HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-11 - Newport Harbor News Pressl • J ---· Mesa Suffers Mild Blackout " A ..,._ pen.Joa ot. ca.ta ,_ ... Macke4 out 1.,-t a.Ip~ ·for approa1m&t.l7 an hour. l:dl.8oa Cilompany epokeaman reported tbe pow.r abortqe waa caulJed when dllld~ ~ coll wt.re acrou • '4)00.volt ~r nna. Tbe ttae. n\n. from the eo.ta M-..allMaUon 'n•r Newport .A.n. The .,.. atfected na .....P· 17 from K.wport. .A.Ye. to . lfanC.. le&bel, Irvine Ave. and up to WU· llOn St~ P!acentJ& .A.Ye, and out Victoria St. The lhortqe occurred at 4:20 p. m. Moc of the area waa re· etored wUh electricity at t : 19, wtt.h t.be entire area ruc.ored at 1:37 p. m. IN •1 4JSY oP TBO!IE DEPARTED -Piloting todQ'a. ltll azmuiJ Orange County Veterana Day pande ad CU1')1Dc oiat the theme, "For God and Tars Win. Bucs Lose Homecoming Pll•lhln Fal by 21·7i •• , .... .24-7 .. Victory " "8th YEAR -NUMBER 92 NEWPORT BEACH, CALiroRNIA. J'RIDAY, NOV. 11. 11&15 lllligll -liic r - Country," were the color guard and tn•eeed colon of all participating veteram organisationa.-Staff Photo ·ChargiS I , • . . .. . . • In • llUIOI WIA\H; · t' ...................... .. ----.... . ........ ......;, No''. I -···-· II ll ....,, ,._., I _ .. _ TO .. ...._,,...,, ···--n 11 -. I•• New. I•··--IO M Wd lt.J, N..,. t .... Tl OI ~. NOt'. 10 •... TO U l"rtdlt.F. Hw. 1l .. -···· .. • ··te~t, 5-n .. (Ompliint! Veteran Newport 8-11 Educator. Denies· C1l1n 'MY SON, MY SONI' 10m• wrl~ and eom. otJMr t.btnp. I don't lntlftd to r.UN trom~." I Ayers Sentenced 1·5 Yecn ·tor Attadl C011Ylctlon local Father ·Ple1~1 81ilty on Burglary; Tot Wants Him .... ' I 1 I • 1 ~ " . . AMONG FIR81' ARJUV ALB at Unta'~ Can aival of Light. wu thJil -group which includes Cleft to right) )Ira. Georg~ (Bla.ncbe) Bens, reaervatioru1 ~alnnan; Mn. Harold <Helen) Robertson, prealdent ; Mrw. William (Kathleen) Coleman, taking \icketa, and Mra. Carlton M. (Fnncea) Mean, eecond vice preaident and publicity chairman. -Staff Photo .. . . . Prepa ratio!ls Under W ay for Methodist Bazaar MtmMl'll ot th• Wom•I\'• l!k>-1n.r their booth, which Will t .. tu,. ctely of chrl1Uan Service of ChrlttJnu Item•. 1Hi. •nd hand· ' made 11rUcJM. Mr1. R.lcha.rd w · Chrlat Church by the Sea will be ulv~ .and Mra. Ce<lrTe Gurr will f>u1y Tueeday pr.parl~ tor lh•lr .... A h te&HI • ' &linu&l fall b11&&ar slated for Wed-·""' 01 · needay a t Goodell Hall v.'lth all Newport C'lrclfl will 1~\alta. ln ctrdes of the church partlclJ>41tll)I. 'Chlnue baaketJI. ~ana and blaok Ttie bazur 0~ at 10 a.m . and walnut.I from Ftorlda. ST•b Ma' .in clOtlt at 8 p.m. A hllmburrer boKM. drrl'<led doll• and houeehold luncheon wlll be 1erved from 11 :SO fads~. ""'hlle member• or ~· a.m. throup noon all(S at 0:30 p.m. port· Helfht• clrrle will hav11 a Jdtdlen twlp6n wUI beg1n eervtnr booth. •locked with ('O()k-.il food9. the rout pork dinner, open to lhe ------------- public at a minimum price. VO GU E SAYS .• Lu Aml1t• circle will hold their workshop meeUnl' Tueaday at 1:30 p.m. with membe~ ready- Master Point Game Sc~eduled Tbe Balboa Duplicate Bridft Ch~ w111 hold 11 Ma1ter Point Open GUI• tonight at the J:bell Club Houff In Balt19a with play atarttnr at 1:ao. o'cloc:lt .. , Mra. Oeor1• Carroll and Mra. Henry !lrrert were north.-eouth winnera In the re«n' evenlnr ,.arne, while hlfh eoorert eut- .1~ ' WHt were Mn. Qlnny Lawt and Z t C • 1 · p • • d Willlam Dugan. Runner• • up on a arn1va .. rov1 es ~~~-=u~d ':~. ·~~k r:::S: Mra. Charlea Boardman and Mr1. Funds for Many Piojects ;n~~~~~~t::! E Serviee Club's Program Includes Scholarships Zontiana and their frienda gathefed at Balboa Bay Club i..t Friday for their annua.l benefit dinner dance, th1it year keyed to a theme of· "Carnival of U g h ta." Tall pillanl were tOpped with clustered baUoona in gay colort and over· bead a myrtad of Japaneae lanterns iD all ahapee and aiua .abed Ulelr 10ft rlow on tlle more 8cholarahlp tund; & fund tor ad· than 300 l'Ueeta. vanced education of'women In the FOR 81:RVICE8 field of AeronautlC'al Enrlneerlng; Amonr the eervlcea to benef it • iiuataJnlng memberahJp In the from the annual Zonl&, Carnival Oran,• County Philharmonic So· dlnntr are the followlnr ; Olft to cletyi furnllhlng layette& ror Hoag tbe bUlldlna fund oC H.o&s Mam-Memorial Hoeplt.a.I. ori&J Hoe~lt&l ; annual lcholarahlp .Membe,.hip in the Hoa&' Mlm- for T"'woma,n STaduate of Orange orlal Ho1pllal Auxilia ry; recognls- Cout Collere: an additional ~ol· Ing and enC'ourq'lnr leaderahlp In anhlp tor a former rraduate or women 1tudcnt.a at lhe Newport Otani• Cout Colle11 complatlng Harbor Union Kip S<:hool wtlh the courM ln nu1'9lnl education &t the ZOnta "Girl of the Month" the Unlve,.lly of'Call!omll School tribute; partlcJP&tinl ln th• YouUl ot Nunlnf at Berkeley: Center program; Chriatnlu ~y Particlp.atlon In the J:xchange for the Women'• Tubercular Ward Btudent program al Newport Har· at the . Oranire County Hoepltal bor Union High ~hool : contr!but-and 1ponaor1n( 1Ummer art claat- tns to the Zonla Intemallon&l Ber-ea tor children. vk e proJecl. the Amelia ltarh•rl Dln,ra e.ojoyed the anUca or ... ft... W. A. 8temberf. 8keeta M.l.nton, the •ln·~--'ln· Winner• ot Kule.r Polnt.9 In trllociw.t; the d&nclnr duo,._..ph Sunday'a same were Mra. P er· and LorT&ine, a,nd the aonra of 1fY JohMon and Amold 0.-T riel•• St&nley. · · pl&ytnr north • aout.b..J,.D.d.. Mn. EVENING lllEl:T Edythe d'l:rlanger and Howvd Mela (Mn. Tom) N !'rt o n, Brownell playlnl' eut-weat. chaJnn.an ot the ~carnival Ntcht Runnera-up north .J aouth .,,.,.. received the "Flowera for Friend· Mr•• Betty Cooml>a and Mn. ahlp'' coraase from M.lldTed (Mre: M.artl Merrill; Sallf Brown and l!:arl) Stanley, la.et month'• wln· J\Qbert Luak; Mr1. Arnold Ou- ner, u the moat out.t&ndinl'" Zon· aer and A. D. Wetherby. RUD· tlan for her capable le&dershlp of ner•up eut·weet were M r •· thl.a &ftaJr, at the evenlnc dlllner Ginny L&ull an4, Mre. A. D . meetlnr ln October In the home ot Wetherby; Mr. and Mr1. W . A. Mra. Arthur Thran.eon, Coat& w... Stemberr; M.r. and Mra. Harry with Mre. J. M . Drolet u acting 1' Oavn1. chairman. North • aouth wlnner1 In Mon· F'ellowahlp chairman, Mn. F . <;:. day J,ftei;noon'1 game wen1 Ml"ll. Brookinp, reported the bOlpltallz-Carl Powe~l and Mi's. E. J . Wick· atlon ot Mni. ·R. L. Bacon. cor· man, w)llle high 11Corer11 er.al· rupondlng aecretary of the club. weal were Mre. Carl Bftiaon wbo vcpect.a to be auHlently re-and Mr•. C. E. Irvin. covered to entertain the l'roup Runnen-up north -IOUlh were with a traVelol' of ber 1ummer Mrs. Cha.rlu Boardman i nd Mrt1. vacr.Uon tour of Europe, Dec. 8 Roy Strata;· Sally Brown and al the Chriltmu dlnner ln her WIUlam Gll~rt. Runn~• -up Emerald Bay home. Tbe board of eut-wut were .M're. Mildred L>:· dlncton wtll t>. ha.t.a rroup. Ue ancf Mr1. E . J. Mur~t : An· Ila Sancha lllld Wlllliam Dim· REPORTS mlck. Other committee reports were On Mon'day the g-roup w\11 / . ,, ... J)lllllTILY YOUS :AJ~/ • ' ~~rW .n IT 111.LTWttl·•dWIU I ,. ..... ~ .... ...., ................. " Ille'-' wltlMI 11 I I I tlldl CllJ ... 1111 .. Ollllllt ... ........ ...., ...... ~ ............... --. .. DErlMlltlY YOU.S! Wlli\I Of Mic~ A8C111dO.,._ 1.N. %7S7 E. Cout Rwy; Corona del Mar Pb. Barbo-: JI08 • gtveh by MmeL Earl Stanley on rqftl at U\e Ebell Club HollH Dlatrlct Conlen.noe; W. R. Cole· al 12:30 o'clodc tor a Muter I man on public attalra: J!:rneet Sod· P.-.o:ln~t~O~pen~:_:G:::am:::::•·:_ _____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ erber&' on GUI Scout.a; G. E . IHn~. - NEWPO RT HA RBO R NEW MEMBERS of Mu Epsilon chapter, Bet.a Sigma Phi, were honor gueall at who 1treued the lmporUhce or I att.nd&h.ce; WlalC~ Barbre on atatu1 of women and Mr11. Harold Robert.on on the ua ~v~n by Newport Harbor 8 t u dent Ex· change Commlttte tor Inrl ?ioga. uch&ns~-~~tnt from Germany. p;ano ~iJru;fion a tea on Sunday, N ov. 6, at tbe home ot Mn. James B. Taylor, 239 Driftwood Road, Shore Cliffs. Left to right .J4ra..RoberL.B.enne.t.t. M.iaa...Lo11iM Oliphant. vice president: M-rs~ Jack Qulsenberry, prea~dent ; Mrs. John Negus. Mrs. Clarence~ R. St.aa.f and .Mrs .. J ohn Ragan. -Don Bu11h Photo . MRS. WIN1FRED BARBRE, Women·· F.dltor Mn. Carleton M .. ra pve a craft talk and Mra. Jack Reinert took home the door pr!.«': Ouuta lnduded'.Mn. Cr.Jn. mot.her of Mr•. Ruth .Barcume and Mr&. ~rth& Brent of Balboa laland. TERESA RENNER (Mn. A. Ren ne ~ l Accep&'•f • ~ wmnbPT 111 'PlJll11rfbfPliao Conttrt Planl1t of 'Jllrt'i' ('ontlllf'•ta Gn41&&te tft~nt of Bfla Bartok 436 Serra Drive Pb. Har. ZOS9 Corona Hl~hlaDda -Corona d~I Mar .;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;i;;:;;;;;;::;;~;;;;;;;;;;:--;;;;;:;;;:;----;:;;:;;:.;;;;;;:;;;;J115i11115i11s;;;;r._....a.c..~ SE AL AR K·I NG Is Named to Redland s ATP PAGE 2 ··PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .====;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=======~..;;_,~==;;;...-~;.;-;;;--;; FRIDAY. NOVEMBER II, 1955 By GINNY (HRS. EDW A.RD LESTER) SMITH ·for boliJa'y Jining ... · The annual iormal "Pre11ent•" LADY BA DEN POWEL. L AT WELCOME A.BOARD Typee for the M me .-.e Bob 8mllh hOeted a dance wu held at the Unlvu11lty - another 8unday aatl a boul lhebay ternhc coelOMe puty with e.monr of R~Jand1 Common.t Saturday SANT'A ANA NOVEMBER 19 other11: S..lly and C:ourt Platt tSal nlfhl. Oct. :19. I.;! :~ <=> where the waterfront IJI •llll l&lt· wll.Jl her blond lru1r1 dyed black S•lected to Alpha Theta Phi in&' on • eummer a tmollphere · · · ror her role or an lndia.n maid). from lh'e Balboa J.ala.nd area wu !Ady B&den-Pawell, Widow of IJr Robert Baden PoWell, with aun. BWlmmc:rll. Hllll and Adoncll M,...h1 1who allO won a S11ndra Reeae, d1u1hter of Mr. founder of th• Boy Scout movanent. "1ll ti. a ru• ln Ulla crulaera dotllns the "IM'He&pe." prize alo~ with Sally J. Tom and Mn. Richard E. Reeu. 1001 area on Nov. 19. A 1pec:lal cerelllOflJ la planned at lh• Banta SAlLED ALONCSIOE Ferne'a.1 Quinn. Marie and On~ Bank•. N. Bay F ront. Balboa llland. Ana Munlctpal Bowl, t th and "'°"""· tor 11 a. m., Nov. 11. DeLICJlt to wa ve to the Oren Wadu Vuna and Bud C:a""•ard, Sandy and Pre11ldent ot Alph& Theta Phi l• Thla 11 a rare opportvnlty f OT Bcout.9, CUbe &nd E:xplC?T·· to find much to our 1urprU!c lh1H Pelt' Burrougha, 11nd C&mUle La Barbara Cla«a. '"' to ·!!ff and bear thl• out.atudlns WOlll&ll who had a ('l'e&t we were wavfn4r to Evelyn and Shelrc. Each year tht' five 10ror1Ue1 DA r deal to do With brlncing 8cautlftS Into uiat~nce. In addition ~rge ncad. the new owners o FORMER 811, ..... A llllllnd r,.111. 11nd four fralt"rnrtl,.11 at the Uni-.._ @ .. A•••tll 33 r I """' to helpln1 her hu1b&nd in lh• .. unchln• Of the Boy Scout the ..,..... I.It · t. • oop · · · 11 dent~ ~fary F'ran1·u •nd Buu veraity honor their new pledgt1 • dniam afloat. The Reads wne Ell•wnrth llre buay In Hollywood with a tonn&l pre•entallon d&nc• movement, •he wu ai.o one of the tou.ndera ot the Girl dewn for tho _w~ek-end al lherr now. Buzz· 1 \"irgll o 111 preeldent of , on campua where e.ach new ft\em· Scout movemrnt. ..... ,., Balboa Bay ICJub aparlment · · · M'rcury lnlernatlonlll Plcturn .. ber Ls lntrodllC'ed. Tbll ce~mony will be att.nded by both Boy Scout.a e their 'Nintu' home la in Paaallena. th~ Ellaworlhs live In a plclll""· The Unl\·t relly Common11. re-11nd Girl Seoul.II. It will be "lbortM and "•nappy," aaya 8ldp ~ MlLOR.llD AND BIU.. Hervey·1 que home Btnedlr t Canyon In ~mbled an "Olympic Oa mea" ett. J'ICt. uecuUve. AU Scoula, CUb9 and &ll.plo~n...and Jeaci.ra ~ '•~f Ice Cream I 3 delicioua flavor& ha nd-packed $I .65 fhe quart ariltocrallc Ba.Ibo& penin•ula b&y· Bev 1111 .•. with a mountain· and Pan-hellenlc ito<:iely prt11ldent (It J>Oll.llble) ar~ uked to wdl' willomla. lnRfW!q ot lb• ~~ front Jooked de .. rted with even e •wlmmlnf pool to take the Cynthia While. alonr with Tom Recent World Jambotte mm ...W ti. et Newport Harbor H d W'I W • h • their gnceflll raring 11loop Va-pl&!"e or Ne~·porl Bay . . their Moore. lnter·fratemt:I prutdent. unto" High SC'hoof IUdltoriwn, comer of 10th and l n1tle •tt .. /L. A.Jll .... llA I ave you trie I r19 t I Unda mlNinl al lhe d~k · · · U YNlr-old lion Robert bu hill lnlroductd th' l t11~c\lv.t P~•,l· Slreell. Newport Hel(hta. on X011daJ, Jiov. Hat f:.30 p.m. »-r~ hand-dipped chocolat es? 8 European Water Ices hand-packed $1.~5 the quart bMrd lat.er \.bat U\e Hl'l"''ey a were own televtalon eel In his cozy dtnta of the IOf'Orlllu and Crater· t.ravellne •• , flrat S&n Franc11eo. gabl• rootf'<I room where he can nltlea. D&nrlnr rollowed the p~ Thie rum "" .. taken tn.,.A~ •t NIACMJI, on tJ\e lake, On· 17 th & C H'-h tb• P&lm Sprtng1 ... and are k~p up with the fllm11 hi• f11lher 11entatlon with the tlret dance re-tarlo. Canada. Admlaalon II tree. OOSt ... WGy d~~m~My m1n~e... 1 ~makl~ ... M11ry~1t111wMt· iu~r~v~~~t~o~r~t~h=~~p~l~~gu~.;~;~;;;~~;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~==~:~~~~~==::~~~~~~~;~~====~r QIJrrE A THRILLL.,.,.G llirht 10 1ng tflcise I n l,. re 1 t I n g home b K nd L n 11n f'a.rwell ml'gl\J:lne fe11t11l'el! for which 1he ~ ~ Y •Y & ~ 1 la fsmed . . . R & c t c • Wbo were cruising tlil' bay aboard I II() ·11n ~"ne ·a~fl''"n Newport leach their 86 ft. •chooner ~Mrlfl Wllh c 0 c K p 1 T sct.:TTLEBl:TI": u:, Uf i' .-u "':1 about-SO party gut>11tt1 "long . . . l..ldo 1'1e tent\la enU\~luta wlll wbUe out al u& we Bpotlrol GlhlJy have • chanre to air their vlrw• Upho(sla.v Cleaned and Ed Krart abo11r1I lhrtr \'ery 111t 1111' A111ocla tlun board meeting., •-a J tut cruiffr Lucky Dutchman: j Tut1day evt'. Nov 22 ..• Lhat-ID Oar _Plant lrta &nd Oene Allen rrllll!llng lln wvnrltr ful. d•plom•t Fr&ncea I Mni or in Your HOCDe their Ht'lport. and on Lhr w11y ('hn1 lrJOl Lemb. preelrlent or lhe SHALITA'I . home aaJled &Ion« 1lde Bud Ca · l.1110 ANOCtatloo. coulc1 aelUe any· w&rd and Tom Quinn wh(l were thlnir Wllh her ~rrst wllldom, tart' t.L I......-I W motoring a bout lheo bay. .111<1 flnwing ertlrleney ... ToU<"h· I Pen1all 1119 C,...111ng orlc1 HALLOWEEN 18 long put. but i t1nwn pnrty tnnl.R"ht at the BBC • IN DICK MACKER'~ ~pie are &Ull talking about U1al proml~u. to be-A Al'n811tlon wit 3420 Via Udo HA. 5426 -HA. 4321 terrlnr P•r1Y the-Prelriln,en1. JI· I minis\ ur. pompons for everyonfl , Jo• and Coleirrovea hottl'•I with" to <'heer . lhl'lr . ravonte collere ~-~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~.!!~~~~~~~~i:--~~~ aw'.prt .. element IJ'I ltor' for \.heir I eoni;tA. O~"ER A NU Ot.:T . ,UHU, who Wf're Invited for 1lx I abarp to mttl a l Ole Lido Girt .lale clubhouee . . . afld then tbe Mathe11y1 fun began. whrn 11 bu.11 a n lved to take Ulem 10 par~ unkno\''" ... deell.nallon turned om to be El Adot>. In Cap1ttn.110 .•• while on Mr. and lfr1. RJchard Matheny. 491 JIJ. 18th •St . Cotta Meaa, are the paif"nts of a girl baby born :\'ov ~ In St Joseph HO.plt&l. DID YOU KNOW tMt .Whtt a MW 1956 CHRYSLER tfves a woman the same fffllft9. of •xhilhtioft that a ..... ph from lawclllMJ his flntallMlcon7 ,., Relax ancl Look Lovely .. I Capri Pants LOVELY TO LOOK AT LOVELY TO LOUN<D IM VELVET bladl. la11'91161r, a• 11 lrMn. t\ll'q .... ad "-· ...... CX>RDtTROY bl.ell ••• • • • • • • .I.II OOITON La,...,., .,..., lllid blaS •.••••••••••• .a. P' A.DIJON APP AJtEL n na ,,..,... ...... c.ae. ..... O.W, LntttJ .. , .. , • • • • • • .. ' I ·I t I I v I A L0\1:L Y QUEEN arid four princeuea they are, no one knew until Jut night. Homecoming at Harbor High School and here are all the candidate., in the finit row, (I to rJ Patti Kel- ter, Beverly Ptl.rrmann, Millie Tonne, Kayla Hunt; ,,QMECOMING COUR TO RULE -CHAPMAN - Here is the Chapm&n College Homecominf Queen. Ouida Sandera, clad in her royal robes and flanked 4>y~ four pttnceMee T?ieefOeeK and tier coal't Will rule over t he Homecoming on the Orange campue, • etanding, Nancy Pattieon, Caroyln Callia, Sue Green, Donna Lloyd. Charnetb Starege; 'Babs Smith, Jody Lieb, Judy Corf- man. Sue Swank ind Gladya Tonne. Shelly Tunnell waa crdwned queen. -Zimmer Photo Saturday. The four princeaee are (from left): Una Vee Stewa.rt, eenior, Orange : Carol Bartell, junior, PorJ.· land, Ore.~ Shirley W1llyerd, junior, Loe An~; and Judy Hixon. Junior, Beaumoat. • • FRIDAY, NO'IEMIER .11, 1955 I1"l CHRISTMAS PAGEANT -Rehearsals are under way at CbNt Church by the Sea for a pageant of living picture., The Ch?stmu Story, to be preeented P'riday evehing, Dec. 18 under sfk>neorahip •Of ~rbor Council of Churches a.nd directed by Holly Laah Viael. The .:ut includes some SO members drawn trom all ~p&J1- meni., of the churchea and adult, high ecbool, junior and cherub choirs. Above, eeated, are Mrs. Claybrook ~s the grandmother, Margaret Vader u the dieplaced person : etanding, George Fleer u . the doctor, the Rev. Donald Sapp u the voice. P. F. Bainea aa ~e ·chaplain and Bob Guenther ae the fa rmer. -Staft Photo Choir Group at Dinner Taking time out from a buay fall lciledule. member1 b f lhe Sanctuary Choir of Chr11t Church by the Sea. had a rf!<'ent dln11er al Knott'• Berry i''u m . •tayed for a performance of tbe mele>- dnuna "The Streett of New York" et the Bird Cage Theatre. Durtnr the vaudevllie ahow Georse Stewart. mu ter of cere· monlH , 1•vt recornlUon to lt'V· eraJ member1 of the choir, alllO called Maey....ElolAe Thotnu to the 1t.a1e While everyone aanr "Rappy 'Birthday 2 In honor of her llUI annlvt.l'Mry. Atlendln1 we~ Mra. A, J . Rut· ter. choir dfrf!<'lo r; M r. and Mra. Harold Glau. Mr. and Mni. wu. don Tbomaa. Mary li:lol .. and Uie&r ,U..ta. Or. and Nra. Herbert ~clalon or Flrwt Metbodl1t Church, Whltller and Mra. Oeorsta But, RulC'blnaon, Kan.; 'Mr. Md Mrw. Boad F'relt&g, Delevan Frellllf, Mrt .. Oract Mt rtelUI, Mr and M,.. Harolc1 Arthur and the Mluu A pe& CJ'al« aru1 Bboda.. \l-.c.b.. l'T'&df', and from 1 :30 to 3:30 p m.1• tor mom lnr ~acher1 Crom kinder· garten to 4th l'radl' Thlf arC'a dealt with p&per Ute•. variou1 lypu of p&inllnf . expertencea with chalk. crayola, bru11.h and work with K rap materlall. 1 Mn. Vtta P ell Andereon con- ducted the afternoon llUllon a t RC'a School tor all 4th, Oth 1U1d 6th gr1d .. teachen . The arffJI cov· j ered al thl1 wor~hop were paper uaea, typu or pain ting and craft.I, , lndudJng weaving, wood or aoap c:arvl.nr ·11.11d clay modelin1 The prorram• wl're dlrf'Cted by Miu Anne Ho1pen1, curnculwn coordi- nator of the COl!la M ua achoola. my dadd1/1 nnart .... he'$ getting hu llbl\* in the M W Halecrelt --.. -.. ,,.~-~ Mr. ud Mn. M&l1oa ~ lU SUt1, 1m at.. 0o.ca ....., are puwita ol a .,.. bora MOY. I at .... f!o.pital. ~11: .. ~UMll: .llrW'SI. J1;.t~.~ be forever•• 1 with thil pr.._ 11'9 comiiwtallm .-.. the s>..it•·~ MW .... S 7 in.,._,..,,., -........ ,,_ .. ___ _ and•' z4 .. w ,.. ... ., ... ~,.,'wocr1 w. ir 1tt:z •· LIDO DSUO. ... 1-... ...... ----1'f91 ......... .....__ Senior Class Will Present Carson Corners Costa Mesa CORONA DEL MAR MATRON Schools H9ld HONORS MOTHER_& SISTER Art Workshop B'AR9()8 DllOOa .. , &. 0-. ..,. .. o.D.JI. ....__ Telev.ision Drama Sets Action in High School 'The Rem.arkable Incident at Canon Cornel"ll," original televiaion drama written for Studio I and adapted for the stage by Kristin Sergei. will be pre&ented by the aenior cla.a of Newport Harbor Union High School on Dec. 2 and 3. Tbe production ia aponaored by the High School P-T A, wtth lh• procMda r etntr toward• the P-TA llcllola rahlp11. Mni. John tGc-neva ) Boetwlcit wu recent hoeteaa at her home, 602 Poln11etUa Ave., lnv1llng a group or fritndll to a c·orree In honor of ht r molhl'r, Mni. Willia A. Bennett and and h"r aillter, Ml'll WOilam S. R.a.laton. Mr1. Benntll la here tor an extf nded v1111t from hrr hom«it In Tampa. Fla , a nd Mr11. Ralston hu recenUy r"tum ed to the Unit~ Statea a fter two and a half ye1v-a In Panama She 11 prf'w nUy· llv1ng at tht U. S . Na \'\\J Ammunition anc1 Net Depol, Sul Beach, whe,.. Commdr. R&laton la publJc ,worlc.a ot11cu . Ln\•lted to mrt t tht duo wt~ Mme.11. O.-t>rre Smith WUbur Toole, EIU1 Zandn, Rohert Rolhwt>ll. William Buslk ~ Butterworth, Earl Brush &nd Mr. Dru.sh'• mother, who 11 here from Ohio to spend the Winln. Job's Daughte.rs Groups Attending Grand Bethel , 111.&n. l:Yery ch.aracter In It.a large cut II ¥Pltrdependent and all tht Accordln1 to Robert Wmta. roln a re allTIOlt .qua!. Tbe c:u t dnuna coec.b, "The 'Canion Incl· tncludea· _,,, Mr• Dean Smllh. cvardl&n o! ~l1lt>l. whrre lht>lr annu•l •late Dalilh Shemll. Norma Heifner. Co11l• Meaa Job'a Daut ht.us. Mn conv"nllon •• •!Ao In aesaton Lucllle Taylor, Beverly Stalford, Rtx Albrlg'hl. oul-golntt dh1tr1ct Thf' girl!< hope 'to vi111t the R•ther Uddt.. Sue Ni..>n, Shu · deJ>l"Y suardlan a.nd Mn. Milton Slate Capitol bu1ldlnl( M wrll llJI ry lnloel, Marste Ston.ll. Mary Stellar. let\ .arly Tuellday morn· 11tend th.. v•r101.J11 b1JJ1lne1111 •nd Haynea, Kayll Hunt. J!:llu bt'th lnit for Sacr&ml'nlo where lh"Y llOClal tunctl1>T1• or th., C'nnv~ntton. Snowden, Sttve Watcher. Tom NI· are attm dlnlf Grand ~aalon. the They v.'111 r"tllm on Sunday. quette, Gawain Maur er. Carlton RM Ull -.ate rnnvm tlon for Jnb'• dent' 11 r adlcall7 dlfftrent. ·rrom any pla.1 -11ven on the K~ bor 11.a&'•· "P'or u.a.mpie. 'Borrowed Time' and 'Coul\Mior-a t·law' were tradi· Uon&I In that they told ll atory DaW90n. Devld G rant. Dennla Oaug'hler1 offlclal11 Nov, II thna Hufflnan Son Arrfv-and It wu •PJJIU'4!"l they w~ l:J&rwood: Nov. 13. They tnLYeled by auto ••• doll\I IO. But In thJ1 production Mike 'Michaud. o.,m11 H«itn<1t'r· and plan to rt tum ~mda:v. the play untolct. the t nith u 11 eon. DuHU Hart.horn, a nd R9:V F.our m"lri'fxon of Bethel 157, The Albf'rt Hufrm'lln11, 380 Ra· mona W1ty, ('n11t11. MtM, IHI! pllr· Pnl.a nf & eon born Nov. I at Hoa~ Ho11p1tal ......_ of ... _ ...... Calderhe&d. In lrnportant tole.-CMta Meea. left bv ch•rtf'r~ b1111 the mem.,.... · .a. a....,enc. wen r s t T.h _.. B N'eU S.atty and Roy Daniel Mike or •era.men o Un•ully, rv· eJUMn• ot C&reon CoTIMI'• and Batt.lell and Devtd Powen. 's and· erly 8'eb4!, ~de: Mary Ann w.,. thelft.8elvee wtlneelllne tlle ,. wuuame and Pat K«lter. while Cooper. manitial; Donna Albrl1 ht. FtitteM DaUCJL.a.....- trlaJ of Pet# K~ky." Diane J oye and Carol Kini a re Inner cvard and J antt Ary. Jun-nTWI" A llDL\OJI: double c:ut. Tbe pe.rt of the Jani· lor 1~u.tfdlan. Joined ma.ny other The Edward f11tltn~. ™II San· t« w be.lnc pleyt'd by ~rry Nor a. Job 1 O.u1hten from Ule aoolh· ta An& Ave.. Coeta M us. IU't 1,A1: =~u: =· =k~ Barbor'• brUIJant JllOunr excb&nl'• l&11d. In ..A.nahtrlm, for dtparturf' puent1 of a daughtf'r bom Nov 6 ..... -·· lltudent t'rwn Ottma.ny. to Sacramvito to attend Grand at Hottg Hosplt.11. plot t\aU ot twt.lt.I and ahocb. .::;;;;;~----------------~----------;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. '"Qanoe CorMn" bu a powert\1.1 r :;-::~ ::!!0 :~~~~ Calumpit. Camp tll• pl&)' ~ rank blftl amonr ~ a:':n centeni around th• Women 'sGroups etton. of Ulle student.a ot lhe k>caJ l MP ~ to f.r"Nt out t.be true lewnl attain Af1!. echedwed '1tor1 of JIGllUlu' BUJ Mc:Glnnll'e tor Ule Women'• AuxJllary of de&Lb. Altho\1111 the dMUa i. IUtr Calumplt <Amp No. 3t. 8puillb ed u 'attld•taJ at nntt. J<ovd• War Veten uu this mooth. On 8".y , ecbool Janitor, la-.Wenwauy Monct.y, No•. 14. lbe ...nn1 elr- Kc:\IMd or murdertnr em by pu.eb· cl• W1U bold the ir monthly mHt· lJ\l llLDI trom a fire MCape. lnr •t noon at Bowltnr Green n,e atucklalAI obtain pemUallon clubbouM. ll&nU&fO Park, Santa to bold 't.rl&J to which the ...... ta Ana. are Invited and ln a t-court · The Pa.ft P t'fllldent.1• Club or room IK't'n• In th4!' lut act the the AWILll&ry will mH t at the d4'&d boy'• fat.fl« fll'\•rN u a key I Roumort Hot t' I tor their noon wttll-on wboee t•Umony the luncheon meetlnc on Thureday, IJloclllnr wrdlet til"&llY hJnre.. I No•. 17. The monthly meellnr .. 111 be h•ld at the home of Mn · NO KTiUl8 .-.,na Trueblood on Friday, Nov. UDJci\Mly the Pl&¥' hU n& ''real" JI Schade' s "~ty 1 Shop (formerly Hess) •710 o ·penin9 Special $I 0 Permanent • 'f ~ -no telephon~ -for \ appomtment.e call Liberty 8-+41 t eveainp or befor. 9 a. m. '402 l2nd St. Newp.ort Be ~h The a.rt workahop ot t be C<Mlta Mt"a Khooll wu held WecsnNClay al Ha~r School caleterta and the art room at r.. A. Rea acbool, tchedull'd to meet t ht fl"lld• level lfachln1 prognuna of the elemm. l&ry ltllChC'ra, Girls•"' loya Mni. Corrine Stoner. Oran1• County art con1ultant. conducted the Harper Khool p~ramt f rom 9 to 11 L m. for afternoon teaeh.r .,... fr'om kmdt rgarten to 3rd w ... '-''" I.. tr.. C.lrwo Balboa Island 7-H 133 E. 17th St. Costa MHA Furniture /,y Century-of ti· Slill 3-6 x A Unique Service for You Cuual ChiJdreo ·a O ot.hee .made in Our Own Factory to your child'• penonaJ meuu.remct.e At Ready-to-Wear Prices Corona del Mar Balboa Island Using your material or our eepecially Mlec:t.t fabrics .... thi.e ptnoD&liJJed cu.tom aer'Yice in addition. of courae, to our complete .tock df Top Brand name children'• clothlns. Slntilar Service Available in our Woman'• Shop -La Fiat.a. located next door, on Balboa lsland Tlf fSf LEAVES DON'T l<EEP US • W~ATMGHT WERE COLD FROM TE TO HEAD PERHAPS THE mt.ow PAGES WILL HB.P US HEAT Ollfl BED # ro~ Sl.ANKE15 AHO 8ED01NG IT PAYS TD LOOK IH TifE twsf FIED• MRI' OF >OUR TBEPHOHE 800K • PAGE 4 ·PART L-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS / fRIDAY. NOVEMIER 11, 1955 I' '{OD)\ Y'S ·N. Ye STOCK REPORT &.COMMENT NEW Y&K NOON COMMmNT 'MJ'ly neat wMll. Uriion Carbide COMPILED BY B. C. GARSIDE, It Carbca. Olin Malhi.on and CDl!AN Wl'M'ER • CO.) SANTA Moua.nto lifted. Utf'O'ASh Into n- ANA, NOV. 11, (OCNSI -In· blfh sround. ,__ nuence• of profit l&klnf, brO\ll'bt Uncertain poUUC&l D•W• from on by · y•t erday'1 &'Yr&tlona In ab...,._d hu contrtbuted t.owarda .1Ueh leadera u DuPont. &11d J.,.. lmprowme'?l--In the aJn:ratt aec- H y. today cave way to replace-tlon. BtocU putlclpattnc beet In· ment buyl~ under th• leadenblp elude recipient.. ot nnit con~t.a ot better quality motore. olt.. auCh u Dour-lu, Boetnc and Loclc- cnemlcala, aircraft.a and epecl&l-heed. 8t•la nsatntaJn a flnn tone u.. althoqh plM .... 1-. pronounc- DUPONT UOOVEU ed .. ll&nUburs Steel b •mons the Homtt.ft ... Kr. and MrL W1W&ln Hona, 2080 Meyer Pt., C09ia M..., a.re the parent. of a Mby MJ Wn Nov.~ In Orui• Oouaty R09• t>ltal. Qtllcll S1nlce ~ roa loller Sha~• BtaDd&rd Dade , 0MM ... CU.tom 8peeiAlU• e Dnpll7 Bafdtran • v....cu ..... OAl.L llA&llOa IM ' THE SHADE SHOP &a ... IM..N .......... ............. oas. DuPont recovered nicely from alronl'•r 1peclalty producera. Ila reaction, alded by tal1' that General Kotore traded In h .. vy ~~=========~ 11J>llt n•w• may be torthcoman. vohame 'd\U"l.nc th• early part ot the MUlon u It advanced to $00. . -DEATH Nonc1 -MU . .IUUA am Fune"I 1ervicea tor Mn1. Julia ClarlM Rex. 81, of 3221 Broad 8t. w111 be held Saturday a t 2 p. m. In Parkea-Rldlt>y Mortuary Chap- el, Coat& Meaa with M•• Rebek- ah Lodl'f' 402 conducllnc and the Rev. Chari .. P'. H&11d ~I'· Chry•l•r partldpat.ed, aided by lta $1 billion expaulon proiram. Amon&' better qua.lily l•u ... &Ulman Ko4&1t hu recovered to within OUY atriklnf dl.lt.ance of It.a tormtr hll'b and a breakout. appear. likely. Altboqh the hoUday J-b&vlnl' a remtrlc:tlJIC t.nnueace, the mar- ket tone la 1teady eo that w. look for a MleeUv.ly 9tl"Oftl cJoN. 0....1 .. 1,.... ........ SO Induatri&la ........ t78.JM up 3.02 20 Ralla ............ -181.88 11p 1.80 18 UUJlUea ........... A .BS up 0.22 1 p. m. volume: 1.oto,000 n . 1.&40.000 Thu111day. N-York 1 p.m. 8tock Prtc.e American Telephone ............. _ 1111 , Mesa~ ·~#1 J1J:LD OVD ENDS UT. A ... 11~ .. 111'0 Mel mcl lack'•. ... . "5 GUNS war· ·STATE-CHAMPIONS TO COMPilE Ml'I. Rex died Tueeday at her home after an extend'd uliteu. She wu a native ot Oreenrldp. Mo. and came to tbla at.ale In 1908. had lived bere !or ' Mven yean. Sh' WH a mf'mbtr of tb• 1'4rat Chrf•llan Churdl, In1lewood •M Men Rebekah Lodi'•· SurvlY· ore are hf'r hu•band. Carl V. Rex of the home: three dau1htera. Mra. L. Francl• Crane of Santa Ana; Mr•. J ohn C. C•rk of Mich· tiran and ..-•. Nort>ne Wagner of Montt>bell: three 11<>n1, Calvin V. and Earl A. Ru of San Otero and WUllam W . Aahtoll ot Lake- wood; a broth.,., J, 8tofV1U ot Cypr-; 13 &'Rftdc:bildren and one l'THlcn.ndchUd. An.cond& . ·-.. ····-··· .. ···· ....... _ 70'1' Chrysler .................................. 93% DuPont ........................... -....... 239'6 91le Q:>JtOn Saddle Club, California etate champion relay race team, ahown being pre.ented a trophy, at recent California State Honemen'• convention by Mn. Ra)' Stone of Fair Oaka, will be among the tea.ma competing in a ehow in Orange County Fairgrounde arena Sunday bepefiting CU& Colina. Riden in picture, left to right, are Jan White, Gail Moorea of Co.ta Meea, Jerry Smith, Clifford and Gerry Gericl:e. FACorting the group I.a Jack Coeta. Sponsored by the KeM Boots and Saddle Club, the ahow will conaat of 15 clu.e. with trophy and ribbona to fourth place in e&eh clua. There will &190 be a high point trophy for the d&y for both junior and senior high man, and a trophy for the beat entry.in the grand entry elated for 1 p. m. No admiuion will be charged and a chuckwagon lunch will be eerved all day. Interment will be In Harbor Rut Cemetery. FREEWAY PLAN v1ews. He declared Che enUre rree- we.y development betwren New· port Beach and the area aouth of Lacuna s.&ch ahould now be r•· atud!ed by •tale hlrhw•y enl'I n•n with a view to devtloJllng a freeway to clear traffic throu1h N.wpon Beach, Corona del .Mar anc1 Laruna a..cn. C-Ua ... b'omf'""' .... ch....-Where It c~ KMAr- lhur Btvc1. The Irvtn'e ottlcl&lll feel thia would pennJl much 110under development of the arM nort.h ot UI• Newport Buch city Jlmlta ln th• Corona del M&r .,.._ Thi• would Involve completion T.Uord reportedly Mid h• could of a traffic jnterchange at Marine undentaad at7 and Imne Co. Ave. and Cout Htrhway lnte.r· ·Too Late to• Chlulfl ... THOROUGH CL&ANINO, cook· lnr • aervlns. Own t.ra.n.ap0rta- t1on. Colored. KI a-nu. u~ eec:Uon and ttnallslnf the highway development from The Archu tut lbroup Lacuna Beach. The hlfh lt'Hl upper ti.y brtd1e propoeal wu nqt touched durtn1 yeeter· 4-Y'• meeun1 but wtll be con· lridered later. TheN wu no un- l•CY on It. acco~ to Telford. Councilman J. B. Stoddard uk· ed T dford for an lmm.ctlate •tudy of a route Crom The Arch• Uiroup LAruna Beech. Stoddard HOUSEKEllPllll (WbJte), waata cl1~ Telford durin&' the meet· hoUffwork or dilld eaN.. I.aft Ill lnl for c..iins • cloud on coaet· or ou&. ~ .. u.. llplt a1 ~ by ,..1.-nc bite and -------~"""'.'"'-~~:-..... ., tlle ,,.....,. w1lltout ...... Complete hOIUl9 c....,..-w.n., ........ tlle •Urw -'-' plal\." wall p&per, woodllr0f1l. etc. Stoddard Mid •let• ottlclala r CLEAN CLL\N LJ fl-!'>487 may not even have a complete 30p32 route for a cout freeway, al: ----------...... -.M.... adllllttecl~ etst ' U:A-An_t&_tOrS._t _ -four -bll' problem•. the Mariner'• ----411..r---------Milt. up~r Bat brtdl'e. Corona '60 MONTH rum apt .. , near down· town Balboa. Wint.er rental.- Harbor 21&1. 30cl2 del Mar and LA.iun.a Beach, have made ~ Job "almoat un•urmount· able." llAL MEXICAN FOOD . /LA P0STA] U 1°" pnfu to •1 at ..__ to .. 70ar favorite t1I •Ill•• propu1 ir'1 oar bond Ilene.a ~ or ...... orden .. Wre oat. ~ ,_., ~ eene. l'SIY.t.D P&m llOOll ._ L&&G& PilTID _ .. ..,... .... COSTA MISA I -.di._. 91 ........ c-w,a. r •• [ • co .... I __ u_1-2~J- PKELDONA.llY EJIPBA8J8 Telford aald ha plane atudyilll' lrat!lc movement from The Archee to eouth of La(Una Beach with P"*' llml.nary emphula on t.M Mar- iner'• Mlle •ltuaUon. Accordt.n1 to Councilman Lee Wilder, the alele hl&'hway mu ter plan abow• a atate fTeeway· Crom Hu.nU~on Beach to Th• Archea. But the hiahway trom The Arch• to ~a Beach I• not now ahowu u a freeway, h• added. CorftPlellon ot the 8a.n. Del&'o (Sepulveda) Freeway may relieve traffic conl'taUon here .itOUl'Ja ., the ~reeway by-pau wouJd be un- nece9&1"Y lbrou1h Corona de.I M&t, It wu claimed. Telford u.ld, however, at.ate plan.ner• are con· v1nced of the need ot developing COUt Hl1hway u a freeway to handle the rapid l'rowth of thi..8 VILLA MARINA · November Weeltly S~cials ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES S•clay Mo11cley , ... ., w ...... , Frlclay ~ s.ts.Y 13 14 15 16 18 19 Throughout th. . .hove cel.rtcfer wee~, we ~ f..ture PRIMf RIB 01NNER for $l:51> or you m1y ord1f ouc FRIED SHRIMP ·DINNER for $1 .50. • '. Contlauln1 with tbelr poUc7 of de..lpating certain of tht'lr tt~lar dlnnt'n at a greatly redacfld pricl durtnc •peclfled period• u indicated above Villa Marina ""'t.aurant often weekly .pecAaM .. Thanksgiving Day Menu ' Iced Reliab Bow I Salted Almond.& Consomme Celestine or Cream of Chicken Soup Color TV Toued Green Salad, Special Sour Cream Dressing Rout Oregon Broad-breuted Turkey. Oyster .. !'Family Nights" at on Big Scre•n . '" Lounge • Sports e Dr•m• • Music Dreaaing, Giblet Gravy, Cranberry Sau ce 3.00 Broiled Center Cut Swordfish Steak. Ma1tre d' butter 2.75 Baked Sugar-<:ured Ham, Cumberland Sauce 3.50 Rout Eutem Prime Ribs or Beef Au Jus, • Yorkehire Puddding 4.00 Broiled New York Steak, Bordclaise . 4.50 Snowflake Pqtatoes or Fresh Froun Peaa or Cauliflowr r Au Cratin Candied Yama with Manb.mallowa and Walnuts Jee Cream or Sf.terbet Home Made Rolls and Bu t t.er Coffee or Tea Pumpkin Pie. Wbip~d Cream or Hot Mince P1(', Brandy Sauce A fler Dinner Mints Child'• Thanksgiving Dinr1er available at 1.50 Call ViUa Marina-Harbor 3930 for R0t>11ervat1ons TM New Honeybees play for Saturday DancllHJ at VIiia Marina For VIia Mari~ ~tions phone Harbor 3930. Villa Marina Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fine Food Budget Priced VILLA MARINA FAC1LITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e AVAILAILEFORLARGEORSMALLPARTIES 21 -~ -. The nest time you plan a dinn~r party. luncheon, 'buffet or cocktail party, to celebratt' a · birth- day, a.nnJver.ary, _engagement; wedding. reunion, home-coming, bon voyage or ''what not," pleue c.all Mr. McpW at Harbor 3930. He trill advise you about menua, eervke, decoraUona, aettinp. etc. Fo{ small intimate sroupe or for large gatherinp the facilities at Villa Manna cannot be surpa.uedintheHarborarea. · INCH -RCA CO(OR -T E L E V I S-1 0 N 14 "" TARTf:lt, C'olor T~ LAGl'SA lll:ACR U4 8-Mtway-Rl'att •.Utt ... \ . 4 . General l!lf'Ctrtc ....... ___ '91* General Motora ........... -............. 50 May Co. ... . .. ...................... 41'4 New York. C«ltral ftR. ····--'8 North American AV1aUon •... 11'~ 8&1-.y Sto,_ .................... 61~ Southern Cali!. l:dllon _...... 811* Southern Pacltlc RR.. ............ 18% l!tt.andard Oil of C&Jltornla ...... H Union Oil ot California .......... 82 \& .4al•Me ANlle US, llteel ......... ~ .. -.......... -·-··-A" Tw9 ............. ... ·'· Beyfront .>nee red a c • d tor qaldl ... 1-br .. 2 be..' ·Pier It .Up. Comp. turn. A 1-1 buy SH· IOO (114.600 dn.) Pr. lacl. wub.lJll' macb .• dr7er: cn.Junuter • c.&rpeU. Gii .......... NOW SHOWING •• "WCY GALLANr.' \'l•taVleon Coler '-1 TedUlk!olor "RAGE AT DAWN" --··•·? --' ! -·---·---·- On •d!E = -~ .. UU'I &Ml'll -UXllB·PMDDll -.. -- Now Showing Eeds Tuta. 11le Rme ... The Fall of Evelyn Nesbit Thaw! Front ptnniltu model II miltms of 140,IOO.OIOf 0...-..·5'::cPE· ·~~91:11i'M> .._ RAY MIJWDJOAN fruJNs . FARLEY GRANGEl -u.,, ... *''' . ,.,. ....... 9'M ........ --,__.._... ~ "tUI• •....... [,,. ~ ........ ~J_,, ___ Nmll :_ ..• .,. ... CIAIU3llMllll· News Feat•• . Kld't Mat. Sat. 1 :4.'S .. STEEL LADl'" 8TA&T8 NEft WEDNESDAY "'ah ~a Lal4'<1\ Mc1ur~ ( ''THI AFlllCAN UON1' .._ o-t-1• Mo•t-r_,., t. "llMINOU U~NG" .. t I ( ~ I ... • Local Youths n..ronlOfed in 81r~e1 Browe l1corporitioi , NEWPORT HARaoR NEWS-PRess -PA.AT , • PA6E s f""l1 . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER I I, 1955 -n.. Ol'Ulp County Welfare IMllJdlas, Suta An&, h&I been ... . leetad u tbe loc&Uon for a Publlc UUJIU.. Comm t 111 on heartnr Dec. 11 OD applic&UOIUI of General Tel.,.._. ~ ol C&llfomJa -d TIN ~ Telephone &Dd ~ Oompa11.7 for d•tnm.SD· aUoe trllltllllr tbe public ~tni.r.t requll'M tM •-Wtdmemt of•· t.eDd ......... 09W eerta1n rout. tn <>naas-Ooullt;f and adjacent port:Soa. ~Loll~ County. n.. Martnc wUl M ooaduct.ed Won UUlltile C ' ?m• Jua- tu. OlrMm4r Uld examiner Kan- Jey W.~ . EJlpecUd Co au.it u.. bearto(. Mart.me at 10 a. m... an r.dwtn K. P'1 bdn, Jil I ddeDt ot 0.....- al ~; B. a. OUmer, Ytc. p~t Of Pad& 1'91epbme. and tbe ..., .._. attoneya. ~.Grow Vets ...... City Mcwe OAKDEN OROTI-. (0CN8)- .AtttrmaU" action WU t&Jcen by the GAr'dila Groft Po& ot tb1 Veterua "' ronlp Wan 1n ILIP- port of lnoorporatloll for Garden OroYe al Uae Wllt'• nplu mont.bl7 meettnc ·at Ule Garden Grow G~ ba.U No.. 4. Altlloup UM primary purpo91 Of Ute Of'l'Ullatlola le t.o ftu1.ber D WINTER .MONTHS AHIAD Regular s1595 SiLYER .KING . .BATTERY * IUUll llllSULA TID * J Y~R GUARANTEE ONLY 513'5 For GftJ 6 Yol_t lxc••11 1~ Volt Sii.tit ·H ....... Take .,..,,.,,. ., .... .,,.,. t.o ,..,q ~ ~ ........ ...., _,.-:. * UY• Neid 'nrw, ... U e N-- Prleeil 0.. .. ~ 1877 llABBOB BLVD. ~A llE8A U a.MU 2108 Ocean , .... ..., Ne-.,.ort Pier Newport a.ac• • Phofte .-..1 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-NOY. 7 TO NOY. 12 Electrlc Blanket CUSTOM FORMED * Automatically Maintains Warmth * Can Be Easily Laundered *. One Blanket DoH The Work of 3 Steak Set .•.• , • English Sheffield Stainfeu Steel , Serrated Edge Blad•s-Plastic Handle . ' Acrllan Piiiows t4•s '·· I Amazingly Buoyant -Remarkably cloucl- li.ght--Supremely comfortabte- Compl~+ely Washable. A ._. Deposit Wll Hold Tll Dec: 1 S • . . l'IWllO'l'&D -ROTC" Cadet 1.t LL B . G. Baird, a bove, ot Balboa, bu been Clutp&led the compan.y commander ot Company D ~ the RO'l'C Battalion, Pomona Collece and Claremont Men'• Coll•&'•· NEL • Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR , 4969 Mary Loqi9e ••~w . Mary ~w Bucert 41S Slit Stred, Newport Beach Lam.ps and Shades . . The LAMP .. All .... MOUNnNO Enchanted <;ottq,ge l ... L ......... 4-..... &J.a.uu OPEN EYBlY NllE "RI. 9 P. M. SUN.. ,. P. M. ms (ftR 9 A. M. SHARP RIVIERA·'S -oFF ON TO -~VERY SOFA FIRST We have ..-.... ow b'aaatilf'..I Senlie AR. Showroom ...d ~ it witl. Sofas ~ ow TV Shows, Hotr-e 51.ows. ft.e ' PoMoaa Fair tnd Floor S1-.le1 We. al of f11Jt1iira's M stores ,.. Sdt. Mghff, damaged •.. some sligWliy 90fled . . . Mostly Br.nd New • : · .~ 1Ws will be the Gr&atest 'M.oleM'8 Clear•nce of Convertl>6. Fw- niture evw ,...., m S O·lf'M.eira CaJifornie llZll fa. AU ..... OHS- ~ k ... S... ······s.. ..... &-r--...-..... s-.. .. , .. s.Mt ................ ., .... .... ... ,.,, ................. ........ TRADE-IN .................................. ................................ .......... ••eic. ..... ........ .. ..... ,,, t=P••,...... • ..... • . ••.o' .... Of Fiii f':um1111 RIVIERA 11.. ( . . l . II& &FTS IA& ~ , We'I telce yow Otd Sofa as a Oown Payment • • . Weit even t&ke your o1d TV, Washing . Wechine Of' the · Kiddies : Baby Buggy • • • NO 'REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! DOll'T WAIT! ACT NOW! tJS.407 E. 4lh SL SAllTA AllA . .. j r • .. . I Universalists to Hear ·of ·Chinese Philosophy FIRST CQJOIUNION at' the new Co.ta MtU. Ef)itcopal Miuion wu obeerved Sun- day, Nov, e with the Rev. Robert A. Grieeaer Sr. u officiant. ualat.cd by. Mr. Clarence A. McCoy, lay reader. Here, (L tQ R) are John W. Donnelly. Warden ;4" Mn. Henry Seely, directftM of the Altar Guild; Mr. Grieuer and Mr. McCoy. - St:aft Photo NEW ACADEMY Adventist Facility .. Expansion First Service and Communion at New ·Mission M-.rty doub11J11 their bulc looal l'09l of J40,000 for a n-church .c:hool and educaUonaJ facllltlu, th• N-por-t S..Ch Seventll-day Adl'enu.t Church jotnad otherl of the county tn th• fun4 dr1,,. for Costa Mesa Et'iscopal Families Gather Sunday chlll'GMa and a tarya central It waa both a 11<>lemn and a joyful occuion on Sunday, achool project. The awn Of '411.-Nov. 6, when 25 Co.ta ,.eaa families auembled tor the 611 ,,.. p&.q.d by. Ho funlll-. first time at their own Epiacopal 1ervice. The Rev. Robert C'Wade It.Mn. COWlly campa.lp c;M&nNID. UllOWlCed at Ula Vlc-Orieuer Sr., vicar , pro tem, In hia first eermon, said: torJ DlDDer for eampaip worlr-"On lhl1 Lord'• O.y. we a.re .... llleld Jlfcw. a at a.Dta Ana. prtYll•S-CS to meet .. • croup of IA>OAL WOIUDl:U Cbn.t.iane In lhll nrat M rvice .. Paul B\lt.cber, P""'clin&' ehalr-a new convapllon. a new unit man ot the local ch11'e, WM uaiat-&mOllJ' the many churche1 In thll Dtoceee of Loe Anrelea. and Id bf Dale Kaclt17, .__ chair-amonr the many aroupa of wor- man and lARo7 Kant.eller, can-eb.lppen lhro1.11h lhe world: Into v .. committee and apecta.1 stlta Into the rank• of thl1 vaat army ch&Arm&f-""-awn of ITl,tOO we uk Almlchly God lo r~lve WU pledpd tor lacWU.. to t.ka ua. And we od thl1 •1th a dHp can ol ~ 1... Woodrow een• of (T&tltude for lhl' labor Krl .... r WU ~ ch&1rman ol and aacrltlcu made by gcnera- lbe Newport C&IDpai,p. which bad Uone of Chr1aUane who ti.vt' (Ont' J40,00I u So&l-~fore 1&a and haYf In thrlr Umt on.. couat7 ounp.ap bCaD bl formld new mluloN that In l•IA 1'4llll'll't wtUl claW'dl• from Ume vew to conrrepllona. And Oranp, J'UUerton. B&nt& Ana.. IO back to the Day of Ptnteco11t <Ardell °"°" &ltd Jlfewport Beach WMn the Holy Spirit WU pour· p&rUclpaUDs. JihJor porUoe of ad upon lhe .Apo1llu. the Church th4 t'8M1s wtll be u..S to bUUd a wu formed, and a t one rthey be- larr• eaal1'11ll7 located church ran obeytnc JIN' command: ecboal for ~ !a cradea 1·1J. AU power la frftn unto me In .. _. ........................... 9N'tlL Oo Y• U...-.. a....,..~ ,,.._.•r Ir; a11d ..... ._....._. _ aa!Maen tore and ttach all nallon1. bapU· alnr them In tht Name of the Father and of the Son and of l.h• Holy Gho1t; tu ch111r lhem to observe all lhln11 whataoever J have comma.nd•d you. and lo I am wjth you alwaya. even unto V•e tnd of the world. Wbat a lhrllllnr experience thAt we can be bullder11 and lay the found•· lion for l.hl• n-church in Costa Ml'.111 -and hl're do our put lo· ward carrying forw1rd Chriat'a command to Go, teach 1111 n•tlone. .May God bleu ua all thht day and In the d11y1 to come-we aa~ In JeaW!' Nim•." The new l:plllCOpal w1 .. 1on 11 eatabllahed unl1tr the auparvl•lon ot the l'lev. Wuley Havermale of &ant.a Ana. rurtll deen of Ow Lonit Beach Convoc•tlon. and appreciatJon wa• ut•nd*d the ft4v. J olin Puke. ot 8L Jamea tor hta atd. H FAMILIES plot on aatoa .... .,.,_UM --_ln __ -Speake• Frnm Lei ....... ., ....... ..,-a ... "'-' _rf 1.-v Oro" llll'da. Wban compkted It wlU co9t • Ult mnu-•oUan, Sudan at --TM lm"Ttc~ Wh il m ifrd by 26 famllle1 with 111 et Commun- ion and 241 chlldr~n rer11tertd for .... atate4. nu. ~wtll W>,..:: va1111-Mesa Baptist cla .Ju.Nor Aadem7 wtlleh th• Dr. Darroch. from tM Buclan In· A4,,_tillt elnarebea Ml'e beta op-.terlor MJMlon, will be (Ueat •peak· et"&Urlc u a das' 9Clh00l tor eome er on Sunday at the nn1t Bapll.9t M ,_,.. on Vai.cta A,... lll J'W-Churcll or eo.t.a Meaa. a l Ula 11 lertoa. Due to m • m b • r •It I p o'cloc1t Wonntp Ben1ce. The~ sT'OWtll .ad popal&Uon lDcJ--. la wW be apec:lal muatc. Sunda7 U.. c.&11lf lheN fa.dliU. ba" aci.-1 convenea at 1 :'6 a.m. with beaa lnadequat. fOf' ...anl yeara. ei..-. for all qea. An. t.ha new a.cadftll1 la com· At t :SO p.m. Ula ~ti.t THln· p&eted t1\aae quut.era will be UMd I"' Union will m"t, Tb1a Ill com· H a ,n4e ecNlol tor hlletton. pMMd of vanoua r roups a ccord- Sunday School, · A. coffee hour followed the •r· Ylce. r1r1t <'holr rehearul waa held Tuud•y tvenlng at the home or Mn. John Donnelly with Mre. I•bel 81m.,.on tJlrectln1. and 1 11\.eerlnr commllttt ~etlng wu held l l the 11amr place lut ill&ht. A name,. I• ahorUy to be choeen tor lhl! mlulon. Roll Call for First Ba}ltist OGMtnacUoft on the nl'9t two IJ\S' to ...... At T:30 p.m. Dr. Dar· Pla-t&r7 unite of the academy roch wUI 1how . tte•nt 1llde1 and wtU .tart alma.t lmmediat.17, next plctu~• of work on the field and ya&r the admJnt.uaUoft tiulldins wtll ttil of hll Mt.lona.ry expert-Roll Call for the Church School and librar7 will be built Jt ll ~•· wlll be held lhla Sunday, t :4a a.m .. Nllln&ted -It will take •nral Friday, Nov. ll at two o'clock. •l the Flr1t Bept11t Church. lttb ,_,. to eomptete UM projecL Circle • of Ule Women'• Mlmlon-Sl · and W"t Balboa Blvd. New Ideas for Churches ary UnJon, with Mn.· Wiiiiam At lhe 11 a.m. momlng aervlre Kroeeeh u chairman. will meet at the Rev. Herbert G. Johnson will the home or Mn. MM Cartl'r, 471 brine u hit meaaare tor thJa M"l"'Olla 8L Wedneeday at T:30 Stewlf'd.ahlp Sunday. "How, and p.m . pralM and Bibi• «tudy will How MUcl\.'' Ua held followed at l :M p.m. wtth The evenlnl' wor1hlp urv1« wtU v1rlo11" prayer ITOUP meetln('I. be I t Hven .o'clock with the J>4U· Dr. "61\do~h C. Mlller. profee-Nuraery ll open durtnr a u "r· tor •paaklnr "Thrtt Upward IOI' ot QratJan aducatJon at Yale vtc.. with competent attendant.I Steps" wlll ~ hi• aubjecL Dt't'tn.lty 8cbool. N • w Havni. pr-t. Mld,wre'; pr1ycr meetJn1 ll held Cuna., nport.a tha t parenll and · at Mven o·~oclt each WednMday ehlldnn In lncr ... lnr numben1 nlfllt, .... wonhlplnr toceth•r In one At St. James ----------- .allied 8undaY moml}lr worahlp New Church for --;::::· n-ptu hu bffn balled ~ ...,.iscopal Southern Baptists u U.. ma.t IU~ul slnirlf de-~ ,..,...«flt In th• church•' pro-P"riday. Nov. 11 T·30 p m. Th" Orant r County Southf'm STUD to provide a mlnlllry lo the Junior Y P. P'. rsrty 8i ptl.t1t Alll'ln. \\"l'dnUds y 1t•lntd PAGE 6 ·PART I -N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II , 1955 SLATE TRAINING CLASSES AT ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH A l11ader11hlp lralnlnJ' pro,-ram belJlr lnaucunfed at at. Andrew'• Prubyterlan Church thla month baarJIMD •"NNDC· ed by Miu Helen )forr , director of CbrlaUan JWi•..,tW.,. waio wlll be In 'charre or the profect. • • Alnied at provjdlng guidance fM t.be t~ere, 1Ub11Ut.utu and asaiAtanlll who help In tbe church Kbool work t.be pro- gram wlll Include dlacu1111on1 of t..chfnS" method8, "9lu&· tlon of th,. material ·and how to app.ly ·It and Wide~ chUdr•n. CIUM!I will be held on H9v. '14, 11 and 28, T:IO to 9 p. m. .. BISHOP~ BALL Will Honor -.High Cierg.Y More than toO youns people from· the elrhl countlea of Boutll- ern Olal&tornla wtU bonM Ule blah· op1 and their wlv" or the lfpll· copal Dloceee of Lo9 Anrelu al a:ao p. m .. Nov. 26, at lhe al(hth annual •ml·formal Bishop'• Ball of the Hou• of Y ounr Cburch- Dl•n Of th• Diocu•. 'nle pl& atflllr will be held al th• Sludenl Union of the Unl-r• illy of Southern California, Un.1- varaJty and Hth st., Loa Anpl ... Hundl'9de of (ally color~ balloo1t1 and bruchu or autumn foll&&e wlll bt ueed In the Thank1(1vlng Harve1t decoratlon.1. Eddie Jack· .On ~ bla band wlll play for the d.ance. Tll&ATEll OUlLQ l'l.obert Youns la pn91dent ot the 1roup. ~ Speclal bonor rueste In the re· ceh'inS' line and vand march wW be Blebop J"rancl1 Eric Broy and ~"'· 81oy aad 8u.rtnpn Btallop Donald Jam• Campbell and Kn. Campbell . Kia Cbutotta llwaa, Arcadia. aa 0.-0 p~dent will bead the offtct.al ha.ta and hoatu .... lN AaZAS ·•'Pre]larallona fot the ball h&ve Men divided between commit._ of alx ar..... De Anna Bo\ituser 11 cha.lrman of th• Loe Ancel• ConvocatlOl'J (l'OUp MttlJn( lha ~ ran,.ementa for the ball. Tb• Lonr Be&ch (1'0UP under th• le&d- enhJp of Jud.¥ Bpuett are reittns out Ole lnvltaUoru, A llar lltudded enterta inment Albert Salmon and Jlruee Het.- prorram wlll be pruentt'd dunnx ter ..,.. c:h&Jrmen or the band and lhe nenlnr by the Ept.copal entertainment eommltt.... re-ThM~r Gulld, an orranla&tl()fl of apec:Unly, for Ule San Bema- church.men who are well·kpown in dlno Con-.ocaUon. Douflaa wu- the itage, K1'MD. radlo and ~ llama wStll the Ban\a Barban vi1lon. Art Gllmort and J oan '(oha ConYOCaUon ll r.ponalble ior will be amon1 l-ht. eatertaint'r''!, "PUbllclty. B. I. CHJLDREN'S CHOIR TO SING Tba Mrmon topic aelecled ror the t :SO and 11 o'clock worablp aarvlce1 Sunday at the Balboa Ialand Community ~ 011ud11 .. "A 8eene from tbe Ute of Jeaua: Rla Tempt.at.ton," ~r~ to the ft.ev. DonaJd 0 . •PP· AP~rtnc at th• t :30 MT· vice for Ula r1nt llm• wtu be the n~<:llttdrmT choir which wUI llln(, "Come, Y • Thankl\11 People, Come ... Lulle Van OyM UI Ule direc- tor. Mr1. Nora nUman7 WW nrve u 'ors-nlat. The Intermediate Youth Fel- lowship for youlht bl' l'"deii f;J will meet at Ula churc:b at & 30 p. m. 'Mortals and Immortals' is Science Text That all may find thrir h•ntare Mia Starr Blll, 8&n Pedro, ll 1eneral ch&lrman of the affair. . S. Y. F. Name's Chairmen, Has Panel Talk Three eommlttee ch&Jrmen f or Ule 8enlor Youth l'eUowahlp of tbe Balboa I.aland Communlt7 ~ ctwrdl .... • ..i.ictl"d-f11 lilU'Dday anninl' al tht (t'OUp'I ,..ua_,. m"tlnJ'. Named cbatrm&A Of CbrlaUan J'a.lth WU Denna Brown. Donna 8mltb wlll MrYe .. cbairmaa of CllrtatJ&n J'ellowllllp and Allen Quent.her, Cbriltl&n Out.reach. F ollowtnr th• election a dlacul- tlon wu conducted on Ule toplc, "la It Rlstll for a· Cbrletlan to zn,.,.e tn Warf" Panel member& lnciud-4 R'1n St. Clalr, Sharon Waidallc.h, Suala lltona, and Dlcll Bndrman. Worllhlp wu Md by Donna Smith. Recreation wu led by Jean 8mJth. Servtnc ae 1po1UOre for UM evenlns weu Mr. and Mr1. Robert Guenther. ae dllldren of God 11 emphulaed ------------- In the LH.on-8ermon on "Mor- tal• and lmmortaa" (lven In the Chr11Uan SC!l•nce chun:hu Sun- day. The Oold~ut 11 from Ro- mani ra:t ). "~ are not In th• flHh. blll In t~ Spirit, If I() be that lhr Spirit of Oocl dwell In you" Paul aaye In hl1 epl1tle to th• Galatla.na. attrr rxpla lnlng the difference between a arvant and a 10n, "Wherefore lhou art no more a eervant. but a eon; and If a eon. theft &ti heir ot God f.hroup Chl'l•l'' 14:7). "Tht real man la 1plrtlual and Immortal, bul tlle mortal and Im· perfect IO·called 'children af man' are counterfeits front the Mg'ln· nine. to ba laid u lde for the pure reality" r•ad• a correlative pu· ""'" rrom the Chrl•llan Scltnce tex.tbook. "Science and HeaJUI wllh Kty to thr Scrtplun-11" by Mary Bakl'r E<'ldy. Ip. 4091. New Churches Near Anaheim C o n d I t I o n a l permlll for t.be eatabllahment or two cburch- ea were Nllcllonld Tue.day by the county board ot 1ruperv1.ora. Approved were Ole Stanton Com- munity Church'• appUcaUon for a church on the aouUI aide of Ball Rd. MO feet -..t ot Hfrbwa7 Jt and ~ Amertean Beptl.t. Con· nnUon Church for a aanetua.ry on the north ... t comer of Gilbert and Cen1toa. -t of Anallelm. 'fte Lona ., a.... i. .w. • Ute ~ et~~ fil ear ~ Pa. 41:1. Thia ahould sin U1 ll'Nl&t COUnllg'e. Faith en&blM ua to approfria~ the poww ot th• lnftnlte. 11-.da of Ule enUre famll7 u a Sunday, Nov. 13 23rd 1tter 1pprov11I from lht' C'<>unty pl~n­ un'lt. AnotlHT ~d fU\ beeom-T't111lty a a. m. Holy Communion: I nlnr; commltU116n tn trttt a rhurch tns aa accepted pattem In Am· t :l!i a . m . P'amlly lkrvic• and on thr north ""'" or OTAnKfwood e1'1cMul ehurcbH la Ula UH of Mornlna Pray u : 11 p. m, Sunday 1bou1 28:• ff"t t "'"'t or Di le St.. ------------- team. made up of hwibe.nd and. School South Stll\lon. Ch · • Sc ' wire er man and woman. ae t .. ch· Holy Baptism Valtrte Grace The church would go 1n o" r1st1an 1ence er la 8unda7 School. Ledford: Younr PeoplN' ,.ellow· lhrtf acrea. and adjoin Loi Al•· Lecture on Peace A. ~ In Albany. K.T .. haa •hip. 8:30 p. m. 1 p. m. Adult mltO• Sc:i!ool ... prop!'rt)'· The bulld· I wi... tMJ' want an .... 1 foM cake few the clnucla buaar, ·,.,.._Tamer 11 1pt to M aalrld to balta IL Iba al-t alw111 rel)IOllda to 10c1t '"11"ta wldi a almpla, TH! C1ar9Cll POlt Au. ••• °'111 .. 1W to." AU POa T1IE annar If ,... uk ,...a. allf9e llra. T.nw, t.he1 ,..,. C'hureh 1a 1.,_ •'"'"' -. will ••U ,.. that alle 11 OClll of t1N a.a"'"' .., • _,., 11w •ha lllutldlftt of ·-•a la....._ Yet .et ro lo• aro alle ••• ...._,., ...i....., .. _..,.., . ., feallac """' &Mf7 for henalf. Life 1aemed •• • _,......, ..... ...,.,_. ........_ aucb a i..ctnm dalr. A1 an accompliahld W11hou1 • •lroat c11 .. ..ti. ,_.11.._ muician, ahe 8aad ba4 dreame of the concert ••onacy not ~"•liMtioe - 1tqa, INt -mace a-S cWWrn had daaac•d •""''"· There •• •-.. ._. all tliat • ......._. It 4Wa't .... fairl -· "11' .. ..., ,.._ oi....w Tlln OM ......,., a frind pareuded Mr to .to .. ._., -........ ., -.41 ~ to _.._ __ ........ _ ... ... ~ tho Ch\lrdl n.., -· Ill ..-'""" •-Hrmo11 ppena .. to 1" aboet • rar hi. • ...,, oat.. 121 '°' ..._ lncra41eatr tliat man a fllll and aa.n1 life. Tba a11uc1r .. •• .... m r .. .._ ..a. thlap the ........ aal• ltnlck •-• ...S tlM nest el .... -iaJl'f ..,.. --· 141 lallda7 aba f .... IMnelf ~ la dlllrda apl11. rar the oota ol •ha Ch11tth llMI Tban -..... ,. lb. Tm.f 1NM al-.. and •lolch ......_ h1a • .,.1 ...., .. : M ilt, thf ,_.....ttn. • 19tial OUpParl P1-t l9 N-lln. TarMr la atiU •j.at a MllMwife," d•urch rev.-., ...i ,...,,. ta ht la alle .U.Utiaa.d widi lln rolt 1 Look It bl'I' "-le 4oolr ,_, face, &ad ... few 1CNrMlff It tootr the Cbarcb D.,, .... c...., v._ to Tiiow lier t8aat ahe alrwed,. pou"1ed all tll• ~... .. ... D,w..,_ u f:IJ toola .=r: few fuJlllllllent end happlneu. If .,.:::: .... icw.w..~ • , .. ., aM Mt ... ti.n.. Now, alle doa1. :t..!!!,~"S,,::!= ~ ':::' , ~~.,. " , .. .......... i ........ , .. ' .. u =----------~ ~!F:i--... ~~ .. ...,. ......... .J This Churdl Feafure Sponsored by These. Local Business Finns hie C...,._THE· AICHES l1n1on Oil Dealer MOO W. eo.t ~"'l:..Newpon 8-cb IOO llaltM .& ve. ILANCHE llNZ The Tam &bop Cbart-A.eMmbl._BJodl. wtruct S08li llut.e A•e. Barbor 0880 CUSTOM AUDIO P\lblk: AddreM -Hl·f'l -Tllpe R«otdera '11 nth St. Newport~ Barbor 1506 •IOIGI M. GRAHAM Rue• and Carpet. 1%1 .&pt.e .& ve. Balboa blud Jlvbor SW AIT C. KISTLER CO., lealton a., Front Specti1t11u IMJ Newport Blvd. Newport Bwb 11.ubor 5ft8 · Mario's Smart Set Hair ,_.lofts , Complete StyUnc Permanent Wavtnc and TtnUl\s M0'7 Eut Cout Rwy. ll&rbor 516' TOllllllY, WlsoR l1a11ty SalOll HOWARD'S laTAUIANT CoftM Bho,P-0~ U hourw SNS. W. Cout Uy. (....,_ Cone) llut.r .. Lan Woodwortta PIClllo Co. MlO E. eo..t Hwy. ELITE IEAUTY SHOP Under Ole New ~mmant of Kr. Pat H. H. HOLllOOI DICK MACKD Drape.rlea -Carpeta -U~ Complete Free DleonUDs ..,,_ MJO Via Udo --... MAD MOOU NUlmY Cat J1oww1I -Pat 8uppUea Balbea Blvd. II& SW >rwpwt ..... dewlope4 a unique way of balp-Jnqulrera· Clau. Ing would ~ 120 by 1!17 feet ttnd ,. tiic .,..t eorn• o( UM 11roblam1 Tu a 1 d a y. Nov 111 1 p. m. eeal Ml. Otr-streel perk In.-ror ntMd Sn eounaelllns w1lh bi. pa· School Board MHllnr 200 can would be provl<1ed "Christian ScleTll'f Bringer of Peace" will bt I h" aubJect nf a lecture to bt 1 iHllOCA11l over Sta· ~':'it~ICt Uon l\FWB i!lllO k q . Monday ,.., NEWPOIJ FUIN~IE CO. NIWPOIT HAllOI MNK n.IUaean. The Rn. Kermit I:.. T11unday. Nov. 11 t :l!I •· m. --- Lawton. ol th• MadtllOft A.n. B&p-Prayer Guild; 10:30 •. m .. Holy On Contemporary u.t <>srcb.. tia. enlla'" tlM aid Communion and HMllns Brr.tea. ., a ,_., of ·~rll: Christianity T1M puel Ulcludae a pNCtictq De C pb)'ltetan. a pe)'Cblatnn. a con-ny burch at The Rev, ~Win C G<.1mk .. ••ill prMch du r>ll<'•l* "' vlcH Sun1ley. Nov. 13. 9 .•(I and II a m Hit Hrmon topic 111 "Charact,.rl•tlc1 .ul~ .,.,,ebo1oe1at. a peycbl•tr1c Garden Grove .oo&aa worker, aa a ttome7, a echolt DWtl& and a .... hbortll( ~~ w1tb peJ· eblatrle U'Untac. !1M apetta, .,..., l'olun tter' Tb• coual7 bou4 o( 1uptn•t.-of Contemporary Chl"latlanlly". ore Ull• -k denl~ tlla ,.~uftt Junior and S.n1or Pllirrlm Fellow-°' tM Garden Grove Con(Tf'J•llOll •hip (TOUPll n1Ht 8undav e.30 of Jebofth'1 Wlt8HMtl Inc. to e.. p. m . tablllh a church 011 th' 110uth rid* ------------of Lamp11e>n. ( n~T C'HttK f'H Ot' CHIUMT 8upuvl1W1 had taken th• mat-.. , r.a ~!~~!,';~ ... ,. tfr und..-wbmtaelon aft•r two ~,. .. ~ of 1~ • ..io .... Co ... '· h • ' ''' hMt~ heann,S. Tiit oppoeltloa ...;:. .. cwtot, kt.•tld, I• -...... ..... , ... evtonlnir. No, 14. al 11 o r lO<'k. from T\\· .. 1i.11 Cimr'f'b or Ch113t, Scltnlilll, Loi An<:"'"' Thf' lec~u1 "'" hilt I y 8 Ma• Rae, C. 8. B.. of Dall11. Texu . 11 a m•mber of The C.hriallan Sclniee Board o( Lectul'ffhlp, BALTZ MORTUARIES C08TA ME8A CHAPEL 11•1 8uper!M Avenue Oattta Meea. Callt. ...... LlMn;y .. Jlll CllA.Pll.L BY TfPl HlA U20 I:. Cout Blvd. c.,na CS.I Mar, Calff. ..,.. ....... u tbetr U.1. meet once a month to r•'tt.., ea.-and mall• recom· IM9d&UoM. ,,.. npon. ..... p,... _._ ~ Kr. Lawtoo and uwally all cllOct oo-'ad• wlUI counMI· 1 ... U"I made by hlm. Pan.I ••· pertll nnly meet CM" lmoW th• ..,,... ol u.. ,,. ...... cont•nded th• 1rea had bffn aon-~ ~ ------t:ll •·"" Id far 11nrl• r~mlly rf'•hlf'nll•I !r.:::.:1:.-i ......... : .. -_ ~1: :· :· CHUICH' OF UUGIOUS SCllNCE IUll a nd they wanted to k~tfl It ..... -. a-...,.," .. "'' ¥la LI;., Emert Rollf.... t~r. author ol "9cJmce ot JOnd." t.Mt way. Th• proponenl1 arsued .._,_.. '--1.. ~ -..... fffl "-SUND ..._ • ~--1--M barrn would be dona anyone .. : ..... 19 -...... ._ .... 4aft ._ • A Y SERVICES 11 a.a 1:1. We ....... tr.l UM aa.Ly b7 aJlowtnr UM •r•tlOft of lM '!a!:~.:::""'~ J.IU, -, .. •. , .. , Cltuda Md Nane-2...~. 11 .... .. kiDGJ u -.. ta. ~l;J. eHrdl •lllcll would -l 111 per-n. ,... .. " ••eially l"*-4 .. _.., a... hit Twtl. It ., &e --. .... ::.. c:ir-a ......_ ~ -........... LA_O•V>l-•A•KA----A_llT_O_ALL&a ___ Y_n __ ... _ ... _,,.._.;_.;,_, __ .;,aUl.;,,;;;;;_;°";;.;.,·.J • Complete Home rumtahlnp MIO W. V.U. Btl!J. Liberty 1-llU Fredo,..,_ CheYrOll Service ,,,. -Batun .. -A.oceamrlu Compl~· Lubrtm.Uon SlOO W • ..,.,_ 81\'d.. Newport ..... llillt.or 1511 MAC,· PILLITlll'S Mt!WpOl't .... PMrlnacy. 11• 0.-rr.t N..,.n 8-eta • ---1- Br-.ld• -IAncb -Dinner •10 Ilda k. (AC!Nle from-at, Ball) .An Jndependent Home a.JI o.-...... ., n.. ,.,. ........... "···· MtrltM .. M ~K. nn w. o...t ....,, •ca;•• ._. Uella• ......------------~.~,------------------.......1 , -.. - -. -----.. • MARINE NEWS RT HAlllOR ~ESS -PART I • PAel 7. FRIDAY, NOVEMIER .11, IHI ( . Tl DI TAILI --.. - --... .......... t: ...... ... t :il .... ... H..,. 11 T:tt p. m. u l :IT P.IL ... ......... T:ll L Ill. u l :OI LM. LI Ko•. 11 1:11 .. Ill. I.I 1:14 .... ..... -T:tl &. m. ~· 1:11 ...... LI HOY.lJ l:ol •· m. ... l:tl .... -· .. ,..., l:lt ..... u 1:•a.a. u ZfOT. l t •=•• .. Ill.. ... •:• .... ..... ,.,_, l :U Lftl. 1 u l :lt ..... u NoY, 1# 10:11 ..... • ••• 1:11,.a. ..... .. ........,, t:oT .... u l :ll L& ... JrfOT, lt t:Of .. nl. u 1:11 .... ... ,,, . ...., l 1JT Lm, ••• l :M a.a. u MOY. lT 11:&1 p.m. ... 0:1• .... .. PACIFIC n.ua>AJU> T'Dm "' ~ Cf · • ...... nn.L ....., -CIDAll'ID llOON 'llD.&nsa-__ .. K~. U -"HO'f'. H . o.C. t · · NeT. 1' COSTA MESANS MAY SJUNCI_ CEC:REAM WAGON MUSIC LADY ANGLERS LEGION BRASS JOIN AT NEWPORT Americ&Zl Legion'~ fourth, fifth and aix areu held & dittrict · commandel", San Clemente: M&rcy Olaen, \ membership jamboree and Southern California mem-Santa Ana; Joe Farber, •late commander, Puadena: berabtp conference last week in Newport Beach. Bobby Rou. Santa Ana; Frank Moore, commander, Shown above from left are aotne of the leaderai ot the Newport Beach; Baldo Kriatov:lch, .tale vtc&-com· conference: Whit Helms, fifth area commander: ni&nder, Loe: Angele11; Sam Gray, at.ate memben.hJp Roacoe ?-.ione, San Diego; Marvin Robin&On, 2lat chairman, Los Angelel. -Staff Photo ·~- •. , HYDING SAILS SATURDAY ON MEXICAN TRIP four men. Depcndenc• cm mu. tran11por- t.allon In Amerlc:an clllet In· er-• M the RM of Ul4 city l11c:rtuu. reporll the N~llonal A.u~obU• Club. c:ordlnr to MOftl"M . ... __ • U \Ji. -not. oNJ.unce ~ at ~ rDMtiq ol eo.ta K-coWldl Monday nl(M. PM Lido eft'K\ bolr.IJ· poay lnat wW ...... to ftrl'd • .._ ....u.o4 ol -apprimt,r )'OW1pter. lNt they &ft lh lM MfebkN'boocL ni. propo-.td la•. modeled an. U. Newport llMclr. ~rmlt ordln&nce, wO\lld make It ~blti &o •"•'"' .. lee- creUa W&fO'l mu.le 11oa-. and Ute MUJ·,_.,. WM wtll b. heard no JnOf"e lQ Uie land. CHARGE FRAUD, FORGERY Wiiiiam Sanfords Sue JaUed Eldred for S15.330 MAMWAI&. Joe ·LeLb Jr., vie• pruld9l fl CoWM. w-. d9111r• Lo •lnk Uanie or four mor1 wella on the c.mt.t:J land, bul at 37 \i, per cent Ul&t wou)d be lmprac:tical, he ..a4. • ll t. eiitLrt1ated the current ...U t hould produce 600,000 barrffl. ac- eon!l.flr to Moruo9. It ~ _.. GIGANTIC CALL Of.~ SEA -Chemist, electronica ... ~. bl< .. b--than •211.000 Lo drlll th"• ..U. ~t"'"'.. Et.ell ~ .-.II WW !:Oil et ..... elor -Wayne Hughea of Comta Mesa baa taken on a 11~.000. UI• •ltom .. y .aid. ID or- new trade, that 9 f sailor. He is aho~rn above painting der Lo reach what ti. called ··me.a. the rail of the y&cbt Hyding on which be I.I about to mum rwo•WJ," MonrM ll&l.d 11'n pe.r· ttnl l'O)'l.IUet .. too much t.o take off for,MexJco as a member of~ crew. Wayne uk. He tndii:ated a nrur• tn·UM mo1•111ble DM claims he ia mi.king the trip tor a chance to 10 to eea 'lO per c.nt nelghbofhood -.OWd ~ A.maicu RM er.. Mood· with J oe Beelr. but hia friends contend he ia eacapiDg bti mort pra.cuca.t. mobtM unit wilt bti 11Lea.t& x- 1'\\'0 KORE Wl:LLS ~ lA(loa Hall. Me W. lSUI ~ llOAT OOVl:U from the continuOUB flow ot TV aell that oome to hie Oolden \.\'e•t 1, committel to IL Loda,. l'r'osn 1 to T p. m., 1t BA.LllOA. CANVU door !of repair. -Staff Photo drill two well•. &ecordlnr t• ~ .... &lllDOUACld today by Kn. Carl BllOP --------------------------·I col\lract wtUI U.. tOUnty. 'Je••-. H&rbor branch Ment.ary. 1-1.,..., ., Boerd Chatnnan WUll• w.,... A.ppolsrtlM;nta may bti madt by "1i:'.'lt.~'"~CH explained . Ul.r• wu nolh~ In •• •-~J'O~,.~N~D~tn~·~-~~bo~•~l~-~::;:=~=============~ the eontn.ct Uotrt the MOO-rt' ; l••el Jfe point~ out the ~ puMd up a coup1. o1 btd• ,. u.. MARINE CARIURnOR5 END OF THE YEAR SALE -• SAVE SAVE SAVI GOLDEN WEST ASKS REDUCED ROYALTIES 20 JM!' c.nt W.. to l(tve th• c:on· BeJ*in -Salee -Parts tn.ct ta Ooldn W•t. , zt:Nm1 a STROMBERG Warner uld hlt Information GEO. J. M"' •CHEM pointed to rnort than &00,000 be.r-5"" BANTA ANA !OCN,I) -The A tty. Jtmn Monroto !old the re1-probNLt leue. 14.t9 W. 0... Jll&llwaf. _. LlblftJ" g..IJ.ll County Bot.rd of StJpervl9or1 Tue&-•uperv\tor• that the c:Om~1·• btd I;:===========:; I'~:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;""~:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;~ day att11moon took undt'r ti.lb· -. ... pred!c:aled on the con1ldera· I I I, ml..l•lon • pro110ael by the Goldt'n H•rold I. Johnson Wt'tt 011 Co. th•& J"OY•lll" be rr-t1on U111.t oU wu et the 8400-tt. ~ Pr•• hr ........ dVeed on an oil well 6perated by le•el. Jn.1tMd, Ooldt'• "":e.t Wu Ot'ttd, _. ...,._.. t•e com~ny on county o.,.•nfi! torCed to .drill beyond the" StOO-n.. ~ land, , le•'l Into the maln mone to bJt ...... ~ Ill Gold..n \\'Ht we• the top bid-the "blaclt (Old." 101 vm.. WQ", N ....... ._. d.r, at 17i,( per cent roy11olllt'•· 1 r~.c~~:~~w~·~,.~·~wm:;:;~'""'~~y~ ..... :::~=~~~"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'"'~11 1t on a trfut(ul•r pteca of county II lud a\ Algonquin &rJd V.'lnler1· b11.rc, SunHt ~ach. _ The corn.-ny 1ut. we.k brou.-ht In a boomlJll" oLI •tl1ke •hLch now NpOrtedb' b prod•lnl' 1308 bar· Mb of 29 to !O lf&Tll7 oil per day. NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily RowlnCJ Prams $59.50 llp • 2ocro OFF ON ALL 1955 Model Inboard Boats 1955 Model Outboard Boats_ 1955 Johnson Outboard Motors You A.atAlerl1ed TBA LOO n pa DeUer t. the• Barbor ..... Bda1 ,... llber·' b" ,,,_ .... slMe Pl'Ck ,f w ... l'loclflc F• ., ... u 17!'1 "'-~ ..,._ .......... A.en-from A.ll•Amstcl.n MkL ,,_ ... Sea .. ,_ 251 p1•d -Cl1-d Frw Sold Only the Day Cclllglsl NEVER HEID ·OVER ·· "' ... ,_ of ... •Neldp121 ..... Salllnt Prams n , 11r •. ,,,. (. .. $205.0q up In See ....... loal1 ClllCI Moton D_hplared UNFINISHED SKIFFS In Our Sliowroom 8 ft. $59.50 10 ft. $69.50 ,... ........ SaA:1 .. L YU A. HOSKIN Ir SON 2527 W. C1221 Hwy. I. ll'tJ .. , J1~ • • ' • . } --,. I ~E •• ·~T i -NEWPORT MAUoR N~iPRESS . t -FRIDAY, NoVEMIER 11, 1916 · r. I . • .. .. ' . ' 'JAR ·UGHJWE16HTS IN I• Water Polo ..... to ........ ""' LAOC -. I.AOC ....... l'eClimt ..,.~ -Tow A.dww"&S Dl9ln " flu1Mr~ ........ -' ... ........... '* .... -..,... 11.,. I . 2~ WINS OVER · ORANGE · Tiali_. ll1p 1-7. F1Herto1 lli.1 ..... u... two ~u.. ..... ..... to ... ..a.cted .. of tM top foar lama In .;&;;::;;::;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;~ llcNUMn California JC nnk1 to . ~ LORENTZEN SNAGS PRACTICE PITCH · ) Whenever uie Newport Harbor Sa.ilon play, thia i.e a scene you can expfect to aee ! on Sunset Leakue gridirons: End Paul Lorentz.en, who will soon be 1tarring in ' . .. . buketball, getting hie glue-fingered graap upon another paSB frotn Quarterback Georie Scbuitt. Paul and Fullback Charlie Berry were named Sailora of tbe week for their performances again Santa Ana.. -Staff Photo ~OCAL WINNERS DOMINATE !~C: 5= MESA SPONSORED. MATCHES -~ ':;e:::~ve0:1pro~~ ; WblMn ln Jut Bunday'1 turby 3°' St. Andrew., and Diane Slrat· ball pamplonahlp playoff• um '1d Jam iboot sponaorld bJ the ton, no addre11. eeuon will be telev1sed Into tlMI ~ ~--Junior Cham~ or Coit& MeMnl Included Mua HarboT area at 11 a. m. Bunda7 O>~ tncludlM 11 ll1oot.erl Police 8g1.. L. D. Pollom. 2830 El· when the flr1l piece Loi Ansel .. etom •M.,.,,ort BeMh and t from den; Judy Regan (ase 17). 343 Ram.I take on the rampasln1 Chi· eo.t.a M.-. 211t St .. who won two evmlJI; caro Bun In the Windy City. 'Herbor area._ He!M'nt.I wbo won J-T. 8mJlh. 2M1 Weetmlol· Alter downln1 thAI San rranca- 111at.che1 In U\• trap lboot bel!S at •ter, and Dora L Wlenenra. 2063 co •9erw Ill the Collleum lut lun· I.tie south Cout Rttl• and Pletol lrvtne An. dly, the Rama had a ~s ~ Club off MacArthur BIYd. lnclud· The four plltol matchu were Th• ~an 1tand at 4·3. !d., tram N-JIOrt: " ~p&.urld 11¥ ,Brawn, R. w_ Qur· . . ~ tor t.be cbUnploullJpe • ec ..... lled ln t.be 000 ~NOY. Newport Harbor'1 Ushtwelsit tootal t.ml cwmpQteJ llM" s • .,. u.. ...,. IS.JI. 1 pair of ooe-.lded trtampb. aver 0rup ._ Sumet tape ..,.... o.tw11 u t... llM ~· trtmnP\ o..-UM . _.. _.,._ ,.,___._ -u~_, lleket lfWlll1aa'1 llGnet.I la HorDMa WM paced by Allan HQ41· ~petition Wedn-aay 1Y.wn•OOD. ~ lCm.11 ~• ,..._ .,... CM.ell Joe Xrol1'1 .-WtUa tOW' potnta and Bob C eleven won 26-13 on David8on J'W4 whUe ~.a.et~~~ water poao a.... and Ma.a llowmao wtUI WUltt'1 B ptpldJmerl were trl· ~ lead wtUI two ~· t... dllaW ~ t-11 ta two two MCIL At t.be Nld of re,W.· umphant 2f-' on Ute Panti-·turt. dowllll • U.. .....s,...... at Or--~.aillute ow•1._. period9 la Uoe Ume Ult 9COfe wu knotted· J'or UM! 8'1 ., -t.be1r ftnl ..... ~ Jim .._ u., ..,. tao~ Tueldajr. ~t w. coliference .tctory ol tlle .-.m. Iott.cl a ,._ to JSTJ W--.r The trfwDP.9t ...,.. Ult l"tratal .:....---------- Ttle win tnarked UN th1rd tor th• for a IO JUd TD 111&1 Ud J'\aD. !ftto a Ul~J de tor ttrwl .... TrlMt Tit o equad, keepln1 them ta Wrd ~ l..aft7 m.ndw p.lloped ti Pia~ In water paifo ocapet!UOft pl&ce behind J'QUerton and Ana· yardl IDto t.be prca1Nd lucl on wttla hllertoa u4 Loi Aqllel Rad.lo cowrqe of tM ltanford· betm. Seuon&l NCOl'd for UM 8'1 a pltdaout. QlJ Colltp. °"IOI' Pac:lnc Conference club now etand1 1·3·J: for the C'1 1·2. A. 40 J&nl drtft eet •P &. ...... The Ptrat._ eplub ap1ut the tomOrTOW wUJ be he&rd la UM TAllB TUaNS by 8landtr from I ,ardl out tor Bonett ap1a NOY. 11 azadl Kroll Harbor ana, llt&r~ at 2 -p. a . On Davkboa rteld, rullback a ~ ...._.--.. nae ,... 1 :;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;i;;;;;;ii Terry Bacwtll and Ba1tback Dan WU poUlllaed oft ID ftM ....,.11 Hammond took tume 11C011n1. wlUI a perfect pl&Y wlaldl •• Hammond ahot lnto th• •cf sone Bill Buckland rama.atnc Ti 7&1d8 on a 20 yard end eweep. The}I on a NYWet. Not a h&Dcl wu Laid Bapell r I p p e d throup Ule on lal1ll. Panther1 on an 11 yard quick op-n.. PallU.. ecore did not ocime ener. unW there wu a.. Uaaa a lllla· Quick opener1 followed w I th ute to pl&J'. nat wu on a dlt1I Hammond JOln; 8 ror h11 MCOnd p&19 whlle the Newport reMr'f9 ecore and Bapell dotn1 Uk.wile were la action. · for 12 yard•. nae ... , pmee tor both local Neeme e&ld hi• Jada played B and C clube tu• pl&C. neat "fair" ball aplnlt a weak oppo-Thunday apJut An a la e Im • nent and be apent mot:t of hi.I WWtt'• SUI tac.e Ule Coloallt Ume makln1 9UJ'e all the pla'9" llptwel(llt• oa Da~ J'Seld at on tbt equad pt lnU> UM ccnt.t. a p. m. wlaJJe Neem1'1 men tranl Th• B team jumped tnto a com· to Utt rtftl irtdtron. ~Use our -,-:"~~c..J _, • • -convement . c?~C\>~i~~~o~~~~o~ ,,,_, .• ,, "'" ~~~6d~~~el'~ ()pea 8aaday 10 to 5 -Week clay. 9:11 to 5:'5 . We Gin 8 .t B Greta Stam .. . N-.a W. ~ IU Ru• tor, and L ~ Ptaetiu. of 6U ....._ out of ODrona cM1 Mar wtD M el Driw, Aecba.&n 0 . JaJTett, 30 Un A,,.,. N.wporl Bteda. and L. b.W NOY. llO, 1t.artiD11t ta. DI. ,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beacon Bly, and W . B. Thummell, E. Pratt, 170 Del Mar Ave., Coet.a Evenu will Include rlCle. pl.rtol r 703 PolneetUa. au wtlh two Mea. -and trap mate.bee alQni wH.b mstcb-; ...........,. Kutltf!r .. Nert turkey lbool a[ tlie ran11 ''non-•kllled" event.. ¥art1old. and Jack Sullivan. 424 Sriuc Harbor Road. And from ea.ta Meu: J ohn Ollerman. 20U2 Spruce. lant.a Ana Rt>IChlJI; Raymond ao-1. 221 Konta Viste: J . P 9icWch. 1:182 ~di Place and &. r . Weqer, lJOt~ Pl&unua s-s-s-s-· -s-s 4w· . All 10 nowlty -te were cap- •red by Bartlorltee. From New· ~ Beecb were Ed Brawn. 3000 y . Oc•-rront: Nlc.k J &rl"ett b JS), ao Beacon BaJ: Blanche t.burn, no addrHI: Lee C. 81Jllth, II yov llllver aenh r.dy f<W 'J'haalr1gMa1! It's ''W 11 TH" It! SllverplatlnCJ BY Sllversmltlis • • oi-m.c • llllffta( ·~---Copper. B,_ a Pewt.r •WE OtJA&U'TU Cemplete C-t-r Sathf&C'ttoa \'Wt Our t •••oal ANTI(l)UE SHOP For Ou~I Gitt. e WIRTH'S e laysl• "'*thtg Co.· 1914 .......... Bhd. s $ $ $ Wantecl1. L-0 AN AGE N 'T S with established Real Estate Loan busineu For Mch of the t.lowing ..,,~ 1. NEWPORT, BALBOA, CORONA clel MAR area 2. COSTA MESA and vicinity ••••met ""-clal lfttl...,.._ wfth clependoW., 09fttl'"'"9 Mra ef ..-..., offers profftoW.• ..,._m,nlty M ectl.,., ...... '*'. lic..tted men. Give facts and pNMnt loan volume ht canffdentlal letter te lox D-'71 Care · Newport Harl»or News-Press $ $ $ $ $· Coeta Me.. Liberty 8-148% $-$-$-$-$-$ SH the NEW R. C. A. 21'' COi.OR TY >-1. R c A FIRST IN ~~:z::rrm: . .../' Mng A New World of Color Into Your Home! FI Rs T IN ~::.:~u: r ~ Priced as Lbw as ,795 c .... .., cllly ................. .... w .. ...,.. s.t • -act1oa1 colOr Pie••• y_.. .. a*tna·MIS • .. • • • ._. • .. • • • • 9QA <w. TV! . . ~ -Just lile New/- That·. what you'll say when you see your rugs or upholster- ed furniture e#er we have clHned them. Blg81o•'s llAllPn URI Fer Wai to Wal Cmplt Cl1•11lll1 WHAT 18 nr .. developed by BIGELOW, the most famou D&me in carpeting, after yean of ......-eh, U1ia new proce.a not oaly deana. but ..... the carpeting with the nap railed and much of the oMctnaJ cok>r bcl IUlltn restored. . Our P1cmt Is flle lllOlt 1110d1rn Cle•lllCJ Plcmt 111 OrmM)e c...., • • • CALL US TODAY lor WE INVD'E JOU!' IDqectioa of ov plant. You'U 1ee the very new.t and ldmW'le c1Mnm1 eqwpment1 ezpertenced workmen Uil1tuUy and caretullf mlDs the nn.t materia.la and detergenta. Our drytnc room la ov pride. Here your nap >re dried indoor9 ln controlW temperatun, completely away from the damqinc raya of the Mm and the MaYJ dew of OW' California nlcbta. • Rug end Carpet Cleening • Upholstered Furniture Cleaning • Wall-to-wall Carpet Cleaning ,,.. Plcll-U, .... , •.. , .... .. ... II 2 6400 Wall-to-Wall C•rpet laying ant1· Repairing a Specialty _Al's Ca~t & c:.c: R W k Pwrfect*t&Ylltl ug ~ · or · s· g~ ltJ lo..... · •._.re.a ........ ••111-1411 ltrfr264~ ....... 0 . 'fll -I a. C"t- ft r I , AlllD TAIL TUIBEB -When Coach Ju.lei Gage played buketball, be wu a center on a Hollywood High champlonahip quintet. Here he'a the center of a bmch of towering Jada vying for pivot positions on th1a eeuon'a Newport Harbor High School cage ' aqu&d -and look how amall 5-11 ·Gage appeana! From left, Terry""lacltaon stand.a 6-6: Tom Houston, 6-5; Dennie Harwood, ·6-5, and Bill Curley, 6-5 - $taff Photo COACH JULES GAGE PREDICTS TAR OUINTfT TOPS FOR NEXT 3 YEARS Champs Set for Indians at ·Fullerton 9um let of Tall Lads Causes 2 Pivot Set Up with Fast lreall 9J BILL PRILLIP8 "Newport Harbor High School'• buketball t.e&.m will be in firwt or 1eCOnd poaltion in the Sunset League for the next three ye&r-9 ! ·• _Thla..w~ amuingly ~ ~nt made~ by Ca.ch Julee Gage of the .Sailor quintet which thia -:eek opa:nad pncUce drtn. ln the cam· complete control of the Sa ilor car• pua JYllU'Ulum. varalty and Junior varalty. Thia Mentora ara more ueoc!a lad H &llOD. Jimmy Miiier will ttrve u w{lll crytas towela than laucblq B coach and Bill Straw will prob- ,.., bUt • ,_ mlnulee talk wtth ably mu termilld the c· •. O..• concem ln1 the current out-Aaked a bout hie court eyatem, look for Ill.II 10-iuy1 and lhe car• Oare aaJd. "l «art*1 out In coach- lMlnle.~ anthualum prova1 1111' _with a eel aystem. l t didn't calclldir. . lake tne lonr to learn t he beat .And a•aia after leavlnl Julee· 1yalt'm II one made up of the ma- opUm111Uc ~c.. a look al the terlal on ti and." "'try maa·• court record prove• Thia yea.r'a •r•tem ! "To •tArl ~. You be,-tn to 1et the out. we're worklnc on a double Sid.a t.b&l'• DOt ,.. 0..,... Ill throw-pivot. aomelhJng I've never ~ Ins out. before." Jul ea rt'porled. "Thal'• be- 6-UAA II.AN caUBt' we have a rroup of bl( boya JW. toqk o..-the hip acbool ....,..t1 coeeMns cbon here In JNI. la. tint MUOn. the Tara tlaillbad Sn Jut place. Hla aecond 7.., found Uw loo&I lada 900mlnf to tint plau. Lut )'Hr they tied tor MOODd. ''Thie yMT." poach O.C-dedian9 wtUlout fear of con- ~ .._..U be nnt or aec· ond .... Oac• 19 &CC\llltomed to t..1110Cia- t.1on wiUa daampton8blp pre,p quin- t.et.. Wlwn be latter.cl at Holly· wood mp ·blldc ln 1~. hll outfit capt,ur9CI. tu dl7 cl"OWn. J ulee p1&7ad ceter. lltandlnl' a t hla pr.- Mnt ba&Ctlt ot &-11. thla aea.eon ... REAL lllO F or ll\Jltancoe. lhe plvorpoala lie l>l'twem Tom Houaton. 8-6. ~nnll Harwood, 6·6. lArry Harper. 6-4. and Ttrry Jack llOn, &-6. Which Is ample demonatra tlon or whAl Gage mean• by "adaptlnr the •Yllt'm to the mAtf'rla.I." Selection of the three outaidl' men appeara to be among Eddie Pope. Uarry Green. Dave Tamura, Paul LorenlU'n and Ceorre Mabt'e whlc;h w111 eupply the akyecraplng plvola with 1Pffrly aupporL ''We •'111 1tltmpt the fut break at all Umu ," O.ce continued, "and , only go Into a rt'r 11lar llet offl'nM when neet' ... ry." Thla offenM. Julu hutena to explaJn, will be more ot a "C~ 1-c:• t.ype otten.ee, wtlh k>ta of optlomi, rather lban any Mt S>at· em.a , dependent upon cert&ln 11ereena. And to ahow the adaptlblj.1ty of hla "•Y•lem." Gare "'"ent on to ••Y In any &'lven rame hl' might take "the bir boya out compJelely and io m~.ilb m¥ tut klda " ZONE DEYENU DefenN 1 '"Mii• year it looka like more ir.one d .. tenae In view of the bl« boya on hand. althOU«h l daUke the &ant'." Thia won't ban twttdtlng from man-to-man. for Ot.1e u Jtla: "Wh1111 we do play man-to-man. It wlll bl' a awltchlnf man-to-man," The rfl!.-on for thla. J ulea expla ined. la that It conflaH lhe oppoaltlon offense and krepa them from aettlnf IK'rttna. Since Oare hu bt'en coachln,g at Harbor High. he bellevH he haa had thrff 1uper1or prep JM'rlorm- era. On hla pereonal all-star tea m. Oare reveal•. are lhff4! namee: Bob Wf'tu l. who played ln 1963. and Paul Nf'umann and Denny Fll%1M1lrk k of the 'M 1quad. 'Tm •Ull looking tor two more to flll out that tum." Julee re- ports. "Maybe lhf'y·11 come alo~ from the kid• I'll handle durtn1 lhf' next thru eta11ons:· Oage fttla th• 8 team under Miiier will aJao be a tine club. Kf'y boy11 hl're wlll be John Ken· rolln. Richard Palaferri. Bob Hm- t!erahot. Dick Morales. Georct' Thompeon and Bob While. John PonUue la exp.elect ~ •p•;k the C ~111d wh.lch "'1U be rompo11ed of ta~hmen and eopho- moru ANAHE.\M. ~OCNSJ -The Anah~ ColonLtU conapleUld Ul• mo.t ..,..oua job of -prepu1J11 for the ... llPlUt 1'111ertan: to- nl1bt t.ftet atWblpW\c to tmt&U a n-defenalve pattern. lhla af- t•moon u well u pollah up on the.Ir otfenll4'. Tbe ~me will ata.rt al Ful~non Stadium, T:IO p.m. ~ ure-110rtof ot- lmM Ul4 Colonlat.. mU8t worlt ap.lllat, Une Coach John WalllJI aald that beet.UM of lnjurlee. Fullerton haa come up wtth a roll-out type of offtmM to adapt lt.aelt to dlminuU\'e Quarterback Ronnle 1\tjlno. "I uw lhla offmM work well agal.nat 8Wt'etwa ter lut wee)(," aald Wallin. Collch Claire Van Hoortbeke ht.a concentratfod on the Colontall offm" alJ wa.k, expecllnll' a rurjl'ed game •J'alnat Jl'ullerton. '"T'ltl• la propably our big l,..dl· tlonaJ pml'." 11&ld Van. "In a rame of IJll• 110rt. rK<>rd• mea.n tilth!. We know J"ullerton w1ll come on field mnnJ.nr bualntu .. " Quartf'rback and Llnl' backer Ronn_le Fuller wu named Play· er of lht Week by the Booetera Club. 1\tller played moat of lht jt&tne A!t&lnat C>ranp It.lit Wttk t.11d wu lmpl'ftldw w9'en ht In· lt'rceptf'd a pua and ran the club d11r1n1t thl' flnaJ Mlt. "Ronnie hu aa.o been one of our outet•ndlnir player-a on de- f1'n11e all ... ~n." aaJd Wallln. '"nley dtctn•t bell••• tn toda1'• tall man tJMor7,'' Gae• nmarka. NAVY DUTY After ,.,aduaUon. Jul• attend· ed 8&nta Barbara State where ha pl&1ad traeb cuaba and ran In tnell. From here be trarut«rn!d to anpam TOUJll'. then Jolned the ~•YT· •"11\1' In Ule medical corpe tor four y•ra. moatly In Auatr&lla ud Ula Pacific llla11d8. DONS DROP RUGGED BA mE It II UPf'<'led that: Dd Vem Weaver a,nd Ouard Ed Cliambtra wlll be really for action ajl't.lnst P'Ulltrton Both Wt'l'f aldt'llned ""°' minor lnjur1et1 durtnc Ula Oranr• en~ou11tcr. How~. thl'y have been worklnr oul ln uni- form all -k. S-E SURE -INSURE Dwtnc the ,...,., J ul• dktn'\ eapltulat.e to the enemy. but ~r Cupid (Ot In hll deadly work. Belore o.,.. went ove,......_ tM wu married to wtfa Helen. eurrent llead of the O..• hou"" llold al toe Klf\P P lace with lll'C'· and, third and foUrl.ha In command Wnc ~ed by Pamela t . JuUe. T, and AUaa.. a. Upon completion of hll' tou.r of dVty w!UI the bell·bottoma. o•.r• ntumad to Santa Barbara Col· .... • .._.. be completed hla phy - 8'Cl91 edUC9lk>n ma,Jor Uld 11elence Md ~ mtn0r and WU JTad- .at.d In 19"1. "'I wu too old and decHplt a t U.S. Ume to peJ'form fw the col· .... " CJac9 claimed. •·., I played ~ ball With Ulae Bulk of Am· 9rtea." aAILOa UX'1lVIT A ,_, at Qarwnoat °"9d\&ate ....... ----followed b.· ,.. a..-...,. to Hartlor ~h 111 llept., lNt. a.,. •tarted out by ....... ~t baalletbell. ....... aDdlliull~plnJMJ ............ 1 ............... ..... ,, •• _ .. Al trwta .. toot-W llw UIPM __ .. ,.. ,_. ~ Giii ··--· . ( -... I TO PHOENIX BEARS, 41-15 ...... NAl'RIC£ 8TA.,"Ll:Y ·-~ Oa11 ra.oo. flMohr Hlt P HOENIX. ARIZ t OCNS\ - 8a.nla Ana Collere·a Dona dropped a rourh and rugg~ batUe to Ph.oenlx J C at Phoenix Saturday night. 41 LAI HI. but lhey gave lhe Phoenix homt com1ng crow.t aev· eraJ &n1tlo1111 mlnutf11. Burled by a 2i point bArrare In the first haJt, tht Dona roared beck to acort I~ polnl.I of lhelt own in ll!U than lh1 ee mlnull'• ot the third •tt.11u on a aa!t'ly and two quick touchdown•. Two Don linemen. Don Gt!dnl'y and Bill Cornell boomf'f t hrou1h the PhOenlx llnl' to drop lha Bear ball carrier In th .. end zone for a aafrty then klC'klld ore and apln lhovt'd the Bearw nea~r thf'lr oWl'l ro&I lln•. The PhMTrt1r1juarur- back tried a pltchout from the lbre. yard line. but HaJfb&ck OU Rodr1qu.1 of the Oona ecooped It In for 11.x more pol.nu Onctt ap ln kl<"klnJ ott, Ul~poni bald tba vaunted Pboenix eleYm for no p1n. wtUa Doh ltnd O.C. Oro"• recovertnf a fumble en the next play. OU Rodr1quu nrect a s-rf.et ltrlke to HaUbKk Carttoe Da.U for another aiJt poUIU.. ~ K\lhl k Idled U1ae cct1ftn6olt to put I.he nn1at1.1ns touc.._ oa a wtJd Ulna mlnute upn.lllc. TM._,._..~ ....... nled however. 11corlng two more TOI on 6 and Ill yard pU1t1. 11111 E. C'~t Hi.a.,.._,. C'nrona dPI Illar The Don• play hOllt to the------------- powerful Mt. San Antonio Mnun- tlea F rl1lay night at Santa Ana )funk lpal Bolo\•I Tht Mounllu are plannlnr to 1poll thl' Don'• home- comln« fuUvlUe1 an.t continue their drive lo the Junior RoM Bowl In Oect'mber. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL.COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAROa OR'TOO 811.AL~ . .......... ..,.. ... BILL. PHILLIPS, 8porta J:dltor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGE I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER II, 1955 NEW SKINDIVING SPOT FOUND· BY -HARBORITES An ueunioD party ~ u .-.ben of ti.. N~ Harbor Sa•lilartnen lltlndiYhlr dub dt.cownd a new out- lnc apot for the orpniaation lut w11kend wbm they •*'" cl8ed their bobby at Cboya Bay ID the Gulf of Olllfomla. Lad ~ ........ t Bob autl, ly JOO 111& In addtUon. t.ba ·aJUn· wtlo came up wtua Ulae W.-di..,. Mot ftA aot common t.o na aac1 u.. MtU• aarept4. the 11anor .,... llllCll .. t.rt1-u.. *l.adSYlq WU tOUDd to M SW ftlll and ,..n.wtall. """-------------------------ao pod. It WM decided to re-""-weatbw wu ttne. report• RECREATION PR"'_. AM OPENS turn ap.1n on aom. threa·daJ llhow, wlUa UM alr t.mparalur• VWftA w .. ltand wtU. Ulae aattre clU ot .. UM wet.er TS. ....dee 1 lbe TURD Y GO l'lubortt-. 1ars-ft.lb whldl ...,.. t.akaft. a FOR NQYPORT KIDS SA A Taklq part la UM IOO mUe. few amall ... ._dtlM and turtlea thrM cv trip bito Melllco wwe _,.. lllpted. .No eart11 were Clark, Jolla lllllar, John Lat-eHIL Parent. of boys ln the afxth, ...,_Ua Md ~ SradM wer. nmlnded ot a Saturday ncnatioll ~ pnllNlll ln 'tM Hora.ce ltnatan School JYlllnulum from t &. m. to noon. The tree pr0iram i. a cooperatJ•• ~t . ....._ tbe Newport Beach Slament.ary School' and the ~ fonned City of Newport Bea.ch RecreaUoCl Deput.maat. fer\y, Al Kacc.uley, John ._,.. Jolln Killer, VMllurw of UI• llatt and I. L. Patenna.n, all club, aid. ''Th• rMCl8 were tin•. member• of the Su'-Martnera. Not until -tUmad oft the road• and J . M. Millar, ft.Oler of John. did we haw llouble, tMa all They left rrtday and retumed lhnie can ,Ot atudt ta Ulae aa11d Undt>r aupervlslon ol Art Cbrtllten.aen, boJ9 who report ~gula rly will be acreeoed for abUlty and altUl and will be clusirird and e1aced on teama which w1ll l'O Into J.eacua play. Soya ~Id report with bukeUl&JI ....,_ and, lt ahowera a re. dealred. tMlr own t.owei.. Monday. on Ulae be&ch tt.elt." ArUcl• In Ula 8klndlnr Ma-M IU... Mid the Ka6canll allow· Jl'utuN Saturday mominr acUYIU. wW nry with the time of year, It wu a.nno.incad. gu lne attracted allt'nUon of ad rMl hoaplt.&llty. There are club mambet11 t o Ule locale and lnnumt'rable camp alt.. ln Qso. tha party decided to ro after ya, be added, and ealltu to rant the groupera. a member of the at "reuo.nabl~ rat... J'lalllns In• -bua family, In Choya Bay. format.Ion la available u w•ll Theea tdlowa ran1i all Ul4 way u ch&rt.r tioai.. from amall '1M to approximate· Moel unuau&l upect of u..tr THIRD PLACE THUMPING Mesa Merchants Take on . Second C0t:0na Nine Away After taking tht> ineaaure of the Corona Merchant.I 9-5 at ea.ta M.eea Park lut Sunday, the Mna Merchant.I I travel to Corona to take on tht> Corona Athletica at 1 :30 p. m. / thi.8 Sabbath. The loc&l triumph Jett Manager Bob Wetsel'• I •pple l(nocker1 In third place In elnrle paced t.lla Joc&l larnlpen the Or~ County Wlnur Bue-11 hit attack. ball ~rue. The ~ ncordad .m,te- 1 Topptnr the loop 11 Orange. tona ln tbe fourth and tltt.11 ·c&ft· the only club to beat the Mua toe. Wally Walbrock wu ..ta macer, In the clrcuJt lhla aea-on an anw and 111n1i. by Lcm- aon. La Hab,.. ta In aecond place bardo, Don carter and Rica - with.one moN victory than Coa· bad h1l9 danUlll' the di.lib ln UM la Meaa. fourth. Dennt rltapatrtck atql· CHUCllEaS 9CAllCS ad iD Ula tlfth, pUterecs' aacond A&ainat the Corona Mer· and third and _. iD OD Bob cbaDta. the Harborltes pulled t.lle Lodcerio'• llUIC'a· llll ou~ ot tbe fir• a.ft.er lltar&l· _1 ~·-~ OF ruN out1n1 In Choya Bay. llUlar re- ported. WU that Ucta. ,., .. hJp u 21 n.. compared to the Harbor aru'1 • I\. tldee •• "But lhl• didn't lmperll altln~I In any way,'' Miller aid. Anyone lDw.tad Ip jo&Aln1 the Bub-Mannan C9ft obtaia ln- formauon by wrltlnr Box 101, Nawport Bearb. or co11tacUn1 J ohn KIUn at 1161 Mlrunar Drln. Balboa. CclM Nabs-Lawtt lowUllCJ Top Spot A total ot 11 bc>Ti.n Y1ed for bonora ln the AuatraUan a&a• ..... 011 the Newport s.cll Mual• clpal Bowling Oraena Tuaeda.)'. Oorona del Ma~on top bcaon by wtnntn1 flnt and th lrd ptac.. Bayaboru took MCC111d. Walt Pe...-won tll'9t Wltll a total of 11 polnta. C. B. Rudd and C. K. C1oM w.,.. Uad tw aecond place with 11 poklta each. ID the 'playoff. Rudd t.ooll -4 and Cloe. ttnlahed third. ly runnln1 out of P!lcber1. St&' ·~ UU. acortn1 bulinem ball on UM Meea diamond. Ov- Jerry Rice opmed OD the mound, a k>t of tun. tbe Meam• trlpl· den Ot'Oft taJtee on La Habra l)n.-.. ol Dletrw ~"' "- toiled three framea and ... re-ed ~ ln th• aiJtt.11. Rice Ill • ...,,.. cont.t here a t 1:30 STOMACH ULCEIS placad by Wayne Couptry. slnl'Md. Pierce unloaded Illa p. m. Tbaea club& aloa1 with ... TO EXCESS .ACID Courbtry toaMCI tor a trio of tluw-baapr. Lee .J'lllber u,S-tM ruuaton •try, haw no - 1tansu. whereupon Doa Lalp ad and Loclcario rapped uotber borne dlamoDd at p,_nt. QUICK 111.U • • COIT • took over. But ha 1 ot touchy tor three ru.na. Oranp County Wlnt.er at&Dd· aboat the umplrtnr while way-hllowed the rucku9 at _tbe lnp: <>ranp f-0; La lh!lra &-1; Ing th• willow and Hill Nlbe plate and, alter Letp left, Ulae eo.ta Ka. 6-1; hllertaa and lhwnbed Don r1rht on out of local at.l\Jat. •tUad Uae S... Corona AUlleUcll a-1: CcroDa the pme. Wetsel c&llad oa on the n.ld ot battle Ill the de-llft'Cbanta aad .A.1'1 lute Ana C&tcber Tony Lombardo to toe clldw alrbtll. WetMl llboW9d Ja19 W; II Mod4na J-1; Placentia t.lle ·nibber and darnecS ll TOll7 boy• tM way with a aan,s., Wal· i-4:· O&rdeD Onrw o-6, aad aua- cljda't .... erM&l '°' .... ~ brock -l a.4 clld . UUwtea. ta Ana i. ri.da M. --... and hie t--·-Lombardo doubled and Out.s ~--91 otlMr ....... ....,... ..._. tour ~ ta and JUce daU'nrad .....-to ........ : <>nap dstaat.ad Pi. u.a Mr •ctrtJL . 6ce t1a1ap. oaaua 11._ La 11a11ra a.at. m PIDCS P0KD lllCaA aCWT Koc1aaa H.._ eor.&'a Au.laUca Buddy Pierce with a double ~ thoup lba Kea ftlna bumped Oardan Groft 1~1. Al'• and trtp .. Md Lombardo wlUI I.a Oil the road UU. week.net aan.ta .Aaa ma. dellfMC llMta cl'Udal doll~ for a doubla .&Dd U-.· wtU truu be Sunday .,..._ Ana La J'Oll4a a.a. ."'l • : . • . 7' ,;, ' ______________________________ _.. ______ _,::_ ___ . ----------- Tour oholoa _,... an... Pb •II ....... IDcl1ldillS aa all- Dn l1De GI...,.._ ...... W'llGD' Ill I low pdiat-,..... GOING THIE YOUNG IN HIEAR-rr With all-new Push-Button Driving, Aerodynamic Styling, and 90.90 Turbo-Tor.que Power, Plymouth hu again cap. tured the spirit of our day in gleaming metal Outaide, lt'1 bold new Aerodyna mic Styling .•. longer .•. blgpr ••• one long sweep of beauty up to the-diltinetfve new rear ftM. Inside, Wa roomier .. : with sparkling new "miracle" t• rics ! On the road, it's brea.tlt-14kift{I ... u Plymouth'• new .. 90-90 Turbo-Torque giftl you Top Thnut Gt TaU-011 . , ..... .nM ....... .................. ,. ...... ,....,.. ........ _ .................. ,,,..~ ..-n hlllf •1'• Mr Psaa._-.. ....... ,,..._ ...... ,.rill ' 2 7 trtm ... )t :>a AD-new~ PLYJillOU'rN '•• • 1 Drift It at,_, Pl)ZLM?th ·~· ..._,, • LOU REED & ASSOCIA TE·S · -~ ' .. . 1200 W. Cwt HI .... , NIWPOIT RACH ..... , 1 •erty•l-MU • r t I J I ,, I I . . . .. (loverhmenl f.:x.:epl PAGE 2 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY; NOV£M8Ek 11, 1955 --------------------------,, AFFAIRS OF STATE ''God gront us the 5er•nity to ~cc•pt the thing' we connot chonqe; the couroge to chonge the th ings we con ond the wiKk>m to know the difference." (A. Anon.} E D I T 0 R I. A L S -llEJll'al' c. llA~ 8ACJ\..UmNTO. (CN8 ) -A,.. par•ntly. 90me minute detaill .... rolnr to be •orked ~ befor1 Senator Oeorr• MWer'• 1nterl11t commlttH on rov.nuntft· tal admlnl1trat1on, ret. to Ule bottom ot th• tendency la atat.e rovvnment to wllllhold puMla recont. fro'!' the public. \ Newport Veterans'. Parade W eq ~ orth Their Efforts Thia ia a day when many of ua i>yae to remem- ber the brave men a.nd women we knew\during Wbrld War I or Il and/or the Korean "polic;e action." It is only proper we ~ke time from our own activitiea to think of the gallant men and women and chUdren who gave what they had that this nation and the free world could attempt to preserve the pea~e fo r which they fought. · Here is Newport Beach today hundred• of u1 wit- nessed the second annual Veterans' Day pande which thia year waa put into actual motion by the hard· working local and county membera of veteran grou1>9, aided by local merchant a. We think they will be prouder µ>i s evening that they put thil "1how on the road" by them.elvee and witho\Jt any 1ubeidy from Newport Beach City Council or any other political 1ub- divilion of government.. After all, It doesn't take money from a eovernment to advance an 'deal or to perpetuate an honorable' memory of thoae who died, were~wounded, lt&rved or froze. Those veterans fought .a any city councll. board of 1uperviaora or any oth~r legialative body could have the privilege of deciding how to spend the tupayera' fund•. All it take-ii an idea and tbe lD· itiative to push it t o eucceuful concluaion. IJi our town it took the pcraon&l dec&.lou of our veteran groupe whose memben reaolvect the budclie9 they knew in war time '11(ould ~ot be forgotten 1n peace time. We honor thoae local citisena for their courap In providing us with a representative p6.rade, with a reminder from file and drums, from floatl, marching b&nd.-all trailing Old Glory -that the vete.ra.M are capable of proceeding on their own without govern- mental 1upwrt. The same k~d of initiative from our clti.ze1J soldiers during the nation'• wara b wbat won thoee 1t.nJgglet1, it wu 1fh&t will win them •pin if they ahould come. Thia initiative b what hu kep{ £lil8 nation strong lD time of peace-not money doled out by a pnerooa government at any level. ,.. To combat veterarui money u 1ucb bad little actual value. All they want.eel, our citizen aoldien, wu the cha.nee to flW.h the job at hand and return to their loved one. at home. Money for the mmt part wu 11.-cS u a meana of killing time while wailins for the next move of your squadron, regiment or t.aak force to th• next apot -0n the war's map. N cOiii-se Way's parade toOk fmancing, planning snd plenty of work by the Newport Harbor Veterans Organiution. Inc. We are glad they took the time to ,;ive Ne-wport Beach a taste of a big parade and bope they will keep it an annual affair. If the parade-partici~ntl' previot11 year'• enjoy· ment of Newport Beach is any Indication, we feel IUN their local romrad<'s will t!end their effort.a ln 1~ to 11tnge another great Veterans' Day parade. To tbil end and for today'• 1plendld, turnout we aalute them. .. Overseas Mailing Time U you intend to .end Chriatmu ctfta to relatiftll or frienda in the Armed Forcell oveneu you'd better put on your Santa Claua auit in a hurry. Packa(• not eent by Nov. 15 may not set there by Dec. Z. And there's nothing worwe than Chrt.tmu bl a ltraDp 1an4 without 80Dlething from home. The Poet Office will 1upply you with all neceuary infonnation about the regulations on bow packagn must be Wr&pped, what the limit. of al.le and wet1bt are and other useful point.en. But it'• be9t to pt the data before you do your wnpping. It may eave you from a Jot of re-wrappitlg. Packages, of counie. must bea.r the complete name and address of the person sending it and the person for whom it is intended. Thia m~~be in ink or t~ written. Also neceua.ry are the rank, meri&l number, branch of eervicf', organiution and A.PO and FPO number and the post office through which tt 'wt.II be routed. Jbt.nd u 8~ Kalter at the ~ ln N.wport 8-cJa, Califomia under ,tbe Act of Karch I, 1871, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ._....._. "etl7 M9Ma7, W~ _. F114la7 1117 .. Na:WPOll'I' BA&aOa PUN.ISlllNO <JGMPANY nu ............. 1'&Wn>aT BEACB. o.u.ir. ...... ..... 1111 t'"~ to ....,.. IAPI N..._. ... .a.uwl11m11111 el Al ..... Decr'M of tM Sqerler c-n of~ Co. .. ~ N .. A..tl• .. _._ ~ N"" Paflff Pnt" t n A.wn•iM= · lll•D• Jf..a..a RAI .... AM11l1#1• " t IT el Or'lllip C--*7 .... ~ DN REDDICK. Pl1BLl8Bl:R wu.r tU& A. MOU:S. Dllt« ORMOND IC. ROUNTRE&. .\dffl'tltlAnc Dlnctor m••• ._~a. Mtth•n'•' ....-t11m1111it • Veterans., Day Thought Tbe ob.ervance of Veteran•' Day today (It med tb be Armiatfce Day) ahould eerve to'remind the Ameri- can people of ~ debt they owe to the men wbo riaked their UYe• and gave their livee IO that thil country might live in freedom. .,; . In particuJar, "e thlnk, the occasion should prompt citiz.ena to Jive more thought to the veta who are more or leu permanently h()jlpitallzed. Thein b the toUfh· est ·plight of all. About thi.a time of the year there are appeala for funds to mak~ Cbnatmaa for the military hoepital patients a happier one. A few dollars given to thia cau8e will help to provide not only .preaenta for the boys but the greater aa~faction that they have .not been forgotten. When they have done ao much for ua we can. well afford to do a little atra tor them. .This Is Democracy? In Kentucky there'a a plan to get people to the the polla by offering prtu. which can be won by thoee who vote. U that 'doean't work they might eliminate the element of chance and give everyone a prize for taking the time to ta.ke part in hia government. The committff 9tarted wortt t!P• Wffk on tba lonr p~ of r 0tn1 o .. r tbe record& of ..,_., 1tate arency. ·and of detenn~ trom UI• hprewnta llYH 0 r Ut... arenel• th• ''WhY" of ... __ crecy ln pyemment. Th• bectnntnr ot the ..-one rMUlted ur th• uwaJ d~lopment that SQvernment bureauc:nc)' const.ltut.e th• m~Jor 1m,.w. tor oloaur. of pubUc NOOrda. elP\'ir to maJce worlc ....-m th&. bureautnta. or to ... rt lhelr pompoua autbor1ty Oftr tM public they are 11UppoMd to ~. uOORD9 8SIC&ft' ftepreeentaun.. of tM state department of Afl'lcWtuN ..,.. ul*S t1r11t befon th• ccmlftttt.M. ThJ.1 department ln .,....noua U• -en J4 quuUonall'M, IJlfOr'IDect t.b• oom.n\Jtlff tt kept ,........ N1CC>rd1 Meret: 1ntormat1911 ao- qulrtd t'r'Om pr1nta "°°Ira ... papen; ret'orta of ll&ndlen pro- duct.a; UN of report.a ~ b)' farmer1: recorda of mllk illlltrl- butors and ahlpplll1 polnt ln- IJ>4ICU0n lntonnatJon. The departm.nt aJ.o repor1.. State Business Boom Still ::. ·~-~MC~~...= them public '-would ~t la Rising To All-time High ro A BUDoi. EVERY DAY IS VETERANS· DAY . ~~~ ':uc~:t.:"pu~ a~ , would e11r-ad.,-r.Wtanee to lh• t,lSl,fOO. up 15 per cent from a rtqulred offlctal deTelop"*'t of IAca.ua:N'l'O, NOY. 11 (U. P.) -C.i.l.fornla'1 W.1-contlA~ to boom durin&' S.plambu and October, with new all Ume b!P. Mt ln iemployment, penonal ln· come and tnde, \he 11\ata Oliunber ,,..,. a&'O. BRUSH COUNTRY s t l llCh l1•ta." the rep""911t&tlvea 3: Ptr'llllW lncorn .. roee to nn acramen 0 uld. record 1.....ia dw'tnl UM thlrd , Det&Ued quutJonlftl' by Sen· qua.rtu perlod-htfh 9110Ulh to In· ator Miller, howe'Yer, on th• dleate an annual total of 121.&al.-J 0 u RN AL By s1· de11· ght tomi1 t.hl! department repr-,ll• 000,000, or an tac,_.. of I.I over i.ttve1 aaJd were lleettt, devel· itot. HORACE PARJDl!R ~ the tact that moet at the •· lllduftnal cln•Lopment ac· lntormaUoft COllt&ined on the of Commerce report.I. • The Cbamber'• quarterly report Mid the IAcrepl ln con.t.NcUon,, ml~ and arltce lndUllttN were moet out.1tandln1. Th• nport ~owed a cloM-up ot t.h• lt&ta'1 economic ptctu,.. u t ollowa: unty ln C&Utomia conttnued at a SAcRAMENTO, (CNB) -Col· form• "' public aa.ybo'f. hJab Jnel durlnJ UM fall ll\Oflt.M. ~'&4. Note -n&a eot-"1 Horace Partier Mil._, "1UI *-Uo" •••Mke whleh .fllllfht ":, 8.ENATOJI OMDVU ..\Jlnounced capital lnvMlmat.1 UM tta.luio1in "'"°rteal racti liie bu clrecla'ed ap a. ilil mMJ looklnr ror retired 1t&te employ· 8enator 1'obut 1. M.aetcom· _,. runntnr about elpt per cent btpt tale * ._. cetmh7 ID .-m& .reara.) eea ltl collect bad bllla won't pt ery or Klnp county, oa...nett ..t1ea4 ot the tint elpt moatM IUIY help tr-om the 1tate employ· that IOme of the cSaUy produ- ot l&lt year. PART m t!ell rellreml'nl 11ylt l'm, accon:Unc cel"I In hi• county were up ln l . CMUan emp1oyment ~heel &. or-able retail M1u durtn1 )' The manner ln which Billy the Kid was finally killed to Earl Ch11pm11n. executlv11 oW,. arm1 becauM they couldn't tlnd d U&IU 11 · rer. who tutlfled before the •Pe""1 out from Whom. U.. bur•u of • reoord peak or ue1,ooo ln Sep- tember, up f.!i ~r cmt trom \ut )'Mr. tbe eecon q ' w~re pa-bu .Jway1 been a bitter bone of contention wherever Weat-c1a1 senate <"ommltlee on gnnrn· mllk cont~l 1«11red Wormatlon cent abOve \he eam• peliod of lut yur, wtth h•Y1 tnc....-. tn erne" meet . The code ·ot the early West was never to mP11t admln 1atrat1on. rerardtnr coab ot milk produc• 2. Non· fann employmual ol ..... a.11d. l&lar>' workers roM to ..-ot autc.Doblle9 e.n4 otMr llhoot a man ln the back. Remember Jeuee James waa Cha pm1n wu one ot a MrlH Uon. which later rHulted In or •l•le employee" who a ppeared tlxlnr milk price-In the county. cla&ra* Soodl. aid to have been •hot In the back, "by the dirty coward., t>efor• lh<1 committee t.o U.--~ .aJd 110111• mllk _________________ ..,. __________________________ tllat IJM>t Mr. Howard. and laJd Garrell'• r eputation had suffered qurNl10n11 conct'm lng the lf'Cre-produeel"8 In hla 00Wlt1 w •r e NO COMMENT •Wuhington-kvcr 1lnce Preel· hU domlctle ln Jat111ary. 19!17. dent E laenhower'1 heart •ttacll from the Wblle Hou1t In Wub· on S.pt.embe.r 24 official We.all· bl~ hll farm hOUM In Get· 1q'ton 1Ju •t>e-nt m09t o( Ila t71burr. waJWis lloUn tr)'tn1 to d.t.enn.lne 19 lhll lituaUOft. UI• Republl· Wbal ua. 'tar-nuns ettecta ..,.. cua poJIUclarui naturally a r • Ukely to be. ._araq a candidat e who cln M of t.M ,......t ••• and 1IMld Wine 'fkt.ory l<> the party. Mr. on a number of llllpondV9bl.. • • ~·· vlnu aa to Ulla the co~ Metna to be ~t ceaclld&U wUJ be 10U1ht at the u follow•: proper tune. t. N,ew uncertaln£l• ..,. C1"1&ted la till• connt!CUoll. JOU trill re- for bulllne11 • • ;-bat th,.. s. no c:&IJ tbat b• told a iPDall croup HalOJl Wby the ec~nomy ahOuld of Concn-men lut Nmmer that nat continue Ila upward trend. IM dldn'l IOloW wbetller h• would 1 ·New problema confront UM run.."But." he addM llp.lflcanUy, Rep\lblleMA. moet' tmport.ant of '71'ia I do llnow -J wtll want wt\lda 11 thll: U )Ir. ~ to be nn lb.at wtlontt doe• run dOea not nm for realecuon, the .tD be a man wt1oN 'rtrw1 are ~ wlD have loat It.a ptindl*] CCJMC*lant "1th t.M W&1 1 think ... t .. bMd Of ~ Ucbt. UOUl thlnp." a. 'l1le Republican cUtftcultlM NUOllf Ollf TOP pneent unapectad opportun!U.. Vtc. '"'-'dtnt Nixon l• ln the to th Democrata, ..-cu be de-purnber oo• lpol la the Republl· pended upon to utll\M them to c an Prel6del\tlal ~ta.It•. max.lmuln adn.ntac•. CYer llAc• he took the oaUI for f . lt Mr. Et~nhower dote not Ule MCOnd moat tmportant poll· nm. the Union ao.... are J1ven lion ln th• Government ha baa an opportuatt7 .•• four ,-..,.. baa """ an lllttr1lln tra.lnln1 &Med ot ldledule . • . to war-coune tor the top 1pot. Mr El· an all-out campalp lo try to lmlhower J{u ktpt Mr. Nixon In· take ~ \he Wb1ta Hou.ee and formed ot every Import.ant denl· the DemocraUo Party. • opeMDt 90 that If he ever had lo 15. Added dlfncultlu f~ the 1MUma t.h• pruldency the tranal· Rtpubllcan.t ln tf)'fnr to ctt their tlon would be U lmOOlh d p<>e- iegillath•• prop m t.hrouf}I Con· alble. gTl!ll. The Oe.mocrat.a can be n:· Mr. Eiaenttower 11 know to pected'::»to -be more beUlre~t ln lhlnk very hl1hly of Mr. Nlaon attack~r t ll • Admlnt.trsuoa·• &Dd bu been quoted .. aaytnr pro,nm. that th• Vice Pr .. ldtnt Ill the W1U 11U! llU~ moet Yaluable me'!!_ber of hll of· 1n all of the dlecu.elon 0 n e flclal family. ~on l.I uppenno1t. It 11 lb.II: '11\ere la no denytng t hat Mr. Wlll Kr. llllleMower run for n · Nllron la an able poUUcta.n.. To eleotlolt T Mc:ome V~ Pr.l&dmt ot the A dennlte an""1' may be de-Unti.d Stal• only 1l:a yeu1 al· layed for monlha. But uru can ter hla public career beran u a be Mid : ll ll utremely dtfncull member of lhe Houff of Repre- to f\n4 anyone tn Waablniton 1mtaUvea """-hlrh among the "110 really 'lall...,.. th.a\ Mr. SS· poUUcal fU~ ltorl... of all Mllbower WW be a candidate. time. !:Yen befor, ha ~ w, ht A.I Mr. Ntxon bu become more atncue.ly dld not wtah to run for prominently menUoned for l he another term. Mrs. EIH.nhower prutd.ncy, it ll not 1u'l>rtftn1 a1ao wu oppcw1ed. 'Iberetore. ll lhat an already YlcloUI compa.trn 11 .. umed tMt lie wtll rhange betnr wat'ed •Pinet him hu • been lnt.n1ltled. Al the preNnt NJ-.• ·~ ~ ~ Um• he ta th• c)llef tarr;l'l of -,~ Ule Democrall. who are teartUl of attadltar Mr. l:lffnhower ~r· llr. ._ ..._ 10n&lly while I.he Pre1ldent I• II\. -......._ Kr. J'fbrol\'1 tHmda upl1ln that the bU.t•m-of the attadta ~ him ff"M only to em· phube hl1 ef1..CUYtne111. lf be ,....,.. not effective. lhl'Y point out.. hl.I opponl'.nlt would not wute lheJr Ume on him. The Vice Pr91M1ent l.I more aw-are than mo« ol Lb• dltflcul· tlee fac1nr the RepubUcaa1. For not loq aro. befor• Mr. l:llen· hOW'lr'1 heart attark. Kr. Nts:on -14 pubU~ u.t U.. 1'epuMlean party ''I.I Mt .tr., ~ to ekct a Pr11H•t" IMat •mt ....... "a pr.atdeatl&I candllbte ttronr ... to pt Ule R.pf!Mtcu fU1I' .i..wt~ . poor J uM In hl1 CT•n." a 11tnou11 -relapn &fler th~ K1rt'11 llve~ea1 of record• In i t.al• ofnce. ~1 and .Wine lo Mllltnlt pro· C. 8. "'Mac" McCoy of Bar· t'SC&pe IO Pat •'Al rrally out M NO ISPORMATION ducUon COila to ...i.t the 1tate ltow, now 12 yeara of )ge. whOM gel him. He H id lhlil _!t~tWW RJ'.tnnU In _ thrlna:. a proper pr1ce, b U t clad WU ltU(I r lcler fo the 'CJlh· ft' W&T .. m~llnf?ll m ornfng Of Tiie ~tlremenl bO&rd. VIC't'Jll In H'fVtr bad 6iift iik4iiff or IUCh wn lnterutJi durlnr the Lincoln July 14. 1881 ju1t 11 daya 11tll'r open meeUnir:. dlscloelnK any In· flf'.IH .. C. J ,_ car.y, ot .t.M dt· County Wu In New Mexico In hi• eacape lhat the Kid r11pped formation concemmr both 1tate p!U'lment replied that •hll• th11 tb1 1870'•, rwnu and sputter• 10flly on the k itchen door of the employee• who h&ve retired. and department under a new la.,.. wlltn he t11ll1 how Pat Garrett Orteir;u. Mic ufd lhal 11n old alllCJ state t-mployeea who a re In muit 1Ubmlt n&mH of per110n• kWed the Kld. Althou,gti Mac wu Mexican wom1n wu aWllk,. and the •Y•lem. ,.. every 1t11te .,m. f lvlnf coat tlguree, It cannnt just a mer. boy or 7 year1 or expectlnr; him. and l\gl.ln ll ployff on a perrnMt'nl buli la. «In out the data •lthout per· le11. •hen 111 the fighting ind ml1ht h11Ye be r n h >• "glrl Q i,!!Jluion from the producer. JUWnr wu JOlnC on. the lllOrtea friend." In a ny e"""t be 11Ald he ursllontd. by Senstor ~orre ... 'nle department IAY• It n#'da be heard from partlclpant.s In w11 hun1try. and he wu told lo ~l~ller. or r ~i:.r• Co~~ c~nty, lhl11 prol9Ctlon to •nable It to lattt yeara wiere lltrrtJly "bot go over the rneat houa.e or Mu· rmin ° comm 1 tt, ap-ir:et the figures at aJ.L u ~pie ott the preaau." """" a rancher who aJso Ll\'ed In mlln Mid 111" r"llrf'menl boa rd ""111 not c<>-<>~ra~ unleM the In· the tort and cut hl.IT\a4'1f eome mf'at frequently wu ukt'rl for lnfonna· rormallon la ~rt't. But, Carty CIDSVM fNTERl:8T8 for a midnight anack. H•nglnit 1,1on lt~m ('f)llttltllon airt!"1 cl"•· Un· 1Ald. he doun't know whether Al.o we m11.1t remember lhal 1 ,.r ,.l' pn•11t'n :.w n 11 i" con· th ti 1 Mac and hla tamlly were ChS.l.lm 1111 run• on a peg by the k1lch<'n ,11,.,.,,tl onfld ll•I' 1 r ti • X\•l"e• wou d be detnmen• doot. lhe Kid 1tepped Into l.he u c en n onna on. tal to lh1t produce,. bu.tnNtl or ~pl;ou-;'! a;n~e k11~~ Bf~~ ~ nlrht 't"llh a knl/e to cut .. ome 1111~u;,~:'")1 n~ 1<?1''1~n i°ut bt od ~~:f not. tr thiey were med• public. Chilum In l 1 rt 1t11. In Lincoln meat at Muwella. " . NJ ~ " 0 •<' a 8 WHO "ffOltLD HA n ! County during the l l'V('ntlu and o.uuu:rr. or:Pt'Tlr:!( \.\ hlll Wlllln t brOu)?hl out al lhl' Murh nt the 11ecrecy In th'! elrhUH you had two choice• el· Pat OIJ'Tell with two d«'pullu . ht Arlnl(. hnwrv,.r. "'8" 1 ht' ftl('l c1t p11rtment of 11oJfl'1ewtur1 It wa• lher to }Oln the Chl111•m for«e J ohn W. P~ and Thomu K. Mc· !hHt thl' rtmfotl•·ntllll Alatu~ of !hi' brought out, reault. fro,;, th• or tbe Murphy croup -no one Klnnty arrtvl'd •l Fort Sumner N"lltl'mf'nl b<\111 c1 rrrn1 '1• w1111 buruut'rallc lf'TldenC1 of Ile IU· wu al)owed to i tay on lhe fence. about the aarne llm• a..s •llc1 Lhl' hrnu~ht about In " bll'.a ~ubmllt .. '1 perv1"0ra to det.ermtrn. t or lh1tm· Kid. Oarrtll decided lh:il Max· 10 lhl' .11la\,. '"1:'"'"1"1" in 1 ~!>3. by llt'lvu who 1 b a I I. and wllo After lh• Kid kllled hS. two well ml1tbl be abll' to It'll whl're lhl' r "tlrt'mc:t ''°"1 '1 1'-"" aha.It not have lnformallol\. In f\l&rd• In Uncoin, Bell when h,. lh• Kid wu hld1n1 Stationing ··or.PART.\ff:;\'T nru.:· olhf'r wo~. before ctvtnr out tr1ed to run away. and OU~ the two depulle1 oulllde 0UTl'll lhe ml!.Uur .. wu h•ndrd to the 1omf' lnformauon, nnt w llhheld ~ ~.e:d b~edffth:y m~ ertilered Muwe11'1 bedroom and l<"1t11'1a tur<' u a "1lrparlmrnt blll". by law. lbe df'p&rtlnent male.•• ber&n quntJonlng lhl! man In a whlrh nl'rmllllv IJ paNitd by lhe It. own delennlnatlon u to IO. he made r ood hl1 tllC•P"· low tone of voice The Kid_; In leg-11'1a111rt1 without qu~uon u whelh,.r th,. Inquirer llhAll have Ann\nf hlmfflf, he forced the lbe mieanllme lnlent. on g .. ltlng long iu no 1mb~lant1vr changu \hf' infonnauon or not. local blacklmlUI and the Chin~ 80me meal from Muwel111, p11~•-are oulllnrd In lhr meairure. ff Thu11. lh~ deputJnent. ralher cooll to out the lei-Irons an d ed rlo11 to wber11 Poe waa-•l•· th .. rl' 11rr •lll'h rhn.nii,.•. the (le~ than i he l"KJ•laWre. 11 Uie de· haJldcult1 looH and lhtn he dl1· Uoned and 8t«'lng him In l hr p11rtrnenu u11u11lly lnr<1rm IJI,. lrir· termlnlnl' f&clor 1a to whether ap,.ared. He had many tlmi faint moonlight queried, "~ten r 1,.111t•ttr as tc> the lllltllrtanc<1 ot the lntormaUnn Y.rould be uied tr1endl •II over New Mexico to e1 t" Nett.her knrw y.·ho th r lhl' law ch•n•ed. Improperly, whet.her It would be Whom he could turn for help. other "'"" Poe wu trying to r .. I ThMe wu lllUe If any k n<l'W· detr1menlal to lhl' public Inter· LOVED A1' ORTEO&. aaure whoever ll wu lo bt' qultl 1 lf'dite of lhl' •ub11tanlh•p «'hanie ul anti "when l.hl' necn1lty fnr Accordlnr to Mac. ·one of bll bec'au1" lhey didn't ""'&nl to alArm In thl' 10113 meAllur,. unlll Inquiry an ln1pl'r llon It i hown ·· niut, cloeut mend.-wu Ule Ortep the Kid If he wu around. The K id wu madl' 1t lhe rrtlrt.ment boa.rd the · d"J'•rtm~l ealabl\~111 lta family, who were Spanllh. ran In turn kept backlnc a•,.Y llJld conr ,.rnln• uu1 r11th lJI nt former own rulr1 In the tice or publlo l&rp herda of llheep and had old Hlllrtr over and ov"~ In Span!:~. '"""rnnr Jl.:arl Wllrrt'n t" rellr,.. r1t'lta. J'ort •umner leallef1 from th• "Qulen e11 ~ r\Vho I,... It?)" m .. nt Th~~ lnqulrfr~ "'"'" m't ------------ r ovenulent. The Kid &180 WU In 8BOT IN BAC'll love ~lb one of the Ortega r;lrla. Being famlllar with M-.XW,.ll'a Some "1tool plfeon:· 11lforrned house, the Ktd b1c'ked ·ni-ht Into Pat Garr1tt. S heriff of Unco\n the d<IOl'WI)' of Muwell'" Md· County at thl1 Ume and who h&d room whert' P1L .01\rntt wu been abaenl purchaalnr lumber quullonlnJ him ll wu too dsrlc tor t.he Kid'• 1allow1 when Bell for anyone to Identify another. tnd Olllnftr were kllled. th1l According lo M1e, Oarrnt 1hol the Kid :-ru. at Fort Sumner. blindly Into t.he unknown bl-r k WITll DmY Al'~. B. Mceoy,.llantow pioneer, point.a to bJa ihtp on which be entered Xan1Ja Bay with Admlt'&J Dewey on Kay l, 1898. NotlDg craft are Mn. Horace Parlier and Jtlra. McCoy. McCoy'• taie. .or Southwut are f abulou.. -Horace PuUr PIM>to . ' • by Chapme n with the 1l•lemenl 11llh1111f'ttcd In the monnllt dN>r· th11t 1uch Information wu con• Wll\' Fortunnl,.ly It \('8• th,. Kid. ~lderrd conr1c1ent11I, *" I• 1111 In• but ll could h:l\'e ~n almottl t nrmallnn fl"rlAlnlng lo atate em• 1n,•nnl'. 11munrt Fort Sumner. pl'lyf'1>11. P11t Gerrftt h8d his uptt and Coo~equenlly. 11.nyone wlU\ IUI• rtO"A'llS l fter k llllnic Biiiy th' Kid plclnn• Ulat a rftlred -employH on Thtre Wt'rl' I hn11,. lh11t \'ln<ll'mnt d l'flallbillly retlrem,.nt 11 beaUnf htm for th.. kllltntt. lhert wtrf' t he law. c:&n t lnd oul a bout hi• nthf'r/I who tlltln'l b<olll'Vt' In "hllck 11usplcloo11 only lhrou1h lhe pon· lhontln," IH!d lhff" Willi annllM'T drr<>U• pMCH I l)f mu in!f lnqull"1 lfNlUJ> In Whl)m f:t11 rf'll W9.. Iii Of tlwo Illa le d"p&rlfn#nt Of fl• hero. rotMlng • ···w '-''.xll'fl of It nanrl'. whlrh If ll 1hould ao l'h()()jM 01ngrrou• l'f1mtnl'I WOUltt Audit th" ICC'Ounl Of the I A yl'llr 11fl,.r 'h(H'llln1t !hi' K1t1. ,.mpltl)'""· 11nd rtport back to th1 Oarretl pullhllflril lhl' "Authrntlr Inquirer H'Ow,.ver. there 11 no I Ufe or Biii)' \hf' Kftl." tn \\ hlrh l'O(nplll.111011 fln U1e part ot t h• de· he lllllntt(I ll mn•l lurfl1 plrt11re p11 1 tmrnt M fll\&llce lo 1lve o.ut I ot thr Kl11. Xo rlc•ubt thlA wu In lh" Information, u n I e 11 It llO an tffort lo ju~llry the kilting of choou11 Biiiy. "ftl.AC'KOt'T' CJ,.,\.URD I JU0'8 lllAOA IESD*' l"t'nstur Mlll,.r ttald lhtre 111em1t The ~"II:• of a 111y !hr ltld. "'·™' a "N>mplete black-out" of rully "n•l3 on Fl'b 29. 111011. 1 1nrorm1t Inn t rom the r-eUr«rn•nt I when l'•l CArrl'll In an lrl(U· h<111rd, 11nd tlf.t'l&r~ that there ml'nt wllh \\'1ync Brll%tl to ~ .. m11 lo bf' no p11rUcular rea.on whom h,. had rl'nlt'd ht'\ ranch In whv • <'lllz.f'n who I• peytn1 at tho Orran t.founlauu. 1l3rtt>d 10 11'~1 a put or lhe blU for the &et out of hi. '-'•&on llnd wu ,.mployee rellrem•nt, lllDWd not lhol to death by ar-a,11. 1'he vlo· be enlltl.d t.o ""ow how muclt a lent carf'er oC t1 violent m1111 had ~Ured .. t11plo)'ee reoelvee. IU<.h rtn1lly come to an end. In the lnformaUon. )(Iller be• 11e,,•1, 1ubaf'quf'nt trial. Brull the klller Wl)Uld not be an ln•ulon · ot prt• ot Oarrett wu acqGltt,.d.. vacy Apln ~mtmber thet Mic'• Chapmtn u ld the m.mber1 of aide of lh• atory I• from th• the 1y1um "'do not wt.ah"' Ul-1r Ylf'Wll'Ofnt of the ChtMlm h ctlon 11t1drl'.uu Ill ba known. and Uiat and you'll ltl mM)' a Garrtll 11 on• ru.an U.. bMrd ~to NJ>porWr on tJlle Mll!'TlhY •Mt rt•• tbem •t l.~GAL NOTICE I --- U'f Truate" for t he ~ate o( DAN R ('l...A Y. 1 Umllt!d Part· n<'rl. t8011 Newport Avenue, Co,ta Me.a, C&Ufomla; BERT'· REN J. SMITH 1Umlled Part· nl'rl. !'64 Park' Place, Coel .. Ml!.t!a. CaJlfomla.. DEUYIRY GUARANTEED Delivery. of the Newport Hart>or Newa-Pnm t. ruarant.-.t. Carrier boya will deliver their papen ~· fore 6 p.m. on llond'\y, Wectne.day and, Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call H&rbol' 1618 and your carrier will J>rlns ;your paper. Wltnel!A our handa thl• T day of Nov«-mber, 11165. ._ _______________________ .. ORANGE COAST ACRl:8, lNC., "' C11lllomla Corporation, By: LESTER A. SMITH, Sl'<'retary ELIZABETH F. PAGE BF.RTREN I. SMITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANOE )aa. NEWPOBT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ,. Every .....-,. Wellll11cllly -4 Friclmy COASTAL SHOPPER -WednMdays e--.. ...,._ ... ra la e. "''*' la1' N...,...,_ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E l FRIDA y. NOVEMBER I t I 1955 YOU CAN SAY YES to theee que.tlona . • • • 1. Do '" ba .. ..._ eJDpk>Jmlllt' 2. no. your ......,., tala youfow~l -1 3., Do you ban ,.acS """'"' holid.Q9. ud ...... , '· Do,.,.. W'Oft .... ,.. home?, 15. Do yoa baft o ... ....,.,. pemdoG. Jlte ~ ..... other bmlftta 1 WHEN YOU WORK FOR • • • Southern Countiell Gu Co. ABuY RENTS -New aalea store and 'nt~l •howroom serving Orange County opened this week at 2130 S. Main St. for sickroom and party ttl'Jipment, guest bed.a, aleep ahop, reducing ind baby needa, chairs and tables. On thi11 7 d11y pt November, A ' D 19115, b41fore rne, the under· 1lgned. a Notary Ptlbhc In and for 1nld Count.r and Stal e. realdb1g lhert'in, dUJy C'Ornmiaaloned ana awom. pt"raonully appeared LES· TER A. SMITH,· Secretary of ORANGE COAST ACRE!'.-'L..INC .. a Cali!. Corp.. EUZ.CBJ£Tn F. PAC E and BERTREN L SMITH known to me to be l1'e peraona whol!e name11 are subacrlbed ~o the within Instrument, llnd acknow· !edged lo me that lh<'Y executed 4 U.. l !Mertloa fLOO add'L ..._ .26 -. 4 U.-"9 % .1MeJ11ou lJIO .... ,. ... .26 - 4. l...lDe. s IMerUoM %.00 ..W'L ..... .16 - ' Uaee 4 luertloDa !JIG add'L .... .26 .. In~ employmmt DOW otftnc! to H. & IJ*l9" ate. 18-45. 5-day, 46-hr. week. Apply 1030 JC. J"lnt s~ .. Santa Ana, lion., to Fri.. 8:30 a.m., to ' p.m. DUIAlllJT'Y, PATIENCE NEEDED Car Crashing to Noisy Kids-- All in Line of Police Dut·y OCC Students Win Proc,am Award at luffums' Store Two Oranp Coaat Coller• 1tu· d•ta were among wlnnera In Buttum•' 1955-M earn-while-you· learn Tounc C&rffri.t P rognm, It wu announced by Harry Buffum, preaident ot the firm. denta from Oran1e Cout College, David Ja~n and Gerald Ban· dick. were M.lecte<t from llOO younc cueerllta Who made application. David Jacltaon, Seal Beach. I• a eophomore majoring In buatnea admln1atraUon. Bandlck I• a aopho· more maJortnc In retaUln1. a mem· bu ot the QC(' Crew team, and an honor a tudent. Wtnnera ,took top honora In achoo! competition baaed on out· 1tandlq .cholarahlp, peraonallty. appearance. and lntereal In a mer· chandlalnf or bualneaa career. Htchlleht~ the many ~nettta offered la a $llOO echolarahlp t o tha "Youne Careerl.et of the Year." The award may ti. ulled for a mer· cllan'dlalng or bualneaa admlnla· traUon cour.e at the colle1e of hll or her choice. The atudenta will be el)lployed ot Buff\Jma' on Satur· daY•' and durfng vacatlona Iii both Mlllng and aalu-aupportlng de- partment•. Jn addJllon to employ· I l- You've got to be rugged, pa- tient and dur;sblt If you're a Newport Bear.h cop. Tike that caper Patr.olmen Sam Amburg~y and Frank Oldmen got Involved In recently In the 1600 block of E. Ocean Blvd. They were checking a auapl· cloua car In that vlcll\llY at ap· proximately 7:30 p. m. Friday when tlley heard a loud nol.e. willch ,.mll{hl wl'll have been a run llhol, followed by a .cream. Jumplnr Into the patrol car to proceed toward the nolae. Ambur· rey accldentatty backed lnto a parked car reglatered to Emlea Walts of l~O Ocean Blvd. The rleht tronl door of the pa· trol car 11prang open with ~he Impact and Oldmen feU to the pavement, Injuring his knee Un· daunted, they continued until they located the noltte. Jt wu a kid party whel'e a firecracker had been ahol off. Col"fflscaUng two more flre- crackera. the of/lcera returned to acene of the a «ldent. De.mage to the. Walt.a car wu e1tlmaled at $~. that to patrol car 204 aome SIO. Oldmen vl•lllcd a physician. It wu all In• hne of duty. ment. the (TOUp wlll r~lve modeling-training , partl~lpate 111 achoo! 1tnJ atore tu hlon ahow•. and arcompany buyer• on market tripe' to !tarn m e r ch a nd I 1 I n g methodll 121 AMIRICAN AYE. UGAL NOTICE Vut.ece I Hearl-c NOTICE OP' PtJBLJ(l RE~RJSO the aame. Jn wllneu wher~f. I have here- unto set my hand and affixed my offic ial seal the day and year ln thla Certificate> flral above written. ROBERT R. HURWITZ su-~ Wuted AU wUl receive 11% ...__t. OMlt la...._.......,, llINDlt1JI AD 18 ' 1INU DEADLINJ:8 for p~ or can ... mne adli an: Few Xonday Publlcatlon -J'rid&y 6 p.m. For Wed.aaday Publication.I -TuMd&y 1 p.m. l'or Friday PubllcaUon -~J 1 p.m. NEWl"OaT llA&BOB l'UllLIBBINO 00. SOUTHERN G.AS COUNTIES .co. NoUce ta hereby elven that the Pl&11ntne Comml..ton of the City of Newport Be&oh will hold a pub· lie hearlne on tbe application of Udo Prof-lonal Bldg ... 1Mr. Shumaker! for a variance-permit No. 281 lo permit : The waiver of certain parking-requlrernenlJI. 173 My Cornmiasion Explrea Sill ........ ll&Yd.. Newpon ~ ~onl&. Real Estate Salesman: May 31. 19~9 All a..lfled ... -t M ,.w for o... la.,._ of P9Wtcledo& No, 1376 News-Presa The publ.l.abcl'f will not ti. ruponaibl• for more than OM incorrect lT/ll. 18. 211, 12/2, 1966 lnlertion of an ad, r9"rve the ~t to correcUy ca.-uy any and all -N-.OT-.-C-'E-' _O_F_· -,N-'_n:_s_rn_E_D_SALE__ ada and to ~ct an7 ad not eontormtnc to rulea and ,..W.tlona. We offer you tip top coaun1-..Jona, whole-hearted co-operation, extenaive advertising and a new •pa- cioua office with an executive'• desk you can call parking apaCH In ple,ce of the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: required 8' . ' .. ) on lot 5 trat t Thal t . E BEA UM ONT It JEAN 11 n . and further localed at 334 7 BF.A UMONT. Vendor.; whoee ad· Via Udo. Newport Beach . . . clre11.1 i11 22C1-211th Slreet, In the Notice I.I hereby further given Chy of Newport Beach, County that said public heartng will btl of Orange, State of Ca1trom la. in· held on the 17th day of November tenilil to aell to CllARLES W. 19116, al the hour of·7:30 p.m. In P HILI..lPS. Vendee. whoM addreN I.be Council Chamber• of the New-la 220 North Cresta Aye .. ln the port · Beach City Hall, at which City of San Gabriel. County of lime and place any and all per· Loa Angeles. State of California, aona lnteruted may a ppear and be the following deacrlbed pn10nal heard thueon. • property. to wit : RAY Y. COPE UN, SttrPlary . AU t1lock In trade, · flxturea, Newport· Beach Clly equipment and good will, except. Planning Commluion the manUfacl urlng equipment and No. 1374 Newa-Pres.t 11/11/M machinery of a certain Marine hardware bu11ines11, known u 'CERTIYICAT'I: OP' BU8L ... £SS Meaa Boat and Rardware Co .. and flctlU-t'lna N-located at 220·2eth Street tn the The underatgned do hereby cer, City of Newport Bellch. County of Ufy that they are ronductlng a Orange. State of Calliomla and l.lmltt\I Partnerahlp bualnea at that a Mil'. tranafir and a.ulgn· 3112 Newport Boulevard, Newport merit of the aame wlU be made, Beach. Ca.llfomla, under the flcll-and the conalderallon therefore 1iou1 firm name of ORANGE will be paid at 10:-00 o'cl~ a.m .. COAST ACRES, LlMITED and on tht' 2111l day of November, 1953, that 11ald firm ts compoaed or the a t the offi<'t' of ROBERT A. following pert10n1, whoae names In SCHW AMB 414-32nd Street, In the full 8Jld plact'S . ot rea(den<'e are City of Newport Buch. County ot u follow1. lt> wit: Orange. -Slate of CaUtornla. ORANGE C.:OAST ACRES. INC . Oaled November 8. l9M 3112 Newport 8-0UIPVtlid, New· ·C E . BEAUMONT, Vendor port Beach, Callfom ls. A Call· JEAN BEAUMONT, Vendor fomla Corporation. IC en I' ra I CHARLES W . PHILLIPS, Vendff Partner! EWZXBETH Ji". PACE No l3i~ News-Pru. 11/11/M PEI ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlock .7·120J Clauified Index ~ &eme. your own. -Member of Multiple liating. l FaMl'lllNoU- t Cana of TMMa I 8pedU A•U•DelllMI • ,..._,... Dlneton H ....aae11 O.W./ ' 11 BaUdlllc llate.rlala l I Balld.lq Servteee l' Peraoaala 16 8Mft! Yoar Cu ··~ IT a.onac 18 ~ Aida 'IO 8-ltll AJda ti Le.&'_. FOud t • 8dMlola, 1-tnactioe u 8itaut-w .. -... " Help w .. w JO llJacella,...... IO·A s...,. J6.B Appllullf" 11 W-ted to S., JI 'P'vpttan for 1We It-A A•U.- U Boat.. SappUee H 11..a.a, a.dto, TV. 16 Docw. eaaa. Peta .. re.ttry 11u.....-. M Allt.e w .. w tO Aut.oe for 8aJe *-AnN a Pana •t A.t. lentee ti TnDen " ~ ,, w ............ -~·----· '8-A~fw._. .._._,_ .... *<>~ ..... .. ._,_ ... .... A._.8-t1aa1-•..._. ............ II 8..,_ 6 omo.. U-A It I • S-11119 M Pwb ar Oppon..tdN as xo-7 t0 1.oe.11 61 llMe'I waaw &T ._, ........ w..W 61 lloNl l"Atate ...... •*'-·~ e&-A v. mo !rtc.I. I~ ..... .....-1ew .. ..,.. ..... ~ s,... xoeae. , ~ Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet.a ..,.,.,. 'nlar'9d&J I p.a. Via Oporto -Oelltnl Aft, , Newport Beach Al&ut B. Matthewa, J:x&lted Ruler 10-B•h~ a.Ide . HAULING tna orT A.nyt.b1nc, Anywhere ~Jl-2H6 Mt!cpp CourteoUI New.Pree. Cl4Mlfled Ad·Takera are tnJned to W'ril• ef!ectln ad .. T'hroJ.lrh lone expena~ and • thorough underatandlne of .aover- tl.utg we can put your wan~ into word• that r•t acUon. Let ua help you aell: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLF.S MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Painting, Paperhanging ''The Fineet Money Can Buy" SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. 503 • 32nd St., Newport Beach Harbor Mes Sympson & Nollar 611 S8lh St., NeWJ>Ort Beach Ph. Har. 2404 or 1067·R. 1'iUc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM l In.tall the aboH cheaper than moet. Alic> MU Tile • I.Jnoleum.. Non-union, :l6 yeara PJ"l'lence. Compare and ... - BILL COOR Bar. 47" or Loq Beach "7-&973. 89ttc CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO IX.\LL B. o . .Andenao • 101' .. Balboa BlYd., Balboa • Bar11or Hao Uttc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a apecialty Water !Mate. oa ume pa)'llMDta 1819 N.wport Blw., !fewport BcL Bar. 61115. R-Bar. •317...J IToil -u<:.SMDD COJn1aCIUI( 171 W. 11Ua I t.. Colt.a M .. LDlerty l-M28 General Contractor LlcmNSl:D \ · New Work -RemodaHnr J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58tfc Painting It Paperbaqtq We do the work ounelv-. 30 ,..,. apertmce Uceued 6 luured.. 8atlatactSOD cu.uanteecL i:.tUnatu froee. Call JobuJ .. LI 8-2687 A LI 8-5289 81tfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llcenled LI l-S82l 280 •1'0Cado. Ooet& ~ Mtla COMPLETE PAINTING • Paper llanlinr Senice JJUOmaD O. aAUND-.a 600 aiat Bt:Net. N.wport a.ch lla,rtlor ..,. -aa.. ... ttic H ._.=-or Superfluous Hair \Roy's Maintenance Bouae deantq Flocw wutq WaJJ waabine-w1114ow e•nms Vuet.l&n ·bUnda. Upboi.t.17 ln8uncl. rre. J:atimatae Liberty '91SU. ltfe BANDY ~. m&lnl911.1AC41 6 repair or what! Har. '°"•W. nuo Swedish Massage lAdl•. -by appolntment la 7our borne. J'ormerty maueuae al ArrowlMIMI Sprtnp HoleL Pieue call ~ Ute or Harticw 10. a1~ • RELIABLE JAPANESE· AKl:RICAN WANTS G~l:NING IN HA. R- 808 ABU BT WEEK OR MONTH. HT A 'r1' ~Tl Mplf CARPENTER Repair Work Pena.aAm&q rmaoYecl ff.a ,.. anm, 1ep. a,.-owe ud Mir KANA.0111\ lw •et¥$d S... uae llbaped-Ho more tweelllq. bor A~ a-1 Mate .as. 11LLEM L. 81\T.un' A. a. Write Box J:. 'JI care et UU. Udo'• a.-oi -t1 av. 1111 papel'. ... 0089 Your Bame l'feed Re~ ... or Jl«nodeHDCT ------------ ~ ~~ti• _U-8c ___ hoole. ___ ... _tr_ucUc. ___ _ Jones H. H. HOLBROOK Birkel-Richardson DEPENDABLE PLUMBING OROAN STUDIO. J.A&m to Pla.1 A PrmDpt the mlfhly WURLITZER. R.epa1r Bentoe Malntalned EVELfN JONES. MCT .. 300 Holm· ,,._: B.u1lor "24 wood Drive. LI 1·1082. 20cJI UOl ll&1boa Bl'fd., Newport Beac!I ------------pA-p "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THI: NEW machl.ne proceaa meth· od. Rffaonable pricu. A verare I tape relidvl~I blind. Only $1 .00 Bllnda repaired and rebuilt. Jl'res P ick up and dellv,ry Work done by appointment Phone Liberty 8·S701 or Kimberly 3-127t. pptt.c Rd. OU Spru<ltn( Drivew1y1 China Painting Da7 ud ~a.-.. Ord'en TU.a ·-Pbooe ~ l4iMI 13-SJtuaUo• Wuted _ Rl!:OIS'T'!:RED NURSE. otnc:e .,._ perl<'nce, Xray, eome lab. type, underatand ln11UMLMe. etc. De- 11irt'I JlOl'IUon with M. g. Write Bolt Q..74 care of thl• i-per. BABY Sl'M'LNO Hu. 07~W 30c32 tfOU81CWORK. ti0me baby all~ roP oppor\wltt,Jt anc1 _..., tor ciuaU.ned ,_~tial _. llUw!Uon aaleman: Alert. _. erpU. at.able IDU wttb ........ to learn It "hue real ,.._... can Budcet Bullden, lao. LI 1-7709 for appointment. lhU PARTNER for -u •alli'· ..... local real ..tate omc.. JlllMlt.., have alemnu or lltol&an Y. ctn.ee • producUve back ~ Write Boa S. 72 C&N of UM paper. JhA MEMORJAL Park_ NI"' II mt&Ut9 Only pronn prof...tonal ..a- men need apply. 1.-dl ~ ed permanuc:,y It ~. 11 hour w .. k. Wrtl4 811111 f'·Ta C• re of uua ~· llc.Q A Planned Future POSmox wtt.b old ..-. o.. BuUd a tinetn .. of ~ .,._ ~ ~ tooC ....... ..visti ... Income ~ ... llantiaJ ~t ..... Ne lD•. LI 1-ISTtO. llMI PARKING LOTS 8ub-dlvillona our 1peclalty. We f\lrnlah any type oil to your epe- clncaUon. 1'rg-e Jobe -1mall Jobe. .Free •llmatea. Alao wa· ter •S>readln(. Modem equip- ment. I..Exlnct~n 8·4008, GU· more • Pace. HunUnston Bdl. In 'Nf'WJ)Of't or B&lboa. LJ 1-404' _______ .....;... ___ _ ' 6tlc Elec. Tool Repair llJr1I Bawa, Ortlla, Buden QUICK 8ERVIC& LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. Apt. B IOpal I WIU Do YOUR IRONING In my home. Brtnc hanl'•ra. WW pick up la deUnr. LI 8·2ell. Experienc'tl gardener LANDSCAPING R-1 r.tate 81leen•n J'w OU --omc. -& ftM pound.&w eppol't18111ft¥. Ov me.au-eomm•ntae ...._ ... faYOrw tboee ..... f4&T wttb ua. tboee wbo ~ ....... ..U.. a Jlltlas. We.,.,......_ l7ud•a1111u..._. ....... u.. ..... ,._,... Bay 11 ._. a..ity, IDL -... OIMt~ a... ........... ... 111eae New•Pr-Clustned Ad-•&e No. Nnrport 81..S .• Npt. Bc.b. 1ca.~.-.www......, T&ken llre expert.I and Ult)' .... at LlbertJ 8·11383. pr ------------NP!/ .. ,!!!!~*'!"'! e your Mrvlce. JUllt phone EXPEilfNCICD & 0.-.. _.. - - HARBOR 1616 CEMENT a BUILDING GARDICNl:R .All Kinda New.-Prea Claaifled Adi . HARBOR 1616 Moet Reel FAtat. Ou.Wed Ada The N-•·"'-p\ll>lla.hee _.. en.I ttrnee u •many ne.1 utate da...rned ·Ada u aD otber kK:a1 p&peTa combined. Wl"K>-~ • ,.._ OAADmnNO 6 Jard w'lllllllp-......,. Ef .. ~ ~•..-£~ wMk or mont.b. ___ .... _,. Liberty M109 Llbert7 HUt an. I. W. WNM ...._ I '-' TUMa'I' .............. .._) l9tf -BT--Clru--:nnu:D---...... ---.. --_.-T0CL • -...... -------------pua1Clft to 1one11 1a47 or _. TOOL ......._ FOR RENT Invalid h~ ot w••• -ft.u>IAL dl9l ,,. ..... D1ll 8Mn. ..._ DnD-. PollllMn. ma11. Oood plaia cook. De lllOt llUft a a.AU 4. • all l)'PM el ....... ~ ctrl"' Mn. M. ff. NWer Ill CLA·YAI. 00. I """etc. I:. ea, An .. Balboa. Jtcll lTUa • ~ Jlf~ noYD'S' HDWE. .ow CL&A.HING .. DWMIMO _, tM A VO!f wtl1 t.ra&n 1 ,,.... ..... trf BilBOR 1418 1110 W. 00.uT BIOBWAT 617. ~ ......_ 1*Dd ec.t.a "-. 1'U.lns Xmu.,.. 1 a.a.ts' a.Mii. .N~ ._ _,. pnternd. .ICl MIOM. • ti dal"I now. Kl .._L .... r l r ... !! !!!I ...... ODU.I - EARN MORE THAN EVER ~EFORE! our new, htcher •tarUnr w-.. and frequent incruaea sivea you thil opportunity. OpenlnP(aow tor - PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS SZ.A-AaU.1••""' • _________ _ FRJDA Y, NOVEMBER 11, 1955 - '8-g_A~a19 · S0-8-~---- USEo APP[IA~CE BUYS O'KEEFE A MERRrrT gas range . • $49.50 PIUVATI: PARTY wanta color,.J 1lU8 -Amb&rllla, atln glu..•. peach blow or ·olh•ra. Call Har. U~ Sat. 6 Sun. 30c:S2 ------ as __ Boat.. So~---- TRADE ''14-Htttdc-al. Radio. a T 1' TV & Radio Repair Fast Service Reuonal>le. Servtce ca.Jiii till 9 p .m KNOWLTON EL.EC· TRONICS U 1·5200. t 1-A'!~. ~--~lc_:e ________ _ Cabanas · Marinas Motor Overhaul .. NO MONEY OOWM Lido Peninaula, East 31st St., Npt. Sch. * with this ad * 8 CylL "8.88 OnERB 8 eyi.. •• lac!Qdee ~ .... ... ,.,... TELEPHONE OPERATORS I We ,.Wiii train yuu and )tou'll fe- celve many olh er bvlefl\a, GAFFERS It SA TrLER. white table top gu ranee. Very clean .... 79.50 8-utltul TO-ft. aWL echooner. M-=-Dop, Cat., eeta Excellent for charter. Want -· __ _._......_ __ ..... ____ _ N.w liasr. wrtl& ...... wm l'tDd. atu.p or .-... ,.. DeUpttul u.tJai. Apt.6b.a11 UWW. paid. with WHITE TABLE TOP, gas range, griddle, oven control .. 574.50 -Apply WESTINGHOUSE electric range. late model ... .' $99.50 property or amall• boat. 1220 i.()UTE Cocker pupe from repter- W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Ha.r. ed •lock 11&.-U 4-1110. 30cS2 .......... llQel\ ......... ... ~:--.... .......... (NO DOWK), Yadlt lllp ~1ta. 614 t~ No. Main Street. Rm. 2ll, Santa Ana. 9 :00 to • :00 p. n1. PACIFlC TELEP1JONE reILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. .. ... . ...... $99.50 W~TINGHOUSE Refrig. 7 cu. ft., very clean $99.50 • SERVEL Refrig., left hand door .. $89.50 3032. S8tlc Boat Repairs WANT s-ood tiome for beauW'Ul pedigreed Doberman Pincer, younr male. No ch 11 d r • n. w 8-1712 IUCBtJILT ll'fGINlll -UP to 11 JIOlft'D TO PAT- Built la our ... ...._,~~ Il&IJ1, ..-.,, IDOllW,. ,.rt:,. . . ... , ..... LADY to h11lp part 1.Une -ln;,D-;y clellning 1hop. Some flnlahlng f'Xperlenco neceaury. Call at Newport Clt'anc-ra, lot Tu1<lia. WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 71~ cu. ft. Deluxe $109.50 KELVINATCR Refri~erator 8 cu. ft. beluxe . $119.50 ROBERT VAUGHAN It CO. 40---Autt>e ucl Tracb :.·= :::." --=--"'° ... ·&pem. ,_ ... RllBUILT ~ n;;.u.Jm DIDLVXll ......... IQdSo c _,.. _ _,,.,_ ~ ' ., C08TA MU.A. J bdrm. pe.rtly IUnL IMMaa. BY.at ,__.,. DEXTER Automatic washer ................ $89..50 1600 W. Coaf.l Hwy. ---· -t1tlJ1Ue9 paid •m mo •. eon.a 29c30 ' W OMEN N. C. R. opPrator, 11teno part t1n1e ln11ur11nc... Hou11e kef'pt'r Ir olhera. MJCN rlllclron-l lea l'ng1neer, dratt11ma.n, office I t r ll Inf' e It othe1'9 -J UNE I FARR.AR Employment Agency 402 '" 32nd Sl . Newport. Opp. City Hall. '\ 29<:31 KENMORE Wringer washer .... . .. . $49.50 EASY. SPINDRYER Special Only $59.50 ALL GU~!\ANTEED •• WASHING MACHJNES, AUTOMATtC AND WRINGER TYPICS Sl!:VERAL TO Sl':l..ICCT FROM ALL REASONABLY PRICED l:IUOGET TERMS Ji'REIC D~LIV. KNOX HARDWARE co~ 420 Ea.st 4 lh SL Santa Ana KI 2-2336 ----------- WA!'>TEO to hv" In -reliable S2-FuraltUtt for Sale 112-fourattun-for Sale expenl'nced woman t or 1louae----• • -·------· • • -k .. plng 6 care of 2 children• Har. 0247-W 29c30 WOMAN to live in It ta.ke charg• or new home 6 elderly lady I confined lo wbeel chair with arthrltla. Excellent 11leady em-1 ployment. Ph. LafUn& &ach. 4-11726. 29c31 -~------~~--..,.. GIRL to &MWer office phone 12·5. Monday thru fl'nday. \I/rite Box H-75 thl• paper. 30c32 ll: SELL ON TEP.MS 8F'r. DllWCATl:SBEN cue, $160. ONE 8 ft. r•trl1eralor .......... SllO. ONE large commerc. refrlJ. f76. 1 8CALE8, $415. 1 OON.DOL.A '211. Cal.I owner-LI 8·6223 momlnr• or atler II p.m. tlfc Fresh Hearing Aid BA TI'ICJUES We 01•• 8lcH Green Bta.mpa Gunderson Drug Co. Kain St. at B&lbo& Blvd., Balboa Barbor 1116. Nuc FirewoOd J:uca.lyptua A apricot, dry, ready to tnfm. Kl T-4890 . 23ttc Order Now! Penonalized Chriatmu Carda ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES l\epr-l&Uve will call at your horn•. FOR TRUE VALUES AT CONSISTENT LOW PRICES ALWAYS AT BA y· FU.RNlTURE ALL NEW MODIL"RN DESK -LIME OAK FlNISH. $43.50 VALUE AT BAY $29.95 COLONIAL STYLJC DESK SALEM FINISH METAL PULLS $45.50 VALUE -CLOSEOUT AT BAY $29.95 C HEST HASSOCK -TUF'TEO PLASTIC.: COVER. $14.50 VALUE AT BAY $9.50 31'" HASSOCK SPRING SEAT DURABLE PLASTIC. $23.50 V ALUE-CLOSEOt.rr AT BAY $15.50 TV ARM ROCKERS S WIVEL BASE $39.95 V ALUE-CLOSEOµTS AT BAY _$22.50 STUDIO OOUCH SLEEPS TWO ALL MP.:'TAL BASE. 2 Spr. tlllt'tl bol.lltl'fll Dapple tweed coves •· SUJ~.50 VALUE AT BAY · $77.00 2 PC. SECTIONAL MODERN EXCITING COLORS. Ourublc rabm:e Styk'{f for Comfort • $157.50 VALUE AT BAY $11i.OO 2 PC. Bll!D DIVAN SET WITH MATCHING CLUB CHAlR. Idol (or Oen $139.50 V AL.UE AT BAY $87.00 3 PC. MAPl..JC WOQD ARM GROUP. ConaiJlta or bed divan platform 1ocker wing clt1h chJllr- dapple tweed cover. $229.50 .VALUE AT BAY $159.50 . Newport Beach prtr • ·RENT, BALBOA FOR COVES, PIER AND 4 SL~P, Har. 4631 -MK •. I ·----------2kp30 Gigantic SALE 200/o off on all 1966 boata It John90n O.B. Motoni. So. Coast Co. Newport ,...d. al 23rd St. 29c31 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent . Amencln Legion 2l!i·lllth St. Meetings 2nd · 4th Wed. 8 p.m • PRtf WANT TO BµT 10 rt. tlberglaH dinghy tor short boat. Ll 8-8713 evu. 29c31 USED LEHMAN 12 fl. tlberglL'l3 .. u1nr dlnchy. EAcelltnt con- dillon $660. LI 8·6883 3~ M-Mulcal, Radio, T V _..,_ _________ ._ SPF.clAL BUY! Beautiful French Provincial fa.m - ous make Spjnet pla.no. Uke new. Save SlOO. Conv. t.erm11 al SHAFERS !Since 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, S•nt a An. Phone Kimberly 2-ot72 Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS (Clear Be•m -HI O•ln1 INST ALI..ED <'omplet'e. to your aet. $9.95 30p3:'1 GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS J'ORD -,lJUO del Ku. Har. OIGl·J\. Uttc OHSVltOLm" -IHIM Jld-0 "llt DODGE 1~ T. panel ':SO FOR,p V-8 1~ t. plclrup ;oo CHEV. ~' t. panel . '112 DODGE 'i t. pickup '112 INTERNATIONAL ~i t. pickup '112 CHEVROLET 1" t . panel '53 G MC •, t . pickup 'M GMC •2 t. pickup, hydra. lrana. ·~ CHEV. ~ t. pickup '64 CMC ~ t. pickup, hydra. tran11. '111 CHJ:V. 1 t. c • c '113 OMC COi!: 179" WB., 2 · •Pffd 8 :211 tire• For the be.el buy ln u.ed truclu, 1ee u•. W~ are the larrut vol· ume truck dea.ler in Oranp County. A II t~s a.nd alzea at prlcea to tit your need.I. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 6111-111 E. 41,h St. Santa Ana Open Sunday A . .)I. Truck Headqua.rt.cr1 for Oran1~ Co. PL~ It DODO• •111 CRRYa. It Dll 801'0-•1TO STUDDA IDl!R •1 Tt OLDS It PONTIA.c I -tlTO BUJCK •lTO BUD80K ·•111 Lou Cu • rr... TGw1AI NEW CAR QtJALUf'l'D Block ml.lit m•t our 1~ PlUI tuel, P*•tl and oU Opell ~ 10 LID. to J p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dai17 I to T It.ate BclDd9d NEW LOCATION 310 East' 3rd St. UNT.A. AN.A. SARVER JrQR BRAKES (IN ORA.NOi: COUNTY lT YR8) Boncfed Brak---' wtaeela .11.H lNIAllaUq.n -··-····· .... -....... •• '1UI ·Qb&rmfnr 11.aMor Haven Apartmenta • Patloe NllW ' 1\0011. 1treet level. Ne&r' llCboola, lboppln( diltrlct. Quiet. pl~t..11clu.lve. Gar~• dw- poMl. laundry, .torqe roomt, ,.,...., P2.&0 up. Occupl• en- Un areet. Good 1upervialon. lfc1'. llOl Haven Place 1 Block South of Btah School ALSO FURNJIBE> .A.Pra. Wnn:zR llATll8 llttc CLOUI JN, BALBOA. l'luniahed 1 bedrm. apt. yee.rly. MO mo. OU le water paid. 4()1 IC. Bal· )O& Blvd. Bar. 20TO 18U DELUXE J'lt7P.K. APT&. Bln(l• 6 dbla. J30 mo. and up. lCM JC. Ba.7 An., Balbo& Harbor UU.. Ille UDO l8Lll MSW I Mdrm, J bath untum, leue to perman- ent tenanL UOO mo. CboiC9 loc&Uon. Mr. RDow, DO-Utrk 1-3211. evenln,. and weekend• 8Ylvan 0·3al. lltfc 2 BDRM. HOU811, n-11 deco- rated, auto. w.allar, elect . ranse. 1"n ~· or YOUlll' baby okay. i tr. 1..... "'· u •seea JOoSI 2 BDRM. tum. llol.we. Cbild..-n oll&y NO mo. ,_r\y. H&r. 1440-J 30c32 FURN • .Nl:WLY derorated 2 br. hoUM U'I mo. uUJ. paid. No children or ptt.a. LI a..1800. JOo' CORONA DEL MAR, Jl'urn. 1 br. holl.ff. Bl~pt 8. Redecorated S&6 mo. near 11ebool. 112 Dab11a. JOp J'URN. APTB. "5 yearly 512 W. CORONA DJCL MAR 2 bedrm. B&y Ave.. 29c BAL IBLE, sm. nn., private en- turn. or Wlfum. Reuonable pnl 711 Goldenrod. -.,Oc trance le bath, kitchenette. elect. -------·------ ntnr .• u. ... mo heat. '' wk. YRLY. RliNTAL. Nf'arly new • or Pl month 11111(1•. Wlllt.r. bdrm, hou.e, 2 balha, <'arport, Har. 2121-M • z.ttc elect. ranre. dlaponl. drape• 6 Tu • .a J BPRK. APT., nrepl&ce 190 on YOU PAY NO MORI: .. , ..... •11.u ·--1~ Bann Place. - ca.rpeta, landacapped. W•t •Id• or C<wita MHL May be •uit•ble tor: office or proteulonal. Rent '53 FORD CRESTLINE f;ONVERTIBI...Bl - Fordom1.1llc. power •teertn1" W W Uru A: plaaUc lnterlor. Won- der1lJI condition. A verafe retall Blue 82Qk prjce 5111311. OUr apt- clal price $1'295 '113 FORD Ranch Waron, R It H, H Cellenl condlUbn, fll96. SARVER .MOTORS BRAKE SllRVICll E . lBT AT GRAND SANTA ANA Alter The Craib If'• Too Late JtUo Phone u M3M; ~ocu FURN • ..XX~ .A.PT. Newport Hei(t\ta, ocean view, yearly renlAl f.:iO mo.. UUUtln paid. .u a..1ur a0c32 CORONA DEL MAR dup.le:x, 2 bdrm. tum. Har. Mot. 30llc LlDO ISLE B.A.CJDlLOR and one A two Wnn. ape& abort ~ &114 ,.arlJ. ~. Udo Homea and ea., Front llOIM9 and ~t&. COTTON GOFF * PORT ORANGE * TR4ILER SAID ud SUPPLIES , LIDO REALTY A.uoclatea VOLKSWAOON DEALER 2118 Newport Blvd:,,Newport Bcb. Telephone Hubor I 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI MilO '52-111' Happy bom• ............. S58ll 'M.J6' Trani ... , Spec ~ ... -J2H6 1:-~0RD 114 V-8, 2 dr. Mainliner, '114""'6' RotM!muter 2 a. R. Special blue, 14,000 mUea-f1360.-·111 ... 1• Paramount •... Bis dlaclount CHEV. 60, ffdan del., bla.ck, pert. '511-M' Terrv, ··-WW d-1 on thl1 tor ca.mplnf •eoo. Har. 4T83. 30c. ,--i hOO Vla Udo, BA.LBOA·PENINIULA.. Le• tur;Ji l BR apt. w w carpet. furn. heat. utwti• A Pnte• lncL By mo. or JrlJ. Hat. 1 T26 a.ft.er t p. m. 17Uc flOO mo. plua uUllll•. LI 14673. 30c3~ UNFURN.. 2 bdrm. houM 11:1. MS Banta Ana. W 8-ee412 daya. Ha.r. 1120·-J evea 29dl --BALBOA ISLAND N•r new. 2 bdrm., Bath It ha.It Jl'uml•hed. 112~ mo yrly leaee. or 11111 1110 . to J une l~. Har. 3f71'>-M. 2te:I 49-Rooma for Keat ------ROOM for alnfle pe"°"· Will pack lunch If dMlre<I. 200 Ca· brlllo, Co.tl& Meaa. 28c30 * * * ENJOY LJVJ NU on the Oc:ean Front. Kitchenette apta. 6 rt1lJI. with prl•ate bath. Maid aervlc:t' TV. 2306 We•l Oc~1<n Front Harbor tl09l. * * * PHONE Har. 1816 or Har. 22&3W • 22 ... 2 6 PC. LJV ING ROOM OROlJP Includea--.8ofa bed with pure foa m n1bber c:u11hlM111-full •l .. lnnenprJ.na' m&ttrf'Q 2 atep end. l cocktail t.a.ble - (Nevama.r lopti) 2 3-way modem table Ja.mpe. PRACTJCI!: planoa '8t, 1911 lq 1963 FORD 2 dr .. ctu1lom. FOC'do-11~. Splnet ty~ mirror piano mallc It heater, low m~e. PAN AMERICAN Pa.n.moWlt-K•*lll Tra ....... Twr7 BAL.BOA PENIN8ULA •p&eloUI luxuriowi completely tut-rt apt.I. 1-J A a bdrml. 6 pr. Ba)'front.. IMiauUNl rie9.. KllA be .._.to ROOM for wurklnir man M •nd 17 per week. Private l'nl1°11Jt('e. lll HUI 8t., Newport ppitc 1236 _ a blond beauty. ll&eie.t A-1 condition. Har. l.llO. aoc . lltle ORIGINALS ._be apprecta.Ud. '."lat. .or Jrly. LA.DY alone hu room In nice borne tor employed l•d> LI AF'TllRNOON. Cocktail, dlnner d,..... It CoordJ.natu. CUSTOM DRJ:SSKAKINO --t.1(1-Barbor 237-W. ~2p36 MARQUE'JTll Arc Welder, (new) J hp A.tr Compr._,r, 220 Volt mnrle "phue. See at PATCH'S l1t.b St. at Placentia. LI I -TIO&. Ulf 0000 R«nln&1.0o port&ble type· wrlter. UMd nry UlUe f411 Bar, 2M·W 30p LADIU WIN08HIP d,.._Pack llUlt C&M. Keept 12 coatumta In p.-... Uke new $12.~. 110 Opal St., Balbo& II. Ha.r. 3769-W $319.ro VALUE AT BAY $217.00 6 PC. PROVINClAL BEDROOM CROUP Includ~ drawer double druser I meta.I pullll 1 30 x tO ~.-pl&IA ..minor bQQ&c~e headboard-ml'l&J trame- 1008 coll lnneraprlng mattrua. 110 yr. r uar.J--i.la-u!lllnr • box aprlnge $299.50 VALUE AT BAY $199.00 COMPLETE KlTCHEN GROUP lncludea-Phlko re!rlg•rale>r (8 cu, ft.I croH top treezer- chlller lray--cmper drawer daJry bar door ~th butter keeper-36" WelbUt Ill.ti rangto ·• burner divided p-oven heat control--11 pc. chrome or black tllnette set x 40 Mica top extension table 4 foam n•b~r 8et t ch&lr11 $(59.00 VALUE Group Price AT BAY $349.50 ttonna. DANZ-SCH.Ml.DT. :S2o No. Maln, °S•nta Ana.. 100 plan011 to ct1001e from. MJNSH ALL Spln•t or1an ~ Uke n~-mWlt •clJ. Pbon~ Har. 6276. 2tp31 DAl4ACED In ahlpplDf 2 Splntt11, AllVC $180. DANZ-SCHMlOT, ~20 No. MaJn, ., Santa AnL TELEVISION~ FOR RENT Call Har. ~6-R for t Exclusive TV Rental Service FOR SALi: OR TR.A.Diil. Equity tn 19MS OMC pickup truck-321 t1-Wutild to 8ea& Fullerton Ave., Newport Ht..- ~ --·~ Rentals Wan.ted _ 19~2 XICRCURY Kbnteny con· "• ...S apta ud .__ &a al vertlble. WSW, R•H. power ..U.. ts ~ wtaC. u4 window. le M&t. ConUnental kit. ~· --. f\ana. or l&al\ln. S12t0. Private party. HAI' d7U U JOU ba•• a nouc)', JOc12 ....... tod&J -,e-3e_ro_UR--D-a-. -PO-Nn.A--c-. -rood-The Vogel Co. l'nglne l llO-Har. 3208. 29cll IJ01 W. Cat. BWJ., N.wpon .._ 1&:,11 OLDS 83---4 dr,. byd.ram&Uc • foam rubber M&U. 8000 mil• "' orfg-lnal owner. 12195. Barbor 4469. 21k'.31 PlloD.e Ubert7 ~ .. Martoe, 8albae l.e&ud fbooe BarMr "' 2887 II. C.OUl BJ .. eor.& dial Mar PboM Barl!or 1T41 1-. Har. 2'60. aot.tc NmARLY KEW 1 bdrm. turn. apt., 1-~8. 29Uc pr. TUe •Jtcben 6 bat.11. Bard· ro o [ood tl Actultl on.I I. R SIN U: woman, bdrm. with ~ pv oo:;o. Bar. ~: • .,r:; ,_ j)[ixa.lc llat.b-~ pdnltafl of Har Hl8-R. aoc.32 beauUtuJ home. l'W1mmlng pool · TV etc. Kl 2·23311 day •. U c.<.NAL FRONTAGE lure 2 It I bdrm. tum. apt... s-ar. le auto. wuher '80 It 1100. pu monUI tncl ulll. Avail. till July 1.- H&r. 3647-W or Har. 2211-R. aocu 2 BDRM. rum. apt overlooktnl ocean It jetty .. Large room. and pr. flOO mo. yearly 1 ..... 208 J'wnleaf, Corona del Mar. a..2193 eve•. 29cJ1 ROOM 6 Boerd In my home. Oood food. clean comforuhle room.e. Har. 0873. 29c31 OFFICES For Leue 30c31 .C" BRASS FIRJ: SCR.IC!:N. Pull .tr1ns type. Uke new flll.00 014 oopper tub with lid. wnr 11\&ke an e.xcelJenl wood box. Jl0.00 Phone Ll 8·11177 30c72 BAY FURN I-TU RE 27p29 1954 Chrysler Udo Oftl~. UH Via Udo Harbor 6171 1T02 Newport Bl"·· eo.ta M .. 28c30 YEAR.LY RENT A.L-lmm&Clulate 2 bdnn. parUy tum. apt .. F . A. heat. •un dcclt. view of ocean 6 bay. SllO. Incl. llUlltlN . Adulta only. 11129 W. Bal.boa Blvd., Apt. B. c.u LI a..ma. 28Uc In New Building 17 x 40' $100 mo. 17 x 26' I 811. mo. 13 x 13' I ~ mu. Rl!:CONl>m ONED . Paint Brushes 10c to 50c It up Schlegel Paints '°' N . Newport Blvd., NpL Bch. SOC3t "Where PrlceJI Are Held al Baf' 427 E . lTth (.;osla MeM Frfe Storefront PJrkln~~ Tf'rm• OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 ------------ !2-r'lllraltuJ"e for &le BEDROOM ORGAN. 1 1Clectron1c Org11n now only ~Tll. All Electrfr Orp n, Ital. only 17M . Lowry Organo Ull!'>. AU wonderful ba.rg•lna. DANZ-SC KMlDT, !'>llO No. Main, Santa Ana. -------SPINET PlanOJJ. R~ntal rrtuma. WashinQ Machine CJD VICE' Trade·lrut on orpl'l,9, like new aome Maplr, Blond <'>Jik, French SETS I Provlnclal. Thi• la a chllnce for 6 A 11 ORA WER tlreuer. mtrror. big aavlng. Open F riday ntfhl. l·JU..r ruara.atee on )Obe donl' book('U(' heatlboard. from $69.~0 DANZ·SCHMlDT. 620 No. Main, &Dd on UMd WuMl'tl 241'8 ~ TWIN Ma pit bed with matlreu It Santa Ana. tr..ar' l'ltwport BJ., 0Coela Mua.. box 1prln1f. or.Iv 11111.llO ea -- Uberty 8-4503 or LJberty 6 .. 9 ORA WER maple drffl!Pr. I m o MBONE fine tone. ucellenl ANUQUJ: tllr'rt., Mveral plecu 8--4327. Mtlc 1to•llh mirror , rrom '79 :10 slide $75 • i21 St. Jamu Road. to cllooae from. Retinleh -Living Room Seta Ll 1-11203 27c29 1'0\lf'Mlf It ... e. Load.• of old Jl'RICIDAIRE A\fTOM •TIC wuh-Mod •-M I --... ,_ t 1 6 b 1 " em oi ap e HAMMOND ORGANS, all mooel.t. .,.. ....... cu r.,.u.-. copper rau er. All porcelaln. Uke new piece., cuno11. old aulky. old •80 ..,, lh h f SJll AS :-O:ICE A WNE u you would our Chrunmeli ~t0t·k now <"omlni cJocJu. tlah polu. la.mp•.. old • ,.,.,.,, O tr wu l'rl rom · flntl anywhere. With our low ln: 110.00 dep<)llll wlll rtatrve runa. jewelry. sound movl• pro-Guaranteed. nverhead you'll be •urpn.ect how any m0<~l wtuJe they laaL Trade Jector, ,-ood ~eel cha.Jr. muil· STROO'rS HOWE.. Hou.~ews1c11 much we l'11n 11av .. you. PleAM In your olc1 pla.no. cal lmtr. etc. We buy 6 -ap. 1802 Newport Blv!I . '1l11t& Mr110 tak,. 11 look It will pay you. OANZ·SCKMIDT Homl' of lhe BrlAS ttem1 In. Vt11t our largt' 1..1 8-3426 GOOD T!:RMI'\. · world famoWI Hommnnd, 1120 ao~. CHARLJlll DAVIS. 1806 - -RETAIL FURNITURE BROKERS No. Main. Santa An11 . One J:. A..nallelm, Lone Beach. Hem-O'K!:!:FP: & M~RRITT r11n1te. ·~~ 1 Opl'n Frll111y F:vt "KJ 3-2436 Splnl'l Model, nn,. Hnmmond lock 8·60311. model. Lamr A: !'lock w llh ovtn 3rd 11t Sr•1rgf'1>n S11nla Anll Chorll Orga.n UM<I but Ilk~ new, timer . .Chrome itr lll broiler. a nrl 31k33 wondf'rlul b&rflllM OAJITl:RS It SA TILERS table top CU r.nre. Automatic onn con· trol. clock. broiler, ll dr•w•ra clMD JM. n cuum. curt.a.ln-. 8 1t,11oa ~·· Har. 3Qt'1-W. 29c31 that lift up tor U~tl one ---- month, $149.80 UU!h, or flllY $8 Mesa Woodcra.l..J.. p.-r mo. 1441 W Ch1pm11n. TT Orange. KE 8-S81'7 tr DEMONSTRATOR model, !Ike new Unpainl•d 6 Juvenile Furniture lovely Kimba.11 Spinet pla.no with Knotty pint toy boit • . 112 110 bulll In Lowrey Oraa.nb .. Save . SPECIAL BUY ! CHILDRENS D 0 LL Furniture $300 on tbl•. Liberal trarle. Con· L ~ • p . St-Wanted t., ~~y Wardrobe•. hutrh. che•ll. venlent term• at n.'J0Vltt r018Ct0fS WANT _ A Ulled Sl'rvl'I Wond!'r· Cllmplelr lln•· unp:llntrd Cum. 80ft SHAFERS !Since 11107) • l'Oft ru:NT •nd hwd. 421·423 N Sycamore. S11nLa Ana I-MM lt-MK ~MM bar re(rlrerelll'. Hn. l H l·R Mlnwa.x and Dea flnlah.. Phone Klmberly 2-oeh HOBBY UHi MODEL \ • :JOC Orders taken for 1huttera Oranre County's Orcan Hdqtn. "1JU'l.A.Na IUPPUU ..__ 1 2121 H_arbor. C_M._Uberly 8-_uH_~ - C Sh n--...... tiue for Sale GRAND PIANO Chri.ttmaa Sale. Mears ame'ra op --. . MOVING-M ST SELL. Prov1n· M•ny wofid,.rlul barg•ins. t1m- TU New a&YCL Coata ,.._ 7 PC modl'm cherry bd"" ~"l $:1!) t"l•I dlnlna w t with brn.k Cront oua malce1, Steinway, Muon 1 Ph-. ~ a..TIM1. Pr U I Clu.4 thp t:"""" t1<l>I<' Si 2 ""J t l..11.•· nl'w SJrl() Cl"Olllt )' elto(' Haml.ln. Kna.br, •le .. dellverf'd tablM 16. Lealhertllt' dn\"l'n· ranire S~ Dbl,. ~J mattre1a f~e. bench lncluJM from 131T port It chair U ti. C'hr.1111,. kll· A aprln1a S?r.. On• pair ta mps up. »B--A~ I ··hen rhatre SI ... , .. a.I nv, no II~ Un. l7M·R. 29<31 OANZ-8CKMID1', !'120 No M•ln, ----"6o...--------1 e cf. 0 IC. rl'h tic $40 7 --Sant& An• om RJ:nuo., t ct .• very rlta.n. Har. 2181-M 30<':12 !2-A-AD.a.-.-' -- Good coadJt1011. J1t.llO Othere ---_ ----._....~"'!. RENT• piano for C:hrlllJnu. All ret~n from •3t.llO. l'\Mlr. LARGE Ill ah C>' a n)' nerotlYe I I BUY Ne SELL lt'rm rent allow~ Oood prac-BTROOTB HOWi:., Hou.ewa.r.,. I overbanr dl'lk A ma.ho(. 2 /i+. ll<'e ptan09 (Tom $6 per monl.11 1802 Newport BIYd!, Qaela Meaa draw•r work tabll', fllO· for F.ARl..Y Al.f'RJC4 cul, colored. l•l lhe klddlH leem. Liberty a..Jtff both. 408 Holly Lant', Co81• pattern eta Prlmltlvu-An-OANZ-eCHMIOT. l'llO No. Main, M.AOIC CHICF oven therm. 37", M.eaa l..1 8·U SO. Ht"'SO Uq ue furniture and fine cblnL Santa Ana. . •. IO. Ot.bera trom '30. f'Uar. ON l..100 18U:, JIYtnr 1'111· •nd I THE BIG OLD RED BARN --- 81"R001'8 · HDWC.. Houawarwi. bdrm. rum1ture. lnctudlnr . rua• £.~FJRBAl"K • Kt 1-310 -'n\f' chanf\Jlr a):lpeannc• of adl lM N.wport BIYd., ODet& ••a aT1d Lam . .,.. IOI Vta MtntOM., 13111 Harbor Blvd . Gardell Groff' In the J'fll:WB·Pftl:88, 11 due to j ~ t4dl Har. lilt SOpal .. MplT-b quick ,,_,!Lt- ... New Yorker T & C Wagon A tJTO. TR.ANS.. radio, heater, electric window•. HARVEY SOMERS HarboT 717. 1949 CJ:IEVROLET Deluxe Fleet· line 9edan, 2 dr . excelle.nt con· dlllon RAH, C'Wltom upholatery other extra.a uro call Kar. 4036--11 11. m. to 6 p. m. 2k31 ·~3 WINDSOR delWt1 1 cnmer. Sarrlnc.. S975 Ca.11 Har. OT18 or Kl 11-21!H. ftdl 1949 PL\'MOUTH bUAlneA coupe. Good l!ll&"ine. R It H. saff. Har. 41U8-W. 28c30 I 19110 CADILLAC 11eda.n, excrllenl <'On<llllon, flOiO. Call owner at Har. 0871-W. 23c30 19112 CAD 82 Sedan 87000 ml Very clean cu. •1te5-W W nylon tlrt!s. Ta.Ice transport.aUon o;r trade. Harbor 17211 after 6 p. m . 17ttc '41 rACKAOll TRUCK. Juat tn- l!ta.llf'd 'rebuilt en(tne. 481 II. 17th. Co•ta M.... 3()p 111411 FORD CONVl:R'nBLE $595 Liberty 9-60tT trc WANT 2 Bednn. unturn. houH or apt. to 186 mo. But rein'. Har. 2612-W. 29c.11 COUPUC WITH INF ANT. Want 2 br. unl\lm. ho\&H • rvac-. Trl,y. rental -~. nMI' ocean or channel. Call C Apltol 6-2122. 30cJ2 WINTER RENT Al..8 CDM 2 bdrm. Yi'l" 190 Furn. COM 2 ~rm. tMJlae 1&6. Jl'um. 8&l. i.le. 2 bdrm. howie (1leep• t ) fT~. rum. Plnover, Realtor • Har. 4110. 29c31 OARAQIC for •torase •l 31T N~ Oorona dll Mar. Har. JOl2.J. 29c31 Udo Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. ,apu't.JMata. l'UrDlllbecl Gans• Y-.rt1 or wtat« retal. Bar. M'70. LA.Ra&. SUNNJ_, 'ft\OPJCAL turn l ·Mdroom ap(. Gar .• p&Uo. Cloee to Udo -center. Yearly '711. - Rt.r. UOl.-J-JH lll'd St., Npt. Beacll. IOcU WATER DONT film. &pU. - WINTER only 1 6 J bdrm. no ~tJI chJl4nn w-.J.oome. HOI Chanel PJ.ae.. Bv. 111T.,J, nue Choice Winter Rentala Ota Balboa laland A Udo laJe 8meJl 6 eo117 or 1arp A delUae ~ fol' .... • JTG to llOO llHedt UNJ'Ul\N. 3 bdrm., t b&UI. mwt)' VOGEL CO• decorated bOUM '111 a m0nth. 20I M&rltM Aft .. 8al.._ ...... n. BAttlor 64' or a.... 1161 a... Bat. 1 Tlf.J\ °' Bat. aoot-M Mti. ATTRA~ 1 and J.Mrm. tuna. UUUU• paid. 1 · or 2 cll114nn. Laundry room. B LU II T 0 P APT. MOTJ:L 'IOI Newport Bl•d. Npt. Beach. JUll abo'Pe the Arc1-. Ttt.k t1Nrl1RN. 2 bdrm. .. ~ bou.M plUI IWnpWI room. DO pr. Nloe Tard .. P,er montll. I BDRM. cott.qe. .iloYe A rtbts. tlq'IL ,.,. fTll mCll!tA Oorwul del M&r "-It)' Co. Pnce T. Mceui.tJoa. J\ealtor 3447 IC. Cout HWJ. tn Lido Shopping Area 11<>3 32nd St., Newport Beartl Harbor j321 23lto COAST KIOHWAY, newbulldin11 IOO aq. ft. office. SuJtable In· .uran~. attomey, etc. $90 mo. RUSS FORD, U • 8-41141. -tOW Cor. l 9t.b 6 PlacatJ&. C. M. FOR RENT {WO bdrm. home - (sto•e It rd~. turn.) lnclud• •tore room 6 two cftice 9J>&CM, JlOU' month. OR will rent aept· nlely l office at ITll ...a I at MO monlh. Alao ama.lJ lit.ore JlOO mo. Call ~er Llbe:rt)' M223 mornlnp or alter 6 p.m. tttc J"OR Ll:A81:, n.., bldC. on f;ut 17th St. We 11MCI BARB"ER SHOP, BEAUTY PA.J\LOR. TV BA.LI'.& A 8ERVJC'JI:, REAL l!l8T4Tll OrFJOll, OirT 8HOP etc. 04ll 7our bwlln-•t.a.rt~d In th• beat locaUon ln C.O.ta Mua . l'or lnlormaUoa, •12 i: .. t 17th or LlbertJ HZN. 28C'41 H B I •• 9ft~Uee . Dre'11 Shop Oelwce model, radio. beater • ...-.w, leelher uphoutery. 1 owner .. Very clean. 8&rf)or 41M w Ll 8·1177 JOal OA.llAOI: for rent In nu tit 2407 I:. 'lout. RiPW&1'· Call LI MllT after 4 p, m. t'Tpit Coron& del Mu -Mar. 6T come. located Mst .... '° Corcna del Ma.r lle.M) Sell or Trade •n.too IDQU!TI' la ftlre «e>ln& blMfn-few ..,.._ kit.a, tr11a\ cleedl or o.cttn.. HT au •-4 TH 2Tc2t TRAD'll Edmund M9dt • IDd>t· broc:k manlto&d for 111 rord Head.9 6 manUold. Clluclc Ha.ft· 1'0fl. 371 I:. 11UI I t.. -CO.la M.... npao - ltUo l'OI\ UJlfT -GroMry •lore It -UDO--ll-0-1111:--~----,-........ --I-rm. 11""-...,un. all tor '64> I , MUl. ~ 6 LMtel1lll7 mo. A lla7 ~ It -aulp. 12600 tun., ll!cL 4eep ,.._ It pt.aaio. tlO tt1' •t.. BUii~ Beach 0.,..._ All mo.· UL z--. 0.-28<'30 --~.1 .. p,m.WVlag ! Han.. ' ~ =!!::~!'!~.,~·~· _!!!, __ _ I \ ' . J \ .'!!!:::!!!•!!!lfL!•~i.~··!!..---a aea1 fMllb ... CASH-••• J'OI\ TftUft t>DDe WK. B. HOLT MOl\TOAOIE BA.NKINO AJMCll lNO. ll09 K. Bt1811 BANTA. ANA KDIBDLT 3·7118 BACK 'BAY Hl:W s Wnn. 2 ta.lb home oa HAt.J' ACR.E. OYenQeci double pr.. electrtC! ~ ls ,nu. UUOO. &ABT Tl:IUI& Open 1 to 5 da117. Ml 22lld BL 23cJt FAMILY LIKE 'l'O SWIM!! BDT BUT AVAJLAltt.J: -Jua ac:roee Jha altfft tro:n \he tlneat NO COMMISSION · t>a1 11each: nal'ft1Mec1. s bdnn. No_ Appraiaal Pee fioulM! wttti encl. patio, ahowtl'll •AL.1118. -REnNANCI: imd dru1ln1 rooru, JOOd park. CONSTRUCTION lnc apace. •11.000, $IMO dOW1I Call for r.... at 116 per month. hit Comm.Jtment. ( !'---BAYVIEW • RMideDOM &ad UDlt. on11 2306 W. Balboa Blvd .. Kar. 3371 Don I'-. 29<:31 I Huddleston WILL ACCEPT ·~ CHh <)own • payment on 3 ~· home In I 173 E. 17th St. ~ala Wea. Write Boa B-lt C08TA KDA t.Ma paper. 29p3l LI M6l1 u M6H LIDO R-3 LOANS for Homes '" -IO, ir. Loua Construction Loans 2 -30 ft. Iota on So. Bay FronL 131.1'00 •ch. C&ll T. D. Ro1er1, Har. J686.W, or RYan l-t0a9. 18ttc -----~-!,.._( ---UPPER A LOWER lnC\ome unit.a 8D BOB U'ITLlm on rtar of c.-omer0 1ot In COM. 1116 &Aft OOA.81' BLVD. Fumlahea. •10.~tarma. LJCIC eor... del Kar ButlOr .... CASEY otrlce, 2721 I:. Cout ft19. POllUJllft KOATGAO• CO. HJpway, COM. Har. OMI. 30C32 M•tn IM• DI& ruact. la. -= WATERFRONT LOT, complete -----------· with bulkhead -Very cloee to REAL ESTATE LOA.NS IDter.t Rate 5-61h ~ Udo aboppln1. M.!«ht col\lllder truat dNd for equll)'. HOMER Jt. &HAFER, Ru.ltor 109 McFadden Pl., Har. HO l!':vM. Har. 262f.·M-Har-.. 6268·W Loan. quldd}' IMde la Ula H&Ror Ana, 1ACUDa and eo.t.a M .... Btnp or mulUple unit.a. New----------- or old. Be WM1e and Ave by ~-BY OWNllR t~ your preeent )oe.n. CORONA DEL MAR, modern 2 .Mlaimum a~. 20 ~ term bdrm. homt, tlrepJac•, furnace, It damr9d. No char,.. for prt· hdwd. nra.. WW carpettn1 and limllary appralaal. KI a-naa drape1; dble. gar. Btr'Mled tor ARTHUR A. MAr • apt. J'ull price llS,760. S3&00 dn. 10S PotnMtlla. Hu. 3900--M. 2•cS7b , a •• ,...._ ON LIDO ISLE UNUIUALl-Y beauUl\&1 W.U built e room borne ls I car ..,.... UKll NIM'. Jmxtra J&rp elm A i>-Uo for ,_. l1TtllS aqd .,.... loua •t.ert&lalll&· A UAL SVY 121.~Tl:IUO. WE WANT t..LqO ISLE PROPERTY' FOR A COUP~ who wtU t.fa4e l •1' aci. beautttu111 J&adllciaped Willa 60 a¥Oc94o "'-· H or- anp and 10 mi.c. u.ee plua a sorseoua ~Y ot cameliu. A.l80 an aut.o"'8tlc aprtnkler ayalem that la Ml t.o l'O ott and on u required. Plut a Uvtnc A Din· lnl' .... a el toxSt. Pll'8 I bed· rooma ls 2 hatha, la'•· i car,..,.. 9 montha old. Priced low for ·Nie or trade. Located In Co...tna Hlfhlanda. ' Seven Islands Reelty & Investment Co. 503 32nd St., Newport Baach. Calif. Har. 6861, after I . p.m. Har. nt3-J OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LAST CHANCE to f at 81 feet of ocean tron~ lft one pt-. Nice comfortable beacll cott.ap on the property now-lncl1.1dinc prase-- '30.000. On '"rf euy term.a ~ RALPH P. MASKEY MU Newport Blvd., Newpt. Bel\. Barbor~ REAL VALUES LOW DOWN JU&T A Y&A.ft OLD, S Jc. tted· room., full ball\ wtlll abowtr, ...,... lot, etc. Tot.al price moo. We Ullllk lllWM> ww Jlandle. Name any reuonable down payment. Older well built IC&rly Ca.llfomla 1tyle 3 belt· room, 2 bAU\a. Huse 1arage. TWO BEDROOM WANTED by prtvau party direct BUI\ deck. A.aklnf $23,000. TWO BEDROOM a1uceo, oa.ly alX trom owner two or three br. lmmedlat.e occupancy. FORD 1..,. old, IO'allO' lot. ckl.acllecl, houM or duplex. Wrtte tult ~ VJCIUUNDER. Harbor 42tS, 1..,., .. eaa ~~bl wllll loW taHa to P . O. Boa t62. Balboa. n-9• UTT. 17t tc down, tGta1 pnc. ..iy 11100. npao ----------- I UNI"OS FURN. Corona del Mar. Want to Sell AU lt!Ued. Oood nturn on your B. A NERESON ALU.TOR Bayfront ~ IJIVfftmeDl. $72,6()0. your . ~ We have 9eVeral qualified buyer1 __ <>wn __ •_r._Ha.r __ · _64_°' ____ . _ lH2 Newport BIYd. C.0.la Mel& LI 1-1172 SY.. U 8-41JO wa1Unf. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor ls A.Moclataa FOR BAI.II BY OWNICR-4 Md·----------- 3320 W. ~ Hwy. U 1-Tnl • "Al lhe A rcl'IH" 'UNIT rNCOMJ: 8PECIAL P1' tt Now llvlna ln Newport and muat room home, 1 " baUW. land· K&ped Iii lanced. nu. loah. P'reedom bome arM. Call Liberty l ·e22s' momlnp Oc' aft.er o p. m. 18lft CHEAP ACRE.AGE J ... Kne OD )(Oftl'OVUI ltld30 ft, $4,800 per a.ere. for ~ulck l&le, caJJ Ru. 4111 or ~,,.._ U 8-63at 2ttfc dlapoM of ' II-2 bdrm. uai\11 _ _.-.._. --------- In co&oNd an& ol MOlll'Cm&. NEWPOJlT JIJUQllT8 -J bdrm. Worth Pf,000. Ra&.ed tor '"80 .._., MwlL nc--.. c1Yp1 tu. ComJ?are This Value CLOalC IN I badrm .. I bath bom• In eo.t.a M.-'a be9t IDut aide dlat .. P'A b.•t, carpeta. drapee, • hdwd. nra.. beauUfuUy decorat· ed. S.wer In and pe.Jd, Rody to move int.e. rvn Pftca •u.600. FHA papnant.a. Newport-Mesa Rlfy. lnt !fewpart ......... Oo9ta ..... u:Mrty a..aoa ye&l'ly. You take o-1er SS.4,000 piece. ct1n1nc rm. Dbl pr. 4CJ(J In Joana • pay cub di.ff~ o . L loan SU.lllO. on Red.land\ ----------- or lrade for nio&nt 1uc1. t1oat u 1-4140 29cS4 Attention Investors! or auto woftla '6000 or JDON . -----------PRJCI: R&DUCICD 1 wW p&J ditfuence Ot take Look et _ ... Lis on• 1'or quick acdoe OD Ulla bualn .. .A01.e fot beladce JITDUlY, -·-Ill property. I mOltlrn buildtnp aa Mil now. Write BOil C-70 W a 3 BORK, 1" ball\, lfe. rooma. IS' a UT' &ot lllat 11MuJc1 -.. J'&per. 29eJO S!taka root. UMd bride, double 01' nnt tor a tGta1 ot at a... CAPITOL GAIN rar. Quiet location ln Baell Bay $260 per IDODUL Planty ot room area. ' for upauton. A.dequate parlll· CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! Salisbury Reelty ~!:.m Loe&' ~ !; ~ '= llarbor 6tTl • ,_.. 3111 Marlne, Balboa Ialand rlfhl In Ute heart of • larfe. new allopptq canter. When thla HOW ABOUT A TRADE, for man- &l'tt operated clear Income prop- ert.7 wMt end ot Loe AnacJu TO BE MOVED Valued al '66,000 W1lh over ' UNIT STUCCO BlllLDINO- la (Oflt ••• that'• Ill Approa 111.000 c dOWll r9q\IJ~. Call owner n, I.an IDOmlnp or atte I p. m. Uc tl0,000 a year lnoome A low OWNER KA.R. 122&-J. SOc32 upenae. Am reurt.n1 A am In· ----t-------- ler9ted s. B&r Front property. -Wbether you .,... tn tiu.s1-for 5 Acre R•nch WUl tract. up or down. Owner. u WSbeter, 611Ml or Write 2907 yourMll or worll tor aomeone elM, ON BA.KEil BTIU!:mT. aubmlt BouUt Coc!hn.n Ave. Loe An-)'OU can UM ~ clueUled ada t.Q pl• 16. ycxir advanla(• to MU your eer- mlOKEJUJ INVITED vtcae produc. or merchalldlM. JOc'2 . terma or tl"Mk. DA.N >... JACOUEN. "-Jtor Har Mtl, &vea. LI 1..a1 T. aoes.2 •.& -~ bM1.uta1 80-A -CcamerdaJ. lacla.trial JUST PEllJ'IX:T ~----~...---------..-----------~.~·--~----~ dl!k1'1bett th.la loYe~ home - FACTORY BUl[DING Cloee in, M 1 sone. 70x350 tt. lot faces two street.a. 3200 .q. ft. building on front portlon. Lea.led. Aaking $28,600 -Low t.enna. CALL Lou Boynton With EARL W. STANLEY, Realf,or Ba.yaide OT. Ir c.out Hlfbway Har. 3297 or 1775 teve. Har. 2878) a ._, r.taee WATERFRONT S..utitul view 'of the claannel from tbJ1 ~ home in Balboa Coveti. 3 bdrma., 2 batba, fireplace, forced air beat. pier and allp A.ND neuly new G~par boat with. outboard motor included in b&tpin price of $8&.000. Tbi8 ii cho4ce property! WILLARD L 1 KILLION, Realtor Harbor MOO 28c30 3 Mdroo~. 2 bat.ha. Neat aa • pin. proortncl&I With Wied bncll ~. beaUUt\a.l W\d9caplnf. Wondnftl paUo and beck Jard Wllh a Jl"'l"&Mftl 'f'tew. CDM"a nl~ Bay It Beeell Rlty., Inc. 1630 S. Cout Rwy. corona del Mar Har 6248 aoc31 INDUSTRIAL RJt • INP'ORCED COtlCNu Bid(. approit 12,000 11q. ft. attached 8ll'UctUr.d l\ffl Wt.~ho~ of IUOO tq. rt. A.II aprtnlllued and hooked up 1rllb A. D. T. ISO fL •pur tracll w1t..b f .W-~a.r door openlllp . UlillUH IDclude «O voll. S phue hean cap•· cJty. Mwer1 and blfll water preaure. Two ac. of la.nCI a.nd p,_nt on. ROT AUTta now a.mL tA> '311.'1 pe.r mon. For t'\.lrtllu Int. write or phone Burton B. a.ck Rltr PO Boa 106 Newport Jlffc.b, Calli. Har. 211. J9ca1 Best Duplex Buy .EAST aIDI: Coeta Maa. .. .,..,..,, fenced 1a.rda. hwct. nra. laooiM a •••w. II RMIW. SEE . ---< My funlished IRVINE TatRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bed.rooms and den, beautital I patio, 1 yr. old. Cirewutanc:lell compel me to offer tor imraedlat. Excellent terma. $27,f,OO Contact my Excluaive Agent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT-Call at IRVINE TERAYE SALES . OFFICE Oppoa!te Irvine Cout Country Club, Highway 101 or Phone Hart;or '448 · SPECIALS I Three bedroom 1 Ir ~ bat.ha. Forced &ir beat, hwd. floor11. Shake roof Lota of tile. Fiaher built. OPEN DAILY 3M Kira Loma North of Del Mar, ju.It off~ 4 Iota 80 x 150 frontins on a beautiful lak~. with a view of t:be Back Bay. TWO OPEN HOUSES November 12 and 13 1to5 p. m. Three bedrooma and den, unobetructed view in CX>RONA moHLANDS. Many nne features Fiaher built. oi28 De Sola Terrace. ALSO iii Corona Highlands, 5M Seaward Road. 3 bedrtn.-. plua 2 &dd.'.J rooma down.ata.in. Sacrifice $23,~ . W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Ha.r. ~2 • BALBOA ISLAND CJnXX ( .,' ) and DOUBLE ( r' r') and you won't find a home to compf.re with thia! Beaut. 3-bdnn. 2-bath home on large, large lot - lge. liv. room, 1tparate dining room, gorgeoua patio PLUS .tudio apt. u cute u can be I WE'RE S.A V • , INO A. RDJERVED SEAT FOR YOU ON THl8 ONE! '39.600 with term.a If deGred. CORONA . DEL MAR YOU'LL SINO lib tJie birdies sing wai. you m°" into thia 3-bdrm. 2 bath lovely. Com'pl remodeled and redecoratedd in xln 't tute. Fireplace, large patio area, p y W'&llpapen. tho!ce neighborhood. Full Price $19,870! NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa la1and Har. 0502-4623 CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX, flne location. Let the rent build your equity. Owner'• unit ha.a hwd.. fl.rs., cocy living room with firepl., dining rm., 1 bedrm. It bath, plus 2 extra bedroome, 1 with ~4 bath tor week~od guetrta. Otbtt unJt attractive .eparau home on fron~ of lot, now rented. $21.600 RAY REALTY CO. " 344'4 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 228S (Acrou !rom Bank in CDM> Extra Luxurious Custom Quality • There Were 4' I Ranch Homes NOW, Only 35 left Centrally louted for all activities in Greater N~w­ port Hubor area. yet out of eeuonal congestion that penaliua 10 many a.reu. Theae homes have everything. e'?en wall safes. Three bdrm. ·$21,950 Four bdrm. $22,950 HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave., 1 Block No. of 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor. EXCl:.USIVE AGENT 15th ll !nine Liberty 8-266' or Liberty 8-3123 1163, p&.Jf".l«Jlla .. y 1711. _______ --;r" _____________ _ BALBOA ISLAND A lovely tropt~ petio, prov1dM idtal outdoor llvlrig for a le>W rambling 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Situated on 2 lot. near So. Bay. Gueet parking adjoin.inc dble. sart.«t with epaciow. guest qua.rtera above. Priced at $39,600 W.W. SANFORD.STANlEY HADFIELD · Reettors Marin• and Park, Balboa Ia1and Harbor 24&2 DAN A. JACOB8.SN, "-ltor Har. &Ml, l:YM. U ~1. JOclJ Nf.:wPORT HTa .. 2 br, home - Excell. iwlchbonlood. prked t" -~•t 110,760. Only UOOO dn. H . IC. I RATER, ltea.ltor l K cFaddtn Pl.. Kar. HO ll!vee. Har. 112t~M-Har. IMl-W MARINA FRONT A6E MO n:rT OH WATD. BeauW\&I I acn poblt. Ftfln4t A O\rtet.lanMft. R-.1\.on 2111 ~ ...... I-Gil. ... LIDO ISLE 148 Jrieste OPEN DAILY 1-4 · P. M. $22,000 osqoRNE.fORTON REALTY co. 2121 W. Cout Hwy .. (at Port Oranp) Ncwpwt Bw:b U 8-715e2 Har. 61.M ..... I . C--Rtal r.e.a. • NEWPeRT HARBOR NEWS-PRES~ -PART 11 • PA~E 5 ...._... _______ ~, FfUDAY, NOVEMBER II. 1955 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR TRll MOfJT Cl&NIUll1 Ml9Ct· ed valuea tn t&Ch ol our cn.unct- 1)' dltt.-t HARBOR .AREA8 BALBOA ISLAND cozy • bdml. lmott7 pint Y&Ca. don hol'M. J'uD.IMecS 1n ~. oompi.tea1 equipptd for ;your owia boUda.J<eood •UllUDa' rent· al ID~ or both. S.. lh1a and Mdde Do.. lt OOll'I' or doea It PAY? , ue,500 J'.P, Onl,J $2600 down' .a ••• r..wie· a._......._ LIDO BA YFRONT A very 1peclal home, ot the calibre that 1a aeldom for sale. For family reuona, t.hle nearly new, CUI· tom. owner-built home la offend to.the .elect buyer . who can afford the be9t. CLIFF HA VEN r- Withput question, thla outwtandinc home of 4 apaciout' bedroom. and· -6 complete Juury bath- room.., ia the ultimate in quality conatniction. The owner •pared no expeue while building and fur- niahi.ng thia exceptioQ.al home, and th1a la evidenced throughout, from the radio-controlled garage en- trance., throup the lovely rooma with furniture designed eepecially for each ara, and out. to the big pier and slip where the fortunate owner may keep his yacht moored at his front door. YJ:.AIW\OUND llvinl' u eaay and t.brltty IA thia S bdrm. home KW. P'lra., tJled ltlt.chan, fan A dlalunaater, for, IQOther. lovely eac1. Jud for llida, l lG,600 F.P MOO<>. db. $t7 month. BALBOA PENINSULA CBOicm 52' Sol. huie patio, s br 1" batha, St7,l500. 2 BDRM. Provlncla.1. A alaal .z. Sll.600. only S:51. pe'r month Muriel M. Pinover Realtor Thia exclusive home, including complete cuatom furniture ~appliances, in it.a choice Lldo location. is priced below cost at $100,000, which fact will immediately be recognized by the qualified buyer. WILLARD L. ''KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor l5C505 30c32 lla.ay Parktn1 Harbor 4610 2e<K N•wport Blvd., Npt. Beach MARINES See Me-Ta Nelson J'OR EXCELL&NT V ALUm8 CORON.A DEL KAR. neat and .adny, 2 bedrm.. borne. carpet.a ls drapee. Perfect aet up tor 2nd wllt. OOM tn. r .P. u2,600 OOST A MESA ~ Cholc• location for aubdlvlalon. II beauUtul acrM IDcarporaled area on C.O.ta w-·· wict..t •treet. l6000 per acre. Laa than 11' down. • LEMON HEIOHTS 20 acree ad· Jolnlnc beauutul •tat., 7 acre1 ln bearlnc &Yocad09. Leal than ~' down. CHOICE RENT A.LS, tumlabed • WllUml.tied. META NEL80N 2908 E. Cout HOV)', corona. del Mar Har. 110eO 29c31 Open House Dally 1-6 203 VI& Nie•, U do BRAND NEW modem J'nttc:h Re· ~ency w1lh a irre&t MnM of c111· nity aa well aa a c&aU&1 holiday feellnc in lta S bd.rma., 2 mar- bl•lop puUman bat.M. Electric kit. Mercury lnritch-. well· ChOMD ca.rpetJnc thruout. Lr'• patio, tmprwtve i&ftdKapl._, -.'t f1'0lll -.i w ant& Bay & Beach Rlty Inc -bft)() dn1ez 3112 ~ayetle, NpL H&. 3643 Balboa BATJ'RONT Du~ 1·2 bdrm. A , 1-1 bdrm • 2 car prace. t\lr· DJ.abed, $34.600. Terma. Might coll.lide.r tna.de for Cotta lfe• lnoome property. Ocean Front I Here's Your Collntry Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Qccupancy · 3 or • Bedroom& -Forced Air Heat • Musive Stontt Fireplacea -Built in Range and Oven . . . ~tually every luxury feature and in Orange County's flneat location. Big EBtate Sized Loll euitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Strttt ln Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May * Pr tt BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL VALUES Due to Wneee owner ii forced to .ell his lovely, large Bayf ront home, or may take 2 bearoom home in trade aa part down payment. Extn. large home for larp family. 5 bedroom,., large Uving room, patio and many extra.a. ExceHent loca.tioa.. $10,000 down. Owner must .U Balboa lala:D4'• flDst mot.et aparliilenla. -Excellent income record. Will con- aider amaller property in tnde. Don't overlook th.i.I investment. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avcm.ie, Balboa Island Next door to the POllt Orfice Har. +44 Evet!. Har. 3059-M Har. 4248-R FURN 3 Bedrm~ 2 balh boUM ---------------- A 1 bdrm. apt. over irar&Kt' 126600 T~rm1t- OLDER 4 bdrm. hou•e, f orced aJr beat. Only 123~ .• D UPLEX on Balboa Blvd. U8,· 7:>0 both unit• nfc~y tum. OnJy U .000 will handle. Coast Properties SOl ll!. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Barbor 2~. "97 a.nd 4600. BALBOA BAY FRONT FOUR BEDROOM. den. for the price of a lot. '8000 down to quallfled byer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1600 W. Balboa B.lvd. Harbor 111118 Acreage INDUSTRJAL. bualnee1 A re11I· denUa.1 a crease. Alto ranchee and l'fOVH In Cotta Mua. - Santa Ana area. DAN A. JACOBSEN. R~aJtor Har. lletl, Evea. u l-e317. 30<:32 OPPORTUNITY HERE. AlmOlll n-2 bd.rm. "homey" home Birch kitchen cabinets, hwd nn. Liv. room t8x.20, facet JHttlO. 11000 dn.-b41.Jance over 16 years. No fl1UU1ce ~·· ORANGE C06ST PROPER'm8 1837 Newport., Cott.a M- U a-1'32 Eve. LI M80S HOME ON THE CHANNEL, ne.at • A <'ltan, l bdrm. complete wllh NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST BUY Jt's a roomy 2 bedrm. well built home, has breakfut are&, dining room, fireplace. oak floors lhat gleam, eervice porch. lots of tile: plate glass picture win- dows that offer some view. extra large double gar- age, rear yard eurrounded by conrrt'te wall and many other features. lt'a l~tecl in best. part New- port Heighta, just breathing di8tance from Clitt Drive and a stone$ throw from schools. The price -only $16.000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barker. Liberty 8-8623, evenings Liberty 8-8621 or caJJ , EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine Liberty 8-2864 · 29c31 GOLDEN RULE VALUES CAMBRIDGE ESTATES -RESTRICTED See the8e fine custom built homes -3 bdmt8. and lg. family room -hdwd. fl ooni -2 bat.ha - Built,in range and oven. ~pecial lighting featu.res. Large two ~ garage. Au uUUtiee io and paid. Alao a few restricted Iota left -7~ tt.. front.age. Priced right at $4500 PHll SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newp0rt Blvd. Coeta Mcaa (acroee from ea.ta M~ Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eve.. Har. 43lMJ -. LI 8-2103 'DON1 make a MOVE" pier a float. Partty tllrlllabed. w~ YOU - 118 600, l~ "'"" j, JIJ .:JAo~ Ito~ I!. BRAFER. Re&Jtor 10t McFadden Pl., Kar. u o CHARLEY DRAKE -J'reffic Ens. Har. 2629-M-Bar. IH&-W Rep. LONO Bl:ACB. near J'&C!lll bar-fO'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & bor, 2 bdrm. llouiM. CaqMIUI, ~ ,... la ..... ,.,.,, 1'70 OIM9nl We.Ill. (Mal' Appan Way, MartM dttltrictl. HSmb'll mos., 30c3S •I Storage . LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING Ph. KI 8-9221 Eve LI 8-2961 C«ner Newport Blvd. and So. Main St. \ '~· ( I ~ j ' "C" 'l'ROllAl! "C'' THOMAS "C"" THOllAl! "C''nlOMAS TRADES ' TRADES TRADES #.l~ ft. Elko Cnaialer valued at $18,ooO will trade up !or rellideace or income. # 2--tO foot Harco Cruieer valued at $20,000 will trade for newer home to $315,000 in Harbor area. # ~100 ft. eu.m-Property oea:r 17th A New- port. Blvd. with excellent 2 bdrm. T year old home la. Co.ta MeA ~. Owner will t.Ufi lt.te model lioae trailer .~. ft. or larpr u p&rt ~- ~ .Cliff ·HAVEN BEST B.UY· TODAY -G. I. Resale ~e&r .chooll and cblU'Ch, 3 ·bedroom, w ' to w carpet.inc. hdwd noon, larp kitchen,, double car carap. fenc~ yan1; PRICICD at ONLY $I5,000. BAYSHORES BAY VIEW -J'lrst time c(fered, 3. liedroom, 1% botU, tlaptone f'"Place, bdwd. tloon, dining room. breUfut room, tie. kitchen wired for 220, Joad9 of cupbo&nbi, comer lot. eztra Jp. doubl• ' ' a._, ...... .. •=' ....... ·---a ........ •• F 0 R S SSS SAVINGS SEE A R T C . K I S T l E R. C 0. LIDO OPEN HOUSE · l13 Via lido Nord r- \'.Vill be open for lnapectioq atternoom until 90ld. Two bdnu', and den. Out of-~ 9W11er anxious. , MAKE OP'FER'\ Before You · Buy ' One of Balboa'a mot1t profitable I alt furm.IMd courta,I Batboa Blvd. corner PLUS IMljoinlnc kit.. All for $10,000 down. ll'ull prioa 5'T ,600. One-bait block to bMt hay beach, A: ooe-b.alf bklck \0 ocean. . . ; REAL VALUE TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE 3 bedroom, ea.ta Veea. Hwd. floon -not a tract home, on rlower •treet: near Irvine. $12,860 -$3000 do"" ----· ONLY $2500 DOWN · Balt.nce $100 month. 4 furniebed unita · -h-.rt of Balboa. Rea.I money maker. s.25oo down, Bal•nce $1!5 m.oath. Two llDaD bouw . on 2 R-2 Iota. Halt block to qcean front. Full prioa $10,l!OO ' ATTENTION . INVESTORS ; 2 1f~ acra on Placetla. Only $21,000 -Yi Clfh. -NO PHONE INJ'OIUUTION A R T C ~ K I S T l E R C 0 . R e a I N>·r s car pnp, fenced. yard. PRICED at ONLY .. 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach . $23,500 -Term.. ---------.----------------------,-----------1 "C" . THOMAS R "· Houston Values . . ' eanor · :~ Full Price $6750 224 W. Cout Hlcbway, Newport S.Cb LI 8-65 GOOD I bdrm., su. on nice eut- "C"• THOMAS "C'' THOMAS .. cr1 THOllA.S "C'' nlO ll&d• Btnet. room tor anoth.r . unn-nu. Ill• irood deal--.. IL OPEN . SAT; & SUNDAY _( ;wBdrm., 11(2 Baths -. 470 Walnut Place BACK BAY area off Irvine. (Swimmlnr pool). Ruch atyla 3 bdrm. ~ UvinJ room "41.b allding &lu9 dooN to paUo A: pool. Bar kitchen, 1'% batJi.. Barpin at only $23,!>00 Alao 601 • Mthth BT., NEWPORT BEACH. 5 bed- rooma. pier A float. Interior completely modern-~ i.rp Uvtnr room with fir<pJace! 2 batha, funolahed. Only $29,l!OO MONEY TALKS U )"OU bav. $MOO to pay down a.nd are 1ookiog for •· 2 bedroom riew" home that i. a real barc•in. at $18,000, call for app't NOW. WEITSIDE.. n.u n-.chool, dbl. pr&f•, beat. lb120 wired 220, All ww nn.. P«IO d--. run prlc• artly pooo, C-2 $1000 Down JVST orr Nl:WPOftT Bll'd. R1". tor • nlc• bueln-Uld • l b.d· raom bom9 -.h'MdJ to u .... Ill. Fu.I dMI ... on.IJ '6900, pod Choice M-1 17000 BUYI torner 70Sl27 .iUi older hoUM.. Open for .inspection U0 IA. Caz,ada Way , N•w 11. l bdrm., 2 b9thl. Vl•W. 2331 S. Ana Ave. I bdrm. cotl&(• on rear ~ .era. "800--QU\Ck Actkln : This Week NEWLY OPENED FURNISHED HOMIC - HAIUIONIOUSLY OONTEllPOR.ARY In Irvine Terrace Oppo9lte Irvifte Coaat County Club· Ht1bway 101, Newport Harbor 1 We are very Proud of the clau of merc.bandi• . which we are offerinc in Irvine Terrace. We Jcnow you will al.o like the location, qualitT of COD1truc- tion by Macco Corporation a.nd interion • by Martin It Von Hemert. Home. available frQm $24 ,000 to $36,000 for the diacrimiaatinr buyer. • Lido North Bayfront' l"rttl• r9dUolld ror qWck -'-l-Jl.R. J batlt&. Pl« • .Up. Coalp. tum. 4 Jt&AL tiiu1 M.aoo (llt..?IOO dn. l Prtc. lncludM wMhtnc madl., drJw, ~r &Ad ........ e ll'Vine J errace PRICI: JLJ:DUCZD 4 Jiioden '°'"17 bOllM -J II. R. A dfft. :a.utttuU,-cup.tad • drape&. , ..,.., __ ptld. Jcs..lly loc&tM on Dolphin T9rrac•. OwMr !ll"&nt.I qujck .u.. -PrtcM fU,500 • Waterfront Duplex J a.d~ uatt up and l bedrm. Ult dowD -SU-1\ent m&rtM ~J.~ .nd you ee,.a. ban • ,._ • fto&t. w.u Looat.d o. IU'fO Alt.o, ....- e Corona Highlands --· !! _ _!!!!. ~!!_ ___ __:G!!:;:!D!!••~'JIDll!!llll!!!!hl?_ __ .;,_ __ . BILL'S BEST BUYS THRIVING RESTAURANT 0.. Newport ~·a m1nc1e mjlo, -two Ultta In ......... threa Ulfta' In .. ..;...., '1'1>111 lo & """ mine in aummer when n.h1ap On. · VWJ Mat A clean. OWNER SAYS 8ICLL. .run Pl'ice $6000 -~ -. CLOSE IN On quiet reakleotlal •lreet -. traf(Se free a elaan u a whiatle. New curbed and J*ftd atneC:, ....... in and paid for. Nest to rrsmznar mb'ool. ll'ull prioe-..Jy $9,960 . wlU. $$000 -. NEATN.ESS PLUS • 0.olceat 3 bdrm. In Santa.Ana Helsbta. ICl;portly decorated In A: out. Completely feDC!Jd -r.r yud, w:ith bet.utJtul l&ndiicaplnJ, and 20 x 27 eowred patio adjolJilq deo addo to lwnlly llvinJ. Priced to sell at $12,960 wttb $4500 down. BACK BAY • New home on excluaive new street. Sp1-t~ I B.Jt. aod 2 full batha, lat..t and nn.t ot -.... Forted .air, built tn nna-• oven, kltcbea .. uaa. tor, oeillog fan, beaten In batha, ate. Lat lo hlcb commandinr perm.anent view of lovtily ~ $211,!>00 SHORT WALK TO TOWN· Neatly tieW 'home on valuable iaDd. S bedrm. 1 ~ · batha, parquet oak ttoon, Iota ot· we; ImmoeWate. Over.t.e ph,re. Aleo another l car ..,.... plu. shop or .. atonre room at rear. Located mkhn.y between new City. Hall m.te and downtown on appro~. 1h acre. Ample room tor ~ unit..: You ca.n 't mm in t.hi. location. $I5,800 with $3600 dowa, < OCEAN VIEW · Dupler, Newport. 2 bdrma. up, 1 bOdrm. d..,. Z car. ran&'e. On Balboa Blvd., clean. Mu.t .. u. Prico $I5,960 - W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our trieDdly ...w:-r• 400 &, 17th SL, Coot& )I-Liberty 8-11311 BALBOA ISLAND ATl"RACTIVE • bedrm .• ay, batha, or. So. Bay. ' . Owner will tau ....n down. AaldnJ $42,!>00. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Neor So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 1 y, batha. $29,!>00 About 200 ft. from No. Bey. Nat 3 bed.rm. fum- lahed bome. SubmJt down. $2:5.000 JACK BRENfilAN, Realtor and A.880CL\ TES 3320 W. Cooot Hwy. Liberty 8· 7773 "At tbe Al'Cb•" Houston Realtv Co. 6 /i.8&0CIATJ !IOI C..tw •L cc.t.. M- U .... Jl LI ~"87 W:¥a. Jll'. PeUll• LI 1....-1 l.ytkl u 1·2Ml EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGlllOT8 Harbor tf48 COURTESY TO BROKERS A _ __..._._._.MftU, ,..,... -.14'• ~) • -Ula. Lov.tJ' paay ,._ wtu. nnsii-aoo toot ktl fJ'-. IOO ft.) W1t.h - unoMt:nacted ...s.w. O.lpf!d tor rood l:l'f'lftl'. ......... to ..u. 80 JT. BAY FRONTAGIC. Ou Lifttl9 i.la.nd..._ pier. tJoet, fonnal • bdrm. home •• ·' Tbe land n.lue ~ to the ukinr price. ---cHRISlMAS-GGME-S .--iARL-Y-1 ~ C<:YSTAMESA- $4295 Two Bedroom 8ryo Mawr 1---------===l------JHAABOJ\ v v sest· Buys Corona del Mar iNvEs!!:1,.~ co. · LIDO NORD BA y FRONT INCOME. 1Arse lot, 6 bdrm. 31.4 bath bowie plus: unllataj 2 B. R. ant, over 3 car prag~. Both unit. newly fumiabed. 937 SQ. FT. el $4.60 sq. ft. 2 Open Housos 2177 Rurol Len• .. Bar. 1T75 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt '-'222' John Macnab, Barbo< t>3511 • ~290 Three Bedroom Loeb Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. at $4.60 ·sq. ft. C&t Port.I 14 x 20 $296 I OOo/o FINANCING GUARANTEED thtouab $Z0,000 . SecoDda.ry Financing Fund. on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century A Dorothy 27tfo Corona del Mar 1 ogel Values Lovely 3 bed1')0'm home with 1ep. dlninC rm .. encl. paUo, a mo.t tie.utiful n,.tn. fireplace. Comer lo.t -room to build ianall bou.ee in rear ror income. Price tneluct. wfW carpetins Ir drape1 - 1 all ror $19,7M 1'lnlllhed 2 bedroom bot18e wtt.h 1 bedroom gar· ... apt.. -u.ceu.nt location, clOM to post office, bank A aboppinJ". A real value at only $I5,7i50 full price. OOIOOCRCIAL INCOME -2 atort111 with f apt.. Uh new. Well built buJldinc Jn bnt location. Grom income SM0.00 per month. run price roduoed to $156,000 The Vogel Co. l887 I:. eo.,at Hy., Coroaa del llar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 ** Exclusive Al-Dean Place * * NEWPORT HEIGHTs Ruatiful ramblins ranch how with paneled atudio • liviq room A: dJnlnc._room, (lttplaee A wall of glaa. ~ patio. Clever natunl wood kitchen with built-in n.ngt:, oven A: dillpoeal. 3 attractive bdrma .. bwd. floora, 2 l&rse tile batha. Comer location plua many other aU.r&ctive featurn. Prite $24,500. $8SOO down or aubmit. .. GREJl:NLEAJ'-SEVER"J's REALTY, INC. . 1112·Noaport Blvd. Newport Beach , -r :ie6Z Evoo. LI 8-llf-05 * •• -·---- ......... _ OPll:N 8UNOA T I -':JO. TUrn ott Newport BIYd. •t Und 'at. and Rural lAn• la flrwt 1t ""t on {tl'!t. i.o.ety I bedroom. cklm to 9Cl'l.OOI' •torn and tran.por· taUon. Hu "900 0 . J. loan, payabl• NC per monlh Ownet' beln1 tran•t~ ea.t and 11 &nllk>l.la. A• little u 12:!00 down. I. 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM . __________ , Hardwood floon, furnace heat. No prase. And only Sld,7M. S2tWMJ down. ExcluaiTe with UL 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. AlAO Excellent condition, both unit. have fireplacn, bwd. fin., Jaundry and praae. Pncerfirm at $22,600. Tenna can be arranged. EzcJumn with ua. Open Daily 3, DELUXE 2 BR. HOME 1:30 -t.::SO 211 M/i.ONOUA. ju•t l block bt· )'$lid lllh 8t. tn eo.ta M-.. .J Mdroom home: on 3 Rt. ~ .. 4. II• 100' 11~· wlth loa4li ut fruit tr'ft& and • b-.uUful lawn. Thi• holn• raduced from •tt,900 Owtitr an:11iou1 and want. oNer or trade. AUIO OVll:RLOOKING NEWPORT HARBOR t.rre p&no"1ftle .,._ lot °" Clift Dr!Y~. Prtce nidueitd to Sta.~. Duncan Hardesty, UAL TOR Hwd. floon, double gar .. pe.ved patio. at $1:5,750. Low down pa.yment. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Quality built 2 8 . R and den nncb type. home on Momityt Canyon road. 2 bath1, 1hake roof, Out· •tan~ view of ocean, canyon and hlli.. $37 ,500 full pri«. $12,000 down wiU handle. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. MoCUlSTlON, Realtor I 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next dOQr to' Corom. del Kar. Bank) .... 2&02 N-port 81Yd. H-r. •711 --~. ------------------1 ·---------"'-- A REAL BUY IN COSTA MESA BALBOA ISLAND SELECT LOCATION LITl"LE ISLAND THREE llEDROOMS J If: . BA 'I'HS $5000 DOWN VERY NICELY DECORATl:D 6 furnl•hf'd lncli.Ml1n1 Bulll • In. Televl•lon. Jt.!fto 6 Bookc ..... Thi• -nv1 room home i. only II r•r• old •nd le In l'ood con· d1Uon, hu • nice pm.llo with po~ble • b•rbecul\-Tbe e:irlertor .. redwood •nd l'lUCCO. Property I• completely Jenc.i. Pr1cel'I et ::;'' c~":. ';:;~:::;, ':::::::::.: W. W. SANFORD-STANLEX HADFIELD 2 Open Houses CORONA DEL MAR • Sil Huel Her.'1 your opportunity to buy a bl&utilu.I Tl.ew home ot I bdrm•., l'li. batha. Thi.. horn• and out- st&n4lnr loc&Uon could not M clupli<*ted today tor t.ht aaklnl prlc• ot '32,:IOO -t•nn.a. OPEN IWld&J" 1-3. (l:zctu.fye l .. Uq) C...U n~ trw Jl"""howinf. • 418 A.clcia eor. ot nrn. '" th .. M.llchttuJ bom9 MfONI )'O'I buy. 2 bdrm~ nraplace, opm .,_m o.tllnl". Chvmln&" u cio..d paUo. •11,&CIO T•rm.t, . Cell Hor~or 2042 Frank James & Unwood Vick .. R&/i. L TOfla R. fta)'M, C. TT.Yi.I, C. fluaa, A..:>c. a1a Mu1M A"'•· -Balboa J.i.nd Opp0RT11?frrT H&IUI: -New I bdrm. 'Pa7mena.,.. MO mo., tn- ctutt. t:U:ea, INI., fprin. • Inter- Mt. .. , • Iii~. :a Mdnna., tw1, • liY, roGll'I urpllt-4 WfW,• • in• dud«\ •t thi• bvp.ln prlC4 olf Oft11 l9MO. T•rin•, •JOOO dn. ' Oft.ANOE COAST, Pft.OPl:ftTm.8 lllT Newport, co.ta M-Ll •1m ~ u 1-eaos Sovon Islands Roolty Realtors & lnvestm,.ent Co. Marine and Park, Balboa Ial&nd Harbor 2462 C-2 Business L<?t "°3 32nd St .. Newporl Beech. Cali!. ---------------------1 Oii N.wport BIYd. et ~ OP'PORTUNITT HERE. Ha acr• NOTICE with 3 furn. unit•. llA.5 mo. In-1' TR.. OLD llU'lllal'l.-d ~ tront EARL W; STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., ~boa Ialand LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUES Have y4u seen thie charmiar 2 st:ry. 3 bdrm. den and 2 bath home~ Beaut. kitchen with ~ wuher, dispo .. .1. b\J.ilt-ln oven and n.np, and copper hood with expaust ran: 2 fireplaces, smr- tially carpeted, large garage. Excellent conatruc· t.ion. Full price $32,500 -term•. - . Practically New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home that we believe to repre.ent _ the mOllt for the money of anY home now for al• oo LJDO and ia priced to 8eo at ;u.t. '31.000. Excellent ter'ma, · · Lido Nord Bayfront home with pier and alip. Ideal for the la rge fami ly. 4 t>drma. 3~ bat.ha, maida room. Large livinc room and plenty ot paUo uea. a. t.hl1 real n..lu. now I THE VOGEL CO.:-'lJDO OFFICE 3418 Via Lido, Npt. Beh. Har. •971 or Har, '072 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R • or U s..5297 DOOBLE TROUBLE-· -.AGAIN! Another client tmd9 hlmMlf with 11' bouee bd would rather have only one. We'ni Df'ferin& a euf.e amaU 2 8 . R. home with flrepJ., hwd. flrl., llr'V. porch etc, located on a i..el ft...2 lot. jaat: -.,. to Ito,..., bank, aod P.O. ONLY $11,l!OO w1th - R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 36;p E. Coaat Hy. Corona del Kar Bar. 2T7' tt.r. &3M:~~. ~-~1. ~"'";~· 2293-J Wa7. :-.::. ';1~ ~iuc comt.. A•klnl 112,000 f\lrnl , FlRS'l:_OiTERING born. °" R..a lot. Room to baUd 1--------------------- 111 ,000 u'1turnlthfll. U . dn. 1 LIDO ISLE Income Unit._ $11.llOO hill prke. a. bl.I. 17~ mo. Room fo~ addl. onlJ IHOOO clown. 3 ~m•. ]:'14 bat.ha~_.10 m~·i oid, · ~-M. Mll.l&ft co. unll•. ~A.NOE C'048T PROPERT11:8 1167 Newport, c-ta M ... U 1·1112 E.-.. L.I I~ 8Al..90A OUPl.&X. pot.nt.-J In- com• 12800 yr~ complet•IY tvrn. !iO Judi IO ft.a 8L •1 "-ch, 111.000. actnctln tenna. . J. JI(. Nlu.&ft co. 1021 W. B&Jboa RITd. Hu. Wfl ,,.., tM """"'"" ~ I02G w. a.itio.•1Qyd, Har. llOll INGRAM built. Pe~ect -·--·-<_,.~Newport PWJ $25,!>00 Generous tenna. • OSBORNE-FORTON REALty CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy.Jal Port OranpJ LI 8-7582 .Har.5154 ..... ., Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge NEWLY EITAB~H&O tn ioc.1 booln UH.. Call 1,11 tor dtta!M. DAN A . JAOONrN, ~r Bu. 19f,"I:•-LI .... tT, IOcll . WILL TRADE TO SETTLE EST ATE' . a.tom bailt Oitf Haft:ll beaat7 on the ebalee ConMI' lot ,,,, the 1......, . Throe b<IJ:ma. .. elm -EarlT A-.i atyle-- G-doon to hMutJtully lalldacop'!!,,1J&tlo A yard. Will take smaller 2 or 3 8. R. lD Harbor .,... orCoota- CALL LIBERTY 8-IUl ' I .· • • I ; f ~ ............. BLANCHE A. GATES: Realtor BALBOA ISLAND 124 SAPPRDlE Open Bou. l'RIDAY, SATURDAY A: SUNDA \l':l But shown any time. Moat charm. 4 B. R. furn. home. Priced right for quick sale. You'll love . it! .... HOME Ii INCOME. $24,500. A honey. 4 B. R. home, 3 B. R. apt. Thia la a MVST to .ee if you . want income. Ursoo DOWN. WANT A LOVELY BEACH HOME! Here la your opportunity. 2 B. R. fum. home. \ TOP locatlo'b. Knotty pine interior. Total price $16.~. i'ull lot. HURRY Corona del Mar INSIDE TIP -OFF Owner ia out of the City. Immediate poaeeuion. Here ia a good buy at $13,500. A 2 B. R. home, only ( yean old and like new. We have the 1te11 and can llhow you the property NOW. -. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMBERS OB;. MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or-1672 $1000 Down Three bedroosna and large knotty pine rumpua room wltl) large atone fireplace. Large living room ud dinin1 room. A roomy home with 1425 square feet. Hwd. floors. Double garage and walled patio. Newport Height~ Two ,bedroom home in CUtt Haven, a truly lovely area. 21 x U living room, large bedrooms and dinJnr room. Price includ._ aU carpets and drape8 in living and.-dining_ room. $15,950· full price. New 3 Bedroom Home Only $2350 down move. you into this new home with hardwood floors. Large ll,ying room and din- ing area, large bedrooms. Forced air heat, all electric built in kitchen. 1112 bat.ba. Double garare. Cloee to shopping and achoola. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. l>hooe Liberty 8-5597 Co8ta Mesa Evenings ~rty SJ/457 WANT INCOME?? Here's a beautlful. Cliff Haven TRIPL~ forjuat $22,000 ... Maybe leas ... excellent money maker! Be(ween high school and grammar 8Chool ... owner W and MUST SELL ••. pleue submit your offers. ATTENTION BUILDERS: , 3 acres R-• In Coat.a Mesa only $15,000! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W, Balboa Blvd. . Har bor 5188 27c29 FOR SALE or TRADE FOR CLEAR RUSTIC--OOME -browner 2 Bedrooms Ii den -1 % baths. plus gueat ho~ with % bath. Heated awimming pool, waU to wall car- peting, large lot completely fenced. , Cannot be duplicated for fuiJ price of $28.000 Can be eeen at 611 Al-Dean, 1 block from high school. Phone LI 8-&839 or Har. ~962.J after 6 p. m. 25Uc Ocean front Home $22,500 . VERY A 1TRACTIVE year round home on Sea· shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dinJn1 area. Formica Jtjtchen, 1 bedroom and 1, ~ bath down, 3 bedroom.a and 1 .,, 1>atha up. Sol.ac1 con· structJon, concrete and pili.ng foundation. 2 car prqe, encloeed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W.. ST AN~Y. Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 PERMANENT OCEAN VIEW BEAtmFULLY BUJLT. Cape Cod penloaula point home a bout 3· yrs. 'old: 3 8 . R. 2 bath : carpeting and .drapes, forced air hut, sep. laundry room. 2 fireplaca, 20 x 20 aundetk. lge. fenced yard, Price $28, 7M, tenna. Consider trade for boat, car, or lot. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Har. 6188 ---. ~·~·-~·~Pti~tt!9__ ___ NEWPORT HAUOl NEWS-NESS -PAlT I I • PA81 7 AUDAY. NOVIMllA II, 19U r p e a . p a l·m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d developers of Udo Isle Bayfront Duplex 11'Come for Life · Tbat'a what )'OU Wt.11 ban If ;.,.. ~ W. '-1t apaitment bout. Jecated la U.. 1-rt of \!le •· elusive Clift m .. 'rmtal ........ people .. to 3 bedrm., 2 bath upstairs with decb. 2 bedrm. 1 bath down.tain with encloeed patns. Both apta. ban forced air turnace., fireplaces, carpeting, drape9, retrtgeraton1, lltoves. Unbelievably priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. New Lido Business • > and Professional Building to be ,built on Via Lido between the Church and She.non, Hanuu A Co. Leuee now 'being made. Come In and see the model and floor plans. Thia I.a to be one of the outetanding· building• in Southern California. Beautiful C.apistrano Valley a aerea with 1 bedrm. home $11,000 -~ dn. Abo 2 Y.! ·acres $6~.00 -$825 or more dn. U you own a Jot suitable for a pa station pl~ call ua. p. a. palmer incorporoted .ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbo.r 1600 look for ·~ · 'ftn'M iilpua.t.. 1lllb. All laave Jure kftcheu, Jt'flD& roam. u4 bedrooma. All have excellent tenanta-~ pq a total ol sm.oo ,.. maat• P$li ae tm.aoo ad ,_ IUbm!t ,.,. .... Call f~ · loe Kincaid CHARM-3 Bedr~oms, 2' S.ths Thia hoUM bu IT, and u a lkmU8 -an 1Ullar- pwed Oeeua and "Bay View. U W. lm't ~ check the fo&Jowtns tatar.: • •••• ~ laad8cape., phned fOf'.., ..... .•.•. 2 patb pl• eDGalla rOoln for pool • • • • • Wall-to-wall carpet.Uac Ip aD rooma indudinc bath.I. . Full price ·--~·----··--$24.&oO You jUlt have to aee It to be1ln9 tt. Call me and rn ahow it to yoa. Bill FuuworUa p. a. paimer incorpore+.d ole h&n8on co .• salesmanagement 1100 w. ·cout ~hft.7 ..... m.ti a.aTI'· TURKEY DINNER!' IN YOUR OWN HOME ' Balboa · Balboa Home! I BE>R.OOX. 1" baUl boma. CJOM to NHYC and bait block trom -.,,.,. .lbltra Sot Sacl\lded. n,... place &Del Jarp UYSna' room- oldlr ..... -WIUle .... bW. • 3 Bdrm.-hdwd. noora • Beat Eut.lde location • 0 .1. ''if> ,...,.. ,e Dbl carac-pallo • Tr-and el\Nba Sl2,000 -12.000 down • • • BACK BAY! HOUSE It EXTRA LOT • 2 Bdrm.-1 bdrm. 18'&20' • Extra lot T0'•100' • J'naJt trMe "'5uNt bo~pa 4 elec:trlclly e M&i{I atreet ln Qack Bay Full price Sll,700 • • • Business Comer! • Heart ot C<>1l• Meaa e 2 l lOl'el • Both rtnt~ r e Phone lnrom1AOon (ladly (lven • 21>'/r Down • Good 'l'erma • • I • 2 B. R. borpe near Library -~ bath in garage - Nice enclosed patio. <>wner will conaider trade Oil Income in Riverside. $14,696 -Good term&. Bay Avenue -4 B. R., 2 bath home -$23,950. Owner will conaider home in We.twood area same price bracket or might excha.Dp tor lllaall clear beach hou. harbor u.. $3.500 down buya 3 unitl ~ block to bay, dcellent income, nicely furn. i B. R. hot11e, 2 B. R. apt. and 1 B. R. apt. Abeentee owner anxious to .U. Bay Avenue Duplex -2 B. R. upper, 1 B. R. lower, completely. furnished, &lao Iar1e rumpus room. $18,600 -56000 down BAY AND BEACH REAL TY INC. . U.. PT.000. .... WIM. Peninsula Homet CAUi IN OH TBm KA.NT DOL- LAM 8Pll1'CT BT OWNJ:R to modenm w. cut. t~ hednn., t _.. !aome • U.. P•ln-aJa- ~a MW llou.M. t-.., wtUl Y!fw, nnpl&oe. double,..,.. ....... --k. ~ ... e& flT ,IOO. tlOOO cllwD. Peninsula home, plus DOCTOll'8 JIOlm AND A. BMV· TD'tm PROPmtTT. ·~ .... corur Sot Sacll.lded, wau.d for prlncy. ' lle*ocNu, I ba&M. Badminton eourt. patio, beau- Uhal fJowsll ud ~. Wall to wall~ ... ~ · • bac:"Nh4 ... u.a. i. a lnel;t home fw Jars•~. e.ao,aoo, t.-.u. . ~ ~ 1450 w. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Calif. Harbor~ Balboa Triplex! • l bdrm. pha9 1 ..,...e apartment ----------------~ e llO'xl30' lot. BEPA.R.ATZ COTTA.Gm W1'nl : =~.~/lean LI DO PROVINCIAL . e. ~7:!==-r:= • • • Joa&Uon. If )'OU want a rood r-. -OG your JiiOiii)' UiJi"ll ft- • !'!! ...... . .......... CORONA DEL MAR p~ ~ aD4l oe.D ... -~ ~.. ' B. R., den. 2 batha. Low .... ..... pJn "6.000 IRVJNm 'fDlRACI:, '8000 wtll hen411. A.._ new t B. Jt.: conv. claa, t batM, tnalde BBQ. Drap- eriel, ltoft, fully lan-.,..S. Low price. BAYSHORES ~AJN. S bec!nn. LIY. room ·ts a JO, ftrtpl, fencecf. COHJed i-tio. ~ piee In WI a• cl1llM dlltrlct. Now $17,1M .. AT'l'llACTIVE 3 bdrm. home'. Protected 119~. Owner amdoUI for otter. •1ttn1 $28.000 · ' Bedtm. 1 • bathl. ~ blk. from ... ,, .. , bMcJa. ~ A1'1n1 $29,'llO • SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA~ORJCS ~ Bar. 1775 -Eves. FAith Maroon. RYatt ~ John Macnab, !Jarbor G3N · to.a BoJDtoa. Ba,mde Dr. offtce, Bar. mr, ... Bar. 2111' -EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 KarfM An., Balboa leland VOGEL. VALUES ~ MA1N OFFICE * * * , A1TENTIONI JUST COMPARE THl.S FOR $10,500 Here'•. ~clean 1 ~ yr. old a bdrm. ltucoo home with 'fl /w ca.rpeta ~ drapee, 119Uo, larp fenced yard apeneiftb' l&D._.ped wl · looat.d near IChoole and llhoppblc. Yw can aMmDe .._ fT,fOO -•l,i'.J' Joan an4 pa7 only "100 mo. lnch&d.. tu and IDIU.r. * * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout'Htwa N~ J.1.&Mll _ -- LOTS' -----eLOSE TO "nm CLUBHOUSE - Thie choice two bedroom can be youn for only .i22. 700. ft ba.,. U.. reoardil. taa:TIO ud -------------------- 1:11 ·xu2· plu. Allt:7 and -en Nice location. Ms.kt~ 2 Iota. U .800 each • • • Bay & Beach Rlty Inc lHS Newport Blvd. Coeta Meaa. Calif. Wbe.rty 8·11&1 Wberty 8-3010 IN THE BACK BAY AREA CLOSE TO THE BAY. Wllll113' h&nda can tra.naform th1a al· m<>1t 2.000 1q. tt. or Home 41: Rumpua Room lnto a dellfhl· fut place. Fenced lot 1110 Jt J«I. Priced r1ght al $13.600 with tt&.llOnable down peymtnt Own· tr will con.Ider offer or Inda. BRAND NEW 1&60 SQUARE FT 3 l>Ktroom. l"i. balha plua ovu1ILed 2 car car· age. Thi.a Beauty la localed on a half acre a.nd priced at Juel $21,000. Oood ltrma. Seven lslend1 Realty & lnveltment Co. 603 3-2nd St .. Newport "Beach, Callt. Har 6M8, after 8. p.m. Har. 2293·J . CLiFY HA VEN ' BR., 3 BATH, beautiful family home. apaC?lou11, room ror pool. ' '37.500 2 BR .. bHl locallon St8.000 CORONA DEL KAR 2 BA. A DEN, cor . loe&Uon, ntw beautiful home 128. TllO BEST BUYS IN CORONA HIGHLANDS LOVl:L Y ... l aide COST A MJ:S 3 br .. 2 bal.h. IS•· lot. nr. mlclJI. 41: tr&Nportallon SU.TOO . Claire Van Horn REALTOR • Beamed ceilinp e Ueed brick fireplace ""' • I~ window llhutten • Quarry tile ltitchen • Large two-car prase • Large walk·in clo.et We have the key to thi.a Immaculate, near new Udo home. Come in and d1aeu.u term.a. LIDO REALTY . ASSOCIATES W.KEMPI'ON J.H.GROIDIAN GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA MANSON MOO Via Lido Harbor (ff4 (Acrc>911 from Richard's M.arbt Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dolrars PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 wrm MONTBI TO SP.ARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, . IT'S THE SUCCEssFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Bmt 2Tll W. Coul Hwy U 8-t277 COM 714 Goldenrod U'NUSUALLY A Tl'RACTIVE COM OPPORTUNITY HJCRll for Ju.wt •* S970(). You can be proud own· er of Cliff Drtn VI-lot. lket value ln view &ot In ..,__ ORANOll COAST 1 PROPJtRna JMT Nnrport. eo.t-' M .. LI 8-1132 . ll!Ye. Ll 1-4803 BAY A. Vlt DUPLEX. OW. &ot. l>Mullt\11 Bay Ytew. to tt. t o Bay beach. tllOOI _,... you ln. J. M. MlLLllR CO. 2028 W. Balboa .Blvd. Har . .ofl . ' 1n•r lha Newport Pieri · 2 bedr. 1 ~'2 bath, encloeed patio on Dicely land- ~ped 60 ft. lot. Aalting price 118,500. ~.000 dD. OPEN HOUSE l -5 Sal A Sun., Nov. 12 A: 13 (or Phone for app't) BEN J. WHITMAN, Re.ttor Bar.1842 _ I Bar. "51- 3M2 E. Cout W,bWay, 'C. D. K. ..._ 'COST A MESA The Best Town on E.rth' Lots! Lots! Lots! Wll BA VII .1Uft A.BOUT '1'1111 OKL1' .... l.Dft A.VAD,A•• ........... Olo9eto .... a&tt.ln&' t¥"e llde b7 mde - wtD Mil all ~ tor f19,IOO. Balboa Realty Co. Oppollite 8&nll of Amtrica &.GNeM7 Al Comal!Ull md Lee Jadl l'tnlmam Joeephlne Webb TOO a -.lbOa Bl•d., Balboa Pboae H&rtlor U71 Corona del Mar ID TBlll! 411 LOT, I bedrm. bome Ir l.JIOClllM J;>UPLEX r and a 't'WY Dloe oae too! 2 Br. eeola ldd9, Behr. fJoon. Ole. ..,.... 81p&r'atiq anlta. ConMr-1ocat1oa.. SJ.6. TBO wttil '9800 down NEAT A CL.UN 2 Br. home, cSlnJq roam. ftl'l- p&ace. Bwd. Goon. B. B. Q. a.u yud fenced (Block), prap 6 wortr llbop. A N&1 "'-1 ai.-o with $3000 down . NEWPORT lll:lGBTBr OM of tM ._ -I 9r. home and a la.rp da:a with tlnplao.. (tlnplaol la livtq room alto) larp Jdtch-.. •tiel porch. two batU, forced air beettb1. Hardwoo4 fJoon. Real Value 118.000 r' G. N. WELi S, RH~or 1810 Newport Blvd. eo.ta .,_ lJ 1-1801 uaM. 0..., u.. aa.t. ----------------.---- MA.KT INmn• • for -a.. JI_.. It ~ ... Fitzmonis Rlty. Co. Re9lto,._._. ....... KuJUple U.tfns Illa II. Cout Hy~ Corona del Kar llarlllOr 2111 OPPORtnnTT llD.ll MIO down. (,..,_ leM) 1Mql I room bome on MdlO' lot. 1onec1 ~l. Z>IM. Shore Ctlffs Exclusive Ocean View 2 Bedrooma, pueled den. 2% batU, beaaUfal 1111· at.one s-Uo. plat. slam wiDdon, mlrron. ..... purifter, etc. Lunrtom carpeta • drapel, PLtJI au u.. otlMI' ~ appotntmet.a that ,_.. a a.. bomt. Mothins eomparable at S31,800. Cu .,,_ r&DI• a.cellent t.rma. W. T. MdlANUI, B•ltor la....._ U Niii R. L. 8'l'RICKl..laR, Belter 1123 & a.a-. Bar. 271• mt.' ........ llu7 to bilQ', aJ.ce to --------------------bwn, nl8e fual.b', ~ • peu JI.-.. • OA.Ufall OOAft JlllOPM'tiM t•T Kewport. eo.ta 11 .. LI ... HH • .... LI ..... 80 Acres a.cllllhd la the h.i.rt ol the a... land FCll'lllt. Rann&as e,...11 a hont ol mMll cabtn Ir 11149t catu. OW.• must ..U. ITIOO. ::aoo doWJa. SAM EMMES TWO ilii>UL HOMS. oompMl&.tq ~ !Mp .... llltr-uooo down. SH.IOO fllU p.-.. J. )(. KILlall co. ,.,. w. Ballloa ..... Bar. '°" (near the Kewport PW> TWO ocaAM noJft Iota ,...., '9tla tDr flT;IOO. Or Wiii ._._ ...... , ..-a...._..._ IOI MehMla Pl, Bar. 1 .. .._ -· III M ..... -.w • j " TRAILER COURT 20 unit.a with room for moN.' QoOll -.U. OD Newport Bl9d. U-1 UffGltaltJ', ant U.. ottered. $30,000 with ~ down. N.B.C. REALTY CO. 82nd A: Ntwpe11t ~ N..,art ._. Bar ... IOca Need 4 Beclrooms? llll'lare2 lt•deh l LIDO J8L1C -I t1iatM. 2 ftaqla• ... cbum~naL Ct.UT llAVDf -o.t•"'Mw I Wiii, l'OOID for pool. Both tbel ~ ............ WILLARD L KIWON, Re•tt.:. ~ 11'1 M.wpart BmL ....._. J 1 . ' tA&E 1·'AltT11-NEWPOlT HARIOI NEWS-PRESS FllDAY. NO..U II 1911 . . · .~ Buy at .Home· From -·Youilaca/New Car .Dealer END ~F Till ·~EAR 1956;....,.;CHRYS' ER , lrade•in Allowances ... t • • • • .,, - JIOW On-_ N•w: '56 FOrcls ~COME IN ·TODAY! WE'RE TRADING YOUR WAY! * Immediate ·Delivery * Excellent A1101 lnMtnt YOUR TIADE IS WORTH MOii · NOW! .. I • •• __ ,. ___ y lay• YDU ''It's·. ought to try itl Terrific'' r -e1s66•tt•• driri•1 in the 1956 OUR llG VOLUME ON NIW CAR . SALES . ' . . ALLOWS US .TO GIVE L-0-N-G DEALS' * * * * * FIYe se.. Used c. Special * * * * * . ·1955 ,.,....,,. Statloa w .... 1'-8 -! door !"-llglat ~ -_..... llldewalla Low ..o.ce :-B¥lo -Beat.-·--npt °"" t2295 . . ... ' · THIODORE ROBINS LOU REED & ASSOCIATES •• f100 W. CoCllt H ... way "Yos Ford Dealer Siace 1921" ·on Mari..,., Mle MILLER'S LUCKY . 7 ,• Uberty ~3471 . ~.: I -~--- orra .. ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST USED CAR LOT · 1952 CADILLAC Fleetwood 4-Door Radio -Heater • Hydramatio 1952 FORD Rancla WClfJOll Radio le Heater $l l 9S Fordomatic =-=-::r Tlnie $1795 1952 FORD Victoria Radio • Heater rc.domatic New WSW "1'lr9 1 tlJ-CHIVIOLIT 2 Door l'lllly F.quipped $1095 $ 695 " 1952 CHEVROUT lel Air Sport Coupe R-H ll PowerGlide 2 To~e -Sold N.,.. Sl 09S Serviced by ua 1950 OLDSMOllU S.,... 81 4 Door • Hydramatic R-H ll WSW Tlrea $ 595 1950 PL ntOUTH Special Dela• 4 Door Sedan S 495 a.dio • a.tar-• ExceUm t nr. H11r U... Is KOnal Specials ~Yalable wltll e NO DOWN PAYMENT e .MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Ollll•alll• CIM:W1tl1t MILU•'I KA• · KOllllAL 700W.C-t"HI .. _, ~ a.2251 Tl ...... ....... r.t • ........ ~ LUXURIOUS LINCOLN -They're Cl EAN-They're PRICED ~IGHT-They're GUARANTEED Bank (\ .-Terms 54 eacaac 62 4 Door 55 Ford c ........ . Solcl .. J Dcly Money a..c:k Guarmlhe 52 Mere. Sta. w .... No Money Down Meire amaUo--rtlodlt ••ter -..._ .. .... ::::;--..&7,..., , .... ...--........ $1196 55 ...,..... 4 Door ,, .. Eqllle ...... ... •• , • ·~ =~ c::-• -~ ••Clllpt ;rte. $1791 SJ U.Ca .. C ... c-.. . · .... , •••rr--a,nmotk. ii par Iii l l • 1 '"""' .....me ftsb tl ,_. ...... .....u.. $1791 KPECIAL--M -....._ Mnnl, -a,. 54 Mere ....... ., tt.cllop ...._ -llee&er -Onrvt.. -INIM'.tl ~ ..., ...................... -$1991 t.tapl,,_ _..._-,, .. 'IJUk.eHat ~ ..,.. -wtua .. u.. , 111 •• •••• SJ 111!.-...1 4 Door Y-1 __ rl"...._.._....... ... ...._. rvl'W ......, ...... ~ ..... - -.., .... I ..... llmle......O..,.,.._.... ..... w.. s 991 .,,.... ..., prtcie ~7 n...._ °"' .,... • 1111a ... 1a 50 w.re.v C ... C1ape -·---S 591 H~--.. (~ -) Jf.w ......_ _. ,_ llke a ,_..., -Prteed M -17 You Cciil luy 1111• Safe luy Usecl C:.. .+ JOHNSON &-SON . ' L111C•·M1n_,.·c.1k111,.. S.. .& S1rvlce 900 W. Cwt ..... ., -Ne_,1rt l1•cll-t1Cr011 tro. lay C .. -~1rty 1-1541 0.-•• l .. 'tll '"' ..-1" • j • • .. ,1.~ ......... .:..~--~--..:.· ............................. .-.. ..... mml!l ..... 1111111! ........ ~ ....................... ~ .......................... llllllli ..... ~ I ., .. ·.