HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-14 - Newport Harbor News Press• . / CIOWNID WITH A KISS ~ _. et ~ at D&Yldlon J'leld. "nllnday riipt -when Jofttr ~ 1'19MU wu dealpat.ed Newport H&rtlor Hilb klilool'• B0941C"'D•nr QuMn by &t.wllnt Body ·V lce·PT'ellldent Jlclt» l>eJ..oas a ODe at bia mol'9 lDlereaUn1 ottidal campu. ac· u.w.. -a1a1r Plloto . . . • 'PERRETT MANSLiiJGHTER . . TRIAL . JURY PICKED *• L ~f WIDOW Cllll'Kl4L . • The. •kier M&Jn&r'4'• wtt.. ... ... la I.II c:rtt.ql condJUon, and .... • Henhonn NI 3-car Highway AcclclHt SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Mii· dr~ Hershom. 62, r1d1nr w1Ut Fred Leo Herabom, &a. SIOl It. C09Al Blvd., Corori& del Mar, auf· ru ed minor lnjurtea Friday aftet'· nOCJ'I\ when their car wu In a lr&f· lie em&Jlhup on Cout Hlf hW&J I &oo fet>l northweat of Lo!! Pat09 Ave.. near Sunael Beach. CaJlfor- 1 nla Hlgbv.·17 Patrol reported. The lnJur9d woman wu tallen l" a private doctor. ~ratora ot the olhet> can were Juper L. I ,,tlda. 71, Corona del Mar: and Rotwrt E. Davia, 22, ot Loni , Buci.. The latter wu dr1"1nl a pand debvery t r 11 c k. MeU.her Ftelda nor Dam wu hurt. ..,. col'd"'I to the petrol. Dyso11 IMprONS · AllMuP aUoWed ao ,;..ton, ~;i,a.J,~...a.i....ili~-Newport 9-cb 1'ollce C&pl. Wal· -.. -... i&DAl' -It wu a -v day tot Geol"Cre Sm.Jth, abon above wl_th t.w DJ-llt 1'9Jbt.ed ~u,. .Ire· __.Ir a • ._ • e jNftd &l Boec a.,tt.al wtMn Jrllty pu ctnl of IJ!e 128.000 budret tor le&e' hu bttn collect· ed. Mr11. ~llnit said. "If •nyone haa been m11111ed In t he hou11e-lo- bOUM canvau during lhl' wMli of Nov. 1·8 drtve, U11•y o n remit t.helr pledf e to P. 0 . Bolt 352, the N-port H arbor Community 0-t. Die.. or telephone Harbor lOOl, chul telephone. and a vol· Wit.ear -rker wtll pick up your contribution ... 1a1ey hne Rlfled Lura Dace Balley. :N. of '31 w. 18Ul St .• Coeta .Meaa, wu the victim of a aneaJt lhltt Thurlda,:y while tlllll\g out a money onkr ln Ole po•t office. ahe complained to police. &he kfl her purM on t.be counltt for a f.W mlnut•. ahe aid, and durl~ that Ume UI WU tak• trom a btlltold. . Toll•y lltl Ceple1 lllrtWlr cab when be had recovered from bailinr _9Ul at supenonic speed ~ .._ -. -. ..... ..-• '"*' ,. ... JI' wi! bn oi Le.po& a.ch 1ut Febn&ry. -"StafLPboto .. • , .. ,~ a-a ~ ...-.. ________ _.....__ ·. Costa MeSI · P*e f.llld 1 ·:11t ....... 2 Pipes • • • . I PIAN 8BOW -.. "Fubiou of Y..iery~· are bein1 dtecn.1d by commMtaton for the Saturday nJcbt f&lbJon abow -KaUe Quinn and Ken NU. -Joea1 nctAo and televWon PftWOUUty with KR. Charte. 'J•nnlnr, chairman of the fu!Uoa ~...,,---Dela.a.la Pbo&o ... 4 ' • \ \ - f ANNUAL SIL VER TEA plane are in the making for Republican .women of the city. The affair ia calendar- ed for Thureday at the riew home of lilra. William Fiaher, 163 Shorecliff Road. Dela~ were arranged when thi1 group met at the: home of the preaident, GOP Women . . Announcing SilVer Tea Past State President to be Speaker Thursday ' Republican Women of the Newport Harbor area are having their annual.-1ilver tea on TbW'llday. Nov. 17, from 2 to 4 p. m. at the home of Mn. William E. Fiaber, .153 • Mra. Richa"1 Teachout, 2:581 'ere.tview I>On. Here (l to r ) wn. D. Gerrard Hoyt, tea clwrman, hol<b aloft a Spoc»teapot. emblematic of the coming event, . while am1ling approval are Kmee. Robert S . Barnes, Otto Chriatemen and Robert Crowner. -Staff Photo • AT NEW OllLEANS -Nov. 5, Mrt. Jeeale Hill, left, 240'11elltrope, and ber friend, Mila Dorothy Dehydt ot Alhambra, aa.lled aboard the SS Alcoa Col'l&ir tor a 18- day~ la the Caribbean. Durin1 the voyage tl\ey will vbdt Klnpton. Jamaica; Clud&d Trujlllo, Dominican Republic; Port of Spain, Trinidad and c&ncu. La Gu· &in., Puerto Cabello and Guant.a. Venezuela. Before sailing they apent two daya ln New Orleau. -New Orleu8 Photo Newa l~r. Dr. 11nc1 Mrr. 011ylord Tollin. Mar1ra1-et T1 tder While and Ml· r1aM Bc.hmldt. and Col. and MN. Aa.iJ.M...._ LIDO ~S CLASS .. PllD DlllCTOl'Y APPLIANOIB-Bmm 1,r .. r.n. -DleJer -........ UDO ICl.aol'lllO MM v .. U. -_._ • ., ·~DMJ.-New ... ..aou. ... 1nalDn ftiJllG••• ............... ............ .,..._ ....... 8ANU 8Mll ef Am 11• Jft' a IA MM Via U.. -...._ - B•PDSllOn UDO UIAYmO IR7e ,. ............... _ ... Via ..... _..,...., BE&V'l'Y PAJUA>88 'UDO 8AWN or UAtJTY NII H,t. ..._ -Bw. llff llOOU 800& CAD NllVlaU.-lluW'* o.amua9app11ee Vt:NCEHT LIDO OllOCJe NllVlaU..-....__ Cotillion .Patroness · Group 0:?1-~-= CATDUHO Presents Second in Series (JI~:-:-:=:.. I d IEIU'8 OP' UDO Secoad ln the eeuon'1 Cot.illlon dance. for the younger "d ¥ra. Ric.bard Manet u.. an ~ Newport 1111 d . ""' rbo y _ Cl b with Meura. a.nd Mme•. Jamu S. " • let la Oil Wedneeday at Newport .n& r &Cu\. u Beattle, J. Harold ca1dwe1J. Jo-CLOTlllNG -..... Re&all -----------------------Kia G. Vlrcinla Goll&ta directing. First wu the Halloween 11apb cu-r, 1. J. Coly•"· Bal amht.a.·s ~• l"UM ML~ ~ Mn. Harv_, Somen la general chairman for the Dlk•. WtWam E. rt.her. Robert Mta \'\a u. -...,._r OM8 NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WIN1P'RED BARBRE, Women•a Editor PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1955 FED ERA TED CLUB WOMEN TO HEAR STATE OFFICER _,, · P. For-bea. Leoa&Nt Grav-. and Oolllllona and la aided b7 a prcm· Jr., Earl OU9lkey, Dudley Jarrett. l)dward Oroen911dYke. CLOTBl:NG-Womea'1 RtstaU lneot fl'OUP of Harb.>r women Hap J . Lowa, Jr., Robert Mack· AWcl Meaera. and JilnM9. ~ IA UlQ Nho 9pGllMlr UM-popular daoch1c .,-, Donald KcCallwn. Emory 8. Roa« o . Robert M&ckey, w. IM \/'-. ~ &alt cl&affa &nd MTV• u p&t.rone-a. Koo1'9, Jr. John Oertly, Ne19on Phelp• Merickel. JC>Mph Nlckerta. LIDO t-.uuuoNl!I . llATIND Prin&'la. Jam. Ray, Harry 8t1cll· Nelaon Pring~, O. W. I Dick I Nlt N,._ l!ltvd. -...,_r ..,, Tb K Un CotillJ which ler, Joba lhr\cVt. Bull Twtat, Rlchard. John Scudder. Porter Sln· StlADl>O(JK'lt • a " Oil Or«l Wac» U14 Tbomu C. Web-cla1r, Edward lAalel' 8mtlh. Lee· NII V&a LUo -Menor 111' meet. at 1:45 p. m. a bNd"ld by rur. • . t.er A. Smith. Karny Bomer.. VAOAAOND BCJU&t; MrL Ch&rlea P. Cott.on ud bar Pat.ronau chairmen for ttte Cllarlea UllmAn, Mn. Charla W. lmportad Sportawe&r co-cha1mwl Kn. Jay ~ 81xUa orada CoUWoft which Priddy, Dr. ~d Jira. Harry IUck-IUI V&a U4o -Barbor tOOl and lnclVdM dilldnn m UM' Wrd m.et.e at l :IO p. m. are Mn. WU· DRUG 8TO&E8 and fourth )T*deL Ot!Mr J19troe· ~...!: ::m. ~-=~~~ 1st M1rt111e lo1111 • .-. tnclud• Mm ... Jame9 J . Car· aonns uu. C1'Qllp .... J(ma. Eul· ro». Redfield Dinwlddle, Doll r.d· mu, Eclla, J\o'-t P. F ort>ea. ler, E . H. Groanadylle, auu.ael ord Bak... ll&muel B1U, Al· HIU, Hu"1' RUllOll, H. Macy tr'eCl V. Jorpuen. a. Vlncent Jor· Jonu. a.ncty .r . M&c:Xay, IDrnorJ ,.-. J a 1 JUlodu Lcml'ley. Rlcb&nt )larMUua, J. Ken.Qlth II:. Moor• Jr. John Out.17, lpeD· Kerrtui, Qeors-Michaud, Smith o.r JUcb&rdaoa. Paul B. Rocva. HewMny. R . Moriran Nob&.. w. OM HO .. ll& aue1Nll99 .uoio INDUllT•I~ ~-O~&•Tllla ..... _ ... ,_w" ._, .......... o - (tenow ... tnd ~I),,_ C-• .. C- ~'•Mt& MO "-eeONM. eOt.iCUTAtlONe -nt\1111' DU09 eOUOHT ANO eDLO VINCBNT"8 LIDO DRVU8 U.l Vla Udo -Harltnr .... El..Z.C'l'IUC OONTRAUroas UDO .l:t.ECTIUO NU Via LWe -lbrbor t'19l Mn. OanJcl Whlt\.&ker, pre.Ndenl ot the C&Ufomta J'ed. T. J>. Ropn, Jobi! llcUddar, ~ I>. kbock. Wllllun R. llennlloa. WI. I. llLT _ Shorecliff Road. ~Jana ~ t.be event were completed when mem~n of the tea oommtttee O'Dona.U will IN Mn. Nctlard mel Thurllday at Ula home of Te4aclloot. pf'Mld•t ot U.. N-· Mr.. Richard Teachout,. 2 ~ 8 1 port area Republican Women and Mu. Viola Frtt<lman .. eratloq of Womt.n'• C\uba, will be honored by mem"n ol ~ ud 81n1d1tar, Joha ......-. R. WUllam H. 8purJ'90n ID. &ad Onanse County ~P Nov. 11 at 10 a.a. In UM rim Bapl6K ~ 'fta7W h .. CJMuM9 UU· Ndl&r4 Btee&e. a.well ot AllAIM.bn. • m-. a114 J'raDJLM:D W11ooa. Dr EVPDrO NOttTaAal W-lll ... ••NCC t e"JG ltotM.llU9H Sftm • IANt"'AHA,CAl.W. KIMlftl Y 1-7111 0.-_....... ... lOt .,,,.,991e •• '""ft...cl-. New Y0tl,~ During the morning Haalon report. from the nr1oia Younr ball~ dancen from ~ STOUP ln UM •riff In· t'olnmltteu w111 be ~ven. Mra. Vernon CUnnln,tlam will ~v• the firth l1'de meel at Ula Taclat dud• the J'OW'C bell• and t>uwi r-------------------------_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--.i- FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCENT'S UDO uaUQ8 .... V&a LWe -llarbw ... FRAMES a ALBUMS • Cr.wtv1e1111 Drive. Among thoae pouring will be .-flobef't-ffit t-()f-QP•flJ4! tad M ra. Walter Par'I<~ of Laguna &Reh. Club at five o'clodl for t.IMtr Co-of UM •wnth and eirflth ,,..ck• t.he pled(e. followed b)' an ln11plraUonal mu.ace trom ~Mn=.'--+nn~n;-WIUl')&lrO?feU ', ,Met Sn ltM •ffni"C "--<iM ~ trUfft-wlH be-Mrw. Gladye O'Donnell of Long Beach. past pruldent of the Federation of Republican Women tor lhe 11tate of California. She will dis· N IU briefly the role ot Republ • -zl&ine IJudJf'y. litfi. JoM lJOVei Jr., ptta:ldent oC An•· Mmea. ftobert c. 8all.t1Nr7, and Junior CoUlllon. P•t.roru and P-.· helm ~U Club wllJ Jive the welcome with Mra. Marton Richard 8~ troDUMe tor thi. ballroom c:lua MMI. D . Pt-rrard H oyt I• In charge of arranr emenLs. ua111ted Mme•. Robert s. Bamu.. Rob- ut Crown4'r. Mark Soden and Ot· to Chrl1ten11t'n. 'spencer. vice prulde~l of the Orance County CTOUP. (ivt.nc rD'l'B GMD• lnclude ch&irmen Mr. and )(ra. the ruponff. Mrs. Whlttal<er will then addreu the l'f'OUp. Other p-.~ for Ula nfth Bu'1 R. Twlal, co·ch&lnnao Mr. can women ln thJe are•. A luncheon wlll be llf!rved at 12:~0 In the Ebell clubhoUM Orad• OoUDloa tacluda Mmea Ill tti. recelvlnJJ line with Mni. and ~f'Y'llUona art to be made w1 th Mra. B. R. CUpt.nd, Lawnnc. ll. Brown. 8 p •Id In I &21 N. Culeton St., AnAht>lm, by Friday. l!:utmu Veraoa .sdler, Jtanckll -BREAKFAST MEET ourtnr the attemoon aeaalon Mr11~ Wl\1tlaller wlU &f&ln P". Geddes, Walter D. IC. Olbaon addrue lha membtre. Ills Girt Ion Philharmonic Concert, Ball AT BALBOA ISLAND Mr. and Mra. Sari Ell\•. IOTl 8.W. 8pruce St., Santa Ana, are t.he parent. of a ~d baby bom Nov. 12 ill ~ Ho.pit.al. Alpha Omicron Pi Alum Tea Friday Afternoon lab.p to Stroot. 308 S..Ch. a.re Ula parent. of a flrl beby bom Nov. 12 In Hoar HoapJt.al. Sat••-'•-evening, Dec. 3 ii the date and Anaheim Hiib All mem1>era of AJpba Omicron .... .._,., • Pl alumnae In tbe Harbot' area School Auditorium ia the pl~ for the Orange County Phil-are 1nvfte4 to tu a t th• born• of harmonic Society'• next concert, it wu annqunced to a group Mns. Milton L. Stannard, 1u On· ol Oftt 40 women at the Balboa Bay Clu'b on Wedne9day >'* Ave., Balboa Ialand. Oil Noor. monJnc. Tb• aoclety'• monthly lemphnl&ed .f. that area eln~ u -11, 2:30 to 4:10 p. m. bl'Mktut mMUnC wu prel!lded penen~ l}H·r:mown attends.nee at TbOH bidden are Mmee. Roy Z. O'fW by Mca.U Kardel n .~llJ'll'et& the con~erta tenda to be drawn Hallberc. Waller Mubonp. Ned 8rvld:nc· oecu va ~..,r. vu loca.J but \IAIL.""iTlXE BALL hea Y nn a L M. JohNon. Willard Killion. Bert Humerow N'port.11 were m •d• A monr thOM pre11ent tr o m A. Jtaptau, Dow Bonnell, Robert to UM fT'OUP, tarre11t eveT to at· northern OrtnP Obunty In addl· Corfma.n. Oordon "White, Rc)Wrt tmd K1u F'rl~a Bellntante. peT· Uon to MISI MetUer from Ana-• 1 ed th helm -re Mmea. Richard Wind· Reeve. B. T. UlleCT&vtn, John I: manent conductor. we com . e er Brea· Leon Alexan der Kerl CarT. J . L. Ca rver and Ed'wa.rd member•. Reports were (lvtn by 8 · ' H ~rt F 1 • d Dodce Any oU!f'r mem!H!r1 of Al· Mm ... Mottl&nd LeiU\;'>ld. leader o:~~~r. ~~mber e:,.e;; ,,:;... pb.a Omicron Pf •1"4' moet .... of UM aru chAlrmen; Cart Bo8· R~ Marle Booth' Jarne• Miiien' come, and Ahould cell Mr .. Stan· ...n. rwruT1•1te sale chaJrman· ~ . e • · ' J:dward Mittelman Mom. w. nard at Kar. 8271. It d" a rd Mlllelm&n. publicity 81 k R ..... t 0 11 '1 d Wll· Mrs. 8l&nnard I• alumnae di· ebalnnan a.nd Alfred Payne, Val• ac · o..,.,r g v e. an ant!M Ball C'halrman, who an-llam H•ney, Jl'ullPrton. nounc:ed th11t tnvltatlon11 and tick· COAST OROl'f' In Kemper Banli et. for the 11econd annuu "Olve Repr-nllnr the aoul.hem part Dan Clay, llOI\ of Mr11. E. ,. Tour Ht&rt t.o the t'hllharmonlc" ot the county at the l>,...Aktut Pare. 1o23 r.:. Balboa Blvd . hH 1 »aJ1 were bt'lnlf prlntf'd. Thia wrre Mme-a. Gunning BUUer, J . I 'MIMftt event 111 1chf'<lulec:I toT Fri· Ro~rt Maddo•. Mrs Jetfer90n been named to the marchln~ day evening. Ff'b. 3, l9M and w ill 8covllle. of O>ata Meu: Miu S.I· band It Kemper Military lkhool once agllln be h~\d"at the Balboa lnfante. Ml .. ll. Gertrude HelU• Bo6nvllle. Mo. Under the dlrac· Jla.1 Club. . and Mn. Holmes Wehrly of san-lion of Lt. A. O. Morrla. thl" band I Ml"'9. Morrb W S\Ark of Fut· t• Ana : Mmu. Oertrude V. Mc:· lead• U\e Sunday '1rtu pa,.delltld lerton. newty a ppointed d irector CaU, BArbara MacNellledce. Neff, I• 1n popular demand for variO\IJll of Youth Conr"r t11 tor U11• count.y, Jvy c . Fralllt r. Walter Schoen· pr0rnm1 and paradu In Mluoun. I pft a ~p(irt <'f her work to teld, ll:dlUI V. Culbe~. H. ff. Cla7 playe Ole 1MU1aphonr. data. Tbe Youth Concert pro~m Hmllhaw. Fturi. M. Olblan. O. ;miiiiiii_. ______ ....;;;;;;;;~ ta baltlir eet.abllfhed u a Mlp&rata 8. Miiier, Ftan Hardin, Robert I:. and lndqendmt branch of the .,_ AndJulll. I.AIU.Old. Dao w. Cole. BE SURE • INSURE det1'1 acUv\Uea.' ud It l1 boped ft. O. BuUer. Ruby lleftllllOn, wfUll tllat lb• t int pair of conce rti. MuweU sturr-. C&rl ~ llAUllla 8TA~E\' 011e eaell ln nort.Mrn and .out.hem JafftnOn konlle. A It r • d B. .,!:'=.c:-'J.,. part.I Of lhe county on th• ~· Payne. Hardy H. Ktnt, Ruby o.r-Ull f;. Cout RlfllW&J' da7, cu be preeented tomeUme ard de Lut. aacl Mn. Donald B. C.rwa 1kf Mar In J•nuuy. Mn. Jolla Hett ot 'ffiiaJ\de'lift'1"ii1tioliU..iill4ecii"iu..iiiiiiiii~~~~~~-i] Newport Beach bu ,,_. appoint· ed beech .,_ cbatnn&n for Ole Toiuui Oonc«ta under Mn. Slack and Mn. Oofdoft Kc:Coei1Mr ot ........ Put& wm ldlo M worillnr -~f of \Isla eo.m.lttM. A.MAllGM .... DID YOU KNOW ................ 1916 rectoN for Pacific Southw~lt D\1- t.rict XVL Now arriving •.. Sub-teen Holiday Line Dreues . . • Skirt1 Sizea 8 to H Full half.Stipe In all ... Bermuda Sox . . . Cottou and all Wool TV Lounging Seta WAVES SPECIALS c...., •• ,. $10.00 1710 ,.......,.."' Pitt p.,,.. Waye $5.00 • Gllen~ B.aul'I S~op 357 N. Newport llY. Crouroa<h Village Center Bldg . opposite Hoag Memorial Hoepital Llberty S.2il2 ~ Oll6A..N YOO ()i.U-j...--+f PLAY Ar ONCE! HAMMOND. CHOID ORGAN Come In and Prcwe It to Y 091eN We alM •Yi .. , .. .eeo... a. aact b7 ~ ~w .._., 8 pt8et ~Now A....ala* DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO Pl.ANO ~ ORdAN ITOU: ~aartna ltn AD ..... ft&mmoad Ore-a · Ill MHI an N .. lb1il WI 14UO UHT: c..... u.-.i""" , .... ,_. ~· c.-•• C•• "",_ ot .,c.&al In t.....t to t.M IT'OlaP .. a wt1o1e wu UM &ntrod\ldlOft ., Ml• llartM ll•ttler, Auhelm cllf UbT'artan. who ti a m4'm~r ot tJt. Aluht>Un SoroptJml.st Club and wtlo will be the new arf'a ebalnnan for Ulat C'lty •• WIUl the 11ext oori.-.rt achtdultd for Ula · c .. YSLll thet • •-•,.. ........................... tlMlta ......... ,,_ A reminder that an early order .-uree Holiday Deltvvy of Selected Pi.-ol Fine Furniture 2130 S. MAIN ST. .......,. 5-U81 ABBEY RENTS ...... •lsflnt ... c_..7 nOl"tMm part of the counly. cu.r· lll~ii•li•il•••••• •••• ~ atftirl &Ad ln~ w1l1 ... »: . Corona del Mer ' ........... . . . lfalboe Island •"llltttfJr • ...,._.. • 1.-. Bwll OEKJIA&M' 8T UOIOl4 -MlfV&at.Ue-~~ FVRNrrvu DIC& MACk.EA NH Vla Udo -~r tu. GIFI' 8BOt INSURANCE AOt:NTS \\'. O. 8llCK. INC. IM\'lal.We-~t44t INTERIOR DECORATORS lllANCtu; FVUU.:kSO~ A..1.D. MJI \'1& Udo -Harbor N11 Dlt 'K llA<t'KER N%0 \'la Ud<) -Hart.or t1J1 DON c au:unrros "· L o . lllaa.e• lrnport. MtVlalilalap-fbrtterUlt MA&kET8 RICllAIU>'lf LIDO MAkKET MU \'la U4o -Harbor UU REAL ESTATE LIDO IU:Al.Tl' ASSOCIATr.a Udo Sale. A Rental. HOO \'la Udo -llattM>r ff44 P. A. PAJ...l(gft l~C. USJ '1a Udo -llart»or 1500 VOOE L co.'ll~A."{r .. ¥ .. Udo -... , ... , ..,, BA AND. BEA.CD u.U:n Vla Brtdae ~ Sill Uf"ayet-. -1tartiw' 114.1 8AVING8 a LOAN A880CIATION8 ~"'EWPO&T LU.8oA IJA VINGA a LO.ut 4880CIAnOl'f A 8avtnp lnatJtutSon "°~ Tann Home Lo&na ... VlalMe-..,._f.Ht !EaVJOE 8TADON8 LIDO Uoarm&.D NII N.-,.t ......__. tltT 51101':8---'• lllDwa..&.'9 rioas l'Oll ll&H M• Via U.. -_._ 1M1 SllOD. WOllSN Al11E8 or ~JQA NII Via I .. llA ... rauna LIDO ra.AftUI Ocluult Ulla .,...... tor ~ v .. ...,.. .. .,.....,.~ ...._tilt roYS LIDO TOYLUfD NUVlaLMe----. • BA VEL AOl:N<ID ILUUMJa TM Ya AGDCJW _f'16 ............. .... VPBOU'IZlllNG Dl<:a llAO&D .... ......... _...__ Wilal U2'.US vurcarra WAT<lB ... .ua UDOD&VCJe NII \'la ...... WINDOW OOVDIJlfG 'Ill& 8llAl>t: &BOt Pfm t. ._. Offtll• 11.at ... • .. iVIRGINIA SHEVLIN NEWPORT t'WllOR NEWs.PWS -PAIT I • PAWi l MON>A Y, N0va.ma I~ 1• WED AT ST. JAMES ·· Calendar\ Bruce Addison and Bride ~...: !7 ...... of. EventS1 ............... 1..,. Will Live in New York ~*:q":::.=--.111: w.m=..s:,., .. - • Oamt. , .............. ... Only members of the immechat.e famWea were prMmt x... Wllll9 ..._... a I r --. Sawbt~~-.1~v~Jy8Vt irginJ • ia ME~ ~e1 ~-=i::b ~ :::;·~=7~•-= .."t:= =.• .,e • .. un.w)' m . ame. PllCO,,_ DI~ D wtUa Mt. ... ..... .. cauw -....... f:ll of N~ York. The Rev. John H. Parke performed the slngle ...._ -... .._ ,. • • ONMt Ma. '9oll ,.. ring ceremony which united the dauchter of Kn. lfoward _, ..--'*" .... ..,. ... .....,_ e. K. WllU.. 101 Via Wau.erw and • .._...... ·~·· ,L.GJOJf ...... lhe...-. of Mn. R. Fltld PMnlOn ly full wal~ len&'th aldrt. '!be Y~, --! .._._,. luJ. j of OrMnwlch, conn. tiara wltldt held -th fln,.-ttp ~ -L W I • 1 .. ..._.. ---••.•9 .. •.-iUIA -- IN PEIUOD OOWN veil wu of heirloom 1aC9 ~had Wltll said ..a:ta--:-al ... WA J-1. ....... ...._ It waa at three o'clod< In the &lao been worn by t.be brtde • aias _,. llaldlDS *» J I ti WA !!..!" 1 .. && GT aftemooa tbat Vlratnla ,.... •-ter·in·law, Kra. Matt.hew J. SJMv-....... ...._ ..... J)p. '--• cort8d to the altar b7 her •tep-Jin Jr. Her bridal bouquet wu of . -.nar a.... ......... Wlls W' •7• JollL Qoo6s falh• and by hlm rtven In keep-white ro.ebuda and WI• of t.be .. -.. ..-. tale ti ,...,... .a .... lnC Lo IMr bridecroom. stie wu valley. ...._, ... •J'S I _. ,. •la_, cowned tn a Cablll orl&ina.I of Mrs. Bhevtla aernd u matnm ...-.... tw I t • et .. 8''* +• W, & CO L 11 • a. white A&tln ln pertod •lyle. A nt· ot honor and Kn. Wllllam Sh&)' tunllr, tM ...a ........ ... a.;:a~ WWW ..... • ted buque bodice with brld' aleevee wu btidumald. BoUl WON emer-.... 11 of a ... '-el • .;: \ · and portrait neckline wu over-a.Id creen •UA wtUl matdl1nC •el-....._, 111 Wbka .._.. De ..... *d'-11:11 .. a. VIiia _.. laid wUJa AJ~ncon i.e., hand·nm vet hata ,nd aboel &Ad carried ..... moa.r ... .,_.., II& .A and -broldered with Med pea.rlll lone •wrnmed yellow and bronu 91IOM JQIW W.. ICIW~~ alP& • . .... It -..&.~ ............ ... s.,....... . ---------- ~PORT ". ... . .. ......... ....... ....... A Cn11" 0 • \ a ., ... _., .. ,.. I •• "'··~ ... and 9!1Ulm. ll topped an extreme-aplder c.bynanthemwu. n. 1-c _.,.. -.._ _. CDK ~ ,._ N.w Yodl Use.._. (lllt 9' ' ' Choir and Guild ~:~~~U:~1,~:!:~ ~~~'lt-i-~ Ml4·1,1-w A.~· ~~ C.~1Wcn" Meets at Mesa =·:e: comsu, darftls a..~~--=:..~ · .. . . . Tbe meetinc wu beld. at u. eoa-.. ._.. to ..._ ....._. • Ch.olr rebearaal for lhe ll:pl.lco-home or JCu Kary BloodiOOd or nil Nil dlDW • Jf... f.• -• ~ ~ :1 =· 0i:aoeoe: :.-: = r:i~:1! !"~Ul Mlw. Laura A w.i ctr-. o1·ean pwa _. B IJllN:~~"S home ot Mr. and Mr•. JohA Doll-•---· -..& ... twead .... _, ...,.. , • neUy. 271 Broadway. Tbe choir W ... dMl9e b1 Ge lllltdll for • ' ~!re;~[r ~ t:"~~:.:l::~ Laguna· Church !* ~ :.::7 o1.,..taa ';: := . · :::=· ~.,.. p.rtlc:u1arl7 Slates Potluck :=.....ocn::i:=:-Ku-=..-:; GVJDE · .~ st. MarPAt'a Guild wW meet Moo1 for Otitn. Uld'Nr'lllQ' ot • WedMada1 10 L Ill. at UM bom• Nnr mtmben of Church of Oaklndo u4 ..... ~&om ot Mn. ~on Joam.on, Ill &. R.elilicJaa Sct•ce. lAa'uDa Beaell. ltutald U111"'9tty: a. ll .... 94 Walnut, Ooata 11 .... St. Mar· wtlJ be bonorad ~ at a .. ......., WU!lnbun ~Mfl ~ .... ---:&.IJ!4--UP--_.-,--- l&rtt'a ww bo9teaa the womaa·• 'l'bank•fhtnc Pot Luck dinner to ~t:y ot OaaMeUcut.. ---. AuaW&ry luacbeoa at 8t. Junea be hald at t :ao p. m., l'r1c1&1. .Aft.-~ at A..,.aloo O '•1 o=t Weft Church tn Dectm~r. and pl&na NOY. 11 at tlae Woman'• aui., &SSd Masco Clt7 IO'. u4 Mn. Ad· I .69 ft'' p S will be mad• tor that eYent. Glenneyre and 8t. Ann'• Drt ... ca-wtll be at home at m • J'olloW1ftc the dllmer the board _. M., Nd York at;r. of tnaa .. wtll p,_t tbelr an-=========== MRS. BRUCE ADDISON Straight Talk =: ~: ,:-:i~.;u: ~ n wwa -Kaa'li• Price Portrait U• cturtnc tM ~year, will ------------------------from.Navy Wife ::ie . .a.utted for ......._ AT ART rENTER ·To tAk• our Chri•t.l&n1t)' troa ~ to u.. Oaql'M9 to '-"' ua. our tnedam, our country and be i.eJd Ill .Ju-.ry wm al8o lie even our wbJt.. race, i.. tM fOAl eleci.d at Ult. m..Uq. C I• f e w t I e t of communllm," AAIM ncba ~ CJmrell • .....,. m ua. Mew-111'1 WIN a 1 Ornta a erco OrIS S. ===-~~:a:~ u; :r.Dct~ -.,. ~ '° ~.°'m,~~.,,r Garden Orofl Monday. Barbor 50'11 in Traveling Art Exhibit na~ ttl!,,::, ot.;.~:!;4 s::: Fellowship to Hear ,_,.. m tbe IV &&at. Mra. District President. . f'lckea taUl'bt the rlclullA ~ . 7 Two art.iat8 wbo may be clahned, by t.he Harbot area are re1 J . ll P~nny ll'rank BrOll. I• near their duty et.&UOna Mr '!1-Womm's .,,,.....,.w_nill,....p ot Co-• · pl~1• ot &llefiance. RecountJ.nc rons de Kar Oommanlty Ollweh repn.ent.ed iP the Mth natJoD&l exhibition of the Calilom1a _..r'dlh "'.;"7}t ~_!Jnar ..!:: ber aper1cnc:u wttb commual8ta wW ·u" • l'l9lt ..,.Uw and .a Water Color Society, 83 pic:ture. being on dltplay through ~ a.:ard: · me ta a.cUo« and wtUl maay ,.,..._ m&lllicat Procram wtr. tbq meet Dec. • at ~ 8-da Kwaldpel Alt Omter. 'Ibey are Ra· OM n1lllD ::ea.:.. 0:8J:. =~ch.:! :U.~!t ~·~bl X:.-~ ford ...... Md Pldl Deb 91 Ule . 1w, el ........ fW ~ ....... MP ........ U.. u.tt.el 8tat., U F'rDJI, p gs 1 el ....... ~ 8 .... ...... at =-~ ~~ \ha Mt lltUoa, U we1I U tM CIMdiUs liOw.. 9'11l~ -Jlllll•a1d' that lowlbtp ot QlqnptloMl WOGMa P&lldlnlr, u. -._. ~. ud ' oam •--C&Ulonia ~Ula *Mab &a al-"tUIMI ~ .. U.. ,,_ ot 8orA.-n CallfWlda Ud U.. 0.0 ,._, ,u.t \eac!bera. AWAJU> LDT r.d)' °" tour. -: ~ .. 197 fer ~ a4 ~ a.aurw.t, --. wt11 be ., ta.. ,.. -· Awvde wet to t.M foUowtac: HaJnu. ch&JnnM; l'ranela de Er-Aw.laam µncoaa ..._ tM a&ld, ...,._ Trto. ~at U..a.d-•---m...-_..._ Alewe•W NepoU. Callfonlia Wa· dely, a--,.. Ofbeon. Yau Jobn· 'To It.and b1 ~ wtMn one i.s' Attr•tv. croup wtll be ..,_. B...a » -~ him l\tpU& ter Oolor 8oeiet:r JNrCbue award •too, Doo11u McClellan. Jury of eoaJd proi..t IDU.-eowarda of U.. ~ tea IMJur. · No. I ... Dlll9 ... -...ct.~ T m Ida l*fttMs '"'hnei• . Jowptt pulttJn. ~~~"!·-::::===:;;:==:=====;::::::;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;==:::rl1 try. S..'a I.a J'ftewa)' uct Poet lnC'': Sdpr ~. 1&ll year'• Paaadena Art Mu.wum; R.lco Le· ta ~ ODldft eo.w. ...,._ ,....._t. calltora1a Art.late pur-bnaa ud Rlcharcb Rubea, pa.Int.- ~award; Yn• JobUt411, U.. en. M~ --predominant In the locMty ot MotJoll Picture A.rt DI· 11ae 16Ua Annual will r•maln at ahJi.itt alta.oup .......i 1JI UM neton' pwdMiM award; J 11 I e1 Lons BMc11, JIOO <>c.aa B!Td.. \ndlu.al ~ • aptvred JCnc'el, Cole of calltornJa pur-ua.roup Dec. ' and wt1I hne lta awardl. o.. ,,.. J;jnar Jlanaell'a dla8I &,...rd; Leonud J:dmond· aeoond major Abowtnc at the Ca· pow1fir& ..., l'WtrMt. anoUter --. tha II. 0"'9'\b&c~r merchan· llfomla Palace of the Ll'g10ft of i--7..._ 8oaU" dlae award; ..,,_rd BeU.. Pot· Honor In />911 rr.aci.oo. Ja.n .' u -• 8'elUa K.ark.t Unrtr mM'Cl\and1ae award for thro\lstl FM. 12. lt&e. Womm. .,._.A. R-. baa a pa!atiq ~ tn color; det&Lle4 de".._timl In bJe A PSer 8ueo lertaawa. Duncan Vall Co. A.bout IO p6ctUM19 wiU be •· OoeA On and o., wbJch a. on the ch d.lae ward· J ll H i«t.ed by UM Jlll7 of aelec:Uon for ~ aid• an compo.aUoa.. ::;,.:. Pa:i ~tor °:u.n..; a H&e Traftlilac ~lbltlon under A.loq .untlar U... la JlnnJt Ed· merdw.lld lAe award' Ectwwd 4.. •Ullpt~ Of tha We•t.em Aaaoda· ward Ackerm.aa'a Barn 8 1 d •· Reep, Brua1er ~d of mer1t: Uoc of Art M\&aeum Dl~torL abowtn1 ll1bta aad eba.dowa and Fdlcia Kamer. W\Mor It NewW! ~ of wood on ODe comer awanl of merit: HUd• IAvy, the rl'\ r I of the banL Olmdak • Berkeley Mercbut.a 'J...Jl!<lr eLaay • • • .. LAT~ST HAIR STYUN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN,' I I.Alm SHOP Leonard EdmOMOdP p,.aldent ot award of merit: rranJt .Dhrard t.be aoclet.J', Jll"9Mllled award• to Acltnma.n, Ted Olbeoo merdla.n· \.M lhia 7-.r'• ,nae wtnnera at d1" award; Jonatban Scott. M. J. o,.wic of t.be abow. 'Samuel Royer mercbandlM award: Aul>- You Med 1101 g•i• weight during tin holidays! l~e lic~1r~ Beeson Comp11y • w•c-.w• Desi .. .-.Cw1t•tl1• PBOD ••..,,. Ill Pu.no !J;uhwction TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) A~allllltW...._et,..O.tw ..... ~ ........ ., ,_.... 0-*-ta Otnl '1 ...._.el .... -.n.k .. .... .... ..... Bat. 2039 a.-mph ... -0... ... ... :J/u P aJ .Avenue IJal/,oa !JJm.J presents Fashion Show .l.uncheon Thursd•Y. Nov. 17th 12:30 p. m. VERNA MUJ.J:R SCHOOL or CHARM AND FASBJON MODELING Marilyn'• -France. Norton Sbop · \ _ Gay Top -The Brat Sbop - Job.uon'• Jew~lry -Udo FuhJona CJ'Cu. Bootery hnJq .A..uMle Dw1af ...... \ Take dw STAUFFER SYSTIM NOW and main· ta.in your ligbtu we.ipc dwifta dae Holiday Seuoa wow 1s n• r••• ................... DlmU Wl'IW TIR IT~IJPW&a 8YITEll CORONA DEL MAR Hmlaor 1742 31171. Coast HMJlaway MOMI Pl.AN AND OflllCI eYM AVAUIU ... tdn a new Oodlfe ever!/ fl'!lll" • I . . - for /he n111/ fl/ 111f1 -P ... 80W a& AL IEATrY MOTORS ·-•-llM ...... c..a. .... u S.mt • . HOME LOANS ,_ALSAW.S a LOAN AllOQA'OON TWO OPPICll ToS...Y• LACIUNA llACH N'6J 1A11 ·cLa•11 QUICK 24 tiOUll SRVJCI .. LOW LOW "ltEDUCIN&" INTlltlST RA TIS EASY MONTHl Y PA YMINTS , FRIENDLY SYWATHITIC tOVICE FRIE CUSTOMMS' PAAKINe ESCllOW sava, &fftCKHTLY OPMATID LAwUNA BEACH WO...A.,.. PHONI HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE '°' ·"" • c:--. .... PHONE HY .... 2.1191 • HY ecinth 2. 11 t6 PATCWl -IODY •PAINT SHOP a. w;p.om ,,,_ .... , ..... t'rW Ve ...... ..... 1 ... ~u-=-o.a .COSTA ·YllA MOT~ Oo-.,W. .A.\llGmOU'ft ~ BodJ. l'a&at ~ Brak• lllop H ROW 'i'OWINO .. A.>->. .. APPRdVm> . .......,..._ n•-rwt• t ••• Ollila .... a.as I ...... llAUIY SALON .'l::n .... -., .... ... , ... _,....... •• ,...,,. pf ~ -Yiof.+ 117 ....... Aft.-..,._lft ............ J ....... LUSTIRWASH c~•-.w Ir SON CJCJ-.-111 ...... -• II ... r.-..-...... ..... 17tllllt. c....... u ...... Cl .... -llMldeatl&I Waatrial -Trade .,..._ u..,_a .N..,.._.,. CIAWPOID JIM N,...,.n .... ..... u..tJ' .. lla -a.ea ..... a.Ill. HAllOI MIAT CO. _._..._ ......... r.t..aa.. ....... o.1p .. w.......-""'·· Leclrw ... t .... C..•-...... c.tt .... w.._..•"'5J.m...:. c-. .............. T• ..... -.a ..,._.,11 N t'WpOrt 8Mdl ,..., • ow FUINnvlE ~G ........... '""" .......... ~ ........... ....... a.t-t• Hft..._.. Ut-"'1 . .. -.u ..... ~-- !H !'' Mlf I ,.,.. ............. a!Zll!:: ~ n,Ta I ~-~ ...... ~= 0... ' . B. DAUi a&ftla ........ 0.,.,,,. •x.1111111 ......... ......... ' .... re9 . . WOODWOITH ...... ~ ....... .._ ... o.,_ c-.....-. .... u... ......... o;,_ ..... -...... -~ . 1111&0..~. ---0..-... - PLUlmLU Y-D1. 'U1....._ H. H. HOUIOOI -...-,.,. ~ Cwbwcdea -·-c 0 114 _...._._,.._... ............... .... ~ miw • ..._ .... 11ar.-. Newport._. . ALMAN ........ , Ce. C.-tllls-........ • 1'r"tt1 -·-~ ... "----.,_ .. _ .. &H s ll.t flll. .=--- 118. ID - Newport._.. f'OULTaY HALL'S IANCH co. ............ ER11 ....... ~ nu ~BIYL i.n.n, MMa C..ta ...... Clalll. . Comut'.llCUL PllDl'T1NG JOI PllNnNG Let ue f'lcure ,your office tanna. In..,._ -•tat.ememta Mp Quality Wont at R&AJIONABL.m PIUCIC8 Ne~ HwlNt ,.. .......... Job Pr;ntinl Dept. ......... 8SltVSC& IT AT10l'U IAYSHOIE IJCHNLD SBYICI F'r .. f'lc~ A o.1.1....,. •ILL YVIUOllT, o- Ht w ... o..t BW7. "'~ ....... Jlf ............. Olltf. TYAnUMICQ r .. .-.... • TY mMI APPLIANCI ...... Per All T,..-el T........,. ....... _ .......... ,_,,, N . .... ~ 1-3411 . 1MJ...... ,.,.., Ye!fM:9 .. CLAM SWiii ,_ XI = . ._...., ,. ........ -Or••·· o-.1 - •••If•••· .. ...... ,,.. .... en ..... at. .,..rt.,. 1" .... •, Home ant1 Gar.J_en'. ~=-:nt~'. LEAGUE OF QllS ~OPPOSB a~ . ROOD CONTROL .,.. ISIE °'11111 Iii• &ANTA ANA. (OCNa, -TM Ills ..... • ...... ~ P~6E .f ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS '&wisto• u.....-..,,_ 0nnse couaty LMc\le ot ,..., .. .,.. ....., ta · MOl\'OAY, NOVEM3ER l.f, 1955 mq Wa11t ie ..-...-. a.tMr E£u" board Ttlanda1 <>ruse. u.. ...... _..a blaamllls., -...... -......... t NCOrd .. Of>PP'd• th• ID&ll ....au. ....... -- food winter ..._.. la U.. wlnMr county. wide Ul,OOl.000 9tudlee • u. n.. .....,.. -. PLANT . ROSES IN COtJT AINERS.. anauall or-pt 1GW IOU lnt.o toad 8aod trol P"'l"W • .. *' ...., '-lklecte4 • Ule If .... _.. coodlU. for ....t ..._. .• plant· 8lt up. M.a,on Onwl)" '1'19"" fl -. Now ADVISE Nu""SERYIUIEN In ... Wlaat.n.. ,_.. plan. you will The bo&rd ... q&Jnat .... r. Park a..... ...._ ,,, .... 1 • 6 W~"l want to llOUdt U.. help ot orpnlc • . 11eW: .._ ., 9all f1i = fe~ wtucll applied now wilt Roy .......... Of 8 Thu. lat• Fall day• mttan two thin&• to the roae 1ard-help JOU accompl1ah your plan. II llettu lban cow beCaUM 1l la s..cla and Oo 't=tt 0. w e,ner, aaya the California A.Uoci•tlon of Nutkrymen. .,rat, Maw prdln authorltln• ac-...,.._ In nltropn. Rlcll in nutrl· Herrick ot ... 0 1 ••• • It'• lime to clean· out r084' beda. -tidy up around .tiruba that cordlns to the California A.Moel•· •ta and other beneflte II • com· The board'• --= tllat have tinWled their bloomlnf and prep.ire them for Winter' tlOb ot MUl'Mr)'men. rate nitric llUl&Uon ot •leer manure and peat taken by the ~----hWINI u one of lhe beat and mOlt mom; the manure, •peclall,-well· ~ TIM-.::;. ...... _i- wtth a mulch If you live In a cold Winter area. Secondly, inapelllfve orranJc teruu ..... to rotted. weed frea manun, contain. caie:~t felt the ...... ~ now'• the Ume, If there'• 11tlll .om" promlM ot wvm wutbu •Pllb'-llOW· Orfank fartlllMl1 In all the euentlal elementa while k .det J ...._ to Mt out 80flla ro.e plant.a In contalnera. llquJd form are ~un•ted. t.oo, for peat ltiOM mow cta7 . ...U. lfa'ht· n..nn::::..,..1111e ...... , 1 --::s': · TaJdnr up the flrat point, the Auod atlon point.a out. g.....U rar<ten application. and tt er. tuma Mnd1 &JOlla Into water-;:=:=:=:=:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;S MVenU reuona for a late Jl'all tldylnr·up of roae p.rdena In -----------holdlnc &008 and neutrall.lea ala-• line aoUa. preparation for the u11ual mid-Winter or early 8prtnr plant· will ~rd amateur and collector Ot.hu' orranlc fertlli8era that CONCRETE Jnr next year. Dead 1e.ve1, twi.1 and faded blooma aiie . ~ with rorr~ua bloom. and uauaJly aupplJ all the major .i.. all attnM:lion1 for nat and mildew aporea -ret rid of them ah1alnc dffp treen folJare. mmta Include nllh emulalon. cot.- and you r et rid of potential dancer. In addition to .intaln-rlnt and molt Important. Ca.-tonaeed mM.I. bone l'M61. blood tnir a Udlu looJcin• &arden. meWu require an acid llOll. Jf meal, acllvated ....,. lluda'e and you prden In an alkaline •llOIL compo11ted rarbap. Allio Included U you ahould chooa. to Mt In eome container-crown rem99y that altuaUon by maldnr In a line-up of organic materlala roM plant.a now, mruce aure that the &JOll around the root.a ~ planUnr bole onr, renJUnr att compoat.. leaf mold. I.I damp eo that the root.a will not be expoaed and thm Mt around and below lhe plant with In reneral, orsanJc ferUIUera the ahrub, root ball and all, Into the planUnr bole at lhe peat' mCIM. oak leavu. rott.d ma-ahould be worked well Into the ..-depth It wu planted In the container. Contlnue to feed DUl'9 and toJ*)tl. If water I.I birll· &JOU of the prden beda and around and water c1urtn1r tlle roee'• l'f'OWU!r -..ot1, tapertnr off, ly alkaline tdd auttur. Perfect th• "Plant.a you wlah to nourlab. ot ~. u the plant s oe• Into dormancy. d~ la anoUMr ,..memant Follow ferUUaer appUC&Uona wtt.h -----------------------of UU. plant; .• raA...s '-d ot or-a lhof'OUSh .. wat.erlJ\I. It 1ou ba'H RJN OF GARDENING Chance to Enjoy· Beauties . of Camel_lla During Fall ,WCt!tartaJ and loam la a lood apecta1 f•rU.l1ser problem.I tn yovr plan medium for OU.elllu tf p.rd• checlt with your iocm you " • DOD-draialae ol&y eon. nunar-Yman for 11·i. ~~ A mulc:blnr ol peat or oompo9t tloM on t)'pee of orpnlc fel'Ulls- la recomman41ed fw Clunelbu to e... to apply ln your local• and keep their roota oool UICI to aup-what application methodl to ..._ ply a contbu&OUI IOUl'08 ot orpn· ;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; re mat.ertal. J'ertll1-'I Wit.h an acid raacuon are ~ for food, too, and a replar lebadula ot -tertnr. •t ~ to your climate and eoU. la ~anded. IOBN8TONl:'8 MIMiA ... W...._. v ........ ..... ... Ai 11 1rlaa 1815 ....... A.Ye. u..rtJ .. ,.lJ CJ..ea .._ Amonr u.. .tortua• of batnr .a and Debut.ante (pl.nJt). X&rl)' ot In mo.t cuee, you'll flnd t.hat Ca- Callfornl& ,...,,_ la the cbanoe ~ wW c011Unue bloomtn1r the m.WU UYe belt ln ftltAlrad &bade to enjo7 the beaUtl• of t.he Ca· entire aeuoa wb.Ua otUra wUJ be -away from the hot awi. iqelll& for thla rreJ'ITMft orna· replacad by Ule mld .... aon and m&nlll'9 i. to be UMd lteer manure ~~~~~~~~~~~ -tal llu'Ub tawra on1J a r ... lat.e-bloo~ n.rtaUee,. otbar ll8CUoaa ol the country with Altaoup tllll omament&J plant tll aoUc .llJooma and r"-1 fo-IJ"OW• 1a eo t... pl&cea 1n t111a 1'Ap. . Now la UIHe lat. J'all daya t.he country-ule South and the Weat ftnt euneWa bucb .,.. burwt.1111 Ooul-the plant la moat tolenult .IAMll p. &eneral Contractor ·& Builder ··satisfaction POUi IT THI IASY e WAY AND SAVI e • • •• •• ...., l-DIJ BAYT 711 w. ,, .. St. lato all UM many manoaloua of eot1a a.ad c1Sm&t.. ID tboM ..,.. .. 0.... ...._ ...._ or Nd. plnk. wtiJte and .... n.r. ara, ot COW"M, cartaln OOIWNA oa. llil raon llAJUIOll '"' _ ClOft'A ...._. oombla•t'°"• or lbeee colon u :be;uk:;;;req;;;utr;;em;•;;ll;;wti;;;lcll;;;~;m;;;et~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;:;;;:;;~~;:;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;! well u UM many bi-torma r tMt dlanetertM the cdmmoel1 iTAli.ns ON ... CUIY ·touR VISIT Hiii :7..:=.· °' tM cam.wa- 1111w Jla7dla. HDUJWOOd ud a.tty Amil. Granada Hilla, caJDe to Jobwe It _C::,. ~a:. 8'::. ~ ~ llHllM WIDGIWOOD 8oa Tbund&J to try oat OM ol tbe -" MereUri.. Shown above, they ut W'tllt.e and ,arfectl7 tormad. con· talkJq with omc... JDd Brawn, Two lt&tleta an emberkinc · on 3000-mlle auto =:: ~--:f ~ ~ ~ tour of Soathn.t lpoaeond by Jobmoa I& 8oa and other memben of JJncolao ,,.. OdU8rlda A• 0 Uca • t Mercury ..... wdation. -· 8tatt Plao'to !ta_,_ .......... ....., .. ~-~-~~~~~---~~~~....,...~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~--.. ...a.at ,... c....... IDlh Bat. a 'I tllMI ~ pale la llU&, Pol.... Lei .. of ~ ... ~".!!....~ ......... 11 ••••• I •• -----y_. Le••n1 H&Lw AIM .. ,,. Wedtewoocl 'Afp_l•1• D1 .. 1r . C~il~ loledi11 .= (: ~ .. ~ ::: ~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JO .us;:n WITH ·COMMITTEE • ea.ea Ilea •-1·• .... ~ :':... ~.t:; . ~I . _,. ,...n.t ia .11 11.,,_ ~ ,._t. o.n , , "1lll't ·-.-t o~ 0.0... (OOlla) -= .. llMI -flt a lauillw .. a •. t, ... .. ..... .. ... ... t±t II _... Da'"'"'"' ' ' .._ ....... I ...................................... ..... An a,,_riaci et a aepc f .... ...... tll9 ~ ., ..., *it 8oll U. ,....... .._.. lie C W 1 _.. .-Jlel. n. ..._. tlYe t1'0lll the aunOerdea treewa: ll*I' ~· _..an.. ........ Of• llllJmallr .._ r. lup _, doUle wtUt comdl~ hal ban ~ ,,.... taww,,,...., ' tol 1 ta~• .. .-.a11111 •• .. la-. Job.ft ~ cU1rman ol the ... betGr'9 Ge ........., 111wn. ...... dd)dra ,. ..... from tM ..-. at.ate Mn&le ID~ COlllmlt~ • COllUDlu.a ie ,,_t. ~....,.., p&rtr. • mN. Wltlls Mr tllal • <>t'9r Om'ftrus ~an CIP- publk ._lta. II.. I . lllkM. ~ et u.. youth ,...._ a ....... W. toell -., u.e C>meW. ..... u.-oa..... Ol'Oft p-.. W.-....,Y tllem l1llt.e Ge .....,, ....,._ aate hll _,. __.. AD&U.... ,,.. ~ O&rdell J"OUP 11 pro-rec9ftd a tett. tw-lkOuUl7 tplMrw Ille ..,......, U... n. (wtdta). C, II.. a-, (en-). -----------re11wUn1 be. or a ...,.. ... &MJft elotJWis wu Ml ,....... u. Ona <reea ,u.k> • 1>99..., .. 11 GARDENU'S CHECK UST appear Won tM _.te ~ CbOdrtlf .ad. (rtdl red wttla .,.. •• ot wtdta, Dec. l. at 10 a. 111. lJI U.. ~ ~ • Lm ......... . ... ...... __________________________________ ..,., Ttle O&rdaa OroYe l1'0UJ Ml Nq\l8llted Ule trMw&y route lie -----------plaoad UvOUCJa open rJ'OUlld and 1. TM pta.nttnc of •,nar flo"r1nf blllba ahould M at the top of your 1arden II.It. 2. Try a ,_ h&Nly Oarde.n un-una y•r • th-••· ot.lc nowera wlD rrow la .-y IOOd ,.,.. llOll. Con· auJt your NurMrym-a_ for cultural Upe. \ ' I. AQ new pla.ntlnp lllloukl ... ~ect.ed aplMt ana1I d a 111 a 1 e by broadcaaUar .... , pelleU. L 4. CamelU.. can be planlAid ~now. J&en~raJ of the euller , ~nc nnet'-.,.. Ill· ,_., nowena,. L 'ftla fra&Tant Da~ w 111 .... .. .. blooal.. lluddecl pluta can be tranmp&urted J11t.e t11e card• now. llA'ITllSMU _______ ,........ ................ ~··-OMT• llaA llAll TH 00. :11111'..-. .... a dr1n·lll UMatre. wtilcll would d&ltroJ only 10 bolDM ta addlU. to t.h• UM&tn. Tiiie llat.a route would delllro, fl~-INt Jeaft u.. u.tn, Rr :..,.rf1; M,._x, d Cr1/1r fl Ir ............. a..a':::Z W•AN ....... ~ ...... ~ .... ,. .... 0. ..... " !lill!IV· ,..0• sla-C&llO.. WILCH.'S UADYfllDD cONCUTI 1110 .... _ ~ ..... u.-.-....... ..,.48 ., ......... ......... . IOI.Ell F'OllES •••u Nll•·••eMe - MAXW.POPI._ --··~ , ... .,.; ..... ... . ~ ............ ... ( • ( ' I I I ' . . . I t . . I Fir Plywood UT US HRPYOU • • • wa 11&va-11.1Jn wooa- non ._ ·-· t tt r _. • ........ ................ ..... .. All., ........ .... Wl1ll ._., IN .... WGA UMODILYOUI ..................... ............................ ...................... 70 I ,., •• _. ..._ I 1 11" ....... ,., HAN&IN& SToDGI IOI ............. w.n ...... ..... ..., .. _ ... ,.,..... ,.,.... .............. un. ., ....... ..., ....... , .. _ ...... ,...,. ...... IA.IT IUDelT TllMS ON ALL PUIC~ WARD I HARRINGTON ~Miii ~ UGO W. C1111 Hl .. ••J Ne_,ort l1•c• PROMPT SE~VICE-fREE DELIVERY La.., "Mi1 '~--i f Walk ~les every washday? GET A NEW QA$. CLOTHES DRYER . •• Ind dry JU clothes My-soft in mn.tes without lelVinc the ..,_, FAmlTW-1 '-*"' dlOlea Ill .. .. _ .......... .,. llllllt. ,... • .. , ... ...., ....... l,Willl. ... , • HfliiiiCli ............ ll*l. , • .,,,._._. nae_. ................. ............ ti lkA9ITll .,..... -...... t,,at ...., ....... .,.,.... ........ datlllla ......... ) ...... , 80U'W llllUIW W II & N ... -l .. p•-0'1 .... I M1nltt-W1~wood. Gas 1•111 Jake's Appliances u 1•-1nmn •·••t4 -•V1C1 • a......... _,.. ................................. ... 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA ~ MESA • . .1 l • l!. rem.mben crou~ 'Of'-~opy kept S'Tlllh. ljnronsclou• wlll'd voa.&nt.u'll)', u ~t and unable to tnnate 1111 life vesl. ··.TODAY'S N. ·v. STOCK ~ . --REPORT & COMMENT trom a .,. .,.... .-.ot ..... uo¥. water ._ UM 60 MC4ildll '"111 Wt )aim ta euet.11 /Ute Wl'lllllS lt ~ to .,.. bllll 1'P· . •Jectlea I «• Jllll f9" ._. Bmitll ... a ~ all'llt. 1tm on the coet.1ol pedaJa. · Ria 91-and 80Clu were .gone. "t dca't ........... Mtuall)' puU-HI.a doUaM were In rlbbou. He ~ U.. triaW .. ..,_. U. .-&. .. ... ~ troaa cut.I OD t.h• ha 1&14. -ni. ..,. U.-. 1 ._. • r' wt, cblD ud f-. O..thl.rd ber wu --. u.. Kaela ...-et Ilda panclauu Mel ..._ t.om In froftt of my fae., ,....... 1M. ~· .. Wmet aad •n-> Th• next thine, I woke up an u.. ..-.,,... ,_.. Kl:W YORK NOON COM- 1 and 8ouUlem Rau. Southern Pa-M):!n\ COMPil.ED BY a c . clClc appea'9 auracu .. c:urrenUy OAJUllDE tOP.:AN WITTER A wtUI eamlnp estimated at ST.ta, 00.) SA!'l.'TA ANA, NOV. 14. providing a eound ball• Cor ex· C()GNS1-Monday'1 market op•n· pcctallona of a year-end f'XlrL ~ with a alrong tone under U1e In view of the quality ·of lead· lel&derablp of quality motor11. oils. erahlp, the market ahouJd enjoy ~ raila. chemlcaa a nd .. lect· a firm tone over lbe balance of ed 1aJrcrall1. General Motor1 •)JP· the day with aUght profit taking pll.S Ule main lnlerut on aua-tendencle• well·abl~rbed toward.I ~n.ct lnveetrnent buying reflect· the cl"Oae. IJ\J antlclpallol\JI of record eam-Dow '10nea 1 p.m. anraie. ~p above a bllllon d0Uar1. The 30 ·Induatrlall ...... 483.1& up 6.61 enUre lndu.try 11 gured fpr vol· 20 J'lalla ............... lt2.17 up 2.117 ume output In the final two 1ll u •J8 o 1•9 ·~~ r'thl "U • llh l 'dfi -UlW.ea ---.-·-·" ~up_ '" o • ~ r w n ca 1 p.m. volume 1,800,000 va. Uona that output will remain a t 1,020,ooo Friday. • !\AP level next year. · . : PllOFJT PAUSE N-York I p.m . ltOC'k prtae. American Telephone ...... .. 181 % After paual.ng briefly to abeorb irotst t&lclne, Standard or New J eney &d\oanced lnt-0 new h\gb '7'0und, with Standard Oil of.C:fall· 40m1a., Tex.aa Corp., and Sinclair Clrm. DuPont reflected 1trength " General Mot.or•. which hu In tum alded Dow Chemical and \Tnlon Carbide and Carbon. The iatter hu been a beorblng •lock y.il and i. l.n poelllon to. tut Ill tormer hleh. · i Coppere are MlecUvely better ;rtth a favorable potential, thru . ,ear~nd .dividend declarations u well u excellmt •rnlng1 report•. Jiau• aucb u Kennecott, Ana-eonda and Miami have ap~al, Anaconda .............................. 72 Chryaler ........................... -..... 94 I.£ DuPo!!.Y .. . ....... . ...... :; 2t2 1~ Oeneral Electric . .. ............ 49~ General Motor• v • ........... 113 May <.:o. ... . .............. 4.2 New. York Central RR ....... 411 'ii North American Aviation ... 67•& Safeway Stores .. . .. .... ...... 60 Southern Call! Edi~ ........ 112 ~ Southern Pacific RR .. ............ 6-0 Stand1rd OU of Callt. ............ 97 Union 011 of Calif ................ 112% U Steel ....... ...... . ... ........... ........ 117 li( TEST PILOT hotlpltal five daya later." Illa U,.. ..,. AD4 .,.aida were Later. e n e In • e r 1 c&lcuJated bedJy br1llMd Uld ""8dtne from Smith.'• .,... &114 rate 0( dncent nuti.rtac at' fant.utlc •J>ffd In and deelded Uult IM maat have lh• llVpel'800lc 'Wind-1tream. Kia been at about eeoo feet wben he lalM joint.I were looee from !>tine got put ot the plane. It he had ftlOed w1ldly by the wind. h•ltated for two more MCC>nda, HI.a anna al.lo had flailed madly hi• parachute woUtd not have bad In the wind, &baking oft hi• wrist time to open. watch. hl1 U&'ht titting gloves and 81AIOIU UNOONIVIOtJ8 · even a ring off hl1 finger. • Smith WH alammed unoouclOWI " 6 rOaCE by the brick wall of 1upet90nlc J t wa, calculated later that alr tJiat hit lllm, but the paraehut• Smith felt a 1udden decelerating opened automatically, apparen~y force ~oun~ to ...0 Ga as he ripped ltaelt by the force of the ahot out of the falling alrcr&!t air, and atarted to drop Smith to Into the tremendoua win<IAtrum. the ocean below. lncreutng hie 119'ltlt to 8000 Fortunately tor Smlth. hie div-poundl In a apUt Moolld. Lne aJrcra.ft 1lammed Into the ThJ1 1udd9n t.remendou9 lncreue ocean •oft Lacuna Bead\, near U\e n we t''e&u,ed man)' hernorrag- 2().tt. crul.Mr of Attorney Mei u ln 8mlth'1 body u the aud· S!tnon wtllcb bad on board Simon denJy heavy blood broke Uiroush and Art B«keU. a Loi Ancel .. the blood •-I walla. For day•. ~ualne.-nan. and Berkell'• 16-0-S• ..._. unable to SN! bec:aUM yeRr-ord eon, Robert. ot\belborracu In hia eyH . Tb• plummeUnc aJrcratt ro&Nd A ~uard boat picked up Into the oc-.n with the no6M ot lmWl lmon'1 crulMr and an exploding cannon llbell, nearty niabed 1WI unconKloua, to upeetUna the IJtUe boat. BerkeD. ~ taL , aleeptne below, wu thrown from · hll bunk . The ~ ... Oil' lhe boat •w a hu&'e 2ot-tt. PJ'MI' ot water 1h00Ung' akyward too Jard.I In their wake, and pr11urned they OOOD SUPPORT !Wcurrlne 1trength In Union Paclflc, which la aubject !lo 1pllt soealp, hu contributed towafd• tood aupport for A tchlaon, Topeka ind Santa Fe, Northern Pacific conUnaecl rrom nnt hp had wandered onto a Navy l'\lA ~-- sovre OOMIT 00. ...... !11..,,.n .... ao he knew he wa:i dlvtns at leut vertically, !aater than 'll01,lnd. (One G .l• the aymbol for nor- mal gravity which keepa WI (>n the earth. Two Ga, thua, la twice normal and conaequenUy would double the weight or a penon. ln the aame way, negative Ga de- creue a pereon'a weight.) Smith radioed Ule atatlon: "Control• locked -rm .colnC atnlght tn." It wu Ule moment for tJle pilot'• automatic renexea. tral.ned by thouaandl of Umee or doing LIMP IN '<JHUTE But then Robert Berkell looked up and MW a limp ncur• floellnc down through the cloud layer a l Ule end ot a tom paradlute .. Kln- kella In hla plane meanwhile bad Uon and circled the 1cene. radioed the North American llta• .Air trapped m _lll• parachut• Too Late to Be Classlflecl the aame thing. t~ take over and ------------- get him ntely out of the hurtliJIC it~t=~S~e~b-!..,!•~-llldl~~~~a..~etloa~!..,--• Irvine aJrcratt. .. '"Think ing" with hta band•. "' Hammond Organ Terrace abut off the engine. opened th• Pnce r.duced. A mod-1peed brake. pulled ha helmet via--INltrucUona, dullcal A popular. or down over his eyu and with Har. M76 llc31 em lovely home, 2 br. a den. BeauU.fUJJ..Y bl.I right banll pulled up the a.rm carpet.ad A drapa. reel of the 1eat, automatically Landecaped. Ideally ejecting the canopy. localed on Dolphin From the dead allenoe of lh• Turac.. Owner wantl ck>Md cockpit to the open ruah of quick aaJe.. a hurricane of alr going 177 m1IM Priced '32.600. an hour. Smith hurUed, a tremen· SUN .AIR.I: auto. gu clothea dryo. Ulte new. 112!1 Full 111.ae box 1prln1 and mattre• ~ LI 8--4217 3lc33 Vall llarhr HOO doua now-like a long oonUnuoua ~=:!~~~~~~~~==~~ex~p~1~oe1o~n~f~ll~lln~l'~bta~IU'L~~iii~ :11--Boata. 8appllee i SEE THE SPECIAL Boat OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. P•rking Tickets Validated, All · Santa Ana Parking Lots RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAt.-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL llO SOtb SL, Newport 8eMb Harbor 25SI ~~ .. &.. • .,, ... -..... --.. ---.. -.. --..... ' dlaplay . . . 1595 Newport Blvd., Cotta MeP REALLY 80IDeth1QS NEW. 31c:l3 !4-Masleal. ~TV trrn. P-a.cllaro mrr ~ . .. Ut.80 11 In. J:ment0n Con.eol• ... ~9.!)() 11 In. R. C. A. CONIOl.e .... ~.00 12% ln. Packard BdJ T. M ..• Jlt.60 and 26 oUleni to chooee from. All tell recondlllonf'd 6 ruar- anteed. 8.0 .S. RADIO 322 Ma· rtne Ave. Har. 0780 or H Ultf\ 31c33 CADl.LLAC '63 Coupe. run powu. RltH. Cont.lnentaJ kit. Neu n-nylon U~•. 1 owner. Beat ottrr. Kar. allt·R 3lca3 48-Aeta. a HOOM9 tor Beet NEW unfum. 2 bd.nn. ~ dupla. l'ar .. fenced yard, c.loee to lho'p· pln1t center. 3H Eut 19th St., Coeta Meaa. LI 8-U M lllfc 18A-Apta. for Beat FURN. •ttracUv. J bednn. apt. Walklng 4Lltance to Lido 9bop- plnf . Har. 3TJl-R. llcJ.I .f8~Boa.a for Ben NE'W nicely tum. 2 bedrm. for tamlly 1711 mo. Near 1lorN. 304 32nd st.. !'fewport.. 3Jp3t 49-Kooms fur Helt t NICE ROOM tor working man. private flntrance. S7 wHk. 11141 Oran1e Ave .. Coat.a Meaa. 31t'3J II-Real f;state E.xcbage SEVEN UNIT MOTEL BAR· STOW, need.I mo" unit.a, plenty of room Cor trailer park. Eqty. 124.772. S BEDR. HOU81l In Hemet, l t,t &r re, I cu. hOl'IMl It chic., oor· ra.I, walnutl. oraneu It tru!t treet, JOO ft. bu1 frontage. Tractor. S17.600. A.LSO '22.2711 Sruonert truat deed WIU •U or tradl' all or any put. WANT BAY ARf:A prop. hou11e1, 'apll. busln,.u or what have you. S K A W, Spa('e U , Municipal Trall«'r F'ark. Ntwport Bnch. 11pt4 .~ Prompt and thorou1h llttenllon Smith'• weltbt dropped from hy th• &*)••lclaA on emeraeaq ~ , ,oUncs. lo 160. HI.a moat P• duty wbo tlta>'ed with Smith 009-te:\.-V. cSam&6e WM an hLI liver, •wtUT tor '1i1t nnt H houn, _. but dam¥• to IU low'W In~ ot.Mr clollton pulled 'Wra tlroiP reJuind llW'Pl7· ....,_ tw man ,,_ ,_, t • t.h• ti.rat few days. Toda;f Smith'• ~t la badl jet.a -conrinced from 8m1th'• Ll Col. Jolul P. atapp, t.be Air 171 pol.!Dd9 ud lie la wa.lt1AC fw ..... ta.le Lbat ll&AOI 1t hu - Force officer wbo bu traveled at the DIOV\&nl wMD. the doct.on tell dlDe -. u psnMl>l7 ~ M wpereontc •peedl .trapped In place bJm IN can fb' apla. dame wt.. .I on a rocket-power«! •led, wu And mm the J..on. Jet.med p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;';;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. amone the aero medJqJ apeclal-from llmlUI. amU. ....,..... i.tta to 1n1pect 8mJtll u be ate.rt.-are ..,,~,out ..., metlM>dl Ot ed hla convaleecence. OOMlllTl'EE WOii& Twelve clvUlan and mUltary •J><'clallall m ade up a committee that worked day and nlebt to eave the life or the man who wu, the flret lo baU out al •uperwonlc 1peed and Uve to rMCh lhe pound. MESA UPHOISJlllNG UpMlllterills A o,.peq 1161 N"p&. IUv ... o.&a 11..a LlltfftJ M'711 '-' --Dlh-... COLLICTIOlll AUi h-lf .... -a.fmaet ::.:: ~:-:==~:. ,... .............. .... cu:nrr amau.11 ., w .... o.111111 c •W" ,.,_., ~--.. N ................... .... Cl.-................. .o. ... NEWl'O&T ••m, Q&Lll', Carelully Se/ecfitd Applicants lor Parlicular Employers · HARIOR 4969 ....,. LoalN MaWqly ,,_, , ........... '11 Sht 8treei, New)lOli BeMll Yo~we l·O~ PRINGLIS Pa-9pMrn llDit 'tll le p.. Free Fllml ........... .,~ ... ......_....-m .... aa.111, 111 left wttla • fw ......... .. ... ,,.. ........... ,.... ,_ • nil •• tM ... .a.. nlZ. ...... .... ...... a& Ne lfdraaiia.f9 M llOIJ& uaVICa COUITIEY I LEITER a OOODRAftD~ ... NEWl'OllT m.vu.. ~ ..... PllOl'fm u ... .., . . ........ f .. ... ~ ... .. 5 '" LV. 'Ille AftllMe lill a. a A&..a..DeesolO:IT a.-. LV. a.a Dleio ftll .. -. AB.fte.~1: ... .. .CllM:tt_ .... I Z4 IOBd.Trfps hlJ • -. . . ,. . • -· • • • . .. I PA816. PAlT I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs.PRESS ~ONOAY, NOv&.el 14, 1955 BRUSH COONTRY "W pt us the ser9nity to e ccept the things we ca~t ·ch1n9e: the courage to cho .. . the thi"9s we con ond the ~i5dom to know the difference.~' (A. Anon.) . Jou·RNAL ., '11 BOUOE PAUD j ~ DI T 0 RI A LS l (K N• -'1'11111 ...... W ......_ ...... wtll ,_, wttla IM~MIM,._.llM!aliie ........... ., .. w.__.., &rtlie ........... ..-tr, .. _. ,....., I K Y ' . Co tr 1 f ·c· ht port. The council, aprMllng tt.eelf ... not ~ eep our n 0 0 ~ l 1;1 .1for or ap1D8t tbe board • IJ>ODllOreCl nmoluuoy'nhle· -... ii the lut 20 yean a new yariety of an old breed ot "cat~•· bu been born-the rockbound. But tt la only aiaoe Wbrld War ll, and -the advent ol the "rockbound burro, .. the jeef. that rockhounding baa reilly come into it.a owu. ;4'f tantly eodoned lt. . Council; Oppose ward r.lan Wltb a council meetlq due tcqht at dtJ ball f . Th• world of poUtJc., whether national. .iate. coun· , ty or k>cal, la full of promJe., p~pe and poppycock. You who have read thla column betore know the News.~ baa come. out apinst the propoeed wud .,.tem of electing-city council memben. The meuure will be vote4 upon Dec. e by local retrt-tered votera. While there are thinp wrong with the preaent eouncll let up -u with most anrpublic group -we believe the public can e*rclae a grater direct control over the aeven-member coune!il under the pr•ent my9t.em than if the votera could vote on candidate. spnning for oltlce' 1n h1a ward. Tbe voter obviooa1y will b&ve no control over the winning council memben of the other m d.t.trieta. llhould the propo.ttion be approftd Dee. e. Loo~ at' the problem objectiftty, bow will you. a Yater 1n one MCUon of the city, be able to pt any •pport for any meuure you )>elleve llhould be adopted if you haft only one council member rep~tlnc yov ! Your vota meana nothing to the other tdz councll mem· bera if the ward •ystem i• ·approved. PreMntly, your .vo~ &ppl'Oftl or reject.a all aeven coUDCU mem~ It ii quite conceivable that a nallnJ clique of tour eouncll memben could, under the ward ll1'telD.. pool their Yet. ao that tour Qf them would run the city to the detrtment of the other three councUmank districta. Know-the poUtlca ·which Newport Beach baa Men in •oeue durlbg recent yeara of city council membera we MY thil Lt more Wtely than unlikely. We ~eel council- m.anlc polltica can always get worM. That'• why we reeommend you. the voter, keep the moet ooatrol you can ln your city iovemment by votlnr t.p11111t the ward s)'9tem :o.c. e. Fanners, Cities Oppose ,-..... -· Supervisors' Bond Issue it would appear there la a pod cb&nce tbe memben will rellCind their ~ motion f PPnMnc tbe boad imue. Tbelr own Leque of Cltiel' eacutlft boud ~ gone aplut the wpervUlora ~ lt ii Josioal the COUDCil membera have liearned more detaila of the "2 million • bond l8aue and 'fiew it with differmt· .,_ than befon. We hope 80. SacramentQ Sidelight ' RodlhoUJ1dln~ II u mucb a ttlatJvely plenUtul. cut.a and pal. pert ot the human llJ*=IH u lah.. nl~ly, and tti.r. are .,_.._ • wa.lldJ\S, ln tact prlmlU,,. man Utu1 dtalpa within Ole 1t0119 wu mon of a rocllhound t b a 11 that are brourht out by lM cllt-.. modfl'll mllJI. Nearly eve.ry early tlnr and polllbjftS." Indian ¥illqe atte bu lt. quota llNDLUS PBA.9P -. ot pretty 1t.onu In the villa.re There ar. a nllmber or p,.... debria. that ha,,. eJlher been plck· tn rodtho<indlnf: Some rollll ~ ad up from afar or obtained In lec:t mlnerlll 11J1t1Clmen1, IOl1\e crJ1llt trade from nelabborlnc tribe&. tah, 10m• pet.rlned wood, and 1' WOii& OF ilT number of other apeclalU•. aotM hr lnatan~ many of ou.r i.w.. ot the tolb Uke t.o mile n« eno anowlleada trorn around T• tripe and collect In the neld.-"* mecula .,. made trom ot.adlul otben u. cont.nt wtlh bu)'tnr I Bi.CR.AMllNTO, (CNB) -It ~ •1mproft11Mata t. UM obtained by ~. ac1dlUoo to tr&c11n1, newr maklnr a t I• the predlctlona of U. 1. Senator rcut.. Bowner, Ulle .t&te .... juper and other rodca not found t.rtp. Some are "bep" on cutUjf Thomaa H 1Cucllel are true the b&rel)' .tarted OD maldaa U.8. '°· In the llft•"1 area. It le for thJ.a and poU.1hJn1 atone&, whUe ot.b4IN • · 1 bet1"m s.c:run-to Uld u.e N• ~ tM anowbeadll haft al· a.re lnt.e~Ud ooly ln IWICI epect. naUOft will have • 40,000 mile fed-Tad& .tat. liDe a tour-lane llJCta-,-.,.y, ~ a work ot art to me. mena. OUl~f'I .,.. taterlllled la eral hl(bway •Y•t•m next year, way, de9ptte tM fMt tllat tt .. Hard To r-..;viftee lll.ltead of U8illl ju.t any prc>Mlc jewelry ma,klnr. In noe•t ~ an Innovation whleb could 80lft one ot the mo.t-u81c1 rout.I ta """111 lltoM. tbe Indian Mlectad lton• "tumbllnc" ha 1 It 1 dnot.ea. aome of Calltornla'1 .major hip-N:ortMrn CalltonlL ot pretty color and tnuperency where 60 to 711 pounct. ot roup way detlclenclu. Benator KuebeJ'• __... on COURTHOUSE BEAT and bultead of Juat • 1'W\ ot lhe pebble1 are put tnt.o a revolvinf Tbe propoeed .,.um would et-eautonai&'• ..W ,..--. eMe mW pol.At, many or the point.I drQm with an abrutv. and water, feet nortJl·aoqth and ...i,.wut are worth npll&U.,, tD °"'"' Ill -. are be&uUtul apedmena ot t be and after 48-72 hour• of "tum bl• bipway. in ftr'loua Mellom ot tbe fact U.., .'1114'rrot a lttuat.laD BJ IAC& BOliit;i"D "laPcla.ry'' art. tnr;• they come out Ilka naturall)' th4I COWltry by Prc>"fidlns IUfft. In tbll .tat.e Wtdcb ill aot .-du-It I.I almoe.t IJLltlnctlye tor peo-pol!Jllled river or oc .. 11 pebb!aa. cl•t tunda tor lmprovem•t. clft to the public ...atan. , . pie to pick up roclta. eltber ro.r ll:n&meltnr. la another art \hat lft· brlllflnr the throu,(b route1 up-0 ._ ••ear·e SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -A .and7 ba1red, bow·U.. ..... color. abape. p&tt.ern, trana· tereeu the rockh11und and Wlllcll to-date ""iu. -·--lf pel'IDC)' or jlllt to be plck1J1C. be cl&lme u pert of b.Ja prwnoa. P~I lnt.l.rNUD to ~ 'l1M MD&tar polated out tMt wtutDr man of 32 ,_n beMla up one of the f.,, penonnel Turn a "-.bY-Joo91 wbaa the . Commett&al I• l • r • 1 t 1 ·were tomiw wou1s be tll• ~ble lm· eon.,_. .... ~ow w dept.rtmialta 1n onDse COwlty where a per.on ovw .0 ,_,.. are -• attr·J.CU" pebbi. ind quick to take adv&nt.ace ot tbl.I pronment to us fO over UM Cal1lorDs. bl tbe •Pl'f'O-· ru .. t m1 bottom. dollar he'U n-. yet old hobby. Xarutnea. Blem. Nen.d&. · ~hlch bu for prtati119o1 lotr ~ ~ C&D apply for J. job and "lt&Dd & ~ chaDce ot pWna It." eod up with one he bu 11lect.ed equtpmen\ b o u 1 e a. "PICl.meta )'earl ~ a ba.trttr to faat and and intption project&. ~ .... WUJlam 'C BM! dtnct« .... Dll IDcludM UI etudet held UpU)' ln 11la l#tUe n.t. atoru, and l\lpply llOUMll hav. lit· facile comm91'Ce between um be did DOt •T 90 ta 90 man7 .,, ,_1reael ro. U.. ooat7. Be nunae. ..,_,. lime we make a trip tnto .rally mWlhroomed o'"mlpt. wonla. tlaere wu a faiJ1y clear lD-tbe 1111"8111 c:ou11try t.be car com• It.ate and tll.e eut.. Tb1a route ln dfcatJoa Uaat tt le tame totr tlfe dtnetl 1lil -.Mt opu •Uoa from Bart. wtlo llftl la 8ul\a AM. bed llltlnd' With rodu ot abeo-80U& K~ ~ all probability would be the -atat.e Of Callfornl& to qutt btcbr-UM top noor oL aa old trvod frame moftd Into t.be ,_..... ~ lilt.el ..iue, but f 11lolre la -aour oota. A• ·1 lec:Uon ot tbe federal fOTfl"IUIM!:lll 1n&' °"" water, and 111llte 00 a atnac:twe at N. ~. llanta tor'a dla1.t ln Octotler 110 S. aoa !.,;'° iaed tbem ';' .--. I'll.· wanlkl' up and '4owa t.be ll&cll tor a throlJl'b in~ .b.IP· llncle propam w2Ucll wlU pt tbe .AAA. _ •aeaeded Da'l'td IJoocbBM P • P country. rocllhounda are ioolled Oil way. valuable fbl'dir.liae pu.r-lllf'PC!rt of the 0oapw ca a But wu M11ou .... epob Tlae board ot ~ lull• PAUi or JUND wtth su.ptclon by the natJ-. hr ~ and even morenluable for wboa.bMrt.ed bull. a... las. dalll: • tut.eel the penonne1 llCtJoa Ma la•my cont.acta wtlh ~ Tou· t.oo many of ~ do not ,...,.aa · , ~· up traffic onr UM 7000 s. Mid trankl:1 tMl .. Mpel ..,,._..., DOUW.. _.. Mind bl October 190, wMll tt ,... ap-louM ot eo.ta K-. a.nd 'Barn· prtY"&te pr'Ol>ertY rtpta. 0.tee .,.._ toot pa.ea.. the etate Mtl ttl ... Jaow m ,,. eould do UlaD to tell a penoa puwll tbe comaty'1 powUa ~ :: =-~ C:::--~ X:: Wt open. pcnio dellril Md beer lllU8T PAY order u ~ u ,_... ud Oftr '° be ,,.. too old to applY ~ lllCJI a MCUaa. ST'M& UM pettem ot t.be rock.· cane are left u IJOUYIDJra. ca,... decland Ul&t m~ tapcou 1mt a a COUDt7 Job. n•a trtpt.1n1 '"It wu ,........ an orpnlMd • 1-. t\ru are ..t. and • myrtad However, Ole people wtll not can be aecom~ "7 tlile .a.ate to tb1ak the labor ptctun II IUCll boWMS mtemlty besan falllns ln· ot otlurr crtm" typleal of t h • pt thJ1 t0.000 mile blttnray .,.. .... ...... t ID the ta•--ol thet '° -.nw l;)'llt.em to det-1ne pe7 ~ to p&ac.. Tile t•derloot or belin· mat Amertcan pubUe. t.em Without paytnr for lt . To --UN , -·--a ,_. .._ -:~ u4 cl&llUlcaUoa wu ~. -. rockbound .eldom ratlaea provide tunda. which ln UM ... aU the lltat.e • WU.-....... .IJ• .... a ar-t a.oat ol a.Me •Po t.be llr&APt • taUdar pslOIUMJ he le b91q "hooked." He ptclu 'n\en there \a anoth•r pvull• &'"fate would amount to about '°' ha ea'4 he m,.. Ulle eountle9 plJtnc for a Job let aJaM pWas bom declared. TIN ltat.9 pereoanal up IOml rock that I• IJ\teruttna who a ttach• hlmMlf to the rocll-tbi'rty billion dolJ&i;I apread onr of ortpa problma wm lie ..,..... SL board ,,.. caDed ln uta, made a to >Wn •• aooa.r or lat.er b9·u COG· ~ and that II the "rock111r." a 10 or po.able 16 year period. rapidlY. · "'Ol'D W wo.--llUl"N7 ta t1111 oount7 . .A.tt.er the tact IOIDI adY"&ACed addict and Let 1 •7 tor &utant9, be Mvl ' All la not champagne and caviar apparently ln new IOUn:H of revel\U•. ~ 111-Pvocrw la ~ .....-.atSGa -We Mft k>tl o1 tollla ta coua· baud'• report to the ~ proudly he'll ahow lllm We pUe of a ~ aedp, wtUt a -the ecnuity 1Upervi8ora' would-be romance of the voter:-er ..... 1a old 10urcu mwrt be bu .,._ beld uJ, fl 18 ~IDICI ~ -.ploy °"'" •o. &"""'9', '" a pennanant Prorram wu Mt up. ot .. Junk" W bu plcUd up an tnlck and a couple « cuea « . ". •-1 bond i8a\I fOWld. bJ l'W of UM ~ 1 de-dall't ltft U..U. &ll7 aanallltic Cl:NftAL PIACS Ul4 1DOW1t.atn1 aad dwrt. T Ju dynunJte he loca&ee U.e leclp. It ~for their propoeed $d mlUion nood COnW'A e. Kucbe\ aid be would .upport a ~ ta fo1'11llftc a ~ omtnl •a&m .... at. ,._ -a., ... U· "'One ... adftlltap ta M't'laS ed ....... NC~ le Jll'ftf¥ doe9a't bother bbn ~ It i. ~ • ........ pc'Opaettion., Mp. federal SUollM taa to ft· ......, dlpU'tlnmt. _. la ..._. mite '" ...,. .,. .. ,...,. ....s-a ,... Ml clepartlDeM ia ~ alnw. aaie -.. .... -tlleJ aa prnate property or • bstU. --... =o-iw.' W tt.J ...... .... ..-a.~ _......,, ~ ;! ~~-:--.. -....... ...__ _. tbe Tt JOQ haft a cen\nlliMd. place tw "hook" 0.. ~ tva tt la. ao ta· a.ate llltalac dataL -r-peri ~ -~ ...._ ........ e.t. ...._ -...-..._.. Ol•B ~ _..._ ,_.. ft' t' 11 1• ' ..,._ ..... tka. om..-~ .._. el rt......... ta.. P'19 el .,AD tM7 caa do 11 nm rD'I oJf,' oppom t'-prwt cmntrol ..;... TIMrj .,. '$e a,..... tio.MS _.., Cit'~ onpsatea. *• -We • eu. • •~• ..,... Tt Med ao~t be -bclGerect We are a "J\mlt" U... ~ a ak1w procw 11 hla pbi.Joaoplly. Ora.nee County Ff.rm Bureau and the League of Cali· tll.e fede"1 ~al tund. Jn All7 nmt, u.n 11 tile.._. tor ,.,t Ume •PloJ'llMat. central Unr aiw.u tor an ol edllc&boa. M..uap wttll otbH Jn a tew lhort 111oun be muu. forula Cltl"8, Orange County chapter. The •tale · ot Callfomla lone tmpUcaUOD U.t Collen-wU1 '"n.. nalalaum nur-.t ... eounty We do oom,.uu .. rocll...__ joUltar a rockllloud latee and cs.troya, &ad parlotM ~ .. -ff6-~ ..ot-be tnc:tlDld--ie IMll WW. toe. II •. WSU. 10 ~ ICl'Mlliq tor polllUou. Our clM-dO. • ~ ~ in.m \ou At rodl \ben U woul4 -Both tbeee groupe took ~ with the IIO()(l con· 40 u a tranacontlnent.aJ hlpway. m~ ta?Or 00 OlllfonUa _... -rt.. ,..._... dlNdor •· llllalIOii ~ OfCWfii. 1iU .. ~que. f o r take aoor-. of CGIU6clente rock- trol bond imue drum of the board of 1Upervi8on. _It a.Gd llu 1p111t aftll&bw tuDdll for It eoa,.. It. own prolllem&. Jili&IDed Ille lltatt'• ~ ta to ... certaan . mtntmu.m .,..nc.UoM. booktq' • blstnner. a.tore be lloUncll °"' maa7 ,...,.., Needleu that the coanty l'•t. U. -i tor All cmtnJ ,.,_ael reoordl are reaa.. wtaAt .... bappemd Ude to •Y DO l"OdlnoUad Will ... r ... la lntereatlng, indeed. for a group ot citiell and the 1te ...,. 1a the ,.,.., o1 belp. U..t JMre. ~ le men1Jy cutUnc and ter tJtle propert7 ~ u lol\&' county &&rlculturaliata to oppoee • meuure. Sort of r H E c A p IT 0 L w E E K He potated out U.l "actuaQy, "We .,. c:&Ued Oil to aeew poll•hlni etooee. 1n&k1n.s I 0 n. .. the pwt oww. .,. la 1.a " tou h •t ,._ .n-d. ~ -dote.-.. at swt-p~ WIUl 4-pert.mmt bee4I n.Jd tr1pe tor llJ*=im-.., tndtnc. cb&r1"9. an .. outalde" and "\n.a1Ue c you won Oncu .uu ua, for u.. CICIWlty u.. .._ a..U-and do ~ werk tor em· buytnc •aad b9rte.r1nr aad be9t ot To ~ rockboundl u..n.elv.e Tb. l.eaf\W• ~tJve board went on reco.rd &Me ..,ao, ... at UM -.iutee Ute p!o,.a. Wbea t&lktns Co tbe WOC"k· an baYlnl' twi and tMalUl.y relu.: muat ro tM di.ctpttmq and it . _.,_,a_ ooaaty -. taJrlJ' ,.,. ODupMd .. we u,... tbem to di.ca. the aUon. eUmlnauon or the .. roclcptl'• and oJ>PC)lllnc the nood control program u now •~ SACRAKENTO, NOV. If _ tUP) _ Demoerat. eon-ww.. u.. la1dq 11 oar tull :ot mattar wtth.-UMir ..... on-. -Kn. TouJoUM ~"Moat~"*'-hail ~ It tltid eoUecttll~ t. •pedfically not Uking the engineering •tudie. on wllicb tinued to ha.ck away at Republican dominance of the .tate NlllltiftC d.,.,.unat .._. tn are allle to lleep the ._ trom houndll .bet'tn 1>1 collect1111 or cut· r o1n1 to 1urvtn on It.Ile. federal the project la hued. A five-member committee will -oothtnr out cltttlcultS• t ll at ptU. out ot llland." \ins and pollahtna apte. A.rate l.I and prlval• propertJea. del-fe deeper into the flood control situation. M!llate wlth the election of John J . Bom.ter Jr. to repre.ent .,... penonnel·wt.. One upc:omtns P"CJCT'&ID about Santa Barbara county Oll&AT 1IAJl'Y IO• ftlcb Hart \a eetlnYl&Uc 11 an · Earlier the farm bureau came out against the eupervl.lora' flood control thinking and propoeed .everal 1pecific •ugge.tlona wbkb would, among other itema, allow pocrapbic area.a to vote their own flood control ayiUtna. Tbi., tt would ap~. allow-. the various d.Wricta, which atand to rain little while oontritiutinr beady to the $U million flood control pork burel. the rtpt to let theJr t.upayera decide bow m'l}ch apendinc Lt needed In their own areu. . · -ni. eoanty .... a f1"IK ...,. a4Ymture lllto tm]>n>YlllJ lalet)' Now thJt sound.I like commoo"aeme to ua and '" coacratwate the farm bµreau for puttinJ ita thlnk- "" on record and avallt>bie to the public. Thia newsp&pel' bu editorially oppoeed the flood coiatrol bond la8Ue for the reuon tJie N~ Harbor a. taxpayerr would pay througb4'the noee on the U2 m.WJon levy while the City of Newport Beach, for uample, would receive only about $126,000 1n actual flood control projecta. Aa we mentioned previoualy, we fee.I the Newport BMch City Council wu taken In unawans by the board of tnJpenl80n in ft.a pl• for the council membera' •up- & D; tit ...,_. f 111 11• tw o.w ·..,_ y.,. Bow.ter handily beat out f oriner AmanblJm,an 8t&nley Jo'-w1MN qu&IJtled amplof98 are COlldlU-. oa eoanty Jobi. ~7 dlffteuJt to acqu1J'e. "Our Jll.lurUce. prwnlu.m 1allt Tomll~. a ~publican. for the Aall .. to tab .._. eoatrol ot Ule Tide le tr.. ........... u .. tn ~ --· ,76 000.. be laiMd Ifft formerly b-1d by the late upper J11oa9a. -..--.1 1 -WU • • G'P · Sen Cl&rence Wud. WOd • a.. . U4 ~ns Jo'll. Tlae lM>ard .. And that wu only a 1111an part ubUcan. had reMDted U.. &... 1'.&ftOlf.U. l'Gl.n'W8 Of ~ folloft t.be poUcy or the lo& An OTf'UllMd atety met for lll >'::.:. . Wltll tMt a Pu•d&tlal e&ea-of ,.Jial tbe ecale U.t ni1t1 on procnm could do woaden In curb- . Uoa ,_,and wttll Ule pert7 .,.._ Ule p~ 1aMr martt.t. In lnr l.nJ•l1el and trtmmllll COllll." • decUon of Bolllaler tn a &pau-ot ..... tonal cancUdatM aome tnatancea Uaat ma,. meu MEDICAL DAJ18 ty where Republican• haft • ~ OD the ballot. t.be aa-loca.I or ..,_ty. Other Um• ft&t• Allio the count 11 on the ,vtratJon ad~'· boMUd t.o 17 tJoaal po1ltlcmi plctme at tllat Uld utloaial mark.C.. ~ o1 ,! . -""" Ule num~r of Democn.ta la Ul4 time ... y wWd CCD--.ble ia-Oii Ule ,., medl~•rnaUoa fo~'°;~ _.te, Ole mat.eat number et nr..nc. on U.. outcome. • "We M\OI to be ID rood «llll• c:aMa. Raretofore pb)'llcala -1'9 Democrat1 llnce tlle llSt ...SOIL TIN 11tate a.ate La11or Cam· ,.UUft ll1'ape. wt ... ·re llUJJ a rt,,_ only t.boee applcanta oe It aleo cut the n11mbtt of Re-m.lltee decided ln U. wake oL a public: *PDC1· We cu't ro oo a cvtalJl jollm. The 00\lllty llll'l un- publican.e ln th• upper houM to NWd,f Jie&rtns tllat Qt.UtonU&'• ~ m • r r 71'0"1'°'94. Som• der d YU Mnice. 22. the lowut number alnce 1123. ualou an pure. umee '" ,...,. to l'O ...,. tbe top 1u1.1 empio:re wt.o bu ..,.... One vacancy remaipad to be Tbe commtltee beaded by ..._ fll U.. .-le to ret t.be man we hie ,_,. of Pf'O'-UOn 1.1 aJartb§l tilled. A ~al e.&ecuon wu Ml r . rr.i.y i.bllaire (ft..lionoma) Mid. Ko.t or U. Um• ,... nt In· to appe&& .1'11 nnnc to an •neil for Dec. •. to tm tire -t of tlle tJlat It wouJd not tn...Upte t.1111 '-Moat _... ot tM llC&le. ~. A.a ,.mplo,. ID&.7 be t.t late Sen. Dale WUllarM (D-Al· ,._, or Dal tM "tnteme.I pnb-Loll ol oounty ....._ti think ro at 'u.y Ume 4Urbar bl.a ftnt turu). km.I or labor Ulllonl." tbe jolla llbcNJd be jW!t for t.ho9e year on UM coanty ,.7ro1L The eJICllon of Bollllttt CCIII• Tbe atat.-nent by the commit.-la Med. ota.. t .. I i.e coun\y Hart. bu t.r1ad to wort! cloeel7 , Unued a trend to Dtmocrata that '*' aid "thers WU tn•amet.t "-tb-a J9. la otMr wordl. "1\.b depertment beada ta t ll Ila hu aeen them chalk up pm. an lbowtac of a Med ot ta...up.. u.., re.a '" .,.. • cbartt,. ln.IU· put, wt only Ule laat ,..., wMlul the 11enat.e 1tnce 1951. lion." Tbe llatement WU...._... ~ bu ~'"' en.n cto.er. ~~ OM day alteT & beariJllf at wta1dl llOU'IT .U. WOllllaa ment leaden Md Hart now pt.Ja. Dl!JIOOIL&!' ftALS n.. wtm..e. complalned to Ule "'W1 llJ' to ''" ...,-001 th• er oac.-a month to atr mubaal 'When Republican JeaM Ma.Jo commllt.ff about the optl'9tloa of -• eoarteou. ..me. uct. re-protlleml. It'• made tor mnoou..r died In 1963, he wu wc<lffded a\ Ul«tr labor WMoll locale. prdl-of bow,,. mapt per'llOll· tuncUonlnr an IU'OQlld. a 1peclal elecUon by Stephen any f-.1 about u.. appUcant. lf Hart h&a f Iuka and Tea.le. a Democrat. 'Iben wben ........._ .. <B.UIGa 1'e meetl , our c one Sen. Harold Powen. a Republi· 'nle ~ made ta a ...soe Ule qa&Wlcatlou. 1'e' t.edm.lctan under blm. I~ lHI. can. .i.pped up to Lieut.a.ult paactuat.ed by about.I ot ''UU" bl llne for UM ,_. OUr Mrr-t the county employment role bu Gonmor the ume year, WUllaml Ud P&T7 protantty tacluded al· depal'tm•t la tbe county bollplu.&. l"'OW1' trom a)rproll'1mately HOO wu elected to rm l\ta ahoe•. 1.-taon. that unton llecUone wtth approa:lmately IOO emploJ· to about ltM u ot today. RepubUcaa 1 t a I wart Geoqe ,...... ~emoeratic. lllere wu • ------------------------ Hatneld WU IUcceeded OD hie onmta&Uon In h1rtq sn-cuca. death bJ Jame. Cobey (0-Mer-and tllat anka fl.mde were mi. ced) . .At that aame elec:t.lon A1aa bandied. Short (D-8loc:kt0n) un .. atad c. J. llfinwt7, aeeuu ..... Grass Roots Opinion ll&8TEB BOOIUIOUNDS -John RUton, artlat and author, through hia a.rt.iclee ln De.ert Magulne gave ~ound movement lmpetUI. Howard "Barney" Bame. of Corona del Mar, center, wu u rly auociate ot Hilton and u active rockbound ot many yeara Lt recognised authority on •ubject. Cal Sfillwell, eo.ta Kea, right, ii a " 'bounder" of Jong expe.rienoe. Men are eumininc juper: at Lavic, Ca.lltj>mia. -Stillwell Photo • Vern Roftm&n~·Acampo) and cnt&J7 ot Di.I Rate A.1'L. .ad t.be ------------------------ Richard Rich (D·Loe ~· t-tllDOll)' came from "dtlCnlllt· • ..,.. .. l11111°·r Kea. at die rue.mo. ta Jf....,art ....._ 1-> det•ted eek B. Ttnn~ (R-114 111-......_~7 ••ton 8AND1CIUJVD.J..E. GA., PROGJUCSS: "Some mer· ------------------------~ -w ua. A.ct., x... a. lift. l.o. ~a.a>. t.o .•Y Ul&t _.. uoo.ooo clwlta. thlDk tlley haft to do 90ID8thln~ offeulve be-F M c be w • p ,, , I ---WI: , a .. ----... In a .,.clal elecUoft durtn( tbe :!.tCJftan~~=-...:: fon they will bet a C\lltomer, 'Taint 80 &eco~to armer c a ntes e e e -· _,. ... ----1W56 -ion. Democrat l'r~ ran ..... "-•-t 10 I la " •'--N ,.._,, 'DnA.aft n~ ... ____,_.,~ Of 00 U »CiWt ••..,_ ~G OOlll'AlfT -. 'f'Oted Into t.be ._l left ft· ....-or CO' I• ta. w-. a~ «WWI~ a_,.wun, every w Otlltoala'• mt. collilp pnll----t •"'-boo-of 1n DU ...._ ...._ 1'Wrwt •••OR. c.&.LD'. ..._ ......... 1111 cut b7' the d•th or 8'tn. fted dent. Ud ~t et .,.._. 111~ pu OD ..--u7 lton UlJ one Weytll'et ot Jllont.rq eoun~.. budcet ......_. oolMed ....... ,_,. •• , on1J 19 ot the orlc1nal clMltomrl t ¥' .. m • .. w .._..If ..... _. M+wr tat et All 111111111 Keuiume, tn W. pertod fte. wtUl t.b1 .,,.,.._ e1 ·u.. et.&W'• after 10 ,_,. ••• Men:banta who Miine '•••J'uoe If --el .. IQwfir a..t el~ 0.. ta Aetlla w .. A-ll-pallUc&De bad fl.lied le wWl a popuJiaUGll pwwUl ... ,_,... knowa .......__ -• 8tOl'9 '-' -•·bt _.-;.. •11.-"-"-IUs(S. Dtmocrat. Utat .,.. WONI wu ......_ .... _.. _,, • -.. r--.._ ••-- 1'.a. a ftl11t7 ot t~to .... ban TIM eclucetore UM1 a-..i. a · and ... more MW CUilt.omen tbJ'08lll planned ...... •te:Nd bato the aenata ellCUOM. pert.I acread tt WouAd lie ...._ paper adtartWrc 1D ~· bome town .....,.,.. ... ~ tlMm dl.tt\cult. to a-. to OHf-etOWd~ • I A I Qllltilnlla N•• ·~.SP a )ft .... , a·-.,.,. ...... ....... ....... . ••••• .,-..... 0...-..... ...,.. It W'OWd appear ~t a deftalte tMa ~ aa trmd bu belll •t&Wl-.ci. fled .wdante. llad- 8bcNJd t.be o.mocrate mabltaJn set WM up IBOl'9 • ,.. tbelr bold oa William'• mouala&D em ir... JM • diltrtct. UM Repul>l.lcaa e d I e Bii& U. iE= t.eld ta.. 11:- WOQ)d be narnnnd. to llsl&. 'naat ..... ~ '""6t ,,.. ,.. 8VWWWW'JllDN &.UD1 ' would m1&n the Dnlocn&a waaN to w.1'-' 111161 u.. r.Q Udal ._,.,. ................... ftt-W..., ba'" to wreat, .. :Olll7, ,~ ..ti .,. .. ol ~~· •a t c .,._ ..... a.a.,, ..... ,_,_,; ............. 1 ~..,_--tram the OOP In Ute 1NI ,,Jl"'Uld Dot '9 felt 6il ..... ...... ., ~ Omllr ., .... ,_ 4lllcUOD ..... lO .... wall " ~ -.. ·DlllLANO, MINN., BOLE: -rlMn'1 ahraJI free ch ... ba a moa.tnp. but '" 6oll't WU tbe ..... U..t stt lt .... .,.., h&PPJ." IDP"ON,1 m.. REP01t'l9.: ·.&. •1aa.•a .... .t IMln&a Jle 1'Mn UM tazpa7W'• M1rt Lt apt." • Friend of mine poked around in the ne.trt etil be tlnJlly bit a rich uranium strtte. First thinf be did wu to buy a moutr()us houe with a livlnc room u .. bir u a 1)'1DD&8ium. But tber don't let in it -\they 1'Jlt -. it to dlap&ay furmtw. tn. They alto sot a cook, a maid and a prdner. ·sut they ain't happy now -thq both told me that eonfldentlally they wu away JOGder a Jot more happy when they Uved"_,.iD a dupla, and be droT• Dalla and • 81q ha&. '• j.a ....... •r-•••AJU .. ' . .. r .,. \ ' . • ~( I • t •• • TAI ~ASA.IA SLATI SllOW$ 19 . CONIJSTS NOT INOUGH RUNNING ROOM . San Bemardlno dJdn't give Orange~ College bacb much leeway durjnr TbUJ"8- day DJc\lt'1 homeco~g Eutern Conferee~ game in Pirate Stadium. Above, Quar~ terback Jim Coon (32) le getting all hemmed ii! by rival tacltlen. Below, t.hia ii where J'ullback Harry William.eon (39) got off. Tackle John Aeb&ucb. (7i) wu 1D no polition to help hia progreu at µiia point. -Walt Fath Photol Boys' Cl1b Ith - Graders S1ffer Finl Setback • Harbor Boys' Club tlJblh srade na, footb&Jlel"ll Jolt tAelr nr1t ~am• of th• ... *>n Saturf'la y altemoon to Buena Park H · 13 a t Coet.a Me9a. Tbe looall were HARIOR f O~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport. Editor · MOWING! lage lss1es · T~ir~ Al1m1i Cage l11ite • c.o.cJt J"* .o.c-.tut.cl .... umi. ln Newport u.rbor three 1•n aio which I.I fut ptUn1 out of band. a. l.rl\'l led hi.I bullet ball a.lumal to aa opm bOUM wt~ hiJnMat and o~t In rronl 7-1 at th• end of -------------------------the flrat quarter but Buena Park for~d to U... front u they 1<:or- ed on a 40 yarG ..-ln ~ final 16 •conda ot the tl1Wt half. From Ulat potnt on Buena PfJ'k w .. n't threatened, but t be 7 8COMld acwJn ta \.ti. U\1.rd and once more In the fourth. Jwrt Hehn ran well tor the loca1a, taklnl \.be b&1I Oft ll kMp t~ t.be nnt eeore and pueln1 to T9dd7 H~ tor \he con· •ttlllon. He lllltTOWed a Buena f u }r. lt-7 MMS tq lt-13 In... lhi third period u be w.nt 18 yarda on aa t'lld run. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1'4, 1955 FLYNN. AVITIA PACE CHAMPS TO TRIUMPH · ----Fullerton Flalleaxd 27·2 for . Colonists' 8th Strcdf)ht Win Tbe Joca1a bad two ol.ber drives ba.Jted by p~ lntereepllon1 Harbor Boy .. Club WU ICht'd· u.led lo boa RunUn&"ton Beach thla momlllc a t Coeta Mua Park. . . Athletics t.M war. the Waniorl ILad \eel\ FULLERTON. <OCNSl -Behind the elU1ive l"Wlninc ~ 106 yvda, com~ lo of Mickey Flynn and Joe A"1tia, Anaheim'• Colonilt. ground t.M ~nner'1 mere 20. AaaJMlm out a Z1 -2 victory Friday night over Fuullertoo'1 fired-up :='::o!~".'0 ,._... lloUI lndiarm. 1'\lllertc. had m01W fll'lt dowu. Fullerton led at the end of the f irst period 2-0 but , ... bul. wu out·p.11\ed 00 the • • round, ~2-J 48. 1'UHert.on'• JCnd Top League couldn't combat the terrific one-1 •n t'Vt>n 4·4·1 record, and fourlh DtcJc MoWtrle ca"'bt both of lb• t wo punch of Flynn and hi• 1table apot In Uie loop. completed paau. one tor 10 ya.rdl m11te. AvlUa . Flynn .cored twice PENALTY PA8TSD and tht ot.bu front End Carl P•· t.nd rollf'd up Ml yard.a (In ju1l Wllen the ~n .ounded, endlnr nlnrton tor 40 yarca. 11x cu rl('• in FuUerton Sladlum ne eennlb JT'lld• Harbor Boya' Club naa tootb&lJ league ....... beaded Ulia WMk by the undefUl• ~ Albletlc.. bouUnl' a 6--0 mark WectDeed&Y after llckln&' the White Boa: Jl..11. 8uve HoUlater • n d NeU McKlllan each llCOnd 13 potnta tor lb• A'a. Guy Jl(arkbam. Denni• M c ra r· land IAd Tony Cuillu each tal- lied Tn. far tM loeera. In other trayw. the Braw• 111-ted u. nrn-a 2:1-n. the Red loll clobbered the C&.r111 ll&l.t 32 • H -d Uie Taak ... b\uted the before eooo ffUa, 8 IS ROW Avitia. the equ1d • ha rd-work· Ing fUJlback, ground out 102 yarda anJ .c,orf'd " touchdown on 11 41 • yard ltC~per. Thf' win waa lhe lt'am'1 etKhlh atral~hl. a nd left lhtm In fine order t.o meet N..w· port Harbor UU. weektnd for lht' loop title Tht 27 point.I Uf'd the all-Ume Anaheim record for polnlll acor?d ag&Uurt the lndlt.ns. They IM'l th,. mark i.at year. "''htn they beat the tribe. 27-14. I A.\LPLE MAROIS Gtanta 11-lt. The margin or 26 polnta lied n. Bra,,._ contlrlued In ~n 1llt1r gt-Ht.eat a~n. IM'l 10 llU8. place by bffllftJ the n1era. Dick wtien they blank~ the Rf'dalc1na. Butterworth, MUie Da\'la. J o b n n.-o. Jt ._... Anaheim'• fourth vlr· BNeianaa and Norman C&rl9nn tory over Fullerton In t he pu t ala er-4 UM loal llne for the nve .euont. wtnner& Da"'4 Pace and T o m The victory .., .. Anaheim'• 28th ltpooft9r llCONd TDe tor \.ti. Tl· ttrllll'bt Sunaet LeagYe contH t ,.,. ad Hal Kntpten connrted. without a defut. 1elUng a ntw Jobn Kufbell 11eored 24 polnl.8 loop record. The feat r t'portt"dly tn 1.-dlftl' the Red Sox to Ylctory Ued lhe ClF record. 14'l by Santa O'tft' U\e Carda. BlU Scott added Monie'&. a TD and Paul 1\lller two <"On· Fullerton ctoae. their 11tuon ,,..on.. P'at the cardinal•. Don niday wlUI Oar<len Grnve A vie· 81Mrlnaft an d Jknny Queener t.ory thtre would give the lndlan11 9COr'ed T polnu each. 'nlree touchdoWn11 and con ver· lfOIY by Puqu.ul RM and a p&lr of t.alllu by H&f"l'tll Vineyard meant .tctory tor th• TanlU. 01· ant et'Ol"Ua were Glenn Gardner. JI, Clint McDonald and Danny .Arllold. .. C\unnt llla.ndlnp: AthleUca ~­ O: an ... 4·1; nrers. Red Sox and Tan.lseell 3-2: White Sox and Otuu 1-4 and C.rdlnall <>-&. Lm Toes Otlt 2llCI 13-12 Salllt WIR BANTA A.NA, IOC'NSI -f'or tM MCOnd atnllpt week the tal· eat.ct toe ot Jotm Lull brou,-hl Banta A.II& Rtrll &:lloot'a Sa.lnlt Yktory Oii the ITidl ron. Luts'1 MCOnd penod convention tollowtns Hatbeck Ronnle Mey- er'• f\r1lt TD 1'\ln proved the d1f- t...ce 'Ji.UJ'llday In Hunt1n1ton 8-cb .. the Sa.lilt. edfed th. OUln 1.1-U. 1.-.t -k Luta booled th • pobtt w1UcJl t.oppM Newport Har· 1*', 11-U. Meyer Aleo t.aWed Ian· ta Ana'e ..._ TD la tM naa1 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and .HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMEICIAL SICUllTY PATIOL Kl 2•7027 c~shmerc Sweaters and Hose for Men Only the finest and sofm t 100. two·ply Cashmere 1s ~ltcted for the swearers, fully fashfoMd ro U SUlt neat fu. Host att nt1 twO·ply Cashmtte blended wuh 2'~ nylon, with nm nylon mn- forcnnen1 at t<X and httl: elastic ropt. Moth· ~lltnt. .,.de chotc~ of handsoUK, matching colors in swarm and how . SCLIVILISS IUPO\'D ......................... tit.Gt I AOC LONG staVl lltJUOVU ...................... I JUO 140f NOSI. l«-1°' COLOal ............................ IJ,,. 'All Bl D W ELL'S 218 ....... ""' ..... ....... _.., .. ~....... ... ........................... ____ ... ____________________________ __ • GENE HUBBARD DRAWS ·TAR STARTING ROLE Palaferri Paces ~ Grade loes , GIG· ANT IC END OF THE YEAR S A 'L E SAYE SAYE SA Y.E HIGH•lll OOM~•eelON I NOllle•.-OW.lllt'TORQU•t .-0. -,.___ ...... '"' ~'°" afMI .,...aa•hne•• I .Oh-h-h f Those '66 2ocro OFF .. 1955 Johnson Outboard Motors • *Boats* • Come In and See These l•als mMI Moton Displayed In Oii" Showroom n. pile iitpeat ............. eYel' ••• whm 1-ulre 1 awl o(. 'S6 ~ n. Roctet T.350 it ooe ol tJ.e W, ,....._ -r iA lor tor1f119 ; ;, • ucl it'• tfrri6c:l Cllllpni&Ma .. ., .. 9..25 to l. A.cl bon tpow• .., lriu 240! l e trttry rwprct. tlUI ii tlM .. ,titieet, .. ,.,., Roclet Eqiee 0 ~ ... 11.ih. trith hi ntr·Fudy ,_... ol l.hing power>. And .OW. U. teaaed llMo Rodlrt T .350 with.,, Jd.away Uycln.Matic- tlaat ,..o1auo..ry adu-in ..,_.....,. ..._.tic 4riT"inJ. TIU. II tlN time for acf)oe I T al, the w'-1-t.U t.IM r-.1 i• 1 ... 1956 ow..oMe ...,.! I • C>LDSIVIC>B I LES ... ., ""·••c1n ••••• ... u , •••• , ...... " HAHl'll I MILLER CHEVROLET CO. NIWPOIT llACM PhoM .....,, 1-2261 I -e&HMellU nHl@'lfl •HAllU IMIMf• • AMOf•ll eHAf t•·•tMWU ••ttCAl OM ~IC·YY • IAY., •ey, It.--, .... , •../ ' . . . ( .,AGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS ~ Wa11W I0-1119ce'a... .. .,_ MONDAY, NOVEMBER l.f, 1955 R , L.41 •nt Du, ON nawa Oy S M4'1 8ftaftC• err. Da.JCATll8UNcue,S150. QEUYERY GUARANTIED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Pre9 la guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mood'\y, "'"Wednelday and Jl'rtday. It .your paper la not delivered by that hour pleue call HarbOr ~616 and your carrier will brtnr ~ paper. Bout c:IMDJq-rloor wu1f1C ONIC I ft. ~tor --NO. Wall ........ -wadow ...,,.. ONW iur-c:omme:rc. reftir. STll. V ...... llltada. U~ 1 8CALm. ... 1 OOMDOLA UI. ra.ir;.. ,.._ Miaatee C&11 ~ LI a413I IDOft1q'I ot LIMrt.J ,_llU. ltfci aft.er I p.m. I lle: HANDT M.Ale, malJltHance A npa1r or wlaatT Har. •6M·W 27Uc Swedish Massage lAdiee, -bJ app&ntment 6- your bomt. J'ormerty muteUH at Arrowhead lprtnc1 Rot.el. Pl .... call Harbor '71HI or K.,-bc>r 70. 31cUh Fresh . Hearing Aid JA~- W• Olft Blt.11 Ore.a 8tAunpe • GundP.rson Drug CO: Mala It. at Balboa BlYd.. 8alboa Harbor 616. ., ..Uc firewood Classified . ----------------------~ "uc&lyptua It apf!cot, dry, Nady to bum. Kl 7·4890 UUc >"!,IOHT TllA.lNJNd Craduated from the U. 8. ~val Pre • lo,llcht School In P l'naacola, Fla., Oct. 10 wu E ns. Francl11 V. Pesenti, son of Mr. and M.ra. i',, A, P~ntl ot 300 W. B&y St.. Costa .Meaa. He attended the Uni· v~lty ot Caltfornla at Los A'.nr;ele1 before entering the 11ervke and 111 now aasigned to the Whlt tnc Field U. S. Navaf .Awdllary Air Sta tion, M.Uton, Fla., tor primary fUJht traintnr. DEA1H NOTICE IOI& KARY GROTZ N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS Every Monday, WeclMsclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays c-.taa Shopper Ad• ,_ 18 UM W~ Jlf-•·P,_ 4 LIDM 1 IMertloia Sl.00 add'1. hes .25 ea. 4 Llnes 2 lneerttons 1.50 add'L Unee .25 ea. 4 Unes '3 ln11ert1oaa 2.00 add'l lblee .25 ea. 4 Uaea 4 luertlou 2.lO add'L U... .%5 ea. SltuaUoD Wut.ed Ach "''tll ~ .. H % dltceallt. ¥ a. IMlftatle ooJy. . MISWUll AD Iii • UNU DEAD LlNi:S tor piactn1 or cancelllnr ada are: For Monday PubllcaUon -Friday O p.m. For Wedneed&y PubllcaUom -Tueaday l {>.m. For Friday Publication -Thuf'llday l p.m. NEWPOaT HARBO& PDBLl8RL~O 00. !%1 l Be.1'1oa Blvd., N ....... Beac!h, CalUorala.. Experienc'd 2'ardener LANDSCAPING • and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 SOUc RELIA B L E JAPANESE- A MER IC AN WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATI 4-5471 24p37 REGISTERED NURSE, office ex· perlence, Xray, aome lab. type, undenitlUld lnsuna.nce, etc. De· •Ire• posltJon with M. D. Write Box G-H care ot I.hi• paper. 30d2 RkcoNDm oNEo Paint Brushes · 10c to SOC It up Schlegel Paints 408 N. Newport Blvd., Npt., Bell. SOc32 ANTIQUE tum., eevel'9J plecet1 lo chooM from. Rdlnieb - youreelf It .. ve. Loada of old china, cut .iau. copper It braea pltc••. curio.. old aulky, old clocka, thh pol... lampa, old cuna. jewelry, aound movie pro· jector, 1ood wheel chair, mual· cal lnatr. etci. We buy • -•P· ruDeral MrVtce. tor MMI. Mary orou, 71, of 122 34lh SL, who d ied NO'f'. 10 in Hoag Ho1pltal, wu ecbedultd to take place today with anansement.I hanclled by Baltz All ClaMlfled Ada muat be ,.ad for <Juli hi ad\•aacie of pubUcatJoa. HOUSEKEEPER I WhlteJ, •ant.a Tbe pubU .. ber• will not be rt1ponalble tor more than one Incorrect houaework or child care. Li ve In • Brin( ltem11 l.n. VI.alt our larr e store. CHARLIE DA VIS, 1~ E. Anaheim, Lonr Beach. Rem· lock t-6031. lnsertlon of an ad, re.-erve lhe rlrht to correctly claall.ty any &nd all ad• and to reject any ad not conforming to rulea and rel'Ula tlona. or out. l..Exlngton 6·2298. 30p31 Mortuary In Coata MeA . ROMrY 8peclal Notleee 12-BoDdlnJ Service9 w.a recited at the Baltz eo.ta --------------------------K... chapel at 7:30 p.m. Sund&)' v Newport H&l'bor Pa.intlng & Paperhanging wtth maa1 l.n Our Lady ot Mt. B e. We do the work ourselves. Canoe! church at 9:30 a.m. today. · P. 0 . ~. 1767 30 y eare experience Complete houae cleaning -Walla, O•FFJtRB 6: BA TILJCR.S table top watt paper, woodwork, etc. I Cl.EAN CLEAN ru ranp. :Automatic oven con· t.roJ, clock. broiler, 2 cb'awera LI 8·6487 l Op32 clean JM, vacuum, curtains, 6 nylon paut.a. Har. IOeT·W. • 29c31 Jnt.nnent tolJowed ln Holy Sepul-~Md It lruured. dler c.met.ery. Meet.a every Thurtday a Pm. S«lJ1tact1on cuuantted. OIRL8 _ A ....Uv• ot llUnoJ.a, Kn. Crots Via~ -C.Ot.raJ 4va.. •-tm t ,.._. ..... , atu ree. .......1 Johnnie. EARN MORE 2 ~ R. P . O&rden Tractor wtU\ at- tachment.a. R emlnrton Type- writer. LI 8·11623. 31c33 bad ~ad ller-9 for the put five Newport Be•eb LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81Uc THAN EVER BEFOnl?'! 7..,.., Albert a M.a.ttbew•. Eltalted Ruler ~ 8un1von Include th• hu1b&nd, Benl')' Orotz. t,.-o dautht.e"'1, MMI. l%--B~~· Sente. Zdlth Stene• of San Bernardino ---~--i//<_.------­&Dd Mn. Dorot.hJ Pan1ab ot Foo· tana. one l'f"nddauchteT and two 81at--. M.ra. Hannah Frederich of in.1nrooc1 and Mra. Margaret Noe.i 'ot Dllnole. LEGAL NOTICE Cl:BTJJl'JCATE or JIU81N'E88 ncnTJOV8 na..w NAME Thlr undersigned dou ht'reby certify that Ille I• conducting a reataur&nt bualne.u at l 69t New· port Blvd .. eo.u. Mea-. Calllomla, under the flcUtlou1 tlnn name of EDWARDS FJSH HOUSE and lluH •a.Id firm 11 compoeed ot the f0Uow1ng ~raone, wboae n&mM ln full ~d placu of ,_dm~ an ... fblaoww, C.wtt: DOllOTllT .. mDWAAD9 11'7& A,..,...111 Coat.a Meaa. C.W. \\'llneu my hand thl• 20th day ot Oclobt'r, 1955. Painting, Paperhanging 'The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38lh St., Newport Bt ach Ph. Har. 2•04 or 1M7-R. l~tfc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lnataJJ the above cheaper t.h&n mOlt. Ai.a atU TUe It Unoleum. Non-union, 26 yeara experience. Compare and Me - BILL COKER Hu. '1'8 or Lons Bffch 7 ·0973. 89Uc CARPENTRY MJNOa amP.A.Dl WOIUl MO 108 TOO atAU. R. o. A.Ddenoa 101' E.. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Rartior HOO UUc · PAINTING. M. W. ROSS Llcenlled U 8·3321 280 Avocado, Coat.a Mua 86ltc Rd. 011 SpreaCltng Driveway• PARKING LOTS 1 SUb·C'.llvl.llon• our •pe<:la.Jty. We fumlah any type 011 to your spe- cification. Larr • Joi» -1mall Jobi. Free eal1matu. Alao wa· ter 1preadlnr . Modem equip- ment. LExJngton 6--i008, CU· more Ii: Page, Hunllnr ton Bdl.. Otto FOR RENT hill ..... 0.0.. OrtUa, Po&Jabent, .. .,...., ......... ~ ......... BOYD'S HDWE. USO W. COAST W GHWAT Wtlerty 14"116, Newport SQ Jlltc OUr n-. hl(her •t.arUn1 was• and frequent locre&MI (Iv• you t.h.le~4pportunlty. Openlnp DOW -tor - 1164 ALL 8T A Tll Mot.or Scoot.er S12ll. Bionda bdrm. Hl, bookcue Ma.dboard, dbl._ d~. large mirror HO. &al Bay St., C. M. LI a.nu. 31p33 TELEPHONE OPERATORS 1"' DoUa t1t tor 6 prtnc..., one •t We will train you &nd' you'll re· • ldD4 brldu, etc. J26. L1 8~997 celve many other benefit.a. 31c33 -Apply - CSU !.; No. Main Street, Rm1 211 SUit& Ana. 9 :00 to •:OO p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE WOMEN N. c. R. Opt'rator, .teno part time ln•urance. HouM keeper It olbaMI. MEN .. iectron· Ir.• engineer, dratt1man, oUlca t r a I n • e A othcn -JUNlll FARRAR Employment A1enc7 •02~ 32nd 8t., N•wport. Opp. City Rau. ttcil emu. lo ....... .mo. ,..... u..-. Jrf~ Um1 rrtdaJ. Wrti. Box H-75 thJa paper. aocJI THREE SHOW CASES tor aale. C&11 roRo?T HDWE., Har. u e. Order Now! Penonallud Cbriltm&I Carda Slc33 A.LL SIZES, ALL PRICES RepreMnl&Uve Wt11 call at your home. PBONm Har. HH or Bar. ntSW • 2JpU ORIGINALS .u"r'llRNOON, CocJrta11. dinner *-.. 9CJOrd1natat. WANT WhJ~ woman lo do bOUM CUITOM DJU:8811.AKINO • ,0-B-Att!H!!? __ -~n·R-~~--··--·-M -MIMwl. Raff~ •• T ,. USED APPLIANCE ·BUYS Cf&WWWW 6 MD1UTl' IM l'Ulli ------$'8.80 au: t:'!l.8· whit. table top ~----·· 79.&o wans TABta -ror. saa rup. cri&De. ONa ..trot -------··-----$'ft.GO Wdiil4\&Mlm .. istrtc raqe, late model --$98J50 PRIUX> ~. e ~-ft. --.. -· .. ···-··-·-··-199.50 'WD'l'mOllOU8ll ~. 1 eu. ft., very clean $99.50 BICllVJI. a.taif., Wt' bud door ·····--···---··--$89.50 •wtuumoua ~. Tt,i Cu. ft. Deluxe .... $109J50 -VDU.TOR a.frtpn.tor 8 cu. ft. Deluxe --.$119.50 • D&XiA Automatic naber __ . ····------·-· $89.&o D:NllOBJC Wriapr wuher -~-----· M9.&o mdT SPDIDll~ ------··--· Special Only $59.&o ~ GUA.ftANTmD W4 IPDIQ JU.oa:u.,_,"'rlm.ni'* AUTOMA'nO AND WlUNO&I\ TTPD DY-.u. 'ft> am.mer J'llOM ~UA.8C)WAm.Y PIUCllD-BUDOS'I' TE!tMS-l'RH DICLIV, KNOX HARDWARE CO. r- 420 Eut 4th st. Santa Ana Kl 2-2336 M-FunaJtuft' for Sale FOR TRUE VALUES AT CONSISTENT LOW PRICES ALWAYS AT BAY FU.RNITURE ALL NEW XODlllRN DICSK -LDOI OAK FINJ8H. ~.&o VALUE AT BAY $29.95 COLONIAL 8TYLll DUK-8ALl:M FINTSH-METAL PULLS $46.60 VALUE -CLOSF.OUT AT BAY $29.95 CHEST H.A.880CK -Tt1JTED PLABTJC COVER. $14.50 VALUE AT BAY $9.50 11" HA8SOCK-8PIUNO UAT-DURABUt PLAl!ITlC. $23.50 VALUE-;-OLOSEOUT .A.T BAY $15.00 ( TV ARK ROCKER.I -SWIVEL SASE. $39.95 VALUE-CLOSEOUTS AJ BAY $22.50 8TUDIO COUCH-SLEEPS TWO-ALL METAL BASE. 2 ipr. tu led bolalere--Dapple 1 w~J eoven. $ll9..50 VALUE • . AT BAY $77.00 J PC. SllCTIONA.L -MODERN EX<.:ITlNG COLORS. Durable Fabrlca -Styled tor Comfort. m1..50 VALUE AT BAY $119.00 I PC. BED DIVAN srr WITH MATCHING CLUB CHAIR. lde&l tor Den. $139.50 VALUE AT BAY $87.00 I PC. MAPLll WOOD ARM GROUP Conalatl of bed dlvan-plallorm rocker w1n r club chalr- dappl• tweed caver. • $229.50 VALUE --AT BAY $159.50 t PC. L.IVINO ROOM CROUP Jndud..-aota bed with pure foam rubbn c:11•hlon.t1 full alae tnnenprblc malll'Nl-2 etep end, l cockta11 table - (Nnama.r tope) 2 l-wa7 lllOdam llble lampe. $319.50 VALUE AT BAY $217.00 t PC. PROVINCIAL Bl'J)ROON GROUP ll'ellad• t drawar double dreuer lm•tal pullaJ 30 x •o ~a.med plate mlrTOr-bookcue headb<Mlrd mf'taJ t temf' -l~ coU tnnU"lpl1J\C rnaurue. 1 lO tr. ~uar I MAlchlnJ bOJC tJ)rinp. TV & Radio Repair ~.st Service ••-·Ne 8entel .U. Ull t p.m ICMOWLTOM mac- TROHJC8 LI I-DOI. aPWlCI.AL BUY I 9eauutW J"renc:h rro.tndal ,.,.. oua make 8pl.net pluo. ·Lille MW. aav. SlOO. Coclv. tenna at ltLU'ERa (ltnc. llO'f) U1-ul N. lycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly l ·0172 Knowlton ElectronJca TV ANTENNAS • (Clear Beam -Bi Oalnl INITAJ...L&D complel• to your M t. $9.95 LI MJOG. PR.AC11Cll plUIOll Sit, SM to JlM. Spinet type mirror piano 1236 -a bk>n d, bouty. Eull'at term•. DANZ·SCHMlDT, 620 No. Main, Banta Ana. 100 planoe to dlooae from. DAMAGED In ahlpp\nf I 8plneta, M Y(' $}8(), DANZ·SCHMlDT. 620 No. Main, kilt.& Ana. ORGAN. 1 Electronsc ~rru now only SOT&. AU 11:1.ectnc Orpn, b&I. only STl6. Lowry ~1anq 1116. All wonderful barplfl1. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 6~ ~o. Maln, Sant& 41\a, SPINET Planoa. l\ental ,;tum11. Trade·lne on orpn.. like ntw 10me Maple, Blond Ou, Fren<'h Provlnclal. Thi• I• a chanci. for blf aav1nr . Open rrlday ntlhl. DANZ·SCHMJDT. 620 NO. Main, Santa Ana. HAMMOND OR GANS, a.JI mockl., oi.v {;h1 la.ma• •lt•<'k now com in:: In; J l0.00 depoalt wlll rMtrv• any model \I.hue U\ey lu •.. .,..,( · In your old piano. DANZ·SCHMlDT. Home of lhf' world tamowi H1ammond, &20 No Main, Santa An.i One Splnl'l Model, one-Hnmmonl.I Chord Or11an ulltd but like new, 1o1.•ondertul ba.rg•lna SPECIAL BUY ~ 0 1-:MONSTRATOH model. IUce •w IOVl'ly l<lmbllll Splnl'l piano WIUI built ln Lowrey Oreano.. Savt l :WO on this. Llber•J tradt ~· \'enten\ ltr ma 11t SHAF'EllS 1Suwc 190i I {21-t 23 N. Sycameire S.nta An• P hontt Klm bca I)' 2-llG72 Orance Cou11ly 1 Urga n llrtqtr•. OJlAND T'IA NO t:hrl•tmaa Salt . M•ny wondn ful bat it•rn•, ram. ou1 m•ku., Sll'lnwfty, Ma.on Hamlin. Knabe, eolc., dellVl'rt'd fret. benl'h 1ncludt>d from 1387 up. " DANZ-s c.:HMlOT. 020 No Maln. ::.1U11a An a RF:NT .. planu for Chrl•tmu .. All t4'm1 rent a llowf'd. Gocl\J pr•c· Ike plan<>• from J:) per 111onl.h h•t lilt' kJ'1d.lu lu.rn. /1 1 DOROTHY 8. EDWARDS STATE OJI' CALIFORNJ.A CO~"NTY OF ORANGE ... C6MPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Han&tng Service l:UOEN&' O. SAUNDERS work It cook. Four lA family ~r J.IT·W. 2JpH Uve out. Ll f.IS887. n c:n -·· $299.So VA.LUE AT BAY $199.00 DANZ·8CHMllJT, :120 No. )hln Slllll a Ana. · On lhla 20th day of October, A. O. 1963, before me, ROBE~T F. WILL.MES. a Notary Pubflt ln and for the aald County and StAle, natdlnr lhereln, duly commla.t1lon- ~ and 9WOrn. pu11<>nally a ppeared DORO'niY 8. E DWARDS known \o ma to be the petlOn wboae name la 1Ubeer1 ~ to lbe wlthl.n I n.ttru· rneiat, a.od acknowled(ed to me t~ abe ezeeuted UM aame. IN WlTNla8 WBllRJCOF, l have henun.to M t my hand anc1 atflxt'd 1n7 offtdal Mal the day and Y•r ID Wa ~rtltlcate fl111t above written. /a/ ROBllRT F. WJLI..M'E8 M7 Comml-n E:qllru 11 '18.~ Ho. 123 "- M ..... Prwl 1012•. 31, 1 1/7, U , '00 Claulfiecl Index I • Jennen PJumbing Re~ work, a 1peclalty Watt'r b•terw on tlme paymmt.a 2819 Nnrport Blvd., Newport Bch. Har. 6380. Ree. Har. 43t7-J 27«1 Painting. Decorating Paper Hanstoc GEO. BURKHARDT UCEND!D CONT'llAl.~R 878 W. lllh. It., Ooeta M ... Liberty ..... 21 General Contractor LICZN81:D New Work -Remodellnc J . KILTON McKENZIE Barbor 6399-W 68Uc CARPENTER Repair Work Ooee Your Bome !feed "-palrtn&' '·cw Ramode&lJIC T C&ll n.n&. Uban.J 1-41$4 AU WotJI GU&rutMd Tttte CEMENT a BUILDING AlJ Kl.nda FREE ~TES Liberty 8~109 2tt1 Courteoua New•··Preat C..1&141ntd Ad·Talten are tralnad to '"'1'1t• eftecUft ach. Tbrou.p lone u~r1mce and a lboroucb underst.andlnf ot advv- ltslnf we can put your wantl Into worde t.ba t set actJon. Let u• help you Mil: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS 6 TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD· ARTICLES MUSICAL. INSTRUMENTS &00 llll 8tntt, Newport Beach Barbor me or Bar. U4t. ttc AJcobolica Allooymowa Wnt•• P. O. Boa 181 Newport 8ucb, C&llt. Pboee a.nor •TM IUJlQ An Weld•. (a.w) WILL TRADE CAR FOR PAINT-a lip AJ.t Colllpr-.or, 220 Voll ING. Ka.lier T raveler model lo 8'ncle phaM. a.. at PATCH'S h t clue condition, new paint l7Lb at. at l'lacenU&. Ll 8-7~. job. Opena up lo malt• truck. 21U _For labor on peJnUnr out.aide ol howi. 1 coat ~ at 414 Pol.D· LADl:J:8 WJNDSHIP ~Pa.ck Mttla Ave .. COM. Har. 3204-J Ntt cue. Keepe U eostumei. ln 3Jc81 ,.._.. Llk• MW' flt.&&. l'lO -----------Opal It., B&lbo& ll. Hu. 17t9·W Ml:MORJAI, l'ark rtprl'MntatJ ve 30c31 Onl7 proven profnaionaJ aale•· m.n need 11pply. Leed• tuml.lh• 40" BRAIS J'Dlll SCREEN. Pull ed permanency A MC"lr1lJ. 1' et.rtnr type.. U~t new s10.oo bour wMk. Write Bo~ f'-71 Old copper tub with Ud. Wiil cu .. of thl• paper. 2tc3l malt• an excelJGll wood bow: Sl0.00 ~ Ll 1·1077 JOc72 A Planned Future Tb• New.~ pubUahu mon CIUllltltd Ada Ulan any ot.ber rwwapaper Ill Ult area. Tll1a leaderlhlp wu attained becau•e P08ITJON with old u tab. Co N-•PT.. Claaaltled Ad9 ,.et BUild a bnalne1111 ot your own. ...Wt.I! R«peat A les. food product. HJput lnromt bracket. Sub- Superfluous Hair Pvmueat4' remov.o from face anna, l•p. C,.brow. and ba.lr a&at lllapecS-Ho more twtdln&. &U..CN ~ BR TA.HT R. E.. U do'• la.loo ol Besu ty Bar. 2571 ..,. Jones Birkel-Richardson OROAN STUDIO. Leam to play lhe mlfhty WURL.ITZER. ICVJtLY N J ONES. M~r .. 300 Holm- "ood Drt•t. U 8-1082. 20c33 •tanUal retlremenl plan. No Iav. U 8-0740 29ct2 Real Eetafe Saleaman r or our newr•t ottk e -a fine grt>und-n oor opportunlly. our incf'nU\'t commlMlon 1cheduJe Cavou lhOff who 11t11y wilh u-. lhose who prodU<'", and t.he>ee active In llalUlJt. \\'t ere friend. ly lllld coopuath•• and we want lhe •amt' t rom you Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 3630 Eut Coaal Hwy. • Corona del Mar Harbor 6241 ICXPERJl:NCl!lD waltreu wanted. Apply a t SNACK SHOP, 2ll<>O It. Cout HW')'., Corona de.I Mar 18ll GoOd Used Appliances 9 ft. Che.t type fr~r $99.50 Gu Rang~ from $29.50 Frigidaire 9 ft. Refrigerator $75.50 Wuhere .. Take your choice Automatic a.nd wringer $20.00 China Painting Otj and CVmlnt a..... Beacon Personnel Newport furniture Co. uraerw 'ta•u Now 100% employer retained Ptlone Uberty l-N41 HUc: I agency -a .......... __ Wu•-..a NO F'EE collected from appliunt _ao---QI ___ ,_.,., ___________ t l3·3ltt Newporl Beacll BABY lrTTll'fO by teerht>r. Hsr OTM·\\' 30c32 HOUSEWORK, 11omt bahy fitting an Nc-wport or B11lbo11. r.r ~-40H A.pl. B 30p:l2 EXP ERlENCED GARDENER :'\AMF. TAKERS for Lag\lna Beal'h A South t...guna City Directory Goad h•'"d w?'tllnr u~nt111I. Write 204 F: 4th room 7, Sant.a Ana or call Kl 3-3831. 23lfc Complete Home Furni1hin91 2620 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach 31c33 , Washing Machine "\ SJ:llVICJ'.l 1-,..ar ~"'"lff on Jobe done and on II.Md wa.abtr.. Mll'i4 C rut) Newport Bl., Ooet.a M-. Liberty 8.-4603 or Liberty 84327. Mttc COMPl.ZTE ~ GROUP lncJ~lco retri••ralor (t cu. t L1 crou top frffur - chJUtr lray-<rt.a~r drawer -dairy ~ d<>or with bulltr .lteeper-31" Wdblll ~u ran&~ bum('r dl•lded top-ov,.n be&t conllOl--5 pc. chrome or black dlnett~ aet 30 11 •O M--Dog11, ~at&, J>_c_ta __ _ Ct'T.: C'OC'k4'r pup11 from rf'Jl•lc-r· ed •tO<'k fl6 U 8· UIO. 30.-32 Mica top axterulon t.able--4 foam rubber Mat rh•ln1 J4,59.00 VALUE Grou12,.Prfoe AT BAY $349.~ BAY f URN If URE nm S AL~ OR T'R..A OE. Equity In l!lM <H.fC' 111ckup tauck -32i >·ullt'I tun A\'~ , Nt"''l""r1 Ht11 30c:: "Wh,.re Prwe11 Are Held al Bay" 427 E. 17th • {;o•ta M~•" ---------11111:.! MERCUR Y Montcr4'y l'On· Vt'rllhll' \\'~W. fl & If, f)OW~I "'1n1ll11A " Ii ,.,.al (.'rrn11n11ntal kll SUP!) P rivate JllH'ty Har •376J FTH Storetl"ont l>arklnr; Ternu OPEN EVE 1S. 'TIL 8 ~tare for Sale BEDROOM , SETS I It t DR.A W1tR druaer. mirror. booke&M hMdboard, from "9 60 TWIN M.aple bed wilb mattress A box aprln,f, OnlJ . • 169 60 - I A I DR.A WER maple dr~.1111er. wtl.b mirror, from . S79 60 Uvioc Room Seta Modern le Maple Al N1CI: A LJNE u you wallld find a.n)"Wbtre. With our low o•erh-4 you'll be •urprl~J how mucb we c.,. n ve yu11. Pita.(' l.&ke a look. Jt wlll pay you. GOOD TltRMS Rrl'All. FURNJTl'R~ BROKER!'! Open f'rlday Evr. Kl 3·2436 3rd at Spur1eon Sanr.a Ana 30c33 MOVING-MUST SELL. Prov1n· eta.I <ll nlns Hl with brMk tront Like new. SlrK>. Croaley eolec. ranite SM. Obit. b<-d rn1llrl'1111 It 1pring1 S . One pa ir l11mps IJ~. Ha 786·R. 29c31 BIRCH Drop lt&f dining tAblf', Sa- lem flnlAh. Seale 8. S IO. LI 8· 33•6. 3lcJ3 7 PC. modem ·cherry bdrm ael '36 Glue top coffee labl4' S7. 2 ead tablet $~. Lfflhtl"'l'lle davf'n• port It ch&ir U 5. Chrom,, kit· chen chain Sl e&., ru •love 120 e cf. G E refrls. S.-46. Har. 211l·M 30cl2 ON LIDO ISLE. Jlvtnr rm. and bdrm. tumlture. Jncludlnr ru~• and J.arnpe. toa Via Ml'ntone. Hu. J3t9 30pSJ .. 3flt'32 ln-A-Antlq tJeA 1939 POl'R•DR PONTIAC itc»I I BUY AND SELL f'ngln(' S6 Hu 3208 29~~ I E ARL\' AMJ::IUCA~ cul. rolort!d, Ch pattern c la11..'-P nm1t1\·e.s-An· 195'4 ry1ler 11que fum.ture An1I ftne china I I. THE BIG OLD RED BARN New Y or1ter 138&1 Ha.rbor Blvd . Gardf'n Orove T & C W 09on E . F"JRBAN"K Kl J.32t l I · 24p37-h At'TO TIV,:-08 . radio, ht'al,. ----------tll'C\MC Window• SS-Boa ta. Su ft>leee HARVEY SOMERS. BALBOA CO\'£S PU-:R " SUP. Harbor i77 2~31 tor rent. Jla.r 4631 -MK (lor· rl"C.tc<I numbt'ri. 3Jp TRADE Bto1111tlful 70-rt. Miii. 1choontt. Ei<r elJtnl for C'har1 er. W11nt proprrty or •mailer boaL 1220 W, Balbo& Blv1I., Nt"wport. Har 3032. 39t!c Gigantic SALE 20°.4 off on aJI 19~ boill11 A J ohnpon 0 B. Motort So. Coast Co. Newport 8 11!<1. et 23rd St 32eJ4 19•9 <.:H£VROLF:T Df'luu Fl•"I· lln!' -S•n. 2 dr , "lll tllent oon- 111tlfln RAH, <'U&t.cim uphol•t.ry l'lthl'r f'llllr.._..,_13:.0 1:all Har. •Olf.-9 11. m to o fl rn. 2t• 31 '63 Wl NDSOR delu.a , I owner RACrif1cC' SlliO Call H1_, 07111 or Kl :i-210.. 29c31 19112 CAO ll:Z 8tdan 37000 ml V,.ry rl,.•n l'ar. StOllr. W W nylon tlru . Take tran-porte llon c•r trade. Hartwlr 1726 •flu 8 p 111 17tlc 19-'9 rQRD CON"VERTlBJ.. $595 Delwie model, radio. healer, w.w, l"•ther uphollltn y. I ownf'r Vt.ry clean. Jla.rbor OM tir-~ LJ t·J~77 30c32 IP">2 MORRIS MINOR S'60. Har 230tR eve1. Har. &02 day1. l lclt WANT TO BUT 10 ft. flburl-·~1 Crollley IU~r a t&. ...... MH dlnithY for Mlori boat LI 8·e713 1.... than 20.000 actual mil,.~ ev"" 29eJ1 11v 36 mpr '31\0 LJ 1·8522. 11c3' USED L.EKXAN 12 fL flb4'tglue '1 BUl CK •Up4'r. r ood condll• aalllng dlngtiy. Excellent ron-BHt offer over SUO. LI j.2174l dltlon SMC>. u I~ 30p32 Ilda I Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN 48-A~. & RoaM9 fo_r Rellt 43-Apta. .t HCMU!M for &ut 62-~at f"At.le 62-R81 Eatate. itt-_'_Rt-__ .r_Es_ta_re _____ ,NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS~FRESS -PART II . PAGE] MONDAY, NOVEMIER l4', 1955 \ * with thi$ ad * s Cyl.8. ·--·· ········---$48.88 8 c,i.. ····--··-······-·$58.88 fncludee botll labor and pub. N-rtnaa. wrl1t plna. •al'" f11Jld, fittings or moln and rod be&rinc-. Expert motor tune up. K-day or •.ooo mile cuarantet-. (NO MONEY DOW~l. REBUILT ENGINES -VP to 111 MON1'H8 TO PAV - Built In our own factory by akllled tn&dl.tnllte. Don't contend· with UI• middle man. Bu7 direct. REBUU:.T and INSTALLED SHORT DLOCK J'ORD ........................... ~·-···· 1120.r10 CJmVROLET ..................... U19.:i0 PLTK. 6 BODOE ····---·····-11!\:I CHRY•. 6 DI: SOTO ···-·-$17U 8TUDJ:B>..KEI\ ......... ·-····--$170 OLDS 6 PONTIAC 8 ...... ·-··· $I 70 BtnCK ·····-··--·-·"----$17:-. HUDSON --·---····-"-··· $17.> Lou Car • Free Towini; NEW CAR GUARANTEE: Block mu.at meet out 1t11ndards Plua tuu, 1aakete and ou Opai 8Wlday JO a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 84NTA A.N A SARVER FOR BRAKES ·1 (l~ OIUNCE COU!l(TY 17 YRS) ~nded BrakN -4 whttl• $1J.90 l nst1llatfon .. -···-··............. .. .~ . Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS DeligbUuJ living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. wt th Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2W2. Utfc ~KA-Apta. for Keat DELUXE modern tum 11tu1H o apt. llt1tltl1>s ~a111 1n1 mo. l:orona dd Mar. H&r. 08!)3-R. Hlfc --------- Charming Harbor Haven Apartments -Patioe 'llF.W t ROOM, nreet level. Nrar ~chool•. •hopping district. Qui et. ple&..,u.nt. t'Xclu,,.ive. Gu buge dl11· po11al, laun<1rv. i.tnrage roon111, i:urage. $112.011 11p. 0<·1•11p1eR tn· 111 •• 11ll'o·et. Good · .aupel'Vlalon: -1~8-Hou!W'e for Keat. 1.m o J !{L~~ r;E\v 3 bedim, 2 bath untuni, l•11e to pennan· l'nt t rnnnt. t 200 mo. Choice lo1·at1011, Mr. Snow, OUnkirk 1-:1211 • .-vt>nlnA"• and weekend• SYlv11n 0-3891. 18tfc 2 UDRM HOUSE. nf•wly dtto· 1 & l<'1I, 11ULO, wuher, tl,.cl. r.ngl'. T.-0:11 11ge or young baby okay. I }'r IPBIW. I et. Ll 8-39{13 . 30c32 INDUSTRIAL RI: • Dll'ORCJ:I> eoecttl• Bldc.. t.pprox. 32,oo6 94. tt.. a ttac»d llU\lclW°'ed "'"1 W&ftbollM ol 6,100 llCI· n.. AU IJ>rln.klered and booked up w1Ui A. D. T. !ISO rt. •pUr track Willa four ce.r door ~IWlp. uw1u.. tncJude 440 volt. 3 phaae heave capa- city, eeweni and hlCh water prellUl'e. 'l'wo a c. of land and preetht OIL ROY AWTIES now amL to $316.81 per mon. F or further Inf. write or phont' Burton S. Beck JUlr. PO Box lo:\ Newport JH&rh, Calif. ttar. ~21. 29r31 Best Duplex Buy EAST SID~ Coetir'MMa. Se1pu11lt' fenced yam.. hw~. !Ire. JO('Clnlf• $163, payr.1t>nts only $7r>. DAN A. JACOBSEN. Rraltor Har 6891, Evea. Ll 8-6317. 30r3:.> NEWPORT HTS .. 2 br. l}ome Exct'll. neighborhood. priced 11 .sell at $1 0.750. Only 12000 1111 H OMER E . 8 HA lo't:H. R ealto1 lot McFadden P l., liar. "o F:vc:< Har. 2:1Z9·M Har. :1268-\\ MgT. 1501 H11.ven Place I 1 Hlot'k South Of lll&"h School 40-Roome for Rent Al-'W F"URNJSH ED APT!') I -l ~ARINA FROlr'TAGE • WINTF:R RATES !ilfc LAD\. slonr hu room In nk t M l'f CLOSF. ~'7' BAL8QA. Furnished I l>fdm1. apt. yearly. $00 mo. Ga.s & water pa.1u 408 E. Btd· l>Qa Blvd. Har. 2070 18U DELUXE FURN, APT8. l'llnflee 6: dbla, $30 mo. and up. 104 E. Bay A Ve., Balboa .Harbor 63H . 8L!c BA.L I'Sl..E, •m. rm.. private en· triUICe It ·baul, !i1tchenelle, elect. rerrtg . 1 hermo Mat. $9 wk. or $36 montn alngle. 'flnlcr. Har. 2128-M 2nrc hvme for employed lady. LI. 261) FEET ON WATER. Beautiful 8-~'648 :?91Cc 2 arr,.. point. --- -Fennel le Chri11t1an.wn. Reattore FOR Sl:-lCLE woman, bdrm. with 2798 Carllba.S Blvd. SA 2·8231. private bath. All pnv,•lrgu of 30<;35 beautiful home, swimming pool. TV etc. KI 2·2339 day•, U 8·2783 eve•. 29c3l ROOM 6: Board In my home. O<Jod food, clean comrort&ble rooma. H1.r. 0873. 29c31 5 Acre Ranch ON BAKE'\ STREET, Submit ler1t11 or trade. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor Har. 5691. Eves. LI 8-6317. 30c32 32 FT LIVING RM i\2.96 2 BDRM APT . Clrenlarl' $96 on OFFICES For Lease Name any reuonable down paymeoL Older well built Early C&U!ornla 1tyle 3 bed- room, 2 bat.he. Hur• cuage. aun deck. A1k1ng 12s,ooo. IrnmecUate occupancy. FORD Tu Ynt' r AY NO M ORE 4.8 l1·11J1e 1600 H aven Phu:e. 11 3.4,J Phone LI 8-8396. 30c32 Open House ( Dally 1?5 IOI Via N=e. Lido BRAND NEW model'll Fraich Re· g~ncy with a f'l't'at aen.14 or dJg· nlty u well u a c:uua.l holiday feelinr Jn It. J bdrma., s mar- IJle-top pullman bat.ha. Electric kit. Mercury ewttchea. well· choaen Cllrpetins UlruouL Ice. palio, lmpruelve landllcapln&, 11111a rt from it.art to tlnlab. - Bay & Beach Rlty Inc U DO OFF'lCE 3112 Lalllyet~e. Npl. Ha.. 3843 5 ~ere Estate Site BACK BAY AREA. Bay, lake and Mounta.in view. Ctoee to 11Chool 1u1d 11hopplng. Zoned A·l. Full prn•e $~000 per &ere. Excellrnt tt'nns. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1668 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa. LI 8·3792 or LI 8-:56841 llAltBOR HIGHLANDS S bdrm. l 1i b&th.e, aervlce porch. W /W <'&rpet.11 It drapt>ll. F'lltlo & Jand- 11raplnr. U6.600. LI 8-1213. 3lc33 BALBOA BAY FRONT FOUR BEDROOM, den, !or the ·WATCH THIS COLUMN i"OR THll KOft' c&NfUll7 ..i.ot· ed valuu 1n each of OW' dMlDet- ly different HARBOR .A.Rmil. BALBOA ISLAND COZY 2 bdrm. knotty ptn. Yae&· tlon bome. J'Urnllihed 1n maple, completely equipped for your own bolld&yw, good 1urruner rent· al lncom. or bolh. See Chi.a and dec.ld-.:-Ooea 1t COST Ol' doa It PAY! $18,600 F .P. Only SNOO down! CLIFF HAVEN YEAR-ROUND living 11 ea17 and tbrltty ln thill 3 bdrm. home. H.W. F11'9., Uled ldtcben, tan It <Jiahmuter, for mother. lovely encl. )'1ll"d far klca, $13.~ F.P. 58000 dn. $67 month. BALBOA PENINSULA ('!IOlCE 32' lot. huge patio, 3 br l ~ bath&, $27.600. Z BDRM. Provincial. A •teal at $18.600. only J:H. per month. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2604 Newport Blvd.. Npt. Beach Euy Parklnr Harbor 4610 A REAL BUY IN COST A MESA price ot a lot. $8000 down to BRAND NEW: qualltled buyer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES On e. 80x1M ft. lot to alley. S Bedroom, l ~ balh, hardwOO<t n oors. F orced Alr HNt, hom1>y raised hea.rth F'lreplace In lonly Uv1ng room. f\lucco exterior with brkk a: woofl trim. 2-car garagr. l"rtce $1:5,600 -$1600 down. 1606 w. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 6188 VERY NICELY SARVER MOTORS BRAKE SERVICE F: lST AT C RA!\'D S ANTA ANA Allf'r T he Cruh Jl'a Too I.ate 29tlc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS In New Building 17 x tO' SlOO mo. 17 ll 26' $ aa. mo. 11x11' S ~ mo. In Lido Sboppinr Area D-03 32nd St., Newport Beach vrJUU.NDJCR. Harbor 42111, -------------DECX>RA TEDJI' 42-Tra1Wl'9 2 WHEEL box trailer, $00. 1li l"aJICom1a, HunUnston Bearh. 27c3~ * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES Call Edna Crat1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. , 3U Marine Ave. )i&lboa la1a.nd, Har. 11171 72tte YEARLY Rl!:NT A l.-l mmaculate 2 bdrm. partly tum, apt .. F A. hC'al, aun d~ck, vtew of Ot"eln le H&rbor 4321 23Uc COAST HIGHWAY, n_. bulldlnf, COO •q. ft ottlce. Suitable ln- wrance, att.ome7, etc. $90 mo. RUSS FORD, LI Mitt. 2()tf bay. St 10. Incl utlllllM Adult• SS-A BoUaeea Beatua only 1529 W. &lboa lijvd., Apt. B. Call u 9. ;773, 28u c' Oor. l9t]I It Placentia. c. M. FOR RENT two bdrm. home - (1tove It "frig. fum .) lncludu evu 3477. 1'1lfc 8 UNITS FURN. 'Corona del Mar. AlJ Jealed. GOOd return on y<:AU tnveetment. $72,500. OWner, Har. M09 FOR SALE BY O~ bed- room h ome, l i. ti&Uu, 1-nd· ecaped 6: fenced. FHA loan. Freedom home area. CaJJ Llberty M223 mominp or after 11 p. m. llUc OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LAST CHANCE to ret St fel't or OCM.I\ frontaKe lll one piece. Nice comfort.able beach cottage on 111e property now-lnrludmg Prt.K•· 130.000. On very euy temt1 .t. tumWttd filcludlng Built -In Telcv1slon. R.Adlo A-Bookcue. Thls five room home l.t ooly 8 Ye&nJ old &nd 1a tn Sood cnn- dJUon, ·11u a nice patio with portabi. barbecue. The <'Xl..enor .. ndwood and atucoo. Property ~ completely ft nced. Priced &t only SS.950 compleltly .turnl•h- ed. Can be puhchued unrum. Lido Isle 2200 W. Coast Hiway. N('\\'port Beach LI 8-4420 -Bayfront •tore r oom .t. two office epace•. CHEAP ACREAGE SlOO month. OR will rent aepa-2.86 acru on Monrovia 198x830 tt. RALPH P. MASKEY Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 3411 Newport Blvd., Newpt: Bch. 503 32nd Sl .. Newport Bea.ch. Calli. •;,i .1:1· H11ppy home Sr186 ·;,1.:11r Tra velue. SJ*l . .• '239~ •:.•-4:5' RO•dlTluler 2 B. R, Speclal ':11'»41' r11r11.mounl 8lg dl&~ount 'fl!\•24' Tnry, .... W.111 dw on thll One and two bdrm. apartment•. 1'"1.lrnlabed. O&ragea. Y e.arl.y or winter rental. Har. 567:5. rately l office at $75 and 1 at 14,800 per a<:re, for quirk aale, $00 n.onU1. AllO 1mall atore $100 c1.ll Her. ~718 or evea. u 8·638e Harbor •02 Har. 6888 &ft<'r O p.m. Har. 2293·J BALBOA OUPLltX, potentaal In-____________ 3_1c3_J nw, Ca ll owner Liberty 8·6223 • 29l!c moMllnp or attar 6 p.m. 9tfc -------------come $2800 xr .. cumplelely tum. 60 ya.rdll t o 9th SL Bay beach. PAN AMERICAN P11111mount-Kenaklll • T ravelez.e-Ter ry ~tic 21c34 LARGE. SUNNY, TROP IC.: AL rum l bt'droom apt. Car .• pa uo. Clo8e lo U do Center. Yearly 17~. - Har. f 308-J -%H 33rd St.. Npt. B~rh. 30c3l _•_T_-_W_a_n_ted __ to_Be_a_t ___ ~_ WATER FRONT fu.rn. apt.a. - >"OR LEASE, new bide . on Eaet 17th .!:It. We need BARBER SHOP, BEAUTY PARLOR, TV II.Al.ES 6: SlilRVlCE. RBAI. EST A T1!l omcz, Oll'T 8lfOP etc. Oft your buelnf!N lt.Uted In the beltt location In Coeta Me ... F'or lnrormat Ion, •32 ICut. 11lh or U berty 8·11294. 28c41 Ren•-•-Wanted WlNTER only l • 3 bdrm no \.Ala pet.II chlld~n welcome 3708 We .... _..,. Aa4 lano .. lo a.I M<Uone for bOtb "1AW ud year'e le&N. ""11.. or W1tum.. 1t you have a •ac&.11cy, phOoe tod~y The Vogel Co. 1201 W. cat. Hwy" New-port Bch. Pilon• Llbe,rty 6-3481 20I Ma.rtAe, 8a1llaa lalaa4 ""°"e Rar1Mw "' 2~7 E. Cout Hy., Corona !Ul Mar Phone Hatbor 174 l Lido Ottlce, 3•lll Vie Udo lt11.rb<ir 49i I 1702 Newpnrt ~lvd .. Cotia Mr11a Ul>fl rty 8-6697 Uc w ANT 2 Bedrm unrurn houte nr apt. Ir. '8!1 mri. B1·11l rC'fer H11 r 2.\J:.!-W 29r31 ------------C"(ll'PL..E \\'lTH L-.:FANT. Wa11t 2 hr 11nt11rn '111Ul!e .t 1tarag-e Yrlv. r"ntAl r'"••nn,blt , near N'!'lln or rh11nn1•I Call CAp ll ol ~-Zi22. 30C32 WlNTER RENT ALS COM 2 Mnn Vl,.W $90 Furn COM 2 bdrm. huu1e H~ Furn &I. l~I(', 2 bdrm hOUl f' llll"i'pe 8 I $7;,. F'Urn rinuv~r. Realtor. Har. 4610. 21k'3l OAR.AC E for at.u raa• at 317 Chalrf>I ll"t9;cy, ff~. Ut+J M-MOM! to Lou \ 29ttc ___ ,. ___ , ______ _ $8-0 MONTH furn. apt . nP&r down-CASH town Balboa. Winter ~llll -• • • Harbor 2668 30<'32 SEWLY OECORATF.O. nlt•ely fl.Im l bdrm. llJll Allt1ll..t. 18211 Weet B1lboa Blv'1 Har. llat -W. 31cl3 f!"URN. a pL. l bdrm., ulll. pd. 1:en- FOR TR UST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKING Sl.NCE 1930. 1609 N. BUSH SANTA ANA KIMBl':RLT 3.7119 - 11 lllly 11-catt'd, B1dboa Blvd. 180 LOA.NS TO ISUU..0. IMPROVE mo: Hnr 1781·M. :Hr 33 BU'Y, MODllR.Nl.Z&, OR ---- - -RUlNANCZ NEAF\ Or.-110, neuly new l bdrm. turn. 11.Jll Tile kl\t htn A b11th, r 11r auto wuller 4lr dryer $68 p<>r mo yiol\rly. H&r. ~7-W or H11r. 2:11S·R J l r33 Ft:RN SINGLE APT. Newl>()rt Hrlghta. vcean vtl"w, yea.rly rPnl&I S:)-0 mo. UtlUtleti paltl LJ 1·1627 30c32 CORUNA DEL. MAR duplex, 2 bdrm. tum Har. :\409 30trc LIDO ISLE We Bu7 Tni1t Deect. NEWPORT 8AUJU4 SAoVl'NOS It LOAN AaBUClA TJON UM Via Udo. Ph. Har. t200 Ue I NO' COMMISSION No Appr&Ja&J Fee SA LES -RE.FlN AJllCI: CON8TRUCT10N CaU for Free Fut Commitment. oa Ruldenc:ea Uld Unlte Ol1l1 BACHELOR and ont • two txlrm. D I H ddl t apta. She.rt term and yearly. on u es on ALSO. Lido Hc>mta llnd Ray P runt • Homu and apartmenu. I 173 E. 17th St. LIDO REAL TY A.ssoc1a tes COST A M £84 3t00 Vla Udo. ll11rbor 4444 LI 8-~:H 1 u 1-~2 89t!e ::O~~i~us. C'orona d,.1 Mar.2~;i e~u~1~~uaP!1:r,~~:i~1':,u:~a~~.U: LOANS for Homes Choice Winter Rentals on Balboa lalalld & Lido isle l.mUI • 0097 or tars-la deh.me .76 to .300 llboalb VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A •e~ Balboa lal&nd Pb... Harbor "' or Harbor 2HH Ru. Bar. l78e·R or Har. 3059-M Mttc J-2 A 3 bdrms. Ir l\_&r Rilyf1 ont. 6"' -to yr. t.o.u tw1wtif11J view M~l b1• 114'f'n lo C . L be apprc1d11trd. \\ lnltr or yily. l onstruct1on oans leas .... Har. 24M 3111tc SEE BUB SA'?TWCR 1 CANAL FRONTAGE tar~~ 2 -' 3 2616 &AST COA8T BLVD. bdrm. rum. apta .• gu It aulfl. Corona Ciel Mar Harbor J8&1 WllllhPr S.110 4 $10(> pt-I' month Rtp. POUlJ.l:R MURTOAOI: CO ln<'I. 11t11. Avnll 1111 J uly 1 Metro L.ite lna. l'\Lnde Kl. 3-518:1 Hn. Jn4i ·W or ll:tr Z2 1.ll·R Ut;o :l<lc32 Look at this one $111.000, a ttr•cuve terma. 3 BDRM .. J ~ balh. lge. rooma. 20"• ~-BM.I~~ <;.0 · '10"1 Sh.ake root, uioed brick, double ...,, · • v"', llr. " gar. Quiel locaUon In Back &y __ (_n_ear __ lh_e_N_e_w_po_rt_P_ie_r_> __ ar-. Salisbury Realty Harbor Dll71 3111 Marine, Ba.lboa laland BACK BAY NrW 3 bdrm. 2 bath bome on HALF ACRE. Over9iud double pr.. elt'ctnc oven •It grtll. $2 1.~. EAS Y TERMS. Open l to IS dally. 381 22nd St. 23clt UDO R-3 C-2 Business Lot On Newport BSvd. at lnduetrl~ We7. O.x182 I t. Call owner. Hartaor 3108. 18tlc Attention Investors! PRICH: REDUCED Balboa BA TFRONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. 6: l ·l bdrm .. 2 car ftl'r&ge, ti.Ir• niahect, $34,l'lOO. Terms. M.lgbt con.I• trade tin Ooet.a Xea income property. Ocean Front FURN' 3 Bed.rm.. 2 bnlb hOUH It l bdrm. apL OVt'r 1ar•1• $2~.000 Tfrm•-::- OLDE.R • b<lnn. hOUM , for«d air heat. Only U3,600. DUP LEX Oil Balboa Blvd. 118.· 750 both WllL~ nicety tum. Only S8.000 wm .budle. Coast Properties 2 -30 ft. lote on So. Bay Jl'ront. $31.600 each. Call T. O. &~ere, Har. J6M-W, or RYa.n 1-.eo2e. 18Uc P'or quick. a ction on I.hi• bustneu property. 2 modem bwldlnga on 113' x 137' lot that should leue or rent for a total ot at lrut 1260 ~r month.. Plenty of room tor expa.nelon. A<lequa~ Pft..flt- l04t. Located In tht' fastut rrowtnr ·part or CO.ta M~11a. rlfht tn lb heart of a IArg•'. new •hopplnf center. \.\-11en lhls ------------- 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. SaJboa Harbor l8{)8. 2597 and teoo. L: PPER 4 LOWER lnoome unlt.11 on rear of comer loL tn CD M. l''umlahe<1. SI0,800 1erm1. LEE CASEY, office, 2721 E. Coast Hlghway, COM. Har. 0146. 30c32 WATP:RF'RONT LOT. complrte with bulkhead -\'try rlo11e to Udo ahopplng. Might con1lder t ru11t fleed for eq111ty HOMER E. SHA F'El-t, Realtor 106 McFa<1dtn Pl.. Hu U -0 Eves. Har 2629·.M Har 112118-\\' BY OW:-.'ER CORONA DEL MAR. modt'rn 2 bdrm. homC'. !lrll"plau•, furnace. hd"·d. nl'l'I \\'\\' rarprunr 1.nd 1lrapu, dble gar Streued !or 11pt. 1-~ull pr!<'!' $ 1.1 •Sit. S3600 dn 1• (one ••. Uw.t'a ll! Apprux Sll.000 ('JUl'I down tequln<t. C&ll owner U~y M 223 mornings or alt"r 6 p. rn. lie JUST PERFECT deacrlbu lhlll lovely home-- 3 bedroom •. 2 bathe. Neat u • pm. provincial wllh u.'ed brick flrepla<e, beautif ul l&11dscaplng. Wonderful patio l\nd back ya1d wllh a peml&nt'nl \'ICW. COM'a ntceat. Bay & Beach Rlty., Inc. 3630 ~ Cout. Hwy Corona di-I Mar Har. r,219 31k31 TO BE MOVED See Me-Ta Nelson FOR E:XCEI..Ll::----r V ALUJt8 CORO:"A lJEL MAR. neat and · shiny, 2 bt'drni. home, cnrpel.11 it drape.!1, J'e1 fN'l .tt'l up tor 2nd WUL Clo11e In F P. Sl2.~00. COST A MESA -C"hr11<'e IO<'a\lon for aubdtvt111on. II beaullful acree tncorpor11 lt'(1 11 rrl\ on C'o11ta Meaa'11 \Ylde11l lllrf'tl . llWOO per arr~. LeM lh"n •, down LEM0 :-1' HF.lC H'J'!; 20 acru ad· Joining beauuful e.talN , 7 acrc-s m h<-Rring at·ocadoa. Leu U1&n •, •l'>wn. CHOICE RESTALS. tuml•hw • unrumiahect 6V3 Polnmellla. Ila,-, 3900·:'><. 1 • t.:NIT STl."CCO Bl-,1..Dl~C-META NELSON -l4c37b OW!Sli:.R HAR.. 2226-J . 30C32 I 2 .... ~ ._. C H , ""'" ,.J, v~t '"Y· Corona tlel Mar liar M60 ~cl I _oo __ ·A_-_ Com_m_e_rc_taJ_, __ •_nd_oa_trial_ 80·A . Comme~lal. Industrial I FAMILY-LIKE TO SWIM ?? FACTORY BUILDING Clost-in. M l zone. 7C>x360 ft. lot, faces t)VP stref:ts. 3200 sq. ft. building on front portion. Leased. Asking S28~ -Low l<'rma. - CALL Lou Boynton with BEST Bt;Y AVAJLADL.F; J u"1. 11rr01111 tht> !!ll'l'1't rrnln thr t1n""l bay l>E!l«'h: Furnl.,hed. 3 b<Jrm. house wllh 1 nt•I. po.t111, shnwrr• and dre1131ng roomt1, ~ pA rk · Ing 11pace. $J 1.000. $2500 dov"n / BA~IEW a a..i FAtate a ea.1 r..w.. SEE My Furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bedroom.a and de, beautltul patio, 1 yr, old. CircWD8tuoe. compel me to otter tor Immediate poueulon. Exc~llent terma. $27,500 Contact my Exclusive A1ent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTKENT -Call at ffiVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Oppoeite Irvine Cout Country Oub. Highway 101 or Phone Harbor •m BALBOA ISLAND CHEXlC (,;) and DOUBLE (I I ) and you won't find a bom~ to compare with this! Beaut. 3-bdrm. 2-bath home on large, large lot - lge. liv. room, aeparate dining room, gorgeou.a patio PLUS studio apt. as cute as can be! WE'RE SAV- ING A R~ERVED SEAT FOR YOU ON THIS ONE~ $39,500 with terms if desired. • CORONA DEL MAR YOU'LL SING like the birdiea aing when you move into t~ia 3-bdrm. 2 bath lovely. Com'pl remodeled and redecoratedd in xln't lute. Fireplace, large patio area, gay wallpapers, choice neighborhood. . . Full Price $19,870 ! NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 0502-4623 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL VALUES Due to illnea11 owner ia forced to .ell hie lovely, large Bayfront home, or may take -2 bedroom home in trade aa part down payment. Extra large home for la.rse family. 5 bedrooms. large liv~ room, patio and many extraa. .. E&cellent location. $10,000 down. Owner muat aeU Balboa laland'1 fine11t. mot.el apartment.a. Excellent income record. Will con- aider .fnaller property in trade. Don't overlook thie inveatmenL The-Voget· to~ 208 Marine Avmue, Balboa Island Next door· to the Poet Officc Har. 414 ·.....-Eves. Har. ~9-M Har. 4248-R NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST BUY It's a roomy 2 bedrm, well built home, bu bre&.kfaat area, dining room, fireplace, oak n oors that gleam, eervice porch, lots of tile, plate gla.8" picture win- do~• that offer 10me v>ew, extra large double gar- age,,. rear yard surrounded by concrete wall and many oth~r features. lt's located In ~ part New- port Height.a, just breathing distance from Clift Drive and a atones throw from scbool.8. The price -only $16,000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barker. Llberty 8-8623, evenings Llberty 8-8621 or call EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J5th & Irvine Liberty 8-2664 1..,........-29c31 'DON'T make a MOVE" ATI'RACTl\"E 1 a nd 2 bdrm, tum. UU.llU" paid. l or 2 chlJdren. Laundry room. B L U IC T 0 P APl'. )l()Tp;L •03 New port BIY<I. NlJt. Bearh, Juat a bove. th• Arcl»H. Hltc '8B-Ho09H tor Beat , Sl-twal Eetaae Eschaage EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ---------1 CAPITOL GAIN j &ys1de Dr. & Coast Highway Har. 3297 or 1775 2 B DRflt. rum hou11e Ch1l<l n•n ( vea Har 2878 l okay H O 1110. yearly Hu :lH O-J 1 CAN YOU e · JOc32 AFFORD TO SELL! I ~~~~~~~~~~- at $8:5 prr month I l 30ti W. B&lbo& Blvd., Har. 3371 211c31 Acreage INDCSTRJAI., b1111ln"'°" It rnt- dentlal acruitt .lrlao rancbu ~nd grcwr, tn Col!ta Me11a - !';anti\ Ana f\rl'l\ UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep. Storage NEw MObERN unt\lm. &l'pl\l'Stt 2 bdrm. un1l11 with jllr'll!rl'll E11111 eid" local.Ion. Ca.t.a Mt 11a A.dulta only. LI l-4Ma. .1lcSlll YRLT. RENTAi,. t•nrum 1'11Jllt'X. 2 bdrm. rir,plan . Cluor rurnact. h<twd. flr1 , •-:'ll mo H u :1~49J ...._ 31r33 YRLY. RENTAL.. ;\'earlv -;;,w 4 1 HOW ABOUT A TRADE:. tor man-162-___ &eal ___ FA_ta_te __________________ _ bdrm. h1111ar. 2 h&lh:-." carport. •r~r OJW'reled rt,er lnrornt pri:m· j RULE VfALUES DAN A JACOBSE:-of. R~altor elect . ran""· d111rv•ul. 1lraf)t'1 & erty wret end nr U'I• ni;tC'l"!I GOLDEN 3 ... ··~ I I Ku. 661)1. E\'n LI 8-6 -17. 30!'32 r arpeta. land«apped We.'lt 111de \'"h11!(1 al S~.000 w11 h QVt r ,. of Cn11ta M,.~a. Ma.y bl" ~Ull&bl~ $10000 I }'t'A r lnrom,. A lnw l CAMBRIDGE ESTATES _ RESTRICTED OPPORTUNITY HERE. Almoel rnr nftl(',. nr prl\ff'11~lnnal RPnt e~p,.n11t Am rrt 11 lnit 6 am Ill· nrw 2 bdrm. "homl'y" horn~. i.ioo mo plu~ 11l1llu,.~ tere1ted In BAY Front property. I' Sec these ftne custom built homrs -3 bdrmi;. and Birch 1cl'1ch,.n eab1aet.t. hwd. l..1 Jl.J:i•z. 30c3l 1 Will trade up nr oown Owner. lg. family room -hdwd, floors -2 baths -• rlri.. Liv rtoom 18~0. faeea ------WF.blt"· '6981 or write 2P07 h pello. $1000 dn -b&lance o"-r UNF"l'RN.. 2 bdrr.i. hoUH S.'I~. SouUt Cochran Ave . Loe An· Built-in range lind oven, Special lig ting features, 1~ Yf'Arif No finance ch.,.-•. M:t S11nt, Ana LI 8·6882 days.' (I'll·-18 Large two car garage. All utilit1e11 in and paid. ORA~WE COAST Har l820·J •~ 29<:3! BRO KERS INVITED PROPERTI'ES N!:WPORT HEIGHTS 2 br front triplex. nrepla.t't . !tllrl>al{r <11•» Water pd. yard ma.inla 1nect $1'0 e>wnf.r l72 Bro11.dwllv. LI f\ :r·s I BA LBOA ISLAN V N f'llr new. l ~l·t~· btllni . H11lh 6 half f.'u1 nlAlled. 30c4l 1867 Newport, Colla MM& I LI S,.1832 ICY-. u l-480·~ Also a few restricted Iota left -75 ft frbnt.agc. 1 $1 2'\ Ill!' yrly lt a M", or I"~ mo. -------------.-ti) Jun~ I ~ Har 3e7!\·M l'9RONA OEI.. MAK. Allracl.lv,.. ly turn. •tudlo,-'pt P hnnr IU1'1 11tlllUM p!U!I. Reuonable Har. t19'. 30c3l, I . 21•"3 l . UN•"VRN 3 bdr m .. 2 beth, llt'wly dt>t·nrlll~d ln11ldr &nc1 out $ l 2:\ mo. C&ll own\.r H1tr 4'i or rt81; denre ~381. If '· 62--RMI &fate W NO lif:At:H. nea.r Y•cl•l hu· bQr, 2 bdrm. houee. Carpet.fl • draJ)f'a, p&tlo 6: email loL 210 Oln~vra Walk. 1 near Appian Way. Marina di.trlct). HJ:mlock 17101. . IOc32 , Priced right at $4.~ PHIL SULLIVAN f" GEO. T. EVERSON •'\ 1856 Newport Blvd. Coat.a M".a" ••cro.aofrom Colt& Mesa Bankl Phone LI s-67W. Eves. Har. 436e -Ll 8-2103 f I HOME o~ THE CHANNEL, nee~ 6: clean, l bdrm. complet.e with J p1tr Ir flvlll. Partly f1.1rntahfd. $ l 8,:100. 1,,, Ill~ HOMER I': SHAFt R. Rf'lillur 106 MrFA'1d .. n Pl . 'Her. H O I 1-;,.,., H.ar. 232»-M-.,.r. &H8·W LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING Ph. KI 3-9221 Eve LI S...2981 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. Kain St. LIDO ISLE 148 Trieste OPEN DAILY 1-4 P.M. $22,000 OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy., fat. Port Oraniel Newport Buch LI 8-7582 Har . 51:>4 <'VI·~ . . I . .. - ,AGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPQRT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS ~ft-~B4::;:eel=-:FA=t.;;t•:__ ___ .=a~a::e&1=-:FA=;:t.a::::te:.._ ___ n-::::;_;•::;:Ml:::;..:r..=::.t.::::=e.;._ ____ ,..:a:::::•=•:::ll:.:::l".ta::::k:_ __ _ ~ONDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1955 "C" THOMAS "C'' tl:IOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS . TRADES TRADES TRADES # 1-36 ft. Elko Crulaer w.lued at $18,000 will trade up tor Nllidenc. or tncdme. • I # 2-40 foot Harco Cn.Wier 'v&lued at $20,000 will trade for newer home to $35,000 in Harbor aru . # 3-100 ft. Buaine. Property near 17th II New- port Blvd. with excellent 2 bdrm. 7 year old home ln Coeta Mea area1 Owner will take late model houae trailer M ft. or larger u p.rt trade. CLIFF HAVEN BEST BUY TODAY -G. I. Reaale ntar .chools and church, 3 be<lroom, w to w ca rpeting, hdwd floora, larg~ kitchen, double car garage, fenced yard, P RICED at ONLY $15,000. ' BAYSHORES BAY VIEW -Firat time offered; 3 bedroom, l ~4 bat.ha, flagstone fireplace, hdwd. tloora, dining room, breaklut room, lge. kitchen wired for 220, loada of cupbo&rda, corner lot, extra lge. double FOR SSSS ·SAVINGS SEE , ART C. KISTLER CO . Before You Buy LIDO OPEN HOUSE ll3 ·Via Lido Nord Will be open for inapectlon afternoona until sold. Two bdrma. and den. Out of town owner anxioUll. MAKE OFFER REAL VALUE 3 bedroom', Coal& Mesa. Hwd. floora ....: not a tract home, on Flower street near Irvine. $12,960 -$3000 down ONLY $2500 DOWN Balance $100 month. 4 furnished unita -· heart of Balboa. Real money maker . -"-' LIFE INCOME One ot Balboa'• mo« ~ 8 unit f\lnllabed courta, Balboa Blvd.. comer PLUS adjoining lot. All for $10,000 down. Full price $f7,500. One-half block to beet J>ay beach, le on&.balt block to ocean. . .. ~ TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE $2500 down, Balance $75 month. Two llD&ll houaea on 2 R-2 Iota. Half bloct to oc-.n front. Full price $10,MO ATTENTION INVESTORS 21 '2 ac~ on P lacentia. Only $21,000 .. -1f.i cuh. NO PJIONE INFORMATION ART C. KISTLER CO . Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Phone Harbor 5226 BILL'S BEST BUYS THRIVING REST AU RANT On Newport Beach'• miracle mile, 'open t1") ahttta in winter I: three ablfta In INDllDer. Thia t. a Sol4 mine In 1ummer when flahinp on. Very ._t • It cleu. OWNER SAYS SELL. Full Price $5000 with ~ dowL ctose IN On quiet realdentlal atreet -t.ratfto t... A .-a u a whi•tle. New curbed and paftd lltnet. ..,.. In and paid for. Next to fl'UUD&I" llChool _Full price only $9,9:)0 with '3000 clowa. NEATNESS PLUS I Choicest 3 bdrm. in Santa Ana Height-. bpaity decorated in le out. Completely feneed r.r yard. with beautiful l&ndecaplng, ~d 20 x 2T eoHll..S patio adjoining den adds to luxury llvlnc. Priced to eell at $12,950 with MOOO clown. BACK BAY New home on excluaive oew atreet. Spactou.. I B.ll. and 2 .full batha, latest &nd finMt. ot fMtm.. Forced air, built in range ·Ir oven, kitchen .-tlJa. tor , ceiling fan, beaten in batha, etc. Lot t. Jlllh commanding permanent view of lovely IWTOuadtnp $26,500 car rarase, fenced yard PRICED at ONLY $23,MO -Term.a. SHORT WALK TO T~WN ----:---------------·-' --------------------------Nea rly new home on v uable land. 3 ... bedrm. l lh batha, parquet oaf floo , lot.a of tile. I.mmaculate. Oversize g&rage. A.l8o another 1 car garage plua shop or storage room at rear. Located midway between new City Hall site and downtown on approx. 1 ~ acre. Ample room for income unit.II.' "C" THOMAS, Realtor . Houston · Values I Full Price $6750 22• W. Cout Highway~ Newport Beach LI 8-5527 GOOD 2 bdrm., car. on nlc. eu t- .. v v Best Buys ~ Corona del M Btiboa Home! ar 3 BEDROOM, 1 ~ bath home. Cloee lo NHYC and ha.If block from bay. E xtra Jot included. Fire· place &IW1 1.,..e Jiving room- .. C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS eide Street, room tor another unlt-Thla la a rood deal-aee It. Terma. I . CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. Excellent condition, both unita have fireplacea, hwd. fln., laundry &nd garage. Price firm at $22,500. Terma can be arnnged. Excluaive with ua. older home but territtc poMlbill- u-'17,000, sood terma. You can't miaa in thia location . $15,800 with $3500 down. Peninsula Home! OCEAN VIEW OPEN SAT. & SUNDAY •70 Walnut Place BACIC 8AY area of! Irvine. <Swimming pool). Ranch atyle 3 bdrm. rear living room with 1liding riua doors to patio It pool. Bar kitchen, 1 * bath•. Bargain at only $23,500. A1ao 501 -36thth ST., NEWPORT BEACH. 5 bed - rooms, pier It floaL Interior completely modern- ised. Larse living room with fireplace, 2 bat.ha, furniabed. Only $29,500 ,,,,.- :t MONEY TALKS If you have~~ pay down and are looking for a 2 bedroom view home that ia a real bargain, at SUl,000, call for app't NOW. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOC1A TES 3320 W, <!out Hwy. · Liberty 8-7773 "At the Archea" CMRISTMAS COMES-EARLY ~ ~Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SQ. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft . $:)295 Three Bedroom Loch Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. et S•.60 1q. ft . Car, Porta 14 J: 20 $295 I OO o/c FINANCING GUARANTEED through s~.ooo SecOnd.ary F'Pancing Fund. on your lot pa_id for or not . WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Ce ntury Ir Dorothy LE 9-0633 27tfc 3 Bdrm., 11/2 Baths WESTSIDE. near new 11<:hool, dbl. carage. bea t. 48xl20 wired 220, All HW tlra. $2600 down. Full pr ice only 1~000. C-2 $1000 Down :TUST OFF NEWPORT Blvd. Rm. for a nice bl.lain-and a l bed- room home already to Jive In. Jl'Ul deal la on~ '6900, r ood terma. Choice M-1 S7600 BUYS comer 70.127 wllh older houae. . Open for inspection 380 La C&nada Way, New Jc. S bdrm , 2 batlla. Vltw 2331 S. Ana Ave. I bdrm. cotl&Je on rear ~ acre H liOO-QuJck Action' Houston Realty Co. A AS80CJATE8 ~ Cet1ter St . Co.ta Mtaa Lt 8-8911 Ll 8-7787 t;;n . ph. Petlttt U 8·64.87 Lytle Ll 8·2542 '< COST A MESA I 2 Open Houses · 21 77 Rural Lane OPl!llf 8UNDA Y l • 4 :30. Turn otr Newport Blvd. at 22nd 8t. and Rural Lane la flrat •trH l on rtpt . Lonly 3 bedroom. ~ lo achoola, 1toru tllld lran1por- tallon. Ku '31100 o. J. loan. JMayable S&e ~r month Owller ~Ing tran•f'r~ H sl and •• an111ou•. A1 llttlf u U t>-00 down. ALSO Open Daily I 30 -4 30 2. DELU><tE 2 _BR. HOME Hwd. floors, double gar., paved pat!o. at $15,960. Low down payment.· A bargain 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW 1'· Quality built 2 B. R. and den ranch-type home on Morning Canyon road. 2 batha, ahake root. Out· ·~ding view of oeean, canyon and hilla. $37,500 , full price. $12,000 down will handle. CORONA DEL MAR REM.TY CO. PRICE T. MctulSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. •7 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ' SPECIAL5 Three bedroom 1 & :\• batba. Forced air heal, bwd. floors. Shlle roof Lota of tile. Fiaber built. OPEN DAILY 384 Mira Loma North of Del Mar, juat off Tuatin. ~ot.. 80 x 150 fronting on a beautiful lake, with a view of the Back Bay. TWO OPEN HOUSES CaU for app't to aee Three bedroom• and den, unobetructed view in CORONA HIGHLANDS. Many fine featu.ree - F ilher built. 428 De Sola Terrace. ALSO in Corona Higblanda, 556 Seaward Road. 3 bedrma. plus 2 add'l rooma downatairs. Sacrifice $23,500 W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coa.at Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 5032 279 MAGNOLIA, Jual t block be---------------------- CASH IN ON THE .M.ANY DOL-Du plex, Newport. 2 bdrma. up, 1 bedrm. down, 2 LARS SPENT BY OWNER to modern!Se Ul1I cute 2"' bedrm.. car garage. On Balboa Blvd;, clean. M'uat Mil.• 2 bath home on the Penintula-Price $15,960 terms. practically a new boiae. 2 atory with view, fireplace, double car· ace and aunaeclt. Muat .e• " $17,600, ~ eown. Peninsula home, plus lX>Cl'OR'S HOME AND A BICAU- TlFUL PROPJDRTY . .ICxlra i.e. comer Jot tncluded, walled tor W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, RULTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" 400 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 privacy. ' bedrooma, 2 balha. BALBOA ISLAND Badminton court, pallo, beau· Utul tlowen and ehrUbbery. Wall lo wall carpet.inc and drap- • Included. S.. tbl1 for a lovely horae tor wce family. S30,li00, term.a. Balboa Triplex! SEPARATE CO'ITAOE WITH DUPLEX IN REAR. Temttc renlu . Each unit 1Jeepe from ' t.o e J*>ple. li:ut Bay A venue JocaUon. U 70u want a r ood re- turn on your money Ulla la It- we have \.be recorda. SU,7rKI and tenne. Lots! Lots! Lots! Wt= HA"VE JUST XBOUT TRr ONt.Y·R-s LOTS .AVAlt.ABLJt on Balboa Blvd., cloM to town Slltln( Oler• •tde by 1fde -wm MU all t hrea for Sl i ,IW>O. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelte Bank of America Rou Greeley Al Com eU111 Ed Le41 Jeck PlnkJlam JOffphlne Webb 700 E . Balboa Blvd . Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 2 <;>pen Houses CORONA DEL MAR e 341 Hue.I ATTRACTIVE '4 bedrm., 21 '.! baths, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small down. Atking $42,500. .GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 11 :: baths. $26,500 About 200 ft: from No. Bay. Neat 3 bednn. furn· isbed home. Submit down. $25,000 60 FT. BAY FRONT AGE .. On Little Island, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. bome. The land value ia close to the asking price. /' LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot . !> bdrm. 3~ bath house -ptuw-imulUlll 2 Jr.~. apl. over 3 car garage. Both units newly furnished. H ar. 1775 -E ves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. EARL W. SJANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUES Have you seen this charming 2 stry. 3 bdrm: den and 2 bath home? Beaut. kitch~n with dish- washer. disposal. built-in oven and range, and copper hood with exhaust fan. 2 fireplaces, par- t.JaUy carpeted, large garage. Excellent construc- tion. Full price $32.:;>oo -terms. • Corona del Mar Vogel Values yond 18th St. ID Coll& MeM. 3 bedroom bona on 2 Rt Jot• Silt 100· Jt 125' will\ loeda of fruit treu and a t>eautlful lawn. Thia home ~uced from U $,9()() Owner anKiou. &1112 w•nta orttr or ~rade. · BALBOA ISLAND SELECT LOCATION LITI'LE ISLAND THREE BEDROOMS Ht're'• your opportunity to buy a be&utttul view hom• ot 3 bdrma., 1 -'4 batha. Thi• horn• and out- atandlng location could oot ~ duplicated today fOf' the uklnc pr1c. ot $32,600 -terma. OPEN 8widay 1-6. (b clualve lllliq) C&D now ror..pas-abowlnc. Practically New 3 bdrm. 2 bath home that we believe to repre1ent the moat for the money of any home now for aale on Litio and is priced to .ell at jua)t S31,000._ Excellent term.a. LMely 3 bedroom borne with aep. dining rm .. encl. patio, a mo.t beautiful . flptn. fireplace. Cornn lot -room to build apaU ~OUM in rear for incomt>. AL..80 OVICRLOOK.11'G NEWPORT HARBOR Larae panoramic view lot on Clift Dnv,., Pn ce nduced to $13.~. 112 BArlfs $5000 DOWN • U6 Acacia Price in cludea w/w ~rpeting It draf>" - an for $19,750 P'uml.ebed 2 bedroom bouae with 1 bedroom gar· ap apt. -ext:ellent location, cloee to po9t office. bank Ir shopping. A real value at only $15,759. full price. Duncan Hardesty, W. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD RJ:ALTOR Realtors r ~. of Fln1l. Sff lhla dtllchttul home befcrre YO\I b'1y. 2 bdrm , ftreplM'.e, open beam oelllnc . Ch&rmtnr encloled paUo. COMMERCIAL INCOME -2 1lores with 4 apt.a. like new. Well built building in beat location. GroM Income SMQ.00 per month. Full price reduced to ~.000 2602 Newrort Blvd Hat 4i18 TH ERE IS ONLY ONE LI DO IS LE!!! A.NO ONLY ONE BRANO NF:W VERY 1,ARGE 2 STORY 3 BED· ROOM Ir DEN R OME. LAROE ROOMS W rnf EVERY r o:-1. CElVA BLI!: BUILT-JN S32.:'100 .. The Vogel to. UNUSUALLY IMPRESSIVE IM7 E . Cout Hy., Corona .de! Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 AND WELL BUILT 6 ROOM HOM E It 2 CAR GARAGE. ------------'------..---_.:.~--LIKE NEW. -Extra Luxurious Custom Quality There Were •I Ranch Homes NOW, Only 35 left Cotrally located for all activities in Greater New- port Harbor area, yel out or .euonal congeation that penallze1 "° many areas. Theee bomM have everything. even wall l&fe.. Three bdrm. $21.~ Four bdrm. $22.~ HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave., 1 Block No. ot 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ' EXCLUSIVE AGENT ~ IrriD9 l.JMtJ ~ or Liberty 8-J123 ' ,. ' E:lltra luc,. dfn • pi!tln tor n!al llvlnlf 11nd gru:1oua enttrlalnlnJ . A. REAL BUT $27 ,:)00 TERMS Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd SI . ~ewporl Be11eh, CalH )ju 68&8, arttr :I p.m. Har 22$3·J 31c:33 OPPORTUNITY KER.IC. HeJI ecra wtlh 3 fum . unite Sl 85 mo ln· ('Omt. Mklng S12,000 furn1M11•ct Stl,000 unfum11Md. "3000 dft. A bel. 176 m o. Room for addl. unlt1. ORANGE CO AST l PROPERT'1E8 JM'7 Newport, ea.ta w-I U 1-1 .. SI \ -~· LI l-MOI '" Marint> and Park, Balboa bland Harbor 2462 • NOTICE FIRST OFFERING LIDO lfil.E 3 bedrooms, J 1.-baths, 10 mo'• old . INGRAM built. Perfect $25,500 Geoeroua term1. \ OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (at Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7~2 Har. 5154 evee. Need 4 Bedrooms 1 Here are 2 Speclala ! ... LlDO ISLE ...:_ 2 bath1, 2 fireplacee and charm througbou~ CLIFF HA VEN -CU.toto-built, S batha, room for ~. Both theee bomee are bargain• I WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 6606 T I ' l ~ Sit.MO Tern~. Call Harbor 20'4 2 Fran'lc James & Linwood Vick . R.l:ALTOQ R. Rayle. C. 1'ravta, C. Ru111, Aaiioc. 312 Martn. A"" -Ba.lt>c. laland OPPORnJNJTT HERE -N-3 bdrm. Payme»t.a ara MO mo .• ln- clud• taxea, lM., pnn. It lnter- •l at t "'~. I bednna., hall, It UY, room e&rpel..t W/Yr, It in· olu~ at W a bvpin prt~ ot ealJ eeooG. Tenaa, t 2000 dn.. ORA.NOi: OOAST PROPD'?U:S ·1 116 7 Newport, C:O.ta M- U 1·1112 11w.. LI t-4IOI 7 YR. QLD tunUlb.d ocean front • home bo R·3 lot. Room t.o build Income unJta. Sll,600 tu.u pnce. only 1'4)0() down. J . M . lillLLER 00. 2021 W , BalboA 81•4. H U'. '°91 ( n-.r lbe N .-.port Pi«) Restaurant ti Cocktail Lounge NEWLY ll8TA.BU8Hl:O lD lo<l&J ' boom ane. Call ua tor cl.la.Ii.. DAN A . JAOOB8EN, ft4altor Har. 0tt1, l:YM. U &41)7, l ()d2 . -------------------- Lido Nord Bayfront home with pif>r and alip. Ideal for the l,arge fa mily. 4 bdrms. 31 :. batha, ma.ida room. Large living room and plenty or patio area. See this real value now ! THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 34 16 Via Lido, Npt. Sch. Har. •971 or Har. •972 Eve11. Ha r. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-6297 DOUBLE TROUBLE~-AGAINI Another cUeot finda himaeU with J bouee and would rather have only one. We're off.U.C a eute amall 2 B. R. home with firepl., hwd. f1ra.. een'. porch eto. located. on a lenl R-2 k>t, just stepe to atone, bank. and P. 0.. ONLY $11,DOO wttJa t...ma. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 1822 & Cout H.1 .. Corona cW Ku Har, 7176 WILL TRADE TO SETT~ ESTATE eu.to. built Clift Hann beaut1 on ~ ebolc. eon. lot ot t.be .,... TbNe bd.rma. It den -Early ~ n,s.....- Gl&M doora to beautifully land9caped patio a )Vd. Will take •mailer 2 or 3 B. R. in ll8l"bof area or Co.ta Meea.. · CALL LIBERTY 8-1~1 29c3 L I ... \ \ - $1000 Down Three bedrooms a'nd large knotty pine rompua rciom with large 1tone fireplace. Large living roooi and dining room. A r oomy home with 1425 square feet. Hwd. floors. ~le garage and walled patio. Newport Heights TWo b<:-droom home in Cliff Haven, a truly lovely area. 21 x H living room, large bedroeims and dining room. Price includev all carpets and drapes in' living and dining room. $15,950 f1,11l price. New 3 Bedroom Home Only $2350 down moves you into tbis new hoi:ne with hardwood floors. Large living l'90m and din- ing area, large bedrooms. Forced air heat, Jlll electric built in kitchen: 1 1.~ baths. Double garage. Close let shopping and schools. • THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Ubcrty 8-5597 Costa Mesa Evenings Llberty 8-7457 LIDO BA YFRONT A very special home, of the calibre that is seldom p. a. palmer incorporated . developers Lido Bayfront Dupl~x 3 bedrm., 2 bath upetairs with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath down1tairs wiµi encloeed patio. Both apt1: have forced air furnaces, fireplaces, carpeting. ' drapes, refrigeratoni, stoves. Unbelievably priced at on~y $57,000. $12,000 down. New Lido Business and Professional Building to be built on Via Lido between the Church and Shearson, Hamill & Co. Leaaes now being made. Come in and see the model and floor plan1. Thia is to be one of the outatanding buildings in Southern California. Beautiful Capistrano Valley 3 acres with 1 bedrm. house $11,000 -$2500 dn. Also 2Y:! acres $6250.00 -$625 or more dn. If you own a lot suitable for a gas station . . pl~ call·\18. --· · -·- p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 of Udo Isle Income fo r Ufe That's what you wtU have lf you bu,y tlLl8 S.unlt apartment ho~, loc~~ in the heart ot th• ex- clusive Clift Haven rental area ~ere people So to look for apart.mnti.. Three aeparate unita. AD ha\'e large kitchens, living roolD8 and bedroom&. All have exceUJnt tenant., t.!iat pay a total of $22!S.OO per month. Priced at $21,159<> and J'OU submit your terms. Call for Joe Kincaid CHARM-3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths TIUa house haa IT, and u a Bonua --an umu1> passed Ocean ~nd Bay Vie*. U thll llD't enou,h, check the f&Uo~g featum: · . ...• Lovely 1&.nd.ecape, pla.nned for euy can. . . . . . 2 patios plua enough room for pool ••..• Wall-to-wall carpeting in all l"OOID8 • including batha . FuU price ·····---··-~-·-·--···-$24,500 You j\ISt have to see ~t to bel\eve it. Call me and I'll aaow it to you. Bill Farnsworth ' • for sale. For family reasons, thls nearly new, cus- tom, owner-built home is offered to the select bner TURKEY DINNER! Balboa p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6673 . ~ v who can afford the best. Without que1Uon, this outatanding home of 4 1paclous bedrooms and 5 complete luxury bath- rooms, is the ultimate In quality construction. The owner spared no expense while buil~ing and fur- nishing this exceptional home, and this ia evidenced 'throughout, fro1'n the rlfdio-controlled glirage el\· trance, through the lovely rooms with furniture designed especially for each area, and out to the big pier and slip where the fortunate owner may .keep his yacht a oored at hie front door. This exclwiive home, i~clurling complete custom furniture and appliances, in its choice Lido location, is priced below cost at $100.000, which fact will immediately be recognized by ttie qualified buyer. WILLARD L. KILLION , 33U Newport Blvd. Realtor Harbor 5505 30c32 IN YOUR OWN HOME • 3 °Bdrm:-hdwd, f100111 • Beat Eutalde locaUon • G.I. •% resate e Dbl. pra1-pat10 • Tree• and lhrube $12,000 , $2.000 down ..... BACK BAY! HOOSE lt EXTRA LOT • 2 Bdrm.-1 bdrm. 18'x20' • Extra lol 1:1·x10-0' • Fruft trtee • Guut houu gu A: electrlclly • Main 1treet 111 Back Bay Jo~ull price U J,760 • • • Business Corner! • Heart oC (;oela Mua • 2 ltOrC'I • Both renle<'I • Phone Information gladly given • 29% Down Corona del Mar Ocean View 1 • Good ·Term: • • H nd I $6,950 ome a ncome : !o~:: :::lU. gRr~t apartment • T yun old • Fenctd uid clean • GQOd Term" . . . 2 B. R. home near Library -1 2 bath in garage'- Nice enclosed patio. Owner will oooaider trade on income in Riverside. , .. $14,695 -Good terms. Bay Avenue -4 B. R., 2 bath home -$23.950. Owner will-consider home in Westwood area same price bracket or might exchange for small clear beach house harbor area. $3,500 down buys 3 units ~ ~ block to bay, excellent incom'e, nicely fu rn. 4 B. R. house, 2 ti. R. apt. and 1 B. R. apt. Absentee owner anxioua to .ell. . Bay A venue Duplex -2 B. R. upper, 1 B. R. lower, completely furnished, also large rumpus room. $18,500 -$5000 down BAY AND BEACH REAL TY INC. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 1264 L I D 0 P R 0 V I N Ci AL ... * Newport · Hts Older 2 bedrm.. co117 and cute on lrff-dotted lot. Terma • $10,71() mVINE A VENUE: 2 heclnn. modern with lure llY· In&' room, tlrepla.ct, dining t'l'I,). lovely patio, fenced yard. Terma ... ·--···· .. ·-"-··-.. ····-... fl3,760 ALDEAN PLACE: Buutl!ul ramblln1 rand1·t)'l)e home, uqulJlltely appolnted, all bullt·ln-. 2 ~ batha, large heal· ed pool with ruut hou.te. llbown by appoUit.meat 0017. $10,&00 down ..... ·-·-·-···· $28,000 I .............. ,._. . NEWP<:>RT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART t I • PA&E I M9NDAY, NOVEMBER 1'4, 1955 a.,.,...._ a ........... CORONA DEL MAR PANOIUllJC ·Harbor and ocean .W, ·....- ltreet." • B. R., den, 2 ,bathe. Im .... ...... pin '"5,000 mVINE TERRACI;. $'5000 will )endje. U e oet new 2 B. R. CODV. den, 2 baths, ln.lidl BBQ. Drap- eries, 1tove, fully lanct.caped. Low prtoe. · BAYSHORES .. BARGAIN. ~Liv. room 1S x to, ftnfl.. fenced, .covered . Lowest prlol ID tMa -. cluaive d1stri Now $ 7 ,niO A_TI'RACTIVE 3 bdnn. home. Protected ~ Owner anxious for offer. Aaldnc bs,ooo ' • Bedrm. 2 b&tha, Y.a blk. from ....... , bwlla. ~ubDJ.it term.. -Aak:ing $29,7GO • • SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYIBOJUCS ~ Har. 1775 -Evea. F.dith Muoon, HYatt •~222 John Macnab, Barbor ~9 . .. Lou Boynton; Bayaide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE * * * ATIENTION! 1-3 Bedroom.a Ii 2 baths. 2-75 ft. corner lot in Newport Beach city Umlta ln Back Bay area! -S-Hardwo:OO floore -carpet11 & drapes. 4--Large living rm. with lots of glaas overlookins a t>e.utiful f enced yard and patio. 5-Re&.1<>nably priced at $18,500 with a 4 ~ ~t FHA lou. 6-H9neatly the best buy in this popular area in a long, l6n1 time! JUST COMPARE THIS FOR $10,500 Here's a sparkling clean 1 Y.? yr. old 3 bdrm. 1tucco home with w /w carpeta and drape1, patio, tarse fenced yard expen1ively landacaped and located near echoola and shol>ping. You CU\ uaume thP.... $7,400 • f 1h% loan and pay only S62.00 mo. lnclud. tu and inaur .. * • * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Bhny, Newport Beach L.I~l ------------------- This i• without a doubt the best value of the year in a deluxe 2 bednn. home. Two baths, hardwood floo1'1, forced air heat . separat~ dining room PLUS deluxe two bedroom garage apt -PLUS furnished studio apt. Located' on a 45 ft. lot, only a few steps to Ocean Blvd .. and China Cove. Quality construc- tion -excellent condition. LOTS 121'JI 132' pltui All"y ant1 11ewera Nice locatlon. Makre 2 Iota. $2,800 each. ~GSlq~~~1~~w~~~~ 'COSTA MESA The .Best Town or) Earth' CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE • Thia choice two bedroom can be youn for ~ I Shown by appointment only Priced firm at $38.500 Better hurry -this won't last long. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTON, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. H (Office located next door t o Corona del Mar Bank) 3lc33 FOR SALE or TRADE FOR CLEAR RUSTIC HOME-by owner 2 Bedrooms & den -1 ~ , ba tbs, plus guest house with % bath. Heated swimming pool •all to wall car- peting, large lot completely fenced. Cannot be duplicated !or full price of $28.000 Can be sern al 611 Al-Dean, 1 block from high school. Phone LI 8-6839 pr Har. 5962-J after 6 p. m. 25tfc Ocean Front Home ) $22,500 VERY A TI'RACl'IVE year round home on Sea- shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica i itc6en, 1 bedroom and 1.: bath down, 3 bedrooms and 1 1, 2 baths up. Soho cqo- l tnlction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage, encloero y&rd. Excellent b<:-ach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realt or 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 PERMANENT OCEAN VIEW BEAUTIFULLY BUILT, Cape COd peninsula point home about 3 )Ts. old : 3 B. R .. 2 bath , carpeting and .drapt'.s, forced air heat. sep. Laundry room. 2 fireplaces. 20 x 20 sundeck. lgr. fenced yard. Price $28,750, terms. Co11s1dcr trade for boat, car, or tot. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1593 Newport Blvd. C911.A ~, .. , Calif ~berty 8·1JISI Liberty &·3010 IN THE BACK BAY AREA c LOsm TO THE BAY. w1wn1 hamfa can tranarorm lhla al· moel 2,000 aq. fl. of Home 6: Rumpu1 Room Into a de"'hl· tuJ place. Fenced lol l~ • 106. Priced r11hl at $13,600 wttb t'eUOn•ble down paym~t. Own· er w111 conalder. ottu or lradL ' BRANO NEW 1660 SQUARE Jo"T. 3 bedroont, 1~ bathe plua overal&ed 2 c.a.r ,.,.. a1e. Thia S.auc.y la located on a half acre and priced at ju1l Ul,600. Oood term1. Seven Islands Realty & Investme nt Co. :\03 32nd St .. :"rwport Bu. h, Calif Har 6 611, 11ftt'r ~ p m. Har. 22P3·J CLlFI" HA VEN 4 BR., 3 BA TH. ~aUtlt\11 fllmtly homr. 1parh.1ua, room tor pool. $37,:\00 2 BR . be~t lcxa:Jon $18.300 CORONA DEL MAR 2 HR .t UEN, cor lo1:1Al1CJr1, new beirnttful hnme $28,7Ml BEST BUYS IN CORONA HIGHLANDS lA)\"EL \' t'IU1l lltue t:OST A M ESA :I tir , 2 h111h tie Int, nr mku . 6 lram1pnrtallon. SU,760 Claire Van Horn REALTOR only $22,700. • Beamed ceilings • Used bric;k fireplace • Jn.side window ahuttert • Quarry· tile kitchen • ~r'ke two-car gara.ge • Carge walk-in clo1et We have the k~y to this immecula~ MU new udo home. Come in and dilcuae term.a. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON J .H.GROHMAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor «44 (Acroea from Richa.rd'a Market Entrance) Multiple Listing . ~er the· Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING. IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport H,ar-Oor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. t Newport Beach 2731 ~ CO&l!l H .. ·y. w 8·42ii I COM 714 Goldenrod COM orroRTUNITY HERE ror Jwrt $\l;:i<) \'ou ('lln ~ proud 11\!o n· fr n( C11rr Ortvt View lot. But '"lut> In vt"w lot In arl'ft ORAN GE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 NtWl'Ort, Co.ta Mea& U 8·1632 En. U M903 BAY A Vlt. DUPl...EX. Cor. lot, beaulltul llay \'lew. 90 rt. to Ba1 ~1wh. SOOOO mov• 7ou ta. J. M. MILLl:R CO. 2020 W. Dalbo& BlTd.. Har . .oft lnnr the NfWport Poler ) LOWUT priced R~I Jot. lnel. In Coron• H 11t\la.ed9. aoar. 'fMW, Har/ m . Jk31 UNUSUALLY ATJ'RAC'TlVE 2 bedr. 11..: hath. enclosef.I patio on nicely land- 11caped 60 ft. lot. Asking price $1 .500. $5.000"dn. OPEN HOUSE 1 · ~ Sat. & Sun .. Nov. 12 & 13 lor Phone for app'l) I 4- BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Ha r. 1$62 Har, 4.t~ • 3542 E. Cout Highway, C. D. M: ... bulll·ln r•ture 10UI' fancy can name. Shown b7 appolJltment only. 17600 down .. _, .... _ ....... -... $34,&0o Greenleaf-Severts REALTY, INC. 311 2 Newport Blvd., Newport Har. 2662. -E vea. U 8~31H WATERF RONT DUPLEX N lce.ly turn.ahed. One IMnr nn l~. one l&x24. It yoU wuit to Uv• oo the wat erln>nl a~ haw an lrl:<>m. -TIII8 18 JT $26,000. Seven Is la nds Realty & Investment C o. 503 32nd Bt.. l'fewoport 8 1'&Ch. C&llt Har. 58e8. llil«-r ~ p m Har. 2293-J 3lc3J -------------------SP PO R UNnT HEJtE u~ csown ( V..-ybe '-l boy• 5 room home on ffd30' lot. z<>nfd A·l. Dbl«- «•rare. E•llY lo buy. nlc:e to own, ralff tamlly. chickens A peta here. ORANO!l COAST PROPERTTES 1 ~7 Newport, Col'llA Me.~a U 8·1632 Eve. 1.1 8-&8-03 80 Acres S.cluded In Ute heart ot th• C19V~ land ForML Runn1n1 creek In front ot •mall cabin 6 SUNl cabln.. Owner muat MU. f7000. f USOO down. SAM EMMES R.aJ ..:.tat. Brok• Harbpr 10«-R TWO Bl:DIUI. HOKE, oompl.i.17 tum.1ab.cS. IAtt• corner lot.- f.000 down, SlUOO tu11 prtce. J . M. MlLLER co,. 20ill W. 8&1~ RlYd, Har. '°91 t ,,._,. tM Newport P'l•) TWO OCEAN raONT lot.e .. ..,. pier, both foT 117,000. O r wtU lAktt 110me t radt'. UOME!R E. SHAFD. R.ltor 106 McFadt1C'n f'1., Har. H O Evu . Har. 2329-M -H&r. 6268· W V.'lU. ACCEPT $~ cUh down pa)'lMnt OD I Mdrm. bamtt In (;oel.A M e-. Wr1t• Boll 8 ·99 w. ,,.,.. 29p3l . " DUPLEX: and a very nice one too! 2 Br. ea.ch aide. Hdw. floo rs, dble. garage, 1eparatinc unita.. Com er location. $14,750 with SS600 down NEAT A CLEAN 2 Br. bom~. dlninr room. fir.- place. Hwd. floors, B. B. Q. back yard fenced (Block), garage &.work ahop. A re&l buy at $9900 with $3000 down NEWPORT HEIGHTS : One. of the beat -2 Br. home and & large den with fireplace, (fireplace ln living room also) large kitch<'n , service porch, two baths, forced air he,atlng, Hardwood floon. Real Value $19,000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa LI 8-1801 Shore Cliffs Exclusive Ocean View • 2 Bedroom11. paneled ·deo. 2.,4 baths. beautJtu! tlac· stone patio, plate glasa window1, mirror' water purifier. etc. Luxurious ca.rpcta Ii drapes, PLU8 all the other Cine appointmenta that make. a tine home. Nothjng comparable at $37,~. Can ar- range excellent terms. W. T. Mc.MANUS, Realtor 1999 Harbor LI 8-3333 R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hy. Har. 2776 27Uo , .. TRAILE~ COURT 20 unit. with room for more. Good location on Newport Blvd. Unusual opportunity, flnt time offered. $30,000 with lAJ down. N.B.C. REALTY CO.· 32nd 6 Newport Blvd., Newport Beacb Har. M38 30c32 BALBOA ISLAND A lovely tropical patio, pr~ 1M&1 outdoor Uvt.nc for a low ruPbllnl a bed.rm. 2 baill lliaalA. Situated on 2 Iota near So. S.J. O...t pu1dns adjolning dble. prage with lp9dou gue1t qlW'ten above. Priced ~t P9,DOO W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine f.D4 Park, BC1bo& ~ llarbor Jm , ! ..J'•. • .... • ,,_ ... 7 .. PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1955 · leverage Fees MAN Gm uas National Democratic Pariy Chalnilan Dinner Due In SA nit . He I• a rractuat• af Not.N Dam" I.aw School a nd bu fh; chlldr•n. lo City •u.t PINNID IY C~ ..... • A mu Sot b.1a S.S. pWled .-L · betwffll two can ln troot ol BACRA....,.\"· (CN8) -~ MM m. Oout J14atiway at J :IO at&t. depa.rtme.at of MoohoUc p. rn. Fri4My, N..-port &Me.h SA."IT.A ANA. (0CN81 -Paw ben r9'e contrGI today &nnounc.cj pollca reported. K. Butler, naUOA&l chairman ot dJAlt.rlbuUon of P ,ZS7,U6 IA liq· Clltford Van Dyke, 67, of t.M Democratic P llT'ty •!'d out· uor llcel\M feff to 9aJUomia Loa AnceJee. parked on Cout apoket1 critic of the m1 .. nhower ctUe. and cowiUea fQr the period Hlfbway to wipe h1a "11114· &Jtminlatratlon pollclu, will make th atueld. A car drlva by Vera trom, M.arch J roufh A"C'. Sl. Shaw Van Dyk•, 67, a.I.a a precedent • breaklnf addre• AccordU!f lo the department. parked there. here Nov. 2t, ll wu announced the· city of Newport Beach ,... today by Luter Van Tat.enhove, c:eind "801. Van Dyke Sol out to do th• Orance County central committee Orance County recetnd Slt77 Job when one of the vdllclea . rolled, plnnlnr hi• lep a,.. chairman. Tb• department eaJd about 10 ,tween the bumpers. Polle• Never beror• h&ll lh• nat tona per cent of liquor llcenM f-• head o' the Ik!mocratlc n.art llec aa1d Van Dyk• retuNd medl· • r-co led wu retained by lh• made an ap.,..,.rance In Oran.., ta._ to '"'-·-UvtU t .... cal aid alt.er belq rele&Md. r-•-• ""' ........ ce a.c • o ....., County. lone a R•publlca n atrona· atat• alcoholJc reb&bWtauon com--------------hold. Butler will make only two ma.ton, aa provided bf UI• llNK I_. ,_......__, In Weat Cout •peecllea. one ln Ban· Jertalature. ...,.. 1 J ~.._., ta Ana. the oUMr tn Ban D1110. ot hl1 torlhrt&hl lnaLtttnr" that Prt>aldent EiHnhow•r be held rt"· •poruJble for lhe actions ol hi• •d· m1nl1tra tlon and partlcul•rly th• aUeced fatlurt ot the admln11tra· tlon'a pollclea on •crlculturf'. Detore belnr choaen u na tional chatrman, Butlt"r worked al all level• In polttlc1, 1tartln~ with th• Younr Democrata In the 1932 camp.Im tor Franklin D. Roose· PARKES-llDLIY MORTUARY t'ormerly Orallf'I C....- 11~ llrMd-·ay -C.ta .,.._ PM- J.Jb.rt y 8-HSS ""',..'? • llala&A-Dallt"oe • • ......... . STAFFORD & ION "NELS and DOC" ELl:CTRICAL CON'TRAC"TOU no.tt u.,.rt, 1-1111 lalbocr Cllb Padl 105Toss ·lcne HllllA MmleuYer Plana are belnC made for a -~ buaquet h•re ln honor o( Ctsalr· I;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~ J'ORT POUc, LA.-PYt. Larey man Butler. It la expected many P lit IUwi....., Awaue Newport .,... " ~ W E D E N " A oowa . nl.11 ~ ' · Tl1A \'l!LOOl't: RJordla Putiu, Narrator L. Chapman 19, l'J'Uldaon Of )(r. Of C&llfomia'a I)emocratlc Offlce- and ~ W~ A.. Hatch, lU z. holdera and poUUcal bl(-wf('I wUI Balboa· Cub Pack 105 toured 22nd 8t., Coet& Me.a. la part.let-~tlend the f•te In or,ser lo hear Ute Llcl\t«-T'han·Alr Bue fadl· p&tt.nc ta UM larpfi Army-A.Jr from BuUer about the over-all HOME AGA.IN AFTER TRI, 1Ue9 Saturday mol'TIJn&', •• lllrone· rwc. maneuver nnc. World War naUonal 1lluatlon on the political Robert Gardner, Cub Muter, and II. ICK•rct.. 8 a 1 a Bruall. ln troclt. lloderw 8totJdl•a. Dal&rwa, UM fanal.. e.uatrJ-U. ....._ trtn, •--r. fqnlltv., ..-..C, tr._ mMta1__,..._ _. •port• •HHeval Gotlaacl ... ··~ ·~ •.• NEWl"ORT IDGH 8CHOC>l .. lloa. l :IO, Noy. 11 Home ag•n. Johnny, •. aon of Mr. and Mra. C. I:. Boatw1ck, Aulatant Ted Wit.mar lad UI• in-LoulaJUl&. Butler, a •t-year-old attorney PrlCN: ...... M, 1.U, l~:a:. olftee .... , •f m. U6 Holly Lane, Coata Mea. enjoy• hmch with hi• alater, vaal!lft. Some llO.OOO Army troope a~ trom South.Bend, Ind .. wu nam· Jana, 3. Johnny -m• to be eat&bllahlng a pattern tor turnlnr Theo (T'OUp I.rt UHi H.arbor atta t.eaunr lhe / lat..t concepta of ed by A~I Steveneon u Illa per-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;=:;;;;;;;=:;=:;;;;=:;=:;;;;:=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: up a t Newport Beub police •talion about once a month. He from Newport Elementary ~I atomic, bacluioloclcal. chemical aona1 cholc• for chairman of th• !'VI away Oct. 11 and No'I'. 9, but now Mra. Dorothy' Hording at 9:l 5 L m. 8at W'day. Vlaited at and •ledronlc warfare. Th• eaer· Democratic Party. Buller haa ~ wlao to ca ll and the errant youth get.I taken home the military bue were blimp, dM will end Dec. 15. made a n&m• for hlnulelt becaUM M.arln• and helicopter J.utalJa. Prtn'-Chapman. a ft•ld wtn-____ ..._ ___ ""'1_cx. ___ s_w_f_P_h_o_t_o _________________________ u_ona __ . -----------man la Headqua.rteH and a.ntc• G&. A UM rractu.at• of Newport Most Divorced Persons Aren't NAVAJOS STILL NEED AID C.~.~~~. ~~~b.~~: .. !~.~!.~.~~!~8!, ""· AL THOUGH URANIUM HELPS dlvorce cuu In our lool a rea bor Area To&litmu tera Club A u 1 , lk 1 th -·ba Tb "'-t 1...,t. .... ll&ve been found by a loca l judge Tuuday evenlnr ran um i ,r e n e •" e •11• 11 •0 ..,. party llta,ed to have betn with people havtn1r He pointed out that In dlacua· City, Ariz. locale hu tomewhat a t the Monnua millllcm ....-TU· no chu rch aftllLallon." Thi• wu 111on1 with local ·church leadera a~levlatw the dea~rate need of ba Ctty, lba t.empvatun f&Dln& tbe bull of a talk given by Toast· active membera ot' their pariah Navajo JndlLrul In that Immediate to 30 de('l'eel. m~\tr John Penney durlnr the have u pe.rtenced marriage all· area. but the people In t~ back Sloter _.d the unntum llbtka Bank .I~ -Christmas Club Checks Marklnc the neer approach of the Cbri.tmaa •hopping aeuon. dlatrlbutlon of Ba.nk of Amerlce Chrletmaa Club check• totallnr 1107.500 to 838 ~•ldenla ot New· port lkach and Co.ia Me.ea WU annou11ctd t o d a y by Roland W)-1ght and H. M. Holker, man· ... era of the Joe&! branchea. ure1 ot onJy three to four pe.r country rem~ln In ~r pltg11t, ac· bad ca\&Md a Con.tn&ct101i Ou.rry cent. F or ht.I lntormallve talk cordlnc to l'ntmbera ot the Coat& near Tub& Qty, wiUa roa49 lletq Pennty won the best • akin Meaa Rough Roader1 upon return built and poww . Uw """t1lled award for the even!h . ~ g from their ~rond mlulon of mer· Th• lndiaaa la tlilat ar.. ..,.. g cy to the needy Na vajo•. benetlUnf trun neu.Jtant jot»e. Hubbard Riehl.er aho preeented Mu a Police Ortlcer Jamn Slo- a apeeeti about th~ con~trucllon ter, Oicar Amburgey, c e c I I STILL l1DJ> AID of ~laying ~~ What 1 Your Knowlu, Andy Durocher, Gerald But the back. country Indlau Game, Mlater · Ac:eordlng to club Bartlelt. lAwrence Sawyer and ar• lltlU In Deed of UM Barbor tpokeaman W. D. Rainey, there Dave Ga rdnf'r of Coeta Mela. area·a helplnc hand, Sloter-•Id. a.re ope.nln(a tor mtmber.!lhlp In alone with Frank Htrtz of Santa "We cont1nw to welcome doaa- lhe •peech training organiuUon. Ana, made the trip, lea ving Nov. Uona of warm cloWns dellnred Marl• Hst Hen 3 and Hturnlnr Nov. 8 a t 11 p.m. al 707 Center 8t., eo.t.a Me•," HEA\'lLY LOADED They drove a 2"'·ton truck. two plckup1 and a 1laUon wagon, all loaded to capacity wit.ti food, clothing and other nece111lllu do- nated by hundred• of peraona In lhe Harbor area. , Slotar _.'1 ''The Jlfanjoa need ahoea badly, but th• worn• do not w.r hlrts bMll. The on• 1h had tor lbia trip ...,. Jett wtlh th• miulonarlea." Next trtp for the Roup RoU· era wtll be JIUt year, 8Sot. llOt• ed. Oompay ot tM Sd Infantry Harbor HJcb. School. · N_,,ort. Dt.u&on'1 Id Battalion. la ft(U• BMcb, be Mt.fed lh91· Army in lal1y at&Uonad at J'ort BenJllnc, January, 196& • BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA Clli.PEL l i•1 Superior Annu• Coeta Mela, Calil. P~• Ll})erty 8·2121 CHAPEil BY TIDD BSA. 3420 IC. Cout 8 1\'d. Corona del Mar, Calit. Phoa• Harbor U telepho11es Haven't you pictund how attractive lt would be to have exlenaion phooee to match the colon in your home. Well, now you can. Tiiey come in 8 lo¥el1' lhadee to complete the color ICbeme ln any room. Red, blue, rreen. )'tilow .•• tie.ise. brown, ivory or rr.y. Or in' '"two-tone• combination&. And ima1in, the oonveniencl of alwaya havinr a phone within euy rMCb.. Call our bulinee. oflloe today. Pad.le Telepholle,. ~ Tole Ille .. ty ... •ec• Hfle•"-9 ~ p ................... ,. •• , • ., Wrlrht pld th11t Bank ot Am· erlca will dl•trlbute 152.~.000 throughout the 1tat• Lo 4311.000 club member• who have (.allowed the popular Chrl1tmaa aarinp plan durtn1 th• put yHr. Thi• 11 an Iner-ea• of l-'.ll00.000 over lhf' amount dl•tnbuttd Lo •00.000 Ca llrornl•n• In 1964. Minor Lnjurlea wer• received by Marin• Dennla M. Moody, 111, of Camp P endleton, •t • u n. Sal· urday when hia car ran off the Cou t Highway at Rlverelde Ave. and atruclc a power pole and maU bo". He told Newport Beach po- lice he felt ale.py and wu trylnf to find a r .. taul'Vlt to i et a cup of coffee when the mlllhap' <><:· curred. Come In-See Thia llme, Sloter repor~ed, tr1p took them almoat to the ew Mexico line u they vtlllt ee different mlaalona. two In the Tu· b& City area and on• at Kayente. the leGutlful New high horsepower! Low silhouette styling! Chrtatmu ch e c k a receive a warm ll•('lc-.me trom club mem· ~,.... Wi'l1i?nt uld, and are u11ea to he:p till U:e chtldrt"n'1 Yuletide •tock1n11 u well u provtdlng tund1 tor the p1yment of lallea, llUlur-an<'• prrm1um1 anti othf'r a~rlJll purpol!u H t 11ddrt1 lhat Chr11tma.a Club •ccounta ror 19~ are now being Opi!nl'd ll t h t branch. DEATH NE>TICE .li\~1::14 T A I.COT J amu Tlllb<ll. 61. or "121 31 E Co111l H .ithway, Smith Lltguna. d ied l'>ov 11 In lfnag H011plUtl all er a •hnrt lllnNIA ~rrvlrl'11 1u f' tod11y lll 3 p m. Ill Ball:r. Mur· tuary In C111ona df'I M11r with I the Rev Onn,.1.1 Sapp orf1t-iallni: lnl•1m rnt le prlv11ll' Mr T nlbot 11 t1~nen1I rontr1u·· tor, w1i. llorn In 1 ... ,~ Ani.rd"" 11n1I llvf'd In th11 aru ror tht p.,.t e.ght y~11 s ~ Survwort 1nrlut1,. lhf' w1dol4 )In E na Gr•itnry T11lbol d1us:;h· le"' Mr1 P1111.r" ~111,.n nf Duran Arabia, ant .a.tni Mary l..ou Kr11m 1 of Anaht"lm. and onP Mn, J 1meio Thomu , ""ho la attending Stan· ford Unlvt"r111ly 'f'ht tamtly ha.a utabll~ht'd a m•mnr1al tn Mr Talbot's namt wHh lht Heart F'lmd. MARINE INS'91ANCE Sntootll "-IU•c O..Onie-Forto11 R..alty Co. ltU W. c-e HI 1twa7 r.rwrt s-1 t Television for Rent C&U Heat.or 31161 Harbor 0710 Es~eTV ..... 8en1ce Door Prize which we will awsd . ' at-the -Cooking School. This Beaufilul Grand Award also awarded courtesy LIDO ELECTRIC C•••••••••• ... It ... lletl-rie Mii Kl-8t1U· er ter reclou _ .. _.. -m-··,.... eet It ......... . ltt" hl•••ll· °"' ._ -..... •" ,., •• , •• ,. ••tt•· 1erl1 1•• Ml· ar11l1r I ...._.._ .......... ... '• ..._ __ .... ,.,, "--' ..... .,, .... .......... la II Sitt ...... e ... ................ 1 .... . _.... ............ . .......... ...., ......... _ o.Aao.• ............. ..._ 0 lswlll-' ..... ..., ... ................... .. ... • NI ...... ................ ........ ,_ ....... tc-i.-4-·-eM ...... ..,....,._,.... ... ... ........ ..... /I/A .... .............. co. J424 Via Udo lt•wpolt .,.d Raner 4'71'7 • In THE BIG Now you can drive home a Mercury wi1h llG ii size, styling and per- formance at a price below many models of the low-price 3 • _, Here'• the yeu'• biggett buy. Ju1t wait till you tee the price t.181 For thi1 year Mercury tell a nnr 1tandard for 1tyl~ and power in ill lowest-price Cu.tom teriea. UM aMOUITTI l"""9 ...... CUSTOM-. The car 1bown above it the new Mercury Cu1tom hardtop. It'• onJy 58~ inches hi8h-the tame low, •Wttping 1ilhouette anilahle up until now onl y in Mercury'• top-line Monlclair emea. And there are 6ve more equally 1tun- nin& CUttom modelt to chOOH from-one .. lowest-P-riced. Custom seri~s tbat'1jutt the ticket fornsyneed and bu~. A llllW .... •.,.... Powm-AJI me M Cuatoma have new IARTT·SUKI V-8 mginet-with the hi&hett bonepower ner ofered in Mercury'• lowesl-priced aeries. But what y.211'11 notice moet is THE IJG 11'1 greater uGhle powrr (lorque). There's far more "lift'' and 1·~0" for getawa~11 and puling-far more working power for d.ri•ing eate and Nfety • .. tow.ftlCI POWll NATUUl-Mercury off'en the widest choice of power featuret in the industry-and now at a nnr low price. With thit low-c:ott Cu1tom niodel you can eu ily aford the added connnienoe of power 1tttr· ing, power braka, ~way power eeat1 power window• and Multi-Luber-Mer cury • ndaaiTeoia-itM:l.a putb-buttoa lubric.tfon . , .......... -'........,. .. .......,...,.o..._.,..,... You get a fuUy powtt-equipped car at an e1;onomy price. 1 --. u MOOal "' ALt-fn addi1ion to the Custom Scrict, you have 7 more model• in the Monterey and Montclair &eritt to choo~ from-with 225 hor8tpow,.r 1vailable. t "Wh y wait, when a BIG M cp~ll ~o lilllc? Sf'f' u " today. COMPAllTHUI llG II PIATURU WITH ANY CAI AT ANY NICI .......... .,_ ....................... . ................ jeloll.._.... ...... , ........ • Owldt~ Men-O·Metk om.~ • 10 _.....,. .......... .., ........ __ .... -1oo9 ........ lo Mfer-lt'• ...... d ........... .......... ,_ ..... .., .... . .... _...... ...... _ __.,..,. .... .. ........... ,... ..... ,... . For 1958'-:fhe big move is to THE BIG gERCli.RY , .. -.. -............... M , '°'"'a WW" ... ~· .............. t• .. •• ........ dnrf, a.. ...... I .IOHlllOll &. ION, Lincoln· I Mercury 900. W. Comt Hltllwar • NIWPOIT llACH Ac....._., am • Ullerty 1-5545 ' ;·'