HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-09 - Newport Harbor News Press• 'I DON'T WANT MY lllCTUli TAllN" 11)at'• what Francie ~ .... Balboa l.lland, ta.Id yeaterday u he -1.k.cl lnt.o Newport Beach city jail whel'9 CoMt&ble "8tlap" Gluer. -.Cqround, took th~ Wettmlntltr achoo! te&cb· er t.o book ldm Oil a tratnc .wirrinl. The tMcher recenUy wu chara'ed with •lolatJon ol Secllon 211, .tale penal code, lnvolvtna' a DOCtumal vanture with a woman Mid to be a eo.t.a MeM lldlool t..cbar. -Staff Photo CITY TIDELANDS OIL PRODUCTION BOOSTED f 1ther -Sa15 Polite D161't Tbreltell .Son 1..awn-~ ot 111 CUriJlo, eo.ta M-. fatltw ot OM ot the U&ne ....,,. ~ ......... ed ln a Halloweat inalldoul •W- c:llltl tnveetip4Jon. by M-~«?' which 4rew UM lre ot two ,,._ mothera. , bu wrlttm a lelt.r commendlq the way the l.ncldent 'Wu handled llY the Coeta Me1a oftl~n concemed. J"NdrtlUen II a ruerve otncer, Newport a.&ch PoUce DepartlnenL In tM lett~r. dat.d NOY. 7, J'redrikaen aa.ld, "My IOll ••. etat• whUe he wu a t tM Police Department the otts~n w •re courteou. and 1enUemuly. I my- eelt a.m P!JrfeeUy aatitlfWd with the way thinl1 were handled. In no way wu my eon Intimidated, threatened or epoken. to In a man- ner to a.nrer anyone. My hat la off to the YO\lftl ottwu that bandied the cue." J'redrtk.een u.ld he wu notified hill eon and lwo oUler youlhe ,were belnf quuttoned by. police at t :20 p. m. •-ni. of~ic:.r I apoke to aMUred me It waa noth- tnr eerioua, only a broken wind- lhleld, h~erir a penon tnalde the car could have been lnjured," J'redrikaen wrote. "Wben I uked It I w..-.ieeded lbe ,a.me officer told .me no, u far u he wu con· cerned It wu all over, there were no chargee and he would drive the boy• home. Al 10 p. m. my llOn arrived home." .. PARADE HERE FRIDAY HONORS . ALL VETERANS 100 . Units Entencl la Elth• Annual Orante COllllfJ Event. A .at-dlYllion parade wtth moN •et l,Ulderw&T. at JO L m., the th&n 100 entrlee wm hlrh lil'bt parade wlll"fnalude 12 band.a, u the elchtb annual Orance Cowity rid"' 1 r o u p 1, nine majorett. Veteran'• Day oommemoreUon to poupa, el(tlt noate, fo\IJ' drtll be belcf ·bere J"rlday mornln.f'. team&, J\OH)ty IJ'OUp& and •Veral Them• of tile parade and com-decorated can. memoraUon day, formerly known Many t 1l o u •and a ol C>rMp u Armlet.lee D..y, wtU be "l'or Cowltlana .,. ..,.ct.ed t.o wlt- God and Cow\try." 8ctMdllled to .... UM parade *tli.cll will etart ------------at Und St. and Balboa Bl\'d . .-Id move euterly alon1 Balboa Blvd. MESA COUNCIL SETS. HEARING ON FIRE CODE Public bear1Df oa a tire code tor C09ta M .. wu Ml Monday ntpt by lhe city council ·tor Nov. 21. Council· to K&ia Bl. TaOPBT AWUD8 Parade trophJea and priu• will be awarded dUrlnr a tlah try 1tuttn1 at aoon on tha IJ'OWlda of Use tfewport Harliot.American Lepn Poet. 11th Bt. and W . Bay Aft. CIJmuinf tbe Veteran'• D4')' acUYIU• will be a dance In the IA,-ion Ball •tarUnJ at t p. m. t.o mu.le of Billy ArtllW' and bl.I orc:beetn. man Bert Smith d.elarad the Oalliitla1 Wllta entered In tbe dty needl a tln coda and parade Include the Santa. Ana Ulat It le one atep t.ow9N Onan &Ad Buite Corpt. depart- poml ble I ow e r , m.u.n..oe lblQt daamjllonl: Alha.mltra Dona drtll team; LWu'a lllp Top Ma· Ill the COW'M of th• dle- cu.tlion It deftloped that that dat. i. Councilman Bruce Martin'• :J.rtM&J' and aa tor Council"' A. L. PialLW7: "rU ~ allalUq' a C1U9 aklrt OD • that dllole." • ... .... eta.red. Pl'abQIJ be ~t JM &Dteada to jola Kn. PlakJey. wi.o 'LI ~Uy to S-alalu. CHEST REPORT jorett.. ol Santa...._ and Notre Dama J1J1h School band. 8ber- OU. TAPS TO eomm At 11 a. m. th& parade wtll halt. three urt&1 bomba w 11 l aound. and qlen down tbe line of marda wtll llOUf tape. Th a a t•lul'9 or Ui• pcrl&t will eom- snemorala ~ U-of tbe arma.- tlce Ja WOrld Wu I aJUioup v~·· o..y aow 11oaor11 uu 'f'llanu ot aD ...... Mal.a 1u4ltnc etand ·will ... Jo- oa&ecll at 18th at. and ~ Bhd wlUl ~ ..... at-Jlcftd. PBONB IJARBOR 1818 ~MED ROBBERY RAP -Three auapect.t being held in Newport Beach jail today on charge of &rm~ robbery are ahown above, left to right, D. K. Brow, J. L. Bowm~ and Mt D. Miles. Other charges, including having concealed We&· pon.a, are being investigated by detectivee working on the cue. -Staff Photo ., 3 Marines Held as Armed Bandits AA tnonued cl&llrproducUon or Newport No. 12 II drtllln&' ahead, • Shore CDffs ""-•••-.. 1 • .... • oll tnnn cUy~ Udel&nda he reported. · ---------------------------..... A. de io....t -tlonterey ou With No. 11 produclnf , Ballon f IRST STER IAXEN TO Visitor Robbed at local Pllilng lot In Ills Car • ....... ~• ,,_ ., ta.Id, ''Tbie m ould brlnf' our da.ll.1 • ' Oo. VIII.JI reported today by City producUon up to Ill excua of 1'00 first Canr.m .· . ' ... " ;. . . x.na.w .John .J. Sailora u he an-bbl. a day." He ..Wed l:l'M9l - IMIUDOed N.wport No. 11 1a a..--PJlee, Ylce-~t ot Moa~1'· ;::c.:~~.:===-~--::. ... ..::-:::,..--.::1111~e11 lilit . ~,.._1 .... led na·1, .... "'~ PINB-~'llS Th• w.n II on the pump and, all." '!'be~,,... a,...,... • . ~ l\ILL ~R " lall.ora aai4, "I\ llWl lndlcat• It •Umat. of Jll0,000. th1a n.e&1 118 ,,.T ....... ~t be our Miit. w.U to date," year from oU lncom«. I I• ..,. c:mlb a ., 9 ~ altboq1l a.. ....._ Uie . anrace OD anotller tront. Mcmt..,.• l 11· L... l ~ · nnt tp 1 11ee UMllr'---. ot dally P"Oduetioa ftpn aUU '8 dlt-nret I tal• Udela.nd.I weU from It.I I H . ow•e N...,,,.,n rr -0 I' Ollmm1udt7 ftcult to determine. on.1bor1 elte w•t ot ~ta Ana • • : 'C::be.'• ..,_ f\md ~ lt ..,. He pvt the lt.18 per cent River le al a drilled depth of tlOO "'ThunAY will. be a ~ w .-oUDc.d ~ Kn. Kra:!l'tll o.a- cnrtty fl(Un and a • per cent Ifft. Sallon aald, but for the put tor th' •. Niwport HATbor IM,. lq, c&mpalp eUlnn&n. A to- cut~ye~• Ml-u lndlcaUon WMk the <lrllllnr crew hu tMen of J:lkl wh~n Dietrict Dt1>11tY ta1 of 9611'.ff ha been nlMC •ot tbe well'• ftlue. Mea.n°"hlle, flahlnr for tooll loat ln the hole, Graod Suited 'Ruler Oec~ W. &II the area to 4at.e, .aae .ad. ........,, Smith Dissent Onll••ICI Gets Initial •New ReacllllCJ Daftl K. aro.r, ». Jsrr L. lbnDa, •. anc1 Michael D. 1'lle9. 19, Kariae9 trom Camp Pendl9ton. are being held in Newport ee.ah jail following a robbery in Villa Marina Restaurant parkins lot about midnight, Tue9day. They are· being held foe 1.nned robbery. Local SclloOI Children Set for Convention Appearance • • • Newport Beacb llcllool.I have tlon Saturday ttlomlnr. Nov. 19, ~ected to p&rtJclpate ln two Mre. Jane Pettit'• eighth rrad• demonttraUona at the a.nnual con· 11~ch clue wtll demon•tr,.t venllon of the Arnerlca.n Speech "Speech. Education In the Publl ancl Heartni ~aUon Nov .. 17· School." Role·playlnr u a tedl- lt ln I.be Loe A.nrelea Statler nlque ln 1peech education hu bffn Kotd . cho~ for thla demorutrellon. The Mre. Ann& J une w.vm trorn children wlll be guided by Barbara Harbor View School will take a Celae, county consultant ln ele- sn>UJI of her Kbldercartenere on rnenlary education. They wm view J"ridlly afternoon, Nov. 18. to a film. dlacuu It, and re·enact It demooatrate a part ot their dallY U8ln,-their own ldeu. procram. rhy~c acf1"1Ue.e. They CHJLORt:S·~ OROl"P WW u.e f~. interpretive a.nd The cblldrm in th• demol'\ltr&· 80nf rhytl\rM to &how how much lion are: UM body movemente co Into the Norma Atklne, John Baker, mak1ns ~ apeedL. Mary AnJl& Bandel, Krl•Una Berg, JJi.PUS81:1> GROUP Vivian Brown. Chrla Catr, .flm Kta. WeYlll demooetrated the11e -.me acUYIU• In May a t the C&litomia Speech Ther apy Ae· ..,ctatlon convention a t the &rbor View 8cbooL She .a lmprNMd the m.nberm a t that Ume Dr. Sara aUnchneld Hawtt' requeeted • re- ,..t pertorma'ne. tor the naUonal eonvantlon. On the t\nal da-y of Ula conven· D'Errlco. Pamela Elener, Johll Field•. Sherry Flortn. NIUICY G ner. Sandy GOOWln, Diane Greene. Lynn Holman, Lucky Horan. SUKn Hughes. Charlotte Mant, Pamela McKenzJe, J ock McSevney, Carol MoraNK>n, Loul" Peter•. Mary J o Reilly, Doane Schindler. Steve Selenon, Mike Ta/ldy, Tad Tobllt, Richard Wat.on, Sandra Wat..won and Richard Wllllameon. 8tutllett makea hla otttct&l Ylaat. &WU1ett-W1ll make an •9'&&1iiW Uon of Lodge recol'U book& and operaUoN for the yea r. Tbul'9- day nJrht he wilf be the honor· ad cuat. when Elkl ot the whole C.llfomla South Coast District converse on tlle local club for dinaer and •nterta.lnment. Stutheit la a Pa•t Ellal\A!d Rul· er of the orange Jllke Lod,-e and bu Nl"Ved the State orra· JlU&t\on aa both truetee. and ha1rman of the rltuall•tlc com · mttt.eea. Ht wu appointed to the ht1h nallonal po1t In J uly by Grand Exalted Ruler J ohn Walker of Vlrpla . Stutheit hu mad" b.11 ott\c\al visit. on nlne of the' Lodcu ot hie dletrlct leavinr only New· port Harbor, Elcondldo and Ma home lod~ of Oranre. HARIOI WtA THIR TemPe™-..... .... ..eels .. ... Hartlor .,_ wekl Hlllll Low Thureday, No•. 3_ .. -· 84 l>3 J"rtday, Nov. • 84 •e Saturday, Nov. ~ ...... M 61 Sunday. Nov. 6 ....... _ 70 46 Mon~y. Nov. 7 ........ 73 61 Tue9day, Nov. 8 ....... 80 61 Wedne8CS&y, Nov. t 67 &\ KOCH SUGGESTS 3 MAJOR CHAMGES IN COUNTY FREEWAY P.LANS TODAY from It.I .Outhem termln\11 on lhe County City Offlciall Appe• Garden Grove Fl"M••Y 1.iate I Route 179 I to the Pacific Coa.t I f T rtatl I!!..-.. H1rh"'ay : • 11f'• tanlpor Oft vrwp 2 Thal the Garden Orove Free· . way which hu lt.t ... tern ter- SANTA ANA, NOV. 9, (0CN.i9) -Orange County minus on the Santa Ana Jl'reeway .. __ .... r s . Ch . w·u· w d R d (Sta~ Route 2) bf! extended Hiil • PUW.l'I o upervumrs airman 1 18 arner an Qa wud to Tu~ln Ave. P'rffWA\' Commwioner Al Koch today were lo go before the Call-I 1 state Route 431. Tiil• ••ould 1dd fornia Legislature interim committee on transpo rtation 2 mil"•· • · · c· 3 T'bal M&cArlhur Blvd. (i ta l" problema meeting m the Long Beach 1ty Hall. Newport Route JS.l be relocated around -.Cb offlclal1, lnchldlng thl' r1ty m&Jn Atem ~tween 20th 8t. &Ad ' tht upandlnf o ranie County ..,uteer. !Urt Webb. we" to bl' P •ll•det ROAd. Airport and the portion which th-. alllO I Wame.r and K<lch briefed coun· followa Milin St.. Santa Ana. be ataJrman of Ule joint. c:t1mmlt· ty """'"men ~tor' de~rllnr, on rerouted alone t.M Newport and tee le Sen. Randolph Collier I "'•hat recom,mendauone thty would Santa Ana Ft--aye. It wu u · ~e C9ffey, city rnanqer ot oCler lo the Collier v oup. The plained the deletion ln Santa Ana Ooeta Me-. 13 In Long Beach 1 ~ commlseloner a id he would would remove 6 mil• trom the toc1a1 attendlq the commltlre I ,~CMl Ulree major ch&nf'll In Ital• hllh-.Y eyatem. It wu ex· ... ung. lhf' 1ta~ frttway plane for lhl• plA1ned lbat Se.nta A.na. ta part.l· Yeeterda,y he w.,·kept bu•y a• county. cululy lntArelrted ln cvtU114r out MU'lni 1rat1 cltl.leba that Co11ta Th•y were Ule totloMnr reeom· the R o u t • eO tratnc ftowtl\I X... le do1n1 ev1rythln1 poA111ble mendaUOM. lhrousb U.. II.art ot U.. ctty. to Jtilock the 8'ln•ted eunkf'n A8& UTENSIONI TM uadl&ln-of the arltTJ '-'Th Cbelt ifriH Ma .. eft~ eel fre&UY by ti.. prompt worll of the Shore Cllth bou9e-to- hoUM can.,... m•de &mder lff.4- erahJp of Kre. Yvonne fteev.. pl&ln and J:dward Mlham, ma- i<>r." Ml'I. O>c>Unr eald. A4.dlUonally. abe Mid. two otll· er a.nu. Beecon Bay and Irvin• Tun~. bave been canvuted completely but the total aurn ralMd hu not been t&llled. Mre. Ed Wuhter, captain and Mre. Harry Black, major, directed th.la effort. ln lmne Terrace, Mra. ff, IC. Ouatkey. captain and Mra. Black. major. -r• ln ch.llJ'le .of the eollcitatlon. The week-Ions llllenalve drive wa. completed y•urday but ad- dlUonal return.a are expected to be rettlved at the Che1t llead- quartere, 119 Marine Ave. dur- lnl th• next few day1. Orrtn Wrtrbt, treuurer. 11 computlnr U)e campalgn tunde u they are turned In to hlm. Errant Child Halted ·Twice -Withi1 Mo1th Runnlns .ay I• 1ettinJ to be a habit with Johnny Bo1twtck, l ·yea.r-oJd llOn of Mr. and Mre. C. E. Boatwlck, 415 Holly ~e. Co•la Mna.. ThlA momlnr he turned up at the Newport Beach polJce •tatlon tor the NCOnd um1 Ln lee• 11\a.o a month. Officer Ed BraWll found Johnnr pk>ddlng down th• middle of the JaUmJaaUoa ot pinball mt1Cb1ne• bl ea.ta X... took another at.ep Xond&X~ a JleW Ol'di.A- ance wu puMd l0r finl n.d1nC by a uana lo two vote, Council· m.en A. I.. Pt.n.IUeJ and Bert' Bmllh voUnr ap1nat It. Tbll i. a renmped ordinance, ~ moe< ot the f .. twu 1u11..ted b7 Robert Hurwlta at the l.ut couadl mMUnf. The •· eenUal cb&ns• waa In d.ate lbe ~ fl>ff Into etreeb_ Hurwlt.a hold- IJll out for t.M eni\ ot Ule ttecaJ year-when the preMnt pinball permile v:pln-and the ordinance carnn. for "body Enr liah" ma- chlrlN to die Jan. l . Both CoW>CUmen J>in)tley and Smith tried to 1et the Ume ex- tended. but like lb• tlnal pa .... e. \bey wtte the Oll!y on• to vot tor their amendment utendtn,- the Ume. They declared that the rnachinea were belnf ou.ated • be- cauae It wu claimed that cuh payoff• were bel.n,-made. At the 1ame lime. they be.IJeved, no one bad ever oeen arruted or con- victed for caah payotfe and they felt lbe city morally bound lo ca rry out lt.8 permJt contract un· 1-euch coo'f'lcUone .,.,.. accom· pllahed. Cou:ndlman Ch&rlu Tewtnkle ea.Id that he bad been the one that propoeed the Jan. l date when It l\M b..n planned to atop uae ot the ma.chin• u 1100n u the 'flrtt ordinance could be pulled and he •ould lltlll aUck Ito that date. Youth Attacks 4-y..,-old Girl boulevard thle mom1nr and Coeta MM& police were today broupt bllll to the polk:e •talion -1tJ11r a tffnare yoltth with a where Mra. Dorothy H.ardln1 took loilr. lharlY crew cut lollowtnr care oC him aft.r •h• had called unnatural attack on a 4·y8 r-old hie taUler 1t tbe Harbor Depart• (lrl ln a sully ort t.M 11100 block ment whft"t he work•. ot Whittler Ave. The a ttack took ,The lut lime Johnny took to place at appro1dmately 1l :30 a. m . th• wide open ep.i:u he wu pick·. Monday. ed up by a rnotorlat and brou1ht A nelrhboc' •w the tren•«• \o the ataUon wti.re he atayed IUlpeet run trom a~ ot Ule three houn before U.. Coeta ll.lllY 1hortly alter a pproximate M ... police, In deaperaUon. called ume of the attack. About 20 '4 -If Johnny bad been -. mlmat• elapHd trom the UITle of Ule a ttacll until fo~eaa po-Uce unite con red Ule ea w1 th Grculallo• one nerau v. rNUlt rt~. Tb• mlltreated child play· ' tar With two 4-year-old boya, re-OdGy ~ abow. The boy• returned bo«ne and l&ld the r.r1 had bf.en led down t.1lle sully by a.n older 1116 ~U-~r of the att.a<1lced thUd Caple• ...._ieftl'd which the btf'hway de-1 'nlat th• 8an O&brt•I rre.w.y bu bee d1mlrUtlled wt~ Ute COil• fU? I 2 .. -wrcd ,_ tM ~ a..&a 110) Ille _. ' ll C '? , • .... 6 ------------ toa4 ber dfuchttr ln the bed· ,_, ~· :'Mommy, I want· eel JOO," UM lllUe (1rl plteouaty ....... • ·~. • TM .-tcllm. l . C. Bucb&nu. Loll where ha recopLMd the ,.anted Both Mayor Claire Nel.lon and Allpl.ea, um. lo the police eta.· car aa parked r1(tlt behind hla. ncUman Bruce Martin 1poke Uoa ap4 nported be bad beell He held the thrff rnen and report.- for the ea.rller ~data, 1taUn!!A.--lth!!!P . .LJ.IAIUDi5-ILJl&p-1a..hll a.L ed to Newport Beacb police. .A.Gel billeVe<f \fie city acUnt In rood men tried to t.ak• hil pvne. When Oftlcerm Don MuMOn and Don faith In view of c&Jlh payoffs hav-be objected they hit hlm la lhe Bur¢1&1J, who had been worklial lnr been eeen. Mayor Nellon epolte aide of lh• head, he U\O\lpi wtth on \he cue went to Capl1\111no for having the cJty ttfund unex-a net.. but It later developed from and picked up the thJ"M men. The plrl'd Itta. a atatam.ent of one of the men c.ar wu Impounded at Caplet.nano, Street Prof_~ May .le Joined An application to Improve 'Eut teth St., C01ta MH&.. wu held up by lbe city councU Monday night with a 1ug,-.. uon that' re· lidtnl.t or the area eel together 1'\lh lbo11e of Eut 17lb St. a.nd cre&te a 11nrl• lmprov..-otint d..,.. tnct. Mayor Cla.lre Nel110n ~Id ,he believed the Chamber of Com· merce would ~ r lad to work on the project u It would . be a ~·­ finite Improvement to the dty. Combining the two project• would make poulble cleartnc up 11treet J>roblerna and the drainage dll · t lculty that t>e.lt.a the area. the mayor belltwa. that Budlan&n waa hit with a but brought lo Newport ~ email rock. or plec. of ltrtck. caua. Wednuday. ll\I • IMC lwnp Oft the aide ot hit The olflcue took Buchanan h•d. with them and lie llnmedlataJy. D&f'tJTY NABS THEM 1den00ed a 11Ult Of clothea t:i>d A. radio bfo&dcut 11ent out from •hlrt the three euspect.8 had takm Newport Beach wu J>'cked up by from hi• car along wltb NI purM. a deputy aheritf al Capletrano ({)omttnlltd Oii ...... 4) 49-Lot S1bdjvi1io1 Plan Given Final Okay by Mesa Co1acilmen DOie A: Ool....,-on'a plan for a Ttntatlve tn.ct map. were ape 49·1ot aubdlvlllon bet-n Orange provPd for Rovt11 6: Spltr-1 be- and Santa A.JI& ,Avea., near Eut tween Harbor Blvd. &11d Fairview 2lat Slr, ,,.,.. ~lven final approval Plau. ~uth ot Oran1e eout Col· by Co1ta Meaa City Council .Mon. leire. and Hunny lnveatment Co. oa day nll(tlt. Wllaon St. On rf'port of Don Southworth. Annext1llon of 9.S3 acree at tha city engineer, Sullivan It E•erllOll northwe•t comer o/ WU.On St and ~·ere l"f'll'ued fn,'m lhe1r bond on fOmpletlOn of th~lr 23-lot iubdl· 1 T'la.cenlla Ave .. wu atarted Mon· vl11on a t Ea.fl 16th Sl. and Irvine day nl(hl when the council pUMd Ave. a tteolutlon of lnlenUon. YllCA DISPLAY -Enterta.ioer1 joined v~i.tora at flrat annual Orange Cout YMCA Community BreaJrlut held Saturday Irr Col!ta Mesa Park lo study lhe • movement'• variou.a exhibit.I. -Beckner Photo . I • . _ _...,, .. r,--A-se 2 . PART' -NEWPORT t!~eoR NEWS.PRESS I ANNUAL MERMAID HIGH J1 -WEONESDA Y, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 L . • l'tl)'Ula Milum. Jo A.n1' 'n\om»0n. Toni BurrouJh• a.nd Mary ray. lpedalty num~r• I n c I u I! e "8Lardu1t" with harp accompanl· MAJlOAa&"I C. AOU HOLDERS., RITURN · HOME FROM TOUR OF IUROPU)t I NATIONS GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS SCHOOL -AOUACADE DUE~ Stuclent-wrltl.,;. Dfrectecl Show Debuts Nov. 22 at· Pool ment by Jo Ann Hapn, and d1v· Inc directed by Na omi Morgan. ~1"'11cea for Mt9. 1'.aymOftd W . n.e Mlllllc ot "Mfdnl&hl on the "We're •IJhtJ 1'-4 t.o be bf.ck In Newport lkedl. Arn . Udo Ille. wbo ~ on Q lff•" f•t•re• H11 toUowlng-Rome aad our maft)' trtenda lqok ru1 food to ""' atter Sunday nlCllt, wl're to be Jleld 41a..,. u ~ed by Al hw1n : traveli"C' u.oup .. Ytn muropean· counl ri• Ole put few today noon at Todd'• Mortlaary. . Sue~. Alice Burne. Carol week1," •Ill "Woody" Holdn u be 1poka the teeUnJ ot hll Pomona with Mr. Fred !Ulode O.weon, ~ While an<1 Jiii , wUe, lktty, &mo. rudlnr K ripJuraJ •l~o'na. Jn· Blum. A comedy nun1bl'r, "Never nie Holdt"' populu owner1 of Ole B&y1ld, Villa Marin& tl'rmf'flt wUI be at \h Poa)on• Sm lie at a ... Crocodile" lncluc1t'8 Mali.olt'um. ~ La·'• l W•...,.•• rN lllUr&nt, Wert 011 hand lo Wt'ICOme their many 8outhem More than %90 Newport Harbor Jane J:nrl&ht. .., e ..,.,....n, Laurel ~Mn, Sue Bonnel. r1allve or Ne.ada. Mo., )1(1"8. Football fever hits reached epidemic proport.lona every-mermiUda wllf llWlm "Over The and Ja.ll&n "Orev1. Ph.)'IU• MIJum, Hnther LlddJt', C&llfomla friend• a t • •J>ttdlll "Home-Comln• Dance" Sat· ca me lo CaJtfl:>rnla In 1908. wht>re, so it was only a question of time until we came Rainbow" Ill the annulJ &QUae&4e Dave Orant JI narntor and Ann· ~ltt'ln, and Helm Blehm. urdey nl•ht .In the Villa'• Acauanum Room. family moved here J\¥1"· do\UJ'I w1'th it here at the Balboa Bay Club And what do you to be held Nov. " and U ln the Carol Kini', Pat Riley and Dlaa• Llctillnr dfecu an cn •ated by ·_,,;.;.......:tro~m= theh· ltome ln Paae· •• 1·. ft • , High School pool. Ticket. may be Hoyle ha'" lpeak.IJIS _... fton llt. Clair __ .. h'· -w com· na wh ere thl'y ha d 'lived 9ihre do v.:1th a fever : , Why .YOU feed it, of c,ourae -and thata oltt&tn-S ~ th• ecbool bl.lltn.• Two ph&le.a et ~;;..,. are poMd of Rod Kort~ J'~ Weet. ~.~n!.reM~~d~h?;'!• !;'d;~~~~ ;::lh1~;11:. U::~~~Y ,:; ~~ 91!1. ~tn1. As,f'r ~·u a mm1ber precisely how we re gomg to treat our ca.e come Friday, office. ' depicted In UM •lt wtth Ken• Tony M••ton, Mike Carden and• alt• and Sue Brown hsndles pub· P· m. In r ue of rain, tll• •how of Caltrom la l naUtul• or Techno· November 11. ~ . -'nl• production ta Wllque In of a rainy atm09phtt4. and on• Harold Za.mora. some 1peclal ef· llclly. Olher member• of thr !Zt'n· will atlll be pr11en~ed'. ~gy Womt n'1 Club. A mus lnocculation o!, food ana fun will be given the that tt la a 1tudent·Wrltt•n and repr•Mlltinl' th• ' land of rain· teet.a are belnl' attempted thl• erai pla.nning committee lncludl' She !raves bt'r huebt.nd of the ~':'tire membership at the "Touchdown Party" on that eve-.tudent dJr.cted ahow. Coltume• bows. Laurel; WoodM11'1 artJetlc ynr undn the prorea1ional JUI· J udy co1em1n, Muy H1ynH. ~_.._ _ __:_kfllft at home 11ddrK1: hl'r at.tu.. Mn. ntng, an d th('re'e every rea.on to believe that it will take. and Mt a,. al80 created bJ tlle aklU la blena.d wtt.h Ula talent. dance ot "Du.lty" Altoru\ of Or-Meg Andrew1. Marilyn Bowler ~ •• .._ Joe Coombe, Sant.a Ana : Mr•· Jn the first place, five very competent member couple9 &re f1rla themeeJya of Heather Uddle, Maraie Stov· &nf'9. Pat Jl'ruehlln1 and J ill Blum. H1e1.+an l"t Office Leon Haat.lllC'a. Newport S-Ch: h t' th &!fa.I M d Mra Maxwell Stu-e.. )(r FOOT or a.u:NBOW all, Pat Ra.sa.n. Lynn Cottlnr· bllckstage m a nag e r 1 lncludt . J'U'111ii11111" Mn. Oecat Cln1dinc-, Welt New 08 mg e r -r . an . • -• • Alter "lln&'ln• tn tbe Rain". ham, Ka.ren Wapar, and Loll!\& Vlrainla Fugjt. t.,.urle H•ndrlcks, Faculty •~viao,.. are physical port and Paadena: Mn. Del• a nd Mrs. Edwward Lester Smtt~, Mr. and Mn. George the (1rll fl.bd lheDUlll.,.. at the ·u oyd. • SIUrlry 8t.attord, Claud!~ Oentoai, t'ducatlon In' t ru c t o r• Marj· 8ANTA ANA, (0CN8l-8&fr-Andert0n. Pomona: Mr brolber, Yardl~y Jr., ),fr. and Mrs. Tod 0Vlatt and Mr. and Mn. E. toot ot a rainbow. Uk• e.eryone. STUDE!"io'T MANAGER Brenda Barnett. Luclllt' Taylor, orle Ad11m11, E llen C11rtcof. Dia ne cra~kera drilled a hole betw~ Morr\• Coonu. soutll Paaad•n&. H. Skinner-and they have pl~nned tbe, eve~t .0 thoroughly they know Ole.re 11 a treu urt at The 1tudent manaier, JaUen AM Lardner, Dori• Baokee. Cay We1llake, and Dorothy Throop. lh• .dial and ha11dla of a 1are In ------------- -that the needle i& sure to hit the Veln without any pain tha !ar end ot the raln!K>w. 'nley Green direct. gl'OUpl from the Lynn Arm1trong". 8an<1ra Mellott. Fo1Jowln1 lha 1hnw the 1wlm· the Harbor Rest IJlc. ottlce, 11802 L." A. We11,lherman'e Columbu• whatsoever. ' , begin lo wl1h for the t...uure. phy1ical -education c1-.11ea and Mary Haynea, Cathy Hedley, and mer1 will meet In the 1cho<>l Pl Glaler St. and made ort w ith Day 1mog rl'port ...... "Jt i. ••· Seedndly the Main Din. Ing Room scene of t.he afft.lr-which may be po .. lbl• "Wben the Girls' A thletlc AuoclatJoa Ca.rot Cartu. cafeteria ror retre1hmenll eerved I $102.88 11herllf'• deputlea aatd yea-tremely doubt.tut that OolumbUll Is roughly the size of the Los Angeles Colieeum and a You Wlah Upon A Star." lo ~ou wtlh UI• ailt1tance of Anita 8.1.EA<lllER ll'UND by lha PTA. terday.' Dlr>uuee ecoured the Im-wout.a have dl.cpvered Alnertc&-perfect apot for such carryings-on. Those on t~ commit. the 1crlpt u written by Ann Palm, Cham•lh Starel'e. Ptrl• 'Iba adml.ulon of 60c 11 to u-1'1e 1eneral public Is l'f'mln.ded mediate a~a ror a 1tolen cuh at teut Loe AA•••• -a on a day ~~~~~~~~~~~ktn~~~iiridiniuiwiii~j~i·~~,i~iuii0i1iHioi~idi,iJi~iyiUitibi,iLi~iipi~ii•itaibili~iai~irmianimiti~ii1ibiliMi~i·j~iaili•i~iciei~ie,~i1i~ioiui~i1i~i.i~iai~illi,ibiuiliwieir.~~~~~i~~~~~l~e~tti.~Uik~•~~ii .. iiiiiii~ pennant.a, pom·pona, goal posts and .other 8ecoration• de·. signed to make the big room look like a stadium. AJ a matter of tact, they got so carried away yea~rday that they wanted to put line yard markers on our green rug· for an extra touch of realism. The next thing you know they'll have Harvey Knox down here leading the band. ' AJ things stand pow, FAdle Skrivanek ia scheduled for the job. He'a the ofgat\izer of the famous "Sextette from H1mger," which la ticketed to play and entertain duri.Dg the evening. This orchestra really defle8 description; it playa eveey piece of music in the book and aome that are not -Dixieland, smooth dance · rhythma, caper stuff and anything elae that comes to mlnd. The Sextette ~. to put it mildly, unpredictable. The boys are likely to show up in raccoon coats. letter sweaters and pork-pie hata. Or, they might decide t hat there is enough football flavor aa it is and appear in miners' outfits so that they can dig that crazy J azz. We haven't the slightest notion where Slcri- vanek went to school, but with a name like that it would almost have to be Notre Dame. The S<'xtcttc will have to put on quite a show t o stay In the rnnning, for a battle of the bands is shaping up; aJso slated fo r )nusical duties is the Rounders Orchestra, the Club's regular crew. The half-time }X'rformance ahould be aomething to see and-bear. Food at regulation football game. is pretty dreary, being confined, as It us ually Is to hot -dogs. Chef Gabtiel haa announced that his concession will do far better than that by the fans. He'a preparing prime ribs of beef-rah· rah or medium-and lobster for the dinner that preoedes t\te dancing and entertainment. So, the players have their instruction. and all la in r.diness for the big game. Braven Dyer, aport.a columniat for the Lo11 Angeles Times, phonea to say that thia ia one he and his E"elyn will have to cover. And it docs appear t hat the outcome will have a big influence on the standings (social, that is) of some hall a thousand people .. 1ncidentally, invitations and reeervation cards far the touchdown party were sent through the mails, but a few 1 m<.'mber!l didn't get theirs because •ome of our addresso· ~raph plates had been pulled fol" changes of add.reM. l!. t his happened to you, pl~ phone your re.evr&tiona to the Club. See you in the s~anda. ; WINNERS OF ANGLING TOURNJY F'l"t'c1 J uhneon. IM\, w1nn1•r nr 1111 g•·8t fish t11,('n by male angler and M11. Ch.arll'll Hopton, wlnntr of 1.a1 geat •J>f'Clmen Ul.k•n by a woma.n on "sev.>tng 1hroc1" r1>ct1ve trophlf'I from Jntne £. u by at Friday Anglt'nl lunchton p oup llf!Hlon.- lt&tf Photo LfMON TREES HATE SMOG TOO, EXPERT DISCLOSES · S AN 1"JV.NCISCO, (()CNS -!mature orange tree. have been r"•llfomla 1111101t·8Urfrrer~ rn " y m•lle unproductive by root di!!· f•n!l •ome comfor t In lrnowtnir ea11u, Or. Boyce revealed. He 1 hat evtn the lowly lemon t rff Ulen a nnounced th.at tell plot. h11tPe lhe atu!t, too. are now loeated In Loe Angelea, <'allfornia Farm Bureau Fedel"-Oran~c. RJveralde, San Bern.ar· a tton ronvPnUon delrptet ln San dlno lllld Ventura counUea wheri! 1-"Tt.nclico heard that 11mor cham· \•a riou• met.hod• to reduce thJI 1-if'r tt~L" h•ve lndJcat.ed vape· hure loe1 are beln,r tr1ed. rr11it and ltmon tnee are atrect-SEW W£Al'OK .. ~ by 11mo1. Dr. A. M. Boyea, A new weapon hu been u.a- l1 1rt'rtor of lh• Unittl"l1t7 ot Ca· ltu hl'd In lh• never -end!nc J1fomt11 cUru1 expertmV\t llatlon atn111lt ap.lnst the cllnia nwna.- ,....-..t NveraMe l&ld tllat .controlled tode, w hich lnf..U H per cent r '(perlmeni. w1 th air pollution of the clt..n.a.a tnee ln Callfomia. 11howed "ample t"1dence that ru· 1ccordln1 to Dr. Boye. He ... r 1rallon ot lem<1n fruj~ ii a!· plll.Jned how tunst which attAck f-cled by oxidized hydrocarbone" the nematodu AH beln• ln~ a nd that t.httre wu vtlllbl• dam· duced In citna orcbarda. a prac- • ire to g-rarerrult trffe. tire lhat he l&id would &llo aietp rontrol other tunrt which an _,. MORE SOJOt;I alrucUv• to rooll. More 1er1ou11 frull· • '1:_0Wln1 Or. Boyce .iaJd nearly two- r roblem11 whtrh Dr. Boyce dl11· thu'<ls ot the reeearcb effort• of ru~ .. ,,tJ ~II 1 h<' f11rm bl\rt'll.U' .. 1 hr R1"en1de c1t.n.111 l'Xf)f'rlment H op1r&J ~Ult •1rf1Mlnll'ftl m ch1d· 11111' 11\n are devott'd to <'il na. al· f'<i r nntrnl ••( ~""' r11•usu and 1 h llJ<;h fll'r .. atttntlnn ta ~lnc th,. irrow1nJ: nrm11tn1lr pN'bl,.m 1 irh • •1 !'llrh V(')r tn avocac1oio 11nd Tl'n pfr crnl (If Cs ll!nmla w n~w !1 •11l vat \Ptl"' SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. NOVEMllR l0..11 ·12 LIDO DRUGS l'.fAUOR DRUGS "One of t11e Udo' 8111opa" 3461 Via Udo, Newport BeM.b UOl E. Oout Ry., Corou clel Mar Ask About Our Xmas Lay-A-Woy SCHICK "20" SHAVER · PAYLESS Lateft '11oc1eJ Elech1e &Mor ~ $11.16 ' FOi PAP& PRODUCTS omttia WaK PAPER 1tc SCOT PAPER TOWELS 2 Rolls 33c TISSuf ..... . 5 ·~ ,00 iLiiMINUM FOIL _ .23c . TIDE GIANT LARGE --65c 28c PORTAi~ LAUNDRY CART Heavy Canvas Ba9 Folds and Sta~ds Upright R99ular 4.49-2. 99 t ..Cup--01-Pe..-lator a Bne111111 Server $289 SILEX ~: .. ~~_ .. ___ .. ___ _ Oopper llMdle s5ts SILEX CARAFE ~w:.,;:: 'Set , $695 CAR AF E . ::-~~,,. .. --.. ·- .. VINCENTS ICE CREAM .. 5c LAIM'IS Cone •• ~ .. lOC ---Hanel Packett .~ts 30C Quarts ·stc ~\lWr -~- l ~alon • • • • • 79c a Pl.A YO .. TO CllOOR ftOll •, ... BA Tl'l!:JIY OPEAA TED Electric Can PoUc. cu-, Tasl. Jl1ra -<lldetr-~. p;U $1.89 I FOOT LOSO Fire T111Ck Eltttr1c Mardi 11,ht, Aerial laddf'r, Vln7I ti,,.. $11.95 .JUNJO& loxlnCJ' Gloves Geo11l1Ml ~. tor .. ee 6 w a. $2.98 Velocipede , .. lr alM w1tla , ,. moad4od aeml·,-umaUc tlna . iw •. ,,,.5 $5.95 "80-WY.E"'-10" Rt.BBE1' Doll Set Drtnk. wet, cry ,,.lul"ell "''Ith M1C811tJrl• $2.98 :.! ~11 CudcRy har $2.19 Hurcly-Gurdy BlrrHI mwitr bo.Jl In lbe "''orld--21"x8"x7" $2.98 Doctor's Kit Plaat1r Raa;, rontaln. ~ll'lbo<1<"01"". pUJa, tbt1rmometf'r, fll<'.. $2.98 ifx~o;.. WAGON BIG TYPE ...... 5229 iiATi0NAL JR. CASH REG_ISTERS 57,19 J JQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS SH.VER .~hady Pride RIPPLE Of Grove , GIN Indiana S T..,. 014 Bl.El'lD ltrwtgllt M noor WMHK'r • raoor 2" 311 o.lJ' nnw ' .. i .. l!o~meficd · Specia~ ....... I llAAJU'ET HUIUIA.aD A YlCU I s100 HAND CREAM IWI'· •u• Tt'88Y Wind • Wat.lier Cfte s100 LOTIO~,,.oo ~ 12.00 "'1- BOSSd Bt:U. P lu. SO Hormone s1so L9TION I&#, .• ~oo ................ ·- CLEANSERAl,IWI'· ... oo ....... _ 5175 T t:S l' ~AM - SHAMPOO ll•I· fl.'J~. . ..... s100 New R.e\•lon Ml'dlcated SW<"&re prolfft s125 LOTION .. . ................... -.. \'ou _.. only one plrture ln tnaanlflrf'n& Pf'rfN'tfon~nly . II-LINS SINGLE SUDE VIEWER '4" DELUXE BROWNIE MOYIE CAMERA KIT Fin mo\'I" rnaklnr tun around t1"I clorl&, Camera l\'ltb hll(b •P""d Y ;t.9 Im• pin• """' Bntnde ' lamp mo\'lfo llabt and rurrNS taa& ... uoa mo~·te r.-inly '59"' PUT ON XMAS LAY-'AWAY SUNBEAM APPLIANCES MIXMASTER n._,_ a Pf'rl,...t ml•lnr Jntt. •: .. r1u ... tvl' nf'W f,.aturH tor hl&111'f lla;lltl'f fa ...... $47.50 COOKER & DEEP FRllR • • MOTHER AND CBILITL-These Navajo tribe memben are just two of the gn>up the Hartford Bridges of ~rona del Mar bave been aiW.ng during put fi".e years with gifU. Now more aid ia pledged by Ladies Auxiliary of Newport Beach Fire De- partment. Items such aa food, clothing, hardware, ca.sh or other material goods may be left at the varioua N~rt Beach fire halli where receptacles are on hand for •ucb donation•. Firemen's Auxiliary .Joins CdM Couple in Navajo ~Aid Help the Navajoe l• the pro-trlend1 and well wt1her• for aJd ject which memben of the La, In tbe undertaking. dtea Aux!Uary of the Newpqrt . With Hartford Br1$1ge1 of Co· Beaeh Fire Department have un· rona del Mar, who nu been ma.k· dertllken and th,y •re ask~ .1nL fltt trip• to the N_avajoa to~ five yeara, tile auxiliary bopu to collect a large quantity of arU· clea to take to the tribe the first week-end ln Decem~r. Material• can be left at any of the four flee balla In Newport Beach from whert 1bey will be gat)lered and 11<>rted by memt>,ra of the auxlil• Safeway Pork ~sales Show _,.-ary. Arnonr the articlu whlcll will be weful will be clothing, .eew· ... .-----1r-...~..,.,.pptle.a, food, medic&! aup· WHEEL. TIRE APPEAR AS TRUCK ROBBED What appears to be a com- edy ot errors occurred Mon- day afternoon while Lee Hodgea of Huntington Beach had h!. car parked at Main Beach. He aaw a pickup truc.k p&rked near hia car and afterward found that a 1eal· beam pnlt. bOth 1ront llKht rlma, hla awlpe and two moon dJaca bad been taken. , The latter part of the atory ~ the thief appears to hav• dropped a good whul and tire while the.re; at le~t they w l!re found by police when Hodf" called tbem to lnveitU· sate . Ad-.ACM pll•, beddhla', COOk:\ng Uteftall,1, -------------Inten•lve n'ew11paper adverti. Ing and atore promotion of pork durl(lg the current aurplua 111 boollllnl conaumer bUylns to a point where ulea at Safeway atoru are already 'Up 20 per cent. TJfVI Willi revuled by Milton L~ 8eJby, prelldent of the vocery company. whe.n he announced that the 1pe>clal pork promotion which S&feway and other food retailers throughout the country atarte>d In September will be con· tlnued a t Safew_!l' dutl!!( the current perlOdOt aur,>1ul. and low price11. • - 8 PEOIAL DIJJVE "Safew,.y, to,ether wtth other food retaller11 throughout t b • country. hu julll colt)pleted two apedal pork campaign• undertak- en at the requut of producer.a during September and October. Check of UJ~ tour weeks of lhe flr,;t irped al saie11 effor t which ended Oct. 8 revea!A t hat our aales or fruh pork are up over one mtlllon pounds," aaJd Selby. "Our r<'cnrd throughout October ahowa that pork at preaent bu·· , gAln prices la In continuing de. mand. To fill thla demand •nd to turther aid in reducln,; t he pru· •nt surplus. We> ha ve extended our apeclal pork promotion tor the current perfo<l of 11Urplu11 " Safeway al11<> said It expected that Ila pork saJea will conUnue to l.ncreue u a reAUlt of "the cumulative effect of our news- paper advertising w~l<'h •.tarted tn September." The Safeway repor t sJAO PX· pres11ed the hope thir\ the in· cru l!Cd 11aJe, coming from the retail 1111lea push will brtnc sup- ply Into bettl'r relatlon11Mp wllh demand. and result 11\ a firming up of Lhe market for live boga. "The pork market la an lm· portllnt factor In the economy ot many lleellona of the United 8tate11," uTit &!lby.' "The prellellt abundant -'lPPIJ and low prtc• afford con8\lm4!ra an opportunity \o rt • b&rJttlln for lhf'lr famlly larder 11nd at the 8&llle t ime to h•lp n'du ce !ln uneconomic 11ur- plu• of an ~mporta.nt food." ,~ 801JTR OOAST 00. tarlt a N.wport ...,._ • toUelrlea, tool.I, hardware, anc1 any ehildHn'• n'laterta.la. M.oney can al.o be UHd to buy -food and other auppUaa. Anyone wanting more tntorma· lion about what to give and wha.t can be u1ed I• asked to Cllll Ml'1. Don Brlacoe. preal!Jent o! the au· xlllary, at Harbor 6186·M. Mr•. Edwln Hall Is chairman of the committee which ls 'doing the work of collecting. Gibert DralnGcJe Ditch Use Asked by Mesa Officials Coat.a Meaa officials an trylnr to get dlre<:ton of Talbert Drain· age District to allow them to di· reel some of Coat.& Me11a'11 runoff -ter• into the Taft>e rt ditch which run• no•lh of the city. By thla operation runofC wat"'r alonr the north edge ot Costa M-can be t-1cen tnto a ditch rwmJnr a.long the north city llmlta and Into Ule Talbel't ditch lnatead of havlng' It follow the low land around ffarbor Blvd, and even- lua.lly alnklng into the ground out t>eyond Adt.ma St.. which la the lpw apot ln the area. lower even than the bed of the Santa Ana River. • SellsatlOnal Wllard "25" A• Mitle u 10~ do"'n own• lhl• llf'W ltM power-pecked Wt_,,.! ~·1 _.,. 4· qtllMler u 11.p. ...~: hll ~lft, twta' • irnp u.....we. dual ~t.wa. .. pl. . ftlllOt. . t..ak. . tOMM. &lee. ...... ldrlMtr Westwl Am s.pply 1888 Newport llMI. . Coeta Ke. U 8-1'711 INTEREST UP Ag Depadment Growing Fast, Hau -Reports One Ot the mollt ra.pldly g-row· departmenUI of iMtnictlon at Orange Coaat College I.I the field of q riculture. according to Elgtn Hall,, OCC lnetruc\pr. Eleven different coul'84!9 ln ag· rlCullur e are being given at the college thla aemNte.r. They lnclude paultry akJlla. poultry meat pro- duction; nuraery practlcM. pla.nt dlaeaae1 and lnaecta, commercial feed, teed• and teedlnc. agrlc:ul· tural mechanic•. tractor akijls, •g· rlcultu~ conference. I Iv e• t o c I( 0. ... lol coma CAKI •••• 2S ClfaV... ...,,__,, ,,, .. ~ <ff)~···· ..... / '\ ~.~.~~~~ M 008T4 llEa.t. f'I• Nnrpen Bh._ OO&ON• D&L M.AA .. OaMt • .,. . .&ODllD'8 LA6'JNA a&ACll Ill Br~ MlfBOA -..MD ............... Jn:Wl'O&T lllUCB .. o...a ~. I SAR-DRIVING DAY GROUP PJ.ANS_fDJUKE PROGRAM , Newport a.ach, and Ot\f M.an&- pr JObn 8aUon p'9clpd their 1Upport. Major R. J . Meek• of ID Toro Marine Bue ••led that the b&M would b&c~ ·~~nJ. T. Wdtpn Jay ot the• laM&ran~ dealera. O&ptaln Barry L&oe of Richard He.. ~p ~ Observe Dec. l with 21 'Dealla-free' Dciys 8,y S~ON C&OWL, ·~ ~ l'Altor ';A de&th·free 21 d•Y• In Oran,-e County wl.U ilbow th•t the accident problem can be whipped," at.IP.led 0 . W. (Dick ) Richard. Bate-Drtvlng D~y Director for Newport Beach, c:_urlri• ~ ~unch~ tor the 8·0&¥ c.onunl~ee at-th~rt U-arbOr Yacht 'tlub on Nov. •. ''Be both a. convert and-e. dlsclple," wu hi• advlu to member• of the committee. '' At the meeting, the11e repre11en-Gueat at tht> ...committee meet· ~Uve1 ot varloua organizatlonit Ing was Jamea Tillery, a repre· In Newport Beach pledged their aentatlve of Governor Goodwin I . 11Upport and planned the progr&m Knight'• Satecy Council. TUlery ot action for the ten d11ya pre-aald that he II.oped 8·D Day could ceding and following, s~o Day, build up enough ateam tP Dec. 1. the rt-malnlng part ot the year. tM Police ·0epart1Hnt\ and l"lre Cblet Jan Brlecoe all coatrllluted their help. Dlrector of B·D Day tor Orange County, "CUI*" Hor· ria, wu preaent at the meetl.A&'. RepreNntlng NeWpOrt. Har~r Un1on High School were WWl&r11 Mct.aui-hltn, advisor f or the Board of Control. WllU&m Ber- nau, head et H.arbor'11 drlveJ' e<iu· C!!lon_p!ogram, John. Hopkins. preaTclent o! Harbor Higb'a atu- dent body, and Sharon Crowl, edl· tor of q 1e nigh achoo) newspaper. Definite program• for obaerv· Irie S-D Day mlnua 10, S-D Day Itself, and S·l> Day plua 10, are now being formed under the &'Uid· ance of Richard and the member• e committee for 8ate-:Drlv· lng Day. I ' •• EWPORT H~UOR NEW~ESS -PART I • PAeE ) WEDNESDAY, NOV~IElt 9. · 1~ IUOHA&D BENDIUCll8 Ken•1cUqp1• Office,..,. _ Home· on lluff Dr. Richard Hendrlcka. t.blro• praetor, hu opened otttcea at TOO Camat~n ·Ave. Hendriclta ta . a JT&duale ot both the Pt.1.mtt and Lopn · College• oi Chiropractlo -M.JLaa_J-n ennc~ta hi.a-pro- te.ton tor l' yean. , Dr. and Mrs. Ht<ndricka be•• a<'~ qulN!d a borne on Ocee.n BIVd., o•· erlooklnc Rocky Point. He la a speclalJat tn spinal QP~tlon and a plonftr In the UH of tull _body He el10 atated that e very fjve l&f\lt&tlon. and •peclal problem•. ~~~.··,.o':ieo'::: ~e.:'~u:! w~:,: 'Sweden Close-up' Travel Film A total of 438 •tudent hour• per drlvlnlf In the United States. As D H• h Sch I N 21 *Clemente Firing Warning Reported SkJ_.Ppen are warned bf 'Ute U. s. Co..at Guard ot t1rtnc at P7ra· mtd Cove, San Clemente Ialaad, Oft the foUowl~ar dat .. : mtdfttStit Tueed.ay to •· p. m. Wecm.d&J' and from 9 &. m. to 9 p. m. 'l'bmw• week of reglatralton la being ac· tar as Orange County waa con-ue al 1g 00 ov 8 cumulated In agriculture alone. cerned, 120 people had been kill· the ,viewpoint o! the Scandinavian rather than tbat of the tourtat'. day.' . Ha'u aid. P'orty-twe dJfterent boya ed to this date In 19:1:1 u com· Sweden will come to life when and g'lrla are regiatered In agJi. pared fo -:7:1 at thla time la.at year. ·Hjordla Parker brinp to the New- cuJture couraea, with an ave_rage 'Th..oae present at th.. meeting port Beach High SchOQJ auditor· of 3.7 cl ... ea being taken. by t'8Ch, were from "" phases of commun- lum her color-mm. "Sweden In atudent. 'lly life. Edga r HIU represented Cloae up," on Monday evening. Agriculture majora offere<I at the service clubs ot the 11.Tea: Nov. 21·. Mrs. Parker, who wlll Orange Cout are; ornamental Mac Jterfrro; the Chamber of preeent the sece>nd tllm on the horticulture. pou.Jtry, agronomy, Commerc1>; .and J&mes Penny. the World Travelogue Se1ies. la lntl. term mechanics and animal hue-Junio r Chamber of Commerce. I mately acquntntt>d with the Sl'un- bandry.. Madam Dora Hill, mayor o! dl~avlan countrlt>a and prhenl:ll Aa the fil m atory unfold&, the audience will t1ee modern Stock- holm. the farming country of Oa.1- arna, the m&ny l,nduatrles, the edu- cation and 11porla. Leaving Swed· en. Mrs. Parker fllmed the ~and ot GoUand and walled city of Vie by; and abowa 1cene1 of Lap· land and the Ute of a Lapp lun• Uy In camp. " • Re.ervallom-for Ute eoao..tum will be avaUable at the M.-port Beach High 84'l\ool box ottlN • t}I• n!l'b~ of the ~ OAMM COOUS ,,_..,........_... I J;! .. Iii. Saf.woy Olvck •00111 are all frOnl US~ CHOKE IEff SHOUt.DB. ~ .wtth *8 ... t.-lhet - fram tclentifk aging; more economical becou .. Sa'-oy fully trim•·-oy eJltinl fat_., '--...._. 'at' ... ROUND BONE CHUCK ROAST • ~ • lb. 45• CORNED · BEEF Mi~=~-~­ SHORT RI BS b!'!°~~~=.d '-2 BOILING BEEF i!~:!~~~.: for o reol tTeot .. ...,. beef and l\OOCll". SKINLESS FRANKS M~~T 5-enet •11111voflty. POii SPARERIBS ~tt · a..,•...., e..-.. .,.. ... r.ct. 'SLICED BACON G•:ot .... ~·~ Oo.,oqwe o/"°""91 Dairy bronch. CHERUB ~ ewpotCit. tal ed '"ilk wffh ~ D Increased. Stock-up ...... caJ .. . 'p , , I Ip .. OIAl&E ICll 11 ~,.:: 25' c_.,.~ Lucat ... C llolla111nr•• ~ zoh LYC•I• fer _... .... ..,,,................. , APRICOT HALV. ES HfGHWAY lltAND. Unpffl•d 29 .. a. 23c Po<ked in lighl tyrup ceft INSTANT COFFEES MAXWELL HOUSE ~ 1.•9 EDWARDS 4i! 92« ~ 1.37 , ......... .:• fCOft-lool AM I 1 -_, !idilf ta 1 ,_,o1--..,_ ..... PEANUT .BUTIER uvnLY 12 .... 37c11 .... 55c Olvnk Of Cr-rny t• jor c-.c.... .=111 ·~-. 'Nit ...... 1-.1 ........... ftoteee INSTANT LAC-MIX ~~~~ ~::36c H.';;:78c ._ ______ .... HAMM'S BEER ll(fN~v:~a:.':!.":s 6 ·~· 1.14 . "from 1he Lond of Sky·SI~ WateB.- SllUD CHEESE = ~ ~"':::'.;..~:::.:: ~;· 29« ZEE TOILET TISSUE 4 ~~ 29< The economy tinue wlt+.,tt.e ~to mat~ 19-~. ~ "4or•I April Yell-. Ballet l'ink, '-"' ~"· Soft White. •· ..... --- PUREX 'UQUID BLEACH~ 17c ~"t; .~ CALIFORRIA APPLES H«•'• "'-opp. '° ....... .., I A 3 ' I) I , - . . . tr09ront dMp..cfl1h piet . . . bakin9I E"'°' · ...... t 1 :M hf ....... ..,,.. • Sofeway'a low, low prlcel - FRESH CRANBERRIES FRESH GOLDEN CORN . TENDER RUTABAGAS Jil!i C#I coO MirwCropl ~ Gold.C-................... ~ lpMr. ,_... ,. Moll ......... CORN ON THE COlr~:.s~.2~11c RED RASPBERRIES 1~:,':;,~ '°.z:23c SLICED PE ACHES . ,,. ... ....,..fto-4 ......... IAc ..... fr IJIDllL ... .• , srou: sons D1117 ta.a. to I p.a. · <frtclay tu • p.m.) ~ ............ l722 Newport Plvd., Costa Mesa l'LDfft OI' PA&&INO ON LUOS•AnDLOI . . . . . • 'f . ' I J I 1 1 • • <II .. / PA6£ 4 : 'AllT I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, ~955 WELFARE. PENSION GROUP . DISPERSED IN SANT A' ANA A. Jroup of ~er 100 &Jed, buldl• ~ t.b& MCOnd d4¥Y. Sft. Oroea eApped Uld blllld Oranp Cou.n· atepped in ap1n and Informed Mc· tte.M. bldwbq aboUt two dOlllll lAia-t.b&t city law prohlblta the hom Mnrport Harl»or area, met ue of public addr.a ayatem• in frolll ot ~ Santa Ana Com· wttJaout • permit. mllfti\7 Qi~b at noon yuterday Tiie meettn6 tln&JJy r ot under· and COM9C1uenU1 enoouatered way wtth McL&ln addreatns the U\ree nm·tna wtth t.b& law. J:Yen tllroac under ll ~ brtfht aun. the Tommy and Jbhnny Baier· Kc:Lain told OCNS the church men b'rtlld&)' party, held recenUy, hu PffV•nled hla sroup h'om ~ffd lJl the sroup'• Pe>llUcal tMettnc Iii; their UIU&l plao. be: )acklTO"'nd, It wu claimed. caUM ld9 orranlfAUon hu an· Ttie rroupa. reprvenUn• wel· nounced th• monthly " . ,..,... NClplenta and peutcmen uoni with tta endo of the fl'Om t.hrou(hout Ule county, had Ketaunr-RooMvelt U .~w be· beea locked out of the Santa A.na fore the Houae of Cor\sre.. Community Church. '"'• ornot-BAGUMAN INCI DENT aaUOG t.d met monthly ln .the The bill wu a.n outgrowth 1 1 Costa Mesa · 1 Rezoning Withdrawn TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT MSW YORK NOON COMKE.N'f be.rt abeorb etoclt Well and appear • COMP~ BY B. C. OAUJDE. attractive. · DEAN. WJTrER A CO¥PA.NY. Intereat bu tapered otf f()Uow What wu expect~ to lie an The market opened on a ·~ in. th• ·~ o~ &Dd tur • cvcnlnc of prolonsed proteat• t.onf' u th• tape ran late brtetly. th« protlt t&Jllnc l'AIY be qpttt went by without a murmur when Hlrh•r priced qu~l)' lmuee ._.. ed ln ...cenl ,....,_ u U.. day • two co111 rovera1al l .. ue1 were 1upplied l-«1"9111p Uld a eood ~; bowewr we dt/ not wllhdrawn · from the acenda ot li.t o1 apedal.U.,. Improved In ,... anUcll*t•, a Nrtou. leldo,w'ft and I Mon<la v night'• aeulon of Coet.a 1ponM to new• llem.1 and anUcl· contlllued lnt-1 \n llJl6(tlalty 111 Meu City Council. pat.ion. Moton wef'e ald'ed by the w• abowd pro.-le an otr.et.. A larr.:e ~" of cltlHna lh•· Jl year end declaraUon or Oen· ' Dow,_ 1 ..... Av•nlCM •nK around' West lllth St. had eral MDton. Chryaler, however, I• . come with their attorney prepu· Iii aupply. , ~ lncfvttrltl• ~···-•1 •. 1' up lt 18 ed lu fight agaln11l the re&<>nlnf ' EXTEND QA.INS JO Ralil . .. . ... lH.N up J.1\7 of tile Tlffsny. acre• to create ,.. 1& UtlUUN ·······-··· frt-17 otfl .12 11n lndu11trlal aHC'. They came onl" Boelq featw:ect U.. aircraft. on 1 p.m. Volume 1,1120.000. ~-new1 ot Uie Aeinrlc:&11 A lrlln• or-, ', t to hear lhl" c It y cleVt. A. C. der whlle Olin Mathieeon and • l ,_ ... 8teck PrtoH Swartr.. read a etat.ement In " ed P ' , I Pltt1burp CoMOHdaUon Rtend Amer1ca.n Telephof!• ..•....•.... 1110•,. whleh the app lcaU.on for ~son· ~l ia1N on tuttlaer planl to Anaconda .......... :_·····-············· ft9 ding wu withdrawn. They all took 81\\er the alwnin\Pft lndu.try. Chryaler ... _ .. -·········--······-···· t2 'w ec~ br .. th1 and looked at each Pana ... were temporartly ~f..-DuPont . ·············-····'·········--·-2311 drurch a.uembly hall but were ot the "Hagerman Incident" of a notlf6ed by the board of tnu1teu few month11 ago. Mn. Wlllella Monday that yNterday'a maeUnr H~trman of Coata Meu wu could not be held on the preml-. "!11med" by county welfare chlefa • POSTl:a P VT VP tnat If a apontaneoua birthday I.her ln" a B(11rllt'd way. finally ..-- walking out and leevlnll' the coun• tied by U:le II per cent Intern&-General Electric .•. ···········---···· 41• ell chamber• nearly empty. llonal Pape.r declaration aince a General Motore ···-. ·····-·········· •~ The aame thin& bappe.ned when apllt had been hoped tor ln thle May Co. · .. ·······--··············--41 "- the Gla.ler St. annexation wu ~. Zellerbach. Union Bae and New Ybrk CflltrJ.1 .: ... ··-H 1 broached. No Onf' ro.e to • pro-St. Recla 110ld well Jlowever. 1'lorU1 Ammca'I AvlaUon --94 1, t d th di Fav-onble dlv1dend action I.I ,.. Sa.teway Storu .... . . ······-4 9 • , tu an e or nance to appro•e So l the annexation went through nected In euch l•u• u General . Calif. Edilon -·-·-··---·· O without a bJtch. nre, and General TeJephone. DrufW So.' Pacific RR. .. ·····----···· !)If ne lrulteea 1tl a prejiered .. noUc." n~ed t.o lhe doon or the church at.ated they were retualnt ~mtulon becau.e ot "pollUcaJ tmpUcatlou and the contronnlal 11&ture ot Ult• meellns." party planned for her doomed l!Onll Tommy and Johnny re.tulted In rttt.a, the equal 11mo11nt of lhe g1fta would be deducted from wel· fare pe.ymml.J lo the dealltute tamily. .. SURPRISE -Santa Ana Police Sgt. Dwight Gross I back to camera) informs a A new buf!dlnl' code for Coat.a and chemlca.la maintain a flrm Staqpard Oil or Callf. -·--···· . IU\ Mell& al10 went through wllhout tone under s..denhJp of DuPont. Union on ot c.Jlt. ···-··-·-!\11,. proteat and waa adopted Union Carbide and Oijn Mathie-U.S. 8teeJ .......... --···-··-·-Gb"'• 10n. American Cy&nimld extended , When the group, headed by O.Orl'• H. MclAip, mana(1nl' di- rect.or Of Calltpmia lnatltule of 8ocla! Welfare, atan.d to hold U1etr meetlq on tbe church •t.pe. the church tn>ateu. led by Min· later Georre ~rc:h. called pollu. The KeCauver • Rooeevelt bill surprised George McLain (center with gla.ssee) that his group will hav~ to disperse would eliminate county welfar1> A Co · Ch h M L · d MIRINES ~~LD ~~reni!c~=~em:: ~d:~: Siefert Held admtntatratlon and llberallu real "-their impromptu meeting in front of the Santa na mmumty urc . c am an and penionaJ property require· a group of 100 pensioners and welfare recipients had been locked out of their usual ment1 of th.~ welfare act. church meeting hall on grounds they were "engaging in politics." -OCNS Photo Oo•tt.._, rrem .. ..... Pap ftXA8 GULi' 8TllONQ Chun$ officlala would not deny --------------~------------------------­that the bill endoraement wllll t-kle He-waa •ble tJ name Ule bl"IUld of Ch k R clothing &lid hla name WU found Texu Oulf Produdnp aplora• on ec ap Pol~ led ~ lrt. Dwlpt GroM. tnoved ta, elted municipal law pro- hlbltlq Woclltnr •treeu and aide- -iiu, aad ordentd Ul• crowd to dlaPf'rN. McLain and hla followe ... moved reuon for the ban on lhe meeting altllousl\ they retuaed to elaborate further. The church Jn1Jated the 16 monthly check from the aoclal welfare organlaatlon wu not rent· al payment but a "donation." to a parklnr lot acroee t..be 1treet BIG PARADE from Ul• church. 11\e relocated meeunc ha4 j\alt s-• throu(h another p...,.r ..-on when a t nicll emblHOGed wtUI bUlbo&rdl d.rc>ve 11p. 'nM blllMarda M.ld "knta A.a.a OOmmunU.y Church Unt&Jr." They b>ok. our money for .spt monlhl, now U..,. lock den Place and Balbo. BIVd. and Coronado St. and Balboa Blvd Ottlctala of the A.11 • American JUdglnr Auocl&Uon "'111 judse all "' out. It'• Polltlca." •trlH but equeetrlan which will The drtnr ot the truck ,,... '" Judred by a committee headed cited 1lnder cbar&'• ol ba~ u ~ l\&lph Irwin. nllc-..cl ealdbtt on laak ..... n. commernoraUon day 11 be-u ~ 1nr "wpona<>red by the Newport •treeta. Harbor Veterana Or1anluttona. 1f0 P.A. P&1UOT Iilc:. Ottt~n illclude Vincent o. wi.. KcL&ia tlMd to caaUnue Clulumano, prratdentf Eupne W. the mee~ OYW a loudapeaker OUldJll•, Yice-pru1dent; rrank D. Moore Jr., treuurer, and New· ell A.. Lucu , Meret&ry. PA&AD~ OP'l"IOIAL8 Willard Leacli Offictala In chars• of eventa H I... to A IW r IDc.lude Vat LaW80G, parade chaJr· e • I e 111&11 ; Veru• Mathew• and Chuck 81D1UI. divs.ton cbalrmen; Robert F r e"" CLar•e A.. lldnn.mb. nab try chairman: 0 I I , n • l!Upne c. Quan')'. ciance. OreeUns committee head• are A lfeWllOf'\ B4ach f!,ll:nlblre tin· Ray ~cenbelm. cl\'.111an; Don llher, WWa.rd D . IAads, 27, .of Ji(Urwon. American Les1011: Oeo'l'- 1 d1~ Ba7 AY'e., WU Mid to p aplnk. Veteran.• Of J'Ore\(11 an-.wer la aupertor Oomt to a Wan: Eu(Ul• Olllffllle, A'fuvm Cll&rp ol ~ atleir Ml ,.... Dd Jf.....U IAfCU. DUU&ed Am· Hn.t_,-........ ,_....,, .. .,._. V«-u. N_,.n heUet 08art. mnGft • ......_ tJP 1-11 WU eMrsM wtdl t.aldlis I k h-" ,..,_. ti.. om '1f liCR..UO:rn'O, Nov. 10 (U. P.) a b tfl f ....,. · ce · -Oov. Qoodwln J. Knlcht hu a former emplo)'w. AU)wey 1:111-procla1med_ NO¥. 11 "Vetera.N wortA. 2032 ~Ua Aw .• C09ta Day'' In CaUtomia. u.rctnc '"fel· Mua. 1lplq CU-o~'• ft&JYI• ca the cl\eck. a.ed eulll"-Ule cbeclr Jow pal.lfomt.ne to recall w1lh for ao ln 8 t.r at. llTt H STatltade the ACrincea of alJ t.hoee Blvd~ C-ta w-. who fouct\1 and worked wlth va.lor Thia ckftn4anl ada&~ Mfore on the aeaa. In the air and In di»- Judp C .. la w y_... he had tant l&ndll to preaerve our precloUI 1altea the cMeJ1 aa4 atped b1a Mri~e." _ former .,.,..,_,. ..... INt add· "Ia-Ufbute to U\ON who aerved ~ tbat i.. ..,.. a.c.o.tcated at UM • -wlQther they IOlt their llve1, re- tlrn~. H~ ..w he Md Mrved time ~ed to more pucet·u1 civilian Oft a eimUar "'-,_..bl a W .... ln.I· punuJta or remained In our coun· 1 on ,.forma• ..,ry, tr:r'• defense torce.....con(Tell lut Trtal 11, i.u,.rior CcMan wu eet ,..,. e.nacled le~atlon provtdlns for l'Cov. 1a arid u11e 8IOOO ba.I) _.., that the anniversary ot the arm.la· rfldu~ to unoo. tic• be eel ulde u a dlly upon H&iMw Delllocrats u,.. Attellct.Ke. A 1l DttnocralA In U.. Harbor area were today u rred to attend 1 he n .. ·t replar meeUnc of Ule HnMi Democrat.I Club at I p.m. Nov. 15 al Harper kbool. J8tll and 'l'uatln. Coeta Mu.a wtilch to extend app~aUve r~­ otrn1Uon to the vete1'J\I who Hrv· ed w1Ui honor In all the war. which. OYl'r the year1. have ex. acted the price fl>r th• ~nUn111lnce ot our Amenca.n lnetltuUon•," Kn I ch t aa.ld. "'ILEl>l:DICA'l'E" S&LVP WEIM.ER 'JIBES COSTA MESA DELAY l>N MASTER PLAN W!Lltrr Weimer, che.irm&n oC COl!la Mesa plannin" ('0111· ml1111lon r rnlly jibed the city council at Ila meeting Mond11y nlcht 11bout that body'• delay In l'ellfng aomtthlng done about the clty'a muter plan. L.ut 1ummer the city coun~ll handed the planning com· mlae1on a ver1lon or a mMter plan and aaked Lite l>llUlninc comm1331on tor action 1n a month, 11pec1fioally by Auguet 1 By wollklng' nlghta the comml&ltlon &ot through only 11bout a mont11 l11te and turned mapa over to lhe ~·ounclL Slncl' th~n there has b.?en ~o reporL Monday night Welmtr euggestee to the council that lht commi&lon could wie the map tn two Instances If the counrll would kindly produce. FREEWAY MEET Ing me.de loward an adcq,u11le hi~·hw11y 11yatem.· Koch pointed oul that a few yean !Igo the cC>unty waa prl· marlly agricultural. with the larg· eat l"ity. Santa AQa. having-only 6h&hl.ly mor,. thM 30,000 popula· tlon. There were no aenou11 high· way problenu1. But the 11wltch Into a metropo61· tan 11tyl~ a,rea haa complicated lhe highway picture. The draJnace problem ls acute d!t-iH Koch vkwa lo go before the committee : NEED MAN ·POWl:Jl Ahout 9~0 mllea of roada end alreete comprl .. county .syStf'm; 40 per cen( or 3!IO mUea n18de up of low type oiled IUrf&ce roada; qualtfled pV"90Mtl atllJ a prob- lem; lack of money major prob- lem; pracUcally no ttaurrarlng or recoMlr\Jctlon bu been made In In the coat. Uon prosram haa been eapeclallJ 1uccad'ul w1th a· nry IUbftantlaJ • • ln the •u•pe<'tll' rar wu found lncreaae In ruervee anticipated a• • s t I A a big butcher knife under the front 1n an a na ~al. further eearch of the car to-':e~.:.rosram • soea forward in I dtty dl.cloaed a pl1tol hldd.en be-. A.lflOllC nc.nt atronr · t..u.., hind the duh. ,.. __ p .. -" l!lo"p. and W·-~" --. J W 8 ~ -. I ....,,. -... .. _., ... .,..o alnN • J.ert, Jt, rne>en IC nie men admitted hltUn• Buch· Air l'orce man, .. under anout In anan. accordlf\I' t.o t.h• poliee rt• SHOO FlY'I Banta Ana on a •riea of chrl'I< port and •aJd they only l'Ol a ~ charru. wblch )lave been com 11llver dollar from the pune which -------_ pllcated bY. otller a1Jesed offefUM'a lhq threw awe.y. nie dollar they Co1nc1·1 Told Coat.a Mua pollee recorda •how apen\ for C'&aoline. While lUy lbat Siefert eold a dog to atrs were 1tUI In Newport BMc.h they Verna c. S.W., MN &antA Ana Wc•re checked by & police car &ncf w1·n·e.. ,..... AW., Coeta )(..a, ,_ttmc ber Clt'llrt'd. ' & a AA check for ·~· uatn,. thla ch~·k ..:A.aked about the rock theY Wied ScL I ,.. tu004ifded In retune almHar ~t;~,t:::.~:u~:e:1!~ Placue .oo · ~re:·~s:1 °'~ r:in~ ;;1 nJte where. A ..arch ot the park· Fil• new into t..be Coat& K-aa and ocie Ila 8aAta Ana, all tor Ing' tot failed to dl9clON Jt. arena &&'ain Moaday ~ht when U ll, ~Uce claim. DISPUTE Council Act .. On Pool Name Ruffles PTA C..ttamd trom ftra• Pap the county durln1 the put several alrucUon of the S1111t.a Ana Free· years: maintenance c0st.a In 19!H · \!.'lly, accordlnK to Koch. 66 were about $494,000 or approxl· In addH1on -to the trto of key mately ~20 a mile; $70,000 might chan.gu. Koch and Warner ~lllO be iavtd annually In maintenance were to rec 0 m m .r n d another c01tA If road.I were converted to aw1lch In basic atate hlftlway higher types; lll(hway1 now belnr; developed fol' coun(y. no eaUmatu on over-all coet; appropriate Nlbac~ are be· 1n~ preued l.nlo uee to guara.ntee future road expan.alon; Ule county 1a· oppoeed to altemplln&' lo cor- rect road deficiency throurh J>rop- erty tax. the cJty COWldl recelftd a J.u.r W"rtday nlpt 11• wu &rre•lNt from Supt. Everett Rea of the ln· tn a Santa An& hotel w1th a HI termediate ecboola complalnlnc 1-.r old r1r'I W'!Mlm be a. aatd tr• aboOt mea at the Undbers ICbooL have picked •P bl Rlcbmon~. anl1 The letter .aid re('Ular epra:J1nl' marrted 4n A.itmn&. and diapoMJ of Nfuae had failed Siefert 1a "'Pc>rt.ed b)' police to to rid Ule place of the pe9t and be want.eel b1 tbe redenl Buru11 R• wanta lb• councl1 to do 80fft• ot In....Updoa f or llrtnrtns a SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Hal! dozen women rcpre8t-nllng Santa Ana CounC'll ot Parent.a f,Dd Teach· era declared war on cit)' hlttl and Santa. Ana counc.-llmen Mol\d6y nJcbl when Uaelr requ .. t that San· ta Ana'• new ewtmmlns Poe>l W1· der C<>nat.rucUon ln Kemortal Park ti. named alter Superior Court Judr• J<enneth E . Morrlaon waa denied. ' Th• P T A. propoled the action ln view of Judge Morr1110n'1 work i.nd the ract that he tnallgated plan• tor the pool. "Memorial park I• one of the few entf'rprlu.11 In Santa Ana and the are.& 10 c:qi:nmemoca.t.a v~t.e­ rana." u ld Councilman f. 0&'den Markt!, "Mor11 dlatrtct and 11ervtre club work Wl'nl Into lh•t puk thlln any othrr enterprl.ee. Even lhOuJh J udge MonilOn lll one of rny finr•t rr1ent11 t l>t)leve that thla park ~houl<1 be a war mem· Or1111 " A II tlve councllm~n conlaldf'd lhlll the pnrk wu to honor t'hf' w11r dead lln<l Wllr heros and that It ehould remain In all part.I u :\fcmorlal Park. policy. Ul)(ler the u.111un1 law, Lat~ In 19114, aupervl110n1 adopt• the elate ma.v relinquish a route ed a far-reaching hlfhWJ\Y trt>at· to local jurlsdlrtlon when a 1Ub-ml"nt policy; 1ug6eeled wl're 11y11· atltute ro11le has been cpn11truct· tern of 8-la.ne .roads on l·mtlc ed. • &qllllru be e.tabll•Jled u a ttcog- Thle m&lcH It '"andatory for ntlled poUcy; a muter plan of In connection with l.ht1 property tax. Koch and Warner recommend that financial requlremenu for modemlzln&' etreet.e and hlthway1 of the ~late be met from lnt'reued htghwa.y Wiers lAXU. bond 1Mue1, or JIOurcu othf'r than local tax&• Uon. thin(. ltOlen car hoal OhJo. Mayor Clain Nal8on aid lie had lnnetlpted the n.tpbortlood and U.....-H&.-.-. ... .. , .. a.ured him.elf Ulat ranch• u. ..,.... ...,. "' be.lag kept In •WJ' Jood oondJtlon. He btileve1 the tl.iea come Jon,r dlatanc• and th•t llke th• amos problem. no one hu come up w1th a complete~ P. L. 8chlin1W hu been em· ployed by Coet6 Ke .. to Jive lh11 city su amwal audltiq'. aeo,.. .. Coltey uiDOWICed ~the me.Una OI u. eJt7 ~ K~ nlc ht. ~ recipient jurilKllcllon lo ac cept a ro&d toued aalde by the et.ate wtUtout recoune on lta con dJUoll.. L00&8 TO FVTlrJlE ./tJwer? 10u het I Koch ueerted \hat hC'relofore Orance COUnty h&Jlll't been P'lll truted by the cut1n1 off of routu by the 1tate. but w1th the rapid 1nnux or fr~ways "we mlitht be plaetd In thC' position of havUl~ to 11ccepl Knd mo1ntaln many low 11tllondJln.I 1ollds " It would -ptace-• heavy trtl&JI· cit.I IOAd on the county's alreaf1y ovl'r·t.uf'd financial altuatJon. ac· cording to the roort <:ornml.slllone r. Koch'11 recommrndat1on waa to be tha.l ihe commltt"e JX>nder 1tep11 ne<>eu&.ry to ln11t.&ll & polky whJch would require state aban· doned roads to m&l'l with a 1l&nd ard be.ae<t on the trllfflc now. Warner Md Koda alM> were to tell of U\11 county'• revHiUe and eltpendlturea and lhe procre .. be· ... Private Police The fabulous Thunderbird Y·B Ford ,l!Ol!'S like the Thunderbird' \\'ft11 this ~citing n~ •eo··p<mn you an smile at hJlls. have new con.lidence In pauinJl. The ThnncltTbird Y-8 engine <::ln be-ymin at no ertta rost. for ii is the s1:1ndard cl Ahl In all Ford Fair lane lln<l. !>t.1t1 11 \\ili'JD UIOc'~. Beau"{y? Qf course! Inspired by the Thunderbird 111e new '56 Porcl and the fabulous Ford Thundsblrtl arc r<'lllly look·.ililc<'S[ You can see the Telmlblance In f!N«y l11n,1t. low line• ... f"Wrv jlracdul contour. And you can expect to !.c •'11' ic<l.110 multrr where you may drive.in I/OW new '56 Pere!. r A memt>.l"ll?llp drive le no•• un· derway. It wu announced. and Ule mHUnr will be of lnterut to all ~mocrata °ftefrHhmenlA wtll bt Appraisers' S.Uloft • He aaked t hat all Calltomla "t.alte that occu lon to rededicate themse.tvea to the t.uk of eeeklng and endunnc peace In order that thue Mrvlcea "'"U not have bttn rendtred ln vaJn." SIGNS YOU CAN SEE DUE IN MESA .. Wouldn"t you ralhl'r the park be named alter 110meone llVlllJ than a dead man~·· one of the women uked lhl' rounrll. C'oun· t'llman Wiiiiam Jerome a111Wrni'd lhal the park wu not to rommr· morate dead men but ratbu to commemorate the h11'ala for wttlrh lJley died MRS. WlLJ AM WUR.STCR. Bukeley. quollnc •lotf&Jl of EMt· bay Demorrallr women'• fall po- llllc!U ftt·toget.hera -"We will pour our candldatea Into orn~ wltb a c-up ot t-." • MERCHANT \ PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL Sqfe(J'? Onfy FORD giVes you ITPEGll DESIGN I Arransemtnt.a lll&ve '"-1 com· pleted for Oranf'e Couftty 1'{lfbt· tor Ule Society of R•ldmtlaJ Ap- praJ•nt ta Lone Beach Nov. 1f. The .. tnon meettac In Ute L&fay· ett.e Hot.el "'11 lMCta. at l :IO p.m . Profe&eol' Sam M. Denn~an ot Santa An& Coll ... ..SU epeak oa "Eceltonllc Trend• and Th•r Ap- J>ltC'.atk>ft to OTanre Coun~.'' 5c1!alt•tloft M•etiRt A atep toward replacing Co11ta Mea"• eill~Uc at.reet •irna wu taken b1 the cJty C'OWICU Monday nl(ht whm the clly enrfJleer wu dlrectf'd to prepare a ltddard 11rn tor a pe.ttern to mUtfl new por· ~n coated alma. nie etreet aiitn quttllon dt· vtloped when the county uk· ed Coate Men to make •litn• UJce tha.11 whJch have bttn adopted f>y the county. BMrd o6 Clll'9Ctor1 of Count¥ ------------- SanttaUoa Ds.b1ota 1, 2, S, I, -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;jj e. T and 11 wm mMlt at a p.in. • tonltbt ln Room Ut at 1106 w. l:tpUl It .• 8utA AA&, ~ Old ltl'tUUabed Wur&nce "A.feno'Y to Ora Merritt. 8anltaUoa Dte· tr1cta aecretarJ. A meeUnr of tb• exeeutln committee Wiil be Jl~ld A.ll 11.n• written. BOWARD W. GARISH 1IOI Newport Blvd .. ca.ta Meaa l'llOJO: Llll&.&Tl' 1-1111 ft •:JO p.m. pr10f to t.b• rep1ar m~1nr. NEL Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARIOR 4969 ...,,.. LMiee llatt11111y Jlary .lue Bugert '11 lht Street. N..,...t ilMcb ,.,. 1Urn&a8U .... -a .... -Tr.Alen """1ai&r ~ l.Dm')' 8-IMI 008T 4 lllEMA MA TJ'llS88 CO. UH ?\eWJ)Ort IU•d.. MARINE 'INSURANCE ljmootli 8AW•ir o.bortte-Fortoll ReAHJ C'o. 1111 w. OOM& mp,n.,. LIW 8-1Hi / CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 SOUTH ~OflST conSTRUCTIDn [0. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SKA1..L UO _. 8t.. Newpon 8-elt Rar6or 2633 ' E vrn ll'nr-t lmportArH th•n 'fn«l'1 Th11n1lr rh1r<l lm l..' a11tl iro b Ford's n~ LiftllUard Dr-urn. Tt It" M ) ou extra protf'ction In arcldl'Tlts. To C"\1~hlon > m~ from the stl'Crinl! 1JMt, Ford hu a d<"q1-<l'rlll'r L ift i;ru.ud slttrml{ wht'f'I. Ti• rr<111C't" J>'K'lh1l1h r1f dou" srnngµ1g up .. 11 under lmpect. FU1d haJ Life- You 'll be safer in a ~wd dnuhl1>·Jtritt rlO'lr bttrhrs. Tn hrlp lM$f'W'I tn· j11rift from 1mract. fo'ord oBP" oplional ,,.;at liclt.11n<l L1ft'i;:uard c\\Shioninii for control pallt'I aml srmvhon . A new doublf'-~wiv~I Llfr~uard reu view mirror ·gives· 11nrlrr lmp .. <t. O:mw inl SM> how ufr. how beautlluJ, bow powecf 111 a c-..r Sn For<l'• 8dd can be. '56 Ford TM"finecara~halfthefine-car pr: .. THEODORE ROBINS ._ YOU& roaD D&AUCll UNOS lftl -CON IU.&IN&a8 laiz1 3100 W. Cwt H ... wey-Newport leacla-Llberty a..J4]1 ----------OREY rv. roan ftl&ATa&. KflCA <•> TR'trQDAY tilt r .M----------- .. ·. ,. I , • SPEED FACll.n'Y -Seana ~oebuck Ii C.>mpany'a Santa Ana atore now bouts an eacalator to talce its many patrona from the basement level to the aecond floor of the big building. ·Above ~ ahown the ribbon-cutting ceremony yeaterday afternoon when the new equipment waa thrown open to the public. Shown' cittting the' ribbon is Evelyn Rhoda with Jackie Miller . (left) and Irene Handachug holding it. Back of them ase E . C. lliulldlne, atore manager, Mrs. Martha Steen, 'Mrs. Anne Gilliam and Claude McKay. -Staff Photo SEARS SANTA ANA IN MAJOR MODERNIZATION '£. C. M.1..utlne, ma.na19r, U\11 tM \&teat pUltl lh&dea a re uMd morning IUIJIOWICed the comple· throu1hout th• bulldl11g. All col.ora , Upn ot a major rem~eUn1 and en· and palnt.a are of aeus· own man- lftr1•mmt procram In the Seen utacture and can be dupllcal<'d Santa Ana 1Coft. tbrouth the color bank In the The alon . ander modemla&Uon Paint Style ~parlment tor th• put four montM, nc>W OTHE& DO"SO\"EKENT8 boNta a ~ OU. eac:alato.. IUll7 oUler de,&rurlentl ha ve ay1t.em to a1J tJooN; botb up and bwA completely renovated and en· down, with a capacity of 5000 pe1'· ta.rsed, aid\ u tt1• n-Yudace eon.a per )M)Qr. &Dd •~a. rallnca O.pa.rtment, Coet ot tM remodeling u well MW CanMr& and Office Supply over $300.000 ud brine• U\e •tor.. Departmant and the new HoUH· now u y_,.. old, au of Ule ~l· wuu Departmrnt, which wu est tunctloll&l t\Jt"1re1, convent· moved from the flr1t floor t.o lhr encea. h&n!loNOWI color arrance· b&Hment. The Candy IHpartment l'llentl &Jld nt'W facilluea of the wtUch featuru Pt'ggy Kelloec ''"ry late.t Ekara l1U1tallaUon11. Cand1u. 11 now locale<i in the Ap· OUTBl'ANDl.NO ITZll8 · pliance Slort'. Th• t1tore now Oull~I tn the new modern· bouta one ot the oul.lta.ndlng Toy ed 1tore, are web n_. lnno-I>epartmenu In the rnllrt' South· Corona del Mar Cub Packs Plan Christmas Fete ~ 3 or th• Corona dal Mar Cub Scoull won lh• ln1pecUon at lut Friday'• Pa.ck meeting by hlv· Ing the "best unlforma &Jld beln1 the belt behaved den." Another hlghllfhl of IJI• mHt!lll W.... the winninl' of flrat place by Dl'J\ 6 ror hennc Ut• ''11&9t 8Mdow Box." A •tearln, Commlltac, compoeed of pa.renll o.t Corona del Mat-cub ecoull. will be mffUnc ln the near tuture to pla.n a Chl'Utmu party ~o replace 'the ""l"l•r December pack meeting ' . CUb 11eoutmuter Howud ftlch· aro. al.lo a ppolnled W 1IU1m O'· Br1en, of Corona del Mar. to look Into the poalblllty of the Cube traveling to San Diego , to vi.alt lhe t.oo during January. 1------~-'&UoDLM UMt DKodtor_j;:oNu.lt• land. A11t Bbop. Kodam XJk ben P lan· AddlUonal re.modehnc Ill belnr nine ~partment, new Hobby carried on. M111lldlnr 11tat .. d, with Shop, 1WW Glrla and Teez1A11• Shop, addition.• to -the third floor. lo expanded Y..om•n'a ~Y·lo-"NllN', accommodate a l'ompltlely llUlo- .-ompletelF -and remodt'_led' ma.Uc awlt.cllboard, whll'h will In· Shoe Style Cent.er and a complete-('ttU& the ceU facll!Uu 1!'v~r111 Jy ne• .n.4 u tlll.lllve "00-lt·you.r-Umu over pre11ent c1pac1t).'. ~­ Mlf.. and Home Modernla.Uon wanhowln1 a.nd new p.irklnc fa· PfOIT'&ll\ la all BulldlnC MalAri&la clJlUu are belnC arrangt'd end De~ll. wW be cotnplev.d a.nd nallabll' 8e&n H&nnOlly ac.-Co&on ln for UM In ~ M i r Cutur.r, 1.C· blenda aM coatnet.1n1 colora aAd cordJn& to K1&sUd111e Strayed, P1rloined or Loll; RowHab Prove Big Problem Loet r-~la p,._ted about arrHl. Four a rrettJ1 wf.rt m"d• t he blrs-t problem durlnr Octo-for otb..r than •pttd. Grand Jwy, loard S.Sslon Delayed SANTA ANA, NOV. 9, tOCNSI -The Ora.nge County Board of Supervi110rw and (nnd j ury meet- ing echeduled for Nov, 29 · ha1 been -ltchrd to 10 L m. Nov. 30. 8u~"'h1oni ennouncf'd lh• dale ch111ft' ye1tt>~Y a fternoon. Hanleys Hawe Girt A dau1hter wu born to Manne Cpl. and Mn. Al111 ,.~rancls H11n· Icy, Co.ta Mesa, In l~e U.S. Naval }jpfpltal at Corona, NO\'. 6 Say It With .. .,,,,. Party BentaJ Item• I+~ E. t:OtUt IJJJ .• C11•111wi <UJI 1101 II.arbor 5071 bt'r tor memlx>re of 1.111_Harbor Ati111ta11ce w .. rende~d thru Inpartment according lo lh• of· larJ• boall a.nd two small •11n . ticJal N>port or Har bor )(1.1ter rour gul'•l nNf'IJI were rer 11ter· RuaeeU CraJr. Ten were found ed. Three ahore mooring• were and returned. etrht a.re he_ld for llU!tallhl Fourteen muse. Of dt· ldtnUflcaUon and return and four bna wara fou11d and deatroyed were l<M1t 111d nol recovel"l'd. One N1.11etMn comp•lnt.8 werr re· dl'relJct ~wa,q.l wu found and ceived and 78 mtaccll&11eouJ1 caJS.. dt'ltroyed. :,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;~~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;:;;:;;::;::::::;:;;::::;:::::::;;;;:;;;;,;;;~ Only 'two bo•ll wue report.ed broken \..'Ito, on• al moortn1. one Al a alij>. F our compl&l.nt11 were ma.de r~lnr apttd. w ith oM Fleet Reserve Set An1lversary Fete F'l,.t llMh~rnry party oC Fleet RMfl'Vt Aa.~l•llon Onui1e Coun· ty Branch 1715 will ~ held F'rtday nlfllt Jn the N.c.o. Club, El Toro MAr1ne Sllllion. Dinner ""111 'be 1111nrl'd i to 8 pm with d&nl'Jnc to C"ll•)W. A II ml'm!x-r~ 1•f 1 ht' F"lttt Rf'- 11er9e A"'80rlatlon. Fleet M~rlne ),.Or<'• RMcn ·c. 1u 11! tho" l'llKlble r .. r mrm~rahlp In tht' u l<X'lallon are invited F"urjher Information may be obuun~ froni R. W Oil· .ette at Klm~rh• 7-1R:l2. ' . .I O HN S'l'ONE'S Me.. Allto Wreckers t'"4'd Auto Paru Md A~lllO~ ~'75 Placentla An. Ukrty 8-7011 CO!lt.a M~ MESA UPHOLSTERING u,. ......... o......, UMfli-...81Y&.C-...._ ............. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17•J Superior Avenue Coet.a Mua. Calll. CHAP£L BY THE SEA 3l>20 E Coaat 1:$1V(J_ Corona dcl Mar, Calif. Pnone Liberty 8·2121 PhoM Hiubur 42 LODGI AND llSfAUlAHT ., SHOWPLACE or THE COAST Every Night Old Fashioned Chuck Wago~ DillHI' n .. c1ays All )'OU CH .~t'Sl.95 Special Sunday Buffet Cloeed Wedlleecla'J South of Lapu &tau ...._ . . • WEONESOA Y, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 1«WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TIL 9 -·· : .... :~dAf ~.·~~,~ ...... - llD EJllllGED .. · ..• // . ·cHECK,,JHESE GRAND OPENING BARGAINS ' I Money-savlllCJ values for women and girls 1:98 ~ nylon, lice l:trm, pliii. White. 32-f-0 ----z• 4.98 Cu-Oan Petieoat., ta!feta and net.a, 6 colon -----S.88 1.S6 Nylona, aheer, atretcb-fit hosiery. Pair .. 870 ' 2.-&9 ' Child's •'ooteue. leather soles, auede aides L88 AU Wool a.nd ~yloa Sk:Jrte, lf'Lim, !larM, pleated ------f.OQ ~rduroy Pedal Pushers, high rise. Colors. 10'-18 __ _: ____ S.00 18.95 Val. Girls Coats lOO }o wool chec~ fleeces. 7 · 14 ----14.88 1.50 Circular Stitch Bras, lined with cotton net. White ---99o GI.tis Fla.ta or Playahoeg. soft leathen1. .Aaortmeot _ 1.98 Grand opening buys for men a~ boys f ,!Nj DJ'eM Shirt-, 100~, Ducoo. White and colors. 14-17 ·····-· S.99 !Uf8 Dresit Shirts, Formease collar. Broadcloth or oxford 2.99 S.4.9 Denim Slacka, patch pocket.. For work or play 2.88 S . .a9 Dralm Jacket.. match alacks. Wuhable --··· 2.88 2.89 hill Pa.nU!, strong ~or tough wear. Gray, tan· 1.66 11 ~ --oL Double Kaee .leaas, vulca..nized fabric kneea L 72 Tot. Crazy Put.. corduroy. 3 atylea, colon. 2 to 6 LOO l.~9' l)oys' .Jean.. weatem atyle. Swapenden. 1 • 6 --· LM 5.98 Zip-froat .lacllca., 100$Ci Nylon quilMid to lntercal, 3 • 6 ·-·'-" • Sporti11g goo• and · Cwtomotlwe \\'hl~"·aU Ttrt"8, 670xl5, each in iaeta ·of • plua ~ -·--····-~.Mt Black"..U Ti.rei., 6i0x", each in .et.a of f plua l&x lf.84 24-Mo. BaHery, thrifty powerbou.e. Exchan1e. Si-. 1-M -1.88 TaU Pipat, Mutner-. Chevrolet.a '41 · '52. 1nat.&lJed '7.79 2.18 Filter aad 8 qt. OU. both at Ulla low price ·------L'71 U :95 seat Co\·en. blue, green, maroon. •Trimmed -ll.88 S-1.95 Oar Radi0ta, large apea.ker, wide range -· .. 28.88 20.49 Car Heattt. 61 :i-in. fan, 3-way awit.ch .. 15.88 Lay-a-way toy 12.N Cbampk>a Aa&o, Euy o~ration. Blue. 36x17-in. ·-........ ~ Uollel lMewl Trala. 5 pu. 48-in. long .. 11 11eeUona of track --19.95 12.90 W'allda& Doll 24.-in. •ll plutic .~ .... -...... ·-····-.. ·--·--·-··· 10.88 S9.95 Gym Outfit.a. with four play activities ...... .1-----····· ft.88 "- 4i.16 8'eycle9, 2&-in. wheel, 3-apeed abift .......... ·----·-···-· .. ·· 36.88 8.71 Croqwt SH, for 6 playeni. Hardwood .. -···-·-·----~-'7.77 Opening ·Thursday, November 10 . . • ... Sean llcalt1or1 to the Greatelt Yallles IYer Offered! We MEIWEe • op .. , of OU CO.• pletel.J · fdlM!leled .-~ Sean S..ta Am PLUB r..Jaton nulac ap Md 4owll d tlaree ftoon. 'i'OG'll &lfde afely Pd •wlftly • • • _, waittac • . • H erowdlq oa the moet moden e1aletora la t.be world. Allot.her ~-t to p~ better eeniee for yoa the people • of <>ruace Co~ty 1 .. wise buys for the homemakers '·" J>rapetie9. banjo or b&rk cloth. Solid• or prtnll ... _. J..19 , ... val. N)'loll PrtaeUIM, 1""'7-wtlita, M "dl"·pe.1.r ·-· I ... L• val. S7JoG r..-. uPertlY t.&Uored. •O"Jt81" ~el lie lt.IO A•~ Blaallet, U wum\M t.o dla.l, twin II.II Wood aMltten. ..i.m maple, d.rtftwood, or ~ I ...................... -.......... -......... -........... -............. .. .. s. .. It" ot.H CaallRer \'-. " h.p.-motor, I ptecee --'1.n 'J....O ....,,. a.wtac MM!NM. Kerunon quality --._.., 6.15 llo4enl ......... blaclu and br ... ·-.. ·· .. -·--.... If.la. felll9 TV, HKV chUaia. Wltb 8WIVel bue --IT'J.17 7'.15 Tape .....,..,., l"·in. MC. dual tra.c:k -·---·-..... 119.16 0.. a.ace. M-ID. Aut.omaUc lllhUnf, 20" ono llLll utM ~ A--. 0.. Jlaqe. unter rrtddl• U~ &.l Cu. ll't. o.a.&,F,....r, countu--bel&'ht. color 111i.ertor 117.00 l&IM Co...., et llefrts~r, auto ~ 11.2 cu. ft. lt7.0Q a-re Amo. WllAMr, ~11,, e&p&cl\.7, 6 yr. l'UU· -lH.11 Maedllq Dr)'~ra. elecltric. Every fabr tc aetUn& .. --Qe.N 1•.&0 Bedroom !Suite, 4-pca. Cray walnut flnleb -··-lit.II N .15 ~ ~ 6-pc., top 30"x•O". Mat.ctlin&' ch.aira U..U lt.93 Ootrd••I TUM&. coclt.t.a.11, mp-end., comer, -. 1'-" 1.15 Tweed ~. vl.acoee a.nd a.oet.ate yam. aq. yd. ..,. J .66 laa.Ad i.a-ae-, marblel.Md colon. tq. yd. -·--.. -· 1.n lk VIII.JI PIMUo TLJe. euy to lD.ltall, lhdMn. --. Ue , • ._.. 81da1a.. 100 tq. ft. conrac• -...... 'J'-95 Gwtiece DYpoeer, conUnuoua feed type -·--6.5 ... !SI.It Attae ~ .... boruontaJ. 60.~ BTU -••IO.M 11.60 Daaet&e Ftat.ar., copper .,1ated ahade .......... -... -. S.81 '19o ad lie BruecDaaf SVVJ"l&ll .. r rowlng, l , ........ Uc! a.n. comcret. f~. pfnk OT" natural, 12" h~h. Un. f t. s.• \ mi1ceHaneous value buts Uc C.c1ttoa l'1ealw-&. bcavywel1ht. 38-ln. wl•J• -. J Jdla. I M IJll Wlado• DMea, • c.olora, waah&ble, 37 ~ "d' --•·" I lor 'Jk 'I-er fled_WIM, No. 6, CUU· performance I/lie Recolld. typew-rtt.eni, Wood1tock, Royal, Remln~ l.M l toe ... Fr-. Cull or twin. 38 to 6•·1n. --I.II 6fc Bridce IUa o-4y, c:booo1ale, J>-DULI. cuamele _._ ... I.ti ~ .,_. •-... red or yallow, wb.lt. tdm -.... ·ua ~ .. Dtuer Set. 20-pc. rray or browD -6.11 'JM· \'al. Gu'lllee 8prteder, lf..1.n. aprea4. Tlru -·-I .&& I.Al ... II-. UM U top ~. mu¥b ----~&& ')1.15 8-1alte 11.-. ~ •ta)'9 Wblle. 2 (al. k1l. ~ J.H ~Tn_, ,., ... Walle In OM .Up; colorful, -· ,.... .... So. Main St. Santa A• T1l1p•a•1 K.I 7-JJ71 I / . . • . . • l~,:epl W/iµi . !Ji :JaLeJ :J.rom NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-~AESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:___~~~~~ D'ANGBROUS DISCRIMINATION Editorial · Circuit Rider .. God grent UI. th• MNnity to ~P! the things we cannot chan9e; the couro~a to chonge th• things we can and the wisdc)m t~ know the differen,e." (A. Anon.I . BJ ~mnm l'U8S -.. EDITO~IALS (A Sympoeium of Editorial Comment from Califonla ,.._..,.pe"') -----. -- Railway Commi~ion Shouid Order Bus Service Renewal The Catifonaia State Railroad Commi.ton can do an, act of juatiee and .ene the needa of the public by ill8Uing an order to the Santa Ana-Laguna Beach St.age Line to re-etltablilh bua eervice on that part of its roate along Newport ~lvd. between Beacon St. <Blue .Top. Motel, comer) ·and 15th St., Coat& Mesa. g We are not adV19eO wnetner abandonment of aer- ~ vice on thia aho~ atretcli of t;h~ bus route was. auUior- t -lr.ed by the commiasion 6r not: We do know that :.· J protests of citizens to bua company officials are met with a flat refuaal to conaider reatoration of service ~ 1 to the area in quMtion becauae of the "enormous cost'' : : of running the buaea one block up grade from the Free,.' • : N • { way to ewport Blvd. -a very abort, though steep, : i block on Beacon St. \ = ! Just what right the holder of a public franchise : ~ hu to cancel or abandon aervice on a portion of the : f-route covered by the fra.nchiae, we do not know. But it · 3 certainly would be detrimental to the right.a of the pub· t lie if a transportation company were allowed to pick ~ and choose certain portions of its route to be given I service while other portiotls. may be abandoned Without ~ notice. We had assumed that the franchise holder • would be required to take 'the bitter with the sweet ; and to give service where required, evetl at the ~ "enormous cost" of a half gallon of guoline for pro- pelling a bua over a. short grade. 'There are only a 'few score patrona of the bus -line in the area in qu~tion, plua a few amall business · ~ houses and three or four doctors' offices. but the prin- ciple involved is the a.me aa if there ,were a thousand. The queation ta wM!ther a transportation concern may evade the obligationa of it. franchiae to auit ita own wb.ima and to the detriment and inconvenience of ita patrom. I Doubtleu the bua co.iipany wW deny that it bu abandoned 1ervice in the area detieribecS and will in.liat that the people of that territory who want to ride their buaes come tumbling down the hill and face the buarda of traffic on the Freeway in order to bring their dimea and quarten to the driven who elide their vebiclea : • along the Freeway with not a aincle houae on either aide of the road for .eve..-1 blocks. < i .. . . • t . " . . . . ' In our opinion here ia a aplendid opening for the State Ra.ilroad Commiaaion to UM lta authority -In the mt.wt o1 Jmt1oe ud fair play: ~ all. tbe onJy • .._....'for lfvtnc tbe bU compPy a francb* la to permJt it to aerve the public. Or perhaps thia ·amau trauportation facility bu cho.en to travel tht aame pathway of poor service, diaregard of public convenience and need that bu eent it.~ counterparta to the boneyard. Disregard of public need bu been the bugle that bu heralded the co pee o public tranapo on ilirOugliout Cafilornia. Future Elected ·Councilmen Must Be Responsible to All : f The beet form of government ia that which givea : ; to the amalleat unjt of govern~nt the '"'"'•teat amount •., e·~ : ! of control. Thia ia axiomatic in 'Our Republic. The : ~ greatest safeguard of freedom in our United St.ate& i• • the fact that Cengreeamen and ~&tore of the United • : St.ates-mu.at faoe their conatitueQcy at the local polla. In the State of California a code of general laws wu establlahed many yeara ago. Theae provided for • the great.eat emount of responaibUitf ·to be. le;veled in · i the amall..t city unit. Until the dra.fti.Dg of the munioi· pal charter for the city of Newport Beach, the general tun of the State of California were the governing code of the city. Under them we elected five city council- men. a city truaurer and .\ city clerk. Theee left. our government for our city in our handa. With the t.doption of the city cha.rter the elective pomtiona of city clerk and city trea.aurer were eliminated and made eppointive. There were added, however, two councllm"1• making a total of seven. The charter pro· vidM that the coundltnen must be nominated from their reapective districts and th.en be ·elected by the city AD I ' 1£Dtered u In•« Qer Katt.er at UM ~ I.II Newport ._cb, 1 CalU!omi& under UM Act o( K&rcJa. I. 1179. ........ , __,. .......,.. W1:k~ , if' ... rrlM)' bf ... NlllWHJ91 aAll8C)a "7 .... lllNO OOMPANY l!tl ._,.._ ...... ..wP0aT WCll. OAUr. n-. a.rt.r 1111 ~ • l'llMllll IAl9I )(..._ ... Aih.Uw•••• .t A.Ii IUllde •1 Decne _, .......... o.tfl tif ~ C.. 1a Aotloll No. A·ll'NI · u a whole. Jn other worda, a man'• neighbors must first be aatiafied and then he muat convince the entire city that he ia one who can serve the entire city to the beat interests of all. The propo8ed ward system amendment w~uld change all thia. It would go atepe farther away from tm good form of government we now have. The ward aystem would provide that f'acb councilmen b\ nomi· nated and elected by his district alone. In.lead of the people of this community being able to change the balance of power on the city ·council each two years, there would be no pouibility of an accounting. Six-sevenths of the population would be in effect disenfranchised. You as a citisen would be able to vote for only one penK>n in the government of the City of Newport Beach. Your one vote every four yeara could be cast for one city councilman wboae reaponaibility .would be to o~ly one district, not to the city u a whole. Thia, we fee1, "ould' 'l'tt1t1be good government. For inatance, if the Ward System vote should carry on Dec~ 6, then 'in the following municipal election four- sevenths of the voters of the City of Newport ~h would be disentranchiaed. Only electora permitted I to vote would be those in eut Corona del Mar, Balboa la· land and Newport where the councilmep are' now Lee Wilder, Clarence Higbie aftd Gerald Bennett. Othei:a of the city would not ballot. Even the votera in those dietrlct.s wotild be able to vote for only one councilman. We believe that· thia could only lead to further splitting up of th.e City of Newport Beach into fictional '!f.i9tricta. It would eliminate the overall mellowing that baa been taking Ptce over the put few yeara. For inatance four, five, or aix councilmen could gang up on one diatrict and fritter away ita uaeta. For in· stance, China Cove. or Buck Gulley, or the main beach of Newport Beach. There would be little recoune. It would not be poe· sible to make councilmen accountable for their overall adminiatration u each would only be reaponaible to one very amall geographical district. Thia would be diaaatroua, we feel. 1 Freedom ia beat aerved by the control of govem- ment by the people. ,The people cannot control their government, even in. the amall city of Newport Reub, where they h-ve reaponaible~o them only one man at \he poU.. THE CAPITOL WEEK Prtn~Marpl'et'• ded.ion. net to wed ht.er '1'awn.o eend and other incidences abro.d oecupied Califomla ~ l•i week. - The Napa Reg tater u ld t h t1 dLltutetuJ'to the Klac. ft,. 0Lh decl1iori ehould "help r "' m o v • wu b&Jiiahed from cot•• eittle11. whate"r t•mlah wae put on tl\e Thereupon tile IOI\&"._ •favorite Crown by • monarcll who re-brothet, the !Nke of 0~....ter, nounced hie ·devotion to It"_ .. diadONd tbal aht )'~ before . Marpret'a uncle. the Duke of when 23. he had 11\artled a.nother Wlndaor. · widow. Counteaa Waldar">ve. of "Love 111 th•· blrthrlRht ot a lU~tlmate 'birth.'' P~lnCC'N, u It 111 ut 1111y woman," -WORJ,D Vl!EW8 l the Reg1ater 1111id. "But Prine-Calltomta edltonat wi·&teu al• Margaret ha• another blrthrlg'ht: '° were taking a lO<lk at !:••tern She wae born to a ruling family. lllurope, the Mlddl~ !!:~.-· t h ~ and "er nr11t devotton 111 to the Saar Balin. and the llraell-Eup- Crown." tlan conflict. The ..San Fr1ncl11Co New• Mid: The Ontarto • l!plud Dallf "What a 1toryt And played out Report eald "U. S. Stale Depart-· to Uie 'biller end with the kind me.nt ofticlal1 are fed up with ot undnatatement .a charact'irla· the PFf!UUre 'broughll upon t:bem tic of the Brtlit<h. Well. good by breell otnclale •ltd Am•rtcan kick. Marge.rat and Peter. MJlY Zloniate trying tq. lfet till• coun· lhe future brinl' you both happl· try to Intervene wllhfmed force ne• In spite of, or becauee of on larael'a behalf. TfleY neent thla declalon. Iaraell official•' llttltllt!e they an1 POWER OF OlfllJK:ll entitled to make 9pec1a1 demand• The .. Humboldt Stan'C!ard added: upon thla country, rerarcllera ot "The outlltandlng thin&' about the th• beat tnterNta of th• UnlUd aucceulon law and lh• tra41llorur Statee." • • uaoclated therewith la that the The Chico llbtarprlM • ~rd AFFAI.RS OF STATE By HENBY C. M.aeA8'DltiB lncldenll 'lnvolvlng both EdWlll'd aid "The Ylalta ot hc:Ntary of -and Margaret la the tact that It State John Foater I;>ull.. to .. lllu.etrat_. the p o we r of t.he Spain and Yu,oel&vta ma)' prow Church In the BrtUah governmenL to be aa Important tn th• ~ Church and S~tP. Indeed fonn a opll'ient of American ll'onlp pol· powerful combination which hu icy u . the 811' Four conference. SACRAJIC.ICNTO ICNS) -Ju8· ar• umplea of tlce J eaae W. Carter of the Cati. He AYll turtber: blJ1 contention. been In elfe<:l 1lnce the reign of No American aecretary of 1tate fomla Slate Supreme court has WILL OONTESTS bffn dlaturbed for a tong time -"Tti~ typea of ca.He In which over llOme of the dtcu11on11 hand· thle Court ha8 seen flt to pa., ed down by lhe court, to whieh upon factual l1111uea are thoae r~ he baa written learned dls~nllng lat1ng to wUI conteeta and casea oplalolUI. In wb.lch d•m•&'el! for peraonal 'Mae ju.ellce la not concerned eo lnjuriee are 10ught. In crlmlnal mu.ch about matt.era of law as ht cue11 however. a majority oC thla la about maUera pertaJnlng to court h1111 11een flt to hold that the tuncllona and rapon.elbllltle• a mere sueplclon ~ aufflclent to ot the lower couri. of the alate. aupport a conviction of cr1me. If b1I oplnJon1 can be taken u C I t 1 n g additional dls.eentlnr a crtterlon ot hla teelinge on the opinion, he BAid: attitude of the majo11ty of lht "1 endeavored to up1·u. my bl&'he•t court. v1ewa with reapect lo the rulh- Jwit rtcenlly, 0Jual1ce Carter leae dla"ret!llrd by a majority of wrote a brief d!aaentln&' opinion lhla court of the con1tltullonal on an eatate CAM, <!eclarlng: and 11tatu.tory provlRlona relatlng ''Tbia cue wu tried before a to will dmte1t.a. Wbat I Rid la moat ab I e amt oonaclenllous equally applicable bne and l Judge, who heard the t.eaUmony commend the readl.ng of lho.e ot the wltnuaee and ob.erved opinion by those ·who may be i.n· their deme-or and arrived · al \'olved In thl• type of lill&'atlon." the conclu~n that the Will here READ CASES involved waa the retiUlt of the In other worda, the Ju.lice ~ lan_,_c. of t1'a ~nt. ftnda It n-ry to wam people COtTRT t '!Jl'R~ who mlirht become Involved In "To my mind. there l1Ln be no wlll cont••sta to read Ovf'r the King Henry the Eighth. lt will ever had vtatted etther rtanco or be recalled that the Archblehop Tito and that only a ftry few of Cant.erbttry wa11 the compell-years ago Amet'lcan relaUona Ing flgwre In the proceeding-a In-with both Spain and TQcoelavla volVjng the Duke of Wlnltsor'• de· were definitely bad." tM newa- cta'l'on to leave the thron~ . . . paper aaid. "Now Dull• ta em• Again It wu the Church that phulr:lng that Spanlah·Amerlcan obvlouely tnnuenced Margaret In and Yugo1lav-American relation• arriving at h<'r fatt'tful declalon u are definitely JOOd." noted In her own etatement." WESTERN 8STBACll • The San Ralael Independent The Merced 8un·ltar Mld .. No trac"d the hlatory of the Brltiah ruponalbla Wutena diplomat ·l• tradition In ma.rriase and quoted pretending It wu not a setback the Manc~11ter Guardian u call-to \Yfl9lem eolidarlt;y to bave th• Ing It 1 "mumbo-jumbo of a law." rlch lndu.etrial Saar reflon on the •·rt wu due to a 11peciflc 11Hu· ~rman ·French bcrder empbaU• &lion of t.he time, a.nd a ahlft of cally vote down propoeed lntenia• a h1mdful of vote11 would have Uonall&atton of the attL Pneum- made It Inapplica ble today," the ably the SU.r wW continue tor • J ounia.I said. ''The Duke of Cum· while at leut In ti. pl"ffenl llta· berland. third brother of King tue: An economic u.nion •It b Georgt> 111 had taken It upon P'l"anca but a ,o~ant. laryety hlmael( to marry a Mn. Anne free nf either Fr-ench or German Ho1·ton. a widow and commoner, I control.'' SCENE AT THE CAPITOL S ........... .,.,..,.,...,,..., (C'NS) -.. __ to t qu.-uon as to the 1wtflri<'nry of cuee prior to intit. l~ gel aome ... '"'~-·· •""' ""' corur ruct a new acbool ltoUH, I !!Ort or a Idea ot ho th olha voice ta belnJ heard at the that he ta nitlU9d to hie ftt, u the evlden<'e to ,awpp0rt the .,/Ind· n w e CAM SACRAlllCNTO.-tCNS) v Be P-.-nt Ume tft~tar •· ·-hit~·· th _ .... __ In• o·f tbe t1 lal court lft thi,. ~·-e. might be handl.e<I If 11 ehould ev-1 ....... 1 , 1 1 ary-rry •d the plan waa CUI\• ••-" ·~ --·~ n.. • ani.u.,..;t the aa,me u a.ny • " '~ er ch lh rt Al ng pro~11 •Or <eve opmen\ polled of two pan... tJ\e drfoalop. Ce•a for n-khool buildlnr1 are the bu-' ' and the reversal of Uu• Judirment rea .e iupreme cou · -r N t '· llf 1 t l t 1~-• •-• o r ... neeunan mu.at maintain denylnlf the atrm1u1on of the will though lbe court Ill not bound to o or ern -...a orn • we er rt-men o ..,.,... w•._. neourc.. to concern.ct. Aeaemblyman Sam offlca, .-pend.I Ume on the job In to probate emouni.. to nothfni: follow precedents, it rwvertht'lt's.s ~011rcu d shipment of wUer to mtl't local need• th">ueh<iut th• Oeddu. of Napa and Solano coun· proportion to Ila ata.e. and tor the I••• t .. a.n a -"•term•n~tion nf h~ been an •»•tablhihett pr8ctice Southern C11lltomla were p re. elate, and an aquedu~ate.m to Uea, aald recenUy: lurer <o.ba hu a payroll to t. ..._ " '""'' • • f 11ented to 'an n···m' 'ty lnt•rlm .. _ known •• th """" • J' • mee the ta~tu•I I···-· bv .... Ol•t• t~t or m11.ny yt'aN to lake prior ~~ 1D ~ ""' e ..__, la Aque-"Exceaalve feu lo arehltecb as well u to eupervt.ff con8truc-C ~ ~ ~~Q -u•~ ~ ~ ( <'ll.lle9 Into ct>niihll'rttllon In rnllng sulx'<lmmltt<'<' on wattr. duct. ::ic~;:~~.Ju1~11~:=.-c.:'d uc;;_ ..... __..____. 0:~of ~:~eat an:.,!10~aJ~~, on c11rrent cast's. One proposal, by Charlu M. Theodore N'eumu, ' dlvl· •~-J e .. .-"' -ttoHr.,. h I ' I'!! 11t 11te 11lfpl'em~ routt 1• a w~. ~-. 4A4 hi• -.l«l'a-.p1tnt1pa1 ll}'(rra c en~ln· lmpedtnc the 1tate'1 effort to therefore. 111 not 110 mucb the 011-t e we llht of the evldenef> a.nd highly important guard.Ian of fht alt's. lnrhu1ed 11evelopment of eer In cha.rge of Feather River provide adequate educatloll&I fa· g111al ftt u tbe continued uee of th~. cr:c'lblllty Of lhl' Wl\tie1111'11 r1ght11 ~pl'ople of the etAte. some 10,00-0,000 arre·ft>et of wa-Pro j e r t plannlnr. 11ip11nartsed ctutlee for Ile ner • powtng 11chool building plan•. or the adop-l cannot retrain Crom again It 111 the taat word In Cllllfom l• ter "nnu11ll:v from the north plane· tor exportlnr lklllle 4.000.· IChool population." ·Lion of 1tand1rd plans. which the repeaUng that which l hlllf•' 80 lf'Jrlll 11rgumenll! and It• membel'I l'l)ll/lllll ><re1t. of ltll' t1tate for 000 a cre-feet aAllually trem th• FEit &EDUCTION at.le hae done only In a mild way often atated In n •c1mt )'l'ar~. that ' h!lve extensive powerll to right tran~fl'r fo thP ('f'ntral Valley huge proje<:t. part ot tie Callfor· Auemblyman Gedde11. to cor-.In olh~r W.'.>rd11. what hu rala· In certain t ypl'a ot l'l\lll'I a ma-Injustices, 1111 provldf'd In lhe con-ant.I 11outh nla Water Plan . reel What he bellev• la a bad ed the controver1y t11 lhe contln-jorlty of this Court ho fft'l\ flt 11t1tutton. The fact th"i on' ju•· Otrlcl•1'1 of the sta te dlvh1lon C"ONlll"lT llYWISM 'colt~:et~~.in:ilfla.~A=•thKbooe ••~m arblye ued charging of a.n 8 per c•nt fee to u.urp _.thP tunctlQn of th• Jiii Y lll'l' C'on.11ider11 the court la usurp· or watl'r fl'Mlllr<"e" preeentNI the Neuman .outlined pten• for a .... '"' for the archltecta when plane a.re and the -..rial· Judge In lil'termln· Ing the Initial functiorui ~ of lhll 1 1 l . 1 th<' California ,- interim committee on education. duplicated. •• they are In many init llll!U<'.1! •Jf far t " 11tate'" court iyetem ronitltutu • ~:1:; · :,:~ whlrh l'onlt>m· ~:t~~lt~~t~~e 1:.::.C:e~ro ~:. which met thla week at the .Stal'e l!IChool dU.tricts. Whereupon. Ju11tlcf1 C •r t ... r QUf'!lllon which 11.hould ~ i!lV1'n platrs ncv,.lopment nC 11 total nr er. carry It down tbe wut ald• ~pltol. lo join 4t1\ him In •pon-A rraduated •c a 1 e of f HI! Cllf!.3 U <'&J<l'tl whlrh he llt'ltev,.11 11er1oua con11tderatlon. aMut 2~.000 0()() •«re·fl'el • year of the San Joaquin Valley, Alld. j()Jinr • 1egi1lat1on to reduce the might be worked out whneby tht> ' r-trom the etandard 8 ~r archJte<:t would get a reaaonablr '','.th~ n11rlh r11111<U-I 11ntl ~ent rr.I over the Teha.chapl Mountain• to cent , "Lo eomethlng •till fair. fee, and the Kale could be bued \ 11111'), of wh1d 1 wbout :I .. mll· !ht San Fernando Vlalkoy en1t but mor. lo '11ne with the Mr-either on the amount Of monlea sacra m• en t.o s 1• de 11• g ht 111111 ll•'rf•·ff.'el woulH he e valhtble 80Uth. vlcee wbicb the a.rcbllect.a actual-Involved. or upon the n•-u1agt of fflr Rh1pmmt lt> arr111 of i11'fl· The . project en,meer leeUfled ly perform:· prior pl&nll which lhe achoo! di•· r i.•111·,· In Southern C"lfornla an eHlelde ca.naJ wo\jd be Im· He al.a dttlare<t that l.n many trtct a.tr,•dlf haa pald for. t •'AR SORTH Rh'F.R pn1r.t1t·e1 berau!le of t•e numl>f'r inetancea. the <'hargf' for plane BENF.P'IT TO Pt"BU(' SACRAMENTO. tCNS> _ The I'" all probability. no <'onct rn Web•·r'11 plan ln<'IUd»d proJ~c-UI or 11tr9m11 which woolLt havt to 11hould not eXl'Ped two pucent of Undoubtedly, thla would not ouUook of. A. Alan Pn,t. le~i~lll· 81iout 11 deficit al lhlf' close oC on t h•· Kll\math a.nd Smith Riv· be. cro11.11<'d and the qeanderlnl' coMtrucUon coat.a, ln.atead of the be whdlly atlllfat'tory to the ar· ttve ausJJtor. on tht lrtJ1tt'.!I fln&n· thf' tnhB fllU'll l ye&r IC l hf' lf'Jlll· rr~ whu:Jl would «upply l)totw"e.n cor1du1t which would have to be 1Jtandard eight percent. FUnd3 Chltecte, who are ~ lo their cllll pi<'ture fii r the n~lll ltl• •'" f1<ture 1,. In the llitme mind 1._ 11 flv•• nm.I '~11< mtlllno acre·Ce&t of bt11lt to ta.kr advanUge of l'f&V• saved would provide l'Chonl buUd· 8 per cent (et' on a.ny corustruc· year1t, uncloubtMly •vlll hRvl' 11. ll< f'l l he prei.eat lime. whlc.h Is wr<t••r a yr u to tht> Ct'tlt1 1<l Val-lty fl ow. Inge for t.ho1188nd11 o! pupll11 for lion. But 1t would. u AllMmbly· t1alutory f'ffect on h11rtl -pre11i1ed to •Ill•• the '7:> million In thl' ley The othri '""' mlllt(ln •<'•"· Weber aa1d hl11 plal\ll tor the whom the "late hu no prnper ma.n Gedde11 potnu out. be bene-taxpayen p~11t 1111y,. that "thr f'V(..ll It 111 ne~ed The sta t,. hH i C•'•'1 would hr ~11p11llt>d Crom pro-Put 11Jde of the 8an Joaquln Val· facllltlu at the prCMnl lime. (lclaJ to the taxpayer. o.f the real lax l!ume m1ty nnl ~ faced lhP authorll:V l(Tll.ntt'() by the jerlio on th" Tnnlt ,._ Vttn Du11 .. n ley. not yet c<>mplete. call for The que~t1on of archltect'11 feel ta.xpayen of the atate. unlll the 19~8-J9 fl~llWl ve11r " 19!):'1 leglsl11ture to do that now an<I M•d Rtv"'' furl.her <kvelopment of the K er- for achoo! buUdinp baa bffn the ll wUl be interullng to 11ee Post. In 1 t portlnjt to the legt&-CAil~•· nf the revlJ1ed Mtlmate!1 Webn c;ontendeJ h111 pllui hy ced RIV(r and a ..nu of dam• aubject ot extended controverey what happena to Oeddu ' bill. tlrit latlvi> audit rommlttro;. buel' hlll wu 11 trement1ou11 lncrrue In 1111ing hlj!h • l1•vel 11:1nvltv flow on 11lr<'a.m11 emerjfinc from th• In •tale government for ma.ny whet.her the remalndt'r of lhe 11taltment on 11evcr·nl •1reml8<'" 1 1 thrflugh 11 11v~l1'm or rnn11l11 1tnd Slt'rra foothill.a. r 11 n tl' n-venurll. em11n11 mi; prl· yean. eepeclally aince t he atate committee will Join with h.lm In Flr11t. thl'rt' 13 thP r 111 rPnt wn"· mart!\' from the 11810 l&J<, "n!1 tunntls. woul'1 free about 2 100.-Weber recomm,ndtod acUon te 11tarted contribullona to dl8tr-d """n*>rln' the meall\lre, and --pect that IMt•·•d of a Sfl9 mllllon 000.000 kU11w11ll h<>ur.11 •1f ettrtr1· hr 6tk••n immediately "" develop-•r-.. ~ r~n1•r·lln1t the lncrea.111'd popula· .. 11chool district.a with proc-d• of cond, whet.her the poweT'ful arch!-deflctt at thr conch1111on of the lion of Cshforius Mll powrr for 1ntl11•trl3 l 011e. menl of C.lltorn1a·11 wa.teT ~ bond luuel!I voled by t.h\ people. lrct'a lobby, which 111 much In currl'nl f111cal yell r, there wtll bt e .-tow '"" Ol'lt11 rr~111n of the 11ourcu. H,. ulled for (l I '-sl.,. ENTITLED TO PAY evidence tn Sacntmento durtllg a S66 million 11u1i>lus. C'O~l'(f:R\"ATl\'E \'IY.W Cenlr"I Vall<'y. W<'b;.r .11111q wt1ter l11tt"t dt1IJ1nllUon 6t project.t for It I• obvlou1 enouch that when leg1alatlvt time, will be powerful A('Tl\'JTl. TO RE~AIS Of n,.,.,.,,.ty. l'llllmnttt both by develop<'d undt'r • 1it11 plAn· woulrt development of the enUre P'f.Alh· an architect 1tllrt1 from acratch enough to atop the meuure. Thr 11~onc1 11,..umpUon 1,. thlll lhr IPJ:l~ll\tlYI' ••1dHor an!1 th' bl' 11hlppcd lot gouthHn t;allfornl11. f'r enrl Amf'rlCIUI Rlv..r Baaln11, bustneM Activity will rf'maln 11l llUltP tltplltlment of tlnanr<'ll. b,\' wAV nf f'l\rqutnn Stntll.11. 12) llatr purchaae of future ma· 1t11 hlith ltv,.t. anti th11l At the Ninr nninit rt'ventH'll. mu"l b<' on f'le;,'<llnl on V11llev. Santa Clara jor re~rvl)lr llltt'I to be ••Id for end ot the 19M-1'>7 rlscal ye3r, • con11nvlltlVf' bUI><. It wnul<I be I \'11llf>y, 11nr1 'Sahn~ll Vlllh•:v U11e by "llhl'r the 1Late ot fedenJI thrrr will hr "n j 1!1 million 1111r-.""311<>nably l'IUtY for too optltnlll· Hf> """" lhl' co1<11t111 routr to irovernmt>nt. I 31 aut.e ~ pl1111 In thP trl'11i<ur~. tk r11llml\lN• tfl throw lhl' rnllrr•• lh" ""l•th wt111ltl lw ricpen,.lve. of lll'ellJI uound runi.tolra b rf• J.l('l\\'l'\'rr 10(;1 ,.11,.,..1 !'XJl"ntlt· 11t"te flniu1d n1t •J'll<'ture nCt bal· hUt polnt.-d nut It woull1 bl'. "~rv· <'rr11tlon11l u11r. lncludlllf th• 8an READERS WRITE To tile ~tor of the Newport quenl''A' ln"111<lln1t th" nl'wApllpl'r t 11r,.~. 1nr """"R l""P"ll•llnn. 11n1: Rnc.,. Th,.n t oo, thrre Is alweyl! lni: 11reA11 n( 1er1ou11 rtC'tll'lf'OI'\' L11111. Tinily "n" On:ivllJe r.er• Harbor 1'ewa-Pre.: publicity whlrh fnllow111, 11n!1 our I lhr 1l<-m•H1<l for ,.l.t!P ~!'!'VII'"~ will the llpl!rter of rel'rillnit hu~lnrM Wllll11m L ~rr.v. 1u ttn11 .. ;.,.11-vnlr11. IC' crMUon nt a rOOTdlnat· Hams ~ a member 0( the act1nn11 m11 y th"n be dlffrrC'nt '"op !hr "'" 11·11,. 111 thl' r lol'W! of ronditlon.11 , with reeult1n11 decltntll t11nl 1Ul l<' ,.ni;lnee1 1 PVl<'w"" the ln1t bo11tt1 In t11~~'t over311 pan· teachlns profHeton for more than The Los A ngelt'11 police drpsrt-th,. 10:.7.7,11 11s.-11l yrRr tn 11 d,.· In tax revenu.-a. which roul<I Callfornl11. Weter Plan for the I nlng of California water dev"l-c>· forty ,...,.., "We read with dl.,uet ment has been ir1ven 11 'bl11rk. flr lt 1•f SJP mlll1on Thl&~ t h e Ulrow a elate budit"t out of line subcommlltf't. menl. and bumlllatJon the ao«Nnt• of eye'. The 11ame h11p~ne11 tn thr 10l111e ra•i l<tllrl wnriv1n11' 11ga1n In a nry ihort Ume. the mladeed. ol oerta.in llltmbera loc•I p<11lc' dep11rtment 11 ft'W 1tir.t1t th~ r1111 nr 1{1:1i about the The"' 111 no doubt th11t when ot the prof-ton. but we read yeara ago. Woulrt 11ocletv have qu,.sllon ot new t11xr~ or In-G<>v. Goodwin J Knight aeked 'llF It b conalderatile aallatactlon been better ~erve•I If th·,. nt'W8• crt'A•Pt1 h'Vl4'• lo "P"rntr the tor new taxt'I lut year. he WU Farmer McCabe wn·to·i.! ..• your ·9dttortai on "Row We F«I papera ti.d b"en J1i1ent? The lfOod 8late go\'trnment convinced they wt>re neci>11111ry to ~ About $Cbool '1-.clltt' Mlaco11duct member of the teaching proCea-Senator Ben F HUl8,., El Cen-bala.nce the bud~t and rt"tntn • Counta". •ion ehould rlM up and In no un-tro. chelrm•n ut th,. ltJCi11l1Uve J>O"UOn of the reeerve f'unde ~. -ahould blu•h with certain tef111• condtmn the ml•-bud.iret commlltH . remarked that Rowl'ver, even the prnicno11tk•· ahame lio have auch publlclt)' 111v-deed11 and ml11condUct ot the few. ln a1ldlllnn, 1 he eetimatea a re tlon1 of th~ p~rtA go .w11in1r at en t.11• teachlll&' profeulon. But Only ln that way c.n the mem-baseJ on a "tia:ht" but.Igel. which tlmee> an<t It I• 'fortunatt' for tht who 11 to blame! Not the new•-bi>rshlp l>e kept on a high plane mean• ~hat 11tBlf aervl<'l'll would #l&l• that lhrlr wrunit compula· pa~r• who publlcl.M the tacu . and retain rupe<'t continue a l UH• preeent ll'V<'I. Uon• att un th" low 8lll•. reU!er but the mf'mt>t.n of the pr0Ce1.1· A ff'llow 11upnintendent eptoak-ll.11 aofflrhint inr·r,.11~ to m'el than •nnat,d t.O the point where 1lon who •rt ao derelict In their In• to hl11 l<'acher11 Hid. "All of e demllntb of awelllnir popula-they could &et lhf! flnan<'lal •)'II· behavior. S<>clel approval I• one u11 can nut be eu~rlor teal'htr• t1on11. but with no new ttrvu'"' tern Into lroubll' of tlle 11tronr ractora governing, I~• an1l 1ubJert ma tter. 1nr ludlld. Obvloualy, Poet'• pr"ffnl com· our actlop, and 90elal dlMpprovAI but all o?'b ('an be 11upe.rJor In RAI:"'~' DAV Fl0 NI> putaUOM will be rev1"'-'d Mveral 111 a ludlntr lleterrent of crlmt . <'hara<'ler a nd condu<'t" Tht pnb-It wa11 all'O polntt«l out that tlmu befo,.. the three >'"""' We all approve of new11paper Ile will Mtlle for no~hln~ 11'1111. tht r11t111)1t,..11 made hy Auditor have elapMd. But. 111 he aya, publlrit~· whe-n It 111 ravorable Sincerely, Po11t do not Include any upr ndl· .th•r• 111 no reaaon now to bf'llll'Vt Wht'n It 11 unfavorable, WI' di•-Theodore Hint1"'"k"r tu1" or the $711 mllllon RajQ,f Day thal bWllnet1t wlll rttede. end epprove and -uJd Ulte to -ll •ot Irle fund, whlrh former Governor f:erl lher. ta ffUOft -~ believe O\&t 1•nvel"f'f1 up. or at lea8l poftet19d Wartf'n atored up d•1rln• V'" ._iar bu--WM, tull employment, and • hit In nur lnt•retn Huwtver, L'<lrone d,.I M•r ,.ear• 1t1£•tn•t .. m .. rgenr1,.,., All nf ln~reaatns wq• rste1 _,II COD· , 1 .. t u~ ... flrst lhln~ of th' con~· Nov"m~r 7. tt~ wta.tc:h mttana that then will b«, t1n11e on Ula up.wt.nJ. Ever since I can remember. national political can" didatu have been running for office dn "Help the Farmu.. plat forms. At tiret it was some kind of scheme to get him more 'rainfall. then it wu plowing ever third row under. and now it'11 getting him a. faJr price for hiR product.a. Dad Bum It! The t:a.nner would be alright if they'd leave bim alone ... tacta i9, J'm anxious to ece M>me candidate come out on a •land ol "Let the Farmer11 do the Farming." ('&11 ,..,.. rw Hd) --1---- ... ~' .. ·---------- TAR~SnLL IN POSl110N FOR TOP SPOT tll WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIER 9 ·1955 NEWPORT HAUOl NEWS-PRISS -PAIT I • PAeJ 1. A victory foT the N~rt Harbor Hip k>lool Sallorw ovet' Oran1• on Da Yi~n . SAILOR HOMECOMING GAME · HERE TOMORROW NIGHT WITH PANTHE~. Field tomorrow nlJ>lt wlll AM a JM 119&, aend the locil prep lf'ld So-lrwln ~.... 5...-1. ~·...... Wll fte ................ w Ualba Into MUOn finale' 1 _ t"-• WW llRill ..,.... ~ ..,. ........ ..._ ~S:ahn:m d~~:~f ~mp~~: Put , .. • lad& Oii Y1dwy llUll = ~ ~ ~..:-= 8unMt Leacue ddeat . .A.A&· -'*'•-.... ....._ _. .. helm tan1le1-wtt.b Fullerton -.......... "-...._. ....._ ... Friday ntrM ln Fullerton There'• no chance ot aolnl_!D!o the AnaMm ~ • .,... .. tr ate .. -Btadlunt. llridefi&te:Crnow, --<>~ dlrectecl a.In of Jm Deir..-.• tll&l..., · current s u n •et circuit I I -.. - 0-0 Newport Harbor v•-h School Sa1lor football elnen toward "" • "*''.._. ••• atandlnp: Anaheim. •· ; .... ~ .._a wwltt4. All 9n1 Newport. 1-H>; Santa Ana, winntnr their tint homecnmtnr ·mpt pme hlN tOIDQllo ....._ a. te.pt • .iiullu ,... 3·1·1; J'Ullerton, 2.J-1: Hunt· row OD David.eon neld. ..,.... ~ tan aw ....... lnstoft Beach, 1-3-0; Garden v-1 •die _.,._ .. 0 1_,,.-0 o o • o "W• have na•er -a llom• ' TOI' UILOll8 --~ ... rove, ., : range, .,. . --.. p,.. at u a ,..,._. f/11 wai.& AHMlQI 11 loop leading , ~om1ar Al(ht ram•," Inna la· llrwti.,ud ld8 llldaa. U-ODedl ... ... .. ..... Amt p 900rar with 1U polnl,I, and f~ them. . .J4bA lloOowaa ud JIMMleM tMS' .. wla u.t 819& •>-•m. :a~.:1 .. ';:8 ::~~e~:~: Ttlla look.a Uka u.. Soldan op-!:':9..!:. = ~ :,:1 w":. ... ..._ IW , • . DDr1 I .,.. MCODd. acortng 72 point.I portunlly, becaUM bomacomlq bGDon to -.,. ud i.ar.t.a fttlt 1llr a ••foe Me _. ~ U for rtn.I alevena. foe come 1 :30 p. m. \(llDOft'OW' la without .._ ...... SUM pe. ------------lowly oranr•. ~ PanU.. 11a .. tar. .,_ tllil .a.&.r. TM .a ... SPA ROAD RACE NEXT ON AGENDA Blgtllt out-of-town aodu.. or sporta can alnce Torrey P~ W9Dd U..lr way to Palm 8prtnp for the ninth runnlnr of lb• fa- moae .,. road raca1 Dee. I ·•· Jllarl1' lndle&UOl\I point to the tttn.t ner. n. ouUook la for aome u.n, the beat In domutlc and imported machinery. and even more drtnra. tncludlnr the top pilot. from all lba Weatam •1tai. 4a •tlclnr two-da7 prorram of 11 rac--varied anoli1>1 to make both the blr and Uttla--car ~riftft · bappy -hu been an· llCNJlc.d by Race Ch&innen Joa Wetamiu and R&y mar of th• .,OMC>rlftJ C.Ufomla Sport.I Car Club. ~ Lone s .. .ch MO Club and th• Women·• Sport.a Car Club wU1 tie In. Tti• ldl~ule, lnvol'rinr aoma cb&nr• •Ince the racM held there lut Marc>I, la u followa : Saturday, Dec. 3 (all • lapal- 1. production aedana up to 1500- cc; J, producUona under lllOOc:c; I , producUona over 1~: '· llOOc:c only; IS, modtneda under l800Cc; I , modlfleCS. llW>0-3000cc; T, mc>dlft&d• over IOOOcc. ·AMONG BELTING BUC8 -Above, Orange Cout College Pintea, Tackle George Flint, 205 lbe., left, and Haltb&ck Barney Ebargaray, 180, preaent their meane.t mugs at San Bernardino in tomorrow night's OCC homecoming game in pirate Stadium. Below, awivtl·hipped Halfbac~ Bill Harriaon, 172, shows punting form ap.imt Bue Bowl background. ---OCC Phot~ ·NO. J? Bucs Battle Benloo · Here Tom0rrow With the toufb part · of the ,.rtd HUOD paat, OTMp Oout eou.,.·. Eutem Confennee Pl· rate. can now Mtlle down to lb• aer1oua buatn... of capturing the No. I pomUon lD U1a. loop to mlrbty Mt.• 8&n Antonio and powarftl1 J'Ullerton. ' CioAch Ray Rouo' 1 Duca h~l" already aecomplialled t he eurpr1 .. e ahowtnr of th• circuit this ... 80n by knocklnr onr ChA,/ey and Banta 'Ana. Ttiey weren·t b&rd.ly AiPROaed to have done that much. Now they tlave to dll· poae of San Bemu:dlno duttng bomacomlnr tutivlUM ln Pirate 8tadlum tomorrow ntp t, then win lh•lr Initial toretrn rame of the aeuon. and only the MounUea and Horneta w11J De ahead 9f, th• MH&men. · ruu cnorr Which would mean thal f\111 e.redlt ha.a to be riven J\Oaao and b1a henchmen and l>I• player• UlemMlvu tor mouldlnr a pre- Haaon baltement club Into an outllt that only the beat can bea t. After all. Mt. SAC I• liable to' be ln the LltUe Roae Bowl It they can. set put Fullerton. Not that 1t·e any certainty San Bern..rdino la In the bar. They are tourh .. They pve the Mount· lea their cloeut tuaele of the cam- p&lp. 1 .. 11 .... loat t.o Fullerton by a men 21·T. 'nla Buel bettered Chalfey only 1'-7, 8&n Berdoo nnunped 'am is-.. Homecomf.nc acUYiUu otflcJal· ly set underway a t 7 p. m. to- morrow on the lfuccanttr campUI when J ohn Oeorr•. In official Pl· rate coatuma, cut.a a rlowtng em- ber which w111 Mt off a "u1te bon· 8unda7, Dae. 4. -I , conaola· lion ,wider lllOOc:e, 10 lap•, all can not qu&lt.ned tor rac:a 10, I.Do eludlnr all entrtae trom race J: t , con80laUc>n over lllOOc:c, 10 tape. all can not qualift&d tor race 12: 10, under lllOOc:c malll awnt. one llour, open to tlrat 11 cara Uld ftnt, IM()Oftd and third· place clue willnan ( lf not ill nnt 1&) from race J, and tlnl 2~ cara from race IS, and tlnt nn c:&rf from race I ; 11, wom· en'• ru., I lapa; 12. oyeT 1600cc ma1n &Tel, 1 ~ boura. open to nrat 15 Clal"I and f\rwt. NCOnd and Wrd-plaee clue wl.nnara (If not ln ttrwt 11) tn>m rac.. a. • ud I tire and apark the pn-r ame rally. T, and f\.nt tin can from racea I day. 11 Ml for the Palm Spnnr• occ yell leaden a nd aong leederw I and JO. Airport, whlc)I hu • concrde wlll CO Into their gyration• to Racine, 1t.arUnr at noon Och aurface and mauur• 2.J mllu. buJld UJI YOCal enthUflum. BASKETBALL PRACTICE local' flag ~:r:~~~~?[~~~: OPENS FOR TAR QUINT Grids Face E~Tu-~%?:,~~~::: Flnt Gante Set Against Alumni Nov. 25 on High School Court Buketball practice officially got... underway for the Newport Harbor High &chool Sailorc Monday aa Coach JW. Gqe started work to develop another Sunaet League court contender. P'lnt came experienoe for the late.t Tar c-.ba cawrteni W11 come In tbt aome of the boy1. llUCh u Paul annual 'Alumni fray No•. 2&. Loren~tn, 8· l. and Larry Huper, OppoGUon wUI be ftU'nlabad by '-'· are atW perfonntna on th• aJu.nmt pl&Jfl'll of the put lhne frtdl.ron. ,_,. tn a al• quarter ram• nr aETt'a~i.:u Wllidl irtD rtn Ga,• more of a Retumltlr let\ttmtn from the ~ to look over &ll b I • junloT vantt1 a.re Tom Houaton. cllu'I• Lut aeucm, tba Tari •~. Oeorre MabH, 1·1, Denn1 tOJ1pad UM Alumni by an actttnr Harwood. t-4. J ohn Lewt1, 6·&. M-M aoore. and Roser Pt'terwon, t -0. 'Up from INDIAN9 t;OH lut year'1. B'e a re Don Babb&. At Ulla •rly part of UM •ea· 6-10, JerTy Kemper, 8-0, and Ter- -. hllarton la conceded u th• ry Hall, t-1. t-.m Newport Harbor mu.t beat Soma r ood look1nr trana:fer1 to pin U\e loop c.hamplonabtp. are o n >land. Such u 8111 Sharp, A.a a ettt.rion, In Anahetm Bum· 6-10, 0&.rT)' 0,-.en, 5-tl, from m• Bul&etball Leacue play, the North Hollywood, .,.,, Bill and 8a.IJor nprueotatlve copped the Bob Curley from Sallnu Biii la circuit crown, 8-11. Bob 8-2. Tat. flJUre thl1 out: Jl'ullerton Other plf•klnnen u~cled to def•ted Newport KarboT twice, aJd Gag ... KO·boy11 Ul ls l!fU()n Iott to HunUn~ton Beach twice. will be Junior vu•lty returneeio and the HuntlnJton Beach boy• Gene Hubba.rd, 6·11, and Bob we~ twice n ckeJ up by th• Vlll&&Tana. 1-2. e·1 O.ve T•· Tani mura and Stan Schonea. Monday, O•r• wu able to Gae• P ld his cage proS)X'cta met on.I)' one returntn, vau1t,y would be woTk1nr out n try al· lettenna.n. That wu Eddie Pope, i.m-~om 2 p. m. on. "I'll •· L who played a capable pt wt eany 21 playen on the vanity tor Ula Tan Jut 1euon. But and JV," Gap l&Jd. S \t & A apeci&J HCUon >lu be"n re· an a '-Ana lenoed tor &lumQJ In Bue Bowl, It h&a bttn announced. Durlnr half· 8Anla Ana will be tarret of Uroe, the Pirate princ .. aea will Harbor Boy1' Club 11Jtth f'l'ad• tour tha ltad.lum ln two EJdoradoe. CUI~ roQtballrra tomon-ow nl(>lt n-the Homecomlnr Queen will al Plralt' Sladlum u ll\ey lffJc be introduced· for Ule fir1t tlme lhtlr 11evrnth win or the ·--~n by Ron Amwtronr • .t~t bod,y without defeat. The ita.me will be p!'tllident. playt'd u a prellmlna ry to the DANCE FOLLOW11 Orange Cout -S•on BeT'Tlardlno Her Royal BJrhll ... wtll pl"Mlda pme from e I~ .pm. to 7 :16 .p.m. at \be HonH<:Ominit dance follow· Thr •IAlh •rade rroup upaet lnr ll\e ('Olltt'lt with San Demar· Ult' 11evt'nlh «Tade r-rvea In a dino In the campue Shaclt nl ~n­ pr•cllce came Ssturd_, 20-.. UT. Mualc w111 be turnlahed by Brt&J• Lew11 wtnt I I y ard.a on a Abe Moat and hi• "m Olt" orchta· buck latttal ~vt'rff play for the tn. fir1t 11hclh ~Adi" ICOra but the CUrnnt It a 1 te r n ConftrtnCfl convtralon tailed. G~nn Gardner 1tandlnp: FUO.rton. •·O: Mt paskd to Mike Herman for the I f3 AC, 3-0; Oranp Cout Colle)[~ Mventh 1tracJcr11 to tie th• count and Santa Ana, 2·2: Saa Demar· Ju1t u the flrat quarter ended. dlno and Cha.tf.,, 1·3, &nd RJver- Mlkl! Patrick 1eored the 1t'COnd •Ide, 0-1. · TD f11r the 111Jcera on an tnd around play from J2 yards out. Thal mAdt' th" J!Core l J-8. In thf' third quarter, Oardnal' wu down- a<I In the end &one tor " aatety anti a 14~ lf'Ad, Th" rlnsl tnlly came In ~e fourth period u Jtm Cur"ll11 paq- ed to 8 l'nnl11,. l'ernn tor a 28 yard p11yorr pl"Y· Other tl11g ruu1t11 found tht' elirhth irraden lo1lnK their flrat J&m• 28·13 to Buena Park Satur- 1IAy while the lt'V~nlh fTadUI lost to the elthth Jrade MMTVU 28-7 In pn <'!ICI" The two lomnr 8quad1 hol!\. Huntington Bearh at Costa Me11a Park P'rlda1 111om- 1n1. Results of Fem G~est Day Golf at Irvine. Coast A total of 64 rolf!rl took part In L&dlt1 Guell O.J •at Irvtne Cout Country Club, with 111adal play for handicap yuterdaJ . Cap- turing A 11eratcll lhrouf)\ H low rrou waa Mra. Elden Edu of 811nta Ana Country Club With 12. Low net In Cl ... A wu t.a.llen by Mra, R&waon J'oota of lntne Coa1t. 7~. Second wu Mra. ftob- COLONISTS TAKE ON FULLERTON FRIDAY NIGHT IN TITLE MARCH Whlle th~ odd. naturally tlavt Anaheim •tablWled u a con· aen.-atln 20-polnt f&vorite, th• tact that the ~am• a. an ~nt and bitter rivalry miwt be taken Into conatderaUan. r or the .put two yeat'I, th• CQlonl•ta had &ho been bl( fa· vorllea, but they were h&rd-prMa· 1 f'd to p in the nod ln both 1unu. Three ytara ago. tile ram• W1U conalderect • t°"·up Wllen Ula coin came down. It landed on the rtm u the tu.ma battled til a 13·13 tie . rut.Ml:llTON. ( OCNS I -J'Ul· lartoa Hlrh facea what le den- nltely It.a tou1hHt tHt of the l'l'tdln9 1 • a • o n Frida 1 nirht wbae Ula Indian• run lnto the undatMt&d Anahelro Colon!N at 1'laUal1IDft Stadium. AtmJftC for Ila tlfUI atratrht l uuat u.,,.. ell&plplonablp. tM Ooloallta un· ~ four pmaa In '°°P pa.,. to Mad a on.pin& lead onr ,,._...up Newpwt Barbor. fte~~-... .. fourth place wttll • two won. one Anah~lm'• blggeat •·•n of the Iott. one tied rf'Cord. They ar~ year came three wuka ago a t jWlt a a>lade behind Santa Ana, the t xpenH of Santa Monica. Ad· who hu complied a 3·1·1 mark. m llledly not u · 1trong u In 110ma In °addJtlon to their lt'ague lr1· year1. Ule. Vlktnr• wua none the- umph11, Anaheim haa captured lua h lrhly ranJted In CD' clrclH . three non-loop encounh!1'9 from Anaheim. )\owe....,., tmvrad on powerful opponent.I. the 1onr .net of a H-0 oowtt. TIM In Uleir opener, Ula Anlbelm· wtn waa COftYindnJ anouctt to ,... en ad,.ad ftadlande. • power of ault lD the Coloai9U belq aamad the Cilnla 8alt .,,... JO-lt. n. -t .,...-. Lu Vep1, -terror lout>lfnl CaJtfom1a Team of U.. Of N&ftda football, fell to th• 'WMll by • matJoepoUtaa Loa All· 011 'rtlt. 16-7.: ......... , •• o.m.tlme II •t' tor T:IO In hDlrton Btadlum. Whlle Ula Co- lonl.lta wtll CODCJuda play ln th• ofretalt ap.tut Nalwport, Ula In· dl.eM wtu clO. out their R&aon ......... °""' 1•t to wtn a loop contest Ulla llY& pair dl4 .a Ule Tu ~ MUOn. Ul4 trtfll tblll' '-t to eat ... u.e LS a·n YOU ..,_ • J.-w1Dn1nc ........ x....ia. w1tJa "" .,, ...... O&ANua DIPllOVl'.8 _.•tloMI ,._ ......... aa4 ~t 1"'1n and h1a CoM"lttnJ BerJ)r wiUl 1U ~ ap-U... •tatt are workin1 on la to keep rut n--. • • • ~ JUUwlt ~a.-.. ua. Tars trom llUlfertq • mat >.. dilf..a.. ..,.._.. ~ UarM ..-.-aa ... et.a a.a.--. bCJ 1et dowll due to th• apparent 11a11or' Nck.1 JlrO"d tUl"AIAC point ocm-. 0111,nUI& lack of oppollUon. Irwtn pomtl ot u.. 1anta ~ pma. naq out the Pant.hen played thalr lltOOd ~ llUnt J:n4 Guy l>a9t ~· of ~ -..on ap1mt lltattaa ud ~ hlm pthar Orup Oout Oollll'9 .,.... aD th• champe UlamMJ"8 lut WMk. In • blrts floaUq pa. trom "Old OnlW" la w. --,... &lthoufb tha Oolont.-t. ·copped lt Qaartutleek Art· Ke1Co&L A.AJ TtmbuotOo a4 elWtrbwe te w 21-11. ada of tbe Tan ln.o!ncl oouJ4 a..lp U.... JUb . ...,., ll'• ,... • X.UUma, Ute local, Jada can u,.,. lntaroapted that plpkin. spent ud -.....-tllM ,.. ~y cJalm to u ia played u..lr top ram•. or anywbera near -BIO TALLY • want ··• 1Nt • • • 70U'll w.at .... tt, In loatnr t<> Santa Ana, 11-12. A.n4 the dttfaranc. • wu UU.: &J~t Ud • paa.. el aeN .,._ They •uttared a aecond half let Imtead of a tourtll down, punt· down tor no apparent nuon. tnr atuaUoa OD Ule 8allor It, · ' 11 And If It hadn't been for the Mo-Ula Balata -• up wttll a CbWt ~ .. • • • --* ._ ( ) role• of l'ullbaek Charlie Be1T7 Ul4 eo-J m tha Tar 10. On Ula Maumu& plil wtll '-~ ,_. and End Paw Lorwntaea. Ula nqt.. p1&7, ~ Halfback J:l• fcw .--Gt U.. ..-, A. ,... Saint.I would ban ma.de thin&'• nn 0&1-..ns.d around and .... 1-lan MrnWa Clile ...._ evt'n touatuir oa the Newportera. for a TD wtaJda banded llanta to I ~tits-wtG .alllal TARS JUNIORS RACK UP. SANTA ANA JV, 32·12 .... ........ Slaw' ...... a& laalf-U... r.oo.D --........... . ....... ,.. ........... ..... ~ ............... T ...... lllDD would .. at. "xu. tai. ... '"' ~ ... ta.. ,.... ,... ~- on... Oout .......... ..... ( ..... ,, ................. . mut... o-t-Uum. wD khk•U a& I .. -. la l'llMe Newport Harbor IDgh School'• junior nrwtty pid4wl apparently completeJ a n~perfect football MUC>n Mon· day aftemood With a one-aided 32-12 -triumph mer Santa Ana. Only blot on their record wu a 1&-10 deadlock W'fth Anaheim •. •••• Halfback• 01.nn Buford. Dal• back wttand wllat apptU'9d to Martin and Bud Thompaan p&eeCl be • poMlbJa uadrie4 r1b •• Batora t.he vlcl-0ry over Banta Ana. Bu· b1a lQJllr)', KutiD b&d romped 11 ~ U.. ,.._. • • • ....,.. a )'ard9 for • toacMowa. ..._ la &be ~ c.w. tord and Thompaon both 8COred 'I'!Mlm~ proWlJ • moat ea. twice durtnr the pme. pabla iruNUtuta, r1ppad oft Tl> • Thompaon came off the Ballor nana of •O Uld anen yarda. ~ Coale , • • ._. ....,, lla9e .vanity pracUca tlald to fW ill fOl'd euu tJarouch with th• run_,.,_,.-.. U.. ...,.._ ,.,_,.. t~ Ma.rtm ...._ t.ba ,.._.... ol .._ -· • ,_,. lato U. M ~ W ......... ..., 8aba& and--:---U.00. .tttll ~ .., .... .. vt hr"-. llACC. 71, UJ4 Udrd ~ Ga D a H1iMIAM .......... W -.... kra. Jerrt 11.elpertn. JOOC, ~ .,.,, .. ..u. twtoe .. Ule n ..... tlM& Clue B, han4Jcap 15 tllrouita At .ae ...... ot tba p-. U.. 20 : Low er-. Mn. K. W1atAr-Newport Junlar .._.t;r made Wra bum, IC, •: low net. nnt, xr.. ~ Jll'Of.-lonal&. n.... ft&Ub&oltl Robert O&rdnar, IC, '13; Ua few .,.... ~acted lato the l1neup al aecond, Mn. Boward n.nmc. the -• ti.ma -Van ~. re, and Mr&. Johll LanMr, JC, Tt. a.ors. Milin•• a n d B&rlond OIANH COAST cow .. Cl&aa C, 21 to M pi.. Jaaadl. Pal&Je7, 'lb«7 d&d all liPt. too. cap: Low rrou. Mn. HAiTJ Bua. <*t.u.adlq bamen ill UM man, BA. tT: low net. f1.nt. Xra. -... for tba aoca.1 ladt ,..... Walltt &dim.Id. BA,. Uy 0aar« ~ ~u1 &Dd ~ Nn. Sldn_, Lock., LL. TIS. Uld la Be* IUaatu. UUrd, Mr•. Roland Vallely, IC. IO. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;Oiimii .THUU.-NOY. 10 Non-aaaoclatlc>n claee: Low lT'O•· K ra. Cha.rle1 CbambcrlaJn. Meadowlark, II: low net. nnt. M.ra. Oeorre Pflerer, IC. 7', Ul4 YOUS I ... 11_ aTOU PllATI nADllM Ue for HCond betwMll K.ra. t&w- rence Erb and Kra. Mu Millar, ' both JC, 79. We OIY& ONwa ·~ 0-. ...... lf ...... lfEWl'Olrl' B&ACll GIGANTIC END OF THE YEAR SAYE SAYE SAYE 20'ro OFF Ort ALL I ' 1955 Model Inboard ,BOats 1955 Modet Outboard Boats 1955 Johnson Outboard Motors c.. 111 .... See ,.. .. loal1 and Moton Dlsplayecl In our Showroom ( .... ) -. 0 .,- ·' t't =r: n II' ..... I 0 I t:t I ~ I n I ~ I ~· ~· _,.,. ....... a. ........ \ • I , J .... -- ~ Next Tuesday is Orange t College Cooking School at the Lido Theater . . • • 11 :30 ... "Bring on Bird" ... I'm sure you'll 1>0 ~bl e up Ruth Klumb'a nery word ... Strlckly ham, pound beef and t'lank steak, waa last Tueed.ay'• food lore :JJ61/J.~ •.. Don't forget to ask for ~5 ille recipes il you played ~ k>okey . . . Gaffen and Sat- tler Range, given ·away, all lood cooked and t hree tur- .. ys. p!u. $6&> worth of mer- a&ndise ordera and gifts 9om &1l of our Lido Shops ... • .. • AD outAu.dla~ speakM • • • Dr. E\"erd t Sh08h-om from Pepperdble w1D «Hi.· -'"Compet.tttoe, Good or -.ct for your Cldld" . . . liext Monday, Coroa.a del -r 8cllool at a Joint Bar· ..,. View M4l 0-rona del llar P.T.A. IMedq .•• November 15th is your "-d-line for manfog oveneaa ChNt:mu pacbgea. we ha ve 1'81~ the malling fadlities, and ~ plenty ot goodies, edible and Dee-edible to fill your pack-111 qee with Cbrilltmu Cheer ~ • • . Visit our Mezzanine BtllopJ>I to pick out your a.rt.tinu ca~d have them penonaliJ". . . Also ._ up the t w:-key situation ••• Young's Tmke,Ja, frozen or fresh killed are JOl11'11 for a men whfstle at tbe butcher ••• Down through the put 7 ,..,,,, we've handled a heap o Sobblera. 9:11d ..0. YoUQ.g'• twt.y1 retgn 1111prwne, fpr flavor, tenderneee aad turkey perf ectJon. . . 8-D (Sele-Di ... ) Day II Declember W.. M1body JliaTlq .. ..,., .... , ... :10 Free-· ' Junior Football1 • by Birdsey• for Kida Regiater at F~ozen Foo~• Dept. ~irdleye Balloons Whistles and l.ollipop• Birdseye Touchdown Sale/ Serve a t..... mesl l Blrdeeye CHICKEN 1~09 FRYERS 1-lb. U-oL F1'e91a BJ& Peu! .lllnt.eye GREEN .PEAS lkL 2 for 35c Atwap Teedu! ........,.. 7ae -CHICKEN THIGHS _ .... _._ ............... .a. 1- Qalc* • S..tl lllNM7e 2 'Mk FRENCH FRIES ____ ......... _....... i-1.1- ~ 8peclal! Blrdmeye l)fJe STRA WIERRIES -·--... -.1 ..... u- F.._.. TM&lql lltn1M79 2 31 ORANGE JUICE --·····---·· .. -f or c 8alc.ery foo#ball Bullel 'l"BUB8DAY We OW. B M'-e+ LOAFCAKI --·~ -~ J'OrA'J'O Mf SALAD ,.._ ....: U DiNNEi ROW .. 6116~ Intercept these • • • Duf&old AA BUTTER . .... N.-.a ~ &,. M; SWISS CHEESE ... .1a1. R ....,..,. lllMoed LUaa ••t IOLOGNA ____ .._ W Yeaq'a 8uprem. aosaza •• , DIWU --·--.. :Jiil' ,_ W . r LARGE EGGS C a B Powderfd or BROWN SUGAR mz rce to 1111 &J ••• 'Illa& 18 the daf ta.r.gboat .. UlllW 8 ..... ._ jmt ..._"t •w .. dh:ta ..• 8_19!1 .... Ht.,. el y oar-lllllf. leave yoar cu la the ~ ..• We'I mlT1 ~UJ' .....,_ for 7oa. hen at ~·.,one of the Lido ~ at u.. mt:ruee .. Uli... . 8J>t;CIA.L8 roa NOV. 10. 11 ... u, 1tN -. - NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, NOV9w•1t t, ·1911 • • • ' I H U ·RRA H·! • \. ~·'.::­\ .. \ •... ~f · ·.:J .. ·!ii ·-};. ••• Haalto• r Hey AJas •••I C••• to tie. H1•1c1•l.11 '-1 LlocMll ............. ~-···· ................. , ............. .... laome~ ..._. tllM 'l'L:aa f•T la .. ~.:: Orup,,..... ::-* ...t.' n&:: .... ta MMM. =-" ..... ., ,.. lfe111 ., ............... ..,.. ·---· too. ~ ... op.a ·-' p. .. ...,.,..,da7otU...,..l 'DM,,.._.•WGL&m •• , CAllM1¥ _ ., ..... ·-799 ...... . Pm CIC ft• .. tCl.-AT---.• AruM: FOl.__..J4' Mr.llWI.... 51; PIZZA PID _.u-....... •19~• TOWILS __ ~£·~ .......... wn:rn. ·27; POtAJOD __ 11._ .....,. lee'• .... , •••• s.TOD..n ., ... ~ TISSUI -~ .. •1"· .... ••; SANDWlqH -... _,...._ W Today's Lineup CIOl1cl Ytlclar! s..,.. ..... CHUcKioAST ____ • 5Jc o«iNE ROAST -~ 4Jc iiEFSHORT RIIS _._. lfc ............. , ~ 0.-.l l"&all 18e GROUND IEEF .1.1- ........ '* • SAUSAGE -·-~ ...... 3fc _.54c ....... , '" SLIECD IACON • Fresh ·& Colorlul s....._,, cn.p. O' ,_ 2 25; MclNTOSH APPUS .. - , ..... !. hy ,.... ....,,.......,°l'Mq I 12' IGGPLANT -· _ ..... iiiiaMAns _ .. _ 2 .... 25' o.a. x .. •·• wmn llOI& 5 15' POTATOIS .._ IQOD II.Am OI' m UDO aa.a1 I I ( • ~ ' • i ... I I ' . ... • • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY,. NOVEMBER 9, 1955 PART TWO, ·PAGE ONE ~ <JALl8DIENTIC8 -Limbering up between volley ball pmM, atudenta at Newport Harbor Union High School an Uiown above goine through their exerciaes ' t which get foti CJuero<>pi alump out of their 1y1tema and plenty of freah aea'air in. -Statf Phot6a by Bert Brintnall _--.:• 'I ' VOLLEYBALL -Boys cl~ are dJ vid .xi 1.110 vo.i y l>.ill tca.tu1 and ahow a aur- pri8lng amount of competition as they play aga inst each other day after day~ Polnl!I and ecorea are carefully kept, players jealously wa\ching the clock to deter- mine the quitting score. ' • ,., . nA>.ll1NO ~4'8 -Swim ~ at Newport Har- bor Union mp School are prepariq for the ann .. 1 .... ,."-·•a. __ .... _ ... D aM D M4 tM Sidi abaft an In the procw of formlnc a tloaU.., atar _... tM dlrecUoD of MiM Marjorie Adama. UOTHER B"8KET -The new baaket ball courta which were ~mpleted thill put aummer are kept bully aa both gtrla' and. boy.' sroupe u:ee them for ~erciae during the day .. ... rt • ,, .... TOUOH TOES -Another exercise In whl~ Harbor Hieb boya get & chance to squeeze theJr livers la ahown above u the boya change off from volley ball. Some time during the day all high school boya and girls get a chance t o ~H imnw xc;ud, frr11h itlr exer· ciee. \ • J - ni£ END -One of the evolutiona in form.Ing the .tar ia for llWimmera, alter the floating ltar baa been perfected, to tum a comp&N eomeraault in the water and they are ahown above aa they div~~ -- I ' t HARBOR ~O wbJch aa.Ued Monday on the S. S. Lurllne for Haw&il include. (1 to iJliiw. John Norek, 507 30th St~, Mr· Mart.in, 1721 Weet Balboa Blvd. -·Chari~ Crawford Photo a vacation in and Mr. Joe A ~S DAY puty ii being planned tor l'riday, 7:30 to 9:80 p. m. by the Junior Young People'• Fellow'1!Jp of St. Jamea Epiecopal Church. Membership of the FeUowabJp ia drawn from the Junior Choir, Aco1yt.ee Guild, Junior Tti-Hi·Y. and Hi-Y. Shown abo'<e at a previoua party .re (1 to r) Kriatln Stol, Ronnie Meri.eke!. Lin~ Rmt. Riehm Puke, Snun Winge1; ~et.e. WLQgu, o.il-M.4nroe, Kathy Reynolds and Ben Madiaon. -L Mull Photo ..... EBELL CLUB HEARS SPEAKERS ON .JAPAN ... WITH WORKSHOP ~ONS• well under wa1, DBt atep for the Orange County Phlihaimonlc 8odety ill a children'• c~ncert program to supplement-the workshop .. Mn. Monia W. Slack, youth conceit chairman, hopea to pre.ent ibe tint concert tn Jan· uary. Above, MUii Frieda Belinfante, conductor ot' Orange County PhJlharnionlc orchestra, conduct.a the worbhop, held each Thunday night in the mua1c buUdlng of Oraqe Cout College and maintained for capable student.a of all agea who deaire playing ex· perience. ...:.. Cornell Photo .. .. NEWl,>ORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFl\ED BARBRE, Women'1 Editor PAGE 2 -PART LI -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEONES.DAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1~~5 FIFTH GRADERS TO NOTE · 'BOOK WEEK' AT LIBRARY 1'Let'11 Re8"d Mo~." la the theme ot National Book Week which la to be celebrated at the public llbrarlea ln Balboa end Corona del Mar trom Nov. 13 • 19. "bo you know why _.anowa build In the aayM ot houae1 !" uked Pet.er Pu of Wendy. "It 11 to U.tan to the atoriea." "Th• •dventuru and excitement of llfe l.n th• Joth Century have not IUMned our need of love of 1torlea; rather, they have probably lncreued our craving, u tbUe la mol'9 to ~"'· No matt.er where our ch.lldren ny, be It Man qr Never-Never ·Land, when adventure for the ·day la Ulroulh they will come, u Peter, bn.uihlnr the ahutter1 of lha room where bedtime atortu are told, and uyl.ng, "let'1 read moTe," aay1 Mr11. Lin Sheely, city ~brarlen. All the fifth srade CllUlllU In Newport B.ach 9Cboole lfill be broucbt by achool buff• for a clue perlod. At UU Ume there will be a.n1 new book• on dJaplay. Bo79 ..... (lrla are lnvlt.ed to bl"OWM and .-rv •• n-book ror ._. rM4J.Qc UI• foUowln&' waek. 0a Friday attemoc., NOY. 11 & llplClal ~ boar ud pl'Ol1'Ull wtJ1 be st,,_ uder tht dlracUce ot Ka ll&rpnt lCall>· Ttle time la Mt for l :IO. Book ma.rate wU1 be st..a away at that umt. BALBOA ISLAND Church Dinner Program on Aviation and Scouts Pl.annlnr a double·haadeT pro-CllmuJnr th• t"Nlllnr pn>f?'&l'l fl"&m for their Family NIJhl on wlU be the •howtnc of "Cooquer- We,dne1dey. Nov. 18, an memben In( J uncle Barrler•," • tllm d .. of the Balboa lalat1d Commw\it.y plctlnr MlMJonary AYiaUoa F•l· Philharmonic Announces Children's Concert Plans .workshop to Integrate With New Youth Rrogram peel of t h t Phllh&nnonle .., lety'a etforu comM to I\• Job with a 1ood deal of peraon&J Diii· 1tcal tra1nln1 and a Ions ltaa4las lnterut In the problem• of c:blJ· dren u related to muatc. · Youth ccmcerta under the auapice. of the' Orange· Mra. 'stack hu an ou~ County Philharmonic Society will IOOn become a reality -u 1opreno •otc~. aa11g' both aolo aftd ad.a-.a t f th · • choir Ulrourh collep wher. ahe an ~ eature o e aoc1ety a over.all music program majored ln mu.1lc. M d ahe pree· with the recent appointment of Mn. Morris W. Siack of '"Uy d lrecta the 8 t. Chr1stpher·1 Fullerton aa Youth Concert.a chairman for the' county. Youth Cbolr a t IL Andrew'• Episcopal Church ln Fulltrt.on. "W• are hopln1 to be able to em end eouthem parts ot the In add1tfon ehe 111 active with th• a1T1U1&'• for our flr1t children'• county.'! Chlldr~n·8 Leapie end lha Reput>- concert aometlme ln January and The aoclety'a Hgular orclleatra Hean Council. both tunda and effort can be ear· -111 perform for thne concert& Mn . Slark utged that at1yone marked by thoae eepeclelly Inter· under the dlrtcllon or ll.3 perman· lnte1'1!tt'd In Children'• Conct'rt u ted for thla phue ot the eo-ent conductor. Frieda Bellnfante. clely'• acUvJUu " •t.aled Mn It waa elJ\pb.ul%ed by Mra. S\ack . work throughout the county get Slac:Jt. "We bopa to be able to ~ undertaktn&' will be· aom .. In touch wllb •er et h~r home, (lv• a prornm In both th• north· what· mmllar to what Walter U OG C.n1toe qn~. Fulll'rton. Damroech did for children many yeare .,.o", ahe continued. "OUr youth concert prorram. ln developln1 · ~ mualcal appr.c:la· Uon ot the ••ry-mucb-youn1er aet by flvlnr them an out.at.and· Kam .. lna club mambera noted Ins opportunllt tor a well·plan- thelr e&shth umtnraary recanUy ned µ.teninc experience, will aup- wtiea they d.llled at the Chin... plement th• aoclety'a curTent cumo. ..u .U•* and with only youth work ln the Philharmonic obopllUw accompan7f.ns the Clll· Workabop, which la maJnt.&lned ... (oo4. n wu t.rmad UM for Ula aAcouracement dt capable ...,._,,, a••• CllBMr'" ud a1J maletll ol aD ..-wtao -t Kamaainas Note Inaugural Date m--. wwe s--t a.cept playtn1 ~-" lln. rrwee. s.1l7, ........ t... 'rM MW cba1rmaa of W. .. laJI09C ... taL ,,.... .... .-aane ,,..t8. Fashion Show K1m Kadal1D Pem.on of w. c· Is city, a p109peCU" member; Mia at ll' Club ~ K&rp.-tta A a~ r o a I a. Lons ,..__.~ '6~ 0 ,... B-·-Beacls and Iba. 11.artM Clu1eUaa ~ -'" lcout .,_.. ~~-· Wl.111. WW be ~LJll''HJ.illl&J:.DW~~-; tna-for a tubloa e!low pruented Week-end Spectal S-A-V-E ! ! Corduroy llllm Jlm Pant.I and Peddle P1111here 11.eplarly '5.tl Thurs., M-i., & Sat only 5.98 Gorpoua CoJore le Black l'or Y• for Glftal Exciting Tee Shirt. to ~tdl Ot' _tsintraat. 2.88 .)(ta. Robert Cbamber1aln. 161 by Ula enea~ (!'&de rtrle' mod· 1"1owU IL. Ooeta X.... laYlted e11q d.ul of tb1 llarllor Area 6~~ memben to attend UM 1"ddlnr OtrW' Club; unar the ~ recepUon t~ !Mr. ~ter and ot K(9. Ban KJ.ns, cl&M In.It.rue· n--·l.n•l&W, Ula Roser M c-tor at the cluJt, Ula Sirla wtll di.. . aene ltl.nnOll.ll, mantad ~Uy 1D Lu play Yal1oua type11 of clo~I d Vepa. throusft th• oourt.aay of th• Brat 1883 Barbor Costa Meea Nat mMtlnl wu planned for Shep. The atfatr wtll beftn at ()pea Frt. '1111 9 LI 8·7566 Nov. 18 at t.ba n-home of Mre.7 m ·~·a~O~a.n~d~Ul~e~puib~Uic~la~ln~v~lit.ed~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~; Robert Smith. l 1292 Woodbury. Ovden Oro,,.. Tb• Smith• tor· merly ....S4*! on 31.t St. Manila Prison Internee and Teacher Tell Stories Lhe nut county meeUnr at Hunlln1ton Beach. .Dec. 7. Methodl•t Church. TM fln t half lowlhlp work. Thia la an l.nter· of the evenlnr'• acUvtUt.t wW denomln&Uonal orcanlsat.on with l iiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ honor the Boy llcouta of Troop headquartent l.n l'Ullerton. which 81. The remaining' portion will proYldee alrplanM and pilot.a for feature a .ound. colored motion m!Mlonarlu worklnr ln laolated picture-on the worlt of the Ml• J>lacu -buah country, Junrlu. 1lonery A Yiallon Fellow1hlp. and rwa.mpy lowla.nda w h e re DID YOU KNOW By atra.r.ge coincidence members of the Ebell Club of Newport Beach were treated to two views of the Japanese people,.wben two speakers presented their personal ex· perlencea with that race at the No\'m~r meeting of the orsanmtion. One, Mrs. Oaire Wi.ali.unu.a ot Laguna Beach, related her ye11r1 u an lntem• ot Lo• Bano1 prillon In Ma.nil& and the olbtr. MIH Beryl Kent. Lo. A:nctlee nn.'11paper wo· ma.A atld forel(ll C'Orrupondent. told of hu year• follow1nir; the war In Ula educational f1!'ld In problem• they hed to aolve ror thPm•elvu for the tint time Throucb education of th' Nip- pon women Uley have ra.lsed Lhe 1tAndu!U In lbtlr tiomu to the point where llfe expectancy tiae lnt're&Sed by telf yure a nd two Nippon. tradent.&adably, bolh held wide· lncbu hu be'n the •verage In· ly dlttarant v1ewa. Prtor to her crtue ln the 11t.ature or the chll· captara by the Japenue l\t r • dnn. a.ha H id. She atreaaed the Wlillwm. bad tau1tht In Ule aid gwen by th~ geisha clrlA, Phlllpptn.. while M 1 11 Kent. I who belong to one o~ the 1tronr · promlllmt tn I.he "fretln1r" or the :~:n. unlona In lh1t Orlt'nt.81 na· Jape.neea woma11, wu lht' tlrtt woman to hold e faculty polllUon at tht Unlveralty ot Nippon. J AS OLtrB woni:s ln her eer1ou1 and at llmee humorou1 talk Mb• Kent men· lloned that JApan 11 no longer a man's paradise She concluded lam JC.nt. who helped In the that democrar y 11ervt'd not IO fouadlnl'" ot the flr11t woman'• much to ema nelpale the women. clull l.n J apan, told or the dltrl· 1 but to· 1ubjugate the ma n. culUM ln pe.rt1uadlng the Jap&n· COl ':i.,,Ty MEET oa woman to look upon hertt'lf Mra. Freeman Fisher, p rtal· H an l.ndlv1dual with right. H a 1cnt of the Junior Jtbell c I u b, human being alter centurlu or r•poke brtetly thanking t he ftft• u"11Jt:f and belnr u "nothing." lor g roup for I~ attendance a t Some enn developed p1yct101H I a recent Jw\ior affair and urreJ whm tlley were confronted with I u many aa poulble to Join In ~ELRY FROM ESTATES AVAILAILI If you are sHking Jew.fry Items th•t •re Sure• let us know .•• We may Buy It For You . e lt:WEL&Y BOVOBT e e Start l'our Clarlllbul Lay-A..,-N- 101EITS 'JIWELIRS HI~ ll&rl9e AYa. -Bal-.e bl.Mt -llal1lol' lltl p;.ano .!)n~lruclion ;TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) A~ptlnir a Umltf'cl number at papUe for piano Clollttn l'lulat of TUM Coatm..ta Graduate Stwdeat of Bela Bartoli t!e Sena D1h-e Pb. Bar. %0SI Oarolaa Blgblud9 -Oo...-del liar ~ .... New atnllatu of the a e n Io r club Introduced by Mrs. John La· mar Included Mme.. J L. Diamond, B L. 8 '8"man. S11m Howard, Law· rt nc• Tilton, Roy C. Armatron.-. H. I. f'ro11lx, l. \\' C'"nvert. A. G. Hughr11. Otto ('ulbtr~ton. Wlnonll J Shavrr. F.uitc-nt A Schulllon. all nt th' H11rbnr 111 ti! and Mre. i: .. 1yn Oltbln, Sent.a Ana. Art eectlon mem~r• wm ho.. teu a lea and uhlblt or their work on Thurlday. Nov. 17 from 2 to ~ p. m. Mr11. Lewl11 Mat· lhlu , Jeat1er, at1nounced. Thi• I• open to the public a11c:I w1U be In the Amer1can Ltg1on club· houee. The progr8"m will follow a e :30 travel I• • 1n a j 0 r miaaloa&l')' potluck 11upper In Dea rborn Hall. problem. Arrangemrnta for the 11Upper. op· ~ ftlra wni t.n of work tn tn to the community. are belnc Central and South A.merte&. Pr• ruade by th• R uth Circle fJf the 1er1unr ~ PTOf?'Ull .,,w be Don· Woman'• Society of C?trlttlan &Jd Berry, a World War n punutt Semee.. pl lot, wbo &Jone with hi. WU• New llcoute to be honored fol· and chlldren. s. now home oa tur- IOW'lng" an lnYullture ceremony loulh from )I.Ar work. an Jim Brtdpan, Dick Brennen. Peter ll'laherty, Lee F elllnge, Jim ji===========;;;; J onea. Peter Koch, Tom McMut· er. Mel Park. John Scott. and nNSEI, TEA Randy Wr1ghL They will demon· The a nnual Tln1el Tea will be 1ttate Tenderfoot SQOulln&' crart the nnt rtrular mttUnr o~ the and review whet thtS have lum· club. end the date hu bttn moir-, ed da:rlnr their Ulree month11 of ed to Dec. 8. at J :4~ p. m . In· lndoctr1naUon. tt wlll ~ the flrat 1tu d of the nret Thurl!dlly. Mr1. time foT the boy1 to wear their Ba•ll 1"eteraon 11nnou~e<1. J un· Scout unlfonrui. lnr1 11nd eenlor1 wlll co-ho1teu ------------- Hand.made Contemporary Oripialt Jn aolld Oold and 8U•ar · t hl1 Chrt•tn)u llmr' party and A · p C 11 the -proirarfi wlll be outat.andlnr. t omona 0 ege William M. Jeffrey, eon of Mn. 114tth Pl&ce at llelmoat Plw Phyllle Jeffrey, 312 NarclNW Lons Beacll, Calif. for '111111N. Frt. • 8at. VALUES a80 TEE 81111l1'1' 79 a...1 .... 2 for '1.59 ,_. .A.ntftd: I . 11 ...................... waf"'mmJACKETS .... ..,. • Obta 10'5 to13·~ -S{&H . -Green Stamps PRIDl·N·JOY VlotMe and Toya for Ohta ud Bo)'• 1881 Jlerbor Blvd. (Jo.ta .... Lynne Shannon, n11rrator. Hen· drlk de Boer. tenor and K11r1n Bigler, harpl•t, wlll itlve fChrlst· mu Round the World." Mr1. Nlrhnlu Brettner. prelJI· dent. extended thank• to book atcllon twl) e nd garden eecllon member• ror their aeel11ta nce In 1ervtnr the luncheon •"hlch wu pl&ru1ed by Mr•. It. A. Rocera end Ave., Hl'Ved u a 11tudent demon· CDoeacl ~ 1lrator In the bot.any dtpartment ~============~~~~~~~~~~===~ her committee. ... ,OM UY n et the annual P omona COll1re Selene. Day prog"rem S&turday. Nov. 3. when \he collere wu hoat to more that1 ~ 1tudenlll from ~ Soutlworn California high 1choolA. Jeffrey. a Junior. I• ma· Jor1nr In botany. -.. -~~ CARONIA . 0.-6.. .. ......... CINiem9 -6. )09r ..... the risbt ..-. n&liiedt1Wti1118.1Dchdeaat.oW> • °"1'1 • 1' Pen. e .. ,. •P ... pri•I I ID £..,.,. at tblhlfsMoltbe-.Cratk iu...-.. ~ol• Cwrd c::nr9a with a W.W. trip to Europe. Y.., ..._,. a-fcwrl .,,... ... ~c....-....... ,__ ........... ............... ~= ,, .... ~...,, .. 187 ......... . ' ,.__ .... .....,, CORONA DIL MAI TIAVn savtcl llU~. & OIMt llw>'· ,: a.... UM •&M-...... . ...... ,,.. oolotluJ lllLEY IELL tllClt clrivllHJ a new 1956 CHRYSLER tivn a man the same fffliftCJ of exhillration fllClt a WOlllCIR CJ9l'I from ~llJlnt a new Im? 2130 S. MAIN ST .. ..... • IUmberiJ 5-1181 .. 1 t· ' I i I -... • '· » -. MR. AND MRS. JAMES CARVEL DA VY -Bernie Alden Photo Nuptial M~ss Unites _Young .Harbot Duo I • ' ., Grace McDermOtt Bride of James Crtrvel Davy . Mr. and Mn. Jamee Carvel Davy are no'+' at home at 2000 Continental Ave .. Coat& Mesa. after a San Franc:e::o honeymoon. Miu Grace Grey McDermott. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Emmet McDermott. 21 31 President place. Costa Me&&. and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo L. Davy, 2702 .·., f .. t IEWPOR~ Ht ~IJOR N':WS.:>~~SS -P.'\rtT 11 -PAGE l . \ WH>NESOA Y, NO~R 9, 1955 Parent Education Clase Still Open -. Greta at tM Harbor Area Bo19' Club f'rolll 10 L m. to 2 P.a.• ~ ne oDlJ _ ....,.. ..... OOW"Maa~nt a.,t.trat'°" II atpl .,_ • ....,_ ... (.e each mtet.iaa. ~aaddlelr)ll4fft ......... Pf,,.._ u4 a bit of ..... a. u.. o.o.C: ...-& ~ ....._. to a.-. .n acn. OUJ taaa eoune ......... 1WJ X. Al-.......... LI MIC)t. COSTA MESA EPlSCOPALIANS held first service of their new miaaion church on Sli.nday in the Harbor Area'• Boys' Club with 'the Rev. Robert-Gricsaer Sr. officiating at.Family1foty·Communton. Above (l'to r) mJtt:ee; Kn. 1'. B. Hulett, orpnlat; Kn. label SimJ>aoti, choir director; Ge9rge DeRoulhao,. building committee chairman and ~ce Yarwood. treuurer. -Staff Photo WESSON OIL ___ ._ .6'JC:_ ... _ ....... , .. 35c iiEi~iUNA .................................................. _ 33c . are Theodore B. J obJison. clerk of the ~isbop's com- PANEL TRIO FOR LOCAL P-TA MEET The Rtv. Jamee Stewart will ltad " panel dl8cl1111ion. "T eamwork 1r1 the Home", a l th" Newport Elementary School P:"f A meeting. Mon- d11y, Nov. 14, 7:30 p. m. In . t ht achooi a udltoriu . Featured on the pa el will be JOlleph H11m . _rjnclpal of· Newport arbor Union High. S chool, O o na I d C. Bi 11li;em11n, profellllOr or l!O('l· oloi:y 11t Orange Coai<t Col- legr and Capt. Harry Lace of the Nrwport Beach f'ohre depa rtment Becau"8 of th~ import of the dlstlnc-llvr pm,~1 am there w ill be no b•1:.10l'l!.• mt'Pllng, M r!! J11rl< B ~ry. P-T A rr .. rot ll'nl, ""·' nn11 .11111red, • 1-'lflll gra.ul' 1oum moll"cr~ will iir111t 8~ lw~lC8'4Cll for ·the1 evt<nlni:; Calendar of Events AT COSTA MESA New Officers and Bobcats for Cub Scout Pack 186 New officers for Cub Scout Pack 188 of Coeta Meaa upon Allatatr McCleod, Bob Bray, J ohn Neeb, Michael Luhr, Nick le were·introduc_ed at the late October meeting, further high-Roberti, Stephen Thatcher and lighted by cub film and a fun period of "blackout" in a Stephen Fletcher. setting·· of grinning Jack -o -lanterns. Attendance ·check Denner 1trtpe1 were p~.ented f to Jim Ant~ta. Bill Scudder and revealed 146 CUb Scouta and their P!Lrenta present or the John Neeb. Receiving umt&ni a ct1viUea. Den 5 was a~orJed e were featured 1n early part of denoer 1trtpee were Glen WU.On. recogn1Uon for havlng the gnat-the evenlnr. Gary Gott and Stephen netdler. elit representa tion. Cubmuter P1ttcber announced ' ~ eeremony w&. by Den lnlr0<luct'd by Cubma11ter JRck that Pack 107 haa chaJ.la:nced all J whicb wu awarded tht bonor Fletcher as new offll'elll for the other packa to compelt tn'a -P flaJ. · ' rom1ng year w.-re: Mr11. Scudder, box derby to be held 1n February. co-ordinator: Art Neeb, t reaaur· ICnlriH are to be built l:ly lrit.el'-------------.... e1 ; Lee Robcrt11. aeaetllry: Gmnt uted father• and ..on.. Each Brown, lnat.ituuonal repruenta-pack la to enter u many com- live; Ra y Roberts. committee ptleloni &1 po11lble. chturman; •nd Dee lf1•nwn, pub-A brief pep talk wu fiven by llcity and lfla~orlan, Ray Roberta who urged greater Ot-fr Mother 11 and their aMlat-parent participation• 1n Cub Scout anu were designated re1peclively activlUea, 1treutng the· lm.port- a11 ~fmes. K"HY. R1>eiJ, Ot>n l : ance-or a ttendance at committee .Jenks. Antista. Oen 2: Shotwell. meellnp u well u pack meet· Wel~y. Oen 3: Ba>:ley. Srhultz, lnp. Appropoe of th.la themt WU Oen 4; O-Ort, Katt.er, Oen r., Neeb, a tum abown l.a&er bl the •TeD· F leteher,_D!_n t : Pe.-.lra, Kendall, Ing, ttarrlllC •et r••• Lotwtta Den 1. Young and depicting the necea- Co.mmunlty alnglng ll'd by Oen 11lly for pareill to enter Into the la yoar lllver eenb ready for '1'b.aab«l~f It's 'WIRTH" ltl SilverplatllHJ BY Siiversmiths true Cub spirit wtth their aon1-4 snd Kktl.8 given by .De.rul !'; and Taking a tally du.rlnJ the even· WE OUAJlA..,'Tt:l . Ing of all new and old "llAmU to Oomllltte ea.a-r S.U11futtoa :"O\. 9 W ith w 0men of ~~:~r B~w~· MW cha.rttt .... Vwto...u....a aOAit IEEF ~ASH .... -.-· .. ····-··-.. ···-37c BOBlll:llll-WITll -.ui8 27C CHIU ·.CON CARNE ................ -......... . SNOW OllOI' ....... 17C ORANGE JUICE ........... ·--··--· .. ·-··'"°&. licT ...... ::.' __ ............ ·-·······-····· ........ · .......... ~&. 47c CLOROX -.. ···-··-·--·~ ,... lfc ......... .,. ....... t. 1 Jc Kl.EENEX ~--··-····· .. ·······-· ..... 1 Jc - Don'• -.... • • • • ......... Prime ,. 11Wlft"8 PWIUM qllNIMm • · 6tc LEG 'O I.AMI_ ......................... ~ l:A8'l'lmN LUIGll IAJlllf 4ae PORK CHOPS ....................... 1- ~ Circle Drive. u chllnged ring• and 1-'-------..--.-hottJ-ect.eber ~ ~ :-; fl r. \V 8 P rn ~'""" inducted u Bob Call on 1.1' ..... CIO 11 ... 1 I Co Cl h ... H yt. J f ue11lll were u~hered h\• Monte >'1 SO\. IO • untry: u I./ pccu 1on were. uarry 0 e - ConnrlC W a rr--stt11n11nn~,,,... K \-l"rA "API" c:·AMMA 1 ~~y c!~:~~ari!:'.,.1~y. ll ~j ANTl9UE SHOP S;AU Rli$6_' -~--·· .• W· , ~ I .. I ' I 1 J· I ) I .. .... 1 I 1- ~ I L \ ,, ney officiating at th& Nuptial Mau In 9t. J oa chlm Ctiurch. Sam Cooper a nd Ralph Mdler-201 ,. 1 <' " The bride, riven ' In keeping by ber fayier, w.. charming In a noor l'nKUt gown or wh ite nylon tulJe over faille taffeta. The drap· ed b&Jlque bodice had miniature 1leeve1, pea rl embroitltred, and 1l J-elled cap held the clrcular ,nng.· ert.lp veil. f ht cu ried a bouqu!!l of white rOH1, prdenlu and 11hal· tered camatlona ananged w ith lace and tied with u lln 1lreamer1. She complemented ht'r costume with diamond earrlng.11, gift of her brlderroom. p m Ill . u Mr Th.al n('W gltt.s11w111.e In 11voca do SChulU. Phlhp Rue. and Martin molt. , ZOITTA• lunrhf'On, 11 I~• " m gT.-n wa~ 11<-IKll'd for pnz:.e11 at St<-lgntr. • WIRTH'S • Foi hor daughll'r 11 nuptiali< Mrll I Viii• Mai ins the membt>rs lunl'hton and b11dge Aw11rdl were made to the fol-McDermott w OH' irrsy lal'e 11nd :'-'fl\", 1, -.· .__,....._ Pllatlmi11 Co 1 h 11 ~ ... for Sant3 AM Country Club, low111g: Bruce Rted. bear badge. ~J• uw.::::; • cryat&IPllP w l ye ow rn. Mr· Or MOLA Y fl' :.:Nl':R 6·8 P m Mrs. Paul Hall taking hnrnt fir11t gold ~ar arrow, two year pln: .,.ge 11nd chnmpAine •<'cc11110n'", SI i\ndr ... w· .. C-h•m·h 1914 HarbOr Blvd. Mis Davy chose a roi<e pink twt>l':I ST/\""""ORO !., l,.t h•rll Club, 1 30 award. M rs. L. H Stlfflrr sttnnd Rodger BroWll, lilftl' wolf arrow: Co.ta Me.a 1 h h -'' r < and Mrio Bfn Hr fllnger lhlnl ant1 Clen Wllaon. wolf bMlre. suit with rOlll' ve \'et at w '1" p m Wumrn'i< ~ver-11lty Club. Mrll. ChRrlell Gibbon w1111 chair-Other" recelylnf bear badgill Liberty S.J48% •l'<'PJOM>rlrii anrl wl\ttf' <~nrnatil'n L,: A man, Mr .... T homas P1uge an~ were J I m Wldolf and Albert ~~~~~~~=====~ corllage. C HURCH SCHOOi, C:u1ld. 7:30 WHITE AS D !'\tl,\'ER p m .• "O ... Or~hirl Mr11. £. H. Outhlrr wer,. hn11t'-Krlly. ,, ., ' II v,. . Mok re-essrs. One year pllll wen White &lsdloh ll!HJ ~tock \\'t'rt' vtrw. Tea tor memberi< and ltllC'~t" •••'••••••••••• combined with 11llvered foliage NO\. 1.\ Wll!< on W e<Jnrsday w ith brll'1ge ror church adornment. with thl' SOROPTIP.l.I ST ''"""'"It mert. at 1 p, m . rmpor~11nt on the c11l- C'l'Dler al1le roped w ith white aa· SO\. 16 t'nt.la r Is lhr brn1ge dlnnr r at tin a nd w hile <0hryRnnthemum11 BAZAA R. W S C-S 10 a m . ,which women membfors will tn· caught al pew ,.nfls. I C"o•l"ll H11ll • tertain t hr1r husband!!, l h111 !!lat- Attending her 11111ter u maid of White and silver wu ag11ln 1110-J OBIES' MOTH ERS rl11b in· t'd for Nov. Ji. honqr. Ml11 Colleen McDermott rd In the nerl"h hall for the brlclr'" stell11tlfln 12 JO p m V1lh• M1.r-1 w ore a bouffa.nt rroclc, the 1klrt of ,. table." other tables bf>ing covfred In& . ITffll tulle being lopped by a with i;told and brown net 11nd de· J<JWA:'\IS LADIES nl!(ht fhn-Mesan IS Honored GREEN AND OOLO NOW SHOWING sreen velvet bodice. In pleHln& ('()Tiiled wtlh fall flowers nti Villa Muma I 1 F contrut WU ~r cucade bouquet . SO\" ll at Nata ete Janf' of bron&e chryMnlhemum11 a nd Lend~ rKl'ption 1 "1 l'l 2~0 ERF.I 1 ART r~hlb1t 2 ~ p rn Wyma11 yellow roaea. Similar drellff ,.,.,,.,. guot11 w ere J.lr1. Rlchard S tearns. Le '·H 11 · Hlght1ghl1ng ttv• fsmlly b1rth- wom by the brtde11malda, Mines 1 ,.lsltr of the bridt•: Mr!<. Chu1e1 ~·~-· ___ day dinner tendt<f<'<l Mr11 ·Lincoln 8hlrlee Ann and Pllttl ~ Hou ri-Che.~ter, Mt11.81A Patricia C lark. &rnelt SunJ~,. tJy hPr l!lon'1 fa· s-an. but their 1k1rt1 were or Petti and Shirl~ Ho11rl1t•n llnd Peterson Talks mil.\'. th.. W1ll1Rtn A Ramella. bron• net over yellow taffeta )\rid Msrk McTh.>rmolt brother or thr Conference ~:lo F111rway Dr Costa Mesa. bodl~ -re of smoky beige taf-bride at wa., th<.' lari;te btrtllldev rake that ff'l.&. Their bouquet11 werr of rhry11· Both younR p.-oplf' .,., t't t in 11du-. Dr Bull H rr • e1 ~on. presldl'nl. ha•I been p1 C'sentPd Mr 11. Barnett antJlemum1 and yellow roau . alP(J frnm :-:ewporl H1trbor Union Oranire Cna~t CnllPR" •poke be-th(' clay p1 •'"lous by women of I Patrick P'ormey, cou11ln -or the H111h Schnol aml-thr b1 ldPl(rnom fore U•e Paci fir Cf'A•t A1180Clatlon the Community Methocllat chur.-h bridel'l'OOm, wu be11t min 11nd sllmde<i Qranirr C1l1t!'l ("ollege of Colleglalt Rl'1;111trsrs 11nt1 Ad· P re11tnl al the dinnf'r wrrr Mr~ Veterans' Gift Shop Aid Givel\ by Auxiliaries .,_ l "Do your Chrlltmu lhopplns-f'rlc•n L~tnn A11xill11rlr.11 cnn AAY •rl.1" I• a famlll1r alo1a n but "Merry Chrl11tma1<" tr> th,. vl'lPr- lllow dou It apply to a hospital &n.11. Mr.11. Robrrt J. Brig;::tt. reh11- ftt.s&D ~ He probably NYI. "How biUta tJon chA1rmlfn 111 In r ha • 1.i:e am J s<>llir to do m y 1hoppln1. of ~hl.s department f11r Unit 291. much ltM e11rly '!." That 111 be- et1V1t eome have not heard of lhl' Ji. m • r I c an UJion Auxlllary Qu1atmu abOJlll. · Tiiey a re allrM'llvtly decorated lhopa .et up In a room at the Toastmistress to Nominate IMllJ>ltall by the American Ll'g1on A rtJport of the nomlnatlnr .Amdll&ry Unlll early In Dttem-w . wbth t.a)>lea of 1tlf\a are di•-committee will bt' given• at the ,_,.. eo Ult veterana can choollt meetlnc of the Harbor Toutml1- .Wt.abM retnanbrancu for their tren Club Monday. :>:ov 14, lo"9d one1-Bed pallenlJI ha" 7:30 p. m. at H oapltalily H ouse. ftrta wbteled tnto the ward• IO Balbola. Mr1. Rl~k C.OChran will ~ may c.booH the .-in of their be to&lltmlstreN of lhe evenin1t ~ AWllllary volunte<"r1 wrap and apea kera are Mni. Albert F~ and mail packarea. J ohnson. M rll. Albt'rt Mlctlllrll bl apreulnJ apptec:latlnc ont and Mni. Edward Mirkovich. Mr•. '"teran aakl, "I'll alwar• bf Jl'r&nk Clendeneo wlU act aa top; IT&tdUI to the Amerlran Lejrlon lcm h1tre11t1. mlnl11tr1t1ve Ot r1rta1.., 11t their 29th Maud Maxie. Mr" GP<•r111na conference In lhl' HotPI Claremont, GeorRI!'. Mr!' BA met l. J11ck Jnn•·A Berkeley, Y"llt('rrl11.v 11nrl th~ ho•t.'I, Mr. and Mu . WA Onr of the nrn;nr problem11 l'l Aarnell. be ('nnl'll1crf'f1 b,· t hr cnnfcrl'ncr .. , ------- t hP f'fff'<'I whlrh lrfcrn11ln,,; num· Puhlir 11rhoo~ Wl'I ,. e,.L,.bl111htd l>r111 l'lf 11t11rfl'f1l.'I will h11vt• upon in New Mi:x1c-o by ~l11111~h royl\l ln1lllut1on" of lttt;her le11rning decrel' m 1721 , 11rrunni:: lo lhe Dr. l"rt<-r!t<in'11 'ubj••rt was Ns tionel A11tomobi1,. 1·1111> "P rnblem11 Of Admll!11\1111. enrnll· menl, and R rlenlltln In C-1tl1fm nla J unior Coll<'l:H ". "Rl'pre11<-nlsllve .. from 1111 rn~t1- t ulloru1 of hlrher ltaming cit the P•r-lfl<' Co1111t St:!.lea wtll bl' In at- trnden<'e 11l thr Berkeley ml'f'tlng. Mrs. Gardiner Tour Mr11 Loul11 C!\rdlner. popular Newport Harbor Rtpubhcan lead- er, has writlrn frl.,nd• or her t.our through J11p11n and Hong Kone d11rin1t hPr ptuenl 'roond · the-world Junkrl or h er trip to- dlll P. t he ml'llll"ge rndl!: ·"\Vow '" PARKIS ·RIDLEY M91TUARY Servic~ •• "LUCY GALLANT' Coler by Rlwldolpll l'l<'ott i. "RAGE AT DAWN" , Auaibary ttecal.LH lhll year my The invoca Uon y,·111 ht glv.en wtle and I celebrete our 26th by Mn. ~adlne Hiii, the pledge waddlnr &lllllftraary and It~ one by Mre. J &ye Mc.Kai110n and the I u .. J would not want tCI mlu lauon by Miu Charlotte Skl•ner. p,....nUnr ber a JtCl. 0 n I y Mr11o Hutl R. Riak wl11 be IHI· throup ya.ar ktndnMI am 1 able colopt: Mre. Leroy AndeM10n. to .. ao." ~ timer anti e wem: Mr11. Ray ltt ._._7 -Co.ta M-..,.._ FurnitlH'f ~y CMtury-6/tl Siill ,,_ atft •P ta '°'"'" all yeu Tnutweln. evaluator a.nd Mrl' to ta.. ,...,.., 'ft\• 11 OM w-.y Pat 8l'~r. critic. Mni. Lo~tta UllAl JN Md al aka et ti. (la· :9ab6aa wiU' Sift \be paa.rl. l.AertJW'81 • • u_.....,..· Corona del Mer Bal~o• Island r SAYE ·sAFIL~ lnstiMion Leedmg Hom• Lending CONTINUING ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st L·AGUIA FEDERAL •AVINGS ' I LOAN ASsoct~TION "'OeM.-,._ PliMIM: R1' t.-1 t T1 LAGUNA BEACH • • DICK'I Green Grocerle• 'FeatwiMJ Tiiis w .. ,. Fancy Chi.,a 1-eas SpeclaMtl •. 9-lltY Prod•c.a Sweet, Green Salad loWI Lettuce Larcie Fancy Texas Maym P,cmt1 0 HONORED AT the "\ : ==. .... 25' ......... ,.._., •N ••••Plllr•r ,.., .... You Select Thew. hll_ver -Market Spot 200 Mari• A•-· lallao• hla11d Hat.of 1000 t, • r • I ' I .. . ' ' .. . - . • ·. . . .. ___.-.. . . Fancy Eastern Com-Feel Pork SPARE RIBS.~ Small size -IMn •nd loacl.d with delicious m••tl AH-Amerlc~'s Famous Fresh, Lean 'GROUND -BE-EF All-Amerlc~ Fin+ qucdlty Eastern 50~•1. BACON . . l ~Lb. Sealed Pa~kat• AH-American.'Tlp-Top' lrand P~e Porll . ' SAUSAGE l-~:.~·o FROZEN FOODS ' -. . . Ill . . i MiY'iiiSE· Ill ( .. : SPTAR EORCAHARDCSUCEHD OREHALS~~ Glistening .: : ' ' No~~~~ •• •. -. -· i iEEF-ISTEW _ .. •. . : KCOOUNTY-KISRT WHNOLE K~:~-For · Pack e •• . ·12..oz. C•ns FARM & HOME eon AGE GOLD TOP I FUU. HAND-PEELED -NO. 2~ CAN wALKER:s Aumx ~ '(OMATOES CHILI 'FRANCO AMERICAN AND IEANS • c .c -IEADY,;TO-HEAT I •sPAGHETTI KINGAN'S CORNED BEEF MJLANr5 1890-12-0Z. FRENCH DRESSING PACIFIC -13-0Z. PKG. HOLIDAr WAFERS , r::------, C I Save th• Jabel1 from f r ~ - - -,-- -'· RANCHO 1 . IOUP I for 100 I I I' lllPt r I 15c :s0un::.i1c: ''-___________________ ..... \.., - - - - - -__J . •. ' , -' C11a•ut , MACAaOOf., ~ ... "' ... o. ...... con• CAlll. · 191~ ... • ( . . amv CIOCKEIS -40-0Z. PKG. ·e1sou1cK PyliESiiiYES "·;_,' . IATED LK TALL CANS MEADOW GOLD PRE19'IUM -All Flavor.I Y.a-GAL. ICE CRElM ' . DIAMOND A CUT GREEN BEANS . N~A~03 iii BREAD 25c .ii ClusT .. _17c f".C.P.-,.S.OZ. CAN LEMON JUIQ 10c .t "· • .c c c c . .. . r , . 'Crlep, -Juicy, """' btlngJ ·EXTRA-FANCY •. RIPE.SWEET LAKl·~NTY BARTLETT ~ · . U.S. NO. 1-LARGE SIZE..:. WASHINTGON .RUSSET ' . LIS. Delicatessen Wilson's Canned, No-~as+. $ - 6-Lb. Can EFFECTIVE AT All MARKETS EXCEPT DQWNEY aDHEsiEsililPs c lb •. Hoff11M111 All Meat FRANKS 2 1-ll. PKGS .. 75~ Hoffaawn All-lfff KNACKWURST 1-Lb. Pkg. 49c I Gaylord : CHAMPAGNE FIFTH Special Deal Pack! 2 Reg.39c Packages I or Sparking c : ,BURGUNDY · -Your CholGel FOR THE KIDS, .SO DAVY CROCKETT DECORATED ADHESM mlPSI plus tax I --- 1 IMPOmD FROM FIANCE The -perfect I VII ROSE dln':f n:inel I IMPORTED CHILEAN DINNER . I WINES • CHAIUI • UISUN• e IHtNI . e HAUT IAUTUMI I . • tunuMDY I AU-AMERJCAN486-PROOF BLENDED • WHISKEY --PIFTH I . . • HARD ~ APPLE · CIDER PIFTH l ggc 99: . s349 59c .. -:=.... e DOWNEY e NORWALK e NEWPORT llACH . n ...... ~ ...... h ..._. COltm MliJO. I DOLAN . COii• NUTONI & PIOI RI Mii COAST t•etlWAY ·AT TUSTIN -·--•-•.tt•7 -DA&Y'n._,. _.,:IOA.M.TOt .. P.M.DALY -·~~~~ ~1 .! ~~A~';.';~-• !zA~ ~!!"' DAILY t:ll A.M. TO 1fltl P.M. DAILY t:11 A.M. TO 1t:IO P.M. t A.II. 10 t P.111.. .... AT t TO I r.111. • • I • . . • ·• ' \ . ' \ .. \' ' . PAGE 6 ·PART (I -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS · WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 191& · r £3ALBOA ISLAND CHURCH .. SPONSORS 3 SCOUT {!NITS H.ubert to ·Play ·in Oxy Concert cert procram to be ~-11)'. a.. combined clff chlba. oreh t,. a nd band of ~1dental ColleC• Friday IQ Thome Hall on tht campu• at 1:1& p. m. 1Approltl• mately H>:'I -iudent.a will tale<' .. Durlnl' the put .everal wu ka m•gollallo11.1 have been ma.die by th• Balboa i.l&nd Commumty Melhodi.t Church lo .-me •p0naonlltp of Troop 8t, ~ Sc°'t.a ol ~merloe. The cllurch IXpectil to,..recelv~ ltll charter. '°°".'· ~r the new a rrahpmint thl' churcll will be reaponalblfl for orcamzatlon and lnlWallon Of a Cub, &out, i.nd' l)xplorer unit. ;-~ . Named aa Ole church'• lnatltutfonaJ flllprHent.,t1on to the District Council la Lt. Col. J ohn Loy, USMC.#• BaJboa l,aland ruldent ·and partabloner ot the like.1 churc'l. S<:out· muter la Matthew . V. Waidelich. A.mi.ataJlt Scoutrn&ltera are Nel1tOn Vleel &11d ~ud Chnley. Ron St. Cla\r .11 Junior aRbt~t Scoutmuter. • ~ Troop com.milter merflbera Include Ted Hauaer, cbalr· man; Dou ...... · rerry. camping; Robert Blair, t reaaurer; Deaa COl'ton. ad.vancement.; J ame11 Cage. equipment; Roy Rork. • t ranaportatlon; Roland Vallely., program: and Robert Chent>y, 'Explor"{ adviser. The't!'OOP la m11klng plans for partlcip11hon In au di•· trlcta court• ot honor·, apecfal owrvance or Scout Sunctay. ... weu .. making p•parat1on.i ror hlkea. c.rmpouts. act- vancementa .• end the ldllnc of Cllrialmu tree1 durlnl' De· cember. . GALLERY SHOW Mel001<'3 by Ravt>I, Romberg. part. C(ole Porter .• fto:tua and Ha m· Dou~J..,. IC. Hub~rt. a menttln a.nd olb~r f~YOrit.;• wUI more and bualnHa a.ctmlnt11t.raUon be featured on t~ 'Popa Con-I maJoP. will tak• part 1n thl' per- formanct" 11a a member ot !bi Oc· honoring ttlt" t!01(e mor of Baja cldt'n llll Band. fie la _,. aon of Cahrornia. Hilton waa a ITTJHI ot Mr. •and Mn~ Clattnce W. Hu· the governnr on a palnlln1r t.rlp bert of M91 Creltvl-Drive aod IMt aumml'r. -a ,tadu.ate of •Newport h arbor We had a card frnm Ml.u Vlr· HI h 8ch""I where he wu a irinia Woolley who I• enjoying a _ I . -''""' · vacation In New Orle8n1t. 8 he member of the All-Southern Ca· filli<I 11he w a 11 re,l)eWlll)l' old lifoml& Band. friend1hlpa '-nd dolnl' 10me llketch-------------- lng and enjoyUic her •tay. Ml• Woolley, was forml'rly, a realMnt, of New Orlean11. She rou from ~ thtH'l• to ~exlco. Nt:W VORK SHOW8 Benrwtt Bradbury la havinc hla third annual One Man Show at . tht> Grand Central Galleries. New .. York Cit)I opl'nlng on Nov. ~ ~~ throus\h Nov. 19. W~ h ave just received an advance catalogue with two very fine reproductlo of his marines. The catalogue alAO contaln11 a 1plelidld trlOute to Bradbury'• ~·ork. e China., Cove MEMBERS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH ·~enth-day Adventist Pathfinder Club, (left to right) Sandra. Remella, Judy Ann Mackey, and Alice Ann Gfuharing, di.s- play their colLecUon ol shell1 in their ~th a:t the Pathfinder Fair. Nov. 6 at La Sierra College, Arlington. -C~arles CaBe' Photo Valley Artists G.uild. Feted at Laguna 13each " By OSWELL .JACKSON The aalari of the Valley Artists' Guild, members of which are h\ving a abowing of their paintings at the Laguna Beach gallery th.ia month, came down to Laguna a hundred Herb Olstn, one of America's famous watercolorlata, la having a one man show at the Kennedy Galleries In New York City. Hie new book entitled "Watercolor Made Euy", Is one of the finest treatise on watc!'rcolor painting ever writte.n. We preaented a CJopy ot thll book to lhe Laguna Library, along w1lh aeveral other volum• on art in memory ot the 4 bedroom•. s ...... ' sat.lWIO. W-rm• view • Tiew • view Call Hanor 1 .... Young Adventist. Pathfi~ders Exhibit at La Sierra F3ir late· Beajamln~K.~~A~u~•~tJ~n~.==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ltrong on Saturday. In tl)e afternoon they viaited the a.,.an • 11a1aa..-•-7 a..~ ttudfoe of Mildred Finch Browp, Ruth, Peabody, Peterpaul ., AFFORD • so·N Ott. 4J Dupont and Melva Rue. John Hilton 11 navu..s a one . "Nl:L8 ·and DOC" Arter tbelr IManquet at Ule Ho-me.n abow of hi.a-~Unp at ELaJTIUOil OONTKACTUU tel L&l"ft& UMy acljoumed to the th• Southweat Muaeum, LN All· no.. LDlel'tT 1-tnt Over 1000 Seventh-<lay Adventiat Pathfindert from five counties of Southeastern California_ attended the fourth annual craft and ·vocational Pathfinder Fair, November 6, ~. at La Sierra College, Arlington, California, sponsored ·by the Missionary Volunteer Department of the South- eaatern Caltfom la Conference of Wade. Make Blauser. Janet Mack- 8eventh-day AdventLllt•. u n de r ey, Judy Mackey, Suaan Hana· the direction of Charlea D. Mar· wall, Delore• May, S&Uy Parham. tin. u11.11ted by Harry Garlick, Sandy mmella. Alice Croharing both of A rltngton. •nd Ga ry Coleon. They were un· GO TO FAIR c1er the dlrKllon of Mre. D. B. Newport Harbor P1Hhfinder1 Spaulding. Pathfinder director. had u their dlaplay, "Shella." and ltldei: D. B. Spauldinir, coun· Thoae attending, were: Robert aelor. Stelling, Donald Stelling. Richard Awarda were C1ven tn th Tee SteUlng, Jimmy Pfeiffer , ~rry clauea according to the total Art Gallery wbere J ohn Hilton. celea, opening with a reception l It IU......._ A•--Newport ae.eJI number of polnta accumulated noted cS.ert arttat, entertained 001n~:_S:'.:'.un~d~, •:_:Y~•~f~t~ernoo~'.:::n':__'.N'.:ov'.'..::.~1::1'......! _______ _:=======~==============~ throuchout the day. The polnla them wllh hie pltar, 8panAah - were baaed on the booth on di.I-and folk 80l\IS of tbe 014. Wut. play, field event.8. number atC.O.d· He Ulen demoaatnted palnttn~ a In&', aport.aman11hlp •and float.a. deMrt aoene wtth palette knlh DlvISION AWA.RDS tecbalque. la little more th&n_an Fort.,y Pathfinder• otobl were re-hour lie completed a beauUtul presented at the talr. In DlviJdon doert lan~pe whicll he pre- A., the Hemet club won Ulf tint aent.d •to UM O~. award, Redlanda the aecond and On IUDdaJ tbe Valley Artiata Lemon Cro~e • La Meaa t I)• attended UM MonUlly Tea ln third. I n Dlvialon B D C.]on t!Mitr bonol'. Tbe te• wu one ot won the flrat •-rd. Fullerton tbe lar&'Mt la many montha. the aecond anct Eeoondldo t b e aome fOO IUllltf preNnt. ~­ third. ln Divlalon C. San Be~ ,. tor ~ ocCaaJon were mem- dlno won the tint award, La Bl· bera or tJ1e uruna Beach Junior erra the aecond and Loma Linda woman'• Club. Save 10% 011 YOt1R Prescriptions • Preecrtptiou PUied -'ttl 10 ..... the third. A be&utltul table WU artVIJed ---------------------------------------With cbryaanthemlllll.I and allver Job ~s .Daughters Confer Majority. Degrees on Six SOlfLAllD ALL VJllYL Windproof UCJltter On Sundt•)'. Ot·t :JO a largf' fTOup or Job1t>" from thf' Harbor a rl'a m Joyl'<I a hv .. ty Afternoon Ice l!kating 11t lct'lan<1 In Par•· mount, Tho11e attending were: Donna H•mllton. Jo Ann Wal- aon, Pam Thom11on, Donna Al· b rtght. Donna Church, C ar o I Herr. Lorraine Cuthbert. Pat Ken· nedy, Unda Walts, Carol Cra in, Janet Ary. Marilyn 'l'yrri-11, Mary Ann Cochran Story Reviewed for fAC Group ,, "St3rs a t Noon", the llfl' •tory e r Jacqueline CQC:h,ran. bolder of many nylnl' record• and the flrat woman to brea1< th• .onte bar- . r:ler, -waa revil'wed· at the book Mellon m•llng' of the Friday Afternoon Club lut week by ~rll~ Nell Grant. Co11ta Meu It· brarian. Dlnn'ar companion of four Pruldl'nla ot the United 8tatu and oraul.&er of the Wupa, Mr11. Cochran had lltlll' formal education arid d08 not know hM rl1ht name, a,.. . or place or birth. The rllie to prom- inence of thla walf of tlle aw- rn1ll town• wu outlined ,by the h Yiewl'r. Other book11 reviewed by Mn. Orant Wt're "The Year1 of the City", tale of the h.ypothtUcal .-1ty , of Pheex. by George. 8t.ew- ut; ''The Nl\~Urr ot PTe~~ .. by Oordnn W. Allport: ·Grand Dttepllon", edited by Alexander Kiin,., and "Marjory ,Morning· •tar" by Ht>rman Woolc. THE Howard Reese, Jr., Mn. Charlee Ary by Jira. William Blurock and Mra. Leonard Robe10n, Mrs. Thom110n, Robert Burbank, Mrs. ~ Smith, guardian and R&lpli Herr. aaaoclate Guardian. Music Studen·t at W esteyn Reserve Among t!Te new atudent• who entered Western Ruerve Unlver- afty '11 Cleveland, Ohio, for the winter aeme.ter waa Lind& ~ cl &lyea, daughter ot Paul Cira. cl Of 309 Marine Ave, She la en- rolled ln the mu11c education courae at Flora Stone Matller College. women'• undergraduate dlvlalon of the university. Mn. John H. Jena Jr. 'nloee pre· aiding' at the table were MH- damee Thomu Judy, Lew WIJ. ll&tna, Jack Tonkin. Mart.in Ben· 110n. and Oeorre Reay. Th.oM U · 1l1t!n1 In IJIJ"Vinl' were Mmea. Ted Stroftl'TTl&n. Jamu Bclloenle- ber. t.a· Verne Du11er, Coney Kunse, William Blurock, WllUam P'l)'lln and J ohn A. Jens Jr. It wu one of the moat 1ucc-flul teu ot the -.on. QU A&TE&LY MEET Tbe ~ly mHUnc of the Art .A8oclatlon will be held on Saturday, 1:30 p. m. 'tor nporta and new bualneu of the auocl· atlon. It la hoped that all wotinl' member• In thle locality will be pruent. BIG ERCURY has 28 new styling -innovations for '56 . . s .. it .•. drive it ... at Your Mercury Dealer JohMOn & Son -Ut1eolll-Mercsy 900 W. Co•st Highw•y -Newport &..ch -liberty 8-55-45 NEW CAR on yaur m~d? I I , Put it ift "f04I' driveway with a convenient, low· cott ••• AUT8 LOAN Ire• U. S •.. llATIOllAL ~ .......... ·----.,........ • C.-.._ • '-0.-• • C•ieoo ...... ..................... UNITED STATES NATIONAL. BA~K . . . . . ' •••••• '•••••• •••011• •••••••<•cot•.•••-.••• •••••a t •·•••••• , f II .. 16-INCH DQLL HOR8EM-'N t&-lNCH DRAFT-DODGER DOLL Jn a ~enulne draft-dociaer aarment. tt>-inch." All. Vinyl. Washable, unbreakable, sleeps, cries .• $5.00 Value LIONIC£ ~il DIESEL 449 ELECTRIC FR!IGHT TRAIN •ARI STllUalllE EUCTllC nt• Complete witJa bW ..... CIDd I 749 lmtnactloa boolr. -.SO V•lae ······-·-... ···-· ' SltM IJT'llVCl'O QUALITY ao.u> oM.DCa -l!IT&.UI 9llOVSL -OVlllJ' ravoa ROAD BUILDING SET . Cea..._ MK .. ...._ •nl, W" ............. Ir,_. ...... ......, _.. 11• I MMH walM Hiie a•s ... .,,... ...... N-1-elaUll-......... _.,~,. ._ .......... -........... . ..... ·-Ku llllaale•t. .... It.at Kaz Electric Vaporizer ,...... "-'--..... ..,. ....... \•.a- Cocl Uver Oil ; • • • • ' •. I ALWAYS LJGHTS. o ... ,..~ ..,_ .. Vahe 1.00 GIANT '2-lllCH CLOWI DOLL •rta•U7 ;..,._.., ~ ..... ...-.......... _..__. .... ,... . At l'rt-.:IH l tAll \' ...... S].39 TOT MIX-0.MATIC DEi ...,._,~nW r... eonta.IM'r .............. _.. ...... v.- 239 11-tnc1a. All Vinyl PAJAMA CLAD Dill A .............. huyl 11..tM Mil'1 ~ ...,......._ A ...... ""'"'!. 11.M v...... .. '""••'" $)~89 TOT, MIX MASTER FOOD MIXEI ,..,,., ••r\ op"'r1'lf'1I ..... """'' ••• ,, •• ,. ~l· ,.,. ti Of 3'' UTl'LC MIAA M l!FYl:T Pel,., .. ,.._, lfnhr-at~ TEA SET hre I ••ho, N .. 1'6e llee, ............ I r-NWler • ..-. P•-....... ' tr""""• Maefl, ln·•- 1,.,.... ...... laes. SI.a .. ····~········· u1•~ac•a. N,t-~ ~.,-11.-va1w N'-,,_. ..... , ... , ,_,_ ........ ......... "··- :!'t• l"NAl ,_~ -8' ...... , .... ..... .. ,,. .... ......__ ... -.... .. ORTRAIT 01' A COM .. ANV with joba for 0Mnge Countr ·people <-Sinoe our comiq DMWe ~ N ewport B each ••• an• nounced, wt have been learn. Ing a great deal about Oranp County ... and we Like wbat we . have learned. Many of our· people arl' bappily·lookln1 forward to maldq their new homea be.re. Some will..Ot be able to make the move with u. and UU. ... !lions wltb our rapid crowth .•. me&DI that there will be many jobs at Helipot for Oran1e County realdeata. "- U ~ou think you'd lib to work for u in one of tbe jot. 11.ated below, ~ 1.18 a line. We'd like to 11end you into,...1 matioa about ua alkS ad appU• cation bl&nk . .Be eure to let ue know If you'd be wlllin1 to com.mute to South Pa.aadena durlns the period before •• mon (late 1168). Naturally, •llcb applicuta will be stvea, llnt conaldera.tlon. Job• for 'f!Vll: .... ....... : Electroa.lc O..p 1:16Cll'o-Meeb Oeltp Machine Delilp ProducUoa llnltDetre Junior JCnc'- D1 ttsMena DataU lA,youl Dutp 'l'C!OI Deefp ... _ ... ..._: ElectronJc Mecban.leal MHS.IRtatg PrecU6oe bJ1e111Mntal Toot MUera ...... _.,.. ..... Or111 p,_ Lathe Mill Grinder -Qracki1 CoU WlndlnS ... ._ ...... !:lectr1cal Macb.IMP&N l.Ayout .._...~··-··­Slodtroom .Attendant.I • Mat.er1al Raa4Jere Macbln1at Relpere . ........ _ m.c:trtclana Carpe11t.ere JanJt.orw Job. for WO,,..._. ~: Precla6on A-mblerw Micro "-mblen Tra..11\ff A-blml .......... _, l!lectr1e&I Meeh&.nlcaJ Som• or lhtH Jobe Nq•t .. prevloue related upen.ca .. • many do not. All of thta n• quirt a ptl"90n with a -o1 rtsponelblllty end • dulre ffW etable. perma.n~nl amP'o~ .., .... ,.,...., ....... ... -ipot ... \ . I ... I ,, ... • • fortrait of a _Company Waiting to -move .... .. --.!.._ We've been fiyina hi,h aince the news broke .•. about our moving to the h•tb ,..._,, ·~ .. In 1966. Helipot Corporation baa found a new home ... ancl .....W 1mnmM ..... ' of our people are looking bard, everywhere in your area, for theln. . . Juat bow htgb we've been ftylng WU potn~ the otJiel. day. Seen1f\ a , ~ell-mem)ing gendeman poln1*l out the aigna on our new plant~~ _) J a Mend: ''See that? Thett'e going to build a hellcopt.er landing field ... a ~ . . . ... -T -> : (' \, ' ,, .• ... ' !. --. . . PA&E I· PART 11-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS ·WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIER . 9. IN •'11-. ~. St&nley w~!~·rig~~~~~So·!~T~d ~~~ rapge from Mra. Al Forgit at Forgit'a Hardware, 2205 W. Be.Ibo& Blvd., u buaband Williama looka on. Mra. Williama of 304C Marguerite Ave., wo~ the stove in the All American w..,. ket. free cooking school. -Staff Photo , BEfiEB FAOILITY -Service baa been inciftled for avinp and loan cu. tomer1 at the Corona del Mar Office of Newport Balboa Saving• and Loan Aue>. elation. with l.natallation of new equipment and facllitie9, according to Prealdent Paul A. Palmer. Investment In the expansion totals more than $10,000, report. ' . Mrs. Carl Bundy, manager at Corona Ciel Mar. -Beckner Photo ~ . . .. .. . . . t• \ SECOND ANNUAL MISA Cl If REPORT NOW IN CllCULAnoN 0., w JM WJTJfS88 -111.-tM--. " ---..Or, I a.a.. ..._.. la wt~ wtlllnot, I a.a .. ...,.._ LMAL No11CI ~ COftl&JalftS q,o (J} MC- Uou, ..,. oonal .. red eectlon by -uon, uad that the ..ad Ordt· aance wu then puMd and &dopt. ed u a wbole by the followiDS ¥0te: , • n. a~ ot o.&a ..._ •• ..._ ..-a ,..t 1e • .. ... .... ... ..... 97 uatAt .. mJ Mad and att\Jled 11\1 lllS dmalat.4 tlda ..... "" • d~ ., ....,.. ... ~ ...... -... ,.. lllftdal ...i u.. d&J aad ,..,. ln tm WI OWWl1 ••• ant .....,. UU. c.wlt&te ftnt abon Written. ...._. -....ui ............ wlllll& • aft..-t ............ wllUt& ROBDT A.. li8TIUJlf -t. al dty ~ l!f'e ..... to ... tMlr ....,. · ROaaT r . WJU.illD Ill)' Oom""816cm ICJrplrM AYD: IUPDV180Ra A 1~~ ~ wttb brtPt l1'M!D co••r. t.be report lll IUU.l\r&ted with Lill¥ ctrawtnp c&rt.ooGlnr the -noua bureaua. M7 Oom•l8Mo ..,..._ iVSf"/M ,J\ll)o It, 1911 No. 61 No. ~T N.,.._Pr.. 10/11, 11/1. t , 11/11 N ....... Pre. ll/1, t , 11, U , 1966 WM. H. ~L C. M. J'l:ATHICRLT, RALPH J. MC· rADD&N AND W1LLl8 ' a WA.RNl:R To quote Ma1or Cl&lre Mel.on'• lllatement ln the report, "It la the delltn el 7our ClowlcU -ben to Jt .. p JOll ln· formed u to h-~ wy bu been,.,_t., and w. tnlllt thU. 'l'eport will tad to --.. tllla pur;o.." V• ..._.. O&Dll'f4Jlf(lS NO. n• NOES: 8lJPmRVllOR8 I._,... AN O&DIN4NO& Ul'&ALINO NONJC NOTICE or J'UIUC -..UNG 8UB8SCTIOM <•) or uw-AB81lNT: 8UPll:RV180 Ra NoUce u bereb7 atv• tut U.. 'l'IOH I or OllDIN4NCS MO. R&JNZ KAtlllR PlanaUq CommlMlon. al ta.. ctt7 -· &N'ID'L&D .. AN OllDI· IN WJTNJ:SS WHatmor. I ot N~ Beach wlU hold a~ NAKCS &eOUIATIX(l 'I'll& have hereunto 19t my hand &11d llc lleartna' oa U\e appl&caUoe of UIS or/. W A T • a I' • 0 M attlxed tht' offt'clal Mal of the THJC D\Vl1Q: CO. Is O>A.11' WSLUI AND TO P&SVJl:HT Board of 8upe,i-vaore of Or&Jll'e HOTl:UI INC. (R. J . <X>LLl!f8 TRll WAtlTll: AND FLOW County, Caltfornla, lhl• ht day ot preeldemt) for a UM pelWl&t Mt>. 'ftlD&Or, AND DD'ININO November, 1166. 201 to 1*1ftll: Tiie eoutNeUcm TID WA BT IC 0 r •a U () B (BICA.L) and o'peraUoa or a mot.l, iwt.a»-WATsi. AND D&nlf'IN'O'TBll: 8 . J . aMJTH • CdM. Savlnls·Loan Offlc~ • j ·. ExpandS Its Facilities raat and cocllt.au >opnp ud ....-T'ltaD 'WSU.&' "B&NEFI· County Clerk and ea-officio Wtlh lUtallaUoa ot new ...,._ Oorou"del Kar, UUIOWlCed t!l&t lated acti.tU•;on lot !'fo 6'1Mock <JI.AL tJa.• ~ Clerk ot tbe ~ ot aup. ment and expeDlllon o1. tu MrYklt ~r a.ccounu wtU be uan.: H ll'M:t lrrin•'• Bubdi.t.loe, ud PUlll'08JI:,• 'ISILIOATIOM or •MMe>"* ot ~r• eount1., In the Corona del KU' otnce. fwncl from the beadquarterw al· turther klcated &1: 2101 ODaA IAlfD9* AND 'PPPAOA'nON Callfomla Newport Baibotl ~Yinp and ~ lD N.,,,.,ort Budl.oA ,......_ lf&Pwa7, for a motel. l1T1 Oaiut Olr FUii/ AND PaOVIDINO Pllbllall.ed Newport 11.ubor N-.. Loan -..odation Jsu announced New &CCOUDta .,_.. IA Mr et-JllPwaJ, tor a awtauraat. PEJIJALTID IPOa VIOIATIOK Prem November t , ttee complete •rrictns tor all .&'t'tql nee wtll now be maintained ln '1'11• J*l'oel of land belac .... THZaSOr... No. 1Jt and loan aecount. mamtalDtd tul1 U..re. "We wlU receln ,.,. loped wW coul8t of .00 tt. aJaac T1M Board ot 8upe~ o( thel'f..°'L...--' -i. to . aTtap or io.a ac-Cout llJP'tft.1 ud toO tt. Uaac U.. Cowit7 of ~. 8l&te of XIC.ABUR.IC TO 1llC VOTICD ON Opened on Cout Hl(tlway OCM&Dle a1 either offtce, u ua A\'OC&do A•. Oalj~mia, do .ordalA u follow•: NoUce ta bereb7 (1~n that the near MAcA.rthur 81~ Sa tbe •tra ooa~ for our C\IMOID· Notice u henby flu1.lter ti._ allCTION 1. Subeec:Uon (d) ot folJowtnl' ~re ta to be wt.d ot 19CK to .. ,..,. the ~~ .W', ebe et.Id. • Uiat -.id pubUc beartnc will tie lecUOe ' ot Ord1naAq No. att, on at the 8~1al N\lnlc.lpal Corona deJ Mar u-. u.. ontce When u.. ~ dal Kar al· beld cm U.. lTUl _,. of H°"'811er enUUed, "A.n OrdlAance ~latln6 ElecUoa to be-tWld l.ft th• City and tu Mrricet baft .t.adllJ ~ wu opened. ... i. at N..,.. 1•. at tbe bour ~ T:IO p.a. bl Ult U• ot Wat.er fl'oln W.U. and of Newport Beach• Ute IUl da,y pin~ tn. uace. e&llins tor nar-port Balboa Ba.tnp totalled SJB Ult OMmelJ auna-. ol Ult._.., to Prennt t.be Wute and J'low Of December, 1968: tber upamlon to _,.. cut.om· lll1WolL T1M7 ._,.. oow lnc:reued part BIKh Clt7 Hall. at wtdcb thereof, and Detlntnl' U.. Wute of A propoal to amend the CilJ en in tbat commun.tt.,-and in to _.. tMa SJJ mwtoa, IP'abner U-ucl p&ue &ft7 Md aD ,... eucb Wat.er,, and Detln1ft&' tbe Charter ot N.wport Beach lo n· cltlee &Joas the Oranp Cout, aid, wtUl the eon.a del Kar ol· eona ~ ma1 appear uc1 Temu •wen..• 'BeDetlclal U•.' quire t.bal U.. memberw of the accord1ftc ~ Praldent Paul .A. floe ftswtar materia117 la the ....,.. Ulm. 'Bellettclal PurpoM. • 'JrrtpUon of Ctt1 Councll of the Clt;y of New· Palmer of the .AallOClatlon powu.. ft.A Y Y. COPWLIH, ........., t.nde' and 'PropapUOD of l'Yh,' port 8eadl be llOllllnaled and "W• haY9 delayed apan11on N...,,ort ~ cu1 and ProYtdin( PenalU.. for Vlo-elected only tro• and b7 the al tbe otftce to await dellnr,. of ua. ·L NO~ ~ OaftimW'on laUon thereof'' ... hertlt7 repealed. electoni Wit.bin Ule1r .....,.cuve accounllnl' equipment wt th new .,.. 'In.• No. IO x .......... 11/1111 SllCTION I. TlllAI O!'d1naDce 1>&8trlcta. featuree JU.It dev,Soped'', Palmer UaU take etfeci and be in force Dated: OCC.OW a 1115 · aid. "Tbi• equipment ball, been . ~m •. ~ CSll'l'lnCAB -SU.,,_ thlrt7 (10) .. ,. from aad ~ XAROllRY 80HllOUDllR • delinred and le in !Mnice. It n.Mll•• nr. If-....... l"llla Mw lt.a ,._... and pn. to t.bt.u,. Clt7 Clerk ' l, the itewMt UWW Of lu J1i114, 'ftllD .tnm ..... OHm> doe9 • De ---.nect doe9 ._., ptraUOo of 'tut.ea (16) 4&19 atta Ko. M N_P.._ 11/2, t. 1166 Mid en&bl• \I.I to materta1l:Jll' lD· benby oert11J Utat M &e OOllduo-~-~ be &9 ~ a the pa.Map thereof, tbia Ordlnanoe u..M our etttdency uad _... Ulla a PIMltop&Jlll>' ""'*'" at ma1a-ud deaa1nc ......._ eba1J be publiabed aa.ce 1D Ult • u P 11: a 1 o a oomrr or 'nm for •mp and loaa cutoaMn '°"a. BaJbo& Bl1'4., BaJltoa, CaUf.. at aT a. 11u11 aa.t. o.ta IJtea. N.wport Hart>or !f ...... PreM, • :noo~IU'fUo•"!°"o• lD O:>rona de! Kar." under t.bt ftcUUom ftnD name ol oautonaa. .... tM ncuu... new.paper printod .ln u..· eouilt7 _... - Mn. Cart Bund7, mwcw at JACIC BAACUB 8TUDlt>e ud ftra Miit et !'f.., X... ...... ot "---Bt&te ot calJ.t-•· to-N .. A _. ,,.. •• _ ... 0o. u11 u.at ..w ..... _.. --!'fO'nm or llS.AllDfG D . .A. '1 Moltter Da.. Ill Nortll Dakota BANTA A.NA. (\:>CNI) -'nit motber of ~ ea.ant,-Dt8t. .Atty. Robert ~ died 'Sun· da7 1a Jam..tawn, N . Dak .. &ft« a len(thy tllne.., She wu Xl'll. Ablp..ll Kneeland. Kneeland obt.al.Aed permiu6oll from the board of eupem.or. No•. 1 to leave the state. Stock w. Olray 8ACR.UD:NTO, (CNS) W. B. 8tqllal8on. lllate corporaUon commlMtoner, UIDOWloed '-'1ance of a permit to ......_Dry Lundry, lnc., 308 Newport Blvd., N-port Beach. to MU IOOO ahanll of •lock. PH Alllla CUI I ENT WNINGS Ulat et.Id ftrm a. compwd al U.. flrm la -pawl ot u.. ,......... pt.her with U.. · DUM11 ot. the Satat.e of foUowins ,.,...., Wboe9 --ta ........ wtlloM ...... la Ml ... m.-nMn ot the Board ol Super-LZON a, u..JfBOIUf, tul1 and JlliM* ol Nlldeace.,.. u pl&.-al rntfn 1 are u ~ .._.. YOtla&' few ud asal.Dllt t.bt D11111n4 f.UO... to-wtt: . to-wtt · --. !ro'l'ICll D mmT GIVEN JACK WUllUI BA.llCUB WrUJAM O. J'lTSQaLAU> W1LLl8 H. WA.JUO:R tbat JOit.DA.if L. JOM'm lll&a flied 1IOI &. Balbotl BIYd. 611 &. lit.la atn.t. OULlnnaa ot Ult Board et ._,... --..... tw -............ ,. Balboa, oaut. a.ta .... c.11tont& 8upen18on ol ~ WUl ,; ~ .. ~: Wltne. mJ band thia Jath d&J Wltae. a7 bud W. Ila ..,. Count,-, OaltfomSa rfllelomce to wtll6M le JMde for al October, ltclCJ WJJU,A,J( 0 . JTl'SQaALI) (81DAL) fluUltr ~ aM t.ba& the JACK W. BARCUS ot Oct.oW, llM. B. J . 8Ml'nl Ume and piece el 11eart1aS ~ IJTA'l'll or CALD'ORNIA > STATI: or~ Oount1a.r11:and~a.. ..... 111aa a... Mt,_ HOT."11, at <X>UNTT 01' ORA.NOil )•. OOUNTY Or OB.A.NOE )a al the Board of lllapern.on Of 10 L m., ln U.. counz-of 0. or naa :&&th d&J of October, Of w. 11 da7 al Oetober. ~ Counl7, CaJitomSa pertmmt tfo. ' of et.Id court, at A.. D. 11116, before me, Robert F . A.. D. 1116, Won me, ROllDT ITATI: OJ' CA.LU'OllmA ) CowllJ Hall J lleconla, ln the Wlllme9, a Hot&J7 P\lbllc Sa Uld A. JCA.Sl'l(.Uf, a Notary Pua.uc ) ... City of Bant.a/'AM,. CaJitonllL for. the aid. CoUDt7 and Stat., .. and tor u.. .... Coumt.J ud COUNTT or ORA.NOi: ) B. J . UOTB. Clerk .... ~ theJWn. cNly conuni.-State, "9ldlnc t..1Mre1D. d\&17 com· t, B. J . llJ(ITH, Count7 Clertl D&ted OctA>ber It, 1111 llklDed and -om. penonan,. mi.toned and 9WOJ'll, penonallJ aad d-ottldo Clerk of the B6a.id BNYDICI\ and ruD'l'CHl!ft, and appeared JA.CK W. BARCUS appeared WILLIAM 0 . J'ITZ· of Supe"'-On of Oraap Count7, O'NJCIL bown to me to be the pereon Ol:R.ALD known lo me to be tba C&lifornla, do herebJ certUy tb&t 87 OwmN S . O'MICJL wtioee name i.. aubecribed to th• penon whoM name la aubecr1bed at a ,..war m .. tln&' of the Board -"tt.ol'M)'a for ~· within lnlllNDMnl, and acknowl· to the wtlhtn lnetnmwat. and Of superrtaorw Mid on the !ft day No. II. Newt·~ ect,.s to me that be executed acknowledpd to me Uiat be ol NOftlllber, 11611, U.. f~ 11/2, t , 11. IS, i• I The hottest features ·for •56 are In the new Chevrolet Chevrolet never hed It eo goo4 for you before ••• and no other car In lta fteld even comee cloee. See If Chevrolet ~cfoMn•t feetu,. •v~ng you want for '88. /II Mtoirt .... ,..,.. ....... 4 ....... ..... • • • • • • • • • ·~. e·• •·•e ••••• e .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ............. . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • -.iti -...._.M .. ~"ti Juat look it o.-er-the lower, Joarer hood ... the wider l'rille ..• UM bir bold puklH lirbta and the nreepinr new epeedline claramt tna~L \, .. Va "9'9•111•-z--t. 908 That'• the power the new ..Super Turbo-Fi re V8" poura out (optional at ulra coet iD all modela). •tetrt"e ma41e -•Y Chemlet'• 1ett-1ide tallllrht holdl a 1tyU1h aecnt. It'• hln,.cl a t tM bot tom ... awinr• down to un- cover the ru u p. Cloeed up, the cap'• concealed I • .... ryt ....... ,,., A11t.emet1c ~ower ~e•t11r•• 1a-velt at~eal •~ Paclca ttilie• the puncla of cmllna17 6-•olt •r•tema ..• 1pin1 the enfine up to~ third fuur whe-n you tum the ke7. You ~t 111nr •t&rtlnr In all weather . And you have ·• ~Ltr electrical reMrV•. Ball bearfnp rnatly reduce friction and 1teerinr effort in Chevrolet'• Ball-RaceSt.ffrinr. Chevrolet offer1 en rythlnr you could wl11h for In the way of power aervants ! All are available u u tra-<:ot1l option•. Roadt teem newly panel wttla GlicS.-ltWe front •uapenaion and outrirrer ~ •PriJl,. eoaklnr up the Jolt.a. And Cbenaltt per- fOl"IUlllCI put.I 70UI' a.ftt.7 lnt I TH• HOT ON .. S llV•N HOrr.lf We ~~k-,.._ll --~ .... kwl That'• how the 'H Che.-rolet proud lh champlonehlp l'O&d·llC'tlon . . • Ha 1unr, •f•r drivinr control I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • ,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••••••• e ......... e •••••• e. e. e •••• e ••••• e •••••••••••••• e •• e ..... . ... 321 AMlllCAN A YE. . ,._ Hlmlcd 7·1213 MILLER .. CHIVROLn CO • ( J . ' ... 1000 West C1 ti .... _, \ co Clrculatlon 21,000 DWrtMW la M'wpwi ........... IWboa ....... QM II ... 11.ar, Co.ta .... 1,... • a.th I....-. ............... 1 at M1rtg11e Leans Sweet are the uaem of adver· ---------- ally, which, llX• a tO&d, thoush uc ly and venomoue, weare yet a precloua Jewel In Ila head. UDO DalCTOIY MCB•tm .,,.._ ....... 11111111~1,_ __________________ ... ... NOMI& aualNI--D INDU8Tlll4L l'llOl'lllTll8 Wia ...,_ ,rlvo .. """ l ... 11 .... loNI Clleftlt ~""" ....-.1 ,,_ c.. ... c .... .. .... MO H:•eON.AL. •OL.t•tTA1'tDNe TtlUeT DICD8 aOUCIHT AND IMJLD WM . I. llll NOllT8ADI aANKIHCI ., .. cc t92i0 ....... MISH SllfET • U.NTA ANA, CAlll. ltllMUl Y ).7111 .... ___ ...... ~."' .... "'-.... s-··-·-· ...... Yer\.0..._ -For the tlneat tn Commercla' PrintJnc call Harbor 1811, Job PrtDUas l>eputment. .. "8' ... WTlcl ..-.. ,_ n=e-ctwtagT lt'1 -WllTH" It! SllYerplatlllCJ n Sllvenmllhs . · ShakH.,.are Week-end ~pecial I 5-A-V-E ! ! Corduroy Slim Jim Panl• and Peddle Puaherw Ill> .,ala.rt 1 '6.N Thurs., Fri., & Sat only 5.98 Gorgeous Colora & Black For You for GHtal Exciting Tee Shirta to match or contrut 2.88 Cf/gene 188S Harbor Co.ta HMa ()pea PrL Till • u 8· 7666 v ALUES for nun. , Frt. a MM. 2 for '1.59 LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DllECTOIY (O•'f I) IJPBOI.Bl'EIUNG DIClll llAOK&a NII V .. Udo -llutlor UH WATCH REPAIR VINOZ!'fT'8 WATOR llEPAD UDO DBU08 Nil Vla Lido WINDOW COVERING APPLIANCES -Bouebold Tiii: SHADE 8HOI' Para -Dealer -8ervl.:e Nu& &o POI& Offt-S.r. IM UDO El..ECJ'IUV Sttf Via Udo -Hanor nil AUTOMOBILE DEALERS 8aJ It WIUI New and Uffd Car11 N ICKl:RTZ 8TUDEB.UlEA Kaleo Sentoo Put. 8~ewport 111vc1. -Har. 010 _, ... ,,. ~JoUJer~ 8-k of Amertea NT a SA Party BataJ Item. U.. Vla Udo -Harttor 1616 -'•O.t 11. Cooaf ll'JI .• C:oro..a del II• BARBER SHOPS Barbor 64>'71 UDO 8BAVTNO KUO la BWweU'o 8to1'9 for -MD Vla Udo -RartNtr HM BEAUTY PABLOB8 UDO 8 AWN OF l'St;At;TY NII Npt. BlvcL -Hu. 26'1t BOOKS BOOK CA~E 1411 Vla Udo -Harber &6N CAllEBA8 a 8uppllee \'ISCENT UDO OKU08 1 .. 1 \'la Udo -a.nor Ntl CARPLTS a DRAPERIES DICK MAt:k.EK NJI \'1& Ud-alarbor uie CATERl.NO &ICBA&D'8 UDO MA.&ILn IUS Via LWo -~r 11n ......... , .. ,1. .... ,.._ .... • _,...... .,..., Muoated • ~ ........... twbentlliq wm...,. ....... ,... • ...._ ni.,. ..... Ma to ............. I ._.. ...-• a.at ""'7· • OPEN FllDAY NIGHTS 'Tl. 9 P JI. Perking Tickets Va Ii dated, All Santa Ana Parking Loh OPEN EVERY NllE 'TIL t P. M. SUN.. 6 P. M. • 11119& Arrtvf'd ! : •a: a • ..._ .; t, .. . o.w-. ..... ..... V.8 •• ..._ "Warmeter" ws~HE• JACKETS Clothla1-Chlldreaa & Wanta IDU'tJ or UDO ut6 Newport Blvd. CLOTHINO -.,ea'• Retall IUUWnl.'8 8HUI' t 'OK MJ;N NU \'ta Udo -llartlor 0141 DOORS (fEN 9 A. M. SHARP .. tlCAllAJl"l"D f'ff ftoJ• a Girl• o ,, ~ .:_:.:.:; M I 1o•s to 13's ~-~ -Su H ----------' • Green Stamps e Wll11rS e PR IDl·N·IOY ..,Jiii& ..... Ce. Ootllee wl Toya mA P ,_ ..._ for Olrl9 wl Bo)'a .... ... 1881 BariNw Blvd. · UI .. e..Ma Ooeta 11eea --·~-· ---·--- Schade' s Beauty Shop ( fonfterfy ·Heu ) Openln(J Special ••o ,.._.,..nt '-17 -M Wephone -for '" • tm mt. -.U Liberty 8.+t 11 cs h• or Wore 9 L m. 40l t1Mf It. Newport Beech CLOTBING-Womn'a Rel&U LA R.Ell'Z Mt \'la ~HarMr '41• UDO t 'A :;.HIU:\14 IUt Npt. lllvd. -Ha.-.r #Tl HKADUOCk'l'I NII Via Udo -Harbor M11 VAGA80SD HOL8t: Jm~ 8poruwe&r HM v .. u.. -ttarioor MO.& oauo STORES Vlfla&.NT8 uoo ua.._. Nil Via Ude -t&Mbor ,._ ELECTRIC CONTBAt.'TOK8 UDO Eucra.JC MM Via I.Mo -HaJ'bor •7111 t"'LOWERS &ICHAJU>'8 UDO II.A ... •7r Coraaa-Table Arranc emenUI HA \'la Udo -ttartier n u I FOUNTAIN, GIULL Vl.NCJ;.,T8 U.UO U•Vt.M ... I \'la Udo -HaMJGt IOOJ FKAJIE8 a ALBUll.8 0 t:IUIA.llDT lfr 0108 I .... , .......... _...,., .... FURNITURE Olt.:1' MACIU:M MJCI \la Udo -tta..-..r tut OUT SHOP I &IC HAllU'K UUO ~I NU v .. Udo -H.anoor UU !lilli!!!!E!~!!s;;:;;~;;::;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;~::::;~-lN~U RAN~E AO~NTS WIM MONTHS AHEAD Regldar 51595 SILVER KING BAnERY * IUllU INSULATED * ~. Cl. I'S( ( "-L'l.· M09 \ La UJ., -Harbor IU 4 INTt.;BIUR OEOORATUKS lll.A.'il.'til: • lJ'l .. .tO.m~u!\ A.1.0 14 II \ la Uft -ttu bor ~;SM Dlt h MAl h.ER ano \ •• Udo -Harbor t:IU DOS c 1u;1e.UTU:\ A . I. u ~ lmpur1t> 600 \la M~a -Har'"'' »ll MAJUU.78 M'l H ,\ICU'!C Lil)(> M AHht/t U~~ \'la Udo -Harbor l8U , IO.:AL USTAYt: Lil"' u ;.u. T \ A ... -toe IA TE!t Lido :Slllea It Renla ls ''" \ la U do -Hal1M>r UU P. A . rAt.Mt;k J~c.·. uaa 'oa lhJo -llarbor I 600 \C>tot.I. l OMt'A:\\ ll UI \la l.ldo -Hartlor tllH BA\' A:oilfl Kt;Al'll kt.A l.TY I I \la Udn k 'l<llll! Ofllt,.. II It Lat •J~lle -hartwu JIU SA \'INGS le LOAN I ASSOC'ATIONS I St:\\POHT llALttVA l".\\ l'Ul4 a UM!\ .\S.'4°''1ATIO~ -----==---------.~-A -.v•• ... • An ehLJ..t.Llon 4 J vm AR GU AR ANTEE Lona Tr . Ill Hom11 Lvan~ I...,. " " UM \lo Udo -Horbn1 l !Oe ONLY 513'5 Per my 6 Volt Exe•• .. 12 Volt Sl ..... y HlcJMr • I u :a\·1c t: STATIONS ' I.mo llll'IU'I t;l.D '411 Ne•por1 l'Shd.-ttar. Mn j SHOt:S -MM'• • I AID\U.:U.:!'C l!ITOkt. t 'OR Mf:.S I •it \ la Udo -Huber ot-41 81101:8. "'OKEN al U:'8 Of' <.:AUf'OllSIA Mii , ... u.-a.A .... l'IU:Anu:B LIDO 'l'lmA ft& CouuJt We pep.r few ~ \'a•IMoal H-..rt•~ ............ JOYS LIDO TO'l'L4!fD ...,, ........ _ _._ ... l'U VEL A.CENCID FIA..,_ TIL&VSI. AGIDfCT ..... ,. ............ -.... -. , ........ ... RIVIERA'S TO OFF ON EYE RY SOFA FIRST COE "5T SERVED! We have t•k..,. s..... >.. Showroom and '"ded 1t with Sof• f.o... ow TV Shows, HOMe Shows, the PoMoN Feir and Floor s.a"f>l•s WOM .JI of ~Lii1r•s stores • Some "'CJhftf damaged ... some slMjht~ soilff ... Mostly Br•nd New ... This will be the Greatest Wholesale Clearance of CorwertibJe Fwr- niture ever seen in Souther" California -.-Al.L 5 I CS -... -.a a a. •"_:.,..__ •l! NI ·~· w.ct ................ "'"' ...... .... !Ml-" .. ., .............. ..... Fi& COFFEE FREE 6FTS TRADE-IN ......... ~ ............. .... .... .......,.., ................ ..... ........... ,. . .,, . .,... ...... " ... . .,_ ...... ~. '-"4!.o_a.....!!.!!_-4 ~ ..... °' •••• Pf II • FREE DBJVERY 405 411 E.. ~ II 111111 \, 3 BIG SALE DAYS' • Thursday. 9 Friday 9 Saturday • -November 10, 11, 12 ,. 11L.."• ._ ... -~ ·*"""~ 1.-,-. •• • • • ~ . . . • • • ALL-AMERICAN MARKETS Will Be OPEN Friday, Veleran''s • • Day For Your Convenience! Fancy Eastern Corn-Fed Pork SPARE RIBS Small size -lean and loaded with delicious meatl All-American's Famous Fresh, Le~n GROUND BEEF All-Amerlc• First quan+y Eastern Sliced BADON 1-Lb. Sealed PackCICJe All-American 'Tip-Top' lrand Pure Pork SAUSAGE 1-Lb. Cello Roll F.~~-EM FOOD$ WONG'S CHICKEN Of THE SEA fCH1Nese FoODs~ TUNA I • CHICKEN CHOP SUEY I p IE s e POIK CHOP SUEY I e EGG FOO YOUNG I EACH I e FIHED RICE I I I Your I Choice! I CHICKEN Of THE SEA : TUNA . c ea.: DINNER I I woeee' awm .. aova 49c: ORE-IDA -PACKAGE OF • • 1-LB. CAN • LAURA SCUDDER'S, FARM FRESH -QUART iMAY'NAISE • • STAR ORCHARD SLICED OR HALVES e: PEACHES G::~"~~9 .. : No. 2V2 Can • • WAU<ElrS AUSTEX -16-0Z. CAN .: : BEEF STEW . ---,---- KOUNTY-KIST WHOLE KERNEL CORN v;::~m 12-01. Cans For c c c ~ WALKER'S AUSTEX ~ TOMATOES " CHILI ~FRANCO AMERICAN ---AND BEANS • .,~~· 25c !!$P.iiHETTI 2 No. 1 C•ns 27c ~--------, C 11ave the labels from I ""'" RANCHO I I IOUP I 4 5 C _4J_\f_n'7_e-·---·=· .. r---~~---, I E-Z POP I I I POPCORN I I I I c .... , .... -35 ... 4, ,. ,., C I I I• foll ,...,.,. I I ,-.i I --'!~.!l~ ..!~"~·~·~·~· __ ...J POTATO PAnlES ____________________ .... '"'-------_. L ____ ._ __ J • ·- I BITTY CROCKERS -40-02. PKG. BISOUICK MARY EWN -llG 2CM>Z. JAR -PURE PLUM PRESERVES c PET EVAPORATED MILK c TALl · CANS MU.DOW GOLD PIEMIUM -All Flavonl ~-GAl. ICE CREAM c DIAMOND A CUT GIEEN BEANS c NO. 303 CAN fresh Frutts S. Veg~bles IXTRA-FANCY WASHINGTON-STA TE, STARKING DELICIOUS . EXTRA-FANCY, RIPE.SWEET LAKE COUNTY BARTLETT U.S. NO. 1-LARGE SIZE- WASHINTGON RUSSIT Delicatessen LBS. LIS. 69 2 1.U. PKGS. Wiison's Canned, No-Wash$ FRANKS 6-Lb. Can WOODBURY SPECIAL! c .. a.oz. Chub Hoff11www Al leef KNACKWURST c •• 1-Lb • Pkg. 49c I Gaylord : CHAMPAGIE I or Spaaklng : BURGUIDY Amt -Your Choleel . --- 1 IMPOITED FROM FRANCE The perfect I VIN ROSE , dln;,;me• iCAsHEWS 91c1j ·~;· 39c 1' LANOLIN $ 00 L _________ J ~ ~ FORMULA & plut ~ ~+ MAKE.UP GLQ ••• I ALL AMillU.H 86-PIOOF BLENDED i WHISKEY __ """ ~ REGULAR $t.591 SPECIAL 80™ 9DOWNEY com• "IBTOMI • DOLAN .... , .,. """""' ' A.Ill. 10 " .......... • HAID ~ APPLE CIDER FIFTH e GARDEN GROVE e CORONA DEL MAR e SAN CUMENTE ,._ ......... ....._ ,._.. S...) IMt COAST l••llWAY AT 'AW "2 a CAUIMO 11AL DMY t:tt A.Ill. TO 10:tl P.M. DAllT t:tl A.M. TO 1 .... P.M. t UL tot 01~ RWHY t TO I P.M. PAGE .. COASTA( SHOPPER jNewport Beach Pol·ce E am 1Lt Uttle .... Tht ('OUl"S#, tir•lrntd fnr newly Julv HI' II . mtmbl'r "'Sl'1'\alprnl'nl know\~ or Alla .. -• · WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 1955 ( I • , comm18111onr-d Orfll't'rl CK''' L1r u· Alptt.1 Epallon ftatnnlty murh ireater a nd mol'9 accuret• • • Army Pchce Class tt'nant L1lllt lnurung 1n 1wr~o11n,.1 -th 11 h book . ,,.__ .. __ .. Set for Nov 29 al c·11y Hall AMll)' 2nil Ll W1l1'0n Litlll' Jr man&J:t'mtnl, 11tlm1111~t"'t "'" ti( 1:e1Jg1•1 :SWl'llrlllj:CO s1· In· .~~II ~I bf'll~::r~ •• ~ wl~l .:"..!t~: ~ Me-sa Celebrant ...... ta ML A dtcorated ....... • h th I . . l '33 p ,·· JUSl.r ··11mrnal lll\'1-.llj.:ltll•lll 14 1111 wtth llomemack IC'• cream. bal· \\ "~" I er 1\111 e , 1ra el Lr1'l:ic-<· .. nllo l. t<1111tllun .1 I 1dl\llo ru p111C. "Our be ,,..,·11111•11 " loontl and f•vora for the children Wrrlltn examlnallona for J>A· ar .. Amencen uuun tx>twten thr Houil. rrct nlly 1·ompl<'l<'d lhe mlll-• ~-- f S• y and prtae. for Mveral sames. trolmtn will be hrld Tuuday, 1 age1 21 and 36. hrgh achoo! dt· lary poh<·e ottu:er b111lc couru al Tht 11.,ut .. nant w•" 10 uJ uut "" 0 IX ears blp!lsbted UM affair. Movtnc Nov. 29 al 9 a.m. Ill City Hall ploma or equ1v8lf'nl, v1111on ffilll• lht• f'>Nl\'Ollt Manhol GtnHal'a from the Univ .. rslly of \\'1~101 sin BALTZ MORTUARIES Tiie mUa M~ et Mttle ~~ wwe talt:u by Lynn'• Appllcatl/)n blllllk1 may bl' ob-1 rmum :tO 40. phy,,1,·al, U. S School. Camp Gordon. Ga. 'l>efon• ent•'rrr11; thl' Army 111111 11"'-/Jler, Kn. J . F . Dlckln· lAlned a l the Civil Sav1ce of· Army 11tandtm.l. ------------l'O:STA MESA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE 8&A 3:120 E. Cout 81¥4. l.ynn Yoanplood .,.. ., .. ,_._..,.1&4l .... -. flee In City Hall and final drtte 1 Salary wrll hr $J l8 • $382 • •• ~ ------------- Jut .BatUNa)' at Ute IMme et .._ A~ U.. p&rty wera 'Su· for tlllnl' la Friday, Nov. 18. p.:r month. •O·h<1ur week, 16 doy• 1 Rt pat re • MaJol•·n:uwe • 1""tallallur parent.a, Kr. and Mn. ........ Bale. xar,ar.t Na.all. Barry Veteran• wur be given • ~ per vacation p:u11 h11ltda)11, 11lale re· : ~ 5' AF F 0 e D & s 0 ~ Youncblood, ltas ...._._. Aw., ADii A.Illa Banwnian, Becky and cent prt>ftrence Requtr .. 111ent1 Utement system f -"" "Nl!:L.S amt UUC" IHI Superior Avenue Costa M<'llA. CaJlt. Phone Uberty 11-2121 Corona dd M.u, ca.lit. Phone Harbor '2 Furniture /Jy C1ntu1y-o/J Slill Corona del Mer Balboa Island 2204 S. Main St., Santa ~na Kl. 5-2719 OPEN MON. & Fii. M . OPEN SUN. 12 TO 6 P .M. i. Use our • ...___._--~ven•ent ...--· ... , 1t .. I -W_. •r• 1:15 .. 1:'5 w. Ohw aa• a.-lh•pe Those rccc1v1n;: pa&11lnK gra<lel! ~ t:l,ECTl:IC "\I. C'01' T it Al TUK!f Pat Speck tlmlre, Wendy and Al· will be placed on lhl' ehg1ble list l'hon .. LllK"rty 11·~'!18 ex Holve, C<'orl(e Youns. Vonnit from which apix11ntmenl11 wtll b.-110 Rl\'enikle Au·nue ~f'Wl>Ort R4•af'b and Leroy LaPerle, llobln and made lo the p<llt.:e department. Steve Sloan, Jo'redda and Darleene YoungbloOd and ~d Nan· -Check Clualfled Dl1play for out· cy Schorle.-atandlnc bugalna In wied can. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME Aano Yn~lruclion I -PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP SOFT \\'A t·i-:1: TERESA RENNER I Mn. A. Renner I b ptlal' a limit.eel numbf-r of pvpU. for piano Coattrt Plaalat of Th~ Ooatlnenla Graduate Sludra& ef Bela llartok ra Drive Pb. Har. !OS9 rona Hl~blands -Coroea del llar W111te Sidi Well1 CIM,..4 BALBOA TKEATIUD Bl.DO. LUlllCAflON -· CAI POUSHI ... BAI.BO,\ ()pea ~ Uartl !lalmd.ay At: ROSS· FllOM 8EA&8 SANT". AN & SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. NOVEMBER 10-11-12 LIDO DRUGS "OIM .......... SIMlpe" 1461 Via Udo, Newport BMcb HARIOR DRUGS Ask About Our Xmas Lay·A·Way UOl E. Oout By., Coroaa deJ Mar ,. ,. .. ,. ......... ,. .. ........ ,. ...... ~,,. .. .. ,...,...,. ...... ............. ...... ,. .... ,.,. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ,. ,. .. ._, .. I ct!-- SCHICK "20" SHAVB lAte.t llodel l&ledJ1e llaaor PttfttUJ' hbs~ "4ta1y II.tor fw ~ ... ~ ........ _,.n.. ~ UWle Ill ., ..,. efef'· alaaYer. ll...,. "'1191-0ut trade-la. • ... $26.50 s9•s ORiy ;::.._ c-t.B tll.16 ' FOi PAPB PRODUCTS C.utM Wu PAPER ltc SCOT PAPER TOWELS 2 Rolls 3t ... t'eria& TISSUE .... ... ,_. .. ALUMINUM FOIL TIDE GIANT LARGE --65c 28c POltTAILE LAUNDRY CAIT Heavy Canvas Beg Folds end Stands Upright lt .. lllar 4.49-2.H •~'Up--0._. r .. edaw" .., • .,. 8erYw $289 SILEX ~.NM--·-···-··· - r~rrlbadle s595 SILEX CARAFE ~~.:1;: . ,.... C A-R·Aff ~ .... A '"' .. --.."' YINCINTS ICE CREAM 5c c ..... 10C Hmtel Pack.a Plltts 30C -.. . 9ucrts SCJc i Gallon hlk 81,-ia 79 • • • • . c • BAT'Tl:ar OPl:aATt:D Electric Cars f"nl_k.e car. Ta\I, •'1,.. ('hlf'f,-K,1 $3. '!t $1.89 I rooT LONO Fire Tn;ck t.ll'f"lnt. ~ ll1:ht. I VNIOll loxiltCJ Glowes ..... ui.-i-u. ..... tor ac-I te II, $2.98 Velocipede l ! .. IJJMt "11.. l" mold9d Of'fftJ·plH'amade ...... "4lc· ti.N $5.95 PLt'IUI C11ddly lear $2.19 MATTEa.,.....cAR:'lil \'A I. Hsdy·G•dy ftil'I'""' mu•lr ti<>\ A~r1a.I a.dder. \ lny1 llr,.. hi llM wor111--2l"~ll"' 1·· $11.95 .,,...,. ,,.,.. REX "80" "l'IO-\\ r.r'-1 ... R l 'llBl:ll Doi Set llrlnk ....... ~ ,...._ .. 1 ... -11M $2.98 $2.98 Doctor'1 Kit "-"~Bae. Nta la.lno l'ltrli.-op... plll., lhrnn-W.r, ,.,,., $2.98 \ $229 WAGON BIG TYPE ~v~, DNA JR. CASH REGISlERS $ 19 LIQUOR DEPAR 'i '1EI'~I · SPE CIALS SiLVER Shady Pride RIPPLE Of Grove GIN Indiana IT ... ow aLEJm . ...,., • P900P •noo• WWII SST """ • HOOr '1!1 311 ""'"' fJdn ,_._,. o.ty HARILl.ET tlV BBAIW Al'EQ s100 HAND CREAM~ PM Tl S~Y WIJMI a W-Clttt rne s100 LOTION , ..... •u• ..v- BO~~'IE BELL Pl• It Re,__ s150 LOTION tu ... .._ •... _ ......... _ Mll..K M AIO '4P ECJAL ._ s11s CLEANSER SHAMPOO R.foc. •1.11 .... . . s100 "-""'''°" )(f'dlMtl'd !Ul.leare prot.et s125 LOTION .. _ ... _ -.. ·-- \nu ....,. Milf ona plr ture .. mai:nlflN"nt Jlo'rf~o-17 II-LINS SIN•U SUDI VIEWD '4" DELUXE IROWNll MOVIE CAMERA KIT f'or mn"le -.klna rua Mo11114I UM f'lec-k. c-.. 1"1th hlfh •P'"'d t ' I .t lf'tt• plu• -lkww• t lamp mm~ llirht .,,,, n•rtrNI fMt '59" PUT ON XMAS LAY-AWAY SUNBEAM APPLIANCES MIXMASTIR ,.,._ . ,.,.... ...... ,... p;,.,., .... ...., .... = .. ........ , ...... ....... $47.SO COOKER & DEEP FIUER 11 _ .... : .......... .,__,. ....... ~ $24.50 Laguna Church Beach. announce thl1 wttk. the w!lo tor over 25 yMr. played or-Sclaooftover Receives -C?m•k C'lua1nM ot111lay tor out-, -For the n nMt In Commercl&l I COAST Al SHOPPEA --rA91 .I I purcllue Qf tlle latut. model ran eoncert. reruJ,arly at lbe •tAndtng barptn1 In lLffd cara. Prtnttn1 e&ll Harbor 1819, Job WEDNESDAY NOV~ .. "'BER 9 '1955 Or D Wurlltaer coMOle electronic or-conaoi. ot UM 1reat pl.,. orean Good Con. duct Medal Prlnllnl Depa.rtmenL • s;m • gan ~ rogram pn wtUI tull pedal llovd, wtdch In lhe ma.In lobby of a Loe All· Ann S l&li8t Third CIUI a. r.p,_t.&Un ot the n..-ln 111.. i t.ore and I.a now orpal.lt Geo Y M. ~ 2, whose 'fte ..... ,_)Of n. UtUe eleetroak orpne for church UM. and d\olrmut.er at AU Ba!Atl rs~bbl :'nove~, 410 Cl b-PARKU-RIDLEY QarQ ~ The .... corMT of Wltll the lMtallalloa ot W. Epi.copal C la u r c b ta BrnrlJ WUe, ., ve1 a u d Z...-and 'nlrou1h St.a., L&C'lJla new equipment the church plan• Hill•. hoUle Road, rttently w-:i: awar ~ --------on an expanded mu1lc:&I program The gueat aololst w 111 be ed the Good C<>nducl • ~al 8 with many beautiful aacred mu-Br&nt'e Edwards, tenor, who has Fort Lewis, Wuh., while lll'r\'lnl: MORTUARY Custom Built-in aicala pru t>nted by outilandln( won the htarlll of many by his with the 2nd Infantry D1vu1fon. t'onnerl7 Grauel Chapel - Chrt1lla.n talent. beautiful rendlUon ot the well· Schoonover, a member of the Fire Screens The tlrat pro,ram will be liY• loved 1acri'd 1electlona. 82d Allll·A1rC'rlfl Artillery Bat· en tor the 'l"haaklgh1ng ....._ The complete prol'ram will be talion'• Headqua.rtus Balttry, re· Sunday, Nov. JO, 7:30 p. ni. pnt-announct>d next week with an Ill· celved lhe decoraUon for hl1 ex- eenting the ~II-known artist, vltatlon lo all mU1lc lover• to al· emplary behavior, efficiency a nd 110 Broad"'8 Y -Ooata 11- Ha.rry Q. Mllla ot Loa Anrelu, tend lhl1 nret n cred concert. fidelity. He la a 19111 araduate ot PboDH All Sizes-All Shapes ~--__ Orange Coast Colle(• and a 1953 Libert)' 8-SUI u s...uu .,.--.... ------------.... &T&duate of Loni Beach Slate Choice of 12 Finishes Heavy Mesh with Chain Pulls. C1•m1Ut MKMOONSUC,... ... 11 • ...., ' ~ ., °'*+loll • CO...I CAKI •••• 25 .. v.lue) foll ,... .. ' ~-4,._ ..--.. """',.....r?-, . ., ... ,. I ~ ~.~.~(~~"'!! ~ 008TA llEl!IA l'MO Newpcirt 81,d. <>OllONA DEL Kil IOI C-t BW7, AOOU>'8 LAGUNA ~llEAC11 UI .,...._., 8AL80A 181.AHD IOO llartDe A .... !f'&WPURT MACll Ito Cou& u_,.. Now in our Printed "Personalized" Xmas Greeting Cards ( C&Utomla Art18tl) • GIFTS-STATIONERY-DECORATIONS XMAS PARTY SUPPLIES • &E.LllCT NOW WH.ILll STOCKS ARE PLENTirUL WILLIAMS STATIONERS Hanor '588 MIO Via Udo -ODe of the Udo 8hop9 NEWPORT DORY Fl.EET Fresh Fish Daily· "'°"' the Sea .. v .. 25• pcM1nd -Cle•1d FrH Sold Only the Day C•ICJht NEVER· HELD OVER at .... foot of the Newport Pier New Location • • • -at- 535 CENTER St. Costa Mesa Seal's Surgical Supplies We Refit and Sell • • • • Sick Room Supplies D 2108 Ocean Front ... , Newport Pier Newport l1•cll • PhoM Harbor 5 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-NOY. 7 TO NOY. 12 Electrlc Blanket CUSTOM FORMED ---* ~tomatically Maintains Warmth * Can Be Easily U.undered * One Blanket Does The Work of 3 Steak Set • • • English Sheffield Stainleu St•el Serrated Edge BtedH-Plastic Handle Acrllan Pillows 1491 Amezingly Buoyant -Remarkably cloud- lig ht-Supremely comfortable-- Completely W a1hable. A S... DlpOllt Wll Holcl 111 Dec. 15 • Colle1e. -------- For Avenp W z Ir fta 111• Completely installed by our experts • Call for free estimete. SOUTH GORST conSTRUCTIDn [0. . Newport Furniture Co. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Olt TOO SMALL • _. a&.. Newport 8eeola Barbor WS r 2620 W. Coast Highway-Newport Beach Liberty 8-1113 SMI -~ .... Iii s.fiewey a-tr ...... -.. ftw USDA OtolCI .. IMOU'llW rtct-_.. ._ ..._ "-er ._. -..., *"-edeRltAc 9911191 -ecoftOMac.I ~y Wy ..._ _., --.. 9" ..._...... 1101 I - ROUNJ> BONE CHUCK ROAST • . • lb. 45c CORNED BEEF ~~=beef .. 45• SHORT RIBS USOAOtOIC!IHP .. 2 BISQUICK MIX ~-~-~hot~~~ FLEET MIX ~!..~~=~-=-!"~. SPRY SHORTENING HOMOOIN•ze ,,. ........ w... .... ROYAL SATIN =:= •:25· 1!5~ SALAD DR_ESSING :=.. c2s· ~3~ INSTANT COFFEES MAXWBl HOUSE ~ 1.49 EIWAIDS ~924 ~1.37 Ol:IJ)lf .... (111 I ~­ C..., ~ .-25' LUCat•M&K R1m111D11• =. 20lc , ....... ... ... ,. ........... 19& ,........ =· ~-rc•AM 2~.,...._ .. , pwt., .... ,.. ..... c ..... a... -=• -~ .. ,~..., ...... l.-lllD~ ..... . ,,,, CAUPORN1A APPLll ,._., the •"'6e '° ntM ""' ..._ .... ,. • - . . . fr-.rent o..,..411h piee ••• bolrJ"91 fnjoy ............ , .. A"'-..... • ....... ,,. lcw, lcw,,.... ...,. ....... ,,,. .,, "--'Y .................. ,.. ....... ,t ZEE TOILET TISSUE 4 ~ty 29' FRESH CRANBERRIES FRESH GOLDEN CORN TENDER RUTABAGAS ~ ~"­....... ...City lrer""4t ~.,.,.., .... ~ ...... The e<000"'1 tin" with th• aoftne" l'O motch ;,. tO.,, i..ely ~ April Y..._, lol ... P'ln~ foom Gr~ Wt WW.. CORN ON THE coaf::.·:;;~~9 2;:1sc --flUllX--UQU-1-D ----,,.--WHITl--MA-GIC __ ., RED RASPBERRIES T::.=;~' 1C:::23c BLEACH BLEACH SLICED PEACHES '~!::.~ ·'=1~ ..::: 17' ~~ 29' ..::: 15' ~~ 26' MB mKTM .._, ~ S&l .. IOYMU to. tt, tJ, tHS. &J WIW&f STE • '1IS MU. mn _.," 5IDrts ... ...,, ............. _,,... ............ '-'. ..... -~ --- :ilii:Tii . 1722 NeWport Blvd., Costa Mesa OOA8TAL SHOPPER F.dltloe of NEWPORT HARBOR' NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 WITH SALLIE NoWll!llbu t. 1166 Beet th.la! ·'WOll•t aome- body pleue do ~ to make us glamoroaa. chl'1'Jl'M a buneh of beeta handed together. to demud their cullnery rlghte • • • .. We're red ••• we flt rl&ht la with the oaoomlar; fM- tlve aeaeoa .•• And we're a change la flavor from cl'Ulbeniee'n tomato ea!" Glortetta heeded their cry • • • "I'll mab you Into a Beet ~ Salad • . . I'll eombble 1• wtth the rl«ibt amoaata of vtnepr, t1Ugar, oatoa &Dd 1pleee ••• ru can Joa. eo'1 yoa'U be ready to eerve oa a allee of crbp lettaee topped with mayo-...a.e . . .-\' oa'D be dlvlae wttll .._ of bard bolled egp ud wtD flt rt,.ht ba with uJ,:a9ptable aalad u • beaa aplub pf red prnWa I" • • • Grandma Ban11 looked tJarougb her = frGm Frwe •.• fond OM ao old. abe oould hardly dlACt'rn the hlllt bud wrtttng, "I'll plcSle you I" lakl Graadma BunaJ, "rll •ve you whole -d wt.. yoa come out of tbe bltae yoa'D be the moet delka&ely fta.ored French Gartlc &Mta that e v ,. r abook baDda with a d.lll pldlJe I" Glorietta'1 new Beet Aspic Salad offers an interesting flavor bue for moulded gela- tine ulada ... Melt in a sauce .. --__. ..... pan. then add 1brimp, avo-~~! cado., crab, tuna or any left over meat. or other vege- tablee. then pour into another mould • . . And that lovely ~(;~SQi color! So bright, ao gay, 11<> OI Seuon'a GreetJngiilb ; I'm ruahing the gun a bit on ~~~ Grandma Bumy'1 Fr enc h~ M~~ GarUc Beet.I, which are 10 l'ill new they aren't even here yet . . . Tuted one lut week and I'm still drnmy -eyed from the.Ir delicate. yet piquant BiJI flavor ... Spicy ... Ah, yea. juat 1uapldoualy 110 ! Thty remind you of the aong that'1 ended, but the memory llog- er1 on •.. Watch tor Grand· ma Burny'a French Garlic Beet& lh about a wee,k .•• lle9& th .. I We11 be eloM-d Frtdal'• Nonmber JI, \'rt- ,.,... Da)' ••• alllo Thaak~ E\Wli. CllriAtmaa and Nt'w teu'a ... Next Tueeday i1 Orang' Co&at College Cooking School Day at the Lido Thf.'alcr ... 9:30 -11 ·30 ... "Bring on the Bird" ... I'm 11ure you'll gob b 1 e up Ruth Klumb·s every word ... Strick ly ham, ground ~r and nank steak. was Jut Tue&day'e food lore ... Don't forget to ask for the reoc1pes tf you played hookey .. _ Cafftni and Sat· lier Range. given awny. au food cooked and three tur- key11. plWI S6~ worth or mt'r- chand.iae orders and gut.a from a.II of our Lido ShoPft ... A• oul!iltandln~ "pNkn , .. Dr. t:nn-tt !'h~trom from Pf'pperdlne "Ill dt.· <'W!l8 .. Compt'tltiotl, (food or Bad f or ) our Child" . . • ftf'Xt Monday, Corona df'I mar School at a johlt Har· bor Vif'"' and Corona df'I Mar P.T.A. mHtla~ . • . November 15th 18 your dead-line for mailing overseas Chriatmu packagea. we have lhe mamng facilities, and plenty or goodies, edible and non~ble to fill your pack- ages with Christmu Cheer • . . VIAit our Mr uanine Shoppe to picl< out your Chri11t.mu c&rd.s and havt> them pel"llOoalized . . . A lso atze up the turkey 1ituation •.. Young's TurkeY11. fror.en or fn»b killed are yours for a mere whistle at the butcher • . . Down through the put 7 years, we've handled a heap o 1obblen, and now Younce turkeya reign 1up~. for flavor, tenderneu and turkey perfection. . . 8-D (s..le-Drh111&) Day 1a Decemw tat. uybod;f baWq .. ~t ... IDflDDe to IOdety • • • '!'Ila& .... ~ ttaroaat-t tbet781W.,......oeej9t ............ ..,.... ..... U J'W're Mt Min Of J'O_.. .u ...... J'OV ..... tbe pnp ... We'll earry your 'I 0 Free Junior Footb•ll1 by BirdHy• for Kida under 15 Y ••rs Register at Frozen Foods Dept. Birtlaeye Balloons Whistles and Lollipops "' Birdseye Touchdown Sale/ FRYERS 1-lb. u--. 1.09 GREEN PEAS to--. 2 for 3 Sc Alwa.JW ,...._, 11&n1M1• -7.ae CHICKEN THIGHS --.. ····-·· ·-A 7- 811ortal&e 8 ...... f ..,..1. '»')e STRA WIERRIES .. ___ ... ._ ~- rreeai TuUq! ....... ,.. 2 31c ORANGE JUICE ··-·-··-···-···'-,., Ba leery Football Bullet TllUUOAY Gold...... 39• LOAF CAKI .-• D'1'NNR IOLLS 611&· 8ATtJaDAl' Or9qe B&EA&F.t.IT 1122• ROW .···-··- t.us-"'kl'-"'rwW 11• LA YD CAKES .. ~ Intercept these DutgoW AA • • • BUTTER llkllud'• Owa ••• ... POTATO 29• SALAD i-a.. ca. .._.N.a.nl••s,. Mf SWISS CHDSl _ . .a. R 1...-. .... LUO• jft• IOLOGNA __ ._._.._ W o'iLGn.,,_. ~oem a• _ ...... _._,..,., LARGE EGGS cae Pw ..... • BROWN SUGAR ~ few )'ea, ~re a\ IUcbard'-. 011e of the Udo Sho)lllt at the •trant"e to Uile ... 8Pi1CW8 ~ JfOV. 10, U ... U. 1111 HIP! HIP! HURRAH! •• •• t • .... , .J ••• for Harbor High! \ Hey Al-ael Cw to ... HOIMCOlllifttl '-I Foocll l............_ID•cilltl 11e ..... _. ~I• But.or RIP•• p1a laomeoo••1 dUcie. t1a1a '11111nda1 la tlae ...... eOC!W room. Jr.W. tbe _ ~ ...... t ()nap. See ftre ...... • llP*& .._la action. Dave the time of JOV Ufe ~ the 1ood old da79o -her. too, Rlcbard'• .. opea •• , ..... ., aow every day of the week! \ ......... N-V• Olrtle4 w llAWIUT ITLU a• DINNER ···-·---··u .... c'HiCliN'ftD' _:_ n• W.oNADI ..... 21n• ..... ...,...... 59• PIZZA PllS __ u--. ...._ .. ..._.sn:rr. 27• POTATOES __ .. u .... ......., , ............ . KU' j •• SANDWICH ·-··-.t._ W I 1trn Oneken ')1e HI HO'S ~·---__. ~1.- iAavMEA rs ---·-1tc ~ .. ,..._ &PAO. a 2 4nc: MEAT BALLS.... ter 7- &.:tiiiiNs _ __." ... --5Jc ...... ~ .. -2 'Ire APPU SAUCE ... ,_ Q- iUilciEIMEISTIR .. ,..1 19 Diie ...._.a W OLA.Cm 43• CAKI ~ __ _J._ .,.,.. 1• .. , • a " MiNc1 MIAT _ _._ 5r Toclay's Lineup u. a. ~ au:r . 53c CHUCK ROAST ___ ... 0:.0NE ROAST A 43c iilFsHORT RIIS .•. 1fc iiol.ND'iiiF! RUii -· ~. 2fc SAuSiii __ ......... J9c ...... * ..... SLllCD IACON Closed Friday! fresh & Colorlul M:iNTosH A;;pw2 ,_ 25¢ liGPrAN?'7 12' See ,.. at the v ...... Day , ..... ... ---······-_.. iiilaGRAPES _ 2 ,M.25' ;_o1•1-0&:_::_5 .... 15' ~ i , / ,,. I ( ...... ........................ • -PART II -PASE 1 WEONESOA '\', ,._.OVEMBER 9. 1955 Buy at HOme From Your local New Car Dealer END OF THE YEAR Tw.ade·in Allowances - NOW . On New '56 Fords COME IN TODAY! WE'RE TRADING YOUR WAY! * Immediate Delivery * Excellent A11CM linen+ YOUR TRADE IS WORTH MORE NOW! THEODORE ROBINS "Yo. hrd Dealer Siace 1921" 3100 W. Coast HlcJhway Oii Mariner's Mlle U.erty 1-3471 MILLER'S LUCKY 7 Kar Korral ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST USED CAR LOT 1952 CADILLAC FtfftWood 4-Door P.Rd10 -Heater . Hydramat1c 1952 FOID laK• WC14J011 Radio It Heat.el' Fordomatics $1195 White Side-Wall Tirea $1795 LocRI • one owner 1952 FORD Victoria 1952 CHEYIOLIT lel Air Radio -Heater Sport Coupe Fordomatlc R-B A: Pow~Ude New WSW Tirea $1095 .2 Tone -SoW N9W $l09S Serviced by ua 1953 CHEVROLET 2 Door 1950 OLDSMOllU S.., 18 Fully Equipped s 695 ~~ w~~~tio s 595 1950 PLYMOUTH Special Delne 4 Door Sedall S 495 Radio -Heater -Excellent TlrM Many More Kar Korral Speclak A••O.ble wlMI e NO DOWN PAYMENT e MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Oldsmobile C .. wal.r MILUR'I KAR KORllAL 700 W. Coast Hh)hway ftulaft ........... I I Newport leach • lwerylaocly lays Pushbutton driving YOU ''It's Terrific'' -~ in ·the ought to try it I 1956 OUR BIG VOLUME ON NEW CAR SAUS ALLOWS US TO GIVE L-O·N·G DEALS * * * * * Five Star Used Car Special 1955 Plymoutft Station Wago- V-8 ..:.... 2 door -Ught gftell -white llid~'alls Low mileage -Radio -Heat~r -Powf'r Fllr bt · * * * * * Only •2295 LOU REED & ASSOCIATES Imperial. Chrysler. Plymouth Sales & Service-lntenlatiollal Trwcb 1200 W. Coast Highway Uberty 1-3416 ·- LUXURIOUS LINCOLN They're CLEAN-111ey're PRICED RIGHT-They're GUARANTEED Bank Terms Sold on l Day Money Back Guarantee Down 54 Cadillac 62 4 Door 811oww die '*9l of .. ,.... Blc racll~Hf'aln. 11.J'cl.....af<--PO"f'r BrUIN ~ l'it.,.r1n1-$°'498 l ow11er-tO,oet ntl'8--Prl~ Riehl. ~ 54 Uacoln 4-*. Sedan 55 Ford Convertible T hf' bfft 11011 with all lhfo ~~t-Radf4' ffeal-Fordom•ll~•·hlt11 Mid bl__. "8uty aad h.u 011.17 a r .. w mUN -our $2298 ·~low prko 52 Mere. Sta. Wagon !'tf'rr<•m•I lt·-nwtll'--h .. al•f -llnd•r IO.toft mil..,._. noal l '"ld "...--n>al 1 90d $1596 huy al nnl) 55 Plymouth 4 Door \" -3 t~na1n,._KadJ<-ttraW>r ~ Automallr Orh•f'. IJkf' a "'""' nn.--.11 ••rf'pl prl4'f' $1791 r'NluN'd to ~~~e!ft ~.~~~l~r,. r k 11 a c ,.,_ mrt&Ulc-tlnl .. h-1!'Mld "hlh• wall ... $ 1791 SPU 'LAL-4" "• ha'" W"t-rM. only ~uo Mer~;.,~~'!!!111 .. ~ar~ flnl .. b--full \'In~ I lnt,.rtor-"'hlw "•II• -$1998 hdn 111r--_,...,. l hh• """· yoo'll Ille" It at 53 Ford 4 Door V-8 R.<.ll<-lf••1t1t•r-<h "rtlrh•,._lwo tone hlu;-$ ftl flnl~h. Our •Pf'rlld nn lhl• on,. I• SO Mercwv Cl•b Coupe ..... -............................ -............................. S 598 ~,.,.. .,_,nt 11'1,.taJllc Bluf') :S•w brak,.• a.n'1 "'"' Ilk .. • rMhhlt -l'ri,_. at nnl,v You Can Buy 11tese Safe-Buy Used Cars at JOHNSON & SON Uncoln. Mercury· Contln•ntal Salet & S."lce · too W. Coast Hfthway -Newport leach -across from lay Clo -Liberty 1-1141 O"'°n "''"''"lfll 'tll 8 :llfl p.rn. .. ... PAGE I COAST AL SHOPPER Attornr\' C1•nl'r11! F:dmunt! G 1 R f, Mtnc-kll'r. rr"• Gt>nrral 1 l'ill" Bruwn T•• b" • 1-:" • •• lt·u111 C111 I' l'1<•i111rl' WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 l"•llla·111n. )"U ha,, 1 .. ha'" ·• .,ur.s m:iy ~ulll\' 1lny ,.,., :"I l~elm --------------------1111n~r ut humor 11bmll ynur ... l'H 1 • but a mnrl' ,,., ... n,Mt> t'X"IB· BE SURE -INSURE ..... llAUlll<lm n'A.Ml.rl ... u ..... o.11 ...... HAl'llw ,.,. 1115 ,._ OoMe ..,._,. Conel dl>I KM WATl!ll llEATtms IALIS. SU'llCf e•d lf•A•O Jo, IJec~loft/ PLIJMBIJ'\0 nuo. II ,u CfHI DOWN n._ Harllar a:uo 8:. "lt•ll 011 ulh•·I~ • j 11 .. :: '" 1< lhill ti 1•y will "'"' h -------------k· "I' A 111<·11• •1 flun1 1t'al1~1ni; 1t!I . M"TTIU:~.,•;~ Cull p•Jt .. nual · I Rn&lll -Uomf'a -T rallrn frl'f'CUll'~ :ibia~ l .lbf>rt.1· A·l:SOS 1 :! I .iU ;\ r111111rl llh I.I. JOHNSTON E'S Mesa Auto Wreckers l '1w1I Auto l'arh and A1•1•1·~~11rl•·" 207!; l'lact'ntia Aw. Llbforty 8-iOIS l'1111ta ,\Ir·,.. --,-=--~---,,=1 Private Police • PATROL MERCHANT 11 1 d I Sensational an I Wizard "25" HARBOR BOAT Buy now on $42500 PATROL ..-y lum .. CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 AA Uttlfl aa 10'7-down o""" tblll n f'W IHI JKIMt'r·pM' .. ,.d Wlaard! Amf'rlca'• only 4 · ryllnlln 2.5 h.p. outboard! Full .,.an<hlfl. I\\ l•t • !! rip tllrottl,., dual rvburt't orio. 8- ir.J. .rt>mote . tank. !Ci66M. Elec. aUfbtly hlrhn • Wes tern Auto Supply 1836 Nf'wport Blvd. CMta Mesa LI 14-2711 Now Showing End!i Tue .. Tubular ~tccl table leg\ with no-m:ir caps. Table top is htat, scain and alcohol resistant. All·Sted chairs 'tl!it h fonn·fh11ng b:icks, lcathcrcuc uphoJ,tercd padded 1ea1. The Rise ... The Fall of Evelyn Nesbit Thaw! 2130 I. MAIN IT. ..... ,,, s-nm From penniless modtl to miltms of S«J,000,«XJ! Aruc1* &D: Whitder • a.uo-• Lons ~ Mesa~ . .._ .,, HELD OVER ENDS SAT. Audie Murptiy ••• "To Hell and lack" and "5 GUNS WEST" SPf'Clal Show Friday 2 p. m.. .•• o. ..... Q;t MUMCAl.I _,._""-•--•-·•-11AS_u_•,,_1c_, _•ltll-"r_. Adult• l\Ot--C"lllht 21\c- Two allo.,1nr• t and t p.m. 8earta Sunday l1I STllY WI Qq I fff( T I ' ~ I I I • .•............ J.~ ........ """:~ --lDmt·PllD .. --. ™· NOW SHOWING In ('llarltc)D 8-tv• "LUCY GALLANT" \'l•ta \'IM1a C'olor hy T f'C"hnlc-nlur Randolph ~<'nU ... "RAGE AT DAWN" .c.,, .. RAY MILLAND~OAN OtUJNS· FARLEY GRANGER _.~, ...... t••••--...ll••Ta ....-. ....... ~.~.._'-UJ'l•..._,..af:•O•rAI ...... .._ .. cawa 11Aa11t _ .. .._,.... _ ... 1U11 .... C1&1USIUalll· Second Feature News and Cartoon Kld'it Mat. Sat. t :4~ "STEt:f, LAO\"' ~TARTS NEXT WEllSESDAY Walt Dl .. w7'1 l.atH t PklUff' ''THE AFRICAN UON" .J'° O.-Ori11 M ont1tnm<'ry ln "SEMINOLE UPRISING" The New 1956 Austin-Healy is Here! Featuring . • • . • New Front SmpH.Aion Ntw St.ttrinit Ntw BrakN and New 4 Spttd TranMniMN>n •itb Overdrive HAUSKEN-WATSON Sport Car 0-ntt r UOI Sf>uth M.Jn !'It .. l'anla Ana I HS Harbor Blwd. KJm.,..rly 2·01~ (o-ta M-l.lbt'rty 8-60~1 A•U• llealy. Alfa l'omt'o, Au.U.. Morrt•. MO. A•d• 8aJH·S.m~ S2985 ~lh·,.l'f'd In ' ... 1.a ~ ...... lnC"l11dln1t \\'I"' \\ hrf'I•. O\r r·IJrh r. Hr1ttr r anti Tnnnrllll c· .. , rr. l\a nk nf .\mrrl1 n Tr rm•. See the NEW R. C. A. 21'' COLOR TY RC A FIRST IN ftt.ACll A WRTT• T!:U:\114IOS ..... A New World of Color into Your Home! FIRST 1~ COMPATIBLE rot.OR T' Priced as Low as •795 Come In ClllJ •Y of the .... Dftd '" this Wonderful Set in actioll! Color Pichlrft Shown Daily (except Sundays) Admiuioll Free! You'll 1tt picture. bi• u Ult ... a..I M Ufe ... oa RCA Color T\' ! DAVIS· BROW.N CO. 1885 Hart»or llYd. Costa Mesa Uberty 1-3437 • )-_ Just like New! That's what you'll say when you see your rugs or upholster- ed furniture after we have cleaned them. EXCLUSIVE! Yes Al's Carpet & Rug Works are exclusive Orange County Acients for Bigelow's KARPET KARE For Wall to Wall Carpet Cleanin9 WHAT IS IT':' .. <ll'\'eloped by BIGELOW, the most famous name in c&rpeµng, after yeara of research. this new proccsa not only cleans. but INWC'::i the carpeting wit'1 the nap raised and much ot the originlll color and lu11tre rC'stored. Our Plant is the most 111odern Cleaning Plant in . Orange County • • • CALL US TODAY for e Rug and Carpet• Cleaning • Upholstered Furniture Cleaning e Wall-to-wall Carpet Cleenin9 Wt~ 1:-\\Tft: your insp<'Clio11 of our plant. You'll sro the very ncwl·st nnd sdrntifil· denning equipment: <'Xperienccd workmen 8k1llfully and can·fully using the finest materials and deurgcnt11. Our drym~ room is our pride. Here your rugs are <fried indoors in controlkd temperature, cornpletely away from the damagini rays of th(' :mn and the heavy dew oC our California nirhta. Wall-to-Wall Carpet laying Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service Phone Kl 2·6400 11 I II I I 1: l~ ancl Repairing a Specialty Al's Carpet & Rug Works 293 So. Main, Oran9• -~~-~~~=-=--~~~-KEll099 8-5411 Klmberly 2-6400 II ~ Only One Location '"' I I I I r..,ft't'llnn I n ,. 1 \ " • J I ln•ll-i11 .. n 1'hrro 111 ""'Y '"'" AL ll < '1t1 • J"'t & Hug W11rk11. unly one a'1dr!'H Bt,; l\url'! ('aJI Kl '!-tl-ltlO PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS 328 AMERICAN A YE. Ph. HEmlodl 7-1203 • "' ' ' Classlfiecl y Newport Harbor 8. P. 0. E. 1767 Keeu every Thursday a p.m. Via Oporto -<.:entr&I An. I Newport Beacb Albnt H. Matthewa. llx&lted RWar I . ~ReJe Waated. YOU CAN SAY YES • • to theee que.Uona l . Do you have lte&dy employment! 2. Does your employer train you for advancement! 3. Do you hav~ paid vacation, holidays, and sick leave! 4. Do you work cloee to your '!9-Rere wantoo ___ _ WOMEN N. C. R. opentor, iteno part Um• tnaurance. Houae kHper ti: other1. KJJN .iectroo- .Jca engineer, dra!t.aman. ott.c• t r a I D e • 6: other• -JUNE FAJUlAR Dnployment A,-ency •Ol!h Und St., Newport. Opp. City Hall. 29<:31 WANTED to UYe In -reliable experienc.d woman tor houae- kHplnf ti: car• of 2 children Har. 02f7-W. 211c30 I 10-Bwdnetl8 Gulde home? ---------5. Do you hav~ Company-pa.id WOMAN to Uve In Ir take charee of new home .t elderly lady confined t.o whel chair wtUl arthrltla. Excellent steady em- ployment. Ph., Laguna Beach. •·672~. 211c31 HAULING pension, life in.eurance and t ruh or ? I other benefit.? Anythlnf, Anywhere I Ll1>4rty 8-21'6 . I WHEN YOU WORK FOR • • . __________ M_u_cp_p Southern Counties Gas Co, ~Mlscellaaeoua U-BoUdlni S'!rvi<'ft COMPLETE PAINTING Ii Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. SA U!';Dli:RS MO :!lit Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2976 or Har. UH. tto Painting, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 012 38th 8t., Newport Beach Ph. Bar. 2•0. or 1667-R. llHtc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I tnat&ll the a bove cheaper than m oet. Alao aell Tile • Llnoleum. Non-union, 26•yeara experlenc.. Compllr• and aee - I Interesting employment now offered to H. S. gradu- ates 18-45: 5-day, 40-hr. week. Apply 1030 E. Firat St., Santa Ana, Mon., to Fri., 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. SOUTHERN GAS COUNTIES co . Real Estate Salesman: We offer you tip top comrru.aa1ons, whole-hearted co-operation, extensive advertising and a new •pa- cious office with an executive's desk you can call your own. -Member of Multiple listing. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. W3 -32nd -st .. Newport Beach Harbor 5868 SEJ,L ON TERMS 8 FT. DELlCATl!:SSEN case, $Hi0. ONE 6 tt. refrigtrator ........ $~>0. ONE IATge commero. retrlg. $7:\. 1 SCALES. $65. l GO:-.IDOLA $2!'1. Call owntr LI 8-6223 momlngA or after 5 p.m, 8tfc Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We Give S&H Grten Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. .Mam St. at B&lboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor :'>Hi. 88t!c Firewood Eucalyptua ti: apricot, dry, N!ady to burn. Kl 7-t 890 23t!c Order Now! BILL COKER Har. •796 or Long--------------------------Personalized Christmas Cards Beach 7-61173. 19ttc CEMENT It BUILDING A.II Kinda FREE ESTIMA TF..S Llbtrty 8-6109 CARPENTRY 2tt1 MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SKALL. R. 0. Andtnon 101' I!. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 2•Clo0 httc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty \\'l\ttr heateni on time payments 28111 l'(rwp<H·t Blvd., Ntwport D<'.h. Hu. 638~. RH. Har. 4347-J 27c'1 ll-Bulldbag Services Painting 6 Paperhanging We do the work ouraelves. 30 yeara experience Uceoled alnsured. 8aU.facUon ('Jaranteed. Eatlmatea frH. Call Jolumlt. Ll 8-2687 le LI 8-5289 81tfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS LICVllfed LI 3.3321 180 Avocado, CO.ta M ... 86tfo FOR RENT SkllJ Saw•. l:ltc." Dnlla. Pol11pna, aU typea Of 8uidtrt, Wheelbar· row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2UO W. COAST tUOHWAY Painting, Decoratins &.rii.r\1 •·:J.UO. N_,.ort aca 211rc Paper Haq:iDg GEO. BURKHARDT 1'-~ WCENSED CONTIUCTOll &11 W. 18th SL., Ooeta M._ Llbert y l ··IMlll General Contractor LICZN8ED New Work -~.modelln• J. MIL TON Mc.KENZIE Harbor 6399-W 68t!c CARPENTER Repair Work 0a.e row a-• l'f..ci l\e~I or Pemod•llnc T call ,.,_._ ~ ..... A1I Worll O'Ual'Ulteld T4th H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A. Prompt ~ a.mo. M&lntalaM Phoee: B&J1>.>r •tu A lcelaollc. Allooymoua Wr1t.e P. 0 . Boa Hl N twpOTt 8-cll. Cal lr. Pboae Kar~ '780 ~hare Yo~-~r __ _ Tbe .New•·PrfU pul>Ulhu more Cluaitl.ed A<h1 than •ny olhet n•w•paper In Ult ar~ Thi• ll!'aderlllttp wu a tta1nrd b<•l'll lliot New•Pr~.u Clualnt<I Adf ftt ruultaf 18--Beauty_~!' ___ _ Superfluous Hair PermuuiU, remov~ rrom ra ce arma, i.r•. lly1bf'OW11 and hair tuie ala&J*'-ICo mon tweu1n1. EU.SN &.. llft y A.l(T R. c. Udo'• 8alo9 ot Buu17 Har U 71 ..,. UOl -.nio. Bll'd.., H...-pon 8e.dl ------------,.. "A's" Jones Birkel-Ricbardson Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO FEE collect*<! from applkant U3·3lat Newport Beach AL.L Sl2ES, ALL PRICE8 Repreaentatlve wlll call at your home. PHONE Ha r. Hl14 or Har 221S3W 22p4.2 ORIGINALS EVl:NI.NQ cocktaU w a It re 11 AFTERNOON, Cocktail. dinner H • 2630 w c HI h d1·eaau It CoonlonlllH enry I -out ' wiy. CUSTOM DR1':.SSMAK1NO ___________ 2_7_c2_911 Ph, Harbor 237-W. 22p36 OPPORTUNITY for rtll-1>14 H igh School or Colle&• atude.nt with 1 MARQUEITE Arc Welder, (newl cAT to mak• l ood earn! . 3 hp Air Comprea110r. 220 Volt A1&ll'tln( Ftn.LICR BR U ';:~ •Ing-le phut. See al PATCH'S DEALICR.S. Kl 32l00 for appt. J7th SL a t Plactntl&. LI 8-7~08. 27c2t 2Hf N . .uu: TAKll:R.8 tor L&fun•1G. E El..li:CTRJC Bl&J\)(et 116 a..cti la Soqth t.aruna City Slnl(le roam Inner 11prlng mat· I>tnetory GoOd hand writlnl lrffl! It box aprini:.t with ll'(J uaenual. Write 2~ E. •th '2:'i Har. 1$51-W. 2llc room f, Santa An~ or call Kl I CHOICE CKRYSANTKEM1JMI 3-3'81. 23tfc I IA~. CloOc doz. MANAGER tot Hl&bl11hed Har-M•·dlum. 31k (JOZ bor ArM ftrsl El-tat• ott\ce. I Yf'llow. v. hlte ~ bf"OWn It r old. WMte Box p; 72 Car. ot tl\le 2278 OtlU\ft. Co•ta Mtoaa. pe~r 2&cSl I Ubclrty 8-3il3 29p TOP opportunity anti earnlnf• Al\'TlQUE furn , uvenl plt(:U tor qua.Med ruldeollal con• to choose hom. Rcflni.h - •truction Hleman: Alert., ,n. your .. lt • aava. Load& of old e.,..-eUo •table mM •llh dMlre chlntl. cul •:.!"••· copper • brua to learn 6 have r~al ruture. plt'l'·t'8, C'Utlu•, old aul)cy. old ~ Budir4'l Bulld•n, Inc:. u <:IO<'k.t, fUlll pol .. , lampa. old .. 7169 for appotnlm•nL n c::n KUn•. Jtwelry. 10un<1 moV1e pro- jector. Jood "'h•d chair, m\1.11• <'•l Instr etc: w,. buy It mp. Brine l!tma 111 Vl•lt our large atore CHARt.JJr. DA VJ S, 1806 .It. Anall•lm, Loni 8t&('I\, .Hem- lock tl-~038. PARTNER tor WPll ntabllAhed lO(aJ Alli .. l.A\I! OftlC,. Mual have ..al•11mAn or Br'Qkeni II• «nH .. produC'tJ v .. beck rround Writ• Box P.: 72 Can or tht. ---~~--~--~--_ si-~r. ~ OAF'F'ER.S It S ATTLER.S t.abl• tOJl Ml:MOlllAL Pa.r~ rf'J)f'f'.8"Tlt&Uve j PJI rangt Autom11t1c: oven con- Only provl!n prnt,.,...lonaJ a&IH· trol. clock. broll"r, 2 dr•w,.r11 me.n need apply. t...ach furn.I.ah· c:lf\1n l!t:I vacuum c:urt.aln11, ti t4 perm.anency • ..cur1ty. ie nylon p&11el• Haer 3<>ei-W h CIUr Wffk W rllt Bo1 F •?a 29c31 Cal"fl of Ult. P•SH1r ~r31 I - --SO-B-AttUanc:ee • A Planned Future j W h. M h. as ana ac 1ne PO!HTION wlUI old aalab. Co I ~aVlCF' Build a brulnt•• ot your ewn. J\e~at Ml•4. tood product.. H lrhut tncomt bradtt! iub· n•ntlaJ rellrrnttnl plan No Jnv U l·~HO, 211r tt J-y@ar cuarant~ on JOb• done and on used wuh•ra 248& ~ (rear) Newport 81 , Coeta •ttaL Liberty 8 4503 or Llbe.rty 8-4327. 64tfc ~-8-AJ!fllaa<!ft ___ .. ----.!\O·B-Apptlaneee ------· .. USED APPLIANCE BUYS O'""KEEP'..,,,..,_E_ Ir MERRrrr gu range --····-··-·-·-J'0.'50 GAITERS Ir SA'l'TLER. whtte table top pa range. Vecy clean -·-----····-------19.M WHITE TABLE TOP, gu ranp, p1dd1' oven control --······-·· ··-· $7'.'50 WESTINGHOUSE electric ranp. lat. moo.I -$99.50 PlllLCO Refrigerator, 8 cu. tt. --·····-$99~ WESTINGHOUSE Retrig. 7 cu. tt.. v_.., olmn $99.M SERVEL Refrig., left hand door $89.M WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 7112 cu. ft. Delaa -$109.W KEL VINA TOR Refrigerator 8 cu. tt. Dela. -$119.50 • DEXTER Automatic wuher $89.50 KENMORE Wringer wuher $f9.M EASY SPINDRYER ----·-Special OnlJ $.'59.l50 A.LL GUARANTlll:D WASHING MACHINES, A.UTOMA.TIC A.ND WRIM'Clllll TT'Plll SEVER.AL TO SELl:C'r J'ROK ALI. R.EA.SONABLY PRICED-BUDOllT "1"ERX8-l'R&m Dm.IV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 4-20 East -ith St. Santa Ana Kl 2-2836 82-Furnlture for Sale FOR TRUE VALUES AT CONSISTENT LOW PRICES ALWAYS AT BAY FURNITURE ALL NEW MODERN DESK -LIMlll OAK FINISH. $43.50 VALUE AT BAY $29.9~ COLONIAL STYLE DESK-SA.LEK FINISH-METAL PULLS $45.W VALUE -CLOSEOUT AT BAY $29.95 CHJCBT HA..8SOCK -TUJTED PLASTIC COVER.. $14.50 VALUE AT BAY $9.50 31" HASSOCK-SPRING SIU.T-DURABLll Pl.ASTIC. $23.50 VALUE-CLOSEOUT AT BAY $15.W TV .ARM ROCKER.a -SWIVEL BA.SI:. $39.95 VALUE-CLOSEOUTS AT BAY $22.50 2 Spr. ttUtd bol..ster.-D~ple tweed coven . STUDlO COUCH-SLEEPS TWO-ALL ~!ETAL BARE $119.50 VALUE AT BAY $77.00 2 PC. SECTIONAL -MODERN EXCITING COLORS. Durable Fabrtca -Styled tor Comfort.. $157.W VALUE AT BAY $119.00 2 PC. BED DIVAN SET wtTB MATCH.ING CLUB CHAIR. I.deal tar De. $139.!W> VALUE AT BAY $87.00 3 PC. JiCA.Put WOOD ARM OROUP, Conal•ta of bed divan-platform rocker-w1nr club <"hair dapple twMd cover. $229.50 VALUE AT BAY $159.50 8 PC. LlVINO ROOM GROUP 1nc:lud8 -Sofa bf'd w1tb pure foam n.ibber' ciahJ~fuU •ll• In.Den~ maltre.-2 etep end. 1 cockta.11 table ~ (N.-mar topa) 2 l~wa;y moOern ta.bl• lampe. $819J50 VALUE AT BAY $217.00 e PC. PROVINCl.A.L BEDROOM GROUP lnclud~ drw.W'fl' double dreuer (metal pulla) 30 x •O fr'amed plate m irror -book.cue be&dboa.rd-metal frame-- 1008 colt l.ru:ltta]>rl,.. mattnu . (10 yr, f'J&r.) Matching box aprtnp. $299.60 VALUE AT BAY $199.00 COMPl..ET!l JICJTCBJtN GRO\.'P lllch.id--"'hJ.lco re!r1gerator 18 cu. ft.) c:rMa top rreez..-r- cbUler t.n..r--crt.wpe.r drawer-daJry bar tloor with butter kt.,~r--311'' Wtlbllt JU r&llJ_.. bumtt dlvtdl'~ top-r1vrn hKt coo troi-:i pr. chrome or bla.ok dln.-t l• aet -lO x 40 Mica top exttn.ion t.abl~• foam robber act\t ch11fra $459.00 VALUE Group Price AT BAY ~9.50 BAY FURNITURE ttWhcre P nc• Are Held at B11y" 4~7 E li'UI Jt"rl'e StoreD"arlt Pa.rlunsc OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL --------------~---~- Co11t.a Mraa Terma 8 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY OftCAN ~t>ro VUTl lo pl•J 1 LADT .,, )"IP Patt tlm• In Ort the m11 hty Wl.'~ITZXR C'lu . .nln« 11ht1p S,<\m' f1ni.h1n1 EVEt.YN JOl'iER. Mrr , ~)()Holm-U J><trltnct n-a.arv C11ll at wood Dnve. u l ·Hl 2 2~33 Ntwi>ort CltADf'U. IOI TU.tin ------------ffc30 I BUY AND SELL MINSKALL Splne! orgvi -llk e ---nrw -mU&t •-IL Phune Har I f"RlGIDAIRF. A l"TOM ATJ<.: wub· KARl.Y AMF.RICAN ('\JI. culo,_,. u i 4. 29p3l er All pore•l111n l..tke n~w -pattern 11-.--Pnmlt1vee An· i1111 ~O. othtr WUhf'N h om $30 llque fllrnlture and tent< rhlna.. TELEVISIONS FOR RENT I COASTAL SHOrPr.R FAlltion of NEWPORT HA«BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 M--11 ...... a.die. a TV GR.A.ND' I Pl.A.NO auutm.u Bale. J4U7 WOftdetrul barp1u, fam- OWI makea. 8WnW&T, Muon Hamlin, Knabe, eta.. deliftf'ed fTH, bench lncl\lded from P87 up. DANZ-SCHMIDT, &20 No, Ma1A, Banta AnL BEAUTIFUL famo1.1.1 ~ bloede Spln•t piano Ill perfect eoncll- tlon. Save $2ff. Uberal trade. Convenient term. at- SR.A FERS (Since 1901') •21-~3 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Pbone Klm.berly t--0972 PRACTICE planoe $89, •tn to $185. Spinet type mirror piano '23:'> -& blonu btauty. Eu1ut terma. f-OANZ-SCHlCDT, 120 No. Main, Santa AnL 100 planoe to chooea t rom. DAMA.GED ln ahlpplnc 2 Spinet.a, aave $180. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 020 No. Milin, S&nta Ana. ORGAN. 1 Electronic Organ now only •01:1. All Electric Or~n, bal. only $78:1. Lowry Orga.no $195. AU wonderCul bargains. DANZ-SCHMIDT. ~20 .No, Main, SI.Illa Ana. TROMBONE tlne tone, excellent allde '715 • 721 SL Jamea Road. W 1·11203 27c2t RENT • piano for Chr1&tmM All term rent allowed. Good prac- tice piano• from $15 per month Ctl~t. Ule klddlea learn. ~Z-SCHMlDT. 520 No. Main, Sailta AnL GMC TRIPLE TEST~D USED TRUCKS '48 DODGE ~ T. panel ':'iO F ORD V-~ ~11 t. pickup '00 CHEV. ~~ t. ,panel '02 DODGE ~11 t. pickup '62 INTERNATIONAL .... l. pickup '152 CHEVROLET ~ t p&nel '153 GMC ~ t. pickup '6' OMC ~... t. pickup, hydra. tran1. '60 CHEV. % t . pickup '04 GMC " t. pickup, hydra. tran.a. 'IH CHEV. 1 t. C It C '63 CMC COE 179" WB., 2 apeed, 1:215 Urn For Ule beet buy In uaed truck1. aee u.a. We &ra the larfeat vol- wne truck d«a.lu in Oranr• County. All type• a.nd al.Ha at pnc:ee to flt your need&. W.W. WOODS OMO DllALER 8115-111 JC. '°' SL Banta A..na Open Sunday A. X. Truell Hea4quart.en tor Oranre Co. '53 FORD CRE8TLINll CONVERTIBLE Jl'ordomatlt', powu ateertng. W W Ur~ 6 pluUo tntertor. Won· dertul condition. Ave""9 rt"t&ll Blue Boo.k price $153S. Our •pe- dal prt~ - $1295 '03 FORD Ranch Wal(on, H It H, excellent eondltlon, $1'1\I). COTION GOFF VOLK.SW AOON t'IEALER 21HI N•wport lilvd., Newport R<11. Tel~hone Harbor 8 40.A-TlrM ~ Partll TRADE Edmund h<>ad1 It Et1lt·· brock numi!ohl for ~l Font He&da It manifold Chuck Hnn· 11<>n. 3i2 E . l 6th S t., Coe ta Mt>Sll. 29pSO Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ed * e Cyls. ···········-·-··--$48.88 8 Cy ls. ·······-· ............. $58.88 Includ<'ll both J11bor anc1 part~. Nrw rin~io. wmst p in11. valv!' rrlnd, Cltl ings or n1111n nnd ro<I bellrlngs. Expert motor t.unt up. 90-d&;v or 4.000 1111lr .,'"\1t1r11ntce. (NO MONEY now :-: I REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 115 MUC\TllS 1'0 PAY- Built In our own taclury by _.kllltd machln1~t11. Dun't c•onttnd with the midi.Ile m11n. Buy dlrN•t. REBUILT and INSTALLED SllOHT ULOCK FORD • ,... 1129.tiO CHEVROLET _ --·· ......... $119.:>0 PLYJ.1. It DOOCE , ... ···--····--115:\ C.HRYS. A DE SOTO -·-··--1170 STUlJF:llAKF.R ······-····· $1 70 OLDS It l'ONTlAC 6 ··········-II 70 BUICK ··········-·····-·· ·····-··-•17:, HUDSON -•.......... ....•..•... .. $I 1:. Loan C&r •-roe TOWlnlt NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block m111t m eet our atan(!arda Plue taJte•, 1euktla and oil Open Sunday 10 a.m. to :.! p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Da.lly II to 7 Sta&e Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA /\N A SARVER F OR BRAKES 1939 FOUR DR. PONTI.AO. &'ood llN Oft.ANGp; OOttNTY 17 YRSl • mgtnt $50-Bar, 1208.. 29dl Bonded BNLkte-' whe•I• fll.H 19:>6 OLDS ..__. dr.., bydnm&Ue IJwt&J..laUon --·-······· .99 a: roam rubber .. at.a. 8600 milM SU Di or1ttnal ~. '219~ Harbor T '8 4Hl9. 29c31 Yo~· p y NO 0 ...... aa . v A ' M ....,. --·· 113.41 1954 Chrysler New Yorker T & C Wegon SARVER MOTORS BR..UCJ!l SERVICE II. 18T AT OR.urn SANTA ANA After The Cruh Jt't Too Late 28tl• 4i-TnJ.Wra AUTO. TRANS., n\lllo, htat«. •lttt rlo "'1ndow11 HARVEY SOMERS Barbor 7':'i. line ae.1a.n, 2 dr. •itctlll'nt C'On· dltton R&H. CIU'tnm upholt1b17 othrr ext ru 13:..0 r /\JI HAT •031>-ll L 171. lo 6 p. m . 41~r31 2 WHEEL box trailer, f t'>O. 71' CIU!Comla., HunUn(ton s .. ch. 27o31 * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-(-420 Tifp; X EW m&e)\1.1\e prooua 1111lh· od Reuon.able pr1Cfl, A .. ~ 1 tape rutdentltl bllnd. China Painting •:u11ri\ntc•f"<t THE BIG OLD RED BARN _... .,.,,...., 11 r \VL" 11 CaU Har. 3816-R fo r '53 \.\,:"'DSOR dt'lux . I own~r "' n(~..,' '"' 1 r. 1111"""'·11 r.-s. E F'fRBA l'iK K 1 3· 3241 '~4 ·3l'i' 'T'raVell'V 12:)9!1 '62-li' HanllOrl, tw h<"'---1781 ·:i•.....o· }1HlWOOd 2 BR. -13:19:1 '54·'5' ROt1.dm1U1ter 2 BR. • 164111\ 1968 Modf!la on Ulllplay aJJ elze .. Real Eatate Salesman Only $1.00 BlUlda "Paind and relNllt. Dl.7 Mlcl Evenl.lll • 0-u F'or our ncw .. 111 omC:t a fin« Fr•• Pleil up ud '911"7'J Order. TaJltn 1'ow I crm111d·floor opportwuty Our Work doo• by appolntmecit ftorM Llbe"8' s.M41 tll.lt tne,.nUve c:ommlM!on Aeh~\llt Ptloee LDlerty &-~TO\ !aYo,-. t he,.. wlM) •lay wllh u~. or ltbbbertf I-UT.. ppth ~ "'ut.ed t.nc-who pf'Otlvct'. llld U>o11e --•~LIVt In ll11t111t . w .. •rt tr1enrl· M OU Spl"Mmnr Dr1vtwaya Roy's Maintenance ly Alld N .UJ>(IU!IVf' end ..... Wll.111 PARKING LOTS th" "'m• from Y"" ff-Clt&nJnJ-F"loor WlllUlll eub-cllva.tona Ollr •Pec.1&1\1. Wt Wa.1J .,.Mlloc-•tadow cltanlnr tllaal.M ~ tn>e oU to JWI'... Veneuan blinda. UphOi.t•ry cltkeL1on.. L&ra'• Jobe -llJ'D&l.I IUW-ed. "'" c.t1.mttu )<>be. Fr?e •Umat ... Al.to •a-UMrty 1-1'32. llfc: Bnv & Beach R('alty, Inc. 3630 li:Ml C:tMIJlt Hw y Coro'* drl Mar Harbar HU tar 1p~a.c11,... Modern .quip-------------1n•t. LElde(lon 1-.4()()1. OU-HANDY MAN. malntananc,. .t O!RI...," - IMN la p,._., HunUnlton Bch. repair or what : Har. 4664-W. EARN MORE llt.tc 2ittc ntAN EVER BEFORE! Courteous N•-PTue C\uatn~ Ad·Ta.M,. a.re tra.lntd \.o WT1lf .... u ... ada. ExperiePlc'd gardener LANDSCAPING Our ntw hlirh••r #I A rlin~ "•K' a nd trtquenl lnl'rf'Uf'a ~Vff you lhlll opro"unlty OPf'ntn1t1 now tor TELEPHONE OPERATORS '""'°""" k>nf uptrteao. and a t hof'f'U.11h und•ralaadinf of adver- tlt1n,f w e can put your want& Into W'Ol'd• Ulat ('et action. and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 JOtfe \\'t ,..Ill lrntn )'flll and yn11·11 rto rr"'" "1•ny otnrr b,.nttlUi Let UI htlp )'OU etll: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS Is TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSIOAL INSTRUMENTS . . . OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A J OB GET YOU A HELPER Thoe :-lrws-Pr.u Cl..,..ltleJ Ad• Taken """ ritprrta lltltl I.ht)' a.r. at )'Our lll'rvlrr J u!ll phone HARBOR 1818 EXPERIENCED GARDENER GA.ROENlNO It yard work by •lay •ffk or month. Lrberty 8-11139 alter e 3l!c ------------- RELIABLE JAPANESE- A MERICA N WANTS GARDENING IN HAR· BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 2•p37 --BY Clll.Tl:Ju;::o woman u rom· panlon t" lc:>nely lad\' or nml lnv111l1I husbtnd nt bt1~1n~' wo· ma n OootJ .,1,.1n rook no not drh•. Mt11, M H M1ll~r 212 tc Bay A•~ .. Hal boa 7lle31 ------ Apply - ~14 '' No Main 81ft t l. Rm 21 I ~anti\ An1 ii 00 tn 4 -00 p. m PACIF"IC TELEPHONE ---~-·------~x:rER.J~C"l:D waHre.u wanted. Apply 11.L SN Al'K S HOP. :1306 I:. COllst Hw)· . Corona d~I Mar. 181.1 BWlNO S HlFT ll:NOCNll laUle operatoni, TL.Rf\ET lathe OJ)Crator .. TOOL. • cuttn Jrlnd•r. TOOL maktn. RADIAi. dt1JI operawn MUST BE CLASS A. Cl.A· 'II AL <.:O, 17th 6 P~111Ua. Ne'fl'POrt. BtaC'h C'LEAN"L~Q A rrtONlNO by tM AVON will traln 1 more ladl• for day. kpertaaced. Balboa l•lud eo.t• w ..... TaJUn1 Xm&a or· prett:rrtJd. JO J,.8()M, ti dier1I now. KI 3-tstl. 3'p30 11102 :'lltWJX•~l ffh'<I \'o•tA M,... Exclusive TY Sacnfi r<! Slli~ Call Har 0718 • U 8•3•26 ' · 13861 Harbor Blvd . Gardon <:re•\'• or Kl 6·210.. 29c31 I 2·ti·3i ·h R~ntaJ Service j - (;E FlEFRJO , U 't \~rv ;IM.n -27p29 HUSBAND \\'A~S TO KEEP GQOl1 rnn'l111'>n Si l' t.o Othrr11 SS-Bo•tA, 8uppllea ' MF. HfJMJ':. Mutt atll my bnut. t• fr•ir•r•ton fr••m U!I Ml, KU&r -------SPl~"ET P11U1<>11. Rrntal retum11 '62 Mer('. Mont . con•r. Cont. kit, !ITl\OOTS HIJ~ J.;. llnuuwitrM. TRADE Trade·lnl on Orgl\.ns, llke new "''"' Mer<"omall<'. Ill! u tru 11102 Sf'WJ>')f"\ Blvtf , C'n"t.a M"M , aome Maplt. Blond Val<. Fr~nch Perf <'Ond . .Hill'. 71184·)f. 27c28 l,Jtlt'r 1.1· 11.:u 211 Broutl/ul iO·rt. aux. •choontr. r•rov1nr uu Th1A Ill " d 11u11 ,. for ~1'1.YM<H:TH bialneu coup~ 1'1A0 1L. t:Ht:F hV~n th,., fr\~ Ex.ceHf'nt for C'ha rt,.r \\int bl~ ••vantr O~n JOJ tdu~ nlallt. t;oe'1 ~n,,n,.. R • H. ll9~ H&.r. 0 property or imaller bO&t J220 DA:"'Z·S<:ll.Mll>T, :,:io Nv. M~ln, 4"'1'" W 2a-ao Sl59 !'tl'I thn11 from $11'1 irunr · · Santa An~ " u· '"""' STR0 01'S Ht>\\ r. llouuwar~• w. RaJboa llh'd .. Newport liar I 1-·------------ llil)l NPwporl 8~1:'1 \oata Mt11~ 3032 39t!c SPECIAL B UY' 'Ill STVVE (..'"hllrup. 7-l!r • 1423. Ll bc>rty 8·3426 1 I · 0 -0r., RkH, !Intl con1t. 1.,11 rtn __ WILL TRAOlt my hom11 In An&· OEMO:>\STHATOR model, Ilka new Pvt. vwner. Harb<lr 21133. 2Jr29 ;\10 \ .. JXC: A \\'AV ~i u•t """ bf'au-hr~m fnr fll'htng c. ru~lf'r C1U JO\'fl'Jy K tm bl.lJ Spanct piano wtlh i 3 H.AMBl.F.R St&tton Wa,-on- t1f11I tl\hlP top s:u ~love 11nd me •l Kt'y:<tonr 3-IJHI 2~1":111 ti111ll In Lowrey Organo .. Rav• TlntMl «llUJ!, RltH. O'drlv• and rrflli;:erator chf'hJ'l tor quh k - -s.1110 on this. Llt>ernl trarle. C.:on· tlean. 1,1 8.:it9H. 2;c2t •alt '25 I'll.Ch IA s. i9ll0 211rl0 H PAC1F1C. rnmplete l'l"t Q! Vfnlent tt>rmi at- a111l11 nylon 1JJi1nm11.kflr < Anvo11 S HA F'EHS 1 Since 1!toi 1 rnvn 6t t r11ilr'r 1w11 11 l•l""~~I 421.423 i-:. l'lycamore. g,.Mta /Ina ~2--lumlturt fM Saie ~· --~~~-----~----S~!J8. 1601 Placrnllll.. t"'~lll Phone Klmbf-rly 2·111172 RJIK'TIONAL f111v,.npot1 O!llkl'• I"· 10 •il>l h,.11, <hlllt I I nlHl• 11 .Jf MMa LI 8-3806 Z~f :Ill Oranir11 ( '1,unty 11 Organ Htlqtr11 r .. rmt('I\ tnp ""rr .... 1111'>1.. t7i 1 FOR RENT, BALBOA z-;,.wpnrt A 1". ('oi<IA l'llt'llA 1 27,,29 COVES, Pl ER AND M-e-sa_W_o._o_d_c-ra_f_t I SLIP. Her. '4361-MK. t'npalnttd A JwvrnllP F'urnllure 28pJO Knnt t~· plnr lt1y "'1it SJ Z !'!0 -------------- i wo T}.KES MT f l1()0 tqu1ty 1D IP~4 Me.re, 4rd top, low mil .. 11ge lmme.cul1te. Har. '8.ZI 27c2t 01~r1~MOl:Ut.E -.,8 2-dr~ RAH. W HW , xlnt tr&11•. Private patty, S 195. 227 Via Orvleto. Harbof' l i26·R. 28p~ 19:\0 CA OlLl~O eet1&n. .x~Uent rontllllon. fJO~. Call owner at Ha.r. 01177-W. 2Sd0 PAN AMERICAN P11 runount•Kfl'ftllkll1 Ttavl'lt'tt-Terry ~EW lllr>t'> -4 3 f t, Duo Empr ... eutern "'1Ht mobile home Out of OU. world f~l\t.l.lt'INI too nwn• e rou• t o me:nUon Nuat -to beUtH. F"or datsll• e&ll Hun· Ung-ton R.-w.h. t~F.x. tl321H. 29c3l 47-Wanted to Heat Rentals Wanted We Dead apta and houaee lD al 98Cltiom for boUI 'WLJJC. llDd ~· ....._ J'\lnl. or ..,.,._ u ,_ ..... a • .....,.. pboa• today The Vogel Co. U01 W, a.t. Hwy .• Newport Be& ..... lAerty ......i IOI 11artae. BA1110a I.iud l"boDI ll..tMlr ... CHll.ORli:SS D 0 I, Li F'ufn1tur,. War<l robf'!! h11tt h, 1111'~1.A Gigantic SALE 200/o off HAMM()Nl) ORGA..'iS, 1111 m oorls, our Ch1 1•trn .. ~ '''" k lt"W r•1mfnit In: J lO 00 c.lt•pHlll l will rrfl1•rve 11n)' m,,.,.,, wh1!" 1 he.)' la11t. 'rfll•lt tn y our oht JllMo. OANZ·SC:Hl.ffDT. Hom,. of the world fll.ITlOW! Hommond, ~20 No. Mii.in. Sa.nta AnL One 8plnl't Mo<lrl. on& H11.mmMd Chord Orgui UM'd bllt hk• ntw, wonl11 rr111 1>11.r1ra.1n8 ,..1 a. aa..i& ar .. ~ 4191 Nu PIM>n• l!lal'bo.-'t7•1 1£1:)2 CAO 82 Sedan 37000 D'll Udo <>nsoe. WI V\a Udo Vf'ry clean car. •tt9!\-W W ~ •911 Compl«t• hn" unp111ntrd turn •nfl anti hwd Mln,.,·u a n<l Dt'ft ffntahr, Order11 tak•n fo• sb11ttert 21:11 Ha.rbor, C: M. Ubfrty l-ttl46 MOVl~C-M l'J::T SF:l.L. Pl"QYln· c11I dlnJnr •ct with br .. nk front Uke n•w. U!IO Cro111ey t lec r11.nr.:e 186 Obit< bed mattreu • •P~• 176, On• 5MUr lamp• Sl6. Hu. 178411-R. 29r3t UROIC ma l\0 1any uecuUve ov<"rha ng dr•ll • mahog 2 tlnlwer work l11blr 51 JO fur both. ~ Holly I.An•. Cona w... LI ''"ao. 29c30 on all 195~ boat• • Jol\naon 0 .8 . Moto" So. Coast Co. Nt wv<>rt Blvd at 2$rd St 21k!.31 TV & Radio Repair Fast Service Ruaonablc s.-rvlrc call• Ull , 9 p.m KX O\'\'LTON ELEC- TRONICS U H 1205. JMA. PHILCO open f-eonaola TV. Barp.111.. MO. Hu. M6-M. U c:30 WANT TO BUY JO I L. tlhc>rjrl&J1t1 -.0.t tit• .. ln·th,.-waya .. out of dinJh.Y for ahort boaL Ll 8·6il3 th• way, th• •11.nt a4 ""'· caJI .,,.... 29c31 Bar. 111' nylon UrH. Tak• tranapot't&UoD lTot Jf..-port m~~ w .. r11r tr&d .. Harbor JT:l6 art.er ~ _,.,.., e p. m. 17ttc tf• EQl ·rry In 1962 model 82 Cad.U-WAXf I Bedim. tlllltUr'L bot1M lae convertlbl.. U,.bt &'Tfftl ,. I.pt. to fM llDO. Belil refer. body, n-cla.rll rr~n top. -llar 25U-W 2kU Excellent eoadJUoa. Har. auew ---·----·-------27c2t ''-\ FORI> CONY. Allio ·u tOl'd U-!J?t&. •. ·~ •-dr. Sed&A. Botll lD food eond. OA.RAOll tor nnt ln ,_, o1 LI 1-8~7 alt~ ' p. m. 27p2t 2407 Jll. Cout HIJb-y. ~ LI M207 &ft.r ' p. m. 27p29 1 IM8 PACK.UU:> 9'.&Uon -.iron RAH Foe lllta. Or1e1na.I own· COITA M:ilHA 2 bdrm. par111 '"· 62000 mil•. Kl a-at73 turn. hou.e. KYatt •-'3&7_ 27c211 2k30 ' I l ' I I I 11 Ii ) OOAITAL SllOPPER Ultloa of PA• 2 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1955 ROOM It Board In my M>me Good food. cldn comfortable room1. Hu. 0873. 29c31 -·----AJ..e-__ &_B_o_w_es_. _r_o_r_Re_n_t_43-__ A_pts,___. ll_H_o_.119eS __ ro_r_Re_•_t 50-Rent, ~-------- Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilities with paid. Yacht alip accomodations. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2W2. 34tfc WINTER RENTAi.$ DELUXE m™ltorn !urn Mtu11i11 apt COM 2~rm. view $!!ti Furn Utlllt1t•H pnhl $7~ mo C•>r<•f1M COM 2 btlrm. hvui1t' u ;,, l-'111 n. dt·I Mar f-l llr os;,:;.ft. I HI~· Bal. IHlt" 2 bdrm hou11f· 1sle~ps --_ lll ,$75. Furn. Pmover. Realtor.I Charming Harbor Hnven _ Har. 4610. 4!!lc_'.1_11 Apartments . Patios GARAGE tor 11torage at 317 NP.W 4 H()OM, street lt•,·et. Near Na.rcl.aaus, Corona del Mar. Hu . ..rlrnols, shopping dls trlrt. QultJl. 2082-J. 29c31 plea.sant, <'X<'l11~1ve. Ga1 bage dis· Choice Winter P.entals tm Balboa Island & Lido l!:ile Bmall It cozy or large a: deluxe 176 to 1300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marin• Ave.. Balbua Leland P h. Rubor o• or Harbor 2151 R-. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30:19-M etuc VERY NICJ!l 2 bdrm. un rurn. bouae. Flreplac• a: rar. East •Ida location Co1ta MHa. Ad\,llll only: LI 8-•MO. 27c29 - po1ml. launrtry. 11lorRge rnoms, gurag·e. $82.50 up. O<·cu111e111 en· lire st1 t•et. Goud aupervlslon. Mgr. 1501 Haven Place 1 BloC'k South ut High SC'hool ALSO F t..:RNISHED APTS. WINTER RA TES 5lfc -------------CLOSE IN, f;JAt..80A. Furnished 1 bedrm. 11pt. yearly. $60 mo. Ca.a It waler paid. 408 E. Bal· boa Blvd. Ha.r. 2070 18tf DELUXE FUR!'. APTS. Singles a: dbl•. $.30 mo. and up. l Ot E. Bay Ave .. Balboa Harbor 03'4. 8lfc CORONA DJCL MAR - bechelor apt. 17.50 per Har. •Sil ~;.~: F URN. APTS. $46 Y"•rly !\12 W. 27c29 Bay Ave. 29c OFFICE SPACE FREE CATCH lS-you an1wer m y phone, call LI 8·6679 evea. only, 27c29 .lS-Hto'" ~ orn.. ------OFFICES For Lease In New Building 17 x 40' $100 mo. 17 x 26' $ 86. mo. 13 x 13' $ 3:, m o. In Lido Shopping Area CI03 32nd St. Newport BeRl'h Harbor 4321 2Strc I COAST HI~H ~VAY, new bull<llng, 6(10 t<(I. rt. ort1r.,. Suttahle In· ~11t111ll'I', attorney. ctr. $90 mo. Hl'SS FURD, LJ 8·61U . 2(llf S3·A-R11l'inN1s K.-ntals C.or. 19th • Placentia C. M. 1-'0R HENT two bdrm. home - 111\0\'e &. re frig, rurn.) Includes i1tnre room &. l wo office spacC.11, S 100 Jnonth. OR wlll rent sepa- rately 1 orrice at S7CI and l al SOO n.onth. AIJIO 8mall •tore UOO mo. Call owner Lll>erty 8 -6223 mornings or a.fter Cl p.m. 9trc M·l CEMENT BLOCK BLDG., eultable tor t-nglne repair, or l!maJI boat ah<>p. approx. ICIOO sq. tL, In t he hcul of the Harbor Area. $121! pr r mn, SAM EMMES, Uc. Rul Estate-Broker. 281:'> Vlllu Way, Newport Ben. Har. l OH ·R 27c29 FOR LEASE, new bldg. on Eut 17th St. We need BARBER SHOP, BEAUTY PARLOR, TV S ALES & SERVf{;F., REAL ESTATE OFFI CE. GIFT SHOP A1(,I'llACTIVE l &nd 2 bdrm. rum. BA.L ISLE. 1<rn rm .. private 'n· etc. Gel your tiu11lne11s 1tarv<1 In Utlllt.le11 pt.id, 1 or 2 chll<lren. Laundry room. B L U E TO P AP'.l' • .)IOTEL •oa Newport Blvd. ~. Bea.ch, Jun abov• the Atchu. 7ttfc ltwlce It bath, k1tchenl'tt1•, elect. the be.st location In Costa Me.a. retrlg., thermo hl'RL $9 wk. Fur 1nrormu1un. 432 Eut 17th or $311 month 111ngh~. WlntPr, nr Liberty 8·629•. 28c41 Har. 2128-M 24ttc -------------- f8B-Howtr• for Kent CUTI: FURN. cottas-e, fenced ~ __ • ·-. _ ---- ya.rd, blk to Udo 8hc;p1 160 mo. LlDO ISLE NEW ;i be<'!rm, 2 LI M288 27c29 bath unrum , leue to pcrma.n- " -ent tf'nant $200 1110 Chu1ee N.llWPOftT BEACH, lovely 2 bd· location. Mr. Snow, DUoklfk rm. turn. home. WUl take 1 l -3211, evf'nlngM end wc«k<"ntl11 chlld. Leaae by yr. 1100 mo. SYlv•n 0-3691. llSttc Pl1a util. Available now. ALSO Lo't'ely I bdrm. furn. gar. W l.10 HOMF: 8 p•r lo1111 3 l>•lrm . 2 balh, cumplett'ly le IAMl'fully tum .. Incl tJtep 11 f'tl.f> & plA11<1 (;l<r•i:ce S22~ mo lll. )uno· Con a lller yl'arly I ·:I pm. 112 Via H11v1e 28p30 apL--oee&n view. lAue yrly. $801 mo .. p.11a uttHtlu. PAUL C. JONES, 2&20 Newport Blvd. Realtor Har. 2313 27c29 WINTER ttntala, n lc• cozy apt. aleep1 4. people. Furn. • u lll. p<I. 130 mo. La.rgt'r C.Oltagu priced accord~ly •. Scoll Apta. 212 Cyprua Bl. Balboa. Har. 3711. 27c29 RENTAL r SPECIALISTS 3·ROOM h OUIP, nkl'ly turn . \'Inn. all convpnlenc .. ,. Av"ll fo'l'ld!lY 41611 E. Ur•v Av,.. H1tlbott Kl 7-l9t J . 21J(':l0 CORONA DEL MAit rurn I b~d­ rm hot1•e. fll"'rl•cr . $00 m unlh •hould bP sN·n LI !1•41117 :19c:ll IJNF0 URN. 3 bd rm. 2 1>11lh. ,.,,,. ly u1'<-nrnl~<l h•111"e $12~ •1 n111nlh UNJ.'!IHN 2 tl<lr111 1<1•vl'rt1l!' hn'f"e I Call Edna Cr&Ja 818.l)che Gates, I plUA tllrnpu" rt;11111 no l(Mr N11 ,. Rltr. yrrnt 5M ~t n111n1 It 111 Marin.• Ave at&lboa bl.and, H.a.r. 1971 I nttc 1 Hl>l.tM • fitl:\jll' •lo\• Ct t drll{ !uni RAI ,;:; 111onth M-Buslness _Qp_P.!>rtllnJtlee Dress Shop Sell or Trade 511,900 EQUITY In nice r olnjl' b1111lneu for hoUJO ... IOI•. tru11t 1ll"<'<lll or l:acllllac HY flt\ 4-4739 27t:29 FOR RE.-.:T (;ro•·••ry 11lo1e • 6·r111 llvlllR 14u1H .~1 •. a ll for S61J 1110 At buy 1<lof'k & ..q111p $26\XJ 6 !0 Pih ::;1 , Huntmg1on B•·itrh 2~t 30 CASH ... FOR TRUST OEEl>S WM. 8. HOLT MORTC:AGJ.; BANKINC: SINC E 1930. HW9 :'\ Hl:S H SANTA ANA KIMBERLY l -ill8 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALE8 -REJo.lNANCJ: CO;'l;STRt..:t."TION C11ll tor f'r~ Fast Commitment11 6%-Real l'Atate ------·· -~--------· LIDO R-3 i, -30 tt. lot.8 on So. Bay Front. $31.~ each. Call T. D. Rogen. Hu. lOM·W, or RYan 1·6029. J8ttc BY OWNER CORONA DEL MAR, modern 2 bdrm. homt, fireplace, f1Jl'tlllce, hdwd. nnr.. WW carpeUnr and drapt>ll, dble. gar. Streued for apt. Full price $I 3, 760, $3000 dn. 603 Pouuiettla. Har. 3900-M. 24c37h FOR SALE BY OWNE~ bed· room home. 1' baths, land· ecaped A fenced. FHA loan. Freedom home arta. Call Liberty 8·6223 mornlnrs or a(ter 0 p. rn. l6ttc NEWPORT ISLE CORNER water· rront 40 ft. trontagr, finl'st pier & tlnal cm Isle. 2 b<11·n1. DREAM HOUSE. Dldwnrtrt. lawn. Prlc-ed $26.500. -Har. 1027-W, 27c29 ;ou ru .d the ~mer rellow-;-;., ANT I All : he wllJ read your• BACK BAY NEW 3 bdrm. 2 bath hom• on HALF ACRE. Overaiud doubl.e p r.. electric oven 6 JTlll. $2Ui00. EASY TERMS. Open 1 to 5 daily. 361 22nd St. 23c38 NEWPORT HTS., 2 br. hom• - Excell. neighborhood, priced lo tell at $10,760. Only 12oq@ dn. liOMJ,;R E. SHAFER, Realtor 10$ McFadden Pl., Har. HO Eves~ liar. 2029·.M-Har. ll:M8·W FAMILY LIKE TO SWIM! T BEST BUY AVAILABLE -Ju.t acro,1111 the street from the tl.ne8t bay beech: Furnished, 3 bdrm. house with encl. patio, ahowera and dreaelng room•, g'OOd park- ing apace. 111,000, 12~ down at $85 per month. 13AYVIEW 2306 W . Balboa Blvd., Har. 3371 29c31 WILL ACCEPT $500 elLllh down payment on 8 bednn. home ln Costa Mell&. Writ• B ox B-89 lhta paper. 29p31 62-Real Estate 62-Real Estate BALBOA ISLAND CHECK ( V ) and DOUBLE ( v v) and you won't find a home to compare with this! Beaut. 3-bdrrn. 2-bath home on large, large lot - lge. liv. room, separate dining room. gorgeoua patio PLUS studio apt. as cute as can be! WE'RE SAV- ING A RESERVED SEAT FOR YOU ON THIS ONE! $39,500 with terms. if desired. CORONA DEL MAR YOU'LL SrNG like the birdies sing when you move into this 3-bdrm. 2 bath lovely. Com'pl remodeled and redecoratedd in xln't taste. Fireplace, large patio area, gay wallpapers, choice neighborhood. Fu II Price' $19,870 ! NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 0502-4623 Extra Luxurious Custom Quality · There Were '41 Raneh Homea NOW, Only 35 left CenlraHy located for all act1vitieR in Greater New· port Harbo r u ea . yet out of IM'asonal congestion that penalizes so many areu . These homes have everything. even wall aafea. Three bdrm. $21,950 Four bdrm. $22,950 HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvioe Ave., 1 Block No. o( 17th St. EARL W. ST AN LEY 1 Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th & Jrvine Liberty 8-2664 or Llberty 8-3123 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE BALBOA-PENINSULA. Le• H11n 1 BR a pt, w w carpt"l. furn beat. uUllUa It caraite Incl. Hy mo. or )Tly. Har. 172~ &rt111 • ~· m . 17trc Curonit 11 .. 1 M.u K .. ulty 1·11 l'rtl • T Md ·u111twn. It. l\llur JH i f: ('rulAI lh<~' ( '•non11 •lf') ~I.tr I lnr •• I U fflr,. Jocal"•I ll!'XI 11<•11 lo t •unHut +f••I ~t.u H 1nkl un l{,••1 lrn1·,.,. a11rt U11lt1 ~nly 1 Don I. Huddleston . c~ARLEY DRAKE -• Traffic 113 B. 17th ~t. 0 NEILS HASTY Movmg & Rep. Storage LIDO ISLE :l\llf (' n>~A MESA LOCAJ. ANO NATION-WIDE MOVING BACHJll.LOR and one It two bdrm. HALEIOA ISi.AN D ;-.; .. ., new. 2 LI s.r,:.o W 8·0J6Z J'h. Kl 3.9i21 Eve LI 8-2961 apt& 8bc.rt term &rid y early, h<lrm , l-tt1lh I< hair l'"lnmxhed I N B So M · SL ALSO, Udo H omu. a.nd Bay F'1 11111 I sia:. mu vtly lf'uf', fir 1110 mo WAr-s t u tH 11.LJ IMPH ~I\'~ Corner t>Wport lv<t. and · . &In Hom• and ape.rtmen!A. lu J une 1~. "'" :lfl7!1·M HU Y, M UlJ!,;RNIZE. OR ------------------ LIDO REALTY Asaociall'S 291'31 Rt:,.·1:-<ANl.:E HOO VI.a Udo, Harbor8494t4r4c •·NF"R!-1 , 2 bdrm hou"" 18'• W• Uuy Tru.i ON•WI TOP LOCATION v v v N E Wl•1JK1 HALl:UA S;\\'ll"Gb -------------1 l\H ~IUltA An.-t.J 8-&~2 '1,11yi. ~ 1.o AN ASS! ICIATl\1!11 J BORK. tum. apt ovcrlook1ni Hu . 16:10-J r veJ'I 29c31 :Jae& Via Udo Ph Har 4100 ocean 6 Jett.y. Large roum• anil 1 NJ.:Wt..Y l >l';CORATEI> l 'nf111 r1 l.tt l • ..,.. 1100 mo. ye.riv leiut 2011 J'""'1ea.f, Corona df'.I M,11r I homf' 2 br lae "un rm !..at l(t , 2~ 30 ""'""''· 11 ""' ·''"'''· '.""ri~ LOANS for Homes (' I nit (111 n llfll 4Zi \\ "•ln1tn•Vr Tll.U\LY RENTAl,-lmmaculalt 27Jl211 0'!'• 20 yr 1..o&n• WlNTEH RENT AL 2 bdrm. partly tum a pt . F' A beat. trun d<'Ck . VIP'"' t'!( Ol't-nn & ba_y. $1 JO. Incl. uUhll<'JI. A•lllll• l.Av .. lv °' un rront :. b< 1lroom only. 1029 W. Ba.Ibo• Btwt . Apt 1 homf' ror rcnl until rnlll·Jllnt' a Call LI 8·7i73. 2!1lCc $17:1 f"'r month rurnlAllNI OWn· Pr JIAY• 11ntlhllr11 \\'utHl<'rful L"d I I plAy y ard rnr clliltlr .. n WAik · 1 o s e inir •1 ... t .. nc-... ,,., ~""'"'''"' ~· hMll Construction Loans Sl::I:: Bl>H SA rn .. E:R 2.>l:O ·~AST COAST BLVD L:o1110& Ori Mar Harli.1r .,l)bS Rtp Pc 11Rir:~ ~.lC>KTGAGE <.:<> I Mrlrn 1.1t~ Ina F'\inda Kl 3-~•ll'' B yf t tittrl?<lr !118'1 2i<29 a ron 1----o.e and two bdrm. apartml'nl.s. LOOKING fo~OR A RENTAL ? REAL £:STATE LOANR I'\&~. Oaraiu Yearly or Htre'" 11 l'h1>1rc moorrn 3 b r '1ll•·ri·~t l<:ilt> :;.. ;)I. r., wtnt•r rental. Hn. 6671'1. uni; nn BAlh"" Blvtt ""'t 2 lc34 fi!t'MmmAr •chnol r hun·hc-J t'\1• 1.AR.OIC, SUNNY, TROPIC AL rum l bedroom apt. Gin. p!lllo C.:lo8l' to Udo Center. YMr'lv $7!1 Ha.r. 4308·1-214 33rd Sl., NJll. S.ach. 2i1·211 WATER FJt6NT tur~Jll;-• WtNTER only I • 3 bJrm. no pell chllllrf'n wf'h'••mf' :1ill6 Ch11nt-I PlrH'I' H 11r 12:7-J ;\ Vl\illlhl,. :-'nv•·mtirr 'lllth 11t1I ii Junr "I $90 r••r mnnlh &n•I ''"11· r r l'•I\" ut1hll••"' . , , no cl11j!I' pl<'A'' ll11r .\11(11 2i1 29 T HRF.E RF:LIRM r11t n 11t JlRI tly furn h•1t1t•• N•1• )o\atden ;,. f 1m1ly of 1111ulrA $11 u J'f'r 11111, y rly lt•!Ult~ r r41111 .t JlJJI tl)t. f>f"• l !!Ill\ V II 1•111¥. I M I.I .... j(1;3 2iri!I 40-R<.om" for IC.ent J,,..nn,. q11trklv tn«rll' In the H11rhflr Aro•n l..n,;u1111 nn<I l'.1~11' MN•it l'lln.i:h nt mull 11'1" 11011 • N"w nr nld llr WI~ •1n1t llA ,.,. h\ r"• flll1<ll• 1111: }"•Ill J'll "•t'nl lnlln Mrn1m11111 "xr••• .,. 211 Yt'Kr t,.n11 1f •l,.~11 t•I ~(\ rlt"r~" for I"'" hn11n11ry "J•prn1111tl KI :1·119:l:l Ald111 ,l A. ~1AY ~t•P t -·+:!1 L '" t .,, f • "l''°'"lrnl t I• l'i I l ,, .. ln~111 .lll1"'' I n • :•t ~11uth ,"\f1t H1 .SAntA An1~ PJI ROOM fl•r l'ln,1tt~ 1~n"'n Wiii .'.>7-Rral ['!>tat.-"antc-d Do You Need a temporary home 1 p1wk l11nrh 1r tle11l1 l'll :ioo CM· '· ---· --· -- 1)1111<) Co8lll M elll• 21'1 :lO \\' :--'TY.fl t>y p1(v8.tr r"fl\' 1tlrr1t w .. wtll llttbl!'t ('Ut IO''''IY b11y -• f11·m "''·nr1 '"'" nr !hr,,,. t>r front ~! 11<ho 11r t. OfC' I In ~hr• h * * * twH•r , , ,,, ;-o il'>. \\0 111,. r.111 itr· Hi unru1n 3 bNtrml' .. 2 l:>Athi., ENJOY I.I \ l;'l;t , ,.11 111 .. (\t•rAn ltul• II• I' n f\o;' fi~2. H1lh•o1 WW r 11rrrt1ni; r1r11pt"""· 1novr Frnnl 1-(1!1 h<'nrr t,. AJll" It rn • <!1 p311 rt frig $20<1 ml" Ll•fo A rn1~ "tt h r 11u1 I<' t•11 th ~l 1>1·1 .,., \'I<" •rt . Apl. Ii: H,1r 2323 2ic-29 T\' .lJtlA "'"t (Jl'l'AI\ Fr11n1 • L' l · -HR1hor llH!ll 6J-l~~a.'_! .. s!:L(t'_~.'.'f_l~_!I~!._. 1 I BDRM. FT RN .\PT. with ba I * * * 1 \'lfW. L'tll pct !Of•~\\" 8 8\'AW· ?<i~wpor-l Be.<1 h -2':'1•::0 R1 II~\.! f11r wt" k lf\ll' ntl\11 $11 11m1 ------J7 p,.r "'"""k 1'1 1\'llle l'nlrant e BA y \"IE\\' lll'I'"" ""' rurn 2 llf'd· 1 121 Z'<lh ~l. :-;, wpvrt pptfc room. 2 b11tl1, ~lnrrh &r "''" .1,.1•k Wlntf'r rental SIU !'111. tH il p:t11l~ LAIJY "'""" h"11 r""'~ 1r1 nl<'" 107 Eut Ji:•ll(l''""l"r, Ullll>O& h•11n.. loot f't upluy ... t i,.,1r I.I 27, z I 8-~tcl HI ~Ill,,. FURN. 4 ru0m K""""'' 11 p1 f\:l(t 1 a .. ·o tt :;1 :'l.L;J. .. ~ \\ 11111.111 w1111. w11h clean. El,.1·1 r'1t· r,,t n l( I '1;ru•I "1y 1 b eat. $~ m u, wlnh•r 111 $6~> 1111t t )'Nrly, l"tll p111d. H!lr JllMl-J, I JOl E. Ba.y A•e .. BaJbo&. 27c:rt p1·1v111,• 11ht11 All 1.11v .. 1 .. 11 .. ~ .. r l).•.•UIHHI llo1tl\I" •w1111111rn~ •)<••I T\I el• Kl 2-2:1.111 dll\ll IJ 8-2783 tvt11 • 211ca1 . 1 \});IT 1 :-;c·o~:E SPF:C'!AL N•"" 11''11111'. 111 N.wport 11ntl mw11 tlii<I"'~" <Jf 4 nrw 2 bdt m urtll • In r11h111•1I nrt>1. of Monr•1w1A w .. r·t h $29 ()(lo Rr:itl'd ror S:'l4110 ynrly Yuu Utkf' unr 124.000 In luAn• • J>ll~' c!Ulh dlrt,.r.n('tt, 1or 11 .. J.-Cur V•<~•Ol h0111I. b"ut 11r 011111 • w .. rth 5~iltl\J •.•r mur .. I '"II f'l\Y oifr..t~I\'" vr l•k•· nolv to•1 bnl11nt·~ Hl'RRY. 111u111 ~ .. 11 n .. w \\'r1lr Jll11t C-70 thl~ IW'J>4''· 211c30 I Lido Isle Two bedroom and den. \'lEW. Acroea from bathing beach on Lido Nord. $35.000 ART C. KISTLER CO., 2901 Newport Blvd .. Newport &ach Realtors Har. 5226 . DOUBLE TROUBLE--AGAIN! Another chc•nl finds himself with 2 housce and would rather have only one. We're offering a cute small 2 B. R. home with firepl., hwd. flra., serv. porch etc. luca ted on a level R-2 lot, ju at atepa to store!!, bank, and P.O. ONLY $11 ,500 with terms. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coast Hy .. Cor ona del Mar Har. 2774 WILL TRADE TO ·sETILE EST ATE Custom built Cliff Hav<>n beauty 011 the choice corner lot of the area. Three bdrms. & den -Early American style- r;1ass door!! to ~aut1fully landscllped patio & yard. Viill t11 kr t1mallcr 2 or 3 B. R. in Harbor are& or Costa Mesa. CALL LIBERTY R-1421 29c31 Need 4 Bedrooms? Here are 2 Specials ! LJDO ISLE -2 baths, 2 firepl1tce11 and charm t hroughout. CLIFF HA VEN -C\tstom-built. 3 bath•, room for pool. Both the~ hometi are bargairu1 ! WILLARD L. KILLION , Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 ft-Reel r..tate --------- ON LIDO ISLE UNUSUALLY be11ut1f\JI well built 8 room home • 2 cttr prace. LIKE NEW. Extra large den • patio for rl'al living-&nd JTaC· Ima entertaining. A. REAL BUY $27,600--TERMS. WE WA~T LIDO ISLE PROPERTY FOR A COOPLJll Who wtll trade 1 ~ acre. baauUtulJ.1 landacaped wttb 60 a't'OUl6o v.... lll ~ an,.. and ~ a.... plUll a S-Or&'llOWI &.r1"1 of e&mellu. Allo an automatlo •prinkler 1ylltem that la Mt to Co of! and on u niquired. Ph» a Lntnc & Dln- l~ ar• ot 10x39. Plua 2 bed· rooma It t batba, lg'e. J car rar. 9 montba old. Prlc.d low for US. or trada. Located ID Co¥tna Jtlshlanda. Seven lslanch Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd Bt., Newport Beach, C&llt. Har. ll868, alter II. p.m. Har. 22113-J Open House Daily 1·11 103 Vl& NIC9, Udo BRAND NEW modem French Re- gency with a &Teal 1en1e of dig· nlty u well u a cuual holiday feeling "' ti. a bdnna.. 2 mar· ble-top pullman balh11, Electric kit. Mercury 1wltchea, wrll- chotten carpeting' thruout. Life. path~ lmprelllllva lll.nda.capl04r, am... from .tut '° ttnllh. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc LIDO OFFICE 3112 Lafayette. NpL Ha. 3643 REAL VALUES LOW DOWN JUST A YEAR OLD, 3 lg. bed· room11, tull bath with ahower, luge lot, elc. Tot.Ill price '9200. W• think $1600 will handle. TWO BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM 1tucco. only 11Jc year1 old, 11o·x120• lot, detached garage. CM ~ bought with low down, tollll pnce only $7600. B. A NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newpol't Blvd. COsta Men L.I 1-1872 Eve•. LI &-4 I 20 OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LA.81' CllANCll to get 81 feet of ocean lt'Olllqe ln on• pt~e. Nice oomtort.abl• beacb cottace on the •roperty 11ow--4ncludln1 l'llnll'e. $30,000. On very eu y term• RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 Newport Blvd., Newpt. B<'h. Harbor _!R2 Compare This Value CLOSE lN 3 be<lrrn .• 2 baUl ho1nf' In Costa M1 .. 1a '1 bei<t Eut 11111e I dt11t. f'A hr11t. rarprt•. •lnpt'11, htlWd Ors . ~out1folly 1IP'l'Ullll• et!, Sewer In antJ pAltl. Rt!atly lo move lntn. f'1lll p1 Ire S 14,Ml() FHA paymtnu, Newport-Mesa Rlty. 1799 Newport Blvd . <'O•lA Mru L.Ibttt y 8-CICll\8 2Pc30 INDUSTRIAL RE • INFORC ED concr~le Bid~ approx. 32.000 roq rt at t.ach .. 11 1truct ured •tr .. 1 Wllf'l"h<tlll'f' M ~.JOO aq rt. All 1p1 inklerrd &nd hooked up wll h A. D T 330 I rt. spur lr&c"k with tour «ar door of)f'nin i:t" Ulllltle. tnl'lurt" H O voll. 3 ph&lt(' heave r11p11-1 cl!y, -ef'3 11nc1 l\J~h WfHl'r p~.-ure. Two &<'. or l11 nd 11nd p~11tnt OIL ROY ALITlES nrtw amt. to S316 81 per mon Frir fUrthcr Int wnlf' or phnne. Burtnn B ~cit Rltr PO Rox lo:i Newport B rach. C11.llf linr 221. Z9c~I I NEWPORT H EJOHTS J bdrm. hou.se, hdwd.. Cloor11, dl<'fl hrf'· l pl&ce. dlnln.-f'm. Ohl. .1t"r 4 '; 0 . l. lOtlll S12.850. 628 R Mll&nth1 LI 8·040 29c30 Look et this one 3 BDRM.. l l\l bath. lge r oom11 8haka roor. u!Mld brick , dnuhle RIU'. Quiet lootlon In BA!'k RAy Salisbury Realty Harbor Ci971 316 Mn.nne, Ba.lboa lslan•I ,------HOME ON THE CHA:-:NEL. neat A C'lf'.&n, 1 hdrm. ,.nmplrt@ with pier a: float. Partly tumillhed $1 8,jOO, term11. liOMER JC. SKA F!:R. RNllOr 108 McF"rtdl'n Pl .. Har HO l!:vM. Raf'. 2029-M-H&r, 1)268-W OPPORTUNITY KERE. Almnct new 2 Mrm. "hom .. y" hom,_, Bll"('h kitchen e&blnr!A, hwd. rlr•. Uv. room l&x.20. rar~ pati,,, $1000 dn.-bAla.nce over 111 ye.&rL No !Ina.nee char,-.. OPlANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Nawpoc1. Coal& M- U 1-1'31 S-. LI 1-MOi CHEAP ACREAGE 2 86 &<'"'" on Monro¥1a 1118Jl830 rt M,800 per &n'4'. for quit k alllt. call H .. r 4it8 or ~vr11 L l 8 -:.:11.111 21tt ,, &"~Keal tAtatAI --·-------------, ~------------- BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL VALUES Due to illnesa owner Is forced to .ell hla lovely, large Bayfront home, or may talc• 2 bedroom home in trade aa pan down pa,Jm•t. ~ra large home for large famDy. 5 bec!rooma, large living room, patio and many extru. Excellent looatson. $10,000 ~ Owner must sell Balboa lslanc!'• ftnest motel apart.menu. Excellent income record. WW eon· eider smaller property in tra~. Don't O'Nrlook thie inveetmeot. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the Poet Office Har. 4-44 Eves. Har. 30~9-M Har. 4248-R SPECIALS Three bedroom 1 & ~ 1 baths. Forced air heat., hwd. fioon . Shake roof Lots of tile. Fisher built. OPEN DAILY 384 Mira Loma North of IJel Mar, just off Tustin. 4 lots ~O x 150 fronting on a beautiful lake. with A view of the Back Bay. TWO OPEN HOUSES November 12 and 13 1 to 5 fl· m. Three bedrooms and den, unobstructed view 1n CORONA HIGHLANDS. Many fine feature!! - Fisher built. 44!8 De Sola TerrR<'C'. ALSO in Corona Highlands, 656 Seaward R<.tad. 3 bedrms. plus 2 add'I rooms downstairs. Sacrifice ~23,500 W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 503:? NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST BUY !' ' It's a roomy 2 bedrrn. well built home, haR breakftt11t area, dining room, fireplace, oak n oors that glc."am, service porch, lots of tile, plate glass picture win· dowa that offe r some view, extra large double gar- age, rear yard surrounded by conrrete wall and many other features. It's located in besl part New- port Height.a, just breathinr distance from Oiff Drive and a stones throw from scboola. The price -only $16.000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barktr. Liberty 8-8623, evening• Llberty S-8621 or call EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th Ii I rvine l.tberty S..2664 29c31 ----- CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX, fine location. Let the rent build your equity. Owner'a unit has hwd. nr11., cozy living room with (irepl., dining nn .. 1 bedrm . & bath, plus 2 extra bedrooms, 1 with ·' 1 bath for weeJc-end gueRtl'l. Otht'r unit atlract.ive separate home on front of lot , now rented. $21 ,500 AAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast Hwy. Corona d<>I Mar Har. 2:lAA (Across from Bank in CDM I • GOLDEN RULE VALUES CAMBRIOOE ESTATES -ltESTRlCTl'.:D See these fine custom built homes -3 bdnns. and lg. family room -hdwd. floors -2 bathe - Suilt·m range and oven. SpecuLI lighlmg fealun•l' Large two car garage. AJ1 ut1lttie11 rn and pa1<1 Also a frw restricted lots left -i5 ft. frontagr Priced right a t $4500 PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport B)vd. CoRla Mr111a (across from Costa Mesa Bank ) Phone LI 8-6761 Eves. Har. -!366 -LI 8-2103 BALBOA ISLAND ' A lovely tropical patio. provid~ Ideal outdoor living for a low rambling 3 bednn. 2 bath Mme. ~itustcd on 2 lolt1 m•ar So. Bay. Guest parking adjoininR dblt'. garage with apacioui11 guest quarter& above. Pnced al $39,500 W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park, Balboa Jaland Harbor 2462 Lido Lot 52 '.ti tt.. -$13,960 WOW! Orab you bat ud nm. no fooUa' Clyde Meyer, Realtor 307 Marine, Ba.lboa laland Har. 29!5() Rea. Har. 2.525 27c29 . -• , BILL'S BEST BUYS THRIVING REST AU RANT On Newport Beach'• miracle mile, open two ahifta ln winter & three shifts in summer. Thia ia a eold ' mine in summer when fishing• on. Very neat It cle&n. OWNER SAYS SELL. Full Price $6000 with 'h down. CLOSE IN On quiet residential street -traffic free & clean u a wbiatte. N~_curbed &1'\d paved street, 8eWer in and paid for.~ext to grammar achoo!. Full price only $9,950 with $3000 down. NEATNESS PLUS Choicest 3 bdnn. in Santa Ana Height.. Expertly decorated in &. out. Completely fenced rear ya.rd, with beautiful landacaping, and 20 x 27 covered " patio adjoinin~.Jien adds to luxury living. Priced to ~ at $12,950 with $4500 down. BACK BAY New home on exclusive new street. Spacioua, 3 B.R. and 2 full baths, latest and finest of features. Forced air, built in range & oven, kitchen ventila- tor, ceiling fan, heaters in bath11, etc. Lot ia high commanding permanent view of lovely surrounding• $26,500 SHORT WALK TO TOWN WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THll M08T canirully Mlect· ed valuea ln each ot our cu.ttnct- ty dltfeNnt HAJ\80I\ AJUDil. BALBOA ISLAND COZY I bdrm. knotty pine nc&· tlon home. 1'\&ndabed tn maple, completely equipped tor your own holldaya, rood aummer rent- al Income or both. See Ulla and decide-Do. It C08T or does It PAY? $16,500 F .P. Only $2500 down! 4 CLIFF HAVEN YEAR-ROUND IMn~ la -.J and t.hrtt ty In thla 3 bdnn. home. H.W. nra .. Uled kitchen, fan • dlahmuter, t or mother, lovely encl. )'&I'd tor kid.I, 115,llOO 1'.P. 18000 dn. 187 month. BALBOA PENINSULA CHOICE 52' lot, huge 119Uo, I br, l ~ •balla. 127.llOO. 2 BDRM. Provincial. A eteaJ At 118.600. only $~1. per month. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor ~ Newport Blvd., Npt. Bet.ell ltuy PvkiDC Barbor '810 COSTA MESA "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famlllttt are lnlpeetin1 ti-exquitlite homes -noting thelr comfort, con· ven.ience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home in a re- ltrlcted quality community are moving into thelr Irvine Tenace homes. Drive ln today a.nd Bt!e for yoursel! the many out- atanding features of trus remarkable coJDJDunity. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coaat Highway oppolite the new Irvine Coast Country Club, EARL W.. ST AN LEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who bolds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven Houston Values 00 .... AL lllOPPDI Nlt'r I of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • ,Ael 1 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIER 9, 1955 a a.a E*M a••~ Full Price $6750 ''C' mollil ·~· TROKAB "C" TR01us "C" TROlWI GOOD I bdrm.. pr. on nice _... ~:;. ~~ ~ TRADES TRADES TRADES 3 Bdrm., 11/z Baths W118TSIDID, MU' MW ec)M)ol, dbl. pnp. Mat. tb1JO wlNd no. All HW Ora. U&OO down. Full price onlJ '9000. C-2 $1000 Down JUBT on NmWPOftT Bl?d. Rm. few a nice ~ and a 1 beet· room i.om. ~ to live la. J'Ul ct.I &a en11 '6900, Sood tel'll\8. Choice M-1 "800 Btrf8 eorDU TOzUT wttll old• boaM. Open for inspection 880 La CUlada Way, N-J.a. I bdnD.. 2 bat.ha, View. 2331 S. Ana Ave. I bdnn. eotUc• oa rMr ~ acr.. fSllOO-Qulck AotJon I Houston Realtv Co. ,. AUOCUTEI !IOI O.t.er Bt. Coat.a Mua LI .... u LI 1-7781 Eve. ph. PeUtte LI 8-6.ST i.,,u. u l-2MJ # 1~ ft. Elko CrulMr valued at $18,()90 will tn.de up for l"Midmce or income. # 2-40 foot Harco erw.er valued at $20,000 will trade for newer home to $35,000 in Barbor area. # ~100 ft. Buain-Property near 17th 6 New- port Blvd. witb excellent 2 bdrm. 7 year old home ln Coeta Meu. area. Owner will take late model hoUM trailer 36 ft. or large/ u part trade. Cliff HAVEN BF.ST BUY TODAY -G. I. Reaale near achoola and church, 3 bedroom, w to w ca rpeting, hdwd floora, large kitchen, double car garage, fenced yard, PRICED at ONLY $15,000. BAYSHORES BAY VIEW -First time offered, 3 bedroom, 1 % batha, flaptone fireplace, hdwd. floora, dilling room. breakf ut room, lge. kitchen wired for 220, lo&da ot cupboarda, corner lol, extra lge. double ear garage, fenced yard. PRICED at ONLY $23,500 -Tenn.a. Nearly new home on valuable land. 3 bedrm. 11,-l bat.ha, parquet oak flool"ll, lota of We. Immaculate. Over.be garage. Aleo another 1 car guage plua Bbop or 1torage room at rear. Located midway between new Qty Hall ait. and downtown on appl"O%. ~ acre. Ample room for income unita. 2 Open HouHa 2177 Rural l:ene -----------~------------------- You can't miu'ln thla location. $115,800 with $MOO down. OCEAN VIE\¥ Dupla, Newport. 2 bdnna. up, 1 bed.rm. down. 2 car prace. On Balboa Blvd., clean. Muat 11ell. Prict $16,9f50 term.a. W. A,. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR ''7oa'll llb ov trtendly eervloe" 0> E. 17th St.. Coat.a Kea Liberty 8-1139 SEE My furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With Yiew ol ocean. 2 bedroom.a ud ckn, beauWul patio, 1 yr. old. a.muutanc. compel me to offer for immediat. 11 nu •on. E:uellent tenu. Coataet my Ezclwdve Aaemt EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor IBOWN BY APPOINTKENT -Call at IRVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Oppolhe Intae Cout Country Club, Hirb11r&y 101 or PbaM Barbor "48 ONLY 7 LEFT-BITTER HURRY "Country Club Estates" In Coate Meaa ~ beauutul 8&Dt& Alla Country aub, Eut ol 8uata Ana AYIDUe, o(f Orchard Drive. I Bldroom -2 bath Moden:1 Hom8 NO DOWN PAYMENT NON-VETS -VETS ODIB M. CLAR1L 252 E. Plll!:Mr St., Coeta Me.a Ubert7 8-2M7 day1 and evenings 27tfc ' OPE!f IUNDA Y 1 ·':IO. Tum oft Newport Blvd. a l 22nd St. and Run.I Lane t.. flm 1t.reet on ~Cht. Lonly I bedroom, clo31 to echoolll, 1torH and ll'&IJIJ)Or- tatlon. Hu 18600 O. I. loan, payable Me pu mcmt.b °"1\u being' lrt.Nfe'rred eut atld la u.xtoua. Aa lllUe u 126QO down. A.L80 Open Daily 1:10 -•:SO 271 M.AONOLIA.. j\l.at 1 Mock be- yond 18th St. In Ooel.A Mee&. I Mdrocn borne cm 2 M lot& Sia 100' x 1~· wtth loadl ot frull U-and a beautlt\IJ l&wn. ni .. home Nlduced trom lll,900 Owner llAXkNI 1111d wut. otter ., tnde. 4L80 OVIJRLOOICJNQ Hm'WPORT HAABOR IArs-paDOrUrile n-lol oo Clift Onve. Prt~ rtduced \0 JU..000. Duncan Hardesty. RZA.LTOR MOS N~ Blvd. Har. •Ttl See Me-Ta Nelson 1'01\ ICXcm..utHT V .\LUU CORONA DEL MAR., neat t..nd lhlriy, 2 bednn home, earpeUI • Ort.,... P_,ect •t up tor 2nd unit. Cloee In. P' .P. $12,&00. 008T A MUA -Chol~ too&Uon for wbdtvtaloa. I be9uUf\ll -.rrff lncorporattd lll'M on Coat.a M-·• wtde9t •lr'Ml. l6000 ~r acre. 1-Ul&J\ ~ down. l..EMON KEJGHTS 20 &aM M!- joln.ln&' be&utlfuJ •t.ateit. 7 •er-ea In bear\~ avocadoe. •- Olan •, down. CHOICE ft.ENT ALI, tumlahed • un t\lni.lalled. Kr:T A N'EU!ON 2908 E. COM\ Hwy. Oorou del X&r Kar. 60tO n c31 A REAL BUY IN COST A MESA VERY l'llCELY DECORATED • fumlahc-d tncludlrif Rvllt • In T~.naton. RadJo • Bookcue. Th'-"" room home II only I )'fU '• old a.ncs Le In rood eon· c11tlon, hu a nlCf'o pe.tlo wtth pon •bte bart>f'Cufl. The tllterlor I• rediwood and irt ucco Prop.rty 11 complettly ftncecl. l'nc.d 1H only J8 9~ completely fUml!lh· ed. Ca.n be pul'Chued untum. Seven l1l•nd1 Realty & Investment Co. 503 32'nd St.. N..-port ~•ch. «•!It Har 511418, t.ftf'r &. pm H~. ma.J OPPORTU NTTT Rl:RP!. Half'"" ""1UI a tum. unltA. 1188 mo. In· come. A•kln' 112.000 fl.tmlNml, 111.000 unl\Jml.th~. IUOO dn. A M l. 17:> mo. Room for al1dl. unit.a. ORANGE COAST Corona del Mar Vogel V I PJ\OPERTtES a Ues 1~7 Ntwp0rt, COllla M- l.I 1-16.J:Z Eve. LI a..eto-1 LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUES , Have you seen th1s charming 2 .try. 3 8drm. den and 2 batb home! Beaut. kitchen with dlah- washer, disposal, built-In oven and rapge, and copper hood with exhaust fan. 2 fireplace.e, par· tially carpeted, large garage. Excellent construc- tion. Fu11 price $32,500 -term.a. Practically New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home that we believe to repreeent Lhe most for t he money of any home now for sale on LIDO and is priced to aell at juat $31.000. Excellent t.erma. Lido Nord Bayfront home with pier and slip. Ideal for the large family. 4 bdrm.a. 31Ai baths, ma.Ida room. Large living room and plenty of patio area. See Utia real value now I THE VOGEL CO.-LLDO OFFICE &Ue Via Udo. Npt. Sch. Bar. 1971 or Bar. •972 E'f•. Har. 2191-M Har. 29918-R or LI 8-6297 Lido Extrava9ama *1. RE.AL SNUG cory 2 bedroom home, beamed ~il­ inp, U3ed brick flreplace, aunny kitchen. Choice location. $22,000 -$4,000 down •2. Three bednns .. 2 batha, INGRAM built, perfect 10 months old. Patio. A mu.at Me. J'int time offered. $25,500 terma. •3. Two bednn. & den (convertible) Large patio, railed hearth fireplace. beamed ceilings, 1 ~4 bat.ha. A charming bome full of aunahine. Another fint of!enng. $27.500. Excellent terma. Osborne-Forton Realtv Co. 2323 W, Coaat Hwy .• (al Port 6range) Newport Beach LI 8· 7562 Har. 51.M ~vu. ~---------~-~-~----~- CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 2 Houaea on 1 lot $21,500 2 bedrm., very clean $13.250 R2 lot Corona ffjgbland&, offer 2 bdrm., den, new Corona Highlands $29,850. 2 urut8, furniabed. Comer lot $10,800 G. H. LATHROP 3635 E. Cout ffigbway, CDM Harbor 6442 Eves Har. 5680 27c29 WATERFRONT Beautiful view of the channel from UU11 fine home in Balboa Coves. 3 bdrm!!., 2 baths, fireplace, forced air heat. pier and slip AND nearly new Glaapar boat with outboard motor include<' in b&rgain price of $36,000. Thia is choice property! WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor MM 28c30 Lovely 3 bedroom home with eep. dlnlnr rm .. encl. WATERFRONT LOT, cnmplete ""Ith bulllhMd -Vny cloM to --------------------paUo, a molt beautiful flptn. fireplace. Corner Lido ehopptnc, Mtrtit <'ONlftr lot -room to build .mall bouee in rear for Income. '-·u-uet deed tor equn.y. Price ineludea w /W cupetlnr 6 draJ>e9 -HOMER E. BRAJ'ER. ~alt.or tot M cFt.ddell PL. Hat. U O all for $19,750 l!:vta.. Har. 2S29·M-Har ,,.._W PunU.ehed 2 bedroom bouee with 1 bedroom gar· age apt. -excellent location, clon to poet office. bank 6 ahopptni. A real value at only $16,7~ full price. COM'MERCIAL INCOME -2 atorea with-f apt.a. like new. WeU built bvOd1nc In be9t location. Grou income se&0.00 per month. Full price 1"9duced to $M,OOO The Vogel Co. .eT S. Cout By .• Corona deUlar Har. 17il Har. 1477 32 FT LIVING RM Name &11.7 rlUOClable down pe.yment. Oldu wdl atullt Sarly Calllomia at)'le I be4· ..-, I ~ B11p prq9. wa 4*1l. Aakins PG.000. ~te occvpucy. J'ORD VllUUl'fJ)SR. Harllor •Mi. .... hTT. ITUo BALBOA t>UPLZX. pot•u.J ln· .... SJtOO yr .. ~ "'"'· 60 JVdit to tut Bt. Ba)' IM9.ch. 111.000. attnctlft '4nn9. J. X. MD1 • 00 • .. w .......... -.Ul'l (w1ca.Jtw,..,.._) * * Exclusive Al-Dean Place * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beautiful rambling ranch houae with paneled studio UYing room le dininl room. firepla.oe 6 wall of pa., cmirlooking patio. Clever natural wood kitcblll with built-in range, oven " disp<>Ml. 3 attractive bdrma., bwd. floors, 2 large tile batha. Corner location plu.a many otber attractive featurH. Priee $24.~. $8500 down or aubutit. GREENLEAF· SEVERTS REALTY. INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. N~ Bet.ch Harbor 2662 ~ LI l-540CS • 2 Open Houses CORONA DEL MAR • Ml Buel Here'• )'OUr opport.wUty t.o buy a a-&IW'\al ft...-a.otM ot I b(lnn.I., 1" bat.ba. ns. bome and out-.tandlns ioe.uom eoul4 not be duplicat.ed toda)' for t.be Uldlll pric. ot 131,800 -~ OPllN I!~ 1-6. (J!:xCluaH llltins) Call aow tor ~· • il6 Acacla eor. ot nnrt.. ... th.i. ckll&11U'\al borne before you buy. 2 bdrm., n,...,a.ca. Ofle1I --~­awmma-~ J*Uo.. lll.&llO 'hTm&. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Unwood Vick U.U.TOllB A. ~. C. Tram C. Ruu. A.-oc. Ill Karine An. -~ lalud IN THE BACK BAY AREA CL0811 TO TRll BAY. WlWq b&llcMI caa tnndonn th18 al· momt S.400 eq. ft. ot Hom• 6 Rwnp\la J\eoaa lllto a dellcbt.. tut p&aoe. ·--lot 150 x 105. Priced a1Pt at $U .&OO wSt.11 ,_nable CSOW1I .,_)'l'MJlt. Own· • wU1 eonaildlf' ott.r or trad .. BRAND NEW 1&&0 &QUAN rr. a bed.room. 1 ~ ba.t.blt plua ovl'f'lllaed I ear ....,.. ., .. nii. a.au1.1 i. Joaated on • halt e.cr. and pr1ced al Ju.tl uuoo. Goo!. tanna. Seven l1l•nd1 Realty & Investment Co. eoa a2ftd at.. N ewpion s.c.aa. callf. Bar. G881, an.. a. p.m. Har. 23U-J At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE IS A WOl'Dau'UL piece of b1111n-property for aal• wttb ucell4!nt temw. Lone wro 1-... peAdlnc. tot.allns •PP~ 5226 a moatA. M • 1 prop- "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Hilhway, Newport Beach LI s.e627 "C' THOMAS "C'• THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C' 'nlOllil v v' Best Buys Corona del Mar I. 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Hardwood tloon, fumace beat. No garage. And only $10,750. $2500 down. Exchwlve with us. 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. Excellent condition, both unJta have fi.repW., hwd. tlra., laundry and p.rage. Price firm at $2UOO. Term.I caii be arranpd. Eacluaive witJa • 3. DELUXE 2 BR. HOME Hwd. floon, double pr., pa~ patio. A barpln at $1!5,7t'SO. Low dmna ~t. 4. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Quality ba:llt 2 8. It. and din rudl type Mme OD Momlng Canyon road. 2 b&tb.I. ahake roof. Out- •t&Ddinc Yiew ot ocean, canyon and hllla. $37,800 tuU psice. f12,000 down will handJ.9. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PIUCll T. McCUlSTION. a.Jtor 8447 E. Cout Hwy._ Coroaa del Ma.r. Bar. 4T (Oftlce located nut door to Corona d.e1 Kar Buk) CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY ~ ho Bedroom Br71l Mawr 937 SO. FT. et $4.60 aq. ft. ~ Three Bed.room Loch Lomond 1155 SO. FT. at $4.60 aq. ft. Car Porta H x 20 $296 I 00%. FINANCING GUARANTEED through $2!50,000 Secondary P!nendnc 1'md, Oil your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNIT8 SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. ~tury Ir Dorothy LE 9-0633 2Ttl• uty, plu. eome cut. wU1 be con· -------------------- ~·~ :O~;. ~alJ :.;a~~ BALBOA ISLAND p.m.. Ille OPPOR.TUNITr BllllJl -N-I bdrm. Payment. are ltO mo., l.n· cludel taua. W.. pr1A. 6 lnte't'- ut at t '°' ". I bednluL, ball, 6 II v. room earpeted w /W, A ln. eluded at th1I barra1n pr1c. ot onl7 '"°°· 'l"trme. 12000 dn. OR.ANOE COAST PROPJ:RTJU 116T l".wpoe't. eo.t.a K.- U a-1131 Z... LI a-.t80I C-2 Business Lot Oii N_,.rt lll't'd. at JDdu.ltnal Wa7. '6JlteJ ft. C&1l owner, Barbcw at°'. atto CLUr HA VEN, '" G.1. I bdrm. home, flnpl&ee 6 hdwd. fJoora. l pr1Dki.n, 119Uo, f..ced, dbla. JV. N..,. ldloo1. see D'IO. tntl taa • t.na. SH.. 7'0 or 1... tor equJty ln &uh. By Owner - LI l-U77. 27cJt T TR. OLD ,......... oc-.a b'mlt bome -....a Mt. "-to bulld Income wilt& 111.IOO fUIJ prtea. onJ1 $6000 cloWla. l . x. MJLLl:ll 00. 2028 w .... 111 ..... HU'. toll (MU' Uae H""70'1 ~) LIDO NORD ~ Y FRONT INCOME. L&rr• lot. 5 bdrm. 3~ bath bou.ae plwi WlU8U&I 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unit.a newly furnllbed bl K oderne. Ideal for home and Income or ..-... 80 FT. BAY l'RONTAGE.. On LitUe Ialand. pier, float, formal ' bdrm. hom.. The land valu. ia clote to the aaklnc pricle. TWO UNITS. Modena apt.: older front bowie. Show your ability at 0'do-lt-your.lf. ltedaeed tor quiek ale -Ut,500. Har. 1775 -Ena. rd1th llaroclll BYatt ..em .Jolm Macub, ~ ... EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 ~An.., Balboa lalaDd BAI~ Jlll..AND n:rlt:Cr LOCATIOlf LlT'IU ISLAND TlllUCll BIDltOOMS 00.U'UL SBOl'l'I'& l'W a of PASE 4 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HAUOR News.PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER t, 1955 II ••I r..tate BLANCHE A GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND 824 SAPPHIRE. Open House FRID~Y. SATURDAY & SUNDAY. But shown any tim~ M08t charm. 4 B. R. f urn. home. Priced right for quick aale. You'll lov~ it! HOME & INCOME. $24,500. A honey. 4 B. R. home, 3 8 . R. apt . This ia a MUST to .ee if you want income. $2500 DOWN. WANT A LOVELY BEACH HO~! Here is your opportunity. 2 B. R. furn. bome. TOP location. Knotty pine interior. Total price $16,500. Full lot. HURRY. Corona del Mar INSIDE TIP ·OFF Owner ia out of the City. Immediate poaaeeaion. Here ia a good buy at $13,500. A 2 B. R. home, only 4 yean old and like new. We have the keya and can ahow you the property NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MDIBERS OP' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 $1000 Down Three bedrooma and large knotty pine rumpus room wtth larp .tone fireplace. Large living room and dJDJDg room. A roomy home with li25 aqua.re feet. Rwd. noona. Double garage and walled patio. Newport Heights Two bedroom home ln Cliff Haven, a truly lovely u.. 21 s 1• llvinc room. large bedrooma and clinJnc room. Price include. all carpet.a and drapes tn living and dining room. S15,9C50 tun price. New 3 Bedroom Home Oaly $2lmO down mov• you into thia new home with hardwood noor.. Luge living room and din· ing area, large bedroolm. Forced air beat, all electric built in kitchen. 1 ~ batha. Double garage. -. ' aa.e to llbopplng and llChoola. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Bml Phone Liberty 8-6&97 WANT INCOME77 Ben'a • beeut1ful. cutf Haven TRIPLEX for just $22.000 •.. Kaybe ie.. ... excellent money mAlter ! Bet'"8D bJcb 8Chool and snmmar 8Chool ... owner W and MUST SELL ... pleue submit your offer.. ATTENTION BUILDERS: 8 acre. R-4 in Costa Mesa only $16,000! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1500 W. Balboa Blvd. Hatbor 5188 27c29 RUSTIC HOME -by owner 2 Bedrooma It den -13~ baths, plua gum bouae with "4 be.th. Heated awimming pool, wall to wall car- peting, large lot completely fenced. Cannot be duplicated for full price ot $28,000 Cu be aeen a t 611 Al-Dean, 1 block from high ecbool. Phone LI 8-6839 or Har. 5962.J alter 6 p. m. 25tfc Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATJ'RACTlVE year round home on Sea· llbore Drive. Knotty plne li\•lng room with dining area. Formica lcitchen, 1 bedroom and 1 :: bath down. 3 bedrooms and 1111 baths up. Sollii coo- atrucUon, conc~le and piling founda tion. 2 car garage, encl~ yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 OWNERS LOSS -YOUR GAIN 3 Bedroom J'ftnch home. 2 car gange. Large J*tio overlooking canyon. Cornn lot. Owner M4 Buel Drift, Cl>rona de1 Mar. Har. 1089-W 27c29 I - p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle • Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm., 2 bath up.tain with decks. 2 hedrm. 1 bath downatafn with encloeed patio. Both apta. have forced air tumacee, fireplaces, carpettnr. drapes, refrigerator., .tovee. Unbelievably prk:led at only $57,000. $12,0oo down. New Lido Business and Professional Building lo be built on Via Lido between the Church and Sheanon, Hamill Ii Co. Leuea now being made. Come in and aee the model and floor plana. Thia i.a t o be one of the outatandinr buildinp ln Southern California. Beautiful Capistrano Valley 3 acrea with 1 bedrm. houae $11,000 -~ dn. Alao 21f.? acre. ~.00 -$625 or more dn. It you own a lot 8\lit&ble for a pa station pleue call ua. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1~ Income for Ufe Tbat'a what you wlll ban tt yw -6111 I-alt aputment bow, io.ted a *-~ el tM ._. cluaift atff Ba.-..tal ............. ta look for aputmata. inu. 111 * _.... AD have larp ldteb-, ITtaf .-... • 1 fr1 •1 All have ezceneat ~ tW ~ a total el $225.00 per meth. Prtoet • •JIM M4 ,_ wbmit J'OW i.m.. Call fw Jee K'z-111 CHARM-3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths Thia home ltu IT, ud u a - -• --.r- pueed Ooee.A ... •1 v.. If tllM la"t ........ check the followtnl feature.: ••••• Loftly luMclpe, ph111111-• ,_ ..., W'9. ••••• 2 ,atio9 plaa .,,,..,. .... fw pooL ••••• WaD-t.wd C!U'petiac la all.,.... lachldblc WM. NI price _.... ....., You jut 1aa.,. to ... It te ......_It. c.u ..... n~tt•,... m11 rar-aua p. •· palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1100 ..... lalchW&7 -Dlltj MeTI TURKEY DINNER! IN YOUR OWN HOME Balboa B.&boa Home! I ••••ocnt 1~ M&.la IMlmL CIGM te JOITO Mel MK Mock from •• llldr'a lot illOhaded. ,,,.. ..... Md .......... room- ......... W& Untftc pomlMll- UI& JlT,000. pod W'IM. • 3 Bdrm .-hdwd. noon • But J:utade locaUon e O.L t~ ...ale e Dbl. 1arac-paUo • Tree9 and llbrube fl 2,000 U ,000 down • • • BACK BAY! HOUSE It EXTRA LOT • 2 Bdnn.-1 bdrm. 18'&20' e Ellt.n. k>l TO'll.100' • Frult t .... e Ou.t b-ru 6 eleetrlcltT e Main •lreet 1n B&cll Bay ruu price Ill.TOO • • • Business Comer! • Heart ot ea.ta M ... • 2 atorN • Both renl8d • Pbon• lnform.aUon 1ladly ,tven • 29% Down e Good Term.1 2 B. R. home near Ubrary -~ beth ta IW9P - Nice encloeed patio. Oww' wW oou6del' trade• income in RiYenide. flt,M-OoodWma. Bay Avenue -• B. R.., 2 be.th bome -$23,9C50. Owner will couider home ID Wtllltwood u. u.me price brac.bt M mlcbt embewp for .mall clear beach boa. baftw ...... $3,~ down buya 3 unit. ~ block to bay, .-n-t income, nicely furn. • B. IL home. 2 B. R. apt. and 1 B. R. apt. Abllent. OWIMI" aulou8 to ..U.. Bay Avenue Dupla -2 B. IL upper, 1 8. ft. Jo.er, completely turniahed. alm larp nampua room. $18,600 -S&ooo dow1l Pettinsul. Home! ~ DI Olf '1'1111 IUHT D01' LAM U'llllft' aT OWMD .. 90.,.._ am -.. l'li MdnlL. 1-.. ............. . Jftt1¥'"'17 • -....... 1...,. .......... ~ ....... ,.,... ........ , ·~ .. .. .i an.-,.,..--. 'eninsula home. plus DOCl'Oll'l llOMll AJQ> A DAU· TD"OL PROPllltTI'. 1111\ra .... w tit 1111'1""'L waaa.d I« prtftq. 6 M* _.,. I 1*Lbia. BMmlataa ~ .-... beu- utlll now.. Md ~. Wall to W'all W11r.s ... ....... -illchldecl. ............ ~ BAY AND BEACH REALTY INC • • • • bomefor ............ ....... ..... $6 950 1~ w. BeJbo& BMl.. ....... a.ut. ..._. 1J8' •-IL--1i • I xi e 1 Wnn. p1u. 1 1.,._,. ap&l1.llMDt ----------------IN ...,. np e -.-~- CORONA 08. MAR PANOR.AllIC But.or ud ocean Nw, •quality ....... .. • B. Jt., ... 2 ti.th&. Low term.a. Bar-- pla "°·000 IR-VJNI: 'l'ICIUU.CZ. SC50QO will bud.le. Almoet MW I B. R. conv. den, 2 be.tha, l.naide BBQ. r Drap· --. stove, fully land8caped. Low price. 1 BAYSHORES llAllGAIN. I bedrm. Uv. room 15 x 20, flrepl.. fenced, eo•ered patio. Low.t price ln thi.a ex· clumve dlltrict $18,500 ATTRACl"IVE 3 bdrm. home. Protected patio. OwMr anxiou. for offer. Ailhlg $28,000 • Bedrm. 2 batha, % bllt. from bathing beach. Submit terma. Aa1t1ng $29, 750 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propert.iH. Bar. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon, HYatt t-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 6359 Lou Boynton, BayaJde Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Karine Ave., Balboa Ialand VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFF~CE * * * ATTENTION! 1-3 Bedrooms It 2 batha. 2-75 tt. corner lot in Newport Beach city limits tn Back Bay area! S-Hardwood noona -carpet.a Ir drapes. t--Larse living rm. with lot.a of gla.u overlook in~ a beautiful fenced yard and patio. 5-Reuonably priced at $18,500 with a 4 1:: ', FHA lo:in &-Hone.Uy the beet buy in thia popular area In a long, Jong time! JUST COMPARE- THIS FOR $1 o.soo Here'a a llpal'kling clean 1 ~-S yr. old 3 bdrm. atucco home with W/W carpet. and drapes, patio, large fenced yard apenainly landacaped and located ..,. 8Choola and ahoppin(. You can a.uume t h<' $7 ,400 • 4 ~" lou and pay only $62.00 mo. Includ. tu and inaur. * * * * * THE VOGEL CO. e 60'all0' k>t .... AaA'lll OOTl'A<Jm W1'l'll Lt s.Ml1 : SE. d ean LI D 0 PR 0 VINCI AL . . . ~,: =·~·::=: __ aoi __ "_·_c.. __ JDwa __ .,_._N_ ... _._,..._rt __ Be&ch _______ _ • • • CLOSE TO TD <UJBBoua ~~·: ;,:-.::: :.:": ;:_ 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' LOTS Thi8 cbo6ce two Mdru• -•,.... t• ....... u. ...-. ..,,.. ... _._..,._ ....... U l'a ll2' plu. ~ ~·-All~:r and ---Lots!' Lots! Lo~t Nice loc&t.lolL. e Seemed ........ la Ma.k• 2 lot.. e U-4 brick&....... WW: RAVJI JUft AllOt7T Tllll n.~. ~ch. • Imid9 wlDdow .a.at•.... ~.:..::~=~.A:! Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ltt'3 Newport Blvd. C:O.ta MeM . CaJtt. Ube:rty l ·lltl Liberty 8-3010 Balboa BA TJ'RONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. 6 l ·l bdrm., 2 car prage. tur- nlahed. 134.600. Term•, MIJbt contllder trade tor Coeta Mea Income property. Ocean Front rtTRN J Bedrm.. 2 bath hoUH 6 J bdrm. apt. over J&r•J• ·~~ Tarm- OLDER 4 bdrm. hOUM, forced a!r b .. t. Only 123,600. DUPLEX °" Balboa Blvd. 119.· 7~ bolh untla nicety tum .. Only M.000 wtu handle. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2668. 2~97 and teoo. CLIFl" HA VEN • Qurr7 tile ldtca.a ............. ..,. .... -• Larr• tWCMIU',.,.... ........ u.. .. Ul,IOI. • Lup walk-la doM We have the by to t.bJa im1Dac8late, near MW Lido ~e. cOme in and di8cMI tenal. , LIDO REALTY ASSOClATD W. KEMPTON -J. R. GROBKAN GENE VREELAND -VDWINIA MANSON MOO Via Udo Harbor "" (Aero. from Richard'• Market lCDtra.nce) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Doll•rs Balboa Realty Co. --'-llMk ., ..... Rcl9I °"""91 .U OMDIU• lld 1..- J.-PIDllMm Jrn'9MMW ... TOO &. Ban»o& •"4... BU-. ..... Bar'-llTT Corona del Mer ID TBial ... I.DI', • bedna. bolM • '- Wiit.. 0.. flt Ule a..t.. f'{)ll RSlft -,..._ ...... I br . • elm ......... pwct.. ,...,..,. rml&I. ._,. su-p MANY "-In-• for .a. . .,_.. 6 ~ Rluuorris Rlty. Co. llteelt.on -BwilMM .,. ... MlllUpa. LleUnc aue a Cout a,., 0o..-c1e1 x.r Banoe' 1111 DUPLl:X: and a 1W7 alee one too! 2 Jlr. ucb l6de, lldw. Dion, dllie. pnp. aepuat.lnc unit.a. Ollr'Dll' locatinl! $U, T~ with SS500 down NE.AT Ir az•N 2 Br. home, dining room. tire-- place. Bwd. &on. B. B. Q. be.ck yard tenced (Block), prap Ir wen tlbop. A re&! buy at $9950 with $3000 down NEWPORT HEIGHTS: One of the be9l -2 Br. home and a larp den with fl.replace, ( f"ireplace m 11*1 room alm) 1arp kitchen, .ervice porch, two batha, forced air be&Ung, Hardwood noon R-.1 Value $19,000 G. N. WEU.S, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Coeta Meea LI 8-1801 Shore Cliffs Exclusive Oce•n View 2 Bedrooma. peeled dell, 2% baUae. beautllul nag. .tone patio, plate pa. windo"' mbTon. water pwi.ner, etc. t.uurlou.a c.arpeU • drap., PLUS all the other flne appohttmenta that malt• a fine home. Nothtng ccmparahle at $87,500. Can ar· ra.qe acelleat terma. W. T. McllANUS, Realtor 1999 Harbor LI 8-3333 R. L. STRICKI...ER. Realtor 3422 E.. Cout By. Har. 177• 27tlo 4 BR, 3 BATH, beaulltul famlly homr, spacioua. room for pool. $37,000 2 BR,, bffl locaUon 118,000 PROPERTY SOLD IN 1~ WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, OPPORUKITT IDllW SteO dowft. ------------------- CORONA DEL MAR 2 BR 6 OF.N, c:or. location. new bea utiful home U 8.7W BEST BUYS IN CORONA H IGH LANDS LOVELY ~tuil 11Je COST A MESA 3 br . 2 hath. ti;e lot. nr mkl11. 6 tr11n.1porta t1on. I 14.7~0 Claire Van Horn REALTOR ITS THE SUa:ESSJ'UL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Nwport Beach 2731 W. Cout Hwy U 8-427~ COM 714 Goldenrod UNUSUALLY ATJ'RACTIVE COM OPPORTUNITY HERE for Juet 1e1w. Y<lU Nin b<' prnud own- er nf Cllrt Ortv~ Vltw lol. BHt value In Vlf'W lol In ar-. ORANOJI; COAST PROPP.:RTlES 18M NC'wp<>rt, Ca.ta M- U 8·1632 J:w. u s -eaoa BAY A VI:, DUPU:X. Cor. lot, t>MuUtul Ba,y View. tO I\. to Bay bee.ch, NOOO mov.-you In. J. M. Mll.LllR 00. 2026 W. B&lboa Blvd. Har . .oil rnear lh• Newport Plu I LOWIC8T priced R-2 lot. &n.l. la Corona Hlpl&nda. ._. .W.. ..... IOll. ltel1 2 bedr. 1 ~ bath, encloeed paUo on nicely l&Dd- acaped 60 ft. lot. Alline price $18,!5()0. 16.000 dL OPEN HOUSE 1 • 5 Sat. Ir Su., Nov. 12 Ir 1J (or Pbone for app't) BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Bar.1862 Bar ... • *2 K. Oout mpn,, c. D. K. <wa,tMI JMli) _,.I"°"' beme on lbJIO' '9t, ....a A·L Dll&e. ,.,...... ....., to ""'· .... te own. ,.... taaUJ. ....-.--. • pet.I b ... Olt.AlfOm OOAft PROP•ftD 118f N.wport. Oolta M- LI a.1112 S.... LI ...... TWO -.X. llOllDI, l'MelJ' , • .'.hd I.Arp .... lot.- ......... H ....... ,..... '· x. vnu• 00. -............ -.... (-U..Jf .......... ) TRAILER COURT 20 unit. with room for more. Good location on Newport BlYd.. Unmual opportunity, flrlt time offered. $30,000 wttla ~ down. N.B.C. REALTY CO. Und Ir Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach Har. 663& 27c29 Udo S.y Front JS' lot $29,500-WOWI PW u4 .Up pmtllca Toa aa.o.t lollt Wa bupba. ..._. hUITJ I C~~~~Ri::tor a.. 28&0 ... Bar. 2528 27c29 . . . ~ ~ ~ 1 t . ; \ /j I