HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-16 - Newport Harbor News PressDEATH TRAP -Caught in~ twlated remnanta of tbia car i8 the body of traffic ·. fatality Byron W. Hu.eon Jr. Investigating officerw aurvey the damage of the cruh wb.iclL occurred on Harbor Blvd. near Orange Coe.at College entrance north . of ea.ta .Meta Monday nJrht. Two Newport Beach occupant.a o! the other aato Jnvolved e.caped .erlou. Injury. -Staff Ph!'to ~ ..... / 1 NEWPORT BEACH. C~RNIA, WED~DAY, NOV. le, 1955 PHONE HARBoR 1818 lOCAL · lift HURT AS · • ~~~~=~~f~~:Th~. Court of Slaying l;k&eOn Jr., r. of 121 8 . ~-UM! rtpt band lane. of tb~·l&ne (_ · p~&· SL, ~· 11w _Nd7, 1J'U Barbor BJYd. ffu900 WU allereij· ,_ond to K&Ulban Mortu&r7 ID l.J beadlas north to lhe cen· T II Ho Sh Sa p II :am t 0 r f\IMn1 aneap-:-.... ~e-~ e1&nied OYtt lnto HAUOR WEA THa ·e s· w e w e11e ,f*jund '"" P'lhp V. C: • OAUe wu 4UC>ted -tellln• Ule · :..drt~ :' ==-::. Red-::~~~ "!..::.: =~~ ~..: ~ ~~·..,,. .. u.e Youth L---L1ng· In WI~ , ......... ..,.... ,.... ~ to ~ uotJwr car wbeeied 1n mp ~ uua '"""' .... BQlfltal tw ~t. ftoat of me. I lllt the brakH but Thunlday. Nov. 10 ··-70 6S ,,_,. wwe bM1r at llome t67. wu llll&lll• to atop." Roberta aaf?S J'rtday. Nov. 11 .. -:... .. IHI la...uptaq oMoen fll iUte lte wu talJdq to ow. and tailed S.turd&y. Nov. u ...... tT 159 SANTA ANA, OCNS-A pretty 17-y..r.oldl...,..._., 'KISSING COUSINS TO •. Clilltonla ~ Patrol report• to ... UM! ot!Mr C&r befon tll• Sunday, Nov. JI -·-.. &T who took an &fur mJdnJght mm with the ~ .... I PIN BlLL ed UM! ooUUba oeauaed alloat •·•up. Monday, Nov. lf .... _ 69 &s on the witnea stand moet of )"Mterday hel-. In U. ·maa- ... . . · ADD EXPLOSION FLASH TO =!k;.0~0!~ ie·:: :: !! •laughter trial of Robert H. La Verne, 33, a.a G&1lrW pluterlllf contractqr. The trt&l about U to 11 · tDcM9 i... .. MACHINES DRAW WRATH OF COUNCIL ·u~~!!°:.. ~~E!!~~ -· City Coundl ;,§~~ ::§.:[:::: . ..;:: . 1 % mJ1-oa He"J'Of'l ..... ~ Cattffna Ial&nd a t A rds s·c1s Baker, >-1.o San Gabriel. cl&lmed, La v.,... wtlo .... ... IUllOUNDIDI Dr11k T1r11 J • Ucenses Aslltcl: 10 'Slrlll' . apprw•••tel:I' &:IO p. In. ,.......,,., etlll. rt-.lned "unex• . wa I La y~mt ll on trtal in super· hJnd her lhoutech '"WW ... ,.. ~ pWmd'' teda7 ~ police. tM Ain:ratt-SmitlUCJ' at.Uon, ior Court Deputment a. Be la dol.na tbe"!'' ' Gm WI ReB81rf-.el 0 lfl LI-ud UM! Cout OUUd wwe DlllUfted ~ a mnnber o1 ~-AWUCS of auto bida Monday ~ with beattq rood-look~ WILD <BAU • F 1HI percr llCJ ~ 11M Ph noa wu dwribed u "very loud and pink· nJfht by city council lhowed Oen· Richard Perrett. 21, 10C1 of a Loe A wild cbue up J1a1Ma ~ '* la color, ~ waa llol1matal, euned at one end... A oaU val Motora low on five cu1 to be Ancelu advertl8'n( uiec:utlve, to then euued, ~ to Ule wtt.- u A .d CHP Skill ---wblch apparently a-"kiaaing couabia" ............... .lroal M~ Al 1Wce ..... 8&n ~ UMd ln municlpel work. Two were death with a 1tlck ln New))Ort n-with her brllla1Af ... u.. P ml •-•" r · • tor police, one for the Hubor-rear'. She ..Sd •beard La ..... to the 60 pin ball machlnee removed from Newport Beach ~ .._.._ ... M7 lllformUAola oa a plane bet~ dowa muter, one for lb• buJldJnl" ct.. Beach J uly 23· ytit, "Oft the cope! a.t t'-_, .. Cl OC recenUy, in complian.... with a .. _ o_..,_____ ~-ta 0... Ttdlllt.T. pertment and on for th tr t HIM Balcer, a , U.nder blonde, ---Ill at . them to one roof, c.-;e into U:" city~·~ -----departmenl AU :a,. wer: ~b=· :yuu::e==u:t)o-:::0~~ Vt~ '!'!w -i:.:--.::Jt=.. -en': lptalcln1 of molt embarrumlnf Monday nJgbt. and be declared um t. a hMYJ SECOND HIGH SC-HOOL ro~Ua trade-in and lncludln&" owed by Ray Ola.Owell of Coat& YtiidllUlldfftl" and conUJwe -. G'pt'rlMCf'' COMlder I.hat ot tree TboM betn&" operated without tnn.tment wbJdJ m\lll .. 4*ll . aal• Lu the OM blda were atr.et Me•. SmJth -..ntU&lly dropptac 1t1 ~ 1W1eon Davtd JC. Poyorene. "· city Uceruee will be denied the fla&nclal retuma. CttJ X.,..,.. • depertrnent car, SUU.83; twodooc WENT SWDOIINO waywtde. ot aoe Bay~ Aft. ricbt &Dd wW be prohibited untU Jolla ISaUon told Uie ~UM SITE SEEMS. CLOSER Mdan for 90DIJ\I" ln.Q>eet.or, (no The witneu t.Wled ab• went Wha Ille ~t up wW1 La •fie ran Into a bomeu' DM oa ~ COUDcil ln1tnicted Ole llUldlJ.nu' operation •elloUJd be ~•) 11317.93; Md.an tor Har-tor an ocean IW1m with IA Verne Veme, the sirt lellt.lfted .... •w an Orv11r• Cout Collep campWI city manarer. IUlpendM Wltll a 11~ 18 l....s bomiuter, 113'9.93 (no trade); and William D. 8mlth, n. Colt& hta ann l1U9ld and t"e lltldc ta '-<!...,,d itreet Monday nJtht. CoUllcllman Sandy MacXay ad-each one. aed&n for police, 14<H •• l tnrludlnl" :w-. a friend of Uw derendaalt'1 hll band. Bhe .ud ._ tbouiltlt DrlYlnc Itta half ton pickup at vi~ tbe oowiciJ, '"n\•M e&mH Councllm&D 3. 8. Stoddard &-blf trade-ln allowance, a poUce and landlord of t.be apartment at Pvntl wu on U.. poQll4. ~t ~' wu later otflclally termfd haft 9J>l'Ull• up all over town ~ ''TtM polnt le cu J'Oll .. t lflllttn. 1904..U with trade-IA. lOOI Balboa BJvd. U" Verne, '1a ..... at 11th St. aa4 Baaoa mvt. M "eaceuAn nte of •Pffd." Poy• wlMre tlM pl.II '-lla wer.." He up any kind ot ma.da ... 111 UM ,,.,,. as111a Arclll .. clwal 'nlMe IMch repreNnUQC a PJ00 wtte and a CecU ~bad tUftl The .irt ..ad 1ll'lliln ..._ ft'9t •w orcne 11mo.t ran dawn 24 police mo'ted Ulat Ucu.ee9 be denied cJt1 wtt.llout & UC1D81'T" ~ • •v1np over the nut low bidder, oYer I.he apvt.inent, s-1\ of a t.rl· th.• ~ be WU lltU'dtac 1111 • otttcnw att•dUI&" a cautomla When applicaUOD tor three ma· moUon wu appro9ed ,...,..._...... 111!.tw. fo -.... · ._ N•C"llW EclLa-the council · &&""reed to ·purdl... pla for the Wffkend. walk ou~ t.be La VerM a,&rt· at1hway Patrol accJdent tnvelll· chlnu wu made to councll by ly. lla7or .OC.. BID liUd: ,... ~ ... ..,.., ~ with tM aavtnl"• anoUMr polic. Miu Baker -14 abe •• U1e meat wtadow wt~ IUa heada la pt.loe aQd 'ftl'Ucle code clue. Harr, ~ oa IMhalf Cit Bal· 'l'llfr JfOW G0MS • car, provided the no trade prlc9 decilued 1tand1QC In Ule &adowl froat of Mm. IM t.ufted * Ottt-. -tt•r.d aod ,.bed bo.s llfuc OD. 1>uw1p 90UCbt -we·,,. Jiaet oamJl«ed a.. p1a ~....., tawut ta *81 • Sa lllte for a eecond of l lMUa waa aftllable. The out.llde t.be La v--. &pMtlMat •• DOUl1as a )M Mada. .,.. ro,_.. ~ OMla ..._ u.. ,...... fw ••l•cirre pool MD ·~· ...._ .. ., * ....a ... _. , !J~hll llr 1111pt. ......,. J)a~ teet..7 ._ ~ w. priea. •MB u..,. ntw... mm &M 1119 8alillr .....,. lmllb 9ct-Lee t.Uter, a .,...,.._ ot Ute taW. ,.._ at IH Kaa llt., '11 did not wut t. pt dl9 -..., ,.,,._, •.t.11.0. if dt•••• UaldB B)lll 8ebool 8urpriM at U.. QM "6d wu a--18'. · ~ ,....._. tllil lltJcll from =~::. !C:~~t!~;·tc:,.~ =· Jlhd. and an Cout of,:::;:;--=:~ --..i .;. W .._ ...... tM ..,_... ol Dlt-Jiu =.-1 ao:i ~ ~ _a_b_•_c_lal.med ___ P_•_••_t_·•_,... __ ... _______ c __ ,, __ •_• __ .. _ .. ;...•_• Be11ert Null tor nothlnf. Re.,.. H llMMINU tMt Capt. Kerman mbM ot tlll app1oftt De Air h•• ....... '° deelare a '10..ere elu dealer, who •Id tbM althoutb c M Cltj Pl' Nlted Po~ 1iheJtq latonned the eoundl lbertff'1 .me. told ILla t.o t1111 .....,... Ill tale.._,..._. A-. .iwa.)'9 --. c1e1aJ t1etwM11 the Ulla eort ot direct bldcUng wasnot osta ~-•l"lf'S Tt1t.-7 Ule w1pect W'U Mn· • .,,..,.. an a.t leut 10 pmu P bell of !Ill kwJeq-e Ollty ~ AIWrl AJr..... ~of ~ •Pl>l'OVal unheard o(. he tl&d not t>xpkted ~ fllil ~ ,. 1'-po• t l'tnrttce-c:oart h\s tn t1w d;J lilld~ t 1MCttf-••• • _,. G( ~ .a-llii u. aetaal ~ "' tL..ni.o AobinL .F_om dealer b _ _ __ ____ · to so deya tn the county Jail on pUcaUou tor Uoeuee b&ve bHn cenaed In c0tu1ty ......_ time .. 0 , ...... 9llr'*-el 1119 Jll'OJecl to UM! COllUl\ltltt. But 11a ld b.la bld bad been bued on an GI Ok t ' 2 Ne 1 ads - & cbarre of drlvlnr whlle dnm. k , made. But lh9>'., ha-.. all been •o-Jack Peeney. ~, dt,. at-lftll'Q'Wflil ... "' u.d. ..... tM7 t•l Ulat lt -w ... aalt lo lnt~pt.or model. He WU told ve IJ 0 w • PoJortne .. Id he waa unable to In( tor ....U. He reported UM torney had a4\1M3 Ute -.ill at,roell ell4 .... fll " Pftd1c:t Ulat Ow project wW be re· 1pecltlcatlona callfd for a pus~-I 1 pay Uw UGO fine In lleu of the cit7 UcenM collector lntonned I.be madUnee for ftkla Drtt«p e. ~·wttldll two...-.. rer car. • llO.Dtf'nCe. m. dr1nr'1 11~ WU blm be bad ~ 12 appllcaUon IOQCtlt UceMN -._ ,._. ..._...,: .= .. ~ tllil o.ea "At Ua&t tlllle,'· Gel•; aald, "ll RHd agrt'ed with Ute coundl Tent.aU'ft tract mape for two lf'wtcMU. .,, tM Niil et tM atty &llO 9\&lpaded for 30 da,.. tonne to the ~..-tor with only An addttloGM moUca •a 1 =. .. ~ Ute aavlng ot U.100 to the· tu· Coeta M-iubdlYlalona, one for compll-. 8'1l we doQ't W'Ult to be UuoM bmMd ln to the city t or p&Med. lntt.naclin&" aauor. to pro· .,.... will be fOl'Warded to all rnembera payers wu beneflclaJ to the <'lty 1fniW out.'' JurJ Decides action. !µRift an1 auch akilJ pm• wbkll '1"r'llllt-. aJeo ..,...... P'-ot t.be coaunJtt.e and tt no ob--In a direct rac&ory deal. added he tl ac..., and lbe other for ' acrea. Weimer apeed u..e wu no °"" Mad<aJ .-rted tbe maclllnee are unllc:eoneed and now operaU... to ,be drMrD few U.. ~ ,_Uon la laterpoeed b)' any mem-wu iitattled at the council "going. were approved b7 the Meta plan· dlnt.nce ,-t to requl,. UM! bettw · tn~~ c011t &bc!ut •1soo ·each UL Uae. el~ of " or 11 aM~ d.a 1 1 -Mr wtWa lO dap, lbe ~u.t out of town" u he bellevea 1n nlng commlMlon Monday. ~ poW but ti. Mlded .,_ Man Innocent TAR sr· UDENTS TOLD OD .. ::::;:::::.. ~=~n~:~~:ro~~in~ th!:;~:~~~~·en~ tr~~~l ro: ~;~: ~ffi~~ ~a=.:.:--:= • cSa.1 Jolned melalMn fll 0.. arcM-Senate u llleJ' do not rtt0nvene trade-In. the low bid being $11190, and 11th St. E. C. "Chad'" Twlcb· for. Weimer ~ °'But ft of Dope Rap OF 'Y' 'ACTIVITIES ~; r i.::~E::r:: =~~~~~L~~~f~~~~:::~ ~~~~"'f~h~:;:;:;·o~ ·g~~:: ~;:E~o~:~J~~~::.-~ ~~l&~V~~~~~~;;,~:9! . I ArmJ Alr Bua. t11tt. Jl9i'J;er truck, two police lntercep· balked sllgtitly when commlalon acre plot at Jllth St. and Placeft· aANTA ANJt. NOV. 11 (()CNS) DaYid*>CI aJd there ..,.. _,. NEED 08A UIZA8E tor m re, two trucka for the wa· chairman Walter Weimer 1u1gut· lit. Ave . aubmHted bJ u.. N..,. A Super1or Court Oepertment 4 , ~nle&l delaJa ta ~ ~ commntee approval 1, ob-ter dt'partment. anolhC'r lt~ht truck ft! 1t would be "nice" If the tra ct port-Balix-8avtqa and LMa Jury yeirterday afternoon found Newport Rart>or Hieb School chlbe for boya and Tr1·111-T cNbe :with tbe l'edenl l'O"...-l tained. l11pt. O.vldlon aald, the iw l •" lllll'tt dl'parlmrnt nn•I " had ornam .. nlal Ught at.andard8 .U.OClallon. C1ty l::nataeer Doe Donald Earl Howard. 22. of IA atudenll met Monday momll'lf far (1.rla. Th~ are aeUn, well OTIC' l&1e of th• •ta. He ..W UM! llic1l achoo& project will be for-truc.c for the hfe gusrd c1epart· I 1n•ttad ot tht wOOt.len onea pro-8-thwort.h aald flood condftson. Jlallra Innocent on a marijuana· "1th Mn. Roy ll'ox and Duk• orp.nt.ed l'f'OUI» ot J3 to 15 m•m· ecbool board )lad been ad"'9ld b1' ~ for final acuon to the 11irnl The International lrut-k wlll vided by the 8oulhein Ca.lllornl1 nat In the .,_ bUt Uiat UU. peddlln&" CMl"f"'. Cox. 1talf mem~r• ot the Oranre ben meet1nc ~ wtUl 90&· a letter from Bob Oeler, admln· Gefleral 8enlce1 AdmlnlltraUon be available for lhla tMI, Lou l!;<1l110n Co. would be lakfll care ot lt IU'Mte Howard wu acrUMd ot KlllnC CoMt YMCA, to Ju.rn about Hl·T un~r leaden uid plann.ln. U· 1..,..u._ .-...t to~ ln SU\ J"rulcieco. Keed. Jocal dealer. •lnronnfd th• "We're not required to but we'll were lowered autnclenUy UMI a quant1t1 of marijuana to a lt-Tr1·HJ-Y and co~ Y,MCA acU· v1Un In UM nelct. ol Mntc!. :Or-Jamee B. UU, tM.t Uw n.p.rl-The architectural firm haa built ·••nrU be. Wllll/lc to put Ulem 1n:· ea.Id p.ved. year-old .. rt, Sybil Cheatnut, al.lo •IUfll an.liable to them. Ofttcen ahlp. f!ducat1ona1: -ftere&tlOD&l a.lid rrient ol Detenee bu a.pprond the nwnerou.a public and commuelal ot La Hat»ra. t.nd mernben of Uie n cxlattnr IOClai evmta. Tbe lecbod alter.-~r .J'orce'a ~ to declan tllle 1tzucturu ln the Newport Hari>ol' The defendant denied the acrua-'"Y" ciube wtte there to welcome naUn ror etn.lor 1tudtnla only, te property turplua. •re&. Ho~e JCn1lgn and Harbor I atlon. H• claimed he wu the v1c-221 potential memben who alp · a co-fld "Y" club. mtt~ ~-"SOKS DELAY"' View School•. t1m of a "f"1!ltup:· ed tlltereat cardl at the cloH of larly. with voluntHr leedenbtp Oeler Mld lM Armed 8en1~ 8upt. O.~ a.Id tb• decl.elon MIN Cb..utul a red~ac2. 1.U· tht m"UAfa. Mra. Fox and CqlC and empbuta on SJAp&raUoe tor Oomrt\lttM at&~ ''Ulal ~ la 0Mltlaue4 oa r.c• S fted •he boUl"bt the ·~wffd" at outlined tn "'Jl&l'le -.ton• for college. aelecUon ot vocation and --------------------------- Howard'• home while the latter'• boy• and iJir1a the puf'llO• and -UI maturity. •tf• WU outatde. She &uertt'd ahe proanun of the Or&n&'• Cou\ AFFIUATED ...... paid 13.&0 for thi n1rcotJcs. YMCA and Hl·T, Tr1·Hl·Y clubl. The third pom!MlltJ la aa 41. The f'reckle-faced ('lrl. hti"Mlt 8CllOOIJ OOOPl:llATION nllated MtmberabJp In Uae Or&ftl'1t aa vrobatlon alter pleading rullty The "on.titatlon m •et 111 r ,.. Oout YMCA tor u.o. With a to marijuana poue•doo, wu •r-.-en arrancect tbroup the coop-marsinal lnterftt or I.ck ot time "9\ed by Newport ~ach police eraUon of Hlg'h School Prlnclpel to participate acU•elJ' la a YMCA after thty dl9COverf'd partlclM or JOC! Hamblet In ordtr to contact club. Theee memben ww 'tie 11'· mart.Juana In a coameUc J1r In all ttudtnl.I who m[Jht be lnttr· vlted to attend educ&Uonal, IOdaJ the 1119pect'1 car./ .. ted In YMCA rlub member1hlp. worship or recre1tlonal -~ Bert Wett "IQ a ttomty for the ln the peat aome lnteneted hllh planned tor all hlsh ecllool "T" defff!danl Jil&x Ellall'ln handled •chool .tlldfinu .baYt rn'-d °'1t mtmbera. the proe«atloll. 'Ale Jury dellbtorat· on the Hl·T or Tr1·Hi·Y club pro-j All but elx or Utt 221 proepec:t· ed approxlma.t.ely two houra. • cram. Thll' m"tJf'I" wu called to 1 Ive mvnbt'r1 a~e lnte~ted In S~ell Awarded Co11ty lease 8ANTA ANA. NOV. lt. locNS) -Bbell OU Co. ye1tttd1y after- noon W'U the only bidder 011 a piece of eounty-owned llUld for oU IH• i>urpoeH. Sh•ll off~ to pay Ute county ftood control dl.llrtct one · slxUI royaltlu a.ad 1:1 per month for Ole It... ot the J>•~I nt•t the mouth of tht Santa Ana River. The IC\d s. lflatltly OYtr l acre and wu p ined by the di. tnct ••hm lev1t>1 wtre widened • t-)'t!an •JO. TtM eow1ty boerd or ftlpervt.- ........... U.. le ... to Sttell. ' , . pre•enl &nJ' IUCb ;o·nral(ht ln the jolniDI' club pupe. Coll ..w. tutun, C-..Sd. "Ow ,:reetut need "°"' la tor Tbree cbolc.a of "Y" acUvlUff ~ta and communJlJ ~ to were ouUlned for thoee attendln&". -..wne UMtr r.poMUMlilJ u 'f'Ol· l"lm. and bulc to the TXCA unten leaden and procram com· croup work pattern are lb• m-,T mlttee 'm-ber'S." Cox a4ded. ~1iform C1rb, Sewer Policy for Mesa Set for Dilc1aio1 'TELLER BUGGIES' FEATURE OF MEW 'MESA BRANCH BANK -. c QUEENS · IN THEIR OWN RIGHT Maybe not Newport Hatt.or Hieb School Homecominc Queena, but at ieMt queen. about the Sallor campu.1 are. Jen, Patti Kelter, n1bt. Jody lMb. The ctrlll· ..rYed u prtae1a11 to Queen 8beJby Tunnell durtnc bomecominc rNtivitietl Tbunday niebt. --At•« P'bat.o J • t • ... PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS County Highway Proposals -<. . • • Alred Before Senate Group ------------------------b&ka-off to~ held on th~ Tar11 DICK KELSEY, T. HEE CARDS campua ar. KlloUnctoD Buch ' . .... IAfune a.&c:h HJp kbooQ ON DISPLAY AT 'THE ISLANDERS UMI ~~R:._:untor Htp l·Car Collhiott ....... Anett O.Orp ., ......... 1-d1, ... C\f Hy~D'•. Balbo& la!and, i. ...... la lta wtaclowe t5aT h......S. "9rne•. ·wu '**: o~nel dnwlnp of C&lltorola A.-. ~ _,. • tel on a cb&rs• of latOlldcaUon lllowa thle we41k In the .tt-a..w II& U.. lleels ... ,Ut a ~ la boae economlce. &AMTA ANA. (0CN8) -Or· u .... •un-.. u.. 8&n O&J>---..-•;"9d ..., •leot.11c ranp t.be toDowiea a Ul,..._r C'OIU.len at an1• County'• p.-entaUOD beto~ rtel Fr.eway be mt.ended trom •h., In 'ftle lalande" ue two ~ _, Dtcll ~ 9f'd ....._. p6e b&br U8ed LO wtti~ Cque HtatnraY &D4I Ooldlarocl at the hn. Randolph CoWtr"a Joint lta IOUtll termunu • the a.,,.. T. Hff, t wo el the ttveral artUU .._. werll .. ns-oclaced Md u.. bonor of J1¥tn• one t :IO p. m. rrw.1. N..,port -.Ch Jntertm CommJtt.. on Trampor-OroYe '7eeway to the Paclllc In the tamoU. line of IT"~ ~ ..... flw llollid&7 uet. two •tn• ln pu90n to pobce ~- taUon p r o bl•rn• Nov. •·In Cout Highway; that the Oafdt'n ------------------------~-d9't -nbo•••· ~ Robert Brocldl 91\11 ------------------------u,. Lons Beach city hall wu Grove i'r .. way be •x~ from T' A l!fE THOSE PIESI .,._ 1t' Joclal eontffl&nta don't l7dfw7 ButtnwortJl aai4 •r" . b l "wen received," accordtn• to a the &ant& A.a& Frffw•J to 1'1.itln ~ • _ .... , ... -·•t .... ••p -'ti-or d.rt\len by Clifford Howard Oenld S hed a tear , 1f you wtll, for the Ctu 's mount& noua, county roadl dep&rtment apokea· Ave. Freeway: IUld that MacAr· ;;"" wbs ; ;,.; ~.ott °" Nenaon. IT, of ITT Aalealll at . gray-haired Chef Gabriel., he of t h'e Frenc h accent a nd tal· man. ' lhur Blvd. be relocalt'd uound the ' Ju. 11 at IM .u,.•. Liie,. will eoac. M..., and Atesa.ader Kats, e nted taste buds. T he k id's got a problem on bis hands Board of supervlaor• Cha.lnnan expandlnc orange eount1 A Ir· High ScLa~1 &1• Enter be ..a. to .u. ...., ..uaracuon U. OI ~ .U.-. M4 •toJl*t l hia mon t h anti. he doe9D'l know h ow to solve il. Nobod)' W1llls Warner made a l'tnetal port and the route W' dele'*I IMI rD ln·M&ldnl' u.. tute bla4i of COil· at a llpa1 W1'ea UM ~ ear e lse doea either ; it's juat one of tboae lhinp. ' talk on the board'• poUcl• con· llilong S&nt.a Ana'a Mat.a Bt. • _ r.e.c ~ _.._ "' ut.ldp&t.lon. ~ lllotJI ..,,,cJta. .AU UMt auto• cem ln•• road development. Lon1t Beech also offered lta pro· N I Bak Con DoroUlJ' 1. Paulmn. lant& Ana. were rotnl' welt on UM ~y. The pro blem beJrina when Gabriel, who la in charge of Road CommJ.aloner Al K O'C " e-ram on T09d developmet to UM atlon, Ing test bUMna Cabtomi& lldl.on Co, ,,.. offtftn •Id IAKh at· the ThanksliviQI Dfnner Task F orce, •t&rta preparing tbe then 1••• a CS.l&iled an.&lyata of committee. ~ .._.. ......,kt,, Npruenttnr tM tempt.M to n.;. tM ac-. of tll• t radit ional feast for the enjoyment o( s ome 600 tlBC mem-thla count)"• freeway. othl'r ro&d· eo ..,_...,. et u.. coate.t I• co-acddent but~ forced °""""o hers. Now, the cooking itself is no t horn. even tho ug h way propoeal• and progress. Rivera Check Case By LEOS ARD SARGEANT I ~ ecoeoel~ A.cs.. u of Otdlaat.lftl' tbe ftrloua 'dl1tr1ct UM aurb by uiotJler motortat four thia is t he biggest m eal of t he. year. The m enu it planned The Collier group reportedly u the halfodoSeQ llunfrY teen· M.ra. Baael OWena at U.. ~ ~telta In Ora.ft&• County. Moetb _1oc_11a __ a_.a_.,_. ______ _ down to the Jas l oli\'e, and th e C hef'• prised r ecipee ar e a t w11;11 JOO P~r cen.t bt>hln? the Or-' SANTA. ANA. (OCNS) -!Up· age contf'11tant1 trom Newport ldaoOI llaft •t.eNd U.. 1 ... Ma-Of UM ot.ber hlfb &ctioola In the hand _ in hia head. He haa the finest and moat modem ange County suggtsllon lhitl lht' erlor Court J udfe J ohn llhu yn-Harbor •VnlM R lgh School •· UOMl a..r,r Pie ~ Ooauat Gou11t7. abe a .Id, wlU compete tn an4. C'aaada •Ill enter Colltelf· · h C · · · · ro1tdl abandoned by the state to d I N a th tered In a unique national 009• aad aa.-t a • ..._ of lh. 'Mt-hnta An&. altl'I~ J'ullert.o1l ant.a can be etOi. ~Y•' or rtrl• equ1pm cnt In So ut em aliforrua .with which to work. counu~a and cltlu be brought up ter ay cont nued to (711. 1 e test a r• able to keep from ••l· t• i.llerl wW be -*led Wi WIU M"9 tMlr dlatrlct b&keotf In between UM a,.. of u and 21 to proper •tane!ard1. arraignment of ThomH F. IUvera, Inf up their entries before they W.-to reprurt NtwpOtt Bar-,..._._ ,..,... . Where Gabriel hi~ hi• 1nag I• when the· aroma of rich' The rounty re<.-ommended three :13. Co11ta M~ on • bad U :J an Judged, the local high achoo! bor la tM dJltrtet MMe-ott ~ After tlle It.ta cont.It. UM C&· WMever tM top wtnnen •"· chicken soup a la rein<'. roast young Oregon broad breast frl'<'w11.v route ch11ni;N1 1n the bank chtf'k '!llriatlon. Rivera re-mlly Yt'l provide a aatlonal win· da1, Dec. t . • lltonua wtnner wm be f\ow'n to tJMy can lie ~ of one thl.n1 . t urkey with giblet sauce and other delica cies in preparation I st.ti" pl11 n11. All rt"pt'lrtedly met quested the continuance. Be Is In ner who Will 8'1ve Prt'lldent El-OlllSll8 S1"l'SlllU> ~ tor the naUonal b&keotf Tll•lr lltock u pot.mll&l lllU'l'laa• at art waftfo& out throug h the kitc he n door to lhe dining with the commlttu's approval. · custody. -aenhower hi• own penionl&I pie. .A1-o mt.eel la UM dlltnet h'9. 21. All tJI• at.at.a, Rawall partaen ..w p .,.,, up. room. Tpis sec-ms t o be t h e signal for members who h ave neve(} in•pected the kitchen to become s uddenly curious about lt. They k now they rutve a atandjng invitation to look around anyt ime they Uke, far lt is except ionally clean and well run and, as we indicated earlier. one of t he f.inest anywhere -ao much so that'~u company pi~turea it in their advertising a.a a model. Bat bow e&n you prepare a me&I of tbi8 magnitude, in- chldiag b.iotory-smq)led baked Virginia ham a.a well u Ulrh)' -when groups of pe<1ple-.cJzme in and look over y our sho ulder and count the pinchea oT •pice going into the cn.tnut dre eeing? What do you do w hen y ou're about to urnple a bowl o f rum pudding and torn around and ftnd .t* peofSle wtth apopns in tMir mitts eager for a l:JiU, too! Vf!t1 unnenring. The only thini we can s ugga t t o G abriel ll that he hep a s tiff upper lJp. ln fact, it m ight not be a bad idea tt h~ froze It Jnto place by s tandin g with h.ia head . In tbe retriaer&tor door for a ha lf h our eac h mo rning. This s itu· Mion clearly calla tor drastic measures. * * * •• PARTY LINE: Hosts and h08teaees, for lut Friday nr,ht'• 1treat "Touchdown Party'' are l!Jtill t a king bows. 'tile event la bein g p roclaimed t he fun fest of the year . In· troduced to the crowd w ere new BBC prexy Ed Crowley and, appropriately enough, Braven Dyer , t h e L. A. Times' not.cl aportawriter • . . Scores of gals from Long Beach will throw fancy hat. into the rin1 a t t he "Headdreee Ball" tbie Friday nipl. Chapeaux cont.eat i8 the highlight o f tile evening: money rai8ed goo. to the rupport of the Loe Angele& PbUh~ic •.. U you want t o know about the peat.est party gsg of the lear. which took place •l Pacific AngJeMI' "Fishennarf 1 uck" clambake Saturday n ight, yo u'll have t o uk someotle who at tended ... Now in the pla~ning t1tages: 'Mle BBC'a .. Christm u Trtt Ball," an a ll·ITH;lnber a ffair ael (or the middle o f December. __ Harvey Joi11 Palmer Office ta-H11~te lnd11try, Honing ~ F.mery 8. H.INK>n. vice · prol· <lf'nl of P. A. PalmtT, JM., pio• nl'er rNl ntAle firm of Ne'*f)Orl Beoach. announcf'd tooay an 1ndu1· trlal Md IUbdtnl~ pr<7p«ftf 0.- JMf\Nfllll M• "-" added to th.tr .,wee at 3333 VII\ LI&>. Now -.uoeiated with lht flnn to • bal\4tf the f'VeT • Ill<' r~ 111 n' numbt'r of ~r90na 11t1d'iirm1 In· tu .. led ln lnduatrtal 1111bdl· vi.tori property Ctl 1':81'1 . Hllr· v•y. 1adu1tl111I • 1111bdlv111lon 11pe· clalltt and Nl'wport Hllrbor rf'lll· • cknl ror 2d )'t llr3 "Metropolitan trafr1c. con11e11· tlon, perkl.n& and tlll•Ol . l'l&elhtr with hl1h la,nrl and living co11La an an ever • lncnra.i-Jna burdl'n on m.anas ement and worker alike." Karvey N YI ·•eome very de111n1ble ~vc-lnp­ rn and ll11ht lndu1ttrnn "'" -k· u11 relief ln th .. dirtttum of llOUlbtrn OrRng,. County " h\' con· llllued. "~y Ilk• the f1&v11rable .. n.u-t which MU TOWlda !Ml hen lllut lite}' are •low lo make u p ta.tr mJnd.I becau.e they w•nt a world of tnformatlon about lo- c8tJoa, prtcH. t ti r m t . 1Urtact drafMCe, water. -u. 1onln~. a,...Uot\." It wtll M ff&rnY"• Job. ha M trt. EilL Ill. HA•V&Y to tielp wbdlvtden match up U.elr want. with lanct. wllld1 an available and aultabla. Alto to u!fu f&Y0"3ble r~lecemml lande tt> llloee R llen who wlm to con- t111ue ranchlns alee'Where. M11ioio11 Mischief He141 Lill Of o.tober J1venile Crimes ~A. ANA., (OCNSl -Or-and proiteeut.d for crlmH lnvolv· 1U'f'9 County 81MTl!f• ~partment Ins children. J"'9llle 8 u r •a u reportMS Ila JtfallclOU• mU.Chld and vanda· h•.tut traffic In hl•tory 0«ur· llstn led the llat of often•• with red durln• October. 7:> l'M I'•. Thtre were 3f pett J11•f'nlle Bureau he3d Sft. Rua-tliefts and 28 burrlutu. 11ell C&111p Mll 111&ld H i lnvutlr;a· Camp~ll 111!.ed !Ive ft lony mor· llCMY -r• inade by hi• tbrH·man alt and child molutlnir lnc1dent.t. et.alt, tnch.Hllni u adult. arrt'ated There wr ra •ht nart'Ollca cue1 In· volvlnr juHnllaa. Sixty-fl•• boY• wtre arruttd h.mber and detained. Meanwhne. only .. ven memben of the femlnlne 0 D• h 11e1t wer• boo91ed -two of lbam Pp..... 1tc ~led of l"'f'IO'aJlty. ~ Camp'"°U eallm•ttd 1:>0 boya F Pl and 2~ flrle' were quutloned ~t reeway IA not .,, .. r..,,. -r.ent1-rive trafnc clt.aUona wen ~ t.o JuvenllN. ~ eo.ta Meea Chamti.r ot ,. C4nllnerc. boerd of dlrec::to,.. VQ!f'd , ,,. c-L. TJlurad&y to join the city council fG C ~ In oppo9tna • ditch type frffWA)' Ne lftJunea .,.,,. rtPc>rled u re· thrCIUC' tbe cmler of the city. tNlt of a r9r fft4 traffic colllelon Qember otnclal.e, It'd b)' Don at Newport 81_,,, aoulfl of Rochee- 'tult>vtOft. aid they balleved the tu Bl. at lO:M p. m. Jrtt4&7, ~ ....._ ,,_.,, .. , WOUid 41v1ck Ula l& M .. poll~ Mid. Ofttcen;... t.. and would crMle a •rtOU1 ported a Md&JI drt"An nortll · °" ,......, pnbMm. N"'J!Ort Blvd. by lndl• Lee Ar· "9orta.rf' ltt'fft.9 ir• und,,. w•ttr nold, 112, Santa Ana. •truc'k Ule • dur1nir bad w('alht'r," uld H ild· rl'•r (If • 'f'd11n drtv~n by Richard' d ll'lfon.' "\\1\at would Lhe flood· R. l:llcn)', 22. of El Torn tJll('ny 1~ ~ like in " l!'I ro t 20 feel '"'· h11d ~topp•d for a red light, re· low t.h4I .urface 7.. rort11 11how. n1111tat• highway dt'p&~mfnt'1 ------------ Jate« plM raJ111 tor 8111Jtl~ Ntw· port 8lft. ~ the 1treel lie\'•I trom the 2oth St. lntfl1'f<:lton lo ll~ o< J'~ Road. A irrand total ot •~.808.tST vebklea ha4 paaaecl O'ltr lM kn Franrtl\Co-Oakland Bay Bnd1111 u O( Sept. 30. 19~. Specl.a. • for Tlt.s., Friday, .... ..., LIDO DRUGS '1JM of ~ Udo shp(" . HARIOR DRUGS Nn. 17, 11, 19 MGl Via Lido, NewpOrt Jleaeb S30l E. OOUt •1 .. COl'OD cM1 Ma Bt'lllTt:·WEAR 4 Pir-•:xtra l..ar1• CANISTER SET s349 .,, .. ?, .. .... .--~ .. .. ~·1 V1'BtMiatelll Ct wtlM ...tjuae:-at-. ~ ...... $8.8~ $5.49 iiOSf'iiiTE ROASTER ~39 .,_.,."" dfow ,...,rtetaaw••"': .._,._ .._ u.pactt1-ae.. ILM C'iNDiE[ITE SERVICE s 6 95 Fe11r t~p ...,..,,. with wrou(M ,,.. M.-1 aoffN WMUll'r. ~(,'TIUC 81.A.~Kf':T 8 Pf:C1AL AUTO: BLANKET ~!:::.~895 Ouar. t 1"'· A1111t. C'Olor:-, Miff, •Pt. ,..,,.. a 111l""Jt tlnttlftl'. KLEENEX 400'1 FACIAL Tl~~t.ER 5 for $1.00 AJAX # Cleanser Reg. Size 9c YINCINTS ICE CREAM LAllOS 5 Cone.. c ~--lOC Hanel Packed Pints 30C o.··•• Ste i Gallon COME lN TODAY! .. Ou& A N ......... llluk ..... '1'1111 .... ~ I (J '•_. f4.t.: BICYCLE ~4 BICYCLE ROYS PRllES GIRL'• PP17ES ... ,.,...... ,..., •• 1un•1c T•••• frei9hf troln with tteo• type loco.otM, fflldM, 3 con, cobooM, trodi, .,.,.... ..,,.... a. other ........... .... .um lnw1l1 llAWKIYI 25" TAU WA l 11 I I ~ fLAllllT , .... _ fl•alohl4er, I ........... ........ A1t1altt 1•e1•I• ...... UCICAll ...., ..... Of......, ...... .... ... -... ...... 11111 IOU ........ ,...... .. ..... ,..., ...... w-a...e, .... .............. S• ,. Tli·" ,, ,d '•'' , CONTr'}l' flR l 7f <, T 0 u A y (I t " lJ I "' .• <r I I [J ... '1 r., I ", • SILVER Beautiful RIPPLE Xmas Decanters GIN * eu> rousrza •noor •. w. BAaft1I OU> TA VLO& nrra BEAM $6/1 p Aa& • TlLf'OaD OU> rtnoEaALD OLD &Y. TA\"E&i-c' ... _, etlleft Start' Your -Xmos Lay- ~Away Now ONLY 39 DAYS BEFORE XMAS . ' ThUd "&&liq w~. Oraac• 0-.& (;oOac'e CWlas 8dlool-L&do ~Taett.. Nov. 15 t :M • ll:• a..m. {'04plMINI 8o. CouU. 0. Ge. ... I.We "...,.._..rta.: Oalfen ... BatUu ... ,...._Turll .. ,.~.oo "'Ortll of prt&H '~ llMi Udo 8110~ Buc1uly Aicl~ ~ O,.._.. •• f 2.M -BO&MONE HAND CREAM ·-· .. ·- Pride Of hlalll IT-OM ~ •nooF 3~1 PIPftl 1-\'l• Gin l!ld -Pf'riumf" a Ea• ... LMvta ARPEGE s5so MYSIN s5oo Pllt oe Y os Xmas Lay-a-way ""i... BROWNIE Bulls Eye Flesh Outfit $18.60 c.n\AM.•1 ar.•Dle au.tlw1• Camera. M W ll.oaat&.e ....... na.a. ••Wer wt1• ..-.. a 11.J a... '"°.., I rnU. at• na... t ••n-. IMtradktl ~k. KODAK Stero Camera Amazing lifelike pictures in 30 . $84.SO '~TIOLA" 45 AlllOIRlltic . PHONOGRAPH c ...... wttll IJ•f fl)f',.. .,.,_. ... <Hl!nJl ..... Aa9M. is.-...-.-., $39.95 All th a.d•aatac• ef r,,.-. ... OMlllllc' ................ ..... ..,...,. ..... Sunbeam PIT PAN $19.'5 ., ' •• IT'S TilE LATEST -Shown above u facade of Su -on'• new.t unit which Tbu.m- day will celebrate it.a grand opening in Loe Alto. Shopplq Center at BelltJower and Stema Sta. Ample parking la available. Store will remain open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. eeven daya a week to aerve Lo8 Altoe area. TODA Y'S N. Ye STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Plan For Play Area Dropped Sav :on Opens Newest Unit at Los Altos • $13,soO DEFAULT JUDGMENT GIVEN AGAINST MESA FIRM SANTA ANA, IOONI) -8upat1or CoUrt J\Mip JobJI Bile& 1'Hadl.y awardad plabltJfta ~ and Buel lnrram a 113,600 ct.fault J~•t. 'p.111a t per cent Ult~~at from Sept. 14, 1tM, on a promt80f'X aou. Me• Bullder1 and Equiifuient Co., and Fred F. BY"!'* and Ben Kina' -re the deJenda.nta. NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA•E 'J WEDNESDAY, NOYa..ER 16, 1955 DEATH NOTICI CHAJU.1:8 r . lllALT' Holy ft.-Oau7 wUI be recited to· night at T p. m. In Parlc ... R14)ey Murtuary Cba.~I fOf" Chart .. J'er• fi)umter Mllllon lullcllng 5m"ge In Costa Mesa C-0mmenc1nc Thurllday. a rour- day ~lebratlon aale will mark the rran<l oJ>('.ning ot Sav·On'a newut, unit, located In the Loa Ale.a. Shopping Center at &.II· The pl&Jnttff• aaaerted MM& pve Kine and By•n a • ll!.600 promleory nott' which. In turn. wu endo'-i over to them. Tl\e plcllnUrfa clalmed I.ha defendant re~ to payorr the due date. tllna.nd Bl&ly. IO. of 1903 Santa More. than a quarter • mlWOll AA& Ave., Ooet.& Mesa. Mau will dollar. In ronstrurtlon pennlta be °"lebrat-s tomorrow at 10 L m l In 8t. JoachlJD Catholic Ctlurcll haYe tw.-n 18110~ by Co•ta Mua .,. wttb lb. Rev. Tboma11 J , Novln city bulld1nic dt>pa.rtmtnt dUTID9 flowtr and 8tt'arna Sb. AupenUnc the COU1plete tacl-uu .. ot, the center, Bav-<>a •wtn orter eelt-eervtce .. vtnp In all druc and eundry needa, tor-ther with eomplete Mrvtee In camera, tobacco, liquor and candy aec- Uoea. HlchllJbtl-s the coemellc d~ Ogle Voices ) Cou~tJ Views at State Assembly Meet partment 18 the huge hosiery bar, BANTA ANA, NOV. JlllOCNS) 1 made t o any c ity along Callfor· featuring Sav-On'a complete atock County CouMel Joel 1 1e will n18 •1 coastline. of •h&de-. •Is e 11 and denier. voice Orange County's 1 ,, w1 at The com m It lee dlsc1a1lone Nation&! b.-..nd coametlc11 and per-an A .. emble Interim Committee chiefly writ ~ <'f'nlert'd on Long fume• .,.. available In· all price meeting tomorrow and FT1day In &.&ch Rarbor. The city received ianru. nc &ach. a alate grant and then proposed Regiatered pharmacl1t. are on Tbe committee wlll conduct a to UM' nroney gainf'd from tldt''- duty during au working houra to two-phue hearing on 1ub1I· la.nd oil royalties In Improvement. •trve preacrlpUon nttd11 t·rom dence and the Allen Biii provl-ouL11lde tht' tiarbor area. om c1aun1. ~ put nine day•. accordlnl' to )ba. Bl&ly ctMd Sunday at Hoa& BuUdlnc Ortlcla.I A. J . Volz. Pe"" Ho11plta.1 after a brter lllneaa. He mJta iaaufd ror major C'Ommercial wu a naUve of Poland and oamt an4 realrlenUal building tol&l• to thl.1 state In 192:1. had lived $262,Sle. h.:re tor ell'h.t yean. He waa a W. R. Gordon took out ,: $41.000 30 year member of Puadena l!llu ft)(fge 872 and a mal• nU('M by permit for addlllOna to Van'• pruft>ulon. • Bowllll1 alley al · 1703 Super\~ Survivors are hi• wlt•. Pearl, o( An . Nov. a with ~out.h Cout tfie homt; three da urhten, Mn. OONltnicllon u contrartor. Marie Turner· ot Altadana. K rw. Monday T. F. Thal took out Tresa M. Wlltte of El Monte and pennlta for a workahop and faC• M111· Mery Bialy ot ChJeag-o; a tory at• U1~7 Placentia Ave. fM a.on Alfrf'd. Hawthome; two lt2,IOO and a workNiop at 1930 grandchildren and a great·cra.nd: Pl&centla Ave. for $34.~00. Paci• 8-0n. lnterment will be pHvate. nc La.mlnatu' · expanalon. J'. m. McKee waa lt•led aa con traetor. "Indian giving." NEW YORK NOON COMMlllNT Coppera malntaJn a firm tone COMPILED BY 8. C. GARSIDE ln the wake of hlcher ecrap pn1:e9, CDEAN WITI'ER A CO.) SANTA and Aluminum Ltd. advanced to ANA. NOV. H. IOCNS) -The & new NC<>V-o' hlch. Sav·On'a alwaya fresh 1tocke of alone. According to the 11ute. the roy· the latet1t preacrlbed drug•. Sub-Counly Board of Superviaora alUu were to ~ earmarkN •t&ntiaJ .. v1n1e are offered In yuterday moved to aend Ogle to atrlctly for harbor development... After nve lettera protNUng 8av-On'a complete line of vitamins. the 11e11.11ion11 when Chairman Wll· The Allen Bill would allow the acalnat & playrround and buebaU A.mple parklnl' I• available and 111 WArn .. r 1111ld lie would be un-.Ute to take back the grant and dia mond on Ocean Front between the atore wtll remain open 9 a.m. able to.attend. UM the money gained from Lonit to. 10 p. m .. eeven d&ya a week The supervlaora lnatructed Os· Beach Harbor oil d1r.in1r elae· Supervlaor C. M. Featherly ob· served: "I'm against any t&JW\C back ot grant.. The money •hould !!!lay ln tbe city where the srant lle11." Ora.nee County ha1 JT&nta at Newport &acb and Huntlnst-0n &ach. and poulbly Lai"uaa 8e11.ch, accordlt11C to Ogl•. Q. I!. Wataon ye1terday wu 1. .. l\led permits totallnc 171.934 f~ tour 112.084 duplex •tructureai and hvo Ill.MO duplexu local.ad In the 2100 bloek-of Charif' Drive. ..,.._ W. Pope 11 contractor. Thuraday Douitlu R. and KaJY &. Ward took out a $30,280 Jle"" mit for con11tructtnc a mulUpl• buUdU.ir at 1921 Maple St. A and B etrMte w~" received by to Mrve Loa Alto• re~lc1enta. u le to oppoae any elate acUon .tin· where In the atate. Newport Bftch city council. per· -11 u the outlytnc are· ... ed at reclalmtn1 Udelande rranta Warner called lhe propo11al. market encountered early trncul-• s.a,ct.ed lmprovement ta t.&kma' a rlty u profit t&Jc.lnr wu felt In place In the &Jrcra.tte, with Dour- Mveral of the recent le&dera. 1u reapondlnC to fUrther contract. Montgomery Ward aetUed back, awude and Republic Aviation firm altbo~h aupport la cornina" In In a.nUclpaUOn of a year-end etocJt ao'lla clrculatll\I' a petition to ea---------- ------------·· around yellt41'da.y'a beu breakout payment. , point. which la conatrucllve. The mark•t aa meuw'9d by the Meanwhile, lntereat hu to ro-Dow Jonea la In a reftlt.ance a~& tate and la belf16 maintained In ao that profit. tak1n&' la natural. Hlec(ed motori. ateela, • metala, Some IMuee bt.va experienced oU. and apeclalUea. Dividend newa 1hup satna ao that corncUona and anllclpaUona are f1vorin1 In· are to be upected. Amo~ ~ tluencd. American Cyana.mld re-we 'llfOUld fa vor particularly on •ponded favorably to Ila declara· wea.kneea a.re Mont1omery Ward. Uoa &nd demonatutu (ood ab-Americ"1' C)tanam.ld. C h r}'. I I e r. a«pUon power. Royal Dutch and Bethlehem"'st .. 1. CHBY!llZll UP Dow ,_ 1 p.an. Ave1"9Cea ChryaJer bounded throuch Into 30 Induetrla.la .. -··· 4N.90 ott 0.17 new h~h CTC>und at the openln•, 20 Ra.Ila ......... 181.26 up O.lf then au~uenUy uaed aHghtJY. 15 Utllltlea ....... H.. 75 unch&Jlced Thia breaJcout renecta confidence 1 p. m. volume: 1,SS0,000 v .. not only that the tlnLI qu&rter l.U0.000 on Tueaday. 'Will produce excellent e&mlnp . N-Yorti l ..... 8toek Pric8 bui alao that the company'• re· America.n Telephone ........... )81" eovery w1IJ be well·ma.lnla.lned In Anaconda ........... ~.................. 731' lta attempt lo capture 20 per cent. Chryaler ....................................... 100 or the automobUe market. DuPont . .• . ................. -2U~ 8tee1-ware aided by the dividend General Electric -······-.. ···-··· 49,. lr\Creue of National Steel, u wail Oaneral Moton -................. IH "- u turlher comments regudlnc May Co. .... ... . . ..................... U % n-1ed price lnCre&N•. BethlViem N-York Central RR ............ 44 ~ 08teel appeart atlraetlve In the North American Aviation .... en~ sroup, while we alllO feel Younp. 8&.teway Storea ..... .. ... 49'4 t-0"M1 8tffl la temporarily behind Southern Calif. Edleon . ... 52 the rroup. Excellent. -.rnlnca ..,. Solath,m Paci.tic RR " . P1• hance the potentlal of J onea It 8ta.ndard Oil of California .. 87" La~hlln. which a.ttordl a very Union 011 of California .... .. ... 53 reuonable 5 per cent return. US StHI .. .. ............. 681' Llltheran School Plans ..____ ... ealed to -Mesa-Plannm "eelre1 to relocate ext11llnr build· t&bllah the play&T<>und decided to <lrop the a ction, accordlnc to Rob- ert Glncrtch, dlrecr ot recrea- tion, who wu told lhe council to inveettcate It. The petition actually didn't. reach the •ta&'• ot bet~ preH11ted before t.he council, Otncnch aid, ao no action wu taken by that body. Member• of the Park, Beach aDd Recreation Commilelon. h ow- ever, dlacuued the ma tler tut. nl1ht. The commlu lon ·.ao we11t over e,1tlet.lng city tree ordlnancee re- ga.rdlng the clty'a poUcy for re- moving' tr«• from parklnf atrlpa after the council received a J>C'-ll- llon for the city to remove tr - on Pearl Ave. Commlulonera qned that the lr"9 may be re- moved " the property ownera' own upen.ae and that another tree must replace each one removed. Pea.rl Ave. realdenta aay the lJ'ffa are danguoua ~UM of their belfht and are eonatantly aheddinc leavea. An arrMmant. will be worked out by the Pa.rk commlaelon which will enable the city to take over more reaponalbU.lty in aupervia1on ot clty-IChool recreation areu. ln the p&et recreation a.ctlv!Uee on the ecllool •rounde were conducted by tbe 1ehoola wtt.b lhe city con' trlbutln~ UpenH money. A pro~ public reatroom on Balboa leland. re/erred by the council for at Udy. a.nd recommend- ation, wu ta.ken under advtae- ment. Gingrich eald there la a r.atroom at the ferry landlnf now and lhe only olllerilre .-VITI«bts at present la at the 1•11.Dd tire 1tat1on. P1a.na for a Lutheran· 11<:hool tor the Harbor a.rea were revea.led by ReT. L. W. Torl\ow of Christ Lu· theran Cburch of Coeta M~ll& MOC1cla7 when he appeared before the Meea plannlnr commlaslon to reqwnt a variance to relocatf' ellilUn& bulldlnp on the iolte. IQp u well u "•pread out" fU· -------'-------tore bulld1ng1 tncludlnr the plan-' ned achool. Joillt Meet Dec. 1 M.r. Tornow aa.ld plane for the Khool are only In the preliminary •tac• but at. leaal the flrat· two 1Tlldtt wouJd be taught wht'n the aichool 11 eatabll11hM. The proPfJr- ty •• on Victoria St. east or Pia· «ntla Ave. · Althourb thtre were no pro· ·SANTA ANA; NOV. ie, roc:-is) teata at the or1c1Dal public bur· -Orance County Board ot Sup. Ing, Bo&rd Cbalrman Wa.lter Wei· ervlt10r11 wlll meet with Rlvrr111de mn aald a.nother public hea.rlnit and San lffmard.lno Countv WU now neeeuary anl1 aet Nov. board.I of lllJ>eTVl90tl at 10 .. m. 21 u tM da.te. Dec 1 al Riverside. Ha told t he comm1aa1on 1 pub- lic lle&nnC" had previoualy bttn beld lo r ain approval of the u1e oc 4 acru of the property for chureb purpoa.a. Since then the Lutheran church bu acquired 11n addlllonal acre., he llllld. and now PERRETT CASE OoeUawd ,,,_ 1'1"t ..... Le Verne'a hand. lJJE8 AT R08PITAL SCHOOL SITE C-ttaDeod ,..._ Flrat ~ W ro atie.d with the new addlUon to Newport Harl>or Hl(h School wu made becauae preffnt en· rollment bu fu.exCHded the e9ll· mated enrollment of lut aprlnr. Even lhou1b lht' need t. gttal, he Mid, It wtll be a mlnlmum ot a year and th~ montha before the cluaroome wtll be ~ady. Woman . Sufftn Cuts in Crash P.rrett died In Hoag H<>11plt11.I J uele Jay Murphy. 65. of 2270 or NVfrt head lnjurlea a few Channel Rd.. llU/fered painful houra at\er be wu UMUlttd '"e cuta a.t 4 :SO p. m. Tue~y ~f'dlnr Miu Baker to lM when her car wtnt out of con· •land u thr 1tate enught to build tral u aht waa rnaklnc a U·turn up the foundation It hopu will at l9th St. and Balboa BIVd. and bring about a ronvlctton by a fo11r· 111truck an Edi.on Co. powt!r ~e woman. tl(ht·man Jury wert the l'UY wire, police reported. d~IW'd'I father. J!H' Pl'rrett M d Woman and child ~net" attractive Marlene Bower. doM fri•nd of tht victim. 8uptrlor court jud«e John Shea l"ICeMed lrlal at 4 ;31> p. m. e W •terf ront Duplex 2 br. unit up Ir l br unit dn . .lellct. marine proJWrty. lhd.khea.ded Ir you can have a pier It no.t: W•ll lout~ Oft Rlvo Alto. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL end HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMBCIAL SICUllTY PATIOL Kl 2·7027 IALTZ MORTUARIES mAPm. ltY TIDD DA -•OoMtm..a. ear._ ... Mar, Ca&lf, ,,_.. Ba"-u ridlnc In I.he a.uto eacaped In· jury. Mn. Murphy waa taken by ambulance to a printe phy•lclan for treatment. She told officer• ahr couldn't #lralghten out her car after making the U·tum. lt went ovecr the lllvldlnc atrlp and 1lruck the ruy wire. ahatlerlng the wtndahleld. offlcera Mid. ""~' ..... • CIN•IOOA IUOAI LOM ••• 23' ... ...... .., ,..... . UOMJJB ••• 4e. 2S .. , .. .... ~ ........ . ~-~~~ OOftA ..... . ,. ........... ClOllOllA Da. II&& -o..t ...,. ~ LAOUJlfA a.Am .......... ........... .......... DWl'OllT a&<m .. o..I ...,. - .. MM1A~~#rfa-· .... S• F•VIAY (:HECK YOUR HOLIDAY NEEDS N O W! ~ther yov ore planning o buffet 1praod or lrodltion,,. '-ify ........ ....._ ~ .._ way hot e.,erytf,i"9 fot o truly glamorov1 feo11 ot -prl1~y low ~ or MINCE PIE .. POllCENTEILOCUT1t 10•" ..... $ftc OIWHOlEFUllPOIKH .. rlOll ·4Ac T_..--:--~~~~~~~ IWI ,. 7 . IHI' tit 7 . raM•Ca's 'a ftda's tlC 8ftle• • ., PORK LOIN CHOPS·= '"'6sc = ~.sc :w~= '=": '"::ll' BEEF RIB ROAST ... ,s~~r~:,~Mff ..... 6~ SWED PKwS·r SLICED BACON.!::;'~~ !.!49' SWED PICKLES :. MAYONNAISE '::' PUMPKIN SPICE =:: VEAL Roll lonelen-fro1en 45 fine for roottlne •· C PORK SAUSAGE ':'o'!'!.:~~::;49' CORNED BEEF ~i~·t~"·' .. 45c GROUND BEEF ~~.::1.~:~f .. 39' At Safewoy onfy one kl"«f of turltey 11 ao1c1 ••• o ,,.rfK•· eotinQ turliey thot will come cwt of yow -en oolden. brown, tenct.r. juicy, ond flo. vorful. Safewoy g110rontee, "'-tvrirey hot pos.etl o rigid 00"~"-' in•pecllon ond It ef Gfode A quolity. hhcer. CHUNKTUNA ~ RUBBED SAGE = GROUND SAGE = ~ 17- PUDDJNGS .~-:U':. l = 25• SNO-WHITE SALT'::'z:t »: 12' JANE ARDEN COOKIS =':_·:; 19- HOMOGENIZED MU =" ~ 20i c noaa mo11U .,..., ............. <FrNa1ca •..-.1 .....,. ............ or.cl •.. jutt 1tu4' ond ·-•'' .. 7' •. rt PEISIMMOflS .. 19' OOLOINOLoea RECuiAI sm 'IO'S White, CH-. '-ti, 'r.-0-. COIKDITUTED MU :=-.: •tYt Mll.J< PRlCE.~ QUOTED A.RI: LOCAL MILK ARICA •EL-AIR FROZl:N FOODS . CORN ON THE COB ~';' 2-----.:.15c FORDHOOK UMAS '9:".Z-'C:::: 21c ·CAULIFLOWER I "C:::.';' '=: 21c FINI GIANULATID a.a. 39c fquolly deaira~ fw tobta ond coolil1t9, ~ ... ..,,.,,.,.~ KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR !!•S• '~89' PEANUT BUTTER ~:O':'C:::' .. ~--:;35. 't.;.•9' MAYDAY SALAD OIL .!:21• .:•9' SANDWICH SPREAD ::::=..,. "':59' WINES .......... •-ote l, Totroy. l'ori, ~rry ::.55' ~~ 1.37 Fidel is v-. ..... w ........................................... . ..,..,A ....... ._l~...._~ 1722 Newport ·Blvd.; Costa Mesa· PLENTY OF PAU.ING ON' LAJ&GE PAVED LOT . ' .. Colored ..... ...... . ..... ........... & ... .... ,.,,,... .... ...._,.. ... _I •• . ···.· • .. # •• ~ .... .. u .... ....,.,. .... ............ 32• ............... .._ .......... ............. 179 Wa•t• Basket Of,.,,......,.. .. ............ _ ........... . PolT DW.pan .............. -....... 11· ................ ...... _100 Pad & Cower . . , ............. .... 1.Jt ....... .... ~ ....... . 8P lulce Container ~.......,... ..... .......... -.. .. _., ...... Canister ... . '"·' .. ............... ......... '·"· SP ... '~ ' 1•• ,, ..... Rack 01lr 1 ....... .............. .,._,.... 11•. PTrex ...... Al ....... .... ., ......... ..... ......... 4P Fowl • .Lacer ................ .. ... ":.:: ... ...... ....... ....... 6' . -I(' f (' IJ L'\ M ~ '• A ' ' A• "I 1 . .... ·- Double Scoop Cone ....... _ .... _ ... c.-. Hand Peele Pint c:-.,., 4tY. -• lu -. Hand Pack Quart ... -...,,. ....... Yi ·Gallon Carton Wl4e doeke f//I ~lie--. 3 -s ·allon Carton -. .... _...._. ____ , Malted Mille ~ ..... 11oe· .............. 14 ...... Ice CrHm Scoop u. ..... , .......... .....,".-· I•-------------Chocolate Syrup ........... ·· '···-· ...... ..... ,,,., ......, ... ................. . ............ Keno Alarm l.M ...... ._, ............. ............. 1•• Dish Drainer .... Cloth• Garber'1 laby Food "" .... 1.94 ••rl•lt••· • 'Training Penh ~ v•n . "'"''• ,,...._ Crib Sheets ~ ••• ,....,..,. llrn4. Gauze Diapers u .... r ...... .._ _ .......... 1.ircl .. ye Diapers ,_. c;, .... tire-'. JMr' ........ Receiving llnkeh ,.. ....... -·--· Slumber Wrap ... _... ....... '*""• ..... "'" '"'· • L-' ........... ___________ _ ......... ,. .. . ' J' .... ,h ... t ..... , ..... .............. .............. ................ . ' 51 Gauge 15 Denier .NYLON HOSE 2 . Fashion Right, Serviceable, Smooth -Sheer, Scff Color Scams, Reinforced Heel end Toe Latest 1956 Shades parrs COTY· PERFUME BELT FOB WATCH v .......... ~-·f c . t' •• , .... ,, •. t ••Rcet, L·o ,,9 ... l 'Af,..e.t, i "'• r . •"'• ., ....... -109- A " t I °' 11 1 e•" •' Fn•ch tll•., with ...,w...... ., ...... '""'•• ., , ••• 1 •• 695 COMPACTS 6 0" •• • > ••• , ,, ..... l• .. j1ttlc ''"'P•cft, ••••' ~..... ., .i.i ... ,. •ilh ,,.,.., ...... 179 FINE .. COSTUME io. JEWELRY Oi. 'enect your enMft'lbi. fre...I our ~ ef Mtrin91, pins, ne~" end brecele+a . . • every item ~refvlly ..i.ct.d erwl of +fie fin .. + ~uelity. 00 .... ~·'\*' Greetin9 Card, ,., .... ua.d •"4·•••. '"left .... ~ 6c 3.95 10,., 99c u • GI. Preu 1·1 8M.M. hwnie ]7 5Q Wi9' ....... , ...... ...... • R;l .. OVtf.t 9 75 ....... "Hellh•·· '"· • ... 2 • 11 o ............ •'••v• n •• h ...... . hit h"I poteftcy •.. •"' ••• "'"•• Mt<i•h •rt ~ce .. p:ed 101•1., ...., ,., • ,,,;,fi•tt• .,., •"-' v•• wftfl•·· tlt .... i1t9 •I u c .. u te <O'"IPou11dlltf. All ....... ,..,..._ A-. 6 ......... -·---....,.,....., ....... ···•'41 7 ........ . .......,.,.....,, ....... , ... 16.Dl1 ••Y' C..., ..... •lerf feM. I 17 ......... ' ..., ,... wltt. *"It fece 11.1 •••••• a... , .. _., ,..1ce "" tllf 1•.2 c u .... ..................... ~ ,.~ ............... 23·C PlaT• Offlciel •I•. •lfll l"'f•"'• 24.85 .... le"9 of fv11 fir fhe f,,,.u, .. 25 ...... Bull ................................... 11:.. ...... iil'm~--- \/ • . .., p ans ;n;ursday in ••• and these· bargains help t e the occasion. J ':rl•tte Ill C .,,. .. fetf• • a . ~ ,.!~~ 15•• _ ........ 58' ... ,, ........... ..-. ...... i;,,.... 6" I ...... .., ..... !Nfi... - .:::.~! ... 7H ' 11 ... L•alt ·4r• "•h:h -··-i.'ra•p"·~ 4r• . 11" 111,i-. -:~,~~ .G'!!''~-219 }~~.'!.·...._ 119 ........ 2 .. !.~ ... !':!•• 319 ... ,•• _ ltlcll 4•1 , 99•1p • ..... ,. _____ ~ .......... 991 . !!.!!,~..... 7~· 1'11• ~ __ 11•1 JO n 21 21 Qi· m Atllud•ltle ........ ...... ' a-,. ...... ...,.._ 11-n.· lecb ._., ,_ • .................... ..., ..... ~"" ..., ........ ., ........... S's . Zee Lundi lags -~paperlta91 Wax lap• t<tt.heft C•rm, 1• ft. Aluminum Fol 4 .... ate Hfoet rell lolllty Pins llhi!Mler tJ,..-. oerd ef n 2 1w 15c Ivory Soap '"MMI l&a- ,be,.2 c Dial Soap Teli.t eN, 2~.-1tc ! Dlal Soap .... " "' ... 2w•~2tc 14'6L Ajax -3 ~";25c l'M.,.lnt CIH nMr Scour Pads Cho,.. 0 1'4, "•• 10o copper 11.-de• Shlnola Polish All ,_.., •• ,_,. .... fltf . 10o P&nna Press Mop Cf\,.._ ......... Millt·lft Wf'ltl.., 2'' Sav-on Motor OI 1.A.S. IO·~ -lt ht . , . qt. U ft ~~~:~,~~~~at 5~ Gall• of P•ex 41c Tiie ............ Mtlett bleaoll Dot Food '"'""' ,. N. .... 15,··1 00 • M111.11•1u . ...-• -----• Jiii i . Sta. ..... er.. -~~~~-.. ~:··"•"''~·S~GDH~·t•I •'"',..a . .._ .. ,.. ~-4i~t'' 1111••" -;. • '444 T...., lwt. Id Cltl • 1Hldln.tSt.lllll•• • Jl11.S.hfltMllt., .... R U9lif; 4 95 w::.:"11 .. ,..__., 11 " • • tl7JlllmmAtm1 ...... • e..l:Meidlel 9c a. ................. , ¢.~ l:l:o!.:' 2 ..., 9c 'rince a;+ 89c en-""' ... •· ... • IHlta .... llt.~ • 15111 Cf911111 IW ........ • U411Sllalml.,,lmU • Hll I. S&jJll:t:ll .... ,_.. ._ ______________ . --..... ,..... .......... Liii .... • , --~· ..... ... . ... .... ,,,, ........ .. ..... 491 - ........ p ••••• ............ ............. , ... ....., .... .... ..,. . ·:.™2'9 ....... ... .... . --............ .............. lteet ......... ....... ,... Hot Watw ...... Vitemht "B-12,. 53c • ........ .... ...... 0 ... ....... Vitemi11 .,C" 50c .................. ' ........... ·II · . ........ ~ ..... ...... ... ..... ... .. ... ... . 2-1· .._._,..... ........... ,.._ __ . ......... .... ......,. .. .... . ........ .... . 43• ....... ... ,.et ........... ..... ... ,. ..... .......... ......... ... o ....... ...... . . . .. .............. ......... 5c ............ -....... ... ~-.. .. 169 VJt•min "E" I 09 .. _________ • __ ............. .,... .......... . Vltemina "A & 0-65c .......... a-,.. ............ Vitemin "B Complex" 98c ..._ p ... •••.._au., • ...-........ ....... ......,. , ........... a le , II I Dioelcium Pho1phete 55c 5,.. , .. .... 11.M , •• a. .. th , • • I•_.... ...... I!~~~r.~~:!:~:.~~~---2.85 .. ___________ _ 100 A1piria .... , ............... -~ 11~ I 000 Saccheri n 29c " .,..i. ••• -".--... I I.Ju. ~1om S.•ltt lell-K •t M4 -•Mtee. 19c Rubbing Alcohol ,.~ .. ..._.,,1_......., ..... 9c Doz. S.:er!!itories "'"" ., ola • ' • Styc::!! 17e Non-Sterile C~n 39c ,_ . ' ..... ---ltllt. light Mineral {)ii" 17c -...-'~-... ,.... Petroleum Jel y · ...... _ .......... , .. ..,. 9c Cemphoreted O il ... ........ , ... ,_ _... • 11' -9c - 6C•p p., ....... ....... c... ... ........... ............ ...... ...... ·~ ,., ... , ..... ..... ... ...... ............ ..,_ 15• ...... ... ........... .... .......... ........... •• I ' .. ,. wsw:ceu ...... 591 • - MIGHTY CUTE SAi LOR! You don't have lo watt untll the annual homecomlnc ram• to .;.. what the NewpOrt Harbor Hllh School campua haa to HARIOR fO~ " fair Rac~ng Gets Backing 8JLL pmu .ws, Sports ~!tor '. . 'AvE 6 • PAllT I ::r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~ WEONE~A Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 COlONIST GRIDS HOLD BIG LEAD OVER SAILOR SQUADS Anaheim, the det111dlnc SunNt U.gue football champion, hu a huge lt'ad on N-port Ht.rbor Hl~h School In rrld ppiu won. Since 11132, the Colonl1ta •how 17 vlctoric>• over Sa ilor eleven• with only fin loaaH and • •lnrle tie. After the Mrlet opened, the Tara batllPd through nfnt ramu before acorlnr • touchdown on Anaheim. Th11t occur· red IA 19U when the local crldlron (Oll&tha acored. 12 polnta, IOlllDC 11·12. Ba<'k In 1938, the laUora held the rlY11l11 to a •corell'M deadlock. Flral Sailor triumph wu overwhelming when It finally came In 1942, the Gobe pourln( It on 64·0. Other local Wln• over Anaheim came in JIM4, 7-0; 19H, 38·19; 1949, 37..ao. with the lut victory 36·13 ·in 19~. Anaheim hu copped four •t,..lc-ht, rlobt>t>rtnr the SaJlora 40-20 tut IM!UOn. AnahPI,;., wln1: 1932, 19·0: '33, 13-0; '34. 13-0; '36. 6·0: ·se. 19·0 : '37, 12-0: '39, T·O:, ·40, 11--0; 'u . 18·12: ·43, '1-e: '46, 241·13: '441, 13-0; 'SI, 14--0; 'IU, 14..I; ':1%, 13·7 : 'M, 3t-13; '64, ·~20. HOMER PROVES FATAL Mesamen Fall into 3rd as Corona Cops · 6-5 Confe$f 01....c:tors of the <>nnce Coun· ty Fann Bureau. have ion• on record lhrourh a rel!Olutlon u ac· tivel,v 11uppo~nK the pl'opoul to get a horur1u:lng prol(ram al the Ora;{ge County Fair. The re.oh1llon favored efforu ot the 3Znd A?,rlculture Oiatrlct <tirerlo111 1•10 l!•'t a racln: pro- -;ram In connt'<:llon with {he Or· a.nge County Fair, 111 or<ltr to further I m p r o v e the Oranice Courli\y Fafr and to develop Ule ::ilrgrouna• lnlo a year-around .-.. creal 1011al rac1l11y." Thi• farm bun•au Jlreclor11 took he o r l 1 on atler JeJ11lln(: that Wivali' 1nte1 est3 have made ap- 9'.lcatlon for horioera cmg 1n 0 1 · inge County while the fair di· t'CtOr• Jate11 Board. have requult'd from lhe Stale ra<'lng Racing RIVALS NIP OUT 27-26 FLAG WIN Jl'our\h grade flait (OOtb&lll'rll ot Harbor Boyr' Club dropped a 27 -28 dt>cl11lon to ffunUncton Bea~ Recreallun Team1 Friday atternoon. otter by way or beauty, becauaa there 11 ..i-,. a Gob of ~ twc;>-run homer in the nlnth with one out gave pu1cl.r1tude whenever the Sa\Jor baton twlrlera take lbe field. Corona'• Merchanu a 6-:S triumph over Coeta Meaa'a Mer- The 11lnrle wing attack o( the looal cnew accounted f o r foul' touchrlowna and two conversion• while Hunlln(lon .Beach rolled to Ulree co:iv"111ona after l<'Orlnc the 1!8me number of TDll. __ H_e_re_11_a_c_h __ o_1ce_e_llMll __ P_'e_._-_~_ta_11_Pti_ot_o __________ chanta m---()ra.qe Couty Wintff Bueball League 'on the • HaT'Ohi -Orf'm Wtflt 16 ye~a M the firat play of the ~mP to make It 6·0 In favor of the I0<'11l1. Huntington bounced b • c k and acored on a elfhl yard p•118 play from Ro~er Oodttard to Gary Ben· 10n to knot Ule cou11t Goddard Ulen ran for th• converalon. Har· bor bounct'd be<'k u Tailback Tim Patrtc:k atlrled ri(tlt •nd for 18 yard1 and a louchdowfl tor a 12· 7 lead. SMITH REVEALS PLAN FOR NEW GOLf CLUB ANJJltlM. (0CN8) -"W• la· want a, pool lart• enoup for ttnd to atart bulldlnc tM Yorba membtra to accomodate famlU• Ltnd& ft&nch and Country Qub and ru•ta." .aid Smith. by Jan. lit and wUl inake It one "We wtD .tvt coutrvctJoa u ot the ttn•t prtnt• CCNJl\rJ chabe 800ft u poAlble. u nvythin.c a. ill Ole nation," a&Jd Lido 1-l•'• lde&I Ll)d we nm lnto no prob- P'ottat Smith, premdent ot the a.m..._.-. c<IW'al ~ be 111 pLIJ C\octl Country Club in Wllltt.ler bJ July. On UM ~r laud. It w1lo recenUy took over ~Ip nm lnto e'lrery problem ln the '•t the p'l"OJ>trUH. book. '"'.11 ti. ta pl&J 'by UM tol- lmlth made hll ,....,.._ Mtore i..nq. , _ _.. lrnl~ aptallMd a mMUnc ot lh• Anabetm Oolt amtth aunfd Mu Hora, Yke /.MOCi~otl ~Uy at WJllo-pNllldent Of tM C&lltornla 1'ullt W1ck Ooll Club. . o1 ~~ N m • m 'b • r • IU ' "lt LI UUlJ • ~ ,.._ el at --· property.'' e&td Smith. ''""'9 roll-_____ .._ _____ _ "'I hlll1 llA Ideal for a ptf BLOCKS PUNT COUl"M· I tnted t o make It a com-1 plel• family dub. with enry· SETS UP WIN thins fol' wt.,.. and chlldHn of 11Mmber'9.'' Smith al80 polated out Ulet the ~a...-..... to~to TOOO yard.I wtllcti trill &«e>modatt champtonlblp tournament.a ot any call~r. The courw arcl\ltect ll HUT)' R.alnvllle. who delll(Md lba 11\un· derblrd Oolf Couue ln Pe.Im Sprtnp e.nd Ule DeMrt Ina In Lu v., .... PlaN aa.o ca.U tor an utrem•· ly·modern ('lubhouw w I t h u lar1e a -lmnrtnc pool u ll phy· aicaJly po98lble to conat.ruct. "l Bill Brockman block~ a Jl'l&ftt o n th • Huntlnctoe Beech .30 1&N l&oe i.-,... the way fol' a H ·ll flfUI (Rde P'la.( lootbell w1n O,,.T tluntln~ Bead• P'r1day ... ternoon at Ule 011 CUJ. <ffn• P11a.terr-I acored UM tlrtt ~tor the locala a.flu p&uln1 lo end Gary Macner who went H yarda to the one before bti"I' downe4. Palatem alao con· vert.ed. J o h n n y lAtflnpell Ml up Ole ~ond KOre wltll a II yard run In the ftaal q u art e r "'1th RWIUnftOft a b-d U ·T. On the nut play he pitch~ out to ChucJl Ka· bll for the TD. Lettlnp.al corn•erted on iua end nm. H1rbor Boys in 41-13 Flag ·Win ltl(blh mete n a r roolb&Dere of IUD IALL Harbor Boy•' Club took • 4~U ram• from Huntin(ton BMeh on the local tleld l'T\<U.y acvrnoon. John Slnllle balsted lhroul'h Lo 'block a punt on Ole one yard lint In the Clnt quarter to Mt up the tlr•t acore. Tommy Sand.oval wmt over on e. l~f\ end 11Wee, for the llC'ore and lhe flnt quarter ended Little Loop Directon in Member · Drive W\\h the locat. In front &-0. NeWJ>Ort Harbor LllUe Lurue JerTv Hf'hn hit Pete P'Mther-held a rttmt .meelln1 to f\irtbet aton ,;IUI a 10 yard TD J>&M to na Uonally knqwn llld bueb&U In open the l@Cond •l•nsa. Hehn thwl C<irona del Mar and oUler H.,.. f&l!ed -back to throw Ted Had· area atttlon11. accof'dln1 to C'Mlr· dock a oon~ralon pu• to ma ke It rnan Bob Bla<'kwell. Name of tM 13·0. Brian LUcu lntucepted a &TOUP waa octlcla.IJ7 a,iproffd at f)&a ud ~ced b8ck 34 JUd• tor the •..ton for tre.achlae pur• another-llCOrt Nld Steve Rolrinaon poaea. · · ._.nt for the convertlon on an ''l'l.esldenta of othn ar-.. t.J\.,; eftd around. thoee orirWJly planned for u1• With the acore 20-0. Dtan P er· IH(Ue ha.f '9q\1Httd lnclualClll .. -nt tn to block anothet" punt. In the 1--.U• boundarlea." 8l&cl1:• "9COftf' the b&ll and run fOf' a web anno\lnud. 'Ttll1 "'111 be touchdotnl lo make It K-0. Ian· talrftl up at a mMtlnr plamled' don.I W'ttlt around l•ft end abort· tor later Ull1 month atnce n~ IJ an.rwarda to mall• lt II~ and IMNndarl .. t6r th• lftCV• 11&..I H•hll puNd to Haddock t• t.be not hen a,ipro•ed." . eea....ion. Locu ru left end for Mtmb&nlli,, cuda are a-.~ .o 7fol'da and another 8CIOft and for t.boee wt.a baft uked \o LucN con..ned °" a tu1n1ack t.be project. Blaelrw.U 1&14. ........ Hat.iqtOD ...net Oii lluello -· Dick HU.bud ..,.. .. .... ,..... lat. lll u.. ,..... ..... ol u.. ............. , ctrt..] ~ the rws •• A ~ let&« to the .,.. •• .......__ 4a-Utt.le X....,.. c1treet.n m ....... ......,. Ywn at ·m.drwelre ..... TIO _.,. cha'9 wu dnn.d ~ wW 4w .. -wmac tlM .,_,. ..,..... .,.. pn ~ ,... ~ '""'41419 ........... t .. u. ... n..-.. .... ., ...... ( ..w. wit.la Uw ~ ..., ..... to 11 ., ... -M7L -1 .......... .aNtt .......... .., .... -..U.C a&ULa. ~. lMt _..... ~ ... ~"j .,... .. u.. tint ................ ~ wUl .,_. ....... ..._. .. " 111114 to .. tlM WS. Je" t.uu-., u.. ..., 1oa9 at u ...... mo'c••--. la -"--lllASJal -c o1 NOi ,_ ....._ ~ 8Waelt.M ........ ro..,._.. ,....... . ...,.,... ~ a.. .A.I ~ V.,t 8wtt-''*M .._U. ..._ 1-muell low ........... ,.......... -... tt wtU aalJ .... to eoY .......... c ... SANTA ANA. (OCN'll -Mt. 8aa .A..lltGft6o'I MO'lllU. llilOWed their Eutem Ooftf...-clua. P'rlCl•y nl(tlt. onf'WMlmlnJ UM Ballta Ana Doaa. 4CM. In Munlcl• pa.I Bowl be,.., • ,.,, .. c .... t .-. tor U.. ~._ .... , •t.'' . • OtMr ....... wUl 1-eouf~ tw Ult ~ '°JI ill tM -~ new ,..,_ .. t.euu to ........ P"P': _. -.atpm•t. ~ .aid. Nf fU'rth..-donauona ttom aponeerf .,.. ~rmlttecl under L I l t I~ i...cue ru"-. rival diamond Sun~y. The Jou dropped the Meaamen into a third place tie with their hoata. ' Next Sa.bbalh th• ,. ... macer• fielder'• cholca. an error and Bud· mu.t take on the eecond pl&ce dy Pierce'• aaunler broucbt about La Habra nlM at th• Coata ,.... lM other pelr ot dlab dent.a. Park orchard. Topp1111 th• loop MAlll: 'OAIN at tha. euce of th• winter -- -11 Oralll'I· oaAB L&AD Maaqw Bob Weta.I'• e,,_ ap· peand to 'ha" copped the conteet trom Corofta lun4aJ wllen they C&Dl• up wtth a run ln top ot th• aln'-ll to uaumt a 11·4 bUlC•· Wet.• Ml doubled, atole third and tal· lied oa a acrttke (n1 by Catcl\er Tony &Amllardo. 11M JoeeJ force. jumped Into a U\rM Na t.t9d Cn u.. tt,..t frame. DlnaJ ruspatricll •sled. ato&e leCClfl4, Md aeoncl on ~.u.i·a ~b&JC•· Lombardo'• atroU. a eot-• I•~ oee °" ~ MHla• men In bottom of the tint. but that wa• made up Ln the MVeJIUI when l"l~trtck came aero• on u ef'T'Or. tnneld o u t and hfo atroll.t. Thl'ff by Corona In bot· tom of the •lAJlaa knotted t.hlnp at 4-4. 11\•n came the cUma ttc ntnth. • With ,,tap.t.nC1l a t ahorutop I.lid Lee F!Wr at eecond, Wet· nl'a ere-tr alpped off five double playa. 8eYen mlacu.. a.lded In canoelllnc out tha. aterllnc anay ot twln-klllir,ip. The 011 City crew paced by Goddard and Benton came back with a aerie. of double reveru to c-o In front 13· 12. but Gary Rob- lnaon capped a local drive ui make It 18-13. Re 11cored nn • 11.ne buck and Jimmie Shipm an convertt>d on a wtn1back reverse to m•Jce It lt·U. Huntington countered wllh another touch· down by Goddard plu.e a conver· atoa by B:en.aon to ma.ke It 20· l II Two ta.achdowu by anan Lu· Crim 8Cl0rad on • band off from Patrick t o ma"kt the acore 2:1·20 cu aparked lbe O&aata to a 20·12 aod Stllpma.n *l'•ln convert.ad for l11lllllplll -Ole """''-lndMlaa. a 26·20 lead. HunUnston -.n•t Bob aJepl chipped ln a TD and to be out.coNd u they a,aln hit COOftr'9ion for the Gla.nta a.nd peydlrt and broke a 26·26 t I• Pete FMt.b«lllon add4l<l an •~t..ra whf'n Goddard roWIA:IMS left •nd The local• took lht ball on their Harbor 8o79' au• el(bU. (f&de dJ(tl.. own 10 and moved to the Hunt· A-.,__,....._........_.,,._.. ~ftspp'~ ~n JJ\ftbll~ aght "''lit~ o..,.,- doW'a top a Po t la the loo1' eoorld t~hdowl\a fw the lndla.na. Roblneon fumbled and ball ~u· Nov. I b1 ed(lnf J>9M Ufe Car• CU'""t at&ndlnp; Bravea, 4·1 ! alon WU loat U the wlnoer11 hf'ld cllaala 11-12. ,.,._,.bad to onrcome Cardlnala an d Olanta, 1·2: ln· 1t for lhe final two mlnutu ot w handicap ot tralltnc Ul• aoa.,.. dlana o-~. play u -o • t half time. liiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijj _______ ,;;;;;;;;;;;; ___ ._. 1'11• two t-.ma ww• deadlocked • f; 8 toe llral place prior to eonclu· ~ .I 0 B N 8 T 0 N • 1to• of tAe coot.-Mesa AlltO Wreckers Jim Cha.Ill pac.ct U.. Bran.a • , • ..,.. Aut4 Parta w1lb 11 polnta wtth 0-n Mcrar-Md AettMOrift land add1nc 7. ror the Carda. 80V'l'll OOA.8T 00. Z006 Pla.centia Ave. It.an Ro'blnaoe tallt.d 11 point.a. _,a J!ll_.,.n lllY'-Uberty l-'1011 Coate M-. ~1 c...u a and o.,.. Perea. GIGANTIC . END OF THE YEAR s ·A LE .. SAYE SAYE SAYE 20~o OFF ---., 1955 Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* , ______ _ TARS · MUST UNLEASH BEST GAME . . TO UP.SET .. GRID CHAMPS FRIDAY. Loss of Schultt Weakens on Defens• More ·n.an to per. l:XPlt<'T8 aA n'Ut \'an Hooreb<>ke l• •tlalled lht N!'wrort Harbor aquad will be up (nr Jl'rlc:tay nlrht'a fray. "Newport w-.. '--ned by app"-nt I,...· ot Quarterback oeo-e h•~ a back n&ml'd Berry who la ..-""' cu~ ...., • e one of the top runnlnc beck.a In Schuitt for the ctucial Anaheim club on the rival field thf' learue:· ht obeerwe. ''Tb• Friday ni~ht, it's obvioua the Newport Harbor High School ~~;r,:>:\11 ":r,a:~:t':.~k;::d-:= Sailora wiO have to come up with thrir best game of the Ful\t'rton. Wt>'•• xot\ to play a seaaon to atind.'a c;llance again11t the champs. · • beltt>r deren11lve_ cam• aptnat I · 1 b 1 th t If th llttl• Nt>wport than we did aplrut J'lll• t -8 110 o v ou11 a e doWnPd Orange re&•lntJ ~ Ta In thl tilt th Ill h lertnn In order to wtn:: ra w 11 • ey "' ave lustre ro1 thP 1'an1. C'Ome up with the prep upMt Q! Van'1 problt m may prove to be the 114'11AOn. y,.11. t'Vtl\ mor e up-Loaa or Schultt 11 not 1111 Mrl· the Tar'• blJpat advanl..-.. 1'1• 11ettlng thnn Sunta AnK'a 13·12 ou.. on ortenH u It 111 on ddt'nM Anaheim mentor I• trytn( to ltttp ~urpnn over lhe Gobi. Gee>f.Ct'. •Ion g wllh Fullbark hi!\ ooya from looklnic paa.t the C'O:'ll PARF.l'I SCOKl':S Charlie Berry and Halfback John Tar till to !hi' CIF contllcLI. Jf COll<'h Cla ire Van Hoorebeke of Ropkln11 gaye the Sallora t h e the Salloni ran catch th 1 m Ult• ColonoCl\ta 1~ ti·ylnit lo kt'ep b<'rt lln<'b~rldnl( trio In th" l'lr· looking put Friday. maybe Coa.ch hill hi· h • ,·~·tnr, chr.rae~ flylnt: cult. '.'11 • trrlllll'!l Ucrw Hllhbard I Al lrwln'11 forre1 ca.a at leut Sift .. .-en hi"her •1t1tln.st the Tarll by shou'd keep the Tar 1tll11l'k up lhl'm a IK'llre. , comparing Fullerton •co~. His Gracie Grids Rlvals by 2nd Time ·Down 2 for theory Iii that 11lnce Newport Har· 7ffl bor rat'kf'd the Indiana 28-8 and Anaheim hckf'd 'em 27·2. I he cha.mp• m11y have their trouble11. Thi' Hd flll'l remain• that Ful· lerlon'11 gnl'n Glub collided wlt.h the Tare early In the SNlllOll. Th"Y had bttomP a much better outfll by th~ time th<'Y look on I h e <'l1e mp11 lut week. LOSE Lt'STRE • Meantime, the Sailor• bave rail· ed to come up l.ll thl'lr prf'form· 11nce agaln11t the Tribe. lhourh they ltlowed 1lgn11'' or dotnc It atr:aln.tt Garclm Grove. The· local grldden were battered by power· tul Callfom1a, were 11hoved from pnlar lo poat by lowly Hunting· ton Beach a.nd 1ultered lhal up· ael a1alnet t he Sal.lit.a. Lut week'• 21·7 triumph over a.tway1· For thP 1Kond time th11 year. Harbor Soya' Club IK'Venth ~rarle na, foolb•ller11 look the mea11ureo of Huntlncton Buch by twn point.I. The Runt1n11ton Be11C"h bOy• were bl« and roueh 1111 lht>Y got otr to a fl·O le11d with a 37 yard i-u to Rich SaJulln Nell McMillan returned the follow1n1 ldckoCC 46 yarda for a touchdown to tit Ule ac:ore. ll:arly In the aecond quattet Glenn Gardner went 4:1 yard1 to Ole 1:1 on • w•ncb&ck reverM and Dick ButtenrortJI went throup -............. w..-.....,. u ._ ......... ___ ............... ~....._ ......... ~.·-·- CRISP, RESH CASIEW llTS .... .._. ....... 6tc W.AT£ 11'11111 Cl£llllD ... ,_., ..... Ste - C-E lfO. S FLASH BULBS 5100 DRUGS Serva-Snack Set ADcborc]laaa-4 cups. 4 tNya. _ 7-PllCE KITC"REN - TOOL SET th• middle for lhe a<'Or. from lhPre. Huntington cam,. rl1t1t b3dt w1lh a 28 yard eond t'Ua by S•Judo to knot thl' acore. The t •am 1 battled evenly throt11tl'I lhe third period without a .ICC)te and In the fourth Hunt- lngton mar<'hed to the HBC 12 where they IOl!'t the ball on downa. Harbor atarted a drive whlc" took Lhl'm all Ole way to tht llt'V• en yard lint wherf' on fourth down J obn HugbM drove up lll• mlddlP a nd wu lllopped about. Uirer lnche1 ahort of the (Oii. On flrat down McMiiian a nd Butterworth . ere.abed t h r o u 1 h from their llnrbt.cltlnc apota and Butterworth downed Ray Rahn Ln the end 90ne tdf-two potn~ and what proved lo be the win· nine mal'(1n. 14·12. TY TRAY .... ,. ....... .-t""-... ~--· ....... .... .......... 1.00 SAITA FE WllE ALL PLAYOlll 6Jc Mnkdnwlll o.w o.-it c-.. WINE 1/2 Price SALE .... ,...., .... .. w..u.. Lotloa :::.~ ....... 50c :::· -~ . $1.00 ::'~ll.00 TOUllm i;:i p Ii.ii . . -...-.. .... .. UI •· Wiii T ... •a• .. • • ~ .... J.8 ..... 1111 .... ,11. c., ... ~1-i•••r,.. . ~;· 1·,;;.. • ... ., 141 • .................... , .. .,.. , .. ,.... .. z ... l..Mlii'' ..... c •• , .... ... _ ... __ lrtn 1 111 • • • • • 111 ..... .._ ....... "n, •••• 'T' . . ................ lie W1161ry • ;11 • 2 ... SI ....,._ ..... • lie Sullrll •w Lal• 2 ... Sf .J!ii;..h· ~ :----....... r11-11 T~ . . · · ...... -......... _,.... .UI ..... llliel1l11 ..... .............. - 1'1•11 •1•11•luW1 .................. ..... -... ~ P.1.1. l1m,1•• -. • .. Wrlal171 ... •; I h •• • ............... ., .. ,.. ... ,....... . ..... ....... -=' ... " ..... ,.. . . . . . ......... -:i···-..... , ... , ....... • .. 911. ........... -......... leW • .' •• 11• .. , .. .. 1-eL ....... .... •llilll ...... I I .............................. ................ ~~F•Ol1•~ ........ ... ,,_ -,.. .... . .. ..... 2...-rt Electric Corn Popper ·---····· ........... 549 129 Aal ... c.aor. Sheaffer Fineline Pens _. __ ........ z.M 1" ......... £49ee.-..... --- .. ,..__,......,Mal'" , STEAK KNIFE SET Certoa °' 50 ~ BOOK MATCHES --···-· .... _ .... At Pal..,_ ~ 9c loftftsz ... ··-• .... ltchen WC.ste Basket ..... ,. ..... 259 ....... l ........... f9c* . P~ l~iector . Blades • .... 2fc ' • ·Joh a Servis Wins OC.NS' October Award/ AN.A.HEIM (OCNS) -Ana- heim Bullttln photographer John WELCOME HOSPITAL DONATION . RolAnd WrJrht, mana,.r of t.be Newport branch of the Ba.nk Of ·America pre1MJnta ll .JlO-OO check to Robe!'l Cunntaon, 1.MIS- tant to the administrator of Hoag .floapltal &Ad tund·ral&IDf campaign coordinator. The check la from Ute contribution. committee of the NeWpOrt and Balboa branchu ot the .ll&nk antt-will be uNCS to help Unance • '800.000 IO-lled addltlGll to \.he hospital, ahown In a 11cale model In the picture.. Ar· cording to Cunnllon, poundbreaklng date for lhe addiUon hu yet to be aet. -8tatt Photo ' Rema wa11 today naml'tl the Oc· ---------'--------------- tober winner of the Orange Ooun· ty Newa Service award Jlven monthly to the OCNS stllff mem- ber whoee contrtbullon la JUdlf'd Hie moet va.J11able to OC'NS 8ervla, who has been wtUI the Bulletin for more than a· year Senat.or Kuchel Protests Newsprint Cost Increase waa judr.ct the winner tor tu.a.ex· . ceptional Horta In supplylnl' the United 8 tate1 Bcn•lor Tllomu newirprmt la approaching the Bulletin a~d other OCNS paper1 H . Kuchel today proteet~ recent polllt •here it wlll be ut1bt&rabi•·" with on-the-llpot newt plcturee noU~ea or .price lncreaaea (or Kuchel 11ald. dur1nl' the· month or Oolober. newaprlnt with a warning that He commend~ the Committee J\o~ J.l all Umea or t he day when .an Am.utcan newap•per la-for •101tng no lime Jn ~tt.il'l· and night during onl' ot Oranl'• forced out of bualn ... by rtaln( lnr Ule fact&", County's worst traftlc fatality co•l• of paper "a bulc American "Fr" p>vemnienl he11 flourish· montha, !k'rvi11 brought to OCNS frffdom -the freedom of info~: ed In lhl• land of aura because readers aome of Lhe top on-the-maUon-i. placed. under a tt.acll. It la a nation of free citi.n•, wlUI 11pol photoe 1<hot In the Southland, Kuchel la Uie '°" of the late._Hen-tu.II acceu to thl' news. We must once traveling as far R! RlversJde ry Kuchel who publlahed· Oranae to bring OC'NS renders exclut1lve C:ounty'a nlde.11t new1paper, the kttp ll that way," Kuchf'I wrote. photoe ot lhl' t'rash of an Air Anaheim C:uette. The Californ ia. Senator reveaJ- Jo"orce pl&11e In which four men Ku<'hef. 111 a Je ll.er to. the Sen-ed he also la &.11.lung 11everaJ Ji'ed-atc Jntl'Tatate a.nd Fore1irn Com-loet their llveii. . C ltt t ... h. eraf agenc .. ·a, lnclud1ng" the De-ml'rCe omm ·" sen u1rQUg 1000 Acres Added hi" Washington office, eald tfte partmentt1 ot J u.lice anJ State, l'\lC'llt prlrc boo•t by Canadian for their wae eatlont In tleaJ1ng newspnnl' m11nutarturer11 will add with thP situation. ANAKEIM. (OCNSl -Ana-l!'"·eral mort mllllon '<h•llar11 a hi>lm 's city limits officially em• year to Amertcan nl'w11pnprr pro- . br11.ce<1 a.nother l 000 acres, dfec-ducUon coet11. ln!!reas.... In the , laMl decade already have addrd n live Oct. 38. It wat rt>vealed Nov. total of '460.000,000 lo the puh· 3 by City Ch•rk Dene W!Ularn• llttilnit bill of the Aml.'rintn 111- r•porUnf new addttlona to lhe du11try. he riot~. I municipality. "I am tearful Ulat th• to~t ot D~eoratini · ·Servioe Firm Opens Branch Store in Cost1 Mesa Another new bu~lneM hu bf-en Arthur B. Emory ny '\hf'lr nrw retail ltf"Clk>n nf Colll.a Mua w ith new ltlr11 In lrt1Vf•r.. clr•J)(lrM!ll l HOME LOANS adtled to tile rapidly expirndlng 111or' will fr1tlu1e I\ t'Omplet,.ly 1 . ._ __ Ui• 0~ .o.t lbe-,,South Ma.In rallt'd l:J,.111111-T'IMt A ccmpll'te Ottoratlng Servici> nf S11nla Ann. lne oT CJrAllffY flrtma 1lr 111mrtw-r brllnch store at 1799 Newport lnit 11hown n.nd cwrtom made Ml'V· .Ave, Ice Is evallablr Propr1elort1 Ctne \\'l'lml"r &n•t ------------ Hoyt Child Bitten Gorton Recoven A 6·yt'ar-u111 b''Y· A 11><>11 Hoyt Jr . lfl96 Anllhl'lm An, Costa from 1n•1urles Mella. WU lrl'8tl'd by a pr1vat• pft}'l!iclan Thur8d&y aner he wa• LAGUNA HOYAL SAVIMS & LOAN ASSOCIATION lnfllcted b C b11ten by n. pPt rnl. According lO y ar pour,.. t1tt" r11r """·' kt11r<t by " T W O OFFICES n••l1o:hb<lr 11nrl ll" brnl\· h• Iii for Kl'nnelh Corton, r,1, former 11«'-oh""' ''1JUnn hv th~ County H1•11llh I tr1·llve I l' r ,: Pant or :-.'ewpon Deputm<'nt. · """ch po!ICl', ts reco·nrinr .. ,..· 1---------l111t1ctor1ly" In Hoait Hospital frrtm !' trlll'l\lr('rt ~lv111 recetver1 Check Fictitious r.-1 "ntly In A M•nhap,.lln ~rh I (lay Dt'p11rtmrnl 111011> nf Ral· a1110 accident. llr:rordtn~ 111 at-bna reporl••·l '""<'IJ'l of " s~;, 11•'- t,.ndlnir; phy111rl1111'I. tll1ou~ rht'<'k to :>:cwp<1rt lle11r h Gftrlfln 11n•I hi" father. CMrle~. J>'Jilte Fnrlay afternoon. TlJPy IU l)(llh nf 2li 20th St • had •l-ttuld the cht•ck wu made out to 1"1111<'<1 t h11 fun~ra.1 ot Mr•. Ken>-J 1mmte S1t fer n11d !rimed by Ver- n• th Oorton'11 unrl• E.lton R I\& c. iklU.. Cnodll,lo. In Manhattnn 8P11ch ------------ f11nnal home when the mlah11p ------------oc1·11rret1. Old E11tabllahed insurance Apney All Un.-Writ lt'n. JIOWABD W. Gl:BRl8B The form<'r o fficer. who a.Un 11rrved tnr • 11~ u AMt.tant ]»' lir e chief, 11o·u hrlpl•J bis ta~r 11.-rOQ the 1<trc• t In a m11r1tt'd t'IO!ll! walk, hi' J<&l<l. "'ht•n " car l808 ~wport Bh·d .. {.;QJSt.a ,\ll'Jlll driven by a M11nh111 tnn Br11ch Wt">-... OXE LIBERTY II-15 1'! m1m et.ruck them. knoeklng lhl'm t" the pavemf'l\l Tht •hl•·r Gnr· -----------.. t•rn ~11rcarf'd r1nlv brut'"''' but th1• fM mtr dl'l('('tl\'I' wa.., t11 km to an f'm,.rir;etncy ho!lpttnl. 1-ir latf'r rt · quutt'd tr11n.•ff'r ln H<>11g H011pt- t11 I whlle ht rnn\'all'scr11 Camera Gone Theft of 11 3!'> nw1 r:.•1 m11 n mnrt t' ('lllll•rA. v111\1f"d Al s 1 t1\), WAS r.- J>Orled to ('~,.la Mr•.• poll"" Fr1· day mornln~ hy l'r,.:i:y A H«>f:»r~ of 431 E. l!lth 1'1 Mr~ Hoi er1 1111td Ule tt)eft mu~! h"w taktn place one dly wh••n !'hr lrfl ""r door unlocke<l t11 1111 .. w ~"r"'"" men lo work on her "311h1ni:-n1 •- dllDL MARINE INSURANCE 8moolh Salllnir; OabenM>-Forton Rf'4llty Co. lstl W. Cout Hl«hwa y Ubf'rty M-136? Say It With Boat.e -.u--'fraJ~ IJWptar ,,.._P" U~rty 8-1'89 ('OSTA MF.l!IA MA'tTJt&IUJ ('0 , ltM !'if'"1Ntf ftlylf, P AIKIS ·RIDLEY .MOITUARY Ll~rty 8-3433 Ul-MM Televltion for Rent Call H..a..r Jl161l Hw•• 07IO J;wduhe TY aeatal Sen"b To Serve Yo. LAGUNA RACH ANO SAN CLININTE QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW lCNI ""EDUCIN&" INUft!ST ~TES EASY MONTHLY 'AYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMf'ATHETIC SI RVICE FREE cUSTh"MERs' PA~lSN& ESCROW SERVICE, EfffCIENTL Y OPERA TEO LAGUNA OEACH m <>e..,, A .... PHONE HY. 4-I In SAN CLEMENTE t:t N. Iii C...-.. lNI rHONI HY.-..t. 2.1 ltl or HYe~nffl %.1196 . N&WPOA1'~m-~ MIT I .-,AW7~ _ ?#EONHDAY,,NOV~ 16,;Jtll a.. ~ (, • • I ' ,. SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS '?llL ~ I • ' " " '· ...... ~-\ . . . . I •I Lcist··_week ••• ·-· 23nl • Completely. ~Ren10tleletll · ancl -'lnlatWH . • • • Plus Escalators . . . ~ ,.. Unbeatabl• values Is what you •Jiii~~ at ·Sems S.ta Ana -ancl ' thats what you get d•lng ..-Grand O,.nlng.. All •w stocb rushed in to make ow last w... your biggest bc8" ... n clays. Hurry • • • some quantities en llmitecL ·Acres of FREE PARKING. Toy Lay·Away lpeclals UoMI Dlt!IW'I Tra!n, & pc1. •1-tn. loq'. 11 eectloll track.-. 19.95 U .N W.udq Dall. 2'·ln. all plullc _:_·-·-·----~-10.88 st.15 Oym Outnta, with four pi_, atth1t16it ---1%.88 U.14 1Mc7clea, al-in. wAea&. ~ abill 16.88 I. 11 ~ .... for I p&aJtta. Hardwood 7. 77 5.95 Moderll Lula-. blaclt and bru. ....... ·------··-'·• 24-in. Table ..,V, 14kv chaaia. With striYel Nee --··--177.17 79.95 Tape .lleeorden, 3% -in. per MC. dual track ...... -... 68.88 169.50 Bedroom Suite, 4-pcs. Gray walnut finiah ____ 139.88 59.95 Dinette Sets, 5-pc., top 30":d0" -Matching cbaira 49.88 :l9.95 Occulonal Tables. coclrt.ail, atep~nd, comer ____ f&.14.18 7.95 1\ned Cvpetiq, Yiaco9e and acetate yarD, sq. yd. 6.99 1.55 Inlaid U.Oleum. ma.rbeilzed colon , IQ. yd. -···--·---... --1.!9 16c Vinyl Plastic TUe, easy to install, 9x9-in ............. -. Ho 7.6.S Homart Shlncte.. 100 aq. fl conrage .... -.. -....... 6.88 7-1.95 Garbage Disposer, continuous feed type ··----····M.00 289.95 Attic Furoatt. gas, horizontal, 60,000 BTU -.180.00 l'Z.50 Dinette Fldutt, copper plated.shade ··-··· .. -·-·-·····8.88 79c and 89c Breedleaf Evergreen. growing, 1 gal size «c s-rt. Concrete Fence, pink or natural, 12" hi&.h, lin. ft. 2.60 4.49 Drapertee. banjo or bark ~oth. Solida or print.a .... -3.n 4.98 nl. Nylon Prl9clllu, ivory-white, 96"x81" pair ........ 2.91 ) 1.69 n l. Nyk»m Panelll, expertly tailored, j()".a81" panel 99c 29.90 Automatic Blanket.. 11 warmtha to dial, twin --.26.a Wood Shutt.en. Salem maple, driftwood, or unfin. Save 10" 20.&.50 Uvin1 Room Set, foam latex. C.Olora .. --··--.. -.. 189.88 44.95 Val. Swinl Chairs, full swivel, cu.rved back -..... S7.88 99.95 MattNl8!1, Box Spring, twin or full size ____ 69.88 l.!9 YIJ'ae Lamp Sbades, rayon, Wfeta on plutic -...... 1.00 98c U..lnm, enamel turlace, 9 a 12 ft. width•---ICI· yet '78c I .ti ilpa.ge llablter Pedcliag, won't mat down -IQ· f'-L88 ). .. l'atlgae If.a.. ak.id reei~t. 18d0'.' -·-r .. --... 1,68 %1.95 Clocll Badlo,.. automatic. Brown · ~···--------16.88 Rot.-••U, auto. infra-red rotisserie -··-·-·-------·...%9.88 M.96 Val. O. l-1oor Famace, installation extra ----·15.00 U.18 Wall HNter, 16,000 BTIJ; project.II 3~-in. _____ . .52.88 89.95 Water Heater, 2'0 1aUda size ~---···-······-···--·· .. --78.88 5.3!1 Iron ftalhp, 4-ft. adjustable .......... 4. 77 ,ii/ ilat Wall "nl8h. in 15 colors -~-·---······-····-·-S.88 a.• Gallon Sde>-Tex, renew• wa.Ua In oDt atep _ ........ :._ .. l.98 SALE ON APPLIANCES J1'.te .Gas Ranre, 3&-tn. A:utomatic uptiq, 20" oven 111.11 m.11 Completf-ly Auto. 0.. ...... center griddle %%8.18 '-I eo. ft. Chest Freun, counter·'beicht, coJOr interior 157.00 · Ste.95 C.:oldspot &frtprator, awato. delrmt 11.2 cu. ft. %97.00 Kmmore Auto. Wuher, 9-Jb. c.a paeity, 5 yr. guar ..... 1!'9.88 •&ch'91 l>TJ--. 9leetl1e. Every fabric 8IUins lP.111 59.~ Canflttt VSC!tnlln, a~ h. p. motor, 8 plecea ........ -.. 4'7.'7'7 75.00 Rota.ry &-wins Machine, Kenmore quallty _ ......... 49.88 109.95 Wringer W..._., safety preuure Nleue -.. 94.88 229.95 \'al. u ca. ft. CoW.pot. j0.6. eapacity _Jn.oo . . ,\ ... BARGAINS FOR WOM1H r ,~. •.98' Dl9a 8hl.rta. 100% Dacron. White. colon. 1"-11 ....... S.98 n..... 8bb1a, Formeue collar. Bn.ddoth or aforcS .... S.49 Denlm'Slacka, patch pocket.a. ror work w ~-a.:: S.49 Dea.Im ladlet:a, match alacb. Wubahle t, 2.89 TwUl ........ lltrong for tough W'IU'. Gray, tan -.1.M S.98 Flue&eu. .PaJu-t. atripea and eolida, A to IC .. _ .... s..• S60 V .... .U Wool Wta, Un.arte9t ahadea .......... -........ & . 11.96 Oabardlae 8ladla, proportioned !it ············--·--10.M S.16 ........ bMY)' Moe dealm. 28-44...------------... ..Lll lf!:95 V ... L••r leckete, quilt llDed. 36-48 .--------.u.81 SPECIALS FOR BOYS, GIRLS ... 11~-os. Double Kw leua, vulcaptMS f.abrie lmeem _.1.'71 Tote C....... f'aata, eordaroy. 3 styles, colora. 2 to 8 .. -LOO l.M B.,J.f 1..., we.tern style. SUpenden. 1-t ·-----1-M 6.98 ztp.freat .IMl&eta, 100% Nylon quilted, 3-ea ··-·--4.M 18.95 Val. OtrW C..., lOOo/o wool cbecb, fleec. 7·1' .1'-11 Ohl' 1Wa er Play a.., .oft leathera. A.uortJDat -L• 2.49 ~blld'11 Footew, leather 110lea. .uecte aidea -1 • 79c Value Tote' Polo ShllU, short alened, 3-t x __ t fer Lei Wuhfut Corduroy-. keep color brtpblua. All Id r r r • 41 MISCELLANEOUS BUYS f9c Cotton J1aue1. heavyweight, •Ill. wide -I ,a ~ 1.89 Window Shad-, ~ colors wuhab&e. 37'4"x8' lM 8 tor 78c Tower FluhballMa, No. 5, par. =b,rmance 8/159 Beooncl. typewriters. )VoodJltock, Royal. stein•• 6.95 J.ron Bed Frame, full or twin, 39 to M-iD_ _____ _.... 59e Bridge M1x Candy, chocolate, p-.nuta, canmtl9 _a... .. s:98 f'1MUc Breed Bos., red or yellow, white trim --·_... 7 96 ·~bean" .Dbmer Set. 20-pc. P'&Y or tliroiwa -I.II 1:• Val. Gardea Spreader, 16-in . .,nad. Tina --.1-M 6.46 ...a •OM, u.ae.l D"top dre88iDC, ma.kb ...... _ .. ----iM 1.16 8aew ..... Hoaae Palat, at.a ya white. 2 P1 kit. pl. ~ 1.20 Sero-Ta. renews ~l in one atep; colorful pl. 1.19 2.5c IDd'• ~ BOo ... wubable covw. ---1 ,_ 1A9 t.lt v.-• •our Clocb, euy to reMI. plu F. E.T. ,__Lea '7le .. -. 8lllllc-. aingle and doub&I tr1• lp•rtlng Gooc1 .. A .. •••••••• ' .. . ...-.. .u ",_, ITOXJ5, each ln Mta el • ,... \es --· ..... m.drwaD Tine, 9'70s15, each tn Mta.,' ..... -.... tf-.M•. lllllter7, lhrtfty powerboUM ... ' IL 8lM l·M ..... to.41 c.r a-ter, t 'it·ln. tan. 1--1---u.9 .. .. .. . • ,,. . "·' -~ . ;. . • . -.. ... t ·~ , .· .. ,, .. 1 ' :c.~~,#~AM w . -laJ"SEAM 1716 So. ... It. I &fl Mm . ~~(If~~ l\J . T1i1ph••• Kl 7.JJ71 . , ' ll•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE" Tbe t I a e 1 t . Callf ornla Olttlq evet Wd • : . 8ter- llq Oalltenla Jln1ta ~ • • • beaatlfall7 sift . peckapd. ... wMll itll OWD cmd• boud peebp •tor maDIDg , • • 'l'be ClftlalD of ()allfor• nla't crrop • • • White 0&1- ayna Ftp. Goldea ~­ .... Apr1cote, ' a m b o ~ palm-rtpe »ept Noor Date., blended tUte delsldhl w It b g I a e e pl8eapple, eberrle. ud aat ·...ta ••• Here'a ptttng for youg or oW ••• fl'Om oar family· to your family • • • • to ~ very penonal trlelld • • • Prlcee: to flt MY pod(etbook from tM latlmate Sl.25 peck to the I a r I e t.m.lly $10.00 ........_t ••• Butaade~ dlll4 tlUI the ume high .... ty ... -Dtled fndta, ' pl'*ed from the tl'Mfl when ~ ripe. banUag with _.... Ina.It · •gar sweet- .. -apt1l.ftd and llfJ9led la : ..._ (time oat for a pnme .a.tfed apricot) ••. treat · bJ Olllforala's Golden Sun· ..... • • • Goes tnto each . ,.+sp ... oaly &he d(lfer- --la tbe pondage aad .._ ooatalDer variel the ..-... Pnme .tufted apricot. ••• the unuaual combination la an r exclU.live with Sterling ••• , ~.~~you!'!:!""· _frultaC C DU ch~j .haft the • Which ba turn will maU the fnlit. dry out .•• StcUnc at.~fed fnlita are combined with honey, .not ~-to ... tbelll ..... and 80ft • • • ~ . CODtal.Del'll • • • -.ch a loftly and Ueeful gift to remiamber, after th;e ~uWY~;ma::_ccmtenta_JlJ~ cone ••• A redwood nut bowl with mallet ••. ~ imported _. Rattancon bullet ••. A red· wood box ••. A &Old alumi· DUia tray ••• A lime oak tray with chrome comen . . . Tbme fruit.a not packed in ~~ d o u b I e -gift.mg containers, c:OJU in heart -warming red sift boie1 ••• Every red· blooded Californian eenda at Jeut one fruit pack ... Gilt ~~ St.erU.nc'• a look before you mak\ your eelections . . . Everybody's Invited to tlae Oruge Couty ll'lortlt ~ 6th Annal Ohrtat- ... Deelp Show, Nm &aday, NO\". 20, t p. m.• I p. m., Santa A• Ebell Chab Hou1e •.• Haadreds ef Holiday cente~ ~ maatle deeora- tlollll and dflOOratlve kleM for thti HOllNI at Cl)rWQnu tllne • • • Bob aiia Adele from our owa 1'1ower Shop wtll bf. t.here·aioa.« wtt.h the net of th~ flortate la Or- uge County . . . , . New sw~t potato fix: 8coop out ·an orange and cut ~~ tll• top off, fill with cooked, -..oned mashed sweet pota- toes, a mar11hmallow and more potat()('s on top . . . he9l ... Eat the potab> right out of the orange . . . And ' Sf you want a real fancy or- up fixed up to be a little buket. come in thia weell~nd &Dd eee Rene Roullet and hla RAM Buket maker . . . buketable eith('r to Ca.nta- loupe, p pefruit, oniona, to- matoea, peppeni, lemon•, etc. Thea roftW' O\'f'r ud lee me •.• ru hf-cliR~;:: • Cl"OMe ud tnlt <"Ake • • • \' C'10 bow C,..., & BlackweU trait ..-are '~ piM*8ll ~ a Ua eaa. jll8t like a ,_.. of coffee ... AM U.. eome. la a eardboan:I _., ciartoa ••• 1-D (Sale-driving) day la DI 11 iber l.t •.. Gd in prac- tice or you won't be able to mJo1 that turkey; you order- ed . alr.dy atuffed in the . '· REWPOIT HAllOl NEWS-PUSS -WIDNESDAY. NOVEMIEl ''· 1915 I• -.. ... . ""' ~ SNp-Rt(f;enf'1 , for the strictly . fine Horid6y foods • you love. to ~rv•. .. ~ . , ' . ,.._ . • .... \ I P ·. . .... . /~ROCK-UP ON fl•• lloUClay Values . " -•-•-•·..,·••ady fo• lhan ... lwlng ~ . ., FRESH BUTTER F:ronn-/!or TbanbgiYing ()l'9 JUICI 1 • 2/2r nr..... '. 2145• _ .... _PIAS _~f/15' ....,....... • 21•r.1 .. LARGE EGGS dos. I CAllOTS ,, • N ....,.. 2145• •· SPROUTS _ • ....., YuiAN COFFEE lb. 89c tai cm.. _ ...... 71' Than lcsgiving ! .. .-- .. OOllU Sp..,, Wllole or Stnlllf!d 2135~ C~ANl'RY SAUCE 1t-01:. Hemet Brand 23' · SPIC~ PEACHES .. xo. i ~1 1.My'a 29' FRUIT SALAD ··-·····-··· No. IOI Glorletta •7• BARTLETT PEARS _._ .. '!\lo. 1~ • • • Del ..... CIR • • 19' GIDN IEANS ... -..... .No. IOI , .......... Grown lor 2 .... . o I • . . p S ·······-···--·-··No. ltl "4>Tal Pri.acle 21 ' -·Hofidoy : Deli~ -Tlte Wor/t/'1 Fin•sl Turlceysl GOLDIN YAMS .. -..... No. aoa MUHoOMs 27' .................... kL • Cs' ........... .., j .. SMO~ OYSlllS_ ... ,. ....... awt="N IElllll Arru... W CHllSI UNKS __ ... .,..._ •.. ORDIR TODAY TUllEYS -D~CKS -GEESI - ,, ... \'e.-etaWe 2123• COCKTAIL ............ n -o.:. Rk:lilard'• Salad Orn.Jae 29' • r . n. ._._..l'ICNIO lb. 37c CO'CnMFRA~ _.....73' IWtette Pt.atau.. W.._ I sr ILEU CHEESE · ··"···-········· 8-GL eiSM'IK'er Q1leM 81-..-..Stut. 35' GREEN OUYES ···-···· .. ''•'°L anz CRAX · &1' ··-.. ·--······ ...... lb. • ~.t IJlac~u FRUIT CAKE --··-········ 1411 I-lb. l ·U.. ·-·-~··-·······ut Croeee & BIM*weU 23' DA TE NUT ROLLS .......... tta \ . c•cus .. ..:.._. ___ ..u~ .... .. Balced Fresh lor You 'l'llUUDAY w........... 47' LOAF CAKI __ __ ..., FIUDAY aene ala model 5., APPU PIE ---.. --1.· Mia HORNS __ 4J25I ...._N•t 17' LA YER CAKE ----. . PORllROAST ...... SLICED BACON ' lb. 54c , I Open tiU 7:00 P. M. Deily and $undeytl . , Dllct,lreen here at Rich- ard'• llarht, one or the Lido ~at the entrao~ to Lido 11'1101AL1 I08 NOV. 11, 11 .... 11, UN --~.C.--UDO....al .~ I ' .. • ' . NEWPORT HARBOR 'NEWS-PRESS ./ .. OOILEGE CAMPUS BEAUTY -A wb6le stand Ml wu on dilplay at homecpming halftime of the Orange Cout College · San Bernardino football game la.st Tbunday night. Escorts are, from left .. Jeddy Young, Ron Armatrong, Spence Ruah, Lee Baya &nd Allen .. . :' .. .! ( ".if . . / : . Hodges. Beauties,· from lef*, · Jani Nunan, ~ud) Banks,. Homecomlni ~een J . Underwood,> J:?ar- line Foreman and '-Pr P~ Y . At the ~k~ .ii Fred Huber. -O~:~oto l·:··' · -· ·· ... , . ... : . . ,.. . . .. I ·1:·:: • ....... .. . .. .. 1 , . ' . ..... ; .. : "' . ... .~:··. •• J'1 THEY KNOW THE SCORE -No. not a tumbling team ln acUOA, .juat entliuaiu- tk Newport Harbor High student.a gettbg down that winr1in' h.bthe~oming ecore of 21-7 over Orange so all can see. Atop the heap is Rudy Martihez, middle man ia Bob DeLong, and furnishing moral support 1s Sharon Lymal\. -~taff Photo I I I J I ' AND' Aft'ERWA&DS. D~CING . -The hifb llCbool'a Rhythm Klnp .u}>plied the dulcet toqe.. MMklen•, from left to rilbl. an Dave Vaqbn, , . • I ~ Dennia Woodrlcla, Roy Y&nlell. Gree Adap. DennlS · Henderso~ and Dick Overby. The ltag line obviously fonu ill U.. rilbt -~·-8taU Plaoto -... ' • ,. ' • I ... J. '.:i '• ,. jt !, •1 '" . p ART ,.r_wo,, PAGE ONE •/ • i CAITIV ATING SAILOR PRINCESS -Riding in the Newport H&rbor High School halftime caravan at the Oranp-Sallor football game Thursday were these prin- ceme. of Homecomisag Queen Shelby Tunnell'• court. At left ia Judy Corfman, aophomore princeu, wtih Fredman Prinoeu Sharon PattiaOn, right. -Sta.ff Photo .. I HOMECOMIN·G RALLIES • BmE COllE THE 8AILOR81 -Stttaming onto the field at halftime of the homecoming game with Oranre on Davidaon Field are the Tar griddera. ... 1 Among them are Tackl~ Jim Rumsey (39). Tag Atwood (41), Steve Watcher (42), Roger Early ('45 ) and Denn.ii Dalebout ( i9). -Staff Photo , ...... PARADE OF PllDWWD ....!. The DaYid.IOn Field iMnnecoaun1 crowd anda up at halftime to watch the Newport. Harbor Wah princ••• ride by in advance of • Homeco~ Quem SbeJb)' TupeJl -8¥ noto ~ \ " ... ENSIGN PTA WILL HEAR · BRIDGEMAN Pledge Banquet for BSI G~oup '!'BE IOlN'I OLl:E CLIJll ot Onft,. Oout .COU.p, pJctured above with Jame1 8. J'itqe..-ld diNeUnf, and tis. Women'• Glee Club, will preeent a progTam Friday &t the luncheon meeting of the Friday After- noon Club of Coal& Me.aa. Included will be apecialt)' numbera anct . u ue9rpt from the OCC Cirliitmu - production, "Amahl and the Night Vi1ltors,'' an operetta by Olalto -Carto Menotti. -Eugene Tyler ""..., n*nwa were 111'-1· oc.ect tato M\a ·l:pelft cbapt.i ot llet& •tcma Pill eorwtty at u.. ..... Ual ,.. Oil NOY •• &1 th• lloale of Mn. Jamee B. Tay· lor, Ill DrtftwOOcl Road. Mm•. Jolla N..,.... Job ftq"an, ftobert Bennett. Clary Staal and Jolla ...._.. attncled U..tr ftnt meet· tar u lftemben. Nov. t at the laome or MN. John B. Men111. 230 24th Place, Coet& Mesa. They were entertataed "7 a prol"'I" on nature. lllutnt.ed lly movtea Mrs Merrill took of an Enaenad& n ee and of a trtp by aallboat to &Ja CallfomlL Kappa Kappa Garrima Honots SO-year Duo of Corona del Mar Mrs. J. E. Keim Hostess to ~ounty Alumnae Group Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIJl'RED BARBRE, Wom '1 Jtd.ttor :>AGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW.S-PRESS WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 16, 1955 Attend Benefit Card Party ' The &JU1ual Thankqivlng tur· key wu won by Kn. Mildred Comellua. M1'1e Low. Oliphant. \'tc•pl"e- .Sdeot, announced the Pled1• Ban· quet wtl1 talc• place Nov. 1T at Another In the •('tu or tuad 1 p. m. at X111nedy'1 ll .. t.aunnt, Coal& M-. when the new mem• ber• wm receive the p'ed•• rit· uaL rallllng ca rd pull•• belnl ftvan Cor the nuraea' acholarabip fund of the Co1ta Meaa Friday Aft.er· noon Club was hel'1 lut wttk at TM eha,pter voted to a.uiat the Newport Dk• wilh wrapp\ne the home of Mn. Wlnona J . Btl&Y· their Cbr1atmU SU'ta for t ll • ""4y. Kn. ltm•t Waltae WU rr, 231 Santa Ana Ave., Newport appolntaC chairman of th1e pro- Beach. Mrs. Calla Viele WH co-ject, with the chapter oontrtbut- hoatus for co!fe. ana dueert tn1 sin Wl'&pplnca. followed by 11\x t.ablM of brldfe fte neat fUMral mMUnC wtU •nd c•nuta. Mra. 8am Crawford be Dec. 14 at the llome of Mn. MRS TO TAKE FRUIT Oec:ar Taytor, '21 Monlin&' Can· Two Corona del Mar membel"9 of Ka~ Kappa Gemma Q }>'1'1-donat~ Ole table prtaa. yon on ... Pru ent at the affair were ------------Alumnae AMociation, Miu Mattie B. Lacy and Mm Ruth TO QPTI' CYST BOYS H.Q· ME Mmes. Hnold Snyder, w. c. Ot· Maxwell,· wer. honored when M>Ulhem Oran•e Cowtty lVl 1 1 p .•• p .. w 8 • ey. E. . Moore. •-v .. -. . . piemben met Thunday at the home of Mn. J. E. Keim, A trip to U\e OpUmlal Home tor llo,1• ~pJala4 Park Mellott, Charlu Band, Dolore• Is Honored at Post-nuptial Shower Event 201 Via Jucar. la .chrduJed by the OpU·M~ '«it J(ewpet\ H&rtlOr t.omomJW Morrison. J. c. Pa,.., A. R. Gift· ,,. Mn. l\obert Stnitlff pre•tded at to the Child Guidance Clinic of mominf. T'1e 1r~p wtD Mft luneb lbere a.ad lhen make gru. J ey e. Wat... ...,. eos, \he buaHleaa mefUng, which fol· Loi An1a1-. and plana of U11 a tour of th• homa. c. H. Ridley, Nellie Roet•, I~ lowed lwacbeon. and In which lb• county l'fOUP were dlKU-.d. The home, wht.ch I• •pportad by OpUmlat and OpU·Kra. k J P Coo .... ~ .. .,,_ Lo ~ J .,....__ · U ,_ .. ,_ ol 17 Ing T. Clar . . . per._..... A --*·weddinl &bower for re· two llattlortC.. wer. preeented A CCOf ...... I _,.._ · • ,..,..,u clulN from UM HUl clUlll1et, la cun. 1 ......,,, care ..-~ plna •ifiUYtng 00 years' member-Swan.on, mqu1M chairman, U.. bome&eu or ·drllnquent llof8, man Sal Irr, Geor1e Va U Iba. oeatJ.y 1n4rrled Mn. Rorer Mc· .hip •-.,.·poa! local Kap"'"• were third In ma· of ....... fruit Lloyd Femendes, Emery ftandaU, IClmloa (Millicent Chamberl&ln> ... -r-, r-The Opll·Mre. ITO"Pll wUI ~ cuea canri..... ...__. I 11 Wednudav Henlnf a APPAZAA.a' 1u1nt aa.J'!' In Kappe provUk:e. Miu El11e Leleer aad M18e ~ WM-• ' , after Bakerdleld and P11ad-.... wlU\ them on Thur94&7 u • contrlbuUon lo Ole lloJ8' 'nlanU-Conant. It)' 11119 llOUt Wlllla.ma at ttl• A 11 Kappa alumnu l"'OUP• Profit.a 10 tft'ard cam~lpe rtvtn1 t\lnner. ------------boa• ol Mr mother. Mra. William fro"' Ian 01-.o to lanta B&rbara for Uie Orani• County Crippled Th<>H p1&nnln1 to a\t.dd are Mm•. Oeorc• Burtm&rdt ..,..,._ '11 W a I nu t Place. wlll parUcipat• ln the annual Chlldrea'• 1«lat7. Piilow• ·_!&n'!!.,~_:li'ialLa.LlluclW:.tk.l.ttliaa..-1~~-.a.-!"~lt-iihlllblltr'd::-'!:~~-~;;j';;;.tlon W her· work for t2aa Tallow daf79Utlaalllum• dacorat· K•~an ~ ..._ ..... "-~ nc made lo proYlcr.--M.ti" for rrencl'I. Ru-u Yord,. A. K. l't\al.-, Jim Jenaillp and .l'Tank 80Clety. eel U.. ...,,..._t Lallle. O&m• • in Loe An,.t ... Proceed& .pll fO ,n.,acbaire. Lu Amliru cll'clt m_._.. .. ,. paa,...s durtJl6 the event.of • Olocknar. were lh•nke<l for t.belr a1ft of a and P"-wen II)' )(,.... Joe Mc· N'SW Ol"FIOD b&ckdrop curtain for lbt atqa ln CSel&lld and MLMea Shirl_, Inslt New York Guest at Myler Home y,._ Kan!lall Beach la tlla new PORT 11.•ETHQ""IST Goodell Hall. comp&nJon t.o l he ud Barbara a.avaer. 8«:retary, talltnr Ule pllff of NEW ~ LI front curtain• pre\'toUaly pre· ~l at u.. affair wn• M,._ Tom ColJler. 'nit nut me.I· gented. M19ee Vl,..UU.. · ?felaoo, J er-r)' ln1 wUJ be a IW1Ch90n on Dec. • w s c s Notes Season Mni. John U "Rl'n, who. with Iler 8bafftr, B&rbara B•Yener. Pat at the home of Mra. O.Or1• Bal· • • • • ht18b&11d, wtnt on the Methodtat Rap.A. Jane Jfvnaa. Den.en For· M.a. .Mary ICU.beth Knapp of ley. 111 Catalina, La1u.na Baach. tour of Europe. wu welcomed man. 8"1tley lllf1•, V•I Wlnt.ert. JloclM9ur, N. T. arrived Nov. 11 Thoee attendln1 Ule lundleon • Thanksg1·v1·ng L1·tany l)ack. ftelen Armatron1 and Mm ... Joe lo lpmd a fortalfbl with MT. were Xmn. William I 'ti 11 I 1. 1 n The devollonaJ hour 1n U1e Up-McOelaad, S&Ady aw.in, Jack &11d Mra SUrene ft. Myler. recent Oeorye Barnett and Jack D. HU· per Room wu led by Mra. SUl· Wut, William WUUama. O\arlu urlftla from Palo Alto, now rt• ton, But& AM; r . Paul Dicker· A Th&11k•1IY1n1 Utany. led lty p.....,..t.ad Mn: Leon ra,,.eot'I wtll and luncheon wu eerved by McKinnon and UM honor ... Mra. 1ldlnr Oft Balboa laland. eon, 8tra1Uff. Mary Lou Tonne· Mr&. Calvla SUJwell, wu a , ... , wtU\ a life memberehtp pin In mrmbrr• or Newport circle. Mckinnon. w~ ~~ wu ~~~l~~.~U~Gru~~ k~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BatW'd'Y by a crui.. around the Newport Beach; A. I . Handy Jr.. lure of lb• afl•ntOOfl .-ion of • a,.y, followed by a barbf'cu" at o range. Wslter o . Hatch. Co•t• Woman·• 81>Clely of Chr\3turn Ser· th• home of )(r. and Mr•. C. A. 1 M ... ; LoulM Ollll•Jher, Burr Bu· vice at Chri-1. Church by the ~· Higbie. Sunue.y found Mt• Knapp man, l troller W II It 1, Robert It condud•d with the 1ftlrmat1nn In Mellk o w1Ul a dinner party st Blackmar, ot Ulla city; Welter R. of ra1th from the Kurten Cr....-1 Roeartt.a &-8C'h. Am on ~ thf' Smith, Belch. Wllllam F ora ker and wu rrad by l\l rl! Hsrnl1I evcnta planntd for this Wt<'k 111 and Swanson, Laguna Bt11rh , Arthur a lr1p lo Disnf'yland, ll TV "hnw Jamu B Stoddard. Dick Dr11ke. T hf' 111trvirr "'"" hrhl In l h ,. .-nc'l a lr1p through one or lhe m11• 1 R. C . .Morrlll. R<lbert Lenkf'r, W u.nctu1try and w1111 in rhui:e nf Jor 1tudloe. I B 1Jtrklm1on and Mla8 i,.<'y of t h111 Mrs. Ralph W&t llfln. v1rt J'r4'~1· The visitor ws11 lhf' bndl'11m&ld cit v <l<'nt. Tllt>rl' wss 11pc-~·1~1 mu~ic by er Mr-1 .. Myltr, who wu rl'Ctntly Oil' Women"• Chorus. • m•rT1ed In Rocht8l•, N-YorlJ lpeaker waa Mra. Otto Will· and apent hfr hOftfJftlOOn In ~... Home From Texas man. pruident of th• new Whit· muda. Mr and Mra. W. J. HolUClaw, Utr Dlatrict W .B.C.I . of M•lbO· The Myltn w\11 make t.helr 21th St., have retumed trom D&l· dlat chu~hea. Her 1u1tJect w a• home on BAiboa hlanc1 unUI , F t· 1a... J'ort Worth a.nd other Tex.u ·-n.. ~ of women'• wot"k Ill bruary. whtn tht y ..UI l•H for towna wher. they apent tbrM the church." Tuu. week.ti with fr1enda and re1at1ve1. Mlaa Clara Kohl&Udt. prHldent, Local Couple Ill Kr. and Mrs. Clyde Trump, 111 14th Bl., &rf' boll\. UL Mr. Tnmlp C'ontlntd to Hoag HOIJ!lta.I follow· snr a aertee of 11t rok•, h.11 wife al home · recuperaUn1 from a !lea.rt alt&ck. A fr1tnd, Mlaa Ell· u.belb Powers of Loe An1rle1. ta et& ytrlg wt th her. A nephew and wtft, Mr. and ){ra. Clattnc• McMillan of lacra· mento, wilh their eon an4 hie wilt, Mr. and Mra. Robert McM.11· l&n of )fonroria. ~ runu at th• home on Sundal • DID YOU KNOW ............. ,," . CHIYSLD tlY~ • •-• tM ..... ,..;-. of .......... . .............. ,,.... .. •••1 W.flntallMlcore? IHI fllBT .... m LOWDT PllCID ...,Ard . MAPLE PUINITUll ····~ 0,. rtt•1 ,. ... t . . Clear Vinylite '12'8 ~~ Halter Sling High or Medium Heel .. ~ --8l'OW1I .... mp, I.AW or lledlam Bttla' • s9ea ue-rm Here, i1 f ebulout 1tyfin9 comb1n•d with ,,.rfect fit ••• fine c•lf- 1~in for d•y ... midnight black suede for dressy •ft•moons •nd Be A Foot Ahead of Fashion with .-: . f1lryiik• vinylite for coc"1ils • n d evening You'll went 11 l for • w e 11 1ppolnted I h o • w1rclrobe. Mesa c ..... -c ... Mesa Mwflflll AJplaa Beta ~ ftutt'1 Dnl& • Coa111u111.ltT Credit • r, .. ;-:i nc!s Su•·p;-i~:} Walter Cottman El\JO)'lnr kr Cl' ... lll. b1tlb'111)• ell.Ile U •I eol1H all \'r ,.., Mtnllll'• ,.,.. 1iv1llee 'l!le,re M r antt M,.. Chee· ter ci.rttr, th• Jin\ Bqwrns. R~v. 'llu..,.... W Lrlcll ftH.a fol· afMI Mra. T. J. hw•U ''·· t t\ e ...,.. ~7 aoN prutteat' OllN'w.re CoMl\&1111 a.ad ttausi.t.r Marpttt ,...._w to Watter S. Cottmu June. ., llO Pham. PlaM, C.ta ..... ------------- ,...U)' :when a J'OUI. el Mend.a llW"priaed him wiUa •birthday par· l.Y vpon bla return wll.ll bk.a tam· U7 bom an ..,17 awaia&"'"•U..· • KA&TINSLU'8 Sus rranrtaco . 9&7 -.c1oet11 more than oo equan mUH of watn, accordlnc to \he NaUoa&I A.U~oWI• Club . APPLI JUICE ···-······-................................. .... LU. UM oa DL aou· HORSE MEAT ........................ _ ......•. l .. llCEN'~.. .... ...... .... .. ......... -...... ........ i• ... ,q. 47c S.Y0lu;m_ .................................. ~ ................ ~ ... ~. eL 61c NEA , K I N s -·-···--·······-..... L .. -............ pk1. 11 c Alt·~~ .... __ : ............ -: ....... ~ ................. ~ · .... d peJ,s5as ; uRi x _ ............................. ·-···········--···-·· .... 2tc • • • • Don'• -···· 7.IN)lq ROAST "'Cl&CLIC .... IACON BVft·SND HAMS lb. Ste "" • ·••••lh-••••••• n '"· 55c lb. 55c '·· . . ------• • . ·DICK'I Green Grocerl•• 'Speclallllnt Ill (i>uallty ProdK• PeatwilMJ 1hll W ... : Tha11bcJIYllMJ o,......... c.... & Gourds llpe ... Icy CCll"IMI Y91ey CeMlce Pean , Large Hood liver Plpp• Af pl•• HONORED AT r the ...... ~!f•• .. .. e C1ft ........ IUOM LOAP ••• 2f • ... ., . .., ....... 1aOWtHB •• A11r2S ... ...... ••• -l1·il-.. \ You Select The We Dellwer Market Spot. 200 1M.-Aw••· ...... W.d H-'• 1000 .... SHE CAN BAKE A CHERRY PIE -14.rs: Huel Owena, center, home economics instructor at Newport Harbor High School, approve. preliminary effort. of at• dent.a Evelyn Moreland, 18, left, and Betty Piper, 16, proepective contestant.a in the National Cherry Pie Baking Contest. A half-dozen local betlt bakers will com- pete in the diatrict bakeoff here Dec. 9. -Staff Photo __ COUNCIL OF CHURCHES & " RELEASED TIME 'PROGRA ed rell(toue ctnter for Oranre Oout Coll ..... TO NOlllNAft \ NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 11-PAGE J W~ESDA Y, NOVEMBERi.1 6, 1955 Assistance League Joins Work of -' parUl'lt'nt m Brldru Hall of Mu· lie on Nov 21 Hendel"llOn will &Nial Ml• Ell· ther Ebt'ntc:•lt'. La Verne, by play· ln1 Ule oboe obllcato m the aria "Seuher, Tranen, Kummer" by Bach. county Family service AgencY VALUES (or fturL ·~.Sat. Members Hear Report of Counsel and Aid Group . By MRS. HAY LANGENHEIM With many families puzzled or n~undering with domes- tic problems whettier they be marital. juvenile, financial or mental, the advent of a Family Service Agency in <>range County is a welcome and needed facility. Spear-beading the local gtoup are Mn. Robert Walker and Mra. Challen l.Ander1, both or iw~om are me~-at tht Lido Jale club hou11e, a re- tie.re of Ule arancy 1 county-wide pruentallve (l'OUp of local peopl• board and who are excellenUy uw a mm enUtled "A t&m11y equipped w1tb a knowledgeable Atr11r" which broutht lnto rocu1 backgTound In 80Clal ~rvlce. the aolvlng of a problem In a m1d- The Aaahtance Learue or NeW' die clUll h'Ome. Done In a tactual, port Beach wu one of the larger but human manner, ,It lltuet.rated contrlbutora toward the .$7.000 the etep by itep eoluUon which wor,klng capital n~ed . to open In Ill finality reato~ happl~SI the agency. whlch le now In oper· and harmony to the family In au~ at 307 North Broadway. Q\lHUon, Thl11 film 111 available to Santa Ana. Thie Hrvlce wtll· ap-clube and organlu.tlo.11 and may ply to people of au IOC1&1 strata be procurred by contactlnc Mra. and le one which wlll meet and Walker, Harbor 1743. study the problema of thOM who The Family Serv1ce Agency le .eek It'• help, being well eqUjp~ a national organisation with ma- to do 90 with a qualified eocial ny ot11cH tttroughout the United worker u well u a 'marnare 8tatea and one which hu proven cou.eelor. Tbti 11 not a free Mr-lb worth over a lonr period of vice u a charre will be 1]1ade on time, 110 It wa• wt~ conviction a 1lldlng acale· according to the that the ANl•tance ua,ua offer· appllcant'a. Lncome. ed thl1 project Ile nnanclal and SU FILM moral 1Upport. .At a recent dinner meeting held At the November meeunr of the Lugue ).tr1. Mar1hali Nie· l.!t>e:ker. chairmt1n of !ht Toy Shop (ave ,.report Of the progrua b<>· Ing madt< In the rt<furbl&hlnr of Wied to.v• In llntlcipatlon of the toy salt· to b.-hf'ld 11t !ht> Thrift Shop on Del'. 8. Tho•e 1oembeM1 who work thr'OU#fhout the tall monlh11 for this affair do tto with enlhusla11111. tor It l'VOk••tt a h4:'&rl warm111i: regard fur the ha!JplllC'llJI It brings to m~n.v chlldro•n a Chrlatmu time. New provh11onal1 welcomed In· clu1fed. in the •<'live l'fOUP• Mmea. H. l'1&ynl! Thayer. Donal4 Cole- rrove, Wllfrt'd &rle and M ax Sturd<'s: 1u1 un u.oolate, Mrs. Ht>nry J. Lunney. Luncheon ho.i1t-• for the day were ?.Imes. J ohn Jloblneon, W. O. Buck, Victor Grace, 1-ter Lowe, Howard Pt'teraon, Paul Roiva anti Walll'r Selbert. Overseas Service League Women Slate Coast Meet Mrs. George W. Bacon wlU bt' h<>1te11 at 11 tef tor the ,Women'• OverlUI service League. Oranr;t Coun ty Unit. on Nov. 20 at 3 p. m at her home. 100 South La Benda. Three Arch Bay. armed torcea in orcanl&atlone eponenred by the s;ovemmenl are lnvit.d by the unit to attend thl• meeting. Topic tor the day will be the work IM-lng donr by the United N1t1nna a.nd UNICEF, a major proJf'Ct or the league. Mr.. Bacon. who attended the ----' eeo nr. smRTt>l 79 et-I to Is 2 for '1.59 , ... Arrl\ll'd! ! U.S. .....,. .. W.,_h!, .. waa~ JACKETS Fw ..,. a Girt• 10'1 to13'5 !..:;~;;~ a1ttN UICI Toy• for Olil. ud Boy• 1881 Barbor Blvd. o.ta Meu WSOL la an orcanl~allon com· po!ed of women who have served in foreign landa In the ARC. YM· CA, YWCA, ANC. WACS. and many other we:rare and govern· mental groupe. d u r I n g World Ware I and ll and the Korean conflict. tenth annlverury mttllng I a 11 t ~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~ irummer. u win u the Paris P muting in 1961 u a non-1ovrm- mrntal ob1erver will tell ot lier uperlencu. Thoae lnt.ereated In attending the meeting may C&1l MIN Blanche Fulkerson. HArbor ?'1336. tor tMllllportallon. Ministers' .Association Plans Religibus Survey. A nomln&Un1 committee wu ---------------------------appointed which lncludtd Kr. Mc· Mu. Bacon, who was a charter member and tlr1l vice•prHldent ot the San Francl1co unit In 1921. 11erved In FMl.nce with the YMCA. 8be la alao a charter member of the Oran•e County unit and one of lta mo11t act.Ive members. Toastmistress Council Confab Clauee in Releued Time religiows education are the largeat held to date, reported the Rev. Roy Carlson, chair- man of the com.mi.ion of education, at the latellt meeting of Newport Harbor Council of Chun:bea. It waa 'a luncheon aeaion, held in Ebell Clubhouse with the Universali.st Shane. Mr.. P. I'. Baines and M. C. Perry. The7 will report at Ule meetlnf taler Ulla monUI, a n d paatore wlll br1n1 nomlnaUona from their mgnberab&p for a~ of Churchman and Churchwoman of 19M. lnatallatlon of o!flcers a.nl.! recorn1.11on or award.I will be ma<te at lht meeting of Januwy. F~lowehlp u hoet gToup Mr. C ar I eon waa appointed chairman of the commll1111nn after lbe Rev. Robert Oronlund rulgn· ed at a prevloua ee111lon becauae OT hla elecUon to Co•ta Me.a Union Sctlool Dlatrlct board. Serv- lnc with him are Mf1. P. F. Shane, Don Sapp and Ecjwtn Gom· ke to make a religioua canvu or the -Harbor area .. and plan tor a rell(ioue coD'lpal(D. > The Rev. Robert Gronlund re- ported on prognu of the propo1- 196'. A tlendlng were pa1tor1 and del· ecatu from seven churcllh, the Y. M. C. A. HC~t.a,.y and two f\Jelll. Baine• and Dr Rfchard Pou. pu· Methodt.sts at tor of Costa Mua Southern Bap-Calendar of Events U1t Church. who 11 1 n-member of the council. A80UT THE CHl'RCH Tht Rev. M. C. Cronic pruided and lhr Rl!v. Frederick Rlnge. putor of the Fellow11hlp, revlt>w· ed fhe hlatory, doctrine and ecope of work ot t he Uni vtr1all1t cburch. The Union Th11nk111vlnc• ..rv- lce WH a~nounced tor tbe eYe:n· Jng ot Nov. 33 ·at St. Andrew'• Prubylerlan Church. It will tea· tuni a rell«IOu• drama directed by Holly Luh Vl111>I 1md w 1 t h both St. Andrl'W'll 11nrt Ball)oa h · land Methodllt hurch <'ho Ir 1 parUclp1t1ng A commlll« w 11 .. a ppoint('(! con· lliatin1t ot the Rrva Jotieph Mc· Master Point Winners in Balboa Game Wlnnere of Molrr polnls In the l"t'Cl'nt evening ~ame hf'h1 In Balboa werc-Mn . A W. Tummel and Mra. Amy Kenn~y. Mr1 Henry Eggert and Wiiiiam Du· can, Mrs. Jv"n Hooker and Mra. Pauline Sayre, Mr11. Marti Me rrill an<1 Mr11 Betty Coomb11. Plarlng 1econl1 w11re Mra. Edna MacM .. ter and Mr1'. Merle Mc· Combn. Mn. Helen RoberlJI Bnd Mra. Kathryn Carpenter. L. V. Brown and Ge<>rite Merrlma.n. Mr1. Kathntne Smith and Mr1. A. D Wetherby. Eut • wut winner• In Monday afternoon'• Muter Point touma- menl were Nr1 Kathryn Carpen- ter and Otto Hartfield w h I I e north • aouth hlith 8COreni were Mr1. Roma Leber and Fred Mor· rtaon.•1 Placing RCOnd were Mn Betty Coombll and Mra Dorothy Harri· .on. Mu. Oinny I.Aux •n•I Mr& A R MacDonald In third po111- ~~~h;e':roM~: ~'r.~· .i::~;n~c~~I~ Jin, and Percy Crawl<'y. The CTOUP will met•t on Friday evening at 414 £ut Oct>1n F ront with play 11tart1ni at 7:30 o'clock. Turkey Potluck at First Bap~st A family pot tuck turkey din· ner wlll be held Friday al 7 p. m al tlle .,,.t 8&pll1l Church 19th •nd Ba.Ibo& Blvd. The Thank~v­ lnc Uleme will be the order for Utt day. Ule turkey will be then and aJ1 that It la needed to brtnc are conred duhu and tabl• 1er- •lce. CotfM Will be eerved. For additional lnformallon call the dl&Jrman, M.ra. William Hod9don. Harbor 1116-M. or Mr9. Eulala s.tea, Hartlor l 861,J. ror t h e program Chaplain o-r,.. Weidman wtU ehow ht. colored alJdM Of ltuN pe. Rummage Sale -at Costa Mesa On l'rtd&Y and Saturday. of U1la W'Mk u. ... will be a nun- map .ale In the. bullcttnr neat to the c.o.ta M-Baftll:. Ttle ale 11 mpe>MOrecl b;r the women of tile nnt Bapu.t OW'Cli. Newport ._ch. M r a. 9/iUllaa BoMdoe. c:Mlmlan. la &lllUted. by commit· t. m.mben. Mrs. Jam.. l:dpr. and Mrs. Jam .. Edpr. Service in Valley Church ' Preeent and former Harborltu aalhered at La CJ"PCent. Sunday NOV. 11 attemoon tor the -coneKraUon BAZA.AA, W. 8 . C. 8. 10 a. m. ..erv1ce ot the. educational unit of to 8 p.m .. dinner, Oodell Hau. I.a ere.centa ValJey Metbodiet NOV. 17 Church. l:Bl:LL ART aablblt 2~ p. m. From here were the .f«v. anl.! Legion Hall. Mrs. Roy C1rlaon and family and B It PW 8:48 p.m .. NHYC Mias Elale Newland. Mr. Carl80n. JbB'S DAVOHTJCRS S p.m .. FA. h k A. ,Clubhouae. w 0 too part In the .._edlcallon. J UNIOR EDELL 12·~ organlud the church and built' , p.m. the chapel, which WU dedicated Chr11llan. Hut, Rolla We r on In 1948. The Rev. E. D. Ooodell, Civil t>e,feftM. former pa11tor of Cb.rat Church NOV. 11 by the Sea. 11 now ~late pa.a-FAC U :ao p.m. muetc procram tor and director of re.llCiO\a edu· by OCC. r cation at La Creecenta. ALPHA OMICRON PHJ tea Mra. Scott McDonald. wtte of Z;SG-4:30 p.m 123 Onn Ave. thl' bu 11 d In&' contractor and EBELL CARD iteeUon 1 p.m. <'hurch tnultH. I• the .Uter ot gl)eU Clubhoult"' Mra. Thomu Pend~U. al90 former SO\'. i 1 pa.at or ot lhf' local dllll'CI\. Thtlr TRAVEL FILMS ot Sweden. mother, Mn1. Roy Pe.ndell or Bur· High School Aud. 8 .30 p.rn. ban)( was also p~eent. Surprise Fete for Pastor's Wife \\'hilt the Rev. and Mr11. T J. Fewell of 723 W . Wllaon St., Cos- ta Me.a. were out to d1nner last Frluay evening a group of friend.I allpped Into the boUM to eur· prl .. Mra. Ft'well on her return wlt.o • birthday party. Pneentl· Uon of (ifll wu followed by a lerge calte, Ice cream and coffee. Prt'atnl were MeaaC"n and Mme.. E. H. Heelerly, W, E. Coffman, J im Bowen. ChHter Carter. Har- old CUnn1ncham end the J'ewell.e. In New York Ml11 Lorna Milla of Newport lllland. a director of Laruna Beach SaV)llr;• and Loan AMOC1a- llun. attended the convention of l he United Statee Sav1n11 and Loan Learue at Mlama Beach. na.. la also on vacation and 11 ioeelng :-:tw York before rt'l\lm· Ing home. To Get Degree in Three Years William Kerr Hopkin• of Bal- bo1t Island 111 a truhman thl1 fall at Sabi.on Jnalltute of Bu1ine111 Admlnl1trallon, Weltuley, Mus. He expected to carry a concen· trated schedule which will enable him to earn the degree of bache- lor of K ience In bwilnu1 admlnl· 1trallon In three yeal"ll ot collece work lnalead ot four, undu the tpeelal intenaive p~ of 1tudy avaUable to etudente at Bab«>n Jnalltute. Hopklne, one of tOO aludtnll trom 2~ et.atu and 18 forelrn oountrle11 a tttndlnc Babeoo. la tht aon of Mr. and Mr.. C. W. L&ra· bff, 227 Orand Canal. Scelscn Hove Girt Mr. and Mre. ~hn 8celM. 366 Ramona Way, Coeta -Mu.a. are the p11rtnll of a rlrl baby bom Nov. 11 ln St. Joseph HOllpllal. JEWELRY FROM ESTATU AYAILAILE If you ere seeking Jewelry Items th.t •re X.rce let us know •.• We m.y Buy It For YOU e ll:WELRT llOUGllT e • St.an 1'oar Olute&alM LaT-Away Now ROIERTS JEWELERS Hl}-lllart9eAYe.-...._..._._ ........ sUl A. reminder that an early order ....,.. Holiday Delivery of ~lee~ Piece. of Fine Funliture Corona def Mar Balboa Island COASTLINE AUXILIARY IN VFW PL.AQUE UNVEILING Several membel"ll of the Ladles Awullary, 3Me, C-.tllne P<>1t, v. f'. w .. psrtlc1pated In ntea at M.tdway City when a memorial plaque. dedicated to v~terana who eerved from Orange County, wu unveiled. Coullfrla Post member1 were in uniform and carried "tile colors. A Gold Star mother, Mr1. Viola McWethey and .-Gold Sta.r wile, Ml"ll. M. A. Olllen, unveiled the plaque, whk:.b wu placed In the Chapel of the Wildwood. At the Nov. 4 meetlnr of Coa.atllne Aultllht.ry a lettu O( thank• was ~ad from Olrl SCC?Ul Troop 31 for a nae pruented the troop, of whJch the auxlUary l1 11ponaor. On Fnday ennlnc D'1ember1 of the po!Jt. auxiliary, their families and friend• will meet at Coet. Meaa American LeJton Hall for a pot luck dinner. 8 FROM AREA . Crippled Children's Relief Assn. Report ' 81Yen Coeta )(-re1ldcnll and -from Newport Beach received a.Id this put year from the Crip- pled Children'• Rehet A.uoci1Uon of Oran&'e County. Inc. accordlnr to annual report of the pre11dent. M.IM E Kate Rea of A naheim. e-.t raldentl on the board of dlrectoni are Mra. ~rtha Tlllot· eon of C<Jeta M.eaa. Lel&.nd J . Mc· t'oltodl. MmN. l!:Art S M orrow and C. M. Inakln1 of lh111 city. llmb, OllY&'eA; ambulance, electro- cudlog'ram Report of t he lreuurer. Mr1 Tom Scott or Anaheim. 11how1 : Total red epll . _ SI fJ,886.98 Total expenditures H .070.41 Balance Oct. 81. 1960 2.798.M Of the 127 peraona ht'lped In aome way there were 4'~ bnya, ~ ctrle, 18 mt'n and 18 women. Santa An.a cues 30, Fullerton 8. CypnM 4. Anaheim 17, Garden Grove 18. SlUl J uan Capll!lrano I. Loe Alamltoe l , Seal Be&ch 1. Brea 8, We1tminater '4. Newport Bu.ch I, Coeta Meaa 7, Pl.acentla '4, Hunt- ln(ton Beach 7, Orange 8. San Clemente 3. Olive 1. Tuatln 2. La Habra 2, Buena Park 3, Midway City l , Tort>& Und&, 1, Stanton 1. The kind of help given -arch 1Upport. a~lal 1hoee, brace., wriet eupporL neck 1upport, flnan· cl&l help. food. rent, alln(. apllnl. medicine and otrlce c&ll11. hoepltal and T It A, ear. trapeze, artllld al Equipment lncludH 8 hoepital beds. l -lly bed, 7 walker.. l trapea.e. 2 porto llti., 4 J unior whttl chaJl"ll, 2 Uny tot wheel chairs. 28 wheel chaJl"ll, eenlor 111&.e, 7 worn out; lt whMI chalra. I wheel cha1r uaed daily by lhe Carl H&(l(IJ School. JO cn.itcbel. and 1 Acme 1kl uaed daily by the Carl H&rvey khool. The pueona helped thle )'Mr were referAd to the A9oci&Uon by the public health nllntea, the pub. lie 11Chool nur1H, the dlrector1. the county department of 1'0<'fal ur- vlce. the ,-octaJ 1ervlct department 'Ot the county ho.plt.al, the county department of..;>h~olheMlpy. the public IChool 89ittora and private phY1lclana and denU.ll. Handmade Contemporary Originals In eoUd Gold and 8Uver 23-nth P la<'e at Belmont Pier Long Beach, Calif. Cloeed Mondaya p;.ano -.!Jn6fruclion TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) At'ttpU111 a Umltecl lllMftlN>r of puplla tor pt._ ClGnctrt PlaAlttt of n'" CoaU-11 tlrM!ualt' 8tudrnt of ~la Bart-Ok 436 Serra Drive Pb. Har. 2039 Coro~ Hl~hlaads -Corona del Mar ......... ...._ N.wport" A KA YETTE PHOTO Special for Oran~ Co u n t y women who have 11erved ovel"lle&a wlth the Four ottlcen and a rueet from Harbor Toutmlatre• Club at· tended tlle fall conference ol Council No. 1, aouthweet re,ton. lntemat1onal LoutmlatrellJ Club&. held Saturday at Greenbriar Inn . "Op port unity Tbn>ugh Le ad e r· 1h1p" wu the confennce theme. Mr11. Alb<rt )(Jchaell, club ~ 11entallve of the Harbor club, wu a member ot the evaluatJoa paael 1 t the morninc -•ion. THURS., FRI. & SAT. Return From Trip to Europe • • ~N ~-i-e-t-c-11 HOSE Mr. and Mr1. J ohn V'Ren havf' rttumed aft.er leaving In June on the Methodiat Ftlendshl19tour to Europe, plua a month In th native En1land. Relurnt.nc to IU:G. . ... PADS •100 PAD '.\'ew York they 1pent eral weeks In .Ithaca with the u1b· ler and her family. Before leavtng the U'Ren11 110ld their home at 3613 Wut Ocun Front. are now rujdlna at 1408 W'8t Ocean Front and recoverlnc from a vlrua eltack. a home town greeting. Langenheim& Off to East Coast · Mr 11. Mark McM&ha.n of Santa Ana. prraldent of J.T.C. and Mr.I. Jn,. Pc.ttt'r ot Long Beach, a put l.T.t;. preetdcnt, t ol'ether w I l h ma.ny lntemaUooal and nrtorua.J offil'f'r11 were In attendance. Re· rrea<"ntlng Harbor cJub w e re Mrnt>ll. Nadine Hill, Albert E . Jobnl!On, Albert. MJcbaeU, Mlae Charlotte Skinner and a rum. Miu Anne Hospers. In Music Recital at Bridges Hall ---·---w-. a.-rto.a1 Nit FLANNEL GOWNS & PAJAMAS . $2.99 'Ii I I • • ._ &a.. .. GALS" ..._ __. .. llLE&I' WA¥ A ocmT ,_ SA>Oll WEU.. .._..__,lb IMYO(JJ Mr. and Mr1. Hay Lancenbelm Tom w. Header-. -of Ji&. lnvt' Tueeday for Waabln(ton, and Mra. Tom Rende..-. f30 Via D. C. where the chamber ot com· Lido Nord. wlll ta.Ice part tn a merce secretary 11.•111 tranaact bu-atudent recital to be praented by •lnru The couple then (CO to An· the Pomona. COllece Mu.le De· rnOD( 0 DRY napolla to 1<pend Thankeeivlnar _:_.:_::.:.._::=_::.:::.:.:.:::.:_.=.=:_=_..'.!~~~~~~~~~~~~~ with their aon. Mldshlpma.n J ohn Lang•·nhe1m. will t~ke In the Ar· my-Navy game Saturday and fO on to New Tork. Jn the lattt.r city La113enbelm w111 meet with the Olympic Gamu commlttN Thty expect to be rone 10 day1. Week End Seecialf S-A-V-E!! Corduroy Slim Jim Pant.a, ' 3-6 x orr11 .. , loys Balboa Island 7 .14 and Peddle Pwibeni ftecularly '8.98 Thuni., Fri. I: Sat. only • $488 A Unique Service for You GorgeoUll colon A bl&ck F OR YOU -FOR orrrs Exciting "Tee" 8bl.rt1 Casual Children's Clothe• made In Our Own Factory to your child's penonal meuuremenlJI to match or con tr11.11t Reg 2 98 ,. 3 98 At Ready-to-YI ear Prices Casual Fubloa• 1883 Barbor Co.tta Meta Open Fri. TUJ 9 U 8· 7566 Using your ma(erial or our eapeci&lJy .elected fabrica •.•• thia penR>nalired cu.t.om eervice in addition. of coune, to our complete atock or Top Brand name children's cfothlng. Similar Service Available in our Woman'• Shop -La Fiesta., located next door, on Balboa Island NOW------t.· OPEN e•e BEAUTl-PLEA T of Costa Mesa 1799 Newport Ave. Uberty 1-8242 • featuring-BEAUTl-PLEAT Traverse Draperies B£AtlTI • Pt.ltAT d"tM'~ Aft' ~ ..., for 7ou •• la all ..... au ('Oto"· all fa.brt<-a • • • Oft rod• .. .., • -tflf'CI troablf'-fr-•.. aad .. ua•ual .. ,.In.a. "1111 ""' •w "•If plM&" that rh',.. yoa plMI• u..t 8"" eo Mft aad' ao -110,... MMI '° 90l ~ .. ,....,..._.of '"1- .._ WlaWI ... ,,......,. -.,...1 Never Before-Such Drapery Beauty! e It'• New! !J It'• Revolatioury • It'll Pnd6ca.I e It'• Troa.ble FrM •It'• ...-u.ftiatt For N-"'a,...tll ..... UI) la Yo., H--VWt 011t ~'"-1'.-,! ; t I . -· ,. .. ~· • . ALl.-AMERICAN'S- · EARl Y-8110 · 3 SALE DAYS • Thursday •. Friday e S•turday NOVEMBER 17, 18, 19 WATCH FOR OUR BIG THANKSGIVING I .' AP ~ONDAY! FA~CY EASTERN CORN-FED PORK HOPS · I• or Lolll-o.ly Cllolce Center Cuts!! . , LUER'S EASTERN HICKORY-SMOKED EVERYTHING ON YOUR LIST- AT A SAVINGS! - MY WORD!:: A The All-Amerlc• •d Is The 'lest-Dressed. · Gobbler In Town! PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW TO RESERVE A PLUMP GRADE A BROADBREAST Hen or Tom -All Tender, Juicy, New Crop Blrdt - Oven-Ready and Picked CINn as a Pini . OcEAN SPIAY CRANBERRY1 SAUCE · MAZOLA ~ SUGAR ·01L iiii.. Full C .. -BACON .SOUARES· ~~· .: 'r-·ll-~ Ii \- Al.L·AMERICAN FIRST 9UALITY EASTERN . SLICED -BACON ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF -- FOi SALADS OR SHRIMP COCKTAIL GREEN SHRIMP,. All Flavors • S & W's FAMOUS -21.QL GLASS JAR .: 3~~~L23c i ~~~~E MEAT · G'"" Giont Tonder : EVAP MILK 2 ~~S 2 · PUS I • ·----- Noc!OO 19c ~ GiEEi-iEANs 2 . I ~~iMW•n I r .: ~:~i-H2'9c ~ PiECaUSiCKAM1x I ,5c~ Nopkin• , : iiirEi CAYAMS 2 3' ,. •. °' ... ......... SIDI . ~lie Table 2 7-0z. 19c Pk91. ' PuiEiARD 1.7 •· 2 :~11 gc . SPICE .BUYS! . ~ frettcll's llack Pepper n .. .o........ 14c ~ • French's Ground Cinnamon ,.,...o.. 15c ~ ""•nch's Whole Cloves 1v..o.. ..... 29c :::::=- Al.L-AMEllCAN "''·TOP' PUii rotK 'SAUSAGE I-Lb. C.llo loll 2·9c Venue Coconut COOKIES ~ 35c FTench'1 Gar.k Salt 1v • .o.. .......... 17c ~ ftre11dl's Sage Leaf 'l't.o............... 17c ::;::: _French's Poultry SeasonlalcJ 1.0... 17c -- ft'ench's Pumpkin Pie Spice 1v •• o.. 21c c ~luon's •xtra-Rich, All-Grl.,clS, 1-Lb. Can .!GOFFE.E ~ I -Gold Medal -5-Lb. Bag ••• 45c LOUR 10-Lb. Bag ••• ~II-American Strictly Fresh liiiGE EGGS · Meadow GolclJiracle AA Premium BUTTER · 1-Lb. Ctn. l I ' fresh Fruits ~ Vegetabl~ . ... BEST 9UA~ITY ~ U.S. NO. 1 Exli a-Fcn1ey Washlntton Starking Delclous Extra-Fancy New Crop Californial CeHo Window Box· · WASHINGTON RUSS.ET .. Lbs. • -~ • '-·· ~ .-~--~ ~...;_II ~-. I . -·-- Ubby's Golden -No. 2i Can t I Delicate.1sen . UM·PKIN -'-~-·-~ All-Amerian ... , c,.... ~ .. ~.~REAM. ~-0.1. 3-Lb. c Ctn. Can CUlllSC*'I -1.U. IOI POUL TRY STUFFING OIDTI LAaM RIPE PITTED OLIVES ~~~ UllY'I TOMATO JUICE ~ SaW-1-«.IAI COCKTAIL CHERRIES •. , =-~79'- • I •.;,a ............ m • . wsveo. ... tt .. ........ ...... WYM I ••. 4e..2S . • t c... ..... , ..... "°°' N.aH SARAN-WRAP REYNOLDS WRAP GLACED .. FRUIT MIX 45c iNsTANT-cOFFEE (. '1• . 2tc ....... ~-·-~~,~~ .. ~_ ... _:--_.c.._-_--=-_ ... _: 25c -·"" .. _ ·_s I I I I I I I I I I FRiNiST 3 9.:· r ~rti~i~ --- 'BANQUET MILD . . e : PICNICS CHEDD AD ··39 .. I Nownte-it's•ll~ust HD 1 he•venly good Ntingl HOllMEL SLICED COOK:z. 49 : s 2'9 HAM PKG. . e L~-: ___ _ I ASSORTED LUNCH' C IWIPT PllMIUM 'SlANT.PAI" 59 WISCONSIN AGED, NIPPY 65:.' I MEATS.:~ CHEDDAR I I I IWPIT PllMIUM SU CED Bologna KOLO-KIST -12-0z. ROAST BEEF DINNERS ---33:.1 UOUORS ALL-AMERICAN GENUINE IMPORTED s SCOTCH Fifth 99 100% Scotch Wh~kies - Bottl.d in $cotl•ndl A delicious, complete me•ll -Why Pay More? - · KNOTI'S BERRY FARM BOYSEN.BERRIES 3 14-0Z. 95c PKGS. · PICTSWEET -YOUR CHOICEI . FRENCH FRIES, . .. LEAF SPINACH, CHOPPED SPINACH e ea AU.AMERICAN _,ROOF VODKA Full s fi)uart! .99 \ Gu•r•nteed to pie ... yttyl " ~ -Why Pay More? - AU-AMERICAN CJO.PROOF DRY -GIN Rf th ·s 59 - -Why Pay More? - iifc ... PoRT Aflh 49e . e NORWALK c~ fllmTOlll • ,..,.. OPlll DAILY 9111. MIDNnl e NIWPORT llACH Ult COAST t•HWAY AT 1'VllWI OPIN , .. A.Ill. TO 9:00 P .M. DAILY e GARDEN GROYI • CORONA DEL MAR tt SAN CLEMINTI 1111 .... ..._ ....._ c ....... , IMf COAST llllllWAY AT .IAtt•• .. a CAt•O 11AL DAILY t:tO A.Ill. TOH.• P.M. IAIL~'1tl A.M. ~ 1"'9 P.M. tA.M.WO.,.M..IRNTt101P.M. . , , --/ . .. ' ~ ... I ! • .. (}overnmenl f:xcepl :Jrom PAGE 6 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR' NEWS.PRESS ·, WEDNESDAY, NO~EMBER 16, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we caMot change: the courage to change the things we~an and the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS ·:;OutSide Qar Manufacturer ~ . Cuts Props from . Dealers ~ Oty council Monday nJcht MW a direct factory ..ad price on municipal automobll• cut the prope out from under local dealer prica • .. General Moton llhow- ~ the boya how to cu~ric. if Y.OU want city bueineu. Our NdWport Beach car dee.len submitted bids .-they always have, knowing they bad Nf:h other to buck-but not dreaming a major motor ctr tirm would enter the bidding competition. One ~ell member ~timated that aa the city accepted the factory'• di- rect bid the city would save $2300 on the ca.n involved ..,..-compared to giving the buaineu to tlJe lewest bid · ot a local dealer. · " One of the leaien who wu preeent at the council ' ~ eeuion expressed bit aurpriM a factory bid wu nwte ~though aucb wu not foreign to hia knowledge in ottaer areas. In years put thia newapaper baa editorially co!Jl· iented on the custom of municipal employeea buying tietr merchandise at di8count houee11 catering to city ~rs and other. public servant.a. We mentioned then they drew their aalariea from the local t.&xpayen, a number of whom are in buaineu here. We cannot see how this factory diecount car deal • any different. There ia no doubt the city aaved money, a habit we welcome in any 1e,e1 of government. But by the aame token ot seeking factory diacdunta, would it not be fairer to get ALL motor car makers - to aubmit factory bi<U it the council cbooea not to give the buaineu to local dealers who pay the taxes that •Upport the city? Council Slaps Down County . Flood Control Pork Barrel Having •uggelted previoualy the Newport Beach City Council could well recon.aider ea.rlier approval of a reaolution toiated on the body of the county board of aupervt.on to aid tbe U2 mJllioa tJQOd coetrol project. we must publicly commend the cou.nc.ll memben !or 1uch ·action. At Monday'• meeting the council, by then having bad time individually to atudy in more detail the rami- fjgtiona o f this political pork ~I to Newport Beach taxpayen, voted to reecind the reeolutlon adopted half-heartedly some wee.Ju ago. . Althoup the motion WU Councilman J. B. Stod· ~rd's, he in faimeu, agreed with hi• fellows that any , ~ne of them would have brought up the reecinding jction on which they all were unanimo~. -' We feel the people of Newport Bea.ch wUl be glad to know that intelligence bu prevailed in their local tovernment, given time to study what wu pi:eeented ioo quickly to the council. The flood control bond iiuue, more properly a drainage plan to aid west and ~orth county 11ubdjvisiona, bu bee.n thoroughy criticiled Jy tbe county farm bureau and the county's own League ti Cities chapter. Only city atW for the bond issue is Anaheim. We trust this city, given time to consider. will arree with other public bodies that there is a better method to give drainage to areaa in need without aoak- ing all the tUpayera. in the county for what ia needed · only in certain areu. ... High School, Y Leaders Working for Better Youth You who read an ~uiorial here recently regarding the "excluaiveneaa" of membership in the Newport Harbor Union High School YMCA clubs !or boya and .ID!WPORT ~ HARBOR R:BW$wPRESS llnteNd u Seoolld..a.. Kate. at the Poetomce lD Nnrport 8McJi.. Califonua UDder Ule A.ct ot Marcb a. 1178. girls doubt.Jeuly will be u glad u we to hear this &dole.cent form of lnobbery is being eli.minated through coutnactive action of the -.c!bool and th~ Y directors. Thia put Monday morning, thanks to cooperation given by school autboritiee to the Y directors, two meetJ.np were held. one for boya, one !or girla, inviting chUdrell to hear the Hi-Y and t he Tri-ID-Y 1program expounded. Whereas a total ot 17oi girls prior to Monday'• meeting were in the. four grades' varioua Tri-~i-Y clube, chartered and un-cbartel"ed, a total of 179 girl.a llhowed up at the gi(la' Tri~Hi-Y meeting to learn from Mrs. Roy Fox, Tri-Hi-Y director, what the movement had to offer them and wi.t they could give tbe movement. A total of oi7 boya attended a Hi-Y aeuion held in another room and beard the boya' Y program outlined.. . We think the comparative totala -17oi girla "in" Y clube and 179 girla who were interested in finding out about them-are most interesting. Tboae of you who read the recent editorial on cliqulahnet111 evident and proven in the Y clube probably agree with ua that there la no place for such in a movement dedicated to . •pouainr Chriatian prtnclp1-; nor can such clanniah- ne.. be. exC1Uled when the club'• aupport come1 lrom the public pune -$!!ooo thi.a year for YMCA through eo'mmunitJ Cbmt funds -of Newport Harbor. However, com• now th1a' greater sharing of the Y pfOIT&Dl, thanb to the Y leaden being given courte- ous ho.pitality by school officiala in m.&king halla avail- able ao the principle.I involved could be communicated. With the aharing of information and explanation of pur- J>OM9 there can be no reuon henceforth to keep -. high achool youngster out.aide one of .theee organization•. Although the previoua editorial aingled out one apecific cl.au'. Tri·Hi-Y club u a cue in point for ita mg.bod of chOOlling members, tt abould be poin~ed 9ut that in time put the Y here bu allowed ita club mem- bers to vote in by a majority count thoee children wiah- ihg to join. Defense of th1a ii on grounds the clube, to be effective, neceuarily muet contain compatible children. Likewiae, it bu been stated, air.e of avail- able private bomea' living rooma baa limited the mem- benhlp. Aleo, the Y executives think the clube can be more uaetully directed when they are no larger than about 25 memben. Greater aiu makes the member- ahipa le911 pliable for adult directon. it wu claimed. Now 80me of that lul paragn.ph we agree with, aome we don't. However, now t.be achool o!ficiala t.nd Y directors are in better concert than ever before we have every hope the local YMCA high ecbool program can grow in a proper direction with no vestige of snobbiahneea and cliquiahne• attaching to any Y club. Any which a.re 80 piqued will be evident and wiU proclaim them- telvea a mockery of the Y purpose: '·'To create, maintain and extend the high atand- t.rda of Christian character." TQ Keep Your Taxes Down You Must Do Your Part "I wouldn't meaa around with politica." So maybe you worry about the high coat of gov- ernment. but think it'a ju1t too big and complicated to do anything about. • One of the "advantagea" of living in these United Stat.ea is that you can do practically nothing about rovernment Wlleaa you feel like IL So, okay. nobody w1fi compel you. But your citi- aen'• right.a don't exclude one big must. An American mu.at pay for government. Prope~y tuee a.re higher In Orange County and California this ·year. Other tax.es keep climbing. too. • What can be done about It! Tb~ thinga. (1) Vote intelligently: (2) write to public officials, a writing voter ill normany a thinking voter: and (3) participate in group action for more economical govfrnment. Uke all Amerlcana. we here have the historic right to t.Ue our rteponaibilitiea of citizenahip eerioualy. Sin• cere concern and action by many can reduce the high c09t or government. NO COMMENT B1 IAMES W. DOUTllAT You hear h'e•b concena ex· prelllled on Capitol Hill lhue d&y1 over t.ht etf«t of poUt1cal acti· .,...u .. of union boteea on the rank and tilt of union membent. Jl'or eumplt. Bena.tor Barry Oolchntu, Artsona Republican, try are Republican. °'Whfn a union 0011~ rab4"1' S10.· 000.000 f(lr polit ical p11rpOt<~1< out of compUl80ry union dUtJI. S• .000.· 000 Of that monfy must come from ftepubllcan union member1. hblt..., ""'7 .-.,, ww l'IJ ... rrwa,. ltJ ta. belleYH ti.at t.he pollllc:al fTff- "" dom of UM work~ man and ''Tbla meana that a Republican union member who s ou down to lhf polla t o Yole Republlcan 1,, at the aame time. required, in or- du to bold hl11 jl)b. to rontrtbute, tllroup hla du ... chec:k ·off, to lh• camp&lp f\lnd9 for the tnmo- crauc Party -the very party whlC'h he I• vot1n1 a1aln11t Nlt'WPOld' JIAIL90S PUaL18111NQ ,OOIU'ANT woman et A.Jflsic& i.. ln peat Hll ltelboa .,....., JtfKWl'OaT DAO&, CALD'. PMee &anor lilt Jeopardy becauae or elr)>eftditure of unioa tllada for poltJcal pur· ~ ............. " ........ ~· , ... ., All ...... poM9. 87 .,..,,_el .......... o-rt el Onlnse 0t. la~ 1'e. A•llftl "In 1111 gptQIOfl." he •YL "tht ......_ o.llenla !fews r P'O"' a Arn•a.. .._.. N.a-a ••1.W .&•1111.._ ....-. ., ot...s. Olimt7. 1' ........... ' BllN ftmDDlCK, PUBUJIBl:R WJl.IJAM A. 110989. lldilol' OIUllOHD 11. RO~ ~ lMNctor CIU.JU.a A. AN18'1"1\0MO. J(e*ppl=! •up111n~ ual1rJlalton of poUUcal powu by eome top u.ntoa leaden la deny· Inf. to JftllUOM of 1'llll and file workera tM rll'tll to mal&e their owa poUUcaJ ••c&t1a11 ... " ll09I OOllPl..AJNT Patt °' tale eomplah1t aplftat Ule 1111108 ~ 11 pPlal.ned Wr way: "OtljeCUft atucbN •1 uni..,...· U• aftd ether 1"*1>9 11&"'9 Pown lbal appl'Ofli~J tO ,_. .-t et t.M wuaa Membln la Ulla coun· "Yorty ~r C'ent of the union men1bera In lhe Un ltf'd St.atu are In lhl1 poaltlon today. "It 1uch a ttltuatlon doesn't atr\kf rl&ht at the roota of t~e· dom 111 thla country. than r ban no Idea what f'reedom me&N1." OOVl:RNt.rENT ECONOMY - You ban h.e&rd of "Y• But" peo- ple -Uloea wbo a.-l"ff to ecir:M· 011111 and UM!n Im~ et.art n.l .. n, otlJtcUona. i ~ ;.v•·....... _ ...... .• • • -""' .... -::".J • .. lit.;... . .... Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITED PR.F.88 (A Symposium of Eakorial Comment from California Newspa)Jers I The Conference at Geneva : Ontario-Upland Daily Report : "In one relatively brief •peech for a RuBSian, Soviet Foreign Miniater V. M. Molotov doused all hope of an East-West agreement on unification ot Germany. Now everybody can stop kidding them.lelv• and on~ anc1lht>r th1t Communism &!(Ing lo thf' ~t'i<l than he had •nd Communist nu 11 11 I a h11ve been m many month•. . • . th• changed 11pot t1. Thill 111 the health· pair !l1tHI lh"Y had dlscuaM!d 'the lut devlllOpmenl In world affairs people of thl' state• of llla1ltnt during the p1111t year In that re· Eut'<>pe and are nt common accord •peel. it rtpre~ente rl'ally good 111 rrco1o1:nizlng· the Importance of newa at Gen•va." ln<lrpend11nt'e for th I' a e 1tatea, l"'ullerton Dally N"ws Tribune: non-lnterter~nce from lb.-out· ''Unlus lhe Kremlin does a major s1dt' Ir their intrmal affalre and tllp-nop, there le no chanct" of the rlchl to develope their own · any progrt'11i1 At GeMva toward 11ot·\ul and economic order In way• 1ettlement of the Ci!rman, Euro· of t'hl'ir d101ce.' Dullea . . • haa pean and dl1111rmam4"nl problems. cl1rl 1eo 11n Import.ant •tatement Sc,vlet condltlon11 foi· agr~emenl from MsrlhLI Tito. Important not are Impossible, Thal leavu only only Jn Ila efri!Ct but In what tt onr othe1· agenda Item-'develop· reflect! on th~ po11ll1on of Tit.ct menl ot conlal'l8 between eaat hlm1elt." . ADLAI EN1'ER8 THE RING Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO, (CNS) -The rullng ot Attorney Oeuera1 Ed· mund G. Brown tp the •ffect that no ortlcer, employee or member of & trade uaoclatlon may bold public otrtce without jeopardizing contract! held by other member• of the same attllOClatlon probably will have & wldeapru.d effect on buslneu 1ctlvlt1u In California. Already. the California State Bulldent Exchangea hu uked for Immediate rulgnatlon from the H llOClatlon ot certain member• In ~ member aaaoclallon1 through· out the 1ta te. OOUNCIL MEMBER reaponalblllty and on the public pay1·oll. Originally, the law adopted by the le(1•lature prohlbltins profit lrom g ovemmenl by peraol\I 11erv· Ing government. wu Intended to halt the ev11 of having people run tor office. and Immediately upon being elected, 1tart tumtnr bust· nua Into their own est&bliahme.nta. Thl11 wu b<>th to k~p the chan· nd1 of competitive blddlnJ' open from all typea ol bualn... which du.It with the rovernmenl&I en· Uty, and to out down craft 1.ht.t had m 10me locall Ue. become pre- va lent. . WENT P'AllTHEA However. lhe lecl11lature went much C•rther than the memben anticipated. s ometime •Co In M•· rln county, there wu a queaUon of a 1uptrvl10r who owned a por· lion of a rock colhpany rurnleh· inc agg"rept.ea for county road work. To avoid violating the law, lhe eupervlJtOr did not run again. snci we.at.' If the Soviets block IH'LLP:~ PF.RFORMANCE 11e1tlement of the otht'r queallon11. BakeraJ1eld Californian: DullH thu1 lut agenda Jtem could be a .. has ranged from Madrid to major trap for the weaL Acree· Belgrade to muster t he tull mN1la to mcrea.e eaat.-weat con· lltrenicth of thl' We.tern worl<l t1cl1t aren't w 9 rt h the paper and its neulr11 center• to oppoM they're written on until the So-any ~chemc or coalition that the vlets te1r down the Iron CUrtaln." Soviet leader& may propoae or u- A..RROOANT BOLSHJ:Vl.Jl8 aemble. He hu spoken vlcorou1- The San Franclaco Newa: '"The ly and !lurely In eupport of the rrogance with which the Bolahe-contenllon1 of the Weat~m dlplo- 8 at Genna have tom up th<' mall and tlme and apin ha.I 'tieneva spirit' Is almost unbellt'v-placed M,. Molotov on the delen- able. Thi11 poee1 a major problem •Ive, which la a rar• 1ccompl11h- for Western leader11. 1'bey I et ment. Whatever pealmlam may people'• hopes rl11e too high lut have been In the mlnda ot l.boae 11\Jmmer. Now they muat lt'nd the who travcll~d lo Gf'neva at the people, down trom thoee mlaplac· outMt h .. been dlapelled by th• ed hopes at thf '11ummlt'-to de· ~rformance of Mr Dulles and 1Cend without aubetllullng unwar-the m&nr1er In which he haa lrl· ranted desp!Wr for unwarranted ump.hed over grave dlfflculllea.'' hopes. Sct1ppe • Howard Foreign The Napa Register: "A n1Uon· ~tor Ludwell Denny report.I al crlsla Involving the l&tely and from Geneva . that Mr. Dullee eecyrlty of the United States ,and wanta to patch up snmethlng l<> ll• alhee hu developed auddenly. keep lhe current truJUcu talk• It wu bom In Pie apparent fall· going on into conference• next ure of Mr. 1Claefh1ower'1 m.ld·aum· yeu. Thi• 111 a dan1erou. coune. mer forelp pollcy pmbJe at the To prolong lhf' current effort.a to Geneva .ummlt. The Soviet Ru~ negotiate. wllh men who demand alan leadera who w n-e 10 amiable the lmpou1ble . . . can only Ln· there no lonl'er 11mlle, In the volcf' tho> Soviets tb plung. t11rth· .whole of Europe and In the Mid- er ind further along the road of dle Eaat, Sovlf'l Russia now 11 •ubvl'r11on &ttrt agtrcuton." . accUMd or endan1ertn1 l'nn l'he Loni' Beach Prus • Telegram: doubttul peace which t he poet· 'Tht1 week. In a Joint statement war woYld had actaleved. 'Uraent with U. 8. Se_!:ret.ary of State John quullona for torelrn policy and Fo11\er Du 11 ea. I Y11ro-l&vl1'1 deft nse have been created b)' the Marahal) Tito watt more encour-nl'w Kremlin 1tratec.'' The rullJ\g by the attorney ren· eral waa glvcm as the ruult of a situation In the City of Modesto. which held that the city could not enter liito a contract with any member of the Valiey Bulldel"ll' Jexch&nl'e. Inc .• becauee Harry An· den10n, a membeai of the exc,h.anl't at the lime the contr·act wu be· lnir ntgoUated, wu a member of the Modeeto City Council. The councilman rnls:nNS hi• poalUon wtth UMi eachanr., bul retaln'd his Mat on the oouncll Brown'• nillnr ()II the matter read. There hav. been other ln•tancu In which capable lndl.,...duala have. been dlMUa(.ied from 1eekln1t pub- lic •ofttc.e. on a<'couot of lhe con· cern11 they tither OWnfld or wert ' AFFAIRS OF STA T.E ". • . Even if all Pl"Ollpectln contractore W!'re mfmb<ore of the exchang,., 110 th .. re could be no quegt.Jon o( tavotlng 0011 mem~r over a non-member. hli (Ander· 110n'11 attitude on whethu •UP· pile.a •hould be purchued or con· 11truclion undertaken al a.U. mlithl be arfecl~d by lhl' nfeds of t he memlx!re ot the enhange for bu•t· nu•" connected with, di~ INalneM wllh ______________ ..., ___________ _ MAiio,. AFnLIATf'..S To get an idea of the txunt of the ruUnit. ll I~ noted l hat ~O con1tructlon &1110Clatlon1, wtth 14 000 mc-mbers, a r e affiliated with the CalJ!ornla State Build· en Exchange, a.nd It la readily apparent lhal In thl• l&r(I r oup, lhere would be ma.ny member11 holding civic posJtlon.a of public the local government. 'fhu1, the law •• It 11 written re11ults at time. tn ltftplng rood men out ()( public office. whel'l' b1111nu.11men iire needed to · ktoep 11litle and local irovemm.-nt trom tLlllng ,...tnto lhe hand11 of lhf pro- te1191011a1 Civil tervlrl' Mnllngtnl Bu l on the other hlllld. lhl' also la prnbablf JUCCellaflll IJ\ ..ltH ptng a cer tain a.mount ot graft and corruption out of government., or It nut that, al leut. It k«J>9 the 11ervllor1 of the public a bove •ia· )>ICl(ln, Obv1ou1ly, thJs 11 a. law which probably wq1 mtrll 1t11dy by eom,. le111hltlve Interim committee, to determine whether It cannot bf revu1e<1 Lo le~ it. bad features and 11l ren(lhen the &ood. SACRAME NTO, lCNSl -Whllc the "pect.Acle or crmollne and pan· taJoon11 m1y ·bf highly appu llng to the Ca11rorn1a State Park Com· mlulon. II hu no attra~tlon tor the. re111denl.w of Columbia. thlll l!l&le'.11 .old gold mining town In Tuol11mne County When the re11l-Or•t11m of Colum· bi& waa tlrat envi.aloned b)' the State Park Commt:urton, hn ded by Jo11~ph R. Knowlancl. Oakland publiJlh!'I'" and pollllr al power. It wu felt lhM <:allforn111 would have a Wlllhtm11fur11:. Vlr1tlnl11, which 111 a town re1tor~ to lh~ old colonial d•ya 11nd a lt•p·tllichl tourt11t allrt1ctlon llghta from Columbia., tear up the paved 1tr"t and 1ub1Utut~ rotten lfr&nlte, b&r all 111tomoblle1 from he community, a.nit n-lllrn ta th• d•y11 ot th• ru lamp•. l\'~wton B. Drury chll'f of t he at.at" dlvlalnn of beachn a.nd par k•. howf v"r. n ya thl1 Isn't true "at llua time." Rttprdlnl °* Nme, lh.t Columbia.ne would have lo r et • hor1e and bu&l'Y for tran•portatlon, he aald •uch a procedure ha(! never bf-en di .. CU&.,ed. Some or Drury'• aldu In state dlvUJon Of buchu p!l1·k111, howevt1r, 1 pp1rently rounled Orury'1 denlala. the and di•· NATl.'RAL MTATf; For iieveral yea rl!. now. lht ''The 0 1 IJ(lnal 1•11'" Of 11r qulrln1r •late park rommllllllon hSi< bl'l'n C'nl11mhla ," Mid onr. "wu Lo re· acqulrln1t prnrw• ty 10 ('olumbl1J. 11tare ll •A nea rly •• pou lble to tru• with In the hop1·~ th11t onr d11y tl wlll 1 It• 11tu 1u In the fold nuh d1y1, This 11 parlt('1118rly u t~ey aJ(t<:l your pocketbook own Ule entire rnmmunity a.nd 1 11•.eume that'• wherto the cu reapt<'l ti) culUnf govemmtnl Here I• what hu lak«'n place · · lam ,. m I t th I t u re •• spending. Many people ea.ger for P'f(lfrAI 11pe"'1lnit for lhla year appar.,ntly. revC'rt 11 to It.II "na l · llll " " n ° ' P c ' ural ~tall'• "Thi' naturlll "'"le" Wf'll u the f'ClUlne tranaporta · Konomy 101e their tute for It 11 a bout iu.000.000.000 l1'11a than lion .. unmrdlalf'ly w ht n It afftcta the amount recommendt d In Ui.-I• • t" l l a h of lhf' •l" lf' I t hem lallt hud.:tt Qt Ulf Truman Ad· 1 park cornmlulon. whl<'h k ,.er• "P:f;D ('OMPftOMll'r. ,An 1llu11tr1Uon of this 11 now 11Un lat r1t1on IOme of ll• proprr11"• tn • l'On· So a<'tually. soml' probabll' C'>m• going tl'le rounlla In Wu.htngton. Th11 mea n.11 that •pl'ndlng h.u linus 1 f11 tt hu 11rd by ml\ktnic 11 1 p1 <1ml"" wlll be work~<! out with A metropolitan n•wwpapeT can1t<! ~n red~ from J•M to u ,.,a 1 • rnmt · t~ r k k up a •tH k. trnd I lh' rnltlent.a of tl'111 community. two edltor lala on the aame pas e JM'r pl'nton -or 11oout SlOO tor refu1t1lnx t.o permit thr publlc. which m11tl\t reeult In lh"lr drt1••· on the 111.me day. each ma.n. wom11n 3nd child ln th• which foot11 !hi' bill• for lhfl com· lnit ur hk" fl'orty-Nln«-u In ,.... oat.Ion l'!ll&Jll11n, lo ll!W 11if'>111 Olll '"l'I" c1f turn fur rl••1·tdC' ll)Chl• Ana.I auto· One of them prorlatmed viror-lJ your family haa tour m,m. csmpinir groun11~ 1111 dr-11o1:nal"d by mohilfll But ~vtn ""· •hie pl•u·• CUl!ly tha t "the total <'Olll of gov· ben, your shart of the C08l of lhf' ,Pu,ka. for c1101 µml( p11rpo111'11 I would hf' 11 bad 11pol ffJ,. •l,.l'lric ernment In Ull• country ehould <lpuallng the .:-ovem ment there· \\hit • lrft of th" re11ldl'nl1 of 11l111.v"r H lu mf'n •• mo.at Forty· make u. 3top llnd think t hat fure h.u dropped approximately C'olumbtl' how<•v.r •Ir>"~ ""' w11 nl SrnH,. "P"rt ... 1 lnnir t1lac-k wM11lc· COAl w ill b" hf'ld within bounds 1 l S400 per yea.r. o icn 11. oni: Willi lho• •llltr pllrk ('ti' Durml( th,. .. umm"r 11·11 n1 th• only It 111 C'lllseM rtmtmb<'r. 0 U A R A N ....... D AN"'UAL comml""'"n In ~ hl l <•Iii ""lrl min· H hot In C<>lumhta '''' wh1"k"ra. when they demand 10mtthln1r • "" "" ... t j W • 0 "' _ n...nclp•l Alt"nlJon h•• nit town . 'l'ht r•>1l11r11 t1on 11( ('nhtmbtA t11 from a.ny itovernmental attcncy. ,. "' ,..., , • ' -Th Ulat they them11elve11 eventu111ly ~n ~ven thua fa r t.e It• tfft <"l " rlll7-•'!H havr fni ml'd All ~~· ll '"l:1"11•lni: "towlv. _,, ,.1,,wlv In wlll have lo l'•Y (fir It." on lucer companlea. But what 11Qr lat 1Cin, whl!:'h '":111 mrrt wllh l1u 1 th111 lh" t'11.llfnm 1a Tt111'hrr1 about amAller rompanlPs • The lhl' rno1n1111,.1<111 ;-;~v Ill "' It~ AM•llc·1at11m ft'lt 1t nt<rr11~ant l<>• The other edltorl1l urited lhf' 8 ma I I Bu11lne11a Admlnl11t ration ITlt'l'llnit tn $1tn ~ r"n! uu·o, i.n•l 11!11n Alt lh" "''"'"'' 'hll<trl'n In Ca · «'Xpendlture of funrl• to Improve givell the an•wer: "lnlM>far '"' t1n11 11111 Al><Hll 11>mor1J thlll h11v" 1ttom 111 for A <llllll' t•l Moo Ln r•'- the navigability or • nvf'r. op· smllll builneu 1,. concerned th~ lnv111Jr1I lh" 1111{1 11111111Mphr1,. nf Ml!ltr 111,. 11lrt <;•ihirn t)I" •• h()(ll poBt'd &ny contMb11llon~ Crom waK"e plan 11 lllg'hly lm,prar· th@' <'c1mn11u1111· I houM !f All lh" d 1lldff't1 1<'•p11ntl th911e immedlatcly bend1tecl. and llcable." • t:opu 0 1.n llA \'S~ thr lakr. flf "''11'"" will ti.. lrf'· contf'nded that the u 'llirt' co11t T h 1 1 f h t H • .. It Jwtl can't work . F or examplr. e 1111no1 ~ t11n11 •lo• n l ,. "'""' m111 nw,.v,.1 1 t1e.1> IA ..... should bt born.. by the Federal rturlnl' J9M there WHI' 330,700 lheorv tn11t thr 11t11ti-f"lll k ,. •• ,,.. t •111<plr11m t hlll ~1111.. ~ rew of Budget new bwilneues •tarted tn Ulr ml~~lon pl•nnrd to b11nl8'h el11tt111• lhrm wnn't ~ MOl"EY IN P OCKET -De· United State11 and 334.300 bu.111· llplte the ''Ye11 Butter1". 11avtng11 nea11e11 dl11contlnued. In addition. h11ve bef'n made In lredtrlll •pend· 316.too were tranlfer-i. Thi• C)" E A D E R S In~ turnover, Which OCCUnt almoel t n· n WRITE 'Yoµ may not know h<rtlll' much tlrely amona mi~ bul!lneN .-n- they have me•.nl to you. 10 E111en· lerprlllff. obvloualy-would maltt h o w t r Admlnl~trat lon otfic:lal1 It lmpo111ble to guarantee an an- have made a comput.aUOI\ In or·. nual wage when rontlnuance In der that you may have the fact• buelne.N could not be aMUrtd Fanner McCabe Writes ... Played Paper Dolt. with my daughter the other night. Now I'll confeea that it might look ridiculoWI ' fo r a grown man to be playiLg Paper Dolla, but on the otheii hand it'a a mighty fine thing for my daughter to know that her pappy love• her eno'4h to do 90me of of the lhing1 ahe likee to do, in.stead of allua laauing orden like he wu the Field Commander . • . Heaven knowa the tinie will come eoon enough when ahe'U tell me I'm too old to participat .. Jlarr.>et' McCabe .. ' JIJtlltot , N. H. Nl'W11·1'~. 11 n\ l>Ql1~· to 11n\111nr I hey JUllt fl:twput1 Bf'BC'h CHltf. l II don·t "P"llll•• lh111 WI\,, Th~y .,.. ~ar Sir /.. ~ tr"in"'I. r v,.n 1 om p,.ll1><J, to ~ The a1'tl<'ll' 111 y11111 ;'o:1ov 7th th,. 111 ml' nt <'<>Url•11y ' , · evt'n New1·Prt&• ubmll 1'01i1·1> Ch1 .. r Mc· lo the point of btlln& ma.ddenlnir, Ken1t1.-. fttltf11( hf> 11hmil1I h11v,. to I 11io •1tnyon,. who &tlll 1 lH'krt tor dttead hl11111~lf jo111 n11'k"J1 .,,~, ~I" '"l1n11 C'An '•t1t try. Thrrerore, blood boll . . not 8l lhl' Poltl". I 0 1u11tn1t' lhnt J'nll<" L'hlf't M'C• D~pt. but towarll• 11()11og 111u ·t•11l•! K··r1i 1r 1 xp1r11111'd, h l11 111,.a In who r an't bNr. lo h rl\'• tht11 ~hntr·vn word1< h,. ptcku l, and lllll~ 1larllnl(a 11p<1k11n lo h11r11hl ~ I n11 1111111>1 two h11d ico•ld 1'1'af'On tor or lhrNlf'n•d tn .,ny wH V t hAl hi• frrllng~ mllfhl repl"e"" t heir bubhlinic 1tpir· 1 And I'd Ilk" to knl)w what llJI and beaut1t11l b11dd1ria J1~11<1n-th1n1111 llf" c11mlrll( l11 when a a11llu. Let them th t11W thlng11 a l pnh• r Mf1rer r 11n t t11lk 11t raJ1ht C'ar~lher pNlplr'o r•r~ 11nll ut lt• ~··m" kll'I• maktn' a publlo 1'011ri1e-lrt thr m 1t1•tr1trt 1h 1vcu I n111~11n"" of I h~m•c>lv•·•. an(! to and end""nK"r o I h,.. r Pf'Ol'lt''ll 1 w11m th,. rar""'~ or thf'lr rupo11- mon"Y 11nt1 tl Vl'A. • 11nd w, n1 11~t ~•b1ht\' not 1ct 11nnoy,.11 or ... xpr,,111 whAl '11 I <llln'l know wh1r h 11 more hapJ>41n If t¥y 110 tt 11a1n 1 J revoltma Juvenile d"hnq11e.nta or 11ttould aay, "what OUGHT to tht homu Lh•t ma~e tll.m. hAppe.n"). Your truly. It h1 pallt my ~ll"f thal any I Mr• l Com•lt• 8. Ma.Mnkl poll~ ortlctr aald "lie would rat" (m OUllf of two daildrto) • ' ---··---- AW, COME ONI STAND ··sTILLI •; That SC'en\Ai to be Paul Sandoval's reaction, right, u he m111ses a roundhouse right intended for the jaw or Da\'e Fitch. Sandoval appears to ~ wide open at lhia point, but all that breeie caused Fitch to exhibit 8AN BEBDOO FU' ER-Member of the San Bemar· dino backfield did a lot of baJlpacking as they ruined Ptrnte homecoming festivities TbuMlday wi th an Eaat· em Conforence triumph over the Mesamcn. At this etagr of the gamr. however, it looks like a 1talwart Orange Coast Collc,e defender ia going to flag the flyer down for a rcf'a wh1sUe-atop.-Walt Fath Photo 8th Grade Reserves Flag Down 7th Grade Gridders hia beat guard for the nonce. Lot>klq OD ln the bulrrround u be giv• pointerJ in the fin e art of eelf defense durt11g Newport Harbor High School gym cla.!llC8 ia Coach Al lrwin. -Sta.ff Photo ATHLETICS ZOOM INTO TIE FOR-. ·TOP SPOT WITH YANKS Banrtn1 put lh• wlnle• Ol· ant• U ·41 Nov. I, the Alhle\Jca zoomed lnlQ & flrat pl&cf' Ue with the Yankeu In Harbor Boya• Club 11lxlh grade flag-football l~e. The Yank• dropped an 18·0 de- ol.alon to the WllJte Iota la .utrw· lng Initial 1etback at Ceet& ..._ Park. Jn o lher K&mH. the Bravea 1ot by the JUd Sox 33·30 and Uie T11er1 clawf'd up the C&rdlnala 43·38 In profeulonal type Wta. Sparklnr ~ A lhlettc "1ctory wer• tou<'hdown• by Harold C&ld· W•ll end Jim Curti&. Caldwell added an t)tlr& point. Mike Pat · nck tallied t h e Ion• Olaat markers Tommy Woodrich, Roy lkn11ett. 1nd Tony Mallom cro1Md th• un· dataat.ad Y-X-' r -J aa 111• While Sox ahut them ouL ~ PetUt WU top tallier ot the afternoon with 24 polnlft In the Tlpr triumph. Dave RoMO &ddtd 18 and BUI Pettit •a con· ft,..on, P'or lha •et•ttd Cardi· nai., B rian Lew1a and Gary Schone each recanted Jt i:ounte'11, The BraYe • ~ Sos eontut waa • re.-ular TD ben'a re with both aldq h.lt~ the rival end aone flw U.-. Th• marwt" of victory waa three convel"IJlon polnta by the Brav ... Denn1a Perrin waa credited w1th lt Brave potnt-. ltldl Robttt• II an• MJke McCarty 1. Roiter Or•· ble a od 0 "1ll Nairn acorc-d a pair ot TD1 apiece to 10 w1th Strve Harper'• a1n1l•ton for the R • d &ox. CUrrmt 1tand1np· Yankc-u a nd 4 th1-tld. t-J ; C&rdl.n•I•. BravN u4 WMl.e 8oa W , Tl••ra W ; ft.eel Soll 1-4 and Olanta 0-~. Fullerton ~eadhJI for Mt. SAC Decider by Be1ting Bean 2&·& FULLERTON, IOCNS) - Throwtn~ up lhe be1t deknalve effort o the 11n10n. Fullerton'• r h1mr10 ship • b o und Hornet• pulled a mthl eurprlae In Phoe · nix, Ariz , Saturday night b y knockln1 over lhe onre • be&tAn 'Phoenix Brara. 11-t. Spa 1 kl'•1 by the irrea t defenalvt J'l('t1nna or ~r1• Barrera, Bib Bachman and 9otl Ct\unM'8. Ute Hnrntu f'Baily ca ptured lb• I r ~txth 11tnught .tctory, UMir ... - r nth nf the ~!IT. anti Ult tiff.JU Ft.g Grid Ca,.IYal OIUl'OE. 10CN&1 -Or ..... Qu11rltrbeck Club will apon.eor a of aJI 300 P'ulltrton fan11 In 11l· tendanr t . For t he Homel.t, lt'1 a Jump trom thf' Crylnc f'an Into t h e fire. Ttita Saturday nlr ht, they travel l.Q Mt. San Antonio Cnlltce to dub with lhP undefeated Mountlea. The wlnnt'r ""111 ta.ally be taYOnd to wln the conference tlUe. GameUme la aet tor 8 p. m. The Mou.nun a re \ n • dl'fendtng ~ Th1 Mal i'\illart.on •O-7 ~ ~ew. &11d IMI they can aaauy repeit.l UM elfort thl• WHk. Newport V9riety !'lr\·,.nth J?r••lt ~rltl<ltn of Har· bor Rny•· n ub Hk• •I for louah romp.tltlon •nd gnt ll Salurd11y "' th"" t11nrp,.,1 " 28 7 g&m,. tn thr c-11rht h i:rnrtt' rPM>rvr11 In a nae foolll&.IJ camlvaJ Thw-eday 611 tb• way to pay dlrL Sando-evenlnr al Chep111an Ooll•1• St.a- ""' took a pill hout r"hl for lhe dlum with -1• II teun1 aad conversion. On~·I' aJt11ln lht HV· ovrr aoo boy• from loc:&l •Jloo&I tnlh 1 radtr1 bouncrd bark with parllctpa una. l'OVS I Md lt aTO&E We <liH Cro-Stampe O.C.. Fro11t Keu Pier HZWPORT lll:ACH prlll'l hr J:llnll' 81 inn l..111"111 n~nl'd thi l&mfl w11 h tt ~h\•1 t pasa to Tornruy SM· do\•al whn w.·nt r.o yards for the flral "' «>rl' on tht Initial play of thr g11mr Tom Huber look 11 pllrho11t lrft fc>r lhl' ('OnVl'tllOn Rnn.IO\'"' 1111\«le 1t 13·0 In lhf llCC· ond qu11rt11r ftftt'r the r lgblh J!f lldr111 "' pptd a lnni.: marlh ot thl' atve11th 1;111'11'1~ Sa nrtnv11l wrnt flCI \ Ar•b nn a rrna~ h11rk amt 1.UC3" J)llUl'd w Bob 1'wef"· dl'll for the ulra point a goal drive and th11' lime ll paid ";~~;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;5;;;~ off u Dick Sullf'rworth ""''"~ • lo Jol\n l'JrOC"kmAn from flvf' yards out. Buttrrworth 11eorl'd on 11 left end nm for the r•mver· 111cin Sandoval intercepted a paM tc1 go •II thr way for th<' f1Ml elfhlh r;:rade TO anti Luca .. pu ll· td to Huber tof' the oonveralnn. The 11t1venth l!'.radtn wt re l!chedult'd to ho1t Huntington Bl'ar h tod11y at Co1t a Mtl'8 Park MESA UPHOLSTERING t·,....~rtaa' a D~ry t"° !\"..-pt. BIY•~ C'o-t& !Ill,,_, Lfl)prty 1-0l!l Carelully Selected Applical)I• lor Particular /Employ•rs HARIOR 4969 M&rJ LoalM llattiqlJ llu7 'w "Mpd fU lb& --)f_,.,. ...... The hair ,Mlded a drive of thr' llf'vrnth i:r.-i-r~ who ca me right b11rk 11fter 1nterm1111nn to put on anothn 1111Ah. J oe Anderm n In• ttrcepttd thr bell on the 20 to put lha 11ki.J11 undtr Ult 1ffort '!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~: a nd, to -malc t lhln1 wo~ tor the l4Junjt'tr ltAm, he returned BE SURE -INSURE with ~ 1-.IC"f: f'TA!\'1.ZI' IMU'1UIC. Only '""-Hart.er t4 H 1113 I!. c-t "'•"-1 Corona ... llar , WATl;R RE.4TE&S S°'Ll$, lUVIC6 •"41 UfAIU Joe B.c~io/J l 'U 'MIUSCI U l t.IS 10 ,U CI NT DOWN ""•u H••~•• UM • SAMMY LEE CLAIMS WE MUST WIN GAMES TVllllUNO AN'ftal -4pp&Nfttly ready fot a twO. DWI roll hi an Orange Cout C.OU.t ball carrt.r and a San Bernardino defe!Wve man. Fact of th• matter, the prone Berdoo fridder ia applyiq tht blocka to prosreu of the Bue porkhide packer. San Bernardino did a 1ood job. They won the same. -Walt Fath ·Photo Vecclilatlon Required for Reid Dogs In Callfomll B TARS-ANAHEIM HERE TOMORROW llrlvin• for their aeoond victory ol the IWIMl lA&l"M MaaOn, CG&cb Chet WW1t'1 Newport Ha.rbor Hip B foot· ti.11 t t&lll t&lll'IN w1Ul tM A.nabeha llJblwe11aata oa fM, v14-,, ... her. at a p. m. Ml•HTYI Mo11tia Ii; Out 4M Wi1 II 11111 111 I.A.HT A A H A, ( OOlfl - Hunt.era wtl"I warned .. aln many locaJ .. ,... are requlr11\1 leonnr la •Y.-Y ~ _. today by th• ltate Health De-lh&t ' dos bt va.cctn.t.ed tHtfor• rt11.U.C eut yudap lllle a llMl'- partment lbal lh.elr de.I'• ahould t>elnr allo~ to run at lar1e. man Tank. the WounUu of Wt. or before be-Ing t,..n.,,.rted ln <>a-• t I •-J •-" t bi! vaccinated aaalru t rablaa ~-• --.-..,, -.n oa o ... ec.-. a aour no • or out ot a quarantine area. Ht 1n•-th b eco In t UYiU have not bet-n vaccln&ted. ...., • om ID I •• N war11ed that unvaec:lnated dol'• et Banta Ana Coller• J'rWay Malcolm H. MemU, atat• runnln1 at large are subject lO nlaht by .molherlQS lbe DoM .o beaJlb dtrecU>r, pointed out th&l pick up, lmpoundment and \.acd-tD O 1n a on....ws.d affair Ulat quarantine ml'IUUl"U have bffn nation a t the owner'• expenff. wu decided 900n after Ule open· Invok ed In many of the hunUng Memll advla~ huntera lO tar .-un. 1veu In the 11tatt>, prohlb1Ung t.ake th!' fu1Jow1nr precaution.a Ove~elnu1d by ua. IN,.,.., rr.. movemanl of doge which before al&tUnJ out on a hunt· welcht, 1peed u d power, thl ha.~e not been vacinated. ing lnp: Dona went down fl&htlnr bttort He eapl&ined that quaranUne 1. Vaccinate your doc• with a Jrl4lron ~ ~ iM ~ acUon wu taken btcauae a an approved &11U·rablee vacclaa. one purpoM la atad: O-,a.t.e marked lncreue ot rablu In 2. Securely att.aeh the rabl• obUtM&t1on. wlldllft> 1a expo1lng do&• to un· vaccination tar to UY dol'• col· 4 1t ,ard dull bJ ...,... .... neceN&ty rlak uni•• they are I lar and make eert.alA lh• col· land lt&rted Uat TD ........._, vaccln&ted. Thi• 1a particularly lar la worn at all Ume1. Jt la early la th• t&nt ,.,.... HollalMI true. he added, In l.b• cue or aJao wlM for U.• owner to car· added anotMr TD -alW ..._ highly trained, valuablo hunting "ry th• vaccination cerlln cat.e aeeond Ilana& opemed -.!" M I doc.. while bunt1n1. ya.rd bunt Uu'oup u.a Dea ... ~PORT .. JfOW •t••• ..... _ ~· "Rell1I Wllllout A c ••• oz ll'fl -=. ........... $1 ·i~···· ' ' I I\, I f cdna1w.,.•, The direct.cw reported that 1· Cheek lM '9c:&1 M&.IU. 04• 09Mry. fleer tn the .,... a wtllo JOU piiliiillll•&•••lll!!l••••••••••••••••9fa pl.an lo hunt lo '9&n the local We•et4-J TV Fi9't Chu.ck 8 p e I 1 e r &l\d Paddl Younr t an g I e In tonight 1 l•le~on tll'IL at a r l ID g at T p m. an Chtcar o Sl&.dlum. Spelal'r la No. 10 ranking light heC'r}'wf'lfht. Hf' wa.a captain o! lh• lt"48 Olympic team. H t• pro tf'cord ahowa 16 w1na In 111 acrapa. 10 by K 01. Youns i. on I.he come· back lraH u a llfhtheavy alter betQI' & Lop mldc1l~wet1hl. rabl .. control powMI rut-. TbJI le ot parUc:\Llar Importance 11»- caUM lll• penal..._. fw doCI Lo run at lart• alter .acctn.attoa la d.IKretlonary with Ute qu&na· tJn• officer. .. The dlrec:U>r reported U,at I\ h.u been rtcommended lo loc&I hu.llh oft1cert that a 1111eral polJcy be followed a Uawln1 vac· c1nated do&• tr.. mo••mtnl l11• to, Within and out of rab&ee uaranUll• .,...., ~,.,,.. . ......... . ........... ITAFFO•D 6 IOll "NElA and DOC" ELECTIUOAL OONTaACl'OU ...... ......, .. n,. Ht ILlwnlde Ave•-Jif....,.,. ...... ·~-­Ille distlnctilt Victor Hugo • no r.t .,....., I I TeletfloM I H£mlodl 6-447' l t •co.a•• tlw colorful IUILEY IELL •t lCUIT ... Y Tel..,_ llAf'9r ml RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOo UllOID OR 'roO guJ. ISO ... st.. NI .... ..... 1111 Every Old Fa1hionetl Chu•k W•t• °"' Da... Tiius..,. .. ,.._ ...... Special Su"tlay lllffet O....W'e1et ... ._ .............. ~ ~~ ,. . ' ~~ d , ... U.S. NATIONAL'S OIRISTMAS QUI NOFI U N I l f 0 S r I\ f I-S NAflONAl UANK " . ' .. . IPA&E I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS wEDbiESOAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 . .. I t.eM of the NeWport Be&cll W · mentary lk!bool Dlltrtct. By: ULl:NIJ CSICNAK, Cle,-k DatAld: November Ut.h, 1966. Publllh: Nov. Jet.ti an"d !3rd. l~ No. 11 . • . Newport Ka~ New•Preaa 8 U PE&IOK oolfiT OFTii1 8TAft OF CALIFOIU\"lA P0S THE COUNTY Of' OaA.Nda N•. A 11611 NOTICE OF llJtAKING Ee~t• of J,ZON II. 8ANBOR.ljf' : Deceued. NOTICRl 18 HlllUllBY OJVEllf that JORDAN L. JONll8 baa fll«t bere!JI a pellUOft for Probate • Will of l..EON II!:. SANBOl\fr, nf•~nce to which ta made· ff, turtber partlculan, and that t'9 time an~ place ol beartnl' ija aa.me hai •n ael for Nov. 26. ~ 10 a. m.. In the courtroom of 0.- p&rtment No. 4 of Mid ~ourt. at County Hall of R«ord., In ta • City of Santa Ana. Callfomi&. ,. B. J . SMJTH. Clerk • · Datt'd October 29, 19611 SNYDER and FLETCHER., and O'NEllJ By OWEN E. O'NEIL Attorney• for PetlUoner. No. IS&, Ne-·Preu 11/2, II, 18, 23. 1965 ------~-~~----'-NOTICE TO Bll>DE&S 001.0U'VL.P&la -RoWn Inrtn of eo.t.a Meu pro-The &o.rd of Truateee of Ule N-port Beach Elementary Schoel otetrlct, 2000 Cliff Drive, City ot Newport Beach. County ot Oran&'f'. Bt&t• of California. will receive bide to purchue portable e&ae· work for etrhteen (18l cluaroome, dellYered and lrut&lled at ~eMeft· t.ary ecbool No. II. locat.a at Flf· lMnt.h Street and 8a.J'lta Alla Ave- nue, Ooeta M~ "Callfomla. up to 2:00 P . 'M. December 1, 196~. ln compliance wtlll epeclflcaUona Oft rue at the otnce of a&ld S cbool Dlalrlct. Yldld qae ofithe 1IM>« c:olorful flcw'el ln horee ahow Sunday at Oru,e County Falrground.a arena when the com..-in Oie Open Quadrangle Stake Race ridlnC a pinto pony. and ahe henelf wearing pink trou.era! Wayne Hart of Buena P&rk won the race in 19.9 MCOdda, one of the futest time 'of any •how tbla year. Althoup Mmwdon to the llhow wu free, doD&tiou wm taken foa-Cua Colina crippled chil· dnD'a ~ -Staff Photo SITE OF ST A THAM LABORATORIES, INC. . . . ' El R• Riders Top Entry In Casa · Colina Horse Show Each bid 1h&ll be accompa.nled by a certified check. cu h.ler'e check, or bidder'• bond for an amount of not Ina Ulan ten ( 10) percent ot the total bid, made payable lo the order o~e Board of Truateea ot ea.Id I D1'· lrlct, to rua.rant•e deU ry. One or Newport Beach's neWf'St industrial develop- ments is the purchase by Statham Laboratories, Inc. or acreage between Hoag Hospital·and the site of the Helipot plant. The new company is another of the plants produs:ing electronics equipment, one of their product• being tranaducen1: Location of the n• plant la sbo\\il in&ide the dotted Unee ln the a.ertal' picture above. It liea between Newport Blvd. ... Superior Ave.-Aerial Photo by Beckner 1 Kore than • tJaouaaad ..,.eta.- ton and coot .. t.ant.a atten~ tb• c... OoltDA ....nt .__ llbow IUIMl&7 at UM 1 Onni• county ~ lpouond by .... Boet.9 ud lledcDe elub, there WU .. { ""P(;I\ 1 N " .., ... .. ORAN~OUt T Y ... COUNTY FREEWAYS PROPOSED I Onnge County city and county officers an~ adjacent areas last week sumbiltcd highway proposala to a State lcglalature joint interim committee on public trans· port.allon. Proposed freeway routes are shown above by dotted lines. Solid Une11 are existing or previously proposed routes. Elimination of at.ate Route 184 throa.gh ce_nter of Santa Ana has been suggested. -OCNS Photo at the OrangP County Jail In lieu of ball. They are Russell W CA'1W'ntu. 19. RuuelJ A. 1"1. 20, a.nd Be1111le J. Wl\ite. 18. CAMARILLO FREEWA ~ SHIFT SHOWS BUSINESS INCREASE. •REPORT SAYS Situation Proposed I Slmllar to ! CclM'1 Route 60 ltat'-11 t.o better l-UOM alo~ UM m&ln lllrMt. Dl8T1UCI' ll&NEP1T By BERT 1181NTNAU.. 8peakine of Ule •t~ and drtnktnC p&ac ... lhe report atat· •, .. '9Vben Income la pr1Jn&rilr clepelld&nl Oil mmta of rood bu.al· .... manac•ment. .. ••tdenced by Mn1ce. qU&lll1 of merch&ndlff. etc. lh• remo•al from traffic con· s ..tton 11 a dl1trlct benefit. Gain.I mad• b7 •Unr and dr111k lnr pla.c· • durln( the yu.r llfler the free- _, o~ed In CamarUlo di.creel· Poulble effect of llhittinl Cout·ltlrhway 101-A. from Its present location along the main bu.ine. .treet. of Co- rona del Mar to a new line lnl&nd of ·,the city CAf be eeen in a survey recently completed by , tbe State HJchway Department on the effect of nch a ahitt on ~ city of Ca.martUo, about halfway between Loll An~lett and S.1''-BarlMB. Thl1 •Ul"Vf Y ahow• that lh• bW11nu~ea moat worried about I th• chan1te. tha t la th• Mrvlce I 1t11tlon proprlPtore and the eaUnr a.nd drlnklnc pla.cea. ehowed healthy mere~• ln b\1.llnu• ln I th.. four yean after the move- ment of the throuahway wu 111· nounced, Service 11tatton1 calned 6 68 pt>r cent u cnmpar•CI wlUl " V•ntura county a verace of l .&4 per cent and u ttna and drink· Inc placu pined 2.42 per cent whllP the a verage for lhe county Allowed a lou of 2 18 pu MnL on· ~AJ.N STREET ln the cue of Camarillo Ule frerw11y wu moved off the m llln bu11lntU 1treet Into a eunken roadbed parallellnr the main atreel. Two crou-onr brldft l wtre built to connect the two I parl.1 of the city. Since the beflnnlnr of buylnr rt11ht·of.w11y for Lhe cha.nite real f'Slllll' salt's alonit the main atreel of C11m11n llo malnla!Jled or ex· ct-<"drd lht normal percen~e of 1pprec111t1on that could be ellpec:t· ed. talong Into conalderaUon the v11h1e lncrt&ae thAt could be ex· ~tl'tl 1n • (Towing community. WhPn the frffway opened In Mul'h. 19:H, there were 2t va· rsnt lots on the main atr eel a.nd I stnre lhen J4 of U'lf'lllt' loll have 1JoM a t prlcn rarilt'lnl' from 5!1!'> lo 5214 per· front foot, a 11ub11lRnli•l. lnc~ue In va,luu l!lnce the new free•·•y wu 1tart· 1 t1 C11unty taxu In the 19~1·11~ pM IOd ttave lncreMed from H J .. ll84 to $103.078. or 81.IMI per Cf'nt ln the t'altral p&rt of the C'lly The acuve r~I utate market Bayside. Co•ta Meaa: ~ R . 8 1e- c•I. 18. Tuatln; and Leonard R . 8(!auy. 18. Sa nta Ana. Mr1. David N. Sullivan report· edly wll• hurled to the p&Yement when •he tried to yank the youtha off ~r buab&lld at J7th and Kain Ste. Robert N. Brokaw, lult& .Ana and UI• SuUIY&A.1 h.ad lltopped at ~ U..· old Mpwa7 and UJ>" It.I a.ny uaumpllon that removal ward tr•Qf ln MJ• pric.. lndt· of hJ(hwe.y t.rattlc from a 'bual· cat.. ~ tn the ma1D n-dilltrlct la rulnaua to the par· .u..t u ·a ·eate. ~. loc&lJCll Ucuw type of bu.in-:· t.o ln•Mt.· S..ld• UM I,.,.. •true· Belon th• frMwaf wu com· tu..-~ lnc,..... ha•• fore-pl•t.ed there wu a total of 8260 ed addltaa to be bu~ to bandk nJIJcl .. a day lhroUJh Camarillo. th• bv.al.MM In ~ b~a. UJO at Ulem local. Removal of ll'le TAX DATA USSD . ~ hlftlway tranllen made State ..i .. tu data' were UMd ntall ouUet1 &lonr the hlfhway to deurmhie lnct'-In Camar-mon d•lrable to local ehopPf!r• IJJo t>uai.-and lh-ahow a bec&UM ot bett•i; putdnc factll· hullhy. tqtal pill of 11.ee per cent u .. and eater t.rattlc condltiona u compv9d 1'1Ul a couaty l'&in for motorttt.a and ped•trlAN, lh• of 4.M per cent, wbll• &II oUlw report UMrU. buatn--outalde the eervlce et.a· ------------- Uon a.nd .. tln6 and drlll~ plac-'lest I ._ k y I' .. catacciry .a.ow a p1.n of U3 llC e per c~t u compand wtUl a COWi· ty pin of 11 ... per cent ln ..... ·si f New Ume 1lnce the rr.e-1 wu an· ogan 0 DOUl\Ced. Value of· lb• m&Jn 11.net fw 1aa Mo .. els Ml"Yice llatk)ne. WlC. 1tlle ch&np ;J"9 • le tlut.ber lndlc&~ by COllANC· Uon of two nrw name brand ..-r· WDK&.Y FlllNG WAINING ISSUED Tbe U .I . Cout 011&1-d ad- vt.Me all mu1JMn Ulere ,"'111 be nrtns 1n two aecu-ott Ban Clemente lal&nd Ulla week. · There W1U be nrtq off Cu· tie Rock today Uiroup 1'11· day. trom I a.m. to mldnf&'ht and S.lurday and Su.nd.ay, NoY, 111-20, throlJl'boUt t.be dayU(bt t.ou.re. nl"tn,-off Pyramid Co•• ta due w~ day, I Un. to 4 p.m.. a.nd T'ltund&y. a a.m. to 11 noon. C. I:. Blemonama Buick. aouU! cout BUlck dea l er. ~a Beacll. I.a ehowlnr Ute '!le -model• recenU7 Introduced with t be rac· tor)"• alop.n "But Buick Tet !" C1arwnce Siemon-. •eteran ra.ctnr dr1nr and boaltlnJ of u - eoctauo. wlll'I BuJck Iii.net' 1921. deecribee the new carw In ht. I.A· JU1I& Beach dl•play room "u a.n uWmate concept ln comblnlnr btr car lwrury and perform&11ce pre.· M.nled In a line of automoblle11 that wtlJ hue direct a ppeal to alJ potmU&I bUy1r11." Siemonsma l&ld he w111 be pleued to ET&nll for a demon· nratton ride for an7 harbor area ruldent.a who an lnte~11ted In 1eelnf and dl1Y1n1 lb• '!le Buick. Loul.ll&na proclucea enou1h oil e......,. ten da11 to p&J' for t.M Loulldana• Pur<hua, a ccordlnJ to -------------u..~1'attonal Automobile Club. High Schtol Board Makes Necessary ~ Staff · Changes a drh .. -ln for a 111&ok. A bot rod ..,..nl Matt ~ ww;oe ... uce ~. ~bt.t..cs lk:)l l•n blocked the Yicttm'1 car •Jl!t. ac· ,,.._ for raajer Nr..., ln th• u. I . cordlnJ to police. nounced b7 8llpt. ....,, n. eor-&. )( One of tbe •"-ta -...rtedl7 eon of :t'fewpGrt) Banw B 11' ~ Haftl ....,.tal, r a. -r--ltaU. WDd will be employed 111 Assault Charges Again$t Youths Aired in Court The trio. In cu1tody. llnd four olhert. free on ball. are accueed of aaa&ult b7 m...,a of force,Ukely Dlatr1ct Attorney Robert P.' to ,produce great bodily harm ln Kneel.and uked for ll'I• contlnu· the auertedly unprovoked attack SANTA ANA. ioc:-;a)-'nlree Santa An& youth• ch11rged · wlUt uauJi on a 7·month1 prtsnant aanta AM hOUMw1fe. her hll9b&nd and a tnend today were coaUn· ued lo Nov. 22 for preliminary --.. on the vlcUma. •lolled oWT" to Ule lulllYan auto kllool toUowift&' a -..... et tr.. Kn. Ca)chNU'e abMnce. a.nd kicked It. A1 811llln.n climbed t .. meeuac Jll.enda.7. IA oUMr uUoa: Ole board ap-~t l h• youthful pack allepdly Mn. Do*'1' ,,.,_, flilillliNd pl'Oftd p&a.na of .Jack Raub to ripped Into hlm. Whea Brollaw rrom pl .. .,._,.._. .._. ...... make a 8Ul"N1 of a ema1J road. and Mr1. Sulllnn trted to break partment. effect!" No.. II, to a;t.endinl' ui. atauar drtnway It up they alleJedly '"" ..... Join h4i lulPud wbo la purdlu-ttom lllll I t. tbroqb to Ult.JI Bt.: aaulted. IJll' ac:at tor a Hew Tork ~ ~ muter 9dYl.Mment a pl&n of LOCAL PAia ance In order that !our other ,out ht, co-deft9cSanta w1 lh l h t Other• •rrNted on the 1l881Ult t.llree. mt.)' be broUC1'1t to trlll l Ill (hArl:t wt re James E. Slemot\Mlla.. ll'I• tam~ Ume. Those appf'a11n11 18. 10i31. Newport Ave.. Co.ta \Ma aorn&iac ~ .UU beiac beld K-; .li'nDcia D. Dill, 20, 20l,U BROllA W ll&OUN UP 1 .. e. T1M Mani •,ao,.d Mn. 1ooa1 tuuruce twoaiere to unite Brokn' Nffered a broken jaw. JMJt JODM. a ,_ ....,.._. .S. ta a acllool ~ f"'OllT'&D'I: 1011 of ll'lrn lftlh and 1kull fUh· ucaUOfl 1tatt mtmllier, \o replece ~ pl&M for a •Mt.las of -..C· ea. Th• auruvana reportedly ,... her. --.,.,. 1 c .. • o.l adl!lllWllnton Cle\ k!e!-a ... •t&. Jin. 0..,. a.adwell. &u.6-Jlanla Jl·A ' . ' wtde particlp&Uon by Bout.hem Callfomla horeemen IA the ~ lou.a even ti. JCl Rodeo ridlJll' dllb of P1acm- Ua WU &W&rdad U.. t.ropb.7 fOT be9t eDlJ'J; ao-. dluda of Lon( BMe.ll ... -* lllCb point wtn· ner ud M&r¥IA Hart of Buena Park, ,Sl&nk>r hJrb point man. ll't'mt. """ ICMdUJed from 1 o a. m. t.o II p. m. and cbd .,.._ m..U were were Mrved dur~ day. N-t.on Nub wu r•n•ral ch&irnian; Den" er 0 a r n er of BrM. Ul.DOUfteer; Bob Cole of OI· In, riftl'mutv; Pere P'uller. Saa· ta Aaa. muter of ceremonl•; f'r-1l WMf', Ooeta M-. ~ f()f' 0--. .Ewnt wlnn.e: Jwtlor U'alJ bontot-Judy Jilcplure, S&11ta Ana; Senior lrall '"'l>or... l'nnk Wu r, Coal& Me•: ope.n 1tock hor• cl4Ya-Joe K oreno. Corona: pole· bendlnc· Bob Chll<h. Lonr Be.ch, re(talered A rabl111 pleuurt ~l&AI· J ohn Hay1, Loe Anrelea; Junior weetem pleuure· Luanne Bake- men, San Bernardino. Keyhole race· Marvin Hart.. Buana Park; l!:n1U..b pleuur ... H . A . 8w1tl,. La Ha.hr&; mua&al hat. Da.I• Ll'Wl•, Coat& .. qladran1le •lake rac.. W yne Hart. Buena Park: Senior pleu· ure cl&N· Ol&dy1 r oster. Beau· mont; parade hor.. ci.u.-Cllt• ford <Me. Anaheim; 2-m.n r.&ay· Clltford and Gary Gerick•. Ban 84omardlno "(under 1&" wtftnen In •lAt• meetJ; J"lrur• I 1t.¥e race-Clifford Oertcke I 1tate wfn ner ): Victoria Croee race· Hank Roper, Compton. Mcclean, Hurwitt New RE lrol&ers SACRA.JO:NTO.-ICNSl -D. 0 . Wataon. elate ~al eat.ate com· mlaaloner. ennounced lal11&Dce of real u ta te broker Ileen-to Jack D. McClean 481 Newport Btvd.. end Samuel J , Hurwltt. 603 32nd SL both of Newport S-ch. Wat.10n &l.eo announced !Hua.nee ot rul eatate uJeaman Ucen- to Cllrtord w. Block a nd Jack W. Mulla.n. 2$02 Newport Blvd . RoM- mary Clark, 407 Bole& Ave . 111d Robert S Jacoti.. 301 l W. Newport Blvd . a.U of Newoort Beach Ylce •t&Uoru n,a.r the ce11ter ot ~ city and the movement of three oUler name bra.nd eef'Vlce LIGAL NOTICE NOTJCJt TO amor;u Bid• &hall be ._led and mark· ad "Portfble Cuework". and tl\ed wtth U.. otnc• of U.. Bcbool Dl.- lrict Oii or before 2:00 P. M. l>ecemMr 1, lll:wl. '!11. Board ot ~ ,_.... the rtfht to acecpt ud/or reject any or all blde, or ur p&rt ot &1\1 bid, to walYe an7 lnform&llt7 Of ln'esu1&11ty, and to lit and act u aole Jud,.• of the m•r1l and quall· ftc&Uona of the matert&l or 9qUlp· ment ofhred. By ord« of lM Board of Tl"Ua- t.ffe ot the Newport Bue.II QI. mant&17 8cbool Dt.IUicL 87: HmL&HIJ C81:NAA. ci.rl& Dated; NOftlllber 14tb, l~. Publlah: HOY. JIU! &ad 2ard. 1 .... Ho. 12 Newport Manor N.,...Prwe CEllTIFICAl'E or BVUNDa l'\ctJU-Firm N ..... TKll: UNDERalONl:D doee hereby ~rtlfy that he t. condoc· unr a Photornphy buaineM at 407 II:. 8&.lbcM& Blyd .• Balbo&, Calli., 11nder Ole flclllloua firm name of JACK BARCUS l'nJI1lOS anCI lbat Mid ttrm t• com~ ot UM n,. per80U. wtloM name. la tun and placu ot ,_dance are • follows. to•wtt: ·• e JACK WILLIAM BARcUe ltOtl I:. Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Balboa., OaJlt. Wltne• my ba.nd thl• J!lt.h <14' ot Octobv. 1965 JACK W.BARCU8 STATE OF' CAUJl'ORNU. l . COUNTY Of' ORANGE •• or nus 2~lh day ot Octobef, A. 0 . 111~. before me, Robert r . Wlllmee, a Notary Public In ll1'd for °'' aa.ld CoU11ly a nd Stal!f. ruldlnr therein. duly commlf. •lon~d and llWOrn.. J>"rBO"l appeattd JACK W. BARC k11own l o me lo be th-pe WhOM name I• wblcr1bf.d to t4e wlLbln lnlllrument, and ackn~· ed(ed to me that he eucutld lhe •me. JN W I T N ll I • WHl:Rl:OP', l haYe htreun~ H t my hand lllld •ltlx "" nt)' Mrlclal aeal the day •nd y...- ln lM• Certificate tint ·~ wrttt.en. ROBERT F. WILLMES ' My Comml•lon ExplrH 11 18 'le No. ~l N-•·Pre .. 10/21, J 112, 9. 18. Ct:&nFICATI; OP' a•·~1si"8 Pktltl-• f'1nll N- The undenl(ned d~A he,..., certify that he t. f on'111ct1nr a m•lntenance end clelllllng bUAlnfll• al 437 E. lllth Street, Cos ta MMll, CaUtor nla, under the . flr tltlou• flnn name of New Mt-H R11lldl11r The Boe.rd of Trualee1 of Lbe Malnten111re Co. a.nd that uld Newport lk•ch E'9ment&ry Sch~I firm 11 compoeed or tht rollowlnr Dl1tr1ct. 2000 Cllff Drive, City Of penona. who&e namee In full 111tt rt Brach, County of ~e. pl•c• or rnldenre are u fgllowa. ot California. will receJve lo-wit: o pun:h~ 111d/or leue one WlLLlAM G. FJTZO~RALD Httr1ly·rtlne C79) pueienpr achoo! 0 7 E. 11th Street. ltua. f: o. b. Newport Beach, Call· Co•ta Meaa. California fornla. up lo 2:00 P. M. December Wltneu my hand thlfl 31111 dlly l, l~. In complt&nce wllh aped· Wlu.JAM O. J'JTZGE RALD flcallon.e on tile at the office ot ot CKtober. 19116. .... d School Dl1trlcL STATE OP" CALlJl'ORNlA Each bid 1¥Jl be accompanied COUNTY OF ORANGE 111. by a cerllflt-d check. cuhift"1 or thl1 31 day of October. check. or bidder'• bond far an A. o. Jll~ .. before me, ROBERT amount of not lea• than ten (10) A. EASTMAN, a Notary Public per ct-nt of the total bid, made In and for the 1ald County and payable to the order of the Board State, l"Mldlnc lhettlA, duly com· of Truatffa of Mid lchool Dlnrtct.. mt.toned and sworn. pu•onally lo f\IU&ntff dell•ery. ap~ed WJl..LIAM C. YITZ- Bldl lh&IJ be M&Jed and marked Oll:R.AL.O known to me to be tlMI "lcbool SU. Bid," and fl1ed wtlh 1 penon whoee name i. •1Jbacr I bed the om ce of lhe 8chool DIAltrlct to the Within lrwlromenl. a11d Oft or before 2:00 P . M. December aclmcnvledfed to me that be J, 11611. executed the urtn•. 1"9 Board of Truateea rve"99 In wlt.n-wheraor. I Plan her•· lh• rtfhl lo M!C4!'pt 111d;or reject unto Mt my hend and affixed my any or all blda, or a ny p&rt Of 1117 official -1 the day and yur In bid. to waive WIY lnfonnalll7 or lhla C.rtlflcate flrtt abov" written lnq\ll&l1ty, and to .it and act u ROBERT A. EA,.8TMAN aole tudl'• ot the mmt u d quail· Mr Comml.ulon ExplN!• flcatlona ot tbe matertaJ cw aqulp· July 29, 19M 111nt offend. No. &7 S, o,._ ol UM ao.rd ot TM»-N .. a-Pr .. 11/2. t , 16. 23, 1~ ... -. --.. ·: . -.. .... ,, I~ I . - • .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE I ti-Lost aad Folll'cl . ' 29_-_!l_eJ~p_w_·..w ____ _ WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Nev;a-Preu ii guaranteed. Carrier boye will del~ver their papent be· fore 6 p.m. o n Mond'\y, W ednesday and Friday. l! your pape r is not delivered by tha t hour please call H ar bor 1616 and your carrie r will brin g your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays LOST l1t11e1 &old llnk frandmolhu btM:tlet with • enwraved b&n1· tu . REWARD, Har. lOlT • J. a2p33 UJST Parakeet.. Balboa Penlmllla Sat. Nov. U~Har. 2087-M. J2c Jones Bi rkel-Richardson ORGAN STUDIO. ~arn to play the mighty WURLITZER. EVELYN J ONES, Mfr .. 300 Holm· wood D11ve. L1 8·1082. 20ca3 China Painting Day and Evenln& Cl ..... Ordefl Taku Now Real FAtate Sal~an For our newu t office -a fin• rrou.nd-noor opportunity Our lnC491tl..-comtnlMlon 1chadule favon thoea who 1tay with u1, thoee who prodllC'•. &Jld thOM &CU•• la l.l.ltlng. We are friend· ly and cooperallvf and we want °" aame from ybu. . Bay & Beaclt Realty, Inc. 3630 Eaat Cou t Hwy. Corona del Mar Harbor 5249 EXPERl~CED wallrt111 wanted. ApplJ at SNACK SHOP, 2306 £.-COUt Hwy .. Corona del Mir. 18U HOTEL NlGHT CLERK-Man " to 80 :rra. l;)cp .. nol necusar)•. Staady work. Lt'llt>r with pHl exp. 6 rdertncea required. P.O. Box 7'7, Balboa . Ca hf. 32e33 Phone Uberty l ·llMI t4Ue l Hammond Organ tn~;~~,;,:~:· ciaa11ca1 • po~~~~~ _B_e_a_c_o_n....-P_e_r_s_o_n ... n_e_l_ .. USED APPLIANCE BUYS O 'KEEFE & MERRITI' gu range ....... . .. $49.50 G AFFERS & S A'M'LER. white table t op gaa range. Very clean ..... .. ............. 79.50 WHITE TABLE TOP, gaa range, griddle,, oven control .... .. .. .... _ .................................. $74.50 W ESTING HOUSE electric range, late model -·· $99.50 PHILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. ........................... $99.50 W ESTING H OUSE R'.efrig. 7 cu. ft., very clean $99.50 S ERVEL Ref rig., left hand door .......................... $89.50 W ESTING HOUSE Refrig. 7 Y:! cu. tt. Deluse .... $109.50 KELVlNATOR Refrigerator.8 cu. ft. Deluxe, ••.. $119.50 DEXTER Auto matic washer ··-···· .. ···-··· .. ·····-··-$89.50 KENMORE Wringer wuher ··-·-··-· .. -·········· .. -···· $49.50 EAS Y SPINDRYER .... _ ................. Special Only ~50 ALL GUARANTEED < WASHlNG MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WJUNGll.R TTPlt8 SEVERAL TO Sl!::Ll&CT Jl'ftOM ALL REASONABLY PRICED-BUDGET TERM8-Jl'RJ:J: Dl:LlV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 40-AutM and Trad0t This Months' Specials 1955 Chrysler Windsor 4 door Sedan 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 4 door Sedan Both Fully W arranteed as • 1953 Olds. "98 11 4 Door New Car Sedan Loaded with extras -Power St<'t'ring. Powf'r Radio, H eater, W S ·w T ir rs An Exceptional Buy Brakrl'I 1953 Chrysler Windsor Club Cpe. Low Mileage -L igh t gre<'n -P o w e r S t eer ing 1953 Willys -4 Door Sedan 2 • T one Blue -Overdrive Couta.I Shopper Ad• rua ID tbe \\"edneeda7 New1-Prea1 Attention 4 Lines 1 luutioo $1.00 add'L Unee .25 ea. 100% employer retained agency 420 Eaet 4th Sb - NO FU collected from applicant 3%-f"urnlture for 8&le Santa Ana KI 2·2336 ' 1952 Chev. Pickup Truck 4 Lines 2 IDMrtions 1.50 add'L Uoes .25 ea. 4 Unes S IJlaerttoDS 2.00 add1. llnea .25 ea. 4 Uaes 4 IJlserttou !.50 .ctd•t lines .25--ea. BltuaUoo Wuted Ad• wW recPh"e 16% dlacount. Cub ta ad\"&nce oa.17. Ml!\o'JMl"ll AD 18 t ~"ES Knitters · WELCOME to my new 1Jlop. Comt In a nd help mt build towa rd your nH<J. for nHdlecrafl. Sit N' T<nit DEA'OLlNES for plac1nc or cancelllnr ads a re: 313 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa U3-Uat Newport a.acb - NAlU! TAXERS for L&cUna lle&ch fa. South· ~ City Directory. Good ha.nd wrltlns uaentlal Write 204 E. •th room 7, Santa Ana or call KI 3·3881. 23tfc For Monday Publlcauon -Fnday 6 pm 32trc I GJJU..I - For Wednuday Publle&tlon1 -Tueaday 1 p.m. For Friday Publication -Thurlday l p.m. EARN MORE Nt:Wf>ORT HARBOR Pl'BUSWNG co. SCHOOL, ITHAN EVER BEFORE! .1111 Balboa Bh·d., Newpori Bud1, C&llfornl&. DAY OR" NIGHT Our tie•, hlfher 1tartln( ware All CtaMlfled Ad• mu1t be paid for Ca1h la Mlvanl'e of publl<'•tlon. ,GROCERY <'U hler1 and MEAT uid trt(uent tncreuee &iv• you Th• publllhera wlll not bt re11pon11lble ror more than one Incorrect wrappen -earn 180 -SIOO per thl1 opport unity. Open1n&• now lnferllon ot""1 ad. ruerve the right to correctly clua1fy a ny 'and all week. 308 Spurgeon. Santa An•. for _ a d• and to reject any ad not conrormrng to rulea and re1rutaUon1. Ph. Kl 3-8300. U c46 Classified Index I Fu.Mral Nott~ J ('ard of n&.ktl I Mpttial Announ()ftDftlt t FWMlral DlrttlOl'll 10 ........ Gu1dt 12-BvDding ServlcM CARPENTER Repair Work 0-'lour Home Need Rep&lrtn1 or Remodellna ! 18--Sltuatlon11 Wanted BABY SITilNG by Har. 0705-W teacher. !Oc32 TELEPHONE OPERATORS W1° will train you and you'll r•· celve many other benefit.I. -Apply -~1',,_ No. Main St.reef, Rm. 211. Sant.a AnL t :oo lo t :OO p. m. PAClFIC TELEPHONE BED S PRING and MA 'ITRESS, complete .... $10.00 WASHING MACHINES •. _,, .............. ·-····· $12.50 up These and a thotiAand other hotae.hold bargains. Everything for the H o uae-Furniahlnga, Toya, Radios , Clothing and Shoes for the entire family R ecent additione of uveral disabled veteran person· nel-who have complesly refurbished, rejuvenated and placed in top condition everything in our store make ua say "BUY WH.A T THE BOYS REBUILD'' VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E . 4th, SANTA ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 P. M. p" p Red in Color -R ich in Va.lue 1951 Plymouth Sport Coupe 2-Tone..Gr-ee.n -Radio & Heate r 1951 Cadillac Door Sedan 2 Tone Blue -N ew Covers. Chrome a little shabby but a real low price to compensate 1950 Chrysler Newport Yellow &. Black -in excellent condition Drive it & Buy it 1950 Chrysler 4 Door All in good shape -Three to Sedans ch oose from LOU REED and ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Co~ut Highway LI 8-3486 11 BulJdln,r Malertale 11 BulJ41q 8erv1Nt H PenMall Call Fran&. Uberly 1·19M All Worll Guaranteed 74lfc: HOUSEWORK. ;;; baby-alt Ung I in N~wport or BalboL LI 8·40H Apt. B SOp32 EXPERIENCED WANT 'Miit~ woman to do hollM SELL ON TERMS 9 cu. rr. o. E. RJ:FRlO. Year SS-Boata. Suppl• 40-Aatcle and Trucka 16 8~ l "oar Ca.r lt Tra&1por1.aUoe 11 a.onac 11 Beeut:r Aw. 10 He&ltlrr AJllla It 1.-t -4 Foem4 H 8t11oo1i1. lutroC!doa Htu~-w-w H Help WMINI ao IUaceU-11.1 IO-A 8wape lo-B AppUaaCH II Wu-.cl to BuJ at F1mallurtt for Sak at-A AatlqUN U 8-te, 8 uppllft H Mllllil'Al. Radio, T V a& Do .... ......, .. Pe&t M Pollltry ., IJY99t.oc'k P Alllot WM~ .. Alltee for ,,._ .... ....... . ,..,. '1 Aato ,._.~ tt TralMn UAI~ CEMENT & B UILDING A.II Kind1 FREE ESTIMA~ Liberty 8-6109 2ttl General Contractor • LICENSED New W o rk -R emodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58tfc Painting & P aperhanging _ We do the work ourselves. 30 yean exper1e11ca UcenMd • ln1ured. SaU.tactlon iruarantffd. Elt.tm&tH t'rM. Ca.II Johnnie. LI 8-2687 le LI 8-6289 81Uc PAINTING . G ARD ENER I work • cook. Four In family. arr. Dl:UCATESSEN caae.1150. Uve out. Ll 8-5987. 31c33 l1 ONI: 8 ft. refrl.s erator -· ...... UO. OAROE:-JINO 6 yard work by day ONIC large commerc. retrt1 . $76. week or month. WILL Tl\.ADI: CAR FOR PAINT-l ICALES, 165. l GONDOLA $26. Liberty 8..e139 alter I. SUc I.NO. Kaller Traveler model In Call owner U M223 momlnr• or CL.EA.NINO 6 IRONlNO by UI• lit claH condHlon. new ~Int alter 6 p.m. 9tfe day. Experle.n .. -ect. Balboa llland job. Opena up lo make truck. I ed Kl 3-eoM u For labor on painting out1ld• ot Al'f'tlQUE bet eel (walnut ) $76. pre t r r • · houae 1 coat 8H at 414 Poln· 0111 organ U OO. hall tree S32.50. THOROUGH CLEANING, <'ook· Htlla Au .. COM. Hu. 3204-J. 4Jlt1que deak S30, China cabinet inr • H rvlng. Ov.'TI tranaport•· 31c33 ttT.60. old cane rocker S•ll. old llon. Colored. KI 3-9283. 31p33 1ullty H 6. rare Chlnue Ivory __ ---•ctun U 70, artificial flreplace HA \IE 81 ~ CLE. will travel. u A Planned Future It&. 18 mm IOUnd projector $126. yr. y Week Pnda. odd Jobi. (&t trade) old dlnln1 H t. pluah d 1vtrlP1 or v.ih1t hav1 you t POSITION with old eelab. Co. chatr1, hu China cabinet $1711. Harbor 0771. 32c34 Build l bMlnetll Of your ollrl\. Old wall telephonN $12.50 ea., A.epeat aaln. food product. •W phonograph 116. ahotgun S20 Jtl1httt Income bral'kf l. Sub· ti·· TV 170. marble table $40, 1tAnual ,.U~anl plan. No Upe recorder 190.llO, antique IAY. Lil 8·5'ff0. 2tc'2 ..,,,1'9 rrom 16. Blrd•Y• dre11er Ill. old kitchen cupboard• St&. .O ...._,!orirow alee old ChJna.. IO&dlt of uuque flam .. n-11 ratlnlahlng -do It Roy's Maintenance ttlc .ORIGINALS fOUrMlt and eave. w. al.lo buy • 6 1wap. HANDY MA~. rn alnlenance Artl:IUIOOM, Cocktail, dinner CllAJlUE DAVIS. 1806 E . An&· HouM clea.nln1-r 1oor wutn1 Wall waah1n1-w1ndow c lft.nlnl Veneuan bl1nd1. UphOi.tny lr11ured. "'" l:stlm&tta Llberty 6·1S32. 52·53 F reezer C'f'OU top 1125. TRADE Excellent condlUon. Har. 2U1M GMC -TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS 32cU PHILCO J3 cu. n. rerr11erator. 87 lb. acrou top f~r. Exchalva Philco two-way door; 20 below freez:lnc temperature $339 9ll. No down payment. 2.H pu wk. THRONSON"S 1816 Newport Ave. Coat& MHL lf St-Wanted to Buy WE Bt!Y ANYTHING New-Used or Abused OftANT8 WAR SURPLUS 8-uUtul TO-tt. aux. echooaw. Excelle.nt for charter. Want property or 1maller boat. 1220, ~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. 39lfc ''7 STUDEBAKER " t. pickup '60 CHEV. '" t. ~nel Gigantic SALE 200/o off OD all 1981 boat.I 6 Johnlon O.B. Molon. -So. Coast Co. Newport Blvd. •t Sllrd llt. JJclt U81:0 LEHMAN 12 tt. tlbe.rs'lui Hlllng dlnpy. .ltJtcelle.nt COi\· dlUon l&!IO. L.I 1·4811 JOpU 06-0 Jo'ORO '" t. pickup '61 CHEVROl.JtT '" l . pickup '&l OMC 1~ t. panel '03 00001: '' t . pickup '04· GMC ~ t. pkkup, hydra. tra.na. '&2 DODOI! % t. pickup '54 GMC ~ l. pickup .. hydra. tran1, '01 CHEV. 1 t . C 6 C •n OMC l ti; t. n · van '61 OMC COi: 1 Tt" '-''B.. 2 1,...S, l :IO Ul"ff W• -.ave a lar,.e •lock of uffd true.Ila aJJ tYJ>M a11d •I .... You wtll •v. Ume and mon•.r by -1n1 Ill nnt. \\'• cany our own contra<'t.I ., " .. w kl a.t 43 Apta. a Hou-for 9'ftt •S-A Apta. for l&Mt M. W. ROSS repair or what• Har. 4514.W. dr4utl .t CooN in&tH. M lm. Lone Beach, HF. 6-t\039 . -27llc CUSTOM' Ol\&88MAKlNO 1760 NtWJ>Ort Blvd , Coit& )(e1a I Ph. Jhrbot 2'1-W. 21J>H P.uA OLD SCHOOL. DESKS. ruah. Ll 8·•241 SEE THI\ S PECIAL Boat display • • • 1595 Newport B lvd., Coat& Meaa • • R.EALL Y .omething NEW. W.W. WOODS U ctnled LI 8-3321 GMC OEALJtR H -B H-for~· 1111·19 I:. •lh St. Sant.a Ana '8--0 Trailer 8 .,.,... '9 1'oom• for~·* 2IO Avocado, Coet.a Mo & &ettc Jtd. 011 Spr~olnit Or1veway1 Swed"1sh Massage MAD"'urt'TI: Ate Wt.Ider .,.,.., IHI walnut rO<'ker. olt1 phone. ...... •a I n u t p u U • up c h • I r. 3 hp Air Compreuor. 220 Volt tt1r. 21M·M. 32c3• ln--l"antlt .. -for ._._ 111\fle ph&ee. 8ff at PATCH'S _ _,., ._ Larllu , by 1rpolntmtnt '1" I Ope.n Sunday A. M. T ruck Headquarter& U ·A Ket& HomN ..... ._ ....... 00 Rftt. MW. 61 8lorM & Ofnc- 61·A ll•i.n• "-cah 6' .,__ ()pper1Wlltltl 66 ,.._y ~ a..o.. 6' M-y Waat.d 6l Jc.r.I E1tate WMW &3 R..i )';elate Mfonrl('4! to IDMlf'M'· Pn>Jlf'r1:r M ·A (~nM'rtf"al, lnduat rtal '' ~ t:11•..Ct1 Ea.-hanr,. 12 ft-' Eo~ Sped&) Notiem PARKING LOTS Sut>-dlv1A1on1 our •P«la lty. We fuml1h any type 011 to your 'P'" • clfkatlon. L81 ge Job9 -ama ll Job-. Free e3Uma1u Alll-0 y.·a· ter 1prud1ng. Mod~m equip· ment. l..ExJn(ton 6-•008. C'ill- mora It Page. Huntlnirton Bch. Olfc FOR RENT 811111 Saw1, Elcc Dnll1. f'nti.her•. alJ ty~ Of Sander•. Whcelbar· rvw•. etc_ BOYD'S HDWE. 26:10 W . t'OAST HJt.;HWAY Y Newport Harbor U~rt7 8-343:1. Newport B<:h ~tfc B. P. O. E. - -- 1767 C OMPLETE PAlNlJNG M..tl ..... 17 'Ibunday a pm. & P1tper Hangmg Service Vla ~ -Cenl r&I An f:t:GENE 0 SAl':>:LlERS Newport Beach :>OO ~Ill Strut, .~"""pt.•rt Buch Albert B. Matt.hew•. Exalted Ruler Harbor 2978 or Har U48 trc 10-8..._.. Gulde I H. H. HOLBROOK ----------DEPENDABLE PLUMRlNC HAULING A Prompt Rep&Jr SerYlrt Ma1n1 •1ned Phont . Hubor 4834 17th 8t. at Placentia. LI 8·7M>I. -nu sd-8-AP.,ella.DCM yuur hom,. Formn ly m1111'4f'llff 11t Arro•h,.•d Springs Hotfl Pl,.ue n il Harbor 4711:1 or Ht.rbor .O" BRAS8 P'IRIC I CREl:N. Pill! ;(l S1 r44h . 1irtnr type. Uke new SI 0.00 Old copper tub w1UI lid. WIU Exper ienc'd gardener make an uce11ent woc><t t>ox LANDSCA P ING I Sl~ Phont W 8·Hl7'._ 30c72 Good Used Appliances a nd CLEAN UPS IS\IN AIRE auto. KaA elothu L[berty 8·1659 drytl', Ukt new. Sl26 F'ull •lt.e 0 f box llprlng and matt r••• $311. 3 t c w 8·4211 31c3J -----------~-9 ft. Chest type freezer RELIABLE JAPANESE- A MER l C A N WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR M ONTH. HYATT 4-5'471 24p37 -------RF:CISTEREO :-IU RSF. office U · J>frt~n• e. Xray 10n11• L.lb lYJle. uncltr~tanJ 1nsur&n<'f' ,.tc. [lt-,,,.f't pol'ltlnn with M. D. Wr1li> Hox <.i·H care or this paJ>fr 30c32 l"nmplrt' hou11t rlcaning \\"1lb . "all J'l4P"' ""°'"J" Mk. t U I 1 "LEAN CLEA:-/ 2•1 H. P Oardt n Tractor with •l· tachmrnt.. Rtmlnr ton Type· writer LI 8·8623 31c33 $99.50 Gu Ranges from 19~14 ALL STAtt Ml'llOr Scoot;r $29.50 Ulll. Blonde bdrm u t. bool<cue 1 f • t headboard. dble. '\l!"f'iurr. larse Frigidaire 9 ft. Re ng~ra or mirror S&O 6113 Bay St . C M. $ 7 5. 50 Ll 8·31182. 3lp3a . --~ 'Wuhers •. T ake your choice TWlEP.: SHOW CASES ror H I• A uto matic and wrin<>e.r C11ll f"ORGIT H OW E.. Har l te D 31(33 $20.00 ----------~-- Order Now! Per&onalized Chnetmas Cards traati or 7 • Anything. A nr·htrt U buty 8·214:1 Htrcpp f80J Balboa Blvd., l"rwpurl ~r·111rn pltp - 30p32 AU. !'IZES A C..L PRIL"ES Rcpru rnl&t1\·e wlll r ail a l your huu~,. Newport Furniture Co. ----------29-llrlv \\':intNI -''A's" -------------------J!-Balldlaf Servkel ~A1.1-::-::-.n.=--A 1' \l.fo;:-.\\11;\IEX VENETIAN BLIND r sdl lw "l'I'"'"'" ..r1t :"\.ot,.·n~I Painting, Paperha nging LAUNDRY ''The F in est M oney Can Buy" S & N II THE NEW ma('hhlt pru1·r~• mrlh· ympson 0 ar I od Ree~inabll' pi WU A\'l'IA!;~ 612 38lh St .• Ntwport Boch 2 ••pe ruidl'11t1111 bli11J Ph. Har 240' or tt>87·R l:Jtfc Only $1.00 -AS PH ALT T ILE___ Bllntl• ..._rf.Pjo'' "t.l ""'1 '' bil•'I F'n~e ~f( 1111 11 11lf d1 I"" 1 v L INOLEUM Work foune b>· upp1111111111•111 4H ~At ii IDll \1lu\ It'll.:. nt• \ nfh• ('- IH I 1•t1:t• t '11ltn1-. 1\ \'f.tl At{ .. f '"'' '"lldl S\I t I tiihl• I)),·• ti r • 1\. • '"'\ \I .,..,, ~,.1 'h t.' \. \. ·''''" I, f I''' , • I ·~I .. ~ I' 1q• ~ !1 ' 1•1::-.:·r-\I : I\• ,ii._ ':1.' I 11 • r 1 '-'• • ,, "' • 11n ,, \, ,!, . : PllOXE liar , 1618 01 IJar 2~63W 21r•2 1•,.1t n"•n u .. ~1 S211 0111h•l11111 11u1lC1r '!!'• 11.1 .... 1 1111w ~:ir. 11··11 '"'"'l•r •411 \ .,. '"'"' • 1 .. ,n1•1 • ,11 hl~h , 11~.1 ~:i 1' •• 11, , "''" s .1 T111re .r, .. ,11 ti 010 .. , .. \\'olh h "''" ~·" It 11111 ·h~ \id • fl h ~1 11111•"1 lll''°'I \\ """''' < "\ ..... II llH I I Z.1 .. ·lt '12• 34 Complete Home Furnishings 2620 W . Coast Hwy . N ewport ~ach 3J c33 l ln1tllll tile aho\"e rhupl'r than Phone Lii» r l' t> ..-;u1 most. Al11(1111'll T1I~ It l..1noleum. or l<Jmlx'rl.v 3·b:!i 1 ppl r~· l; II: I. "I Pio\ I I I ttq l'-N~~k:~l 't<I);•; 11H '"•~ & l'fl\ t • :.. ' '' ii 1 r ' , '" 1110~ in::• \\ 1: h l~R" c :0,1.t 't•n'lt T" 11• 111" n" 1111 h '"' 1 "" Stl'I I lru l.101 11.~11 \\" :l2r \\ HIKl.l'OUI. A11!0111111lc itH 1l1yer "'''" A!llOllHll W o(:n•ll••n Hl'je prlre U li!f II!\. s .. tr prl<,. S19¥ 9!l l-1n 1n•lhll11U"n ~"clown. 2 49 pn "k "" f'IHV1t1f'nl unlll 111:16 N(ln·unlon. 2:'1 yrua expt r lt nce 1 ---- Comp•re •nit ~ --1.a.-PenJOU~ BILL COKF.R Har. '795 or Long --- Bta<'h 7·:1973. 81itt1· Ah:obulll a An ony111u \.UI CARPENTRY NrY.•porl l:lratn. ~:n11r. Write P 0 U•1a Jiil r . 1 1 , • • r.~t ,, , "' • f IHI t I' ''' 1 ; f' '', :•, t ft,u 1., 1,' • .; • .I 1'\1t 1."T \Tri :-.-1•\'-'T t •, 01 Ii' ,, ,. un \. I '" I I ·'• c Ins:. • 1 TllRO:-O:RU~ S 1111•1 ="""'l'<lll Av" fresh Hearing Aid _<·°'-'" ~"-"'__ 1' BA ·rrERt r::s W h" M h• \\'t OIVt !!AH Gre~n Stamps 'I aS Ing c!C lne Gunderson Drug Co. -~uviCE BEOftOOM SETS 8 6 II ORA WER dreuer, mirror. bookrue headboard. frvm Sil& 60 TWJ:" Maple bed with mattrt11 o\ box 11pnng. only 1:111110 ea. 6 Ir 9 ORA WER maple drfMf'r. wllh mirror. from . $79 r,o Living Roo m Seta Modem & M a ple AS S tCE A LINE 11.11 you would ftmt anywhere. \\'Ith our low overhead you'll be 11urp,lsel1 how much we c1n 11avt vou Pln11t takt a look. ll wHI pay you GOOD TERMS RETAIL Fl'R!';fTl'RE BROKERS Open F riday £\•e. Kl 3·2436 3rd al Spurs eon Santa Ane J()('J:\ BIRCH Drvp leaf dlnlnlt' tablt. Sa- ll'm nnl•h. lkata 8. S40. LI 8· 3346. 3tc33 SlcU St-MaRlc!al. Radio. a TV TV & Radio Repair Fast Service Reuonablc. Service calll llll few Ora.nee co. 1952 MORIU~ M,JNOR $860. Har. 2308R evu.. Har. 502 da:r•. SlcH FOR SALE OR TRADE. Equity In 1168 GMC pickup truck~ 327 f'ul11rton Ave . Newport Hie 30<:32 9 p.m KNOWLTON EL!:C· 19112 MERCURY Monterl'y con- TRO!'lCS U 8-6206. verllble. WSW, RAH, })Ower 2!k38h wlnrtow• It .eel. Continental kit. sr~lAL BUY! S.aut1 r111 FttnC'h Provtn<'lal fam- 0111 mike· Splntt piano. Uke. ntw Sa vt 1100 Conv. trrm1 at SHAFERS tSlnce 1907) 421 -423 N. SycamOrl', Santa An& J'hon .. Klmberly 2-06a K nowlton Electronice TV ANTENNAS 1c1 .. ar sum -HJ Oa1n 1 11'ST Au..ED complete to your ttl $129~. Prlv11l• party. Har '3711J 30c32 1962 CAD 62 8rd&n 37000 ml. VHy clu n car. Sl9t~-W W nylon tlru. Take tram1portat1on r&r tralle. Harbor Ji25 after 6 p m . 17ttc S.a.-Mu"k-al. Radio, TV LIKE NEW 41) 'i\!;STF.R Srtn"t - w1Jnut cuf' 160 dn 6 1111 r>o mo. Mesa Woodcraft I l.1 8.:120!\ S9.95 I 30r3!'1 'WOODW0 RTH r lANO Cf) 2810 f: Cou t Hwy , C 0 M Har. 3382 32c-34 Unpainted It Juvrnlle F urnf111r,. - Knolly pint toy hox S12 ~O PRAC'TJCE pianos $8Q. Stl~ to MA<.:-:AVOX r11rnb 111d1n phon" CHI LORENS 0 0 LI. l-'Urn11uro J llS:1. Sptn•t type n11rroo p1Ano MahOft&n v Con-I M nrt. Sii~ ('all Wardrobn. hutch, , ht>'l~ 523:, -a blond br &uly £11~1,.&t Ll 11.;1278 32p Complete lln" unpalnl,.d turn 11ofl l•·I rn• -• tftd hwd. IJA ~Z. st lll\llDT . :>ZO ~o M11ln. HAMMONO ORGA.."S. a ll model•. Mlnwax a nti Dt"lt rro lithr!' ~ •• 111 .. And. l11•1pt:l110:1 1,.,,.,.,,.t>, 1>011 ("h11~1 011.•~ .11"1<k "''"''"111101: Orderl ti,k"n for ~hltllttA f11-n1 • In . $1000 •l•·pnl'll will rUf'rVt 2121 Harbor, (" M. Llbl'r ly 8·1 64~1 """""''''I'' 1111,. I h•' l1t~t Tt 11'1'" _ _ IJAMA<;F:ll 1n Ahipptng 2 j)pon,.t11. 111 yn11r old p1nnn TWO TWIN BF.ORM s~:T~ with ~'"'' S11\tJ llANi-iw1tMlllT llr•m" of 1h1 llA.:>:Z·SI "ll M!l>T, ;,20 r-;., Mttln \\••tld f>llll"'l' lh111111111n•I. '120 ~p1 1n2 •. 1Htttt1•1 .. .!'tfl\ tJt1J .. t1htt~t" 111111111 • k 0111" •IAl\ob $!+11 lit s;,o. 1.4?"· r: 1-: 1d11~ s 11 0 G11~ h"otrr Si;,,, 6 Jl"~letl r111 t ''" I 110 1 T' $:\.'1 A I.I~ Tll 1' Qt. A LITY LI 8·11r>ll7 :12 .13 L~t:fo~ 11ph11l,11·r-·d • h l•tt " """ nil" 1;.,,,,j 1un•t 5:\U l "All I.I 8·~278 :12p I BUY AND SELL s .. 111.1 AnK ;-.;.. Mn1n s .. ntl\ An.. (.Jnp )\p1n"1 Mt,,lt·l """ lfunn1on•I \\ \XTfo:P 1·u 1y Y. 111uol ~1•111Pl t "ltmd '"J:"" 11,, ... hlll lik-n#\11'. 111 liKt;\' <:i ''"II tn l(OO•J I i.rhllt t•1J1 '-''OUd•·t tut hit,~""'" 1181 hoo :ior1:1-~1 ·1~p·1• l"!-r :ll o ..... full k"\'lk1H1ol S1.r11d 1:1tA:"ll l'IANIJ l 'lu t .. llliU ~.1 .. ~l 1ony v. .. nd• 11111 iin11:'4 tn• 111111 $ 1-;:, ""·~ m11kr •. l'I• "'""' ;\t;t1<1111 t1 11mhn l<n,.i,r r1 • •l,.ln,.1• •t \\ oOIJ\\'OflTH rr A :-.:o ("(). 26111 ~: 1'11o t Hwy. C. 0 M 11.11 3:1i.2 :121 :;4 fr•'"• hPn< h tn lud••rl lo "'" ~'l'i ----Ufl ORt;A:-;. 1 Elf'clrttnlo Ori.:~n now DA:-11. ~l'lll\ll (IT. :>211 ~'' M,.,,., nnly 5~,j~ All l!.~tn<. Org•n. SAJll• An• MINO R REP A lR WORK NO J OU TUU ~~t A L.L Pbone Ha rbor 4 i 9.J llr ,., I I 1 111 f •1·t t •• II • I T•••·thl•·•··· , ... , \' •"'' ,, :• l'l Mrn1•, TZ< ll Main St al Bal~ Blvd . Belbol I l ·year guarantee on Jobi done • It r and or Ul',d waaher9 2•U'' EARl.,Y A:>-11-;Rl<.:AN r111 rf)lorrd Hatbor 61:1. t t c (rt&rl !'Oewport Bl., CO.ta ~ea&. fllltl!'m Jo:lo a f'nm1t1,•eJ'-An· llnl 1.nly S78!'1 Lowry Ori.: M o RENT ,. 1,111no f tlr t "hn1'1 """ A II $1":' All ""nn•l,.rtul bllrji?Atn~ l•'rlll l•nt a llOWf'•I 011'"1 f 181 OA:'\Z·~'WHMl lJT. !i20 :-;.., }.!Am. tice r 1•nu• Crnm $~ P"r rn •n'h H O Anl!er110n 10 It 8 "I e lbo l~hatt \"111Jr Car l • a l boa " wl • a a \ r' 1 1-' 1 I• 1' h 0 h 1 ' "' n 1 • n Harbor 24~ AJlfc I Tht ;-.""s·l '1 .:~-;:~l~1:;.-.-~;::-;-; "' ""' 11 • 11 11 ... 1111fl"1tnl"•I ~ firewood Li bert 8_4503 Llbert 111111e r11mt111r,. a nti ftn" <htna / o r 64UY THE BIG OLD RED BARN I 8·432 . c F,. FIRTIA :"'f<( Kl :\-3241 13!161 lfa1 bor HI\ •I Ganl,n Crovt 24!)37:.h Sana Ans. I ltl the kHhht>• Ir• m u R1;AN ~PF:<.:IAV DANZ-SC H~U LJT, ;,:m Nn M• 1n C>F:M n="STRA TOH mooel Mtn•h1ll Santa Anll ~l"IOl'l l'lrJo:Rn Ltk" n"w Sava 17 In. ra• l\11rtl A<-11 T V S',fl !l•I ------,-b. t:'ll3Mit~t A t .. II'" ti\\ u111••1 ~ •• ,,., ~ I,.,,. P'\r,1 111r ,;,,.., Jennen p Um 1n9 n•""l"'!"r 0 111 tllr 11 'l Tho "', .,. •,, rh,,,r "h" r111nhft f!11r11l~ptu~ It llJlrl<'"'I dry rra,ty 0 1.(T.f:FF: It MERRITT r11ng". "i1!\ R . k It 1 .. , .. 1 .. ~1 .. p ", .. 1t '.0111 •I 1 .... 111 r I-• 1 .,.,,, .. , ,,, 1.11 •• .,~ 11A r 1;171 lo burn, Kl •·•890 2.itft mi;11r1 1..&mp It tl<)tk w ith oVl'n ~-..,..,.. 1 .. i-nns 11 tpatr •·or , 8 S('e<'lll Y :\r\\A•l'I•""• l'lli•'tl•" 1 Ads ._,.1 ~2, 11 11m,.r t"hrom4! 1inll bT .. 1ltr 11n<l J'Rl\IATE PA Ro • """'• ro orPu " • I A ... ·11n •I··" :-.l I A fo Jo:Rs • ~1no e 19<1~ I sion IAlh• I IOI I rBd• Conw•n1rnt 18 In J!ll\1'1"4tn (°Hn.ttole $ ,fo •,jf It tn. tL C A, Con1111lr Sl'o •Iii.I 12 't In. f'ackf\rd lffll T M S.lfl •,o atfr hr11trr,. "" 111"" l'"~·mrntJ r•·~idu' _ thllt hf! ur lrtl' 1 · .. f•I nne It 8.118 m,,...n n•. "" " ~ • I hi th r11 1· II Hl-423 :\ Sy1111norr f'anl• Ana. 2819 N•v.rnc't nl\'ol ~twro1t MEN-WOMEN Rt:cO~DITIO~F:D monfh J\1118/) r11.,.h. nr JlAY 18 ,..uh ow 11r " " 8 1 1 ., .... I J'G• s a. S 3""'32 l'he>ne K mhrr y ... r"'' J. Bch. Har :.35;, HH Har 4:167-J p"r nin I H 1 \\'. Chapma.n. Har. 0°• 11t • un "' 2~c•t f~Rrauty Aid" l;Rtt<:Jo:Hr tll•hu•os end MEAT p . B h ____ . tJ11ni:,. 1'111111ty a n ritan lldqtr11 I ------------'""f'""'"'' $f\C) s 1•10 ....... k. aant rus es on1ngt. Kz: 3.5s11 u f .am. trn" g, Decorat•ng Superfluous Hair :\dM Sp1ui.•11n ~Ant• Ana Ph 1 Oc' to SOc iIBwAl11;-$611 uo tnr .~hfr ~ts. Supplies -Sf-'ISET PllllM ll JWn tal return• I u1 L'I .., 6"'•0 •• A·I Cla•• ... h f 11 11 T r·11fJ•·1n11 ,.. ... or""'""· Ilk .. new an1l 2!'1 olh,r• to chom!ll1 ''""' All aeLI ~cono1u1,nr11 • guu· a nl-1. 8<J S. ttAIJIU :in ~t ·· rlne Ave. Ha.r Otl10 or H :\lllflK J I• "I.I Perm am ntl)' 1 ~1110' l u I rum 1 •t:ll " ·•-"' ~ ' ' ~ ....... nn purr Uf o • '"w . •m ton PR IV A TE I 1(.)(•K r11r1rrnl Ba lhoa ' "' "- Paper Hangmg am1a. ~I•· Eytbrowa •n<J na11 321'41'1 • up autr1 m'11111 w11~h"1. ~1ui • ntw l<'l•n•I r .. , bnt l 'r 10 :12 11 ,.omr 1'111pl•. Tilond l>ak, F r.,nch GEO. BURKHARDT Une ena.-u-Nu morf tv.•r,.&111& --• Schlegel fa•nts" j "ha1n .111'""" lrll<• No •lown s10 n10 tlnr if•!'l'l·M :l'lr:I• l'rc.'"100 1111 Th•• i11 a ch•nre for l S.~Oo~i.. Cai., l'rl4 --.... 1 "'" ,.,.,.,n .... ()""'n F"nl1Ay nl•ht. --------------~----UCICNll:D L'ONTRAL"'J'IJR l:u.&N 1-BRYANT R £. -Tht rhllllSln1 appearance or &di ~o p11y111,.nt 111 lllM , " .. ··-"' Udo'I ~ o1 Bee11t7 l:l&t. :z&i e ln th~ NEW8·PR&88 11 due t.o 1 ,ot N. l'ftwpor1 Bhd , Npt Rr h THRO:-ISON"~ 181~ NPwport ,._,~ :'I HJ' Jl'll)n•nn llPI h"r'" tnp 111n. DA:'<IZ·SL"HMllJT. ~20 No. M•ln c-,·TI': l°ndcu P11r• f• "" r•Jrt••n _•_1_•_w_.~i.n..rt:lllls=:;!;_t..:.•:~=21:__,,._ .. _ __::.._ ________ .._ __ _:"'::.:::..:q:.:ul:c:.:k:...;.rM.::.ul:.:"~·--------1------------J-Oc_3_e __ c_o_Jt_a_M_,._"_" _____ ..,:."--tr~1--d1_1_10_n_...L.. ~9 __ u __ •_·3_e_:-,_1 ___ ,_2_c ______ s_an..:.....ta_A_n_a_.___ I •<I "' "r k 116 I.I "_' .1.. ;ir,. 1"J . - I - I \ PAGE 2 ·PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ·WEDNESDA Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 40-Aut<~ for Sale ,.J. .a2-Tra~n * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES Rnd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hiway. - 43-Apt.. A Boaeee for Bent 48-Apta.. A Boaw for Beat Cabanas Marinas Lido P eninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS 81-Beal ~We Eielwlf? CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! PUBLIC NOTICE Newport Beach LI 8-4420 , Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. with Utilitiet paid. HOW ABOtrr A TRADE . for man· arer o~rated C'IC'ar lnC'ome prop- .rty wut t nct ot Loa An(tlu Valued at S:I0.000 with over SI 0 Ol\O a year lnrome A low C'Xpenilt . Am retiring 4t a m In· t,.reatt'ct In Bay Front property \\'Ill t ra<le up or (!ow n. Own tr, WEbaltr. ~'1961 or write 2007 So11th Cothran A\·e., Loa An· gele11 HI~ 1'\o l1tr);" l'natly ad\'trll~lng Wiii lu• 1 lln I ·:,2.1t.1• Happy home .. . ..... S586 'M ·15' ltoallmasler 2 U, R. Special Tht> """' \'p ,,., ':'14·311' 1'rll\'f'lt>Zt', Spf'C' . S239~ I tnllnwln~ 1 Rrtl m11~t he ·~·5·H' f'in-1unounl Big discount Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Rt ll<jUlda 111H1 pncv" :lt.1·21' Tt>rry, . W ill dl'11l on this I 00"/r Financing ""n llr nrrnngPrl T h .. 1w 1•n1 ~ hav.- ll~l·n t ho1 rmghly l'hl'•'krd and Arr ml'rhnn11·n11y J'lf'rfr1 l, 11nd In ni-nrly n"w rond1t1on. Station Wagons ':I!\ L' 11 E \" H 0 L lo: T Tn" risman Ra<110, ll1•al1•r, P nwf'r • i;:lfilf' whit.-"Ide wnll:i, S~•I I 10" 11 'M C llf;\'ROLl-:T 11··1 Air Ra1ho., I lt>lil••r. f•nw•·ri;h-1••, $:Ill I lown. PAN AMERICAN Puramount-Kensklll Traveleze·Ttrry 47-\Vanted to Rent 8~trc • Rentals Wanted We need apt.a and bouau ln au .ecllona for bOth winter and yta r'e lru e. Furn. o r unrurn. lt you have a va cancy, phcme today The Vogel Co. '!\I I-Olll 1 Hu n1 h \\ n~· '"· Fortin· Ill/ti .... Rnd... 111'.ll• '· wh1ll' SHIO 1201 wnll5, l 'CJ\\l'r 1Jr11k,.s 13 .. r thl'11e j 111r11 lo 1 h11o:ir f 1111111 $'\tl l•n. \V. CllL Hwy., Newport Br.h Phone Uberty 8·3481 208 Marlne. Balboa l.lland Phone Harbor 4U '!):l l'O:"Tl1\t: ~lnt1nn \\'ogon. Rudio. lll'a \!'r. lly.h a111nt11· WbW J•ow,.r SIN'r111g. S!)H l 111wn •:i:i Funn .C·•lt . l'o1111t1 y Wagon. R11'110, H l'rll,.r, w11w, l-'11rd11m111w $;'in 11 .. wn ':l:l FORI> H11n1 h \\'11i;:11n, Ford•l, It & 11 So•\'l'l otl r .. t 111111,qe rrom I 2667 1-:. Coast H y., Coron!l dl'I M .. r Phone Hartor 1741 Lido OW ce, 3• 18 Via U do H1trhor 4971 1702 Newport Blvd., l"o11ta 1.1 berty 8-~:197 MI'S!\ ucl 'Mi FORO R1111 C'h \\'ll1:11n. lt111l10, t:<ll'PLB WITH ll1•a1 .. r, wl11tr \\'1\ll •, $:';41 I •Ol\'11 'fil FOHJ1 1•111111lry Sq111rt'. Hut1u1. INFA !'\T , Wunt l ll1•RI•••'. C'I •'. $:'ltl l>own 't>O FORLI Stntlon Wa~on, R11dl11, 2 1,... uni 111 n house & iillrRJ:t'. Yrl.'· r .. 111111 . 1c1uo1111.ble, near n<'l'llll rir i'lllinnel. Call CApllnl l'l·2i'12. 3111:32 For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc ·18A-Apta. for Rea& 48-A-Apt:tt. for Rent Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet ~nvenient location, the heated swim ming pool. the friendly atmosphere. B<' glad to show you anytime. Ken Niles 1021 Ba ys1de ,.[)rive 48-A-Apts. for Rent BA I. ffiLE, srn. rm .. private l'n· l•"""" & bath, klll'IJPntttt•, elect. 1Hr1g.. thermo h<'1tl. S9 wk. 11r S30 n11mlh alnKll'. Wlntt'r. Har. 2128-M 24l!c :.! 111.JRM. A PT , f1rt'pl1t.l't' $1l:I on l1•1\8I' 1000 Haven Pllll"f! - l'ho11e I.I 8·831113. :J0<.'32 Villa Marina Har. 1968 32c45 OFFICES For Lease In New Building l7 x 40' SlOO mo. 17 x 26' $ &:I. mu. 13 x 13' $ 3:\ mo. In Lido Shopping Area llt\3 a.ind St .. Nt>wp111·t Bt1H'h Harhor 4321 2:1ttc BRO~ERS I NVITED 30c•2 SF.VP:N l!NIT MOTEL BAR· STOW, nl'f'<11! rnorf' units. pl!'nly of rori111 rr.r trallu park. Eqty S24,772. 3 BEOR. HOUSE In H emet, l '2 e r rt. 3 l(ar. hor.!1.-4t rhlr. rm· ral, walnut&. orai1ges & fruit trf'u , 100 rt. bull. frontag1> Tr&l'tor. $17.:IOO. ALSO $22,27:1 Se&snnt1d lt1Jlll dt'<'•I will ~II or I 111.ck 1111 or any part. WA!'o:T BAY AREA prop. hou~11. llpll! h1111tn"M "r \\ hr\l ha vt you I SH A \\', Sp1we -*3. Mun1<·1pal Tralll"r Park, Ntwporl Brarh. 3 lpH 6'.t-Real Eat.ate Best Duplex Buy EART l'lllt~ l'UJ1ta Mtl!3. Sf'parat\' fenC'l'd yards. hwd. !lr11 Incoml' $163, pa}'1.11•1\la only S70. n AN A. J ACOBSEN, Realtor Har, 0691, Jo~\'e11. 1.1 8-6317. 3Uc32 llrritC'r, Sl'IO Or1wn. '•P ~-ui;u1 f'nun••s Squ11l', H.1111'1, ll••uler. fl'1lrl\'I', $l'IO IJ<'"" 1u :Trru-:n 1 ·ouple 1l••:<m• r,.a,..,;. RENTAL v' .1bl·· 11nf11rn 2 bdrm. 8 Jll . I"'' SPECIALISTS COAST HIGHWAY, m·w building, llOO aq. ft. orflre. ~111\ttble 111· aunrn•'I', a l t o rney, et•' $!111 mo. 5 Acre Ranch '4!1 JEEP Statton Wagon, Owrdr. ••ne own .... $60 I lo" n. -and These Passenger Cars ':14 M~HCI ·n ,. ~111nl l'l •'Y I Iii· T11p with ~tnve & rPf1 1g. Kl :>·:lflli' 32r:H --------- 48-Apts. & llou!lflfl Dtoice Wmter Rentals ou Balboa Island & Lido I.ale f>nwt'r Strl"rtn$:. I ly•I• a lllRl 11· f'lll•ho. llt'Rlf'r s~1n p.,w11 Small • cozy vr la.rr• It delwie 'llO c-111-:\'l<l ll..ET Clt1h l·oupr ftR -S7:1 to J 300 month •Ito, l-lr,1l1•r. S25 ()o\1 n VOGEL CO 'M• STl"l ll-!. St11rht"1' t'l"I' R11<1111 ° ' Jira t rr O'tlrh· ... .S2:\ !Im\ n 208 Marine Ave , Balboa lala.nJ "HI l'tJ:-JTIAC f,.'On\'•'rtlhlt', l·h .,lle· • Ph . Harbor 444 or Harbor 2161 ma11r· Ha.t111 tlJ r. $:.!5 lln\\'ll 1 Ru. Har. l786·R or Har. 30~D·M '411 z.; AS! I :!-dr. Sr<l11n. Ra1ttn I _____________ 14_l_t_c llrntrr. O'dr111• $2:'> l~11w11 A 'M'HA\•rJ\'F. l und -i bdrm. furn SM'l'rlll More '" t'h· .. ~~C' 1-'rom L'ttlll1t·~ paid, l or 2 d 1ll<1ren 1740 NEWPORT BLVn. COSTA ME~A LIBERTY S-2269 L1t1111.try r<,,.rn. B LU I'.: T CJ P /\ l'T ~IO'TEL •03 Nl'wpo rt Ul\'tl :'\pt. Ul!llctl, Ju.st t1 bu\'e l)le Ar. hPll. H tfc l!lU ULDR~IOHILF: C'lub Coup' NE\\' MODERN unrurn. M'parate llyllrllmllllr $,I() 2:'>~t l''nirway 'J hdr111. u111l11 w ith i;tKIRlo(cS E u l call Edna Crate Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 J.larlne Ave. , ~lboa laland, Har. 1871 73Uc F URN. a pt., 1 bdrm .. utll. pd., cen- trally locat,.d. Balboa B lvd. S60 mo. Hu . 1781·M. 3lc33 CORO N A DEL MAR:"''Kttracllvt'· ly t11m. atu<llo apt. l'hone and uUhllea paid. Rt'aeonable Ha.r. 8194. 30c32 FURN. e ttract1ve 1 btdrm. a pt. Walking dlalll.llce to Lido shop- ping . Har. 3i38·R . 3lC':S3 R l'SS Jo'O RCI. I.I H·6H I. 2'Jlf 53·A-Buslnt'ffll l"tf-ntah1 Cor. 19t.h A: Plarf'nllll (.' M. ON DAKF:R STREET . Submit I errna or l ra 1le. f'lAN A J AC'ORSEN, Rulto r lint. 111\111, 1-;vu. L1 8-6311. :1111-32 F OR REST two bd1 m. home -COi.DEN Ol'PORTllNITY tn 1·01· h 1·t S:l6U " 11111 u .. wn pay111t'nl "'"'''' "· th•tore bl~ lul'a Uon. "(''ul· lr\'l 260 a lllt• O ttYI II p•\ IH<'nl nnly S 4:,11(), w111l no !ln•m" < harg""· 1s1ov\l cl: rerrlJI'. furn.) lnrludtll sltire room &: two ortlc11 11pa1·CJ1., $100 m onth. UR will rent HP•· rately 1 ottlce al $711 and l at $~ n.onth. A lao email •tore S 100 mo. C all own'r U berty 8·8223 I mornings or atl'r 5 p.m. 9ttc I OllA ?-:r.F. C'OAST l'HOl 'EHTI F:S FOR LEASE. new bldg on Er"t 18r.7 Nfwpor·t. ru~la Mf'All 17th Sl. We need BARBER LI 8·l632 Ev~. LI 8-11803 SH OP. BEAt:TY PARLOR. TV I -- SA LES & SERV1Cl!:, REAL ATTKACTtVE APT deatrt1ble loC', ESTATE OFFIC E. GIFT S HOP RUSTIC HAVEN n11'ely furn S:IO. 1nr l ullllllt'B -etc. Get your tiuslneaa 1tarlfd 1n 1 Restrul prl\'1try, lovt•ly ''ll'w. t11!- W1JI 11leep fo ur. SN• It. Harb<Jr the ba•t locat10.n In Costa MeM . I r .. ~0 ,,. lghl ul C'Oltuge, 1<1tf•t"r.,1y lot·at· • 173· W. 170 4 W. Oc,an Front, F or information, •32 Eut 17th cit In Corona dl"I Mar, Large Nrwport R!'a ch. 32p34 or Llbtrty 8·0294. 28<:41 18xl6 bi-•lroom w11h flrt'plare, <.:ORON A UEL MAR duplex. 2 1 8mllll bl'drm perf P<'"l tor baby, bdrm. tum. Har. :1409. 3lltrc ~Money to Loan t ,.., baths. Lnrgl' picture wlndo"· tn living room with unobfttruf't • 1 •r, C:nMln Ml•ll11 Rfl<'r 4 ·JO p 111 ,.,,1 .. lcw•allon. Co11ta lllc•111L. AdulL~ 32r only. Ll 8-496:1. 3t c33H LIDO IS LE CASH ••• 11'11 C'anyon Vll"W, npl'nll to an en· tt'rtalntng <ll'ck. Forc-0<1 air fur· na t"e, lotll or 11lorage. 40x 180 rt. lot Truly a 1111 le para'11se S iii.MO llllOUI $6:100 down By 11rrotnlml'nl. Uwnrr H"" 426:1 Jl:Vf'8. 3477. J'.lt!< \"HLY. RE:-..'TAL. l 'nfum. dupl~x. I BACHELOR and one 6 two 'bdrm. :-I' ~:rt/\ 1. m · 1 LT ~.1 nu ICI< I '2 ll<lrm. flrcpla cl' . .-flo<Jr rumace. I apUI. Sh<irt tem1 a nd yearly. Rt\'l•rn \Ulh 11 111•111~ m"'"' hllwd. Ors., S75 mo. H ar. 30•9J ALSO, Lido Homu ant.1 Bay Fron\ $1'..1"·'' H111 :11>1't-!lf 32r34 Hts 3l r33 H omu and aparlml"nta. 11'1411 l"ORI• ('O:"JVF:RTIBLE $595 UDO REALTY A.lsociatea 3t-O-O Via Udo, Harbor HH 89tlc FOR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT M ORTGAGE BANKING SINCE 1930. 1809 N .'BUSll SANTA A.NA KIMBERLY 3·7118 OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1 to 5 p . m. \23 a nd 2211 <><'ran \"t4'w. :-.;,.:_ •• port l:lmbt~. Pa'l}orar111r \'t('W tn•m these 2 new 3 bJrm I ~ bath modrrn hom~a de.signed 1111.t rorulructed In lhl' f1n .... t of lMlt. S27,(l00 an1I $23.JlOtl ·.': ···>: ·~ On The Ocean COMPLl-:TEL \' r1•1110JC'lt<1 3 hrm. bKth A 11 hom" "'Ith fr ont dvor opening on I h" n11nd.v bf'111'11 11·11 JU8t wh1u ynu·v,. been lnuk· lnK for n hN11 It home or y1·11r 11 rm1111J r<"•llltnrc-. P1·1rt Jll"t $2U,4t\O 16'Hh r ellsonahle ll"r11111 '. .. Out in the Country Ut 'T Jll-"'.Fl!'\lTF:l.Y uot ro111:f11nJ: it ""' h1n-e b•'l'n 1•nlrusl1'<I "'lh I'"' ~ale' of t h111 charmtni;: lh•llli' Jll"I ll p1trh l\n<I a Jlllt front l hC't );11lf t lub in the linrk RR,. /\ rt•a 2 lklfllll' plus large run11m~ 1111 . 2 1>011 It~. l•t'8111 lfUI f'n1•l11ft1•1I f'&I m all tot $17,!'lllO \\llh lrl\\ 110\lon ownl'r wtll l arry bollrnre. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc !Iii'!\ llrt1 hor f!h.,I. l"o"I" lllr••n. l'itllf I.I ll·ii l-4 t::Vl'll. p 1!-:ltl'IR A REAL BUY IN COSTA MESA BRAND NEW: lln 11 60x160 (J Int t1l allrv. :1 ll<'llroom. I 4• bath. ha rdwood tl1i11rs, Jo'11rl'••1I Air 11•"t, •hnnt*')' 1 hlR1•1t hrarth F'lieplo..-1' ln tnvrly h\'lni; ro•Jl\1 8l1h 1" t'Xll'r1111 with bt" k & 1\'<Mtll 11 llll 2·1 Br jlKrugP l'rice $16.000 SIMl.l i.lv"n VERY N ICELY DJ.:l'ORATEO Ile turm•h•·d ln<'IUdtni;: llu1tt • In 'frlC'\'IBHW 1l111lh> • Uuokc&llt' Thi" fl\.-ro .. 111 hunu• Ill only 1:1 y••1u ~ 11hl lllhl ta Ill go<xl '1•n· dllltlll. hM a Ill<<' Vallo With (lurtablf' burbl.'l u" TI1c f'Xl t'rlOr 111 r.•dwoot1 an•I Mtuno Properly 1• 1·nn1pll'l,.ly f1•1H't"I Prlt r1I 11 l nnly $11 lf."I() c•o111plrtrly f11rn1ah· ~l~v:~ ~~l~~h~:a~~te:r;:~n I & lnvestmeAt Co. 603 32n<1 St' Nt'WflOrt Bl'a1·h. C111ir H ar. 01:161:1 11!tr-r ~ p.n1 Har. 2203-J 3 I r3:1 GOLDE:" o rrORTL":-..'ITY tn resc1-ve your 3 lldr m. l 'v b&lh home now. :-..·n tlown ra vrnenl rumplrtr1t hdon• t:l111111trlll" bu J,.n, e lik<' I l'l1l ORANc;r, l'OAST PROPERTIJo:S f >1lu\~ .. tritulrJ r1dt1 h1i,•r \(''If'\\• I• 11t1t·r 1111h11l~l·n 11"n•1 . Nj,;WPORT HEIGHTS 2 br. front t rlplC'llf, rlrcpl8rl', garb&jtl' dl11p. \\'1ttt'r PJ. )'&1 d ma.lntained SllO 01o. nrr 2'2 Broftdway, LI 8-2176 31lk BALJJOA PENJ=-:St:LA 11pat"1ou.s luxu rlnu11 compl,.tl'ly rurn. Apt11 1·2 &. 3 bdmll le gar. lfayfront. beau t 1ful vltlo.' Mui1t bl' l'l'Cn to bl' &pprer)atf't1. Wlnttr or yrlr 11.'Mf' Har 2 4M . 30ttC' $89.95 Full Price LOANS 'l 'U HUlLL>. Bf.PRUVI: THREE BEDROOM nll.'e lot:i· l8~7 =""'l""l. C't>.1,i M ~l'11 BUY, MO OERNIZJ:, OR t1on $1:100 doYln SGo·,o mu 1n1l LI 8·l63::! k:\e 1..1 b-6 :I \"ttv ~11#:.in Jf.1rh'-r 4'1 .,IJ "r I.I " 1•1:-1 '.1111 :12 '~I l'p,.,11'\' llllJ1"r Ill>< "a jt lt&ll 1 .. -.~ thn n 20 ~ k• 111111 nttl•" '"' :1·. mri: :1:>0 1.1 "l·~:!i :1 It ·1:1 :"EW unfurn. 2 b•lrm. 11 dupl,.x, J!•H f Pn1·e•I yar1I, rln"" to 8hnp- 1 111n1t C'l'nlPT. 326 E83t 18th St , Coat& Mua.. LI 8 -H :it 3ll!c $\'II LIAl.UllJ\ l~l.A:-il l, 217 Apo- REFINANCE l1tllf :?t 3• =-:1t1<1nal, ~uitlll Mt>1<a. T\\CJ 13El>R~ '1111~1.::::-tiu1tpll"lt"ly We Buy Trull Deedll ~Ont' Ll 8·4123 33r I rurn111he<I Lntgl' 1•nrnf'r lot, Nl:WPURT B~DUA BA VI.NOS H OOO rim• n, S 14 !'lf•1 f11ll p ru f' A WAN A.SSUCl.ATIU.N HARBOR H ICHLANlJS 3 b<1rm I ,I ~I ~Ill.LEH. 1 11 3388 Via Lido. Ph. Har. 4200 l 1<a baths. 111'.-VIC'l' pu1eh, \\' W 202:1 \\". llAtllua llhd 11~1 4091 CAOll.LAf' ·~.:i l 'nlll'" fo'111l powrr I l··nn. r11rn :! h•trm. 2 halh flrl'- CA:-\AL FRO='TAC f; largt 2 & 3 h<lt m . rum aplll .. gar. & l!uto wa.l'hf'r $IHI It SJOO pt'r monlh tnd. 11111. "''811. till July I. • Har. 3:147-W • m Har. 221!1·R ue c•r(>l'tll It dtKI"'~ T\1t1" & land· j 1 nC'Ar the :-..'rwpo11 l'l<'t, --------------1c11p1nc . $ltS,:-,OO. LI 8·121 3 R&H f"r1nlln,.ntKI k tl Nrrtr t'h"" """ patio. Allulta, no pl'l11 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee ~ALES -REFlNANCl!l CONSTRUCTION 3tr33 H UME O:" L'HA:"F:I, 1·11;<' I hr nrw n) lri11 t 11 ,.~ I nwnf'r A• •I I I H-76:! • 321'34 BALBOA Dt"Pl~X. potC'nt111I In·· rnm, $211110 yr. l'Omplrt,.ly turn M yar1lit 10 9rh St. Bay heaC'h. $16,000, all rn1 t l\'I" term•. Cotnp)('lr "1th 1'111'1 Kl1.f 11111' W alk 1n r Cl " 1.1.1 .. 11ho1•r1nic Parttally r11rn Sll!.:ll'lll, l<'r11111 nrt,.r. l l11 r :ll'll\ H :l l1:l:l ,.. =-:r:w f11m 2 bdrm duplex, wlnttr 30c32 1 1•••1•'11 $1111 mn -lill 1,·H lh St , 41-Auto S.-n ·lrt> ;-.;, 1\ port Ae&C'h. J-IRr bor Mi7 ~~~~~~~~-32r3' Motor Overhaul YHLY RF::-<TAI. ni<rly rum. 2 48B-Ho08H for Rent 2 BDRM HOUl'IE, n,.wly deco· r11lt'd, t.ulo. wuher, l'lect. range. Teti\ Alt" gr ynunl( haby okay. l )'r ll"ue. 1d. Ll 8·3093 Call tor l'ree Fiat Commitmtnta J . M . MILLER CO 302:1 w . Balboa 81\'d, Har •091 ·, nf'ar lht.' !'\twrnrl P ier 1 H OM F:R F:. l'liAF~~R. l'tPllllnr tnl\ Mr F'&dd,.n Pl . at th" :-.-"'' p<1rt I P1!'r Har 140 F;1·<'• 11111 !1268-\\' HRrbor 2!'12!l·M NO MONE Y DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . ..................... $48.88 8 Cyla. . ................. _.$58.88 lncludca both labor and parta. Ntw rlnJ'1. wr111t p1n1<, valvt grtnd. fllllr11?• n( m111n 11nd rod•I bf.anngw. \'."fll'Tl motor tune up. PO-day o r 4 OI)() mllt guuantf'e (="0 MO:-..'F.Y 00\\':-..'l REBUILT ENGINES -\·p to J!\ MtJSTHS TO P A \'- Built In our own rartorv by aktllf'ti mt1ch1m11111. 01>n'~ conlt.nd w1l.b the m11MI" man. B uy d1rec( REBt:JL T and INSTALLED SHURT BLOCK I FORf' . ... • ... $129 60 CHE\"ROl.F:T • .. .......... Sl,IP M P l.Y:-01 & POnvF. ... ·-11·.~ CHR\'S & nE SOTO ... -··-··· $110 STUDEBAKER SHO OLDS It POSTIAC.: 6 _ ........ -SI 70 Bl"IC K ................. -... . .......... S 17~1 H UDSON ........... ...... $175 Loan C llr f'rl'• Towing NEW CAR GUARAN'ffo:F: B16rk 11111111 meet 011r 11tund&rcts r 1u11 tt1xt'11, ,:11aket11 nn(l oil OP"" Sunday 10 I! m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opc-n Dally 8 to 7 Stille Bonded NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. l'A:-..'IA A!'\A SARVER ~ \lH BRAKES tl:O.." 11RA:o.;1a; cot·~•Y Ii YRS) Brin1l l'•I n r11ke,. 4 ~·hl'!'lll S 11 9e Jnsi..111r11 .. n .99 Tsuc ' YOt' r \' ;\"O ~f()R F: Sl2 o~ 48 s 13 4.3 SAR \.ER .MOTORS bdrm . d1nrnior nn .~ r1rrplnr.- i I :l!I 2:10 F:. 10th SI . LI ~.~1;112 11flrrnp111 32r:l4 tsA-Apt.s. for ~nt on Ru1dcncea end Unit.a only 30c32 Don I. Huddleston 2 BOR'.\1 rum. hOUllf' ChlldrC'n 173 E. 17th St. okay $80 mo. year!)'. Jiar. 34•0-J ,COSTA MESA 30l32 LI 8-~54 1 LI 8-8582 fiEl~l-XE moMm rum 11tudln •rt. l 'ltllllr!I p11td s•~ mo Cornn• •l~I Mar. Har. 08!>3-R. I llfc \'RLV REXTAI.... l'\Parly new 4 LOANS for Homes C-2 Business Lot On Ntwport Blvd. at Indu.alrlal W11y. 40xl6:1 fl Call ownt r. Harbor 31(~, 18lfc Attention Investors! rnrn: REOL"Cl:lJ BUSINESS & HOME !DEAL Bl'Sl.NESS LOCATJO:" &r I lhrl'e ht'rlroom hom r. ~11111n .. 11• building 11fli.32 appro.~1111atrly 4 \"tllr!I nlr1 Rtllt f'11•t lllrl" lnf 8· t 111n. SF.F: this today f'ull r• "'"' Sll.~(ill, t•rm11 _______ _ I bdrm hou,,... :: balhll. carrorl. j Channiog H arbor Haven eleC't r11ni:•" •h•po11s l, rtra~s & 0,. _ 30 yr Lo&na A partments • Patios carpeti1, landacapprd WHt 1111r • For q1111'k a•·t1on nn this bus1nl'AI! pr11fll'r1Y 2 mndern b11llding11 on \\T. HA \"F; 11 r,.w rhol<"f' bu11<11ng 1\3' x 137' Int that 11hn111t1 luL'" Int• r11r,.rl lo 111'11 ;'\EW • ROOM. strl'.-t lt \'l'I. S•Ar nt Co11ta Mt11a. M11y b .. 11ulta blf' Construction Loans _, hools. 11hopJlWlg dtstrlct. QulH, for offlrl' nr prnfl"tolnnal Ren\ nr rPnt for a lo t.al of at IC'a..'I $2:';11 r"r mnnU1. r1.-n1y oC toom for txpR1U•1nn /\tlequal(> J"l1t'k· B. A. NERESON RF:A l.T()R plrn11a.nt. c-xrht.-,1\'t . Garbage d is· $10/1 ntn plu1t 11ttlll1r11. I SEE BOB SA'M'Ll:R 1~1~111. la1tntlry. 11tornte ronm.s LI ~-3072 30r32 21110 &AST COAST BLVD. ~:ira~!" t'i" 50 up OC'C'upit,. C'n· • -----• Corona Otl Mar . Hart>ot 38&a • · -· I t;NfURN 3 bdrm 2 l)atll newly tlr" stt 1•et Gn-"J s11perv111lon. ·ai d · ' S :2!'1 Rtp. PODUICR MORTC AC IC CO llfi;r 1:\01 Havrn P larl" eror~ll'd Inst I' Mil ~UL 1 ' t>telrO We Ina. ""1<18 Kl. J ·!U8.) Ing l..o<'atf't1 In lhf' f11Alr~t !!11\:? ='""!"'It Uh •I l 'f'IL'l ll M"°"' icrowrng put nf C'Ollla ~lr'ft, LI .!t·lfii2 F.\'f'• l.f 11·412f1 n1thl 1n lhl' hurt of R 1111 i.:r t Hln1 k South or H igh 8rhnnl I mo. C "11 own~r H ar. 4' or TeAl· j t8tto A L.SO fTRNISHED APTS dencl" f\381. t t . n,.w •hopping anttr \\ h"n !ht• 111 go ne . thnt·.11 it' Aprro11 L1\'e in C'nrnnil ilrl Ma r "" Wl~IER RATE$ :'.ll!c NEW ntrtl)' furn. 2-htt!;:-m-fo; II REAL ESTATE LOANS Sil 000 r uh dnv.·n r"QUt,...1 1•;i1t Mo\'e to Cliff H 11\·('n ""? ownH IJhrrty 8 -6223 mnrnln~,. ------f11mll\' $711 m1> 1'°l'11r 8tnrl'• Lido Isle so4 32n(l St. Nr wport. 31p38 lntereet Rate 5--5Y2% <'r n(tf'r 6 r m Uc-Our <'n~a Mr•A fl(f11 r h11.11 A 11 •1· Lol\n,~ qul<'kly roodt In Ull' H 11rbor -----Ing nn 11 fowl\' .I hl'<lr•••m &a •t Bayfront Y~;ARLY, a mall turn111hed h ouao Art11, lA~na a nd co~t" "'"•" with trf'H , flowera 4t patio-Stnitl" <1r rnulllpll' umt11, Nrw • l"NIT STI <TO lll"ILl il:"G On11 1\1111 1wo bdrm. l\l'llrl m ente. '' 11 .. t s h ·•<'llr nr,.11n, 1111 ... ~ nrf'M ~ tn· 11r ohl. Be wt~" 11nrt 1111vr Y r"· OW.:'\EH HAH 222()-J 3flr:l2 F11rn1shr•t. \.11ra~rs Yearly or gl,. prr11n n U ll mo. lnclurllnit rinnnr lng Y"l>r pri ~('nl loan _ wintPr rf'ntal. Har. 067~. u1lllt1u I 111·3ltW St. or Har· M1n1m11m ""l"'r1JOP 20 yt'ar t11rm t.Ol"<l RE1\("ll, nl'llr }Arht h1tr· 21r3• hor 310-J 321' If dNur"d ;>;11 , hat K" (.,r pre· 1 hor 2 holrm. hrnll'l' t 'at P"-"· L/\Rl~E. sl·;\"~Y. TROPICA L furn t'llltt::I'.: UJo-:l •K M. Jo'l'R:-<. HOUSE l1111rn11ry 61"Jlral11al. Kl J ·69J3 C1r11p.-~. pnt1n & 11111111 Im ~·-; .. I bl'•lrnn11111pt G11r.pl\.llO c·1u~r <.."'"'" M rl'll, $96 mnnlh. (Olnr\'ra \\.ilk •n••ar Arr111n tn Lt.Ill i·rntri y,.11 rh· SiO ARTHUR A. MAY I \\'Ay. :-Ot11rina d1~trt• I• ll.l-:1111 "k llAN A ,I ACOBSF!N, Realtor ~-1111 3 ~2 H Ar. OO~-J-2 11 :l:l r<1 ~t, Npt l·illr M!ll. e\'t11, LI 8•6Jli Mortgace Loan t:orrupondenl •" • 111., ll1•11rh :lOl':l2 32c;J4 Occidental Lilt tn.urance Co. FUR S AL!-; in· ow:-;~:R 4 1,P 1. 933 South Main Santa Ana r0<•m hnni" 1 •. hath~ lan·I· \\'ATER FRO~I furn a pt• t:0!':TA ).11-;S A 2 bNlt1'(1m partly pp \\'l!'\TEH flnly 1 • 3 bdrm. no furn. ho11ac HYalt 4·43.l7. 32c33 --------------'" ;ipNI & frn•·r.t. F'llA 1""n pl'IJI , htJ.lrrn wclcomt' 3706 ___ __ F rerdom hu111c 11rra.. l'all T&BE MOVED d"n hnm• f n1 S2'l !'lt\11 11n<I I h• llWlll'rl\ w.11nl t'l rnu\'I' In 1·11~1 ~nulh nr l h,. HI\ v. l'tl'frr11 " .11mullrr .1 hr<lrnnm 2 hnlh h"lll ~ I Ii• hr\111" 111 rr11 Jly \'• t~· n11 • If 1n t•·n•st1'ol l?l\'t us 11 • ,111 ' Ray & Rench 11('alt ~·. 1 nt· OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET <'h11n•I l'larl'. H11r. 121 :-.J I $i:i MO Twn bdrm. ho11111" furn. 60--ln('ome Prop<'rt)' Llbl'l1Y 8 -6223 ntu1 ntnir~ "r RftH O pm l6tfl-LAST C"ll A:'-T~: I•• J:rl f.I (I'• I ,,, 29tfc 211f1Q ~flramar Or . P cnlnL'UI& :) <'LEA:-0-l:'\CO~I F: l 'XITS rln!<t' ____ ------,., •·1tn fP•nlllO:" 1,1 11ru• 1, ,. , -S6_0_ll_l(J-,-.. T-l_l_! ____ l ___ d_ l'nlnt WlnVr renlt1I In b••ach. ba)' an11 'hnprtnR 1-:,. BACK BAY :"1r f' rn01r1°1111 ol" 1°•M• h •••I IAI.'" • .~ um . ~p · nt'ar own· (' c; RF:AROAf..EE. i'24 Luton flr tO\.\'n Ualbo11.. \\ tntf'r rt>ntal Glf'lllil\)f' f\ Ph. Cltnlll 3_:1318 ('C'llr nt rrtllrn hn trvf'i.tmtnt of on thl' P "l'"l 'Y n"" int 11..Srng Ht1rbor 26:>8. 30r 32 I 321 r . '21 "'1'' I n 11111 • S&W .I ht1r m 2 bath home nn garA,_I' 1 • ~ AO~!ER fo; ~H/\F"F:R, Re&ltnr flALF AC'KE O\'rr•1z~•I lloublt: XF.WLY I F'I O RATF.n , nll't'I)' WILL 1h11r, my home Wltll rouple. 108 11t~Fn•tt1"n l'I . Ill lh• Xf'"l"'•rl 1r11r tl•·llrtr i•Hn & grill On,.,.".~"-•» tr111" $311 f•MI furn . 1 bdrm. 11pt. A1l11lt.• $6:1 All prh·rl~itl'~ Room-prl. f'n· Pltr. H ar 1411 ~:'"' Har 021}8-\\" S21 '•oO EAS Y TERMS Of'l"n I 1110• yrl~'. 1'111 tncl l82~ W. Bal· t rance, llvlnfi room. TV, cook· I llurl>< 1 2:,w ~I I • tu ti dll1ly 361 22nd Sl. 2'k36 boa BJ\ d. llA1 1239· \\ · 3 l(':l:l Ing. a11lnm wMher A prl phnn,. - ='EKRCki>11n nrnrlv nrw l brlrm. I~ 8-7470. :\2C':l• GOA-Industrial Lolli tum . &rt. Til·· k1trht'n • b11th. ...._ _ _ FA\TORY Rt"lt.nr:-;-c-.~c-1-.l'-,-,-n gl'•. a ulo w11~hrr It dryl"r $88 4~n.ooms for ~nt M-l zone. 70'<3:)0 fl lot fa("" J'f'r mfl. yt nrly Hllr. 3:\47-W r1r LIDO R-3 RALPH P. MASKEY 3• I I :-..'l'wp<1rt 111\"I , ;-.;.,,. pt , II• II llarhor •"2 ow:-:•;n ~~lhni;: !I i..trm h· n1• \.11<.J cc.n1Jll11,n ti· r11 ••Ul. I l•l.,.·•I fl oor!'. n t"'' \'ln-»I l'lio,t1r hn• Vogel Values Newport Heights You·11 lo\'e this homr. 2 l>Nrooms Rnrl unfinishl'd r oom which can be converted tn 3rd bC\.iroom. 20' li\"ing m1 .. tar~<' w all m irror O\'f'r f1r<'pln1·f', J:larc )•roof window:-1. w w carp<'t. HW floon1. full dining rm .. lo\'<'ly tilr bath. ltll s of t1k 111 k1t1·h\'ll wh1d1 11pl'ns to rc-nwnt pittio. N1·w dlJI. garn~r & lnundr~-. 50' x 12i' lot. Paved ;dlt·y~. ~l·wrr~. S<.'e t h11 charming home befnri.' you buy. Priced to sell-4·1, r;. loan. Corona del Mar J 36' x 118' R-2 lot on ~ean side of t he highway. Only $2.6!10. Nf'\'Cr will you buy a lot for this price ngain. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 F.. Cst.. Hwy., Corona 11('1 Mar Har. l741-H7T BALBOA-INCOME 6 F'11rnishl'd 1 B. R. l nits plus owners larg(' 2 B. R. ap1utntl'l1l. lkst rt'11tal ar('a -excellent income. BALBOA-BAY A VENUE ·I B. 11., :? bath home--~~3.950. Owner will con· sllll'r horn<' v\'t•Rtwoo<l ~r"a or might cxchang. for i;mull rll•ar beach house harbor area.· BALBOA-NEAR LIBRARY 2 B . R. h om" with 1:: bath in gRr&g<'. Nice enclosed palt11. Owner will considPr trade on income 111 Rivl'r'};idt'. SH ,69f>-Cootl tr rms. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Ha.r. 126• TERRIFIC BUY Ol'Pl)ltTl ':"ITY K:"lll'KS FOR SO~IEU::\E 111 purt:hll.Sl' lhl1 "tll llu1lt lhrrc llt-t1 room a nd 2 bnt h hnmr Only 11, yeitrs ohl H11rt1· woutl tt .. 1118, Colt"'t't.I 1tlr ht•fll g arbai;:e 1J1~po1<ftl two r ar 11:•r· rig,. \\'hat a h11y Ownl'r will litkC I 1•1111~ ~·ull prh:t:· - $11 11~0. Industrial Bldg. APl'ROX 2()011 sq11ari! f,..M , 1 In~~ 111 l<wa1 lr1n <:oud 11171', lol tlffl· ('P.~ & l1111tr wcirkln.1: ttrra \\'111 Pl'll I hJ.!1 r1 "l'•'r y .. r lf'11•r. S ow ''llC'&lll l-'1111 rr11·14 11• only- J t• 1100. WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR Tit!-: MOST C'ardully .. I.ct· r1I \'llht<'~ In p1u·h or our 1Hatlnrt. ly •hrt N'l'rtt lLARl:JUR ARE AS. RALROA PE NINSULA C:ll AHMI:-..'~ molll:'nt f't'O\'ln d al l hr. •~•Iii ur 1·1111boa rd11, •.., bl(" k 11. Jl'lly 11 '. h1~:i1 48 .. ''"'· ...... $1~.:i\)\), ' C'LI FF HA VEN rF:AR Hut·su li\'tnic la euy a n11 t hrifty 10 tlll• 3 bdrm. homr. H \\', F'lra., lll•<1 klLChen, tan A 1llsh111a •tl'r. for rnothf't, low•lv 1•n• I y11r11 for khl11, $16,600 Jo" I'. $6HH0 du $67 month. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1,~.11 :-;.,wrnr1 Hl\'d. «0!1111 ~lf'M Muriel M. Pinover '"''"!'~ frn111 l"u~ta,:-Oll'~lt l!anll• I l'h u 11.a-;1;1 "\"" H ar 4366 Realto I.I i. ;!lt1:! r ----:.'f\04 :->.-wl"itl Bh·d, Nrt. f11'11rh Bargain I ~:M~' l '111krn1o: Harbor 4tiM A ~tany Splcndorcil '''""'" "°" tun .. thf' kr\ I Residence ! 3 flEllRl)C1M!'. n).lrt hrid< ho11111 Back Bay Area! w1 """ rl•••r ti<nn 11<1 rt l.J11 gr • :i "' v l11rgc hC'1iroon111 • l I 11"1J'lll.\ I OOnt ba'r IM \I 11 h ft 1111 t1 ""~ ~~"•I• 11•11• e 2 fir • f•l&t •'11 11,., l"•I ll•ll\C' ,i:a r111o:i•. lflimoli \' & • lfar1111ood fltl0111 • ,,.1110 ren<"d hohhy r110111 I'm ··· .. 1n .. hrrl In • \\ ''"'' .11hm,lll<' toot • :. yea111 ulrl c l<'an • 4 • <: 1 l111\r1 tnllut1tl1 1 ·a11 u11 fr•1 !vii '1<'1111111 1· 1:1 !•~•" •ln"n FT l.I. PlllCF: $11 !<~O Duncan Hardesty R<'alt nr Harbc•r 471~ Balboa BA YF"RO:-..'T P•1pl'~ I Z Mtm ~ I I h·!i 111 :: "" f 11 R1..• fHr· n1.11h,. i 1 , 1 "ll\l. r• r rti~ !>t.rh1 '"n~ltl"r 11.ll •tn (• r ('1••'11 ~lt,.t tn<'• n I' rr11r/'1 t \' Ocean Front Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I r.M 1' "" po rt RI\ t1 \ ·0°111 M""'· C'1111r I.I <.I lfll F;v,.~ f,1 lt-:lOlll C'OST A MESA :! I 1 w1 I• • "r <Ju•" 1n $.'\4 o,111) Ir r1crn 1n• I"''' fn1 11n1111 lo. W f'IHP"' kn P"'" H\\' ff'n•" R-4 rm. llil'l•I. Cl.WF HA \"F::-l 1 1 I· ·1 1 11 1r w .v 1 ~rr"t rO'lrn F'l'R:-..' :I II• •Ir 11', ~ hurh hnllN" l"r l"·ol fllrnllY hnme S37.:l()t) &. l bdrm 1<pl. O\ l'r ga1 lll:C S2:i 1100 Tl'rrn\ I l1r I ll'1t1f:• \11'1\. ron 2 lot ~. rr.on1 for Ol,l 1f:R 4 h•li 111 t•""'"" (11r1 • '1 .11 1r f''"'I $4!'1 llnO h tlll (lnlv s21.:,()(1.'' 111·1•1.r.x 11n Oalhu>< J~l"'I $1'<· ~-• ., l1r.th unth 1111•..iv ru111 t11t1) SO.ltirll \\ 111 hand!,. Coast Properties .:t1J 1-: Itri I i r ,, Jn\• HI J 1 11a_:1 lq'1 h,t\ I ('.~ lt1tl', .1111bd\\•110t11l ( •.,.,,.1 I h i:hw11y I'•""' Claire Van 1n:A I.Tl irt C ':I \\' (" "•I II"\ Horn 5 Acre Estate Site r;n1.1 1-.. ·• II\" Ill I 11 l ''IRTI :-0-11 \" ~ 11r '• 1' '"'.', 1~' ·,,,~ H \I 1\ I \ Y \I'"\ J\ft'., l:\kr nt I \1 ll'" I \I'·' ('' .c1 l•t ,..;h 111 tu It ••I" h dt.• ".\ I I fl~,.. f t "• J t • I. ,. t ... u ... lit: ·~ t f nl• •• i 4 '·I ·•• $~11t1n 11 K ... h1 1n ., '' \II j I iHJ\ '\I .i: t I IA~ t l'H• ti ~It I 11 .~ \I• '" I ft -.1 °" "" 1 "' • I.I Fo tl11J I I. f .I "·"' BALBOA BAY FRONT 1-(Jl'fl H~.l•fV1l •.\I, <HI I• , t Ir n1 I ''' t I z ........ t A ·I .. 111 I• tt "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. Jtir.•1 :-.. -'I"•' Hh t < .,,. ~I•'' It " 1;"l ,,,. I.I ~ '1"1111\ LOOK AT THIS ONE ! '468 ESTHER ST., C .M H ar. 2218·R 31C'33 LAD\' lllon,. hu room In n1r• two st3 3~0ll sq rt blilg , on home for l'mployed llldy LI front portion. l..t&Jl"•I All'klng 8·~~'8 29ltc $'.l!l,:1tW) low lr1 111A. C11ll. LOI.: RRA K'f: f:F.R \'l('F: E lf:T AT GRA:-..'I > l'A ~l'A A.'NA CLOSE lN, BALBOA F urnh1hed 3 -30 rt. 11111 nn So. Bay Front, 53 1 ;,(JI) Pa,h. <.;a ll T. 0 , Roi;:tra. Har. 13M·W, or RY&n 1·80Zll. l81fc olrum In ha th l.m1nr1t l11Jn1 I In hllll & k1trh,.n. n1r r "'''"I'• pt1rC'h. palln. M11ny nth~1 "" 11 • ruturu , l"t w I~ bv 22 i•r yt11•1l rnmpl!'l"IY f"nr,.•I S l I 2M Hilr fi8!l:'I :12r:ll pnr e 11f I\ 1 .. 1 Bl: l , l~.\Tll 11111:" I '>'" • Jlt1l\l<f' I'" f l"•,.,I hrlrk flr,.pl d i I jtlll (,/111<'1 lfH h'hJn. I'". I' sn ·'"1 ,,.~ni• \\,. ... ,.,. 1h .. k~y A flf'r The Cr11 .. 11 11·.-Too 1..AtP l btdrm. a pt yta.rly S60 mo. 2!>1fr G ll3 It watrr piud 408 E . Bal· --------------boll Rh·d. Har. 207t1 llltr \ 42-Trallf'"" [1£Ll .. XE •TR~. A.PTR. Srnitlea &: dbb S:lll mo, 11nd up. 1114 E. B11y A \'t , Ualhn11 J111rhar U 44 sue N ICE ROOM tor w nrklnl{ m1U1, pr1vl\le rntr&llce. SI Wttk. 11'143 Oranitt> Ave., C'oata Mna. 3lr33 BOY :-0-TON with EARL w STA;o./Llt\", Rf'Altor Bay1tde Or. at yoa•t Hwy Har. a297 or I ill'I t Vf ll. Har. 281tl R OOM tor work ing m an. 58 and -More-and more adnrt.taera &rt! $i' J'f'r week. Private cntranC'e flntlln( It protltabl" lo uff NEWS· 123 38lh St .. Newport ppt.tc ritr c laa.11tlcd ad.a. D\ OW:-<ER CORO:-IA OEL MAR, •mo<1Prn 2 b<lrm hori1c. rlrl'plact , rurnl\r ... hl1wd. flra . WW 1·1\J1)1"t1ng anti ' Mapes. dtl,., ger St rf•Htt ft•'I' apt. f'ull pr•<'" S J3.7~. s~no dn. 603 Pflineftlla. Har 39'>0-M 24r 37h . LE\'EL R·2. 31l fl lot, R; of llwy I Corrint1 r!t l Mar $6ll00 C"llll BALBOA BA¥ PROPERTIES . lhrhor u :i:i f 32rH 1~f1!'1 \\' Ralh-•>1 RI\"! ll.11rl•'·r ;.1 0 Chester F. Sal isbury 11~.A 1:rr m 11 "• ~"' 11<' I.I' hllA h l•nlt H11 1 t.nr f>07 1 ' VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE ·:: 1: -tr This Will Ring The Bell If you sre looking for a Lido bayfront home with pier and fl oat largt" enough to accommodate a 100 ft. yacht and having 4 bdrms. and 3 bathe -all "on 1 floor -completely furnished. $89.500 3 New Stores INCOME $6000 PRICE $50,000 A solid commercial investment in rapidly develop- lqg district . All leased to ahof.' 10% on total price. It's .What You've Been Waiting For! Channing new rustic -2 lge. bdrms. 11 11 baths, fireplace. bit-in oven and range. w /w cpte., encloeed patio. Choice location leas than 1 block from bathing beach. Prtced to sell at $22.:500 unfurnish- ed or $25,300 furnished. $8,410 down. • THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC Harbor &nd ocean view, "quairty atreet." 4 B. R., den, 2 baths. Low tem1a. Bar- gain $45,000 IRVINE TERRACE, ~ will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 baths, inside BBQ. Drap- eries, stove, fully landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· tected patio. Owner anxious for offer. Asking $28,000 BAYSHORES 4 Bednp. 2 baths, V:.: blk. from bathlng beach. SubllUt terms. Asking $29, 750 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiea. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt ~ John Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. omce, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Open House Daily 1-5 203 Via Nice Lido HAVE YOU SEEN the smartest houae on Lido'! '! The brand oew modern French Regency with a · great sense of dignity al ong with a cuual Holiday feel- ing in its S Bdrm .. 2 mar- ble-top pullman bath s. Elec. kitchen, m e r c u r y switchea. well chosen car- peting thruout. Lgc patio. impressive· landscaping? I! not check 203 Via Nice LIDO. A Spic and Span Waterfront Comer 40' of Waterfront near Udo. Private P ier a.nd Float - 2 bdrma., fireplace, shut lers, cupeu and draperiu. Beautl· rul garden. Immaculate condl· llon thru-<>ul. A1i'klng 12&,WO. Chrck lhla beautiful lol on Cor· nl'r Street lo Street. Market $13.000. FOR LEASE Unr11!r Spaclnua Udo Home. Compltte- ly fur n 3 bdmui, 2 b11 ths W in· t tr or yearly BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. LIDO OFFICE 3112 Lafayette, Newport Harbor 3643 BALBOA ISLAND DO YOU HA VE THE TIME? U eo you can get a real return on your lnvestmtnl. 3-bdrm. home 2 bdrm.. apL plus guest room and bath, furniehE'd throughout. Ncects a little love amt car('. SEE IT TODAY -$23,500 OWN~R ANX10US! LIDO ISLE· TIP-TOP QUALITY BUY. Rarely can we offer eo much for so littlt ! 3-bdrms. 2 baths. unuBual in design. almost new. large patio. FULL PRICE $26.500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Har. 0502-4623 LIDO ISLE FOR SSSS SAVINGS SEE ART C." KISTLER CO. Bef ore-¥o-u 8-ttY . LIDO OPEN HOUSE LIFE INCOME 303 Via Lido Nord Will be open for Inspection afternoon• until sold. Two bdrma. and den. Out of town owner anxioua. One of Balboa'• ma.t profitable 8 unit turnlabed court., Balboa Blvd. oomer PLUS &djolnlnc lot. All for $10,000 down. ll'ull PM $'7,SOO. One-halt block to belt bay beach. 6 on.half block to ocea. MAKE OFFER TWO-EaR THE PRICE OF ONE REAL VALUE 3 bedroom, Costa Mesa. Hwd. floors -not a tract home, on Flower it.reel near Irvine. $12,950 -$3000 down $2500 down, Balance $7~ month. Two mnaD baa. on 2 R-2 Iota. Half blook to ocean front. Full price $10,SOO • ATTENTION l~TORS ONLY $2500 DOWN Balance $100 month. 21/2 acree on Placmtla. Only $21.000 -~ cub. 4 furnished units --=. heart of Balboa. NO PHONE INJ'ORKA'l'ION Real money maker. ART C. KISTLER · CO. Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd. Houston Values C-2 $1000 dn. OLDER 1 BR.. pr., on a &Ox 140 lot jwit orr Newport Blvd .. rm. to build! Ne~rt Beach I v1 "~st Buys Corona del Mar I .. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. Excellent condition, both unit. have fireplaces, bwd. flra., laundry and garage. Price firm at $22,500. Terina can be arranged. Exclualve with UI. 3 BD~~k~~S0<!.4 on Santa Ana Ave .. nr 23rd. 2. DELUXE 2 BR. HOME Full Price $6750 ONLY 6 YRS. OLD. 2 brdm .. sar. on allfy, room ror anolhfr unit. can't mlaa on thla. Choice Lots sexn& M·l .................... $12.&00 70x l!IO R·4 . .. ............ 12%60 60xl60 S. A. Hta. ..... ... ... 12260 Hwd. floors, double gar .. paved patio. A barpin at $15,950. Low down payment. ' 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN 'VIEW Q\iallty built 2 B. R. and den ranch type home on Morning ,Canyon road. 2 bathe, aba.ke roof. Out~ standing view of ocean, canyon and hi.Ila. $37.~ full price. $12,000 down will handle. ... "C" THO_MA..I "~' THOMAA Cliff Haven l!XCl!PTIONALLY NICll I bdrm. home, tmm&cWate concl. ~ut. tlnplace, 11dwd. noo..., w to w carpet.lq • draperi• lncluded. loftly feneed Jard. loW monUaly pqmet.9-# Hl'NO .11.000. ,· Bayshores IDCCSI t,J!!NT BAT VIEW bome cm cor. )ot. I bed.room-., 1 • Mt». ~ llY. room wtt.b tlas· .tone ttr.pl&ce, tull d1n. room. bre&ktut room. hdwd. tloor11, loadl <if cupbo&rdl, extn laqe dbl car ...,.,e, fenoed yard. PRICED RlOHT at ONLY .23.~ -Tenu. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -ftART I I I. PA• I WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, ltll ......... . ....... BALeOA ISLAND ,, A'l'TR.AC'nVE ' bldrm., 2~ b&tU. u. So. llq. Owner will tat..~ down. AelrJas $a.IOQ. GOOD FAMILY HOKE. Near lo. 1S&7. Le-. JUI. 3 bedrm. 1 ~ b&thL pe.soo About 200 ft. trom No. Bay. Neat I bedrm. fan· ilhed home. SUbmlt don. SZ.000 80 IT. BAY l'ftONTAGJ:. ~ On "ttw. I81and. pJer. float. formal 'bdlm. .... 'lb land value Ill clOM to the ~ LID() NORD BAY FRONT INOOKE. Lerp lot. 5 bdrm. 3~ bath hou.e plua unuwal 2 B. 1t. apt. over 3 car prare. Both unite HWty fm'UllMd. ~ Ru'· 1775 -!:Yee. Edith Maroon BYatt U2l2 John Macn•b, Barbor 6359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Karine Ave., Balboa I.land BALBOA ISLAND DUP~ $~ down -$13,~ Need.a aome paint A fix · in' up but here'• an excep- tional opportun.\ty to buy well located income prop- erty on the hland. Flnt time lilted Ir ahould Mil ln a hurry at t.bia price. Payment.a only '100 mo. Just clee.n your paint bruaht9 -and brtn1 aloat · your check book! f I OPEN HOUSE Honeymoon Coffet• 100 BCock PoUIMlU.. coal Call now for appt, to tnapeet th1a wsu.aually attnact. ~ nrep1., beamed ~. *·· lfe. let, be&Ut. ,.uo • ~ all for Slt.&00 -i.-. 341 Buel Drtve, CDM BeauttM vi-home of a bdrm.I., 1 ~ baUlll. walldn11 dJatance to b&Wq beach. Tbla bom• • oulllt&ndtnc loca· Uon could not be d\lpllcated today for UM uklnc price ot •12.aoo -terma. OPmN BAT. A IUN. 1-6 (ltlu:lu.al•• 1~1 Call DOW for sw--IJ\OWtnc. Open House 3804 <>e.an at'f'lll., eer. et <>t014 Panoramic ky 111 oceaa YMw. a nice bdr .. I Mt». .... UY. rm. S.. lbllt OM t.oda,y. OW.. RY• MJI. Call Harbor 20~2 &Oxl27 R·l Npl. Ht.. . $4460 Irrer. Back Bay 16260 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. Open House PRICE T. McCUISTION, Redtor Harbor Highlands FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS Robert W. R&yle--Cbu. Travia-C. B. RUM, A.19ociatee 312 Karine Ave., Balboa bland LOVELY NmA.RLY NEW I Md· room, 1 ~ b6lh bOme, nJcely 380 LA CANADA WAY. ultra modtm , 3 bdrm .. 2 b&t h11 Rancho unobatr ucted view. uk $28,000 make otrer. 3447 E . Coa.at Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) landltc&ped fenced ya.rd, hdwd. ------------------=.,,.._--- ~=::·~ -,~ r~ WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE Open Sun. 11·& Houston Realty Co. It ASSOCIATES !109 Ctntt't St. Co~ta Mua Ll 8·6911 LI 8·1787 ~ve. ph. Pellll' LI 11·6~7 Lytle LI 8·:lH:l THERE 15 ONLY ONE LIDO ISLE!!! AND 01':LY 0 :-JE BRANO NEW V ERY LA~GE .2 STORY 3 "BED· ROOM A OEN HOME. t...AR GS ROOMS WITH EVERY CO!'!· CEJVABLE BU ILT-IN $32.~00 llNUSvALLY IMPRESSJ\'E AND WELL BUILT 6 ROOM HOME It 2 CAR GARAGE. LIKE l"E\\' Extr& J11rg' den It r11t10 Cor rol living &J\d gracious ~nttrt11.tnlng A REA\. BUY $27.r>OO TERMS Seven Islands Realty & ln~estment Co. ~03 32nd SI., Newport. Bt ach. Calir. Hu !iMB. alter ~ p.m. Hu 2293-J 31c33 NEED more caplt&l in your buaint88 ? Need an a.uo- c1ate? Talk to UR. We have client who would hke a good in vestment. For rent In Corona del Mar- Home with :! bdrms. and den and sleeptng porch. Adult.8. $125. per month yearly. View! OUTSTANDING-SHORECUFF It's our pleuure to offu, for the first time, one of the fineat bomee in Exel. Sboreclltf. The home it.ael! c9nailta of large Uv. rm., with ra1-d hearth fittpl. and from the large corner wi.ndon, a view of the water, a Den-din. room with fireplace, a lovely kitchen with Birch cabineta, dilhwuher, garb. disp. Ii blL in oven Ii range, 3 bedrooms A 2 lge. baths, with M~r BR openinr on , the patio. Over the dbl. gar. is a beaut. gue1t rm. A 3A bath. with a sweeping view. The hoUM 6 guest rm. are enUrety carpeted waft to wall. In addition, a heat· ed. filtered "Imperial" pool ,fenced tor protection. Should be seen to appreciate. Tbe prtce ia fair - Tenna iI deaired. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar NOTICE FIRST OFFERING LIDO ISLE Har. 27H 3 bedrooms, P~ bathe, 10 mo 'a old. l.NGRAM built. Perfect $25,500 Generous terms. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy., IRt Port Orange) Newport Beach Ll 8-7~2 Har. 51M evea. paUo. locat.ed ln N...-port Mhool Real family home on .. bolce So. B&v J'ront loca· 4111U1Ct. PRICED at •tt.IOO -"" , J:xc.U•t. tAnna. t.loD. ' bednn., &11 electrlc Jdtcba. S.. tltJa lt KINGS ltOAD VIEW LOT u N&tJR.PA.UEI> vmw ot •Ure _.uan .. "C" THOMAS, Rltr m w. eout m..,-u l-662'T "C" THOM.AS Costa Mesa OPEN DA.a Y 2 to 5 p. m. 2177 RURAL LANE • lt'• a Bay l'rollt you wut. HA VE YOU 8l!ZN THIS Dl:LIOll'lTUL BALBOA ISLAND BOMZf With beamed oeWq and lota of botty plM. Boat &M mOOl'iDI includec! in ._price of '25,~ IF rrs A LOW DOWN PA'ho:NT YOU WANT. and a large 4 bedroom bome you need, doa't ~ up tbil Coro• de1 Kar Voetl Value. Ptr-·eeet ocean view -few atepe to beach. $6000 dOWIL · The Vogel Co. 208 Karine Avenue, Balboa Ialand Nat door to the Po.t Office Har. 444 Evea. Har. 3069·M Har. '2fS.R . TURN On' NJCWPORT BLVD. at 22nd Street. Rural Lane la flrmt Btrwt on rtSf\L a bedroom- Hardwood noo,.._covered pat.lo Cloee to 1ebooa.. ltoree • tr&N- port&Uon. Hu O.L lo&n payable SM per mon~. ~cludtnc l&XM --------------------~ :::,~.,::~: !t!:ira:u COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth •• accept low dOWft payment. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 VOGEL VALUES ' NEWPORT HEIGHTS A. 2 BDRM. HOUSE ln a wonder- ful net&hborhood. 11ood ecboola. and you CUI have It all for only 110.7&0. 3 Bt>R.M .. 1 fl( BA. THJI. &hake roor. bullt·ln kltcMn raaturea. W/W cplll. ~ruout. flreplace Randi t ype home Jn Newport H•l(bla, $:13,000. BACK BAY VIEW -REAL RANCH HOME - FIVE bedrooma, furniahed, many extru. One hD acre with room for that hone or mon bWlcllal. $37,500 INCOME: New 2 Br. home and 8 unite (all tur- ni1bed) well kept. Near Blvd. • mark.ta. Tet&l monthly income $445. A 10und investment ot $39,000 A REAL HOME -2 Br. A den, knotty pine panel• inr. fireplace, w/w carpetinr, 1arce picture win· dowa, 2 dbl. car garage. PLUS a very nice little duple.x & all furniahed $23,000 with only $6000 dn. G. N. WELLS, Realtor LI 8-1801 BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord corner with p<'r-Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. manent view of Bay. Near beBt beach for swim· c Mu1t1r1t L1 .. t1n( R"'•ltora Waldron Realty Co. EIGHT RENT AL UNITS, almoa\ 1810 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Me.a new. a.IJ rttrtted. TolAl lncomt --------------------- $660 month. ming. Three bedrma .. hobby room &. den. harm· R11~1nrAJ1 n rokrr Ing kinK size muter bedroom with alcove and !lt3a E. c~t Hv.y . Corona del Mar connecting private bath opening onto large sun -Ha rbt1r 21112 deck. The unusually attract ive dining room hns ~ · ---- 111iding glass doorR opening to the patio, while the GOl.DF.N orroRTl'NITY -tn modem kit(' hen hRS built-in dishwashC'r, d1spoSRI. I Bii'" r'i-lhll' n rhll k~n" rnlt1' A. <'•l"fll Pay 19:.0 dn It start copper hood, ceramic tile and numerous other on thl11 •, 11cre r"nchO. with featureti to please the most fastidious. Truly one ico00 !\ rm hom,. It nvtral:te of the fin('st of homes, and r1riced lo sell. 2 r.i r jl.•lllli;ie. $7!1 mo. on h11l11n,,. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 NeWp<>rt. Bh·d .. Newp<irt Beach Harbor 1013 IRVINE TERRACE Outstanding \'JF.W home. brand new. large li\'ing· room finishc<l In Alderwood panelling. fireplarc. forc<'d air h Nlt, cork & "inyl tile floors. bath & 1,. two 1hwn .. dining room, breakfut bar. enclosed patio, dbl. garage. All this plus the finest VlEW obt.ai.nable. $42.500. Exclusive with ' RAY REALTY CO. 3«4 E . Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 _ (Acrosa from Bank in COM) oru:w~r. COAST l 'HOl'EHTI F:~ l v ,; N~wpnrt Co•la :l1rs11 LI 8· 11132 Eve. l.1 8-6803 WA TERF"R0 :-.'1' LOT. Mm(lltte "llh hul kh~•·1 \'fl)' CIMC' to l.ldn 11,1opp.n1ot. ?.H(ht con11d tr t 1 usl tlt~l fur «'<Jilli) HO:'.IF;R J:: SHA FER. Rullor IOG ~tcF11ddtn Pl .. Har. 140 P.:vu Har. :Z:)29·M -Hat, &Z68·W Acreage l'Nnt'ST'RIAL. bualnMa .l rnl· denUa.I acrease. Al80 ranch• anti rrovP• In Costa M..a - 8&nt11 Ana area. DA N A JACOBSEN. °ltn ltor Kar. Mtl. IJVaa. U l-'l17. 30cl2 SPEC I Al Corner location close to shops ... achool.8 ... and transportation. Walking distance to Bay Beach. A TTRA<...--rIVEL Y DESINGED DUPLEX. Two B.R. & garage each unJt with ftnced yard and private patios. Income will pay iteelf ouL THIS IS OUR EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL AT $19.950 308 Marine Avenue Balboa laland Harbor 0234 and eves Harbor 4507 OCEAN FRONTS . Two story furnished borne. Lot run1 from 1treet to beach. Room for extra unit.-1.lt time offered. A real buy $16.000. Good terms. ALSO f•h1e units and extra lot , J ar 'Balboa pier. ~26.500 well flnanct . 8 unlta .Etut Ocee.n front $37 .000 -Good income. N.B.C. REALTY CO. 32nd and Newport Blvd-, Newport BMcb Har. H05 .. I ,. b THE VOGEL CO. }702 Newport Blvd . Coal.a Mt.ta Llberly 8·6697-Evea. LI 8-74117 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY -to own M·l 11r re on PlacenUa- 2:1 f L madway ~n.i to Tear allowln~ bulldlnl aru of T& • tH. Property d e&r-$&000 dn. to h&ndle. OMNGE COABT PROPl:R'nD I la!IT Newport. Coat& M..a LJ 8·1132 E H . LJ a...aoa LOT -30 rt. Jt.2 f060. HOJrfER I:. SHA.FER.. Raalt.or lot MeFadd• Pl .. at tM H...-port • Pier. Har. 140 s-t ... Har. 1*-W Harbor 252t·M T YR. OLD fumialled oc-.n front home on R-3 k>t. Room to build income lll\lta.. fl8,600 f\aU ,nee. only 14000 down. 1. K . MILLER CO. IMO w. Balboa BlYd. Har. '°91 (n-.r the Newport P\er) PERMANENT OCEAN VIEW ;~~LY BUILT, Cape Cod\paUuula pe&at home about 3 yra. old; 3 B. R., 2 bath: eupetJa1 and drapa, forced air beat. ap. laundry room. 2 tlnplacee, 20 x 20 aundeck, 1se. f...-1 )'lld. Price $28,750. term.a. Couider trade for boat, car, or lot. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Bmt. LIDO ISLE 148 Trieste Har. 6111 OPEN DAILY 1-4 P.~. $22,000 UPPER It LdWER income unit.II on rear of comer k>t ta CDM. J'Urnl.a.d. fl0,900-i..ma. LCZ CJ.SET otnce. 2111 II. Coul H11bway, CDll. Har. OMt.'IOeU OSB~~~~!2RJ~.~•t ~~~CO. Newport Beach LI S:.7ee2 Har. 51.M ..-. ... eU-KeaJ tAta&e ' tii;l -9'eU ~ W-a.c.J L.'41.d ~ ... 1. MIT Ill -NEWPORT HARIC).R NEWS.PRESS a;;;;.::--~a.1...;..._r..tate______ , _ ____.., .... --... ,. ----WIDNESDA Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 • a a..1r..w. BLAN<:!!_E A_,_QUES..Re&Jto!'_ ~-~ BALBOA ISLAND HOME 6 INCOME. One ot the moet charminr .. 4 B. R. 3 b&. homea on laland plu. gueat room and bath -AND unusually attnctive furn. apacioua 1~. R. apt. Dbl. gar. Owner leaving town. Xlnt. financing. Thi.I is a first claaa property, priced to eell. Our ~xcluaive. ~· Sapphire: OPEN HOUSE Friday, Sat., Sun. Can be ahown any time. We have the key. Beauti- ful f B. R. home and beautifully furniahed. Lovely patio. Priced to sell ! $2U500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But hurry! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 LIDO BA YFRONT A •ery apecial home, of the calibre that la aeldom for aale. For family reu<>JUI, this nearly new, cu.a- tom, owner-built home ia ottered to the aelect buyer who can afford the beet. Without .queation, tbia out.w~nding home of f ai:-ctoua bedrooma and 5 complete luxury bath· rooma, la the ultimate in quality construction. ,The owner llpued no experuie while building and fur- nlah1ng thia exceptional home. and thi. is evidenced throughout, from the radio-controlled garage en· trance, through the lovely room. with furniture ~ eapecia.Uy for each a.rea, and out to the bl6 pier and allp where t he fortunate owner may keep tu. yacht" moored at hie front dOOl'. 'I'hl8 excluaive home, including complete cuatom turnlture and appliance•. in ita choice Lido location, ls prleed below coat at $100,000, which fact will imnw!lately be recognized by the qualified buyer. WILLARD L KILLION, Realtor 33U Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 30c32 v Corona del Mar Ocean View Home and Income Thla la without a doubt the best value or the yeu in a deluze 2 bednn. home. Two batha, hardwood floore, forced air heat, eeparate dinlrfk room PLtJS deluxe two bedroom prqe apt PLUS fUl'IWthed atudJo apt. Located on a 45 ft. lot, only a few aleJJ9 to Ocean Blvd., and China Cove. Quality coruatruc· tion -acellent condition. Shown by appointment only Priced firm at $38.000 Better hurry -thia won't laat long. . CORO~CE~~~~N~~~t~}"Y CO. 8"7 E.. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 47 ' (<>mce located nut door to Corona del Mar Bank) 31c33 ro& SALE or TRADE FOR CLE.AR RUSTIC HOME -by owner 2 Bedrooma 6 den -1 % baths, plua gue.t houae with % bath. Heated mm.ming pool, wall to wall car· petinc, large lot completely fenced. Cu.not be duplicated for full price of $28,000 Cu be teen at 611 Al-Dean. 1 block from high ecbooL l'bon. LI 8.Q39 or Har. 5962-J after 6 p. m. 25t!c Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round born~ on Sea· abore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica kitchen. 1 bedroom and 1/2 bath do1"1. 3 bedroom.a and 1 1,~ bath• up. Soud con- atructioa, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car prage. encloaed yard. Ellc.ellent beacb. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 31U Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach Harbor 1013 p. a . p a i m e r ~i n c o r p o r a t e d , J , . -;JL evel~ers of Lido Isle · 6 Units on excluaive Udo North Bay, 80 ft.. frontap . Lovely beach and view, fumlahed and rented. $105,000. Terma New Lido Home Ranch atyle 3 bednn. 1 6 % bath.I, forced air beat, dining area, good location between two nice 1 .tory hometi. Cloee to beach, open beam ceilings, mu. •aive uaed brick comer fireplace. Lot.I of Ule and very good finiah work. Built by John Viucher, a quality builder. $2!S,500 with ff 0'50() down and $120 per month. • Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bednn. 2 bath upetail"9 with ~eck8. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downataint with enclOMd patio. Both apta. have forcea air furnaces, flreplacea, carpeting, drapea, re.lrigentor, stove. Unbelievable priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. OCEANFRONT 60 fodt corner, be8t PENINSULA location. $17,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales man~ment -3339-vta Udo, b&.rbor 1500 -.- DriftirftJ end Dreaming lm't DeCI 9 ry. We ba"N jmt the h-. J'OQ WUlt OD Udo. Drud MW I bedrm. 1 6 "' batm wttJI bullt·lna pion. ComPi.te17 1tedecaped $12.aoo OD Wml. Call Joe K-icl to .. WI acJallft lllttq. Chance of A Lifetime llo.t adtinr VDCW BOID bl •tin Barbor u.. NOT LE.A.SEBOLD. Tbne bedroom.. I batha. . din.lnr room. JaandrJ, 1up eeUar, lot. of eio.ta <1 and lltonp llU8-Room for l1llllt ape.rtmeat. ... 'I'hl8 property cmt owaer ba ace. of $64,-000 to build. eeca-. ot deatJa m famDJ, will aacrt&e for "°·000. 1709 Padfte om., Corona del Mar. OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. ll.. to 6 P. K. • Come bJ or call Da"N 0Uara for ct.t•Oe Udo North Beyfront Lot Perfect location betawo two alee b~ $38,GOO AM for Bill l'aruwort.h. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanlOn co., sales management -flte-w. ... ,..,,,,., -m.tj .....,, Peninsula -Homes! VOGEL VALUES-LIDO ISLE OFFICE . . This Week Nl:'WLY OPENED IURNlSHED HOME -- HAIU&ONIOUSLY CONTEMfOR.ARY • In Irvine Terrace Oppoeite In1ne Cout County Club Hirbway 101, Newport Harbor We are nry proud of the cl.au of mercbandiee . w!Ucb we an otferinc in Irvine Terrace. We know you will al80 like the location, quality of conatnlc~ tJon by llacco Corporation and illter'lon by Martin I: Von Hemert. H'omea available from $24,000 to $3:5,000 for the diacriminating buyer. ' EARL W. STANLEY. ·Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Barbor ff48 COURTESY TO BROKERS NO. 1-DOCTOR'S H OME AND A BEAt.mFUL PRO PERTY. 4 bedf'OODl8, 2 bath. JCllt.ra W&'e corner lot Included all walled for prtncy. Badminton court, paUo and double sarage. Nicely lan~aped. $30.:500 and lenn .. * * * * .... NEWPORT BEJGBT8 ~ KAXDIUll · BILL'S BEST BUYS * Newport Hts aAcK aA v Lois No. 2-CASH IN ON THI: HUN· DREDS OF DOLLARS 8Pb.'T · to modernl.ze thla cute home • . . furnlAhed, too. 2 1,ii bedrm• .. 2 bath.. Fireplace, double rar· are and 1undeck ••• $17,:500, $4000 down. Balboa 'Home! THREE B~ROOM8. 11' baUla. Cio.e to NKYC and one-halt block f rom bt>et bay beach. blra lot Include<!. Fireplace and larc• llvlnt; room. Older home but what po .. lbllltlea. $17.000. tenn1. Bay Front Duplex! THERE WILL NEVER Bl!: AN· OTHER BAY FRONT DU· ... Pt.EX u attradlve a.1 thla ~autarul . property, 1ltualed on Ole Penln1ula, WIU\ prlva~ beach and pier n shte. Both unit.a bav• 2 ~rooma. and t he upper 11 tumlahed. Nice laun· dry and utility room8. Be.t or all It la only 4 ye11ra old, See It l.o<Uy a t $~.000. 0 0.000 down. Costa Mesa Homes! WHEN WE 00 TAKE THEM I N COST A MESA THEY HA VE TO BE GOOD . . . We have two of them now. One with • bedroom• and 2 t>.tha, at U2,800 and annther with l be(!rooma at S11.600.• Both dllll· dy vaJuu we lhl!'k Balboa Realfy Co. Oppo1lte Bank of America Ro .. Orttley Al Cornellua Ed LH Jack Pinkham JOIN'phlne Webb 700 J:. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Phone Harbor 32i7 IN THE BACK BAY AREA Yet, the price la minim.um ancl th• dlatrtct 19 muJ. mum. A co.y 2 bdrm. home 0n a Jarre lot in beautl· ful Newport Heigh ta for only $10, 7!50 with $2000 down -The $8f monthly paymata include taxes and imutance. CLIFF HAVEN View lot Kinp Road. Leuehold Jot 87' Jt 110'. Charming location, fine view of bay. Only $6500, $2000 down. \ COSTA KESA Deairable l5 acre ll-1 locaUon. $65,000 BA YFRONT HOKES -LIDO A VICINITY 3 bdrm., 3 batha, carpeta • drapes ~7 ,GOO 4 bednu. 6 den. Very nice. Pier I: float SM,000 t bdnna., lovely corner, -pu1ly fumiabed, pier and float. $73,15()() t bdrma 3 bath.I, nearly new pier and float. completely fum19NfJ1., •.l500 • bdrm. a mda. quart.en. ~ pier and float. $9CS,OOO THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Hu. WTl or Bu. •m Eves. Har. ~91-K Bar. 2098-R or LI ~ LIDO PROVINCIAL .•. CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSJ: Thi.I choice two bedroom c!u be JVWW for only $22,700. • Beamed celllnp e Ueed brick !"treplace • Inaide window abut.tan • Quarry tile kitchen • Large two-car garac- • Luge wallt-ln cio.t We have the key to thia lmmaculate, near MW Lido home. Come in and di8cu.9 terma. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON J. H. GROIDIAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON 3t00 Via Lido Barbor "" (Acrou from Ricbard'a llarket l:ntruce) Several from $6500 to $7950. Alao 3 at $8000 each, theM on private drive and a~ 120 x 150. ALISO STltlZl': • Older 1 Mira.. ~ .... -. MAGAZINE COVER HOME oa er.-dotte4 lot. We have IMD them bigger but never cuter. Stained ~ no.TIO redwood front with low line ahue root. One liv· l.nr room wall I.I of beam and and uaed brick con- at.ructJon. 2 B. R. plua den, l lf~ bat.ha, fireplacea ill both L. R. and den. Built in range and oven. ·IRvikE AVENUE: 1 mJnute from hi&h 11ehooL $i8,500 J bedrm. IDOdlra wttll Jars-UY• ~ "°;°u:': =~· CO~Mf!C~'t...~C!,~Gd~. Can be cut lnto 'hrm9 '11.TIO three lot.. On aewen, cloee to town .. Pricecl to Mil. $16,000 cub. IT'S A SHAME . ALOE.AN PLA.CJC: To let th1a two bedroom home co any lonc~r with· ~ nma.u.a ,...._tne oat a nice couple to enjoy ita homine., comfort Mme. ....-tell' •nomt.ecl. all and hoepitallty. Unde~riced at $9,950. Rear yard bu.Ut.·&u. 1~ batba. a.us. be&i-CC1Cpletel7 cement block fenced. Newly decorated .s pool wtt.ll su-t 11ome. tn and out. Submit $3000 down. ....... .,,. &ppobltmmt ~. llct,IOO ._. Pl.000 W. A. TOBIAS and A880ClA TES, .Rll:A.LTOR "'you'll like our friendly eervice'' KINGS ROAD VIEW HOIO:: __ toa __ E._17_th_s_t._, Coata __ w_ea ____ Llbe __ rty_s-_1_139 __ ftOo ... ft. ol lwnuy wttls b•Ltd poel. at.lift ,.Uo. Md •""'7 built-ID t•tuh )"OU' fa&e7 c&D 8AID4I.. Dow1l .,,. ~ polfttment ODJ1. T.,.. -·-··---·-I U,IOO Green,..-af-Severts REALTY, INC. 1111 N-,ort BlYd,. Newport Hu. S61J. -SY-. LI a.UM WATERFRONT DUPLEX Metq t\&nLlabed. OM Uftns nn. CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY U296 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SQ. FT. et $4.60 sq. ft. ~29e Three Bedroom Loch Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. et $4.60 sq. ft. Car Porta H z 20 $295 I OOo/o FINANCING GUARANTEED throuch $250.000 Secondary Financing Fund. on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century 6 Dorothy LE 9-0633 ltdO, oee lhM. UJOU want~-----------------------------------~ to ..... -tJle ~ an4 27ttc llaft ea 1aomM -THU J.I 11'. Ul,000.. Seven Islands Realty I lnvHtment Co. ' COM 714 Goldenrod UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE COM IOI ltnd It.. JC~ 8-cb. C'&llt. ----------------------------llar ...... after' I p.a. Bar. 2291·.1 CLOSE TO THE BAY. Wining handa can lranaform lhl• al· ma.t 2,000 1q. n. of Home ~ ... Rumpu11 Room Into a dellrlft· ful place. Fenced lot 160 x lOS Priced right at SIJ,600 with rea.onable down p11yment Own· er wlll con.tlder orrtt or trade BRAND NEW 2 bedr. 1 t,1 bath, enclo.ed patio on nicely land· acaped eo ft. lot. Aaking price $18,500. $5,000 dn. 185-0 SQUARE F'T. 3 bedroom. 1" bath• plu. overalzed 2 c 1H 1ar· age. Thll Beauty 11 loct1ted on a hair acre and pr1cf!d •l juat 121.600. Good term1. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 503 32nd St., Newport Beach, Calif. Har 6M8, a ftf'r 6 p ,.. Har -2293.J 32c3• 001.DF.N OPPORTUNITY t o colle<"t Silla mn on S•OOO In· VHt~ •loWn r 11yrnt"n\ 3 furn uni~ 0 11 <'10111' 10 h"lf arr• Not A· l quallly <'Onl!l but 1n · rom~ 111, $80 mt•. t11k<'11 c11rr of balancl' no tln11nr e ch11rge1 ORANGE C"OAST PROPERTIES 1~7 :0-:ewporl. Co~t11 ~IPH Ll 8·1632 Evt LI 8-6803 Multipl~ Listing Over the lop • 81/2 Million Dollars . PROPERTY SOLD IN l~ WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MUL'1'IPLE LlSTING, IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAT ro ll:LI.t "' N.ewport H.a~ Board of Realtors .. JleSa See Me-Ta Nelson FOR ll:XCl:Ll..&NT V .A.LUU OON>lfA DEL KAR. .... t aM OPEN HOUSE 1 • 6 Sat. It Sun. Nov. 19 It 20 (or Phone for app't) 8Ja7, J a..ctrm. hom., ~ It • ctra,.. Perfect ..i up '°' BEN J. WHITMAN, Rea or · .... ~ ame 1n. w-i-. 11.J.IOO. Har. 1882 Har. "53 OOftA KUA -Clloac. IDoel.iim 3M2 E. Cout Highway, C. D. M. for MINl...WC.. I M&ut.11\&l aa.. _ __...__ _______________________ _ IDcol pont.ed ..,.. oe eo.&a X-'• wtidm&· •treet. NOOO pw ecr'9. 1.-Ua&a ~ dowL LICKOJC Bl:IOBTa JO ~ ad· joeAblS a..aaut\ll ..... ' aene la beutlls &Ya rdoe 1.- t.b&D ~ down. CBOICll IUllCTAU. IW ht st 6 _,.,.,.,d. MST 4 JCl:tM)ll llOI .. Oo&llt . ....,., TRAILER COURT 20 Dita wttJa rocn for more. Good location on Newport B\Vd. Unuwa.l opportwlit7. tint time ottend. $1(),000 with ~ down. N.B.C. REALTY CO. 401 N. Newport Blvd. C..... ... Ku, Ru. IMO. nea. Newport Beach Shore Cliffs Exclusive BA" A VE ot:Pu:x. eor iot. Restaurant & t>eauttrul Bay \'lo.•, 90 tt. lo ----------------------------0 V, Bay beach s.6000 move.a Yt•U In SLANO cean ,ew .. J . M.. MILLER l:o BALBOA I Cocktail Lounge ---------121MS 6 Ntwport 81.d., Newport Beach Har. MM -30c32 'DON1 make a MOVE" 2026 W Balboa Blvd. Har. •OlU 2 ~rooms, paneled den, 2:1 l bat hi. beautiful n ag· I near lhe S ewpotl Pier I Charmine 2 bedroom home and larp 9WlDJ patio ~y =~ ":':!.-:.= 1tone patio. plate glw windows, mirrol"9, watf'r PENL~SULA LOT. One or the lu t with cab&n&. Set th1a for Yal\19. DAX A. JA.00-. ,._.'- purifier, etc. Luxurious carpets & drapes. PLUS in th• are.a. Pr. to 11ell l lMOO Under S19,000 Bu. •i. .._LI Mllf. IOlll CHARLEY. DRAKE -:Traffic Rep. all t&e other;!ine appointments that makes a Cine HOMER E . 8KAF"ER. Realtor Euy tenu home. Nothing compuable at $37.500. Can ar· ~':r~~~~~~~ ';1;~:~ :!':r."3;~~ MARINA FRONT A6E Q'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage l'UlP ex~Uent tenll9. Harbor 2&2'·M WW SANFORD • STANLEY HADFIELD ": :=1' ,!~ WATD. -..Uflll LOCAL AND NA110N-WIDE MOVING W. T. ~cMANUs. Realtor 1999 Harbor Ll 8·3333 I U1'd'fS ruR.N. Coron.a &-I Ma.r. R I ~ "-1t.orw • ~"1 E LI 8 2961 -AU leue<S. Oood rel1U11 on JOI.Ir ea tors ,..... • ..... 1. Pb. Kl r•.w. .. Ye . a. L. STRJ•-CIC-•_·_ER_, Realto-~·-r-3e22--E.-Cout--~H..._y._Ha~27~r·~~~c-H_!_~lD:•u~Une~nL~~·1~t!.600 __ . --~~~~ll;:::ai:.:~=.:anct=..:.P:an::__·:_:Balb:=:.:'*=nd=._.:JlaJ=l1tor=...:2:.:442=._...!..lfM--·-ca.rtllllM---11m1.T:-u_..;l::~11~----c.o-rner __ N_ewport ____ m_•_c1 __ an_d_So_. _Maln ___ s_t. __ __ Owner. Har. &tot JOcll __ _,,_. UNTIL YOU SEE • \ ,• -·-./ - Web 111,., Neu ._\ii Im · Custom Built-in Fire Screens · All Sizes-All Shep•• Choice of 12 Finishes Heevy Mesh with Chein Pulls. (1 ~/ -""Q<:: .. :~'f:-..= _./c ~1----..10 b.~?S1t -... 12595 Priced from ............ Jl ... l'll'11k-. Completely instelled by our experts. Cell for free estimate. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 '!{.. Coest Hi9hwa~ewport Beech "'• .... S&H ..... 11 .... Uberty 8-11 tl .. •.•• ,. Flicto-Flash . Sport n1r1s • Rll/f«:t ,,.,.,,,_ • l1aM ca brilllont wamilel a> moloriMI • ,,,..., ni;tUUM ~ ._ ...... '2'5 :'::Ir- ........ _,_. IC)fe. llM; .U. S.U .... c..., --..... ILM S..'•..., 9ditJ k Ml b ,._ dsDdr'm .•. ~J'um lpert ... bj& of ... ..W .......... a ... litht I I lh&,... ..W"Pl9daa'"•~w·hwa•,_..........._._. • ... , ....................... ..,. .. 11' ..... a '•···** .... ..._ .. _...,._ .. .._,_.olW. ............. ,..,. ....... 11' •••• ...,. .... 1'*!" ........ .. ... ~ .. ....., .... .. I ... !.. , ... J'laato.PIMm ~ ..... IMll ... IA ft .... _.... ...... IUI •fl•. ,... ..... """" .... ,. . .,. of,..,. 0,.. . . S•*r 10.te I ....... ftiml. ...... I' .......... NIWPOIT ·~II • . . 0..-. ......... ~.... t.11191~ ,. -\ .... OPEii FllDAY llGHIS 'II. 9 P • Parking Tickets V•lideted, All Senta An• Parking Lots •ITIEY & LESTER OOODYllAJ\ DEALER lM·N&WHMT BLVD .. oon'A JISSA l'llONK U t-llH BM& .. ted la Hewpon ....... Pa•-. ..... ...... <>--... liar, 0.. .... I..-. Soda 1....- ... lhdqtea ... VALUES ::, !'::: ... TU 8llDml ..... ., .. / 2 for '1.59 u.a. ~!'"":.'.!., , .. WK:::.. JACKETS l'W .. ,.. • Olrll 10'5 to13'5 -S&H W Green Stamps P•IDl·N·IOY cw-. wt TOJa for GIN wt Pol8 1881 ......... lllTd. o.ea ... ....... 1111 Week End Sfeci•ll S-A-V-E!! Corduroy Slim Jim Pant. and Peddle Puahena Rerul&rly SUI Thun., Fri. I& Sat. only -$488 Oorpoua colon le black FOR YOU -FOR orrra ICltdtil\S ·-re." lhtrta to match or contNat ~-AS.H $288 Gffgene . c....a .......... 1881 Barbor CloMa 11 .. ()pea Fri. 'DD • u S.'7• \ l. 1 P~ 2 COASTAL SHOPPER I f Cl L ltL Nltiml Democ He Party tillilll'ed taUme ot tM adm!nt.U. r WEDNESOA Y,I NOVEMBER 16, 1955 OJI •• • ra ............ -~ultur.. -..,...~ ... uoeaJ l~den hffer Chairman Dinner Due m SA · 5!.e.:::.:"-::·= Finl Set~11k :.~ .. ~;:::.~~ BREAKFAST MEET Philharmonic Concert, Ball L\H'l'A. .ufA. (OClfl) -hal trolll e:iaD .... Ind., wu nam-Dama Law 8chool and 11&1 mil Harbor Bo1" Club •l&'hUa. lfade K. -.u.. Mu.al Ma1nDAll ol ad b1 .AAD.s 8t.rnMaa .. au par-children. t1ac footballerw loat thtlr tlrlt the .._-••--...... &a4 t.. IOU! ellolC(' M Clliialnnu Of UM -----------1am1 of the eeuon Saturday ~... a -v ou 0-0...Uo Party, llullw bu a fternoon to Buena Park H -ts IPO.._ attlo of tM •••ba•• made a name tor h1m.M1t bac:aua Forsllay .,....,., al Colt.a Mu a. Th1 local.I wan admla111traUon poUcl-. wll1 IDUe I/It ~ ~ llllllUnee Uaat Ml' Mid JCra, ~ ......, out ln front '7-& at t.ba Pd ot a prteadant • 11r..-. ...,._ · ' lb• flrtt quarter but Buena P&rll blra NoY. 21, It wu anaoiuaoacl rr.id•t ~be JaeJd n-1Ht H..,.n Bl'fld.. OD* X-. torfed to th1 tronl u they acor-toda1 b1 LMter Van TataDhoff, ipOIUllbJe for tbe acUoDe OI! hia _. an ,.,_._ Of a daaaP'-'1orS Saturday evening, Dec. S ii the datt and Anaheim High ed on a •o ,ard,... la UM ftaal orance CouDC)' omtral oo .. IU• ~ ·w ,.,.ar....., .. Hw. 1 .a._.• ,...al. School Aud.Jtorium ia the place for the Orange County Phil-HI •cond.t ot th• t int halt. l'rom cJWnnan. -;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ji h i Soc. t , I _ _. t that point on Buena Pull wun't Nenr W ore bu tbe utto.al I armon c te y a next concert, t wu announc.:iu o a group thN&tened.. but t 11•1 ecored bMd ot Ua• DemocnUo pU'C7 o( over 40 women at the Balboa B&y Club on Wedneeday aptn Ill the third and once mo~ made aa appearan~ 1ft 0rup morning. Th• 80Ciety·a monthly rt n Nia 1 attendall at ln Ute fourth. Cowat;y, JoDs a aepu~ ·~· bruk!Ht meelln• wu presldf"d r:e ec~~culll !:'n1: lo be d:wn JWT7 Habit raa W9ll tw U.. boad. ...-WW aaJle only t1" over by Mra. Ka.ten Margret& M &vtly on a loc&1 buta. Joui., '--"in. the ball oa a llM)I W• Ooellt ~II ... ..,. ta .... llrunlnc. exttullve dirtttor. Amonr thoet pN88nt tr 0 m tor Use tlnt econ and pullaC ta Am, U.. otMr la ... DMco. \'ALE NTIS l!: BM.I. northf'm Ora.nee C®nty ln addl-to T.sct7 Hadclocll for Ute eoe-Plw .,. Mtac made tw a .. ____________________ _ Numerou11 r~port1 wne made !Ion to Miu MatUer trom Ana· vel'9loll. Ra a&n'OWad a Buena b&Dq1Mt .._.Ill aaoa. et a.a,.. ----.;._----------------- BALTZ MORTUARIES to lhe irroup, lar1est ev"r to al· helm were Mmea. l\lcbard Wind· Park ll-T *4 to 11·1~ In UM man lluU.. lt la eqiected maaJ tend. Miss l''riNla Bellnfante. per· er. Brea; Leon. Aluan!Mr, Karl third period u bt want 11 7U'd9 or Oalltornla'1 ~ onse.- 111anent condu<'tor. welcomed the Brenner, Herbert rot.om and Oil u aad l'WL bolder• .ad poUUcal llls..iwtp wU1 memblr11. R1porl• were Jlven by Gordon McComber, Buena Park; The loc:a19 bad two otbar dl1"8 attaad the f9te &a orW t. bear COSTA MDIA CllAPZL CBA.PICL BY TBll 8li Mme._ Moreland Leithold. leader Rose Marie Booth. Jamee Millen. halted b7 pua lnterotpUona. b'Om BuUw about the .,.,.....ii ~TU hptrW ... ..._ l620 m. Oou\ Bhd. ot the area chairmen; C&rl Boa· ltdward Mlti.Jman. Monu W. Hano.-llo7*' Qub WU .U..-natJon&l lttu&Uca oa UM pollUoal Cotta X.... Cant. Ooraaa dal Kar. Callt. well. rumma11· Hie chaJrman ; 81a<'k~ Rober t O,Uvte, and WU-ui.cs to llOlt ll\latma'toa ~ troDt. Pboae LDart7 1-Jlll ....... Butlor a II d w a rd Mlllelmen, publicity llam Haney, "111f'rton. thla ...... at Ooeta MAiia Put&.. ......,, a .._,_..... &UOIM)' ~--------------------- cha.innan and AUl'tld Payne, Vlll· COAST GROUP -· e11tln• Ball chalrm1u1, whn an-Repr .. enllng lhe eouUI .. put nounced t hat lnvllatlon11 and tick· ot the county at the bru.lr.taat at. for Uie aecond annual "Give wne Mmu Gunnlnr Butler J Tour Hearl l<> the Phllhannonlc" R.obtrt Mt.ddoa, Mra. Jatra~ llall ware belq prlnt~. Thia ScovW•. ot Cott& Meaa; Mlal Bal· lleoeflt e'fttlt le tctM!duled for Jrri. Infante. Mlu I:. Gertrude HelU.t day en nlnf . Feb. 3, 19~ and will and Mn . Holm .. Webrty ot San· Ollce &&Mil be he.Id at Ule S.lboa ta Ana· )l.lnea. Oart.Nde V Mc· •1 Club. ,.._ • --"'-"l-4• . Kn. Morna w &1.acll r -·· .... 11. BarMr& M ........ _., Ndt, · 0 • .... h y c . Fraiaer, Walter Schoe11· lerten, n"'1J appointed director fa!d, JCdltll v. CUlbart.m, H. H. Speclals for n.n .. ,,..,, Sulwclay Now. 17, of T«Mtll Oumnu tor Ult county. Henahaw, r rancl1 M. Olblan, o . ,..,. a nport ot ber work to s . Miiier, rtan Hardin, Robert E. data. '111• Touua Coa~ pnsnm AndJuJJa. Lett.bold. Don w. eoa., la betnJ ~ U a Mp&rata R. 0 . 11\lUv, R1&by lte-.on, and lnd..,...._t W&8cb ot t.be 10-Mowell l turrea. Carl ....U. d ety'1 a ct19ltS ... and lt II boped JelferlOn 8eovWe, A. If rad B. that Use ant p&lr ot coeoert.. Payne, Barely H. Kmt.. Rub7 O.r- OM -.ch Ill SIOrtbenl and .o11t.Mra ard de Laet, ud Mrt . Donald II. put.I ot tM eouat1 °" Ule ume V&llCSerbUt ot t.be beadl .,....,. da.J, can lie pneeated .... time -----------la .1&111.1&17. Mra. Joba Nett ol ftM9t Ooranlwda1 UDO DRUGS "'OM ..... I.Me ..... .. HARIOR DIUGS 11, 19 N.wport .... Ma "-' appoint· ~~ lM c:all ~ 111.. J°' ed bMcll .,_ chAlnna.n tor UM Pnattas ~t. Youua ec...u _... Mr9. 8JMll and Xra. Oaldaa x.oa.w et ===1;;;;;===-=;;;;;; ._. ..... wm u.o • wontar • ~ el Wa eomaau... PAllD·ll»LIY AJrAID:DI Aa&A ot ..,..._. llllu....t to u.. poup u a _.. ,,.. tM llltrodu.otlon of ~ 1i11utM KlllU., •millet• cit)' UwutM, wM .. el ._.._ of tM •nthlm 8oropUIDJ.lt a. &AdWhowtabe~---­ dWrmu m tMt d\¥. WIUl tM DVl:t OOMlft ....... i.4 ,. ... nortbem ~of U.. ~t!:.._.. rent ettGlt _. ......... Wiii M empbulMI 1111 tM& .,... ..... -. MOITUAIY for a Jlermr Clari1inuu • MC1 Via Udo, N ...... a.ch PAY LESS ...,...,.. .... °"' -.... UI S4tlt CAN OPENER ............... £ wt .......... u.u.... 8Varr&-W&U ' ~ lArr• CANISTER SIT s349 .,. ... '-rd u...a H.a IMIJ••.W. ,..., ......... ll ~· 11CJ I 1a .............. $5.49 'PAYLESS POI PAPml PRODUCTS Olltlttit Wu ,~ ~-t• 1tc . -. · .. ·~ 'I '• . KLllNIX 400'1 rA.OU..L naaua 5 for $1.fO I AJAX c ......... , ... c COME IN TODAY! .. Oll&ANt I ....... PW ft6I 8'1' Cea&ee& ·-.... _. ~ BICYCLE BOYS PR IZE '> GIRLS . PRIZES ~ lllCftlC TllAI• ....................... .,,.. .. u .... ,.,, ...... , -... ........ .,... .,_. ..,_&.._.,_. .... lrtnft •AW•IYI fWlllT ..... -. ............ I .... 91(..., A A ........ .••.•.. ... -......... ee....;,.. ...... ~ .......... ,_, •la J.SNID --PUYll .....,_ u• TAU WI l 11 I I 11111 ''" ....... ,...... ..... ~ ... ··· .... ....., .... _, ...... .... a1 w•a.... NU CAlllUI • ...... ••4 ·, T I ' " " ' ( 0 N Tf s T p R I 1 f <, l ''(•',f 'D, •11l1Druc1')tor. 2130 S. MAIN ST. Kimberly ~1181 Bruclbee ... WI AUO llHf• c.ft .. u....-ai·-,,..,. ,_ ....... c- ••• Cl1k ..... ... ABBEY RENTS .. WlalUler • laellftcll''er • I.-. ._. Everybody Reads the CLASSIFIED Start Your Xmas Lay- Away Now ONLY l9 DAYS BEFORE XMAS ft1rd a&ultq week, Orua'• Cout Colle«e Ooo~ lklaool--Udo n.tro-or-, Nov. 15 t :IO • ll:IO a..m. C-po-,.: So. CowiUee Ou Co. and Udo 811opa.-_.rtue: Oatf"n ud Sattler ru .._,_Turk"y~.00 wortll el prh.N ,,_ UM Udo Sltopa. Huuuly Aids .,_.,. 0....,........ PM -llOUIONll: 51 zs HAND .CREAM ··-·--·~--_ ···-·- --... TOILET WATS& a •-o1 -s500 PERFUME --·· ,-·--·-··--- SPRAY COLOGNE~-~300 ..._...., -.... "'"""" ...... ._ •-s4so TOILET WATER ________ ~ . 1-vt. Gift 8" r.f1uac a •ltall .. a-.t. ARPEGE 5550 r• MYSIN 5500 "" -y.., x ........ , ... .., IROWNll Bulla Eye Flesh Outfit Sll.60 o.t.a..1 ........... , . o..w., .... ......... ,.... ...................... ...... .................................. ' ~ ·-i -' --~ . ~0 · J KODAK Stero Camera Ama1in9 lifelike pictures in 30 ~-=~-'" ···---·-··-· $84.50 -' -. • .. ' -.. • " 4 \ YINCINTS , "VICTIOLA0 45 AlltolMtic PHONOGRAPH , .. • "' ,, it'' ---... ' ' . . . ' ' . , . ICE CREAM· • U. S. NA T10NAL 'S OIRISTMAS aua 5c SI.YER Beautiful Prile 1f ~wtt• U.t#w>" .,., ...... o ar.e ~ A.lllma. '75.nt ...... ..., UNITED 5Tt\T F<; NATIONAL BANK .. • .................. CIOlf. NOW/ 1167 Newpett Awe. COSTA MBA . ............ .....,. l ..... COM •• lOC Hmtd Packett Plftts 30C .. Ste • • • • e ll'PI.£ ··GI • noGIP fln'8 'r' Xmas Decanters * OU> POaFATt:• I. "· llA&Pl:a OU> TA YLOI& BE A II p All& • 'l'lll'OIUt oU.ndO~ ~&Y.TAVDX ............. Of bin 11--.CM ~ ·~ 311 """' $39.95 AD U. ... utapa .t ,.,,.... ... ~ ............ -' ...... .... .,..,,, u.... Sunbeam .. , PAN $19.95 • • GOP Women Announcing Silver Tea Straight Talk .... pay for liberty" and quoted t.be poet office. ah• complalned to COAST AL SHOPPER ft A&& I DIATH N011CI Abraham lJ.Dcolll wb• h• Mid, police. She left her pune on the WB>NESDAY NOVEMIER 16 1955 "To lt&n4 b7 .O.U, W'IMa one cowater for a few m.lnut•. ah• • • f N Wif 8houJd prot.Mt makN oowudl of •Jd. and d\U'lnc that lime $18 1..-T.uaol' f.OID avy e 111en and wom~" 1.o tter ettort waa taken trom a bill*>ld. Just Phone HARIOR 1616 to PIMe Yovr Ad°" This P•91 J.-Talllot. 11. ot m.n S. to alert her audJence to t.ti. dall-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiii9iiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ eo.M ~. lloUtJa fAcuna, 'To talle our Cbriltlanll7 Crom r•~ tn~ communlmt haa died Mcrt. n ta Boec llo9plt.al u. our 't:reedofn, our coun~ 1.11d mad• la th\11 country d\ll'iq the aft8r a llMlft ma.-. ~ .,_.. .._ our wtdte race. la the I~ put ckcade. ~ at I p.m. at Baits Mor-ot commun.l.llla." Anne Jl'lckea Of 'Ille meellnf WU held at the t1IU)' ID Corona del Mar With Loa 8-cll told me.mben of lb• home of Miu Mary Bloodgood ot tJM Rn. Donald Bapp otncl&lln(. I Valenc:ia Wa7 wilb )(ra. Laura lllt.nDut la private. Republican Woroen'e Cowlcll of Loveday auS.Unf. Kr. Talbot, a seneral coatrac· Garden Grove Monday. NOW OPEN ... tor, wu born In Loe Anpl• and .A.a the wtte of a Unlled Stat.. Bab to Stroots U•ed ln U1i1 .,.. for the put naul offlcn apendtnr many Y Past State President .&pt Jean. )'tan tn the Far l:ut, Mra. Mr. and Mra. Edgar Strool, 308 8urvtvoN lnc.lllCM tM 'W1dow, n~ teu•bt the rick.Iba cool· Calallna Dr., Newport Beach. are Th rsd Kra. &na Oncor7 Talbot, ~--. t ..1 I b b bo to be Speaker U ay )( Pa'"""da M1JaD ot Dunn I• near their dut7 •tatJona her the P• rent11 0 • ... r • Y m lel9 111' .,.. ' Nov. 12 ln Hoag R oapltal. Arabi&, and Mn. Mar)' Lou Hrum pledf• of all4!Jlance. J&ecountlng ___ _ u--L-o1 A.naWnl, aad OM eoli, Jun• Mr uperiencea wtth communl1U1 RepOliean Women of the Newport uanNr area are Tbomu. wbo S. atlelld!AC 8t.aa-ill acUon and wtth many reter-lalley Plll"le Rifted having their annual .Uwr tea on ThW'llday, Nov. 17, from ford Unlnntty. •cee to uleD.a!-.. nM&r'cb ahe Lura Dace &lley 29 or 931 2 to f p. m. at tbe home of Mn. WDUam E.. J'laber, · 153 11'~~1 ..:ru ,:tt!,~b::m: h&I Jll&d• Oil th• aubJect •Ince w. 19th St. Coata Me.a,. wu the · •---f th t leted hen IMID....... ... · her return to the United Btatu. ' Sboreclllf Road. PIUl9 or e even were comp " wttb th• fl-.rt11'1md. Mn. F icke• emphuued, that vtctlm of a 1nealc thlet Thureday memben of tbe t.a oommltt.M O'Domlell will be Mn. IUchard "eternal vlgile~ la the prtc• while ~llinl out a money order tn m et Thurld&y at tM bome ot Teachout, prealdent of the N--OU la pumped bom lb• OCMll -:===================. Mn. Ricb&rd ~t. 11 I 1 port -ft.e:publicaa W omea and bed at lhanuurlalld lD Banta Bar- er.t.t-Drlve. Mn~!'n~la ~ wW be hen Oowlty, aocordiq to thil n.. boDored (UMt ww be Mn. Kn. Robert Hitt ot Oranp and National Automoblle Club. q1&471 O'?>onnell of Loa1 a.ell. ra. Walt. PaJ1le ot lApna put pl'Mdent ot UM 1'9deratioft 8Mch. . °' JlqublJcan wom• for tbe Mn. D. Oenvd BOJt • 1n Pn'ir•le Pol1'ce llt.ate of Calltonda. She wW di• cbarf• ot &IT&llplllM'-.-.iect .. CUM briefly the role Of a.pubU• by Mill•. Robert 8 ......... Rob- c&D women ln U1Ja .,.... ert Crotrlltt, M&r1t 8odea Ud Ot· la tM noetYlq Une with llra. to CbrUtaiMD. AT BALBOA ISLAND Alpha Omicron Pi Alum Tea Friday Afternoon AU 111e111ben Of Alpha OmlcroD K. JatJuoe, Willard IQUloa, Bert Pl ahamn.. ln the Harbor .,... .A.. Jl.piau. Dow BanaeD. Robert Corfmaa. CJordoe Wblte. Robert ~ ba'Ylted to tea at tile bome ot "'""· B. T. ~ Jolla II. Kn. )(lll.oa L. ·~· 121 On· Can, J. L. C&ner and Edward ya. Aft., 8&Ja.o& Jaland. on Noy. Dodi•. ~1 otber memben ot Al- 11. J:IO to t :IO p. m. pba pmlcroe Pl are mo.t wel- ,,._ Mddea are Mm ... Roy IC. coroe, and aboUld ad! Mn. atu- BaUIMrs, Walter ~ Ned ll&l'd at .Bar. 1211. Mn. lt&nn&rd .. alumn.u cU- Laguna Church Slates Potluck rector for Pacinc lovt.bwelt .DW- tnct XVI. In Kemper Band ou Clay, --o1 Ji&a. JC. r . • MERCHANT PATROL · and HARBOR BOAT PATROL . CALL COMMllCIAL SICUllTY. PA110L Kl 2-7021 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S .IARIER SHOP BAUIOA THEA.TBS Bl.DO. BALllOA ()pea heMiQ ..... Satu...., j BEAUTl-PLEA T of Coita Mesa 1799 .Ne-,ort Ave. Liberty 1-8242 •• featurinCJ.-BEAUTl-PLEA T Traverse Draperies BY..A11TI -PUAT dl&pf'riH •~ <'IUt owt lllade for '°" .. In all 11-. 11'1 c-olon. aJI fahrt.." • • • 0 11 r<Mla ruar- antffd t roulille-f ree • • • aad al unuaue.l .... ~ ... Wtt• dMi n l"W "lN'lf pWaa" that l h'f'• yea plMaa U.t a"" ao aoft lllld M \llll fona and do 11ot "buadl .. ,..,..,...." ot po9i· tlon "'hle'.h ,-.., draprrt,.. .,... draWll! •Easy Tenna Never Before Such Drapery Beauty! e Wt Newl • lt'a.........,,. r.1' .. w.,.. ... -. ....... - -'nlM 0. .Gl4 T7--~I e ()oa1I te .. tlM ~~~#/#()#1= .... $ .. l'•WAY CHECK YOUR HOLIDAY NF.EDS NOW! ~lhet yov ore plonftl"t o b..1'•1 tf)f9od ., lrod..._. f .. • .. U woy ho• .,.,.rythino ~ o tr11ly o lo--,__ at _,...,, ..., ... PUMPKIN UllY~·VllWTY 22::-25• 9:9' New member• ot ctaurcb ot P&Je, JOU E. Balboa Blvd.. bu JWlp.u. Bci•ce. La.-ma 8ea.cA. bMO umed t.o UM ~ Will ti. bonored sueeta at a baad u Kemper MWtary 8c:hool. TUn.kafiYinl Pot Luck dilLrMr to Booa..W.. Mo. Under UM dlrec- be beld al •:SO p. m.. l'nd&y, tJae ot Lt. A. D. K oma. U>e band Nov. 11 at th• Wom&n'• CIUb. Mad9 th• &un4&1 cSre. pande and Gl•.HJn and at. Ann'• Ott-... .. 1a popular daun4 tor n.nwa l'oUowtn, the dinner UM board pNfT&ll1a U>d pandM ln Mi-rt. ot tTll9tff9 will p,....nt tbelr aa-Clay playe tM aupbona. nuaJ report. A n.., ~et. u __ NUCOA == ~~21c • •• :~ . ·~~61c4twd~~ FRUIT CAKE<:=.• .. 7•":...::IA9- f 8!!!..~~!!! ... !~~~ CANNED PEACHES~-=·· -:23' well .. plana tor churc!I aeU'ft• u .. durtn1 lh• comins 7ear, wtU be 9Ubmltt.ct for membsr11fa1p YO le. Deleptee to the Coftf"M9 to be IMld la J&aUflol)' wU1 a.i.o !lie elected at tba meettni. aa7 Jt Wida CIHll'd l 1Mmben ... u.a N..r· ....... WW port B&J• ..... .,.. ~ t.o ... ~ ...... - ....... 1 .. 1 •· OOtiM ... , CoroN Ml • ., IE SURE • INSURE --• llA \J'alCE llT.un.&T ....,..... o.17 n.. 11.artiiH Ult lllS &. 0..-~·_.., o...-... liar •ATISUSl'..8 .... -8--1'"""9 ·~...,... u"""' -. ... CJ()lllTA MMA JllA'M1U'ANI CO. tlM Nf'w,.rt l!Uv'- .,.,. wt! 1st ll1rt111e L1111 OMMOMC&MMl ..... NI• IMOUSTtl~ ••••C•T•I• W. ...,_.. ""'--"' _.... ... OIMOI ...,_...,.......,,_c-.c- --·-~--·~·­TMM'T DCC .. •DUeMT AM•~ 11 .1.llll ... ..,.. .. , ......... . ••te.C ,.,. ·-N. eu1H JT•ffl • SANTA NtA. CAI.If, 11MMI\ t "711t C.1 1$ ·::.:~~,,_..., Televlslon for Rent Call HaLor 31161 ..... 07IO Es.ehllhe TV .......... NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily .... -... s.. .. , .. 21• p1•d -Cl•••d ,,_ . Solcl Only ... Dar c.•t .............. .......... Special for THURS .• FRI. I SAT. • JfYIP• S-t-r-e-t-c-11 HOSE go. ... PA.DI •100 Pdll --·--........... w1 • ...,..,. FLANNEL GOWNS & PAJAMAS $2.99 E1p1d Sh m ... "'OAJ.8" ...__ ... 8umPW..- a OOS1' ,_. LOO& WEIL ,._. fw OO"l'9-fw YOt1 I mo of o DAY 1111 J .. iWl'OiiT .&Ya 0081'• IU8A .. = ~ '~Y, 19c ~ CREAM O' THE CROP EGGS aD NUT. Yew a..lc., ~ c.....-...,.....,.~...,,.~~ ·Mn. WR9'HTS llEAD:.-.::::.=~.::::ii:~ nomamcm ...., ........ p.mL (J"*f ... ,. .... , ...., ........ .... PANCYvnvnvM1m M.dl11'" •l••. locofly ~own i.1 Sof-.y -'Y .,.. ld"4 of tvrby It ~ .••• s-fect. -1"9 tvrti..,, ..._, wlll -• oYt of r--.,oW.n . ~ -.... l11ky, ·~ ~­•orl\A. Sof.wey __.o,, .... .... Nrby hen potM4 • "91d ~-lntPftfion or.d 11 of Grode A ~hty. hi-. o!H • . . jvlf ltv* end ,_,. RNI GRANULATED f q.iolly detiroble IOf tobi. o"4 _....._ e '"'• IKUW Sii IO'S KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR ~··· ·~ ... PEANUT BUTTER =·c::..~as· -: ... MAYDAY SALAD OIL .::21• :49' SANDWICH SPREAD:::::.. -:S9' WW..,~,._.,Y...._. . WINES , ...... IUND M11wo .. 1, Tollioy, ~Otf, ~ty :_55' ~1.37 Fidel is va... ..... w-. ... -. ._.-.... ___ ,.,.. __ .._ ......................... .. 172~-~eWJJO.~ __ Blvd.!_ Costa. Mesa 1'1.-n -P•MJMO 01' u.e ..... LOI' ' • r • • . • , .. ............... ................. ......,,... .. _ 32• ............ .............. ----..... I'' , ..... ...... Of ... , ....... ........... _.._ ...... Poly ......... ............ _ ..... 1 .. ............... ...... 100 Paci 6 Cower ,._M ... ... 1.19 ...... --~ ........ . ·~ , .... Co•l•l••r , .. , ....... ... _ ....... .... .. _ .. ...... 3,.100 .............. ......._ .... . ....... 1 .... ...... ••••• ""' .......... ,_...I ·a~ ........... s-1 00 .... Ala,.. Lc:A ...... ...., ............ .......... 1'' .... ......... .............. ,...... ....... ................. .... .,_. 6~ -- II ..... 1 . Road• ..... .. 11 ~ ...., -11 ~ ............. 1•• O•lt 7 ,_ .. .... "'I 9111 .,..._ ....... I~~ . p.,.._. . .... Al..,... ... "' ......... ..... ......... ·~ Fowl • Lacer ............... .... .,... ... ...... ......... ..... 6' 1r·r r·u r ", Doubl• Scoop Con• ....... _ .... _ ... o..-. Hand Peck Pint c.Meleo ..... -· ... - Hand Peele Quart ,._.,._, .... J -6ell0ft Carton ""-... -...._ ... ----- Melt•d Milk C.-"-'• ---...••. len. Ice Cr .. m $coop ~--. ........ -. 6•rb.r'1 a.by Food 12-89c ,,.~ ......... Treinin9 Pents c....... ................. . Crib Sh .. ts .......... ~ .... --· Gaut• Dlepen ,,,. ........ lie -.. -....... - l iNl1ey• Di•P9n .......c. ......... n.n-.•. - fteceivin9 llenkett ................ -. Siu Mb. W :.!? ........................ Leilt ........... __________ .... ...... ,..,, .. . ... , .. ..... .... , ..... .............. ...... .... ........... ~ -~~ 2 COTY PERFUME y-•••• .,. •' c •• ' .••••••••. ,........ L'Oritn. L'A(•e ... I "'•'· ...... -'••1'.. • 51 Gauge 15 Denier NYLON HOSE Fashion Right, Serviceable, Smooth -Sheer, Setf Color Seems, Reinforced Heel end Toe L..test 1956 Shades . pairs 100 BELT FOB WATCH A o t l 'lll••t•l4fr ..... ... .,._ ....... ~illlellt1, ., •••~ .~1 •• ., ~····· 695 COMPACTS Gehl •• 1 I I• • t itfele4 Mejeoti. __ , ..... ,.,,,,4 ·~••,. .. •"'•"9, wit~ . ..•. , ... , 179 FINE COSTUME JEWELRY • •- ) z I celebra ......,........ ....... •Dr1 •9 ~ ......... ~,, ''·•······ ' ..., .............. 11.I• I •I• W ~--· ........... ~ICU••• .. M f ...... , a C ......... .................... 21 ••• ens ifl,llrsday in ••• and these bargains help e the occasion. -at-,., • ._~ .. I 7 61 ... 11•1 ....,. - 2.89 3.59 fl .. 4.99 '"" 46c • f 14 2.89 21 Atll...ial.le lroal .. Board ~.....,....,.._ 11-H,'" ..... ..., tw e1t ................... ................. 14 .. .., ... I .. .._, •• IJta. 5•1 ZnNapldas 3 .... 25c WW.. IO _,nt Roll Towels Z...1MfeetNlle Wax Pap• "....._ c~. 100 fL Alumlllu111 Fol 4 ..... .. , ........ 1o••Y PIRs 2 rw 1 Sc .................... .,. Ivory Soap ,..,_.1 .... Dial Soap Tenet-. 2,..·1fc SW..UP .... AM,.._ ........ ...._, .. Sav-o11 Motor OI I.A. ................... .... G••of,_.. .,,.. ............. ....... Frtsk191Meat T1'e .... , ...... , ... Dot Food lld~ .... -- • •1 l 11;111• 111111 tit ------• MM I . I'll. ..... • 0.-.. ~if..· ·"4@iU.J\ • •1 ~ ....... "" ~>M4f~p) 111"'' ..,. • 4444 """' ... 11111111 Lt Ill. ctefl 2.19 ~. _.._ ...... ....... LJ9htW .. 95 ....,., ........._ "·" 'T. • W Metdlel 9c c .................. . P.~ if·.~· 2 ,.,. 9c ,;;M9 a;+ 89c C.-"' • • • •· ue • 1nld1nt1t..11iliam • •11112 ........... •t1lHlwtmhml. ..... •5Hl~M.i...... • 15111 CtllllR ......... • tM11-llJ .... • 11111s;11•111t.lllWI ----------------............ ,.... ................. • UIT .. 111 .. w• .......... ..... __ ........, ... ... 1.111 ............ .. i.1t. ::.™2'9 . ...... . . Patl ............ .............. .......... ....... ,,... 2•9 Hot ..... Bottle I, • M •· ........... ., ....... ..., pa I II. 69- • • .......... ............. e:-..... ~ 2-1" ..... _ ...... .......... -,...... __ .. .... H••••r ...... ... .... ...... ...... .... , ........ .... 43c ......... , .. , .... •It• -~ ........... ........ & • ......... ..,o._ ... ...., ... .. ;';';' ~ .. . 5c 1.25 --------l11•• Vitemin "A• H.•-'tt ................. ...... 95c ... Vitemi11 "B-I• • .... . • • ... n. ........ ..... Vltemi11 "B-12" . ......... .... .......... ..... Vlteml• "C• .................... -~ 53c 50c .. ...... ... -....... .. ....., .... .. ..... I" Vltemin "E" ............................. 1.09 --------· ~~~~~~~~~~- 65c V'rtemiM "A ID" ............................ Vitemln •• 8 Complex• · 98c ................. 'Iii .......... Dfcelcium Phosphete .... 11.M ............... --- 100 Aap1rt. lf.L, ..... ._. ,,.., _ __, 11 c ... ------llllllllillliill I 000 Seccherin "'.,... ...... ' ..... 5 Lbs. Epsom Seit. 11.n_ .......... _ ........ Rubbing Alcollol ,..~ ...... -............. , .... 29c 19c 9c .. , ......... .... .. ..... ... .. .,...., ........ 15• Doz. SuDDOsitori" 17 -Mtlft~--~ __ ... __ •~·_..,.._.,,, _________ c ........................ , Non-Sterile f,:!r,on 39c ,............ ....,., Ught Minerel Oil 17 c ...... "4 ................. Petroleum Jeny ................... "'. C.n'\phoreted Oil ......w .......... ...,.,..,_ I 9c 9c .... ..... .. .... ....... ..... ...... ._ :=~ •ltli ..., ........ s•• • I .· COASTAi: SHOl'f B WIONISD4Y, NOVBi F t6, •fftl · WAINING OF WORLD'S END OUT AT 777 ~~ ~~~ ~~~~'! ~ · 111£· JfOW' ~ leut UM ............ 1-.ed to -Newpon a.ab Cotillion Patroness. Group Presents Second in Series Mn. W1llla lrlmt of lOI Vl& Trt•t.e noWi.ct Newport 8-dl ,one. at u:. L m. aaturd&y u.at abe had r-.celved th• ~ la the ..uon'• Cotillion dancat for the younpr wantlJIS. .et i8 on Wedneeday at Newport Barbor Yacht Club with Cllel9I ~..... _., 11111.a.6'. ..... .._ ....... ni. 't*• m1D\ll wtrililtri•11, 8be u.Jd an unknown woman called hu on the phon~ at Miu G. Virginia Gollata directing. J'lnt wu tbe Balloween A~ .... ..... ... .. -.................... , I a .... ......t to IOOO th&t wartlll1 llour, told l11r the world WU comlns to &n aeries. Mn. Harvey Somera ii general chairman for the ........... te _,.,. --·~ ......... GI,. ....... a a ... t .-cl.' llMI, aot to move and to •la¥ In th• house. OotlWona end 11 aided hy a ""•m· Merriam: George Klchaud. Smith ..._ rt ......... ~.ti.. ... ----.... at .... Tllll ........ lflm•1.,. bacrew Mn. Hwit told poUce th• woma.n talked ao Mrloualy, lnent r roup of H&r~r woo.en Newben'y. H. Morpn Noble. w . .. ~..:*11.·, a;;, .... "e. .. _ • ..... ~ _,.,_ Ill ~ a.-. ...,. lilemorn&· abe felt cert.&ln It -.. not a jolN belnr played 611 her. .vho sponeor th.e popuJu dancilnl D. Scbock, William R. s~verllllce, ---.... Cl, .. -.,.... ilr _.. • ill ..auatli ~ u UM wet-· William R. 8purC'90n UI, IUld lOOA at ... 1 11 ........ ---~wililiaai a.,..••_.,. WYJ' llleed llloll9 ~ clult• and aerve u ,.-tl't'ne...a. Rlcha.rd Steele . .,.. ............. -.. .... .................. ,.... .......... -.JIL "°' .,... TEXTURE INTEREST " MATINEE and llljllMlt ... te ..... ll tlJ w.aN Clwl'll WU ullUle to .. "9c&UM The Mattnee Cotllllon whlcb IN IWENTNO ...-, • ·... ...... • ., • ,.,.... ., .._...,... la -. ey-. nieeta at 3 :•& p. m. la heae'l"ld by rourth group In the aerie. ln· But _ ....... _,. ts ft f11it w --ft I'" a. ... A ·eo.t·~ IMlat p6cked up v • t f s t ~ the younr bellea and beaux ........ ., I a& .... ................... 8ml.Ua ~ lbnee'I cnUlr Ul4 es • • ._. .. .,. ot the •venth &nd eighth gradN - -w • --l ~ . ar1e y 0 epara' Mra Cba1le• p Oot•-__ ,, her w .. w ,.,..._... .... ...... ;Ge ..aa-: ,,...... bl.-. .U.U ~.to co-eh~ Mr.. Jay s.n.myer 0Wbo meet In the eve.nlng aa the maJ1i11S tGclt ............... '91611111 ' ...._.._hi ..., -..C ._,.,., c d• d • c Jd Inch dee children In the third Junior OoU1Uoo. Patron.• ud pa· .... rt Dl1atMa ., ....... ..... ' Proaft Ud tblroup attentloa oor 1nate In olor ll"d fourth grade11. Other patron· troneuea tor th1a ballroom clue ...ta .... Ille .... -JI .,.. U1e --far tM ~ Ule ,..,..... • --SWJ' Include chaJrmen Mr. and Mra. ,..._ 11111 · ~ • .,,_ ... ---~ 4lllt7 _.., llt&,..S wttla 8m1U. COil• Mem'*11 of the tall tamUy or bulky, with -"•-'· tex· e-• lnelude Mmu. J ame1 J Car-Basil .I\ Twill co-cb&lrmen Mr eDC7 ~ ,_. ... _ .................... .,_ .,. ... __ __.. ~m,,.._.. on roU. Rcd11eld Dinwiddie, Don Ed· and Mr•'. Rlc ... a.rd' Mar~ll"•, and ~ ._ --M • '"9 -tk •* ett -ett ....,. __ ..,,.__ .... a..-'••--. -•p&ralla u. cloeely relatea ln ture, or more tt"minlne. w1th l•r E H o d.. s -• 0 --,.. ._ ., _ - -.___ -·" ... ,_ .... _,_ , . . . roen"n y .. e, amue1 M·-· _.. ,.. J s ~at m llpla. t.M-. ttiN .... tab..., ... eUler --· _..ec1 ..._ u .. v_ .. ookln. ~. -eaten. jump-bloUM 1tyltnc ot aleeyN, coll&r8 Hill H gh H l H M , ~-11• """ ... mes. amee · la ....,,.. tml • II ...... ,. • .._ ~ -.t etl 09 ~ tM lb9t fnr .,... .... *1rta and coau ICbo the and trima. Claufc a lrll t.ake Jon~s. S~ndy F ~=~Kay.' En1~~~ S..htt1Ce. J . HaSroldJ CaColdlwell. HJo-al 94 et tM ~ u... ...... .-....rt. · -LL Ool. Jollll P. lt&pp, U.. Air ~ • match faabion motto, ''All feminine toucbet. auch u a E Moor J J bn Olc'Uy 8 aep arvt'r, · · yer. ..,. ,.1,Ul ,..,.,.. twe......., ~· wtUl )Iii ...... JM r.-ottlelr Wllio bu tra'ffled at for · one and one for all." k>wer·aet convertJble collar that ~r Rlchear~n. 0 PaUl a. &:::'.~ ~lie~ :1111~. dll'la~er, Ro'*! --a-• --lllllt ettt UM ....... .,.... tM -.i 1-'c ...... atnpped la pLec. Wben thee. color-coordinated la man • talJorflt when cl<>Rd, T D Ro r J hn Scuddar ~ • · or L ar n v9 , an ..v-'""-• _--.......... --..... •~ •--· · i• •, 0 • r lCdward Groenend)•k~. L ' & l9 ea Clltt .., ............ lll'Ue, .................. Yt. • a .-.-------WU •p&rat. s et ..,..t.her, the re--ulnlne when worn open. ard Shucbter, Jolul •wtsut. H. .... • .,.,. ~ Illa .,.. and wttJa ~ UM MC'O mMlcal .-aai-aultins -blea &,.. deftai. Softer and tonier bJouaM win Payne Thayer Jr., Ol&rlee UIJ· At.a Meun1. and Mmes. Georp llM l'tltlt bud ,.ailed .. Uae. arm ._ to blllpect 8na1tll u i.. at.rt-tiwl7 tall '&6, cll.aplayins U.• h • h Io n approval. Overblou.u man, and Franklin· Wilcox. Hoar n . Robert Hackey, W. 1 Jt la ,...... .. MU • etl '"" el tM wt. ..,.09Y*lcal7 ad lat. ~ eued alimnw and lonser Un .. 'and mtddy top1 h&H aubUe Young ballroom dancera from Phelp1 Merickel, Joeeph Nlckert.a, M aa.,t N at -.i••n• ...... U.. .._.,,: OOWJllllL& Wo.all c:ba.ract.erl.lo of thl• .eawi'• lbaplnf a t the wa.i..t. Rounded the fifth grade meet at the Yacht N,laon Prln1Jle, O. W. (Dick) al .... &Httufa9 all4 ......, rNm tbe Clililld .a.ioe el tM TwelYe a.ma.a u4 mW~ f.ulllca& coUan1 above a!Jm yoke• and Club at five o'clock for their Co-Ric.hard. J ohn Scudder. Porter Sin· Aa t11111 tint W te 2... JM 0 ...._. eeclqltt te tale .,_ .,... et .,......._. lllade up a f'Cl"lmtit• A__,.• IOOd wardrobe •X· modltled aurpUce eolian COO· tJIJlon, with patroneu chairmen. clalr, Edward Leeter Smith. Lee- .... Wd Mitt '", -...a a Ila~~ air ...... m mii. tla&t worked da7 &114 mpt to p&aden. aepe.nt. now b&ft eo tribute to the lon( look. M.mu.. Robert C. Sallabury, &nd ter A. Smith. Ha.rv~y Somen. ai.;,. lleoom.e -. el •~I 81&11& • lilov, amt~ ~..-tW. a ~ ••• u.. Ute el u.. maa ""'° wu mucll YUtat)' that the po91ibil· Comblnl.nr 1llmnt'a1 with com· Richard Steele. Cbarlee Ullm11n. Mr1. Charin W. • Me laWUD .....,.. -.. -.. Jib a Jolls .,..._ UM ftnt to 11&11 eut at ~ 1u.. ett lll&ldaS two outnta look tort, m&ny 1.klrU. are pll!&ted nrre OB.AD& Priddy. Or. and Mr•. Harry Slick· .._ al8oe tM laip _. blllll --l~Clll a._ .... ..,.. ..,.t uid UYe to nacb the pound. Wee tour an 1rMl • th&n ever. ·trom the wai.et, hip Jr just below f:JllM tor Im llt9 wu rwl'f94 Ill a. r••Mlw ~ '°"" aatUl'• ..,.._t dropped ttom Ulled tor tu alimmlnr k>ok. the knee. Sheath 1kirt• u e Other patroneaw1 for U.e Jl'lrth at. taYCtr, 8m1tb bu .._ ,_... wuc ~. M · ... ~t JP ~ .. -11o. Bia meat •· U.. Oll.e • color Idea may be ex· 1tyled tor walking eaae, with tn-Grade Colllllon lnclud• Mmu . ,...... aad ... \Md la a ...._ fNat • ,,_ Miiie ~ oil ~· t.ellltl9 ...._ WU an bla U... 11".-d by *>lid -color MJ)Ar&lM verted back pleata beJlnning i..wrence E. Qrown, IP & Id In g ... ==t W&.11 • ..,.-., '1'1118 a.a Ida ta'...uJ'.t.M WTClltS ._ ..... te M9 ...,_ 1111,..~ ta S.S.Uc&l ~ Or biou-, under the hlp1. J'or Jone Jllutman. Vemon Edler, Randall c61 ~ wllo ~ .._ ejectAaD ,....,... m. teat ._.. ""*9d.....,. je.cllet 11111ap and trtm. may walated look. ak.lru have )lip J'. Oeddea. Walter D. K. Gibson wttll U.. ealltac1 ett ......... It.Ill • a. ...;.a:.... Todli:r amttll'~ ~ 18 '** t.ue Uietr llue from ju.at one of ba.n<UI or low placed, alanUns Jr., J:arl Ouatkfy, DudJey Jarrf'lt, ........ aa -'4ue 'If 1' "1 clon.'t ,.....,_ aetua&l,J ...... 111 ,.... ud be ti walUDs tor tu colonl tn a plaid, tweed or pocket.I. Rusb J. Lowe, Jr .. Robert Mack· (la ...... ao,.a Air ,..._ las tit& tnaer w eject t.M Met." the wt .._ tile· dMten WI ~ Jacket and akirt. ey, Donald McCallum. JCmory ii. ........... ~ ..,. _...,., JM 8'ld. -na. lut dWIS. I .......,. blllll IM .. ft)' apla. nn&D9 AND llNTTI p 1 f • p Moore, Jr. John OertJy, Nelaon 111111 report.a wit.IQ tmttwtM a W Wu ...... tile KM:ll wter Tature 1.ntenllt prevaila, ax· a a erfl aces Prtnrte •• Jamee Ray, Harry Blick· atppled j9l ftlbt.er wu tn..u.s 111 "-' ol '1A7 ,._, ....ams 1.01. AM from UM ,._... a.uald emplttled by bulky tw-S. uad ler, J obn Swtprt. Baa l Twlet. TIO ...... • llollr, JUllt...,... UM Tba .-t. uww. I ...ace up la ..... troa amJUa, •¥¥Uoa ........ lmJta and th• "band-loomed" or 5th Grade Goes Oren Wade and Thomu c. Web· .,... etl _., wtMm ..._ ,.._ lloepltU tlY• ...,. later" .,. W9dtillC eut ...., ..aii .. "' ''band.Jmlt" k>ok of woola and st.er. --..... _ __... .._~ -.... ...__ · .-cape tor maa frOlll ..,.. 1:.-0 p tron --... ,,,_-....... 6 --LA&er, ens l D ... r • .O&lc1&1at.M jet.a _ oae'1Med tnm 8m1Ul'• lmJta. J'lannela, jerMy• and cor• a ... cha lrmen for the WM at ,.,.,., feet &lttWde al tM a.&tll'• apeed &Dd-.. te ett ..... t cluro19 ..,.. ot.ti.r outat.and~ O.ne Palafurt acored 2& pol nu BJ.alb Qr ad• Cot.Wion whlcl\ U.. el NU out. 11ow .... ) Md dadd9d ~ Jae ..-la&ft ..,... tale t.ll&t ..... It -. .._ fa!lnc& to uaure I.be Harbor Bo~ Club mffll at &:ao p. m. a.re Mnt. Wit· limWl'• IUl7, a ~ ~ el .._ al &ltoUt MOO feat wtaea be dll8e ..ce. It ~ .. be Uam 8.. Clark and Boward e. .. __ ,., ___ _. ...... dme Wt. aaa.. Olen and blanket pla!dl Fifth Grade IAague While Sox -----••=--,.. pt eut ot ta. plaM, u lie M4 • .,._, 111 force. wttb BlAck Lawaon. Aalal.ns I.hem IA epon· ..,... ni. Mlap ot tNtai .-. ltelll&&W ,_ twe -. ......, of & ~rfect f1ar football record 80rlnf lhl.t sroup a.re MmM. l:Nt· .... ncu., Je told laere •. tM ldl __ ,. .... le wouJd Dot Ila" Md Athletics Wat.cit tbe clan plaid leader. at Colt.a Mua Park Monday man. Edler, Robert. P . Jl'orbu, .. _ ....... la ---..ut plaid9 take their pat· a.. tlla& ---nlUe it U.. to.,_. tsM a8d tabttM from apeclt\c nJrht. 'nle Sox licked the Brana Cllttotd Hak11. Samuel HJU. AJ· ,__ .. tM 4~ W,._. W ._. t1JfCQ11901008 ~ of Mullet.. web u bone. 11·13 tor their third 1tralght vie· tH<I V. J oraenaen. E. Vlncmt Jor · at tM ....._ a.II T" 1 ·•I' flllM. a.ttll WU +•met weDa1at1• ... __,.. or car blanbta. tory of the Ha.on. pruon, J & Y R.hod• Loncley, MAN Gm LEGS PINNED IY CARS A man rot bta lep pl.Dried between two can In tront of M1311 l!l. Cout Hlrhway a t 2:30 p. m. Friday, Newport Beacb police reported. Clifford Van Dykt, 17, of Loa Anaelee, parked on Cout Hlgbway to wipe Ill• wind· ehleld. A car driven by Vera Shaw Van Dyl:ce, 117, al110 parked lbere. Van Dyke &<>t out to do I.he job when one of the vehlcl .. 10Ued, pinning hi• l~p be- twttn the bumpen. Polle. aald Ven Dyke refUMd medl: cal aid after being relea.Md. i.r, Or. and lln. 0670otd 'hbll1. Marpre'L Trider Wllt\e u4 Ml· rlem 8ctvnidt, and Col. ud Mra. Alan J . Mickle. GIOWINGI lace 111111 T~ird Al1m1i / Cage Invite • Coach Julee Oqe etuted .,,. .. Wnr In Newport !Arbor thrM yeare aro 111•hlch la tut pttlns out of hand. He lnvtted hla buketball alumni to an open hoUM with blmMlt IUld wile Helen u hoeu at their hom .. 805 Klnr• Place . Now be hu dlapatehed letter- to alumni of Newport Harbor bU· ketball ftm• ol thrM yean back. and a4ded "brtns younelf. (lrl friend, wtte, mot"-"ln·law, oc. ll1da" yet ! Lut year, when he bad onJy two yearw backlos ot "old Urnera," the Qasea sreeted from •o to 60 pe~ IOM atter tho annual ahunnt game. Thia HUOll, O.C-l'Ot pre· pared. Re added a room tor Ulla alter-same rumpw! Juet eo Julea b1maelt wj.11 cet tuU benefit ot -tcltlnc hi. -b& kid• srow up, O.C• wUl bold • 1et-tocelher wit.la the &lumal at l.. p.m. Friday attenocm, No•. 21 at the blJh ~bool ''ln order to band out un.Uorm• tor ll'I• &lumni sun• that rurht. and t&lk thlnp oYer," u the Newport mentor puta It. ''Thia year," O.S• t.u. ~ &lumnl, "I am lavlUAJ ont)' t.boee alumni of th,_ YMn bMk. 'nMro will be onJy OM .am.. a U• quarter rame. 11161 pl&Jtnc tlrat quarter, 19~4 IMCOOd quarter, 1168 lhlrd quarter and lben your oom, bined eJfortJI th• tourt.Oa. f~ aad l1x t.h q u.art ere." Gare ~ off bla leUer, "S.at of luck (you'll Deed It), Pop,• and 'In.Mn. & tut Jibe at bu ·~· w1th lhla note: "1-t Y•r'• acore: AJumnl M. Va.relt7 U !" ._ etl \tie ..,.y ell tlllM 4q, ~ tile "9cll wall etl lllTZ ata lop League -..... aoUd color or tweed, the R!.chard K~ll11•. J. K~neth ------------..._ JI. _.. laa .. .._ M • ,... .... ~-Other rewtu Ill the loop Mon· ----~ ett U..~ett~ <t•t~~~~~UM~th ~~-~-~~-~~t~Yan~~-~---------------------------------~ -~ ....... _ • ..... •• ... .. .,,., ~ ..... tupln1 otlMr 'ftn&W. ..,. ~ Q e: '7..,...._. _.,.;;;;;: .... ta._,.. h..af "1 tai. ,_,. ett UM ,,._ ..... ua .,.-...,._ ~ o6al -,_,_. -t.a. .uch u eld ttnr out the Oluta IHl and the ~- ... te Ullllllle a...._ ... Ur, ... ~·•....,~• a. a.as foeta.11 ...,._ wu -ta u4 atadlua eoe.ta. worn Cube edpf the Red &x. 111-14. ~·-· ~-·, •••• W. ~ .. -.....,, U.. wttll aa•e•nc laoocle or capa. Btne DtSchtnM acor~ all the -... --... ._ _ ., tM .... • ..... ~ ............. -.... '7 ........ la -· -*-u4 'adl•t.e. ..... R._ f I ~--. .. .--.. ... M A~ ........ a M matll --' ,._.... or the loe nr Bravee. TO TAD LAmmaY ... , ~ ' 1• 111te t.M -• 11,.,_._ ............. ...._ -... lt'a • . .._ J'MI 1or leather, ••· --w---....... """' • • .., _ _. -._ ........ Cbuck bbla 1eored Ute lone .. Jett .... v-.. tt. ..... --- --....... •11. ..... ........ • • d pedall.y wl~ t.lle eppeareace ot ~ \Mt dl,F te ti&lile 11111 -.a_ ...... .ett Attlnalr 11111 Mell H SS"'e _. _.. ll ,.......... 1ieaUMn &Ad 8\Mdea. toucJldown of the pme tor the l&uftdr7 eut. ._ • u. ,...,.,._ -~..., • ~ -.-t. ._CM A'& M..-JMlmt 1oo1r sa t.11e ,....*" t.rhunpb&nt Ya.nkMa. ._.._, m .... at UM._. Aa-~ ...... • 1-......_ ft • JMbt, el taklc, tur or Lee Barker at&rTed ror the ...teM .... pleat aa4 •••• l a • ... ..... »-~ .... ..... ......... i..ttlilr, wit.la 1IUUQr klllt aMnu. Cuba. t&U)1nr t."'-Umu an'd report • .. ...,.,_ JM ,_..._. -. ~ ._. _. ~ ~ ..a ..,... -.., aMPlJ7 1t a 1 t ll e ••cl. eonnrtlJlr once. OennJ.a Lorton no.a u.. .... ,.._ rr.Mr. 919 11 ta s ....... ,_.. ... 'l'9a .... • ....._ ...._ .,..._, bWo and A·lllM ran tor a TO. Oary Roblnaoa A.t the fWd, Dtifat*lr ..... CM ....... tllll ..._ ., la ..._ ...... tM • ...... ,......_ ..., Important part.t l.n bUllJ up a t.ouclldown and con· O&fle.bue .,....-.. \Mt ..... -• -.: I c .... ..._, _,.. lilMtM tllll 'ftlw9 •¥-tM .._. tae --.... picture. llodlfted nralon and Bob 8blpman added ot Ma alrpOaw. • r-SMA. w Cl,...,. tlllll WI...._~._ •H•I U.. cart b D-llloUPMr ,..sdias i. 1lacll an th• other conve ... lon. ree4:1 :::;.a ant rup&. II 11 fl S ~ • ._ ..._ H ... "9 Y--.. ........ IM W7 jecbta. 8t.al\dinp: Wblt. Soa, 1-0: be a tda to CU. tt ... ~ a.k. ClliMltl •M. AU~ ..,..._ a.ad Cube.. 2·1, Olanta, a&nc. tt W9UW M ,.. w "fta fl S a.-... lleM _. 'n. ...... -tll 11 I la waMI ....._. .,... -~ lq ~ 1·2; Yull-a.nd R.ed Sox.. 0-1. ru,tl~ 1111\Wl ... ~,. -....... ..a....,..., .... ,....~........_ ... ,,..... DtCll iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil ................... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii reaitoroed .,,_ mp& -.... I.... .,....,.. -,.,. ........ , w--. MUie Da$ J •la. .... nurq mPt ..................... ~ .. .. • ad .., .......... "-Clidaaa ldmeeet wttla ............................. ~ .... __. ........ *° ,_ tM ltl• ...-put•.._. lllllt ~ nlflla --... ._... ....... Toa llaJrt Md aa.cb.. l.BIP-m WWW ..._ _... ,.. .... U. 1'- Wlilm ............ Cllllt... -u.. BM9t ..................... Zta'Jl)t• .....u4 at UM -4 ol U.. ,,.._ ..... 11f _. -a ... a,......... Jelua ........... M ,_ta ~.~~-............ tu.up Uae ..... ...,.. at .............. *'->' • .wra.. ta tU .... ., tM ... ~ "' .................. ~ ........... °"*' ....... ..... c...vo& 19t1*. wt e1Dce tM ta-Miia 111 1aie ........ a.a._. TD ....... hDar tw. ._. Subteens Smart in Costumes atWta lndlcSted tM ..,.._.. u. ud drelall·Gle w. wwwllla-. .W tM 01111·.mub J)oe P l•n WM ROnu.I. JM...,........_ U. M.a. •• 11 If ... • ••• _, .. 1nw DaodlfiaC from chiJAood to to ...... tt. AJr ~ a U. ........... f ...... eaelt. ~ UM )'ourlJ IU~ ha.I ....... :rr. ALHl\IM ...,., it.pt llmdUa. •ar•<-, n.. tu1V •N _. -~ aa a~ fuhloa Mft• Once ID tbe ear wttla U.. ,....... ud mUM te ..,.._,llile llfe "8t, ..... ~ ...... ul Re& aa1 a palr Uli&t .. U f\lU J*Y tbia MUOI\, rw 8'lper II&~ npw, M c11ma.. ea... ,,...., tor u. eo ..,..... et talMee '7 Hamil VIMJ'U'd u u. tmportuoe of -.II· ed .._ u.. .... .,. on....a. nadt-It WOil to Jllell .,.. "II-..... 'ftotory tw UM T--. Qt. Mt. Uld the coatume loo~ M a .ooo feet and ,.,.. IMedbtl' aaJUl WM a ~ ...... -* _. ..,.. ma.a CIMilMr, • .,._ th• .f\lnlor htp- .._. tbe ocea.11 aoulb toward 1aa Hla ll1IOfl8 ... ~ .,.. ,_.. U. atat Moo-aw Md OUlll7 ..._. to laarn th• art ot Dltf'O wMll It b&ppeMd.. lf&a clotbd .,.... ta rt"9M. Be ......_ I. .....,._ ......... ,,.. ..,..._. bepn tow....,.. wu ~ n,. C-. • U1e o.rn.t ateM81p: AU.Um a-J'ten dre9-up coahun.. to Ke trtod t.o uee t.M tn. oetnle torebee4, ~ ud t.et. e.-tlllN O: ....._ t ·l : TOIWe. Ref a. pla1 dothee, llt1'ee haft a.a ln· to llnlJbUf\ It eut. but tlaem be flll b&a ~ Mel Mm t.99 ... Y....._ •I; 1ntte a. ud --...d aopldaUcat.IOft that '- dl8ooY...S t.Mt t.be cc.t.rol llldl a,,.y, KJa Plabnlt ... _,... Olaiat.e 1_. _. oue...b W. ....., Cl!Olmift or lnappropr1• wu )Ullln4Kl fut. The p1aae -. lllMPl W"'9 ,..... ate.. R.elliMUAJ C'UJ'Hllt trenda. tla\aed to atMpen Ila dh'e, Ille Upe, _,. .... ~.,.. U.-1ouac '-11 tuh'--an ctowa at ne&r\)' a JO deerM .._,... Mdly bnalae4 ... ......_ tr.... .. CMrt ... allo detilped ~ minim... Ute 9MWl snbbed the ooatrol a0cJr nuttel"lnS &t ,......,_ ..... ID Kr. ud Mn. l:&rt S:Ula. 2071 parUcWar ftcun prob'-• flll wttb llotla hande and pulled wtt.11 tile au,.,_ic wtllll ..,.._ Illa a w a,rve. et auita Ana. are UM ~"'IJI rtrl all b1e .u.n,tll. Jt didn't lllOYe. He ll:aM jotnt.a....,. aoc-fhn ..... ~·,.,..,.ta et ~ str1 .,...,. W. TIUa la -ID auch sw-ta rad6ood tbe eompaay •t.&tlo9 and ftallod wUdt1-,. tM "1M. Now U la e-. ll09ptt.&1. .. a .U. '11mP" _.,th a 1'nl"'- reponed t.e ,.,... havtftS ·~ Bia uma -*' _,.. OUa.d _...., · tullllc ef!ect low ln \he tront. t rouble In UM Wind. abaJdas ett late wn.t ,...-.. to make a YOUDJ mid- Another NortJ\ Amet1e&11 t•t watch. b1e t.\P& tlltJllS ,,.._ ud Ttlere wen ''*.IOI .,....... rUJ lieoll , tJdliD&or, P*ttq. -* pnot.. Jot klnktJla, on tAe •m• e,,.. a rift( oft b.le ftqw. . i....... ou~ ta ~ '1lit& ~t • up wailtlle.Dd ud ntpt. lbouted OYer hie radio to • G ~ u el MAJ h. •• ,.,.... tM ladr ~ '*' ~ • 8l'ftlll'I: It wu ~ aatw u.t Hauw.1 Aut-tlilla GI*. Of um ~ UN for tbe aonnaJ, ''Ooors•. bal.I out!" lmltll tett a lllacldea ~ t.etal. a,•.MI .,... .,......... b' l1iP ~ et the 11.&bt-r. woaaa PA.ft tore. amountJns to t0 a. • ... ....._ .,.. """" '"" .....,. -. ooDara. P"M aldee. °" a.n 8n\llh dtda't nf!Od UM llllot out ot UM falllllS ._..n ,._. lleeMle. A·PllM fJ&n &t UM bem ot eoac... ---llldrtat, JUm pere "' ctre.... aloeO -........ ~ BAPPY BlaTllQAY -It wu a p.,y 'day for Ocorge Smtth, 1hown above with birthday cake when he bad recovered fr~m boiling o\lt at llUJ'lf'1'11t•n'r f'tl from hi• jet othbore of Lacuna Beach Jut F e!Jru11ry. -!'1 II l'h,:o , work ftf\are macfc. •••fwlwn. jumper• leap In-to lb• llme.Upt u a f1vortte ..-.mat. &l'V\Dld whlcJI a coeo- tmme can be planned. A llu.t- ,...r jWnper with 11n A·lin• t*IJ't pain up wtlh a color-oo- ..a&uted wool jerMy biou- tnmmod 111 corduroy. DIATH NOTICE Kil& MARY GROTZ J'unera.l l!IUV1CU for Ml~ Miry Qrot.a. 71, of 122 34lh St.. who died JfOY. 10 tn Ho.,-Hoep1.al. wu aclleduled to t.a.ke place t~y with ............... lftU handled by Balta MortU&I')' In Coeta K-. ~ wu r'9Clted at the Balta ~ w .. d'lapeJ at f :30 p.m. Sunday wltll m&N In Oar IAdy of Mt. Carmel chul'dl a t t ·30 a.m. today. j Interment foDowed In Holy S.puJ· clier Cemetery. A 11J1Uve of ntlnol". Mn. Grot.a had lived here for the put flYf' yean Surv1vm 8 ltwludt lhf' hu1band. Hl'nry Cro:z two d•u~·''"""· Mre a.;.Jit 1 St~n..-e of ~sn u .. rnard1t10 and 1-tre. Dorothy Parnllh of Ji'on· tana, ~n· c r•nddaughter and two J<l•l('r•, M111 Hn.1nnh F1 .. rll'rlcl\ of ln~I Wu.t I 11nol Mi .. M11rir~•t ;'u"• •' ol lu,1u•1~ It S His Business ..• xew;r"~Ress 2211 lalboa llYcl. Ha llor 1616 Yes ... It's his .,_lneu to clellYer yos Newpott Harbor News-Pren to yos door Mottday. w. ••day awcl Friday. It's hh blllleess to • a fOOcl loit .... . . . • • ' , .. ,.,., ..... , reoch ,. promptly. -4 ... geod c•ditioa. His folt•P•• ... ... ..me. ... ,. ..... .. cntolMl"I. If JO" .. "°' ............ scriber, M o9t ... 1•b1crlptto. below aad •• .. IMt ._ llYery at .... Cft~:;;··~~:-•••••mm-••·---1 Newport Harbor News -Prns j Hl l Balboa 8IY4., Nf'wport ..._ Att,JJ; ~~pt. 1 hereby wi9b to 1ubecribe to the New- port Harbor Newa-Preu. and •ST'M to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home deUvend only 50c a month). : N .... ·--------------• . • • • • i l OUy ___ _ . • • . ·------: 1 • NEWPOltT HARBOit NEWS-,RESS -PAltT 111 • PASE I II-Leet ... .._. !! !!!'! '!..W. WEDNESOA Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 LOa *'* p1.s 11a1111 , u..r DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Barbot' New•-Preea i9 guuanteed. Carrier boya wiU deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneed&y and Friday. U your paper ia not delivered. by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your ~ wW bdng your paper. bt.c.1« wsi. • ...,..... .....,._ ltM1 r.tat. tW-man I•. RSWA.JU). Har. lOlT -3. J'or ow ....,.. aUlec -a ftM npaa .,._.a.or ....... ~. 0ur -----------llllelaUft • 'rd• ...... LOST P~ lleDca .. lawJ& ., •--Wbo -wttll •• •-•. N-. ~Bar • .n-K. Uc ,..._. ---. -VY .... ... prodllee, ... u.a. ·..,. 'ii... ~ Pa ~. We arc bimd· it Scbooa. 1utnctt. IT ud eoopentt'" uc1 .,. .,.t the ...... ft'01ll ,... Jones Birkel-Richardson •>;.:, ~ o!:'1!~~ OROAN aronto .. Learn to play eorora c1e1 Mu 11anor IMt the mll'hlY WUJtLlTZJ!:R. ----------- EV!!LYN JON!lB, Mrr .• aoe>Rolm· J:XPICIUlllfcm> walir.. wuted. ICI . ss·11·1ed wood Drive. LI 8-1082. IOc33 ~~tR~~~o!a~ , China Painting DaJ and -tinntn1 ct.... ROTICL NJOHT cu:RJC-Kan Ord"r' Taken f'fow SS to 80 yn. Exp. not neceilMJ')'. , NEWPORT HABBOJ5 NEWS.PR~S hery Monday, W .. esclay and Friday COASTAL 8H9PPEB -Wednesdays <JouW llaeppw Ada raa ta ta.. Wedaeeda~ Ne--P,_ t U.. 1 lnerUoa Sl.00 add'l. Uaee .%5 ea. . 4 u.. 1 ....... l.60 add'l. ..... 26 .. ' u.-s ~ %.00 add'l. Ible. .26 ea: • u.. t 1aert1ou zm ac1cn. llnes .25 ea. Phone. Liberty t-M4I 14lto I~ woail. Letter with put exp. • reterenc.. Nq\ltnd. P.O. Boa '7'7, Balboa, Calif. aws · Hammond Or9an · lnatructlona, el&Ulcal It popular. Hu. &87D SlcS3 Attention Knitters Beacon Personnel lpo~ employer retained agency NO Jl'l!ll collected f1'0n\ appHcut Ul41at Newport &Mcb N .UO: T A.KER8 for Lacuna WELCOMJ: to my ntlW 1hop. Come BeacJa Is BouUl La,runa Cit;, !! ! !lJ!n M.! r I !!! !ft! !!!' USED. APPLIANCE BUYS - O·"''KEEl',.._,._l!O A ldlUUTT pa rua----·--"9.GO GAITERS A SA.'l'TL1Clt, wblt. table top pa rap. VeJT e1ea ---------TUG uwmn:n""TiaoE TABLE TOP, pa lulp, piddle, 019 OCllltrol '1'-!50 WESTINGHOUSE electrio nap. W. model --..ao . PHILCO Refrtcwator,. I oa. ft. . t8tJIO WESTINGHOUSE Refrtc, 1 cu. ft., 'fW7 ..._ -- SERVEL Retrtr., left bud door '81.GO ... WZSTINGHOUSI: Rttna. T~ ft. ft. Del-. -sul.80 KELVJNATOR ~tor I -. ft. Dllam -ftitlO DEXTER A11tom1tio ....._ ..... KENKORE Wrtnpr wub8r .... EASY SPINDRYER. -1J1 .. 081J J8'M AU.OU~ W A8HINO KACllllHm. 4UTOllABO AD 1'11111 J,U-'ftl'9I 8svmt.AL 'IO m-...ar fttOll ' ALL UA.80MABLT PIUOD 8UD1191' ,__ ........... KNOX HARDWARE CO. t20 Eut fth St. Sult& ~ KI S-1111 !I !!:!!St,_ .... BED SPRING and KA'rl"lt.Dll, ...,pW.. -$10.00 WASHING KACBINES $12.80 ap In and help me build toward Directory. Good hand wrtUn1 your n.Hdll for needlecraft. HNntlal. Wrtte ... a tUI • at-..... WMW Ada wtll ...-.... 11.,. .S-t. OMii Ill ~ ODIJ, IONOIUll AD U!I ' LlNIJ8 Th-and a tho.md otJMlo boul1kolcl ........ Sit N' Knit room 7, knta Ana or C&ll KI I-Siil. Jltli: D&ADLINJ:S for plactnc or cancelllnc ada are: su s:. Balboa Blvd. Balboa W'« Mond&J PubUcatlon -f'riday 6 p.m. · 32tfe GIRLa _ rw w~ Pub&loauom -Tu.da11 p.m. _ w:..t.nu ~on~ •or J'l'Mlq PubUcaUon -Tbw..da1 1 p.m. CHOOL ~" -A.Ill NEWPOaT BA&BOa ptJN.•8BINo oo. S • THAN EVER BEFORE! •u ...._ ...._ N..,.n ...-. ~.,., DAY OR NIGHT ow-...w, 21iPW 11tart1as ...,. AD Clle1 en.. Ada wt be .... fer OeM la aftuee of pabbeaUoa. GROCJCRY cubl .... Md MEAT an4 tt.quent lrlonuM 11•• ~ ft. wt>Uahen wW not be ..-pocwible tor more Uaan one lncorrect wrappe~ 180 -SlOO ~r Ulla opport\rlll\y. 0pen1.ap eow lt\.NrUon of an ad, nMrv•.t.b• ~bt to oorrecuy clual!y any &nd all week. 308 Spur.eoo, Banta A.Ga. for _ ala an4 le>~~ lid DOl oontonaiq to rui. and reswauona. Ph. Kl 3~300. S2e45 Claalfled Index l.._.,N..._ I ~ of hulla l ....... Anraa . , .......... , .... t• .. II I ChM; ~~~~~~~~~ I'ELEPHONE OPERATORS lt Bvlldlaf 8erv"-18-SJhlaa&oa Wut.d We wW traln 10U and 7ou'U r .. ____ ......_ _______ -----------eelve ~ otber beceftll. CARPENTER BABY BI'M'INO by teaeh4sr. . -APPlt -Repair Work ~_:!706-w aoca2 au\ti Mo. : •=:: Rm. 111. 0a.e rO\lr Bome Need Repalrtlla HOUBIWOlUC, .ome be.by lllUl\C t :OO t.o •:OO P• tn. • ~Unit in Nt-wport or B&JboL LI t-40.. p.aCIFic ~~HONE EYer)tthlnr for th• Rou.e-J'tii "Wt• To,., a.cno., ClothJlli and Sboe. few the mtlN fuDD7 Recent additiona of eevenl &IM•d fttefta .,.._.. nel-who hav• compWtely ~ n~ ud placecl In top coadlttoll ~ ta ov It.an ' mak• • m':t --nt1Y WHAT Tm: BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E. •Ua. SANTA ~A Ope l'riday and SaturdaJ mat8 8 P. K. p6p This Months' Speciak 1955 Chryslw Wendsor 6dool'Sedu 1956 Chrysler New Yorker , ........ Both Fully W arranteed as New C.r 1953 Olds. ''98" 4 Door Seclen to.dtd wltJa.,... -Powel' ......... row.. a.bl a..u..s.t.. W/8/WTllw 1963 Qwysler Wmdsor Club Cpe. Low M1JMP -LIPt ll'elil -Poww ...... 1953 Will~-4 Door s,dan 2 •TOM Bla. -Owrdrtw 1952 · Chev •• Pickup Truck · Red la Color .a. NcJa ill Value 1951 · Plvmouth Sport Coupe i:.ToDot 0.... -Radio 6 a.t.r ·1951 Cadnlac 4 Door Sedan ·2 TGM 8bae -New Coftn, Chrome 1 little ~ but a nal low price to compenai. 1950 Chrvsler Newport YIDow Is Black -in ezeellent condition Drift It 6 Buy it 1950 Chrysler 4 Door Sedans .All ta pod IJbape -Thl'M to chooM tram LOU REED and ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highw•y LI 1·3416 ll a "M s Maarl'We ll ....... ........ 1' l'wlmnk Jl8Mn'l'-Ou JI Tr •ll'•rtnlln '!: :::a=.~ w.:.UG Apt. 8 30pS2 A .L~ .... Mhce".,I~ •! !II! ?!!! EXPERIENCED WANT Wh!te woman to do bOUM ULL ON TllltKI I OU. rr. a. a amnaG. y.:i, !·~~·~·!l!!t!!t.."'!!J.,rJl~I!!!!!_ ___ &0-A.._ ... TJ_fll · CEMENT 6 BUILDING All K.leda work • cook. Four ta family. arr. DJtLICA'l981!Ncue,t1IO. .... ..._ --.. tl.& TRADE ., .... 11BeMr'1 AMI 10 ...... .... n..--.. .. ... "~·-... . .... ._..._w .... ...... ,w .... .. ~Pc ·-..... a.... ..... ,, ... llW..Wt.~ ............. ,. .... It-A .t Mew .............. M M-'-1. ...... TY II Diep.~,._ .. ~ 11 Uowl1* J'REE lm'IKATES Liberty M108 GARDENER LIY• OUL LI 8-6981. llcU ONll. ft. Nlripntor --*· •. P=\ ....... lier. llllK OAJIU>mnNO It ,ard #or1t by day ONll iu,. oommere. refrie. STa. ..... • '""" Te.ft. ..._ .... , ••· W'Mk or month. WILL TRAD& CAR roJlPAlNT· 1 8C.U.U, ft5, 1 OONDOLI.... •u 8 t i. dlllllUr. Wut Liberty l_.tat a.ttn e. lttc JNO. Ka.lMr Tranter medeJ in Call owner LI~~• l'IDLOO 11 eta. ft. ...,.._.w,IT pnpa17 • -U. ...._ 1110 •t.t -----------lit cl&U condition, HW p&lnt aft.er 5 p.m. ttlo i.. ea... top~. lbdallft W • ..u.o. BP"-. K...,.n.. Bar. -----------Cl.&A.HtNO 6 D\OJ'fINO lt7 Che Job. OJ>9M up to make truck. ftOoo two-_.., dOGr, IO ...._ IOD. ~ General Contractor ~~:;~ll&lboa lallul~ Fw labor on p&inUn~ outald• of ANTIQUS 'bet Ml (walnut) fTI. ~ ~.. ... ... ---------- Uc&NU:O ... --·--houae 1 coat .... at 61' Poln-Old Ol'l'Ul 1100. hall the SUJIO, No dowa ...,_t, l.M P.-wtl. New Wort -Remode""'-THOROUGH CLIUNINO, cook· Nlt1a .be., CDW. Har. IJN-J. &llUque 4111k *· OIDa e&IUet TBaONllOM'a 1116 MwpoltAft. G·1gant•1C ...... iq 11 ~. Own tran.port.a· llcU UUO, o&d cane rocker Ml. -old c.&a X-. U J. KILTON Mc.KENZIE u on. Colored. Kl s-ew. s1paa -----------~ "'-rve c:::tWMM i..,. Harbor 6399 w 58tlc I d . 9Cl'HI\ fl Tl, artUldal ftnplw 11-W•W to ~ s· At c -RA VE BICYCLJ:. wiu trugl, ,. A P e nne Future s r1, 11 mm eounc1 proJeetor tua. ------------~ yr old bo)' WM.k tnde odd Jobe. (or trade) old d.lnins Mt, pluab Wll a17T ' ~ ff PalnUnr 6 Paperbaqtnc d.iivert• ~r what ~.. you 1 roamoN "1Ut aid .-tab. Co. £U7V O W• do t.be work ounelvea. Harbor on L U c34 8\&114 a bMln ... of 7ow own. ~ ~.i=-ne. -=-.80 ·~ ANYTHING IO yean ~ ~' ....... food prod1M:t. old pbonoJT&pb 115, lbotC\la SIO · • .U ~ '-'- 1 •o=8" • UYwe4. Roy's M· ·1nten•nce Blpe.t btcom• brsck•l. 8ub-21" TV S7B, marble t.Ul9 .... N ~ ed .. J ..... o ... ~ 8&~ l'\W'Ult.-.d. U U ataati&l nt.1..-mt pl&a. l"'O tape reoGI-... .IO, ~ ew s ..... rr... caJI J~ s-cleaalD,s-l"klor WU!JI• Lu. LI 1-:mo. 21o4J lamJ19 ,,.. .............. ._,. s Coast Co GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS • -~ ...... .............. ...,..,..... ...... ,, ........... .. ~ LI 8-2887 6 LI 8-6289 81tf c wau traallln•-W'bldow c:Jeantaa · ua. _... ~ e111• • •*' 111, • o. • V•.tt.u bltada. ~fJ' to-Hlloe'heeom aleo oW c.-. ...... ot -tlq1N Abused ·Jfc•F' ...._ •9'11 a "• i.w a ..,. .._. "' -.t lDaun4. J'ree ~ tucn.. Medll ~ -dlt It 1111& ~ all ~ Ml ..._ T• ~ 4-.l.llJ.. 1ttc ORIGINALS younelf ud • .,., w • ..., IKQ' . ----------wt11 .,,. a.. ... IDOIM7 ~ PAINTING " .... .,._._ .. ... UA.-.e .... fWa..t ...._AA,..._._. ............... r-.o TNaa. .,... 'u ._ ,.,. ._. ,...._. ..... _ ................ llf a.&. ION. I U .,.,.,_ a Oflltie; rN-A .... n•a.cala tU8' On I 'dt ..... ~ .. ...... .... _, .... ... o.61 .... 1!9tate .. ..... tu..., Jta&a .. ....,... Mt ..,_. ,.,, .. •1 ;-.A. Cammimcial.,.._,.. n __ .. r•1 ............ lb: a .. ~41 .... EetFltl6 HAULING M. W. ROSS LAoen.d u 1-Ull llO A~ Cosi. Mua Mlle Rd. 011 •pnadlnc Drtvm1a PARKING LOTS 8ub-dS.iaJon.a our •.,.ciall)'. We f\&m1ab any type oll t.o your mpe- ci.neat loo. L&rr• Jobe -•ma.ti job9. ,..... •Um•t..: A.llO We• tu mprudlnr . M.odtm equlp- mmt. U:xtnrton e-t008. Oil· Mon 6 J>ac' Huntiq'ton Sch. 4Uc • mp. <Jl\AJtT8 098 ,_.,. U ft. ---~--ant. HANDT MA}t, m.alntenane• • AJ'TmtKOON'. Cocktail. dinner OH4AUID DA.VU. llOI .. ~ w· .£ n SURPLUS ....., ......... ....... ... w::..:; our ... ~ ~ OT what T Bar. .....w. m..,.. • Ooordinat4L helm. 1.-s 8-c*, ID ....,. ""' --f110. U ....... IOpU 17tlc CU9TOM DUUIU.JCINO . 1TIO Jf ...... ~· a.&a x-w w WOODS -----------Ph. HarlM>r U7•W, npM PAD\ OLD ICBOOL DDKa, nub U MilU 8D 'nlJD IPmaAL Boat • • aua S d• h M -t ....im&t roekw, okt phone. ,.. .. ._... • UMl8 M__. OMO I> we IS assage MAAQur!TS Aro Wtlder. (MW) walnut P• ••• , ..... r. -r-'T .. . ......,_ .. 111-11 .. ·~ k ..... .Aaa a a.p AJr eoaa,.._, no Volt Har ..._.. UcU ams.. Call& Kem • • • 0,.. ~A. M. La.c1te1. -by •ppotnunent "' *'II•,......,_ ... at P4TCH'8 • II ........ ,_... REAJJ.y .-;1t= MEW. Trwek Bt1I....,_. Your home. 17th 8L at P1aolaUa. LI J..'7'°8. -. t• ot-c-0.. Fonn~y m!UlleWle •t A.rrowhtad JlU SO-! A-J'!!? IEOROOM 1141 ---------- Sprtnp Hotel, • -~ ,;;.;;;. 1JU Ji(()UU llDfGa .... -· Pleue C&ll llarbor t T9a or Rarbor •O" BJUB8 ~ SCRUN. Pull 89"1"9 ....... .., ...... a ~ y ,.._ .,._ Bu.•..,.. aw 70. U~Ub •tnnc t,Jpe. Ulle n.w 116.00 Good Used I 6 t l>AAWllll ...._, llllnw. -~ " Old copper tub wfUl Ud. WIU bookQY9 ~ trolll SltJIO TV & Ra J!JO Repa·ar ~ a.u..c OR ftUD& ......,. .. Experienc'd gardener malle an •oellenl wood i-, TWIN Maple bed wtUa mata:r-. 6 QJ ltlt OMC ptdnap trw.11-llf LANDSCAPING 110.00 Pbo" u •-1.an aoe12 ball...-._.,_........ f--£ Serv·ece ruotr1c1n ....... "...,... ...._ A I• I 6 t DAA'Wa ....,._ *-• cnT IOcb and CLEAN UPS BUN Am2U aat4.1 ~ -~~~ pp 1ances ..!-.. trtdl .w-r,r. ,.._ ---tTIM 1'•tm'ble ._... -.DI Ull Ltberty S..1659 dryv, ke n-. 1-"' .... --r .t.1..-Bocm W. t p.a DOWIJl'OIC m,ao. JIU KllRCU1l1' MOftt.l'wJ .-. FOR RENT ll>ttc bo• aprin1 and mattraa JS6. .......... ftOIODI u ...._ YCU..a.. waw, RAK. ,.._ bill Saw•, Elcc.. Orilla, Pollaben. U f-4217 ltc3! 9 ft. Chen t)'pe h'ee99r Kodtna It Kapa. Jlelllll wtndOft It .. t. Ooiltill.Wldt. aU t-ot 8all<lera, wa...&bar· RELIABLE JAP•"--""' $99.50 .u mcm A LDCll u,.,.... ~ IUM. PrtYate ,arty • ._ 61111 ,..-1U'IJ1A1A• :l~ H.. P. Gerdel! Tract.of' wtth at.· f'tlld ~ WJUa oar lo'w 8P9C1AL llUYt IOell ro••· •le. A M E R l CAN WANTS I ~ent.e. Rmuniton ~ • o~ 70U"D-._ _,,......., a.-ut\11 ..._. PlovLm' ..._ BOYD'S HDWE. GARDENIN. o IN "· AR-wrtter. LI f.1621. 3lc33 Gu Ransea from auo1a '" cu • .,. ,... ,_.. -..-.,... ...._ ~ 1111 CAD ., ...._ 11'11 mt. M30 W. COAST WOK WA f $29 50 \M.e a Joo1t. Jt will pay J'O'll· ..... 8&T9 f1M. 0-Y ...... at Vtllr/ e&eaa .-. UIM-W W l..ben.1 ..... 1& • .Newpo" Bctl Jll!c BOR AREA BY WEEK OR 1H4 A.U.. STATE Motor &coot.el' • OOOD Tllltla. ULUSftl ( .... Hern .,.. u... TUe tra , 1•- cou -nLETE p .. "',...,NG MONTH. HY A TT 4-M71 I au~. Blonde bdnn. ltt. 1*>kcaM Frigidaire 9 ft. Retrtcerator IW'l'AJL ru1UC'n1NI .aa ... W-'11 M • .,...... ..... .. ., tnde. Bar'-1Tll --~ A..Ln ~ j_ Up3T hH4boeld. ~ drMMr, larfe 0,. ~ .... Ill ...... ...... D•hd~ 1-411J I p." ~ l"'9 Ir Pan.. H•n<ri ..... Servieil -----------mlm>r MO .... a.1 It.. C "-. $75.50 lrcl a& .... ._ ... ._ Aaa ----------------------,._.. -.... u Miii. a1p33 • v_..-_ ..___.._ EVO&NE 0 . SAUNDERS RECJBTERED NURSE. otflc• Q ·( Wuhen .. Take your choice IOell ----!' ~· .. ~~'IV 0.00 Uat Bu.et. Newport BMeh ~r•~nl'e. Xray. tom• lab \)'~. THR»lt SHOW CA8U tor ale. A tomatic and --.i .. -TV .t. .. ~NNAS - - --=. • Rarbor 2978 or Har. 4440. He undenrt&nd !Muram-t', t tc. ~-Call FOROIT HDW&., JU.r. 1J8. U .... ..__ 8IRCB ~ml ..... ..a.le, .... 111\1"1 IE; LODI WSW W' 1..-na ...... •m~• pOlllUon with M o Wtlle j Jlc33 $20.00 >em a... e..ta & .... U ,_ <a.r --m a.at walllNt ce-. ... a a eaa.-H. H. HOLBROOK Box C-74 <u-. of lhl• v-~r. INI. llcill Dfft'.ALl.m>-.W• ta,.._-. ""°' Dl!':P1tND~~:;UKBING Com~Le h-cl•~---::::. Order Now! Newport Mesa Woodcraft LI ..... $9.95 :.~:ro= ~o c.O:x ~r S.n'tce M&llltalMCI w•ll pe.p.r, <Nood'#ork. etc. Penona.ll.led tJapala~. ~ l'Waltwn IOplll 11.a.r. ua 11116 noo.: H&rllOr .... u • Lec7L&AN CL&AN ·~.. A •• ~.~. ~p .. ·-· fum·1ture Co. Jtaott, plae toy'°• --•llJIO Pl\.A.CTICS ,..... -... to JU.9H•Vox ecMM ......... .. } llOl B&lboe Bl•d., ~ewpurt Bnch ~ ......... .........., ......._ ,.,..... ,..,."".,... ~ DOLL J'\a'nftilre fll$ ....... ~ ........ piano ~· OoN ..... -C11 ~ NUcpp p6p -----------Repr-nlallve wW call at your W~ INta, ...._ tm -a ..._. ..... ~ U M!'fl. lllt trMll orT A.nylht.nr, Any-.111,.. ~J..IUI ..----------------.. -A-, 8 -,-, ----%&-lfelp Wu~ home. • O..Jllet.e u.. _,.w..--. Mi i.nu. ~· ~""-PHONE Har. 1819 or Ha.r. 1263W Complete Home ... Jnr4. DAN&-ac:IDIDn'. -Ito. Kalil, UJIKOMD ORGA.Na, .......... ~ VENETIAN BLIND 8A~N A 8AJ..&8WO)C:S~. 221>'2 lllawM Md 1>1111 ~ !&llta A-. 100.....-tocllooee Mll'Cbr1atmu9loeknew ....... i Painting, Pape:rbangtnr Mll by a ppointment NaUonal Furniahinga Orel .. ..._ fW 11a1tt.ra trom. ta; tl0.00 depolllt will ._.. ,Lo--n .... t ,.,on•'V ,.. __ Buy" LAUNDRY orpnla t1011 opening n-oftlre .. ennyat1.botll m . OUtboud motor nn ....... C..11.. LIWV .. J.NI ..., model while Ule7 lut.,...... Tile c• .,., • ~~ \..all In Orange County. An~e a:z&. Band •w JM, Belt Miider ' NMACR> • ...,._........... tn 7fNi' eld,...... r & N II TJfll NEW mt.chine proc:t'M melh-cornmJ.Mlon $64 pl'r Mle. One $40. Vac:UUQ\ (ledt'.r $10, ll1P 2e20 w. O>e8t Hwy. TWO TWDf ...... ..,.. wtt.i. ..... a-. I>~. -.... pympson 0 ar CMt. ll•40ft•ble prlcu . A vua1e ~r day .._., Apply •Cle~ North ch+lr 13, Poll1 cha.Ir 13. TlltM Newport Beach ..,nnp. mattw Alee-.... .._.8CBJIJD'l', PO Mo. Kalil, wwW law P.= '4 -~{2 U th St., Newport 8eacb t Lafe ,....deQUeJ bllltd. Droa.dway , Sa.ntl\ An&. t p.m. F'nnch doorw w1UI harO-rt It llc83 ....,.... 6 llA&e ......_ ... 6 ..... AM. No. Ma&n, .,... A-. O.. iPh. Bar. 2404 or 16e7·R. latlo Only $1.00 or c•ll Kl 7·25tt tor eppt. Uc3~ Jaml>ll 110 ea~ 8tatned rtUll -i.., o. a ,.,..., •u&. WAlftm) TO 8UY ~ = .,.._ M*'8I. -. Ra •=« · , .t. ~. pu •LT ~ • 8 1Jndt re ... •'nid and rtbuUt. ---------•tndowa P .. ch.Har. lJU-R. "'-· ........... _ tf.a I ....... ,._ • ~ ,..__ _.ma. lllle .-. • AA.:> ~ j_IU£. -DENTAL HYGll:NlBT put Ume. ~34 WHIRLPOOLaut ........... dryer ---..---~~-.-·---·-• rr.. Pldr up and dellnr7 Ker. 1883 SlcJ.3 wtUl a11t....,ll0 lfn'UO.. ...... ... ...,.. -AU. '!'OP ..... -.x. llf9' ~ ..... . • LINOLEUM \Vorll don• by eppolntmt.11t ___ INNl:R8J>JUNO matttw 6 1>02 -~ ...._ ... ...,. prb l1ll.N. QtlAUTT. U ....., Ula . ,. ... vw.. ........... __. .. _ ...... 1!tn.ata11 the abovt t'heeper thui Pbone Llb<rt1 8-$701 GlRL t1 to ~ 11''-old. 1'1'ff to ,... 0-. fU11 ~ .,_. ~-a-MW'Ov ...--~-- ;)n09t. Al•O ffll Tiie It t.raolwm. or Klmbtrly 3·8274. ppUe trav~I. To hetp care for '"'by aprln&'• with ler•· Oood cont'JJ. Fr• IMtallaUon, No doWa. 2.61 LoAAGll .,ai1• ._ .. eMW • ..,. a.an..-. ~ •••••l"fU& .......... ,.._ ~ Uon UI. Hal'bor 18112·W. Uc per wk. No J>l'yment unUI HM. ..._ Gd ..a. •·call LI -----·-_ ...... ., --•, -·unioQ, 2~ Jte.n expencnce. on trip l4 Jnod da. lntervll'W .,.._ ... ._. ~v --_..., -,,_.,.. 11.n<!,.. -l.__,...Noaallll from 4 pm, to 1 p. m 381 TKftO!ft!tON'S Ill& N~•w. ....,., ., W a o..t ..,,. 0. D. M. J1Ma11a, ~ ..... ,.., ... mu. COKER Har. t7t6 °' i.o.c 22nd st, a.1:k e&y. J2c.J• Fret!b Hearing Aid c oet.a x-. .. _ -· ~. ---tr a.. -ll1IM ,.. .._. tncWe4 '"* "'7 . r-ch i..aen. nue lJeoboUca Aoooymoua u ai'o c AR-LOT A'M'l!:NDANT. BATrDUa Washina_~achine '!=!:!!!I'!!! • o.GAJf, 1•11..,•10rpa .... n&ecmm>T, uo No. ar-. • CARPENTRY Wrtte P. 0 . Boa Sil Clean up. washlnf, "'"tlft1.. et(', w. m .. 8'tS Oreen ltamp• saftT:..wi AND SEU. tl&Jf..,., Al ..... °'Illa. ......... L.~oR REPAJR wo·-N~ .::a: .~If. Apply In ~non at Tl1eoctore Gunderson Drusr Co. J.,..., iu&ra11t.ee -Jollie.... I .•UY . '91. ·..i7 .,., i...., 0.W-0 u:NT • ..._,. ~ All • m.llll n.n lie Robins ,.~Md f'~al'I'. 3100 We11t ..... at. at Balboa aa.ct:' 8aDoe _. • ........... 9'111' &\IU..T A.XDJCA.Jf cut. eo1wec1, ti•. A.J1 .... .-... ...... ..._ r:;;-....... CleOll ...... -NO JOB TOO SMALL L'ou t Hlghwey. N•wporl 8;;;3~ __ ..... _.,. __ 1_11. ______ .-to_ (,..,I llf..-port Ill. Oa9ta ....... ,..._. ,..__ J'rl.-I&&... .. ~. -,... ..... U.. ..... .._ ti ,_ _. 8 · o. ~ereon Llbert7 8:6503 or 1JbertJ ..._ ,.. • • Ud a.. ...... ..... ..._ W u. ....._ ...,. ~· .. Balboa BIYd.. Balboa 15-Shue Yov Oar ATTENTIO N-3 hlth type mtft f• ood 8-4327 Mtfc TllB BIG OLD all>~ CMAM ....alALI ~ ....... .,.... • Harbor 1480 83tfc The N-•·Prua publLMte mo" or "'Omf'fl Wiil bf> appiotnted • 1rew . ll. mA.JnC a a.au DmllOHl'TftA'l'Oll ..... 'Q • n ..... A-. •J Pl b• CIAMltled Ada U1+n any other tralMd H neld aupervt~. Oood 1*1 a..... ~ oute a.... IAe ..W t 8ftM8M Um 1n9 new1paper tn tn• •r.u . Thia lnc-ome for th~ who quality. Sucalyptu It ~ dry. rudJ o·tcnn A MaUUTI' ~ ._ -~--...... ~ .._.... ~'mt lT PL .... _, ac T'I ---· lndtnhl etta1M<1 ~u... r 1 t --•Mn -·-m• l4 buM'. 1Q 7..-0 23tle l"l\o4el. Lanlp It cllodl ~ .,._ ..... ._.. -' 18 !L .. -a..le _.. .Repair work, a e~lalty l'few.Pr!'..""~&au1nec1 Ade ,et or n •••• .,_ ., • .-.-. UcM -----------t~. Omlm• rrtD Inner,_. l'tUVATID P.ulTr ...u.....,.. ..._ .._ . 11 la. &C.A. a.a.... .... .. •c..r h•tera Oii Umt J>•)'Tnetlll rNult.11! -----------\bat l1tt UJI top. u... .. ...--••. ' .... ..... ..... ULU'9M (-. lWl') lJ~ ... rs a • -T ....... .. fn11 N~rt Blvd .. N~rt MEN-WOMEN ft200m>momm imlfltll. suuo tub, or~ " ,.... w.. w ......_ Clll -... K • .,_.... ..... .u. Md • .-.. --~ ..._Har. 6&80. ~.Har. 4.3417-J IM--8eaah A.kb OROCERY oU1bMn an4 MJIAT per mo. HU W. 0.S~&I\ _Bar. Hll a.&. 6 .lw.. Jtlll .... "1-"V ·=--Aa .-.111 W 1 ,...,._. • C n c•t :::t.. • • wnp,... . .-o -1100 .... Paint Brushes 0raiap. 0 Natt tt Ot-.. 0~ ....... •.o.a. J1AD10 • _. da.J.nting, Decorating Superfluous Hair aoa sP",.,_,· aanta Ana. Ph. R.SWAAD NO.oo '°"a.DJ'...._ 3!: •e !!Ii'" wa.m ...._ ....., ........ .... "'"" 11ar. °'11 • •: ;. Paper Hansmc Pennan~u, removea from race IU a-eaoo. a.. A4 a... k -1 Oc to 50c oe ,.,.... "' a ... Jllllllltaa PIUTA'IW DOCC .. ..... .... ~ -....... .. A .. ,... •· 1:)-tllroiwa .., twt lie.a 6 ap eu~u. ...... ,._ a ..., ....... ._ ._. ., • • n. ... M1f1it. .._. Giii, .._... uEO. BURKHARDT lift• llbaped-Ho mar. t.....-.ia. Schlegel p.·.nL --.,.,... t.nai.. M• ...... ... rno.-aar. JllO-Jll. ..... ,., ........ ..,... ......... ,. !! !'et Q!!r. .. UCllNUll> CONTRA\.'TUR a..LD L. 111\Y AMT a. &. -The ehUf?J'll' ~ce ot .. . fa Mo ,_,.,,._t tll 1111.. ... ....... 0,.. PINillr .... t. ;aTI W. 1IUl at.. eo.t.a w.. u.o·a Wea '11 a...~ llar. •Tl aa the NEWl·nDa le ,_ Co 609 !f. Jt..,.rt ...... ~ ""Bch. 'ftllit01'f90l'f'I 1111 Jf~Aft. I BP. I..._ .. .._ ... .._ DAllll-OTOIJDt, -......... OU'N Ocell.r .... IMm ............. -3~-"" ~ .... t111 t*-k '9\llt& IOcU eo.ta w--. tf au. ... U .,.-lie , ... ._ A-. .. M.odl ti.1..-U 1-1111 • 11 . , \ ----~ .~ fA'"6E 2. lf,QT 111-t'IEWPORT flAUOR NEWS-PRESS " !f!L a .... fo? ... ts--.Ae a ..... tw .... • WEDNESDAY. NOV&.aER 16. 1955 ~'°'=!:~*!z'~l!l~fer!_!!~9o~h~--------fl.--l;;...._i'_.~~ .. ~IF~I;._,,. ________ ,..__ *PORT ORANGE * ·. * * * PUBLIC NOTICE TRAR• au.IB and SUPPLIES 2200' w. Cout Blw..y. Newport Beadl LI M-f.20 No l&rJ• C09ll7 adYortl8iq 'll2·l8' HappJ lwml• ----·-· S68I _.,. .... 'IM-86' Tr&'tOlne, l.,.o -·-lmG ...... .,. run. 'IK-tl' R.o.ctm•-.r I .. R. lpldel The folJowinS can mWlt ti. 'M ... 1' Paramowat .... Bts d!Kount 80ld Ill U.uldaUon pricel: ·~i.· Teny, -WW deal oa W. Up t.o PAN AMERICAN I OOo/o Fin•ncing Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, Ea8t 31st St., Npt. Bch. OITIB8 DellChtful lh1nr. Apt.~benae ~UUU.. pUI. Yacht lllip accomod1tiom. DaD,y, weekly, IDOllthly, ,..n,. l'or appt. or r~Uon. Call Bar. 2902. Mtto - .. _._. ......... .,. CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AJTOllD TO 8l:LL ! llOW ~A ftAD9, ... _.. ... ,,.,, ...... ._.,.... ~ ...... ., ............. V.alUed at -.ooo wtUt .,_ •10,000 • ,_, ....... ... ~Am .......... ... t--.cl ta ..., rr-t pro .. tJ. Wiii tnde ... OI' ....... Owne.r. WSbMa-. 61111 OI' Witte 2tOT loutll ODcbna A"4" Llll9 AD· ..... 1 .. Bft0m8 IMVJTllD ~ OPEN HOUSE Saturday • Sanday 1 to 5 ~m. Ill ... -ao.a View.!(.,, • ~ JWPta. Puonmlc Vl.ew b'Ola U... I MW I bdnft..1" baQa .,.,. laom• doltpod UCI OOMtNetecl la llle ftMlt ot tute. PT.000 and PS.000. *** On The Ocean ~y remodeled I brm. bat.ll • ~ borne wtU. hont door open1q on t.ho IAftd7 bMch - 8fillN UNIT )(O'l'J:L &AR-lt'1 J\llt what 70\l'Ve bMI\ look· a._. ........ v ogel v arues . f ' l' •••• ' Newport Heights You11 love th1a home. 2 bedl"OOma and untlaiahed l"OOm whJch can be converted to 3rd bedroom. 20' linn• rm., 1arp wall mirTor over fireplace, 1lare proof windowa, w /W carpet, HW nool'I, full dininr rm., lovely We bath, Iota of tile In klU!hen which opena to cement patio. New dbl. gvace • laundry. :50' x 127' lol Paved alleys. aewera. See (hJa charmlDc home before you buy. Priced to eeU---4 % % loan. can ti. UT&Alod. Tb-car• U.YO Nell Uloro\llh)7 chocked and are ....,.,.."kan7 pntect. ud ill •1...:.w...w .. a.t MUc _.t8_4_-_Af_;..*-'-·---*-----;.;...;~;;;._..,..-._.;;..fOl'...._8 ... ..t __ _ lovely New Studio Apts. li'l'ow, nMdll mon ualto. pleal1 lJ\I' r-. beach llom• or year C d I '-~ . ~ room tor tn11or par11. Dat1. al"O\llld re.tdence. Pri~ Juat prona e mar · neu17 ..,, eoMttJon. --------------Rentala Wanted PUTI. Uo.tOO wtU. ...uonabl• torma. 3e' x 118' R-2 lot on the ocean aide of the h.lchway. I Bm>R. JIOUU ta Bamot, ·l~ * -tr * . Only $2.~. Never will you buy a lot Stetion w egons W• Med apte UCI ..... ' .... 'II CR&VROl.llT Townanaa. ~ IW llMla wtac. .... You will like the quiet conftlUent location, th• heated ,ntmmJnr pool. the friendly a~l'9. _.., I IV· bone .. ch&c., cor-0 f • h C f o.t..•-n.l. walmata. onn,.. • tnatt u tn t e ounrry. / for uua price apin. Ractio. Heater, Power • &'Ude. ,_,.., &auo.. IWa. or utma. whit• lid• wati., PO Down. U 1'0ll baft a ftOUC7, "' CHEVROLET Bel A.Jr. Radio, ...... t.e0&7 Be glad to ahow you anytime. t."'9,. 100 ft. baa. frofttqo. BUT DmFINrn:LY nol rouchlnc Tradclr. •lT.IOO. A.LIO •11.1115 jt.. We ha .... been enlr\lllod w1th THE VOGEL co. ... -.cl tnaa deed will ..U or th• Mio of thll channtnr home tn4o all or an1 part. JUlt a pitch and a put tn>m th• H•tor. Powors11de. PO 0own. The Vo•el Co WANT BAY AJlmA prop. h~. 1olf clui. ta th• Back Bay Are&. ... J'ORD Ranch Wacon. J'ordo-D • maUc, Radio, .-i•ter, whit• oid• D01 W. Cllt. llWJ,. Kewport ac.. Walla, Power Brak• (3 of th-..._. UN1't7 .a.Mil Ken Niles Villa Marina 1021 Bayaide Drive Har. 1988 32c45 . 2667 E. Cat., Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-\471 apt.a. 11w11n .. or what baY• )'O\l. 2 bdnn1. plue lar1• rumpu. rm.~ 't 1 RA w. 8paco ta, Munldpal I bathl, ,bo&uUtul oncloeed patio ----------------------c•.., can to choa.e tnwn) PO Dn.. -MaltM, a.a.. .-.. 'II PONTIAC 8t&llon We.con, .._. a.. "' Radio, H•tor BydramaUc ...,.. MtT II. Coalt 111 .. Corona del Mar ' . . ' Phone l:lartlor 1741 43-& Ant.. for Beat Sl-8to.-A,()M5r I G 8MI ..... Power llt..rtnc, PO Down. Ud oifte.. Kii Vla-Ud9 _;.---..is:-....-------.;.;;....-,.;;.;.;;..;.;........,,;_,......,-..----------------'II J'ORD 6-4r. Country w...-. 0 Huilor ttTl BAL JBLll 11111. rm. printo •· OFFICES For Leue ~·· "'"'· Fordomatlo 170I N....,ort Blvd., ea.ta 111... tranc• Ir 0 batb, klt~tto. .iect. In New Buildinc 'II J'OJU) Ranch Wqon, P'ordo., Liberty J..66tT retrt,1.. th•rmo beat. It wit. 17 a tO' •100 mo. R .. H. Bneral t4 c~OOM tn>m. Uo or $34 month al.All•. Winter. 1111 26• • a mo. · Best Duplex Buy Trailor Pan, N_,ort Beach. all for IJ'f,600 With low down- . llpt• owner wUl carrJ balanC'O. * * * Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1876 Harbor Blvd. Coota M .... Calli. LI 8-TTU-Ev•. LI 8·S11~8 'U J'OIU> Ranch Wqon. Radio, OOUPLll W1Tll INT Alft. Want Har. 21Jl.X Httc lS x 11' • 86 mo. Hoatu, wbit. ...U.. PO Oown. 2 br. uatunL ~ Ir prqe. 2 BDRM. .APl'.. ttrep&aco PG oo In Lido Shoppinc Ana - &A.BT llDIC Coota K-. loparate feneocl yardo. llwd. tin. IDOOme •1ea, p&TIUmte oa17 111. ----------- '11 roAD Countzy Squire, Radio, Yrly. rental -rMaOnable. near le ... -lllOO Havm Plac•. -IOI nn4 It., N....,ort Beacb DAM A. JAOOB8&lfto Realtor JIU' .... 1. l:Ya LI a.an. IOcJ2 Beat.er, etc. l50 Down. ocean or chanMl. C&ll CApltol Pbono LI 8·13M. aOcU Ba.nor Ult latte ""'IO J'ORD 8tatJon Wacon. Rad.lo, 6-2722. IOc.32 ----------------------8-ter, '°°Down. RENTAL J 00.Aft BlOllWAT, Dft'builcllq, '" J'ORD eouau,r Squire. Ractio, Rrl'IRIID Coupl• dHlff reuon· r • llOO 911. ft. otttc.. lu1taba. ill· He&W, O'dr1Ye, PO Down. able unturn. 2 bdrm. apt. pref. SPECIA.LISTS wruce. attoru1. etc. flO mo. •a JsmP et&tloa Wacan. OYerdr. wtt.h et.oft .. rotr11. Kl 6-2e17. Call JCdDa ena, RUlll J'OIU>, LI M1'1. JOU . •• ....... "° 0own. iia• 1 G Rltr ---------B anche ates, . a.A4'? • e• ._..... end These '8-Anta.. a Bo 111 Marin• AYO. =:::c: • 5 Acre Ranch OM BAm ·8'l'IUCICT. Submit ~ ot t.nd&. DAN A. JA00118EN, fte&Jtor Har. •1. SY-. LI a.u1 T. IOcU !i!:~~g=;~~~~--~-r!!!J~---a.Jboa ta1uld, Har. 11T1 Tltfe Cor. ltth .. PlaceDUa, C. K. PeuenQer Cars Choice Winter Rentala OD J'OR RllNT l1llDO 1ldrm. IMlmo -OOLDIUf OPPOltTUNlTT to col· 'N lb:ftctn:ty Kont•rey Hd·Tol>. BaJboa la1&nd Ir Udo laJe l'UR.N. apt., 1 bdrm~ uUl. pd., Cd· (9\oY• .. ....tnc-f\&m.) ADc:ludm IOC!t PIO a mo. Dow1' ---•t Pcrir• ••-R•, HydrarnatJc, traily located. 8eJ.boa Blvd. MO oto-room 6 two oalce --..-..---BmaJ.J A OCJC7 or aers-• clelUM -.o. Har. 1781-X. Uc.Sa ·• -r--. _.,..., d-'nbl• location. Col· R&cbo, S.t.or, '60 Down. ,,, co POO moatll •100 month. Oft will 1'91t oepa. l4ICt ltO a mo. Down payment 'IO CJllJVROLrr Club Coupe. Ra-VOGEL CO. CORONA om. K.AR. .AttracUv.-rately 1 ~at •Tl and 1 at oaly ••ooo wlU. no nnuce dlo. U.tor, '21 Down. ly 1\1.rn. ituctio apt. Phone and PO month. A.Mo mWI ltOre •100 ~ ' 'IO ITUD&. Starlit• ep.. Radio, .... __ ~ uUUU• peJd. Reuonabl•. Har. mo. Call OWllW Ll!lerf7 ~-ena Beater, O'drtft, SU Down. IOI Man. AYO,. Ba.lboe -Ilk. aocu monainp or att.' ,... Ide '•t POMTIAC Convort:tble, H ydra-'""-Harbor'"~ H&rtlor 1161 ----------- maUe, "*Ho, Btr., '25 Down. Rea. Hu.1TN-R or Har. ~M FURN. attncth•• l bedrm. apt. 'ff NUB 2-dr, Sedan. Radio. __________ .. _ttc_ WMJdnr dlat.uc• to Udo ab~ s.t., O'clrtn, '28 Down. A'ITRACTIVK 1and2 bdrm. tum. ~· Har. 3711-R. ·~ ~MON to CbOOM From UUULIM paid. 1 or 2 dUJdron. 1740 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA LIBERTY 8-22" Laundry room. B LU E T 0 P APl'. MO'l'WL .oa Newport Blvd. N pt. Beadl,, ju.& &bo'v• t.he .Arcllu. TtUo A TTR.ACTIVJ: API'. ct.olrabl• Joe. 11.lcol.)' tum. PO. lnd uWJU-.- WW eleep tour. 8" It, Harbor '17l-W .-170. W. Oc-.. Front. Newport a..c.b. UpM ltU OLDDlOBILll Club Coupe, NEW MODDJf wat\lnL .. pani. CORONA DICL JUA d\lpla. 2 ----------- Jl7dr&m&Uc '40.-2181 ratrw..,. 2 bdmi. unite wtU. ,..,...._ Eut llldrm. nua. Har. 6'09. aot.tc D .. !::~ .. !!-Z~-2I:..;to~~L!-!!_ __ _ Dr .. Ooeta II.-attw , :IO p.m. •de lot'.aUoa. eo.ta JI-.. >..dull.t .:;::; ;::::; ;_ · 130 only. Ll ......, llc:33B LIDO 1Sl.J: YRLY. R&NTAL. Uld\am. dlq>kx, &ACBllLOR ... OIM .. two lldra. CASH ••• 8PIX:IA.1. BUILT N BUICK 2 bdrm. tlrop&ac., t1oor f\lmace, apt&. 8bllrt ._ ... ,_,..,, rOR TftUIT DIZDe RJvW& W1U. a ractnc motor-hdwd. fin.. fTI mo.. Bar, MUJ ..u..80, L6do llomeo Uld a.., rrc.t WK. .. BOLT Sl230.-Rar. 1116-Jll. Uc!H ..... aicu Bomoe ud ~t&. llORTOAO• BAJnalfQ 1Nt J'OIU> OONVlll\TDILll NSWPORT KIC.IOHT8 I br. lront LIDO RllALTY AModat.. BmCll lNO. $595 tr1pltlllt, ~ ~· dWp. MOO Vla Udo. Barbor"'" leot Jf. BUaR Ulftl. A.KA Mlle XDIBllRLT 1-'flll Wat« pd. yvd maiataa..d NO DeJWt• model. radk>, hater,.._, Oww m Broedw._,., LI l-27Tt BALBOA PmfINIULA ~ WA.He TU 8t1D.D. ~ leather u~ry. 1 owner.. lltlo lwnu1ouo com~y tun. apt&. 9UY, MOO ..... (la Very ci.an. Ba.rt>or '1~ or ---------6 ---., __ LI •UTT JOcal Nmw unftanl. I Wrm. ~ d\lpia, l·J .. a bdrm&. .. car . ....,~ ..... t. &llrDCAJK9 cJoee llbop-boauWul Ykw. Mllft be -to W• 8Q '!Nit 0..... '11 Craelq •per.eta. ..... MB ::. ~. ~ EMt ~It., IM appr.c&al~ Wlnt.w • T''1· IOIWPUaT 84'.WOA Uvtlfea leel lbaD to,000 actual mu.. Coot.a Me& LI •HM lltto _ ...... __ Har __ · _2_660_· ____ aou_c • LOA!t AMO('!UftOM &Y.16 •N Nao LI 14121. 3lc33 t CANAL rRO.NTAOS larp 2 .. I .... Tia U-. ft. BK. tlOt Jto B~A ULAND, 21 Apo-bdrm. tum. apta.. ,.ar. 6 auto. tli9 CADILLAC '61 OouP., J'l.IU power. Mb.a. t1UT1. 2 bdrm.., 2 b&.tb, fire-wubor 110 6 •100 pw monlll -----------MB. O.UJMnt&l kit. Noar place and paUo. Adult.I. DO pet.e. Incl. uUl. Anil. till Jul' 1.- ..., ..,._ ~. 1 own.er. ~t LI 1-7124. l2cU Har. 16t'7·W w Hu. 1211-R. ott•. Har. lalt·R llcll NEW rum. 2 bdma. ctu.pla, wtater IOcl2 Nlltal SIO mo.-Ul ~_..th at.. ----------- '1 Awto 8w vb Newport Bwh. Harbor 18'17.-t11t a. .. f• ._. 12c3• -------------Motor Overhaul -~-Y-. -R&NT--A.L--~--t'\lm.--2 2 BDRM. HOU81l, nnl1 ~ NO MONEY DOWN bdrm., dlnln&' rm. • ft.repta.ce. "'Aid. auto. wu11or. •lec:t. rans-. * with th.IS •d * •125-230 E . lllb st., LI l-&ee2 Teen .... or J'OW\C baby oa_,.. u ane:r e p.m. »c34 1 TT· ....._ nl. LI W"I NO COMlrfISSION No A.pprailll r. aAJ.a -Rlln1'AMCll OONlftUCTIOM Call '°' "'-rut Oamltmelltl • R41tdeDCOe Md Ullh.a Gal7 IOcU II C,.Cyla. !!!! '8A-.&pc.. fer a.t 2 BDRX. tum. a.au.. ~ 173 E. 17th St. ... -...... oo nna.o. ~ .. okt.1 llO mo. )"IU\)'. Bar. 1«0-J ...,.,.,. .. .., -- Don I. Huddleston ...,_ f ~ ~ and part.a. DELUXK inodom f\n'a lt\ldJo apt. IOcU LI a-t1M1 LI a.40U Jfow rifts .. wri.lt ,U.... Ta1Ye UWIUN paid 115 mo. ODrona ----------- ....... ftttinp or ma1a and rod del Mar. Har. OUl•R. Htlc TRLT. R&NTAL. Ntwty -• LOANS for Homes ...,..._ IClrpert mot.or td. up. bdrm. bou.w, 2 1-t.M. carpof'l. ~ or •.ooo mu. l1JU'Ull-. ~ Harbor Haven .i.oct. ran,., dl.lpoe&I, dr&pa9 Ir 1,. _IO 1"· a.. (MO Jll(»qT DOWN). Apartment.a • Pat.ice ~l.11, l&ndocapped. WMt aide ILUWOlt lllClllLAJf'D9 I Wna. l ~ ..... 8lroftco pGftJa. w /W ~ .... clnpea. Pa.Uo • lud- ....... •tt.600. LI 1-lJ.ll, llcll ~A DUPl..EX. potmUtl la· oome PIM TT·· 00111plotol7 turn. 80 ,....... .. Mia It. 8a7 --.ca. '11,000, &ltnd.1 .. ..,__ J . )(. MlLLICR 00. -"· Balboa lllYd. Bar. ~1 (.,..,. ta.. Newport P'41r) C-2 Buainesa Lot Oii N~ 91"-at 1DdulltrtAl w..,.. '811:1• ft. Call ..... ~ 110t.. lltto Attention lnveatorsl PIUCS IWDUc&D ir~---w.--..... P"'O'P"\J. 2 1DoMnl wn.11...,. ca u · a 1JT aot tbat oboWd -.. A REAL BUY IN COSTA MESA BRAND NEW: On a IOX160 fL lot to .U.7. I Bodl'oom, 1 ~ b&th, hardwood floor-. rorc.d A..lr ••t, homey raJMd l\ee.rth J'lroplaee In loveJy liYtnr room. Stucco utertor w1U. brick • Wood trtm. 2-car l'f.J"aCe. Pl1~• 111,500 -11600 dowu. VERY NICELY DECORATED Ir f'llrni.hed mchldlnr Built • tn Televlllon. aadio 6 Boolile&M. 'nil• ttve room hom• ta only I 7ean old and &I ill rood coo- d1Uon, ll.u a nice pat.lo wtlh portable b&rbocue. The ext.nor ll redwood and lt\ICCO. Property &I complotol)' 1•'*1. Pl1cod at ont7 "·"° «1mplotuy turnte.h-ed. Can ... ~ v.n.fUra. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. HOIO ON CHANEL-Cute 1 br. complete W1U. p6or and allp - Wa!k lo P.O. A U do llbopptnr ParUall1 tvm.. Sll,600, t.rma. ROMJClt K. 8ILU'l:I\. Realtor 1ot Mcr-4da Pl .. at ta. N_,,ort Pier. Har. uo l:vH. Kar. ana-w Harbor 28~ BUSINESS & HOME D>LU. BVmH'Ua LOCATION A tN90 ~ hocM. 8'amUIHe bu1ldhlc 30aU. •Pllro.xlma~lJ • ,.,.. old. 8-t Cut tilde loca- Uon. 8£!: thla today. F\llJ prlc• • 11 ,&00. t 8rtnl • WIC RA VI: a ,_ c.~ buUdll\1 lot.e priced to ..U. RJ:BUILT ENGINES NEW . ROOK. lltJ'Ml .. vtl. Near of Coeta ,._May be euitabl• Construction Loans -UP lo 11 MONTHS TO PAY-Kboota. ~ dl.e\.r1ct. Quiet. for offlc• or profeollonal. ftat ... ta ear -. r.ctA>r7 by aklll.. p1.-t. aclu..tYe. Oa.rMI• c!ia· SIOO mo. plu. utilJU•. &a 808 aA'ITl.m Pa. rftl.!r =-~ te~~, ~::: B. A NERESON t. ~Oil. Adoq11&t.e paR• RLU.TOR •ecMnllta. DoA'l C'CICltaid wtUI poea1. 1&.Udr7, ""°1'111" rooma, LI 1-"72. 10cU •11 &Aft OOAft BLVD. 1M _...,. aaa. 8uJ d.lrect.. 1131'•· '81.IO u:p. Octuplee en· -----------OorOM Ml Illar ..,__ -.... 1AeltW lA t.bo tut'9t 1N1 Newport Bl•d., eo.ta M- l"vwtaa tart ot ea.a M--. LI a.ant ICY-. LI 1-4120 npt la Ule IMart ot a Jar1e. -----------mun.T and INSTAJJ.ra> Uni llrfft. Oood .uri-rvt.11on. UHrURH. I bdmL, 2 bath. .,..., ...._ POllUD ¥Qa'l'QAGll 00. ~ llllddo and °"t. S125 ... _ •--....... _.. •-••-IHORT BLOCS Mcr. 1601 Baven Pi..c. W.U. -.. -•----1'01'D -•ut.&O t Block aouu. ot HJsti 8cbool mo. Call OWDff Bar. '7 or nit· ..,_ .._. AtoJfb4 ClmtArr. WlMn WAI 111 pM • , • u.t'o ltl Approx •u.toO _. '°"11 roqolNd. Call Clm\'JWLZT SU.8.&0 ALSO ruRNJIHmD AP'l'B. dooee WL ti ----------- Uve in Corona del Mar ! ! Move to Cliff Haven !!! ft.TX. .. 000011: ·•100 WIN I EA JlA TSI attc NEW n1eot1 tu.n. I bodnn. tor REAL, ESTATS L0ANB ......, 1Aert1 I.all mornmp <BJlT8 ... DE IOTO --•1'70 ----------- 8'1't1DD>KER -··--•110 Lido Isle family. '75 mo. N•r oto--. l.Dt.er.t Bat. 5-6lL a. w an. t P• a. Uc Our Colla .._ Ott'lco ha. a bit· IOt 12ad 8L, NtwpOr't. llpM 71179' -----------Ins 0n a lonl7 I bed1oom and OLD8 6 POH'l'lAO I --tlTO wim •nG Bayfront JIOl)9()M ··--•1'7G OM and two bdrm. •--ta. 1.oane ciuldd1 .... 1a u. 11.nor I "-11omo tor sn.aoo and the YEARLY 1ma11 l'la'1IUllled llo\&80 >.r.., i..,... Md a.ta ar.... TO E MOVED __,.. want to mon to CDM w1t.b tr--. now.. .. p&tJo-lf.11.&1• °" mulUple Wllto. """ & tnar ITVCXX> BUILl>IH~ 8oulb at u.e HW7. Pntfen a a... Ou 1T'M Towiq ,_ -·~ J'fmw CAA OUAJU.NT'EJ: l'Vm18IMd. o.ns-. T-rV or N_,. ~ bu. .. lltor.. m. or old. & WW. ud • .,. ~7.... OWMD JlAJt. IJM.J. 10c12 lln&ller I Mdroom. 2 b&UI home. .._ au.t ... t O\U' ~ winter ront&l. Har. MTI. .... tu-. luUlo and otl 0,.. ._.., 10 a..m. \0 I p.a. II• po~ 148 mo. lnchldtnl fl11anctq pot pw& ...._ -----------HJa llome la rtally nry n.ta.. utWU..O. 111-11.lt. Bt. or lfar.. Mlnimum • .,,.._. II ,_,. tenl LOKO D4Cll. nar )'&dlt har· It lat.e--..CS itn uo a call. bor llo..J. l2p at ......-. Ne ~ tor .,.... bor, I tldrm. iao-.. Carpet., BEi I ES ENGINE RSUILDERS 0,.. DaU1 • to ' et.at. 8oadecl NEW LOCATION 310 Eaat 3rd St. LUft'A. ANA LARGE, IUN'NT, TltOPIOAL turn 1 bedroom apt. Oar., pa.UO. ao.. to Udo Cftlter. y OU'ly na. - Har. UOl-.1--llt aaN It.. Jfpt. 8-ch. IOcU THR£ll BCDRK. J'URH. HOUU Coeta K--. ... -lb. llmmar7 appn.i.I. IQ a.-aa drapoil, p&tto • -u lot. 210 Bay • Beach Realty, Inc. om.na Walll. Coar .App&an Corona dol Mar OUk:o DAN A. JAOOBl&H, ~ Har.Mll.rro&LI~ ""· MU1na d&otrlcO. BSrnJock l6IO It. Oout. a.,.. H.Al'bor &Mt ~ &.-. OWIHJ I a ITlOL IOcU ---------- Oeddimt&l Uf• IM •• 0.. rOR UL11 BT OWJOIR-..4 bed· • 8"IUl MMl ..... AM room lilomol, l ~ .U.. I.and· WATER nlONT t'unL ..,ta.-COllT.+. 1m8.A. I bedroom p&rtl7 " ~-a .. 1~ -· •~- WINT11:R oal7 1 .. I Wna. DO f\l.nL bouM. HTatt 6-"67. llcSI -----------~ ~ .;: c;jj pell cllildlw ...acc.n.. ITOI • a -t~ ··--a.au SOI I .. or Ql.uiol ~ Bar. 1Jl7.J. •Tl XO. ,.... bdml. -... tunl.•aD•r "'i! i ';ft;i ,... Httc Jtttc 200t Mlrunar ~.. P tr 1111: 0 CL&AH JNOO.Ka ~ ----------------------Potnt -Wmtor nntal -\0 M9da. "->' ud lllopplas Dl· . ... -=~ =--• ~~-c. o. B&A.WLB, Tit Lu\Am Dr. celleDl ntuna • .. ~, o1 Barba. Mii. 10c11 ~ ~ Ol'tr'lll ..Ull. Pl.~ IQIW I Wna. I ~ .._. ea lltte llOlllml S. ...,._ "-'tar ILUI ACK&. Otwa'• ..._.. NEWLY D~TSD. alcMl1WJLL ---.._.---_,-.._.--wt-U.-e..,.a.--. lOI ~ Pl., 11t tM !fowport ,.,., .a.tne "'91 • ,nil BACK BAY OCEAN FRONT .J.1 FEET lsA8T CHANCE to set 11 feet of oc.-s troei.,.. UI on• piece. Nle9 comtort.aW. ti.ch oot ~· -u.. ~ now-(Ddud1ns ........ BALBOA-INCOME 6 Furniahed 1 B. R. Unit.a plua owuera large 2 B. a. apartment. Beet ttntal area -excellent income. . ., BALBOA-BAY AVENUE I "J 4 B . .R., 2 bath home -$28,9'50. Owner wUl con· aider home Westwood area or qbt exclwlae for amall clear beach hOWle harbor u.. . BALBOA-NEAR LIBRARY 2 B. R. home with ~ bath in garace. Nice encloefd patio. Owner will comider trade on income in Rivenide. Slf,695-Good terma. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC.~ 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Dalbo& Har. l2M TERRIFIC BUY OPPORTVNlTT KNOCKa Jl'Ol SOJiO:ONJ: t.o pu.rchaM thll weU built three bedroom and 2 baU. home. Onl7 l~ yean old. Hard- wood ~. toroed air boat- 1arba1e diapcwal -two car ,.,... 9' .. What a bu7--0wner WUI t.ak• l•nNI. Full pr1.~ •11 .toe . Industrial Bldg. APPROX. 2000 equare feet, clOM ln loe&.Uon. Good a1 .. lot.-Ottl- Clll Ir l&rJo worid.nC IU'M. Will Hll thl.I properly or 1-. Now ncant. 1'\ill pme .. °"'J'- SU.IOO. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Evenon 1 ... "~ lll9d., a.ta ..... (&cl'Oll• from Coot.a M-Bank I Pb. LI M7tl ........ Kar. u.I LI 1-llOI Bargain WATCH THIS COLUMN . FOR THI: lloeT cant\aUJ' Ml.ct• ed YalUN ta oula of out diott""- 17 dittonnt JLUUIOll AR&Aa. BALBOA PB:NIN8ULA CHARXJllfO IDOdera Pnmadal I br. Lota ot cupboudl, ~ blMk to 1'\l.1· Cl~ loul. .. UI a mo. r .P. •ir.aoo. CLIJ'J' HA VEN R.ut..ROUND Urifts &I ...,. an4 thritt)' ta ~ • Wra. homo. K.W. l'lra., Wed ld~ tall. 6 dlatunuter, tor -u..r. lovely -1. 7anl '°' 1ddm, •1.1.100 , "· NOOO da. NT ....aL Muriel~' P-encwer Realtor *' Newport JlhocL. !fpt. 8-dl CU)' Parkins Kanor .. 10 A Many Splendored R•Mleacel J BJ:DROO)(ft. oldtr bridt IM>m• Back Bay Are.a! on one noor lltOo eq. ft. Larl'O !' I ••ry Jars•~ • lrumpua~ lo\ wtlh fruit in., -.n con· e 2 fl.re~ nec:ted. Hue• cane•. l&uftdr)' Ir • ~ noor.. • paUo-laced hobby room. Prict •lull~ t.o • Wood lllWle'-root Ut,600. C&JJ m for ruu ct.t&l1a. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 Balboa BAYFRONT Dupla l ·I bdrm. II l ·l bdrm .• J c.a.r rvace. rur- ni.IMd, Pt.~. T6na. MJ1bt COl\.ickr trade for Co.ta M .. a lncom• property. Ocean Front P"URN S &drm.. 2 bath bou.o A 1 bdrm. apt. ova pr ... • •JG.llOO T8'1'1M- OLDEJ\ t bdrm. JIOUM. torc:ed air b•L Only 121.IWIO. DUPLEX on 8&lbo. Bl'f'd. Sll.· TOO both unk.e nicely tum. Only H .000 wW band.le. Coast Properties 101 Z. BalbcMI Blvd.. .Balboa Harbor ~. 2~97 and •tOO. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY -to live In your "ry owa n-J bedroom bome wtth on?t M<> monthly peym~nt.e. Liv. room. h.alle 6 I br. &TO carpeted WW. 12000 tmarbo 1-1 mane you IL e a yftn old--doaa • • ~ 0.1.. t+a• lnduded • a.a.t~ doWn. ruu. PNcm llUM Bay & Beach Rlty 1; lite Newport Blvd. · eo-ta at-. callt. LJ 1-1181 -~ LI a.aoat OOSTA MESA . t-J br WlltAI eor. clolo ID "4. l br, t\Jrn., W/W cup9l,' lln ... Int., petJe, RW f-. ·~ ~ for unit. ···-·--·--•• '* CLIFT HAVEN & br_ I bath, wtw carpet, ,..,_ tor pool. tamlly homo ··-'37.90 4 br .. 001\0NA RJOHLAHD~ terrific Y1-. Oil 2 lot.I. room -r pool -·· ----···-···--l•G~ M·l lau , C-2 iota. IUbdlv .... ac,......~. Cout Hlc1lway i--. (on b&y). ! Claire Van Hom Rl:ALTOft 2731 W. Cout HW7. U 8-d'TT 5 Acre Estate Site BACK BAT AAZA. 8&1, IUe Md Mountain view. C1-. to 11ei.ol at1d ehopp1n1. ~ A·l. J\IU price IGOOO pw -.cro. ~c.lieat term.a. Oft.ANOE COAST "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. f\lJ1L l Mnn. AP'-Aqlto. Ml AU ~ a--pn. _. PW. Ber. HO...._ Hu. ~W Pl.IOI. -.UT TaUQ. Opell l mo. 7"1'.1. UUl. lllc1. lUI W. Bal-~ J.lYlal ,_, TV, -a&· Ban...... t.e I .... Ill 11M It. llcM boa m.c. Bar. im..w. aie11 ..,. aua-...._. 6 prl ,...._ ---------------------- PROPl:RTID RALPH P. ll ~ASKEY 1807 N"'l>Ort. eo.ta M.-1MI Newport Blvd,. Coet.a .._. IVJ LI a-1112 SY.. u l-4IOJ __ L1_1_..i_1_n_or_u __ 1s_66M __ _ 1 waw.-. tnlllr, • n& ~~-­IToll ' LI l-T'70. UcM •.& > ! I W I.e. MU K..pon ...... NtiWpt. 8ch. UDO R-3 I -II ft. ._. • llo. -r..t. .. ueo--.o.aT.D ........ ---tOI OWJfm ...... ' .... ._. BALBOA BA y FRONT LOOK AT THIS ONEl ... M9-W, • aT .. 1.-. l8tt• =.. ~:~~ J'OUJ\ BEDROOM, don, for u.. 468 ESTHER ST., C.M ..._ la '9aa. ~ dOor prb et a lot. '8000 ..... to I Bl\.. 1 ~ BATH, tarp ~ .. MD 6 .S~ 8* ~ llMa• root. u ...i brl<k ti,.,._ n owrua ...,ell. ...-. .._,. .._ ... tuellOed 1N7w. dbl pr. Qui« 1oc.-auon. · r . P OOIMJKA Imo MAR. ..... I ,......._ Jf .. 11 "7 D Pl'·· UUOO. &---. W• luln tJ»e,., Wra. ....... Ila JI m ,___ ,..,.. e •ttiMtJ t-4. flUIO Wft. ..... WW •J •U.S ... Illar. .... llcl4 ......... ..,. ... ,. ,. -----------.~,._tu.• ~ & L8'Vm. IW. •ft. W. 8o.. et Bwr. • "'' ••ie -·-..... o.w ... ..,...,. -oaa BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES MelTla ..... .._ DcM llOI W. 8lallloa -... ........ Ila • - ------= __..__ -----_-·-=---? Chester F. S.lisbury NtALTOlt Ill Martne. a.n-W... ~ltTl . - ·: ~I I i I '· , -. 'VOGEL VALUES -MAIN Of FICE This Will Ring The Bell If you are looking for a Lldo bayfront home with pier and flo•t large enough lo accommodate a 100 ft. yacht and having 4 b<:lrme. and 3 bathe -all on 1 floor -completely furnished. $89,500 3 New Stores INCOME $6000 PRICE $W.OOO A BOlid commercial investment in rapidly develop- ing diatMct. All leased to show 1or} on total price. It's What You've Been Waiting f.or! Channing new rustic -2 lge. bdnns. 114 batf~· fireplace, bit-in oven and range, w w cpt.s., encloeed patio. Choice location le88 than 1 block from bathing beach. Priced t o tell at $22.500 unfurniab- ed or $25,300 furnished. $8.410 down. HE VOGEL CO. Hjway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 PANORAMIC Harbor and ocean view, "qualJty et.reet.." 4 B. R., den, 2 bath•. Low terma. Bar- gain $45,000 ffiVINE TERRACE, $5000 will handle. Almoat new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 batha, inaide BBQ. Drap- ene., 1tove, fuJly l&ndecaped. Low price. BA YSHORES A 'M'RACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro- tected patio. Owner arutioua for offer. A.aking $28,000 BA YSHORES 4 Bednn. 2 batha, Y:: blk. from t>.thlns beach. Submit terma. Aaking $29,750 FOR SSSS SAV.INGS SEE ART C .. K·ISTlER CO. Before You Buy LIDO OPEN HOUSE ll3 Via ·. Lido Nord Will be open for lntpettion aflemoona until aold. Two bdnna. and de1t.. Out ot town owner .anxious. MAKE OFl'ER t . REAL ! VALUE ~. 3 bedroom, Coat& ~-: HM!. floora -not a tract home, on Flot..er etreet near Irvine. $12,9:Wi :_ $3000 down ONLY $2500 DOWN - B!lt.nc!f $100 month. t furnished un1ta --: hurt of Bnlb<;>a. Real ld6ney maker. LIF~ INCOME . One of Balboa's most profitable 8 unit turnlabed courts, Balboa Blvd. corner PLUS adjoining lot. All for $10,000 down. Full price $47,500. e>n.half block to best bay beach, Ir one-halt block to oceu. TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE $2~ down, Balance $75 month. Two emaD ho\IM9 on 2 R-2 lota. Half block to ocean fronl Full price $10,500 ATIEN'TION INVESTORS 2 1 :: acres on Placentia Only $21,0QO -~ cub. NO PHONE INFORMATION ART C. KISTLER CO. Realtors 2901 Newport ~lyd. Houston -Values .C-2 $1000 dn. J OLDER ,l BR., ~Ar., on a IOll U O lot Jwit ott Newport Bird .. rm. to build! Asking $8500 Newpof1 Beach v v B~st Buys Corona del Mar I. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. Excellent condition, both unite have fireplacea, hwd. fin., laundry and garage. Price firm at $22,500. Terma can be arTaDged. Exclusive with ua. 3 J3DRM • on 60d00 -l\·4 on Santa Ana Ave , nr 23rd. 2, DELUXE 2 BR. HOME Full Price $6750 Hwd. noons, double gar., paved patio. A bargain Phone Harbor 5226 ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven EXCEPTIONALLY NlCB: 3 bdrm. home. lmmacut.ate cond. thruout. fireplace, hdwd. n oor•, w to w carpeUng It draperlea Included, lovt ly ftnced y1.rd, low monthly paynwni.-ASKlNO fte.ooo. Bayshores .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I 11 . PAGE l WEONESOA Y, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND A.'M'ltACl'IVE 'Md.rm., 2~ batha, nr. &. Ba7. Owner will take an.&ll down. A.Mins SU.SO<> GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lp. ya.rd. 3 bedrm. 1 i,J batha. $28,500 A.bout 200 ft. trom No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- lahetl home. S ubmit clown. $28,000 eC> IT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Llttle laland, pi~r. float, fermal f bdrm. home. The land value la clo .. to the u king price. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large Jot, 5 bdrm. 3~l bath house plua unuaual 2 B. R. apL over 3 car garage. Both unita newly furnlahed. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Maririe Ave., Balboa laland BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX $2950 down -$13,950 Needs some paint & fix · in' up but here'11 an ex<'rp· t ional opportunity to buy well localc.-d income pru1•- erty on the Is land. First time Jisk d & should 11<'11 In a burry at this price. Payments only SlOO nio. Just clean your paint brushes -and brini; 11loni:; your check book! OPEN HOUSE Honeymoon Cottage 701) Bln•·k l'1o1n~t'lt11" 'llM r .. 11 nmv tor 1t.,p1 111 ln"Jlf'• t t11111 11nwun11ly h\1111,d ht•ottl', fn c.•pJ, b(i.Mu,;·,t • • tl1n~. "'' , lg ~ lr11, lw1111l r1ot10 ~ llU<.l, a ll fur $I f•.t1110 I 1•1 11'- SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properties. "222 ONLY • YRS OLD. 2 brdm . 1ar. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon. HYatt • .,, on •lltY. room tor a.nother ualt. 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW al $15,950. Low down payment. EXCELLENT BA y V IEW home on cor. lot. I bedroom•. I &• bath., 11' .. llv. room with Cl&f · 1tone flrt pl&ce. full din. room. • brea.kfut room, hdwct tloora, loada of cupbo&rd9, vitra l•rs• dbl car 1a.ra.re. fenced y u d. PRICED IUOKT at ONLY 123,500 -T~. 341 Huel Drive. C lJM Beautiful v1 ... w home ot 3 bdrrna , l ~ balhl'I. wa.Jklnic dl1t&nc1 to bathing brach. Thi• horn•• outstRnthng kwa· lion C'OUld not be dup11nitr1I toda.y for th• a:;klng rrin or 132.600 -terma_ 0 pen House 3RIH 01 ,.111 H l\•I 01 1 ,.r n o•ltt l Johll Macnab, Harbor ~9 can't mi.u on Ult.a. Lou Boynton, Daya.Ide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Mari.De Ave., BaJboa laland Open House D•ily 1-5 203 Vie N~e lido HAVE YOU SEEN the am&rte9t houe on Lldo ! ! Tb• brand new modem l'Nach ~ with a .... t ._..of dlplty along wtt.h a euual HoUday feel- U., ln tta 3 Bdrm.. 2 mar- ~top pullm&a b a t b •. l:lec. ldtc.ben., m • r c u r y ftitcbft. well choeen ctr· petlnc thruout. Le• patio, ..,,,.._,"' land.acaplnr ! u nvt check 203 Via Nlce UDO. A Spic and Span Waterfront Comer 48' ot "'•t•rlront nHr Lido. Prtvat-e pta.r &lid n~t - 1 bdrma., ttr.plac•. 1hutt1n, C&tp9LI aDd drape.r1ee. a-utl· f ul 1arcS.n. lm~ulate rondi· t lOft lhni.out . A.lltlnr IM.DOO Cht<k Ulla bMutltul lot on Cor· nn-8lreet to 8 tl"HL 'l 'n"-r )oC ult et I U . 000. r OR UU81t 8pactoua Udo Homt . Comrl•l•· ly tum. I bdnna~ 2 batha Win· tu or y-.rly BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. LIDO OFFICE 1112 WayettA, Newport Harbor 3643 BALBOA ISLAND 00 YOU HA VE THE TDIE ! 1f llO you can get a ,..i ntum on your innstme.nt. 3-bdrm. home 2 bdrm. apt. plut guest room and bath. turnwbf'<i t.hrougbout. N~ a Utt.le love and care. S!:E IT TOOA.Y -$23,000 OWNER ANXIOUS! LIDO ISLE 'TIP-TOP QUAUTY BUY. Raftly can we offer eo much for eo UttJe! 3-bdnna. 2 bat.ha, uouau.&I in ct.Jgn, almost new, large patio. FULL PRICE $26,500 NELDA GIBSON, Re'altor I08 Ka.rtne A.~• .. Balboa lal&Dd Har. 0502--4~23 LIDO ISLE BEAtmFUL home on Lido Nord comer with ptr- JM.Denl view of Bay. Near beat beach !or 11wim· ming. Thl'f'e bedrm8., hobby room It den. Charm- 1D1 lrlnr eil:e muter be>droom wit h alcove and connecting private bath opening onb> large sun deck. The unUAually attra('tive dining room ha8 aliding glau door-a opening t o the patio, whlle the modt>rn kitchen hae built-in dishwasher. du1posal. copper hood. ceramic tile and numerou~ other featu~ to pleue the moat faatldious. Truly one of the finm or bomH, and priced to aell. SHOWN BY APPO£NTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 111 3 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 IRVINE TERRACE OutAlandini \1EW homt', brand new. large lhing- room fini11hed m Aldent,·ood panelling, fireplac«". to~ air heat, tork ,, vinyl tile noora, bath " :1 ,. two •hwra .. dining room, b~akfut bar. t:~lo.ed patio. dbl. gangf'. All th1• plus the finetn"1EW Choice Lots Ma47& M·l .. ........ ... -.. 112,&00 70.H>O R·4 . ~. .. . ..... ltt50 eo.150 s. A. Hi.. . .. auao ~127 R·I Npt• HI.A.. .• l44&o lrns. ~ll Bay • 11260 Open House 380 l.A CANADA WA"'!. ultrt. modf'm , 3 bdrm . 2 bath• Rancho unobalructed vl11w. ul\ SH,600 mu .. orfer. Open Sun 11 •II Houston Realty Co. 4 A880CIATU ~ Ctnltr 8t. t.:o.ta Mtsa w ...... l u t-T71"1 Eve pll P t tllte U 1 --11"7 Lytle U 8 · 211~ 'Tt:4ERE IS ONLY ONE LIDO ISLE! l'! . AKO ONLY ONE BR.AND ~ v•n L.AROlt 2 STQRY J •o- Rek>M A OEN HOMY. J..Al\OE ROOM5 Wn14 EV&RY OIDN- c lliVABU: B JLT·IN S~.IOO u Jh:stJA U. y DCPR£Rl'llVE.ANO ~ BUU..T I ROOM HO¥& • 1 •C AR OARAOE LlK~ •«"'' b tra larre ci.n • ~t10 tor rul llVll'llf and If' •<'IOU• .. nltrt&tftll\I >., RJ:AL BUY 177.)00 TEAKS Seven lal•nda Re•lty & Investment Co. . NEED more capital In your bwiineaa '! Need an a.-o- 'ci ate • TaJk to llft. We ha\•e client who would Hh a good investmenL · For rent in Corona del lt~r­ Home with 2 bdnna .. and den and 11ll"Cplo1 porch. Adults. $125. pe~ mont h yearly. View! Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Mul11plr U1111n~ ll•,•\•or• n•1~1nto Orolttr 3136 E l'•I llv.y <"01ona dt l Mar Harh<or 21~'2 001.{'F.~ OPN'lltTt'l\I T'J to r• .. ~ ('l'll•lr• 11 rh•rk""' rolu It 111111 ... ''"' Jli.-0 •In • 1t11rt fin tht.11 11 ,.,.,.,. r•l'IC"h n. ••llh 111:00.I ~ rm hnm,. 4 Mrt rialt.t 2 r1r 5111r ai:t Si!\ mo 1111 b" Ian rt ORA :"r.£ C'OA&T l'Rn l'r;r. 1 lr.S 1<1,;; =''"I "'•L. c., l• M4'u LI 8 l ~32 ~;v, t.I 8-e: 03 WA TE:1Fi~O~T l.l•'i". romrlf'tf' '"llh b•1lkhnl '•·Y cloH tu U tlo ~ht>pp.nr tot1r hl conaltl~f tnuit •IM'<J for tqully H OMJm t: ~llAFER. 11\ca.llor lot! Mr Fuld4'n J'I. H&r lt<1 Evo H•r 2,\1tl·M fia1 8ff8-W Acreage Quality built 2 B. R. and den ranch type home on Morning Canyon road. 2 bathe, shake roof. Out- atanding view of ocean, canyon and hills. $37,500 full price. $12.000 down will handle. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T . McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coaat Hwy., Cordna del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located nut door to Corona del Mar Bank) OUTST ANDING-SHORECLIFF lt'a our pleuure to offer, (pr the finil time, one of the Une.t homes In ~cl. Sbo~litf. The home ltaelt conaieta of large llv. rtn., with rai.d hearth firepl a.nd from the large corner window•. " view of the waleT'. a Den-din. room with flreplace, a lovely Jutcheo with BLrch cablnet., dt.hwuher, 1arb. disp. 4t bit. in oven Ir range, 3 bedrooma It 2 Jge. baths, with Muter BR opening on tbo patio. Ovtr the dbl. gar. la a beaut. gum rm. & :\• bath, with a ew~plng view. The hou.e Ir guest rm. are entirely carpeted wall to wall In addition, a hut- ed, tillered "Imperial" pool ,fenced for protection. Should be seen to appr<'Clate. The price i. fair - Term• it dmlred. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coa&t Hwy. Coron.a del Mar Har. 2ii4 NOTICE F1 RST OFFER JN\. L.J DO ISLE 3 broroorM. 1' 1 batha, 10 mn'a old. t.NGRA:M built Perfec t ~25.500 Generous terms. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy . I at Port Oran~e I Newport Bu ch LI 8-i!)62 llar 51J 1 C\'rs. Waldron Realty Co. SPECIAL Corner location cll'M' tn 11hOJ)8 . . Krhonli; . anr1 transportation. Walking cl111t 3 1•1'1' to Bev Br n1 h. A TTRACTIYEL \' DESINl.EIJ JH:1'1.1-:x. Two 13 P.. & garage earh unit with fconc,..J yard 1111.J 1 nrnle patios. Income will pay 1ti.el f out THIS JS Ol'R F:XCLUSJ\'F: ~PFA.IA L AT $1"1 !);>() 301; Mannt' A\PnUP Balbon lsh111d Harbor 0231 nnd l\!'!\ ll:i rbor 4J07 OCEAN FRONTS Two alorv furnished horn" J,.,t nmi. from 11trc-et lo beach." R()('tm for extra unit -ht tame <Jff<>rcd. A rul buy $16,00(). (;o()d t<-rml'. ALSO five umlJI and extra lot, near Balboa pier. $26.500 well fma ncrd. Harbor Highlands LOVELY NEARLY NEW S bed- room. J t., Mtb bome, nJcely OPEN SAT ... St'N. 1·3 1E11clua1v• llatlng1 Ca.II now for prf'· 1how1nc. l'enoranu!' 1 ... v 1o. '"' 111 ''"" 3 n1<•r t..11 , .: 1~1 h~ Ii.; 111-. rr11 SC'f' \h111 u nr l t• .. 1.1\ ''''""f" H )A •1!11 Call Harbor 20'42 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS Robert w. Rayle-Chas. T rtiVtl'l-C. B n uss. /l.s~1 .. 111 1•'11 312 Marine Ave., Balboa l8land landac&ped ftnced yu'd. htlwd. ------- flqon, w to w carpelln(. F . A beat. 1lldJn( f;IU• doora onto patio, located In l'iewport 1ehool dutrlct. PRICED at 11e,600 - t; 'IC ellenl tenna. KINGS ROAD VIEW LOT t.'NSU1lPAS8ED vu:w ot entire cou\Jtn .. ff600, "C" THOMAS, Rltr ZZ4 W Cout >Uway-U 8-M27 c-· THOMAS "C" TJfOMA.S Costa Mesa OPEN DAILY 2 lo 5 p. m. 2 177 RURAL LANE TURN Of"f' N'JCWPORT HLYU et 2Zll<I ~tr~tl. R ur-.1 Ulnfl •• tlrat St rffl on rllfhl 3 ~lroom11 H"rtJWn<><I t lt>or• ''11\'1 t •tl r •Hlo Cl•1•e lo 11d10 .. 111. 11to r 1•3 II t ran ... p<>rlt1\llll'I Ha.-l~ I lo~n p11valt111 WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE Re al fa.mily home on choice ~o. Bay Fro11t k1n1 - tioo. 4 bedrm., all electric kit chen . See th~ 1f ll'a a Bay Front you want. HA VE YOU SEEN THIS DELIGHTFUL BALBOA ISL.AND HOME " With beamed ceiling and Iota of knotty piM. Doat and moortng included in pnce of $25,000 IF IT'S A LOW DOWN PAYMENT YOU WANT, and a large 4 bedroom home you nff'd. don't pu. up thu1 Corona del Mar Vogel Value. Permanent OCl.'an \'icw -few steps lo bt-ach. $4000 down. The Vogel Co. 20R Ma n ne Avt'nUt', Balboa b land Next door to the Po11t Office Har. <IH Eve8. Har. 3059-M Har. 4248-R $6'> fl"r 11wn1h. In• lu•UnK taxi'• • A: lnflUrlll•,. O " ""r t .. 1n.1t trnn~· 1 S MES Th B T (Prr~1. 1111.lllOU• ,,, ... ,, 11nd 'A lll co TA A e est own on Earth .. Duncan Hardesty Ren I tor Harbor 4i18 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT H ElGHTS A 2 nttRM HOl'lU: in " Wl')ndl'r· f 1.1 n"llfhb,,,1,,..,.1, J Qt>tl "'°hOOI• •ntl you < "n have It all fl'Jr t>fll) SM 7flo J RI 1R~I I'• HA THS Ah11k,. r<.nf b111ll 111 k1I< hrn lr&tto r .... \\' \\' <rt• thr110111, flrrpl11r,. Ranrh l\'I'" h'>m!' 111 l't \\ port H,.111thlll s 2.1.:-.r111 f'l';HT HP.1'.'Ti\l, l ":-.'lTS, almo11t BACK BAY VIEW -REAL RAN\ll HO~H: - F1VE bedrooms, furnished, many l'Xt ru . Ont> full acre with room for t hat horBe or more building. $37,500 INCOME : New 2 Br. home and G unatR lnll fur- nished) well kept. Near Bl ... d. It market.e. Total monthly income $445. A sound investment of ~9.000 A REAL HOME -2 Br. & den. k notty pane panel· ing. f1r<'pla<'e. w w carpelmg. large picture w1n- d fJWt1, 2 dbl. c11r garagPs PLCS a nry nicP little duplex & all hlrntshcd .. 23.000 with only S5000 dn. G. N. WELLS, Realtor IXJO Newport Blvd., Costa M<'Ra LI 8-1001 """" n 11 rt'nl t •I T ot Ill 1111 •11nr __ _ Jr1~11 nwnlh THE VOGEL CO. 17 •:l :-;,.wrort nJ..,I . l..'111\a Mr~" 1.lh,.111• ~ 7;fl!ii F.v .. 11 LI A·7t !l7 r.< 'I.OE~ OP PORT\·:-; rrv to r.wn M l nrte on l'lllr l'ntl& ~:, f t. roa•lWa}' thru ln t "" 111lm.·1n~ b111l•l1.11~ 11rra nt 1:, 11 Ii I l'tttJ>U t y ( lu.r -S{I()()() dn lo n11ni11 ... OftA:>;r.F: \OAST l'ROl'J-:RTn~ I~·.; ,'\"e"' port, C'<>tola M··~& I.I IS· Ir.,,: t;ve LI 8-6803 urr 3., et R-2 u 2:.11 IHIMl'.fl 1-; S HAYE:R. Rt&Jtor JIW) Mr 1-rt•:hl,.n J>I. a t IJ141 Nf'Wfl0r1. l'l!'r. HAT H ll E vr1 Har 62&8-W H&rbor 2:129·M i YR-O W furnl.t11!M <><"an f ront home on R-3 lot Room to bulld lnrome unUit. J llUIOO f ull price only 14()()() do•,, J . M. MlLIZR CO, PERMANENT OCEAN VIEW BEAUTIFULLY BUILT. Cape Oid JWninsula po.int.._ home about 3 yni. old . 3 B. R., 2 balh ; caf'p<'tlng and d rapes, forced air heat. sep. laundry room, 2 fireplaces. 20 x 20 aundeck. lg~. fenced yard. P rice S28,750, terms. CoMider trade for boat., car, or lot . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l &JS W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 LIDO ISLE 148 Trieste ·obtainable. $42.500. Exclu1ive with ) 202~ W. Balboa Blvrt. Har ""'l 11''Dt:8TRJAL. b tiatn-6 r•lll· I ne&r: the N~wport Pier I denll&I acr .. ce Al.eo tt..rlc.h .. OPEN DAILY 1-4 P.M . $22,000 RAY REALTY Co •nd rro•n tn Coirta )f--t:PP ER • LOWER lnrome tlnll• • 8411ta Ana UM N B C REALTY CO on rtar nf cornn l('ll tn COM "" E. c.out Hwy. Corona d~l Mar H&r. 2288 • • • • F urn1ahe.1 SlO.llM terma. U:lt (Acrolm from Ban1t lD CDM) DAN A JACOaaEN. k.ltor 32nd and Ntwport 81\'cl , Newport Bea ch Har 1405 CA~EY otflrt . 2i21 r. <'-0ut _. .................. ..., ..... __________________________ ...., __ ._ .. ___ 1~..,---1.1--a.a ___ 11_._aoc __ ~ ____________ ~------------------------..~-----1-11_r_nw_•_:r_._co __ M. __ Har~·-094e--~s0c __ s_1 _________ 1~··------------------------··-------~ OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coul Hwy., Cat Port Oran1e) Newport ~a.ch LI 8-7~ Har. ~!M eVM. • PAGE 4 • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS _GZ-_ne._1_FA_ta_te ____ t1?-__ n.ra~!'!!~~fl ... ., .... ~~~~~·-· ....... . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 RLA NCHF. A_ CATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND H OME & INCOME. One of the moat charming 4 B. R. 3 ha hnmt'R nn Is land plus guest room and bath -ANn unusually attractive furn. spacious 1 R. R. npl Dbl. gar. Owner leaving town. Xlnt. f1nan<'in~. This ill a fi rst class property, pr iced to s<>ll. Our exclusive. 32•1 ~apph irP. OPF.N HOURE Friday, Sat., Sun. Can b<' Rhown 11ny t1mP. We have the key. Beauti- ful 4 R. R. home and beautifully furnished. Lovely patio. Priced t o sel1 ! ~24 .:500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 R.R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But hurry! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBER~ OF MULTIPLE LISTING 31 1 Marine Ave., Balboa Isla nd Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 LIDO BA YFRONT A very special home, of t he calibre that is seldom for eale. F or family reasons, t his nearly new, cus- t om, owner-built home i!! offered t o the select buyer who can afford the beat. Without question, this oultltandlng home of 4 11pacloue bedrooms and 5 complete luxury bath- rooms, Is the ultimate in quality con8truction. The owner epared no expense wltile building and fur- ni11hing this exceptional home, and this is evidenced throughout, from t~~-controllcd garage en- trance, through the lovely room1 wit h furniture dealgned especially for uch area, and out tn the big pier and slip where the fortunate owner may keep hie yacht moored at his front door. Tht. exclu.aive home, including complete custom furniture and appliances, in its choice Lido location, ill priced below coat at $100,000, which fact will Immediately be n'Cog'nized by the qualified buyer. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 33U Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 30c32 v Corona def Mar Ocean View Home and Income 111111 ii without a doubt the best value or the year ln a deluxe 2 bednn. borne. Two batha, hardwood n o0n , forced air heat, aeparate dining room PLUS delux e two bedroom garage apt PLUS furniahed 1Jtudlo a pt. Loca ted on a 45 ft. lot, only a few stepa to Ocean Blvd., and China Cove. Quality construc- t ion -exceJ le.nt condition. Shown by appointment only Priced firm at $38,500 Better .hurry -this won't la.st tong. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. ~RlCE T. McCUISTON, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona de.I Mar Bank ) 3lc33 J'O& SALE or TRADE FOR CLEAR RUSTIC HOME -by owner J Bed.room• Ir den -l :\" baths, pill.I gueat houae with '' bath. Heated swimming pool. wall to wall c.ar· peting, l&JTe lot completely fenced. C&nllot be dupUcatNi fo r full price o! $28,000 Cu be eeen at 611 A l·Dean, 1 block from high achool. l'bone LI 8-6839 or Har. 5962-J after 6 p. m. 25tfc Ocean Front Home . $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- lhore Drl.ve. Knot ty pine lh'lng room with dining attL Formica k itchen, 1 bedroom and ':! bath down, 3 bedrooma and 11 :.! baths up. Soho con- atroction, concrtte and piling foundation. 2 t'ar garage, rncloscd yard. Exrcllent b<-ach . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Ne9o'}'lOrt Bh·d .. Newport Bt'a<'h Harbor 1013 Shore Cliffs Exclusive 2 Bf.Orooms. p1m clcd den, 21J baths, beaut.1ful nag· atone patio, plate gla.u windows. mirrors, wa ter purif1c r, <'t<'. Luxuriou.a carpets & drape.s. PLUS aJI the other fine appointment.JI that makes a fine home. Nothing comparable l\t S3i .500. Can ar- range excellent tenna. YI. T. McKANUS, Realtor 1999 Harbor LI 8-3333 I\. L. 8TRICKLER, Realtor 3822 E. Cout Hy. Hu. 2i 74 ..._ • 1 27Uc '-iii!' ™1 ·. palmer • 1ncorp p. a . developers of Lido Isle 6 Units on exclusive Lido North Bay. 80 tt. frontage. Lo,·ely beach and view, furnished and rented. $10~.ooo. Tenn• New Lido Home Ranch l!ltyle 3 bedrm, 1 & :V. bathe, fon:ed air heat, dining area, good location between two nice 1 story homes. Close to bench. open be3fD ceilings. mas- 11ive used brick corner fireplace. LoftB of t ile and V<.'ry good finish work. Built by 1o'hn Visscher, a quality builder. $25.500 with $10.500 down and Sl20 per month. Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath Uflfttain with decka. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downstairs with enclosed patio. Both apts. have forced air furnaces, fireplaces, carpeting, drapes, refrigerator, elo,·e. Unbc!ievable J.lriced at only $~7,000. $12,000 down. OCEANFRONT 60 foot corner , best PE NINSULA location. $17,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 and Dreaming Isn't necessary. w\t\ave jut the home you want on Lido. Brand new 3 bednn. 1 & 3~ baths with built-ins galore. Completely land.leaped. $32,500 on termt1. Call Joe KincaJd t-0 .ee lhia excluaive li.Bting. Chance of A Lifetime Most exciting VIEW HOME In entire Harbor area. NOT LEASEHOLD. Three bedrooms, 3 baths, dining room, laundry, large cellar, lot. of closet. and s torage s pace. Room for guest apartment. Thie property cost owner in excesa of $54,000 to build. Because of death in family, will sacrifice for $40,000. 1709 Pacific Drive, Cor ona del Mar. OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. M. to 5 P. M. Come by or c&ll Dave Osburn for details. Lido North Bayf ront Lot Perfect location between two nice houaea. $36,500 Ask for Bill Farnsworth. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hJghway -liberty 8:()573 • This Week NEWLY OPE?\T.O FURNISHF.O HOME - HARMONIOUSLY C'ONTEl.fllORA RY In Irvine Terrace Opposit.e Irvine Const County Cl ub H ighway 101, Newport Harbor We are very p roud of the d ass of m rrchandii.e which we are offrring in In·ine Terrace. W<> know you will also like the locat ion. qul\lity of ronatruc- tion by Macco Corporation and interiors by Martin & Von llcml'rt. Homre 8\'ailable from $2•1,000 to $35,000 fn r t ht> discriminating buyer. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLU.Sl\"E AGE?\"TS Harbor 4448 COURT ESY TO BROKERS Peninsula Homes! ~O. 1-DOCTOR'S HOME AND A BE AUTIFUL PROP ERTY. 4 bedrooms. 2 bath. E xt.ra largt corner lot included . . . all walled for privacy. Badminton enurt, pa.Un and doub!e 1t11r11gt' Nlrt>ly la.ndaca~d. $30,bOO and lerma. VOGEL VALUES-LIDO ISLE OFFICE * * * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * N H BILL'S BEST BUYS ewport ts BACK BA y LOTS No 2 CASH lN ON mE m •:-;. DREDS OF' DOL.L.ARS SPE:-."f to modernize thll1 cute home . . f\Jrnlll>lt d, too 21,, bedrma., 2 bat h-. Fireplace. double car· ._e and aundeck . , . $17.~. $4000 down. Balboa Home! T HREE BEDROOMS, t •. balh1 C'loa" lo NHYC 1nr1 one-h&H block f rom but bay bt8c h. Extra lot lnclude•J Flrtplt.ct IUld la rge llvtn~ room Oldt'r homfl b ut wht.l po11s1bt11t1u. SI 7 ,000, term11. Bay Front Duplex! TH~I!: WILL !'<EVE R BE A~· OTHF.R BA Y FRO;\'T DU· f'LEX as •llr·a ctlvr •• thll' I btauuruJ proptrly, 11llu11lrd on the PenlM11h1. wit h prlvalf' ,._ch and pin rlchla. Bolh I unlt11 hlYf' 2 tw•troofn3. and th,. 11pr~r IA fu1 nl•h•d N11·I' I wn· dry an<I utlllt \' rounu1 fi,.~1 of all It '" only 4 '"Ar• t>llt Ru 1l today at l~i.000. $20 000 down. Costa Mesa Homes! WHEX \\'E no TAK~ TH F:M 1:-\ C'OST A MESA THEY llAVE TO HE 0000 • . . We ht.VI' \WO or t htm nnw One with • ~room11 and 2 baLh•. al I 12,800 and annther w ith 3 be<lr<'IOm~ at s 11 r.oo B•1lh dllO· dy valuf'a w" think. Balboa Realty Co. 0 11p01111e Bll1lk ot Amnlca Rosa Grf'rlty Al Coml'llUJ Ed lA>f' Jack P1nkh11m Jnsephlne Wtbh 700 E. Balboa fll"d B11lb11& Phone Harbor 3Z77 IN THE BACK BA Y AREA CLOSE T O TH"E BA,, W llhng handa r an lranarurm Ulla 111· moat. 2,000 eq Ct uf !lorn, & Rumpus Room lntn A dl'ltf.:hl· tul pl1ct. Fencf'd Int lllO x l"~ Pr1cf'd r11thl at $13,:ill() with r.L110nabl11 •town pavm,.nt Uwn· t1r will n,ns.,ler .. r1 rr or lratl•• BRAND NEW 1660 SQt.,;ARE FT 3 bt"lmnn1 1 '• batlla plus OVtrl'l:tNl 2 ca r f:M- age. This Beauty Ill ln~attd on a hAH Ar t t' 11n•I )'I It ,..j Al Jlllll $21.~00 Good trrn1A Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 1103 32ntl S t . l\'@wpvr t R"!ICh. t "11ltf Har. M 88. art.-r ~ r m Har 2293·J 32\ 3• C-.()LT'F:N OPPORTl'~ITY tn ('nllt l'l llM mn • n $1n()fl In· \'elltl'•I rl nwn payml'nl :t r11m unltA "" •I•'•" In nalt n\rr Nc>I A· I '11111111 V l'"n"I hut 111 1 flffi!' I~ Jf\tl "'" (Al(~· I II" I ( b11l11nc@ no rtniln\t' • ha•i..· • ()RAl"GI': <'O A ~ l' PROPl!:RT IE!' l ~!\7 :-;,wp1lrl. C ><l" Mrll• LI 8·1632 E\·~ LI -111«\:l BAY A \'E lll'PLI::X. C' .. 1 lot. beaullful Bay """' 9<1 ll. to Bay ~arh J.'\000 1t10\'I'• yto11 In J M Mll..LER C:O 202~ W. Ualbo.t. Bh'IJ Har. •091 1 nee.r the Nt•'P<l• l Pier 1 PE:-:t.-.:St:l..A LOT. One or the '"'°' ln Ult u~ Pr. t o sell $10.000 HO~t:ER E. 8~ Reallor 108 McFadden Pl . at the NeWJ")rt Pier. Har 140 Evta. Hu. 62&3·W MINIMUM MAXIMUM Yet, the price is minimum and the district Ui m&Jti- mum. A cozy 2 bdrm. home on a large lot in beauti- ful Newport Heights for only $10,750 with $2000 down -The $84 monthly paymente include taxes and insurance°' CLIFF HA VEN View lot Kings Road. Leaaebold lot 67' x 110'. Charming location, fine view of bay. Only $5500, $2000 .down. COSTA MESA Desirable 5 acre M·l location. $55,000 BAYFRONT HOMES -LIDO & VlClNITY 3 bdrm., 3 baths, carpet.a & drare-$57,500 4 bednns. &. den. Very nice. Pier & float $65,000 4 bdrms .. lovely corne r, partly furnished, pier and float. S73.500 4 bdrms 3 ba this, nearly new pier and n oat. completely fumlahed, $89,500 ( bdrm. & rods. quarters, carpeted, pier and float. $95,000 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3 116 \'ia Llio. N pt. Bch. Har. 4.971 or Har. 4972 J.::\•cs. Ha r. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 LIDO PROVINCIAL ... CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE This choice two bedroom CAn be youn1 f()r only $22, 700. • Beamed ceilings • t.;sed brick fireplace • lMide WIJldow ehuttera • Quarry tile k:it~beo • Large two-car garage • Large walk-in closet We have the key to this l.Dlmaculate, near new Lido home. Come m and discuss terms. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. K EMPTON CE~E \'REELANO 3400 \"1a Lido J . H. GROHMAN VIRGIN IA ~!ANSON Harbor 4444 <Across from Richard's Marl<t t Entrance ) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LlSTING, IT'S TiiE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport. Blvd, Newport Beach BALBOA ISLAND ALISO STREET: Older 2 ~drm., cor;y and cute on tree-dolled loL Term• ..... $10,7M ffiVINE AVENUE : 2 bedrm. m odern wtth larra llv· l._nl room, flrt:place, d1nin1 rm., lov.iy paUo, fenced yard. Terma ................. .. ........ __ $13,760 r ALDEAN PLACE: Buuurut ramblln1 rancb·lypt home, vcquiait ely a.ppolnlfd. all bulll·ln•. 2"9 lliiatha, large h.at· ed pool WILi\ JllUt houa!' Shown by appolntmmt only. u o.ooo down •. .. .......... _. n a.ooo KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME: 2200 aq. tt. or hawy ~·11 h hn led pool, u~nAlve p11tto and every buUl·ln feature your f11o11cy can name. 8bown by ap- polnUnenl only. Terma ·-......... J U .000 Greenleaf-Severts REALTY, INC. 3112 Sl'wport A!Vd , X"'VJ'nrt Har. 2M2 -Ev..._ 1.J 8-3188 WATERFRONT DUPLEX Nlcely fumlsh!'rt One living nn 18"20, on• l&ll24. Lt you w11.11t to liv• on Ul• wall'rlront and have a.n Income -rnJS IS IT $211,000. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd St , Newport B~ach. C'11llf Har, 6U8. &tl.t'r O p.m. Har. 2293·J 31 < :13 See Me-Ta Nelson FOH EX<"EI..LF: :"T \'A I ,n•;s COROJ\'A DEL ~tAR, nt£tl and ab!ny, 2 ~rm. home. carpru I .t. drlfH'll f'l'rt.-rl llH up (nr 2n<I unit.. Cln11e In I" r. $12,1\ft() COST A MESA Cholre loratlnn tor 111b.J1v1111t1n ~ btauurut ll< rM lnrQrJ1(lrlltl'rt ar,.a Cln l't1•t11. Mei11,·11 wtdl'l!t •lrf'el. $110{)() per acre. Leu lh11n '• down. LEMON HEJCHTS 20 a.r r,.1 t.'1· Jolnln« beauttrul t11Aln , 7 acru in ~11nn1 a vocado•. 1A1111 than 11 down . CHOICll! RENTAt.8, f'Uml1hert 6 unfumlahed. META NELSO~ 2908 E. Cout .Hv.-y, Corona del Mu. Har. _Cll)60. 32c34 Restaurant & Cocktail Lounge Several from $!)51}() to $7950. Aleo 3 at $8000 each. these on [lrt\'ale Jm c and arc 120 x l!':>O. MAGAZINE COVER HOME We have seen th<>m biggt'r but never cuter. ~tained redwood front with low hne shake roof. One ll\'· ing room wall IR of bcum and and used brick con- struction. 2 B. R. plus <ll'n, 11'.! baths, f1rt'placrs in both L . R. and den. Built in ran~<' and o\'en. 1 minute from high school. $18.~00 COMMERCIAL ACREAGE 150 fret fronl8g<' 150 ft. deE'p. CAn be cut Into three lots. On sewers, cloee to town .. Priced to sell. $16,000 cash. IT'S A SHAME To let lb~ two bedl"Q(>m home go a ny longer with· out a nice couplo to rnJoy its hommesa. comfort e.nd ho1plta.lity . Unclerpricl'd at $9.950. Rear yard completely cement bloc k frnced. Newly decorated in and ouL Subrrut. $3000 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly aervlce'' 400 E. 17th St, Costa Mega Llbert.y 8·1139 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY $4 295 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SQ. FT. at $ ... 60 sq. ft. $5295 Three Bedroom Loch Lomond I 155 SQ. FT. at $4.60 sq . ft. Car Porta 1 1 x 20 S21'l5 I 00'7" FINANCING GUARANTEED through S250,00-0 Sttondary F'lnannng Fund. on your lot pnid for or not. w 1-; ALSO BLl lLlJ lNCO~n: UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE. INC. COM OPl·:N ~t 'NOA YS Cor. Century & DrJrOlhy LF: 9-0633 27lfc 714 Goldenrod COM l'Nl'~l'ALLY ATTRACTIVE 2 bMr 1 '_ bnlh. cnrlo~<'rl patio on n1rrly l:tnn- scapcd 60 f t lot. Asking prtct SI ~.500. $5,000 dn OPEN HOt:SE J • 5 Sat & Sun. l'\11\', Hl & 20 I or T'honl! for app't I BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Har. 1862 Har. 4453 3542 E. Coast Highway, C. D. M. TRAILER COURT 20 unita with room for more. Good lootlnn on Newport Rlvd. Unusual opportunity, firat tlmP offered. $30.000 with JA down. N.B.C. REAL TY CO. 32nd & Newport Bl\'d., Newport Beach Har 5538 30c32 'DON'T make a MOVE" ChArming 2 bedroom born e and largo sunny patio NEWLY ESTABI..ISHED tn local boom arAL Call u. for det.aila. UNTIL YOU SEE with cabana. See thl• ror vaJue. DAN A. J ACOBSE:-f. ~eaJtor U~:; ~~~ Har. Mil. Ev• u M 317· aocu CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. .... MARINA FRONTAGE Q'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage WW SANFORD • STANLEY HADFIELD ~~po~ WATER. Deautlful L'OCAL At-:D NATION-WJOE MOVlf'(i Realtors FenneJ • Chr11Uannn. Realtor• Ph. Kl 3.9221 Eve LI S.2961 · Harbor 2629-M a U:SITS FURN. Coron.a deJ M11r. All ltued. Good "tu.rn on your tavvtment. •71,600. I 0...-, 11.u. wot ~ jJ'arine and Park Harbor 2~•2 27M C&r\tbed Blvd. BA 2-8231 • N Bl d So M · L' Balboa Island '"' •• IOc'JO Cllmrr rwport vc!. \&n . a1n ,.,t, • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 COASTAL SHOPPER PAGE 11 \T AL-L ADDS UPTO · NOTHING . Wild Claims of Competitive Newspapers, "More of This .. ·.: More of That, More of Something~ ... " IT A-LL ADDS UP TO NOTHING! • The Proof is in the Comparison, . The Proof is in the Sworn · Statement of Circulation, as Published in The 1955 C.N.P.A.(California Newspaper Publishers Association) Rate Book. I Official ~n d Aut hentic) Newspaper July l9S4 Now. 1954 Jt.ly 1955 Gala Newport Harbor News-Press 4600 4700 5300 700 L088 , 1st Competitiye Paper 5779 5626 4781 996 -O A,Or 2ncl Competitive Paper 3450 3450 • 3450 000 \ . Compare • Page by Page • Issue by Issue with any or all other Newspapers. and You'll see the reason why MORE RESIDENTS IN THE HARBOR AREA B.~Y AND READ THIS, THEIR FAVORITE NEWIPAPIR HARBOR PRESS iilmlii!!!!i~ MONDAY -WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY 50c PER MONTH IRINGS THREE ISSUES WEEKLY TO YOUR DOOR CALL HARBOR 1616 -ASK FOR CIRCULATION DEPARTMEIT . ' ,, ill • ALL-AMERICAN'S EARLY-BIRD 3 'SALE DAYS e Thursday e. Friday e Saturday NOVEMBER 17, 11, 19 WATCH FOR OUR · BIG THANKSGIVING AD MONDAY!. ~t.t.l' ~.._t.Ji..S ,~ . O~t. of ~~ ... 0 c,ot.~· c. FANCY EASTERN CORN-FED PORK CHOPS R• or Loin-Only the Choice Center Cuh!! • LUER'S EASTERN HICKORY-SMOKED BACON SQUARES ALL-AMERICAN FIRST Ci)UALITY EASTERN . SLICED BACON ALL-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN GROUND BEEF FOR SALADS OR SHRIMP COCKTAIL . GREEN SHRIMP -· • LAKE TROUT PiiREAHiARD 17 •· SiiiSiGE. ~ 29c ... • , EVERYTHING ON YOUR LIST- AT A SAVINGSI Leslie Table SALT 2 26-0z.1 gc . Rounds Venw Coconut COOKIES ~ 35c MY WORD! The All-American Bird Is The Best-Dressed Gobbler In Town! PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW TO RESERVE A PLUMP GRADE A BROADBREAST Hen or Tom -All Tender, Juicy, New Crop Birds - Oven-Ready and Picked Clean H a Pini OCEAN SPRAY CRANBERRYi · SAUCE WONDERFOOD 2 19 : M-MALLOWS . ~ic~:: c SPICE BUYS! French's Black Pepper 1•1-0L .... 14c French's Ground Cinnamon 1 t,.o.. 1 Sc French's Whole Cloves 1 • •• o.. .... 29c French's Garlic Salt a• • ..o.. ........... 17c KETCHUP c French's Sage Leaf --..0.. ............. 17c Fr••c•'• Poultry SeasoninCJ 1.0.. 17c -- French's Pumpkin Pie Spice ,.,.o.. 21c --- I FFEE ........... ... ..,._ .... -•14 .. I . =r old Medal-5-~. Bag ••• 45c LOUR . ·AmP.rican Strictly Fresh • 10-Lb. lag ••• 'RADE AA EGGS ARGE. eaclow Gold Gracie AA Premium • BUTTER . 1-Lb. Ctn. ..-ny's Golden-No. 21 Can UMPKIN i.! .. ~~~~~iEAM . ~-Gal. Ctn.· CUlltlO•'S -1-LI. IOI • POUL TRY STUFFING OlllTI LAM1 RIPE PITTED OLIVES ~~ Lllll''S TOMATO JUICE ~1. 1 a w -a.oz. ,., COCKTAIL CHERRIES I & W -1 ·La. JAi GLACED FRUIT MIX iNsr ANT -coF'Fi1 51• '. s'AR'°AN':WRAP 2fc REYNOLDS WRAP c... ....... , \ .. . . fresh Fruits S. Vegetabl~ ----. ,_ . "" < • ' BEST QUALITY ..._ U.S. NO. 1 Extra-Fancy Washington Starking Delicious Extra-Fancy New Crop California! Cello Window Box WASHINGTON RUSSET . . • .. -.......__:_-........ _-.... __ __,,,,,_ ...... ---:"' ....... • .. ·---~ CJ9._-:;.,.-~ ... --~ -- ------. ·-........__ . I C I 1Jebca1e.rsen I SWI" PREMIUM ALL-MEAT r - - - - - - - - - - - -: FRANKS 3 9.:, : -c;:ANN.iD : CIANHQUETEMDILD DAR 3 9.: : ~~~~~~!~ . I 1 heavenly good ••t1n9I : HORMEL SLICED COOKED 49 : ·279 HAM ~:. e L~~: ___ _ I sw1" rHw1uw •atANT.r Ar 59 IV' ASSORTED LUNCH C I MEATS .::.~. ,. ..... I SLICED I non ,.IMIUM 39c 1 BoloCJna 1 :~:.- KOLD.f<IST -12-0z. ROAST BEEF DINNERS A clellcious, complete m••ll KNOTT'$ BERRY FARM WtSCONllN AGED, NIPPY CHEDDAR HORMIL 33 FRESH •, LIVERWURST . lb ALL,.AMERICAN GENUINE IMPORTED SCOTCH s Fifth 100% Scotch Whiskies - Bottled in Scotlandl -Why Pay More? - ALL,AMEllCAN 8Q..pROOF BOYSENBERRIES VODKA Gu.,1nteed to pl••M youl Fun S quart! 3 l~Z~ 95c PKGS. -W~y Pay More? - s Rflh -Why Pay More? - 99 99 59 FRENCH FRIES, LEAF SPINACH, CHOPPED SPINACH iiiYCAPoRt Afth 49 t • DOWNEY . CO•NH FIHSTONI & DOLAN M IU """ MIDNITI, t A.Ill. '° 1t P.M. MM • e NORWALK CO.NH PtllSTONI I PtON• OPIM DAILY 'TL MtDNm 9 NEWPORT. BEACH Mel COAST Ht•HWAT AT TUSTIN OP11t t:IO A.M. TO t :OO P.M. DAILY • GARDEN GROYI .• CORONA DEL MAR 9 SAN CLEMINTI MSI .... ...._ IW. C .... s.;J Mff COAST Hl6HWAT AT JAJll• .a & CAMINO UAL DAllY t:tO A.M. TO H:tl P.M. DAILY t:tO A.M. TO 10!tl P.M. t A& 10 t P.M.. ..... AT t TO I P.M. • , . \ i •A• 'R COASTAi.: SHOPPER --------- -~NESOAY, N09EMIER ''· 19H TAI CASAIA FLYNN, AVITIAr-PACE CHAMPS TO TRIUMPH Ftallerton FlalleHCI 21·2 for Colonists' 8tll Straight Win SLA11 SHOWS 19 CONllSTS Wltb lt pmee and two t.ournameata oa tbelr ..._. al court al&t., the N.wport Harbor Hip ldlool bullet· ~ quintet opna It-!_ ~ "'1th UI• annual AlwnAi pme In Ute campu CYJIU'MIUD\ at 8 p. m. NoY. 26. Jl'lr1t prac- tice pn1e la With Lon1 Beach FULLERTON, (OC'NS) -Behind tbe,elwlive running Wllaon here Nov. 28. t )Ii The double '-'und 8unMl o ckey Flynn and Joe Avitia, Anaheim'• Colonists ground LHKU• aeuon operu Jan. 1o out a 27-2 victory Friday night over FuuUerton's fired-up here with Santa Ana. Coach lndiana. Jules Gage's guy11 will enter the southern CounUe. touma-Fullerton led al the end Of the firat period, 2-0, but ment Nov. 12 and the Comp· eollldn'l combat the terrific one-I Lory over FullerlOn In \lu put ton tourney Jan. 4. · two punch of '1ynn and hi1 .Uble five .... ona. Remainder ot slate: Dec. 2, JDat., Avitia. Flynn 1cored t wice The .,lctory wu Anaheim·• 211th al Rlveraide, S:l5 p. m.; Dec. and roll~ up ~i y ard11 on jWll 11tralght SWl.ltel Leai.:ue rontut e. at Torrance, ~. t . 3:111 * carries In l"ullerton Stadium wlUioul a defeat. J1C'llin11; a new p. m.; Dec. 9, California, 7 llefore tOOO fa.n.. loop record. The tea t rl'portC'dly p. m.: Dec 28. at Paramount, I IN ROW tied lhf' Clll' rKonl, aet by Santa 7 p. m.: Ott. 30, Exc~laior, AvlUa. the 11quad'11 hard-work· Monica. 7 P m.: Jan. 10, Santa Ana. tnr tullbeck, &'fOUDd out 102 yarda Fullerton ~lo~• their 8f'1&on 3 P· m,; Jan. 17, at P'\Jller- Uld .cored a touchdown on a o -Friday with Gardrn Grove A vie• lon, 3 p. m.; Jan, 20, Garden yard 11eamper. The win waa the lory there would g1Ve the lndlan• Grove. I p.m .. , Jan. 24, Or- '-11\'a el(hth atralght. and letl, an even 4-4·1 record, 1nl'f fourth anre. 3 p. m .; Jan. 27, at lbem In tine order to meet New· apot In lhe loop. Ana.helm, 7 p. m .: Jan. 31, at port Harbor thia weekend tor the Wht'n the run aoundtd, ending H1411tlngton Beach, 3 p. m.; loop UUe. the war. the Warrlora had been Feb. 3. at Santa An' 7 p. m.: Th4I 21 polnta tlPd the all-lime penallud 106 y ardJI, compared to P'eb. 10, J'ullerton, 1 p. m .: halletna tfford tor potnh IM:orl'd the winnh '" mere 20. Anaheim Feb. 14, at Garden Gron, 3 ~ the Indiana. They .. t attempted JU.'!l two pas.u. both p. m .; Feb. 17, at Orange, 7 U.. mark lut year. wh• they rolnr Incomplete. p. m.: Ftb. 21. Anaheim, 3 _.. uae trtba, 27•14. P'Wlerton had more t int downa, p. m.; Feb, 24, Huntln(lon 1-'. but wu out-ga111ed on t.he Beach. T p. m . ~ llAAGIN ITOUDd, 2~2-ue. Fullerton'• End ------------ ,,.. Mll'IAll of 26 point. t19d Dick Moultrie 'taufht both ot the tbetr sre&t...t apen. Ht ta l HI, completed paaau, on.a for 10 yarda ""-Ult,. blanked tba J\edaklna. and the other from End Carl Pen· l&-0. It wae .An&M.tm'a fourth vtc· n1n1ton tor 40 yAnl1. GENE HUBBARD DRAWS TAR STARTING ROLE BJ BILL PIDLLIP8 m... U Quarterback Geqrge Schuitt ia ready to 10 apialt Anahe4Jn on the Colout turf in the aeuon'1 Sunaet 1.-pe pid ftDaJe Friday Diehl, Coach Al Irwin announced toda7 Uaat jwUor aipal caller Gene Hubbard will draw the .urtmc a.-lcmMDt for the Newport Harbor SaHore. ftll M .,,.,_tl7 r.warct tor ....... 0.-Jook --aplNlt Ol'Mp .. u.. ttfllt ...,arter Lut w..a& ..._ llc:laulU WU torce4 ,.,... Ute ~ wit.la • ~ lonl DM ID\19Ue.. lt'W\a added be -W .-( ~ UDUJ t.oawM' I OW w W....._, If 8ebultt WlU be ?"M41 fw ..... i ....... u.. --..,.... ..... . BONO& aoLD Hu~. wtt.11 L9ft 'hcldt Jtm Taylcw, 4lnw aallor ot the Week acco....,. ,,_ U. Tv cioadalnC I/Utt t• UMW role9 la ~ t.M Pud.Mn ll·T -»-~ Field. ~ wu ~ for bla comMMd .tt...ew.Md .,_." WOik -d OU~ blOdllAI• Hu~ rot U.. bonor tor com· Ill( °'""9p ---Ute chlJM •• ,.. ~. nae Sailor coecbtna at.Aft w1t· Deutd Uie An~1 Ju11em aut roU over Fullerto11 27·2 Friday ntctit and t>ep.n UMmbllnc lltra· t.eey Intended to 1top the Fty1n1 P'lymt. Mickey. and Illa running male J 04 AVltia. UNIUP CllASOl:JIJ lrwtn 1&ld U.. Tan' lonf' of- ftn..lve chance would be Hubbard for 8cl'lultt a1alna the Oolqnlah. On defenH, HaJfbal'k J ohn Hop- lltn1 la expected to move up to k.bwtl'• Unebacllma alot w1Ui ~II• Tom Niquette or Jody rentoa t.allln1 over at def.n.tn !Milt n. lOC'al ('Oeclw!11 noted one In· tuuttns Item 1n I h~ A nahflrn• J'\iUerton clu h Evtn 11\oufh lht Colonlau were lea dln1t 27-2 w 1lh t lfhl mlnutee rtmatnlnJ, l h t champe llep& their rel('Ular1 In i ll U\e way. T!loae t>oya do1ft lake 110 <'han· ee a t all! "0.. did .. out.atan4la1 JOb." lrwt" .acs. "lie made t.o ml.t- t&k-. Mil pWIM eu& ol tMm all n,t\l." 'nt.ell Al add4d: :'No ptay1 _..,.. ca.lied '""8 t.M ~h;' tur- ta.w ef'edU to 811~ ~ aboW· ;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:;;;= ... t ' • c.oaft._ lnrin and Baekfttld M•C.. DOii Bu:rt1a and atll -... baft la Ute 1A4. llU1I LAID 0. U.. UM. 1lad IMU I.Am\ P'" .....,._ a battle ttw top J>f'ff orm· --.. An. 1.Ulns oe Lhe lwncJt fw nr. .... I.Amit n&lly '-m· -..... tJlle PUllllier 'lladLa, dMr-• ... tM ..,, ,_ taealea o~ ma"· .... .... .....,. • .. ttnt quarter. khll· IU ... die IKMdovt pertormu oe ... fW4. .Aa cSet_..,. l11111hulln , ...... ... ~ lh• 0 T'UIC• ....... • bar4. t.M coUi.tON could .. ._,.. da&r up In Uie ltandJo "'It eolN.llt .... played about elf ht -.on." commentf'd Ir~ --. .,..._. Pan\Mr bat'lla would ._,,. ~ wallrln,, not NMlfla . .. '9 tM UM!" 99t ~ N It appured Schultt ..... tun In tut STUtnl swr· tlnDMC9 et Ui. ~n. th• k.n•e "'Jm7 .-,o.,... bJm trom th~ ac-.._ Urry Chapman In Huge M ... wer r'OltT POLK. L.A -Pvt lAl'TJ L a.a,.._ 11 . .-rand"°" Of Mr. aad lllnL W. A Balch. t .. E lllld IL. Cceta Meu. I• partl<'i• "'*8a lA the largf'11t Army-Air ~-aaneuwr 1lnct W or ld War D. EllerciM S a I• Bnatl. In LM&Mll&Aa. 8om• l t 0,000 Anny troope .,.. t.Un1 the latwt co:nc~l'l• of awaio. Mt:tertoi.,1cal. chemle&l ead ete<lronlc w•rfarC' The eau· .... wt.11 t'ftd o.c. l ~ Prtnte Chapman. • flf'ld W1,..· l'Mll ln lh•dquartt1'8 and ~me. END8 SAT. v .. ....rua • ''CC*Rt n.r.. ••d Prwy" "D..e °"TIM MhsiMippl" ---- Saa .• MOL, 'l'oH. Marl11e Hwt H.,. Minor lnJurlN were received by Manne Dennla M. Moo<ly. 19. of C&mp Pendleton, a t 4 a.m. Sat· urday Wben hla car r an ott the Coa'.at Hlfhway at Rlveraide Ave. and at.ruck a power pole and mall boX. Ha told Newport Beech po- lice he (Jlt aleepy and wu lrytnf to tlnd a reetaurant to aet a cup ot et1ttee when th• mJa)iap oc· curred. NOW 8BOWING ,_.,_ .. "Rebel Without A eaus.·· ('t-ma~·o~ 'M'.,_H'C!l11r "THn·Age Crime· Wave" • Liits Ton Oat 2IMI 1 J.12 Saillt W1a foUowtnr Ratback ftoftnt• Mey- er'• tint TD '"" prov.d th• d.11· terence Thuraday ln BIDIUnrtoo Beacll aa the aa.tata edled t b • 8.ANTA ANA, (0CN8l For Oller1 13·12. Ute aecond ltralfht week lhC' tal· Laat wHlr Lula l)oot9d t h t ent9d to. of John Lut.s brou1ht point which topped Newport Har· Santa Ana ~h School'• Se.Ulla bor, 13-12. Meyn alao tallied 8u· Yictory Oil tbe irrtdlroft. ta Ana'• other TD IA Ult nna.t Luts'1 MCOlld pel1od OODYtralon 'QUllrtet. Now 8bowta1 Two Fea.,_ "Seminole Uprfs1ncJ'' ' Kid'• Mat.. Sat. I :4~ "THE OOLDEN MASK" Nt-n Attr.ctioel ''The Ylew From Pompey'1-Head" ..,plll MMker -Marta t! ... u.ll -J. C&rrol Nalllal Aa.o Selected Sb.orta Lamps and 'Shades p 0, • pe:rfec:t "' ... , .. ,_ ...... The lAM' UPAam _.. MOUNTIHO Enchanted Cottage ................. .-_ .._ ....... ... Police Le1r1 of Child Molesting youth r1dlnt • ta<'lnl bllce tool! t.IMm lnlo th• rnen'a l'Ntroom ..... he Hfoncn.d" tbem. ThC'lr ek>thlnc wu aot remond, th• chJldND Mid. @~o\LLY Rroucrv! LAY-AWAY NOW FtW Cbrislmas Giving -. MINK STOLES hly W out lklaa .•• Ranch-Wild-Royal Put.el-Cerulean --S..ppb.119--SUver Blue price rang• from ..... ... Rf'du~ To MINK STOLES • • S475 Ot.hen 11p to S1995.oo ........... te fdt • eor "'-lum Nt•k! ~ Look at these Savings! ~ NECK PIECES Nordtern SQUIRRll KOLINSKY MUSKRAT MARTENS .. ,.,.,,, ,, "·" SABLES ,,..... $55.00 .. •• ,..,,, 117'.'° Now '129'° •395 ...... Now '139'° SAITA All FUR COIPllY rm u,te 1 y..,. r.1 ~1 N .. WlaDe 8tiocka &n CompW. 308 NORTH BROADWAY Opie l'rtdaJ Evelllap 'Tl I :00 WANT ADS . -. ~·· Id Batta.Uon. ,. rfru· larl,1 ltaUOGM al rort s.tuunir. Ga. A 115' ~ate et N...,art Harbor Hlfb 8cbool N.wport a.tdl. hf! entered th• Army In J -uary. 1166. C ... y Cops Tit a.tt•1 d~eat~ fUyer1ld• 26· Jt .. l:lut.ent 0aar..-coaipeU· doll rrtlky fttt'll. <>TUI• Coaat ~ Ptratta ...... doWMd Chat- ______ ..... _ ·-'· -~ ... NA.KEO ; ' ' D~WN , .. ~ f 'It" I • ,, . - want ·to buy, sell, rent or trade? -\Ml ..... -4t.raftlte1\1 ..... ..... for U.r ftaa1 loop tray .... rtMay alp\. IOBNSTON&'9 ....... w...aen u... ........... .... ~ ..,, l'lllemtla An. l.Aifftr ..... u Oellla .... .. ...... .... rn.a"--.. 0...... .. ,..... ''11'e T••r Tftlp" Aa.o 8eleet.fd ~ ---~-. c.aa. ... 1 ..... 1:• CALL Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER ' r ' VIRGINIA SHEVLIN ~WED AT ST. JAMES Bruce Addison and Bride Will Live in New York Only members or the immediate families were present when lovely Vi rg inia Mary Shevlin recited marriage vows Saturday in St. Jarnee Episcopal Church with Bruce Addi.son of New York. The Rev. John H. Parke performed the 1in1le ring ceremony which united the daughter of Ml'I. Howard B. K. W1llla, 10 t \'II\ Wu1e111 and th• IQn of Mre R. F it'ld Pu.r110n while ntin In period 1tyle. J.. tn- ot OrM11w1t·h. Conn. led buque bodice with brief alee!Vel I~ l 'EIUOO (iOWS unfl portrait neckline wu over- Jt wu l\l three o'rlork In the l11 ld with Alencon lace, hand-run aflA!moon thal \'1rgin1a wu u · and embroidered with 11ee!d pearla corted t o lh" altur hy hl.'r atep-and eequln.e. It wpped a n v:lreme· father an•I by hln1 gtwn In ket'fl· ly full w11ltz length 11klrt The ln&' to her bridegroom. She wu tiara which helll the fingertip net 1 owned In a Cahlll origina l of I veil was of heirloom lace and had Mrs. Middleton · Joins Mate in I 0Pputl .. 11aJd they found the Mtddleton'11 Boston bulldog. "Jig- ger." dead on the front seat floor boards. Also found wrre two red upsult'I! tn the lap of Mra. Middle- Lon, a two-quart aauce pan con-s • •d p I talnln~ a pa.rtlWly filled bottle of UICI e ac 111ulfunc ac11J. one can of dust U· terminator and a half full rtu. of SANT A A "X A. I OC::>IS I -Whal wh1aki>y In M1ddleton'1 rirht band. apparenUy w1111 ll well· planned I double eulclde by r arbun monoxide A notf' on top of the duh board pol.onlnc reirnltl'rt In rtf'&th Frirtlly relld: "Be ca~.erut. There may nl(bt for Hsi Mlddle1 on 73 and be <'YIU'llde gaa. th death ~aturd11y art~rno~n of Another note wu addre-.ed hJ: w1te, Edn&. al110 7:1, both or limply lo "lh• tinder." Dep. Coro- Laruna Bt'llch. Thr bmllta were ner Wally F ox took the notu. taken to Brown'a Mortuary La-A. .38 cal. revolver wu dl1eover- run.a Beach. ' ed In Mlddleton'1 coat pocket. 8herttt'• dl'pullu aa.ld they DepuUu aaJd a piece of card· found the Mlt1dletona •lumped bo&rd had been wedred under lhe over l.n the front eeat of their ex-pa feed lo kH p the en,.me Nn- J*"'lV. 19:>:> 11utomoblle parked In nine. the HOO block on Fortuna St., LAST COSTACT De.na Point area. Mr& Ruuell Hind. a nelrhbor na car·a engine waa runnlnc of the ltflddletona. reportedly wu and th• mot.or wu att'a.tnlng wtth the lut to tiff th• couple. 8he h.at. The left front door wu l&ld they t old her about •:ao p. m. unlocked. Depulln r1ppf'd the they were ''ro~ to eat." door open IU'ld y&nk1'<1 IOOAe a piece Depullee wer. aummoned t o the of rvdm hoa11 which had bf'en Middleton home by hoUMlceeper ch.annel«l from the exh•Wlt pipe Mary M. Oavtdaon. ab• aald ah• up Uu'ou(h lh!' rl!'&I' M'al. found a w lclde and lnatrucUon BOTH Au,·r: note. The note ... n.dl,. tndJcat- DepuU.1 11.tld )I n1. MIOdleton ed the t oupt. h&d Coll• t.o Dana wu br9&Ullng "a little" and Mid-Point to end their Uvea. at.o been wom by the br1dt'1 sl1- ter-tn-law, Mn. MAtlhew J . Shev- lin Jr. Her bridal bouquet wu of while roubude and llllee of the nlley. Mra. Shevlin Hrved u matron of honor and Mra. William Shay wu brtrtumald. Both wore tml!'r· 11ld gr een aatln with matchl~ vel- vet hat.a and 1hoe1 Uld ce.rried tons 1temmed "1low and W... 1plder c.l)yrunth~\11111. Ol&OOMSllAJf Matthew Shevlin Jr. wu ~It man and uaben1 Included Jamea H . Waddell. uncle ol the bride; Willi.am su1 ud Daricl x. Jlo. Court. ' Mra. Willi• •elected champarne re-embroidered lace over taupe satin tor her daughter'• nuptlala with hat. aboe. ari'd flov• to m.atch. Her now.,.. were broiue and gnen orchid• and were wom on ht'r bag. Yellow, gold and bron&e chry· 1&Jlthemum1 decorated the church. wtth r old •Un rtbbona ..at pew enda holdtnr chryaanthemuma tn lhe chOMn colora. Slmlla'.r flower1 adorned the Wit· Ila home where the 40 ,Ue1ta were recel ved. Both weddtn1 and rt- ctpUoa were tor m.mber1 of lh• family, the event havtnr been poatponed a week becauM ot an acr1dent In which both tht bride and her mother were Injured. FROM l'\EW l'OU Th11 young couple came here from New York the latter part of Ortober anrt were gueata ot honor Oct. 31 a t a dinner In Balboa Bay Club hoeteaaed by Mra. Raymond H. Roemer of BIL!boa and Loe An· r etee. Oeneral and M.n. Jl&lph Co11.11ln• were to have bolted the reh .. raal dinner on Nov. '· A wool drtM of aoft ~ with matching tweed coat and velHt hat "''ere <'hoaen by the bride for her goln&' away co1tume. Her a c- ceaeort• were of tan luede and her COraaa'• cl bronu and rree[I orc.hlda. Sha attended M&rlborourh School , for Olrla, Unl"t•llt¥ of Colorado and WU (r&duated from Sl&.n.ford UnJveralty. Her hWlband allended Wilbraham Academy .and Unlvtrllty ot Connecticut. diet.on "had a •light pul11e." An A nUJ"M . OoroUly Bunge, had ambul.anc• arrived at 8:30 p. m. been told by her employera to take rUUKll&Uon pfforl8 f&llffi to rr· off euly P'rtday, Alter honeymontnr at Acapulco and MexJco City M r. and Mra. Ad- ele· diaon wtlJ be at home at l3:Z E. 60th Bt .. New Tork City. vtve Jtlddl('ton. Mre. Middleton Th(' roupl• reportedly1 wu wu ruahed to Hoe.g Ho•plt.al. 1pondent over IU·heallh. Seethe NEW R.C.A. Big 21'' ••• COLOR TELEVISION RCA Fint la Black & Wblte T•le,isloa Fint In Color T•vision See 11111 leautiful Set Priced I t . I . t • low as n •c ion ••• co or pie urea 795 shown doily in our show rooms. Phone us for t ime 1chedule ond drop in. lri'"J A New Wortd of Color Into Yo. Home! l 'ou'D 8ee plcturea bfw u Ufe .•• Real u Ufe ••• oa RCA Color TV! DAVIS-BROWN CO. 1185 Harbor lhd. Clear Vinylite •1295 ~~.: ... '1'-()~Q" Halter Sling High or Medium Heel la BIMlk, Btae Brdwa or Red. Blah. Low or lledJam Beea. 1911 Costa Mesa u 8-%'7'78 Here, is febulous styling com bined with perfect fit ..• fine ulf. akfn for day ..• mtdntght black suede for dreuy afternoons and Be A Foot Ahead of Fashion with ••. fairyfike vlnyflte fOf' ~ktailt a n d evenl.wa You'I want all 3 for • w • II appointed 1 h o • wardrobe. Mesa C...,., -COIN ...._ ...... Alpha Beta ucl 'l'hrtftJ Drq • v-.... c..-• • , ~ . ~ TWef 0,... ,.,.. ftunc1&1at1:ao,... . ., a.tt t1 a--., ...... w,... wu COASTAL'. SHOPPER PAGE 15 Lura D&c. 1Sa1ley ot Hl W. lllth ... o.&a. x-. ..afW polkle ..,.. u..a •11 trom ._ ,.... • l7bal' • • ,._ .me. ta.ae ,_. WEDNESDAY NOVr." ... BER 16 1955 ' ~ . Colt& x-. Polit oas.oe.. n. ...... fl* .......... -... ....... -----------,...----------ua ~ ............. ellll ...... I, ......... ..... ...... .-r .......... IF YOU HA • • • Celebrated a birthday been on a trip .... entertained giJests ., pai(lted your house with stripes I been promoted bought the bed Washington slept in eloped been robbed had a baby sold your prize cattle • "> been shot moved been married sold out cut a new tooth at 50 years or older been in a fight stolen anything OR HAYE DONE ANYTHING AT ALL! That's News-Anti We Want It .. or come In to see us at , 2211 .... llYcl. ... ., ...... HAllllOll 1616 ,, LIDO sHoPs Cl~lllPllD DlllCTOIY ~-·-··* 1'911111-o.a.-....... U90 •J:-> ... :: ..... ,'" ...... ._..,. •anaM .......... _ _.__ ··----LIDO m&l'Qle...,. • ILER ...... .__ .. ...... _ _.__ •turr •••1211 ...., ..... ........ Mii.,.. .... __ __ ~ -GAa M1.1919Ul9-....... ~!!~!a I 15111 ~.=a. Wt ... OAR ,,. ........ _ ... '*_ ..... _____ a n 2 a = 5° -• 5 a 2 ...... 1-.t ..... , ...... CUW*H W• t'•W · ......... ~-.. ;; r, .. MllJf»i' _...__, ew•-.aCK• MllW. ... _ .... _ . ..... -~--­MfeftalMe-.... _ DllOO ..... namaa UDO-......... _ _..__ -..onao ooa• •<• • . 1.-o • ..., Ml6YlaUle--.. ... "aim. UDO M*MW ' a -'l'ntk Arn r• = ...... _ ...... .aMHWW ........ _ _.__ Gift~ .... _.. UDO.J:: ... ,..Ule_ - IN'St7M!fOll WWW& •• 0. 8IJal, DIC. ........ _ _._ .... IHI **">a D8CJO&UW • ~u:n-=t .... ,,.. ............ _ .... ~ DO••• LA.I.& .. :?:C--.... -· ™Lwr•n UDO WI.ft 'LLD ' rMellallea._.. ........... _ ......... •. A.···-QIO. _ ...... _ ..... _ Yoam. 0Gllr£n MMfta&Me-.... .. ... 6D ........ . YlaUle=G91t • IW~----' IA VINOll a LO&ll ' -~m:·· ==--.. lllOD-.... ~~-­.......... _....., , •• o ••••• , • WITH SALLIE November 16, 1965 Newport Harbor The f I • e • t Oallfornla Glflhl~ e\•er told . . . Ster- lliac Callf onala Fndta . • . beautifully ~ft p&ckapd. each with lta OW1l card· boe.rd ~· for m.Ulag • • . The creun of CUI.for. Dia'• crop . • • WbJte Call- myraa Flp. Ooldea Blea- helm Apricot.a, J o m b o ~ ....... -ripe Dept Noor Date., blended tute dellptful w It b g I a c e plaeapple, cberrie. and nut mMta • • • Here'a sttuac for ycMin1 or old • . . from oar famUy to yoar fam.Lly • • • or to a very penoul htead • • • P ricee: to flt any poc!btbook from the btt1mate fl.26 peck ~ the I a r g e famlly $10.00 ..ortment ... But uader- •tud th1a the Mlllfl bJgh ....., s .. -DrW frulta, picked from tbe tr.. wbea tun, ripe, bu.ntlq with -eana fndt -•pr aweet- -.......... ud eealed .. whew (time oat for a pnme nutted apricot) • • • tJ-Mt bJ Olllfonala'• Goldea Sa.a· ...... • • • Ooee lllto MCh s-eble ... oaly the differ- -ta tbe ,....age aad tbe eo.ta.IMr YUtee the ,,.. ... Prune atuf!ed apricot. . . . ~Ill the unuual combination ia an . u cluain with Sterling . . . >.. you know, fruit.a to' be ,1i atu!fed with almonds, wal-I nut.a and cherriea muat have the pita removed, whic h in turn will make the frulta dry out ... Sterling stuffed fnll\a ~~ are combined with b<>My, not augar, to keep them moist. and 90n . . . The contalnen ... eech a lovely and w.etW fill to remember, alter tbe moutbmelt.lng content.a have 1one ... A redwood out bowl wtt.b mallet . . . An imported JlattaD'core buktt ... A red· wood box •.. A gold alwnl· ll111D tray ... A lime ou tray with chrome cornen . . . Tboee fruit.a not packed in do 11 b l • -rtflulg cont.ainera. eoaaie in beut -warming red lift bozea • . . Every red· blooded Ca.ll!omian tend• at leul one fruit pack ... Gift Sterlin«'• a look before you make your eelectlona . . . E\'eryt,ody'a la\ffted to the Ora.age CoWlty F1or11t ..... Mil .b•u.I Cbriilt.- -o..&111 Sbmt', Nut -.S..y. l'Wov. 20, 2 p. m.· 8 p. m.. Sutta Ana EWU <hb Home ... Hund~ el Holiday ceatA-rp6ecN., ~ -· ~,..... ....,_ a-9 deeonttve ideu fw tlae Home a& Cltri8bnu -. • • • Bob ud Adele fnm oar owa "°"~"Shop wtll be t.here aloq wtth the l'9lt of ~ f1oria1a bl Or- .age Couty •.. New 1Weet potato f i x : 8eoop out an orange and cut the top off, fill with c<><>ked, -..oned muhed l!'Weet pota- teee. a manihmallow and more potatoetl on top . . . .._t ... E&t the potato right OQt of the orange . . . And It you want a real ftlncy or- Ul.p f!Jted ur, to be a lilt!~ bullet. come n this week-end and lff R~n~ Roullt't a.nd his It Ir M Buket maker . . . loupe. gnpefrolt: onioM. lo· matoea. pepfl<'rll. lemoM, etc. 'naf'tl ro.-onr and 9f'll" ..... I'll ~ dWllag 04lt the c~ aad m.clcwf'll trait <'UC" • . . 1· ou know ero.w-Ii B'--.k'"'ll fndt akM are \-.COum pM'Jlf'd ta a Un C'Sll. j ust llkt1 a poa.ncl of coff~ . . . A.Jtd alto NtDe ln a ca.rdboerd -'lac csrton ... OOAftAL SllOPPD l'A1ltle9 .t NEWPORT HAUOll NEWS.PUSS -WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1955 ~ Sf.iop "Rich.erCl'1 for the strictly fine Holiday food1 you l~ve to serve. . .... • STOCK-UP ON Pte·Holiclay Valu8s Dartiolcl Double A Frozen For T hanlagi~ing FRESH BUTTER •h. 59c or·.IUIC. ..21211 ilf•••a 2145' Richard'• Rueb F1'l1Jb Double A -1 ..... LARGE EGGS doo. 59c =--~ _.._22!: CARROTS --1...., 'R YiliAN COFFEE •h. 89c ;;=~~~= ~ 8pray ""-"'" or 8tralneod 2135' CRANl'RY SAUCE ••·os. H e-& Bniod 23f SPICED PEACHES s u. ,,, Ubby'a 29¢ FRUIT SALAD ~ No. 101 W o,....tta IARTLm PEARS • Df.i Moma.. C'u& GREEN IEANS .1..-k ..... talk TINY PEAS R.o7aJ l'rl-~ GOLDEN YAMS llra.d)'\O IM l'OI~ MUSHROOMS • No, t• 1 37' :>o o. IOI 19' So. Ml21' xo. aos 21' 4-oL27' ,._. \ ,.,,.1.we 2/23¢ COCKTAIL 11-oL fUcb.wd'• !"&lad l)r,.•alnJ 29• ILEU CHEESE ~-oa. Nprn~r QUHn ~u---.'4111t. 35t GREEN OLIVES •',-01. liTZ c1Ax • .,.33' • l ·lb. r· ·-.-.IM cwa....,. • .a DAnNUTIOW ' \ Grown lor Thanl<sgiYing 2• .. 19c CELERY . 2 ..... 25c • Free.la. Oape Cocl CRANBIRRIE5 1 ·~ .... 19· -..e _, t111ntc r ,,_ ..... ,, ..... .....,. ........... 799 ...... ,..... """ -....,, Holiday Delicacies lmpo~ ,.,_,_ .,., COCKTAIL FRANKS .......... •• ~lc..U ..... w~·"· sr -··-··,~---11K- Balced Fresh lor You TKUUD41' LOAF CA11 -----47' f'JUD.&Y ~e alallledel s~ APPLE PIE __ ..... 1.· UT'ODAI' \ \ T"e World' 1 Fines# T ur,eysl ORDER TODAY TURKEYS -DUCKS -GEESE M td*M._.IM()KEQPICNJC lh. 37. SHOULDERS PORK CHOPS lh. 69· T 1 ••-l:ilid on. PORK ROAS~T;;,_•b_. 4_3_c ....... SLICED BACON ' lh. 54c , I O pen till 7:00 P. M. Deily end Sunde ya I S.D tSa.fe-driving) day le n..iber 1st ... Get ln prac- tice or you won't be able to ~that turk~y. you order- ecl already stuffed in the Delk:ate8eeD here at Rk b- ard'a Market, one or the Lido llbo119 at the entrance to Udo ~ • arECIAU FOil NOV. n, 18 ... 19, 1956 LIDO IBONI