N_,.n._... LIMtJ 1-564.5 Miiier' s Lucky 7 llAll llOllRAL ORANGE ~OUNTY'S LARGEST USED CAR LOT featuring NO DOWN PAYMENT * SALE * '52 Cadillac Fleetwood, R-H, Hydra. $2295 EZI ,...., Fall power, wsw Urea '53 Olds. 98, '4 Or., R-H, Hydra.-··-····· $1795 Pwr. ateer, Pwr. brka., Uke new '54 Ford V-8 4 Dr. Sedan -·········-··-·-·--$1025 R-B, OD, WSW tttttJ '53 Chev. Dix. 4 Dr. Sed. R-H, _ .......... $1095 Pwr. glide. 2-tone paint. ncelleat oo.dJtlon '50 Ford V -8 Station Wagon .................. S 545 R-H, OD '51 CMvrolet Strl· Dix. '4 Dr. Sed ....... s 695 R-H, New pe1n job '51 Pontiac Chieftan Dix. 4 Or. Sed •... S 535 R·H 'SO Ford Cu. V-8 '4 Dr. Sedan ................ S 595 ft..H, OD, Lot-Al J O\\'llt'f '51 Stllde. V-8 Com. Starlite Cpe ..... S 495 R--H. OD, Sharp '51 Chevrolet Sport Coupe, Deluxe ... S 665 R·H '49 Mercury Club Coupe ft..H, OD, WSW tJrei. .................... s 385 '50 CHY. Styl. Dix. Tudor Sedan ......... S 595 ft..H, Ukf' new ln and out '50 l•lck Convertible -.................... S 385 'f R-11. Dynaflow, WSW tlrft '49 Oldsmoble Rocket ........................... S 395 R·H. Hydra, Nt'w palnt '50 CMwolet Sport Coupe ..................... S 545 ft..H '52 Chevrolet Bel Air Sport Coupe $1095 R-H, Pwr. 11.ide, ho-tont' pa.Int, New t~ e PICK-UPS e 'SJ Ford V-8 ................. . Aatoa.Uc drtve, Heat.r '52 Chevrolet ............................ . Coner wt.dow9, Heat.r, Exttllent drf'9 '47 Ford V-8 .......... . Beater, New paint job, Rua. like nf'w s n5 s 795 s 445 Miiier Chevrolet Co. OLD8MOBILE • CHEVBOLET .._., I<• Korral 100 W. c..t Rwy. Newport Bea.ell ' t \ U.AL NOTICI MOTICE TO caa>nou .No,.-. .... , l:etate of JDA &. FRAZID\. de- cea.etd. Notice la hereby (inn by the undenl(Tled WILLIAM H. MEAD lbecutor of the ICatatl Off JDA IC. '1\A%D:R dlcl&Md, to the Credit· on of, and aU penon.e havlnl' 8pee1a1 Noticte Newport Harbor 8 . P. 0 . E. 1767 Mtet.e Her·y 'nluredar I p.m. Via Oputto -Central Ave. Ntwpurt Beach Albert H. Matlhewe. Exalted Ruler Let UI tlnlah your Remodeling Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patchinl Taping -Texturing ...... _...._.. cLEA.NINo • moNJNo 1111 UM Fresh Hearing Aid daf. l:Xper1tnced. Bal~ lalud BA.T'l'EIUD preferred. Kl a-tOM. u We 01 ... MB One Stampa Swedish Massage Gunderson Drug Co. •! !II' I NEW.POAT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -'ART 111 • PAGE 1 FRIDAY, OCTOIR 21, I 955 R«'uonabJI. Se~ calla UU t p.m KNOWLTON ELEC- TRONICS Ll l-6206. ll'T S500 T.UCU a W... -.u&'7 la a lt&t MDCUftT. Call O'llrlMI' LDe'1:J I-all Mon\lap w ..,._. I ,... m. 10ttt llU CAD U 1ec1aa 11000 lftl. V.-, eJeaa ear. llM-W W aykla ur.. TUia lr&Nlportatloa CV trade. llari»or 1116 all« • p. m. ntr. 1Ml PLYJlOtrnc t door. W. W. l&r., mdio. Very fl.a.11. MN. LI ... 1'11. tocn Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * w1th this ad * I Cyla. ····---.US.88 8 Cyla. -----······----.SM.88 lncludea both labor and part.a. NnP rtnle. wrUt pllla. nlYe rrtJtd. nttln11 of main and rod beana,.a. lbrpert motor tune up. tO-day or t ,000 milt ru1rantee. (NO MONET DOWN) REBUILT ENGINES -UP to l& MONTHI TO PAY- Bullt Sn our own factory by lldlled rnacbtn.11t.1. Don't conten4 wltll U\1 middle mlltl. Bu<)' dlr.ct REBUILT and IN8TA.LLED • SHORT BLOCK FORD _ ..... __ .................. -... f12t.~ ~ claJma apln.tt the •Id deceued, to preeent lhlm with the neceaaary •ouchen, wtthla ~· monthl after lhl tlrat publication ot thla notice, to the laid l:Kecutor at the office of DA VI8 A PllNNn, 3UI Vl& Lido, ctty of N.wport Beach, County ot ~. 8tet1 trt Cali- fornia, whkb Mid ottlc1 the un· derslped lllect.e u a place ot bu.lln ... In all matt.era COMected wtlh .Sd elltate, °" to n11 tbem with the ~ 'IOUdlen. wtlh· ID atx monUM attft tM tint pub- llcaUOD of t.lm llOl.lc«. la t.l'9 ottic. lZ-Balldlllg Services Painting It Paperhanging We do the wor~ ourselves. 30 year• expenence Uceaeed Is tuured. 8atJ.daetlOD ruarutttd. ELLSWORTH CONTllA<..'TINQ Ladla, -by appotatmmt la Malla 8t. at B&lboa &nd., Balboa llattMJr 6111. HUo CllZVJ\Ol..171' .... ·-·-· .. --··· flt9.~ PLTil. A DODGE ..... _ JlM LI I 7aa ... your home. • ...,1, LI w... Jlonnerly m.-u.. al A.rroWbead CBllY8. A DIC SOTO ··-JlTO wrol>EBAKl:R ..... _ fl TO 12p2eH Spriap Botal. QUALITY TELEVISION SERVICE OLDS • PONTIAC • --auo BUICK -"-··--·--UT& -----------------Pl-call Barbor 479~ or Ba.r. Painting, Decorating To. &8ltmat.-lfrff. eau Jobnnle. LI 8-2087 A L1 8-6289 81Uc Paper H&dlf.al 16c2'7h mme<>N ------.. -··---· a1 T6 Lou Car rrff Towiq of the C1erk1ot the Bupenor Court ------------------- ~!r thi:. •:::_t~ ~= 1a and Adams Plumbing Dalee! a.pt4imlter IO, 11615. v .... 1.. Remodeling /1/ w1u,uv B. KUD • •-a-u -~tor NEW CONSTRUCTION No. 1M2 112 Cec1I P1&c1. ea.ta 11..., New .. PrW 10/T, 1(, 21, 21, 1966 Liberty 1-7627 ataTDIOA.TS or BUllNl:U fteU"'-FlnmN ... '11111 tnmlllUlONllD do bl .... by c.tlfJ tllat &My ..,.. condact- 1"1' a i..w ~ "-- and ma n-11t 11» Newpmt ........,.., Jlftwport CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOU &MALL a,,.o. Aader.-. 101& & ~ &Yd.. Bal• GEO. BURKHARDT Lll."IC'Naa> OONTR.ACI'Oft ITI W. llt.b 8t., ea.ta M• LDerty l-M2I PIONEER SHEET METAL 1lEA TING, ventilatlnc A ab11t met.al work of all typee. J.ndu.trtal. realdentlal, commerdal J'RU. J:STlMA Tl:S Ll 1·2217 lpZJ ---~--dllefb uu.. .... --.111.~" ~ MOO 13tlc • Rd. OU ......... Drt'"""'9 ... a.tilMa..• flt ... ,...._ I 1, ...... -· ... -? ................ to-wtt: llARBAlU JWAM QUA.ftAY, TU C.... lltnlt, OM.a X-, C&llfonla SIUJ\01" O'OOHJlfl:LL BOUJU- GAN, 20ll llliut 8a1bo& Boulnard, N~ 8-cb. oaaatonS&. Wli'KW _. lluda Ulla 10 da' et Octot.r, 1'66 Bal'bar& J IMl Quarry Sbaroo.(>'Coenell BOW'lraa IT A Tll or CA.l..D'ORlflA. COUNTY or ORANGE, .. 2tlf General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodelln1 J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor a39Q,. W 58ttc PARIQNG L01'S lt-PerlouM AJcoholk:a ADollymoUe Wrti. P. U. .. Ill N"'PCl't lllaca. C&ii1. EXCELLEN'r care of your child· au.: NEW CAA OUARANTEJ: ttD. (J'reedom Homu). JlO I W'Kk or u ptt .,.. Reterenc-. Near y New Llbertr a-am. 1tc21 A I SPECIAL BUY! Block muat meet our ataadarda Plua tuea, pMlt.e and aO Opela Sunday 10 a.m. to J p.m. , ~pDare Experienc·d gardener KATH ooM.-KtndeU'• PaUo DEKOM8T!U.TOR model. liken- PRIV A TE SALE ::7 :"'1r.!:.,.8pln~ :!: BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS LANDSCAPING 1121 1:. eout JliCb••1 and CLEAN UPS Corona deJ xar. tc11 a...-.....1 . Sunday 10-4 saoo on wa. Liberal trsde. Con· Liberty 8-1859 QU ALU'llID Motlter will manap your home Is c!IJld tor SHORT VACATION J*tod or WmJIK ENDS. re.ferenoee lllCbanpcl u 1-1377. 10cll FIREWOOD J'Rl:ll Da..naT Dry wood, '> 1 li)ptua Call Tom H~ H&rtlor --.r. ...--~lml t.erma at-()pea l>a117 I to T ...._ ._... 1n& .._.... Dr., Balboa llLU'l:R8 <ata.c• 190'7> NEW LOC "''TION Diam Welcome U 1"'21 N. &yCUl'IOl'I, a.ma Au A ""'-..._... laomeb Id tum.1ah no-Jambar1y 1-oen 310 Eaat 3rd St. "'4ml....-O • Orup Oounty'a 0rpn Bdqt.ra. &Uft'A Alf.A tnp. 1tWaf rm., din. rm. A -------------------- bednn., tncludiq ant1qu•. ILUOIOMD <>rpm. All modeda. a---._. ... a1d'l11 barpl.aa ID __ ,&_._. ________ _ uM .._. ~ mak-.- uu. !l:!=!!!I!!-... ,_ ,....... rooma. ,........ ID * PORT ORANGE * ------------------• J'W eN W mt. =t•~-~r--~TUX cbow bwll ... ' ..... Royal_Q.a_r)lsh ~mPS J::1F~;. -:-\ "..: '"::d":;::;:: 4~_:._ ~&MP~" •••• -~.a AM, .. lf.*la. DJ() W Cout too" aplo)'er retalMd lilmcJ NO fee collected from sppUcant 11&1 ~ IUO ladL Roll-~YEARS OLD • m...,. A Way bed JU-2 aquarium. JL\NDKAI>ll Copper lampe. band OOO_i> p1&11ns1 pl98Gclto ,..._ .N~ Beech LI 8-4420 flO • S12. MW crated Rbeem blown cr)'9ta.1-antYiftl Statll •··· "'·" up '191. ~ .... Trani ... ···-··· .. ·-·-U8N air CODCHUoner comlbln&Uon, CQll llOOIL DQUJalTI: tor prdo type mtnw pluo, & beauty, 'U·lT' Hauoa. tw. blda .... JTM onr 1400, HU J318, coll.on mat· li Una' plllJoa. poola, elf onlJ lltl. lluleat *--· 'M-40' J'1eetwood I JIR.. pate tr.. JI. Har. 4000 tor appt. p ' or ec· DANZ-8CIDODT, 6JO M. Kala. ·~ ftoadmut« t mt. -SffM u .. tor Indoor Ufhtlftl. Write Ian oo n..---2lc23 Box ITI Whittler, Callfomla tor ta Ana. 1 pl&DoL ""r-lMI Kodela aa Dllpla1 a1J "- We ban opllllnp tor top t,,,._..; ------------------appt. tp22 Friday n1fht&. _ PAN AKJCRICAN atenoe; -1l..a4 dealt clerk; XARQUll"M'm Arc Welder, (n-> IALll. Grud ptaaoe. Kuy won· ~XtftllldD aalumen. 3 hp Alr Compreuor, 220 Volt det1ul bar-'"'•. v ... _ tamou. Tra-•~T- •lnsle p h •• e; A.LSO 19!50 H I hit •-~ .. _ -·, Buick Super t d r eedan RAH 8pp eW 8 ma.kea. Prlc• from NIO up. BEACON PERSONNEL or TH18 10 day ot ~. A. D. ~. before me, the unde.r· .iped. • HotUT Publie ln and for the Mid County and atat.e, r .. ldln&' Uwreln, duly cornmt.- •loned and .worn, pel'90nally ap- peared Bar1lara J ea.n Quarry -d lharon O'Oonnell Hourl(an known to me to be the penon.e whOM nam .. '"' aubecrlbed to th• wtthtn ln11trwn.11t, and ack- now~ to me that they ue- cuted the am1. JN WITNl:SS WHER&OP', I have hereunto aet my balld and atnxed my official Mal t.be da1 ud year ln Ulla ~rtJncat.e tint above wrttten. CARPENTER Repair Work eo.. Tour Bame Need R.epalr1q PboM~tTM (ArencJ) WSW. Excell. condlllon!-Wlll PRlVA Tl: OW11er di.lpolinc 2 an· D~~: 6JO No. Ma.In. IP A ft TAN TR..U.LEft. eabua Newport Beech trade. See at PATCH'S 1Tth tlque mallopny cheat.a of draw-Sant& AAA. wtth bath-I Iara• cloMt.e etc. St. at Placentia. Ll I· T~. en. Coet MOO. Will ..U for -on larse lo\ -RANCHO Ult UWlat KZUl:H L TIPPETT My Comm1-on Explree July t , 1"9 No. lHt Newa-~ 10/lt. 21, M, 11/t , '56 czannoAn or au11HUS or lt.-node11DI' Call FranJr. Llblrty ~ A11 Worll Guaranteed Tttft COMPLETE PAINTING A Paper Hanging Service EUGENlll O. SA UNDlllRS 600 Uat Stnet, Newport Beach Barbor 2171 or Bar. .-... ttc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lnltall tbe above Cheaper ~ moft. Aleo Mil 'nle A Unoleum. Non-ualon. 2& Y•an experience. Compare and t1ee - BILL OOKl:R Har. t7tl5 or Lone Beach 7-6973. 19tlc 111• Newa·Preaa pubU.ehee more Cl&Mlned Ada than any other newape.per In the area. Thi• teaaenh.lp wu attained becauae N1W9-Pr-Cl&Nlfled Adil ~t r•ult.11 l&-Beaatz ...... ___ _ Superfluous Hair PtrmaMmU:T NIDOYld rrom race anu, Mp. i:ydrowa ucl balr llDe llbaped-Ho more l'tN99lna. a.LmN L 8ft T AH'i' ll. S. Udo'• laloe ot lllaaty ll&r. •1• .,,. P'lcttU.. ...,_ N... Painting, Paperhanging ·H SeboOI.. lutractlna THE UNOD.llONm> do here-''The Fineet Money Can Buy'' by c~rWy that lhty an cooduct· !:'!.a a~;:T~YH~ =: Sympson & Nollar Cotta M-. Callfomla. \Ulder the llU 38U\ SL. Newport Beach ftcUU<MM tlrm name of Marilyn'• Ph. Har. J40t or 1587-R. 15tfc J'ublon Apparel and that eaS4 ---------------------- firm 1.1 compoeed of the tollow1n• FOR RENT penlONI. whoee namea In full and pl~• of rMldenc• are u follow•. lkUI Bawa, Elee. Onlla, Poll1her1, ~wtt. all t:ni-ot Sande~. Wh"lber· Marll,yn rrtedr1cti. II Balboa nnn. etc. CoYU, Newport Beach, CalJtomla. BOYD'S HDWE. Andrew J . Friedncb, t3 Balboa JaO W. COAST HIGHWAY CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIJ'ICATIONS STUDY UI apar. tlin1 for c:ont.rac· tor'• ~•amlnatlon under a sen· eral contractor wllh 26 7et1.ra uperlence. Cluae• Tuea. and Fri. evu. T:30 p.m. Attend nnt aeuton free. Be(lll anytime Al Tvler School till ~o.-Sroadway. Santa Ana Ph. Klmbtrly 2-t2211 ar Kl 7·3511 tfc Oona. N -port Beach CalltomlL Ublrl7 1-IUll. Newport Bcb lllfc WJTNl:88 Our handa thla 10th da1 of October. 19M J Ones ~-:1r!: r'~~~ch Elec. Tool Repair Birkel-Richardson Skll Sa.we, OrlUa, S&nden -.lo.. STATIC or CALIFORNIA QUICK SERVlCS OROAN STuuJO. Lum to play COUNTY OP' OR.ANGE u . LEWCO ELECTRIC 00 the mlrhly WURLITZER. Or THIB JO day ot October, A. . EVELYN J ONES. Mrr .. 300 Holm· D. 19M, befor~ me, Kt'n W. tst No. Newport Blvd~ Npt Bch. wood Drtve. U 8·1082. 20c33 rowler, a Not.ary Public In and Liberty 1-8383. t4lfc -------------------- PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucenaed LI 1·3321 280 A'fOCado. Coeta M~M 88tlc fot' th• M.ld County and State, ruldln,. t.hettln. duly commla- •lon~ and awom. peT1onally ap- peared Mlrtlyn Friedrich and Andrew J. Frltdrtch. hu•band and wife. known to m• l.o be th& peraone whoee namu •tt tUb· ecrtbed to the within ln1trummt. and aaknowleds~ to me that they -.cuted the e&JM. IN' wtTNSB& WHJ:RllOI". I have h..reunto aet my hand end •f· Newa-Pre98 Cauified !-d• fixed ~ om ctal IHI the day HARBOR 1816 and year tn lhla C.rtltlcate fint above wntten. KSN W. FOWLD My Commt•oe ExplrM October 12, 1959. NOTA.RT PUBLIC In and for lhe Councy ot Oru11. lltatt ot Callfomla. No. 1M5 N...,_Pnm JO/H , 11. • 11/t, 'M lloet Real E.t:ate Claaifled Ada The N-•·Pr-publlahH ""' eral ttJDN u many n al •.tlate Clumitled Ada u a1J ot.btt local papen comblald. HARBOR 1811 Real E~tate School in Santa Ana MEN 6 WOM.ICN pr•pare In spare j time lor unlimited oppurtunltiu In Rea.I ICNte. New claue1 wlelcly. A.I Tyler lnllnact.tas. At- tend nret evenJn1t fret and leam atM>ut till• s reat field. Cal l or write now. lll~o!l?.~~a~~?.°L KI T-1311-ICJ a.u .... u l ·WI Uc China Painting °" &!WI C...&ftl a.... 0.,.... TU." .. .._..~ .......... WANT SAL&I GOU... permanent. 21tl TRAILS A&'e 20-3a. Apply Harbor 2'64. $190 ea .• 1 ... for bolh. R.E.MEMBl:ft.-Don't to~ -t.be R PARK -Palm l9c2J B&Atmll'UL tHUe all walnut PUSHKAN'S 2T56 Ill. Coaat Hwy. rreal Porter Heepe Orsan Con· Sprlnp. "O T6" - Orran. Perteet llhape _ 321 Corona del Mar. Har. 12t2. cert October 24--1 p.m. -Ma· OPJnll SUN DA TS. Phone Pa.rll- J::XP!:Rll:NC!:D rrocery S t • ad 7 employment. workins condltJon1. "-•-u 0r1 "'n... t a t"•• · lk21 eonlc Hall, comer IUh Ir Syca-vtew 1·2&11-Mn. W. T. Wetar cl«k. ...-... na ve. ....""'r y • ....... G 0 0 d 21c23 · more, Santa Ana. No admlulon. -ttOt Repetto Ave.. Monte-SS-Boat.. Snnnlt-A wondet1ul muaicaJ treat tor bello. llcll lMMACUL.ATJI) 7 cu. fl. COLO· ·-~ all loven Of the Or(&D. HERSHEY'• MARKET SPOT 200 M.artne. Balboa r.land 19c21 SPOT retr1rerator J90. -311 DA""" ICH~ 1an•-.a. ... """ .17 W-_. ..... to•-• Potn.eettla. Corona del Ma.r. -BOAT STORAGE r-:~~ ~~·· -~-. .,.., • ----· Har. 1769-R, evenlnp. 21c22 WAMTJCD RELIABLE woman to CAMP trailer. excell condition ALL si:za. reuonabl• rst ... Ap--A W ply at ya.rd office. SOUTH ____ a_io. ___ .. _w ____ _ ea.rt tor children. M.u.t be avail· 1200. Alao trtg1dalre drier. older able on ehol't aodee. Apply model n•w motor ST~. Liberty 6!508% Weat Ocean l'roftt, N-· 1-3804 -HO Mapolia. Coeta COAST COMPANY. Newport WANTED U-4T car tn (ood con- B1Yd., at Hrd St., Newport Bch. ditlon. Harbor 08T3. 21p 2U ------------------~---port Beach. 20e22 Mea. 20e21 L.ADJl:8: R.-4 our ad Wlder 12 x 11 WOOL Hooked rus It GLA88PAR Avalon 11 toot with &o-AatGe aad Tracb elauUlcaUon 2' _ Super Mar· pad SM. Crib It matt.reu 17.!50, wtll.dahteJd, eanvu top. 1 t de ket.-rr.tntnr AL Tn..l:lllchoola BUSSY f12 It Vanity Jt.-301~ curt&lna, cuahlona, ll&'bt• and 1811 N. Broadway, 8allta Ana. Heliotrope.. qe>rona del Mar. hardware. Johnaon 16 hp motor, GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS KI T-Jall. tttt 20c21 k ttery 1tarter. eteertnr con· --------------------trola. two pa t a 11 k 1, flYe GDU.a - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, hl(her •t.arUnc wq1 and frequent ~ rt•• you thla opportunlt1. Openlnp now tor - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We will tral.n you a.nd you'll re· celv1 many olher benetlta. -Apply - 5lt 1i No. M.atn Street, Rm. 2ll. Banta Ana. 9:00 to t :OO p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE EXPl:Ril:HCEO wattttu wani.d. Apply at INACK SHOP, J30CI E. Caut Hwy .. Corona del Mar. lilt WANT BABY SITI'ER who ca.n ahare my apt. One Child. Board Ir room. email eallJ')'. LI 1-tolO. 21c23 MAN for part time work In model d•partment of toy ator1. Kar· bor 2154. 2Jc23 MAID part time work. 8T AOE MOTl:L. IOM C.OUt HJpway- Newporl Beac.h. tlc23 YOUNG rnan tor llpt factory worlt. call Bu• , .. 7. ltcll MmN ens. drat\.; ~&at.I; fac- tory; otttce; ealla. WOMSN: OpmlJ\p fw ott'lce; factory; reatau.rant A domeallea. rum: ,. AM.AA Smpl. A.l'me1· t02 ~4tad It.. 1'.wport , .... ,.._ °" JlalJ). 11d2 NEWLY OVERHAULED WASTIC monUle old, Ulla new J1T50. KANG PUL V1!mA TOR '32.60-KI S-llM. 20c22 Har. 4801, 1Cnn1np. ltp2! OLD BULKY, Hll. ball l1" w1ttl marble '39.!50. booked rur 132. TRADE Mt ot I !only Victorian carved lllauut\d 70-ft. awr.. aeboaaer. chaJra, Cr)'9lal chandelier JllO, J:x~llent tor cbartn. Want m.arble table ltO, old orsan property or emallw boat.. 1220 1160. splnnlnr wheel $t7.60. w. Balboa Blvd .. N.wpol"t. Har. Antique d•k 125, old rare lvo a-032. lttfc C h I n e 1 1 acr11n 1110, aound . movie projector 1160 (or trsde) CLIPPER KEEL SLOOP 20' unuaual old d1ntnr eet wtlh Extra 1.&r,.e Cockpit china cabinet UTO, apt. rtfrl(. Excellent Condition HT.!50, old l'Ufl.I, antique chalra, Call owner Harbor 3129-R J1w1lry, old china. copper. brau. 11p21h r tuawar..etc. We buy Ir twap. --------------------- Brina' ltema ln. C H A R LIE DAVIS, 1806 I:. Anaheim, L.B. !Rmlock ~t. Movie Proieetors J"()Jl RJmft ... KM 11-KM t&-KM BOBBY &Dd MODEL AlRPl..ANll SUPPLID Mears Camera Shop 1112 Newport BIYd.. ea.ta Meta Phone Liberty ... TOtL Pr U { Washing Maehine SD VJ CZ TRADE LUC'R.A TIVll TA VERN BUil· 1Q:88, San Fernando Valley. tor aaUIDI' or cbarUr boat, H ' or OYtr. 18'.. Ventura llJYd. Tarsana. or call Dfcllena l·t1'9 12p25 H rr. INLAND -outboard 2 cockpit, 22~ hp. E\'tnrude. Controla, trailer. •ktl1. line&. tlbt'rp..d--MOO. Har. 117C>J. JOdl Slip & Rowboat Spaee for Rent A.mertcan Ll&1on 11&-l&t.b at. Meetinp 2nd -•th Wed. 8 p.m Pl\lt 48 DODGE 'it t. panel 't9 FORD '-' t . pickup '60 S'nJDEBAKER ~ t. pickup 'CM> FORD V-1 ~ t. pickup '62 CHEVROLET '~ t. p&nel '62 DODGE '>' t. pickup '62 INTERNATIONAL \t t. pickup '63 CMC ~ t. pickup ·~ CHEVROLET ~ t. pickup '6' CMC " t . pickup, hy4ra· mallc tran11. '62 CHEVROLET 1 t. pan•I '41 OMC l '-' t. JJ' etake '6S FORD J 'it t. 12' atake '6t FORD n-00, 2 IJ>Md, I :2~ tlrtll '6t DOOOll 2 t . t yard dump 2 epeed, I :23 tlru '60 GMC model '60, dump, 2 ap.d. 9:00 tJrea. We hue the lq..t lllection of uMd truc.ka In Onnrt County. See 1111 before buylll( any type or lhe ol UMd truck. W.W. WOODS OMC OICALZR 11&·11 I:. ttb 8t. Santa Ana Open lunday A. M. 1'nlck Headqua.run tor Oran,.e Co. lttl DESOTO • cir deluxe Mdan. Ortltnal palat. epotlJte, for Ute&.. Radio. 12!50 or beat ca.eh otter. Bar. 6090. 17ttc l ·y-.r puut.ee -JObl daDI Md -med.,...,.. .... ~ (,_,) M..,.,.,.-t ltl., O.ta Ma& & BP JOHNION outboanl mo-ltlO l!rTUDllBAKl:R Ch&mptOft-_..._ ll-clean. pod oondtU011 J4". -Liberty M60I or LlbertJ 8-6137. &tttc tor, 19 n. _ ... Uld ~ -· LI ... 2&11T. JlcU Ut..rly a.el'T&. lldl ------------------- Kl:MMOU AatoM&dc wubtt -It PQa t. nad tM wut eda. and t20 V a.di& drier 1100 lou n9d CM eUllr h1loft WA.NT tor......_..,_. HaO. }1'11dl .\Al; M will nad ,oan 37 l'OftD con..nible. .u.u.nt condluon. cu lie """ at lllell 9t&Uoft, IOOO Newport 81Yd - Kar. tlot. SlcD - Rentala Wanted We Med a,i. &lld IMlu-. • al ~. tor llot.b wtaC. -4 ,..,.. ~ run. or lllllWa. It 10" ..... a.,___,, ...... &.oda1 The Vogel Co. SIOl W. Cit. Hwy .. Newport 9alr.. ~ LlbertJ I-Ma IOI MaJ1De. a.tboa 1tAaad Pbone a...... ... 1117 IL Cout By., Ooroea Ciel 11&1 l"tlone Harbor 17 t J Lido <>Moe, NJI Via Lido Harbor t87l 1702 Newport Blvd., Coat.a M .. Liberty l-169T Uc M.A TURIC COUPLE do not drink _ or 1mokt wanla I bedroom HOUSE • rar. at 110 month maximum. Ll 8·7*. 20c22 CONVALIC8CENT LADY WANTS to rent Beach front cott..11. Reuonablt. CaU mom· Jnr• only H.ar. 4217. 20p23 DELUXE I bedrm. unfurn. duplex. Lust beamtd llv. rm. Knotty p{ne kltdlen. patio. cant.ft, laundry, p.rdener. auto. wuher, water t'U17'. Adulta only. Jnq ~r 8 p.m. 223 RochHter St~ Ca.tA Meea. 20p22 A TI'RACTIVI: n-2 bedroom front apt. OarbaC• dlap.. (U'. loftly yard. Cloee to •hoppln(, Ubrary, Soya club. -Bee t.o apprttlatt. tor fl& mo. 1571 PlutDtr. Har. lftO.J . 20c21 BEA UTlrtJL new 2 bedrm. du• plG.. Unit.a ..,.rated by rar· qe. TUe bath. knotty pint kit· cMI. Adult. JT&.-W Plumer It., Coat& M-. Ptl. LI 1-4Ne. lkll A T!'RACTJVll 1 and 2 bdrm. tum. UUllU• paid, 1 or t cblldlWl. i.undry n>Om. 8 L U I: TOP APT. MOTEL .OS Newport -..S. N'pt. a...dl, ju.\ ai.o.1 lb• Arch-. ~ 7"-fe Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful llvinc. Apt . .C.b&nu . Utlllti• J>tld. with Yacht aUp accomodaUona. Dally, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or ~ation, Call Har. 2992. 34Uc !8-AJ?ta. a Boaw _ ~A-Apta. for Bea& Charming Harbor Raven Apart.menta • Patioe Choice Winter P.entala on Balboa lal&nd It Udo lale 8malJ • OOll1' ur &arr• a d•lwr• 110 to laGO mODUI VOGEL CO. 208 M&rtne Ave.. B&IM lal&aJ Pb. Harbor •44 or Harbor 21r>l Ra. a..r: l78e-R or Har. IO~·M !'a:W 4 ROOM. street level. Near ..choola, t.hopplng' dl.ltr1ct. QuJet. plea1t.nt, exclUolve. Oaa bal• di.a· po.a.I, laundry, 1torage room.1. g&rl.£'e. J82.50 up. Occuple. en· tire •lr~. Cood 1upervlalon. Mttc Mgr. 1501 Haven Place l Block South ot liJ&'b School ALSO FURNJSHED API'S. CORO:-.IA DEL MAR oaiarmlng l bdrm. ho11H furn. Flrtplace 4' furnace UO mo. Cotta&'e Studio apL furn. Sa:!. LI 8·4917 20c22 WINTER IU TE& &ttc Lido Isle Bayfront YEARLY or winter. Waterfront. l Bedrm. tum. almost new At n ry cle&.n. Rta.eonable. A..Sulla no pet.I. Near Richards. 1'>11- Mlh Bl.. Newport. Har. 48e2.or One and two bdrm. apartment.. Furni•hed. Gara.cu Yearly or winter rentAJ. H ar. 6876. TOpu 9.0SH . 20p21 ----LIDO---,-S-1.-E--- BALBOA ISLAND-BACHl!lLOR and one It (wo bdrm. Beaull!UI 4 bedrm. -3 bath apt.a. She.rt term &nd yurty. home. North Bay front-Lovtly ALSO. Lido Homu and Bay Front patio -Pier and float. By Homu and apartment... month or unUl June l:>lh, LIDO REALTY A.saoclatea CORONA DEL M>.R- UNJ'URNlBHED I bedroom apt. •Uth of hlf hway-top locltlon. BLANCHE A o>.ns. Rltr. 3400 '\'la Udo, Harbor UH 89t!c Ill JilartM, Bal l•le. Har. 11171 or 1472. $90 YEARLY. one t>.drm. tum . apt. n ea r water. CIOH to Rtch&rrta. Har. lOM·J alttr 8 or 104 -29th Sl., after 9 20ttc J'URN. Be.dlek>r apt.-COrona dtl ----------- Mar-flO w .. k-Kar. 43~~22 LIDO ISLE YEARLY 11nrum 2 bdrm. 6 2 FUJUf, 1arsw al.DI'!• apt. Ocet.:i bath honie. Har. 1013. Ufc vi-. '60 mo. yrly. Nntal. utll. pd. Newport Hel1ht11. Liberty RENT AL Y .. ten att.er 2 p. m. 20c22 SPECIALISTS CORONA DEL MAR Call Edna ~'rat& 2 BR'•· untum1.aJ>e<1. o\ler too ttq. Blanche Gates, Rl t r. 111 Ma nne Ave. rt. 1ar.. lt.undry, excel. aondl· li&lboa laland, Har. 1971 'fllfc tlon Ir location. No yard work. -----------1.A&N $92.&0. Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT WINTER 1 BR, UNl'URN. APT. -Clo1e In. Dlap., Ule. gar., Iota o! 1tor· ar e 1pace. Excel. ror est party or couple. 170.00 per mo. VOGEL CO. 2M7 ID. COMt Ri&hWt.Y Corona del Mar Harbor 11U -Harbor H 77 I BR. rum.. Utll. pd. .... $50 mo 2 BR. rum .. UtU. pd. ·-· MO mo 1007 E. Balbo& Bl\ld. Balboa Har. U 71 l9pM I BDRM. DUPU::X. ~ and refrl&'. Cu. S70 mo. -1809\.a Placentia. Ll 8-8:180. 21c23 NJCW LARO JC APT. untum near beacl), bay It park. H wd. tlr1. 1arb. dlsp •. gara1e. 306·39th St Harbor 3e24J. ltc2J NEARLY NEW 2 bdrm. hoUM. Wl· rum. 1 child okay. '86 mo. - 315 E. 20th. Coat.a Men.- CLOSE JN, BALBOA. Furnlahed 1 bedrm. apt. yearly. H O mo Gu A watt"r paid. 408 E, Bal . U 1~9'9. 2tc23 boa Bl\·d. Har. 2070 181.! Ocean Front Home $22.500 VERY ATI'RAC'I'IVE year round home on Sea· ahon Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining &reL Formica kil<:hen, 1 bedroom and v~ bath down, 3 bedroom.a and 1 1,1:! baths up. Soliii con· 1trucUon. concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage, encla.ed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W .. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 CORONA DEL MAR South of Blvd., 2 bdrm. home on large lot. Has nice kitchen, aervice porch, · dining room, LJving room carpeted. Patio, fruit treea, fenced ya rd Very nice. See It. $22,500 Income. 2 bdrm. home a nd 1 bdrm. garage apart· ment. Clean property close lo shopping. $21,500 LISTINGS NEEDED. PLEASE CALL US. RAY REALTY CO. M-44. E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Ma r Har. 2288 (Acroaft from Bank in COM) BARGAIN ON BEACH HOUSE ~:! Blk. from Channel Beach, 1 bJJc. from ocean. Full price $10.500 -only S1500 down. THIS IS RED HOT ! ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Bl\'d.. Newport Beach. Har. 5226 Once In A Lifetime : A Fix·lt·Yourtelf 3 bedroom home !or only $8,000. Large living room with brick fireplace on a level Mlt.165 corner near the Santa Ana Country Club. U ,000 down. Very easy terms. Not a junk heap-- Really clean. Hurry -this one won't be available \'Cry long. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. ts03 32nd SL, Newport Beach. Harben· 58&8 • After 5 :00 Harbor 2293-J 1' Attention bachelors, gala. couple! rum apt. Newport Baach. l bed· room, ~ utmu-. nu.r _,, It bMcb tao ,..,.l,y. c..11 LI l ·ltol H Uc LU.BOA·Pl:NIN8ULA.. 14• IW1I 1 BR apt, w w carpet, turn. heat, \IWltlel • prace IJ\cl. By mo. or )Tly. Har. 1715 alter t p. m. 11Uc OELUXJll modern turn 1tudlo apt. UUUUea paLd '16 mo. Corona del Mar. Har. 0853-R. Ut!c BALBOA ISLAND tum. 3 bdrm. apt., 1ultable for • people. U OO mo. winter, 11&0 mo. yearly. Water paid. Harbor asao. JOcH 1 B. R. Jl'URN. apt.-~ per mo . on )'euty leue t.o couple. Call Harbor 1294. 20cl 2 NEARLY new. Newport Beach l bedrm. turn. apt. HdW. noors, tile kitchen It bath. Oar&,,•. Yearly tea mo. Adult.I only. Har. S&H·W. or Har. 2211·1\. 20c"22 CORONA DEL MAR ,yearly, turn· l•htd l bedroom apt. lnclude.e utlllU•. Har. 6409. 18tfc WINTER RENT AL 1 bdrm. furn. apt. Adult., (&r., 1ood location J66 mo. a .. t "-"lat value In NewPort. ll8·3&tb St., Harbor 0223-W. 2lt!c CORONA DEL MAR tum. 2 bed· room deluxe apt., includlnS car· petln1 It TV. Ocean view. Yrly. Har '362 or Har 6Ut 21c23 COUPLE8 or SINGLE peraona, Winter or yearly. One bed rm. apu .. StO • $47.60 -3008 Ocean front. Ntwport. 21p22 NICELY F URN. i bedrm. apt.- Adulta. «120 Polntettla, Corona del Mar. 21c23 A TTRACTJVELY J'URN .• cleen. 1 bdrm. upatalre apt. Bar kit· chm lncludtnr utll. J50 month. p ly. 317 Coronado. Har 1081W. t lc23 FURN. 4 room g~e apt. Extra clean. Electric nfri1. Panel ray h .. t. JI'>& mo. wtntu or Ha mo. yu rly. Utu. paJd. Har. 1'69-J . 301 E. Bay Ave., BalboL 21c23 FURN. APT., 3 rooma • bath, 2 block• from town. Adult a. No pell. -1879 Fullerton Avenue. LI 8·1368. 21c23 SM WINTER RENTAL, 2 bdnn. tum ., nt arly new. Knotty plne. 933 i,; W, Balboa Blvd. 2lp23 YEARLY RENTAL modem t um. 1 bdrm. apt. 204·'2nd St. J& mo. Auto. waatier It heattnf. Q\.liet. -~ •&.op.. ....,. utd ocean. LJ l·Tto1 for appotnt· ment alter ' p.m. or k t. and Sunday. 21c.23 l BDRM. FURN. APT. on bay rront, tor one lady, near 1hop- ping A bua. '60 mo. ulll. Ind. U 8-1202 daya. %1c23 488-Boaan for Rea& , ___ WE HAVE ,..,eras choice, 2 or 3 Bedroom home. tor rl'nt. Immediate poaeeu lon. Call UI tor appo1ntment to ahow. On• 2 bdrm. 110ned for bualnua E. lTlh St. w. A. TOBIAS, and A9aociatea, Realtor 400 I!:. 17th St .. Coata Mu a Llberty 8-1139 BA LBOA ISLAND turn. 2 Bedrm uUI. Included. Child OK 11 00 0 mo. to J une 10. Must lltt l appreclatt, Hsr. 2033·RK. 20c2 2 NEWLY DECORATED. unfurn one Bt drm. house, on large Jot .creened porch, large kitchen 14$ mo. Pref. eh1erly couple 887 Vlct.orla, C.,_ta 1-8476. NEWPORT ISLAND. BR. unfurn. home, location-$ 115 mo. leue. eau Harbor w .. a. L1 20p21 lpotleN titcellen 2 t y on year I J2$4. 20c2 2 WINTER RENTAL. Till July l Ocean front. 2 bedrm. f11rmahed houu. Forced 11Jr heal It 1ara1e. Water paid. S90.-Har. 37112-W. I 19p21 SMALL ~eat hou1c, completely furn. pnv. patio. 111u1table for couple ). lnq. 11166 Newport Blvd.. Coat.A M l'M or <'•II LI 8·3792. 19c21 YEARLY unfum 2 BR hOUS!' & p~ge Wa ter palli. SM mo. I ~3-38th St.. Newport bland Har. 2~3·R eves. 2tp23 I U DO JSLE Nli:W 3 bfdrm, 2 bath unfum, ltue to ptrman· ent tenant. 1200 mo Choice location. Mr. Snow, DUnlork 1·3211, even1n11 and wttkend11 SYivan 0·31191. l 8lfc COSTA MESA ntw 3 bdrm., 2 bath unrurn hou~t 5911, -190 on yrly. IH I<' GM! BtllCh St . o(( Jtth • Meiu . 20c22 3 BEDROOM. J ball\ 11nfuml1hed. Ulc• new. 1200. Harbor 05015 or LJber\y S· 71129. 2{)c.22 BRAND NEW Ul'FURN. 3 ~­ rm . 2 bath, dbl. car&&'• home 4 bloclu from cent,.r or Coeta M~a. Immedia te occupancy. - 1100 mo. LI 8·22M evu. ~rty 8-3787. 20c22 49-Kooms fur a.t ---U DY alone will rent room t.o I lady. Kitchen pr1'ril .. u .. 2 R.edlt.11dl Aft. U t-11?2 21dl ( .. UDO ISLE 4 8IU..ND HEW I bdrm., 2 ba~ rr.cJa "41f99c7 WWa All· eleo. k1tdMD ~ oeillQp. w_. ~ .. eary nttebee. am~.-,,.. KAYS A F.uaLTt ti eo, )'Oll'll loVe lhll I bdrm., I MlJa home on utra tarp lot ...av· ... etreMed tor J •tr)'. °"" JM ... Ft. ad tt'1 under poti(, J'OR LLUll 9J1Aclou Udo hom-t.utelUDJ • oompltt .. IY tumtahed. I bdnna., 2 bat.bl. Wlntar or yearl)' optJoD&L >.. MOD1:Jt.M Pft<>VIMCL\L. Tbe is.-., w.u~ ......... pen. Yd nap ~ Yoa'D io.. UIM ._. ud UM )lrioe la a1lllL I Mnu., S Nu... .,....... la MW.. rm. &D4 ,_, • NLU\ LIDO OD •w.t .u.el, ~ SM,000, Mowtar a. nual ot SIUO. 2 ulta. 1 bdrm. dow1a, 1 bdrm. up. C41Dpaetel7 and..-t,J~ CONfl:lt un ~ .utlllt pJ"lM. compare It tor ertc!e •u,900. CORONA DEL MAR Sborecliffa Jovel.lea 2 Bdrma. CODY. den, 2200 lq. ft. WonderfW out· door living. A diatinctlve home, Alkins $'9,800 BAY & BEACH RE>.L TY -Udo Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3MS -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Selected Listings BARGAIN IN BAYSHORES: Can you lmqine a charming 3 bedroom h\lme here for 118,~! Better hurry a little for UU. ~e. LIDO ISLE: Cha.rm-<:omfort-value-&ll wrap- ped up ln thia lovely home. 3 bedrooms and den. 2 batha and 2 tirepla<*. Owner let.vine area and will sacrifice. CLIFF HA VEN: We baw 2 atra-speclal buys that you must u k ua about ! CORONA DEL MAR: Architect'• own conU!llpor- ary modern home -beautiful bay view. Under reproduction co.ta at $39,500. Thi8 boUN ia truly custom built. CHANNEL WATER FRONT: For the boat owner we have a 1urpriae package. Let \18 lhow you! WILLARD L. KILLION, 3341 Newport Blyvd. Realtor Harbor Mo& Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom, 1 ~ bath, F. A. heat, H . W. floort, ah&ke root, Joli of tile. FISHER built. OPEN HOUSE Sat. A Bun., Oct. 22 Ii 23 38• Mira Loma North of Del Mar, juat oft Tu8t1n Ave. 4 Jot.a 80 x 150 fronting on a beautltul lalce, writh a Y1ew ot u.. .,. aay. W. E. FISHER g· Associates 302• E . Cout HYtY., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 • BA YSHORES • New Exclusive Ustin9s Two bedrooma, dining room, F A heat, GD, two lovely patios. Very neat home $18,250 TenD8 Three bedroom, 2 bat.ha ... corner lot ..• Ct.rpet1 and drapea included • HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eves. Liberty 8-5388 Open Houses 2 NEW, VIEW HOMES, NEWPORT HEIGHTS Saturday and Sunday 1 • 5 p. m. 223 Ocean View and 225 Oce&n View THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 OPEN HOUSE Friday -Saturday -Sunday 11 • 4 :30 203 Opal,. Balboa Island Channing pine paneled Cape Cod home, 3 bedrma., lovely patio, 12 ft. Wiu.rd boat with dolly, ts HP Johneon motor with on abore mooring included. DORIS BRAY, Realtor & ASSOCIATES 216 Marine, Balboa I.eland. Harbor 20 or &4 Do You Have to Move to a Dry Climate? Owner of ~ acre cattle ranch in Murietta wanta to \rade for a "beach houee. What have you ! Ranch ia bl fenced ft croes fenced. 20 ac. of permanent pu. ture, 12 acres alfalfa and balance ii now dry farm· lng. Plenty of well water ! Ranch will carry 100 bead of cattle. 2 house. (rood one.) on property. Tues: $175 per year. Aaklng prlce: $156,000. PS.. call \18 for further information. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lftle w. BaU>o. B!Td.. Harb« 15111 VIDNG BOl'l:L "1 ....... Jll".. Balboa Jlaftw ... HOTSPOT ROOMa • APA1n'KD'1'8 -A'rl'RACTIVE new buildl.nr, 7 •torw, e unct.r leue., =-:::°"-:-:._ eo.ta W.. an&. ShOWI ov.r 10~ on prtee of YaT UUO•AJIUI KATm $80,000. ~.ooo wUl bandW. lldl "1IUf --. .... ,...a.e-. • CORONA DEL MAR BeUoUope ....... o. D. 11. N&o. Brand new cute home of 3 ~-. 2 batba, lar,e ~or.~.:-.... ~:, Uvinc room opma \o aheltered patio. Wood p.utl • IOala ftn1ab Uytq room and din. room. Buy now and !! !•$.... . f'Oft t.aAD Lot ~t.ay eo bJ' IOO ft. 0.1 ..a.s. r--. ' ..... a..... •t.. eo.ta x... LI ...,._ IOUw 11 lt11•aOO ha" '°"" cboloe or oo1on. Priced at $28,TM 4 C'l1T!I t Bdnn., corner $17.~. wm trade for . larger home. OONFER WITH US on u.le of home, lot or lncomt property. We can render yon real aervice on li•· hip bi Newport, Costa Me.a and Bay d.Wtrkta. For free e1timates, CALL Lou Boynton with Oftece Buiidin9 ·For Rent NIJW ottlee w.tc. Oentrally local· ed. .,,_.. carpeted. WIDdow draplL llOO ... ft. lcle&l for tu. or r-1 .tat• ttrm. Ph. Jira at LI U4M. 1d0b EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor OOA.IT BlORWAY, n.wbulldlnc . 600 aq. tt. otttce. Bult.able ln· llUJ1UI~ attomey, etc. $90 mo. 1\U 88 FORD, LI MUl. )()l1 Cor. l tth • J>it.(leJIU&. C. K. JJ'OR ONT two bdrm. home - (ltol'W Is ~· tum.) includu ttore room • two ottlee !J>&Cel. SlOO month. 01\ wUl rat Hp&· rately 1 ottlc• at na an4 l at $60 month. A.r.o amall 1ton J l 00 mo. Call owner Liberty M22lt monim.1 or after 5 p.m. 9tfc Baymde Dr. and Cout Highway, Har. 3297 A Har. 2878 BALBOA ISLAND • Bedroom bay front with pier and boat. $45,000 Terma SUPERB location, excellent dealgn, almost new- 2 unita each with privat.e patios. Completely !uria. $28,000 LIDO ISLE 4 Bedrm., 3 bath.. Spacious living room la: den. Choice comer location. $39.9~ aMAU. BHOP, 2 Jot. atra M·l w. w. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD .me. 30th St. It VIU& Way. By month. or ....... Realtors NBC REALTY Hnd 6 Newport Blvd. Har. 14015 Wll llPllC1Al.JZm JN LOANS• nN~CJNQ OM BOUBJll"l'IUJL&I Autoe. l'\amSt-Un .. Salarl• One Day Service Lou.I ft'olll flO to SUOO or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1191 Barbor Bl't'd.. ea.ta Meea LI .. na1 -Optn Frlda.11 WJ ' CloMd 8&~ t.tc CASH ••• l'OR ~UST Dlll:DS WK. JI. BOLT XORTO.AOll BA.NXJNO SJNCll 1.tlO. teot M. BUBB UNTA J/Jf4 KJY1'CN.Y 1-7118 NO COMMISSION No Appralal J'ee SALES -REJ'JNANCJ: OONITRUCTION cau for Free Fut Com.mJtmentl oa Relllde.DCM &114 UnU.e OD17 Don I. Huddleston 173 E, 17th St. OOBTA M'l:SA U 1-6541 LI ~I WA.Na '!'U .StJILD, IKPRUVS BUT, XODD.NlZJD. 01\ R.J:FINA.NOS "• ..., awt 0-S. HJ:WPORT BALBOA BA VDf08 6 LOAN A880ClA TION ... V\a Udo. Pb. a-. uoo ti• LOANS for Homes .,. -IO yr. lAU9 Construction Loans aD BOB U '1"1'LER tall UST COAST BLVD. eon.a d&I Kar B&Tbor 1111 Rep. POIRIER MOR.TOAGll 00. M.etre Ute IM. l'\mG9 la. Mlla . 41tt• G'J-.... r.tate Wuted WANTED TO LltA!ll:, 10 unit.I or more apta .. cou.rtl t tc. W r1te Box T-411 Ulla New•· paper. 20tfc •••APT. COURT, II unit.I, almott n.ew In top Ce>11ta Mee& perman· enl rent.al areL OUered away below cost of reproduction a t S62.~00. $18,600 dawn. Eve. Into. call Aurder-Held• u I-MOii. GREENLEAF · S&:TI!:RTS Realty 3112 Newpor t Bl\ld., Newport Har. "62. 80-.& • Commerdal, lad...VW M·l , Placentia, 1815' x 4130', level, with eome b1aUd1~a, 6 Ira heart ol lndwtnal area. Price 127,600. Tenna. OREIJNL&AF-llEVERT8 RA&lty llU N.wport BlVd., N.wport Bar. 2602. !:Yea. LI l ·llle ft-Beel l'Mate CORON 4 DEL MAR cute 2 bdrm. PLUS ,,.t apt. a patio on comer Jot. Phone Harbor 2'60. 2le2.I BALBOA ISLAND 114 YJ'ft.ONT eompi~taly tunUehtd su.aoo. CLTDI: ~ Har. .0 or Bar.-· Ilda Marine and Parle, Balboa Island. Harbor 2462 GOLDEN RULE VALUES ATTENTION e AREA INDUSTRIALISTS Move your organl.zaUon home. Why gamble with your life driving the Freeway ~ Nearing completion five (5) well con1tructed concrete buildings. Ample paved parking area. All utilities. Each contain 4800 aquare·feet. For Sale or For Leue. -1 $I 000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. bome-2 yn t>ld. Living Rm. carpeted-Birch c.ablneta, patio. Large lot on quiet dead end 1treet. Mo. payvientl 1-. than rent. Full Price $10,500 , PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1s:s8 Newport BJvd.. Costa w .. (acrou from Coeta Meu Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. E ve.. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 CORONA DEL MAR Expan.aive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. 2 batha. Barsain $45,000. Submit down NEW 2 BR. and den, 2 baths. Low tenna. S24,500. Draperiee, atove Ii fully land.leaped. BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home. Protected patio. Prtced at $28,000 BAYSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm .. Liv. r oom 15x20 !irepl, fenced, covered patio. Reduced fOf' quick u.le -$18,500. • SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertJet Har. 1775 -Eve.. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Ha.rbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bay1ide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 t EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Best Buy on M·l Acre in Costa Mesa Bring your checkbook for caah purcb&M. No telephone information. ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 15228 WILL TRADE Thia 3 bdrm. le den 2 bath beaut. corner Cliff Haven home. P'or 2 or 3 bdrm. in Newport Hta., Cost.a Meaa, or Corona del Mar. to $16,000 Call LI 8-1421 Probably Your Last Chance to buy a 30 K 104 ft. level lot m Newport u cloee to th• beach u th1a one ll. If you hold tt for a year or two you can't mi• making youreelf a keg· full of ailver dollart. $2,600 -tenm. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. 603 • 32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor MM t I I \ -------- "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area familifl'I arf inspecting these exquisit e homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home In a re- lltricted quality community are moving Into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and ke for yourself the many out- standing features of this remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvfne Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. ST AN LEY, REialtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shoret and Cliff Haven BILL'S BEST BUYS YOUR CHOICE Two or three bedrooms for only $1000 down. Both of these lovely homes are on newly paved & curbed street.a and on sewer. See these before checking them off your list. Both priced under ·$10,000 CLOSE-IN-EAST-SIDE $1500 moves you in-nearly new 2 B. R. home. fenced yard and 2 car garage framed for apt. above. Full price only $8,900 -Bal $65 mo. FIVE ST AR VALUE Or shall we aay a symphony of star values'! 1. Top grade hardwood floor• 2. Large living room with fireplace 3. Bath and three quarter 4. Forced air heat -Thermostat controlled 5. Tutefully decorated. Beautifully landscaped and fenced Full Pri~ $14.500 $7,500 F.H.A. Joan at $82.00 mo. Inc. Taxes and Ins. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RBALTOR "you'lJ like our friendly service'' 400 E. 17th St., Cost.a Mesa Llberty 8-1139 Vogel Values -Costa Mesa $7400 FULL ·PRICE 6 yr. old, 2 bdrm. home in excellent East Costa Mesa location. Near schools and shopping. Low 5~2 r;.. financing. NEW 3 BR. HOME Large living room. red brk. fireplace with raised hearth, HW floora. 11:.: baths, all electric kitchen. Exterior redwood & stucco with all dichondra lawn. Only $2350 down IT'S A REAL VALUE 3 bedroom home east side of Costa Mesa. 15xl6 living room, spacious kitchen with breakfast area. tile bath, with stall shower. Redecorated recently. Nice lawn and landaca.ping. Lqw financing. $11.000 FULL PfHCE. l~ ACRES M·l-3 ACRES R·4-00'x90 Bldg. M·l THE VOGEL CO. 1702 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-5597 Eves: LI 8-7457, Har. 1380 Extra Luxurious Custom Quality 41 Ranch Homes Centrally localed for all activities in Greater New- port Harbor area. yet out of seasonal congestion that penalizes so many areas These homes have everything. even wnll safes. Three bdrm. S21,950 Four bdrm. S22.fl50 HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at lr\·inc A\'e .. 1 Bloek No. c•f t'ith St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLl'Sl\'E AGENT 15th & Irvine Llberty 8-2664 or Llberty 8-3123 19c2·1H 21/2 Acres C Zone Located C1n Ntwport Blvd., Costa Mesa Property is PARTIALLY improved and leased to aolid. worry f.r<'e tenants. lncome S6000 per year. Prtoed at $6t>.OOO -v.·ith ~30.000 cuh requlrtrl. bal. on attractive terms. A good sound safe in,·t stment 1rith apeculaUon possibilities. RUSS FORD, Rltr. HOO W. Cout Uiibway Liberty 8-6141 ei-~ Eat.ate 'rz -Real Esta«-01-RuJ !At.au --·-------·-· -__ ___.,_ ..... ·-·. -..... # ,_, __ -WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST l'&retully tele<.'I• rd valuH In u l'h of our dl1tlnct- ly dllfertnl HARPOR AR!:AS. CLIFF HA VEN I THERE'S A MILLION DOLLARS wo1 UI of llvtnc In lhl• roomy I bdrm & aun rm. homl!, flrepl., l'lt\$1"\s 1rnh11 e 10 tru1t t~u· 0 11ly $6()(\!l Jn. -P' P $17,llOO BALBOA !'>2' FRONTAGE on Ot·tan Blvd' 1 3 bdrm I•, baths. pallo bl& f"nour h for badminton o .. :ner moving Inland wanta offers COSTA MESA !I ACRES for 11u1><11vi•1on. !!:Xcel. l•>ea lion •~OOO down. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 260• Newport Blvd.. N'pt Bta<'h Euy Parkin( Harbor 4010 5 Income Units :\'£AR NEWPORT PIER. 1, blk to ocean, t blk. to Bay. E1tcel· lent rent.al area with terrltlc potential Income. Thia clean property al.lo Include• adjoining' va<'&nt lot al the low price ot 120,:500 and only 17000 down. See thl11 today. TWO BEDRM. HOME and 1 BR. rental. Clo1te to bear-It and bay In very quiet nelJhborhood.- $ 11,:500 u cellent term•. FIRST TIME OFFERED 6 BEDROOMS, PIER A FLOAT Only once in a blue moon will you have the oppor- tunity to buy a waterfront home with all· the advantages this completely modemiud home otters. Living rm. 15 x 32 with fireplace, 2 baths, tile kit- chen, patio. diving board, hke new pier and n oat will handle 50 ft. boat. Priced to sell fast at only $29,500 Firm. OPEN DAILY TILL SOLD 48i ESTHER ST .. off Irvine Ave. Owner transferred back east offers tbia cu.atom built by Lloyd C. Howard, 3 B. R. &: den home. Large living rm .. with fireplace, 2 beautiful bathe with heat lampe & tile etall showers. "Out of thia world," bar kitchtn equipped with diapoaal, dish- waaber and brick BBQ. All rooms completely car- peted end draped. Gorgeous patio • and badminton court. Priced right at S29.500. Make offer. Two Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly income (could increue ·by takin'g aummer rentals). Will consider nice home up to $20,000 in exchange. Full price $55,000 JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coast Hwy.. Llberty 8-7773 "At the Arches" 19:1:5 DODO!: Royal IAncer, power -----------------------brake.ti. power atMrtns. R 8t H . WW llret. Tinted gla11. Every extra poaalble. Plu1 cuh tor equity In home. Income prop- erty, vacant Jot or lrwit deed. SEE AT 106 Mr Fadden Plal'•,- Phone Har. HO, evenlng1 Har 6208-W. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 1~ McFadden Place Har. HO Eve. Har. 2629-M Har. 0268·W In Corona def Mar U>Vl!:LY 2 bdrm houae and l bdrm. a partmtnt in vu y gnod loca tion clo11e to ahupp1ng cen· trr Doublt garagf". WE HA VE CHOICE INCOME l'NlTS RETUR!'IIJ'\C 11 "j, and 12"r ON THE INVESTMENT. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Reali.Ora. MulUple U.unc Bu.lneaa Broku 313~ E. Co&1t Hlchway Corona del Mar H arbor 2U>2 , lmmediate Poseesaion $495. Moves You lnto a .. 4-BR., 2-BATH HOME F. P. SI0.500 2029 HARBOR BLVD., C M. LI 8·•701 Eve.i Har. 306-l·M tor Ll 8·4711 PALM SPRINGS A llOJ\fE YOL"VE OREAJlfEO O F Ii CHAR~tl:o\G 1onm". heautHully f11rn111hN1 POOi. TV, enl'loee<I garage. mal!'Tllf1r ent view. M1111l be 8ffn ICI be appreclaled. BEST BUY of· lhe .seL'IOn, $2~.000. 1620 !'\o Rl\'t'rs lde Dr .. Palm Spr Ph. 24:14. Mr. STI.:TE 21c23 ------ WILLING A:>;D ABLE BUYERS lor income proptrlio. a ll prlct-1 up to U O./)()(). Give ua the de· 1111111 M•I w11tch 'em go• ORA:>;GF; C'OAST I 'ROPF:RTlF.S 11\~i ~ewport, Costa Mti<ll LI 8· 1632 Evt'. LI 8-6803 CORONA DEL ~tAR -lA l hP furn g11r llJ"l p11y l~c mnrlgRs;e I !'In 1h111 3 h•ll'm 2 h11 th homt Msn~· 'hu1lt-1n~" & lnt11 ot 11lor· "!:" "I'""" F'ln• r rnverln~I!. drapPA ~ llrJ'llH\nrr• 1nrludt ol I n pt h 1• uf 1-'];1 (100 H..irbor 2506·M. ttc2; Business Corner l:o\ ( t::o\Tr:.: l'I)~, ..• u·;SA ,, 11l1t ... , I" I•'" ~:""" ll'l l!lS l •A.N 1\ J,H:o1:sc:x P."11111•r H11 rt><1r '\O!ll t·:,·r11 I.I 1C-r1RC~ llAf~1;A1::-: ln1 72 1. lw 1111 rt 1r Santi\ A n" "'"· • ,.s~f\IA1v,. riost· o!e1111 .. 1 dtstt rn n.r~l1 1e•t1•,I i.;1 2·'.<W •, :!l 11 !\'or1h F'lnwt'r 20<'2'.l r HOIC'E ro~~F;R ;\\.P.£ I;., Mnn11t t • • "v 1on 22111! 11nd !'lanlll I.ran Au• ~1211nu Hnrho1 M38-.I 2nr.:2 Some~ody Wants , lhat USf'd 1urn1111rr 1>r1c--.·'tlr•(' 1 etc., nuw taklnii up tipace Ln you1 ~ar1gf Ftnd a buytr with an ad In New1· Prua Cla.u1f1td. Jult phone Har· bor 1616 A 1111y: "J \\Dnt to pla c, a Ctu11l!led Ad." and a courteoua ad·l&Xt'r v.•ll~ hPlp you '"1t• an 4'ffectlve a d. 1 BALBOA iSLAND SOUNDS LIKE WlSlSUL THINKING BUT ITS TRUE! Lovely lge. bv. rm. with fr. pl., 4-bedrma. 2 bathrms. sunny patio, comp'l furn. Yr.·round home near village. $24,950. DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when invested right: Thia 2-unit prop. shows terrific potential. 2-bdrms., one unit, 3-bedrms. in other. Comp'l f urn. Attrac- tive exterior. Near Bay, Xtra guest room -we could go on but COME IN AND LET US SHOW IT TO YOU ! $~3.500 with xlnt terma. CORONA DEL MAR HEY! MR. FIXER UPPER! Here's your chance to make some dough! Older but good 1-bdrm. home with vented furnace heat and plenty of room for lovely view apt. on back of lot. So. of hi-way! All this for $10.500. WE HAVE THE KEY. $19,850! Yep that's the full price for thia lovely 3-bdrm., 2 bath home. Restful patio. Comp'! re- decorated and remodeled. Xln't location. SEE IT TODAY you'll 1M .... i..•you did. (M. L. 9271) Open House, Sun. Oct. 23 2 unit.a, fireplace: dble. garage 309 Amethyst NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. °'502 -4623 • OPEN Costa DAILY Mesa 1 :30 to 2177 Rural Lane 4:30 A STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perky, 3 bedroom home. close to school•. storee and transportaion Has $8500 G I loan payable $66 per month including taxes. insurance and interest. Full price S12.900 and owner will carry aecond for responsible parties. JEAN SMITH ... RUTH DAVIS DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718 Vogel Values Costa Mesa Three bedroom home on extra large lot. Fireplace. thcnno heat. hardwood floors. dii-p .. tile shower. patio, 2 fenced yards. 41:.:r• F'HA Loan, $64.20 per month. Priced at only $12.750 Corona Highlands View Vacant Lot at $R.000 is now the best buy in the area. Includrft building plans -call now for particulars. Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Hy, C11rona dfl Ma r. Har. 1741 Har. 14i7 Channel Front Duplex. only 3 yrara olrl. close to r i\'ic center. Sl0.000 down. lowest prire one R\'ailable. Ocean Front Balboa Apartment houAe plus 4 rC'ntnls and extra corner lot. Alao units close to Balboa pier. NBC REAL TY CO. 32nd and Newport Bl"d. Harbor 5536 Newport Beach Harbor 140~ Houston Values · Back Bay aso LA CANAD A WAY UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW over &ex Bay trom hure Uvtrlc rm. ot thla 3 bdrm ., 2 ba. Ultta mod· em new horn•. Owner anx1011•. Wiii take lot u part. lNpecllon lnvlted. Sal. A Sun. 11·&. View Lot $5000. Overlooking Back Ba, area. M-1 Lot $7500. !':R. PLACENTIA on 20th w1lh old 2 bdrm. boUff. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 . PAGE l FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 . 1955 v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS MORNING CANYON OutatancUng view of ocean. canyon, ttnd hU.la, 2 bdrm. and den home, 2 baths. carpeta and drapes included. Only $37,500. $12.00 down wUI handle. 2. SHORECLIFFS EVENING CANYON ROAD View oC ocean and Catalina, cuetom built 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Enclosed patio, separate dining room. Thia home is deluxe i,n every detail. Only $41,500. EXCLLJSI~E with us. Shown by appointment. Newport Hts. $7400 3. FIRST TIME OFFERED GOOD, older 2 bdrm .. double car· ace. on a 80x10& lot. nne nt'lgh· borhood. S ubm!t on Ulla b&rgaln! Newport Beach NEAT, comfortable 2 bdrm .. dble. &a.race. All tumlshetl. only 2 blocka from ocean and Bay. 1'"'ull pr1ce only Sl0.:500. UMO down and S70. per mo. on balanre. M-1 Acre Choice HIGH AND LEVEL. &al M·l cit.st. 86x47&, only U2.&00 You won't buy al theee prices nelll year! Pri. Sp'tfishing Lake :5 ACRE Incl. 2 11 ane deer. fruh water la.kt. Stockl'd lCl,00-0 Bau, crappie, cal. etc.. now ready for fishing. AIJIO full of duclu. 280 tt. well, 8 In. cMlnR 6 t'lect. pump. Close t~ B11y area, on pave<! road. A good deal wtth terms. Call \L1 lo eee Houston Realty Co. A ASSOC IA TES MD Center St • Costa Mu a LI 8-6911 or Ll 8-7•8• J:ve Info Lytle LI 8-2~42 4t Seymour Har. &298·\V CLIFF HAVEN OUTST ANDi r-;G • br.. 3 bath home, 2 ll\'lng rooms. carpett"d Ideal family home $37.&0Q. CORONA lilGHLANDS ' BR .. 3 BATH. rumpWI rm .. 2 flrepla cu . room for po<>t. ter- rific view, on 2 lolll S.0,000 2 BR.. 2 BA TH, lge. view living room. room for pool, wide Jot $27,:500. COSTA MESA SlOOO DOWN -ranchy 2 br., HW 01'11., nreplact', BBQ Sl 1,7:50. Claire Van Horn REALTOR %731 W. Coe.et Hwy. Ll l-'277 REAL VALUES Nl:W e ROOM BTUCCO 3 bedroom• .t: large den, L&r~e living room, entry hall. Hdwtl. floor•. Bath-" ~.double 1aragt' alta.ched Only $3000 Down WE ALSO HAVE Keveral tine building lot.a on eaat 11lde and good nelghhorh<>OO B. A. NERESON REALTOR J982 Newport BIV<I. Costa Mtl\a LI 8·1672 Evea. LI 8·4120 LIDO BARGAIN 3 BEDRMS .. 2 batha with carpeb and drapu. H ' lot $31 :100 Owner wiU carry paper - Harbor •111. 2lt!c At 19th & Placentia m Costa Mesa THERE IS A WO~DERFrt. plert! of busintas proprrty (n~ 11ale with excellent Lerma. Lon& term leuu pending. totaling epprox. $220 a month. M • 1 prop- erty; plWI wm" CSJ!li WLll be con· .8111errl1 In a l rll•lr. r"ll nwnrr Ll 8-6223 momlni;s nr a flf"r ~1 rm. lllfc WF, HAVE qu111trlt'<I huyer11 '2) for 2 or 3 hl'rlroom local hom,.~ tor U ()OI) rlnwn a nt1 111r1te month· Jy pll}'mtnll' ORA:-IGE COA ST PROPERTIES 1(107 Nt'>.-[l()rf. Cflslll llf<'llll t.I 8-Jfi:l2 f:,·e LI 8·680:1 j 10 Acre Grove \IN Tl ·sTJ:"o\ A \'F:. nur Urangr, Suhmll low down nr trn'1t fnr thl-. 11rr11 DAN A J1\CQRSF::"'. R1>111tor H11r ~6tll EVfi<, LI 8·6317. 32 F T LIVING RM J';11me 11 n\• rPftl!Qnahl,. <10"' n p11ymrnt · Olttrr wr ll built F;l\rly C'11ltrnrnl11 styl,. 3 b,...,. t nnrn 2 bii lh11 Hoge gl\tllJ:'!' ~un 1lrf"k AllklnJt $2~• n()I) 1mmt!dlate o<cupan~y FORU VERnJ:\'.DER. Harbor 4263. evu :14'7 17tfr This attractive 2 bdrm. home plus guest room yith private bath. pavro and enclosed patio, fumiahed complete. Only 1:: block t o <>c<'an front. Choice etreet. Our EXCLUSIVE. Only $22.500. Betteor hurry ! 4. FIRST TIME OFFERED Two bdrm. home plus large rumpus room. Nice patio, ffnced yard, hardwood floors. fumace h<'at. No garage. Zoned for ~ units. Only $10,750 full pric<', and $2500 down will handle. F.XCLU~l\'Jo: with us. Shown by 11ppoint menl. Thia should srll quickly. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realt or 3447 E. Coaat Hwy.. CtJrona del M11.r. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) BALBOA PENINSULA Farewell Sale! Owner forced to move inland -Must sell 3 bedroom 2 bath Cape Cod home on large corner lot Hea,·y . beamed ceilings. many built-in features. loans or closets, spacious pat11l with n1ce cabana. double garage with sundeck -ocean \'ifw. $32.500 -Terms flexible, BEST BACK BAY AREA RESTRlCTED HOMESlTE -surrounded by ~au­ tiful homes. Large enough for home and pool. Full Prke S6.950 -T~rms BALBOA PENINSULA -EXCLUSIVE First time listed -3 bedroom 2 bath nicely fur· nished home. G. I. loan, monthly payments including taxes $80 Full Price S18,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor. 1264 Vogel Values -Lido Office LIDO ISLE First time offered for sale. 2 comfortable bedrooma and large den, dining room, attractive living room with raised fireplace. 1 ·1, bathe, a pleuant and at- tractive kitchen with loads of cupboards, crane fixtures throughout and what wardrobe space! ImmacuJate in every respect. Drapes included for fuJI price of ~27 .500 For Rent Furnished! BA YSBORES -2 br. -I hath. Very attractive, nearly new furnishin~a. $125 per mo. to June 15th, $150 per mo. yearly lcaBe. No pets. THE VOGEL CO. 3416 Via Lido -Newport Beach Har. 4971 Eves: Har. 2998-R & 2191 -M LI 8-5297 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air HeRt • Maasive Stont1 Fireplaces · Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and m Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sized Lots suitable f or pool and patio! Drive out First Stre<'t in Santa Ana Thru T ustin and Turn North at Red Hilt AvC'. George M. Holstei n & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf DOUBLE TROUBLE One of our clients ha11 1t. Has 2 properties and would like to try for I. Offers a Dt:PLEX, both sides rented mo. to mo .. hdwd. firs. fireplaces. dbl. ,::ur , Xlnt loc11tJon JUst RlC'pR to shops, Bank. etc. With mn«t 2 B. R. hon~<'R selling for as much. it '• a STF;AL for RUrc at $16,000. tcrm11 • ran Ix-Arranged. Sl M.000 \'IE\\' of HnrMr & O<'e81'1 Frt" ll1l <tn Cliff Onve fur SDt60 ~ D<•n't call. just bring a rher k to cu h ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES I 18117 :-;ew·port, Coit.a Mt111 LI 11-1632 Eve. Ll 11·8803 R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona d~I Mu Har. ~7' .. I ' •i I I J r;~ it afA"lT I ti -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 , 1955 r a-.... raw. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND CORNER BAY FRONT: Charm. 2 B.R. furn. home- patic:>-ground 1mace on front of lot for addi- tional unit. SEE THIS. Only $31,500 'B. R. FURN. HOME. A beauty! Built for gracioua year round living. Unusually attr. patio. Open Jor inspection. Friday. Saturday & Sunday. Let ua ahow you ANYTIME. 324 Sapphire. $31,500 Xlnt. te'rrns. Bay mooring included. $13,900 ! ! ! Here'a a honey : Charming 1 B. R. home. Dbl. garage. HURRY FOR THIS ! INCOME. Attractive home and apt. No. No. Bay and VlUage center. Both units furnished. Thia ii a buy. $19.000. $6000 down. SO. BAY FRONT. 1.: Int. Pier & Float. Lovely 4 B. R. home. $45,000. Top location. Call ua to eee thla. We have the key. CLIFF HAVEN OWNER MUST SELL! Let ua show you this beautiful apacloua VIEW home. THEN -MAKE OFFER! CORONA DEL MAR SO. OF HWY. UnuJmally charming 2 B. R home on comer lot, artistically landscaped and fenced. ONLY $16,550. AND WORTH IT. TOO! ! ! SHORECLIFFS OUTSTANDING V1EW 4 B. R. 21 :: Bath home. Top location. Thia will s uit the most <liscriminating. Show by appointment. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE .- * * * CLAUSTROPHOBIA CONSCIOUS? Let ua ahow you this most attractive 1 ':: yr. old 3 B. R., 2 bath home located on -professionally land8caped corner lot in one of the nicest areas with view of Back Bay hilla & surrounding country- side. W /W carpeting, HW floors, large wardrobes A sliding glua doors to a completely fenced back· yard deeigned for outjloor living. Full price -only $18.500 with FHA 4 'h % loan @ $84 month. * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hiway Llbertv 8-3481 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l'or the diecriminating buyer we have a beautiful home with permanent bay view. 2 bedrooms and panelled den, Large living room and dining room, convenient kitchen, fully equipped. Fineat'residen· ti&l area.1 $29,:500 buya a five bedroom bayfropt home. Small down and owner will carry. Ideal summer h ome for large family. Duplex. Two bedroom• each. Ocean view from up- par. Nice residential area. $22,500. Near Catholic church. $10,950. $2000 down. Nice three bedroom house with two baths. Family needs Iarser home. Consider trade for four bedroom house in ea.ta Men. I acrea neu mental hospital and school. Zoned R-4. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club. East Qf Santa Ana A venue. off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes No Down Payment Non· Vets -Vets Salesman on tract every afternoon and eve. SANTA AN~OaJ_GAGE CO. 200 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana. Calif. Phooea Klmberly 7-4168 Llbeny 8-2657 (Evenings Liberty 8-4 786} 12c25 S6l Monthly payments only $61 after few years. New bomea Sl0.750. Three bedrooms. 2 batha. $896 Down Uberty 8-2657 Inquire 252 E. Palmer 18tfc frl llHI Estat. o:!-Ri-al P',tdllf.-6%-Rnl /:8&11t.-C-RNI F.atat" o't-Rol E~tate -.. ---, _____ ........ _____. -----·----• ----.............. ,. ••*.-..•• ·--·-·---·~~----------- p. a . p a I m e r i n c o r po l\a t e d developers of Udo Isle North Bayf ront In A Tradin' Mood? On over 80 feet of the very be9t Udo Bayfront. Striking modern designed by Eller broek, AIA. The aetting, view, beach. pier, planting and home are the very fiDeat po88ibl.e. 3 bedrma. and maid'a, 31~ batha. This home is like a precioua jewel and Art you tired of that c1'*9Cl-ln feeling! Get rid of it on thfa beautiful 181 a.ere Bouquet Canyon r&Deh. Modern adobe home, 3--car prap. J bunk rooma, 3 atall barn and taclr room, • nmning epringa pro- vide an abundance of waur. Price $50,000 -~ down or will trade, prefen B&yf ront. Call Dave Oaburn for det&DI. BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Modem apt.; older front home. Show your ability at "do-lt-younelt. Reduced for quick ale -$19,9:so. 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE, floor furnace and fire- plaoe. Small lot. Reduced for quick ule. $15.500. eo rr. BAY FRONTAGE. On Uttle laland, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value I.I cloee to the uking price. 11hould be seen. It's exclusive with ua and we have the key. Charm [ (' BEACON BAY, Bay front. Often dre&ln~ about, V ~-._en. Exqw.ite 3 bdrm.. 3 bath home. .,, Thena~tcben. PartJy cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. I ,, apt. done in the aame good l ute. FurniahNI - 4 bed.rm. 2 bath built-in range It oven, walled patio. a Bedroom, 2 bat.ha Thia hou.e hu IT, and u a Bonua -an unaur- puaed Ocean and Bay View. If thla lan'l eno\lgh, check the followlnc feature•: • ( \ few exception&. Shown Friday artemoona only $59.~ Uaed brick fireplace. Excellent buy at $30,750. 3 bedml., 3 bath. lar1;e patio. Lido's widest •~t. Hardwood floors, weatherstripped. COMP ARE at only $34,500 furnished. -Lovely landac&pe, planned for euy care. -2 patioe plu. enough room for pool. -Wall-to-wall carpeting in all nna. including batha. Full price -.. ··--·~··-·-···-··········--···-·-··--·· ...... $24,500 You ju-t have to see it to believe it. Call me and I'll abow tt to you. Bill Parmworth Income? 6 unit.a on exclusive North Bay, 80 rt. front. Lovely 'beach 6 view, furnished & rented. $105,000 terma. Ready. Willing and Able? Then aee thil 2 bedroom A den home. It'a load.td with top-notch featW"eS, open beam Cathedral ceil- ing, b&nd-aplit lhake roof, 2 u.ed brick tirepl&ce9, 2 Iota with over 100 ft. frontage, zoned for 6 unita, enough room for pool. Bayview. $~.()00. ocean view and beautifully landacaped. OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 p. m. 2•8 Evening Canyon Road, Shoreclltta 70 by 90 foot comer, best pouible location $23,000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8a73 XLNT BUYS • BEAUTIFUL Bay Shorea F.XCELLENT opporlunity to buy a 3 bdrm. with tlreplare, tor only $18.500. 15000 down. Bellu call now. • ACACIA. Corona del Mar 2 BEDRM with fln~place on nice cotner. near the blurt. Price Juel cut. Owner wanllJ ACTION e HONEYMOON Cottage 700 BLOCK. POINSETTIA. ~ ft lot EJttra nlc' Mn completely rumlshed. $19.600. Tenn1, Distinctive, Balboa Island Bayfront .( bedroom hotne, 2 full batha. Hu luge private pier &nd floac Be8t view and year round living location. $15,000 down wiU handle. It'• time to buy. Finest Unobstructed View in the Area $10,000 under replacement coet and only 3 year. old. 3 bed.rooma, 3 bath.a. Larr• livinl room overlooking all of Ne~rt Harbor. Thia magnifi· cent home can be purchued for unuaually low down payment and exullent tenu. You must lee thia home to appreciate iL Full price $45,000 Delightful Cape Cod Style Peninsula Bay Front! BEA\J'rtFUL AND SPACIOUS ON EAST BALBOA PENIN- SULA. t yea.re old. Upper nicely tumJAhed. 2 bedrooma plwi In upper, 2 bedrooma down. Laun- dry and utWly rooma, I CM saz'8C•· Prtvate tie.ch and pier n(bta. toa.ooo. term•. Peninsula Home! CUTl:ST 2% bedroom and 2 bat.h home on the P.UUula.. 2 etory w1tb Ocee.n Yi-. 2 car p.ra&'e and eundeclt. Compl•tely redeco- rated out•lde and ln. See It before you buy ••• 117,000. 14000 dn. lido Isle Home! LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot. 5 bdrm. 3~ bath houae plua unusual 2 8. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unita newly fumUihed in Mod· eme. Ideal for ho01e and income or guests. Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22'S Marine Ave., Balboa Island Is It Smart To Wait? Are you postponing buying a HOME waiting nnJ hoping that real estate prices will s often ? SomP have waited for a long lime. Too Ion~. Meanwlull'.' life ia paaaing by. It's later than you think. Why nol get SOMETHING out of life whilt' you ran POJOY 1l ' Plenty of fine opportunities for home buyers exist today on LIDO ISLE. FOR EXAMPLE On UDO 1.$LE a 3 bedroom. 2 bath hom<' of c·hat·m . character and value. Everything you a rc lcioking for in a home together with large sun dC<'k. Thia home haa features too numerous to mention in an ad. This you MUST SEE. Price -S31 ,i 50. - Nice terms. CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3'00 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrose From Richard's Markel Entrance) W. G. (Bill) Kempton • Joseph H. Grohman • e HAZEL DRIVE, CDM P~ORAMIC \'lE\\' ot bluff &rid ocean. Out11la.nd1ng 3 Mdrm .. fl~plan, Iota of paneling Phone t or •PP'l. .NOW. ONE STOkY HOME Choice Balboa Island location near the bay. 2 bedrooD\11 and separate gue.t room; large livin1 room with beam ceiling. Nice p&tio, barbecue. Shake exterior. Nicely turn.iahed. Let ua ahow you s BmDROOMS. i bath.I. tll tt. lot Virginia Manson • Gene Vreeland • •OCEAN VIEW ON IRIS. 2 story modern. Almoat new. AJ1kln1 $31.000. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vrtk REALTORS R Rayle·C. Tru l1·C Ru11a. Auoc 312 Marine Ave. -Balboa lalend LOTS _, WATERFRONT LOT, beautiful view. Walk to Poat OU11·e &11d Lido Shopping C•ntn C'umplete w ith bulkhead. $ 16,500. temu. BALBOA PENil\SllLA. vtry de· 11rable building 11te Flrnt price $10.500. NEWPORT HEIGHTS, nlre nelch· borhood. Walk to Marl11r1''.t1 Mllr shopping <li8trict. 50xJ 271, - 15250. Termt. ta~ trust <I~~ or rqully. OCEAN FRONT. nt'l\r Newport Pier. 2 lot~ on cm nrr !'lllx I 25 $17.000 or wm build to ault ltnant. Homer E. Shafer REAL.TOR 1ne Mt F11nlltn Pl11r1> H11r 1411 Eve. Hu. 2529-M • Hu ~1268-W I Balboa 1 • l 2 3 thla attractlft, livable bome. Full prict, S25,000 The Vogel Co. 208 Marine A venue, Balboa Ial&nd Next door to the Poat Office Har. 444. Evea. Har. 3059-M • Har. 42U-R Fisher Exclusives One bedrm.. Corona del Mar $825<> Two bednn .. Corona del Mar $12,500 Will GI $1230 down. Two bedrm. Newport Ht.a., $13,500 Will trade for 3 bdrm. 2 bath Newport • Ht.. 4. 7 units Balboa. $35.000. Will trade for 3 bedrm .. Santa Ana. 5 3 bdrm., Costa Meaa. Full price $9350 Tfith •Vi % FHA Loan. 6 4 bedrm., 2 bath, Costa Meu, $11,:500 FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, H&rbor «29 2 Open Houses 1-5 P. M. 483 Morning Canyon 1 Rd., Corona H1ghlanda, 2 Br. partly tum. R-2 lot. Tbe bargain of the day! 2572 Circle Drive, B&yahorH, N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, extra ahower. compl. furn., encl patio, BBQ. fire- place. Espt!cially designed for outdoor living. Cor. lot '2 blk. from N. ChanDel. Priced to ..U. and Ocean Front FUR N 3 Br<lrm . 2 balh 11011~e BARGAIN. Excell. hwy. frontage, Corona del Mir. BA YFRO!':T D11pl~x 1 ·2 brlrm A: l·l bdrm. 2 or ~A rll~I' fur- n lsh!!tl, 131,t•OO Term11. Mlft"ht cc.n!<ldrr l ra<lf' for Co8t a Mt11a lnc9mP propel l) Luse Uvt.nc room and a1I Ule _ convenlenc.. you wowd «•J>«t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to fllld ln a lo••I)" Udo Iale borne. "8.000. tenft9. Balboa Duplex! KERI:'& A BLEEPER. Nol only bec&UM It .. & d&ndy 2 unit l\OW, both tuml.thed. bUt becaUM there la el)()Ufh .-round area whereby ont more unit could be added plua S f'&racl!ll. A -ell v&lue at 118.!IOO and rood lerm.1. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo91te Barut or Amenea ROM GrMley Al Corne.llue Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Joetphlne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 Who's The Lucky One? COZY 2 BDRM. horn• lwit 2 blka. from Oet&n and Channel tor only $11.!>00 fuJI price with a low. low down. Hurry on t.hU on•! Cliff Haven Truly an Outatandinr proJ>41rty of unu.U&I' d•l1n; a brand n•w tam.Uy home full of wumlh and c.h&nn .•• 3 bdrma. 2 b&th. Redwood Ruauc wtth a kitchen you can't A11lll. Phu a Pa.nora.mtc View from the roottcp ob9ervatory. F'u.11 price only 121.&00. lAt U8 ahow you lht• today! Back Bay ONLY $17,IW>O wtll buy thlt beau· Utw OWNER BUILT 2 year old 2 bedroom, l" bath home wtth Mparate rumpua room, fireplace, din. room. *llcloNd patio, worlr- ahop and many ellltra attracUve reaturee. P'aee. Country Club. $\000 411. with excellent terma. Builders Attention Lot 120' x 2&2' BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 276 Magnolia OPEN SUNDAYS 1 -5 p. m. Here ill a real homey 3 bedroom cottace of 1850 9<1uare feel Living room 14x30 feet. Room in gara~ for aleeping, plua hobby room and laundry. Ne.tUed in an orchard of 23 bearing fruit t rees, Or- angea, grapet1, lemoos, peaches, figs. avocados, lo- quat.a and guavaa. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. A dream place for a family that has a granddad lo putter io the yard. All thia on 2 large R-4 lots 100x125 feet. All utili- ties in. Paved alley and street. In Costa Mesa, j ust 5 minutes from the ocean. FuU price $18,500 -Good Terms . or Trade DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 4718 The Newport Harbor ·Board of Realtors ANNOUNCE That they are now eerving the Harbor A~a from their centrally located new home, designed by 1'REDERICK HOGDON, AI.A, and built by LLOYD C. HOW ARD at /',,.. S2:1 500 TC'rm~ '-"-" " 1 bdrm 11P1 ovtr garage I G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. '"'-·_., Hy., Corona del Mar Harbor 54!2 Evea. Har. 6680 QI.DER '4 b(lrm. h•tllllt , fut i:l'd &Ir --------------------- on NWU-t ••• ean be diYided lnt-o 2 lot.I. BEL-OW )lARKE'l' AT 19000. 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach htA l. l)nly S23 .~Otl DUPLEX vn Balbul\ Blw1 SlS.- 7~0 both 111111.~ nir el\' rum Only I 16.000 v. 111 hantlle • Coast Properties j 301 E B11tw 1 Rl\'d S..lbn11 HarbM 26!)8, 2:,p; •n·I HW<J -------I LIDO R-3 I 2 -JO fl. lot• on So. Bay Front. Ul.~00 each Ca ll T. D, Ro~era, Har. 11186·W. or RYa,n 1·6029, 18Uc C-2 Business Lot On ~ ewport Blvd. at lndu.lrlal Way •11•112 rt C&ll owner, Harbor llot. llttc BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BA YFRONT -BUY Attractive 1 story, 4 bedrm., 2 bath bomt with WONDERFUL Bay view, good Mnd be&cb and ONE HALF INTEREST JN PIER A FLOAT. Hup Ji,·ing room with beamed ceiling. indirect lichtlnc, large atone fireplace. Newly decora~ and ~ EXCELLENT condition with ROOM TO BUlLD view apartment over the double garage. Includ in the price w a.n 18 ft. Lyman Boat with 50 h. p. motor. An OUTSTANDING value at. ~.000. Better hurry -Wt have the key. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine, Balboa laland Hu. 4781 Bay & Beach Realty i ege Newport si..i. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Q>eta x-. C&Jlt. . UbertJ 1-1111 ~YN. LI 8-I010 KIN0'8 PLACll home. Ftt for a Kin&' It ~ ... UsJa Aovable s bednn., 2 bat.II 11\Utetptece. J yn. old. e&rpM.ed W /W. 11ua •Udinl doo,. to paUO.. Mowtt.Al.n riew. OnlJ .. 880 down. OR.ANOS COAST PROPD1'19 ltaT M~ Col& M .. r~ 1-1132 l:'N. LI 1-MOI C 2 BUS~ ZONE. One full acre with 8 two Br. unit.a. a oew home (all have garage11), an otcice and unple room for more unit.a and bu11ine.a offices. $55,500 with terma. TWO -2 Br. older bomea on lot 62Yix300, PLUS extra lot 6:l ~2 x 300-all for $12.500 wtth reuonable terme. 7 IDcome unit• all fumiahed. Near Blvd. A market.. flM moothJy income. Price $39,000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport. Blvd. Coeta Meta Lt 8-1&01 FOR IA.LI: BY OWNJ:l\--4 bed· room bom•. 1 ~ betht. l&nd- -~ It faced. nu. aou. Freedom bom• t.rM. Call Liberty MJU ~.. fW atlec I p. m. lttte -------.---------~--~~~--~ ...... -~-~~~~-~-~~------......;---\--------------~--------------------------~-----~-------------------~~~~--~~-~~~~~~ , ;