HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-26 - Newport Harbor News Press:. .. ... . --Vomme 8 -Number 25 Wedoeeday, October 28, 19M HERMAN PAUSE FACES MORE LIQUOR PROBES Hot Plate Fire Here LaWll lowUllCJ An electric hot plate Jett on at The weekly Au1traUan Slllglee Ex-county GrOCJ Chief Record Studied by Pat Brown Aides Ellen Ward'• beauty ahop, 3117 Lawn Bowling on the Municipal North Newport Blvd., In the Cr oaa Oreena wu captured by Corona Roads VIilage, called out the New-del Mar. Ed Wilcox t1nillhed first port Buch Fire Department Wed· with 14 polnta. Roland Balley, al· needay evenlrog. The hot plate ao of Corona del Mar, won the burned a hole lhrou(h a ta'ble a nd play-oft tor aecond place from lh-..dtpartment e1Umated th• dam· Nick Brettner and Harold Shand· age at $2~. Jey, Brettner of Bayahorea won 3rd. \~====================~ BANTA ANA, (OCNB) -Or· Ila len(thy probe of liquor Ileen•· Alli'• Co u n t y · a former liquor u . He atood trial twice on aiml· eh.let, Hennan Pauae, Is reported lar l'h&rgee or con11plracy to ob· ln irtore for new trouble today. struct Justice. Re wu acquitted LA.ft tall, the t or mer 11tatt In both CAM•. bo6rd of equallutlon ottlclal wu Monday, deputy attcrney rener· tadtcted two time. by the Or· al Lf'o Vander Lana told OCN8 he anp county g'TIUld jury durtnr tuu ~tn aent to Santa Ana to prepare a elate penonnel board cue agalnet tbe well·knO'WJl for· For mer liquor chief. Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES N'EWPOR'I' UCENl!IE Vander ~ waa aeen Ill con· fennce with deputy dlatrlct at- tomf'y11 Dewitte Chatterton and Slaro Gould. Gould aald he wu tumlnr over to the attorney gen· erar11 office the exhibit.a from the Pau11e • Clover Docklne C&H. OO<'kln~. a Santa Ana juke box operator, had been Indicted wlUi PaU!MI on conaplracy chargea ov· er trregularltlea In the INU&nCf' of a liquor ltcenae to a Newport Beach cafe. Vander Lan.I A id he had bet-n uatrned by attorney rneral l!:d· 1 mund 0 . (Pat I Brown to help Ule atate proaecute Pau" on I chargea or "Improper ronduct In office " The agent 11.t1ld he wu acceplln.c the caae • x h I b It• apinst Pau11e from the Oranr• county dletnct attom~y·, office 1 to aid ln hi• proeecutlon of the caae~ Vandl'r Lana 1111ld the ca..e would be hrard t>etore a at.ate I perwonnel board heartnr officer 1 at Or&nlf• County Supulo. r Court I Nov. 18. 8t'8Pr:sor:o Pauae w&1 eu.spended from hi• po11tlon u bead of the Oranre 8llTIS ~LKERS - For the Woman who 1S' lunching at the Stork Club The Tail Leured shoe by British W~kers- T o be noticed, to be envied •••• to be copied. Cardiff bares the fore and aft, accents the bias look. Red, blue, co9nec end black calf. You 'll find British Walkers et LI 8·2'778 Conlllt ,.... Mesa Cettter -Costa Mesa 114-tweea Alpha Beta and Thrifty Drui; county elate board or equall&&· L::===================~ Uon Jaro. HI of lhl• yt-ar. The = Special MARINE SECTION In the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS LID 0 ~I : ~-.· tnUpenalon w.. W.ued when lhf' gn.nd Jury -prt'.Mn~d wllh evt· dence by Ow Attorney Gener•l'e ofnce -l~ed Ila lndtcuntnt of Ute vettrMl Uquor Ucenae offlclaL Dlalr1ct Att.omey'a office d~· tlu •kl the M'W cue &«aln•t PaUM haa rrown out of a , .. commed&Uon by 8upenor Court Juda• J'ranWtn Wwt. made dur· Inc lhe i.n~y PaUM • Do<'llln• trial. Name Schachner for Sll,111 in Aant's Will ISpeclal le the Newport Hubor Nrw1-Pre .. 1 NEW TORK, Oct 24 .Mu R Schactmer or 3~ Eut 1 tUi Strwl. <A41la Meea. I• roaml'd a bmrnrtary In thl' .... ·111. flll'd tor probate 1n Surrogate• Court hr r• tnday, of hi. aunt, the l&t f! Mrw. Clara R F. You of New York Ht< I• to r,.l'~lve $10,000, acC'ord· lni to lhf' ltrm. of the will. Mni. v,,.,., Who died Oct 12. Jell an ulal@ whJcb. though not appraa..-J )'el lf ~lltv~ to be l•fltt Sh,. lf'ft a pproxima tely u~.000 to t'h&rll)' At lht \lme o( hf'r dulh. Mn VOM wu prtalr1,.nt of the CrNeenl Belt Fut .. ntr Company. lnc .. of N,.w York, a firm •h• roundert In 1897. NOW SHOWING ENDS TUESDAY HBTORY'S ORE.A TEST ROMANTIC ADVENTIJRE ••• NOW BROOCHT MAONlflCC-."TLY TO THE SC1t££NI :::::-KIRK SILVANA DOUGLAS AN GANO. C.Olor by TECHNICOLOR ~AND IXH .. b1a l1ista ·•• ...... al .. -AL.._~ - "The Treasure of· Poncho Villa" IUd"• Kat. Mat. 1 :•.l-"~t'"Tlt WF.MT PA8."'AGF.• STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY l4TEWAllT URASOF.ll .IF.AS ~IJOCOS!' "Footsteps ill ...... Mesa-¥i/ --·/\ NOW SHOWING ENDS TUESDAY I "Olt • "'1fll" i.. w ............. ........, ...... ' .... -. ...................... ....., ..... _ .... ...,.-4 .. wWr .......... ._ .... \ ..,. .................. The...,. ........ - • -wft1• I .. ,,.... "-..... / " pe. I I ....... ,. ·~ -..... s. 'Jt ,,_, ~"-' "' .... ,_,... --........ .._, TN• PHENIX CITY •TDllV ' • Hiii · -IW wn•--.mws ·····- MIDNIGHT SHOW FRIDAY, OCT. 28 SJ>r.l;C?;K TllAC\"-LAS A TTR ~"ER-L~ORI 0 BJP;IWMA'S DR. JEKYLL AND MR. HYDE'' A4hlt• Nc---.1" 'fk---C'lllldrd wtU11 a.dult. !6e STARTS NEXT WUNESDAY The true-lift star, af America's most dlcorltld hero ... mot£ - MURPHY -AUDIE MURPHY --. nma·OMB IMl ·llllBC ._ ..... ..uJ -: J~ Hl91JS --ir: ~Cit OOUO -t MR~ R~~~RG At-DOllOIVl' MALOSf;...-IORX Lnm "FIVE GUNS WEST9 SPECIAL! Thurs-Fri-Sat-Only Super Value STRETCH NYLON HOSE " s1 s9 Reg. $1.95 for you -for gift. 1883 Barbor Blvd. Costa Meaa &-1668 0pea Fri. •w 9 S.COtld Ilg Week T me I Till1IJ I Urilliq I PLUS "WYOMING RENEGADES" -, • ':1hr -Check Clu.ttled Dlaolay for out· at.and1n1 be.rJ'a1M In UHd cara. Fruit-of-The-Loom Clrculatlon 21,000 Dlnrtbated .. I Newport Beula. ....... Balboa I ....... Ooro.a clel llar, Com llem, ~ Soatla Lacua I ............. ... -----~ Barbor 1818 Hi 21'' Color TV* We extend you a cordiaJ invitation to see color TV on the new 1956 RCA this week end here at 1885 Harbor Blvd. in Costa Mesa . SEE THE IOWA-MICHIGAN GAME SATURDAY-OCT. 2911: GAME TIME * NOW AS LOW AS $795.00 DAVIS-BROWN CO. 1 US Harbor ltvd. Costa Mesa Uberty 8-3437 Custom Built-in Fire Screens All Sites-All Shapes Choice of 12 Finishe1 Heavy Mesh with Chain Pulls. For Average 29'' • 86" flreplMle Completely installed by our experts. Cell for free estimate. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 W. Co..+ KHJhw•y--Newport Beech Liberty 8-1113 Everybody Reads The C L A S S I F I E D 50th Anniversary Jubilee Specials! SHEER NYLONS • Non Runs • Bleck Heels • Outline Heels 1 Pr. for 84c 3 Pr. for •2•s Ladies Nylon Hose First Quality 51 Gau9• -IS Denier 1 Pr. for 64c 3 Pr. for •1•s SOX Children's and Ladies Reg. Value -29c pr. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 MEN'S SOX . .... s-Reg. Vilue -19c pi:'"'"• • • • • • • • • • I 00°10 Helanc a Nylon STRETCH IOX Sites 9-11 •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 • Servin9 Califo rnia Families Shoe Needs for the past SO years • 1715 Newport llvd. Next to Safeway Pairs for 7 9c Pair for 49c • Shoes for every member of the femily • Costa Mesa .. --·~-.. ! " . COAST A( SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -Houehold Pl\rt8 -Dealer -Serv1c• UDO £1.EOTIUO ~ .. u Via Udo -R.,.._ 6'711 AUTOMOBILE DEAl.EBIJ New and used Cara Sl(;K.ERTZ STUOl:BAK.ER &lt"tl Servlllfl Pana 1415 Newport fVvd. -Bar. 510 BANKS Bank of Ameri<'a NT 4t SA 34« Via Lido -Harbor MM BARBER SHOPS UDO SHA\'lSO Ml'O In Bldwell'11 ~tore for M11n 3428 \'la Lido -Harbor 3'!S8 BEAUTY PARLORS l.IDO SAl..OS OF Hl!:At'TV 3415 Npt. Blvd. -Har. 1571 BOOKS ROOK CA!ilE Ml6 \'la Lido -HarbQr 006 CAMERAS a Suppliee VINCENT UDO DRV08 3461 \'la Udo -Harbor IOOI CARPETS A DRAPERIES DlCl6. MACKER "20 Via Lid-Harbor UH CA'l'ERINO IUOBA&D'S UDO MARK.ET MU Vla Udo -llarb<•r t8ll Clotbing-Ohlld.rena a lafaata n:ars OF LIDO UGI Newport Blv .. CLOTRINO -Men'• BetaD BIDWELL'8 SHOP FOK 1111:.N UJI Via Udo -11.arhr ONI CLOTBING-Womea'• Betall LA UC\~ 600 Via llMac~r '51t UDO f'A8 HION8 a.tit Xpt. BlvO. -Harbor M'TI lilHADDO<'K'li Hit \'la Udo -Harbor M'7'7 \' AGA.BOND ROt:8~ I mported Sportswur 14!8 \'la Udo -H&rttor lOCU DRUO STORES \'TXC-F.ST'!>< LIDO DRt:G~ U8l \'la Udo -Harbor IOOI El..ECTRIC CONTRA(,T()RS a.mo t:U.<'TRIC HU \'la Udo -H•rbor Ot'7 FLOWERS Rll'tlAIUl''4 UDO MARKET Corsage11-TR ble A rrangtmtnt.a llOll \la Udo -Ha rbor %8U FOUNTAIN, OIULL \'1'.\'(.'t:l\T'~ I.IOU OKl'(llt U411 \ I• l.ldo -Hart.or llOOJ •'t<AMt;S I; ALBUMS c :t:IUIA l<HT l<Tt 'l>IO~ :u u; \ la 1..1110 -twbor uot t 'URNITUKE UH'h. ,\tAC K•:R lU '!U \Ila Llflo -Harbor U !ll Glt'T S HOP Rl<'H" KO'"I 1.rno 'iARKr.1' 3US \ la l.ldn -llubor UU lNSUHANC't; AOt::NTS \\. O. HI ('K . I'<. ll•..O \ la IJdn -ltarbor UO L'°Tt:RIUK DU:UUATOKS RI.A.,( .... ··1·1.1u.1e~v., A.1.0 Ull \Ill IJtln -tfar"'1r 6llM l>l('h ~t-\( Kt:tt U t t) \la l.Jdo -Harbor U'lJI 00~ C'l<t.llolfTll;\ .\.I. U. Mal~• lmp•>rh MIO \Ii• ~lalaci. -H1.rbor 311?1 MARJU:-rs RWHAKU'"' 1.11>0 MAIUU';T ~"33 \ la IAlln -Har.,..,r !1'%11 Bt:AL ESTATt.: l.100 Kt:Al.Tl A'!<>VC'IATL~ Ullo ~"I"~ & Rf'nlAh MINI \la l.l<lo -lfartwlr uu f' i\... l'Al~\IER l;\C'. 1~33 •la lido -h.•r'OOr l.~00 \tHlt,1. l U~l'A.'\'\ U Ill \'la IJtlo -Hubnr 4'7 I IU\' A;\U Rt:Actt R~ALT\'I \ la Lhlo Rri<lc• OtflN Ill'! 1 ..-t 11~""" -tfa~r MU SA \'ING~ lo WAN ASSO<:IA TIO:"i~ ~ F.\\'POltT BA 1,00.\ ~,\ \ I !\'G~ &' 1.0 ,\'.\' Al'l,0< IAT10~ A Sa\ln~s lnstttu11nn l..nnJ T.-r m H"m~ Lo11ns IMt \ta l.ldo -Harbnr UOO SEK\lCt: STATIONS UOO RICH .. IELU S~U S r\•por1 Rh·d.-Har-. •11'?1 SHOES -lle1a'a RIOWt:LL'1'4 STORE t'OR Mt:S 14111 \'la Ultn -tlubor OHll SHOt~. \\'OMEN lfnr.K"Or C.U.TP'OR~A U UI \'la Ude>-ltA Ol\.\3 nu:ATRES UDO TREA TRI: C'on1111lt lhts paJH>r tor prog-ram \'la Lido at Nnrport BIYd. Harbor 2116 l'Ol'S 1.100 TO\ LA."'fO "42 \'la Udo -lhrt>or H~• 1'RA VEL ACENOIES HARBOR TRA \'l:L AOENC'Y Ml& Newport Bt•d-llM. 6&14 UPHOLSTERING DICK M.ACllEB MH \1a Udo -Ral"Nr a.ti WATOH REPAIR \ThCl::'\T!ll WAT<"ll RF.PAIK Lt00 DRn;"' a...1 \'la Udo WINDOW OOVERINO TJa: 8RAD£ 8HOP Nut to Ptltt otftff.-11.ar. IN • • Halloween Fete at Legion Hall American L • s Io n .A.wdllary UnH 291 .. aponaonn1 a Hallo- ween 11upper dance Oct. t9 ln the Amerfran Le~on Hall, lMh St. and W. Bay Ave. 9:30 p. m. It Is open to the public and prize. will be awarded for coatumq. Proceed• from lh• benefit al· fair wlll g o Into the rehabUlta· lion IUnd uaed each month to ea· tert&Jn diabled w terana from the Lon1 Beach Veter~ Admt· nlat.rat.lon Hoqltal at lunch and an altemoon of entertainment. Mutlo wlU be by Bob Arthur and h.l.a band. Coatumq are op· tlonaJ, atat~• de.nee com.mitt.et g-eneral chairman. Mn. Ralph Bonda. Other member• of th• committee are Mmes. Robert J Brlgg11, Herman John110n and Fred H. Joyner. The auxiliary entertained dla· sbh•d vetf'rana Oct . 19 for lunch and enttrtatnmtnt. Thia WAI • 11pedal party .. Commdr. Frank D. Moore Jr .. and first vke·preoldent. Ralph Bonds. who are alao life-honorary mt"mbers of the auxiliary, were In charge ot the party with the women usi11Un1. ~OHN8TONE'8 Mesa Auto Wreckers Uaed Aute Part. a.ad Aecieuortea 2076 PlaeellU.. Ave. Ube.rt}' •1011 <Jcle'6 ..._ Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 24 Hour 'round the Clod PlumblftCJ Service • HARIOI 5196 • CONNER PLUMBING 3'ZJ6 E. Cout Rwy. Corona del Mar Prompt !Wn~ Wakr llf'al.en Garbage DtepoAl9 Httttn., •k. r.\nlna-• • F.m .. ,.. .... dH l'llnn• Utw'rt) A·a61t lriftc 1"' clll*u tt • "Howdy Doody" Party! Mon. Oct. 31 ~ at 2:JO p.nt. ~ Get y•vr lk•eh 1tewl TMn come In (ch1ldre11 must t>. 11ecompa111~ boJ adult•l nd enjoy th• fun t Alli for ct.t.Jlt on ho• to enter Col1at1'1 rontHI ind •In 1 -~CA VI<' tor Ri1 C<*Jr TV I ""''" ............ ............. RCA VICTOR BIG COLOR TV! TARTER TELEVISION !90t E. Cout Blvd. Corona df'I Mar .. PENINSULA POINT GROUP PLANS CHRISTMAS DANCE fte Bel V\M IADe ~ poup ol Pailnaa)a Polnt AMoelaUon dl..aculHd .,..,. tor a Chrtatmu dinner dance for the uaoclatlon when they met at th• home of Kn. IC\lren• OIMalo, 413 Bel Vue Lane. The dance will be held at Newport Harbor Ya.cht Club but no date bu Ileen ML Pl&yrround pkn• were alao Oft the agenda u the l'""IP t~la ona ta bedly needed for lh• eec:Uon. JCqlllpment 1a avail· able bUt 8Jll&C• la at a premium. Amo~ thoae pruent were lrfmea. Edward Kuaby, Joaeph Grotbut, Jollll Allen, Mlrhael 8. Lohman IV, IAwia A. Kaan, Cbarlotte R. Bradbury, Frank Marahall, WWJam ,,nch and a.tty Millett. The NovemMr aeaalon wm be at the home of Mra. Lob· man, 408 Bel Vue Lane. Chapman Setback Mrs. Newll11 I•••• MrL Jim Newlin. Wife of tbe Balboa Realtor, hu juat returned borne from a month'• trip to tbe Eut where ab• vt.slted her d•IAl!l· ter, mother·ln-law and afater. ORANGE, (OCNS)-Redlanda' crou country ttam defeated pre- vloualy unbeaten Chapman and Whittler In a Ulree-way meet here Friday. The winnen tallied 24 polnta to 39 tor Chapm•n and ------------ ~9 for Whittler. New FAC Club Hears Kroll m..,. lh1rd ,.noo marn.ct la Callfonala mda up In a dlonce. Joeeph R. Kro!I, counaellor of family relatlon1 at O.C.C. told th• newly formed evenlng aec- tlon ot the Friday Afltmoon Club a t their firat m•tinK ltut Thunday nl1ht at the clubhouM. Introductd by prv>fr&m chalr- ma.n. Mra. Gunnlnr Butll'r , Kroll allowed a molve and told of the work ot the college. Family Ser· vice Agency that will open an office at 308 No. Broadway, San- t.a Ana on Nov. 1. Th• purpoae ot lba ag-ency wtll b4! to help famllln work out their own problem.. A trained cue worker will be In the ottlce. Chairman ot the new aectlon. compoaed moaUy of recent irr•· duatea ot the Junior club,,. ie Mn. M. r. Aufder ·Helde. Hoateue1 for lh• eveninJ were Mmee. Hor- ace Batea a.nd Pa•tl Caaeldy. PJnthualurn la the pntua of •lncerlt y. and trutJI accompllab .. no vlctorln without It. • l.ord Lytton LIDO DRUGS "'OM •f ta. Udo ...... HARIOR DRUGS U81 Via Udo, N BMch SSOl E. COMt 8 • CoNU del llar PUT ON Girl Mariners and Sea Scouts Spend Weekend at Emerald Bay Membert of the Mariner Girl Scout Ship Naiad were gue1ta recently of Sant.a Monica Se& Scout. of the Ship Js. lander for a cruise to Catalina Island aboard the 65 ft. cruiser Manta, owned by the Cre&eent Bay Council of Boy Scouts and skippered by Alfred Miller. olrt Throop and Mlaa Jan 0 \11• wurlh. mates. From Islander. Scout. McKln· nl'y. O'Sullivan. Hughey, St.&ylon. Street. Cutforth, Welt., Mltcheoll and Sklppn Larry Millf'r an it Robert Strph<'ni<on. matt: Also jolnJnr Ula party were membere of Santa Monica Ship Bonita, aboard Chad McClure'• yacht Rebel from Newport Beach. Bolh craft anchored a l Emerald Bay where th• tacllltlo ot the Boy Scout camp were made available. Enjoying a Wffkend packed with awlmmln1r. rowing, hlklnr. teaaUnr and dancing wen: From Naiad, Judy COieman. Sue Brown. Naomi Morran. DI· ana Bandera, Lynn Cottlnfham. Betty l:van11, Beverly Gibbon•, Carol and Marcia MacMlllen, Ir· ene McCormick. Gerry Nack. Mar- cell Carr, Gerry Sanrer, Marflyn Seeley, Diane Rlle:y. Stephanle Heck, Carol Hyden, Johalllla Oq· ui.t.. Barbara Nott, Robln Ryletl, Specials for Thursday, Friday, Satwclcly, October 27-21-29 XMAS LAY·A· WAY Luellen Da\'11', M1•lln<la Pt'"lt'r. From l:3c:m1ta were ~couta ICll· and Sandy Spurgeon. fehll. B<'nnl'tt, R1em.-r•. McCluno, Lelldt'~a with t.ht~e Jtirlio were B1'yn11. ro .. t. Thomp10n. Roech. Mr:i. Nonnan Dulworth. •klp~r; 1 Addlcott. Sklppt'r Oeve YOW\&' Ml'9. Law~nce Brown. Mra. H•r· l'llnd Ch11ol McClure. At Governor's Conf ere nee on Traffic, Safety Mr. and Mra. N. L. McLAui:h· lln. 1960 Tuatln Ave .. Co1ta Mr~ll. returntd lut wttf'k from SaC'nt- mento where they atttnded thf' c overnor'a conference on traffic and u fety. McLaughlin bu agaln be•n ap- 1>olnt<'t1 by M1ty<•r Geora• Vermll· lion ot Long B,.1tch •• reneral t'h•lnmm of sn 181.ffty drlvtnf) D1ty bec-au11e of hla outata.ndln&' wflrk C1f tut y11u. The Lone B<'llC'h pr6i.rram rf'celvtd national attention and McLau«hlin w a• laudr<I a t Sl\c-rftmenlo. Th<' Co1ta Me111m Ill first vlr e J'f<'!!ldl'nl or th.. l..('lnj{ Beach llllf•'I v 1•011nr ll and chairman of Ila l!Rfetv commlttf'e, 11 at.o ex• l'CUtive aecrf!t1u·y of the Nnr Car Dell.lera A11aoclatlon o t Loni Beach. Cojmelicj De~ s300 FLUID FACIAL RI,. 4.00.. . ComplHIOll C!Jee.lawr. 1'81dlaa~ and Dlte flmOllf'Dl. ·· iN CANDIES • iOxii GLOVES _ $298 ""* ., ,.._. TAFFY ks.pk •. ._2F fui[EliiiM CIGARS SF , ~-om-99 Jo[(j POPS -10c ~ CARS ........ '1 Aoc· ..... :iRi fBEANS . ...__ 3F ifERtOCi1NG BARRELS !!!LLOWEEN MIX··~ · 3F DfsivLAND PUPPETS .. 7'r IJCHJOA "SO" lAt.i Moltf'I E~rto .. aor Pnf .. <'lly lil&lam"'4, Rotary )Motor for P"'rf"<'t .taa\1nir and an lid <"<•m lo rt. lnrlud .. • tradto In ot an.y •IH· trlr aha\.-er. tU.U "1tllout .,.....1 .. R.ci. $26.50 s9ts Only """ · Tr1MSf'·ln <'uatom tU.95 ,., P,4YLESS_ , 1/. . FOR PAPER PRODUCTS < 'ut r1t11 \\'u ~~mR CREMES .... _3F FiRrMiNE-=~~. '11 95 ~ NOISE MAKERS -10C DANCING DOLL sr' ~--.......... 'ff,.~~"~ ......... , ~-R _l_tc_ ~~ES-·~-:.:= s-m: REX WAGONS ... ~---$298 I '2'R;;~33cLS CHILD l ~~ ::-?-39c ~ VELOCIPEDES .... •u•... 5619 -See, F-..,---5-$4-00 29 ~ TISSUE tOO'• for I JACK-0-LANTERNS-. CiSii REGISTER s2 49 iluMINUM FOIL 23c JAYTEX ...... Pul~ MASKS from 79c OlamoV rtrla, el.,,.._ ravHnaa. c•rll ... ~•trll, ""'"" ....... WIGS · $1.89 A.aat'cL etJtM ..... " SATIN DERBIES 49c __________ ......................... ________________________ ___ SI.YER lhllley RIPPLE VODKA GIN nm •q • TIDE U GIANT - LARGE 65c 28c Kent ucky Host K~ntucky. i-oneoK &RAU QLD 100 pa.oor rI1'Tll '3" Size 9c VINCENTS ICE CREAM uao1 Cone •• 5c 10C DOOILE Cone •• Hand Packed Pints ]Qc Quarts Sfc · · · · .79c • PLAYOU TO CllOOH ntOM Barbara Rae to Conduct Weeklong Cooking School Barbara R•I'. nationally k nown home economlal and food •xpert. will conduct a W¥k-long cooklnK •chool for All Amertc&n Market11, a t th• P ort Theatre, Corona df'I Mar beg1nnlng Monday, Oct. 31. throul'h ,.rlday. Nov. 4 from l ::l() to a·ao p. m dally. • Fifteen ba g• of l'fOC:l'rll'a u well aa numuou" other prlu a will be itlven away abaolulelv frff on each or th• "rtva day1 10 "11tudenta" a ttending th1 day'• o:l•11tN:a. Gran'1 prize of the week will be a bt!aulltul O'Kel'f• A Merritt GH Rana e. courle11y ot Forglt Hardware, 2206 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. and Jake'a Ap· pll&noea. 1937 Harbor Blvd .. Co11- ta Meaa. thrifty dlahl'a that break up th• humdrum or the averac• mea l. All houaewlvu era lnV1ted to attend lhn• d a11su, beglnntnr Oct. 31. They may regiater for ~n opportunity t o be given the beaut iful new O'Keefe A Mtrnll Cu R&nge. IRVINE COAST FAIRWAY FEMS TRIM RIVALS Jrvlne Coaat Co u a t r y Club'• women'• te&l'A l"r1day trimmed Victoria 13·2 tn Eutern Dlvlllon Group & talrwaya com~tlllon at Red- lsnda. Arrowhead do w n • d Hacienda 9'1 to :'>11 . The win put Jrvlne'a ff'ma I.II ae- cond place. Eutern Dlvlalon golt play movaa to Victoria thla Friday. Sweep•taku winner• were Miu Mary K . Browne and Mni. J erorne Helper1n, flri1t.. with a 71 'Ai net; Mrt. J:J- ward Lenihan and MrL El· ale Miller tied for aecond with Mra. T. W. Hendenion and Mlaa ftoaalle Vane., net 72; and Mn. J ohn Drury and Mni. Robert Manga n, tblrd. 72'1. Fteld aweepata.kee went to Mca. John Pr1c• with a net 8ll. Giants Atop of Ith Grade Grids T he G11U1la topped • I r h th gTade league 11andlni;• 1n flag football at Cost& Mua P11rk through Tuuday. a ccording to Rod McMtlhan, athletlo direct or I ot Harbor Boy1' Club. I After defea ting the lntlltu1s •:">· 19' Tuel!day, the Giant• boa.~ll'd a rel'Ord of two wins, no ~rt· backa. The Bravo dowlwd lhe Cardinals 34-24. to ro Into a ,,.. cond place tie w ith their rivals ?ARTCHS MISS. EGGS; DRIVER SAYS THEY'RE ON HIS CAR Ma.king of a big-omf'let -two dOMA C P -were liJ>&l· L•rf'<l a round th• comer Of Mann. and Coral Sta. Saturday a fltrnoon "''hen 110me juvenu .. apparently atarted throwtng lhero for fun. C. 8. Perklna repol'ted to Newport Beach police that hie car had ~en the tarj"et tor many of th• l'Klfl 11.nd puhce founa a party &'Qlng on at the VlrKU rartC'h home. 205 Coral St. Mrl!. ~rtch, <'haperonmr the parly. lookl'd In her refrigerator Md round t he eg1{11 mlulng However, the partlera denied any knowh:dge or lhe m1~­ •·hll'f and all Otrtt·1·r1 Rot.K•t't Broc:-k le could rln "'"" Kl"" I h1im a llern wernrng. wllh l ·l marks. The Indians wrre ------------------------!" la1<t place wt.th no .. •in1, two def ea la. •••••••••••••••••••••••• J erry Hehn wsa leading aC'orer tor the Glanla Tuesday with 18 points. Brian LucH had 12, Bob Seigel e, Pete Featherston 8 and Joe Andereon 1. Scoring for the Jndjan1 were Dick Rapp, 13, anJ Bob Tweddell I . Dave McFarland pa1'11d the Brave•' triumph with 16 points. Tom Huber acort'd 12, J im Chalk I , 8. Steve Roblnaon llllhed 18 polnta for the C&rd9 and Jim Buahllng e. NATIONAL FLOWER WEEK e SPECIAL e POM POM MUMS SOc . Bunch Pink-Yell\lw-Bron ze-White COAST Al SHOPPER PA•I I WEONESDA Y, OCTOBER 26. 1915 WORKING GIRLS or CO-EDS HAPPY All White or Black and White HIKERS Soft as Light as Velvet a Cloud Oh-So Comfortably Smart Mn. Ru, conducted the AU- A"*iean Cooktnr School In Gar· den Grove la.at week. Two week• prevtoua tbe cla Uff were held In Downey and Norwalk. Many n•w reclpea .,.. Introduced ea.ch day. 1Vitll the emphuia on whole.om•. Local Woman Sues Aary Tells Theft Wasemiller's Last Period Tallies Give Bill Davie, followed by a 46 yard run, ga va the Huntington Beach boya a qulcl( TD In the third Kieth P . Aary. 199 Meaa Drive, Mart for $25,000 reported to Costa Meu police Worldn~n'• Stol"f' atanu. End Dale Hartog anagred SANTA ANA, (OC'NS)-A Co- a paaa tor the convenilon. rona del Mer ?'Mldent Wtdnellda y · Oilers B Win Wlla<m went to work at thl1 brought a $25,000 ~reonal lnjury point. On the eecond BCrimmage de.mac e ault ..,Uni t a martret In play after receipt ot the kickoff, that c:lly. Rod broke through a line ta.ngle Lodg-lng the auJt Ill ISuperior and outfooled puraulng llneback· Court here wu Blanch e Quine, era rtrhl up the middle for a 81'1 308 Jrla. Shi named Utt All· A I t f behl d yard TO run. Apln the conver-Amcrtc-an M.rket.. 300 Coat1t pa r 0 come -rom - n 1lon backflrt'd. Klghway aa dtfendant. touchdowna In the fourth quarter gave the Huntington Buch B 11'8 BtJZZED The pl&lntltr cha rge• the de· football eleven a 27-11 Sunaet Undaunted , the T>r B'1 buzz tendant Mgllgmtly allowed the Leap• vtctory over the Newport for a go-ahead tally. Qu.arterbacl< market noor to become allppery Harbor RI.1th Sl'hool llghtw•lgbt J im Niemiec took a ACreen pua with veretable l~vea. Sh.e clalma 1"rldder1 on o a.., 1 d 11 0 n Field for a first down. End Stuart ahe allpped, fell and IR.lfrered ae- Thuu day. Bet..z ankled orr a 1.ong-run on a ve,. lnJurlea. Coa ch Chtt Wulff'• lade •urged 1tatue of liberty to Ml It up, ------------ Into an l8·H lead late In tht-from th.at point, and Wllllon drUI· t:1trd period whl'n Fullback Rod ed into the end zone from the e. Wlleon .cored hta ~ond T D. That put the l.ocal guy1 ahead EARi v l .Y.AJ> 18-H . but not tor lonf. Two fl· • • naJ quarter drtvu netted Hunt· The Tari1 11hut Into a 8·0 lead lngton Beach scores by Fullback n rly In the game. Jo"ullback LAr· J ohn Chaney and Quarterback ry Schradl'r scored from Clve Hart. yarda out Afltr Rill Buckland aet ;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ It up with a punl rtlum to the Oller 25 ya rd lint Qua rttrbar k l"oel Hart dead· locked the gam" before halrtlmf' w ith a one yard plunge. The con· ver11lon Kave the rivala a 7·9 In· term lN lon ll'ad. A pua mterc•pllon by Oller BE SURE -INSURE .... llAUIUCI: 8TAlJLE1' 1--0aly n o.. Banor H '7• UU E.. Ooeal Rlpway Oorou dd Har ~~~~~ JIA Tl'll.E8S"f:8 a-ea -e--Tra&&en lrreplar 81aapN Liberty 1-1 SOI 008TA IU:8A MA 'lTUS8 00. llM Newpon Blvd. KATIE'S CORNER Balboa Island ' • Short Orders ( Bur9era & Chili l e Home-made Pies & Cakes • Home-made Bread & Do-Nuts e Dinner ( 6-9 p. m.) e Breakfast Ala Carte Food To Go • Harbor 5785 Call ()pee 9 a. m. -U p a dUly -Cloeed Wed. Putr Ave. a Apa. (F...-y St.) Ow• ... or 0.HDl .. t DOUGHNUTS 6ter 25' ......... ,,.. ... ,,... KIDS ••••••••• • fl' ... . ........... .. ................. PUMPKIN Piii .._.. ...... 57' ... ........ -.) 1111111 •••••• 29' .. ............ .., ............ s .. uc ...... ,... 11•1•11• c. c.a. ...... r ... o.w.• .... ....... .................. .If()~·-. "'' ~~~.~~··~ 008T A MDA 1'700 Newpor' Bl•d. OORONA DEL MA& to1 C-& Hwy. AOOIU>'H LAGUNA ll&A.<Jll tU B.-.Mway BAJ..BOA 181.AND tte 111.artM A v .. HEWl'OllT Bl!ACB lte Ctut Hwy. HURRY TV SHOPPERS SAVE AT RELIANCE TV CLEARANCE SALE TtM. TV aeu haw all bttn rrcondlUonf'd vf ow aboJNt. and cerry a 90 d&y suaranl"• w1th parta and aem~. All ma.kH Some Ilk• N-. 10" Television Seh .• $29.95 1'1" Television Sets •• $39. 95 14" Television Sets •• $49.95 16• Tele¥1sloR Sets •• $59.95 n--TeliYlll011 Sift .• $0.91 ..------. 20• Television Sets •• $79.95 Al 1tll M1d1ll .._, ... , ..... ...... 195' u ....... . 21• TelevisiOll Sets •• $89.95 "9 .,._ Pq t ... ..... .&OOWWWAW9 ••••he. ¥wtu1•t1 Sift RELIANCE Home Appll•• .....,..w ..... 1110 •••• ... ..,._....,. OM Mid Electrie Raape ..._ I.ow M $15.00 [J 2102 NO. MAIN ST. :: t~:: SANTA ANA Saturday that gu tanks. hoae, burnen and other part.. of a weld· tnr Hl h-.d been atolen from hi• prt.g'e. 1894 l Harbor llvd. Costa Meta ~ ~Plenty from yoJr wet/ stocl<ed SUEW.ar ~CHEWING GUM ':r=~' .. ~59c -CANDY BARS ':r~':' .. ~. 79c "'--...;.' I ••I ,.__ -::-; 15• Crick• .a.ck :: 70' .r:.1.39 ,_. S -& I .--,_. )] WW.. Mssllll1l1ws ~· ·~ 19' C.11"4 Manlmalows .... .... ' ' Roxbury Pure Candies for Trick-or-Treaters · Or-.. ·1 111Ck r... Drops '.!11' H•w'" Mix :-:;.:-·~ 35' -.ck '• Or-.. Wy a.-'.!28' UMy U.tlts MAllEU DAND ~2C1 : 1.09 C'du .. n .. _..._.~_,. ... .... WESTJAIR BRAND 19' ~ 59' ...,,.._.._,..,~7c OREGON CHEDDAR ,_.,,.. .......,. tar .,.., party -'t>O ' Weaf fOI' ~lchM. l'M9bft9, O f eticecl fhldt .. ..,., °" ...,.,... pie.I c"' fr-.... ~ .-d ._.,,,...d. ORANGE FRUIT ANGEL CAKE ,.. ,... Madie ,... woy .,-•fl MOL<I lt w ith i..-...,...... ...... , .... .,. 39' ------lEMOllADE 6:: tc ": 11 t &IAPf Ma 6:: 1 Sc STIAWIEIRIES sucf o 7.: nc IASPIOllES ~ 2k llOCCOU SPURS ~ 1tc WHOlf IAIY OllA ~ 1tc FREEi 7-o•. bo• of • IUSY IAKR SODAS wot+\ p.1rcho•• of 1-lb bo• ,_ATll GOlD ......,,, 31( NONIY CMlAHAMI - "' '99111ot pt ic. .. POP CORN INSTANT COFFEE CANTERBURY TEA RIGULAR SIZI TIA IAGS USDA CHOICE BEEF T~. jlllcyl Cul from ohovlder of '"9f, '*'9ed .. eOll"IJ pet f•Cl•OI\, ...._ .,_....., IM!fo.e we'9i.,,.11 SIVIN IONE oa llADl CUT 25c ':..~ 19-1 ~3•· ROUND BONE CHUCK ROAST "'°" GIOICI .. & BEEF SHORT RIBS =.,:,i .. 29- BOILING BEEF ... =..~ .. 9- GROUND BEEF·~"'~=-!!.~ ... 3r- . fltANKfURTERS ~"'~MDI .. 45• PORK SPARERIBS ,~~ .. 43• SLICED BACON ,~ .. 45• PORK LIVER ~~a:-~. .. 29- HALIBUT STEAKS CA~~.::c· :.: 45• ftOlla BOUB8 DallJ • --.. • .... (Frtda1 tO t p..m.) ................ ' 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa OOAn'A.L IBOPPDl Edtdo9 of l'9-Pel"IOUl9 S2-Furnltutt '"' Sa~ S2-Furnlhtl'fl for 8al.! PA&E 4 ·PART 11-NEWPOf\T HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED AJcoholica AAoQ11DOU Wnte P. 0 . Boll 111 N~ 8eaca. Callf. Pboee llaRor •TM PARTNER MA.."J.AG&R ln uta~­ llabed Real 1!:1tate office with 6 aallllllltn. C o m p le l e chl.r&'"~. ahould be famlllar w ith Harbor 1.rea.. Financially re1porulble with provt'n record. Write Box U·t2 Uu.t peper. 21c23 --BAY GIGANTIC FURNITURE CLEARANCE PINET pl&noe. Reat&l retum1 Trade·tna on Orpna. ttc. Uk• new. 1'h111 Is a l'hance tor ll blJ; uvlnga. Optn Friday t\'l'I OA:"\Z·SCHlolIDT, !120 No. Maln Santa An ... TV & Radio Repair Fast Service 1960 STUDF:RA.KER Champlan- C'lea.n. c oc1t1 rondltlon U ID. - LI 8-2"i 2lc23 37 FORn c.onv~r11blr, u cellef\l cond1l111n. Can b• aet'n llt 8bt'll st 11 llon. :tO\WI :"\ "'"f"'rl Blvd Har. 4109 21c23 .Jellvery ot the Newport Harbor News·P~s11 is guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papers be- fore S p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. It your paper la not deliftl'ed by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brinr your paper. J:XPJ:Rll;NCED wa.ttreN w..nled. FLOOR SAMPLES-AND MANUFACTURERS C LO SEO UTS -.L--T ek e ed vente9e of these o utst,and ing b uys NOW! Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wechtesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER - Wednesdays Cou tal Shopper Ad• run In the Wedaf'W.y N-•-Pren 4 LlDea 1 ID•rtlo• $1.00 add'L lines .25 ea. 4 U nMI 2 lnM'rtlon1t 1.50 add1l. Unf'1t .2.> P1L 4 Linr11 3 lnlM'rtiOD8 2.00 add'I. line!6 .25 f8. 4 Unes 4 luertioH 2.30 add'I. lines .25 e>a. a1tu .. uoa WllDll'd Ad• wtJI rtt~he H~'. dlw ount . Cub In ad\anr .. only. MIXIJll 'M AD IS ' U..'IES OEADLlNES rol placing or cancelhn&' adJI ue: For Monday Publication -Friday 6 pm For Wedn~sfl1.y Publlcataon.s -Tuead11y l pm. P'or l'r1d11,y Publk11.llon -Thun1d11.y l p.m . Nt:WPORT H ARBOR Pl'RUS RISO CO. 1111 llAllMe IUvd., N-pon 8-eh, Callloral&. AU a..tlW &• muet be pMd for Cu ll IJI advu ce of pubUcalloa. The pu~•ra will not be rr11pon.alble ror more lhllJ\ one Incorrect tn..tlon of an ad, reeerv• lhe r ight tt> correctly claulty a ny and all 1.da u4 t. r•Jtct any ad not contormlnr to rulu and re~l1.Uona. Y NewpoJt Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 17&7 9ft17 Tburacs.y I p.m. Via o,orto -Otlllr&I An . Jf•wport Beacb Albeit IL Maltlwtn, llsa.lted JlluJer 10-ltaalllne Oakle -----HAULING trula orT A.aytb~. Anywhere Uberty 8-2141 Mttcpp Painting, Paperhanging 'The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar IUl Ht.h St.. N ewport BeaC'h Ph Har 2404 or l l!e7·R. l ~tfc Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION lU Cedl Pia«. Coetll Me ... Wbert.y 8-7627 u c2e FOR RENT 'J'h11 New11-Preaa publlahu mott Clu11t1ed Adil th1.n llnY other newapaper In the arta. Th.la leaderahlp wu lltlalntd becau.e New1-Preu Cl .... ifled Ada ,.et reaulll! ~~Y._A1_d_11 ____ _ Superfluous Hair Penn1.ntntly n moved from race arma, le&•· ICytbrowa and ba!r llne shaped-No more tweea n1. P.:1...LEN L. BRYANT R. .E. Lido'• Salon of Beauty Bar. 2671 t.to !2-Lo1tt a.od Found -------------LOST 11mall rhnner ring, gold PP· ph1ri•.s & ptallM. REWARD. - l.J R-7097. 21«'23 Jones Birkel-Richardson OROAN STUDIO. Learn to pllly the rnlghly WURLlTZER. EVELYN JONES, Mgr., 300 Holm- wood Drtve. LI 8-1082. 20c33 China Painting Day end l:Yenln1 Cl.uMe Ordera Taken Now Phone Liberty 8-l!e48 8ttlc REAL ESTATE SCHOOL CONTRACTORS SCHOOL AL TYLER SCHOO~ 1611 N. Broadway KI 7-~11 GROCER. Y rallhll'r• mu t wrap- Eam SS0-1100 po WH k ISi l N B rnadwa y. Kl T·SUl 23-Sltuattou Waated . --Roy's Maintenance Apply at SNACK S HOP, 230~ E. Coa.at Hwy., Coron1. del Mar. 18tf WANT BABY SrM'ER who C•tn •hare my llpl. One Child. Buur•I 6: room. 1mall 11&lary LI ll-9080. I 21c2:J -~--~------MAN for put time work In model departm<'nl of toy 1to1·f'. Har· bor 29r>t . 2Jc23 M AID part. lime work STACE MOTEL, 3026 Coa11t H1ghwuy- Newport 0.-at·h. 21<;1:! MEN PART TIME NEED • to work evl'n1ng1 ik Sat Opportunity ln eurn $!11 per wk Car ner. Apply Mr Ash, W!'d I p. m. Santti Ana Y M C.A , 20:. \\'. Churl'l1. !:i.A :.!2c23 MARl!';E M E C H A N I C CLASS. Harbor 3881 SALESLADY, mUlt have know - • 1e<11e of .ewing. SNIP • STITCH, 209 Marine. B&lboll llland. 22ttc REGISTERED NURSE lt> work tn doctor'a office. Muat know typlng. W r It e qua.llficatlon• llge, experience. elc. to Box W-64 lhi• papt'r. 23c26 WOMEN : several ottlce po•Hlona: factory: livt-ln dome11llc. MEN Engr. draft; machlmst: Inspec- tor: otrlce trUnt't': Rul'lltor. JUNll FARRAR Empl. Agcy. •02 1~ 32nd 8l . Npt. Beach. acro11s from City Hall. WOK.AN to wuh pota 6: pana .tt dee.n cooking atta In c&.felerta, Orange Cout College Hours ALL NEW 'r\I C.:llAlRS TV AR~t R OCKE RS SWl\'EL t 'J>HOLSn~REO ARM Ct.t'A l'f-IA ll1S 4 OHA WER I 1ESI< ~A LE~l 6 \.\'AY F LOOR LAMP W SHAU!': 'fAIJLE LAMPS\\' S HADF. FlREl'LACEl TOOL SET, WROL1GllT IROJI: OROJ> LEAF' TABLE, OU:-\CAN P H YFF. MAii. 6 PC. WROUGHT IRON Ol~i::TTE SET ~ PC CH.ROME DINETTE SET . :i PL'. :0.lAPLE Dl":"\ETTE SET liUFFIIT H UTCH. MAl:'LX COJo~Fl-:E OR El'\D TABLES, 1'1..ASTW TOPS GAS RANCE 3t: .. 0 1\llUEO TOP II x 12 AX:'\t l~STF.R RUC I:! x 1:1 AX.!111:'\STER Rl'G !.I ll I:! Rl'C l'AU. Jl'TF. 11 x 12 KJTCllEN R UGS :l l'C. ~ED W\'A:'\ SF.T .. 2 PC. BJo:U nJ\' A:-. SET, \\'ROUGHT fRON STUDIO COUCll, OOl"Bl.E Dl'TY 3 PC. Cl'R\'EO CE~TER SECTIO~AL .. SOFA BEU. F OAM cusmo~s .. BOOKCASE HEADBOARD .. . . ...... . 6 OR. D0lJ13LE DRESSER W MIRROR INNERSPR11'C MATTRl':SS & BOX ST'Rl!\'Ci BAY f URNITURE "Whera Pnc-es Are Hrld at ~y" 427 E. Hlh Fr~ Slorl'fronl Parklng OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 $1~ 96 $:.!3 !\(1 $22 !\() $29.!l!I $ 7.111'1 $ ~Ilk $ 6 Ill\ $HJ !\O • $48 1111 • $!)9.Ull . $78.118 $0900 . I !1.811 $99.60 S•9 60 $99 60 s 6 7!\ s 6.60 $87 00 $99 60 $77.00 188.00 169.0-0 $111 llD S69.00 $39.90 Cn1t1. Men Ttrm• 10:30 L m. to 7:30 p. m or 10 :30 --- to •:30. Five day1 a week-SO-Mlscellaneoua Sta.rung .. 1ar)' $I 14 Jlf'r he>ur Jmmedlat,. o~nlni;-Apply in person In bw11nu1 off1,·I' In ed- mlnlstratlon bldJt. of college 23124 TELEPHONE D lREC.TORY I COL>-· CLUBS latll't, al.x m1t<'hr1t 11ons. thrl'e wood.s, ba_g 6: ~lan•I $30 Rtd Crosa Grfty Lady uni· form• f 21 i.ille 16 C'ornpltl,. '"UI ca p11 It hl(hl-we1ght coat. Phutt .. HY 1tl t 4 .:1!)72 2:1p firewood Washing Machine ~ERVICJD 1-y~ar &"Jl.nllltM on Jobe don• llJ\d on UHd wubera. 2488 '*- 1 re1.r) Newport 81., Coata M-. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64Uc S2-funltutt ror SaJe --- MEN or woman a1• 18-~ neat appearing wilh can to deliv"rl Orang• County Telt'phone Dtrec- tonee. California UcenN pl1.lu I requJred. Brt.nr Soelal Security number. no helpers Apply Thun1. Oct. 27 a t I a. m Elh'l.lyplu11 6 Aprkol, dry, ready LlK!i: ~P:W m odem roae fllvan, 17&3 NrA'J>Ort A,,~ , Co1ta MeM 1 to bum. KJ 7-t 890 23tJC $!1:'1. liar 2323 after 6 p.m. Rl!uooablt'. Servlct call• tll !I p.m Kl'OWLTON l!:LEC TRO:"\ JCS LI 8-~206 llp24H QUALITY TELEVISION SERVICE HOME SERVICE 'tit 9 p. m. 776 W. 19th L I 8·8676 SPECIAL BUY! U -Auto Sfth ·l<'fl ·-------~--~~~~~~ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. .. ... -... ·-----·$48.88 8 Cyls. . ... ___ ............ $58.88 Inc1Ul1f'11 both l11h<lr 11nt1 part11. Nrw rln1=~. wrl~t r11111. valYll irrtnd, fillings e>r m6111 1.nd r11d bear111£t1, .h:x~rl mntur tune up. 510-dlly M 4,000 mlle i\lllTant". (NO MONEY OOW!'ll REBUILT ENGINES OEMONSTRATOR model, Ukene\lo -UP to J~ MONTHS TO PAT - lovely K1mball Spinet plllOo wtlh Bu11l In our own fartor~· by aktllf'd built In Lowrey Org-..no.. Save marhlnrsll. Onn't C'Ollttnd with $300 on thla. Liberal trade. Con· the nrnldle 011\n. Ruy dire._ s.;~~te~c!\907> REBUILT and INSTALLED '21 ... 23 N. Sycamore, SllOta A.na SHORT 81.0CI~ Phone Klmberly 2-0872 FORD ..... .. ............... _, . Sl29 !10 Orange County'• Oriran Hdqlr1. CHEVROLET .... ····-.......... I H P :~ _ PLYM. • llOPCE .. ··-·-·--11:1:'1 HA?.fMOND Organn. All modeds. Some wonderful ba r plna In used or&'llJ\I. Sever&! mlll<u . Free practice room•. Trad• In your old lrultrument. OAl'Z·SCHMlDT. Home ot the world t1.mo1a Hammond. Santa Ana. 020 N . Maln. GOOD playln( pracuce p ll.llo.t, 5711. '87. $111 up to $191!. Spinet lype mirror pl&no, 1. beauty, only $196. Ea.teat t.erma. DANZ·SCHMJDT. 020 N . M&IJ\. S&nta An&. 100 pleno11. Open Friday night.I. SALE. Grand pl&noa. Mllny won· dertul b1.rga1na. Mllny tamoua mllkH. PrlcM from '385 up. Bench Included. DANZ·8C'H.MIDT. DJO Mo Matn, 81.0ll. AnL R!:MEMBltR-Don't forget -tb• acre1.t Porln H u pa Organ Ct>n· cert O<'tober 2t--8 p.m. -Ma· aonlc H .. 11. comer 6th • Sy('•· more, Santa Ana. No l.dmluion.. A wonderful music-.! lretat for all lovera of the orran. DANZ-SCHMIOT, 8&nt.a AAA. D20 Norlh Main . DE AUTJFUL tamoua malt• blonde Splnet piano ln perfect ClOl\dl· lion.. Save 12.e. Ut.r&l \red• Convenient terma at.- SKAFER8 (Since 1901) CHRYS. & f'\F. SOTO ..... -Sl70 STUOEBAl<EH ...... -... $1;0 OLDS . rONTlAC e ···-·--$170 BUlCK ..... -.... -... -.............. _ $17:1 HUDSON -··· .. ·····-···" ......... S 11:1 Loan Car Free T oWtnl NEW CAR GUA.R.ANTElt Block mutt met t our at&nd&rd• Plu1 taxes, gukl'l• a nd oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily 8 to 1 lltat.e Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA A-:iA * P ORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES a.nd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout. Hiwa1. Newport Be.ch LI 8·'1420 'IW·"' Travel-. .. . . $2~9~ '&2-17' lia.Mon, tw bedl -· $i9~ ·~...o· l"lMlwood 2 BTl. --1339~ '&MCI' Ro&dmutu 2 BR.. $H!l~ 1968 Modet. on OUplay e ll alicu PAN AMERICAN Puamount-Kenalctll -rr.ftl..-T.,.,. l:'ll fa Painttq 6 Paperb&nclq We do the work oW"Ml1'ell. Wll 81.wa, ~ Dl'tU., PollaMra. all t ype. ot l&Dden, Whttlba.r· row•, etc. HOUH Clt'..nlnr -noor W&Jdn1 Wall waahln(-Wlndow clanLn1 Venetian bllnda. Upbolltu7 ln1ured. Free Eltlmat" Llberty ll-US2. lttc ----------- c23 21c23 '21 -~ N . 8ycllmore. l!lanta Ane Phone Klmberly 2--0872 8P ARTA1' TRAJLl:R, U baM wtUI b&f.h-1 lar•• clo•l• etr -oa Jarr• lot -RANCHO T RA lLIDR PARK -Pa lm Sprinp. "D 71!" - IO 7e&r1 ~rtence Llo.a-4 A luUred. BOYD'S HDWE. llSO W. COAST HJOHW A Y ---~---~-~--~ EXPERIENCED GARDENER LADY Wllnll'd tot' llf'lt hOUM· work I< child care. 3 flay• per Wffk. 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 120 PRIVATE SALE CHRO:-.IF: dln,.tte 11et. $40. mooem rhrur $20, 4' floor l&mJ> 491 K 10th Place I nr High 8chooll < 'to~la Mt~ll 21c23 SaUatacUClll cuarutffd. Eatlmatee tree. Call J ohnnie. L I 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 8lt!e ui..rt7 1-3•3~. Newport Bcb 11ttc OAROP:NINO 6: yard work hy day H.H.HOLBROOK week or mont.h. LJberly 8-81311 a.fler I . Sltc per wlc. Hu . ~1111 . 23c2:'1 3120 ScM'leW Av<!, C'ur-00.i ,,,.1 N>JO: T~ERS (nr IA;;,; I Ml\r. C"ornmencln&' Ocl.. 31 lhru Be&C'h .. ~oulh l.Aj(Una City Riil J \ll ~ I' m. Directory, C<ll'ld hand wr1Ung Mesa Woodcraft 008E'RKAN pup fM1a.1e. by llln of Storm. Cropped 6 lnooulai..d 1128 Arbor. Cotta Mea&. LlberlY DEPENDABLE PLUMBING CLEANlNG A O\ONINO by I.be uaenllal Wr1tt' 204 E H h ' room 7• l•ntll An• Of' c~I KJ I Pur• hu...S on world l our Or1rnt11l l'npalnlPd • J uvenlle Furmtul'f' 8-42t7. Everunaa only. 22c1• CEliO:NT a Bun.DING All k lnde A Prompt day. Experlen~ Balboa a.land au 23ltc .. n. obJ"cta. brocada, Chlnf."r f'l.O~E OUT. 6 dr. 30" chut $l7.96 - ( 'hllrt 8 Hwd rrn kt' rt• $6 ~.O "4,.Sr a.rm. M&tllt&.l.Ded pre!and. Kl s-eoee. ti ~1._ t'mbmlclt'ry. fl.briCJI, klmur &.1, Hv.'11, Bo8ton rot.lter11 . $14 11~ Phoee: llU'Mr "" FREE ESTlllA TES Uberty s-e100 H ll uol 8albo.a Bl-rd~ N.-iiort Bi's:; Swedish Massage EX.PER.I.ENCED Srrvtce Slalion costume Jewc:-lry, natl''• , .,,._ atundant Sala.r)' 6: <'OmmlNloo I tumt'•, plcturu. llne.oa. rhan ... En(Ulu In<' 24~ :-Jewport la1t1J '"• P:!ltCIJ!'H I.UST R ~: ComplN• line wirainted tum aoft an•I hwd -------------"A's " COMPLETE PAJNTINC £t Paper Hanging Service ELGENIC 0 . 8AUNDEns I VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY ~>00 :i1at Slr~l. 1'ev.'J)Qrl Horh THE NEW m&l'hlne procc>u m•th• Harbor 1t71 or Kar. 4414. ttc I Cid Rt llaonable prtru . Avera«e 2 tllpe r«a1dt'nual blind. Gen~r~!£~E~,tractor l "~~;~ ~1~~~re<iP ~i~:~~~l. New Work -Rc-modellag I ·~ Work 1lonf by appoint mtnt J. MILTON McKENZIE I ~·hon~ J.lt>«rty 8-670\ Harbor 6300-W !'>Sl!c I __::: Klmt>trly 3·82H pptrc c A R P E N T E R Elec. Tool Repair Repair \Vor k Sidi Sl\w11, Orrlls. Snnden QUlCK S ERVICE LEWCO ELF.CTRIC CO. [)of', \'our Home • ·et'd Reoa1nn1 I 01 Rtmodrlanl T C.11 ~'Anll l.lhf'r'v I Gll~4 •~ ::o\o Xewp<irt fllvd. NpL Reh. All Wo rk ruA111n1;ed Hlfc Liberty II-~ Hltc LedJ tll, -by appointment lo your home. I Formrrly rn~uM •t Arrowhe1.d Mfnwax anrt Pett tint.hr• Blvd., Nt!wport BPIM'h Har 129 J1l 1l• II 01 ,Jen lllken t or 1llutter• Al110 bl""''" c •• klutl t11bl.. & 21:!1 Harbor, ~-M. Ubt'rty 8-16 1;, 23c2~ m .. hCIK ~h.r11l1o11 b11fCrt. 2':1 <!G ----- 1 'AAl't.r. c H., m 1t ~ol'·A 1ood •411 Spnn11 Hold . ,----~-----PleA .. c._11 Harbor '711~ or Bar. ~- 70 1~21b WA;>.'TEO BOY 12 IO 1• )"tarl uf air:r f"tl• your appUcaUon• NOW for New11 -Pr-rout• that will be opm In your ru•11hborhood In lbt' tuturt. Apply Mr Pukt'r Clr~ulaUoc Ot'pl. New1·Pre"' _ _ __ con<11l1nn, rh<.'rry llrvp lt!aJ lalllt' ':iQ SE.LL ON TERMS DL-.;1~0 iuom atl. rdrig ..._~ .. 1 ~1 11( i. r.l•I 1 rne tha1r1 It m1a< , I rr. DEr..JCATltSSE S <'llM>. SJ :.O rllnl!I'. tw-11 tll\~n Kt•~ ht!ll'i•r t., flim ll11rlw1r '1107 22r24 .~ ONE • ft. refrl1t'ratt>r . .. s~· I rn•"(' lt~m• liar 18111-\\ :--------I·· 1 ONIC large commnc. rtfrlg. 17~ 2Jc :.!h Bl-.l> Divan & duur iiuod ront11· ·' 1 SCA.LES. 16!) 1 co:-.'DOL.A s:z... l1<>n '3~ -•01~ M1,r.-W1. ':'f'w· ·:,-i Call owner u 8-e223 momlnr111 or BEA l..'TIFl'L hlllt• 111 Wl\lnut ~rt blan•I Har. 112.w 23C' ·~· l.tter I! Pm. lllfc Ori.:an l'trf<1 \ i.h•P" :J~li CaUlllna LJr1'"· l.l~n y ll·l ~>i6. 21, z~ YF:U. .. O W C'hrome dtntlll' ..el S2'1 ':'10 Bf'd <!Ivan 6: m11.lt'hln1t • h"'lt '6 ' $20 llif> Bt'aC'h Sl . I oft "° ""l Fresh Hearing Aid I DRESS MAKL~O ... .A ller1.tlon• BA.T'MCJUES all type11 Kn . '87-W. :Up We Ol'ff UH Orem 8tampa I !'\\'IX bf'1huom •et. \'I RTI ·~· l!lth ~t ,. Mry,.rJ~"lll M""" ·~12 2:1r 2r. '47 -·:.1 G d D C I dlnlnit 11,.t, '3-4 Svlv•nl• 24 · ·rv ATTN. e>l<t cualomen1, It looltln( UD erSOil rug 0. Ant1e11" 1.ak d,.11\<. T11ble Inn 11· for nt'W. FINE JRON'lNO. M&l.n SL a t Balboa BIYd . 81.lboa .. •hlll11' \\'11111111 11f'lllk, H Gh\'f'f 3S--Boat~~p]l~~" -I .l'l:t Mr11 WIUlllma, 127. 28lb 8t. Harbor 1116. Ht.tel '"IC'UUm l'ltHntr :'JCl2 nl( H.1r' ---- NfWf"'l't.. Hu . 33711-J 23p23 4125·\\' 2 t1Z.r1I BOAT STORAGE t·:·• MATllltE womll.ll wu1hu baby l Custom Draperies 1-0 d N--, I 11tt1n1t. Harbor e r.a rderencea. BCD8PREADS. eUp covtrs. etc -r er OW• A l.L SlZES. r u.aonable rat~ Ap· ·:io W ti 63110. 23c~ Hl.l'dWare. 31 yrs ln bualntN Persvna.JIZ<'d 1>ty et ys.r<1 Mftr,. ~OL'TH GMC TR IPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS ca tc -., T. ricltup 1-'oJrd \'8 1., T pickup ( 'h!'\'l'Vlf'l i.. T. Pickup llcwill'e '• T rllJ\tl I 'h"' roll't •, T Panel ('hfvr olf't 1, T J'anrl 1;MI' '• T PlC'kup. lf)<lra-Ma11r Tr11111 1•h,vrn1 .. 1 ~. T r 11 kur nM<" '• T r>irkur li)'flrll·1'hU1· TraM. <0 hl'Vlf•l"t. I T ran"I OMl' I '1 T. 12' \'11n lnttml\lr11n11I I 160 2 sr,.•·tl s 2!\ T1r"• ;•nrd .. ~1()(1, ('Ir(' 2 Sj'Wf'd 7 "lO T'lro ('<ldlfl 2 T • yd Dump, 2 Rj'W'4'<1 ff '!\ Tlr,.4 IJ1wlll'" 3 T 4 yrl frump 2 ~J'"M ll Oil Tu,.,. OPICN IUNDA TB. Phone P1.rk vi-l-~81-Mra. W. T. W tJvr -2404 R~tlo A v-. . Mnnl"· hello. 21 r2S FOR 80 ME01''E V.'HO W.A :"'TS nCE BEST. """" 111~. cJ 11 Duo-ltmp,..., eu t4!1'1l bulll m"· bile home Out of 0111 wnrM fea lur•• too numtrou~ l" 1• • tl<m Mml lll'e In bl'll,.\ r I 1 dtlalU, rail Jhmt11'1Klnn 1·,. .. , l..Ealnict1>n 8 .. 12&4 ,~, • ., n -Wantlld t.o R.4>nt Rentals Wanted We nNd ap~ a.n d hou,...• 111 ad H<:UODa for bot.h W\Jltff &IHI Jf'&l"a 1,-. F urn ,,. 11nr111n It you ~ve a "ac1.111 v. phone tnd11y I The Vogel Co. llOl W l 'rt. Hwy , l\r"l'"'I A• II.. T'hnne U berty ~ .. 11111 20~ Manne, llalt>o• 1 ... .,,,. I T'hone Harb"r 4 H 2&&7 1-; ("1141~l JI)'' '. r1\M rt1 I "Ir l'hon" l hrh"r 1.11 I l.1'1n (1/tkr. :i.111 \' & I.I • ., llarbnr 4"' 17112 ~r"I"''' HI •I I 1..s 1;•11 y ,, .r.:1i.; . ' ,, .. CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NU JUB TO() RM A LL PAINTING M. W. ROSS I Exper ienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING LUCILLE D~'CORATORS Chnstmafl Carda COAST COMPA~Y . N~wport Hu . Me._.08 l: Balboa Blvd Blvd. •l 23n:I SL, Newport Ul'h 8 ll A I.I. SIZl-:H I .L l'RIO:S 2tr Rq.ir,.•('O'All\e " 11 call 11 •nor ____ _ ~'I' nur 11tN"k nr nvl'r :I~ unit• to rhooa~ from, no !'f'aac>nllbl• Offf'r I _ l"fWt!'tl .i• 111 .. ...,. 1n1 le• mn•t rr1'I:\ \IF:' i 'I 1f I. \I \ H t> A n<:uton IOU P: Balh<•n lllv<I Harbt1r HOO ~I ASPHALT TtLF. ~Jt(( ~('f'nHd Ll 11-3:121 280 A\•nodo. Coal& M,.,.. ll6ltC' J.Aot u1 flmrh ) 011r and CLEAN UPS Libe'rty 8-1659 SOtlc IQUALlf'lEO MoUitr wtll malUI~ Y<>Ur hnm,. 6: child tor SHORT R d I• V_.4t:ATION p«rtoo or WEEK 1n1lall Inf' Ahm·e <'ntap"r lhln emo e tng I £):OS rf'ftrt'ncu each&nced LINOLEUM moet.. Al.41\ ••II Tilt • Unolf'um 1 LI 8·113ii l Ocn :-<on-un1<in, 211 Y"Ar" npt'r1tn<'t' Pamtin~. Decortlling COmput and llt'e PART TIM'E WORK WANTED u RILL COKEl\ Har 4i8!1 or Loni Paper Hanging t1octt>T • rffpUont.t or u clerk a.ch 7·&97a. 8tltc Sheetrock PatC'hmg I typ11l rnr 1ttntr11.1 ott l<'e work. Courteoua Nf'Wl·Prua (;la.u1rled E11l:fllf'nl rt'ff'rtnl'H plua 1 00<1 A•l·Tllktt11 11r, 1ra1ne11 to '-Tllf' Taping -Texturing 'l'1"1ltlr11llM~. BoJt V-83, U\U •fftttl" ad• I v•J>f'r 21 c:Z3 Through lnng eapNll'OI t e11d • ELLS WORTH CONTRA CTI NO thorou1h 11nt1MJlandln1: nt Atlvn· LI ll·i9~1I , Ll 8;b262 ~elp WaaW tblnc w• r1.n put your ""nl• lnto l l 2p28H wol'i9a that lf9l ecUon OJRL."I - Lat ua nrlr you .,,.11. p · t ' De t " EARN MORE TOOLS am mg, cora mg THAN EVER BEFORE' BOA TS Paper Hansing · GEO 'DT'TbKU--"RDT Our new, bl(Jle.r •.t.an.Lnc _....,._ FUKNITORE • DUC\. n~ an<! frf!<!Uf'nl lnc~u 1tlvt'1 you BUSINESSES UCEN&l:D CONTRACTOR th111 opportunity. O~lnl'I now CARS Ir TRUCKS ITS W. 18th St . Costa Mua tor - HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A J OB GET YOU A HELPE R Tb•• New•.,_. Cl&Nlfled Ad· Taken an e~ llltd Ult)' are a t your Mntc1. JUlt phont HARBOR 1818 Somebody Wants that -.4 Nrllltu re. bnc .. ·brSC. t lC., MW taJllaf up a,.ce Ill fO'll ........ Ftnd a buytrwllh 1.n ad In Ne- PreM Cla.u Uttd. J wrt phone Har· bor 1118 6: •y : "J '<''Int to ptac• 1. Cl&lllln~ Ad." a.nd a <'Ourtt'Oua ad-t.akar wW IMIJ you wrtl• aa etttcOft ad. Lll>frty 8·11821 PIONEER SHEET METAL KEATING, v~Ulatlng • 1hl'tt metal work nt all typea. Indu•Uilll. rHldtnUa.t. com mercll.l nu:r. ESTIMATES LI 1-2237 . lp22 R4.. OU Bpr..o'l.nl Dr1vtwaya PARKING LOTS Bub-dh•ialona our •J*:lally. We flmalah u.7 tn-oU to your ai- c1nc1.llon. Large Jobe -1mall Jobe. Fre. e.itltma tes. Abo w a- ter apree dln,; Mortem equip· m.-it. Ll:ll.lngton e -•008. 0 11- mere A P ..-•. HunUftl'\Olt lkb.. &ttc ------------------- • TELEPHONE OPERATORS We •111 tr"tn you en<1 you'll re- tth·• man1 oUI• ~•ftt.a. -Al'J)IJ - ~141,i No. Ml.In ltn«t. Rm. 211, Santi. AnL • ·oo to •:OO p. m. P ACTFIC TELEPHONE Beacon Personnel 100~ employer retained agency :i-10 FEE t'ullerted from a ppllc1.nl •U ·311t iNewpon Buch -For a ilept>nJablt U~frt c1.r. ate your loc 111 dt..it>r who w ill be here TOMORROW lo back up Whllt ht' Mllll TO[IA Y' Check t he uMCI r11rs In lh• clu .ttled ff'CtJoa to- d"Y· FIREWOOD FR.EE DELIVERY Ory wood, Eucal)'J)tU• Call Tom HutchJFIAOO H1.tbor-213$-J. Uttc TEAK chow bench S3!'1, :\ paJrs l"rttf'I ..nuque u tln rlr&Pft 1211 Boya bike $15, 2 na.rrow Hurt.on Bay bl..nketa 17 !IO ,.arh. Roll· A Way bed 112-2 1lquar1um• Sii> A $12, ntw cralNI Rhetm air oondltloaer combination, COllt over 1400, 111tll 12116. rutton mBt· tre• $3. Har. •OOO for llppt 21<2'1 -------ND:>N SJON '4 1., x I•., fl . l.lk!' new l!Xl r"~• Sl:lO PRAJ•~:s 3 J'lllr U""" f tw mnnth~ $2:i _.'l'VPlO Ol.V AN 130 U 5-3~3 23c2:1 APT. SIZE c-u range $2!'1, I/IV" ._t, brt1 l1iv11.11. lnn,.r11rrin1r ma.ttf'e,llll $J:, hnlh j.?nod Mn· dlUon. Lt 11-11303 23c2~ ANTJQUE tum .• at'\·t'rlll 11n11!l11nl old ple<r•, rPOnlah ynur~l'lf ""'1 l&Vt Al11n MllQllfl fhlOll.. ul' rop~r. hr11111, ~II,.,., pll'l.l'" hom,. PHO:'l.T. Hiu 161~ or Har 22113\\' I ORIGIN-AL$ I Af'TER.~00:"'. l.0< kta11, •hll •I l>ORM6 \'Ii:& MDC.Ka c.omplt.1 ~ Wllh JI I0'1C'r &, Jllft rr J 1nn 1 r\ CT F ryw,11 :-.;,.,,..r IH'P'l 11•rt1. g.,rh fM $60. Ll ~.4 11~A ?Zrl 4 ('Ot tee mlll11. ,lll!lll'Wlltf, ol I SATIN It fMPOHTf:IJ L.At ,. la.m p11. plclurl'll. rlorks, •f'WlnJ.: \\'tdi.llnrt gt1wn r ustom ft 111.1 .. m11.rh1nu . 11<>und movtl' pr<>Jl'Cl· all." 12 tl 2 laov~lv fonnal• ;\'\ 1 .. n or, TV t <>Id orp n, rur1011 .etc nrt i lie 12 & 14 -LI 11.7 .. r,11 We buy 11.1111 11wsp. 8nnl( llt'm1 :!~· :H TRADE 8f<l 1• 1!ul 70-f aux • hoontr f:,1 r lll"nt f••f • hDfl •I \\ 11nt rrur"ny or 11malln l••lll 12<:0 w Raloo• fflvt1 1""" r<irl H11r l•t:\:: 3fltfc 34-~u .. iral, Racllo. T \' -------··-... RJ-:~1 a J>lano until >• u t111> All In. CHARLfE DAVIS. 1805 £ Aaa.belm Loni( Btsl'h. H Dn· loek e-60311. 111 PIE1·~~-' ot Oua.rdlllJ\ IM \1•~ t•·:ru 1.,11l 111 .. w• t r; "'I l•I 11 M.ARQUl\:TTll! An: W~lt1f'r 1nf''<''l 3 hp A ir Compressor. 220 Volt alnglr µh a 11,. A LR() lfl~" Buick Supt'r 4 <Ir 81•dnn H& H WS\\'. F:xcell. c m1t111 111n ' Will traM ~,... at l'ATC-H'FI 17th It. a t P lacmtlA.. LI I· 7~8 21tf walerlt'P cookw•re . ..ome n~•n 11 '' I""""• a .. I• ' 1• i , 1·• r IJ~ .. 1J-Cv l $I 114, Ull s l()H Ill 1nltl LI 11·4v:1r.. 2~• ~~ DA ~Z-~CHM.il>T Bi, l'1u1 .. ·'1 ·• C: F 1 1•11 • I ~ti~n ·~·'• ' t t 1tt t 1111 rh1•n ii< 1 111111.. $.lei. 1 t, d.t,. """' plll\ h'111~~ :111 '·111111·11 ".trol· rnl>f' r ht'•l $I 'I I.I II 11111\l 11" •·~ 1.1 ,. zn:-1 .. v,.• 2::•·2• :1io X Main, !'11111· •• An• K:-.-A llE Rpinf'l .. iwmv • ""n1 h Ii n1•mlh~ d d l•l 1110h l lllOj!a 1'1.rnn 11a"ol l'I\ ~"lropnh!nn Of>f'rL H i"> WU 11 :Z•:J """' HAr 277~·R 21• 2' be mov6d a t on<'" W.W. WOODS r.MC" DF:A l.F:r: 61~·1(1 fo: 4lh !\t ~"ta A lla C'>~n !\uncJ1y A '' TnlC'k ll"n•JQIJl\tl• r • fur C1r"r t • <"• ,., .... ,. , .. , .. 4 ,.r l-t11cl1>b1kr1 ll<'llOt.!' \'-. ~"l1111n lfllr Hl\1 1n'>1 r Art11.1.v ,, 'I'' K'''"I '11t I,,," \\ \\ I \ I• ltit'•· f ~ t tr T1 •r ~ t ,, .. 1 I 11 , ' 2i1 l4 11·:••2G 111~2 Al'~~! I'' > 10 ~ .. m .. r•"' 1 '1r ""d·• y,, I o~, t • h I ~ t( '" .. H' •• , 'f .u I I :. ,., , .. " '·· P• .. ,. I n 21 I ~ I S '.ll<J i \ I,( I "' a lu I r.: t rq\> 11 n • 111:11 Ml-~HCl'H'' c .. 11 • ·' 11f'r l.lbrr 1 \ II 4:l2:1 I .. rr in"• •I Alt• r ~1 1• 11 IOtr IPl\2 f'Afl &2 ~i· c1 .. 11 .71i<»" 1" \'~ry 1ll'llll 1vo1 S JI!'•~· \\ \\ nvlon llrf'• 1'•1-r l1•11 •fat1rlAl1 .r •If !rA11r lh rly\r I ;2•1 1f'r1 II r n• I ilfr \\'A :"''r!l 1., 1•n· t 1 I " ,, tn l"Ol'•lt H .... ,.nHhl 10 11: OIJY flH t :l I.A I•\ A 1.11"1;~. I I urn 11111 hn a., ¥i '• .~... , . 't. 22"0 \\ • I ' -'1 .. , .. • ft I•• Sr1111ll 1' I" I~ 111 llr ~" Ao 1lf.111Je J7:i let SJllO n,11111 II VOGEL CO. .!ll nrin" Avr . n11ll1<•fl I 1,n t f1 11rb<•1 4 4~ 11• lt11rb• • 'l~I II"' )7111\ fl I I ""' .. •·M 1l j 1•1 \ 1..;1.,~11 flll' I t /.. . 1 '" . ' ' . , ~ I t '· \T"J'I'\• 11\I .. IH tfC ._" 2 'l'nl \ •1'11 • $I :1: l 11 fr I f11m • 1 t t t•illt J ·fll t 1 t I ~ ,, 1 ri"f- 1 ., • . • 11 1 .. 1 I Tl"l t• td'T Mf1TI I. ••c'I '"'" I HIYll I • H I A1 hr• \ l1f I. \l\I' t •fl ... 7 ~--..: ~I· ' ' I • •t' ' le c I fl \"r't l , ~ 11 II '••I I I h I I • otr JI " '7Utr 1 r I 1rr I Obi .. 01 ( If 11r •· I 011lt I I •r t•u,-.' 1'1• wl or ltf ' f•f1 Ir p.,.ltl , .. II •HI 1" ti I •• j ,,. ' I (. 11 M lt.,•lr 1i I 2:\• ,, ) fl)' ' ' \t t I .I 3 1i 11 av~ll 1111• lfJ 2!'.•I ,,,,. m'• r;,,,. I 2 ;,.:zr. Cabanas Mar1nas Lido Peninsula, Ea.at 31st St., Npt. llch. OITEIUI 0.UChUul Uvinc. Apt.-Cabuu. Utilities paid. with Yacht 1lip accomod1Uon.. Dilly, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reaervaUon, Call Har. 2992. -A_eto.AB~-- co1toNA DEL MAR n•w duplex unfurn. 3 rm., bath •nst f•l"&ff!. C•rpet-"1. 1 or 2 &.dull.a only. 1 hlk. to •hoppJnc .&: tranmpom· tton. Yrly. lcaM an.ti. Jan. I. \\'rite Bo11: 2T3, Corona deL War. 12c24 Lido Isle Bayfront On• •nd two bdrm. •putment.a. Yurnlall..:i. Guqa. TMrly or wtnter rental. Har. MTll. ~A.-A.~f.!:...!!!_~t-_. FURN STUDIO APT., tult kltch· CLOS£ l N. BALBOA. F\.im.Lahed «'n • bath. ,5.5 mo. uUJ. furn. I ~rm. apt. Y«'•rly. S&O mo. 2112 '~ W. Oe'""' Front. Har. (.;u lo: walt'r J'91<1. 403 E. Bai· 3844·J. 22p24 OOAft BlOBWA.1'0 ... ......_, ...... ft. ........... ... .uNa6I, at'°"'t17, .tc. "° -RUA FOJlO, LI M1'1. IOU OJTICD J'or Leue la N.,. Bulldlq. JTaW 1100 mo. lTaU' I II.-· JS all' Isa mo. In Lido Shoppin1 Are& &al !2nd llt., N.wport BMcb Harbor •s21 Dtlc eo.-. 1tua • Pla.cai.U... c. x F OR RJ:NT l•o bdrm. horn• - (.t.9•• .&: retrlc. turn.) fnclud• •tor. n>am •two otnc. ~ '100 rnonth. Oft will r.1t Mpa· rat.eLy 1 otflt• •t 1711 and l •l Po mmt.b. Al.o small .tar• 1100 rno. c.u own..-LIMrty H22S mornfnp or after 5 p.rn. tu'c FOR LlllA81: 100 rt. trcmt&c-. Newport Blvd .. Cl. Lonr t..nn •~ per mo. tor l•t S :r-n. W 1-IAS 23c2• boa Ulvd. Har. 2010 18tr CORONA DEL MAR ,yearly, tum· M-81.S•eN Opf?rlml.ltlN DICLUX.E Jl'URK • .APTS. l•lle<t l be<lroom apt. lncludu INSTftUMl:NT ManUfactur· SinJIM & <tbi.. S:W mo. and up. utllltlir•. Har. 5409. 18tfc tnc Bwiln-. want.I to mo•• to 104 E. Bny Ave .. Balboa l1•rbor \\'INTER RENTA.L 1 bdrin. tum. Co.t& )(-II•• naUon&J.ly ad· 6344 . 8lfc apl. Adult.a, ,. ...... &"OOd locaUon vert.IMd and patent.d product, ~ 166 mo Stilt "ntal valua tn needs workln&" partner w ith BAl..BOA·PENINSlJLA. lee tum N•wpori. l l8·3eth St., Harbor 130,000. capJta.L Onnd oppor- 1 BR a pt, w w eupet, turn.. 1 0233.w. 2ltlc tunity fQT' th• rl(tlt penon. neat, uUlltlir• • &"art.~e Incl. By \ &o.' No. S-&0, thl1 Nl!Wlpaper. mo. or yrly. Har. 1126 att.r CORONA DEL MAR turn. 2bed· 1 23c2:i I p. 1n. 1 Ttfc room delux• apt., \nch1dln1" ca.r- petlfl&' A TV. Ocean view. Yrly. Har. "62 or Har. 642•. 2Ic23 sorr WATICR •rvlc• tn ~rt tlly. Oli.ly t . J"ullJ .-;WppM. Ill tlHlth forc:M -.la for 116.000 ATTRACTIVELY "1RN .. cliran, PTl'ZMOR.RIS REA.LT!' co. ------------·I l bdrm. uiwt.&t.-• apL Bar kit· Harbor 1162 LIDO ISLE cllen lncludlT.s ulU. ltiO """'th. ------------ naALY untum. 1 bdnri. bath hom .. Har. 1013. RENTAL .' SPECIALISTS yr'\y. 31'1 COron•do. Har 108TW. • 2 2lc2.I <uol~~~------~~­FlJRN. • room ,.,..,. ~t. Ettn cl-.n. Eltoctrk. mn,-. Panel rq h•L 168 mo. Wint.er or Ml mo. yMrly. UUL plUd. Jiu. ltff.J. .101 IC. BaT Av• .. Dalbo&. 2Jc23 t.11 Edna Cr&.11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 163 WINTER RENTAL. 2 bdrm. tum., aearly ne"!"· Knotty ptn.e, IS.S ',i, W. Ba.I._ BIW. 21p23 SMALL SHOP Plia. 1 a\ft ~ oor9W, ID&DU· fM:t~ -•. IOth at. A Vllla Way. 1.-.. or ..U. N.B.C. REALTY Slnd 6 Newport BIYd. Nawport a.ch H.,-. M:ll 311 Marin• AYe. balboa l1land, Har. 111"1 1 BDl'lM'. Jl'UltN', AP!'. on My BUSY MARICrT dolnr Uoul fr'Oflt , for on• lady, ftM.f Mop-JlJ,000 or mo,.. 119r month. Only Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT wlim:R plq 6 bu.. lllO mo. UUJ. lnal. sood marbt ln netp!lorbood tn Ll t-ll02 da)'L • 21c23 buay ~· Cowl\J dty. Priced l BR. Film .• UUL pd. •... 1)4) mo. B.ALB04 Wllatar Rmt&I.. 1 bdrm. 2 RPI.. l"'\.Lrn . UUI, pd .... SIO mo. turn. ~ •10 mo. uW.. tnclud. I 007 JI:. Balboa Blvd. 3°' AIVUW.4o ""-Harbor R11.lboa ll•r, 1371 7M•K.. J2cJ4 ·------------1mw 1 Mdl"oom -...., ~ Jo'URN. a nd unr. I bedroom apt. ~'"e. Frid•)' p. m. and Sat\lrdaJ. TIT y ,.m ll'•f. Coron. del Kar. 2'<2• CORONA lleL Mar v1rw fum . •pl. 'Ml 1n.-ludtn1 u\tllllea •nlL Nov I. C•ll Ll 1·20H. 2Spl4 KAot\¥ pl.A• kitch«a. b&l'dWoocl noon. W. bath, adWt.a -1711. 84S PlllftMr k , 0oMa x ... Ph-. Ltbut7 ......... 22e2' rl&b.l. FlTZM'.OIUWI RS.ALTY co. llAJl. 2161 63 "-1 .. i.- LOA.Ha 'lV aUD.D. DIPllOVS SOT, MOD~ <* ........ ......,. "• .., 'l"nll 0.... l'fSWPOftT UJ..80.A ii.A VDl'OI 6 LOA.Ill 4 8'KLC'A'l10 N .... ,,., ........ ft. ...... Uo LOANS for Homes K-•n.1.- • a,_,..._ a ••• .._. Over The Top Our pl ot "eight -five in • 5:;" hu been reached ! With a total of $8,770,024.00 MULTIPLE LISTINGS Sold in 1955. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Ne~rt Beach BALBOA ISLAND One of Balboa Ialand'• lovelie11t bayfronl homea in top location. Six bdrma. Beautiful! decorated thru-. out. A home for gracioua living pha adaptability for excellent income with complete privacy for both .eetlona. Full pri« $66,000 ON THE PENINSULA for $19, 750 -3 bedroom home !or you and your family. Corner !irtplace, Patio and ba.rbeque. Tbt1 111 a MUST SEE. . The Vogel Co. 208 Marine A venue, Balboa Ial&nd Next door to the Poet Office Har. -444 E'vel:. Har. ~9-M -Har. t218·R BALBOA PENINSULA -NEW 1589 Ocean Blvd. OPEN HOUSE DAILY -1 to -4 :30 p.m. 3 BR., 1~ Bath&, W(W cpta., built-in atove, rire· plaoe, patio. Low dowu .,ayment will handle. EXCLUSIVE -First time u.ted ! 3 BR., 2 bath, Nicely !urniahed hom.. G. I. Lo&n, monthly pay. meat. lncb.adin& tu. -$80. ll'ull price $18,:K>Q. 4 New Hot19N -Neuly Completed. Built-In kit· cbena. UMd brick f!replaoa. J BR., 2 Batba, double prage. l'eoeed paUo, fa.cine attractive city park. bl,500 -Good ftn1ncin1. BAY AND BEACH REAL TY 1'11() w. llalboo Blvd .• Balboo. Harbor 1264 • osr: Ul!:Llnr.t. f\lrn. •pt, S76 mo I 'tlllU1t• paJd. 604 J • • m I n a. Cnron .. tlf'l M.a1. 23p2:1 00111'4 MU.A -J bednn. Mid n-• bedr'M. UllfluiL bo\l.llM. 41 bk)cka rrua. C..'-ct. \o'Wa. Oub. di#p~ I baths. Ua.lt a..t. A-Llabla Moor. l. LI .. TIOI OI' l..&alnSU-MTTI. m.fc: CoMfruction Loens HOTSPOT Jo'\Jk:"fl .,,H1':1> bache.lor •Pl. Pr!· v•l-oood locauon. Adult onl.y ~ ~1 ·, Pnppy, Corona df'I )(u, Harbar oe;J~M. 2J1tr . . . Chartning H1rbor ff•ven .\~rt.meat• • Patk>e };P\\ t ROOM., 1trei!l 1-•I. NM.t _...hoola, -.lloppuic diaU'\CL QWct.. plr.11 .. Anl. f'.t'.Chi.Jvt'. G•rMc• di.- I''""'• l•uNSry. 9\0ra&"• room., ~1<r.,:a. '!12.60 \Ip. Occupi.o t'n• tlr· •li•·f't c;..,,,,1 1upen·l•lon. ~\er 1~0 1 H•Vf'n f"laec I filoc:k Soulh of Hl«h BchocH A l-"0 n!RNTSKED APT9. \\'lNTEf'\ RA Tl:8 !'Ith 1 .. 100 ISLE 1:,\t:llEUlR •nd nne A two bdrm. -pl.A. 15hvr• tenn •n.d yf'atLJ. ,. t.,gO, uoo Horn. UM1 Bay rront KnmN and ·~~ftta. I.JI)() REALTY AMOCiat.. :1 1•>1'1 \'1• LIOo, LIDO I.IL& H1DW I "'*"1. 1 bath mit\snl. 1_.. to p«m&n· mt t.eoaat. noo ..... Ooie. *8U... Mr. a.-, DOnkirlt 1·1211, ~ Md ,,,.... 8Yl'f"&ll o..•t. 1..ltlc VIKING HOTICL .01 •. Banloa B1Td.. 8&1'bo9 Uattiot &61S l'l()().111(8 A APARTM'.SN'TS - Da7-Waek -X.~ a.t klcaUon lft 8Ullloa Vf:RY lt.l:ASOMA.Bt.m RA.TU """ LADY ~ wUI r.ll rwm lo lady. Kitchen prt'1Jecw. •42 Redl•nd• A-LI .. 1111, ""' ROOM ,_ wwtdai" man. .. and S7 P8T wMk. Prtnta •tranct. 123 28tll ft.., l'f-iiort ppttc FOR 1\Z.NT-~ • lloarC lw irlde"ly lady . P1tnstoner o. lt.- U .. 2809. Hp2.I H.arbor '''" "'" -~~~~~1 i60~~·~-~~\_!!llloc~~-~~~~ f !S" Yl!:AHLY. on• bedrm. lum. •l'I n" • r ..,.let O.C-to Hwh•rd•. Har. JCNM.J &lttt t or UK;-2".11 I L, &fter I ""'' FOR LE.AU-Lot ~mattly eo bJ' mo n. C.J ..-nc. r.ctn1 """ a.art• I L, eo.ta M. ... LI •san. 20trc a,..,....,. Extra Luxurious Custom Quality 41 Ranch Homes Cent.rally located tor all a.cUvttl• in Grn.ter New- port Harbor aft&, )'tit out of .uonal COft&MUOD. that pena.U.. .a ma.ny areu. ThHe homet1 have everythlnc. even wall aafem. Thrtt bdnn. $21,DM Four bdrm. $22,950 HARBOR MESA RANCH ROMF.8 Located at lrline Ave., 1 Block No. of 17th St .. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th le Irvine LlbPrty 8·2984 or Liberty 8-312.3 lllcZ<H - ___ ... -rn... 1IU &Aft CIO.Aft Bl.VD. OD.--.,.. Kar Jl.l.ttlor JIN ll9f. POIJUD MOlt'l'W.Gll CQ. *'" ... la ~ a. 1-6.111 -- WJI SP'SCV I V9 11( LO.ura 6 PIMA.NCUfQ o~ HOU~ Aut.oa, Fwlllt•• 6 &alarl• CASH .•. POil TllUIT DCKDll WK. a. HOLT M'.Oft'l'O.A.Gm B.UnCNO aINC:S 1130. Ulot N . BUaH aA.NTA ANA ATTRACTIVE new building, 7 •lorn, 6 under leue. eo.t.a lieu area. Show. over 10 ~ on price or $80,000. $.M.000 will handle, CORONA DEL MAR Brt.nd new 1ut.e home ot S bednna., 2 b&tM, latp Uorin& room opena to ahelter<d polio. Wood pone! !ini•b Uving room and din. room. Bur now and bav• your cb<rioe of colon . Priced •t $28.7~ A CUTE 2 Bdrm., cornet Sl 7 ,500. Will trade !or larpr home. CONFER wrnl US Oil NJe of home, lot or locome property. We can render you real .sen·ice on Ila· ln11 In Newport, Cot:t.a MN& and Bay di1tricU . For frff emtim1letl, CALL Lou Boynton with EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor Bayaide Dr. and Cout High1Pay, Har. 3297 le Har. 2878 CORONA DEL MAR REAL GOOD BUYS DON'T LAST, One ad 1bould do It OD. thbl home with view f rom large Uvlng Tootn. Om al.a hu fireplace, 2 nice .ind bedroo~. patio and lanai, db\e. ga1·age can take 2nd 1t..ory. Thbl ill the wee:lf11 bfft. buy. We have the key. $18,500 Excluaive with, RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Corona def Mir H1 r. 2288 (Acrou from Bank fn CDM I KlH"ZkLT .. 1111 !------------------------ NO COMMISSION No Appn1-1 J'ee •.U. -lll:l"IKAJICll OON"ITRUC110lf C&D..flar .rr. -Fut CommJtmoou • lla9t~ Mid Ullitll 0011 Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. """'" ....... U ..... 1 U~ llON&Y: WU1t MIOO, 1n4 ~l .... ,_d• •• _.,.. i..u.n. p_, ,,. tni-c. '" bonua. teO mo. All du9 6 yn. Hu. •:183. 2lc24 51 ___ ... _ WA 'l'Eft.J"RONT OWNl:lt Oc•MI or bay fmqt from IJll,OO(I to ••.ooo. a,_ 11.,.., urr ----·-.,_......,._ ... BRAND NEW LIDO HOME 3 Bed.rooTJU1, 1 34 bath11. lovely kitchen with Ther· rnador ra.nge, oven and d1•hwuher. 2 rireph1.cea. C.rpt'tll. etc. Qnjy jgi!OO and a GOOD BUY CLIFF HAVEN King1 Road view lot. leuebold 67 lll: 110 ft .. a dandy for SM00 and only $2000 down. THE VOGEL CO.-'-LIDO OFFICE Ml& Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4-971 "Of Har. 4972 Ev• Har. 2191-M Har. ~R or LI S..5297 BAYFRONT OWNER HAVE BUYER WITH ALL CASH Phone Oyde Meyer, Rltr, Harbor 2950 or ree. Har. ~25 or writ• 301 Marine, Ba~ laland. 23c2!\ 57-BeU 1"4tate W..W 00.Aft.U. IBOPl'D Wa• el -WANTED ro ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. 'A'°E I 10 unite or mo~a •pt• .. court.I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26. '"' etc. Write Boa T-41 llll• New•· p.11per. 20tfc It-Real .......... a ............ 80· A • Corn11111!rdaJ. lnduatrtal FOR U!:ASE 10 a 30 offlt""e or ditpl1y • ..-. PLUS 30 x IO t'"ll'ar 1pa.n. rtar llldlnr door to alley. .1uitt'd to Jlpt n1anutc.eturing. 1160 mo. .">!:? • :10th St., Newport Beach. H•r. 4968 or 4321 2~c26 62-Real Estate TWO HOUSES ON LARGE LOT L!v1t In ont' a.nd let th11 lt'nant mue th11 puyml'nl on both l\OUHa Only J:i800 down n1ovea you Into Jo~·ely 2 bdrm. I '• balh lwme. 4 yea.r1 olll, Thr other ~ nn. I bc1m1, hOll!M! m11.k ~N the pa.y. ment.11 fur you o! $78.00 a mo. Phone t0d11y to B<'t' th!1 barg•in. REX RECHS 2307 \\'. B1dboa Blvd. Harbor l>l:loe Last 5 Acres adjoining propose.rt l l,000,000.00 buildlnf cenler Ana.htlm vicin- ity. Poaa:iblllly or C-2 iconlng. Price-<! to l!lel! now. J!:a•Y tarm1. Osborne-Forton REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. tat Port Or.n~\ Npt. Bell. LI 8-Tlle2 H•r. ~1114 tTtl ---------- At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE lS A WOJI. DERFUL plitet of bialneas property for N.le wltb u ceUent te.rm11. Lonr tarm laue1 pendin&", l.otallnf •PPCOX.. sm a monltl. .W: • l prop- erly. plu. IOme cu/, will be con- 1\dtrt'd in a trade. Call owner LI 3-822J mornlnr• or iatter II p.m. tt.tc PALM SPRINGS SEE My furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bedl'OOIDll &Ad dc. beauUta1 patio, 1 yr, old. Circwnmtance. compel ~ to offer tor Immediate poaaeuion. Ex.cellent t.enu. ' S27,500 Contact my El':cluive A.rent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOIN'NENT -Call ai IRVINE TEIU.CE SALF.8 OFFJC11 Oppo11ite Irvine Cout Country Oub, HicbwaJ' 101 or Phone Harbor "48 BILL'S BEST BUYS NEARLY NEW -3 BDRM. FURNISHED . $10,i!OO full price -$7400 FHA Loan ""1Ulo $60.~ including tuea • tn.urance. Lot Mr11Q. Sewen , Metropolitan Water, Can be ~ m- furniebed. FOR THE ELITE Spacioua 2 bdrm. and den home in tDp kn.ttnn wtal. Fireplace, 2 Balhll, Picture WindOWIL, Patio. Lup Sen>ice Room. Obie. Gar., Dichondn. 1£wn, SlaadA Tree. and Nice Shrut.. Priced at $19,500 -bat owner ia extremely anxiot111, See thla for a R&A.L BUY. It ia only 2 yean old. ........... A HOM'.11: TOU"VE W. A. TOBIAS DREAMED OF 1 ctu.R.MJNa rnom1. bM.utttully and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR !unliabad. POOL, TV. .nc1oaad ''you'll lib our trimdlJ' ..-.tee'" ,..,.... maplftcent view. Mtat 400 E. 17th St., eo.t& )I-LlblrtJ a.1111 ~ ..n to be app~tait U ST l------------------------BVY of th• M...On, S2e,ooo. 1e2e No. RJve...W. Dr-., Palm Spr. Ph.. 2'64, Kr. wnrrt:. 21c23 SPEClAL VIEW lot for •pecial bu71tn, "" qttr Dr. lot Wit.ti Important '111 l w ot H~r. OcH.11, throurti to U..,.UnL ORA.NOE COAST -~ llOT N'~ 01tita M- LI 1-1132 1:'11 .. LI t-M03 BACK BAY NE\\' S bdnn. l bal.h horn• on H.Al..3 ACRE. 0...•ralMd dou~ p.r., el~trk: onn A (rill. Ul.,llOO. ltA..SY 'J'!:R.VS. Opa.11 l to 6 dally. Hl 22nd Bl. 23c31 32 FT LIVING RM Vogel Values · Costa Mesa Office * * * * • Attractive 3 bdrm. hom• in eood ..cUoa Eaat Cost.a. W-1~lootlaa,-BWnoc..-W{W carpoU In Lit., -· and ball. drapao and ~ b11nc1o : '* .,_ ... ...._ oaJT siuoo. New triplu -two one bedl'OOlllll &Dd on• two bed· room, nlee mepante W'lit ~t tot m.uimu.m uae of common patio, Good tnoomel $1.\500. * • * * * The Vogel Co. Nam• •ny reasona ble dowlon 7 N ...... Blvd. ....._ ........ II.a payment. Okle.r wtll built 1 02 ewpo1 \. , ~ &arty C&llfomia •lJle s Md· 1.lberty 8-5597. Eve•. Liberty 8-74"7 .. Har. 1380 room, 2 bath.I. Hu.g:a 11ar•1e. l-----'---'---------------- .un declt.. ..uiur.c J 2:i.ooo. lmm.uai.. occupancy. FORD VERJUNDER. Hu'oor •213, ""' 347'1, l'ltfc: C-2 Business Lot Ort N<V.'Ji'Orl B.tvd. a t lnO\ultrtal \\'•y. ·~1e2 tt. c.11 ownfr, Harbor SJoe. llttc LIDO BARGAIN l l!l':DRM!I., 2 bath• Wllh <arp4llJt and dr&Pf'. 44' lot "3J-'OO. H..-bor 4717. !Ille CORONA DEL MA.R cut• 2 bclrm. P'LUB ""91t •PL • paUo on comer lot. Pb-Harbor 2t!M). '"" CORONA DEL MA.R-lAt lM tum .. .,. apt iM'T Lb• mortsac• on thl• 3 bdrm l Mth hmn• MIU'ly "bullt~LD•" • lot.a of •tar· •l'e ~ rloor CIO'llWinfl. drape.a 6 appUa.noea U'loludtd In prtc:• of S~.000. ff•rbor 2MMl·M.. lk2'1 LOCATION OF DISTINCTION S3000 dO'llo'n buY' • 2 bedrm . .iuc- co home four yrs. old. 1'1n!'pl.ac•. Sm-1oL • lruJ.t l~ A doll tiouite. l.a.fTe dbt. ••••R'· Toi•! pr1w only Sl l,P()O. REX RECHS 2'307 "''· 8a.lbo9 Bl-.d. H"'rboT 61:'1;1 LOOKING roR GOOD Jr»eome Jlt'llllt'rty7 4 11n1Lll. 2 2·8 . R. hOUM.I a.n<1 2 l •B. 1'.. 11pl• .. t prllRl'•. 1ntom• ea.n b.. StlO pe.r mo. FIT'ZKORJS Rf:A_L TY CORONA DEL MAR Elll:panaive Harbor and ocean view, t bdrm. DID. 2 b9th1. BarplD ~.000. Submit down NEW 2 BR. and den, 2 batha. Low term.. $1&,DOO. Draperie., 1tan A tully l&Ddsc1ped. BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home. Prot.ecUd ,-Uo. Priced at $28,000 BA YSHORES Barga.in. 3 bdrm., Uv. room 15&20 firepl., fenced, covered patio. Reduced f« quioll: sale -$18,i!OO. SEE US tor BEACON Bi. Y and Bi. YSBORJ:S propartlao. Har. 1776 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt t.em John M1cnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton. Bayside Or. office, Har. 3M, en Har. 2811 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I11land Lido Bayfront e 6 BEDROOMS • 5'-.: BATHS • PIER and FLOAT • VACANT -WE HAVE THE KET e FULL PRICE $74.500 LIIYO- ASSOCIATES W. KD.1Pl'ON J. H. GROH?.lAN GENE VREELAND \'IRGlNIA MANSON 3400 V\1 Lido Harbor 4444 !AcroSI! from Richard'• 1-!arkf't Entrance) CO. Harbor 21 :i2 I ------ NEWPORT HEIOKTS S IJO'dn)C)m h-. dbl. pr .. d~. 4~· 0 . I. loan. 4 yr ... old -Sl2,81)U U 3-414 0 tor appo..l11tn1en1. "'" $1500 DOWN nf18 •tra m•Ucukn1• J bednn hom• haa many •d.l"U. T•n1flc \o1 lu• at 51 0000. DAN A J ACOBSE,'I/'. R.1'11.Jlor Har. ~Ill evn. c:•ll Mr1. Vanc1; Ubm.y t-&682 Vacant Lot in Corona Highlands The ve ry be•t lol buy In the atta. 106' rront.a1e and veller will include plan• for a 3 bedn.x.im plu11 play- room home y,·itb 1 ·1~ b11 lh11 fvr thi• IQW ptire ot $RQ00. Hurry : THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Highw-'>'· Corona del Mar Harbor 174 1, Harbor 1•71 • , ootw•L •naaa •= a " PACK • , PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.l'lE$S WEDNESDAY, OCTOIER 26, 1955 . . --~ • a ....... a ••• l'Aiate a • .., Dtmll COSTA MESA .. WATERFRONT SPECIAL H A R ·B 0 R B L V D . S T 0 Rf S "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" 2 a.&: -~ • 16 ft. Wkbeecl fmlltale. Pier .. !loot. -Udo -.. <lty Roll. Only $11,lllO -I ' M • -po,_t. DUPLEX. M A. tot s 1, o: 1 ~ float, 2 OU' ....... ...,. IWa. A la -sna .oadttlon. ... ..... -' 5 ~-........ -with t!Nplooo. Pier 6 no.t wtlJ. ......,.-state up to 50 ft. boat. -.... .,..,,,. ot '211.500. ,,,..,, Op•n Friday, Sat. J,. Sunday 4-70 Walnut Place BACZ: BAY ._ alt lnlae. SwlmminJ pool. Ranch Ryle 3 bdrm. rear living room with aliding rlas9 doon to patio • pool. S..r kitchen, 114 bat~. Barptn at only S23,l500 Two Stores Plus 5 Apts, •1a:J:O yarty income (could increue by taking eummer rentals). WW consider nioe home up to b0,000 in exchange. ll"U.11 price $55,000 JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 W, Cout Hwy., Liberty 8-7773 "At the ArchN" EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA NEWPORT HEIGHTS AREA It's unu.ual to find an offering like thls -in fact they just don't happen thette day11, but thls did. Owner in di9tress and mu.t .ell. Hi• unfortunate cireum.tance. can be your gain. Tbyt ls no gimmick la thill ad -we can state with· out ,_ fation that it La the belt buy in the New- port Helrbts or Oitf Haftll area. It's a roomy 2 bedrm. well built itom.. hu breakfut ._ dlD1llc room., tlreplace, oak tloorw that rJeam, eenlce: porch, Iota of We, plate 1iu. pictu.n win- doWI that otter 901De new. eztn larp double pt· qe, rear yaJ'd MUT'OUllded by concrete W'&ll pd many other features. It's located in best part New- port Height.a, ju.It breathtn1 difiance from cnrf Drive a.nd a sto09 throw from Kbools. The priee -oa.Jy •te.ooo Shown by appointment only. Call P'red Barker, Liberty 8-3823, e~p Liberty 8-84121 or call EARL W. STANLEY, 15th Ir Irvine L!be..ty 8-:!eM Realtor 23c2!> ---- Selected Listings BARGAIN IN BAYSHORES: Can you lmactne • charm.ins 3 bedroom home here for $1.8.500!' Better hurry a little for tbia one. LUX> ISLE : Cbarm-comfort-v&!ue-a.11 wrap- ped up in thi• lovely home. 3 bedroom. and den, 2 bt.lha end 2 fireplacet. Owner leaving area and will aacrif lce. CLLFF HAVEN: We have 2 extra·•peciaJ buy• that you must uk ua about! CORONA DEL M.AR : Architect'• own cont.f!mpor- ary modern home -beautiful bay view. Under reproduction co11ts at $39,500. Thia h OUM I• truly custom built. CHANNEL WATER FRONT: For the boat owner .,, ha"e a wrprise package. Lc!t ua 11how you'. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blyvd. Harbor 5.500 • Between W. 19th St . end Newpori Blvd . Between Bonk of Ameri co end U.S. Net'I. Bonk NEW STORE BLOG, Leased Income $60()0, Price: $50,000, Terms, Let us toll you why this ;, the BEST investment in Coste Mese today ?.lore and mott Harbor area famiUet. t.re lnapectine .these exqui11ite homee -noting their comfort, e<m· venience and central location. More and more familiN who prerer a home in a re. 11tricted quality community are moving Into their Irvine Terrace hornet. Drive in today and ke for youreelf 'the. many out· •landing feature. or thi• remarkable community. HOWARD B. LAWSON c 0. Inspect the modei homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished Harbor 5148 Lido Isle OPEN HOUSE 203 Via Nie• 1·6 Saturday • Sunday NEW MODERN nu:NCH REOENCY lmpreulv• •ntrJ and .-hat'• be- hlnd It 18 00-1£·~ S ~ .. 2 rnarbl•·t.oP Pullman M.the. A.II elee. kJtcb.n. Mertu'l' .wttcra. • Ma.uUtullJ' carpet.M throqti- aut. S-utltu! i.n.-.ptnl'. A DEUOHTrUL HOKE COST A MESA The Best Town On Earth HOMES USTED TODAY AT REAL SALE PRIGES ! Some of the tineat home valuea in Cotta Meas. aftt your iNpection. Keeping in mind the prlce and tenos your fami1y car:t afford, we may be able to recommend · M>me top value11. You'll find newer homes, income unit.a. even ho::neti with acrea1e. REMEMBER · the.re is one perfect home for you - and it may be lillted with u1. Call and tell u• your need&, or drop by our orftoe. A few examples: Newport Heights · 2 Br. older home. M'ost MauUtu1.ly deaon.t.otd W1lh • 60' lot fenced ... ·--.. ······-··-·-·· ............ $ 7400 S bdrm., I jOftb' Mthll, W-W e.,,,.L A U-ahapM llltchen W:UI dtuwuher, dl8poAI, r-. no wlr1q. The iaalt1ftl pnc. t. P1.!MJCI which Ill truly a talr on•. Tut.""111y 11elected turnl· tu" 18 anllablt\ TERIUFIC LOT far IM!dn, dllll:ll t.bia OM •t $1S.&OO. ltrwt t0 9l ...... t. Bey & Beach Realty LIDO Oma: 1112 L&f•)"lttt.. N_,.,rt Hw. llU WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR nu: MOST O&Nf'U.U1 ..a.ct- «! YaN. 1a _. ot OW' dit!UMt• ly dttr-t H.AJUl()ll .A.A&A8. CLDT HAVEN TtmRWa A KJJ.i.ioJf ~ w17rlb. ot llY1q Iii OU. 1'0CNll.1 2 bdrm.. A Na rm. IMIQ•, tlnpl, elo.ta 1'9JOn. 10 tnW. U-! Only t.:ioo dn.. -r .P . llT,IOO BALBOA 52" "'OHTA.OS aa Oc.u. 9'Td: a wnn... 1 v, b&lha. ,.tio iq -..,ti fOI: Mdmlat.-. 0..- moYtq" laleDd WUlta .,,_ OOSTA KESA & A.CRU far .. ~. l:xeal. ~Uon S6000 down. MYriel M. Pinover Realtor 28CM l'f'.-port m..t.. Npt. 9-cJi &uy P•rll.lnc HM1wlf' •10 CLIFF HAVEN Out•t.andtnr 4 bdnn., I IMth t.an\•, I llTint" rooma. cup.t«I, I~ /•mlly born•. N '.MIO. CORONA IDGHLANDS 4 Bdrm.. I b&l.h. rwnpu. mL, 2 n~ ~ for poo4, t•rn-nr "'-· (WI 2 lob. J41'i.OOO. BACK BAY J Bdm1. • ti.en. 2 baUI, nuic-hy, W/W c&rpet. 111.•!i<I. C-2 I Hl1':JOO J I~.~ 3 lt!'"l &Cl"N 116,000 RolllnC" ~n•Uc•. ...,.t •irk C. M. 3 Br. home, double garage, fenced yard ................ _ ........................... '$10,500 2 Br. 6. dn plue 1'um. Duplex • C>cean View ·-· ...... ·-·-··-----··-····-·····--· .. ···· $23,000 C.2 BuaiDeN comtt lot 140.:150 ..................................... $13.000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., eo.t.s Meaa. LI 8-1601 Costa Mesa OPEN DAILY 1 :30 to 4:30 21 n Rural Lene A STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perl::y, J bedroom bome. cloee to m::hooa., •lorH LDd --· Hu $8600 GI loaa payable~ per mo.nu. includinr tu:•, iuurance and fntel'l!llt. Full price $12,900 a.nd owner will carry tiee0nd for .....,ozWb)e partiM. JEAN 8klTH ,,, RIJI'H DAVIS DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2902 Newport Blvd. Newport Beoach Har. 4718 Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom. 1 ~4 bath, F. A. heal. H. W. n oon . 1hake roor. lots of tile f1SHER bulll. OPEN HOUSE Sal A-Sun .. Oct. 22 Ir l3 384 Mira Lotn& North or Dtl Mar, juat off Tustin Ave. 4 Jou 80 x l:'JO.fronti.Dg on a beautiful lskr. with a mw of the Back Bay. Harbor 34 Look These Over Before Buying (I 1 Owner nffl.11 mare roan1. Will trade 3 br. near C•tltaJlc. chllrch tor l•raer horne In Co.ta M.,... {2) 122,&00 Duplv.:. Ocean view trom ujlJ>f!f' 1pl. 2 br. each. IS) J ll,600. 3 br. ace1n tronC ... _ by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ill located on Cout Highway oppomite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W, STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS ' Phone Harbor 4-«8 For nut.her Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to s.nym• who hold.I • Leaaebold Estate ln Irvtne Ternce, Beacon Bay, Bay Shoree and CUtt Ha'ftlll. i 4J 12t,600 S br , 1% b•thl.Clift -------------------- H&vM. TerrUie view. 161 526,600 8 roam bow... Cornrr lat. P•rmanent blly •tew. (81 JP ,500 truy1 O&yfl'ant home. I br. 8"'!.i.l down. !'l J29,D<>O 4 br., S ~th ()('e-.n truit bom•. Good •tew. !81 1!4.500 81.yfront lluplu. i f \ 1 ac. R·t. Ca.la M-area. 116.000 Wlh COl"l.llder Mllll'if I acre. (10) 2 Maul\ful o<::ean bluff lall '" l.Ac"vti•. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1&06 W. Balboa Btvd. Harbor 61811 5 Income Units N'CAJ\ HSWPORT Pll:ll ~ •Lil ta oc.-n, l blk. t.o Bay. l:ll~I· iftll renl&l u-. With tentl'lc pot111tlaJ Jneom•. Thla CIMn property lllao lneluO-MSJoinlnc vaa.nt k>t at Ule low pr1C• ot Ul.IOO and only 1'600 dow11. s.. th .. tad•)'. IHI 00001: ftoyaJ Lafto.•r. pow•r bf'ak-. power •t-1111, R • II. WW Uraa. Tlnt.t ,.iu... Ev•ry vrt.ra ~1.. Mua Caal\ tar equity In Imm•, lneom• pn>p- ..-t)'. >'actl.llt lot or tnat dftd. , v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar I. 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE , RUMPUS ROOM Ha.tdwood noon , fu rnace heaL No ga.race. And only $10.750. $2500 down. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT 1 Bedroom each, rurnlture included In 1 unit. FUii pri« Sl 7 ,000. $5000 dowa. 3. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY €Ye.nine Canyen road. 80 x 217 ft. Priced at $14,750 ' 4. Ir you are in the market ror Sborecltft property, .ee ua tint. We have eeveral aclU?e u.ttnp to •how you.. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Roaltor 3.f.47 E . Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Mu. Har. 4T (Orrice located next door to Corona del Kar Bank) GOLDEN RULE VALUES ATIENTION e AREA INDUSTRIALISTS gu AT IOI McP'a.ckl~ Plact.-~ Piii.an• Kar 140, •v.n!naa Hu 6JM-W. Move your organization home. Why aamble wttb your life driving the Freewsy! Nevin& campWJon five (5) well con•t.ructed concrete btdJdinp. Ample ps\'ed parking area. A.U utllitte.. Ee.eh ooetal.n 4800 •ua.tt feet. P'or Se.le or P'ot' i.... Homer E. Shafer R.&A.LTOR lOI M.c.~ P\ac• Ha.r. Ito en. Hu. 21n..M Har. 4H8·W REAL VALUES $1000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. home---2 }'111 old. Uvinc Rm. carpeted-Birch cabinet&, patio. Lus• tot om quiet de11d end 11trttt. Mo. payments ._ tb&n rent. Pull Po1oe SIO,SJO , ..,,,!1 ~ ~~ ...... PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO, T. EVERSON Only I J"'U'9 i.td, Goad dt1trlct. nii. i. • r..J buy. t\IJJ pric• orily 511,fOO. l'la.I&~• )Ill~ r .. nt I 8 R.. tMwn.e r...t IU<k. 2 cu p r. .,.... cii-ta lhopptnf • tr•t\9- por1.•llon. 'nY. ll ""* ta Mil l!lmLI ~. balance htie ""'' B. A, NERESON ft.&.A.LTOR IN2 Newport BJ...,. CoaC.a M ..... u l -lt'f2 EYM.. u l.f.12() 1mmediate Poa1e1aion 185& Newport Blvd., eo.ta llt!ll& tacro. from eo.t.a Mea Bank) Phonr LI 8-6761 . E'Teta, Har. dee -LI S.2103 OUTSTANDING HOME on 3 Acres --------------------:"ll•lllt ft.j I ~ S49!i. Only I yr. old. tbi.t •paciowa 2 Bedroom, 2 bath home.. beautifully built by a true cn..ttaman.. Warm knotty pinr int erior with 119ed brick ~ Sep- arate dining room and "dream" kikhen wtt.b lher- mador range snd oven , bu.ilt.-in BBQ. bar, diahwub- e:r, automstic laundry, etc. r.....,. 9CNmlid patio, dble. 1ange. BALBOA ISLAND 'S BEST BA YFRONT BUY Att.ractive 1 'story, 4 bedrm .. 2 bath home with WONDERFUL Bay view, good eand beach and ONE HALF INTEREST rN P IER le FLOAT. Huge llvlng room with beamed ceiling. Indirect lighting. 1ars-e stone r1rrplace. Newly decor•ted and in EXCELLENT condition with ROOM TO BUILD a view apartment over the double 1arage. Included In Ute price is an 18 ft. Lyman Boat with ~ h. p. motor. An OUTSTANDING value at $45.000. ' MARINERS ISLE REAL TY Har. 4781 Do yow WANT one of the SMARTEST hom., • .., tt.. Llttlo l11encl1 h'1 Dlnluwt I I I * * a•a'"c'JNlll ** fte pn. 11 lflM, .. Ir 1119 U.. bM. If ,..... -..at 4o ' 1tr1 , I ba&ba. wtUt an an .iec- tlll'le knits•, tor.d air beat and ,_.-........... DORIS BRAY, Realtor • .. A.90CIA1W 111 M&J"iM, Balboa Dland. Harbor 20 or &4 • Claire Ven Hom JU:ALTOR t'J I W Cout H.,, U 1-42'1'1 "C"' THOMAS ''C" THOMAS BAYSHORES HOME OF DISTINCTION R.arnblln1 I bdnn .. 2 bath born• °" i&"e. eor. lot, puteliacf II•. room, r&1Md he&rUI n~. prllla W1Mlftc kJ\.CMn, rn&td\irlll ~·-~-puqu& nc-.. e&l'pllllnc .r . A.. Mat.. .. t.hannlnl' h • 111 • ~L PIUCS 1\ll)t1CZD TO •WLL! "C" THOMAS, Realtor .. "· o.u.t .,. .. ,.....,,... ...... ,_.,...., ''C" THOMAS "C" 'ftlOMAS LO'YWLYIMOrm..M-.-. ..... la -..at -.err, 1 "ntad un\ta tn ,_. w1Ui Sl l:'I Ma. lnc'Olne. "'-a t~ S mon 1mlta. ... ._ ....... 111.IOO O~Q& COAAT PROPDtTID 11&1 N-Jl'(lf't. o:.ta N- U 1·1~2 JCv .. LI 1-aol W. E, FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del War HAR. 0032 WHO MovH You Is Just As Important As WHERE You Move Local tnd Gout to Coast moving O'Neil 's HASTY Mo\•ing It SI orage CHARLE Y DRAKE UX::AL TRAFFIC REPRESEJ\"TATJ\'E Ph. KI 3-9221 ' Eve. LI 8-29&1 18482 So. Main St. Santa Ana, Call! CHANNEL FRONT Small home with very sttractive lnt~rior, fi~place. pier and noat. $5000 down . Only $21 .MO. AL..IID a duplex at $22,500 N,B,C, REALTY CO, 32nd Ir Newport Blvd., Newpor1. Beach Ha.r. ~ -· Mov~ You Into a 4-BR ., 2,BATH HOME F. P. $10.tsOO 202fl HA.RBOR BLVD .. C" M u •-•i•l .Ev,.. Har 3084-M ot LI S·t 711 M-1 Zone .fO fl. Jrorit&J•. N~. ~r -ter. l lf,000 -JMIOO <1t1wn Osbome.forton REALTY CO. 2.J:l3 W . Coalot Hwy. 4 I t Port 0,..."JI f l'fpt. Bel'!. U e..7M2 H1r. ~164 t1VM Local«! nesr Orange O>ut Collep. U.. .tn. acre.- age should greatly lncreue ln nlue, matmc u ideal home and inveetment. Prtc. and .,.. .,.. t•<:eptionally stlract.i••· W, W, SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marinr and Park. Balboe. i.Iand. Harbor "'2 Best Buy on M-1 Acre in Costa Mesa Brinit ynu r checkbook ror cub purcbue. No telephone informatlo::L ART C, KISTLER CO,, Realtors 2901 Newport. Blvd., NewpoM. Beach Hat. 82'1 + OH Tli.& llANU, 'N !Mock to·Jlllrf. ---------------------2 bn.nd ~ hom .. a, l:ic>th tur- "lllfled. fforM and ,_.laJ 11"11 tur 113,600 hll.I pr1e•, Sr.l~t wUl t.aJTy b&lanc• attn 11m•ll "'"'n P")""l'ltnt. OR.Al'IQC COAST PROPERTllCS IM7 l'f~ 00at.a. M- U f.-1111 11n. LI 1-uoa BALBOA ISLAND BA YTRONT c:.mpMtatJ ~ '31.:.00. CLYDE Mrt'Jl!ll, Kat. 20&o ar Ku. 262&. 21e23 MUST BE SOLD Due to illneu 1n fa.mil)' 3 bdrm. r.nch ~ Malt~ offer. Chmt"r M>4 Huel DriY'9, Corona del Mar, Hsrbor 018G·W I r i f ii ,I BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY -FALL SPECIALS I ! I BAY FRONT. BEAtrr. CORNER. Charm. 2 B. R. furn home. Patio. Adequate ground apace for additional unit. $31.59Q. A REAL BUY. BAY FRONT. Half interest in pier & float. Attr. 4 B. R. home. Top location. Priced right. SEE THIS TODAY. $13,900. HURRY for this charming 1 B. R. home. It la ll honey! To eee it, la to want it! It ca.n't la1t! HOME AND INOOME! $19,000. SEEING 18 BELIEVING. A charmin1 two bedroom home and a most attractive studio apart- ment. Two patiOt1. Both unite nicely furnlahed. Nr. No. Bay Ii Village. $6000 down. Btrr HURRY! OPEN HOUSE -Friday, Sat., Sunday 324 Sapphire One of the molt charming homes on Iala.nd. 4 B. R. Built for gracioua year round living. Unuaually attractive patio. Bay mooring included. Call u. for the key. $32,500. Nr. North Bay. DID YOU EVER WISH FOR A REAL OPPORTUNITY! Did You Ever Have the Opportunity Offered to You!! Would You 'Talk it Over" If It Were Offered ! ! ! WELL ! ! ! ! ! WELL ! ! ! ! ! HERE IT IS!!!!! IT IS BEING OFFERED TO YOU ! ! ! YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND TALK IT OVER!! One of the finest bualneu building• on the laland. 3324 equare feet of WORTHWHILE MONEY IMPROVEMENTS, including one of the flnemt re1taurant busineuea on the Island, and all mod· em equipment. Two deluxe apartmenta. Ratau- rant hu been owner-operated by original le only owner for ten years. Building designed by ELLERBROOK. The income from thht property will delight and amaze you. OUR TIME IS YOURS NEWPORT BEACH HOME AND INCOME: Duplex -nearly new. 2 D. R. uch. Fineet location. ONLY $5000 down CALL US ON THIS! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 WHAT DO YOU HAVE? 1 HAVE 1 IN DOWNEY -A beauti!ul 3 B. R., den-2 bathe, 2 fireplace• landacaped. double rarap, with cur- tains. and carpeting in l. r . and balla, included.. Priced at $37,MO. Wll.L TRADE $22,000 equity for multiple units in Balboa Area. 2 IN LOS ANGELES -Wilahire District. Lovely cfuplex. A· l condition. Income $2,700 a year. Carpeted -13 room1. WILL TRADE $2ti,OOO <'qulty for a Lido Isle Home. 3. IN RORREGO SPRINGS -A lot near Country Club houae -Will trade for lot In Harbor are. or will N-11 for $1,7r,(). FRANCIS J. HORVATH REALTOR Harbor 1428 Llberty 8-6101 Corona del Mar Vogel Values DUPLEX 2 bf.droomt1 enr h. Choice comer lot . cloae in. Apt. ru rn. F'areplace. lfC. rooma. 1 dbl. Ir 1 agl. gar .. aun- df'<'k. Excel. cond1t1on. A rood buy at $23,500 with good trnna. Call u11 now. Like New -4 bedrooms & 2 full baths Excel. for lar1re family or can eu1ly convert to du· plex. C'om<"r lot Fireplace, carpetmg. patio. 24~1 gara~e. Thu\ 111 one of the belt bu}'JI 111 the entt~ ArPa Pr1t f'd al $16.500 -good terma. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cont Highway, Corona del Mar Harbor 1741 Harbor 1H7 Open House 1-5 P.M. 2.'H2 Circle Drive, Bay1horee. N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, extra shower. compl. furn .. encl. patio, BBQ, fire· place. Eef>eciaU y designed fo r outdoor liviJll. Cor. lot 1:: blk. from N. Channel. Priced to .eU. CORONA l1EL MAR -R-2 comer lot 2 !um. rent.ala, potenti&l $120 mo. inc. Room to build more. Under $11.000 for quick Aale. Terms. but Hurry! G. H. LATHROP. 3635 E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Harbor :W42 Eves. Ha.r. 5680 Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY A'ITRACTIVE year rotm4 bom~ on Sea- ahore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica Jdtcben, 1 bedroom and ~'2 bath down, 3 bedrooma and 11,) batM up. Solid COD• st.ructJon, concrete and pWnr foundation. 2 nr gange, encloeed yard. Escellent beach. EARL W. SlANLEY, Realtor Ill.I NIWpOl't Blvd., Newport Beacb Harbol' 1011 a aea1 FAtate p .·. a . p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d developers of Udo Isle North Bayfront Only 60 Days 'Till Christmas! Home on 80 foot frontage, ~ bedrm1., extra large liv. rm., lovely yard, pier and 1lip -there just lan't a better location on Lido late. We have the key and will be happy to show you thi1 home .. Which is just about time to deliver you the deed to one of the following building 1ites on Lovely Lido. What heller gift could you gh·e the whole family than that"! INSIDE SPECIALS: Comer lot on Via Genoa, 70x90 -$23,000. 1. 30 feet near Clubhouae . . . .. $ {l,650 Lido Fartq House Open beam ceillnp, u.ed bJ-ck fireplace, forced air furnace, natural cabinets, beautiful tile In kitchen and both bath.I, 3 bednn1., enclosed patio and double garqe. Brand new and landscaped. $25.500. $10,MO down and $120 a month. 2. 40xl10 feet permanent Bayview ........ . 14,000 3. 50 foot ltreet to atreet ................. ... ... ..... 14 .500 4. 50 foot corner atrada ··.······-······················ 17,500 BA YFRONT SPECIA~: 1. 45 feet South Bay . .................. . .......... 39,500 2. 521:: feet North Bay, bulkhead It wall .... 49,750 3. 50 feet So. Bay zoned for 3 units 36,000 Santa t-ella ua be may not have any next year, so better get buay and call LARGE 3 bedrm. home on Orvieto, dining area. slid· ing cJ.a.u doors, oversized d<Nllle gara,e, encloaed patio, Thermador kitchen and 2 nice bath1. Thia home will be flniahed in about 30 ciay1. ao you still have time to pick your interior colors in paint and wallpaper. $32,000. Bill Farnsworth Do You Need? A magnificent• bedroom home with 3 baths & large family room richly carpeted and draped. enclosed patio, beautifully landaeaped OD fee simple Qi(( Ha· ven lot. It eo, call Dave Osburn. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 "" cout highway -liberty 8-5573 Houston Values FOLKS • . . Weekly Specials We Can Sell You A House ... A Big "Wake the Town ... Unobstructed View BA.cX BAY NEW I BDRM., 2 kt.a µUra modem, •Jrtra larce rooma. MU11t be ••· Open for JnepeeUon Bat. la eun. 11 • 6 l80 lA Canad& Wa1 Back Bay View Lot Suitable for S26.000 home. Barr&ln prke. M-1 1. neoo BUY• OOftNER TOll12T Oii 20tll IL w1UI oklfr hou.ae. 2, PLAQH'nA lb'111 Hip , level A buyaln at f12.600. HurT7 OD thla. ONE OR A LITTLE f ;~E. An ex~naive or inex- pensive one. Truthfully we can never hope to aell you a home ... only a house. A houae conal.sta of common earthly materiala auembled by human efforts. It hu no life or aoul. ll'1 the folka who move in the houae anc! their dog who 1tat.iona him- ael! at the entrance gate wagging hia tail in genuine friendllneu that gives it life and a soul and trana· form. what wu a hoWMt into a home. ON LIDO ISLE •.. You don't buy a hoU8e ..• you bid for lt. Here indeed ia the ultimate in fine living. Tbe only way you can pry a man away from hil ltlland home ia to offer him enough ahecklea to tempt, hlm away $1000 Down from it. The price ot perfect jema nm hJgb, ' BJ:J>1UI. 2 b&t11. Comer, on p.v· oevertheleu a good llating can be bad once in a ttd •t~ -er •tc. rMiced ya.rd, while. We think we h ave a lucky break, one with • ...,..,.. nu t•rma. 2 bedrooma and 2 bath• tor $2~.500. One almoat West Side fully furniahed with 3 bedroom.a and 1 ~ l bat ha. 1 Bil. BOIDll l .,,.. o1c1. H-.r mkt&. Both with two ear p~ or coune. and Khoola. Oompl. fenoed. WANTED J'1oow'tn Mid ellnabl. • 14 " ao..a. • • • ~ ~~ M1Pt u..s. '°' A Rugged Individual With A Stubborn $1800 Down WILL AND VIVID IMAGINATION. W• 1nUt that a cut.a.In FIX-IT-YOURSELF hou.ae we have a&Atrn:rUL NZW I BR. ~ li8tfd bu J"!l&t pouibllitiea either u a home or Comer lot with ~. Lee. n,.. pl&c• • .,.._ "'°'· land.lea ped.. 8ff u an investment. Here i9 a wonderful opportunity Olaa to develop your mWKIH like a champ .•• 801"'Ver Houston Realty Co. a A•te'• ... OOt Ct11ter I t., Coeta Me.e U ..... 11 or LI ... TTM rH. M IWI. phoisl•: LTtle U ... ~l. PetUtt. LI t-~•7. .. :ymoUI' Jta.rMr a2t1-w. Balboa &A T'J'ftONT Du.pla 1·1 bdrm. • l ·1 bdrm.. 2 car r•r•11~. rur- atahtd. JU.600. Trnn• Mhfht conttdn trade for C~ta Mua lllcom• prop.rv, Ocean Front "11'.N I lhdnn . 2 HUI tloUM • I bdrm •pl. OYfT ,.,.,, Si:I 600 T•rm.- OLDER • bdrm ho\ ... 4', torc~d •Ir hMl Only U l 000 Dtn'LEX oo Balboa Blvd llt · 1~ llolh u11lt.t nl<'~ly tum Only U .000 will t1anc1I• Coast Properties .lOI It B&lboe B IYd., Ualbo• Harbor 2tM. !MT Md HOO. if worlc ia a deadly thing to you come on ln any- way and let ua abow you hout1~ you can move into wit.bout di.turblng a hair on your hud. Seven Islands Realtv & Investment Co. MULTIPLE u sn'NG -REAL TOR lS03 • 32nd St. Oftlce Phone Harbor ~ Newport Beach, Calaf. After 5 p. m. Hu. 2293-J BALBOA ISLAND SOUNDS LIKE WISHFUL THINKING BL"T JTS TRUE! Lo\•ely lge. Uv. rm. with fr. pl., 4-bcdnna. 2 b1lhnnt1. aunny patio. comp'I furn. Yr.·round home near village. $24.950. DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when lnvuted right ! Tbi1 2-unat prop. •hows terrific potentl&.l. 2-bdrma .. one unit, 3·bedrma. in other. Comp'l furn. Attrac· tlve exterior. Near Bay, Xt,.. guest room -•'e could go on but COME JN ANO LET l"S SHOW IT TO YOU ' $23.500 Wlth xlnt lenn11. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A"e., Balboa laland Har 0502 --4623 EXCLUSIVE and tell the People" Peninsula Bay Front! BEAUTI.J'UL AND SPACIOUS, duplex 11n E Balboa Ptnlnaula 4 yearll old Upper nicely turn• lahtd, 2 bedroom• In l!'IU'h unit Laundry and utUlty room•. 3 oor gani.gt , private btar h a.nd pier n1ht.a. •~.000. terma Peninsula Home! MODERN 4 BEDROOM. 2 BA Tll bome. • )'t U'I old. Oct an vltw from u519t.aJr bedroom L.arit llvin( room w1lh tlreplM't lplt ndld hom11 tor larfe family ••• only '23.~. i oooo down. Lido Isle Home! 3 BEDROOMS, 2 RA THS. 4:1 ft lot. a .. 1nr rrdt1•11r~ltd lruoh1f' and nut All th" runvtn1,.n1 ~• you would o>ltJlN t to find In a lovely home u~.000. t1rma. 7 Unit Income! LU.BOA LOC A TJOl'f • . . Al cloff M you c:an ,.et to lll• Ba1 •• , Jtn<'>fl ,....ntial a.r... Sit uated on 2 1<11" Ona doubl .. and .ta a.i,1,., nh .. sy tuml•had. No p&rkln11t pnohll'm. PD.000, l•rm .. Beach Home! CL08E TO flA ,. . . . Bl"Jlt ~pit A I rnndlllcm. l'\lc•IY turn $12!-IM $M\(I() dOW11. Balboa Realty Co. Qflpoall f' HAnk (If A "''r1ra H Orrelf'y Al C-0mallu1 1'<1 i.... Jade Plrutb&m JOMphln!' w ,.hb TllO E B1tlbna Elh·d , Hallitta Phone Jlsrbar 327i OPEN HOUSE Saturday & ~unday 1 to 15 p.m. 223 IU \ll 22:'1 ()(l'llll Vl"I!. :'\- port Hf'litht.t. Panou m11 \ 1• frnm thn" 2 rf'W 3 btirm I "4 bath m O'lt'm bomu df'111irn,.'1 IU'I<! crnallucltd In U\I' f m"•l nf tu t" 127.000 and Sn Ml\, t \..· •• THERE ARE NO GHOSTI'' In Ulla ""Ir)' 2 Mnn hnmf' Ju11 2 blodu from ()<fAn 11n•I rtiannel for onl1 ll 1 ~,ll(l rull pnr ~ with a low, IM\· ·~ "' n Hurry nn lhll ont'' .... .. .. . Back Bay Area LOTS WA.TER'1\0 NT LOT. buut lful vj-. Walk to Poal Ortic:• a.nd Udo llbopptq Centn. Cotnplew w1UI wllthnd. 1111.300, l•nna. ONE OF THE ISLANo·s FINEST! Only H OOO anwn w ill b11y 111111 BALBOA Pl:N'IN!Ut.A. ~ef)' d .. 1lrabl• buUdln1 ett .. f"lrm prtre UO.IOO. 2 living rooma t>N 1111ru1 owntr·bullt 2 Y4'1lr 01<1 2 bdrm . I', h111 h hnm,. dining room w ith M'pArale nin1pu11 m om Sun room of! lflll"l\¥4'· 1-·1rvrliur, 1l1nin1t 5 bedroolllAI, 4 bathR room. anclOHd peUo, w,,rk · lllop and ma.ny oU.er riclra Palio & Cabana attracUon11 mak• thl• hnm• Double garage lhf' h11v nf l h• ""'~"n 1-'\dl Extra wide lot r nr" St 7,600, Close to Bay • . •· NEWPORT HIUQHTS, aiee ndr;h· bortlood. Walk to Mart1urT'1 Mii• lt!OPJ1bif dl.lmet. llW12'T% - JSHO. Tum.1, takt trun deed or ..-.,. OCEA N n\ONT, n'ar !'l~rt Pttr, 2 Jou nn com., llOx123. U 7.00<I or wtll build tn rull t.mant $47.500 terms. B & B h R It w. w. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD 181!~-.:,.wrort8:.~. ""'~~ir1 Realtors I u 8-1161_ F:.-.. , ~1 1!·3010 - ft.t LOT, nlc:e location, Newport - 9'ed1 13t30 Homer E. Shafer REALTOR lot McFadd.-n Plac:e Hu. H O Eva. Har. H2t·M la Hu. QM-W A rood buy lJI a I ~ homt .,,,th w1w catpeUn~ °'"'·out bedrm11 . hall a ltortq room. U't'ed In 2 montlla la owner'• ratumlAJ to Oreson. Aak 19500 wttb UOOO dowll • MO mo In· d'lldl.ns tl&XM and 11\.Nrancie. QIU.Na& CO.UT PRO~TIU l•T N~ ea.t. ..... u•1m .,.,"'.....,. Marine flnd Psrk, Balboa island. Harbor 2462 DOUBLE TROUBLE One of our clients hu it. Hu 2 properties and would hke to try for 1. Offera a DUPLEX. both sides rented mo. to mo., hdwd. fln1 .. fireplaces. dbl. ra.r .. Xlnt location just 11tcp11 to ahopa, Bank, etc. With moat 2 B. R. home. aelling for u much, it's a STEAL for sure at 116,000, terma can be arranged. Don't call, jun bring a check to R. L STRICKLER. Realtor EXCLUSlVE AGENT 1132 I:. Cout ~wy., Coron.a d~l Ma.r Har. 277' J _., LIDO R-3 2 -30 f l. ltltt <•n Sn R A\' P°l'Ont Ul.~O'I "~t'h, ("1111 T l> • 11ni:er1, Hu l~~·W, or RY"n I fl029 18Hc: COft.Vl:R \"1 F:W t.OT Rll • le BA\ hnunt1 11'1 hr "A .. nh n ... , .. n,.111 y,.11r. J:1i~•O l'll~h ORA.'\;(;E !'OA!'T l'HOl'EkTIE~ 1867 N•wrnr t, r .. •t•l M•"' LJ 9·1632 E,.,. 1..1 ~·6~nJ F'OR SALE BY o w ;-.;r.R 4 llt'•I· room horn•. I \o b&tha. l11nrJ· I llMlflt'd tit fmc:f'd. F"HA ln11n rr~tt1nm h11m~ 111rit. r 1111 I Wberty 8·~223 mom lngc or after 6 p. m. rttlc COASTAL SHOPPER Edltloa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND TWO l 'NITS. Mo<l<'m apt.; older front hou8<'. Show your ability at "do-it-yourself. Redut<'d for quick t<alc -$19.950. 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE, floor fu rnace and fire· place. Small lot. R<>duceJ for quick sale. $1~,500. 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island. pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is close to the uking prioe, BF.A CON BAY. Bay front. Often dream~ about, rarely 1een. Exqul!llte 3 bdrm , 3 bath home. Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done in the same KOorl lll!lte. J.'11m1t1hed - few t.'xceptions. Shown Friday aflernoona only $59,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large kit, 5 bdrm. 3 1 :: bath house plus unuaual 2 B. R. apt. ov~r 3 car garage. Both unita newly fumiahed ln Mod- erne. Ideal for home and income or ruesta. Har. 1775 -Eves. &iith Maroon HYatt 4-3222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand VOGEL V ALLIES • MAIN OFFICE HA VE YOU SEEN ANYTHING TO TOP THIS? Built on a 60'xl50' lot In the upper bay diatrict, thl• cW>tom home features 3 1pac1oua bedrooma, 13, baths, forced air heat. hardwood flooni, lovely fire- place, beautiful large kitchen, and profeu1onally landscaped grounds. You can buy thla beauty tor $21 ,500 with $6000 down. I BALBOA OCEAN -FRONT 4 Stores 7 Apartments Preaent 1ehedult'd income la $10,800 per yr. with- out 11umm<'r rental schedule and with only 2 atore11 rcnt<'d. A good manager could eaaily increue the Income to approximately $15.000 and you can buy this property for $A9,000. Owner will take tru11t deeds for his equity of $42,000. ·tr '(r ~ THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast H1way, Newport Beach U 8-3481 --------------------- BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 276 Magnolia OPf-:N !'l .NDA YS l • ~ r m Here is a real homry 3 ~room cottage ()f 1850 9<1uare feet . L1n11Jt room Hx30 f eet . Room in garace for elttping. plut1 hobby room and laundry . N1•tilh'<I in an "n·hard of 23 beAnng fruit treea, Or· itngl'a, g rapes. lem11n~. p<'llCht>R, flga, a vocado•. lo· qu11t11 nnd 1--ua\'all , Bu uliful IAwn and shrubfl. A dream plat'<' for a family thnt hu a fitr!Lnddad to lJUlter In l he yard. All this on 2 larg<' R· \ lots 100xl 25 lttt. All utah· 111'11 in. Pa\'r-ci Alley 11nd 11trect In Co.ta Mffa . JUt1l ;, minut1•11 fmm t hr ocrtt.n Full pn ce $I .~00 C:uocf Tcrmti, or Trnde DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Nrwport B1'·d , ~"'"'"llOrl Bear h Har 4il8 -------- ''Country Club Estates" IN COST A MESA Adjoanmg beaut iful R11n l1t Ana Country Club. 1-,;ut of ~anta Ana A \f'llUI'. 11H Orchard Orlv<' :~ Bedroom -2 bath ModC'rn Homca No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Salum an on tract ,.,.,.ry altPrnoon and <'Ve. SANT A ANA MORTGAGE CO. 2'15 ~puq~crin Bldg SanlA An:t , ('3hf. r honr·s .Klmberly 7-1 16~ Llbtrty 8·2fl.')7 I E,·cmngs Lltx-rty iq ; 61 l 2c~ BARGAIN ON BEACH HOUSE 1 Ri k frnm Channi•I RN11·h , l blk. frnm ncean. Full I'"' r• , to :>oq -nnly S1 500 down THIS I ~ H ED HOT ! ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newrort Bh·d. :"rwport Beach. Har. 6220 - ·~ -·~"°Aft~ BROPPEB D11t1oa or PAGE 8 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New Car Dealer CLEARANCE SALE -LA TE MODEL CHRYSLERS MANY MORE POWER FEATURES THAN MOST CARS 1955 Chrysler New Y orlcer Deluxe 4 • Door Sedan - 2 Tone Gl'ffn. Radio -Heater -Power Steering - WSW Tires -Solex -Custom Group Only ...... -... -.... _ ........... $3395 /I- ' ' • .. ... ,• ....... u , ~ .. • G\,-.: • J, - 1 fss Windsor Deluxe 4-clr. Sedan 2 Tone-Power Stffring-Cloclc-5811 Cap Solex -WSW Tires -Power lrakes Electric Seat -Safety Accessory poup. Only ........ -......... _ ......... $2995 1955 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE 4·door sedan -Automatic transmissioll. Solex Glass-Air Foam Seat-Accessory Group ..... -.. --.. H .... -._ .... Only $2100. 1954 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DELUXE, 235 h.p. 4·door sedan. Beautiful reel. Fully equipped--"ower Stffrin~adio-Heater-WSW tires and wire wheels ................. -............... _ ......................................... -.... -... ·--·--·-··-·· Only $2395 * All Cars Fully Warranted for Twenty-five Weeks * Many Other Low Price Cars -All Makes -All Models LOU REED & ASSOCIATES Imperial· Chrysler· Plymouth Sales & Senlc-allter'IMltiofta Trucks 1200 W. Coast HICJhway Uberty 1-3486 ,, ~e qQ_t -tie U~ED CAR. fQ_U watlf / -· Hi1Jt 1.t1rl • i& usED CARsi& usED TRUCKS All makes ••• All models ••• You make your own terms 53 Ford 54 Mercwy 52 Ford 52 Ford \'.8 C'u•tom 4-0oor MoeWrPJ' Rant ~ \1etorta \'-t RAat-11 "~- $1195 $2095 $1095 $1295 49 DodcJe 53 Ford 52 Ford 54 Ford •-llnor ~ Club c-,. \'-8 CuJill>m %-Ooor ,._,, %-0-r ~ $475 $1195 $995 $1495 52 Chrysler 54 Ford 51 Sndebaker 49 Plymotltll \\·tnd•nr ('onn•rt1h~ "--h \\'&C'Oll C-onnl11Me Cnnv~rtlW. $1195 $1895 $645 $495 53 Ford 50 Chrysler 53 CheVTOlet 50 Ford Ranl'h "•«ll• Wlachnr •·OoeT tt• 4-nc-!-0-r ~ $1645 $545 $145 $491 THEODORE ROBINS "Yo.. Ford Dealer Since 1921" 3100 W. Coast tft'llway ..... ,, 1-3471 #SlOO Big 11 Big 11 Offen You A SPECIAL on BRAND NEW '56 MERCURYS with "11 BIG ACCESSORIES" for as low as $2596 This is our Touchdown Special These are the "llG 11" Accessories included at this LOW PRICE Radio H~t~r Mt'rl'oma t WhJ.,."•alltt Tint Pd Poll11h t 'ndf'r (il&MM ~ Clock Back-up UKhtA-r UKhbl Tuna Slgnahl JOHNSON & SON Uncoln • Mercury -Continental Sales & Service too W. Coast Hlthway -Newport leach -across from lay Club-Uberty 8-5545 MILLER'S LUCKY 7 Kar K -orr.al ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST USED CAR LOT SPOTLIGHTS A *SALE* TO SELL USED CARS S.. What We Have! Drive The One You Like! Available with No Down Payment a t MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Olcluftoble Chevrolet MILUR'S KAR KORRAL 700 W. Coast Hlqhwar )tl\kT' Che"f()\et o\Cl~ ~TO\et 9-lboa Bay C'fub I \ \ CUNNINGHAMS HOST JANE WITHERS WEDDING IRREGULAR HOOK-UP? • , BE.RT BRINTNALL I gently Tht' mUk drinker p~· Newport Beach haa a Hollywood I ed a handful of pllla and took wadding on Sunday all but the aome. He 881d hP bourht them by County Asks Injunction Against Dyke Water Co • ~remony. l the thou11and. We 11ug1CHled he _ , go to "'• for the ceru nony and The ceren • .,n:v · fhat wall cele· he looked unhappy. We 1ug1utad brat.td 10 mile. out I~ lhl' u~n j •omP ni<'e. und•rdon .. bacon for htAt ocean on the yacht • lamba. but 11up~r and he looked unhappier .. tar .. five new1 photographers lltlll. w .. concerned t.he weddlnc w .. 1 Hf'KE COMES BIUDE on B&y ta.land. • Bealdea the photographen lho11e He m11eht h&ve r one uhore, but mo.tly conceme<I were aclreu a bout that time the bride and Jana Withera and Keith ·mrralr. g room arrivetl. We got them up They were the onea who poaed and in the bow ao the Harbor would sot married. llhow behind them. T hat WM th• The five photornphtr• were W a rner Bro11. photor '• lada. told the weddlnr would be at ua. I knew that no one would nu but tf they would ret there at 2:30 look p-.&l the bride. "°,to heck p. m., SHARP, the couple would with the bac.IJground. Wha P•Y• pn.cUce at t hat ume and we could the backf:oulid any mind when llllOOt. lhi're'11 a bride. She klued him and th.. area around hi• mouth lookeod like a bright .run11el 10 aht produ('~d a handkf'rC'hlet and rub· bed It oH. She thought •he llQdn't k1.ssed him Pnough ao 1he had a ~rond 11<•rubblng Job to d<• We told her t hat wu Pnoug h k11111nt:". A suom DELA v IANTA ANA. (0CN8) -Or• an1a county Tburada)' carn.d out It.a thrratened crack-down on the Dyka Water Co. ll hu tried to Mrva Coat• Meaa with water. Tbe county filed a complaint tor an tnjunctlon agalnat t b • company . The complalnt allegff the company bookfd lta water llnea into line. dedicated to th• county In five 1ubdlvl1lona In Water Works Di11t rlct No. 3, the Garden Grove a rea. T he Water Works Dlatr1ct join- ed the C'ounty a.1 plaintiff In th• court art1on. \\'ITHOt'1 COS8LVf! Dyke usfrtedly Ued lnto t he dedicated water llnu without th• coruient or knowlt!dge ot their owners, the county. Th• com· ,>lalnt assert ed the dh1tnct wu ablf' 1rnd rl'ady to aupply water t o the qulntf'l of tracta. According to the compltt.lnt. Ull' dtl!lrll't hH lncurred $90~,()()0 ID bonded 8illllt1 .. _ IW the \natall•tien et a MW' W&W aye· tem. Reltl ... t. al 'tM ~t will be tas.. •ntrdlllctJ', lneludln1 the n.. tnet. aow ...,.. "" Dyb W__. 0.. uns.. tM w *=t a 91foln· ed "trn~ ~· wQI -it. county -a ,._.. A.pa -.. sa tha oonapla1aL . ..,l'Kll Wft'llDll.&"8 l>yS Tbunda)' wttMnw Ile appllcaticla tw qrnrlm .r 8ar· vice '8 U.0 ----......,. MC· lion. Tba wtt.bdra..a --at • pubUo ut:Wtioo -.nltUoa la..,... ln1 ·he,., It wu ,...npted when tbo PUC u4 oUMr oompaa.I• de- manded Dyke llbeW a man eub- •tanUal ftn&llclal report. Appllcallona for upullllon by lhe Southern Cablonlia Water Co. and Padfto Wat.r Oo. were undtr oon.alderallon today by th• PUC l.n th• new county wella,.. buUdinr. J'rom 2 :30 to • :3& five protolt'· nphere Ml In a comer of the Rorer CUnnlnghAm rumpu.. room on B&y laland and watched Cun· a ln(b&m ml.Jt dnnke for thr larg· Mt uortment of gla mour the pbotop &dmltted to each other they had ever eeen at one tim e. Occutonally one ot them would "Do 1 have to atop !" she de· mand~d. A.a we wne not on the ret•e1vlng end It wu more lh&n enough. CITTTCNO TKr.: ('AK.E . ncorn• a movie celebrity and m.nUon lier or llt. name, but what le a name w!Mn Cunningham We poaed them cutting the cake. wu puttins three Jlggere ot Bour· It was a post' They didn't ~ally boll ta every bfpb&ll ! cut It. That w-.11 for out at Ma One ot the photop took Mar· wh('n probably no one would want $28,000 BUDGET SET FOR r55 CHEST DRIVE tint., but u other of tha five ate to "*t it. The 191)8 budget for th• New- bia oliv•. Ono photor tum•d The cake WM round, like half (; , Ch t ~ I porl Hai bor ·ommun.ty eli , d-•'"• .. quor •Ad a.eked for an orang«'. It had beaut ful randy ... ..,..,. "' u -· Inc., 1•all11 for $28.000, accorumC milk. CUruiingf\Un wu a gl'6cioua ~owel';' t al~ ~vu It. 1 don't know CAK E CUTTl1··o -Th1's w cd,1·1ng cake looked like a to Arthur Torrance. Chut preal· ho9L Ho rot tho mllJc f rom the ow <1.11 e · • u dent. Thi' Uoard of D\rf'ctore hU kitoll-. but when ha t11u1dl!d It to We nan out of film and all went pile of flowera u J a ne W ithers and Ke ith Errair named Mn . Kf'nneth O. Cooling. the ltlutter ln&pper ho remarked, uhore. Moat ot the ~ople wue -i bopo ,,,. dloke." atlU In the rumpu• room. What poaed u j( about t o cut it on the foredec k o f the yacht u campa lg'n chairman. .. Ualet.ant WO ----un. of a weddlnl'. with tha t kind of Flamba before they w e nt to aea for the cerem o ny cha irman 111 Edward M~l~_m. who -· ..... _..,...., liquor! We walkNI the 100 yarde hu for many yeare ....-n oul· a wu tbo Oftl,. .,..rnment or 90 lo ahore. S unday. -Staff Photo 11tandin1r u a leader In youth ac- WMa tblia ~ dld not re&'"t "Theae fo\ka have 110metblnf out t1v1tlu ln lht' Harbor aru. The haTIJli' to wait. A MW dollt>M>y herf', but at lea•t they have to H • h s h I Rev. Jam ea 8. Stewart. pMtor or would eom. ta ...... room. tum W9.lk to It like common photoga," ENSIGN CASABA 1g c 00 en Sl. Andrew'• pre.by t. r I an oa tho csam-Uld the place muttered the man who had had Church of Newport Buch It flr•t Mra. Coollilr who hu been aii acUH leader in t.be Woman'• Ctv· le Lff.IU•, and wbo la alao put treuurer for lh• city of Newport Bea.ch. Mid, "your f'rtfnde and nele"hbore wtll call at your home tor your c:ontrlbuUoo to tha Com- mun! ty Cheat whtch le &lao a contrlbUtlota te your own eom· munlty." wouJd lpt ap. ~ one ot I.tie mill<. STARTING SOON v1ce·prealdwt of lhe board. Mre VIPS oama .. ~n. would Then hf' H W hi• C'ar. "" had w.· n Cash for Ralph Ta.ndowalcy, club and civic ''P&rie Uld ll:oYirona" wW ba chlrk up and &... oe h1a Of' her come early, like the rut rof "-'· Practice ror thf' Orangf' lf'a df'r of Lido tale In w rond vice-Ula eubJoct ot the u.r--dlmea· 3-D Color Film on Paris Nov. 5 brand and tbo plMe would Ugtit M d parked his ca r at the end Of County Elem•ntary Srhool pruldent. Orrin Wr1g bl, lklboa aioa color fUm l«turo a t ·'Oraaa'o up 00 that yo.a WUlted to tell the lhl' dead·•nd etrl!#l. Olhf'ra had Buketball varue at Horare Halloween Art h l•nd, la al'<'retary·lHUurer for COUt CoU•c• on Wedneaday, driver to nu. Ma ltpta down. <:ome. &JI thOff glamour «ala and Ensign Srhool atarla NO\' 1, tile org&nl&&llon. Preaa chairmen NOY. I at T:I O p. m. 1'le -T Pt.oo.y, I think th,.lr MC"Orta or huebandll, There I It wu announc~fl l odHy by 1nclu1le the Rf'v. Donald O. Sapp. 8tont!all O'Brten wtll llbow ht• Uwre .,_ -UMre. but what of wn e three rowe or cara parked CQ8ch Nonnan StlllwPll. Fou t high &<ho11I JCl!111,.nt• w f'rf' pulor or Ba lboa hlend Commu· brilliant color ftlm.e of the boui. tt. out.lllde ot CUnn.tngtiam. He I llolld behind tho~ or the photnita. F inl pra<'ll<'f' r11mr, Sltll· 111 "~rnl•••1 rh,.l'k• at JO :10 a. m : nlly Mrthodlat Church. and Mr•. var<a. ahope, eat•. and cburcbee wu~.llewua bo1ymllll. Ourll wa.. out on Bay Avtt. We w,11 111111, Niii be In the lo· hHIMy 1n Topi.n Bottttm' S11vrt1· John V. Neff of N ewpo r t of Pana. l'aJnUlat" ~nn to ba But tbo pk Ooh. la la: !•tuck our ttngf'111 In our un and ritl om Niw t7 sic-atnJCl wnr tifrlc,. 11 1 2111 f' lith St. lfttlrht•. Raid Tarran«· portrayed wtU be of the l::ltJeJ I ~ IQJ tM Oob, la la w hen went qul<"kly away. Wtt•lmlnat.r v aKUt play for 1 '"The Communl\y Chut NP-Tower, Arch of Triumph, Lou~. we ttJlall7 pt to ro Ollto tha yll('ht __ _ both /1. • a nrt li a 11t11rt• in C'v'1" Mr"• 11111""' inr • JlldglJ\lt port• our own local youth and LaUn Quart•r. tile ~ft Bank, to t.a.lto ~ We Wflll out Fl ~tmber ,,, HalltnHf'n llo'ln•ln .... J\M tnlinic• In ("h•nl•bhi or r anlsallona In .,,. Ch&rtrM. ront&tnblt au and Ver- lfttO u.. oold Jat. att.emoon at 4 CIC) Grid HerOS S-1dr11 N ,. w p n r t Bu< h M,._,. c .. nter ri·ov1nr our but1p t, conaldf'ratton aaJllee. Ntgtit ~"" w1U tacluda :OAST AL SHOPPER PAGE ' WEDNESDA y I OCTOBER 26, I 955 At~letic Loop C~111es Still Up for Debate OJUNO• (OCNa) -TtM II"" poood ...urument o1 Ua• Or- Ull• Count y bJcb ocbooi athleUc procnm le a&tcbll7 eoAtUaad ... dq ~ a maettq w.-... dq "' tM .awaty blP eclleol prinetpe.la and d1rectoft ol atll· lotica. a a meetana bald m llMta A.A&. Pro,_.a "' Oraac• Hieb Pita· clpal VerrtU Town.end. wbenbJ th• Oruco and •uuet ...... wwuld morse Into OM S-•ral dr- oult wu put .ti fOC' turtber dell· bor&Uon tol.low1nc tho a ppoan.nea ot .. vtra.I bupbooe In U.• pro-rn.m that were overlooked whan lt wu dra.wn up. It wu pointed out at tha meet· inar that two new hllh achoot., one Ill Buena Park and tho other 11ear Oarden Orove, want. to pill'· Udpata in alhlPtlca but w1ll b4I unable to ttl'ld a vareily football team thelr tlrat year In tha cfr - culL ll wu &l'!'ffd that the coun l y ahould reetrlct the partlclpattnr clube to Oranra Cou.nty u well a.a oolvtns their own problem•. 8l....ad wu lha taet that ll wu roneldttred vlt.&l that the coun· l)' form oome oorl ot p ro&'J'&Dl of athletic competition whlcb W1U five a break lo the mitt.lier IK'hool. The dJrecton ot atblttle11 W1U meet at a dlr«tora meettnr th.Le aveniq' at Orange Hlfh School and wlll then atudy the eltuallon and make rerommenda· UOM to the prtnclpalll' maeUn,r which will be held In Garden Grove noon Wednaoday. It la belloved that the rttom· m.ndaUona made by the athletic dlroctora wtl1 be approved b7 the prindpa.ta. NOW YOUI Newport Haa bor NEW5-PRESS IS PUIUSHD 3 n111e1 . .... _ Monday Wednesday Friday SOc a Moetlt, Dell•er•d SOUTH LOR~T conSTRUCTIDD CD. p. rn.. Wo ... plcturu at •.30. 8 th d 11 n r • n d \\'utmlnlat•r leagut I 1-fo.,. •Ill \. 1 • h 11 fll tnuk flral •• a ivrn only to t he work artu-M&a.lm'e. Mofttmart.re, aod t b a ~ LIN IX itra ' • ·tl•r 111 oot· 1 aehool• I n r I u 11 ,. An11hr1m. . a lly tlt'ne In t h111 community. The Moullla ~re. & ball roatt'r for H11 rbor Boy•' Ala mlloe. H unttn;rton a .. aC'h. pl•c·r •ncl n~. '•tll)' MC'l-"'•kl lit· Board ot DirKtora requlru a The next loctura, oe NOY. t. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL TIM )'Mlat WU littered W1th Club: J im Vermllyan. ~nnla 0 ,..nc•. Tuatln a mi La Jolla . 1rond aml 5 1~. :;,.lly W 1u third i hoW1ng thal the moafy a lven wilJ abow apa.tn, Jaod of the Dona. ..,._ ........ .__ fl"Ofll Beverly Perrin, Rtinnle Nugf'nl. Oary 1Jn1J S •O 111111 Mary M1lll'f fourth WH In dlre1t proporUon t o th• The lectuna are htld tn lM NO JOB TOO LAJt.GE Oft TOO SMALL Kllla.. ~ _.,. locaJ man who S<"honta. Torn BryHn. Mlk .. Pat· Dna-L Drlv1·n9 Rap •rut S~ T hry ar,. •II trl etudt'nt" ar tu111 loC'al ts!>"nMa and accom· OCC a udltor11&111 and a.re opn a. sot .. -\ha job WU Mon1 Molbo rick, Gary Couch. Jim Curll•. J on ... .. • pll11hmenta.. lbo _........ Ill ...... N....... ..... ...,_ iw Who outlined t2'e J'Kllt la tlowera Curll•. Rt<'k JWbuu. Sl,.ve Har· Charin /1. TuC'ktr El Mon t•. in Mill Shttl•y Ric •• '1"""0 a t ::...:.===---------...:.:=:...::r-==---------..:.!=:::m::tll:lllE::Z:===============:::..-=~ wtUl Ila,,._ W ~ 111 ~T. Mike Mct::arty. Jtm Cunning-· I I• ln the county J•IJ follow1n1 I NPwport Herbor U " 1 o " M1P •••>•._.. fOJr llldr. ham, Harold CaJrtwell. A 11 en hit arro t S•lun1&\' for drunk ~du>ol nM plwtos w9'o Md \all• milk Jona , Jpd Houaton. Jeue ,,oru, \dr1111nit on N,.wporl Blvd H • w..._ J uJi;:u for tn,. r..-r H l<)n werP clJdn't aMle ll • tM )'adlt.. .llvtry Tommy Woodrlc~ Bryan l.Awla. 11topp1Kl by •t•lf' hlic hw•)' p .. tn•I· llnw"r,1 <'I.opp nf Orl\nll,• <:ou t boat la Newport Barbor oama by Da vr Roa.tQ, Mike LAn11:f. John men and turn .. t1 11n r lo ~1(1 I <'••ll"a:" u 1 I llA\'lii \'•ui;hn, loca l ~ ...P ol ~ WW• bl.I \.\'"baler, Manual J UT•ll and David (" ..Grrtt& of thf' t·,,,.111 11rt111t w h11 l•·n• h,.• 111h1lt a t t -~ to ~ ~ roU1nr George Orhoa. Me11a pollt'f' • la~&o·• •t lilt' toll"I:" /tS His Business ... '" ... It's his buslllfts to deliver yovr Newport Harbor Newi-Preu to yo. door Monday, Weclnftday and Friday. It's hk busin•ss to do a CJOOd iob too. Your pa,-r must rHCh Y°" promptly, and In tood condition. His iob depends llf>On the service he ronden his cntcmers. I~ you are ftOt a reqular sub- 1 crib er, fill Otlt .... 1 • b s c rip tion below and we will start cle- llYery at once. ·---·· ................................. .. . ............ -. . . · Circulation Dept. Newport Harbor News • ''"' !!11 Balhna Bihl, SrMj H>rt 114-M-li At fl1 : Clrrulatlon Drpt. I ht>l'('by w ish to 1rnbscr1 bt' lf• the Nt!W· port Harbor N£'w11-Press. and agr<'r to pay the Carner mont hly. (Ho m e deli,•t>red only 50c a month I Name Cltf' ------·-···-···--···--··--··-. -----------~-----~--· . . 321 AMERICAN AYE; PH AlllUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlocll 7-120J 1 .. --- l'nn• ... nlr-n ... ·ent •WTY. th• Tar•' r•un~ \'"ll ptatn, rt!rhtnr ~ lhrf'f'·' Local Honte1 lwrtlecl remelnll!d In a tenuoua poa1Llon. )'l t\I 11rt""l r1n1 p&11 on • run·paN 0 · Th1Te waa but four mlnutee to opllntl In hl1 rtcht. Deni• S11vld, 1011 !lhotf' r11·e. COLONISTS CLOBBER SANTA MONICA ON BUC BOWL GRID Samsel Rugg1d Defe111lve Hopld111 Standout as Twice p. anC Ult Ollere woanL lll•tJ-0 1.rdt'n Grove paradNt 88 )'•rd" 1 ttporlf'•I ht N"wpor1 Bff.rh poh c• n•e )'&I'd•. Yell connec-ted on a 1n t'11ht flllyJ1 with Hel(b11 r k 11,111 8Un•!11y th11t h•• 1111.t )u~t 1t1urn- ll•w to End Dave Tumb&uah on H01mun dl.&hln1 lhe hn11l 39 11 ,.d l n•m • w .. lk tn f ind thet 0.. 8ailor •1'. 1Voodlnl'lon allt.11.-h1 circled hi. ltlt end. H .. •mun ioomt'On<' h11tl r nt.•rt'<I hi• •par!· •""'1 to 0.. Joe-.1 U . McKH Mt-tumed Jn a "aut1tul Job o f e>p<'n jn1 .. nt •nd 11'k<'n 11 n fl•. ,_..." J.f. C.Nd hla _, to tM 17. Vall !lit nrld runn1na'. Hnffn1a n. Z•>!I :"<11 lh H111• F""nl, •-, .._. oaly oa . .otr-'l'ul.iplllU on U.. I . With 18 The Ari;on1ul• dro\·e f~ yard~ 101,1 1•vh~·l' ht' '""''' h"""' •f\.-r .,..,,'1 -· of play 1a the &•me, •-fOU< plO}'• tor a lnU\'hdnwn, !W<) ... ,...kll 11> f\11<\ \h1'1 11<'1l•f' ''"" aptut. U.. OU.n. end a tourth od f th tol •• • 1 COSTA MESA tOCNS\ -The .Anaheim Colonl•la or 19~:1. con· "lder&d youns In el1p1rlt11oe thl• ""ellOn. proved they era lonr In h'llrt and eapable nt writlnr • f,.w paRe• of 1rldlron hi11tory by l ht'm1elvu Jn Plr•l• Stadium t 'ri•!ay night. T hl1 team whll.'h 11 1.0 rich In "pirn poun<led Santa "fonk1t. In· t u auhmlNIOn, 14·0. for undoubt- .,..!ly lh• moat he11rt-warmlnl( vie· l nry In the five ye11.r11 thllt <'•11ch ('l111r1> Vlln H(Mlreb~ka hllJ!I b•·C'n Jlt !ha h~l1n . GRIU HISTORY Th""" Cnlnnl1te wrote 11 page r>( fl!otb11l1 hf1t6ry b,v bring the l lt>1t Anah.-1m team •v'r 10 de- (1'1•1 !'\11n 111 Mnnic1t 11n11 the f1r1t t"iln1 in 10 )°"llrJ!I In ithut ""I !ht Vik1n,tl!I. It ~·111 Sant• Mon'"" whkh r uonetl Anah,.lm'" ClF r h•mp1on· J1h1p hnf'f!1 ln 19~1 and lll(lllfl !n 111f•:l , \\'1th a remerkable tumou1 of 8000 1pecte.lor• at 811c Bow l, !he ColonlJ1t11 played 11 fine defen~1ve _.11.me n.nd completely hand•'uff,.d the Sn.nta Monica razzle dazzle w ln.t"d T n ttrn~l'. Th11 Colonl ~l•' hn11 bQUled Uf> V1k1nR11 Hob Oor· "I')", rrcartl•d •• one or the ll'f'etlleet ruruier1 in CIF cirri"•· DE\'JOUS DVO Oncfl a~aln It w1111 th11 Wf>rk nl H11 \flw1ck J.1irk•V •n<1 Yullbaek -J ne Avltl~ tilll,.d n•·•·r !'llUll.& J.fonlc1. le•m· l>'lynn Wh!('h ~)'lni; purely • •ll•f,.n11ve 1:a1ne In the fll'llt h&Jf, Anahll'im w 111 Able lo a;tt 1nr1vlnif ln \ht' lhll'd J't'riod, "'Ith AVl\111. ILCOtlng f rorn the lt> y1rd line. Jt took ,...,,,,_ first rlnw1t1 lo 11et up !he lnillllt touc-hdown. Anaheim'• IUperb klck1r, both convenlona . .,_,. Woodtat'ton runbl or • · with Fullback Carl Unll•l ron1 h•d bt!~n In hi.• h .. u-'""'' ".' down ai.., 1>7 lk:bu.ltt. UM ....,. ____, _,. 0 $ O ore nacJi.d tba Oller aa. 11 · 1be coa ...... oa. •&a no,.....,.., be.rrrltn1 the t•n•I 1'11 oft tack\11.lt>nt of 1.h .. ~~1~ f'li tt·1i.·1,., · but U.. Olien w.ren't through. He oulf"an the Silnl •<'<'o ndery fr<'lnl two ,"·'' h1•nk~ Mlh l t'l tr11 FA.ll llUPl:aloa L • . AIU1ou1b BUila Monka nc.k9dl By BllL PlllU.IPS ~!in:.~ ~:n.d:!'8 eo-::= ~ Taken by •UrpriM by a be.ttllnr gang of Huntington tar eupertor UI. U..tr nulUq: Bel.ch Oilers, the Newport Harbor High School Sailors had l"&m•. Anaheim picked up a ••t to fight for their Uve. to C()me from behind, then cling to uf 31 4 \)'ard1 on t.be rround . h • · I t Id l>'-:d · ht It khWtt Um~ up hl1 llwlot· Gotq tor the win. they tried Garden Gtove ml•llrd the con\'t'r· foo,1 t r<J1n th• •'UJ'l"""'d~ •nJ th• tnc an.. 11111 nnt two attempll aa «1-9!de blck. Fortunately tor alon aftf'r ha\'in1t mild' lhe 1,.11n1 l'<'fr1~•'t•tor. w-m.-pMte, tlten ht bit Lo-Newport Jlarbor. t be 8allor1 alter th• fl!11l .core -------------- ac&1n1t only 91 for the Ytktnre. a light 18-13 triump on t11e nva le r 1·1 ay nlg . rw1-wiUl a bu.1'9t on the OU-ptaed P' n iuloa or tM equtrt- tr • ucl It WM tourtb and t....o. tn1 trWlnffktn on the rival t1. Tamur. f'ldled up the nret. One play lat•r, the Tari ••re Sc:huUt Wied Lonni-for a only too happy to hear th1 fin•I nm on tbe OU•r 1!1 and Imm• IUJI. dlately foliqwed with a bean to '-------------- Paul tor lhe touchdown. A. pa.M Alao noteworthy -• the IOU· marked the 11ttond atr&lght win in Sun•et League compet.1. perb runnlfl1 or H.alfbacke Don lion for the Tan qd kept them undefeated in loop grid play. Ptntl.Jd and Dlc1' Grover. l:acb carried a total or Plil yard& apiece. 'nlre1 recovered fumble• and attempt for t.he dlra poiat waa TD IATI'LI broll.i up. Grover ai.o had a 2t yard run-two pau lnterc11pllon1 g&v<' the tia.:1' or a klc1'off to open th<' Gobe the marrin of victory which third period which wa1 mOllt lfl· 1lrumt'nlal lfl helping lhe Colo· nista to their flr1t touchdown. n,,. pl•Y• tater lh•Y had • --,,..... wu only a mlrnlt. Mid ven point lead. • ba1f to pa.7 before haUUme, Key gain wu tumi..hfld with bUt the OUan lnteded to a..n a t" yard ~ampcr ()ff-tackle to Ula n.1c1 u.ad. k&lb&dt John the Sailor t by Fullback Brad McK" 1m1-ablld a MnaatlonaJ "'oodln«tori. Halrbe.ck Jim Star-tt yard. nur. lo 11•• tba rt•alll Ung 11lamn1e-<1 to lhfl 2, &lid Hall· a flrat on the N.-port t1. &nd back Lyntll Tan1101hl ahot acmu Don Jone1 pt belWld the Oob the goal line. Quarterback Jim .-J'el)'m.&n and bar1.Jy m'-ed F'ariruhar boot~ the cnn•eralon. anacl'lns a V•ll ta. lnto the end HARRIERS Sailor Cross Country Boys Down Oilen wa1 ln doubt unlll the final H- cond of the thrilling fray-thrill· lng lar1ely dua to the looH play or the Sailor m1chtne •• a whole. Coach Al Jrwln termed It Ult wor1l ahowtn1 or hl1 charse1 thi.11! aetAon. BOBBLE BRIOADE DA\'I': DEl.IVl!:IUI &one. Al h h H I' .. '. D • T. Val.1'1 rMllt 11.Mwa w .. picked rumble11 recnvt'red by Guard t oug • av • J ert>' Sarruwl, End Nell MetcaUt: mura re1embled hle old Hlf by ott ln th• and sona by Lorentze11 " •-ff t fl t d •ftor who ru It out to the Tar I be· llnd Middle GUU1! Roirer l:&Tly .. pp ... , 0 \O'O r1 OWQ 111.unched •11 three Tar touchdown th• klckorr. It looked like th• fore °'-SUD .ounded. drlVl'll. End Paul Lorentun and Tar• wet• about to 1et aluck BALL OONTaoL Satetyman Bud Thomp110n lnter· with mor"' trouble. Schuill waa KHpln« t..11 C<JDtl'VI Ulrourh- cepted aerial& t.oae9d by Ollt'r forced to pWlt with the ball on out U.e tbird ......., u.. Otter• Biii Plgc won the varalty C'rOllll QuartartMU:k B!Uy Vall In c-Jutch the Oller 40. Teckle J ohn Bencler penetrattd d"' •to S.ll(lr terri- country run ln 9:31 and Harry iituatlona lo thwart Huntlncton broke through to partially hlodl: tory. TaltlD& ov.r on their own McKinney copped the junior var· Beach tally thn&la. the porkhlde. M, HunltqtoQ a.di Oft('e airaln 111ty leather lunctnr (Tlnd In 10:-Heroa of I.he fray for the Sall· Jt 1qulrted almrnit etralght up r1pped aJld tore throurh Tar ram· S1ints Edge Argon1uts by 24-21 Score !IANTA ANA fOCNS) -San· ta An• Hlfh School out1a1ted Garden Grove Hlg11 Bchool In • batUe ot touchdown1 and f\lm- ble1. Tbe ac:ore waa 24 to 20. neet Halfback Ronnie Mayer put the r•m• on le• for ll1• S.lnll with a 24 • Y•rd 1teor1n1 1prtn(t on a revf'Rll! handotf to !he llhort eide. Tiie cloek 1howed two minut..1 and 29 1eCOnd1 rt- 111•inlnc whea the pint • 11.U 1peedettr roared Into payoff ter-17 aa Newport Harbor H:11h on were S.mNI and rurred and ceme doWn on th• Oller 10, pa.rt.a. Wood.Ulstan ala.bed off Sc-hool harriere opened tht hlll· Haltbac:k J ob.n Hopklni. When but l'lamHI wu the boy wbo .,,.. .. Ollie nrwt down, IJl"dY Mc-Kff TD aJ:T UP end-dale 1e1100n with vlc-tory ov· th• iluhln(. tricky Oller back• wrapped around the pt"IOta wit.I two more. Vall hit Bunud with fSIUlta Ana recove,..d •n Arp- ritory. "' Huntington Beach Thurlday. •l&rt.ed eeeplnr throuah U'I• lall the otftclall dur tht'ourb. the re-an aerta.I on the Tar 10 for naut rumble on Ole lallt'r'i 31 · The Oller ru nn er 1 boailed Newport line, Irwin ihot watch-1ultant plle-up. Tamura •l~ted another. Vall moyed the p!r•kln yard •IMpe to Rt up the wln- lhree 1tralghl v!ctorle1 ovt'r oth· ch.arm Guard B&miel Into the tor t.ur yerd•. Thell Hoii!UM lo tllle local 4 on • keep. nlng t ouchdoW11. 1 , tr •chooJ,, lncludin1 Corona and brHch at the m iddle linebacker broke Into the clear up the mid· Tb• eble lltU. -'Pa.I calleT Garden Grove 8Jl(llted 1n 1lert Paramount, prior to m"unr th• apot to pull th& Tar defen1e to· die and «rr1ed the rem•llltac :t Wt'nl to °'-•ell once loo often, Balnl t'leven 12 ea.rlJ' potnta a.nd Sallor11. rtnal .eort'1 favored In r•ther. Forced lo play more de· yard. In one &c<IOl. But when tbe however. On • Jump p&.11 O'ft'r Ulen roucht back on the wing• Tar var1lty 2!1-31 and 11\e Gob fe.rulve ball than ever before thl• conver11l(ln tall«t, Ole Tan •UU <'ml.tr, 'lbomp110n .. ved Ole &Ill-or a crunc-htng rround au.ault to JV1 18·48. e,.•1on, the n1i1hty mite contln-tralltd 7-t. or ba.eoll by tntercepllnJ' Ule take the ~lay awiy trom the vtc. 8AJ1'1i'T8 NUT Ut'd hi• btd for en all·~arue With Fullb&C'k Dick Burrvd. porkhlde end r1ttln1 It out t o toni tn the .,,cond IUld mo.t of T ,. N berth. Wood1n(t0fl •nd Van te&rln1 oft the Tar 11. !he third quarten . BIO JIEKTHA Tha Saint& poundM ri:a yar"• In nine play• with f"ullback Bob Bjorklund rolni; ov11r from thrllW 1ard1 out He W•• the blc JUn In Ole drive. Gardtn Oro•e re covt't ed ll fi · wers ;.., Jf.,.,,, Se.Int tumble <'n the letter'• 23. l---------------Two play1 l&tl'r HMmun tore around hl1 left end and went OV· ar •tandlni;t up. Th,. Argon111t1 c:onverte!'I, mak11'1J:' It 20 to 18 In favor of Garden Grovt'. Wilh If' .. than three n1lnutes to 10 M~y"'r then hi1 we•k 1\de for t h• wlnntn1 ac:ore. Mn. Howell ot Hoa9 Park Drivt'. Co•ta Me&a. t. beln1 tre•ted in Hoag tlo.ap1taJ. Sht t'n· tt'rrd U\e ho1pltal fQr tre11n1l'nt ot an lllneM Saturday nl1ht. ...,_.,. • ...,..._ • 1anau.n- S TAFF ORD 6 ION "NICUt ud OOC.-' ELl:C'FRICAL OONTllA.Cl'OM 1-.-UWrt7 1-!tM &l......W. A\'•• l'i'-pert ..._,_... Mic-key 1',ynn ICOl"fd the le· «ind touchdown on th• m011t 11en- ..U00&1 run of the -..on. a pllc:hout around ri1ht l!ll4 for. • H )'&rd pllop. &rid J ohn BUleT, Dons Downed by Panthers omorrow uie ewport croae l'lrit downa. the Ollerw romped to Jt wun't lone before the on. [~~~~~~ COW1lf7 tea.mi tn.nl to Se.nta HOPIUN8 BOLTS the N~t JO. At thl.a polllt. ere rot po.aeealon .,..in on Ult' Rttovert<I f\lmblu paved the Ana.. H opldn1 bOlttd aero•• tor th"' Sammel niahed In et middle 1111.., Newport tl. nm play found wey tor lhr.e touchdown dri•••· J"oUawinl' Ptrr to lbe tapm wfnntn1 Sallor touchdo...,'fl• on b&C'ker. Two playi from thtn. Sttirltnir p.c.k lnc to the Tar 2t H•re'• the w•Y lhe aoortnc Wil'nl LATEST HAIR STYLING qalut lhe OOen ..... lun" lonr d11.1hee through thir. Oller Metcalfe bobbed up •IOI an 011· Came Ult Ullrd Ollt'r tuniblt' •nd In th• brul.11n1 duel unMr thniat· Hilliard, third, t :t•: J\and7 p .... Unt. "\\'Ith four mlnute1 rt'n1aJn-tt bobble on the T•r 23 to iaw.cb Early made hll ncov•ry on the enlnr l>klea; er, fourth, t :4t; Howard 8znlt.b, ing In the game. Hopkln1 bur1t a ito·•h••d 71 yard dr1n lato tNt Bal.lot M. Slllt)'. ttve y•rde lalll'r Meyer lnt•r c:eplt'd Quar· FOR HOME allllh, t :ttl: Au.ie 0.UOWalLI. lhrou1h ~l'nter and ankled 13 1 d land C&lnl. th• TD lh•l ml'ant lht' t..trback Eddie R1ce'1 flat pau In· 11 t .' 'o·.>J ·, ---i.. H .. _ d h 11 th t .. prom• · d PER"ANENTS ....,_ yar • tor t • ta Y • UIUt triumph, 1111nded tor End BIU 8nyd•r an M 12lh, 10:1•, and Bob Delo.1, the local 1ladllltore vl~t.ory. \'ITAL PA.ClllSO raced til yard1 fM a touchdown. '•• 1 ar.-Y ao.uts 1 ......, JO:t · Malntalnlnr thtlr reputation u Tamura did the Yitai ba.11 pack-The converalon try taUed aa did rl •tJNNE&a akiw atartere ttit. Muon, the Ing. Ttl°"Ch tbe lnJurflt ll:nee Berry ro.Ad lhrouf"h thll' mid· all of Banta An•'• attmnpll. D A N 1 S I hi h • t ••-r-m ·-"-••, die tor two tint down& In lea p. ONTARIO, f0CNB) -Vlrlt1· ally une1oppeobl1 In lh• tlr•t quartet-wblle twmlng up a 1• to O ll'Ote on a auatalned dri•• ot M yard• followtng the klC'k- off and • flt ya.rd dMv• In Ulr" p l11y11 only mlnule1 later, the Se.nt1t. Ana Collese Dona •111.ed like mornln1 1lor111 In th• three final quarter• \0 lo-. a 20 \Cl 14 d•cl11l<'n lo th• Ch&tt•y P1111Uwn e l llntanQ ,."'lold•y nl.:ht. Traill.Qr McklnDey for tb e Sallon found them.wlvt1 n a w e ep '""' •v _.....,.. u• BOULE POUNCE IARIER SHOP' t -T Ullo o--~ "'• crunch ..... T~ura 1wlvel·h..lp· 8a1Jon rva were Jett MacNeJl-hQle early in lhe tlr1t quarttr. wo pr•~·0u.e ar ·-.. ,....-saint Hall'bM-k ElnorM G•te1 ..... Meond, lO;l 7,. ll"•--,.1, Quarttrbac-k Georr• S c:llultt up on him -•eral Um•• and he ped for two mort'. Suddenly It G .,_ BALllO"' -.-.. -• BLDQ. -~ b'-k " wu fourt.b and two on the Ollt'r pounc-ed nn a Garden rovt ,..,.,. ,.. ·~··--tou ... " 10:21·, G<•< Hu• b, '· qulckklCked when the Gob attac-k wa• not ht• bob u.1 cor .... d 11 ·-.. •->t ,. H •I---·o I •II , ...... , ble on lhe Argo. Sl·Y•r n.. llAUM>A. ftfll'I. 'l O:SO; D&rnll Har~m. w aa 1lalltd by penaltLe• and '°-be wu Sood •nou •..-. "· op ·-~ n " The !Salnti 1eotll!d In aev•n play1. o,_ ~ "'"' 8at11rda7 etJl'th. 10:!11 ; Andr. ftkln, .. ftn.,~ .. ~~~d~~th~o~O~ll~m~~too~~·~O~•;•~<if~o~<~-~~lod~.~Al~dod~iib~7~•~~<~-~~~~-~r~p~lo;y~~ii-~·~•-i.u.~1i~i.~'~tinU~~~h~t~wt~lh~~H~o~lfb~oi''i.iD~•i"i.iH~oi''~b~oi'~L~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;i;;i;;;;,i lh. 10:!13; O.rry Nop. ninth, tile rlret Ume on their own tll. li11e l•p by P'Ullbllck Clu'U.. ,,_. ...,. "' __ ____ _ __ _ 10:38, and Beryl Whlteh"4, llth, 10 :39. AWeUc Dlr1tetor R&l.pll Read uaouac9dl the loeaJ prep cr"Om CINDtr'J \eiUna W°""'4 M,ye - meet a WH1', normall1 ea Thu,... It w•11 the t1r.t wtn ot ,,.. •""•"n a o'1 l!r•t In learue p1a1 fnr lht f1.:hUn1 Pant.lien. The)' fou.:ht back trorn a two toocll· dO\O'n (ll'flc-!t In ~ nr1t qurtier t" 1111ta compl&t.. command of th• b•ll 1ram1 whll• 11COl1.G1 oa • 3 1 )'•rd run ln LM :1114 qu.ar-- ttr, a 12 rfd ja\Ult la the UUrd quarm, u d a ..-Uonal n )"rd pa.. play mlitw&J ln th9 tlnal at&ti.a. LOSO kA.aC11 fl'oUowlnr u.. opeillt.ac klcllotr. the Dou ~ &t yarda for lhelr nnt 'n>, f•turtnr Dan WhaJ•n. Oil Rodriq\Ma and Carl· '°"' O..V11. Whaleti n.wahed for 17, P •vi• for 23, 984 Rodrtque9 11 )'•rd• •• lh"Y m•de a 1hamblt1 or th• Chatf1y llne both throu1h \,he (t'nl•r and a ruwu'\ lhe l!'ntl1. Holdlnr th.I I'• nth• r 1 for town1 nn <"ha/f•Y'• fir•t Urn" with Ill• b•ll. C•rlton O..vte (•f the Otln1 r•tumf'(! a pu:rit lo Ui• Dnn 41 y11rd Une. On the neitt p r.1y, h• took a 41 ,.rd p .. from Half'bar k Rodn'tU~.r. and eeooted lnlo the f'nd 90n1 unmo-. lot•tf'd. CIL\..'i'QI: o.uu: A 1 If --'lln1 for • etRnal from Ulflr taUMra Who wt're allt.lng on t h,. •hS•llne1 obHrv'lng Ded·1 n1rht. the Panther• 1u1hlf'nlJ' chan1ed comrtea~on. Hll!l•I fl'.lr a mlnu. 13 )""'d"' In th~ 1n1Ue.I qu11.rt<l'r, the riVllbl tomnienced opvttnc •·l;lf hot ... In th,. Don Forward .. ·1th lPUll' Hi,y hJt· t ln1 payd!Tt from 31 )'eT<l• out for Cha.f'ft'Y '• nnit ("OUn~r. r o.1Jowtn1 l\aUUme, the "'nth• er1 took 11p whert t.h<'y Jf'rt oft, runnln1 t or one &nd p&aalng for ane>lhf'r Ttl !n wrapplnir up their f lr1l Viclory In 11 n otherA·lM bleall. foolb•U c•mp&lgn. Go Wit~ Orange Wo1 Bit Tribe loses lorto1 da)'•. Boy's Club Grid Squads Undefeated lkrbof' Boy•' Club M,,_Ui ud elatith i;r-.den k•pt tht!lr ~ r .. i...i record& Thu~ nlJtl.t ln pnc;,tJce 1rame1 1t C:O.t& w ... r a.rk. The '"•nth rra4et1 WOii • hard fought battle ,,_ UM! ela-hlh fT&de tt.ten'tll 20-lt &ad t h• rlfhth irnda r•l\llan -a IJ-t came from ~ ll.tp ldKlol t-""· Tha enuth cr..s.r. lt&rt9dl fut U Jrf.tJ )kMIDM "'9nt Oftf -a ltM ._. frola tbl ~ wint' '-&LU. BaW. "Vtft.,.,-d .... ,, '~ -.. ~,... ........_ 81')'1.11 lAce.e ~ UM "ChUl ..,..... -u.. r.d "'1tb a ,,._ to -4 BUI • ....,. ad u.-. ran th• ri&ht _. ~ tM OOftl"tl'lllkln to knot Qoe -i. roaos •ID.AD ~ --~· of JUDla, Ute elpUI ~ fOTJed tt,bte4 c:. a pue rront Lucaa lo Halt- bac.1' Tom kndoYaJ, Thi l'O nVt'f• lllllon ~ wu bnlken up and lh• .trblh l t AdotrJI W~N> "bHd &I halttlmt 11·7. At tlla 1ta.rt ol U.. -.CO!ld M.Jf, Ill• M'fl"th .,..ci.r. rut Ort I art'" and Dtck Butterworth Ued t.be 9C'ON with a llne phui11. 8111 Twllt look a boollt'f lltO\lnd l!'nd L'n!lm tu. T quarterbadl qot to put hi• team in front t•·tl. fAJ:'liri"O ICA.JIJ'"D J ohnny HUfbu Mt up Lbe ._t •~wnth pade TD W1U! a 71 Jard nin to !ht one foot llM Uld Bulc.h \'lne)'U'd tool!; U.. 11a11 "" er on 11 wln1Mck '""'9rM wtdl a parfect blocll '1 Tw1eL ft• convemon tailt4. T'Yii"elifi"tl\""'i ........... ,..,,, ....... back with a toucMo.n ,... n--nJLLl:ft'l'QN, {OCZ'f8) -Th• Lu~•• t o Tom Jhi._ to make It P\111,rton hldi&N (T'CIWld out •n ZO·lt. Tiie c-on"1~ f'&&W •4 ln1pr11111\\•f1 J0-7 Y'let.ory OTtr Or-U'IAl'• the ..., •• , tJ\e tun• -.ded. ani;ta Friday ni(lht ln th• Tribf'1 The el1hlh ~ ~ a.ad hom t"eomln,c-1:1 me htre, The ... ·Ln, the blch tchool .._.... p~ h"wever, prov1d coetly tor lha • ai;or.i-fln\ baU' ..., Wtll B r•\-&41 tbeJ loet Ula ....SC. .-rt9'· la U.. n.a1 ~ Na "'' quartlWbaeJI: llln Han. tor r.U..("llto9 tools a pttaout trom l'f'~ ol U.. ,..... Nena. QJt Jerr, Hebll aod went A •Pf'&n11tl7 bf'Dka Illa rtf't tlOUU )'Wda fOf" a _,_, A t-Plar bnne. '*'tar Luc:u late~ a put Before he WM ltm1. Hort. UU'OWa bf Ta Onal and .. t hid 11"'8 ~ • ..-a.: *4 ., JVM fM • kOn. .nm ~ ... ·hen be p.-d "'"n )'vdl on.r -YWt9dl on a pt~t and UM the mJddla to Did a.ny OwwonJi _.. 'WU 11~. Tiie ~ ..._. tor tlM Lntuai toucb6owll .r the W7• 9DOl"ed u ft.&J 8-cb•,..... re.me. ed te Dlcll Ortea. Lan7 f\ahel ......., ---,. • -"".., ""'.,,_ ,_. ,......_. T i. .. pla1ttll .a u.. ,._ PuaQilor ,__ I -r t ... J £ ,, .. 11 ,..... to ~. C0CN8) -"hi• .... lfln'I ,,.... .... .. .................. or- e.It-~ 17 7udli arou4 11q9· Riil la a 1iii a -WOGID nd 'nM~pMMM .. rude on lbe (T'CIUnd, mU:tfta' 15 pm• 'nnrndaJ'. 1'11 i:..... 8'• lr•l dOWN :f1a lht JTOUDd rwt•. won '1 ·I, U.. C'1 ...... . ; .. ,...... - Here Is Another Outstanding Result-Story FROM THI CLAlllFllD llCTION of JQIWPORT a HARBOR .New~. l?RESS Call HARBOR 1616 for / l=O RD VERRINDER ~EAL ESTATE B~OKf " J40 Poiuottl.a Corona del Kor California Contlema1 About three wee.lea •l:O \Ii t h the able aasist&Doe ot 1'0Ul" claa•Uied atarr I placed an add:wrt1..mnt in tht Raal Estate Mction ot 70ur local mv11p1.per• a CO'f11 ot \lhich appeara belev. Tbs reault• wre quite pbenoti1Ml ao I tbougbt ycu m:lcht be intereaW in puaing th.11 1.n!orm.ation on to ._. or .rour otlwr eublaribera and cl1ent1. Tba first tvo wou produoecl S6 call• tr.. 1nd1'1'1dual1, otlwr ?'9al eatate broken and one or tvo i.nTeetOl"a, IWll1' of the• oall.1 cocing !'roll u tar ll!N~ as Santa Blrbara, Posar.ena, Be'ft?'lT Hllla, CoYina area, San Cl._nte arrl Oceanside. Fortuately I neglected to remoft th• add \Jhen the property \l&S diapoaed or thll NCoad week with the naul. t that another 26 eal.l• c.-in th• third wek 'brtng1n.g Na:J" J!IOH prospecta f'tJr thia area. ~fliOT!no NIUltral'l!;:irrne111ettt cooperation of 10ur claasitled mployeea. LITl'LE GEM SnlUM 'bdll' ........ ., ...... oar-611 -· Clldw -t rr-t a.an.. •••• .,....h ............ W.· derf'lal ,... ............ , ...,...._...__,~,, .. . ca.u.. at. a..,... _,. --. 9r1' ' ...... J'OlltD vmauma. ..,._. 6mt .,..,.n, ..,. • COAST AL SROPPD Edltlo• of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE I WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 A.LL-AMERICAN MARKETS 210 AlllAL FREE . MONDAY thru FRIDAY, 1:30to3:30 OCT. 31ST, NOY. 1, 2. l, & 4 -AT THE . PORT THEAT•E ON COAST HIGHWAY IN CORONA DEL MAR • COOKllG SCHOOL SPECIALS • CMAll A SAllllOIN I COF -FEE ft0l&.Teblllla"9 1.u. CAN I CHASI ' SANIOIN C 11.tc.t Coffee I '= 98c I SUGA,R 10.LI. ... C I ........... 0.. HAI. IAllARA RAE T I .& fie--. a..... ...... ;,t will CHICI• Of !NI - TUIA CMUNl- mu "°· '11 ... •••tn OLEO MIX 1-U. ( fttGTSWHT AtOZEN 9 CUT CORN 9 Potato PATIIES 9 MIXED YEGS. OCOMA OflCl(IN a•• .. a• ••• u l -. 9-f THIGHS I ~ ... lllOflltfe .. ftt. let•tt fHhiont 55 i11 fo.d.. ltr•11l119 -•I plan. I .... c ".~,. ~ ,,~....... tttrifty ...... ~ .............. SOLE 1-lh. "'•· sncec1 55c ... , c I llUPRT fllOZIN Pll.UTS I ocw PERCH 1.u. 39c '9CG. I CINOt MIX c: CORI BREA_D_ lGE. 25C PKG. 15 BIG BAGS I OF GROCERIES FRIE Each Day of the School! FREE YO SOMI LUCKY HISON ATTINDtH OUI SCHOOL THIS W~f t-----i Gen RC11tCJ9 Cowt•y oft • Fon)it'• Harctw ... Newport Beech • ....... Afpll•••• Coeta .. ... COiD~itiii l~J. . 27° --PJJDDINGS. 3~25°. Hoffanan AH-Meat RANKS Pl ES= c -MllCY TOMATO : iEif .TiMALES C I ms DAM ao 16--0Z. 19C CAN • IOYAl 3 19C I 'fllll ttr ....._ 4l• GILATIN .... I TEA ': .. . . .. . . . . • L----J U ICE= 10••n llCIH MY -MMCY--·STAR-LAC POTATOES 2v25c -MNCT MOlft•N A •Sauce : KIDNEY BEAIS I I I I -Ott-e HI l I 2 29 I 303 c CANS .,lol ....... ER 23c 1 YIAST~. ]'°'13° POWD ...... I THESE SPECIALS THIU NOT SATUIDA Y CORONA DEL MAR J049 COAST HIGHWAY (at JcnmlM) NEWPORT BEACH 2600 COAST HIGHWAY (at T•tia) ' J • ' \ 3 BIG DAYS e Thurt. e Frf. o! ~~·2a, 2~ U.S. Gracie Choice & Good Veal R I AST lestCuts- 7 Bone & Chuck! I r-.. acle Choice & Good Round-Bone -lest Cuts! tEAL ROAST U.S. Grade Choice &. Good Veal RIB CHOPS lest Cu+,, Grade Choic* & Good Veal CLUB·STEAKS Freshly-Ground Veal & Pork LOAF MIX Fresh Eastern Corn-Fed Pork-Small Size, Meaty SPARERIBS WllllaMs lonele11 Round CORNED · BEEF ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FIESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF c lb. Cooked Baby MORR EU'S 'PORK LINKS LOBSTERS 1-LI. AVG. EASTERN BACON SALE!-- - - -1 HOFfMAN EAJ TERN SLAB I ~-BACON :::!E 3 g •. : I I I All-AMERICAN SLICED HORMEL RANGE-STYLE I BACON BACON I I I 1 t t QUALITY 49C THICK-SUCEDI $ 1 09 I I 1-ll. PKG. 2-1.8. PKG. I L-------~-----------------~ LIQUORS NOW COSTS ONLY 5c MOIE THAN 6-PACK lOCAL IEEIJ SCHlnz-- ALL-AMRtCAN AU-AMERICAN VODKA GIN HARD CiiER $ ~-GALLON JUG GAYLORD CHAMPAGNE 80-Proof 29 ~~00, 3s9 Ahh .198 '""' ~ ., . 0...,.. or Chocolate DOUGHNUTS 6t.f 25' .... ...... , Tridc or Treat KIDS .•.••.•.•• 6'-. Oii ·-.. ..., w.s.na ................ , ... lld "'MPKINptU Loree ...... 57' ... 11-W ... Wl •l Sfltillll •••••• 2" .... ~ .... •-> Individual 3 fw 'Zr Holto.Mft Cvp Cale• ...... SC .. . ca. •• " ,.., w.s.m.. --. ...... u ... 20t> 'if:)~,.,, ..•• , Yin de Kamps X uat••n corr11 '"o" jl Nerwell • ..,._ GreN. N-.ert le«ll. e.-O.t Me• YAN CAMP'S GRATED DO ~) L 1-Lb. Ctns. l~Lb. Ba 5-lb. •et i-Gal. Jug 1-Lb. Can TUNA NO. ~ FLAT CAN BEST FOODS SALAD 0 I L FULL QUART T-N·T POPCORN BIG 2..t.B. BAG World'• most effective weapon against tooth clecayl ICOHOMY •...• 64H LAl81 •.......• 4W •••tv• ..... ,., 29f 5 ....... ~•Jll' ···---~ I Plain or lodimd SALT ' • ' ura Scudder's -Full Quart AYONNAISE :American CHOC., STRAWBERRY, VANILLA OR NEAPOLITAN OE CREAM · ~.t;cd. Ctn. l'lret....,. Brand Sliced or Halves -No. 21 Can EA OH ES -iadal Tissue-Pastel Colored KLEENEX &tiai:slllne Krispy Pkq. of 400! RACKERS l·Lb. Pk CJ. ''" MMC1' ~ 1nc GRAPEFRUIT ·~•~" ..., APPLE SAUCE 2 .~~. 29c 53c INCi EAT~L I I Delicatessen I Hoffiuan All.:t.lleat FRANKS .. ~~~-r I Hoffinan All·leef • ~RING BOLOGNA I I Hormel's Fresh c: LIVERWURST I I .----HORMEL --. I CANNED c 1 lb. gc · lb. 33~. ' c: HAMS I Rudy To Eot h . Os a •rua-4, _...... •• ...-& ..._, } ~ ··' , . : 4-Lbs. s419 : . 61-Lbs. $649 BOL00NAGoN 39t.' toioiioiEi 45~ EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON STATE STARKING DELICIOUS A perfect low-cost "trick or treat" natural! EXTRA-FANCY LAKE COUNTY BARTLETTt FROZEM FOODS • JUNE 1954 AGED NIPPY WISCONSIN CHEDDAR 65:. ' '• .............. .. -....... ,.-.....a e NORWALK e NEWPORT l!ACH COINll .. IBJOMI a rtoft&S Oflll DAILY 'n. _,. Jiii COAIT lllllW'AY AT NmM OftN t:OO A.M. 'R> f:GG , .... DAILY • GARDIN GROYI • CORONA DEL MAR e SAN CLIMINTI -- ---. I-~I -COAST H-AY AT jut 1• Ml & CAM.a aM. DAY t:ll A.M. TO 1 ... P.M. MILT t:ll A.M. TO 1 ... P.M. fA&lOtP~llllUTttOIP.ll. ' ' I .. ,. OOAl'l'AL •wrw .. ,A .. 4 • 'ART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NIWS-PllSS WEDNESDAY, OCTOIER 16. 1911 ' . ATTEND THE BIG "ALL-AMERICAN" COOKING SCHOOL at the PORT THEATRE -Corona del Mar . . ~ 5 BIG DAYS. Monday thru Friday, Oct. 31-Nov. 1, 2, 3 &. 4 1:30 to 3:30 p. m. Opporlunilv :Jo Wn :Jhi~ &auli uf ' "We ..A-re ..Jl.appg-lo Parlicipale in the -4-warJ o/ lhiJ Beauli/uf Range " Dtd you ever stop to thinlc that in just one year the averacie homemaker cooks abo\Jt one tf;ousanCI meels7 That's • lot of cooking! And lady-if you're usin9 en old fes~ioned atove-you're workin9 herder then you should! A new O 'Keefe & Merritt automatic gas range can make quite a difference iR your life! You'll turn out tastier dishes-and spend less time in the kitchen! But why not 1ee, for yourHlf, just how the new O'Keefe & Merritt gas range helps you to be a better cook with le11 work. See the famous Grillevator Broiler in action ... the amazing Hi-Vue oven, end the fabulous autometic controls that Hem to think for themselves-turn the oven on end off-practically do your pot-watching for you! Get a courtesy demonstration at any O 'Keefe & Merritt dealer, or visit the epplience showroom. here at Forgit's. Make this e happy holiday -plan to live a little more -a lltffe ... tter in '561 See the new O 'Keefe & Merritt gas range today! FORGIT HARDWARE WILL ALSO GIVE OUTSTANDING DOOR PRIZES EACH DAY OF THE SCHOOL . ..------AND IN ADD IT I 0---------.. The Forgif Hardware Special Award l MIXMASTER OR $50.00 ME-RCHAND~Sf ORDER-- Yes. your choice of the Beautiful New Sunbeam Mixmaster or a $50.00 Merchandise Order. Ask for special tickets at the Cooking School, You may be the Lucky . WlnMr. . ~~eet-36 0Dtil'Eli~ma h~e ~ JJ. 1• I .. lfl·J• OMI ;,, • <1 ••Et W ..... ,.... ... cW·W .I f I F O',.. & •at#f ..... a=-~\' ....... * laduahl9 Hl-V .. °"" * Low ............ Ow. THIS IS THI llAUJIFUL RANG! WHICH MAY • YOURS ' • IY ATTENDING THI •& COOKING SCHOOL 2205· W. Balboa Blvcl. NIWPORT BIACH HARBOR 116 z Methodist WSCS Slates Events Mfttor prtnc-. H JoblN In their rolle9 ot the order attended It. ~·· Preaby\Uiaa QW'dl lO Mu Rev. Jamu 8. at-art'• ---"lllllaW~'. omo.. aad mmaben of the Oranp Oout Cb&pt.er, Order of De Mo1&7, i..ded .,, lld'W'U'd L. ADdenon. muter councilor, al8o attended t b I • cbu~h Mrvice Date. for the fall bua&r and OuUtmu pageant were wurinc their robe• of Ule order. Mt when the Woma'• 8ocWy of Chrtatia Bente. of Cbriat Church by the Sea held lta October I don at Goodell Hall, Burnett in East with buain-occupying ·IDOl"DiDC' houn. Woody Burnett. 1911 W. Ocean The bu&ar wW be at tbe llaD Front, wtll be ftC&UODIJI&' toe ~ Wedneedaf NOY 11 BootM t. M oblernd by eacJa d rele UlrM ween ln Wublqton, D.C., u be 1.n c~ ·Of Ua. ftn wttll a Pf'OIT&Dl and ottennc; Baltimore, Kd. and Bluetleld. W . rclea wtUi oae tor the Toutb reuwa1 of membenblp ln Hoar Va. He i8 formerly from BJue- r.uowa111p. A l\OOll I~ w1ll Ba.pltal Aua.Lllary. Kn. Xamlt tltld and will be Wllllns frlenda be Mned and dtnaw tl'Olll a:so l'oote and a (TOUp ot atz p v• and reaau ... to the clU•. 110 lloun at the bo911'tal aad •O -------------p. m. on. The Chratm.. pareant will be beld Dec. a and "111 be directed by Holly lAah VU.I, C09tumea to be made by Uie ctn:l... Xra. A. J . Rutter wUl be Ill cbUf9 of UI• muatc. Ol.ber btuineu Included: P lan. tor membera to attend the nut mffllnJ Of the new WhltUer Dilltrlct W.8 .0 .8 . to be held Oct. 28 at J"ullerton; ar- &n1'911'1ent.a t~ the week of PRY· er and Mlt dental, Oct. 21 • 25. hoW'9 1n hom• .. ~ 1n .. P-For First Mates tember. Kra. John K . ElJJott reported on the School of Klaaiona lleld at Red1&DcSa Unlveratty. Alter hmcMon. MrYed by Bal· boa Ialu4 ctn:lt, Xra. Ralph Wat.on preatded at tbe prorram. Mn. D. W. Holtby led in de- .oUona. lier a u II J e c t "Othw BhMp" -Indian Amerlc&111 and Kn. Kabel lt&llley revi-ed I LoTt the Trail by Relea Spnq.r. On 1\ieeday, Oct. 2& at 1:30 p. m., a prepared dlnner 'trill be MrYed to U.. nnt Mate. Of St. Andrew'• Pnabyterlan Church. Marie (Mn. o. 1... ) Howea wtU rt•• a readlnr and mu.teal ... Iecuon. will be preeenled by Mr. "ntomu. F AC Bridge Party Harper P-TA Hears Supt. Everett Rea C&rdplayera of the Harbor area wlahinf to attend th• monthly l'rtday Atlemoon Club duaert and cud party at the clubbouae on Friday, Oct. 28, are uked to make .. rly reeervaUon., by Wed· needay, Oct. 21. to Mn. ll. I. Moore, aecUon chairman, at LI 8-62M. TheM attaJra are open to all wl1hln1 to alle,nd and Everett A. Rea, superintendent of Colt& Ke.a unified 1tart at 12:30. Pla,,_n are aaked ICbool diatrict wu the main 1peaker at the firet 111ee~ of to make up their OW11 fouraome the Harper P-TA. He reported there a.re 3708 children ell· _1f_po_•_•_b_1e_. ------- rolled in Costa Mesa's five elementary llCboola and Harper . acbool b .. 113 ot theee chlld,..n. Calump1t Camp -.Cb cf tha varloua dtpartmente, 1tated. decided al their laat mHl· • . llUCb .. health, mu1lc, lranapor· lnr Ulat milk WlJJ be llOld eacb Auxiliary Events tatloe curriculum I• coordinated mornlnr and att•moon at each Several event.a are on lh• ca.I· under' one bead l~ lntegTate the Co•la Mua ecllool u llOOn .. tt endar of the Women·• Au.xUlary echooll. Nine buaea ""' UMd to can be anan1ed. of 8panl1h • American Calumplt t.ra.n.port the chJldren M 2 mllee SETS B UDGET No. 39 for the rut of the month. MCJl day ancl there haa never Mra. Kenneth Leathers, P·TA A. be&aar and rwnmare l&lt will been an accident In which a chJJd prMldent, preaented Ule propoeed be held Oct. 26 and It Ill Banta b.. ~ Injured. 111~6-ot budset &lld It wu a.c-Ana, comer of Main and I th St. l\.ORK TOGETHER cepted. Brownle Girl Scout Troop Wednaeday the Wldowa Club held R.a utfed the parente and the 22 led lh• pltdse of &li•Jianee. a potluck luncheon at the home teacher• to work together for lb• Mn. Betty Jenlu, prorram ctl&Jr· ot Mn. AJ1na Betiwell, 16H J\ed. cblld'1 welfare by uchanrtnr In· man. preaented Prlnctpal Herbert l&Jlda Pla ct. Oo.t.& Meaa. Tilt tormauoa aa t o hta 1peclal capa-Ward who Introduced the mern-Put PrHldenl.8 Club wm llol4 blU Uea, by developlnr In him ben1 ot th• faculty. lbeir monthly luncheon on Thur• ~ood lhlnkln1r hab1ta, encourar· The fourth .,-a.den, under di· day, Oet. 27, at 8waneona' ln Haarstadt Reviews Historical Book William H a a r 1 t a d, Orang-e Cou l Colle1• librarian. rtviewa The 8tn11rle for the Medltl'rr•· nean. 1939·1H~ by Raymond de Belol, lranalated by Jamea A. n.ad. Jr. Dennlllve work• ot hlatorlcal ~cance con~mtng W or Id War n are appearing In gnat numbera at the preaent Ume. DI· r ectly atler the end of 'Ute con· flict hl•tory worka dealt wtlh the war In reneraJ.. Al the preMnt tlDl• many ipeCl1a1 ph ... 1 ot the rlobal irtrurrte are appearing In print. In "The Struggle for the Mediterranean", the aulhor. a French naval ottlcer. hu atudled 1n minute detaJl the varloua 11tra· i.,1 .. employed by the comb&· tant. ID lh• Mediterranean area. MUuollnl dreamed of the w .. dtt.erranean u an lt&lian lake comj>letely ringed and controlled by t h e "Modem R om e n s". J'rtnce. ot couree, wu determln· ed to retain the delicate b&lan~ of power that exl1ted In the ..,... In prewar days. The Fall of Fnncr In l lHO 11ve Muuollnl the loni:" awaited opportunity to dominate the art!&, but the Brt· t Ith n1 vy completely follt t1 lht se dulrna by blockadlnr Italy. O.rmany vie\ffd the Medller· ranean u the pathway to C'ontrol ot Africa. Hiller ftll th11t thr capture or thr Bun Canal and Olbraltar would compleltly tnd the lhre:it or the BrlUs h navy to turther Nu1 «Onqueau. Gtn· eral Franco waa loathe to per- mit German troop• lo cros~ Spain In order to attack the Brl· t11h bastion of Gibraltar. Also. BrltlPlt heroica at 1:1 Alameln saved Suez. The author haa conaulted var· loua primary .ource materlala In weavin1 hlJi 1tory, and It would appear that factual aocuraC'y has been attained. The book ta writ· ten In a clear, lucl1 manner, a.nd ahould pro.. ot lllte,..t to the renenJ reader .. -n .. the •tudent of hlltory. AT LIDO THEATRE Coast College Cooking School Starts Nov. 1 Th• Fourth Annual Oranre Cout College Cooking School wtU 1tart Tuesday morning, Nov. l, 11 :llO a. m. In the Udo Theater, It w u announced today. InYita- Uona were maUed thla week to the 800 parUclpanta tn lut year'• cooklnr achool. Othera may re(la· ter al th• door at the flr1l au· llon. Once again the cooklnr echool I• belnr co-sponsored by LI d o Shopa. the Southern Counllu Gu company and the U do Th•ter. Four eeulona have ~ plann~. OD No. I, 8. U and 22 trom 1 :30- 11 !30 a. m. R eclpu wUI be available to all who attend. Food, priu8, and oth- er awards will be g-lvrn l)y RIC'h· a.rel'• Lido Markel. Llrto Shops and the ru company. )flu Ruth Klumb. home eoono- mlat et Orange Coaat Collere. will conduct Ula dtmonatraUona al each •eaion. N1>w at Orange Cout Coller• this year, M I a 1 Klumb wu formerly a home ec· onomlat tot Armour and Com- pany. a homt 1ervlce di.rec tor for the Seattle Gaa Compaoy and a food chemist for Paclltc F o o d Product& n.i. cooking Kbool la provided a1 a community Mrvlce for home· makl'ra In the aree and la open to the public wltho\.I\ C'h&rl•· Ing bim to have high ldeala, pro· recllon ot their teach•r•. Robert 8ut& Ana. TtcStns tor him a 1turdy rellfloua Htfh. Kra. Pa11llne Gardner aad ----------------------------------------. backrround and by developtnc K1L Edna Walt.on. mt~ rood c1ua.nah1p In the chlld. In wtUll _,, and ndtlou oom-J>"f A Fund Aided concludln1 he 111ld. ··we are Ult memora~ Chrtatopbw Colum• NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily mutual frlc-nd11 of )'our child; bu.. HlctJ and Mr9. Maria.AD• Bila· b S ·1 T let'• work lOftlhf'r lo develop Ver Won Ule room count. ~rtab• y 1 ver ea )'OW' chlld," m~nta were Mrnd followms t.be 1'11• board of tru11tff1. R •a meeUnC'. Lindbergh School P-TA Sees Psychology Movie "Everyonf' nted.8 lo aucet~" wu the lhe111e 1treHed In the mo• It "Individual Dlrterttnr u " pre.ten~ by Rod Heckelman. llC!Mlol peycholor lel. at th• Lind· MrJh P·TA mer llng. JndJvldual diltft'tncu need to be undtntood aod rupecle<S by teacher. and .,.,._,1.e If chlldr,n •re l o l&ln cootldence and therefore happl· n .... he M id. Snrtll A. Ru, IUpt'rUalU>dtllt. outlined the bulldlnit r r o Ir am pl&ruled for the 1mmed1ate t\a· ture. Tb• capacity crowd wu wet· comed by Mr1. Hen1y L. Roberte, pr.eldent. who reminded l lu m U\at theJr help anti lnterelt would bt 6-tred t hrou!h t he yeu. Robert Brun11. prlnclp&I. lll· lroduced the ll'•chrr1 and Mra. Ralpb Irwin prrarnlrd each wtt.h a nor-al br•crlet nr boutonn.l•r.. Back·to-1<:noo1 na,;hta. Oct. 25 a.nd 27 WHe announced. MrL Ra.Jph Waterman, mem· ~rab.lp cbalrman. dl9J>l&yed the membenh!p drtve poalen made by Ult tll'\h and alxth ~ llt"V· G«nll. Mra. Albert Ogdtn announced Faculty Wives of High School N•WJIOrl Harbor Hl,;h School P"aculty W1vt3 Club m~t r.c:tntly at the home Konomlc• cottq• on the c.ampu• ~ew memben wt,,. wek omed. lncludinr Mm~ E&rl Boyd. ~~ RC\Kh. John RoH . Wlllla.m Straw J C\hn Ro11tled11 and Edwar11 Nrwt"nll Hoit•-• for the enninr were Mmu. Sldnf'y Davld.eoo.. J~h Hamblet. R obnt Mal"'UUOn. Ar· lhur Wood and 1.AaUe Miller. R.oecJne f Mn John) P'eelty or the Enfllllh dtpartmmt ahowtd colored lllldes of her trip l o Hol· land l•o yu n ILIO whrn aha wu an exch&nf• tea.cller. Com- mttteM and pllUUI were formed tor Ult faculty CbrUtm.. puty to be held ahor1 ly before lldlool cio-in Decembu. Tba next re- SUfar met1tt1 win • 1'Wnr rrr January. Youth Group Elects Officers TM Junior HJp PUcT1m r.1. JOW9bip of Coron& del Mar OOm· muatcy Church elect.CS ottlca:r11 a..i aunday •nnJnr u toUoww : Ana Rumaeort, ptfftdent; Jim .1obMt.ma.. 'rice · prffldml; Teny Beott. eeent.uy and RcO;y In· JTUll. tr..uur.r. Tbeet o.ttlc:en tn•l t« dlnner and a pl&nalns ...._ oa 'nlunday •"1linr of thU wMk a t Ule home ot Mr. &ad Kn. M. A. Harwood, adru· on to UM l(T'OUp. a tie In attendaace betweee n><>ma of Mrs. H. a. awtadler aad Mra. Olarl• Palmer aod t ll • trophy Will tranl Mtw-t be t'<lfO room. u nw ~ IMJlt mett• Inc. Mra. John PtU.Uer 'll'U tn cl\&rs• of Nfree!anenta -....S alter Uie mett.lnJ. lloaN ._ • IMrw ••n hollt---. Mesa Jobies at San Gabriel Onr •o Job'• Daurtit.,.. ot lletll•l UT. CO.ta M-Ylsl~ Bethel ua ln ..... Gabriel Jut on Oet. 15. TM mMUJ\c COftftDed at 10 a.. m . ln tlt• aao <kbc1el Muonlc T9m1He w I t ll Denna Namlltcn. honored q u •en of S.Ulel 107, ptutdtq jolatl.7 wttb C&rol)"ll C&U. .-ueea ot •tM& 10. l:ach omce wu oceu~ 91y two JIN, Olle fr'OtD eecll 8etW. M-rtrle Mn1n• u coun..,. otncen. Other ~t!as "'1a M- at.led ln the dlotr. Mra. Dean lmJUI.. f'&&l'djaa. R&lpb Herr, aaeoctate cuardl&a. Mra. Wlllla S&nftt and MJ.- Naacy HlU. council 1nember1. al· ao attended. After Ult Melloe Jobie memberw. fU&rdla.na and ruute wen H'""4 luncheon. Bethel 1~7 tM:tnUy obeernd "10 to church Sunday". 1.-4 ~ Donna HamUtoa and C&rol Crall\. ........ ~ ....... la)' It Willi ~ ......... U OJ S. CONf B~ .• COf'OM N4 II• Barbor aon PAIKIS· llDLIY MOINAIY 11 t B,_._&7 -Ooeta .. ._ PlloMt l.Aerty 1-UU u ...... 1st M1rt111e L1111 ON HOHi& eU941t .. &11e INOU8TlllAI. ...... &•Tt le w. ·-.......... --,:::'~ ,~_..,~,._ ·- -IOMll ... N•MIOM. M~ .. rTAti- TllUS'I' orroe •OU9MT ,.... eM.O WI. I. llLT Corona deJ Ma.r P·TA. rroued O?er flOO from th• .Onr t&llbion t1'oW tea whJcb they 8t&c9d u a benefit for the forelrn awes.it tund, were dellrht.ed u UMlr pied,. wu but 125. It lndlcatea, aid Mr9. Sue Martin. prealdent. lntereal l.n a year of 1Umu1&U... prorruu. la 111 .. pan1 wtlb t.M t h a m • Ul.e au4J*1wn w a• d.cora~ wtUI tnvel J)09t•n and t.b4 mu· lllo from man)' &anda WU u8ed In the Pf'OJ"ll'· Kn. Kilt)' Bur- ton. 'rice pre•dent and Mra. ff•· t7 Vaupa of tAe K.hool 1t&ff pour.d. From tile Sea to You 25' po11nd -Cleaffd Fr" Sold Only the Day Caught NEVER HEin OVER at the foot of ... Newport Pier It's Logical YES, ITS LOGICAL TO ASSUME YOU WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLETE NEWS COVERAGE of ALL Harbor Activities IN THI COLUMNS OF The NEWSpaper Receiving These A wards e ~'lro.U. OAUF. N&WU'A.PEIS PUBUSllEU USOC. AWAIU>S OONTEST 1a r~-a.. ,.._ •• ._. ...._ Motoa. tda.Wee 01t w..-ldt8> a. ....._..,_ ... ,.._ fw .._. ,,_. ,.. .. (w""""-alao llotlto • ..W. _...._ (~ ~ ·-...... •W'IMt --- • OAl..D'OUJA Aaeoo:tA TIOl"f or PllEM WOME:f CONTEST ~ ~· lloell47 ,...., l"D8T PLACE tor Met w~•'• *par't1Mnt (• ..... ._._, ..... , e 1'An0Jf&L "'9''ft01' °" l'llmS WOllKN'8 OONTEST nr. ..... fw .... W ftlal llfut t (WI ... U4 -l·"'fekllet) e nm'l'A 81GllA ... AWAD 'nit ..... zts .... ~ ....... , ........... aaa-' Theta l!llrma ... llatlltll l'liMl8 A~ C>latllle ,_ ('"*lJ •• f If .. ) e •~.&r. AWAllD ..._.,,.......,~ , ........ r:.iu \ One Birthday, Two Parties Mar1a ret June Cottman, 830 Plum Place, Co•t• Mu&. WU honor" at two blrlhday p&rtlu last wet'ktml. Celebratln~ h "r n111th &nn1v .. r1111ry. a group of friends gathrred at thl' Coffman home on Satur.la) Game• and contt'sls wt'rl' pl&) Pd fnllowrtl by A big blrthd11y l'1tkc, k t' n e11m cupe iUHI pun(•h. t'Bl'.h lf11e1t1 re· ceivlng a buskN of C'andlei. and balloons P1 l'llt'n t werl' Margart't !\:uh. l:la.rbara Jane Htstt'rly. Barbara Cr1 tti-n<lt n. Jottn Spl'n· cer. Barbani Connt'll. Chi •~tine J onea. Pt'ggy Souten and Barbara Jean Jngn 1h11111. On Sunday lhr Coffman f11mlly Wl'lll tn Mont1•b1•llo whl're 1nolh· er birthday relebrallou l o ok pl1C'e al the home 0( Mr 1m1I Mrs. SiJ Brown anti lJaui;hlPr Madlyn. Aftt'.r dinner untl lhP op- ening of preMnt•. 1nolhn birth· d11y cake waa aerved. League 'Coffee' at Berry Home COAST Al SHOPPER PASE 11 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 Iceland Talk at Mesa Grange Highlighting the meeting of the Costa Mesa Grani-. Mrs. Robert Garrett, Mesa resident a.nd native of lceland. gave a graphic talk on her nath·e land. Sht' brought with her a number of native products. wood carving, hand made Jewelry. 1<1h•l'rwa1 '" plct uru and Cl'ranilrs for use m demonatrat· 1111: hr r talk. Grani;e M1uster P on Steams pn·s1J1·rJ a t the bus111raa ae1111lon Amonir the gut>sts w1·re Mr. and Mr9. Re1bcrt \\'ardlow of Wlnteni· burg Grani;e. \\'unllow le muter ot the Pomona Grnni:<' and al•le gra nge deputy for lh1• dl1tlict., P.reeent ab o wer11 Mr. and lotrs. I Harry Lillie oC Alp111·hln, N. Y .. and Mr. and Mra. \\'alllam Arthur who accompa.nled lhl'm. Th• New Yorker1 were h ouse i.;uceta of Mr. H1tn •lot Kylr rl'prtal'lltl'd t be gr1tnge aa allernat I' l11•lrgal!'e at Uic •late conv~llon In Sa cramen- to on Ocl. l6 The rw xt mertln.o will b• pot· lurk dlnnrr on Thun!llay. A Ha• lowun party la plannf'it for 8&t• urday. A prh:I" and award• for the but coat um I'll wtll be 11 'Nl'I. Women from t be Newporl and Mr1. Bradlry Hui.:hH who Helghta area were cueata at 1•ne more than 20 year• l\f O helped of the aerie• ot McoUeu ", apon· t1 lhe Ulllu oq;11n1zr Alpachln '9T'he Hasty Heart" aord by the Womlll'l'a Clv1c Lea· Grangt'. cue ot Newport Btach Oct. 12• F inal reports w 1 rt' 11v1n on Nov. 2, 3, 5 •t the home of Mra. Mel Bt>rry. tho recent tall ba:w111· and din· Ml Clltr Drive Mn. Robert .Mar· ner and It waa v111cti to buy • Cllur.Pf!I n.w 1h1ll, membenJhlp chairman ot rarbage dlaposol for the kitchen CalJ ea::.,~~~·,_ Ila the Jearu«'. 1poke on the blatory w1:_::°':_~t:h:_e .. p!::r'..:o::c_:e•::d:s:.:.· .. ~:::•:.:.r_:a:n::d:_:M.r=.:L:....!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and organlullon or t he club and 1 ouWned plane tor the tuture. ~t wrre Mmes. P'tank Clendenen. J ohn Roth, C. R. Car· lyle, J . B. Qulunbr.rry, L . C. 11:1'1· IOD. L. W. 8chonrk, Earl Good · rum, Donald Thompann, H. B. Dawaon, Frederick J. Cleary, Karry Lau, Robrrl Marthall. John Neu and >.tel Berry. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA ~fESA CHAPEL 17'1 Superior Avenue Coal& Meaa. caut. Phone Llberly 8·2121 CHAPEL BY TBll DA 1620 IC. Cout Ill .... Corona ckJ Mar, Cll.IM. Phone Bal1lor 41 ~--------------------------------~1 HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR FIREPLACI ENSEMIW & ACCISSOllB Ret .... Sil.ti 7.PIECI SOLID IRASS ENSEMIU 15911 <HMr Set. ,.._ _ $24.10 I • SCREENS (t.o nt anr fll"l'platt) l!lee Ov Lup Dlllpla1 e ANDIRONS (many sty~) e FIRE.SETS (4 pc9.) •-•LI --•--a. • ._ ..... e LOO GRATES e WOOD BASKETS e .BELLOW8 ;JIU ... ----• -• 8800118 e 8WEDl8B DU'OBTED MA'rtJBD ... AD .... • n:REPIACE CRY8TAL8 Bud1et Tenm -Open Monday & Frtday •w I p. m. -Fl'M J>elhrery SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING HM aoun 11.&Df IT. PRON'1:1 IUMB•U·T ..._ --- HARBOR PRESS A be&UUtul candle • 11C11t tD- •t.alJaUon Mntc. la ~ plan· ned for 8und&,y. Oct. :U wben th• (T'OUP meeu at e·ao 1n PU· rrtm H•ll Pattnta ud fri~11d• art l.n't'lled t.o M preet11L SUBSCRIBE TODAY ONLY ~ MON'DILY CALL HARBOR 1616 -CIRCULATION DEPT~ .-..--. -·· -- -, 'leO MAl&IT WITH SALLIE October 28, 1956 Everybody'• lnvtted to the Annual P.-T. A. Canal-~al on the Horace Eulga f;ampua ••• DnM up Mom aad Dad and bring the ldda and have younelvett a Hal- toween Ball . • • Thia Sat· 9.rday the 29th • • • 2 • 8 p. m. • . . Dre&• Parade at I . . . A midway of 50 booths, gamee, Merry·ito- l'Ound • • • F'un fo r all • • • Pleaty to eat. tM> you can plan OD dhaJttlr . • , Put OB by the combined efforts of the Horace Ensign and Newport Elementary P .• T.A.a. the proceedtl "ill jtO for Student Aid and Wel- fare Fund&. Plenty of COfl- tamee ready and wait~ oa oar Meu.anlne Shop. • ,Got a calendar handy? Ctftle these four datea Tues- day. November 1 ..• That'a next Tuesday ... Then cir~le t he next three consecutive 'I\teadays, November 8. 15 and 22 ... You've got a date • • . Orange Coast College Cooking School, Lido Theater, 9!.30-11 :30 a. m. • ••• Co·operatinit spoll801'8, &D of the Udo Shopa uut Gae Southern Countiee Gu Compuy . . . Perbap. I tllouJd just whltlper • . • l ou glrla have beea uklag fbJ' this ••. And who are n to break the tradlUon of Cookln1 School after five 1f!A1'9 • • • LMt year we 1'1shed the Udo Theatre 1Je1'9 twtu ... S ure we au know bow t o cook .•. Now you take a.n old Mama doggie like me ... Mpried eighteen years ••• I k.qow bow to cook . . • But I c-.p honeatly say I've never once listened in on a cooklng Jeeeon with OCC swinging the f rying pan t hat 1 haven't taken home a car load of ex- citing new trick'n treata to •1111>riM my Papa doc&i• and lwo pup. wttb ... Yipet Wltb the Holiday Seati0n coming up 1 don't want to be caught with my 1ma~ation down! I'm going to h1fh tail it to the Cooking Schoo next Tuesday! ~~81 Ruth KJumb who is onP of the Home t~nomint Struc- ton at OCC titln h e r ltNons t h1"1y: I. Meal Ma«lc . • . M lt h p~parffi 9lxtutttl. C'SJl" and f rm.e.n (oocls. 2. Family Fare .,ttb a Company Air • . . foocb ea~n m°"t. f'\'f'rY da)' fbed. but dlfff'N>ntly. 3. 8riDa on tht1 Bird ... M>me Wi 11Urpri*"" too. 4. t:My .. pie ..• Atrk th· pi«' t1turr. auth la D4"W to Oranite Coatt thJa ~·~ar ... Happy CooklnJt ~hool Ruth! We'll 1Nt there hanJtlnit on r\·ery word. Prizes! C!ftR ! The Major prize will of course be a brand new Gaffers and Sattler gu range of your choice of model u d color •.. yellow, gi-een, white or chrome . . . Each '11ie.day all the food cooked wtll ~ gwen Away plus bas- ket.a of groceries and three t Qrkeya ... The turkt'ys wiU be on order when you w&nt Ulern. And •WI more priM-9 ••• 1'oa u n't mJAs wtnala,; '°~thlnlt "·Ith all thf!M: '25.00 mucha.ndi9e orders w the toUo"•lnat Udo Shopa r litht M'l"Otl8 the 8tnlet, Bid· we&re. Lido Fublou. Mal· ap l.mport3, Dick MAC'.k rr, Udo Toyland, La IWJne, 8 baddo<'lm. '~n·a. '"rf• of Udo, Shade Shop . . • Three 116.00 •\•ta19 a.c· c-oonte oPf!IH'Cl at Newport Balboa Savin~ and Loan •.• Thrflfl '50.00 Ballroom Oance Colll"M8 at Kin~ Ila lllOf! St11C1108 • • • $41. 9.1\ {' I o c k Red.lo, Vln<."ent'1 JJrU)i""": • • IWtn!r &-t, wuu..m. 8ta&loffn •.. Comple~ Wu .lob oa you C'~r. Udo Blcllfteld . . . $10.00 MereJt•edllle Order, Buie'• of CWlfonla ••• S20 Chlld'a Portnit, Gerhardt 8tudl°" ..• Fh'e Tvkf'y.. ltk hard'f\ Market ..• $27.95 P'N-1100 Fry Pu. lllehard'• )lnzanlnr Shop • . • • :t I kt Sf-lier Book. Udo ftookt"&M' •• , Ceranaie VaM to hf' 1'i l"NI for a lun~f you "lllh • • • ~he • bnon. A . I. D. .lefterwoa Gold~ Hour Clock. Udo ~trl<-••• lt.alliua Straw a.Nert. Vapbond Ho~ • . . ~n m~ Mama Do2~irs, theM Udo 8hopa ion't ,...,,, aobody to p I COASTAL SHOPPER EdWoa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1955 Sharpen Up Mealtime Magii at the ORANGE COAST COLLEGE Cooking School· •••• 100 PA~ COOK 800K S.-~"- * Reserve tllese dates: Nov. 1 Meal MacJic Nov. 8 Family Fare with a Company Air Nov. 15 lrilMJ on the lird Nov. 22 Easy as Pie STARTS TUESDAY Four Tuf'Sdays ln a row. 9:SO w 11 :30 a. m. at tht> Lido Th..att-r. Put on your rotw- and cap and romt> arunn'in for tht> hlJ:J:l'St prol{ranl l'H'r. •·our hi~ '"'f'kM of new recipes. nt>w ldt'M, nc>w applian('t'" a nd lots of pritt'lt. lt'i. timt1 w rat•·h·u1• on new ways oo rook ! Co·•poaKON'd by Udo S hop!ll, So. C'.o. Gu C'o., Oafff'rs I; Sattlf'r. ~ ~ ~I Daily Prizes Baskets of Groceries Plus Thanksgiving Turkeys from Richard's Grand Prizes to be given at the last school clan w lilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ,,,,; ~ Wessoa Oil 49; - Free Hallowe'en Hah on the Mezzanine with each U .00 ot HalJowe'en purchaaea. Stal In and Lake a peak at our .rta.cka ot Candln, Cookie., JM:k·O·lAnle.rna and Costume.. Bar· rei. of ApplN, Tr1ck• and Treats and alJ the acce&eoriea. Gobll.nA, W ttche.w, Ultle Boys and Gtrlt f ind RJcharu'a the beat place to ahop for a tun packed apooky Monday Niie ! BAKERY •••• TH UK~DAV AND FRIDA\' O!\'L\I ~~~-la l 53~ FRENCH APPLE PIE Ho«'h !SATl:KDA\' MTD~oaNS. -........... 4 ,.,, 25' DELICATESSEN • ••• Lutor'a AJI Ml'•& FRANKS Kraft'• Phlladf'lpbla CREAM CHEESE PRODUCE •.•• t'Mtc-y, P4no-WhJI" CAULIFLOWER 1·. !'!. :'\o, I Rn,.wt POTATOES FROZEN FOODS .••• ON-an Oardc•n GREEN SHRIMP .. 10 OL 53 t Mlnut" Ma.Id 2 23' GRAPEFRUIT JUICE t oa. for Rl rdw)'ll 2 27( WHIPPED POTATOES 1 to?. for Blrd .. y.. 2 27¢ POTATOE PATIIES 1toL ,,,, T odd'• ICE CRJ;AM or SHERIET ... AGED BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER U. 8. Choice Qaallty Mata are the finest meat. f or frees- lnat. Take advantage of qalck·free&ln1t refrigt"ratton and our new lpeclal '8npentare aPai room. Chtock theee advantagela available aow a$., 1Ucb&rd'1: CBOIOE KEA~ ba.bJ beef. Rall fed t nmathe oa a apt'dai diet. r1lded for perfMUOL AGl.No-t .. ace :rnu ._lni ln our MW 1-wcap ~room. OUTrlNO, WR.APPINO A MARKJ~G -C'ut for llM ntll oa lib teLlmacr Do>t«U-aa4 W-. Ul*I for .., ,.._ NMllla Maeeu-.. DEU\'};R\'-richt to ,_,,___dew .. _ ........... Here's What Y• Caft Have 111 a Side of IHf T-BOND PORTERBOUSli CLUB 8TEAll8 RIB 8Tl'AK8 ROUND 8TEAU 8Wl88 8TEAU nAN1' STEAD PBDIE RIB ROAST RUMP ROAST '7·BON"E ROAST 0-BONE ROAST SHORT RIBS STEW MEAT GROUND KEAT Dut,..W Double A Qua.Uty FRESH BUTI'ER 8 ..tft'e Natloaal FavorU~ Al.L8Wl:ET MARGARINE . . ................ _ ('ltk kl'a of l'IM l.Jpt MMl CHUNK TUNA 8aowf'lake CradtH'9 SALTINES ................. . IWu TOM. CATSUP Ku 11'e 8TllA WUIUtY PRESERVES lb.Ste 1b.23c Automath1 WMbla.( s229 ALL DETERGENT 10 111. pile . roPcoiN "~""· 10 ~ .. "" 19c MU'\l~UI Apple 'uh-. or APPLE CIDER I.I~ La,... Ptttf'd tt.lk'~ RIPE OLIVES HYD1ox COOKIES tt OL37c c w· UY '·I ', ~ '•/ ~ •'I Wi 6 Thanb1th'ln1t Turkt'ys -Richard'• ~-$50.00 Oa.nt'4" CoWM' -KlnK'li StlJdlo S--$15.00 S1u i n1t8 Attoun~~M\'port Balboa Sa\'iDl!I and Loen $20.00 ChlJd'i1 Portra.lt -Wally Gnha.rdt 8'-ttt &om n.c Book -Boole c.aM' Ooldl'n Hour Clocll -Udo Ek<'tri<' Italian Straw Ba.,k .. t -Vaaabund HoUAe IA"afhf'r l>Hk St>t -Wllliam11 Stationf'n ('11mplf't• Wax J oh -Udo Rl<'bfk-ld $21.95 P rN l4l F~· Pan -Rk hard's Mn'&&Jllne . hop(H' C'f'nunic· \'al'lt' -Blan<'hf' Yulkf'non - $25.00 Purrha!M' Urdu -Bld wrU'11 $2~.00 P'ur<'ha!'lf" Onlt'r -L ido Fuhlou $2.).00 Pur('hay Ordf'r -Mala«a lmportll 41.95 Clock Radio -VlnC'f'ftt's DruK" S2~.oo PurchAIM' Order -Dk-k MM'kf'r $2,.,CMI Pur<'hiUW Ordrr -Udo Toyland $25.fMI Pt1l'<'haJl!f' Ordr r -I.a Rt-Inf' S2!l.fM) Pu,,.h~ Ordf'r -Shadd~ks 12.'l.00 P&atthal!le Ordf'r -'o-Ea 'IJ Ji~.oo Purc'hut" Ordt-r -Shade Mhop S2S.OO Putthue On14-r -ffrl'• of Udo SJO.oo Pu~"fl ~r -K ole'• of c.ltf. Plus 1955 Gaffen & Sattler Gas Rancie with TIT & Built-in Rotisserie Your Favorite Color Display at Richard', Lido Theater Lido Elec~ric MEAT VALUES \°ou.n11: Ran<'h F""'h 63c FRYING CHICKENS lb. t '. K. Chol~ -l,.ran 43c 7-BONE ROAST lb. U. ~-Chok-f" -Fla\ orful 53c 0-BONE ROAST lb. Manhattaa Wholr or ~hank Half 49c lb SMOKED HAM lb. • Butt t:nd • . . lh. :1.it --~ 8w1rt'a Prmdum 59c SLICED BACON lb. hmf' "1thout a ~ft . . . Thr"''" about '6.'W> wort.h of loot tht~ ••• ' SPEC'lAl..S FOR 9C"fOBER 27, 28 and 29, 19M S UOPSI . •