HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-28 - Newport Harbor News Press', ,, ' • I . . --I ,, . _.,---~· •J I •/' I I '1 , -NEW~RT HARBOR NEW>PRESS~ PART 11 • PA6E 1 "FRIOA Y, OCTOBER 28, 1955 .Buy Bt :Home -From -Your local New Car Deaf er CLEARANCE SALE -LATE MODEL" CHRYSLERS ~ANY MORE POW~ FEATURES THAN MOST CARS • .,,. . I 1955 Clirjsler New Yorker Del~• 4 • Door S.dall -2 Tone &re.11. . , RaCllo -Heat.r -Power Steerlnt -· ~w ]Ires -Solex -C•'°"' Group . Only -------$3395 . I ~ -. l I 1955 Windsor Deluxe 4-clr. Sedan 2 Tone -:-Power SNerlftfJ-Clock-51111 Cap .5olex -WSW Tires -Power lrabs Electric Seat -Satery. Accessory ·group. Ollly ...• C---·-··"'''". S2 99 5 ~· 19~~ PLYMOUTH IELVEDIRE 4·cloor Mda11 -Automatic_ tra111111luloft. Solex Glens-Air Foam Seat-Accessory Group ............................ .: .... Only $21 ~O. · . 1954 CHRYSLER NEW YORKER DELUXE, 23S h.p. 4·door secla11. lec111tfful reel. Fully ..equlppe'--'o~er Steering-Ra~o-H~ter-WSW tires and wire wheels .................. _ .. _ .... -... -.. -.... -... -."·-............... -......... -... -.. -.... _ O~ly $239S * All C.S Fully Warranted for 'Twenty.five W..U * Many Other Low Price Cars -All Makes ~ All Mo'del1 ..... _LOU REED 6. •SSOCIATES Imperial.· Chrysler· Plymotlth Sales & Servlc~11tenlatloMI Tl'Kb 1200 W. Coast Highway Uberty 8·3416 • We~e got iieU~ED CARYQ..U watlt I -· .. #ii.I !.!'IT/ • @usiD CARs.@usED TRUCKS ' All ~es ••• All models ••• You make your own terms ; 53 Ford S4 Mercury 52 -Ford 52 1 Ford , •• ft C"n~ti>m •·~r Mont~~Y Hard Top '1ctorla . \' -8 Raach Wacon $1195 $2095 $1095 -$1295 • ~' 49 Dod9e 53 Ford 52 Ford 54. Ford 4·0oor IY<IJU1 Club Coupe \'·8 Cu•tDm !·Door \' -8 t -DOC!r fModa.11 $475 $1195 $99S $1495 ' (. 52 Chrysler 54 Ford 51 Studebaker 49 Plymouth \\'ln1h or Con\·~rtlblfl Ran"h wa,.on Conv•rtlble l'OD\'«'rtlble $1195 S189S .645 S4ts -- 53 Ford SO Chrysler Sl Cllenolet so Ford Rant h \\'ar;oa \\'bMbo1' '-Door . llt '-Deor !·Door~ $1645 $545 $845 $49S ''' . . THEODORE ROBINS "Your Ford Dealer Since 1921" .. ........ .. ... Ilg 1-1 Ilg 11 Offers You A SPECIAL on BRAND NEW-'56 MERCURYS with "11 · BfG ACCESS'ORIES" " for as low as ---=-------·-_.!' _s 2 _ s~ 9 6 This is our Touchdown Special These are the '"llG 11" Accessories lnofuded at this LOW PRICI RadJo Heakr Meroomat WhJtewalls 11nted Pollilll V..S.· Glau .... Clock Back-up U~htA U1bter Turn .Slpals . JOHNSON. & SON Uncoln • Mercury· Continental Sales & Servlce ... . .. , 900 W. Coast Highway -Newport leach'.,;_ acrCKs from lay Club-Uberty 1-1541 } MILLER'S LUCKY 7 Kar Korral -·" ...... e1:54 Chevrolet B~el Air Spt. Cpe .... .'. $1795 !f2 Ford Victoria .......... ·-····--···--.. ·····-·· S11tl · R.H .. Automatic, wsw Urea. Tutone, R. H., J>wrclide, wsw tites, 11,000 milea '53 Ol•lllObU. 4 Door Dell;',X~ ,. .. $179S R.H., Hyd. 'Wl'W fs-~"t>:' 'F"Nr. braKes, Pwr. steer, EZI glaM, sold new, serviced by ua • '53 Chevrolet 2 dr. R-H, 2 tone ..... S 895 New rubber '52 Chevrolet Bel Air Spt. Cpe ....... S 995 R.H .. Pwrglide, Interior like new 'S2 Chrvsler Windsor .............................. S 945 · R. It'. Auto, EZI glue, Tubele• Urea, Local owner-• 'Sl Studebaker Champion 2 Door . S 365 Radio, H~ter "Newest one In town" .'S2 Ford Ranch Wagon -···--········ .. ··· S12tS R. H .. 0 . D. Excellent mechanical . '52 Cadillac Fleetw9od -······-······ ........ $2195 R.H .. Hydra, Pwr. ateer, Pwr. t>ra.b9, WSW t ires, EZI g?us. all ortgtnal 'Sl Oldsmobile Hoiidey Coupe __ .. $1041 R. H., Hydra, C'ream with btaa top 'SO Olds. Dix. "88" 4 dr. sed.,, -···· S 691 R. H ., Hydra, WSW tires, 2 to chOOM from 'SO Ford V-8 Cu. 4 Door -··--·-··-····-S 191 R. H., OD. One owner '49 Plymotlth Spl. Dix. Clb. Cpt ....... S 445 R. H. MecbanJcally perfect , •. T .R .~KS ~ 4r 'SJ Cbf•rolet~·~!'Dlx. Cab pickup $1045 corner windows, l~.000 actual milea 'S3 International i T. panel ............... $1195 '53 Model aold in '54 l>ERFECI'! 'S2 Chevrolet 1' T. Picku'f ..... _ ........ _ ... $ 845 Heater, Comer windows, lpeed tranamialon '49 ChewOeet i T. Pi~kup -................... $ 645 Good Rubber * AVAILABLE WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT· * . MILLER CHEVROLET CO. O..._... Chewolet MILUR'S KAR KORRAL ., ,,.,.., ·•1•#•••• "-"', \.,,,;I I otlll l•I" f +f tf ff f ,, \Uh ,, .,. ~ ................. llllii .............................. ~ .................................................................................. ... 3100 w: Coast HiCJhway Uberty 8-3471 700 W. Coast HlcJhway . Newport leach . . • .. ~·· • ,AGE 8 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, ·1955 MWD FEEDER LINE WORK OCC Adult Class Enroll•ents Open , DELAYED BY LABOR STRIKE Crews ~IC)lltincj Section Before Rains Comtruction to Build BIG DITCH =completing the last section of a 30-mile 10-ft. diameter waler line from Lake Mathews to Irvine LaJ<e, workers are dwarfed in 40-ft. deep ditch channeled thr'ough the Santa Ana riverbed as shown above. Metropolitan Water Diatrict officials expect to see the job finished by June 30 next year, if sudden rt.ins or strikes do not stall the project. -OCNS Photo ' • By OON KELLr:R OC'SS WRITER FULLF.RTON. 1ocNS) -For- ty feet below the level ot the Santa Ana riverbed, In a huge • m11n • made ditch. construction workers were c&~tmg a w11ry eye ~ at grey skit's today. hoping they 1•&n finish their section ot " Mt>- tropolltan Water Olstj'.l.cl ft'erler line ~fore the wlntf'r rains com· At GIHdaht Dec. 1. Plckerf llCJ looked . 1019 Grove l'Jace. COHla Mesa. Finl practlcl.' game on the Or; ange Coa.at College basketball ac:hedule thla aeuon I• against Glendale on 'the rival floor Dec. l. CJ&ude Leroy Pickering, :'>6, ot Picker111g wa11 said lo haw been Norwalk was arrested on a 1lrivlng on the wro11i; Rh.le o( -Bal· 1•hars;e of drunk drlvmg Monday b Bl "' h h h th T h u artl'r he reportedly slde~lpecl a oa vn. w en • ll • o I car driven by Wllliflm F. Tohill. 1 cur. PEI ANNUM CURRENT URNINGS .. A daughter wu born to Navy BT-2 and Mra. Earl Walter Myre, Cotta Meaa. on OCt. 2' a t U. S. Naval H ospital, Corona. Roy Cclrver Pontiac ··Newport Beach Don't Buy Any NeW Car UNTIL YOU SEE AND .DRIVE The Fabulous. '56 POntiac Only Are at Roy Savings Carver P0ntiac So Tremendous *' • You . iWon't .Be Getting The Highest Trade-in and Lowest , I . ., Terms Unless You Come To The OPEN LOT. -'lOW .OVERHEAD Locatio.n .. RGy . Ca.rvf!r Pon1·;ac Liberty 8·3466 •I r ( . . .. • I DEUYllY Dellvery of the Newport Harbor Nm-Prem.I la cuaranteed. Carrier boys Will deliver their papen be- fore 8 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedne.day and Fri~. U ~ paper ia not delivered by that hour ~ du Harbor· 181& and your carrier will ~rtn1 your paper. Classified ' . - NEWPORT RUBOB NEWS.PRESS Every Monday, We•nclay a•d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C.U... iu.o',,., .._ nm la U.. w.-....1 Newe-Pi.e t U.-1 Jue.u. tl.OO add'l. lln• .26 ea. t I.Jae. :4 luutlou l.M add'l. U.. .26 eL ' Uaeit S 1ue·rt1oaa %.00 aidcrL 1111• .25 ea. ' UDea 4 t_,erUou %.M Md'L Uaee .%5 ea. u~ w-w A4a .w recea .. H% dliacowa\. o.a la Mlvaace oa17. • IUNDfUll 4D 19 t UNE8 DEADLINES for placlnc or canceJltnc ada UM For Monday PubUcaUon -Frida)' & p.m. For W9dnud-r PubllcaUoM -Tudday 1 p.nl. For Friday Publkal.ion -Tbundl.y l p.m. NEWl'OllT llAAllOa PUllU8RINO 00. HU llellMa llhcl .. Newport Beadl., Calttoral&. All caa:tl;ili8J Ads m•t IM peW fOC' c.M la ~ et pobUcaUOL The pubu.h•... wtU not be ,...pcmaibl• tor more tball one Incorrect lnaertlon ot an ad, ruerve th• ript to oorrecUy cla.Nlty any and tJJ ada and to reject any ad not contormln&' to ruJee and .reeulaUoM. Bpeelal NoU.. Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 17'1 1%--Bulldba& ServieM -__,, ~··---Elec. Tool Repair 8kJI 8awa, Drtlla, 8andeni QUJCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECI'RIC CO. I r ~ ...... _....._,.._.._ ___________ .,,,.,,_ ___ Roy's Maintenance Bome deaatas-no. .uma Wall~,.,_ntaa v ... uu Wiada. .UpMa.t.17 luund. ...... r.tilnat.N LrbertJ' 4-1SU. RELIABLE JA,P Aff&CJE • A-MERICAN WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK O.R MONTH. HY A TT 4-5471 Hp3T I Swedish Massage • Ladlu, -by appointment In )'O'M. home. J'ormnly in .... u .. at .AttoWhead Sprinc• Hotel. Pleu. ctJJ Harbor •TtCS or Har 70. 1Gc2Th WANTED BOYS--12 to 1' yeana oC •I•· Fii• your application• ---NW.fh I Ma IELL ON TJ:JlMS arr. DELJCATaaSNcue.11110. ONJ: t fl. ret?tcifttM ········-'5(). ONll Jarse eonunerc. nfJ1c. 17&. 1 SCALM. "6. 1 GONDOLA. 116. C&1J oWMr LI MW motlllnp OI .. after a p.m. tuc AN'J'lQlJJ: hml., aear&I unuaual old plec-. ntlnWI yourMU •nd aaw. .., antique china, old coppu, brau. ldlver plecet, cott.. mllla. 1Jauware. old lampa, pleturea, clock•, NWlnf machlnH. aound movie project"' or, TV'1, old orcan1 curtoa .•tc. We bu7 and ""'P· Brlnr Item• ln. CHARLl~ DAVlS, 110~ I!. AJlahetm, Lon( Beach, HICm· l~k l-60St. - MARQUETrJC 'ire Welder, (newi I bp Air Compreuor, HO Volt .tnall p h au; .ALBO 1960 Bulcll Super ' dr •edan RAH WSW. l:a:.cell. Condit 'Oil !-Will traci.. See at PAT<?H'S 1Tth SL at Placentia. U •7601. 2ltC NOW for New• • Preae routu .... p • that wilf be OpeTl In your Movie ro1ectors nelrhborhood In the tuture J'Oft ftJ:NT Apply Mr. Parker Circulation f..M.M 1e-MM M·IOI D'pt. Newa·Pre.. ROBB'\', and MODSL A "M"N. old CW1tom•n. A looklnl AlRP1...A.NE 8UPP1.l.U for neW; Jl'JNI: IRONINO Mears Camera Shop Mra. Wllllame, 121 • 21th SL Newport. Har. U71·J 23p25 lTH Newport Blvd., ea.ta MNa Pbooe Libert)' •7CM2. Pr U MA TURI!: woman wt.hea baby altt1nr . Harbor area rer•rencu L1 9·f380. . 23c26 Experienc' d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS "Liberty S-1669 lotte Z9-Rel~ Wute4 ---- firewood Euce.lypt.ua A apricot., dry, rndy to bum. KI T-t8t0 2SUc PRIVATE SALE .. , .... BAY FURNITURE ·G I GA N T I C C L EA R A N~C E FLOOR SAMPLES-ANO M1'NUFACTURERS CLOSEOUTS - - - T alee edvante91t of these ouhtending buys NOW! All NEW ~ TV CHAIRtt ......................... .. .................................... II 4 911 TV AR.\l ROCru:Rs -SWIVEL ... ...... ... • ... . . $23 6Q UPHOL8T'll:Rll0 ARK TUB CH.AIRS ...................... $22.60 • ORA WER OJ:SK-SALEM . ...... ... .... .. ............ $29.9ll 8 WAY FLOOR ~p W/SHADE .......................... S 7.95. TABt..e'l LAMPS. W /8H.ADE ............. ·-····· ........ . .......... U8 Jl'INllPLACE TOoL 8r:I', WROUGHT IRON .. .. ...... . I 8.911 DROP LEAF TABLE, DUNCAN PKYFE-MAH .•......• 149.6~ 11 PC. WROUGHT IRON DlNETl'E SET .. -··· ..... . S•l .83· a PC. CHROME DIN'E'JTTE SET . ... .... . .... .... •... $69 00 II PC. MAPLE OINETI'E SET ............. ;\_....... .. .. ....... 171.88 BUFFET HUTCH, MAPLE . .. .. .. ... . . . .. . ·-$~9.00 COYP'EE OR END TABLES, PLASTIC TOPS ........ ~ .. I 1199 OA8 llANOIC 31" DrVIDED TOP . ······ .... -······ ........ ltll.3-0 11 JI 12 AXMlNSTER RUG ............ -····-r-.... •......... . .. 1'9.60 12 1111: 111 AXXlNSTER RUG ······--···-············ ............. : ttt.60 9 JI 12 RUO PAO, JUTE . ··-············--········ .... -....... ,.· ..... I 8.76 9 JI 12 KITCHEN R UG.·······-···················.. .. I 8.60 2 PC. BED DIVAN SET ... . ..................................... 137.00 2 PC. BED DIV AN arr. WROUGHT IRON -··· ············ •99.60 STUDIO OOU~H. DOUBLE DUTY ·-········-··· .......... tTT.00 3 PC. CURVED CENTER &!5CTIONAL .. -·········-············ 1119.~ 80F A BED. FOAM CU8HJONS ........................... 189.00 BOOKCASE H.EADBOARD ............................... 119.N . I OR. 0(4UBU: •DRESSER W ;MIRROR .. ... ..... ... . '69.00 l NNEJUPlUNO MA'M'RE88 .tt BOX SPRING (I•") .... $39.N BAY FURNITURE • "Where Prl~ea Are Held at Bay'' '27 I!::. 17tll NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I 11 • ft AGE I _ _FRIDAY, OCTOB~R 21, 1955 M-M.a.a. a.dlo. 411 !.!._ 41-:-~ato._&-_ntcft __ ~-..... 'Motor Overhaul · BF.Al'TIF"l'L ramou• mallt blonde Spinet piano In perlei.·t oondl· \1ot1 Sa.\'• n•e. Uberal tradt NO MONEY DOWN <:on\·enlf'nl lf'rme a t • SHAfo'l:RS 1Slnt"f' 190i1 * with this ad *. '21·"23 N. Syc"n1ort , Sant• Ana Phone KJmberly J..()4172 & Cyla. ··--·····----··$48.8& SALE: G.:;;;-it rianoe-:-M1tny WOT'lol 8 Cyla. ·····--············$,M.88 lnclul'n both labor anrt pa.rt& dt rful barKJ11na. )fany femou• Ntw rtni 11, wrt1t pine, valve makt.11. Pr1cH from 13M up. crlnd. fl\.lh•£• or maln and toc>d Btl)ch lnc-ludf'd. DAl"Z·SCHMlDT, 620 No. fi(aln, bearlnp. ltxpt'rt mutor t \jn• Ufl. to.day o~•.000 mile ruarant ... ~la "pa. (NO MONEY DOW:>: I Kl'\ABE Spinet ebony A bench REBUILT ENGINES 9 month• old-40 Inch 1trlnc•· -UP tO' ta MONTHS TO PAT- Plano used by Metropollton Built In our owl\ factory by 1klll•d OJ>t't•. 187~ w.. 1114~ new. macblnl.U. Don't contend wftb Har. 2776-R. . 23c~ the middle man. Buy dlreet. REBUILT and INSTALLED ~Dop. cat., Pet. SHORT· BLOCK FORD _ ........... ·-·-······-···· lllt.~ DOSER.MAN pup temale, by alre CHEVROLrI' ·······"····-·-·-•10 M> oC Storm. Cropped It lnoOulated fLY)ol. la 00001: ·······--···-Jt~'\ 923 Arbor. Coat& Me-. ~tty C R f8. la DIC SOTO --llTO 1-fHl. Eve.r11n1• only. . EBAKJl!I\ ...... ·---·-1170 40--Autoe. tor Sale GMC TRl,PLE TESTED USED TRUCKS ·•• OMC 1~ T. Pickup • '3-0 r ord vs 11 T. pickup '60 Chevrolet ~ T. Ptckup ':wl 0od1e ~ T. Panel ·~l Chevrolet i,, T. Pu•I ':12 Chevrolet "a T. Pane.I 'M GMC \t T. Pickup, Hydra·Matlc Trana. ·~ Chevrolet % T. Pickup '6• OMC " T. Pick.up Hydra·Matlc Trani. QJ...DS It PONTIAC • ---ant BUJCK -·-----··-•1~ HUDSON -··-·--····-··--J1TS Loan Car n-TowinS NEW C AR QUAIU.NTEll Bloclc muat mMt our ft&llda.rde Plua ta.Jtu, p.Uet.a a.nd oU OpeJI Bundtly 10 a.m. to 2 p.ra. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Daily I to 7 State llcmd9Ct NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8.ANT A. AN A. •M No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Sch. EXPl:l\ll:NC}:D waltre• wanted Liberty 9·9383. pr Apply at SNACK SHOP, 2300 3120 Seavtew Ave., CororA del Mar. Comrnenctnc Oct. 31 lhN k l. l ~ 6 p. rn. Fr" Storefront ·parklnl OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 ea.ta Mua Term• ':12 Cbevrolet, l T. Panel 'H GMC 11,t T. 12' Van ·111 lntemaU9nal 1 180. 2 8.,..c!, II :26 TlrM * PORT ORANGE ·* . TR.A.ILER SALIC8 and SUPPLIJCS " Painting ll Paperbanefnc We do the work ouraelvea. 30 7ean upertence Uoe.ruied la wured. BaUafacUon (U&r'Ulead. i:.tbnalH tr... ca1J JobAnle, LI 8-2&87 Ii LI 8~289 8ltfc ~UILDINO All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 ntt General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodellns J . MILTON McKENZIE . ff arbor 6399-W 68tfc CARPENTER Repair Work Delee "'1Nr itCJllfl ?feed Rept.lltnt °" RAmockUq T C•U f"nall. Uber\y ~ All Worll Ouaran\.Md 1'tJo CARPENTRY MINOR REP Am WORK NO J OB TOO 8MAU.- B. O . ..\lldtraon 101' Ill. Balboa Blvd~ BaJbo& Harbor 2•60 93lfc .. ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM t !Jut.all the abQve chu~r than mo.t. Al•n •ell Tiie • Linoleum. Non-union, 26 year• ex~rtence. Compare &nd ,ee - 8lLL COKER Har. •796 or Lons Beach 7·6973. lttt c Painting, Paperhanging ''The Fi~t Money Cin Buy" Sympson & Nollar PAINTING COMPLETE PAINTING It Pape.r Hanging Service EUGENIC 0 . SA UNDl:Ra 600 311t Street. N.wport Beach Harbor 29Tt or-Kar. •«I. tic Let u .. tint.ti your Remodeling Painting. Decoratinc Pa~r Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing EU..SWORTH CONTRACTlt</0 u 1-79~1. LI .8·6212 J2p21H Painting, Decorating · Paper HaDCiDc GEO. BURKHARDT t.lctNSl:D CONTRACTOR 971 W. lllh St.. Coet.a Me8a Libert;)' 14621 Rd. 01i 8prea4lnr or1vnny• PARKING LOTS Sul>-dlvt.l<m.t our llJ>eClalt)'. Wt ruml11h any ty~ oll to yow-fJ>f'- rlflcauon. Laree Jobi! -•mall Joba. Free •Um•tu. Aleo WI· ler 8'>"a~ln*" MOdtm .,quip. men~. l.E1dn(ton 64008. Oii· more • Pa&e. Hu.nt1118lon Ben. AJcoboUca A.DODY.JDOUil Wrn.e P. o. Bos Ml N~rt 6-c.la, CM1f. ..._.. H&rbot' • 7'6 6t.tc I:. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar 19lf i.- '113 P'ont noo. CltC, 2 Speed, 7:60 Tlru SALESLADY, mu.tt hue know· l~e O( ffWlna. Purcbued on world tour Orie.nt.al art object.a, brocadee, ChJnue embroidery, fa.br1c.. klmonu, C'08lume jewelry, naUve cot· tume., plclurea, lln•M. china. lampe, ENOJ..18H L U 8 TR I: pl&t.e.f. SO-:.:: • ....;B-~A.:.A.P,R~llallee.;.;,;:;...... _____ SS-~ 8up11!!9 '6• ~· 2 T. • yd. Dump, 2 BJ)ffd: 11~2:1 TlrH - SNIP It 8TlTCH. 208 Marine Balboa Ialand. 22ttc Washing Machine 'IJ:RVJCJ) BOAT STORAGE "llO Dodre 3 T. • rd. Dump, 2 8peed, • :()() Tl~• Rl:CISTl:Rl:D NUR.91: to work In doctor'• ortlce. Mu« know typln(. W r 1 t • quallrlcatlorw act, expertence. etc. to Boa: W-et lht. paper. 2kl6 Al.80 blond• cockl.111 tabl.. It rnaho&. Shenton buCCel. 2Sc2t 1-)'la.r auarant.ee oa joba done ALL 81ZE8, reuonable ratu. A.p- UHl oa llMd wuben. 1411~ ply a t yard ottlce. SOUTH trea.r) Newport 81 .• Coal.a M~ COAST COMPANY, Newport LJberty 8-4503 or Uberty Blvd., al 23rd 8L, Newport Bch 2tt See our 8tock ot over SIS unlta to cflooee from, no ~uon&ble offer rffu.ed u theee trucka tnuat be moved at once. ~ • W.W. WOODS 8-4327. &4t1c ----------- o r.NINO room Ht. rttr1f., cu WOMllN: N Veral otMc.e poetUOM; racl4ry; llve·IJ\ domNUc. MJ:N: acnrr. draft; mac.hlnlJtt; tnapec· tor: offlc• tr'Un11; audttor J UNll: P'ARRAR ltmpl. A~y ranae. bed cllven, pa .h•ltr It si-•11rattan for s.ae ml.IC. ltema.· Har. 18't·W. -· -• Ucll 402"' Und St., Npl. Beach, TWIN bedroom 1 et. vtRTUI: • ecro .. rrom City Hill. dlnlnl aet. '64 87lvanla 2'" TV WOMAH to wuh poll It pan.a It <"lean cooklnr u •tt1 In c&ll'leria Orance co .. t Collece. Houra 10:30 a. m. to T:JO p, m. or 10:30 lo <t :SO. P'\ve daye & •~k- 8tarUnr alllery IJ.14 per hour lmmedlate openlnc. Apply In peMIOn In bu1lnH1 office In ed· mlnl•rallon bl4. 0( c-oUtp. 2klt AnUqut oall de.ell. Table l&mpa It •.ha.de. Walnut deal(, Hoover vacuum cl1&11er. 9a:.U N(. Har. 41%6·~. J3p2:i Order Now! P.-.onalJMd Chrlstmu Cuda PRIVATE SALE Saturday • Sunday 12-..f 603.J Balboa Dealers Welcome Ho~bold fum.iahinga, kit· chen•are, coffee eeu. bric- a-brac. Many item• new It never uaed. AU.; 8IZICS, ALL PRlCICS R.p..-mta~. •01 call •t your LADY Wlnted for liatlt J\~· ~ horn~ Mesa Woodcra* •orll A clllld cart, J daye per PHONE Hu. Ulll °' Her. 2M3W wttk 10 a m. to ~ p. m. 120 • 22pU per wk. Hu . !U91. • 23c26 Unpainted It J uvtnlle J'\lmlture NAME TAKER.a for L&(una Bee.ell • SOI.Ith ~ • City Dlrtc t.ory. Good hand wr1Ung elfftltll l Write 20. IC. •lh room 7, 8anla Ma or call Kl 3·3131. 23trc EXPl:Rll:NCJ:O Service 8l•llon attendant. Selary A cornmlNton l:ng-lnn lnc. 2•0. N~rt Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 129 2k 26 TIRED Of' UVlNO WITH lN LAWS ! W• would love you h~t u mother'• hfl~r. R.oom and board, amall aalary. U 9-8103 2•c26 OIRL8 EA.RN MORE TH.AN EVER BEFORE! <>ur new, hlr h•r narunc •ace. end frequent tnc"ua ,tvee yoi.t thl• opportunltr. O,,.ninp now for - ORIGINALS CL0811: OUT. 6 dr. 30" chut Sli .96 ChUd'• Hwd. rocktra 16.~ AJ"TER.NOON, COckl&ll, dinner Hwd, Boeton rocktra . SH.i~ dr_. It Coord1nat11. Compltte Una unpainted tum. 80ft CUSTOM DRUBMAKJNO and bwd. Ph. Harbor 237·W. 22p38 Mlnwu and Deft tlnlahe.a Orde.A taken tor 11\1.Jlt.u UQIACULATJ: 1 cu. fl. OOLJ>. 2121 Harbor, C.M. LJbertJ 11--1 .. 0 &POT re.fl'111rator H O. -SI l l'oln#ltla. Corona del Mar. -MAJ>ur; CHAIR • SOFA, f ood Har. l7H·R.. even1n1•. 33c2t condition , cherry drop leer table, DELUXJ: o E, • yre. old. l1 cu. ..l of 8 old pint chalre 6 ml11c ft. rctrtl'. It o .E. alovt. t oven tum.-Harbor 3107. 22c2• It 1 wann.r oven It prH1ure Yll:U..OW Chrom' dln•lte ,et. S2:i cooker. Both perltcl condition · J Je Std divan It match1n1 eta.Ir IUr. 3389. tc 120. -er~ Beach St .. foff w.,t Fresh Hearing Aid BA'l"l'Dmll We Oln 8ldl OrMll lta.mpe Gunderson Drug Co. lllal.ll St. at BaJboa Bh·4., 81.lboe Harbor 616. Mt.fc 19UI 8t. • Mt)'t.r I ~ala Mtaa. 23c16 PRIVATE SALE Saturday -Sunday 11~4 205 Vla Koron, Lido l•~e Deale1'8 welcome TRADE ~utl!J" TO-ft. euJL echooner Excellent tor charter. Want property or •maller boal. 1220 W. Balboa 81vd., Newport. H&r 3032. lttlc OMC DSA.LER '111· lt It. •th St. hnl& An& Open Sunday A.-M. Truck Headquarten tor Oranre Co. 19d roRO comple~ly cuatorn convertlbl-J'lrat pl.ace In Ila 196-4 18 rr Cl\UlZON with t9M c1.... at lnt•mauonal motor Revt•w ltM .Har. 2171 2Jc2tl qul."1 111 hp Ev1nrude 6 1966 _ -------------------- Portage trailer. End ot au.on '&J CHRYSLl:R Wlnd.eor •-door. Bargain. W 1·6'2'. 22P24 llotcl. 1 owner. Good C<ICdlUon. 17' ... BOAT. 7 ft. beam. r .. t Kar. 0711 Ud& Self 1>alt1n1 cockpit. ,..ct ory bullt. 211 h p. llMnnide, lonr- ehatt. ~ 'hre. U 11·7214 23p2:l ----------w AJn'J:D L&Lt model GlaMp&t ·under 13 fl. Mione Har. t7M 13c2& Boat Repairs ROBERT VAUGH.AN ar CO. 1600 W. Coa•t Hwy. Newport Beach prtr ~MU91eal, X..U0. T V ------~--..... ----RENT a piano until you buy. A II term rent allowed. Good prac· tlrt piano• •• low aa S!> J>*r month DANZ·SCHMIDT Bir Plano aloN. 620 N. Main. Santa Ana. SPl.NET planoa. Rent•l rel urna T i-adt ·lne on Orpna, tlc. Uk• new. Thi. I• a <:h•n<"e tor a bl& aavlng1. ~n rrtday evee. D.ANZ-SCHMlQT. 520 No. Mein Santa Ana. 11161 l"OftD Country S.utre. All aeceuor1u.. Low mil~e. 111111 Ca11 Har. U M d&ya, or LI 1-5201 evN . llp26 lJ~l ~ADIL.LAC coupe de VW.- (oo4, condition W W tubele• llr11 Term• no trad•. l..Jberty 9-:HH. 22p2• 1952 AUSTIN A-•O 8om•r .. t • t1r 11ed•n. You Tlffd thJa low JH eater. ~ Lf~4M8 after 6 p. m nci. t ST l.'>00 lfAKU a 1arr• equity In a 19M MERCURY. Ca.II owntr Liberty a-ens moml.np or •fttr 6 p. m. lOtfc 19&2 CAD 92 Sedan 37000 ml. Vtry clun <"ar. Slti~W W nylon ll~•. Take lra.n1port.atlon cer trade. Harbor 172S aft.er I p. m. lTttc 1962 Fl.-EETWOOD pow-tr •teer- tnr. hf'&ter It radio, llH6. Prl- vete pa rty 2()!) Vt.a Jucar Her. Ute 2•c21 i96:1 BUICK epeclaJ hardtop dru no. tqulpped.. 2000 actual mllea 1.2196 LI 9-'411 24c --------- 2200 W. Cout Hhray. Newport Beach LI 8-'"20 'IM-36' Tl"avelese ..... ····-121N '62·1T Hauon, tw. beda -l 'lto 'IM·.O' l'Jeetwood J BR.. -Plto 'IM·'6' RoAdmuter J BR.. -·· 1ut1· ·11168 Modela on Dtapl&y all ...._ PAN AMER.lCAN Paramount:Kenakill Travel•-Ten'l' IOUe 4'7-Waat.ed to Beat Rentala Wanted ........ ~ Ud MllMia ...... eacuc:.. for bot& wlater ud ,_,. •. Mu&. 1'larA. or watunL u,..1aa .. a~. ..... ~ The· Vogel Co .. ll01 W, Cit. llwj,. H.-.,ort 8cb. • ..,_. UMl't,y '""'1 •MMtM.-.... ....... .... llutlar ... INT I:. OOMt R1,. Oorona del Mar Pbaae ~ 17•1 Udo 'Ottlce, M1t Via UOo Harbor 4111 1TOI Newport Bl'f'd., Coeta Mee• l.Aert7 1·&897 llo Cbole9 Winter Rent.ala on B&Jboa laland A Udo lal• a.all la OGa7 or ...,... 6 ..._. . fTI le Noo -Ul VOGEL CO. IOI ....,.. ............... 1llaacl Pll. Ji.a.rtlcW '" or ~ 1161 , a... Bar. 17M-I\ or Har. JOM-K ...... BALBOA ISLAND turn. Jara• I bdrm. It eun porch u pper. Vent- ed hMt ft.replace. Nice J'ard.· rar Wlnler U OO, yrl7. 1116. lJlll. pd. Ha.r. 61169·W. Jltfo A Tl"RA CTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. film. !112 39Ul St., Ne~rt Beach Ph. Har. 2•<H or 1647 ·R. l!'Jtfc · .,. TELEPHONE. OPERATORS ------------------------ r A TTY BERO ~oil club•. flt.hang ro<U M•ple ~. lam1>9. dllh«1, (trla bicycle. R.dwood y•rd furn F ryr1te 6 mlac Item.a - 222 AmtUlyst, &lboe lale.nd. Contemporary living r o o m fumiahing---5 pc. aectional sofa, lounge chair, l&mpe, etc. TV & Radio Repair Fast Service It~ STUDICBAKICR • dr. delua:.e Commander V·S. Auto lnN Sell lera• equHy Cor 1860. pa.)' ment.a only t T7 mo. Har. 4263 UUllUM pe.ld, 1 or 2 cblldrlft, Laundry room. B L U I: T O P APT. MOTEL.OS Newport BIYd. Npt . Bu ch, Ju.to above th• Arch ea. uua Adoms Plumbing Re1ulr -Re.modeling NEW CONSTRUCTlON 192 Cecil Place, COlll• M'•a. Lll>erty 9·7:l27 13<'28 FOR RENT •ldll Sawa, El.co Drma, Pollahlr9, aU tniee of a&nderw, Wh .. lb&r· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. H30 W. COAST HJOHWA.Y UbertJ l ··HU, Newport Bch •ttt Courteoua New.Pr ... Cl ... lfled Ad·Tal!fta are trajned lo write lffedlvw ad•. Thtoul'h lonr UJH'rlence and a Chorou1h underatandlnc oc •dver- uatnc we can put your want.a lnlo ro~ lh•t .set action. Let \18 help )'OU ffll . TOOLS BO.ATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS It TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES ~MUSICAL l.NSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FUiD YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Thue Newa·P rB• Clualtltd .Ad· l'lllcera are '"p41rt1 a.nd they are •t tOUr •"ice. Juel phone HARBOR 1818 \5--Share Jf our Ov The Ne1'1'1·Pniu publlahu more Clual114'd Ade than any olher newape.p.r In lhe area. Thi• IMd.enhlp WU a ltalned bee&Uff N ewa·Pr-Clualtled Ada f tt rnult.a! ' - !!::Beauty~Alda--------- Superfluous Hair· Perma.nt.nuy rem<>nd rrom ra.ce anna. lep. l:yebrvw• and tl&lr ~a.baped-No more twe .. ans. 111.u...&l'I l.. BRY A.Hr f\. &. We will trel" you end you·u rt c_tlve m111y ,other bvltnt.a. -Apply llH 1, No. Main Sl~t. RM. 211 Sant.a Ana. t 00 to • 00 p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Beacon Personnel 100~ employer retained agency . • 22c2• 8 A TIN A JM.PORTED L.ACE. Weddlnf JOwn cuatom made. alee 12 A 2 lov.ly formal• Nylon net alu 12 It H . -U 11-7960. 22c-2• 111 PlECES or Ouerdl&11 1ervlce waterlf'N cookw•re, M me l\ever uu d-COlll 1184. M ii $100. -u 9·~. 22c2t NO F'EE coll.cttld rrom applicant HOL.!EH OLO 00008. radio S?. U 3·31•l Newport !Hach O.E . elect. ranl'• '7tl. chrome kitchen • che.lr• 130. child'• SO-llhleellueo• -----new pl~OUllfl $30. Chlld • ward· robe ch•l SI~. LI &..eM:i dare. SZ.A-ADf..!cl~:....----- 1 BUY ANO SELL EAR.LY AMEKlC.:AN C:Ul, colored. pattern &laa• Prlmlt 1vu -An· uque rum1tur1 and fine china. THE BIG OLD' RED BARN E . FlftB,.NK Kl 3·32•1 13HI Harbor Blvd , Garden Orove • • 2,pl7·h Rtuona ble. S.rv1<:• calla '\Ill 9 p.m KNOW LTON F:t,F.C· TRONJCS U 1·6203. llp2•H HAMllW:O Or1an1. All mo<led• 8ome wondertul barJaln• rn u•d or&"&n& 8enral malcu.- Free pracUce room1. Tnide In yO\lr old lnatrurnent. DA N1:·SCHMJDT. Home of the world f&mOU8 Hammond. Senta Ana. &20 N. Main: ' SPECIAL BUY! Uc27 111~3 roRD 2 dr. cuat.om Yordo. m.tt1c heater. k>w mile&&"· A.1 condit ion. Har, 121-0. 24r28 1940 BUlCK lied.an -Rune f ood for work t ar. Make otter 11& 4 lll St., Ni.wport Buch. 24~~• F.Ql:IT¥ In 19ll2 m0tlel U C:adll CORONA DEL MAR :I bdrm. furn. or unlum home. ~. <"UI be •hown Sat. Ph. 8Tc:amore 2-1212 -711 Goldenrod. n a • MOOE.RN 9uplu &pl. untvrn, ucept •to¥• It .refrl(. Jllf l~th BL, Co.U M-lfG mo. yrly. W 1·3711 a•all N1nt. J, U c20 lar converUble t.IChl irncn CORON A 'J:>EL MAR new dupl•.ll. l><.>'.l}'. ~v c.l11rk 111 t .. n top E>trentnl contllUon Her J I 16W llnfur;ri. a rm .. bath and aarai•. Cat J>*lt11 I or :i adulla onl:Y. l _ 24~~ hlll. 111 11h1>p111nir It tranapdrt.a· 191111 l'AOJLL.A C Coupe cle Ville \Inn. Yrly 1 ...... avell. Jan . I. l..uw rn1lo~" WW 1 11~1fo.4• t\'rllt Box 273. Corona dtl Mar. ~:•~' ry~ All ~Jtt ru P11 p11Ltt V ~2c24 L.ldo'• 8&loo ~ a..utJ fl&T. 2171 u. Custom Draperies LI 11·2023 ~vu. 22c24 ANTIQUES It Rli:l'RODUCTlONS DEMONS'A\>ATOR model, llkt n•w lo"ely Klm~ll Spinet piano w1\h built In Lowrey Orpnn 81ve '300 on thl11. Liberal trade. Con· venl•nl ttrm11 et }l~t 40llt·R U J>?6 ;o.;t;w \0 NFL'HN 2 M r m Avafl· CLF.A N "74fi-LINCOL:-1 -"'1 Mtr-· I abl,. I>,.,. lat y,.11r1y le ... 113 rnry moto 1 Rl!i. n"'"'' i1alnt It. nin 2hfl·:l4th SI N""' p .. 11 241'27 •r•t rovtr~. t 00t1 llrt'll. Vl'r\' <"OZY f'H~HM '2 lledrm. r~,;;: good oondtl)on U M s-.M111 , ht1\ll'f' '8:'1 mo f'\n 8 mo·• -1ral!lf' a t Lido Arm1 .\pta W 9·2171 l i6 11n I \t '11:1 Potnll'lll• rDM after ll P "' -~26 or wrltl' H2:, Amf'4'"" N. Hnll)'· Jones Bii-kel -Richardson OROAN STUDIO. Uam to play the mighty WCR.LITZ~R. EVELYX JO:-.'ES. M.cr .. 300 t-rolm· wood Dr1v•. LI 9·1082. 20c33 China P aintin9 0.1 ""d S.m1n1 o ..... BEOSPR&ADS. el.Ip coven. etc.- Hardware. U ynt. In buain... LUCILLE Dl!XX>RATOKS Kar. 6Mt-40I E. B&lboe. Blvd FIREWOOD nuts: Dl:UVPT Ory wood, Eucalypt.ua Ca.JI Tom HutcbU- Harbor 2130..J. llU.: lllfc Ord«ra TU!en Now none Ut».rty ~· MU• NEON SlGN 4 ''I 1111: l '41 ft. Uke nnr "°· Coat I UO. DRAPl:8 18-81tuatto.. Wuted ..............__ --·----I p&Jr • ueed few iwonlhe 126. anroro DIV A1'f no u 1-sou 23~ £XPERIENCED GARDENER· APT. 8JZl7 ru ra.np 120. Lovt Mal, bed dlv1111, lnner•prtn,- OARDl:mNO It yard work by d&y mattrMa SS~ both Sood C'On· Wftk or month. , dltl°"'-tJ 1·610S 2kl6 Liberty 11-4139 aft•r t. SUo DOR.METER MlXl::ll. complete CUANlNO II mo~o by lh• with Vll\d.,-It JUlC'W Dorni.yar CW). Erpertm1.-ed.. Balboa !alind Jo,"r)"Wl!ll Nevtr beell uaed. 8olll P"f.rred. KI J..fOM. ti tor MO. U .. to" J2cl4 ~~pp~----~~ October Specials "WA8HER8 . F'rl(ldaire, auto looka new '89 &O a. E. aulo. 3 yn . old complel"ly l'htcktld $99 F.uy Spin dner. run1 perl J$9 6-0 Kenmore •r1nter. worka pert. $'6 -. RASGES Maalc ~.t. oven lh•r. 37" '69.60 O'KttC• It Men1ll. O " top cover. perfect ronrt •. Norse.. ,. ... u <"•pt. deal\ R.Ef'RJOERA TOR8 Rervel apt. alu 1'1"11 166 Mon~mery Werd, late model, t cu. ft. . -. Mt.60 Coldapot a cu. n.. ea:..ira alee Ht.60 Vacuum cleaner• tt.&O to llt.io li':•erythlnl c u&ra11teed l"T-ee d•ll•ery RTROOTS HDWlll. Ko11MW11or8 1902 Newport Blvd.. Ct>trta M .. LDC& 'NEW. M1,t11 2 ,.n, old. .rrtnrer t:rpe. wut11T. "8 Jta.r. n:aa-w &nMr 1 p. lll. Ude 111 Florence, Lido Jale. H 643J·J 2ic21 SHAFERS (Hince 19071 UJ-t23 N. Syumore. Sanla Ana Phon• KJm bePIT 7 ·0.72 OranC'e County'• Orcan Hdql'"' f'OR SAL.&-Jttp •t11lne .Marine convenlon "''Ith U -10 prop. - Good condition HO. 208 3'lh St .. NtwporL 2•c GOOD playln1t pn cllct pie.no~. mo P'ORO Own•r I• In Korn wooc1 ~U.N8ET I· I Ut 24c24 I T9, $87. $91 up to tlllS. Spinet Wiii 11nme one tekr over J>«Y type min-or piano. • M•uty menl• ! Ll II· 1310 .. 24cM I '8-A-Apltf. for Betit. only 1111!1. ICulHt \trmL ·----------· ------WANTED -FALCON SAJL BOAT IN GOOD CONDI- TION. HAR. 434.2 24tfc OANZ-SCHMlDT, :>Jo N. Mein 19:'!0 CHEV. ron•· Me<"h•nlcally CLOSE Jfl>, 9 Al..80A. f'u m l1he.t ~•nta Ana. 100 pia no•. Open rood. NH<S.11 bo<ly wor• 9E3T 1 bedrm apt yurly MO mr•. t rfrtay nlrhta. Of'fo~ER O\'Y.R l 250 1609 'J \\ Cat • wa trr p11111 408 P.: 8'I I· lkJboa Blvd., Npl. Har 2612·J ~ Rh'd >-l•r. 2010 l~tf TRADE LUCRATI\"& TA.VERN BUll- Nl:M, 8&n F..-nando V&1111, for llll..IUq or ~ boet, H ' or °""· 1144t Vent11ra BlYd. QUALITY TELEVISION SERVICE HOME SERVICE 't.il 9 p. m 176 "II. 19th LI 8-8878 24p2e HOT Roo· 112 Yon1 MUf)t Yul rttl'•. '9 Mere •netn• CU11tom lntertor. Hu, t vttyt.b1111. 2MI Vl<"toc1a.-Coet a Meta. 24p26 ,...,...,.., or ea.D Dkll .. a-n• U-'lnden ttpi& Rm>OD-Dotl't forctt -th• ~.._,;::_~.;.;;...;;..._ _______ _ ------------inet 1-omr Heq>e Orcan Con· P'OR IOMl:ONIC WHO WANTS Sl .• p & Rowbo .1.t cert ~totler St-I p.m. -Ma· TH I: 8J:8T, n,.w 196~. 0 /l-a eonlc ltaU. eonier OUt la lyca. Duo-J;mp,...., ... ttrft b\llll me>- space for R•nt moH, lulta 1fo ~ bile h<Mne. OVt of U.'9 •o!'ld • A 1111MtkaJ t.n&t tor feetu'" too "~ to rM Amtrteu ~ llS.lllta It. ell ot tlM orpn. UOft. M118\ ... \o '-iw... JI lleetmp 2Dd • ftb 1'ed. 8 p.m ~'M"•-9CllJGPl' .... ta .Au.. aao _, .. ...., · e.aU "'"'Uftl• a.c, )'f~ Mala. ~ ...... mtLllXY. ,.v R,,:. APT8 SlnJlt• • dbl•. UO mo •n'1 up, 104 E . Bay Av•. Balboe ff.arbor 634' llfo 8ALBOA·PE,...I N8\JLA. L(e furn l BR apt, w w Ctrp;"t. Cu'"· hM\. ullll\1M • 11•HI(• Incl. By mo. or yrly. Her. J TJ6 after I p. m. l7lfc LIDO RAl\L Y untum. b&Ul ........ ISLE o I •, I .. • , • PA6E 2 • PA"T 111 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS M-B•"! .. ~"­a •• ,.._.. a-._....._ 81 ......... .. , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, '955 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bcb ... , OFFER$ Deligbtlul living. Apt.-C&b&Daa. Utilities paid. with Yacht 1llp accomodatlona. •• Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Ha~. 2992. · Mttc I N 8 1' R u M E N T Manulaetur- lnr Bwlneaa w,ant.a to mo,, '9 Coat.a Mua bu na Uonally lld· vtrtiMd and patented product. nHd• workln1 part.Der wtt.h '30,000. ca pital. Orand oppor- tunity tor tbe rtfht ~l'llOn. Bo• No. 8~. thl.t Nnrspaper. 2Sel6 SOM' WATER Mrvl~ In dcaert city. OnJy 1. Fully eqtSlpped. UI health forees aale for $1:1,000 FtTZMORRlS REALTY CO. Haroor 21~2 SMALL SHOP -- Over The Top Our 10&1 of "eight • five in • M" bu been reached! With a total of $8,770,02t.OO MULTIPLE LISTINOS Sold hi 19M. 48-A-AR_t.. for Beat tBA-Apts. for Rent Plua .J extra tot.I, comer, manu- facturtnr aone. 30th It. Ir Villa w.,. LN..-or eell. N.p.C. REALTY Newport· Harbor Board of ~ealtors RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS C&U Edna Crate , Blanche Gates, Rltr. lll Marine An . ts&Jboa Ialan~ Har. 1811 72tlc Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT DELUXE modem 1 •1m atudlo apt. Utllltlu paid ,J';5 mo. Corona del Mar. Har. 0~3-R. Htfc BALBOA Winter Rent.al. 2 bdrm. fu1n. house $70 mo. utll. lnclud. :l04 Alvarado Place. Harbor 32nd A Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 61138 BUiY MARKET doing about $12,000 or more per monlJl. Only good marllrt Jn nelghbo"'ood in bu•y Orange County city. Priced right. FITZMORRIS R.EALJrY CO. HAR. 211'.>2 796·M 22<"24 ------------UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY ' 401 N. Newport Blvd. BAY. FRONT BUY BALBOA ISLAND Newport Beach ,,,. .. , t\ot• ... CLEAN-NEW-SHARP -WINTER XE:W 2 bedroom houae. f arage, Knotty pine kitchen .. hardwood f loors. tile bath. adult. -$76. 6 43 Plumer SL, Coata. Mua PMM Llbl'rly 8-89~. ~ 22t'2t e 4 B. R ·-2 BATH National corporation -ktnr: tn- vutor with nierchandlalnr exp. who w ill not 'be nUefll'd with leaa UlQn $20.000 fii'lt year. $12.500 Ca3h 'needed. Muat tur· e nleh good character & credit ref. Vice pret1ldt'ncy open. $6200 e to 1tart on 11ctlve bula. For jleraqnal lplervlew write Box e Z-87 this paper. Include phone null\ brr ,. brief l't'aumt: Strictly conrt<lcntlal. TI\la ad wlU appear this week only. 24cH Corona Hig~lendf e 3 B. R. it DEN l Bft. PUm .. "'11. pd. ... S:IO mo. J Bft. rum.. urn. pc:t. • • u o mo. 1007 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa Har. 1378 l:lp28 BALBOA Pf!NINSUU , yrarl)', turml'hrrl, 111n>;I~ apl. Vr.ry nan~. utllltlf's pd , gar11g" 11vetl nr'\tr bay & beach. AdulU Sr>:I mo. Har. 218&-W 231:2!> . 1: ·r .. '· ENJOY LIVING C1n the Ocean Front. Kitchenette e pts. A rms. with prlv11te bath. Maid 1e1""vice. TV. $1:J. up, week. 2300 Wr!lt Orr11n 1''1onl Har~r .6091. Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patioe Jl.:Jo~\\' ( ROOM. •treel level. Near .,rhoult, ahopplnic district. QuJet. plrUl'&nl, t xdu41vr. Ga1 bnge dl•: ptMl\l la und1 y. aturage rooms, J:llrB>;f'. »i :10 lip . 0 <'rtlPles rn· Ure-1\H'l't C"'Kl auperv111on. Ml('r l!IOl lluen Place J Hlo<'k South of lll~h S•·hool ALSO .. TR:-.'ISllt~D APTS \\' J :'1.IF:R RA TES --:itfc LIDO ISL'E I BACHELOR and one 6 two bdrm 81)\..8. tih1.1rt term a nd yearly. ALBO, Udo Homes a nd Bay P'ront HomH Md apartment•. LIDO REA'LTY Aseociates 3400 Vta Udo, Harbor 4H4 89tfc COSTA MESA new 3 bednn. and new 4 bedrm. unrurn. houau . • blMk• from center of town. Carb. dh1p .. 2 baths. Unit heat. A vallable Nov. 1. LI 8·7608 or LE.xlngton IH773. 22~/c BALBOA YEARLY, 11tlll h1wi:, \'ery nice large 1 bdrm. 11 pl.<!. rurn. $7'5 It $8:'> mo. Ut1I In· duded-WINTER RENTALS, 2 ·bdrm. nicely tum.apt. lnclud. TV It ultl. $90. .AJ11Q 1 tldnn. n1 rf'ly rum. lnclud TV & ultl. $8:'>. 2 bdrm. turn. apl. over· looking ocea.11 at $70. Other1 from $10 wk. tft up. 507 EMl Balbo&. Blvd. Har. 3808 or Har. 082:S eves. 2~c28 KAMBLING RANCH HOME :-IE\\'PO.RT H ElCHTS unfurn. 2 bdrnl-.ft l1Uml.)I rm. WW e&r- pettnir. Thrrmadl'lr kitchen. - Llberty 8·7198-3118 JC. l~Ul St 24c26 ----------· BALBOA Peninsula Film 2 ~dr m. boun. wintrr or yea.rly Harbor. 3i 23-W after 1 p m. 24c26 49-Rooms for ReAt VIKING HOTEL 901 £. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 6:'193 • ROOMS tft APARTMENTS - Day -W erk -Month Be"t location In 'Balbo11 VERY REASONABLE RATES l:'lc28 MO HARL Y, onr be<1nn. furn. 60--Rent~ Ma..e. apt. "•a r w1tl'r CloH to Rlch11rd11. H11 r. 1086-J eftl'r 6 or 10. -29th St. after & · 20ltc WIBH TO St.:BL.ET WATER· FftONT APT. Have pa11I d&m· aae f H • lut monlh'• rent. 3 FOR LEA!';J.': Lot approximately 60 b.)I 200 f L C-2 IEOntng. Fsclnf r ew Chulea St., Co1ta Mesa Ll 11-31172 20\fc WE SPE:ClALdll IN LO~NS 6 FINANCING . ON HOUSllT.R,AU.JCRS Autoa, Furnltur• .. s~.ilea One Day Service Loan• from I~ to 11200 or mott CALlF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 HLrbor Blvd., CQata M- LJ 8-77ll l -Open Friday• till 8 Clo•cd Saturday._ t.1c CASH •.• FOR TRUST. DEEDS WM. 8 , HOLT MORTOAGI': BANKING sm cE 1930. H\09 N BCSH SANTA ANA KlMRERLY 3-7 118 NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALES -REFlNANCE CONSTRUCTION Call tor FrM Fut Commitmexii.-- on Ruld1nce1 ud Unit.a only Don I. Huddleston bdrm.. 2 bath. A patio, allp 173 E . 17th St; 8p&r1ley tum. If de1tred. H.a.r-COAST li,IOHWAY, new building'. COSTA M1:8A bor US9 24c26 6M 11q. ft office. Suitable In· LI 8-~:Hl LI l-151Z suranre. attorney, etc. S90 mo. BALBOA . 151..A~O. )'T. ·round Rt'SS FORD, LI 8-8141 20U lovely 1 br. 11pt. ~ICl'IY f\Jrn. -~----------- Near ~. B11y It Vnl&Kt' Al111llll OFFICES For Least ~Moiaty,_W_aa_w ____ _ $3~. plU8 Ill lllllt'I EARL W, STANLEY. Realtor J2~ M,arinf' Har. lli~ 24CZ6 1h INf. PIER A FLOAT _. HUGE LIVING ROO~ TERRIFIC VIEW e 18' BOAT PLUS 50 hp Mtr e XLNT CONDITION· $45,000 -Termt1 e 2 TILED BATHS e 90' tROm'AGE ~ ROOM FOR POOL e HWD: FLOORS e HOLLY KITCHEN I $31,500 MARINERS ISLE R~"LTY . HORACE MAZET, HAL-HOUSER 318 Ma~e vfALT BLIVEN · • RUTH PARDOLL B-1boa lflan4 Har. 4781 Extra Luxurious Custom Quality 1 41 Ranch Homes . . ~ntr-1ly located !pr all activitie. in Greater New· port Harbor area, yet· out of MU<>nal congeetion that pen&liUs ao many areu. These homes have everything, even wall •al•. Three bdrm. $21,950 Four bdrm. $22.960 ·HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave., 1 Block No. of 17th St. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th & Irvine Liberty 8-2$64 or Llberty 8-3123 . 19c24H DOUBLE TROUBLE One of our client.I bu it. hu 2 p~pertiee and would lib to try for 1. Offers a DUPLEX, both ti.Q~I "9Dted mo. to mo., bdwd. fJr-S .• firepla<*, dbl. gar .. Xlnt location juat 1tepa to 1hop1, Bank, etc. With moet 2 B. R. homes eelllng for u much, it'1 a STEAL for au.re at $16,000. terma can be arran1ed. • Don't can. jut brinr a check to R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT ~22 E. Cout H'wy,. Corona del Mar· Har. 277' CORONA DEL MAR REAL GOOD BUYS DON'T LAST, One ad 1hould do it on th.la home with view from larse Jivinc room. Den alao hu fireplace, 2 nice ai&ed bed.room.a, patio and lanai, dble. garage can take 2nd atory. This la the week'• best buy. -BALBOA JSl..AND -Unrurn. 1 bedrm. apt. yrly n-ntal. S~ mo 6 pra1e. U 8-4438 2Hfc In New J:luildiCJg l i it 40' $100 mo. 17 it 26' $ 85. mo. 13 ll 13' I 3:1 mo. tn Lido Shopping Area 603 32nd St •• Ne~rt B«!11cll MONEY. Want '4&00. 2nd tru.at deed rH1denc:• excd location. p~ a,. lntueet. 6~ bonua. $60 mo. All du1 • yn. Har. 4263. 2lc24 5'7-Real IAtate WM~ WA TERJ"RONT OWNJ:R --- We have the key. $18.~ Ex:cluaive with, - RAY REALTY CO. \ I BALBOA ISLAND rum. 2 B. R. apt. Vt'ry a ttractlVt', W'All hut. TV aerial. S80 mo. winter. $1 10 yrly. Int l ullllllf'll. A<1ulla. no pet.a. H•r. 13j0-J eve1 24c26 FURN. OAR A f'T. 1 bdrm.. no Hubor 4321 23Uc Heit SPOT:-New rul tlltAle ,,,. flr:f'. Wiii rent S75 mo. or con- 11ldtr brokrr-11ttlesma n on C'Om- mllllllo'l ba.$11. 17182 Huntington Brach Blvd. Leic: 6-3743. 24p26 l'&r. ReaM>n11blt nn lt'llse 42i 8M SQ . .-r. OF Of'FJCJ!; SPACE Weatmlm1tf'r. Newport B~&<'h nesr Nt'wport City Hall. Apply 24C 436 • 32nd Bl. 24c30 ~~---~~-......-~~ 8JNOLE MAN to •ha~ llJ't. In Corona 11-1 Mar. H.ir. Jj04·MK M·A-B......._ ReDtal8 24c26 Lido Isle -~ayfront On• µd two bdntl. •partmenl~. Jl'Umtthed. Garacca. Yt'arly or winter !'flltal. Har. Mi6. 21c34 l"\JR.'ll STUDIO APT. fl.rll k ltch· en 6 bath. ~ m<> utll. tum. JllJ~ W. Ot'l'an Front. H11r. M4t-J. ~ 2~p24 Cor. 19th A Pl•cenUa, C. M. FOR RENT two bdrm. tiome - (1tove A: re.frl(. ful;T\. \ includea Blore room .. \WO offlce lp&eM, 1100 month.. OR wiJI rent Mp&· rately 1 office al $76 and 1 at JM> month. AllO amaU •tore $100 mo. can owner Llber),t MHa momtnrs or alter 5 p.m, ttlc FOR L£ABE JOO tL tront.ap. Nf'W}>Ort Blvd Cl. t.onc. term "° pa mo. tor ..JI\ a t-ra. u 8-H88 SkJ( Y acant Lot· in Corona Highlands Tb• very beet lot buy in the frea. 108' frontaie and teller will lncludeJ>la.n• for a 3 bedroom phaa play- room home with l ~ bat.la for thia low price of $8000. Hurry ~ Ocean or bay front from $111.000 :WO E.-Cout Hwy., Corona dtl Mar (Acrou from Bank in CDKJ Har. 2288 to $29,000. Clyd• Me~r. 307 -·------------------------Martne, B&!boa laland, Ha.r. 29'° or rea. Harbor 2626 23c20 WANTED TO LEASE, 10 unit.a or more apt• .. court.a etc. Write Box T-61 lhl1 Newa- papu. · 20tfc RA VE $&00 tor down pay111ent on 2 or I bdrm.. houee. Bolt X-6:.'> t.Ma paper. 24p28 Want to ·aeu your Bayf ront '! • We h&v. MVl'ral quaJJned buyer1 waJUnr. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor Ir Alaoclat.U - 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LJ t -m3 H Al ~ Atd'IM" ' J'OI\ L&A&I: 10a10 oftlce or dLwp1a1 .,.._ PLUI IO JI 8-0 cJnr 1pa.n. rMr .Udill1 door to alley. wiled to Urht manufacturtnr. '1&0 mo. 612 • 30th BL. Newport 8-cti. ~r. 4MI or 4!21 Jkll BRAND NEW LIDO HOME 3 Bedroom•, 1 * batha, lovely kitchen with Ther- mador range, oven and d.iahwuher. 2 fireplaces. Carpet.II, etc. Only $32,500 and a GOOD BUY CLIFF HAVEN Kin1s-Road view lot. leuebold 67 x 110 ft., a dandy for $5500 and only $2000 down. THE -VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 of ~•972 Evea Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8--5297 BA YFRONT OWNER . HA VE BUYER WITH ALL CASH Phone Clyde Meyer, Rltr. Harbor 2960 or ree .. H&r. 2525 or writt 307 M&rine, B&lbo& IalaAd. • 23c26 - • Irvine Terrace Two Lovely Homa (excltalvt) 2 bdrm•. 2 ~th1, IH.300 2 bdmf1.· A den, 2 bath Jl•.~ Both complate .with -11 to wall oarpettnr and 4,..pea. tully ftnc- ed. upenalnly l&ndacaped. Can- not duplicate locatlent. • Waterfront Dupl~x l!!JlceUent property COl\alalln1 Of t-bedrooma down. and I bed, roo,m up. Complf'tl'ly fu rnlllhtd. Pier permitted. Full pr. UO.OOG • Lido Isle You wl!J ftnd atmple but. lu1tur· tow living In thl• 2 bdrm. home. Only • yn. old. a rtally rooct1 houae with every up-to-the-min- ute feature. Only $27.~ furn. (\ow, low down If dulr~) _ HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTOftS Harbor. 1 &00 Last 5 Acres ~. adjolnln~ propoeed bulldln~ center Anah~lm vlcln· lly . Po.-lbillty or C-2 &onlnf. Pric~ to jell now. Euy ~rm1. Osl>Orne-Forton REALTY CO. 2323 w. Coaat Hwy. . (at Port Or&nge1 Npt. Bch. LI 8-7682 Har. 6164 tVH SEE My furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 ~m. and den, beautiful patio, 1 yr. old. ~umatancu compel ~e to oCfer for lmmedlat. poe1eHlon. Excellent term.a. $27,500 Contact my ~cluaive A~nt EARL W .. ST ANLEt Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at ffiVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Oppoaite Irvine Coast Country Club, Hlchway 101 · ~; Phone Harbof 4'448 BILL'S BEST BUYS NEARLY NEW -·3 BDRM. FURNISHED $10,500 full price -$~ 400 FHA Loan payable $60.50 including tau.a & insurance. Lot M:dlO. Se?Ven, Metropolitan Water. Can be purchased un- furnished. FOR THE ELITE At 19th & Placentia Spacious 2 bdrm. and dtn home in top location with ··\ ·in Costa Mesa · Fireplace. 2 Baths. Picture Windows. Patio. Large THERE JS A WOl\ DElU"UL piece • ot bua\nesa properly fop a&le wllh excellent lenn1. Lons term 1 ... ea pendlnr. tota Unr approx. $226 a month. M • 1 prop- ert.y. pl1.11 aome cul. will be con- atdered in a t,.de. Call owner LI 8·6223 mom1.n1a or after O p.m. 9tJc SPECIAL VIEW lot tor 1peclal buyera. Fee Clift Or. lot with Important v I e w of Harbor, Oceu. lhroufh to Laruna. Service Room, Obie. Gar .. Dichondra Lawn, Shade Tree. and Nice Shrubs. Pric~ at $19,500 -but owner ia extremely anxious. See thia tor a REAL BUY. It is only 2 years old. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like Q.Ur friendly service'' 400 E. 17th St..'Costa Mesa Uberty 8-1139 ., ORANGE COAST PROPl:RTJl:S 1867 Newport, Coata Meea LJ 8-1632 Eve, W 8-tl03 Vogel Values Costa Mesa Office BACK BAY NEW 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on HALF' ACRE. Overal lled double (llr., electric oven A f rill. $21,000. EASY TER?ttS. Open 1 to 6 dally. 381 22nd St. , 23c31 32 FT LIVING RM Name any rt LtOn•ble down payment. Oldt-r Wt'll b1o11lt , Early CaUComla atyle 3 l>eJ · room, 2 batb1. Huce 1arace. •Wl deck. A1kln1 "24.000 lmmedlatt occup!lncy. FORU VERJUNOJtR. Harbor 6263. evu IH71 17lCc C-2 Business Lot On Newport Blvd. al Indiatrt.aJ Way. 45xll2 rL Call owner, Harbor aloe. litre LIDO BARGAIN I .,i:ORMS., 2 batha with t'arpet1 ud drape.. u · lot S3U100 Harbor t71 T. ' 2lttc CORONA DICL MAR -~t tht' turn pr apt pay Ufe mortp gt on • thla S bdrm 2 baUI home Many '·bullt·ln1" A loi. of etor- ap apaca. Floor coverinp. dra~• • appll1ncu lncludet.I In price of U~.000. Harbor ~-M. H c27 HOM"E It INCOME. 60 ft. to bch 126.000. term•. J .M. MILU:R CO., 20i6 W. Balboa Blvd. Mar. 409\. 24c2tl LOCATION 'OP' DISTINCTION 13000 down buy1 a 2 l>ednn. •tuc· co home four yrt. old, P'lrtph1rt'. Sm. lot. 8 trult l reea, A <loll houae. Larfe dbl. rarqe. Total price pnly Jll,900. /REX RECHS 2307 W Balboa Blvd. Htrbor 6101 UX>KJNO FOl\ GOOD Income property• • unit•. 1 1·9. ft. Miu-and 2 t~. I\. apta ... 4 raraaea. Income can bf' $410 per mo. n:rzMOR.18 RZA.L TY CO. Harbor iu2 -----LIDO JSL.E home plannM ror year round Jlvlol' tft euy nrt 2 bdrm. Xtn. •LM wardrobe• I' b&t.M. lp.iclowi den, living nn. wtth ..-Jaed tlreplact . dlnlni rm .. deUPtfUl kltcbei Counte1' It cupboarda &&Jo~, South patl<> U 7.SOO. Owner HArbor 2130-R 24c28 $1500 DOWN · TRII atra meUculout J bedrm. •m• bu many atru. Tarr1flc nlue at llOCIOO. DAN A. JACOBSEN. RuHor Kar. Met ev•. call Mr .. Van~ LllMrty 1-Mtl BA~ A. VJC. DUPU:X. Pl,I00- 1'1nN. .... * •• * Attractive 3 bdrtn. hofne in good section Eut Coat.a Me~. Pi baths, fireplacl', HW floora with W /W carpets in LR., dinette and hall, drapes and venetian blind.a ; 4~~ Interest on loan. only $14.500. New triplex -two one bedrooms and one~two bed- room, nice stparate unit a,rra14geQltnt for maximum UK' of common patio. Good income! $23,500. * * • * * The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd .. P>•ta Meaa Llbtrty 8-5597 E'·ea. Liberty 8-7457 -Har. 1380 BALBOA PENINSULA -NEW 156g Ocean Bl\'d, OPEN HOUSE DAILY -I to 4 :30 p.m. 3 BR., 1 1:: Baths. W W rpts., built-i n .stove, fire- place. patit>. Low down payment will handle. EXCLUSIVE -First time ListC'd ! 3 BR .. 2 bath. Nicely furnished home. G. I. Loan. monthly pay· menle including Laxes -$80. Full price $18,MO. -4 New HouseR -Nearly Completed. Built-in kit- chens. ulled brkk firC'place. 3 -BR .• 2 Bathl'I, double, garage Fenced patw. facing attractive cit y park. S23.5')0 -Good financing. BAY AND BEACH REALTY H50 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa. Hubor 12M -~~-~---~~------~~~--~~~~- BALBOA ISLAND One of Balboa Island's loveliest bay(ront homes in top location. Six bdrm•. Beautifull decorattd thru- out. A home for gracioWI livmg plus adaptability for excellent income with complete privacy for both &ection11. Full prier $65.000 ON ,THE PENINSULA for $19,750 -3 bedroom home for you and .. your famil y. Com rr fireplace, Patio t.nd barbeque. ThJ1 ia a. MUST SEE. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa ll'Jland Next door to the POlll Office ~ Har. ~4-4 EVes. H 0 ar. 3059-M • Har. 4248-R Ocean Front Home $22,500 ' THE YiOGEL CO. a •..a FAta&e llftAND NEW, 2 br. extra l&rS9 J . M.MILLEROO .• ~21 W . BaJ~ )ot. rm. for lldd'I. Wll\.. peoo •"· H&r. .oil. J~ VERY A Tl'RACTIVE year round home on Sea· ahore Drlve. Kn'Otty pine livin1 room with dintn1 aru. Formica. kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1/2 bath do"12, 3 bedrooma and 11, ~ bath:I_ up. Solid OOD· ltnlction, concrete and plling foundation. 2 car garace. .. encJOMd .yard. ~llent beach. 2867 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar ' Harbor l7U Harbor 1477 OC&AN J'IWNT yacant duplex lot. 187&0. J.M. JCtLL&ft 00, 10JI 'W. ~ Blvd. Har. 4091. 2tc.M dn. S12.l!OO f.J>. J.M. MtLLEft CO , !OIS W BeJbo& IU•d. Har. 41)tl. Udt Tou ....a UM oca-r relloWIJ WANT Ad; be wt '994 youn EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch Harbor 1ou. • I I I I 1 .- WATERFRONT SPECIAL 2 Bedroom home on '&t !t. bulkhead !rontqe. Pier Is float. Near Lido cent.er It City Hall. Only $18,950 .!-. Submit on down payment. . ' DUPLEX, 82 ft. bulkhead, overaised float, 2 car garage. Nicely fum. 6 in excellent condition. $26,500 Eaay terms 6 BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with firepla~. Pier ' float will accommodate up to ~ ft. boat. Priced to .eu qulcldy at $29,:>QO. Firm. -Open Friday, Sat. & Sunday 470 Walnut P1'.ce • '-BACK BAY area, . off Irvine. . Swimming pool; Ranch •tyle 3 bdrm. rear living room with •Uding 11au doon to patio It pool.' Bar kitchen, 1 ~ bt.tha. Bargain at only s~.500 Two Stores . Plus 5 Apts. $7300 yearly Income (could lncreue by takinJ •ummer rent&la). WW conti®r nice home up to $20,000 in ~change. Full price $!S:5,000 JACK BRENNAN, RealtQr and A.SSOCIA~ 3320 W. Cout Hwy., Liberty 8·7773 '1At the Ai'chel" EXTRA · EXTRA EXTRA NEWP.ORT . HEIGHTS AREA . It's unuau).1 to find an off erinr like thia -in fact they just don't happen the.e days, but thia did. Owner in dWtreu and must aell Hia unfortunate circumatancea can be your gain. There la no gimmick -in t.hia ad -we can atate with· out raervation t hat it ia the beet buy in the New· port Height.a or Cliff Haven area.· It'• a roomy 2 bedrm. well built home, bu bre&kfut area, dining rooai, ttreplace, oak floon that gleam, 11enice porch, Iota of tile, plate glau picture win· dowa that otter aome view, extra large double g-r- age, rear yard •urrounded by concrete "'11 and manr other featurea. It's located in beat part New• port Height.a,. §ue\· breathing diatance from Cliff Drive and a 11tonet1 throw from school.I. The price -only $16,000 SboWT\ by appointment only. Call Fred Barker, 1,.Iberty 8-8628, eveninga Liberty 8-8621 or call .. EARL W. STANLEY, .Realtor l~th A. t rvine Liberty 8-2664 23c25 --. ____ J Please ·Examine Carefully LIDO ISLE-Today'• beet buy at '31,500. 3-bedrooma · and den. 2 batfu., extra fireplace in sDuter bed· room, aU bedrooma carpeted. Delightful kltcllen, nice patio. -Altogether a charming home! COUNTRY CLUB DlSTRlCT-Moet ablne_y, •partUnr "country" home we've seen in many a day. Large comer lot with beautiful land.capi.111. 2 bedrooma and den. fireplace, carpeting and drapN. The view of the count..ry.lde from the breaJdut table ia very pe.aceful. All this at $16,500! CLIFF HA VEN -A deluxe cuatom • built home al a sacrifice. Large comer lot wi4' out.Jltandlng lud· scaping. • bedroom.,. 3 bit.hs, .room {or pool. A Muat See! CHANNEL WA'I'ER P'RONT-We have two good buys for the boat owner. WILLARD L KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. ' ffart'Or ~ BALBOA ISLAND UDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOKE. Lust lot, 5 bdrm. 3 1:: bath houee plu.a unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unita newly fumt.h~ in Mode m e. I deaf for home \and income or gueata. 60 FT. BAY FRONTAG~ . On LltUe hland, pier, noat, formal • bdrm. home. The land value ii elate to ~ ukinr price. . TWO UNITS,_Modern apt.: older front houae. Show your abWty at "do-it-younelt. Reduced for quick aale -$19,950. 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE, floor funiace and fttt-Pla:c9· Small lot. Reduced for quick ule. $15.~. Har. 1'f75 -Eves. EdJth Maroon HYatt 4.e222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, · Realtor ; 225 Karine Av•., Balboa I8lud · · Do you WANT one of the SMARTEST homH on the l ittle Island? It'• Different ! ! I ./ * * lt'• deUcbttul ! 1! * * The price la right, the location the t.t. · U you want 4 bedrooms, 3 be&ha, ,rith an all tlec· tri~ kitchen, tor"eied air beat and ~ yeu n>und UW.,, call ae DORIS BRAY. Realtor 6 AaSOCIATES .. Ha.rbor 20 or M • -. . COSTA MESA . p ' ·-NEWPORT H RIOl NEwS.PRESS -PART 111 • PA6E J FRIDA y I • OCTOBER 21, '955 ' a a-a l'Alatia a._. ..... • HARB 0 R . a·L VD. ·s T 0 RES : "We' re Moving Between 'If· 19th St. and Newport Blvd. Jetween Bank of America end U.S. Net'I. Bank ·N~W STORE BLDG. I ' • Leased lncoroe $6000. Price: $50,000. Terms. I - ·tO ·1~ine J errace" ~ More and more Harbor area famW .. an IDaplctlDi theee esquiaite home. -noting their'\:omtort, con-- venience and central location. let us tell you why this is the BEST in~e.+ment More and more famWea who pref er a home in a i... _.trlctfd qu.allty community are movin.I Into their ' Irvine Terrace homea. in Costa Mesa today ' HOWARD B. LAWSON c 0. Drive in today and eee for younelf the 1DaJ11 wt.- ·1tandinr featu~ of thla remarkable commwlity. · Inspect the model homes, Harbor S 148 Harbor 3~ Lido Isle OPEN HOUSE . COSTA MESA The Best Town On Earth · Look These Over built by. Macco Corp. e~x· itely furnished · by M in & Von Hemert ·-20S Via Nice 1·3 Saturday 6 Sunday NEW MODERN FRENCH RSOENCY . ' Imprealve entry and what'• be- hind It 18 OOH·LA-L&. a Mdnna .. ' m.arba..top Pullman b&lha. All elec. kitchen. MercUllY awt~ch• Is be&uu.tully carptl«I tbrouch· out. a.uutut landacaplnr. A DSLIOHTl'UL HOKE Moet beauutuUy deeorat«I w1th "S bdrm.. S lovely batha, W -W carpet. A 11·~ kltchell wtth dlatnruller, diapoeal, tan, 220 wtrlA6. Tbe aakiftr price la $11,:M)O wlllch la truly a tatr Cll\e. Tutetll)ly Mltcled tumi· l\lre 18 avaU&ble. TEIUUFJC 'LOT for builder, check lh1a one at t U ,000. 8t. to 8t. HOM~ LISTED TOtY AT REAL SALE PRICES! Some 'of the fines home values in Costa Mesa await your inapecti n. Keeping in mind the price and tenna your family can afford, we may be able to recommend -.ome ··top values. You'll find netver bomei, income ~nits, even home. with ycru.ge. REMEMBER • there i.a one perfe<:t home !s you -- and it may be u.ted. with ua. Call and tell ua your needa, or drop by our office. A few example11: Newport Heights . 2 Br. older home, 60' lot fenced ................. -....... _ ........ --.... $ 7400 3 Br. liome, double garage, fenced y ard ............ --............ -........ -....... $10.~ 2 Br. It den plua Fum. Duplex • Ocean View ......................... ·-··-········-· ..... $23,000 C·2 Buaineu corner lot 14011~ .................. -............ -........... $13,000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor u 8-1601 Before Buying I 1) Owner nee<a more room. WIU trade 3 br. near C.thollc churcll for larger horn~ ln Coata Meea. (2) m .'aoo Duplex. Ocun •view from upper apt. 2 br. each. (3) 118,500. S br. ocean front home. ~ (4l IH.500 3 br., 1'4 batha.Cllft Haven. TerrlClc v1ew. • (5) '25,llOO 8 room l:IOUM. Comer lot. Pennanent bay view. (8) Ut,600 buya 'l>aytront home. 5 br. Small down. (T) Ut.500 ,. br., 3 bath oce&n f ront home. Good view. (8) $3~600 Baytront duplex. . (9) 3 a c. R-4, Co•ta Meea area. SU.000 W iil conaldW 11ellln1 l acre. Irvine Teen ta located on Cout Highway oppoelte the new Irvine Cout Country Cub. . I EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIV2 AGENT! Phone Harbor «48 For Further Inf ormatJon * For Recommendation, we refer you to &D)'Olll who bolda a Leasehold Eat.ate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and CUtf fbva v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar · I. DUPLEX CORNER LOT 1 Bedroom each,' fumitu~ included ln 1 unit. Full price' $17,500. $&000 do'Wn. 2. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY 1810 Newport Blvd., Coata..,Mesa. Bay &i.!:~~!eal~ -------------..,,1.----. Sl12 lAl&yelte, Newport Har. Mll'3 ' 1101 2 beautlt\d ocean btutt lot.I In l.Airuna. -BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Even inc C&!lyqn road, 60 x 217 tt. · Priced at $14,750 WATCH THIS-. COLUMN roR THI: MQST c:aretuUy Mlect· ed value1 tn '-.ch ot our cti.unct· ly dltferent HARBOR .AR.Ii.AS. CLIJ'I' HA VEN THERE'8 A MILLJON OOLLARa wortA ot Uvlq ln lhJa roomy 2 bdrm. Is 1un rm. home, tlrepl, ~ti ~&lore. 10 trWt tr.el! Only MOOG ·dn. -F.P. ~7,toO BALBOA 112' J'RONT A'OI: on Ocean Bl~! 3 bdrm.. l % batha, patio bis 11\0qh tor badminton. OWoc movtn&' IAJ&nd want. ottera. COSTA MESA 5 ACIU:a for .ubdtvlaon. Exe*. ' location '8000 down. Muriel M. P-mover Realtor . H04 Newport ltlYd., N'pt. Beach Euy Parlltnr -Harbor .. 10 CLIFP' HA VEN Out.atandtnr 4 bdrtn., S b&lh home, 2 ltvtnr room-. carpeted, , Ideal t&mily home. 137,600. CORONA tnGHLANDS ' Bdrm .• S b&U\, nunpue rm.., 2 nrepiace., room f ar pool. t•rr1' nc Ylew, on 2 Iota. 143.000. BACK BAY 2 Bdrm. A den, 2 6ath, nnchy, W /W ca.rpet.. t l t ,'60. C·2 lltdOO ................. 116:960 3 level acree ...... .,..-........... 116,000 ~ acnaa'e.-... t .. 11!~ c. )(. 61Jll.. ~ . .. ... . ......... • 2$:>0 Claire Van Hom UAL TOR 2731 W. Cout H"Y· U M277 "C" THOKAS ''C" THOM.AS BAYSHORES ROME OF DISTINCTION .,.. Ra.mbUnr 3 bdrm., 2 b&lh home on ~-cor. lot. pe.nelled It•. room, n..l.Md hearth n~place, pr1• wtnntnc llltchen, matchlnr wall.,.,,... ,. dr'1al*i•. pe.rqu« t1eon, ~ ,r . A. h .. t, a • cbarmlns b om • lhroustiout. PNCS l\l:D\JCllD TO OLLI "C'' THOMAS, Realtor · JJ• W. Cout Hir·• N""JIOrt ~ ~Men "C' THOM.AS ''C" ftlOMA.8 LOV&LT a bedna. bome m doM ta U1f uft, .t rented \UMta IA ,_,. wWl 11 U mo. l.Dcoale. .... ,... • JaOn malt.a. 8-k -.uuoo OIUJ"JOS OOAIT PftOPDTUt& lllT Newport. ODl\a M ... LI 1-ltlt S't'e. LI 1--teoa Costa Mesa OPEN DAILY 1 :30 to 4!30 . . . 21 n Rural Lane A STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perky, 3., bedroom home, clOM to achoola. atoru and t.ramport.lflon. Ha. $8:500 G I loe.n payable $66 per month Including taxes, Insurance and Interest. Full price $12,900 and owner will carry le(Onc! tor rNponafble ,,._rtJea. JEAN SKITR ... I RUTH BAVIS DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport BeM:h Har. 4718 Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom, 1 ~~ bath, F. A. beat, H. W. !loon , ahake roof, lot.a of tile. FISHER builL OPEN HOUSE Sat. It Sun., Oct. 22 It Z3 384 Mira Loma North of Del Mar, juat oft Ntin Ave. • Iota 80 x 150 fronting on a beautit\U lake, with a view ot the Back Bay. I ,. - W. E. FISHER & ~sociates 30~ lt. Cout Hwy., C.Oroda del Mar HAR. 5032 . Lido Bayf ront · e 6 BEDRQOMS • 51:! BATHS e P1ER and FLOAT e V ACA.NT -WE HA VE THE KEY • FULL PRICE $7{.500 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON -J. H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND I, -VIRGINIA MANSON MOO Via Lido Harbor 44H (Aero• from RJcbard'a Market Entrance) . .... CHANNEL FRO--;;rt Small home with very attractive interior, fireplace, pier ud float. $6000 do,.-u. <1nry $21,500. ALSO • a duplex at $22,500 N.B.C. REALTY CO. 32nd It Newport 81\'d .. Newport Buch Ha.r. M36 1&0& W , halbo& Blvd, Ht.rbor 3118 5 Income Units NEAR NEWPORT PIER. 1~ blk. to ocean, l blk. to s.1. Excel· Jent rent.al a.rea -.v1lt\ brriflc potenUat lncoma. Tl\ta clun property a.t.o lnc:ludee adjoining \'&cant lot at t.b• low price of 4. U you are in the market for Shorecutt prop«ty, aee ua firat. We have eeveral excluaivi u.tlnga to 1how you. -I CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTIO~ Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy'., Corona del Mu. Har. •7 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 528.600 and only f7600 down. -------------------- See t.ht. today. 1"6 OODCll Royal L&ncer. power bra.ku, power atffr1n.r. R A H. WW tires. Tlnlf<! (IUI. Ji:v•ry • utra poulble. Plu11 tlil!J for equity 1n home. Income prop- erty. \l&ct.nt lot or tnat dted. SEE AT lot Mc.Fadden Place.- Phone Kar. l ,0, evenll\I• Har 6268·\\'. Homer E. Shafer UAL TOR 10& McFtrdde.n Place Har. H O Eve. Har. 252il-M Har. 5268-W REAL VALUES GOLDEN RULE VALUES ATTENTION e AREA INDUSTRIALISTS Move your organisation home. Wby gamble with your life driving the Freeway! Nearinr compl.t.ion five 15) well constructed concrete building•. Ample paved parking area. All utiUtlea. Each contain 4800 square feet. -F or Sale or For ~. $1000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. bome-2 yra old. Livine Jtin. carpeted-Birch cabinets, patio. Large Jot on QUltt dead end street. Mo. payment. leu than nat. Full Price $10,600 $1500 Down _ · 3 Bdrma .• Oen. Caras• alt.ched. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON Only 2 ye•r• old. Good dlatr1ct . nii. 11 a ~al buy. J"UU prk t 18~ Newport Blvd.. Coeta Meaa only 111.tOO. Balance like rent. (acroa from Costa Mea Bank) · 2 B. R. home Eut 1.td• 2 car pr. age. Clo.e to ahopptnr A rr•M· Phone U 8-6761. Eves. Har. -i.366 -U 8-2108 portallon. Th.la la pr1~ to eell. -------------------- 8ma11 down, balance \Ike r..nt. B. A. NERESON J\l:ALTOR 1982 Nf'wport Blvd. Cnst.a Mua U 1·1673 J:vu . W 1-4130 M-1 ~ Zone tO ft. frontare. N,.wport Nur wattr. 119.000 -$8000 down. Osborne.forton REALTY CO. 2323 W . Cout Hwy. .... (at Port Oran1•> Npt. Bcfl. LI I · 7582 Har. 6164 evu TWO HOUSES ON LARGE LOT Uv, In one and let th~ ttnant ma.M , the payment on both h<>)I ... Only 16800 down mov .. you Into lovely 2 bdmi .. J 12 b11th bome. 4 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms • Forced Air Heat • Muaive Stontt Fireplaces • Bl\llt in Range and Oven ... actually ~v~ry luxury feature and In Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sir.ed Lots auitable for pool and patio! Drive out Fi1'1Jt Str~t in Santa Ana Thru 'I'mtin and Tum North at Red Hill Ave. , George M. . Holstein & Sons, Builaers Designed by Clift ··May .. "" tt. reara old The other• nil. 2 -------...;;.....J'----------------, bdrm.• houa. maku the pay· mrnte for you or 11e 00 a mo. Phope today to 1te thla barra1n REX RECHS 2307 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 51~ ON THE SANU, 'i block to'aurl, I brand new homu, both tur- nlahrd. Home and rental unit tor tu.we tull price. Beller will C&fT)' ba.l&rl~ &Cler an.all down payment. OR.A.lllG!: 'CiSAS1' PROPERTtU 1 ~7 Newport.. Coata MeM LI 1-1832 ~ve. Ll l..fl03 BY' OWllo"tR OOltONA DEL MAR, mod~rn 2 .OUTSTANDING HOME on 3 Acres · · Only 1 yr. nld, thia apac1oua 2 Bedroom, 2 bath home, beautifully built,. by a true cr&f\Jlman. Wa:-m knotty pine Interior with u~d brick fireplace. Sep- arate dining room and "dream" kitchen with ther· mador range and oven, built·in BBQ, bar, dJahwaah· <'r . automatic laundry. etc. Large tcreened patio. dble. garage. Located near Orange Cou t Colle~e. the extra acre· age should greaUy increue in vafue, makln1 an ideal home and lnvt'stmtnt. Price and terma are ,,ixceptionally attracll\1e. ~:· ~: ... "~~~t~~;n:i~ W. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD .. d,..~... dbl•. r•r. •trf11M(l fpr R It •pC. P\111 pr1Cf l lS.780. 1'°500 lln ea Or$ W Pot.nMtu a. Har, noc>-M Ma rine and Park, Balboa 1111and. Harbor 2462 24t'..3Th "' I \ . • -. I ' • " ' I • I • • I • • • , • • • • • • I f ,_ j I J . • .. .. .. ~ B .. ... "' . , ~ "' ••• .. ~ .. u .. , .. .. ~ .. ... .. Al .. .. ... ... ·~ Po "" ... ··-.. .... • • " ' ,,. ii J •~t ~ JA'RT 111-~~llT RAlllOR NEWS-P~ESS ·'!!·:::!·~·!..!' r..~--~!!!le~--.'!-=:!Rnl~ . .!i-~~te!.·:.c.:..~~~~~-Reol -·· ' FfUDAY, OCTOIQ 21_, 195$ , - .U..-..ir..ta• --a a ............. . A . BLA~9Hf_ A._ ~AT~S. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND N<>W 1s-4'HE TDIE TO BUY -FALL sPECt'lul ! ! . i ' . BAY J'RONT. BEAUT. CORNER. ChanJL 2 B. R. · tun. home. Patio. AdeqUte cn)und apace tor additional unit. $31,!IOOt A REAL BUY. • BAT FRONT. Half lnterMt lo pier' A float. Attr. 4: B~e: . ToP location. Prloed rf&'ht, _SEE TH1S TOOAY. "- $13,900. HURRY for lhia cliUminr 1 B. ~.'.AihOme. It is a honey! To IMM!! it, i. to wact it! It c,.-it lut! SIO,oon:--s~ci'~B~~~!charmlnl twO bedroom homi Jnd a ma-t. attractive atudlo a,.rt.~ . ment. Two patiOI, Both unit.I nicely furnllbed. Nr. No. Bay&. VUiare. $6000 down. BUT HURRY! OPEN_ HOUSE -,Friday, Sat., Su'nday . 32f Sapphire One of the most charming home. on hland. ~ B. R. Built for gncioua yeai-round Jiving. UnU•ually at~tive patio. Bay mooring included. Call ua . fOf' t.b9 key. $32,000. Nr. Nbrtb Bay. DID YOU !';VER WISH FOR A REAL OPPORTUNITY? Did You Ever Have the Opportunity Offered to You?? Would You .'Tt.lk It Over" ll It Were Offered! ? ? WELL!!!!! WELL!!!!!~ HERE IT IS!!!?! IT IS BEING OFFERED TO YOU ? I ! -• p. a. p'almer !ncor_porated developers · . ~orth Bayfront < . Home ~80 foot frontage, ts bednu., extra l&rp liv. rm., lovely yard, pier and allp -there .jwit ~·t & tter location on Udo hle, We have the k~y and will be happy to aho" you thla home .. Corner lot on Via-Genoa, 70K90 -$23,000. Udo Farm House >--,. Open bH.m ceilings, Oiied bricli firepla«, forced air . furnace, nat':l"-1 cabl,pebi, beautiful tile in kil.cheD. and both bt.th1, 3 bedrma,, encloed patio and double garage. Eraod" new and landacaped $25,500. $10,MO down aiid $120 a month. LARGE 3 bedrm. home on Onrieto, dining area, 1lid- ing gl&u doon, oversized double garage, enctoeed patio, Th~rmador kitchen and 2 nice batha. Thia home will be flniahed In about. 30 d&~, llO you 1ti.U ·have time to pick your interior colon in paint and wallpaper. $32,000. . p. a. palmer incorporated . , .o)e hanson co., s&les management 3333 Tia lido, harbor ~ J • of Udo Isle ) -· Only · 60 pays 'Tiii Christmas! - Which ia ju.t abOut time to deliver you the deed to one of the following building 11itm on Lovely Lido. What better gift coUJd ~u give the whole family than that! IJl{SIDE SPECIALS' 1 1y 30 feet near Clubhouse'. -·---~ .. --~---···--·····$ "9 ,MO 2 •. 40K.110 feet permanent Bayview ..... , ..... ~ 14,000 3. 50 foot •treet to atrttt ····--·····-.. ~---......... 14.500 4. 50 foot comer atra.da -·-······'············ .. ······. 17,500 &A YFRONT SPECIALS' ' 1. of!i feet South Bay ....... , ............................ 39,500 2. ~.2 1fl f-eet North Bay, bulkhead & wall .... 19,750 3. M feet So. Bay zoned for 3 uni(s ... :. .. 36,000 Santa. teU. Ua he m&y not have any next year. so better get busy &nd call - Bill Farnsworth Do You Need? _ A magnificent f 8edroom home with 3 bath& 6: large family room richly carpeted and draped, encle>Md patio, beautifully lan<bcaped on fee 1U;nple Clift Ha· ven lot. U_ IO, ,call · Dave~.· • p. Ii. palmer incorporated ole he.nson co., s&les management 1700 w. cout higbway -liberty ~73 i --llldl\le ' ............... I ' ,. •·•" Reol l!lola• .a ,.......,.l \ CORONA },DEL M~~ • PANORAMib Harbor and ocean \•le.:. "quality at.reel." 4 Q."R .• den, 2 baths .. ~w· term•. Ba~ rain $45,000 . 1 / • IRVINE' TERRACE'. $5000 will handle. A·Imoat new 2 B. R. conv. den. 2 baths, inaide BBQ. Drap- eries. etove, fully Jand8caped. Lo w price. BAYSHORES BARGAIN. 3 bedrm. J,i\'. room t& x 20. firept, · fenced, cove~ patio. I Lowest price in th.I.a ex- cluaive district--tlS.500 , AITRACTfVE S bdnn. home. Protected patio. . .. 1 Owner anxious for offer. 1 Asking $28.000 4 &drm. 2 baths. 1 ~ blk.' from bathing beac91. Submit term.e. A.ek ing $29,750 ; SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertlea. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, ..HYatt •-6222 ' John Macnab, Harbor ~9 ~u Bo}'Jloton, Bayside Or. office, Har. 3297, ev~ Har: 287~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., BaJboa llland . VOGEL VALUES • MAIN OFFICE * -t.· * HAVE YOU S_EEN YOU ARE INVITED TO COME IN AND TALK ITO~! ! Houston Values FOLKS . • • Weekly S~ecials ANYTHING TO TOP THIS? t'hle o.t the 'tinHt bµaine6a buildJnp on the hland. 3324 1quare feet of WORTHWHILE MONEY IKPROVEME?il'.$__includin1 one of the finest l'O!lltaurant buaineUH on the laland, and all mod- er.ii;_ equipment. Two deluxe apartment.a, Rea~u; raft1. bu bttn owner-operated by original 6: only awnt:r for ten yeal"8. Building designed by EJJ.tJlBROOK. The income from t.hiti property will delight and· arnue IPu. QUR TIME JS YQURS NEWPORT BEACH HOKE_~ ~COME : Duplex -....1 nearly new. 2 B.. R. each. Fineet location. ONLY $0000 down CALL US ON 1lllS! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor v!!!wBERs OF MULTIPLlll LLSTING 311 Marine Ave., B&lboa Ialand Phbne Harbor 1871 or 1172 WHAT DO YOU HAVE? 1 HAVE 1. IN OOWNEY -A beautiful 3 B. R.,, den-2 bat.hi, 2 fire:pl&eea landllcaped. double 1arap, with cur· ta.in•, ·and carpeting in l r . and h&lb:, Included. Priced at $3:7 ,500. WILL" TRADE $22,000 equity for multiple unit.I In Balboa Area. 2. IN LOS ANGELES -Wit.hire Diatrict. Lo•ely duplex. A·l condition. Income $2,700 a year. Carpeted -13 room•. WILL 'J'RA.DE $25,000 equity for a Lido hie Home. 3. lN BORREGO SPftlNGS -A lot near Country Club hoUM. -Will tt&de for lot in Harbor area or will 1ell for $1,750. FRANCIS J. HORVATH REALTOR Harbor ldS Liberty 8-5101 Unobstructed View We Can S~ll You A House ... A Big :;~:Utb~.°;';~1~.: · -BACK BAT NEW 3 BDRM., 2 M.UI ultra modem. n:tra . .Jar1t rooma. MUllt be -n. Opeh tor ln..pectlon 8•t. 6 Sun. 11 • ti 380 La Canada Way Back Bav View Lot Sult•ble tor 12!..000 horn•. B.arge.ln price. • M-1 I. 57r.oG BUYS, OORNER ·70X127 on 20th BL w!Ui oldtr ho~. a. PW.CENTI.A &ax.470 • Htrh, !..Ve!. A b&rpln al 512,5001 Hurry on Lhla. $1000 Down 4 BZDIUI. 2 be.th. Comer. on i-v· e4 at., -..r •le. F~ced yar<l. 6 prare.. f'HA terma. ONE OR A LITrLE ONE. An expenaive or Inez .. penaive one. Truthfully we can never hope to .ell you a home , .• only a hoU-Se. A houae coruiiata of common earthly materiall auernbled by human efforta~ ll hat no life or eoul. lt'a the folka who move into the bouae &. their dog who 1t.atlon1 him· aelt at the entn.nce gate wqging hia t.a.il in genUirle friendHneu that give. it life and a aoul and tra.n1- fortn1 what wu a bouae into a home. '· ON LIDO ISLE' . • • You don't buy a bowie .. , you bid for it. Here indeed ii the ultimate in fine living. The only way you can pry a · man away fro_.rn hil U.l&nd home ia to offer him enough 1heket. to tempt him away from it. The prlce of perfect gem• Min high, never1.heleu • good Hating can be bad once in a while. We th.ink_ we have & lucky bruk, one with 2 bedroom• ud 2 bath& for $25,500. One almott West Side <u11y tumlahed wtth 3 bedroomc and '* bath• J BR. HOMS I p . old. Near mkl•, • for $28.500 a11d acboola.. Oompl. tene«1.. Both with two car garages of course. "°""1!ra and •niba. '~"" loan. """' ""-.. 1m. "'""' .,.... '" WANTED food trailer. • • • • $1800 Down BEAUTlrt!L HrW 2 BR.. home. Comer lot wlUI ii-. "14e. !Ir• ~·· .... root, ~pell. Bee lhta. Houston Realty Co. ·--a Center St.., eo.t.a M- U .... II or U 1·77M llt"tll. or Sun. pl'll'>na: LYU.U .. ZMJ,'\ PetUtte LI MW . a.pnour Harbor-. &2t ... W. Balboa BAYrRONT Dupla 1·2 bdna. 6 A Rugged lndivid11al With A Stubborn wtu. AND VIViD IMAGINATION. W,e tnolat · that a certain FIX-IT·YOURSELF bowie we have ~ liat.ed bu gre.t poMibilitlea either u a home or u a.n invNtment. Hee. la a wonderful opportunity to develop Your muaclea like a cha.mp • , • however if "ork ill a deadly thing to you come on in any- way and let us •how. you -hoUHI you can move into wit.bout dJaturbing a hair on your bead. • Seven Islands Realtv & Investment Co. MULTIPLE US'l'6>ia -REALTOR Peninsula. Bay Front! BEAlJTJrtn. AND SPACIOUS, _:u;~i;.. 0:1d~~p~r n!celY turn· llhed, 2 bedrooma In ttch unit.. t.aundry and 1.1tWty room1. • 3 c.r 1ar•&'f, private tiff.ch aiid pier rlrhta. IM.000. tPrma. Peninsula Home! MODERN 4 ,BEDROOM. 2 BATH home. 1. yea.n old. Octan view from up.1!.alr bledroom. LaTp - Jlvlnr ·room with fireplace. Splendid horn~ for la.rire tamOy • , • only 513.600, J:IOOO ~own~ Li.do Isle Home! :S BEDROOMS, 2 BA TH8. 4.S fL lot. Bell'I( r tdecon.te'd IMlde and out. All U!e ..-onvenll'ncea you would e1q·.Joe>ct to. find ln a lovd~ home. 53:),000, ttrme.. 7 Unit Income! BALBOA LOCATION • , , A1 clOH aa yOu can irtt to th~)' •.. Sood rent.I area. Situated on 2 lot.. One doublt &nd lb: 11.ncloia. 11lcely h1rnl1hed. No p1rkln1 problem. 135.000. ttrm1. Beach Home! CLOSE TO BAY , , . Site~ peoplt. A-I oondlUon. Nicely furn. ~12.&00. 16000 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoail• Bank of A.merka Ro. Ortelt7 . Al CorneUu1 P"..d Ln Jack Pinkham J0Hphl1'111 "''ebb 700 EL Balboa Blvd .. S..lt.o.. PhV1<1 Harbor H77 ----------------------1-1 bdrm .. 2 cu ....... f. tuf"o '503 • 32nd SL Newport Beach, Calif. Office Phone Harbor 5868 Aft.er 5 p. m. Har. 2293..J OPEN HOUSE Built on a 60'xl50' lot in the upper bay diltrict, thll cuatom home features 3 apaciou11. bedrooDll, 1~~ balh11, forced air heat. hardwoOd floors. lovely fire- place. beautiful .1_f.rge )t ltchen, and . profeuionally landacaped grour\d8. You can buY thfi""litauty for l®W down. ~ BALBOA OCEAN-FRONT 4 Stores 7 Apartments Preaenl schedules! mcome is $1(},800 per yr. with· oUt aummer n!nta.I sch~ule and with only 2 atot'e9 rented. A g~ manager could euily increue; l,he income to appro:dmately $15.000 and you can buy this property for $89.000. Owner will take U'Ult dttdl for hi• equity of $42.000 . • ,.A. .... • .... . · .~ , . . .. THE VOGEL C'11 3201 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8·:H81 · BAR.(;AIN OF THE YEAR OPEN 276 Magnolia SUNDAYS l ·5 p.m. Here UI a real homey 3 bedroom cottage of 1~, &quart f eet. Living room lU.30 feet. Room.in 1ara11 for al eeping .. plus hobby room and laundry. Nest\ed in an err.hard of 23 bearing fruit trttll, Ot- angeR, grapes, lemont1. peaches. figs, avocadoa, lo· quat..a and gua \•as. Beautif ul lawn and shrubs. A dream place for a, family that has a granddad to putter in the yard. All thUI on 2 large R·4 Iola l001t125 fe4!t . All utili- ties in. Pa\'ed alley and 1:1t reet. In.Costa Men, juat 5 minute• from the ocean . Full price $18.500 -Gnod TcnnR. or Trade · Corona del Mar DUPLEX · Vogel Values alabotd,.. Pf,llOO. TenN. Mlrbt oon.iM:-tNde for Co.ta M- IDcom• pn::iptor'l7. Ocean Front "11\."'f J . lkdml.. 1 bath ~ • 1 bdrm. apt. oYIU" rarac-• QG.600 ,.___ 'BA~BOA ISLAND .- SOUNDS LIKE WISHFUL THINKING BUT ITS TRUE! Lovely Ip. llv. rm. witb fr. pl.; 4-bedrma. 2 balhnnl. SWl.llY patio, comp'l turn. Yr.-round Saturday A: sU:nday • 1 to 5 p.m . 22.1 and 22~ Ocn.n Vie.,.., N-- port Hit11ht... P&nor•mlc. View from UleM l new l bdrm. t "- bath ml'>Cleni. horn• d•atsn<!d and Cl'>llllnictlld In U!e fin•l of taat11: 127,000 and 1%3,000. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport B\,;d,, Newport Beach. Har. t718 • 2 bed.room& each. Cbolee corner lot. cto.e In, Apt. .'furn. Fireplace. ii'· rooma. l . dbl. I: 1 act 1ar .. aun- deek. Excel. co ndition. A good buy at $23,500 with l'ood t.erma. ·Call ua now. Like New -4 bedrooms & 2 full baths Excel. for Laree family or can euily convert to du· ple:i. Corner lot. F'tniplace, carpeting, patio, 24.z.21 garace. Thi.a la one of the ~ buys in 'the ~nt.ice area. Priced at SlS,500 -good terma. r The -Voge' Co. v 2667 E. Cout ffiehway, Corona. del Mar Harbor 1741 Harbor 14:77 Open House 1-5 P. M. OLDEI\ 4 bdnn. bo\»e, forc:ed a1r Mat.. Only '"·~· DUPLEX on Balboa 81\'d. I ll.· i!!IO both \UIJ1-nlc.Jy tur11. On.I)' M.000 will handle. ·Coast Properties JOl E. Balboa Bl•d... B&lboa. Harbor ~. • 2:197 aiid teOO. LOTS WATJ:R.r'RON1' LOT, be&UUf\11 vt-. Walk to Po.t Otflce aiid Udo SboPPtns Canter. Complete wltb bulklM&cl 110,GOO, tenna. B.uito1 Pl:NIN8ULA., very d• att&ble bullOlnl" .tt.. Tinn .pm:. 110.000. home near village. $24.900. DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when invuted right! Thia 2-unlt prop. ahow1 ,terrific potential 2-bdnna., one unit, 3-bedrrna. in other. Comp'l furn. Attrac- tive. exterior, Near Bay. Xtra guest room -we could go on but COME IN AND hET US SHOW IT TO YOU ! $23,500 with · xlnt term.1. NELDA -GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa IalaPd Har. 0502 -4623 EXCLUSIVE ONE OF THE ISLAND'S FINEST! 2 living 1'00m9 dlnJ.nc room ·- Sun room 2:112 Circle Drive, 8&yahore1, N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, ezlra ahower, compl !W'D., encl patio, BBQ, fire- place. &pedally de9iped for outdoor UVlnc. C.Or. lot ~blk. from N. Chan.net. Priced to .U. Q.WJIORT llE!QHTB, nlcy*lh· borbood. Walk to Mutner'• Kile al'lclpplnf dlltl1ct.. b.127 ~ - llllO. T--., take lNl1 dMd or L---~ CORONA DEL MAR -R-2 corner .k>t 2 furn. octAN J"RONT. near Newport Natale.. poteuli&l 1120 mo, inc. Room to bu.Ud Plifr. J Iott on corner. oox111. _.,._ 5 bedraom.,. 4 betJ:ia Patio A Ca*a Double ca.race Eruawtdelot rn... to Bay $47,!IOO ........ more. Undtt $11,00Q: for qu.klk ..._ 117,000 or w1.u bulld to Nt • 1.,. r--but a.,,.,! '"';;!; ,_ ,; W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY H.ADFIELD c. a. LATHROP, 3a3:i E--Cout Hy., eor.oa c1o111u ft·~·.=. ·""' ..._ -Realtors · . .I ____ a_ar11o_r_M<2~ __ Ev_..__11ar_._11e110 ___ ~-1 ·Homer E. Shafer Karina and Park, -Balba& !aiand. Harbor 2462 'DON'T make a MOVr UNTIL YOU SEE . . CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage • • LOCAL AND NA TION.,J#IDl!i" MOVING I'll. Xl s.92it _. -Ll S-211(11 Comer N 8lv4. and So. Ka.in St. ' R&Al.TOI\ IOI llcl'addm 1"lae. Har, 140 &..., Bu. :11•>1 • Ha?'. UA-W ~~T BE SOLD .-nae to -\a family 3 bdrm. nnch -.. • Male otter. -Owner 56' Huet Drt•e. Ca-. de! llu. • Harbor 1088-W J -~ -l:r -l:r nIERE ARE NO GHOSTS ! tn Ulla Cozy 2 bdnn. home Jutt. 2 bloclu from Ocean and Olan!'lel for on\7 511.f!OO f\lU price with a. low, low down. Huny on lhla ot1t! -l:r fr fr Back Bay Area Onl)' lfOOO down wllL bu7 thLI bN.uUtul owne,..bullt 2 1eiu old 2 bdrm.. l Y. blltl home with ~t.tl rumpu.1 rvom ore ,.,...... Jl'lnplact, dlnlnl' room, enc.Jc.ed patio, wark- abop and man)' other eatr• •lt.nctlon• mua Ulla horn• tn• W:r of th• -aon,.._ ruu "Pz1ctl 117,500. fr -l:r fr Bay & Beach Realty JIN Newport Bl•d., eo.ta M"'i U 6-Ull -s. ... LI f:l910 UDO R-3 2 -.20 rt. ~ on 8o. ~Y J'ront. Pl.&oo ..ch. can T. o . Rl'>pra, Har. 1616-W, or RT&A 1-ton. llUe CORNEii\ VIZW LOT. Back Ba.J boUnd to boa. worur. mon nut T'V· 1$760 cub. O~O& CO.UT • ·' PMPDTWI 1•T Mewport. o.ta. MaM . • LI t-ltl2 . &Yeo.LI a.- FOil LU.& BT OWlfm-. .._... ftlOm horn•. 111. bat.M, lllnd- ~ • f.eed. nu. loM, ra.-tom a.... -. c.11 Llbert7 ....,,. ~-· an.er I p. m. ,,.,--1euc "Country Club Estates" IN, COST A MESA Adjoining btautjful Santa An a Country Club , Eut of Santa Ana Avenue. off Orchard Orive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes No Down Payment Non·Vets '"".'Vets Salennan on tracl every afternoon and t'Ve , SANTA AN~ORTGAGE CO . --206, Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana. Calif. Phone. Klmbei-ly 7-4168 Ltbert.y 8-2657 (Eve11log1 Llberty 8--47861 • BAYSHORES . • New Exclusive Listings. - Two, beqroom.1 dining room, FA heat, GD, two lovely patiOll. ' . Very neat home-$1 8.250 Tenn• Three bedroom, 2 bath• . . r eomer lot • • • Carpeta and drapoc lneluded $24,!IOO ' ' HARBOR--INVESTMENT CO. 1 ll&rt>or1800 . Evea. Libert)' S.5388 • .. '